diff --git "a/backstories.txt" "b/backstories.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/backstories.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,1468 @@ +This superhero's name is 3-D Man. Their real name is Delroy Garrett, Jr.. Delroy Garrett, Jr. grew up to become a track star and competed in the Olympic Games. After he tested positive for steroids, he lost his three gold medals. In despair, he turned to religion, specifically the Triune Understanding. This group's founder, Jonathan Tremont, had found one of three fragments of a mysterious object and used it to give Garrett the powers of 3-D Man. Garrett assumed that his powers were because of his newfound spiritual enlightenment, and Tremont never disabused him of the notion. +This superhero's name is 514A (Gotham). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. He was one of the many prisoners of Indian Hill to be transferred to another facility upstate on the orders of The Court. However, Fish Mooney hijacks the bus and drives it into Gotham City, where the bus crashes when fired upon by Butch Gilzean and his gang. After the mobsters flee at the sight of a resurrected Fish, she herself leaves the scene. An elderly hobo lady hears the cries of the prisoners and releases them, only to be horrified by their monstrous appearance. The monsters depart the prison van and make their way into Gotham City. The Bruce Wayne look-alike departs the bus and thanks the elderly woman before entering the city himself The look-a-like later saw Selina Kyle and Ivy Pepper give some money to a street gang. After Selina Kyle leaves to go meet up with Fish Mooney and her gang, Ivy is visited by the Bruce Wayne look-a-like. He frantically asks her who Bruce Wayne is, confused as to why he looks almost identical to him. Confused and terrified, Ivy runs off to inform Selina of his odd behavior. The look-a-like later snuck into Wayne Manor where Bruce and Alfred Pennyworth find him and are surprised by his appearance. He begs them not to hurt him.While helping himself to some food, the look-a-like stated to Bruce that he was known as Subject 514A and states that he never knew about the other Indian Hill subjects until he was loaded onto the bus that he was later freed from. Bruce objected to Alfred's suggestion to turn him over to someone. Subject 514A later visits Bruce's sparing match with Alfred. Taking his shot with Alfred, Subject 514A managed to easily counter Alfred's moves. When Subject 514A managed to get punched in the nose, Alfred saw that he didn't feel pain. Alfred and Bruce then noticed the scar on the back of his neck. Bruce looks for a clue for the scar on Subject 514A and hides him when Selina Kyle came into view. After watching Bruce and Selina's conversation, Subject 514A started to begin mimicking Bruce's voice. Later that night while Bruce is sleeping, Subject 514A starts cutting his hair. The next morning, Bruce and Alfred find out what Subject 514A did upon finding his cut hair and Bruce's missing clothes. Bruce tells Alfred that they need to find him. Subject 514A arrives in one of the cars from Wayne Manor and invites Selina Kyle to have food with him. While Selina is suspicious on why "Bruce" is acting strange, she goes with him anyway.The next day, Selina and Subject 514A walked down the streets as they approach a bar. As Selina goes into the bar, Subject 514A is told to go around back. As Selina is about to have her fingers cut off by the two owners, Subject 514A comes in and beats up the two men. Selina is then cut loose by Subject 514A. After getting away, Selina discovers that Subject 514A is wounded. Upon noticing the scars on him, Selina sees that he is not Bruce. Selina stitches up Subject 514A who states that he has no knowledge of why he was made to look like him and claims that Bruce might have an interest in Selina after watching them from the halls. After being told by Selina about what happened to Firefly and Ivy, Subject 514A then kisses Selina. Bruce and Alfred catch up to Subject 514A who claims that Bruce doesn't know what he wants. Subject 514A claims that he doesn't know why he was created and states that he doesn't belong in Gotham City. He then jumps off the building telling them to say goodbye to Selina for him. Bruce and Alfred then see Subject 514A walk off into the streets. Subject 514A is later visited by Kathryn and Talon while walking on the streets. Kathryn states to Subject 514A that they are his "real parents" who have been looking for him for a long time. Subject 514A is then loaded into Kathryn's limo by Talon. +This superhero's name is A-Bomb. Their real name is Richard Milhouse Jones. Richard "Rick" Jones was orphaned at a young age, and after being expelled from several orphanages for disciplinary reasons he was placed into a state institution called Tempest Town. A troubled and rebellious youth, Jones soon came to the attention of the institution's chief administrator who smashed his guitar, a gift from his late father, and then had him severely thrashed. Soon afterward, Jones ran away from the institution. He spent the first half of his teens drifting from town to town throughout the Southwest, trying to avoid the juvenile authorities, and doing menial work when he could get it. At age 16, he got his driver's license and managed to save enough money to buy a used car. Overhearing a teenager dare a friend to ride out with him on the desert where it was rumored an atomic bomb was going to be tested, Jones offered to take him upon the challenge. He drove his car out to the test site to discover his challenger was too timid to show up. Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, designer of the Gamma Bomb to be tested, learned that someone had ventured onto the test site, and believing the countdown had been delayed, ran out into the desert to warn him back. Banner managed to throw Jones into a protective trench before the bomb detonated, but he himself was bombarded with gamma radiation. This radiation triggered a mutagenic change in Banner, causing him to turn into the raging superhuman Hulk. Feeling responsible for Banner's condition and being the only person to know that the rampaging brute was actually Banner, Jones became the Hulk's sometimes unwanted companion and ally. Jones soon organized the Teen Brigade, a group of young amateur ham radio enthusiasts to help him monitor the Hulk's activities. Jones was present during the Hulk's first encounters with the army, as well as superhuman menaces as the Gargoyle, the alien Toadmen, the Ringmaster, Tyrannus, and the Metal Master, and even a run-in with the Fantastic Four. The Avengers formed due to Rick's radio broadcast warning about the Hulk. He temporarily became a sidekick for Captain America. His resemblance to Bucky was noted, Rick even wore Bucky's costume for a time. However, Captain America felt he did not want to lose another partner and that while Rick was a good athlete, he was not quite up to the level Bucky was. When Iron Man suggested that Rick be made a full member of the Avengers, Cap strongly opposed the idea. The Kree hero Captain Mar-Vell was bonded to Rick due to only being able to function out of the Negative Zone for a few hours. Using the Negative Zone portal in the Baxter Building seemed to remove that limitation. Shortly after Rick and Mar-Vell had to be re-merged. Eventually, they were separated. During the Kree-Skrull War, an 'omniwave' machine from the Supreme Intelligence caused the Destiny Force to trigger within Rick. An attempt to cure the Hulk instead gave Rick radiation poisoning. In the hospital, the Dire Wraiths began to replace the staff, but were stopped by Rom. Rick assisted Rom against the Wraiths, and temporarily lived with Brandy Clark. Jones was cured by the Beyonder at the same time Rom and Brandy left for Galador. Rick began dating Marlo Chandler, a former girlfriend of the Hulk's. The two later married with a great number of heroes in attendance. The Impossible Man did his best to usurp the proceedings by inviting the Kree, Skrulls, even Mephisto to the ceremony. After a period of estrangement that also involved Moondragon and Death becoming involved with Marlo, the two reunited. Jones was temporarily paralyzed while Hulk was the Horseman War. In an attempt to stop this 'War Hulk' he was thrown against a pyramid. Rick was cured during the Destiny War, summoning Avengers from various realities to battle for their very existence against the Time Keepers. The strain was incredible, and a future version of Genis-Vell bonded to him, much like Rick had with Mar-Vell. Rick and Genis later discovered this bond still applied to the current Genis. Rick authored a best-selling novel on his days as a sidekick. When the Hulk returned to Earth, Jones attempted to calm him down by telling him about Captain America's death, but when the Hulk almost calmed down, Dr. Strange invaded the Hulk's mind. Rick later went to Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, but was attacked by the Hulk's allies. Later, Rick was transported to the gamma bomb site that gave birth to the original Hulk. After being dropped off, he encountered the Red Hulk. After seeing that he had murdered Emil Blonsky, the Abomination, Rick had transformed into a new blue creature who quite resembled the Abomination; calling himself A-Bomb. In his new form, he was much like the original Hulk incarnation whereas he could not remember being anybody else once the transformation was complete, had an easily flared temper, and simplified speech patterns. He held his own against the Red Hulk for an extended period of time, withstanding all of his blows and injuring him multiple times which so far nobody had been able to accomplish. The battle was interrupted by several giant android harpies that were specifically designed by United States Military in case Bruce Banner escaped the facility as the Hulk. A-Bomb has proven to hold onto fragments of his memories as Rick Jones because he recognized the harpies all had the face of Betty Ross; Bruce Banner's first love. A-Bomb managed to disable one mid-flight, and they both crashed to earth.The robot exploded. A-Bomb joined with several heroes including the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, She-Hulk and the Hulk to help stop an impending earthquake in San Francisco which was caused by Red Hulk. After the Red Hulk was defeated, A-Bomb reverted back to Rick. He attempted to reveal who Red Hulk really was, but was shot and dragged away by Doc Samson from the area. +This superhero's name is Aa. Their real name is Aa. Aa is one of the more passive members of the Pumice People race of Stoneworld. When Hal Jordan attempted to restart the Green Lantern Corps, he sent one of his rookies, Brik, to draw in new recruits. Brik selected one member from each of Stoneworld's two most dominant races: Aa of the Pumice-People and Kworri of the Obsidian-Folk. hortly after being recruited, Aa, Kworri, and Brik were captured by Flicker, an agent of the Pan-Galactic Placement Services corporation. As a "cosmic headhunter", Flicker intended to sell the up-and-coming Green Lanterns to a race known as the Quanhooga. They had already succeeded in capturing Hal Jordan and attempted to brainwash him into giving up information concerning the Earthling Carol Ferris, aka, Star Sapphire. Hal broke free of their controls and rescued Aa and the others. Prepared for any eventuality, Flicker let the heroes believe that they had escaped from him and the four flew off into outer space.As they left the Pan-Galactic company ship, Aa took the liberty of capturing one of the agency's attendants. Hal mind-probed the captive with his ring to learn the whereabouts of Star Sapphire. Aa was uncomfortable with the idea that they were expected to follow Hal on his personal quest. Her rival, Kworri, was quick to point out that beings such as Aa would always second guess Hal's leadership potential while Kworri himself swore undying fealty towards Hal and the Corps. Hal told each of them that after they resolve the affair involving Star Sapphire, he would select either Aa or Kworri to serve with him in the Green Lantern Corps. The other would be forced to return to Stoneworld. While Hal investigated the situation from one angle, Aa, Brik and Kworri tracked Star Sapphire's last location to a fleet of Teban warships engaged in battle against a Quanhooga armada. Kworri followed Hal's standing orders to wait and watch, but Aa questioned the orders, citing that Hal could not have foreseen them arriving at the scene of a fierce space battle. Hal showed up soon after and Aa and he exchanged tense words. in: Good Characters, Female Characters, New Earth Characters, and 21 more Aa (New Earth) English EDIT SHARE Green LanternHelp Gallery Real Name Aa Current Alias Green Lantern Affiliation Darkstars · formerly the Green Lantern Corps (2nd iteration) Status Alignment Good Identity Secret Identity Race Pumice Person Marital Status Single Occupation Green Lantern Characteristics Gender Female Hair No Hair Skin Grey Origin Universe New Earth · Prime Earth Sector Sector 904 Partner Brik Place of Birth Stoneworld Creators Gerard Jones · Pat Broderick · Romeo Tanghal First Appearance Green Lantern Vol 3 #21 (February, 1992) Quote1 My other pet rock. Aa of Stoneworld. A moralist. You think about "higher code". Keep us all honest. Quote2 -- Kilowog src Contents[show] History Aa is one of the more passive members of the Pumice People race of Stoneworld. When Hal Jordan attempted to restart the Green Lantern Corps, he sent one of his rookies, Brik, to draw in new recruits. Brik selected one member from each of Stoneworld's two most dominant races: Aa of the Pumice-People and Kworri of the Obsidian-Folk. Shortly after being recruited, Aa, Kworri, and Brik were captured by Flicker, an agent of the Pan-Galactic Placement Services corporation. As a "cosmic headhunter", Flicker intended to sell the up-and-coming Green Lanterns to a race known as the Quanhooga. They had already succeeded in capturing Hal Jordan and attempted to brainwash him into giving up information concerning the Earthling Carol Ferris, aka, Star Sapphire. Hal broke free of their controls and rescued Aa and the others. Prepared for any eventuality, Flicker let the heroes believe that they had escaped from him and the four flew off into outer space.[1] As they left the Pan-Galactic company ship, Aa took the liberty of capturing one of the agency's attendants. Hal mind-probed the captive with his ring to learn the whereabouts of Star Sapphire. Aa was uncomfortable with the idea that they were expected to follow Hal on his personal quest. Her rival, Kworri, was quick to point out that beings such as Aa would always second guess Hal's leadership potential while Kworri himself swore undying fealty towards Hal and the Corps. Hal told each of them that after they resolve the affair involving Star Sapphire, he would select either Aa or Kworri to serve with him in the Green Lantern Corps. The other would be forced to return to Stoneworld. While Hal investigated the situation from one angle, Aa, Brik and Kworri tracked Star Sapphire's last location to a fleet of Teban warships engaged in battle against a Quanhooga armada. Kworri followed Hal's standing orders to wait and watch, but Aa questioned the orders, citing that Hal could not have foreseen them arriving at the scene of a fierce space battle. Hal showed up soon after and Aa and he exchanged tense words. The Green Lanterns boarded the Teben flagship commanded by Captain Kreon only to find that Kreon was not only in possession of a comatose Star Sapphire, but was also in league with Pan-Galactic headhunter, Flicker. This was all part of Flicker's end game, so he could deliver his Green Lantern prospects to his true clients, the Teben, not the Quanhooga. Things quickly began to fall apart, and Flicker tried to keep the Green Lanterns at bay by training his weapon on Star Sapphire. It was Aa who spoiled Flicker's shot, thus saving Carol's life. After retrieving her unconscious body, the Lanterns flew away from the opposing armadas. Loyal Kworri was confident that he would be the one that Hal would select to join his new Corps, but as it turned out, Hal had decided from the very first moment they met that Aa was the woman he wanted at his side. He appreciated Aa's ideals and that she persistently questioned authority; an attitude not altogether different from that of Hal Jordan himself +This superhero's name is Aaron Cash. Their real name is Aaron Cash. Aaron Cash is the head of security at Arkham Asylum. He has a hook for a hand after his real hand was eaten by Killer Croc. +This superhero's name is Aayla Secura. Their real name is Aayla Secura. ayla Secura was a Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Knight (and onetime apprentice to Quinlan Vos) who served during the Clone Wars. She fought in several battles, including one which helped to free a small Lurmen village from destruction, and also helped fend off the Zillo Beast during its rampage on Coruscant. She had mutual feelings for fellow Jedi Kit Fisto, but they chose not to pursue their feelings and to remain Jedi. She was one of the few Jedi who developed a strong bond with their Clone Commander, she and Commander Bly shared a mutual trust and respect. She was serving on Felucia when Order 66 was executed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, where she was shot in the back and killed by Bly and another member of the 327th Star Corps. Her body was destroyed by the clones. +This superhero's name is Abe Sapien. Their real name is Abraham Sapien. Sapien began life as Langdon Everett Caul, a Victorian scientist and businessman who became involved with the Oannes Society, an occult organization who believed in life and all knowledge having come from the sea. After retrieving a strange jellyfish-like deity from an underwater ruin, Caul and the other members performed an arcane ritual that inadvertently ended with the creature's release and Caul being turned into an icthyo sapien. Believing him to be Oannes reborn, the society sealed the developing icthyo sapien's body in a tube of water in the hidden laboratory beneath a Washington, D.C. hospital until such time as he was fully formed. Forced to abandon the site by the outbreak of the Civil War, the Society never found occasion to return for Caul, and there he stayed until he was found by workmen in November 1978. With no memory of his life before, the icthyo sapien received a new name from a piece of paper attached to the tube, dated the day of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865). Abe Sapien was taken to the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) for a gruelling round of research by curious BPRD scientists, and was saved from vivisection by an empathetic Hellboy. Thereafter Abe entered the ranks of the BPRD as a valued field agent, embarking on his first mission with Hellboy in 1981. At Cavendish Hall, during the climax of Seed of Destruction, Sapien was possessed by the spirit of long-dead whaler Elihu Cavendish, a contemporary of Langdon Caul who killed the mad monk Rasputin, foiling his plans to unleash the Ogdru Jahad to destroy the world. During the subsequent 'Girescu affair' during Wake the Devil, Abe and a fellow agent were led into a trap which left the agent dead and Abe with a broken arm. Rasputin's vengeful spirit appeared before him and prophesied that Sapien will one day be speared to death, just as he was. In Plague of Frogs, Rasputin's prediction came true when Sapien was impaled by a spear and apparently killed by one of the Ogdru Jahad's followers. Sapien appeared to die and had an out of body experience that brought him to his former life in antebellum America. Witnessing his past self's actions, Abe entered Caul's body prior to his transformation, creating a spiritual/mystical time loop before Abe returned to life in the present, making a fast recovery and began to do research into his past life. As a result, Abe learns of Edith Howard, Langdon Caul's wife, who drowned herself out of madness, becoming a spectre that was forced to be exorcised after she attempts to have Sapien resume his life as Caul, leaving Sapien with the memory of a wife he could never know. In Garden of Souls, Sapien was contacted by Panya, an ageless mummy trapped by the Oannes Society, Sapien's compatriots from his former life as Langdon Caul, who were sequestered away on a hidden island in Indonesia, their now-withered psychic forms contained in cyborg bodies. Aware of the imminent apocalypse, the society was determined to save at least some of mankind's spiritual essence, and were poised to use bombs to cause massive tidal waves which would devastate the southern hemisphere, the souls of whose population could then be harvested by the Society in vat-grown bodies made expressly for the purpose, granting them god-like powers. Horrified, Abe managed to single-handedly destroy the society and escape with Panya, and in so doing finally came to terms with the ghosts of his past; he was truly a separate identity from Langdon Caul, who would likely have agreed willingly to the society's plan. Abe has since fully returned to the B.P.R.D. and continues to be one of the most trustworthy agents. However, in King of Fear, Abe led a return mission into the Hyperborean underworld and was confronted by the supervillain the Black Flame, who had gathered a vast army of frogs and Hyperboreans to usher in the apocalypse. The Flame revealed that Abe was going to be the epicentre of this new Earth, and that he was a fully evolved version of the frog monsters: one of the New Men first mentioned in Hellboy: Conqueror Worm by Rasputin. While Abe rejected the idea, many of the BPRD field agents are now wary of him; a vision of the future by Liz Sherman showed that, by that time, Abe will have a more monstrous form. Most recently in Gods, Abe was shoot by a psychic girl named F�nix, in which the BPRD has shown interest. According to Professor O'Donnell, F�nix is the equal to the ancient hyperborean shamans who keep the Ogdru Hem for entering in Earth after Hyperborea's fall using the Vril energy. F�nix say, before shooting Abe, that she knows who he is, impliying that she figured Abe's condition as a evolved form of the frog monsters. Abe is last seen in a helicopter, being treated by his bullet wounds. +This superhero's name is Abin Sur. Their real name is . Originally a history professor on the planet Ungara, Abin Sur was soon appointed Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814 in the mid 1860's. As a child, he became best friends with Ruch Ehr and later, by association, Munni Jah. The two of them were a couple and Abin secretly loved Munni, but never overtly spoke of this. Recruited by the Green Lantern known as Starkağr, he is known to have come to Earth on several occasions. In the Old West, he teamed up with an ancestor of Hal Jordan to battle an alien named Traitor (who was responsible for the death of Starkağr). During World War Two, he briefly encountered Starman and Bulletman when the three battled an alien being under the control of Mr. Mind. He also visited Earth at some point between the Golden and Silver Ages, when he encountered the Martian Manhunter. While on patrol, he was attacked and pursued by the being known as Legion while on its way to Oa. Badly injured and with his space ship seriously damaged, he made an emergency landing on the nearest habitable planet (Earth) and began using his power ring to search for a successor to wield the ring after he passed on. The ring settled on Hal Jordan as the most suitable replacement right before his death. For a brief time during Zero Hour, he was pulled to the present, where he assisted the Darkstars in their battle against Entropy before being returned to his own time. In the afterlife, Abin Sur assisted Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) in rescuing his daughter Tefé from Hell. It was later revealed that part of his very own soul was being tortured in Hell while his spirit acting as a companion to Hal Jordan during his brief stint as the Spectre. Eventually, he freed himself from Hell and assisted Jordan on several spiritual adventures and metaphysical dilemmas. Eventually, Abin Sur engaged in the Karamm-Jeev Descent, an Ungaran form of reincarnation, and was reborn as Lagzia, the daughter of Sur's old friends Ruch Ehr and Munni Jah. During some point in his life, Abin sired a son, Amon Sur, who grew up to become the man in charge of the Black Circle crime syndicate. Amon was angry at his deceased father for abandoning him for the Green Lantern Corps and decided to take his anger out on all Green Lanterns. Amon was eventually stopped by Abin's successor's successor, Kyle Rayner and a second-generation Guardian of the Universe called Lianna. +This superhero's name is Abomination. Their real name is Emil Blonsky. Formerly known as Emil Blonsky, a spy of Soviet Yugoslavian origin working for the KGB, the Abomination gained his powers after receiving a dose of gamma radiation similar to that which transformed Bruce Banner into The Incredible Hulk. As a result he was permanently transformed into a massive green-skinned monster whose physical power was equivalent to, if not greater than, that of the Hulk. While he was able to maintain his normal level of self-control and intelligence after this transformation, he is unable to return to human form.Given his gamma-spawned origins, Blonsky blames his condition on Banner and his alter ego, the Hulk. The Abomination and the Hulk have clashed on numerous occasions, with Blonsky perpetually playing the role of the aggressor. Although Blonsky occasionally gains the upper hand in their battles, the Hulk manages to triumph in the end. But not always; the Abomination is one of the few who can lay claim to victory over the green-skinned goliath.In recent years, it was revealed that his hideous new visage had served to alienate Blonsky from his ex-wife, Nadia. Coupled with constant defeats at the hands of the Hulk, this has driven Blonsky nearly insane in his hatred for Banner. The Abomination also grew incensed upon learning that Banner had married Betty Ross, the daughter of General Thunderbolt Ross. With the loss of his wife, Blonsky figured it is only fair to him that Banner should lose Betty. Out of jealousy, he caused the apparent death of Bruce Banner''s wife Betty. While she was recovering from radiation sickness caused by exposure to the gamma radiation within Banner, he poisoned her with his radioactive blood, causing Banner and his associates to believe that her close proximity to the Hulk had given her a fatal case of radiation poisoning. Banner later exposed the Abomination''s role in Betty's seeming death, and defeated him in combat.Not only had his grand scheme failed, but Banner also forgave Blonsky. The Abomination could not comprehend and endure his enemy''s absolution, and his moment of triumph was twisted into crushing defeat. Blonsky realized he had become what he abhorred the most - it was he who was the rampaging, inhuman monster; not the Hulk as he had religiously believed all these years.Months later, the still-grieving General Ross manipulated the Hulk into attacking and almost killing Blonsky. The Abomination was taken into custody by the military; as punishment, he was forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost. +This superhero's name is Abra Kadabra (CW). Their real name is Unknown. "Abra Kadabra" was a criminal time traveler from the 64th century. He had outfitted his body with futuristic nanotechnology which allowed him to have a range of abilities that were almost indistinguishable from magic and sorcery in the 21st century. Abra Kadabra claimed that he and Barry Allen were old enemies in his future and also claimed to know Savitar's true identity. +This superhero's name is Abra Kadabra. Their real name is Abhararakadhararbarakh. Citizen Abra was a stage magician in the 64th Century, going by the name Abra Kadabra +This superhero's name is Abraxas. Their real name is Abraxas. Born within the abstract entity Eternity, Abraxas was kept in check throughout the Multiverse by the existence of Galactus. With the death of Galactus on Earth-616, Abraxas was free to roam the dimensions, killing every version of Galactus he found. Abraxas sent a decapitated Galactus skull stored with an alternate earth Nova hurtling towards Earth. While Abraxas drew nearer, the walls of dimensional space began to blur, rendering Uatu The Watcher comatose and causing a group of other-dimensional super humans called the Law Enforcement Squad to enter Earth-616 and battle the Fantastic Four. Joining a group of cosmic heroes, the Fantastic Four battled a cadre of Abraxas' followers on the moon; the Silver Surfer was killed. Realizing the danger Abraxas posed, the Fantastic Four went on a dimension-hopping journey to recover the Ultimate Nullifier, the one weapon that could destroy him. The Invisible Woman found herself on Earth-1116 (Atlanterra), a world ruled by Atlantis; Mister Fantastic on Earth-11113, a world resembling the 1930s where he teamed with the heroic Five for the Future; and the Thing on Earth-111, where he met the Challengers of Doom before their world was devoured by Galactus. While the Fantastic Four were away, Abraxas stalked Franklin Richards, who had foreseen his arrival in dreams. Franklin and his sister, Valeria, were teleported away by Roma. During this time, Abraxas encountered Namorita and transformed her into a Kymaera Atlantean state, making her unable to breathe oxygen and effectively killing her. Having each learned a portion of the location of the Nullifier from alternate world Johnny Storms, the Fantastic Four enabled the Earth-616 Human Torch to remember the location of the Nullifier. Nova then turned on the Torch, stealing the Nullifier for Abraxas, her true master. Abraxas then appeared to Roma and appeared to kill her. Teleporting Valeria, Franklin, Roma's aide Saturnyne, and himself to the location of the Fantastic Four, Abraxas received the Nullifier from Nova. She revealed that in her dimension, Galactus took her as his herald-but still consumed the Earth. Nova was joined by a small army of her alternate selves to protect Abraxas from the Earth's heroes. Franklin and Valeria combined their powers to resurrect the Earth-616 Galactus, who easily retrieved the Nullifier and handed it to Reed Richards. Reed nullified the universe itself. The universe restored itself to its previous normality, with Abraxas nowhere to be found. The Silver Surfer and Namorita were returned to life. +This superhero's name is Absorbing Man (MCU). Their real name is Carl Creel. Carl "Crusher" Creel was an enhanced individual with the ability to absorb the properties of anything he touches. Originally a boxer, Creel appeared on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar and had been deemed too dangerous, so John Garrett was sent to kill him. Garrett, who was secretly working for HYDRA, faked Creel's death and recruited him into HYDRA. Creel worked for Daniel Whitehall and was ordered to steal the Obelisk, but Creel was stopped by Phil Coulson's team and handed over to Glenn Talbot for custody. Having recovered from the effects of the Obelisk, Creel then underwent months of treatment to be rid of HYDRA's brainwashing. When Brigadier General Glenn Talbot had been made the leader of the ATCU, he had commissioned Creel as his personal bodyguard during the meeting to discuss the Inhumans and the threat they posed. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. had doubts about Creel, he proved himself to be trustworthy. Following Talbot's incapacitation due to an attempt on his life, Creel was recruited by General Hale, one of the last remaining HYDRA leaders, to join a team with the goal of capturing the members of S.H.I.E.L.D., which had been framed for the attack on Talbot. Upon learning from Coulson that Talbot was being held prisoner, Creel then helped them both escape. However, while still suffering from the effects of being exposed to Gravitonium by Hale, Creel was betrayed by Talbot, who had become empowered by the element and gone mad with the power. Talbot helped Creel absorb the properties of Gravitonium, transforming him into the element, then consumed Creel to gain more Gravitonium for himself. +This superhero's name is Absorbing Man. Their real name is Carl Creel. Before he turned to crime, Creel fought as a boxer, at one point facing "Battling Jack" Murdock in the ring. His ringname, "Rocky Davis", was "kind of a shout out" to his cousin of the same name. While serving time in prison for aggravated assault committed while a member of an extortion racket, Carl "Crusher" Creel was selected by Loki, the Asgardian God of Mischief, as his unwitting agent in a scheme against Thor, God of Thunder. By adding an enchanted potion composed of rare Asgardian herbs to Creel's drinking water in the prison commissary, Loki granted the brutal convict a bizarre power he hoped would enable him to defeat Thor, the power to absorb the physical properties of anything with which he came in contact. Creel used his new-found power to break free from prison and soon became engaged in battle with Thor. Due to his ability to absorb the properties of Thor's hammer and Thor himself, Creel, now called the Absorbing Man, became one of the strongest mortal foes Thor ever combated. Thor was forced to concede the fight when Creel kidnapped Jane Foster. Creel then ransacked a house and attacked the residents, at which point Thor and him had a rematch. He was defeated when Thor tricked him by hitting the ground with Mjolnir and turning it (and Creel) to Helium, causing him to float harmlessly into the atmosphere. He was restored and returned to Earth by Loki using Asgardian tech and battled Thor again following the knock out of an Asgardian warlock. Loki transported him to Asgard where the criminal could be used in his scheme to take over Asgard. But when the Absorbing Man dared to challenge Odin, lord of the Asgardians, Odin summarily dispatched him into space. Creel eventually managed to return to Earth by hitching a ride on a comet. He soon encountered the Hulk (Bruce Banner); however, and was defeated while in the process of absorbing the Hulk's power during his transformation to the human Bruce Banner. The Absorbing Man then challenged Thor again and was defeated when he was tricked into turning into water. A short time later, Thor defeated him again by tricking him into absorbing the properties of a cardboard replica of Thor's hammer. Serving a short prison sentence, Creel managed to escape and was contacted by They Who Wield Power, a cabal of power seekers from El Dorado, who hired him to destroy the Hulk. He failed and inadvertently absorbed the properties of glass while falling. Eventually reassembling the shards of his body, the Absorbing Man decided that he was tired of fighting against and losing to superhuman champions. Seeking to flee the country, Creel foolishly took a hostage, thereby bringing the Avengers after him. To escape them, he jumped into the ocean and transformed himself into water. When he finally regained his natural form, his mind was addled from his prolonged intermingling with the ocean and he was frightened of anyone with superhuman power. A chance battle with the Hulk cured him of his paranoia, however. Returning to America, he stalked the mutant Dazzler (Alison Blaire) to acquire her light-powers to use against the Avengers. He was defeated, however, by the Dazzler and the Inhuman Black Bolt. Creel was abducted from prison by the omnipotent being known as the Beyonder to fight the so-called Secret Wars, after which he returned to Earth. During this time, Creel met the villainous Titania (Mary MacPherran), and the two developed a romantic relationship. Upon their return, Creel and Titania were contacted by Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo), who was forming a new team called the Masters of Evil. After several independent assignments, they were defeated by Ant-Man (Scott Lang) and the Wasp. Creel continued to engage in various criminal activities, most often partnered with Titania, although the two often ran afoul of one superhero or another, including his arch-enemy Thor. After several months, Titania and Creel got married. Both villains had turned away from more malicious actions, preferring to quietly keep each other company. Creel and Titania occasionally came into conflict with superheroes, such as when the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) was on a vendetta to dispose of all of the Avenger's foes. Another time, Creel was duped by the villain Crossbones to keep Captain America (Steve Rogers) busy while Crossbones ignited a bomb. Creel, however, claiming not to be a murderer, absorbed the properties of Captain America's Shield and saved the city from the explosion. Creel escaped to seek revenge on Crossbones. The Absorbing Man eventually became very highly addicted to narcotics, especially pain killers and cocaine. When he was in need of a high he demonstrates no concern for the safety of others and will work for whatever criminal can supply him with narcotics. Once, he was tricked into transforming into cocaine and minions operating powerful industrial fans scattered his body in the room he was occupying. His body mass was then collected off of all the surfaces and placed into several plastic bags. This all was the doing of the Owl who sold this "Creel cocaine". After being used as a drug all over New York, all those who used the drug transformed into whatever they came in contact with, just like Creel but not with his level of control which resulted in several injury's and deaths. Eventually, Creel managed to reform himself, but was defeated by Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and the Avengers. Creel was taken by Project Pegasus to bond him with a fragment of the Cosmic Cube in order to shift reality; Loki gave Norman Osborn a chance to show up when Hank Pym and his Avengers cut the power, disabling Creel's thought scrambler; the following incident allowed Creel to become all-powerful and deal 'Reality Punches' that caused Vision to split into Iron Lad and the original Vision, also causing the Sentry and the Void to become separate entities. Loki gave Osborn a spell breaker that he used, which apparently left Creel powerless. When Skadi freed the Serpent, he called the Hammers of the Worthy to Earth. One of these hammers transformed the Absorbing Man into Greithoth, Breaker of Wills. After the final battle where Thor killed the Serpent, Absorbing Man's hammer is taken from him as well as the hammers of the other Worhty. He was latter seen attacking the Museum of Natual History in the search of a Moon rock, believing that would give him Moon powers, but he was defeated by Steve Rogers and the new Captain Marvel. He recently broke out of jail only to be caught by Spider-Man and Iron Man. +This superhero's name is Ace Morgan. Their real name is Kyle Morgan. +This superhero's name is Achilles Warkiller. Their real name is Achilles Warkiller. Achilles Warkiller was created by Zeus to counter to Wonder Woman. +This superhero's name is Acidicus. Their real name is Acidicus. During the Serpentine Wars, Acidicus and the other Serpentine attacked Jamanakai Village, though were fended off by the Elemental Alliance. The Anacondrai soon arrived and before long, Acidicus announced to Arcturus that they had taken the village. Near the end of the war, Acidicus and the other Venomari had taken a handful of civilians hostage in the Toxic Bogs. It was there that the Maya found them and used a Sacred Flute to lock him and the other Venomari in their tomb. +This superhero's name is A'dal. Their real name is . As with most of the naaru, little is known of A'dal personally, though it appears to count Khadgar and Velen as personal friends. At some point following the destruction of Draenor, A'dal and its compatriots, the Sha'tar, arrived and assisted the Aldor in reclaiming the ruins of Shattrath City. A'dal also approved an alliance between Shattrath's forces and the Sons of Lothar, to the extent that Khadgar moved to Shattrath to assist the Sha'tar. At some point after Illidan's victory over Magtheridon, an army of blood elves marched on the city. But instead of laying siege to Shattrath, their leader, Voren'thal the Seer, knelt before A'dal and pledged the support of his forces, the Scryers, to the cause of A'dal and the Sha'tar. +This superhero's name is Adam Monroe. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Adam Strange. Their real name is Adam Strange. While working on a dig in Caramanga, South America, Adam was transported to the planet of Rann via the Zeta-Beam. He immediately befriended the Rannians and took up a flight pack and raygun to assist them. While there, he also fell in love with a Rannian woman named Alanna. As the Zeta Beam's teleportation effect wore off, Adam was returned to Earth. However, he was able to return to Rann by following a schedule of where the Zeta beam would next hit. He scheduled his archeological trips to coincide with the location and time. He also married Alanna. It was initially believed that the Zeta Beam was used simply as a friendly communication between Rann and Earth. However, it was later hinted that Rann was searching for suitable mates from other planets as more and more of the Rannians were found to be sterile. Adam met the JLA after helping them battle Kanjar-Ro, but declined their membership offer. He continued to act on both Earth and Rann, helping to improve relations among different planets. While still on Earth, Adam was falsely told that Alanna had died during childbirth. He was later reunited with his wife and daughter. Adam was later told Rann had been destroyed by Starbreaker through an 'Omega Beam.' However, this was actually an early warning by Sardath. Adam was able to prevent Rann's destruction with the help of the Omega Men and the few remaining Darkstars although Thanagar was destroyed. The surviving refugees settled on Rann. The Thanagarians and Rannians recently began to fight each other after being manipulated by Blackfire. Adam and Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) were able to halt the war. Adam Strange was stranded on a paradise-like planet with fellow heroes Animal Man and Starfire after the battle with Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, an incident that resulted in the loss of his eyes. After several weeks, Adam was able to get his spaceship working, and they departed for Earth. Their ship, however, was attacked by Devilance, who they had encountered on the planet and who had pursued them into space. Lobo appeared just in time to destroy Devilance, and after a some negotiation, agreed to help them out. +This superhero's name is Agent 13 (MCU). Their real name is Sharon Carter. The great-nieceof S.H.I.E.L.D.'s co-founder Peggy Carter, Sharon grew an interest in the agency, and followed Peggy's advice to join despite her mother's protests to the contrary. To ensure she would not be on her famed ancestor's shadow, Shron refused to disclose her surname while at S.H.I.E.L.D. +This superhero's name is Agent 13. Their real name is Sharon Carter. Sharon Carter was the daughter of Harrison and Amanda Carter, two wealthy Virginians, and the younger sister of Margaret "Peggy" Carter, a heroic freedom fighter during World War II who had shared many adventures with Captain America before his supposed death at the end of the war. When Peggy returned home in need of hospitalization from traumatic shellshock, she told her younger sister many stories about Captain America. Inspired by these tales and her own sister's exploits, Sharon decided to become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the international espionage agency. On her first major assignment, Sharon Carter, code-named Agent 13, was chosen to pick up a cylinder containing the powerful explosive called Inferno-42 from a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had stolen it from THEM, the governing body of the subversive organization HYDRA. By coincidence, Captain America, in his secret identity of Steve Rogers, saw Carter on her way to receive the cylinder and was struck by her close resemblance to her sister Peggy. However, Rogers had no idea who Sharon Carter was, having known Peggy only by her cover identity. Soon afterwards, Sharon Carter was attacked by the costumed mercenary Batroc, who had been hired by THEM to recover the cylinder. As Captain America, Rogers came to her assistance and, while he and Batroc battled each other, Carter made off with the cylinder, unaware that its casing had been damaged, activating the explosive within. Learning from Batroc that she was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Captain America went in pursuit of her, and succeeded in saving her life and preventing THEM from making use of the explosive. Captain America continued to cross paths with Carter as the two adventured, only knowing her as Agent 13. On one adventure, Captain America rescued her from the subversive group AIM, and the two fell deeply in love with each other. After a later assignment bringing down the Nazi Red Skull's "Fourth Sleeper" robot together, Carter was allowed by S.H.I.E.L.D. to reveal her secret identity to Captain America. The two became lovers and remained allies for many subsequent missions. Carter briefly joined S.H.I.E.L.D.'s so-called Femme Force, an all-women squad of commandos. Later, Captain America learned that Carter's sister was the woman he had loved during World War II and was able to rescue her from the clutches of the evil Doctor Faustus. It was on a mission against Doctor Faustus that Carter participated in what would come to be believed as her final mission. Carter was assigned to be the S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison to the New York City Police department while both organization investigated the subversive group called the National Force, which was secretly controlled by Doctor Faustus. Carter fell under the thrall of Faustus' mind-influencing gas during a rally in Central Park, and she was abducted with the others by the National Force's Grand Director, who had also been the fourth Captain America. Carter and others in the group were coerced to march on New York City's Harlem area to burn it down. When confronted by the National Guard, the mesmerized Carter (in accordance with the orders given by Faustus) activated a self-destruct device in her costume and was believed incinerated with other members of the rally. It was later revealed that Carter's death was staged by S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, so that Carter could go on to perform an even more dangerous assignment. However, something went wrong and Carter was believed dead by S.H.I.E.L.D. and left abandoned behind enemy lines. She ended up joining with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s enemies out of resentment toward Fury, and even went on to become an agent of the Red Skull. However, when Captain America defeated the Skull's plans the two were reunited and Carter returned home. Still wishing to confront Nick Fury, Carter learned not only that Fury was believed dead (killed by the vigilante known as the Punisher) but that his death and funeral were staged. Carter surreptitiously infiltrated the agency to investigate only to find herself pursued by S.H.I.E.L.D. and wanted for treason. To avoid capture, Carter was forced to escape through an energy portal she found in an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. safehouse. There, she found herself in Nazi territory during World War II, where she encountered Nick Fury. Fury had found documents which questioned the fate of his predecessor, the S.H.I.E.L.D. director code-named Fallen Angel, whom he had believed was killed by agents of HYDRA. In fact, he was abandoned by S.H.I.E.L.D. after HYDRA kidnapped him. Fury set about tracking the Fallen Angel, but as the situation was politically volatile, Fury diverted attention from his investigation by staging his own death. His search led him to the "Backslide," a supposedly abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. project which created a portal from a fabricated Cosmic Cube. Ultimately, the Fallen Angel hoped Fury might use the portal to go back in time, prevent S.H.I.E.L.D. from being formed, and thus gain revenge for his abandonment. Fury disagreed and he and the Fallen Angel struggled. They both ended up traveling through the portal, which did not lead back into time, it merely created a reality based on the memories of war from the two soldiers. Fallen Angel took his own life and Fury was left, trapped, fighting a stalemate war for months. Carter's presence allowed the Backslide's reality to change, offering a way out. Together, Fury and Carter battled their way free, as on the other side of the portal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were about to destroy the portal, since Fury was the only one who could open it. Carter and Fury managed to escape moments before the portal's destruction, although Fury disappeared in the explosion. Soon afterward, Carter re-enlisted with S.H.I.E.L.D.. Recently, Sharon served a brief term as Executive Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. during Nick Fury's absence. She is currently a field agent once more, reporting directly to the new Executive Director as a liaison officer specifically assigned to support and report on Captain America's activities. Captain America and Carter continue to work together and remain close. They most recently began investigating the Winter Soldier. Following the conclusion of the Civil War, Agent 13 found herself a pawn of Doctor Faustus and the Red Skull. Using Faustus' expertise in hypnosis, the villains activated a subconscious command in Sharon's mind, forcing her to shoot and kill Captain America. +This superhero's name is Agent Bob. Their real name is Bob. Bob, Agent of Hydra, is a sidekick of Deadpool. He is a cowardly young man, Bob was persuaded into joining the criminal organization Hydra by his wife, Allison, who accused him of not being able to hold a steady job. The thought of a stable career with a dental plan also appealed to Bob, though he was disappointed to find out Hydra does not offer full dental like AIM. During Deadpool's assault on Hydra to rescue the captured United States of America, he ran into Bob and coerced him into helping him. Bob was hesitant, as Hydra would not allow him back into the organization having betrayed them, but Deadpool, four inches tall at the time, tortured him with a security card until he relented. He then forced Bob to fly them to safety in one of Hydra jets, though Bob did not know how to pilot an aircraft. After Deadpool, Agent X, and Bob returned to the United States, they found Outlaw and Sandi missing. Bob accompanied Deadpool on his mission to save the girls and subsequently became an honorary member of Agency X. He continues to work with the group on their various missions, and is referred to as Deadpool's "Pet" (or "Minion", because that is "more PC"). Bob was recently shot in the leg, during a raid on the very same HYDRA base Deadpool kidnapped him from, in an attempt to save Weasel from Wolverine. When Wolverine cut off Deadpool's head, Bob was the one who put it back and let Deadpool's healing factor kick in. After Deadpool and Bob rescued Weasel, they were suddenly teleported into the past, where they aided Captain America and Bucky in stopping Arnim Zola. Following that adventure, Bob accompanied Deadpool on a mission through various dimensions to help Doctor Strange save reality after it was damaged by T-Ray's novice magic. He also traveled with Deadpool and Weasel to the Savage Land, where he ran away from an assortment of dinosaurs. Deadpool attempted to teleport the dinos to Genosha as a prank on Magneto, but instead they were sent to the Genoshan Embassy in downtown Manhattan, as well infected with the alien Symbiotes responsible for Venom and Carnage. During the resultant battle, Bob's attempt to flee accidentally caused the death of one of the creatures while a news crew watched. Thinking his actions were intentional, they interviewed Bob who claimed the 'H' on his uniform stood for "Hero". He then received a text message from Allison who had seen the events on the news and thought it was hot. Bob is seen watching television with Deadpool and his supporting cast as the series ends. Bob is later seen assisting Deadpool defeat Tiger Shark. When Deadpool asks him what he's doing Bob reply's "U-uh saving you". Then Deadpool tells Bob to throw him the rifle, Bob throws it to him but it doesn't get to him and the rifle falls into the water where Tiger Shark is waiting because "Bob throws like a girl." He is then knocked into the water. However Deadpool saves him at the last second and they were able to outmaneuver Tiger Shark for a while. It was Bob, after a shot to the hand, that explained to Deadpool that he along with Tiger Shark were hired by Norman Osborn, who Deadpool soon realizes stole from him during the height of the Secret Invasion against the Skrulls. Later, Bob is called upon by Deadpool because he wants Bob and himself to be pirates. Bob gets stuck as Deadpool's parrot and catches scurvy (or possibly heat stroke). During the World War Hulks story line, Bob uses a time platform to send Hulkpool (a gamma-powered Deadpool) back in time to kill Deadpool. Unfortunately, it sends him to an alternate reality where Thing is Blackbeard. Bob tries to correct the mistakes and ends up transporting dinosaurs to that reality. +This superhero's name is Agent Carter. Their real name is Carter. Dr.MargaretAlexandra“Peggy” Carter was born into the wealthy Carter family of Richmond, Virginia in June of 1920and was considered “Virginia royalty”. Growing up alongside her brother Harrison, a teenaged Peggy eventually learned of World War II and left for France to join in the fight. +This superhero's name is Agent Coulson (Destroyer Gun). Their real name is Coulson. S.H.I.E.L.D. recovered the wreckage of the Destroyer from Puente Antiguo and assigned it to a S.H.I.E.L.D. project Phase 2. This project aimed to develop new technologies capable of offering humanity some incredible defense in the face of threats on the level of the Destroyer or the Abomination. S.H.I.E.L.D. researchers then reverse engineered the wrecked sentinel and developed the Destroyer Gun from its remains. +This superhero's name is Agent Coulson (MCU). Their real name is Phillip J. Coulson. The son of Robert and Julie Coulson Phil Coulson was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on July 8, 1964. As an only child, he wished that he had siblings, idealizing what kind of relationship he would have with a younger brother The Coulson family identified as Catholic, but they would only attend Mass on Christmas and Easter. Coulson grew up being a huge fan of Peggy Carter and Captain America, acquiring a vintage Captain America Card Collection over the course of two years. He played baseball in the Little League, batting with over a .400 average. His father introduced him into car tinkering, and together they worked on a red Corvette that Phil has kept to this day. Coulson lost his father at a very young age, and his mother is now deceased as well. After high school while he was in college studying history and learning how S.H.I.E.L.D. shaped the times , he was recruited right away to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, where he studied at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Communications , eventually becoming a special agent and was taught by his supervising officer Nick Fury alongside John Garrett. +This superhero's name is Agent May (MCU). Their real name is Melinda May. Melinda May was born to William and to the intelligence operative, Lian May. At age 7 she became an ice skater and admired the famous ice skater Dorothy Hamill, winning many awards in competitions. However, she found the ice too hard when she fell on it, so at the age of 12, she switched to martial arts, where the floors were padded. +This superhero's name is Agent Zero (FOX). Their real name is David North. During mid-late 1973, Zero was a member of Team X, consisting of Chris Bradley, John Wraith,Fred Dukes,Wade Wilson, Victor Creed and James Howlett, under the command of William Stryker. He helped Stryker find the metallic compound known as adamantium. He, along with Victor Creed, were the only ones from Team X that stayed faithful to Stryker when the team disbanded. +This superhero's name is Agent Zero. Their real name is Christoph Nord. Born in the former East Germany, Christoph Nord was an idealist who fought against the communist regime as a freedom fighter for the West German Cell Six. Nord’s brother Andreas fought for the East Germans, and when the two met in battle Nord was forced to kill his brother. Later, after an encounter with an assassin called the Confessor, Nord was recovering in a German hospital where he fell in love with nurse Ginetta Barsalini. The two married, and she soon fell pregnant, but he later learned that she was a double agent and was forced to kill her after she attacked him. Guilt and pain drove him further into his mercenary work, and he eventually accepted an offer to join the Central Intelligence Agency’s Weapon X Program. Nord joined the Program’s covert operations unit Team X, changed his name to David North, and took the codename Maverick. In recent years, Japanese crimelord Matsu’o Tsurayaba and his allies, including former Weapon X scientist Doctor Cornelius, resurrected the Russian super-soldier Omega Red. In order to stabilize his mutant power, Omega Red required the Carbonadium Synthesizer, a device stolen from him by Team X decades earlier. Omega Red captured Maverick’s former Team X teammate Wolverine, who had the location of the C-Synthesizer buried in his memory, and several of Wolverine’s teammates in the X-Men. Maverick was hired by former Team X liaison Major Arthur Barrington to prevent Omega Red from obtaining the device, and he tracked another former Team X member, Sabretooth, to Omega Red’s location. With Maverick’s help, the X-Men were able to defeat the villains, and he subsequently killed Cornelius in an act of revenge. Barrington later sent Maverick to recover documents known as the Xavier Files, after the father of the X-Men’s telepathic founder, Professor Charles Xavier. The files were in the possession of a former colleague of Xavier’s father, Doctor Alexander Ryking, who was under the protection of the superhuman mercenary Warhawk. During the ensuing clash, Warhawk exploded, killing Ryking and seemingly destroying the files. Maverick was then assigned by the U.S. Government to protect Aldo Ferro, a former Weapon X ally. Maverick’s former Team X alumni sought Ferro after one of their number, Mastodon, died when his age suppression factor was seemingly reversed. Unbeknownst to Team X, Ferro was responsible for secretly implanting them all with false memories during their time with Weapon X. After Ferro betrayed Maverick, he sided with his former teammates against Ferro who was seemingly killed in the subsequent battle. Maverick next sought to hunt down Sabretooth to make him pay for his numerous crimes, and joined forces with the X-Men in capturing him. Maverick subsequently learned that he had contracted the deadly mutant-killing Legacy Virus. He asked Wolverine to kill him in order to avoid prolonged suffering, but Wolverine refused and Maverick came to form a sibling-like bond with another Virus sufferer, Chris Bradley. During the final stages of his infection, Maverick encountered the Russian mutant telepath Elena Ivanova who was hunting Sabretooth to avenge his murder of her mother. The Virus claimed Maverick’s life, but Ivanova managed to use her powers to coax him back to life. As a result, Maverick’s Legacy Virus went into full remission and his powers further mutated. Maverick was then captured by Russian crimelord Ivan Pushkin, whose scientists implanted false memories into Maverick’s mind to make him believe that Barrington had been responsible for his wife’s betrayal. Pushkin intended for Maverick to kill Barrington to prevent him from providing testimony that threatened Pushkin’s financial interests. Maverick located Barrington’s safehouse but was opposed by members of the Canadian super-team Alpha Flight. Maverick overcame Pushkin’s mental manipulation, however it was too late to save Barrington from Pushkin’s agents, Hammer and Sickle. In a later encounter with Hammer and Sickle, Maverick’s left eye was gouged out by Sickle, and he was left to die in the Swiss Alps. Forced to cauterize the wound to stop from bleeding to death, Maverick survived and later resurfaced to aid Wolverine against a revived Weapon X Program. This new Program sent Sabretooth to recruit both Maverick and fellow Team X alumnus John Wraith. Neither accepted the offer, and so Sabretooth killed Wraith and critically injured Maverick. Brought to the Program with only minutes to live, Maverick reluctantly joined in order to survive and was genetically modified to become Agent Zero. Although an efficient operative, Zero hated what he had become and frequently considered suicide. On his first assignment as Zero, he was sent to assassinate Wolverine in an attempt by the Director to further break his spirit. Deliberately missing his target, Zero was punished with an electric shock. Later, Zero recaptured Sabretooth after his betrayal of the Program and would have killed him had the Director not shocked him again. After a change in leadership of the Program, Zero was assigned to track the anti-human terrorist group Gene Nation that had been revived by former Weapon X operative Marrow. Confronting her, Zero learned that her latest recruit, a man using his former identity of Maverick, had been sent to attack New York’s Grand Central Station. Confronting the impostor, Zero inflicted a fatal wound upon him only to learn that it was his friend, Chris. Zero then set about the task of wiping out Gene Nation with new zeal, although he declined to make Marrow a martyr. Returning to an abandoned Weapon X facility, Zero’s investigations led him to join Wolverine and the enigmatic mercenary Fantomex in opposing the Project’s original founder, John Sublime. +This superhero's name is A.I.M. Agent. Their real name is . A.I.M. agents are both soldiers and scientists. When not trying to take over the world, they sell weapons to other villains. They work for MODOK, but resent him due to his abusive leadership. +This superhero's name is Air-Walker. Their real name is Gabriel Lan. Gabriel Lan was a captain of the Xandarian explorer-ship the “Way-Opener”, who’s mission was to seek out and establish peaceful relationships with neighboring alien civilizations. Lan previously distinguished himself in the Xandar's military, the Nova Corps, and welcomed his appointment to an exploration ship since he was filled with the wanderlust and love of open space. He became best friends with Pyreus Kril. Returning from his seven-year tour of duty, Lan neared his home solar system when a spherical craft of an unidentified nature approached. A teleport beam took him from the bridge of the Way-Opener and brought him aboard the spherical ship into the presence of the world-devourer Galactus. Galactus announced that he was looking for a new herald to replace the defective Silver Surfer, and having scanned Lan's mind, deemed him an appropriate candidate. Hearing Galactus's offer of vast power and unlimited travel, Lan readily accepted and was transformed by a tiny fraction of Galactus's cosmic might into the Air-Walker, second of Galactus's great heralds. Voluntarily putting all thoughts of his previous life behind; the Air-Walker served Galactus faithfully for years, seeking out new worlds to suit his master's appetite. He came to befriend Galactus, and would pass long hours listening to Galactus's tales of the wonders and mysteries of the universe. One day after Lan found a new world for Galactus to drain and while returning to Galactus ship to tell him of it, the Air-Walker saw a fleet of warships in battle formation approaching. The ships contained members of the Ovoids, a highly advanced civilization, who feared Galactus presence so close to their star system. The Air-Walker launched an attack on the Ovoid fleet and was struck down by Ovoidian weaponry designed to slay Galactus himself. Because Galactus was so weak from hunger, he was unable to retaliate with full force and decided to retreat from that space sector. His power still at a low ebb, Galactus could not afford to give up any of his personal energy to resuscitate the dying spark of life in his faithful herald. However, once his energies were renewed, Galactus transferred the consciousness of his herald, who laid down his life for him, to a perfect robotic replica. The android Air-Walker was sent to Earth so that Galactus could claim his former herald as his own once again. Air-Walker was destroyed by the Silver Surfer. Firelord buried his friend on an asteroid. When the threat of Morg reached Firelord's attention, all the former heralds of Galactus banned together to stop him. Galactus had cloaked his ship from all his former heralds, making him impossible to find. Firelord knew who could find him, Air-Walker. He had been built with a homing device capable of tracking the ship. Firelord always thought it sacrilegious to resurrect Air-Walker, but they were desperate. They used their power to recharge his cosmic batteries. When first resurrected, he attacked Firelord along with the Silver Surfer and Nova. His brain could only recognize that he was in battle, as he was at the time of his 'death'. He almost killed Firelord, but came to and recognized his old friend. Firelord promised to help him regain his memories and asked for his help against Morg. They battled Morg and Air-Walker was severely damaged in the battle. When it was finished, Morg was dead and Galactus without a herald. Firelord and Air-Walker volunteered to be his temporary heralds and try their best to guide him away from populated planets. Firelord also used Galactus' technology to help repair Air-Walker. They continued to serve Galactus but he secretly resurrected Morg. When Morg returned to Galactus, he destroyed Air Walker's body and killed him. But the Silver Surfer arranged for Galactus to revive him although his body was beyond repair . His consciousness was downloaded into the main frame of Galactus' Ship where he can now help to guide the ship to uninhabited worlds. He becomes one with the ship and knows all that goes on inside of it. When a meeting between Tyrant and Galactus was inevitable, Morg formed a plan to help save his master and asked Air-Walker for his assistance. At first, Air-Walker did not wish to help him, for he was searching for the Ultimate Nullifier. But when Morg threatened to deactivate and thus kill him he agreed. Air-Walker told Morg where to find the device. Morg eventually used the device on Tyrant, but the power overcame Morg. It's power unleashed, it destroyed Galactus' ship along with Air-Walker. Air-Walker somehow resurfaced, once again in his android body during the events of Annihilation. He could do nothing as the Annihilation Wave destroyed Xandar. He was hunted by the Seekers led by Ravenous, a group designed to capture all former Heralds of Galactus. They were disappointed to learn that he was an android. The Silver Surfer arrived and rescued Air-Walker from his fate. The Surfer took Air-Walker far from the Seekers and learned that he was being hunted as well. Once again, Air-Walker died and the Surfer left him behind. +This superhero's name is Ajax (FOX). Their real name is Francis. Ajax (born Francis Freeman) was a human who gained immunity to pain and enhanced reflexes from an augmentation procedure given to him by The Workshop. +This superhero's name is Ajax. Their real name is Francis. The man known only as Francis was the former enforcer at Doctor Killebrew's laboratory, known as the Workshop, part of the Hospice for failed supersoldiers at the Weapon X Project. Francis acted as the strongarm for Killebrew, reigning in the project's "washouts" that were fodder for Killebrew's sadistic experiments whenever they stepped out of line. This included one Wade Wilson. Francis himself had been modified by Killebrew - his nerves had been removed for better pain management, he had enhanced strength and intuitive capability, as well as having received subcutaneous implants for super-speed and agility, making Francis a fearsome opponent. After endless taunting from Wilson, Francis was given permission by Killebrew to kill him when he manipulated events to have Wilson mercy kill one of the other inmates, which was against the rules as devised by Killebrew. After removing his heart Wilson's healing factor first manifested itself, regenerating the mercenary a new heart but also costing him his sanity in the process. Taking the codename Deadpool, Wilson hunted Francis down and seemingly killed him. Somehow Francis survived, and resurfaced years later as Ajax when he hunted down and killed many of the surviving members from the Weapon X project in order to exact his revenge on Deadpool. After torturing Killebrew at his mountain home in the Alps to obtain Wade's teleporter frequency, Ajax teleported Wade next to a nearby cliff and sucker-punched him, sending Deadpool to his death, again. In a near death experience, however, it was revealed that because Wade came back from the dead once to kill Francis, he was now bound by honor and destiny to finish the job he began those many years ago, urged by the ghosts of Francis' victims who had also been Wilson's friends. The battle continued as Deadpool rescued Killebrew and sought shelter at Killebrew's neighbor's house. This was owned by Ilaney Bruckner who was reluctantly dragged into the conflict when Deadpool destroyed her house to slow down Ajax. Ajax caught up with the trio and proceeded to punch Deadpool repeatedly at super-speed. Before he could kill Deadpool, however, Killebrew doused him with gasoline and lit up a flare, destroying Ajax's head and neck protection. For doing this, Killebrew was shredded at super speed. Once again catching up with the fleeing Deadpool, Ajax fell victim to a trap laid by his intended victim which resulted in his armor's circuitry being exposed. Taking advantage of this, Deadpool arranged for Ajax to plunge both of them into a lake, short-circuiting his armor and giving Deadpool the opportunity to kill him, which he did by snapping his neck. +This superhero's name is Akita. Their real name is Akita. Akita and her twin brother, Kataru, were about to find their animal forms in the Choosing Ceremony. However on that day, Vex had arrived and threatened them for their loyalty since he found a new power in his self exile but the Formlings refused to serve and he promised to return with a stronger force. The encounter left a mark on Akita who worried if she end up like Vex should she fail but she was assured by her brother. The siblings set off, looking for the animal spirits to guide them. They set camp in the forest for the night. When Akita woke up, she heard a voice calling for her. Lured by the sound, she climbed a tree into the clouds, where she saw her animal, a three-tailed wolf. She raced to catch the spirit, and earned the form of the wolf. When she returned, she was suddenly attacked by a large bear, which she realized was her brother in his new animal form. Both cheered, as they have found their animal forms. Akita decides to go for a walk in the forest. When she returns to the village, she finds it frozen, everyone inside big blocks of ice. She weeps, saddened at the loss of her people. She sees Boreal, Vex, and the Ice Emperor. She heads toward Vex and the Ice Emperor, but is attacked by Boreal. Kataru appears in his bear form, defending Akita. He slashes at the beast, scraping its wings. It roars, and Akita tells for Kataru to run. But Kataru continued to fight Boreal, who covers him with beam of snow. When Akita saw that Kataru was gone, broke down because she was the last Formling left. Akita watched in anger as Vex, the Ice Emperor, and Boreal, satisfied with their deed, left the village. Akita headed out of the village, never looking back. She vows to return, and bring justice to her village. +This superhero's name is Alex Danvers (CW). Their real name is Alex Danvers. +This superhero's name is Alex Mercer. Their real name is Alexander J. Mercer. Born as Alexander J. Mercer, Alex experienced a brutal childhood spent in abject poverty; his first nine years were spent in foster care. When he turned 10, he was finally returned to his mother, who had spent the last nine years in prison, but for Alex it was better to be in foster care. He was the only parental figure for his sister Dana. However, his intellect and aptitude in science provided him an opportunity to leave behind his troubled past. He trusted no one, had no friends, couldn't care less about what others thought of him, and found solace only in his work. By the time he was hired by Gentek, Alex was a borderline sociopath. He knew this, and didn't care. Alex Mercer awoke in a morgue with no memories, completely unaware of what happened to him. He breaks out of the morgue, only to be attacked by Blackwatch soldiers. Through consumption of one of the Blackwatch soldiers, Alex is able to locate his sister, Dana Mercer, who tells him that he had asked her to do a little digging into GENTEK to see what they were hiding. Alex had no recollection of this. Alex Mercer goes on a journey to find out who he is, what's happened to him and why. Later, Dana recovers information on Elizabeth Greene, who is imprisoned in the GENTEK building. Alex, in his quest to learn more, sets Elizabeth free. She escapes from him as well, telling him as she flees that she is his mother. As she escapes out of the window she sets some infected people on Alex, knocking him out of the window. He manages to defeat them in combat, but by this time Elizabeth has infected the whole city. Alex meets up with his girlfriend Karen Parker asking her to help him find a cure, and she instructs him to go to infected hives and collect genetic material and bring it back to her. But Karen betrayed Alex, using him to collect the material that was ultimately intended to form a weapon to be used against him. He is lured to his foe, The Specialist, who injects Alex with a parasite that limits Alex's powers. Alex seeks the help of Doctor Ragland to cure him of the parasite that the Specialist injected into him. He is instructed that he must find a lead hunter, inject him with a special serum Ragland made, and consume him, to rid himself of the the parasite. Alex kills the parasite and is able to use his full abilities once again. A lead hunter kidnaps his sister Dana, forcing Alex to chase the creature all throughout New York City. Ultimately Dr. Ragland and Alex recover his sister. At this point the military starts releasing a chemical called 'Bloodtox' underground to force the infection to surface where they can get rid of it once and for all. This draws Elizabeth Greene out, and when she emerges from the ground she appears to have mutated herself into some sort of huge creature. After a battle, Alex defeats and consumes her. The military starts pulling out of Manhattan, and Alex realizes that they intend to drop a nuclear bomb on the island, a plan which he thwarts. However, he himself is destroyed in the blast. Later on red liquid remains are shown on the outskirts of Manhattan, and Alex starts to reform his entire body from a single cell. In 1969 Blackwatch tested a special virus, black-light, in Hope, Idaho. It killed nearly all of the population. Elizabeth Greene was one of the survivors of the outbreak, instead of dying from the virus she adapted to it, bonded with it, and it became apart of her as it rewrote Elizabeth's genetic code. Her son Pariah was taken by Blackwatch and is currently being held at another facility. Hope, Idaho was completely destroyed by a nuclear bomb, and Elizabeth and her son Pariah were kept for further experimentation. Alex looked for the truth, found it, and didn't like it. When GENTEK employee's started to vanish, GENTEK employee Alex Mercer took a small sample of the virus he had been modifying, Dx-1118 variant A, as a guarantee that he wouldn't be killed. He was cornered by Blackwatch soldiers and was shot down. As he was shot, Alex threw the vial containing the virus on the ground, releasing ZEUS. As Alex Mercer's dead body lay on the ground ZEUS entered his blood stream, consuming his body. The Alex Mercer alive today is in fact the Virus extracted from Elizabeth Greene and modified. Alex was artificially created, Elizabeth Greene is his "mother". Alex finds out that Elizabeth Greene had a child, Pariah, Alex's virus "brother", and he is locked away in another facility. Pariah is said to show no signs of the virus, and appears quite normal, yet he demonstrates the same abilities as Alex and Elizabeth. Pariah kills everything he comes in contact with. He can accelerate the virus to limitless proportions, and can basically force things to evolve. Only alex and pariah have the same DNA but alex is more powerful then greene and pariah together making him the strongest infected ever He was killed due to a nuclear bomb on an aircraft carrier and a crow picked up one of his infections and consumed it and became Alex again. +This superhero's name is Alfred (DCEU). Their real name is Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred CranePennyworth is the butler, mentor, surrogate father, and close friend of Bruce Wayne. Alfred has served the Wayne family since before Bruce was born. After Bruce was left orphaned from the murder of both of his parents when he was a boy, Alfred watched over him as a parental figure, watching him grow and mature, and assisting him in his quest to become the Batman. He later assisted Batman when he fought Superman, and when he fought Doomsday in Gotham Port along with Superman and Wonder Woman, and was successful. He assisted Batman again when the Justice League tried to stop Steppenwolf attempt to terraform Earth, an attempt which yielded success. +This superhero's name is Alfred Pennyworth. Their real name is Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth. Alfred Pennyworth is the British butler and valet to the Wayne Family. He took up the role of legal guardian of Bruce Wayne after the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Alfred grew up in England and joined the army once he became of age. He severed in various conflicts all over the world, gaining skill in as a field medic. He spent years as a member of soldier in the British Guard and later became a member of MI-5 before retiring and taking up a career as an actor. He performed all over the UK and was following his dream that is until his father dies. He is contacted by Thomas who informs him of his father passing, and he agrees to become the Waynes' butler, only to honour the dying wish of his father. At the time he begins working for the Waynes, Bruce is but a young child. After several months, Alfred voices the desire to return home to continue his life as an actor. However, these plans are forgotten when young Master Wayne returns home, after getting into a fight with a school bully. Alfred teaches Bruce to a way to deal with the bully strategically, rather than using brute force. His advice, Master Wayne manages to take care of his bully problem. On returning home, Bruce requests that Alfred stays, and Alfred agrees without a second thought. After the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Alfred was named Bruce's legal guardian, however, social services combated the will thinking that Bruce should not be raised by a servant. However, Bruce managed to remain in Alfred's care by, despite his young age, bribing the social service agent into allowing Alfred to raise him. Alfred raises young Bruce Wayne together with Dr. Leslie Thompkins a close friend and colleague of Thomas Wayne. Later, Bruce decided to travel abroad and Alfred stayed at Wayne Manor and begins a short lived romance with Dr. Leslie Tompkins. Alfred is pleased that young Master Bruce returned home to Wayne Manor after many years of study and training. It is on his return that he supports Bruce's plan to take back Gotham City from the criminals and helps him as best he can. After his first outing it is Alfred that patches him up, but only after Bruce discovers a bat in the sudy that inspires him to don a costume to strike fear into criminals. When Lieutenant Gordon and his wife come to visit Bruce he helps convince them that his employee is nothing more than a playboy billionaire that hurt his leg in a skiing accident. Alfred accompanies Master Wayne to the UK, and is angered when he insists on endangering his own health while paraplegic. This was the culmination of several weeks of Wayne's self-destructive behaviour, and when Wayne returns to Gotham City, Alfred remains in Britain, tendering his resignation. He spends some time on holiday he travels to various exotic locatiobns such as Antarctica and the Caribbean before returning to Great Britain. Dick Grayson tracks him down several months later and convinces him to return to America. His resourcefulness came to the fore in the No Man's Land event, . Batman was missing for weeks, leaving Alfred alone to watch the city. He used his skills as an actor, storyteller, medic, and spy to survive and collect information on the recently destroyed society. Alfred even used hand-to-hand combat in a rare on-panel fight sequence between him and a pair of slavers that ended with his rescue by a just-returned Batman. After Batman's death, Alfred set up a new Outsiders team, in an effort to fill Batman's shoes with their combined efforts. +This superhero's name is Alien. Their real name is Xenomorph. There are several different phases to a Xenomorph's life-cycle, and what kind of adult Xenomorph will come into existence depends entirely on the being that it hatches from. Eggs are lain by an Alien Queen, and exiting her body through an overgrown egg sack. The egg is a leathery sack approximately 2.5 feet tall. They are the very simple first step in the Xenomorph life cycle. The Facehugger is what lays inside the egg. After a certain amount of time or if a host were to come too close to an egg, the Facehugger inside senses it through pheromones, and the egg opens up like a blossoming flower with the Facehugger launching itself out and planting itself onto the host's face. Its long tail will wrap around the host's neck, and it will grip the head with its long eight legs - the Facehugger resembles a flat spider, in a sense. It has acidic blood and will bleed the acid on its victim if cut, and if attempts are made for it to be pried off, its tail tightens around the host's neck and a chemical will cause them to go into a cardiac arrest. The Facehugger also makes its host unconscious with oxygen deprivation. Once the Alien embryo is planted into the host's body, the Facehugger will detach, and die shortly afterwords. The host will wake up with no recollection to the event. As time passes, the egg that was planted inside of the host will begin to stir. Then, it will begin to claw its way out of the host's chest, through the center of his ribcage. This obviously causes extreme pain, and as soon as the Chestburster breaks through, the host dies. It will then flee at top speeds to grow into its adult form and become even more dangerous. Its appearance changes in its variations, but it is small, with an elongated cranium, pale or dark skin, and a long tail - almost like a snake. Basically, Chestbursters are infant versions of Xenomorphs. There are many different kinds of Adult Xenomorphs - however, they share the same general appearance. After the Chestburster has fled, it will wait and mature, shedding its old skin to reveal the darker kind, and its head will expand backwards into a crescent shape. It will grow arms and legs, its tail will lengthen and become much stronger (even to the point of being able to impale fully grown humans), and its blood will be much more acidic. Xenomorphs have many distinguishing features, namely: Xenomorphs are the stuff of nightmares - they are vicious, cannot be reasoned with, and will never, ever give up. They operate entirely on the instinct to survive and propagate their race, but are surprisingly intelligent, able to remember through genetic memory their host's life and past. They communicate with a Queen and each other through changing pheromones and/or sub-supersonic sounds. There are several variations of adult Xenomorphs, as they take on the characteristics of the host from which they hatch in order to better adapt to their environment. Countless varieties have been proposed throughout the various forms of media in which Xenomorphs have been depicted. Video games have added a considerable amount of these in order to create unique enemies of differing strengths and capabilities for players to fight. These variations are typically the result of Xenomorphs hatching from different kinds of hosts, but they also sometimes result from genetic tampering with the Xenomorphs by organizations seeking to exploit the race's unique abilities. There are a select few that are most often depicted however, namely: +This superhero's name is Alita. Their real name is Alita. Alita, known in Japan as Gally and originally named Yoko, is the protagonist and title character of Battle Angel Alita +This superhero's name is All-father Hercules. Their real name is Hercules. +This superhero's name is Allan Quatermain. Their real name is . Following his retiring from the public eye after his many adventures, Quatermain came to live in Cairo, where he became an opium addict and a recluse. However, he was eventually sought out by Mina Murray to be a part of her League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a group being gathered on behalf of the British government to retrieve the stolen metal Cavorite, vital for the country's space race. Initially he refused, but when locals tried to rape Mina his old heroism kicked in, and he saved her. Pursued by an angry mob, the two fled to the docks and the safety of the Nautilus; unable to return to his home in Cairo, Quatermain agreed to join Mina and Captain Nemo. He subsequently aided Mina and Inspector Auguste Dupin in the capture of Edward Hyde in Paris, although he was also responsible for Mina getting captured by Hyde in the first place. After capturing and recruiting Hawley Griffin, a.k.a. the Invisible Man, the League started to track down the missing Cavorite. Quatermain and Henry Jekyll (Hyde's alter ego) scouted out the Limehouse area where it was believed to have been taken. They then infiltrated a poorhouse built over a hidden base where the Cavorite was being kept in the clutches of a tong led by a Chinese crimelord called 'the Doctor'. Successfully (and brutally, thanks to the involvement of Hyde) retrieving the mineral, they handed it over to their superiors, only to discover their orders had come from the infamous Professor Moriarty, another crimelord who immediately used it to launch a vast airship and initiate an aerial battle over London against the army of his Chinese rival. The League boarded the airship, and during their attack Quatermain managed to take out Moriarty's personal bodyguards, although he failed to kill Moriarty himself. Subsequent to this the League was sent to investigate the meteorite landings that preluded the Martian invasion. After Griffin betrayed the League and attacked Mina, she and Quatermain were sent away together to track down Doctor Moreau and recruit his aid in fighting the Martians.It was during this period that he and Mina became lovers, although things were briefly complicated by Quatermain discovering the scars left on Mina's neck by Dracula. Having found Moreau, Quatermain and Mina returned to London, but were horrified to learn that the creature Moreau had given them was a hybrid virus, that would kill innocents as well as the Martians. With Griffin and Hyde dead, casualties of the brief war, Nemo resigning from the League in a fit of rage at their use of germ warfare, and Mina leaving Quatermain due to confusion about her feelings, Quatermain was left alone in the League, uncertain what to do with himself now... +This superhero's name is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. Their real name is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257) was a member of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins who served as their Mentor from 1191 until his death in 1257. During his tenure as Mentor, through the knowledge of an Apple of Eden, Altaïr made several discoveries and inventions that greatly helped the Order's progression. His leadership saw to the spread of the Assassins' influence throughout the Old World. +This superhero's name is Alucard. Their real name is Dracula. Alucard (アーカード, Ākādo?) is the main protagonist of the Hellsing series created by Kouta Hirano. He is the most powerful weapon of the Hellsing Organization which works against vampires and other such supernatural forces. Alucard is no mere vampire; it has been implied that he is the most powerful vampire alive and may be the most powerful character in the series, rivaled only by The Captain and Alexander Anderson. +This superhero's name is Amadeus Cho. Their real name is Amadeus Cho. Amadeus Cho was a Korean-American born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. Above average was insufficient to define this extraordinary teen. His parents Helen and Phil emigrated from South Korea before he was born. They had quite a passion for historical names, something they showed the moment they had to name their two children named after the composer Mozart, and a daughter, Madame Curie Cho, called Maddy for short. The Cho's lived a normal and happy life, but Amadeus showed from his very childhood that he was different: he was incredibly smart for such a young boy, and learned a lot of things by himself, becoming highly cultured and increasing his already remarkable intelligence. Helen supported her genius son and tried to go along with his talent.the more Amadeus grew up, the more his parents realized he was a genius. When the boy was fifteen years old, the Excello, a soap corporation, announced an online game to reward young geniuses, a quiz show named Brain Fight. Amadeus participated, and he easily won the $5,000 reward, placing first. Helen and Philip, of course, were happy for their son’s results, but they didn't know this was just the beginning of the end for their family. The person who had organized Brain Fight, in fact, was another genius and former child prodigy, Pythagoras Dupree, whose real aim was to search the world for other people whose intellect might rival his own…and to eliminate them as unwanted rivals. By winning his game, Amadeus Cho had been awarded the title of Mastermind Excello and the position of “7th Smartest Man in the World” (Pythagoras, by his own claim, was the 6th), and that was more than enough a reason to be killed. Dupree had his men attack Amadeus’ house, and in the following explosion, Helen, and her husband got killed. Amadeus ran away with his only companion being a coyote pup Kirby. +This superhero's name is Amanda Waller. Their real name is Amanda Waller. Amanda Waller has been established as a widow who escaped Chicago's Cabrini–Green housing projects with her surviving family after one of her sons, one of her daughters and her husband were murdered. Waller excelled in political science and became a congressional aide. During that time, she discovered the existence of the first two incarnations of the Squad. Taking elements from both of these, she proposed the development of its third incarnation to the White House and was placed in charge upon its approval. The Agency was formed by Amanda Waller to serve as a small, quasi-independent branch of Task Force X. Valentina Vostok brought former NYPD Lieutenant Harry Stein into the Agency as an operative. Amanda Waller later promoted Stein to the command position and demoted Vostok. Harry Stein would later reorganize the Agency and name it Checkmate. Waller's tenure as the official in charge of the third Suicide Squad was tumultuous and controversial. Despite many successes, she developed a habit of defying her superiors in Washington in order to achieve goals both legitimate and personal on more than one occasion. The earliest conflict between her and her superiors revolved around the leadership of the Suicide Squad. Although she proposed that the Bronze Tiger, the man she had helped out of his brainwashing, lead the team he was instead relegated to second-in-command, and Rick Flag Jr. was made the leader. Waller resentfully presumed the situation to be racially charged, related to not only her own status as a black woman, but also Bronze Tiger's own skin tone, although the Tiger himself did not believe this was a factor, instead believing this was a result of mistrust due to the brainwashing imposed upon him by the League of Assassins. Her relationship with the Squad itself was one of mutual dislike. Most of the team's criminal members did not really take to Waller's methods (most notably Captain Boomerang), and even the team's heroes were often at odds with Waller. Waller's inability to deal and compromise with her troops led to Nemesis's departure from the team and the death of a US senator, which indirectly caused the death of Rick Flag Jr. Those type of conflicts, however, were not only limited to her superiors and her team, but also extended to Batman, who opposed the forming of the Suicide Squad (although he would later help to reform it). Nonetheless, the team remained loyal to her, often choosing to side with her instead of the government. It was ultimately revealed that the reason that Amanda Waller even kept the heroes such as Nightshade around, was in order for them to act as her conscience. Over the course of her first run with the Suicide Squad, her actions became increasingly erratic as she fought to retain control of the Squad. This was heightened by the public revelation of the Suicide Squad, and her being officially replaced, although her 'replacement' was in fact an actor, and Waller remained the team's director.Even that secret would eventually be revealed and Amanda Waller would be put on trial. During this time, the Squad also became involved in an interagency conflict in a crossover between the Checkmate and Suicide Squad titles called the Janus Directive. One of the field missions is against her will, as many members of the Squad, Waller included, are forcibly kidnapped and taken to Apokolips. This is because team member Duchess remembered her past as Lashina of the Female Furies, instead of being amnesiac as she pretended, and wished to return home with suitable sacrifices. The Squad suffers fatalities battling Apokolips' forces, with Waller personally confronting Granny Goodness. However, the confrontation ended with the deaths of Dr. Light and one of Waller's own nieces, and Count Vertigo near-fatally wounded.She eventually found herself serving prison time for her pursuit of an organized crime cartel based in New Orleans called the LOA and killing its leadership, using Squad operatives Ravan, Poison Ivy and Deadshot in the process.Waller is eventually pardoned and released a year later to reorganize the Suicide Squad as a freelance mercenary group at the behest of Sarge Steel to deal with a crisis in Vlatava, Count Vertigo's home country; Waller allowed herself to enter prison because she knew two things perfectly well: one, by confronting the LOA with Squad operatives, she had crossed the line, and two, she would return to her position quite easily if she was ever needed again. Afterwards, the Suicide Squad performs a variety of missions, often treading dangerous political terrain when dealing with Soviet and Israeli interests. Most notably, the Squad help destroy the plans of the Cabal to throw Qurac, Israel and the US into political disarray. During the course of her renewed tenure with this team, Amanda became closer to her operatives, even accompanying them on their field missions. This allows for her and her team to bond more effectively, although she retains her dominant and threatening personality.Waller quits after a later field mission, in which she personally takes down the seemingly immortal dictator of a small, South American island nation. As it turned out, he wasn't immortal, but had an immense amount of psychic power, and by tricking him, Waller merely provided a form of assisted suicide. Soon after, Amanda Waller organizes the Shadow Fighters to confront the villain Eclipso. Again, she would confront Sarge Steel. Her first attempt at a team, formed with the assistance of Bruce Gordon and his wife Mona, did not go well. Most of the team are brutally murdered infiltrating Eclipso's stronghold. Her second attempt with a much larger team has much more success. During the Bloodlines debacle, the President sends Guy Gardner to fetch Waller from her island 'retirement'. She leads a multi-hero affair that results in the destruction of the alien parasites.She rejoins federal service, initially as Southeastern regional director for the Department of Extranormal Operations. She is promoted to Secretary of Metahuman Affairs as a member of the Lex Luthor Presidential Administration.Lex Luthor's brief tenure in office leads to Amanda Waller being jailed. This does not last long. She is released by Luthor's successor Jonathan Vincent Horne, who orders her to take command of the secret agent organization Checkmate. The organization had been shaken up due to the OMAC Project debacle and the related murderous leadership of Maxwell Lord whom Waller has had previous history with. Waller takes the rank of Black King until the United States and United Nations decide what to do with that organization. In the latter issues of 52, Waller is shown commissioning the imprisoned Atom Smasher to organize a new Suicide Squad to attack Black Adam and his allies. This ends with the death of Squad member Persuader and the expected public relations turn against the Black Marvel family. In the revamped Checkmate series set in the One Year Later continuity, Waller is shown to have been assigned by the UN to serve as Checkmate's White Queen, a member of its senior policy-making executive. Due to her previous activities, her appointment is contingent on her having no direct control over operations. Regardless, she continues to pursue her own agenda, secretly using the Suicide Squad to perform missions in favor of American interests and blackmailing Fire.It is also implied that she may have betrayed a mission team in an attempt to protect her secrets and facilitated an attack on Checkmate headquarters for her own gain. She then is in charge of Operation Salvation Run, an initiative involving the mass deportation of supervillains to an alien world. When this was discovered by the rest of Checkmate, she was forced into resigning as White Queen in exchange for their delay in revealing what the US government was doing.[7] She continues to run the Suicide Squad, and has been implanted with nanotechnology to allow her to directly control Chemo during missions.[7] During the Superman/Batman storyline "K", it is revealed that Waller has hoarded Kryptonite and used it to power an anti-Superman group called the Last Line, and a Doomsday-like creature codenamed "All-American Boy", who has Kryptonite shards growing out of his body. All-American Boy, (real name: Josh Walker) was deceived into an experiment to use Kryptonite to bond cell scrapings taken from Doomsday to a human host, battles Superman, devastating Smallville in the process. Batman, with the help of Brannon, the Last Line's leader, locate Josh's parents who convince him to stop. Waller is forced to pay towards repairing Smallville in return for her dealings in the AAB project to remain secret. 'Last Line' itself rebels against Waller because of her deceptions.[8] In the eight-issue series of Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag, she is again seen leading the Suicide Squad at some point when the General returned to Earth after his exile, and was promptly drafted into the Squad with special explosive implants grafted into his arm and brain to make him compliant with Waller's demands. Here, she personally uses technology devised by Cliff Carmichael to gain a measure of control over Chemo, allowing her to use the toxic behemoth for the Squad's benefit. Rick Flag is revealed to have survived the events at Jotunheim and was returned to Waller, who revealed to him Rick Flag Jr. was never anything but an alias, and that he was in reality a brainwashed soldier remade into Flag to serve Eiling's ends. She leads, as Chemo, an attack on a Dubai supercorp intending to release a deadly virus. However, Carmichael, with Eiling and part of her team, betrays her as part of Eiling's plan to benefit from the release of the virus, and she is nearly killed when Eiling orders a compliant Flag to use her pen, actually a transmitter, to detonate her own explosive implant. Instead, Flag, tricking him, detonates Eiling's own, releasing her and ultimately rejoining the Squad, refusing the chance of a normal life. She later attempted to forcibly return several members of the Secret Six (Bane and Deadshot) into the Suicide Squad, and when her plan backfired due to the events of Blackest Night and the defiance of the Six, she was shot by Deadshot and privately revealed to King Faraday to be their new secret leader, Mockingbird. When Faraday questioned the need to be informed of the situation, and even the need to bring the Six under the banner of the Squad when she already controlled them, Amanda merely shrugged it off, stating "her left and right hand only knew what the other was thinking" in a strict need-to-know basis, implying Faraday will one day need that knowledge. +This superhero's name is A.M.A.Z.O. (CW). Their real name is . The Anti Meta-human Adaptive Zootomic Organism, simply known as A.M.A.Z.O., was an artificial intelligence robot created by Ivo Laboratories with the ability to copy an individual's physiological abilities. +This superhero's name is Amazo. Their real name is . Originally built with the powers and skills of the original Justice League ( Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter) preinstalled, as well as a duplicate Lantern Power Ring and Lasso of Truth. As such he was a formidable adversary. The powers and programming of Amazo has varied over time. Some incarnations of Amazo are pre-installed with the powers of members of the Justice League Of America (often Superman and Flash with the fighting skill of Wonder Woman). Other times the programming of Amazo varies. For instance the programming and absorption cell technology was implanted into the body of fellow android Red Tornado after the Red Tornado's soul moved on to a human body. This led to a conflict as part of the Red Tornado's spirit became ingrained in the android circuitry. On one occasion he was only able to duplicate the powers of the members in the Justice League, adapting as the roster grew (this Amazo was defeated when Superman disbanded the Justice League, leaving Amazo without any sources to copy). And in one example Amazo was able to steal the powers of the Justice League as well as their humanity, leaving the Justice League powerless androids. Amazo returned the League to normal when he couldn't reconcile his actions with his new emotions. These diverging programming and power fluctuations have not been officially reconciled within DC continuity. Notably, Amazo has held a grudge with the Hourman of the 853rd century. When the temporal powered android traveled back in time and joined with the JSA, Amazo was jealous of how advanced in both technology and sentience Hourman was. They had a bitter feud until Hourman returned to his correct time line. All incarnations of Amazo have the strength and invulnerability that comes with being an android. More recent incarnations of Amazo has the robot built with the ability to adapt and counter metahuman attacks through an internal database much like OMACs. In this manner Amazo can be considered to have the knowledge and planning of Batman. Unlike the OMACs Amazo can replicate powers to counter attacks instead of using pre-built defenses. This unpredictability is one of the threats of Amazo. It's always a gamble for any hero to encounter an Amazo as they can never be sure what powers the Amazo currently has. The appearance of Amazo usually involves a pointy eared monster android with the ability to replicate the powers of nearby metahumans and a heartless or downright evil sentience.Recently, through poorly explained science, a boy was revealed to be Amazo's son KID AMAZO. Rather than join his father as a villain, Kid Amazo fought the urges programed into his genetic code and used his powers to stop his father. Amazo joined Alexander Luthor's Secret Society of Super-Villains. +This superhero's name is Ammo. Their real name is . Most of Ammo's early history is unrevealed. It is known that he served in Vietnam, and theories are that he acquired his love of violence there. More recently, he surfaced as a leader of a large, viscous street gang in the Hell's Kitchen slums of New York City. Ammo took advantage of a power failure (caused by the mutant hero team X-Factor fighting the villain Apocalypse) and claimed it as a sign of humanity's collapse. He led his gang (which included the street thugs known as the Wildboys) on a rioting spree, and managed to raid an US armory. Hoping to raid a hospital's drug supply and eventually become a powerful post-apocalyptic leader in New York, he and his gang were stopped by the hero Daredevil and imprisioned. Ammo was rescued from prison by Daredevil's enemy, Typhoid Mary, who asked for Ammo's assistance in a complex plan to kill Daredevil. Ammor readily agreed and beat Daredevill severly during a series of battles orchestrated by Mary, before leaving Daredevil in Mary's hands. Presumably, Ammo returned to lead his gang, and remains at large. +This superhero's name is Amygdala. Their real name is Aaron Helzinger. Aaron Helzinger was a giant of a man prone to fits of homicidal rage. Due to these violent episodes he was remanded to the care of Arkham Asylum. A surgeon at Arkham removed Helzinger's amygdala cluster in the hopes of curing the psychotic episodes. This procedure yielded unexpected results however as Amygdala became exceedingly angry in opposition to what the surgery was supposed to achieve.While residing at Arkham, Amygdala became a pawn of the hospital's latest director, Jeremiah Arkham. In the hopes of breaking the spirit of his most recent patient, Batman, Arkham prodded Amygdala into attacking him. Batman fought and quickly subdued Amygdala, but was then forced to face a larger throng of blood-crazed patients.A short time later, the supervillain known as Bane orchestrated a massive breakout at Arkham Asylum and all of the patients, including Amygdala were freed. Amygdala found himself befriending Arnold Wesker, aka, the Ventriloquist, who promised Helzinger that he would help him find his meds after finding Scarface. Armed with a surrogate dummy known as "Socko" (which was just a discarded sweat sock), the Ventriloquist and Amygdala started a crime spree in Gotham, which attracted Batman's attention.Amygdala and the Ventriloquist then broke into the Joyboy toy store in the hopes of finding a partner for Socko. Batman learned of the break-in and had a rematch with Amygdala. He defeated Amygdala with a Karate chop to the back of the neck -- the same way he defeated him in Arkham Asylum.Amygdala was arrested, but since Arkham was now uninhabitable, he and the other recaptured inmates were instead transferred to Blackgate Penitentiary. Amygdala immediately found himself at odds with the prison guards and even knocked one out by smashing him over the top of the head with one of his huge fists. At the suggestion of Jeremiah Arkham, Amygdala became part of the prison softball team. He was first placed in the position of team pitcher, but this was revoked after he broke the Riddler's arm by throwing a softball too hard. However, under the tutelage of coach Doc Faustus, Amygdala became the team's star hitter. Amygdala was later released into the community on numerous occasions, where he became an ally and friend of Dick Grayson. He lived in the hero's apartment building and worked as a warden in Lockhaven Prison. When Blockbuster was in the process of breaking Nightwing down both physically and emotionally, he blew up Grayson's apartment complex with Amygdala inside. Amygdala survived, but was heavily traumatized by the death of his friends. Aaron kept a low profile for many years, but turned up once again as a patron at the Penguin's Iceberg Lounge. After having a few drinks, he became rowdy with the other guests and the Penguin had to use one of his gimmick umbrellas to calm him down. +This superhero's name is Anacondrai Serpent. Their real name is . The Anacondrai Serpent would help the Serpentine capture Jamanakai Village. During the battle, it attacked the Elemental Master of Gravity, nearly devouring him. It would later continue to participate in the Serpentine Wars under its master's command. However, following the victory of the humans, she was imprisoned on an island alongside Clouse and Master Chen. After Chen started his noodle chain and grew in power, she would go on to patrol the tunnels beneath his temple, devouring intruders. +This superhero's name is Ancalagon. Their real name is . After Eärendil made his journey to Valinor to convince the Valar to overthrow Morgoth and rescue the overmatched and defeated Elves and Edain, The Host of Valinor made war upon Morgoth and destroyed his armies. Facing final defeat, Morgoth unleashed his last and greatest weapon; a fleet of winged fire drakes, led by Ancalagon. So terrible was their onslaught that the armies of the Valar were driven back from the gates of Angband, and their coming was said to have been accompanied by a tempest of fire and lightning. But Eärendil came out of the West in his blessed ship Vingilot, accompanied by "a myriad" of the Eagles of Manwë led by Thorondor. The Eagles and Eärendil dueled with Ancalagon and the other Dragons for an entire day. Eventually, Eärendil was victorious, casting Ancalagon down upon Thangorodrim and destroying the volcanic mountains in his fall. The death of Ancalagon marked the end of Morgoth's final resistance. +This superhero's name is Ancient One (MCU). Their real name is . The Ancient One was the Sorcerer Supreme as well as the leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. For centuries, the Ancient One protected Earth from mystical threats, and dedicated herself to helping others in need by educating them in the magical arts to give them new hope. However, later on, she was challenged by a former student, Kaecilius, who had become corrupted by the Dark Dimension and sought to bring Dormammu to Earth. In the midst of her war against Kaecilius and his Zealots, the Ancient One encountered Doctor Strange and, despite her initial reluctance, was persuaded to accept him as her student by Karl Mordo. During one final battle, the Ancient One was fatally wounded and despite the best efforts of Doctor Strange and Christine Palmer, she accepted her fate and died, but not before giving Doctor Strange the advice he needed to defeat Dormammu as well as to find his new purpose in life as a master. +This superhero's name is Ando Masahashi. Their real name is Ando Masahashi. Ando Masahashi is Hiro Nakamura's best friend and co-worker. Initially leading a bored, monotonous life in Tokyo, Japan, Ando and Hiro finally fulfilled their dreams of adventure when Hiro's ability manifested. While Hiro journeys on his quests to save the world from certain destruction; Ando remains at his side, his stalwart companion and sidekick. Initially without abilities, he synthetically gained the ability of supercharging the abilities of others. +This superhero's name is Angel Dust. Their real name is Christina. Christine was raised in the suburbs of Chicago and led a peaceful existence until her powers emerged. She left her parents because she thought that they would not accept the reality that she is a mutant. She became a runaway and while her parents were mentioned actively seeking her, Christine avoids contact with them. She joined the Morlocks in Chicago (Cell, Electric Eve, Litterbug, Postman, Shatter and Trader) and found herself a new home to live with new personalities that accept who she is and helps her regarding the issues of her identity. In "Morlocks" #1, Christine defended Cell from the police, decking a police officer. She explained to the rookie mutant about Sentinels. In #2 (July, 2002), Christine argued with her teammate Eve, the only other woman on the team. Christine considered Eve too "cold" and ruthless while Eve argued Christine belonged with her parents, not in the sewers. When Cell and Shatter intervened, Christine lost her temped and flung them both away. She fled in tears when she saw a cranial injury on Trader. Trader had to explain that he already had the injury before even meeting her. The two found a common point in hating their life in hiding. She later helped Shatter reclaim his dog from the pound and Eve to meet her "ex-boyfriend". She was shocked to see Eve murder said boyfriend, actually her former pimp. In #3 (August, 2002), Christine joined her team in returning to their tunnels. They were discovered and attacked by the police. She tried to shield Shatter from attacks and heart some of the officers planning to rape her ("have fun with this little mutant"). Eve defended Christine by electrocuting the officers in question. She and Litterbug later tore down a steel door at the hospital, allowing Postman one last visit with his comatose wife. Christine was convinced to go have a last visit with her parents. She revealed her nature as a mutant and was pleasantly surprised to be accepted by her parents.However she noticed Sentinels approaching and had to flee before they hurt her parents. She was later crying and comforted by Eve. Litterbug admitted to having helped designed these Sentinels before his powers kicked in. In #4 (September, 2002), Christine was enraged and attacked Litterbug for his role in the tragedy of her life. She was beating him up when Shatter convinced her to stop. The Morlocks later worked out a plan to disable the Sentinel facility in Chicago. They captured a Sentinel and Christine ripped it open. Litterbug then reprogrammed it and had it transport them within the Sentinel facility. Within Christine tried to use her computer skills to reprogram the computers present in the facility. She had to interrupt her effort to save Cell from a missile. Dr. Metellus, project director had discovered. The Morlocks did manage to destroy the facility and kill Metellus but it cost them Cell's life. The remaining Morlocks proceeded to steal a van and escape Chicago. Christine did not follow them, deciding to rejoin her parents. The Morlocks had no time to convince her to flee but where clearly worried Christine would be an easy target when the Sentinels got back to work. During the M-Day when lots of mutants were depowered, Angel Dust was one of them and her powers of berserker strength have vanished. +This superhero's name is Angel Of Death. Their real name is . For ages, the Angel of Death resided in the ruins Bethmora in waiting for a dying Hellboy. The time came when, while the BPRD are searching for the Golden Army, Liz Sherman was also looking to remove the fragment of Prince Nuada's spear from Hellboy's chest. While the Angel is indifferent to Hellboy's plight, it only saves his life after having Liz choose Hellboy to live despite being warned that she will suffer most when Hellboy carries out his predestined purpose. Once removing the spear shard, and giving it to the goblin blacksmith, the Angel takes its leave. +This superhero's name is Angel Salvadore (FOX). Their real name is Angel Salvadore. In 1962, Angel was working as a stripper when she was approached by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, who persuaded her to join the X-Men. Angel later met her other teammates and they got acquainted by giving themselves codenames and showing off their powers. Angel was present when the Hellfire Club attacked the Division X facility. Their leader, Sebastian Shaw, attempted to persuade the young mutants into joining him against a populace that feared them. Angel was quickly, but not immediately, convinced by his words, the only one to join. Although her former teammates Havok and Darwin tried to stop her, the latter was killed by Shaw. Later, Angel joined the battle against her former teammates during the Cuban Missile Crisis, fighting Banshee and Havok until the latter severed one of her wings. After Erik Lensherr kills Shaw, he recruits the remaining Hellfire Club members and Mystique into his new Brotherhood of Mutants. They leave to free Emma Frost, who had been captured by the CIA. On November 5, 1962, just mere days after joining Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants, Angel was slain by Project WideAwake operatives in a firefight. As Mystique looks through the 'Autopsy' papers in Trask's office, she is distraught when she sees a photos of the dead bodies of Angel and Azazel, along with other unidentified deceased mutants. Her body showed a great deal of mutilation, with one of her wings having been removed. The wing that had been removed is later shown in a glass chamber along with Magneto's helmet, the coin that killed Shaw, and Havok's containment unit. +This superhero's name is Angel Salvadore. Their real name is Angel Salvadore Bohusk. Angel Salvadore lived with her mom, sister, and abusive father until her mutant powers began developing when she was 14-years-old. Angel's father molested and abused Angel and made no secret of it. When her mutant nature first manifested as scars on her back, her father kicked her out of disgust claiming he would never molest a mutant. Angel fell asleep in the woods nearby her home praying she was not a mutant. Overnight, a cocoon encased a part of her body, healing her injuries and catalyzing the development of insectoid wings on her back where her scars had been. As she awoke, the U-Men --humans who grafted mutant body parts to grant themselves superhuman abilities--attacked Angel to cut off and use her wings. Angel fought back and flew away before crashing into a pair of power lines a short distance from the attack site. The U-Men captured her in a van and quickly put her on anesthetics. Back at the Xavier Institute, the X-Man Jean Grey had been tracking Angel's whereabouts via Cerebro, guiding Wolverine to Angel's aid. Wolverine attacked and killed the U-Men, rescuing the young girl's life. Wolverine convinced Angel to come with him to the Xavier Institute; Angel agreed but remained distrustful towards the X-Man. Stopping at a diner to eat, Angel and Wolverine were noticed by the owner who recognized them as mutants due to Angel having to throw up acid on her food in order to digest it. He pulled a shotgun on them and asked them to leave. Angel's hot temper caused the owner to fire his weapon and Angel flew out through the window. Once again she crashed nearby, where Wolverine calmed her down. Arguing the way there, the two finally arrived at the Xavier Institute. Angel did not get along with any of the students, particularly the popular blonde telepaths known as the Stepford Cuckoos. However, when Cassandra Nova attacked the Institute for a second time, Angel cooperated with the Cuckoos in obtaining a DNA sample of Cassandra Nova from Beast's lab. During her search, Angel encountered the young mutant known as Beak, who had been held in a tank in the lab after attacking Beast while mind controlled by Nova. The sample Angel retrieved as instrumental in tricking Cassandra Nova into entering a trojan body she believed was her own. Following these events, Angel's experiences with the other students improved, especially by making a new friend in Beak. Beak and Angel's relationship progressed when they shared a flight class together where they were to follow their instructor, Archangel, into a space station. While Beak struggled to fly, Angel's flying abilities had improved tenfold. Angel teased Beak by calling him a loser and a freak, but Beak's optimism and spirit charmed the feisty young girl. In order to lift his spirits, Angel kissed Beak and carried him to their destination. When they arrived, it was revealed that Angel had kissed Beak in order to win a bet. Angel later became a part of Xorn's special class at the institute. During one class, Xorn took the students camping in the forest surrounding the mansion. Angel and Beak snuck off into the woods after dark and were discovered by U-Men. After running back to the camp, Xorn lead the students to safety and went off to fight the U-Men alone. Angel later went to get help and witnessed Xorn killing the U-Men. He convinced her to keep it their secret. Later, Angel and Beak were honored during a prize giving ceremony. Neither were present, believing that they would never be awarded. Instead, Angel and Beak wandered on the grounds where Angel revealed that she was pregnant. She soon laid eggs in Wolverine's shed, which Angel and Beak tried to keep secret. Angel's secret led to her being a suspect in the shooting of Emma Frost. Though she was the one who shot Emma, she was under the telepathic control of Esme, one of the Stepford Cuckoos. The X-Men discovered Angel's eggs and were supportive, allowing Beak and Angel to live in the shack together to raise their children. When their children hatched from the eggs, they resembled both Beak and Angel with beaks and fly wings. A short time later, Magneto, revealed to have been Xorn all along, recruited the members of his special class into the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Angel later rebelled after Magneto threatened her classmate Martha. Magneto was later defeated by the X-Men. Later, Beak became unhinged from time and joined the Exiles. Angel, distraught over Beak's disappearance, assumed that Beak had run away. They were later reunited after they both had been depowered due to Scarlet Witch and the events of House of M. All but one of their children, Tito, had also been depowered and now resembled normal children. No longer mutants, Beak and Angel left the X-Mansion. They were later recruited by Night Thrasher II and joined the New Warriors. Angel took the code name Tempest and received new powers through technological means. She now wears gauntlets that give her heat, wind, and ice powers. +This superhero's name is Angel. Their real name is Liam. Much of Angel's past life is revealed through various flashbacks during both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel's spin-off series. Angel was born with the name of Liam. Liam led an unremarkable life, a failure to his parents and a drunk. Everything changed for him after he met and was sired a vampire by Darla. He then adopted a new name, Angelus. He became one of the most notorious vampires in the world. But one day he killed the wrong girl, a gypsy girl. The gypsy family curses Angelus with a soul (something removed from a human being after they are sired). The weight of his actions hits him but he attempts to continue to to live his life with Darla. He is unsuccessful in this, however, and leaves for America. Generally while in America he keeps to himself, and by the last few decades of the 1900's he was homeless and living off rats. He was then visited by a demon Whistler, who sent him to go watch over the new vampire slayer, Buffy. Forbidden loves have endlessly plagued the pages of history and literature. For every Juliet there is a Romeo. Angel's role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer became Buffy's Romeo, her forbidden true love. He begins his role in the Buffyverse by observing the young Slayer fighting the good fight. Inspired by her actions he introduces himself as a friend and begins helping Buffy on numerous occasions. A romance soon sparks between the two. Even after Buffy finds out that Angel is a vampire, she still is interested in him. The gypsy's curse that burdens Angel with a soul shall be lifted if he is to experience one true moment of complete happiness. When Buffy and Angel have sex in the second season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this moment of happiness occurs and thus Angelus, the murderous beast returns. Angelus uses Angel's relationship to the slayer against her, as well as bringing pain to her friends. He even tortures her watcher Giles, and kills Giles' girlfriend Jenny Calendar. He killed Jenny both because she was working on a way to put his soul back and because she was a decedent of the gypsy family cursed him. Buffy's friend Willow finds what Jenny was working on and realizes she was attempting to give him his soul back. Meanwhile, Angelus has decided to destroy the world. Buffy goes to stop him, and during their fight Willow restores his soul. Confused and bewildered, Angel looks at Buffy unsure of whats going on. Unfortunately, Angelus had already opened the portal to destroy the world, and this process can only be stopped by finishing off Angel. So Buffy kisses Angel and then must stab him. Angel spends a hundred years in a Hell dimension until he is brought back for initially unknown reasons. Due to the harsh environment of a Hell dimension, Angel returns wild and feral. Buffy helps him him recover from this state, and while the two intend to have some sort of relationship, but the burden of knowing that they can never be happy together without causing Angelus to return again is too great for them and Angel decides it would be best to leave town (much to the heartache of Buffy). Angel then embarks on his own supernatural adventures in L.A. on his own spin-off series, Angel. +This superhero's name is Angela. Their real name is Aldrif Odinsdottir. Aldrif Odinsdottir was the firstborn of Odin and Freyja, and heir to the Asgardian throne +This superhero's name is Animal Man. Their real name is Bernhard Baker. In his late teens, Buddy was a happy hellraising punk rocker. One fall afternoon he went hunting in the Adirondack Mountains... and when he returned home, he had changed. Whatever it was, something in the woods had connected him to what is variously referred to as the Red, the Lifeweb, or the Morphogenetic Field - the force that binds together every living animal on Earth. Encountering some escaped animals from a nearby zoo, Buddy discovered that in the presence of an animal, he was able to absorb its special abilities. He was now the Man With Animal Powers. At the suggestion of his best friend, Roger Denning, Buddy donned an orange-and-blue costume (and on occasion, a black one) starting a minor career as the super-hero Animal Man. Partly for kicks, partly as a way to promote their rock band, Buddy actually managed to do several heroic deeds, ranging from foiling a few robberies at the local pet store, to battling actual space aliens and odd crooks such as the Mod Gorilla Boss. After a few years of adventuring, Buddy retired his Animal Man identity, married his high-school girlfriend, Ellen Frazier Baker, and moved to San Diego. Living on the salary from Ellen's work as an illustrator and Buddy's newly-started career as a movie stuntman, the couple mortgaged a house in the suburbs and raised two children, Cliff and Maxine. Buddy thought his super-hero days over, but that was to change. After stumbling on an ancient golden pyramid, he was contacted by the mysterious Immortal Man. Joining up with other has-been adventurers - including Cave Carson, Dane Dorrance, and Dolphin - who had encountered similar pyramids around the world, Animal Man became part of the organization called the Forgotten Heroes. Under Immortal Man's direction, the group was able to destroy the pyramids, saving the world in the process. For a time, the group stayed together, opposing threats such as Vandal Savage and the Forgotten Villains. During the world-shattering event known as the Crisis, Immortal Man (seemingly) sacrificed his life, and soon after, the Forgotten Heroes disbanded. Buddy returned to his family life, although the thought of superheroics was still nagging in his head. He wanted to make a difference, but had to support his family as well. Convinced that there was still a place for Animal Man in this world, Buddy resumed his full-time superhero career, battling villains such as the new Mirror Master and a delirious B'wana Beast. He also assisted in foiling the Invasion of Earth by the Alien Alliance. Still not satisfied, Buddy made the decision to become a protector of animal life on Earth. He sabotaged foxhunting in England, dolphin slaughter on the Faroe Islands, and animal experiments all over the USA. He worked with Vixen to overthrow the government of M'Changa, and with the Freedom Beast to oppose the apartheid powers of South Africa. About this time, he learned from a scientist named James Highwater that his powers were greater than he initially had believed, due to his previously unknown contact with the morphogenetic field. Becoming a member in good standing of the European branch of Justice League International (which he could access via a teleporter in his basement), he was also able to draw a monthly salary. As part of the JLE, he battled the Queen Bee, the Time Commander, and the wrath of Dr. Irwin Teasdale. The media wrote lots about him and his popularity increased. Everything was going his way... ...And then it wasn't anymore. After a fireman had accidentally been killed in a fire started by his animal activist group, a shocked Buddy began to reconsider the path he had chosen. Though still a convinced vegetarian, environmentalist and animal rights activist, he asked himself if superheroics and illegal sabotage activities were the right ways to go. Refusing to become a role model, he quit the Justice League and the activist group, attempting to hang up his super-hero costume for good. Then, when a corporate organization (worried about the popularity of the left-wing Animal Man) threatened to kill his family if he did not stop doing his deed, Buddy teamed up with the Mirror Master to oppose them. Suddenly, he found himself in the role of a hero once again, getting tangled up in saving the world from a second Crisis at the hands of the Psycho-Pirate, and ultimately, believe it or not, learning the fact that he was a comic book character. He even got to meet his writer, Grant Morrison, in person. Naturally, Buddy was not allowed to remember such revelations for long. Some time after these events, he woke up from a coma with amnesia. This would have been his return to normal life, had it not been for the fact that the world he woke up in was that of an alternate Buddy Baker. In this world, Ellen had divorced him, America was controlled by a right-extremist corrupt government, and Buddy himself had no control over his powers. After a series of weird adventures, Buddy could finally return to "his" world. Once again a movie stuntman, Buddy continued as a part-time superhero, but his life was to get weirder still. His powers continued to malfunction; birds died when he was flying, he absorbed animal behavior and appearance unexpectedly, and animals around him acted strange. After his powers accidentally had killed every animal on the San Diego Zoo, Buddy and his family moved to Ellen's mother's farm in Pownal, Vermont. Later, it was revealed that the reason for this "animal weirdness" was the coming of a hostile Animal Antagon, a.k.a. the Shining Man. During this course of events, Buddy encountered a Native American shaman named "Stone That Cracked Open the Earth Like an Egg", who revealed that Buddy was one of a group of chosen people called the Animal Masters, destined to be the guardians of nature. Together with fellow Animal Masters Vixen and Tristess, Animal Man was able to defeat the Shining Man, who had already corrupted, possessed, and killed B'wana Beast, still another Animal Master. He also learned that his daughter Maxine was an Animal Master as well, developing powers similar to his own. Settling down at the farm in Vermont, Buddy's next mission was to fetch back his son Cliff, who had been kidnapped by Ellen's insane uncle Dudley. While looking for his son, Buddy was run over by Dudley's car and actually died. His life-force survived, however, and after many months living in the bodies of various animals, he was reborn as a hybrid animal and saved Cliff. Later, he was able to re-create his original body. Still, Buddy was now legally deceased, which he did not really mind. He had become tired of city life and superheroics, being content to live in peace on the farm with his reunited family. Fearing that nature would inevitably get rid of the vermins called humans, he started thinking of ways to make them understand what they were doing to their planet. Ellen's mother's farm became something of an "ark", a refuge for outcasts who did not fit in anywhere. Among them were a woman named Annie Cassidy, who also stood in contact with the Red, and her daughter Lucy Cassidy, who started a relationship with Cliff. More and more, Buddy felt the animal instincts in him taking over. Overwhelmed by the power of the Red, Buddy and Annie made love to each other. The strengthened connection to the Red made Buddy step over the line, and once again adopt the appearance of a hybrid animal. Flying in rage to Washington D.C. , he plagued the city with all kinds of animals, threatening humanity to change their ways or go under. At the end, the authorities captured him, but he was released soon after, partly due to a lot of compassion from many Americans, who believed this "Animal Man" had a point. Then, Annie came up with an idea; Buddy wanted to change the ways of humanity, they all wanted to make a difference, and they already had many followers. Why not start a cult, or a religion, with Buddy as an "enraged prophet" and Maxine as the savior - the Life Power Church of Maxine? Though they met a lot of resistance from the authorities, the Church immediately grew in popularity, especially among young people. Ellen could not cope with all this, especially not after Buddy revealed that he had had kind of an "affair" with Annie. Alienated by their community, and the forces she did not understand, she finally broke up with Buddy - at least temporarily. Buddy, Maxine, Cliff, Annie, Lucy, and their followers traveled across the state, picking up countless new "disciples" and rebelling animals in a wild caravan on Route 66. Dubbed "the Red Plague" by the media, they finally settled down as a Church in Montana. After this, Buddy entered what we can refer to as his "cosmic phase". Once again, he died and was reborn, this time with a white-and-black-striped hair. While his friends worked with the Church's activities on Earth, Buddy became less aggressive, making an odyssey through various realms in search for universal truth. He had many revelations from agents of higher power, among them a spiritual bulldog named Mister Cow (!) Ultimately battling an evil called the Spider Queen, Buddy finally realized that the truth was inside him. Just as diamonds and coal are the same substance, so is the divine and the human. Buddy, as well as anybody else, was the Body of God and the Soul of the World. With this knowledge, he easily defeated the Spider Queen. Shortly after, Annie gave birth to his second daughter, supposedly a human incarnation of the World Soul. The next time Buddy appeared, a competitive supervillain called the Gamesman had kidnapped Maxine, just for playing a hunting game with Buddy. With the help of Aquaman, Buddy was able to defeat the Gamesman and save Maxine. In the process, he guided the temporarily blind Aquaman, making him realize he had elemental connections. Maybe this adventure was the spark that Buddy needed to return to his super-hero life, because a few months later, Animal Man appeared in public again, dressed in his old colorful garb, and once again with blond hair. He has assisted the JLA on several occasions, even helping them saving the universe in their battle against Mageddon. At the start of the new millennium, Buddy attended a party together with the Swamp Thing, Shade the Changing Man, Black Orchid, and other fringe heroes. Together they helped stopping the coming of a new strange world as envisioned by a Bernie Madden. He has also rejoined the Forgotten Heroes, joining the Immortal Man and Resurrection Man in battle against Vandal Savage and the Millennium Creature. Buddy remains a semi-active member of the Forgotten Heroes, joining up with other members when the need arises. Animal Man was one of many heroes, who helped search for the murderer of Sue Dibny. He was recruited by Donna Troy as part of a team journeying to New Cronos to try and help stop the threat of Alexander Luthor. During this adventure, he formed a mentoring friendship with the newFirestorm, Jason Rusch. He, along with most of the heroes in space, went missing. Animal Man was stranded on a paradise-like planet with fellow heroes Starfire and Adam Strange after the battle. After several weeks, Adam was able to get his spaceship working, and they departed for Earth. Their ship, however, was attacked by Devilance, who they had encountered on the planet and who had pursued them into space. Lobo appeared just in time to destroy Devilance, and after a some negotiation, agreed to help them out. During a battle with Lady Styx and her horde, Animal Man is killed by a necrotoxin, which causes its victims to rise again in the service of Lady Styx. Animal Man makes Starfire promise not to let him come back as a zombie. He gestures to the reader, saying, "Look, they're cheering us on. I told you the universe likes me." At the moment of his death, Ellen, still on Earth, senses his death and begins to cry. Moments after Starfire and Adam Strange leave Animal Man in space, he comes back to life. The aliens that originally granted his powers stand next to him, saying: "And so it begins." After plucking him out the timestream and repairing his body, they leave him in outer space. Animal Man must reach out to another life form in order to survive, and claims the abilities of a group of Sun-Eaters, including a homing sense. He then observes his wife from a wormhole in space, pondering a return to Earth, or stay in space, as he saw her seeing another man and putting her grief past. Buddy finally returns, describing the marvels of space to his delighted family. Ellen holds a party to celebrate his return, but some followers of Lady Styx appear, bent upon killing the family. They are eliminated by Starfire, who has partially recovered from wounds suffered in space. She delivers Buddy's jacket and faints out of suprise when she sees him alive, leaving the family to care for her. +This superhero's name is Annabeth Chase (FOX). Their real name is Annabeth Chase. Annabeth was seven when she ran away from home. She found Luke Castellen, Grover Underwood, and Thalia Grace. Then they were running away from cyclops and Thalia was about to get killed but Zeus turned her into a tree to save her. Annabeth, Grover, and Luke made it to Camp Half-blood. Years later, Percy Jackson came to the camp. He was a child of Poseidon. Percy discovered out Luke Castellen was working with Kronos. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover went to go get Luke and on there way found the Golden Fleece and saved Thalia. +This superhero's name is Annihilus. Their real name is Annihilus. Untold millennia ago, the Tyannans, a technologically-advanced semi-humanoid/leonine species of the anti-matter universe the Negative Zone, seeded barren worlds with life spores. A freak meteor collision hurled one of their ships into the volcanic planet Arthros, where the crew released their spores before starving to death. Many generations later, one of those spores evolved into a weak insectoid creature. Significantly intelligent due to a mutation, the creature found the Tyannan starship wreckage and used a knowledge transference helmet to master the advanced Tyannan technology. This enhanced his intelligence and strength, creating a "Cosmic Control Rod" and body armaments. Obsessed with survival, the paranoid creature, who came to be known as Annihilus, set out to destroy any other living being he viewed as a possible threat to his existence. Annihilus used his newly acquired power to dominate other lifeforms that had arisen from the spores on Arthros, and plotted to either conquer or destroy the neighboring worlds in the Negative Zone. He transformed many prisoners via the Tyannans' Gene Transmuter into his servile Scavengers. Annihilus first encountered the Fantastic Four when Reed, Thing, and Johnny entered the Negative Zone seeking anti-particles needed to treat Sue's cosmic ray-related pregnancy complications. Annihilus' minions captured the heroes, but they escaped, stealing his Control Rod. They returned it after siphoning off the needed anti-particles and returned to Earth. Annihilus next invaded the microverse, a dimension accessed via the energies of shrinking, sending his Insectivorid drones to conquer worlds in his name. Psycho-Man tried to control the dimensional interface leading to the microverse, but the Insectovorids, emotionless and immune to his power, overran the entire Sub-Atomica System and forced him to retreat to his worldship. Psycho-Man captured the Silver Surfer and Spider-Man to power his weapons and drive off the invaders, but the heroes escaped, leaving Annihilus and Psycho-Man to battle for control of the worldship. Annihilus' microverse invasion was presumably repelled. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Doom stole Annihilus' Rod in a complex scheme to steal Galactus's cosmic power. Almost immediately, Annihilus captured the human Rick Jones, who was often stranded in the Negative Zone through a bond he shared with Kree soldier Captain Mar-Vell. Annihilus released Jones when the Fantastic Four retrieved his Control Rod from Dr. Doom. Later, Annihilus was challenged by Janus the Nega-Man, a research scientist and contemporary of Reed who developed a module capable of harnessing anti-matter energy, within the Negative Zone. Annihilus defeated Janus, forcing the Nega-Man to lead him to Earth, but Janus was instead seemingly killed in the exploding atmosphere where matter meets anti-matter. When Mar-Vell used Reed's technology to free Rick Jones from the Negative Zone, Annihilus nearly crossed over to Earth along with Jones, but was driven back by the Avengers. Jones later returned to the Negative Zone, but his ability to access the Destiny Force--a near-infinite power source inherent in all humanity--protected him from Annihilus. Sensing great power within Franklin Richards, Annihilus once abducted him, amplifying his powers out of control. The Four defeated Annihilus and escaped back to Earth, but Reed was forced to temporarily shut down Franklin's mind to protect Earth's solar system. When the Mad Thinker regained control of his "most powerful android", which Annihilus had previously transmuted into one of his Scavenger servants, it stole Annihilus' Control Rod, morphing into monster form. Annihilus was forced to team up with Reed, who had been stranded in the Negative Zone by the Brute (Reed Richards of the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth), to foil the Mad Thinker's plan to conquer both the Negative Zone and Earth. The monster android was ultimately defeated, and Annihilus regained his Rod. Annihilus next forged the first of many uneasy alliances with Blastaar, another Negative Zone warlord who ruled the planet Baluur. When his monarchy was overthrown, Blastaar offered to serve Annihilus in exchange for assistance in regaining control of Baluur. Although Annihilus viewed Blastaar as emotional and weak, he agreed to Blastaar's proposal, secretly planning to betray his newfound ally. Annihilus showed Blastaar his new weapon, the Super-Adaptoid-a powerful Advanced Idea Mechanics android which Annihilus "found" and reprogrammed, but when Nyglar, Blastaar's mate, grew suspicious of Annihilus and sent out a distress signal, the Thing and Avengers responded and defeated the villains. Annihilus slew Nyglar, after which Blastaar stole the Control Rod and left Annihilus to weaken and deteriorate rapidly. Dying and desperate, Annihilus slipped through the portal to Earth while the Fantastic Four were in the Negative Zone. Taking Franklin and Alicia Masters hostage, he attempted to merge the Earth universe with the Negative Zone, nearly destroying both in the process. Narrowly surviving the ensuing conflict, Annihilus eventually regained his Control Rod with the unwitting aid of Blastaar. Annihilus next attacked the dimension of Asgard, home of the Norse Gods, which had partially drifted into the Negative Zone for a time after the Rainbow Bridge was shattered. Annihilus slew several of Asgard's elite guard, the Crimson Hawks, and even defeated the mighty Thor before finally falling in battle to Odin, King of Asgard. Later, when Odin entered a week-long "Odinsleep" to renew his godly energies, Annihilus kidnapped his dormant body and transported it to the Negative Zone. Annihilus was soon located by the god Heimdall and defeated by Thor, who returned Odin to Asgard. Shortly thereafter, the extra-dimensional energy vampire Rune was defeated and cast into the Negative Zone. The weakened Rune attempted to steal the Control Rod, but was defeated by Annihilus and held prisoner within a cosmic singularity until eventually escaping through a portal. After investigating a strong energy pulse within the Negative Zone, Annihilus and Blastaar were imprisoned alongside the Fantastic Four by the Brute, who had enslaved the Tyannans as his personal army. Annihilus and his fellow captives eventually escaped and defeated the Brute, but Reed helped the Tyannans seal themselves off from the rest of the Negative Zone before a vengeful Annihilus and Blastaar were able to conquer them. Soon after, Annihilus and Blastaar joined forces with fellow Negative Zone warlord Syphonn, who created the Conqueror Wheel to access the Earth universe. During a confrontation with Adam Warlock, Annihilus and Blastaar realized that Syphonn planned to betray them-so they betrayed him first, forcing Syphonn to retreat as his Conqueror Wheel was destroyed by Warlock's allies. Stranded on the Negative Zone world of Argor by a glitch in Reed's Fold Space Transceptor prototype, the Fantastic Four stowed aboard Annihilus' monstrous spacecraft, but were soon detected and fought a heated battle with Annihilus inside a cargo hold. Seizing the Control Rod, Reed combined its technology with his Fold Space Transceptor and opened an access portal that allowed the Fantastic Four to escape Annihilus' spacecraft. Later, Annihilus faced a major setback when the N-Explorers, a team funded by the Gideon Trust to explore and loot the Negative Zone, stole his Control Rod. While fighting the N-Explorers for possession of his Rod, Annihilus was decapitated and slain by Hellscout, a descendant of 17th-century Puritan setters who had been stranded in the Negative Zone for centuries. Upon Annihilus' death, his body released a pod containing a nymph-like clone possessing his memories. After his new body's maturation, Annihilus awoke from his rebirth, but found the Control Rod missing and his empire in ruins. When Reed planned a new superhuman prison in the Negative Zone, the Fantastic Four were assaulted by Annihilus, who believed they had stolen his Control Rod. After a brief skirmish, the Fantastic Four subdued him, only to be attacked by a second Annihilus who had apparently also been spawned upon the death of his predecessor. Each believing himself to be the true Annihilus and the other the thief, the two Annihilus fought each other, allowing the Fantastic Four to escape. Most recently, Annihilus learned that our positive-matter universe was gradually expanding into his anti-matter Negative Zone. Seeking to take back what he believed was rightfully his, Annihilus led a majority of his Annihilation Wave fleet through the Crunch, the energy surge that separates the positive-matter universe from its anti-matter counterpart, leaving behind only a small number of units to maintain control of his Negative Zone empire. As his armada laid waste to the Skrull Empire, Annihilus himself seemingly killed the hero Quasar and acquired his Quantum Bands while searching for a way to harness the Power Cosmic. +This superhero's name is Ant-Man II. Their real name is Scott Lang. Scott Lang was an electronics expert who could not support his family doing repair work so he turned his talent to burglary. Apprehended, he served his prison sentence and was paroled in three years for good behavior. Lang had furthered his studies of electronics while in prison and was soon hired by Stark International to work in its design department. When his daughter was diagnosed as having a serious congenital heart condition, Lang sought the aid of surgeon Dr. Erica Sondheim, whom he believed to have been held prisoner at Cross Technological Enterprises. Desperate to help his daughter, Lang decided to resort to burglary. Breaking into the New Jersey home of Dr. Henry Pym, Lang stole his Ant-Man uniform and a shrinking gas canisters. Unknown to him, Pym observed the theft and in his current disguised as a Yellowjacket, followed Lang, curious to see what use he would do with the paraphernalia. Garbed as Ant-Man, Lang broke into cross and discovered Dr. Sondheim was indeed being held prisoner by Darren Cross, president of Cross Technological Enterprises, who needed her expertise to correct his own heart condition. Rescuing her and defeating Cross, Lang was relieved when Sondheim was able to save the life of his daughter. Lange intended to return the Ant-Man costume to its owner and turned himself in, but Henry Pym, aware the use which Lang put the stolen goods, offered to let him keep them, provided he put them to lawful use. Since that time, Lang has dawned the Ant-Man costume for various occasions to assist Iron Man, the Avengers, or the law, although he still considers himself a part time costume crime fighter. When Stark International became Staine International Scott Lange resigned out of respect to Tony Stark, its former head. Dividing his time between his new identity and his daughter, Ant-Man worked alongside several super heroes, frequently clashing with the mercenary trainer called the Taskmaster, against whom he aided the Avengers on two occasions. When Baron Zemo's Masters of Evil took control of Avengers Mansion, Ant-Man helped defeat the criminal super-team. He was hired by the Fantastic Four as an electronics expert when Mister Fantastic was believed dead, and he was soon inducted into the team; feeling outclassed against the powerful menaces the Fantastic Four faced, he nevertheless proved himself against a variety of foes and gained new confidence after repelling possession by the insectoid Grottu. Following Mister Fantastic's return, Ant-Man joined Heroes for Hire; upon its disbandment, he provided backup to both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. He also dated former super hero Jessica Jones, although their relationship never became serious. Ant-Man was subsequently invited to join the Avengers full-time, a role he accepted after losing custody of his daughter to his ex-wife. Joining at the same time as Jack of Hearts, Ant-Man had a clash of personalities with the younger hero, but the two worked together to rescue Cassie from an abductor before Jack seemingly perished. Jack briefly returned, under the control of the maddened Scarlet Witch, and exploded again, incinerating Ant-Man. +This superhero's name is Ant-Man (MCU). Their real name is Hank Pym. Doctor Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym was an entomologist and physicist who developed the Ant-Man Suit after discovering the Pym Particles. For a time, he worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. as a consultant and became the first Ant-Man. Later he formed his own company, Pym Technologies, and passed the title of Ant-Man down to Scott Lang when his own former protégé Darren Cross replicated the Pym Particle and attempted to sell his technology, the new Yellowjacket Suit, to the notorious paramilitary terrorist organization known as HYDRA. Thanks to his recruitment of Lang to stop Cross, and Lang’s successful escape from the Quantum Realm, Pym came to terms with losing his wife Janet van Dyne to the said realm years earlier, because he thought she could be alive in there. Two years later, he and his daughter, Hope van Dyne, as well as Lang, succeeded in bringing Janet back from the Quantum Realm. However, shortly after doing so, he, along with his wife and daughter, were erased from existence when Thanos, now in possession of all six Infinity Stones, snapped his fingers and wiped out half of the universe's population. +This superhero's name is Ant-Man. Their real name is Hank Pym. Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, is an American biochemist with extensive knowledge in various scientific fields, married Maria Trovaya, a brave and beautiful young woman who had been a political dissident in her native Hungary, from which she had fled. Naively believing that his American citizenship would protect her, Henry and Maria Pym traveled to Hungary shortly after their marriage. The Pyms were confronted by agents of the secret police there. Henry Pym was knocked unconscious and Maria was murdered. Pym was greatly distraught by his wife's death, and decided to do whatever he could in the future to battle injustice and inhumanity. Back in the United States, Pym discovered a rare group of subatomic particles, which have become known as the "Pym Particles." Pym was able, through the application of magnetic fields, to entrap the particles within two separate serums. One serum would reduce the size of persons and objects, and the other would restore them to their normal size. Pym tested the reducing serum on himself and discovered it was more powerful than he had expected: it reduced him to the size of an insect. Pym became entrapped in an anthill and was pursued by the ants within. He escaped and restored himself to his normal size with his other serum. Deciding that the serums were too dangerous to exist, Pym destroyed both of them. However, weeks later he reconsidered his decision and began to recreate the serums, whose existence he then kept secret. Inspired by his experience in the anthill, Pym undertook a study of ants, and theorized that ants communicate through psionic / electrical waves transmitted through their antennae. After months of work, Pym succeeded in creating his first "cybernetic helmet," which would enable him to communicate with ants through transmitting and receiving psionic / electrical waves. Thinking that someday he might want to use the shrinking potion on himself again, Pym also designed a protective costume for himself, Unstable Molecules and steel mesh. That same day, however, Pym received an assignment from the government to concoct a gas that would provide people with temporary, limited immunity to radioactivity under certain specific circumstances, based on his previous work. The government also assigned four other scientists to assist him in the project. The KGB, the Soviet Intelligence agency, learned of Pym's project and sent agents who held Pym and his assistants prisoner in their own laboratory. Only Pym knew the entire formula for the gas they had by now developed, and he refused to tell the Soviet agents. The agents set about searching the laboratory for the formula, intending to kill Pym and his assistants afterward. Unseen, Pym donned the cybernetic helmet and protective costume and, using his reducing formula, shrank himself to the size of an ant. He escaped to an anthill outside, put a large number of ants under his control through the helmet, and used them to attack the agents and free his men, who then overpowered their assailants. Pym then restored himself to normal size. Afterwards, in the guise of the Ant-Man, Pym battled various menaces, including Comrade X, the Protector, the criminal scientist Elihas "Egghead" Starr, who was to become Pym's greatest enemy, as well as the Scarlet Beetle, the Hijacker, the alien Kulla, the Voice and the Time Master. After an alien being from the planet Kosmos killed Pym's colleague, the scientist Vernon van Dyne, Pym revealed his secret identity of Ant-Man to van Dyne's daughter Janet, who wished to avenge his death. Pym taught Janet how to use the gas within which he now contained the "Pym Particles," and which he used to shrink himself in size, and through biochemistry, gave her the ability grow insect-like wings when she used the gas to shrink herself to insect size. As the Wasp, Janet van Dyne assisted the Ant-Man in finding and defeating the murderous Kosmosian. Pym and van Dyne gradually fell in love; van Dyne reminded Pym of his deceased first wife, Maria. Pym and van Dyne became crime-fighting partners in their costumed identities, fighting menaces like the Egghead, the A-Chiltarians and their robot Cyclops, the trumpet-playing criminal Trago, the Porcupine, the Human Top and the Black Knight (Nathan Garrett). They were two of the founding members of The Avengers and were part of the group that discovered the frozen form of Captain America, bringing the World War II hero into the modern world. +This superhero's name is Anti-Monitor. Their real name is Mobius. Oa started out as a peaceful planet with citizens of vast mental abilities and ambition. One of them, Krona, developed a screen to witness the dawn of time and caused an explosion on Oa. He was then sentenced to live forever in energy form. What happened during that explosion was the beginning of the Multiverse and all of the multitudes of its universes. Once the Oans took it upon themselves to fight for justice, some believed that they should destroy ALL evil. The other Oans did not agree and a civil war began. The ones of malevolent nature left for the dimension of Qward and sought the means to become all-mighty. In this universe, the Anti-Monitor was born on one of the moons as an excess of great energy taking form. At that same time in the positive matter universe, The Monitor was born of similar origin. Soon the Anti-Monitor took over Qward by mere force and created a legion of troops with the power to throw lightning bolts. These people are called the Thunderers. Those of the Thunderers that proved to be his most trusted and powerful were then altered into living Shadows. Once he sensed The Monitor in the positive universe, he began a 1,000,000,000 year long war with him, which ended in both of them losing consciousness. After 9,000,000,000 years of inactivity from either monitor, Pariah came up in his universe. Being the greatest scientist of all time, he sought to learn the secrets of the origin of the universe. Despite his universe's council's objections, he created an anti-matter cube with which he safely observed the origin of the universe. This origin is a giant hand reaching from an infinite abyss and forming a new universe. While observing this, the Anti-Monitor and The Monitor were freed and the Anti-Monitor converted the anti-matter into energy and used it to destroy Pariah's universe. After destroying this universe, he drained its energy once again and became even stronger. Along with this, the destruction of a positive matter universe caused the anti-matter universe to expand and make the Anti-Monitor even stronger. With this knowledge in hand, the Anti-Monitor set out to destroy all of the positive matter universes and, therefore, make himself as powerful as possible. During all of this, Pariah was alone for millions of years in his anti-matter chamber. Once The Monitor realized what the Anti-Monitor�s plan was, he set out to prevent it. He endowed Pariah with the curses of immortality and being transported to every universe at the moment of its destruction. While doing what he could to delay the Anti-Monitor, The Monitor set up a series of towers that would protect Earth-One and Earth-Two from destruction, as well as Earth-S, Earth-X, and Earth-Four. The Anti-Monitor did not know this, but in manipulating The Monitor�s confidante, Harbinger, to kill The Monitor, this powered the machines to work and the two universes were safe from his grasp. In an attempt to destroy the towers, the Anti-Monitor sent his shadow legions to destroy them, but that plan was thwarted by both Earths� heroes and villains. One of these villains, the second Psycho Pirate, switched sides and joined the Anti-Monitor in hope of a universe to manipulate the emotions of. The Anti-Monitor also reconfigured the Red Tornado to do his bidding for a short while as well as give the Flash (Barry Allen) to Psycho Pirate to play with his emotions. Once the Monitor was killed and the towers were powered up, both Earth-One and Earth-Two, along with all of time itself became connected at one moment in time. To please Psycho Pirate, the Anti-Monitor enhanced his powers and allowed him to manipulate all of Earth-S, Earth-Four, and Earth-X. After causing much havoc and betrayals, Psycho Pirate was thwarted by Harbinger and he lost much of his power. Then Earth-One and Earth-Two's heroes entered the anti-matter universe with the aid of Alexander Luthor. Alex is the son of Lex and Lois Luthor of Earth-Three, who was saved and endowed with control over positive matter and anti-matter. This enabled him to send Earth's heroes safely to the Anti-Monitor's universe. After they arrived at his citadel of living rock, they fought their way through to the core where Supergirl combated the Anti-Monitor. He had not collected much anti-matter recently, so he was very vulnerable and nowhere near so strong as he could be. After having his outer shell crushed by Supergirl, he was loose energy that needed to be contained. However he concentrated all of his energy directly at Supergirl and killed her while she destroyed the core and entire ship. He barely escaped in an escape pod, but both the Anti-Monitor and Earth's heroes escaped. The Anti-Monitor returned to his other ship of living rock and the heroes returned to Earth-One, which was now separate from Earth-Two and no longer of one time. Upon returning to his citadel, the Anti-Monitor forgave Psycho Pirate because he had nobody else to pick from at the moment with the ability to manipulate emotions. He also returned to oversee the near completion of his ultimate weapon, the anti-matter cannon, which will destroy the remaining five universes once and for all. All this time, the Flash has been waiting and concentrating on the proper moment to attack, which was then. He easily got out of a sticky snare and beat Psycho Pirate into submission. After getting his cooperation, the Flash ran the Psycho Pirate around the entire citadel and had him manipulate the Thunderers to turn on the Anti-Monitor and attack him, which they did. While they did so, the Flash entered the core of the anti-matter cannon and reversed the energy flow out of it. Upon doing so, the Flash exceeded the speed of light and was destroyed along with the cannon. After easily dispersing the atoms of his Thunderers, the Anti-Monitor realized that his weapon was destroyed and that he would have to take a more abstract approach. He drained the anti-matter energy of over 1,000,000 worlds and used it to travel back to the dawn of time, and Pariah followed due to his curse. Eventually after fighting a mini-war with the villains of Earth, its heroes and villains, along with a Superboy from a destroyed Earth-Prime, barely reached the dawn of time through a series of manipulations of powers, one of which was the Spectre powering their journey. Once they reached the Anti-Monitor, they attacked him with all of their power, but to no avail. He drained all of their life force and used it to attempt to alter history from the dawn of time. It turns out that the hand that Pariah and Krona witnessed at the dawn of time was the Anti-Monitor's, but this time he was confronted by the Spectre. Being backed up in power by all of the most powerful sorcerers there are, the Spectre brought an end to the Anti-Monitor's meddling in time. Upon slightly changing time, the multiverse became only two, the positive matter and the anti-matter universes. Earth�s heroes and villains that were present at the battle at the dawn of time were revived and some were placed back into the timestream while some others were there without a past except to the others that were at the dawn of time. The Anti-Monitor was also sent back to the anti-matter universe, his origin. Upon returning, he deployed literally countless shadow creatures to take the only Earth by force, but he also brought only the Earth into his universe. Upon arriving, Earth�s heroes are greeted by the Anti-Monitor and they attack him. Also at this time, the world�s greatest sorcerers, except the Spectre, have contained all of the shadow creatures into a mystical sphere. However, as the heroes start to lose in their assault on the Anti-Monitor, they deploy their secret attack set up by Harbinger, Alex Luthor, and Pariah. Alex uses his powers to drain as much anti-matter energy out of the Anti-Monitor as possible while the new Dr. Light, a female hero, drains the energy from a star. Then all at once, Dr. Light with the power of a star in her body, all of the heroes, Alex, and Harbinger attacked the Anti-Monitor and crushed him into a floating rock. Believing the Anti-Monitor to be dead, many of the heroes left the anti-matter universe through Alex, leaving for the most part Supermen of Earth-Two and Earth-One, Superboy-Prime, Lady Quark, and Alex Luthor. In an attempt to catch them off guard, the living Anti-Monitor consumed the energy in his shadow creatures and blasted Earth-Two's Wonder Woman in nothing (He actually accidentally reversed her time and she went through a rebirth). Then Superman of Earth-Two knocked Earth-One�s Superman and Lady Quark back into the positive universe through Alex and followed up with an attack on the Anti-Monitor with Superboy-Prime. At this moment, the Anti-Monitor became weakened and it was revealed that the sorcerers that contained the shadow demons poisoned them and this, in turn, poisoned the Anti-Monitor. In this moment of weakness, Superman of Earth-Two and Superboy-Prime physically attacked the Anti-Monitor and hurled him once again into the rock. Then they kept pounding on the rocks, but he still kept coming back and started to squeeze the life out Superman-Two and Superboy-Prime. At this moment, Darkseid decided to interfere and used Alex as a conduit to blast the Anti-Monitor with an energy beam from Alex�s eyes. He was then sent hurtling into a star and his crust finally gave out and his energy form became all that was left of the Anti-Monitor's self. In his last suicidal attempt to bring Superboy-Prime, Superman-Two, and Alex with him, the Anti-Monitor launched himself as an energy sphere from the star, but met his final and ultimate demise as Superman-2 shattered him into molecules of incoherent energy. He truly did die in this last attempt of murder, and is only remembered by those that were at the dawn of time and/or the battle in the anti-matter universe. Even though he died, it was too late for any of the remaining people to return to the Earth, so they went to an alternate dimension and stayed there for years with Lois of Earth-Two. Superman and Lois Lane of Earth-Two, Superboy-Prime of Earth-Prime, and Alexander Luthor, Jr. of Earth-Three, from their home in the hidden pocket universe, were revealed to be observing the events of the newly-formed universe, as well as the actions of its heroes. Upon observing the events leading up to Infinite Crisis, the heroes returned to the universe in an attempt to restore Earth-Two's existence, at the expense of Earth-One. The Anti-Monitor's remains were then used as part of a tuning fork, similar to the one's used during the first Crisis. The tower then created the vibrational frequency that Earth-Two was on prior to its nonexistence, which in turn recreated Earth-Two with no visible expense to Earth-One, save the movement of characters who originated on Earth-Two to the recreated Earth-Two. Alexander Luthor then recreated the other Earths with his tuning fork, with their respective heroes forcibly migrating to said Earths. Superboy-Prime (followed soon by Bart Allen) then returned from the Speed Force wearing what appeared to be select elements of the Anti-Monitor's armor, using it as a yellow sunlight collector. How he obtained it is still unrevealed, although evidence suggests that he built it himself while he was imprisoned and it merely resembles the Anti-Monitor's armour, although whether by intention or coincidence is unconfirmed. Ultimately, the tower was destroyed when Kon-El, the modern Superboy, and Superboy-Prime crashed into it while fighting each other, Kon-El dying in the arms of Wonder Girl as Superboy-Prime fled. Following the recreation of the Multiverse, the Anti-Monitor was reborn and he has been fueling Sinestro's ideology since the return of Hal Jordan, acting as the Sinestro Corps' "Guardian of Fear." His body was rebuilt by the Manhunters, and in addition, he recruited Superman-Prime, the Cyborg Superman, and Parallax, who was using Kyle Rayner as its host, along with Sinestro as his 'heralds'. During the war between the Sinestro Corps and the Green Lantern Corps, the Anti-Monitor contacted Cyborg Superman to inquire about the status of New Warworld. The cosmic tyrant stated that he would soon abandon Qward and that he would kill Henshaw for his services, allowing him the peace that had for so long evaded the cyborg. When the Lost Lanterns made their way to the antimatter universe to save Hal Jordan and the Ion power, they inadvertently stumbled upon the Anti-Monitor in a basement chamber of his stronghold on Qward. He was seemingly experimenting on or torturing the Ion Entity previously inhabiting Kyle Rayner. He proceeded to kill Ke'Haan before the other Lanterns forced him back, taking the Ion entity from the planet and the antimatter universe. The Anti-Monitor pursued the Lanterns for a short while, long enough for Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart and the other Lanterns to learn of his return. Having this vital information, they then leave Qward. Shortly after, the Sinestro Corps launched their attack on Earth. The Anti-Monitor traveled to the planet aboard New Warworld, and landed shortly thereafter, along with Sinestro. He was attacked by Sodam Yat and other members of the Green Lantern Corps, but the tyrant easily killed two Corpsmen and severely injured the Daxamite Lantern. The Anti-Monitor begins to siphon the positive matter of New York City to create his traditional antimatter waves. However, he is attacked by the Guardians of the Universe, angry at being impotent during his first war. The Guardians were equally matched against the Anti-Monitor, but only as a whole. John Stewart and Guy Gardner brought down New Warworld and its Yellow Power Battery were detonated next to a trapped Anti-Monitor. Although it succeeded in tearing through most of the Anti-Monitor's armor and weakening him, he survived the explosion. Superman-Prime took this opportunity to have his revenge on the Anti-Monitor for destroying his universe by flying through the Anti-Monitor's chest and hurls his shattered body into space. The Anti-Monitor's shriveled and glowing form crashed on the planet Ryut in Sector 666, where he is recognized by a dark voice that bids him rise. Too weak to resist or escape, the Anti-Monitor is then imprisoned in a Black Lantern Central Power Battery. Shortly after his defeat, a female Guardian called Scar, who was burned by the Anti-Monitor, charged Green Lantern Ash of Sector 650 with the task of locating and recovering the Anti-Monitor's corpse. He eventually found part of the Anti-Monitor's helmet, the trajectory of which indicated that the Anti-Monitor's body was oriented toward the long abandoned Sector 666. Green Lanterns Ash and Saarek discovered the Black Central Power Battery on Ryut and after touching the battery, Saarek reported that their presence has awoken something. The two try to escape just before two monstrous hands emerge from below them to the sound of the battery calling: "flesh." Both Lanterns were dragged into the planet, killing them. It was revealed that the Guardian Scar had died long ago after the Anti-Monitor's attack and, functioning as an undead, caused her to become the Guardian of the Black Lantern Corps. Through her state of death, she made contact with the demon Nekron, who is the one responsible for imprisoning the Anti-Monitor in the black battery as its power source. When the battery is brought to Earth, the Anti-Monitor stirs within, demanding to be let out. He begins draining the white energies of Dove in order to attempt an escape. The Anti-Monitor is revived as a Black Lantern independent from Nekron's control. Just as the entity was on the verge of pulling himself out of the battery, he is attacked by the various Lantern Corps, who seek to destroy him, thus robbing the Black Lanterns of their power source. Combining their energies, and using Dove as a human bullet, they manage to weaken the Anti-Monitor, who is pulled back into the battery. At the end, the Anti-Monitor was among the few who were brought back to life. He broke free from the Black Battery but was banished back to the anti-matter universe by Nekron. The Anti-Monitor was confronted by the White Lantern Boston Brand, who was forced to fight the being and damaging him in the process with his White Lantern Ring before escaping, leaving the Anti-Monitor confused by what had occurred. This event led the Anti-Monitor to be curious about the Entity and preventing Deathstorm, the Black Lantern version of Firestorm, in his attempt to destroy the White Lantern Battery and instead commanded him to bring the lantern and as well an army to him. Deathstorm obeyed by bringing the Black Lantern versions of Professor Zoom, Maxwell Lord, Hawk, Jade, Captain Boomerang, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Deadman and Osiris. When Deathstorm brought the White Lantern Battery to the Anti-Monitor, his efforts were stopped by Firestorm who, after engaging in battle with the Anti-Monitor and the Black Lanterns, is able to regain the White Power Battery from the Anti-Monitor. Unknown to everyone, the Entity of the White Battery allowed itself to be captured so it could obtain unspecified information from the Anti-Monitor. +This superhero's name is Anti-Spawn. Their real name is The Redeemer. The first Redeemer, or Anti-Spawn, as he was referred to at the time, was Jason Wynn, the very man responsible for Al Simmons' death, and therefore indirectly responsible for his transformation into a Hellspawn. Through nuclear diffusion, his body and soul were melded with Angelic Fire, Heaven's answer to Hell's Necroplasm. The Angelic Fire causes Wynn a great amount of pain and suffering, which can supposedly only be alleviated by Spawn's defeat. Frenzied with pain, the Anti-Spawn mercilessly attacks Spawn, who is seemingly unable to defend himself against this new threat. As the Anti-Spawn was about to deliver the killing blow, a distraction provided by the bums in the alley gave Spawn an opening to defeat the Anti-Spawn. Wynn was recalled to the space station, where he was to be infused with even more Angelic Fire seemingly due to his lack of purity preventing him from harnessing its true power. This apparently failed and Wynn was returned to earth with his mind wiped of the events. +This superhero's name is Anti-Venom. Their real name is Eddie Brock. Check Venom I for previous history. Thanks to Mr.Li's "mysterious powers." Eddie was cured of both his cancer and the remnants of the symbiote. Unfortunately, the current Venom entered the F.E.A.S.T. center looking for Spider-man. He found Eddie and the symbiote began to crawl onto him again. However, Mr. Li's powers clash with the takeover and they formed Anti-Venom. Later in a fight against Spider-man, he noticed his foe rescue an innocent old man. Inspired, Anti-venom helped Spidey cure the current Venom. He engaged Venom in a fight, and after receiving some help from Spider-Man, cured Gargan from the symbiote, but also felt some remnants of the symbiote inside Peter's blood and began "curing" him as well, but also ended up sucking the radiation from Spider-Man's blood, something that might depower him. Later, Thunderbolts guards arrived to took the disabled Gargan to the ship while Songbird and Radioactive Man battled Spider-Man and Anti-Venom. After the fight, Anti-Venom snuck on the Thunderbolts ship and stole back Peter Parker's camera, looted by Norman Osborn in a bid to reverse engineer the tracing system allowing the camera to zero on Spider-Man's chest. He was able to help Peter escape Osborn's tracer and forewarns him about the villain's next move in a show of friendship and good-will. Anti-Venom led Spider-Man to Oscorp and the two split up. Brock disguised himself as Spider-Man to distract the other Thunderbolts while Spider-Man went after Osborn. After webbing up Songbird and Radioactive Man to a wall, Anti-Venom faced Gargan, who was now wearing a new Scorpion battlesuit to protect his recovering symbiote. After a grueling battle Gargan, as Scorpion, hit Anti-Venom with his stinger and injected a poisonous formula that seemingly destroyed Brock's symbiote. Gargan (now Venom III) advanced to kill Brock but was met with resistance by his Venom symbiote. The symbiote gained strength and broke though Gargan's battle suit, refusing to let Gargan kill Brock. Gargan explained that the alien still loved Brock too much and gave up, but he promised Brock that he would get past this problem and someday finish him off, to which Brock replied "not if I kill you first." Unknown to Gargan, Brock's Anti-Venom suit reformed. Now a fugitive for helping Spider-Man and fighting the Thunderbolts, Brock was back on the streets, planning to continue his former vigilante antihero career with seemingly increased religious emphasis as The Anti-Venom. He even cured a young girl, Jenna Cole, from her heroin addiction. Brock was the first person to find out that Martin Li was Mister Negative. In the end, Eddie questioned his own faith and cried out that no one would believe him, because he was a monster. Working with Jenna Cole, Eddie fought crime in the sleazier areas of New York, having separated themselves from the F.E.A.S.T. foundation. As Anti-Venom he would "cure" the streets of drug traders after Jenna would go undercover to lure them out. He became increasingly unstable mentally, reverting back to his "Venom" personality and was overtly/near lethally protective of Jenna. At a drug bust Eddie walked in on the Quintas gang after they had captured Jenna, preparing to transform until the Punisher intervened. Anti-Venom and Castle slaughtered the criminals until a gang member took Jenna hostage. Eddie stopped Castle from shooting the gang member through Jenna, however upon hearing his full name (Eddie Brock the serial killer) he shot Anti-Venom in the head with a shotgun. Anti-Venom recovered and attacked the Punisher in retaliation. Eddie and the Punisher almost killed each other, but Eddie declared a truce, saying that if the Punisher didn't back down he'd make him go to Mexico with him in a wheelchair and that he could drive the Punisher's van. The Punisher agreed to the truce, but tried to kill Eddie again during the border crossing with a knife. He dropped Eddie off at the compound, figuring Eddie would die instead of him, and this way he planned to take care of two birds with one stone. When he talked on the phone to the leader of the Quintas gang and found that Jenna had relapsed and was doing drugs again, Eddie lost control and tore one of the Quintas in half in a fit of rage. After killing the remaining guards, Eddie rejoined the Punisher, and the two launched an attack on the Quintas. At the end of the raid, Eddie found a severely drugged Jenna, who seemed afraid of his Anti-Venom costume. After withdrawing the symbiote into himself, Eddie managed to calm her down. At this point, the Punisher attempted to snipe Eddie from a distance, but ultimately decides not to, later he had found out he had ran out of ammo. After the Punisher left, Jenna and Eddie took a jeep and returned home. +This superhero's name is Apocalypse (FOX). Their real name is En Sabah Nur. Apocalypse, known to others by his birth name "En Sabah Nur", was born in 8000 B.C. (claiming to have been worshiped by several ancient civilizations over his many lives, being called Elohim, Shen, and Ra, among other names), and is the firstborn of the mutant race, as he rules the world in Akkaba of prehistoric Egypt. According to Moira, wherever Apocalypse was, he always had four primary followers that he would bestow powers to, and wherever he ruled, it would eventually end in a cataclysm or an apocalypse of some sort. Throughout his reign, he had helped grow and eventually destroy many cities and civilizations before recorded history. Due to this, he started to believe himself to be a god; he thought that he was untouchable, and able to kill at a whim. A young Apocalypse is first seen. In prehistoric Egypt, a young En Sabah Nur is seen in using his powers to construct a pyramid while a vast crowd of people bow before him, chanting his name while his Horsemen look on. Apocalypse begins transferring his consciousness. While performing a transferal of his essence into a new mutant's body, one with instantaneous healing, his worshipers betray him and set forth the destruction of his pyramid. The Four Horsemen ensure Apocalypse still survives the ordeal even as the monument is collapsed, killing the followers while keeping En Sabah Nur entombed for millennia. In the original timeline, Apocalypse remains dormant in his tomb. It is unknown if a modern cult developed around him, or is it certain if the Sentinels detected him or not. Following the 1973 incidents that revealed mutantkind to the wider world, a group of Egyptians started the Cult of En Sabah Nur (or Ashir En Sabah Nur, according to Moira MacTaggert) and discovered where his resting place lied in Cairo. As Moira investigated them in 1983, she saw En Sabah Nur awaken at the ruins, killing the cultists. En Sabah Nur decides to explore the modern day world, and while roaming Cairo, he sees street thief Ororo Munroe use her weather control powers to steal food. The shopkeepers go to threaten Ororo, before being interrupted by the intervention of Apocalypse. After miscommunication due to En Sabah Nur speaking outdated dialects, he eventually kills the men chasing Ororo by using sand to punch through the sides of their necks and literally melting the last into a wall. Ororo takes En Sabah Nur to her house. Once he sees a television, touching it enables Apocalypse's powers to connect to all broadcasts in the world, making him learn modern languages and how mankind evolved the previous millennia. Believing that without his presence, humanity has grown weaker, he decides to destroy it in order to rebuild society from his point of view. He enhances Ororo's powers to turn her into the first of the new Horsemen. Apocalypse and Storm then go to Berlin seeking Caliban, a mutant broker who knows the location of other Homo superior. Caliban refuses to concede information without getting paid and draws a gun on En Sabah Nur, who proceeds to use his powers to disintegrate it. Caliban's enforcer Psylocke then extends a sword and her psi-katana upon Apocalypse to protect her boss. Impressed, En Sabah Nur goes on to enhance Psylocke and turn her into a Horseman, and she replies by taking her to a powerful mutant. Angel, a former cage fighter who went into drunk depression after injuring his wings fighting Nightcrawler, becomes the third Horseman as Apocalypse replaces his wings with metal ones, renaming him "Archangel", "my Angel of Death". X-MEN APOCALYPSE 51.png Apocalypse vows to destroy and rebuild the entire world. After recruiting the trio, Apocalypse arrives together with them to a steel plant factory in Poland, where Erik Lehnsherr, also known as "Magneto", wants to kill his former co-workers for causing the death of his wife and daughter. Apocalypse kills the workers by fusing them to the ground, and teleports with Magneto to Auschwitz Concentration Camp, where Erik had seen his powers awaken 40 years prior. After some encouragement from En Sabah Nur, who tells Erik that Earth's magnetic field and ground metals can be exploited by Magneto's powers, Erik proceeds to destroy the ruins, finally giving him some closure, and promptly agrees to join forces with the ancient mutant (who further enhances Erik's already immense mutant powers), becoming his fourth and final Horseman of the Apocalypse, Apocalypse proclaiming that "everything they've built will fall". As Apocalypse gathers his Four Horsemen and gives them special armor, Erik is contacted telepathically by Charles Xavier through Cerebro. En Sabah Nur notices the communication and uses his powers to take over Xavier's mind, and by extension Cerebro. Apocalypse forces military around the world to launch Earth's entire nuclear arsenal into space so it cannot be used against him. After Havok destroys Cerebro with his powers, Apocalypse and the horsemen teleport to the X-Mansion to kidnap Xavier. Havok's attempt at attacking Apocalypse ends hitting a generator and causes a massive explosion that destroys the mansion, with everyone inside except for Havok only surviving due to Quicksilver's intervention. En Sabah Nur - Apocalypse.png Apocalypse destroys almost all of the city of Cairo, killing thousands. Xavier is brought by En Sabah Nur to Cairo and forced to broadcast a threatening message to all the human race on the behalf of Apocalypse. Without En Sabah Nur knowing, Xavier also revealed his location in a hidden telepathic message to his student Jean Grey. En Sabah Nur destroyed most of Cairo to rebuild his pyramid, and ordered Magneto to stand outside it using his powers to control Earth's magnetic poles, causing widespread destruction across the planet and mass casualties. Meanwhile, inside the pyramid En Sabah Nur would transfer his consciousness to Xavier's body, as the telepath's powers would allow him to "be everywhere, be everyone". Apocalypse strangles Mystique. The X-Men arrive during the process, and Nightcrawler interrupts the transferal by teleporting Xavier out of the pyramid, much to Apocalypse's frustration, but not before Professor X loses his hair. As Apocalypse steps outside the pyramid, he witnesses Angel's death, calling him useless, before being repeatedly punched in the face by Quicksilver, who uses his super speed to not be noticed; however, En Sabah Nur is uninjured and soon adapts, trapping one of the speedster's feet to the ground, before breaking Peter's arm and leg. As Psylocke comes closer, he requests for her to execute Peter. Instead she strikes En Sabah Nur on the neck, and seeing it is not his Horseman, he proceeds to attack and strangle the mutant, revealed as a disguised Mystique. Apocalypse battles all of the X-Men at the same time. He orders Xavier to reveal his location, and the telepath goes on to attack Apocalypse at the Astral Plane. Although Xavier is able to overpower him at first, enough so that Apocalypse releases his grip on Mystique, En Sabah Nur quickly gains controls and finds Xavier's hideout. However, his attempt at getting there is interrupted by Magneto, who, seeing the errors of his ways and refusing to let his former friends die, switches sides. While the X-Men fight Apocalypse, Jean ventures into the astral plane and learns from Xavier that Apocalypse is physically weakened after centuries in the same body. Jean and Magneto join forces and dismantle Apocalypse's armor, with Jean tapping into the Phoenix Force. Once the Phoenix Force was unleashed, En Sabah Nur screamed in immense pain as his frail true form is exposed, Magneto pierces him with a tremendous torrent of high-speed metal projectiles, Cyclops fires his laser beam. Realizing he is outmatched, and in immense pain, En Sabah Nur attempts to teleport away; however, Storm, shocked by her leader's harsh words towards Angel following his death and his brutality towards Mystique and Quicksilver, also switches sides and uses lightning to prevent him from leaving. As a dying En Sabah Nur looks up at the Phoenix Force, he proclaims that "all is revealed" to Jean Grey. He then finally accepts his death as his fate, after which Phoenix incinerates him into dust, finally ending the threat for good. +This superhero's name is Aquababy. Their real name is Arthur Curry, Jr.. Arthur Curry Jr. was born the son of the Atlantean King Aquaman, and his wife Mera. Although he primarily remained within the Aquacave and Atlantis, he also participated in adventures with his ocean dwelling parents. Aquaman's nemesis Black Manta murdered Aquababy by suffocation. He was buried at Mercy Reef. The death of the child ultimately resulted in the separation of Aquaman and his wife. +This superhero's name is Aquagirl I. Their real name is Tula. Tula lost her parents soon after her birth. She was found and adopted by one of the royal families of Atlantis. For most of her youth, she remained secluded in the royal home, where she was taught in the Atlanteans ways and traditions. At a young age, she met Garth, the ward of the king, and though she liked him, he did not see much in her. Much later, she ventured out of the palace, and met up with Garth, now Aqualad. The teenagers fell in love, and both in need for appreciation, they left the kingdom looking for adventure. With the fun over, they returned home.Aquagirl left most adventuring to the boys, only rarely accompanying them. She usually baby-sat Aquababy. +This superhero's name is Aqualad II. Their real name is Jackson Hyde. +This superhero's name is Aqualad. Their real name is Garth. Garth's origin is similar to that of his mentor. He is an amphibious humanoid who was left to die because of ancient Atlantean superstition and prophecy. Tempest was a prince of the Idyllists, a colony of Atlanteans that settled in the Hidden Valley 4,000 years ago. There, nestled in the capital city of Shayeris, the pacifist Idyllists became rabid builders and collectors, architects and artisans, and eschewed physical violence at all costs. The Idyllists were also practitioners of magic and kept an extensive library of mystical texts and scrolls. Approximately four decades ago, King Thar and his wife Queen Berra, became the reigning monarchs of Shayeris. Thar had inherited the throne and access to ancient magical energies that his brother Zath, a powerful magician in his own right, believed to be rightfully his. Zath practiced dark sorcery and necromancy, the raising of the dead, and was eventually banished from the Hidden Valley. His body transformed into disgusting, half human form, Zath, renamed Slizzath, returned to Shayeris twenty years later with an army of undead. He planned to invade the Hidden Valley and transform it into a necropolis he would rule. King Thar knew of this and assembled an armory of robots and weapons to stop his demented brother. But the Idylist radicals killed him and banished his pregnant wife Berra back to Atlantis. Before Thar was killed, however, he was able to cast a magical spell that trapped Slizzath in an otherdimensional prison. Unfortunately, this spell was linked to a magical ritual which would give his offspring access to incredible mystical powers and accessing that ritual would give Slizzath the energy required to break free of his prison. So word was sent out that all babies born with purple eyes, the Idylist mark of power, should be banished and killed, lest they try to perform the access ritual and accidentally free Slizzath and his undead army. The Idylists also claimed that Thar had gone insane to hide their complex, fearful plan. In Poseidonis, one of the domed cities of Atlantis, Queen Berra gave birth to her baby boy, Garth, who was born with purple eyes. The Atlanteans claimed Garth had been born genetically inferior and sentenced him to death on a seabed leagues away from Atlantis. But, with the secret help of Aquaman's father, the Atlantean sorcerer Atlan, the young Garth not only survived but thrived. It was Atlan who taught Garth language and survival rituals and kept the young boy from going feral as he scavenged his way through the undersea. Garth did develop an intense fear of schools of fish, however, that haunted him into his teens. He was one of the founding members of the Teen Titans, and has been been a member of that team in many of its incarnations although later as a reservist since he began to feel he was of little help out of the water. His girlfriend for many years was Aquagirl, until her death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. As a result of his grief and repeated telepathic abuse by Mento, among other factors, Aqualad lost his ability to control marine life. While he later regained this power during the Millennium event, it came with the condition that his commands must now be phrased as requests to the creatures to perform desired actions, although the animals apparently need little persuasion. Shortly before Zero Hour, it was Garth who convinced Aquaman to come out of his depression and back into action. The two of them investigated a down submarine and fight a villain named Charybdis. During the battle, Garth at one point thinks he spots Tula in the distance. After disagreeing with Aquaman leaves his mentor swimming off with Dolphin, Garth decides to investigate the Tula sighting. It was not, in fact, Aquagirl, but a "shark-girl". Garth is captured by her people and chained up to a rock, left to be killed by a deadly whirlwind. He is rescued by Aquaman's father,Atlan, who transports him to another dimension. Atlan takes Garth to the Grotto, a convergence between difference dimensions, and spends the next several months to a year(although only days or weeks pass on Earth) training Garth in his mystical heritage, preparing him for his eventual role as the guardian of all undersea humanoid communities. In addition to other magical abilities, Garth can affect the water with blasts of freezing or boiling energy. He returns to Earth and helps Aquaman fight off an invasion of the Hunter/Gatherers. When they are victorious, he leaves with Atlan again for a new mission. Atlan takes Garth back to the Hidden Valley where he has to battle Slizzath, who has intentions of conquring all the oceans. Garth adopts his new name, Tempest, and is confronted by a resurrected Tula (only to have her die again) and comes out of the experience older and more mature, with a new confidence in himself (and a new uniform). Tempest resumed his role as Aquaman's right hand man and also joined the newly reformed Titans along with his old friends. Some friction arose between the two heroes when Aquaman's lover, Dolphin, left him for Tempest, but the two have since resolved their differences.Tempest proceded to get Dolphin pregnant and temporarily freaks out over it. Tempest and Dolphin decided to get married shortly thereafter. The Titans came to Atlantis to attend the wedding. (See the Talk section for more on this plot twist) Dolphin gave birth just as Atlantis was being attacked by the island nation of Cerdia. The baby was kidnapped by Ocean Master, who had orchestrated the war, but was successfully rescued. After the war, when Atlantis annexed the island, Garth decided to name the baby Cerdian as a gesture of goodwill (nicknamed Ian). Garth had recently assumed the duties of king of Atlantis after Aquaman had abandoned both the kingship and role as Aquaman. Garth was recently attacked by the possesed Aquaman, Tula and Dolphin who were Black Lanterns. Garth fought off Tula and Dolphin until he was stabbed in his chest and died instantly, Aquaman left him to fight Mera. Upon his death, a Black Lantern Power Ring flew onto his finger and attached itself bringing him back from death as a possessed being. Garth then stood beside his deceased wife, former girlfriend and adopted father as part of the Black Lantern Corps. +This superhero's name is Aquaman (Injustice). Their real name is Arthur Curry. Arthur Curry, also known as Orin Atlanson, was born a Human/Atlantean hybrid in the simple town of Amnesty Bay. He was raised by the humble lighthouse keeper Tom Curry, where his true mother was Atlanna, the queen of Atlantis who was exiled for her son baring resemblance to Kordax, a tyrannical being known for his blonde hair and ability to control aquatic life. Beyond that burden, Arthur lived a simple life, until he learned of his origins when Atlanna was in her deathbed. This inspired him to go explore his roots in the deep sea below, and proved the Atlanteans wrong about his supposed resemblance to the once-notorious villain. Thus, he began his sea-faring adventures as Aquaman, where he would then become the king of Atlantis, and a loving husband and father to his family. He's also credited as a founding member of the Justice League of America. +This superhero's name is Aquaman. Their real name is Orin. Aquaman is the telepathic ruler of Atlantis and the Earth's oceans, an Atlantean with incredible strength and speed as well as the ability to command all sea-life. His unique physiology allows him to survive on land and at the ocean's greatest depths of pressure and temperature. Given the names Orin through his royal heritage and Arthur Curry by his human upbringing, he fights to protect both worlds using his mighty abilities and political influence. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America. Originally in Silver Age continuity Arthur Curry was the son of a lighthouse keeper named Tom Curry and a woman named Atlanna. Tom Curry lived in Amnesty Bay, Maine and raised his son with wife in the local Lighthouse. Arthur started to manifest incredible strength and speed at a young age, as well as the abilities to breathe underwater and talk to fish. On her deathbed, his mother revealed that she was an exiled Queen of Atlantis and he would someday inherit rule of the seven seas. His father gave him an education and taught him to control his powers, eventually allowing him to grow up and become the super-hero Aquaman. His origins were changed when the universe was rebooted during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Orin was born an heir to the Atlantean Royal Family. His mother Atlanna had been unable to conceive a child with her husband King Trevis, but she was impregnated during a dream by the immortal wizard Atlan. Atlan prophesized the child's future and named him after his ancestor Orin, promising that he would sire another son because two brothers must always struggle for the fate of Atlantis. Trevis immediately knew the child wasn't his because of the blonde hair, a long-held superstition that a child might carry the curse of Kordax. The baby was announced as a miscarriage and left to die on Mercy Reef, where his ability to communicate with sealife allowed him to be raised by Dolphins. His adopted mother was named Porm and she gave him the name Swimmer, although he left this new family after fisherman killed his adopted brother Drin. His next encounter with humanity was a lighthouse operator named Tom Curry who took him in as a son, giving him the human name Arthur Curry before his death. Spending time in Alaska, he met and fell in love with the beautiful eskimo girl Kako. They conceived a child together, but the demonic god Nuliajuk forced Arthur to leave before he could learn of the pregnancy. His next fight against a God would be Poseidon's son Triton when he rescued Princess Diana from his sexual advances. Returning to Atlantis, he was arrested and sentenced to hard labor in the Aquarium prison. He found mentorship in the former professor Vulko who taught him Atlantean, although he decided to escape when he learned that his birth mother had died. Curry's first encounter with another super-hero was The Flash, who named him "Aquaman" during a press conference in Crescent Shore after they fought the Trickster. Upon his next return, Orin learns that Vulko has led a revolution and claims his birthright as the King of Atlantis. This has supposedly changed during Infinite Crisis, as a conversation with Jackson Hyde during Brightest Day reveals him to be once again the son of Atlanna and lighthouse keeper Tom Curry. Aquaman would go on to become a founding member of the Justice League of America, although their origins have been altered several times in continuity. The original founding members included Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Superman and Wonder Woman. They met for the first time during an alien invasion by the Appellaxians. This was later amended Post-Crisis to write Batman and Superman out of the story, with Wonder Woman replaced by Black Canary. Flashpoint completely changes the course of history, and their origins are completely revised in the new timeline. Aquaman meets the other members of the League during a world-wide crisis caused by Darkseid. Aquaman Family Arthur met a youth abandoned at birth by the Idylists and took him in as his side-kick, the original Aqualad. He would later meet Mera, the Queen of Dimension Aqua. They would eventually marry. Their first child together was named Arthur Curry, Jr.. Black Manta returned with a series of more vicious personal attacks, beginning with an assault on Atlantis' agricultural system. Struggling under the political responsibilities of his position, Aquaman commissioned the brilliant inventor Weisbogg to create a robotic duplicate for his ceremonial duties, although the scientist had been working for Manta and created a mechanized Bugala that almost destroyed the city. Manta would next bury him under several tons of rubble, although he escaped through a cavernous passage with the guidance of cave-dwelling fish. The next great threat would be an invasion by Captain Demo's high-tech pirates who actually managed to subjugate the city with terrorist threats until Aquaman managed to disable their explosives and defeat them. NATO came into conflict with Atlantis when the dangerous New Order terrorist group swam through their waters carrying the stolen potential to make a nuclear warhead. General Horgan launched a missile believing that the hundreds of Atlanteans lost in the cross-fire would be nothing compared to the potential thousands of dead. The missile was barely averted in time for Aquaman to take down the terrorists single-handedly and defuse their hostage situation. Passing through France he encountered an aquatic drug-smuggling operation organized by the Fisherman using Dolphins to traffic heroin, and helped Interpol shut it down. Believing him to be spending too much time away from the city, the Atlantean Royal Council held a democratic election and had him dethroned, instating a villain in disguise named Karshon in his place as King. Discovering his impeachment upon return to Atlantis, Aquaman was framed for stealing a vial of Serum X from the royal armory during a battle against Ocean Master to save Monaco. Karshon made him an enemy of the state, and he was forced into exile while his former subjects hunted him down across the ocean. Running from the law, Aquaman and his family established a new Aquacave as their hideout. Arthur and Mera were kidnapped by the men of a nearby small town ruled by its high priest Toxxin who believed they were part of a prophecy to destroy the Krakor monster, although they defeated him and escaped after slaying it. Aqualad and Aquagirl return to help solve the conspiracy when they break up one of Manta's smuggling operations in Mississippi. Investigating Manta's gun-running laser rifles to Atlantis, Aquaman is caught in one of the Fisherman's death traps to distract him while Karshon sends telepathic sharks to kidnap Mera and Aquababy. Aquaman is defeated by Black Manta in his rage, and imprisoned alongside Vulko as a traitor. He breaks out and returns to his throne room to challenge Karshon, who is revealed to be a telepathic enemy of Green Lantern known as The Shark. They fight for their lives while Aquababy and Mera face a death-trap, until Aquaman tricks the Shark into overdosing on radiation poisoning. Once the city is restored to sanity and order, having decided that it is too much of a challenge trying to handle both responsibilities, he cedes the crown to Vulko in his absence and decides to become a super-hero full-time. His next adventure was to help Horgan save a boat-load of swine flu vaccines from the telepathic Marine Marauder. He helped NATO again when Weather Wizard stole an experimental medical device being transported across the Atlantic. Chasing after Topo to save Aqualad from trouble, he also met a lost tribe called the Idylists when he saved Sett and Thoran from an under-sea Starro mutated by pollution. In the City of the Lost Tribes he discovered that Black Manta had easily conquered the pacifistic Idylists and was attempting to set up an under-water colony for black people to escape persecution on the surface. Aquaman and Aqualad were put in a shielded arena together and forced to fight to the death for Aquababy's life. Although they managed to break out and destroy Manta's operations, they were too late to stop him from killing the child or escaping. Aqualad decided to remain behind with the Idylists and finally discovered his parentage, as the son of their King Thar and Queen Berra who had been assassinated years earlier. Seeking revenge against Black Manta, he pursued him to a sunken mine field and almost died fighting the villain; he was assisted by one of the mercenaries who grew disillusioned with the slaughter involved in Manta's plan, Cal Durham. In a critical moment as he was about to murder his nemesis, Aquaman remembered that his ideals need to stand for something and had him arrested instead. Fisherman struck again by attempting to fry him while tied to the Curry Lighthouse, although Arthur escaped by remembering his Atlanna mother's words to summon strength and went after him. Defeating him in the Mariana Trench, they were both taken by surprise when Scavenger took the cargo Fisherman had been trying to steal. The trail led back to Kobra, who had been manipulating the other super-villains and stole the several tons of explosives for himself. Aquaman teamed up with Batman and Green Lantern to stop the Kobra Cult from destroying Portugal and moving on to the rest of the world. Meanwhile in Atlantis, it turned out that Aquababy had not died from suffocation and was being kept on life support by Vulko. Mera returned to Dimension Aqua to find a machine designed by Xebel that could save him, although instead she was forced to depose the tyrannical regime of Leron established as dictator in her absence. By the time she returned it was too late, and she faced the agony of her son's death a second time. Aquaman returned in the middle of the funeral and Mera tried to kill him for not being there when their son needed him most, believing that his super-heroics and revenge were more important to him than his own family. They were interrupted by a villain named Sea Quake who almost destroyed the city with destructive sonic waves, although he was revealed to be a mindless robot. Ocean Master had been controlling the robot to create a fissure in the ocean floor, diving down to retrieve an ancient Atlantean super-weapon. Aquaman defeated him alongside Aqualad and Mera, and the family seemed together again if not entirely complete. Returning to active duty, he takes down a big game hunter named Colin Landau who specializes in whales. Vulko makes a business deal with the sinister Universal Food Products to share farming secrets, unaware of their ulterior motives. Aquaman discovers that their leader Mr. Amos intends to make Atlantis a desolate wasteland, but Vulko refuses to believe and has him arrested for interfering. Despite his wife and partner sent to subdue him, he evades the guards and proves his innocence by taking the corporation down. Atlantis is threatened again by the Greek tycoon Stavros Markos, who sends them into a blackout while his goons attempt a coup. They also fight off a Nazi contingent who attempt to steal their secrets by replacing the government with obedient holograms. In the Bermuda Triangle, he stumbles upon the literal Graveyard of Ships, which he discovers is a dimension accidentally created by the scientist Atlena. Returning to New Venice, he learns that they have developed an Aquaman Museum and decides to make his new base there. Doctor Light is the first to discover this new home, and attempts to assassinate him. Scavenger attempts to steal the machinery that they need to rescue Atlena and her people. New Venice is attacked by a Poseidon impostor who telepathically commands an army of marine life, but he's defeated when his trident is destroyed. Cal Durham returns to ally himself with Aquaman when he gets out of prison. Black Manta puts together a derelict army called the Kingdom of Hope to invade Atlantis, and simultaneously launches nuclear missiles at New Venice to keep his nemesis busy; he is asked why, and says that it's simply because he hates Aquaman's guts. Knocking the missiles off-course, he ends the battle by promising the homeless soldiers that they will be given a place to live without having to fight for it. Ocean Master is revealed to be responsible for the Kingdom of Hope, using a Black Manta robot. He escapes capture and the Poseidon impostor attacks again. Atlanna is revealed to have survived and turned evil, working with Orm to destroy her son. Poseidon turns good when he is revealed to be an android given the personality and memories of Tom Curry. They battle, and Atlanna uses a robotic army of Aquaman's greatest enemies. Atlena appears telepathically and appeals to her conscience, leading Atlanna to once again destroy herself and her android husband. Before exploding, they ask Arthur and Orm to love each other as their dying wish. In his next adventure, The Atom helps him investigate a new undersea life-form. His next team-up is with Air Wave, when a Zeta-Beam puts them into contact with extra-terrestrial marine biology. This transports him to the planet Vortuma where he meets the Hexapuses, an aquatic race attempting to resist control by the tyrannical Land-Masters. He defeats them when he realizes that they are evil Hexapuses masquerading as surface-dwellers. Exposing the traitor inside the resistance, he finally finds a way back home with the help of Professor Hexapus. Mera reappears from her self-imposed exile into Xebel, now working as a Navy marine biologist. She has amnesia and believes herself to be Miriam Bridgeman, but Arthur demonstrates her true identity through a series of physical tests. She is revealed to be possessed by her political rival V'lana, who tries to strangle Aquaman. Mera is reawakened when they travel back to her dimension, and they fight V'lana with her newly learned control over sea creatures. They defeat her, and she commits suicide rather than face failure. Now cured of her vibratory illness, Mera abdicates her throne willingly to be with the man she loves. Main article: Justice League Detroit The Justice League Satellite is destroyed during the Earth/Mars War. Mera leaves him in its wake, because she believes that since the death of their son they haven't been able to properly love each other. He formally disbands the League as acting chairman at the U.N., announcing that they cannot protect the Earth without complete commitment from all of their members. The new team that rises in their place includes Aquaman, Elongated Man, Gypsy, Martian Manhunter, Steel, Vibe, Vixen and Zatanna. To remain closer to those they're sworn to protect, they establish new headquarters in a Detroit compound operated by Dale Gunn. Aquaman is one of the many heroes brought together by Harbinger during the great Crisis, when realities are merging and disappearing. Atlantis disappears in their reality; Black Manta and Ocean Master take this opportunity to plot against him while he's weak. Aquagirl is mortally wounded at the hands of Chemo's toxic pollution. Arthur and Mera are frozen together by Captain Cold in a battle that cedes Earth-S as territory to the super-villains. He rallies with the others at the Big Bang to fight the Anti-Monitor. Tula dies of her injuries. After the dawn of existence is reset, one true Earth emerges from the erased Multiverse. Its heroes meet collectively at Titans Tower in the Crisis' wake. In the Anti-Monitor's last strike before he is completely destroyed, Aquaman stands alongside his allies to protect Atlantis from the Shadow Demons. Lori Lemaris fights bravely but is killed during the battle. New Venice was destroyed by Ocean Master, who returned using sorcery-related powers. Tensions surrounding Atlantean hostility towards surface dwellers led to a declaration of war after one of their Zodiac Crystals was stolen. Aquaman was forced to adopt a new blue costume to hide his identity while the people cried for his blood, and he investigated the disappearance in Thierna Na Oge. Their society of the Tuatha de Danann believed him to be a malevolent spy, and their King Bres had him put to death by the Sreng in their arena. His escape was assisted by the mage Nuada Silverhand, who had also been accused of stealing a crystal. Ocean Master ambushes them at Maarzon and is revealed to have gained his powers from stealing the crystals. Nuada explains that the magics are fueled by emotion, and the only way to beat Orm's rage is for Arthur to overcome his own. They fight on the astral plane as Aquaman struggles eternally, finally destroying the crystals when he reaches an epiphany and tells Orm that he loves him. This enlightenment was short-lived however, as the battle was revealed to have torn his soul-self into two parts. The crystals were activated again by a scientist named Magus who harnessed their power to create another universe, and Aquaman was able to make himself whole by fighting inside to reunite his emotion and reason. During Invasion! Aquaman rode Storm to lead his armies against the Alien Alliance, fighting Gil'Dishpan at the Arctic Circle. He teams up with the Doom Patrol and the Sea Devils to destroy their command ship, delivering a devastating blow to the enemy military. Mera had been driven insane by her grief and was committed to an asylum, while Arthur's throne was turned over to the incompetent Pletus in his absence. Atlantis was conquered and enslaved by a race of Giant Jellyfish under this reign, and Aquaman returned to be imprisoned inside Aquarium again. Aquaman becomes a member of the resistance movement using violent terrorist attacks to strike back at their oppressors. The rebellion succeeds with a massive assault on the Royal Palace slaughtering every Jellyfish in the city limits. Mera escapes from her asylum and tries to murder Arthur, forcing him to seemingly kill her by accident in self-defense. She awakens from her coffin alive however and decides she's caused enough harm before returning to Dimension Aqua. Atlantis makes their last stand against the invaders during a massive siege, and Aquaman wipes out the enemy fleet by telepathically commanding an army of killer whales until he passes out. In the aftermath there is public cry for him to retake his throne, but he insists that he must be a protector of the world. Atlantis entered into a disastrous war with the surface nation of Oumland, requiring Aquaman to bail them out of trouble once again. They resolved the matter diplomatically with some difficulty, after he personally stormed their borders. Distracting him once again from his people, he helps Superman fight pre-historic monsters; Lori Lemaris is revealed to have faked her own death. The city's dome is destroyed in the battle and Sharks attack beset by feeding frenzy, leading the Tritonians led by Iqula to invade Poseidonis. Aquaman defeats Iqula in single combat, proving his honor. In New York City he is attacked by the fanatic Queequeg, but dispatches him with a single punch. Richard Mission approaches him as a liaison to become an ambassador to the United Nations. Black Manta attacks during the press conference, then blows up his son's grave on Mercy Reef just to piss him off. Manta incapacitates his nemesis, then uses fear gas to watch Poseidonis tear itself to shreds. Aquaman nearly beats Manta to death in revenge, but still can't bring himself to deliver the killing blow. Thanatos returns after many years to attack him through his mind again, and sets up an elaborate dreamscape where he must fight his wife and dead son to survive. Aquaman refuses and makes peace with them instead, escaping the only way possible. Delivering a speech in front of the U.N. on behalf of Poseidonis, Jordan Wylie hires the hitman NKVDemon to murder him. They fight across the Manhattan rooftops in the rain, allowing Aquaman to stay on land longer than usual, and he finally defeats the assassin. There's another diplomatic incident when the Sea Devils are involved in an oil well explosion in South America. Aquaman investigates and attempts to clean up the spill after he determines that they've been framed. He exposes the oil company's corruption to the media after the Sea Devils prove their innocence by battling a private army. Poseidonis is officially recognized by the United Nations through democratic vote. He fights another dinosaur that gets into the New York harbor. Thesily becomes outraged that Aquaman keeps overshadowing his public image, and recalls him to Atlantis. In a heated argument with the King, he quits his position as ambassador. Tritonis enter civil war between Iqula and their treacherous King Firtf. Aquaman allies with his former rival to restore the city to peace and order in a massive battle. He later meets a young boy with cancer who idolizes him, through the reformed Scavenger. Aquaman received the Atlantis Chronicles from Vulko who found them in the wreckage of Poseidonis. Deciding to take up his mother's legacy as chronicler, he begins recording his own adventures. Discovering that his greatest nemesis Ocean Master is really his half-brother, he begins spiraling into a depression. Aqualad pulls him out of this to investigate an undersea radiation leak, but it turns out to be a trap and they are kidnapped alongside Dolphin by the terrorist Charybdis. The three fight their way to escape together, but Charybdis holds Aquaman's hand down in a piranha pool before getting thrown in himself. Progressively nursing back to health in the Aquacave, Orin emerges with a harpoon over the stump of his left hand. Discovering that Admiral Strom of the United States Navy was responsible for betraying him, Aquaman attacks a military base for answers and fights Superboy. Strom distracts him by revealing that Porm has been captured, and Aquaman is forced to team up with Lobo to rescue Dolphins from a hunter named Tanaka in a testing facility. Returning to Alaska with Dolphin and seeing Kako again, she introduces him to their fully grown illegitimate son Koryak. Their village is attacked by the Deep Six from Apokolips, and Jaffar kills Kako during the raid. She is reborn through Gaia as the fire elemental Corona, but not before the Six can blight her transformation. Corona unleashes Kako's anger at Arthur for abandoning her, and the water elemental Naiad intervenes to destroy her. Corona relents when Arthur agrees to let her kill him, and Koryak returns with them to Atlantis after she disappears with Naiad. His harpoon destroyed by Corona, Aquaman has a new one designed using top-line technology at S.T.A.R. Labs. King Thesily begins to view Aquaman as a threat and hires Deadline to murder him, although the assassin is defeated and escapes. Aquaman meets Kyle Rayner for the first time when he's forced to defend Cron One-Eye for attacking a swimmer in self-defense. Thesily attempts to murder Koryak, but is killed by falling rubble during an earthquake. Koryak takes leadership of the kingdom with Vulko, and they lead the Atlanteans on a pilgrimage to Tritonis. Aquaman and Dolphin stay behind in Poseidonis, and Mera finally returns from her self-exile to walk in on them consummating their relationship. Mera fights Dolphin, but she's revealed to have been brainwashed by Arthur's evil doppelganger Thanatos. Aquaman follows her into the other-dimension to fight Thanatos, and it's revealed that she's conceived another son named A.J.. The two men battle to the death as they're tested by The Others, and Thanatos is ruled more worthy to escape their imprisonment. Major Disaster is empowered by Neron during Underworld Unleashed and commissioned to kill Aquaman, instead mistakenly murdering Thanatos. Atlan frees Orin and Dolphin from the prison dimension. They return to find a sentient star-ship underneath Atlantis has reawakened dragon-like Tiamat of the Annunake from stasis, and they defeat the monster as Atlantis rises above sea-level again. Koryak and Vulko's pilgrimage accidentally frees Kordax from his centuries of imprisonment. Thanatos had sent a declaration of war to the surface world before his death, and Justice League America is sent to investigate. Orin and Dolphin fight Fire, Guy Gardner, Ice, Martian Manhunter, Obsidian and Wonder Woman, proving their innocence as he asserts his authority. Aquaman recruited the city of Hy-Brasil without too much trouble. Unfortunately, Aquaman and Dolphin encountered Ocean Master at one of the other cities, a city that was destroyed in the subsequent battle. Also during the battle, Garth returns--Aqualad no longer, he is now Tempest, having been trained by Atlan in another dimension. Aquaman then recruits the cities of Thierna Na Oge and the floating city of Basilia. They also recruit Atlan to their cause and head for Tritonis--all while the aliens (known as the Hunter/Gatherers) turn up in Washington D.C. under the guise of seeking peaceful relations. Aquaman finds Tritonis in ruins--Koryak and Vulko had led the people of Poseidonis into the forbidden tunnels beneath the city and awakened Kordax from antiquity. Kordax, using his mind control power, forced Koryak and the Poseidonis citizens to attack their relatives in Tritonis, maiming or killing much of the population. Aquaman helped the Tritonis people out before rallying all of his allies for the final confrontation: Atlan, The Guardian of Hy-Brasil, Arion, Tempest, Tsunami, Nuada, Dolphin, the Sea Devils, Power Girl (at this time still thought to be a descendant of Atlantis), Spought(the Guardian of Basilia)and Deep Blue. Aquaman leads the others to Washington D.C. by flying the skull ship (with Poseidonis on top) straight to the capital. A major battle ensues inside the White House with Aquaman's allies battling against Kordax, Tiamat, and Koryak (still under Kordax's control). Kordax kills himself in the battle when he cannot defeat Aquaman. Basilia is destroyed in the fighting that happens there. The Hunter/Gatherers leave the Earth without any further destruction. During a battle against Doctor Destiny, there's a massive team-up between Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Superman and Wonder Woman. They decide to reform as the Justice League of America returning to their original line-up, following the dissolution of Justice League International. Their first battle together in the public eye is against Hyperclan, proving themselves to the world by stopping an invasion of White Martians. During the Final Night, the sentient starship ejects Aquaman, Dolphin, and Koryak (now free of the brainwashing) after having a disagreement with Aquaman (regarding the amount of control the ship was exerting over Arthur). Aquaman's adoptive dolphin mother, Porm, was murdered during the darkness, crushing Aquaman. Following a clue, Aquaman ventures to Japan and discovers that the murderer of Porm was a cyborg called Demon Gate, a man who had been maimed by Lobo and who blamed Aquaman for the incident. Aquaman threatens to ban Japan from the oceans unless Demon Gate is handed over. Japan refuses. Aquaman recruits Martian Manhunter to retake Poseidonis, forcing the sentient ship to obey him, and then takes the city to Japan. Demon Gate is turned over and Arthur sentences him to life imprisonment on a deserted island, surviving only on what the local sea life bring to him. Aquaman was called by Deep Blue and the Sea Devils to investigate a seemingly bottomless trench. Deep Blue is dragged into the trench by a bizarre sea creature. Aquaman goes into the pit, but Dolphin cannot follow all the way because of the pressure. Aquaman encounters Black Manta, now a horrible manta-like monster thanks to his deal with Neron. The two arch-enemies battle at the bottom of the trench, encountering the ghost of a dead leviathan. The creature "consumes" Black Manta and tries to do the same with Aquaman, but Arthur uses the full brunt of his psychic abilities to drive it off. Fleeing back up the trench, he retrieves Deep Blue and they return to Sea Devil's sub.Up from the trench, Arthur discovers that his flesh is now covered in scales. Getting called back to Poseidonis, Aquaman finds Shark has taken up residence. A mental battle ensues and Aquaman forces Shark to devolve back into a normal shark. Arthur has now mutated further--hard green scales and a webbed hand, looking just like Kordax. The sea life begins to fear him. Aquaman goes on a quest of soul searching, reflecting on the fact that his inner fears are that he is a failure as a king and as a man. A minor journey through time thanks to Atlan helps him put things in perspective. Returning to the present, Aquaman's appearance is restored (although his hand is still webbed). Seeking to regain the trust of the sea life, Aquaman appeals to Poseidon who forces Aquaman to battle his son, Triton. Aquaman wins the fight, and Poseidon restores his title as "King of the Seas." A spiteful Poseidon blinds Aquaman in his bitterness. One short adventure with Animal Man later (one that involves Animal Man teaching Aquaman to expand his powers some more) and Arthur's sight was restored. The people of Poseidonis, forced by Aquaman to serve the people of Tritonis whom they maimed, are finally released of their service and return to their city. Aquaman greets them and they accept him as their king once more (while marveling at the state of their city, now resting on the ocean's surface. Vulko encourages thoughts of Koryak that drift towards a coup de tat. Dolphin, having lost all interest in Arthur, now enters into a relationship with Tempest. Dr. Polaris invades the city, using his vast power to turn it on its side. The battle is only won with the help of Maxima, who had come to make Arthur her new king. Aquaman isn't interested, even if she was found appealing with the citizens of Poseidonis. When the Millennium Giants emerge, Aquaman is unable to stop one from destroying Thiena Na Oge. Meanwhile, Triton--anger over his loss to Aquaman and the contempt his father has for him--kills Poseidon and seizes most of his power. He approaches the Mother of Monsters for aid against Aquaman. Triton attacks Atlan first, but the sorcerer manages to get a warning to Poseidonis. Triton attacks the city next, destroying the sentient ship completely and returning the city to the ocean floor. Aquaman is stabbed in the battle, and his soul travels to the Greek Underworld. He manages to fight his way in to seeing Hades and convinces Hades to allow him and Poseidon back to the land of living. Poseidon takes back his power from Triton before killing his son and casting his trident at Aquaman's feet. A.J. reappears as an amnesiac believing himself to be Aquaman, and fights Orin for supremacy in Atlantis until his mind is restored using the Clear. They return to his home dimension Oceanid where Mera leads a resistance against alien invaders called the Maritorn. Aquaman uses his ability to communicate with the oceans and unites the entire planet's fighting forces with Naiad's help. Their coordinated attack quickly brings the Maritorn to their knees, and he personally defeats their leader Lord Nemo. Orin and Mera return to their home dimension, while A.J. stays behind and becomes the Aquaman of Oceanid. Koryak attempts to kill his father and seize control of Atlantis, but he is easily stopped and Arthur has him banished. Aquaman declared Poseidonis would be permanently renamed Atlantis. They were attacked by the Lurkers for encroaching on their territory, and their leader Noble destroys Orin's hook hand during a fight. He begins using a cybernetic replacement hand. Using superior tactics to defeat the more powerful invaders, the Lurkers are subjugated and Noble is appointed as an Atlantean dignitary. Noble begins to romantically pursue Mera during a tour of the Hidden City, assisting in her rescue from Lava Lord of the Fire Trolls. Garth got Dolphin pregnant and subsequently married her. Arthur reconciled with Mera. There was a war between Atlantis and the island nation of Cerdia. This war would result in the utter devastation of both Poseidonis and Tritonis as well as ravaging Cerdia as well. It was revealed during the course of the war that the Ocean Master was behind Cerdia's aggression. He also kidnaps Tempest and Dolphin's son right after the boy is born. The war is eventually won, Ocean Master is driven off, and Cerdia is annexed by Atlantis. As a token of peace, Tempest and Dolphin name their son Cerdian (nicknamed "Ian"). Atlantis had not fully recovered from the war with Cerdia when it was +This superhero's name is drawn into another conflict. This one involved the coming of Imperiex. Their real name is a force of nature that was coming to destroy the planet. An intergalactic alliance of aliens came together to make their stand at Earth. The JLA big guns were quickly swept aside by Imperiex's advance force. Aquaman gave his all against one of the probes. the Justice League discovers the ruins of Atlantis modern day on the ocean's surface. Reaching the conclusion that it was sent into the past +This superhero's name is Aracnido Jr.. Their real name is . The boy who would become Arácnido was the son of a wrestler of the same name. At some point he had developed spider-like powers. One day, his father was severely injured due unnecessary roughness by another wrestler, with fellow wrestler Escorpión not helping despite his cries for help. Before going to hospital, the boy went to the locker rooms where he saw Escorpión being paid for letting Arácnido get hurt. Arácnido would later die from his injuries. The boy then declared "This can not stand." and embarked on a life of vigilantism. +This superhero's name is Aragorn. Their real name is Aragorn II Elessar. Aragorn II (1 March Third Age 2931 – Fourth Age 120, died aged 210 years) was the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen. He was the last Chieftain of the Dúnedain and a direct descendant through many generations of Isildur, the last High King of both Arnor and Gondor. Aragorn would become the greatest Man of his time, leading the Men of the West against Sauron's forces, helping to destroy the One Ring, and reuniting the Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. +This superhero's name is Archangel (FOX). Their real name is Warren Kenneth Worthington III. Warren Worthington III was seen trying to cut his wings off in order to hide his mutation. His father found out he was a mutant by entering the bathroom. As a young man in his early twenties, his rich industrialist father was motivated by his son's mutation to create a "cure" for mutants. Warren was going to be the first test subject of this "cure" when he suddenly had second thoughts, broke out of his restraints, and bailed out of a nearby window, despite his father's protests. He would later briefly seek sanctuary at the X-Mansion. +This superhero's name is Archangel. Their real name is Warren Kenneth Worthington III . Warren Kenneth Worthington III is the mutant son of the wealthy Warren K Worthington Jr and his wife Kathryn, neither of whom were aware that their son had developed a pair of large feathered wings extending from his back, enabling him to fly. Warren, first, began his superhero career after a fire broke out in his dorm at Phillips Academy, in Exeter, New Hampshire, as the Avenging Angel. Warren was recruited, by Professor X, and became the third founding member of the X-Men, along with Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, and Marvel Girl, and enrolled in the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. In the School for Gifted Youngsters, the X-Men were tutored, by Professor X, and trained in the use of their powers, in the Danger Room. During his time in class, Warren was a carefree student, often flying-off during Prof. Xavier's lessons. Though Warren was initially attracted to Marvel Girl, he dated Candy Southern during this time. During his time with the X-Men, Warren faced Magneto, the Vanisher, the Blob, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Namor, Unus, and Lucifer. After being controlled, by the Puppet Master, Professor X ordered the X-Men to battle the Fantastic Four, until Beast destroyed his doll and the two teams battled the Awesome Android, who Professor X defeated from afar. They journeyed to the Savage Land and later battled the Juggernaut. Around this time, while the X-Men were battling the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants at Hammer Industries, Magneto and his troops withdrew from battle, after the arrival of a Sentinel. Back at the X-Mansion, the X-Men were approached, by the Evolutionaries, who informed them they were there to ensure the survival of Homo Superior. After a brief battle with the young X-Men, the Evolutionaries sought the help of Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, viewing Magneto as the leader of all mutantkind. After the Brotherhood kidnapped Emma Frost, Magneto took her to Xavier's School, to use Cerebro. Beast created a device, that shut-off their access to cosmic rays and accidentally killed two of them. When Cyclops vowed to protect mutantkind, the remaining Evolutionary reluctantly left, but not before erasing the memory of their presence from the minds of the X-Men and Brotherhood and vowing to return one day. The X-Men went-on to battle Dr. Bolivar Trask’s Sentinels, Mimic, Count Nefaria, the Locust, El Tigre, Puppet Master, the Factor Three, the Super-Adaptoid, The Warlock, Cobalt Man, Mole Man and Tyrannus, Mekano, Mutant Master, and Grotesk. When the Changeling, posing as Prof. Xavier, was killed by Grotesk, the X-Men, again, battled Magneto, where Warren escaped and was attacked by Red Raven, with the Avengers, and when they returned home, were ordered to disband by Fred Duncan of the FBI. Returning to live with his parents, Warren continued to sneak out at night and secretly satisfy his need to fight crime and see Candy. When dozens of latent mutants were summoned to San Francisco by Mesmero and, what seemed to be, Magneto (actually a robot duplicate), Warren reunited the X-Men briefly. The X-Men were able to destroy the organization from both outside and within. They, then, went on to battle Blastaar, The Living Pharaoh, and Larry Trask and his Sentinels, Sauron, then, returned to the Savage Land and battled Magneto and his Savage Land Mutates (where Warren briefly died and was revived by Magneto), briefly battled Sunfire, stopped the invasion of the Z'Nox, where the X-Men officially reformed, with Prof. Xavier returned (explaining his situation of leaving before the Z'Nox invasion), and survived an encounter with an angry Hulk. Next, Professor Xavier sent the X-Men back to the Savage Land, to make sure that Magneto actually perished, where Warren was saved by Avia, and Warren separated from his teammates to rescue Avia from a storm created by Deluge. While Warren was out on a date with Candy, his father was killed, by men working for the villain Dazzler. Overcome with grief, Warren blamed his own absence for his father's murder. Candy was kidnapped by Dazzler's organization as well and, when Warren went to rescue her, the Dazzler removed Angel's mask and revealed his identity to both the Dazzler and Candy. Dazzler admitted to actually being Warren's own uncle, Burtram Worthington, having only used Worthington Industries for his campaign of diamond smuggling. Burtram was apparently killed in the following battle, from a great fall. It was later revealed that Warren's uncle, Burtram, had, in fact, survived the fall and was intending on stealing away the Worthington family fortune. The X-Men, with Candy, were able to stop the Dazzler's plot, but not before Warren's mother, Kathryn, was poisoned by Burtram and died. After hearing that an old colleague, Professor Hans Jorgenson, had been kidnapped, Professor X summoned the X-Men to track down Spider-Man. After the X-Men defeated him, they returned him to the mansion and learned that Prof. Jorgenson was, actually, kidnapped by Michael Morbius. The X-Men defeated Morbius, saved Prof. Jorgenson, and cured Spider-Man of a toxin. Attempting to check-in on Beast, after he had left the X-Men and began a career at the Brand Corporation and hearing of beast attacks, Warren arrived and aided Beast, who was also the beast in question, in battling Griffin and creating a story to explain Hank McCoy's recent disappearances. Later, Magneto learned to control people, by manipulating the iron in their blood and controlled Warren to help heal him. Later, the X-Men and a number of mutants were kidnapped, by the Secret Empire, to harness their energy to power an "Electorn-Gyro". After Number One landed the saucer on the White House lawn and defeated Moonstone, the Secret Empire was defeated by Cyclops, Captain America, the Falcon, and Marvel Girl. Warren was among the original X-Men that were rescued by Prof. Xavier's new team of X-Men, from an encounter with the island-being Krakoa. Not longer after, Warren and the other original X-Men left the team, leaving Cyclops and Prof. Xavier with a brand new team of X-Men. Warren decided to start a college career in Los Angeles. While meeting with Iceman on the campus of UCLA, Warren and Bobby Drake were attacked, by harpies, trying to locate Venus. The two young hero were joined by Ghost Rider, Black Widow, and Hercules. After a battle with the Huntsman, Hercules and Venus were kidnapped and taken to Mount Olympus. After defeating Pluto, the self-styled "Champions of Los Angeles" decided to stick together as a team. Warren's wealth bankrolled the group, with the vast amounts of wealth Warren had inherited from his mother's death, and they bought a surplus of Avengers' Quinjets, the "Champjet", for team usage. Around this time, Warren also set-up a scholarship fund for his original school, Phillips Academy, for mutant students. After briefly battling each other, the Champions battled Rampage, Griffin, Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo, Darkstar, Stilt-Man, Warlord Kaa, Stranger, Kamo Tharnn, and Swarm. After being beaten and taken hostage, by Typhon, who ordered Iron Man to call the Champions and defeat Hercules, Warren was reunited with his old teammate, Beast. After Dr. Doom attempted to take over the world with a mind-altering neurogas, Magneto and Beast went to the Champions, for assistance. After arriving, the Champions also attacked the duo and they went to Washington, D.C. and confronted Doom, who had the Hulk attack them. After the arrival of the Champions, Ghost Rider shed the effects of the gas and aided the duo. Magneto was poised to defeat Dr. Doom, until Dr. Doom reversed the effects of Magneto's powers and he withdrew from battle. The Champions, Hulk, and Beast defeated Doom, after Ghost Rider burned his to the point that he removed his mask and lost control over everyone. Later, Vanisher returned, with Blob, Lorelei, and Unus, and the Champions defeated his Sentinels. The group was volatile, however, and disbanded after a brief stint. After the team disbanded, Bobby visited Rampage in the hospital and was brought under his mental control. Bobby began wearing the armor of Rampage and helped him to escape. Spider-Man arrived, to cover the story of the Champions disbanding, and Bobby battled both him and Angel. Spider-Man battled Iceman and was able to bring him to his senses and Warren returned Rampage to the hospital. Warren and Candy moved away to Colorado for some time. While in Colorado, Bobby took his girlfriend, Terri Sue Bottoms, to Warren's cabin style mansion and was attacked, by Master Mold. After Bobby was captured, Warren flew after and, after battling Doc Samson over Gamma Base, Master Mold awoke the Hulk. The Angel and the Hulk were also captured and taken to the Sentinel Space Station, where the Hulk broke free and tore Master Mold into pieces. While at a bar, in New York, Warren ran into Thing and Human Torch and Warren and Thing were drugged and kidnapped, by Toad. Toad had become a hired assassin and was hoping to test his death castle on Warren. After surviving the castle's traps, Warren felt pity on Toad, who did not have the money to pay his contractor, and offered to pay, if Toad began working for him. After, Warren opened a theme park over the castle, called Toadland. Hearing of the problems the X-Men were having with the Hellfire Club, Warren invited the X-Men to a Hellfire Club party, to try and prove their innocence. During the party, the Phoenix fell under Mastermind and the Hellfire Club's control and transformed into the Black Queen. Warren joined the X-Men while they battled the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle and Phoenix underwent another transformation into the Dark Phoenix and soared through the universe, where she devoured an entire star and the five billion inhabitants of one of its planets. When Phoenix returned to Earth, she threatened to kill everyone, but Professor Xavier was able to keep her under control and helped her will herself back to normal. The X-Men were then teleported away by the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar Empire had witnessed Dark Phoenix consuming the star and the X-Men were forced to battle with the Imperial Guard over Phoenix's fate. The battle triggered her transformation into Dark Phoenix once more and Phoenix understood that she would never be able to fully control the dark hunger inside and sacrificed herself on the moon. Later, Warren attended "Jean Grey's" funeral. Following Jean Grey's (Phoenix) apparent death, Cyclops left the X-Men for a time, so Angel rejoined the team to ensure they were not shorthanded. The X-Men stopped the attempted assassination of Senator Robert Kelly, by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Later, Warren attended Dazzler's first show at Numero Uno and battled Amora The Enchantress' Nightgaunts. Then, after Miss Locke kidnapped Candy, the X-Men traveled to Latveria where they defeated a Doombot in the image of Dr. Doom to rescue Arcade. Warren eventually left the X-Men, again, due to constant conflict with fellow team member, Wolverine. Later, Warren was reunited with Iceman and Beast, after he and a group of heroes were manipulated to join the Avengers. Warren felt compelled to display his skill, by battling Tigra, and it was revealed that Moondragon was manipulating all of them, to strengthen the Avengers. After Moondragon reconsidered, Warren departed. While Warren and Candy were in his cabin style mansion, the couple was attacked, by Ghost Rider, and aided, by the Avengers, until Warren calmed his former teammate. After Tanya Anderssen, Dr. Karl Lykos' girlfriend, asked him to check if Sauron was alive or not, Warren later found himself again in the Savage Land, aiding Spider-Man in battling the Savage Land Mutates, where Brainchild experimented on him. After Warren and Spider-Man are transformed, Dr. Lykos absorbed their mutant energy and was permanently transformed into Sauron. After Spider-Man left, Warren called the X-Men and they were captured, while Warren escaped. Seeking to rescue his friends, Warren and Ka-Zar entered Sauron's citadel and Warren distracted Sauron, while Ka-Zar rescued the X-Men. Warren was later kidnapped by the underground Morlocks, to marry Callisto and he was released after the X-Man, Storm, defeated the Morlocks' leader, Callisto, in a duel for leadership of the Morlocks. Around this time, Warren found himself pursuing Alison Blaire, aka the Dazzler, who he had been infatuated with since he met, when they were manipulated by Moondragon into joining the Avengers. Ever since then, Warren had developed a crush on her and wanted to ask her out on a date. After butting-in on a date of hers, Warren waited for her at her house and took her for a flight, which led to a romantic evening. After stopping Dr. Octopus from a prison escape, Alison remained confused about her actions. Warren later attempted to reunite Alison with her mother, but her friend, Vanessa Tooks, beat him to the act. When the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants, Mystique, Rogue, and Destiny sought revenge on the X-Men, they decided that Angel would be an appropriate source of information. When the trio attacked Warren, Alison defeated the trio of villains. Warren began to lay-low, returning to Los Angeles. After getting a call that Ali had been blackmailed to kill a man in Los Angeles, Warren flew to her aid in time to save them from a bullet that the angry blackmailer fired at them. After recovering from the bullet wound in his arm, Warren joined his original teammates Beast and Iceman, to reorganize the Defenders. After the founding Defenders (Dr Strange, Prince Namor, The Hulk, and The Silver Surfer) were convinced to leave the team, Warren funded the team and provided his Colorado penthouse, as a headquarters. With the Defenders, Warren stopped Cloud, Harridan, and Seraph from kidnapping Vision. Later, when the Defenders attempted to rescue Seraph and Cloud from the Secret Empire, Professor Power became the new Number One and sought to trigger a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, but the Defenders defeated him, the Secret Empire, as well as their agents Mad-Dog and the Mutant Force. After a misunderstanding, the Defenders even battled the New Mutants. Later, they battled Walrus, Manslaughter, and teammate Gargoyle. When the Dire Wraiths homeworld, Wraithworld, began to approach Earth through hyperspace, the Defenders went to aid ROM and, with the help of Forge, banished them from existence. Another of the teams' adventures was when the Grandmaster and Death had them battle with all of Earth's heroes. Later, Candy was asked to lead the squad. Later, Moondragon, who was possessed by Dragon of the Moon, seemingly killed most of the members of the Defenders, in a climactic battle, and the team disbanded. Around this time, the Mutant Registration Act was passed, that called for all mutants to register with the government, forfeiting their civil rights and illegalizing an unregistered mutant. While deciding what to do with his life, in New Mexico, with Hank and Bobby, Warren received news, from Reed Richards, that the real Jean Grey was, in-fact, alive and Warren called Scott Summers, to meet with her. After meeting with Scott, Jean decided that they should do something about the current situation of mutants, as the X-Men had strayed from Professor Xavier's dream. The five original friends founded X-Factor, an organization that intended to seek out and aid other mutants, under the pretense of hunting down those perceived menaces to society, believing that the X-Men were no longer following the dream. The public assumed they were humans hunting mutants, when in fact, they were training young mutants in the use of their powers at the X-Factor Complex. Once again, Warren funded the group and appointed Candy as the Vice President of Worthington Industries. Warren asked his best friend and college roommate, Cameron Hodge, to act as the team's PR adviser, unaware that Cameron actually despised mutants, was the leader of the anti-mutant group The Right, and was simply waiting for the time to strike. With X-Factor, Warren, first, rescued troubled mutant, Rusty Collins, from the Navy. Shortly after the formation of X-Factor, Beast was captured, by Tower, for the geneticist, Dr. Carl Maddicks. The team was contacted to silence Tower and ,after a battle, the team rescued Beast and Artie Maddicks, while Dr. Maddicks perished, distracting the guards. After battling Tower, X-Factor rescued Rusty from Frenzy. The team went-on to battle Apocalypse and his Alliance of Evil and Bulk and Glow Worm, where the media referred to their non human guises as X-Terminators, and next, Doppelganger and Crimson Dynamo. After being accused of capturing William Evans, Jr. by his father, X-Factor journeyed to Project: PEGASUS and briefly battled Iron Man, before teaming with him to stop a rampaging Willie, at the cost of the young mutant's life. After attending Willie's funeral, X-Factor was hired, by J. Jonah Jameson, to capture Spider-Man and, after a misunderstanding, briefly battled, until he rescued Marvel Girl from a fall and X-Factor returned the fee, stating that they only hunt mutants. Rusty was again pursued, this time by the Freedom Force, where Blob recognized X-Factor as the original X-Men, and the team was aided by a girl, named Skids, and invited her to the Complex. Rusty had been greatly injured, by the Blob, and needed medical attention and Artie had went into the Morlocks' tunnels looking for him. While Angel and Marvel Girl rushed Rusty to medical attention, Beast, Cyclops, and Iceman stayed in the tunnels, while the Marauders began their massacre of the Morlocks. At this time, reporter, Trish Tilby, shattered X-Factor's illusion, from Mystique's tip, by leaking that Warren, a mutant, financially backed the group and Candy walked-in on Warren comforting Jean and left him and her position. When returning to aid X-Factor against the Marauders, Warren attempted to rescue Artie on his own and his wings were pinned to the wall by the Marauder, Harpoon, after being beaten by Blockbuster and Vertigo. After being rescued by Thor, Warren's wings were severely infected to the point that amputation was necessary for him to live. Although Warren objected, Hodge had a court order issued to go through with the amputation. Distraught by these experiences, Warren attempted to fly one more time and his plane exploded (later revealed that it was sabotaged by Hodge). It had seemed that Warren committed suicide and was believed dead, although, he was actually rescued by Apocalypse. Warren agreed to serve Apocalypse, in return for his new techno-organic wings. Apocalypse warped his body and mind into his own "Angel of Death" upon his Celestial Ship and placed him into his team of Horsemen. Warren's new wings could fly higher, faster, were razor sharp, with feathers that were thrown as blades with a neurotoxin, and could even fold into a barely visible bundle on his back for concealing. After the fourth Horseman, Death, was revealed to be Warren, Apocalypse had the Horsemen battle each other, to find the leader and Death beat them all. As Death, Warren fought the rest of X-Factor and captured them. After X-Factor's defeat, the Horsemen were sent into Manhattan to incite chaos. X-Factor and the Power Pack battled the Horsemen, Pestilence was killed, Famine was sent to America's Bread Basket, and Apocalypse called Death and War back to Ship, where Warren was soon brought out of his brainwashing, after Iceman faked his own death at Warren's hands, by having him destroy an ice sculpture of Bobby. Warren, then, rejoined his team and, after their defeat of Apocalypse, his Ship crash landed on their Complex and X-Factor began living on Apocalypse's sentient Ship and Caliban left with Apocalypse. Unable to face anyone, Death left the team and X-Factor was approached by the media and finally revealed the truth of their mutant origins and disguise of mutant hunters. Death returned to Candy's apartment and found it empty. After questioning Trish of Candy's whereabouts, Death concluded that she was kidnapped by The Right and began a search, starting at Worthington Industries. After arriving at the Right headquarters, Death battled through Smiley-Face soldiers and demons to reach Hodge. Once Death reach Hodge, they battled and Hodge eventually killed Candy, stating that he had made a deal with demons and was immortal, and Worthington decapitated Hodge, in retaliation. After a brief proposition from the demon, N'Astirh, Death overheard of an invasion of New York and returned to aid his former teammates of X-Factor. After stalking the team, Death eventually returned to X-Factor. After reuniting with X-Factor Death fought countless demons, searching for baby Christopher Summers, Cyclops' son. X-Factor's search lead them to N’Astirh, who teleported with the baby, and Madelyne Pryor-Summers, Cyclops' wife, reappeared with him, calling herself the Goblin Queen and calling baby Christopher Nathan. The Goblin Queen battled X-Factor and instigated a battle between X-Factor and the X-Men, giving Death his chance to fight his former teammate, Wolverine, having the X-Men under her demonic influence and believing that X-Factor was attempting to kidnap Nathan. After N'Astirh attacked, X-Factor and the X-Men combined efforts to defeat him, assuming that he was controlling the Goblin Queen and Havok, calling himself the Goblin Prince. At that moment, Marvel Girl was captured, by Maddie, and another battle was instigated between X-Factor and the X-Men. Longshot and Dazzler were corrupted, by the Goblin Queen, to attack Death and he was delivered to the Goblin Queen, where she began to corrupt him as well calling him the Dark Angel, kissing him, and connecting their pasts of being used by Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister. The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan atop the Empire State Building to permanently open a gateway between Earth and the demonic Limbo. Fighting the Goblin Queen's influence, Death freed Marvel Girl and rescued Havok from a lethal fall. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Jean inside a psionic barrier and both X-Factor and the X-Men's combined efforts seemed to be futile in an effort to break through the telekinetic bubble. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne committed suicide in combat with Jean, attempting to kill everyone in her power, but the X-Men and X-Factor protected each other while Jean protected Nathan Christopher. Death later officially returned to X-Factor, as the somber and brooding "Archangel", as Beast called him, constantly fighting with the urge for his wings to kill. Following Mr. Sinister's psychic trail, Marvel Girl tracked him to the School for Gifted Youngsters and X-Factor and the X-Men were ambushed by the Marauders. While interrogating Malice/Polaris, Mr. Sinister destroyed the school. While the X-Men and X-Factor battled Sinister and Malice, Sinister attempted to claim Marvel Girl, but Cyclops seemingly killed Sinister with an unchecked optic blast. After attending Candy and Maddie's funerals, X-Factor was attacked, by Nanny and Orphan-Maker while taking the mutant babies to the authorities, and rescued Jean's niece and nephew. X-Factor returned home to find the New Mutants, X-Terminators (their old students), and Namor after a battle with a sea creature and the New Mutants began to live on Ship. X-Factor next battled the Troll Associates to rescue a young mutant named Thomas Jones and, after being recalled across space by Gammenon the Gatherer, Ship took to space, with X-Factor unwittingly along for the ride. After Gammenon sensed their presence, X-Factor was sent to the alien planet below, where they were split-up during a battle between the Chosen and Rejects. After saving Princess Seera of the Chosen, Archangel and Iceman were captured, being mistaken for Rejects. Warren returned home to battle the Ravens. Warren was also attacked by Caliban, an ex-teammate who had taken his place as the Horseman Death, trying to prove himself in the eyes of Apocalypse. Warren, later, had another battle with Wolverine during a resurrected Cameron Hodge's attack on the X-Men, New Mutants, and X-Factor on Genosha. Continually fighting an inward battle against his killer instincts, Warren eventually won over Apocalypse's influence. Warren, then, met a single mother, beat cop, named Charlotte Jones, and began an awkward relationship. The original X-Factor became a part of the X-Men, again, after the return of Prof. Xavier and the defeat of the Shadow King and Warren often adventured with the X-Men's "Gold Team". Their first mission together, at the Hellfire Club, ended badly, with the death of all the Hellions and resulting in a coma for Jean and Emma. The team battled Trevor Fitzroy and then journeyed to a void to rescue former Cosmonaut, Mikhail Rasputin, (Colossus' reality-warping mutant brother) from the Triumvirate. During this time, Warren was seduced by the Triumvirate leader, Sha-Har-A-Zath, into battling his comrades. Soon after, the X-Men returned to the Morlock Tunnels to stop a young mutant, Brain Cell, from mentally influencing the Morlocks to incite chaos. After the battle, Warren made his way back to the spot where his wings had been injured and began to believe he was going mad, until Jean scolded him, arguing that the destructive behavior was not Apocalypse's fault and that it was up to Warren to get his life under control. Warren was on a date with Charlotte when Prof. Xavier was shot by Stryfe, in the guise of Cable. After allying himself with the new X-Factor and X-Force, Warren tracked down Apocalypse and the Mutant Liberation Front. While engaged in battle with Forearm , Warren accidentally decapitated Kamikaze, once again blaming his wing’s “lust for blood”. When Beast and Dr. Moira MacTaggert had exhausted all of their resources, Apocalypse stepped-in to save Prof. Xavier and Warren, surprisingly, vouched for Apocalypse's genius. When Apocalypse asked why, Warren stated that he would kill Apocalypse after torturing him and at a time of his choosing. When Psylocke informed Warren that Apocalypse was dying, Warren left the final battle to find him and decided to leave him to die alone, when Apocalypse asked him to end his misery. Warren rebuilt Harry's Hideaway with Hank, then went on to battle the Acolytes and survived a head-on blast from Sven and Harlan Kleinstock, to Jean's astonishment. While attempting to recruit Forge in the quest to cure the Legacy Virus, Colossus finally lost control, after the death of his sister and the constant battles against the same villains. Warren and Bobby were forced to hold him back from beating Trevor Fitzroy to death. The X-Men were, then, briefly attacked by a super-powered, recently returned Magneto, at Illyana Rasputin's funeral. While chaperoning fellow X-Man, Psylocke, to a night at the Hellfire Club, due to the fact that both of their fathers had once been members, Warren was attacked by former childhood friend, Shinobi Shaw, after refusing to join in a new Hellfire Club's Inner Circle. After Shaw's defeat, Warren became romantically involved with Psylocke and together they battled Spiral. After rebuilding, from being captured by the Phalanx, Warren said good-bye to younger teammate, Jubilee, apologizing for being so distant while she was at the mansion. At this time, the school name was changed from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. After the events of the Age of Apocalypse, Warren was alerted by Detective Jones, who he apologized to for not keeping in touch with (to which she replied that it had been been two months, one week, and four days and to get over it), that mutants massacred a nightclub full of humans. During an escape from the mansion, Sabretooth gravely injured Psylocke and, during his recapture, one of Warren's wings. Warren helped Wolverine (whom he had befriended in the meantime) search for a cure for Psylocke and, eventually, with the assistance of Dr. Strange and Gomurr The Ancient, revived her with help from the Crimson Dawn. Warren left the X-Men, with Psylocke, to his Aerie to recuperate. After Psylocke was alerted to the presence of Onslaught, on the Astral Plane, and an attempted warning from the Juggernaut, the two decided to return to briefly aid the X-Men. A short time later, through intense pain, Warren regained his original, feathered wings, when his techno-organic ones "molted" away. While Warren hid in a church bell tower, to escape the pain, he was visited by Ozymandias, which left him unsure whether Apocalypse had released his hold on him or was continuing to use him in some way. Soon, Warren was left with two wings, akin to his original feathered ones, although, he retained his blue features. After defeating Maggott, Psylocke and Warren were captured by Nanny and put on a trial for Gambit, for his part in the Mutant Massacre of the Morlocks, and Warren defended his former teammate. Later, when attempting to say good-bye to Scott and Jean, Warren was slammed by his teammates for his, and Betsy's, lack of commitment to the team and later returned to the Morlock Tunnels, again, to end his fears, when he was attacked by Abomination and aided by Marrow. Warren joined a splinter X-Men group to assist the Mannites in their battle with the latest bearer of the name Death. When Worthington returned home, he was attacked by an alien doppelganger of the X-Man, Wolverine. This prompted Warren and Psylocke to rejoin the X-Men and they became involved in stopping the latest plan of the villain Apocalypse, to gain ultimate power. During a fight with the brainwashed Wolverine, Angel became more and more ruthless, until he was overcome by a transformation that left him with glowing wings and hair as well as psionic abilities. Warren used these abilities to track down the first Horseman known as War, who had somehow once again become a paraplegic, and healed him. Warren explained that he had become the embodiment of hope and then he used his new-found psionic powers to heal the former War. Warren, then, divided his time between running his fortune, Worthington Industries, and working with the X-Men. Over time, his new abilities disappeared and his relationship with Psylocke drifted apart. Eventually, Warren returned to the X-Men full-time. Warren helped the X-Men defeat the threats of the X-Corps and the Vanisher's mutant drug cartel. Warren became the leader of the X-Men's active away team and even took the opportunity to address a European summit about mutant rights. This move and the cause that he promoted helped turn the X-Men from an outlaw band of heroes to a recognized global rights group. In a battle with the plant-being, Black Tom Cassidy, Worthington was entrapped in Black Tom's life-draining vines and began to enter cardiac arrest. Warren was saved by his teammates, whereupon his blue skin reverted to its former color. This was later pointed to as a signal that his healing abilities had begun to manifest themselves more strongly. After rescuing Stacy X, Warren became the object of her constant flirtation, while at the same time dealing with the fact that Husk, an X-Man much younger than him, also had a crush on him. Warren was forced to confront his cavalier attitude toward his fortune when he discovered Lobo Technology, a division of Worthington Industries that had been taken over by Maximus Lobo and a community of mutant werewolves. Lobo fought the X-Men and nearly killed Worthington and the junior X-Men member Husk. The two barely escaped and only survived from the brink of death with the help of Worthington's healing powers. Maximus Lobo revealed that he was involved in the murder of Worthington's father, in part, so that he could create a dominate subspecies of mutant werewolves operating out of Lobo Tech. Lobo ultimately defeated himself by allowing Lobo Tech to explode rather than concede defeat to the X-Men. Stacy X left the X-Men, saying goodbye to Warren in a nude video of her and while he watched this, Paige walked in on him. Unsure if his healing powers were genuine, Warren used his blood at a local children's hospital to heal as many children as he could while the doctors confirmed that like blood types could be healed by him. Warren and Husk developed a romantic relationship after their ordeal, but it started off uneasy and continued in fits and starts. They committed themselves to each other when the X-Men helped Husk's brother, Jay Guthrie, deal with mutant bigotry in his hometown. During this time, Warren apologized to Wolverine for not l +This superhero's name is king him all these years and commended his service with the X-Men. Warren and Paige took time-off from the X-Men's active roster and Warren founded the Mutantes Sans Frontières. Their real name is a global outreach effort. during the gala reception. After being asked to improve the X-Men's public image +This superhero's name is Arclight. Their real name is Philippa Sontag. Arclight was a member of the Marauders, a team of superhuman assassins brought together by the mutant thief Gambit when he was in the employ of the enigmatic Mr Sinister. On Sinister's orders, the Marauders massacred the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks. In the course of the massacre, the Marauders, including Arclight, clashed with various superhuman champions, including the superhuman mutant adventurers known as the X-Men. The Marauders, including Arclight, originally died during the demonic invasion of Manhattan that came to be known as the "Inferno", but Sinister has the technology to continually clone the Marauders thanks to his retaining samples of their DNA. For a brief time, Arclight served as a member of the all-female superhuman army of the extradimensional warrior woman known as Superia, known as the Femizons. During this time, Arclight clashed with the super-soldier known as Captain America and the mercenary named Paladin. Recently, Arclight has come to join the mutant refugee camp on the grounds of the Xavier Institute, the inhabitants of which have come to call themselves the 198. +This superhero's name is Arcturus. Their real name is Arcturus. Arcturus was General of the Anacondrai during a time in history when tensions were high between man and Serpentine. Upon hearing from Chen that the humans were planning for war, Arcturus believed they had no choice but to attack. He led the Anacondrai to victory in taking Jamanakai Village, thus starting the First Serpentine War. An alliance of Elemental Masters drove the Serpentine back to Birchwood Forest, but they soon countered with the aid of Master Chen and his cultists. Eventually, the alliance managed to defeat the Serpentine armies using the Sacred Flutes, sealing most of them away in underground tombs. However, Arcturus and the other Anacondrai Generals were put on trial—though they pleaded for mercy, Garmadon banished them to the Cursed Realm. +This superhero's name is Ardina. Their real name is Ardina. Ardina was created magically, by stabbing Silver Surfer with a ritually prepared dagger, in order to create a female counterpart for him. This was done as part of a plan to restore Surfer, Namor, Dr. Strange, and the Hulk to sanity. The Defenders are the banished to a far off land but are rescued by Christopher Ganyrog and Pamela. They are informed by their rescuers that the are on the planet Yann, and the it was Yandroth who was manipulating the The Order. As most of the heroes of Earth battle the Order, the Defenders and the Warriors of Yann join the fight. After Yandroth's manipulations are revealed the Order break the mind control and help the other heroes take down the threat. The people of Yann return the creature to their world, and Papa Hagg invite the female Defenders to a spa two dimensions over which they accept.. After the Civil War, Ardina was considered by Tony Stark as a potential recruit for the 50-State Initiative +This superhero's name is Ariel. Their real name is Ariel. Ariel is an alien from the planet housing the Coconut Grove, and whose culture resembles an ultra-stereotypical night club scene. Since Ariel's people evolved to a stagnation point, they sent Ariel to Earth to collect examples of mutants that the Coconut Grove's people could then study. Ariel succeeded in forming the Fallen Angels and presented them to her people, only to learn that Ariel herself was a mutant and captured as well. Ariel helped her friends escape, but now remains an outcast from her people. During Utopia, Ariel is aiding in the X-men in defending the mutant population, defending their people from the Dark Avengers/H.A.M.M.E.R. agents. When Trance had been tasered and was left lying helpless in an alleyway. Gambit had saved her, and moments later a doorway behind him began to glow. Ariel appeared accompanied by Onyx. Since he didn't recognise her, Gambit questioned Ariel whether she was an X-Men. Ariel answered that her membership was in her genetics. However, when Ariel & Onyx returned through the teleportational doorway Trance had disappeared. This confused Ariel, who didn't want to be blamed for the accidental loss of Trance. Ariel also displayed a disregard (or ignorance) towards the Stepford Cuckoo Mindee who she called Candy. Even though she's an alien, Ariel had accepted her mutant genetics and continued to use her mutant ability to sweet talk others. It was with her gift that allowed her membership (even if it is only temporary) into the X-Men. While living on Utopia, Ariel was willing to assist in the X-Club's scientific experiments to bend space & break through dimensional walls. It transpired that it was Trance's powers that interfered with Ariel's spacial-bending, and Ariel therefore acted as a disinterested guinea pig when the X-Men were desperately looking for a means to enter Emplate's dimension & save Bling! The X-Club warped Ariel's space-bending, causing her to open a door that opened behind her. When faced with her own rear, Ariel appeared more interested in the appearance of her jacket than in aiding the X-Men During the Second Coming, Cable, Hope and the X-Men's Alpha team fight against the Purifiers, and Illyana Rasputin is magically sent to Limbo. After The Purifiers are taken down by the team, Cyclops sends Ariel to the Alpha team as their new prime teleporter. Ariel was a part of Cyclops' Alpha Team X-Men, and helped teleport them around. While traveling by car later with Wolverine and X-23, a missile was launched from a helicopter nearby destroying the car. Wolverine and X-23 survived, but Ariel perished according to Emma Frost and Wolverine. +This superhero's name is Arizona Annie. Their real name is . Many of Arizona Annie's early adventures painted Annie as someone who had contempt over men, not outright hate, always believing that a woman could do a better job at running society. She often rode around with her then boyfriend Slim Smith.In her first recorded adventure, Annie and Slim sought to have their horses reshoed by blacksmith Pete Grimm. Grimm, an unabashed woman hater refused to service Annie's horse. As fate would have it he was robbed just moments later right in front of them. Annie rode off the with the gang and used her female charm to lure each gang member away and knock them out and recover Grimm's stolen valuables. Annie's action changed Pete's opinion of women prompting him to offer free services to all women Soon after, Annie exposed land developer Josiah Cleek as a fraud when she revealed his new development of Sterling Wells was a shoddy operation In another town, Annie was accused of being the leader of a gang that was apparently led by a woman. Annie broke out of jail and tracked down the gang. She got the jump on their leader and turned them over to the authorities. The leader turned out to be a man in drag, wanted criminal Pretty Face Grimes Shortly thereafter, Annie found herself in a number of mundane adventures. When pressured into teaching the local school children while the town waited for the replacement teacher to arrive, Annie captured some bank robbers trying to hide out in the school, accidentally arresting the new teacher in the processAnnie next became the butt of a joke crafted by Slim and his friends when they convinced local outlaw Grizzly Williams that Annie was secretly in love with him. Finding this out Annie sent Williams packing and Slim and his pals ducking for coverAnnie later got involved in local politics when she thought that she could do a better job at running town than a man. Egged on by Slim Smith, Annie won the election by a landslide only to learn that she was tricked into running for the position of the local dog catcher. In retaliation, Annie rounded up the mayor and Slim and paraded them around in her dog catchers wagon. Soon after, Annie and Slim went to a carnival where she realized the owners were fixing the shooting gallery and later was once more put in the position of school teacher, subbing in for a replacement after the last teacher married Shortly after this, Annie parted company with Slim Smith, the reasons of which are unrevealed. +This superhero's name is Arkade. Their real name is . When Daddy No Legs lead the Ninja into the Pit, Arkade approaches Zane and asks to take him apart after he "expires." +This superhero's name is Arkillo. Their real name is Arkillo. A savage carnivore, Arkillo was recruited into the Sinestro Corps due to his ability to "instill great fear" in others. Taken to Qward, Arkillo's brutal nature allowed him to quickly advance in the ranks becoming the Corps drill sergeant and overseeing the creation of new Qwardian rings. He was a principal combatant during the Sinestro Corps War, particularly at the battles of Mogo and Ranx, where he fought one-on-one against his analog in the Green Lantern Corps, Kilowog. He is a member of the Sinestro Corps and New Guardians. +This superhero's name is Armor. Their real name is Hisako Ichiki. Ambitious young Hisako Ichiki enrolled at the Xavier Institute for its second public term. Hisako opposed the alien Ord when he infiltrated the Institute and threatened her and her close friend, fellow student Wing. Wing committed suicide after Ord injected him with a serum which "cured" him of his genetic mutation, taking away his ability of flight. Despondent, he committed suicide, and in the wake of this tragedy Hisako, her teacher Kitty Pryde, and several fellow students found themselves trapped in a sentient and hostile Danger Room with Wing’s seemingly reanimated corpse. Danger, as the intelligence named itself, battled the X-Men then left the Institute in search of Xavier himself. Hisako later aided Wolverine against both Ord and Danger before she, along with the X-Men and the villains, were all teleported aboard a S.W.O.R.D. craft bound for Ord's home planet, the Breakworld. Crash-landing on the planet alongside Wolverine, Hisako learned that he intended for her to become an X-Man, and took the codename Armor. +This superhero's name is Arnim Zola (MCU). Their real name is Arnim Zola. Doctor Arnim Zola was a Swiss scientist working for HYDRA before, during, and after World War II. Originally an employee of the Nazi Sturmabteilung, in 1934 he was recruited by Johann Schmidt to become a lead scientist for Schmidt's HYDRA organization. During the war, he designed many advanced weapons to aid HYDRA in its quest for world domination. Despite being captured by the Allies shortly before Schmidt's defeat in 1945, he was offered a position in S.H.I.E.L.D., the newly formed peacekeeping organization, and he used that opportunity to secretly rebuild HYDRA. When Zola received a fatal diagnosis in 1972, he transferred his mind into a complex computer system. His "brain" was destroyed when he caused missiles to be sent to Camp Lehigh, where he was stalling Captain America and Black Widow. +This superhero's name is Arno Victor Dorian. Their real name is Arno Dorian. Arno Victor Dorian was a Master Assassin during the French Revolution. He is the main protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Unity. +This superhero's name is Arnold Flass. Their real name is Arnold Flass. Like many officers on the Gotham City Police Department at that time, Arnold Flass was as corrupt as they come. His illicit activity was conducted with the approval of Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb, who often turned a blind eye to Flass' extracurricular activities. He specialized in shakedowns and was always willing to accept a bribe – if the price was right. When affairs proved unsatisfactory, Flass and several of his cohorts would often resort to violent measures to assure the outcome of their goals. +This superhero's name is Arsenal (CW). Their real name is Roy Harper. Roy was born on July 13, 1991, to Roy Harper, Sr. and an unnamed woman in Starling City. He grew up in The Glades and had a rough life, having to partake in minor criminal acts to survive. Roy racked up a record of robbery, B&E, stealing a car, and several counts of petty theft.He was also arrested for larceny and aggravated assault. +This superhero's name is Arsenal. Their real name is Roy William Harper, Jr.. +This superhero's name is Artemis (CW). Their real name is Evelyn Sharp. Evelyn Crawford "Evie" Sharp (born c.1999) is a resident of Star City, and was one H.I.V.E.'s unwilling test subjects. Following the death of Black Canary, she started imitating her idol's alter-ego and began a crusade to get revenge on H.I.V.E. for the death of her parents. Evelyn was later recruited by Oliver Queen/Green Arrow into Team Arrow under the code-name Artemis and was one of the team's most promising new members. However, after learning that Oliver was also "The Hood", who she'd previously considered a serial killer, Evelyn came to resent Oliver and believed him a false hero. Following this revelation, Evelyn betrayed Team Arrow and allied with Adrian Chase/Prometheus to get revenge on Oliver. She later was defeated by Arrow and put in a cage before the explosions on Lian Yu. She has never been seen again after that. +This superhero's name is Arthur Dayne. Their real name is . Arthur wielded the greatsword called Dawn as part of his office as Sword of the Morning, carrying it slung across his back. To defeat the Kingswood Brotherhood, he gained the trust of the smallfolk of the kingswood by paying for what he and his forces took and taking their grievances before King Aerys II Targaryen. In the end Arthur slew the Smiling Knight in single combat and ended the threat of the outlaws. Following that victory, he knighted Jaime Lannister, who would later become a sworn brother of the Kingsguard. Arthur was the champion in the tournament in honor of Viserys's birth in 276 AC, defeating Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Arthur broke twelve lances against Rhaegar in the tourney at Storm's End, losing to the prince. At the tourney at Harrenhal in 281 AC, he was defeated by Rhaegar once again. According to a semi-canon source, Arthur, along with his other sworn brother Ser Oswell Whent, aided Rhaegar in the kidnapping of Lyanna Stark near Harrenhal as the year of the false spring was ending. Robert's Rebellion began shortly after. After the end of the rebellion, Arthur, Oswell, and Ser Gerold Hightower were found by Lord Eddard Stark at the tower of joy. Arthur died there, fighting Eddard and his companions, but the exact circumstances of his death are unclear. Bran Stark recalls his father, Eddard, describing Arthur as the finest knight he ever saw and elaborating further that Arthur would have killed him if not for Howland Reed. Stones from the tower were used to build his cairn upon a nearby ridge. Arthur is remembered as not only a skilled fighter but a valiant and true knight. After Arthur's death, Eddard rode to Starfall, the seat of House Dayne, to return the sword Dawn to Arthur's sister, Lady Ashara Dayne, as a sign of respect. +This superhero's name is Ash. Their real name is Ash. Ash was born as a descendant of previous Elemental Master of Smoke. He unlocked his True Potential before events of The Tournament of Elements. +This superhero's name is Aspheera. Their real name is Aspheera. Aspheera is the leader of the Pyro Vipers and a Serpentine sorceress. In her youth, she forged a friendship with a young Wu in a bid to learn Spinjitzu and secretly overthrow Mambo the Fifth. After Wu used Forbidden Spinjitzu to defeat her, Aspheera was imprisoned in the Ancient Pyramid for a millennium, after which she was accidentally freed by the Ninja. She promptly stole Kai's element, allowing her to reignite her forces. Immediately, Aspheera swore revenge on Wu and sieged Ninjago City with a legion of Pyro Vipers and Elemental Cobras. Eventually, her rampage reached the Samurai X Cave, where she attacked Wu and the Ninja. Using the second Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, the Ninja were able to incapacitate Aspheera - but not before she banished Zane to the Never-Realm. Aspheera is currently incarcerated in Kryptarium Prison. +This superhero's name is Asura. Their real name is Asura. +This superhero's name is Atom (CW). Their real name is Ray Palmer. Doctor Raymond Carson "Ray" Palmer was born as the son of Sandy Palmer and David Palmer in 1981. He is a businessman and the former CEO of Palmer Technologies, previously known as Queen Consolidated. He has a brother, Sydney Palmer, who in at least one version of the future, is considered to be the father of the robotics industry. Ray is also the ex-fiancée of Kendra Saunders and the late Anna Loring, the ex-boyfriend of Felicity Smoak, the best friend of Nate Heywood, and the romantic interest of Nora Darhk. Having designed a powerful exosuit, he began acting as a vigilante in Star City, calling himself The Atom. While testing out a new function of his exosuit, Ray accidentally caused an explosion which shrunk him to a miniature size; stuck in this state and unable to call for help, his friends presumed him dead. After months Ray managed to contact Felicity but was captured by Damien Darhk for his technology. However, thanks to the efforts of Team Arrow, Ray was rescued and would continue to aid them in their fight against H.I.V.E. In early 2016, Ray Palmer was recruited by time-traveler Rip Hunter on a mission to take down Vandal Savage. After Ray's A.T.O.M. suit was destroyed during a mission in ancient Japan, Mick Rory gave him the Cold Gun. He nicknamed himself Colonel Cold, using both Leonard Snart's weaponry and goggles. But then, after getting a new source of dwarf star alloy, Ray went back to his Atom identity. +This superhero's name is Atom Girl. Their real name is Salu Digby. Atom Girl's existence was nothing but myth to the second wave of Legion of Super-Heroes. Her very existence was in doubt until Brainiac 5 enlisted her aid to stop Elysion of Terror Firma from destroying the United Planets' headquarters on Earth. She claims to have been exploring Brainy's microverse and simply lost track of time. When Invisible Kid had used "the Shrinking Violet" as excuse when confronted for his betrayal to Cosmic Boy, Invisible Kid and Atom Girl agreed to continue the ruse, as she prefers her presence on the team a mystery. Later, on a mission on Lallor, she battled E.R.G.-1 with Shadow Lass and Timber Wolf. Atom Girl convinced E.R.G.-1 to redeem himself, as it was revealed that he had been manipulated. Atom Girl has expressed interest in dating him. +This superhero's name is Atom II. Their real name is Ray Palmer. While in college, Ray Palmer discovered a tiny fragment of white dwarf star material that had fallen to Earth. An astronomy and physics student doing research on the nature of size and matter, Ray theorized that if he were to grind a lens from this fragment and focus ultraviolet light through it, he could shrink anything struck by the light down to a fraction of its original size. Ray rushed off to his laboratory, tried the experiment, and found that it worked exactly as he had imagined, with one tiny little catch: the objects he shrunk became unstable and exploded moments later. A couple of days later, a disillusioned Ray and some friends became trapped in a cave-in while out spelunking; Ray was forced to risk instability and use the shrinking lens on himself in order to escape the cave and save the lives of his friends. For some reason, however, Ray didn't explode and returned to his normal height. In fact, the shrinking lens worked on his body much better than he had expected, and he developed a set of control devices that gave him limited control over his weight as well as his size. Ray later hypothesized that some unknown "x-factor" in his genetic makeup prevented his atoms from becoming unstable, though many scientists now believe that Ray's ability to shrink was actually made possible by the "metagene" possessed by all humans. Keeping his discoveries a secret, Ray created the secret identity of the Atom and embarked on a career of crime fighting in Ivy Town, Connecticut. For a while, the new Atom operated strictly on his own, battling such nemeses as Chronos the Time Thief, the Computer Crooks, and the Floronic Man. The Atom was voted in as the League's second non-founding member after a battle with the mysterious Mister Memory, who was later exposed as perennial JLA adversary Amos Fortune. Ray later became a full-time physics professor at Ivy University, and married his longtime sweetheart Jean Loring, though the couple was divorced only two years later. Just before his divorce, the Atom traveled to the Amazon basin, where he discovered the Katarthans, a race of six inch tall aliens. After he and Jean split up, Ray returned to live amongst the aliens, and fell in love with Taren, a beautiful Katarthan princess. The Katarthans and their village were soon wiped out by a horrible fire and the Atom returned to Ivy Town, only to find that one of his friends had written a book exposing Ray's secret identity in his absence. After battling various foes, such as Strobe, Humbug, and Swarm, Ray learned that a US Government agency had engineered the destruction of the Katarthans, in order to induce his return to the States. He avenged the Katarthans by permanently reducing the agents responsible for the massacre to six inches in height. Ray returned to Ivy Town just long enough to bid his friends farewell, and then briefly went into hiding. He was later approached by Amanda Waller, who convinced him to fake his own death, so he could secretly join the espionage unit known as the Suicide Squad. As a part of this mission, Ray went undercover and Adam Cray served in the Suicide Squad as the new Atom. Adam was killed by Blacksnake and Ray resumed the role of the Atom. Later still, he joined the then-current Justice League on a semi-active basis. Ray was preceded as the Atom by Al Pratt, a member of the Justice Society of America. While Ray, and the Atoms who followed him, had shrinking powers, Al's superpower was superhuman strength. The two of them worked together occasionally during JLA/JSA team-ups. Al died during a battle against Extant. In time, Ray and Jean were able to be friends again. In the divorce she had received half of his patents. As a gesture of friendship, Jean decided to sign them back to him. Little did he know that this was but one of many facets to Jean's deadly scheme to win Ray back. Since their divorce, Jean had somehow become seriously deranged and believed that the only way to be reunited with Ray was to force the issue. Incredibly, she devised an elaborate plan to endanger Sue Dibny, wife of Elongated Man Ralph Dibny. Jean was privy to the fact that every year on her birthday, Ralph would be absent solving a custom-tailored mystery devised by Sue. She bypassed the Dibnys' security by shrinking down and traveling via the phone lines into their home. She then entered Sue's body and obstructed the blood flow to her brain. To cover up this evidence, Jean scorched Sue's body. Jean knew that this event would send all the heroes scrambling to protect their loved ones and — hopefully - drive Ray back into her arms. Jean employed two other schemes to cover her tracks. First, she faked her own murder , then she hired Captain Boomerang to kill Robin (Tim Drake)'s father Jack. She supplied Jack Drake with a gun to defend himself, hoping that Boomerang would be killed and that everyone would believe he was Sue's killer as well. Eventually, Dr. Mid-Nite's autopsy of Sue's body revealed the truth, and the Atom himself elicited a confession from Jean. She was promptly admitted to Arkham Asylum [16]. With Jean's incarceration, Ray was overwhelmed with despair, and shrank continuously until he vanished completely into the microscopic or subatomic. Ray's legacy lives on with Ryan Choi utilizing a version of his costume and shrinking device to become the current Atom. Ray Palmer is a hard-working, dedicated man. In fact, "dedicated" is hardly the word for it; "driven" is a little closer to the truth. Once Ray starts working on a problem or puzzle, there is absolutely no stopping him. This single-minded pursuit of his goals is more than a little responsible for Ray's shattered marriage, though it has occasionally come in handy to Ray the crime fighter. In spite of his obsessiveness, Ray is a level-headed hero and a basically likable human being. During the missing year, Palmer's technology is employed by Supernova to shrink and grow in size in order to enter and exit the bottle city of Kandor. During the Countdown Event a Monitor asks the Source Wall "what is the solution to the great disaster", it answers "Ray Palmer". The Challengers from Beyond (Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy and Jason Todd) are currently scouring the reformed Multiverse for the former Atom, who just might hold the key to saving reality from a crisis of unparalleled proportions. +This superhero's name is Atom III. Their real name is Adam Cray. At first Cray was widely believed to be Ray Palmer in disguise (by both the fans and the characters). Actually Cray had been recruited by Palmer himself, who faked his death, in order to apprehend the Micro Force (a group of villains that had been shrunk down) as well as uncover information about a shadowy government cabal, who were interested in Palmer's knowledge of the other heroes' secret identities (his own identity being no longer a secret). While Palmer would infiltrate the Micro Force, Cray would gather the attention of the Cabal as the new Atom, so that no one would notice Palmer assuming the identity of a fallen Micro Force member. Adam Cray ran with the Suicide Squad only for a short while, serving as a secret weapon most of the time, and his existence was for a while even unknown to others of the Squad. Cray even saves a wounded Amanda Waller from a group of assassins. At one point, Cray approaches Deadshot about the fact that Deadshot had murdered his father. Deadshot tells Cray that he would get one free shot at him. Soon after, on a mission, Cray is impaled through the chest by Blacksnake, a Microforce member who believes him to be Palmer. After the murder of Cray (a move Palmer had not foreseen), Palmer reveals himself and defeats Cray's murderer. The ruse ended, Palmer explains himself to the Justice League, who had been searching for him, after hearing rumors of a new Atom. +This superhero's name is Atom IV. Their real name is Ryan Choi. Doctor Ryan Choi emigrated to the United States following the death of his mother, to take up Ray Palmer's former position at Ivy University. Ryan had a deeper motivation for doing this, however; he had been in touch with Ray since he was a boy, and knew Ray had left him a legacy - the size-changing belt which Ray had originally used to become the Atom. Having found the belt, Ryan intended to explore the microscopic world, and utilize the belt's capabilities to benefit modern society - only to find a multitude of secrets awaiting the all-new Atom beneath the surface of Ivy Town. In his first recorded adventure, the Atom fought an alien culture known as the Waiting, native to a sub-microscopic dimension. Agents of the Waiting infiltrated the White House, their intent to install a mind-control device into Duster - a dog owned by the President of the United States. It was their belief that the dog controlled the actions of the President. The Atom shrunk himself to microscopic size and fought several of the alien agents, even succeeding in destroying one of their space craft. The remaining agents quickly retreated before the Atom could capture them. This was not Ryan's first encounter with the Waiting. He first met them shortly after his discovery of the Bio-belt, when his investigation into a homeless woman's disappearance took him into the sewers of Ivy Town. There, he encountered the Waiting - and discovered they were at war with a monstrous creature called M'nagalah, a war of science against magic. More disturbing yet, M'nagalah and the Waiting saw Ryan as a critical figure in this war, one who could tip the fight either way. While trying to avoid capture by both sides, Ryan fell in with Ivy Town University's Dean Mayland, who explained the town had become a nexus for weirdness - and his theory that Ray Palmer's 'impossible' actions in the course of his adventures had inadvertently been responsible. Mayfield attempted to persuade Ryan to return home, bringing Ryan's father in to convince him. Following an attack by the Waiting on Ryan's house, however, Ryan learned the war between science and magic was about to begin - and that the Waiting had launched a sneak attack on the U.S. President as a distraction. Ryan plunged into the events of his first recorded adventure, heading off the Waiting, before returning to try and stop the war. Unknown to Ryan, however, Dean Mayfield was intent on making sure science won the impending conflict - and for that, he needed Ryan out of the way, by any means necessary. Mayfield had recruited psychopathic serial killer Sylbert Rundine as an agent, equipping him with one of the bio-belts, and giving him the name Dwarfstar. Where Mayfield obtained the bio-belt is at present a mystery. Upon Ryan's return to Ivy Town, he found himself facing off against Dwarfstar, receiving severe injuries at the psychopath's hands. Ryan managed to defeat Dwarfstar by removing his bio-belt when the villain was distracted, trapping him at the micro-scale. Next, Ryan had to stop the war. First, he convinced M'nagalah to honor a truce if Ryan could get the Waiting to withdraw. Then, by provoking the Waiting into turning on their own forces, he demonstrated he knew how to destroy them, forcing them to retreat. Both sides withdrew, leaving no final victor - apart, perhaps, from Ryan and Ivy Town. The day after the battle, Ryan received a coded message informing him that the bio-belt was not Ray Palmer's. The identity of the message's sender, along with that of the bio-belt's true maker, remain unknown. +This superhero's name is Atom Smasher (CW). Their real name is Al Rothstein. Albert "Al" Rothstein (died October 6, 2015), nicknamed Atom-Smasher by Martin Stein, was a meta-human from Earth-2 with the ability to increase his size by absorbing radiation. +This superhero's name is Atomic Skull. Their real name is Joseph Martin. Joseph Martin was a Metropolis college student who began suffering periods of severe fatigue. When his regular physician was unable to offer an explanation, he was referred to S.T.A.R. Labs. His appointment coincided with Monarch's attack on the city. +This superhero's name is Atomica. Their real name is Rhonda Pineda. Rhonda Pineda was a native of Earth 3 who was the lover and partner-in-crime of Jonathan Allen. Violent and sadistic, Pineda was apparently particularly fond of killing children. When Allen was captured by two cops, Mick Rory and Leonard Snart, who intended to torture him to death, Pineda saved him by crashing a truck into the police van he was being transported in. Allen and Pineda then tortured the two cops, making them fight each other to the death, before killing the victor anyway. The pair were then hunted down and decided to make a last stand on the roof of S.T.A.R. Labs, but a lightning strike hit a satellite dish next to Allen and he was changed by the energies, while Pineda landed in a machine used for size-changing experiments. The two were empowered and became Johnny Quick and Atomica, members of the Crime Syndicate. +This superhero's name is Attuma. Their real name is Attuma. The barbarian warlord known as Attuma was part of a sect of Homo mermanus, part of the Skarka Tribe that was exiled from the city of Atlantis some time ago, likely over their opposition of the royal ruling class. Prophecies spoke that a warrior would be born from the Skarka who would conquer Atlantis by force. Before Attuma was even born, his tribe was captured by the barbarian warrior Rorak. He had heard of the prophecy and sought to rule Atlantis by controlling the warrior's fate. Attuma was born during the battle, but his mother didn't survive. Attuma kept a clot of her blood from her heart. When Rorak saw this, he was so impressed that he spared the child's life. However, Attuma was put into slavery for years allong all women and children of his tribe. But while others grew weak and died, Atuma thrived working on the mines. The young Attuma soon grew strong, cunning and ruthless. Later as a youth, Attuma led his fellow Skarka to an uprising that slaughtered Rorak's minions while Rorak himself fled. This group then settled in an area of the ocean referred to as the "Murky Depths". This society, too, prophesied that one of their own would one day overthrow the throne of Atlantis. From that moment on, Attuma was told by his people that he would be that person and since then he has lived by the sword. Through the years, Attuma grew to be the most powerful of his people, his ruthlessness cementing him as their leader. Atuma transformed the Skarka Tribe into an army of thousands from the Murky Depths, leading his tribe on a path of violent conquest.At some point in his adult life, Attuma sired a number of children. His first born was Andromeda with Lady Gelva, an Atlantean aristocrat allied with Attuma whom the warlord personally despised. Andromeda shamed Attuma for being female. Nonetheless, Attuma had the girl trained to be a warrior as though she were Attuma's son. Andromeda sought to prove herself by joining the Atlantean Army that opposed her father. The fate of his other children are unknown, however its possible they were estranged from their father in much the same way Andromeda was. +This superhero's name is Aurora. Their real name is Jeanne-Marie Beaubier. Born in Canada, Jeanne-Marie and her twin brother, Jean-Paul, were separated in infancy after their parents died in a car accident which caused them both to grow up without knowledge of the other. She was raised at Madame Dupont's School for Girls, a hyper-religious school in Quebec. Extremely nervous and introverted to the point of suicide, she soon discovered her mutant powers of flight, believing them to be a divine gift due to her strict religious upbringing. Telling her story to Soeur Anne, Jeanne-Marie was severely and inhumanly disciplined for "blasphemy". This incident began the Multiple Personality Disorder she would suffer for the rest of her life - her primary personality of a prim and proper, repressed woman, and a secondary personality of an uninhibited extrovert. As with most disorders of this type she could not remember what she did when reverting back to Jeanne-Marie. Because her problem wasn't understood or really looked at it caused her to be punished even more severely. Soon she buried the personality as well as the knowledge of her powers deep within her mind. At one time she even contemplated jumping off the roof of the school to see if her powers would save her. Instead she finished school and began teaching. Both personalities strongly disliked the other, and would switch in fear, despair, or severe stress. Leaving school and learning of her acceptance as a schoolteacher, Beaubier's uninhibited personality exerted herself to revel in joy. She was attacked by muggers, however, and used her powers to defend herself. She used her powers to defend herself against one of them when Wolverine, who was nearby at the time, noticed the commotion and stopped the second mugger. He told Jeanne-Marie that she should seek James Hudson in Ottawa. Noting her strong resemblance to Jean-Paul Beaubier, Hudson contacted him when she arrived. The two reunited and joined Alpha Flight as Aurora and Northstar. The extroverted Beaubier personality revealed in the superhero aspect of her life, adventuring with Alpha Flight and having many affairs, including a long romantic relationship with fellow teammate Walter Langkowski (aka Sasquatch). Langkowski, at Beaubier's request, performed an experiment that would negate the twin's need for contact with each other to release their powers. Later, when Alpha Flight sought the magic of the Fire Fountain which had briefly made Aurora's personality a cohesive whole, Loki, in revenge for Alpha Flight's tampering with his earlier schemes led the Beaubier twins to believe they were not mutants, but half-elves. Loki claimed that Beaubier's mental dysfunction (and her brother's current physical disease) was due to the broken gestalt that separated their powers. Aurora used her power on Northstar, which seemed to cure his illness and leave herself powerless. Loki transported Jeanne-Marie to a convent in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré which helped her regain a healed psyche but allowing her powers to manifest slightly differently (releasing inner light). When her former lover Walter Langkowski was on trial, she travelled to see him and used her powers to aid him in seeing through illusions. Sister Beaubier was forced by Talisman to return to Alpha Flight to help rescue her brother, who was trapped in Asgard by Loki. The two remained with the team. Beaubier's powers soon changed until they significantly resembled her original ones. She decided to join Gamma Flight in the role of a psychiatric counsellor when she was captured by the super-villain Headlok. Headlok's psychological torture brought back the split personalities Beaubier had before. The result of returning to this condition created a psychic backlash that left Headlok dead and Beaubier able to escape. During her time with Alpha Flight, she fell in love with her teammate Wildheart, formerly known as Wild Child. Beaubier pursued Wildheart mostly due to his handsome appearance, a recent physical condition of his that was created by the government's scientists. However, when Wildheart's appearance began to revert to his original inhuman visage, Wildheart left Beaubier and Alpha Flight, unaware that this sudden departure may have exasperated the deterioration of Beaubier's fragile psyche. She was soon abducted under mysterious circumstances, presumably on behalf of the Canadian government. She was rescued by the mutant Havok during the time he was leading the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Havok brought Aurora to the extra-dimensional Dark Beast, who believed he may be able to cure her once and for all. Havok, eventually revealing himself to be a double-agent, challenged the Dark Beast and the Brotherhood disbanded. Havok set Beaubier free and told her to return to Alpha Flight. Aurora was eventually located by her brother, and accompanied him in joining the original Alpha Flight members Shaman, Sasquatch, and James Hudson to uncover the truth about the latest activities of Department H. The original Alphans ended up assisting the officially sanctioned Alpha Flight against the latest bearer of the name Weapon X, and afterwards combined into one Alpha Flight team. During her time with the team, Beaubier was exposed to a strain of sentient bacteria, which ultimately removed her multiple personalities once again. Unfortunately, Beaubier later regressed into her fractured mental state and was remanded to a mental institution once more. Months later she was freed from the asylum by Wild Child on behalf of the new Weapon X program which (under the auspices of the mysterious Director) hoped to use the program's mutants for the benefit of humankind, even if that meant performing deadly missions and interning mutant captives. Beaubier was experimented on to relieve her mental condition and she joined the Weapon X program, although she rejected Wild Child due to his new freakish appearance. Beaubier served the Weapon X program wholeheartedly, often attempting to seduce her superior, the Director, and performed missions such as recruiting other mutants to join the program. One such mission was a trap set by Weapon X turncoat Sabretooth, who seriously injured Beaubier as an example, leaving her horribly scarred. It was only with the Director's financial and emotional support that she recovered, albeit scarred like him. Beaubier began to have genuine feelings for the Director, although he refused to reciprocate. Afterwards, unable to deny another urge, the Director entered Aurora's bedroom and the two kindled their romantic relationship. Soon, Beaubier urged the Director to have surgery to have his scars removed. However, agent Brent Jackson, who hoped to stage a coup against the Director, confronted the Director with the idea that he was a "mutie lover" due to his relationship. Too preoccupied with the idea, the Director lashed out at Beaubier, beating her unconscious. Afterward, he apologized, explaining his conflicting feelings, and Beaubier reluctantly accepted. Soon, the Weapon X agent Brent Jackson had formed a resistance group with fellow agents and joined with the mutant Cable's team, the Underground. The Underground was able to infiltrate the Weapon X complex, ousting the Director and nearly crippling the program. The Director was nearly killed by traitor agent Washout, and as he contemplated his escape, Colcord flew into a rage, blaming his loss of control over his recent obsession with his new face and with Beaubier. Taking shards of glass, Colcord disfigured himself once more. He was rescued by Madison Jeffries and, with Colcord urging Beaubier, the three escaped the Weapon X complex using Beaubier's superhuman speed. Aurora would later return with Northstar. Just as she was about to kill herself, he stopped her. Under control by the Children of the Vault they attacked the X-Mansion and fought the X-Men. She was however taken out by Mystique's quick thinking. Her mind was later saved by SHIELD equipment. During the Skrull Invasion Aurora and Northstar assisted in fighting against the Skrulls in San Francisco. She was later in regular therapy, in order to repress her Aurora persona. In the wake of the Invasion, Norman Osborn assumed control S.H.I.E.L.D and turned it into H.A.M.M.E.R., and assemble his own team of X-Men. Aurora - with her rebellious personality dominant was one of Osborn's choices, thus Osborn developed a headset for her that would electro-shock the weaker personality into dormancy. However she managed to overcome this by revealing she had mentally created a small cadre of other personalities to awaken her should her mind ever be tampered with again and with that she forcefully declined the offer. Aurora and her brother were later reunited with their friends from Alpha Flight when they returned from the dead. When the team was reformed she decided to join, but Northstar did not. This lead to much tension between the two siblings. The tension only got worse when Northstar showed up displaying considerable concern over Aurora's mental health. Other than her stress directly linked to fighting with her brother, she seemed well-balanced and happy, even engaging in heavy flirting with Sasquatch. The Serpent's invasion of Midgard was used by the Unity Party, lead publicly by Gary Cody, to gain power in Canada. Later Aurora, Northstar and presumably the rest of Alpha Flight were deployed by Emma Frost to destroy rogue and defective Sentinels that had been activated around the world in response to Kid Omega's attack on a U.N. arms summit - setting the stage for the Schism between the X-Men. Aurora became a member of the Alpha Flight space program. +This superhero's name is Avatar Korra. Their real name is Korra. Korra is the current incarnation of the Avatar and immediate successor of Avatar Aang. Born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe, where she mastered waterbending, earthbending, and firebending, she later relocated to Republic City to attain a similar proficiency with airbending under the tutelage and guidance of Tenzin as well as overcome her aversion to the spiritual aspects of the bending arts. With the assistance of Aang's spirit, Korra gained the ability to energybend, and after connecting with her past lives, she gained the capacity to enter the Avatar State at will, marking her transition into a fully realized Avatar.[8] However, due to her temporary separation from Raava during the Harmonic Convergence of 171 AG, she no longer has a connection to her past lives.[9] After defeating Kuvira and bringing an end to the Earth Empire, Korra started a romantic relationship with her best friend, Asami Sato. +This superhero's name is Azrael (Gotham). Their real name is Theo Galavan. Theodore "Theo" Galavan was the mayor of Gotham City and the chairman of development at the Gotham Chamber of Commerce. He was a descendant of the Dumas family, who had returned to Gotham to seek revenge on those who had wronged his family, especially Bruce Wayne, and reclaim control of the city. After being murdered by Jim Gordon, Galavan was later revived by Hugo Strange, being given the identity of Azrael to do Strange's bidding and try to kill Gordon. Theo was killed a second time with the combined efforts of Oswald Cobblepot and Butch Gilzean using a rocket launcher. +This superhero's name is Aztar. Their real name is Aztar. Since the beginnings of human civilization the Spectre Force, or the Divine Wrath has patrolled the lands of man. Watching, waiting in the night for the unjustly killed, the murdered and the butchered. Then swift judgment gives bloody vengeance to the murderers. Since the birth of Christ, the Wrath has been bonded to a mortal host, to be its moral guide and anchor to humanity. In the twentieth century that anchor was detective Jim Corrigan. As the Spectre they were one of the most powerful beings in the universe. If we are to believe the texts, three seconds after creation there was a rebellion in Paradise. A rebel band of angels led by Lucifer Morningstar attempted to wrestle control of Heaven from the Presence. As punishment they were cast out to the burning planes of Hell where they became the beings that mortal men know as demons. It is not always realized but is possible for demons of repent, one such repentant demon was Aztar. Coming before the gates of Heaven he found his way barred by the archangel Michael. He begged to be forgiven and said that he would accept any punishment. Aztar was transformed; any memory and residual personality were wiped away, leaving nothing of Aztar. In its place was placed a portion of the might of Heaven, the wrath of God. He became a being of divine justice forged from the injustice of punishment without mercy. This Spectre was formed to replace the being of Eclipso who had once been the Wrath of God but had become too difficult to control and so was discarded. This entity of Divine Wrath, the Spectre Force, was the being that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the one that humbled the Pharaoh and killed the first born of Egypt. The Divine Wrath was the horn blast that brought down the walls of Jericho and stopped the sun in its tracks. For centuries the Wrath of God punished and humbled mankind, until the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. At that instant, the Divine Wrath was cast into limbo, for these beings of total vengeance and total forgiveness could not walk the same earthly plane together. When Jesus died on the cross, the Divine Wrath was released from his exile and sought vengeance on mankind for the death of Christ. He was interrupted by the archangel Michael, who informed the Divine Wrath that due to the example of Christ all aspects of God were now to be bound to human souls, as decreed by God himself. The Divine Wrath was displeased with this, not wishing to take on the frailties of a soul and its persona and emotions. However, Michael would not hear any argument and was able to force the Wrath to yield. He then sought out the soul of a person who thirsted for swift, vengeful justice. In India, Caraka and his family were slain by the witch Lady Beltane. In the limbo that exists between planes of reality, Caraka cried for justice. The archangel Michael appeared to him, in the form of the god Kali, who Caraka worshiped. He asked Caraka if he would be willing to bargain his soul's rest for the chance to avenge his family's death. Caraka said yes and his soul mixed with the essence of the Divine Wrath. Thus, Caraka became the first true Spectre, a killing ghost that sought justice and enlightenment. The Spectre was unaware of its past as a divine force. As far as it knew, it was merely a human soul who had been granted divine power. Eventually Caraka would turn from his mission and was stripped of the Spectre Force, instead he bonded with a force from Hell and became Azmodus who swore revenge on all later Spectres. Over the centuries, there were many who were joined with the Divine Wrath to become the Spectre. Like their predecessor, none of the Spectres were aware of their true origin as the Divine Wrath. All of these beings were very clandestine and none gained world-wide recognition. +This superhero's name is Balder. Their real name is Balder Odinson. +This superhero's name is Bane (Dark Knight). Their real name is Unknown. Put in prison to serve his fathers life sentence in prison at the age of 8, as he got older he began to studie subjects such as Math, Science, Social Studies, Word Building, History, and English. He soon would murder a man at a young age and it made him thrive and lust to do it more, he worked and exercised his body to the very max limits a human can go, and is said to be stronger than Batman without venom. He then would travel to Gotham, to meet Batman. And that’s how his story began. +This superhero's name is Bane (Injustice). Their real name is Dorrance. Bane was born in the Central American country Santa Prisca, where he was transferred to one of its most notorious prisons to carry on the sentence of his recently escaped father. As he would grow in the given environment, Bane would become one of the most feared inmates. Along with being a fearsome brute with his strength, he also studied a lot, reading any book he can get. Bane's physical prowess, however, attracted the attention of the warden, who put him in an experiment on testing a steroid called "Venom." As such, Bane broke out with a handful of the drug and ventured to Gotham City, where he would become one of many infamous rivals of Batman, even being able to best him in different occasions. +This superhero's name is Bane. Their real name is . Born to serve the life sentence of his father, Bane's childhood and early adult life are spent behind the walls of Peña Duro, an infamous prison located in Santa Prisca. Though imprisoned, his natural abilities allow him to develop extraordinary skills within the prison's walls. He reads as many books as he can get his hands on, builds up his body in the prison's gym, and learns to fight in the merciless school of prison life. Despite his circumstances, he appears to have found teachers of various sorts during his incarceration, ranging from hardened convicts to an elderly Jesuit priest, under whose tutelage he apparently receives a classical education. Bane murders this priest upon his return to Santa Prisca years later. However, he commits his first murder at the age of eight, stabbing a criminal who wanted to use him to gain information about the prison. During his years in prison, Bane carries a teddy bear he calls Osito (Spanish for "little bear"), whom he considers his only friend. It is revealed that Osito has a hole in his back to hold a knife that Bane uses against anyone who bullies him. Bane ultimately establishes himself as the "king" of Peña Duro prison. The prison's controllers take note and, eventually, force him to become a test subject for a mysterious drug known as Venom, which had killed all other subjects. It nearly kills him at first, but he survives and finds its effects enhance his physical strength, although he needs to take it every 12 hours (via a system of cables pumped directly into his brain) or he would suffer debilitating side-effects. +This superhero's name is Banshee (FOX). Their real name is Sean Cassidy. Banshee is first seen hitting on a girl in an aquarium. However, she doesn't accept him, and actually finds him comical. In a final attempt to gain her affection, Banshee uses his ability to scare away all of the fish. It doesn't work, and at this point, Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr appear, and convince Banshee to join the X-Men off screen. Later, Banshee is seen at the government facility with the rest of the X-Men. Banshee, Darwin, Angel, Beast, Mystique, and Havok are all seen getting to know each other, while also being taunted by several government agents who don't accept Banshee and the rest of the mutants. Then, around this time, Sebastian Shaw and the rest of The Hellfire Club attack the facility and kill several of the agents. Shaw, Azazel, and Riptide corner the young members of the X-Men. Shaw tires to convince them all to join him, and, much to the X-Men's horror, Angel does. Darwin, in an attempt to save Angel and kill Shaw, pretends to join The Hellfire Club. However, this fails, and Shaw kills Darwin by transferring Havok's energy into Darwin's body, causing Darwin's body to explode right in front of the X-Men. Banshee is next seen with the rest of the X-Men, mourning Darwin. Xavier is hesitant about continuing to lead the team, but Banshee helps manage to convince Xavier to continue to lead them, telling him that he doesn't want to see Havok go back to prison. So, Xavier takes Banshee and the rest of the X-Men to his home, the X-Mansion. There, Banshee and the rest of his team train for combat against Shaw and the Hellfire Club. While standing out in the courtyard with Charles and Moira, Charles helps him focus his power and he shatters a glass window, Charles tells him to go at a higher frequency and it gives Moira and Charles nausea. Beast designs a wingsuit for Banshee, intending for Banshee to use his sonic screaming to propel himself through the air. At first, Banshee is nervous about using his suit, and falls out of a window in a failed attempt at flying. Later, however, Banshee is seen standing at the top of a satellite dish, along with Charles, Erik, and Hank. Reluctant to jump and try to fly, Banshee claims that he is afraid of dying, at which point Erik pushes him. Banshee screams in terror, which generates loud enough sound waves for him to fly, helping Banshee to gain confidence and master his new ability. Banshee's ability of flight proves to be extremely useful during the fight against the Hellfire club later on, as he rises out of the water (after using his sonic screaming as sonar in order to locate Sebastian Shaw's submarine) and uses his scream against Tempest, disorienting her and saving Havok's life. Tempest flies after him though, and she burns a hole in his wing suit, causing Banshee and Havok to fall onto the beach. After this, Banshee and the rest of the mutants witness Erik expose Shaw's body and attempt to destroy all of the ships on the coast. Moira MacTaggert, however, tried to stop Erik by shooting at him. Erik blocked the bullets, but one rebounded and hit Charles in the back, resulting in his paralysis. When Banshee and the rest of the X-Men attempted to intervene, Erik used his ability to throw Banshee and the others backwards onto the beach. Then, after Erik and his newly formed Brotherhood of Mutants leave the beach, Banshee (along with Beast and Havok) run to Charles and Moira, who are both lying in the sand, as Charles is now paralyzed. +This superhero's name is Banshee. Their real name is Sean Cassidy. Sean Cassidy was born as the heir to the castle and estate of Cassidy Keep, Ireland, as well as a small fortune. After graduating from Trinity College, Dublin, with the degree of Bachelor of Science, Cassidy became a detective at Interpol, the international law enforcement organization. By the time he married Maeve Rourke, Cassidy had risen to the rank of Inspector at Interpol. Although Cassidy had discovered his mutant powers in his adolescence, he kept them secret, even from the rest of Interpol. However, Cassidy's powers were known to his disreputable cousin Black Tom Cassidy, who had discovered that he himself was a superhumanly powerful mutant. Sean and Black Tom had long been rivals, especially over the love of Maeve Rourke, before she ultimately married Sean. Sean Cassidy was assigned by Interpol to a top secret mission which required that he stay out of touch with his family for a considerable amount of time. When he left on the mission, Maeve was in her first month of pregnancy, although neither Tom nor Maeve knew it at the time. Their daughter, Theresa, was born during Sean's absence. Maeve took the infant Theresa with her on a visit to her relatives in Armagh in Northern Ireland. While she was there, Maeve, an innocent bystander, was killed by an explosion caused by terrorists. No trace of Theresa was found by the authorities, and they and Maeve's relatives assumed that Theresa had also been killed in the explosion. In fact, however, Black Tom Cassidy had been present at the scene of the explosion and had secretly carried Theresa off with him. Black Tom suspected that Theresa might develop superhuman mutant powers as she grew older, and therefore he intended to raise her secretly so that he might exploit her powers himself. On returning from his mission, Sean Cassidy was informed that his wife was dead. Those who knew that Theresa had been born decided not to inform Sean Cassidy that Maeve had had a daughter in order to spare him further grief. At first Cassidy attempted to escape his despair over this news by throwing himself into his work at Interpol. Eventually, however, the still melancholy Cassidy left Interpol to become a freelance operative, and as time went on, he found himself engaged in criminal activities. The legal authorities never discovered that Cassidy was guilty of crimes, but the mutant known as the Changeling did, thanks to the technology of the subversive organization of superhumanly powerful mutants and their underlings known as Factor Three. The Changeling contacted Cassidy, whom Factor Three's technology had also identified as a superhumanly powerful mutant, and invited him to join the organization. Cassidy was appalled upon learning of Factor Three's goals and adamantly refused. However, the Changeling and his superior, the so-called Mutant Master, agreed that Cassidy's powers and knowledge of the workings of law enforcement agencies were too valuable for Factor Three to lose, and so they sent their agents to capture Cassidy. Factor Three had a headband containing explosives placed around Cassidy's head. If Cassidy defied their orders, the headband could be detonated by remote control; it would also detonate if Cassidy attempted to remove the headband himself. Furthermore, Factor Three put Cassidy, who went by the code name of Banshee, under the supervision of one of their trusted human agents, the Ogre. The Banshee thus felt forced to obey Factor Three's commands, and, accompanied by the Ogre, performed various criminal missions for the organization. While in New York City on a mission for Factor Three, the Banshee clashed with the original X-Men, who captured both him and the Ogre. The X-Men's leader, Professor Charles Xavier, used a psionic 'mental bolt' on the Banshee's headband which prevented the detonation mechanism from functioning so that the Banshee could remove it. Once freed of the headband, the Banshee told the X-Men all that he knew about Factor Three. Later, the Banshee discovered Factor Three's secret European headquarters, only to be recaptured. But the Banshee participated in the X-Men's battle with the Mutant Master, and it was the Banshee's powers which exposed the Mutant Master as an extraterrestrial. +This superhero's name is Bantam. Their real name is Roberto Velasquez. Roberto Velasquez was a talented boxer, often sparring with his friend Manuel Torres at Trini's gym, but because of his size, his future as a boxer was uncertain. He was approached by Armando Aviles, who promised to make him stronger and faster, without using drugs. Roberto agreed, and was subjected to the Power Broker treatment in Florida by Dr. Karl Malus. In Roberto's next match, he faced a normal boxer, Emilio Garzon. Without meaning to, Roberto killed him in the ring. Roberto was horrified, and ran out on Aviles, refusing to box anymore. Manuel was subsequently matched against Rico Lazar, a augmented boxer. This brought Roberto out of hiding to try and save his friend, and Aviles used the opportunity to give Roberto another chance with his crime ring. Roberto refused to do so, and was shot by Aviles. Thinking he was dead, Aviles had his men seal him in a coffin, shoot it full of holes, and toss it into a swamp. Roberto survived all of this, and swam to safety. Deciding that his "death" had granted him anonymity, he broke into a sporting goods store owned by Aviles, and donned boxing gear, taking the alias of "Bantam." He then went after Aviles, but as he fought him, Aviles was accidentally shot dead by one of his own men. Bantam fled the scene of the murder. When Roberto went to check on Manuel, he was horrified to learn that he was dead, thrown out of a window by Lazar. As the Bantam, he set after Lazar, and found him at the site where Malus had augmented him. He defeated several of Lazar's allies, but went into a berzerker rage, attacking Captain America. After he had cooled down, he joined Captain America in chasing after Lazar, and Bantam defeated him in battle. Bantam went back to Trini's gym to work out and was found there by Trini, who had guessed that Roberto was the Bantam. He offered Roberto a career with him as a boxer, but Roberto turned him down, knowing his strength made him too dangerous. Trini then asked him to become a trainer, and Bantam responded that he would think about it. Later, Bantam came upon two gangs about to fight, and convinced both sides to stand down. He convinced some of the gang members to settle their frustrations at Trini's gym, and ultimately accepted Trini's offer to become a trainer. Bantam split his time between super heroics and training other boxers at Trini's Gymnasium in San Juan. Because he was too powerful he never stepped himself into the ring again. After the Super-Hero Registration Act was passed, Bantam chose to register. He came from L.A. to New York to apprehend the hero Thunderclap, who didn't register. Bantam tried to beat Thunderclap with his fists, but Thunderclap used his sonic boom and accidentally sent Bantam flying into a gas truck, which exploded. Bantam was killed by the explosion. +This superhero's name is Barb Wire. Their real name is Barbara Kopetski. Barbara “Barb Wire” Kopetski’s father is a former steelworker and U.S. Marine. He reportedly fought in Korea, but is now bed-ridden and suffers from Alzheimer’s. Barb’s mother was a cop, who died in unknown circumstances. Barb was also close to her babciu (grandmother), who took her bowling. Between her parents and her tough home town, little Barbara grew up an all-American fighter. She also inherited such traditional tastes as big chromed motorbikes, fast cars, high-caliber guns, and heavy metal. While Steel Harbor was prosperous — even booming — when Barb was a little girl, the situation soon soured. By the time she was a teenager, the town was already in dire shape. Apparently, she briefly tried to live in the outside world during her late teens or early 20s. But that did not work out and she came back to the Harbor. One suspects that she spent a year or two at a college outside of Steel Harbor. Brazen youth After dropping out of college, a young Barb came to work for the aging Michael O’Brien, the most reputed bounty hunter in town. This apprenticeship worked well, but O’Brien was an alcoholic with wandering hands. As a result, Kopetski beat him up and became a skip tracer on her own. She was assisted by Alonzo, then a teenager. During that time Barb was also Hunter (Wolf Ferrell)’s lover. Hunter was already a noted gang leader, with remarkably disciplined troops. But he presumably yet had to recruit his superhuman lieutenants. While Kopetski seemed proud of being with the handsome, smart and feared Hunter, they eventually broke up in violent circumstances. The very first contract the Barb closed solo was locating one Avram Roman, who would later become the Machine. With information from Hunter, a fair bit of luck and a lot of guts, Barb did capture the superhuman Roman. However, Mick O’Brien and his crew came after her to get Avram, and the situation degenerated. Barb had Alonzo call Hunter just in time. Though Avram and Kopetski were captured by the O’Brien crew, the bounty hunters were surrounded in turn by the Wolf Gang. After the skip tracers left, Barb let Avram leave. They had saved each other’s lives during the fighting, so she couldn’t apprehend him in good conscience. Gaining in stature Barb Wire became Steel Harbor’s #1 skip tracer, displacing O’Brien. Two friends proved to be key assets in this. After their breakup, she rebuilt professional bridges with Hunter. And the mysterious Machine often sent her information about the most elusive skips. She also took to running a large bar, the Hammerhead. The bounty payments kept the Hammerhead running despite the perpetually-depressed economy in Steel Harbor. (Why Barb runs the Hammerhead is never explained. But it may have belonged to her dad before his Alzheimer made him unable to manage it. It’s just a No-Prize Hypothesis, though.) Martial manhuntress Inevitably, Barb Wire got involved in the high-powered gang warfare that dominates the embattled town. Her first documented job was nabbing Ignition, a psychotic pyrokinetic working for the Prime Movers. Nobody else dared to confront Ignition and his entourage. But Barb Wire felled them with a non-lethal rocket-propelled grenade built by Charlie. But she had underestimated the wealth and pull of the Movers. Ignition was back on the street within less than an hour and looking for revenge. Barb’s friend the Machine helped repulse the attack, and the bounty huntress tracked Ignition to his hideout. There she spied on Mace Blitzkrieg disciplining Ignition. Mace also mentioned that he would soon conquer the whole town. Deducing that he would start with the Wolf Gang, Barb Wire rode to warn them. However, superhuman Wolf Gang members who did not know he tried to stop her. By the time she could reach her ex, the Movers were practically there and the Wolf Gang was overrun. 1993 gang war Despite their superhuman OGs and heavy firepower, the Wolf Gang and the neighborhood were taking a murderous pounding. At that point, the other bouncer of the Hammerhead Bar and Grille, Frank Fletcher aka Motorhead, came looking for Barb. Fletcher’s frequent absences had recently led Kopetski to fire him. Frank’s no-shows were caused by massive telekinetic powers swelling within him, resulting in crippling migraines. His power enhanced by the latest painful episodes, “Motorhead” Fletcher dispersed the Prime Movers. He then asked for his job back, and he and Barb worked something out. After another major clash with the Prime Movers to defend Barb and the Wolf Gang, Motorhead had to leave town. His tremendous power made normal life impossible and threatened to turn the Hammerhead and Barb into targets for even more powerful parties. Barb Wire then attempted to collect a bounty on a minor superhuman biker leader. Calling himself Fearless, he had the power to remove fear from people for a short while through his touch. Barb got rid of his suicidally fearless one-percenters and cornered her prey. Fearless used his fear-suppressing touch on himself and overwhelmed Barb. She was forced to exploit his fearless state to dare him to do a suicidal jump. Fearless was killed in the fall, costing Barb the bounty but saving her life. Born to be wild Barb then got into trouble caused by Deathcard. This assassin was piggy-backing on her manhunting skills to find and kill his targets. She expertly turned the tables on him, though Deathcard escaped. Sometime after that, Mace Blitzkrieg learned that Fletcher had left. Mace launched a major terrorist campaign in Steel Harbor, razing several police precincts with car bombs and putting the police in a state of siege. The situation worsened when Titan was sent in by the Federal government. Titan was beginning to suffer from a major nervous breakdown, which also increased his immense power. He thus got into a pointless fight with the Wolf Gang. Their leader Hunter called Counterstrike, a superhuman friend who had gone corporate. Counterstrike held his own for a while but was eventually overcome. The catastrophically escalating situation was halted by Motorhead, who came back to Steel Harbor after hearing about the earlier bombings. Welcome to the Machine Sometime later, the government project behind the transformation of Avram Roman into the Machine tracked him down to the Hammerhead. The Machine wanted to face them alone to protect the Kopetski siblings – the only persons treating him like a man. Barb nevertheless investigated and joined the conflict. She arrested the Federal agent hunting down the Machine. Knowing he was ineluctably becoming less human with each passing day, the Machine eventually left. He asked Barb to tell his father, who had gotten wind of his survival, that he was dead. Hard liquors and fire do not mix During a subsequent case, Barb got careless. She nearly got killed by a common punk, which cost her more than she made from the bondsman. She decided to concentrate on running the Hammerhead full-time and drop the whole skip-tracing business. She had the bar renovated, set up events and gigs for local bands. She even started wearing dresses and being “Ms. Kopetski”. The Hammerhead remained in the red, though. A Steel Harbor street and Barb Wire Barb improved the cash flow by working full-time on developing the bar for a while. Yet the financials remained sickly. Furthermore, she craved adrenaline and spent more and more time at the gym. Feeling betrayed by her inability to stick with the bar, some of the staff angrily left. Things came to a head when Maureen Skach, the new Ignition, came to the Hammerhead to avenge the first Ignition. Since Barb was away, Skach grabbed Charlie instead. Barb quickly found her brother but was outmatched by the powerful Ignition. The bounty huntress nevertheless killed Skach’s psychotic and heavily armed sidekick. She then managed to take Ignition down by rigging up a taser staff hooked up on a large generator. Skip tracer Barb Wire returned to occasional bounty hunting and skip-tracing to stay in the money. During that era, the Mask came to Steel Harbor. Despite the Mask’s sheer power, Barb and the Machine energetically took the green-faced psychotic nuisance down. Kopetski finished the Mask off with a solid kick to the testicles with her steel-shod cowgirl boots on. Barb then tracked down the superhuman Reddy Kilowatt into the city of Arcadia. She begged him with the help of the local, supernatural vigilante Ghost (Elisa Cameron). Intuiting that the gruff Cameron felt lonely, Kopetski gave her her card as a gesture of friendship. Ghost did contact Barb Wire when she came to Steel Harbor to locate a runaway girl. The pair eventually tracked the kid down, though she turned into a monster who begged Ghost to kill her after spouting some enigmatic warnings. Ghost left, since Barb acting friendly and ignoring her brooding and spectral behavior made her feel awkward. Peace in our time A truce between the super-gangs then proved lasting. Barb seized the occasion to further pivot toward running the Hammerhead. Thanks to a lasting truce between the gangs, Steel Harbor became more peaceful. Barb seized this swell of cautious optimism and had another go at developing her bar. She hired new, better staff – including an assistant manager, the punk-chic Lacy. She even shot commercials broadcast on local channels. Barb soon moved the Hammerhead Bar and Grille to a better location, in a former industrial warehouse on Harbor Drive at Industrial Way. The new Hammerhead became the quasi-official neutral zone of the city and the premier watering hole in town. It drew in large and mixed crowds and was treated as a DMZ by the SHPD. Ace of spades Though her business was finally making money, Barb felt miserable. It was far too much work and took too much time. She was particularly annoyed when having to play hostess for wealthy and influential locals slumming in her bar. She also suspected that when violence would return, it would happen at the Hammerhead. As business boomed and her temper got worse, Barb alienated every single one of her friends. She was increasingly self-centered and used people. In particular, the Machine left, never to return. This played right into the mysterious plans of an unrevealed interest, who sent a new Deathcard (this one a woman) as its agent. Deathcard II expertly set every power player in Steel Harbor against all the others. She convinced most that Barb Wire had always been a double agent on their enemies’ payroll. The brutally re-ignited gang war. With Deathcard II stroking the flames the crisis left dozen of corpses lying across town. It also seriously damaged the Hammerhead. Barb Wire realized that for once she hadn’t been the one who was two steps ahead of the opposition. Worse, that she had lost sight of her own better human qualities and friendships. Unknown legend Coincidentally, in Arcadia, Ghost was also having a rough time. She contacted Barb Wire, hoping to talk. Barb seized the occasion, bought her a bike and took her on a road trip. They eventually ran into trouble with fellow bikers. Ghost soon realized that these served one of her enemies. Barb decided to get involved in odd events in the creepy, eerie burg of Black Heart, Nebraska. This was a trap set by a demonic foe of Ghost, and the place soon became an utter nightmare. They attempted to flee but were overwhelmed. Ghost came to realize that these gory horrors and hallucinations had been set to exploit her weaknesses. They were magically keyed to her neuroses about men Thus, she intuitively realized that she could disrupt them by stepping outside of her own fixation on gender roles. She achieved this by giving a flabbergasted Barb Wire a big long kiss, breaking the abominable spell. The pair was left in a particularly awkward situation. They rode away in separate directions. However, they soon got over it. When they saw each other again, Barb Wire had been captured by Mister Borazzon’s mob. Borazzon, one of Ghost’s enemies, was a creepy crime lord with a medical condition and a brutally ruthless nature. Though Borazzon was amply prepared for Ghost’s special abilities, she found a way to blow up everything. She sent him and his flunkies to Hell while rescuing Barb. Barb felt humiliated by her capture and was creeped out by the supernatural horrors unleashed by Ghost to defeat Borazzon. They awkwardly parted ways again. The rent is too damn high (The 2015 series seems to take place a relatively short time after Ace of Spades (published in 1996) – perhaps a year or two. Yet, it's clearly the 2010s in term of tech, language, etc..) Barb Wire continued her work and the Hammerhead inched into the black despite her so-so financial skills. She also developed more income and rep by having a camera crew film her work as a bail enforcement agent. However, the area around the Hammerhead gentrified, and the landlord cashed out. This would likely make the rent too damn high. The network also wanted to see superhuman action on Barb’s segments, as the super-gangs had been relatively quiet in recent months. Though she hated arresting superhumans, Barb was forced by her poor finances to set her sights on one “Wyern Stormblüd”. This man was a super-strong alcoholic with probable brain damage. He acted like an incoherent, bargain-basement, Thor. Hunter provided her with information and a power-neutralizing pistol. But as it turned out, Barb had been manipulated by the super-gangs to do their dirty work. They forcibly took custody of Stormblüd right after she perilously captured him. Mace even used part of the money to buy the block the Hammerhead was on. However, he let the bar keep on running and didn’t raise the rent much. He also leveraged these events to order his gang not to attack Barb Wire. That was despite mounting pressure caused by her bounty-hunting activities. Back to the Machine The power-neutralizing pistol used to took down Stormblüd had actually been sent by the Machine via Hunter. It was a trap laid by the Machine for the Federal forces who had been hounding him for years. As he hoped, they arrested Barb Wire, threatened her with extraordinary rendition, then forced her to hunt down the Machine. Avram had Hunter leak his location to Barb. The Machine was apparently planning to kill all pursuers to stop their efforts. But Barb Wire interfered and kidnapped the special agent in charge. This convinced the Machine to stop fighting and explain what he could do to the Federal government if they didn’t let go of their hunt. A deal was reached, the Machine left town again, and Barb went bowling. +This superhero's name is Baron Mordo (MCU). Their real name is Karl Mordo. Karl Mordo is a former member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts and was a close ally to the Ancient One, assisting her with recruiting and training their new soldiers. When Mordo encountered Stephen Strange, he invited him into Kamar-Taj despite the Ancient One's objections and later aided him in the battle against Kaecilius and the Zealots. During this battle, Mordo learned that the Ancient One drew her power from the Dark Dimension, which was forbidden for all other Masters. Following the death of the Ancient One at the hands of Kaecilius, who was eventually defeated before he could bring Dormammu to Earth, Mordo was so mortified by this betrayal that he turned his back on his allies and chose to use his skills to restore balance by stripping sorcerers of their power. +This superhero's name is Baron Zemo (MCU). Their real name is Helmut J. Zemo. Colonel Helmut Zemo is a Sokovian citizen turned terrorist mastermind who sought revenge against the Avengers after losing his family in the Battle of Sokovia, becoming obsessed with defeating and destroying them. Knowing that he was no match against the Avengers, he instead planned to have them destroy each other by first framing the Winter Soldier for the assassination of T'Chaka, causing Captain America to defend his closest friend from the world. This action had caused the Avengers Civil War in which Iron Man led a manhunt for the Winter Soldier and Zemo allowed Iron Man to discover that the Winter Soldier was also responsible for the deaths of his parents. With the Avengers in ruins, Zemo then attempted to commit suicide but was stopped by the Black Panther and handed over to Everett Ross for his imprisonment. +This superhero's name is Baron Zemo. Their real name is Helmut Zemo. Baron Helmut Zemo, the 13th Baron Zemo and the son of Baron Heinrich Zemo, the master Nazi scientist and enemy of Captain America during World War II. Heinrich brought his son up to believe in the Nazi ideals of a master race, and that only the Zemo line should be ruling the world. Learning of his father's death, Helmut, now an engineer and strategist himself, blamed Captain America, and adopted the guise of the Phoenix in order to kill him in revenge. Zemo was defeated, however, falling in a vat of Adhesive X, horribly disfiguring him. He resurfaced years later as Baron Zemo, now working with Arnim Zola's monstrous creations. He allied with Primus, and kidnapped Steve Rogers childhood friend Arnold Roth in order to lure him into a trap.[9] He forced the Captain to fight hordes of mutates before revealing that he knew his secret identity. Zemo later encountered Sinthea Shmidt who was known as Mother Superior at the time and her father the Red Skull.[11][12] Zemo underwent training by Sin and the Red Skull, and then kidnapped Captain America's friend David Cox and brainwashed him to fight Cap.Zemo then kidnapped Arnold Roth again, and directed a shared mental re-enactment of Heinrich Zemo's last World War II encounter with Captain America. He turned against Mother Superior, but was overpowered by her psychic powers. elmut returns and continued to either try to take over the world or gain revenge on Captain America, but was always defeated by his arch-enemy. One scheme in particular led him to recreate his father's team of super-villains known as the Masters of Evil.Under his direction, the Masters of Evil succeeded in taking over the mansion headquarters for Captain America's super-team, the Avengers, in the Avengers' most serious defeat. Zemo was ultimately confronted by Captain America and was overpowered. Zemo, with the help of Batroc's Brigade, tried to resurrect his father using the Bloodstone. He raises his father only to learn that his father was nothing but disappointed in him. Helmut Zemo later married Baroness Heike Zemo, a woman who once claimed to be a reincarnation of Heinrich Zemo. The two lived together in the Castle Zemo ancestral home and organized the Kinder. Named for the Nazi Wunderkinder (Wonder Kids, a.k.a. the Hitler Youth), the Kinder were a group of abducted children, who were originally captured as part of a white slavery ring by Damon Dran. Zemo and the Baroness picked 25 children whom they deemed worthy and adopted them into their home in Castle Zemo. These children were essentially brainwashed into developing a fanatical devotion to the Nazi Party in general, and Zemo and the Baroness in particular. Captain America and his partner Diamondback followed a lead on the missing children and defeated Zemo and the Baroness, freeing the children. Zemo later put in motion plans to create a new Masters of Evil. During this time, however, Captain America and the Avengers were believed dead after seemingly sacrificing themselves to the psychic menace known as Onslaught. Baron Zemo was briefly despondent, devoid of purpose with the loss of his greatest foes. Instead, Zemo hit upon the idea of leading the Masters in masquerading as a new heroic super-team to replace the Avengers, accumulating public trust and resources until they were ready to strike. Zemo himself adopted the alias of Citizen V, a 1940's adventurer slain by his father. Under Zemo's direction, the team, called Thunderbolts, was accepted as New York's newest heroes far easier than they would have expected, and were soon given access to equipment used by heroes such as the Avengers and Fantastic Four.The team worked alongside Spider-Man.They battled various villains in New York. Using this new-found trust and equipment, Zemo nearly succeeded in taking over the entire world, but the Thunderbolts, wanting to continue as heroes, mutinied and Zemo barely escaped, despite his use of the reborn Avengers as mind-controlled pawns. Zemo tried to affect his revenge on the Thunderbolts from his father's base in South America, but was ultimately unsuccessful. He was then confronted by a new Citizen V, claiming to be the true heir to the title, as Zemo never was. Zemo escaped capture, remained at large for several months. in: Masters of Evil members, Hydra members, High Council of Hydra members, and 48 more Helmut Zemo (Earth-616) EDIT SHARE HelpBaron Zemo Gallery Information-silk Real Name Helmut J. Zemo Information-silk Current Alias Baron Zemo Information-silk Aliases Helmy,[1] CV,[citation needed] Baron,[citation needed] Phoenix,[2] Citizen V,[3] John Watkins III,[4] Iron Cross,[5] Mark Evanier,[citation needed] Jim[6] Information-silk Relatives Harbin Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Hademar Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Heller Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Herbert Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Helmuth Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Hackett Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Hartwig Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Isla Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Hilliard Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Gretchen Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased); Unnamed Kleinenshvitz (distant ancestor, deceased); Hoffman Zemo (distant ancestor, deceased);[7] Hobart Zemo (great-grandfather, deceased); Herman Zemo (grandfather, deceased); unnamed grandmother (deceased); Baron Heinrich Zemo (father, deceased); Hilda Zemo (mother, deceased); Heike Zemo (wife, deceased); The Kinder (various illegally adopted children); Wendell Volker (distant relation); Ms. Klein (distant relation); Mr. Fleischtung (distant relation) Information-silk Affiliation Hydra, Masters of Evil; formerly Hydra's High Council, leader of Thunderbolts, Army of Evil, former ally of Red Skull, Mother Superior, former partner of Primus, former Secret Empire financier, V-Battalion, Redeemers Information-silk Base Of Operations Tower Zemo, Bagalia City, Bagalia; formerly Mount Charteris, Colorado; Castle Zemo, Leipzig, Germany; Castle Zemo, Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains, Mexico; Skull House, New York Status Information-silk Identity No Dual Identity Information-silk Citizenship German Information-silk Marital Status Widowed Information-silk Occupation Terrorist, ruler of Bagalia, 13th Baron of Zeulniz, adventurer, mastermind, would-be world savior with world conquest inclinations; former professional criminal, assassin, engineer, wealthy criminal entrpeneur Information-silk Education College graduate Characteristics[82] Information-silk Gender Male Information-silk Height 5' 10" Information-silk Weight 183 lbs (83 kg) Information-silk Eyes Blue Information-silk Hair Blond (mostly burned away) Information-silk Unusual Features Helmut's face has in the past been disfigured, looking like molten wax, and incinerated. Origin Information-silk Origin Human Information-silk Universe Earth-616 Information-silk Place of Birth Leipzig, Germany Information-silk Creators Tony Isabella, Roy Thomas, Sal Buscema First Appearance Captain America #168 (December, 1973) Contents[show] History Quote1 Though it has the appearance of granite, justice is a pliable dough. Morality, shifting concept, bending to the will of the conqueror. It is the perspective of the victor that forms history, and defines the future. So long as you win, you claim the moral high ground--No matter the means you used to claim it. The Christians knew this when they launched their crusades. Napoleon and Alexander dreamed of a world united and understood the bloodshed it demanded. And the Americans knew this when they dropped their a-bombs. You and your progeny will know only opulence, wealth, and comfort, Lucas. You will not only save the world--You will be its king. The brave young man who brought an end to our crusade--And a beginning to the Age of Hydra! Quote2 -- Baron Helmut Zemo src Early Life Baron Helmut Zemo, the 13th Baron Zemo and the son of Baron Heinrich Zemo, the master Nazi scientist and enemy of Captain America during World War II. Heinrich brought his son up to believe in the Nazi ideals of a master race, and that only the Zemo line should be ruling the world.[8] Phoenix Learning of his father's death, Helmut, now an engineer and strategist himself, blamed Captain America, and adopted the guise of the Phoenix in order to kill him in revenge. Zemo was defeated, however, falling in a vat of Adhesive X, horribly disfiguring him.[2] Zola's Monsters He resurfaced years later as Baron Zemo, now working with Arnim Zola's monstrous creations. He allied with Primus, and kidnapped Steve Rogers childhood friend Arnold Roth in order to lure him into a trap.[9] He forced the Captain to fight hordes of mutates before revealing that he knew his secret identity.[10] Mother Superior Zemo later encountered Sinthea Shmidt who was known as Mother Superior at the time and her father the Red Skull.[11][12] Zemo underwent training by Sin and the Red Skull, and then kidnapped Captain America's friend David Cox and brainwashed him to fight Cap.[13] Zemo then kidnapped Arnold Roth again, and directed a shared mental re-enactment of Heinrich Zemo's last World War II encounter with Captain America.[14] He turned against Mother Superior, but was overpowered by her psychic powers.[15] Masters of Evil Helmut returns and continued to either try to take over the world or gain revenge on Captain America, but was always defeated by his arch-enemy. One scheme in particular led him to recreate his father's team of super-villains known as the Masters of Evil.[16] Under his direction, the Masters of Evil succeeded in taking over the mansion headquarters for Captain America's super-team, the Avengers, in the Avengers' most serious defeat.[17] Zemo was ultimately confronted by Captain America and was overpowered.[18] Resurrecting His Father Zemo, with the help of Batroc's Brigade, tried to resurrect his father using the Bloodstone. He raises his father only to learn that his father was nothing but disappointed in him.[19] Baroness Zemo Helmut Zemo later married Baroness Heike Zemo, a woman who once claimed to be a reincarnation of Heinrich Zemo. The two lived together in the Castle Zemo ancestral home and organized the Kinder.[20] Named for the Nazi Wunderkinder (Wonder Kids, a.k.a. the Hitler Youth), the Kinder were a group of abducted children, who were originally captured as part of a white slavery ring by Damon Dran.[21] Zemo and the Baroness picked 25 children whom they deemed worthy and adopted them into their home in Castle Zemo.[22] These children were essentially brainwashed into developing a fanatical devotion to the Nazi Party in general, and Zemo and the Baroness in particular. Captain America and his partner Diamondback followed a lead on the missing children and defeated Zemo and the Baroness, freeing the children.[23] Thunderbolts Vol 1 105 page 09 Helmut Zemo (Earth-616) Helmut Zemo's face Thunderbolts Zemo later put in motion plans to create a new Masters of Evil. During this time, however, Captain America and the Avengers were believed dead after seemingly sacrificing themselves to the psychic menace known as Onslaught. Baron Zemo was briefly despondent, devoid of purpose with the loss of his greatest foes. Instead, Zemo hit upon the idea of leading the Masters in masquerading as a new heroic super-team to replace the Avengers, accumulating public trust and resources until they were ready to strike. Zemo himself adopted the alias of Citizen V, a 1940's adventurer slain by his father.[24][25][26] Under Zemo's direction, the team, called Thunderbolts, was accepted as New York's newest heroes far easier than they would have expected, and were soon given access to equipment used by heroes such as the Avengers and Fantastic Four.[27] The team worked alongside Spider-Man.[28] They battled various villains in New York.[29] Using this new-found trust and equipment, Zemo nearly succeeded in taking over the entire world, but the Thunderbolts, wanting to continue as heroes, mutinied and Zemo barely escaped, despite his use of the reborn Avengers as mind-controlled pawns. Zemo tried to affect his revenge on the Thunderbolts from his father's base in South America, but was ultimately unsuccessful. He was then confronted by a new Citizen V, claiming to be the true heir to the title, as Zemo never was. Zemo escaped capture, remained at large for several months.[30] Zemo was later targeted by the mysterious Scourge (in reality, Nomad working on behalf of a government agent, Henry Gyrich, when both were mind-controlled), who stalked Zemo in his headquarters and beheaded him. However, Zemo survived due to a fail-safe device engineered by his robotic associate Techno, a fail-safe which transferred Zemo's consciousness to a computer at the moment of his death. Techno, out of a perverse sense of humor, then transferred Zemo's consciousness into the comatose body of adventurer John Watkins III, who had operated as the modern Citizen V with a covert group known as the V-Battalion. Once more hiding in plain sight as Citizen V, Zemo pretended to be the revived Watkins and assumed Watkins' former role as the leading agent of the V-Battalion, a role which brought him into contact with various members of the Avengers and the Thunderbolts again. For a time, Zemo, as Citizen V, was offered leadership over the Redeemers, a team of super-agents organized by the Commission for Superhuman Affairs (the same organization that was manipulated to make Scourge). Shortly afterward, the Redeemers were confronted by the Thunderbolt's archenemy, Graviton, who proceeded to slaughter the heroes before attempting to reshape the world in his own image. Zemo escaped and decided to reactivate his former Thunderbolt teammates, MACH-3 and Songbird, as the Thunderbolts had disbanded at the time. The remaining founding Thunderbolts, Meteorite and the Fixer, initially agreed to serve Graviton in order to be spared, but they soon switched allegiances. Through a mixture of surprise tactics and negotiation, the Thunderbolts managed to fight Graviton to a standstill and revealed that the aliens known as the P'Tah were using Graviton's energies to open a portal to the P'Tah's dimension. The Thunderbolts fought back the P'Tah invasion, but it took Graviton's dying effort to cause the portal to implode, sending himself and the P'Tah back. At the same time, the V-Battalion tried to teleport Zemo out of the area. The combination of energies interfered with Zemo's presence in Citizen-V's mind, and Zemo's presence was shunted to the mechanical systems of the Fixer. Graviton saved the Thunderbolts by using his powers to send them to the planet known as Counter-Earth, a duplicate of Earth orbiting the opposite side of the sun where Captain America and the Avengers were after seemingly sacrificing themselves. Although, Fixer knew he contained the disembodied consciousness of Zemo, Zemo purposely kept his presence a secret from the other Thunderbolts. Surreptitiously, Zemo and Fixer confronted Zemo's counterpart on Counter-Earth, the German hero Iron Cross, and Fixer placed Zemo's mind within his counterpart. Zemo confronted his counterpart's father who had embarked on a global takeover scheme, and killed him, wishing to conquer the world in his own right. Zemo then invited the Thunderbolts to join him in conquering Counter-Earth. The rest of the team, however, wanted to save the troubled world rather than conquer it. Zemo began aiding them in their efforts, initially to win over converts to his cause of ruling civilization, but found himself coming to regard the business of world-saving as an intriguing avenue to achieve the same goals.he Thunderbolts went on to revive the flying city of Attilan and populate it with refugees and survivors of the war-torn and nearly-destroyed world. The Thunderbolts became renowned for their heroism and efforts to solve the world's problems. They were hailed by many to be the world's saviors, often leaving Zemo flushed with unexpected feelings.Eventually, the team encountered a spacecraft whose engines emitted a radiation that began eating the Earth from the inside and confronted a being born of that very radiation, Anomaly. The teen rebel soldiers called the Young Allies arrived to show the Thunderbolts that the void created by the machine was linked to the other Earth and claimed only one planet could survive. Zemo was ready to use Anomaly to pull the real Earth into the void, destroying it. The rest of his Thunderbolts, however, embarked on a plan to combine their powers to punt the alien ship off the Earth and sever the link between the worlds. However, in order to complete this plan, the Thunderbolts needed to be inside the void in order to keep it clear of the real Earth as it closed. By so doing, they would reemerge from the void on the real Earth, forfeiting their roles and place on Counter-Earth. Immediately upon exiting the void, the Thunderbolts confronted their former teammates, Hawkeye and Songbird, who had formed another version of the Thunderbolts on Earth and were also trying to plug the real Earth's counterpart to Counter-Earth's spacecraft. The two teams of Thunderbolts combined forces to plug the void and shunt the alien ship from Earth. After much discussion, Hawkeye agreed to leave the Thunderbolts to Zemo's leadership, reluctantly coming to agree that Zemo had proved he had potential to be a hero. Zemo congratulated his team, claiming to be embarking on a new mission, based on his experiences on Counter-Earth, to serve the best interests of the world at large, even though it would mean they would have to rule it in order to save it. Zemo led the Thunderbolts in many acts of questionable heroism, where the ends justified the means. In fact, Zemo’s ultimate plan involved the creation of "The Liberator", a device that would drain abnormal uses energy throughout the world. He hoped this would reduce global threats, eliminate superhuman terrorism, and stabilize the world’s status quo. The Thunderbolts succeeded in launching the Liberator, only to be challenged by the Avengers. Feeling betrayed, Moonstone absorbed the powers that The Liberator had harnessed, combining them with her already-increased powers. As she battled the Avengers, however, her emotional state combined with her near-cosmic power began to threaten the entire planet. The Thunderbolts and the Avengers teamed up to confront Moonstone. During the battle, Zemo blocked Moonstone’s blast of energy from striking Captain America, which left him hideously scarred once more. Ultimately, the teams defeated Moonstone by removing the alien gems that gave her powers. Zemo grabbed the two moonstones, shouting to the Avengers that they had made a mistake in destroying his vision, and he teleported away. In the present, Rogers returned to the mantle of Captain America and tracked down Baron Zemo when the villain had traveled to Bagalia in an attempt to recreate the Masters of Evil. Zemo was forced to flee after being ambushed by Captain America and his allies, Jack Flag and Free Spirit. Captain America managed to intercept Zemo's getaway plane[64] and faked both Selvig and Zemo's deaths. Steve kept Zemo captive at his new secret base of operations, making Helmut his unwilling confidante. Over the course of the following months, Rogers managed to convince Zemo that the life he had lived without being by Steve's side was the false one. +This superhero's name is Batcow. Their real name is None. Bat-Cow was originally a cow that was found by Robin during an investigation on a slaughterhouse, which the cow was sent to. Robin wanted to keep the cow and named it Bat-Cow. Batman decided they would keep the cow. During a later investigation, Batman discovered it had mind-controlling radiation inside of it, leading him to attempt to get rid of the cow. Robin, however would not allow him to hurt the cow. After the events of Robin's death, Bat-Cow and Robin's dog felt a great loss in morale. Alfred Pennyworth and Nightwing had to take care of the cow. Later after Nightwing's disappearance, Alfred was the only caretaker of Bat-Cow. Bat-Cow, complete with cape, spent time on a Wayne Enterprises-owned dairy farm. It was there the cow encountered the cosmic-powered "Forever People." One of them seemed to gain guidance from Bat-Cow's actions, namely when Bat-Cow gave one of the Forever People a scarecrow's hat. Bat-Cow formed a friendship with Titus, a dog and household cat. +This superhero's name is Batgirl III. Their real name is Helena Rosa Bertinelli. Maria Panessa Bertinelli, wife of Franco Bertinelli of the Mafia family in Gotham City, was the subject of frequent beatings from her husband, though he was sure never to beat her face. Maria decided to have an affair with a man named Santo Cassamento. As a result, Maria became pregnant, with her husband knowing it was not his own child and still beat Maria. Maria gave birth to a girl whom she named Helena Rosa. For eight years, Helena grew up in a mafia household, never suspecting the criminal dealings that took place there. When Helena was eight years old, a man barged in to the Bertinelli household during dinner and shot Franco, Maria and Pino Bertinelli, sparing Helena. The hit came from Mandragora who wished for no vendettas against him. Helena's biological father passed the order along with a modification that "the sister" be spared. Santo was referring to Maria. But the gunman confused Maria with Helena and so Helena was spared, though she was not supposed to be. +This superhero's name is Batgirl (Injustice). Their real name is Barbara Gordon. The daughter of Gotham's police commissioner James Gordon, Barbara was eager to follow in her father's footsteps. Then Batman came onto the scene, and she was inspired by both. One night, she went to a masquerade disguised as a bat, where she conveniently saw the criminal Killer Moth get brought down by Batman in a botched robbery. Thus, she started her double life as Batgirl, soon getting the attention of the Caped Crusader and joining the Bat-Family. Later on, she'd be incapacitated by The Joker, leaving her crippled. She would get around this and resume crime-fighting duty as Oracle, though only to provide information from the Batcave. After the Metropolis bombing incident and Superman formed the Regime, Barbara aided the Insurgency lead by Batman as a communications center and major ally. She converses with the President of the United States while Batman was recovering from his broken back at the hands of Superman, informing the President that Batman is alive, and that she is working with him and the other people who wish to take Earth back. Later, Superman's Regime murders her father, James Gordon. Enraged by this, she dons the alias Batgirl to fight the Regime directly. +This superhero's name is Batgirl IV. Their real name is Cassandra Cain. The daughter of David Cain and Sandra Wu-San (Lady Shiva), Cassandra Cain was conceived and trained from birth with the intention of creating the perfect bodyguard for Ra's al Ghul. After many unsuccessful attempts to train children from birth in martial arts to make them inculcate it like a native language (the most successful being The Mad Dog), David Cain, then a member of Ra's League of Assassins, decided the right genes were necessary to create this "One Who Is All". With Ra's go ahead Cain searched for the perfect mother for this child, finding her in the Wu-San sisters of Detroit, who practiced martial arts with each other nearly every moment of their childhood in a type of sister's language. Cain sympathized with the younger sister, Sandra, when he noticed that she held back out of love for Carolyn. To "help" Sandra reach her full potential, Cain murdered Carolyn, then lured Sandra into an ambush by the League of Assassins, where he defeated her. Cain spared Sandra from death on the condition that she bear his child, and leave her for him to raise. Awed by the potential heights she could reach in her physical talents now that Carolyn was gone, Sandra agreed to Cain's bargain in order that she might go on to become the unstoppable force of nature known as Lady Shiva: creator and destroyer. Shiva's hope for her child was that she might one day grow to be the one force that could stop her reign of destruction. Trained by her father to be the ultimate weapon, Cassandra was not taught to speak. Instead, the parts of her brain normally used for speech were trained so she could read other people's movements and body language and predict, with uncanny accuracy, their next move. This also caused her brain to develop learning functions different from most, a form of dyslexia that hampers her ability to read and write. When she was 8 years old, Cain decided his experiment had progressed far enough for him to test Cassandra's abilities in the real world, and took her to a hit; the target being Faizul, a 'book man' in Macau. At the time Cassandra had no idea what she was doing and believed it was only a game (an interpretation in keeping with her own reaction to what happened, and matching the interpretation of Alfred Pennyworth, an expert on children who saw a tape of events). After striking a deathblow, she "read" the target as he died, and saw death as he saw it. In addition to scarring her emotionally, she realized murder, like her father's profession, was wrong, and she ran away from her father. Cassandra spent the next nine years homeless, beating herself up mentally over what she'd done as she traveled the world. Entering Gotham City at 17 Cassandra came to be one of Oracle's agents in the No Man's Land of Gotham City. After saving Commissioner Gordon's life from her assassin father, she was given the Batgirl costume with the approval of both Batman and Oracle. She became Barbara's ward and in a sense, the Batman's adoptive daughter. As the No Man's Land wore on the new Batgirl was introduced to the rest of the with varying levels of acceptance. Usually going out under the Batman's watchful eye she was finally allowed to go on a solo mission when a petrol station needed guarding against a local gang. Near the end of No Man's Land Batman noticed her death wish and forced her to make a decision between suicidal actions and self preservation. She opted for self preservation. Despite her notable handicap of being unable to talk, read or write Cassandra did remarkably well. Capable of understanding others' intentions due to her ability to read body language she was a more than capable listener, even if she couldn't reply. It was this trait that made her one of the Batman's most loyal and trusted followers and helped her to survive when the became hunted by the Blood Hawks. Although the fact that she couldn't talk frustrated Barbara Gordon she proved herself useful in other ways during a team up with the spectral vigilante Ghost in hunting down disappearing corpses. The running successes and final understanding of her mission as Batgirl allowed Batman to give her the privilege of running solo in Gotham City on the condition that she faced no 'costumed criminals' (Joker, Bane, Two Face, Penguin, etc) From going undercover in Madras with Batman to saving local heroes from the mob Cassandra continued to impress as the new Batgirl. Especially when, despite Batman's warnings, she went face to face with a meta-human and won. She even managed to, despite her restriction to Gotham City, make it on the reserve member list of Young Justice. But Cassandra's career was not the only thing that was growing. In the background a rift between Oracle and Batman was slowly emerging, as was the growing image of Batman as a father figure in Cassandra's eyes but the major development was David Cain's growing longing to have his daughter back. Batman learned about Cassandra's past when Cain transmitted a tape he had made of Faizul's death to the Batcave, but Batman nevertheless continued to accept Cassandra. Things became more strained when a run-away psychic altered her mind so that she could understand words. As an after effect she lost her ability to read body language and thusly, her ability to fight. After she almost died while trying to protect the psychic from assassins Batman took away her costume and began retraining her. The training remained ineffective however, perhaps due to Cassandra's dwelling on her lost ability instead of focusing on accumulating more, and Cassandra wanted to roam the streets, with or without the costume. It was during one of these 'unauthorised' vigilante outings that she encountered her mother. Lady Shiva noted Cassandra's missing skills and offered to train in a way that will allow her to possess them again but in exchange they will fight in one year. A death duel. Cassandra accepted. Cassandra began training immediately; going after every talented fighter she came across in order to gain more skills she even (after hearing about his notoriousity within the Bat-clan freed the Joker then apprehended him again in order to gauge just how good he was. Batman and Oracle deduced that Cassandra's death wish had not gone away and that it was due to guilt over her murdering Faizul. They began looking into what had brought the death wish back. Her reckless training was interrupted when an Officer Down was called over the frequencies. Batman's longtime ally and friend, Commisioner Gordon had been shot in cold blood. It was during yet another training session in the batcave that Cassandra first met her future friend Stephany Brown (The Spoiler). It wasn't long until Batman gave her a cave of her own to operate from and her training crusade continued as she found even more powerful opponants like Bizzaro Supergirl and Shadow Thief during the Joker's Last Laugh as well as numerous female villians during the aftermath of Our Worlds at War. These activities had not gone unnoticed by Batman and Oracle but despite Oracle's protests Batman allowed Cassandra to continue until the fateful day arrived and Cassandra fought Shiva on the building tops of Gotham City. Shiva won the battle fairly easily, killing Cassandra with a shot to a nerve cluster near the heart but then, within a temple devoted to her, Shiva brought Cassandra back to life and requested another fight. This time, with her death wish satisfied, Cassandra Cain won and became the first to defeat Lady Shiva in martial combat. Unfortunately the victory would be short lived for Bruce Wayne was in jail, under suspicion of murder and Cassandra arrived back to the cave in time to see Batman leave. It was during an investigation into the murder that Cassandra discovered that Batman and Bruce Wayne were in fact the same person. Later she, along with Spoiler and Nightwing discovered critical clues that pointed to Bruce Wayne's innocence and, eventaully, incriminating evidense to the real culprit; David Cain. Her father safely behind bars and no battle-to-the-death with Shiva to train for Cassandra focused on her crime fighting career. Batman regarded Cassandra very highly. During War Games, he relied heavily on her to help control the violence of the gang war in Gotham City. Following War Games, Batgirl moved to Blüdhaven with Tim Drake at Batman's suggestion and with his financial support (Nightwing had been injured during the War Games, and the Gotham City Police Department had declared all costumed heroes illegal). There, she quickly made a name for herself by defeating the Society of Evil. Deathstroke later took on a contract from the Penguin to kill Batgirl and decided to let his daughter Rose Wilson (the current Ravager) do the job instead. Cassandra beat Rose by critically wounding her and giving Deathstroke no choice but to get her medical attention. It was during fathers' day that Cassandra became infatuated with knowing who her mother was. Interogating all the contacts she had (including Batman and her father, David Cain) she eventually found Lady Shiva. Cassandra also went undercover in the Justice League Elite masquerading as an assassin named Kasumi. She revealed herself to Coldcast to tell him that he was not a bad person, right before he was accused of murder. Cassandra has gained control over the League of Assassins. She recently encountered a shocked Robin and nearly killed him in battle. She also fought with Supergirl, during which time both combatants discovered that Supergirl possessed a bio-defense mechansim enabling her to generate Sunstone crystal from her body. Supergirl stabbed Batgirl through the shoulder with one of these crystal spikes. At this time, Batgirl also fell under the sway of Deathstroke who drugged her and used her as a tool in his revitalized Titans East team. Robin provided Cassandra with the antidote and she left the team and fought against Deathstroke. +This superhero's name is Batgirl (New 52). Their real name is Barbara Gordon. +This superhero's name is Batgirl VI. Their real name is Stephanie Brown. +This superhero's name is Batgirl. Their real name is Barbara Gordon. +This superhero's name is Bathound. Their real name is Ace. Ace was the guide dog of a blind native American named Black Wolf, who just called him "Dog". After helping Batman against some criminals and Black Wolf's subsequent death, Batman adopted Dog and renamed him Ace. Ace also known as Titus lives in the Batcave and sometimes helps in cases where his sense of smell is useful. He is very affectionate towards Batman. Occasionally, Ace will help Batman or Krypto (the Super-Dog) to fight crime. +This superhero's name is Batman (1966). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. ruce Wayne is Batman, a brilliant crimefighter helping rid Gotham City of its criminals in conjunction with the Gotham City Police Department. After witnessing his parents' deaths, Bruce Wayne trained to become Batman, with the help of his butler Alfred, adopting a costume to strike fear into the hearts of criminals and appropriately bat-themed gadgets — including a Batmobile and Batcave. At some point Batman became good friends with Commissioner Gordon. Batman took Dick Grayson in as his ward and the boy helped him as Robin, the Boy Wonder. Soon after, Batman got more help in the form of Batgirl. Unbeknownst to him, she is Commissioner Gordon's daughter. During his career as a masked crime fighter, Batman faced many foes such as The Joker, The Riddler, Catwoman, The Penguin, Mister Freeze, Ma Parker, King Tut, False Face, Bookworm and many others. +This superhero's name is Batman (Arkham). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. When his parents were gunned down in front of him, young Bruce Wayne resolved to rid Gotham City of the criminal element that took their lives. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, in addition to mastering martial arts, detective techniques, and criminal psychology. When he returned, Bruce was inspired by a bat in his ancestral home of Wayne Manor. He then became Batman who fought crime with the aid of specialized gadgets and vehicles and operated out of a secret Batcave underneath Wayne Manor. Batman led a successful twelve-year, crime-fighting career until he was publicly unmasked by Scarecrow during the Arkham Knight Incident. Following the incident, with his identity fully exposed, Batman initiated The Knightfall Protocol and disappeared from the public eye. Despite that, his legacy lived on with the citizens of Gotham. +This superhero's name is Batman (Burtonverse). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy from Gotham City. When eight years old, he saw his parents get murdered in front of him. He spent seven years of his adult life in training in various forms of martial arts, and his detective skills. When he returned, he was inspired by a bat in his ancestral home of Wayne Manor. He became Batman. During his time as Batman, he had engaged with a lot of criminals and terrorrists, such as Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Two-Face, Riddler, Mister Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane. And his act as Gotham's protector was not all alone, since he had helped by Alfred, Robin, and Batgirl. +This superhero's name is Batman (DC One Million). Their real name is . In the distant 853rd Century (year 85,300), criminals of the most dangerous variety have been relocated to the bleak prison planet of Pluto. With the aid of the Laughing Virus, the criminal Xauron instigated a rebellion, seizing control of the world. Seeking retribution and a demonstration of power, Xauron had thousands of guards, as well as their spouses, herded into an arena, with their children forced to watch as their parents were massacred over the course of days. When the 15,000 children of those families were forced to watch the massacre of their parents, many committed suicide or went insane. One swore never to let such a tragedy occur again, and vowed to become The Batman. Already aware of the Batman Legacy and the many Batmen that had already existed, he chose the symbol of the bat because he thought that it stood for more than simply fear; it stood as an ideal, it stood for justice. Knowing what was necessary to succeed in his mission, he began training, honing his abilities just as hundreds of others who had taken the mantle of the bat had done before him. He furthered his knowledge in millions of physical and mental techniques, various subjects, and even more in searching for the technology he would need to combat evil. After years of patience, training, studying, and preparing, Batman One Million took to the dangerous Asylum Planet, Pluto, along with his sidekick, Robin One Million. Soon after, he was invited to join a new incarnation of the Justice League, Justice Legion Alpha, where he met Superman One Million, Flash One Million, among others. After years of working together, they went back in time to invite the Justice League of the 20th century to see the rebirth of the first Superman, Superman Prime. Unexpectedly, their companion Starman betrayed them and unleashed a plague onto Earth, with the real Justice League being unable to stop it, Justice Legion Alpha was there to help them. Batman One Million worked with the 20th century Batman to find a way to stop Starman's plan, along with Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, using the technology of the Batcave. Batman One Million stopped his plans, ending with Starman returning to the light once more and committing suicide to stop what he had done. Batman One Million and his companions returned to their era, along with the 20th century Justice League, to watch the rebirth of Superman Prime. +This superhero's name is Batman (DCAU). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne was orphaned as a child when he witnessed his parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, brutally gunned down in a random mugging. He made a solemn vow at their grave that he would commit his life towards bringing wrongdoers to justice. After the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Bruce Wayne became the legal ward of the family butler Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred and he lived at the family estate in Gotham City known as Wayne Manor. Bruce Wayne drew upon the influences of others in order to create what would one day become his dual identity as Batman. One of his earliest inspirations was taken from a character from old movie serials known as the Gray Ghost. Little did Bruce know that he would one day meet his childhood hero. Bruce eventually left Gotham in order to train to fulfill his mission. He spent three months training with John Zatara and his daughter, Zatanna, in the art of escape.He also trained in martial arts under the tutelage of Master Yoru in Japan. Here he formed a rivalry with fellow student, Kyodai Ken, who after being banished for attempting to steal Yoru's prized sword, swore vengeance on Bruce. As a young man, Bruce Wayne had already mastered several martial arts forms. He had discovered an immense cavern beneath Wayne Manor, and Alfred and he began furnishing it as a secret crime laboratory. In short order, Bruce began operating as a street-level vigilante, donning a black ski-mask and going out into the night to foil crimes. Though he was marginally successful, Bruce grew frustrated by the fact that his foes were not afraid of him. He realized that he would need something else in order to inspire terror into the hearts of Gotham's underworld. During this time, Bruce met and fell in love with a woman named Andrea Beaumont. He even considered abandoning his crusade for justice to devote himself to her, but he was haunted by the memory of his slain parents. Bruce proposed to Andrea, who readily accepted. Unfortunately, as Bruce would later learn, her father, Carl Beaumont, had borrowed money from Sal Valestra and his mob gang (including a young Jack Napier) Andrea chose to flee with her father overseas, and sent the ring back to Bruce with a letter not telling the real reasons. Heartbroken, Bruce Wayne committed himself entirely towards fighting crime. However, he had yet to develop the means by which to intimidate his adversaries. A few nights later, Bruce Wayne was in his father's study mourning the loss of his parents when a bat crashed through the study window. Inspired by this incident, Bruce realized that he would garb himself in the visage of a bat... and thus, the Batman was born. +This superhero's name is Batman (GAM). Their real name is Kirk Langstrom. Kirk Langstrom was a brilliant student in college, one of a group known as "Luthor's Boys". His best friends were William Magnus and his then-girlfriend Tina, the only ones who could help the introverted Kirk out of his shell. Kirk devoted most of his time to trying to create a cure for Lymphoma, using the anti-coagulant properties of the saliva of a vampire bat to break down the tumor, but his serums always broke down before they could finish the job. Using Will's nanotech as a bonding agent, Kirk created a serum he believed would work. Unfortunately, though the serum DID cure his cancer, it also mutated him, splicing his DNA with that of the bat saliva in his serum, transforming Kirk into a superhuman pseudo-vampire himself, now dependent on blood to stay alive. For an unknown amount of time, Kirk wandered the streets, until Superman found him, sucking on a rat. +This superhero's name is Batman II. Their real name is Dick Grayson. In the wake of Bruce Wayne's disappearance during Final Crisis, Gotham is thrown into chaos by a new Black Mask who destroys Arkham and takes control of its inmates using microchips. While Nightwing rallies Batman's Network to stop the gang violence, Jason Todd begins wearing a Batsuit and violently gunning down criminals. Penguin and Two-Face go to war as the two biggest figures in Gotham, not realizing Black Mask is manipulating them. Grayson refuses to try and replace Bruce, so Tim Drake begins wearing his own Batsuit that gets him stabbed through the chest in a fight with Jason. Secret Six members Bane, Catman and Rag Doll in a Robin costume show up to help out in Batman's honor, but Nightwing banishes them for murdering terrorists. He also battles the new Azrael for stealing the Suit of Sorrows, but they come to an understanding and Azrael is allowed to operate in Gotham. The Network go after Black Mask when they realize he's their real threat, and Dick personally hunts down Jason. Jason lies that he killed Tim, leading to a fight atop a subway car where Dick kicks him and Jason seemingly falls to his death. In the aftermath of these events, Dick realizes that he really was destined to become Batman and takes the cowl with Damian Wayne at his side as Robin. At Bruce Wayne's private funeral, Dick announces that they cannot allow Batman to die and his legend must continue. Alfred Pennyworth helps him build a new Bat-Bunker so he can make the identity of Batman his own, and Dick begins his career by taking down Scarecrow. He makes an immediate impression as a more media-friendly Batman who allows crime scenes to be recorded so his convictions stick. When he goes after the Penguin, Black Mask intervenes by sending Clayface and Lyle Blanco as hitmen. Two-Face breaks into the Batcave using a teleporter and tries to confront Batman as an impostor, but Dick convinces him otherwise. His first mission with Damian Wayne as Robin involves Professor Pyg and the Circus of Strange, who they stop from spreading drug addiction like a virus and turning people into Dollotrons. They continue to struggle with Hush posing as Bruce Wayne, and begin keeping him under constant guard to stop him from damaging the Wayne Foundation. Firefly betrays Black Mask to satisfy his pyromania and Zsasz uses the Broker to construct a gladiatorial abbatoir. Tim Drake believes that Bruce is still alive, and leaves Gotham as Red Robin to look for clues in Europe when Dick won't support him. They test the mettle of Stephanie Brown as the new Batgirl when they're attacked by Roulette. He also observes Batwoman taking down the Religion of Crime, although he allows her to operate independently. The Riddler gains his respect when they work together on a case involving Conundrum. In an encounter with Booster Gold, he's briefly erased from history by the Black Beetle and then restored. Aqualad visits him for advice on how to handle Atlantis after losing his mentor Aquaman. His new identity is also shown to affect Starfire, who still has romantic feelings for him. When Vigilante arrives in Gotham, they fight and then arrive at a mutual understanding. In his first team-up with Azrael and the Question, Robin is kidnapped and they go after a religious cult named La Saligia. Black Mask remains cornered by the National Guard in Devil's Square with his mind-controlled False Faces, but he plans to threaten the city with experimental toxins using his Ministry of Science including Doctor Death, Fright, Hugo Strange and the Reaper. Mario Falcone returns to Gotham after many years and tries to take organized crime back for the Roman Empire, although Batman eventually burns his estate down. The Penguin hires a young thief named Kittihawk who plagues Batman, although she eventually becomes Catwoman's sidekick and takes the name Catgirl. Eventually Batman is forced to lead a frontal assault on Devil's Square using the Network, and he exposes Black Mask as the newly insane Jeremiah Arkham. Batman and Robin meet a foreign crime-fighter Oberon Sexton who begins assisting them. Jason Todd returns as Red Hood with a new sidekick named Scarlet and begins violently executing criminals. Red Hood attracts the attention of the Penitente Cartel and their top-level enforcer El Flamingo, who nearly kills them before Batman has Todd arrested. While Arkham is incarcerated, Batman visits him for help in one of Black Mask's homicides but Arkham's schizophrenia is too far gone and he is still evil. Batman and Robin assist Azrael when investigation into the Religion of Crime uncovers new leads in the death of his siblings Gwendolyn and Marion. When Humpty Dumpty finds the corpses of children in the river, it leads them to Zsasz's gladiator ring which Robin and Abuse take down from the inside. Zombies rise in Gotham when power rings turn the dead into agents of the Black Lantern Corps. The reanimated corpses of Abbatoir, Blockbuster, Deacon Blackfire, KGBeast, King Snake, Magpie, the Trigger Twins and the Ventriloquist lay siege to GCPD Headquarters. Batman, Red Robin and Robin ally with Deadman and Etrigan during this crisis. Dick is forced to confront his resurrected parents John and Mary Grayson trying to kill him, but the heroes survive by freezing themselves. Eventually Dick decides to reanimate the corpse of Bruce Wayne in a Lazarus Pit, traveling to London where he fights King Coal and the Religion of Crime with Batwoman, Knight and Squire. This goes horribly wrong when it's revealed that the corpse was not Bruce Wayne, but an insane clone made in the Evil Factory during Final Crisis. They stop the clone from killing Alfred and Damian with the help of Colonel Kane, and Dick acknowledges that Bruce Wayne must really be alive somewhere. In the aftermath of Blackest Night, Donna Troy and Hal Jordan rebuild the Justice League inviting Batman into their membership including The Atom, Congorilla, Cyborg, Doctor Light, Green Arrow, Guardian, Mon-El and Starfire. Upon his return to the present, Bruce Wayne has turned the concept of "Batman" into a global operation known as "Batman Incorporated", after revealing to the press he has been "funding" Batman all these years. Dick has retained the the Batman identity despite Bruce's return to the mantle. He continues to operate as Gotham City's primary defender with Damian Wayne continuing as his Robin. He has also joined the current incarnation of the JLA. The Black Mirror When several murders are committed with old super-villain weapons, Dick begins pursuing a villain known as the Dealer. He infiltrates the Dealer's headquarters Mirror House and finds a dark cult, although he's quickly discovered and drugged. Escaping through violent hallucinations, he returns and takes the Dealer's plane down when he tries to leave Gotham. James Gordon, Jr. returns to Gotham after many years and is rejected by his family as a psychopath, although he requests a recommendation from Dick to work with Leslie Thompkins. Commissioner Gordon suspects that his son is a murderer, and hunts down old leads with Batman's help. Tony Zucco's daughter Sonia Zucco is targeted by super-villains, and Dick agrees to help her as she's become a legitimate businesswoman. This leads him to a weapons dealer named Roadrunner who tries to kill him in a car-crusher. The real culprit is a pirate named Tiger Shark who gets away because Sonia manipulated Batman into dealing with her other enemies. Dick meets with James Jr. and gives him a good recommendation, although it's revealed that James is still torturing people. The Commissioner discovers his son plans to drug a nutrition facility and turn thousands of infants into future psychopaths, while the Joker escapes simultaneously. Dick goes after the Joker when Barbara Eileen is attacked with toxin, but the Joker only wants to fight his own Batman and insists he didn't commit the assault. James Jr. finally kidnaps Oracle to murder her, and Dick rescues her at the last moment but it's left unclear whether or not he was able to save the nutrition facility. The DC Universe heavily changed its continuity into the DCnU following the events of Flashpoint in 2011. This was part of an effort to make storylines more accessible to newer readers, beginning with the New 52. This new timeline combines elements from the DCU, Vertigo Universe and Wildstorm Universe while drastically changing the origins and histories of characters. Dick returns to his identity as Nightwing, leaving Bruce Wayne to be the only Batman again. Haly's Circus comes to town for the first time since his parents were murdered. In his civilian identity he is attacked by an assassin named Saiko who insists that he's the fiercest killer in Gotham. Dick inherits the deed to the circus from a dying C.C. Haly and begins a relationship with his childhood friend acrobat Raya Vestri. Saiko tortures Haly for information on Nightwing's secret identity, and the old man dies in Dick's arms after telling him the circus holds a terrible secret. Investigating leads, he tracks down a supervillain named Feedback who used to be a childhood friend but doesn't learn anything. Batgirl visits and they team up to take down a shape-shifter named Spinebender. Following Haly's clues, he finds a mysterious Book of Names in the circus that holds his on the last page. He's forced to fight a rhyming demon named Acheron when his clown Jimmy Clark is attacked by an ex-fiancee using black magic. Tracking down more leads, he fights a super-villain known as Shox for information. The circus announces they will be doing a memorial show on the anniversary of the night Dick's parents were murdered, and Saiko attacks by detonating a massive explosion. It's revealed that the circus has been training assassins for years, and Saiko was a childhood friend using Raya as an accomplice. Grayson had been selected to become a new Talon for the Court of Owls, but when Batman adopted him Saiko took his place. The killer plummets to his death, and Raya turns herself in. Returning to the Batcave, Bruce reveals to Dick that the current Talon is his great-grandfather William Cobb. Nightwing recieves Alfred's message, which conveys the forty people the Court of Owls targeted for assassination. He goes to save Mayor Sebastian Hady and comes face-to-face with a Talon. Using lethal force on the Talon, Nightwing stabs him across the eye with his stick, as the Talon is already dead and Nightwing's stick is slowing his healing factor down. However, William Cobb, having been revived by another Talon, attacks Nightwing and stabs him in the chest. Nightwing then tricks Cobb into leading them to Gotham's train tunnels, where he is able to freeze him with a liquid nitrogen tub. +This superhero's name is Batman (Injustice). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. After witnessing the brutal murder of his parents, billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicated himself to purging Gotham City of evil. Spending years training his mind and body to perfection, he declared war on all crime in Gotham and became The Dark Knight, Batman. +This superhero's name is Batman (LEGO). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. After witnessing the brutal murder of his parents, billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicated himself to purging Gotham City of evil. Spending years training his mind and body to perfection, he declared war on all crime in Gotham and became The Dark Knight, Batman. +This superhero's name is Batman (The Brave And The Bold). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne was the son of wealthy socialites Thomas and Martha Wayne. He grew up in a protected environment, and was a fan of swashbuckler movies and toys. One night close after, Christmas,on their way home from the movies, Joe Chill confronted the family in a dark alley. He killed Thomas and Martha in cold blood, but left Bruce alive. Chill had been acting on the orders of Lew Moxon, because Thomas Wayne had stopped a robbery at a charity gala some time before. +This superhero's name is Batroc The Leaper (MCU). Their real name is Georges Batroc. Georges Batroc is a French-Algerian mercenary, pirate, and martial artist. He is a master of Savate, a traditional French martial art, as well as Kickboxing, using his skills to become one of the world's most wanted men. He was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. after an encounter with Captain America during the Hijacking and Retaking of the Lemurian Star where he had been set up by Nick Fury. +This superhero's name is Battle-Suit Batman (DCEU). Their real name is Bruce Wayne. Alternatively, Batman also wears a powered exoskeletal version of the Batsuit. It is far more durable than the original version, being made of seemingly some sort of metal. The eyes glow with a light bluish hue, therefore being visible in low light, unlike the Original suit. The suit's armor and mechanisms are able to heavily increase effort, exertion and resilience to superhuman capabilities, making it useful in combat against opponents as powerful as Superman himself +This superhero's name is Battlestar. Their real name is Lemar Hoskins . Battlestar was a wrestler who took the Power Broker's strength augmentation process that was created by Karl Malus. Once considered as a replacement for Captain America. Was part of Silver Sable's Wild Pack. After being given superhuman strength, Battlestar joined a team called the Bold Urban Commandos (Buckies), who supported the Super-Patriot (John Walker). Together, Walker and the Buckies attacked Captain America (Steve Rogers) and lost. Months later, John Walker was contacted by the Commission on Superhuman Activities and was then chosen to replace Captain America. John asked the Commission if his former partners could join him in his activities. The Commission debated and denied most of the applicants except for Lamar's and agreed to let him become the new Bucky. After several missions as Bucky, Lamar decided to work on his own and created the identity of Battlestar. Working with Captain America for some time, he eventually decided to retire and went home to Chicago. After some time though, he joined up with Silver Sable's Wild Pack and even led the team on missions during Silver Sable's absence. It is unclear if Lemar is still a member of the team. Some time later, Lemar joined Solo and Typeface to form an underground opposition to the Superhuman Registration Act. Soon, other heroes and villains who opposed the act joined the group such as Network, Gladiatrix, and others. However, they were raided by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who managed to capture several individuals including Battlestar, Solo, and Typeface. Battlestar is currently a member of The Garrison, the official Initiative team of Vermont. +This superhero's name is Batwoman V. Their real name is Katherine Rebecca Kane. Kate Kane is Batwoman, one of many vigilantes who protect Gotham City using the imagery of a Bat. She is both Jewish and an out Lesbian, playing a socialite during the day, and working with her cousin Bette as vigilantes by night. Kate Kane and her twin sister Beth were born to prominent colonel Jake Kane and his wife Gabrielle, herself a captain. Both parents were on active military duty, and worked extensively with intelligence organizations. As her parent were promoted they moved to and from a wide variety of towns and bases, though Jake was often away from home. Eventually, the Kanes moved to Brussels in Belgium, where they worked with NATO. However, one day, when Gabi decided to take the girls out for the day, they were attacked and kidnapped by terrorists. Though military intelligence managed to locate the hostages, Jacob only managed to rescue Kate, as both Gabi and Beth had been killed. He had tried to prevent her from seeing the worst of it, but Kate was traumatized by the sight of her mother and sister's corpses. Jacob was a supportive father, and Kate managed to deal with her grief by trying to emulate his cool-headedness. She excelled in school, and eventually got in to West Point academy as a cadet. There, she met a woman named Sophie Moore, and began a relationship with her. When the relationship was discovered, however, Kate chose to come out as a lesbian in order to protect Sophie and was expelled under Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell. After that time, she medicated her depression with alcohol and promiscuity. Eventually, though, she came across a mugging in progress and tried to stop it. She encountered the Batman, and realized that she felt alive when she was fighting crime. Her father discovered this habit, though, and when she begged him to train her, he agreed. Kate spent the next three years undergoing fierce training regimens, and exposing herself to the worst that the world had to offer, all in the hopes of preparing her for her destiny. At the end of the third year, Jake gave her one last mission, in which a family had been kidnapped by Russian terrorists, and she would have to rescue them alone. When she found the family, they had already been murdered, and in rage, she nearly killed the terrorist leader. However, she relented at the last second, and the leader revealed himself as her father. The whole thing had been a fakeout; a test to prove that she could stop herself from crossing the line. After that, she was ready to become Batwoman Kate eventually stumbled onto an organization in Gotham City called the Religion of Crime, led by Whisper A'Daire. They believed a prophecy in the Crime Bible, which suggested Kate Kane was the twice-named daughter of Cain, who would need to be sacrificed in order to bury Gotham in flames. Batwoman thwarted these plans, with the help of a defector named Kyle Abbott, and Whisper was deposed. However, the thirteen covens of the Religion of Crime were revived by a new leader named Alice, whose propensity for quoting Alice in Wonderland belied a sinister and callous disregard for human life, and a persistent obsession with Batwoman herself. In an attempt to get answers, Kate dangled the woman over the edge of a rooftop, but her aversion to killing was known to Alice, and rather than give up answers, she spat a poisoned razor-blade into Kate's face, causing hallucinations. She was saved by Kyle Abbott and a new sect of the Religion of Crime, who rejected the assumption that Batwoman was central to their doctrine. After recovering, rather than immediately seek revenge, Kate went to a charity ball for the Gotham City Police Department, where she met and began a relationship with Margaret Sawyer. They were interrupted by Kyle, who revealed in private that Alice intended to destroy Gotham by stealing military grade firepower. Given that her father had had to leave the party in order to investigate an emergency on base, Kate realized too late that the Religion of Crime was behind it. Alice had captured her father. With Kyle's help, Batwoman managed to board the plane from which Alice planned to unleash a toxic gas onto the city. In the fight that ensued, Alice was nearly knocked out of the plane, but Kate caught her in her hand. In a moment of uncharacteristic coherence, Alice looked up at Kate and stated "You have our father's eyes," before plunging a dagger into Kate's arm. In pain, Kate let go, and watched Alice fall to her death as the realization dawned on her that her twin sister Beth had not died, those years ago. As soon as she had regained her sister, she had lost her - and her father Jacob had betrayed her. When a series of kidnappings and drownings in Gotham's Latino community pointed to the urban legend of a ghost called the Weeping Woman, both Batwoman and Detective Maggie Sawyer began investigating the case separately. While Maggie learned of the origins of the ghost and dealt with the pressures grieving parents, Kate faced with the pressure of reluctantly training her cousin Bette and dodging her questions about her deteriorating relationship with her father. After eavesdropping on one of Maggie's meetings, Kate learned of the location of the latest crime scene. Upon arriving, though, she was accosted by Batman, who offered her a position in Batman, Inc., which she declined. All the while, the DEO had sent Agent Cameron Chase to determine Batwoman's identity, and through her, learn Batman's. She suspected Maggie, initially, but when Maggie caught Batwoman stealing files from her office, she gave her location up to Chase. From the files, Kate sourced the legend of the Weeping Woman to a boathouse, where she was dragged under water by the apparently real spirit. She managed to escape both the spirit and Chase, but the experience led her to decide to stop training Bette, prompting her cousin to go it alone, where Chase was then free to question her. Before Chase could get to her, though, Bette was attacked by a meta with a hook for a hand, who tore open her gut. Unaware, Batwoman learned that the Weeping Woman had been an alcoholic mother named Maria Salvaje, whose children drowned at the boathouse due to her neglect, and she later drowned herself as a result of the guilt. Chase, meanwhile, used Bette's desperate condition to trick her into revealing Kate as her next of kin. Returning to the boathouse, Batwoman set the boathouse on fire, to counter the ghost's water magic. As she began to evaporate, Maria revealed that she had been manipulated into becoming a kidnapper by something or someone called Medusa. Upon her return home, Kate found Chase and Director Bones waiting for her with a deal that they would show her to Bette's location if she would agree to help them take down Medusa. Despite a warning from Batman, Kate agreed, promising herself and the parents of the missing children that she would find them. +This superhero's name is Batwoman. Their real name is Helena Wayne. Helena Wayne is the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, and was raised to become Batman's eventual successor. Helena fought alongside her father as Robin. During her father's final moments she defended him from the Batplane by firing upon attacking Parademons. She witnessed his death when the tower he was inside exploded. She and her best friend Supergirl entered a Boom Tube in pursuit of someone they thought was Darkseid, and ended up in another universe. +This superhero's name is Beak. Their real name is Barnell Bohusk . Barnell Bohusk has lived a difficult life since his mutation first manifested. Always wanting to find a better life, Barnell threw himself into his studies at Xavier's. He also befriended the Beast, finding a common bond with the X-Man with the most severe physical mutation. It was this bond that led him to visit the Beast with a gift, a baseball bat. Horribly, Beak was mentally possessed by a Cassandra Nova-controlled Charles Xavier and forced to beat his mentor brutally. The Beast would eventually recover, but Beak's guilt never went away. Mocked by his peers at the Xavier Institute for his seemingly useless mutation, Beak gravitated towards a group of young mutants known as the special class - mutants with little drive and less ability. Ironically, in this class Beak truly began to realize his worth as a hero. The other special class students began to look up to him as a leader and he filled that role as best he could. This group also included his girlfriend and the mother of his children, Angel. Angel does care for Beak, but their relationship began when other students bet her to kiss him. This group was mentored by Xorn who secretly believed he was truly Magneto. Beak and the rest of his special class followed Xorn, becoming the new Brotherhood in his bid to take over of the world. Beak stood up to Xorn and was cast out of the Brotherhood. He and a small group of X-Men were able to overtake Xorn and free New York City from his grip. Beak returned to the Xavier Institute and moved into a small home on campus with Angel and their children. Soon after, the Exiles arrived at the Xavier Institute and Beak was forced to join their reality-fixing group. He left Angel and his children behind, unable to say goodbye to them. Angel assumed he deserted her. After a number of adventures with the Exiles, Beak was reunited with Angel when they visited the Earth while it was under the sway of the Scarlet Witch's reality warp. Upon the reversal of this warp Beak lost his mutant powers and is currently living the life of a normal human. +This superhero's name is Beast Boy (Titans). Their real name is Garfield Logan. Garfield "Gar" Logan (born 2003) is a shape-shifter who formerly resided in Doom Manor under the care of Dr. Niles Caulder. Seeking adventure in the outside world, Gar found a distressed girl named Rachel Roth in the woods and took her in. Gar befriends her team of protectors and accompanies them on their mission to destroy a demon-worshiping cult known as The Organization. Gar hopes to protect his new friends and regain a sense of purity after accidentally killing someone. +This superhero's name is Beast Boy. Their real name is Garfield Mark Logan. As a child, Garfield Logan contracted with a rare illness called Sakutia and was cured by a serum from a green monkey. This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green and gave him the ability to change into any form. Originally and currently known as Beast Boy, he was adopted by Elasti-Girl and Mento, members of the Doom Patrol. He later joined the West Coast team of the Teen Titans (known as Titans West), and was part of the New Teen Titans assembled by Raven. It was at this time that he took the name Changeling. He remained with various incarnations of the team, forming a close friendship with Cyborg. He later began using the name Beast Boy again. Following a failed attempt to recreate "Titans West" as "Titans L.A.," he rejoined the main team. He has also worked as an actor, playing the role of an alien in the TV series Space Trek 2020. Whatever team he is part of, he likes to joke around with people and make jokes of the situations the team get themselves into. However, this is only a facade. In reality, Beast Boy is a boy who has suffered many hardships in his life (both his real parents have passed away, and then his foster mother, whom Garfield became very close to, died in battle along with virtually all of the other Doom Patrol members. He was also part of the team. Also, his foster father was driven mad by a helmet he used to fight enemies). He also has lost many teammates and fell in love with Terra (a member of the Teen Titans) and was heartbroken to discover that she was a traitor working for Deathstroke and hated the Teen Titans with a passion. Even after her death, he refused to believe for a long time that she was a traitor and blamed Deathstroke for corrupting her and using her. As a result of all of this, he uses his jokes to cover the fact that he is scared of losing anyone else he is close to. Despite all of his hardships though, Garfield is friendly and upbeat. His best friend is Cyborg (also a member of the Teen Titans). He is also close with Bette "Flamebird" Kane, a former Titan who helped save his life on an adventure in Los Angeles. In the "Titans of Tomorrow" adventure, wherein the Titans glimpsed a grim, possible future, Beast Boy had changed his name to Animal Man (II) and fought alongside his fellow, fascist Titans to make the United States a police state. This future Beast Boy is shown as feral shaggy, and more bestial in appearance. He is also characterized as still bearing a grudge against a possibly-resurrected Terra, who, in this future, is a member of the more benign rival group Titans East. He has recently become romantically attached to Raven. Raven had been developing feelings for him since her recent rebirth. Due to the events of "One Year Later", they have apparently separated. After trying to hold together a ragtag band of Titans, once Robin returned Beast Boy left the team to rejoin the Doom Patrol and aid his adoptive parents. Following attacks on various former Titans, it was determined that the sons of Trigon were trying to destroy the group to establish a name for themselves. The Titans decided to reform to combat the threat. At the same time, Beast Boy tried to reconcile with Raven. Following the Final Crisis, the newly formed Titans slowly broke apart, with Garfield rejoining the Teen Titans in order to polish them up after seeing their performance under the leadership of Wonder Girl. Raven followed soon after. +This superhero's name is Beast (FOX). Their real name is Henry Philip McCoy. +This superhero's name is Beetle. Their real name is Abner Jenkins. Abner Jenkins was a mechanic for an aircraft producer. Tired of his boring, low paying job and not getting promotions he thought he deserved he decided to strike out on his own in search of fame and fortune. Using a suit of armor, Jenkins became the Beetle. As the Beetle, Jenkins was often foiled by superheroes. +This superhero's name is Bekka. Their real name is Bekka. As a young Genesisian, Bekka developed the unconscious ability to project feelings of love to everyone around her. As that power became too strong for her to bear, she threw in with Highfather, who saw a use for it on the battlefield At the meeting of the Warlords of New Genesis, Bekka debated with Orion on what Highfather planned to do with those of the Lantern Corps who decided not to join the cause of the New Gods. While Orion claimed that they would be foolish not to join, she wondered if the leader of New Genesis would conscript the Lanterns by force, rendering Orion speechless as he considered it. As her own part in Highfather's plan, she was sent to New Korugar in Sector 3052, where she severed several fingers of Arkillo and stole his Yellow Power Ring before escaping once more through a Boom-Tube, as prophesied by Lyssa Drak. During the assault on the planet of Aydin in Sector 908, Bekka protests against killing the mutated victims of Highfather's new weapon he had obtained from Hyalt that was capable of transmuting the lights of the different Power Rings into a beam of white light. According to her, the beings, though mutated, still had hearts and yearned to live, so she wished that he would take pity upon them, a request that he ignored by sending Uggha to give them the "mercy" of a quick death by his troops.[2] Afterwards, she returned to New Genesis, and received Orion after his second battle with Hal Jordan's Green Lantern Corps. As she led an assault on the Indigo Tribe homeworld of Nok, she was met with resistance from more of the Green Lantern Corps, including John Stewart, along with the Indigo Tribe and the Sinestro Corps, who protected the former two groups in their retreat from the planet. Though Bekka wished for the Indigo Tribe to simply surrender, not wanting bloodshed, she was very violent in her treatment of the Sinestro Corpsmen after the deaths of some of her soldiers, who, seeing her as beloved, fought with the battle cry of "For your love". When Sinestro activated a self-destruct mechanism within the rings of several of his Lanterns on the planet who were meant to guard the escape of both the other members of his corps and those of the other corps, many more of her troops died, leaving her feeling that, though she seemed to hate Sinestro, she believed that both of the leaders, both he and herself, were damned by what had happened there. After Highfather managed to secure the Life Equation from the White Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Bekka selected the willful, warlike city of Muz as a test of its power through the scepter he held. After the Equation was used, she asked if it had been a success, to which the leader of New Genesis replied affirmatively, with all of the citizens of Muz being covered in white clothing with the White Lantern Corps symbol upon their foreheads, bowing down to his will. Later, in Sector 1014, Bekka and her guards came across various space pirates thrown at them by Sinestro as a nuisance, a ruse so that he could speak to her through a gigantic ring projection of himself while he himself was in relative safety on Qward. After a discussion over the lack of forethought in stealing rings from Corpsmen, Sinestro let Bekka know she was worthy of joining his Sinestro Corps, and was given a ring of her own. On New Genesis, Highfather met with Bekka, Hyalt, and Metron, Bekka brought up the determination and passion with which the Lanterns fought, such as that which led Simon Baz and Guy Gardner to be able to steal the rings in Hyalt's workshop and destroy it. She suggested proceeding with caution, since humanity had managed to turn back Darkseid himself when so many other worlds had not. Upon Sinestro's arrival in the meeting room, Bekka warned of the Korugan's identity, and was only kept from battle by Highfather's command for her to stay her hand. When Sinestro was beaten badly by the Life Equation held by Highfather, Bekka begged for her foe's life, saying he had had enough pain for his insolence, but quickly changed to warning Highfather of how Sinestro was doing something which turned out to be escaping through a Boom-Tube to Earth.[7] She was later present for the battle between the various Lantern Corps, the Source Titans, and the New Gods, including for its truce, while defending New Genesis from the Source Titans. Joining the Sinestro Corps In accordance with gaining a Yellow Ring of her own, Bekka officially joined the Sinestro Corps, and responded to Sinestro's summons in order to help the Corps free him from +This superhero's name is Ben 10. Their real name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. When ten year old Ben Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and their grandfather Max are on their summer camping trip, Ben finds an alien pod on the ground. When he examines it, he finds a mysterious, watch-like device called the Omnitrix. The device attaches itself permanently to his wrist and gives him the ability to transform into a variety of alien life-forms, each with its own unique powers. Although Ben soon realizes that he has a responsibility to help others with these new abilities at his disposal, he is not above a little super-powered mischief every now and then. Along with Gwen and Grandpa Max, Ben embarks on a summer-long adventure to fight evil, both extraterrestrial and earthly. +This superhero's name is Beta Ray Bill. Their real name is Beta Ray Bill. The Burning Galaxy was destroyed through the machinations of Surtur. The surviving Korbinites decided to choose a champion who they would follow to their new home. the Korbinite known as Beta Ray Bill was successful and was transformed into a cybernetic being resembling a fierce creature. The Korbinites then amassed their fleet, put themselves into stasis, and followed Bill's ship, Skuttlebutt. Bill fought legions of demons sent by Surtur.When the fleet approached the Milky Way galaxy, it was detected by a SHIELD satellite. Nick Fury asked Thor to investigate. Thor was deemed a threat by Skuttlebutt, so Bill fought him. During the battle Thor was separated from Mjolnir and reverted to Donald Blake. Curious, Bill picked up Mjolnir and the hammer deemed him worthy, granting him the power of Thor. Skuttlebutt landed but both were transported to Asgard by Odin. Bill said the hammer should remain his as he had won it fairly.Odin decreed the two battle in Skartheim to the death to see who would reclaim the hammer. Bill's Korbinite physiology gave him somewhat of an advantage in the lava-filled realm, and he was able to win. However, he refused to take Thor's life. It is thought that Odin chose this location to further test Bill's worthiness and to teach Thor a lesson. Mjolnir was returned to Thor, with Odin ordering the creation of the hammer Stormbreaker for Bill to use. Bill continued to protect his people and assist the Asgardians. He grew particularly close to Sif, who accompanied him to battle Surtur's demons.At one point, a mysterious disease seemed to kill the Korbinites, but they were able to be revived. Bill spent time in space as part of the Star Masters, and was called to join his fellow hammer wielders Thor, Thunderstrike, and Dargo Ktor to battle as the Thor Corps. His body briefly was reconfigured to use cosmic rather than mystical powers through a special synthesis by Odin and the Silver Surfer. Bill returned to Asgard during Ragnarock. He fought ferociously, willing to die alongside the Asgardians in the climactic final battle against Surtur's forces. But Thor sent him back to his people, asking him to keep the memory of Asgard alive. The Korbinites had settled on a new planet, but were in danger due to an approaching foe. Bill was chastised for spending too much time with the Asgardians. His old rival Alpha Ray even attempted to sabotage his efforts to prove he was no longer worthy of being the race's guardian. The foe was actually Galactus, Stormbreaker revealing his familiar humanoid form, with a new herald named Stardust. The planet was lost and some of the fleet was destroyed. Stardust continued to attack Bill as Galactus fed on the planet's energies. During their battle the evil Asteroth was mistakenly freed from its prison by a portal Stardust opened. Asteroth was defeated, and Bill eventually found himself on Earth. He has since bonded with a man named Simon Walters. +This superhero's name is Beyonder. Their real name is . Within a pocket realm in the Negative Zone, the omnipotent, enigmatic Beyonders created discrete packets of reality-altering energy that could be accessed by others and contained within force fields as Cosmic Cubes (and Containment Units of other shapes). One created by Skrulls eventually evolved into the sentient Shaper of Worlds; one created by A.I.M. was manipulated by a number of forces on Earth before it evolved into Kubik. When Owen Reece accessed one of these energy packets via an electromagnetic accident, part of the energy mutated him into the powerful Molecule Man. The remaining energy gradually gained intelligence and became the Beyonder, who studied life by transporting a number of superhumans to his creation Battleworld and later by traveling to Earth and interacting directly with its residents. The Beyonder remained unfulfilled and eventually faked his death, creating a new realm over which he acted as a god. Eventually, however, the Shaper and Kubik revealed the truth to the Beyonder about his incompleteness, and he willingly merged with Reece to become a new, complete Cosmic Cube. The Cube removed its components from Reece, expelled him back to Earth, and evolved into Kosmos, taking a female form in hopes of avoiding the violent tendencies of its past incarnation. Kubik tutored Kosmos in the nature of humanity and the universe, exploring the Celestials and other cosmic entities, as well as performing experiments on the Fantastic Four. After Reece, who had managed to restore his powers, lost his lover, he went mad and assaulted Kosmos, drawing out the essence of the Beyonder and attacking it. Reece nearly destroyed the Beyonder, but Kubik, who was actually falling in love with Kosmos, convinced Reece to restore the Beyonder�s essence to Kosmos to save her life. Kubik and Kosmos parted ways under unrevealed circumstances, and the Beyonder�s personality sought dominance over Kosmos. She somehow became mortal but her diminished capacities and heightened sensations drove her mad. After slaughtering 64,000 Shi�ar colonists, she was incapacitated by the Imperial Guard telepath Oracle and placed in stasis in the Kyln space prison. Now known as the Maker, she regained consciousness but has only fragments of memory. She caused great chaos in the Kyln until subdued by Thanos and his new ally Skreet. Realizing that slaying Kosmos would unleash the Beyonder on the universe, Thanos shut down her mind but arranged to have her body kept alive forever via neurology-exempt nanocellular regeneration, serving as a living prison to the mad omnipotent within her. +This superhero's name is Big Barda. Their real name is Barda Free. Barda was born of the race of New Gods about 250 years ago, on Apokolips. She is a product of Granny Goodness' Home for Orphaned Youth. Granny's motto is "Die for Darkseid" (the planet's evil ruler). Granny grooms Barda to one day lead the Female Fury Battalion, a ferocious pack of women warriors. However, during a raid Barda meets Scott Free, Darkseid's adopted son, and, sensing a peace about him, falls in love. Barda risks her own safety to help Scott escape from Apokolips. Eventually, Barda turns her back on Granny, and comes to Earth herself. Scott has become an escape artist called Mister Miracle, and is teamed with Oberon, his diminutive manager. Scott and Barda are married by Scott's father, the Highfather of New Genesis. In a reversal of the stereotype associated with female characters at the time of her creation, Barda is physically more powerful than her husband, is more than willing to use her strength in battle, and is very protective of her husband. For a number of years, Barda follows Scott and Oberon on tour. Eventually they retire as superheroes and move to Bailey, New Hampshire. However, despite their best attempts, a normal life eludes them. Disasters plague them; Barda, Scott, and Oberon leave Bailey and move to a loft in Greenwich Village, New York City. Barda forms a defense-training program for women called the New Female Furies. (During this time, Barda and Superman are captured and mind-controlled by Sleez, who plans to force the two to perform in an adult film. At the last moment they are rescued by Mr. Miracle.) Though naive regarding Earth customs, Barda relishes her roles of wife and housekeeper. However, when duty calls she never hesitates to assume the posture of a warrior, and when Scott joins the Justice League, Barda participates in several missions. After his time with the JLI, the two leave Earth for New Genesis. However, they soon return to Earth and take up temporary residence aboard the Justice League Refuge. During this period the couple separate briefly due to Scott's lack of consideration for her feelings. Barda has served as a member of the JLA in her own right: at Takion's order, she and fellow New God Orion are sent as agents of New Genesis to serve on the team. (Takion predicts that the Earth faces a grave threat.) Their mission is to help mobilize Earth's heroes against the omnipotent Mageddon. Once Mageddon is defeated, Barda and Orion resign from the JLA. Barda and Scott currently reside in the suburbs of Connecticut and are active adventurers. Barda never hesitates to lend a hand to her friends when her power and expertise are needed. Barda accompanies Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to Apokolips to rescue Supergirl from Darkseid's clutches, and accepts an invitation from Oracle to become the heavy-hitter on the Birds of Prey. A similar-looking character named Little Barda appeared as a member of the Teen Titans in 52; the character leaves the group in the same issue. Her relationship to Big Barda is unknown. In a confrontation with the Secret Six, she engages Knockout, another ex-Fury, in hand-to-hand combat. Although the fight was long and was continued above all other worries, it ended in a draw. +This superhero's name is Big Boss. Their real name is John. Early years Born in 1935, Jack’s military career dated back to the 1950s, becoming The Boss's disciple in June 1950, and fighting in the Korean War. The Boss taught Jack extensively regarding combat, weaponry, survival, espionage, destruction, psychology and foreign languages (such as Russian), later developing CQC together. Through the experience, Jack grew to hold The Boss in great respect and reverence, viewing her not only as a mentor but also as a parental figure of sorts. They went their separate ways on June 12, 1959. In 1954, Jack was involved in the Bikini Atoll test of the first airborne detonation of a hydrogen bomb. Unlike most of his friends present during the test, Jack did not develop symptoms of leukemia, thyroid cancer, or radiation poisoning, but was rendered sterile. In 1961, Jack carried out covert operations alongside Python during the early stages of the Vietnam War, before America officially participated. He later stated that Python was one of the few soldiers he could completely rely on in battle. The two also played poker together, leaving Python owing Snake money. The two were later involved in a mission together where Python was shot and presumed dead. Prior to August 1964, Jack served in the Green Berets for several years. By late 1964, he had become experienced at sniping in urban and marine environments and had eaten snakes during previous survival training exercises, feats which would prove useful in future missions. By this time, Jack had also been awarded various commendations, including the Army Achievement Ribbon, the Good Conduct Ribbon, Defense Distinguished Service Ribbon, Korean Service Ribbon, a ribbon that resembles the Vietnam Service Ribbon, and the Distinguished Service Cross Ribbon, along with several others. Operation Snake Eater On August 24, 1964, under the command of Major Zero, the supervision of The Boss, and the assistance of Para-Medic, Jack took part in the Virtuous Mission as a member of the CIA's FOX Unit, in which he was to rescue defecting Soviet scientist Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov. Operating under the codename "Naked Snake," he infiltrated the Soviet region of Tselinoyarsk after undertaking the world's first High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) jump. Evading KGB troops in the region, Snake successfully made contact with Sokolov and escorted him to safety, following a brief battle with Major Ocelot of GRU. Before he knocked the defeated Ocelot unconscious, Snake complimented the young officer on his gun-fighting skills but suggested that his rather flashy style was better suited to revolvers than pistols. As Snake escorted Sokolov back to the extraction point, the professor explained to him that the Soviet government had forced him to work on a new revolutionary weapon, the Shagohod. Fearing the destructive power of this weapon, Sokolov begged Snake to make sure to warn his government about its existence and see to its destruction. However, the mission ended in failure with the surprise defection of The Boss, and Snake was injured during a confrontation with her, in which he was thrown from a rope bridge. Sokolov was taken by The Boss's Cobra Unit as a gift for the rogue GRU colonel Yevgeny Borisovich Volgin. The Boss also personally gave Volgin a stolen Davy Crockett Weapon System, along with two American nuclear warheads. Volgin immediately decided to test out his new weapon, by blowing up Sokolov's test facility, with the injured Snake witnessing the explosion up close as he waited for his emergency extraction. Following his rescue, Snake was placed in an advanced intensive care unit where he was interrogated by agents of the U.S. Government, regarding The Boss's defection. A week later, Zero showed up at the infirmary ward where Snake was kept in custody and briefed him on the situation. The government had at first been planning to use them as scapegoats for the failed mission by charging both of them with high treason for their connection to The Boss but had dropped the idea due to more pressing matters arising. Volgin's detonation of the nuclear warhead had created an international incident, as Soviet intelligence had detected both the explosion and the American plane that had delivered Snake in the area, and now the Soviet government was demanding an explanation. The Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, was personally willing to believe that a rogue element of his intelligence service had been behind the detonation, but had pointed out that without any substantial evidence to back this claim, he would be unable to convince his cabinet and the Soviet army, who were both pressing for a nuclear retaliation against the Americans, of the U.S. government's innocence in the matter. Khrushchev was able to buy the Americans a week to find the evidence but warned that failure to so would in all probability trigger a full-scale nuclear war. So instead, the U.S. government now had an offer for Snake and Zero. They would both be cleared of any involvement in the defection under the condition that Snake, again under Zero's command, would return to Tselinoyarsk, eliminate The Boss, destroy the Shagohod, and recover Sokolov and the remaining nuclear warhead. This mission was designated Operation Snake Eater. For his support team, Para-Medic was once again signed on, along with the new member "Sigint", a technology and weapons expert Despite not having completely recovered from his previous injuries, Snake was redeployed to Tselinoyarsk via a D-21 drone prototype. Zero briefed him on the way, telling that his first order of business was to meet up with a contact with the codename ADAM, an American mole in the KGB. Unbeknownst to him, however, he was secretly being followed by XOF commander Skull Face, who had been ordered to follow, assist and clean up after Snake. Shortly after his landing, The Boss appeared before him on a white horse. Snake demanded an explanation for her actions, but she refused to provide one, and instead disarmed him with ease and dismantled his gun. The Boss then told him to leave the area, saying she would have to kill him if he persisted in following her, before riding away. Undeterred, Snake continued to where he was scheduled to meet with ADAM, but he instead met a mysterious woman who identified herself as EVA and claimed to be ADAM's partner. She provided him with a new gun, intel on Sokolov's whereabouts, telling him that he was held at Graniny Gorki, a Soviet research plant in the area, and a scientist disguise to help him infiltrate the base. Though Snake was wary towards EVA, to begin with, as she failed to give him the correct countersign to prove her identity, he became convinced that she was on his side when she helped him to fight off another attack from Ocelot, who attempted to enact revenge on Snake for his humiliating defeat during the Virtuous Mission. He did, however, also prevent EVA from shooting the fleeing Ocelot, allegedly because he was "still young," although he had actually taken a liking to him. Making it to Graniny Gorki, Snake donned his scientist disguise and infiltrated the complex. As he searched for Sokolov, he came across the bitter Soviet scientist Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin, Sokolov's professional rival, who drunkenly told him about the prototype designs for Metal Gear he was working on and how he planned to share them to a friend in America as revenge against his superiors for not appreciating his work. Granin also told Snake of the Philosophers' Legacy and explained that it was responsible for making Volgin as wealthy and powerful as he was. When Granin learned that Snake was an American agent and on a mission to extract Sokolov, he happily told him that Sokolov was actually being held at the military compound of Groznyj Grad where he was being forced to continue his work on the Shagohod, and then handed him a keycard that would help him gain entry to the fortress, in the hopes that Snake would succeed in his mission and that having Sokolov out of the way would help him advance his own career. During his trek through Tselinoyarsk, Snake fought and defeated various members of The Boss's Cobra Unit, including The Pain, The Fear, The End, and ultimately The Fury. He also had another run-in with Ocelot, who challenged him to a gun duel at the Bolshaya Past crevice, which ended inconclusively when Ocelot fled the scene after noticing one of The Pain's hornets scouting the area. Faced with having to the Groznyj Grad fortress, in order to locate Sokolov and get closer to the Shagohod, Snake was told to incapacitate the GRU officer, Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov, who was Volgin's secret lover and steal his uniform in order to infiltrate the base. Snake's infiltration attempt did, however, fail when he happened to run into Volgin, who saw through Snake's disguise, resulting in his capture. Snake awakened a bag over his head in an interrogation room, to the sounds of Sokolov's apparent death at Volgin's hands. Volgin then turned his attention to Snake, repeatedly hitting him and electrocuting him with his lighting powers, while demanding to know the details of his mission and if he had any accomplices. When Snake refused to break, The Boss stepped and tried to convince Volgin that his attempts were in vain as she had personally trained Snake to never give in to torture, but a frustrated Volgin instead intensified the torture while asking Snake if he was after the Philosophers' Legacy he had in his possession, before telling him that he had hidden the Legacy in an underground vault in Groznyj Grad, so he would never get his hands on it. During the torture, a transmitter fell from Snake's body. When Volgin demanded an explanation for that, The Boss claimed that she had planted it on him, to track his movements. Volgin then demanded proof and that she and Snake were not colluding against him, and asked her to cut out Snake's eyes. Before The Boss could so, however, EVA, in her disguise as Tatyana, intervened and demanded that they stopped, causing Ocelot to step in and accuse her of being the spy who had aided Snake. He decided to settle the question with a game of Russian Roulette and prepared to shoot EVA. Snake, attempting to protect EVA, bumped into Ocelot, causing the gun to go off in his face, which saved her life at the cost of his own right eye. Satisfied with what had taken place, Volgin departed, telling a distraught EVA to join him in his room. Ocelot, meanwhile, congratulated Snake on surviving the torture and punched him in the back (unbeknownst to Snake, placing the transmitter on his body again), before also departing. The Boss, meanwhile, covertly handed Snake a gun and a fake death pill and told him to make his escape when he had the chance. Before the guards arrived to grab Snake, EVA leaned in on him and quickly explained her hidden escape route from Groznyj Grad, telling him to meet her in the sewers under the complex. Back in his holding cell, Snake managed to outwit the prison guard, Johnny and made his escape from Groznyj Grad. By sneaking into the sewers, Snake headed to the rendezvous site EVA had told him about to meet her there. EVA, however, radioed in to warn that his escape had been discovered and that the Ocelot Unit was hot on his heels. While trying to evade them, Snake eventually ended up surrounded at a point where the sewer ended in a waterfall. Ocelot showed up once more, demanding that the unit did not interfere as he gloated about getting to enjoy his revenge, and prepared to shoot him, but Snake evaded him by jumping from the waterfall and landing in the pool below, almost drowning in the process and suffering a near-death experience involving the deceased Cobra member, The Sorrow. Snake reunited with EVA, retrieved his equipment from her, and adopted the use of an eye patch. Snake returned to Groznyj Grad and successfully destroyed the Shagohod's hangar, eventually defeating Volgin and destroying the Shagohod itself. Snake and EVA then made their way to Rokovoj Bereg to board a WIG that EVA had stashed away as an escape vehicle. However, The Boss was waiting, and she confronted Snake in a field of white flowers. She reminded him of his duty as a soldier, prior to engaging him in a final duel. To ensure that Snake would carry out his mission, The Boss radioed Russian fighters to begin bombing Rokovoj Bereg, which was only ten minutes away from their position. She gave Snake some parting words, which would come to greatly shape his worldview and haunt him for the rest of his life: Snake fought his mentor with great reluctance, and after a fierce battle, he eventually incapacitated her. As Snake walked up close to the injured Boss, she gave him the Philosophers' Legacy, explaining that she had stolen it from Volgin earlier, and told him to keep it safe. She then calmly gave him her gun and urged him to finish her off. Snake obliged and pulled the trigger. Snake and EVA then started to make their escape in the WIG, but before they could do so, they were once again confronted by Ocelot, as he used a flying platform to board the plane and challenge Snake to another fight. After an inconclusive fistfight, Ocelot instead suggested that he and Snake should settle it in a game that combined Russian roulette and quick draw, but not before they exchanged their real first names with each other (Adamska and John). After they both fired off their guns without killing each other, an amused Ocelot revealed that he had played a trick on Snake and that the bullet was a blank. He gave Snake a wry smile as he hinted they would probably meet again. He then jumped off the plane, allowing Snake and EVA to leave the area. EVA and Snake eventually made their way to Galena, Alaska, where two sought refuge in an abandoned cabin, sharing together a night of tumultuous passion. As Snake awoke the next morning to find EVA had left him sometime during the night, having taken the Philosophers' Legacy with her, he also discovered a tape recording she had left behind for him before she abandoned him. In it, she explained that she had never been the real EVA, but was actually a triple agent working for China. While under orders to kill anyone who knew this, she had nevertheless decided to spare his life, denying that she had done so because she had fallen in love with him, but instead because she had personally promised The Boss that she would keep him alive. She also told him the truth about The Boss' mission: namely, that The Boss had been a double agent all along, the U.S. government having staged her supposed deflection in an attempt to both steal the Philosophers' Legacy from Volgin and destroy the Shagohod in one fell swoop. However, as a result of Volgin's unanticipated decision to detonate one of the American nuclear warheads in a display that would destroy Sokolov's research facility, the U.S. was forced to go with a change in plans, having decided that sacrificing The Boss' life at the hands of Snake, her own favorite trainee and disciple, would be the best way of outwardly proving America's innocence to the Soviets. The Boss herself had agreed to this alteration of the original plan, willingly giving up her life and reputation to save both her country and the world from nuclear war, all the while knowing that history would later remember her both as a traitor and a war criminal. Snake eventually rendezvoused with the U.S. government and was lauded for his efforts. In a ceremony at Langley Air Force Base, Snake was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the codename of "Big Boss" by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Meanwhile, members of the government talked about his great skills as both a soldier and agent, considering that he might be the right man to train and head a new unit of other people with his abilities. The newly-christened Big Boss, however, found no feeling of pride or accomplishment in the whole affair. Having learned the true nature behind Operation Snake Eater, he only felt shame. When Zero tried to congratulate him, Big Boss was unable to look him in the eye, and quietly left the ceremony. As he stood over The Boss' anonymous grave at Arlington National Cemetery, Big Boss came to the conclusion that he had lost sight of what he was fighting for, and with it his patriotism for his country. Because of this, as well as his blaming himself for allowing it to happen, he retired from FOX. Unbeknownst to him, his disposing of Colonel Volgin had also made him a hero to the people of the Soviet Union. Post-Snake Eater Snake's retirement from the war was short-lived, and his attempts at becoming an instructor or hunting guide failed. In 1966, Big Boss encountered a war orphan known as Frank Jaeger during the Mozambican War of Independence. After defeating him and nursing him back to health, he escorted him to a rehab facility where he could be taken care of. The rehab facility later gave Jaeger over to the CIA for use in the Perfect Soldier Project. During this time, he also attempted to find EVA but was unable to find a trace of her for years. San Hieronymo Incident Although he had been labeled Big Boss and became a legend in the black ops world due to his exploits, he continued to use the codename Naked Snake because he felt that he was unworthy of the title of Boss. In November 1970, the FOX Unit was considered to be rogue after its members organized a revolt, capturing a Soviet base in South America, on the San Hieronymo Peninsula. Big Boss was captured by FOX and taken to the peninsula, where he was imprisoned and interrogated. Likewise, Big Boss was also charged with treason by the Department of Defense for supposedly spearheading the FOX rebellion. The agent who led the rebellion managed to gather FOX members who specialized in solo sneaking missions and kill off all those who opposed, with Snake believed to be the only one capable of doing so. Big Boss met fellow prisoner Roy Campbell, a member of the Green Berets. Big Boss managed to contact Para-Medic, who told him that both he and Major Zero had been charged with treason by the Pentagon, believing them the masterminds behind the revolt. Big Boss and Campbell escaped and went on to persuade former Red Army soldiers, along with disillusioned FOX operatives, to join them and rise up against the revolt. Para-Medic and Sigint also helped take down FOX and clear their names. During this time, Big Boss met Null (Frank Jaeger) and the two fought on a number of separate occasions. He also met Python once again, who had not died during the Vietnam War, but was kept alive by the CIA and trained as an "anti-Snake." Despite this, Boss still managed to defeat Python. Big Boss also learned that FOX operative Cunningham's actual mission from the Department of Defense was to force Gene, the leader of the revolt, to launch Metal Gear to tarnish the CIA's reputation. Big Boss killed Cunningham and went on to kill Gene, although not before learning that, contrary to what was told to him, The Boss's death was actually planned from the very beginning by "a single deviously-cunning strategist." With the help of the Red Army soldiers he had recruited, Big Boss destroyed Gene's nuclear missile. Gene left Big Boss with a large cache of funds and supplies that he intended to use in the creation of the Army's Heaven. In 1970, Big Boss officially formed FOXHOUND, to carry on the tradition of the FOX Unit. The Patriots and Les Enfants Terribles After Zero obtained control of the Philosophers' Legacy, Big Boss was invited to join in his formation of a new organization, comprising Sigint, Para-Medic, Ocelot, and himself, which would later be known as the Patriots. Dedicated to achieving a unity of thought and awareness in honor of The Boss's final wishes, Big Boss was chosen to be an icon for the group, having known The Boss better than anyone else. Around this time, Big Boss participated in a mission to rescue EVA from Hanoi in 1971, who later joined Zero's organization herself. Stories about Big Boss, riddled with exaggeration and misrepresentation, were disseminated by Zero among the masses, elevating him to the status of an idol; a symbol to control the people. Friction developed between the two as Zero's lust for power grew, with Big Boss resenting his role as the puppet. Afraid of losing Big Boss, Zero planned to finish up a secret project called Les Enfants Terribles wherein Big Boss's DNA was used to create genetically enhanced soldiers. The clones Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake were produced in this project and were collectively known as the "Sons of Big Boss." Other heirs to Big Boss's genetic legacy included the dozens of failures produced early in the experiment, in addition to the abortion of six fetuses during the creation of Liquid and Solid Snake. Big Boss eventually found out about the project, which became the last straw for him. Determined to oppose Zero and his plans, Big Boss broke away from the Patriots. Big Boss left the United States and FOXHOUND, drifting from country to country as a lone soldier. During this time, he returned to Vietnam to join an LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol), and fought alongside SOG (Studies and Observation Group), the Green Berets and the Wild Geese, completing more than 70 missions. Meeting Kazuhira Miller In late 1972, Big Boss was hired by the Colombian government to work with its army. There, Big Boss's unit ambushed guerrilla leader Kazuhira Miller and his unit, wiping them all out except for Miller. Big Boss later established his own mercenary group known as Militaires Sans Frontières (Soldiers Without Borders), or MSF for short, and recruited Miller as second in command. Peace Walker Incidentedit On November 4, 1974, Big Boss stationed MSF in the Barranquilla Coast of Colombia, where he was approached by Ramón Gálvez Mena and Paz Ortega Andrade from Costa Rica, a "Nation without a Military." Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, Latin America had become a key to maintaining the power balance between East and West. Despite this, an unknown armed force stationed themselves in various regions of the country, claiming to be an "international police force" hired by the Costa Rican Development Agency (known as CODESA). Gálvez doubted their claim believing they were actually employed by "la CIA." Big Boss initially refused to hold back the invasion, not wanting his unit to become "dogs of war." Big Boss eventually agreed when Gálvez showed Big Boss a recording from Paz's missing friend in which the voice of The Boss could be heard. Big Boss accepted, taking Gálvez gift of an off-shore base and establishing it as the new Mother Base for the Militaires Sans Frontières. Six days later, to preserve peace in the region, MSF moved into action. Big Boss and Miller quickly discovered that the CIA was bringing nukes into Costa Rica. On his way to Nicaragua, Big Boss enlisted the help of a Sandinista National Liberation Front unit led by Amanda Valenciano Libre to find out more information, while undercover as a Colombian ornithologist, though he was eventually forced to take Amanda to Mother Base after she was injured while trying to save her younger brother Chico. Big Boss rescued Chico and headed to Mount Irazu, where the nukes were stationed. There, he encountered Pupa after overhearing an argument between Huey Emmerich and Hot Coldman. Learning about the Peace Walker project, as well as an AI facility in a Mayan Pyramid, Big Boss recruited Huey to MSF. At some point, Snake and Miller executed a mission with the aid of a shared cardboard "Love Box" disguise, successfully bypassing both an enemy truck and an AI weapon. However, the cramped space between them caused problems, which along with Miller's sunglasses effectively blinding him, caused them to trip up on occasion, with Miller also complaining about Snake's supposed bad breath. Eventually, they became so annoyed with each other that Snake inadvertently blew their cover, lifting up the box while still within enemy sights and expressing irritation at the Miller's complaints. Afterward, he managed to help Cécile Cosima Caminades, the missing friend of Paz, as well as learn a disturbing truth; The Boss's voice he had heard was actually an AI programmed in her image, known as the Mammal Pod. Big Boss encountered Strangelove, who hated him and took out Chrysalis and Cocoon. He attempted to stop Peace Walker from reaching Nicaragua but ultimately failed. Boss followed Paz, who had been captured by Coldman, and found Peace Walker. Gálvez (whose real name was Vladimir Zadornov) revealed he was actually using Snake so the Soviet Union could conquer Central America with ease. Big Boss was forced to stop Peace Walker from causing a nuclear war after Coldman activated the launch sequence. At the end of the fiasco, Snake decided to formally identify himself as Big Boss after learning of The Boss "putting down her gun", which he viewed as a betrayal of herself as a soldier. He removed The Boss's former bandanna from his head following Peace Walker's sacrifice. Big Boss, under Kaz, Huey, and Strangelove's suggestion, commissioned the creation of Metal Gear ZEKE using parts salvaged from the AI weapons. At some point, Big Boss initially approved of a sauna being installed at Mother Base when suggested by Kazuhira Miller, but ultimately decided against it, especially after an incident where one of the MSF personnel, Armadillo, fainted with enough force to send the seagulls flying away and also had to be hospitalized for an entire month, despite being boasted as being as "sturdy as a tank." He also proceeded to do an investigation on what actually happened there, eventually learning from both Swan and Gazelle that Miller had been in the room at the time, with the former even doing "soap play" with Miller at the time, and ultimately confirmed his suspicions when Miller inadvertently revealed that he knew Armadillo fainted in the room when he didn't even mention who fainted. This led to Big Boss to tell Miller off in the showers for his womanizing behavior setting a bad example on the MSF forces, which quickly escalated into a severe brawl. Afterward, he sentenced Miller to a year of cleanup duty as punishment, apologizing to all involved, and keeping a check on his philandering nature. Paz witnessed this and recorded this event in her diary without their knowledge. While ZEKE was nearing completion on Mother Base, Big Boss deduced there was a spy among the ranks of MSF. Zadornov managed to escape several times while Zeke was being built, and the man hinted as much after Big Boss shot him in self-defense. Before they could think of what this could mean, Big Boss received word that ZEKE was hijacked, and rushed to confront the hijacker. To their shock, MSF learned that the hijacker was Paz (who was actually Cipher agent Pacifica Ocean). The mission was planned by Cipher in order to get Big Boss to rejoin them. After he refused, Paz threatened to launch a nuke at the East Coast and frame the MSF. Big Boss defeated ZEKE and although Paz was seemingly killed, he suspected she survived. Miller admitted that he too was working for Cipher as a businessman, though Big Boss forgave him. In time, they would come to be known as the founders of "Outer Heaven." Snake and Miller eventually discovered Paz's tapes and diary left behind on Mother Base. It was clear that her commitment to Cipher was wavering but with Paz's disappearance, nothing else could be certain. At some point, Snake used Miller as "Subject D" for the R&D Team's Human Slingshot project, due to a lack of volunteers, upon receiving a report on the weapon. At another point, Snake and at least three MSF soldiers successfully executed a mission near a beach, although Snake was so exhausted that he delayed returning and let his men leave on the extract chopper, much to their gratitude, while requesting a second chopper to pick him up. Side Ops Afterward, Big Boss alongside the further expanding MSF participated in various missions within the United States Naval Facility in Cuba. On December 3, Big Boss infiltrated the base to assassinate an infamous sniper duo from the Laotian Civil War, Glaz and Palitz, after MSF was hired by KGB contacts of Miller's. After neutralizing the targets, they began to suspect the base in Cuba due to the sniper team being terrified to such an extent that it even exceeded their fear of death itself. On December 7, Big Boss returned to the base to ensure the extraction of MSF Intel Unit agent Hideo. Intending to rendezvous with Hideo at the heliport, Big Boss provided cover fire from a Hind while the agent escaped in a stolen jeep. However, when Hideo's jeep was disabled and he ended up knocked out, Big Boss was forced to disembark from the chopper to directly intervene, taking out an APC before carrying Hideo to the chopper. He also shot down a Blackhawk when it tried to pursue the Hind as it retreated. On December 21, MSF was hired by the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to rendezvous with their undercover agent at the base, with Big Boss infiltrating by hiding in the back of a truck. Following suspicions that the base had been secretly converted to a black site, Big Boss located and interrogated the agent, who revealed that he had stowed away information he had uncovered, being unable to directly hand it over due to the high level of security. Big Boss retrieved the tape cassette containing the information after deducing its location and escaped. Through this tape, MSF was able to discover the existence of a man known only as Skull Face, as well as confirm the JCS's suspicions regarding the base. On January 9, 1975, Big Boss sabotaged all the base's anti-aircraft emplacements with C4, in preparation for a MAGTF assault arranged by the JCS. The MAGTF's amphibious assault carrier was detected earlier than expected by the base's defense systems, forcing Big Boss to operate under a full alert, ultimately destroying an APC, whose cannon would have threatened the advance. He also rescued a prisoner who was a member of the MSF Intel Team that had been captured on an earlier reconnaissance of the base. As he was about to retreat, however, he learned from Miller that two unidentified aircraft had shown up on the radar, and were headed towards his location. He narrowly managed to escape the base via chopper, witnessing the aircraft's bombardment during his departure, and causing MSF to suspect Cipher's involvement in the affair. Ground Zeroes Incident In February 1975, Big Boss and Miller received a request by the IAEA to inspect Mother Base. Although the official reason given was because they had purchased nuclear fuel from Uzbekistani officials, they both knew that the real reason was that Cipher influenced them as revenge for their earlier defeat. Big Boss stated that they send the IAEA an official letter of refusal due to their status as a private company, not a nation under the NPT. However, Huey, the only MSF member who supported the inspection, ended up sending another letter that indicated that they changed their minds, forcing Big Boss to allow the inspection to happen because it would have otherwise drawn too much suspicion. In preparation, various AFVs save for ZEKE were relocated to shore as well as various troublemaking personnel ordered to take mandatory R&R. All civilians save for Huey, including Cécile, were given papers to travel back to their home countries. The remaining members of the FSLN group made rendezvous with Amanda who was already in Cuba. Big Boss also learned that Strangelove had resigned from MSF and left Mother Base a week earlier (he had been away on an assignment at the time and thus had been unaware before then). Ten days later, Big Boss's suspicions about Paz's survival were eventually confirmed, when he learned that she had been rescued by a Belizean fisherman while she lay adrift in the ocean. Cipher suspected Paz was compromised as a double agent and was being interrogated and imprisoned within Camp Omega, a maximum security military prison facility located on the southern tip of Cuba. Big Boss suggested to kill her due to her knowledge of MSF but Kaz opted to instead rescue her as she was their only viable link to Cipher. They decided to retrieve her later, as they had the inspection to worry about. Unfortunately, after Chico ended up sneaking off a supply ship that was refueling at Santiago de Cuba en route to Amanda in Havana, as well as his being captured, Big Boss and Miller were forced to revise their plan to do a solo rescue op, after Chico confirmed their locations in an SOS transmission. Big Boss volunteered to be the one to undergo the operation, the +This superhero's name is eby missing the inspection. For the mission. Their real name is Big Boss assembled a skeleton crew to assist him. an exceptionally talented MSF medic +This superhero's name is Big Daddy. Their real name is Damon Macready. Damon Macready was a comic book geek and an accountant living a boring life with a wife who hated him. Trying to change his life, he took his daughter and created a super heroic alter ego: Big Daddy. But every hero needs a villain and Johnny G suited the role. Big Daddy trained his daughter as the ultimate killing machine and both of them kept messing with Johnny G's business. Time later, father and daughter contacted Kick-Ass and tried to team-up with the young hero. However, they were betrayed by Kick-Ass friend, Red Mist who turned out to be John Genovese's son. The Italian mobster tortured Macready and shot her daughter. Thinking she was dead, Big Daddy finally gave up confessing he was nothing but a fanboy. Drowned in tears and remorse, he was shot down by Johnny G's men. +This superhero's name is Big Man. Their real name is Frederick Foswell. Frederick Foswell was a short, slight, timid reporter for the Daily Bugle. Tired being subservient to J. Jonah Jameson, Foswell created the masked identity of the Big Man, using built-up shoes, a padded jacket and an amplifier to disguise his voice. He then used his reporter's skills and contacts to join with the trio known as the Enforcers and unite all the New York City mobs. His disguise was so effective that even Spider-Man never figured out who the Big Man really was, but it was the web-slinger's intervention that tipped the police off to Foswell's secret and led to his arrest. While in prison, Foswell was the cellmate of Professor Mendel Stromm. Released and vowing to go straight, Foswell was rehired by J. Jonah Jameson. Initially suspected by Spider-Man of being either the Green Goblin or the Crime Master, Foswell was actually frequenting underworld hangouts wearing a latex mask of a man with an eye patch, allowing him to create a whole new identity: the stoolie known as Patch. In his capacity as reporter and stoolie, Foswell deduced the Crime Master's identity and tipped off the police, resulting in the Crime Master's death in a shootout. He also worked with police against the Cat Burglar and told Spider-Man about a planned robbery by the Master Planner's men. He became such a trustworthy reporter that Spider-Man began tipping him off to his fights. As Patch, he became one of the first to discover that Peter Parker was Spider-Man, though he was outwitted - by a fake conversation between Peter and Spidey followed by the departure of a web-slinging web-dummy - into thinking the super hero and photographer had a secret working relationship instead. Later, when it seemed that Spider-Man had quit and the Kingpin of Crime was reorganizing the underworld, Foswell reverted to his criminal ways. Failing to regain his place at the head of the mobs, he settled for becoming the Kingpin's first lieutenant. But when the Kingpin's men tried to kill J. Jonah Jameson, Foswell could not stand by and let his benefactor come to harm. He was gunned down by the Kingpin's men while protecting Jameson and died a hero. The identity of the Big Man was later used by Foswell's daughter Janice, but she was tragically killed by her fiancé, the new Crime Master. +This superhero's name is Bill Harken. Their real name is . Bill Harken is a former FBI agent who strictly adheres to procedure and protocol. He is also a hyperadrenal Alpha -- an everyday person with a very special physical ability. Bill is able to summon amazing strength by consciously activating the "fight-or-flight" response. With a flood of adrenaline, pain receptors are subdued and for a short bursts of time, he experiences super human strength and a resistance to harm that borders on invulnerability. +This superhero's name is Billy Kincaid. Their real name is Billy Kincaid. In Spawn #5, Kincaid is released from a mental institution, where he had been placed because he was suspected of murdering several children. The most notable of the cases, and the only one Kincaid was actually charged with, was the disappearance and murder of a senator's daughter. In his previous life as Al Simmons, Spawn had been hired to kill Kincaid, but had arrived just as Kincaid was apprehended by the police and so was unable to complete the mission. Upon his release from the institution, Kincaid immediately goes back to kidnapping and murdering children by luring them into his ice cream truck. He kills two children before Spawn kills him and hangs his bloody corpse in the precinct office of detectives Sam Burke and Twitch Williams, who had been investigating Kincaid, with the note that says, "Boys screamed and girls screamed. So I made him scream and scream and scream..." Both Sam and Twitch eventually lose their jobs over the gruesome incident. Kincaid wakes up in Hell. He is greeted by the Vindicator, brother of Spawn archvillain the Violator. The Vindicator leads Kincaid to the Eighth circle of Hell, the same level where Al Simmons made a deal with Malebolgia to become a Hellspawn. Kincaid is fitted with a similar suit as Spawn's and informed that he is now in the service of Malebolgia. In Spawn #53, Spawn returns to Hell, where he battles the newly-empowered Kincaid. It is a quick battle, as Spawn easily defeats Kincaid and severs his head. After a series of seemingly senseless and brutal crimes, Spawn, with the aid of Sam, Twitch, and his mentor Cogliostro, discovers that Kincaid's ghost is forcing people into acting out their most violent impulses. These senseless crimes hit close to home, as a number of homeless people are savagely murdered. Spawn and the detectives are helpless to stop Kincaid as he jumps from body to body and continues to indirectly cause these senseless crimes. With each murder, Kincaid not only damns the innocent souls coerced into committing the crimes, but grows stronger himself. Eventually, Spawn leads Kincaid, inhabiting a police officer, into the Dead Zone, an area of the New York City bowery where Heaven reigns supreme and Hell has no power. Now depowered, both Spawn and Kincaid fight each other hand-to-hand. During the melee, Twitch fires a single shot into the cop's forehead, killing the cop and the depowered Kincaid simultaneously. Kincaid makes another brief appearance as a denizen of Hell in Spawn #100, as Spawn passes him on the way to battle Malebolgia. Kincaid reappeared in Spawn #150 to torment Christopher, the lost soul sealed within Spawn's heart. Christopher is given the form and powers of a Hellspawn by the mysterious Man of Miracles, and eventually runs afoul of Kincaid, who operates a toystore filled with Spawn action figures. In later issues, Christopher confronts Kincaid again at a diabolical carnival revealed to be a portal to Hell. Kincaid forces Christopher to watch every murder he commits. Christopher's eyes burn out of their sockets, and his necroplasmic uniform then tears Kincaid apart. +This superhero's name is Binary. Their real name is Carol Danvers. Concurrently, Carol worked as a magazine editor and freelance writer in New York City. After working several cases with the Avengers, Ms. Marvel was invited to join the team during the Scarlet Witch's leave of absence. She quickly established herself as valuable member, but left the team following a bizarre unwanted pregnancy caused by 'Marcus', who claimed to be the son of Immortus. Marcus manipulated Carol into believing that she loved him and took her to his home in Limbo. However, Marcus' plot backfired when he discovered that he aged at an accelerated rate in Limbo. Eventually, Carol learned how to use Immortus' time-traveling devices and returned to her time. Seeking peace of mind after the ordeal with Marcus, Carol relocated to San Francisco and chose not to resume ties with the Avengers. In a battle with the power-absorbing mutant named Rogue, Carol lost virtually all her Mr. Marvel abilities, leaving her with only her augmented genetic structure. After the fight, Rogue attempted to murder Carol by hurling her from the Golden Gate Bridge. However, Spider-Woman rescued Carol and alerted the Avengers and X-Men to Carol's plight. Rogue also drained her memories, most of which were restored by mutant mentor Charles Xavier. However, Professor X could not return the emotional bonds linked to those memories. During this period, Carol was a frequent ally of the X-Men -- Xavier's team of masked, mutant heroes. +This superhero's name is Bird-Brain. Their real name is . On a remote island in the North Atlantic, the Ani-Mator began his experiments. He had been recruited by The Right, but had turned into a rogue scientist hell-bent on producing the perfect breed of animal-men hybrids, which he dubbed the Ani-Mates. The Ani-Mator turned his rocky island into herpersonal idea of 'Paradise' where he was a God over the Ani-Mates; giving & taking life on a whim. He created these creatures in a secret underground laboratory, where they grew from tiny test-tube experiments. Each 'Lot' of Ani-Mates was released onto Paradise where they lived wild. However, they were subliminally programmed to respond like Pavlov's Dogs whenever an alarm sounded. They would subconsciously put themselves into mortal danger, travelling through a dangerous maze of caverns filled with sophisticated & deadly traps. If they managed to survive the trial then they would receive food as a reward. Should an Ani-Mate survive enough trials to warrant the attention of the Ani-Mator, then he would bestow them with a name & a piece of clothing. One of the Ani-Mates was a passive bird like male. He sought to escape Paradise and managed to fly across the ocean towards America. He was eventually found by an American fishing crew who captured him and turned him over ot the authorities back on the mainland. When the media heard of this strange creature, they started to write stories about the bizarre Bird Boy. Wolfsbane had heard the news reports about Bird Boy, and suspected that he might be another animal-based mutant like herself. However, the other New Mutants weren't interested as they were too busy preparing for Lila Cheney's album launch party. At the party, a humanoid alien race convinced Cannonball to take drugs which made it difficult for him to stand, let alone fly. When the alins tried to kidnap & kill Cannonball, he tried to fly away. However, he flew straight into a tall dark tower. Although his Blast Field protected him from the impact, the building broke apart. What no-one realised until the next morning was that the tower which Cannonball had accidentally broken was the temporary prison of the Bird Boy. News reports showed footage of Cannonball flying through the tower, and they informed the public that the Bird Boy had escaped. Since they had caused the mess, the New Mutants finally agreed to Wolfsbane's request to search for Bird Boy. However, by the time the New Mutants arrived in the city their main rivals the Hellions were also interested in tracking down the Bird Boy. The two mutant teams had a contest to see who would be the first to capture & recruit the Bird Boy. Mirage created an illusions of the Bird Boy's greatest desire; a heap of fish & maggots to eat. So they split the team up; one half to distract the Hellions, the other half to find food for Bird Boy. Although the fight with the Hellions was fierce, the New Mutants ultimately won. Magik teleported the freshly caught haul of fish to act as bait, and as soon as the Bird Boy landed on the large pile of fish they teleported back to Xavier's School for the Gifted. Back at the school, the New Mutants struggled to cope with the Bird Boy. He would run around, flapping his wings & squarking until Magik teleported in more fish & maggots. They soon discovered that by creating a tropical island setting in the Danger Room helped to keep him calm. However, Magneto de-activated the Danger Room programme and accidentally startled Bird Boy. Although Magneto was alarmed by how his students had smuggled the strange creature into his school, he had no objections to keeping Bird Boy around to investigate whether he really was a mutant or not. However, since Cerebro was broken, and Magneto was struggling to repair it, they could not confirm what kind of species the Bird Boy was. Wolfsbane implored Cypher to communicate with the Bird Boy. However, Cypher reacted coldly towards him claiming that it wasn't any kind of language to translate. To mock the Bird Boy, Cypher claimed that he was more of a Bird Brain; a name that stuck. Wolfsbane was desperate to help Bird Brain adjust to life as a teenager in modern day America. She dragged him to their computer lessons, where he tried to eat the characters as they were being typed on the monitors. However, his chaotic behaviour rattled the other New Mutants and only made Cypher's mood even worse. Magik noticed how reticent Cypher was and accused him of being jealous, since Bird Brain had all of Wolfsbane's attention. Spitefully trying to get Bird Brain into trouble, Cypher suggested that they shouldn't keep Bird Brain cooped-up indoors. Therefore the New Mutants began to plan a trip to a local burger bar. They took one of Cannonball's old uniforms, and cut whole in the back for Bird Brain's wings. They covered him up with a hat, trench-coat, large novelty sunglasses and some of Beast's old shoes. Magik teleported them all to a quiet secluded spot around the corner from the restaurant, and they soon found themselves a booth away from the prying eyes of the general public. Despite his new disguise, Bird Brain was still extremely unusual. His behaviour made things worse. Bird Brain would click & squawk loudly, and when their food arrived he launched himself across the table to steal everyone else's meals. Cypher remained stubborn, but his dislike of Bird Brain intensified when his fries were stolen. However, Wolfsbane remained enchanted by him, and began to encourage Bird Brain to talk. After managing to squawk 'fries' and 'chocolate shake', he was rewarded with more fast food. However, his lack of table manners grew out of control, and it resulted in a small food fight. The New Mutants were forced to flee the restaurant; giving the waitress all their allowance to cover the damages. +This superhero's name is Bird-Man II. Their real name is Achille DiBacco. The original Ani-Men had died fighting Iron Man under orders from Count Nefaria. Achille DiBacco was recruited by the Death-Stalker to become a member of the new Ani-Men, alongside with Roy McVey (the new Ape-Man) and Sebastian Patane (Cat-Man). Lacking any super-power, they were provided with super-powered suits. The Death-Stalker intended to use the Ani-Men to fight Daredevil and his lover Black Widow. The Bird-Man was defeated by the Black Widow and sent to jail. This saved DiBacco's life because the Death-Stalker killed McVey and Patane for their failure. DiBacco retained his Bird-Man identity and might have used it to commit additional crimes. He was contacted by Gary Gilbert, a former costumed criminal turned business agent for criminals. Gilbert was worried about the Scourge of the Underworld, a masked figure who was killing costumed criminals such as Gilbert and DiBacco. Gilbert organized a meeting in the The Bar with No Name, Medina County, Ohio, to discuss potential counter-attacks. As the Scourge was known to use weapons instead of powers, weapons were to be left at the door. However, the Scourge infiltrated in the meeting disguised as the bartender and shot down all the seventeen criminals including Bird-Man, wielding a cut-down .50 sub-machine gun in each hand. +This superhero's name is Bird-Man. Their real name is Henry Hawk. Henry Hawk was a criminal hand picked by the Organizer to join his Ani-Men. The Ani-Men were soon sent against Daredevil by the Organizer, after he had crossed the Organizer's plans on several occasions. After implicating Daredevil in a bank robbery, the Ani-Men were next sent to kidnap Debbie Harris. They were defeated when Daredevil infiltrated their headquarters using Frog-Man's costume. Later, Hawk escaped from prison alongside his fellow Ani-Men Ape-Man and Cat-Man. They started working for the Exterminator as the Unholy Three. They were once again defeated by Daredevil and on another occasion by Daredevil and Spider-Man. Later, the Ani-Men were employed by Count Nefaria, whose scientists subjected all of them (including Hawk) to experimental processes which gave them super powers duplicating their artificial ones, but animal like appearances. The Ani-Men fought the X-Men at the Cheyenne Mountain missile base, but were defeated. They later apparently lost their powers and went back to using their original equipment, but continued to work for Nefaria, attempting to kill Tony Stark at his command and fighting Iron Man. Hawk and the other original Ani-Men were all apparently killed during this incident, when the assassin Spymaster blew up Nefaria's base with the Ani-Men inside it. +This superhero's name is Bird. Their real name is Birdy Colossimo. Bird was a member of Bane's gang and was instrumental in helping Bane in his efforts to become the new crime lord of Gotham City. Bird owned a pet falcon which he named Talon. Bane first met Bird during his time in Peña Duro, where Bird was also an inmate. Bird taught Bane how to read and he also told him about Gotham City and its famous vigilante. Along with Zombie and Trogg, Bird was instrumental on Bane's breakout from Peña Duro. As a result, they also escaped with him and went to Gotham, to capitalize their crime empire. During the planning stage of Bane's master goal, Bird was usually looking over Batman during his missions in order to learn Batman's strategies and movements. He was present when Batman captured The General and also when Batman faced Amygdala and The Ventriloquist, but he was discovered by Robin and was forced to fight the youngster. After the fight, Bird moved on to look Batman confront Mr. Zsasz at a girl's school, while informing Bane about Batman's activities. Bird followed Poison Ivy and he summoned Bane after she made her move. Bird was at the Gotham Civic Center along with Bane, who recognized Bruce Wayne as Batman at the first sight. Bane told Bird to keep an eye on Poison Ivy and Bird followed her to an abandoned warehouse where Batman defeated her, while Bird kept Bane informed about the whole events. A few days later, Bane sent Bird, Trogg and Zombie to finish off Batman after his encounter with Joker and Scarecrow. Bird was Batman's last opponent and he used Talon to lure Batman into a trap and beat him to a pulp. With the last bist of energy left in him, Batman defeated Bird and left him unconscious.Shortly after Bird's encounter with Batman, Bane defeated the Dark Knight and his rise to the power started. Bird, Trogg and Zombie started a rampage over the city to eliminate competition and recruit more members to Bane's crime empire, as they were commanded by their boss. They even tried to recruit Catwoman, without success. Bird, Trogg and Zombie were sent by Bane to verify the supposed threat of a new Batman and the three of them were brutally defeated by the new Dark Knight.They were arrested and locked away by the police and each of them were interrogated about Bane's activities, but none of them revealed anything. They were soon sprung out of prison and they thought it was all part of Bane's plan, but when they told their boss about their escape, they were once again attacked by Batman, who was responsible for releasing them and used them to locate Bane's hideout.Bird, Trogg and Zombie were soon recaptured by the police and they couldn't break out since their leader, Bane, was captured shortly after. +This superhero's name is Birdman. Their real name is Ray Randal. Birdman was the protagonist of one of two superhero series sharing the show "Birdman and the Galaxy Trio". The two series never had crossovers. Birdman was a creation of Alex Toth. The series had 21 episodes, broadcast between September 9, 1967 and September 6, 1969. Each episode had two tales of Birdman and one of the Galaxy Trio. Toth wrote an elaborate background story for Birdman though it was only briefly and vaguely mentioned in the series. Ray Randall was chosen by the high priest of Ra (Egyptian Sun God) to become an avatar of their deity and become Ra's champion on Earth. He was to "shine the light of justice" on the world by doing heroic acts. His powers were activated when he shouted his own codename, "Birdman". Ray could fly, fire powerful blasts from his hands and form an energy shield for defense. He absorbed solar energy and needed the sunlight to recharge his energy reserves. He would be much weaker during the nighttime and helpless when in locations devoid of sunlight, such as underground caverns and castle dungeons. He had his homebase built within an inactive volcano and took up work with the Inter-Nation Security, a secret agency. His contact with the agency was Falcon 7, an eye-patch wearing agent. Falcon would update him on assignments and the activities of established foes. The most regularly appearing sidekick of Birdman was Avenger, an eagle. His origin was never elaborated but Avenger had super-powers of his own: human-level intellect, strength sufficient to carry a weakened or knocked out Birdman and flight at high speeds. At some point Birdman shared some of his powers with a human sidekick, Birdboy. The sole survivor of a ship attacked by pirates, the boy was effectively adopted by Birdman. While the wings of the older hero are natural, the junior one has mechanical wings. A villain hypnotized and mutated a young aerialist to Birdgirl. By the end of her first appearance she had become Birdman's third and last sidekick. Birdman faced several super villains though most were either one-shot characters or appeared in two episodes. The one constant was the employer of most of them, F.E.A.R. . A secret organizations whose members wore hoods and addressed each other by codenumbers. The leader was Number One. +This superhero's name is Bishop (Fox). Their real name is Lucas Bishop. As the Sentinels are dispatched to find and kill mutants living underground, they adapt to any situation and change their forms. Iceman, Sunspot, Blink and Warpath fight the Sentinels while Shadowcat and Bishop run off into a closet somewhere. Bishop lays down and Kitty starts massaging his temples, sending his consciousness back in time. The others buy them time with their lives. A Sentinel snaps Sunspot's neck, Iceman has his head cut off and is crushed, Blink gets skewered and Warpath gets blasted to smithereens. As the Sentinel breaks through the closet and blasts fire, everything fades away; the past has been changed. With the timeline altered, Bishop is seen in China. He is present in the monastery, and he and the team are by met by Professor X, Wolverine, Magneto, and Storm. When Professor X explains his plan to have Kitty send his consciousness back in time and stop the sentinels fro ever being created, but Kitty tells him wouldn't survive being sent back decades, the team decides to send Wolverine back into his past body in 1973 to change the events in their present time, as he is the only one who can survive. Bishop helps aid the team from the approaching Sentinels to allow Kitty to hold Wolverine's consciousness in the past just long enough to complete his mission. After blasting the Sentinel that killed Storm, he soon becomes surrounded by sentinels that learn to all provide him energy for his Energy Absorption power to take effect, effectively overloading him with too much power until he spontaneously combusts. +This superhero's name is Bishop. Their real name is Lucas Bishop. The mutant known only as Bishop was born in the 21st Century A.D. of alternate timeline Earth-1191 in which the mutant-hunting robots called the Sentinels had taken control of North America. In this timeline, Professor Charles Xavier and most of the members of the mutant team he founded, the X-Men, were killed by the Sentinels. Mutants were killed or were imprisoned within "mutant relocation camps." Bishop and his sister Shard were both born in one of the "mutant relocation camps." Like other mutants they were branded with "M" tattoos over their right eyes for identification. Eventually, "normal" human beings and mutants joined forces and overthrew the Sentinels in the "Summers Rebellion." However, "normal" humans still resisted coexistence with mutants, and radical terrorist groups of mutants, such as the Exhumes, made war on "normal" humans. One of the veterans of the Summers Rebellion, a mutant named Hecat'e, stated that it was unacceptable for humans to hunt down criminal mutants. Therefore, she said mutants should police themselves. Hence, Hecat'e and other mutant veterans of the Summers Rebellion formed the Xavier Security Enforcers. The X.S.E was named after Charles Xavier in honor of his dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and "normal" humans. Hecat'e became the X.S.E's commanding officer. Since their parents had apparently died, Bishop and Shard lived with their grandmother, who was herself a mutant, until she died. Their grandmother told them stories about the heroism of the X-Men and instructed them to follow Xavier's dream of peace between mutants and the rest of humanity. One day, when Bishop and Shard were both still children, two X.S.E members were pursuing Virago, a member of the Exhumes, a radical group of mutants who hated "normal" humans. When Virago took Shard as a hostage, Bishop leapt onto Virago's back, making her release his sister. Infuriated, Virago was about to murder Bishop when Sureshot shot her dead. Until then, Bishop had regarded the X.S.E as his enemies and the Exhumes as heroes, but from then onward he wanted to join the X.S.E. Bishop, Shard, and their grandmother's friend Hancock were attacked by criminal mutants called Billboy and Halftrack. The two criminals killed Hancock and were about to murder Shard. Bishop tried to save Shard, but it was two members of the X.S.E, Amazon and Recoil, who stopped Billboy and Halftrack. Impressed by Bishop, Amazon and Recoil offered Bishop a position in the X.S.E. Bishop accepted on the condition that Shard be accepted in the X.S.E as well. By now Bishop's own superhuman power had manifested itself. Thus Bishop and Shard became cadets at the X.S.E Academy under Hecat'e's supervision. Among the other members of their class was Bishop's future enemy, Trevor Fitzroy. Eventually, Bishop and Shard became officers of the X.S.E. Shard, however, became Bishop's commanding officer. Bishop contented himself with a lower rank so that he could work the streets alongside his friends and fellow X.S.E officers, Malcolm and Randall. Some time after taking command of her own squad in the X.S.E., Shard fell victim to an ambush - set up by her criminal boyfriend Trevor Fitzroy - by the creatures known as Emplates. Turned into one of them, Shard was forced to kill mutants to sup their energy to survive. In a subsequent encounter with the X.S.E., Bishop was forced to kill his own sister rather than let her live as the monster she had become. Shard's essence was transferred into a holographic matrix projector that Bishop wore on his wrist. Around this time Bishop discovered remnants of the X-Men: A garbled message from Jean Grey warning about a traitor. Bishop confronted the only known survivor who called himself the Witness. Bishop did not trust him and wondered if he was the traitor. Fitzroy eventually turned criminal and was imprisoned. He broke free and escaped with other mutant criminals back through a time portal to the X-Men's own time. Bishop, Malcolm, and Randall followed, even though they were aware they had no means to return to their own time. The three eventually found and killed the criminals known as the 'Lifers', but Malcolm and Randall were killed and Bishop himself was severely wounded. He was taken to the Institute to recover. During the fight that followed, Bishop defeated Fitzroy moments before he could complete his quest. While his methods initially caused conflict with Storm, not to mention his accusations towards Gambit, Bishop joined the X-Men. He tended to act brashly, such as shooting through walls rather than using the door when an intruder alarm sounded. During the quest to stop Legion from altering history, Bishop acted as a chronal anchor with Psylocke using her psychic knife to link them all. They were unsuccessful, triggering the Age of Apocalypse. During the Age of Apocalypse, Bishop aged and saw the world change, retaining memories of the incident and beforehand. These memories of the 'real' timeline compelled Magneto and his X-Men to set things right. Using the M'Kraan Crystal, Destiny and Illyana Rasputin sent the elder Bishop to stop Legion. He briefly confronted his younger self, imploring him to 'remember this day.' The elder Bishop stopped Legion and both appeared to be destroyed by Legion's psionic energy. Bishop retained some of his elder self's memories. Bishop managed to prevent the X-Men's death by Onslaught, absorbing an incredible amount of psionic energy. In light of Gambit not being the 'traitor', the two made peace and learned to work together if not always agreeing on each other's methods. While in space, Bishop was separated from the other X-Men and ended up with Deathbird. She apparently was to bring him to Apocalypse as part of the Twelve. However, Bishop has no memories of being part of the Twelve. He remembered being ripped through time by a version of Fitzroy calling himself the Chronomancer. He also met the Witness again, who explained that he was not a future self of Gambit. Chronomancer also found Shard and reverted her to her normal form. The price of victory was high: Shard sacrificed her life for the ultimate good and Bishop found himself filled with chronal energy and hurled through time. Spiraling through time, Bishop emerged in the present, deep in space. Bishop crashed into a Shi'ar space station, where Professor Charles Xavier and his "Cadre K" of mutant Skrull students were searching for Deathbird - the Shi'ar criminal who appeared to be Bishop's chronal anchor in the present day. A pan-galactic committee had transformed Earth into a prison planet, and Deathbird held a key to penetrate the panel's maximum-security energy barrier. Bishop almost killed Deathbird before she opened an airlock and was blown into space. He allowed himself to be captured and sent to Earth on a mission, where he reunited with the X-Men. Bishop joined Storm's X-Men team to search for Destiny's diaries. Along the way he revealed his first name, Lucas. Bishop agreed to stay on with Storm's new X.S.E team, whose goal is similar to those of the X.S.E of Bishop's own future. Bishop also became a consultant in mutant-related matters in the area known as District X, working with Officer Izzy Ortega. Bishop was one of the few mutants to retain their powers following M-Day. In light of O*N*E's occupying the mansion, Bishop talked extensively with Val Cooper. Bishop attempted to kill Cable and the Messiah Baby, but he was unsuccessful, and ended up shooting Xavier in the head instead. Bishop escaped from the X-Men, attacked Forge in his Dallas headquarters, and stole time travel technology in the form of a cybernetic arm. Now using a bionic arm, he eventually tracked Cable and the newborn mutant. Upon finding them, he shot Cable twice before being hindered by a local gang. With Cable severely weakened by severe blood loss, he made a risky attack before the gang could find heavier weapons. He later managed to track down Cable, slaying several mutated beasts in the process, and shot the Mutant Messiah. He also found that in the future generated by his choice, Cable would always be revered as a Messianic figure who tried his best to protect the Child, and saved humanity from the very beasts Bishop unwillingly saved Cable from. In his efforts to kill the child Bishop has laid out several traps for Cable throughout the timestream, killing millions in the process, though he doesn't see them as people who actually exist, but as people who wouldn't exist or come back to life if he were to kill Hope. After multiple failings at killing Hope, Bishop located and enlisted the aid of Stryfe, promising him that he would aid him in killing Apocalypse and Cable. Stryfe and Bishop traveled to a point in the future where Apocalypse was at his weakest and managed to defeat him. Stryfe built an empire using Celestial technology and Bishop became his right hand man, waiting for Cable and Hope to re-emerge. When they did appear along with X-Force, Hope was kidnapped. Bishop betrayed Stryfe and his plot to kill Hope was foiled by Stryfe, who wanted to make her his heir. Both attempts were foiled by Apocalypse, X-Force, and Cable. Cable managed to rescue Hope and escaped yet again. Bishop escaped into the "near future" of the 21st century, with one eye less, reconstructing his arm, vowing to find Hope once again. +This superhero's name is Bizarro-Girl. Their real name is . The first Bizarro Supergirl was a duplicate of Supergirl, created by Bizarro Jr. using the "duplicating machine". He had been transformed into Bizarro form by Supergirl's chemistry project that went awry. He then flew to The Fortress of Solitude and tinkered with the duplication ray and hits Supergirl in the process. Superman then appears moments later, and discovers what's unfolded. Superman then orders Bizarro Supergirl to take Bizarro Jr. and return to their home planet of Htrae. Bizarro Supergirl however disobeys his command and instead decides to stay and keep Bizarro Jr. on Earth with her. However In the Fortress of Bizarro, Bizarro sees that his son has forgotten who is real parents are, after he sent him to Earth and so he decides wants to retrieve his son. Bizarro declares war over Earth with Htrae, and ventures home to prepare his army of Bizarro to attack Earth. Superman however invents Blue Kryptonite with the use of the "duplicating machine" to stop Bizarro's impending army from destroying Earth. As Superman returns from his space excursion he brings back just enough Blue Kryptonite to get the baby away from Bizarro Supergirl. Superman and Supergirl return baby Bizarro Jr. to his rightful parents Bizarro and Bizarro Lois Lane and all is well. As they make their way back to Earth, they abruptly stumble upon Bizarro Supergirl's dead body. She had been killed by the very Blue Kryptonite Superman had originally created, while laying in wait to ambush Superman and Supergirl on their way back home. Bizarrogirl's ship crashes in Metropolis, much like her normal counterpart's crashed in Gotham City. When Doctor Light and Gangbuster investigate the crash site they're taken hostage, Bizarrogirl then proceeds to go on a rampage throughout downtown Metropolis "collecting" more guests for her twisted welcome to earth party. Six Weeks ago previous to her arrival on earth, Bizarro World had something horrible happen to it, cities laid in ruin, the planet itself seemed to be experiencing some sort of cataclysmic event. Bizarro Lois and Jimmy went to see Bizarro #1, only to find him setting up a rocket. Bizarro Lois begins yelling at him and destroys the controls, launching Bizarrogirl into space. When he tries to go after her, Lois stops him saying they need him to fight the Godship. Bizarrogirl who was bound and gagged inside the ship for the duration of her journey to Earth. +This superhero's name is Bizarro. Their real name is Bizarro. This creature is actually the third being to assume the name of Bizarro. The first was a failed clone of Superman developed by Lex Luthor and a scientist named Doctor Teng. The second Bizarro was another failed clone developed during a time when Luthor was himself dying from a genetically engineered clone plague. This Bizarro however, has nothing at all to do with Lex Luthor. A few years ago, the Joker managed to acquire for himself the 5th dimensional powers of Mister Mxyzptlk. With this power, he declared himself Emperor and created his own insane version of Superman. Bizarro was intended to imitate the role of Superman, but with the Joker's best interests at heart. The creature was subsequently captured by the Pokolistanian dictator General Zod, and tortured, apparently just for the pleasure of beating someone who resembles Superman. After escaping from Pokolistan with Superman's help, Bizarro recreates his Jokerworld headquarters, the Graveyard of Solitude, and at erratic intervals emerges to "help" or hinder Superman; the decision as to which being seemingly random, and the same amount of trouble caused either way. Bizarro was later invited to join the Secret Society of Supervillains. Bizarro challenges Zoom to a race, due to Bizarro's complicated speech patterns, neither Zoom nor Cheetah are sure which end result of the race would convince Bizarro to join. The two race across the planet, Bizarro's erratic zig-zagging path becomes a point of contention with Zoom. When Zoom insults and threatens Bizarro, he is convinced that Zoom is his friend and joins. While with the Society, Bizarro kills the Human Bomb, commenting that he likes the flashes of light that the Bomb's powers produce. One year later after the events of the Infinite Crisis, Bizarro was held captive by Lex Luthor and has been watching television in a small room for thirteen months. As a result, he is better informed than before. Afterwards Bizarro leaves Earth to create a home for himself, creating a cube shaped planet, filled with abstract versions of various buildings and locations on Earth. Bizarro found himself lonely, however, He soon realized that under the power of a blue sun he gained a new ability called "Bizarro Vision". He uses his new ability to populate the planet with Bizarros, starting with a Bizarro Lois, that feared and hated him. Attempting to find answers Bizarro abducts Jonathan Kent, and Superman follows in pursuit. With Superman's help, he becomes the new Bizarro World's greatest hero. Sometime later Bizarro mysteriously wound up on Throneworld; Home of Prince Gavyn. In fifteen minutes of confusion, an angry Bizarro defeated half of Throneworld's Imperial Guard before Gavyn stopped Bizarro by befriending him. Gavyn kept Bizarro sedated with food and cartoons until Adam Strange, having learned from the Weird of Bizarro's presence on Throneworld, teleported the two to Hardcore Station to aid his overpowered allies. Bizarro became embroiled in the war between Rann, Thanagar, Lady Styx, and Synnar. +This superhero's name is Black Abbott. Their real name is . Through a member of his Black Apostles, Black Abbott hired Taskmaster to recruit a group of street gangs from various neighborhoods. This gathering would be interrupted by Spider-Man and Nomad. One of the gang members decided that he wanted no part of something involving super-heroes; the Apostle reduced the man to ashes and then attempted to do the same to Spider-Man. However, Nomad grabbed Taskmaster's shield and threw it between them, causing the Black Apostle's hand to burn into ashes and run. A Scourge working for the Red Skull claimed to have killed Black Abbott moments before the Red Skull killed the Scourge himself. It is unknown if the Black Abbott claimed to have been killed was actually Black Abbott or one of the Black Apostles’ posing as Black Abbott. +This superhero's name is Black Adam (New 52). Their real name is Teth-Adam. Teth-Adam was a slave in Kahndaq, where almost the entirety of his family was killed by the dictators — all except his nephew Aman, whom Adam eventually managed to contact and help escape from imprisonment, being mortally wounded by guards in order to buy him time. Aman, however, refused to abandon his dying uncle, and rescued him. Together, while escaping the underground prisons, they found themselves magically transported into the Rock of Eternity, where they were greeted by Shazam. The wizard, deeming Aman pure, offered him the role of his champion, giving him the task of freeing Kahndaq — which Aman accepted on the condition that Shazam healed Adam. Explaining that the gift bestowed upon him could be shared with his family, Shazam gave Aman his powers, healing and empowering Adam in the process. Being returned to Kahndaq, Aman and Adam contemplated how to use their powers in order to free their people. While Adam was willing to destroy the dictators and exact revenge for their dead family, Aman wanted to save them and give them peace, stopping all bloodshed. Fearing that Aman's method would not work, Adam killed him and seized his powers for himself, seeing it as a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. Black Adam is known in legend for having defeated the dictators and the Seven Sins, successfully freeing Kahndaq. Though myth says he merely disappeared, Black Adam actually turned against the Council of Eternity and murdered all its members but Shazam — the wizard, however, managed to overpower and seal Black Adam away. +This superhero's name is Black Adam (Pre-Crisis). Their real name is Teth-Adam. Some five-thousand years before the time of the Marvel Family, the wizard Shazam chosen the Egyptian prince named Teth-Adam as his successor, transforming him into his champion Mighty Adam. Unlike Billy Batson however, the power corrupted Teth-Adam and he turned to evil. Deciding that he should rule the world, Mighty Adam overthrows and kills the pharaoh and assumes the throne. An angry Shazam gives his errant champion a new name — "Black Adam" — and, unable to take his powers away, banishes him to the most distant star in the universe. Black Adam spent the next 5,000 years flying back to Earth. By the time he makes it back, in 1945, Shazam has appointed three new champions to take his place: Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr. Adam's antics to take over the world cause the Marvels to seek counsel with Shazam, who tells them about Black Adam. Adam succeeds in gagging Billy and Freddy while they are talking to Shazam. He then ties them up, planning to kill them later. But Uncle Marvel releases them while Mary battles Black Adam, enabling them to transform. Adam does battle with the trio, but since all are equally invulnerable, the fight goes on and on without resolution. However, the non-powered Marvel Family member Uncle Marvel gets an idea from Shazam and tricks him into saying "Shazam," by repeating the word wrongly, reverting him back to Teth-Adam. 5,000 years of aging catch up with him in an instant when Captain Marvel knocks him out seconds after he transforms, and he dies, becoming a skeleton. +This superhero's name is Black Adam. Their real name is Teth-Adam. Circa 1200 BC, Shazam became a high priest to the pharaoh Ramses II of Egypt. As the wizard grew older, he sought a champion worthy to inherit his powers. The young prince Teth-Adam of Kahndaq (Ramses' son) impressed the wizard with his fairness and decency. But before Shazam could bestow his powers, his daughter Blaze made a deal with the god Set. When Teth-Adam spoke the name "Shazam," instead of gaining the wizard's powers, he was blessed with the power of seven Egyptian gods: Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton and Mehen. Thus, though Adam speaks the name "Shazam," he does not draw power not fom the wizard. Teth-Adam served Egypt for many years, but this duty drew him away from his wife and children in Kahndaq. While he was away, the mad priest, Ahk-ton ravaged Kahndaq and killed Adam's family. The priest was powered by the "Orb of Ra". Adam could not apprehend Ahk-ton, so he entombed his family and returned to the court of Ramses. There he served as Egypt's champion alongside another great wizard, Nabu. Mighty-Adam was a success as a hero for Egypt, but his service kept him away from his wife, Shiruta, and his sons Gon and Hurut. Adam's homeland was destroyed and his family killed by the evil priest Ahk-ton using the Orb of Ra. A disparaged Adam continued to serve in Rameses' court, and allied himself with Prince Khufu (later Hawkman). At this time, he met three travelers from the future: Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, and Captain Marvel. Adam felt relieved that his legacy would continue through Marvel, and thought highly of his future counterpart. With the help of these visitors and the wizard Nabu, Adam was able to capture Ahk-ton, whom he killed as retribution for murdering Adam's family. Adam returned to Khandaq and forcefully overthrew the government present there, and appointed himself ruler. The wizard Shazam was made aware of all of these events and, thinking Adam had been corrupted by Blaze, unleashed a powerful spell. He trapped Adam's soul and powers within a powerful scarab rendering Adam's de-powered body, now several hundred years old, into a withered corpse. Shazam then buried both the body and the scarab in the tomb of Rameses II, where he had planned for it to remain for all eternity. In death, the former hero was referred to as "Khem-Adam" ("Black Adam"). Disillusioned by what he perceived as Adam's betrayal, Shazam went several millennia before appointing a second champion to fight evil in his name. Years later Rameses II's tomb was excavated by the Batsons under the orders of the Sivana Federation. A colleague of the Batsons, Adam's descendant Theo, murdered the Batsons after finding the scarab. Suspecting something was odd, his sister, Sarah, had Mary Batson adopted by the Bromfields to keep her away from Theo. When Theo saw Billy Batson as Captain Marvel, he realized the power and said "Shazam" and "Black Adam." The two battled, with Shazam temporarily removing Adam's ability to speak. This was undone by the evil Blaze, and Adam later spent time in deep space. Black Adam joined the JSA after claiming he had rid himself of Theo Adam's evil influence. Captain Marvel joined the JSA as well, wanting to keep an eye on him. Johnny Sorrow removed a malignant brain tumor in Adam's head, and Black Adam joined the Injustice Society. He soon betrayed them so the JSA could defeat them. Black Adam left the JSA after Kobra was allowed to live. He formed his own team, executed Kobra, and once again overthrew Khandaq's government. The JSA intervened. After a battle, Black Adam was allowed to retain control of Khandaq as long as he stayed within its borders. He and the Feitherans began to rebuild the war-torn country. Black Adam joined the Society of Villains to protect Khandaq, or so he claimed. During the Spectre's attack on magical beings, Atom-Smasher was killed, but Adam was able to revive him with magical lightning. Adam was part of the group that set a trap for Uncle Sam and the rest of the Freedom Fighters. However, Adam himself was betrayed by the other villains as Alex Luthor sought 'a Marvel' to use as part of his plot. Adam was given Adrianna Tomaz as a gift from Intergang. She was meant to be used as a slave to his pleasure, in return for allowing Intergang to use Khandaq as a base for their criminal activities. However, Black Adam executed her captors. Her wisdom helped him to focus on using his powers for the benefit of the people of Kahndaq. He granted her the power of the Goddess, Isis, and the two were married. When Adrianna's younger brother, Amon, was found a prisoner of Intergang, Adam granted him a portion of his own power and he became the hero, Osiris. Adam finally felt as if he had a true family. Isis had a tremendous influence on him, and she managed to dampen Adam's otherwise violent temper. As an act of good will, Black Adam and his family went to the United States and participated in several events including a holiday parade and a charity dinner at the Sivana estate. Not long after, Adam's brother-in-law, Osiris, befriended a shy talking crocodile which he named Sobek. He brought Sobek back to Kahndaq with him and he became a part of the colloquially named Black Marvel Family. Sobek's presence eventually proved to be the undoing of the Black Marvel Family however. Black Adam soon discovered that Sobek was in fact the Fourth Horseman known as Famine (Yurrd the Unknown). Sobek caused a massive blight that swept across Kahndaq ultimately killing Isis. He also turned against Osiris, savagely biting him in half and consuming the remains. Black Adam came upon Isis' body as she lay dying. Her final words were a plea of vengeance against those who brought this tragedy upon Kahndaq. Adam next attacked Sobek, killing him by hyper-extending his jaws. He then tracked the First of the Horsemen, Death (Azeuz) to the nation of Bialya and engaged in a massive battle with him. Black Adam's thirst for vengeance wasn't sated with merely defeating the Horsemen however. He lashed out against the entire country, killing every man, woman and child in Bialya, even sterilizing the earth. This genocide empowered Death, who believed he would now be able to defeat Black Adam in battle. He was soon proven incorrect. The world at large watched in horror as Black Adam continued blazing a trail of devastation across the globe. His next target was mainland China, whom he suspected was responsible for financially backing the Oolong Island experiments that resulted in the creation of the Four Horsemen. China's super-hero team the Great Ten attempted to stop Black Adam, but they proved ineffective. The Chinese government issued a proclamation that no other country was to interfere in China’s affairs, even on their own behalf. Such an action would be interpreted as an act of war, and China would retaliate with nuclear weapons. An assemblage of heroes led by the Justice Society of America set up a beachhead on China's borders. Many of them wanted to ignore China's warning and fight Black Adam, but they maintained their vigilance for fear of aggravating a new war. When Black Adam defeated the Great Ten, the Chinese government asked the Western world for aid. Dozens of super-heroes including the JSA, the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans mounted an attack against Black Adam, but his fury was so intense that nothing seemed to stop him. One of the casualties was the former Teen Titan, Terra, whom Black Adam slew by punching his fist through her chest. The Teen Titan, Young Frankenstein, also feel to his fury. Captain Marvel petitioned the gods of ancient Egypt to take away Black Adam's powers, but they refused. In fact, they even advocated Adam's actions. Marvel then sought the aid of the mystical community and worked with Zatanna in a desperate attempt to defeat Black Adam once and for all. Captain Marvel and Adam fought one another, and Marvel spoke the magic word "Shazam", summoning the mystic lightning that grants them their powers. He channeled the lightning into Black Adam, forcing him to transform back into the mortal Teth-Adam. Through Zatanna's spell, Captain Marvel managed to change the magic word so that Teth-Adam would be unable to turn back into Black Adam. As the war came to a close, Teth-Adam escaped justice and fled back to Kahndaq. He was last seen wandering the streets of Shiruta incognito, attempting to learn the new magic word that bring his powers back. Adam appears with his powers restored, having secretly taken up residence in the abandoned Khandaq embassy in Gotham City. Mary Marvel stumbles upon him at the embasy and finds that he has killed several others that have had to the misfortune to find their way in there. It appears that Adam is very angry with Mary as well but with the uttering of Shazam he transfers all of his powers to Mary. Before leaving, he implies that he had discovered what his new word was - 'Sorry' - and somehow changed it back to 'Shazam'. In transferring his powers to her he is now an average mortal and powerless, what he has decided is better then the burden he bore for so long as Black Adam. The still-powerless Teth-Adam orders his remaining loyal servant to savagely beat his face in order to alter his physical appearance. Effectively disguised, he leads the group to Kahndaq to retrieve the bones of Isis, while the JSA is in Bialya searching for him. Adam and his men are attacked by unidentified soldiers (who are also searching for Teth-Adam) while leaving the tomb of Isis and Osiris. Adam's followers sacrifice their lives so that he can escape with his wife's remains. Adam then travels to the frozen Himalayas, where he eats the corpse of his last remaining henchman after running out of food. Finally reaching a secluded cave, Teth-Adam resurrects Isis using a Lazarus Pit. Coming to realize she is no more then a decaying reanimated dead body, he is forced by the realization to kill her. He then takes her bones and goes on a pilgrimage to the Tower of Fate. Using a small piece of the Rock of Eternity, he reveals the Tower of Fate's location and enters. Expecting to find Doctor Fate so that he may get back the Amulet of Isis, he is suprised to find the doctor not in and Felix Faust has been trapped there with Neron, due to a spell cast by the deceased Ralph Dibney. Apparently Neron found a way out and left. Faust, in order to gain freedom joins forces with Adam and helps him cast a spell to transfer residual magic from Isis's bones to him to allow him to transform into Black Adam. +This superhero's name is Black Alice. Their real name is Lori Zechlin. A teenage girl with an interest in magick, Lori lost her mother to a drug overdose. She then discovered that she has immense magical power, being able to borrow abilities from other magic users – she has demonstrated abilities associated with Doctor Fate, Zatanna and the Marvel Family. Over the following two months, she tracked down and killed half a dozen drug dealers, hoping that one of them might be the one who supplied the drugs that killed her mother. Oracle got wind of this and sent Black Canary and Huntress in to her town – Dayton, Ohio – to investigate. They confronted Lori, now calling herself Black Alice, preventing her from killing another three drug dealers. She was then taken into the care of Doctor Fate, who was to help her learn how to use her abilities properly. However, Doctor Fate died soon after this, and Black Alice found herself alone, and suddenly drawn into a battle against the Spectre. More recently, various evil magic-users have tried to sway her into working with them. +This superhero's name is Black Bolt (MCU). Their real name is Blackagar Boltagon. Blackagar Boltagon, also known as Black Bolt, is the leader of the Inhuman Royal Family and the King of the Inhumans of Attilan. Boltagon can say volumes with just a look. Strong, thoughtful and private, he is unaccustomed to being questioned or feeling the need to answer to anyone, to an extent that can verge on arrogance. Black Bolt's position as the King was challenged when his brother Maximus led a rebellion against him and his family, forcing Black Bolt to escape to Earth. Now alone on Earth, Black Bolt was aided by Evan Declan with finding the rest of the Royal Family until finally they all returned back to Attilan where Maximus had inadvertently doomed the city. Ensuring the survival of his people, Black Bolt left his brother behind before leading the Inhumans to a new life on Earth. +This superhero's name is Black Bolt. Their real name is Blackagar Boltagon. Black Bolt was born to two of Attilan's top geneticists, Agon, head of the ruling Council of Genetics, and Rynda, director of the Prenatal Care Center. Subjected to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist while still an embryo, Bolt was born with strange powers surpassing even the Inhumans' norm. As an infant, he demonstrated certain energy-manipulative abilities which he could not yet control, particularly that of producing quasi-sonic energy of great destructive potential. To protect the community, he was placed inside a sound-proofed chamber and given an energy-harnessing suit. There he was schooled in the art of controlling his powers until the age of nineteen, when he was permitted to enter society. A month after being awarded his freedom, Black Bolt discovered his younger brother Maximus in the process of making a treacherous pact with emissaries of the alien Kree. Attempting to stop the Kree ship before it escaped, Bolt used the forbidden power of his quasi-sonic voice to knock the ship out of the sky. When the ship crashed to Earth, it landed on the parliament, killing several key members of the Council of Genetics, including his parents, Agon and Rynda. The reverberations of his brother's shout affected Maximus's sanity and suppressed his nascent mental powers. Despite his guilt and silent protests, Black Bolt was obligated to accept the mantle of leadership of the Inhumans at age twenty. Black Bolt's first crisis in leadership came when his cousin Triton was briefly held captive by humans. Learning of Triton's encounter upon his escape , Black Bolt decided that the Inhuman' island of Attilan was in imminent danger of discovery by humanity. Black Bolt scouted out possible sites to which to move, and settled upon the remote Himalayan mountains. After the great migration, Black Bolt faced his second great crisis when his now mad brother Maximus unleashed the Trikon, three of the Inhumans' worker drones who were transformed into energy-beings. The Trikon enabled Maximus to wrest the rule of the Inhuman from his brother and send Black Bolt and the other members of the Royal Family into exile. For the next few years, Black Bolt and his kinsmen wandered Asia, Europe, and finally America, in search of Medusa, his betrothed mate, who had been separated from the others during the battle with the Trikon. Eventually Black Bolt was reunited with Medusa and the Royal Family returned to Attilan and resumed the crown. Black Bolt led the Inhumans through some of the most turbulent times in their history, including several more attempts by Maximus to usurp the throne, revolts by the worker class, attacks by human renegades, the kidnapping of Medusa, the destruction and rebuilding of Attilan, the revelation of the Inhuman existence to humanity, and several more relocating of Attilans. Following the traditionally lengthy period of betrothal, Black Bolt and Medusa were wed. His role as king of the Inhumans was been tumultuous. The first major crisis occurred when he and Medusa conceived a child. Medusa bore the child in defiance of the Genetic Council who felt that Black Bolt's bloodline was too dangerous to pass on. The Council nonetheless took the child to examine, and forbade parental contact. Black Bolt was torn between his love of family and his duty to respect the Genetic Council, and it was only when the Council was revealed to be using his son in a plot against him that he finally turned against the Council. With that, he also gave up the crown as king of the Inhumans. For a while, they lived away from Attilan, but returned in times of need. By the time the Avengers and the Fantastic Four returned from Counter Earth following the Onslaught crisis, Black Bolt was re-instated as monarch without much further explanation, but was subsequently exiled after Attilan's forced adventure with Ronan in space. He returned again to the moon with his Royal Family after being banned from Earth, and again it seemed that the rest of the Inhuman population soon rejoined them there and reaffirmed his role as king without much ado. There was very little exploration of the ongoing inequities and injustices of the caste-bound Attilan society during this time, and Black Bolt seemed to turn a blind eye to much of it. It could be that as a product of that environment, he accepted the status quo as a given: this would make him a benevolent yet flawed ruler. Given his exposure to the outside world (and his own stand previously against the genetic Council), this seems unlikely. Given his ever changing status as ruler, he likely saw limits to any further changes that he could realistically make to the social fabric at this point (after all, it was only not so long ago during his reign that the Alpha Primitives were emancipated). He was a great leader in ensuring the survival of Attilan against threats from outside and in; perhaps he was biding his time, awaiting a period of stability before again turning his considerable leadership skills to issues of social justice. More recently, Black Bolt declared war against the US in order to recover stolen Terrigen Mist crystals. During that incident, Maximus managed yet again to usurp his throne. Black Bolt was ambushed by the Skrull Empire, while unaware and surprised and was then taken captive by the Skrulls and held prisoner aboard the Skrull Battleship Ryb'ik. The Skrulls planned to use his quasi-sonic scream as the their deadliest and most powerful weapon. A Skrull began impersonating Black Bolt. During this time, the Hulk, embittered over being placed into exile on the planet Sakaar, returned to this star system and attacked the Skrull impostor who he believed was Black Bolt because of his role in the Hulk's exile. Even though this "Black Bolt" was able to knock the Hulk back at first, the Hulk got back up and savagely beat him up. Hulk enslaved him with a slave disk and forced him to fight as a gladiator. Later, the Illuminati discovered the Skrull impostor among them. Black Bolt was rescued by Medusa and the Inhuman Royal family, and returned to Attilan to co-rule with Maximus. He then took aggressive counteraction against the Skrulls, and deployed Maximus-designed inventions to tap into his quasi-sonic powers for military purposes. The city of Attilan became a weaponized vessel that tracked down and destroyed the fleeing Skrull ships, as well as some Shi'ar vessels trying to intercept. He breached Kree defenses and forced Ronan and the Kree to pledge allegiance to him. The Inhumans had plans to lead a benevolent future with the Kree. Crystal was promised to Ronan to further unite the Kree and the Inhumans even offered the Terrigen Mists to enhance the evolution of the Kree. However, the Shi'ar declared war on the Kree. At the very climax of the War of Kings, both Black Bolt and Vulcan are killed and the Shi'ar surrender to the Kree Empire, despite heavy losses on both sides, leading to the Realm of Kings. Recently he returned and joined the Universal Inhumans. +This superhero's name is Black Canary (CW). Their real name is Laurel Lance. Laurel Lance was born on November 15, 1985 to Quentin and Dinah Lance and had a younger sister named Sara Lance. When she was young, Laurel met and befriended Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn, and the three of them grew up together as lifelong best friends. She also became close with Oliver's younger sister, Thea. As children, Laurel and Sara would play dress up together and in one instance, they pretended to be grown-up versions of themselves with Laurel as a police officer and Sara as a doctor. +This superhero's name is Black Canary II (CW). Their real name is Dinah Drake. Dinah Drake was born and raised in Central City, where she later joined the CCPD sometime in 2003, becoming a detective specializing in undercover jobs.Her first undercover assignment was with the street gang called the Pilgrims, where she was trained in bo-staff fighting. Another one of her undercover missions involved working with a gang of safe crackers.Dinah also heard of the drug known as vertigo. During one of her undercover ops, Dinah learned of The Quadrant. A massive criminal organization that spans all over the United States, but no one was able to confirm their existence.Dinah also heard of a serial killer that the other cops were chasing that had their victim's throat slashed and didn't fight back. When the criminal organization known as the blockbuster gang tried to expand their activities from Bludhaven to Central City, Dinah infiltrated their ranks and prevented a turf war with the other crime families of Central City. Dinah has apparently been engaged to be married multiple times, though all of these relationships dissolved +This superhero's name is Black Canary (Injustice). Their real name is Dinah Laurel Lance. Dinah Lance nearly sacrificed everything in her fight against the Regime but was forced to flee before the fight was done. Now, with Batman restoring order, Black Canary has returned home to set things right, vowing to never again silence her canary’s cry. +This superhero's name is Black Canary. Their real name is Laurel Lance. Dinah Laurel Lance was born into a family of crime fighters. Her father Larry Lance, was a police officer, while her mother (also named Dinah) was the original Black Canary. The younger Dinah chose to become a crime-fighter at the age of nineteen, despite her mother’s wishes to the contrary. Following a rigorous training program under the watchful eye of a former colleague and life-long friend of the original Black Canary, Ted Grant, also known as Wildcat, Dinah took up her mother’s identity and adopted her costume as her own. According to her origins during the Silver Age, Dinah’s ‘Canary Cry’ was the result of her being cursed by the Wizard during her childhood. This explanation has been retconned for the current continuity, however. These sonic powers are now the byproduct of her possession of the metagene, making her a metahuman since birth. Dinah’s metahumanity distinguishes her from her predecessor; in fact, no other member of her family is known to have possessed the metagene at all. Not long after her debut as Black Canary, Dinah Lance became a founding member of the Justice League of America. It was Dinah who suggested the newly-formed name of the League, in deference to her mother’s having been a member of the Justice Society of America. It was through her new association with the Justice League that she first met the love of her life — Oliver "Ollie" Queen — also known as the Green Arrow. Black Canary’s membership in the JLA lasted for many years. Her friendship with Oliver Queen developed during this time as their feelings for one another became romantic. When Oliver chose to quit the League in order to continue his efforts in Star City on his own, Dinah decided to join him there soon after. Black Canary joined Green Arrow and Green Lantern when they went on a road trip to rediscover America and their motivations as heroes. She was briefly brainwashed into a motorcycle cult, but her friends rescued and deprogrammed her. Following the events of Legends, she becomes a founding member of the new Justice League International established by Maxwell Lord. Under Batman's leadership, they gained approval from the United Nations. Oliver and Dinah set up a shop in Seattle, "Sherwood Florist", as well as continuing to fight crime. Oliver was having something of a midlife crisis, however, just as he was about to turn 43. He wanted to marry Dinah and have a real family with real children of his own (he loved Roy, his ward, and Roy's daughter Lian, but wanted his own biological children). Dinah turned down the idea, citing that their lives were too dangerous. During this time, Dinah was kidnapped by a drug dealer she was investigating. She was brutally tortured, causing her to lose her 'Canary Cry' and rendering her incapable of having a child. Ollie killed the man who tortured her, and that act lead to a turning point in the life of the Emerald Archer. When Dinah came out of the hospital, she was still emotionally traumatized by the incident. Oliver was with her as she entered counseling. Needless to say, she was not going out fighting crime during the first few weeks after leaving the hospital. Ironically enough, it was when she stepped up to stop some muggers on a bus (taking a few hits in the process) she felt back to her old self, knowing that her biggest fear was that she would not be able to fight back anymore, and that fear was gone. She and Ollie were closer than ever. She continued to fight crime off and on, eventually breaking up with Oliver, feeling he would never commit to her completely after catching him kissing their young assistant Marianne. Dinah was shocked when Connor Hawke, Oliver's son and the new Green Arrow, told her Oliver had died over Metropolis while fighting some eco-terrorists. Dinah was contacted by Oracle (Barbara Gordon) to work in Gotham City, which she accepted, and the pair formed a partnership, the Birds of Prey. Dinah took this role with great satisfaction. And with that came the feeling that she needed a few changes required in this fresh new chapter of her life, deciding to abandon her traditional blond wig and bleach her hair blond whilst growing it longer instead. During her time operating with Oracle, Dinah operated using an electronic form of her Canary Cry: a weapon that would do the 'crying' on Canary's behalf, called Canary Cry Bombs. After a battle with Ra's al Ghul, she took a dip in the Lazarus Pit at Oracle's urging. Doing so healed her injuries and restored her Canary Cry as well as her ability to have a child. As time went on the Birds expanded their number with Dinah as the backbone of the team, operating alongside notable female agents such as the Huntress, Gypsy and Lady Blackhawk. Following that, Oracle shows Canary the retail space that later houses a reopened Sherwood Florist. Dinah helps found a new incarnation of her mother's old team, the Justice Society of America, following the death of JSA founding member Wesley Dodds. She serves as a member of both the JSA and the Birds of Prey for a time. A short time later, Dinah resigns from the JSA when she discovers that Oliver Queen has been resurrected. She travels to Star City, where the two former lovers are happily reunited. Their renewed relationship is short-lived however, as Dinah feared that Oliver might try to take advantage of his young female ward, Mia Dearden. Dinah leaves Star City and returns to Gotham City where she continues to function with the Birds of Prey. Following the "One Year Later" jump, Dinah trades life experiences with Lady Shiva in hopes of softening the warrior, undertaking a harsh training regimen in an unidentified Vietnamese bidonville, or shantytown. The regimen replicates Shiva's early life and training; Shiva, meanwhile, assumes Dinah's role in Oracle's group and demands that her associates call her the "Jade Canary". When Dinah realizes following Lady Shiva's path will require her to fundamentally change who she is as a person, she ends the training and returns to the United States. She brings with her a little girl, Sin, who also had begun the harsh grooming process to be Lady Shiva's successor (Birds of Prey #95; the now resurrected Oliver Queen uses his connections to allow Sin to immigrate into the country). Dinah hopes to balance her duties as a superhero with the responsibilities of being a surrogate mother/sister to the child. In Birds of Prey #99, Dinah informs Oracle that she is quitting the team, having decided to devote herself to raising Sin. Issue #100 shows Dinah and Sin leaving Metropolis. It is hinted that their final destination is Star City; Dinah jokingly tells Sin that she can rip out Ollie's beard if he isn't nice to her. Tornado's Path After leaving the Birds of Prey, Black Canary joins with Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Red Arrow (Roy Harper) on a mission to locate the Red Tornado's body (stolen by his creator and Solomon Grundy). The three heroes join forces with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Black Lightning, and Vixen to defeat Amazo. The assembled heroes re-form the Justice League of America; Dinah is made the Chairwoman, due to her strong abilities and strategic mind. The team's first mission with Dinah as leader sees the JLA and JSA discover that members of the Legion of Super-Heroes (a team that lives in the 31st Century) have been located in the 21st Century. Dinah eventually returned to Star City to aid Oliver, Connor and Mia against Roadblock and Merlin. During the course of their mission, Dinah rekindled her relationship with Oliver yet again, feeling that he had truly changed and that all the parts of him that she hated seemed to be gone. Oliver admitted to Dinah that many of the changes he made over the last year were due in most part for her, because he wanted to be a better man. As the battle concluded, Oliver at last proposed to Dinah. Dinah however, did not give him an answer right away. Shortly thereafter, Ollie and Speedy helped Black Canary when Merlyn abducted Canary's "daughter" Sin. To save Sin's life, Ollie was forced to fake the young girl's death, keeping the knowledge of the plan between himself and Mia, even at the risk of losing Dinah forever. After Sin was placed into safekeeping, Ollie told Dinah what he had done. Recognizing that he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness to save a life, Dinah finally agreed to marry him. After a great deal of compromise and strife, Dinah and Ollie agreed to get married inside the Secret Sanctuary, the original cave headquarters of the Justice League of America. Wedding guests included nearly everyone within the superhero community who were asked to attend the ceremony in-costume. The wedding was interrupted by a phalanx of supervillains, who attempted to take out as many heroes as possible in one fell swoop. Nearly all of the villains were apprehended except for Deathstroke, who managed to escape. Despite the interruption, the ceremony concluded and Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen were married. Following Dinah's marriage to Ollie, the duo fought crime alongside one another, facing new challenges such as the villains Cupid, a mentally ill vigilante stalker with an obsession for the Green Arrow; and Discord, a man deafened by Canary's scream during the first fight with Dregz. Canary had soon resigned from her position as chairwoman of the Justice League, and later Hal Jordan and Ollie start their own Justice League. Discovering this, Dinah confronts Ollie in anger when he returns to the Watchtower to warn her and the other former League members of an impending attack on the world's superheroes, after which Prometheus arrives out of nowhere and attacks the team, severing Red Arrow's arm and defeating Dinah by maneuvering her into the path of an energy bolt fired by Starman (Mikaal Tomas). The now defeated Prometheus then destroys Star City via a teleportation device. While searching for survivors, Dinah and Oliver find the body of a dead, bloodied Lian, the daughter of Roy Harper. Dinah is then seen at Roy Harper's bedside at the hospital with Donna Troy, preparing to deliver the tragic news of his daughter's death when he awakens from his coma. In the events of the Blackest Night, Dinah fights off an army of Black Lantern Corps under the supervillain Nekron. Nekron reveals he has the power to control all the heroes who have died and been resurrected, one of which, is the Green Arrow. With the aid of Mia Dearden and Connor Hawke, Dinah fights her husband (who has been transformed into a Black Lantern) while he tells her that he has been secretly in love with Shado since she raped him and that she is a fool for thinking he has changed, all out of his control. In the short time he is able to regain self-control, Ollie deliberately misses a shot he had aimed at Dinah, instead severing a hose containing liquid nitrogen. Connor, under Dinah's instructions, reluctantly uses the hose on Ollie, freezing him solid. The three then join the other heroes in battle. After Ollie returns to normal, it is discovered that he had secretly murdered Prometheus and had left his body to rot in the villain's own headquarters. After Flash and Hal Jordan confront Ollie with this revelation, Ollie goes on the run. Dinah joins Hal and Barry in searching the ruins of Star City for him, and eventually finds the archer scouring the city for one of the men who had worked for Prometheus. He easily defeats all three of them, leaving Dinah trapped in a specialized fluid designed to restrain her. Following this chain of events is Dinah's realization that all Ollie wants is to be left alone and so she tells him during her visitation at his jail cell after he turns himself in. With that said, she decides their marriage is over, leaving her wedding ring with him. During the events of the Brightest Day, Dinah returns to Gotham City, where she along with Huntress, Lady Blackhawk and Hawk and Dove are assembled to reform the Birds of Prey. Professor Zoom drastically altered the Timestream in an attempt to get rid of his nemesis The Flash during Flashpoint. This completely changed the course of history. Dinah was never shown to have become Black Canary, as her mother's incarnation of the Justice Society had been unsuccessful. Eventually the timestream was restored, although Pandora fixed it into an entirely new timeline. +This superhero's name is Black Cat (earth 1610). Their real name is Felicia Hardy. As a young girl, Felicia Hardy saw her cat burglar father sent to prison, where he eventually died. Blaming crime lord Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, Felicia vowed to destroy him. Fifteen years later, the adult Felicia became an accountant for Fisk Enterprises, but spent her nights robbing Manhattan's more prominent office buildings as the costumed Black Cat. When Mr. Moore offered to buy his way into the Kingpin's organization with an inscribed stone tablet desired by Fisk, Felicia broke into Moore's building, easily circumventing the security through a combination of skill and incredible luck, and stole the tablet from his office safe. On her way out, she encountered and battled Spider-Man, but despite his slightly greater agility, Spider-Man seemed plagued by bad luck, and she escaped. When video footage of their encounter made the news, police suspected they were partners in crime.Intrigued, the Cat placed an ad in the Daily Bugle, arranging a meeting with Spider-Man on a rooftop near the site of their battle. She brought Spider-Man wine and cheese and flirted with him, but their romantic reunion was interrupted by Elektra, who had been hired to retrieve the tablet. The Cat and Elektra battled, with the assassin gradually gaining the upper hand. Trying to calm the situation, Spider-Man webbed the Cat while he tried to talk to Elektra, who knocked him off the building. While the others were distracted, the Cat freed herself and made her escape. Remembering comments the Cat had made to Elektra about telling the Kingpin she was not her father, Spider-Man searched the Daily Bugle records and figured out her identity. Realizing that if he could work this out, so could the Kingpin, he raced to Felicia's apartment, finding her literally in the crimelord's grasp. Spider-Man's arrival allowed Felicia to break free, and she fled to the roof of her apartment building. As the Kingpin and Elektra arrived in pursuit, she threw the tablet into the harbor. Elektra immediately threw a sai into Felicia's chest and she fell from the roof into the sea, apparently dead. However several months later, she returned to aid Spider-Man, during the inter-gang war between the forces of Kingpin and Hammerhead. She later expressed interest in working for Hammerhead, if it would mean getting rid of the Kingpin, which didn't sit well with the other heroes. Later, after the crisis was resolved, she passionately kissed Spider-Man through his mask, her previous interest in him having gotten stronger. She apparently had no idea of the age disparity between herself and Peter, and mistakenly assumed, after he left in a rush, that he was a married man. When she managed to unmask him and realized how young he was, she was repulsed. The shock and embarrassment of such a discovery caused her to vomit on his uniform. She ran off and wasn't seen again until post Ultimatum. +This superhero's name is Black Cat (Earth 65). Their real name is Felicia Hardy. Felicia Hardy and her father were two French thieves. After her father stole Kingpin's first dollar, Matt Murdock was sent to kill him. Felicia was left alone, and started singing on the streets for spare change, and quickly developed a career as a musician until she became a worldwide famous singer. When she returned to New York, the Black Cats staged a concert, and left an invitation to Murdock. When Felcia appeared on stage, Murdock unleashed the Hand to attack her. Spider-Woman jumped into action and defended her. When Felicia showed a clear intention to kill Murdock, Spider-Woman was forced to knock her out. +This superhero's name is Black Cat (Edge of Time). Their real name is Felicia Hardy. Felicia Hardy did not take the fact that she was aging well. She was becoming obsessed with finding a way to keep her current youth and agility. After signing up for an Alchemax research program designed to reverse the aging process, Felicia effectivly signed away her life, as Alchemax took complete advantage over what they thought was their own permanant resource. Although Felicia eventually escaped, Alchemax had what it needed from Felicia though, a sample of her DNA. They mixed it with samples from the heroine Tigra, DNA from actual cats, and even samples from the Vanisher, in the process creating what they called the "new and improved" Black Cat, her combat skills, teleportation ability and enhanced physical prowess making her a lethal fighter while her instilled agoraphobia ensured that she would never attempt to escape the building. While surveying the building, Cat spotted a time-displaced Spider-Man. She became jealous after overhearing his plan to return to the past and to Mary Jane Watson. She began to stalk him and taunt him while pretending to be her genetic template. Eventually, he defeated her and continued his trip home. +This superhero's name is Black Cat (PS4). Their real name is Felicia Hardy. Born in Flushing, New York, Felicia Hardy is the only daughter of former cat burglar Walter Hardy, the original Black Cat, who faked his death to prevent the Maggia crime families from coming after her after he refused to work for them. When Felicia grew up, she decided to follow in her father's footsteps, becoming the new Black Cat. +This superhero's name is Black Cat. Their real name is Felicia Hardy. The Black Cat's father was a world renowned cat burglar who, before his arrest, encouraged her to never settle for second best. If she loved basketball, she should work to become a basketball player and not just a cheerleader. During her freshman year in college, she had gone to a party and was nearly raped by a drunken student in a bathroom, when she was saved by another student, named Ryan. Felicia and Ryan became close friends, spending most of their time together until one night Ryan demanded that it was time for their relationship to become physical. Felicia's protests were in vain. Hating the idea of being a victim, she decided that she would murder her rapist despite the consequences. She put aside her studies and began training in various fighting styles and acrobatics. Finally, after months of preparing, she set out for revenge, but before she could find him, Ryan was killed in a drunk driving accident. Furious that she was denied the chance to steal the life of the man who had stolen hers, and feeling reckless, Hardy decided to utilize her new skills to follow in the footsteps of her father. After amassing a fortune in stolen items, Felicia chose to adopt a costume identity. She first donned the Black Cat costume in order to break her father out of prison. On the same night, she met Spider-Man. Despite her antipathy towards men, Felicia felt a kinship with this lone hero. Spider-Man was the first man she felt she could trust and she grew to love him. Felicia looked for a way to earn his trust and continued with the Black Cat persona as a misguided attempt to attract his affection. Seeing the good in Felicia, Spider-Man made every attempt to have her criminal record expunged. The Black Cat finally found the opportunity to prove herself after learning the Kingpin controlled an incredibly powerful detonator. The Owl planned to use the weapon to hold New York City hostage. Doctor Octopus, however, planned to use the weapon to destroy the city altogether. But the Black Cat was able to use her abilities to steal the item first and protect it from all parties. She gave the detonator to Spider-man and became the target of Doc Ock's revenge. Although Spider-Man was able to tear off his mechanical appendages, Octopus was still able to mentally control them and hold the Black Cat still while his men opened fire. Spider-Man barely got her to the hospital in time and as they operated on the dozens of bullet and knife wounds, Peter realized just how much he cared for Felicia. After she recovered they began a relationship and soon Peter revealed his identity to her. But Felicia had great difficulty accepting the fact that Peter was just a man beneath the mask and couldn't understand his need for a civilian life. Peter was hurt, but continued the relationship since it was the first time he didn't need to hide his life as Spider-Man. Initially, the "accidents" which seemed to befall those who crossed the Black Cat's path were merely well-planned stunts and traps. After her near-death experience, Felicia feared her lack of superpowers made her a liability for Spider-Man. She was terrified that his overwhelming need to protect her would eventually kill him. So when Spider-Man disappeared during the "Secret Wars", Felicia sought out a way to make herself Spider-man's equal. After being rejected by the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, Felicia was offered an opportunity to undergo a process similar to that used to create the Scorpion and the Fly. After learning the machine only had enough power to alter one more human, the Kingpin chose to use it on the thief who had stolen from him. Scared and ashamed, she kept her new abilities secret from Peter. Her newly-gained 'bad luck' power was infectious and began to permanently jinx Spider-Man, which was exactly the Kingpin's intent. Feeling a wall of secrets growing between them, Spider-Man broke up with Felicia. He soon realized something was amiss with his own luck and enlisted the aid of Doctor Strange to remove the "hex" on him. But doing so altered the hex's source and changed the Black Cat's powers in the process. She soon found a heightened strength, agility, balance, vision, and retractable claws. The Black Cat updated her look and her attitude and rekindled her relationship with Spider-Man. She made peace with his need for a normal life as Peter Parker and stood by him while he was being accused of murder as Spider-Man. Together they tracked down the source of the elaborate scheme to frame him and fought the mercenary known as the Foreigner. Eventually, just as his life seemed to be falling apart, Spider-Man came home to discover Black Cat discussing her plans to ruin his life. He followed her to find she had never forgiven him for breaking up with her and in revenge became the Foreigner's lover. Yet during her ruse and despite her anger, Felicia began to fall back in love with Peter. In the end, the Black Cat double crossed the Foreigner and left for Europe to find a new life, which unexpectedly pushed Peter to find support and a new relationship with Mary Jane Watson. Years later, the Black Cat returned to America to seek out Peter Parker and was devastated when informed by Venom that Peter had married Mary Jane Watson. Angry and jealous, Felicia began harassing the couple, physically threatening Mary Jane and taunting Peter as she dated his friend Flash Thompson. She began to sincerely care for Thompson but he eventually broke up with her when he found out her secret. The Black Cat eventually moved past her feelings of anger and jealousy, and became friends with both Spider-Man and Mary Jane. After Spider-Man used a device to remove his superhuman abilities, the Black Cat aided him in finding the device again in order to restore them. But in the process, the Black Cat's cat-like abilities were completely erased. She subsequently purchased equipment from the Tinkerer to incorporate into her costume in order to compensate for her lost abilities, and occasionally teams up with Spider-Man. At some point after this, Black Cat - along with the mutant Wolverine - was kidnapped and forced to survive against multiple assailants on an uninhabited island. They managed to survive many traps, including the volcano in the middle of the island erupting, and tracked down the one who kidnapped them, Arcade. They easily tracked him down and left him tied up on in the Savage Land. During the Civil War resulting from the Superhero Registration Act, Black Cat accepted an offer from Misty Knight and Colleen Wing in the new Heroes for Hire, purely for the money. Felicia, along with her teammates, were assigned to apprehend any unregistered hero. Black Cat returned to Spider-Man's life when Black Cat was breaking into Dexter Bennett's apartment to steal a folder. They found the body of a dead man behind a painting of Bennet, which came as a surprise to Felicia. She started to leave with the book that she came looking for, but the body was booby trapped. Black Cat and Spider-Man survived the steel spikes that exploded from the body, only to face the man behind the trap: Diablo. After a fight with Diablo, Spidey and Black Cat slept together with all the lights off, so Felicia couldn't see Peter's face. Black Cat remembers Spidey unmasking she just can't remember who was under the mask. Spidey and Cat eventually found Diablo's hideout but he even eventually escaped. Spider-Man and Cat escaped but Felicia gave Spidey the cold shoulder. He caught up to her, reminding her that she was the one that dumped him. She may have forgotten his identity but not the fun, the thrills and the heartache. She and Puma had ended their relationship, as Fireheart had some sort of "control issues," so Felicia and Peter had no qualms about a quick smooch on a rooftop. Unfortunately, a camera man was taping the kiss and broadcasting it live to the Times Square mega TV for Mary Jane to see. Peter and Felicia rekindled their old relationship, with no strings attached and masks kept on at all times. They became an on again off again team, working together against Mr Negative and others. Felicia sold a vial of Peter's blood back from Negative and promptly sold it to a group of vampire wannabes, leading Spidey to Morbius. Cat was forced to work for Sasha Kravinoff after her mother was kidnapped. She was forced to steal back the lost family possessions that had been missing since the Russian Revolution. The relationship ended and Peter began dating Carlie Cooper. This didnt keep Spidey and Cat from working together, as they both broke into the Kingpin's headquarters to steal back a substance called reverbium. The material had been pilfered by the Hobgoblin (Phil Urich), who accidentally destroyed the skyscraper they were in by using his sonic laugh. The sonics were amplified by the reverbium, which caused the building to collapse. Kingpin, Hobgoblin, Spidey and Black Cat escaped. Montana was not so lucky. +This superhero's name is Black Eagle. Their real name is Cassius Bannister. Lt. Cassius Bannister was an African-American fighter pilot fighting over Italy during World War II as part of the Tuskegee Airmen. +This superhero's name is Black Flash. Their real name is . The Black Flash fulfills the role of Death for those who possess super-speed, returning them to the source of their powers: the Speed Force. It was reportedly seen before the deaths of Barry Allen and Johnny Quick; Max Mercury, having had several near-death experiences, also saw the Black Flash. It is not clear whether the Black Flash exists because the speedsters are simply too fast for traditional Death to capture, or as some sort of bizarre side-effect to their connection to the Speed Force. It came for Wally West to draw him back to the Speed Force, but instead took Linda Park, Wally's girlfriend, into the Speed Force. It later returned to try and take Wally again, freezing time except for those who possessed a connection to the Speed Force. Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, and Jesse Quick all attempted to assist Wally by distracting the Black Flash; Wally finally defeated the Black Flash by racing it to the end of time, to a point where Death would have no meaning, causing it to dissipate. The Black Flash appeared to the fourth Flash, Bart Allen, immediately before his death at the hands of the Rogues at the Getty Center. Barry Allen later became the new Black Flash after the old one was found "apparently dead". Soon after, the title was taken by Professor Zoom in his corpse Black Lantern form. +This superhero's name is Black Hand. Their real name is William Hand. History Black Hand (real name, William Hand) is a supervillain and an enemy of Green Lantern. He uses a device that allows him to drain the powers of a Green Lantern Ring, and use them for himself. Having trained himself extensively, he is a criminal mastermind who keeps an extensive journal of all of his methods on his person to refer to instantly at any point. He has a fondness for incorporating the themes of old clichés into his work. Later, after being subjected to alien experiments, he gained the power to completely drain the life force from those around him. His obsession with death proves not to be just a hobby, but a life calling. He has been chosen through Guardian Scar to act as the physical embodiment of death on the emotional electromagnetic spectrum, the herald of Nekron. After killing himself and becoming reanimated, he has become the leader of the Black Lantern Corps during Blackest Night. Origins Growing up as part of the wealthy and respectable Hand family in Coastville, California, William had always been the black sheep. He hated his family, and strived to do anything he could to distance himself from his three brothers. As they were all profitable in legitimate business, he turned to a life of crime. Black Hand 010 Birth of a villain. Starting with smaller crimes such as pickpocketing, and working his way up to larger felonies, he developed his own methodically written "black book" which contains a complete listing of everything a criminal must do to succeed, as well as a contingency plan for every situation. However, he knew it was inevitable that eventually he was going to have to fight local superhero Green Lantern. A brilliant inventor, he constructed a device that would allow him to absorb and harness quantities of the power ring radiation, and use it back against Green Lantern.[1] After Infinite Crisis, his beginnings were altered during Green Lantern: Secret Origin. It was revealed that his family had owned a funeral home, and that from a young age he had been completely obsessed with death. Although he tried to hide his obsession with taxidermy, after he killed and stuffed the family dog, he was taken to see a psychiatrist. While no psychological professional was capable of helping him get over his obsession, he learned to pretend normalcy and at least hide his problems. It is implied that during this time, he engaged in some acts of necrophilia.[2] His life changed forever when an alien monster Atrocitus, an enemy of the Guardians of the Universe, sought him out. Atrocitus is shown to be responsible for creating the weapon Black Hand is most famous for, William having stolen it afterward. Believing Hand's insides held the doorway to darkness, and wanting to control that power, Atrocitus attacked him, but was stopped by Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Sinestro. Afterward, a mysterious voice in his head told him to take the weapon, and flee.[3] Shortly afterward, he would commit his first murder by accident... and like it.[4] He became obsessed with erasing the unbearable light of Green Lantern, and turned it into his life's mission. Fashioning a homemade costume out of body bags to remind him of his family and his identity, he prepared to fight the hero.[2] William Hand calls himself Black Hand as a reference to himself being the "black sheep" of the Hand family.[1] Black Hand The first time his mettle was professionally tested by Green Lantern, Black Hand used a device of his invention to transport the hero to an astral plane, piece by piece. Although he was only able to reduce Green Lantern by half, he took advantage of the stalemate between their powers to rob the city blind. Meanwhile, he attended a gala for the success of his three brothers to gloat over how much greater than them he had become. Black Hand 024 First fight with Green Lantern. More famous than his brother Peter the actor, more brilliant than his brother Joe the scientist, and wealthier than his brother David the financier. Green Lantern managed to surprise him using a trick with mirrors, gained the upper hand, defeated and arrested Black Hand for the first time. It would not be the last.[1] Using his ability to mimic any of his foe's abilities, he would later cloud the minds of the citizens of Coast City to make them believe that Green Lantern was in fact a supervillain, which led to GL's arrest. Escaping from prison with the help of Pieface, Green Lantern challenged Black Hand again. When they both simultaneously ran out of charge, they engaged in fisticuffs which resulted in a massive knockout and Black Hand getting his ass spread out on the pavement.[5] Black Hand 020 Conspiracy The next time the two fought, Black Hand was responsible for a cabal that was mass-brainwashing a small town to do their bidding under the guise of a plastics manufacturing plant. After Green Lantern saved the town from a false natural disaster, he was drugged and kidnapped, without his power ring. Black Hand brainwashed the townspeople into believing GL was responsible, and intended to enjoy watching them lynch him and his girlfriend Carol Ferris. They were rescued by Green Arrow with a fresh recharge, and Black Hand was defeated once again shortly afterward.[6] Black Hand next appeared in Central City to challenge the Flash. He planned to siphon off the scarlet speedster's aura, and use it to make him completely invulnerable even to the traditional weaknesses associated with the Green Lantern Ring. Although Black Hand believed himself to have burned the Flash alive by taking away his resistance to friction, Flash escaped into his own ring. Later, the Flash knocked the villain out by tricking him into getting hit with his own beam.[7] When he next ran into his arch-nemesis, Black Hand was in jail. Green Lantern had been unjustly incarcerated for "harassing" Goldface and his minions, well-known criminals.[8] Goldface paid Black Hand off to start a riot, and lead his fellow inmates in murdering Green Lantern in prison. After a brutal rumble in which GL was nearly beaten to death, he was finally able to overcome the forces against him when at the last second he received his recharged ring from Tom Kalmaku. Black Hand was defeated, his device broken again, and thrown back into his cell.[9] After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, more members of the Green Lantern Corps were stationed on Earth. In the middle of a press conference, John Stewart, Katma Tui, Kilowog, Salakk and Ch'p caught him attempting to break into a bank. Rather than be intimidated, Black Hand absorbed power from all of their rings, making him nearly as powerful as five lanterns put together. Although he was stronger than all of them together, he was finally defeated again when Kilowog tricked him into wasting his charge and then beat the tar out of him with his bare hands.[10] Black Hand 042 Guy Gardner Following this last encounter, he decided to go straight, seek psychiatric care and enter legitimate business. He began running his own bawdy movie house in New York City. He was even considering turning it into an art house. However, a chance encounter with Guy Gardner and his girlfriend Ice triggered Hand back into his old costumed identity to fight superheroes once again. After trying to kill Gardner, he realized he was no longer up to the fight, and showed remorse. After Gardner kicked his butt, he surrendered, and was knocked unconscious.[11] This emotional breakdown convinced him to begin seeking professional help once again, as he was diagnosed "hero-phobic". Unfortunately, when he was finally back from his stay in a mental care facility, he had his recovery dinner at the same restaurant where several members of Justice League International were eating. Seeing Martian Manhunter, Kilowog and G'nort threw him into another "episode" and attacked the heroes. Afterward, he was forced to go into further therapy.[12] Eventually, he made a full recovery and went back into his regular career as a costumed supervillain. While he was running an illegitimate massage parlor in Times Square, he fought Guy Gardner again, and was able to beat the hero up while both of them were depowered; albeit with the help of his minions. Later, when Gardner was trying out a new way he could fight crime, he shot up the entire place with a massive arsenal of guns and Hand was revealed to still be seeing a psychiatric professional.[13] Eventually, Green Lantern turned evil and became Parallax during Emerald Twilight, destroying both the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe.[14] When he nearly destroyed the universe in Zero Hour,[15] and later died sacrificing himself to save earth from the Sun-Eater in Final Night,[16] Black Hand finally felt a sense of relief. The light he had been working to extinguish for his entire life was finally put out, with little more than a mere spark remaining.[2] During Underworld Unleashed, when the villains of the world were called down to Hell and offered vastly increased powers in exchange for their immortal souls, Black Hand was apparently one of those who refused Neron's offer.[17] He was also involved in kidnapping the Mist's daughter, in an effort to blackmail her into stealing a government device for him. This time he was thwarted by Mary Marvel.[18] Later, he showed up back in Central City again as part of a vast underground criminal network being run by Blacksmith and her new Rogues.[19] Infinite Crisis Shortly before Hal Jordan's resurrection in Green Lantern: Rebirth, Black Hand's device located a spare Power Ring that Green Arrow held in case of emergency. Hand tried to claim the ring for himself, but was stopped by Green Arrow and Hal Jordan, who at that point was the current Spectre. Black Hand 004 Crippled by the Spectre As Hand attempted to wield the power ring, the emerald archer pinned the villain's hand to the wall with an arrow and the Spectre burnt his hand to ash, stating "(now) he can live up to his name".[20] Now missing his right hand and driven insane from trauma, Hand fled. However, after hearing of Hal Jordan's resurrection, he decided to relocate to the rebuilt Coast City to take revenge on his old foe. While on board an airplane, he is targeted and abducted by the Kroloteans, a race of mysterious German-speaking aliens, who are akin to the gremlins of myth. They performed experiments that enhanced his inherent power, and abandon him in a public park. As he soon pieced together the mystery of his new powers, he went to a nearby hospital and drained the lifeforce from twenty two people, completely reforming his hand.[21] Black Hand 003 New Powers Locating the Green Lantern onboard the Kroloteans spaceship, Hand began draining the life from the Green Lantern, with his power ring being unable to stop the attack, only slow it down. As he continued to drain his foe, Hand ranted that Jordan had cheated death, something people were not allowed to do. Their fight spilled into the graveyard where Hal had saved him from Atrocitus, and Jordan was able to slice off Black Hand's newly reformed Hand and leave him in a grave, saying that death was nothing without life. Hand continued that death was stronger, and black was the most wonderful color in the universe.[22] He has since resurfaced from the Infinite Crisis, one of the several heroes and villains observed by Superman and Superman-Prime, and resurfaced.[23] While being transported to prison, Black Hand experiences a sudden power surge, killing his guards in the detonation and teleporting him to what appears to be the Black Lantern Central Power Battery. Blackest Night Main article: Blackest Night Somehow returning to Earth after the Final Crisis, Black Hand was lounging in an open grave with some skeletons when he began hearing the voice of the Guardian of Death, the being who formed the Black Lantern on Ryut. The voice began speaking the names of various heroes who had died and come back to life, including Jordan, Superman, Wonder Woman, Kilowog, Flash and Kid Flash. Returning to his family home, Hand murdered each member of his family one by one before finally turning his cosmic diving rod on himself. Scar, who also worshiped the Guardian of Death, made a Black Lantern Ring which reanimated Black Hand, dubbing the herald of their lord.[24] Heading to Gotham City, Hand recited the Black Lantern oath and dug up the skull of Batman.[25] Following this, the Guardian of Death released thousands of Black rings from the Central Battery, heading for Earth and Oa. Among those added to the Black Lantern Corps were former Justice Leaguers J'onn J'onzz, Ralph and Sue Dibny. J'onn was sent after Hal and Barry Allen, while the Dibnys were sent after Hawkman and Hawkgirl, who had been in a cycle of death and reincarnation for over three thousand years. The Dibnys murdered the Hawks, and Black Hand sent rings from Batman's skull to add them to the Black Lantern Corps.[26] Black Hand remained largely absent during the initial power build up for the Black Lanterns, waiting in Coast City for when the Black Lanterns power levels reached 100%. He did observe the taking of the Spectre and noted that the Phantom Stranger did not register on the Black Lanterns emotional readout as living or dead, something which interested him.[27] Finally, once the power levels reached 100%, Black Hand beheld the arrival of the Black Central Battery's from Ryut to Coast City, then commanded Nekron, the Guardian of Death, to "RISE".[28] Black Hand helps Nekron battle the heroes of Earth and the Lantern Corps. In the final issue of Blackest Night it is revealed that Black Hand is Nekron's link to the living plane. This prompts Hal Jordan to bond with the white entity of life and use it's power to resurrect Black Hand, destroying Nekron's link to the living plane, and causing the villain's defeat. Indigo 1 takes Black Hand to the Indigo Tribe's home world. He appears to be dazed and confused. Brightest Day Black Hand comes back to Earth with the Indigo Tribe in order to assist in gathering the emotional entities. It is revealed that the coalesced compassion channeled by the Tribe has altered him into a being who's focused on caring for the well being of others +This superhero's name is Black Knight III. Their real name is Dane Whitman. Dane Whitman inherited his uncle Nathan's castle. He was unaware that his uncle had been the villainous Black Knight II until finding notes and inventions. Eventually he came upon the Ebony Blade. Passing its test, Sir Percival explained the history of the blade and its curse. Taking the weapon Dane decided to be a hero, joining the Masters of Evil just as his uncle did, but with the intent of infiltrating them from within. This he did to aid The Avengers, but they did not trust him until he later assisted them against Kang the Conqueror. Dane later fought alongside the Defenders against the Enchantress, but was apparently turned to stone by her. The Valkyrie took possession of the Knight's Ebony Blade and his winged horse, Aragorn, and Dr Strange took custody of his petrified form but the Defenders later attempted to restore him using the Evil Eye of Avalon. They discovered, however, that Whitman's spirit had been transported back in time to the 12th Century where it now inhabited the body of his own ancestor, Eobar Garrington. Whitman declined to return to the present day with the Defenders, and Valkyrie returned his sword to him; Whitman allowed her to keep the horse. Later, however, he was equipped with a new flying horse-Valinor-and transported (still in Garrington's body) to the present day by the mage Merlyn, to carry out a special mission. Sent to find the amnesiac hero Captain Britain, Whitman then travelled with him to Otherworld to battle the evil Mordred and his master, the demonic Necromon, and save Camelot (at some point during the course of this quest, both heroes were briefly abducted by the Grandmaster to participate in his 'Contest of Champions'). After this mission was concluded, Whitman was returned to the 12th Century, though he did briefly travel forward again to attend Merlyn's funeral. Back in the past, he protected the mystical island of Avalon from the demonic Fomor, until Garrington's body was eventually destroyed during a battle involving the time travelling Avengers. Whitman's spirit returned to his original body, which became flesh and blood again. Dane served several tours of duty with the Avengers. While a member, his scientific knowledge came to be useful, especially when such minds as Iron Man and Hank Pym were not on the roster. Dane participated in several Avengers events, such as the attack on Avengers Mansion by the Masters of Evil (during which he was captured and beaten by Mister Hyde) and Operation: Galactic Storm, during which he was part of Captain America's team, sent to the Kree Empire. At the end of that mission, Dane was among the Avengers who followed Iron Man to execute the Kree Supreme Intelligence, and was in fact the one who struck the mortal blow. The curse of the Ebony Blade became too dangerous, and Dane eventually abandoned it choosing to use a technological weapon instead. On a few occasions he needed the help of Doctor Strange and Victoria Bentley to avoid being possessed by its hunger for blood and to reverse being turned into stone. Dane thought he had rid the curse by freeing Sir Percival's spirit. While Dane would be away with the Avengers, Victoria Bentley retained ownership of the castle so he would not lose it. She could easily watch over the property as it neighbored hers. However, Dane's former squire became possessed by the Ebony Blade and turned into the Bloodwraith. The Bloodwraith accidentally killed Victoria during a duel between the Bloodwraith, Dane & Deadpool. While an Avenger, Dane was involved in various relationships as time went on. For a time, we was enamored of the Wasp, though nothing ever came of this other than jealousy of Jan's male friends. He was later in a love triangle with Crystal and Sersi. He renounced his feelings for Crystal as she and her estranged husband Quicksilver attempted to reconcile. He agreed to become Sersi's 'Gann Josin', a sort of psychic link between soulmates. After Proctor (an evil alternate version of Dane) was finally defeated, Sersi felt she was too dangerous and must exile herself. Dane went along with her. The two eventually ended up in the Ultraverse along with several other heroes and villains. Dane even briefly led the Ultraforce. Eventually the two decided to return to Earth-616. However, Sersi's teleportation instead sent them into Earth's past. While Dane was in the body of his ancestor Eobar Garrington during the Crusades, he met the knight Bennet du Paris, who shortly became Exodus. This explained why Dane felt Exodus was somehow familiar when they 'first' met in Genosha sometime earlier. Sersi was later able to transport herself and Dane back to the present. Their 'Gann Josin' has apparently been broken and they have gone their separate ways aside from acting as reservist Avengers. Dane joined Luke Cage's Heroes for Hire shortly after his return. Not long after his return to earth, the Lady of the Lake appeared to Dane, telling him he was destined to become Avalon's champion. She presented him with a new armor as well as the Shield of Night and the Sword of Light. While working with Heroes for Hire Dane came across the High Evolutionary's Knights of Wundagore and agreed to train them. It was at this time that Dane acquired one of their "atomic steeds". Dane had converted Garrett Castle into a museum. Dane suddenly switched bodies with the original Black Knight, Sir Percy of Scandia. The investigating New Excalibur found an ancient scroll in Percival's tomb showing the team as the saviors of Camelot. Traveling back to the era of King Arthur, Whitman met Percy and helped his ancestor, King Arthur, and Merlin defeat the dragons plaguing the kingdom (revealing the "dragons" to be Makluans in the process) and returned to the present. After assisting Excalibur in tracking down Juggernaut in Korea and returning him to the team, Whitman left in search of his real Ebony Blade. Recently returned to England, Whitman appeared to be wielding the original Blade again, using it to slaughter invading Skrulls. +This superhero's name is Black Lightning (CW). Their real name is Jefferson Pierce. Jefferson Pierce is the superhero Black Lightning, the protector of the city of Freeland. In his civilian life, he is the principal of Garfield High School. Originally taking up the mantle to avenge the death of his father by ganglord, Tobias Whale, he retired from heroing after it ruined his family life. In his nine years of retirement, Whale and his gang, the 100, managed to expand their empire. After they threatened the safety of his school and daughters, Black Lightning returned to the streets. +This superhero's name is Black Lightning. Their real name is Jefferson Pierce. Originally received his powers from a belt but later found out that he possessed a metagene to control the powers his belt mimics. +This superhero's name is Black Mamba. Their real name is Tanya Sealy. Tanya Sealy was born in Chicago. She was an ex-call girl, chosen by Roxxon Oil Company to partake in a covert operation to retrieve the mystical Serpent Crown, working together with other snake-themed villains Sidewinder, Anaconda, and Death Adder. The executives at Roxxon decided to surgically implant a special component in her brain which enables her slight telepathic abilities. She also projects a cloud of energy known as darkforce. Using her combined powers to pluck the image of her opponent's loved one out of their mind and then suffocating them with the disguised darkforce, defeating Black Mamba was a definite struggle for the Fantastic Four's Thing during their first mission. She also battled Iron Man while searching for a powerful weapon known as the microscanner.Invited by Sidewinder to join his criminal organization, the Serpent Society, Black Mamba accepted.Before working with Roxxon, she was a call-girl, and while the money was satisfying, it was not a steady income, so she jumped at the opportunity to earn vast amounts of money with Sidewinder. While in the Serpent Society, Black Mamba gained great friendships in Diamondback and the Asp, and also became romantically involved with Sidewinder. During Viper's infiltration of the group, Black Mamba stood loyally with Sidewinder, which Viper was ready to kill her for. When Diamondback turned over a new leaf, it sparked something in Black Mamba. She joined her friends Diamondback and Asp in forming B.A.D. Girls, Inc.and worked several mercenary-for-hire missions. She also briefly served in Superia's all-female group, the Femizons, but betrayed the group to aid Captain America and Paladin. Regardless, she was a villainess and was not above committing evil acts, such as when she led a drugged Hercules to be ambushed by the Masters of Evil.For some time, Black Mamba served in Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil in hopes of a large profit, battling the Thunderbolts. She eventually went back to the Serpent Society for a very short time, and then left to be with Diamondback and Asp and continue to do missions as the B.A.D. Girls. During one mission, to find the "Dominus Objective," Black Mamba severely embarrassed Deadpool when she revealed his darkest fantasy -- to be given a back massage by his partner in crime, Cable (although her power similarly affected everyone she used it on in this appearance). She also fought Luke Cage and Iron Fist, and was shocked to realize her group had been hired by Cable himself. It is presumed that Black Mamba continues to serve with the B.A.D. Girls. +This superhero's name is Black Manta (DCEU). Their real name is David Kane. David Kane was a pirate like his father, Jesse Kane, and at some point in time, he learned about Aquaman and wanted to encounter him. Their gang took over a submarine, and as they were celebrating their apparent victory, Jesse presented him with a special knife; initially, he scoffed at it, calling it a piece of junk, and the love of "[his father's] life"; but when Jesse told him about how it belonged to his grandfather, who fought in World War II as one of the Navy's first "frogmen" (code-named "Manta" for his stealthiness), he immediately changed his mind, and accepted the blade. Suddenly, they were interrupted by Arthur Curry, known as Aquaman. David proclaimed that he expected to eventually face the Aquaman but was quickly defeated the Atlantean. Aquaman deflected a rocket from Jesse, that caused a torpedo to topple over him, trapping him as the submarine became flooded. David begged Aquaman for help but was told that they kill innocents and should not expect mercy from the ocean. David tried to save his father, but his father committed suicide by using a hand grenade. David was forced to flee and started to bear a deep grudge against Aquaman. +This superhero's name is Black Manta. Their real name is David. +This superhero's name is Black Panther (1,000,000 B.C.). Their real name is Unknown. The man who would become the earliest known person to take up the Black Panther mantle after discovering a Vibranium meteor and unlocking its secrets. He and the other Stone Age Avengers fought an out-of-control Celestial called the Fallen, eventually defeating it and sealing it in an underground chamber in what would become the modern-day country of South Africa.This Black Panther's history after that is unknown. +This superhero's name is Black Siren (CW). Their real name is Laurel Lance (Earth Two). Laurel Lance is a former citizen of Starling City of Earth-2 and a current resident of Star City of Earth-1, as well as a reformed meta-human criminal-turned-district attorney. Laurel is the daughter of a late unnamed man and the girlfriend of the late Earth-2 Oliver Queen. After exposure to the dark matter released from Harrison Wells S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator, Laurel gained the ability to scream at a high frequency. Being bitter and heartbroken due to both her father's and her boyfriend's deaths, she chose to use these powers for evil, adopted the name Black Siren and became a high ranking lieutenant of a meta-human group led by Hunter Zolomon/Zoom. Laurel was brought over to Earth-1 to participate in the Metapocalypse and personally fought Barry Allen/The Flash, until she was defeated by Team Flash and imprisoned at S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline. Half a year later, she was released by Adrian Chase/Prometheus and aided in his vendetta against Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, culminating in Lian Yu's explosion. Surviving all this, she was rescued by Cayden James and joined his cabal until he was killed by Ricardo Diaz and the group disbanded. Afterwards, Laurel reveals herself to the public (pretending to be her late Earth-1 counterpart) in order to get protection from Diaz. In a misguided attempt to protect herself and her father's Earth-1 counterpart she joined Diaz's criminal organization acting as his mole inside Team Arrow and even allowed him to be intimate with her to an unknown degree, until she betrayed Diaz in favor of allying herself with Quentin and Oliver, having grown fond for them both. She was devastated when Quentin, who she saw as her own father, and in turn saw her as his own daughter, ultimately died saving her from Diaz; after it and Oliver's sentenced to prison, Laurel became the new district attorney of Star City, replacing Sam Armand. She maintains a strained relationship with Team Arrow, especially Dinah, who are hesitant to trust her after everything she is has done. Though, in time, during her hunt for Diaz, she became friends with Felicity Smoak. +This superhero's name is Black Spider. Their real name is Eric Needham. As a young man, Eric Needham became addicted to drugs and turned to crime to fuel his addiction. As a result, he robbed his own father's liquor store, killing him in the process. After being arrested, he kicked the habit out of remorse and began a war on the drug trade in Gotham City. Donning a costume, he became a self-styled vigilante and began killing those suspected of dealing drugs.[1] This soon brought him into conflict with Batman. Needham believed that the two should be allies, as he saw common purpose in their war against criminals. His murderous methods however continually put him at odds with the Dark Knight, who stopped him during his first criminal strikeIt was revealed that Needham's paraphernalia and missions as the Black Spider were bankrolled by a man who, it turned out, was actually secretly involved with narcotics and wanted to take out the competition. Turning against his former sponsor, Black Spider ended up captured by Batman. +This superhero's name is Blackwing. Their real name is Joseph Manfredi. Joseph Manfredi is the son of Silvio Manfredi, a powerful head of one of New York’s Maggia families. However, when he first appeared, it was as the costumed animal trainer Blackwing, a recent addition to the Circus of Crime. Before his first outing, the Ringmaster hoped the Circus would eliminate Daredevil in order to make Blackwing’s robberies go off without a hitch. But when the team failed to do this, the Circus performed anyway. Blackwing used his trained bats to steal from the audience the Ringmaster hypnotized. As predicted, though, Daredevil burst onto the scene, foiling the Circus’ plans, and Blackwing escaped. In fact, Blackwing was a division leader of HYDRA when it was under the leadership of Silvermane, and he retreated to HYDRA’s secret base. When the organization arranged the kidnapping of Foggy Nelson, at the time one of New York’s District Attorneys, Daredevil tracked the culprits to their headquarters. Silvermane revealed his role as Supreme Hydra, and his son tried to stop Daredevil but was unsuccessful. Later, when Silvermane’s mansion was taken over by the Red Skull, Blackwing teamed up with Jack O’Lantern to stake it out. When Captain America also came to investigate, the two villains jumped him, viciously attacking him even when he was on the ropes due to Jack O’Lantern’s hallucinogenic gas. The Red Skull had been observing the battle and was impressed enough to order Mother Night to recruit the two for his Skeleton Crew. Mother Night arranged for Captain America to see an illusion that the Scourge of the Underworld killed the villains, and Blackwing and Jack O’Lantern agreed to join the Skull’s Crew. Blackwing served as a member of Crew, fighting off Crossbones and Diamondback before the two joined them as well. He also tried to fight off Captain America and the Falcon when the heroes came to rescue Diamondback. He was defeated by the Falcon and remanded to custody along with many others of the Crew. Blackwing next appeared as a member of the Crimson Cowl’s Masters of Evil, joining the team’s attempt to extort the world’s governments with the use of a weather manipulation machine. The team was tracked down by the Thunderbolts and defeated, with Blackwing and most of its members captured. This last defeat was too much for Joe Manfredi. Abandoning the idea of being a costumed super-villain, Manfredi instead turned his attention to being a crime boss, creating his own private army of villains in Heavy Mettle. He ordered the team’s leader, Firestrike, to bring him the battlesuit used by Turbo of the New Warriors. Not only did Manfredi hope to gain a sophisticated piece of technology, but he was also hoping to prove himself, both to his father, Silvermane, and to other New York crime bosses. Instead, however, the New Warriors defeated Heavy Mettle, and Firestrike found himself falling in love with Turbo. Ultimately, the Warriors turned the members of Heavy Mettle over to the police, and Firestrike agreed to be placed in the witness protection program in exchange for providing testimony against Joe Manfredi. (The results of which remain unrevealed.) +This superhero's name is Blackwulf. Their real name is Lucian. Lucian was the fourth child born to Tantalus and Nirvana on Armechadon, but while his siblings had been, to various degrees, genetically perfect, Lucian was born with a birthmark, signifying his father's Black Legacy. Nirvana killed herself the evening Tantalus was to journey to earth, to prevent herself from giving birth to any more monsters. Tantalus brought Lucian with him to earth, where he was exiled by the Celestials. Tantalus treated Lucian with contempt because of his birthmark, and had low regard for his abilities. Lucian was sent alongside Schizo and Bristle to escort Pandara back to Lyonesse, but along the way, had to fight through the rebel leader Blackwulf, Thunderstrike, Stellaris, and Code: BLUE. When Code: BLUE rallied against them, Lucian was convinced by Schizo and Bristle to retreat, abandoning Pandara. Lucian trained against his brother Pelops, and again lost to him in battle, no great surprise to Tantalus. Tantalus sent Lucian to lead the Peacekeepers in recovering the human scientist Dr. Caitlin Maddox, a genetic researcher who might be able to stablize the Deviant genetic code. However, Lucian's mission was interrupted by the arrival of the Underground Legion, and he fought their leader Blackwulf. In the course of battle, Lucian suspected he was battling his own brother, Pelops. Ultimately, the Underground escaped with Dr. Maddox. Later, Pelops returned to Lyonesse and revealed himself to Lucian as Blackwulf. He dared Lucian to kill him, but Lucian couldn't. However, Tantalus overheard this treachery and slew Pelops himself, hoping that this would teach Lucian a valuable lessson. Instead, Lucian vowed to destroy his father, and adopted the name of Blackwulf for himself. Blackwulf attempted to inform the Peacekeepers of what had happened to Pelops, but they dismissed his accusations against Tantalus. Lucian therefore sought out the Underground Legion, and presented himself to them as their new member. They distrusted Lucian immediately, but he proved his worth to them as they fought the Peacekeepers over the bodies of two dead Skrulls at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. However, the Peacekeepers escaped with one of the bodies, and the Underground was forced to flee from arriving soldiers. Taking to the air in a stealth fighter, they were shot down by the villain Scorch. Wildwind was seemingly killed in the crash. Blackwulf battled Scorch in the wreckage of the fighter and was able to match his power, but he and the Underground were forced to surrender when reinforcements arrived for Scorch. They were imprisoned at the base. Blackwulf was set free by Dr. Maddox and the Prime Skrull, and while the others departed, he went back to retrieve Wildwind's body. Scorch was waiting for him, and the two fought over her body, with Blackwulf ultimately triumphing. To his surprise, the rest of the Underground waited for him to return, and they set back to their base. Blackwulf joined the Underground and Giant-Man in following Sparrow to Ottsville, Pennsylvania, where she had disappeared on assignment. They found that the people of Ottsville had been taken over by living circuitry devised by Ultron, and that Sparrow herself was under Ultron's control. Mammoth broke Ultron's control over Sparrow by telling her that Lucian had killed Pelops, and how he was now the new Blackwulf. Sparrow attacked Blackwulf, but was brought to her senses. The Underground and Giant-Man were unable to capture Ultron, but Blackwulf defeated Sentry#459, and Giant-Man mended some of Ultron's damage by making the people of Ottsville believe that they had been restored to full humanity. Blackwulf returned to the mansion with the Underground, and Sparrow started another fight with him, still holding him responsible for Pelops' death. Blackwulf had an opportunity to kill her with his Black Legacy, and she welcomed it. At this, Blackwulf stood down, disgusted by her lack of emotion. He told her how Pelops' last words had been that he loved her-- but Lucian didn't think she deserved such love. He then left the Underground. Blackwulf set off into the streets of New York, brushing against common humanity for the first time. When a vendor offered him a hot dog, he accepted it, not understanding the use of money. A woman also had a proposition for him, and he was shocked that humans even charged money for that. When a man's car was stolen, Blackwulf tried to help by hurling his Shadowlance at it, but he destroyed the car in the process, upsetting the owner. Just then, the Celestial creation the Godstalker appeared, having mistaken Blackwulf for his father Tantalus, for it could not believe that Tantalus could ever produce offspring. Blackwulf fought back against it, proclaiming his innocence, but the Godstalker had him far outmatched, and broke the Shadowlance in half. He was saved by the arrival of Sparrow, who used the halves of the Shadowlance to defeat the Godstalker. Blackwulf awoke in Sparrow's apartment, but he quickly realized that the Godstalker could not have been destroyed-- just as it assaulted the building! Blackwulf fought the Godstalker side-by-side with Sparrow, but the Godstalker teleported the two of them into another dimension to battle him there. Sparrow was able to access the dimension Blackwulf was in with the aid of Khult, and brought him his Shadowlance, rebuilt and made into a fourth-dimensional weapon by Khult. By channeling positive energy, Blackwulf was able to slice the Godstalker into ribbons, but even then it still existed. However, the Godstalker now believed Lucian's claim of being Tantalus' son, and decreed that it would be his duty to destroy Tantalus. So saying, the Godstalker bonded to the Shadowlance, making it even more powerful. However, as a result of this bonding process, Blackwulf was cured of his Black Legacy, removing his birthmark. Lucian learned from S.H.I.E.L.D. databases held by the Underground Legion that Deathlok, a cyborg from an alternate reality, came from a world in which Pelops was still alive, and Tantalus had converted to the side of good. Lucian determined to seek Deathlok out to learn more about his reality. Just as Lucian caught up with Deathlok in a series of underground tunnels where he was assisted homeless people against the Sewer King alongside Daredevil, Lucian put aside his questions to aid the homeless from bombs planted down there by Walter Jenkins. Lucian saved Deathlok from being slain by one of the bombs, which annoyed the cyborg. Finally able to ask him his questions, Lucian was told by Manning that nothing he could tell Lucian would change a thing in his world, because their fates had already been sealed. Lucian asked Deathlok to join the Underground Legion, but Deathlok replied that he had to sort himself out first before he could be of use to anyone. Apparently brought to Armechadon by Khult, Blackwulf joined the Underground in battling Tantalus and his Peacekeepers, and found himself reunited with his mother, Nirvana. Wishing to end her suffering, no matter the cost to himself, Blackwulf absorbed the Black Legacy which surrounded her into himself, regaining his birthmark but setting her life free. Blackwulf then attacked his father, and recalling instructions from Khult, focused on positive energies. Blackwulf absorbed his father's Black Legacy into himself, with the result of temporarily displacing his father's ego. However, as a result, Lucian was transformed so that now his skin was ebon black. +This superhero's name is Blade. Their real name is Eric Brooks. The man known only as Blade came into the world an orphan. Bitten while in labor by the vampire Deacon Frost, his mother, a prostitute named Tara Brooks, died during childbirth. Blade was taken in and raised by his mother's friends. Determined to avenge her death, he fashioned himself into a vampire hunter even before he reached adulthood. After stalking the night on his own for a number of years, Blade became leader of a small band of like-minded individuals hunting Dracula. He first encountered the dark lord in Japan, after many months of searching. Blade lured Dracula into an ambush, and the vampire was slain with a wooden stake. However, Dracula soon was resurrected by his servants and exacted revenge by murdering Blade's entire band of vampire hunters. Blade pressed on, often fighting alongside a team led by Quincy Harker, the great vampire hunter. The company's members included Rachel van Helsing and Frank Drake. Later, Blade teamed with vampiric private eye Hannibal King to hunt down and destroy Frost. Blade, King and Drake helped Dr. Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts and Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, cast a spell that destroyed Dracula and all the vampires on the planet. Following their victory, King was cured of his vampirism. Subsequently, he and King formed a private-investigation firm. The mother of all demons, Lilith, hired Blade's agency to kill Ghost Rider -- the leather-clad, motorcycle-riding Spirit of Vengeance -- and bad-boy John Blaze, the fiery skeleton's former host. After a protracted battle, Blade and company realized they had been duped. The team joined with Ghost Rider and Blaze against Lilith, battling her monstrous minion Meatmarket. Blade, Drake and King continued their partnership with Ghost Rider and Blaze. Along with Dr. Strange, Morbius the Living Vampire and the Darkhold Redeemers, they formed the Midnight Sons, a group dedicated to preserving the boundaries between our world and the dark realms. The Midnight Sons clashed with Lilith and her demonspawn, the Lilin, in a supernatural contest with Earth as the prize. The Midnight Sons proved victorious, destroying Lilith and her brood. Blade's desire to destroy supernatural enemies led him to be tricked into using the Darkhold. As 'Switchblade' he attacked a number of supernatural beings and stole their power in the 'Midnight Massacre'. Eventually Blade was stopped and another page of the Darkhold was used to restore things back to normal. However, the team was unable to prevent its hated quarry, the vampire, from returning to the Earth realm. Blade, Drake and King, who again had become afflicted with vampirism, began their crusade anew to cleanse the world of all bloodsuckers. Blade and his partners clashed with dread lord Varnae -- supposedly the first vampire, the demon who had visited this hellish curse upon men. King and Drake were slain in a bloody and futile battle. The loss of his compatriots only strengthened Blade's resolve to rid the world of vampires, regardless of the circumstances of their creation. Dracula soon returned. Blade was alerted by Bible John, and the two fought Dracula and later Marie Laveau, who was attempting to resurrect Varnae. It appeared that King and Drake had somehow been merged into Dracula when he was resurrected, but the two have since been freed. Blade was also temporarily in SHIELD custody due to the machinations of SilverEye (SHIELD Division) as they sought to use him. Following the Skrull invasion of Britain, Blade joined MI:13 to aid with the resurgence of evil forces, resulting from the Skrulls defeat. Blade failed to ingratiate himself, however, when he attempted to kill fellow team member, and part-vampire, Spitfire. Both Spitfire and Blade however settled their difference and pursuied a romantic relationship. +This superhero's name is Blight. Their real name is Derek Powers. Derek Powers is a corrupt businessman who managed to gain control over Wayne Enterprises (now called Wayne-Powers) due to an elderly Bruce Wayne's poor health and arch-rival of new Batman, Terry McGinnis. When Powers develops a lethal mutagenic nerve gas and intends to sell it as a weapon, one of his employees, Warren McGinnis, discovers evidence of the gas, and Powers has him murdered, causing the vengeful son Terry McGinnis to become Batman, who stops Powers' plans and exposes him to the gas; Powers is subjected to extreme radiation exposure to save his life, but as a side effect, his entire body becomes radioactive, rendering him translucent. He is able to hide his state and contain his radiation with a special cosmetic skin that, over time, flakes off. The cosmetic skin begins to last less as his temper becomes more and more uncontrolled and his radiation levels keep rising. He first introduces himself as Blight when he attacks Mr. Freeze. A scientist working for Powers had the idea that by using Powers baseline DNA, she could create a new body for him unaffected by his condition, then transfer him into the new body. To test this procedure, Mr. Freeze was used as, like Powers, his DNA had been corrupted by a condition. At first the procedure seemed like a success, until his condition started to resurface. Powers believed a biopsy of his organs may show why the procedure failed, and orders the scientist behind the procedure (who had been feigning romantic feelings for Freeze) to kill Freeze. He escapes and later returns to Wayne-Powers in a suit he had "kept in cold storage" and freezes Powers and the scientist. Powers survives the attack by melting off his skin and the ice. He attacks Batman and Freeze, and when asked by Batman who he is, refers to himself as Blight, because he is blight on the land because of his powers. Freeze jettisons him from the battle. His condition worsening and unable to keep up with appearances anymore, Powers decides to withdraw from public life, and summons his estranged son, Paxton, to run his business while he finds a cure for his condition. However, Paxton betrays his father, and exposes him to the world as Blight. Powers hides himself in a nuclear submarine, where Paxton uses a device to usurp Powers' radiation, nearly killing him, but Batman intervenes. Powers then goes berserk with massive radiation bursts that sinks the submarine with him inside. An exchange between Batman and Paxton hints that Powers may have survived. Blight also makes several appearances in the comic book series based on Batman Beyond. In Batman Adventures #15, a character named Warren Powers originally appeared as head of Powers Technology. As a sort of prequel to the Batman Beyond episode, "Meltdown", Warren would have been shown acquiring the head of Mr. Freeze and locking it away in his vault, believing it holds the secrets of immortality. It has been confirmed that Warren is the father of Derek. +This superhero's name is Bling!. Their real name is Roxanne Washington . Roxy Washington was born into hip-hop "royalty" as the daughter of Roy "Daddy Libido" Washington and Angel "Sexy Mutha" Depres. Having appeared in her parents' rap videos from a young age, Washington was often targeted by would-be kidnappers and assassins. Destined to follow in her parents' footsteps, Washington turned her back on that life and enrolled as a student at the Xavier Institute under the tutelage of Gambit. Washington was more concerned with improving herself rather than the escalating human/mutant situation. Her school record showed her to be a good and attentive student with a strong sense of responsibility. As a member of Gambit's squad, the Chevaliers, Washington was forced to deal with the arrival of newcomer Foxx's infatuation with her teacher, despite being attracted to Foxx herself, until Foxx was revealed to be the shapeshifting Mystique. Bling! retained her powers after M-Day. She helped Havok's squad during the Sentinels' arrival and Apocalypse's return due to lack of members, particularly Polaris's depowerment, Wolverine's frequent disappearances, and Gambit's betrayal. Bling! was captured by Belasco in Limbo, alongside most of the other students. When the X-Men moved to San Francisco and set up a new base in California, Bling! followed. She helped to control rioting surrounding the Proposition X, legislature which was attempting to limit mutant reproduction that was being pushed by Simon Trask and his anti-mutant group, the Humanity Now! Coalition. During the final fight on Utopia, Bling teamed up with Frenzy and Nekra in taking on Ms Marvel (Karla Sofen). After an attack by Emplate, everybody living on Utopia was warned to stay close together and report anything out of the ordinary. Roxy was greeted by Emplate, who claimed dinner is served. +This superhero's name is Blink. Their real name is Clarice Ferguson. Blink was one of the many young mutants captured by the Phalanx to assimilate their powers. Blink was tense and panicky and frightened of her powers (having "woken up in a pool of blood" after her first use of them). Clarice could not properly control her powers, and apparently was unable to teleport anything in an intact form. Instead, any object or person caught in Blink's teleportation field, also known as a "blink wave", would be shredded. She eventually used her abilities to "cut-up" Harvest, a Phalanx entity guarding her and her peers, but apparently was caught in her own teleportation field and died in the process. Because of her sacrifice, the remaining captives were set free and became the X-Men junior team Generation X. Recently, Blink was seen in the company of Selene. Instead of accidentally killing herself she transported herself to a different location and her mutant power allowed her to arrive intact. Harvester, however, did not survive. Blink joined the Inner Circle and with them she fought against the X-Men, because she thought that they betrayed her. After Selene was killed, Blink escaped from Necrosha. She traveled to Eastern Europe where Selene was born and tried to resurrect her, but she failed. The X-Men found her there and Dr. Strange used his magic to free Blink from Selene's spell. Freed from the spell Clarice realized that she was a killer and remembered all her victims. Emma invited her to join the X-Men, but Blink refused and escaped. Blink saved people from many disasters which caused Cyclops to send the New Mutants to find her and bring her home. The team discovered that Blink was after a band who were being controlled by an extraterrestrial sentient ship that had been using them to generate chaos energy so it could call for help. The team stopped the band and threw the ship in to space.Claurice Fergusion (Earth-616) New Mutants Vol 3 34 Blink leading people to safety. GijimuAdded by Gijimu Dani Moonstar offered Blink a choice to come and join Cyclops' X-Men in Utopia or Wolverine's team at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Blink chose Wolverine's side and went to Westchester. Blink didn't appear during the Avengers/X-Men conflict, and it is unknown if she took a side. +This superhero's name is Blizzard II. Their real name is Donald Gill. Donnie Gill was working as a minor hired thug for Hammer Industries until businessman Justin Hammer gave him a battlesuit reminiscent of the original Blizzard (Gregor Shapanka). Gill mastered the use of the battlesuit, grateful and excited by his new powers, and began his first assignment: to recapture the supervillain known as Force, an agent of Hammer who had deserted him. Gill and his allies, the Beetle (now, MACH-IV) and Blacklash (now, Whiplash) engaged Force and his new ally, Iron Man. During the battle, Force saw Gill as misguided and misled by Hammer as he once was, and he tried to reach out to the young villain. In the end, however, Blizzard accidentally tripped himself up, electrocuting himself and allowing himself to be captured while his allies fled. Before he could be remanded to prison, Gill was rescued by the Rhino on behalf of Hammer, which served to strengthen Gill’s loyalty to him and curtailed Tony Stark’s efforts to lend Gill legal and moral guidance. Gill continued to work with Hammer and his agents, but Hammer knew of Stark’s interest in helping Gill and used him as a bargaining chip to elicit Iron Man’s help in taking down their mutual enemy, the Ghost. Iron Man and agents of Hammer managed to stop the Ghost, but the villains turned on Iron Man, abandoning the Blizzard. Gill still held hope that Hammer would rescue him, until Iron Man played a recording of Hammer's bargaining. Crushed, Gill allowed himself to be placed in custody. Later returning to criminal activities, Gill appeared to hold no interest in reforming. He worked on behalf of the Spymaster once, trying to loot Stark Enterprises but was opposed by the Avengers, and he later turned to a solo career as a criminal. He attended the A.I.M. weapons expo on his own behalf, and later tried a replica of Shapanka’s final Blizzard suit. This suit proved defective, and he managed to use this in court as testimony against its repair man, the Tinkerer, who was being sued by the Trapster. Later still, he tried robbing an armored car and faced the New Warriors, but a rogue Iron Man suit of armor viscously beat him. With this series of failures, the Blizzard tried to be a part of a team again-- an mercenary group working on behalf of the Four Winds crime family. The group was hired to invade Agent X’s headquarters, but they suffered a humiliating defeat. (Gill was even force-fed a candy apple.) Afterward, Gill joined the Crimson Cowl in one of the largest incarnation of the Masters of Evil, but their plans to hold the world ransom using a weather-controlling device were thwarted by the Thunderbolts. When the Avengers formally disbanded, MACH-4 decided to re-form the Thunderbolts, a team of former superhuman villains who were attempting to reinvent themselves as a team of heroic champions. Gill was recruited as a founding member of the new team and earned a parole. The Thunderbolts made their debut by saving Manhattan from the terrorist attacks of renegade Atlanteans. Although Gill continually doubted his effectiveness as a hero, he began to grow more confident in the role despite the increasing deterioration of his battlesuit and overwhelming personalities in teammates like Speed Demon. In fact, when Gill discovered Speed Demon moonlighting as a criminal in his old Whizzer identity, he tried to force Speed Demon to stop only to be left hanging from a bridge in his underwear for his efforts. The new Thunderbolts experienced some shuffling membership after their big success in stopping the Purple Man from controlling New York. Songbird became the leader and dismissed the Blizzard from their ranks. Demoralized, he was nevertheless recruited by fellow ex-Thunderbolts MACH-4 and Baron Zemo, who recruited the Blizzard into a new team they were forming. With his costume redesigned and upgraded by the Fixer, the Blizzard joined Zemo’s team in confronting the Thunderbolts and their teammate Photon. During the battle, they forced Photon to realize his unstable personality and powers would result in the destruction of the universe, and Zemo killed him to safeguard reality. The two teams returned to Zemo’s headquarters, where he formed a new team of Thunderbolts under Songbird’s field leadership and his guidance. +This superhero's name is Blizzard Samurai. Their real name is Unknown. Zane briefly saw himself as the Ice Emperor on his throne during his dream. +This superhero's name is Blizzard. Their real name is Gregor Shapanka. Dr. Gregor Shapanka, an employee of Stark Industries, was conducting private research into a means for achieving physical immortality. He attempted to rob the private vault of Anthony Stark; head of Industries, in order to obtain microtransistor designs that Shapanka intended to sell to finance further research in his private project. However, Shapanka was unsuccessful in his theft; captured, he was brought before Stark, who fired him. Subsequently, Shapanka created a suit that could generate intense cold, with which he hoped to slow his own aging process. Shapanka also began to use the suit and its abilities to commit crimes in order to amass wealth. The news media named this new criminal "Jack Frost," perhaps in recollection of the member of the Liberty Legion who could generate intense cold. Seeking vengeance on Stark, the new Jack Frost captured Stark's secretary, Virginia "Pepper" Potts, and his chauffeur, Harold "Happy" Hogan, and battle Stark's supposed bodyguard, Iron Man, who was secretly Stark himself. Iron Man defeated Jack Frost and thus saved his captives, and Shapanka was sent to prison. Years later, Shapanka escaped prison and attacked Stark's Long Island industrial complex using a new, far more powerful cold-generating battlesuit and calling himself the Blizzard. This time the Blizzard was out to steal Stark's climatron device, which could be used to alter weather patterns. The Blizzard nearly froze Iron Man to death, but Iron Man was rescued by Potts, Iron Man caused the Blizzard's battlesuit to short-circuit, and then captured him. Later, once again at large, Shapanka obtained financing for recreating his cold-generating costume from multimillionaire Justin Hammer. The Blizzard formed a partnership with two other clients of Hammer, Blacklash and the Melter, and together the three criminals attacked a hotel casino in Atlantic City, only to be defeated by Iron Man and private bodyguard Bethany Cabe. The three criminals were sent to Riker's Island but were freed shortly thereafter by Hammer and brought to Hammer's floating villa. There the Blizzard joined a small army of costumed criminals in battling Iron Man, who succeeded in defeating them all. Later, somehow Shapanka's body gained the ability to generate intense cold without artificial means. Feeling alienated from humanity, Shapanka, again calling himself Jack Frost, went to live in an ice palace he created within a mountain. The Hulk found Jack Frost's new home and destroyed the ice palace. Jack Frost was seemingly killed in the collapse of his ice domain. But, months later Shapanka reappeared in the guise of the Blizzard. Somehow Shapanka had lost his bodily power to generate cold and once again need his battlesuit to create low temperatures. Shapanka returned to crime and formed a gang to aid him. However, upon robbing a bank in New York City, the Blizzard and his henchmen were found and defeated by Spider-Man, and were taken into police custody. But thanks to his lawyer, Shapanka was soon back at large, and kidnapped Bobby Saunders, a boy whom he saw speaking with Spider-Man. Through Saunders; Shapanka intended to get revenge for his most recent defeat. Arno Stark, the Iron Man of 2015 A.D. in an alternate future, had traveled back in time to locate Saunders. (In the alternate future, which Arno Stark had come, the adult Saunders was a terrorist who had armed a highly destructive bomb before dying. Suanders' retina patterns were the key to disarming the bomb. Therefore, Arno Stark had gone back in time to discover what those patterns were by locating the Saunders of that time.) The future Iron Man found Shapanka and Saunders and carried Saunders off. Shapanka, wearing another cold-producing battlesuit, believed this Iron Man to be the same one he had fought so often before, and attacked him. The future Iron Man then annihilated the Blizzard with a blast of energy. +This superhero's name is Blob (FOX). Their real name is Fred Dukes. During the Vietnam War in mid-late 1973, Fred Dukes was a member of Team X under Major William Stryker's command. Fred demonstrated his strength by blowing up a tank simply by plugging his fist inside the tank's chamber, causing its blast to backfire. After the team disbanded, Fred became very obese (having developed an eating disorder), and John Wraith was trying to whip him back into shape (Unfortunately, Fred usually knocked out his opponents by just bouncing them with his huge stomach). Fred later angrily challenged Logan to a boxing match between them because he thought Logan referred to him as "Blob" to Wraith - even though the spoken word was "Bub". Wolverine won by striking him on the head multiple times and later wanted answers about the Island. Fred reveals that Victor and Stryker are working together, capturing mutants and experimenting on them, having allegedly learned the information from Agent Zero. Dukes then informs Logan that he does not know the location of Stryker's base, but says that there is only one person who escaped, a mutant and Cajun street hustler named Remy LeBeau, who goes by the name "Gambit". Wolverine and Wraith later went to find Gambit after Dukes gave Wolverine the information he wanted. Later when Victor was trying to kill Wraith, Wraith said that Victors black coat doesn't scare him and Victor then said that it worked well on Dukes, implying that he killed him. +This superhero's name is Blob. Their real name is Frederick J. Dukes. Believing himself a freak following the manifestation of his mutant nature, Fred Dukes used his newfound abilities as a carnival performer, earning him the nickname “the Blob.” Detecting Dukes’s mutant status, Charles Xavier sent his X-Men to invite Dukes to meet with him and he accepted, mostly due to an attraction to the beautiful young X-Man Jean Grey. While visiting the X-Men’s mansion home, Dukes was invited to join the team; but he arrogantly refused, believing himself superior to them. Xavier decided to wipe the knowledge of the X-Men from Dukes’ mind, but Dukes escaped back to the carnival, took it over, and led his fellow performers to attack the X-Men. They were defeated, and Xavier wiped their memories of the incident as well as the Blob’s knowledge of the X-Men. Later, Magneto offered Dukes membership in his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. A blow to the head restored Dukes’s memories of the X-Men and he accepted Magneto’s offer, joining the Brotherhood in attacking the X-Men; however, during the battle, Magneto sent a barrage of torpedoes at the X-Men, not caring that Dukes was in the way. Uninjured but feeling betrayed, Dukes quit the Brotherhood and returned to the carnival. Dukes subsequently met fellow mutant Unus the Untouchable, and under subliminal commands from Xavier’s enemy Lucifer, the pair attempted to frame the X-Men as thieves. The duo became fast friends and went on to join Factor Three, an organization that sought world conquest; but the X-Men soon convinced the Blob and his teammates that their leader, the Mutant Master, was merely using them, and the two groups joined forces to unmask him as an extraterrestrial subversive before the defeated Mutant Master killed himself. Soon after, the Blob was among those mutants captured by Larry Trask’s giant robotic Sentinels, but was freed after the X-Men defeated them. Reforming the Brotherhood with Unus and Mastermind, they were contacted by the power-dampening mutant Krueger, who had captured some X-Men and was hoping to sell them to the Brotherhood. Dukes had Mastermind create illusory money to fool Krueger, and sought revenge on the X-Men by trapping them in an illusory circus; however, the ruse collapsed after Krueger arrived to confront the Brotherhood over their treachery, and the X-Men defeated the villains. Escaping custody, Blob’s Brotherhood next attempted to fool the Beast into believing he had killed Iron Man, thus manipulating him into joining them. After realizing the truth, the Beast single-handedly defeated them. Dukes briefly reformed Factor Three, and used information stolen from Xavier’s computers in the hopes of recruiting more mutants. They kidnapped young mutant Sonny Baredo (the future Humus Sapien), though the Blob and others soon left him behind with the Ogre. Subsequently, Dukes, his mutant teammates and other mutants were captured by the subversive Secret Empire. Ultimately, they were freed by the combined efforts of the X-Men, Captain America, and the Falcon. Following Magneto’s return, Dukes rejoined the Brotherhood and aided Magneto in an attempted world takeover using Magneto’s creation, a being with unlimited power dubbed “Alpha the Ultimate Mutant,” but they were opposed by Xavier and the Defenders. Alpha ultimately turned on the Brotherhood, regressing them to infancy. Later restored to adulthood by Eric the Red of the alien Shi’ar, Dukes and the Brotherhood fought the Champions of Los Angeles but were defeated. Dukes then briefly joined a band of super-criminals posing as the Defenders during the heroes’ “Defender for a Day” recruitment drive, but they were defeated by a Defenders team led by Hercules. Later, Dukes was freed from prison by the shape-shifting mutant terrorist Mystique and joined her reorganized Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in an attempted assassination of Presidential candidate Senator Robert Kelly, which was thwarted by the X-Men. Mystique’s Brotherhood next attacked the Avengers, but again met with defeat. Dukes then joined Unus in battling the Hulk and subsequently witnessed Unus’ apparent death, which sent Dukes on a grief-stricken rampage that was quelled by Spider-Man and the Black Cat. After Mystique had the U.S. government pardon the Brotherhood for their crimes in exchange for becoming federal agents as Freedom Force, their first mission was to capture Magneto. Subsequent missions saw Freedom Force opposing the X-Men, X-Factor, the Avengers, the New Mutants, Daredevil, the Grip, the Reavers, the Hulk, and Firestar. During this time, Dukes also helped train replacement Captain America (John Walker), who subsequently accompanied Freedom Force in opposing the Resistants. After a disastrous Middle East clash with the Arabic super-team Desert Sword, Dukes and his teammate Pyro were captured by Iraqi military forces and served for a time as the personal bodyguards of the Iraqi commander until the Toad arranged for their release. Dukes and Pyro agreed to join the Toad's new Brotherhood. Following defeats at the hands of X-Force and X-Factor, Freedom Force’s replacement as the government’s sanctioned mutant team, the Brotherhood sought to capture the mutant Portal but were opposed by Darkhawk, Sleepwalker, and Spider-Man. Overlooked for recruitment into Magneto’s Acolytes, Dukes and the Brotherhood accompanied Pyro, who had contracted the deadly Legacy Virus, to the island home of Jonathan Chambers, a.k.a. Empyrean, a mutant who drained the energy expended by those dying of the Virus to ease their pain. Dukes and the Brotherhood were subsequently duped by Empyrean into stealing a time machine created by the X-Man Beast to allow Empyrean to travel back in time and release the Legacy Virus earlier; however, the X-Men intervened and Empyrean was instead sent back to the prehistoric age. Dukes was subsequently approached by the psionic being Onslaught, who augmented his powers in exchange for his servitude. Teaming up with the power-copying Mimic, Dukes battled the female members of X-Force but was defeated by Meltdown, who threatened to explode a plasma ball inside his body. After Onslaught was defeated, both Dukes and the Mimic offered their services to the “favor trader” Sledge, who in turn granted them better control of their abilities. After a clash with the mutant mercenary Maverick, Dukes formed a new Brotherhood consisting of himself, Mimic, Post, and Toad. On the run from the nanite-mutated computer Cerebro, Blob’s Brotherhood broke Xavier out of a government facility so he could train them to better oppose Cerebro. After helping the X-Men against Cerebro, Blob’s Brotherhood was recruited by Mystique to recover the head of X-51, the Machine Man. After that failed mission, Dukes attempted to hijack an armored car on his own but was defeated by Spider-Man. Mystique then assumed leadership of the Brotherhood, and sent them to attempt another assassination of Kelly, but they again failed due to the intervention of the X-Men and a dying Pyro, who sacrificed himself to save Kelly. He subsequently joined the army of mutants Magneto was amassing on the island nation of Genosha, but they were defeated by the X-Men. Later, Dukes and his former teammate Avalanche were among those mutants forcibly recruited into the paramilitary X-Corps group, led by former X-Man Banshee, until it disbanded following infiltration by Mystique. After he was overlooked for a new Brotherhood formed by Magneto’s former Acolyte Exodus, an aimless Dukes consulted psychologist Sean Garrison, who convinced him to be true to himself. Believing that “truth” lay in opposing the X-Men, Dukes went to the Xavier Institute only to find the X-Men absent. He attacked nonetheless, but was defeated by the students and taken into custody. When the world was restored to normal after the Scarlet Witch’s reality warp, Dukes was horrified to discover that he had been stripped of his mutant powers, resulting in tremendous folds of skin hanging loosely off his frame. Distraught, Dukes attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a knife; but due to his excess skin, he was unable to get the blade close enough. Someone that resembles the Blob was apprehended by the Thunderbolts and was seen in the Folding Castle Detention Quadrant. Blob later resurfaces as a member of the X-Cell, a group of depowered mutants who attack Mutant Town in defiance of the Decimation. After mistakenly getting into a fight with Rictor and Multiple Man and getting in a cheap shot on Rictor, he stole a car. With fellow X-Cell member, Fatale, he attempted to flee, eventually hitting an open manhole (left open earlier in the day by Strong Guy and Wolfsbane) and causing the car to crash leaving Blob hanging from the car. When both of them ran afoul of Marrow, Blob was thrown from the car. +This superhero's name is Blockbuster. Their real name is Mark Desmond. Mark Desmond is the Blockbuster. He was mind-controlled by the villainous Necromancer into helping her steal an artifact from a Washington, D.C. museum. This brought him to the attention of Hawk and Dove. The pair teamed with Batman and Robin to stop Necromancer and Blockbuster Blockbuster becomes part of the Secret Society and is sent by the Crime Syndicate to attack Lex Luthor's Injustice League. +This superhero's name is Bloodaxe. Their real name is Jackie Lukus. When Leena Moran (an alias used by the Enchantress while she was living among mortals on Earth) discovered that her beloved Heimdall was in trouble in her home of Asgard, she planned on using the enchanted axe of the Executioner to aid him. Without warning, she was attacked in the apartment she shared with Susan Austin by Skoll, the Wolf god who was acting on the orders of his master, Karnilla, and the two disappeared in a flash of light leaving the axe behind. Hearing sounds of a struggle, the being that would soon be known as Bloodaxe was instantly overcome with a feeling of power and bloodlust upon picking up the enchanted weapon. Filled with false thoughts of now being above the law, this murderous vigilante started killing small time thugs and drug dealers despite protests of the local authorities. One such instance brought the mighty Thor and Balder, the Brave into the equation, but the supremely powerful Bloodaxe, along with a little help from the corrupt Karnilla, bested the Thunder god on their first meeting. Bloodaxe would soon return for the lure of power was too much too resist, but this next appearance would not go unnoticed. Doctor Strange sensed the immense mystical power held within the axe and went to investigate the source. To learn more about his origins, Bloodaxe went to the place where he first discovered the axe, the apartment of Susan Austin and Leena Moran, but the astral form of Doctor Strange spooked Bloodaxe and the two fought in front of the frightened woman. The chaos that followed brought the police including their special task force Code: Blue, and the newly formed super team called Earth Force. The woman was saved and Bloodaxe retreated, but this would not be the last time the axe called out to its new owner. Bloodaxe's identity was initially a mystery, all early panels of the character's alter ego were depicted as being concealed by shadow or as a silhouette. Due to the sheer muscular mass of Bloodaxe (a direct result of the Asgardian magic within the axe), it was also impossible to determine whether the mortal alias was even male or female. Many supporting cast members of Thunderstrike were hinted at being Bloodaxe but many of those clues would later turn out to be fake clues to conceal 'his' true identity. It was only after Bloodaxe was defeated that the mortal alias was revealed to be Jackie Lukus, a confidant and love interest of Thunderstrike's alias Eric Masterson. Bloodaxe's powers were derived from the enchanted Asgardian axe once wielded by Skurge the Executioner. The evil that remained within it from Skurge's time as a villain would eventually drive any new owner of the axe insane, and compel them to kill. Bloodaxe first fought Thor when the mortal Eric Masterson was using the identity of Thor. When the real Thor returned, Masterson became Thunderstrike and again fought Bloodaxe several times. Thunderstrike defeated Bloodaxe and succumbed to the axe's will in an attempt to obtain more power to defeat an even bigger villain, Set the Serpent God of Death. After Set was destroyed, Thunderstrike was possessed by the axe's murderous curse and as no-one was able to stop his rampage, Masterson chose to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Bloodaxe forever. +This superhero's name is Bloodhawk. Their real name is Lemuel Krug. Lemuel, or Bloodhawk, was the mutant protector of the Las Vegas desert in 2099, until his capture and pending execution by the Synge Corporation turned him into an ally of the fourth incarnation of the X-Men. While the Synge Corporation tortured and humiliated Bloodhawk after his capture, the X-Men’s Meanstreak and Krystalin broke into the building and freed him in order to offer him a place in Xi’an’s new group. But Bloodhawk, being distrustful of other people, refused the offer and took off into the air. Later, when the Synge Corporation attacked Xi’an’s gathering, believing Xi’an to be responsible for the death of their head, Noah Synge, Bloodhawk assisted them in their escape by bombing the Synge tanks. He then led the team to the abandoned Hoover Dam where they could hide for the moment, and left again, still refusing to join the group. He also helped the X-Men against the Synge Corporation in order to help them clear Xi’an’s name in Synge’s murder. Later, the Theatre of Pain’s La Lunatica kidnapped Bloodhawk and brought him to the Theatre to torture him with memories of his youth, when he was captured and experimented on before breaking out and killing his captors. The X-Men eventually broke him out along with their team member Skullfire, whose released powers set Luna free, as well. Luna later saved Bloodhawk from Controller Thirteen when Bloodhawk’s weakened state kept him from defending himself, and she in turn killed the controller. Next, Bloodhawk helped the X-Men find Meanstreak’s friend, Jordan Boone. In the search, he attacked the man-beast Ravage, who they needed information from; before they mutually discovered that they were on the same side. And together they headed to Valhalla and fought with the genetically engineered Heimdall, before Meanstreak was able to kill him with his friend Boone’s help. Bloodhawk assisted with the evacuation of the city, before the 2099’s Spider-Man, Punisher, Doom, and Ravage brought the falling city under control. Bloodhawk continued to protect the desert, bombing convoys carrying toxic waste and attacking anyone who would threaten its environment. Soon, an old friend of Bloodhawk’s, Carson Leibowitz, called him to ask for his help with an Alchemax drilling operation in the Savage Land. Bloodhawk gladly agreed and traveled with him to Antarctica. There, he ran into Doom, who had crashed landed in the Savage Land in an escape pod. Doom had been forced to remove his armor after a fight with a Tyrannosaur, and without his armor, Bloodhawk didn’t recognize him and took him for a poacher. Bloodhawk brought him to the Village of the Sky to talk with Leibowitz. Once Doom had convinced them of his identity, Bloodhawk helped him search for his armor, eventually coming in contact with the local swamp tribe and Alchemax’s mercenaries. Bloodhawk lashed out at the Alchemax thugs, but was shot down, and captured with the rest of his group. While being questioned by D’Argent, the head of the Alchemax group who had become obsessed with local culture and was pumped full of drugs, Bloodhawk broke free and attacked D’Argent. But the drugs that powered him made him strong and swift, and he smashed Bloodhawk to the ground. He then decided to sacrifice Bloodhawk and his allies to the local gods in order to stop the earthquakes that were actually being caused by his drilling machines. But when another earthquake brought the temple down upon them, Bloodhawk and his friends escaped and Bloodhawk dropped an overloading plasma gun on the drilling machines, destroying them. When a giant, out of control robot threatened the Las Vegas desert and its inhabitants, Bloodhawk flew to stop it. He attempted to disable it with a static grenade, but it simply swatted him away instead. Then a woman named Jade Ryutski appeared and explained that the robot was her pet, created by her father, which she named Monstrobot. With Bloodhawk’s help, Jade dropped onto the back of the giant robot and broke into the cockpit to shut it down. Before they could dispose of the robot, a car showed up with a pair of lawyers who claimed the robot in the name of the Stark/Fujikawa company. So Jade signed over all rights to the robot, and then the gathered group watched as it launched itself into space and exploded, absolving her of all responsibility. Bloodhawk later agreed to assist the X-Men’s Krystalin and Meanstreak in breaking into the Theatre of Pain and destroy it to pay them back for torturing him. In the confusion created by the other X-Men members, the three made their way into the Floodgate, the holding center for the Theatre’s victims, and fought with Brimstone Love and the revived members of Zhao’s third incarnation of the X-Men. Bloodhawk battled Wingspan, a mutant engineered to be similar to the 20th Century’s Archangel. With the mutant Sham’s help, Bloodhawk was finally able to gain control and throw Wingspan through the window, into the amphitheater where Xi’an, as Controller X, was using Zhao’s body to orchestrate a massive broadcast of suffering. Along with the rest of the X-Men, Bloodhawk attacked Brimstone Love, but it was only when Xi’an turned on him and used the Mindfire Machine that Zhao powered, that he was defeated. Then, with Xi’an shocked back to normal, the X-Men traveled at the behest of Doom to Halo City, a refuge created to house refugees from the Theatre. Bloodhawk returned instead to his desert home. While stopping a group known as the Balazo Brothers, who were attacking refugees and families on their way to Halo City, Bloodhawk met Metalhead and his love, Rosalinda, who were coming back from the group Freakshow to raise Rosa's child in Halo City. Bloodhawk helped Metalhead and Rosa get to Halo City, and stayed there with the X-Men until the flooding of the city, and the rest of the world. Bloodhawk rushed to help the X-Men save the citizens of Halo City. Later, Vulcann and Rosa’s child, hyper-aged to adulthood, called Darkson, attacked the city along with the Atlanteans. Once Darkson had destroyed the Atlantean ship and saved the mutant refugees, Bloodhawk dropped Metalhead on Vulcann’s back, and Metalhead used the anchor from the Atlantean’s ship to drag his godson’s captor under the water, killing him. Bloodhawk and the rest of the X-Men then left Halo City by boat, heading to the last dry piece of land on the planet, the Savage Land. +This superhero's name is Bloodwraith. Their real name is Sean Dolan. An Irish orphan youth befriended by Dane Whitman (the modern day Black Knight), Sean Dolan helped Whitman, Victoria Bentley and others oppose the forces of Morgan Le Fay. Dolan assisted the Black Knight as squire thereafter. When killers’ seeking Whitman’s mystical Ebony Blade menaced Victoria, Dolan drew the blade in her defense, and its curse transformed into the demonic, murderous Bloodwraith. After slaying Bentley’s attackers, battling the Avengers, and besting the Black Knight in a duel, Bloodwraith stole Whitman’s winged steed Valinor and fled. Later, Bloodwraith killed criminal duo Flame and Foam, and fought Whitman and the mercenary Deadpool, accidentally impaling Victoria Bentley and trapping her soul within the Blade. The Blade’s bloodlust diminished somewhat as a result, and Dolan went into seclusion. When the reincarnated Morgan Le Fay sought to raise Atlantis, Bloodwraith battled Morgan and aquatic heroes Triton, Namor, and Andromeda, temporarily falling under Morgan’s influence himself. The Blade claimed the souls of Namor and Andromeda during these battles, though Namor was soon resurrected, freeing the souls of his long-lost wife Marrina from the Blade in the process. Losing the Blade during the Atlantean chaos, Dolan stole an alternative Ebony Blade (formerly wielded by Whitman’s mad alternative-reality counterpart Proctor), and was transformed into the rampaging Black Wraith. Aided by Valinor, the Avengers retrieved Dolan’s original Ebony Blade, restoring him to a more human state. Later, while Dolan was doing voluntary humanitarian work in the destroyed country Slorenia, the Blade somehow drew power from the souls of the recently slaughtered Slorenian populace, and transformed Dolan into a savage, unstoppable giant. The Avengers were unable to defeat him, and the Scarlet Witch was unable to severe Dolan’ link to the Slorenian souls; so instead, she strengthened his bond, making it impossible for Bloodwraith to leave Slorenian territory. The mad giant has been trapped in the deserted country ever since, monitored by SHIELD and the Avengers. The Black Knight and Black Panther have both wielded versions of the Ebony Blade recently. It is not yet clear whether either Blade was somehow taken from Bloodwraith, or if he still retains his sword. +This superhero's name is Blue Beetle II. Their real name is Theodore Kord. Growing up, Ted was extraordinarily bright. He was good at science, business, and everything else he tried. He considered joining his father's business, Kord Omniversal Research and Development, Inc, of Chicago, but overall, he had no real direction. When Ted's uncle made an attempt to take over the world, Ted set out to stop him, recruiting the help of his archeology teacher Dan Garrett - the first Blue Beetle, who could call on superhuman powers from an ancient scarab he had found in Bialya. In the course of the adventure, Dan was fatally wounded and asked Ted to carry on the legacy of the Blue Beetle, passing the scarab onto him. However, Ted couldn't get the scarab to work for him, and eventually set it aside, electing to go ahead without it. Ted trained himself to his physical peak, constructed an aerial vehicle affectionately nicknamed the "Bug", made himself a Blue Beetle costume, and set out to establish his own identity as a superhero, using his wit, agility, and a large number of gadgets to stop evildoers. After Ted's father lost his wife, he neglected Kord Omniversal, letting it become a shell of its former self. Ted revitalized the company, building it up until it became one of the top R&D companies in the USA, rivaling S.T.A.R. Labs. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Ted was recruited by the Monitor to help fight the Anti-Monitor's shadow-demons. Ted discovered that Dan's scarab was able to utterly destroy the shadow-demons, but was sent back when the Monitor found the scarab couldn't be used as he wished. Ted kept fighting in the Crisis, but lost hold of the scarab in the turmoil, and couldn't find it in the aftermath. The scarab resurfaced some time after the Crisis, apparently having resurrected Dan Garrett and sent him on a crazed rampage. When Ted confronted Dan and the scarab, the scarab spoke to him, telling Ted it wanted him as its new host, and offering him the use of its powers. Ted refused, and helped Dan break the scarab's control over him, shattering the scarab's physical form and letting Dan die a final death, leaving Ted to grieve for his mentor one final time. Ted's father eventually recovered enough to take back Kord Omniversal, but the company was devastated by Carapax, one of Ted's villains. Ted left to make his name in the superhero business. Ted joined the Justice League as it was being reformed in the wake of Operation Humiliation, and often served as the pilot for the League's many vehicles. As part of the JLI, Ted met and befriended Booster Gold. The two had their differences, but served together for many years and had a bond that went beyond their wisecracks and buffoonery. Ted's mouth and sense of humor often got him into trouble with other members of the League, especially the women. Behind his jokes was a sincerity of heart, the knowledge of his responsibility as the Blue Beetle, and a desire to make the world safer for all. Following his time on the League, Ted reasserted control of his business from his father, eventually making Kord Omniversal a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises. He retired from super-heroics for a short time but occasionally helped the Birds of Prey with funding and technology, becoming friends with members of the team. While working with the Birds, Ted discovered that he had a heart condition, limiting the amount of exertion he could manage without endangering his health. During Identity Crisis Ted led a team in search of Heatwave, one of the initial suspects in the murder of Sue Dibny. Soon afterwards, he came into possession of Dan Garrett's scarab, which Hawkman had rediscovered in a Middle Eastern pyramid, untouched. However, the scarab was inert, as it had been when Ted had first received it from Dan, and did not respond to him. A little while later, a shipment of Kryptonite was stolen from one of Kord Omniversal's warehouses. Ted's various friends and allies looked into it for a while, but soon returned to their own lives. If that hadn't been enough, Ted was then set upon by a gang of the Madmen. With Booster's help, Ted set out to investigate the Kryptonite theft. In so doing, he unwittingly ran up against the shadows of the impending Infinite Crisis. During the course of his investigations, he lost the scarab to the wizard Shazam, saw Booster blasted by a bolt of energy from Brother Eye, which landed Booster in hospital, and witnessed the beginning of the Rann-Thanagar War. However, Ted found that no-one else, apart from Wonder Woman, seemed willing or able to hear what he'd discovered about the theft, leaving him to go it alone. On the trail of his last remaining lead - a bug placed on him by the Madmen - Ted tracked the signal from the bug to Checkmate headquarters in Switzerland, where he discovered a series of files that held the identities, strengths and weakness' of all of Earth's heroes. There, he confronted the mastermind behind Checkmate - its Black King, and Ted's one-time friend, Maxwell Lord, who planned to kill Earth's metahumans using Brother Eye and the OMACs, making the planet safe for humanity. Seizing his opportunity when Checkmate's files were unexpectedly deleted, Ted made a break for it - but was brutally beaten by an OMAC and locked up. After being offered a chance to change sides by Max, he told Max to "rot in hell" and was shot and killed by his former ally. +This superhero's name is Blue Beetle III. Their real name is Jaime Reyes. Jaime Reyes was a relatively normal high school student from El Paso, Texas. His father ran a garage, his mother was a paramedic, and his little sister was a brat. Jaime hung out with his two best friends Brenda and Paco, the mediator between the hard-working Brenda and the laid-back Paco. By both Brenda and Paco's accounts, he was a good friend, the kind of person who could let them be themselves, and who could always make things better. Jaime aimed to help his father out at the garage, but Alberto turned him down, not wanting to see his son grow up too fast. Everything fell apart with the onset of the Infinite Crisis. Some while before, Ted Kord, the second Blue Beetle, had come into possession of the Blue Beetle Scarab, the artifact which had given Dan Garrett, the first Blue Beetle, his powers. The Scarab had been presumed destroyed early in Ted's superhero career, but it was discovered intact in a pyramid in the Middle East. Ted lost the Scarab on a visit to the Rock of Eternity, home of the wizard Shazam. Shortly afterwards, he met his death at the hands of Maxwell Lord, Black King of Checkmate. The Rock of Eternity was later destroyed in mystical battle between Shazam and the Spectre, its contents blasted across the world. The Blue Beetle Scarab came down in El Paso, fire and portent in its wake. Jaime discovered the Scarab on the way home from school with Paco and Brenda, half-buried in a disused lot. He took it home, curious as to what it might be. That night, the Scarab came alive, and grafted itself to the base of Jaime's spine, inducing strange dreams in Jaime. Booster Gold sought Jaime out, and took him to meet Batman. Booster had been to the future, where he had learned that Batman would seek out Brother Eye and fail - but he had also learned the Blue Beetle Scarab was the one thing capable of seeing Brother Eye. Jaime went into space with Batman and his team. The Scarab saw where Brother Eye was hidden, and pulled the rogue satellite back into reality. Jaime, together with Black Canary and Green Arrow, destroyed Brother Eye's dimensional stabilizer, preventing it from escaping outside reality again. Once Batman's team had sent Eye plummeting Earthwards, the Scarab shunted Jaime outside dimensions itself, seeking to escape the Green Lanterns on the spaceship. Unfortunately, the chaos of the dimensional stabilizer's destruction dilated time for Jaime. As far as he knew, he'd only been outside dimensions a couple of minutes; on Earth, however, a whole year had passed. The next thing Jaime remembered, he had come down in the desert outside El Paso, and Guy Gardner was trying to kill him. Once Guy realized he was fighting a kid, he broke off the fight, but not without promising Jaime he would be back. Jaime eventually managed to find his way back home, only to discover his year-long absence. In that time, his father had been crippled, forcing him to walk with a cane, Paco had teamed up with a magical metahuman gang called the Posse, and Brenda had been taken in by her aunt after her abusive father died in a DUI. Jaime's attempts to learn more about the Scarab led him to the Posse - and involved him in their conflict with El Paso's resident crimelord, La Dama, as she sought to bring the magical metas of El Paso under her control. Together, Jaime and the Posse launched a raid on the 'camp' where La Dama was holding her collection of magic-metas, only to find most of them were happy where they were. However, the Posse managed to convince a good half of them that they could return to their ordinary lives, promising the Blue Beetle would defend them. La Dama had no choice but to accept this, or risk facing her guests' 'objections'. Jaime and La Dama made a reluctant truce - both knew the other's secret identity, and could make it public whenever they chose. Jaime initially believed the Scarab was a mystical artifact, up until Peacemaker arrived, revealing that it was a piece of extraterrestrial technology. Jaime's search for more information took him back to where he'd crash landed in the desert, in an attempt to find out about his missing year. He then headed out on Dan Garrett's trail, looking to find out what the first Blue Beetle had known about the Scarab. However, it was Jaime's investigation into a cattle mutilation outside El Paso that would provide his biggest lead on the Scarab. His confrontation with the monstrous creation responsible led him to the Reach, the alien civilization who had created the Scarab and left it on Earth. Jaime discovered that the Reach were galactic conquerors, who planned to add Earth to their list of conquests. Initially, the Scarab had been programmed to be obedient to the Reach, and to subordinate its host's will to them as well. The Reach had intended to present the Scarab's host as Earth's protector, before moving to establish their influence over the planet. However, during the centuries the Scarab had spent on Earth, it had been infused with magic, the magical 'corruption' preventing the Reach from controlling it. With Jaime's assistance, it had started to develop free will and independence, overriding the Reach's deepest programming. Nevertheless, the Reach still intended to take over the planet, even without the Scarab to help them. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, the Reach were peaceful 'galactic traders'. Their secret bases and technology were hidden away, out of phase with the rest of the world, and Jaime was the only one who could see them. Seeing Jaime and the Scarab as the biggest threat to their plans, the Reach attempted to eliminate them through the use of deniable agents, including Earth's supervillains. Jaime, meanwhile, tried to find out what the Reach were up to, and how he could stop them. Worried that the Scarab might still be a threat, Jaime sought help from the local branch of S.T.A.R. Labs. An encounter with Livewire, who was being assessed there at the time, triggered a strange reaction in both Livewire and the Scarab, resulting in a fight. Superman put a halt to the battle, and helped to reassure Jaime about himself and the Scarab. Jaime also assisted Traci Thirteen in foiling Eclipso's attempt to kidnap a baby with great magical potential and use it as a new, uncorrupted host. During the course of the adventure, Jaime and Traci developed a romantic interest in each other, and remained in long-distance contact after Eclipso' defeat. When the Reach recruited Lobo to prevent the launch of a rocket containing anti-Reach technology, Jaime teamed up with the Teen Titans to make sure the rocket lifted off safely. Afterwards, the Titans invited Jaime to Titans Tower, so he could hang out with them, get training, and learn how to fight. Jaime took them up on the invitation - and found himself helping the Titans fight off their future incarnations, the Titans of Tomorrow. +This superhero's name is Blue Beetle (Injustice). Their real name is Jaime Reyes. Jaime Reyes is the Blue Beetle, a superhero and ally to Batman after the fall of Superman's Regime. Sometime between the fall of Superman's regime and the invasion of Brainiac, the young adult Jaime Reyes became connected to the mysterious Blue Beetle Scarab, giving him immeasurable power in the form of his Blue Beetle super suit. The new hero came into contact with Batman, attempting to clean up, who recruited him as an ally. With Batman, Blue Beetle fought for Insurgency against dangerous threats, such as Ra's al Ghul, Gorilla Grodd, Amazo, and Starro. He was trained briefly by Booster Gold after his previous mentor, Ted Kord, died. When Brainiac began his invasion of the Earth, Blue Beetle and his fellow new-hero Firestorm were assigned to protect Superman in his red sun prison from Brainiac's forces. However, Brainiac wasn't the problem they had to deal with, instead having to fend off Wonder Woman and Black Adam from freeing Superman to help save the Earth. Though the two heroes managed to fend off the attackers for awhile, they were eventually forced to concede when Batman arrived and agreed to free Superman for the good of the Earth. Now assigned to fight Brainiac's forces, Firestorm and Blue Beetle were abducted by the alien and used as telekinetic pawns by Gorilla Grodd to find the Rock of Eternity, the magical artifact the heroes planned to use to destroy Brainiac's ship. When Aquaman defeated and killed Gorilla Grodd, Blue Beetle's mind was restored, and he returned to the fight, leading to Brainiac's eventual downfall. +This superhero's name is Bolobo. Their real name is Bolobo. Bolobo was born as descendant of previous Elemental Master of Nature. He unlocked his True Potential before events of The Tournament of Elements. +This superhero's name is Bomb Queen. Their real name is . Bomb Queen was originally part of a quartet of supervillains called The Four Queens, who reigned over New Port City. When all the super-heroes in town were finally defeated or slain, the Queens turned on each other. Bomb Queen emerged as the victor, and took control over the local government. Bomb Queen founded New Port City's "No Heroes" law, (outlawing superheroes) which made the town a magnet for criminals across America. This pleased politicians in Washington, DC, due to the lowered crime rates in other states. However, the government was not happy with the self-elected leadership of Bomb Queen. Various smear campaigns having failed to dent her immense public popularity, the government turned to other options. Bomb Queen's rule over the city (and her cavalier attitude to crime) caused the city to flourish. The city coffers were overflowing with laundered money, which caused New Port City to rival Las Vegas. This also resulted in private local TV stations, Intranet, and regional cable stations being allowed to air unrated content - often of Bomb Queen herself, in pornographic movies filmed from her fortified townhouse. The restriction of the city limits kept Bomb Queen confined in her city of crime, but also present extreme danger if she were to ever leave - where the law is ready and waiting. This was illustrated in the one-shot comic, Blacklight vs. Bomb Queen (Aug. 2006). Bomb Queen, in disguise, traveled to Las Vegas in search of a weapon prototype at a gun convention and encountered the superheroine Blacklight. Bomb Queen is never seen without her black cat, Ashe. The animal has mysterious origins and is connected to the Mayans of South America. The cat's powers have saved the day in numerous situations, such as the finale of the Bomb Queen vs. Blacklight oneshot. Later on, Ashe is murdered, but in reality, Ashe is the physical manifestation of a demon whose realm nexus is New Port City, and can manipulate the rage of its citizens, notably Bomb Queen. +This superhero's name is Bookworm. Their real name is A.S. Scarlet. A.S. Scarlet is professor of English literature at Gotham Academy. +This superhero's name is Boom-Boom. Their real name is Tabitha Smith. Teenager Tabitha Smith had not gotten along with her parents for most of her life, so, when her mutant powers emerged, her parents were appalled. Resentful towards her father, Marty Smith, Tabitha put a small explosive ball of energy in his food. In retaliation, her father beat Tabitha severely. Somehow, learning there was a school for mutants in New York's Westchester County -- which was, in fact, Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, headquarters for the hero teams X-Men and New Mutants -- Tabitha ran away from home, journeying there by train and giving herself the code name Time Bomb. Near Washington, D.C., the train was wrecked, on a whim, by the cosmic entity calling itself the Beyonder. Thinking he was a mutant, Tabitha accompanied The Beyonder. The Beyonder abandoned her, but returned and took her to Professor Xavier's school. There, the X-Men and New Mutants attacked the Beyonder, who escaped, and Tabitha, frightened and bewildered by witnessing the attack, left, but was later found by the Beyonder, who brought her to a distant planet, that he called "World Complex Headquarters" of the alien Celestials. There, threatening to destroy the universe, the Beyonder fought and seemingly defeated a number of Celestials. However, that planet was not truly the Celestials' headquarters and the Celestials allowed the Beyonder to "defeat" them, presumably in order to observe him in action. Terrified, Tabitha demanded that the Beyonder transport her back to Earth and leave her and the Beyonder complied. Back on Earth, Tabitha alerted the Avengers about the Beyonder. Summoning the Beyonder, Tabitha, thereby, led him into an ambush, by the Avengers and other costumed champions, before fleeing the scene. The Beyonder, who had regarded Tabitha as his only friend, allowed the Avengers to defeat him, but then left. Making her way to Los Angeles, Tabitha, calling herself Boom-Boom, encountered the mutant criminal known as the Vanisher, who made her a member of his gang of thieves, the Fallen Angels, and taught her how to steal. Believing that the Vanisher was treating her badly, Tabitha alerted X-Factor to his presence, as she believed the group to be mutant hunters. When two members of X-Factor arrived, the Beast and Iceman, Tabitha changed her mind about turning in the Vanisher and used her "time bomb" power on the Iceman, who she began a crush on, as a prank. The Beast and Iceman pursued her and caught up to her in their costumed identities. Tabitha agreed to leave the Vanisher's gang and live at X-Factor Complex instead. Upon learning that Emma la Porte was being transferred to a New York hospital, to undergo further treatment for the severe burning he was responsible for, Rusty Collins, a fellow X-Factor trainee, cut a deal with Masque, a dangerous member of the Morlocks, where he would sacrifice his looks to Masque's whims, if Masque restored Emma's face to beauty. Boom-Boom, Skids, and Artie Maddicks aided Rusty to the hospital, where Boom-Boom destroyed a wall to escape, and they brought Emma to The Alley. Masque held his end, but when Emma learned of the deal, she insisted her looks not come at such an expense. Rusty and Skids fought Masque and he undid his morphing of both Rusty and Emma, before retreating back into the sewer tunnels. After Beast wouldn't believe her, about Cyclops talking to himself, Tabitha had set off another of her "time bombs" in the X-Factor laboratory as a prank and Beast and Iceman pursued her through the headquarters. Another member of the Fallen Angels, Ariel, used her powers to enable Tabitha to escape X-Factor headquarters, through a broom closet. After meeting Sunspot and Warlock, the group was joined by Siryn and Jamie Madrox, who Tabitha began another crush on, and teleported to the Valley of the Flame, on Dinosaur World, where they were joined by Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur. Tabitha was teamed with Gomi the majority of the time, a fact she resented. After all of the mutant's powers, temporarily, went out-of-whack, due to Chance, Ariel suggested that they all leave and teleported them to the Coconut Grove, her home planet. The inhabitants of the Coconut Grove and the leader, Unipar, captured the Fallen Angels, intending to use them as experiments to continue their evolution, but the Angels worked together to defeat them and return home. Boom-Boom returned just in time to witness The Right soldiers kidnapping the children of X-Factor. Tabitha stowed away on their transport and followed them to their hide-away, where she rescued new recruit, Rictor and recognized The Right's Commander as X-Factor's PR man, Cameron Hodge. Tabitha and Rictor were immediately recaptured, however, until X-Factor arrived and rescued them. After their defeat of Apocalypse, his Ship crash landed on their Complex and X-Factor began living on Apocalypse's sentient Ship, that had a barrier only mutants could enter, and Caliban left with Apocalypse. After the children were given Christmas gifts as donations, they decided to give them to the children who lost their homes during X-Factor's battle, a situation Boom-Boom had trouble dealing with. While sleeping, X-Factor and the kids were attacked by Ship, still under the control of Apocalypse, until Rusty freed it's consciousness and X-Factor expelled a bomb and Ship, now able to speak, asked to join them. Ship had complete control over every part of it's structure and could fashion rooms, weapons, and vehicles as needed from various storehouses and parts it had. Ship was able to design and run training programs for X-Factor, as well as make living quarters and workshop areas for them. While playing around on Ship, the students ran into Beast, who was going over old photos of X-Factor in their teens and revealed their origins, as the original X-Men and students at the School for Gifted Youngsters. After Iceman was tricked by Infectia to allow her on Ship, Beast attempted to warn Iceman, who was being seduced by her, but due to Beast's lack of intelligence, Iceman couldn't understand him and the students kept her from kissing Iceman. When the Xartans and Lord Zano, in Avengers disguise, attacked X-Factor, the children were protected by Ship, but later aided X-Factor. After finding that they were going to be sent to a private school, Marvel Girl and Iceman took the kids shopping for clothes, where they were attacked by the Alliance of Evil. After defeating the Alliance of Evil, Freedom Force showed-up and ordered Rusty and X-Factor to register, to which X-Factor accepted and Rusty turned himself into the Navy. After seeing Rusty off at a Naval base, Tabitha, Skids, and Rictor were enrolled in Phillips Academy, in Exeter, New Hampshire. After a cold reception, from the other students of the academy, the students were awaken in their dorms, by Takashi Matsuya (Wiz Kid), informing them that Artie and Leech had been kidnapped, by demons. After leaving the dorms, the students rescued Rusty from his prison and began the search for Artie and Leech. After stopping to get new outfits, Rictor suggested the name X-Terminators for the group, to honor X-Factor, and the group was attacked by demons, kidnapping Taki. Following a mental image from Artie, the X-Terminators battled an invasion of demons. After being captured by the demons, the X-Terminators were teleported to Times Square, where the New Mutant, Magik, was opening a portal to return her teammates from the demon infested dimension of Limbo and the demon N'Astirh, using ten kidnapped mutant infants, one of them being Nathan Summers, as the points of an inverted pentagram (focusing beams of power because of their purity and openness to use them as natural, living conduits who could not block the flow of power and who would not know how to shut it off), kept the portal open. After Artie and Leech freed the X-Terminators, they battled the horde of demons that flowed out of the portal and, after Cannonball rescued Rusty and Skids, joined the New Mutants in rescuing the infants being used to keep the portal open, where Tabitha was reunited with Sunspot and Warlock. Rusty suggested that the X-Terminators rescued their teammate, Taki, while the New Mutants continued to rescue the infants and disrupt the pentagram. After rescuing Taki, Tabitha joined the New Mutants as they began searching for the demonic Magik. While searching for the Darkchilde through-out the city, Tabitha and the New Mutants witnessed Magneto, the New Mutants new headmaster, and the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club meeting with N'Astirh and lost all trust in him. The New Mutants, Boom-Boom, and Rictor found Darkchilde battling the demon, S'ym, at the same time her brother, the X-Man Colossus, appeared. Colossus was shocked to see his Little Snowflake in such a state and Darkchilde was embarrassed and teleported away, taking the young heroes with her to Limbo, where she finally decided to stop running from her responsibilities as the ruler of Limbo. Unwilling to loose her friend and teammate, Wolfsbane, jumped into a teleportation disc and found the younger Illyana Rasputin and delivered her before the Darkchilde. Darkchilde emerged from her armor and began to glow of pure light, attempting to kill her younger self, but Wolfsbane stopped her, stating that saving the young Illyana would bring peace to the older Darkchilde. Darkchilde found a way to stop Inferno, although she knew it risked her no longer existing. Darkchilde opened a tremendous portal and sucked all of the remaining demons back to Limbo. Burning so bright with energy, that it hurt to look at her, the Lightchilde hurled her Soulsword into the air and the demons were gone, leaving only the charred remains of her eldritch armor. Colossus cradled the badly damaged armor and heard someone call his name from inside. Opening the armor, Colossus found Illyana had returned to her natural age of a seven year old. The X-Terminators and New Mutants returned to X-Factor's Ship, with the mutant babies and Gosamyr. Due to her actions during the demonic invasion, Tabitha was expelled from Phillips Academy and, while the New Mutants returned home and X-Factor attended funerals, the X-Terminators found an Atlantean horn and accidentally called a giant sea creature. The New Mutants returned and, with the aid of Namor the Submariner, they defeated it. After the creature's defeat, X-Factor returned and the New Mutants began to live on Ship, merging with the X-Terminators as Professor X's mansion had been destroyed. One of the new members, Sam Guthrie (Cannonball), Boom Boom began a crush with. The all-new New Mutants team returned Illyana to her home in Ust-Ordynski Collective, Siberia, with her parents. On their return home, Mirage and Brightwind, her winged horse, became ill with a mystical fever. Unaware of how to save Mirage, Ship suggested that the New Mutants go to Dr. Strange to help her. After arriving at the Sanctum Sanctorum, the New Mutants were startled to learn that Dr. Strange was apparently "dead" and they were attacked by a possessed, inflamed Mirage and Brightwind. Mirage reasserted control and Dr. Strange, disguised as "Dr. Sanders", returned all that her body had damaged to normal. While returning Mirage and Brightwind to Ship, the New Mutants were attacked by Freedom Force (government-chartered mutant enforcers composed of former members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants), believing Rusty caused all of the flames. The battle between the New Mutants and Freedom Force awoke Mirage and Brightwind and Ship suddenly warped-off into space with X-Factor. After Rusty and Skids learned that the government never returned the infants to their parents, Dr. Strange teleported the remaining New Mutants to Asgard. After arriving in Asgard, the New Mutants realized that it had been sent to the Negative Zone and Dani Moonstar left them. After being captured, by the Dwarves, the New Mutants were released and joined them, due to Cannonball's relationship with Eitri, king of the Dwarves. As a member of the New Mutants, she followed the group under the leadership of Cannonball and, later, Cable. She also remained with the group as Cable transformed it into X-Force. During this time, she became enamored with Cannonball and the two developed a romantic relationship. During her time with X-Force, Tabitha underwent a series of progressive changes in attitude, growing more and more serious as her role as a costumed hero. For a short time at the beginning of her tenure, she called herself Boomer. Later, she changed her code name to Meltdown to better match her more drastic changes in looks and attitude. Eventually, Tabitha was forced to confront her past and deal with the broken relationships of her family. When Cannonball was asked to leave X-Force and join the X-Men, Tabitha reluctantly let him go, knowing their relationship would end. She continued to adventure alongside X-Force, and briefly became enamored of her teammate Sunspot. However, when Cannonball returned to the team months later, the two resumed their relationship. X-Force later agreed to be led by the British ex-government agent Pete Wisdom, who once again turned the team into an underground paramilitary force, at one point faking their own death in order to operate more clandestinely. After one adventure, X-Force survived being in the center of a Vibranium bomb explosion. The team decided to let the world believe them dead and to use this status to secretly infiltrate and destroy anti-mutant organizations around the world. After half a year of this hit-and-run strategy, they learned of a great underground complex where Wisdom's sister Romany was infecting people with alien DNA to alter the human race. In the final battle, X-Force destroyed the alien complex and was believed dead. Tabitha and X-Force reappeared at a press conference of a new team calling itself X-Force, challenging the team (now, X-Statix) in dispute for their name. During the battle, Tabitha was teleported by X-Statix' U-Go Girl, left high into the air above a busy freeway. As for X-Force, the heroes were ultimately forced to retreat and presumably disbanded shortly afterward. When Cable discovered hints to the existence of a revamped Weapon X program, one designed to use mutants to hunt down and intern other mutants, Cable created an organization to investigate the program and the existence of its internment camp, Neverland. He dubbed the organization the Underground, and invited Meltdown to join his elite group. Ultimately, Cable's Underground group was joined by Weapon X agent Brent Jackson, who hoped to stage a coup against the Director and had formed his own resistance group with fellow agents -- Washout, Marrow, Wild Child, and Sauron. With Washout's help and sacrifice, the Underground was able to infiltrate the Weapon X complex, ousting the Director and nearly crippling the program. However, before the final defeat, agent Jackson betrayed the Underground, turning Cable's psychic powers against his allies. Jackson captured the Underground members and altered their memories to erase everything they saw and learned about the program. Even so, Cable and the Underground escaped, aided by Weapon X's Marrow, and believed the program to be nothing more than a military cover story. Tabitha Nxt 002 Tabitha Smith in Nextwave Shortly afterwards, Tabitha grew her hair long and eschewed her codename, re-appearing as a founding member of Nextwave. The Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort, or H.A.T.E. (a subsidiary of the Beyond Corporation©) formed the team. Tabitha Smith's new team included Monica Rambeau (formerly Captain Marvel, the leader of the Avengers), Elsa Bloodstone, Aaron Stack and The Captain. Tabitha stole the Marketingplan air craft from H.A.T.E after discovers through theft that a former terrorist cell called S.I.L.E.N.T. morphed into the Beyond Corporation©. They found the corporation’s marketing plan, which involved using H.A.T.E. and their own resources to product-test unusual WMDs on the American public. The biological weapon was revealed to be Fin Fang Foom, a giant lizard which clambered from underground and proceeded to wreck the building site. After putting an end to the threat of Fin Fang Foom in Abcess, North Dakota, Nextwave moved on to Illinois. Tabitha managed to subdue Mac Mangel, a corrupt police officer who had been taken as a host by the Ultra Samurai Seed, with a time bomb. The Ultra Samurai metallic shell disintegrated, leaving Mangel crushed on the ground. Upon learning that he was a police officer, Tabitha and Aaron began to beat Mangel before Rambeau intervened. The team were later attacked by 'The New Paramounts', a team consisting of Not Brand Echh characters including Forbush Man, The Inedible Bulk and Charlie America. Forbush Man attempted to use his mind control powers on Tabitha, but was shocked to find they didn't work on her as she apparently had no mind. Tabitha subsequently killed Forbush Man, saving her teammates. Tabitha relocated with the rest of the X-men to San Francisco. On a shopping spree, she encountered Nuwa wreaking havoc on the local shopping scene. After researching Nuwa's weakness, Tabitha defeated her new enemy. Later abducted by anti-mutant extremists, the Sapien League, alongside Surge and Hellion. Tabitha was held hostage by their leader, the Leper Queen when the mutant strike force X-Force invaded her headquarters looking for the lost mutants. When X-Force were forcibly transported into the future by Cyclops, the Leper Queen, angry at not being killed by the team, shot Tabitha in the head. Arriving just prior to the shot, X-23 managed to prevent Tabitha's death by shooting the Leper Queen. Some time following the conflict between the Avengers against the X-Men, after which Utopia was abandoned, Boom-Boom formed part of the Utopians, a group of mutants that started inhabiting the ruins of the island. The X-Men were reached out by S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate the island after a recon team went missing. The X-Men teleported to the island, and initially engaged the Utopias. After talking it out and discovering the Utopians wanted nothing but to be safe and undisturbed, the X-Men offered them a place at the New Charles Xavier School, which they gladly accepted. +This superhero's name is Booster Gold. Their real name is Michael Jon Carter. Using the technology he stole from the 25th century, Michael became the superhero Booster Gold, saving the life of the President of the United States on his first adventure. This act rewarded him with instant fame, which he cashed in on, becoming quite wealthy. Unfortunately, Booster's manager stole a large amount of his money, leaving him with only a little. Michael Jon Carter and his sister Michelle Carter where born as twins to a loving mother and a irresponsible father in Gotham City in the 25th century. On their 4th birthday, their father left the household to pursue his true love, gambling, leaving a huge gambling debt behind for the struggling family. Michael became a football player in college, hoping that he would make it into the big leagues, when his mother was suffering from a debilitating disease that required a treatment that his family could not afford. Turning to the same vice as his father, Michael made bets and purposely threw games in order to earn enough money for the treatment. After his mother was cured, Michael was arrested and put in jail for gambling, instantly breaking his mother's heart. After he was set free from jail, Michael managed to get a job as a security officer for the Metropolis Space Museum, where he saw images of superheroes from the 20th century that were legends in his time. Deciding to change his life and become a superhero himself, Michael stole some artifacts from the museum as well as the security robot Skeets and used Rip Hunter's time machine to travel back to the late 20th Century. It was there that he made his public debut, saving the life of the President of the United States from the Chiller as the new superhero Goldstar. Nervous, Michael misspoke on live television and got stuck with the name Booster Gold instead. Michael hired an agent, Dirk Davis and started Goldstar, Inc. in Metropolis, with Trixie Collins as their secretary. Booster Gold was on his way to becoming rich and famous, not knowing that he had made an enemy out of The 1000. He eventually fought their leader, the Director. Booster Gold was a main player in the revamped Justice League International, run by Maxwell Lord, during the late 1980's. Booster teamed up with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, who quickly became a good friend, together causing some major trouble for the League, and drawing them into some of their funnier adventures, including setting up a casino on a living island. Frustrated at the lack of respect he received from his teammates, Booster quit the JLI and formed The Conglomerate, though he would later return to the League's ranks. During the battle with Doomsday (a name that Booster coined to describe the monster who would eventually kill Superman), his suit was destroyed, leaving him no longer able to function as a superhero. Ted came to the rescue and built him a new suit, although it was much bulkier and tended to malfunction. During a battle with the Overmaster, Booster was mortally wounded, losing his suit and his right arm. Ted built Booster another suit, which also served as a life-support system and included a cybernetic arm. This incarnation of the Justice League eventually fell apart and Booster Gold joined with Extreme Justice. It was during his time with this team that Booster made a deal with Monarch, who restored his arm and health. Another new costume was constructed, this time in part from Skeets, bringing Booster back to his former power level. After the death of Sue Dibny, Booster, becoming disillusioned with his fellow heroes, gave up the Booster Gold identity and returned to normal civilian life. This did not last long, as he teamed up with his friend Ted to find who was manipulating Kord Industries, an investigation that led to Ted's death and Booster's temporary hospitalization. During the following crisis, Booster brought together former team members of his version of the Justice League to help find the killers. After this group encountered a trio of O.M.A.C.s, which resulted in the death of Rocket Red IV and the hospitalization of Fire, as well as the destruction of the power source of Booster's suit, Booster left the group, claiming that he was going "home." Soon thereafter, however, Booster reappeared, with a once-more functioning suit as well as Skeets, who had been previously destroyed, seeking the Blue Beetle Scarab. He found it fused to the spine of teenager Jaime Reyes, whom he promptly brought to the Batcave to aid in Batman's mission to find and destroy Brother Eye. After Superman lost his powers fighting Superboy-Prime, Booster attempted to fill the void he had left in Metropolis. Signing many lucrative sponsorship contracts, he used Skeets' knowledge of the future to be in exactly the right place at the right time to perform heroic deeds. He also, on at least one occasion, hired an actor to pose as a supervillain and subsequently "defeated" him. The actor later came forward, however, and Booster's credibility was immediately lost. When a ballostro brought a nuclear submarine into the middle of Metropolis, Booster tried to reclaim his lost glory by defeating the beast. However, he had no luck until Supernova arrived to teleport the creature away. The submarine had been damaged, and was in immediate danger of setting off a nuclear explosion in the middle of the city. Booster managed to lift the vessel in his forcefield and fly it out of harm's way. However, he was seemingly killed in the blast. It was later revealed that Booster had conspired with Rip Hunter and used his time-traveling capabilities to fake his own death. The Booster skeleton found at the blast-site was actually his dessicated remains from his death at some point in the future. Aware that his longtime robotic ally, Skeets, had apparently turned traitor, Booster secretly adopted the heroic identity of Supernova and traveled backwards in time to a point prior to his apparent "death" in order to ferret out the cause of Skeets' malfunction. First appearing as Supernova eight weeks after the defeat of Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, Booster used the identity to form various good deeds without the stigma attached to the Booster Gold identity, as well as collect weaponry for Rip Hunter. While the Daily Star was the first to name the new hero "Supernova," Clark Kent won the exclusive first interview for the Daily Planet by jumping out the window of the office of Perry White. While battling Skeets, Supernova revealed himself as Booster Gold. While Booster returned to the Booster Gold identity, Rip passed along the mantle of Supernova to Booster's 21st century ancestor, Daniel Carter. Following the final, Multiverse-saving fight against Mr. Mind, the villain who had taken over Skeets, Booster left Rip's employ and had Skeets repaired by Will Magnus. He also arranged to live with Daniel in exchange for letting Daniel keep the Supernova suit. Eight weeks after defeating Mr. Mind, Booster seeks out acceptance into the Justice League. However, Rip Hunter has other plans and attempts to recruit Booster to aid him in repairing the time stream. However, this would require Booster to sacrifice his reputation, so Booster refuses. But when his certificate electing him into the Justice League turns into Hal Jordan's death certificate, Booster realizes what's really important. He drops his certificate and tells the League that he was only petitioning for membership so he could brag about turning them down. Booster returned to Rip's lab and agreed to work for him on one condition: that Rip will allow him to change history to save some people important to him, starting with "the best friend [he] ever had." Though Booster and Rip manage to rescue Ted Kord, it is later revealed that with out the death of Ted Kord, Max Lord accomplishes his early plan in killing many of the DCU's heroes. Ted Kord then decides to sacrifice himself and returns to the time were he is killed by Maxwell Lord, in order to save the heroes of Earth. But Booster was not left alone, as Rip Hunter surprises Booster by rescuing Booster's sister Michelle right before she died in one of Booster Gold's early adventures. It is later revealed that Booster is in fact Rip Hunter's father. Booster is unaware of this, and Rip Hunter hasn't told him. +This superhero's name is Bor Burison. Their real name is Bor Burison. Bor was among the gods that created the universe. He and his wife, Bestla, had a son and called him Odin. Bor taught his son to fight, think, rule and serve, but most importantly, Bor taught Odin how to defend the dreams of his father. What Bor should have educated Odin in is what it meant to have dreams of his own, for when Odin did dream, he dreamt about Earth. He wanted to make a legacy for himself there, so Odin created man. Bor was not pleased with his son's decision, and he unleashed every punishment upon the mortal plane within his power to bring. One fateful day, during a great war between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants, Odin would have his chance to continue his plans for mankind. Bor was among those fighting but left the main battle to pursue a fleeing giant. Bor stumbled into a trap set for him by a powerful sorcerer who turned Bor into snow. Odin came upon his father as the wind was pulling Bor's form apart, but before he was completely gone, Bor asked his son to find a sorcerer strong enough to restore him. He told Odin his spirit would rest in the snow until he was recalled. Odin told the other Asgardians his father had perished and was proclaimed king the same day. Each winter, Odin could swear he would hear the voice of his father calling to him, but more and more Odin would ignore the voice until he could no longer hear it. Much later, it was revealed an adult Lokiwas the powerful sorcerer who set the trap for Bor. He, aided by the death goddess, Hela, traveled into the past and instigated the battle between the age-old enemies merely so he could be rid of Bor and ensure his place among the royal family of Asgard. Upon his return to the wintry present, Loki used his magic to restore Bor from the snow. However, he also placed a spell on Bor to alter his perception of the world around him. Humans looked like demons. Vehicles appeared to be giant monsters. Confused by his surroundings and distraught by the realization his son was no more, Bor wasted no time in demolishing everything around him he contributed to Odin's death. Jane Foster sent out a call to Donald Blake informing him of the seriousness of the situation, and soon Thor arrived to quell the disaster. Bor had never met his grandson, but it wouldn't have mattered for Loki's enchantment extended to Thor's appearance as well. Bor could sense Odin's power within the form of the demon before him, and he assumed this was the monster responsible for killing his son. Bor would soon have his revenge. Striking with a fury only Bor could possess, Thor would have been killed if not for the Odinforce within his body. Thor tried to reason with Bor, but Loki made sure the two could not communicate verbally either. Thor sensed something was wrong and did not want to kill a fellow Asgardian, so he called for help from the Avengers. Unfortunately for him, it was the new team of Avengers led by the Iron Patriot who answered the call. The Patriot ordered his team to take both combatants down, but none could withstand the combined might of Bor and Thor. Bor didn't want to be overwhelmed by superior numbers so he called upon forces potent enough to tear the very world apart. Thor knew if he was to avert this tragedy, he would have to kill his foe. Bor and Thor squared off one final time and charged each other – each one out for blood. The winner was Thor, but a high price was to be paid. Balder wanted to get to Thor to tell him who he was fighting and to end the battle, but he showed up too late to stop Thor from killing the first King of Asgard. Even as Bor lay dying in the arms of his grandson, he went to Valhalla thinking his body was still in the hands of the enemy. Loki reminded Balder to kill a member of the royal family was punishable by banishment from Asgard forever. Balder had no choice but to uphold the rules of his people, and Thor was cast out. Thor said nothing in his defense except to imply he knew who was behind the fiendish plot, and on the day he would have words with this person – "thunder and fire and darkness shall follow after." +This superhero's name is Box III. Their real name is Dr. Walter Langowski. Walter grew up in British Columbia. He went to Penn State University on a football scholarship, earning a degree in physics. Walter met Bruce Banner while he was a freshman. Although they only worked with each other for one semester, Langowski decided to focus on gamma radiation research. He played a few years for the Green Bay Packers, becoming very wealthy. He then continued his graduate studies at MIT. He was appointed to McGill University in Montreal. He studied all he could on the Hulk after learning that he was a transformed Banner. Guardian provided addtional funding for a research facility at the Artic Circle.While on leave from the university, Dr. Langowski began working on a gamma radiation experiment that could create a being like the Hulk, only under more controlled circumstances. Being bombarded by massive amounts of gamma radiation, Walter turned into a huge creature. He then went on a rampage until being found unconscious by Snowbird. Shaman and Snowbird helped Walter learn how to keep his personality and intelligence in his bestial form. He called himself Sasquatch noting the resemblance to the creature also called Bigfoot. After training in the Gamma and Beta Flight programs, he was accepted into Alpha Flight. He continued to research and teach at Simon Fraser University when not adventuring. Aurora became his lover and he assisted her with her powers. He assumed the closeness to the aurora borealis was why he was not green like the Hulk and other gamma-powered beings.However, the experiment had instead opened a portal to the Realm of Great Beasts rather than empower Langowki. He was linked to the beast known as Tanaraq. The more he transformed, the more Tanaraq was beginning to overtake him, especially when he grew angry or felt pain. Snowbirdwas forced to transform herself into a similar form and ripped the beast's heart out, killing him. Alpha Flight travelled to the Realm of Great Beasts to reclaim his spirit, Shaman sending it into the Box robot. Walter and Bochs immediately began to search for a new body. Walter refused to enter the temporarily mindless Hulk and seemed to disappear. But he instead went into the body of Smart Alec, who had been thrown into Shaman's pouch. When Songbird appeared to die in her Sasquatch form, Walter entered the body. Transforming back left him in a female body. Now going by Wanda, this new state was awkward for Langowski, especially when it came to working with Aurora. He and Snowbird were able to revert to their normal selves. Later on he and Shaman found the missing Guardian. Department H also once captured an actual sasquatch and forced it to serve the team, assuming it was Langowski with amnesia. He continues to serve the team, and currently leads it. +This superhero's name is Box IV. Their real name is Madison Jeffries. Much of Madison's past is unknown. He and his brother served in the US army during Vietnam. Madison worked as a mechanic, Lionel as a medic. While Madison had been uncomfortable with his powers, Lionel seemed to relish using his. Their unit was heavily damaged after a mission and Lionel seemed to go insane. He used his powers on the dead and wounded with horrific results. Madison had to use his powers to restrain his brother and had him committed.Madison was apparently recruited by Guardian and was part of the Gamma Flight training group. He became romantically involved with Diamond Lil, also part of Gamma Flight. Madison's first major action was to dismantle Courtney Delphine when Omega Flight attacked Alpha Flight. Madison worked on a new version of the Box robot with Roger Bochs. He was able to find or make a special type of living metal that allowed the operator to merge into the armor rather than control it via remote. Bochs and Jeffries then both officially joined Alpha Flight. When Bochs started to go insane, Madison took possession of the Box robot. With his powers he could form weapons and devices to augment it as needed.While James Hudson was presumed dead, Madison and Heather became close, and even became engaged. However, he continued to secretly see Lillian and eventually realized that he loved her and not Heather. He also helped James Hudson when he was captured by Roxxon.Heather began looking into Madison's past and discovered his brother Lionel in a mental ward. Madison knew his brother was a danger and tried to stop her. Calling himself Scramble, Lionel escaped and set up a 'clinic' where he would work on others, claiming he could fix any ailment. Bochs was one of the ones who showed up, wanting legs. The two then merged into Omega, wanting to use their combined powers. Although Persuasion was able to briefly separate the two, Scramble lobotomized Bochs and reformed Omega. Madison felt that his brother could never be rehabilitated, so he formed a large cannon and destroyed Omega.He and Diamond Lil retired and married. Lillian attempted to keep him from using the Boxbot. Madison finally admitted he was becoming addicted to using it, as well as being an adventurer.He still rejoined Alpha Flight after it was reinstated by Department H, although his wife asked him not to. However, she was able to convince him not to use Box unless it was absolutely necessary. On a mission with the team, Jeffries was knocked out battling the Zodiac. They brainwashed him into being Gemini and had him create a robot duplicate to control. Despite Puck finding and unmasking him, he seemed to still think Alpha Flight were his enemies.Jeffries was then taken by Weapon X. He was manipulated to think that Director Colcord is his ally and not to question what the intended use of his projects are for. He is working on a new generation of Sentinels as well as using Box robots to keep the Neverland prisoners in line. He may not even realize that his wife Diamond Lil is one of the detainees in the camp. With Neverland now being abandoned, Madison and his prototypes accompany Colcord. +This superhero's name is Brainiac 5 (CW). Their real name is Querl Dox. Querl Dox, also known as Brainiac 5, is a Coluan and a member of The Legion. A 12th-level intellect, Brainiac 5 is an incredible scientist and combat strategist, affectionately nicknamed "Brainy" by the other legionnaires. He also goes by the name Barney when operating among humans. While organizing a pro-alien rally, he used the screen name American Alien. Querl was born in the 31st century on the planet Colu into the so-called "Brainiac clan". He is implied to have had a strained relationship with his mother. A genius with a 12th-level intellect, the highest ever recorded on the planet, Querl was inspired by the superheroism of the 21st century and Supergirl's ideals, as well as the story and legend about her. At some point in his life, he joined the Legion, a group of superheroes founded and led by the time-displaced Daxamite Mon-El. While on a mission, Querl, Mon-El, Imra Ardeen and three other unidentified legionnaires hit a wormhole, and were transported 12,000 years into the past. They decided to put themselves into cryo-sleep until the 31st century, but Mon-El and Imra were awakened early when a torpedo hit their ship in 2017 and they later decided to awaken Brainiac 5 to help Kara after she lost her first fight against Reign. +This superhero's name is Brainiac 5. Their real name is Querl Dox. Brainiac 5 is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes who has a tendency to put plans into motion without consulting the Legion's leader, Cosmic Boy. Brainy's greatest pleasure is reminding the other Legionnaires of the fact that he is considered a prodigy in a world of superminds, at every turn. Brainy has also invented the flight ring technology. Querl has at different times been making attempts to usurp the Legion leadership from Cosmic Boy. Dream Girl once stated that they would wed some day in the future. That made him become infatuated with her. When she was crushed to death by Elysion, Brainy placed her body in stasis, hoping that he one day will find a way to resurrect her. She has since then appeared in Brainy's dreams. +This superhero's name is Brainiac. Their real name is Vril Dox. First appearing in Action Comics #242 (July 1958), Brainiac was a bald, green-skinned humanoid, who arrived on Earth and shrunk various cities, including Metropolis, storing them in bottles with the intent of using them to restore the (unnamed) world he ruled. He was accompanied by a "space monkey" named Koko. While fighting Brainiac, Superman discovered the villain had previously shrunk the Kryptonian city of Kandor. He was able to restore the Earth cities to full size, but the Kandorians sacrificed their restoration to help him. Superman stored the city in his Fortress of Solitude, vowing to return the natives to full size. Brainiac's legacy was revealed in Action Comics #276, in a Legion of Super-Heroes back up story. This introduced the green-skinned, blond-haired teenager Querl Dox, or Brainiac 5, who believed himself to be Brainiac's 30th century descendant. Unlike his apparent ancestor, Brainiac 5 used his "twelfth level intellect" for good, and joined the Legion alongside Supergirl, with whom he fell in love. His home planet was given variously as Yod or Colu. In Superman #167 (Feb 1964) it was discovered that Brainiac was a machine, created by the "Computer Tyrants of Colu" as a spy. To increase the illusion that he was alive, he was given a "son", a young Coluan boy who was given the name Brainiac 2, but escaped. This was Brainiac 5's ancestor. It was later revealed that his name was Vril Dox, and that he went on to lead the revolt against the Computer Tyrants. It was in this story that Brainiac first appeared with a distinctive gridwork of red diodes across his head, later explained as the "electric terminals of his sensory nerves". This would remain his appearance until Action Comics #544 (June 1983), in which he was forced to create a new body, a metallic skeleton with a green, honeycomb-patterned "braincase". He retained his appearance until the Crisis on Infinite Earths. In the Post-Crisis DC Universe, Brainiac's history was dramatically altered. Vril Dox was now a radical Coluan scientist who, having attempted to overthrow the Computer Tyrants, was sentenced to death. In his last moments, his consciousness was attracted to Earthly sideshow mentalist Milton Fine, who worked under the alias "Brainiac". Needing cranial fluid to maintain his possession of Fine, Dox went on a murder spree. He discovered Fine had genuine psychic powers, which he frequently used on Superman. This version of Brainiac made his first appearance in Adventures of Superman #438 (March 1988). Brainiac was later captured by Lex Luthor, but used his powers to wrest control of Lexcorp away from him. Under his mental domination, Lexcorp scientists restored his Coluan form. The diodes in his head now increased and stabilised his mental powers, as well as allowing him direct access to computer banks. He continued to plague Superman, using a combination of mental powers and computer control. On one occasion he even returned to his pre-Crisis incarnation's city-shrinking tactics. In the crossover story Invasion! it was revealed that, prior to his dispersion, the Computer Tyrants had allowed Vril Dox to clone a lab assistant. This was Vril Dox II, who would go on to form L.E.G.I.O.N., and (although he never uses the name) is the post-Crisis version of Brainiac 2. To confuse things further, following the loss of Milton Fine's body, Vril Dox would place his consciousness in a robot body he called Brainiac 2.5. He became briefly obsessed with gaining Superman's form. At the turn of the millennium, Brainiac revealed he had placed a sleeper virus in Lexcorp's Y2K bug safeguards. This was intended to dramatically boost his abilities. Instead it allowed Brainiac 13 to arrive from the 64th century. B-13 began transforming Metropolis into the 64th century version of the city, which, apparently, he controlled. When it became apparent he was to be defeated by the combined efforts of Luthor, Superman and his own past self (now possessing Luthor's infant daughter), he gave control of the city to Luthor in exchange for Lena/Brainiac 2.5, who he forced to help him escape. He returned to Earth during the Our Worlds At War crossover, in which Earth and its allies fought a multifront war against Brainiac 13 and Imperiex. Brainiac 13 claimed to be allying himself to Earth, but this proved to be part of a complex plan to regain control. His chief aide was "Leniac", a green-skinned teenager with "control discs" on her forehead, suggesting the diodes of earlier Brainiacs (and identical to the forehead discs of the "upgraded" Brainiac 5.1, in the Legion, and the Animated Series version of the original Brainiac). At the end of the war Brainiac 13 and Imperiex were both sent back in time, becoming part of the Big Bang, and Brainiac 2.5 was expunged from Lena, who reverted to infancy, although the discs remained. In Superman #200 (Feb 2004), Superman travelled into the future and battled Brainiac 12, learning that everything Brainiac 13 had done in the past had been designed to ensure things reached the point where Brainiac 13 would be created. B-12's defeat before his upgrade apparently reversed the advances B-13 had made to Metropolis. +This superhero's name is Brickster. Their real name is Unknown. Imagine all the bricks in a house coming to life and starting to roll around looking for stuff to break and havoc to wreck. Bricksters have been caught in the structures of houses, pillars and bridges for years. Now they are free and they are having the time of their lives. They don’t ever want to stay still for even a single moment again, so they roam, roll, bounce, jump and jitter with all they’ve got. Their favorite attack is getting together in a great bunch and then piling up on they enemy until they disappear in a big block of rock. +This superhero's name is Brother Voodoo. Their real name is Jericho Drumm. Jericho returned to his native Haiti after twelve years of education and practice in America. His brother Daniel had become the local houngan, but was dying from the spell of a rival bokor that claimed he served the evil serpent god Damballah. Before he died, Daniel made his brother vow to visit Papa Jambo, who had instructed Daniel in the arts of a houngan. In a few weeks Jericho had reached a proficieny in voodoo even greater than his brother's. To further increase his power, Papa Jambo performed a rite that summoned Daniel Drumm's spirit back from the dead and joined it with Jericho's own. With a worthy successor, Papa Jambo died. Calling himself Brother Voodoo, Jericho defeated Damballah's cult and has proven himself the supreme houngan of Haiti. +This superhero's name is Bruce Banner (Wild West). Their real name is Bruce Banner. Bruce Banner was a mild-mannered apothecary when he joined the Avengers to end the corruption brought about by Roxxon and Mayor Fisk. +This superhero's name is Brundlefly. Their real name is Seth Brundle. Seth Brundle undergoes eight specific stages in his horrific metamorphosis into Brundlefly. At first just after Seth Brundle merges with the housefly, he appears as a completely normal human. Gradually he begins to develop lesions on his body that sprout large thick insect-like hairs, as well as boil-like growths on his face. Brundle's teeth and fingernails also begin to fall out in this stage. In the third stage, Brundle's face begins to show noticeable reddish discoloration and grotesque bumps and creases. In the fourth stage, Brundle displays more prevalent facial deformities and his hair begins to fall out. A strange herniated growth appears on his side in this stage. In the fifth stage which appears only in a deleted scene, Brundle can no longer wear clothes and his body is becoming an infected-looking mess of deteriorated flesh and growths, while a fly limb emerges from the growth on his side. In the sixth stage, Brundle's head has become misshapen and almost all of his hair is gone. His body has also deteriorated even further, as he walks with a hunch and his some of his fingers appear to be partially fused. In the seventh stage, Brundle completely sheds his deteriorating human skin and becomes Brundlefly. Brundlefly maintains the bipedal stance, relative limb shape and placement, and number of eyes of a human, but possesses an fly-like head and appendages and what appears to be a vestigial fly limb sprouting from its back. In the eighth and final stage, Brundlefly merges with a telepod and has a large hunk of metal embedded in its back, with its entire lower body replaced with a mess of wires and metal. +This superhero's name is Bryan Mills. Their real name is . Government service It is revealed in the third film at 21, Bryan joined the United States Army, then at 23, he joined the Army Special Forces, which is an unusually young age for Army SOF. He then joined the CIA and worked as a "preventer" as he called it. His actual position in the CIA was a Paramilitary officer. Divorced Due to the strain on his marriage due to him being away so often, Lenore eventually divorced Bryan, separating him from their daughter, Kim. Lenore later remarried a man named Stuart St. John. Retirement After the strain that his career put on his family life, Bryan decided that he missed his family more than his career, so he retired. Birthday tragedy In 2008, after looking at a karaoke machine to purchase for Kim's birthday multiple times, Bryan finally purchased it. After taking it home and wrapping it, he took it to Kim at her birthday party and ignoring Lenore's wishes for Kim to open it at a later time during the party, asking Kim to open it. Wanting to be a singer without her mother's knowledge, she shared her joy for the gift quietly with Bryan. However, soon after, Kim's stepfather Stuart brought his gift to Kim, a horse. Kim placed Bryan's gift on the ground and ran to the horse, her preferred gift. Bryan shared his disappointment with Lenore, who reminded Bryan that Kim isn't a little girl anymore. Bryan left the party soon after. He then does a brief bodyguarding job with three old CIA friends and saves pop singer Sheerah from an attacker. Having earlier rebuffed Brian's request to help Kim's ambition to sing professionally a grateful Sheerah gives him a card with her and her voice coach's numbers offering to help. Kim's Trip to France After finally achieving permission from Bryan, Kim is driven to the airport by Bryan. When he unloads her bags he discovers that she is not planning on staying in just Paris. She has a map that notes the tour dates and locations of the band U2. He confronts Lenore with this who says that if he knew about it he wouldn't let her go. He concedes and doesn't mention it to Kim. Upon Kim arriving in France with her friend Amanda, they meet a young French man who goes by the name Peter. He takes a photo of them and invites them to share a taxi with them. Kim forgets to call Bryan which is one of their conditions in Bryan allowing her to go. Kim's abduction Peter is, in fact, a spotter for an Albanian human trafficking ring. He makes a call in French after Kim and Amanda move into their apartment. Kim notices her phone ringing and answers it. Due to Amanda's loud music, she goes to a bathroom on the other side of the apartment, opposite the room Amanda's in. Whilst speaking with Bryan she sees men enter her apartment and take Amanda. She tells Bryan who instructs her to move into the next room and hide under the bed. He instructs her that the men are going to take her and that when they do to shout out everything she can see. She is dragged screaming from under the bed and does as Bryan instructs. She drops her phone and it is picked up by one of the kidnappers. Bryan begins talking to them and tells them "I don't know who you are. I don't what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you, I don't have money. But what I do have, are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you. I will find you. And I will kill you." To which the kidnapper overconfidently answers "Good luck" and then crushes the phone. Bryan immediately goes to Lenore's house and on the way he sends the recording of the abduction to a friend and CIA analyst called Sam. Whilst at Lenore's house he instructs her husband Stewart to get him a plane to Paris. When he is going through Kim's belongings, Sam calls back and tells Bryan that the group that kidnapped Kim specializes in human trafficking. He further instructs Bryan that he will have 96 hours to find Kim before he loses her. Rescuing Kim Upon arriving in France he goes to Amanda's apartment and looks for clues as to who took the two girls. He finds Kim's smashed phone and is able to take a memory card out that contains images. Bryan uses a public photo viewing booth to go through the photos. He finds a photo that has a reflection of Peter on it. Bryan prints it out and heads to the airport. He quickly finds Peter and shoves him into a taxi. He punches him just below the ribs twice and asks him about the girls. Bryan is then pulled out of the car by Peter's spotting partner but after a short fight, Bryan dispatches the man. He then proceeds to drive the taxi and chase down Peter who is running up a freeway ramp. Bryan gets out of the car and chases Peter on foot who then jumps onto a semi-trailer below the freeway. Walking onto the road Peter is then hit by an oncoming truck and killed. With that lead now dead Bryan goes to a former colleague in French security by the name of Jean-Claude Pitrel. Pitrel tells Bryan he can't tear down Paris. Bryan simply asks him where to find members of the group. Pitrel tells him. Bryan hires an Albanian translator as well as a car. He provokes a pimp to manhandle him so he can place a surveillance bug on him. Using the Albanian translator he is able to determine where his daughter was likely being kept. He asks the translator to get out and keeps a translation dictionary for future use. Bryan goes to a construction site where there is a brothel containing kidnapped women. On walking through the brothel Bryan sees a jacket that belongs to Kim. He asks the woman in possession of the jacket where she got it from but due to her drug-induced intoxication she can't answer coherently. Bryan is grabbed by a member of the gang but quickly breaks his neck. Another man comes at him and Bryan kills him. One man draws a gun but he is disarmed and then killed. Another enters the room and fires an automatic weapon which kills one of the girls but is shot by the now armed Bryan. Bryan grabs the girl and the jacket and puts them into a nearby Jeep. He proceeds to be chased by members of the gang in three separate vehicles, but all are destroyed and killed. Bryan drives to a hostel that is owned by an old friend and administers an IV to the girl in order to counteract the drugs. The girl, when she wakes up, tells Bryan where she saw Kim. Bryan goes to the house and talks his way past the two doormen, using a fake police ID. He proceeds to ask for "Marko from Tropojë" to which all the men answer they are that person. Unable to identify his daughter's kidnapper he decides to discuss how much the men will pay him to keep the police away from their operations. After negotiating the rate Bryan proceeds to ask one of them for a translation. On hearing one of the men answering in the same voice that he heard on the phone, he knocks the man unconscious, stabs the man next to him, kicks the man behind him, grabs a weapon and shoots the man at the other end of the room as well as the man he kicked. He then lies under one of the dead bodies as three more men enter the room. He raises his gun and kills all three. He proceeds through the house and kills the rest of the men inside, leaving who he now knows as Marko, unconscious on the ground. He goes through the house and clears each room. In one of the rooms, he finds Amanda who has had an overdose and is now dead. He straps Marko to a chair and connects him to the electricity through iron rods slammed into his legs. Marko twice refuses to give Bryan any information and promptly has electricity pumped through him. After the second one, Marko gives Bryan the name of a businessman who has Kim. Bryan then fulfills his threat of killing Marko by turning the electricity on and leaving it on. Bryan then heads to Pitrel's house in order to find where the businessman Patrice Saint-Clair is. Pitrel at firsts makes conversation with Bryan. Bryan then reveals he knows that Pitrel is corrupt. Pitrel draws his gun and tells Bryan he is going to take him to the airport. Bryan reveals that Pitrel's gun is empty by throwing the bullets at him. Bryan draws his own gun and shoots Pitrel's wife in the arm and threatens to kill her if Pitrel doesn't help him. Pitrel obliges and gives him what he wants, Bryan then knocks him unconscious. Bryan goes to Saint-Clair's party and again talks his way in using his fake ID. He proceeds to attempt to get into an auction and kills the man operating the lift. He proceeds down to the auction where he takes the place of one of the waiters. He kills one of the assistants by slamming a silver platter into his throat. He moves into the room of one of the bidders and acts as a waiter in order to watch the auction. He sees Kim and draws his gun, forcing the man to buy her. He then orders the man to get up and leave the room. Bryan leaves after him but is knocked unconscious. He wakes to see St Clair standing in front of him and tells him that one of the women was Kim and that he wants her back. St Clair orders his men to kill Bryan quietly. Bryan manages to loosen the pipe he is cuffed to until it falls from the ceiling, hitting one of the men on the head. Bryan knocks a steam valve on, temporarily blinding one of the men. He wrestles with one of the men until he crushes the man's neck against a railing. He then uses a fire extinguisher to disarm and kill another one. He wrestles with another who has a weapon. They fire a number of shots before Bryan shoots the man in the foot and then the head. He unlocks his cuffs and kills another guard who is sent to see what is happening. Bryan then corners St Clair in front of a lift where he finds out where Kim is being taken. He then kills Saint-Clair. After following a car to a boat, he knocks the chauffeur unconscious and steals the car. He drives onto a street and travels down it the wrong way. He gets ahead of the boat and stops on a bridge. Bryan leaps onto the Sheikh's ship and dispatches a few guards. After a long fight through the ship and eliminating many hostiles, he engages in a close-quarters fight with the bidder he had earlier forced to buy Kim. After a brutal fight, he manages to kill the bidder with a broken bottle. Injured, Bryan enters the room of the man who has bought Kim, a Sheikh named Raman. Raman, holding Kim as a human shield at knifepoint, stares down Bryan as he takes aim. After a few moments, Raman begins to open his mouth to speak, but Bryan merely pulls the trigger, firing a bullet into Raman's head, killing him. He lowers his weapon and comforts a crying Kim. Returning Home After rescuing Kim, the two returned home to the United States and are greeted by Lenore and Stuart, who now greatly appreciate Bryan, with Stuart offering him anything he needs. Bryan simply replies that he already has everything he could need. Stuart, Lenore, and Kim enter a car, offering Bryan a ride, but he declines, stating that he'll take a taxi. They then parted ways, now in one another's good graces. Singing Lessons for Kim After returning to the United States, Bryan has one last surprise present for Kim. He takes her to Sheerah's home to accept the favor she had previously offered him. When Sheerah answers the door, Kim is stunned. Bryan informs Kim that it is impolite to not say hello. Sheerah welcomes the two into her home and Bryan closes the door. Abducted Two years later, the funerals of the Albanian mobsters killed by Bryan Mills in the prior film are held in Tropojë, Albania. Murad, the leader of the gang and father of Marko—whom Bryan had killed by electrocution—vows to capture Bryan, bring him to the graves and avenge their loved ones. Murad and his men torture Jean-Claude Pitrel (the corrupt policeman from Taken) to try to learn Bryan's location. They later kill Pitrel. They end up bribing an official for the information. Meanwhile, Kim and her mother Lenore, who is currently having marital problems with Stuart, surprise Bryan by joining him in Istanbul, Turkey, where he has just finished a three-day security job. The next day, Lenore and Bryan go out for lunch. Bryan realizes they are being followed. After a chase, the men capture Lenore, forcing Bryan to surrender, but before he does, he calls Kim and warns her. Her would-be abductors shoot another hotel guest and two security guards, but fail to find her and are forced to flee. The men then hood both Bryan and a scared Lenore from her repeated muffled sayings to let her go Nos and bring them into a van. Bryan wakes with his hands tied to a pole in a dark room. Using a communication device that he had hidden in his sock, Bryan calls Kim, instructing her to go to the US Embassy and tell them what happened, but she begs for a chance to help him and Lenore. Under Bryan's guidance, she opens his suitcase, containing weapons, and throws a grenade onto a deserted rooftop parking lot. Bryan uses the time it takes for the sound of the explosion to reach him to help triangulate his position. He then has her take a gun and two more grenades and take to the rooftops. While he is tied up, the Albanian mobsters bring in a struggling and hooded Lenore and hang her upside down. One takes a knife and slits a tiny gash in her throat, which will kill her if not treated. They tell Bryan he has to watch her bleed out and die before he dies. When the mobsters leave Bryan is able to undo his chains and calls Kim to detonate two more grenades so he can determine his location. The grenade detonations enable Bryan to guide Kim close enough to see steam he sends up a chimney to mark his precise location. Kim tosses the gun down the chimney. Bryan uses it to kill the Albanians in the building, then saves Kim from her rooftop pursuer. Lenore, however, is taken away by her captors. Leaving Kim at the embassy, Bryan retraces the route to Murad's safe house, which he memorized during his abduction. After killing the rest of the gangsters and rescuing Lenore, he confronts Murad, who confirms Bryan's guess that his two remaining sons will seek revenge if Bryan kills him. Bryan offers to let Murad live if he gives his word to end his vendetta. When the man nods his head, Bryan drops his gun and starts to walk away. Murad seizes it and tries to shoot Bryan, only to discover that Bryan has removed the last bullet. His actions prove his untrustworthiness, and he is soon killed by Bryan when he plunges him fatally onto a hook. Three weeks later, the Mills family is at a diner back home in southern California to celebrate Kim passing her driving test. They are joined, much to Bryan's surprise, by Kim's boyfriend Jamie. Kim jokingly asks her overprotective father not to shoot him. Framed Three years later, Bryan has returned to Los Angeles, Kim has moved out and Bryan and Lenore now have a much closer friendship. A few days before Kim's birthday, Bryan Mills unexpectedly arrives shortly after Kim verifies that she is pregnant. After a brief conversation, Bryan leaves for his apartment, where he is met by his ex-wife, Lenore "Lenny" Mills. Lenny reveals that she and her current husband Stuart St. John are having relationship issues and that she has begun to rekindle her romantic feelings for Bryan, and she is planning to divorce Stuart, however. Bryan refuses to allow himself the pleasure of Lenny's company until such a time as she and Stuart work out their problems. On 15 April 2014, Aware of the relationship between Lennie and Bryan, Stuart comes by Bryan's apartment to ask him politely but firmly to stay away from Lennie. The following day, Lennie texts Bryan asking if she can come by to see him and if so to pick up bagels for the time together. Bryan obliges her request, but upon returning to his apartment discovers that Lennie has been murdered. Before he can react to this development, policemen of the Los Angeles Police Department arrive on the scene and attempt to arrest Bryan on suspicion of murder. Needing time to gather actionable information to avenge his wife, protect his daughter, as well as prove his innocence, Bryan disarms and knocks out the officers, but before he can leave additional policemen arrive in the area, precipitating a heated chase through the neighborhood. Eventually, Bryan is able to elude the police by making use of an underground storm drain located in a residential garage to covertly move away from the scene. After calling Kim and informing her of Lenny's murder, Bryan sets out to investigate the homicide. Meanwhile, Franck Dotzler, a smart and highly-skilled LAPD police inspector, is assigned to Bryan's case and begins the manhunt to locate and arrest Bryan. Bryan begins his investigation by recovering weapons and electronics from a secure location, then retraces Lenny's footsteps, which leads him to a convenience store where he recovers surveillance footage of Lenny being grabbed by unidentified men. Before Bryan can act, LAPD detectives arrive and rearrest Bryan for murder, however, when they report this information to Dotzler the inspector warns the detectives that they are being played, correctly guessing that Bryan wanted to be captured based on his discovery of Bryan's military service record. Dotzler's concerns prove justified when Bryan picks the locks on his handcuffs and commandeers the police car he is in, resulting in a vehicle chase that ends when Bryan intentionally wrecks his car in an elevator shaft to elude the LAPD. Having accessed the LAPD's systems from the patrol car's laptop during the vehicle chase, Bryan begins analysis of the information. Meanwhile, Kim has grown increasingly irritated with both Stuart and Dotzler. After attending Lenny's funeral, she is approached by Sam, a CIA colleague of Bryan who covertly alerts her to the presence of a bug from which Bryan is watching her. After being advised to stick to her daily routine, Kim purchases a yogurt drink and consumes it in the store before setting off for her college campus for class. After inexplicably becoming nauseated during class, Kim dismisses herself to use the restroom, where she meets with Bryan. Bryan explains that he spiked her yogurt to make her nauseous so she would have to use the restroom, then offer Kim the antidote. After removing a bug placed on Kim by the LAPD, Bryan, and Kim exchange information. Bryan learns of Stuart's bodyguards, and after eluding the LAPD officers on campus follows the men down a scenic country route only to be ambushed by a black SUV, which pushes his car off the road. Commandeering a vehicle by force, Bryan follows the men to a liquor store where he confronts the quartet but is unable to learn anything of use. Deducing that the men work for Stuart, Bryan abducts and harshly interrogates Stuart, who reveals that his debt to an ex-KGB Spetsnaz and Afghan War veteran operative named Oleg Malankov was the probable reason for Lenny's murder. With assistance from his CIA colleagues and a reluctant Stuart, Bryan gains entry to Malankov's heavily guarded suite, but after dispatching the guards and mortally wounding Malankov he learns that Stuart had played both men against each other. In a delivery truck in the garage below the suite, Stuart shoots Sam and abducts Kim, intending to flee the country with the 12 million dollars he collected in life insurance from Lenny's death. Bryan, injured from his earlier encounter in Malankov's suite, gives chase in a Porsche. After locating his daughter from the tracker in her phone Bryan arrives at the airport just as Stuart's plane begins preparations for takeoff. After disabling the plane with the car, Bryan confronts Stuart, who is pointing his gun at Kim's head and engages in a brief but violent struggle with him. Ultimately, Bryan emerges victorious and elects not to kill Stuart, warning him that while he may serve only a limited time in jail for Lenny's murder he will answer to Bryan for Lenny's death when he is released. but never kills him at the end. Dotzler and his LAPD officers arrive shortly afterward and arrest a now terrified Stuart. In the aftermath of Stuart's arrest, Bryan, Kim, and Kim's boyfriend discuss Kim's pregnancy. After assuring Kim that whatever she decides he will support her decision, Kim informs Bryan that if the baby is a girl she would like to name it Lenore after her mother. +This superhero's name is Buffy. Their real name is Buffy Anne Summers. At the age of fifteen, Buffy Summers started having violent dreams about women from different period of history slaying monsters. One day, she was approached by Merrick, a mysterious man who revealed her destiny as the Chosen One and became her first Watcher. Buffy initially did not get along with Merrick, who was sarcastic and intolerant of her valley girl nature, but the pair eventually gained a mutual fondness as he prepared her for battle against the vampire king Lothos. As Buffy's increasingly strange behaviour alienated from her peers, she befriended fellow social outcast Oliver Pike, relying on him for support after Merrick shot himself to protect her from Lothos. Despite little training, Buffy managed to defeat Lothos and his minions at her school dance, burning down the high school gym in the process, for which she was subsequently expelled. Wanting to escape her problems at home, Buffy ran away to Las Vegas with Pike after being tipped off to the presence of vampires at the Golden Touch casino. Buffy got a job as a showgirl, and eventually she and Pike encountered the owners of the casino, Marcus and Mary Lou Sidle; the pair were siamese twins, Marcus being a vampire and Mary Lou not, and had turned the casino into a vampire nest. Buffy defeated the Sidle's by forcing a priest to bless the casino's sprinkler system, thus killing every vampire in the building. Afterwards, Pike broke up with Buffy, believing himself to be a burden that distracted her from her destiny as the Slayer. Buffy returned to Los Angeles alone, where she discovered that her younger sister Dawn had read her diary and informed her parents about the supernatural things Buffy had wrote in it. This, combined with their daughter's recent delinquent behaviour, convinced the Summers that Buffy could be losing her mind, and they had her committed to a mental institution. There, a psychiatrist named Dr. Primrose seemingly helped Buffy realise that her "delusions" about being the Slayer were actually fantasies she had invented to help her overcome the normal problems that teenagers face; vampires and demons were merely metaphors for growing up. Buffy accepted this, only to discover that the clinic was in fact home to the demon Rakagore, who, under the identity of "Dr. Stone", was using the clinic's patients to do his evil bidding. Buffy defeated Rakagore and learned that Dr. Primrose was a former Watcher. Primrose told Buffy that she had to accept herself as the Slayer if she was to survive the dangers of her calling.ref name=SlayerInterrupted"Slayer, Interrupted" After Buffy was discharged from the clinic, she and Dawn were forced to cope with their parent's divorce. When Buffy's secret admirer tried to alleviate her pain via magic, he accidentially unleashed the Malignancy Demons. Deceit, Guilt, and Abandonment targeted the shattered Summers family and exacerbated their emotions to near fatal levels; Buffy however managed to overcome each one, at the same time overcoming the pain of her parent's separation. Buffy, Dawn, and Joyce moved away from Los Angeles to 1630 Revello Drive in the small Californian town of Sunnydale. There, the final Malignancy Demon—Trepidation—was waiting for them. Buffy defeated Trepidation and looked forward to a new start in Sunnydale. Buffy enrolled at Sunnydale High where she met and became friends with Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, and her new Watcher, Rupert Giles. She also met her future love interest, the vampire-with-a-soul Angel, who had accidentially unleashed the Malignancy Demons. Together, they formed the "Scooby Gang", and battled the various supernatural threats to Sunnydale. Following the destruction of Sunnydale, the Scooby Gang scattered around the world to locate and train newly-activated Slayers. When Xander once again fell under the thrall of Dracula and went to live with him as his manservant, Buffy was forced to break into the vampire's castle and convince Dracula to let Xander go. Encompassing mystics and a wide technological armory, the Scoobies expanded to keep on top of demonic threats on a more global level. Buffy funded this organization by going on a bank heist with other Slayers, which she reasoned was a "victimless crime" due to the bank's insurance. For Buffy's protection, decoy Slayers were set up to divert enemy attention, one in Rome who was supposedly dating the Immortal, and the other underground. Buffy, Dawn, and Xander eventually set their base in a Scottish castle, with Buffy training a squad of new Slayers, including Satsu, Rowena, and Leah. However, she failed to experience the feelings of connection that the other Slayers did, and Xander became concerned that Buffy was spending too much time alone. Over a year after Sunnydale's destruction, Buffy investigated signs of an attack from a new enemy known as Twilight and her team came under attack from the United States military, who had employed her old enemies Amy Madison and Warren Mears. Questioning General Voll as to his motive for attacking them, Buffy learned that the military now considered all Slayers to be a threat, should they start to think of themselves as above the law, as Buffy had done during her bank robberies.While searching for information about upcoming dangers, Buffy discovered that Twilight planned to eradicate all magic from the Earth and that Buffy would suffer a betrayal; "The closest. The most unexpected. In her first encounter with Twilight, she was warned that her decision to activate the Slayers had been a mistake, and she began to question her own actions. After realizing that Satsu was in love with her, Buffy had sex with the other Slayer, only to be discovered by her astonished friends +This superhero's name is Bullseye (MCU). Their real name is Benjamin Poindexter. At an early age, he lost his parents under unknown circumstances. Poindexter recounted that his parents were often mad at him. +This superhero's name is Bullseye (Wild West). Their real name is Lester. Bullseye was a hired goon that worked for Mayor Fisk of Timely to stop Sheriff Steven Rogers from cleaning up the town. +This superhero's name is Bullseye. Their real name is Lester. A mercenary of mystery, nothing was really known about the man called Bullseye. Once, he was captured and interrogated in a highly secured U.S. prison, and he related many details about his early life, such as the time his brother set fire to their home in an attempt to kill their father. However, much of this information is suspect, as Bullseye then escaped, taunting his interrogators that much of what he said was false -- especially the fact that it was not his brother who set fire to the house, it was himself. Bullseye proceeded to set fire to the prison, where his father was also held, and he left his father to die once more. (In a previous account of his childhood, he painted a bulls-eye on the forehead of his abusive father when he was passed out from drinking and shot him). Before his mercenary career, it’s been suggested that Bullseye tried his formidable throwing skills to become a Major League baseball player, but he was too selfish and sadistic. After only three games. According to Bullseye himself, he grew bored and annoyed whilst pitching a no-hitter and for the last pitch of the game he threw the ball at the batter, killing him. Instead, Bullseye found his true calling as a special operative of the United States National Security Agency, then soon after as a freelance assassin-- a perfect career for someone who got so much pleasure from the killing of his enemies. He created his signature modus operandi of using thrown weapons during one of his first outings as a soldier -- a guerrilla fighter got the drop on him and Bullseye’s weapon failed to shoot. He threw the gun instead, killing his assailant with his bayonet. His early endeavors included time in Africa and Nicaragua, coming into conflict with The Punisher, and working alongside fellow mercenary Deadpool. Bullseye first came to notoriety with a series of extortion attempts and murder in New York City, publicizing his antics by agreeing to an interview with The Daily Bugle. Bullseye fought and defeated Daredevil’s attempt to stop him, although the hero soon tracked him down and prevented Bullseye's extortion schemes. Bullseye was then hired to murder the lawyer Matt Murdock, Daredevil's secret identity, but was defeated by Daredevil. In his own mind, Bullseye believed his formidable reputation was ruined and swore vengeance. Bullseye fought Daredevil at any opportunity, holding a TV studio hostage, kidnapping the Black Widow, or simply tracking him down. Each time, he was captured and given over to the police by Daredevil. At one point, Bullseye was declared insane due to a brain tumor and began hallucinating, believing random people were actually Daredevil, and trying to kill them all. The true Daredevil managed to defeat him, and the tumor was removed. Later, while on assignment to kill the Kingpin, Bullseye simply received a better offer from the Kingpin and agreed to work for him instead. However, after returning from yet another imprisonment by Daredevil, Bullseye was furious to learn that the Kingpin had chosen Elektra as his assassin in the meantime. Bullseye killed her with nothing more than a playing card and her own sai. Earning the enmity of Daredevil, Elektra's lover. Bullseye fought the enraged hero high over the New York City skyline, until at the climax of their battle Daredevil allowed Bullseye to fall, seemingly to his death. Bullseye managed to survive, but his spine had been shattered, paralyzing him. With the help of a Japanese crime lord, Lord Dark Wind, Bullseye's bones were laced with Adamantium in the hopes that Bullseye would freely serve Lord Dark Wind as his head assassin. Instead, Bullseye, now recovered, returned to New York to pursue his mercenary career. Before he could continue in the Kingpin’s employ however, he had to first prove himself by fighting his former mercenary friend, Deadpool. The fight was close, but Bullseye was triumphant. At one point, Daredevil left New York for a prolonged period. Bullseye put on the Daredevil costume himself, gleefully playing the part of hero while robbing the rich and giving to the poor. However, never a man quite sane, Bullseye began to believe himself to be the true Daredevil, and Matt Murdock adopted the Bullseye’s costume to confront him. Murdock won, and the defeat allowed Bullseye to return to his senses (relatively speaking, of course). Bullseye continued to perform several jobs for the Kingpin whilst also pursuing several other mercenary contacts, one of which brought him into conflict with the Punisher on behalf of Rosalie Carbone. Another saw Bullseye hired by Mysterio to kidnap a baby from Saint Maggie’s Church. During the contract Bullseye killed Karen Page, a former love interest of Daredevil's, further earning his vengeance. Later still, when the news of Daredevil’s secret identity leaked to the media, Bullseye hoped to capitalize on the information and kill Daredevil both for his own satisfaction and to help the Kingpin’s struggling criminal empire. He targeted Murdock and his new girlfriend, Millie Donovan, but Daredevil snapped, beating Bullseye to a pulp and carving a bulls-eye pattern onto his forehead with a rock. During the Civil War, Bullseye was forced to be a member of the Thunderbolts by Norman Osborn through intimidation and a promise for a chance to kill Daredevil. Under these auspices he and other villains, were sent to bring in unregistered heroes. Due to Bullseye's criminal past and his impulsive tendencies to kill, Bullseye was kept in a holding cell, chained to the floor or strapped to a chair while being watched by two security guards while not on a mission. During missions he wass always escorted by two guards and/or wore a cloaking device so nobody could see him. Bullseye's involvement in the Thunderbolt's was kept secret at all times from the public. Norman Osborn usually used Bullseye in a mission when the other Thunderbolts failed to bring down an unregistered hero or he wanted Bullseye to do something else like injure a teammate or kill somebody. During one mission, Bullseye was tricked by Songbird. She told him that his nanites were turned off and he was free. Believing this, Bullseye killed his two guards and decided to kill American Eagle before escaping. American Eagle was severely beating Bullseye and Bullseye's nanites turned on, shocking him, his neck was then broken by American Eagle. Bullseye was incapacitated within his own body once again not being able to move nor speak. Four psychics imprisoned in holding cells at Thunderbolt mountain drove the Thunderbolts insane, and turned them against each other while Bullseye was having surgery. Feeling that Bullseye was not important due to his injury, the psychics planned on killing him last. All the other Thunderbolts nearly killed each other and fell in battle. Bullseye emerged from surgery not showing any interest in the fight and walked to the holding cells to kill the four psychics as target practice, not knowing that he was ending the madness. Bullseye was sent by Norman Osborn to take down Spider-Man. With a tracer on Spider-Man and guards armed with rifles that could home in on the tracer, he easily found Spider-Man and gained the upper-hand. Spider-Man tricked Bullseye by throwing a web ball at him that had the tracer hidden in it causing the guards to accidentally shoot at Bullseye, knocking him out and allowing Spiderman to escape. Bullseye also was involved in the Skrull Invasion, battling an army of Skrulls with the Thunderbolts in Washington DC. Killing Swordsman's sister Andrea von Strucker and almost killing Swordsman himself. Bullseye was stopped by Moonstone. Joining the battle with Norman Osborn and Venom, Bullseye had the chance to kill Daredevil and Spider-man with a high powered rocket launcher, instead he killed the Skrull disguised as Yellowjacket. As a reward from Norman Osborn for his role during the Skrull invasion, Bullseye was placed on the Dark Avengers and given the costume and codename of Hawkeye.. Osborn used Bullseye to eliminate his problem with Deadpool, from whom Norman stole data about 'how to kill a Skrull queen'. After the less than great success of new Thunderbolts, Bullseye in his new costume challenged 'Merc with the Mouth'. On the Dark Avengers' first mission, he killed Morgan le Fey (who had just died by the hands of Sentry and returned) only for her to return yet again with an army of demons. The Dark Avengers fought a rogue Hulkbuster robot, and "Hawkeye" disabled the robot after killing its pilot. The robot fell, killing thirty-six civilians. When Osborn reprimanded Bullseye for his part in the deaths, Bullseye demanded credit for his kills. "Hawkeye" then went out and saved a woman from being attacked by three men. He killed them, and the woman as well. As he did so, a news crew in a helicopter happened to be filming the action. Feeling irritated, he silenced the news crew by shooting an arrow into the helicopter, blowing it up. Bullseye attempted to take out his old partner, Deadpool, successfully incapacitating him and proving to be a worthy opponent. Deadpool eventually gained the upper hand and stabbed him through the chest with a meat hook. He later woke up in a hospital and went after Deadpool again, only to be hit by a car while shooting an RPG at him. Bullseye paid off Deadpool (under the pretense that he his boss, Norman Osborn, told him to do so) to save himself from a death by chainsaw by Deadpool. Bullseye was also was taken out by Elektra when she stabbed him with his own arrow. Bullseye was later given the order by Osborn to eliminate Daredevil, who had been discovered leading the Hand. Daredevil and Bullseye clashed. In the end, Bullseye booby-trapped a building with one hundred people in it. Instead of choosing to save them, Daredevil continued to battle Bullseye. When the building exploded, Bullseye escaped and left Daredevil to his grief. While in the Avengers meeting room, he and Karla Sofen decided to show Osborn his lack of control of them by making love in front of the HAMMER soldiers. Miss Hand stunned Miss Marvel and sent Bullseye to cool off, later that night Osborn gave him an offer, to kill Lindy Reynolds. Later the next day Dr Doom unleashed robotic insects into the tower after an attack by the Void on his person allowing Bullseye to escape with Lindy and snap her neck while above the ocean, where he dumped her body, later the Void attacked him for this, until Osborn supported his claims and he calmed down. The Dark Avengers along with the Initiative then invaded Asgard, believing it had no right to be on Earth. After crumbling the foundation of Asgard, killing Ares, and with the super heroes intervening, the Dark Avengers were disassembled, and Bullseye captured. On the way back to Ryker's Island in a S.H.I.E.L.D. plane, Bullseye was able to scare the guards watching him by making them believe that the Sentry (who died in Siege) would return for Bullseye. Bullseye was able to give himself cardiac arrest, where the guards took him out of his straps and chains and performed CPR. Bullseye then woke up from unconsciousness and killed the guards with a defibrillator. Bullseye then killed the pilot and flew back into New York City, to Hell's Kitchen, where Daredevil had become corrupt leader of the Hand, and had assembled a base in the heart of Hell's Kitchen. Bullseye killed some of the Hand's guards, and called for Daredevil to come out of the fortress. Daredevil did come out, with dozens of the Hand's ninjas. Bullseye was able to kill every single ninja that he faced, and when he asked for more, he got a brutal Daredevil, who broke both his arms and then used a sai to stab Bullseye through the chest, much in the same way he had done to Elektra years before. Daredevil later attempted to dig up his body and resurrect him as a servant of the Hand, but was stopped by Elektra. +This superhero's name is Bumblebee. Their real name is Bumblebee. Bumblebee is a robot hero from the Transformers franchise. Bumblebee is one of Optimus Prime’s most trusted allies. Although he is not the strongest or most powerful Of the Autobots. Bumblebee makes up for this with a bottomless well of luck determination and bravery. He would gladly give his life to protect others and stop the Decepticons. +This superhero's name is Bumbleboy. Their real name is . In the Here Comes Tomorrow future, Bumbleboy was a high flying mutant superhero. With his ability to communicate with insects, Bumbleboy was the X-men's liaison with a species of mutated termites called the Termids in Africa. However when the Phoenix appeared to remove an "evolutionary dead-end" and destroyed the Termids, she also killed Bumbleboy, reducing him to ashes, but leaving his skull intact. Phoenix spoke to Bumbleboy through his skull as she guided him to the White Hot Room and his mentioning the X-Men jarred her memories of her former allies. +This superhero's name is Buri. Their real name is Buri. Buri is a member of the extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Asgardians who were worshiped as gods by the ancient Viking and Germanic tribes of Northern Europe. According to Norse myth, after countless centuries of nothingness (save the Well of Life and the unending expanses of frozen ice that were the lands of Mist to the North and lands of Fire to the south) that was the world, Ymir, first of the Ice Giants, emerged from beneath the frigid plane as if by magic. Seconds later, following the birth of Ymir, came the cosmic primeval cow, Audmilla. For ages, Ymir and the magic cow roamed the frozen wastes, Ymir protecting the cow, and the cow nourishing Ymir. One day the cow found something stirring in the ice. At first the new form was unrecognizable but then "slowly, powerfully, a noble head appeared above the ice... And thus the first of the good Aesir came into being! Look well at him! Look well at the one called Buri! For those who follow him shall be gods!" Buri grew wise and strong and took a Frost Giantess wife and was succeeded by a son, Bor. Bor in turn took a wife (the giantess Bestla) and fathered four sons: Cul, Odin, Vili, and Ve, the four founding Norse gods - although Cul would be forgotten for a long time. Buri went into self-imposed exile as a god called Tiwaz. He then discovered Thor after a brutal battle with Hela. He nursed Thor back to health. Tiwaz amused Thor by making icy figures that he animated to life. In friendly matches, Thor wrestled with Tiwaz daily and lost. Once he returned to normal strength, Thor at last beat Tiwaz in a match. He departed Tiwaz's company -- unaware that Tiwaz was in fact Buri. Hrimhari, Boom Boom, and Warlock were freed by the children ofVolstagg and sent to recruit the aid of Tiwaz. They had nearly reached Tiwaz's dwelling, when they were caught in a net and captured by a Frost Giant serving Hela. Working together, they escaped from the Frost Giant's grasp, and then Tiwaz appeared and imprisoned the Frost Giant in a block of ice. Tiwaz brought them into his cave, warmed them up and advised them on the true extent of Hela's threat. Tiwaz revealed the location of the Warriors Three and sent Hrimhari and the two New Mutants to free them from Queen Ula and her Savage Swarm. Tiwaz stayed behind and watched them. They managed to free the Warriors Three, though it required Tiwaz's magic to shrink Volstagg so that Warlock could fly him away. Later Tiwaz monitored from his home Karnilla's attempt to revive one of her petrified men. She failed, but Tiwaz concentrated the excess magic from her spell to revive all Stone People of Nornheim +This superhero's name is Bushido. Their real name is Ryuko Orsono. A Bushido is a warrior that feels that a death in battle is respectful rather than fleeing like a coward. Ryuko's mother was a bushido before him. Ryuko's father died while he was still a young boy. As a child, Ryuko didn't pay much attention to his mother's teachings. When his mother was killed by the demon Tengu her last words to him was "continue". It was only after his mothers death when he really started to become educated in bushido and became one, honoring a long line in their family history. Like his ancestors he works for the preservation of peace and justice at any cost. As Japan's hero, Bushido battled everything from gangsters to evil supernatural forces. He wanted revenge for his mother and the death of the demon who killed her Tengu. His search for Tengu eventually brought him into conflict with the Teen Titans. Tengu possessed Beast Boy's body while he was visiting Japan. The only thing that would stop Tengu was decapitation. The Teen Titans tried to stop Bushido from hurting Beast Boy, but when he sliced his magically imbued sword through Gar's throat it expelled the demon and killing it without hurting Beast Boy at all. It is unknown if Bushido knew that it was going to happen. Some time later Gar's brother matt held a meeting for a new team of Teen Titans West. When a team of Villains crashed the party only a few of the potential members stayed after the attack. Gar finally agreed to have the team re-form, and Titans West was re-dubbed Titans L.A. The new team consisted of Beast Boy,Flamebird, Herald, Bumblebee, Terra, Hero Cruz, and Captain Marvel Jr. Meanwhile Bushido had left Japan to come to America to learn of ways to preserve justice without bloodshed. Locating Beast Boy, he elected to join Titans LA and hoped to learn the ways of peace. Soon the new team dissolved because no one was really devoted with the team, and the team was at a end before it really started. When the Superman Prime came to earth Superboy of earth called all the Titans who were available and Bushido was one of them. Bushido was sliced in half by Superboy Prime's eye beams. Pantha and Baby Wildebeest were also killed in the battle, and Risk's right arm was torn off. He was mourned by his friends. Bushido became a Black Lantern during Blackest Night. He was one of the Black Lanterns brought to Earth-Prime by Alex Luthor to kill Superboy-Prime. However, Superboy-Prime willingly put on a Black Lantern ring, which metamorphed to Red from the amount of emotion he displayed. The resulting energy blast destroyed Black Lantern Bushido. +This superhero's name is Bushmaster (MCU). Their real name is John Mclver. John McIver, also known as Bushmaster, is the charismatic enhanced individual who had previously witnessed his family being murdered by Mama Mabel as he vowed revenge on the Stokes family. With a mission of vengeance, Bushmaster had soon arrived in Harlem to kill Mariah Stokes, the last member of the Stokes family, only to be challenged by Luke Cage who stood in the way of Bushmaster's revenge. All Bushmaster's continued attempts to kill Stokes resulted in him becoming mortally wounded, as he sought Tilda Johnson's aid for his recovery. However, Stokes took the opportunity to massacre the remaining members of Bushmaster's family, forcing him to make an uneasy alliance with Cage to stop Stokes's rampage before more innocent people got killed. Eventually however, Bushmaster was forced to return to Jamaica to recover from his near fatal wounds, having failed to kill Stokes himself. +This superhero's name is Butterball. Their real name is Emery Schaub. Emery Schaub was employed as a fry cook in Morganton, North Carolina, through unknown means, he gained complete invulnerability and was drafted into the Initiative program, taking the name Boulder. He was taken to Camp Hammond, along and in the same squad that Annex, Prodigy (Richard Gilmore), Sunstreak, Gorilla Girl, and Batwing. There, he was met with mixed reactions from his fellow new recruits, who found his fan-boyishness somewhat obnoxious. He quickly befriended with Batwing. He was often looked down upon by the staff, especially Taskmaster who immediately changed his code-name to Butterball at his arrival. +This superhero's name is Cable (FOX). Their real name is Nathan Summers. Little is known about Cable's backstory only fragments such as that he was born into an apocalyptic future ravaged by war. At unknown points, he married and had a daughter named Hope, became bionically enhanced and became a time traveler. Later in life, he worked as some kind of soldier or bounty hunter tracking down violent mutants and criminals. One of the criminals he had frequently clashed with, named Firefist, eventually tracked down Cable's family and killed them. +This superhero's name is Cable. Their real name is Nathan Summers. Nathan Summers' birth was carefully orchestrated by the geneticist Mister Sinister, who had created his mother Madelyne Pryor as a clone of the mutant telepath Jean Grey. Soon after, Pryor was corrupted by demonic influences into using baby Nate as a sacrifice to open a portal between Earth and the demon-infested dimension Limbo, but was opposed by her husband and Nate's father Cyclops, his teammates in X-Factor, and his former team the X-Men. Sinister planned to use Nate as a weapon against his former master, Apocalypse, but Apocalypse learned of this and had Nate captured and infected with a deadly techno-organic virus. After Apocalypse was defeated by X-Factor, a member of the Clan Askani - a sisterhood dedicated to opposing Apocalypse in the alternate future of Earth-4935- offered to save Nate's life by taking him to her own era. Desperate, Cyclops agreed, and Nate was taken 2,000 years into the future of Earth-4935, where the Mother Askani, actually his time-displaced half-sister Rachel, had him cloned in case the virus could not be cured. Minions of Apocalypse attacked and stole the clone, taking it to their master, who raised the child as his heir, Stryfe. Rachel pulled the psyches of Scott and Jean into the future of Earth-4935 to help keep Nate safe, and, as Slym and Redd Dayspring, they raised him for the next 12 years, teaching him how to use his mutant powers to keep the virus at bay. After the teenage Nate defeated Apocalypse, he traveled to the last Askani enclave and was welcomed as the Askani'Son, "the Chosen One." After the enclave was attacked, Nate regrouped the surviving Askani into the rebel Clan Chosen. Nate later fell in love with young novitiate Aliya Jenskot, and soon they were married and had a son named Tyler. Following one clash with Stryfe, Aliya was killed and Tyler was captured. Stryfe brainwashed Tyler, and in a subsequent encounter, Nate was forced to shoot Tyler to save his Clanmate Dawnsilk. After Stryfe used a time travel device to flee into the past, arriving in the late 20th century, Nate followed. He arrived in Scotland, years before his birth, and was taken in by geneticist Moira MacTaggert, who taught him how to speak English. He adopted the codename Cable, as a metaphor for being a link between the present in the future. Moira sent him to visit her friend Professor Xavier in the U.S., and en route he encountered the feral mutant Wolverine, aiding him against another agent from his own time, D'Von Kray. Meeting Xavier, Cable helped design the security systems for his mansion in exchange for lessons on how to live in the 20th century. Cable formed the mercenary group the Wild Pack, later the Six Pack, and took missions from Tolliver, secretly Tyler, which often put them in conflict with Stryfe and his Mutant Liberation Front. Cable made occasional trips back to Earth-4935, at one point returning with a space station he named Graymalkin, after the address of Xavier's mansion. Returning to Earth-4935, Cable discovered that Sam Guthrie, the New Mutant Cannonball, existed into the 23rd century. Cable believed Sam was an immortal mutant, and returned to the present to guide Sam's ascension. With the aid of his mercenary ally and sometime lover Domino, Cable reorganized the New Mutants into the strike team X-Force. Later, Cable's former Six Pack teammate Kane was critically injured in a failed attempt to oppose Stryfe. To save his life, Cable transported Kane to Earth-4935, where he was saved and stayed with the Clan Chosen to recuperate, while Cable returned to the present. During his absence, Stryfe had made an attempt on Xavier's life and sought to frame Cable for the deed. Believing himself the true son of Cyclops, Stryfe kidnapped Cyclops and Jean. Cable came to their rescue, but during the struggle both he and Stryfe fell into a temporal rift. Displaced far into the future, scientists of that time saved Cable's life by using Stryfe's brainwaves. Cable and Kane later returned to the present, but upon arrival Cable discovered that Graymalkin had been destroyed, preventing him from returning home. Stryfe's mind eventually took control of Cable's body, but after being confronted with the truth of his existence he relinquished that control. When the psionic entity Onslaught hampered all telepathic abilities on Earth, Cable began to succumb to the TO virus. After attacks by Onslaught's herald Post and a mentally-controlled Hulk weakened Cable further, he found himself allying with his nemesis Apocalypse in order to rescue the young mutant Franklin Richards from Onslaught, after which Franklin helped Cable suppress the virus. Later, Cable learned from journalist Irene Merryweather of a plot by the enigmatic Hellfire Club to obtain Apocalypse's power. Cable was too late to prevent them from unleashing Apocalypse's Harbinger on the world, but he managed to defeat it with the aid of the Avengers. Realizing that the culmination of his destiny was near, Cable asked Irene to chronicle his life. Soon after, Cable learned that he was one of the Twelve, mutants supposedly destined to usher in a golden age for their kind. Apocalypse intended to use the Twelve to boost his powers to allow him to alter reality and had them captured. Cyclops seemingly sacrificed himself to stop Apocalypse, and Cable joined the X-Men to honor his memory. Subsequently learning that Cyclops was still alive, Cable and Jean tracked him down to Egypt. Jean forcibly removed Apocalypse's essence from Cyclops' body, allowing Cable to seemingly destroy it. His purpose in life apparently complete, Cable returned to his mercenary ways, eventually forming the Underground resistance movement to oppose the clandestine Weapon X Project. A failed infiltration attempt of the Neverland mutant concentration camp saw them captured and the knowledge of Neverland wiped from their minds. Cable later found himself at odds with the mercenary Deadpool over the One World Church and their planned use of the Fa�ade Virus to transform the world's people into blue-skinned beings like themselves in the hope of bringing about peace on Earth. Cable ultimately realized that his body would be unable to contain his vast energies, and so set out to save the world before he died. Rebuilding his space station as the floating city Providence, Cable realized that the only way to force the people's of Earth to see the potential of a unified future was to unite them against the common goal of opposing him. Initially opposed by the super-spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D. and the X-Men, Cable faced the cosmic-powered Silver Surfer, which caused his powers to burn out rapidly. He used his teleportation matrix to surgically remove the portions of his brain that controlled his mutant abilities, effectively lobotomizing himself. Deadpool then enlisted the aid of the Fixer to merge Cable with a techno-organic embryo, restoring his powers. Cable subsequently reformed X-Force to oppose the ancient evil named the Skornn, which he was able to destroy at the apparent cost of his own life. Cannonball and his fellow former X-Force member Siryn joined Deadpool on a quest to find Cable, and after finding his life force scattered across alternate realities, they collected it and returned to their own universe to discover that Cable had reverted to an infant when the mutant sorceress the Scarlet Witch reshaped reality. The mutant technosmith Forge was able to restore Cable, who began aging rapidly. Faced with being overwhelmed by his powers, Cable expended them by curing Deadpool of the brain damage he had suffered years earlier at the hands of Weapon X. As he re-aged, Cable's powers returned. +This superhero's name is Caesar. Their real name is Caesar. +This superhero's name is Caitlin Fairchild. Their real name is Caitlin Fairchild. Dr. Caitlin Fairchild was among the head scientists creating a Kryptonian-Human hybrid clone for N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. She was responsible for bringing Superboy to maturation as well as his emotional and psychological conditioning. She always attempted to research a genetic manipulation that transformed her and 12 others, as well as a way to reverse the mutation, all while keeping her metahuman ability to increase her mass and strength a secret. +This superhero's name is Calculator. Their real name is Noah Kutller. Little is known about Noah Kuttler a.k.a. the Calculator. There are indications of him being active as a supervillain as early as 1975, fighting Starman Mikaal Tomas, but his main career has lasted for about ten years. Often dismissed because of his goofy looks, a keyboard strapped to his chest and an LCD visor on his forehead, it is often forgotten that his technology (of unknown origin) was extraordinary. By punching numbers on his keypad, he was capable of generating almost any energy construct, much like a Green Lantern Ring. The computer in his costume could calculate anything, anticipate any attack, and conclude how to strike at opponents. However, the Calculator had to encounter his opponent at least once before having sufficient info to use. Calculator first made a name attacking members of the JLA – Atom (Ray Palmer), Black Canary, Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Elongated Man, and Hawkman. The villain allowed himself to be captured once by all of them, then being able to defeat them. He would have won had he not been outsmarted by Batman. Later, Calculator fought Air Wave, Blue Beetle, and Hero Hotline, but was defeated every time. Finally, he decided to ditch his costumed identity. Inspired by stories about “the Oracle”, an information source to superheroes, he found a new career. His computer and skill with information makes him a perfect info broker for supervillains, Charging $ 1,000 per question, the Calculator constantly stands in contact with criminals who need to learn hard-to-get facts about their victims or enemies. +This superhero's name is Caliban (FOX). Their real name is . In 1983, Caliban worked as a dealer in the black market alongside his bodyguard Psylocke. During one of his business ordeals, Caliban helped Mystique locate Nightcrawler. After the mutant later returns, Caliban advises her to take Nightcrawler to the X-Mansion before cryptically informing her of Magneto's return. Later, Caliban is approached by En Sabah Nur and Storm. Caliban, however, does not identify En Sabah Nur ("Apocalypse"), and stated he doesn't know who he is. When the mutant broker asks if he has any money, Apocalypse says he doesn't have any currency, and demands him for help. Caliban then pulls a gun on Apocalypse, but Apocalypse disintegrates it, and Psylocke rushes to protect Caliban. Apocalypse then recruits her as the second member of his Four Horsemen. +This superhero's name is Caliban. Their real name is . Caliban is a mutant in the X-Men series +This superhero's name is Callisto. Their real name is Callisto. Callisto's origins are unknown, although she has claimed that the scars she bears are proof of "how dumb a mistake" it was for her to try to live among normal humans; in one of her earlier appearances, her greatest psychological fear is the image of the beautiful woman that she once was, although she may have overcome that as of the present. When Callisto first appeared she was leader of the Morlocks, a group of mutants who lived in the sewers (named after H.G. Wells's characters in The Time Machine), though she soon lost her role as leader to Storm in a duel. The Morlocks were first formed well over twenty years ago by Callisto, Sunder, Caliban, and Masque. Callisto kidnapped Archangel and stripped him of most of his clothing, intending to make him her mate. Callisto also attempted to cripple Archangel (then still calling himself Angel) by cutting away his pin feathers. Storm defeated Callisto and stabbed her straight through the heart, nearly killing her, which lead to the X-Men escaping. Callisto violated Storm's edict that the Morlocks were no longer allowed to kidnap or terrorize surface-dwellers when she arranged Shadowcat's kidnapping. Callisto intended to force Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) to honor a promise she made to Caliban to stay with him if the Morlocks allowed her teammates to leave the tunnels. Callisto arranged Kitty's kidnapping by having Masque transform the body of a dead homeless girl into Kitty's likeness with his flesh-shaping powers. This body was used as a decoy to convince Storm that Kitty was dead, while the real Kitty was taken underground. Caliban eventually chose to allow Kitty to return home to the school, unwilling to force her to be with him. Callisto regards Storm with both resentment and respect due to Storm defeating her in hand-to-hand combat, but she sneers at what she considers Storm's "weakness," namely her conviction not to take a life, or to take revenge on baseline humans that despise mutants. The two women fought again while the city of New York was enslaved and ensorcelled by the wizard Kulan Gath. Callisto was previously romantically involved with Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) while he still assumed the identity of the artist Peter Nichols. This followed Peter's journey through the Siege Perilous. The two became attracted to each other after Masque reshaped Callisto's flesh, restoring her beauty to greater than what it was before she was scarred prior to taking refuge in the Morlock tunnels. After Callisto began a career as a fashion model and moved above ground, the Morlocks attacked her, under the influence of Masque, who sought to wrest leadership of them from her. Masque had grossly transformed the Morlocks, leaving them with grotesque physical mutations. They subsequently renamed themselves Gene Nation and nearly beat Callisto to death. The Morlocks' Healer treated her wounds, but accidentally restored Callisto's scars and her original physical deformities. Callisto retaliated by killing him. Callisto vowed revenge on her former followers for stealing away her looks, and then allied herself with Mikhail Rasputin, Colossus' older brother. Mikhail and Callisto appeared to have perished when he used his powers over matter to flood the Morlock tunnels. They both later reappeared alive. More recently, Callisto was transformed by the mutant Masque, having her arms reformed into tentacles. Callisto was also under Masque's control in "The Arena," an elite fight club in Japan. Callisto and Storm battled each other in the Arena, but later both escaped with help from Storm's friend, Yukio. Last seen, she was one of the main characters in the new Excalibur title, where she was helping Professor Xavier and Magneto rebuild Genosha. Ironically, this alliance briefly (and perhaps uncomfortably) reunited her with Archangel. Callisto also has a maternal relationship with Marrow, acting as a mother-figure towards the young mutant, (though the two are not biologically related) making her the only person Marrow would follow nearly blindly. However Calisto care for Marrow seems to have droped as that Calisto never mentiod her again anywhere after the six month gap. +This superhero's name is Cameron Hicks. Their real name is . Cameron Hicks has lived a hard life, the scars of which are evident in his personality. His run-ins with the law and the medical and military establishment have created a deep sense of distrust in authority. A former army sniper and minor league baseball pitcher, Hicks has an unusual condition called "hyperkinesis," wherein the mind's imaging systems and muscle control are perfectly in tune with the motor skills center of the brain. As a result he possesses flawless aim, perfect balance, and greatly enhanced motor skills. +This superhero's name is Cannonball. Their real name is Samuel Zachery Guthrie. The eldest of ten children, young Sam Guthrie was 11 years old when he became involved in a plot by the Deviants, a genetic offshoot of humanity, to improve their evolutionary status by performing experiments on children. Sam was saved by the timely arrival of the mysterious Deviant Sledge, and the minds of the children - including Sam - were wiped of the events that had transpired. Five years later, Sam's father died, and as the oldest sibling he felt responsible for supporting the family. Giving up a college scholarship, he followed in his father's footsteps as a coal miner. When Sam was trapped with a co-worker in a collapsing mine, the stress of attempting to escape triggered his latent mutant power, enabling him to blast them both free. Renegade Hellfire Club member Donald Pierce learned of Sam's powers and manipulated him into serving as one of his operatives. Pierce sent Sam into battle against Professor Xavier and his fledgling New Mutants team; however, Sam refused to kill the young heroes, instead teaming up with them to defeat Pierce. Xavier subsequently realized that Sam had been misled and invited him to join the New Mutants as Cannonball. Sam soon found himself in the role of co-leader, a position he found awkward due to his relative slowness in mastering his mutant powers compared with his teammates. He also formed a lasting friendship with his teammate Sunspot. Later, Sam saved the life of intergalactic rock star Lila Cheney, an act that saw a romance blossom between them. During this time, Cannonball also teamed up with Spider-Man against the threat of the Incandescent Man. After the cosmic entity known as the Beyonder slew and subsequently resurrected most of the New Mutants, Sam lost what knowledge he had gained about his mutant abilities, forcing him to start learning about them over again. The encounter also left the New Mutants somewhat apathetic, and then-headmaster Magneto sought help from the Hellfire Club's presiding White Queen, Emma Frost, who enrolled them in her Massachusetts Academy and recruited them into the ranks of her Hellions. Magneto learned that he had been tricked and sought to reclaim his students, bringing him into conflict with the Avengers. After the New Mutants sided with Magneto, Frost recanted and helped restore them to their former selves. Sam's relationship with Lila eventually progressed to the stage where he asked her to visit his home and meet his family. When Lila arrived with a crystal gift for his mother, Sam mistakenly believed she had stolen it when she had actually carved it by hand. Lila left angrily, but after Sam saved her life following a plane crash, he apologized. Later, Sam and the New Mutants came to Lila's aid after she had been kidnapped by the alien Spyder. Rescuing her, Lila seemingly sacrificed her life to stop Spyder's other captives from wreaking havoc in the universe. Sam was heartbroken at Lila's apparent death. However, when she later resurfaced alive, they both realized that their romance was over as the two had moved on with their separate lives. When the time-traveling mutant soldier Cable took over the stewardship of the New Mutants and reorganized them into the strike team X-Force, Sam learned that he was an apparently immortal mutant, one whom Cable had traveled back in time to find and guide. During a clash with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Sam's blast field was disrupted by Phantazia and he was seemingly killed by Sauron; however, this manifested his apparent immortality and he returned to life. Sam eventually became romantically involved with his teammate Tabitha, a.k.a. Boomer. When X-Force were separated from Cable for a time, Sam took the reigns of leadership. He eventually graduated to the ranks of the X-Men, which placed a strain on his relationship with Tabitha. Later, the ancient mutant Selene cast doubt on Sam's supposed immortal status, posing questions that have yet to be answered. The X-Men sent Sam to spy on Graydon Creed, a presidential candidate running on an anti-mutant platform. Under cover as Samson Guthry, Sam joined Creed's campaign staff and was able to gain his trust, though Creed was soon assassinated. Returning to the X-Men, Sam soon found himself in battle against the super-strong and virtually invulnerable Gladiator of the intergalactic Shi'ar Empire's Imperial Guard who had come to Earth seeking to forcibly enlist the X-Men's help. With creative use of his powers, Sam was able to withstand Gladiator's most powerful blow and defeat him. Eventually, Sam left the X-Men and returned home to care for his sick mother. He soon encountered Deviants once more, though he had no recollection of their past meeting, and sought help from X-Force in opposing them, rejoining the team afterwards. Sam became X-Force's leader again shortly before they were called upon to aid former spy Pete Wisdom in recovering a downed satellite from Genosha, and his memories of his childhood encounter with Deviants were restored afterwards. Later, Sam asked Wisdom to help give the team a new purpose, and to that end Wisdom introduced the team to the shadowy world of black ops. After Wisdom faked his own death, Sam once again assumed leadership and continued Wisdom's crusade until X-Force seemingly died in a cataclysmic explosion. They later resurfaced, but by then a new media-savvy team had assumed the mantle of X-Force and trademarked the name. Sam went on to join Xavier's X-Corporation, a global search and rescue unit for oppressed mutants, but after a disastrous mission that resulted in the death of his teammate Darkstar, he desperately sought a fresh start. After reigniting his romance with Lila, Sam met with the weather-manipulating mutant Storm and seeing her X-Men team's role as global mutant peacekeepers as the chance he was looking for, accepted an offer to join. After Storm's team became the international, government-approved X-Treme Sanctions Executive, they moved back into Xavier's mansion. Soon after, Sam was injured in a battle against the extradimensional Fury and temporarily left the team to recuperate. Back at the family farm, Sam was approached by Cable to rejoin X-Force to help oppose the threat of the ancient evil known as the Skornn. He declined, claiming that Cable was not to be trusted, and battled his former teacher. Defeated, Sam was then recruited into the Mutant Liberation Front by its new leader, a future incarnation of Cable's long-time ally Domino posing as the despotic Stryfe. The MLF teamed with X-Force, the feral X-Man Wolverine, and members of the Fantastic Four to oppose the Skornn, who was defeated at the apparent cost of Cable's life. Sam then joined his former X-Force teammate Siryn and the merc-with-a-mouth Deadpool in locating Cable, finding his essence scattered across various alternate Earths. They collected it and returned to their own Earth where the mutant techosmith Forge was able to restore Cable. After M-Day, Sam returned to the mansion, shocked to find that his sister Melody had been depowered. Recently, Sam joined Rogue's strike team after Serafina, one of the hyper-evolved Children of the Vault, entered his mind and made him believe that they were married and had a family. Sam was severely upset by this psychic violation, though soon resolved his feelings after defeating Serafina. +This superhero's name is Captain America 2099. Their real name is Roberta Mendez. Roberta Mendez was the wife of Alchemax Operative One-Nine-Four-Zero, who forcefully subjected her to the Super-Soldier Serum. Under the code name Captain America, Roberta became the leader of Alchemax's Avengers; however, Roberta and Captain America were two different persons of the same woman, with Roberta unknowing of her counterpart. +This superhero's name is Captain America (EMH). Their real name is Steve Rogers. +This superhero's name is Captain America (Venomized). Their real name is Steve Rogers. In all of history, only two men have received the super-soldier formula. Captain America was one. Steven Rogers, the first Captain America was placed in stasis at the end of World War II and released in modern times to combat major threats to America. He was also bonded to a symbiote as a government experiment. The symbiote couldn't control him due to his will, so he has joined Toxin's resistance. Cap's weapon is a circular shield with extremely sharp edges, made from a hybrid metal that can't be scratched or dented. +This superhero's name is Captain America (Wild West). Their real name is Steve Rogers. Captain America helped out the Guardians of the Galaxy, when they came across M.O.D.O.K. in the Silver Stud Saloon. +This superhero's name is Captain Atom. Their real name is Nathaniel Adam. +This superhero's name is Captain Boomerang (CW). Their real name is Digger Harkness. Digger Harkness was a member of ASIS, specializing in weapons and technology. During his time at the agency, Harkness trained with Slade Wilson several times. During Slade and Harkness' final fight, Slade's Mirakuru-enhanced strength returned, and he defeated Harkness. Eventually, Harkness went rogue and started selling his services to the highest bidder, after which he was captured by A.R.G.U.S.. Because of his skills, he was recruited for the Suicide Squad. +This superhero's name is Captain Boomerang (DCEU). Their real name is Digger Harkness. George "Digger" Harkness was raised in poverty in the Australian town of Kurrumburra, the illegitimate child of an Australian woman and an American toy manufacturer. Harkness learned early how to develop boomerangs into weapons. Having moved to the USA, Harkness undertook a string of jewelry heists which brought him to the attention of Flash, who eventually apprehended him. Earning the name Captain Boomerang from his father later in his life, Harkness became an infamous bank robber, renowned to be among the most lethal robbers in the world with 54 counts of aggravated assault and 98 counts of burglary to his name. During his time in Belle Reve, Harkness was serving three life sentences when he was recruited by Amanda Waller to enlist in the government-sanctioned Task Force X, where he was assigned to neutralize the threat of Enchantress and Incubus in Midway City, shortening his prison sentence as a result. +This superhero's name is Captain Boomerang. Their real name is George Harkness. George "Digger" Harkness was raised in poverty in the Australian town of Kurrumburra, the illegitimate child of an Australian woman and an American toy manufacturer. Harkness learned early how to develop boomerangs into weapons. Having moved to the USA, Harkness undertook a string of jewelry heists which brought him to the attention of Flash, who eventually apprehended him. Earning the name Captain Boomerang from his father later in his life, Harkness became an infamous bank robber, renowned to be among the most lethal robbers in the world with 54 counts of aggravated assault and 98 counts of burglary to his name. During his time in Belle Reve, Harkness was serving three life sentences when he was recruited by Amanda Waller to enlist in the government-sanctioned Task Force X, where he was assigned to neutralize the threat of Enchantress and Incubus in Midway City, shorting his prison sentence as a result. +This superhero's name is Captain Britain. Their real name is Brian Braddock. Born in the small town of Malden, Essex, Brian was a graduate student in physics, in advance of his years, at England's Thames University. Working under his mentor Dr Travis at the Darkmoor Research Centre during the holidays, he was present when the mercenary Reaver and his men raided the facility to kidnap the scientists there. Escaping with the intention to get help, Brian fled on a motorbike, but was run off the road. Bleeding to death, Brian was approached by Merlin and his daughter Roma, who told him that he could live if he became Britain's next great champion. They offered Brian a choice: The Amulet of Right (or Life) or the Sword of Might (or Death). Being a scholar and not conceiving of himself as a warrior, Brian chose the Amulet. He then became Captain Britain, complete with costume and super-powers, as well as a staff, which was later replaced by Merlin with a 'Star Sceptre' that enabled him to fly. Moments later, the Reaver arrived and, claiming the sword, was transformed into an armoured knight with tremendous strength. Captain Britain nonetheless defeated him, meeting his first challenge as a hero with courage and surprising skill. Over the next few months, Brian battled such foes as the Vixen, Hurricane, the Mastermind computer, Lord Hawk, Doctor Claw, Dr. Synne, the Highwayman, Basil Crushstone AKA the Manipulator, the Lurker from Loch Ness, Nykonn, the Black Baron and the assassin Slaymaster as well as teaming up with Captain America against the Red Skull. His activities made him popular with the public, though he was considered a vigilante by the police, in particular Chief Inspector Dai Thomas, who dedicated himself to capturing and unmasking Captain Britain. Thomas's subordinate, Detective Inspector Kate Fraser, was more sympathetic to the novice hero. Eventually, Brian came to America on a study abroad program. By a strange twist of fate, he ended up rooming with Peter Parker at Empire State University. Parker also had a secret identity, namely Spider-Man, and after battling the assassin Arcade together, the two began meeting for nightly patrols and training; Peter quickly deduced that his English roommate was also the new English hero in town, but Brian remained unaware that Spider-Man was his roommate. Brian began to drink heavily, and it affected his performance both as a student and as a hero, but soon stopped after inadvertently inflicting serious injuries on an opponent because he had fought them in an inebriated state. Returning to Britain, Brian was subjected to a psychic attack while travelling on a plane over the English Channel. He jumped from the plane and was washed ashore on the coast of Cornwall, where he lived for some months as an amnesiac hermit until he was found by Dane Whitman, the Black Knight, who restored his memories and accompanied him to Otherworld to save Camelot from the evil Mordred and the demon lord Necromon at the behest of Merlin. During the course of this adventure, Brian died but was resurrected by Merlin. Also at some point during this period, Captain Britain and the Black Knight were both briefly abducted by the Grandmaster to participate in his 'Contest of Champions', but were subsequently apparently returned to their former place and time with no memory of the event. Once this mission was completed, Captain Britain and an elf named Jackdaw were apparently sent home by Merlin, but accidentally ended up on a parallel Earth (after colliding with the Time traveler Ralf in the void) where they met the mysterious Saturnyne and fought the insane mutant Mad Jim Jaspers. Jackdaw and Brian were both killed by the cyborg monster called The Fury, but Brian was resurrected by Merlin again, this time on his own Earth, where he and a number of others including his sister Betsy, the dimensionally displaced Captain UK, Saturnyne and the alien mercenaries known as the Special Executive successfully defeated both the Fury and Earth 616's version of Jaspers (the other version, and his entire dimension, were later erased from existence by the Dimensional Development Court). Merlin was seemingly killed in the final battle, but later returned. Some time later, Brian gave up the Captain Britain identity, allowing his sister Betsy to take up the mantle. Unfortunately, Betsy was unprepared to be Captain Britain, and lost her eyes in a battle with Slaymaster. Brian felt his twin's pain through her telepathy and a special bond they share, and rushed back to fight Slaymaster, whom he then killed. Brian then resumed the mantle of Captain Britain, and fought evil as Britain's premier superhero. Then, when the X-Men appeared to die in Dallas (see Fall of the Mutants), Brian was disconsolate over his sister's death. He drank heavily, and scared away his lover Meggan, who went to find Nightcrawler, an acquaintance of hers on Muir Island. Meggan arrived at the same time as the Technet, an interdimensional band of mercenaries who were looking for Phoenix. When Meggan and Shadowcat were captured by the Technet, Nightcrawler went to enlist Captain Britain's aid. However, Kurt found Brian deep in a drunken stupor, completely depressed and uninterested in doing anything anymore. So Nightcrawler pitched Brian over the edge of his lighthouse's balcony and into the ocean. When Brian recovered and flew back, Nightcrawler convinced him to help him find the women. At the successful conclusion of that mission, Cap joined with the other mutants to form Excalibur, Britain's premier superteam. When Phoenix abruptly rushed to America when New York was engulfed in the Inferno, Excalibur followed. After his costume was destroyed, Captain Britain discovered that his powers were linked to Britain, and would diminish if he left he country for too long. This weakness was partially alleviated when Excalibur went dimension-hopping during the Cross-Time Caper when Captain Britain received the magical costume of Captain Marshall (the Captain Britain of that world) which acted as a battery for his arcane power. Months later, Brian suddenly began to grow larger as his body absorbed more and more energy as different realities came into alignment, heralding a Cosmic Convergence. The team learned that Necrom was planning to use the convergence to become omnipotent, but using Shadowcat's powers the team merged into Brian's enormous body and fixed the damage Necrom was doing across the multiverse. Then, on Roma's secret cue, Meggan drained Brian of all his excess energy, returning him to normal size, and fired it at the tower which was the linchpin through all the dimensions of the multiverse. Brian and Meggan took some time off from the team and got engaged, but they and the rest of Excalibur were soon captured by the R.C.X. and Brian was severely beaten when he resisted. Dying, broken and bloody, he was healed by Roma, who fixed the arcane circuitry in his costume to match his body's frequencies, and who also removed a "blunder factor" she had cast over him, ensuring that he would need the help of a team until he saw the innate value in it. Immediately afterwards, Phoenix reappeared and Excalibur journeyed to the future to save it from the Sentinels. Unfortunately, on the way back Brian was lost in the timestream. No one had a clue how to find him until his body parts started appearing in the same space as Rachel's, first his arms, then his chest, for brief flickers. Meggan confronted Rachel about Brian's whereabouts and with Daytripper's help they opened a rift in which Brian and Rachel switched places. Rachel was flung to the far future to become the Mother Askani, and Brian returned home. However, he was flooded with memories of the far future and seemed disconnected for the real world. He called himself Britanic for some time, but eventually re-acclimated himself to his old life. After receiving a message of impending danger from Jean Grey, who had found Alistaire Stuart running from Black Air, and one from Shinobi Shaw regarding Mountjoy's infiltration into the London Hellfire Club, Brian went to the Club and claimed his father's position as Black Bishop, defeating the contender for Red Bishop with one punch. When Black Air and the Club made their move, Brian was attacked by the Black Queen and Scribe, who was possessed by Mountjoy. Luckily, Brian was in his newly-refurbished costume, complete with projectable forcefield, and he defeated them both. He appeared to have come to terms with both his scientific and superhero sides. Soon afterwards, however, in a battle with the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn, Brian expended all of his power to stop a dimensional portal from opening. He left the team for a while, but returned to fulfill his dream of marrying Meggan. At the ceremony on Otherworld, the rest of the team decided to return to the States, so Excalibur disbanded, leaving Captain Britain and Meggan as Britain's foremost heroes. Brian soon went back to work at the Darkmoor research facility, and it was during one of his tests (on the new blade and armor of his friend the Black Knight) that Widget reappeared with warriors who attacked him and Meggan, tracking Captain U.K. stating that Roma ordered it done. The heroes (including Psylocke, who was also visting in England) drove the attackers off, then followed them to Otherworld, where they discovered that that Captain Britain Corps had been decimated. Together with the survivors, Crusader X and Captain U.K., Brian and his comrades had to stop Roma, using his troop who revealed to be the R.C.X. Warpies and Cherubims tortured and modified as soldiers, from acquiring the Sword of Might, Excalibur, which together with the Amulet of Right (which had returned to Otherworld when Brian lost his powers) could remake the cosmos. Brian went in search of the sword, and ended up finding a computer-filled shrine in a cavern built by his father. A hologram of James Braddock, Sr. explained to Brian that he was the savior and rightful heir of Otherworld, and had the innate right to wield Excalibur. The hologram re-activated Brian's powers, and Brian drew the sword, which generated a fiery St. Andrew's Cross (from the British flag) as a mask on his face. Brian then confronted Roma, who was revealed to be his father's sentient and insane computer Mastermind, and defeated him together with the real Roma. Roma then relinquished control of Otherworld to Captain Britain, and he and Meggan remained in Otherworld as effectives rulers of the multiverse, with as first action their use of the Excalibur sword to restore the integrity and humanity of the warpies. Unbeknownst to Brian, the events leading up to his assumption of the Otherworld were orchestrated by Kang the Conqueror and Widget, for reasons yet to be revealed. Recently, Brian and Meggan appeared to Kelsey Leigh, a British mother who had died protecting her kids and Captain America from the Wrecking Crew with Captain America's own shield, and offered her the choice between the Amulet and the Sword, making her into a new Captain Britain upon her choice of Excalibur. Brian himself was captured by Morgan le Fay, who hoped to kill him, thereby destroying Britain via Brian's mystical connection with the land, but since his power was transferred to Kelsey, the plan failed. Civil War After discussions with Doom and Namor, the Black Panther and his wife Storm tried to recruit Brian in their movement against the US Super-Human Registration Act. He decline the proposition and was fustiged by Ororo for his attitude. Claiming the return of the Ebony Blade as part of the British legacy, but this was denied by T'Challa, as it was been used by a mercenary against him. (The Sword was later given back to Dane Whitman by Storm. Captain Britain was forced to come back to Earth to stop the House of M reality from coming into existence. During this time, his wife Meggan apparently sacrificed her life to save a rip in time from destroying the Earth. This had resulted in Brian becoming active as Captain Britain again and the formation of the all new Excalibur, along with Pete Wisdom, Sage, Juggernaut, Dazzler and Nocturne. During the Secret Invasion Captain Britain and MI-13 believed that the Skrulls planned to invade Avalon through The Siege Perilous. In taking the magical realm of Avalon the Skrulls would control the Earth's magic. To keep this from happening Brian tried to stop a Skrull nuclear missile head on by sacrificing himself. As British military, MI-6 and Avalon where making their last stand Merlin resurrected Braddock. Immediately Brian entered Avalon and pulled out Excalibur from the stone. Upon arriving at Brittan’s last line of defense attacked the Super-Skrull Commander. After the battle going in favor of both sides Brian threw the final blow. At the same moment Satannish, who had given Wisdom one wish in exchange for letting him free on Earth, destroyed all Skrulls in the British Isles and any that have and will try to enter. Following the events of the Skrull invasion, as the new members of MI-13 attempted to adjust and Brian began to grasp how his new powers worked, they were sent to assist Captain Midlands, who was investigating one of the threats that Pete Wisdom had unleashed to defeat the Skrulls, Plokta. MI13 later went on to defeat the vampire lord Dracula's attempt at subjugating Britain, and are currently Britain's first line of defence, with Captain Britain and the now recovered Meggan firmly at the heart of the team. During an international meeting between Commander Rogers and MI13, Captain Britain was offered a job with the Avengers. Captain Britain accepted despite mixed reactions from his MI13 teammates. In first, he was consider like a reserve member, but later, he was choice as officially a new member of the secret team of the Avengers. Otherworld came under attack by a mysterious force, led by a Goat-Demon, who revealed later to be an aspect of his brother's personality, Jamie Braddock. Sharing Psylocke's memories during X-Force's confrontation against Archangel, thanks to their siblings links, he saw the murder of the Apocalypse boy by Fantomex and organized his abduction, leading a Captain Britain Corps' commando. He also abducted Psylocke to made her again a member of the Corps, to defend Otherworld. Brian intended to make Fantomex pay for his crime, but also to wipe him off the Multiverse, seeing as an unique and dangerous anomaly (although we know a few alternate, but all from the future). When Psylocke finally discovered the identity of the invader, she ordered Brian to kill Jamie, and facing his hesitation, she take the control of his body and made him kill his older brother When it was revealed that the Phoenix was heading towards Earth, Braddock was a member of the team led by Thor to stop it. During Ultron's sudden take over of Earth, Brian fought the robot's sentinels along Captain Marvel. But both Captains ultimately perished. +This superhero's name is Captain Cold (CW). Their real name is Leonard Snart. Leonard Snart wasn’t the smartest person ever and failed school and was a looser. Later he would get his hands on a gun Cisco made to stop the flash if he went rogue Leonard going by the name Captain Cold robbed a few banks before being stopped by the Flash but would later escape and be a recurring villain +This superhero's name is Captain Corbett. Their real name is . He tried to defeat Kid Colt with his bear, but Colt set the gorilla loose, then confused the two animals with his gunfire, so that they turned on each other. +This superhero's name is Captain Epic. Their real name is . His origins either lost or forgotten, Captain Epic first appeared in the public eye during World War II. He fought alongside Canada’s greatest heroes, both human and super, at home and abroad. He is the leader of Team Epic, fighting for truth, strength and freedom for the Canadian people. Possessing the superhuman qualities of strength and speed, he has vowed to do all in his power to provide a hero for Canada and a leader for his team. Although the Captain is human and subject to humanity’s struggles, he holds nothing back as he charges into danger risking life and limb for his country. +This superhero's name is Captain Hindsight. Their real name is Jack Brolin. Jack "Captain Hindsight" Brollin is a superhero who "helps" people in need by appearing at the scene to lecture them about what they did wrong to get into a certain accident and what methods they could have used to avoid it, instead of actually rescuing them. Despite this, civilians still feel much better afterwards. He removed his special ability through the machine he gained it from in Mysterion Rises, and went back to work as a news reporter again. He was personally invited to superheroes group Coon and Friends by Cartman, but he refused to join. Captain Hindsight is the only superhero in South Park to wear an actual, typical superhero costume, which is not made up of other mix-matched clothes. His hair is black with a single curl on his forehead, whilst his head is shaped closer to a regular person’s than the rest of the cast, with a slight cleft chin. He wears a yellow base suit, with red briefs over it, which has a black H emblazoned on his chest, with a blue eye above it. Around his waist is a plain red belt, with a red buckle. He covers his hands and feet with a pair of matching gloves and boots, as well as adorning a red cape, which bears his symbol on the back. Overall, his appearance is very similar to Superman's, with yellow replacing blue and a different symbol. As Jack Brolin, he wears a blue jacket and matching pants, with a white shirt complete with tie, due to his career as a reporter, another allusion to Superman. +This superhero's name is Captain Mar-vell. Their real name is Genis-Vell. Captain Mar-Vell was a member of the Kree, the alien humanoid race which has built an empire throughout the galaxy known as the Greater Magellanic Cloud. More specifically, he was one of the so-called "White Kree," a Kree race which has the same color skin as Caucasian Earth humans, which is the result of interbreeding of many of the original blue Kree race with humanoids of other worlds, and which now far outnumbers the blue Kree, who, however, still dominate positions of wealth and governmental power in the Kree Empire. The Supreme Intelligence, the fusion of great blue Kree minds of the past that governs the Kree Empire, had encouraged interbreeding with other humanoid races because it recognized that the blue Kree race had reached an evolutionary dead end, and hence the Supreme Intelligence itself, since it was composed of blue Kree minds, would also evolve no further. The Supreme Intelligence had hoped that interbreeding would infuse new vitality into the Kree gene pool, but in recent years it had come to believe that interbreeding was not having the desired result. Then the Earth-born Fantastic Four's defeats of a Kree Sentry and of Ronan the Accuser drew the Supreme Intelligence's attention to Earth. Thousands of years before, the Kree had learned of the genetic potential of Earth's human beings for evolving superhuman abilities, and had even conducted genetic experiments on Earth which had resulted in the evolution of the Inhumans. Now, the Supreme Intelligence realized, superhumans such as the Fantastic Four were evolving on Earth spontaneously, and Earth human beings had the potential of evolving even nearly limitless psionic powers. The Supreme Intelligence formed a complicated plan. It would take an Earth human being and rearrange his genetic structure so as to awaken in him the vast psionic power that Earth human beings could eventually evolve. Because the Supreme intelligence could not absorb an Earth human being's mind into itself directly, it would cause this human being's mind to become linked with that of a white Kree, since white Kree are biologically more similar to Earth human beings than blue Kree are. The Supreme Intelligence would then forge a psionic link with these two minds, aided by an unusual plant called the Millennia Bloom. The result would be that the Supreme Intelligence would immediately evolve almost limitless psionic powers. Then, it would use the Earth human being and the member of the white Kree, who would now both be mindless and fully under the Supreme Intelligence's control, to destroy the Earth, so that no Earth human being could ever arise with power matching its own. Other factors entered into the Supreme Intelligence's calculations. It had telepathically become aware that the Kree Imperial Minister, Zarek, and Ronan were plotting its overthrow. After Ronan's defeat on Earth, the Supreme Intelligence had ordered that a Kree starship put the planet under observation. Zarek and Ronan planned to arrange for a Kree hero to be assigned to the mission, and to manipulate events so that he would then turn traitor. They would then frame him for creating a menace to the planet Kree-Lar, administrative center of the Kree Empire. Ronan would then kill the Supposed traitor, halting the menace. The Supreme Intelligence would be blamed for the near disaster, and Zarek and Ronan would supplant it as ruler of the Empire. The Supreme Intelligence intended to thwart this conspiracy, but also to make the Kree pawn that the plotters selected be the one whom he would have linked to the Earth human being. The Supreme Intelligence searched for the white Kree who would best fit these many requirements, and found him in Captain Mar-Vell, who was, despite his youth, an acclaimed hero in the Empire for his victories in battle with the Skrulls and others. The Supreme Intelligence knew that Mar-Vell and his lover Una, a nurse in the space fleet, both possessed humane attitudes and sympathies, which had been suppressed in most other Kree in their education. Moreover, the Supreme Intelligence learned that a Commander Yon-Rogg lusted after Una, and was ruthless enough to use any means of disposing of his rival for her love. Through secret use of its telepathic powers, the Supreme Intelligence arranged for Zarek and Ronan to learn of all this. The two conspirators then named Mar-Vell to be the Kree spy on Earth, Yon-Rogg to be his commander, and Una to be a nurse on their starship. After arriving on Earth, Mar-Vell witnessed the death of Dr. Walter Lawson, a scientist on his way to his new assignment at Cape Canaveral, Florida, in an auto accident. Coincidentally, Lawson bore an astonishing resemblance to Mar-Vell, so the latter decided to pose as him, the better to study Earth humans' progress towards developing means of space travel. As Lawson, Mar-Vell met Cape security chief Carol Danvers. Meanwhile, Kree Sentry #459, which the Fantastic Four had defeated, had been brought to the Cape for study, and Yon-Rogg, hoping that it would destroy Mar-Vell, re-activated it from his starship. Mar-Vell publicly appeared in his Kree helmet and uniform to battle the Sentry, and succeeded in defeating it. Onlookers, hearing the Sentry call him by name, believed him to be a new Earth-born superhuman adventurer named "Captain Marvel" and acclaimed him as a hero. Over the succeeding months, as Ronan, Zarek, and the Supreme Intelligence had planned, Mar-Vell's sympathy for the people of Earth grew increasingly stronger, and many times he surreptitiously subverted orders from Yon-Rogg and Ronan that would bring harm to Earth people. Finally Yon-Rogg caught Mar-Vell in direct disobedience of an order from the Empire's Supreme Council, and Ronan sentenced Mar-Vell to death by firing squad. Mar-Vell was about to be executed on Earth when Yon-Rogg's firing squad was attacked by a contingent of Aakon warriors. In the melee Una was fatally wounded by a stray shot by an Aakon. Mar-Vell escaped on an Earth missile, and laid Una's corpse to rest on an asteroid. Yon-Rogg seized Mar- Vells missile with a tractor beam and hurled it into hyperspace. The Earth missile had no means of leaving hyperspace, and drifted there for 63 days, by which point Mar-Vell was in an utter state of exhaustion. Ronan and Zarek brought the missile to a small world on the edge of the Kree Galaxy, and took the now unconscious Mar-Vell to a "multi-sensory illusion chamber" they had constructed. There they caused him to have the illusion that he encountered a godlike being named Zo which gave him the power that he wanted to be able to destroy Yon-Rogg. The powers that Mar-Vell then received were not illusory: he became far stronger than other known Kree (except for Ronan), and gained the ability to cast illusions and to teleport himself across even intergalactic distances. Mar-Vell briefly returned to Earth but Zo "appeared" to him again and ordered him to Hala to battle a gigantic generator of magnetic power, disguised as an idol of the Kree god Tam-Bor, which was capable of destroying the entire planet. Right after Mar-Vell found the generator, Ronan, carrying out his plan, appeared and accused Mar-Vell of being its creator. Mar-Vell and Ronan fought, but Mar-Vell succeeded in destroying the generator. The Supreme Intelligence's personal "Super-Sentry" then appeared and drove off Ronan, and brought Mar-Vell to the chamber of the Supreme Intelligence, where Zarek stood as a captive. Suddenly Ronan teleported into the chamber' and teleported out again with Zarek, leaving an antimatter bomb behind. Mar-Vell leapt upon the sphere to save the Supreme Intelligence, but the Supreme Intelligence explained that his devices had neutralized it. The Supreme Intelligence honored Mar-Vell with a special uniform, and allowed him to retain his newly increased strength and abilities to fly unprotected through space and hyperspace, although he could no longer teleport himself or cast illusions. However, as soon as Mar-Vell left for space, he found himself hurled into the Negative Zone, an antimatter universe in a dimension alongside that of Earth. Next the Supreme Intelligence secretly enabled Mar-Vell to make telepathic contact with Rick Jones, a youth who had previously been a companion to the Hulk, Captain America, and the original Avengers. Mar-Vell's image lured Jones to a hidden and abandoned Kree base on Earth, where he had Jones put on a pair of "nega-bands" around his wrists, and then to slam them together. The result was that Mar-Vell and Jones traded places: Mar-Vell was now on Earth, and Jones, surrounded by a protective aura that allowed him to survive, was in the Negative Zone. As long as they wore the bands, Mar-Vell and Jones were in total telepathic contact; thus, the Supreme Intelligence had created the psychic link between an Earth human being and white Kree that he desired. The nega-bands remained on Earth on the wrists of whichever of the two-Mar-Vell or Jones--was on Earth at the time. Hence, Mar-Vell could return to the Negative Zone by slamming the bands together, thereby returning Jones to Earth. Mar-Vell could only remain on Earth for brief periods of time; if he stayed a total of three hours, he and Jones would switch places automatically. So it was Jones who spent most of the time on Earth, but he was willing, usually, to trade places with Mar-Vell at intervals. Soon after becoming linked with Jones, Mar-Vell confronted Yon-Rogg, who had abducted Carol Danvers as a hostage to use against him. Mar-Vell defeated Yon-Rogg, who died when a nearby Kree device exploded. In the course of this battle Danvers was irradiated by a Kree Psyche-magnitron, causing her to develop a half-Kree physiology which was similar to Mar-Vell's; using the superhuman powers she gained. Danvers later became the first costumed adventurer known as Ms. Marvel. Sometime later, Mar-Vell used the Fantastic Four's machine that created a doorway into the Negative Zone to transport Jones out of the Zone, so that they both then existed in the Earth dimension simultaneously and separately. However, Ronan, who had been imprisoned along with Zarek, now broke free and seized control of the Kree Imperial government. Almost immediately afterward, war broke out between the Kree and Skrull Empires. Eventually, the Supreme Intelligence contacted Rick Jones and activated Jones's latent psionic powers. Jones used them to paralyze the entire Skrull space fleet as well as Ronan and his forces, thereby ending the war and allowing the Supreme Intelligence to return to power. The Supreme Intelligence then deactivated Jones's power, and the youth was left exhausted and lying on the point of death. As the Supreme Intelligence had planned, Mar-Vell again linked himself to Jones, in the same manner as before, so that his own life force would restore Jones to health. Mar-Vell returned to Earth, where he learned that Jones's body could no longer contain both his own life force and Mar-Vell's. Jones was bombarded with a form of electromagnetic radiation by Professor Benjamin Savannah, which had two effects. First, Jones could now contain both his and Mar-Vells life forces. Second, Mar-Vell himself could now absorb solar energy and use it for strength and for firing bolts of force. Soon afterwards, Mar-Vell became embroiled in battling Thanos and his plans for destroying all life in the universe. Mar-Vell was teleported to the presence of the extraterrestrial being called Eon which had been created thousands of years before to watch over the evolution of superhuman beings on Earth. Eon induced Mar-Vell to reject the Kree's love of warfare entirely, and to reach inner peace. Eon then granted Mar-Vell a psionic ability called "cosmic awareness", and designated him as "Protector of the Universe". Thanks to these changes in himself, Captain Mar-Vell became the primary force in bringing about Thanos's defeat. Next Mar-Vell battled Nitro, who had stolen a powerful nerve gas. A leak developed in a canister of the gas, but Mar-Vell used his great strength to seal it. The gas caused Mar-Vell to collapse, but he seemed to recover fully afterwards. However, the gas was also carcinogenic, as he would learn later. As time passed, Mar-Vell and Jones learned that they could both exist in the Earth dimension simultaneously by concentrating on the nega-bands. However, to maximize Mar-Vell's power when necessary, they would still merge. After Mar-Vell passed too closely to a black hole, Jones was again trapped in the Negative Zone, but Mar-Vell released him during a battle with the Super Adaptold. Mar-Vell and Jones had various other adventures, and finally, in confrontations with the Supreme Intelligence, learned its true plans for them, which Mar-Vell succeeded in thwarting. Finally, however, the cancer that the gas had given Mar-Vell took its toll. Mar-Vell spent his last days on Titan where he died, surrounded by his lover Elysius of Titan, Jones, the Avengers, and various other friends. +This superhero's name is Captain Marvel II. Their real name is Frederick Christopher Freeman. Originally empowered by the powers of the former Captain Marvel, Billy Batson, who has been advanced to controller of the Rock of Eternity, Freeman is now trying to prove himself a worthy successor to his friend who originally shared his superhuman power levels with Freeman. Freeman currently is only partially powered in his quest to prove himself worthy of the full powers and ability as the new Captain Marvel. +This superhero's name is Captain Metropolis. Their real name is Nelson Gardner. As a child, Nelson Gardner was sickly and asthmatic, but through years of training he managed to overcome his condition and eventually started playing football in college. After college, he joined the U.S. marines. He later adopted the identity Captain Metropolis to fight crime. Along with Sally Jupiter, he was a founding member of the Minutemen and later, he founded the Crimebusters with Ozymandias. He was apparently in a relationship with fellow Minuteman Hooded Justice, a fact that the Minutemen's publicist, Laurence Schexnayder, worked very hard to cover up. He started the Crimebusters because he thought that by pooling the efforts of the other vigilantes, crime could be effectively wiped out in Manhattan and outside. Both teams eventually fell apart due to personal problems from the team members. He contributed to the hatred of superheroes by expressing bigotry towards African-American and Hispanic people. He was decapitated in a car crash in 1974; the accident, however, would later prove to be suicide. Despite this, there is fan speculation that he, along with Hooded Justice, is still alive at the time of the graphic novel. +This superhero's name is Captain Planet. Their real name is . Captain Planet is formed by combining the powers of the rings of the five Planeteers, which represent the four Classical elements: Earth (wielded by Kwame), Fire (Wheeler), Wind (Linka), Water (Gi) - and the additional power of Heart (Ma-Ti) All of these people represent a major ethnicity and each one of them comes from a different continent. Upon his formation, he proclaims, "By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!" Captain Planet is the combined and magnified powers of all five of the Planeteers' rings, and stands for all that is good and environmentally-friendly. The Captain is sky-blue skinned, with a grass-green mullet and eyebrows. He wears red shorts, a half-shirt and gauntlets with matching red knee-high boots. His body is composed mainly of a crystal compound. Captain Planet has a very impressive array of powers: he can fly, has great strength (enough to throw a small asteroid from Earth all the way to Jupiter), the ability to blow hurricane-force winds, telepathy, telekinesis, shapeshifting, matter transmutation, and virtually any other super-power required by the circumstances currently facing him, which, in fact was one of the criticisms against the show (for example, in one episode, it is revealed that Captain Planet has the ability to execute computer programming commands normally associated with anti-virus software). Much like Superman and his kryptonite, however, Captain Planet also possesses weaknesses to pollution, radiation, toxic waste, smog, etc. In one episode, when he meets The Führer, a character based on Hitler, he says that hatred is as polluting anything other pollutant. The powers of the Planeteers' rings are also diminished by excessive pollution in the environment around them. He, like Gaia, is also bound to the physical realm of Earth. While capable of flying into space, his powers -- and even his very existence -- begin to fade the farther away he travels from the planet. Conversely, Captain Planet is often healed from the damage he sustains from pollution by absorbing solar energy, water, or other natural elements. Sometimes, he can intimidate his enemies with insults, as he did with Captain Pollution in one episode. Captain Planet is an ancient entity, who has served with Gaia for many centuries. While his appearance and certain mannerisms are taken directly from the minds of the Planeteers, he is a sentient being, with his own will. He is also quite aware of current events, even those that occur when he is not active. His modern-day superhero attire and name seem to stem from the modern world, as even Gaia does not give his name in the beginning. Captain Planet possesses a wry sense of humor and has been known to crack jokes and use puns at times as well. Though powerful, as in the first episode, when Rigger tries to drill him with a diamond tip drill used for drilling oil, and that only tickled him, he has become depowered at least three times in the series. In one episode, when the powers of Heart and Earth could not return to their rings due to being in outer space; Captain Planet re-forms with only those two rings, effectively leaving him with only the Earth and Heart abilities. In another episode, when Gaia is taken from Hope Island and transformed into a human being, both Captain Planet and the rings lose their powers, leaving Captain Planet powerless and weak as a normal human. In this story, he is also forced to wear an old hat and coat taken from a dumpster to "blend in" while they search for Gaia. Also, in one episode, he seems to have been "killed", as Hoggish Greedly is sucking up trees and Captain Planet had turned part of himself into wood and was holding onto a tree. He is pulled into the shredding machine as the tree is pulled in. Mat-Ti screams about feeling pain and the Planteers try to call Captain Planet back, but nothing happens. Later in the show though, they are able to call him for help, but even then he told them that he was not at full strength like normal. +This superhero's name is Captain Price. Their real name is John Price. Captain John Price is one of the main characters of the Call of Duty Modern Warfare series +This superhero's name is Captain Soto. Their real name is Soto. Soto was the captain of his crew of pirates and sailed among the seas of Ninjago in the era of the Stone Warrior, two hundred years prior to the age of the Ninja. At some point, he took down the Misfortune's Keep, a feared pirate ship under the command of Nadakhan, and trapped him in the Teapot of Tyrahn. Afterwards, he trapped the rest of Nadakhan's crew across the Sixteen Realms through unknown means. Some time later, Captain Soto set sail across the Endless Sea in search of the Island of Darkness, keeping a log of the journey. Unfortunately, his quest was cut short when No-Eyed Pete accidentally turned the ship back towards Ninjago and crashed into a rock in what would become the Sea of Sand. Captain Soto perished along with the rest of his crew, either due to the crash or over the subsequent years—by the time the Destiny's Bounty was found by Zane two hundred years later, there were no signs of its former crew. +This superhero's name is Captain Stingaree. Their real name is Karl Courtney. Born one of a set of quadruplets, Karl Courtney was always the black sheep of the family. Donning a cutlass and pirate outfit, Karl became Captain Stingaree. In his first outing, Captain Stingaree attempted to uncover Batman's secret identity. Somehow Stingaree had become convinced that his three brothers were actually Batman. Batman approached the Courtney brothers to pose as Batman and act as bait for Stingaree. This allowed the real Batman and the Flash to capture Captain Stingaree.Captain Stingaree later joined Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang in a splinter group of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. The three captains kidnapped other captains to show supremacy over air, land and sea, before they were taken down by Captain Comet and Black Canary.Captain Stingaree was later revealed to be gay, and in a relationship with The Cavalier. This secret was used as leverage by Black Lightning to blackmail Stingaree into working as an informant for the JLA. Captain Stingaree was killed by Jeannette in Gotham City during a confrontation with the Secret Six. She snapped his neck, and twisted his head around backwards +This superhero's name is Captain Universe. Their real name is . Captain Universe is the identity which has been assumed by each of the hundreds of beings who have been empowered by the Uni-Power, a mysterious energy source originating from the extraterrestrial dimension known as the Microverse. The creation of the Microverse was engineered by the Makers, giant beings resembling Celestials, though the details of their involvement are uncertain. A million years ago, a time traveler named Prince Wayfinder defended Earth from an invasion by evil Whirldemons. Using the cosmic power of the enigmatic Sword in the Star, Wayfinder opened an one-dimensional/temporal portal, created the Microverse to provide a new home for his people and bound the demons, preventing their entry into the Microverse. The Sword in the Star bonded with Prince Wayfinder, transforming itself into the Enigma Force with Wayfinder as its guardian. In times of distress, the Enigma Force manifests the Uni-Power, which selects a host, surrounding them with a field of energy which transforms them into the costumed Captain Universe, and imparts to them some of the knowledge they will need to yield their powers. The Uni-Power occasionally communicates with the host personally in cases where the host needs guidance, or when the Uni-Power has a specific agenda. The first known human to yield the Uni-Power was Gilbert Wiles, who became Captain Universe to help stop a plane hijacking. When the crises was over, Wiles lost the power, but was so overwhelmed by the experience that he devoted himself to studying the Uni-Power, hoping to regain it. The next known host was astronaut Ray Coffin, who had entered the Microverse through the Prometheus Pit, a portal on Earth leading to that dimension. The Time Traveler requested Coffin’s aid against the evil Baron, a Microverse tyrant who sought to conquer both dimensions, and bestowed the Captain Universe power upon him. Coffin drove the Baron from Earth, and the Prometheus Pit was sealed. Coffin then lost his powers. When Mister E, a native of the Shadow Realm, attempted to turn Earth’s sun into a black star, the Uni-Power manifested itself in Coffin again to face the threat, but the strain on Coffin caused a heart attack. The Uni-Power chose his teenage son Steve Coffin instead, and Steve defeated Mister E. The Uni-Power later empowered twin siblings, homemaker Ann Stanford and private detective Clare Dodgson, who shared the Captain Universe powers to defeat the crime-lord Nemesis, revealed to be Ann’s own husband. The Uni-Power entered cat burglar Monty Walsh, who had been shot by agents of the gangster Guido Carboni. Walsh succeeded in bringing down Carboni and hoped to use the Captain Universe powers to become a crime boss, but when the Uni-Power left him, he apparently died from his gunshot wounds. When the Microverse was imperiled by a merging with Earth-616’s dimension caused by the reawakened Whirldemons, Wayfinders descendent Arcturus Rann and Earth’s sorcerer supreme Dr. Strange found Wayfinder’s tomb, and the Sword in the Star empowered them both to become a merged Captain Universe. They used the Uni-Power to halt Earth’s merging with the Microverse, and were restored to their own bodies when the crises ended. When a crazed military officer named Jamie Custer attempted to launch a nuclear missile, the Uni-Power transformed Bruce Banner (Hulk) into Captain Universe. Banner’s other self, the Hulk, manifested itself as a separate entity, and its natural enmity to Banner led to a struggle between the two, but Banner finally destroyed the missile and neutralized the fallout. When the Uni-Power left Banner, he and Hulk remerged with each other. An unidentified female Captain Universe was among the heroes of Earth assembled by the Grandmaster to serve as potential participants in his game against Death, but she was not selected. Later, young student Delayne Masters became Captain Universe to save his teacher from a schoolyard bully named Willie Johnson. Although the Uni-Power left Delayne before he had beaten Willie, Delayne had gained enough confidence from the experience that he was able to defeat Willie on his own. The Uni-Power once transformed physics professor Evan Swann into Captain Universe to halt the Quantum Mechanic, an extraterrestrial who believed that the law of probability was a flaw in reality that should be corrected by breaking the Earth down into subatomic particles, Swann destroyed the Quantum Mechanic to save the Earth. The Uni-Power’s next known recipient was Peter Parker, secretly Spider-Man. When the Uni-Power first possessed Parker, he was struck by electricity in a laboratory accident while working with professor Max Lubisch. The accident blocked some of the Uni-Power’s energy from reaching Parker and he mistakenly believed that his increased powers were a result of the accident. Spider-Man found himself facing increased threats from super-villains due to Loki’s so called “Acts of Vengeance!” conspiracy, in which the villain community traded opponents, and he found he needed his new powers to face the Trapster, Titania, Magneto, the Brothers Grimm, Goliath, the Hulk, the Rhino, Shocker, Hydro-Man, TESS-One, Dragon Man, Terminus and Graviton. When Loki’s plot was foiled by Earth’s heroes, he attempted new mischief by merging three Sentinels into the Tri-Sentinel. This proved to be the threat the Uni-Power had chosen Spider-Man for, and he gained full access to the Uni-Power. With the Tri-Sentinels defeat, the Uni-Power departed, and Parker found himself wiser for the experience, having remained true to himself even with the cosmic powers of Captain Universe. Peter’s tenure as Captain Universe led to further troubles when nearly all of his foes from “Acts of Vengeance” returned for rematches; he was also kidnapped along with other former Captain Universe hosts by the Psycho-Man, a tyrant of the Microverse who was after the Uni-Power, but Spider-Man and his fellow prisoners escaped and defeated him. Another Captain Universe was a toddler named Eddie Price, chosen to end the threat of the demons Gart and Rath. Later, time-traveling members of the Guardians of the Galaxy visited the modern era, and they attempted an attack upon the Badoon, hoping to prevent the Badoon invasion of their own timeline. To prevent this, the Uni-Power transformed a Badoon named L’Matto into Captain Universe to defeat the Guardians. The Guardians’ absent leader Major Victory came to aid them alongside Dr. Strange, and Dr. Strange forced the Uni-Power to depart L’Matto so that the Guardians could escape back to their own time. The Uni-Power’s next known host was the paralyzed Elijah Jackson. When he became Captain Universe to save his daughter from attackers, his paralysis was temporarily healed and he had a chance to express his love for his daughter before the Uni-Power departed, restoring him to his paralyzed condition. Though accounts vary, perhaps due to reality distortion, a University of Tennessee veterinary student became Captain Universe to aid the X-Men against the mutant Roger Fieldston, who was using his power to mutate others. Captain Universe used the Uni-Power to reverse Fieldston’s powers so that he could heal everyone he affected in his rampage. An unusual Captain Universe was Roland Taylor, a schizophrenic writer. The Uni-Power healed his mind, but he found himself pursued by Division U, a scientific team trying to analyze the Uni-Power, whose ranks included Steve Coffin, angered to find another person with his one-time powers. The Uni-Power was also pursued by the Enigma Hunters, extraterrestrials from the Microverse who sought its powers for themselves. When the Uni-Power tried to leave Taylor, his schizophrenic side reasserted itself, forcing the Uni-Power to remain. The Uni-Power eventually departed from Taylor through unrevealed circumstances. The Uni-Power went on to possess police officer Ted Simmons, but it began to suffer inexplicable power fluctuations. While Simmons was battling gunmen, the Uni-Power briefly deserted him, and one of Simmons’ fellow officers was shot dead as a result. The Uni-Power could not understand what had happened to it, and began to search for answers. Needing more power, it also began to seek individuals who were already superhuman so that it could duplicate their powers. It first returned to Bruce Banner, this time possessing him and the Hulk as a single entity. They sought out Gilbert Wiles, who was still researching the Uni-Power, and he attempted to assist it, but agents of A.I.M. made an attempt on the Uni-Power, and while the empowered Hulk fought them, an invisible A.I.M. agent killed Wiles’ business partner, David Garrett. To help clear Gilbert’s name, the Uni-Power joined with Matthew Murdock, alias Daredevil, who had taken Wiles as his client. Bonding with the Uni-Power enhanced Daredevil’s superhuman senses to such a degree that he could barely function, but he also regained his eyesight as a result. Murdock proved Wiles’ innocence in court, and suggested that the Uni-Power attempt to study A.I.M.’s findings on its situation, hoping it might shed light on the power fluctuations. To invade an A.I.M. base, the Uni-Power joined with the mutant X-23 (Laura Kinney), who was sympathetic to the Uni-Power’s plight, having been a victim of experimentation herself. They were also assisted by the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Scorpion (Carmilla Black), and destroyed all of A.I.M.’s intelligence on the Uni-Power in the hopes that they would cease pursuing it. The Uni-Power sought aid from Fantastic Four leader Mr. Fantastic, but the Four were attacked by Gladiator (Kallark) of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard, who believed that the Uni-Power’s fluctuations made it a threat to the universe. The Uni-Power possessed the Invisible Woman to hold off Gladiator, and finally joined with Gladiator briefly so that he could see its recent fluctuations were uncontrolled. Gladiator offered to bring the Uni-Power back to the Shi’ar with him to seek answers. As they traveled to the Shi’are empire, Gladiator and the Uni-Power were captured by Krosakis, an extraterrestrial who fed upon cosmic energies, and he forced the Uni-Power to bond with him so that he could have its power. The Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd) sensed the Uni-Power’s distress and came to its aid. In battle with Krosakis, the Surfer was able to drive the Uni-Power from his body. The Uni-Power then bonded with the Surfer, and he was able to use his Power Cosmic to halt the fluctuations temporarily. After freeing Gladiator and Krosakis’ other slaves, the Surfer brought the Uni-Power to Gabriel Vargas, a soldier who had been crippled while on a tour of duty. The Uni-Power chose Vargas as its new host while it continued to investigate its power fluctuations. +This superhero's name is Castiel. Their real name is . Castiel is a powerful angel who was responsible for saving Dean Winchester from Hell. +This superhero's name is Cat. Their real name is Shirlee Bryant. Shirlee Bryant was hired by Malcolm Donalbain to be a spokesmodel for his new chain of health emporiums. She found that although she was hired as "arm candy," he suffered from severe haphephobia (the fear of being touched) so she had to strictly avoid touching him. When he met with Dr. Joanne Tumulo about some research she'd done on motor response at the University of Chicago, looking for some amelioration, she was unable to help. However, he became fascinated with a private experiment she was conducting, to allow any woman to totally fulfill her physical and mental potential, and agreed to subsidize it. When the experiment was ready, he insisted Shirlee be its "first lovely guinea pig." Dr. Tumulo had planned to use her lab assistant, Greer Nelson, as her first subject. When Dr. Tumulo threatened to cancel the experiment, Greer volunteered to secretly undergo the treatments alongside Shirlee. The experiment exceeded their expectations. Both women emerged with superhuman abilities. Donalbain had Shirlee use her new eidetic memory to record and duplicate the doctor's equipment. He planned to eliminate the doctor and her assistant once he had his own conditioning machine. He also had further plans for Shirlee: dressed in a cat-like uniform, she was to be the first of an army of enhanced women who would carry out his orders. Although Shirlee objected to the "Hallow'een costume," as she put it, he promised her they'd see eye-to-eye after she'd finished the outfit with a studded choker. The collar was more than merely decorative. It was a "will nullifier" that reduced the wearer to a state of zombie-like obedience. Completely under Donalbain's control, Shirlee followed his orders to climb to the top level of the six-story atrium, using her uniform's claws to dig into the beams. Then he ordered her to cast her claw-hook ahead of her and use it to swing across to the other side. Dr. Tumulo, dissatified with Shirlee's results in comparison to Greer's, had determined to end the experiment. She arrived just in time to surreptitiously observe Shirlee fall to her death. It was impossible to tell whether the equipment malfunctioned or if Shirlee's diminished condition led to her failure. However, Donalbain raved that she was an incompetent and he would create as many more prototypes as he needed. Horrified, the doctor took one of the Cat uniforms as evidence for the police and returned to her lab. After Greer listened to her mentor's recapitulation, she left for a few minutes to arrange to stay with the distraught scientist. While she was gone, Donalbain's henchmen arrived to blow up the lab. The only thing that survived was the safe containing the Cat uniform. Thinking her friend dead, Greer donned the uniform and put a stop to Donalbain's plan. Rather than let her touch him, Donalbain shot himself in the head with his own pistol. Greer continued her secret identity as the Cat, taking on old Daredevil foes such as the Owl and Man-Bull in Chicago and teaming up with Spider-Man to stop the Man-Killer in New York City. Eventually, she was shot with an alpha radiation weapon while defending Dr. Tumulo from a kidnapping attempt by Hydra agents. To save her life, the doctor arranged for the Cat People to transform Greer into one of them. She became Tigra, quod vide. +This superhero's name is Catwoman (Dark Knight). Their real name is Selina Kyle. +This superhero's name is Catwoman (Injustice). Their real name is Selina Kyle. Growing up in the harsh environment of Gotham City, Selina Kyle was only able to survive on the streets through her seductive charm and skills as a petty thief. Later on into adulthood, she worked in the East End as a hopeless dominatrix, until she saw Batman in his early days fighting crime. Seeing him inspired her to take her thieving skills to a bigger scale by fashioning a costume and calling herself Catwoman. As time passed, she and the Caped Crusader became notable adversaries, but it would also be converted into a sort of relationship, with Batman sometimes saving Catwoman from a villain or both of them working together against said villain. It conflicts with Batman's morals to love a girl that's known for being a criminal. This would end up having Catwoman become more of an antihero as of late, serving as a constant ally to the Bat-Family and other heroes of Gotham. +This superhero's name is Catwoman. Their real name is Selina Kyle. Selina Kyle's early life was defined by tragedy. When she was just a girl, her brutalized mother Maria committed suicide and her violent father Brian drank himself to death not long after. Separated from her younger sister Magdalena and remanded to the Sprang Hall Juvenile Detention Center, an abusive state home for orphaned or delinquent girls, she opted instead to take her chances on the streets of Gotham City. Amid the crime and corruption of the poverty-stricken East End district, she survived through petty theft. Sharp wits and an amazing natural skill as a gymnast led to her becoming the slickest cat burglar the Gotham City Police Department had ever dealt with. To protect herself, she studied martial arts. Later ex-heavyweight champ Ted Grant (Wildcat) taught her boxing. For a time, she was the most accomplished thief nobody knew. She was also one of the most generous, spreading her ill-gotten gains among the downtrodden and destitute of the East End. She would have continued to rob with impunity if not for the Batman. Spying the Caped Crusader from her window on one of his first outings, she watched him in action and was suitably inspired to take up her own costume when prowling the Gotham night. Although originally introduced as an equal opponent for Batman, Catwoman's status as hero or villain is ambiguous; she has her own moral code (she abhors killing, though did eventually kill Black Mask) and has occasionally teamed up with Batman and other heroes against greater threats, even saving the lives of the entire Justice League on one occasion. She represents a gray area in Batman's otherwise black and white life where the line between good and evil blurs, and his attraction to her stems from this perception that, in her way, she's kind of a female version of himself: another dark, beautiful creature that prowls the night. Catwoman, in her first appearance, wore no costume or disguise at all, and it was not until her next appearance that she donned a mask, which was a theatrically face-covering cat-mask that had the appearance of a real cat, rather than a more stylized face mask seen in her later incarnations. Later, she wore a dress with a hood that came with ears, and still later, a bodysuit with attached boots and either a domino or glasses-mask. In the 1960s, Catwoman's bodysuit was green in color, which was typical of villains of that era. In the 1990s, she usually wore a skintight purple bodysuit, before switching to a black leather outfit that recalls Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman costume in Batman Returns. In recent years, she has usually alternated between these two costumes. Ed Brubaker, the master-mind behind the 2001 revamp of the character, has stated that Selina's current costume was inspired by Emma Peel's iconic catsuit. It has a more high tech look, with domino-shaped infrared goggles (inspired by Snoopy) on her cowl. Shortly after the events of The Long Halloween, Selina visited the grave of Carmine Falcone where she expressed that she believes that she is Falcone's illegitimate daughter, but was unable to find any proof. Around this time, Selina meets Falcone's son Mario who would later become head of the Falcone crime family. During the events of Crisis of Conscience, Catwoman further proved herself an ally when she fought alongside Batman and the League against the old Secret Society, of which she had once briefly been a member. Wounded, she was taken to the Batcave to recover. When Despero and a faction of brainwashed League members infiltrated the cave and succeeded in brainwashing Batman, Catwoman was able to send a distress call out to the unaffected League members. After a fierce struggle, Despero was subdued. However, this was something of a hollow victory, since all recognized that Despero was able to pit the JLA members against one another by drawing upon pre-existing animosities and distrust. In response to Batman's inquiry about her wounds, Selina departed the Batcave after curtly informing Batman that he had already "done enough." Catwoman appears to be completely reformed, and her love for Batman true (although brash and unpredictable). However, it is now unclear if her reformation was the result of a mindwipe by Zatanna, a procedure known to deeply affect and, in at least one case, physically incapacitate its victims. Selina had no inkling that any villains had been mindwiped until Batman informed her of the events of Identity Crisis, and he now worries that her reformation may be due to mental manipulation. At the start of the recent storyline ("The One You Love"), an influx of supervillains seized control of the East End, leaving Selina with no choice but to join the new incarnation of the Secret Society. While her initial intentions were unclear, Selina shared her plans to infiltrate and destroy the cadre of East End villains with Batman. Selina made a deal with a former criminal who had powers similiar to Clayface's, who had promised to help her in exchange for his freedom. The man impersonated her, and allowed several villains to shoot and dismember him, giving the impression to the underworld that Catwoman was really dead (like Clayface, the man was able to survive what would otherwise be fatal wounds). Capitalizing upon the advantage which her "resurrection" provided her (the villains believing she had somehow managed to cheat death), Catwoman dismantled the new East End cadre of criminals, one villain at time. After she was done, Zatanna appeared at her side, informing her that she had some "bad news", hinting at an important revelation about her past. Selina ended up shooting Black Mask while dealing with the East End criminals. Following the events of Infinite Crisis, the DC Universe jumps forward in time. "One Year Later" Selina Kyle is no longer Catwoman, has left the East End, and has given birth to a daughter named Helena (whose father is initially unknown). Holly Robinson takes over as the new Catwoman while Selina, living under the alias Irena Dubrovna, turns her attention to caring for her daughter. (Selina's alias was inspired by the name of the main character in the 1942 film Cat People.) Though she takes her role as a new mother quite seriously, Selina dons the costume for a run through the East End some days after Helena's birth. Having understandably gained a few pounds, Selina finds that her costume is now a tighter fit. In addition, she is easily distracted by a common criminal. Although the situation is defused through Holly's opportune arrival, the fact that there are two Catwomen active in the city is caught on video. Selina returns home from her adventure to find that the mysterious movie aficionado Film Freak has deduced her alias, joined with Angle Man, and grabbed Helena. After rescuing her daughter, Selina convinces Zatanna to mind-wipe Film Freak and Angle Man in order to preserve her secret identity. Following the procedure, Angle Man turns himself in to the authorities; Film Freak, however, embarks upon a murderous rampage. Ted Grant informs Selina that Holly has been arrested for the murder of Black Mask; Selina infiltrates the police station and frees Holly. Finally defeating Film Freak, Selina returns home to find that Slam Bradley has deduced that Helena is Sam Bradley's child, and therefore his granddaughter. Batman asks Catwoman to infiltrate the violent tribe of Bana Amazons during the Amazons Attack crossover. Posing as a criminal, Selina gains the Bana's trust and thwarts a terror attack aimed at causing mass casualties in Gotham City. Shortly after the event, Selena invites herself to become the newest member of Batman's Outsiders. Catwoman and Batman also have a romantic relationship which they both try to hide and at times have their special moments. Selina, fearing the many dangers of a post-Batman Gotham, proposes that she, Ivy, and Harley Quinn team up, living together at a single base. Ivy agrees under one condition: using home-grown drugs to weaken Kyle's resistance, Ivy demands the identity of the true Batman. In it she flashes back 3 years when Talia requested her presence in Tibet. There she made it so Selina would not relinquish the true ID of Batman under any circumstances. After the interrogation is over and Selina sees Harley with Bruce Wayne on TV Catwoman says to Poison Ivy she knows it is Hush in disguise +This superhero's name is Caulifla. Their real name is Caulifla. Caulifla is first seen sitting on a large throne-like chair eating a large bone of meat. After being informed by Renso, Cabba attempts to recruit her to Team Universe 6, but Caulifla shows no interest, regardless of what may happen to Universe 6. After Cabba transforms, Caulifla accepts his invitation to the team, knowing she has the ability to not only transform into Super Saiyan but also get stronger than that. Later, on a rocky area, Cabba teaches Caulifla how to transform into Super Saiyan. At first, he says he does not know how to explain and starts calling her names in order to get her angry, to no avail. Then Cabba tells her to focus her energy on her back, Caulifla does and easily transforms into Super Saiyan. As it is her first time, Cabba explains that the transformation will drain her energy but once she gets used to it, it will no longer happen. Caulifla asks Cabba how to revert and he explains she needs to release the tingly-like from her back, as Caulifla does so, she reverts to normal. Caulifla gladly accepts joining Universe 6's team and invites over Kale, another female Saiyan, and her protégé. Caulifla tries to teach Kale what she has just learned from Cabba but nothing seems to work. After a long conversation, Kale thinks she is a burden to Caulifla and transforms into a Legendary Super Saiyan and loses control. Cabba and Caulifla engage in a battle against Kale in order to calm her down. Kale shoots a ki blast at Cabba but Caulifla appears and unleashes her Super Saiyan 2 form, knocking Kale's blast away. Caulifla tells her she is not falling for Cabba and Kale then powers down, instantly falling asleep in the process, and Caulifla flies over and catches her. After arriving at Champa's planet, Champa supplies Caulifla and Kale with Potara Earrings, in order to have them as his secret trump card in the tournament. They do not want the earrings and try to give them to Cabba, but Champa insists they keep them and use them when the time is right. Team Universe 6 arrives at the World of Void for the Tournament of Power and Caulifla is introduced to Goku and Vegeta by Cabba. Goku offers his hand out to Caulifla but she smacks it away and says she will not be friendly with an opposing universe. Goku and Vegeta are surprised to feel the powerful ki from Team Universe 11, prompting Caulifla to remark if the Saiyans from Universe 7 are wimps, it should be no problem with the rest. As the tournament began, Caulifla stuck with Cabba as they watched the explosions from the other fighters' attacks and planned on making their move. She, alongside Kale and Nigrisshi, were surprised as they watched as Goku and Vegeta enter Super Saiyan Blue and bears witness as the Saiyan's Final Kamehameha overpowered and canceled the Trio De Dangers' Triangle Danger Beam. She soon watches Zeno and Future Zeno erase Universe 9. When Kale is almost knocked off the stage by two attackers, Caulifla appears and saves her, also knocking out the attackers after becoming a Super Saiyan. She knocks Jimeze away and tries to get Kale to transform to attack Goku, but when she is unable to do so, Caulifla challenges Goku herself, showing interest in his Super Saiyan Blue form. She demands he teaches her the form so she could beat Goku up with it as he declines her offer, informing her that she is not ready yet. Insulted, Caulifla tries to get his attention by becoming a Super Saiyan Third Grade, not aware that Goku already knows and possesses the form. Once she is easily defeated, Goku tells her about the drawbacks and tells her that she should work on becoming a Super Saiyan 2 as he enters said form. Amazed, Caulifla admits that she cannot transform at will after becoming one. Goku then helps Caulifla transform and tells her to concentrate afterwards. Goku, impressed by Caulifla's talent, says she might be able to reach Super Saiyan 3 in their fight, surprising Caulifla, who did not know that there was a third level. Caulifla and Goku fight one-on-one in their Super Saiyan 2 forms, ignoring Kale as she is having fun. When Kale tries to support Caulifla by attacking Goku, Goku and Caulifla shun her off. Kale, thinking that she is in the way and showing jealousy towards Goku for taking her superior away from her, transforms and gains a hatred for Goku, which is so intense that her initial attack on Goku almost knocked Caulifla off the stage, but she is saved by Hit. Caulifla watches as Kale pummels Goku, and creates chaos on the entire battlefield, realizing that Kale will be disqualified if she kills someone and tries to calm her down. Caulifla watches as Kale tries to attack her in her blinding rage, and as she is easily defeated by Jiren. When Goku confronts Jiren, Caulifla and Hit fall back with the unconscious Kale. She and Kale then took a breather to recharge their batteries after that whole ordeal and commended Kale about how extraordinary she performed out there. When Goku emerged from the battleground, Caulifla accused him of attacking Kale from behind, but he denied it. They then came across the Pride Troopers who wanted to avenge their fallen comrade for what Kale did. Caulifla then decided to take on those warriors and encouraged Kale to fight with her. Caulifla then traded blows with Kettol but then she found herself being attacked by Kettol's Guided Rapid Fire Energy Blasts and she avoided them for a while until she got injured by the attack and the situation was made worse when Cocotte created her Cocotte Zone Max to prevent anyone else from coming in. When Zoiray tried to finish her off with his Justice Spin, Caulifla used whatever energy she had left to protect Kale and would have been finished when Kale's unique Super Saiyan form destroyed the tornado and saved Caulifla. She then expressed to Kale how proud she was for controlling her transformation, then went Super Saiyan 2 and fired her Full Power Energy Wave alongside Kale's and managed to match and eventually overpower the Pride Troopers' United Justice Stream after Kale transformed into her Berserker form again, this time under control, and sent Kahseral, Kettol, and Zoiray flying off the arena, eliminating them in the process and even breaking the Cocotte Zone Max as well. She then spoke for the two of them to Goku for their gratitude and then left to rest. As they were hiding and resting in the ruins of the arena, Caulifla watches the battle between Hit and Dyspo. After Dyspo states he's going to beat Hit's Time-Skip, Kale becomes worried and asks if they should help Hit. Caulifla says no, as she believes Hit will beat this Pride Trooper due to his power. As Hit figures out how to defeat Dyspo, Caulifla expresses happiness that he ringed out Dyspo. However, he is saved by his teammate Kunshi. As Dyspo begins beating Hit, Caulifla decides to step in to help Hit, despite warnings against it by Kale. Luckily for Caulifla, Goku in his Super Saiyan God form jumped in to fight with the two Pride Troopers. Later, she and Kale watch as Jiren is fighting Goku and witness the latter using Ultra Instinct -Sign- while they were resting. She then watched Hit fight Jiren alongside Cabba and Kale and were about to join him, but Cabba told them to let him keep fighting him, as he stated he had a plan. Then, they were told by Hit to fight and defeat the other universe warriors and were shocked when they saw Hit lose and eventually knocked out by Jiren. She then discussed the fight between Goku and Jiren with Kale, which excited her, as she aspired to get stronger. The two female Saiyans were then assaulted by Monna of Universe 4. Caulifla prepared to fight Monna and told Kale not to interfere, but Cabba appears and told them he will fight Monna while they go somewhere else and recover their stamina. Monna told Cabba to stop showing off in front of girls and challenged all three Saiyans to attack her, but Cabba said that he alone will be enough, which angered Monna. While Cabba and Monna engaged in a power-lock, Caulifla told Cabba not to order her around, but eventually agreed to leave this to Cabba and the two leave. Cabba believes that Caulifla and Kale will be the secret weapons for Universe 6's survival, and is willing to fulfill his role as much as he can. She then saved Goku from Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator, who were attacking Goku while he was weakened, by knocking them all down. Goku thanked her for saving him, and Caulifla immediately goes Super Saiyan 2, having gained enough rest thanks to Cabba's actions. Caulifla then challenged Goku to fight her. Caulifla blames herself, saying she couldn't do anything to save Hit and Cabba from getting eliminated. Vowing to get stronger, she asks Goku to teach her how to become Super Saiyan 3. Goku agrees but advises her to beat him first. Caulifla asks Goku why he won't transform, and Goku says he's too tired from his fight with Jiren, but he'll slowly pick up the pace as they fight. Goku and Caulifla begin fighting, and Caulifla cannot land a hit on Goku, who easily outmaneuvers her until she finally landed a hit on Goku, and Goku takes this more seriously, using the Afterimage Technique. Caulifla is confused by the technique and Goku knocks her aside, saying that if she can't figure out his Afterimage technique, she will never achieve Super Saiyan 3. Goku then begins to speed-blitz Caulifla using until she begins to adapt to Goku's movements. Caulifla then advised Goku to transform before he loses. He complies and goes Super Saiyan 2. Caulifla asked why Goku won't go Super Saiyan 3, and Goku responded by saying he hasn't recovered the stamina for that yet. Caulifla is pushed back and fires her Crush Cannon which Goku managed to barely block. Goku decided to get serious and asked if Caulifla can keep up for Round 2. Goku and Caulifla fight an equal fight, and Goku is impressed with Caulifla's improvement. Caulifla is excited to defeat Goku and achieve Super Saiyan 3. Caulifla and Goku power up to their max, and begin firing energy blasts at each other. The impact of their attacks shakes the entire tournament ring, destroying debris. Caulfila fakes an energy blast in Goku's face, catching him off-guard with a clean punch. Kale then realized that Caulifla is having fun in this fight. Goku is impressed, saying that she might go even beyond Super Saiyan 3. Goku points out Kale, and Caulifla invites her to join in the fight to achieve Super Saiyan 3, which she happily does and together, they managed to land clean hits on Goku, who then managed to defend himself against the both of them then got pushed back, and Caulifla and Kale fire energy blasts at him, but Goku blocked the attacks with his aura, becoming Super Saiyan 3, shocking Caulifla and Kale. Goku thanked Caulifla and Kale, saying he can feel power boiling inside of him, and Caulifla and Kale are amazed at the form's immense power. However, Goku immediately reverted to Super Saiyan 2, saying he hasn't recovered the stamina to sustain Super Saiyan 3. Caulifla is determined to defeat Goku alongside Kale and become Super Saiyan 3, and Kale is also determined to get stronger herself, powering up to become Legendary Super Saiyan, worrying everyone watching. Afterward, Caulifla became amazed at Kale's power, went up to her and told her she finally made that energy her own, extending her hand. Kale grabs it, but forcefully grips it, enough to partially destroy the ring under them. Caulifla asked Kale if she can recognize her, acknowledging Kale as not only her protégé, but her true friend, and saying that together they should pose as the greatest threat to all the universes. The two sides started their battle, and Goku was overwhelmed by the two's combination attacks. When Caulifla tried to attack Goku, he uses the Solar Flare to blindside her and cause her to crash. When Frieza started going on the offensive again, Caulifla tried to attack him as revenge for knocking Cabba off, with Frieza trying to retaliate, but he was stopped by Goku. He then resumed his match with Caulifla and Kale, excited to fight them with everything he has. Caulifla created a smokescreen, causing Goku to focus and sense the attacking Kale's ki, however it was a diversion as Kale grabbed Goku and kept him in place while Caulifla pummeled him. Goku flipped, causing Kale to crash on the ground and let go of him, and then attempted to use Instant Transmission, but Caulifla used her senses to attack Goku as he reappeared. Goku acknowledged Kale and Caulifla as the perfect tag team, then transforms into Super Saiyan God. Goku attacks with several Finger Beams, which the Saiyan duo dodged, and despite the two's combination attacks, Goku managed to hold his own. Caulfila and Kale tried blasting Goku from both sides, but the more experienced Saiyan pushed back their attacks with blasts of his own. While Kale was struggling against her blast, Caulifla tries to run from hers, noticing it's tracking her. Kale deflected her blast but watched as Caulifla takes a direct hit. Goku complimented the two on their performance but said they still need more training, opting to fight them again after the tournament. Caulifla realized she's no match on her own, and told Kale to take out "that thing" they received before the tournament. While Goku fired a Kamehameha, he shattered the ring around them, but the two are enveloped by a strange glow and fused together into Kefla to fight Goku on even terms. However, Caulifla and Kale were later separated and eliminated from the tournament via Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku's Imperfect Instinct Kamehameha with Caulifla cursing Goku and swearing she'll beat him next time. During the fight between Saonel & Pirina and Gohan & Piccolo, Caulifla yells out to Saonel and Pirina, saying that if they lose, she will beat them up. When Saonel and Pirina are defeated, the two ask her if she's going to beat them up for losing. Caulifla responds by saying she couldn't criticize them for fighting so admirably. But then, Caulifla still says that she made a promise, and proceeds to transform into her Super Saiyan form, chasing them around and trying to pummel them as the Zenos erase Team Universe 6. Later, Caulifla is revived thanks to Android 17's wish to restore the erased universes from the Tournament of Power, and nearly knocks Kale over with a hug after seeing that she was revived as well. They rush over to Cabba, with Caulifla happily demanding Cabba to train with them to reach Super Saiyan 3. +This superhero's name is Cecilia Reyes. Their real name is Dr. Cecilia Reyes. A doctor at Our Mother of Mercy Hospital in New York City, Cecilia was brought into the world of the X-Men during the Operation: Zero Tolerance crisis. Recieved an offer to Xavier's School three years prior, but rejected the offer and asked Xavier to keep quiet. Attacked by Prime Sentinels while working, she was saved by both her defensive sheild and through the aid of Iceman. Banding together with Sabra, Marrow, and Charlotte Ross the group faced Bastion until S.H.I.E.L.D. interfered. +This superhero's name is Century. Their real name is . Brought to Earth by the unpredictable hex power of the Scarlet Witch, Century was an amnesiac. After helping Force Works to defeat the extraterrestrial evil called The Scatter, Century was soon inducted onto the team. Century joined Force Works on many adventures and took on all who opposed them such as the Manadrin’s Avatars, and the Black Brigade. As time went on, Century began to regain some of his memories and started to rediscover himself although he could not remember what great purpose he was created for. It wasn’t long, however, that a scoundrel from Century’s past returned to plague him once more. The Broker, a slaver always on the lookout for unique merchandise, once called Century his property and attempted to reclaim him when he traveled to Earth. He ordered his slaves to attack Force Works, but the Broker was eventually defeated by Century, USAgent and PLATO. In the process, Century liberated all of the Broker’s slaves which earned him the nickname Deliverer among the former captives. It was also at that time Century decided to travel back into space, with the Broker as his prisoner, in order to find out more of his past and to return those who the Broker enslaved back to their home worlds. It was only when he left Earth that Century realized he missed Force Works and was in love with the Scarlet Witch. However, it wasn’t long before things went horribly wrong. Soon after one of the Broker’s Bodyguard Cadre members, Kiwi, was brought back to his home planet, Century was summoned to the bridge of the starship only to be attacked by those he just recently saved. The Broker had used Tyrmean Brain Stem Parasites to once again enslave the crew and even Century as well in order to sell him off to a perspective buyer in need of a dimensional teleporter. The Broker and his slaves took Century to the moon of Memoriam which orbits the long-dead planet of Century’s people, the Hodomur. As they waited planet side for the customer to arrive, the Broker all who were present the reason for Century’s creation. It seems that Century was created to be a tool for vengeance against an evil being called Lore. Lore had visited Century’s home world and laid waste to it, but it was The Scatter who ultimately finished the planet off. Century was to be the Hodomur ultimate warrior, a mixture of 100 of the strongest and most able survivors and was given a 100-year lifespan (how much of it has been spent is unknown to Century) to hunt and finally destroy Lore. It was during that time the Broker found and captured Century and erased his mission of vengeance from his mind so that he would be more subservient. The Broker eventually sold Century to The Scatter so he could track Lore and find all of the injured worlds she left in her wake so that The Scatter could feed off the rest of the planet. Century led The Scatter to many worlds, all of which they destroyed, including the world of Prashard, the home of another of the Broker’s slaves, Skewer. When Skewer heard this, he attacked but was put down by the Broker right before the arrival of Imogen, Century’s new owner. Teleporting Imogen and her party, a being called Nohm and two Gene-Batch Warclones, to another dimension, Century soon came in contact with a being he recognizes but does not know why. A woman called Azimuth saved the foreigners from being annihilated by the local inhabitants and transported them to her stronghold. Once there, the true goal of Imogen’s interest in Century was revealed. An ancient artifact of immense power known as The Crucible was shown to the strange visitors, and then Azimuth destroyed the parasite that caused Century to be a slave and gave him back free will. It was at that time Azimuth was going to reveal information about the mysterious Imogen to Century, but was never allowed to do so. Imogen ruthlessly attacked Azimuth, and even though Century rallied to help her, it was too late. Azimuth was left catatonic, and Imogen had possession of The Crucible. Her victory was almost thwarted by the sudden arrival of the Broker who followed her to this strange dimension, so he could possess what Imogen was after and reclaim Century as his own once again. The Broker took three of his slaves with him, including Skewer, into the stronghold but, back on the ship, another slave, Slug, was implementing a plan to stop him. Slug destroyed the control link between Broker and the parasites so that the slaves would be free again even at the cost of his own life. Once the slaves heard the news, they turned on their former master and Skewer drew first blood. The Broker managed to kill two of the others, but it was Century who dealt the final blow when he separated the Broker’s head from his body. In the confusion, Imogen fled with The Crucible and Century never found out what Azimuth was going to tell him. Century and the others left that dimension taking Nohm and one of the Warclones with them. When asked where he wanted to go next, Century claimed he wanted to go back to his home on Earth. Century made a timely arrival at Force Works headquarters and saved Rachel Carpenter from Cybermancer and a corrupted Iron Man. Century also discovered what Iron Man, along with Immortus (in the guise of Kang), had planned for the Earth and informed his teammates about it right before joining the Avengers at Avengers Mansion. There the Avengers opposed the Anachronauts, and Century used his battle staff, Parallax, to guide a small group of Avengers back in time to enlist the help of a young Tony Stark. After helping the Avengers defeat Immortus, Century returned with the rest of Force Works to their base where the group was attacked by Wonder Man and Ultron of the evil Cybermancer’s time line. Ultimately, Cybermancer, Wonder Man and Ultron all suffered the same fate as their doomed reality despite the offer of help from the Scarlet Witch and, after that episode, Force Works decided to disband. Century decided he would travel the Earth and learn more of his adopted home until an urgent situation in Washington state was displayed on the Force Works Chaos computer. Century joined Force Works on their last mission and it can be assumed that, after the task was complete, Century began exploring his new home. +This superhero's name is Cerebra. Their real name is Shakti Haddad. Shakti Haddad, nicknamed Cerebra, was an employee of the Stark/Fujikawa Corporation in 2099, when Xi’an Chi Xan enticed her away to use her mutant powers to gather mutants together to join his new X-Men. After inviting Timothy Fitzgerald to Xi’an’s gathering, Cerebra took up her position monitoring the Neuvo Sol Arcology. But the Synge Corporation attempted an assassin of Xi’an, and then attacked the gathering, believing Xi’an to be responsible for their founder, Noah Synge’s, murder. With Xi’an injured, Cerebra took charge and led the X-Men out of the arcology. While Krystalin, Metalhead, and Meanstreak broke into the Synge Corporation to prove Xi’an innocence, Cerebra stayed behind with Xi’an’s naturally healing body. But Junkpile soon attacked, and Cerebra and the X-Men were helpless to stop him from taking Xi’an’s body. Then, Cerebra led a group of the remaining X-Men to the Synge Corporation to free their captured fellows. Serpentina was later killed in another fight with Junkpile, who was finally disabled by an evolved and revived Xi’an. Cerebra stayed behind at their temporary base at Hoover Dam while the rest of the X-Men faced the Theatre of Pain and Alchemax’s Valhalla, with its genetically engineered heroes. But she joined them when they hunted down Mama Hurricane, a mutant savior from the time of the Great Purge, and briefly fought against her Freakshow. The X-Men later answered a call from Krystalin, who Xi’an had sent away to meet Victor Ten Eagles, and Cerebra faced Zhao’s X-Men, known as the Chosen, along with her team. She was also captured with many of them and set free once Xi’an had destroyed Zhao within Xi’an’s own mind, unleashing his repressed criminal personality. When Xi’an left with Skullfire to find the Driver and the mutant paradise, Avalon, Cerebra stayed back and used her medical knowledge to try and undo the damage Zhao did to his X-Men when he artificially accelerated their growth. Since their genetic enhancement made them physically unstable, Cerebra was forced to cryogenically freeze the remaining members to try and heal them. Cerebra had discovered a way to reverse the cellular decay in Zhao’s X-Men and she was ready to reverse the process when Xi’an appeared and stole the X-Men and Zhao’s comatose body away for the Theatre of Pain. Xi’an also left a time bomb behind, next to an unconscious Cerebra, but she awoke and evacuated Skullfire and Luna in time to avoid being blown apart. In order to rescue Xi’an from the Theatre, Cerebra led Skullfire and Luna to Broken Haiku’s bar for information. She learned that she had to pass through the Floodgate, the Theatre’s gathering place for its victims, to find Xi’an. Together with the other two X-Men, Cerebra snuck into the Floodgate, disguised as outcasts looking for the Floodgate’s assistance. But the three were quickly recognized and only Junkpile’s appearance, as a S.H.I.E.L.D. officer, distracted the guards. Cerebra quickly took advantage of their distraction and made her way into the Theatre’s interior, colliding with the mutants Quiver and Sham along the way. After leaving them, Cerebra confronted Xi’an, then known as Controller X, but he knocked her out when she attacked him. She was forced to watch as Xi’an orchestrated a massive broadcast of suffering from a mass of victims. But when Xi’an turned the Mindfire Machine on Brimstone Love in order to gain control of the Theatre, Cerebra disabled the machine to stop the broadcast, which allowed Brimstone Love to teleport away. Before Xi’an could hurt her for letting him get away, Lunatica used her powers to bring out his repressed memories, which shocked him out of his meglomanical state. While Xi’an was apologizing to Cerebra for what he had done, President Doom appeared and announced that he had built Halo City to contain the Floodgate’s refugees, and was putting the X-Men in charge of security. While the rest of the X-Men settled into their jobs in the Protectorate, Cerebra counseled Xi’an to take a break from the healing he was pushing himself to do to as retribution. She later headed to the hospital when it was destroyed by the Graverobber’s Undead. Along with the other X-Men, Cerebra fought the Undead until a revived Serpentina killed Skullfire, and they disappeared with his body. As her psionic powers were useless against someone who was already dead, Cerebra armed herself with a gun filled with neural scatter shot, and so she was prepared when she faced two of the Undead later. She injured one of the two, Embers, and they both escaped. It was only later that the Graverobber revealed that he wanted Zail Hadded, Cerebra’s father, the infamous red market czar, or he would use Skullfire to destroy the city through its power reactor, the Spark. Graverobber explained that Zail had used him as a group of genetically engineered superhumans he created to clean up toxic waste where normal humans would be killed. But Zail put the degens in danger, and many died. And while Cerebra disagreed with her father’s experiments, she refused to hand him over. Then, in a fight with the Undead, which Morphine Somers saved Cerebra from the super strong Russian by killing him, Somers agreed to turn Zail over to the Graverobber in exchange for the city’s safety. But Somers tricked the Graverobber and attached a bomb to Zail, which put Zail in the hospital and killed the Graverobber, breaking his hold on his revived minions. The X-Men were finally able to put Serpentina to rest. And it was later discovered that Skullfire was never actually dead, as he was slowly evolving into a being of pure light, that had no use for a physical body. Later, the techno-anarchist, Billy Zedd, approached Cerebra and flipped a coin at her, transporting her to meet President Doom. Doom explained that, according to his calculations, a mutant messiah was going to appear soon, and as Cerebra was the only responsible member of the X-Men, he wanted her to lead a team called X-Nation to ensure that the messiah would be properly taught. Doom also showed her the hidden transportation devices hidden beneath the city, and gave her the key. Cerebra later saved the young mutants Nostromo and Clarion from a group known as the Wild Boys, and led them to the Xavier Shelter. Cerebra then briefly left the X-Men to become the leader of X-Nation. After a man named Exodus hunted down and killed all the X-Nation members, but Nostromo, Cerebra came to Xi’an for help. While the sensitive Nostromo began to grow circuitry on his face and babble in a computerized voice, the three mutants made their way into the city’s service tunnels to escape the flooding of Halo City. They found Doom’s teleporter in the hidden space underneath the city, and Cerebra used the access key to teleport them to where the rest of the X-Men were held captive by Vulcann and Metalhead’s godson, hyper-aged to adult hood, called Darkson. Xi’an freed the group from the ship’s mast they were tied to, using his destructive hand, and they watched as Bloodhawk dropped Metalhead onto Vulcann’s back, and Metalhead dragged him underneath the water to drown him with an anchor from the destroyed Atlantean ship. Then, along with the rest of the X-Men, Cerebra and her protégé Nostromo, headed out of Halo City on the last boat to the only dry place left on Earth, the Savage Land. +This superhero's name is Chamber. Their real name is Jonothon Evan Starsmore. Jonothon Starsmore and his girlfriend Gayle Edgerton were at a London nightclub when his mutant ability erupted in an explosion of psionic energy. The blast tore a hole in his body from his mouth to his navel, destroying several of his major internal organs including his heart and lungs, and also crippled Gayle’s legs. Jono survived the manifestation, though his body had been transformed into a “chamber” of volatile energy. Horrified, Jono fled. Denied a normal existence, Jono had developed a bleak outlook on life when he was invited by Charles Xavier to join the reopened Massachusetts Academy as a member of the mutant trainees Generation X. Accepting the offer, Jono arrived in the United States and was attacked at the airport by the energy vampire Emplate, who was driven off by the arrival of Chamber’s new teammates and their teachers, Banshee and Emma Frost. Adopting the codename Chamber, Jono resided in the Academy’s basement, remaining apart from his teammates. His control over his powers suffered a setback when he accidentally destroyed the girls’ dormitory in a panic after being kissed by his then-inebriated teammate, Husk (Paige Guthrie). Jono soon began romancing Paige, and single-handedly defeated Omega Red before confronting his old flame Gayle, who sought revenge on Jono. Gayle had struck a deal with Emplate to empower her, allowing her to capture Jono while Emplate’s other recruits, whom he named his Hellions, captured the rest of Generation X excepting M, who sought aid from the X-Men’s Bishop. Emplate ultimately reneged on his deal with Gayle, holding her prisoner alongside Generation X. After Emplate was defeated, Jono and Gayle reconciled their differences. Jono was briefly abducted by the psionic entity Onslaught, causing him trouble in focusing his powers. En route to the Xavier Institute for help, Jono and his teammate Skin were waylaid by the vigilante X-Cutioner, whom Skin defeated. After the X-Men defeated Onslaught, Jono’s focus returned, and he accompanied Paige to her family’s farm for a Thanksgiving holiday which ended with the pair’s romance breaking down. After being captured and imprisoned by Banshee’s cousin Black Tom Cassidy, the team encountered Glorian, a shaper of dreams, who granted the team their innermost desires. For Jono, it was to be whole once more; however, after Skin cast doubt on Glorian’s interpretations, the effects faded. Soon after, Jono and Paige reconciled while facing the Prime Sentinels of the government-sponsored anti-mutant Operation: Zero Tolerance. Generation X subsequently joined an other-dimensional group of superhuman teens in opposing Emplate and Professor Pretorious. Jono, alongside Husk and Skin, then joined Spider-Man against Major Love and his Direct Euthanasia Action Division, during which Jono used his psionic powers to enhance Spider-Man’s precognitive “spider-sense” to prevent Love from massacring a crowd of innocents. Jonothan also faced the Circus of Crime, who were actually seeking to reform; Nanny and the Orphan-Maker; an alliance between Emplate and Chimera which was foiled with the aid of mutant possessor Dirt Nap; and Emma’s former business rival, Bianca LaNiege. Later, when the X-Man Psylocke was tricked by the Shadow King into releasing a telepathic pulse, Jono lost his telepathic speech, rendering him effectively mute. The effects of the pulse eventually wore off, and Jono’s speech returned just before he and his teammates faced Dracula. During the encounter, Dracula briefly restored Jono’s face and body before biting him; however, Jono’s powers seemingly allowed him to reject the vampire lord’s influence. After the Academy began accepting human students, Jono was unhappily forced to pass as a mute burn victim. More threats followed, with Jono and his teammates battling the cyber-morph Paradox; joining former X-Men member Maggott in opposing exotic hunter Constantine Slaughter; allying with X-Man (Nate Grey) against the Dark Beast and his Gene Nation; rescuing their teacher Banshee from Hunter Brawn and his super-powered bodyguard Legault; opposing the Rising Sons in Madripoor alongside the mercenary Paladin; another battle with Emplate; resisting an attempt by Emma’s psychotic sister Adrienne to kill them; fighting alongside the New Warriors against the mutated Biohazard; facing the triple threat of Black Tom Cassidy, the Juggernaut and the mutant Mondo; and opposing Warden Coffin’s House of Correction. Following the death of Banshee’s love Moira MacTaggert and his turning to alcohol for solace, as well as Emma’s increasingly disturbing behavior, the students left the Academy, effectively forcing the school’s closure. Jono had received an invitation from Charles Xavier to graduate to the ranks of the X-Men, which he declined, choosing instead to return to London. There, he saved teen pop sensation Sugar Kane from a mob of adoring fans and briefly romanced her before she admitted she was only using his mutant status to boost her career. Jono reconsidered Xavier’s offer and joined the X-Men, and was reunited with several of his former Generation X teammates who had joined their former teacher Banshee’s new paramilitary X-Corps unit. His fling with Sugar Kane having made headlines, Jono’s reunion with Paige was awkward at best. At Cyclops’s request, Chamber enrolled in Empire State University’s pro-mutant program to investigate the deaths of mutant students on campus after a bombing of the co-species Students for Tolerance organization. Chamber discovered that the boyfriend of the group’s leader, Gigi Martin, had caused the blast to martyr her dead friends, thus furthering her organization’s cause. Though ESU dismantled the pro-mutant program, they retained one mutant student at the request of the Xavier Institute, who in turn took in a human student, Jono’s wheelchair-bound ESU roommate Walter. Jono sought to be taken off field duty with the X-Men to concentrate on a career in teaching; however, on returning to the Institute, he was shocked to discover that Paige had joined the team and was dating their teammate Archangel. Soon after, Jono volunteered to infiltrate the subversive Weapon X program, using his former relationship with Husk as a means to create public dissent between himself and the X-Men and attract the attention of Weapon X director Brent Jackson. Jono was recruited into the program and, as an incentive to stay, had his face and body reconstructed with technology that was linked to his mutant energy. For his first mission, Jono was tasked with assassinating John Sublime, founder of the mutant-harvesting U-Men. Despite having reservations about killing, Jono completed his mission, seemingly solidifying Jackson’s trust in him. Soon after, Jono went missing while seeking to close down Weapon X’s secret mutant concentration camp “Neverland.” Chamber seemingly resurfaced in Los Angeles, his face and chest once again shattered, and joined the former teen-hero support group Loners. However, it was soon revealed that a member of the criminal group the Pride was using Chamber’s identity to infiltrate the Loners and prevent them from capturing the Pride’s runaway children. Recently, following the warping of reality by the mutant Scarlet Witch, Jono was one of many mutants who were depowered after reality was restored. As a result, the Weapon X technology that had restored his face and body ceased working, leaving him in critical condition on life support. He was the subject of a focus piece by Sally Floyd, reporter for The Alternative, the first in a series of former mutants, and the column quickly became a national sensation. Recently, however, Chamber was kidnapped from his hospital room by agents of Apocalypse, who were now working for the ages-old mutant's right-hand man, Ozymandias. It was revealed that the Starsmores were in fact descendants of Apocalypse. Chamber was transformed into a scrawny, teenaged version of Apocalypse, and was asked to join their secret society. Chamber respectfully declined. Soon afterward, he was approached by Pete Wisdom, in hopes of recruiting him to the most recent incarnation of Excalibur. This time, Starsmore angrily rebuked Wisdom. He then joined the new team of New Warriors lead by Bandit. +This superhero's name is . Their real name is . Dmitri Smerdyakov was the illegitimate son of the patriarch of the Russian Kravinoff family and a servant. His only friend growing up was Joe Cord, an American boy who once saved his life while his half-brother Sergei, the legitimate heir, and his father treated him with contempt and brutality. This scarred Dmitri so deeply that he repressed his very identity and came to believe he had been friends with Sergei instead. His loss of self led him to become a master of disguise and a Soviet spy. Initially without super-powers, the Chameleon relied on his skills and a mixture of costumes and make-up to conceal his identity. He wore a multi-pocket disguise vest in which he kept the materials he would need to mask himself at short notice. In his first known appearance, Chameleon impersonated Professor Newton, a government scientist, to steal half of some missile defense plans. He then sent a message to Spider-Man, electronically contacting him via his spider-sense, requesting a meeting and implying a profitable venture. Chameleon disguised himself as Spider-Man, though, and stole the second half of the plans, making his escape just as the real wall-crawler showed up. Spidey was at first framed for the theft but managed to bring Chameleon back to the police. Chameleon disguised himself as a police officer, scaring Spider-Man off by having the other police attack him. Spidey left the scene, thinking he had failed, not realizing that he had torn Chameleon's police uniform, allowing the cops to see the phony Spider-Man outfit underneath. Chameleon was deported back to Russia, but returned soon after, having given up being a spy, and turned instead to a life of crime. Stymied again by the wall-crawler, Chameleon invited his half-brother, now known as Kraven the Hunter, to America to capture Spider-Man. The duo worked together, with Chameleon even dressing as Kraven to fool Spidey. Ultimately, though, both were defeated and deported by freighter where they bribed a sailor to set them loose in a lifeboat near Long Island. They came ashore right by Tony Stark�s munitions factory and Kraven was quickly captured by Iron Man. Chameleon concealed his presence but decided to prove his superiority over Kraven by defeating the armored Avenger. Disguising himself as Captain America, Chameleon contacted Iron Man and convinced him that he was the real Captain America and that the Captain America at Avengers Mansion was really Chameleon. Iron Man and Captain America fought it out until Giant-Man captured Chameleon and revealed the truth. Chameleon quickly escaped prison and went to work for the Leader as his top lieutenant. The Leader sent him to New Mexico to learn the secrets of the Hulk. There, Chameleon impersonated General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and Dr. Bruce Banner, stole a grenade-size gamma bomb and took Betty Ross as a hostage. Realizing he couldn't escape, Chameleon set off the bomb, which was smothered by the Hulk, dampening the blast. Though caught in the rubble, Chameleon survived and escaped, remaining in the Leader's employ until his boss' supposed death. Chameleon next encountered Spider-Man after taking the place of Captain George Stacy who had been hired to protect a valuable art exhibit at the Midtown Museum. Peter Parker and Stacy�s daughter Gwen were there and noticed that the Captain didn't seem to recognize them. After the exhibit was stolen and Stacy found drugged back at his apartment, Peter realized the Chameleon must have been involved. He persuaded Joe Robertson to plant a story in the Daily Bugle about a transfer of bonds and trapped Chameleon trying to steal them. Chameleon tried to escape through disguise but made the mistake of impersonating the one person Spider-Man knew to be a fake: Peter Parker. The terrorist organization Hydra arranged for Chameleon's escape from prison so that he could impersonate Dr. Henry Pym and steal Pym's research combating their biological weapon Virus Nine. Pym, as Ant-Man, teamed with the Hulk and thwarted Chameleon, though it appeared at the time that Chameleon had murdered Bruce Banner. Later, Chameleon impersonated Spider-Man, attempting to free his friend Joe Cord from the New York Men's Detention Center. Accidentally striking the Hulk with his car, Chameleon quickly disguised himself as Hulk's friend Rick Jones and convinced the green goliath to break Joe out of jail. However, in a battle with police, Joe protected Chameleon from gunfire and was killed. Designing a new costume that could instantly duplicate any clothing, Chameleon went back to crime. He was pursued after a jewel heist by Torpedo (Brock Jones) and Daredevil. His quick-changes failed to help him since Daredevil tracked him by his heartbeat. His next costume innovation used a holographic belt that stored the appearances of people he came into contact with and allowed him to take on their look. In one encounter, he managed to convince people that Spidey had attacked an old lady, leaving the wall-crawler's newly restored reputation in tatters. Later he obtained further powers by using a serum that could let him change his appearance at will. This liquid actually allowed his skin to be flexible enough to shift its appearance into any disguise Chameleon desired. He tried to kidnap a top scientist but was again thwarted by Spider-Man. Chameleon then set his sights on ruling the New York underworld. He kidnapped J. Jonah Jameson, impersonating him in a long-term bid to influence events through the Bugle, and formed an alliance with Hammerhead. The Kingpin of Crime was embroiled in a power struggle with the werewolf Lobo Brothers Carlos and Eduardo. Chameleon and Hammerhead tried to instigate a full-on gang war, from which they would pick up the pieces. Chameleon, posing as Jameson, injected Spider-Man with a potion that left him unconscious for several days. Recovering, Spider-Man went after Jameson and discovered he was the Chameleon all along. Hammerhead and Chameleon's plans continued as they ambushed the Lobo Brothers and Kingpin during peace talks. After carving up the city into territories they each agreed to control, their alliance collapsed and their influence waned. Soon after, Chameleon took the guise of Doctor Turner and persuaded Spider-Man to subject himself to a machine that supposedly would analyze his spider-powers. The machine, designed by the Tinkerer, ended up temporarily removing the wall-crawler's abilities instead. After discussing it with Mary Jane, Spider-Man decided to have his powers removed permanently. Now powerless, Spidey was attacked by Tarantula (Luis Alvarez) and Scorpion and needed the Black Cat's help to survive. Changing his mind, Spider-Man searched for Doctor Turner, eventually realizing he was actually Chameleon, by which time his powers returned naturally. The Chameleon's next big plan was set up by the Green Goblin (Harry Osborn) before his death. The Goblin persuaded Chameleon to create two robots that would appear to be Peter Parker's dead parents in an effort to get Peter to tell them who Spider-Man really was. The Goblin already knew Spidey's identity but wanted to mess with Peter's head so he convinced Chameleon that Parker, due to all the photos he had taken, was sure to know Spidey's identity. When Spider-Man discovered the fraud, he went crazy with rage and disappointment at losing his parents again. The Chameleon escaped to Kraven's old mansion while Spider-Man hunted him down. Faced with a more fearsome and vicious Spider-Man than ever before, Chameleon's repressed memories of his unhappy childhood with Sergei returned and he fell into a coma-like state. The Chameleon was taken to Ravencroft Institute but escaped after assuming the identity of his doctor, Ashley Kafka. He kidnapped Spider-Man and unmasked him, finally understanding why Spider-Man had been so mad after discovering the robot parents. Chameleon imprisoned Peter and convinced him he was a writer named Herbert Smith who was incarcerated in an insane asylum. Chameleon then took on the role of Peter himself but was foiled by Mary Jane, armed with a baseball bat, who knew her husband too well to fall for the impersonation. Escaping, he was shot by his nephew Alyosha Kravinoff, who said there could only be one Kravinoff in the world. Chameleon again barely survived. Later, he arranged to meet Spider-Man on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, wanting to make up for his crimes. There, he tried to commit suicide by jumping. Spider-Man blamed himself for this apparent death but Chameleon somehow survived. He was later recommitted to Ravencroft. In Chameleon�s twisted mind he now believes himself to be his half-brother, Kraven the Hunter. This didn�t stop him from joining Norman Osborn�s Sinister Twelve, however. +This superhero's name is Champion Of The Universe. Their real name is Tryco Slatterus. Early Years Like all the Elders of the Universe, the Champion's origin is lost in the early history of the universe. It is known that he is one of the oldest living beings in the universe. Like other Elders, he is the survivor of one of the intelligent races that evolved in one of the first galaxies to form after the “Big Bang”, the cataclysmic event in which the universe was created. Although his race became extinct and even his native galaxy died as the ages passed, the Champion, like the other Elders, lived on, having become virtually immortal. As the relatively few survivors of the earliest period of the universe, the Elders regarded themselves as figuratively being brothers. The Champion goes from place to place seeking to defeat all he can, challenging them to matches. However, he uses his great power for little more than bullying others around. He has come to rely solely on his physical skills. Challenging the Champions of Earth When he came to Earth, he defeated a number of its heroes like Sasquatch and Colossus. Of these different fights, Thor was disqualified for throwing his hammer (he was allowed to use it since he'd be powerless without it and would revert to his mortal persona), Hulk was disqualified since the Champion didn't want to "soil his hands on a mindless beast," Wonder Man was disqualified for tearing up the ring after being battered badly in the first round, Namor was disqualified for refusing to stoop to training, and Doc Samson was disqualified for not being sufficiently skilled to qualify as an opponent. The Thing was able to give the Champion enough of a battle in a losing effort for him to leave. Thanos was able to take the Power Gem from the Champion. Champion later attempted to gain revenge on Thanos but was harmlessly teleported away. Killing Galactus The Champion then joined the other Elders in the Grandmaster's scheme to kill Galactus. The existing universe would collapse, and the Elders would survive the big crunch and the subsequent big bang of a new universe, becoming Galactus-like beings in the new universe. The scheme failed, but the Champion had become one of the threats to the universe he had schemed. Thanos Quest Following the Grandmaster's schemes, the Champion took possession of the Power Gem. He held it for a time until Thanos of Titan came to bargain for it. The Cosmic Cube Accessing the power of a stolen Cosmic Cube, Thanos summoned a gathering of the astral versions of some cosmic heavyweights, including The Stranger, the In-Betweener and members of the Elders of the Universe. While Thanos briefly taunted them with the powerful item, the Collector coveted it, seeking to broker a trade. Tiring of the general exchange, Thanos turned the Cube on the other entities, seemingly wiping them from existence. They had actually been teleported to the Cancerverse, as the artificial Cosmic Cube wasn't powerful enough to kill them. The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy joined them soon after the Mad Titan tried to kill them as well. The Elders made a deal with the heroes, using a weapon from the Collector's vault, the Avengers weakened Thanos after returning to Earth. The united forces of Earth's heroes proceeded to defeat Thanos, and as part of the deal, the Elders got to decide what to do with him. She-Hulk The Champion on Skardon battled various heroes with only one rule: no weapons. He, however, was using the Power Gem and defeated Hercules, Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator and Adam Warlock who was disqualified for using the Soul Gem and sent Pip to find others. She-Hulk was brought to the planet to face him. Warlock had been finding contenders for the Champion to battle in the hopes of winning, he mentions a battle in which Champion defeated Drax the Destroyer and Silver Surfer. She-Hulk lost but asked for a rematch in 3 months. She-Hulk underwent extensive training with Gamora. After that time she declared the Power Gem as a weapon, then in a fair fight beats the Champion badly. She is declared the planet's ruler and leaves Warlock and Z9 in charge as she returns home. Angry, he met with her old enemy Titania but she stole the Power Gem after he agreed to train her. Deadpool Corps When the Deadpool Corps was chosen to go defeat the Awareness, Champion deemed them unworthy and sought to challenge them. However, he is tricked and left stranded on an empty planet after the Deadpool Corps steals his motorcycle. After being rescued by the Gardener, Champion tracks down Deadpool at a bar and begins to fight, but is eventually convinced to join the team under the name Championpool. He is soon tricked into going to fight on another deserted planet, only to find that there are no warriors to fight and his rocket cycle is without fuel, leaving him stranded. Contest of Champions The Champion took part in a contest of champions between the Elders of the Universe to decide who would keep the Iso-8 that was now abundant after the rebirth of the multiverse, his champions lost and he was eliminated from the contest. Thanos Returns Champion was sent by Thanos' son Thane and Mistress Death to recruit the mad titan's brother Starfox as part of their plan to bring down his father for good as it was found out Thanos was dying. +This superhero's name is Changeling. Their real name is Kevin Sidney. Little is known of the life of mutant shape-changer Kevin Sidney before he became second-in-command of the subversive organization Factor Three and adopted the alias Changeling. After discovering the true plot by Factor Three’s leader, the Mutant Master, to wipe out both man- and mutantkind, Changeling freed Professor Charles Xavier, the telepathic founder of the team of mutant heroes the X-Men, and the sonic-screaming mutant known as Banshee who had been captured by the organization. Banshee unmasked the Mutant Master as a member of the alien Siri race, and the X-Men and Factor Three’s mutant agents joined forces to defeat him. Shortly thereafter, Changeling discovered that he had terminal cancer. Seeking to make amends for his past, Changeling approached Xavier, who asked Changeling to impersonate him while he went into seclusion to prepare a means of repelling an approaching invasion by the alien Z’nox. While using his shape-shifting powers to pose as Xavier, Changeling heroically died while thwarting an attempt by the subterranean menace Grotesk, lone survivor of a subterranean race who sought to destroy the Earth, when an oscillotron machine exploded, mortally wounding him. Changeling was impersonating Xavier at the time, and as such the X-Men believed their mentor dead until the real Professor X eventually returned. Later, the voodoo practitioner known as the Black Talon resurrected Changeling as a zombie and forced him to serve in a team of other mutant zombies called the X-Humed. Using his powers to impersonate the great musician Elvis Presley, Changeling was able to draw attention to the X-Humed’s activities. After the gamma-spawned adventurer She-Hulk defeated the Black Talon, Changeling once again became truly dead. Changeling then seemingly returned as a malevolent ghost to haunt the British super-team Excalibur, however this was later revealed to be a hoax perpetrated by the sorcerer Merlyn. +This superhero's name is Cheetah II. Their real name is Deborah Domaine. Deborah Domaine was a woman born of wealth and privilege. Growing up in the Chesapeake Bay area, she became very close with her eccentric aunt, an heiress named Priscilla Rich. Even as Debbi grew into adulthood however, she never knew her aunt's most closely guarded secret – that she was once the psychotic villain known as the Cheetah. Several years later, Debbi became a socially active individual, involving herself in various environmentally conscious initiatives such as the Organization for Ecological Sanity (O.E.S.). She quickly rose to prominence within the O.E.S.'s ranks, and even used her private yacht off of Shore Marina as a de facto headquarters for the group. Debbi would sail about the world, tracking down ecological disasters and raising public awareness concerning dangers to the Earth. On one such occasion, the O.E.S. discovered an oil tanker that had ruptured and set ablaze. The super-hero known as Wonder Woman responded to the emergency and effectively contained the fire, as well as the tons of oil that had spilled out into the bay. Debbi and her crew met the Amazon and she invited her aboard her yacht to clean up. The two would likely have become friends, had fate intervened. Shortly after the oil tanker incident, Debbi received a letter from her aunt. Priscilla Rich was dying and wanted to see while she still had a small amount of time available to her. Debbi visited Priscilla's mansion, and the aging heiress struggled to reveal her darkest secret. However, Priscilla died before she could say any more. Reeling from shock, Debbi stumbled backwards into Priscilla's boudoir, overturning a mannequin. Upon the mannequin was the costume of the Cheetah. The mannequin struck her upon the brow, rendering her unconscious. Meanwhile, the terrorist leader known as Kobra had been looking to acquire fresh new recruits. He sent one of his agents to Chesapeake Bay to enlist the services of the Cheetah. Upon discovering that the Cheetah was dead, the agent instead abducted the unconscious Deborah Domaine. When Debbi awoke, she found herself a prisoner of Kobra. As he was unable to make use of the original Cheetah, he decided to craft one of his own. He placed Debbi inside of a monitor station, suspended from the ceiling by electric cables. Using a brainwashing technique involving holographic projections, Kobra exposed her to a barrage of violent images of ecological disasters. With every flickering image she was forced to witness, an electric charge was sent coursing through her body. Within a short period of time, the process drove Debbi Domaine irrevocably insane. Kobra outfitted her with a feline costume similar in design to that once worn by her aunt. He further implemented her with a set of chrome-steel claws, and thus the new Cheetah was born. Deborah Domaine's first foray into crime was on behalf of her new master, Kobra. Under his instruction, she infiltrated the security station at Hampstead Dam in Maryland and sabotaged the controls that operated the spill-gates. The dam burst and water from Chesapeake Bay flooded throughout the small town. The disaster earned the attention of the super-hero, Wonder Woman, who arrived just in time to save as many people from the flood waters as possible. Cheetah surveyed the damage from her speedboat, and found herself crossing swords with Wonder Woman. The two fought one another, and Diana quickly realized that this new Cheetah was actually the environmental activist that she had met only days before. During the struggle, the Cheetah managed to get the upper hand, and stole from Wonder Woman, her magic lasso. She propelled the heroine into the bay and made her escape. Cheetah and Wonder Woman fought one another again that very same night. Diana had tracked Debbi to her old O.E.S. yacht, where she quickly recovered her magic lasso. The Cheetah leapt upon her from behind, but Wonder Woman was able to keep her at a safe distance. During their struggle, Debbi's yacht had pulled itself free from its mooring and began drifting out into the bay. It fell into the path of an oncoming ferry, which struck the boat causing it to explode. The blast propelled both combatants into the water, and Cheetah used the fiery blaze as cover to make her escape. Before long, the Cheetah cut ties with Kobra and joined a more prominent terrorist organization known as the Secret Society of Super-Villains. She worked with the team for a brief time until she was ultimately captured and sent to Arkham Asylum in Gotham City. The Cheetah eventually escaped from Arkham shortly before the catastrophic event known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths. During the Crisis, she aligned herself with Lex Luthor and several other villains in an effort to save their beleaguered planet from the likes of the Anti-Monitor. +This superhero's name is Cheetah III. Their real name is Barbara Minerva. Dr. Barbara Minerva, alias Cheetah is a British archaeologist who had garnered a reputation to go to any lengths to secure an artifact. Born as the heiress of a vast fortune in the ancient family site in Nottinghamshire, her life would change dramatically following an expedition she led into a dense African jungle. She was searching for the legendary lost city of the Urzkartagan tribe. Deep within the jungle, her team was betrayed by their guides and ambushed by the Urzkartagans. Only she and one other, Dr. Tom Leavens, escaped by diving in a river. The two of them found the lost city while it was in the midst of a ritual. One of the other members of their team was sacrificed by the high priest, Chuma. The ritual had been intended to restore to health the ailing woman who was regarded as an avatar for their cheetah god. Before the ritual could be completed, outsiders attacked the village, slaughtering everyone but Chuma, who was saved by Minerva. The two were buried within the cave that was the temple to the god Urzkartaga by a grenade blast. Chuma explained that the ritual would have turned the old woman into a cheetah god. The ritual, which could only be performed on the full moon and required a blood sacrifice, restored the woman to youth as well. She had been centuries old at the time of her death. Minerva demanded the ritual be done to her so she could have her chance at power and immortality. When Chuma explained there must be a sacrifice, Minerva murdered Dr. Leavens, who had returned just long enough to free them from the cave in and forfeit his life. After she had killed him and drank his blood, the ritual began. Even as Chuma worked tirelessly, the invaders who had destroyed the temple were returning. The ritual complete, Minerva was transformed into Cheetah and slaughtered all the invaders. After the slaughter, she reverted to human form and took Chuma with her back to England. Unfortunately, there was an unforeseen side effect to the transformation. The sacrifice had called for a virgin and Minerva did not qualify. Hence, rather than grant her youth and vitality, after the transformation she became weak and frail. Only on the night of the full moon, when she became Cheetah, was she strong again. After Wonder Woman made her debut in Boston, Minerva learned of the Golden Lasso that Diana wielded. She coveted the lariat and tried to trick Diana into losing it but to no avail. Since she failed to gain it as Minerva, she tried to seize it by force as Cheetah. Still inexperienced at fighting such a powerful adversary, Diana might have lost if not for the intervention of her friend, Dr. Kapatelis. Minerva would not be deterred, however. Following the Invasion! crisis, Minerva used two Khunds to steal the lasso from Diana. Once in her possession, Minerva became obsessed with the history of it. Knowing that Diana would soon figure out that she and Cheetah were one and the same, she left Chuma to poison the princess while leaving for Africa. Leaving a trail of bodies in her wake, Cheetah finds the city of Bana-Mighdall, home of the rogue Amazons. Wonder Woman pursues her there. When Minerva reverts to human form, she is worse off than ever. The plant from which an ingredient is gathered for the ritual transformation began to die. Chuma arrives and finds his mistress at death's door. He guesses that the god is jealous of divided loyalties he perceives in Minerva and proclaims that the only way she will be healed is to kill both Diana and the queen of Bana-Mighdall. Becoming Cheetah once more, she kills the queen and gets into a fierce battle with Wonder Woman in the midst of an all out assault by the rogue Amazons. Diana defeats her, and Chuma is killed by the Amazons. Minerva survives the destruction of the city and is taken into custody. While in prison, still wracked with pain, Minerva is approached by a messenger of Circe. He gives her a potion that transforms her permanently into the Cheetah. Whereas before she had worn a suit and was not totally in control while in Cheetah form, now she was totally transformed and remained in complete control. The spell also allowed her to take on a human appearance though still in full possession of her Cheetah powers. Unfortunately for Minerva, the potion had made her a slave to Circe and her schemes (who was instigating the WAR OF THE GODS crisis). Hoping to betray Circe, Cheetah goes to the Gotham City Grand Hotel trying to steal the goblet that Circe was going to use against the Amazons of Themyscira. All hell broke loose that night (see Hippolyta, Wonder Woman) and after killing Hellene and wounding Philippus, two Amazons, Cheetah fled. She turned up to tell Inspector Indelicato the whole truth and where Diana could find her missing mother, hoping Wonder Woman would defeat Circe. She is later seen forming a new Injustice League alongside Lex Luthor and The Joker, which would launch an assault on Green Arrow & Black Canary's Wedding. She was one of the villains deported to the Hell Planet during the events of Salvation Run, and has since rejoined the Secret Society of Super-Villains under the command of Libra during the Final Crisis. Minvera formed her own branch of the Secret Society of Super-Villains with herself at the head for the sole purpose of creating the villainous Genocide. During the events of Final Crisis itself, Minerva remained free of the Anti-Life equation, and formed a relationship with Snapper Carr after she saved his life and he aided her in evading the Justifiers and joining with Checkmate. She was last seen at the forefront of the Checkmate resistance during the struggle with Darkseid. +This superhero's name is Cheetah. Their real name is Priscilla Rich. Priscilla Rich was born a debutante some time in the early 1920s. By the time she reached adulthood, Priscilla's life of privilege bred a wealth of insecurity and low self esteem. At some point, Priscilla suffered a psychotic break, and a dual personality developed. Unlike her more reserved self, this second personality was strong and violent. It poisoned Priscilla's mind, eventually turning her into a twisted, malevolent being. In the Autumn of 1943, Priscilla volunteered as an assistant for the Junior League Committee in Washington, D.C. Working alongside committee chairman Courtley Darling, Rich attended a benefit function to raise funds for women and children suffering in the war overseas. The special guest of honor for the function was the Amazon heroine Wonder Woman. The auditorium guests showered praise upon Wonder Woman, completely ignoring Priscilla's presence altogether. This blow to her ego proved too much for the jealous Priscilla and her dark persona began to show through. One of the performances involved Wonder Woman using her super-powers to escape from being shackled and immersed inside of a sealed tank of water. While the other assistants bound Wonder Woman in chains, Priscilla stole her magic lasso, and secretly tied Wonder Woman's arms and legs, knowing that she could never break the invulnerable lariat. Her hope was that the Amazon would drown during the performance, and Priscilla would gain revenge for being upstaged. Wonder Woman's resourcefulness enabled her to escape however, though she was not exactly sure who was responsible for tying her up with her own lasso. That night, Priscilla suffered yet another blow to her already bruised ego. She made plans with Courtley Darling for a dinner date, but Courtley broke the date in favor of going to a club with Wonder Woman. This was the final straw for Priscilla's sanity. She returned home and stared into her bedroom mirror. The reflection that stared back at her was a woman dressed in the costume of a cheetah. Priscilla’s second persona urged her to take her cheetah skin rug and fashion a costume from it. She would then become a strong warrior huntress and take revenge against those who wronged her. Priscilla did as instructed, allowing her evil persona to take full control of her. Thus, the Cheetah was born. Later that evening, the Cheetah broke into Darling's theater office and stole the charity funds from the safe. She then tracked Wonder Woman back to her residence at Diana Prince's apartment. She snuck through the bedroom window while Wonder Woman slept, prepared to drive a dagger into the heroine's chest. She stopped short however, citing that "death is too good for her". Instead, she planted the stolen money beneath Wonder Woman's bed. The following morning, Priscilla publicly accused Wonder Woman and Courtley Darling of stealing the relief money. Wonder Woman cited that Courtley was innocent, allowing all of the blame to be placed on herself. With such damning evidence, the police had little choice but to arrest Wonder Woman. The Cheetah then secretly arranged for Wonder Woman’s bail, and left mysterious instructions to meet her at a grain storage facility in the warehouse district. When Wonder Woman arrived, she found that the Cheetah had already abducted Courtley Darling and was holding him at gunpoint. She then forced both Darling and Wonder Woman into a deep silo where they would drown in a sea of grain. Believing that they would soon die, the Cheetah then scaled the top of the warehouse and set it on fire. Wonder Woman escaped however and brought Courtley out of the warehouse just in time. The roof of the warehouse collapsed and the Cheetah fell down into the flames, seemingly dead. The Cheetah survived however and fled to the Pacific where she began a female slave ring. All of the Cheetah's slaves were forced to wear cat-like costumes similar to her own. She sent one of her slaves back to the United States where, under the guise of a blind mind reader, she baited Wonder Woman into a trap in the hopes that Wonder Woman might reveal state secrets to her undercover agent. Wonder Woman discovered the ruse however, and learned that the Cheetah was still alive. Soon after, the Cheetah took on the alias of Kay Carlton and infiltrated a group of Olympic competitors that had once belonged to Baroness Paula von Gunther's slave ring. As Carlton, she cheated in a series of Olympic games held on Paradise Island defeating many of her Amazon rivals. After the competition, the Cheetah stole Hippolyta's Golden Girdle, taking the Amazon queen captive. She then used the power of the girdle to bolster her own ability to combat Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman defeated the Cheetah and returned the girdle to Hippolyta. She decided to take Cheetah to nearby Reform Island in the hopes of curing her insanity. The process failed however, and the Cheetah soon returned to a life of crime. +This superhero's name is Cheshire. Their real name is Jade Nguyen. Born to a French father and a Vietnamese mother, Jade Nguyen had an unhappy childhood and was sold into slavery. This trauma ultimately drove her insane, and paved her way into becoming one of the world's most ruthless mercenaries. After killing her master, Jade was informally adopted by Chinese freedom fighter Weng Chan, who taught her all he knew about guerrilla fighting. She acquired knowledge of poisons from Kruen Musenda, a famed African assassin known as the "Spitting Cobra" and to whom she was married for the two years prior to his death +This superhero's name is Chewtoy. Their real name is Unknown. When the Ninja were sent below the arena, Chew Toy met with them, and told them it would be a good show. When they rose into view, Chew Toy ran around, yelling and waving his bell while the crowd chanted his name in anticipation. Kai remarked if everyone there was crazy. The Hunters then unleashed Slab, who picked up Chew Toy and swung him around, flinging him into the crowd. +This superhero's name is Chipmunk Hunk. Their real name is Tomas Lara-Perez. After discovering he had developed superpowers, Tomas Lara-Perez wanted to help people. However, he felt it was embarrassing to embrace the animal aspect of his powers, and decided to go instead with the alias of the Handsome Puncher. Once he enrolled at the Empire State University, he learned of Squirrel Girl. Inspired by the confidence she projected, Tomas decided to take a similar approach to fighting crime as her, taking up the alias of Chipmunk Hunk. At some point, Tomas also became the crime-fighting partner of Koi Boi. +This superhero's name is Chope. Their real name is Chope. On the first night of the Tournament of Elements, Chope and several other Cultists made their way to the Anacondrai Temple to partake in a secret ceremony, but were captured by the Ninja who went in their place. +This superhero's name is Chop'rai. Their real name is Chope. While hiding behind the waterfall, Chope and Kapau were ecstatic at being in Chen's inner circle and guarding Skylor, though she messed with them to get Eyezor to yell at them. They released her under Chen's orders and were sent to recapture her, which they successfully did, catching her and Kai in a vengestone net. The two then performed the spell in Clouse's place due to his being sent to the Cursed Realm where he took over reciting the spell because of Kapau fainting. They both were amazed at their new forms and left the island with Chen and the other Cultists. +This superhero's name is Chosen Undead. Their real name is . After becoming an undead the player character was imprisoned in the Northern Undead Asylum. They are rescued by Oscar of Astora, who drops a key into the player's cell so that they may be freed. After escaping from the Asylum Demon, they encounter a fatally wounded Oscar, who tells the player about a prophecy, stating that an undead shall partake in pilgrimage to ring the Bells of Awakening. Oscar gives the player an Estus Flask and dies in peace, trusting the Chosen Undead to take his place. After defeating the Asylum Demon, the Chosen Undead escapes the asylum and is flown to Lordran by a Giant Crow. Upon arriving in Lordran, the Giant Crow drops the Chosen Undead in Firelink Shrine, which acts as a hub for the player for the rest of the story. After hearing the location of the Bells of Awakening from the Crestfallen Warrior, the Chosen Undead sets out on their journey. Various characters can be encountered throughout Lordran, such as Solaire of Astora, a charismatic warrior seeking "his own sun"; the treacherous knight Lautrec of Carim; and Siegmeyer of Catarina, an absent-minded knight who frequently finds himself in danger. On a rooftop in the Undead Parish, the player slays the Bell Gargoyles and manages to ring one of the bells. Later on, the player makes their way deep into the infested swamps of Blighttown. There, the player defeats the Chaos Witch Quelaag and rings the other bell. After ringing both bells, the gate to Sen's Fortress is opened. After passing the trials to ring the two bells, Kingseeker Frampt, a primordial serpent, appears to task the character with another quest before they are deemed worthy as Chosen. The player must go into the city of Anor Londo and retrieve the Lordvessel from Gwynevere, Lord Gwyn's daughter. In order to complete the quest the player needs to traverse Sen's Fortress, an old proving ground built by the gods. After passing through the fortress and its many dangerous traps, the player battles the Iron Golem, and with its defeat gains the entrance into the forsaken city. Once in Anor Londo, the player makes their way into the Anor Londo cathedral, where they face Dragonslayer Ornstein, of the Four Knights of Gwyn, and Executioner Smough. The Chosen Undead triumphs over them and gains access into the chamber of Gwynevere, where they are greeted by the Princess and awarded the Lordvessel. When Frampt sees that the player had completed their quest, he declares the prophecy set in motion and that the character is indeed the incarnation of the Chosen Undead. The player is given the choice to put the Lordvessel on the Firelink Altar and proceed along Frampt's designs. In this instance, Frampt prompts that the Chosen Undead is the hero destined to succeed Lord Gwyn and extend the Age of Fire, continuing the curse of the undead. The player is also given the choice to place the Lordvessel for another ancient serpent named Darkstalker Kaathe, an agent of the Darkwraiths. Following this path will bring about the eradication of the old gods, and usher in the Age of Dark. To gain access to Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, the Chosen Undead must satiate the Lordvessel. There are several beings who possess souls powerful enough to do so: Gravelord Nito, the Witch of Izalith, Seath the Scaleless and the Four Kings of New Londo. Four kings grab One of the Four Kings draining humanity from the Chosen Undead. In order to defeat the Four Kings, the Chosen Undead needs to acquire the Covenant of Artorias, a ring that is kept by the Great Grey Wolf Sif. The ring allows one to traverse the dark void called the Abyss. Upon arriving in the ruins of New Londo, the Chosen Undead, with the help of Ingward, drains the flooded city, earning passage to the Darkwraiths and their masters. If the player has not yet placed the Lordvessel before defeating the Four Kings, Darkstalker Kaathe will appear in the abyss. In The Duke's Archives the Chosen Undead confronts Seath the Scaleless, an albino dragon who betrayed the Ancient Dragons and won Lord Gwyn´s trust. During their first encounter, the Chosen Undead is unable to cause any harm to Seath and is captured. Seath imprisons the Chosen Undead inside his prison tower where the player cannot warp out from. Despite the inconveniences, the Chosen Undead eventually escapes. Later on, the Chosen Undead learns from Big Hat Logan that Seath is immortal due to an ancient artifact known as the Primordial Crystal, an old relic that Seath stole from the Ancient Dragons. The Chosen Undead then departs to the Crystal Cave, where the artifact lies, and shatters it. This annuls Seath's immortality, allowing the Chosen Undead to slay him. The Chosen Undead also travels to the Catacombs, where they defeat Pinwheel and acquire the Rite of Kindling. The Chosen Undead then descends into the Tomb of the Giants, where the scavenger, Trusty Patches tricks the player and kicks them off a cliff. The Chosen Undead survives and rescues Reah of Thorolund, a maiden who ventured into Nito's domain in search of the Rite of Kindling. Finally, the Chosen Undead advances toward the deepest part of the area: Gravelord Nito's tomb. There, they finish off the conductor of death. Lastly, the Chosen Undead advances into the deepest part of Lordran: Lost Izalith. If the player speaks to Quelana in Blighttown it will be discovered that her mother tried to use her power to replicate the First Flame, but failed and was engulfed within it; eventually succeeding but at the cost of their former forms. This killed some of her daughters in the process and turned others into deformed creatures, and only Quelana and a Daughter of Chaos maintained the entirety of their human forms. Within the city, the Chosen Undead comes upon the Bed of Chaos, the source of all the demons that wander Lordran, and overcomes it. After offering the necessary Lord Souls, the doors to the Kiln of the First Flame are opened to the Chosen Undead. Gwyn, now reduced to a Lord of Cinder, breathes his last breath in the final confrontation with the Chosen Undead. It is here that the Chosen Undead may make their decision of either linking the flame or walking away from it. Depending on which course of action is taken, one of the two possible endings will be unlocked. Whether the player has aligned themselves with Kaathe or Frampt will not affect the ending of the game. Link the Fire: This ending is unlocked if the player rekindles the First Flame. The Chosen Undead offers themselves as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of their souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. Dark Lord: This ending is unlocked if the player leaves the arena after killing Lord Gwyn. Upon leaving, the Chosen Undead is greeted by the Primordial Serpents, who bow down before their Dark Lord. Rejecting the Age of Fire, the Chosen Undead instead ushers in the Age of Dark, and becomes the ruler of a dying world. +This superhero's name is Chroma. Their real name is Roy G. Bivolo. Chroma was one of Flash's villains in Central City before it was taken over by Gorilla Grodd and his army of apes. When Tar Pit, Girder and Chroma appealed to Grodd for a share of control of the city, they were brutally murdered and their heads mounted on pikes. +This superhero's name is Chromos. Their real name is Bernard Embers. Born in London, England in 1940, Bernard Embers was the youngest of five children. His father was a volunteer firewatcher for the city and his mother (much to his father’s disliking) was an entertainer at one of the local pubs. On the night of his birth, London was the platform for one of the greatest catastrophes in the history of Supers in the UK. The number of deaths that occured that night is comparable only to the outcome of the war. As the city was being bombarded with bombers, the Germans unleashed one of their experiments “The Flamemeiser”. Many Supers flocked to England’s aid. Of the notable Supers in attendance, Ms. Britania and The Canadian Shield were the most acclaimed of the two. London was set ablaze as The Flamemeiser torched the great city until early into the morn. Each side spurred the other on, until much of London and its surroundings were left in ash. Raging down from Islington, the fury of battle made its way to the street where Mrs. Embers was propped up, waiting to give birth to what would be her final son. Mr. Ember’s father and his team of volunteers were some of the brave citizens that continued to fight the flames throughout the night and saved the legendary St. Paul’s Cathedral. But as the danger grew closer to home, Mr. Embers rushed into the flames to be with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Embers delivered young Bernard that night and kept their baby between their bodies as the flames demolished everything around them. Bernard was the only one of the three that survived the drastic temperatures. Chromos first appeared in London twenty years later and in Canada five years after that, in 1968. He is known to have been an active participant in the G.V.W. and to have created the first Canadian chapter of Villain’s Equity (although he was apparently dismissed or rejected in 1984). He is also believed to have led the first anti-super conspirators in the mid 1970’s. He was considered to be The Canadian Shield’s greatest nemesis and is believed to have retired after witnessing the final death of the three Supers that were involved in the ‘ The Second Great Fire in London’. He is currently believed to be inactive. +This superhero's name is Chuck Norris. Their real name is Carlos Ray Norris. Norris was born in Ryan, Oklahoma, the son of Wilma (Scarberry), who was eighteen when Norris was born, and Ray Norris, a truck and bus driver and mechanic.Norris's paternal grandfather (an immigrant) and maternal grandmother were Irish, while his paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather were Cherokee Native Americans.Norris was named after Carlos Berry, his father's minister.[1] He has two younger brothers, Weiland (deceased) and Aaron (a Hollywood producer). When Norris was sixteen, his parents divorced,[4] and he later relocated to Prairie Village, Kansas and then Torrance, California with his mother and brothers.[5] Norris describes his childhood as downbeat. He was nonathletic, shy, and scholastically mediocre. Other children taunted him about his mixed ethnicity, and Norris daydreamed about beating up his tormentors. Norris mentioned in his autobiography that his father had a very serious problem with drinking and "wasn't there" a lot for him growing up. Norris admitted that he loved his father but did not like him. However, he professed that he only felt pity for the man because "that was just how he was, and he missed so much." Norris finished high school and soon married his girlfriend, Diane Holechek. He then joined the United States Air Force as an Air Policeman in 1958 and was sent to Osan Air Base, South Korea. It was in South Korea that Norris acquired the nickname Chuck and began his training in Tang Soo Do (tangsudo), an interest that would lead to black belts in that art and the founding of the Chun Kuk Do ("Universal Way") form. He also created the education associations United Fighting Arts Federation and "KickStart" (formerly "Kick Drugs Out of America"), a middle school and high school–based program intended to give at-risk children a focus point in life through the martial arts. When he returned to the United States of America, he continued to act as an AP at March Air Force Base California. Norris was discharged in August of 1962. He worked for the Northrop Corporation and opened a chain of karate schools, which Chad McQueen, Steve McQueen's son, attended. +This superhero's name is Citizen Steel (CW). Their real name is Nate Heywood. Dr. Nathaniel "Nate" Heywood is a historian, specializing in deductive historical reconstruction. He is the son of Hank and Dorothy Heywood, the grandson of Henry Heywood, the best friend of Ray Palmer, and the ex-boyfriend of Masako Yamashiro and Amaya Jiwe. Due to his skills, Nate was able to deduce that an aberration-created reality, one in which the Nazis nuked New York City in 1942 (due to the machinations of Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne) and World War II continued until 1947, was starting to cement in the timeline, supplanting the previous reality. With the help of Oliver Queen, he was able to locate the submerged Waverider in 2016, waking Mick Rory from time stasis. Together with Mick, Nate traveled through time, using his skills as a historian to find the locations and time periods in which different members of the Legends team were stranded. For his support, Nate was made a new member of the team. After being injected with a biomolecular enhancer created by Eobard Thawne and modified by Ray Palmer, Nate gained the ability to transform his skin into steel, making him extremely strong and resilient. After Nate learned to use his abilities, Ray gave him a suit and the alter ego "Steel" (after his grandfather, Commander Steel). Among the other nicknames he suggested himself were Corporal Steel, Mr. Steel and Citizen Steel, and he's also referred to himself as the Man of Steel and Steel Man. After his breakup with Amaya, Nate left the Waverider to recover and focus on himself. He soon received and accepted a new job at the Time Bureau, where he now runs the new magic department. +This superhero's name is Citizen Steel. Their real name is Nathan Heywood. +This superhero's name is Claire Bennet. Their real name is Claire Bennet. Claire Bennet is a high school student formerly of Odessa, TX where she used to be a cheerleader. She lives with her adoptive family in Costa Verde, CA. Claire discovers she has the ability to heal seemingly any wound, nearly instantaneously. Claire is trying very hard to remain a typical teenager. Her fear of seeming different appears to be somewhat tied in to her concerns about her adoption; when her brother Lyle learns about her powers, her main concern is that her family will reject her or regret adopting her. While she loves her adoptive family very much, she still remains curious about her origins. Claire's insecurity can sometimes lead her to be insensitive, but usually her better nature wins out. For example, while she initially broke off her friendship with Zach to try to fit in better with more popular kids like Jackie (who accuses Claire of trying to be just like her), she eventually comes to realize the nature of her mistake. +This superhero's name is Clea. Their real name is Clea. It is unknown exactly how old Clea is. Faltine are 'born' as full adults, and she does not appear to age at all.Dormammu took control of the Dark Dimension, releasing the Mindless Ones and betraying Umar. In danger and realizing her mother was just as evil as her uncle if not worse, Clea fled. She ended up on Earth and was found by Doctor Strange. Since Strange was already committed to battling Dormammu and protecting Earth, Clea agreed to train with him. The two fell in love, and were married in the tradition of the Dark Dimension. The two wear a pair of rings that will interlock when placed next to each other. Although their duties cause them to be away from each other much of the time (or busy battling evil forces while together), the two remain in love.For a time Clea managed to gain control of the Dark Dimension, the Flames of Regency appearing on her head. This also made her Sorcessess Supreme of the dimension. She mentioned to Strange that the Flames compelled her to conquer and rule. She wonders they drove her relatives to evil, or if they had become corrupted by Dormammu and Umar's desires. It seems that Dormammu has recently been able to regain control of the Dark Dimension, although Clea and the forces loyal to her continue to battle him and Umar. +This superhero's name is Cloak. Their real name is Tyrone Johnson. Raised in a poor South Boston neighborhood, Tyrone Johnson was a good student despite his chronic stutter, a disability he struggled to master with the support of his best friend, Billy. When Tyrone was 17, he and Billy witnessed the robbery of a local store and the fatal shooting of its clerk. The thieves fled, and Billy ran as well, fearing that he and Tyrone might be wrongly suspected of the crime. When a policeman ordered Billy to stop, Tyrone tried to proclaim Billy's innocence; but his stuttering made it impossible to speak clearly, and the officer shot Billy dead. Feeling responsible for Billy's death and afraid of the police, Johnson ran away to New York City. Arriving at Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal, a penniless Tyrone considered robbing Tandy Bowen, a rich girl who had also run away from home; yet when someone else robbed her first, Tyrone impulsively tackled the thief and returned Tandy's purse. The two teens became fast friends. When the naïve Tandy accepted an offer of shelter from some strange men, a wary Tyrone went along to protect her; however, the two teens were soon forcibly delivered to criminal chemist Simon Marshall. Marshall was developing a new synthetic heroin for the Maggia, testing it on runaway teens with fatal results. Johnson and Bowen somehow survived injections of the drug, and they fled. During their escape, Tyrone found himself engulfed in darkness and seized by a strange hunger which eased in the presence of Tandy, who was glowing with a brilliant light. Trying to hide his newly shadowy appearance in a makeshift cloak, Tyrone began absorbing Marshall's thugs into his darkness while Tandy struck them down with daggers of light. The two teens dubbed themselves Cloak and Dagger and declared war on drug crime. Cloak and Dagger started out as merciless vigilantes, killing Marshall despite the interference of Spider-Man, who saw the duo as misguided innocents and gradually became their friend. After ill-fated assassination attempts on the crimelords Silvermane and Kingpin, Dagger became less ruthless and tried to steer Cloak in a similar direction; however, since his power compelled him to consume living beings, Cloak found it more difficult to follow this gentler path, even though Dagger's light could satisfy his hunger temporarily. Cloak and Dagger befriended the super-powered preteens Power Pack and twice aided the New Mutants, junior trainees of the X-Men. The duo eventually learned they were mutants themselves, and that Marshall's drug had awakened their latent powers. Though they tend to target ordinary street criminals, they have faced such diverse foes as Doctor Doom, the Beyonder, Vermin, the Zapper, the Disciplinarian, the Warlord of Kampuchea, Set, Mephisto, Thanos, the Assembly of Evil, Firebrand, and Lightmaster. Cloak and Dagger found sanctuary at the Holy Ghost Church with the sympathetic Father Francis Delgado; but over time, Delgado became romantically obsessed with Tandy. Regarding Cloak as a demonic influence, Delgado tried and failed to split up the duo, going mad in the process. After Delgado was institutionalized, Cloak and Dagger found a new mentor in Tandy's uncle, Father Michael Bowen. Tandy's father, meanwhile, had become a cult leader as the Lord of Light in India. A "light vampire" who fed on others' life force, he clashed with Cloak and Dagger until he realized what he had become and tried to atone by hurling himself into Cloak's ebony abyss. Police detective Brigid O'Reilly regarded the duo as a menace until they helped her capture serial poisoner Duane Hellman and told her of their origins. Later, when O'Reilly was betrayed and left for dead by corrupt cops, Cloak and Dagger used their powers to save her life, but the experience mutated Brigid's body and warped her mind. She became the vicious superhuman vigilante Mayhem, often fighting crime alongside Cloak and Dagger. O'Reilly's former partner, police detective Rebecca "Rusty" Nales, would become an ally to Cloak and Dagger as well. Cloak continued to struggle with his power, and with the hungry Predator within his darkness. During a period when Cloak swore off consuming living beings, the Predator released the spirit of legendary killer Jack the Ripper to torment Cloak; however, when Jack betrayed the Predator in search of personal power, Cloak absorbed the madman and the Predator consumed Jack again. The drug-dealing crime boss Ecstasy (Renee Deladier) twice stole Cloak's powers for herself, largely because the Predator preferred the more ruthless Deladier as a host body. Cloak regained his powers both times, thanks in part to Doctor Strange. When the dream-demon Nightmare targeted Cloak, Tyrone prevailed with the aid of Dr. Strange and Dagger, who even managed to nullify Cloak's darkness altogether for a time; however, Tyrone feared that Dagger could only relate to him as Cloak, and he was soon manipulated into reclaiming his dark powers by the malevolent mystic Mister Jip. Tyrone's willing resumption of his Cloak form estranged Dagger, who briefly worked with the Black Cat before going back to Cloak, who had tried and failed to find a new partner in Dazzler. By this time, Jip was trying to usurp Cloak's body with the aid of his agents, Night and Day. Dagger defeated them all with the aid of the Predator, and the partners were reunited. Jip would continue to hound them, striking Dagger blind for a time, using the mad Delgado as a pawn, temporarily corrupting Dagger through the power of Night, and killing both Delgado and Father Bowen by mystically usurping their bodies. Cloak and Dagger would thwart Jip's plots again and again. Though Cloak and Dagger once rescued homeless youth Anna Johnson from cultists, only Anna herself was aware of the fact that she is Tyrone's long-lost sister. Tandy did stay in touch with her stepfather Philip, who persisted in offering Tandy moral and financial support. He even moved to New York City to be near her, caring for her during her temporary blindness, and the two gradually developed a real father-daughter relationship. Sadly, he was killed by an overdose of the designer drug D'Lite, a creation of the demonic D'Spayre, who feeds on human misery. D'Spayre revealed that he had helped create Cloak and Dagger, whose powers would have been quite different had they developed normally. Apparently, their powers would have activated naturally through contact between Tandy and Tyrone; but D'Spayre inhibited this reaction, allowing Marshall's drug to trigger their powers instead. D'Spayre also secretly placed two aspects of his own power--one light, one dark--within the teens, reshaping their mutant powers. These dark and light forms were meant to act as storage batteries for D'Spayre, accumulating pain and suffering he could tap for future use. He had selected Tyrone and Tandy as host bodies since he thought mutants were especially prone to suffering. When D'Spayre tried to reclaim the light and dark forms for himself, Cloak and Dagger resisted, and D'Spayre was seemingly destroyed. In the process, Cloak's and Dagger's powers were altered, though their original abilities reasserted themselves over time. Cloak and Dagger are devoted to each other, but the lonely Dagger often wants more from life. While on an international case, Tandy performed with Eurocirque as Lady Light and shared a romance with supposed FBI agent Bill Clayton, who was exposed as a criminal but ultimately sacrificed himself to save Cloak and Dagger. Tandy found new friends in the New Warriors, who teamed with Cloak, Dagger and other heroes to defeat the shadow-lunatic Darkling. Cloak and Dagger teamed with Spider-Man and others to halt a murderous super-villain rampage led by metahuman serial killer Carnage. Dagger was supposedly killed by Carnage's "wife" Shriek while saving an injured Spider-Man, but was later revealed to be severely wounded and recuperating within Cloak's shroud, and was the key instrument in breaking up the Carnage "family" and ending the "Maximum Carnage." Later, Dagger helped rescue the New Warriors from the supremely powerful Sphinx. She accepted an offer of New Warriors membership, though Cloak declined to join. Serving as a Warriors reservist, Dagger also undertook a single mission with the informal Secret Defenders group. Bloodthirsty fellow vigilante the Punisher has been both an ally and an enemy to Cloak and Dagger over the years. When Cloak went missing recently, Dagger helped form the unofficial "Marvel Knights" alliance with the Punisher and other vigilantes, and joined most of the other Knights in hunting the rogue Punisher after he left. Meanwhile, a Nightmare-manipulated Cloak embarked on a mad quest to consume all lawbreakers, absorbing the Punisher and many others until Dagger teamed with Dr. Strange to purge Cloak's corrupting darkness and rescue his victims. In the process, Cloak reverted to his human form as Tyrone Johnson, though this condition would prove temporary. Shortly thereafter, the Marvel Knights disbanded. More recently, the secret criminal group known as the Pride tricked Cloak and Dagger into trying to retrieve their super-powered children. An encounter with these young Runaways soon convinced Cloak and Dagger of the Pride's true nature, but before they could act on this knowledge, the villains erased the duo's memories of the Pride. Cloak and Dagger continue to roam the mean streets, bringing the light of hope to the innocent and dark justice to the guilty. +This superhero's name is Clock King. Their real name is William Tockman. Born "William Tockman," Clock King spent a large portion of his life taking dutiful care of his invalid sister, and one day found out from a doctor's visit that he himself only had six months to live. Despairing for his sister's future, he watched the timing of a local bank's vault in order to rob it, hoping the money would provide for his sister after he was gone. His caper would have gone successfully, had he not tripped a silent alarm and been caught by the Green Arrow. While he was incarcerated, his sister died without him. In further misfortune, Tockman discovered that he really wasn't ill and was not going to die in the next six months: his doctor had accidentally switched his papers with those of another patient. Infuriated, he escaped, later futilely attempting revenge on the Green Arrow. The Clock King later went on to join Major Disaster's Injustice League, which became Justice League Antarctica. This JLA would include G'Nort, who often ended up saving the lives of the entire team. Like his compatriots, Clock King became an ardent supporter of Maxwell Lord, partly due to the fact he was the only one willing to hire them. His group even guarded Lord when he was incapacitated by a bullet wound. Originally, they were not trusted by the authorities, but the Martian Manhunter, spying, decideed they were perfect bodyguards. Later, Clock King would lead his own, separate team of villains in a mission. They consisted of Radiant, Sharpe, Acidia and Crackle, and were even less well-organized than the Injustice League. For example, Crackle still lived with his mother, and on one occassion they had to take the bus to a showdown fight. The Teen Titans, Booster Gold, Firehawk and DEO agent Cameron Chase subdued them. An unclear super-effect from Chase ultimately neutralizes Clock's team and they were all imprisoned. Clock himself escaped on another bus. Later, Clock and his Injustice League crew became part of the Suicide Squad. They were sent to a remote research facility where a genetic monstrosity was holding its creator hostage. Its main defenses were spawned explosive "children" of itself. During the mission, most of the team were seemingly killed, including Clock King, who was shot repeatedly while attempting to retreat. He is seen still alive after his brutal wounds, but in the end, Major Disaster believes he is the only one who survives. It did turn out Cluemaster, shot in a similar manner as Clock King, survived, albeit with drastic scarring. +This superhero's name is Cloud 9. Their real name is Abigail "Abby" Boylen. Abigail "Abby" Boylen was a very shy girl from Evanston,Illinois. She came in contact with an alien gas who let her control it, allowing her to fly, among other capabilities, and taking the codename Cloud 9.However she had no interest at the time to be a hero, merely to fly. +This superhero's name is Cogliostro. Their real name is Cain. Cog first appears as an alley bum, but he seems to know more about Spawn's situation than Spawn himself. Cog is the one who informs Spawn that his powers draw on a limited energy source, and that using it up will condemn him to eternal torment in Hell. He is the angel on Spawn's right shoulder, opposite the Violator, who exhorts Spawn to revel in death and destruction for its own sake. Eventually, Cogliostro reveals that he is also a Hellspawn, having forsaken Malebolgia long ago, and refuses to use his powers; he has one "tick" of necroplasmic power left, and any use of any of his Hell-granted powers will end his Earthly existence. Still, that single bit of power has extended his lifespan to centuries, and he does not want the newest Spawn to fall to the darkness that spawned both of them. After an absence in the Spawn comics after #100, Cogliostro returned to Spawn and is revealed that he is dying and that he's terrified of Hell's status ever since Spawn abandoned the throne after defeating Malebolgia. It is then after this that Spawn reveals to Cog of his plan to turn Earth into a new paradise, or Utopia. Spawn and Cog then travel to the deserts of Tunisia for permission from the Greenworld to transform Earth into Spawn's ideal world until he is attacked by the third Redeemer as an act of vengeance. After the battle, Spawn is abducted by a pair of giant scorpions as they drag him to Hell where he is being awaited by demons. Still in Tunisia, Cog is visited by Mammon who gives him a mysterious box which Cog seems to recognize and later commits suicide in order to help Spawn down in Hell. Redeemer, now aware of what he did wrong, travels to Hell to help Spawn battle the demons whose ideas were to battle for the throne of Hell. After a frustrating battle against Violator, Spawn summons all the past Hellspawn before him to help him with the other demons and takes back the throne of Hell. Cog then runs to Spawn with the mysterious box given to him and tells Spawn that this is what he needs to help him turn Earth into a paradise. Spawn opens the box which turns Hell into an Eden-like world and sees his widowed wife, Wanda, and runs to her, only to be caught in a trap laid by Cog. It is revealed that Cogliostro was Cain, the first murderer, and since the beginning he never wanted to serve in Hell but to rule it. It was now clear that the only reason Cogliostro helped Spawn was to enable him to gain the throne of Hell, making him the new ruler. After this act of betrayal, Cain decided to give Spawn "what he always wanted" and sent him to Earth back as Al Simmons without the Hellspawn symbiote attached to him. Cain hasn't been seen since but has been briefly mentioned, such as his plans of building a tower in Hell to pierce the Earth, or perhaps Heaven. +This superhero's name is Cole (The LEGO Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Cole. At a unknown point of time, Cole joined the Secret Ninja Force along with his friends, Lloyd, Kai, Zane, Jay, and Nya, and became the Earth Ninja. +This superhero's name is Cole. Their real name is Cole. As a child, Cole's father sent him to the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts hoping that he would follow in his footsteps and become a dancer. Unwilling to do so but reluctant to displease his father, Cole secretly ran away from the school, occasionally writing to his father to claim that he was still following the dancer's path. Cole began drifting from place to place, always seeking new challenges to test his strength and skill. Soon after his mother died, he attempted to climb the tallest mountain in Ninjago. Upon reaching the top, he found Master Wu sitting there, drinking tea. After telling Wu about his anger towards his father for ignoring him and ignoring the loss of his mother, he is told by Wu that grief is dealt with in many forms, sometimes with singing and dancing, and sometimes by climbing mountains. Cole proceeded to ask Wu why he climbed the mountain, after which he learned that Wu was there to meet him. Learning that he had great potential, he followed the old master to the Monastery of Spinjitzu and began training to become a Ninja. +This superhero's name is Colin Wagner. Their real name is . Thirteen years old (just about), Colin is the only child of Caroline and Warren Wagner. He lives on the outskirts of a large town and goes to an all-boys school with his best friends Danny Cooper and Brian McDonald. Colin has untidy brownish hair and grey eyes, and is rather small for his age. +This superhero's name is Collector. Their real name is Taneleer Tivan. Taneleer Tivan is one of the oldest living beings in the Universe. His species at Cygnus X-1 was one of the first to evolve after the Big Bang. Death took Tivan as the last surviving representative of the species and gave him total immortality. Tivan, as well as one representative of each of the first species of the Universe, cannot die. These people have associated among themselves to create the Elders of the Universe. As they are relatively few, they call each other "brother". Tivan spent the first millennia of his existence with his wife, Matani, and daughter, Carina, on a planet he chose as his headquarters. Carina eventually reached maturity and left them. After this, Matani died due to mysterious causes. Tivan could not explain Marani's death as he thought that she too was immortal. He eventually understood that a factor in an Elder's immortality was the will to live and that Matani had lost hers. Tivan then decided he would not suffer the same fate, and looked for a goal to which he could dedicate his life.[ Tivan then had a vision seeing powerful things that would rise, determined to destroy the universe. He decided to prevent this from happening and that he would dedicate his life to collecting artifacts and living beings throughout the universe to place them out of danger. Then, after the destruction of the universe, he could re-populate it and bequeath the knowledge and cultures from past. He built a great spaceship and began his work, stopping on every world to collect a sample of its greatest achievements, as well as living representatives of each of their lifeforms. In a matter of years, the ship was full and he had to stop in order to collect expanded facilities for his "permanent collection". Using robo-mechanics bought on the planet Cron, the Collector transferred his collection. Every time his ship's hold became full, the Collector would return to his museum-worlds to place the new samples. He has currently filled up ten museum-worlds with artifacts from one hundred thousand planets. With the passing of eons, his monomania became more obsessive, until he forgot the original reason for his collection. In recent years, the first of the powerful beings in his prophecies, Thanos of Titan, was born and eventually defeated without the Collector's intervention. +This superhero's name is Colleen Wing (MCU). Their real name is Colleen Wing. Coolen wing was born in Hokkaido where she lived with her mother.However, her mother eventually walked out of her life. Wing's father the sent her to live with her grandfather. He trained Wing in a martial arts and sword mastery before passing her his katana. +This superhero's name is Colossus (FOX). Their real name is Peter Rasputin. Peter Rasputin is a mutant with the ability to turn his entire body into a sort of organic steel, granting him tremendous strength and durability. He was a student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. When William Stryker's military forces attacked the X-Mansion, Peter used his strength to help many of the younger students to escape. He became a member of the X-Men and fought alongside Storm, Wolverine, Beast, Iceman, and Shadowcat when Magneto attacked Alcatraz Island to destroy the mutant 'cure'. He proved vital in the defeat of Magneto, throwing Wolverine to distract Magneto until Beast could inject Magneto with the cure. Peter would later be among the last of the mutants in the original timeline with the advent of the Sentinels Mk. X. In Moscow, the Free Mutants came under attack by 2 Sentinels, who proceeded to kill the mutants off except for Bishop and Kitty, with Peter dying when his head was crushed while in metal form from a Sentinel with denser metal than him. When Bishop and Kitty were successful in rewriting the immediate past, Peter and the slain Free Mutants were revived by timeline retcon. They then head to an abandoned monastery in China, along with the last of the X-Men, to change the past in 1973 with Wolverine, with Peter among the defenders stationed outside. Eventually, the gathered mutants clashed with the Sentinels, with Peter dying once again by being ripped in half by the waist from two Sentinels' tugging. Then, Wolverine created a new timeline by going back to 1970s to prevent Mystique from assassinating Bolivar Trask. Here Colossus was again a member of X-Men and became a teacher at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Sometime later, Colossus tried to recruit Deadpool into the X-Men. He tried on multiple occasions because Colossus believed Deadpool should use his extraordinary abilities for good. On one occasion, he and his X-Man trainee Negasonic Teenage Warhead tried to apprehend Deadpool and bring him to Professor X. They interrupted Deadpool as he was attacking the convoy of mutant criminal Ajax. Deadpool was furious that they allowed Ajax to escape, so he didn't go along with them. Much later, Deadpool enlisted their assistance in rescuing his ex-girlfriend from Ajax. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead fought off Ajax' right-hand woman, Angel Dust. They managed to defeat her together, while Deadpool was able to defeat Ajax and rescue his ex-girlfriend. Deadpool had Ajax crippled on the ground, and Colossus pleaded for Deadpool not to kill him. Deadpool killed him anyway because he found Colossus' heroic speech too long. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead parted ways with Deadpool afterwards, with Angel Dust apprehended. Sometime later, after Deadpool's girlfriend was murdered, he tried to kill himself multiple times because of depression. When Deadpool explodes himself, Colossus took the pieces of his body and led him to the mansion X to convince him to be part of the X-Men. After Deadpool accepts participate of the team, Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and him participated in a mission in the Essex House for Mutant Rehabilitation, Russell Collins became furious and and wanted to take revenge on members of the orphanage staff, Deadpool kill they and was arrasted with the boy. Sometime after, Deadpool asks for help from Colossus to stop Russell and Juggernaut. He fight against Juggernaut with the help of Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio. +This superhero's name is Colossus. Their real name is Peter Rasputin. Growing up on his parents' farm, Piotr Rasputin saw his older brother Mikhail become a Cosmonaut. Mikhail was later discovered to be a latent mutant with energy warping powers, and to keep him secret the government faked his death. In later years, Piotr learned that he too was a mutant, and could transform his flesh into steel, but he was content to use his powers to help his fellow farmers. When a transformed Piotr rescued his sister Illyana from a runaway tractor, he was approached by Professor Charles Xavier, who was recruiting mutants for a new team of X-Men to help save his original students from the sentient island Krakoa. Dubbed Colossus by Xavier, Piotr reluctantly joined this new team, which freed the original X-Men and helped defeat Krakoa. After the battle, Piotr remained with the X-Men in America, though he found it difficult to adjust to living in a different culture. When the X-Men visited the prehistoric Savage Land in Antarctica, Colossus saved some native women from a dinosaur. In return, the two surviving women, Nereel and Shakani, bade him join in a ritual to honor their fallen friend. Said ritual involved the creation of a new life, and though Piotr was initially reluctant, the two women persisted until he surrendered himself to their affections. Later, the X-Men were captured by the assassin Arcade, who brainwashed Colossus into believing he was the Proletarian, workers' hero of communist Russia, and turned him against his teammates. Colossus overcame this conditioning, and the X-Men soon faced the reality-manipulating mutant Proteus, who proved to be vulnerable to metal. Seizing upon this weakness, Colossus plunged his metal fists into the heart of Proteus' energy form, seemingly destroying him and taking Colossus' innocence along with him. Soon after, the X-Men recruited young mutant Kitty Pryde. Despite their initial shyness, a romance blossomed between her and Colossus. Later, Arcade's assistant Miss Locke kidnapped the X-Men's loved ones, including Illyana, to coerce the team into rescuing Arcade from the despotic Doctor Doom. The X-Men rescued them, and Illyana remained with her brother at Xavier's mansion. Eventually, Illyana was trapped in the demon-filled realm Limbo by its then-master, Belasco. She remained his captive for many years, though only moments had elapsed on Earth, and returned as the adolescent sorceress Magik. Colossus and Kitty grew closer, finally admitting their feelings for one another. Colossus was among the X-Men forced by the godlike Beyonder to fight on his Battleworld. There, he fell in love with the healer Zsaji. After Colossus was killed by a cosmic-powered Doom, Zsaji gave her life to resurrect him. A heartbroken Colossus returned to Earth, ending his relationship with Kitty, though they remained friends. Colossus was later forced to take another life when the Marauders attacked the subterranean Morlocks. To save his teammate Nightcrawler, Colossus killed the Marauder Riptide; however, Riptide's attacks caused Colossus' bio-energy to leak from his metallic form like blood from a flesh wound. The X-Men's then-ally Magneto attempted to heal Colossus with his magnetic powers, but was only able to close the wounds, trapping Colossus in his metal state. Recuperating on Muir Isle, Colossus later rejoined the X-Men in opposing the mystic Adversary in Dallas. When the X-Men returned to the Savage Land after it had been razed by the giant alien Terminus, Colossus was reunited with Nereel. He met her son, Peter, unaware that the boy was the result of his earlier union with Nereel. After a failed demonic invasion of New York, Illyana regressed in age. Colossus believed she would be safer away from the X-Men and sent her home to Russia while he returned to Australia with the team. Weary of seemingly endless battles, the X-Men entered the Siege Perilous, a mystic gateway that judged all who entered it and sent them to new lives. Colossus emerged virtually amnesiac, establishing a new identity as Peter Nicholas, a building superintendent who became a renowned artist. While in this identity, he would encounter the Morlock ex-leader Callisto, whose appearance was altered into that of a beautiful woman by the skin-controlling Morlock, Masque. His idyllic existence ended when he was possessed by the psychic Shadow King and sent to kill Xavier. He was freed when Xavier erased the Peter Nicholas persona, restoring Colossus' true self, and he rejoined the X-Men. Soon after, the X-Men were pulled into a dimensional void where Colossus was reunited with Mikhail. The X-Men returned to Earth, bringing Mikhail with them; however, Mikhail's sanity had suffered due to his long years of isolation and he snapped, leading the Morlocks in an apparent mass suicide. Unknown to Colossus, Mikhail had actually teleported the Morlocks to an alternate dimension known as "the Hill." Meanwhile, the Russian government invaded the Rasputin home, killing Colossus' parents and capturing Illyana, whom they sought to genetically accelerate to combat the threat of the mutant Soul Skinner. She was soon rescued by Colossus and came to live with him in America. Eventually, Illyana fell victim to the mutant-killing Legacy Virus, and a disillusioned Colossus abandoned Xavier's dream, joining Magneto's disciples, the Acolytes. Peter would care for the mindwiped Magneto after Professor X avenged Wolverine's injuries at the master of magnetism's hands. After the destruction of Magneto's orbital base Avalon, at the hands of Holocaust, a mutant from a reality where Apocalypse was master of most of the world, Colossus would be reunited with Callisto, who he had feelings from while suffering from amnesia under the influence of the Seige Perilous. Later on, Piotr searched for Kitty, then a member of the British super-team Excalibur. When he found Kitty kissing her then-boyfriend Pete Wisdom, Colossus nearly beat Wisdom to death in a jealous rage. Excalibur took responsibility for Colossus, and he came to accept his role with the team, serving as a valued member until they disbanded, after which Colossus rejoined the X-Men. When Xavier temporarily disbanded the X-Men in an effort to flush out an alien imposter, Colossus and his teammate Marrow set off on vacation, but were instead teleported to the Hill. There, Colossus freed Mikhail from the corrupting influence of a sentient energy being and took him back to Earth. Soon after, during a clash between the X-Men and the forces of Apocalypse, Mikhail used his powers to teleport Apocalypse's Horsemen to parts unknown. Following the death of renowned geneticist Moira MacTaggart, the X-Men's resident scientist the Beast used her work to create a cure for the Legacy Virus; however, it could not be activated without emulating the manner in which the plague had first been discharged: through the death of an infected mutant. Having stood by, powerless, as his sister succumbed to the virus, Colossus injected himself with the formula. The serum caused his powers to flare, spreading the cure into Earth's atmosphere, claiming his life in the process. Colossus' body was supposedly cremated, and Kitty scattered the ashes over his Russian farmland home; however, his body had secretly been stolen by Ord, an alien who had learned that an Earthly mutant would be responsible for destroying his world. Ord had come to Earth to declare war, but the spy agency S.W.O.R.D., a sub-division of S.H.I.E.L.D. handling extraterrestrial matters, was able to settle diplomatically with him. Ord had Colossus restored to life and imprisoned him for years while experimenting on him. Ultimately, Ord discovered the Legacy Virus cure still in Colossus' system and presented his findings to Benetech geneticist Doctor Kavita Rao, who modified it to create a "cure" for the "mutant condition." Learning of the cure, the X-Men went to Benetech to investigate. There, Kitty found Colossus alive and, after overcoming her initial shock, took him to aid the X-Men against Ord. Defeated, Ord was taken into custody, and Colossus returned home with the X-Men to adjust to his new lease on life. Soon after, Colossus became involved in a mystery involving the deaths of several of his cousins, all of whom (like himself) were descended from the �doom of Old Russia�, Grigori Rasputin. It was eventually revealed that Grigori was attempting to return through his descendants, and that his old ally Mister Sinister had teamed with Colossus' brother Mikhail to hasten the process. Ultimately, Mikhail sought to protect Colossus by exiling himself to ensure Grigori could never return. +This superhero's name is Commander Blunck. Their real name is Blunck. While Blunck was trying to show the Time Twins the plan, Raggmunk constantly interrupts him. Later, they went to Ninjago to kidnap its citizens. +This superhero's name is Commander Machia. Their real name is Machia. After Machia told the Time Twins their plans, they went to kidnap Ninjago's citizens. +This superhero's name is Commander Raggmunk. Their real name is Raggmunk. Raggmunk was a child of The Great Devourer like all Vermillion. He possessed the hive mind ability like Machia and Blunck, making the three of them the leaders of the Vermillion under Krux and Acronix. +This superhero's name is Connor Hawke. Their real name is Connor Hawke. Connor Hawke is the son of Oliver Queen and Sandra Hawke. As a child he was picked on because of his mixed heritage (1/4 Korean, 1/4 African American, 1/2 Caucasian). Connor had a volatile temper and had often fought back while his mother was unsure what to do with him. The only legacy he carried was what his mother had told him about his father, the hero known as the Green Arrow. She let him know that he was the illegitimate son of Oliver Queen and that she had loved his father. +This superhero's name is Connor Kenway. Their real name is Ratonhnhaké:ton. Ratonhnhaké:ton who later adopted the name Connor, was an American Master Assassin and an ancestor of Desmond Miles. He is the main protagonist of Assassin's Creed III. +This superhero's name is Constantine (CW). Their real name is John Constantine. John Constantine (born May 10, 1982), is an exorcist, demonologist, and hedge warlock, self-styled as "master of the dark arts". Raised by an abusive father who blamed him for the death of his mother in childbirth, John grew up highly cynical and cunning, and developed an interest in the dark arts. In his teenage years, he was introduced into the occult world by Anne Marie, learned various spells and became an exorcist with the hopes of one day using his powers to resurrect his mother. John became a figure of respect among the dabblers of magic. However, one night, John attempted an exorcism on a young girl named Astra by summoning the demon Nergal, only for the demon to kill Astra and drag her soul to Hell, damning her for eternity, an action which damned John's soul for Hell upon death. Overwhelmed with guilt, John initially retired but after hearing of the Rising Darkness from the angel Manny, he returned to face this threat, with Manny giving him hope that, should he succeed, his soul may be spared eternal damnation. After the Legends allowed Mallus to escape his prison in order destroy the demon, it opened a door to other evils. Joined by Gary Green of the Time Bureau, Constantine confronted the Legends about their latest screw-up. Five months later he would assist the Legends in capturing the escaping magical "fugitives", sending them to Hell. He initially refused joining the team, but after being pursued by a demon named Neron in 2018, John chose to move to the Waverider, though still insisted that he's "not a bloody Legend". +This superhero's name is Copperhead. Their real name is Unknown. Copperhead's origins are shrouded in mystery. A master contortionist and escape artist, he adopted a snake motif and decided to use his talents to commit crimes. His first recorded adventure came when he disguised himself as an old man and attempted to steal the tiara from a wealthy dignitary visiting Gotham City. This earned him the attention of Gotham's guardian, Batman, but Copperhead succeeded in stealing the tiara and evading capture.Batman teamed up with Batgirl and Wonder Woman to set a trap for Copperhead using the Golden Casque of Montezuma as bait. Copperhead encountered the heroes, but once again managed to escape. Soon after, he succeeded in capturing Wonder Woman at Gotham Park and brought her back to his lair. Batman and Batgirl tracked him down, rescued Wonder Woman, and Copperhead was arrested. +This superhero's name is Copycat. Their real name is Vanessa Carlysle. Young mutant shape-shifter Vanessa Carlysle fell deep into a life of prostitution in Boston, Massachusetts where she met and fell in love with mercenary Deadpool (Wade Wilson), before Wilson's later involvement with Weapon X and the subsequent insanity. Vanessa Carlysle was soon saved from Wilson's vengeful employers by Zoe Culloden, a time-traveling agent of Landau, Luckman & Lake who had journeyed into the past to prevent Wilson's eventual self-destruction that lead to him becoming Deadpool. That night, Wilson broke up with Vanessa after learning he had cancer, leaving her heartbroken. Vanessa became a mercenary herself, eventually employed by arms dealer Tolliver, who had her impersonate the mercenary Domino so as to spy on Cable, even joining Cable's new X-Force strike team. As she later explained to the real Domino, the other members were unable to detect a difference because she was able to exactly duplicate Domino's appearance, personality, fingerprints, even DNA. Tolliver ultimately ordered Copycat to bomb X-Force's headquarters, but she had come to care for her teammates, and she stalled until Tolliver dispatched the masked mercenary Deadpool to force her hand. Confronted by X-Force over her betrayal, but still posing as Domino, Copycat helped them fight Tolliver. While Cable discovered the true Domino still alive as Tolliver's prisoner, Copycat was felled by Deadpool, though she managed to escape. Copycat went into hiding, but was first found by Deadpool, and then Domino. Copycat delayed Domino's intended retribution by helping her locate X-Force, after which she escaped again. Copycat then became involved in the hunt for Tolliver's will, during which she was wounded by Slayback. Her injuries would have proved fatal, but she survived by copying Deadpool's healing factor. Later, Copycat sought to live a peaceful life in San Francisco, California with Garrison Kane, but she soon encountered Deadpool again, an encounter which would have proven fatal had Wolverine not interfered in a timely manner. She was subsequently captured and taken to the Microverse by the emotion-manipulating Psycho-Man, who sought Kane's advanced technology. She was rescued from by Kane, Cable, Domino, and the Microverse's resident heroes, the Microns. Returning to Earth, Copycat finally made peace with Domino. Seeking revenge on Deadpool, Taskmaster and the Wizard hired Copycat to impersonate the super-strong Titania and gain Deadpool's trust, though he later confessed he had seen through her disguise. Copycat went on to join the subversive Weapon X Project alongside Kane, and was sent to recruit Deadpool into the program. However, her power enhancement by Weapon X began to affect her memory, and she lost track of her mission. Instead, she began seducing Deadpool, but ultimately ended their relationship over his infatuation with Siryn. She would often take the form of other women to surprise him. Deadpool was subsequently recruited by the Weapon X Project to eliminate Copycat, but he refused and tried to warn her. Weapon X then sent Kane to kill both Copycat and Deadpool. Deadpool fought Kane on his own, but Copycat was mortally wounded at the Bronx Zoo in New York City by another Weapon X agent, Sabretooth. She seemingly died in Deadpool's arms. However, Deadpool had poured an amount of his blood in Copycat's wounds, which unknown to him healed her. Vanessa then took up the identity of an owner of a chimichanga stand, and later cheated Deadpool out of one of his past marriages. +This superhero's name is Corsair. Their real name is Christopher Summers. Many years ago, a test pilot for the National Aeronautical Space Administration, United States Air Force Major Christopher Summers, was flying himself, his wife Katherine Anne, and their two young sons Scott and Alex in their private plane, a rebuilt DeHaviland Mosquito, down the Western American coast from Alaska when their plane was attacked by a starship from the alien Shi'ar Empire on an exploratory mission to Earth. The Shi'ar pursued Summers' craft to prevent Summers from making their presence on Earth known to the general public. The Shi'ar craft fired on Summers' plane, which was made of wood, causing it to burst into flame. Unable to find more than one useable parachute in time, Katherine Anne put it on her eldest son Scott, told him to hold onto Alex, and pushed them both out the plane door, hoping to save them both. Scott and Alex thus escaped the Shi'ar. Christopher and his wife were subsequently teleported aboard the Shi'ar starship and taken to the Shi'ar Imperial Throneworld of Chandilar. There, Christopher was separated from his wife and imprisoned. He soon broke free and discovered the mad Shi'ar Emperor D'ken attempting to rape Katherine Anne. D'ken responded to the interruption by murdering Summers' wife before his eyes, and then ordered Summers to be sent to the Slave Pits of Alsibar where criminals and political prisoners were incarcerated. In the Pits, Summers met four aliens who had been imprisoned for various crimes against the Shi'ar Empire - a Saurid named Ch'od, a Lupin named Cr+eee, a Mephitisoid whom Summers nicknamed Hepzibah (as her true name was unpronouncable by most not of her own species), and a Shi'ar cyborg named Raza - and together they escaped and stole a starship. Naming their vessel the Starjammer, and themselves the Starjammers, the group began engaging in acts of piracy against Shi'ar vessels, thus taking vengeance on the Shi'ar but taking care not to harm innocent passengers in the process. The Starjammers quickly came to be regarded as outlaws by the Shi'ar Empire. The Starjammers first met the team of superhuman Earth mutants known as the X-Men when the two groups joined forces on a world in the Shi'ar Galaxy to battle the Imperial Guard, the super-powered soldiers who served the ruling Shi'ar emperor or empress - at this time, D'ken. One of the X-Men, the cosmic being known as the Phoenix who had assumed the form of the X-Man Jean Grey, used her telepathic powers to probe Corsair's mind and learned that he was the father of Scott Summers, who had become the X-Man known as Cyclops. At Corsair's request, Phoenix kept his true identity a secret from Cyclops, but both Cyclops and his brother Alex, who had become the X-Man named Havok, eventually learned who Corsair really was. Since the Starjammers aided her against the machinations of her brother D'ken, the Shi'ar Princess Lilandra, once she was named Empress in D'ken's stead, put an unofficial end to the Shi'ar Empire's opposition to the Starjammers. However, it would not be long before they would become outlaws once more following a coup d'etat by Lilandra's sister Deathbird who then seized the throne. Herself branded a rebel, Lilandra came to join the Starjammers in their fight against Deathbird's tyrannical reign. Eventually, Lilandra and the Starjammers' opposition to Deathbird's rule sparked rebellions across the Empire, and following an attempted takeover of the Empire by the shape-shifting alien Skrulls, Lilandra settled matters with Deathbird, discovering her sister did not want the throne anymore. The Starjammers subsequently aided Lilandra during the war with the alien Kree Empire, clashed with the Earth team of super-beings known as the Avengers, and were hired by Lilandra to capture the Shi'ar traitor named Cerise. Eventually, the Starjammers would come to blows with the Shi'ar Empire once more after discovering the poor treatment of the conquered Kree. The Starjammers allied themselves with a group of neutral worlds calling themselves The Clench who provided the pirates with a navigator named Keeyah. During one of the Starjammers' rescue missions, they discovered a vessel belonging to the alien Uncreated, a race of militaristic atheists who intended to destroy any culture that practiced a form of religion, including the Shi'ar. Seeing the Shi'ar as the lesser of two evils, Corsair chose to stop the Uncreated which earned the Starjammers Lilandra's thanks and a pardon for their crimes. Corsair sought to retire, but soon after the Starjammers were captured by the being known as the Collector. Together with the feral X-Man Wolverine, the Starjammers managed to escape both the Collector and the cosmic world-devourer known as Galactus. The Starjammers would later aid the Shi'ar in fending off the threat of Galactus, and subsequently helped Lilandra and Xavier during their efforts to free Earth from its sentence as an intergalactic prison planet. +This superhero's name is Corvus Glaive (MCU). Their real name is Corvus Glaive. Corvus Glaive was Thanos's adoptive son and a member of the Black Order. He joined his father in his quest for the six Infinity Stones, initially attacked the Statesman with his siblings and helped to kill the Asgardians aboard and retrieve the Space Stone. He later attacked Vision and Scarlet Witch, almost killing them until the arrival of Captain America, Falcon and Black Widow. Widow wounded him and he and Proxima Midnight were forced to flee. He later hunted the wounded Vision after Midnight told the Avengers he had died from his wounds. He attacked Vision and then Captain America, but Vision stabbed him with his own weapon from behind, killing him. A past version of Corvus Glaive from 2014 was brought into the future by Nebula, where he participated in the Battle of Earth, although he was wounded by Okoye and killed by Iron Man. +This superhero's name is Cosmic Hulk. Their real name is Robot Hulk. This robot construct of the Hulk was created as a misguided experiment by two students at the Maryland Institute of Technology and inadvertently brought to "life" by exposure to cosmic energy from the Eternals' Uni-Mind. The construct ran amok in a nearby city, killing several people and causing massive property damage. The Eternals Sersi, Makkari, and Ikaris attempted to subdue it, but only the Eternals' ruler Zuras was able to vent the cosmic energy giving the robot life. The pseudo-Hulk fled to the city's sewers, where it exploded, inadvertently freeing the Deviant Mutate Dromedan from his crypt beneath the city. +This superhero's name is Cosmic King Thor. Their real name is Thor Odinson. +This superhero's name is Cosmo The Spacedog. Their real name is Cosmo. Cosmo is a former test animal of the Soviet Space Program. He was launched into Earth's orbit as part of an experiment but he drifted off into space during the 1960's, arriving in Knowhere and at some point being mutated, he eventually came to serve as the station's security chief. Cosmo met a distraught Nova shortly after he witnessed Suspensor turn into a zombie. He tells Nova that he's on Knowhere, a city right inside the severed head of a giant Celestial. Beings from all over the universe come to Knowhere, waiting for the end of the universe. Right now, the city's population had to go into hiding right after the Luminals brought something in a big box. Worldmind then informs Rider that he had deciphered the writing on the wall, which is a countdown to a timer. Suspensor attacks them and he is forced to kill her in self defense only to have her allies Cynosure, Crater and Discharge blame him for her death. Unable to fight the three aliens, as he retreats he makes a discovery of a talking dog. However, Cosmo gained Nova’s trust and friendship, and the two set out to find the fiend responsible for all the recent deaths on Knowhere. Cosmo brought Nova up to speed on when the events started, and the Xandarian Worldmind added any data he had at his disposal. Cosmo was mainly concerned with the safety of the remaining citizens of Knowhere who were safely hidden away in a dimensional envelope he wore on his collar. It was not long before Cosmo and Nova were ambushed by more zombies including the surviving members of Suspensor's former team, the Luminals, and determined that the creature known as Abyss was behind the mayhem. Together, they fought off the attacks, sealed Abyss inside his prison. Cosmo then charted a course to the birthplace of the Phalanx, the planet Kvch, in hopes that he can find a way to cure himself of the Transmode Virus that is slowly killing him. Then alarms were triggered when a murderous Gamora and Drax, now under the control of the Phalanx, slaughtered many residents in search of Nova. Cosmo arrived too late to stop them before they could follow the same path as Nova through the Continuum Cortex. The true nature of the Fault began to reveal itself and the corrupted beings of the Cancerverse began their invasion. The Guardians of the Galaxy allied with Thanos to stop the evil Lord Mar-Vell. In the end, the team disbanded, losing Adam Warlock, Phyla-Vell, Drax and their leader Starlord. But before he died, Starlord left Cosmo with a task collect the greatest heroes in the universe to form a band of Annihilators, the team Starlord believed was what the Guardians of the Galaxy should have been. Cosmo one by one convinced the Silver Surfer, Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill, Quasar and Ronan the Accuser to team up and protect the universe together, as was Starlord's final wish. He was last seen injured, after Captain Skaarn's takeover of Knowhere.[6] Skaarn had poisoned Cosmo and shot him with something that dampened Cosmo's psychic telepathy. Using the Nova Force, the young Nova tried to push the poison out of his body. In the process, he found the foreign body inside of the psychic dog that disrupted his powers, and thus, saving him. +This superhero's name is Cottonmouth. Their real name is Burchell Clemens. Little is known of Cottonmouth's history before he joined the team of professional criminals known as the Serpent Society, though it is known that he was criminally active in the southern United States. Cottonmouth was one of the charter members of the group, and of the Serpents he played one of the most active parts in the assassination of M.O.D.O.K., using his fangs to bite him. When the terrorist Viper took control of the Society by force, Cottonmouth at first remained loyal to its leader Sidewinder, but when Viper poisoned him, he submitted to her will, and tried to bite his teammate Diamondback when she tried to rescue him. Cottonmouth stayed with the Society when its leadership was again taken over, this time by King Cobra, and has remained with them ever since. Deadpool shot and killed him while Cottonmouth and the Society attacked Marcus Johnson. +This superhero's name is Crimson Crusader. Their real name is Rory Destine. Rory and his twin sister, Pandora, where born a part of the ClanDestine, children of Adam Destine and a creature of pure magic (a genie.) They were born presumably in the late 60's, right after the "Relative Strangers Protocol" was implemented by the Clan and in which the family members estranged themselves from one another and kept their superhuman powers a secret. (Although born decades earlier, the twin's prolonged aging has allowed them to be currently in their young teens.) The twins were raised by their guardians, Walter and Florence, whom they were led to believe were their uncle and grandmother. Not knowing their true origin, the twins believed themselves mutants, as their powers, heightened by each other's proximity, developed early. Rory convinced Pandora to follow him in becoming super-hero champions, although Pandora was definitely less interested in such escapades. One such excursion brought the twins upon a battle between the scientific organization A.I.M. and lackeys of the mutated being Lenz. The twins tried to stop them by taking the object of their dispute, the Gryphon, but soon fled the scene. Pandora's cape was stolen during the battle, and this caused the existence of the Clan to be revealed, and Lenz sent his agents to systematically kill the Destine family members. Pandora and Rory were soon told of their legacy, and the family eventually stopped the villain. Walter tried to force the children to stop using their powers as crime fighters, prompting Rory to run away with Pandora's help (since they needed to be together to have their powers activated.) The twins helped stop an assassination attempt on their Clan sister, Cuckoo, and Walter reluctantly agreed to allow the children to fight crime with a chaperone. Rory was on hand when the demon Synraith pitted the mutant heroes of the X-Men against the ClanDestine in order to free himself. Synraith even tempted Rory and Pandora to join the X-Men, but was ultimately destroyed and the two teams soon parted under amiable terms. +This superhero's name is Crimson Dynamo. Their real name is Anton Vanko. The first Crimson Dynamo was also the creator of the armor: Professor Anton Vanko. A Soviet scientist of Armenian birth with a Ph. D, Vanko was the world's foremost expert on electricity. He built a suit that was wired up to perform electric miracles, making him a human dynamo. The Crimson Dynamo battle-suit allowed him to control electricity in all of its forms, allowing him to fire devastating bolts of electricity. It also allowed him to fly. Vanko was a vain and cocky man, but he redeemed himself in the end. In their first encounter, the Crimson Dynamo battled Iron Man. After being tricked by Iron Man (who made him believe that his Soviet handlers were going to kill him though earlier Vanko's superior implied he was going to kill Vanko, anyway), Vanko defected to the U.S. and went to work for Tony Stark as one of his chief scientists. Soon the Soviets came to kill him for real. They sent their top agent, the Black Widow, and her one-time partner, Boris Turgenev, the latter of whom stole the armor and became the second Crimson Dynamo. Vanko died saving Iron Man by firing an unstable experimental laser light pistol at Boris, killing himself as well. Vanko's heroic sacrifice was re-visited in the mini series Enter the Mandarin where it's revealed that the Mandarin's son, Temugin was witness to Vanko and Turgenev's death. Quote: "You'll be ... uh ... SHOCKED at my powers." +This superhero's name is Crossbones. Their real name is Brock Rumlow. +This superhero's name is Crystal (MCU). Their real name is Crystalia Amaquelin. Crystalia "Crystal" Amaquelin is the princess of the Inhumans of Attilan and younger sister of the Inhuman's Queen Medusa. Upon witnessing an uprising caused by Maximus, Crystal refused to bow down to the new King and instead escaped to Earth with Lockjaw in order to find the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family. While trapped on Earth, Crystal learned more about the Humans from a local man named Dave before reuniting with her family. Returning to Attilan, Crystal helped the Inhumans get to the safety of the Earth while King Black Bolt then confronted Maximus, leading to Attilan being destroyed and the Inhumans beginning a new life on the Earth. +This superhero's name is Crystal. Their real name is Crystallia Amaquelin. Crystal was the second child born to the Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. Her father Quelin was the brother of Rynda, wife of Agon, king of the Inhumans, and as such she was considered part of the Royal Family of Attilan. Like her older sister Medusa. Crystal was subjected to the Terrigen Mist when she was an infant, and the process endowed her with certain mental powers. While she was still a child, war erupted, forcing Crystal and her kinsmen to flee Attilan. Crystal passed through adolescence into young adulthood while wandering with her kinsmen through Asia, Europe, and finally America in search of Crystal's amnesiac sister Medusa. When they finally caught up with Medusa in New York, Medusa had sought refuge with the Fantastic Four, mistaking her kinsmen for her enemies. Crystal then met Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four and the two began a romantic relationship that survived Crystal's return to Attilan and a lengthy separation. Crystal eventually returned to New York and served as a substitute member of the Fantastic Four during the Invisible Girl's first pregnancy and post-childbirth. Crystal was forced to return to Attilan when her health became impaired by prolonged exposure to pollutants in the atmosphere. However, en route to Attilan, Crystal became a pawn in a plan by the alchemist Diablo, and then happened upon the mutant Quicksilver, who had been wounded in battle with the Sentinels. She brought Quicksilver back to Attilan, nursed him back to health, and became romantically involved with him. The Human Torch soon learned of Crystal's change in affections, and after a futile battle with Quicksilver, terminated his relationship with her. Crystal and Quicksilver were wed shortly thereafter, theirs being the first marriage between an Inhuman and a human (albeit a human mutant) in recorded history. Crystal and Quicksilver conceived a child, a girl bearing no apparent Inhuman or mutant characteristics, whom they named Luna after the world on which she was born. While Quicksilver wanted to exercise the father's right to have his child subjected to the Terrigen Mist, Crystal convinced him to let her grow up normal. Eventually, Crystal and Quicksilver's marriage began to deteriorate, due to Quicksilver's temper, which may have been aggravated by the evil Inhuman, Maximus the Mad. Crystal left Quicksilver and Attilan with Luna and her nanny, Maya, and returned to the Fantastic Four. Although she searched for the relationship she once had with Johnny, he was then married. Dissatisfied, Crystal briefly had an affair with another man. Crystal returned to Attilan to deal with a crisis posed by Medusa and Black Bolt's child. Amidst the troubles, she and Quicksilver reconciled. Later, the Inhumans were attacked by the alien Brethren, and Crystal sought out the Avengers for their help. Shortly there after she joined them, moving into the Avengers Mansion with Luna and nanny, Marilla. During her tenure with the Avengers, she developed a crush on teammate Dane Whitman (the Black Knight,) although she soon reconciled with Quicksilver yet again. Crystal was among the Avengers who seemingly sacrificed themselves to end the menace called Onslaught. Actually transported to a different reality created by Franklin Richards, Crystal was restored when the heroes returned. When the heroes, who were believed dead, returned to Earth, Crystal and Quicksilver were reunited. Both helped the Avenges reassemble and accepted the status of reserve members. Crystal returned to Attilan, where she remained aside the Royal Family, raising Luna. Quicksilver would return to assist the Avengers on occasional missions. Earlier, Quicksilver had revived the Knights of Wundagore (actually animals mutated into humanoids by the High Evolutionary) and encountered Black Knight and his hero team, the Heroes for Hire. The two would eventually fight over Crystal's affections, whereupon an embittered Crystal estranged herself from Quicksilver again. Later, Crystal was on hand during the Inhuman's emigration from the moon to the recently-raised continent of Atlantis. At this point, her relationship with Quicksilver was no longer strained, although the two would still spend large amounts of time apart. More recently, the Inhumans were captured by the alien Kree, the original creators of the Inhumans. The Kree judge and warrior, Ronan the Accuser, hoped to use the Inhuman Royal Family to assassinate the Kree's enemy, the Shi'ar empress Lilandra. Black Bolt singlehandedly dueled and defeated Ronan, but the Inhumans turned away from him, deposing him by decree and exiling him. The Royal Family returned to Earth, monarchs with no people. Crystal rejoined the Royal Family on their return to Earth. However, they were all met with a wave of xenophobia as every nation rejected the Family's appeals for sanctuary. In fact, the only nation offering the Inhumans a place in its lands was Latveria, ruled by the villain Doctor Doom, and the Inhumans reluctantly accepted. After the events of House of M Crystal was reunited with her depowered husband, only for him to steal the Terrigen Mist from Attilan, in an attempt to use it to restore the depowered mutants. Luna is exposed also, granting her various abilities. +This superhero's name is Cull Obsidian (MCU). Their real name is Cull Obsidian. Cull Obsidian was physically the most powerful of Thanos' children and was a member of the Black Order. He joined his adoptive father Thanos in his quest to obtain all the Infinity Stones. He fought in the Battle of Wakanda, where he was killed by Bruce Banner in the Hulkbuster suit. A past version of Cull Obsidian from 2014 was brought forwards in time to 2023 by Nebula, where he participated in the Battle of Earth, although he was crushed by Ant-Man. +This superhero's name is Curse. Their real name is Phillip Krahn. The Curse, born Phillip Krahn, has been fairly active in the Spawn universe. He seeks a place in Heaven and a chance to lead them against the armies of Hell. He had been preparing for this his whole life. When he was a small boy he removed his own left eye. Later he scarred his face with a large, deep scratch from a rusty metal fence running horizontally down the face over his right eye. When he was older, he removed his own right arm. All of this self-mutilation was to show his dedication to God. He always felt his prayer going unanswered and decided to go to do what was expected of him. He went to college, made a fortune and with all that money studied the occult. He used technology to rebuild his arm, far stronger and better than it was before. With the new superpowers rising around the world, Krahn felt forgotten. News of Spawn brought him to the alleys. He sought to gain Spawn's powers, believing him at first to be a soldier of Heaven. After being led to Spawn by some of the bums he had already converted he blasted a large hole in the Hellspawn from behind and left him for dead so that he might preach and convert others in the alley. Spawn was already dead though, and he wasn't going to simply lay down and die twice. His first appearance led to a fairly gruesome defeat. Spawn destroyed his bionic arm. He beat him severely and the Curse was left crucified on a wall in Rat City. This was done to teach him and others a lesson, that the alleys belong to Spawn. While there, he was found and tortured by the demon-hunter, Sankser. This proved to be quite painful and the whole ordeal gave Curse a new purpose in life. The Curse escaped from the alleys and returned to his castle-like mansion where he began to plot his revenge and to fix his many injuries. He accomplished this by combining cybernetics with demonic parts. Feeling his place in Heaven forever denied to him because of his failure to destroy Spawn he sought to gain all the knowledge of Hell so that he might overthrow Malebolgia and recreate Hell as his own Kingdom. He also created numerous minions in the form of tiny, twisted humanoid shaped creatures born of human and demon flesh and mixed with cybernetic enhancements. They helped lay a trap for Spawn. The trap was placed in Spawn's throne, and after his capture he was taken back to The Curse's lab, deep within his mansion. There he began to dissect Spawn in an attempt to understand every secret that lay within him. His symbiote has been forcibly removed and severed from his neural pathways and placed in a containment tube. The Curse's ultimate prize was to be Spawn's brain. While working on the dissection Spawn was able to make his dismembered parts move on their own and break his symbiote free, resulting in the symbiote lashing out at everything in its path in order to get back to its host. This led to the symbiote saving Spawn, as in a previous encounter with The Redeemer, by ripping into The Curse's flesh. Unlike The Redeemer, who only lost his hand, Curse was almost completely dismembered. As he lay bleeding, he began to laugh at Spawn and show his true conviction. He was ready to die for his cause and revealed a ticking time bomb with only second to spare before it went off. The bomb exploded as The Curse laughed maniacally and Spawn was sent flying away from the mansion from force of the explosion. This was not the end of The Curse however, his body was not found in the smoldering wreckage. He appeared later in the book, Curse of the Spawn, aiding and ultimately betraying Tony Twist before another apparent brush with death. There was a Knight Templar in Twist's organization. Curse sought him in order to try to gain the legendary heavenly shield that was bound to the soul of all Knights Templar. This shield would be necessary for Curse to enter Hell and establish his Kingdom. While cutting into him he was unable to find what he was looking for and while raving and ranting was ambushed by two groups of men. He was hit by Twist's car and shot by numerous weapons as the volatile chemicals around his lab were also hit and the resulting explosion engulfed everyone involved. Given his penchant for survival, and the fact that he has never been shown to be in Hell as other Spawn villains before him (Kincaid, Freak, etc.) it is unlikely that The Curse is actually dead. He is most likely lying in wait, rebuilding himself and rededicating himself to his cause. It is said that there is a balance between genius and insanity. That same balance is separated between a line that is as fine as a razor's edge. Philip Krahn was cut from the wrong side of that razor. His scars run deep. Krahn comes from 'old money'. His father was a wealthy steel tycoon from Boston, Massachusetts. He and Philip's mother did extensive travelling most of his formative years, leaving Philip to be raised and home taught by his grandmother. Philip's grandmother instilled in him at a very early age a hard-line puritan foundation of religion. So hard were her teachings, they bent the young boy's beliefs to a warped curve. Krahn began preparing himself to lead God's army at a very early age. Krahn made sacrifices to try and please God as a child. Acts that were more self-abuse than sacrifice. 'As an offering toward the end of my suffering, I took out my left eye with a sharp stick. Then I marked my face with a cut deep enough to scar me forever,' young Philip Krahn remembered. 'Even with that, my prayers went unanswered, so I knew I would have to give more of myself. Without hesitation, I sacrificed by right arm,' Krahn added. He used his almost unnatural talent to construct metal into very highly technical machinery and weapons. His obsessive ways with religion and invention separated him from the normal track. He was shunned by those around him. Philip looked down on those thinking them a part of the mass of unbelievers. With the appearances of various super-powered beings, Philip felt that God was overlooking him for the position of Heaven's general. Spawn was the final stone cast that pushed Krahn's twisted mind over the edge of no return. To enter Heaven and ensure his place with God, Spawn must die. Again, Philip Krahn was denied. Spawn not only defeated Krahn, now known as The Curse, but he humiliated him and left his torn and battered body on the wall in the alley as a warning to all that cross him. Trouble continued to plague The Curse, this time in the form of the vampire, Sansker. His interrogation of The Curse proved to be most painful. Eventually The Curse was free and began to plot and reconstruct his revenge on Spawn. Truly his place in Heaven had been denied. Now he would make a new kingdom for himself: Hell. He would learn the secrets to master the necroplasm that Spawn is made of. When those tales are revealed to him, he will have the ultimate power over Satan. The dissection of Spawn will be the tool to give him that power. The demented mind of The Curse proves to be his undoing. Spawn once again brought an end to Krahn's plans. The Curse proved that he would truly sacrifice everything to attain his goal. He set off an incredible explosion that brought his hellish castle to rubble. When the dust had settled, the remains of The Curse were nowhere to be found. Is this his end or just the beginning of a rebirth that will descend on Spawn once more like a windfall of bloody razors? +This superhero's name is Cy-Gor. Their real name is . During The Agency’s quest to develop the ultimate controllable supersoldier, Jason Wynn and his overseas military allies discovered that a Taiwanese cartel was at least three years ahead of them on a similar project. Wynn sent in his best solider, Al Simmons, to steal the data and eliminate the competition under the guise that they were a terrorist organization whose project would threaten the safety of the United States. Simmons infiltrated the lab, hacked into their computer systems and retrieved the data. He then destroyed the lab and all records contained in it, save those now in his possession. He returned to the United States and gave the data to Wynn. This data was combined with The Agency’s own research and a new project was initiated, codenamed Project: SIM (also known as Project: SIMIAN). Shortly afterwards Simmons had been killed on the order of Wynn, and one of the younger agents was ready to blow the whistle on the assassination. Konieczni had trained under Simmons and was a close personal friend. Simmons had been his mentor. Before he could go public he was captured by The Agency and became the test subject of Project: SIM. The intel data from the project called for a half-man, half-gorilla monster, fused and augmented with cybernetic enhancements. Data acquired from the mafia attempts to make a similar soldier indicated that human nature would need to be subverted with more cybernetics. The combination of the ape, man and metal was theorized to be the best alternative. The ape could be fused with more bionic enhancements because of its pain threshold, making it far stronger than Tremor or OvertKill, meanwhile the human component would give the beast rational capabilities and the ability to follow orders. An 10:90 ape to man ratio was what would be idea for this project. This was not what actually happened. The Agency scientist, Dr. Wilhelm, had been distracted throughout the project with trying to adapt the process to save his wife, whose brain he was keeping alive after her body died from a sudden onset of a debilitation illness. Wilhelm fused Konieczni’s brain to the ape, but was never able to get the ape to man ratio lower than 90:10 leaving the beast controllable unless enraged enough that the dominant ape reverted to it’s own savage nature. It escaped its restraints before it was completed, and killed an agent sent to retrieve it and the doctor, who was already dead. Cy-Gor escaped Wilhelm’s compound and was headed for New York. It recognized Al Simmon’s soul and keyed into his necroplasmic aura. Cy-Gor blamed Al for its creation and sought to kill him for his part in Project: SIM It found him in the alleys an attacked him, speaking at times as the parts that were Mike came alive and began to remember the horrors it had been through. After being defeated by Spawn, Cy-Gor was left in the alleys and retrieved by one of Wynn’s handling teams. He was presumed dead but awoke in transport and killed yet another squad of handlers before escaping. Not long after he encountered an incarnation of the Hindu goddess of death, Kali in a subway and decapitated her. This left Chow, the man who had raised Kali, to worship Cy-Gor as the new avatar of death. Cy-Gor's last known location was boarding a plane heading for Serbia. It should be of note that the cult that raised Kali has returned and recently the goddess of death has returned to the Spawn universe, apparently this time at full power. It should also be noted that Cy-Gor's bio, as presented in the Spawn Bible, has been retconned in the series and that there have been changes made to the character's original identity. Most of the character's bio has been left intact. +This superhero's name is Cyborg (Sonar Suit). Their real name is Victor Stone. Somewhere in space, Star Sapphire of the Star Sapphires, Sinestro of the Sinestro Corps, Atrocitus of the Red Lantern Corps, Saint Walker of the Blue Lantern Corps, Larfleeze of the Orange Lanterns, and Indigo-1 of the Indigo Tribe are summoned where they accuse each other of bringing each one to a part of space. When they realized that none of them summoned each other, they approached by Brainiac's forces. In Gotham City, Batman and Robin are pursuing Killer Croc after he had broken into the City Records Office. Batman and Robin find Killer Croc and his Croc Henchmen. Killer Croc runs through the sewers where he runs into the Joker, Cheetah, Firefly, and Solomon Grundy. Killer Croc gives them the sewer maps. Back up in space, the many lanterns are fighting against Brainiac's forces. Brainiac soon becomes annoyed that they are trying to defy him, so he controls their minds and they are brought into Brainiac's ship. At the Hall of Justice, Green Lantern confronts Cyborg who is working on a Slideways Teleport system that will teleport anybody from the Hall of Justice to the Justice League Watchtower. Green Lantern is reluctant to go through the teleport, but he does so anyway, and ends up in the Watchtower, unharmed besides the fact that his leg piece is on backwards. Green Lantern is met by Martian Manhunter up in the Watchtower. Back at the Batcave, Batman sees through his telescope a spaceship that is approaching Earth. Batman takes Robin's suggestion to contact Martian Manhunter on the Justice League's communicator to check it out just. Alfred Pennyworth is pleased that Batman is Batmanbat.png doing the idea that was suggested by Robin. When Batman looks at the spaceship again, he is mesmerized by a beam shot by it causing him to attack Robin and Alfred. This caused Robin and Alfred to work to snap Batman out of the trance he is in. After Robin used the Bat-Vehicles to get Batman out of the Batmobile, Batman summons a lot of bats where the energy controlling Batman ends up using the bats to form a larger Batman figure. Afterwards, Robin tries to get through to Batman which was enough to snap him out of his trance. Batman wonders who was trying to control his mind and why. At the Hall of Justice, Hawkman arrives where he is ambushed by the Joker, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Firefly. It turns out that Hawkman is actually Lex Luthor in disguise in a plot to get to the Justice League Watchtower and use its Binary Fusion Cannon to hold the world ransom and demand that Lex Luthor be made President while Solomon Grundy was stuck in the manhole and got himself free. The real Hawkman is being held in the sewers under the Hall of Justice, trapped in a bird cage. Back up in the Watchtower, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter, assisted by Batman, try to determine what the strange spaceship is. Their communication is halted when the Watchtower's communicators are shut down. An unauthorized use of the Slideways teleport is detected, and Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter learn of the Legion of Doom's presence on the Watchtower. Martian Manhunter alerts Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin, and they all head up to the Watchtower, except for Batman and Robin, who still need a ride up into space, due to the Slideways teleport system being shut down temporarily. Upon assembling the Bat-Rocket, Batman and Robin head into space. While Green Lantern investigates the spaceship, Martian Manhunter works to hold off Lex Luthor and his villain allies. Firefly traps Martian Manhunter in a ring of fire. Before Lex Luthor can get Lego Batman 3 Screenshhot 1.jpg ahold of the Binary Fusion Cannon, the Justice League Watchtower's computer alerts the entire base of the Bat-Rocket's approach. Joker prepares to take out Batman "old school style." After destroying some Joker Rockets, Batman and Robin lose their respectful vehicles. Before they can be blown up, Superman arrives and saves them. While Superman gets Robin onto the Justice League's jet, Batman works to find a way in to the Justice League Watchtower with the help of Cyborg and Flash. Once inside the Justice League Watchtower, the Justice League members confront Lex Luthor and his villain allies. Flash and Wonder Woman face off against Cheetah and Firefly. When Cheetah is defeated, Firefly tries to burn Wonder Woman and Flash only for Flash to put out the fires including the ones surrounding Martian Manhunter who proceeds to knock out Firefly while Wonder Woman subdues Cheetah. Robin and Cyborg pursue Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy where Cyborg's Giant Suit subdues Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy. Superman and Batman confront Lex Luthor and Joker where they learn of Lex Luthor's plot with the Watchtower's Binary Fusion Cannon from Joker. Superman and Batman fight their way past LexBots and Joker Henchmen before Lex Luthor shows up in a larger exo-suit. Using his Electric Suit, Batman powers up an EMP device to disable Lex Luthor's exo-suit while Superman subdues Joker. With the villains defeated, the Justice League Watchtower informs everyone present that an unknown object is approaching. Martain Manhunter identifies the object that he sent Green Lantern to investigate. Brainiac contacts the Justice League Watchtowers and introduces himself. Brainiac states that he collects things throughout the universe by using his shrink ray to miniaturize cities throughout the galaxy and is now interested in collecting worlds. Screen1.png It is shown that Brainiac is using the power rings of the captive Green Lantern, Star Sapphire, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker and Indigo-1 to power the crystals needed to shrink Earth. Superman does an attempt to stop Brainiac's shrink ray. Lex Luthor states that if Superman fails, they are going to need a Plan B. Batman, Robin, Cyborg, Flash, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Joker, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy work together to infiltrate Brainiac's ship in order to rescue Green Lantern and the others from Brainiac. Due to the helmet that Robin was wearing after being regurgitated from Killer Croc, he is unaffected by Brainiac's mind-control and attacks Brainiac to keep him from controlling the heroes and villains present. When Batman, Robin, Joker, and Solomon Grundy take down Brainiac, Superman is shown to be getting close to stopping the shrink ray which causes it to overload. Brainiac then escapes to Earth as the shrink ray's explosion causes Green Lantern and the power ring wielders to disappear where their respectful energies from the Emotional Spectrum hits each one of the heroes and villains present, except for Superman, Batman, Robin (who is wearing the helmet), Martian Manhunter,Killer Croc, Cheetah and Firefly. Due to the Emotional Spectrum, the many heroes and villains develop strong emotions. Cyborg fears everything, Flash becomes greedy, Wonder Woman becomes full of rage, Lex Luthor becomes very compassionate, the Joker becomes very loving of everything and Solomon Grundy becomes hopeful. Batman and Wonder Woman pursue Superman, who has fallen to Earth. They follow him to Paris, France where the impact of his crash collapses the Eiffel Tower. Meanwhile, Hawkman, still in the cage under the Hall of Justice, gets out of his bonds but is unable to get out of the cage itself. Back on Brainiac's ship, Cyborg tries to land Brainiac's ship in Gotham City. After Superman regains consciousness with Wonder Woman's help, Batman repairs the Eiffel Tower in his own image. After Wonder Woman kicks the Eiffel Tower where it collapses, Superman manages to repair it in the right appearance. Brainiac then arrives where he is now planning to shrink Earth's cities. Brainiac manages to shrink Paris and bottle it as Superman claims the bottle. Then they follow Brainiac to London, England where he manages to shrink it. Upon Batman claiming the bottle holding London, he, Superman, and Wonder Woman follow Brainiac to Pisa, Italy where Superman straightens the Leaning Tower of Pisa until Brainiac's ship leans it back to its original position and shrinks it. Before leaving, Brainiac leaves vowing that the Justice League won't stop him. In outer space, Green Lantern fixes the Justice League Watchtower. Afterwards, he and Martian Manhunter are contacted by Batman to help them locate Brainiac. Martian Manhunter states that Brainiac is heading for Gotham City as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman head there. In Gotham City, Robin, Cyborg, Flash, Lex Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy are confronted by Brainiac. Wonder Woman manages to bring Brainiac's ship down as he unleashes his robot clones while he escapes into his spaceship. Flash was able to create a cage to trap Brainiac's spaceship which will hold it there for awhile while both groups fall back to the Justice League Watchtower. LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Firefly and Superman (and Grundy).PNG Back on the Justice League Watchtower, Robin reveals that he has a shard of the crystal used by Brainiac in his plot to shrink Earth. Superman states that he could use the crystals at the Fortress of Solitude to create a duplicate. LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham The plan.PNG Zamaronian.png Green Lantern suspects that the other power ring wielders were transported back to the source planets of their power rings. When Robin asks how their going to get Sinestro, Atrocitus, and Larfleeze to help, Green Lantern states that they should get ahold of their power batteries where the energies contained should be enough to help. On Zamaron, Cyborg, Flash and Martian Manhunter are attacked by the Soldier Sapphires and the entity of love, The Predator. Afterwards, Star Sapphire agrees to help the Justice League. On Odym, Cyborg, Flash and Martian Manhunter answer a distress beacon from Saint Walker where he mentions that Odym is being invaded by Reach dropships. Upon disabling the Reach Mothership, Cyborg, Flash, and Martian Mahunter rescue Saint Walker and help defend the Blue Lantern power battery. Saint Walker agrees to help the Justice League. On Nok, Cyborg, Flash, and Martian Manhunterwork to repair the power battery of the Indigo Tribe until they are attacked by Indigo-1 and the Indigo Tribepeople. When the Indigo Tribe's power battery is repaired, the tribe regains their compassionate traits, and Indigo-1 agrees to help the Justice League. On Ysmault, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman (who is disguised as Joker), Robin (who is disguised as Lex Luthor), and Wonder Woman (who is disguised as Cheetah) all pursue Atrocitus and Bleez, when they summon the entity of rage: The Butcher. Upon Butcherred.png defeating The Butcher, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman distract Atrocitus while Green Lantern steals the power battery. On Okaara, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman (all wearing their disguises still) make plans to distract Larfleeze. When Larfleeze and his Orange Lantern constructs are defeated, Green Lantern creates a construct of himself so that he can steal the Orange Lantern power battery. At the Fortress of Solitude, Superman, Lex Luthor (who is dressed as Wonder Woman), Joker (who is dressed as Batman), Killer Croc, Cheetah (who is dressed as Robin), and Firefly arrive as Superman works to compact the crystal samples into the right structure needed to undo the effects of Brainiac's shrink ray. As Brainiac works on getting his spaceship free of it's cage, Hawkman tries to get free from his cage with his actions unnoticed by the cleaning group upstairs (Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns). On Qward, Sinestro appears on the Justice League ship where he is not fooled by the act by Green Lantern's group resulting in Green Lantern taking Sinestro off the ship. After Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman shed their disguises near the Sinestro Corps power battery, Sinestro traps Green Lantern in a marionette. Batman realizes that he must be afraid in order to obtain the Sinestro Corps power battery. He then sees Robin being pursued by a large Killer Croc construct created by Sinestro, and Batman becomes fearful that Robin will be harmed. Batman then claims the Sinestro Corps power battery. Upon Green Lantern's group retreating, Atrocitus and Larfleeze arrive prompting them and Sinestro to go after them. Evilsuperman.png Cyborg, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Star Sapphire, Saint Walker, and Indigo-1 arrive at the Fortress of Solitude. Green Lantern's group also arrives just as Sinestro, Atrocitus, and Larfleeze catch up. Upon the Justice League getting the rest of the Lanterns to focus their energy towards the crystal, Earth is restored to it's normal size, the different Lanterns disappear, and the energies from the Emotional Spectrum disappear from it's victims. The villains then leave as Flash goes to check on Brainiac. Flash returns and reports that Brainiac's ship has gotten free. Brainiac arrives at the Fortress of Solitude in his ship where he reveals that he had taken Gotham City and Metropolis on his way to the Fortress of Solitude. Superman suddenly grows in size as Brainiac mind-controls him. After Green Lantern returns and Batman uses a speech to break Brainiac's mind-control, Superman manages to stop Brainiac and obtain the shrink ray that is needed to restore Superman and the cities to their rightful sizes. The Justice League then leaves the Fortress of Solitude with Brainiac as their prisoner. The cities of the worlds have been restored to their rightful sizes. At the White House, Lex Luthor is enjoying being President with his villain allies present until the Justice League arrives. With the villains arrested, Lex Luthor and Joker are sharing the same cell with a shrunken Brainiac. They end up shaking the jar Brainiac is in until they accidentally shatter it and he is restored to normal size causing Lex Luthor and Joker to cower at Brainiac. Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns continue to clean up the Hall of Justice, and Hawkman is wondering if someone has called his wife, because he is still trapped within the cage and nobody can hear him. Back on Qward, Sinestro vows to destroy the Earthlings as he bumps into Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet which takes off on its own. At the Justice League Watchtower, Aquaman, Black Canary, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Nightwing, Shazam, and Swamp Thing arrive through a Slideways teleport in a very familiar fashion... +This superhero's name is Cyborg Superman (CW). Their real name is Hank Henshaw. Hank Henshaw is the former director of the D.E.O.. Henshaw was a paranoid and ruthless agent who saw all aliens as a threat regardless if they were fugitives or refuges and sought to kill them all. After Kara Zor-El's arrival, Henshaw extorted her foster father Jeremiah Danvers into working for him so he could learn about Kryptonians. After spending years hunting the refuge J'onn J'onzz, Henshaw cornered him in Peru but Jeremiah seemingly sacrificed his life to kill Hank to protect J'onn. After his supposed death, he was impersonated by J'onn to reform the D.E.O. for its intended purpose until his identity was exposed, but J'onn received a presidential pardon and remained director of the D.E.O. J'onn continued to use Henshaw's appearance for convenience sake around D.E.O. agents and for public appearances. After being presumed dead for almost 10 years, Henshaw was revealed to be alive, rescued by Project Cadmus and genetically modified into a cyborg with strength greater than even Supergirl's under the name "Cyborg Superman". +This superhero's name is Cyborg Superman. Their real name is Henry Henshaw. Hank Henshaw first appeared as a crew member of the doomed LexCorp space shuttle Excalibur. Hank and the other three members of the Excalibur crew (including his wife, Terri) were exposed to cosmic radiation, resulting in the crash of their shuttle. As a result of the radiation exposure, the human bodies of two crew members were destroyed. However, their minds survived and they were able to construct new bodies out of pure cosmic radiation and bits of earth and the shuttle (homages to the Human Torch and the Thing, respectively). Initially, Henshaw and his wife suffered no ill effects from the radiation and the crew traveled to Metropolis, in the hope of using LexCorp facilities to cure their transformed crewmates. During a brief battle with Superman, the crew member now composed of radiation became unhinged and flew into the sun. By this time, Henshaw's body had begun to rapidly decay while his wife was beginning to phase into an alternate dimension. With Superman's help, Henshaw was able to use the LexCorp facilities to save Terri, but died immediately afterwords. The remaining member of the shuttle crew committed suicide using an MRI booth. However, Hank Henshaw had not truly died. Though his physical body had expired, he was able to transfer his consciousness into the LexCorp's mainframe. Now able to control technology, Henshaw appeared to his wife in a robotic body; the shock of the shuttle accident, Henshaw's death and his bizarre rebirth was too much for Terri and eventually led to her insanity and death. By this point, Henshaw's electronic consciousness had begun to disrupt Earth's communications networks. Using NASA communications equipment, Henshaw beamed his mind into the 'birthing Matrix' which had carried Superman from Krypton to Earth as an infant. Henshaw crafted a small exploration craft from the birthing matrix and departed the planet. Henshaw spent some time traveling between planets; bonding with local lifeforms to learn about the culture and history of various worlds. Over time, Henshaw became delusional and paranoid, believing that Superman had caused the deaths of himself and his wife, then driven him from the Earth. Arriving on a planet controlled by alien overlord (and Superman nemesis) Mongul, Henshaw learned of the Warworld and forcibly recruited Mongul as part of a plan for revenge against Superman. With Superman dead after his battle with Doomsday, Henshaw was unable to directly seek revenge against the man he had come to perceive as his enemy and instead sought to destroy Superman's reputation. To that end, the Cyborg claimed to be Superman reborn; using knowledge obtained from the birthing matrix to construct a cybernetic body with organic portions genetically identical to Superman and technological components built with Kryptonian alloys. Along with destroying a Superman memorial plaque in front of the Daily Planet, the Cyborg exiled Doomsday into space and defended the President of the United States from an assassination attempt. As a result of the latter incident, the White House endorsed the Cyborg as the 'true' Superman and he provided the President with a communications device. When confronted by Lois Lane, the Cyborg claimed his memory was "blurry" but he could see a "spaceship on a farm. The name 'Kent'", suggesting Henshaw may be aware of Superman's secret identity. Henshaw's arrival as Superman was simultaneous with three others: John Henry Irons, the self-styled Last Son of Krypton, and the modern Superboy. When an alien ship appeared over Coast City, the Cyborg revealed his true intentions, attacking and severely injuring the Eradicator as Mongul's craft destroyed the city, killing millions. The Cyborg was then able to convince the White House and the public that the Eradicator had been responsible for the destruction of Coast City, turning the public against the Kryptonian. He also came within a hairsbreadth of killing the Eradicator in direct combat. After tricking and defeating Superboy, Henshaw set about preparing to launch a warhead that would convert Metropolis into a second Engine City. However, Superboy was able to escape and warn the resurrected true Superman, John Henry Irons and Supergirl of the Cyborg's plans. The quartet traveled to the site of the former Coast City where Superman, Supergirl and Steel confronted Mongul and the Cyborg while Superboy stopped the missile from destroying Metropolis. While Green Lantern defeated Mongul, the Cyborg lured Superman and the Eradicator to the Engine City main reactor and attempted to kill Superman with the Kryptonite that powered the engine. Henshaw attempted to kill Superman using a concentrated blast of Kryptonite radiation, but the Eradicator intercepted the blast at the expense of his own life. However, as the Kryptonite energy passed through the Eradicator, the radiation was altered and acted to restore Superman's powers. Superman was then able to easily defeat the Cyborg (partially due to the Kryptonite weakening the Cyborg's Kryptonian form) by vibrating Henshaw's body to pieces. Before exiling Doomsday into space, Henshaw had installed a device on the monster to allow him to detect if Doomsday were to ever escape. After the destruction of his 'Cyborg Superman' body, Henshaw transferred his consciousness into this device, as Doomsday was "the safest place in the galaxy" for the Cyborg to hide. Doomsday was eventually brought on board a space cruiser and managed to escape, landing on Apokolips. Henshaw re-emerged once again, reconfiguring an exo-armored Apokoliptian trooper into a new body, establishing his standard appearance with long hair and red armor, and began to lay siege to Apokolips alongside Doomsday (although the Henshaw's body possessed Superman's Kryptonian DNA, Doomsday did not seem to perceive the Cyborg as a threat). The Cyborg successfully took over most of Apokolips, but was destroyed by Darkseid's Omega Beams after a short battle with Superman. Darkseid's attack did not kill the Cyborg; rather, the Omega Effect had stored Henshaw's consciousness in a small orb, with Darkseid planning to use the Cyborg against Superman at a later date. Darkseid eventually freed Henshaw, with the understanding that Henshaw was to leave Apokolips and never return. The Cyborg eventually aligned himself with an intergalactic 'tribunal', which was seeking to bring Superman to trial for the crimes of his ancestors. Henshaw assisted the tribunal in capturing Superboy, Supergirl, Steel and Alpha Centurion, who had been preparing to rescue Superman. However, the Cyborg betrayed the tribunal and attempted to conquer their planet for conversion into a new Warworld. Superman and his allies stopped the Cyborg's plan and, when Henshaw's involvement in the destruction of Coast City was brought to the attention of the tribunal, they found the Cyborg guilty of genocide and sentenced him to death. As an electronic consciousness, Henshaw could not be killed by normal means and was transported beyond the event horizon of a black hole, where not even energy could escape from the gravity. Rather than being destroyed, the Cyborg was transported to the Marvel Universe, as seen at the beginning of the Green Lantern/Silver Surfer crossover. The Cyborg destroyed a planet in another attempt to recreate Warworld, attracting the attention of the Silver Surfer. Their short battle was interrupted by the arrival of Parallax, who had been tracking the Cyborg for some time, seeking vengeance for the destruction of Coast City. In the confusion, Henshaw managed to escape and was returned to the DC Universe by the end of the story. The Cyborg would again encounter Hal Jordan, at the very brim of the Godwave, a nexus of statues that flow forth energy vital to the preservation of the Fourth World. Parallax used his powers to generate representations of the victims of Coast City, who tore the Cyborg's body apart. Jordan than dispersed Henshaw's consciousness into the Godwave and the Cyborg was once again seemingly destroyed. During a crisis involving the Godwave, Superman (wearing at the time his "Blue Energy Costume" traveled to New Genesis, and encountered Henshaw again, Henshaw had become part of the Godwave's structure and had crafted a small world comprised of his memories, which he used to taunt Superman, after seemingly being defeated. However, unknown to Superman, the Cyborg stored his own consciousness in Superman's technological containment suit. After Superman returned to Earth, Henshaw escaped and eventually constructed a new body, posing as a substitute high school teacher in an attempt to become human again (even managing to convince Ashbury Armstrong that he possessed some goodness). However, in a fit of rage, Henshaw revealed his true identity as the Cyborg and this body was destroyed in a short fight with Superman. To escape detection, Henshaw stored his consciousness in a toy. This toy was later stolen by the Toyman, leading the two villains to join forces to kill Superman. To this end, the Cyborg designed a machine that would break Superman's energy form down into multiple components and beam them to different points in the galaxy, preventing Superman from reforming. A malfunction in the machine caused Superman to split into Superman Blue and Superman Red, the latter of whom eventually defeated and captured the Cyborg. In a firm sense of irony, Henshaw shared with Superman a crossover encounter with the Fantastic Four, convincing Superman that Galactus was the true ravager of Krypton for a time, the result transformed Superman into the herald of the world devourer for a while. Galactus transformed Henshaw into an inanimate slab of metal after Henshaw demanded he be made his heir, and be made "perfect", since he was half-human, his reduction to this state, void of all human matter, was as perfect as the merciless Galactus could perceive. He later attempted to take over Kandor, but this failed when he was defeated by Superman and sent to the Phantom Zone. Shortly after Y2K, Henshaw escaped the Phantom Zone and attacked Superman, who was suffering from Kryptonite poisoning at the time. He was defeated with the help of the Kandorians and sent back to the Phantom Zone, swearing revenge. However, he was not encountered on subsequent visits to the Zone. Henshaw eventually made his way to Sector 3601, to Biot, the homeworld of the Manhunters. He gathered many Green Lanterns who were previously thought to be dead, including Arisia, Kreon, Ke'Haan, Boodikka, Laira, and Chaselon, and used them as power sources for his new model of Manhunters, the Highmasters. However, Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner discovered his operation. Jordan and Arisia combined the might of their power rings with one of the Highmasters, destroying the organic portion of Henshaw's body and most of Biot. The Guardians of the Universe believed that, during Henshaw's time in Sector 3601, he may have discovered one of their closely guarded secrets: the existence of the Multiverse. Henshaw remained in custody on Oa until he was freed, along with Superboy-Prime, by a strike force of Sinestro Corps members. He was brought to Qward, where he was made into a herald of the Anti-Monitor, along with Superboy and the Parallax-possessed Kyle Rayner. Henshaw revels the only reason he has joined the Anti-Monitor is that he has been promised to a final death at the hands of the Anti-Monitor as a reward for helping the Anti-Monitor achieve his goals. A death he has longed for that none even Superman can seem to give him. Henshaw and his Manhunters head to Earth to assist the Sinestro Corps in their attack. En route, Henshaw stops leading the Manhunters, which continue to their preprogrammed destinations. As he watches them go, he remembers everything that has happened to him; from their dreadful shuttle accident to his wife's suicide when she sees him in his robot form. He finishes this journey of his mind by going to his wife's grave. He digs her corpse out and rips it into two, shouting that all he wants is not to be with her, but for these memories to fade. Meanwhile, Manhunters begin an assault on the JLA satellite. Hawkgirl, Black Lightning, and Red Arrow retaliate; however, all three are neutralized when Henshaw assists in the attack and he successfully tampers with the mechanics of the satellite core. As the satellite is thrown out of orbit, Superman appears, seemingly from nowhere, and engages Henshaw in battle. Their fight continues on Earth, while Sinestro transports his crew and his ship from the Anti-Matter Universe. At first Superman seems to have the upper hand, however after two punches, Henshaw strikes with great power and rage, punching him through the Statue of Liberty. By the end, Henshaw has Superman in a choke hold, thinking that the victory is near. However, Superman was not alone. Power Girl and Supergirl came to Superman's aide, and managed to defeat the Cyborg Superman, later throwing him at Superboy-Prime. He commented that they almost managed to kill him that time. When the Green Lantern Corps decides to detonate New Warworld and the Qwardian Central Power Battery of the Sinestro Corps to destroy the Anti-Monitor, Henshaw is trapped behind a shield and exposed to the massive explosion. Before he is finally killed, however, he is able to thank the Green Lantern Corps for their mercy in ending his life. A small fraction of Henshaw's corpse was found after the explosion. The Manhunters confirmed that he had perished, but were confused without his leadership. Seeking the leadership "programming" of their grandmaster, the Manhunters funnel a massive amount of energy into the Cyborg Superman, and he experiences yet another resurrection, crying when he realizes he is alive yet again. During the Brightest Day, he was seen working with the Alpha Lanterns, working to augment every Lantern, including Ganthet, into an Alpha. While doing so, Henshaw declares himself the Alpha Lantern leader. Hank later details that his purpose in dealing with the Alpha Lanterns is to alter himself, such that he will be mortal again. He begins experiments on the Alpha Lanterns to reverse engineer their cyborg attributes into humans. Despite killing several Alpha Lanterns, Hank is ultimately successful in devising a way to reverse engineer the some of the Alpha Lanterns. Before Hank can force Ganthet to perform his new surgery on himself, the Green Lantern Corps spoil his plans and destroy his physical body. Hank then tries to transfer his consciousness into Boodikka. During this attempted transfer of consciousness Boodikka overpowers Hank with willpower and cuts his essence in half, thus destroying Hank Henshaw. However, it seems that even this isn't enough to be killed. While surveying the remains of New Krypton, Boodikka was attacked by Doomsday, seemingly unprovoked. However, when Supergirl and Batman got her to the JLA Watchtower, Doomsday quickly followed, revealing why he was attacking her - Henshaw was still alive. Taking over the Watchtower, the presence of Doomsday overrode Henshaw's desire to die, vowing to destroy the beast once and for all even with Batman and Supergirl stuck in the crossfire. With one mighty blow, Henshaw tore through Doomsday, ripping his body apart. However, Doomsday recovered and, to the Cyborg's horror, he became "Cyborg Doomsday", took over the Watchtower and vanquished Henshaw, kidnapping him and the arriving Supergirl in the process. +This superhero's name is Cyborg. Their real name is Victor Stone. Vic Stone was the son of a pair of scientists who decided to use him as a test subject for various intelligence enhancement projects. However, Victor grew to resent this treatment and fell in with a young miscreant named Ron Evers who led him into trouble with the law. This was the beginning of a struggle where Victor strove for his own life engaging in pursuits his parents disapproved of such as athletics. In addition, Victor still kept bad company that led him into incidents such as when he was talked into participating in a street gang fight in which he was wounded. For the most part however, Victor still had a largely normal life under the circumstances where he also refused to follow his best friend's grandiose plans of racially motivated terrorism. All that changed one day when he visited his parents at work at S.T.A.R. Labs. Coincidentally, an experiment in dimensional travel went horribly awry when a massive gelatinous monster crossed over an experimental portal and killed Victor's mother. The creature then turned on Victor and severely mutilated him before his father managed to force the creature back through the portal. To save his son, Victor's father outfitted him with experimental prostheses of his own design. However, the equipment could not be worn inconspicously, and thus Victor was horrified to see much of his body, including part of his face, replaced with sheer metallic limbs and implants. Although Victor wanted to die at this shock, he adjusted enough through his resulting physical therapy to control his implants with suitable skill. Upon release from medical care, he found his life was seriously inconvenienced with the fearful reactions of the public at his implants; even his girlfriend rejected him. In addition, he was also disallowed his participation in athletics not only for his implants but for his poor grades which were further exacerbated by his long convalescence. However, when his old friend attempted to use Victor's troubles to manipulate him into attempting a terrorist attack on the United Nations, Victor found a new purpose as he equipped his weapons attachments and stopped his friend in a pitched battle on the UN building. He joined the Teen Titans, initially for the benefit of a support group of kindred spirits and freaks and has remained with that group ever since. In addition, Victor found new friends who saw past his disfigurements to his own nobility such as a group of children who were adjusting to their own prostheses and idolized Victor with his fancy parts and exciting adventures as well as their beautiful therapist who took a shine to him herself. Throughout his association with the Titans, Victor has been destroyed, reconstructed, assimilated by an alien race, and had his humanity restored. He later went on to mentor a new Teen Titans group, consisting mainly of sidekicks, most of whom have taken over the secret identities of former members (i.e. Tim Drake, the third Robin, instead of Dick Grayson, the original Robin and Titans leader), as well as stalwarts such as Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy, where they have fought enemies such as Deathstroke, Doctor Light, The Titans of Tomorrow and Superboy and Indigo during the Insiders storyline with a team up with the Outsiders. Cyborg always had a problem with his humanity. Since he had lost most of his body in that horrible accident which turned him into a hero; he had always been challenged to maintain his human-side along side living with his robotic body. After a while Cyborg began to upgrade his body with new powers, weapons, and abilities. He became more of a robot; his voice changed and his mannerisms were more technical. Although he maintained he was still human not much was left. Eventually during the event of the Technis Imperative a robotic life form named Technis came to earth during it's universal search for knowledge and cataloging. When it tried to assimilate Earth the Titans stopped it, but Technis singled out Cyborg as he was practically a walking computer. Cyborg's one main crave was his humanity back to it's original level so he could be the athlete he always wanted to and Technis sought to serve this purpose. Technis was not one single being he was a mass of hundreds of them; beings who had a linked minded aptitude to collecting. So Cyborg joined their group in exchange for his soul, essentially. He became Cyberion and Technis became his family, but in the search and cataloging that spanned the universe Cyborg decided to ask Beast Boy to help him on his journey. Beast Boy accepted and Cyborg now called Cyberion Technis traveled around the universe until the day Technis was destroyed in a battle. This utterly changed Cyborg as he now lost his second family which shook lose his humanity again and he began to remember his old self and longed for it's return. After this entire event Beast Boy lost faith momentarily in his best friend and fled back to earth. Now entirely alone, Victor Stone, lost all sense of humanity in a matter of days. Without a team of Teen Titans on earth and with members spread across the globe Cyborg eventually came back to earth in a big way. He became Planet Cyberion and on his cascading trip back to earth he began assimilating and collect everything in his way until he became as big as the moon and when he returned to earth he overcame the moon and with it the JLA Watchtower. The Justice League was angered at this hostile takeover and attacked Cyborg not knowing the man within. Cyborg began to take every single Titan ever on the roster at all (including Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and Atom Ray Palmer. But since the Justice League attacked Cyborg his actions started to affect the Earth and it's atmosphere (he was riding on the moon). Horrible natural disasters and terrible technological threats and shut downs afflicted the earth plant-wide. All the Titans were brought in pods to Titan's Island in New York City. Once all of the Justice League, Young Justice, JLA Reserves, Titans and Teen Titans were brought together a massive fight broke out over the destruction of Cyborg vs. the savior of the world. This fight distracted Cyborg's programming and allowed a team of Leaguers and Titans to break off and head towards the moon where the main central power core of Cyborg's being as held. The Titans (mostly Beast Boy) succeeded in bringing the human out of Cyborg by manipulating his virtual reality environmental programming and using it on Cyborg himself; this produced an image of Victor's father that said only pleasant things to Victor. Victor's soul was finally free and Raven herself brought his soul to try and upload it into the Titan's mainframe computer. However Victor's soul rejected the computer programming and Beast Boy suggested putting his soul in the Omegadrome Suit and she did. Cyborg then became Omegadrome; the golden suit, shape shifting Cyborg. During Infinite Crisis, Cyborg joined Donna's New Cronus Team that went to investigate a hole in the universe that was discovered during the Rann-Thanagar War. He left Beast Boy in charge of the Titans while he was gone. They arrived at the re-set center of the universe and with the help of assorted heroes, aided in the defeat of Alexander Luthor, who was attempting to re-create the Multiverse and build a perfect Earth from it. 52 Cyborg was fused together with Firestorm after returning to Earth. This was caused by the energy ripples caused by Alexander Luthor Jr. which altered the Zeta Ray Beams the heroes were going to use to return home. One Year Later After being severely damaged during the events of Infinite Crisis, Cyborg was rebuilt over time in thanks to Tower caretakers Wendy and Marvin. He awoke one year later to find a wholly different group of Titans led by Robin, the only member from the team he formed prior to going into space. Cyborg felt that members such as Kid Devil and Ravager were hardly worthy of being Titans, and thus was attempting to find a way to re-form "the real Titans". After the team along with the Doom Patrol defeated the Brotherhood of Evil, Cyborg asked Beast Boy to rejoin the Titans, but Gar refused saying that his skills were needed with the Patrol. After returning to Titans Tower, Cyborg began reviewing the security tapes during the last year, in which it appears that he was looked to by all the Titans of the past year for a shoulder to lean on, despite being in a coma-like state. Although Cyborg did retain the position of statesman amongst the Teen Titans and occasionally played second-in-command to Robin's lead, he no longer operated as a Titan in any official capacity. Shortly thereafter, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman agreed that Cyborg should be offered membership in the new Justice League. However, following a battle against Amazo, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Black Canary took over the formation of the JLA, and Cyborg was not included among the roster. Cyborg began putting together a new branch of Titans East which consisted of Anima, Dove, Hawk, Lagoon Boy, Little Barda and Power Boy. During a training exercise, the team was attacked by an unknown foe and Cyborg was severely injured. This incident inspires the original members of the "New" Teen Titans to regroup and investigate the situation. Cyborg's new team didn't work out and when the new Teen Titans formed after his Titan's East's destruction he played second in command again. Although not officially on the roster he helped them on their investigations; he later joined officially and headed the new team of Teen Titans. They had many adventures together when their numbers started to grow and the founding members started to move on to bigger things. Wonder Girl began to lead this new team and they moved to Titans Tower in San Francisco, California. Soon the old founding members joined an unofficial team called the Titans to work as a family and a place to relax from their all overwhelming lives. But the peace didn't last when lives started to overlap and intersect and fewer members started showing up. When the Titans fell apart again, Cyborg joined the JLA alongside Dick(as Batman) and Donna Troy. Officially on the team, he did not enter the field of battle much. Instead, he devoted his time to helping improve the Red Tornado's android body. After the timeline was drastically altered by Professor Zoom in an effort to destroy The Flash, in this new history, Cyborg is America's greatest hero and a resistance leader in a dystopic world. He attempts to put together a group to stop the war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman's forces. However, the heroes he approached all refuse, after Batman (Bruce Wayne's father Thomas) declines. Cyborg was later relieved of his duty by the U.S. President when contact with the resistance in the Amazons occupied-United Kingdom due to a traitor among the heroes that Cyborg tried to recruit. Cyborg was then summoned by Batman and the Flash for his help in tracking down "Project: Superman", the government branch responsible for 'raising' Kal-El after his rocket destroyed Metropolis upon its arrival. Cyborg agreed to join the cause to stop Wonder Woman and Aquaman. The trio infiltrated Project: Superman and freed Kal-El, who only left them at the hands of the facility's guards until they are rescued by Element Woman. Later, Cyborg and the other heroes recruited the Marvel Family and traveled to the U.K., where the conflict between the Amazons and Atlantis escalated. Eventually the heroes restore the timeline, but the mysterious Pandora alters it into an entirely new form. Cyborg's entire history is erased, including his origins and his membership in the Teen Titans. He is portrayed as a high school athlete at odds with his brilliant scientist father Silas Stone. Vic is caught in an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs when a nearby Father Box detonates. His father saves his life by using experimental technology to turn him into a Cyborg. He meets Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Superman and Wonder Woman while trying to control his new powers. In the middle of an alien invasion, he helps them fight Darkseid and his Parademon army. They work to take him down as a team, and Cyborg taps into the alien technology to close their portal after Superman hurls Darkseid back to Apokolips. This crisis leads humanity to finally accept super-heroes. +This superhero's name is Cyclops (FOX). Their real name is Scott Summers. Cyclops (born Scott Summers) is a mutant with the ability to fire an optic blast from his eyes. Having been one of the first members of the modern group of X-Men, Scott Summers was chosen to succeed his mentor and become the X-Men's field leader. +This superhero's name is Cyclops. Their real name is Scott Summers. Scott Summers was the first of two sons born to Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force, and his wife Katherine. Christopher was flying his family home from vacation when their plane was attacked by a spacecraft from the interstellar Shi'ar Empire. To save their lives, Katherine pushed Scott and his brother Alex out of the plane with the only available parachute. Scott suffered a head injury upon landing, thus forever preventing him from controlling his mutant power by himself. With their parents presumed dead, the authorities separated the two boys. Alex was adopted, but Scott remained comatose in a hospital for a year. On recovering, he was placed in an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska that was secretly controlled by his future enemy, the evil geneticist Mister Sinister. As a teenager, Scott came into the foster care of Jack Winters, a mutant criminal known as the Jack O'Diamonds. After Scott began to suffer from severe headaches he was sent to a specialist who discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem. Soon after, Scott's mutant power first erupted from his eyes as an uncontrollable blast of optic force. The blast demolished a crane, causing it to drop its payload toward a terrified crowd. Scott saved lives by obliterating the object with another blast, but the bystanders believed that he had tried to kill them and rallied into an angry mob. Scott fled, escaping on a freight train. Winters sought to use Scott's newfound talent in his crimes, and physically abused the young boy when he initially refused. However, Scott's display of power had attracted the attention of the mutant telepath Professor Charles Xavier, who teamed up with F.B.I. agent Fred Duncan in their mutual attempt to find Scott. Scott was rescued from Winters' clutches and was enlisted by Xavier as the first member of the X-Men, a team of young mutants who trained to use their powers in the fight for human/mutant equality. As Cyclops, Scott became deputy leader of the X-Men. While he was a skilled tactician, his social skills were lacking. Scott had fallen in love with his teammate Jean Grey, but his reserved demeanor prevented him from expressing his feelings for her for years. When Xavier's other original recruits left the fold following an encounter with the sentient island-being Krakoa, Cyclops stayed on as deputy leader of the new team. Shortly thereafter, the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force took Jean's place. When it committed suicide, Scott believed the love of his life had died and he left the X-Men. During his time away from the team, Scott met fishing boat captain Lee Forrester who helped him work through his grief. Scott eventually returned to the X-Men whereupon he met Madelyne Pryor, a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Jean. Unaware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean created by Sinister, Scott fell in love with Madelyne and they were soon married. Madelyne fell pregnant and bore Scott a son named Nathan Christopher. When the real Jean emerged from suspended animation, Scott abandoned his wife and son and rejoined the other original X-Men in establishing a new team, X-Factor. During a demonic invasion of New York City, X-Factor and the X-Men fought against a super-powered and insane Madelyne. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne perished in combat with Jean. Later, the mutant warlord named Apocalypse infected baby Nathan with a techno-organic virus. To save his son's life, Scott had to allow a member of the Clan Askani to transport Nathan two millennia into the future, where it had been foreseen that he would deliver the world from Apocalypse’s clutches. X-Factor disbanded soon after, and its members returned to the ranks of the X-Men. Scott and his long-time love Jean were married, and whilst on their honeymoon their spirits were taken into the timestream by the Clan Askani’s matriarch. Arriving in the future, they inhabited new bodies and raised Nathan for twelve years. When they returned to their own time and bodies, Nathan remained in the future and ultimately matured into his time's greatest hero: Cable. Following Professor X's arrest for crimes committed as the evil psionic entity Onslaught, Scott assumed the role of leadership of the X-Men once more. Soon after, the government sponsored mutant-hunting operation known as "Zero Tolerance" took effect, and the villainous Bastion captured the X-Men. In his attempt to destroy mutantkind, Bastion placed a nanotech bomb inside Scott's body. The X-Men escaped, and the mutant doctor named Cecilia Reyes saved Scott's life. Scott and his wife soon took a leave of absence from the X-Men for a period of recuperation. Not long after returning to the team, Scott and Jean soon found themselves embroiled in Apocalypse's bid for cosmic power by assembling "The Twelve" - a group of mutants who would determine the fate of their kind that included Scott, Jean, and Cable. They were wired to a machine that would channel their awesome energies into Apocalypse, allowing him to absorb the body of the time-tossed powerful mutant teenager known as X-Man. As his teammates fell around him, a powerless Scott saved X-Man and merged with the would-be conqueror to create a new evil entity. Jean detected Scott's psyche inside Apocalypse and prevented the X-Men from destroying him, however he was presumed dead by most of his teammates. Only Jean and Cable refused to believe Scott had perished. Investigating rumors he was alive, the pair found him in the birthplace of Apocalypse in Akkaba, Egypt, struggling to reassert his mind over the villain's psyche. Ultimately, Jean was able to physically rip Apocalypse's essence from Scott's body using her mental powers, and Cable destroyed it with his own powers. Scott left for a small period of recuperation, during which he met and reconciled with his father. Afterwards, Scott returned to the X-Men, but his association with Apocalypse had given him a grimmer, more serious personality than ever before. As a result, many of his relationships became strained, including his marriage to Jean. Scott sought the counsel of his teammate Emma Frost and the pair began a psychic affair. When Jean discovered Scott's betrayal, he left the X-Men in order to sort out the mess his life had become. Following the outing of Professor X as a mutant to the world, his school was rechristened the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning and opened its doors to the mutant population at large, training and educating dozens of young new students to help them cope with their burgeoning abilities. After the death of his wife, Scott assumed the position of co-headmaster of the School alongside his new love, Emma. Cyclops's world was further upset when a mysterious mutant attacked and brought him and Marvel Girl to a secret abandoned facility. Cyclops eventually discovered that the mutant was none other than his brother Gabriel, who had been a student of Moira's that Professor X had sent to rescue Scott from Krakoa. Scott had witnessed the apparent deaths of Gabriel and his teammates; Xavier had mind-wiped him to alleviate the psychic trauma of the event. Shaken to the core, Cyclops expelled the then powerless Xavier from the Institute. +This superhero's name is Cypher. Their real name is Douglas Aaron Ramsey. Douglas Ramsey was a friend of Kitty Pryde, the X-Man Shadowcat. Both shared an interest in computers and video games which brought them closer together. When both Professor Charles Xavier and Emma Frost discovered Doug was a mutant, they both attempted to recruit him for their respective schools. Frost offered him a scholarship to the Massachusetts Academy in hope of inducting him into her adolescent Hellions to serve the Hellfire Club's sinister needs. Pryde accompanied Ramsey on a trip to the Academy for his final interview. Kitty didn't trust Frost at all due to past experiences, and this time was no different. The White Queen captured Kitty, and was later saved by the New Mutants. Ramsey ended up not attenting the school. While Douglas became a friend to the New Mutants children, they kept their mutant powers and costumed personas from him. However, one night when the New Mutants were alone in the mansion, the techno-organic alien Warlock arrived and battled the New Mutants in the confusion that errupted. The mutants asked Ramsey for help in communicating with the alien, and revealed their secrets to him. Douglas succeeded in talking with Warlock, and both the alien and Ramsey soon joined the team. Ramsey chose the codename Cypher, as his mutant ability allowed him to decypher codes and languages. Warlock and Cypher shared a close bond, often sticking close together in battle. During a mission to return their teammate Bird Brain to his home island, Cypher was killed. The villanous Ani-mator shot at Rahne Sinclair but Douglas dove and took the bullet. +This superhero's name is Cyrus Borg. Their real name is Cyrus Borg. Cyrus Borg took the opportunity to use the destruction of Ninjago City as a way to rebuild this city as a technological marvel known as "New Ninjago City." He founded Borg Industries and built Borg Tower over the site of the destroyed Garmatron as a symbol of defiance towards evil. A few weeks before the visit of the Ninja, Borg discovered a virus that turned out to be the Overlord in his master computer. Knowing he could not stop the evil on his own, he created the Techno Blades and Techno Robes for the four Ninja. +This superhero's name is Daddy No Legs. Their real name is Nobody Knows. Once Kai, Jay, and Zane were captured by Iron Baron, Daddy No Legs informs him that they had captured them by surprise as seen in Firstbourne. Shortly after Iron Baron has him transport the Ninja to The Pit, where of which they are pitted against Slab, a Dragon of Earth. +This superhero's name is Dagger. Their real name is Tandy Bowen. Tandy Bowen was a sixteen-year-old who was neglected by her mother and felt distanced from her new stepfather. She ran away from home and came to New York City. Once she was in New York she met Tyrone Johnson, a fellow runaway. Johnson had planned to steal her purse, but when he saw another thief beat him to it, he tackled the thief and returned Tandy's purse to her. This began their long partnership as the two came to rely on each other to get along on their own. Tandy and Tyrone were offered shelter by henchmen of Maggia crime lord Simon Marshall. Marshall"s hospitality was only a front for testing a new synthetic narcotic. The two teenagers escaped, but not before they were injected with Marshall"s drug, which awakened latent mutant abilities in both of them (a process secretly encouraged by the demon D'spayre who had hoped to feed upon their angst). Tyrone found himself compelled to drain the life-force of others by enveloping them in the darkness of his cloak. Tandy, on the other hand, gained the ability to project light in the form of energy daggers, which she used to subdue Tyrone's darkness. The two decided use their powers to protect the streets from men like Marshall, and became known as Cloak and Dagger. The two vigilantes have specialized in combating drug-dealers and helping runaway children. For all the work that Cloak and Dagger have done to help reform addicts and topple dealers, they realize that drug abuse is an evil greater than they can ever hope to conquer. The duo have often teamed with Spider-Man. Unlike Cloak, Dagger enjoys adventuring and has often run into trouble without him. She has even served as a member of the New Warriors and as a part of Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team. Because of Cloak's anti-social behavior, Dagger has often been his only link to humanity. Dagger has protected Cloak from being manipulated by various enemies including the Darkling, Nightmare, and Mister Jip. A short time ago Cloak and Dagger were manipulated by the Pride into tracking down their six runaway children. The heroes found the Runaways and learned the truth about the Pride. Promising to help the children, the Pride found them instead and wiped their memories of the whole event. Recently Dagger was attacked and kidnapped by a 'stalker' who managed to copy Cloak's powers causing all of their hero allies to believe that Cloak had attacked Dagger. Cloak sought out the assistance of the Runaways who helped Cloak rescue Dagger and fight off her stalker. +This superhero's name is Daken. Their real name is Akihiro. Akihiro was the son of Wolverine and his Japanese wife, Itsu. In 1946, Itsu, while in the last stages of her pregnancy, was murdered by the Winter Soldier in an attempt to draw Wolverine out and return him to the custody of Madripoor. After Itsu's death, Romulus, wearing a trench coat to conceal his identity, took the baby, cutting him from his mother's womb and leaving her body behind. The baby survived the horrible incident due to his mutant healing factor, which he inherited from his father. Romulus left the baby on the doorstep of Akihira and Natsumi, a wealthy, young and traditional Japanese couple. They took the child's arrival as an answer to their prayers and raised him as their own. Though he was named Akihiro by his father, the servants and other families of Miyagi Prefecture secretly referred to the boy as Daken (駄犬, "bastard dog"), a slur on his obvious mixed heritage. As Akihiro grew up, he was often teased by the other boys of Sendai. His harsh treatment over the years caused Akihiro to develop a very cold persona to all except his father. One night, Natsumi confessed to Akihira that she didn't love their adopted son and that, after long years of trying, she was pregnant. Akihiro overheard this and began plotting. Within a year, sometime in 1957 after the birth of the baby, Junichiro, Akihiro confronted his mother, telling her that he had killed her son. Akihira was furious and disowned Akihiro, who furiously responded that "Akihiro" was not his true name. Natsumi suddenly appeared, trying to run Daken through with a rifle's bayonet, triggering the onset of Daken's mutant powers. With a wave of his arm, he accidentally slashed Natsumi with the bone claws that had sprung from his hands. Unable to force himself to harm his son, Akihira instead committed suicide with the discarded rifle. Romulus then appeared to the boy for the first time, telling Daken that he was what the boy would someday become. Romulus sent Daken to a training camp in Canada, the same camp where Wolverine had first trained more than forty years earlier. Daken was also trained by the same man as his father - Silas Burr - who would later become the mercenary known as Cyber. Burr trained Daken for more than two years before Daken went missing one day. While two search parties were sent out, Daken, at the behest of Romulus, reappeared in the camp and killed every man before confronting Burr. During their fight, Daken displayed what Romulus described as an ability to alter a person's emotional state. Daken used this ability to put Burr in a very good mood, confusing him and allowing Daken to draw first blood with his claws. Burr, however, quickly recovered and Daken soon found himself on the ground. With his revolver aimed at the prone Daken, Burr prepared to kill his student. Daken, however, suddenly appeared behind Burr with the revolver and emptied it into Burr. As Daken then prepared to kill his trainer, Romulus appeared and stopped him, telling Daken that he had plans for Burr, before asking Burr if he had ever heard of Adamantium. Years later, Romulus revealed to Daken that his father was still alive, but lied at the same time, telling Daken that it was Wolverine who had killed Itsu with Daken still inside her. Romulus told Daken that Wolverine feared what Daken would become. This lie sowed a seed of vengeance in Daken that Romulus continued to feed in the following decades. +This superhero's name is Damage Control. Their real name is . Damage Control is a construction company which specializes in repairing the property damage caused by conflicts between superheroes and super-villains.[1] The company additionally operates as the archival unit for government-contested metahuman machinery and technology that belongs to missing, incapacitated or deceased individuals where either a clear chain of custody does not exist or the items in question pose an existential threat to the United States. +This superhero's name is Damien Darhk (CW). Their real name is Damien Darhk. Damien Darhk (1759-2016; 1895-1992) was a former member of the League of Assassins, and the ex-best friend/nemesis of the late "Ra's al Ghul", as well as a former "Heir to the Demon". After escaping death at Ra's hands, Damien stole water from the Lazarus Pit and formed his own version of the League called H.I.V.E.. However, Damien's methods were far more extreme and killed thousands of people. Using the Lazarus Pit, Damien continued his schemes for over a century, plotting to end the world in nuclear fire to give it a fresh start. Damien spent years gathering the resources and followers to build a shelter to survive such an apocalypse. Around 2011, he obtained the Khushu Idol which gave him numerous powers and abilities and made him virtually unstoppable. In 2015, Damien brought H.I.V.E. to Star City to build his ark, destabilizing the city and minimizing outside interference. Furthermore, he was responsible for the destruction of Havenrock with a nuclear weapon and the deaths of tens of thousands. He was opposed by Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and had frequent encounters with the emerald archer, in both identities until he eventually learned his "enemies" were the same person. He also forced Quentin Lance to aid him, threatening to kill his daughter Laurel Lance/Black Canary if he didn't comply and eventually did so when Quentin betrayed him. Just as Damien almost succeeded in his plan, his wife was murdered and his ark destroyed. He was opposed by the people of Star City who Oliver'd rallied together to stand up to H.IV.E.. Shortly after this, he was killed by Oliver in revenge for killing Laurel. A version of Damien from 1987 met a time travelling Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash and learnt of his future death from Sara Lance/White Canary, and joined forces with Eobard and Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer, forming the Legion of Doom, and they began traveling through time to obtain the Spear of Destiny, a powerful artifact capable of altering reality, eventually managing to gather the fragments and rewrite reality to their whims, where Damien was the mayor of Star City and had killed many heroes. Eventually, the Legion was defeated by the Legends and Damien was returned to his own time with his memories erased by Sara, restoring the timeline and Damien's actions until his eventual death in 2016. A year after his death, his corpse showed up in 1895 London. The Legends and Rip Hunter learned of this anachronism and arrived in 1895. However, they were not able to prevent a ritual performed by Damien's daughter Nora, from resurrecting him. Damien returned to life with his erased memories of his time battling the Legends as part of the Legion of Doom restored, as well as his magical powers fully intact without the need for the idol he'd previously used to access his powers. Eventually, after Damien Darhk traded places with Nora as Mallus's vessel; he died once again when Mallus freed himself, with the demon assuming his true form. +This superhero's name is Danny Cooper. Their real name is . Danny is the eldest son of Rose and Paul "PJ" Cooper. He's fourteen years old and has a seven-year-old brother called Niall. Danny was born in America but his family relocated to Europe when he was about four years old. Danny is tanned, has brown eyes and light blond hair, and is tall and thin. +This superhero's name is Dante. Their real name is Dante Sparda. Dante is the central protagonist of the Devil May Cry saga and the main playable character for the majority of the games in the series. He is the second son of the demon Sparda and the human Eva, and the younger twin brother of Vergil. Dante is a paranormal mercenary, private investigator and vigilante Devil Hunter dedicated to exterminating evil demons and other malevolent supernatural forces; a mission he follows in pursuit of those that killed his mother and corrupted his brother. +This superhero's name is Danzō. Their real name is . Danzō Shimura was an elder of Konohagakure. As the founder and leader of Root, Danzō gained notoriety as The Darkness of the Shinobi. +This superhero's name is Daphne Powell. Their real name is Daphne Powell. Daphne is a smart, pretty teenager with the luck and skill to be happy and semi-popular. But when Daphne discovers that she can hear people's thoughts, a world of teenage isolation opens to her. Daphne finds herself struggling to socialize and maintain normality when she can't control her power. Inundated with the thoughts and feelings of those around her, Daphne must find a way to master her powers before she is overwhelmed by them. +This superhero's name is Daredevil (FOX). Their real name is Matt Murdock. +This superhero's name is Dark Archer (CW). Their real name is Malcolm Merlyn. Malcolm Merlyn (born Arthur King;[1] October 13,[2] c.1966[3] - May 17, 2017) was the husband of the late Rebecca Merlyn and the father of Saracon, the late Tommy Merlyn, and Thea Queen. Malcolm was a formerly wealthy and successful businessman CEO of Merlyn Global Group and was a prominent figure in Starling City. Fueled by the death of his wife during a mugging in the crime-infested area of "the Glades", he went to Nanda Parbat and was trained by the League of Assassins, taking the name Al Sa-her (Arabic: الساحر; for The Magician). After he left the group and returned to his city, Malcolm secretly plotted "the Undertaking". When the Hood began to intervene in his plot, he donned his league uniform and became the Dark Archer, managing to defeat the Hood twice in combat. He eventually succeeded in his plan, though only partially, but was believed to be dead when Oliver struck an arrow through his heart. He eventually revealed himself to be alive to Moira Queen when he discovered he was Thea's biological father and he sought redemption with her. Instead, Moira revealed to the League of Assassins that Malcolm was, in fact, alive, after some time, he was no longer hunted, due to Oliver helping to wipe out his blood debt. He later became an uneasy ally of Team Arrow, despite their constant qualms. After Oliver defeated "Ra's al Ghul", he gave Ra's ring to Malcolm, making him the new Ra's al Ghul (Arabic: رأس الغول‎; for Demon's Head). However, Nyssa soon took power and disbanded the league; this power struggle cost Malcolm his left hand. In his anger for Oliver, he joined forces with Damien Darhk, however, after the destruction of Tevat Noah and Damien's growing insanity after the death of his wife, Ruvé Adams leading him to decide to destroy the world regardless of the existence of a safe haven, Malcolm defected from H.I.V.E. and joined forces with Team Arrow again. Malcolm aided time-traveler Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash and Damien Darhk in a quest to locate the Spear of Destiny, in exchange for Eobard changing his past and gaining a better life in the process, including the revival of his son, Tommy and his wife, Rebecca. The Legion of Doom altered reality but the Legends managed to undo their work and Malcolm was placed back in his bitter life of squalor. A year after these events, Malcolm learned his daughter, Thea had been kidnapped as part of Adrian Chase's vendetta against Oliver. He reached out to Oliver and aided him in recovering his friends on Lian Yu. He was killed on the island by a land mine. A year and a half after his death, Malcolm was briefly resurrected by John Deegan when he altered reality a second time. During this period, Malcolm was a police officer. +This superhero's name is Dark Beast. Their real name is . McCoy is originally from an alternate timeline in which Apocalypse conquered North America and mutants rule. McCoy was the head geneticist for the horseman Mister Sinister, and ran Sinister's slave pens in the area that was once New York. McCoy experimented on numerous mutants, creating the Infinite Soldiers for Apocalypse's forces, and advanced his own mutations. After Sinister's death and a rebellion in the Slave Pens led by that timeline's Cyclops, McCoy fled to Apocalypse's Citadel in New York City. In a battle with that timeline's X-Men, McCoy teleported himself into the M'Krann Crystal, which is a nexus of all realities, and vanished. McCoy found himself in the 'mainstream' X-Men's reality some twenty years in the past and settled in New York to continue his experiments. He has given himself credit for creating the Morlocks, but whether he has been telling the truth remains to be seen. During this time, McCoy sent his agent Random to ally himself with the government mutant team X-Factor. Random ambushed X-Factor, captured the team's then-leader Havok, and brought him to McCoy for experimentation. McCoy then sent his agent Fatale to seduce and capture the X-Man known as Bishop, the only denizen of 'mainstream' reality who remembered the alternate timeline which McCoy hailed from. McCoy hoped to erase all memory of his original timeline by eliminating Bishop. Bishop escaped from Fatale with help from this timeline's version of Henry McCoy, the X-Man known as the Beast. During the fight, McCoy discovered that he had a counterpart in this timeline who was a member of the X-Men. In order to infiltrate the X-Men and capture Bishop, McCoy kidnapped Beast and altered his own form to resemble Beast. McCoy was uncovered as an impostor by the entity known as Onslaught when the latter attacked the X-Men, and McCoy escaped. McCoy was eventually driven off by X-Factor, who had found and rescued the 'real' Beast. McCoy was found and rescued by Havok, who had since escaped McCoy's control, and recruited McCoy into the reformed Brotherhood of Mutants. +This superhero's name is Dark Elf Soldier. Their real name is Dark Elf Soldier. The Dark Elf race originated in the Ginnungagap ("yawning abyss"), the vast, primordial darkness that existed prior to the creation of the manifest universe, where they reigned absolute and unchallenged. When the universe came into being and the other civilizations of the Nine Realms arose, the Dark Elves sought to return the universe to its former state of darkness. It was then that their leader, the sorcerer Malekith, engineered the Aether, a super weapon forged from the substance permeating and surrounding the universe before it came into being.The Asgardians, led by their then-king Bor, fought a fierce war with the Dark Elves, eventually driving them back to Svartalfheim as Malekith attempted to use the Aether. In that final battle, with the Convergence approaching, the Dark Elves fought with all of their might, utilizing their advanced technology as well as their elite troops, the Kursed, to attempt to halt the Asgardian advance. The Asgardians were able to triumph, however, launching an attack on Malekith and his bodyguards. During the struggle, the Aether was lost to Malekith, taken by the Asgardians via the Bifrost. His plans ruined, Malekith launched a final, suicidal attack on the Asgardians, dropping the Dark Elf ships out of the sky in an effort to crush all beneath them. Malekith himself escaped the battle, along with dozens of his kin and his lieutenant, Algrim, who would later become one of the Kursed himself. The battle caused the utter destruction of the rest of the Dark Elves, leaving those that escaped aboard Malekith's ship as the only survivors. Five thousand years later, as the Convergence neared again, Malekith attempted to use the Aether again. By this point, however, it had planted itself within the body of the human woman Jane Foster. Malekith led his kin in an attack on Asgard, where Thor had taken FosterUsing cloaking devices, Malekith's ship, along with a number of smaller ships, were able to launch a surprise attack on Asgard, using their nimbleness and durability to smash through the Asgardian defenses, though two of the ships were destroyed by the Asgardians in the process. The final ship, with assistance from Algrim, now the last of the Kursed, managed to break through the Asgardian defenses and disgorge its complement of Dark Elf soldiers, along with Malekith himself. The Dark Elves engaged the Asgardian soldiers, both sides suffering heavy casualties as Malekith made for the chambers of Frigga. The Dark Elves were eventually driven away, bereft of their prize, losing three ships and dozens of soldiers in the process.When Thor, Foster, and Loki came to Svartalfheim in order to trick Malekith into removing the Aether from Foster where it would be destroyed, a number of Dark Elves accompanied Malekith and Algrim onto the field. In the ensuing fight, Loki and Thor killed all of the present Dark Elves, including Algrim, though seemingly at the cost of Loki's life. The rest went to Earth, where they could disperse the Aether to all nine realms and destroy the universe. The rest of the Dark Elves were killed in the ensuing battle, along with Malekith. +This superhero's name is Dark Kahn. Their real name is . The combination of Darkseid and Shao Khan +This superhero's name is Dark Phoenix (Venomized). Their real name is Jean Grey. +This superhero's name is Darkhawk. Their real name is Christopher Powell. Chris Powell was the teenage son of Mike Powell, a cop, and Grace Powell, a District Attorney. Following his younger twin brothers, Jon and Jason, to the abandoned amusement park across from his home, Chris discovered his father taking a bribe from mob boss Phillipe Bazin. While trying to escape with his brothers from Bazin's henchmen, Chris discovered an amulet that transformed him into the Darkhawk armor. When his father disappeared after Chris saw him, he swore to use the Darkhawk armor as an "Edge against crime." Darkhawk's powers included a force blast which emanated from the amulet on his chest, a force shield from the same amulet, a claw cable which could serve as both a Wolverine-like claw, and a grapple cable, glider wings and later flight capability, enhanced vision and strength, and an image underneath the Darkhawk helmet which served to frighten and distract his enemies. As the series developed, Chris learned that his armor was actually an autonomously existing android armor, one of five commissioned by an alien mob lord named Dargin Bokk, being held in a sentient space ship, Osch, in Null Space. When Chris grasped the amulet, it actually caused his body to switch places with that of the Darkhawk body, although his mind remained in control of the body. After helping them several times, Darkhawk was brought aboard the Avengers West Coast as a reserve member, but saw little action with them after becoming a member, because they were dissolved shortly thereafter. Nonetheless, he did at least start a lasting friendship with Spider-Woman. Later, Chris and Darkhawk would actually split into two separate entities, with the armor being updated into the "2.0" form, as it was informally known. This advanced form of armor gave DH new powers, such as the ability to form a force shield encasing his body, an actual "Hawk" construct (a gigantic force-field shaped like a hawk), and the ability to summon weapons from Osch. By the end of the series, DH 2.0 and Chris re-merged, with the prospect of no longer needing to use the amulet in order to switch bodies. Recently, Chris has been seen in a self-help group of ex-teenage-super-heros, (The Loners), who admit to being addicted to their powers. Members include: Turbo, the Green Goblin, Richochet, Spider-Woman III, and Lightspeed. Enemies: Darkhawk's series was relatively short, but he developed quite a roster of enemies: he would fight Spider-Villains such as Hobgoblin, Tombstone, and Venom. His own "Gallery of Villains" included Lodestone, a magnetically-powered villain developed by Bazin, Evilhawk, the evil space gangster who commissioned the original Darkhawk armors, and Overhawk, a rebuilt Darkhawk. He also fought against some who would later ally with him, such as Portal, a teleporting mutant who killed another Darkhawk and stole parts of his armor, Savage Steel, the armor created by the secret police cabal that Chris' dad had been a member of, and Damek, a mercenary sent from the future to kill DH. Recently made an enemy of Nekra, a woman who seemed to be held prisoners by manufacturere of MGH. Allies: Darkhawk also made many friends and allies throughout his career. He often teamed up with Spider-Man. As a sometime member of the New Warriors, he befriended Speedball, Nova, and later, Turbo. He also has a longstanding friendship with Spider-Woman II (Julia Carpenter), who he fought alongside with as a founding member of the Secret Defenders and as an ally, and later Reserve Member of, the Avengers West Coast. Since Series Ended: He was relegated to minor appearances in Wolverine, Avengers, Thunderbolts, and other books. However, he has recently resurfaced as a founding member of Excelsior and, in a divergent timeline, is the de facto leader of the unofficial League of Losers in Marvel Team-Up. +This superhero's name is Darkman. Their real name is Peyton Westlake. Scientist Peyton Westlake is developing a new type of synthetic skin to aid burn victims. He is frustrated with a flaw in the "skin", which causes it to rapidly disintegrate after being exposed to light for 99 minutes; however, it remains intact in darkness. Despite his devotion to the project, he cannot get past this limitation. Westlake's girlfriend, attorney Julie Hastings, comes upon an incriminating document proving that corrupt developer Louis Strack Jr. and mobster Robert G. Durant have given bribes to members of the zoning commission. In search of the document, Durant and his minions attack and injure Westlake, retrieve the document, then blow up his lab. The blast throws Westlake clear of the lab; he survives but is hideously burned. He is brought to a hospital and subjected to a radical treatment in which the nerves to the pain centers of his brain are destroyed. Removing this sensory input gives him increased strength due to adrenal overload and keeps his injuries from incapacitating him, but it also destabilizes his moods and mental state. Westlake escapes the hospital and sets out to get revenge on Strack and Durant. He also seeks to re-establish his relationship with Hastings. To hide his scarring and blend into crowds, Westlake rebuilds enough of his equipment to make his synthetic skin, but is still unable to overcome the 99-minute window of integrity. Thus, he can only appear briefly in public as himself (or later as others, whose features he is able to duplicate) in daylight, and otherwise wears bandages and a trenchcoat in his identity as Darkman. He is able to make masks in advance and store them for long periods by keeping them from light sources. He takes the opportunity to observe important people, such as the henchmen of his enemies, so he can masquerade as them. There are at least two scenes in which the Westlake/Darkman personas have obviously become so closely intertwined that it becomes an exercise in futility to differentiate between the "facade" and the supposedly "real" personality of the title character. One of these involves a flash of berserker rage that "Westlake" experiences over a trivial insult at a carnival booth. The other involves "Darkman" very calmly, almost sadly, informing a villain that "I've learned to live with a lot of things" just before dropping him from atop an office building construction project. Westlake eventually succeeds in destroying his enemies but is unable to return to his old life and thus continues his existence as Darkman. +This superhero's name is Darkstar. Their real name is Laynia Petrovna. Laynia Petrovna (Russian: Ланья Сергеевна Петровна (Крылова)), known as Darkstar (Russian: Тёмная Звезда), was part of a Soviet super team recruited to bring the Black Widow back to the USSR. Instead, she switched sides and joined the Black Widow's then-current team, the Champions of Los Angeles, remaining with the team until its disbanding. While a member of the Champions, she and Bobby Drake, the former X-Man known as Iceman came close to entering into a romantic relationship, but Laynia liked Iceman as a friend, and not as a love interest. Darkstar quit the Champions and returned to Russia, leaving behind a devastated Iceman. Darkstar joined the Soviet Super-Soldiers alongside her over-protective brother, Vanguard. The former Soviet Super-Soldiers eventually defected to the United States, but were captured and returned to the Soviet Union. They were rescued by a man known as Blind Faith and his team called the Siberforce (previously known as Exiles - not to be confused with the reality-hopping team the Exiles), whom she joined. Later, when the People's Protectorate was rechristened the Winter Guard, Darkstar was recruited back into the team. After that team also disbanded, Darkstar and Vanguard teamed with a Russian mutant team and later joined forces with their father, the Presence. Darkstar eventually joined the X-Corporation office in Paris, France. She perished while fighting creations of the Weapon Plus program in the Channel Tunnel between France and England. She was possessed by Weapon XII, and Fantomex was forced to kill her. A funeral was held in her honor at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, where she was buried. Darkstar, along with many other deceased mutants, has been resurrected by Selene and Eli Bard with the Transmode Virus, but was later returned to rest with Selene's defeat. Following her death, a gem capable of reproducing her powers and imbued with a measure of her essence was used by the Russian government to imbue specially selected agents with the powers and alias of Darkstar. First among them was Sasha Roerich, who served briefly with the Winter Guard against the Lady Liberators, Skrulls, and the chaos waves created by Chthon before sacrificing herself to destroy a mutated Igor Drenkov. Her predecessor, Reena Stancioff was the first to experience flashes of Laynia's personality, and served with the Winter Guard against the Remont 6, King Hyperion, and invading Atlanteans led by Krang before dying in battle with Fantasma and her Dire Wraith brood. After being killed by one of the Wraiths, the entity took the form of Laynia and took possession of the gem, allowing it to possess her powers. Attempting to unleash the Darkforce powers on the Winter Guard and their allies the Protectorate, the Wraith was overwhelmed by Laynia's personality, resulting in a seemingly reborn Laynia, allowing the Guard and Protectorate to rally and defeat Fantasma and her ally, the Presence; she proceeded to join the remaining members of the teams as they escaped the exploding base that had served as a Dire Wraith hive. When she and the Winter Guard tried to capture the Intelligencia, the group used the Zero Cannon on them, sending the team to space, but they still survived. +This superhero's name is Darth Maul. Their real name is Maul. Darth Maul, later known simply as Maul, was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic and the age of the Galactic Empire. Maul was born to Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters and was raised as a Nightbrother on Dathomir, before being taken by Darth Sidious as his apprentice. Sidious shaped Maul into a weapon of the Sith to bring about the downfall of the Jedi Order, and Maul revealed himself and the Sith to the Jedi during the Invasion of Naboo, part of Sidious' plot to take over the Republic. During the Battle of Naboo, Maul fought in a lightsaber duel with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul killed Jinn, but the Sith Lord was grievously wounded by the Padawan and fell into the depths of a Naboo reactor shaft. Though the Jedi and Sith both believed Maul was dead, and Sidious replaced Maul with the fallen Jedi Count Dooku as his new apprentice, Maul survived his encounter and retreated into exile in the Outer Rim. He dwelled on Lotho Minor, where his shattered mind was filled with thoughts of revenge and his body was repaired with crude, cybernetic, spider-like legs. During the Clone Wars, Maul was discovered by his brother, Savage Opress, and taken to Mother Talzin, who gave him new robotic legs and restored his mind. Maul, who saw that the war he was supposed to be part of had started without him, declared himself and his brother the true Lords of the Sith, who would see revenge against Kenobi and overthrow Darth Sidious. He organized a band of criminals known as the Shadow Collective, which included the Mandalorian splinter group Death Watch, and took over the planet Mandalore. Maul killed the Death Watch later, Pre Vizsla, and became the Mandalorian leader. For his revenge against Kenobi, Maul killed Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore, with whom Kenobi had once had a romantic relationship. Maul was captured, and Opress killed, by Darth Sidious during the Battle of Sundari. Sidious imprisoned Maul, but soon allowed him to escape so the renegade Sith Lord could lead Sidious to the person he saw as his true rival for power: Mother Talzin. Maul rallied his forces and briefly entered into what he believed was an alliance with Count Dooku, who feigned turning against Sidious, but Maul fell into Sidious' trap on Dathomir. The Shadow Collective was destroyed by Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems, while Mother Talzin was killed. Maul retreated from the battle, but he never gave up his desire for revenge against the Sith. Years after Sidious transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with himself as emperor, Maul traveled to the old Sith temple on Malachor to seek the knowledge he needed to destroy Sidious, his new apprentice Darth Vader, and the Empire's Inquisitors. +This superhero's name is Darth Nihilus. Their real name is Unknown. Darth Nihilus (pronounced /ˈnaɪ.ə.lɨs/) was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of strife following the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming a Sith Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. He survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon during the war's final battle at the planet of Malachor V, which surrounded the planet with a destructive spatial phenomenon known as a mass shadow. Experiencing the shadow that obliterated almost everything on and around the planet made Nihilus crave Force energy. The affliction painfully ravaged his body while rendering him a wound in the Force. He was found by a seeker of these, the Sith Lord Darth Traya, who told him that she could teach him to feed his endless hunger. He accepted her offer of apprenticeship at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, where he, over time, became one of three concurrent Dark Lords of the Sith. Together, they formed a triumvirate with Traya at its head and her other apprentice, Darth Sion, as the third member. The trio chose individual titles for themselves, Darth Nihilus becoming the Lord of Hunger. The apprentices grew in strength throughout their training and eventually overpowered their Master. Sion defeated Traya, while Nihilus sapped her energy. The two Sith then combined power to sever her connection to the Force and sent her into exile. Nihilus' affliction developed to the point where the Dark Lord was forced to call upon the dark side of the Force to encase his spirit within his mask and armor to stay alive. Sion and he then began a Jedi purge, causing the virtual extinction of the Jedi Order. Nihilus was responsible for the devastation of the planet Katarr in 3952 BBY, killing and absorbing the Force energy of the Jedi at the Conclave on Katarr along with every other living thing on the world save one Miraluka woman named Visas Marr. Marr was collected from the surface and Nihilus began to train her as his Shadow Hand. One year later, Nihilus sensed a growing presence in the Force and sent Marr out to eliminate it. That presence was a female Jedi, Meetra Surik, who was on a quest to find the few Jedi Masters who had survived the Purge. When Marr attempted to assassinate the woman, Surik defeated her and convinced her to turn to the light side of the Force in the process. Although Nihilus returned to lurking the fringes of known space, he was eventually tricked by Traya into initiating the Battle of Telos IV in an attempt to absorb a Jedi Academy that lacked any Force-sensitives aside from the headmistress. Nihilus met a large Republic and Mandalorian fleet at Telos that distracted him. Meanwhile, his flagship, the Ravager, was secretly boarded by a small force consisting of Surik, Marr, Mandalore the Preserver, and his Mandalorians. The trio confronted and slew Nihilus in the ensuing duel while the Mandalorians rigged explosives that destroyed the ship. The Sith Lord's armor maintained his spirit and was collected for burial on the Sith homeworld of Korriban, where his soul could be contacted with a holocron of his own creation. +This superhero's name is Darth Nox. Their real name is Remowa Alucard. Darth Nox, real name Remowa Alucard, and also known by the callsign Rage, was a powerful Dark Last of the Sith that served the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Cold War and Galactic War. The heir of ancient Sith Lord Aloysius Kallig, Nox sought to restore the Kallig bloodline to greatness. Discovered as a slave of the Sith, Remowa started at the bottom of the ladder when she was chosen to be trained as an acolyte at the Academy on Korriban. As she succeeded in overcoming all of the trials imposed by the academy's masters and instructors, the heir of Kallig rose in the hierarchy, embracing the way of the Sith Inquisitor. During her rise to power, Remowa developed a bitter rivalry with Darth Thanaton, a powerful Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the Empire's Dark Council. The antagonism between the two Sith was brought to an end when she defeated Thanaton on the very floor of the Council chamber, occupying his seat on the Dark Council, as the Dark Councilor heading the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. +This superhero's name is Darwin (FOX). Their real name is Armando Muñoz. Darwin worked as a taxi driver. While in this capacity, Charles and Erik asked him to join their CIA-sponsored mutant group. Darwin met his teammates, displayed his powers, and partied with them. Following the Hellfire Club's assault on the Division X facility, Sebastian Shaw attempted to recruit the young mutants into his ranks. Angel Salvadore joined in while Alex and Darwin tried to stop her. It was during this attempt that Shaw absorbed Alex's energy blast and placed it within Darwin. He tried to use his powers to survive the blast that was within his body, but ended up spontaneously combusting while reaching out to Alex. When Erik and Charles later returned, the mutants informed them of Darwin's demise, with Raven adding that "they can't even bury him". Erik then states that their fallen teammate can be avenged. +This superhero's name is Dash. Their real name is Dashiell Robert Parr. Dashiell often gets into trouble and loves playing pranks on his least favorite teacher, Mr. Bernie Kropp. He believes that he should use his superpowers; his mother, Helen Parr/Elastigirl, disagrees. His goal is to compete in sports: his power of speed would make him special. His mother forbids it on account that "Everyone's special" (noted by Dash to be the equivalent of saying "No one is"). Dash's reckless nature and one-track mind always gets him into trouble with his big sister, Violet. In one scene, he teases her about her crush on her classmate, Anthony "Tony" Rydinger, which insults her. This erupts into a fight, in which Dash runs around the table, hitting Violet, and Violet retaliates by generating her force-field that Dash crashes into. The fight is broken up when Lucius Best/Frozone, a long-time family friend, rings the doorbell. Dash squirts water at Lucius for him to freeze it—a tradition between the two. After Dash's father, Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible, returns from his night with Lucius, Dash and Violet hear their parents arguing loudly and rush into the scene to investigate. Bob feels the wind, which makes him sense Dash's presence in the same room he and Helen are, and assures the children that he and Helen work as a team, no matter what. Helen apologizes to the children for waking them up before ushering them back to bed. After Bob, returns from Nomanisan Island, father and son are seen playing numerous games including catch (this foreshadows a later event). When Bob is captured by Syndrome on his return to Nomanisan Island, Helen packs her bags to rescue him after a brief visit with superhero fashion designer, Edna Mode. As she does, Dash sees the suit made for him and puts it on, naming himself The Dash. Dash then goes after his mother, wanting to find out what his mother is up to, with Violet following him, trying to stop him. The two siblings end up stowing away on a plane Helen has borrowed from a friend. When Helen finds them in the plane, the siblings argue on who's fault it is, and Helen is shocked that they have left Jack-Jack alone in their house, to which Violet replies that she got someone to take care of the baby. During the flight, missiles, sent by Syndrome, close in on the plane, making Dash worried about getting killed by the missiles. Helen is forced to save her children's lives by wrapping herself around Dash and Violet just as the missiles slam into the plane, destroying the aircraft. The three then fall from the sky, but Helen then grabs the two and turns her body into a parachute. Landing in the water, Dash despairs that he, Violet, and Helen are all going to die, but Helen sternly tells the two to get a grip; otherwise, she will ground them. Seeing contrails left behind by the missiles, Helen decides to head in the direction where the missiles came from. She then changes into a lifeboat with Dash serving as the outboard motor, for which Helen praises him upon their arrival at a shore of Nomanisan Island. In their camp out (a cave), she warns the children that the bad guys they will be facing will be different from those on cartoons as those bad guys are merciless and will kill them if they got a chance. Thus, she encourages Dash to run as fast as he can should things go wrong, to his excitement at being allowed to use his powers, before she goes off to Syndrome's base. Being rebellious, Dash hates it when Violet is in charge. He and Violet have another verbal disagreement, in which she is concerned Dash thinks this is merely a vacation. She then lets him know otherwise: "Mom and Dad's lives could be in danger, or worse, their marriage." Dash then decides to explore deep into the cave, but is forced to retreat when flames come in his direction (The cave Dash and Violet are in is actually a rocket exhaust pipe). Dash grabs Violet, and they narrowly escape the flames, just in time to see a rocket taking off into the night sky. They spend the rest of the night in a jungle, huddling together to keep warm. The next morning, Dash hears a monitor robot (disguised as a wild bird) asking for identification. Their curiosity triggers a deafening alarm of the robotic bird, prompting them to run with the bird flying after them. Later, the two are cornered by three Velocipods that are patrolled by Syndrome's security guards. Dash, remembering his mother's advice, starts running at super-speed. Two of the security guards chase him (while the third engages an invisible Violet). In this episode, Dash discovers just how formidable his superpower really is: he has a superior reaction time, he can deliver rapid-fire punches (but lacks the strength to do any lasting damage), and at full speed he can run on water. At the end this "100 Mile Dash", he gets cornered by the two Velocipods. He stops on the lagoon's surface and immediately submerges, saving his life as his pursuers collide into each other. Eventually, Dash returns to Point A just in time to save Violet from the third guard, ramming into him and knocking him down. Dash lands on the guard and punches him for trying to harm the former's sister, but the guard punches Dash off and threatens to shoot him. Seeing the danger her brother is in, Violet jumps in and encloses herself and Dash within her force-field to protect them from gunfire. She and Dash discover that she can float inside her force-field if she generates them in mid-air. Dash then proceeds to move the force sphere by running along its inside surface, propelling it at considerable speeds and mowing down everything in their path. After destroying a couple more Velocipods, they literally run over their parents. After a brief and joyful reunion, the family works as a super-team for the first time as another wave of henchmen find them and attack them. Dash runs around the family to create a dust cloud, from which the Incredibles attack the guards, taking them down one by one. Just then, Syndrome arrives at the scene and immobilizes them in his zero-point energy. Imprisoning the family in his base's containment unit, Syndrome describes Operation Kronos: his plan to fraudulently become a superhero. Amidst Bob Parr's apology to Helen, Violet releases the restraints, allowing their escape. There are no jets in the hangar Helen saw during her arrival to Nomanisan Island, but Dash sees a rocket. Unfortunately, Helen has no knowledge on how to fly a rocket. Violet informs her to "just use the coordinates from the last launch." Syndrome's former co-worker Mirage, who has defected from her employer after folding her apparent relationship with him, steps in to help. Helen holds a van to the rocket as Dash maintains his impatience asking, "Are we there yet?" Upon their landing, Dash and Violet are nearly crushed to death by Syndrome's Omnidroid v.10, but Bob holds up the robot for Helen to reach for the kids and take them to safety. Bob then finds a remote Syndrome has left behind. Violet and Dash notice that "the remote controls the robot," and Dash calls to his father to throw the remote. Bob then throws the remote to Dash, who crosses the pond while catching it (garnering amazement from his dad). After the family and Lucius finally secure the remote, Violet and Dash still childishly fight over it—during which Dash presses a button that frees Bob from the robot's claw it has fired at him—until Helen takes the remote. The Omnidroid is finally destroyed when Bob fires the detached claw that penetrates through its bulk and rips out its brainpan. On their way home, Dash gets excited about how much fun he had during the entire adventure. When they arrive, they stop Syndrome from capturing Jack-Jack. Syndrome is killed when his cape gets snagged in the turbine of his manta jet, and Violet saves the family from being crushed by plane wreckage, which totals their home. Dash now wonders if they have to move again, to that the answer is yes. When the smoke clears, one of their neighbors, a tricycle-riding young boy named Rusty, is amazed by what happened as he yells, "That was totally wicked!" A few months later, Dash finally gets his chance to participate in track & field, but agrees with his parents that he cannot do anything to compromise the secret of the Incredibles nor grant himself an unfair advantage over the other contestants. Dash restrains himself, running only fast enough to win a silver cup, to which his family congratulates him for. When celebrating Dash's athletic accomplishment, his victory is interrupted by a newly appeared super-villain, The Underminer, who emerges from underneath the earth. Dash and the rest of the family don their masks and suits, showing their rededication to fighting crime. +This superhero's name is Data. Their real name is Data. Data is a Soong-type Android constructed of 24.6 kilograms of tripolymer composites, 11.8 kilograms of molybdenum-cobalt, and 1.3 kilograms of bioplast sheeting. His positronic net was capable of processing sixty-trillion operations per seconds and had a storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits, which is approximately one-hundred petabytes. His positronic net is protected by a skull composed of cortenide and duranium. Data's spine is composed of a polyalloy which allows him to withstand extreme stress. Data's positronic net is capable of polywater intoxication, though he is impervious to alcohol. Data was Doctor Noonien Soong's sixth known attempt at a fully functioning humanoid android. He was constructed circa 2336 on the planet Omicron Theta. In his early existence, he struggled with motor skills and sensory input. In these days, Data had a disregard for social etiquette, such as saying "please" and "thank you," and certain undesirable qualities, such as not wearing clothes (he found them useless do to the fact that he "did not suffer from the elements.) Soong was able to correct these problems by writing a modesty subroutine into Data's systems, after he receive many complaints about his anatomically correct android being nude. He was deactivated circa 2338 so that a complete log of Omicron Theta's colonist's journals could be downloaded into his positronic matrix. Though the download was successful, Soong had to evacuate the planet to escape the attack by the crystalline entity that was set up by an earlier android known as Lore. Data was left on a rock face as the crystalline entity devoured every organic thing on Omicron Theta. Data's abandonment was due to Juliana, Soong's wife. She had come to love Data as a son, but also feared he would die like the androids before him, or become evil, like the Lore. This fear prompted her to lie to Soong about Data's demise. On February 2nd, 2338, Data was discovered by the crew of the U.S.S. Tripoli, a Federation ship that responded to a distress call sent from Omicron Theta. They reactivated Data, and Data attempted to join Starfleet as a show of gratitude. He was admitted into the Academy in 2341. Data graduated the Academy in 2345 with honors in Exobiology and probability mechanics. One of Data's first assignments was on the USS Trieste. He served three years as an ensign before being promoted to a lieutenant in 2348. He then became a Lieutenant Commander in 2360 and was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise D as the second officer four years later. Data was assigned to room 3653 on Deck three of the Enterprise. Data was a character created by Gene Roddenberry for the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation. Data was kind of like the Spock character on the original series of Number One from the first pilot. He was a very logical character without emotions. Ironically Spock had always tried to suppress his emotions and Data always desired to have some. The actor chosen to play the role was Brent Spiner. All characters of him are representations of the actor who played him Character Evolution Data was a critical member of the Enterprise D crew from the moment he was assigned. In his first mission he was instrumental in dealing with an omnipotent being known as Q and helping his crew solve a test that the Q hair laid before them at Farpoint station. Despite being emotionless Data touched the hearts of his fellow crew. He had an intimate relationship with crew-mate Tasha Yar, and he kept a miniature hologram of her to remember her by after her death. He had close friendship with Councillor Troi as well. This relationship was based on his inability to understand emotions and her ability to read them in other beings. He would quite often go to her for advice. Shortly into his first year on the Enterprise D he and his crew discovered and assembled Data's lost brother Lore. Lore was responsible for killing everyone on the planet by communicating with an alien being that destroyed all organic life on a planet. Lore was built before Data and was much more malicious. Lore even tried to assume Data's role on the ship and make Data look like him. This was easy as the were identical to each other. Fortunately, Lore was discovered and beamed into space. Lore would come back and torment Data and his fellow crewmen from time to time and even stole Data's emotion chip witch he would use to manipulate him. Data would get the chip back but not use it for many years. Data would also be forced to defend his right to make his own decisions as he was almost disassembled to discover his inter workings so that the Federation could make more of him. Captain Jean-Luc Picard fought the orders in a court of law and first officer William Riker took the opposition. This was not because he was felt that Data was not sentient but he was ordered to take the opposing side or face Data loosing the case automatically. He also had to do it with the best of his ability or Data would loose. William Riker was sick with his role and regarded him as a friend but having no choice he nearly won the case. When the verdict was won and Data was given his freedom to refuse he told Riker that he was grateful for his role in the proceeding knowing that he had to do a hard thing in order to give him a chance at freedom. Data would face a similar problem a year later when he tries to create his own daughter Lal. The Federation tried to get him to hand his daughter off to the them for study. They would not even allow Data to go with her. This so troubled that Lal that she literally malfunction and died because she was not able to deal with the emotions. Data took her memories and added them to his own. Data would also have a "serious" relationship with another fellow crew member. He did his best to make it work and he even added new subroutines, but in the end Data's lack of emotions got in the way. The romance was brief and Data moved on not feeling sadness at the dissolved relationship. After many years of not using the emotion chip Data decides to use it due to a misunderstanding he had with Doctor Beverly Crusher. The chip causes a malfunction and due to his fear his best friend Geordi LaForge is kidnapped. LaForge was later saved and Data was able to get control of his emotion chip only to have it manipulated again by the Borg Queen who literally gave him skin on parts of his body that allowed he to feel. Data was again able to take control and help Picard defeat the Borg Queen and save their ship The U.S.S Enterprise E. Do to the fact that the Enterprise D was destroyed just after Geordi was returned to his crew. About six years later Data would discover anther on of his long lost brother B-4. Data downloaded all of his knowledge and experiences to B-4 in order to bring him to the level he was but he was unsuccessful. Data would eventually give his life to save his Picard during a battle between the Enterprise E and a rouge Reman starship. His six best friends Picard, Riker, Crusher, Troi, Worf and Laforge drank a toast to him after his loss. +This superhero's name is David Cain. Their real name is David Cain. David Cain is one of the world's premier assassins, paid to eliminate some of the most famous and powerful people on the planet, no matter how seemingly impossible the task. He was one of the people who trained the young Bruce Wayne with the skills that he would use as Batman, although Bruce has, naturally, never used the murder techniques Cain demonstrated. When asked why he went to Cain in the first place, Batman replied "Knowing how to kill doesn't mean you must kill." +This superhero's name is Dazzler. Their real name is Alison Blaire. Alison Blaire was born to Carter Blaire and Katherine Blaire in the Long Island suburb of Gardendale, New York. Her parents had a tense relationship: her father was a stoic law student, while her mother was a free-spirited entertainer. Ultimately, this led to Katherine walking out on Carter and a toddler-aged Alison, leaving Carter to raise Alison with the help of his mother.Katherine's leaving had a profound effect on Carter, who had kept the shameful secret of Katherine from Alison all her life. As Alison entered adolescence and developed dreams of becoming a singer, her father became increasingly intolerant to the idea. Instead, he forced Alison to choose a life path similar to his own; Alison would become an academic star, and continue on a path to law school. Alison's grandmother, Bella Blaire, was more sympathetic to young Alison, and encouraged her to explore her creative energies. However, while performing at a middle-school dance, Alison manifested her mutant abilities, blinding all in attendance save herself. For years, Alison kept her powers a secret from those closest to her, further alienating her from her father. By the time she reached university, Alison began to explore her powers and her musical ability. She crafted her own performing suit and accessories, naming herself "The Dazzler." It was at this moment Alison decided to abandon her father's dream. While at her graduation ceremony, Alison informed Carter that she would not be attending the law school he had selected for her, and would pursue a life as a singer, without her father's blessing or financial support.The Dazzler used her light-based mutant powers as a draw for her performances. Taking the sound of the music and converting it into dazzling displays of color drew the young singer enough attention to land her gigs at several New York clubs and discotheques. However, Alison knew that she, a mutant, would have to keep the nature of her powers a secret. Marketing her light shows as a "technological secret," Alison was able to bypass critical speculation for some time. Yet while this little white lie fooled the club managers and others in her life, it did not escape the notice of Emma Frost, White Queen of the Hellfire Club, or Charles Xavier, founder and mentor of the X-Men. Both the Hellfire Club and the X-Men sent entourages to a Dazzler performance to recruit Alison to their respective ideological side. The X-Men sent Phoenix, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler to have a discussion with the young woman, while the Hellfire Club sent a group of armed men to take her by force. The combined powers of Dazzler and the X-Men suppressed the foes, and the new team also worked to free other members of the X-Men held captive by the Hellfire Club. Professor Xavier offered Alison a position within the X-Men, but she declined, instead choosing to focus on her career.At this time, Alison became an increased target for superheroic phenomena. In one instance, she was possessed by the foe Lightmaster, and was thankfully saved by Spider-Man. In another, she acquainted herself with Johnny Storm -- the Human Torch -- at a posh nightclub. As the Dazzler was becoming more popular in the club circuit, she was becoming more known in the superhero circuit as well. This co-mingling of superheroes and career proved both beneficial and detrimental to Alison. Needing a well-deserved break, Alison auditioned and won a performance spot at up-and-coming nightspot Numero Uno. Unfortunately, the singer bested the Enchantress, who -- so incensed by the outcome -- vowed to have revenge upon the Dazzler. As her new superheroic friends packed the club, the Enchantress summoned her minions, erupting in a large battle. It was Alison herself who sealed back the Enchantress' nefarious energies, ending her plans. While she won a battle against a powerful adversary, her performance was in ruins. Despite this outcome, Alison continued to follow her dream. When given lemons, the Dazzler made lemonade. She signed on as a singer with a reputable agent -- Harry Osgood -- and was given a formal stage manager, back-up band, and a knockout performance spot at a United Nations charity summit! Unfortunately, before she could perform, the Dazzler encountered Doctor Doom, intent on stealing one of the "Jewels of Doom" currently held on display at the UN. Dr. Doom then used the chanteuse to retrieve another of these jewels from the villainous Nightmare in his Nightmare Dimension. In the dimension, Dazzler was confronted with her own self-doubts and insecurities her father planted within her. Overcoming this obstacle, Alison retrieved the jewel and destroyed them. As Doom was to seek retaliation, the Human Torch came to her rescue. The Dazzler again survived a brutal encounter, but at the expense of her career. But for Alison Blaire, her powers still proved to be a curse. While riding the New York subway, a couple was being harassed by men with armed weapons. Alison quickly used her powers to subdue them, only to find that she, then, became the enemy. The couple she "saved" quickly began harassing her, and as a crowd formed to assail her, she fled. Clearly, there was no place for mutants in the larger society.Her career fared no better. After another performance was soiled -- this time by Hulk -- Harry Osgood became increasingly curious over the nature of Alison's stage effects. The "technological secret" was in question. When Harry confronted Alison about the nature of her powers, she stormed out, defensive. How could she reveal her true identity? To make matters worse, an old enemy of Osgood sent the Enforcers -- a group of mercenaries -- to harm him. When Harry Osgood was kidnapped, Alison made it her mission to find and protect him. After defeating the Enforcers and saving Harry, she confessed to Harry her most hidden secret: that she was a mutant! Not knowing how the first non-superhero would react to such a revelation, Alison breathed a sigh of relief when Harry gave her his support, and vowed to keep her "technological secret" safe. Alison's "technological secret" may have been safe regarding the average citizen, but for the U.S. Government, it was a pressing affair. Alison was whisked away by Project: PEGASUS against her will to undergo several strenuous tests regarding her mutant powers. While at PEGASUS, Dazzler witnessed several other super-powered beings being held captive, including Klaw and Solarr. As time went on, Alison became increasingly intolerant toward the members of Project: PEGASUS. The researchers found that Alison had no natural limit to her abilities, and theoretically could be the most powerful mutant on Earth, with unlimited energy potential. Intolerance swiftly turned into aggression, and -- upon witnessing Klaw being tested by PEGASUS technicians -- inadvertently freed the villain. Klaw then turned his energies upon Dazzler, unaware that her mutant ability transformed sonic energy into light-based energy. As Dazzler began to absorb Klaw's essence, she found she could not stop the process. The Dazzler had fully absorbed Klaw into her body, storing it as light energy. Unable to cope with her "murder," Dazzler used the energy to free herself from the confines on PEGASUS. The strong energy signature alerted the space entity Galactus to the young mutant, who abducted her as a means of retrieving his renegade herald, Terrax. Galactus then imbued Dazzler with the power cosmic -- a source of unlimited sound energy, allowing the human to enter a black hole to retrieve the herald. Dazzler succeeded in her task and, using her virtue of compassion, convinced Galactus to pardon Terrax and return her to Earth. Amidst it all, Alison suffered several bouts of trial... and error. For one, she could not hold a decent relationship. Wanting to get away from the superhero circuit, Alison dated Dr. Paul Jansen, who after weeks of courting, proved to be unable to adjust to Alison's unconventional lifestyle. Likewise, Alison could not hold down a gig to save her soul, inconveniencing both her manager, Harry, and her band. Most disconcerting, Alison was literally on trial for the murder of Klaw. Enraged by the outcome of her stay at PEGASUS, the agency decided to file suit against Alison. For days, she feared for her life, but with the help of lawyer Kenneth Barnett, she was pardoned. Things turned upward for the singer. Alison began to date Ken. And she began speaking more and more with her grandmother, Bella, although relationships remained tepid with her father. The relationship became more icy when Alison began wearing her mother's locket as a tribute to the woman she never knew. Despite this setback, Alison was determined to make it big. And she did. She was allowed to tour the West coast as a warm-up singer for rock star Bruce Harris. Unfortunately for the Dazzler, her act proved so good that it became a threat for the star, and Bruce nixed her from the tour. Disheartened, Alison returned home, whereupon she was courted by none other than former X-Man Angel. The Angel attempted several times to win the Dazzler's heart, and decided the key to success lay with finding her mother. Unfortunately the Angel, a close friend of Alison beat her to it! Katherine Blaire was hiding as Barbara London, a matronly vocal coach. Katherine followed Alison throughout her budding career, but could not bear to confront the daughter she had abandoned. Alison's family situation was about to reach a climax. Alison's biggest break yet finally lay at her footstep: a prestigious gig at Carnegie Hall! And her budding romance with Angel proved that her life, finally, could reach a harmonious center: the Dazzler lived her dream, and could truly be herself with a fellow mutant. It didn't last long, as her father fell into a psychological stupor. Carter Blaire awoke to confront Alison with the truth about her mother, Katherine. She did not simply leave the family, but rather slowly denigrated into an unfaithful drug addict who left Carter to be with her new beau, Nicholas Brown. Alison could not believe the horrid story, and left in tears. Her energy had to go toward her career, and no longer her family. She didn't know, however, that Katherine had left the abusive Nick Brown and hid away as Barbara London.Alison's friend Vanessa convinced Barbara to attend the Carnegie performance, and Carter convinced himself to make amends with his daughter. The family re-united after the performance, with Alison finally coming face-to-face with her mother for the first time in her memory, and also developing a new understanding for her father. All was not as simple as it seemed. Barbara had married Nicholas Brown, and also had a daughter -- Lois -- leaving Alison with a half-sister! Alison attempted to form a relationship between both Barbara and Lois London, quickly befriending her new sister. However, other complications arose. The Sisterhood of Evil Mutants -- Mystique, Rogue, and Destiny -- sought revenge on the X-Men, and decided that the Angel would be an appropriate source of information. The trio attacked Warren; however, Alison defeated the trio of villainesses. Rogue vowed revenge on the Dazzler, becoming increasingly jealous of her popular and attractive lifestyle. Unfortunately, the mutant gene was alive in both sisters. Lois' powers manifested while being harassed by a homeless derelict, and, unfortunately killed the man in the process. Terrified, Lois asked for Alison's assistance. The two fled New York as fugitives, hiding on the road and assuming brief false names to avoid being tracked by the authorities. Worse, an unidentified photographer took photos of the incident, blackmailing the women into murdering a wealthy Californian man in exchange for the film negatives. As the duo went to meet this Californian, he turned out to be none other than Nick Brown -- Lois' father! The photographer was hired by Nick to track his daughter, Lois, and decided to use the evidence as further blackmail for a financial profit. Nick then offered Alison several social connections to the West Coast elite, including photographers and actors -- including the famous Roman Nekoboh.Alison and Nick's relationship turned sour. And when Lois opted to stay in her biological father's comfort rather than with the sister who uprooted herself for her own benefit, Alison left. Alone and with nowhere to turn, she began to start her life anew, renting an apartment in San Diego and taking a job as an aerobics instructor and part-time model. Roman Nekoboh had a particular interest in Alison. He helped introduce her to other members of the Hollywood elite, but particularly wanted her to star in a new film of his. Suspecting she was a mutant, he wooed Alison into divulging her hidden secret, and convinced Alison to "come out" as a benefit to mutants everywhere. Thus, Dazzler: The Movie was born, highlighting the ups and downs of her many adventures, and the social good mutants offer to society. Over time, Alison succumbed to the allure of a wealthy, spoiled lifestyle. As she was in a relationship with Roman, Alison allowed her emotions win over her better judgment, and agreed to a public relations stunt that would publicly unveil her as a mutant. Several jet engines supplied Alison with enough power to demonstrate the magnitude of her abilities. However, the sound proved too great, and it backfired, frightening and scattering onlookers. As a result, negative press mounted against the singer. Protests against Roman Nekoboh -- a mutant sympathizer -- mounted. At a private press screening, a riot erupted. Alison could not believe the reaction, and went to confront Eric Beale, her financial backer. Beale, obsessed with Dazzler as an object of sexual desire, would only release the movie on condition Alison sign a contract making her his sole creative property. Blackmailing Alison in a bout of sexism and racism, Beale noted that the film would improve the world's opinion of mutants, and that she should take the personal sacrifice not only for her career, but also for the social good. In a final act of defiance, Alison rejected Beale, destroyed the only known copy of the film, left Roman, and return to pick up the pieces of her life. Always optimistic, Alison attempted to start from square one. Sadly, there was no work to be had in a society that left mutants on the outside of it. Rejected from the most menial of work, Alison gave up hope. She was left to peruse parties as a low-level socialite all while still being barraged by negative tabloid press. This left Alison emotionally susceptible to others. When a charismatic man named "Flynn" approached Alison about a community where she could call home, there was little she could do to refuse. Alison was increasingly ashamed of her mutant powers that brought her so much pain. With the aid of a drug that caused Alison to lose control of her powers, Flynn gained the influence he needed to control the Dazzler. Alison joined Flynn's group -- an underground group of mutant "gladiators" that battled one another to the death for the amusement of a wealthy human elite. With the assistance of the Avenger Beast, Alison was able to break free of her emotional insecurity and the psionic influence that plagued her, and together the two brought an end to the gladiator ring. The following events did little for Alison. She tried to get perfuming gigs as often as she could under pseudonyms. And even then she was still assailed by villainous characters. Eventually she sought solace with the band of fellow mutant rock star Lila Cheney, who brought Alison to the New Mutants. Two members of the New Mutants had fallen into the ranks of a new gladiator ring, and once again Alison succumbed to the allure of the limelight, no matter how brutal. The events of the second "Secret Wars" broke Alison away from the gladiators, and she fell into an awkward relationship with the Beyonder, a cosmic being who found Alison to be the most beautiful and one of the most powerful beings on Earth. She rejected his advances. After overcoming the shame she felt for her powers, Alison turned to the X-Men for assistance in honing her mutant abilities. Agreeing to the request, Professor Xavier gave Alison a suit amplified and gave precision to her powers. Alison then turned to the road, combating villains and owning her role as a super-hero. The new twist was short-lived, A bounty hunter named O.Z. Chase was hired to apprehend the Dazzler for a meta-human duo named Dust and Silence. The two needed Alison's light effects to awaken a latent drug in humans, giving them meta-human abilities. To coerce Alison, the villain Dust possessed the body of her father, Carter Blaire. However, Dust's abilities caused the slow breakdown in the organic matter of the host, ultimately killing Carter. Alison and O.Z. fought of Dust in Carter's body, leaving him for dead, and searching for Barbara London, who was being held by his counterpart, Silence.Silence captured Alison, and forced her to use her mutant abilities for her goals. If she did not cooperate, Barbara would be killed. Luckily, a team of friends rescued Alison and Barbara, and Alison rechanneled her light energy as a concussive sound force to kill Silence. Alison then faked her own death to hide from the authorities and the press that so plagued her life. The Dazzler again went into hiding as a member of Lila Cheney's back-up band. However, her inability to seize the spotlight made her an easy target for the psychic entity Malice, who was eagerly looking for ways to attract the X-Men. Possessing Dazzler, Malice made Alison a threat to those around her, calling the X-Men to her aid. Once Malice was defeated, Alison reluctantly joined the X-Men, as her identity and safety were compromised.Alison's alliance with the X-Men brought many adventures. Alison was forced to confront and cooperate with Rogue, a one-time adversary who wished to kill her. While the two heroines formed a tepid friendship, it was tested several times as Rogue envied Dazzler's relationship with teammate Longshot; Rogue even dressed and posed as Dazzler to court the man's attention. With the X-Men, Alison also learned to rely on teamwork and cooperation. Being used to tackling the Marvel Universe's largest villains solo, Alison attempted to halt the Juggernaut by her lonesome. Fortunately, Juggernaut did not wish to cause the singer harm, and Alison merely passed out from overexertion. After this, Alison learned to use teamwork more effectively in subduing later foes.In one battle, Dazzler, along with the X-Men, sacrificed their lives to subdue the Adversary. Resurrected by Roma, Dazzler and her teammates were now "living legends" who were thought dead, and invisible to any sort of mechanical perception. Dazzler had faked her own death to hide from the world, and now it was a permanent aspect of her reality.The X-Men gravitated to Australia to confront a band of cyborg looters known as the Reavers. The team then took over the Reavers base in the Australian Outback, where they made permanent residence. Alison, accustomed to the social life of New York City and Southern California, often grew intolerant of the new environment. However, the Dazzler provided a much-needed source of entertainment and verve. Exhausted from many missions and the social isolation of the Australian desert, Alison would frequently tour local bars and venues to sing and interact with non-teammates. In one event, she brought her fellow female team members to a mall where they indulged in a day of shopping and frivolity. Make no mistake, the Dazzler was the life of the party. Even stowaway orphan Jubilee found comfort in Dazzler's quarters: the teenaged mutant found an immediate kinship in the extent of Alison's wardrobe!It wasn't all fun and games, however. Dazzler had undergone a body-swap with the villain Diamondback, was subject to the malevolent psychic forces when a demonic inferno engulfed New York, and had been blinded by the villain Spiral. Alison was also besieged with visions of her life in the different paths she could have taken: lawyer, mother, singer, superhero, and bum. This insecurity fueled her post-inferno, where a glimpse into the jewel of the Siege Perilous showed her varied demises in each life path. After Alison's fateful visions, the team fell apart. While defeating Master Mold, Alison blasted her teammate Rogue through the mysterious portal. Wolverine left the team without any warning to unknown whereabouts. Longshot faded from reality to "find himself," and Havok accidentally killed Storm. The four remaining teammates: Dazzler, Colossus, Havok, and Psylocke, attempted to carry on, but under threat of the Reavers' coming onslaught banished themselves through the Siege Perilous where Rogue had fallen weeks before.Alison awoke on Malibu beach, unaware of who she was. Her former allies Lila Cheney and Strong Guy discovered her and took her into their company. Unfortunately for Alison, she was in the middle of a maelstrom involving Dazzler: The Movie. A copy had survived and found by a young acquaintance of Alison's. Meanwhile, Eric Beale had become obsessed with the Dazzler and vowed to kill her. Dazzler: The Movie was at last publicly screened, and Alison had defeated Eric Beale. However, she could not remember her true identity. Even as her other teammates had rediscovered themselves, Alison could not recall, and her former love Longshot re-encountered her before the X-Men.Longshot went to the amnesiac Dazzler for help, and Lila Cheney teleported the trio from harm's way. Alison slowly regained her memories, and chose to stay with Longshot on his native world, and assist him in his fight for independence. Alison became pregnant, although lost the child.After several years abroad, Alison returned to Earth following a cataclysmic destruction of Mojoworld. Finally putting herself first, Alison jump-started her career in her classic Dazzler digs, where all seemed well. Unfortunately, a worldwide turn of events for mutants made the career short-lived, and once again Alison returned to low-level performances in the United Kingdom to make ends meet. She has since joined the superhero team Excalibur, finding solace in a world where she is once again a minority. She recently began singing again, and after one particular gig in an English night club she was killed by an evil Jean Grey, when her body was taken to the hospital and checked on she seemingly woke up from her death, a full diagnosis of her body stated that she was fine and her body was in working condition. With the help of her Excalibur teammates they put an end to the faux X-men team. After her first adventure with the Excalibur team she had another death experience when The Juggernauts old friend returned for a vengeance against him, Black Tom Cassidy returned with only a few of his mutant abilities when Dazzler, in the middle of fighting with him, was shot in the back by one of his henchmen and seemingly died (again) after a few moments she got up from her death and aided in defeating Black Tom. The Excalibur team was concerned about how and why she came back from the dead again but Dazzler seemed to care nothing about it. When Camelot was destroyed in the past with the help of the Dark Knight, Dazzler and Excalibur aided in defeating the evil forces at hand. Recently when Juggernaut wanted to receive the full power of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, Nocturne of the team wanted to help Cain and stop him from making any mistakes, but Dazzler didn't care this put her at odds with her best friend on the team. Nocturne stated that Dazzler did not deserve the love that Cain gave her because she would always be a performance girl waiting to be in the fame lights. Though seemingly reluctant Dazzler stopped the agent of Cyttorak and Juggernaut from retrieving the crystl. +This superhero's name is Deacons Of The Deep. Their real name is . The Deacons of the Deep are led by Archdeacon Royce, one of Aldrich's most devoted followers, alongside McDonnell and Klimt. It is mentioned that Klimt attended to Rosaria, whom he deemed as a goddess, and one day lost his faith, but the sequence of events and their causes are not certain, and whether or not he is still alive is difficult to figure. When Aldrich and McDonnell traveled to Irithyll with a small group of deacons to meet with Pontiff Sulyvahn, Royce and the other deacons stayed to guard their lord's empty coffin from intruders, in the hopes that he would one day return. It is said that McDonnell imparted the spell Deep Soul to Royce and his followers, to aid them in their defense. +This superhero's name is Deadpool. Their real name is Wade Wilson. Not too much is known about Deadpool's childhood. Sometime after his mother died from cancer, his father was killed by a drunken friend, and he was kicked out of the United States Army Special Forces, "Wade" joined Project X. Little was known of Wilson's subsequent mercenary activities. At one point he was active in Tangier, Morocco where he romanced a woman named Francie. When this relationship soured, he traveled throughout Asia, and was hired in Japan by a crimelord, the Boss, to infiltrate a sumo-wrestling ring owned by a rival criminal, the Oyakata. Wilson spent three years as a wrestler under the Oyakata's tutelage and became romantically involved with his mentorís daughter, Sazae. When the Boss finally ordered the Oyakata's murder, Wilson refused to complete his assignment, allegedly the first time he had ever done so, and relocated to the United States. In America, Wilson met and fell in love with mutant teenage prostitute Vanessa Carlysle, with whom he shared dreams of a better life. Wilson was subsequently hired by Middle Eastern interests to assassinate a blind British government operative named Althea, also known as Blind Al, but upon arrival at the Zaire base where she was stationed, he killed everyone except for Al who had fled. Wilsonís employers sought vengeance for his failure by targeting Vanessa, who was rescued by Zoe Culloden, an employee of the inter-dimensional firm Landau, Luckman, Lake, and LeQuare. Culloden was keeping Wilson under surveillance, believing he was destined to play a vital part in a potential threat to the world. Learning that he had contracted cancer, Wilson broke up with his girlfriend Vanessa rather than force her to remain with a terminally ill man. He even gave up his chemo treatments, not wishing to prolong things. In Canada, he was offered hope in the form of Department K, a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government. Wilson became a test subject in Department Kís branch of the joint U.S./Canadian superhuman enhancement project, the Weapon X Program; his cancer was temporarily arrested via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another Department K agent, the mutant adventurer Wolverine. Wilson was active in a covert field unit alongside the near-invulnerable Sluggo and the cyborgs Kane and Slayback. Vanessa herself was later affiliated with the team after having manifested mutant shapeshifting abilities, calling herself Copycat. During one mission, Wilson killed his teammate Slayback. As a result, he was rejected from the Weapon X Program and sent to the Hospice, allegedly a government facility where failed superhuman operatives were treated. However, unknown to the Canadian government, the Hospiceís patients served as experimental subjects for Doctor Killebrew and his sadistic assistant Ajax (known then as The Attendant), with the patients placing bets in a "deadpool" as to how long each subject would live. Killebrew subjected Wilson to various torturous experiments for his own deranged satisfaction. In due course, Wilson formed a romantic relationship with the cosmic entity Death, who regarded him as a kindred spirit. Wilson started trying to kill himself, to join Death - going so far as to start taunting Ajax by saying his real name (Francis) over and over, which earned him the respect of his fellow Hospice patients. Then Ajax, angered by Wilsonís taunts, lobotomized Worm, the closest thing Wilson had to a friend. At Deathís prompting, Wilson killed Worm to end his suffering. However, under Killebrew's rules any patient who killed another was to be executed; Ajax subsequently tore out Wilsonís heart and left him for dead, but Wilsonís thirst for vengeance was so strong that it jump started his healing factor, regenerating his heart, although not curing his scarred body. Wilson then escaped the now-empty room and attacked the guards, making his way to Ajax. Wilson shot him in the chest with two automatic rifles, leaving him for dead. Taking the name Deadpool, escaped from the Hospice with his fellow patients. Following his escape, Deadpool served for a time as an enforcer alongside the surgically altered criminal Hammerhead. He soon returned to his freelance mercenary activities, donning a costume in keeping with his new identity. At some point during his mercenary career he was employed as an assassin by Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of crime. He also clashed with Wolverine, at that time a spy for the Canadian government. At some point during these years, Deadpool caught up with Blind Al and kept her a prisoner in his home. Alís attempts to escape only resulted in death for those whose help she sought, leaving her no choice but to resign herself to captivity. Some years after escaping the Hospice, Deadpool, perhaps seeking compensation for the injuries inflicted upon him by Killebrew, returned to the Canadian government and was treated by Doctor Walter Langkowski, the bestial Sasquatch of Canadaís super-team Alpha Flight. He also acquired a teleportation device around this time. Deadpool soon found government work unsuited to his temperament, and he abandoned this endeavor. Hired by the criminal genius known as the Wizard, Deadpool at first went to the wrong address and received a job impersonating the criminal Hobgoblin. When again contacted by the Wizard, he joined with fellow criminals the Taskmaster and the Constrictor (Frank Schlichting) in a short-lived version of the Frightful Four. When this plan also failed, Deadpool sought to reclaim his position as the Kingpinís assassin, only to be challenged by fellow assassin Bullseye. Deadpool began frequenting the mercenary hangout called the Hellhouse, where the diminutive Patch issued assignments. There he routinely clashed with T-Ray, a voodoo-sorcerer and assassin of whom he maintained a constant dislike. He found employment with the time-traveling arms merchant Tolliver, in whose service he was reunited with Sluggo and Copycat. Unbeknown to Deadpool, Tolliver subsequently sent Copycat to impersonate another mutant mercenary, Domino. Deadpool also recruited a man named Weasel to act as his weapon supplier, and the two became fast fast friends, despite numerous acts of violence against him. After some time in Tolliverís service, Deadpool was sent to kill Cable, the mutant soldier from the future who was in fact Tolliverís father and in whose company Copycat was impersonating Domino. However, Deadpool met defeat at the hands of Cable and his new charges, the young mutants in training known as the New Mutants. When Cable reorganized the New Mutants as X-Force, Tolliver was seemingly slain in battle with them, setting off a search by his various mercenaries for the advanced technology he had left behind. Deadpoolís participation in the search was interrupted by the surprising interference of Slayback, who had cybernetically reconstituted himself after being slain by Deadpool and was eager for revenge. In the course of the ensuing battle, Copycat was gravely injured, and Deadpool sacrificed part of his healing ability to save her life. Deadpool helped X-Force member Siryn against the Juggernaut and her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy, who had forced Killebrew into their service. Deadpool developed a strong attachment to Siryn, who only partially returned his feelings. The Genesis Coalition hired Deadpool to capture Silver Sable - a mission that also threw him into battle against Daredevil, whom was then no longer going by his real identity. He took the fight to the sewers where he was 'convinced' to hand over the information regarding his mission, for triple his commission. He was also put on retainer, in case he thought about choosing to take a mission against Sable's interests again. Unsure of his worthiness, Deadpool sought out Copycat, only to find she was now dating Kane. Deadpool fought both Kane and Wolverine, who had been sent to check on Kane by a mutual friend. Deadpool was subsequently abducted by information brokers seeking a cure for the Legacy Virus but was rescued by Wolverine and the mutant mercenary Maverick. Deadpool was approached by Zoe Culloden of the rechristened Landau, Luckman & Lake who believed he was destined to be the Mithras, one who would help usher in a golden age for Earth. Skeptical, Deadpool turned Zoe away, only to be hit with a string of personal failures. These included the alienation of Weasel and Blind Al (whom had been meeting, against Deadpoolís instructions), a defeat at the hands of T-Ray and loss of good grace at Hellhouse. He met up with Bullseye to do a pro-bono job in Greece, where the assassin told him that he was losing his edge - as shown by the fact he only wounded the people he was supposed to be killing. Deadpool disputed the fact, even going as far as to accuse the now-dead guards of moving the castle he was supposed to blow up with a sheep-rocket, when he hit the tower instead. Bullseye told Deadpool that he wouldnít kill him for one reason - he made him laugh. At this point, it was revealed that they had worked together before, in the Army - where Bullseye nearly lost his pinky toe because they were laughing so much on a mission. Hoping to turn over a new leaf, he found that killing was not so easily left behind when, at the behest of the ghosts of his fellow former Weapon X inmates, he killed Ajax. The former Attendant had been tracing down and killing them all, one by one, mainly wanting to kill Deadpool. This was possible partly due to the help of Dr Killbrew, who lost his life to Ajax. Before he was remotely-kidnapped by his teleportation belt and Ajax, he told Blind Al that she was now free. After being employed by L, L & Lake, he was hired to be part of a Heroes For Hire mission. Much to the annoyance of Colleen, Misty Knight, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. When he found that he would have to climb a mountain to their castle destination - and that HFH lacked a flier - he teleported up instead. He was immediately seen at the top, losing the essence of surprise. The HFH attacked, finding an iteration of Wild Pack waiting for them. After the rest of Heroes For Hire were defeated, Deadpool teleported to safety. Later Deadpool located and freed Misty and Colleen from the room they were being held in by Madcap, bringing their weapons to them as well. When asked where he concealed them, he replied with "Do you reeeeally want to know? It involves an awful lot of lubricant." Deadpool and the girls then met up with Luke Cage who turned out to be working toward an alternate agenda. Claiming he could smell a traitor when he saw one, Deadpool opened fire. Cage managed to escape minutes later. Having lost his optimism toward being able to better himself, Deadpool returned to his mercenary life. Troubled by recent events, he sought the counsel of deranged psychiatrist Doctor Bong, who advised him to work out his difficulties in a fight with Wolverine. The fight indeed cleared Deadpoolís mind, but his psyche was dealt a stunning blow by the resurrection of Mercedes Wilson whom Deadpool still believed to be his wife. T-Ray revealed himself not only as the one responsible for her resurrection, but also as the "true" Wade Wilson. The revelation did not break Deadpoolís spirit as T-Ray had hoped, for the mercenary still harbored hopes of bettering himself. Swearing vengeance, T-Ray departed with Mercedes Wilson. In the course of an assassination assignment against author Duncan Vess, Deadpool again clashed with Wolverine who had sensed something strange about Vess. The pair found themselves battling Vessí vengeful kinsmen after the author was revealed to be a werewolf, and they parted on good terms. Weeks later, Deadpool would be forced to capture Wolverine in exchange for medical treatment for Siryn, who had been injured in a mission with X-Force. Siryn was cured, and Wolverine easily outfought his captors. Seeking a new place for himself, Deadpool briefly shared an apartment with fellow mercenaries Titania and the Constrictor. However, Titania proved to be Copycat in disguise, and the apartment was destroyed by the The Wizard and the Taskmaster, both seeking revenge on Deadpool. He then established a secret warehouse headquarters and took on a young sidekick who called himself Kid Deadpool (Chris Cassera). Sadly the youth was also seeking vengeance against Deadpool for his part in Cassera's fatherís death, and blew up the warehouse. Deadpool was tracked down by Sabretooth and invited to join a new Weapon X Program. Impressed by Weapon Xís upgrade to his healing factor, he agreed to join, but soon found the organizationís methods to be too bloody, even for him. After the death of Copycat at the hands of Sabretooth, he confronted the Director, only to have his healing factor reversed to the point where he again lost physical cohesion and died. The lingering effects of Deadpoolís healing factor upgrade resurrected him, leaving him an amnesiac. A chance encounter with Weasel later restored his memory, and he discovered that four other individuals had laid claim to the Deadpool name in his absence. These impostors were aspects of his own personality given form by a device called the Gemini Star, wielded by T-Ray, who had been hired by the intergalactic villain Thanos. Thanos himself was enamored of Death and became jealous of Deadpoolís relationship with her. T-Ray intended to use the Gemini Star to manifest and extinguish every aspect of Deadpoolís personality, leaving him an empty shell; however Deadpool damaged the device, causing his personality fragments to be absorbed into T-Ray and render Ray comatose. With T-Ray out of the way, Deadpool claimed his identity as the true Wade Wilson once again. Following an assignment to kill the Four Winds crime family, Deadpool gained prominent status as a mercenary and formed a company called DP, Inc., aided by business partner Sandi Brandenberg. His success was short-lived, however, when the Black Swan, a fellow assassin who had actually slain the Four Winds himself, sought vengeance for Deadpoolís wrongful claim. Both men were believed dead after an explosive confrontation, but the Swanís telepathic power caused the memories and skills of both himself and Deadpool to merge into the corpse of his underling Nijo. Deadpoolís healing factor resurrected Nijo, whose mind was created from an amalgam of Deadpool and the Swan. Injured and an amnesiac, Nijo found his way to Sandiís apartment. Sandi believed Nijo to be Deadpool and nursed him back to health. The man took the name Alex Hayden and together they started "Agency X", with Hayden dubbed Agent X after the company. Most believed that Hayden was Deadpool with a case of amnesia. The truth was discovered when the Black Swan showed up with a "tabula rasa" Deadpool in tow, who Hayden immediately shot in the head. Deadpool's own personality was slowly growing back, unwittingly accelerated by Hayden's bullet to his head. You and Wilson have my skills, Mr Hayden. In return, I received a taste for Radiohead and an encyclopedic knowledge of pornographic knock-knock jokes. Yes, I'd like to switch back if possible. --Black Swan In an attempt to regain the parts of his mind he had lost, as well as remove the pieces of their minds he wanted rid of, Swan proposed a three-way mind meld. Hayden agreed; however the Swan, being an evil cad, attempted to double cross the others and kill them as soon as the process was complete, but while he concentrated on Hayden, Deadpool stabbed him in the back. Deadpool, Hayden and Hayden's allies Outlaw and Taskmaster had The Swan stuffed so that the healing factor couldn't resurrect him. (Hayden would later use the corpse as a surfboard). Both Deadpool and Cable became involved with a terrorist plot aimed at unleashing the shape-shifting "FaÁade Virus" upon the world. Both were infected with the virus, with merging their DNA structures being the only way they could survive. As a result, each man had some of the other's DNA sequences within them. From then on, whenever Cable used his teleporter to "bodyslide", both he and Deadpool teleported together -- sometimes literally (a "bodyslide by one" resulted in them being badly integrated into a single body, forcing a messy separation, which, thanks to the DNA shared with Wade, Cable was also able to recover from). An additional result of the FaÁade Virus in his system was that Deadpool's skin was temporarily cured of the hideous tumor-scarring. This result was corrected when Cable shut down all infections of the virus worldwide. Cable was achieving the peak of his abilities, seeking to become a world leader ushering a new era of peace. Cyclops worried about his son, and hired Wade to find and assemble pieces of a teleporter meant to stop Cable if it came to that. In an attempt to unite the world, Cable deliberately set the world's leaders against him, by threatening to throw their missiles into the sun. Deadpool and the X-Men mounted their attack on Providence, whereupon Deadpool promptly turned on the X-Men, siding with Cable. Cable confessed to wanting to become a martyr, to show the governments that they could achieve something by working together. In an attack by the Silver Surfer, Cable burnt out his powers and narrowly escaped death when Deadpool removed the telepathic and telekinetic parts of his brain via mini-teleporter. Cable was badly injured, and Wade then set out to recover some techno-organic matter to replace the damage. Deadpool encountered Agent X and the Fixer during his mission and was ultimately successful, which sadly left him unemployed thereafter. Cable felt guilty for Deadpool's status as a renegade mercenary being corrupted by his heroism, and began to covertly hire him for missions, without revealing that he was the one doing so. Deadpool would later rescue Cable again, teleporting through several alternate worlds to retrieve him when he became lost. Cable returned the favor by repairing Deadpool's brain damage before his powers burnt out once more, leaving his personality and powers unchanged. As the super-hero registration act (HR421) came into law, Deadpool decided to try and get hired to be a S.H.I.E.L.D.-licensed bounty hunter, hunting down super-powered individuals to get them to register with S.H.I.E.L.D.. His initial attempts were unsuccessful, but he was hired nonetheless, being ordered by the president to hunt Cable. Wade was unsuccessful. Trying to fix his again damaged reputation, Deadpool kidnapped Taskmaster and forced him to fight to convince four Government higher-ups (who were also kidnapped) to hire him again. Deadpool won the fight, but wasn't hired, being cited as too immature. Deadpool awoke days later to find that he had been shrunk with Pym Particles by Weasel, who was attempting to help Wade take on the Rhino. Deadpool tried, and was instead made into a key-chain and taken to the Three Strikes Bar, where he was humiliated repeatedly. After being flushed down a toilet, Deadpool managed to return and beat up each and every one of them, including Rhino - whilst still only a few inches high. Agent X was captured by Hydra, and Deadpool was approached by Agency X to find and rescue him. Still only inches tall, Deadpool went with Weasel to the Hydra base in Afghanistan, where they met Bob, Agent Of Hydra, and used him to free Agent X (who had been turned into a 500 pound slob by Hydra's Morphogenetic Actuator). Deadpool was changed back to normal size in the process and was asked to take over Agency X whilst Nijo got back into shape. Returning to Agency X, they found that Outlaw and Sandi had been taken hostage by T-Ray. Deadpool was almost killed when he attempted to save the girls but instead stabbed T-Ray in the head with a katana ("forged by the same guy who made the one on Heroes"). Providence was attacked by the Hetacomb, and Deadpool came to help. He arrived too late to fight the alien, but was able to help Cable to fight off the Marauders. In the end, Deadpool realized Cable wouldn't trust him with important tasks, and was sent home alone while Cable seemingly perished with Providence. Deadpool went to Rumekistan to pay his final respects to Cable, and while he was there, was asked to stop Wolverine from destroying a Hydra base. Minutes before Wolverine found Weasel at the base, Wade found him in a teleportation-capable suit, calling himself the "Penetraitor". Quickly decapitating Deadpool, Wolverine began to kill the Hydra agents, leaving ones that were strapped into suits similar to the Penetraitorís. They activated the suits to escape, but disappeared. Weasel explained that they were rigged to send the users to Guantanamo Bay, and Bob was able to reattach Deadpoolís head. Bob, Weasel, and Wade returned to Rumekistan to finish paying their final respects, when Deadpool and Bob disappeared in a flash of light due to the now damaged suit Weasel wore. They appeared in Europe, circa World War II, where they encountered Captain America and Bucky, aiding them in their quest to defeat Arnim Zola and his creations. Time-slips created problems during the trip, and Cap and Bucky once forgot who Bob and Deadpool were, attacking them. The time-slips were created by Weasel's efforts to return them to the present. Eventually two teams of the Fantastic Four were able to return them to the present. Deadpool went on several missions for Dr Strange, patching the mystical hole he created in T-Ray's head by stabbing other mystical creatures with the same sword. The final act to seal the rift was to find T-Ray's soul and bring him back to life. Wade reluctantly set out to do so, seeking help from Brother Voodoo along the way. T-Ray was eventually returned to life, and both realized they needed each other. Upon returning to Agency X headquarters, Irene Merryweather came asking for aid in locating a energy generator for Rumekistan which was based in the Savage Land. When arriving, the team encountered a mind controlled Kazar, and had to fight the forces of Brain Child. During the conflict, Deadpool accidentally used Weasel's Penitraitor technology to warp some dinosaurs to the Latverian embassy in New York. So upon defeating Brain Child they had to return to New York to help the Avengers return the dinosaurs (who happened to be infected with symbiotes at the time). Deadpool saved the day by absorbing the consciousness of the symbiotes and killing himself (albeit briefly). Despite being hailed as something of a hero after the stunt with the symbiotes, Deadpool slipped easily back into his old ways when attempted to kill Wolverine. For once, Deadpool planned every stage of the attack, orchestrating a series of hits that came close to killing both of them. Just before Wolverine was to be drowned, Daken interfered, cutting off Wade's hands so that he could kill his father himself. Daken was shot with a carbonadium bullet by Bucky Barnes, who had originally hired Deadpool. The entire hit was planned by Wolverine so that he could capture his son, so Deadpool received no money. When the Skrull invasion began, Wade was held captive, and trained skrulls to embrace insanity so as to better handle his abilities. He escaped when the Skrulls turned on one another and transmitted stolen intel to Nick Fury (Wilson's real plan), which was intercepted by Norman Osborn, who lead the Avengers and HAMMER. Since Fury never received the data, Wilson went unpaid for his efforts. After months of unemployment, Colonel Zeke hired him to kill Doctor Druek Lovosno, who had kidnapped Zeke's wife. Deadpool found that Doctor Lovosno had found a way to preserve youth & beauty indefinitely, but they had to devour human flesh to do so. Wade was captured, meant to be a renewable source of food for the young zombies. Luckily he tasted terrible, so he was released after promising them the alternative of Zeke and his mercanaries, and blew up the castle they were in during the firefight. With no money left after the third unpaid job in a row, Deadpool had to steal away on a freighter bound for America. Mid-Atlantic, the ship was sunk by Tiger Shark tearing through the hull. He awoke on a beach in Mexico, missing an arm and with his costume in tatters, and planned to kill Tiger Shark while he recovered. Tiger Shark found him first, and tried to kill him with an oversized machete. The resulting fight brought the Mexican police, who shot and seemingly killed Wade while Tiger Shark escaped. He woke up to find himself in a body bag on a pier, which he felt was a nice change from waking up in a body bag in the morgue. Tiger Shark came out the water and attacked again when Bob appeared with his gun blazing. Tiger Shark dives back into the water, and after a couple hours of waiting for him to resurface, Bob and Deadpool retire to a motel. There, Bob reveals that he was sent to kill Deadpool, same as Tiger Shark (who was on his way to the room). Wade manages to shoot Tiger Shark through the motel window and interrogate Bob for the name of his employer, Norman Osborn. Norman was aware that the intel Wade unwillingly provided was the only reason he was put into a position of power, and wanted Deadpool eliminated to secure his position. Wade had no idea who Norman was. Wilson traveled back to New York with the idea that Osborn should have paid him for that intel, and attempted to break into the Avengers tower. Osborn had been ready for him with a trap, and sent the Thunderbolts to intercept him. Deadpool managed to disable all of the Thunderbolts with the exception of Black Widow, who he began to fall for. While professing his love, he was shot by Paladin and escaped. He teleported to the Taskmaster's 'Unoccupied office building' where he regrouped and got the bullets out of his body whilst telling "Tasky" about how much he adored Black Widow and his plan for two Deadpools. Hiring a plane to fly a banner professing his love for "BW" as well as his phone number, Taskmaster was able to pinpoint the call made to that number to find the Thunderbolt's headquarters. The Thunderbolts used the call to find Taskmaster's position as well, believing him to be Deadpool. As they left to intercept him, Deadpool called their number and flirted with Widow while he shot at them from the plane. Crashing the plane and losing that phone, he teleported back to Taskmaster to get a new phone before teleporting directly to her, since she wasn't with her team. While fighting and kissing her, he managed to ask Taskmaster (dressed as Deadpool) to stall her team while he spent time with her. After losing Rock-Paper-Scissors, Deadpool had to instead take care of the Thunderbolts while Taskmaster went after Black Widow. Taskmaster was captured by her, and was about to have his head cut off by Headsman when Wade rescued him. Osborn wanted to see Deadpool killed, and was in attendance when Taskmaster was about to have his head chopped, so Deadpool went after him after releasing Taskmaster. Wade nearly had Osborn when Black Widow shot him through the heart, enabling Headsman to cut off his head. After recovering, Deadpool thanked Taskmaster for his help by paying him via ATM using Osborn's wallet. Taskmaster claimed he didn't put Wade's head back on, and Deadpool believed it was Widow's way of telling him she loved him back. He would later pop up behind Osborn during a national television appearance holding a sign that said, "Respawn lol". Out of work yet again, Wade posted his services on Craigslist. He was hired to kill a pizza boy for making fun of a girl in childhood. Wade managed to shoot him, then stealing all of the homeowner's possessions in the house he had broken into to order the pizza. While checking out the TV, he saw a news story where he was denounced as a traitor to the human race for joining the Skrulls. When he went to get the keys to the car in the garage, he was greeted by Hawkeye (really Bullseye) and eventually gets shot in the head with an arrow. Planning to grind him up so that he can't regenerate, Lester underestimated Wade's healing factor, and was surprised when Deadpool attacked. When Deadpool won the fight, Bullseye paid him to never tell anyone else. Wade used his new-found riches to buy a pirate boat, and as a short and very unsuccessful stint as a pirate, decided to become a hero instead. He made his way to Utopia to become an X-Man, and they quickly rejected him. Since they couldn't just let him go, they pretended to bring him in on a probationary membership under the watch of Domino. Deadpool tried to get in the X-Men's good graces by killing Mark Kincaid, who had been claiming that the X-Men had kidnapped his daughter and were holding her against her will (part of Norman Osborn's plot to weaken the X-Men). When his plan began to fall apart, Osborn instead tried to use the situation to further discredit the X-Men by killing Kincaid and blaming Deadpool (who had publicly and falsely claimed X-Men membership), but Deadpool had set everything up to make the X-Men heroes again in the eyes of the public. This allowed the X-Men to reluctantly give Wade full-membership. Deadpool decides to continue his efforts to try to be a hero and goes to Las Vegas where he meets up with his old friend Weasel and steals his job as The House, a robotic hero Weasel had created. He would expose the casino he works for as crooks and leave much much richer. Later, he finds himself in a standoff between armed hit-men (all with Healing factors) and an Arab arms dealer. Deadpool quickly kills them all witht he help of what appear to be the Secret Avengers who ask him to be on the team. What Deadpool doesn't know is these are actually clones of the team created by Dr. Bong. Then the real Steve Rogers and his Secret Avengers show up. Deadpool fights and almost kills the real Steve Rogers. Later Deadpool winds up teaming up with the real Secret Avengers to take Dr. Bong's operation down with a last display of fireworks. Deadpool was recruited by an entity known as The Contemplator to save the multiverse, to do this he would have to assemble a team of alternate universe Deadpools. He visited a string of universes where his alternates were significantly different from him, recruiting Lady Deadpool, Kidpool, Dogpool, and Headpool along the way. With his team assembled, he revealed his plan to save the multiverse to them. Deadpool joined Wolverine and Archangel's X-Force team to proactively eliminate threats to the mutant race with the only rule being that no one, not even the X-Men, could ever know that they exist. After one of their first missions, which ended with the team killing Apocalypse, who was reincarnated as an innocent child, Deadpool called a meeting to discuss his moral doubts about killing a child. During this meeting, Archangel told Wolverine that, despite being employed by Archangel for over a year, Deadpool never cashed any of the checks for his services. Later, in the Deathlock team-up, X-force is taken into the Deathlock world to look for the origin of the mind-controlled army. There is also some bad tension between Deadpool and Fantomex, which leads to them going different ways. Deadpool ends up being the one to kill the world Father by cutting his head off then putting a sword through it to show the rest of the team. Fantomex is surprised, and they leave in silence. During the invasion of the Serpent and his Worthy, Deadpool attempted to cash in on the fear that was running rampant throughout the world. To this end, he stole a magic hammer belonging to a pair of werewolf hunters, and then gave it to the dimwitted Walrus, convincing the hapless Mort that he'd been chosen to serve as one of the Worthy. His plan was to send the Walrus rampaging through the town of Cimarron, New Mexico, and then show up and "rescue" the town and collect a hefty fee. The hammer, however, proved to have the ability to negate Deadpool's healing factor during a full moon, and what should have been an easy fight proved nearly fatal. Initially, he tried to run away, but was confronted by the werewolf hunters, who informed him that the hammer was needed to stop an impending attack by a pack of werewolves. Convinced of the necessity of retrieving the hammer, Deadpool returned to town, and tricked the Walrus into entering the sheriff's office, thus taking it out of the light of the full moon and deactivating its powers. He then promptly shot the Walrus in the shoulder, took back the hammer, and effectively saved the town, though he found to his dismay that the town's cache of Confederate gold had long ago been stolen, and thus the +This superhero's name is could not pay him for his efforts. After defeating the intergalactic mercenary. Their real name is Macho Gomez. the Selfish Moon of Ego. After coming back to Earth +This superhero's name is Deadshot (CW). Their real name is Floyd Lawton. Floyd Lawton (died March 25, 2015), known under the codename Deadshot, was the world's deadliest marksman. He was an assassin who used long-ranged weaponry and the neuro-toxin curare to poison his bullets and murdered countless targets in his time. He was also the husband of Susie Lawton and the father of Zoe Lawton, the latter who he sent most of the money he earned. After each job, he tattooed the names of his latest victims on his body. +This superhero's name is Deadshot (Injustice). Their real name is Floyd Lawton. Deadshot is a hired assassin and the world's greatest marksman. Being a mercenary, he'll commit any murder for the right price because of a notorious suicidal death wish. Despite this, he works very hard to protect his estranged ex-wife Susan Lawton and his daughter Zoe Lawton. He has been a member of Checkmate, the Killer Elite, the Secret Six and the Suicide Squad. +This superhero's name is Deadshot (New 52). Their real name is Floyd Lawton. Floyd Lawton, also know as Deadshot, is the “man who never misses” - an assassin with an almost superhuman marksmanship skill. His villainous activities against Batman quickly landed him a spot on the Suicide Squad, where he soon became one of there most effective and notorious members. According to Deadshot himself, as a child, he lived with his mother, father, and sister. His family was in a constant struggle and was very poor. One night, when his father was informing his mother the good news that he had gotten a job, the two were gunned down by bullets coming from the next room. Along his parents, Floyd’s sister was also killed in the hail of gunfire. After this, Floyd discovered a gun in the next room and began teaching himself to use it. He would eventually become a very skilled marksman and use his skills as a gun for hire. However, Deadshot’s public origin story actually belonged to Will Evans, a man Lawton shared a prison cell with while serving time. In actuality Floyd’s family was quite wealthy, with an estate outside Gotham. Their public image hid the fact that his father, George was an abusive drunk. His mother, Genevieve, suffered many beatings from George and took her frustration out on Floyd and his brother Eddie. Despite this, Eddie was a great son, good natured and athletic, often taking beatings meant for Floyd. Eventually, Genevieve had had enough and encouraged Floyd to shoot his father. Young Floyd scaled a tree and took aim at his father. His nervousness caused him to flinch. The shot missed his father but hit Eddie between the eyes, killing him. Floyd made two promises to himself that night, one never to miss again, two kill his father the next time he saw him. After years of training, Lawton became so skilled with shooting, he became Deadshot. +This superhero's name is Deadshot. Their real name is Floyd Lawton. Deadshot is the greatest known mercenary in the world. He's known to never miss and always get the job done, but lately it appears he may be shifting to a more heroic side of the law. Deadshot is the DCU’s greatest marksman, boasting that he never misses. In his childhood, his mother and father had a deep hatred for each other. His mother went so far as to hire Floyd and his brother to kill their father. While Floyd had no great love for his father either, he did not want his blood soiling his brother's hands, and refused. His brother then accepted to kill their father, and locked Floyd up so he couldn't stop him. Escaping, Floyd took a rifle, went up a tree and aimed towards where his brother was about to kill their father. But the branch broke and his aim was off, killing his idolized brother rather than his hated father. He has lived what he sees as a meaningless lifestyle from then on, accepting hits in hopes that he will one day be killed himself. While he's not suicidal, he continually dances over that line, never caring whether he lives or dies. This lifestyle has made Deadshot nearly homicidal as well. He first appeared in Gotham City as a new crime fighter, but it was revealed that this was only an elaborate hoax to replace Batman. When this scheme failed, he attempted to head the Gotham underworld, but was exposed and arrested by Batman and Commissioner Gordon. After he got out of jail, Deadshot became a hired assassin, and has been a great help in the past two Suicide Squads. When he was on hiatus from the squad, his son was raped and killed by a pedophile. Floyd took revenge on the man. Later, his suit was stolen by an airport employee, who began to steal and kill with it. Deadshot killed him, but killing his own image affected him. He didn’t even fix the bullet hole in the costume for a long time. During the Suicide Squad’s last mission, Deadshot was asked by Count Vertigo if he would kill him. Deadshot agreed, and both of them went to a secret location to await Vertigo’s decision. He declined, and Deadshot did not question the decision. Later, when he was under Neron’s influence, he tried to kill an entire kindergarten class with an explosion, but was stopped by the Justice League. Deadshot was offered North America if he joined the Secret Six, and was threatened that if he didn’t join the team, he would have his daughter’s neighborhood blown up by Mockingbird (Lex Luthor). A stalemate was reached at the end of the series, and Deadshot’s status remained unchanged. He was found in bed with Knockout, but she revealed that she was only using him. During this run, Deadshot was confronted by his teammate Catman, accused of slaughtering the pride of lions he had been living with, planting evidence against the Secret Society of Super Villains in order to force his joining to the Secret Six. Catman eventually forgave Lawton, and they remained something between friends and enemies. This fits with Deadshot's unconscious desire to give other men the place of the brother he killed, be it Catman, Batman or Rick Flagg. All of them, at different points, acted as Deadshot's surrogate brothers of a sort, particularly Catman and Flagg. +This superhero's name is Dean Winchester. Their real name is Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester (Born: January 24, 1979) is a Human and Hunter as well as a member of the Men of Letters with his younger brother Sam. He and his brother are members of the Winchester and Campbell families. Through his father, Dean is the older half-brother of Adam Milligan. Dean is also the destined Vessel of the Archangel Michael. He and Sam are also the surrogate sons of the late Bobby Singer. Dean is best friends with the Angel Castiel, close friend to the late prophet Kevin Tran, and reluctant ally of Crowley. Dean has an ex-girlfriend, Lisa Braeden who he lived with for a year when he thought Sam was in Hell. She has a child named Ben, who Dean acted as a father for during that year. Dean's biological child was an amazon named Emma. He is also the former apprentice of Alastair. +This superhero's name is Death Of The Endless. Their real name is Death. Death of the Endless came into existence shortly after the first lifeforms appeared in the universe. She would function as the embodiment of death until the very last living thing died. After that she was destined to put the universe to rest. After Despair was murdered, Death and the Endless went to the necropolis to put her body to rest. The necropolitans had long lost their passion for their job, and didn't know about the necropolis' arrangement with the Endless, so they laughed at them when they asked for Despair's cerements and the book of rituals. The Endless revoked the necropolis' charter, causing it to be destroyed. The village of Litharge was granted a charter by the Endless and became the new necropolis. Destruction called a family meeting of the Endless, and announced to Death and the rest of his family that he was abandoning his duties as one of the Endless and taking his leave of them for good. Dream made a bet with Despair that the power of dreams could save Joshua Norton from despair. He gave Joshua the dream of becoming Norton I, emperor of the United States. Death met with Dream and told him she had her doubts about what he was doing, especially since the elder members of the Endless usually avoided the games Despair, Desire and Delirium engaged in. Emperor Norton I died, and Death took him. She told him that she had taken every king, emperor and ruler in history into the afterlife, and of all those she'd met Norton was by far her favorite. Death spent one day of the century as a mortal, as was her custom. She took the form of a peasant girl and spent the day by the Yangtze River with a young ox driver who told her his grand schemes and plans. Death met up with her brother Dream and yelled at him for not getting a hold of her earlier after he'd been released from decades of imprisonment. She told him to stop moping just because he felt purposeless after finishing a quest to retrieve his helm, pouch and Dreamstone. Death had him accompany her while she went about her work and cheered him up a good deal. Death heard Element Girl crying and walked into her apartment to talk to her. Element Girl hated her life as a metamorph, and asked Death to take her. Death told her she couldn't but since Ra made the metamorphs she advised Element Girl to speak to him, to speak to the sun, and kindly ask him for an end. Element Girl took Death's advice, and Ra took her life. Death wished Element Girl better luck in her next life. Destiny called a gathering of the Endless, telling them a meeting with the Fates made him aware that he had to call the family gathering to set in motion a chain of events that would cause change and upheaval. During the course of conversation Desire got under Dream's skin by reminding him of Nada. Dream was indignant, but Death said she agreed with Desire, sending his lover to Hell for spurning him was an awful thing to do. Dream vowed to make amends by journeying to Hell and saving Nada's soul. Dream asked for Death's advice on what he should do with Hell. She was confident he'd figure things out, and couldn't stay to chat because she was very busy containing all the souls Lucifer Morningstar freed from Hell when he abdicated his realm. Death came to take Charles Rowland into the afterlife, but his spirit wouldn't abandon his friend Edwin Paine. Death explained that Paine was already a ghost, one of the souls released from Hell when Lucifer retired. Rowland refused to leave his friend, so Death, who was already completely overworked, allowed Rowland to remain on Earth as a ghost. Death took Wanda Mann, who was killed when the witch woman Thessaly brought the moon down to the Earth. Before they left for the afterlife she let Wanda wave goodbye to her good friend Barbie. Death took Bernie Capax, one of Destruction's old friends. When Destruction left the Endless he set up a safeguard that would make it difficult for his family to track him down, and it caused the deaths of several of his friends when Dream and Delirium sought him out. Dream called Death to the Dreaming for advice after he ended his search for Destruction. Death was angry with him because when Dream refused to continue seeking Destruction he was harsh with Delirium, and as a result she closed off her realm. Death told him she was worried Delirium might leave the Endless like Destruction did, and she advised he apologize to her for being so rude. On a parallel Earth Death took Prez into the afterlife. Death didn't like the fact that in that world's afterlife Prez would be in the hands of Boss Smiley, so she told Dream of her interest in Prez and asked him to save Prez from Smiley. Death met Dream and correctly guessed that he'd let things go so far in his battle against the Kindly Ones because he wanted to leave his role as Dream of the Endless, but couldn't abandon his post like Destruction did. The Kindly Ones arrived and Dream allowed them to destroy him in order to save the Dreaming, and Death took Dream. +This superhero's name is Death Seed Archangel. Their real name is Warren Worthington. X-Factor's formation begins a period of upheaval in Warren's life. Cameron Hodge abuses Warren's trust and portrays X-Factor as "mutant hunters" for hire, further fueling anti-mutant sentiment. An altercation with the Brotherhood of Mutants allows Mystique to discover the relationship between the "mutant hunters" and the former X-Men; she exposes Warren as the financial backer for X-Factor, causing a public relations nightmare. Warren's wings are mutilated during the Mutant Massacre by the Marauder, Harpoon. When the wings develop gangrene, Cameron Hodge violates Angel's wishes and has the crippled wings amputated.Despondent over the loss, Warren escapes the hospital and commandeers his private jet. It explodes in the air as the rest of X-Factor watch helplessly from below. It is ultimately revealed that Hodge sabotaged Warren's plane in order to finish off his nemesis, in an apparent suicide. Seconds before the explosion, Warren is spirited away by the ancient mutant Apocalypse. Apocalypse offers to restore Angel's wings if Angel will serve him as one of his Four Horsemen. Apocalypse subjects Angel to extensive genetic alterations, giving him blue skin and organic metal wings which can cut through almost anything. The wings can fire the metal feathers as projectiles. Apocalypse gives Worthington the title of Death. He makes Worthington the leader of his Horsemen after Worthington beats the others in a fight, and gives him a drug that remove his reservations to follow Apocalypse's dark plans. Death is unveiled to X-Factor during their second encounter with the Horsemen, and Warren sadistically exploits the weaknesses of his friends to defeat them in combat.During a later attack on Manhattan, Iceman fakes his own death at Warren's hands, hoping that the shock of killing a friend will enable him to break free of the influence of Apocalypse's drug. Although freed, Warren refuses to rejoin X-Factor, feeling that he has changed too much psychologically to be a hero. He seeks out Candy Southern, but finds that she is missing. Warren learns that Candy has been lobotomised to protect Cameron Hodge's secrets, including the establishment of the anti-mutant militia "The Right" using funds embezzled from Worthington. In the confrontation that follows, Hodge murders Candy in front of Warren and Warren decapitates Hodge. Changing his codename from "Death" to "Dark Angel", he later rejoins X-Factor and takes the codename "Archangel" during the events of Inferno. Warren later meets and becomes romantically involved with Charlotte Jones, a New York City Police officer and single mother. It is with Charlotte's help that X-Factor frees Warren from the Ravens, a cult of near-immortal psychic vampires. It is during this battle that Warren's survival is made public knowledge, allowing him to regain control over his family's remaining business holdings and his personal fortune. X-Factor rejoins the X-Men following the defeat of the Shadow King on Muir Island +This superhero's name is Death Seed Draken. Their real name is Akihiro. Akihiro was the son of Wolverine and his Japanese wife, Itsu. In 1946, Itsu, while in the last stages of her pregnancy, was murdered by the Winter Soldier in an attempt to draw Wolverine out and return him to the custody of Madripoor. After Itsu's death, Romulus took the baby, cutting him from his mother's womb and leaving her body behind. The baby survived the incident, possibly due to his mutant healing factor, which he inherited from his father.[8] Romulus left the baby on the doorstep of Akihira and Natsumi, a wealthy, young and traditional Japanese couple. They took the child's arrival as an answer to their prayers and raised him as their own. Though he was named Akihiro by his father, the servants and other families of his town secretly referred to the boy as Daken (駄犬, "mongrel"), a slur on his obvious mixed heritage. As Akihiro grew up, he was often teased by the other children of the town. This harsh treatment and his adoptive mother's indifference toward him caused Akihiro to develop a very cold persona to all except his adoptive father.[1] One night, Natsumi confessed to Akihira that she didn't love their adopted son and that, after years of trying to conceive, she was pregnant. Akihiro overheard this and felt his position in the household to be threatened. In 1955, after the birth of the baby, Junichiro, Akihiro confronted his mother, telling her that he had killed her son. When Akihira found out he disowned Akihiro, taking him into the forest behind their home and telling him to leave and never return. Daken furiously responded that "Akihiro" was not his true name. Natsumi then appeared, running at Daken and trying to kill him with a rifle's bayonet. The attack caused Daken's claws to extend reflexively, and with a flail of his arm, he accidentally slashed Natsumi through the chest, killing her. Unable to force himself to harm his son, Akihira instead committed suicide with the discarded rifle. Romulus then appeared to the boy for the first time since infancy, saying that he was what Daken would someday become.[1] +This superhero's name is Deathlok (MCU). Their real name is Michael Peterson. Michael "Mike" Peterson is a cyborg S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had just a normal man until he was unexpectedly approached by a mysterious group who had promised to grant him new superpowers through use of the Centipede Serum. However, when he compromised the secrecy of the project, they had decided to eliminate him, but they were stopped by a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents led by agent Phil Coulson. Some time later, Peterson had decided to join S.H.I.E.L.D. as he joined Coulson's Team. However Peterson was later recaptured by the Centipede Project and transformed into their cybernetic operative, Deathlok. He was used by the Clairvoyant to keep people off his trail, including all of Coulson's team. +This superhero's name is Deathstroke (Injustice). Their real name is Slade Wilson. Injustice: Gods Among Us In the prime DC universe, Deathstroke is hired by Lex Luthor to free the Joker from Arkham Asylum and plant a trap for Batman when he arrives. Batman manages to detect the bomb in Joker's cell and realizing that the bomb itself is a diversion, reacts in time to deflect Deathstroke's shuriken with his cape, saving an orderly's life as well. Deathstroke compliments Batman's cleverness while brandishing his sword and then attacks Batman. Though his first sword strike is blocked, Deathstroke manages to get a single kick before Batman beats him back, disarming him of his sword and countering every attack Deathstroke tries afterward. When Batman asks if he's Luthor's pet, Deathstroke replies, "His money's green and as a bonus...I get to kill Batman." With that the two battle in the Asylum, but Deathstroke is ultimately defeated by the Dark Knight. The main reality of Deathstroke isn't seen again after this. In the parallel dimension, Deathstroke has lost much of his work because of Superman's imposed peace and has been captured by Cyborg and Raven of this reality and is being tortured by them at Ferris Aircraft. Slade refuses to submit to their torture or accept the regime's amnesty, knowing full of their 're-education' and refuses to become a 'puppet' like them. When he spits at Cyborg, Raven ups the pain of her torture, enough to make even him scream in agony. Deathstroke is only saved by the unlikely intervention of the recently summoned duplicate Green Lantern, who defeats both Raven and Cyborg. He is freed by Jordan but refuses his help, still believing him to be his world's Lantern. Deathstroke darkly informs Lantern of the possible consequences of his actions and quickly leaves when Jordan is contacted by Wonder Woman, turning his back to Slade and allowing him to slip away unseen. Deathstroke is next seen meeting with Luthor on a rooftop in Metropolis. He takes a shot at Luthor's baldness, and Lex reveals he finally wants to join the Insurgency. Though Deathstroke says that "Business is bad, being hunted is worse," he admits that he is only joining them because "They made it personal." Deathstroke is next seen at the beginning of Cyborg's chapter, discussing with Luthor their plan of attack on Superman and referring to Harley Quinn's Joker Clan as pawns. The duplicate Cyborg hears that, and not knowing the truth of the situation, attacks them. Though annoyed that their base has been infiltrated, after Luthor orders him to keep Cyborg busy, Deathstroke responds, "With pleasure." They battle, but Slade is defeated by the duplicate Cyborg. After Cyborg defeats Luthor and is stopped by his fellow duplicates and the parallel Earth's Batman, Deathstroke observes them as he is filled in on the situation. Though Cyborg and Lantern want to return to their world for reinforcements, Batman informs them of Superman's planned execution of the duplicate Batman. Though fully aware it's a trap, Cyborg comes up with a plan to save their Batman, with Deathstroke telling them they'll need a diversion. Aquaman decides to provide that while Cyborg plans to infiltrate Superman's ranks to gain control of the Watchtower. Deathstroke decides to partner up with Cyborg, who is less than enthusiastic about such a team up, though Luthor and Batman insist, with Deathstroke settling the matter by saying, "I'm not asking permission." The two break into the Hall of Justice, with Slade annoyed by Cyborg's reiteration of their plan. Though Deathstroke attempts to ease the tension between them by claiming they have no history unlike their counterparts, Cyborg reveals he knows of his history with this world's Titans, having been paid to kill them, quoting Deathstroke, "only a couple times". Cyborg makes it clear they're not friends and tells Deathstroke to meet him at the teleporter. Deathstroke arrives at the teleporters and sees Cyborg has defeated his counterpart and admits to the duplicate Cyborg on how his counterpart tortured him. The two use the teleporter to arrive in the Watchtower. Cyborg quickly gains control of the teleporter in the Watchtower, which surprises Slade, though Cyborg reveals he gained his counterpart's access codes earlier. Deathstroke then makes his way into the Watchtower, planting some explosive traps while the Flash and Shazam converse. When the Flash realizes something is amiss, Deathstroke makes himself known and activates the explosives to temporarily knock Flash out before confronting Shazam. Slade defeats Shazam through a combination of his greater experience and from weakening Shazam with the explosive. Calling Billy a kid, Deathstroke makes his way to the Watchtower's core reactor. Gazing on the reactor and grinning fiercely, Deathstroke declares darkly, "It's payback time." Deathstroke then overrides the reactor and sets it to explode. The Flash tries to stop him but is defeated by him. Staring at the Flash's unconscious body, Deathstroke tells him, "Finale's comin', and you've got a front-row seat." Slade returns to Cyborg, who is outraged when he realizes what Deathstroke has done. Slade cooly argues that the Watchtower is the key to Superman's regime and urges Cyborg to leave with him. Cyborg says he's jeopardized the mission, but Deathstroke makes it clear "Superman's my priority. Not your Batman." Cyborg is contacted by Luthor who reveals he has found a replacement part for the kryptonite weapon at Ferris Aircraft and needs Deathstroke to get it. After hearing Luthor's plan to use the weapon so Batman doesn't risk his own life wielding it, Deathstroke asks for the coordinates. Deathstroke arrives at Ferris and overhears Wonder Woman and Killer Frost discussing the possible location of the Insurgency's home base. When Killer Frost looks away for a moment, Deathstroke binds Wonder Woman with her own Lasso of Truth before confronting Killer Frost. He compliments her work but informs her she's too late. They battle and Deathstroke easily defeats her, calling her tactics "One-dimensional." He turns his attention to Wonder Woman as she frees herself, losing one of his handguns when he attempts to shoot her. Wonder Woman reminds Slade he was offered amnesty and tells him he should have taken it. Deathstroke, however, retorts, "And miss my chance to battle Superman's rebound girl?" Insulted, Wonder Woman reminds him she is an Amazon but Deathstroke easily blocks her first attacks and calls the Amazons, "an obsolete race with predictable techniques," and shoves her aside, bidding her to give him a real challenge, with "Impress me." Mercenary and Amazon battle, but Deathstroke emerges the victor due to his understanding of her battle techniques. Unimpressed, Deathstroke leaves and finds the part Luthor needed, informing him of his success. Deathstroke is not seen again after this, having delivered the weapon off-screen. +This superhero's name is Deathstroke (New 52). Their real name is Slade Wilson. Slade Joseph Wilson, AKA Deathstroke, is an excellent mercenary and is considered the deadliest assassin in the world. He has completed every contract he has been assigned to but one against the Teen Titans. Deathstroke loves what he does, but what he does isn't who he is, Deathstroke is a killer, Slade Wilson, on the other hand, is a good man. +This superhero's name is Deathstroke. Their real name is Slade Wilson. Slade Wilson was sixteen-years-old when he first enlisted in the United States Army, having lied about his age. After serving a stint in Korea, he was later assigned to Camp Washington where he had been promoted to the rank of Major. In the early 1960s, he met Captain Adeline Kane who was tasked with training young soldiers in new fighting techniques in anticipation of brewing troubles taking place in Vietnam. Kane was amazed at how skilled Slade was and how quickly he adapted to modern conventions of warfare. She immediately fell in love with him, and realized that he was without a doubt the most able-bodied combatant she had ever encountered. She offered to privately train Slade in guerrilla warfare. In less than a year, Slade mastered every fighting form presented to him and was soon promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Six months later, Adeline and he were married and she became pregnant with their first child. It was at this time that the war in Vietnam began to escalate and Slade was shipped overseas. At home, Adeline gave birth to their son Grant. Some time later, Wilson volunteered for a medical experiment designed to stimulate his adrenal gland in the hopes of increasing a soldier's ability to resist truth serums. The experiment did not go as expected, and Slade fell into a coma. When he awakened however, he discovered that he was now capable of using 90% of his brain capacity, and his strength, durability and agility were increased to near-superhuman levels. He applied for re-assignment with the Army, but they refused him. Although his condition was now stabilized, depression took hold of him and he was desperate to serve his country. At this time, Adeline became pregnant with their second child, Joseph. Unable to further his career in the military, Slade turned towards hunting. He became a world famous safari hunter and great wealth followed soon after. Adeline always suspected however that Slade felt unfulfilled. A few years later, a group of hired mercenaries broke into the Wilsons' mansion and kidnapped young Joey. Adeline attempted to fight them off, but a gas grenade prevented her from saving her son. When Slade discovered what had happened, he knew he could not keep the truth from his wife any longer. Slade was not only a world famous safari hunter, he was also one of the world's deadliest and most highly sought after assassins - Deathstroke the Terminator. He promised Adeline that he would save their son. Together, they flew to Tangiers and squared off against a rival mercenary known as the Jackal. The Jackal wanted Slade to reveal important information relating to a client or else he would have his men kill Joey. Slade gambled on the idea that he could save his son before the Jackal could give the order. Unfortunately, Joseph's throat was slashed by one of the criminals before Slade could prevent it, destroying his vocal cords and rendering him mute. After taking Joseph to the hospital, Slade's wife, enraged at his endangerment of her son, tried to kill Slade by shooting him, but only managed to destroy his right eye. Afterward, his confidence in his physical abilities was such that he made no secret of his impaired vision, marked by his mask which has a black featureless half covering his lost eye. Slade has a long history as an enemy of the Teen Titans, beginning when his other son, Grant, became an early Titans foe called the Ravager who was physically enhanced to fulfill a contract to kill or capture the Teen Titans. However, those enhancements proved fatal and Slade agreed to complete the contract. As a result, he attacked the Titans continually and finally succeeded in capturing them by introducing Terra (whom he shared an intimate relationship with, despite her being barely sixteen years old) into the team as a spy. Later Slade was defeated and captured with the help of Joseph, who joined the team as Jericho, using his father's body to free the Titans (although it is important to note that Slade didn't actually try to fight his son's control). Slade was put on trial for his crimes, but the trial was deliberately sabotaged by Garfield Logan, a.k.a. Beast Boy so that he could kill Slade himself, believing he was responsible for Terra's betrayal of the Titans. However, when the two confronted each other, Beast Boy found himself unable to kill Slade. Feeling some empathy for his grief, Slade explained his past with Terra, and Beast Boy realized he was not to blame for the choices Terra had made. The two men parted on peaceful terms afterward. Months later, Slade encountered the Titans again while they were investigating a mysterious plague linked to a group of biologically engineered beastmen, one of whom was a target of an assassination by Slade himself. When Troia and Raven were both stricken by the plague, he aided them in destroying the beastmen and finding a cure for the contagion. Shortly after this, he came to the Titans' assistance again when most of their members were abducted by the Wildebeest Society, and proved instrumental in tracking them down, only to discover their leader was none other than Jericho himself. It was revealed that Jericho had been possessed by the corrupted souls of Azarath, who were using him to capture the Titans and use them as physical hosts in order to survive. During the transfer process, Jericho's true self resurfaced briefly, begging his father to kill him. To spare his son any more pain and save the remaining Titans, Slade was forced to drive a sword through Jericho's heart, seemingly killing him. This act still haunts him to this day, though Jericho later turned out to have survived death by transferring his mind into his father's body seconds before his death. Afterward, Slade continued his life as a mercenary, but also acted as an occasional hero, aiding the Titans or acting on his own to help others, most notably when the Team Titans arrived in the 20th Century to assassinate Donna Troy before she could give birth to her son, who in their timeline had grown up into the tyrannical despot, Lord Chaos. His relationship with Garfield Logan had also changed around this time to the point where they became friends as well. Slade also met Pat Trayce, a tough former cop who would become the new costumed Vigilante. Pat Trayce and Slade quickly became lovers, and began a tumultuous on again/off again relationship. After Slade thwarted an assassination attempt on the President of the United States, he was subsequently framed for the murder of a U.S. Senator. The man responsible had taken on the identity of the Ravager and was hunting down Slade's friends and loved ones. Eventually with the help of the Titans and Sarge Steel, Slade was able to prove his innocence, and the true culprit was revealed to be Steve Dayton, under the alias of the Crimelord, who had again succumbed to mental instability caused by his Mento helmet. Meanwhile, his relationship with his estranged wife Adeline took a tragic turn as Slade underwent a process to gain regeneration power, allowing him to survive any wound so long as his brain is intact (this power is limited, as Slade cannot regenerate his lost eye since that injury happened before he gained his healing factor). After gaining this power, Slade was forced to give his wife a blood transfusion to save her life, resulting in her gaining a similar healing factor which manifested itself as a form of immortality. This alteration of her DNA drove Adeline insane, shaming Deathstroke into going into a semi-retirement state. Later, Deathstroke teamed up with the Titans to face his wife Adeline, who in her insane state, had revived The H.I.V.E. and sought to rid the world of all superhumans, blaming them for Jericho's death. During the battle, interrupted by Vandal Savage and a band of villains that he had organized from recent Titan battles, Adeline's throat was slit. In a brief return of sanity, she begged Slade to kill her, requesting him to reunite her with "my... our children... " since her version of the healing factor wouldn't heal the wound, but only allow her to live in spite of it. Deathstroke refused, but Starfire shocked her teammates and Deathstroke by using a starbolt blast to disintegrate her completely, per Adeline's wishes. This was a turning point, as Deathstroke renounced all ties with the Titans as a result of this act of mercy on Starfire's part. Recently, it was revealed that Jericho managed to transfer his consciousness into Deathstroke in the instant before his death. Taking control of his father, Jericho forced Deathstroke to murder his longtime butler, mentor, and companion Wintergreen. He then launched a series of attacks against the current Teen Titans, most notably shattering Impulse's knee with a shotgun blast, before leaving his father's body. Deathstroke has since manipulated his one remaining child, Rose Wilson, into the mercenary business as the new Ravager, in order to find and kill Jericho, using a specially-designed serum to heighten her hostility and push her over the edge; unfortunately, the process also resulted in her being driven at least partially insane, to the extent that she cut out her own left eye in an attempt to prove to her father that she was just like him. During Identity Crisis, Deathstroke was enlisted as a bodyguard for Doctor Light, who was being chased by the Justice League. In the ensuing battle, Deathstroke nearly beat the team of Elongated Man, the Flash, Zatanna, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, the Atom, and Green Lantern. He systematically took out every member except for GL, whom he had the potential to disable through trying to usurp his ring's energies using his own formidable willpower. Fortunately, before the outcome of this conflict with Green Lantern ended, Green Arrow stuck an arrow in Deathstroke's right eye socket, enraging him. Slade went ballistic and began to beat Green Arrow, but was stopped when the majority of the team tackled Deathstroke to the ground. Dr. Light used his powers, and the two escaped. Near the end of Identity Crisis, Deathstroke confronts Green Arrow on a rooftop. Arrow sees his reflection in the windows of a nearby building, but when he turns to confront Slade, Deathstroke is gone. Instead, Green Arrow finds Slade's cowl and a note stuck to the wall by the very arrow he stabbed in Slade's eye socket. The note reads, "This is yours - We're not done." Deathstroke was a founding member of Lex Luthor's Secret Society of Super Villains. He was seen hiding in a warehouse south of Metropolis, waiting to ambush the Freedom Fighters with several other members. The battle didn't last long, and by the end, Deathstroke had impaled Phantom Lady through the chest, calling his action "just business". He was the employer of an undercover Dick Grayson, whom he hired to train his daughter Rose. However, after the two had a confrontation with Superman, Deathstroke discovered that Nightwing had been teaching Rose the values of heroism. He could not kill Grayson in front of his daughter because doing so would undo all of Slade's teachings. Nightwing offered a deal: he would stay away from Rose if Slade would keep the metahuman villains out of Bl�dhaven. The deal held for 34 hours when Slade, under the orders of Alexander Luthor, Jr., the real leader of the Society, went with several villains - who included old Titans and Doom Patrol foes and Brotherhood of Evil members Monsieur Mallah and Brain - to drop Chemo, another fellow villain who appeared to be a nearly brainless monster made of pure energy and radioactive chemicals, on Bl�dhaven, killing thousands. Slade gave the explanation to the Brotherhood that Nightwing should be made to believe that he can never go home again. Grayson took the first of his revenge by bursting in on Deathstroke and Rose's training session, revealing to the latter that the Kryptonite that Deathstroke had implanted in place of her missing eye was radioactive and deadly to humans as well as to Kryptonians (though slower in its effects on humans, as revealed by Lex Luthor's old possession of a Kryptonite ring that forced him to transfer his brain to a cloned body). Angered, Slade went after Nightwing with a grenade, only to have Rose try to stop him. Amid the smoke of the resulting explosion, Rose fled, telling her father that she hated him. Dick disappeared as well, but not before leaving a note for Slade warning him that he'd be back to make him pay for Bl�dhaven. At the climactic Battle of Metropolis at the conclusion of Infinite Crisis, Slade was confronted by Batman, Robin, and Nightwing. During the struggle, he was questioned regarding his motives for aiding the Secret Society. His claims of monetary motivation were deemed unsatisfactory, and he was told to take responsibility before being rendered unconscious. Slade appears after the one year jump. Apparently in hiding, he nearly murders a crony of several Star City businessmen who want to hire him for a murder. Before finishing his violent refusal, he asks the name of the target; when informed that it was to be the mayor of Star City, Oliver Queen (whom Deathstroke knows is secretly Green Arrow), he spares the lackey and decides to take the job. However, things don't quite go according to plan, with Green Arrow using the resources of both his identities, then trapping him within a ring of armed National Guardsmen. The fight ends with Deathstroke's arrest and subsequent conviction and incarceration; however, this is revealed as a ploy to gain access to another jailed foe of Green Arrow's who has information on the hero's activities in the "lost year", which include Green Arrow studying under an assassin, Natas, who once trained Deathstroke himself. Deathstroke is also active behind the scenes in Teen Titans, currently in the process of organizing a counter-team of teen superhumans that will be known as Titans East. The current Titans team included Ravager, who now wanted nothing to do with her father. Deathstroke seemingly intended to "reclaim" Ravager and a recently resurrected Jericho from the Titans or, if that failed, to crush them along with the rest of the team. For these reasons, he specially selected each member of Titans East, believing that, overall, each member would successfully counteract every member of the current Teen Titans line-up. Deathstroke was manipulating every member of his new team in one way or another. He had blackmailed former Titan Risk while at the same time offering him an outlet for his rage, was drugging Batgirl with the same serum he'd used on Rose, and supplied Inertia with a formula which granted superhuman speed to compensate for the loss of the Speed Force following the initial battle with Superboy-Prime. His team, however, slowly fell apart over the course of the attack, as Robin (Tim Drake) managed to free Batgirl of his mind control serum and Raven convinced Duela Dent to switch sides. Slade and his remaining Titans subsequently faced off against both the current Titans and a group of old Titans led by Nightwing. Although he was defeated, he still managed to escape with the aid of Inertia. In the end, however, it was revealed to the readers that Slade's real mission to was provide his children with something he could never offer them - a real family, in the form of the Teen Titans. By attacking the Titans, he insured that Rose and Jericho would become more trusted by their associates, and thus grow closer to the team. Recently, Deathstroke took credit for somehow twisting (through unknown means) the powers of Brion Markov, the half-brother of the original Terra, into the same powers as his traitorous sister's. Using this leverage, Deathstroke offered to reverse the process only if Geo-Force became his own personal spy within the Justice League. Unfortunately for Deathstroke, Geo-Force alerted Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman of Deathstroke's scheme which culminated in Geo-Force alerting the League that Deathstroke (whose rivalry with Green Arrow has reached vendetta-level proportions) planned on using an army of super-villains to crash Green Arrow and Black Canary's wedding. Weeks later, Geo-Force was tortured by Gorilla Grodd after the League was kidnapped by the Injustice League and ultimately transferred to Batman's newest incarnation of the Outsiders afterwards, robbing Deathstroke of his potential pawn. He was one of the few villains significantly not deported to the Hell Planet during the events of Salvation Run. Deathstroke was, however, seen amongst the ranks of the reformed Secret Society of Super-Villains under the leadership of Libra during the events of Final Crisis, although he does not appear to play as substantial a role in it as he did in the previous incarnation. Also during the Crisis, he is gravely injured with his own sword by Geo-Force, whom he had been attempting to use as a weapon against the world's heroes the same way he had used Terra to infiltrate the Titans. In the Teen Titans (vol. 3) tie-in to the Blackest Night crossover, Deathstroke is living in the deceased Wintergreen's house and reading his journal, when he is attacked by Rose. During the fight, the two are attacked by their deceased relatives - Grant, Wade, and Adeline, who, along with Wintergreen, have all been reanimated as Black Lanterns. Deathstroke and Rose are forced to work together and fight for their lives against the Black Lanterns. The two hopelessly fight the regenerating Black Lanterns until Jericho, cured from his earlier insanity, arrives and turns the tide of the fight. During the course of the battle, Deathstroke confesses to his children that part of the reason why he menaced the Teen Titans for so many years was that he felt that by forcing his children to hate him, they would have a chance of escaping the sorrow and pain a life with him would entail. Just as Slade is overwhelmed and about to be killed, Jericho somehow uses his abilities to sever the connection between the Black Lanterns and their power rings, permanently sending them back to the grave. After realizing that her mother was not reborn as a member of the Black Lantern Corps, Rose comes to the conclusion that she must somehow still be alive, and leaves after threatening to kill Slade if he tries to stop her. Jericho chooses to stay with his father, reasoning that only Slade would have the courage to kill him if he were to ever return to madness.[5] Following the Black Lanterns' encounter, Slade begins forming a new team of Titans consisting of Jericho, Cheshire, Tattooed Man and others. Deathstroke has been seen working with the League of Assassins, controlling the body and physical actions of Robin Damian Wayne due to an implant planted in his back by his mother, Talia al Ghul, during an operation. Talia intended for Deathstroke to use Damian's body to kill Dick Grayson, the current incarnation of Batman. This attempt failed, because his enhanced abilities proved to be a strain on Damian's body. +This superhero's name is Dementor. Their real name is . The Dementors are dark wraith-like creatures used by the Ministry of Magic to guard the wizard prison Azkaban, which all originally served as the secondary antagonists of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. They later served as minor antagonists in Order of the Phoenix and supporting antagonists in Deathly Hallows, when they turned against the Ministry and joined Voldemort's army. +This superhero's name is Demogoblin. Their real name is . After losing fights with Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, Jason Philip Macendale Jr., aka the Hobgoblin, took advantage of the Inferno crisis by following several demons back to their lair and confronting their demonic lord, N'Astirh. Macendale wanted enough power to defeat his enemies, and offered his soul to N'Astirh in exchange for such power. When N'Astirh stopped laughing, the demon lord decided that Macendale's effrontery was worth something even if his soul wasn't, and had him possessed. This gave Macendale the physical strength he craved, coupled with superhuman speed and endurance; unfortunately, the demon who possessed him proved to be incompatible, and the two fought many a battle for control of Macendale's physical form until the demon literally ripped away from its human host and began a separate existence as the Demogoblin. Demogoblin was a religious fanatic who had no interest in personal wealth or position. He was determined to destroy all sinners and thus gain redemption for himself. Since his definition of sinner was rather strict and exempted only children, he found himself in continual conflict with Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, Venom and even his former host, Macendale. His interest in purifying New York City caused him to join with Carnage and Co., although he deplored Carnage's lack of discipline, Demogoblin eventually forgave Macendale, which annoyed the Hobgoblin so much he decided to rid the world of his other half once and for all. The final battle took place in a church. When a pillar in the church started to give way and threaten a nearby child, Demogoblin held the pillar up long enough for the child to escape, but was crushed to death when his strength gave out. +This superhero's name is Desaad. Their real name is Unknown. Desaad is Darkseid's sadistic aide and inventor. He remains at Darkseid's side helping him, but any time the lord of Apokolips is deposed by another villain, Desaad will cowardly change his allegiance to the new master. +This superhero's name is Desmond Miles. Their real name is Desmond Miles. Desmond Miles is the main protagonist of the first five Assassin's Creed video games. +This superhero's name is Destroyer (MCU). Their real name is . The Destroyer (or The Destroyer Automaton) was an enchanted Asgardian automaton used primarily to guard the Odin's Vault, though it could also be used as a weapon against its master's enemies. The Destroyer unquestionably obeyed the ruler of Asgard and wielder of Gungnir, no matter who the ruler may be at any given time. +This superhero's name is Destroyer. Their real name is . Long ago, the alien race of beings called the Celestials conducted genetic experiments on humanity of the planet Earth. The gods that looked after the Earth knew that with the Celestials eventual return, there would be a judgment that would seal the planetís fate. If humanity was deemed unworthy of life, by the unknown standards of this mysterious race, Earth would be destroyed. The Destroyer was created, by the command of Odin, as a weapon to use against the mighty Celestials. The task was taken on by the finest craftsmen of Asgard, and once finished Odin, Zeus, and all other leading Earth gods transferred a portion of their power into the construct which gave it superhuman strength and energy manipulating powers. Odin then had the Destroyer sealed within a temple within a plateau hoping it would be out of reach of any would use its tremendous powers for evil until the purpose it was designed for could be implemented. For many years the Destroyer remained lifeless until a vengeful Loki destroyed the plateau to reveal the temple inside. Loki then led a hunter, Buck Franklin, to the Destroyer in order to use the hunterís life essence to animate the weapon and send it against his hated half-brother Thor. Since the Destroyer is not a living entity, it is not affected by Odinís magic that anyone unworthy canít use it as with Thorís hammer, Mjolnir, and it can absorb the life essence of anyone. The Destroyer is not a suit of armor that can be physically worn or disassembled. A life force must be projected into the armor in order to animate it which leaves the possessorís body in a catatonic state. The Destroyer is linked to the body of the individual inside which is why the person does not die due to lack of life force, but if the personís essence is put back inside its body by a powerful spell directed at the person, the Destroyer will become inanimate once again. By the same token, if the personís body is killed, the life force will leave the Destroyer and revert it back to its lifeless state. Normally, a person has to be close to the Destroyer and a willing participant to have their life essence transferred into it, but a personís essence can also be transferred if that person is not mentally guarded for such a transfer. Odin or Loki, however, can make the transferals over great distances due to their proficiency with magic. Also, the Destroyer was given its own intelligence but has been programmed to destroy, so when a life essence is absorbed into the armor, the Destroyer normally takes over and the person inside has no choice but to go along with its programming unless the will of the person is the same as the will of the Destroyer. In Buck Franklinís case, Franklin and the Destroyer both wanted to destroy Thor, so Franklinís consciousness acted as one with the Destroyerís. Thor and the Destroyer battled within the temple, but Thor emerged victorious when he used Franklinís body as a shield and tricked the Destroyer into transferring the life force of Franklin back into his body. Thor then rescued Franklin, and destroyed the temple in order to bury the Destroyer under it. This result was not satisfying to the God of mischief, and sometime later, Loki transferred his own consciousness in to the Destroyer while in exile. This time Loki used the power of the Destroyer to go to Asgard and attack Odin. Odin located Lokiís body and forced his life force out of the Destroyer and back where it belonged and into a state of unconsciousness. Again Loki had a plot to use the Destroyer but this time he had Karnilla, the Norn Queen on his side and they used the life force of the goddess, Sif to animate it, and some time after that an accident allowed the essence of Professor Clement Holmes to enter the Destroyer. Thor finally gave the Destroyer to Galactus to act as his herald, but Loki eventually stole it back to use against Thor in another sinister plot by first using Balder and then Thor, himself, to animate the armor. However, while Thorís essence animated the Destroyer he was able to gain control of the Destroyer through tremendous will power. Odin has also projected himself into the armor and has taken control but without any struggle making him, Thor and Loki the only individuals that were able to suppress the Destroyerís consciousness. Eventually, the Celestials returned to Earth again ready to pass judgment, and that is when Odin thought the time had come for the Celestials to do battle with the Destroyer. Odin transferred all of the Asgardians (except Thorís) life essences into himself and then into the armor causing it to grow to a tremendous size. Wielding the Odinsword and invading the South American base of the Celestials, the Destroyer could not do much damage to those gathered there despite its overwhelming power. The Celestials fired bolts of energy at the Destroyer and melted it into slag just as Arishem, who was the leader of the Celestials on Earth, melted the Odinsword down to nothing. The Celestials were then presented, by Gaea, with twelve humans that possessed incredible powers as an offering to illustrate the potential of humanity. These Young Gods were taken by the Celestials to be trained in the use of their powers, and the Earth was spared. The life forces of the Asgardians were left to drift away, and it not for Thor and the other Earth gods, Odin and the other gods would not have been revived. Later, Loki sent the Destroyerís melted form to a place where the Frost Giants would find it and tricked one of them into stepping on it. On impact, the Destroyer was immediately reverted to its normal form and began to attack the giants until it noticed the remains of Thor. Thor was badly beaten and left in a horrible state after a battle with Jormungand, the Midgard serpent, but Thor could not die because of a curse placed on him by Hela, the death goddess. The Destroyer thought that since Thorís body could not be killed his life force would be the perfect essence to animate it because none could threaten the body of Thor. However, upon taking in the life force of Thor, Thor suppressed the consciousness of the Destroyer and took control of the armor and invaded the realm of Hela. Thor then pretended that the Detsroyer was taking over and he threatened to kill Hela until she restored Thorís body and lifted her curse from him. Thor then returned to his body, his ruse successful, and trapped the Destroyer armor in a crystal in Hel where it could not be used for evil. After Thor had returned from another dimension with other absent heroes after the battle with Onslaught, the Dark Gods had taken control of Asgard and the Destroyer was set loose once more. Thor and the Destroyer fought, and Thor was nearly killed when the Destroyer unleashed the power of his disintegrator beam. Thor was sent to Hel, but was restored by the mysterious Marnot when he combined Thorís life force with that of paramedic, Jake Olsen. Thor was returned to Earth just in time to save the lives of the Avengers who had renewed the battle with the Destroyer after Thorís apparent passing. Thor banished the Destroyer to a remote place, but would soon seek it out again in order to form a partnership that would set them, and others, against the Dark Gods for the liberation Asgard. After Thor and his allies were victorious, Odin transferred the life essence inside the Destroyer back to its rightful owner leaving him with no memory of the incident. Soon after that, Loki brought the Destroyer back to Earth, animating it with the soul of Tarene the cosmic being known as the Designate, who would later take on the identity of Thor Girl out of admiration of Thor. In the end, the Destroyer was defeated and Tarene was restored, but Thor was severely wounded. Dr. Jane Foster could heal Jake Olsen's wounds but remained unable to treat Thor's. Odin brought Thor to Asgard and physically separated Thor from his alter ego to allow Thor to heal and to allow Jake Olsen to return to his life on Earth. The Destroyer has not been animated since that time, and because of the destruction of Asgard due to the events of Ragnarok its whereabouts were unknown until recently. The Destroyer had returned during Thor's quest to liberate his people from the human shells they now inhabited. Loki used the Destroyer to trick Thor into releasing those Asgardians that were considered evil by forcing the construct to kidnap the human hosts and present an immediate danger to them. Thor defeated the Destroyer by releasing the soul who gave the construct life, the soul of Balder, the Brave. +This superhero's name is Destruction Of The Endless. Their real name is Destruction. Destruction is the fourth eldest of the Endless. He is the embodiment of destruction and creation +This superhero's name is Detective Chimp. Their real name is Bobo T. Chimpanzee. Detective Chimp (or D.C.) was captured by a man named Fred Thorpe in the equatorial region of Africa in 1953 and intended to be used as sideshow act known as “Bobo the Detective Chimp.” He was essentially trained by Fred to answer pre-determined questions using a system of signals. Despite his removal from Africa by Thorpe, he still forms a strong bond with the man that had given him a simpler and safer life. During a trip to Florida, Rex, the Wonder Dog takes D.C. to the Fountain of Youth and after benefiting from its waters D.C. gains the ability to talk to all living creatures. Eventually, Fred Thorpe dies and D.C. sets out on his own as a detective for hire.While drinking at the Oblivion Bar, Chimp overhears Ragman and Enchantress try to wear the rest of the bar patrons that the Spectre has gone mad and trying to destroy all magic. Most people are skeptical, and that is when Chimp speaks up. He informs them that the situation may be worse and produces the Phantom Stranger, who has been turned into a mouse, from his pocket. (It is never explained how Chimp found the modified Stranger in the first place.) Chimp convinces six heroes that they need to take the fight to the Spectre, they form a team that will be known as the Shadowpact, although Chimp will try many different names before settling on the name. Chimp then informs the group that he has a plan and needs Nightshade's help and the pair teleport to Dayton, Ohio where Chimp tracks down Black Alice. Chimp and Nightshade are able to convince her to help them stop the Spectre from destroying all magic, but not before lending his magic to Enchantress to funnel to Billy Batson to battle the Spectre. Back at the bar Spectre reveals his plan to have Black Alice steal Spectre's powers, but this does work perfectly and Spectre escapes and the Shadowpact is forced to battle Eclipso, the being that made Spectre go mad in the first place. The team tries to fight Eclipso but when mouse-Phantom Stranger gives Chimp an idea he orders Nightshade to teleport Eclipso to the sun, thus saving the day. The team plans on going after the escaped Spectre but the Stranger stops them and Chimp and the other are able to watch the final battle between The Wizard and the Spectre. +This superhero's name is Detroit Steel. Their real name is Lt. Doug Johnson III. After the death of Justin Hammer, Hammer Industries, led by Justine Hammer (daughter of Justin Hammer) and her daughter, Sasha Hammer, not only wished revenge on Stark for the death of patriarch Justin, but saw Stark as an obstacle for their product, Detroit Steel, which they hoped to market globally as a new soldier for the post-9/11 world. The prototype unit, Detroit Steel Mark One, was piloted by Lt. Doug Johnson III, who underwent surgical modifications in order to operate the armor, and also trained the other pilots in the company's Steelcorps army. +This superhero's name is Devastator. Their real name is Bruce Wayne. The Batman of Earth -1 had always been weary of trusting Superman, fearing that one day he would go rogue. Unfortunately, Batman’s fears would become reality when Superman suddenly murdered Lois Lane and began slaughtering people for no apparent reasoned. The Caped Crusader hoped that he'd find some explanation as to why Superman would turn on them so he could somehow save his friend, but was unable to before he was forced into fighting the Man Of Steel himself. Batman fought Superman with a Kryptonite-tipped spear which was soon disposed of when Superman amputated the arm Batman clutched his spear in. Superman then expressed his disappointment that after all the debates over who would win in a fight between the pair, a spear was the only thing Batman had to fight him with. However, Batman soon revealed that the spear was just to draw attention away from his real weapon; a modified Doomsday Virus that he then injects into himself. After transforming into a gigantic Doomsday-like creature (which regenerated his missing right arm in the process), Batman proceeds to pummel Superman before pushing a spike through his chest, killing him. Batman’s victory came at a cost however, as the Doomsday Virus began to spread across the planet and transform everyone into mindless, rampaging monsters. With Batman unable to stop the spread of the virus and the world nearing it's end, he accepted an offer from The Batman Who Laughs to join the Dark Knights and became known among the group as The Devastator. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/The_Devastator +This superhero's name is Devilman. Their real name is Akira Fudo. Transformation Akira is first seen walking home from his first day at his new school with Miki Makimura whose family he had recently moved in with. One the way however they are stopped by Ken, Go and Dosu-Roku three gang member, all of whom were all attracted to Miki and start teasing the two, Miki gets angered by them whilst Akira tries to keep everything cool, Miki slaps Ken and Meriken-Jo but is grabbed by a furious Dosu-Roku starts to try and undress her, whilst Akira is held back by the other two, luckily they are saved by the sudden and mysterious intervention of Ryo Asuka who threatens the gang with a highly illegal sawed-off shotgun. Ryo says that he needs to speak to Akira privately and Miki is forced to walk back by herself. On the way to Ryo's home, he reveals that his father committed suicide after killing his dog John and then attempted to kill Ryo, as they arrive at his home he tells Akira that his father had been possessed by a Demon. At first, Akira didn't believe his friend's story but Ryo takes him to an empty room containing only a strange demonic mask. Ryo tells him to put the mask on, he does so and his mind is suddenly barraged with visions of Demons explaining their origins and powers and how they were escaping from their icy tomb. These images were projected by the demon known as Psycho Jenny but this was unknown to both Akira and Ryo at the time. After removing the mask Ryo says why he brought Akira here, he says that he wants Akira to become a warrior against the Demons to protect the human race. Akira at first thinks Ryo was insane for thinking of such an idea. Ryo tells him to think about it and drives him home. However on the way they are attacked by the hordes of demons. They are forced to go back to Ryo's house, however, Ryo takes Akira into a hidden basement in his home, and Akira decides that he will become a demon warrior. Ryo then moves through the basement to reveal another hidden room and much to Akira's surprise is holding a massive party. Ryo says that he is planning to perform a Black Sabbath, meaning he would have to cause much carnage within the room to summon the demons. Akira was hesitant to let people die and be overcome by such fearsome creatures in spite of their sinful nature. As Ryo starts stabbing people with a broken wine bottle, the partiers angrily start to beat them both up but unknown to them they were being possessed by demon starting with the she-demon Welvath. They continue to transform and kill those who failed to do so, before surrounding Akira. But suddenly Akira blacks out and starts to become overtaken by the demon Amon. Akira's pure heart and soul dominates Amon and gains control of his body, turning into Devilman for the first time. He proceeds to kill every demon in the area. Suddenly remembering Ryo, he tries to find his friend only to see that Ryo had been crushed by a dead demon, and screams in pain over his friend's supposed death. Sirene Attacks A little while later Akira is seen mocking Tare and Miki Makimura commenting on Miki's breasts swelling after having too many baths. She angrily retorts only to then go to pour another bath, Akira then suddenly leaves having sensed some trouble about to start. At the same time, the she-demon Sirene arrives and lands on top of the Makimura residence and summons her two demon subordinates Ghelmer and Agwel as they attack the Makimura family.  Realizing that the battle had begun Akira runs to find the Makimuras but is greeted by Tare running in panic after finding his parents embedded in the wall and ceiling. Akira tells Tare to hide and runs to rescue Miki from Ghelmer and Agwel who use all of their abilities to fight and trick Akira, with Ghelmer even using Miki as a puppet. Fortunately, Devilman manages to turn the tables on both demons, killing them. He sets Miki down on the bed but still senses another demon. He is then attacked by Sirene who grabs Akira by her talons and flies into the sky. Akira struggles to get himself free as Sirene proceeds to crush him. Akira is saved by a recently awakened Ryo using a sniper rifle with Sirene losing her grip and Akira transforming into his Devilman form. Sirene knocks out Ryo with one of her claws as she grapples with Devilman. The two battle in mid-air before landing on the ground, Sirene's telekinesis proved to be a problem as she uses it attacks Akira with trees and her detached arm that she uses it to cut through Akira's right arm and then impales it into his chest. Akira figures out that it was her antenna that was controlling the arm and uses his own antenna to fry the receptors in hers causing the arm to go out of control and impale her in her stomach, Akira then rips off her right-wing grounding the demon. Sirene, however, is helped by other demons including her companion Kaim. Akira takes out the other demons but now has to deal with Sirene's gestalt with Kaim. Badly wounded, Akira finally admits defeat and falls unconscious. Waking up in the morning however, he finds out that Sirene didn't take the final strike as she died from her wounds. Ryo had patched up Akira's wounds and reattached his arm. Akira then sees Sirene's frozen body in the sunlight, noticing that she died with a smile of victory upon her face, something which Akira remarks as being beautiful. Rasber's Invasion After the battle with Sirene, Akira overhears his classmates talk about disappearances around Japan, Akira knowing that demons were the cause of it. At the top of the school's roof, Dosu-Roku's gang challenge him to a fight however in a matter of minutes they are all defeated by Akira and sprawled out across the roof. Later at the end of school Miki comes to find Akira only for the two to be cornered by Masa and his gang. However, Akira realizes that they had been possessed and hadn't merged with them so he took care not to kill them. He crushes the spiders on the groups head freeing them from their possession. They thank him and agree to join him in his battle against the Demon race. However as soon as they get outside, they are surrounded by many of the school's more physical and strong students had also been possessed by the Spider Demons and start to attack them. Akira tells the gang to protect Miki while he goes to find the spider's control. The demon Rasber, however, used a perfect copy of himself, he mocks Akira as he forms an image in the sky as Zann the demon general of the Army of 100 Demons issues his commands and taunts everyone. Rasber laughs at Akira and the others and retracts the Demon Spiders. He then attacks and wraps up Miki and the gang in his webbing, Akira battles Rasber and kills him quickly allowing the others to escape. Jinmen's Torture Display After departing from the gang, Miki and Akira go back to the Makimura Residence were they encounter a small girl trying to reach for the doorbell. The girl's name was Sachiko and she was a friend of Akira's before he moved away to live with the Makimura's, Akira invites her inside although Miki and Sachiko immediately start to agitate each other. Akira later takes Sachiko to the train station and put her on the 16:10 Shinkansen and tells her not to make such long journeys on her own anymore, she agrees and the two depart. However later that night, news of the 16:10 Shinkansen's disappearance is announced and almost as soon as Akira learns about this he gets a mysterious phone call telling him to meet him at a local park and then tells him that his little friend was delicious and reveals himself as Jinmen of Zann's troops. Akira barely retaining his anger flees the Makimura home and goes to a park that Jinmen told him to meet. After waiting around the park's playground a while he sees the face of Sachiko. He calls out to her, she replies by saying "I didn't want to die, I'm so young" afterward more screaming faces appear around her before a laugh is heard and the demon Jinmen reveals himself to Akira. After some brief dialogue the two battle one another but it is not long before that he damages one of the faces on Jinmen's back, shocked by its screams Akira freezes in his tracks. Jinmen then tells him that the faces upon his back are still alive as when he ate a living creature it would become one with his shell never dying. They continue to battle, but Jinmen gets the upper hand as Akira constantly misses trying not to hit the faces. However, Sachiko screams out to Akira and tells him to smash through her and destroy Jinmen. Begrudgingly he does so and smashes through Sachiko's eye and through Jinmen's chest. Jinmen starts to stumble around before Akira grabs him and rips off his shell, killing Jinmen, the faces on his back, and what was left of Sachiko. Zennon's Declaration The next time Akira is seen, he breaks the fourth wall and addresses the reader. He tells them that this would no longer be his own drama but the whole world's, including the reader. He then fades away, and not much later the demon's start to go a suicide march merging into peoples body's at random causing many people to die or turn into demons. During the panic Ryo finds Akira, Ryo explains to him what the more intelligent demons were doing by sending the lesser demons to merge with perfectly lucid or normal people meaning they would die in the process. However, he also says that a few of the mergings would work but not many. Ryo panics at several thoughts including how humanity will wreak havoc about this. Akira doubts this saying humanity would not be so weak as they had the courage that would conquer fear. However, he is sadly proved wrong when a news report showed the destruction of the city of Tsuringrad which had just been obliterated with a hydrogen bomb, having been fired by the Soviet Union. The report goes on to say that it was necessary to stop the demons. A few days later Akira reads in a paper about a girl who accidentally killed her two friends with acids ejected from her body, the girl's name was Mikiko Kawamoto. He starts to realize that there would be others like him and that he should form together an army of Devilmen to defeat the demons. Immediately after, he gets a phone call from Ryo telling him to look outside. He rushes out to see a gigantic four-headed demon, the Demon King Zennon. Zennon announces himself across the world telling humanity that the demons were coming to retake the Earth and eradicate humanity just like they did the dinosaurs. He then announces that the attack will take place in five minutes before teleporting away. Akira realizes Zennon was the demon Amon had nightmares about previously. When he tells the Makimura's to go hold up in their home, he notices a collection of military vehicles go past. He runs inside the house to find Ryo. Ryo tells him that he shouldn't go out to right now, telling Akira to wait for a later fight. To demonstrate, Ryo opens the window to see a massive armada of flying demons across the Tokyo sky. Akira watches the carnage of the demons and decides to leave, Ryo tries to stop him but Akira slaps him and leaves. Akira goes on a rampage and kills many demons, however, he eventually comes face to face with a demoness named Psycho Jenny who uses her powers and knocks Akira unconscious. Suddenly swarms of demons surround him, Jenny disappears and the demons move in for the kill. But Akira is saved when the demon General Zann comes flying down and forbids them from killing him after receiving orders from his master, which to everyone's surprise was someone higher than even Zennon. Later Akira later awakes to find himself in a bed bandaged with Ryo looking over him, Ryo turns on the TV and shows Kyoto burning in flames. Ryo berates him about having going outside and tells him that humanity had no chance to destroy the Demons. Akira reveals to Ryo about the other Devilmen and about Satan being the true leader of the demons. The TV then suddenly switches showing the entirety of Russia absorbed in a blinding white light, as soon as Ryo sees this he screams in terror with Akira stunned by what just happened. Later that night Akira returns to the Makimura home and is glad to see it mostly undamaged. However when inside, he sees several dead snakes around the home. Miki tells him they were attacked by a demon named Rosushido, however, they were saved by the sudden arrival of Meriken-Jo and Dosu-Roku who kill the demon. Akiko comes through and tells them to watch the television saying that the government had discovered a way to defeat the demons, and the newly designed Demon Busters are shown off to the world. The Devilman Corps Later after Akira had managed to gather together a small group of Devilmen, Dosu-Roku comes running to him telling him about a young kid who they suspected to be a Devilman. After Dosu-Roku leaves Akira and the other Devilmen join hands and attempt to psychically contact other Devilmen. Unfortunately, they are unsuccessful. They are suddenly mocked by a burst o loud laughter who reveal themselves as the Bonds of Hinduism, they tell them that they would help them and use their psychic abilities to contact the Devilman across the entire world. Akira is later seen lurking around the anti-demon labs where he grabs Dr. Rainuma the man behind the Anti-Demon Corps, he demands to know where his fellow Devilmen were. He takes him to Mikiko the girl Akira had earlier read about in the newspaper, he breaks her containment tube and tells her what she was before picking her up and flying her away to safety. Ryo's Betrayal A little while later Akira arrives at the Makimura home, where the family was waiting along with Dosu-Roku and Masa. Akira, who had had been searching for Ryo, arrives home after having searched for him for a long time. Miki tries to cheer him up and turns on the TV. It goes to the news and it says that they were holding an interview with Ryo, who had something to share with the world. initially Akira thought that Ryo was going to prove Dr. Rainuma's theories false and explain the Devilmen, however instead Ryo shows a videotape. The tape showed Akira's first transformation into Devilman, and at that the others run in fear, Kozo pulls a gun on him and Miki runs in fear. He grabs ahold of Miki but is warded off by Kozo who tells him to get out, Akira tries to explain but starts to doubt even himself and begins to panic. However, he regains his senses and explains that he was Devilman and he retained his human heart and soul. After that, Kozo advises that he still leave as the Demon Busters would arrive soon, he thanks them before saying he would see Miki again soon before leaving. Unbeknownst to him, Kozo and Akiko are taken in his place by the Demon Busters for having harbored a demon. Akira later finds Ryo waiting for him as the sun was rising in some rubble. Ryo tells Akira that he should let him do what he wants. Akira, angry at Ryo's betrayal shouts at Ryo, but Ryo remains calm and tells him that a new age was coming soon. Akira calmly asks what he meant by this, and decided whether or not he should kill him. Ryo tells him that the demons were no longer attacking and were taking a backseat as they watched humanity slowly crumble, continuing his new age. Akira then starts to realize something. Ryo then tells him that he had Akira merge with Amon not to save the human race, but simply because he didn't want to see Akira disappear alongside the rest of humanity. He finishes by saying that he didn't want to fight the Devilman army and starts to walk away. Ryo says that he wants the Devilmen to come with him into the new era, and with that, he turns and walks off into the sunrise. Akira now realizing who Ryo really was, calls out his name. He turns and briefly looks over before continuing on.  Afterward, he is joined by Masami Izumi, who is better known as the Devilman Puffurle, He asks her about Satan being as beautiful as an Angel. She tells him about how Satan was an angel who had dared to defy God and was banished from Heaven to earth. She jokes saying that maybe he has seen Satan, he flatly replies saying he had. She turns to ask what he meant but decides against it. Akira had fully realized that his longtime friend and companion was in fact Satan. The End of the Makimura's Later Akira runs into Dosu-Roku who tells him the Miki's parents had both been arrested and were now being tortured. Akira tells him to go and gather all the Devilmen he knew. And with that, the entire Devilman army is gathered together as it flies over to destroy the Anti-Demon Corps HQ. The building is slowly brought down, costing the lives of several Devilmen in the process. However, after the building finally collapses, Akira begins to explore the basements. He comes across the torture rooms, after looking through for a while he comes across Akiko's body scarred and bloodied hanging down from some meat hooks. He continues to look on through, and he hears someone faintly call his name he turns to see Kozo in a large torture machine. Akira goes over to him and he has enough strength to call out Kensaku and Miki's name before coughing up his blood and passing. Akira finds the three men responsible, they beg for their lives, but he ignores the pleas and engulfs them in flames. Afterward, Akira sits and thinks about what had happened. Masami comes and finds him in the basement, she asks what he was thinking and he replies saying that he was still thinking about Satan and humans. He says that he has realized that the humans are no longer worth fighting for as they became even worse than the Demons. But he then realizes that he still had someone to fight for, Miki. He rushes back to the Makimura residence only see that it had been burnt to the ground and dancing around the flames were Miki's neighbors. They had the body parts of Kenskau, Masa and Miki on pikes being marched around proudly. Akira runs at them and ignites himself on fire wiping out the entire surrounding area. He picks up Miki's head and clutches it in his arms, now knowing he had nothing left to protect and starts to cry. Endgame Akira gathers the entirety of the Devilmen from across the world and prepares for battle. Despite Satan trying to put it off, they are forced into a war by Akira and their two generals Zennon and Psycho Jenny. However, they initially refuse to do so as they had fallen in love with Akira. The two gigantic forces gather and face each other. The war begins and goes on for over twenty years. Unfortunately, Akira loses the fight and is torn in two in the end. Satan sits with him a while sitting on a large isolated rock in the ocean, Akira stares up at the moon. Satan tells him about their father God and how he created the Earth. Satan tells him how they wanted to save the demons and destroy humanity as they were destroying the world they loved. But they realized too late that this made them no better than their father and begs for Akira to forgive them. Akira, however, had already died with Satan crying, as the Angels descended down around them. Devilman: One Summers Day Set not so long after his fight with Sirene, Akira is seen on the beach with Miki and Ryo. When Akira plays in the ocean with Miki, Akira starts to swim out far from the shore with Miki only to notice the sky starting to darken. When suddenly a gigantic Sea Serpent Demon named Doelamale bursts out of the water and grabs Miki. The demon starts to mock Akira as it slowly removes her swimming suit and starts to lick her body. Akira transforms into Devilman and the two battle until he finally succeeds in removing its head. Shin Devilman The story begins with Akira walking up to his friend Ryo's house, he notices that the plants had all died and realizes that something was in the ground. He hears a noise inside and crashes through a window to find Ryo being attacked by a Caterpillar demon named Oysnas. Akira transforms and quickly kills the demon setting it on fire and throwing it through the ceiling. He notices Ryo screaming in agony he runs over only to see his surroundings change around him. Ryo regains his senses and realizes they were in a kind of timeslip and find out they were in pre-World War I Vienna. There they encounter a man who welcomes them in he introduces himself as Harnisch and a young man named Adolf. While nothing seemed to be wrong, the leave but follow the two men to the home of Schultz the head of the local Jewish Bank. While losing sight of Harnisch and Adolf, they find Schultz revealing himself to Adolf after killing the girl he loved. This allows for Akira to find Schultz and quickly kill him. After doing so the Timeslip starts up again and they are placed inside the Timeslip itself where they discover the Court of Hell. At the court, Akira overhears the court's judge Magistrum planning to distort human history by murdering famous human peacekeepers. Among them was Jeanne d'Arc, however, Akira arrives just as they attempt to strip her of her armor and begins to taunt the demons before they attack him. However, he quickly transforms and proceeds to slaughter them with ease. He walks up to Magistrum and beheads him. Akira goes to comfort Joanne as she is sent back to her proper time. The two then find themselves on an ancient Greek warship going to attack the island of Samothrace. There, in spite of their small numbers, the Samothraceian soldiers pull out rocket launchers and machine guns and wipe out the Greek ship. Akira and Ryo are taken prisoner where they witness the female demon Nike (who looked like Miki) posing as a God coming down from the heavens and giving advanced weaponry to the people. Akira breaks his chain and sprouts wings from his back and flies to confront her. However, Nike tells the people that he was a demon and the people open fire. Akira merely blows them away from gusts of wind from beats of his wings and chases after the fleeing Nike. He quickly catches up and fully transforms in Devilman, Nike turns to see him and utters Amon's name before having her arm torn from her body and crashing into the rocks below. Akira follows and finds her, where she tells him that she was a past lover of Amon and is nearly successful in reawakening Amon. But Ryo who had been watching comes up from behind and decapitates Nike with a sword. Next, they arrive in France shortly before the French Revolution erupts. Ryo senses a demon and the two of them follow the scent only to find the source coming from Marie Antoinette. They realize that the demon was harboring itself in her body and the two of them confront her before they are teleported into her body. Inside they find the demon Poirsenus infecting her personality, Akira transforms and attacks headfirst at the demon. Ryo tries to warn him against it saying it would affect Marie also, but Akira ignores this and proceeds to violently kill the demon. The final jump takes them into America during the eighteenth century where they encounter the Cheyenne Tribe. While they stay there, they make friends with both the chief of the Tribe Crazy Horse and a young girl named Tiana. One day when the two are away from the camp, Tiana and the other villagers are attacked by the 7th Calvary led by General Custer. When the two return they find the camp in tatters and bodies sprawled amongst the wreckage. Motivated purely by anger Akira goes of and confronts the 7th Calvary before slaughtering each and every man. Devilman Lady A Match Made in Hell Following his death at the hands of Satan, Akira’s spirit is cast down to hell due to being a Devilman and has spent most of his time exploring Hell and the new world that replaced his own. He is first seen by the protagonist, Jun Fudo in the Grumech Embassy but nobody else could see him. It was only after Jun had fallen into the pit of hell that she saw images of the past including Akira as Devilman. Once on solid ground, she encounters Akira (but not recognizing him from earlier). While there, Akira protects Jun from demons while explaining to her what she saw and how Hell works. He explains certain events that happened in the past, including his war with Satan. After being cast down into Hell, Akira found a way out of Hell and discovers that history was rewritten so that he and people in his world never actually existed and has been adapted into a graphic novel. With Jun wanting to escape Hell and get back to the living world, Akira decided to act as her guide. On the way, they encounter the Vlava Army where Jun as Devilman Lady is subdued and Akira has to fight the still fused Sirene. During the fight, Devilman berates Sirene for throwing Kaim away for vengeance, not once but twice when she threw his body into a volcano. Sirene stops and is overcome with grief while Akira gives pointers to Jun on how to fight back against Vlava's army. After a quick run-in with Vlava who explains the cycles of demon evolution, Akira manages to pick up Jun and break through defenses to the next quadrant of Hell. Jun is still going through some issues where she was reminded of how she was violated by Vlava's cult and asks for Akira's help in getting past this trauma. Akira does so by making love to Jun in mid-flight. As they continue to travel downwards, Akira begins to show Jun more elaborate methods of using Hell's environment to her advantage while explaining to her about Satan. With demons and hell's guardians at every turn, things look bleak but as Jun gets better and the couple grows closer nothing seems to be able to stop them. Akira would comment about how some religions and myths had turned out to be real including the appearance of the Titans. Once at the lowest level of Hell and its cold prison, they find a large demon where Satan was supposed to be but he is not present. Akira leads Jun to the way out and as Jun's psychic presence starts to fade, Akira lacking a physical body cannot make the journey with her. They say their goodbyes, fully aware of each other's feelings. Devilman Ghost With Jun gone, Akira decides to interact with the living world as a ghost to gather information. Going through the timeslip, he confronts Lan Asuka on being Satan but even when he pries into her mind he can only get images of time going on. Not getting what he wanted Akira travels the timeslip stopping at certain points to help Jun when she is going through personal crises including on how to control her impulses by possessing a man and even appearing at the Grumech Embassy just to be able to see her. Akira laments that he cannot help the woman he loves the way he wanted. At certain points, Akira would project his powers into certain objects including a skull Devilman mask to scare off predators attacking Jun. In spite of not recalling Akira's name, she recognizes his abilities and as a way to communicate, creates a costume to go with the mask. Akira uses this costume to fight anyone who would directly harm Jun when she cannot defend herself including Devil Beasts that try to use her for their own pleasures as the Devilman Ghost. Resurrection Akira in his giant Devilman form would later be seen by Ryo Utsugi as he traveled through Hell but neither party bothered the other as Devilman was lost in thought. In a twist of fate, Akira is brought to the living world through the fetus of Jun after she is impregnated by a male Lan and Akira takes it over. Akira is glad to be able to protect Jun in the living world but is stunned when she is fused with Lan to become Satan. While looking disappointed about the development, Akira as Devilman agrees to work with Satan against the army of god lead by Archangel Michael, Satan's copy. Akira leads the good-aligned Devilmen but the battle only razes the Earth once again with Akira's fate left undetermined. +This superhero's name is Dilara. Their real name is Dilara. At an unknown point in time, Dilara became a member of Nadakhan's crew aboard the Misfortune's Keep. Eventually, she and her captain fell in love, culminating in Dilara agreeing to become his betrothed (both for their relationship and the power Nadakhan would receive by becoming a Djinn King). However, when she and the rest of the crew participated in a battle again Captain Soto's crew of pirates and their ship, the Destiny's Bounty, her lover was imprisoned within the Teapot of Tyrahn, and his crew was defeated, separated, and marooned across the Sixteen Realms. She later died of an unknown cause shortly afterwards. +This superhero's name is DL Hawkins. Their real name is Daniel Lawrence Hawkins. Daniel Lawrence "D.L." Hawkins was an unemployed construction worker and part-time associate of Mr. Linderman of the Linderman Group. He lived with his wife and son in Las Vegas. He was an evolved human with the ability of phasing. D.L. is very devoted to his family. After initially deciding to participate in the plan to rob Linderman of the $2 million in order to better provide for Niki and Micah, he backs out of the plan out of fear that Linderman will seek retribution against them. Even after he discovers Jessica set him up, he remains very much in love with his wife, and ultimately succumbs to Micah's pleas to return and help Niki overcome her alter ego. Unlike some of the others, D.L. seems to actually enjoy using his powers and has made no effort to conceal them from those close to him. +This superhero's name is Doc Green. Their real name is Bruce Banner. An incarnation similar to the Merged Hulk, as it retains Bruce Banner's intellect and the Hulk's vast strength. It was created when Bruce Banner tweaked the Extremis which had repaired his brain. It is considerably powerful, being able to destroy Tony Stark's Mansion with a single thunderclap and resist sonic and repulsors powerful enough to power a continent. This incarnation also fabricated a time tunnel platform to teleport into Kang's Trophy Room at the edge of time-space, and easily ripped apart pure Adamantium from an inert Ultron shell with his bare hands. Doc Green has recurring dreams of his alternate realty counterpart's Maestro persona, potentially suggesting Doc Green is an early manifestation of Maestro. However, the days of Doc Green's existence are counted. It was discovered that the effects of the Extremis virus were diminishing, and Doc Green's intellect was extremely slowly reverting back to his regular Hulk persona, and at some point in the future it would be no more. Doc Green came up with an Extremis supplement that could maintain his intellect for decades, but decided not to use it, fearing it could ultimately unleash his Maestro persona By the time the universe was restored, the Doc Green persona had vanished, and the Hulk had returned to his regular self. +This superhero's name is Doc Samson. Their real name is Leonard Samson. Psychiatrist Dr. Leonard Samson came to General T.E. "Thunderbolt" Ross with a plan to cure Ross's daughter Betty, who had been transformed into a crystalline form through a blood transfusion with the Sandman. Samson had technicians devise a cathexis ray projector that would drain off gamma particle energy and psionic energy from Bruce Banner as he transformed into the monstrous Hulk whom General Ross had long hunted. Samson theorized that as a result of this process, Banner would be cured of the physiological instability that continually transformed him into the Hulk. Hoping to save Betty and to be cured himself. Banner willingly participated in the experiment. The cathexis ray succeeded in turning Betty Ross back to normal, employing Banner's psionic energy. However, most of the psionic energy drained from Banner as well as a considerable amount of his excess gamma radiation remained within the cathexis ray projector. Motivated by scientific curiosity, and probably by a desire to gain superhuman powers for himself, Samson irradiated himself with the energies remaining within the projector. The result was that the slight, brown-haired psychiatrist was transformed into a massively muscled, green-haired superhuman with gamma-boosted strength. Banner himself seemed permanently cured, but he broke emotionally under the strain of seeing Betty, the woman he loved, being romanced by Samson and exposed himself to gamma radiation, thereby undoing the cure. Samson later lost his superhuman physique and power when he took a blast of concentrated gamma radiation intended for the Hulk. However, months later Samson regained his gamma-mutated form and superhuman strength when he was bombarded by intensive radiation from an exploding gammatron, an experimental gamma-ray generator. He has remained in this form ever since. Doc Samson, as he has been nicknamed, has long sought to capture and permanently cure the Hulk. Samson worked as a university teacher during the recent time that the Hulk was traveling through different dimension, unable to return to Earth, but Samson returned to his pursuit of the Hulk once the monster reappeared on Earth. During the Superhero Civil War Samson joined the Registered heroes and fought against the Secret Avengers. Recently, the Hulk returned to seek revenge on the Illuminati, who exiled him to space. Doc Samson helped evacuate the people of New York. Then he battled the Hulk and the Warbound. He was defeated by the Warbound and imprisoned. Following the Skrull invasion, Doc Samson led a support group meeting with those that had been replaced by Skrulls. Later, on Air Force One, he attempted to disclose the full activities of Norman Osborn within Thunderbolts Mountain to the new United States President. Before Samson was able to play the evidence, Osborn's new Thunderbolts hijacked the plane: the Ghost took the evidence, Eric O'Grady implanted a gamma-emitter on the back of Samson's neck causing him to grow angry and more powerful in a Hulk-like manner, and someone wearing the Green Goblin's costume attacked the airplane. Samson's increased anger caused him to attack the President, but he was phased out of the plane by the Ghost. Osborn reasoned that, in his enhanced state, Doc Samson probably survived the fall, and released a global warrant for his arrest, suggesting that Samson attempted to kill the President. A new Red Hulk appeared, and revealed that Bruce was no longer comatose, and was being imprisoned by the US military. However, the Helicarrier crashed near New Jersey. Tony Stark ordered Maria Hill to investigate and search for survivors. Clay Quartermain's corpse was found mangled and ravaged, and the area bathed with gamma radiation. General Ross and Samson's bodies were missing. Leonard's coat was found ripped and shredded in a Hulk-like fashion, exhibiting higher Gamma Radiation values than every other item in the wreckage. M.O.D.O.K. placed Samson under mind control producing a split personality. This led to a powerless Leonard who was defined as the good one and an evil Samson whose abilities are greater than She-Hulk's. Samson shot Rick Jones and dragged him away after he attempted to reveal who the Red Hulk really was. He then engaged She-Hulk in combat but it was cut short by M.O.D.O.K. who fired a laser, knocking both unconscious and reverting Samson to Leonard. A battle between Red Hulk and Hulk caused an explosion. After the Red Hulk depowered the true Hulk, Samson double crossed Red Hulk to punish him for his disobedience. Afterward, Sampson's darker persona took control once again, under M.O.D.O.K.'s surveillance. Reverted, Doc Samson was killed attempting to help a returned Hulk contain all of the Gamma radiation from the Hulked-Out Heroes. Recently, Doc Samson was among the many deceased resurrected during the Chaos War, along with Glenn Talbot, Hiroim, Jarella, Rebecca Banner, the Abomination, and Brian Banner, who had the ability to transform into a replica of the Devil Hulk at will. +This superhero's name is . Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Doctor Double X. Their real name is Dr. Simon Ecks. Dr. Simon Ecks is a scientist who discovered that human auras could be enhanced to function outside of the body. When Ecks created an energy-duplicate of himself, the introverted scientist's unstable mind became dominated by the doppelgänger he named Double X. He fought with Batman and Robin. The resulting battle causes Simon Ecks to lose his memory of the experience. He is remanded to Arkham Asylum.Some years later, Simon Ecks regained his memory and developed another duplicator device that enabled him to escape from Arkham Asylum. Doctor Double X matched wits once again with Batman. This time, Batman was able to defeat him by building his own machine that generated an energy duplicate of himself.[3] Doctor Double X later escaped from Arkham Asylum and faced off against Batman and Superman. This time, it took both Batman and Superman to overcome him. Doctor Double X once traded opponents with Flash villain Rainbow Raider after meeting a motivational therapist named Professor Andrea Wye. Both of them are defeated by Batman and Flash.Doctor Double X was later seen as a guest at the San Francisco sci-fi convention. He was sitting next to Beast Boy who learned that Doctor Double X was washed up and forgotten. In "The New 52," a reboot of the DC Comics universe, Batwing encounters Dr. Simon Ecks in the tunnels beneath Arkham Asylum. While he informs him that most of the Arkham Asylum staff was either taken or killed, he warns Batwing to stay back as there is something inside that wants to kill. As a spirit rises from Simon Eck's body and starts to reach towards Batwing, Jim Corrigan shows up and knocks out Simon Ecks as he states that the spirit is a Tulpa.[7] When Batman dispels a ghost in a cemetery, it causes the supposed death of a man wearing an ID badge that has Simon Eck's name on it. Batman then has Julia Pennyworth contact Batwing to look up any info on Simon Ecks. +This superhero's name is Doctor Mid-Nite. Their real name is Dr Charles Mcnider. In early 1941, Doctor Charles McNider and his nurse/assistant Myra Mason had been collaborating on a new anti-viral serum, when a local police officer knocked on his office door. He told McNider, that a known gangster named "Killer" Maroni had attempted to assassinate a key witness scheduled to testify against him at his trial. Although Maroni's men shot the man in the back, he was still alive, but fated to die unless McNider could save him. Charles grabbed his medical bag and raced down to the hospital room to operate. Maroni likewise discovered that the witness was still alive, and sent a thug named Mike to finish him off. While McNider conducted his operation, Mike lobbed a hand grenade through the hospital window. The explosion killed everyone in the room except for McNider. However, shards of exploding glass flew into his eyes, permanently robbing him of his sight. Never one to rest, McNider placed himself into an intense therapy program. He found that he developed more energy during the nighttime hours, and spent many evenings practicing gymnastics and working out. Myra Mason stayed by his side every second, and quickly began to fall in love with the strong-willed man. Realizing that his medical career was over, Charles turned his attention towards writing. He was determined to expose the criminal underworld of the city and set about writing a magazine column, specifically targeting men like "Killer" Maroni. He often dictated his diatribes to Myra, who subsequently typed them out and mailed them to the publisher. One evening, McNider was resting in his study contemplating his next scathing expose, when something occurred, which would change his life forever. A wood owl crashed through the window of his study, falling onto the floor. Startled by the noise, McNider tore the bandages away from his eyes. It was then that he realized he could see perfectly in the dark. Believing that his eyesight had been fully restored, he turned on a light switch, only to discover that he was blind once again. He shut out the light, allowing his night vision to focus, and took to mending the owl's wounds. McNider adopted the owl as a pet and named him Hooty. The entire experience came as a revelation to McNider. With the aid of his secret night vision, he could now actively strike back at the criminal world that had taken his eyes from him. He developed a pair of specially modified infrared goggles that temporarily allowed him to see during the daylight. He also created a supply of Blackout Bombs that could emit clouds of inky, black smoke that only he could see through. Completing his arsenal was a black and red costume he acquired from a costume shop, and so Doctor Mid-Nite was born. his first mission was to bring down "Killer" Maroni. Maroni's men had discovered that a local grocer named Schultz had failed to pay Maroni protection money, so the crime lord sent his goons down to the grocery store to take care of him. They attacked Schultz, but failed to kill him. Word of the attack reached the ears of Charles McNider, and his services were called upon to save Schultz' life despite being blind. Maroni learned that McNider was attempting to operate on Schultz and had his men cut the power to the hospital. What they did not realize, was that Doctor Mid-Nite could operate just as easily in total darkness. He succeeded in saving Schultz, and then immediately set off to track down Maroni. He raided Killer Maroni's townhouse and cut the power lines running through the basement. Several thugs tried to grapple with Doctor Mid-Nite, but with the aid of his Blackout Bombs, he easily overpowered them. Maroni himself even squeezed off a few bullets in Mid-Nite's direction. Doctor Mid-Nite evaded the gunshots and apprehended the mob boss. Killer Maroni was finally brought to justice. Doctor Mid-Nite continued to focus on organized crime, and busted up several racketeering outfits run by the likes of Gallows Gallagher, Diamond Jack Gillen and Snakey Scarlatti. He quickly realized thought, that the criminal element was not isolated to mobsters and gun runners. His own medical profession was rife with ambitious scientists who were only too eager to use their advanced knowledge for their own amoral aims. On one such occasion, Doctor Mid-Nite learned of a man named Professor Elba. Elba had developed an "Insanity Formula," that caused normal human beings to behave like animals. Elba sold his formula to several underworld rackets, and before long, prominent businessmen and politicians were falling sway to the effects of the drug. Unable to track down Professor Elba on his own, Doctor Mid-Nite (and Hooty) enlisted the aid of several other mystery men – the Justice Society of America. Together they broke up Elba's Insanity Formula ring and Mid-Nite tackled Elba directly. Although he tried to apprehend him alive, their fight accidentally led to Elba's death. However, Mid-Nite's bravery and commitment distinguished himself, and he was awarded a place on the roster of the Justice Society. Mid-Nite continued to serve faithfully on the Justice Society, and also operated with the expanded war-time team, the All-Star Squadron. He remained with the Squadron until the close of World War II in April 1945, but stayed on as a faithful member of the Justice Society. In 1951, the immortal villain, Vandal Savage, manipulated the American government into believing that the Justice Society was secretly aiding hostile foreign nations. A congressional meeting was called, and a Senate subcommittee ordered the Justice Society to publicly reveal their secret identities before the panel. Refusing to endanger their own careers for the sake of a false charge, the group disbanded, and the individual members retired from active service. During the 1950s, Charles McNider kept a low profile, but continued to work on his magazine articles exposing organized crime. Rumors circulated, that he had taken up a position within the Federal government as an intelligence agent, but there is very little evidence to support such findings (See notes). In truth, McNider resumed his mystery man career for a brief time, but not as Doctor Mid-Nite. He took up the mantle of Starman after his longtime colleague Ted Knight decided to retire after suffering a nervous breakdown, but later passed it on to a time-displaced David Knight, Ted's son. In 1953, McNider suffered a devastating blow when the girl he loved, Myra Mason, was murdered by Mid-Nite's foe The Shadower. Mid-Nite spent the next decade tracking the murderer down. Years had passed before anyone else had heard word from any of the old Justice Society members. In that time, however, a new generation of super-heroes began to spawn. These heroes ultimately gathered together as the successors of the old JSA, naming themselves the Justice League of America. In response to this new era of heroism, the surviving members of the JSA decided to come out of retirement. They operated briefly out of Gotham City, occasionally teaming up with their younger, modern counterparts in the JLA. As Charles McNider grew older, he focused less on adventuring and turned his attention back towards his first passion – medicine. He became a medical instructor and mentor to several future prominent physicians, including Doctors Beth Chapel and Pieter Cross. After some time, McNider relocated from the East Coast to Los Angeles, California, where he served as the house medic to Infinity, Inc., the legacy children of the Justice Society. McNider rejoined his comrades in the Justice Society of America, when the cosmic entity known as the Anti-Monitor threatened to destroy the Multiverse during the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. Immediately following the Crisis, the Justice Society embarked upon an adventure that cast them out of this reality, placing them into a Limbo dimension, where they found themselves fighting the Gods of Nordic legend – seemingly for all time. A few years later, however, the super-being known as Waverider brought the JSA back to Earth and they came out of retirement once again to fight their old adversary, the Ultra-Humanite. Following that battle, Doctor Mid-Nite shared in one final adventure with his lifelong brothers-in-arms. The villain known as Extant had sought to remake the entire universe and began manipulating multiple time streams to suit his own ends. The JSA, as well as dozens of other heroes banded together to stop the threat of Extant. Doctor Mid-Nite, along with the original Atom, and the futuristic android known as Hourman lost their lives during an event that has come to be known as Zero Hour. The legacy of Doctor Mid-Nite did not end with Charles McNider however. Even before his own demise, his former student, Beth Chapel, took on the identity of Doctor Midnight and joined Infinity, Inc. (Note the difference in spelling). Another of McNider's students, Pieter Cross, later suffered an accident similar that of his predecessor's and became the most recent blind hero to adopt the name Doctor Mid-Nite. Accompanied by his own owl companion (named Charlie), Cross currently fights crime as a member of the modern incarnation of the Justice Society of America. +This superhero's name is Doctor Occult. Their real name is Unknown. Doctor Occult, a.k.a. the "Ghost Detective", is a private investigator who specializes in cases involving the supernatural, and whose recorded exploits started in 1935. But the story began 36 years earlier. On December 31st, 1899, somewhere in the American Mid-West, a satanic cult attempted to summon Satan to Earth at the moment of the opening of the new century. For that, they offered him the sacrifice of two infant, untainted children, a boy and a girl, "stolen from simple god-fearing folk". At the moment of the beginning of the new year, someone was indeed summoned, even before the worshippers had had a chance to sacrifice the children. This, however, was not Satan, but a diabolic entity calling himself Koth. He immediately declared that the souls of innocents were of no use to him. He wanted souls stained with sin, polluted by corruption. As the nearby church clock struck twelve, Koth devoured all members of the cult, sentencing them to eternal damnation in his own abysmal realm. After that, he turned to the two infants to slaughter them, only to find them gone. Puzzled, Koth then withdrew himself from the living world. What had happened was a man named Zator, a disciple of the Seven. Zator had found the children, managed to hide them from Koth, and then traveled through the dimensions to the far side of the Earth and the hidden Citadel of the Seven, a mighty organization of mystics. At first, the Seven were not at all amused with Zator bringing the infants to the Citadel, but after measuring them, they found innate mystic abilities in them, and let them stay under Zator's care. As they grew older, Zator educated the children - whom he for some reason called "Doc" and "Rose" - in many of the ways of the Seven, giving them abilities far beyond mortal men. Exactly what this education meant of has never been revealed, but it is known that Doc in his youth spent a lot of time in the colorful land known as Faerie, and that might have been during this period. It is also known that Doc and Rose were attracted to each other early in their lives, but that the Seven condemned any amorous relationship between the two of them. Upon reaching puberty, the boy was given the mystic Symbol of the Seven, and the name "Doctor Occult". The girl got the fuller name of "Rose Psychic" or “Rose Spiritus”. On the same day, they were also told to leave the Citadel, part from Zator, and use their abilities to battle evil in the world. Travelling from the Citadel to China and then by boat to America, the two young magicians soon found themselves in New York City of the 1920s. Taking the name "Richard Occult", Doc started studying science at college and further schools, eventually earning the "doctor " title formally as well. Rose was still by his side, studying humaniora at the same time. In 1935, they started a supernatural detective bureau together, hoping to fulfill the mission the Seven had prepared them for. Although nobody took their business seriously in the beginning, they finally got to prove themselves solving the case of a mass murdering vampire. Their career continued with many strange cases and meetings with adversaries such as the Cult of the Wolf, the Denizens of the Astral Plane, the Spectral Killer, and the Lord of Life, the latter of which managed to turn the Doctor himself into a mindless zombie before being stopped by Rose. At first, the police was skeptical, but seeing the results, they - and especially a Detective Captain Ellsworth - started cooperating with Doc and Rose on cases paranormal. In 1936, the devilish Koth returned from his realm, this time almost overpowering the Seven. Had it not been for the interference of Dr. Occult and Zator, they would all have perished. Koth managed to flee, and the Seven quickly assigned Doc and Zator to secure an ancient Egyptian belt of miraculous powers from the evil entity. For this special case, Dr. Occult donned a magic sword and a battle costume with a cloak and a chest emblem, hence becoming the first costumed hero of the Golden Age. With combined forces, Doc, Zator and the Seven succeeded to defeat Koth for many years forward. In the early 1940s, Doctor Occult joined the wartime hero-team known as the All-Star Squadron, as one of their few plainclothes members. He remained an All-Star, although mostly a semi-active one, until the war ended in 1945. With the Squadron, he encountered many other great mystics of the era, like Doctor Fate, Zatara, Sargon the Sorcerer, Johnny Thunder and his Thunderbolt, the Flying Fox, Merlin the Magician, Tor the Magic Master, and the almost almighty Spectre. In 1945, Doctor Occult assisted the Justice Society of America in defeating the interdimensional soulless entity known as the Stalker, sacrificing his own soul to do so. Following Stalker's defeat, Rose appeared before Doctor Occult and shared her soul with him. Since that day, Doc and Rose have remained one physical being, sometimes walking around as a man, sometimes as a woman. (Note: Dr. Occult once told Superman another version of this story and claimed that he had shared his body with Rose when she had been fatally wounded by the cult leader Hroth. However, this should probably be regarded as apocryphal.) Between the late 1940s and recent years, few recordings of his exploits have been made, but about ten years ago, Dr. Occult started to show up more frequently again. Not appearing to have aged a day since the 1930s, he fought the demon Thahn together with Superman during the latter’s first year as a super-hero. A few years later he offered his assistance during the world-shattering event known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and soon afterwards helped the Swamp Thing, John Constantine, and other mystics to fight the Original Darkness that challenged Heaven. When the young boy Tim Hunter, destined to become the world's greatest sorcerer, was to be introduced to magic, the Phantom Stranger enlisted the help of Occult, John Constantine and Mister E. Constantine quickly dubbed this group of mystic know-it-alls "the Trenchcoat Brigade", due to their common taste in clothing. In this adventure, Occult (and Rose, variously) showed Tim the land of Faerie, almost losing the boy to Baba-Yaga, and even to Queen Titania. It was Occult who transformed Tim's yo-yo into the pet owl Yo-Yo that Tim grew so fond of. Shortly thereafter, Doctor Occult returned to his supernatural detective business. One day, Rose was no longer in the body or mind of his. This led to an identity crisis, as well as a sexual crisis, for the both of them, until they realized Koth was behind the temptation of them. After deciding they needed their continued co-existence, they managed to defeat Koth, and then fused once again. Since then, Doctor Occult has become uncharacteristically involved with several other teams. Briefly, he was a member of the inner circle of the Conclave, an organization consisting of virtually every mystic on Earth. He quit the organization just before it was taken over by the corrupt Amethyst. He also re-joined with the rest of the Trenchcoat Brigade to prevent the apocalypse at the hands (tentacles) of M'nagalah. Still later, Occult played a big part during the so-called Day of Judgment, and joined the group of mystics known as the Sentinels of Magic. Lately, he has been active with the Sentinels as well as with the JSA Reserves. Always ready to battle evil and black magic when needed, it must be said that Doctor Occult is a true hero, intent on doing good. He is a man of few friends. However, the super-hero S.T.R.I.P.E. once described him as "the only mystic I’ve ever felt comfortable having a beer with". Among Occult’s (and Rose's) closest associates are their female office assistant, Marly, Zator of the Seven, and the Phantom Stranger, a being that normally makes few friends. The Doctor is an enigmatic person, and can sometimes use a pretty rough and rude jargon towards people, sometimes even appearing cynical and chauvinistic. However, he has also proven to be a caring and gentle soul. The Doctor's and Rose's deepest regret is that they are mutually in love with each other, destined never to meet but in their dreams. +This superhero's name is Doctor Octopus (Shattered Dimensions). Their real name is Serena Patel. Serena Patel was the direction of Alchemax's Shadow Division, a secret section of Alchemax that worked on drugs, human testing, and gene splicing. Anticipating an attack from Spider-Man, she took the mantle Dr Octopus from her idol Otto Octavius. +This superhero's name is Doctor Octopus (SONY). Their real name is Otto Octavius. +This superhero's name is Doctor Octopus. Their real name is Otto Octavius. Doctor Otto Octavius had relatively benign beginnings. Before his transformation into the megalomaniacal archenemy of the web-slinger, Otto was a brilliant and respected nuclear physicist, inventor, and lecturer. He designed a set of highly advanced mechanical arms to assist him with his research into atomic physics. The tentacled arms were resistant to radiation, capable of great strength and highly precise movement and were attached to a harness that fit around his body. In an accident, the apparatus became fused to his body, and he gained the ability to control the movement of the arms using his thoughts alone. The accident also seemingly damaged his brain (though it was later suggested that what was interpreted as brain damage was in fact his mind rewiring itself to accommodate four extra limbs), and the once timid scientist turned to a life of crime. Later, the harness was surgically removed, but he was still able to control it mentally, even at a distance. While wearing the harness, the arms are powerful enough to allow him to walk up sheer concrete walls and move quickly about. During the Clone Saga, Doctor Octopus was murdered by the insane Peter Parker clone named Kaine. Octavus's student Carolyn Trainer took over as "Doctor Octopus" until the original was resurrected by a branch of the mystical ninja cult known as the Hand. Although Octavius had discovered Peter Parker's dual identity shortly prior to his death, he lost all knowledge of it upon his resurrection. +This superhero's name is Doctor Poison. Their real name is Marina Maru. A deadly scientist and foreign princess, Doctor Poison AKA Princess Maru is an expert in toxins. While she has been known to work alone at times, she is often seen in alliance with other enemies of Wonder Woman as a part of Villainy Inc. and Godwatch. +This superhero's name is Doctor Sivana. Their real name is Dr. Thaddeus Sivana, Sr.. Thadeus Bodog Sivana is evil through and through, and always has been. He is an archenemy of Captain Marvel, having caused the hero much trouble over many years. A scientific genius, his vanity is often his undoing. Thaddeus Bodog Sivana,born in 1892, began with the best intentions and was one of Europe's best scientific minds, with progressive scientific ideas that could revolutionize industry but were rejected by everyone he approached. Laughed out of society by people who called his inventions impractical and his science a fake, Sivana took his family to the planet Venus in a spaceship he had invented. There he stayed until his children were grown, and Earth not as backward as when he left it. (Since his children were adults by 1940, his departure from Earth would implicitly have been the late 1910s or early 1920s.) During his years away, struggling to tame the Venusian jungle, Sivana turned bitter and planned his revenge against the world that had shunned him.He initially plotted his revenge with a radio silencer that would disable all radio communications permanently. He tried to extort $50,000,000, only to be stopped by Captain Marvel in his first adventure. Cap broke through the window of the building where Sivana was hiding and defeated the guards, binding them securely with tubing ripped from the radio-silencer. Sivana planned to kill Captain Marvel with a blast from his Atom-Smasher, but Cap leaped back out the window and escaped. During the fight, Sivana's returning army angrily asked why Captain Marvel had defeated them in their war against America despite their highly advanced weaponry. Sivana appeared to have been killed by the Atom-Smasher blast, but he returned a short time later, having somehow learned Captain Marvel's identity. He sent a letter to Billy Batson to lure him to the planet Venus, disguising himself as 'Professor Xerxes Smith'. Sivana's henchmen bound and gagged Batson, and Sivana tried to take away his memory using a Memory Mangler. Billy regained his memory after stumbling into the cave of Shazam and accidentally saying the word "Shazam". Sivana's henchmen rebelled against him and set off an explosion that destroyed the Mangler. Ironically, Captain Marvel saved Sivana and his daughter Beautia, who the henchmen had left to die.[21] Sivana continued to nurse a megalomaniacal grudge against humanity and also a personal enmity with the Marvel Family. This persisted even after Cap revealed Sivana's former benevolent inventions (which Sivana considered useless), leading to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. Far from being pleased, Sivana was insulted by the prize and stated that only when he was crowned Ruler of the Universe would he consider himself properly honored. +This superhero's name is Doctor Strange (Classic). Their real name is Stephen Strange. Stephen Strange was born to Eugene and Beverly Strange in 1930 while the couple was vacationing in Philadelphia. In 1932 Stephen's sister Donna was born at the family's Nebraska farm. Knowing that Strange was destined to become the next Sorcerer Supreme, resentful apprentice sorcerer Karl Mordo beset the child with demons from the age of eight, and on throughout his youth. Ultimately Strange was rescued by Mordo's master, the Ancient One, mystic protector of the Earth-realm as the current Sorcerer Supreme. A year or two after this torment began, Stephen's brother, Victor, was born. At age eleven Strange aided an injured Donna, an experience which ultimately fostered an interest in medicine. Strange entered New York College as a pre-med directly out of high school. Later, while home on vacation for his nineteenth birthday, Strange was swimming with Donna when she suffered a cramp. After a frantic search Stephen found her already drowned. The experience left him with a sense of personal failure that eroded his medical idealism. Stephen earned his medical degree in record time and entered a five-year residency at New York Hospital, where his rapid success made him arrogant. Stephen's mother Beverly died near the end of his residency, and work became more and more impersonal for the bereaved surgeon. Strange's talent remained, however, and he became a wealthy and celebrated neurosurgeon before he turned thirty. Egotistical and greedy, cold and callous, Strange's interest in his patients generally began and ended at his bill. The exception was Madeleine Revell, an injured United Nations translator whom he saved and fell in love with. Following a whirlwind romance and proposal, she left him due to his increasingly materialist nature. Two years after his mother's death, Strange's father, Eugene also fell ill. Already crippled by grief over his mother's death (though he would never admit it), Stephen was unable to face any more tragedy, and refused to visit Eugene's deathbed. A few days later, an outraged Victor confronted Stephen in his apartment over his apparent lack of grief. Following the confrontation, Victor rushed from the apartment and into the path of an oncoming car. Victor died, and a guilt-wracked Stephen placed Victor's body in cold storage, half-hoping that future breakthroughs could revive him. Around 1963, Strange was involved in a debilitating car accident. Though surgeons were able to save Strange, the nerves in his hands were severely damaged. With his surgical career over and too vain to accept positions as a consultant or assistant, Strange exhausted his fortune following every rumored treatment, no matter how legitimate. In a matter of months the once wealthy surgeon became a derelict, and resorted to performing a number of shady medical procedures to survive (and pay his growing bar tabs). Strange's guilt over the mistakes of his early life would come to weigh heavily upon him over the years, and his recollections of the time could not always be trusted. After hearing rumors of the mystical Ancient One, Strange pawned his last possessions for a ticket to the East. Strange found the Ancient One's Tibetan palace, but the aged sorcerer refused to cure him, instead offering to teach him in mysticism. Strange refused, but couldn't leave immediately due to a sudden blizzard. While staying for the duration of the storm, Strange witnessed the Ancient One's apprentice, Baron Mordo, secretly attack the teacher with mystically summoned skeletons, which the old man easily dispeled. Strange, his skepticism eroding, confronted Mordo about the treachery but Mordo responded with restraining spells that kept Strange from warning the Ancient One or attacking Mordo physically. Amazed by these displays of magic, Strange underwent a change of heart. Deciding that the only way to stop Mordo was to learn magic himself in order to challenge Mordo on his terms, Strange accepted the Ancient One's offer. Pleased by Strange's acceptance for unselfish reasons, the Ancient One removed the mystic restraints, explaining that he was well aware of Mordo's treachery but prefered to keep Mordo close by in order to control and possibly change him. The Ancient One had known of Strange and his potential to serve as the Sorcerer Supreme prior to even Strange’s first encounter with him, regarding his hidden prowess so highly that he rejected Damien Hellstrom for Strange as his pupil. The Ancient One had planned to make Dr. Strange his successor. Strange spent years under the Ancient One's tutelage, learning to tap the innate mystic powers of himself and the world around him, as well as how to invoke the powers of Principalities, powerful beings such as Dormammu, Satannish, and the Vishanti, who resided in their own mystic realms. A few years after Strange's arrival, Mordo left the Ancient One's palace to seek greater power. The two rivals would clash often in the future. It was during this time that Strange passed a test against Death itself. As a reward, Strange was given ageless life, and an ankh-shaped mark on his forehead that would only appear when his life was in dire jeopardy. The Ancient One himself had attained near-immortality by passing this test over 600 years earlier. During his early years as a student of the mystic arts, Strange befriended many sorcerers around the world, including Lord Julian Phyffe and Sir Clive Bentley of Great Britain; Cardinal Alfeo Spinosa and Count Tancredo Carezzi of Italy; Omar Karindu, Rama Kaliph, and Turhan Barim of the Middle East; Wai Chee Yee and Sen-Yu of Asia; and Aleister Kane, Kenneth Ward, and Frank Brukner of America. Strange also found allies among more of earth's heroes, aiding the Black Fox in at least two adventures, while other adventurers, such as Immortalis and Terror, Inc., regarded him with skepticism. Strange studied magic under the Ancient One for seven years and returned to the United States in the 1970s. Strange became a mystic consultant, establishing his Sanctum Sanctorum in New York's Greenwich Village. He was attended by Wong, latest in a centuries-old bloodline that had served the Ancient One, and who had became both Strange's servant and his friend. During this time Strange fought the demonic entities such as the Possessors, Aggamon, the House of Shadows, Zota, the Bottle Imp and KhLΘG. Strange also fought the otherworldly Nightmare, who fed upon dreaming humanity's terror, and became one of Strange's most bitter enemies. The mysterious doctor's reputation grew, and Strange even became an occasional consultant to local and federal authorities. When the debut of the Fantastic Four heralded the dawn of the Heroic Age, Strange initially remained aloof from New York's superhero community, fighting his battles against Nightmare and Baron Mordo in secrecy. At one point Loki, the Asgardian god of trickery manipulated Strange into attacking his heroic foster brother, Thor. The treachery was soon exposed, however, and Strange turned against Loki. Thor would later, in the guise of Dr. Donald Blake save Strange's life by operating on him after another battle with Mordo. Soon after, a clash with Mordo led Strange to ally with the young Spider-Man, who helped Strange rescue several people from a mystic dimension. The experience proved so traumatic that Spider-Man asked Strange to remove their memories of the event, though this caused them to forget Spider-Man's heroism as well. Impressed by the young hero's bravery and altruism, Strange came to regard him as a friend, and the two have teamed up many times over the years. The Dread Dormammu, sensing his old adversary the Ancient One's declining power, soon challenged Strange to a mystic duel in his Dark Dimension as part of a larger plan to invade the Earth-Realm. While there, Strange was approached by Clea, a novice mystic and, though few knew it at the time, daughter of Dormammu's sister Umar. Clea feared that if Dormammu fell as ruler of the Dark Dimension, dimensional barriers would weaken and the realm would be ravaged by the Mindless Ones. Clea thus sought to prevent the duel, but Strange would not yield. Dormammu easily outmatched Strange, but in the process lost just enough of his energies that the Mindless Ones were able to invade. Seeking to save the Dark Dimension's denizens, Strange lent Dormammu enough power to restore the barrier. Enraged by his own weakness, Dormammu felt honor-bound to spare Strange, who in turn bargained with him to spare both the Earth-Realm and the attractive Clea. The vengeful Dormammu never forgot the humiliation, however, and became one of Strange's most implacable enemies. Shortly after, Strange joined several superheroes in battle against the powerful mutate Sundown. Now more involved with the superhero community, he became a special consultant to prominent super-teams such as the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and the Avengers. Months after attending the wedding of Reed and Sue Richards, Strange was reunited with his own love, Clea, who came to live with him in New York. Later, Strange was exiled to a hostile dimension by Asmodeus, who took the doctor's form in an attempt to catch the Ancient One by surprise. Prevented from returning to the Earth-Realm by metaphysical law so long as Asmodeus occupied his form, Strange adopted a new form with a full-face mask (perhaps emulating his superhero allies). After defeating Asmodeus, Strange retained the new appearance to preserve his anonymity. After carelessly revealing his name during a battle with Nightmare, the cosmic Eternity, whom Strange was aiding at the time, agreed to return Strange's anonymity by altering all relevant earthly documents and memories bearing the name “Stephen Strange” to “Stephen Sanders.” Strange next resisted the invading Undying Ones, a race of demons that had once dominated the Earth, and were led by the infernal Nameless One. To face the onslaught, Strange manipulated Prince Namor of Atlantis and the monstrous Hulk into aiding him. With the Undying Ones defeated, Strange seemed to believe the world safe from further incursion. Strange was troubled by his arrogant exploitation of Namor and the Hulk, however, and decided to forego magic and return to medicine as a consultant, selflessly performing the duties once thought beneath him. Strange's return to medicine lasted only a few weeks. After Baron Mordo tried to kill him, Strange returned to sorcery and defeated Mordo with the help of the Ancient One. The Ancient One, for reasons of his own, reversed Eternity's spell, restoring the name "Stephen Strange" to the world's records and memories. Shortly thereafter, the Nameless One returned and Strange donned his (non-masked) robes to confront the threat alongside Namor and the Hulk. Becoming friends despite their differences, the three were soon joined by the alien Silver Surfer to form the core of the Defenders, a loose-knit "non-team" that would reunite sporadically to meet threats against the Earth. Following the Kree-Skrull War, a number of Earth's most powerful heroes -- Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Professor X, Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, and Namor -- formed the establishment of the Illuminati. The secretive group of Earth's most influential heroes would meet only a few times, and only to tackle events of extraordinary importance. While certain Illuminati members were unable to attend certain gatherings (such as Xavier and Iron Man), Strange attended all known meetings, adding the viewpoint and perspective his decades of battling mystic evil had brought him. The Illuminati inadvertently precipitated an invasion of Earth by the shapeshifting, alien Skrull race by attacking the homeworld after delivering a warning not to endanger their planet again. This led to their capture, experimentation and analysis, which enabled the Skrulls to eventually perform enough reverse biological engineering and cloning to gather the resources required to launch a covert invasion. Strange came under attack by servants of the Old One Shuma-Gorath, a vast extradimensional entity who had ruled on Earth millenia ago, but was banished in the Hyborean era. Shuma-Gorath sought to return through the mind of the Ancient One himself, and Strange entered his mentor's mind to confront the creature. After fighting a losing battle, the Ancient One himself asked Strange to slay him rather than allow Shuma-Gorath passage to Earth. The Ancient One's physical death made him one with Eternity, and Strange inherited the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, guardian of the entire universe. Seeking solace from his new burdens, Strange attempted to use his power to revive his brother Victor using spells from the Book of the Vishanti; unfortunately, Strange did not realize he had read the Vampiric Verses, imbuing Victor with the potential for resurrection as a vampire. Thinking the spells had failed, Strange left his brother's body in cold storage. Strange continued his adventures with the Defenders, and over the months the informal team's ranks included beings such as the Asgardian Valkyrie, Brunnhilde, the winged millionaire Nighthawk, the happy-go-lucky Hellcat, and others. Though this pitted Strange against less magical foes (such as the mutant Magneto, the alien Nebulon, the subversive Sons of the Serpent, and the bizarre Headmen) the camaraderie of the team and the love of Clea gave Strange a welcome change from his customary solitude. At one point, the trans-temporal sorcerers called the Creators manipulated the Ancient One's spirit into offering Strange a chance to become one with the universe. When Strange rejected the offer he was stripped of the mantle and power of Sorcerer Supreme. Strange soon joined battle with the Creators, defeating their ally, the In-Betweener, and thwarting their reality-reshaping plans. Their deception revealed, the Ancient One restored Strange's title; who, if anyone, assumed the title in the meantime is unknown. Though Strange's adventure took mere days from his perspective, weeks passed on Earth. Months later, the mysterious alien Tribunals perpetrated a hoax that convinced the four founding Defenders that their alliance would eventually cause a cosmic tragedy, and the group was disbanded. It would be some time before the hoax was exposed. Strange soon lent aid to BorderLine Investigative Services (actually a band of vampire hunters) in confronting Dracula. At one point, Strange cast the Darkhold's famed Montesi Formula, a spell which destroyed all vampires within the Earth-Realm. The cryogenically stored body of Victor Strange, however, was passed over because it had been enchanted with the powers of the Book of the Vishanti. With the book ultimately being a tome of protection (even when applied to vampires), Victor's body survived. Meanwhile, in the Dark Dimension, Clea had returned to lead the rebellion against its current ruler Umar, whom she learned was her mother. Clea overthrew Umar and took the throne with Strange's help, but her responsibilities as ruler of the Dark Dimension and his as Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth-Realm meant the two would be forced to separate. Upon returning to Earth, however, Strange's role as Sorcerer Supreme was challenged by the covetous alien Urthona. At one point, the struggle against Urthona forced strange to destroy his own collection of talismans, tomes, and artifacts to prevent Urthona from take control of them. (It was later revealed that Agamotto, one of three Vishanti, had intervened, sequestering the collection away at the moment Strange seemed to destroy them). With the artifacts removed, the barriers between dimensions they had established weakened, and the Earth was assaulted by a number of once-pacified mystic threats. Strange met the threats with the extradimensional novice mystic Rintrah, and was eventually joined by Kaluu, an old rival of the Ancient One and master of life-draining black magic. Weakened by the loss of his artifacts, Strange reluctantly accepted Kaluu's offer to teach him the black arts. These skills served Strange well when confronted with the return of Shuma-Gorath, whom Strange fought on one of his home planes. The power required to defeat Shuma-Gorath corrupted Strange, to the point where he merged with the evil demon-god. After inducing the merged creature to commit suicide, both Shuma-Gorath and Strange's own ego were destroyed. Kaluu guided Strange's spirit back to Earth, slowly restoring Strange's ego as he burnt off the taint of Shuma-Gorath's evil. Though this ultimately allowed the demon to reform in his home dimension, at least it had been prevented from returning to Earth. Shortly thereafter, Strange returned to the Dark Dimension and married Clea, who came to live with him on Earth. Strange took Rintrah as his new apprentice, and an apparition of Agamotto restored Strange's seemingly lost collection. With the collection restored, Earth seemed return to status quo. Strange assisted the X-Men (on the behest of fellow Illuminati member and longtime friend Professor X) when Margali Szardos, Sorceress Supreme and adoptive mother to Nightcrawler, believed Wagner had been guilty of cold-blooded murder and thus magically separated his soul from his body into her own dimension. Strange determined that Nightcrawler was actually human, that a hostile yet not malevolent mystic force was responsible for his body's "death". Strange was taken along with the X-Men to Margali's realm of "Hell" where Kurt's innocence was proved and they were allowed to return to Earth on good terms. However, Strange was shocked when the Eye of Agamotto was used by Margali, who told him engimatically that he had not been the Eye's first custodian, nor would he be the last, ending with Strange determined to find out more about the potent yet mysterious sorceress. It was at this point, however, that Victor Strange's body finally rose as a vampire, and ultimately fell under the sway of sorceress Marie LaVeau. LaVeau tried to coerce Strange into again reciting the Vampiric Verses, thereby nullifying the Montesi Formula, but Strange instead banished the page containing the Vampiric Verses page from the Earth-Realm. Nonetheless, LaVeau was able to use Victor as a template to duplicate the spell, making it possible for long-destroyed vampires to reappear. Strange and Clea were soon drawn back to the Dark Dimension, as both Dormammu and Umar sought to reclaim the throne. Umar ultimately won, leaving Clea exiled on Earth. While Clea sought allies to mount an offensive, Strange and others were drawn up in the fight with an Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Thanos of Titan. The death-worshiping Thanos used the Gauntlet's immensely powerful Infinity Gems to attain omnipotence, and he eradicated half of the universe's population before the heroes defeated him and used the same power to undo the damage. However, attempts to claim Strange's position of Sorcerer Supreme were not to end, even years after he had attained, lost and again won back his station. Ian McNee attempted to challenge Strange for the role, having trained himself for ten years, and apparently killed Strange; however, further killings due to others challenging McNee in turn convinced him that killing was the curse of the Sorcerer Supreme. However, Strange had not been killed and no one had really died from the battles. Nicodemus, too, tried to seize Strange's title, winning it briefly, but the strain and pressure of such power and responsibility quickly overwhelmed him. Strange soon formed alliances with other supernatural heroes, manipulating the formation of the Midnight Sons, a loose group including his vampire hunter allies, as well as Morbius, Ghost Rider, and Blaze among others. These warriors were actually the last in a long line of Midnight Sons, destined to confront the demonic scourges of Zarathos and Lilith. He also briefly tutored the young sorcerer Augustyne Phyffe, who ultimately chose to abandon sorcery. After sharing leadership of Earth's heroes against the Magus during the Infinity War, Strange teamed with Namor, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer to battle Shanzar, the invading Sorcerer Supreme of another dimension. Meanwhile, the Principalities of various mystic realms began summoning their devotees to serve them in the War of the Seven Spheres, a war between opposing magical entities expected to last five thousand years. When the Vishanti sought to enlist Strange, he refused, unwilling to abandon his earthly duties. Unable to resist them if called, Strange instead renounced use of their powers, stripping him of much of his power. Strange was then attacked by an even more powerful Dormammu, who had manipulated Clea into deposing of Umar so that he could again rule the Dark Dimension. With the help of the Hulk, the Silver Surfer, and Ghost Rider, Strange was able to repel the dark lord, but he continued to rule the Dark Dimension, and Clea remained there to again lead the resistance. Strange soon after began recruiting Secret Defenders, ad hoc teams assembled to meet periodic threats to the Earth that he could not handle alone. Strange also sought the aid of Immortalis in curing his brother Victor, but was refused because no permanent cure was known. After Rintrah was slain while destroying a dangerous talisman, Strange placed his body in stasis pending a potential revival, and took Kyllian Kell, heir to ancient Celtic magic, as his new apprentice. Strange was at one time abducted by the Goddess, who collected thirty-three of the most "spiritually-attuned" heroes in the universe to aid her in her Infinity Crusade, an attempt to purge the universe of evil. Mesmerized by the Goddess, Strange joined her crusade, and while his physical form served the her, he sent his astral form to keep tabs on his brother. By this time Victor Strange had adopted the identity "Khiron", a costumed hero and deadly vigilante. After realizing how violent he had become, Khiron chose to take his own life. After breaking free of the Goddess, Strange again fought Urthona, who had grown even more powerful by serving in the War of the Seven Spheres. While tutoring his new, impatient apprentice, Kyllian was pulled into another dimension by a talisman. When Strange managed to find him, Kyllian refused to go, preferring to remain with Iskelior, a woman he met there. The bickering sorcerers were interrupted by the ancient sorceress Lilith, who began tearing down mystical barrier to allow her demonic offspring, the Lilin, passage to Earth. Kyllian remained behind to seal the dimensional tear, and Strange returned to Earth, promising to rescue Kyllian later. Joining the Midnight Sons, Strange confronted Lilith and her Lilin. At one point the Midnight Sons were menaced by a bloodlusting Morbius, while Wong's betrothed, Imei, was dying from the poisoned kiss of the Lilin Sister Nil. Strange chose to subdue Morbius' bloodlust, saving the most people possible, but allowing Imei to die. Furious, Wong left Strange, and would even try to kill him on later occasions. Eventually, the Midnight Sons were victorious, and the Lilin were sealed back away in another dimension. In the meantime, Kyllian was rescued by Modred the Mystic, and returned to Earth in the form of Wildpride, now more in control of his "animal magick," and bearing a grudge against the master he felt abandoned him. Strange was later part of an international coalition of heroes opposing the techno-magical Mys-Tech, and was one of the six beings who stabilized the unraveling reality created by the clandestine group's "Un-Earth," A mystical replica they planned to use to control the real Earth. Strange again had to defend his tile as Sorcerer Supreme, this time from Salome, a winged member of the mysterious Blood race and allegedly the first Earth-born Sorcerer Supreme over 20,000 years ago. Salome easily reclaimed the mantle from a weakened Strange, and began gathering followers to help her rule the Earth. Unable to stand against Salome, Strange secluded himself in a pocket dimension, taking Sister Nil (the last of the Lilin remaining in the Earth realm) to record his actions and act as his assistant. From that dimension he dispatched two magical constructs based upon himself to tend to his earthly affairs. The first, Vincent Stevens, became a cunning businessman, and built a fortune with which to develop so-called technomagick. The other was a being called Strange, a masked figure who fought alongside the Midnight Sons and gathered artifacts for Strange to use against Salome. Strange also left leadership of the Secret Defenders to Doctor Druid, another of the Ancient One's pupils. Though Doctor Druid served as best he could, he was ultimately unable to lead the group. Possessing few of his artifacts and mystically poisoned by Salome's dance, Dr. Strange realized that he would have to focus on developing his weakest discipline, elemental magic, in order to reclaim the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. Dr. Strange had barely finished enhancing his sorcery when Stevens and Strange rebelled against him. Stevens was apparently destroyed in the resulting conflict, and Strange went to the Dark Dimension, where he merged with rebellion's Nobel as Paradox. Salome, meanwhile had enlisted Wong against his old master, claiming to have bound Imei's soul to the demon Xaos, and promising a full resurrection in exchange for his service. Later, Strange would show Wong that Salome had been deceiving them, and that Imei was truly dead. Wong gained some closure when Strange took him to visit her in the afterlife, and the two eventually reconciled. This time, however, Wong joined Strange as an equal partner, and in many ways a brother, not a servant. Wong still refered to Strange as "Master" from time to time because "old habits are hard to break." After using defeating Salome, Dr. Strange temporarily assumed a younger, more violent persona as he began to track down and terminate the illegal operations established by Stevens. Dr. Strange was still cleaning up after Stevens when he was again summoned by Vishanti to served in the War of the Seven Spheres; unwilling to lose any more of his already diminished power, this time Strange complied. Although from his perspective Strange spent 5,000 years fighting for the Vishanti against their enemies, the Trinity of Ashes, only a few months passed on Earth by the time he returned. Strange's memories of the war were suppressed, and he returned to his more mature, bearded appearance. Exhausted from the war, Strange turned to the use of unpredictable Catastrophe Magic to increase his power. He later claimed to have supplemented it with so-called Chaos Magic, though still later he would claim that there was no such thing. In any event, Strange eventually regained the patronage of the Principalities, and his power was restored to their height. The Dread Dormammu returned to attack Strange at this point, using the mutant Jonathon White and Strange's ally Topaz against the him. Strange drove off his old foe and magically guided another surgeon to save Topaz from Dormammu's attack. Strange then faced the return of his old enemy Yandroth, the techno-mage. Strange, Namor, Hulk, the Surfer united to oppose Yandroth's attacks on the Earth, but the four began to quarrel amongst themselves. Yandroth seemed to perish in the final conflict, and as final curse used Earth's magical energy to bind the Defenders together, forced to reunited against all future threats to Earth, regardless of their other concerns. Other former Defenders came to their aid at times, and though irked by the cause, was nonetheless touched to see the team reunited. The curse magnified the egos of the cursed quartet, however, until they became mentally unstable. They then became Order, seeking to end all threats to the Earth by taking control of it. Other heroes, including Clea, fought them, and the energies unleashed by the battle were harnessed to resurrect and further empower Yandroth. Coming to their senses, the Defenders stopped fighting, and Yandroth was reduced back to his human form, defeated, and imprisoned. Shaken by the ordeal, Strange cut himself off from the superhero community. Strange made the idealistic mystic Topaz his fifth known disciple, but kept her at an emotional distance. When the power of the Kale family Book of Shadows unleashed the Hellphyr, a monster that attacked mystics, Topaz joined Jennifer Kale and Satana in meeting the threat. She ultimately decided to leave Strange's side to join the other two in guarding the tome. Afterwards, Strange recruited the mutant Dead Girl to help him investigate the Pitiful One's attempt to resurrect a number of hell-bound villains. During this time he came into conflict with the spirit of his old master, the Ancient One, who had apparently been relegated to a level of Hell for petty misuses of his power. Strange was able to neutralize the threat, and was merciful to his old master. While Strange enjoyed a brief flirtation with Dead Girl, Wong grew concerned over the Doctor's health, particularly his failing memory. When the Scarlet Witch suffered a catastrophic mental break-down Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to stop her with a memory so terrible she collapsed from it, and ended the chaos she was inadvertently causing. The frail Wanda was taken to Genosha by her grieving father,Magneto. Desperate, Magneto enlisted the aid of his old friend and enemy, Professor Charles Xavier, to help his mentally unstable daughter. Xavier in turn summoned Doctor Strange. Even their combined efforts were not enough to help her. They attempted to mend her shattered psyche and minimize the damage done by her reality-altering powers, but were largely unsuccessful in their endeavor. Strange, having done all he could for Wanda, told the assembled Avengers and X-Men that together, he, Xavier and Emma Frost could shield the heroes from Wanda’s power and went with the Avengers and X-Men to find Wanda. Due to the interference of her brother, Quicksilver, they failed, resulting in the warping of reality known as "the House of M." After Emma Frost and Layla Miller joined forces to unlock his memories, Strange went with the heroes to Genosha to force Wanda to put the world back. Wanda changed the world back to its original form but in the process depowered of 90% of the entire mutant population. Surviving mutants and ex-mutants referred to this as "M-Day: The worst day in mutant history." Strange was unable to break the successfully wrought spell or even find Wanda with his powers afterward. Later, a troubled Strange claimed that, as his job was to prevent something exactly like the House of M and its aftermath, he had "failed completely". In a meeting of the Illuminati, Strange vehemently opposed the proposed Superhuman Registration Act, calling the actions it entailed "disgusting", simply a means to give into people's fear and ignorance. Their fellow heroes would fight to the death for their rights to oppose registration. He informed Iron Man and Mister Fantastic that they were never to call on him again before magically departing. Some time later, while Strange had friends on both sides of the war, Strange went into seclusion in the Arctic, fasting and meditating nonstop for forty days. As Sorcerer Supreme he could not take sides in the matter, for his given duties did not include influencing the evolution of the superhuman role in society, especially since there was no clear right or wrong. He prayed for an outcome that would benefit mankind and spill the least amount of blood. He later regretted his lack of involvement in the Civil War. After the conclusion of the War Strange was granted immunity to registration, yet the immunity did not extend to him openly breaking the Act with others. Following the Civil War, Doctor Strange housed the renegade Avengers in his Sanctum Sanctorum under the guise of a Starbucks under construction. He aided the team on their missions such as disabling the Mighty Avengers with mental illusions, teleporting them away from Elektra to the Silver Samurai while in Japan, freeing Maya Lopez from the Hand's magic and defeating the ninjas, saving their Ultron-virus infected plane, and casting a series of spells helping to calm the panicking symbiote-infected people to return to their homes. When Spider-Man came to seek his magical expertise in healing Aunt May, Strange tried to help Peter Parker by using the Hands of Death to send him around the entire world to consult others, but told Peter that even his magic couldn't help May now, or at least he was unable to use it to help her. He also continued to fulfi +This superhero's name is l his duties as Sorcerer Supreme. Their real name is such as aiding the new roster of the Fantastic Four from preventing Eternity's death. Dr. Strange was among the members of the Illuminati who. mistakenly believing them responsible for the an explosion that killed millions on the planet Sakaar. Strange declined Iron Man's request to use magic to again banish the Hulk +This superhero's name is Domino (FOX). Their real name is Neena Thurman. Domino applied to join Deadpool's new team, X-Force. At first, Deadpool did not believe that her power – which she described as "being lucky" and justing being in the right place when she needed to – was really a power but she was recruited to the team. Briefed on the mission to rescue the young mutant Russell Collins from a prison convoy and protect him from Cable, X-Force planned a parachute insertion. +This superhero's name is Domino. Their real name is Neena Thurman. The woman who would become known as Domino was actually the result of a top-secret government breeding program intended to develop the perfect weapon. Domino was the only test subject to survive, but her "luck" power was deemed a failure to meet the project's goals. Domino's biological mother broke her out of the project and left her with Father Rudolpho Boschelli, in the Church of the Sacred Heart in Chicago. Domino eventually escaped from the Church and became a mercenary. Later, while working for the NSA, Domino was assigned to guard the genius Dr. Milo Thurman, whose analytical ability made him too dangerous for the government to let him roam free. Over time, Domino and Thurman fell in love and were married. Thurman had a thing for Dante's "Inferno" and called Dom "Beatrice". The two separated after a raid on the facility by AIM members, with Milo believing Domino had been killed during the altercation. Domino later became a member of the mercenary group the Wild Pack, later known as the Six Pack. Six Pack was led by the mutant mercenary Cable and Domino became intimate with him. Wild Pack was mostly contracted to Mr. Tolliver, an arms dealer and used Cable's orbiting space station, Graymalkin, as a means of teleporting, or "body sliding", in and out of situations. On a mission in Afghanistan, Six Pack learned that Stryfe was in charge of Mr. Tolliver's opium routes and they were contracted to take out the Soviet armored carriers that were in this route's way. After a brief battle, Stryfe and A.D.A.M. Unit Zero teleported away. Cable scrapped the mission, much to the disliking of the team. Angry, Mr. Tolliver sent agents to kill Six Pack, but they were defeated. On another mission, Six Pack invaded a Hydra research facility in search of a stolen component. Once inside, Hammer accidentally triggered a fail-safe and Baron von Strucker's image appears everywhere, threatening to kill Six Pack, but they quickly retrieved the device and body slid out. Six Pack later found-out that they were working for A.I.M.. Feeling used, Six Pack decided to go after Stryfe in Uruguay. After entering an underground bunker, Six Pack battled their way into a control room, where Hammer began to download secret information from Stryfe onto a CD. While waiting for the disk to finish downloading, Stryfe teleported behind Kane and grabbed his neck, demanding Hammer to give him the CD. Before Hammer could give Stryfe the CD, Cable shot him from behind. Stryfe grabbed the disk telekinetically and set-off a self-destruct on the bunker. Cable teleported away, leaving Six Pack to fend for themselves. Domino went her separate way. Around this time, Mr. Tolliver abducted Domino, replacing her with the shape-shifting mutant Copycat, so as to spy on Cable’s activities. Domino was watched-over and abused by Pico Halfghanagan and kept locked away for more than a year, while Copycat lived her life. Arriving at Tolliver's base, Cable shot Pico and found Domino, in chains. After rescuing Domino, the pair battled Deadpool and Tolliver was seemingly killed in a helicopter explosion. As he teleported away, Cable requested Domino to track down X-Force. While searching for X-Force, Domino found Copycat and rounded-up Grizzly and Hammer, former members of Six Pack. The group found Cable, Kane, and G.W. Bridge, all former members of Six Pack and, after a brief battle, Domino went her own way. During her time with the X-Force, Domino came into conflict with Donald Pierce and Lady Deathstrike, who had captured Milo Thurman and were attempting to download his mind to a computer. Dom stopped the process, but it cost Thurman his life. Then, during Operation: Zero Tolerance, Domino was captured by a Prime Sentinel named Ekaterina Gryaznova. Domino had seriously injured Gryaznova three years previously while rescuing Dr. Rebecca Schuyler, when the robot Gryaznova had been piloting through a long distance cybernetic link was destroyed. As revenge for these acts, Gryaznova had Domino implanted with a neural blocker that interfered with her synaptic relays, effectively shorting out her power and her coordination. The experience left Domino shaken, and as a result, she chose to leave X-Force, believing she could be of no use to the team in her current condition. However, Dom was still very dangerous, proving it to herself by stopping a bank robbery single-handedly, which brought her to the attention of a federal agent. She also collaborated with Interpol to help take down a known criminal who was employing the services of the assassin known as Arcade to hire a new bodyguard. The assignment required her to fight a number of the world's top fighters, and also a former teammate, Shatterstar. Following this, Domino has a volatile run in with Cable at his new safe-house in Hell's kitchen, and an almost fatal encounter with the assassin Blockade, whose mind Cable vengefully wiped. After recovering from Blockade's attack, Domino was found by Jesse Aaronson, who helped her find Gryaznova in exchange for Dom's help in finding his brother. During the fight with the "Gryphon" (Gryaznova's new identity), Jesse used his power to disrupt machinery to disable Dom's implant. So far it has stayed off. They then rejoined X-Force. The FBI agent who had begun tracking Domino after the bank robbery she'd foiled finally caught up with her, but just as he was about to confront her, Dom was snatched out of the timeline by Halloween Jack, a refugee from the year 2099, who was fixated on Dom and tried to warn her about the impending death of her X-Force teammates. Dom ignored him and was returned to her normal timeline. Much later, after the High Evolutionary had temporarily removed the powers of all the mutants on the planet and X-Force recruited Pete Wisdom to teach X-Force, Dom left the team and disappeared. She resurfaced later, possessed by Aentaros, one of the malevolent spirits called the Undying. Aentaros planned to use Domino to kill Randall Shire, a mutant who was himself possessed by another Undying. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Domino was defeated by Cable, who managed to immobilize her with a special weapon. When Cable defeated Aentaros and the Undying, Dom escaped from custody, and resumed her "merc" ways to make some cash. She was targeted for assassination by Marcus Tsung, a mutant with the power to murder, and so returned to X-Force for help. X-Force just barely managed to hold off Tsung, who was finally put down by Pete Wisdom's sister Romany, who also removed an alien symbiote from Dom's body. Dom remained with X-Force through the team faking their death after an LMD bomb almost killed them. However, when X-Force came upon a top-secret plot to use alien technology to recreate a planet-moving engine, they apparently could not stop the bio-engineered defenders of the facility. Only Domino got out, and the rest of X-Force was presumed dead following the explosion they set off, leveling the alien tech base. Shortly thereafter, Domino was recruited by Professor X into the X-Corporation, an organization intended to monitor mutant rights violations. Domino was set up in Hong Kong, but when her partner Risque was killed, she called in the X-Men. Together the mutants uncovered the truth behind John Sublime's "Third Species" movement -namely, that he was harvesting body parts from living mutants to create his U-Men- and freed the mutant named Xorn. On this mission, Domino sported a special contact lens, with laser and zoom functions, and probably a good deal more. Dom was also seen (with the no-longer deceased X-Forcers) at a press conference held by the new X-Force (led by Coach and the Orphan at the time). During her solo period, Domino began to search for her mother, leading her to a secret base in Florida where she found a boy who had the same eye tattoo. The boy, Lazarus, was revealed to be her half-brother, and the true result of the Perfect Weapon program. Dom was then confronted by her mother, who led a fanatical group of quasi-priests who were against the project, and was forced to shoot her to save Lazarus's life. She then took Lazarus to the church she was raised in (though her mother subsequently abducted him from there). Domino then hooked up with Cable again, in his quest to find and destroy the new Weapon X Program and its secret Neverland base. Months later, when Cable unleashed and then purged the Facade virus all over the globe, she joined a new Six Pack team tasked with bringing Cable down. Cable did not stop the Pack's infiltration of his station, Providence, but also did not allow them to do any damage until Deadpool had neutralized his mental abilities. Domino and the Six Pack, however, were temporarily trapped in Cable's mind until Deadpool re-booted Cable's immune system with an infant Phalanx. Domino assassinated Flagsmasher in Rumekistan, clearing the way for Cable to take over. She did not agree with his agenda. Domino recently led a revolt to free the 198. She left Six Pack, which disbanded again after that the majority of the members had been captured and deported from Rumekistan. She then joined Cable on Providence for a time, until a battle with the Hecatomb caused the island stronghold to sink into the ocean and Cable was presumed dead. Domino was later recruited by her old friend G. W. Bridge to be, alongside Silver Sable and the Contessa, part of a new task force, this time against the Punisher. When a fake Punisher started targeting civilians, she was the only team member to believe in Castle's innocence. After the Punisher stint, Domino found Wolverine and his new black ops team, X-Force in Tokyo and joined them in trying to capture Vanisher. Questions to Domino's authenticity were raised by X-23 when she failed to make a shot her powers should have assured. She was later injured during the confrontation with The Right, her reflexes and "luck" ability not saving her from a gun shot. Later on behalf of Wolverine, Domino was asked to stop in a cemetery to deliver flowers to a deceased loved one. While there she came across Spiral, Chimera and Lady Deathstrike who had dug up Kwannon's body. After a brief fight she wounded Chimera and the women teleported off with Kwannon's body. Domino managed to strike back by replacing Jean Grey's body before the Red Queen could take it as her host. Shortly afterword Domino accidentally saw Red Hulk transform, thus revealing his secret identity to her. Red Hulk attacked Domino, collapsing the building they were standing on, however she survived. Doc Samson informed Red Hulk of this and told him he must form a team to hunt down and kill Domino in 24 hours before she could tell anyone of her knowledge. The team, Code Red, tracked her down to a bar in Hell's Kitchen. Preparing to capture Domino, she revealed that the other people in the bar were all members of X-Force, who prepared to fight Code Red. +This superhero's name is Donna Troy. Their real name is Donna Hinckley Stacey Troy. Donna Troy, alias Wonder Girl was created to be a playmate for the young Wonder Woman by the sorceress Magala, who used a magical mirror to create a duplicate of Diana, though with her own personality. She was abducted by Dark Angel who mistook her for the real Diana, and cursed her to experience a cycle of countless tragic lives, given the name Donna Troy as a cruel joke to her origins. But it would not be until the intervention of Wonder Woman, Hippolyta, and the Flash years later that she would learn this. +This superhero's name is Doom Slayer. Their real name is B.J. Blazkowicz IV. In the time of King Novik, as the Argenta secured peace and safety through dimensions across time and space, Doomguy is found by the Night Sentinels in a valley outside the castle walls on Sentinel Prime. How he arrived is unknown. Sentinel scouts had found the Outlander bloodied, clawed and near death, mumbling of impending Doom and the forces of Darkness. The scent of blood followed him, and the gore that stained his armor seemed not entirely of his own. By Argenta law, he would be judged in the Coliseum, where he would be given the chance of all who stray from the Path to fight for his freedom. His mind seemed crippled with rage. His will overcame his injuries, and in the Blood Arena, he proved his worth. His technique was crude and brutal, but the determination in his charge echoed that of any trueborn Sentinel. His war cry echoed through the Coliseum as did the sound of his fury, and the guards cheered his banner, 'Rip and Tear' they shouted as the beast pushed beyond mortal wounds and certain death. He would be gifted no rank, no title. The survivors in the Arena were provided only one reward - the right to earn an honorable death while spreading the blessings of the Maykrs to those in need. Doomguy's determination was witnessed, his ravings documented, and through the word of the Order, Deag the Khan Maykr had him brought before her. She set her minions to learning his tongue, for with his ugly words he spoke of lands unseen, creatures born of fire and a dark place unknown to the Queen and her cast. Yet another opportunity to expand the gift of the Maykrs to those in need. On the eve of the Black Star, the Dark Ones came from a world beneath our own, not through ship nor ephemeral vessel but through the fabric of dimensions. Out of swirling, fiery gates came horned beasts from a timeless realm. First one, then many, crashing waves of evil swelled from the obsidian forest of the Argentian Overlands. The Alorum clans from the eastern mountains fell first to the black hordes of devils, and the city of Telorum was slung under the weight of their charge. He and the Sentinels rose to meet the beasts with a spear in hand, the might of the holy fleet striking back at the demons, but the dark gates from whence they came gave birth still to even greater hordes. A line of blood was drawn with the fallen on both sides, and the Unholy Wars began as the time of darkness came upon us, thus beginning the first age. In the 1st Age, Hell constantly strove to take over Argent D'Nur in order to harness sentinel energy and expand their dominion. The Crowned leader of the Night Sentinels loses his son on the battlefield. In return for his offspring's revival, he betrays the Sentinels and the city by guiding the traitorous Deag Grav to the Wraiths. The Hell priests put a curse on their patron deities to siphon their homeworlds energy. To which (in a secret deal forged between the Maykrs and Doom overlords) would blend Sentinel Energy with demonic essence in conjugation with the tormented souls of the fallen Argenta to produce the more powerful Argent Energy. Valen's son was returned to him, but in a twist to their bargain had instead been resurrected as the Icon of Sin. The demonized former sentinel tears the Argent City apart while everyone watched helplessly. To make matters worse, the Slayer and his contingent of Sentinel warriors ventured deep into the heart of Hell itself in order to bring the fight to their enemies' heartland. Only for the noble warrior creed to find out the horrible truth behind the secret of Argent Energy. Not only was the fuel source utilized by the Argenten people fueled by the suffering and defilement of their fallen brethren; whose corpses were later transformed into legions of the damned after they're souls had been processed. The Order soon realized they had been betrayed from within by the Argenten people's very patron divinity; the Kahn Maker. It is revealed she had in fact helped construct the malignant devices which the Legions of the Doomed used to harvest the souls of their enemies, the slayer's people, her subjects. In order to process and refine their tormented souls and concentrate their inherent quintessence into refined Argent Energy. After they'ed returned to their homeworld to convey such a horrendous finding, the Night Sentinels found themselves rejected by their former capital. As the Deag; now going by the moniker of Hell Priests, corrupted by their exposure to demonic essence and the influence of the Kahn Maykr. Had turned Sentinel society against those who knew the awful truth. Wronged, betrayed and consumed with rage, seeking vengeance, retribution, and redemption, the Slayer decides to reenact his murderous crusade on Hell alongside the resistance sect known as The Loyalists. Samur Makyr, also known as the Seraphim, would spirit him away from prying eyes in order to give him immense power (in Christian mythology, a Seraphim is the highest rank an angel can achieve). In the time that followed, however, another great Titan had been dispatched by the armies of Doom to waylay another Argenta city heralded by the Night Sentinels. In an epic battle that waged for an untold period; the Doomslayer would rise to the occasion wielding his own Crucible Sword and strike the towering behemoth down. In awe of the foreigner's might and menace; the people of Argent D'Nur crowned him as their latest king, inaugurating their savior with the moniker of the Doom Slayer. While trapped in Hell by yet another betrayal from the Hell Priests, an entity known only as "The Wretch" would seek the Doom Slayer out. He would enhance his armor into the Praetor Suit so that the Slayer can better survive in Hell with his newly obtained inhuman powers. As time may flow differently in this dimension, the Doom Slayer torments Hell for thousands of years long after the remnants of his Loyalist sect died out. The demons, unable to defeat him, instead devise a way to contain him. After being lured into a trap at Kadingir Sanctum, he is captured by the forces of Hell, separated from his Praetor Suit, and trapped in a sarcophagus, sealed by demonic power. Samuel Hayden retrieved the Doom Slayer from Hell in case the demonic forces escaped onto Mars, which they did. He awakened him to stop a demonic invasion of Mars instigated by his former protege, Dr. Olivia Pierce. He is released from the sarcophagus, supplied with his Praetor Suit, and sent to work. He journeys between worlds, destroying the Gore Nests that serve as Hell's links to our world. Samuel Hayden guides him through slaying the demons on Mars and Hell, equipping him with a dimensional tether allowing him to travel between them. The Doom Slayer, disapproving of Hayden's deadly Hell energy-siphoning operations, destroyed the Argent Energy filters he asked him to carefully remove. The Doom Slayer eventually retrieved the Crucible, used it to free the Wraiths from their subjugation and absorb their Argent Energy, and killed Olivia Pierce. Then Hayden uses the tether to return the Slayer to him, incapacitate him, and take the Crucible from him. Hayden explains that even though his attempts to siphon energy from Hell resulted in a massive loss of life, he believes the massive energy crisis on Earth it's solving makes the ends justify the means. He claims that even though the Slayer destroyed the filters, he can rebuild his operation with the Crucible, which he reveals to be a long blade of pure Argent Energy. To prevent the Doom Slayer from trying to stop him, Samuel uses the tether to send him to a place where he can do no harm and where no harm will come to him. The Doom Slayer is sent to the Arena Eternal, a series of battlegrounds where the Vadrigar has taken the greatest warriors from across time and space, and even parallel universes, to kill each other in endless gladiatorial combat for their amusement. Every time the gladiators are fragged in combat, the Vadrigar revive them so they may fight again. In Quake canon, Champions is a prequel to Arena. The background of the Slayer in Quake Champions includes lore taken from Doom (2016), Doom Classic/Doom II/Doom 64, Doom 3, and the original Quake Arena games. The demons have invaded and devastated the Earth, just as they did in Doom 2. After traveling to Earth from the Fortress of Doom in orbit, the Doom Slayer must use his upgraded Praetor Suit and Super Shotgun, and a wide range of weapons both old and new, to stop them. It is confirmed that Doom Slayer is one of the generals of the Night Sentinels and he is human whereas the rest of the Night Sentinels are of different blood. In the distant past, after leading a successful battle against the demons of the Blinded Order, his army was killed by a group of demonic dragons. As he was about to be killed after a dragon tossed him into the air and he fell thousands of feet below, he was rescued by the Seraphim. During the betrayal of the Valen, the Doom Slayer led the remnant of the Night Sentinels to destroy the foundry of souls, the source of the Kahn Maykr's power to turn the tide of the war against the forces of Hell and the corrupt Argenta. Deag Grav eventually trapped and stranded the Slayer and his warriors in the void. It is revealed in the flashback that after being found by the Night Sentinel patrols, he was brought in the arena to be judged if he is worthy to be a warrior of the realm or not by Ranak and Grav. He eventually succeeded in proving his worth and under the order of the Khan Makyr, he was made into a Night Sentinel and became their general later on. Due to his exploit in exterminating demon hordes on Earth, most people regard him as the avenging angel and savior while the UAC and Allied Nations try their best to deny his existence, referring to him as The Doom Slayer and sometimes The Doomguy. At some point, B.J. became stranded in Sentinel Prime on Argent D'Nur after remaining in Hell. There he is captured by the Night Sentinels and ended up in a different dimension. After being put through a trial by combat, where he proved extraordinarily skilled. He was later sent to the frontlines of the conquests of Argent D'Nur, where he proved once again his skill in battle. This garnered the attention of the clergy and ruling powers of Argent D'Nur, and despite being an outlander he was taken in and trained by the Night Sentinel order of knights. Despite all this, the Doom Slayer remains firmly obsessed with the demons and their imminent arrival to Argent D'Nur, and much so the demons do eventually arrive. This is when the Doom Slayer gained his (in)famous title, as he proved once and for all his skill at slaying the leagues of doom. During this time he also helped the Bethians and Night Sentinels that had colonized Mars, creating the city of Hebeth there. He helped the ancient Martians fight back a demon invasion there. He was honored in Site 3 (with a statue depicting his Praetor Suit), and the Chamber of the Hero. Still, the martian civilization fell not before creating the Soul Cube in which it was used by the Marine Corporal in Doom 3 and after it sealed the Gate of Hell, it was acquired by Doom Slayer in Hell. Some survivors possibly making it to Earth, others returned to Argent D'Nur. Though the Maykr race who had long been allied to the Night Sentinels eventually came to betray them in order to work with Hell to harvest Argent energy, the Doom Slayer remained loyal to the Sentinels. +This superhero's name is Doomguy. Their real name is B.J. Blazkowicz IV. B.J. Blazkowicz IV is a space marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Three years ago (before his transfer to Mars), he assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. The officer and his body cast were shipped to Pearl Harbor, while B.J. was transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace Corporation. In the original Doom, B.J. and his squad spent routine and boring life on Mars, with nothing going on. His day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room. This changes when Mars received a garbled message from Phobos requesting immediate military support, and reports of something evil coming through gateways. Doomguy and his team were deployed quickly to Phobos. He was ordered to secure the perimeter of the base while the rest of his team went inside. He spent hours listening in on his radio to sounds of combat before things went silent. Assuming the worst for his buddies, he decided to investigate things on his own, and take revenge if necessary. Armed with only a pistol he entered the base hearing growls in the distance. Making his way through various facilities on Phobos defeating demons along the way, until he steps into a teleported and is transferred over to the lost moon of Deimos, now orbiting a hellish landscape. Fighting his way through the facility he finally makes his way off Deimos to the surface of hell below. Fighting his way across demonic world he defeats another Cyberdemon (possibly the same demon his ancestor had defeated during World War II). Doomguy ultimately uses a gateway to reach Earth, but finds it already ravaged by demons while he was in Hell, and his pet bunny, Daisy, decapitated. With a lucky rabbit's foot taken from Daisy upon him, Doomguy vowed to fight back. After the battle on Mars, Doomguy takes leave by drop pod and returns to Earth, only to discover it has been invaded by the monsters from the Outside. The survivors plan to flee the planet, but the remnant population of Earth and their ships are trapped on the starport controlled by a demon and the only remaining functional spaceport is under Hell's control The Marine joins other marine troops to stop the invasion on Earth and deactivate the force field which contains the last spaceships. Since he had other Hell encounters in the past, the Marine is the only one who survives on the starport. He fights to take back the spaceport and the remaining humans succeed in fleeing to space. Doomguy then travels to the Demons' entry portal on Earth to close it and succeeds after killing the Icon of Sin. After he reaches a demon outpost, he manages to free the spaceships but becomes the only human left on Earth. After this, the Marine seems to accept his fate and wait for death. After the spaceship's sensors locate the center of the invasion, which is located on the Marine's hometown, he abandons his suicidal waiting and goes there to stop Hell on Earth forever. However, after he reaches the main gateway, he learns that the only way to close it is on the other side, going to Hell again. This Hell is sightly different from the one on the original Doom since it has some demonic urban building - probably part of Earth inside Hell dimension. There, he discovers the Icon of Sin, the biggest demon he has ever seen, who is capable of creating demons and possibly the leader of Hell. After the destruction of the Icon of Sin, the Marine returns to Earth to help rebuild it, and Hell is left in ruins. Humanity then returns to Earth to rebuild. The Plutonia Experiment Following Doom II, the UAC finally found a way with the quantum accelerator to close all the seven gateways between Earth and Hell. But when the Gatekeeper, another Icon of Sin, leads another demon horde and manages to keep one gateway open, he began a full-scale Earth invasion. The Marine, who was on vacation, is called to contain the invasion on the UAC base and prevent another Hell on Earth. The Marine manages both to recover the quantum accelerator prototype and to destroy the Gatekeeper, which leads them to believe that Hell would be back as the place that only the bad people go when they die. The Marine continued to work on the UAC, now as 'marine commander' of marine troops on one of Jupiter's moons. A year or more later, there, the UAC is conducting experiments to close the link between our universe and Hell, and after some successful tests, the base is invaded by an enormous demon ship, which invades the base and kills all personnel, with the exception of the Marine. He, once again, manages to go to Hell and destroys the Gatekeeper (another Icon of Sin). He is a Corporal who has recently arrived on Mars as a replacement for "Corporal Allen", who was shipped back to Earth for psyche problems. When he first lands everything appears to be normal, and he is given orders to find a missing scientist. After going through dungeon Mars Underground, and crossing over a short portion of the surface of Mars, he makes it into one of the older facilities and finds the scientist, who was attempting to send a message to earth warning about the research being conducted. But before he can send the message, Mars suffers from an incursion incident, with demons teleporting into the base and killing or possessing most of the staff, security, and marines. Finally, the Corporal fights his way into Hell using the Soul Cube he defeats the Cyberdemon. Hell begins to harden, and he is teleported back to Mars. Soon after he is recovered by a contingent of Marines that were sent to look for survivors, and he walks out with them, again he is the only known survivor. The Doom Marine (B.J. Blazkowicz IV), still employed by the UAC (after Doom I, II, Final Doom, and Doom 3), is transported to Mars from Earth. He is sent to assist members of the UAC Mars Outpost facility on Mars, who are under attack from the denizens of hell. The Marine had been dispatched from Earth in response to a distress call from Union Aerospace Corporation's research facility on Mars. The base was under attack by an unknown force and his mission was to acquire intelligence and neutralize the threat. Once his insertion was completely ordered to rendezvous with the other Marines at Junction for further instructions. He was told to expect heavy resistance. While their Marine meets Dr. Jensen who was accessing a computer terminal investigating his recent dismissal. During the exploration of the first few sectors of the installation, the Marine receives help from Dr. Guerard in gaining access to various locked down areas. In Biological Research Facility, the Marine meets Dr. Nadira who quarantines his weapons claiming security measures. Dr. Nadira then commands his mind-controlled hellhounds to attack the Marine and disappears in the process. Eventually, the Marine meets Jensen again. This time he is incarcerated in a prison cell. After freeing Jensen, he informs the Marine that Guerard and Nadira are into an evil scheme and directs the Marine to the next section of the installation. The next time the Marine meets Guerard and Nadira, it is known that Guerard was behind the invasion and has been attempting to open a portal to Hell in the Reactor Sector. Guerard promptly orders demons to attack the Marine and Nadira. Nadira is killed by a Malwrath and Guerard escapes. The Marine proceeds through the remaining two sectors, acquiring the BFG 9000 and the key to the Reactor sector. By then, a major invasion devastates the Junction. With the help of Kelvin and Jensen, the Marine gains access to the Reactor sector. Kelvin and Jensen both die in the process. In the Reactor sector, Guerard reveals himself as Kronos and transforms into a demonic form. By this time, he has succeeded in opening the portal to Hell. After defeating Kronos, the Marine closes the portal by destroying the reactors powering it. The Cyberdemon slips through before the portal closes. The game ends with the defeat of the Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon is likely to be Kronos' creation referred to throughout the base. Many years later, the marine has been decommissioned, and UAC deep space stations have been quarantined and closed off and bombarded with radiation. Something survived on Mars' moon, however. A satellite starts broadcasting a signal from the bases showing the Mother Demon resurrecting and leading the fallen armies of Hell. The Marine is recommissioned and sent to stop the horde before it can invade again. The game's background story text mentions that he is, in fact, the same person from the original games, denoting him as "the only experienced survivor of the DOOM episode" and "the only Marine to endure the slaughter." At the end of Doom 64, the Marine once again goes to Hell and manages to kill the Mother Demon. Unfortunately, he closes the portal from the inside and decides to remain in Hell to keep the demons from ever escaping it again. The Marine accepts his fate of eternal confrontation and prevents any other Hell invasion once and for all (or so it seems). +This superhero's name is Doomsday (Hunter Prey). Their real name is Doomsday. Rematch: Hunter/Prey Eventually, after passing through a wormhole, Doomsday's asteroid was accidentally found by a deep-space scavenger ship. Upon closer examination of the peculiar-looking drifting rock, the ship's crew retrieved the object, hoping to find something of value. The scavenger vessel happened to be on a route to Apokolips, the home of the now-powerful tyrant Darkseid, empowered by the fabled Omega Force long after his first encounter with Doomsday. Doomsday was fully rested and, after slaughtering the crew of the salvage ship, found himself landing on the harsh world. This was to be the setup for a final showdown between Doomsday and Superman, who had been uneasy about the possibility of Doomsday's resurrection. With the help of his Justice League contacts, Superman procured a Mother Box, a sentient computer, after Darkseid's servant Desaad contacted Earth about a problem on Apokolips. Unknown to Superman, Doomsday had faced and beaten Darkseid in single combat, even after withstanding the full effect of Darkseid's Omega Beams, and was laying waste to Apokolips. Unfortunately, before Superman could deal with Doomsday, Desaad opened a boom tube to Calaton—the first world where Doomsday was successfully defeated—and sent Doomsday through, to what he believed was his defeat at the hands of the Radiant. Doomsday was able to adapt, however, and overcome any opponent because of the process by which he was created, so, although the Radiant had defeated him once, he would not be able to defeat him again. Likewise, even though Superman had killed Doomsday once before, he was unable to do so again. Superman, while knowing this — having been filled in on Doomsday's history by the time-manipulating Waverider — was obsessed with stopping Doomsday and followed him to Calaton. He fought Doomsday again with the help of the Mother Box, but, despite it providing him with extra weapons such as an ultrasonic gun and an energy sword, Superman met with defeat as Doomsday's evolutions rendered him immune to Superman's attacks, such as his auditory channels being sealed by new bone growths or his knuckle-bones being able to shoot out of his body to 'pin' Superman in the air. Eventually, with his left arm having suffered a compound fracture and most of his weapons lost, Superman was forced to use one of Waverider's time travel devices to leave Doomsday stranded at the End of Time, where Doomsday met the one force he could not overcome: entropy. Upon returning Superman to the present, the Mother Box healed Superman's injuries and then "died." On Apokolips, Darkseid became fascinated with Doomsday's abilities after learning his origin from Waverider. +This superhero's name is Doomsday. Their real name is Doomsday. Doomsday was artificially created by Bertron, a mad scientist with no morals working on Krypton, Superman's home world, though neither he nor his creator were Kryptonian (this was done prior to humanoid life evolving on Krypton). Bertron wanted to create the ultimate lifeform. In order to do this, they sent a baby onto the surface of Krypton, where it would be killed by the harsh environment or vicious creatures that inhabit the planet. Each time, the lifeform's remains were harvested and used again, to create a better, stronger version of the last. In short, the mad scientist was using the method of cloning to accelerate the evolution of the being he was creating. Through decades of this process, the being which would eventually become Doomsday was forced to endure the agony of death, thousands upon thousands of times; the memory of these countless deaths was recorded in his genes and drove it to hate all life. Bertron himself met his death at the hands of his own creation. The nameless being later to be called Doomsday was artificially created in the distant past on Krypton, long before the humanoid Kryptonian race had gained dominance over the planet. During this time period, Krypton was a violent, hellish world where only the absolute strongest of creatures could survive (at the time, the world's dominant lifeforms were said to be the most dangerous creatures in the universe). Doomsday's creator was a mysterious alien named Bertron, who wished to create the ultimate life-form. To do so, Bertron and his team sent a baby onto the surface of the planet, where it would be instantly killed by the harsh environment or the vicious creatures inhabiting it. Each time, whatever of the lifeform's remains that survived were harvested and used again, to create a better, stronger version than the previous. In short, the mad scientist was using the method of cloning to accelerate the evolution of the being he was creating. Through decades of this process, the being who would eventually become Doomsday was forced to endure the agony of death, thousands upon thousands of times; the memory of these countless deaths was recorded in his genes and drove it to hate all life. Eventually, Doomsday gained the ability to evolve against what killed him in his prior life without the need of Bertron's technology. At this point he proceeded to hunt down and kill all of the lethal creatures that inhabited Krypton. Bertron himself met his death at the hands of his own creation. Doomsday escaped Krypton and went on a killing spree across several planets. He began with crashlanding on Bylan 5 (245,000 years ago), a planet where Darkseid was about to wed a princess (in order to obtain that planet's chemical deposits for Apokolips' weapons factories). Just as Doomsday and Darkseid were to meet in combat, Darkseid was forced to flee as the battle had caused the planet's atmosphere to become toxic and therefore worthless to Apokolips. Doomsday managed to hitch a ride on an escaping shuttle. This shuttle eventually crashed on Khundia. The warring Khundian clans united in order to build protective armor for a warrior named Kobald. His goal was to survive long enough to force Doomsday onto a rocket. Once the rocket was in space, Doomsday killed Kobald and the resulting explosion sent him hurling through space. He would next come across the path of a Green Lantern named Zharan Pel. Doomsday took his power ring and sensing the power of the Guardians of the Universe, made his way to them. Hundreds of Green Lanterns were sent to stop him and were killed. He continued to Oa where a single Guardian sacrificed himself in battle to defeat him. With Doomsday dead, the Guardians turned their attention to rebuilding the Corps. In reality, the release of massive energies by the Guardian had caused a tear in space through which an injured and unconscious Doomsday fell. Eventually coming to Calaton, he tore that world apart for three years. With only the capital city left, all the members of the royal family combined their life forces into a single energy being, The Radiant. The Radiant killed Doomsday with a huge blast of energy (laying waste to over a fifth of his world in the process). In common Calatonian burial procedures, Doomsday's body was shackled and masked, and due to his status as a murderer, was shot into space. Eventually, he would land on Earth, the force of the impact of his landing driving the casket deep underground. Doomsday, however, was not dead, as any time he would be "killed", he would return, having evolved past whatever defeated him. +This superhero's name is Doppelganger. Their real name is . The Doppelganger began life as a living fractal, a geometric pattern in the Dimension of Manifestations, able to assume the forms and attributes of any being, real or abstract. When the mysterious Magus set out to obtain the vast power of the Infinity Gauntlet, he contracted the ruling fractal, Prime Manifester Anthropomorpho, to transform several young fractals into monstrous versions of Earth's super heroes; the Doppelganger was one such creation, based upon Spider-Man. It and its brethren were sent to Earth to attack the heroes in the so-called Infinity War. The Doppelganger interrupted a fight between Spider-Man and the Hobgoblin, who impaled the creature upon a fence. Following the battle, the Doppelganger was retrieved by the demonic Demogoblin, who unknowingly infused it with supernatural energy, enabling it to remain in the Earth dimension following the Magus' defeat. Demogoblin directed the Doppelganger in a grudge against Hobgoblin, whom the altruistic Spider-Man protected. The foursome's fight brought them to another battle, where the supernatural heroes Ghost Rider and Blaze were fighting a group of demonic Deathspawn and Spider-Man's murderous nemesis Venom. Both the Doppelganger and Demogoblin were subsequently pulled underground by the Deathspawn, with two Deathspawn briefly taking up silent residence within the Doppelganger's body. The disoriented Doppelganger wandered New York for days before being attacked by the psychotic Carnage, who mistook the creature for their mutual enemy Spider-Man; however, Carnage's companion, the equally insane Shriek, took a liking to the Doppelganger, and the deranged couple introduced their new "son" to the "pleasure" of random murder. During their spree, the three were joined by Demogoblin and Carrion (Malcolm McBride); they also fought Spider-Man, the Black Cat, Cloak and Dagger, Venom, Morbius, and others. The Doppelganger became devoted to Shriek; when Carnage attacked her for rebellious behavior, it sprang to her defense, but Carnage gutted it and kicked it to the street several stories below. Carnage and the others were defeated shortly afterward, but whether the Doppelganger was truly slain remains to be seen. +This superhero's name is Dormammu. Their real name is Dormammu. Born untold thousands or even millions of years ago in the dimension of the vastly powerful energy-entities called the Faltine, Dormammu and his sibling Umar gathered matter to themselves to increase their power, a practice anathema to their fellow Faltine, becoming their dimension's mightiest sorcerers. Ultimately slaying their parent Sinifer, they were driven from their home dimension, the Faltine deeming their garnering of such energy intolerable, and assumed human form to explore others. Their search for conquests brought them to the Dark Dimension, a mystic realm riddled with natural warps into pocket universes within the dimension itself. At the time of their arrival, the Dark Dimension’s multi-species society had been at peace for almost 28,000 years and was in the third millennium of the rule of King Olnar. Despite the warnings of his sorcerer advisors the Mhuruuks, Olnar offered Dormammu and Umar sanctuary and power in exchange for the knowledge of how to shatter dimensional barriers and absorb other dimensions into his domain. After decades of such conquest, Dormammu, whether by chance or design, led Olnar to the dimension of the Mindless Ones, indestructible rampaging dreadnoughts who slew Olnar and many other Dark Dimension denizens. Dormammu and Umar repelled and confined the creatures, using the confusion to murder most of the Mhuruuks, and were hailed as heroes by the Dark Dimension, of which they were proclaimed regents; Olnar’s infant son Orini, deemed no threat, was allowed to live under their care. As ruler, Dormammu partially reverted to flaming Faltine form and merged his essence with that of the Dark Dimension’s innate mystic energies, increasing his power enormously. Little is known of Dormammu’s early rule, and since denizens of the Dark Dimension have millennia-long lifespans within a universe whose time passage may not match Earth’s anyway, it is almost impossible to guess how long those activities lasted. He warred with several extradimensional rulers and allied with others, forming a pact with Odin of Asgard and even joining the embodiment of Eternity to banish the occult juggernaut called Zom within a netherworldly amphora. Though not common would the clashes or direct alliances of Odin and Dormammu be in the modern-time Marvel Universe, Loki claimed that Odin spoke of Dormammu in comparison to himself, contrary to Dormammu’s belief Odin would regard him with "dread." Dormammu’s power combined with the force of the Evil Eye was enough to nearly crush the entire Marvel Universe by merging it with the Dark Dimension, showing his potential to threaten entire realities with sufficient might. He apparently observed the Earth dimension for several millennia, supposedly even manipulating the creation of the demon Satannish in Earth’s ancient pre-history; he often clashed with Agamotto, the extradimensional entity who appointed himself that universe’s first Sorcerer Supreme and held his own against the former, and his disciple, an unnamed tentacled alien. Dormammu at some point knew of both the Celestials and Zeus, and claims he will "burn" the former while his power equals that of the latter. Dormammu also has acknowledgement and respect for the ancient Atlantean mages, even abandoning the Hood for Jennifer Kale, whom he knew has been trained by Dakimh the Enchanter himself, thousands of years later, while Kale's Tome of Zhered-Na warns all sorcerers to reject Dormammu's temptations, indicating even Zhered-Na and the mages of Atlantis knew of his existence and threat. The immensely powerful amulet called the Eye of Agamotto was wielded against Dormammu, as was the mysterious Staff of One of the Minorus (evokers of the Nisanti demon and thus at least indirectly his own power), but Dormammu rarely if ever met true defeat, and in time he ascended the ranks of those mystic beings whose patronage was beseeched by mortal sorcerers. When Umar went mad after bearing a daughter to Orini, now in millennia-old adulthood, Dormammu used trickery to banish her to a pocket universe, becoming sole ruler of the Dark Dimension and continuing his conquests. Orini became Dormammu’s most devoted disciple and raised his daughter Clea in the Dread One’s service. Finally, prompted by events that remain unrevealed (though Dormammu's lust for further dimensional conquest to expand his own was certainly far from sated yet), Dormammu targeted the Earth dimension for conquest in 1666, causing the Great Fire of London and using the life-force of its victims to link the two dimensions via Stonehenge. However, Dormammu suffered his first defeat when forced back to the Dark Dimension by the Mystic, Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme. In 1692, Dormammu also clashed with Salem exorcist Hiram Shaw, who vied for the Sorcerer Supreme title, and other earthly foes came and went over the centuries, but the Mystic, later called the Ancient One, became his true obsession; indeed, the Ancient One’s influence spread throughout the multiverse, protecting other realms from Dormammu’s grasp. It was through the actions of the Ancient One, aided by the Eye of Agamotto, that he was deemed viable for the role of the Marvel Universe's Sorcerer Supreme. Unable to penetrate the mystic barriers erected by his foe to protect the Earth dimension, Dormammu occasionally acted through earthly pawns over the centuries, as when, in 1888, he was involved in creating Jack the Ripper, perhaps in cooperation with mastermind Fu Manchu, via a mystic parasite later called the Zaniac. In 1943, Dormammu accepted Baron Mordo, disciple of the Ancient One, into his service via the sacrifice of Mordo’s own mother and grandfather; a year later, the Eye of Agamotto was stolen, whether through Mordo’s betrayal or not, by Nazi operatives and given to the Red Skull, who inadvertently traveled to the Dark Dimension via its power. When Captain America and Bucky (James Barnes) wrestled the amulet from the Skull, the villain bargained with Dormammu for power in exchange for its retrieval, but the Ancient One sent Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandos to aid Captain America and Bucky, and Dormammu contemptuously dismissed the Skull from his sight; ironically, Jack the Ripper was one of several time-displaced criminals led against Captain America and Bucky by the sorcerer Terdu later that year. Eventually, Mordo, with Dormammu’s patronage, slowly weakened the Ancient One’s power, a plan eventually halted in 1963 by Doctor Stephen Strange, who became the Ancient One’s true disciple and ultimate successor; however, Mordo continued to provide Dormammu with human sacrifices. In recent years, Mordo, evidently displeased with his progress as Dormammu’s servant, sought sacrifices for a mysterious entity, the Great Enigma. His efforts won the attention of Doctor Strange and the heroic Spider-Man, and Mordo fled through a portal, only to arrive before the Enigma, none other than Dormammu himself, who had perhaps used the alias to test his hapless catspaw. But Strange’s opposition intrigued Dormammu, who wondered if the Ancient One’s power was at last faltering if only his successor stood against Mordo. Shortly afterward, Dormammu sent a ghostly messenger to the Ancient One to announce a renewed intention to conquer the Earth dimension. When Strange traveled to the Dark Dimension in response, Dormammu, surprised that even this challenge did not rouse the Ancient One to action, sent supernatural servitors to bedevil the newcomer. When Strange bested all comers, Dormammu met him in mystic combat, but Strange proved more powerful than anticipated. As he drew upon the Dark Dimension’s energies, Dormammu inadvertently weakened the barrier containing the Mindless Ones and withdrew to force them back. Not wishing Dormammu’s subjects to suffer, Strange lent his mystic might to Dormammu, successfully re-sealing the juggernauts. Indebted to Strange for his help, Dormammu felt compelled to end the fight, and Strange made him vow never to threaten the Earth dimension again. Enraged by this turn, Dormammu swore vengeance against Strange, a grudge which even outweighed his hatred of the Ancient One. Dormammu soon found a loophole to his vow by granting Mordo more power than ever before, for Strange’s murder by a third party would negate the pact. Mordo and his minions hounded Strange across the world for weeks until finally abducting the Ancient One as a bargaining chip to lure Strange to the Dark Dimension. But Mordo’s boasting wearied Dormammu, who brought all three Earth sorcerers with him to a neutral realm where, in his own fit of bravado, he summoned the Lords of the Netherworlds, his peers in dimensional domination, to watch him overcome Strange in hand-to-hand combat. However, when Strange seemed to gain the upper hand, Mordo struck him a mystic blow from behind, outraging Dormammu’s sense of honor. Banishing Mordo for his troubles, Dormammu faced Strange in a rematch, but fell to his foe’s greater familiarity with physical combat. Before the gathered Lords, Strange forced Dormammu’s vow to menace Earth no further even by proxy, cementing the Dread One’s humiliation. However, Dormammu struck a parting blow by extradimensionally banishing Clea, and then manipulating fellow Nether-Lord Tazza into attacking the sorcerer. Driven to mad fury by their grudge, Dormammu, for reasons unclear, dared to challenge the almighty Eternity himself. Even Dormammu’s power was no match for the universal embodiment, who dismissed his foe to the mysterious Realm Unknown, the very dimension where, ironically, Clea now languished. Rallying the demonic Dykkors, banished there by the Ancient One long ago, Dormammu sent wraithlike beings to drain power from the searching Strange, whom he imprisoned. Clea, however, escaped to Earth and mystically influenced Umar, ruling the Dark Dimension in her brother’s absence, to free Strange. The sorcerer confronted his nemesis at the very gateway to Earth he meant to enter, only for Dormammu to be paralyzed by the force of his own vow to leave Earth untouched. Months later, having reclaimed the Dark Dimension, Dormammu sought a new loophole by possessing the earthborn Strange himself, but met defeat at the hands of Strange and his new allies, the Defenders. Thinking to make Strange’s own friends his catspaws, he then allied with the Asgardian god Loki, Odin’s foster son, to manipulate the Defenders into obtaining the talisman called the Evil Eye, whose power he hoped to use to merge the Earth dimension and his own. However, Loki was uninterested in sharing power and manipulated the Avengers into also seeking the Eye, sparking the so-called Avengers/Defenders War. When the two teams discovered the plot, they confronted both menaces and, at the prodding of the mutant Scarlet Witch, the Evil Eye absorbed Dormammu as energy and redirected it at Loki, driving the god from the scene and insane. During this time, it is revealed that Dormammu also appears to possess knowledge of Uatu (having watched the Sol system for billions of years and thus having existed as long or nearly as long as Dormammu has) and his function even before the two first met[1], and Uatu appeared to know him as well. Though Uatu’s presence in the Dark Dimension, as well as his passing Dormammu’s magical defenses, shocked and intimidated even Dormammu, despite his possession of the Evil Eye, he was willing to battle even Uatu if the Watcher intervened. A spark of Dormammu’s consciousness remained, and with Umar’s help, he was reborn on Earth itself. Having thus cheated his vow, and doubtless buoyed by the Ancient One’s recent death in battle with the monstrous demon Shuma-Gorath, Dormammu was nonetheless betrayed by Umar and banished by Strange, now Sorcerer Supreme, and the earth-spirit Gaea. A subsequent gambit, pitting Strange against the demonic Ghost Rider and the ghostly Bounty Hunter, met no better success. As a new tack, Dormammu allied with Doctor Doom to channel the power of the mysterious mystic confluence called the Bend Sinister, with Doom’s pawn Lucius Dilby attempting to use Strange as a human sacrifice. However, Spider-Man disrupted the ritual, freeing Strange but leaving Dormammu no worse off than before. Perhaps reminded of Mordo’s defeat years earlier by Strange and Spider-Man, after ritually maintaining universal balance in a chess match with Odin, Dormammu subtly directed Mordo to time-travel to 1943, where Mordo’s grandfather Viscount Krowler, his death still months away, absorbed that era’s the power of that era’s Mordo. Krowler’s Dark Cabal then prepared to grant Dormammu access to Earth by channeling the terror and hatred provoked by Nazi bombings of England. Fortunately, Strange followed Mordo into the past and won the help of Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos; Dormammu was given little time to jog his memory regarding the Commandos when Strange and Fury disrupted the ceremony, scattering Dormammu’s mystic essence throughout time and space. Months later, Strange, following his own arduous confrontation with Shuma-Gorath, healed himself via processes that took him through various dimensions; unknown to Strange, a portion of the incorporeal Dormammu attached himself to his foe during one such passage and, when Strange returned to Earth, possessed the sorcerer’s body as he had first planned years before. Possession of a human body exempted Dormammu from his vow, and he summoned extraterrestrial sorcerers, including Agamotto’s now-renegade tentacled disciple, as his lieutenants. Dormammu vowed to oust the unfathomable Celestials themselves as the greatest power in the Earth dimension, but Strange, his consciousness having fled into a rat, lured Dormammu into blasting him with mystic power, enabling him to rebuild his astral form while his ally Topaz exorcized Dormammu’s presence. Undaunted, Dormammu returned to the Dark Dimension, luring Strange by unleashing the Mindless Ones upon Earth, then trapping him in helpless symbiosis with Clea. Perhaps in nostalgia, he invited Umar to share his reign once more, then banished her anew when she predictably turned against him. Dormammu’s invasion of the Earth dimension met unlikely resistance from Baron Mordo, at last weary of Dormammu’s abuses and hoping to claim Earth for himself. As Strange and Clea freed themselves, Umar, with Mordo as her champion, forced Dormammu into a compromise, promising him his own dimension to begin anew but neglecting to mention it was that of the Mindless Ones, who were as eager to assault Dormammu in their domain as they had been in his. Umar claimed rulership of the Dark Dimension, with Mordo as consort, but soon Dormammu, in the guise of the Faltine Flyx, lured Clea into gathering mystic allies among the Lords of the Netherworlds to depose her mother. This freed Dormammu to reclaim his realm, becoming more powerful than ever before. Strange, although greatly weakened after losing much of his own power by renouncing the Principalities who patroned him, confronted him alongside a new team of Secret Defenders. Giddy with power, Dormammu gloated that humanity’s own evil nature, demonstrated by the horrors of the very wartime era in which he had fought Strange and Fury, proved its need for his rule, then contemptuously dismissed his enemies and, soon afterward, allowed Strange and the human-alien hybrid Darkhawk to seal a breach between the Dark Dimension and Earth’s technological Cyberspace, indulgences he doubtless regretted later. When the Guardians of the Galaxy, heroic adventurers from the 31st century of Earth-691, traveled to the modern era of Strange’s Earth-616, Dormammu, on a whim, followed them back to their home era and attacked their Drydock headquarters, demanding the presence of Doctor Strange, himself known as the Ancient One in the Guardians’ era. The future Strange and his disciple, the alien Krugarr, rose to the challenge, but neither Krugarr, the Guardians, nor their associates the Galactic Guardians could prevent Dormammu combining his own power with that of his future counterpart, from slaying Strange at last. However, careless from his victory, Dormammu allowed himself to be overwhelmed when the Guardians unpredictably teleported him throughout their ship and attacked him in succession with non-mystic powers unfamiliar to him, forcing him to return to his home time and realm. Whether as a result of his travels through time or of the reality-altering War of the Seven Spheres, Dormammu, despite victory over not one Doctor Strange but two, suffered severe power loss, reducing him to a humanoid husk while Clea led a rebellion against him. Retaining his throne but slow to recover his power, Dormammu bound his essence to a minor demon, Underchild, to enter the Earth dimension unnoticed, where he manipulated the mutant Jonathan White into granting mystic power to others, strengthening his master via millions of worshippers. Although Doctor Strange soon ended this gambit, the revitalized Dormammu launched his most ambitious scheme yet in a war against the demons and death-gods that governed Hell itself, through which he planned to reach Earth. With Satannish as his lieutenant, he captured two-fifths of his targeted regions but was driven out by the united power of his adversaries, rallied by the heroine Hellcat. Dormammu’s own realm suffered attack by the vastly powerful Archenemy, whom even the Mindless Ones could not overwhelm, forcing his own alliance with Mephisto and dozens of other demonic rulers of the so-called Splinter Realms before the creature was finally destroyed by the sorceress Magik (Amanda Sefton), but not without severe damage to all realms involved. Perhaps hoping to recoup his losses, Dormammu attacked the Earth dimension once more. Strange again scattered Dormammu’s essence throughout the dimensions, but Dormammu, anticipating this ploy, released the Mindless Ones on Earth; when Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four used his technology to force the Mindless Ones back, he inadvertently drew Dormammu back to Earth. Strange nevertheless defeated him, daring to tamper with time itself to ensure victory, but Dormammu resurfaced months later, driven to irrationality and speaking of a childhood and parents he had never had. Umar humored him while, via a shift in the Cosmic Axis, the pair’s power increased to such an extent that they were able to overwhelm Eternity entirely. Immersed in Eternity’s essence, Dormammu re-made the Earth into his own hellish domain, with a Doctor Strange doppelganger as his lackey; his endeavors were opposed by the true Doctor Strange and the Defenders, but ultimately it was Umar, having taken a liking to the Hulk, who thwarted him, claiming his power for her own and restoring Earth. Dormammu was apparently reduced to a ranting human, but there is little doubt he will return. Dormammu was eventually reincarnated at the Earth's core as a giant, and imprisoned Gaea. He then battled the Scarlet Witch to avenge his imprisonment in the Evil Eye, but lost. His power was stolen by Umar, and he was expelled from the Earth. He later traveled back in time to 1943. He was driven out of the body of Viscount Krowler by Doctor Strange. Later, Dormammu took possession of Doctor Strange's body. He was driven from Strange's body by Topaz. He later began a way to regain sovereignty over the Dark Dimension from Clea, and even invaded Earth. An invasion force of Mindless Ones poured into Times Square and were met by an assortment of superheroes, including Iron Man, Cyclops, Human Torch, the Fantastic Four and Thor. Reed Richards created a device powered by the energies of the heroes present. This served to send the Mindless Ones back where they came, but also recreated Dormammu, whose energies had been scattered. This forced Doctor Strange to try and trick Dormammu into expending his energy before he was back to full power, thus tearing them both apart across the dimensions. However, thanks to the intervention of Spider-Man, the two heroes were transferred outside of time itself, giving Strange the opportunity to send Spider-Man a few moments into the past and prevent Dormammu from ever being released in the first place Dormammu and Umar formed a union between their powers, which was claimed to make them more powerful. They attacked, and overcame a manifestation of Eternity. Dormammu used its power to remake the universe in his image. He was stopped by being engaged by Doctor Strange, the Hulk, and Sub-Mariner, while Umar secretly leeched away his enhanced power, trapping him in a powerless, crippled form. She then left due to lack of interest. Dormammu revealed himself as the demon behind the Hood's powers, granting him the ability to see through the disguises of Skrulls. While in Limbo, the recently resurrected Illyana Rasputin attacked various other demons looking for her soulsword and the original bloodstone amulet. This did not go unnoticed by Mephisto, Blackheart, Satannish, Dormammu and Hela. Dormammu tasked the Hood with finding Doctor Strange and usurping his position as Sorcerer Supreme. Doctor Strange fell to the power of the Dark Dimension, forcing the New Avengers to reach him and battle Dormammu as the fight for the new Sorcerer Supreme continued. Dormammu later assaulted the New Avengers, Doctor Strange and Daimon Hellstrom directly in the Earth dimension, only to find Brother Voodoo bearing the Eye of Agamotto to come forth and intervene against him. Dormammu was exorcised from Parker through the joined efforts of Doctor Strange, Daimon Hellstrom and Brother Voodoo. He was banished to his own Dark Dimension once again, having failed to rise as the Sorcerer Supreme or destroy the chosen one. Loki enigmatically offers to aid the Hood afterwards. Dormammu was interested in the zombie virus, thinking it as a perfect weapon to make his conquest of Earth far easier, with the Sorcerer Supreme having erected defensive magical screens around the dimensional boundaries to bar him from directly acting on the plane, and commanding the Hood to secure it. Later, when Jennifer Kale became terrified at the sight of the zombie virus mutating into an airborne form, Dormammu appeared before her, and offered her his power. Kale eventually accepts his power when the situation appears hopeless and the Man-Thing falls, with the Hood forsaken. +This superhero's name is Doubloon. Their real name is Pete Doubloon. Originally a human "two-faced thief" named Pete Doubloon, Doubloon was incredibly talkative and crafty. At one point, he managed to learn Spinjitzu. Aboard the Misfortune's Keep, he attempted to steal Nadakhan's gold. Nadakhan, confronting him, was impressed by his skills, making Doubloon literally two-faced and cementing his induction into the Sky Pirates, where he would eventually become the Gunner. Later on, he attacked the Destiny's Bounty aboard the Misfortune's Keep, but was defeated and trapped in one of the Sixteen Realms by Captain Soto. He was rescued by Nadakhan many years later. +This superhero's name is Dove II. Their real name is Dawn Granger. During the Crisis, Dawn Granger was in London with her mother. Her mother, a diplomatic courier, was at the American embassy when terrorists took it over, and threatened to blow it up. Unable to get help from the police, who were too busy with the panic caused by the Crisis, Dawn was contacted by voices that offered her the power to deal with the problem herself. She agreed, was transformed into Dove, and easily subdued the terrorists. While she initially assumed she was one of a number of Doves, she later learned that the other Dove had died during the Crisis, and was concerned that he had died because she had taken his power. She traveled to the memorial service for the fallen heroes, where she managed to identify Hawk in his civilian identity, and followed him to try and discover who he was. She followed him for a while, seeing him become increasingly unstable, but lost him when she had to go into action as Dove +This superhero's name is Dove (Titans). Their real name is Dawn Granger. Dawn Granger was born in London, 1985, to Marie Granger and her unnamed husband. She was raised in a dysfunctional family under an abusive father who used physically abuse on them on multiple occasions. Over the years Dawn and her younger sister Holly rebelled against their father. As a consequence for the domestic abuse, Dawn broke his arm and grew estranged from him, meanwhile, her mother remained with him—something Dawn protested. At some point in her life, she studied gymnastics, jiu-jitsu, and classical dance. In 2001, she moved from London to Washington, D.C. and became a professional ballerina as of 2009. Sometime later, her mother was killed in an accident. At the same accident too, Hank's half brother, Don, was also killed. Then Dawn ran into a support group where he met Hank also grieving for his lost. They became close after meetings and both often talked with each other after sessions. Eventually, they were engaged in a relationship. At some time, Dawn found out about Hank's other identity after accidentally found his suit in his closet. Then, sometime later, Dawn donned her own vigilante identity, Dove, and together with Hank, chasing criminals and brought them to justice. And so, Washington, D.C. has its secret protector in Hawk and Dove. +This superhero's name is Dr Manhattan. Their real name is Jonathan Osterman. Jonathan Osterman was born in 1929. His father was a watchmaker, and Jon planned to follow in his footsteps. When the US drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Jon is sixteen. His father, confronted with the undeniable facts of the theory of relativity, declares his profession outdated and throws his son's watch-making parts out the windows, urging him to instead pursue a career studying nuclear physics. The incident represents the turning point in Jon's potential future from watchmaker to nuclear physicist and foreshadows Doctor Manhattan's 'exterior' perception of time as predetermined and all things within it as so determined, including Doctor Manhattan's own reactions and emotions. Jon Osterman attends Princeton University from 1948-58 and graduates with a Ph.D. in atomic physics. In early 1959, he moves to a research base at Gila Flats, where experiments are being performed concerning the 'intrinsic fields' of physical objects which, if tampered with, result in their disintegration. Here he meets Janey Slater, a fellow researcher; they eventually become lovers. During a trip to New Jersey in July 1959, Jon and Janey visit an amusement park. Janey's watchband breaks, and the watch is damaged when a fat man steps on it. Jon decides that he can repair the watch, and tells Janey so. That night they sleep together. One month later, in August, 1959, shortly after his thirtieth birthday, Jon plans to give Janey the repaired watch, only to discover he has left it in his lab coat which is inside the intrinsic field experiment test chamber. While Jon is inside the test chamber retrieving his coat the door closes, automatically locking as a safety feature. Unable to open the door or override the countdown, Osterman's colleagues - save for Janey, who cannot bear to see the last moment and flees the room - can only watch, horrified, as the countdown for the current experiment shortly reaches zero, and Jon has his 'intrinsic field' removed. Bathed in the radiant light, he is torn to pieces from the force of the generator, instantly vaporized and officially declared dead. The following months see a series of strange events and apparitions at the research base, leading residents to speculate the area is now haunted. It becomes plain that Jon has been progressively reforming himself during this time. This progression being indicated by a series of partial bodily reappearances: first as a disembodied nervous system, including the brain and eyes; then as a circulatory system (November 10); then a partially muscled skeleton (November 14). Each time, the appearance only lasts for a few seconds. Jon fully reappears on November 22 as a tall, hairless, naked, blue-skinned man. After his transformation, Jon begins to experience time in a non-linear, "quantum" fashion, and it is implied that he is aware of and experiencing all the moments of his life simultaneously. Jon is not omniscient; he remains reliant on his intellect and sensory experience to reach conclusions, but his range of sensory data has been abruptly extended, in proportion to the lessening of his emotional capacities. This often leads him to arrive at conclusions greatly different from those available to normal humans. His already weak will (marked by his apparent submission to his father's career plans, whatever they might be) becomes sublimated further during this time. He increasingly has difficulty acting in what those around him consider the present moment, leading to many accusations and even the public perception that he is emotionless and uninterested in human affairs. For instance, he does nothing to prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, even though he is aware it is going to happen as he meets the President. However, during the course of Watchmen he displays powerful emotion several times. His apparent lack of sentiment is more a matter of radically altered priorities, owing to a colossal, unbridgeable gap of perception between Jon and the rest of humanity. He subscribes to a deterministic view of events (at one point remarking "We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."). Throughout most of Watchmen, Doctor Manhattan appears to exert an effort of choice, and his actions often seemed governed by a rigidly utilitarian code of ethics in which the correct course of action must be the one that benefits the most. In some sense, unlimited power has come at the cost of the total absence of responsibility, and his growing detachment, if not apathy, is juxtaposed with his apparent ability to do anything. During the period in which Doctor Manhattan is a crime-fighter (at the behest of the government), he states that the morality of such activities escapes him. From his radically altered perspective, almost all human concerns appear pointless and without obvious merit. Jon gradually becomes a pawn of the United States government, though the means by which his loyalty is secured are never revealed; he is given the code name 'Doctor Manhattan', a reference to the Manhattan Project that, it is hoped, will defeat America's enemies. He is also provided with a costume which he grudgingly accepts, though he refuses to accept the icon design which is provided for him (this being a stylized orbital model of the atom). Instead, Jon chooses as his emblem a representation of a hydrogen atom, whose simplicity he declares to be something that kindles his respect; accordingly, he painlessly burns the mark into his forehead. This preference for material mechanisms marks the beginning of Jon's declining humanity, which is progressively mirrored by his gradual shedding of the uniform - by the end of the 1970s, he refuses to wear anything at all except for mandatory public appearances. However, Jon's presence still succeeds in tipping the balance of the Cold War in the West's favor, and the United States consequently becomes more aggressive and adventurist during this period. His abilities also radically alter the world economy, as he can, for example, synthesize the massive amounts of lithium required for all motor vehicles to become electric. At President Richard Nixon's request, he brings America victory in the Vietnam war within three months. This victory distorts the American political process, as the 22nd Amendment is repealed and Nixon is then repeatedly reelected (and is still serving as of 1985, the year in which Watchmen is set, for what is theoretically his fifth term). Moreover, indications in the story line suggest that, far from solving the problems underlying the international tension, Doctor Manhattan's presence in fact exacerbates them while stifling their expression, which inevitably builds towards disaster; the entire plot of Watchmen occurs during the countdown to a potential nuclear holocaust. During the first meeting of the Crimebusters superhero group, Laurie Juspeczyk, the second Silk Spectre, catches his eye. His relationship with Janey Slater ends acrimoniously shortly after, and he begins dating Laurie. During the execution of Adrian Veidt's plot to save the world, Manhattan is accused of giving cancer to those exposed to him over long periods of time. It emerges that this is untrue, for it is rather a careful fabrication of Veidt's, but this revelation is not quick enough to prevent Manhattan from exiling himself to Mars, where he spends much of the action of Watchmen. Eventually, he brings Laurie (who, in the meantime, has taken Dan Dreiberg/Nite Owl II as a new lover) to Mars, where they argue over the fate of the human race. On Mars, Jon explains his belief that life is an overrated phenomena, citing the barren planet as an example of natural, undisturbed beauty as they travel on his floating glass fortress. Laurie tries to convince him otherwise, but he does not believe. Angered at his indifference to Earth's well-being, she demands he land the craft and send her home to die with the others. As she walks away, Jon tells her that, while she always asks him to see things through the human viewpoint, she had never attempted to see things through his eyes. While attempting this, Laurie realizes her father was Edward Blake. As Laurie wept over this realization, Jon is amazed at it. He explains that he had spent his time trying to find what would be called a miracle, but neglected to see anything of the sort in human coupling. The odds against two people like her mother and the Comedian coming together to create a child like her, he believes, is the same as turning air into gold. With this revelation, his interest in humanity is restored and the two return to Earth to attempt to stop Veidt's plan. They arrive too late, however, as Manhattan has already been destroyed by the psychic shock-wave from the squid monster that Veidt teleported to the city. Jon's perception of the future is being blocked by tachyon particles but is able to locate the source: Veidt's Antarctic lair. Teleporting there, Jon begins to feel more distorted than before, as he is closer to the tachyon generators' source. He walks inside to confront Veidt who tries to run from him. He tells Veidt that he thanks him for this, as he forgot the joys of not knowing something. Being confronted by Bubastis, he is stalled long enough for Adrian to throw the switch on an intrinsic field disrupter, blowing both apart. Veidt's victory seems certain, as he even manages to catch a bullet fired point blank at him by Laurie. Jon reappears outside in giant size, however, asking him if he actually expected something that could not kill Jon Osterman could kill Doctor Manhattan. Before he can kill Veidt, however, Adrian turns on the television wall in the room to reveal that all countries in the world have ceased conflict, including the United States and Soviet Union, in order to try and understand the "alien attack" on New York. Seeing that his plan did bring about genuine world peace, Jon agrees with the others (besides Rorschach) that knowledge of Veidt's instigation of the entire plan should be kept secret. Outside the compound, Jon confronts Rorschach, telling him that he cannot let him reveal the truth. In tears, Rorschach removes his mask, screaming for Jon to do what must be done. He obliges, killing Rorschach. Returning to Karnak, he sees Dan and Laurie together, apparently happy that they have begun a relationship. He appears before Veidt, informing him that he is leaving for another galaxy. Before he departs, Adrian asks if, in the end, what he did was right. He simply states, "In the end? Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends." +This superhero's name is Dracula. Their real name is Vlad Tepes Dracula. The man later known as Dracula was originally born Mathias Cronqvist. Sometime during the mid to late 11th century, he served in a company of knights alongside then Baron Leon Belmont. With Mathias's brilliant military strategies and Leon's skill with a sword, their company was unstoppable. Little is known of Mathias's early life or his family, save that they seem to have been longtime practitioners of Alchemy and had advanced further into the study than most alchemists could have ever dreamed. Mathias was very well educated and quite skilled in the art, though he never told Leon or any of the other compatriots of his knowledge, with the notable exception of Rinaldo Gandolfi, whom he had met at an unspecified time. Mathias married a woman named Elisabetha who he was deeply in love with. While away on a campaign against heathens in the east, Elisabetha died due to illness. Upon returning and learning of her death, Mathias was overtaken with despair so profound that he became bedridden, presumably worrying Leon considerably, as Mathias was the strategist and tactician of the company. During that time, Mathias grew angry at God for allowing Elisabetha to die such an early death while he was away risking his life and fighting in God's name. He thought it was unjust and unfair for God to take away what mattered most to him, when he had given God so much and when Elisabetha was such a pure and blameless woman who has not deserved to die. Mathias began searching for ways to become immortal and show God that he didn't have a final say in everything and that he could defy God's decrees by existing outside them and scorning God in his eternal life. He learned about the Crimson Stone, considered to be a treasure among vampires. Through some means, the stone came into Mathias's possession and he planned to use it to ascend to immortality. Through his acquiring the arcane relic, an evil deity known as Death bound himself in servitude to Mathias, as Death would only follow he who controlled the Crimson Stone. With the stone, Mathias could not only control the powerful spirit creature but also absorb the souls of slain vampires and add their powers to his own. As an effect of this, humanity would be lost and he would become a vampire himself. The young knight then had all the resources he needed to plan his scheme to become an immortal. Mathias eventually came in contact with a powerful Vampire Lord named Walter Bernhard, who had somehow obtained the Ebony Stone, another vampiric treasure that locked his forested realm and castle in eternal night, thereby making him the most powerful vampire. The only thing of value that Walter desired was the Crimson Stone, which was believed to be lost for ages but was secretly held by Mathias. The vampire was bored due to his own immortality and in order to distract himself from that, he enjoyed playing life and death games with brave humans. To raise the stakes of the game - to make the human more interested - he would steal that which is most precious from his target. Mathias suggested targeting Sara Trantoul to Walter, the fiancée of Leon Belmont. The knight would make an interesting player in Walter's game because according to Mathias's stories, his combat prowess was second to none. Walter, who didn't realize he was being tricked, ordered his forces to invade Leon's domain in order to capture Sara. All went according to Mathias's ingenious plan; Leon went to Walter's castle to save Sara and due to a series of planned events, was able to defeat Walter. When Walter was dying, Death appeared and took his soul and granted the vampire's power to Mathias, who had materialized in the castle. It was only in his final moments that Walter realized what was happening and what Mathias's true intentions were. Due to absorbing Walter's soul, Mathias became the most powerful vampire, though the Ebony Stone eluded him, as it was destroyed in Leon and Walter's battle. Mathias then declared that he had never spent a better night and gave Leon his gratitude. A confused Leon demanded an explanation, to which Mathias replied that he needed a powerful vampire's soul and he knew that Leon had it in him to destroy Walter so that he could take the soul. Leon sensed a rage from the Vampire Killer, which he used to kill Walter and asked in disbelief if his best friend had abandoned humanity. Mathias confirmed this and revealed his motive. He admitted that everyone involved in the ordeal were just pawns in his plan to become the most powerful vampire and curse God forevermore because of God's cruelty. Mathias then offered Leon eternal life as he too suffered over the death of his beloved. Leon refused because eternity without the one he loved would be empty and Mathias's twisted plan had cost Sara her life. Mathias believed that Leon out of all people would be the one to understand him, but when that wasn't the case, he became a bat and flew away and the two would never meet again. Mathias went in hiding in foreign lands and he continued to curse God. Eventually, he named himself Lord of the Vampires and King of the Night. At some point during Mathias's unholy life, he built a magic castle in the province of Valachia where he would recruit humans and other beings who had turned their back on God or were shunned by the light. Mathias granted some of them the forbidden knowledge of Devil Forgery and allowed them to practice their rites in his castle. One day, he met a kind woman named Lisa, with whom he would eventually become romantically involved. She reminded Mathias very much of Elisabetha, which was mostly the reason why he had fallen in love with her. Lisa loved Mathias very dearly despite his views on life and they would eventually have a son together named Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, who would be later known as Alucard. Eventually, rumors started to spread that Lisa's medicinal practices were a form of witchcraft. This caused her to be arrested and sentenced to death by the authorities. Lisa was captured and crucified, an event Adrian witnessed but was prevented from intervening in. As the execution would have traditionally occurred during the daylight hours, Mathias would not even become aware of it until hours later and when he learned of this, it drove him over the edge. Eventually, he changed his name to Dracula Vlad Ţepeş and plotted his revenge against mankind for ruthlessly taking away what mattered most to him. Dracula angered at humanity for the loss of Lisa, sent his legions against the people of Europe. The church sent many armies in opposition, but none returned. After several months, Dracula's forces had almost completely wiped out the armies sent by the Eastern Orthodox Church and had conquered whole countries. One night, Isaac, a General in Dracula's army, reported the Belmont Clan had started an offense in the west. A vampire hunting descendant of Dracula's old friend, Leon, who went by the name Trevor C. Belmont, was planning to assault Dracula's Castle. Because Dracula was responsible for the death of Leon's betrothed, Sara, Leon committed his kinsmen to hunt down and destroy Dracula. Isaac requested the opportunity to face Trevor himself. Instead, he was sent to find Hector, another General who was previously ordered to assassinate Belmont but had deserted. Dracula planned to meet his old friend's descendant himself and waited for the hunter in his throne room. Dracula eventually faced the vampire hunter along with the rebel, Grant Dynasty (who had earlier been turned into a demon by Dracula's forces in a failed attempt at overthrowing him before Belmont freed him from the curse), the sorceress Sypha Belnades and his own son, Alucard, who had chosen to oppose his father. With much effort, the Vampire Lord was finally slain. For the first time in hundreds of years, the immortal Dracula was at last dead, though his scheme to decimate humanity had not ended. With his final breath, he uttered a curse that left the land to rot while poisoning the minds of its inhabitants, who pillaged and scourged it without remorse. A few years later in 1479, Death sought to resurrect Dracula by using the Count's traitorous Devil Forgemaster General Hector as a vessel for Dracula. Because Devil Forgemasters were suffused within Dracula's magic, only they could make suitable hosts for the Count to inhabit. However, they would have to be fully enveloped within the curse that Dracula left behind that was plaguing the land and its people. Though Hector was Death's (who disguised himself as Zead) ideal choice for a body for Dracula's reawakening, he rejected the Curse, causing Death to compromise and use Isaac for the vessel. Isaac was killed in cold blood by Hector and Death used the corpse to resurrect the Count, causing the first reawakening of Dracula from the dead. Dracula intended to execute Hector for deserting him earlier, especially after learning that Hector did so due in disgust toward Dracula's genocidal aims against humanity. However, because the resurrection was only partially successful, Hector was able to thwart both Death and Dracula and send the Count back to the grave, as well as nullify his curse, finally freeing the land from its venomous grip. A century later, Dracula rose again. It was at this time that Dracula's one hundred year regeneration cycle became manifest. Due to the power of Christ weakening every one hundred years, men's hearts grew black with chaos. They sought to resurrect Dracula so that he may cleanse the world. He was brought back in 1576 and because his powers were linked to his castle, his stronghold returned with him. Strengthened from his slumber, the Count resumed his quest for revenge against humanity and began attacking Transylvania with his hordes. Once again, the only ones that could hope to stand against him and his throngs of followers were the Belmont Clan with their holy whip, Vampire Killer. Castlevania was invaded by Christopher Belmont and the vampire hunter and Dracula engaged in a death duel. Christopher thought he had sent the Count to his grave, but Dracula turned into mist and feigned death. Though his castle was destroyed and he was too weakened from the battle to assume his regular form, Dracula would bide his time, waiting for the right moment to strike back against the Belmont Clan that had caused him so much trouble. Dracula resurfaced fifteen years later in 1591, magically influencing Christopher's son, Soleil Belmont, while still trapped in mist form. He planned on using the Belmont to become whole and he cast a curse on the young vampire hunter that would cause Soleiyu to do his bidding. Christopher Belmont came to the aid of his son and was forced to battle him. Christopher defeated Soleiyu and expelled Dracula's presence from his mind. By that time, using the spirits of four elemental castles, Dracula regained his corporeal form and he battled Christopher Belmont for the last time. Christopher was victorious and destroyed Dracula, sending the vampire to sleep for one hundred years more. Dracula rose again in 1691 on an Easter night when his followers convened in a monastery to perform the unholy ritual to return him and his castle to the world and plunge mankind into darkness and despair. Dracula was defeated by Simon Belmont, but not without dealing a critical blow to Simon's back and casting a curse on him. Similar to when he was defeated by Trevor Belmont in 1476, Dracula left a curse on the land before his passing. Though Dracula was dead, he left both Transylvania and Simon Belmont in dire condition. The only way to expel his curse was to collect his remains and destroy them within the ruins of Castlevania. Dracula's monstrous followers had free reign over many territories in the land while Transylvania was cursed and they hid the Count's remains in heavily guarded mansions. The weakened Simon Belmont retrieved all of the remains in 1698 and took them back to Dracula's Castle, where he burned the remains he had recovered. To Simon's surprise, however, Dracula's ghost manifested through the Fang of Vlad, a remain unknown to Simon and tried to destroy him, but Simon defeated Dracula again, lifting the curse from the land and from his own body. Dracula's remains would wreak havoc in the world again when a young vampire hunter named Maxim Kischine sought out Dracula's remains as a means of proving himself as a hunter. He was envious of the Belmont Clan's status and wanted to confirm that he was stronger than them by finding the remains of Lord Dracula. Like Simon Belmont fifty years earlier, Maxim retrieved all pieces of the remains in 1748, but possession of Dracula's body parts caused Maxim's mind to split in two, birthing an evil spirit within Maxim. Because Dracula was partially brought back in the world through Maxim, Castlevania reappeared. Because the evil spirit did not have full control of Maxim, the Castle wasn't whole. One half of the Castle was in the earthly realm, while the other half resided in a spiritual realm. The evil Maxim and the original Maxim wrestled for control of the body. Death aided the evil Maxim because if the evil one took over completely, it would cause the Castles to unite. Death saw Lydie Erlanger, a young maiden whom Maxim cared for, as a means to this. If the evil Maxim partook of the maiden's blood, her sacrifice would provide him the strength he needed to overcome the regular Maxim. Death's scheme was foiled by Juste Belmont, the grandson of Simon Belmont, who exorcised the evil spirit from Maxim by gathering and presenting Dracula's remains. The spirit was drawn to the remains and relinquished its hold of Maxim's body, materializing as Dracula's phantom. Juste defeated the wraith, which mocked the Belmont Clan's quest as being futile because Dracula would always return and they were doomed to hunt him for all eternity. Dracula revived in 1792, one hundred years after his defeat by Simon Belmont. He was brought back by the zealous dark priest Shaft and his congregation, who sacrificed a maiden to resurrect the Count and his castle. When Dracula returned, he dispatched his forces to pillage the land. They kidnapped young women from a village, one being Annette, the girlfriend of Richter Belmont. The Count sensed the connection she had with his mortal foes and, moreover, was taken with her beauty. He offered her immortality so she could rule the world by his side, but she refused him, saying she would rather die. Richter eventually rescued all the maidens from Dracula's clutches, slew Shaft and defeated the Count. At this time, Dracula had become amused by the never-ending cycle he shared with the Belmonts. He knew he would return, so he wasn't dismayed by his defeat. Richter told him he had no place in the world, but Dracula said that it was not his choice that he continued to return. He comes back through the will of humans that call upon him. Because of that, Dracula asked Richter if he could truly be called evil. Richter then told Dracula that while it was true that humans have had evil desires such as power, they also had other, good desires as well and declared that evil will eventually fall permanently. As he was disintegrating, Dracula, while conceding Richter's claim that evil would eventually be vanquished, nonetheless laughed at him in full confidence that he would return and that the Belmont's hunt was in vain. Although defeated, Dracula returned five years later in 1797, due to the efforts of Shaft's ghost. This time, it was his son, Alucard, who confronted him. Dracula was somewhat shocked to see his son again and awkwardly tried to convince him to see things from his point of view. He was upset about him constantly siding with the humans, despite everything they had done. He asked him if he had forgotten what the humans did to his mother, Lisa. Alucard replied that he would never forget such an atrocity, but unlike him, he did not seek revenge against them, because that is not what his mother would have wanted. Alucard told his father that he could not allow him to plague mankind yet again and the two family members came to blows. Because Dracula's resurrection was not complete, he was defeated by his son. At the end of the battle, Dracula set everything aside and only wanted Alucard to tell him Lisa's final words. Alucard told his father that she said to not hate humans; that if he could not live with them, then at least do them no harm. She also told Alucard to tell his father that she would love him for all of eternity. For the first time in hundreds of years, Dracula was regretful for what he had done. He called out to Lisa to forgive him for his transgressions and said his goodbyes to his son as he faded away in death. Dracula rose sometime in the 1800s. After 1797, the Belmont Clan faded away and other organizations emerged with the hope of holding back Dracula and his forces in the Belmonts' stead. The most successful group was Ecclesia, due to Barlowe, the leader of Ecclesia, making a breakthrough discovery with the creation of Glyphs, symbols that utilized the power within all things, which the Ecclesia members were able to use in combat. Because of Ecclesia's success, those in positions of the power entrusted the organization with Dracula's bodily remains so that they may destroy the remains and hopefully end the scourge of Count Dracula for good. Barlowe developed the ultimate glyph, Dominus, from the remains of Count Dracula. Barlowe used the cover story that Dominus would be used to destroy the Dark Lord, but in truth, Ecclesia's true purpose was to fulfill the wish of mankind, which in Barlowe's mind was the resurrection of Count Dracula. Barlowe's plan was to use Dominus to destroy the seal on the remains that prevented Dracula's reemergence in the world. Barlowe needed someone to host the Dominus Glyphs and he chose his disciple, Shanoa, who was unaware of the true intent of Ecclesia and that using Dominus would end her life. Shanoa discovered the truth and defeated Barlowe. The remains of Dracula then surged large amounts of dark energy into Barlowe, which he was able to use to resurrect Dracula at the cost of his own life. After Barlowe sacrificed his life force to the bodily remains, the Dark Lord and his castle returned yet again. Shanoa infiltrated Castlevania and made her way to the Throne Room where Dracula ruled over his castle and subjects. Initially, Dracula thought that Shanoa was the one that brought him back and asked her if she wished for eternal life or a place at his side in return for her service. Shanoa told the Count that she had in fact gone there to destroy him. Dracula was amused by her response and welcomed her challenge, telling her that he had not danced in a while. Shanoa's own power was not enough to destroy Dracula, but when she used the Dominus Glyphs that she was hosting, to the Count's surprise; she was able to defeat Dracula with his own power, sending him to his death. Dracula would be resurrected sometime later by unknown means, only to be killed by a distant relative of the Belmont Clan, Quincy Morris in 1897. Before being killed, however, he nonetheless managed to mortally wound Morris in the process. Quincy's son, John Morris, confronted Dracula during World War I, alongside Eric Lecarde when Dracula was resurrected through the efforts of his niece, Elizabeth Bartley and her accomplice, Drolta Tzuentes. Elizabeth had the Crown Prince of Austria assassinated, which resulted in war breaking out across the world. She planned to use the souls of the millions that died as a result of the Great War to revive her uncle. The resurrection rite took the two women all across Europe and they were chased every step of the way by two vampire hunters - John Morris, the son of Quincy Morris who carried the Belmont Clan's Vampire Killer and Eric Lecarde, a revenge-seeking Spaniard whose girlfriend was vampirized by Elizabeth. The hunt came to ahead at Elizabeth's castle in England, where she and Drolta succeeded in resurrecting Dracula. The reawakening of the Dark Lord was short-lived, however, as John and Eric scaled the castle and killed Elizabeth, Drolta, and Dracula himself. Even though Dracula was slain, John paid the ultimate price as well and died from his dependency on the Vampire Killer. Since he was not of the Belmont Clan, using the whip too much came at the cost of his life. In 1944, Dracula was revived again by the vampire Brauner and as a result of the unprecedented state of despair, the world was in during World War II. Brauner, having lost his daughters in the first World War, sought revenge on humanity and planned on using Dracula's power as a means to that. Brauner immediately sealed Dracula away, as he only desired Castlevania's power and legions of monsters for himself and had no intention of serving the Count. Brauner used paintings he made that were inundated with magic to secure his control of the castle. Jonathan Morris, the son of John Morris and the keeper of the Vampire Killer and his partner, a magician named Charlotte Aulin, were dispatched by the Church to investigate the castle and the possible resurrection of Count Dracula. Through Charlotte's understanding of the paintings' magical composition, the duo was able to enter the paintings and destroy the evil within them, thus weakening Brauner's hold of the castle. Jonathan and Charlotte defeated Brauner, but the vampire was ultimately slain by Death. The death of Brauner relinquished the seal he had used to keep Dracula from returning and with him gone, the Count was resurrected again to assume the lordship of his castle. Dracula, in an unprecedented manner, suggested to Death that they use their combined power and then fought Jonathan and Charlotte in a two-on-two duel, eventually resorting to using Soul Steal on Death via the latter's request in order to transform into his true form and gain an advantage. Nonetheless, Jonathan now had the power to destroy Dracula outright and just as he had brought him to his knees, the first rays of the sun entered through the window, vanquishing the Vampire Lord, although not before the Count mused that he'll someday regain his full power and that he'll see which of them will have the last laugh in response to Jonathan stating that Dracula will never win. The final resurrection of Dracula took place in 1999 when he rose one last time and began a vicious campaign to destroy all of mankind. He conducted a war similar to that from 1476, with a massive army of monsters and demons. He was defeated by Julius Belmont with the aid of Alucard, a Belnades, military forces, and other allies, and his bodily remains were destroyed. Furthermore, a ceremony was conducted by the Hakuba family in which his powers and castle were sealed away inside a solar eclipse in a Shinto ceremony before his demise, thus finally ending Dracula's regeneration cycle and his tie with Chaos, the primal source of his Dark Lord powers and castle. In addition, the Elgos Order member Lucy Westenra later claimed that, while Dracula technically lived on as a figment within grimoires, it was impossible to revive him via the grimoires due to it requiring an unimaginable amount of power to do so (even ignoring the morally reprehensible nature of doing such an act). Even though the cycle of Mathias Cronqvist may have at last ended, the legacy of Dracula continued, as he was reincarnated 18 years later as Soma Cruz. +This superhero's name is Drax the Destroyer. Their real name is Arthur Sampson Douglas. Real estate agent Arthur Douglas, his wife Yvette, and daughter Heather, were driving across the Mojave Desert from Las Vegas to Los Angeles when a spaceship carrying the mad Titan named Thanos passed overhead on a surveillance mission to Earth. Wishing to keep his existence a secret, Thanos destroyed the automobile in case its passengers had seen his ship, and then landed to make certain they were dead. Satisfied that they were, Thanos left. Unknown to the Titan, his father Mentor had been monitoring his activities on Earth to examine his son's latest handiwork. Mentor discovered that Heather Douglas was still alive, and took her back to Titan to be raised. She later returned to Earth as Moondragon. Mentor determined that the threat of his son Thanos could no longer be ignored and wanted to create a being of sufficient power to defeat Thanos. Enlisting the aid of his father Kronos, who millennia before had become a discorporate wraith, Mentor had Kronos seize the astral form (living consciousness) of Arthur Douglas before it had completely fled from Douglas's body. Kronos and Mentor then fashioned a humanoid body from the Earth's soil, granted it superhuman powers, and cast Douglas' spirit inside it. Thus they created the being who would become known as Drax the Destroyer. Mentor blocked all of Drax's memories of his old life, instilling in him monomaniacal hate for Thanos. For years, Drax served as Thanos' nemesis, thwarting certain of the Titanian's plans, but never crushing Thanos himself. One particular battle between them led Drax to befriend Iron Man of Earth. An ally that he would come into contact with various times over the next few years. Later, Drax battled Thanos in order to stop him from obtaining the Cosmic Cube. He lost to Thanos, and went to the Avengers for help. Finally, in Thanos' campaign to possess the Cosmic Cube, Drax, in the company of the Avengers, Captain Mar Vell, and Moondragon, saw Thanos destroyed. Suddenly lacking a reason for existence, Drax wandered space in grim contemplation. A couple of months later, while releasing his anger out on a nearby planet, Drax crossed paths with Captain Marvel. Enraged at Mar-Vell for destroying Thanos himself, Drax battled Captain Marvel until a mental construct of Rick Jones gave him the location of the newly resurrected Thanos. Once again on a campaign to destroy Thanos, Drax attacked Gamora, an assistant of Thanos at the time, by destroying her spaceship. Gamora escaped, and it was unclear what happened to Drax immediately afterwards, for he was not present when the Avengers, Captain Marvel, Moondragon, Adam Warlock, Spider-Man, and the Thing defeated Thanos when he tried to snuff out the stars using the six Soul Gems. Travelling through space, Drax came across a space station. He did not sense any life forms on board, but he entered the space station to investigate for clues on Thanos' location. Drax found Thanos, whose body was now turned into solid granite by Adam Warlock. Drax had felt like he had lost all purpose in life once again, for Thanos was once again slayed. Enraged, he quickly assumed that it was Captain Marvel who had slain Thanos. Drax travelled to Earth, and attacked Captain Marvel. The battle carried on for awhile, neither party giving up, but it finally ended when the human personifcation of ISAAC, the network computer which controls/governs over Titan, came to them requesting aid to save Titan from Thanos' remaining forces. Captain Marvel and Drax accepted the request, and traveled to Saturn. On the way to Titan, Drax reiterated his plans of destroying Captain Marvel after this problem on Titan was resolved.Mere moments after arriving in Titan, Drax and Captain Marvel came across Starfox and Mentor being attacked by giant spiders. They rescued the two, and went off to save the others, passing through a system of underground tunnels, by Mentor's request. Being cosmically aware and having noticed something suspicious, Captain Marvel then accused Eros of being an impostor. To Drax's surprise, both Eros and Mentor were impostors, leading them to the domain of Gaea, the earth god. They let the two impostors free, and made their way through the tunnels, arriving at Gaea's lair. Gaea's forces attacked Drax and Mar-Vell, but they managed to overcome them. Defeated, Gaea told Drax and Mar-Vell ISAAC's plan to continue Thanos' schemes. Afterwhich, Drax made a pile of rubble fall on Gaea. Drax and Mar-Vell wandered through the caves, and eventually made it outside, where they met Dionysus, god of wine. Dionysus invited them to have a drink. Drax drank some, and then he was knocked out for the wine was drugged. He woke up a few hours later with Mar-Vell at his side, about to be eaten by huge snakes. They fought of the snakes, but Drax was knocked unconscious again. Drax woke up a few moments later, and Mar-Vell told them that Elysius, the one ISAAC had sent to kill them, had a change of heart, and decided to help them. They took a flying pirate ship to get to ISAAC quicker. They arrived in ISAAC's lair in a couple of hours, and after many obstacles and many of ISAAC's forces, the three managed to defeat ISAAC. However, the battle was not won, for ISAAC had the power to shut off the air supply of Titan, and ISAAC had sent his right hand man, Stellarax, to Earth. Captain Marvel and Drax made the decision to return to Earth first, and then save Titan later. They decided to attack on multiple fronts, Drax would attack Stellarax's spaceship, and Captain Marvel would attack Stellarax himself down on the surface. While attacking Stellarax's spaceship, Drax came across Rick Jones and his girlfriend, and rescued them from captivity. They saved Earth in the end, and made their way back to Titan to save it from ISAAC. They made it back to Titan, and even though they faced trouble on Saturn's rings, they managed to get through to face ISAAC and his forces yet again. During the battle, Captain Marvel nearly gave his life defending Drax, and so this prompted Drax to decide not to destroy Captain Marvel anymore. In the end, Captain Marvel saved the day, and the two were celebrated as heroes. Drax decided to travel the stars, and think about how he could be a "creator" instead of a destroyer. After travelling the stars for a couple of weeks, Drax still hadn't found a purpose for his life. He felt grim, so when he came across a group of creatures that threatened to destroy him if he didn't leave them alone, Drax attacked them, in hopes that they may kill him. On the contrary, the group of creatures sacrificed one of their own to save the collective, by attaching themselves to Drax's head. Drax's daughter, Moondragon, sensed this from her own spaceship, so she went to his location to find Drax unconscious. With no knowledge of the situation, she decided to go to her friends at the Avengers Mansion. However, only Thor was there at the moment. While they were deciding what to do with him, Drax woke up. Confused, he attacked Thor and Moondragon, but Thor striked Drax with lightning, which made the creature detach itself from Drax's head. Aftewards, Drax and Moondragon decided to travel through space together, and return the creature back to its collective. Later, the two came upon the planet Ba Banis, a world of humanoid aliens caught in a vast civil war. Moondragon decided to used her mental powers to quell the conflict and then decided to set herself up as the world's goddess. Drax recognized that her ambitions were ignoble and so sent their ship to Earth with a holographic distress message. The Avengers responded and discovered Moondragon's world of mentally enforced tranquility. Freed by the Avengers from his daughter's mental domination, Drax advanced toward her, seeking to end her menace. In order to stop him, Moondragon mentally forced Drax's life essence to vacate his artificial body. Later, after subduing Moondragon and returning to Earth, the Avengers placed Drax's body inside Sensia and sent it into space programmed to self destruct. Without Drax's spirit inside it, Drax's body was destroyed when the Sensia exploded. Several years later, when Thanos was resurrected by Mistress Death, Kronos chose to re-animate the Destroyer as well to again combat his mad grandson, and granted him with even greater physical power. However, Titan's God did not take the means of Drax's death into account, and the Destroyer's mind retained the damage done by Moondragon. Despite this setback, following Thanos' defeat and the subsequent breakup of the Infinity Gauntlet, Drax was chosen by Adam Warlock to safeguard the Power Gem as part of the Infinity Watch. The team, led by Adam Warlock and consisting of Gamora, Pip the Troll and Moondragon, settled in Monster Island, the sovereign nation ruled by the Mole Man. Drax was the most innocent of the group, due to his childlike mentality, and he was very useful to the team as their muscle. To Drax's rage, Thanos appeared in Monster Isle seeking the Watch's help. Apparently, Warlock's evil side, the Magus, had once again become a threat to the universe. The Watch agreed to help Thanos in order to defend the universe from the Magus and his doppelgängers, and Drax became an instrumental part in helping to stop him. In the end, Magus was banished into Soul World, but Warlock was put into a coma. Drax spent his time doing playful things on monster island. Moondragon would come and talk to him once and while, and ask questions about his past, but Drax didn't know the answers. One day, one of Moondragon's triggered Drax's memory of his death, which caused him to go on a temper tantrum in Nevada. There, he fought with the Hulk briefly before going back home. Soon after that, Warlock woke up from his coma, and Drax joined him and the Watch in battling Mephisto, Count Abyss, and Maxam. The Infinity Watch was called upon once again to save the universe from a threat known as the Goddess, Warlock's good side. However, Moondragon and Gamora were captured and mentally enslaved by the Goddess, and with Warlock nowhere to be found, Drax and Pip had to seek help from Mr. Fantastic and Earth's heroes. They joined their side, and were forced to fight heroes who were being controlled by the Goddess. Drax fought Thor, but the Goddess was successfully defeated by Warlock and Thanos before one of them could emerge victorious. Following this, the Watch returned home to monster island where they remained in peace for a while. Not long after, it was discovered that Thor had become mentally unstable and had attacked Silver Surfer. Warlock asked the Watch to stay behind while he checked it out, but after quite some time, Pip got impatient and asked Drax to help him defeat Thor. The mere mention of Thor got Drax enraged, so Pip teleported the Watch to Thor's location, where Warlock was nowhere to be seen. Drax and Thor fought, and Thor emerged victorious and even took the Power Gem from Drax. The team eventually caught up with Adam Warlock, who had partnered himself with Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange. They all traveled to Asgard to seek aid from Odin, but they were intercepted by trolls and Asgardian warriors. They even had to enlist the help of Thanos to get to Odin, but after all the fighting, Odin cured Thor, and Asgard was indebted to the Watch. Drax assisted Warlock in many battles. Towards the Watch's final months of operation, he'd engage in battle against the Avengers, Count Abyss' army, and many others, but during the quiet days of the Watch, he'd get very bored, and so he'd attract unwarranted attention by finding his own adventures. His physical power and pure spirit would even get him called upon by Silver Surfer and the Secret Defenders to help them fight their enemies. In Warlock's attempt to help the soul of Firelord, the Watch battled Domitian, and in that battle, Moondragon was almost killed. A blast by the enemy sent her into a coma. After the battle, Drax stayed by her side for days and was acting strangely. It was almost like his childlike brain was maturing. A few days later, Gamora left the Watch and the Time Gem was granted upon Maxam. Maxam would attack Warlock later, but was saved by a still mentally functional Moondragon. The Infinity Gems later disappeared without any trace or any clue as to who took them. With Gamora, Maxam, and the Infinity Gems gone, the Watch disbanded. Warlock went off to search for the gems, which left only Drax, Pip and a comatose Moondragon on Earth. Afterwards, Drax returned to Titan with Moondragon, who successfully petitioned Kronos to restore Drax's mind to its former acuity, at the cost of some physical power. Thus, Drax was restored to his former self. A short time later, Drax was accused of the murder of Elysius and several other individuals. Warlock, along with Gamora, Pip, and Genis, tracked Drax down and subdued him in time to find that the real culprit was the re-animated corpse of the original Captain Marvel. Using his soul-gem, Warlock traced the being controlling the corpse, a creature within the Negative Zone known as Syphon who was using the Nega-Bands as a conduit. Felled by a backlash of psychic energy, Warlock was unable to stop the transfer of the Nega-Bands to the unconscious Drax, who flew off into space. Warlock then gathered his allies and pursued Drax, finding that Syphon was using Drax and the bands to rip a portal into the Negative Zone, a portal which threatened the structure of the Universe. Summoning all of his strength, Warlock yanked Drax free and removed the Nega-Bands, causing the portal to shrink. But, before the portal could completely close, Syphon yanked Warlock into the negative zone, and in front of the audience of Blastaar and Annihilus, Syphon took Warlocks gem, and used it to re-open the portal. Warlock recovered, and fought back, but without his soul-gem he had little chance of subduing both Blastarr and Annihilus before Syphon was successful. Fortunately, Drax arrived with Pip, Gamora, and Genis (who was once more possessor of the Nega-Bands) in tow. As his friends fought on, Warlock went on to damage Syphon's conqueror wheel, thus closing the portal once more. Syphon attempted to use the soul-gem to kill Warlock, but found his attack turned upon his own soul. He fought back long enough to flee his own body. Warlock again claimed the gem, and along with Drax and his other companions, returned to their Universe. Drax's condition began to revert. His mass and strength climbed back to previous levels, and his mind became clouded once more. Finally, he sought out Moondragon, which led to an altercation with Genis-Vell, son of Mar-Vell and the new Captain Marvel. In the course of this struggle, Drax was transported to the Microverse with Genis, where he was mistaken for the Hulk, who was at one point married to the previous princess. The new and current princess, Visalia made Drax her new prince, still thinking he was Hulk. When Genis tried to retrieve Drax from the city of Ka'i, the kingdom and Drax attacked him. Genis, with the help of a group of Microverse heroes known as the Microns, was able to eventually snap Drax out of his fake loyalty to Visalia when it was revealed that she was lying about her identity and her love for Drax the entire time. They defeated her in the end, but instead of leaving the Microverse, Drax decided to stay behind because he felt like he was needed there. Drax joined the Microns for a short time, and in that short time, he was manipulated by the Psycho-Man in order to release Fredd, Genis-Vell's evil twin, clone, future self from an alternate dimension. He fought the Microns for a while, but Genis-Vell defeated Fredd and Psycho-Man, thus releasing Drax from his emotional manipulation. He remained in the Microverse for quite some time after that. Drax was later seen on a prison ship with Paibok, Lunatik, and the Blood Brothers after being accused of murdering 200,000 Skrulls. They were being transported to an intergalactic prison when the ship crashed on Earth under mysterious circumstances and some prisoners, including Drax, escape. The four reunite after the crash, and the Blood Brothers get into a fight. They fight for some time, and for unknown reasons, Drax's intelligence would increase the more he fought, but if he wasn't fighting, his intelligence would go down. He fought for some time, until his head started hurting. The Blood Brothers, who were losing the fight, decided to go and look for Paibok and Lunatik who wandered into town. Drax wandered through Alaska and confused a young girl named Cammi for his daughter, Heather. Cammi noticed this, and decided to trick Drax. She said that the Blood Brothers hurt her, so Drax fought them once again. While fighting, he encountered Paibok yet again. Paibok ruthlessly murdered him, by stabbing him through the head. Cammi went up to Paibok, and asked if she could have the body, and he said no. However, she told one of the Blood Brothers that Paibok allowed her to have it, so the Blood Brother carried the body of Drax near a river. Drax's corpse would smoke for hours while Cammi watched. Drax later emerged with a new, slightly smaller body and with a higher intelligence, but still with all the rage and skill of his previous self. Drax said that he and Cammi shared a connection that he could not explain. She said that Drax needed pants, so they brought him into town to get pants. The two would bicker but would remain at each other's side until Drax decided to kill the aliens who attacked him. He went to the area where the aliens made slaves of the townspeople in order to build a rocket ship out of there. He killed Lunatik first, and then one Blood Brother. He encountered Paibok who took Cammi hostage, but decided that fighting him would be a wasted of time. After Drax saved the town from his fellow prisoners, he and Cammi were taken onto another working prison ship. Surviving Annihilus' attack on the intergalactic prison known as the Kyln, Drax and Cammi teamed up with the last member of the Xandarian Nova Corps, Richard Rider. Together they fought against the advancing Annihilation Wave. Drax taught Nova the power of concentration so that he might contain the entire Nova force. Moreover, Nova asked Drax to teach him an important lesson: How to destroy. During a doomed battle between the Annihilation Wave and the United Front on Daedalus 5, Drax stayed behind to fight off the invaders while Nova and the rest of the group (including Cammi) finished the evacuation. Drax fought his way to one of the Annihilation Wave's ships in his quest for Thanos. He found the Titan attempting to release Galactus from his prison on Annihilus' mother ship. Before Thanos could release Galactus using his unique energy signature, Drax broke through Thanos' defensive shield and punched a hole through the Titan's chest. Drax then realized that they could "trick" the security system into shutting off by using the Silver Surfer, which succeeded. Once Galactus was freed, he teleported Moondragon and Drax to a far-off planet to spare them from his wrath on the Annihilation Wave. Afterwards, Moondragon said Drax just "disappeared", heavily implying she was covering for him. After the events of the Annihilation war, the Kree empire was invaded and cut off from the rest of the universe by the Phalanx, led by Ultron. Drax was hunted down and captured by former allies Gamora and Richard Rider, who were assimilated into the Phalanx by the transmode virus. Drax was likewise infected with the same virus and was dispatched to hunt down Nova, along with Gamora, after Rider regained control of his mind thanks to the Nova force inside him. The pair tracked Nova all the way back to the Phalanx's home world of Kvch where they are all cured of the virus by the Technarch mutant Warlock and his ward Tyro. Armed with the knowledge of how to beat the Phalanx and cure the virus, Nova, Gamora, Drax, Warlock, and Tyro breached the barrier surrounding the Kree empire and assisted a recently resurrected Adam Warlock and the new Quasar (Phyla-Vell) in destroying Ultron. Drax became a member of the newly formed Guardians of the Galaxy, led by Star-Lord and served alongside such characters as Phyla-Vell, Adam Warlock, Rocket Raccoon, and Gamora. He was one of the team's more grim and solitary figures, but was a force of destruction which bailed them out of many predicaments in the team's first few missions. Drax with Quasar were looking for Cammi when they learned that Heather was alive. Then, they went to Mentor for help, but Mentor tried to kill them and sent them to Oblivion. There they met Maelstrom who brought them to the Dragon of the Moon. He betrayed them when he took control of Quantum Bands and fed Phyla-Vell to the Dragon. Shortly after, Quasar arrived giving Drax time to cut off Maelstrom's hands. After a victory against the Maelstrom and the Dragon they headed back to Titan with Moondragon. After celebrating with the team, Drax was sent alongside Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Major Victory and Adam Warlock to the Shi'ar Empire to find Emperor Vulcan and negotiate about the upcoming war with the Kree. In return, the Guardians would help them to free Lilandra. They returned and counter-attacked the Imperial Guard out of nowhere. Drax with the rest of the team was there when Peter Quill send a message through the time-space. After that Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Major Victory and Phyla-Vell were teleported to Attilan and engaged the Inhumans until a space squid emerged from the fault, attacking the city. Drax went to defend the city until Adam Warlock came to stop the fault and ended up becoming Magus and ruler of the Universal Church of Truth. The Guardians engaged in a long battle against this organization that ended with the resurrection of Thanos. Drax wanted to kill Thanos even though the Guardians were collaborating with him in order to stop the Cancerverse's invasion. After a failed attempt to kill Thanos, Drax was murdered by the Mad Titan. Return After Star-Lord and Nova trapped themselves with Thanos in the Cancerverse and fought over the Cosmic Cube, Drax was revealed to be alive. After Star-Lord starting losing control over the Cube, Thanos offered Quill to give him the Cube, as he could control it, to get back to Earth-616. However, Star-Lord killed Thanos with it. As Thanos reappeared and killed Star-Lord from behind, who also returned, the heroes discovered death was impossible in the Cancerverse, as one would merely respawn in another location, explaining Drax's return. After killing Thanos for a third time, the heroes' discussion on what to do was interrupted by the arrival of the Cancerverse's Revengers. Following an extremely long battle, the Revengers got hold of the Cosmic Cube. Thanos managed to retrieve the Cube and defeat the Revengers, but was soon opposed by Drax, Quill and Nova. As the Mad Titan was distracted by Drax, Nova picked up the Cosmic Cube, and decided to use it along with the Nova Force to open a gate to Earth-616, however, Rider couldn't come as he was acting as the door between the two universes. As his last wish, Nova asked Peter not to tell Gamora about this event, as it would devastate her. Peter Quill, Drax and Thanos were then returned to Earth-616, and the two heroes reunited with the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy. After helping the Avengers and the Elders of the Universe stop Thanos from conquering Earth, Iron Man decided to join the team, equipped with a new space suit. After J'son of Spartax told Peter Quill that Earth was off limits to everyone in the galaxy, a law put in place by a council of galactic leaders, Quill immediately knew something fishy was going on. He and the Guardians went to go check it out only to find a Badoon ship attacking Earth. They managed to drive them off but not without crash landing on the planet below, which badly injured Drax. They were all arrested by the order of J'son of Spartax for going to Earth, all except Groot who, because of the battle, was only a small twig and was not found by the guards. They were briefly imprisoned by the Spartoi but managed to escape thanks to a regrown Groot, becoming fugitives of the Spartoi Empire. +This superhero's name is Duela Dent. Their real name is Duela Dent. Duela Dent first appeared as Joker's Daughter. She gained the attention of Robin, as she later claimed to be the daughter of Catwoman, Scarecrow, Riddler, and Penguin. She deduced Robin's identity and he revealed that she was Duela Dent, Two-Face's daughter. Duela claimed she wanted to join the Teen Titans to atone for her father's crimes. Not everyone was in favor of this idea. She changed her identity to Harlequin. As Harlequin, Duela utilized gimmicks such as smoke-inducing powder puffs and bullet-firing lipstick. She eventually assisted Robin by posing as the Card Queen while infiltrating a criminal organization called MAZE. This was done in order to bring the whole organization down and the plan was a success. Duela appeared as a guest at Donna Troy's wedding where she appears to be a middle-aged matron. Dick Grayson notes that he'd finally realized she was too old to be Two-Face's daughter, which she agrees with, but disappears before he can take the matter further. There is some debate about, in pre-Crisis continuity, whether or not Duela Dent was too old to be Two-Face's daughter, since Two-Face was a contemporary of Batman, who was in turn a contemporary of Wonder Woman, who rescued Donna Troy when the latter was an infant. Since Donna is thus young enough to be Wonder Woman's daughter (although she is not), Duela is young enough to be Two-Face's daughter. On the other hand, there is the fact that Duela had to have been born after Two-Face's debut (since he rejected Duela at birth because he'd wanted twins) and Two-Face's origin came after Dick Grayson's debut as Robin, so there is no way she can be older than Dick Grayson, yet clearly is. +This superhero's name is Dum Dum Dugan. Their real name is Thaddeus Aloysius Cadwallader Dugan. Dugan, during the late 1930's worked as a strongman in a circus that was traveling around Europe. This was around the time of World War 2 as well as the time he met Nick Fury and Samuel Sawyer. Nick Fury was assigned the task of assisting Samuel Sawyer, who was a American officer, in rescuing British scientists and agents that were captured by the Germans during their invasion in the Netherlands. Dugan assisted them both, and in the process was inspired to join the British armed forces. After the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, Dugan and Sawyer were both transferred to the United States Army Rangers. Later however, Sawyer was forced to retire from active duty, however it was also this moment that he formed an elite squad of American Rangers known as the Howling Commandos. Nick Fury and Dugan were both assigned to the team. Nick Fury became the head and Dugan became his right hand man. During his stint as a howling commando, Dugan would leave the group but would later rejoin the team as the second in command during a mission in Korea and Vietnam. +This superhero's name is Ebony Maw (MCU). Their real name is . Ebony Maw was a child of the Mad Titan Thanos and a member of the Black Order. Gifted with powers of Telekinesis, Maw was deeply loyal to Thanos and gave warnings of his power across the galaxy while assisting in the search for the Infinity Stones. Having assisted with wiping out half the Asgardians, both Maw and Cull Obsidian were instructed to locate the Time Stone, leading to Maw capturing Doctor Strange and torturing him to force Strange to lift his Magic and hand over the Stone. However, Iron Man and Spider-Man rescued Strange and ejected Maw from his ship into outer space, leaving the child of Thanos to freeze to death. +This superhero's name is Echo Zane. Their real name is Echo Zane. After being imprisoned in the Lighthouse Prison, Dr. Julien, in his loneliness, sought to make himself company through the creation of the Gizmo and Echo Zane, the latter of whom was a dead ringer for his first son, Zane. However, Echo Zane was faulty and was eventually sent to the basement prior to the Ninjas' arrival to the Lighthouse Prison and was left behind afterwards, presumably forgotten by his creator. Echo Zane would eventually leave the basement, often roaming around the Lighthouse Prison with the Gizmo as his friend, usually repairing himself with the help of his friend. +This superhero's name is Ed. Their real name is Ed. Ed and Edna, visited Jay at the Ninjas' new headquarters, Destiny's Bounty. The Ninja welcomed them and gave them a tour, but Jay was embarrassed by his parents' antics and quickly shoved them out with a hasty promise to visit them sometime. Disheartened by their son's icy reception, Ed sadly told Edna that Jay had outgrown them—the time had come to let him go and live his own life. When the couple returned home to the Junkyard, Ed went to work on the surprise he was building for Jay. He heard a noise and called Edna to make sure the security was on, although she responded that it must have been broken. They were suddenly ambushed by Lloyd Garmadon and the Fangpyre tribe, who infected several of the machines around the junkyard to transform them into Serpentine Vehicles. Ed watched in horror as his creations were mutated, only to be informed by General Fangtom that his minions' bite worked just as well on humans. When the Ninja visited the junkyard the next morning, Jay found Ed and Edna bound together in an old freezer—worse yet, both of them were infected by the Fangpyre's Bite. The Ninja fought the Fangpyre, attempting to steal the Fangpyre Staff that contained the anti-venom to cure both Ed and Edna. After the staff was retrieved, Nya cured Ed and his wife. After recovering, Ed used his mechanical expertise to fix the Destiny's Bounty's flight systems, enabling the ship to escape the Fangpyres. Jay told his parents that they would be able to return to the junkyard once things settled, but offered them to stay aboard the Destiny's Bounty for as long as they liked. +This superhero's name is Edward Elric. Their real name is Edward Elric. Born to Trisha Elric and Van Hohenheim of Resembool in the winter of 1899, Edward's first few years were relatively happy; but after the sudden departure of his father during the lad's formative years, Ed was left with his mother and younger brother Alphonse as his only family. The three Elrics lived in peace in the rural village and the boys began displaying a remarkable talent for alchemy at a young age, much to the joyful astonishment of his mother. However, early in the year 1904, Trisha contracted an illness that had been spreading in the area and died, leaving her two sons orphaned. Even while mourning, mired in grief, Edward vowed to his brother that the two of them would find a way to bring their dear mother back to life with the power of alchemy. Edward and Alphonse spent the next few years living on their own in the Elric family home, supported by their close childhood friend Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako, and pursuing the alchemical knowledge necessary for their planned resurrection. Although they had gained a great deal of information and comprehension regarding the extended basics of the craft, before long it became apparent to the young prodigies that there was only so far they could go while being self-taught. In a stroke of good fortune, Resembool was visited by an exceptionally skilled alchemist named Izumi Curtis who, after some persuasion, agreed to take the Elric brothers on as her apprentices provided they pass a preliminary test. She brought the boys to Yock Island near the town of Dublith in the southern region, where she informed them that they were to survive for one full month without alchemy. If, at the end of their ordeal, they could correctly explain the concept "One is All and All is One", they would begin their training under her wing. While there, the brothers discovered self-reliance and gained new abilities and insights relevant to living in the world under their own power from having to forage and hunt for food as well as fend off periodic attacks from Mason, an employee at the Curtises’ butcher shop who had disguised himself as a masked wild man at Izumi's behest. Coming to realize that, as a human, he is but a small part of the world and universe as a whole, but that the world and universe cannot exist without a collective of small parts, it is Edward who answered Izumi's riddle properly when she finally returned. For the next five months, the Elric brothers were subjected to Izumi's intensive alchemy and martial arts training, growing significantly in both mind and body and gaining a great deal of alchemical knowledge before returning to Resembool. Though instructed specifically by Izumi to understand that death is an irreversible part of the flow of the world and that acceptance of such is important to the "One is All, All is One" concept, the boys dove headlong into their plan to resurrect their mother upon their homecoming, having advanced their knowledge while abroad and discovered the basics to a forbidden practice called Human Transmutation. Devising a Transmutation Circle, amassing the elemental ingredients for an adult human body and offering their own blood as soul and biological data, the boys secretly initiated the Human Transmutation in their home. Unfortunately, the Human Transmutation resulted in a Rebound; Edward and Alphonse were pulled into The Gate. Encountering the mysterious being called Truth, Edward was stripped of his left leg in exchange for crossing into God's domain and peeking at the Gate's vast wealth of alchemical knowledge. Maimed and bleeding, Edward was returned to the human dimension to find that Alphonse had not yet returned from his disappearance into the Gate, that the mother they had attempted to revive was a grotesque mass of organs only capable of sustaining life for a few moments and that his own sojourn into the Gate had granted him the curious ability to perform transmutations merely by clapping his hands together, without the aid of a Transmutation Circle - in the same style used by Izumi. Desperate to at least have his brother by his side, Edward willfully performed another Human Transmutation to call him back, this time, sacrificing his right arm in exchange for Al's soul, which he bound alchemically to an antique suit of armor with a Blood Rune before passing out from severe blood loss. Al carried Ed to the Rockbell house, where a shocked Pinako and Winry performed emergency surgery to save the young boy's life.For some time afterward, Edward remained in a sorrowful torpor until Lt. Colonel Roy Mustang arrived in Resembool on an inaccurate tip regarding possible State Alchemist candidates. Upon discovering the bloody remains of the brothers' failed experiment, Mustang confronted Edward at the Rockbell home and persuaded him to consider joining the State Alchemist program as a means to perhaps restore his limbs and his brother's body someday. Edward, driven by the guilt of what his ambition had done to his little brother, commissioned Pinako and Winry to craft him an automail arm and leg in order for him to follow Mustang's advice. When told that the surgery would be excruciating and that recovery would take at least three years, Ed commented that the pain would be nothing compared to Alphonse's suffering and promised to finish recovery in a single year. In the fall of 1911, his new automail limbs complete, twelve-year-old Edward ventured with Mustang to Central City to apply for his state certification. After passing the written examination and psychological evaluation, Edward astounded all the officials present - including the Führer, King Bradley himself - with his superb and unique abilities and even managed to win the Führer's favor with his brazenness. Within a week, he was issued his license and the symbolic title of "Fullmetal Alchemist". On October 3rd, Edward returned to Resembool, packed up his belongings, burned down the Elric house (claiming that, without it, he and his brother would have no means of turning back from their goal) and left home with Alphonse to find a way to restore him to normal. +This superhero's name is Edward Kenway. Their real name is Edward Kenway. Edward James Kenway was a Welsh-born British pirate and a member of Brotherhood of Assassins. +This superhero's name is Egg Fu. Their real name is Chang Tzu. Chang Tzu was the scientific master of Oolong Island and employed as a weapon smith by Intergang. Chang Tzu established a collective of "mad" scientists dubbed the Science Squad. The Science Squad were chiefly responsible for bioengineering four immensely powerful beings, which came to be known as the Four Horsemen. One of the Science Squad members, Will Magnus, finally had enough of the evil being perpetuated by Chang Tzu's scientists and turned against them. With the aid of miniaturized versions of his Metal Men, Magnus killed Chang Tzu. Chang Tzu showed up again in a different cyborg body, only to be defeated by Cassandra Cain, Power Girl and Wonder Woman. Though he has been killed on more than one occasion he never fails to reappear eventually. He has hinted that his "resurrections" are accomplished through cloning. +This superhero's name is Ego (MCU). Their real name is Ego. Ego was a Celestial, a primordial and an extremely powerful being, as well as the biological father of Star-Lord. A ruthless, megalomaniacal entity possessing a god complex, Ego only desired to find some meaning and had attempted to do so by conquering the entire universe via an omnicidal extinction-level event known as the Expansion, which would terraform all life-sustaining planets, via the implanting of alien seedlings, to extensions of himself. This process, however, required two Celestials, so Ego traveled through the cosmos, impregnated various extraterrestrial species, and thus siring thousands of children, and then hiring the Yondu Ravager Clan to abduct and transport his offspring. When his children failed to inherit the Celestial gene, Ego would then kill them all painlessly. After Ego heard of a tale of the man from Earth who held an Infinity Stone without dying, he realized this man must have been the son he fathered with Meredith Quill, whom Yondu Udonta failed to deliver. After Ego reunited with his biological son, he began to bond with Quill after confirming his son had successfully inherited the Celestial gene, and proceeded to finally explain to his son about his true purpose of expanding the universe by placing Quill into a trance to gain compliance. However, when Ego had confessed he was responsible for his mother's death, Quill then snapped out of his hypnosis and reunited with the other Guardians, including Mantis, to kill Ego and foil the Expansion, thus saving trillions of live +This superhero's name is Ego. Their real name is Ego. Ego the Living Planet originated like any other planet, coalescing over millions of years from cosmic gases and dust. But unlike any other known planets, Ego developed consciousness and intelligence. Ego's sentience is not the result of the fusion of the essence of a superhuman being with the planet, as the goddess Gaea fused her own essence with the biosphere of planet Earth. Nor is it true as Ego once caused the Asgardian god Thor to think, that Ego was created through the fusion of a planet with a humanoid being's consciousness. Rather, Ego's consciousness evolved naturally within the planet itself, apparently through a process similar to that which enables certain stars to achieve consciousness, Ego existed within the so-called 'Black Galaxy,' which is probably actually a dark nebula near or within the Milky Way Galaxy. Ego was nearly discovered many times over the course of centuries by exploratory starships sent by the Rigellian Colonizers, Ego destroyed each of these ships. Eventually Ego decided to conquer other areas of the universe by creating vastly powerful humanoid beings out of its own substance and sending them to take over other planets. This scheme was thwarted by Thor, who journeyed to Ego accompanied by a Rigellian Recorder. Thor used his mystical power over storms to create a planet-wide cataclysm within Ego's atmosphere that stunned Ego. Feeling humiliated, Ego renounced its plans of conquest. Months later Ego was attacked by the planet-destroying being known as Galactus. Believing Galactus to be the greater threat, Thor, drawing upon the power of his father Odin, helped Ego cause [[Galactus[[ to retreat. Feigning gratitude, Ego allowed the 'Wanderers,' survivors of a planet which Galactus had destroyed, to settle upon its surface. But soon after Thor left, Ego consumed all of the Wanderers within itself. Sometime later, upon orders from the Rigellian High Commissioner, the Colonizer named Tana Nile took a relatively tiny sample of Ego's substance, in the hope that it could be used to transform other planets into habitable worlds. Instead the sample of Ego became a being with its own consciousness, called Ego-Prime, which eventually came to Earth end began wreaking havoc. Ego Prime clashed with Thor, but, as Odin had planned, in the course of the battle Ego Prime released an unknown form of energy which irradiated three Earth humans whom Odin had arranged to have present. The energy released the latent genetic potential in these three humans, Carter Dyam, Chi Lo, and Jason Kimball, transforming them into superhuman beings who together with nine other similarly evolved human beings have become known as the Young Gods. Ego Prime, having expended all of its energy, disintegrated. Ego itself went insane perhaps as a result of the removal of the portion of itself that became Ego Prime. Thor, Galactus, Hercules, and Firelord together fought the mad living planet; Galactus attached an enormous, extraordinarily powerful sidereal propulsion unit to Ego's south pole. Once activated, the unit propelled Ego on a course through space intended to keep it far from any inhabited worlds. However, in time Ego learned how to control the sidereal propulsion unit psionically. Seeking vengeance on Galactus, Ego traveled towards Earth, which Galactus had visited in the past. As Ego approached, its gravitational forces wreaked great devastation on Earth, and the Fantastic Four journeyed to Ego in a spacecraft to try to deal with the danger it presented. A man named L.R. 'Skip' Collins completely depleted his tremendous psionic powers by undoing all of the devastation and causing the human race to forget that it had ever happened. The Fantastic Four's leader, Reed Richards, removed one of the power packs from Ego's sidereal propulsion unit. Hence, when Ego next triggered the unit, only half of its engine fired. Ego was unable to prevent being seized by the gravitational forces of Earth's sun, which caused the living planet to break apart. But Ego was able to tap the sun's own energy in order to generate enough psionic energy to re-form itself. Once more in complete control of the propulsion unit, Ego launched itself out of Earth's solar system. However, Ego had greatly depleted its psionic energies in re-forming itself and needed to renew them by consuming the life forces of other beings. Ego was slowly 'digesting' a large number of Dire Wraiths who had landed on its surface, as well as two Galadorian Spaceknights. Seeker and Scanner, who were pursuing them, when Rom, greatest of the Spaceknights, arrived. Rom freed his fellow Spaceknights and banished the Wraiths to a pocket dimension of limbo. When last seen Ego was continuing its wanderings through space, searching for more living beings to consume. Ego was inducted, under unrevealed circumstances, into the elite cosmic group calling themselves the Elders of the Universe. Ego was a part of their plan to destroy Galactus and thus our reality, but the Elders were soon stopped by the Silver Surfer and Mantis, and have yet to reveal their most current activities. +This superhero's name is El Diablo (DCEU). Their real name is Chato Santana. Santana, also known as El Diablo, was a metahuman criminal of Hispanic descent, and a member of Task Force X. While initially reluctant to use his pyrokinetic powers out of guilt and fear, he would ultimately sacrifice his life in order to defeat Incubus and save the world from Enchantress. +This superhero's name is El Diablo. Their real name is Chato Santana. Chato Satana was born in Los Angeles, but was raised in Mexico by his parents. He and his brother went over the border, but it resulted in the death of his brother. Chato later joined a gang and began to do drug deals and weapon shipments, but was double crossed when a cop crippled him. He spent many days with a knocked out Lazarus Lane, who was in a coma. When the officer made him various ways to turn over his gang, Chato was double crossed and stabbed and smothered. But luckily for him, Satana was saved by Lazarus, originally the anti-Hero El Diablo. Using hi powers, he killed the gang he worked for out as a way of vengence, but ended up murdering innocent people as well. +This superhero's name is Elastigirl. Their real name is Helen Parr. Helen Parr, known by the superhero name "Elastigirl" in the golden age of superheroism, is a resourceful and dexterous superhero. Elastigirl has the flexibility superpower so she can stretch any part of her body up to 100' (30 m) to a minimum thickness of 1 mm, and mold it into several shapes and sizes. Helen falls in love and marries Mr. Incredible (Bob Parr), and they have three children: Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack. At the beginning of the film, Helen marries Mr. Incredible, taking his last name "Parr" (her maiden name was Truax). After a series of lawsuits filed against superheroes and a major uprising of the people, the supers are forced into retirement and hiding. Elastigirl permanently assumes her secret identity (Helen Parr) and becomes a homemaker who does her best to unify her family and help them adjust to a normal life. She only uses her super powers in private for convenience. She is content in her life, finding purpose and fulfillment in caring for and raising a family. Bob, however, does not adjust well to civilian life. Frustrated in his job at Insuricare under a tyrannical boss named Mr. Huph, Bob escapes the monotony of his seemingly average life by sneaking out with his best friend Frozone (Lucius Best) to secretly continue hero work. They get away with this for awhile using the cover story that they're bowling, but Helen eventually finds out, and this leads to conflict and tension between Helen and Bob. Bob is fired from his job at Insuricare after he loses his temper with his boss and injures him by throwing him through the wall. Soon after his termination, he is lured by Mirage to Syndrome's private island, Nomanisan Island, under the ruse of an assignment, in which Mr. Incredible must disable a formidable weapon called the Omnidroid 08 . During the showdown, Bob's supersuit gets torn, but after conquering the Omnidroid 08, he pays a visit to his old friend, retired supersuit designer Edna Mode, who proceeds to make him a brand-new supersuit, as well as matching suits for his entire family. Bob begins taking on more assignments on the island, telling Helen all the while that he is attending Insuricare conferences out of town. After resuming hero work, Bob's temperament at home changes dramatically for the better. He gets back in shape and spends more quality time with Helen and their children. But when Helen finds a strand of platinum blonde hair on Bob's clothes and overhears him on the phone with his contact, Mirage, she becomes suspicious. Mr. Incredible is lured once more to the island by Syndrome, who intends to kill him. Meanwhile back at home, Helen notices the new patch on Bob's old supersuit and contacts Edna, who insists upon seeing Helen immediately. She shows Helen all of the supersuits, and Helen is furious at Edna for helping Bob resume secret hero work behind her back. Edna, who was unaware that he was hiding anything from Helen, informs Helen of the homing device she included in each supersuit. Helen uses it to locate Bob, and is briefly overcome with emotion, convinced that Bob is cheating on her. Edna snaps her out of it, smacking her furiously with a newspaper and encouraging her to go to him and win him back. An accomplished pilot, Helen borrows a jet from Snug, her pilot from the Golden Days, to journey to the island and find her husband. During the flight, she finds Violet and Dash stowed away. Syndrome sends missiles in response to her request to land on the island and the plane is destroyed, the transmission of Helen's pleas to call off the missiles playing in the containment unit where Bob is being held. Helen uses her body as a parachute, and with the help of her new, indestructible supersuit, saves herself and her children from the wreckage. They land safely in the water, and Helen morphs her body into a boat, which is propelled by Dash's super speed and carries Violet to land. Mirage confirms the destruction of the jet, leaving Bob to believe his family has been killed. In his grief and at the provocation of Syndrome, he uses a surge of strength to lunge for Syndrome, but Mirage pushes him to safety and he grabs her instead. Bob threatens to crush her and Syndrome tells him to get on with it, calling his bluff. Bob releases Mirage, who is infuriated by Syndrome's casual disregard for her life and leads to her change of heart toward Mr. Incredible. Helen and the children seek shelter in a cave, where Helen tells Dash and Violet that she is afraid their father is in trouble and instructs them to stay hidden while she goes to look for him. She warns both Violet and Dash that the enemies that shot their plane down are merciless killers, and urges them to use their powers to protect themselves at all costs. Helen also tries to bolster Violet's confidence by telling her that she has more power than she realizes, and not to worry or think because she will do the right thing when the time comes. Helen leaves the cave to save Bob. She uses her quick thinking skills and her incredible elasticity to make her way to the containment unit where her husband is being held captive. She can't help but notice in a hallway mirror that the size of her butt and thighs looks much large, and plumper in the new supersuit. On the way, she runs into Syndrome's security guards, but defeats several of them at once while her body is caught between two sets of sliding automatic doors by kicking one, using her abdomen unintentionally as a tripline for two others, and punching two more to knock them out and obtain their key to the doors to free herself. Mrs Incredible Elastigirl During Helen's journey, the children narrowly escape the cave, which was actually a release area for the massive flames shot from Syndrome's rocket during takeoff. They are discovered in the jungle which sets off an intruder alert. Mirage hears the alert and realizes Mr. Incredible's family survived the crash. She sneaks into the containment unit to release him and to tell him his family is alive. Flooded with relief and gratitude, he draws Mirage into an embrace right as Helen enters the room. Helen, livid, delivers an extended punch from the doorway, knocking Mirage to the ground, believing Bob has been unfaithful to her. Bob grasps her extended arm and pulls her in as quickly as he can. Helen resists, but of course is no match for his strength, and he kisses her passionately, asking her how she could think he would ever betray "the perfect woman." Mirage urges them to hurry because their children are in danger, and Bob and Helen escape into the jungle to find them. Meanwhile, Violet and Dash are attacked by Syndrome's security force. Dash successfully outruns several of them, and Violet hides effectively until Dash is nearly killed. Violet instinctively reacts to save her brother, finding her strength and generating a massive force field that shields them both and allows Dash to propel them forward and out of harm's way. The children and Bob and Helen literally run into each other along the way and continue to fight the security force until Syndrome arrives on the scene and recaptures the entire family. Back in the containment unit, Syndrome reveals that he intends to use his latest Omnidroid model to attack the city of Metroville, and then orchestrate a rescue, in which he appears to defeat the immense weapon, which is in reality under his control. The Parrs escape again, and manage to journey back to Metroville with the help of Mirage, where they, along with Frozone, destroy the Omnidroid v.10 and save the city once again. Back at their house, they are again confronted by Syndrome, who tries to kidnap Jack-Jack. Syndrome uses his rocket boots to reach his plane, and Jack-Jack reveals his shape-shifting powers in mid-air to overcome Syndrome. Bob throws Helen into the air and she catches Jack-Jack, using her body as a parachute once again to return them safely to the ground. Bob throws his car at Syndrome's plane, and Syndrome is killed when his cape is sucked into the turbine of his private jet, also resulting in the explosion of his plane. The final scene finds the Incredibles at Dash's track meet, where Bob and Helen encourage him to finish a "close second", Violet gets a date with the guy of her dreams, and everyone lives happily ever after! +This superhero's name is Electro (SONY). Their real name is Max Dillon. Maxwell "Max" Dillon was an electrical engineer formerly employed at Oscorp Industries. He was seen as a "nobody" before being saved and acknowledged by Spider-Man, who he became obsessed with. After having to stay behind at work on his birthday, Max had to fix a broken power line. He climbed all of the way up to the line and balanced on a railing. He was able to successfully plug the line back in, fixing the circuit. However, before he could get down, Max was shocked with electricity, making him fall down in to a tank of genetically-modified electric eels. He was attacked by the eels, before finally breaking the entire tank. Following this accident, Max was made of pure electrical energy, was given a suit by Harry Osborn, and dubbed himself Electro. +This superhero's name is Electro. Their real name is Maxwell Dillon. Maxwell Dillon has been one of Spider-Man's most frequent and enduring adversaries, often fighting alongside some of the more powerful masterminds in the web-head's rogues gallery, rather than creating intricate plots of his own. Raised by his overprotective mother, after his father abandoned them, Max had ambitions of being an electrical engineer. However, after being convinced by his mother that he was not smart enough to pursue such a career, Max instead reluctantly took a job as a lineman for an electric company. While repairing a power line still connected to its spool, Max was struck by lightning. Instead of being killed, the freak accident caused a mutagenic change in his nervous system, allowing him to generate and control vast amounts of electricity. After creating a colorful costume, Max turned to a life of crime as Electro. At the beginning of Electro's criminal career, J.Jonah Jameson began a smear campaign in the Daily Bugle proclaiming Electro to actually be an alter-ego for Spider-man. Intent on proving the publisher wrong, Spider-man faced Electro and was nearly killed by merely touching him. Using a fire hose, however, the web-slinger was able to defeat Electro. Sometime later in another attempt to deface Spider-man's reputation, Jameson secured Electro's supercharged services to battle the web-slinger on national television. Before an audience of millions, Spider-Man stood triumphant once more. Dillon was humiliated. After a string of embarrassing defeats, decided to test his strength in numbers as a member of the Sinister Six, alongside Doctor Octopus, Kraven the Hunter, Sandman, Mysterio and the Vulture. Drawing numbers, the plan was for each villain to face Spider-man in a different location that drew upon their respective talents one by one until one of them was victorious. However, they were eventually defeated and imprisoned. In an attempt to win himself the glory and respect that had alluded him so frequently, Dillon tried to devise a master plan to control New York City's power supply. However, he was once again defeated by Spider-man and convinced to quit his criminal career...if only temporarily. He resurfaced as a member of the next incarnation of the Sinister Six, with Hobgoblin replacing the deceased Kraven the Hunter. Doctor Octopus betrayed the group and they were subsequently disbanded. Electro was also a member of Mysterio's Sinister Seven, created to combat Spider-Man's insane, homicidal clone, Kaine. However, Kaine disappeared and with no further need to keep the group together, it was disbanded and Dillon returned to his self imposed exile He was once again brought out of retirement by the Rose, who offered Dillon the chance at an experimental procedure to greatly enhance his abilities in exchange for his services as an underworld enforcer. Dillon and agreed, sensing the opportunity to rise above his past failures. After undergoing the procedure and dispatching several members of the True Believers, an offshoot of the Hand at the request of the Rose, Dillon returned to his original plan of taking over the New York City power supply. Once again defeated by Spider-Man, who had donned an insulated suit, a frustrated Dillon threw himself into the Hudson River, apparently killing himself. However, Dillon survived as he reappeared as part of the next series of subsequent incarnations of the Sinister Six, each of which were either defeated or disbanded due to internal conflicts. The most recent incarnation, the Sinister Twelve, gathered by the Green Goblin as part of a larger plan to enable his escape from prison and destroy Spider-Man. They were defeated with the help of the combined efforts of Captain America, Iron Man, Daredevil, Yellowjacket and the Fantastic Four. Electro was hired by Brainchild to free Karl Lykos from the Raft, a maximum-security prison designed to hold supervillians. Electro initiated a prison break the likes of which had never been seen, releasing scores of criminals. However, his actions also brought together a number of the world's most powerful heroes to contain the disaster including: Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Matt Murdock, Sentry and Spider-Man, many of whom were trapped in the Raft when the power was shut off. With the exception of Daredevil (and Sentry at first), this impromptu gathering of heroes reunited shortly after the prison break to form a new Avengers team. Dillon tried to escape with his girlfriend, a waitress in Boston, but was captured by the new Avengers, the very team he inadvertently helped create. +This superhero's name is Elektra (Fox). Their real name is Elektra Natchios. She is an assassin who was sent to kill Daredevil. However, she fell in love with him, and couldn't bring herself to kill him. She now acts an anti-heroic ally of Daredevil, helping him defeat his enemies. She is an expert martial artist and she uses a pair of sais as weapons. +This superhero's name is Elektra (MCU). Their real name is Elektra Natchios. Once daredevil (Mathew merdoc’s) boyfriend then later thought dead Elektra was trained by the hand to be the best assassin the number she would later meat daredevil and get into many fights with him until they finally agreed to work together +This superhero's name is Elektra. Their real name is Elektra Natchios. Elektra once defined herself by the men in her life: She was the daughter of a powerful Greek diplomat and the girlfriend of blind American law student Matt Murdock. Her father's assassination, however, left her emotionally shattered, and she withdrew from the world. Her choice led her to Japan, where she attempted to penetrate the secret fraternity of martial artists known as the Chaste. Befriended by the organization's leader, Stick, Elektra honed her fighting skills. However, Stick saw that her hatred of the world was all-consuming and ultimately asked her to leave the Chaste. Determined to prove herself to her mentor, she infiltrated the rival organization known as The Hand. Wise to her plan, the Hand instead tricked Elektra into killing the sensei with whom she had studied before Stick. Elektra continued to serve the Hand thereafter, becoming corrupted by their ways. Eventually, she rebelled against her handlers and fled Japan. For years, Elektra worked as a bounty hunter and assassin for hire. Having undertaken a contract in New York City, she crossed paths with the blind adventurer Daredevil, whom she learned to be Matt Murdock, her former lover and a former student of Stick. Daredevil disapproved of Elektra's chosen profession, but the two still cared deeply for one another. Together, they fought the Hand, until the Kingpin, the most powerful figure in East Coast organized crime, hired Elektra as his chief assassin. In that role, Elektra clashed repeatedly with Daredevil. Finally, she was contracted to kill his best friend and law partner, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson. When Foggy recognized her, Elektra realized she could not carry out the contract and spared his life. Soon after, the psychotic criminal Bullseye determined that the only way to regain his status as the Kingpin's chief assassin was to kill Elektra. Bullseye impaled Elektra on her own sai, and she died in Matt's arms. Unwilling to part with one of its most talented operatives, the Hand attempted to resurrect Elektra and place her fully under their control through a magic ritual. Stone, a member of Stick's order, completed the process, bringing Elektra back to life after Daredevil had purified her spirit through sheer force of will. Now purged of the Hand's corruption, Elektra left Matt's side, determined to find her own place in the world. At one time, it appears that Elektra has joined the Chaste in their mountain. The Snakeroot, a part of the Hand, used John Garrett to get Elektra's essence because John has merged minds with Elektra. The Snakeroot took Elektra's essence from John and placed it in a corpse of which they name Erynys. Erynys was tasked to get the About Face Virus for the Snakeroot in order that the merger of the corpse and Elektra's essence can become permanent. Stone goes to help Daredevil find the About Face virus but Erynys was able to stab Stone from behind preventing him from using his invulnerability against known threats. But before Erynys could end it, Elektra arrives forcing Erynys and John Garrett to flee. Upon finding the virus, the Snakeroot arrives to take it. Daredevil and Elektra fought to prevent the virus from being used by the Snakeroot. The Daredevil Hellspawn joined in since it is also interested in the virus. During the battle, Daredevil decided to use the virus on Hellspawn. As the Hellspawn transforms into a real person, Erynys, angry at the loss of the virus, stabbed the Hellspawn as he comes to life, killing him. Erynys then seek to complete her life by killing the original, Elektra. During the battle, as Erynys chokes Elektra from behind, she asks Daredevil to kill Elektra so that she could be his lover again. Daredevil, thinking Elektra will find a way, threw her two sais at her. Immediately, Elektra using her skills, was able to reverse their position. However, the sais pierced Erynys body and into Elektra's shoulders. The evil essence that is Elektra returned to her. The Hand, under Gorgon, attacked both Wolverine and Elektra, placing them in their service. Elektra assumed control of the Hand. Elektra was replaced by a Skrull who took over The Hand, the goal of which was to attract the attention of the "heroes" and provoke them into discovering the Skrull infiltration. After the invasion was stopped, Elektra emerged from a downed Skrull ship with other people who had been abducted and replaced, and was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. protective custody. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. was replaced by H.A.M.M.E.R., and she was not dealt with well in custody. She initiated a break out when Paladin attempted to collect an $82 Million bounty on her head, and she was able to defeat him and escape. +This superhero's name is Elle Bishop. Their real name is . Elle Bishop is an agent of the Company and searches for evolved humans, at the behest of her father, who is a founding member of the Company. She is an evolved human with the power of lightning. +This superhero's name is Elongated Man (CW). Their real name is Ralph Dibny. Ralph Dibny is a former police detective of the Central City Police Department and a private investigator. In the pre-Flashpoint timeline, he was presumed to be one of the seventeen people who lost his life during the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator's explosion. However, Ralph reappeared alive in the post-Flashpoint timeline, gaining his powers due to exposure to dark matter from the Speed Force. Using these superpowers, he began acting as a meta-human vigilante and the superhero, initially referred to by the media as the Stretchy Man, but shortly thereafter being named the Elongated Man by the same individuals. +This superhero's name is Elongated Man. Their real name is Ralph Dibny. When Ralph was a child he adored cartoonists and people who displayed feats of agility and suppleness - contortionists. Trying to get into the secret of these abnormally flexible persons he found out that all the people he talked to who were body-benders had a similarity: they all drank a soda called Gingold. Once this discovery was made, Ralph set to work studying chemistry and made a super-concentrated extract of the rare Gingo fruit, which gave him his elasticity. Ralph was one of the first costumed heroes to reveal his secret identity to the public, and one of the first to marry his love interest. Ralph and his wife Sue Dibny became effective partners participating in Justice League Of America adventures solving mysteries. The two had a stable, happy, and relatively trouble free marriage, which is very uncommon in the lives of superhero marriages. During this crisis, tragedy struck their marriage with the death of Sue Right before she was going to surprise Ralph with the news that she was pregnant. Ralph was devastated and his first suspect for who was responsible for the loss of his wife was Dr. Light as he had at one time sexually assaulted Sue and threatened to find her again. It was revealed that Sue was murdered by Jean Loring, the ex-wife of Ray Palmer (the Atom) in an attempt to reconcile with her ex-husband. During this arc, Ralph stopped taking his daily intake of Gingold, gradually losing his ability to stretch and become elongated. During the crisis, the Super-villains that had their memories wiped were starting to get them back. Zatanna wanted to re-wipe their minds but in the end only erased their knowledge of the League's secret identities. Ralph's life had turned towards depression since the death of Sue. He was about to commit suicide when he learned that her tombstone was vandalized. He confronts Wonder Girl and accuses her of the act because of the inverted Kryptonian symbol on the tombstone which means resurrection. She and the Cult of Conner steal Dibny's ring. Ralph then goes to Booster Gold for help in the investigation but stops when he realizes that Booster might have been able to save Sue's life and Ralph attacks him in anger. While Booster later disperses a mob, an actor he hired for a staged battle reveals the truth to the press. Dibny tells reporters that Booster is a fraud. After Dibny finds Wonder Girl, she informs him that they may be able to resurrect Superboy but need to have a trial run, Ralph agrees to cooperate so that Sue might be brought back to life and be with him again, however his friends disrupt the ceremony and destroy the necessary elements for it to work. The straw doll that represents Sue calls out to him while it burns. The cult leader, Devem, tells Dibny that because of the disruption, he no longer can resurrect anyone. After the disruption of his only hope to retain Sue in his life, he suffers a breakdown, vowing to "try again". Recovering in Marsailles, he receives a visit from Detective Chimp who brings with him the helm of Doctor Fate. The Shadowpact assembles in Giza for a scrying to reveal the helm's recent history. The helm speaks to him and tells him that it will grant him his wishes if he makes the necessary sacrifices for it. Dibny accepts, and he takes off with the helm, beginning his pilgrimage. Traveling the Land of the Dead, Ralph learns his ways in the act of magic and most importantly in the prices and bargains that must be paid in order to achieve magical power. On returning to the land of the living, he approaches the Spectre telling him that he will do anything asked of him if the Spectre brings his wife back. The Spectre, desiring revenge on Eclipso for her manipulations of him but not being able to do anything himself tells Dibny to punish Eclipso in return for his wife's life. Realizing this means taking revenge on the women who murdered Sue, he takes her to the point in which she murdered his wife and intends to put her in a time loop forcing her to watch herself murder Sue Dibny over and over for all eternity. After coming to her sanity, she begs Ralph for forgiveness and vows that it wasn't her that killed Sue. Dibny, affected by her pleas, his sense of compassion and his own feelings on watching his wife's death, finds himself incapable of such ruthlessness and refuses to complete his pact with the Spectre and yells at him and sends Eclipso back to orbit the sun, but now aware that their is a way to return his wife back to life. He moves on with the helm to find another who could help him in his attempts to return sue back to life. Arriving at Nanda Parbat, Dibny is attacked by a yeti-like creature, but is rescued by Yao-Fei, a Chinese 'super-functionary', whom he later helps to capture the creature. He receives and audience with Rama Kushna and he tells him that "Death is only an illusion of being in time; a trick of the light". Seemingly disillusioned, Dibny travels to Central City, where he recovers the gun he intended to kill himself with after the Crisis. He then later retrieves the ring of "Shackles of Arion" hidden in the destroyed ruins of Atlantis, guarded by a crazed and amnesiac Aquaman, by trading his wedding band for the link of chain. Ralph and Sue are reanimated by the power of the Black Power Rings, and become part of the Black Lantern Corps. As one of their first actions as Black Lanterns, Ralph and Sue ambush Hawkman and Hawkgirl at Carter Hall's museum. He mauls Hawkman using the hero's own Nth metal mace against him. Being resistant to physical blows, there is little Hawkman can do to stop Ralph from beating him, then extracting the fallen Hawkman's heart for consumption by the black rings. Ralph is then seen in Gotham City with the Black Lanterns Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Sue, and Firestorm preparing to kill the Flash and Green Lantern. He then proceeds to torment Barry Allen before Indigo-1 shows up and destroys him using Hal's ring and willpower with her own. +This superhero's name is Emma Frost (FOX). Their real name is Emma Grace Frost. Emma Frost was a mutant and a member of the Hellfire Club but later joined the Brotherhood of Mutants. She was a telepath and could turn her skin into diamond.Massachusetts Academy the school run by Emma Frost appeared on Stryker's Computer.During the 1950s, Emma Frost was the mistress of Vinny Lavecchia, a Mafia boss based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Aware of her mutant abilities, Lavecchia used her telepathy in order to advance his career, eventually becoming the youngest boss in Nevada - with a significant influence around the Las Vegas strip.One evening in 1959, Lavecchia visits the Hellfire Club, a small gambling establishment run by Sebastian Shaw in Las Vegas. Shaw had previously refused to pay Lavecchia insurance/protection money as per Mafia tradition. During a game with Shaw, Lavecchia suspects the former of swindling him, and calls for Emma in order read Shaw's intentions. To her surprise, she discovers that Shaw is a mutant - her first-time encounter with one. When Shaw once again refuses to pay, Lavecchia leaves in anger and quietly orders his men to kill Shaw. Shaw, however, escapes unscathed because of his mutant abilities, and soon makes plans to defeat Lavecchia and rescue Emma. Back at his home, Lavecchia coerces Emma to reveal everything she gained from reading Shaw's mind in order to defeat him.After Azazel and Riptide defeat the security detail around Lavecchia's home, Shaw attempts to "rescue" Emma. However, she knocks him out with a psychic concussive blast. Shaw is then taken to a remote warehouse. At the warehouse, Lavecchia intends to kill Shaw by slowly cutting him into pieces - something that Shaw's kinetic energy absorption can't adapt to. Emma, however, begs that Shaw be dealt a quick death so as not to suffer. As Shaw implores Emma to abandon Lavecchia, the latter begins to physically abuse her. In defence, Emma converts to her diamond form, killing both Lavecchia and his bodyguard Santo in a rage. Now convinced by Shaw's rhetoric of mutant superiority, Emma becomes associated with him and the Hellfire Club. X-Men: First Class By 1962, Emma Frost was a full-fledged member of the Hellfire Club and one of Sebastian Shaw's most trusted allies. When CIA agent Moira MacTaggert was investigating the Hellfire Club in Las Vegas, she infiltrated a function Shaw was hosting disguised as one of Frost's dancers. While there, she witnesses Frost turn into her diamond form, which alerts MacTaggert to the existence of mutants and prompts her to contact Charles Xavier. When Erik Lehnsherr came to kill Shaw aboard his yacht, she went into his mind, hurting him and then throwing him off the boat. She then escaped with Shaw into the submarine. She is shown Shaw's helmet the Soviets had given him and asks her to read his mind, she says that she can not while he is wearing the helmet. Shaw then tells her she is the most beautiful woman in the world, then says that his drink needs ice. As Emma feels Xavier's telepathy expand, she looks to see whether he is close by and asks Azazel if there is anything on radar or sonar. After he says no, she tells Shaw about it. Shaw tells her to go to Russia while he takes care of the mutants at the CIA. While in Russia, she uses her seduction skills to get the Russian General into bed. She then uses her telepathy to make the General believe that he and Emma are groping and kissing one another, with her sexually straddling him on his bed, wearing only her lingerie, but she is really sitting and eating crackers, watching him hugging and kissing the air. Xavier and Lehnsherr barge in and she turns into diamond form. She attempts to escape but Charles and Erik stop her and Erik makes the metal bed hold her. Magneto starts to crack her diamond form but Charles tells him to stop. Under the pressure, her diamond form starts to break but after the release, she goes back to normal form. She then gets sent to the CIA headquarters. After the death of Shaw, Lehnsherr (now known as Magneto) starts his own team called the Brotherhood of Mutants and invites Emma to join after setting her free. Seeing her remaining Hellfire teammates with Magneto, she acceptsErik mentions that Emma Frost, along with Azazel and Angel Salvadore, had been killed in 1963 and blames Charles for their deaths. She was most likely among those experimented on and killed by Bolivar Trask, since Mystique seeks revenge on Trask and a Sentinel is shown to use her powers. +This superhero's name is Emma Frost. Their real name is Emma Frost. Emma Frost is a leading member of an old Boston mercantile family which arrived from England in the 1600s. She inherited a good deal of wealth, but most of her large fortune is the result of her business successes. She rose rapidly through the world of business thanks to her intelligence, drive, personal charm, and her secret use of her psionic abilities. She eventually became the majority stockholder of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, which has been renamed Frost International after herself. Despite her youth, she is now a chairperson of the board of Frost International and its chief executive officer. Frost International is principally involved in transportation (both the building of ships and aircraft and their use for freight and passenger transport) and electronics. Emma Frost has also become chairperson of the board of trustees of the Massachusetts Academy, a college preparatory school for grades seven through twelve located in the Berkshire Mountains in Snow Valley, Massachusetts. Frost serves as the academy's headmistress and spends a great deal of her time there. Emma Frost's beauty and talents brought her an invitation to join the Hellfire Club, an elite social organization of the world's wealthy and powerful figures. Frost became the ally of Sebastian Shaw who was a member of the Club's Council of the Chosen, which secretly conspires to achieve world domination through economic and political means. Like Frost, Shaw was a mutant. The Leaders of the Club and Council, its foremost Lords Cardinal, were the White King Edward Buckman and the White Queen Paris Seville. (The Lords Cardinal are given titles corresponding to the names of chess pieces). Buckman threw the Council's support behind Project Armageddon which was scientist Steven Lang's program to build Sentinel robots and have them hunt down superhuman mutants). Knowing Shaw was himself a mutant Buckman told him that the Project was intended to capture superhuman mutants for use by the council in seeking power. However, Frost, through her psionic powers, learned that the Project was actually intended as a means of destroying all superhuman mutants. Together Shaw and Frost staged a coup that gave them control of the Council of the Chosen, which they renamed the Inner Circle. Shaw took the title of Black King and Frost became the new White Queen. Under Shaw and Frost, the Inner Circle was dominated by superhuman mutants. Frost recruited young superhuman mutants and trained them in the use of their powers at her school so that they might use those powers on the Inner Circle's behalf. Most of these mutant students were members of a team called the Hellions. Frost first encountered the team of mutants called the X-Men when she attempted to recruit young mutant Katherine "Kitty" Pryde for her school and captured a number of X-Men. Since then, Frost has crossed paths with the X-Men and their associates, the New Mutants, many times, often as their adversary. Later, the X-Men joined with the Hellions in order to protect the White Queen from a time-traveling attacker known as Trevor Fitzroy, but not before Fitzroy's brutal assault plunged Frost into a deep coma and brought about the untimely demise of each and every one of the Hellions. Frost's consciousness was apparently still active on the material plane and her body was kept in the Med-lab at the X-Men's mansion. Seeking to insure the welfare of her students and the future of the school, Frost foresightedly willed the care of the Academy to Professor Charles Xavier. It was during her psychic incapacitation that The Massachusetts Academy was legally added to the rapidly expanding Xavier Institute. While in the Med-lab an accident caused Frost to possess the body of the X-Man Iceman, and likewise, his mind was transferred into her body. Frost returned to her own body and when she fully recovered from the coma she resumed her role as headmistress of the academy. This time however she has been working with the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning and receives help from Sean Cassidy. He acts as the headmaster of this school designed to train a new set of mutants, who are known as Generation X. +This superhero's name is Enchantress (DCEU). Their real name is June Moone. Enchantress was an ancient and inter-dimensional mystical being, who possessed the body of June Moone. Initially under Amanda Waller's control, Enchantress was viewed as one of the candidates for Suicide Squad membership, but the malevolent witch swiftly escaped, freeing her brother Incubus and attempting to take over Earth with their combined mystical powers. In the end, however, Enchantress and her brother are killed by the combined efforts of Task Force X and the military. +This superhero's name is Energy. Their real name is . Energy first discovered her abilities shortly after she spotted her father absently creating an electrical arc between his fingers when he was repairing their car and wanted to test a component. Her father's abilities were relatively weak, but as she grew into her late teens, Energy's own powers expanded; she learned how to create powerful lightning bolts and direct them with great accuracy. Not knowing where to begin "superheroing", she travelled to Manhattan to seek out Max Dalton; under his guidance she began her career as Energy, and soon branched out on her own. +This superhero's name is Eradicator. Their real name is Eradicator. The Eradicator is a device reprogrammed by Krypton's inhabitants to preserve the planet. Towards the planet's end, it was saved by a surviving member of the race which created it known as the Cleric. Following some time with the Cleric, the Eradicator eventually found Superman on Warworld held captive by Mongul. After saving him, Eradicator is repurposed to protect Superman (the last son of Krypton) as the Cleric perishes. Eradicator has since become an ally (and sometimes enemy) of Superman. +This superhero's name is Erik Killmonger. Their real name is N'Jadaka. Early Life N'Jadaka's father was pressed into working for the villain Klaw. After Klaw fled the country N'Jadaka's family was exiled by T'Challa, the king of Wakanda. He ended up in Harlem, New York, where he developed a hatred of both Klaw and the Wakandan king. N'Jadaka changed his name to Erik Killmonger, and dedicated his life to avenging his father's death. He believed that weakness on T'Chaka's part was a key factor in allowing his parents to be killed. N'jadaka became educated in the United States, gaining a PhD in Engineering and an MBA at M.I.T. Return to Wakanda He contacted T'Challa who repatriated Killmonger to Wakanda. He feigned trying to make up with the king. Killmonger settled in a village that would later change its name to N'Jadaka Village in honor of him. Killmonger dedicated his time to the overthrow of T'Challa's government. Killmonger had ravaged several villages to attract the Black Panther's attention. When confronted by T'Challa, Killmonger dismissed the African Prince, having T'Challa fight with his leopard Preyy. When T'Challa stopped the leopard by snapping its jaw, Killmonger attacked, throwing him over a waterfall. T'Challa survived the fall but now had to battle Killmonger and Venomm. Killmonger teamed up with Sombre and King Cadaver to battle T'Challa. They would force him to fight a White Gorilla. However during the fight T'Challa was able to kill Sombre. With the death of Sombre Killmonger teamed up with Salamander K'Ruel. However during the fight it appeared that T'Challa killed Killmonger. Iron Man The Mandarin claimed Killmonger's body and was able to restore him to life using his rings. In Wakanda, a warehouse containing Stark Industries energy hologram crystallography equipment was destroyed. When Tony Stark arrived in Wakanda to investigate, Madame Slay kidnapped Rhodey and Killmonger's men apparently killed the Black Panther. In reality, however, Killmonger had actually killed an LMD. At the Black Panther's "funeral" Killmonger appeared, taking the Black Panther mantle for himself. Iron Man and Black Panther proceeded with their plan, now that the Life-Model Decoy had drawn out the villain. They sneaked back into T'Challa's palace just after Madame Slay informed Wakanda of Killmonger's return from death. A battle ensued and as the heroes gained the upper hand Madame Slay revealed she had Rhodey captive. Iron Man used his life sensors to find Rhodey at the Great Mound, where a cyclotron was set up. Pounding the vibranium with gigawatt baryon beams, turning it into anti-metal, which would dissolve all metal in Europe, Asia, Africa and potentially beyond. Iron Man disabled the machine and saved Rhodey. Black Panther defeated Killmonger and the Mandarin recalled his ring, and Killmonger reverted to an inanimate skeleton. Killmonger soon resurfaced alive & well however in later appearance. As the person T'challa believed to be Killmonger wielding the Mandarin's ring was in fact a form of simulacrum, some kind of homunculus created to simulate the real Killmonger and animated by his silent partner's ring. He and his followers would turn up again during T'Challa's stay in America; New York City, while overseeing Klaw's sentencing for his numerous crimes at a court hearing. Seeking to team up with Klaw while placing a spy within his hated rival's entourage, the usurper king plotted to waylay the heir to the Wakandan throne at his own embassy. Seeking to pin him for suicide while striding back to their homeland with his own loyal acolytes. In turn, once upon reaching home, the citizens of their nation would make him king in his place. Before his plans could reach fruition however, both he and his forced companion ended up clashing with Daredevil and T'Challa once again. The two enemies clashed once again upon a catamaran owned by the good king, who intentionally left out dummy blue prints for its design knowing someone like Killmonger would attempt to exploit them in his schemes. During the dual battle, Erik attempted a sneak attack while T'Challa was preoccupied with Daredevil's battle with Klaww. As he moved to attack however, the mast from Panther's ship fell from its mooring's crushing him to death. Taking the Throne After Reverend Achebe's takeover of Wakanda, and the absences of T'Challa, Everett Ross was appointed temporary regent of the country. Killmonger tried to usurp the leadership by exploiting the economy. He challenged T'Challa to the leadership ritual of combat and Killmonger was able to finally defeat the Panther on his own. He remained ruler of the country for a while and even tried to join the Avengers in T'Challa's place. He even had to battle the mercenary Deadpool. However when he consumed the Heart-Shaped Herb which was his right as king, his body reacted badly, it was revealed that it was poisonous to those who are not of the royal bloodline, this left him in a coma. White Tiger He later came out of the coma and traveled to New York City to meet with Kasper Cole, a police officer who was the new Black Panther. He tried to turn him to his side by offering him the synthetic heart-shaped herb. He also helped his police captain find his kidnapped son. For this he would become the White Tiger representative in the Panther Cult. Cole agreed and used his powers to track the boy on his own. By doing this he was able to avoid his debt to Killmonger. Niganda Under backing by the U.S. Government, Eric would later return to became a champion against the many wannabe despots and would be conquerors in Niganda. All while the White House intended to establish a foothold in Wakanda, using Killmonger's presence as a hometown hero to set up another invasive beachhead. Eventually T'Challa's sister, Shuri, would move in to spy on the american fighter carrier N'Jadaka came in on. It was here where his benefactors gave him his walking papers, around that time he eventually captured her for his own ends. Forcing another invasion by Wakanda, the american constabulary realizing their mistake of employing such an unknown variant, attempted to send in one of their Super Agents in and out to removed him from power. Backed by one of Erich's experiments however, the perceived savior managed to capture her as well. In that moment T'Challa, his Dora Milaje and the Hatut Zeraze mounted their assault on N'Jadaka's seat of power. While the Panther acted to distract Killmonger through mortal combat, his associates would free both his sister and her consort in the prison complex. Just as he was about to strike a coup-de-grace on Black Panther, he was killed by his recently-escaped prisoner Monica Rambeau, who flew through his chest at light speed. +This superhero's name is Eru Iluvatar. Their real name is Eru. Eru is the supreme deity of Arda. He was the single creator, above the Valar, but has delegated almost all direct action within Eä to the Ainur, including the shaping of the Arda. +This superhero's name is Ethan Hunt. Their real name is Ethan Hunt. Ethan Matthew Hunt was born in Madison, Wisconsin, the only child of Margaret and Nathan Hunt. Raised on a dairy farm in Middlefield, New York, he enlisted in the Army right out of high school. Ethan enlisted for the Infantry military occupational specialty and decided that he would become an Army Ranger. After graduating Basic, Advanced Individual, and Airborne Training, Ethan was sent to the Ranger Indoctrination Program. Upon graduation of RIP, he was placed in the 75th Ranger Regiment's 3rd Battalion, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Daniel David Briggs. He then attended and passed Ranger School, where he earned his Ranger Tab. Ethan eventually fought in combat during Operation Desert Storm. After four distinguished years in the Army, Ethan went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a double major in Engineering and International Relations. Upon graduating from Pennsylvania, he immediately sought employment with the Central Intelligence Agency. Before Ethan could join the Agency, he had to go through background checks, take the entrance exam, and go through a series of interviews and psychological tests. Upon passing the entrance and psychological examinations, Ethan was contacted by Colonel Briggs, who had joined the CIA in a high-level position a few years before and he believed Ethan would be perfect for a organization outside of the Agency. In short order, he was recruited into an ultra-secret agency called the Impossible Mission Force. Although he was initially only told that he would be tasked with "unconventional black ops", Ethan exuberantly accepted the job offer. Afterwards he was informed of IMF's mandate. He then went through an intensive operational training course to train him in so-called "operational intelligence" or "tradecraft" skills, including surveillance, clandestine photography, infiltration, and exfiltration techniques. He was also trained for night parachuting, tactical high speed emergency driving, rappelling from helicopters, and dry and wet demolition. Because of his military experience, Ethan excelled through training. Once he completed training, he was given the "cover legend" of a systems analyst for the U.S. Department of Transportation and placed in a five person team (called an "IM Force") as the team's point man. Led by Senior Agent Jim Phelps, the team's job was to infiltrate secure installations, seize critical intelligence, destroy dangerous data or equipment, and neutralize the enemy as needed, without leaving a trace. The Impossible Missions Force is different than most intelligence organizations in that, once their orders have been given, there are no required procedures for the fulfillment of the mission. Therefore, Ethan and his fellow agents could use whatever means they deem necessary. Success was all that matters. The downside was, of course, obvious. If a team member was captured or killed, the Secretary of State would disavow any knowledge of his or her actions. Just a few months into his IMF career, Ethan's team assembled for a mission in Prague that would change Ethan's life dramatically. The objective of the mission was to prevent a U.S. diplomat from selling the Non-official cover (NOC) list - a comprehensive list of all covert agents in Eastern Europe. The mission went inextricably wrong, resulting in the deaths of the team, leaving Ethan the sole survivor. Fleeing the scene, Ethan met with Eugene Kittridge, the CIA-based director of the IMF, at a café. Ethan, very much in shock, was disturbed to learn from Kittridge that a mole, codenamed Job, had infiltrated IMF, and that the Prague operation was meant to ferret Job out by allowing the mole to acquire the NOC list and attempt to sell it to "Max", an illegal arms dealer known for corrupting IMF agents. The NOC list in Prague was fake, the real list being held in CIA headquarters in Virginia. With Ethan the sole survivor, the CIA believed he was the mole. Ethan realizes this, and mounted a daring escape from the café, fleeing into Prague. Ethan returned to the IMF safe house, where he discovered fellow IMF agent Claire Phelps, Phelps's wife, actually survived the mission. Ethan began a correspondence with "Max" (a woman), explaining that the NOC list was a fake and offering to deliver the real NOC list in exchange for the identity of the mole. Max agreed to the deal and offered Ethan a cash advance, which Ethan used to assemble a team of disavowed former IMF agents, including computer expert Luther Stickell and pilot Franz Krieger. The new team infiltrated the heavily fortified headquarters of the CIA in Langley and successfully stole a copy of the full NOC list before escaping to a safe house in London. Once there, Ethan discovered that his uncle and mother had been falsely arrested for drug trafficking in an attempt to lure him out. This infuriated Hunt, and he contacted Kittridge, who offered to drop the false charges the moment Ethan surrendered to authorities. Ethan hung up, after allowing Kittridge to trace him to the London area, turned around and walked right into Jim Phelps. Phelps, presumed dead in the Prague operation, revealed that Kittridge was the mole and was tying up loose ends by trying to apprehend Ethan. Ethan reflected on this, while in reality piecing together the clues he discovered leading up to his operation and realized that Phelps was the mole, Job. Ethan pretended to accept the story while being uncertain about Claire's place in the conspiracy. The next day, Max and Ethan arranged to meet aboard the TGV en route to Paris, with Claire and Luther aboard to provide backup. Kittridge was also aboard, having recently arrived in London and received tickets for the TGV and a video watch from Ethan. In the train, Ethan delivered the supposed NOC list to Max, who directed him to the luggage compartment to find his money, and Job. Max then attempted to transmit the NOC list to a server, an operation hindered by Luther, who activated a jamming device to prevent the upload. Claire, observing Kittridge's presence aboard the train, vacated her seat and met with Phelps in the luggage car, confirming her part in the conspiracy. A silent "Phelps" slowly peeled away his mask, revealing himself as Ethan. Suddenly, the real Phelps appeared, armed and demanding the NOC list money. Ethan surrendered it before pulling out a pair of glasses. He slid them over his eyes, activating the camera inside and transmitting Phelps's image to Kittridge, proving beyond a doubt that Phelps was still alive. Phelps, now revealed as the traitor, shot Claire in anger when she spoke against killing Ethan. He then beat Ethan down before escaping to the roof of the train, where Krieger, also a traitor, waited to extract him with a helicopter. Ethan recovered and followed Phelps, impeded his efforts to escape and tethered Krieger's helicopter to the train as it headed into the Channel Tunnel. The fight continued, with the helicopter now following the train inside the tunnel. The two fought atop the wind-swept train before Phelps disconnected the helicopter from the train and attempted to escape. Ethan followed, leapt onto the helicopter's landing skids and attached explosive gum to the windshield. The ensuing explosion killed Phelps and Krieger, with Ethan narrowly escaping. Kittridge, now in possession of the NOC list and Max's true identity, dropped his investigation against Ethan and reinstated Luther as an IMF agent. A little while later, as Ethan was on a plane flying home, a flight attendant approached him and through a coded phrase asked if he's ready for another mission; because of his actions during the crisis, Ethan was promoted to the position of team leader. After being given the new cover legend of a traffic engineer who studies traffic patterns for the Virginia Department of Transportation, he officially became a "senior field operations agent." Since then, Ethan Hunt has become the Impossible Mission Force's premier field agent. Ethan had been alerted to a dangerous virus being in the hands of a rogue IMF agent, and thereafter recruited Nyah Nordoff Hall, Billy Baird and Luther Stickell to help him catch the man. Ethan killed the man after a battle on the beach. Hunt for the Rabbit's Foot In 2006, Ethan Hunt married Julia Meade, right before she was kidnapped by Owen Davian, who forced Hunt to steal a powerful weapon (the Rabbit's Foot) to save Julia's life. After Hunt saved Julia and killed Davian, he told her all about his real job working for IMF. And then they went on their honeymoon. In Croatia, Ethan and Julia were both together until Hunt realized that the only way to protect her from death was to fake it. Agent William Brandt was assigned to watch the family, following Ethan one day as he went for a jog. Brandt assigned two men to watch Julia before he left and after returning, he found them both unconscious and Julia gone. Days later, Brandt was told that what was left of Julia's body had been found. In apparent retaliation for his wife's murder, Hunt killed six Serbian nationalists linked to the crime, and as a result was sent to Rankow Prison. In reality, the IMF invented this cover to allow Hunt to inflitrate the prison, in the hope of gaining information in regards to a terrorist named Cobalt. Julia, now safe, was kept a secret by Ethan, who had to keep his distance from her. In 2011, in the wake of the bombing of the Kremlin at the hands of Kurt Hendricks, Hunt and the entire IMF team was disavowed, and the remaining crew were branded as terrorists. In the end, the mission was accomplished. +This superhero's name is Etrigan. Their real name is Jason Blood. Etrigan is a demon from Hell who usually found himself allied to the forces of good. Etrigan resembles a squat, muscular human with orange (or yellow) skin, horns, red eyes, and ears resembling bat wings. He was originally summoned by the wizard Merlin as part of a last-ditch defense of Camelot against the evil witch, Morgaine le Fey. When it became clear that the kingdom would fall regardless, Merlin sent the demon away and bonded him into a human named Jason Blood to wait until he was summoned. Centuries later, Jason was called to the crypt of Merlin and discovered a poem that could change him into Etrigan. Unfortunately, he was followed by the long-lived Morgaine who lusted for Merlin's secrets. That led to Etrigan's first major battle, and to the solidification of Morgaine as a major enemy. In addition, he later gained another enemy in Klarion the Witch Boy, a permanently prepubescent mage who created trouble with his magic. Some time later, Etrigan began speaking entirely in rhyme, as the result of a promotion, with the rhyming speech being a badge of his new rank in the infernal hierarchy. The poem that released Etrigan was: Yarva Demonicus Etrigan. Change, change the form of man. Free the prince forever damned. Free the might from fleshy mire. Boil the blood in heart of fire. Gone, gone the form of man, Rise the demon Etrigan! Jason Blood's first transformation into the Demon occurred when reading the inscription on the surface of a stone tomb: Change! Change, O' form of man! Release the might from fleshy mire! Boil the blood in the heart for fire! Gone! Gone! -- the form of man -- Rise, the Demon Etrigan!! Generally, only the last two lines were actively recited, and the words have been known to vary slightly; the phrase "yarva daemonicus etrigan" has occasionally been used, but not consistently. The reverse spell was "Gone, gone O Etrigan! Rise again (or once more) the form of man!" The spell itself did not need to be recited by Jason or Etrigan to be effective, merely within their range of hearing. In emergencies when Jason could not speak (such as one time when he was turned into a fly) writing it was sometimes sufficient to effect the change. On one occasion, Blood released Etrigan by using a parody of the spell ("Gone o little man so tame / and rise the demon Whatsisname"). After emerald archer Green Arrow's resurrection, Batman and Oliver recruit Blood for his occult knowledge as to how Oliver could have been resurrected. It is found that Oliver is a Hollow - a soulless husk of a human, created by Hal Jordan with the Spectre's powers to soothe his guilt. Blood called on Etrigan to kill Oliver (being a Hollow left him vulnerable to possession, which could have been very bad). He was stopped in his attempt by a Fire Extinguisher Arrow. Batman, in response to the unusual weapon said, "I will never ever mock your trick arrows again." Etrigan eventually lost the restrictions imposed upon him by Merlin which turned him from evil, caused by his "murder" at the exact moment he was transforming from his human guise Jason Blood into his demon self. It turned out that the incident resulted in Jason Blood being able to exert some will over Etrigan's violent nature, whereas previously the two remained separate, only one existing at a time. +This superhero's name is Evie Frye. Their real name is Evie Frye. Evie Frye is the main female protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, and Jack the Ripper. She is a British Assassin during the Victorian era, and the elder twin sister of Jacob Frye. +This superhero's name is Evil Deadpool. Their real name is Wade Wilson. The origins of the being known as "Evil Deadpool" are tied to Ella Whitby, a British psychiatrist obsessed with the super-human mercenary Deadpool. She collected numerous parts of Deadpool's body that he had lost over the years, and kept them in her freezer. When Deadpool found them, he threw them in a dumpster in disgust. The parts eventually thawed and, since they all had Deadpool's healing factor, fused together into a single person. Evil Deadpool hijacking the private plane of an American businessman and travelled to the United States at the same time the original Deadpool did. The two crossed paths for the first time after the Evil Deadpool blew up Deadpool's favorite chimichanga joint and fought until they ran out of bullets. Both Deadpool agreed for a second round at Canarsie Park. Their second explosive encounter caught the attention of Captain America, who arrived to the scene after Evil Deadpool had escaped. As the real Deadpool fended off Captain America, and tried to convince him of his doppelganger's existence, Evil Deadpool set out to show him what the world really thought of him. To this end, Evil Deadpool went to Mister Negative to find the "greasiest, shadiest, most henious piece of wet work gig," which involved kidnapping the children of New York's chief of police, intending to do the one thing the real Wade would never do, kill a kid. Meanwhile, Deadpool kidnapped a child in the middle of Times Square and threatened to kill him, believing that to be a course of action the Evil Deadpool would take, so threatening to do so would prompt Evil Deadpool to attack Deadpool for stealing his thunder, causing him to leave his plans behind and expose his existence in order to vindicate Deadpool. Naturally, Evil Deadpool expected Deadpool's actions, and didn't take the bait. Evil Deadpool then lured both Deadpool and the NYPD chief to a warehouse at 615 South Street where the kidnapped children were being held. After rescuing the chief's kids and helping them leave with their father, both Deadpool faced-off. Captain America and the NYPD appeared on the scene, after having found the note that had lured the police chief. Right before the police opened fire at Evil Deadpool, a mysterious dart loaded with a serum hit him, and it neutralized his healing factor, causing him to die of the injuries sutained by the bullets. Deadpool desired to know how did his doppelanger manage to die, and used Evil Deadpool's teleporter to escape, taking his corpse with him, which he ultimately abandoned. However, the effects of the serum proved to be simply temporary, causing Evil Deadpool to eventually return from the dead. He was one of the several enemies of the Merc with a Mouth assembled by Interpol agent Allsion Kemp, who wanted to have revenge on Deadpool for idirectly causing her to become tetraplegic nine years earlier. Evil Deadpool surprised the real Wade with his resurgence a few moments after Agent Kempt had given up on her quest for revenge, and shot him. Evil Deadpool's chaotic nature led him to join the Evil Deadpool Corps, a conglomeration of Deadpools led by the Dreadpool of Earth-12101, with the objective of getting of every Deadpool across the Multiverse. Together with other several Deadpools, Evil Deadpool ambushed the base of operations of the good Deadpool Corps and killed most of their members while a handful of them were occupied recruiting Evil Deadpool's counterpart, the main Deadpool. The surviving Deadpools were attacked by Evil Deapdool and his teammates when they returned to the base, engaging in combat long enough to let Galactipool devour the planet they were standing in. Deadpool managed to get the upper hand in a one-on-one fight against Evil Deadpool, and beat him to a pulp, literally. Evil Deadpool eventually regenerated, but he was crushed with Galactipool's head after Lady Deadpool had killed him. Evil Deadpool resurfaced once again, having returned to the base of operations of the Evil Deadpool Corps and witnessed as Deadpool emerged victorious after fighting Dreadpool. At some point in time after returning to his home reality, Evil Deadpool was enlisted by an omniscient Rigellian Recorder to help him achieve a mysterious purpose. The dismantled Recorder was eventually acquired by Deadpool and his Mercs for Money. As part of the Recorder's plan, Evil Deadpool stopped Taskmaster from taking Deadpool down before he could sell the Recorder, which pretended to malfunction. When Deadpool delivered the Recorder to the Ozarks Kingpin, Evil Deadpool took advantage of one of their route breaks and slipped inside their truck's trailer. After Deadpool' reached his destination, Evil Deadpool attacked him and his allies, with the help of the Crazy Gang. He was defeated, but escaped, using as a distraction the explosion Deadpool set off in an attempt at getting rid of the Recorder. Evil Deadpool and the surviving Recorder eventually reunited, and proceeded to plan their next course of action. +This superhero's name is Evil Nya. Their real name is Nya. She was turned bad by the Overlord his dark magic +This superhero's name is Evilhawk. Their real name is Dargin Bokk . Years ago, the extraterrestrial crime-lord Dargin Bokk sought the means to create an army of expendable agents which he would sell to the highest bidder. He gathered the most knowledgeable scientists in the known universe to begin work on his project. Through coercion, he recruited: Mondu, inventor of technology that could transfer a humanoid’s consciousness into a storage facility. Mandeja, inventor of transportation technology that could replace one being with another; Byron, human inventor of androids with built-in weapons; Graczia, inventor of telepathic devices; ; Kig, who had mastered a techno-virus; and Ocsh, discoverer of a dimension dubbed "Null Space". The six scientists were sent to Null Space aboard Bokk’s vessel to begin their work, and they fashioned five powerful android bodies which a humanoid mind could inhabit without risking their real self, exchanging places via an amulet. The scientists all chose to rebel against Bokk before their work could wreak havoc on the universe, and they inhabited the five androids to overthrow Bokk’s crew. During the fight, Bokk damaged, Mandeja’s android, forcing her to return to her real body to initiate repairs; he then murdered Mandeja and claimed her amulet. Bokk attacked the scientists and the resulting battle caused massive damage to the ship, nearly scuttling it. Almost everyone aboard was slain, including the bodies kept in stasis. As Bokk fled the vessel, Ocsh attempted to return to his normal form, but was killed in transit; his consciousness merged with the vessel, and he found his mind was in complete control of the ship, his amulet held within the ships circuitry. While Ocsh tried to save the vessel, Byron and Mondu rigged equipment to transfer their consciousnesses to Earth, Byron’s homeworld. When Dargin Bokk came to Earth, he called himself Evilhawk. In battle with Evilhawk,Darkhawk's android body was completely destroyed, with only the amulet remaining. In Null Space, Ocsh woke Chris from his stasis field field and revealed the origin of the Drkhawk armors to him, Evilhawk returned to Null Space and attempted to claim Chris' amulet for himself, but while trying to draw his power into him, Chris became Darkhawk again and destroyed the Evilhawk. Ocsh prevented Bokk's consciousness from activating a new android body, leaving Bokk's consciousness on the psychic plane in search of an android body for himself. +This superhero's name is Executioner. Their real name is Skurge. Skurge the Executioner was one of Asgard's greatest warriors. He was born the illegitimate son of a Storm Giant and an Asgardian from the realm of Skornheim. Later he became a warrior, gaining the name Executioner after fighting in a war against the Storm Giants. He came to Asgard, there he was seduced by Amora the Enchantress into assisting her in many of her schemes over the years. But while the Executioner was as so infatuated with the Enchantress that he would do anything for her, she continually withheld her favors from him to keep him in thrall +This superhero's name is Exodus. Their real name is Bennet du Paris . Born in the 12th century, Bennet du Paris had always felt different, as if he had a deep hidden power. As an adult he was a crusader and became best friends with Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of that era. The two had set out on a quest to find the Tower of Power, the domain of the mythic "Eternal Pharaoh" in Akkaba when Dane Whitman (the 20th century Black Knight) and Sersi had been transported back to the 12th century, Whitman transported into Eobar's body. Eobar retained control, but felt something was wrong. When he came into contact with Sersi he abandoned the quest, angering Paris. Paris left to find the tower alone. Traveling for hours through violent sandstorms, when he finally collapsed a voice spoke to him, asking him if he was willing to risk everything to become one of the strong. Paris was then tested, and his mutant powers manifested for the first time. Proving himself strong, he disappeared from the spot. Meanwhile Sersi had awakened Dane's mind and he now had control of his body as Eobar passed on. While searching for Paris, the two were captured by Apocalypse. When they awoke they found Bennet du Paris had been transformed into Exodus, recognizing him as the same Exodus from the 20th century. Apocalypse commanded Exodus to destroy the Black Knight. When Dane refused to kill Exodus Sersi intervened, though her attack proved useless. Apocalypse again commanded Exodus to kill Sersi and Dane, though this time Exodus refused. He turned on Apocalypse calling him a "false god". However, Exodus was no match for him. Apocalypse stripped Exodus of his power and sealed him away in a crypt in the Swiss Alps. Six months later Dane found the crypt in which Exodus was trapped in a coma like state. He found there was a curse preventing Exodus from leaving, yet others were allowed to come and go as they pleased. Dane left guards who had sworn to look after the crypt for generations to come, and he and Sersi returned to their time. Sometime later, in the 20th century, Magneto found and freed Exodus, taking him back to Avalon. Exodus became Magneto's right hand man, replacing Fabian Cortez who had betrayed Magneto. Exodus appeared before the government sanctioned team X-Factor. It seemed as though Exodus wanted to tell them something, but he refrained and left. Exodus then appeared before the mutant team X-Force to retrieve Cannonball and Sunspot and take them back to Avalon. They weren't going to come quietly, but the team proved no match for Exodus. Exodus was followed back, and X-Force invaded Avalon to rescue their teammates. X-Force fled the station, but not before Cable was mortally wounded by Magneto. When Charles Xavier wiped Magneto's mind clean in an attack by the X-Men on Avalon, Exodus assumed leadership of the Acolytes. Exodus would converse with the mindless Magneto, believing he could hear Magneto's voice. Soon after, Fabian Cortez had resurfaced in Genosha, where he had taken Magneto's granddaughter Luna prisoner. The tension between the mutants and humans had erupted and Genosha was in a state of war. When Luna's mother, Crystal realized Luna had been taken, she and the Avengers left for Genosha. Meanwhile Quicksilver and the X-Men had also gone to Genosha to save Luna. Exodus arrived in Genosha to save the mutate people and destroy the humans. He quickly came to blows with the Avengers, defeating both War Machine and Sersi before leaving. Exodus then found Fabian Cortez in the sewers of Genosha, using the baby Luna as a human shield. Cortez tried his best to escape, telling Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Crystal and Jean Grey they must kill Exodus if Luna was to survive. They were no match for Exodus, and he took control of Cortez making him hand over Luna, then seemingly killed him. Exodus then appeared to the mutates of Genosha, telling them to kill all humans or the entire island will be crushed under his force field. The Avengers and X-Men teamed up and took the fight to Exodus, but it proved futile. It wasn't until Professor Xavier unleashed a powerful psionic attack on Exodus, that Black Knight was able to sneak up on Exodus cutting through him with his energy blade. Exodus, weakened and defeated, left for Avalon, but not before unleashing a powerful attack on Quicksilver, almost killing him. Black Knight remembered Exodus, but couldn't figure out how. It turned out that Black Knight had not gone back in time yet to meet him. The Acolytes discovered a cocoon of ice with a living being inside floating near the space-station Avalon. Despite some Acolyte's objections, Exodus ordered the cocoon to be brought on board, believing it to be a sign of things to come. This, along with his insistence that he heard Magneto's voice and his refusal to show Magneto's body, was making some Acolyte's doubt his sanity more and more. During the night, the being inhabiting the cocoon awoke, absorbing several Acolytes and killing them in the process. The being turned out to be Holocaust, one of the survivors of the altered reality the Age of Apocalypse. Holocaust confused Exodus with his AoA counterpart, not knowing that that reality was gone. Holocaust knew that he was among enemies when he heard of Magneto's presence. Exodus and Holocaust battled without regard for anything around them, destroying Avalon in the process and fighting through the ship's re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. Severely weakened from his battle with Holocaust, Exodus made his way back to the crypt in the Swiss Alps where Apocalypse had originally locked him away. There Exodus hoped to rest and regain his powers, but discovered that his powers had somehow changed. Exodus became a kind of psychic vampire, needing to absorb the psionic energy of others; when he sensed the energies of Cable and X-Man nearby, he was delighted at the sheer wealth of power they possessed. Exodus battled X-Man, becoming more powerful every time X-Man used his power. It looked as though Exodus would be victorious until X-Man discovered Exodus' link to Apocalypse. Enraged, X-Man let loose the full extent of his power, which proved to be too much for Exodus, and sealed him in a rapidly closing crevasse. Exodus survived, his powers reverted to normal, and he returned to leading the Acolytes. Seeing the High Evolutionary's experiments as crimes against nature, Exodus sent an army of Mutates and a team of Acolytes, in an attack against the Evolutionary's base, Wundagore mountain. Despite opposition from Quicksilver and the Knights of Wundagore, Exodus successfully gained control of the citadel, while the High Evolutionary escaped. Exodus considered it his "holy mission" to rid the world of impure and artificial mutants such as the High Evolutionary and his creations, the beings known as the Inhumans and those infected with the Legacy Virus. He sent a team consisting of Pyro, Avalanche, Omega Red and Feral among others to find the High Evolutionary promising the infected members a cure to the legacy virus, though never intending to cure them. He also sent Fabian Cortez on a mission to destroy the Terrigen Mists in the Inhuman city of Attilan; however in the end, Cortez failed. The High Evolutionary decided it was time to regain control of Mount Wundagore, and set off with a team towards the citadel. There he was betrayed by Man-Beast who stole the scepter housing Isotope E, greatly empowering him. Exodus and his Acolyte's appeared and Exodus demanded the isotope be handed over. Man-Beast refused to comply. After a horrific battle between Exodus and Man-Beast, the two came to the conclusion that they had much in common and decided to share the isotope and together took Quicksilver, the Knights of Wundagore, and the Heroes For Hire prisoner. Quicksilver eventually escaped, gained control of Isotope E himself, turned the isotope on himself, and became more powerful than he had ever been before. Exodus apparently proved no match for the super-charged Quicksilver and was soundly defeated. Just as Pietro began to celebrate however, the High Evolutionary, now 20 feet tall and thoroughly insane, smashed through the wall behind them. The Acolytes refused to help in the battle against the High Evolutionary, prompting Exodus to call them cowards; the mutant announced that the High Evolutionary was an abomination and that Exodus would defeat him by any means necessary. Thena and Exodus' subsequent proved ineffective, until Man-Beast appeared and suggested that the three of them unite their psionic power. This tactic worked and the High Evolutionary began to shrink back down as a result of their combined assault, however Quicksilver intervened and convinced them to stop before they could kill the High Evolutionary. In the aftermath of the battle (with the High Evolutionary de-powered, Quicksilver reverted back to normal, and Thena incapacitated) Exodus attempted once more to destroy the High Evolutionary, but was once more halted in his attempt--this time by the voice of the Black Knight. The Knight allowed Exodus into his mind where the mutant discovered that this Black Knight was his friend from centuries ago. The two then engaged in combat where the Black Knight defeated Exodus, and once again sealed him in the crypt Apocalypse had created. Later on, Exodus escaped from his prison yet again, this time emerging as a changed man. Disguising himself as Magneto, Exodus used his psionic power (boosted by technological means) to bring peace to the island nation of Genosha, forcing humans and mutants to coexist. When he was eventually unmasked by the X-Men, Exodus proclaimed himself a penitent trying desperately to atone for his bigoted past. Without his control however, Genosha descended into civil war once more, leaving Exodus emotionally devastated. This experience apparently led him to renew his conviction that mutants were superior and that they were intended to inherit the earth. Having formed a new Brotherhood (consisting of Avalanche, Nocturne, Sabretooth, Mammomax and Black Tom), Exodus led an attack on a group of humans but was thwarted by the X-Men. After escaping, this new Brotherhood decided to attack the X-Men in their home. The attack proved a complete disaster, and resulted in most of the Brotherhood, Exodus included, being sucked into the mutant Xorn's head. It is not known how he freed himself from that state. Exodus was one of the few mutants who retained his powers after the events of the M-Day, being listed as a severe danger in the 198 files. After Professor Xavier was shot by bishop, Exodus tried to repare his damaged brain. He was unable to make xaviers mind take its memories back and he was then forced to seek the aid of Magneto. Magneto was able to restore some of the Professor's memories but Exodus got angry when Magneto harmed the Acolyte known as Frenzy. He began to choke Magneto but then, Xavier challenged him on the astral plane. Xavier won the battle and threatened to shut off Exodus' powers permanently if he attacked again. Exodus then stated that he did not want to battle him but to offer him the chance to lead the Acolytes. Xavier refused, calling Exodus a fool for making such an offer, given how much pain and suffering had befallen those who had been entrusted to Xavier's care in the past. After another meeting with Xavier he disbanded the Acolytes, denounced his name Exodus, and went out on a pilgrimage as to find another way to serve mutants. +This superhero's name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Their real name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 – 1524) was a Florentine nobleman during the Renaissance, and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, a title which he held from 1503 to 1513. He is also an ancestor of William and Desmond Miles, as well as Clay Kaczmarek. A member of the House of Auditore, Ezio remained unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when he witnessed the hanging of his father and two brothers, Federico and Petruccio. Forced to flee his birthplace with his remaining family members—his mother and sister—Ezio took refuge with his uncle in the Tuscan town of Monteriggioni, at the Villa Auditore. After learning of his heritage from Mario, Ezio began his Assassin training and set about on his quest for vengeance against the Templar Order, and their Grand Master, the Spaniard Rodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the execution of his kin. During his travels, Ezio managed to not only unite the pages of the Codex, written by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Mentor of the Levantine Assassins, but also to save the cities of Florence, Venice, and Rome from Templar rule. He ensured the future travels of Christopher Columbus to the New World, liberated Rome from Borgia rule, and prevented the rise to power of Ercole Massimo's Cult of Hermes, helping spread the Renaissance and Assassin ideals of independence and free will throughout Italy. In the years that followed, Ezio began a quest to rediscover the lost history of the Order. Travelling to the aged fortress of Masyaf in order to learn more of the Assassins before him, he discovered it overrun with Templars and made his way to the city of Constantinople to uncover the location of the Masyaf keys which, as he discovered, would unlock the fortress's fabled hidden library when brought together. A decade later, Ezio had retired and resided in a Tuscan villa with his wife, Sofia Sartor, and his two children; Flavia and Marcello. Sometime after helping teach the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun the ways of the Order, Ezio died of a heart attack at the age of 65, during a visit to Florence with his wife and daughter. +This superhero's name is Fabian Cortez. Their real name is Fabian Cortez. Cortez was bored with his life, even though he was wealthy and had high social status. He joined the Upstarts for excitement, a group of mutants organized by the Gamesmaster who were awarded points for killing other mutants. Cortez gathered a group of mutants who believed in Magneto's teachings and formed the Acolytes. He brought the group to Asteroid M, Magneto's orbital base, only to arrange for it's destruction and the death of the first wave of Acolytes along with their messiah. Obtaining many points for the deaths of such powerful mutants, Cortez gathered a second group of Acolytes easily by playing Magneto off as a martyr. Neophyte overheard Cortez telling the Gamesmaster about how he killed Magneto, and caused the other Acolytes to abandon him. When Magneto returned and was mindwiped, the Gamesmaster stripped Cortez of his points. Furious, Fabian concocted an elaborate scheme to regain them. He kidnapped Luna Maximoff, the daughter of Quicksilver and granddaughter of Magneto, and began a civil war on Genosha by encouraging mutates to kill ruling humans. Both the X-Men and the Avengers tried to stop him, though he was apparently killed by the new Acolyte leader Exodus. Cortez resurfaced months later when Joseph assumed control of the Acolytes. Pretending to help Joseph assume Magneto's leadership role, his shemes were again unveiled. He then tried to destroy the X-Men with another wave of Acolytes, but eventually abandoned his own allies. Later when Magneto was returned to his full mental capacity, he gave Cortez a chance to redeem himself. Weakened by trying to manipulate the Earth's magnetic field, Magneto needed Cortez's powers to keep him rejuvenated. Lensherr offered Cortez a place on the Genoshan cabinet, which he accepted. When Magneto attempted to obtain technology from Carrion Cove that would return his power levels to normal, Cortez betrayed him and helped the United Nations by augmenting rogue Acolytes to fight Magneto and his mutate army. His power levels faded during the battle for Carrion Cove, while Magneto returned to full power. Magneto finally got his revenge, using his new strength to repel Cortez fifty miles and smash him into the ground; dead on impact. +This superhero's name is Faceless Man. Their real name is . The Faceless Men are a religious society of assassins who worship the Many-Faced God, a god of death. They are based in the House of Black and White, in the Free City of Braavos,though they claim to have originated in the Valyrian Freehold. A phrase associated with the cult of the Many-Faced God is valar morghulis, the High Valyrian for "All men must die". The traditional response to this is valar dohaeris, or "All men must serve." For a price, the guild will agree to kill anyone in the known world, considering this contract to be a sacrament of their god. The price is always high or dear, but within the means of the person if they are willing to make the sacrifice. The cost of their services also depends on the prominence and security of the target. An elite group of followers within the House, the Faceless Men, are trained to perform this task. Only a few Faceless Men have been women. Even more rarely would they train a child. They are trained to use all their senses to root out deception and create their disguises, seemingly possessing magical abilities that allow them to change their appearance at will. Part of their training includes discarding their true identity in a nihilistic way, thinking of themselves as "no one". The Faceless Men convene in a chamber in the House of Black and White to discuss potential assignments and dole out contract assassinations. They discuss the potential deaths in the Braavosi language, though some may speak in High Valyrian. Debates can become very heated. An assassin only accepts an assignment if they are unfamiliar with the target. The Faceless Men use a variety of methods to kill their targets, including a poison called the strangler. The assassination technique of a Faceless Man must not be haphazard, killing the intended target only, the only one "marked and chosen" by the Many-Faced God. Their fee is for a precise killing, often looking like an accident, rather than an outright murder. They consider it best if the target never even notices the assassin. A novice must perform an assassination correctly before becoming an acolyte and receiving their first apprenticeship. The Faceless Men cure the faces of the dead who come to die in their sanctuary, hanging these skins in deep vaults below the temple as masks, which they use to disguise themselves during assassination contracts. However, these are more than simple leather masks. The wearer drinks a tart-flavored potion and their face is cut, causing blood to stream over their features; when the new face is applied, it is moistened by the blood, becoming soft and supple. The magic causes the wearer to look exactly like the original person's appearance, including broken teeth or other injuries. (Though they themselves cannot tell the difference, sensing only their own face and features.) When the face is first applied, the wearer may experience some of the memories of the dead person, and may dream those memories as nightmares. The Faceless Men also use sorcerous glamors and mummers' tricks to help their disguises. Clothing, taken from the dead and stored in the vaults of the House, can be found to match the disguise. If a Faceless Man gives a special iron coin to any man of Braavos and says "valar morghulis", that Braavosi will obey him, responding "valar dohaeris". +This superhero's name is Falcon. Their real name is Sam Wilson. Sam Wilson grew up in a tough Harlem neighborhood. His father, a minister, had been killed trying to stop a fight. Sam did his best to try and do the right thing, but his grief and anger eventually led him down a criminal path. He took on the name of "Snap" Wilson while working for the mob. After an assignment, on the way to Rio de Janeiro, Sam's plane crashed on a remote Caribbean island named Exile where the Red Skull and his henchmen were hiding out. The Red Skull sought to use Wilson as a pawn to attack Captain America (who was currently on the island) with. He used the Cosmic Cube to revert 'Snap' into Sam, and give him the ability to telepathically communicate with birds, especially a bird that Wilson had bought named Redwing. After their initial skirmish, Cap was able to shake Wilson of the Skull's programming. Together they defeated the Skull, and the Falcon became Cap's partner for a long time. The Falcon ultimately left as Cap's partner when he was named the leader of the SHIELD Super-Agents. Later, as one of the few black superheroes active, he was drafted to join the Avengers by Henry Peter Gyrich to fill a quota. Resenting being a "token," he quit at the first opportunity. Later, again as the Falcon, Wilson received help from the Black Panther, who created a harness for Wilson, allowing him to fly.[1] When Rogers briefly abandoned his Captain America identity, others attempted to take up the mantle, including a young man named Roscoe whom the Falcon mentored. When the Red Skull eventually killed Roscoe, Rogers again became Captain America.[2] Then at another point, a Sentinel chased him believing him to be a mutant, but this was later debunked and the Sentinel is presumed to have been malfunctioning. Shortly following this incident he came across, fought and defeated the super villain named Electro. The insane Scarlet Witch accidentally destabilized the Falcon's mind, pushing him back towards his "Snap" persona, and while he continued to work with Captain America, their relationship became strained, until, finally, Cap felt that he had no choice but to stop working with him. While Falcon argued, a man who the "new" Falcon had forced from his home to use as a safehouse shot Cap in the back (while aiming at Falcon). Thinking Cap dead, Falcon cleaned himself up and went after the so-called "Anti-Cap," who had been causing problems for them both. He helped Cap track down the Winter Soldier. He was the first to join with Captain America against the Superhuman Registration Act, and played a leadership role in the Secret Avengers. Following Captain America's assassination by the machinations of the Red Skull, the Falcon registered with the government and was made responsible for Harlem, although he remained in contact with the underground New Avengers. Afterward, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited the Falcon and agent Sharon Carter to investigate the Captain's assassination by locating the Winter Soldier and tracking down the Red Skull. Falcon helped the Avengers in their conflict with the Mutants of Utopia. He was sent to keep an eye on the Jean Grey School together with She-Hulk and Moon Knight. A fight soon breaks out however, after Frenzy goads Moon Knight. After She-Hulk injures some kids in the belief that they were greater threats, the conflict becomes full blown and the rest of the faculty attack. He later rejoined the Avengers in Tony Stark's initiative to expand the team's roster and become bigger. +This superhero's name is Fallen One II. Their real name is . While dealing with Kosmos, who had altered itself into a sort of intergalactic prison, Thanos released Skreet and Starlord. He found another empty chamber. It was explained that the other prisoner had been the first herald of Galactus... now only known as the Fallen One. Now that he was free he was set on confronting his former master. Skreet and Thanos decided to intervene. After a battle, the Fallen One was defeated by the ignition of bombs placed within nearby gas giants. Galactus had no interest in reclaiming the Fallen One and left his to Thanos's discretion. Thanos claimed he would make the Fallen One his own herald. +This superhero's name is Fandral (MCU). Their real name is Fandral. Fandral was a highly respected Asgardian warrior, an ally as well as friend of Thor, and a member of the Warriors Three, known for his charm. Alongside all his fellow warriors, Fandral took part in a poorly considered strike against all the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, which soon resulted in King Odin deciding to directly punish Thor by banishing him to the Earth without his powers. When Loki then took the throne of Asgard during Thor's banishment, Fandral and his allies played a key role saving Thor from the Destroyer before bringing him back to Asgard where he successfully stopped Loki from stealing the throne of Asgard and restoring the peace. Once they had quelled the Marauders rebellion, Fandral and his allies believed they had brought peace to the Nine Realms before they were forced to join the War against the Dark Elf Malekith. As Thor and Odin's views had clashed, Fandral assisted his friend in finding his own way to defeat all the Dark Elves, allowing them to escape from Asgard and destroy Malekith in a final battle on Earth. However, Fandral's long and highly dedicated service to Asgard had come to its end upon Hela's arrival through the Bifrost Bridge, where she then slaughtered both Volstagg and Fandral before then attempting to rule over all of Asgard and the Nine Realms. +This superhero's name is Fandral. Their real name is . Fandral the Dashing was a charter member of the Warriors Three, a trio of Asgardian adventurers consisting of himself, Hogun the Grim, and Volstagg the Voluminous. Fandral was a strong and brave and a good friend to Thor. He fought in countless battles with his friends, to preserve and protect his people. He has been described as one of the most good-looking Asgardians which along with his charm, gave him the reputation as a ladies' man. Besides his looks, Fandral is also known for his skills in swordsmanship and bravery. He and Thor first met when the Warriors Three joined the Thunder God on an expedition to restore the Odinsword that had become cracked.Allegedly, Volstagg the Staggeringly Perfect led the youth Hogun the Good, Fandral the Quite Plain, Thor and Loki in Hel, fighting against all of its hordes for forty days and nights. Eventually Hogun was hurt and forced to retreat, helped by Fandral. Due to the battle, Hogun the Good became Hogun the Grim, and for some reason, Fandral the Quite Plain became Fandral the Dashing later, while Volstagg started eating every time and Thor was deemed worthy of Mjolnir. +This superhero's name is Fangtom. Their real name is Fangtom. At an unknown point in time, Fangtom became the leader of the Fangpyre tribe, likewise appointing his brother Fangdam as his second-in-command. Later on, presumably in combat, Fangtom accidentally bit himself, his own venom horribly mutating him, giving him an additional head. Later on, he would lead an attack on the humans alongside his Serpentine brethren, only for the five tribes to split apart, declaring war on each other. He was eventually subdued by the Sacred Flutes and imprisoned with the rest of his tribe within the Fangpyre tomb. +This superhero's name is Fëanor. Their real name is . Fëanor drew so much of Míriel's life energy when he was born that she grew weary of living and her spirit voluntarily left her body, leaving her family for the Halls of Mandos. After a time, Finwë remarried and had four more children; Fëanor's half-brothers Fingolfin and Finarfin, and half-sisters Findis and Irimë. Though he loved his father as dearly as a son could, Fëanor was not fond of his stepmother Indis nor her children, and so lived apart from her and his half-siblings. In his youth, he quickly discovered his outstanding talents for craftsmanship and language. In his youth, he improved upon the work of Rúmil and created the system of writing known as Tengwar. He also became a student of Mahtan, a great smith who had learned his craft at the feet of Aulë himself. From Mahtan, he learned much of metallurgy, and at some point, he wedded Mahtan's daughter Nerdanel, who bore him seven sons: Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, and Amras. He spent most of his time either alone or with his sons, and they were all completely loyal to him. He also was known to have been restless, exploring as much of Aman as he could and constantly crafting new works. By far the greatest of Fëanor's crafting achievements was the creation of the Silmarils, also called the Great Jewels. To make them, Fëanor captured some of the intermingled light from the Two Trees of Valinor and, by unknown means, locked it into three large diamond-like gems. His creations garnered him great praise, and he came to prize the Silmarils above all else. However, as time went on, he began to covet the gems with a greedy love, and he increasingly ignored the fact that the light which lay in the gems and gave them their beauty was not of his own making. Fëanor alternated between vainly displaying the jewels and jealously guarding them against all but his immediate family, though eventually, he came to the point where they almost always remained under lock and key. After three ages of imprisonment, Melkor, the mightiest of the Valar and the world's primordial source of evil, deceived the Valar with a false show of repentance. Pardoned and residing in Valinor, his malice had in fact reached hitherto unprecedented levels, and its primary target quickly became the Elves, as it had been for their sake that he had been overthrown. He found that, of the three primary groups of Elves in Valinor, the Ñoldor were the easiest to manipulate due to their thirst for knowledge and willingness to listen. Focusing his efforts solely on the Ñoldor, he subtly spread lies amongst them that the Valar were keeping them imprisoned in Valinor so that the race of Men might inherit Middle-earth and claim the glory that could have been theirs. Although Fëanor mistrusted and feared Melkor, in his arrogance and impatience he often unwittingly repeated the lies of Melkor. He quickly became the most prominent of the rebellious Ñoldor, to the point where the other Valar, not knowing of Melkor's lies, saw him as the source of the Ñoldor's distemper. Melkor coveted the Silmarils and hated Fëanor, but he hid his intentions from the Ñoldor and the Valar as the situation continued to deteriorate. Melkor's lies eventually came to the point where rumors began to circulate amongst some that Fëanor's half-brother Fingolfin was planning not only to usurp his place as heir to Finwë, but also to seize the Silmarils for himself. In his pride and vanity, Fëanor took little convincing, and his hostility grew to the point to where he threatened Fingolfin with violence. The Valar, having put up with Fëanor's rabble-rousing for some time, could not ignore the transgression of breaking the peace of Valinor and so summoned Fëanor to the Ring of Doom to explain himself. Fëanor's testimony revealed the malice of Melkor and his lies, and Tulkas immediately left the Ring to apprehend him again. Despite Melkor having been the true root of the Ñoldor's unrest, Fëanor's crime had been of his own making, and for this the Valar exiled him to Formenos. He took a substantial treasure with him, including the Silmarils, which he put in a locked box. In a show of support for his eldest son, Finwë also withdrew to Formenos and renounced the kingship so long as Fëanor remained in exile. Some time later, Melkor unexpectedly appeared at Formenos where he tried to sway Fëanor to his side, proclaiming that the Valar had treated him unjustly. However, Fëanor realized that Melkor's true goal was to obtain the Silmarils, and he vehemently dismissed the fallen Vala. Melkor left in a rage and fled from Valinor. He feigned to go north, but ultimately turned south, passing as a cloud to the unexplored southern coast of Aman. Though Fëanor thought little of the incident, Finwë was filled with foreboding and reported Melkor's visit to the Valar immediately. However, they were unable to find so much as a trace of him, and after a time the Valar gave up the search. Seven years later, the Valar announced a great feast at Valinor with the intention of repairing their relationship with the Ñoldor. Fëanor's exile was temporarily rescinded, and both he and Fingolfin were invited to attend. Though the Valar had intended for Finwë to come as well, he refused the invitation of the Valar due to Fëanor's continued exile and remained at Formenos. During the reconciliatory feast, Fingolfin extended a hand to his half-brother and openly recognized Fëanor's place as the eldest, but it was returned by Fëanor somewhat grudgingly. Meanwhile, Melkor stole away to Avathar in the south of Aman. There he discovered the evil spider-like creature Ungoliant and secured her as an ally, promising to sate her unrelenting hunger in return for her aid. During the festivities at which Fëanor and Fingolfin had reconciled, Melkor and Ungoliant destroyed the Two Trees and plunged Valinor into complete darkness. Melkor and Ungoliant then went to Formenos, where Melkor slew Finwë and ransacked the vault, taking the Silmarils and many other treasures. They then escaped by crossing the Helcaraxë, or Grinding Ice, in the north to Beleriand in Middle-earth. Though the Valar attempted pursuit, it was ultimately in vain, for the Unlight of Ungoliant completely obscured the sight of the pursuers. The Valar quickly realized that with the Trees dead, their light survived only in the Silmarils. To restore the Trees and foil Melkor's malice, Yavanna asked Fëanor to give up the Silmarils so that they could be broken, and the light within them released. But Fëanor emphatically stated that he would not give up his Silmarils of his own free will, and proclaimed that if the Valar forced him to do so that they would be no better than Melkor. Ultimately however, Fëanor's selfishness made little difference, for a messenger from Formenos then arrived to deliver the news of Finwë's death and the loss of the Silmarils. Fëanor, upon learning of his father's murder and the theft of his prized Silmarils, named Melkor "Morgoth", or "Black Foe of the World" (literally "Black Enemy"). As he did so, a great rage and despair gripped him, for his love for his father had run deep, and he fled in grief from the Ring of Doom. Now King of the Ñoldor after the death of his father, Fëanor returned to Tirion, ignoring the fact that he was still technically exiled, and gave one of the most impassioned speeches ever delivered in Arda. However, due to his rage, grief, and pride, he unwittingly filled his speech with many of the lies and half-truths of Morgoth. He railed against the Dark Lord, but he also blamed the Valar in part for Morgoth's deeds, claiming that they should have been able to stop him and had failed. He spoke of the fact that because Morgoth had attacked and badly marred the kingdom of the Valar without consequence to himself, there was neither bliss nor surety of safety to be found in Aman any longer. He evoked images of the kingdoms his people could build in Middle-earth, and the glory that could be theirs once they regained the Silmarils. Fëanor then swore an oath by the name of Ilúvatar himself that he would suffer none, no matter their race or reasons, to withhold a Silmaril from him, and that he would pursue with violence any who attempted it. The Oath of Fëanor was also taken by his seven sons below the tower of the Mindon Eldaliéva in the Great Square of Tirion. This oath was the cause for great tragedy for Fëanor's family, and for the Eldar in general. His impassioned speech swayed most of those present, but even with his tremendous oratory skill, dissension quickly arose regarding who should lead the hosts to Middle-earth. For though Fëanor was technically High King, he was not well liked amongst the Ñoldor, and many of them were not of mind to accept him as king. Greater love was given to Fingolfin and his sons, and most of the Ñoldor desired greatly that Fingolfin and his sons should go with them and lead them. Fingolfin was not eager to go, but he had sworn to uphold his brother's rights as the eldest, and furthermore he did not wish to leave his people to the mercy of Fëanor's rash and often selfish courses of action. Additionally, his son Fingon was eager to undertake the journey, and urged his father to come with him. Thus against his wisdom, Fingolfin marched with a second and larger host than Fëanor, while Finarfin commanded a third, smaller, and quite reluctant host. However even with the three sons of Finwë leading the way, about a tenth of the Ñoldor chose simply to stay in Tirion, some for the love of Tirion and others for love of the Valar. After delivering his speech and departing with his host, Fëanor's mood cooled somewhat and he belatedly realized that he had no practical means of delivering himself and his people to Middle-earth. For though Middle-earth and Aman were connected in those days by the Helcaraxë, a treacherous and bitterly cold region of shifting arctic ice, it was deemed to be impassable. Fëanor then gave thought to the building of ships, but there were no shipwrights amongst the Ñoldor and even had there been, crafting a fleet large enough to ferry all of his people to Middle-earth would have been a monumental and time consuming task. Fëanor therefore went to Alqualondë where the seafaring Teleri lived and attempted to persuade them to join him, or failing that, secure the use of their ships. But the Teleri had no desire whatsoever to leave Aman and would not give Fëanor their ships, for they held them too dearly. Fëanor angrily cited that the Teleri owed the Ñoldor for instructing them in the arts of crafting buildings and cities. But Olwë, the lord of the Teleri, was unmoved, and rebuffed again in friendship what he saw as great folly by Fëanor and his kin. But Fëanor would not take no for an answer. He understood that many of his people had been inflamed by his impassioned words, and knew that haste was essential to keep cooler heads from swaying the Ñoldor to a more reasonable course. As such, he persuaded his host to aid him in taking the ships by force. This he attempted, and the Teleri resisted, casting many of the the Ñoldor into the sea and thrice driving them back despite being far more lightly armed than the Ñoldor. However, Fingolfin's host, which had been slower and less eager to start the journey, came upon the battle in progress. Believing that the Teleri had been the aggressors, perhaps on the orders of the Valar themselves, Fingolfin's host came to the aid of his brother's and the Teleri were overcome. The ships were stolen, and many of the Teleri mariners were wickedly slain. After commandeering the ships, the Ñoldor, their hosts lessened by battle and by terrible storms conjured by Ossë in vengeance for the Teleri, encountered a figure that may have been Mandos himself. This figure uttered a terrible Doom, exiling the Ñoldor from Valinor and foretelling that their war against Morgoth would cause them only misery. Due to their wickedness in slaughtering their kin, they would be utterly forsaken in the eyes of the Valar, and would receive neither welcome nor aid from Valinor in their struggles. Additionally, Fëanor and his house were cursed, and Mandos foretold great suffering and hardship would be their lot, due in no small part to the oath they had taken to regain the Silmarils at all costs. Above all, the figure made it explicitly clear that any war made by the Ñoldor against Morgoth would be utterly hopeless, for the Ñoldor, being Elves, did not have the power to overcome a Vala. Hearing this Doom, and having not participated in the Kinslaying, Finarfin and his host and turned back in grief, cursing Fëanor.[See Note] They were pardoned and accepted by the Valar, and Finarfin ruled as High-King of the Ñoldor in Tirion. Fëanor, however, defied the Doom and proceeded onward. As such the journey northward continued, the land became ever darker, and the temperatures began to drop dramatically as the Ñoldor began to approached the Helcaraxë. Many of the Ñoldor, already reluctant to follow Fëanor, began to openly express dissatisfaction with his actions as conditions continued to deteriorate. Fëanor was all too aware of this and sought counsel with his sons. For despite having succeeded in seizing the Teleri fleet, the storms of Ossë had wreaked many of the ships, and there were no longer enough to bear all of the Ñoldor at once to Middle-earth. But due to fear of treachery, none were willing to be left in Aman while others crossed the sea first. However, Fëanor's most loyal forces had maintained control of the Teleri fleet after having seized it. As the dissent grew worse, Fëanor decided to simply abandon all those whose loyalty to him was not absolute, and he and his followers slipped away one night in the ships. They arrived at Losgar, in the land of Lammoth, in the far west of Beleriand, where Morgoth and Ungoliant had passed not long before, and upon arriving, Fëanor decided to burn the ships and leave the followers of Fingolfin behind. The earth, being flat in those days, allowed the remaining Ñoldor to see the flames, and they perceived that they were betrayed. Fingolfin now had the choice of either returning to Tirion in disgrace, or proceeding to Middle-earth across the treacherous Helcaraxë. Fingolfin and his people chose to attempt the crossing, as many of Fingolfin's host wished to continue and many, including Fingolfin himself, were eager to confront Fëanor and his people over their betrayal. The journey was a long and terrible one, and Fingolfin's host suffered great losses along the way, which added to the bitterness they felt for Fëanor and his sons. Learning of the Ñoldor's arrival, Morgoth summoned his armies from his fortress of Angband and attacked Fëanor's encampment in Mithrim. This confrontation was called the Battle under the Stars, or Dagor-nuin-Giliath, for the Sun and Moon had not yet been made. The Ñoldor won the battle handily, and destroyed Morgoth's armies. But Fëanor, exhilarated by the victory and ever prideful, pressed on toward Angband far ahead of his army with only a small vanguard. As he approached Angband, the Orcs, seeing that Fëanor's numbers were so few, turned and gave battle. Due to their proximity to Angband, they were reinforced by a number of Balrogs, who quickly slew most of the Elves. But Fëanor was undaunted, and though he was dealt many wounds, he long fought on alone. At last however, he was stricken to the ground by Gothmog, the Lord of the Balrogs. Fortunately for Fëanor, his sons arrived with a substantial relief force. The Balrogs returned to Angband, and Fëanor's sons took him from the battlefield. However, Fëanor knew that his wounds were mortal, and bade his sons to stop. He looked upon Angband and cursed Morgoth thrice, but gazing upon the sheer scope of Morgoth's stronghold, he understood at last the truth of Mandos's words; that no force of the Ñoldor would ever overthrow the Dark Lord. Nevertheless, he instructed his sons to keep to their oath and avenge their father. As he died, his fiery spirit left his body and burned it to ash. +This superhero's name is Faora (DCEU). Their real name is Faora-Ul. Faora is a Kryptonian War-Criminal and is second in command of the Sword of Rao, with her superior being none other than General Zod +This superhero's name is Faora. Their real name is Faora Hu-Ul. Faora Hu-Ul was a serial killer born on the planet Krypton. A self-professed "man-hater", she targeted only male Kryptonians and ran a concentration camp where she kept other Kryptonians as slaves. Faora Hu-Ul claimed over twenty-three lives before she was arrested. Faora was sentenced to over three-hundred years of incarceration inside the Phantom Zone - the longest sentence ever handed to a female prisoner, and the second-longest sentence over all. As Faora was trapped inside the Phantom Zone, she, along with many others, survived the destruction of Krypton. She met other Phantom Zoners including military leader General Zod and Jax-Ur. Jax-Ur's knowledge of Jewel Kryptonite technology paved the way for their escape, and they broke free of the Phantom Zone where they inevitably came into conflict with their home world's last surviving son - Superman. During one incident, Faora separated from her fellow Zoners and used her powers to siphon some Phantom Zone mist to surround her body, making her appear as a true phantom. As a veritable "ghost", Faora masqueraded as the widow of an elderly man named Jackson Porter. She convinced Porter to take up residence at 344 Clinton Street in Metropolis, next door to Clark Kent, aka, Superman. From there, she began scheming against Superman, but Superman discovered her true identity and origin and returned Faora to the Phantom Zone. +This superhero's name is Felix Faust. Their real name is Dekan Drache. The first recorded whereabouts of the mighty sorcerer now known as Felix Faust is from circa 5,000 BC, at which time he appeared in the legendary African empire of Kor. +This superhero's name is Fenris (MCU). Their real name is Fenris. Fenris was a giant Asgardian Wolf who served Hela during the times of the expansion of Asgard around the Nine Realms. Millennia after her death, Fenris was resurrected by Hela with the Eternal Flame and put at her service during her rule over Asgard. Fenris later fell into the vastness of space during her battle with Hulk. +This superhero's name is Feral. Their real name is Maria Callasantos. The mutant known as Feral grew up in a New York City tenement as Maria Callasantos. She had an older sister, Maria, who would also prove to be a mutant, a younger brother, Matteo, and a younger sister, Carolina. Their father beat his wife and abandoned the family after the birth of Carolina, the youngest of the children. He was eventually found dead from a drug overdose. Maria blamed her two younger siblings for the fact that their father deserted them. Carolina later fell down a staircase to her death while Maria was babysitting her; it is unclear whether Carolina's death was an accident or whether Maria killed her. Later, Matteo was chasing Maria's pet pigeons on the tenement roof when he allegedly tripped over the ledge. He held onto the ledge as long as he could, but soon fell to his death. Maria was a witness, and, again, it is unclear if she had killed him. Maria's mother had a boyfriend named Harry Bellinger, who was an alcoholic and a cocaine addict who got Mrs. Callosantos addicted to drugs as well. Lucia's mutations began to emerge, much more slowly than Maria's, and caused her to start growing fur. When Lucia was seventeen, Bellinger tried to rape her. But Maria, now fifteen, whose mutations had emerged much more quickly, stopped Bellinger and killed him. Together Maria and Lucia hid the body. Knowing that Maria had murdered Bellinger, Mrs. Callasantos killed Maria's pet pigeons in revenge. Seized by hatred, Maria then killed her mother. Maria and Lucia went to live among the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks. The two sisters came to resemble humanoid animals; Maria took the name 'Feral,' and Lucia became known as Thornn. Eventually, Feral joined the team of mutant adventurers that became known as X-Force; none of her teammates knew about her past. Thornn, on the other hand, fell in with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants that was organized by the Toad. For a time Feral served well in X-Force. But then the team attempted to rescue government official Henry Peter Gyrich from the terrorist Mutant Liberation Front, led by Reignfire. Feral hated Gyrich, who was no friend to mutants, and Reignfire persuaded her to join the Mutant Liberation Front and to kill Gyrich. When Feral attacked Gyrich, X-Force's leader Cable shot her with a non-lethal charge, but then Reignfire abducted her. Feral emerged from hiding when the New York City police captured Thornn. Feral confronted Thornn and X-Force member Cannonball. Thornn revealed that she had seen Feral kill Harry Bellinger, and Cannonball provoked Feral into admitting that she had murdered her mother. Cannonball overpowered Feral, and an old friend of Lucia's, police detective Jose Hidalgo, arrested her for killing three members of her family and Bellinger. Thornn went free, but Feral is now presumably serving a prison sentence for murder. +This superhero's name is Fin Fang Foom. Their real name is . Although once believed to be a native of the Valley of the Sleeping Dragon in China, Fin Fang Foom -- whose name, roughly translated, means "He Whose Limbs Shatter Mountains and Whose Back Scrapes the Sun" - is actually a Makluan, a shape-shifting alien being from the world of Kakaranthara, who resembles a somewhat anthropomorphic Chinese dragon. Foom and several other like-minded members of his race departed their peaceful homeworld centuries ago with the intention of conquering other planets. Landing in ancient China, the crew used their natural shape-shifting powers to mimic human form, intending to enter human society and bide their time before beginning their conquest. The navigator of the craft, Foom instead elected to serve as a "back-up" in case something went wrong, and was placed in a tomb and given a herb that would send him into a deep slumber, so that he might sleep while his fellows entered man's world. Fin Fang Foom was somehow briefly awakened in the 8th Century, and returned to sleep through a second application of the herb. He consequently entered into Chinese legend, and a group of humans were placed as guards outside his tomb, passing the job on to their descendants. The surrounding region became known as the Valley of the Sleeping Dragon. Foom slept until the year 1961, when he was deliberately awakened by teenager Chen Liuchow, whose homeland was under threat from the Communist Chinese. Liuchow taunted Foom with the threat of the herb, goading the dragon into chasing him, and led him straight into the Communist camp, which Foom decimated. Liuchow subsequently led him back into his tomb, where the herb returned Foom to his sleep. At some point, the sleeping Fin Fan Foom was captured by the Elder of the Universe known as the Collector and imprisoned in his subterranean collection of monsters. Foom and the other monsters were liberated when the Mole Man attacked the facility, but were later rounded up by the recently-formed Fantastic Four and deposited on Monster Isle. The island had no real security measures, however, and Foom, being more intelligent than his fellow monster, simply departed the island and returned to his hibernation. Outside forces again acted upon him as the madman called Doctor Vault took mental control of Foom and had him attack It the Living Colossus. Resiting control, Foom instead helped It fend off an invasion of Earth by the alien race called the Stonians, thus saving the planet for his own race to later conquer. Vault's mind control again briefly forced Foom to battle It, and Foom overpowered his opponent with martial arts before freeing his mind and returning to his tomb yet again. Years later, Fin Fang Foom was again roused from his slumber when his body was possessed by the demon Aan Taanu. Combating the group of occult adventurers known as the Legion of the Night in New York, Taanu was exorcised from Foom's body by his opponents, and the confused Foom once again escaped to his resting place. At some point the villainous Mandarin was directed to the Valley of the Sleeping Dragon by the starship captain Axonn-Karr, in the human guise of Chen Hsuin. There the Mandarin ransacked the starship for artifacts, including his now-signature rings of power. He also awoke Fin Fang Foom, using him to threaten the Chinese government. Iron Man quickly confronted the villains and was defeated, but when the remaining dozen other Makluans shed their human forms to begin their conquest, Iron Man and the Mandarin combined forces to combat the threat. Ultimately the Mandarin combined the power of his rings with Iron Man's armor, yielding a small nuclear blast which wiped the aliens out. This was not, however, the end of Fin Fang Foom. Though his body was destroyed, his spirit endured by bonding itself to a small dragon statue. This statue was later stolen from a curio shop by teenager Billy Yuan at Foom's mental urging. Using Yuan's body as a conduit for his power, Foom summoned thousands of lizards from the sewers beneath New York, merging them with Billy's body to recreate his own form. Iron Man was successfully able to defeat him, however, with some help from the last remnants of Billy's mind within Foom's own, and he was taken into the custody of Sunset Bain. Legal complications resulted in Foom being exiled to Monster Isle once again, where he and several other monsters briefly battled the dimensionally-displaced Justice League of America. Shortly after this, Thor was heard to claim that the Hall of Bones on Asgard was crafted from the skeleton of Fin Fang Foom, who he professed to have slain. This is actually probably a form of the Midgard Serpent, whom Thor also fought, and who has also taken a form similar to that of Fin Fang Foom. Having spent some time rethinking his role in the world, Foom had become a follower of Buddhism, and, with the rest of his crew gone, he decided to reform. He willfully entered into a rehabilitation program spearheaded by Reed Richards, in which he and three other monsters - the robot Elektro, the giant ape Gorgilla, and the alien Googam - were shrunk down to human size, hypnotically stripped of their powers, and allowed to enter human society. Taking up a job as head chef in a Chinese restaurant within the Baxter Building, Foom later teamed up with the other monsters to defeat the microverse's size-changing warlord, Tim Boo Baa. For a time the four were celebrated as minor heroes. The special anti-terrorism Nextwave Squad recently encountered Foom again, however, while investigating a dig conducted by the sinister Beyond Corporation in Abcess, North Dakota. Foom, considerably less intelligent than in past encounters, was eventually killed when Machine Man Aaron Stack, cut his way out of the creature after being swallowed. Given the Beyond Corporation's fondness for replicas in their extensive, unusual arsenal, some question remains as to whether this was the true Foom or some duplicate. It appears to have been a duplicate, as Foom later appears along with several other Dragons and Pet Avengers. +This superhero's name is Fire. Their real name is . Beatriz was saturated by an energy called "Pyroplasm" which caused her body take on a fiery form at will. Once in her green form she can take off into the sky and blazes forth with immolating fire. +This superhero's name is Firefist (FOX). Their real name is Russell Collins. Russell grew up in the Essex House for Mutant Rehabilitation where he was tortured by the headmaster of the orphanage simply for being a mutant. This sparks the anger in him, causing him to want revenge. Eventually, Russell snaps and lets loose with his pyrokinetic powers. The X-Men – Colossus, Deadpool, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead – arrive to stop him. Deadpool managed to talk him down but realizes that the staff at the orphanage have been abusing him and kills a member of the staff. Both mutants are arrested, placed in power-dampening collars and taken to the Ice Box prison.Russell manages to sneak in a pen in his butt that he plans to turn into a shiv. His plan in prison is to find the largest guy in prison and start a fight to earn respect. Deadpool tries to get him to see the reality of prison, but Russell believes that he and Deadpool are a team that will protect each other. Unfortunately, Deadpool's collar stops his healing power, meaning his cancer returns. Deadpool is sure he is going to die in prison and not be useful in protecting Russell so he tries to make him see how his plan is not going to work. The Ice Box is attacked by Cable, a time-traveling mutant intent on killing Russell. In the future where Cable comes from, Russell is a serial killer, who, upon having his revenge on the headmaster, starts to enjoy killing people and commits mass murder throughout his life. In that particular timeline, he and Cable frequently clashed with one another, with the latter coming close to killing him a few times. Russell decided to hurt him by going after Cable's family. He broke into his home one night, and with Cable gone at that time, his wife and daughter were defenseless. Russell used his powers to set their home ablaze, killing Cable's family as a result. This, in turn, started Cable's mission in traveling to the past to kill Russell long before he killed his family. During the attack on the prison, Deadpool's collar is knocked off and he manages to recover enough to fight Cable. Both Deadpool and Cable are thrown from the prison by a concussive blast. Left in the Ice Box, Russell ends up befriending the Juggernaut.After the attack on the prison, all the Ice Box prisoner are due to be transported to another facility. During the trip, the transport is attacked by Cable, although Deadpool and Domino try to stop him. Russell manages to let himself out of his cell with his pen, then frees the Juggernaut who crashes the transport. Russell and the Juggernaut escape. Intent on revenge, Russell, and Juggernaut head to the Essex House to kill the headmaster. Cable teams up with Deadpool and Domino to stop them, noting that this would be Russell's first kill which would set him on the path to the future that Cable is trying to avert. Deadpool tries to stop Russell by convincing him that people care for him by placing a power-dampening collar on himself and offering his life in place of the headmaster. He even takes a bullet to the heart from Cable, who was not convinced that Russell could be stopped. The sacrifice stops Russell and makes him lose his thirst for revenge upon seeing Wade die to protect him. Seeing this, Cable travels back in time to ensure that Deadpool did not die from his bullet by hiding a skee-ball token into Wilson's costume, which ends up blocking the bullet. Russell is still saved and the dark future is averted, with Cable's family alive. +This superhero's name is Firelord. Their real name is Pyreus Kril. Pyreus Kril was serving as first officer aboard the Xandarian explorer ship Way-Opener when his commander and friend, Gabriel Lan, was unexpectedly abducted by a teleportation beam. Vowing to rescue him, Kril assumed command of the Way-Opener and began to pursue the huge ship that transmitted the beam. Kril would later learn that the ship belonged to Galactus, the world-devourer, who was seeking a new herald (since his first herald, the Silver Surfer, betrayed him) and found a worthy candidate in Gabriel Lan. Using his cosmic power, Galactus transformed Lan into the Air Walker. For years, Lan served Galactus faithfully, while his ex-crewman Kril followed Galactus's wake of destruction. When Galactus was attacked by a powerful race called the Ovoids, the Air-Walker was slain defending his master. Galactus transferred his herald's dwindling life force into that of a replica, but the replica was not enough like his loyal herald to please Galactus. Thus he dispatched the Air Walker automaton to Earth to summon the Silver Surfer back to active duty. The Surfer refused, destroying the automaton in the process. Persuaded to leave Earth without the Surfer, Galactus returned to the stars heraldless, not even bothering to claim the remains of the Air Walker replica. It was then that Pyreus Kril caught up with him. Boldly teleporting himself aboard Galactus's ship, Kril demanded the release of his former commander Galactus was impressed by the Xandarian spaceman's determination, and offered to tell Kril of his commander's fate if he agreed to become his new herald. Kril agreed and was transformed by the power of Galactus into Firelord. Though Galactus kept his side of the bargain, he suppressed the knowledge he had given Kril so that he might send him on a mission to Earth. Firelord was released from active service when the Earth god Thor offered Galactus the Asgardian construct called the Destroyer in exchange for Firelord's freedom. Unlike the Surfer, who was sentenced to remain on Earth for his treason, Firelord was free to leave. Yet Firelord chose to remain because of his subliminal memory that the Earth was the final resting place of the remains of his friend. Months later, when the Air Walker automaton reactivated itself, he remembered the reason for his compulsion to remain. Taking custody of the automaton (which was wrecked once more in battle with Thor), Firelord bore him into space, where he buried the remains on an asteroid in their home star system. Free of his only tie to Earth, Firelord has since returned to his native Xandar, only to find the world had been destroyed by the space pirate Nebula. He has since joined forces with Nebula's great uncle Starfox to track her down. +This superhero's name is Firestar. Their real name is Angelica Jones. Angelica Jones was a thirteen-year-old high school student who fell victim to a series of misfortunes. She was badly treated by other girls at her school, her beloved grandmother died suddenly, and Angelica was frightened to discover that she herself was manifesting a strange superhuman power to generate great heat. With her grandmother gone, Angelica lived alone with her father, who was unable to cope with helping Angelica deal with her new power. Angelica was desperately confused, lonely, and miserable. Angelica was in fact a mutant, and her newly emerging mutant ability caused her presence to be detected by Cerebro, a machine designed by Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, for the purpose of locating superhumanly powerful mutants. Cerebro functions by detecting the unusual waves of psionic energy emitted by all superhumanly powerful mutants. Angelica's presence was also registered by Multivac, a similar machine employed by Emma Frost, the White Queen of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Xavier and the X-Men attempted to pinpoint the unknown mutant's location in order to recruit her for Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where he trained mutants in using their powers. Meanwhile, Frost did the same, hoping to enlist the unknown mutant in her school, where she could train her to use her powers in order to serve the sinister purposes of the Inner Circle. Frost reached Angelica and her father only moments before the X-Men could. Frost, in her public role as headmistress of the Massachusetts Academy, a renowned private school, persuaded Angelica's father to send her there to receive the special help she needed. A year later Angelica had made great progress in developing the use of her powers under the White Queen's guidance. Angelica remained an innocent, unaware of the true malevolent nature of the Hellfire Club and the White Queen. Angelica found some happiness at the Massachusetts Academy, and she was very grateful to Frost for the kindness she often showed her. Frost gave Angelica the code name of Firestar. Thunderbird (James Proudstar), one of the Hellions, a team of adolescent mutants being trained by Frost, sought vengeance on Xavier and the X-Men for the death of his brother, the original Thunderbird (John Proudstar), who had been killed in action while serving with the X-Men. Two other Hellions, Empath and Roulette, decided to help Thunderbird against the X-Men despite his refusal of their assistance. Empath used his power to control the emotions of others to force Firestar to fall in love with him so deeply that she would do anything he asked. He thus forced her to participate in the three Hellions' attack on the X-Men, whom Frost had taught Angelica to regard as enemies, at the military base at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. However, the X-Men defeated Firestar, Empath, and Roulette, and Thunderbird realized he was wrong to want vengeance on Xavier and the X-Men. Firestar, once free of Empath's control, felt despair and guilt over having helped the Hellions cause so much trouble at Cheyenne Mountain. She was pleased and touched, however, when Xavier offered to admit her into his school. She refused, though, out of loyalty to Frost, and returned to the Massachusetts Academy. Angelica was later contacted by the hero Night Thrasher to join with other teenage super humans to form the New Warriors. She joined with them for a long tenure, gradually developing a romantic relationship with Marvel Boy (later, Justice). After many months, Angelica learned that her powers were slowly causing her to become sterile and she began to use her powers more sparingly and to a lesser extent. Angelica and Justice were brought to the Avengers by their fellow New Warrior Rage, who was an associate of the hero team. The three helped the Avengers reform after a period of long disbanding, and Angelica and Justice captured the villain Whirlwind (David Cannon) to prove their worth to the team. They were accepted as reserve members under the tutelage of Avenger Hawkeye (Clint Barton), and soon graduated to full membership status. Angelica was initially reticent about her role with the team, but she remained with them out of sympathy for Justice who was enamored of the team. She shared her medical problem with the team and was helped by Dr. Henry Pym who eventually cured her.[citation needed] Angelica felt increasingly a part of the team, and when Speedball tried to get her and Justice to rejoin the Warriors, they declined. Angelica accepted Justice's proposal, and the two left active Avenger duty to explore their relationship before marriage. Justice later broke off the engagement. With the Superhuman Registration Act signed into law, Angelica chose to give up being Firestar. She feared the harm that could come to her family if her identity was revealed and worried about how she could be exploited. She chose to focus on her studies. She tossed her mask away in the street. +This superhero's name is Firestorm (CW). Their real name is Ronald Raymond. Ronnie Raymond was engaged to Caitlin Snow. On the night STAR Labs turned on the particle accelerator, an error occurred, forcing Ronnie to go inside the accelerator. He told Cisco Ramon to close the door if he wasn't back in two minutes. After two minutes, Cisco was forced to close the door, trapping Ronnie inside. Ronnie was presumed to have died, but in fact survived, gaining pyrokinesis. Later, he eventually joined Team Flash and assisted them through various missions. But unfortunately, he didn't survive at a mission to close the singularity. +This superhero's name is Firestorm II (CW). Their real name is Jefferson Jackson. Jefferson "Jax" Jackson (born September 12, 1993) is a mechanic. After the death of Ronnie Raymond, he took his place as one half of the transmuted and conjoined meta-human called Firestorm alongside Martin Stein. Jax was then recruited by Rip Hunter on a mission to take down Vandal Savage; though Jax was initially unwilling to join the team, Stein, who was desperate to become a time traveler and knew that he couldn't be separated from Jax for long without his powers becoming unstable, drugged him and forced him to come along. Despite joining the team against his will, Jax later grew to like being part of the team, and he began to act as the mechanic of the Waverider as well as a member and the second-in-command of the Legends, a group of people dedicated to protecting the timeline from time criminals. After the death of Martin, Jax takes a leave of absence from the team with their blessing. Five years after leaving the Legends, Jax is happily married and has a daughter, Martina Jackson, named after Martin. +This superhero's name is Firestorm. Their real name is Ronald Raymond. The original Firestorm was distinguished by his integrated dual identity. High school student Ronnie Raymond and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Martin Stein were caught in a nuclear accident that allowed them to fuse into the "nuclear man" Firestorm. Due to Stein's being unconscious during the accident, Raymond was prominently in command of the Firestorm form with Stein a voice of reason inside his mind. Banter between the two was a hallmark of their adventures. After the accident that created him, Firestorm took to defending New York from such threats as Multiplex (created in the same nuclear accident that produced Firestorm) and Killer Frost. Their adventures began with the teenaged Raymond adjusting to his newfound role and later delved into the issue of the nuclear arms race and Firestorm’s role as an "elemental." Upon graduation from high school, Raymond entered college in Pittsburgh, where Stein had been hired as a professor.Firestorm's list of enemies included such generally forgotten foes as the Hyena, Zuggernaut, Typhoon, Silver Deer and Black Bison. One Firestorm enemy, Plastique, would later play a major role in Captain Atom's life; she later reformed and married Atom. He also fought Killer Frost, who was forced by the Psycho-Pirate to fall in love with him during the Crisis. After the Crisis, Firestorm was pitted against the world, as the hero, acting on a suggestion from a terminally ill Prof. Stein, demanded the United States and the Soviet Union destroy all of their nuclear weapons. After tussles with the Justice League and most of his enemies, Firestorm faced off against a Russian nuclear man named Pozhar in the Nevada desert, where they had an atomic bomb dropped on them. When the smoke cleared, a new Firestorm was created who was made up of Raymond and the Russian, Mikhail Arkadin (the Russian superhero Pozhar), but controlled by the disembodied amnesiac mind of Prof. Stein. The Raymond/Arkadin Firestom proved to be a transitional phase, as in 1989, it was revealed that Firestorm was a "Fire Elemental". Firestorm now became something of an environmental crusader, formed from Raymond, Arkadin, and a Soviet clone of the previous Firestorm, but with a new mind. Prof. Stein, no longer part of the composite at all, continued to play a role, but the focus was on this radically different character. It was during this phase that Firestorm met and befriended Shango and the Orishas, the elemental gods of Africa. He also met their chief deity and Shango's older brother Obatala, Lord of the White Cloth. This was also the situation in which the Shadowstorm entity first appeared. Stein soon learned that he was destined to be the true fire elemental and would have been were it not for Ronnie Raymond also being there by circumstance. Raymond and Arkadin were returned to their old lives, and Stein, now Firestorm, was accidentally exiled to deep space in the process of saving the Earth. He thereafter spent many years traveling through space as a wanderer, returning to earth on only two occasions: the War of the Gods, and again in Extreme Justice, where Stein cured Raymond of his leukemia and allowed Raymond to retain the original Firestorm persona on his own. After this Ronnie continued to be Firestorm on his own in Earth, but lacking the wise advices of Stein. After the Justice League of America had traveled 3,000 years into the past to search for a missing Aquaman, Batman puts together a new Justice League to be Earth's protectors while the JLA is gone. Firestorm is among the nine heroes chosen by Batman to be members in this new Justice League. After the Justice League of America returns to the present, the new Justice League disbands. However, several members of the new Justice League, including Firestorm, opt to join the JLA. While a member of the JLA, Raymond acts as a junior member and is constantly cautious of upsetting his teammates and making mistakes in the field; he states vocally a few times that he is afraid of losing his position. While in the League, Ronnie developed a close friendship with Manitou Dawn while he was attempting to teach her the English language. Subsequently, Raymond was killed during the Identity Crisis. It was revealed that during a battle with a villain called the Shadow Thief, Raymond was impaled by the Shining Knight's sword, which the Shadow Thief had stolen. The magical sword ruptured the nuclear man's containment field, resulting in Firestorm's body exploding and his residual essence funneling into the body of Jason Rusch, the new host of the Firestorm Matrix. His name was featured posthumously on Rip Hunter's chalkboard in the statement "Ronnie Raymond + X = Firestorm". During the Blackest Night, Ronnie Raymond is called by a black power ring to join the Black Lantern Corps. In the following moments, his reanimated corpse is seen confronting Barry Allen and Hal Jordan alongside Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Elongated Man, Sue Dibny, and J'onn J'onzz. He then attacks Jason Rusch (the current Firestorm), and absorbs him into his own version of the Firestorm matrix. Then, using Jason's unique abilities, turns Gehenna into table salt, simultaneously ripping her heart out with a smile. He uses the Firestorm Matrix to absorb Jason's anger over Gehenna's death, providing the Black Lanterns with even more emotional energies. Then, he goes on to attack Barry Allen and co. at the Justice League satellite. Jason then briefly asserts himself, allowing the heroes to escape. Regaining control, Ronnie proceeds to absorb Jason's willpower. Like other Black Lanterns, the undead Firestorm mimics the personality of Ronnie Raymond, often wisecracking and exhibiting other stereotypical teenage behavior. In the final battle against Nekron, Ronnie is restored to life alongside Jason, the two separating from Firestorm. Ronnie is confused, asking Atom where Professor Stein is while Jason is upset with Ronnie killing Gehenna. Ronnie, however, apparently has no memory of doing so. During the Brightest Day, Ronnie, still clad in casual clothing from a wild party the night before, arrives at Jason's apartment with Professor Stein and Ray Palmer to attend Gehenna's funeral. Stein and Palmer discuss Ronnie's return and how he no longer remembers anything since his death at the hands of Shadow Thief. While the two talk about the paperwork needed to have Raymond's legal status as "dead" reversed, Ronnie approaches Jason and offers an apology about Gehenna's murder. Jason refuses to accept it, telling Ronnie that he forced him into being an accomplice to the death of his girlfriend, and that he probably doesn't even remember her name. When Ronnie is actually unable to remember Gehenna's name, Jason angrily lashes out and punches him in the face. This causes the two young men to merge into Firestorm, and they begin arguing inside the Matrix while Palmer transforms into his Atom persona in order to help them separate. Palmer manages to separate Jason and Ronnie, but not before the Firestorm matrix causes a huge explosion, transmutating everything in the Professor's laboratory into table salt. While recovering in the hospital, Stein explains to Ronnie that it seems to be very dangerous to fuse into Firestorm again. Also, it is revealed that Ronnie, after quickly leaving the hospital and being threatened by Jason's father to stay away from Jason, lied to everyone, as he seems to perfectly remember murdering Gehenna as a Black Lantern. Worse yet, some time after the forceful separation, he lies sleeping in preparation of a party, when a previously heard voice prods him awake - a monstrous construct of Gehenna, made totally of salt, which proceeds to throttle and choke him, taunting him to remember her name; while she is interrupted before killing him, Ronnie is left covered in salt. Not too long after, he is lying, recovering from a massive binge, when Jason again forces the merge to help several construction workers endangered when the girders at the site are transmuted without warning to bubble gum. This time, they again hear the mysterious voice taunting them, and Ronnie accepts he remembers killing Gehenna, and they realize something else is lurking from within the Firestorm Matrix. As Firestorm, Ronnie and Jason visit Stein in an attempt to find out what is happening to them. Stein reveals to them that the Black Lantern Firestorm still exists in the Firestorm Matrix. Firestorm is then told by the Entity that they must learn from each other and defeat the Black Lantern Firestorm, before he destroys the Entity. Somehow, Jason and Ronnie trade places. After running a test to deduce the new abilities of Firestorm, Professor Stein reveals the origin of the Firestorm Matrix. Stein believes that during the initial experiment he was able to capture the spark that preceded the Big Bang that created our universe. Thereby making the matrix a trigger for a new big bang, if the boys continue to experience emotional imbalance they increase the likelihood of triggering a new big bang. Stein tells Ronnie and Jason that together they are the most dangerous being in the universe. After explaining this to the boys, the voice inside them speaks again. Declaring that it is not the matrix, a pair of black hands reaches out from inside Firestorm. Forcibly separating Jason and Ronnie, Black Lantern Firestorm stands between them, separate from both Ronnie and Jason and apparently calling itself "Deathstorm". Also of note is that Deathstorm does not appear to be wearing a black ring. Deathstorm reveals its plan to Stein, stating that it intends to create enough emotional instability between Ronnie and Jason that the Matrix will trigger another Big Bang thereby fulfilling the Black Lantern Corps primary objective: the destruction of all life in the universe. In order to help accomplish this goal, Deathstorm absorbs Stein's mind in order to use his knowledge of Ronnie against him; then, to torture Jason, Deathstorm brings his father, Alvin Rusch, to the lab and absorbs him as well. Taking flight Deathstorm beckons Ronnie and Jason (who by now have merged into Firestorm) to follow it. Deathstorm leads them to Silver City, New Mexico and the resting place of the White Lantern Power Battery. Deathstorm tries to lift the battery but is unable to until he infects it with black energy, after which he is able to lift it with ease. After he threatens to destroy the White Lantern Battery and therefore prevent Ronnie and Jason to truly live, a voice beckons him not to. The voice, apparently the one who is collecting all the emotional entities, commands him to bring the Central Power White Lantern Battery to the voice as well as an army, at which point Deathstorm brings back the Black Lantern versions of Professor Zoom, Maxwell Lord, Hawk, Jade, Captain Boomerang, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Deadman and Osiris. Deathstorm and the Black Lanterns teleport to an unknown location, Firestorm, Jason and Ronnie ultimately seek the help from the Justice League. Firestorm arrives at the Hall of Justice asking for help. Firestorm is placed in a containment chamber while the League search for a way to stabilize the energy. However, an internal argument between Ronnie and Jason ignites the spark, apparently resulting in the destruction of the universe. Ronnie and Jason quickly notice, after defeating an hive of Shadow Demons, that the universe was not destroyed as they thought but they were actually transported to the Anti-Matter Universe. There they are contacted by the Entity who reveals to them that since Boston Brand has not yet found the one who will take the Entity's place, it is Firestorm mission to protect the Entity. Meanwhile, Deathstorm and the Black Lanterns are seen on Qward delivering the White Battery to someone. That someone is revealed to be the Anti-Monitor, who seeks to harvest the life energy within the Lantern to grow stronger. Firestorm takes the White Lantern and attempts to fight the Anti-Monitor, but is defeated. Deathstorm then brings Professor Stein out of his Matrix to taunt the two with. Deathstorm then attempts to turn Ronnie to salt, but the Professor takes the brunt of the attack. Angered, Ronnie decides to truly work together with Jason to avenge the Professor. The Entity then declares that Ronnie has accomplished his mission, returning life to him in a burst of white energy that obliterates the Black Lanterns, returns Jason's father to his home, and deposits Firestorm in the Star City forest. Ronnie angrily attempts to make the Entity resurrect the Professor, but is refused. Deadman then arrives, demanding that he be given the White Lantern. When the "Dark Avatar", made his presence known, Firestorm is made part of the Elementals. Ronnie Raymond was then transformed by the Entity to become the element of fire and protects the Star City Forest from the "Dark Avatar" which appears to be the Black Lantern version of the Swamp Thing. The Elementals are then fused with the body of Alec Holland in order for him to be transformed by the Entity into the new Swamp Thing and battle against the Dark Avatar. After the Dark Avatar is defeated, Swamp Thing brings back Firestorm to normal. Afterward, it is revealed Ronnie and Jason must find a way to contain their Firestorm matrix from the explosion in less than ninety days. +This superhero's name is First Spinjitzu Master. Their real name is Unknown. Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master was born in the Realm of Oni and Dragons. Here, he was a hybrid of both the Oni and the Dragons. Eventually, he bonded with the mother of all Dragons, the Firstbourne. Together, they created the Dragon Armor, and sought to unite the two races of the realm, and end their war. After the two sides refused to end the war, the First Spinjitzu Master realized that even he could not end the conflict between the two races and left the Realm of Oni and Dragons and went on to create Ninjago, leaving Firstbourne behind to guard the Dragon Armor and hoping for his return. The First Spinjitzu Master created the Realm Crystal to traverse the Sixteen Realms, except the Departed Realm. +This superhero's name is Fixer. Their real name is Paul Norbert Ebersol. Norbert Ebersol was a child prodigy with such great mechanical aptitude that he took apart and repaired an alarm clock at age 3. By 10, he had built a small electric automobile; by 13, a relatively complex robotic arm -- both from readily available spare parts. Dropping out of high school due to lack of interest, Ebersol was fired from a number of jobs because of his air of superiority and unorthodox approach to simple tasks. Seeking a challenge, he turned to the planning and execution of technologically assisted crimes. He found that such activities not only stimulated his intellect, but provided him with new raw materials to create even more advanced technological devices. +This superhero's name is Flash (CW). Their real name is Barry Allen. After witnessing his mother's supernatural murder, Barry Allen is taken in by Detective Joe West and his family. Barry becomes a brilliant but socially awkward crime scene investigator for the Central City Police Department. A particle accelerator malfunctions, bathing the city center with a radiation during a thunderstorm, and Barry is struck by lightning. Awakening after a coma, he discovers he can move at superhuman speeds. Harrison Wells, the accelerator's designer, describes Barry's nature as "metahuman". Barry vows to use his gifts to protect Central City. As the Flash, Barry also pursues his mother's murderer, the Reverse-Flash. In the second season, after a singularity event, the Flash is recognized as Central City's hero. However, the event brings a new threat from a parallel earth: Zoom, a demonic speedster who seeks to eliminate all speedsters throughout the multiverse. Harrison Wells' parallel universe counterpart nicknamed "Harry", and his daughter Jesse, work to help Barry stop Zoom and explore the multiverse. Joe and his daughter, Iris, struggle with the arrival of Iris's brother Wally West. After Zoom kills Barry's father, Barry travels back in time to save his mother's life. By changing his past, Barry alters the timeline, resulting in "Flashpoint". Though he is somewhat able to restore the timeline, this creates new threats, including Savitar. After Harry and Jesse return to Earth-2, another Wells doppelgänger is recruited: the novelist "H.R." Wells. Both Wally and Caitlin Snow begin to manifest metahuman abilities; Wally suits up as the speedster Kid Flash, while Caitlin is forced to suppress her ice-powers to prevent becoming Killer Frost. When Barry accidentally travels to the future and sees Iris killed by Savitar, he is desperate to change the future to prevent that from happening. After saving Iris and defeating Savitar, Barry takes his place in the Speed Force. In the months since Barry left, Wally and Cisco have barely been able to protect Central City. When a new foe defeats them easily, requesting a battle against the Flash, the team decides to bring Barry back. While they manage to do so, Barry's return releases dark matter, turning a dozen people on a city bus into metahumans. One of these metahumans is private detective Ralph Dibny, who joins the Flash's team. While Barry and Iris prepare for their wedding, the team realize that Barry's arrival and the creation of the bus metahumans were orchestrated by the Thinker. +This superhero's name is Flash Gordon. Their real name is Steven Gordon. Flash Gordon was once a comon ordinary man, a Graduate of Yale and a part-time Polo Player, until he was captured by evil sources and taken to distant planet. There, he became the great fighter of these evil sources named Flash Gordan, the "King of the Impossible". Together, with his aquaintances Doctor Hans Zarkov and his love interest, Dale Arden. He has Saved Earth on Several different occasions, namely from his Arch-Foe Ming the Merciless, the Evil Emperor of the Planet Mongo. +This superhero's name is Flash III. Their real name is Wally West. Wally West was born to Rudolph and Mary West in Blue Valley, Nebraska. As a boy, Wally would often daydream, most notably about being the Flash. He idolized the Flash and was the president and sole member of the Blue Valley Flash Fan Club. His parents thought he was setting himself up for failure and did their best to dampen what they believed to be unrealistic expectations, in rather harsh ways. His father encouraged him to work at the same plant he did, but Wally grew frustrated and hurt (and eventually apathetic) by their lack of faith in his abilities. At a family reunion held at the Wests, Wally accidentally spilled some soda while pouring, and was yelled at by his father for keeping his head in the clouds. He went to his room crying and a familiar looking man, who he thought was maybe his uncle or something, came in and talked to him, saying he shouldn't give up on his dreams and giving him confidence that he'd reflect back on for years to come. One summer, when he was ten years old, Wally went to Central City to stay with his Aunt Iris, who he called his best friend. Iris was going out with police scientist Barry Allen, who was "friends" with the Flash. Barry "introduced" Wally to his idol, the Flash. In the back room of Barry's apartment was a lab, where Wally asked the Flash all sorts of questions. When he asked Flash how he got his powers, it turned out the speedster had set up his chemical cabinet just as it had been when he was created. Wally wished that something like that could happen to him; the Flash dismissed it as a billion-to-one chance. However, it just so happened that the weather that particular day was stormy and, at that moment, lightning did strike the cabinet, bathing Wally in the same chemicals that created the Flash. Flash told Wally to keep this a secret, even from Iris. He gave Wally a Flash costume specially tailored to fit him, and Wally became Kid Flash. The Flash taught Wally everything he knew about how to use speed to his advantage, and about the rogues gallery. The next day, Wally apprehended his first criminal after conquering a crippling fear of fire, Mr. Element. Element had attacked the Art Museum, transmuting many pieces of art into shapeless forms. Element stole the Giardi Atom, an atomic model crafted from gold and jewels. Kid Flash followed Element to the home of Ward Wellington Weaver, owner of another Giardi Atom, where he defeated the villain and turned him into the police. While in high school, Wally was a member of the Eta Pi fraternity, along with his good friend, Tommy Elkin. The next summer, Barry told Wally his secret identity, which surprised Wally, who had always thought Barry was kind of boring. Again, lightning struck, causing a matter-transforming machine to transform Wally's costume into a newer, predominantly yellow costume, the design of which Barry had been toying with in the back of his mind. He also joined the Teen Titans. He began to take classes at Taggert University, with hopes of eventually getting a doctorate in physics. As Barry's sidekick, Wally met Hal Jordan, then Green Lantern of Earth, and became Jordan's friend just as Jordan had been Barry's friend. Because Wally had been struck by lightning and affected by the charged chemicals when he was a kid, rather than a full grown man, it affected his body differently than it had Barry's. Although he was able to run through the crippling pain he called "hitting the wall" the summer after he got his powers, when adolescence hit, it came back with a vengeance, to the point that Wally was forced to quit his superheroic career. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, after Barry Allen sacrificed his life to destroy the Anti-Monitor's antimatter cannon, an antimatter ray fired by the Anti-Monitor hit Wally full force. While it knocked his speed down to that of sound, it also removed the malady that caused him intense pain. Wally took Barry's uniform and declared himself the Flash, just until Barry returned. However, the rest of the population did not share Wally's feeling that Barry was still alive, and they also did not appreciate Wally's attempts at filling Barry's boots. After being publicly embarrassed in a fight with Dr. Alchemy, Green Lantern declared that he would protect Central City. For about a week, Wally donned his Kid Flash costume again. However, during the next fight with Dr. Alchemy, he finally realized that Barry was not coming back. He saved Green Lantern and Jay Garrick from Dr. Alchemy. Finally, he was accepted as the Flash. After accepting that Barry was dead, Wally still had to overcome his anger of feeling abandoned, and forced into a role he did not feel ready for. Coupled with the emotional pain of what had happened with Raven, anger somehow overcame all the values that Barry had taught him, and he was rather rude and childish for a while. All these mental blocks also slowed him down, sometimes to the point where he lost his speed entirely. He also manifested the need to consume large quantities of food after using his powers, another product of his psychological condition. Wally won six and a half million dollars in the lottery. He was able to leave his small apartment in Brooklyn and buy a mansion on Long Island. He asked Frances Kane to live with him, and she accepted, for a short while. After two weeks, she left, saying they were moving too fast. Soon afterward, Wally invited nutritionist Tina McGee to live with him, even though she was eleven years his senior and not quite divorced. Wally's mother, Mary, also came to live with him, causing much tension between the two women. After Tina left so that she could go back to her husband, Wally lost all of his money in the stock market, and had to move into a new apartment. Here, he befriended his neighbor, Mason Trollbridge. He also began seeing Connie Noleski, a Texan model who he had actually been living with for a short time before Tina. After the alien invasion of Earth, during which Wally fought Durlans in Cuba, the aliens set off a gene bomb that robbed Wally of his superspeed. His friends, Jerry and Tina McGee, set up a device to restore his speed. It sprayed him with the chemicals that had gifted Barry and himself with superspeed while sending an electrical charge through him. However, with his new speed, Wally burned a deep trench across America, stretching from New York all the way to New Mexico. His aura, which had previously served as an energy collector, began to feed directly on him, starving him and affecting his brain, and also sending his consciousness to another energy level. He grew long spines around his body, and stalked around Swainsville, New Mexico, confused and looking for food, contributing to the citizens' belief in a local myth, the Porcupine Man. Luckily, Chunk was able to restore his essence to this dimension by using his singularity powers. Afterwards, Mason Trollbridge was able to pluck the spines out of his body. After several attempts at Wally's life, he decided to move to Keystone City, which had been recommended by Jay Garrick's wife, Joan. Mason decided to join him so they could share rent. In Keystone, he started to date Linda Park, a reporter he had met initially during the Porcupine Man incident. When Barry Allen seemingly returned from the dead, Wally didn't know what to think. Jay and Hal Jordan had both embraced his return, but Wally remained skeptical, mostly because he hadn't mentioned Iris, who had died at the hands of Professor Zoom, at all. However, when Wally saw Barry visit Iris' grave, his heart was won over. Barry was back, or so he thought. Barry began to behave irrationally, as if he, and only he, was the true Flash. When they were both stuck in a Combine trap, Barry left Wally to die, then told the rest of the world that Wally hadn't been up to being the Flash, and had passed away trying. In fact, Wally had escaped, but after watching Barry speak so badly of him, decided to give up on the Flash identity, telling only Linda that he was still alive. In an aimless mood wandering through the streets, he came upon a tattered old book in the alleyway where Barry had materialized. It contained the truth: this Barry was fake, his true identity being Eobard Thawne, better known as Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash. With the help of the older speedsters, Jay, Johnny Quick, and Max Mercury, Wally brought Zoom down. In this fight, his speed returned to its old glory. Wally was every bit as fast as Zoom, because he had finally come to terms with the fear that he would be replacing Barry. In an elaborate scheme laid out by Abra Kadabra, Wally was sued for negligence by Allison Armitage, a store employee who was maimed in his fight with Razer. Although all the evidence in court favored him, Wally himself was furious at his actions. He felt that he, being the fastest man alive, should be everywhere at once. During the trial, he went on a non-stop, one-man life-saving spree, trying to make up for what he had done. After the trial was over, he went to Johnny Quick to ask for his speed formula, hoping that by adding Johnny's speed to his, it would make him unstoppable, able to save everyone. However, the formula only froze him in time. Max Mercury, who was able to join him for a while at that speed, taught him an important lesson: he cannot be everywhere at once. No matter what, he couldn't save everyone. Aunt Iris returned from the future, where she had actually gone, instead of actually being dead. She wasn't alone either; with her, she brought along Bart Allen, a young man with amazing speed, who turned out to be her and Barry Allen's grandson. His power was accelerating him to the point that he'd die of old age before reaching his 4th birthday, and she needed Wally's help. He was already in the body of a 12 year old despite only being alive two years (although he had the mental capacity of a young teen). Wally managed to stabilize his speed, but the two did not mesh very well at all, Wally claiming it was because they were too alike. Bart took up the speedster gig, but laughed at the idea of going by Kid Flash, instead dubbing himself Impulse. When Hal Jordan seemingly went mad after the destruction of his former home, Coast City, and became Parallax, he was replaced as Green Lantern by Kyle Rayner, who took his place in the Justice League of America, just as Wally had taken Barry's place. The relationship between the new Green Lantern and the third Flash got off to a rocky start - Wally, having grown up with Jordan as Green Lantern, and also having fond memories of him to the point that he thought of him as "Uncle Hal", did not warmly embrace Rayner and questioned whether or not he was worthy of replacing Jordan, and was perhaps more critical of Rayner than any other hero was in Rayner's early days. The two eventually overcame their differences and became very close friends, like their predecessors were. During Zero Hour, Wally was seemingly killed while trying to help Rip Hunter and Waverider save the 64th Century and the timestream itself from waves of destructive entropy. Actually, he was flung backwards through time, where he invisibly and intangibly watched on the important points in his life as they happened. Wally became solid at the West Family Reunion, and turned out to be the "uncle" that gave his past self that pep talk. He soon returned to his proper time, but not until he had seen one more vision, a vision of Linda's apparent fate at the hands of Kobra, as well as his own death. Afraid for Linda, he tried to take out Kobra as soon as possible, hoping that he could stop the tragedy that he had seen before it happened. He hid all of this information from her as long as he could, and kept holding back his speed, hoping to not brush against the future again. In a fit of rage when Bart ruined his plans against Kobra, Wally raced home, and began to turn into a being of pure energy. It subsided, but it happened again shortly thereafter, and more so. Giving it one last ditch effort, and realizing he would very likely not make it out alive, he asked Jesse Quick to take over the mantle of Flash for him, should he die. This turned out to be nothing but a ploy to make Bart jealous, in hopes that he would get more serious about his legacy. Wally thought he had averted the disaster he had foreseen when he saved Linda from Kobra's laser, but did not expect it to play out again. He had to go at speeds way beyond light to save her, the consequence being that he entered the Speed Force. He traded her fate for what he thought would be his. However, he managed to returned from the Speed Force, despite what Max had said about it being impossible. Linda was still on Earth, and that kept him from leaving her forever. Upon his return, he quickly defeated Kobra and destroyed his geothermal tap, ruining Project Morpheus. This trip beyond the light gave Wally the power to tap directly into the Speed Force itself; he now mainlined the Speed Force, and this resulted in him manifesting new abilities. He accelerated the speed of Jesse Quick's injury, healing her leg instantly, was able to vibrate through objects like he did as a kid, only now they were atomized afterwards, and was able to lend speed to other objects. Far away in the Balkan Mountains, a new contender to the title of "fastest man alive" made himself known--Savitar, the self-titled "lord of speed". With the assistance of Lady Savitar, Savitar had found a way to siphon energy from the Speed Force, cutting off its access to several speedsters, including Jay Garrick, Jesse Quick, Johnny Quick and Bart Allen; this power drain also resulted in the death of Kapitalist Kouriers speedster/deliveryman Cassiopeia. A small group of superspeed-powered acolytes assaulted Wally and Linda at an outdoor cafe in Keystone City; the only way Wally could protect the citizens was to shift into hyperspeed and fight them, as this was the only way they were visible. After Wally defeated the acolytes, Jay and Jesse showed up, Jesse accusing Wally of somehow siphoning off all available Speed Force energy, rendering them "normal". Wally then grabbed the one remaining speed-acolyte and interrogated him on top of a skyscraper, the ninja telling him that it was Savitar who had "stripped the unworthy of their swiftness", transferring it to Savitar's group of acolytes to hunt down "all true students of the lightning". Upon him saying that, the acolyte's body (presumably due to Savitar) supermetabolized, aging years in seconds, causing his death. Jay and Jesse, with assistance from Wally's speed-lending ability, headed for Manchester, Alabama to check up on Bart; however, by the time they arrived, Bart and a mysterious girl were surrounded by more of Savitar's superspeed acolytes. Wally, who was the only speedster fully powered, took them on, achieving a solid victory. Bart told him that Max had been missing for days; while Bart (finally having a reason to search through Max's things) rifled through Max's personal files and papers, Wally came upon a journal written in Korean by Max, which Linda took a few minutes to translate. Meanwhile, the mysterious girl revealed herself to be Jenni Ognats, cousin to both Bart & Wally and granddaughter of Iris West-Allen. Jenni revealed that she was from the 30th Century like Bart is, that her mother, Dawn Allen, was Barry's daughter (and that Bart's dad was Barry's son) and that she was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes who was stranded in the 20th century after a mission through time. Wally, upon learning that Barry and Iris had managed to have kids, felt a little jealous, feeling that he was the closest thing Barry had to a son. After fully translating the diary, Linda revealed to everyone present Savitar's history: 'he was a Cold War pilot in a Third World nation who was chosen to pilot an experimental supersonic aircraft; doing so, he cracked the light barrier, becoming at that moment, the fastest man alive. Thousands of miles from home, his plane crashed; luckily, he was completely unharmed. Foreign soldiers appeared at his location, believing that this unknown man's arrival meant they were under attack. Reacting with lightning-charged reflexes, the pilot cut the soldiers down like grain; after he killed them, the pilot had a epiphany. To him, it felt like the gods had twice spared him death... speed became his newfound religion. To that end, he traveled the world, ransacking library after library, poring through tomes both known & forgotten, attempting to discover more about the force that drove him. Armed with knowledge, he started thinking of himself not as a disciple of speed, but as its high priest; he then renamed himself Savitar, after the Hindu God of Motion (upon whom all moving things were dependent). Savitar kept pushing himself constantly, gaining even greater speed, hoping that if he moved swiftly enough, he would enter the Speed Force and learn its secrets. Try as he might, however, he could not attain the peace he sought and slowly turned to madness, becoming more dangerous than before... 'With nowhere else to turn, Savitar then sought out the only person he thought could understand him and their shared abilities: Johnny Quick (Jay Garrick had retired for the first time and Barry Allen hadn't yet attained his powers). However, Johnny never believed in the Speed Force, instead relying on a spoken mathematical formula [3X2(9YZ)4A] to give him his powers; Savitar took this as an insult and attacked Johnny. Luckily, Max Mercury appeared and saved him, Max once again chiding Johnny over his non-belief in the Speed Force. Max and Johnny raced after Savitar, finding him several states over; the two heroic speedsters battled Savitar's minions, Max later goading Savitar to chase after him through the Speed Force. Savitar sensed where he was... he knew that with a final burst, he would push his way in beyond the field, where he always wanted to be. What Savitar didn't know and Max was all too aware of, was that if anything altered a speedster's path, they'd bounce off the field and wind up in the timestream. Max regretted his actions... by allowing Savitar to brush up against the Speed Force, it gave him more knowledge and made him more powerful.' Wally then realized the reason why Max insinuated himself within their lives: to gather an army to combat Savitar and his forces. At that moment, a bloody and beaten Max showed up on his doorstep, a tattoo of a map to Savitar's castle drawn on his chest; Max then revealed that while Wally moves speed around, he can store it in his body, keeping him alive. He also warned Wally to be wary of Savitar, urging Wally to defeat him before Savitar kills him; being that Wally was tied too close to their shared energy source, Savitar irrationally believed that he had to own it all. Jay then mentioned that Wally couldn't go in alone, but Wally countered this with the fact that, at that moment, everybody but him was powerless. Jenni then stepped up, offering her help and her Legion Flight Ring; however, as Wally had never worked with her before, he couldn't take the risk of her being hurt. Wally then passed on Jenni's ring to Jesse, as with her powers, she had experience with flying as a combat skill. Telling the others to get Max to the hospital, Wally and Jesse set off for Savitar's fortress. Arriving in the Balkans, Wally and Jesse landed in Savitar's castle, where he saw a chamber filled with speed-ninjas strapped to the wall, plugged into an alchemical battery/transformer being controlled by Lady Savitar. Savitar then appeared and summoned Lady Savitar to his side; in order to test her loyalty to him, Savitar commanded her to kill the Flash. Wally then realized that Savitar had locked onto his energy signature, the same way he located Max and Impulse; since Jesse's connection to the Speed Force was severed, Wally instructed her to hide while he took down Christina. After vibrationally atomizing a wall to knock Lady Savitar out, Wally went after the big man himself. However, Savitar was ready for Wally and, with one swift move, grabbed Wally's wrist and slammed him into a wall, dizzying him. Savitar then presented Wally with two chances to disable him via weapons; Wally grabbed a sword and threw it directly at Savitar's chest--the blade penetrated Savitar's skin, but he rapidly metabolized the wound, healing himself in seconds. Savitar then handed him three shurikens, which Wally launched at Savitar with superspeed; with a flash of lightning in his eyes, Savitar redirected the shurikens' momentum, causing them to cut the Flash instead. Savitar then personally attacked the Flash himself, screaming that he considered Wally unworthy of "God's" gifts, that he had the audacity to drain speed that was "rightfully his... power he'll need to follow God's calling to the barrier and beyond." Meanwhile, Jesse tried to find a way to destroy the transformer when she intercepted by Lady Savitar, who tried to goad Jesse into losing focus by threatening the people she cared about, including her father; with that, Jesse snapped, dove straight for the alchemical transformer, destroying it and releasing the gathered Speed Force energy, restoring her powers and also temporarily affecting Wally (in the form of a small seizure and loss of consciousness). With their powers returned, Jay, Max, Johnny Quick and Impulse caught up with Wally and Jesse and proceeded to battle Savitar's army. Savitar, fearing defeat, ran from his castle and proceeded to threaten Wally and his allies, stating that since they've stolen everything from him, he can do no less for Wally; Flash knew that Linda was in danger and took off after Savitar, Max knowing that Savitar would keep striking over and over unless the Flash killed him! Making it back to the U.S., Wally pursued Savitar across several states, barely keeping up with him; Wally cursed the time he lost, also having to save innocent bystanders from Savitar's wrath. Jay and the others, taking a straighter line from the castle, arrived and tried to intercept Savitar; they were knocked out of the way by the sinister speedster. In Colonial Williamsburg, Impulse attempted to build up enough speed to knock Savitar away, but Flash intercepted Bart and threw him to safety. Wally came to a grim conclusion when he saw a sign (Manchester - 22 miles). He knew that he had to make himself the more tempting target; by insulting Savitar and his "god", the plan worked. However, Flash's plan then hit a slight snag--Jenni sped onto the scene. Having to draw her into his "speed aura", Flash put them both at risk for being slaughtered. Jenni then revealed that Iris sent her with a message: that Wally couldn't beat Savitar directly--that Wally had to give Savitar want he wanted. With a smirk on his face, Wally finally realized what his aunt meant: lure Savitar directly into the Speed Force itself! Traversing the Speed Force once again, Savitar knew that he reached absolute nirvana; he tried once again to kill the Flash, but Wally was ready for him. He grabbed Savitar's wrist and flung him further into the energy field, where the spirits of deceased speedsters claimed him once and for all. In the aftermath, not wanting the Speed Force to absorb him, Wally concentrated on finding his way home... and vanished... Previously, Wally had been able to find his way home by using Linda as a beacon to his proper time, but in his last jump, Wally was mysteriously unable to make it home right away and ended up bouncing through time. The first place Wally wound up on his journey through time was the 64th Century (for the second time), where the citizens of that era worshiped the Flash and wanted to be just like him. After leaving that place, he next appeared in the mid-30th Century, where he met his twin first cousins, Don & Dawn Allen (Barry & Iris' kids) and encountered Earthgov's rampant xenophobia. After helping them reclaim their legacy and partially siphoning their energies (due to feeling somewhat weakened every time he entered the Speed Force), Wally time-jumped once again, this time landing in the 27th Century, where he met the Flash of that era, John Fox. Looking haggard, Wally still realized that he wasn't home yet; John revealed that, for a while, he protected Central City as their sole hero, until he was made the curator of the Time Institute and replaced by supersonic robotic humanoids called Speed Metal. John also told Wally that time travel was illegal. Reiterating to John about knowing that he had an anchor to his time, a love like a lightning rod to find his way home, Wally lashed out, screaming that he couldn't remember Linda's name. The time-traveling villain Chronos appeared in the museum to ransack it, prompting both Flashes to take him down--however, Speed Metal then showed up, pushed John & Wally out of the way and proceeded to try and capture Chronos. Noticing Wally fading fast, John grabbed an exhibit (Paradox's "Sands of Time") and threw it at Speed Metal, causing them to rapidly accelerate and fill the museum, which prevented Chronos' escape. After Chronos was sent back to where he came from, John informed Wally of his lost love's name: Linda. Armed with that knowledge, Wally attempted one last time-jump back to the 20th Century; John, based on what he knew in his own time and believing that Wally wouldn't make it back in time to prevent a great disaster, volunteered to jump back to the 20th Century himself to fill Wally's boots if needed. John arrived first, meeting Linda and Piper, facing off against Chillblaine and falling in love with Linda; Linda's love had been distracted by John, who told Linda that Wally was dead, and she was doing her best to move on. However, after realizing that John lied about his reason for coming to the 20th Century and that he couldn't stand up to the superheroic pressures that Wally normally faced, Linda told him that she would always love Wally, no matter what. Somehow sensing this, Wally emerged from the Speed Force--only to realize he was too late; Linda had been flash-frozen in an attempted second Ice Age by Polaris and Abra Kadabra. Chastising John for his numerous mistakes, among which were causing Linda to doubt his return, Wally realized that Linda was somehow still alive (her love for him guided him home). After racing off to Piper to procure tech to keep Linda safe, Wally and John dropped her off at S.T.A.R. Labs in the hopes of having Dr. Tina McGee reverse her condition. After grabbing a device that tracks magnetic energy, the two speedsters headed off in search of Polaris and Abra Kadabra; upon finding the location, Wally discovered his Aunt Iris, who was being held captive by Kadabra for her knowledge of future events. Kadabra revealed that he had found "The Life Story of The Flash" (which was previously owned by Eobard Thawne a.k.a. Professor Zoom and which Wally thought he destroyed); looking through it, he read of the ice storm and, with Polaris' assistance, decided to advance it with him as the new ruler of Earth. Wally then dropped to his knees, feigning defeat... until John zoomed in and knocked Kadabra out! Polaris, realizing his plans were over, charged up his magnetic powers; Wally then grabbed him and headed for the cryo engine, where Polaris unleashed his magnetic blast, unwittingly destroying his own machine. Wally thought everything was complete, until John alerted him about the (now cracking) glacier in the middle of the city; in a matter of seconds, Keystone City would be wiped out by a massive tidal wave! Wally then "persuaded" Polaris to use his powers and redirect the water to the waterfront. With Polaris taken care of, Wally and John sped back to S.T.A.R., only to discover that Linda was still frozen solid. At that moment, appearing from a time portal was Speed Metal, on the search for the "fugitive", John Fox. Wally, still massively angry at John for everything that he caused, wanted to give up John when Speed Metal arrived for him (instead of taking him back to the 27th Century for a fair trial, they were going to kill him now); however, after Piper goaded him, Wally sped off to rescue John. After leading Speed Metal to a desert in Colorado Springs, Co., Wally instructed John to distract one of the robots and have it vibrate through a butte; after it partially vibrated through, Wally vibrated his hand through it, causing it to explode. After destroying the last two Speed Metal bots (with direct assistance from Wally's speed-lending ability), John got an idea that could help solve Linda's problem. Racing back to S.T.A.R, Wally, channeling the Speed Force, sped up Linda's molecules, successfully thawing her out. While Wally had taken Linda to India for her birthday, a new foe called The Suit had shown up in Keystone, looking to kill the Flash. Max Mercury and Jay Garrick, watching over the city during Wally's absence, had come upon a familiar-looking dead body with a note attached to it in an alleyway. After locating Wally in his hotel room, the three set off for the Keystone City Morgue, where the dead body was revealed to be Wally's, 30 minutes from now. Wally, Jay and Max then raced off towards downtown Keystone, where they found The Suit; The Suit, using its stolen time-controlling powers, froze Wally in place. Back in the morgue, future-Wally awoke on the table. While Max explained to Jay and the coroner that Wally put his body into molecular shock to save himself, Wally raced off to intercept his past self to perform the same trick; however, an explosion caused by The Suit sent debris flying everywhere, some of which hit Wally, causing him to lose his footing and hit the ground hard, which sprained both of his wrists, cracked three ribs, fractured his hip... and broke both of his legs. Confined to a wheelchair, Wally knew that The Suit thought he was dead. He came up with the idea of having Max, Jay and Impulse pretend to be Wally and confuse The Suit. While the plan was being carried out, Wally remembered one of his missions with the JLA, one in which The Key had trapped the team in alternate dream realities; in Wally's dream, he had a suit made out of pure Speed Force. Concentrating on that, for three days, Wally repeated Johnny Quick's speed mantra in his head and vibrated in place; Linda, who noticed the kitchen clock's hands had sped up, rushed into the den to witness a golden energy flowing over Wally's left arm. Clad in a new, golden Speed Force suit, Wally confronted The Suit (who, in the meantime, had managed to assimilate Max Mercury) while Jay and Impulse took on Keystone Penitentiary's freed inmates. Gifting Jay with a Speed Force-energy boost (which, part of it, he passed on to Impulse), Wally then spread some speed particles on the Max Mercury-infused Suit, causing it to accelerate out of control. The Suit, catching up to Wally, whipped up a wavefront that hit Wally's legs, causing him to tumble. Waiting for his speedsuit to reform, Wally plucked up a grain of sand and, trying to reach through to Max inside The Suit, tossed it at him, puncturing its substance; grabbing a thread, like a tailor in reverse, Wally unraveled The Suit, freeing Max. Max then revealed that The Suit was actually an electrical field-based alien creature that was pulled to Earth by a huge electrical current. Catching up with Jay and Impulse at the prison, Wally and Max thought everything was wrapped up... until The Suit returned and tried to assimilate Jay. Thinking fast, Wally coaxed The Suit to let Jay go and assimilate him instead. The Suit then assimilated Wally, growing more powerful; thinking that it finally won, The Suit then sensed something was wrong... it started vibrating. Wally, struggling to remember that anything solid he vibrates through atomizes, destroyed The Suit, its remnants being absorbed into the Speed Force. Returning home, Wally noticed something was wrong with Linda: she was both talking and walking backwards. That's when the Mirror Master showed up, seeking revenge on the Flash. Trying to locate the real Mirror Master (the one at his and Linda's place was just a hologram), Wally ran through a prism that Mirror Master had set up, causing Wally to split into seven different images, each a color of the rainbow and possessing separate personalities; after realizing that they would eventually discorporate and fade away, all seven Flashes ran back through the prism at light speed, reuniting them into one single Flash in a familiar red & gold speedsuit. Racing back into town, Wally was momentarily fooled into thinking that he had enlarged in size; however, it was only an ill +This superhero's name is sion. Getting his bearings straight. Their real name is Wally headed for Keystone National Bank. Wally disabled Mirror Master's laser gun. After heading to Singapore to retrieve a chip for Mirror Master's gun +This superhero's name is Flash (Injustice). Their real name is Barry Allen. Barry' Allen had a relatively normal life, until his father was wrongly accused for the death of his mother and imprisoned. Since then, he enrolled for a forensics scientist at Central City to try and uncover the truth. At one fateful moment while working overtime, Barry was hit by a lightning bolt while dowsed in chemicals, the result of this giving him super speed. He used this power to become The Flash, protecting Central City at every point in the day, due to him being able to go faster than the speed of light. This astounding potential of his powers is what landed Flash on the Justice League, becoming a founding member and a mainstay. Regime (Gods Among Us)Edit The Flash joined Superman's One Earth government because he believed in it. He told Shazam that it made sense at first, doing so to protect Iris, but lately serious doubts have begun to creep in +This superhero's name is Flash IV. Their real name is Bartholomew Allen II. Bart Allen is a teenage speedster and a member of the Flash Family who has gone by several codenames. He was born in the 30th Century, the grandson of time-traveling speedster the Flash, although he returned to the past to continue his family's legacy. Because of his strange origins, he ages at an inconsistent rate. Originally, he took the name Impulse to reflect his impulsive nature, but later changed his alias to Kid Flash when he grew older. There was a brief period when he became The Flash after Infinite Crisis, but he was killed by the Rogues during Full Throttle. Later on, he was resurrected during Final Crisis through his connection to the Speed Force and has returned to his role as Kid Flash since then. Bart Allen has been a member of the New Titans, Young Justice, the Teen Titans, and the Legion of Super-Heroes. Bart Allen was the product of the union between two families who had been bitter rivals for centuries. His father, Don Allen, was the son of Barry Allen, the second Flash, and his mother was Meloni Thawne, daughter of the Earthgov president and descendant of Flash villains Cobalt Blue and Professor Zoom. Shortly after Bart's birth, his family was attacked by Zoom, wishing to end the union of the rival families. They, along with the family of Don's sister Dawn, attempted to flee to a parallel Earth using the Cosmic Treadmill. However, Zoom sabotaged the device, causing an explosion which created a rift in the multiverse. Zoom was ultimately defeated by an army of three different Legions of Super-Heroes, but Bart and his family were subsequently stranded on Earth-247. Bart was born with his grandfather's speed. He had an incredibly high metabolism and also aged at hyperspeed. When he was chronologically two years old, physically, he appeared twelve years old. President Thawne had the Dominators killed Don and his twin sister, Dawn Allen. The Dominators then abducted Bart, who was later captured by Earthgov for observation. The scientists of Earthgov raised him in a virtual reality environment so that he aged as swiftly mentally as he did physically. Bart was going to die of old age very quickly, with Earthgov not doing anything to fix his problem. His grandmother Iris West took him away and brought him back to the twentieth century, so that her nephew, Wally West, the third Flash, could show him how to control his speed. He later adopted the superheroic identity of Impulse. After Wally helped him solve his problem and Bart helped him to defeat Kobra, Bart moved to Manchester, Alabama with Max Mercury. Wally had used his connections to supply Bart with a birth certificate, etc. Bart began the ninth grade at Manchester Junior High. He managed to make quite a few friends, chief among them Carol Bucklen. Max continued to train him in the art of superspeed, having him run obstacle courses while dodging axes and knives, solve jigsaw puzzles in mid-air, etc. During this time, he became one of the founding members of Young Justice. Following Max's disappearance, he was taken in by Jay Garrick, the first Flash, and his wife Joan Garrick. Following the breakup of Young Justice, Bart joined the new Teen Titans. He soon had his kneecap blown out by Deathstroke (who was at the time possessed by Jericho) and replaced with an artificial one. While recovering, Bart read every single book in the San Francisco Public Library and reinvented himself as the new Kid Flash. Even with the artificial kneecap, he could still run close to light speed. After Superboy-Prime attacked Superboy (Conner Kent) in Smallville injuring and killing many Titans, Bart joined with Wally West and Jay Garrick to stop the rampage of Superboy-Prime by running him at top speed into the Speed Force. Jay reached his limit before entering the Speed Force and Wally turned into energy and vanished, leaving Bart alone with Superboy-Prime. Barry Allen, Johnny Quick and Max Mercury, all of whom had previously been absorbed into the Speed Force, appeared and aided Bart. After taking Superboy-Prime into the Speed Force, Barry told Bart that "Wally is waiting for you". After they disappeared, Jay claimed that the Speed Force was gone. A speedster wearing Barry's costume returned in Tokyo shortly thereafter to warn of the return of Superboy-Prime. This same Flash, still wearing Barry Allen's costume, would appear in the middle of the Battle of Metropolis against the army of escaped super villains. Superboy-Prime reveals that the person in the Flash costume is Bart Allen, aged 4 years older. Bart explains to the nearby Wonder Girl (who was surprised by her fellow Titan's transformation) that his grandfather's uniform was the only thing that could survive the trip back from where he had been, and that he was the only one there "who could still run". Bart then unleashed his anger against Superboy-Prime for killing Conner Kent, pummeling him at superspeed and forcing Superboy-Prime to retreat from the battle. When the crisis was over, Bart explained to Jay that he spent years in an unknown dimension where time passed quicker, causing him to grow older. Bart confirmed that the Speed Force was destroyed and he used up the residual speed locked in his body fighting in Metropolis. He gave Barry's costume to Jay and says Jay was now the fastest man alive once again. Bart shunned his superheroic past for the next year. He received a job working at Keystone Motors and began sharing an apartment with another young man named Griffin Grey. However, he was still connected to the Speed Force, but the connection threatened to kill him. S.T.A.R. Labs modified one of his grandfather's old costumes to help him control his connection. While at first he refused to don the costume, he finally gave in and became the fourth Flash. He also began a relationship with S.T.A.R. Labs employee Valerie Perez. Bart decided to get a fresh start and moved to Los Angeles, applying for a job in forensics with their police department. Inertia hired the Rogues to help him build a device in Los Angeles with the purpose of transferring the Speed Force from Bart to himself. Despite warnings from his grandmother, Bart confronted them. The machine was successful in removing his powers, but in doing so, it threatened to detonate with the energy of several atomic bombs. Bart sacrificed himself heroically, distracting the Rogues while Val deactivated the machine. A funeral was held for Bart in a stadium in Keystone City. It was attended by a large number of costumed heroes, including his former Teen Titans teammates Robin, Wonder Girl, Raven and Beast Boy, and televised around the world. Eulogies were given by Jay Garrick, who revealed Bart's secret identity to the world. The funeral ended with the presentation of a video he had recorded shortly after becoming Kid Flash, to be shown in the event of his death. Recently during Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds, XS charged a lightning rod with the assistance of different versions of Garth and Ayla Ranzz in order to restore Bart to life. Bart returned as a teenager again and he received his Kid Flash costume ring from Brainiac 5. Rebirth is the recent comic The Flash: Rebirth, which features the return of Barry Allen, the Silver Age Scarlet Speedster and Bart's grandfather. At Titans Tower West, a newly returned Bart Allen views his grandfather's return with skepticism, admitting a desire for things to "go back to the way it used to be" with Wally as the primary Flash and himself as Kid Flash, as well as feeling angry that Barry is the only one to escape the Speed Force and not Max Mercury. Bart, along with Superboy, is resurrected, but Death hunts them down to reclaim their lives. With Bart and Conner Kent's return, both of their statues were removed from the Titans Tower "Hall of Fallen Titans" memorial. However, Nekron, the personification of Death, sought reclaim their lives during the Blackest Night crossover. Bart, along with Wally, raced across the globe to warn every hero of the Black Lantern Corps' invasion. Bart later arrived at Coast City with Wally and scattered members of the Justice League and Teen Titans to take a stand against Nekron, who was responsible for the Black Lanterns. Despite being resurrected, Bart's previous status as a deceased still allowed one of the undead lord's black rings to transform him into a Black Lantern. After his grandfather is chosen as a Blue Lantern by Ganthet of the Guardians of the Universe and leader of the Blue Lantern Corps, Bart immediately engages battle with him. Barry's blue power ring detects that Bart is still alive but he would eventually die if not freed from the black ring soon. Barry nearly releases Bart from the black ring using blue energy constructs crafted in the images of Bart as Impulse and Kid Flash, before being interfered by Black Lantern versions of Professor Zoom and Solovar. Wally and Blue Lantern Bro'Dee Walker join Barry against them. Bart attempts to use his speed powers to kill Wally, only to be temporarily returned to normal. Realizing that their mutual connection to the Speed Force can save Bart, Barry uses his powers to break the ring's connection, freeing him. Sometime after Blackest Night, Bart and Conner were recruited by Cyborg to help rescue a current Titan by the name of Static, who had been kidnapped while visiting his hometown of Dakota. The three heroes arrive at the scene of a battle between the Teen Titans and a superhuman gangster named Holocaust, and intervene just as he is about to finish off the their comrades. Bart and Conner then comment that it's time for them to come out of "retirement" and rejoin the Teen Titans. Holocaust simply laughs and tells them to bring it, and Bart responds by saying "We were hoping you'd say that". After a lengthy battle, Bart deals the finishing blow to the villain by running around him fast enough to open a vacuum which sucks him into the Earth's inner core. At the behest of Tim Drake, Bart travels to Gotham City and saves Selina Kyle from members of the League of Assassins while she is sleeping in her apartment. After knocking out the would-be killers, Bart remarks to Tim over the radio that Selina is "super-fine", and that this may be the best day of his life. +This superhero's name is Flash Thompson. Their real name is Eugene Thompson. +This superhero's name is Flash. Their real name is Jay Garrick. As a boy, Jay Garrick used to read pulp magazine stories of the turn-of-the-century super-hero, Whip Whirlwind. Little did he know that he would be granted the same powers of super speed. Jay would go to Midwestern University in Keystone City where he would double-major in chemistry and physics. An experiment he was working on during his junior year was to purify hard water without any residual radiation in a cyclotron. When a test tube of the hard water was accidentally spilled, the fumes knocked him out. His friend Elliot Shapiro dragged him from the lab. After a week of unconsciousness, during which Jay's metabolism increased and his body rejected nutrients, he discovered that he had been given superhuman speed by the accident, and he used this speed as the superhero, Flash . Jay was an active member of the Justice Society of America. Like the rest of his comrades, certain spells kept him from aging much as the years went by. Jay also remained a prominent scientist. He worked at Chemical Research Incorporated before founding the Keystone-based Garrick Laboratories. Three of Jay's enemies, the Fiddler, the Thinker, and the Shade, built a resonator that vibrated Keystone City out of real space, putting its citizens in suspended animation, and causing the rest of the world to forget the city's existence. However, much later, Barry Allen discovered the lost city when he vibrated at a certain frequency. After waking up Jay, the two Flashes were able to beat the villains and save the city. After this event, Jay retired, leaving Barry to continue the mantle. However, Jay would fluctuate in and out of retirement, helping out Barry or Wally West if needed. He also continued to work as a scientist. When the very life on Earth was threatened by solar flare radiation, Jay was put in charge of the situation by the government. Jay eventually disappeared, along with the rest of the JSA, and Joan believed him to be dead. He returned, however, and soon was back in action with Wally. When Professor Zoom arrived at Jay's doorstep on Christmas Eve, genuinely believing to be Barry Allen and convincing everyone else, Jay and Joan let him stay with them. Soon, however, it became obvious of this Barry's malevolent intent. After it was falsely revealed that Wally had died in a Combine trap, Jay rounded up his old cronies Johnny Quick and Max Mercury, and together they went after "Barry". They were defeated quite handily. In a subsequent fight with "Barry", whose identity had been revealed by Wally as Professor Zoom, at the state penitentiary, Jay's leg was broken. During Zero Hour, all the members of the JSA were aged to their chronological ages by the villain Extant, including Jay. He stripped himself of his Flash symbol, giving up. Soon, however, he was back in action with Wally West. Wally brought in Jay to help teach Bart the ways of super-speed, an adventure that soon transformed into a fight against Kobra. Jay was unable to participate for long, however, because of sheer fatigue. A few years ago, the Justice Society of America reformed to help the JLA against an imminent threat rising from the 5th Dimension. While fighting the mad imp, Lkz, Jay and his JSA teammates helped to free the Spectre. This, in addition to the untimely death of longtime ally, Wesley Dodds (the Sandman), prompted the remaining JSA members to fully come out of retirement. Flash worked alongside contemporaries Alan Scott and Ted Grant to train a new era of heroes upholding the legacies of veterans such as Mister Terrific, the Star-Spangled Kid and Hawkgirl. One of the adventures of the revitalized JSA included a battle with an old foe named Johnny Sorrow. During this incident, Jay had his first true brush with the Speed Force. He used his super-speed to trap Johnny Sorrow inside the Speed Force, but the battle propelled Jay 3,000 years into Earth's past. He arrived in ancient Egypt, where he met Teth-Adam, the sorcerer Nabu and Prince Khufu Kha-Taar (all three of whom were analogs to Jay's future-teammates, Black Adam, Doctor Fate and Hawkman). With the aid of a device known as the Claw of Horus, Jay was able to return to his normal time period. A short time later, Jay and his wife, Joan, took young Jakeem Thunder under their wing. Longing for the child they never had, the Garricks invited Jakeem to stay in their home in Keystone City. One of Jay's most harrowing battles in recent history involved an old war-time foe, the Dragon King. The Dragon King gained possession of the legendary Spear of Destiny, and used it to take control of Jay's mind. He forced Jay to engage in a brutal fight with his close ally, Wildcat – a fight that cost Wildcat nearly all of his nine lives. Recently, a major battle with the Gentleman Ghost, as well as the aftershocks of the Infinite Crisis event destabilized the ranks of the Justice Society. Jay Garrick has joined with charter members Alan Scott and Ted Grant in an effort to reform the Justice Society of America. He has also devoted a portion of his time towards aiding Bart Allen – the latest inheritor to the legacy of the Flash, with protecting his home town Keystone City. Recently, Jay has been helping Bart Allen against the crazed efforts of his former friend, Griffin Grey. Griffin stole a device from S.T.A.R. Labs designed to steal the Speed Force from Jay’s body. The intense radiation produced by the machine weakened Garrick to the point of death. However, Bart Allen found him moments later and channeled lightning from the Speed Force to restart Garrick’s heart. With the coming of Gog, Jay, along with the rest of the higher ups of the JSA are very apprehensive of the deities' motivations. When it appears that Gog's actions are becoming highly questionable, an argument ensues between the JSA members who thinks he is a good and benevolent being sent to help the Earth, and those who don't. The team becomes fractured as they decide to learn more about Gog. When the rebellious half of the JSA shows up to tell the other half what Gog is doing to the planet, a battle ensues. For the JSA's defying of Gog and his will, he undoes all the "miracles" he has done for them. Gog decides to punish the JSA starting with turning Jay into lightning, so that he could power an entire continent. While he was saved from the effects by Superman's intervention, the process had already started to take place, causing him to move at high speeds and turning his body into pure Speed Force. Dr. Mid-Nite suggests they slow him down before his body disperses. +This superhero's name is Forbush-Man. Their real name is Forbush. Irving Forbush was originally the office gofer at Marble Comics, and lived in a house with his shrewish maiden aunt, Auntie Mayhem who was indirectly responsible for her nephew becoming a superhero (in a fit of pique, she slams the fabled cooking pot over Irving's head, inadvertently providing him with the disguise he'd been looking for). Forbush Man went on to triumph over a number of super-powered adversaries. All of his victories were purely accidental; lacking superhuman powers, dumb luck necessarily played a major role in all of his adventures +This superhero's name is Forge. Their real name is . The man known as Forge is a Cheyenne Indian who was once the pupil of Naze, a shaman in his tribe. Forge developed considerable mystical powers as a result of the training Naze gave him. Forge is also a mutant with an unusual talent for inventing mechanical devices. Forge served in the Vietnam War and lost his right hand and right leg in a B-52 attack. He sank into a suicidal depression and tried unsuccessfully to kill himself. Forge designed an artificial hand and leg to replace those he had lost. For reasons connected with the war that have not yet been made clear, Forge decided to give up the use of his ability to wield magic. For the most part he has not used his mystical abilities in at least ten years. Forge concentrated instead on his career as an inventor, and, when Tony Stark ceased making advanced weaponry for the federal government, the Defense Department began commissioning new weaponry from Forge instead. +This superhero's name is Frank Zhang. Their real name is Frank Zhang. On June 5, 1994, Frank was born to Mars, the Roman god of war, and mortal military soldier Emily Zhang. From his mother, he is a descendant of Periclymenus, who was a grandson of Poseidon and a member of the Argonauts, hence making him a legacy of Poseidon. His whole family was blessed by the god with the power to shift into any kind of animal, mythical or living from human form. In the absence of his immortal father, Frank's grandmother helped to raise him after his mother died in a military accident in Afghanistan a while before her son turned 16 and went to Camp Jupiter. +This superhero's name is Franklin Richards. Their real name is Franklin Richards. Franklin Richards is the son of Reed and Susan Richards, who are better known as Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four, the first modern team of superhuman adventurers. Reed and Susan Richards developed their superhuman powers as a result of exposure to cosmic radiation during a flight in outer space. Their exposure to this radiation also had important consequences for their son, who was born years later. First, the radiation somehow affected Susan Richards' body in such a way as to give her serious difficulties in giving birth. For unknown reasons, soon before she was to give birth to Franklin, Susan Richards' blood cells were observed to be carrying a strange form of energy that threatened the lives of both herself and the baby. Presumably, this energy effect is linked with Susan Richards' superhuman powers over energy that enable her to become invisible and to create force fields. With Franklin's birth imminent, Reed Richards and his teammates, the Human Torch and the Thing, journeyed into the anti-matter dimension called the Negative Zone to find the only means known to Mister Fantastic of saving his wife and unborn son: the Cosmic Control Rod wielded by Annihilus, one of its most dangerous inhabitants. Mister Fantastic succeeded in obtaining the Rod and drained energy from it into a special container, which he and his two colleagues then brought to their own demension. Reed Richards succeeded in using the energy from the Rod in bringing the energy in his wife's blood under control, and she safely gave birth to a healthy son. The infant was named Franklin Benjamin Richards in honor of his late grandfather, Franklin Storm, and the Richards' best friend, Benjamin J. Grimm. In his early years the sorceress Agatha Harkness acted as Franklin's nanny and protector. The cosmic radiation that had given Reed and Susan Richards their superhuman powers also resulted in affecting the genetic structure of their son: Franklin was born a mutant. Unlike most superhuman mutants, whose unusual powers do not emerge until the mutant reaches puberty, Franklin began manifesting his superhuman powers at a very early age. In the normal course of events, Franklin's psionic powers would presumably increasingly emerge as he grew older until they reach their full, vast potential when he achieves maturity. However, this normal process was ruined by Annihilus, who, during a later conflict with the Fantastic Four, placed Franklin within a machine that triggered the release of his full psionic potential. Franklin was too young and inexperienced to control the vast energies building up within him, and Reed Richards feared that his son would be unable to prevent himself from releasing so much psionic energy to destroy all life on Earth. Unable to find another means to deal with the problem in the short space of time left before disaster would strike, Reed was forced to use a device that rendered Franklin comatose, and thus unable to project psionic energy. +This superhero's name is Franklin Storm. Their real name is Dr. Franklin Storm. One of the greatest surgeons in the United States, Dr. Franklin Storm was the father of two children, Susan and Jonathan ('Johnny'. While Dr. Storm was driving himself and his wife Mary to a dinner being held in his honor, one of the tires on his car suffered a blowout. As a result, the car swerved off the road and crashed, fatally injuring Mary Storm. Unscathed himself, Dr. Storm operated on Mary in a desperate attempt to save her life, but to no avail. Franklin Storm blamed himself for her death. He gave up his medical career and turned to excessive gambling, eventually having to borrow money from an underworld loan shark. When Storm proved unable to repay the loan in time, a criminal in the employ of the loan shark confronted Storm, and threatened to kill Storm and his children. Storm grappled with the criminal, and during the fight, the criminal shot himself. Storm was charged with manslaughter, and, still tormented by guilt over Mary's death, refused to say anything in his defense during his trial. Hence, Storm was sentenced to twenty years to life imprisonment. Wishing to spare his children further distress, Dr. Storm asked his daughter not to visit him in prison and to tell Jonathan he was dead. Susan and Jonathan Storm later gained superhuman powers and became known as the Invisible Girl (later Invisible Woman) and the Human Torch, respectively, both of whom were members of the team of adventurers called the Fantastic Four. Franklin Storm finally escaped prison shortly before the Fantastic Four once again encountered their enemy, the Mole Man. While the Fantastic Four escaped from the Mole Man's underground realm, Susan Storm was critically injured by a piece of shrapnel in an explosion. Franklin Storm emerged from hiding upon hearing of his daughter's injury and successfully operated upon her, saving her life. After completing the operation on Sue, Dr. Storm was taken back to prison. Shortly afterwards, Dr. Storm was confronted in his cell by the alien Super-Skrull, who used his shape-changing powers to assume Storm's physical appearance. Storm was then teleported to the Skrull throneworld, where he was held captive. As Dr. Storm, the Super-Skrull claimed that he had given himself superhuman powers. After breaking out of prison, the false Dr. Storm, calling himself 'the Invincible Man,' battled the Fantastic Four. The Skrull leaders hoped that thinking that the Super-Skrull was Dr. Storm would handicap the Fantastic Four in fighting him. But Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, realized who the Invincible Man really was and forced the Skrull leaders to exchange the real Dr. Storm for the Super-Skrull. However, the Skrull warlord Morrat had a concussive energy beam projector strapped to Dr. Storm's chest before returning him. The projector was set to fire as soon as Dr. Storm saw the Fantastic Four. Seeing the team members, Storm warned them away and then rolled over so that the projector would fire its deadly blast at the floor. As a result, Franklin Storm himself took the full force of the concussive blast and was mortally injured. He died in the presence of the son and daughter he so loved. Susan Storm later married Reed Richards, and they named their son Franklin in memory of Dr. Storm (see Franklin Richards). +This superhero's name is Frenzy. Their real name is Joanna Cargill. Joanna Cargill started off as a mercenary known as "Frenzy." During a mission, Frenzy came head-to-head with the mutant Gambit, and she developed a love-hate relationship with him. She soon joined forces with three other individuals and formed the Alliance of Evil under Apocalypse's leadership. She stayed with the group and served in several missions, putting her up against the mutant group X-Factor. Her first order from Apocalypse was to capture Rusty Collins and recruit him into their group. Her plan was foiled by X-Factor, and after a heated battle, she fled from feeling overwhelmed. Using a mutant with the ability to enhance others' powers, Frenzy's strength and durability made her a difficult foe for the superheroes, but she was eventually defeated after the death of her power-heightening accomplice. Later, Frenzy was given an invitation to join the S. S. Superia, a cruise ship owned by the villainess Superia. There, Frenzy served alongside the Femizons, a group of super-powered female criminals, and battled Captain America and Paladin. She also broke free from the Vault, a prison for supervillains, and created a ruckus with the Avengers. Frenzy eventually found acceptance under Magneto's teachings. She joined the ranks of the second incarnation of the Acolytes, and participated in several missions, relinquishing the codename Frenzy and preferring to be called by her last name, Cargill. Their first mission was to kidnap a child from a school called Our Mother of the Sacred Heart. Cargill killed Sharon Friedlander, and with her teammates, Unuscione and the Kleinstock Brothers, battled the gold X-Men team. Cargill immediately chased after Gambit, but was knocked out when Gambit hit her with a charged tire. She retreated, but during their next encounter with the X-Men, she battled Iceman. Although they have both changed from the X-Factor days, Cargill pummeled him until he gained enough power to defeat her with his new ice form. After Magneto was revealed to be alive, Cargill was among the Acolytes who quickly turned on Fabian Cortez and joined Magneto in his mutant sanctuary, Avalon. While on a mission to recruit mutants into their cause, Cargill, along with Milan and Unuscione, found the young, meek boy Neophyte, after his betrayal of the Acolytes, Cargill was quick to vote guilty at his trial. During the Fall of Avalon, Cargill allied herself with long-time enemy Cyclops in order for survival, and she and her fellow Acolytes were able to escape the destroyed space station in time. They crash landed in Australia but were given to the authorities. Cargill as an X-Man.The Acolytes escaped prison and found the remains of Avalon, worshipping it and the return of Magneto. Exodus eventually took over leadership of the Acolytes, and Cargill participated in the attack on Mount Wundagore, the High Evolutionary's base of operations. After the Acolytes disbanded, Cargill became ambassador for Genosha and served as Magneto's right hand woman. She ordered that every country pledge loyalty to Magneto in order to be given some autonomy. She was eventually captured by the government in attempt to find out more of Magneto's plans, but Cargill refused to speak. The meeting in Washington DC was cut short, as Jean Grey entered and freed Cargill, giving her the option of joining Jean's new interim X-Men the easy way or the hard way. Cargill would not turn against her savior, so Jean used her powers to mind-control her into helping them. As a member of the X-Men, Cargill's personality was altered into a campy, awkward woman, far different from her confident, headstrong nature. Cargill's knowledge of Genosha helped the X-Men find Magneto's base. The inexperienced X-Men attacked but were quickly defeated. Cargill was used against her will to battle Magneto, but she was ultimately constrained with a metal pillar. After Magneto's defeat, Cargill was freed from her mind-control, where she immediately left the X-Mansion. It is unknown of she returned to Genosha or where her life has led her. She is also one of the few mutants left after M-Day. +This superhero's name is Frigga. Their real name is Frigga. As Odin's wife, Frigga raised his son Thor, even though he was not her natural son. Frigga cast the spells to protect Balder from mortal harm. Frigga also supervised the efforts of the Asgardian goddess to locate and train members of the Young Gods, the apprentice to the Celestials. +This superhero's name is Gaara. Their real name is Gaara. Gaara is a shinobi of Sunagakure. He was made the jinchūriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku before he was born, causing the villagers of Suna to fear him as a monster. With nobody to connect to, Gaara grew up hating the world and looking out only for himself, giving his life meaning by killing anyone he came across. After being defeated by Naruto Uzumaki — a jinchūriki like himself who found strength in his friendships — Gaara starts emulating him. He becomes Suna's Fifth Kazekage so that he can protect the village and all those who live there, dispelling the fears he cast on the villagers. +This superhero's name is Gambit. Their real name is Remy Etienne LeBeau. Remy LeBeau is a mutant who was trained to be the leader of the Thieves Guild. Abandoned at birth due to his burning red eyes, the child who would one day become Remy LeBeau was kidnapped from his hospital ward by members of the New Orleans Thieves Guild who referred to the child as "le diable blanc" - the white devil. They believed he was the child that had been prophesied to unite the warring Guilds. Soon after, Remy was placed in the care of a gang of street thieves who raised the child and taught him the ways of thievery. Later, when he was around ten years old, Remy attempted to pick the pocket of Jean-Luc LeBeau, then-patriarch of the Thieves’ Guild. Jean-Luc took the boy in off the streets and adopted him into his own family. As part of a peace pact between the Thieves’ Guild and their rivals, the Assassin’s Guild, a marriage was arranged between Remy and Bella Donna Boudreaux, the granddaughter of the head of the Assassins Guild. However, Bella Donna's brother Julien objected to the marriage and challenged Gambit to a duel. Remy killed Julien in self-defense, but was excommunicated and banished from New Orleans in an attempt to maintain the non-aggression pact between the two guilds. Remy wandered the world as he plied his skills as a master thief, aided by his mutant power to charge objects with explosive energy. He employed playing cards he charged with kinetic energy as his trademark weapon. At one point Remy had approached the master geneticist Mr. Sinister for help in controlling his powers. Sinister removed some of Remy's brain tissue to reduce his power levels, thus affording him a greater degree of control. As a result, Remy was now in the geneticist's debt, and Sinister subsequently charged the thief with assembling the team of assassins called the Marauders. Remy did not realize that Sinister would employ the Marauders to massacre the underground mutant community known as the Morlocks. Seeing the horrific results of his actions, Remy attempted to stop the massacre but was almost killed by the Marauder named Sabretooth. However, he did manage to save one young Morlock girl who would one day grow up to become the X-Man named Marrow. X-Men Eventually, Remy encountered Storm, a member of the outlaw team of mutant adventurers known as the X-men. Storm had been transformed into an amnesiac child who had turned to theft as a means to survive. Remy helped her escape her enemy, the malevolent psionic entity known as the Shadow King, and they became partners. Later, when the X-Men's founder Professor Charles Xavier returned from a long period of travelling in outer space, Storm sponsored Remy's admission into the X-Men. Remy soon fell in love with his fellow X-Man, Rogue, blessed and cursed with the ability to absorb other mutants' thoughts and abilities through skin-on-skin contact. The feeling was mutual, but the two soulmates were condemned never to touch. In an alternate future over 70 years from now in which the X-Man Bishop was born, Remy had seemingly become an aged figure named the Witness, so-called because he had apparently witnessed the betrayal of the X-Men by one of their own members. He was also thought to be the last survivor of the X-Men. Upon joining the X-Men himself, Bishop suspected Remy to be the traitor until it was discovered that the merging of Xavier and Magneto's minds had spawned the corrupt psionic entity known as Onslaught, the true traitor. At one point, Rogue left the X-Men after she kissed Remy and absorbed a portion of his memories, learning of his role in the Morlock Massacre. Remy was subsequently captured and brought before a mock trial held by Magneto, the mutant master of magnetism, then disguised as Erik the Red. He was summarily cast out of the X-Men and was abandoned in the frozen wastes of Antarctica. Nearly starving to death, Remy made his way back into Magneto's citadel where he came upon the psionic essence of a dead mutant named Mary Purcell. The wraith-like Mary bonded with him, allowing him to survive until he reached the Savage Land, a hidden jungle nestled in the icy wasteland. There, Remy struck a deal with the enigmatic being known as the New Son. In exchange for passage back to America, Remy agreed to run errands for the New Son. Remy returned home and encountered the X-Men again when he attempted to steal the fabled Crimson Gem of Cyttorak for his new employer. He agreed to return to the team, mainly for his self-respect and for his love for Rogue. However, Mary began to threaten Remy and his friends if he didn't agree to stay with her forever. When the X-Men finally found out about Mary, the wraith fled with Remy to her old hometown, where she tried to force him to merge with her and become a new type of hybrid lifeform. While Remy wrestled with her, Rogue charged in with a containment unit, which ultimately dispersed Mary. During a trip back in time, Remy's powers were restored to their maximum potential by Sinister and he was able to utilize them to return to the present. Soon after his return, Remy served for a time as patriarch of the Thieves' Guild in his father's stead, as well as leading one of two teams of X-Men. Remy was also responsible for the unification of the Thieves' and Assassins' Guilds into the Unified Guild, of which he also served briefly as patriarch. Meanwhile, the New Son revealed his true nature after organizing an assassination game for a cadre of super-powered mercenaries with Remy as the target. When Remy took the fight back to the New Son, he was shocked to learn that the New Sun was actually an alternate reality version of himself. In his own reality, the New Son's kinetic charging powers had flared out of control, burning the world and killing everyone. As a result, the New Son hunted down and killed versions of himself in other realities to ensure that they would not repeat his mistakes. During their final battle, Remy burned out his enhanced powers to defeat the New Son, ending his threat and returning his powers to their normal level. Remy was later framed by mutant businessman Sebastian Shaw for the death of the Australian crimelord named Viceroy. With the assistance of Rogue, her team of X-Treme X-Men, and former Triad member Red Lotus, Remy was able to clear his name. Soon after, Remy became embroiled in the X-Treme X-Men's fight against an alien invasion of Earth. He was captured and used as a power source for the invaders to open a portal that would allow their full invasion fleet to pass through and complete the conquest of Earth. The process was halted by the enigmatic villain known as Vargas, who plunged his sword into Remy's chest. Remy survived, but found that he had lost his mutant abilities. As a result, he and the also-powerless Rogue sought to live a normal life together and retired from the X-Men. However try as they might, a normal life was not for them to lead as the pair soon became embroiled in the X-Treme X-Men's fight against the mutant predator Elias Bogan. After Bogan was defeated, the X-Man named Sage used her mutant ability to "jumpstart" Remy's mutant powers and he rejoined the team. Gambit's relationship with Rogue has had difficulty recently with Mystique posing as the student 'Foxx' and attempting to seduce him. When Apocalypse came to Earth after the events of M-Day, Gambit joined him, and became Death. The transformation changed both his mind and body, altering his original intent on ensuring the X-Men's protection from the High Lord. However, large portions of his former self seemed to be intact, as Death IV said that he was "both Death and Gambit". He also remembered Rogue and his love for her. Apocalypse noted that Gambit was trying to bring peace to his two halves. Gambit was knocked unconscious and taken away by Sunfire (who had become Famine IV, but overcome the change). Gambit awoke in a temple in Japan, where Sunfire encouraged him to abandon his master Apocalypse, the X-Men, and his past. To do this they launched an attack on the X-mansion to recover their other horseman Polaris. Remy showed his willingness to abandon his past as he tried to murder Rogue. However the attack failed and they retreated to the Buddhist Temple in Japan, where they were greeted by Mr. Sinister. Gambit, as part of Marauders, returned trying to destroy the X-Men, but back to his normal self physically. Gambit and Sunfire encountered Cable on the recently evacuated island of Providence. Gambit and Sunfire attacked Cable badly damaging him and forcing him to retreat to the island's computer system. Gambit and Sunfire apparently wanted information from the computer for unknown reasons. Cable consequently activated a self-destruct sequence. Gambit and Sunfire escaped. Gambit stayed on as a member of the Marauders, joining them in Alaska to fight the Purifiers over the mutant child. Gambit and Sunfire found no problem in murdering them but soon had to evacuate when Cable and Predator X showed up. Bishop later turned out to be the traitor that he always wanted to warn the X-Men about, as he knew that the baby was a threat. Gambit alongside the Marauders were able to save the baby from him after he ambushed Forge and Cable. Gambit, even in his current form, found it quite ironic that Bishop had indeed turned on the X-Men. After getting the baby, Mystique decided to use it to cure Rogue, but not before murdering Sinister. Gambit, now free from his power, didn't know what to do, but decided to stay and protect Rogue from the coming fray. After the fight with the Marauders over the child, Gambit went his own way to rediscover himself. Gambit took some time to himself after the events that had happened. He met Charles Xavier, who was trying to rebuild his mind when Shaw was attacking him and trying to kill him and other children who might have had contact with Sinister in the past. Gambit decided to stay on as Xavier's protector. After they had prevented Shaw from resurrecting Sinister (or so they thought), Gambit went his own way, still often helping Xavier on his self discovery. He later joined him in Australia to aid Rogue with the current events and Xavier was finally able to help her overcome her powers so that she could be willing to control it properly. After this, Rogue was not sure if to continue her relationship with Remy, but they shared a kiss. During the events of Utopia. Xavier, Rogue and Danger decided to return to the X-Men and help them out with the riots. Gambit decided to join them, but realized that the rest of the X-Men were finding it hard to accept him again after the events that have transpired. Their worst fears came true when Remy found out that he was having trouble staying in control and that his Horseman persona was slowly resurfacing. +This superhero's name is Gamora. Their real name is Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan. Gamora was the sole survivor of the alien humanoid race called the Zen Whoberis, a peace-loving people whose population were wiped out by a zealous religious order seeking to establish a galaxy-wide empire. Agents of the Church, called Grand Inquisitors, herded the entire population of the planet into a valley and exterminated them all for their resistance. The mad Titan Thanos rescued Gamora and brought her through time to a period at least two decades prior to her people's deaths, travelling from Earth-7528 to Earth-616. Aboard his space station Sanctuary, Thanos raised Gamora and used advanced technology to endow her with enhanced humanoid abilities. He also subtly altered her perceptions so that she would not recognize the evil of her deeds. Thanos decided to train her as a weapon to use against and kill the Magus. Thanos made sure Gamora was raised with discipline, though he did on occasion show her affection as a father would show his child: such as celebrating the religious holiday of Yule. Through rigorous training she would become a highly skilled master of various martial arts forms from throughout the universe. Even though Gamora was learning and becoming a master martial artist, she still had more to learn. While still a young girl, she went on a trip with Thanos. Though explicitly against Thanos orders and warning, out of curiosity she decided to venture planetside. In turn she fell into an ambush set up by a group of thugs. The attackers used their numbers advantage and were able to defeat her in spite of her great skill. She was severely injured in the fight and gang raped. Near death, her proverbial knight in shining armor arrived in the form of Thanos, who quickly dispatched the assailants. Thanos then recovered the apologetic and near dead Gamora. After returning to Sanctuary Thanos restored and augmented Gamora. This was achieved via bionic implants and replacement parts of Thanos' own design. These physical and power upgrades made her an equal to Adam Warlock's own physical abilities. She also received specialized training and abilities including resistance to reality distortion as well as an accelerated healing factor that rivals even Wolverine's. Thanos planned to send Gamora to assassinate his enemy, Magus, the leader of the Universal Church of Truth, a warped version of Adam Warlock from an alternate future. She practiced for this assignment by killing the Church's Grand Inquisitors. Thanos hoped that the presence of a non-contemporary element such as Gamora inserted into the Magus's present would disrupt his opponent's plans and eliminate the divergence of events that created the Magus from this timeline. Gamora's presence was detected by the Magus, who prevented her from getting close enough to assassinate him. Gamora did, however, assist Adam Warlock in his final battle against Magus. When Magus was defeated, Gamora returned to her master, Thanos. After a couple of weeks at Sanctuary, Thanos' base of operations at the time, Gamora expressed her boredom to Thanos. Thanos then told her to find Warlock, and become his unofficial bodyguard. While locating Warlock, she was attacked by Drax the Destroyer, a being whose soul purpose in life is to kill Thanos. She escaped Drax, and returned to Thanos, only to find out Thanos' plan to destroy the universe as a sacrifice to Death. Horrified, she tried to slay Thanos with a dagger, but Thanos slew her instead. Adam Warlock found Gamora with one last spark of life remaining in her body and used his Soul Gem to absorb her consciousness. Gamora's spirit remained in the Soul Gem until the Infinity Gauntlet crisis, when in a plan to stop the Mad Titan from destroying the universe, Warlock projected his, Gamora's and Pip's souls into three deceased bodies. His powers reshaped their shattered bodies into new, more powerful versions of their old bodies. She joined Warlock in his plan to stop Thanos, but she herself was not present for most of the fighting. In the end, when Warlock had seized possession of the Infinity Gauntlet for himself, Gamora remained at his side for whatever would come next, although she was a bit against the idea of leaving Thanos free. A couple of months later, Warlock was convinced by the Living Tribunal that he was unworthy of wielding the power of all Infinity Gems, so he decided to divide the gems among those he trust. Gamora was entrusted with the supposed defunct Time Gem, and was made a member of the Infinity Watch. The team, led by Adam Warlock and consisting of Drax, Pip and Moondragon, settled in Monster Island, the sovereign nation ruled by the Mole Man. Not long after that, the Watch was forced to team up with Thanos after the reappearance of an old foe of their's, the Magus. However, this Magus was the result of Warlock expelling both the bad and the good from his body in order to truly become a logical being. She and Thanos appeared to have reconciled their relationship and even went a round of friendly sparring while on their mission to defeat the Magus. The Watch, Thanos, and Earth's heroes managed to defeat the Magus, and he was banished to Soul World. At times, Gamora would inadvertently tap into the power of the Time Gem, and get a good glimpse of the future. One of her visions was of a man standing over, what appeared to be, a deceased Adam Warlock. This frightened her, even more so when Warlock was put into a coma after the battle with the Magus. While the Watch, struggled to come together as a team, Gamora stayed by Warlock's bedside and protected the island from foreign invaders. However, one day, a man by the name of Maxam washed up on their shore, and she immediately recognized him as the man from her vision. This suspicious man had no idea who he was nor where he was, but even so, Gamora voted for the Watch to not help him, but Warlock (who had recently woke up from his coma) said they'd help him for the time being. Yet another universal threat emerged when Adam Warlock's good side sought to eradicate the universe of all sin by simply eradicating the universe itself. However, Gamora (and many of Earth's heroes, including fellow Infinity Watch member Moondragon) was manipulated into joining the Goddess' crusade. A war broke out between those manipulated and those non-manipulated with both side suffering heavy casualties. Those manipulated were broke out of trance when Warlock and Thanos defeated the Goddess and banished her to soul world. The team returned back to Monster Island where they could focus on helping Maxam, to Gamora's displeasure. It was a much needed break, but then Warlock called the Watch to help the Silver Surfer defeat the mentall unstable Thor. The Watch went against Adam's instructions and attacked Thor without him present, which resulted in Thor taking the Power Gem from Drax. After this catastrophic mistake, Warlock and Silver Surfer were forced to enlist the help of Doctor Strange to take them and the rest of the Watch to Asgard. They were not met gladly there, for they had to fight their way through Trolls and Asgardians warriors (and even had to get help from Thanos)) to get Odin to finally help Thor. In the end, Thor was cured and Asgard was indebted to the Watch. Her true feelings for Adam Warlock began to show further when Maya came to the island and she and Adam fell in love because of Count Abyss' love potion. She believed the best answer was to simply kill Maya. Eventually she accepted it for what it was and went to help rescue her from Abyss in his dimension. The Watch were successful in rescuing Maya, but she ended up marrying someone else. Things would quickly get out of hand for Gamora again. This time due to Maxam making what he thought was a harmless tease about Gamora's feelings towards Adam and referring to it as puppy love. Due to her still being unable to express herself to Adam and her unease and concerns about Maxam, due to the visions from her gem, Gamora attacked Maxam. The two had fought before but this time Gamora was aware of her opponent. The fight favored Gamora to triumph until it was broken up when Moondragon, whom was currently in a coma, used Drax and his power gem to communicate. Adam was displeased with Gamora's actions and told her so. This in turn angered and caused Gamora to verbally lash out. For was not her mistrust of Maxam directly concerning Adams own well being. Unable to except Adam siding with Maxam over her she quit the team and threw her gem at Adam when he asked for it back. Which Warlock in turn gave to Maxam. She then had Pip teleport her away from Monster Island and Earth. She was tracked down by Thanos, who sought out the Time Gem in order to erase his troubled history. However, just as Gamora was going to make a decision to help him or not, all the Infinity Gems of the Watch, and Thanos' Reality gem, disappeared. Gamora later separated herself from Thanos, and went back to being an assassin/lone wolf for a couple of years. She was walking around the space port Baligiest, when she heard that Thanos was there and working with the Nihilist Sect, a religious group he founded, again. She saw him, but he looked different. She described his new look as "a bad parody of Iron Man", but before she could question it, Thanos spotted her and attacked her. She barely escaped the space port, and flew to Thanos' old hideout back when he was retired to find some answers. The hideout was trashed and a Skrull research vessel was right outside. There, she found the real Thanos, who was injured, and he showed her the answers to her questions. Thanos created clones of himself many years ago, but never activated them. They remained dormant until a secret enemy of his activated five of them recently, and those five clones all had fixation on destroying the universe and the programming "Adam Warlock is the key to oblivion". Just then, the Thanos clone she recently encountered tracked her to her location, so she and Thanos had to destroy it. After they did that, Thanos began to spy on the other "Thanosi", he did and their plan was revealed. Gamora was sent to aid Spider-Man and Captain Marvel in protecting the Atleza, a human girl who was destined to become an the anchor of their reality. They, with the aid of Moondragon, protected the little girl until Adam Warlock, Pip the Troll and Thanos arrived. They arrived to defeat the Omega Thanosi, who was combination of Thanos and Galactus. After they won the battle, Gamora and Adam Warlock entered a loving relationship and decided to depart into another dimension to protect and raise Atleza. Gamora and Adam would return sometimes, if their aid in others' adventures was called upon. Gamora trained the She-Hulk for her battle against the Champion of the Universe. She-Hulk lost to the Champion in the fight with him, but was awarded a rematch when she pointed out that Champion, who has regained the Power Gem, was possibly using it as an illegal weapon to boost his strength. While waiting for the rematch, Gamora convinced She-Hulk to train for the fight in her human form rather than as She-Hulk. She had She-Hulk train like this because her human strength was exponentially multiplied when she transformed into the She-Hulk, so she reasoned if she could become stronger in her human form this would make the She-Hulk have greater strength still. Gamora's insight paid off, as now stronger Jennifer Walters made She-Hulk stronger than ever before, allowing her to defeat the Champion with relative ease. Leading up to the Annihilation War Gamora was seen leading a group known as the Graces. They ran into conflict with Ronan the Accuser, whom Gamora faced in single combat, even brandishing Godslayer. Much later Gamora joined the United Front of Nova, using her skills to launch quick counter-attacks against the Annihilation Wave. During the Phalanx's invasion of the Kree home-world of Hala following the Annihilation War, Gamora was assimilated as a "select" of the hive mind. They dispatched her to apprehend Nova after he fled the planet. The Phalanx then attacked, slaughtering everyone. Ko-rel attempted to draw them away, leaving only Select Gamora to infect Rider with the transmode virus, accelerating his recovery. On planetoid Nil-Rat, Rider and Gamora subdued Drax the Destroyer and brought him in for selection. Once they deposited him, Rider confided in Gamora that he feared that he'd lose himself in the Phalanx collective. Gamora told him that the Phalanx had evolved and valued individuality. Ko-rel refused to be a murderer for her son's sake. However, she was stabbed in the back by Gamora. The Selects Gamora and Drax were sent after Nova with the task to kill him. At the Knowhere station Gamora and Drax found Nova. Rider and Gamora lay unconscious beside each other. Then, an ominous noise woke them. When they come to, they realized whom they were face-to-face with and reacted; Gamora moved quickly to kill him; Rider tried to ask her what the last thing was she remembered besides trying to kill him, while putting a phased pulse ready to clear off her head from her neck. She relented and expressed that all she could recall was that she and Drax caught up to him. Rider asked Worldmind as to where they were; the Xandarian gestalt was unable to present any answer, mostly to due their diminished power levels. All around them was what looked like a graveyard of ships. Also, their passport bracelets were inactive and Gamora's precognitive sense was dulled. Worldmind then detected another life form ahead, which he identified as a pachyceph voidnaut, stranded and lost from his herd. Rider attempted to assist him, but bright creatures appeared out of nowhere and started mauling on the voidnaut. Rider grabbed Gamora and fled from the creatures. Once they were far away, Rider took a moment to rest, for everytime he lost concentration, the virus took a firmer hold. Gamora encouraged him to surrender to the transmode virus so they could be together again. He slapped her away, stating that he would fight it with every ounce of his being. When the creatures attacked again, Worldmind reminded Rider that he couldn't fight them at a fraction of his own power and advised him to withdraw and abandon Gamora. However, Rider refused to do the latter and carried her away from the creatures. They then headed through a portal that landed them somewhere else. Rider started coughing up the virus; Gamora urged him to give in to it or else it would kill him, which he refused. Frustrated at his stubbornness, she made one last plea for him to be with her again. Worldmind then formulated a hypothesis; they were trapped inside a Vore, a creature that prowled in the spaces between dimensions. They were currently in the birthing canal, where its young were about to be born. Rider formed a shield around himself and Gamora, as they were thrown out of the Vore. Once outside, Gamora attempted to stab him in the back, only for him to strike first, crushing her leg; he didn't trust her for a second. He then dumped her on top of Drax, who was furiously firing at the Vore, before resuming transit to Kvch, hoping to find a cure to the virus before it regained control or killed him in the next two hours. Drax and Gamora followed Nova's trail. However, the transmode virus within them reacted to the planet, merging them with the very metal of the planet to form a Babel Spire, summoning a Technarchy Siredam. A massive siredam was drawn to the signal made from the Babel Spire Drax and Gamora were trapped in, intending to find Tyro and kill him. After the siredam had ripped him apart before engulfing him, its techno-organic code was being rewritten from the inside and Tyro took control of the siredam, bringing Warlock back o life and curing Drax and Gamora of the virus. Drax was grateful for being free but Gamora was scared, feeling that she was worthless without the transmode virus. Nova comforted her, assuring her that he had found a cure to save the Kree. Having no purpose and wanting to do things for the greater good, Gamora joined the team of heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy. At first she was not trusted because of her past, but after risking her life to save the others, she was seen in a different light. While trying to close a fissure located inside a Dyson Sphere, the team decided to stop threats to them by turning off the shield that protected them from the star's immense heat. They planned to teleport out, but were unable to do so. Gamora braved the intense heat in order to turn the shields back on, charring her entire body from head to toe. It took some time for Gamora to heal from this. After the Skrulls were found on Knowhere, the team's base, accusations ran high, especially towards Gamora. After they found the Skrulls, it was revealed to all that Starlord had Mantis mildly brainwash them into joining the team. Disgusted, Gamora quit the team and headed off with Adam Warlock. After a short run in with the Universal Church of Truth, Gamora and Adam returned to the Guardians in order to help them continue to save the universe. When the Inhuman King Black Bolt unleashed the Terrigen Bomb, which created a massive rip in space-time known as the Fault, Warlock was able to stop the tear from expanding, but in doing so he had to overlap the Timestream, causing himself to turn into the Magus. Gamora, along with many other Guardians, was killed by the Magus before finally being stopped by Starlord and a Cosmic Cube. But this was a trick and the Magus only faked her death, taking Gamora's soul and remaking her with the Church of Truth's belief energy. As a captive of the Magus, she was subject to the torture of their interrogators in an effort to convert her to the Church's beliefs. For a time, it was believed this had worked but when the other team members broke free of their captors, she fought alongside them. When Thanos returned, the Guardians of the Galaxy came to Earth to assist the Avengers against him. Gamora along with the other Guardians teamed up with Tony Stark to stop a Badoon invasion of Earth (specifically London) only to be captured by the Spartax forces sent by J'son due to a newly created off-limit rule for Earth. While being held captive aboard a Spartax ship, Groot managed to rescue the Guardians along with Tony Stark from captivity and the group was able to take over the entire Spartax ship. While the Guardians celebrated their freedom within a bar, Tony Stark hooked up with Gamora. After the two had sex Gamora decided to return to the bar. On her way the warrior was attacked and injured by bounty hunter Maxilin The Accuser, just as she was about to be executed the bounty hunter was shot by Rocket Raccoon. After her brush from death the Guardians hid from Spartoi forces within the Seedy Side of the Andromeda Galaxy. Aboard the Guardian's ship Gamora walked into an awkward encounter with Tony in which she simply ignored him. The group detected an object moving towards Earth and proceeded to intercept it. The object turned out to be the newly arrived Angela who was transported from Heven due to the time-space continuum fracture. Gamora proceeded to battle the deadly angel on the dark side of the Moon. After barely defeating the overpowering angel and encountering the The Watcher, the Guardians captured Angela. Angela recollected her story of struggle into the 616 universe and was set free under Star-Lord's command. Gamora along with the Guardian helped rescue Abigail Brand during Thanos' invasion of Earth. Gamora later fought alongside Angela against the Badoon slave traders and the two became close friends. When Agent Venom joined the team, Gamora was sceptical of his ability to control the symbiote, and after he lost control of it and nearly killed her was supportive of throwing him and the creature out the airlock. After retrieving the Black Vortex from his father, Mister Knife, Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde gathered both the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men at Spartax to decide what to do with such powerful item. The heroes were tracked down by Mister Knife's cosmically-empowered Slaughter Lords and overpowered. During the battle, Gamora submitted to the power of the Black Vortex and had her cosmic potential unleashed, turning the tide of the battle, and allowing the Guardians and the X-Men escape from the Slaughter Lords to Spartax's moon and decide whether to submit to the Black Vortex or not. After Beast of the X-Men submitted to the Black Vortex, attaining cosmic powers, and X-23 attempted to destroy it, Gamora used the Black Vortex to show both teams, along with Sam Alexander, what they stood to gain by submitting to its power. Beast and Angel submitted to the Black Vortex, and accompained Gamora in a journey to attempt to epower the entire universe. However, at the first planet they stopped they were assaulted by the Accuser Corps, who took the Vortex from them. In retaliation, they attacked Hala. A cosmically-empowered Ronan managed to force them to flee to a distant planet. Magik and Rocket Raccoon later tracked them down and talked sense into them, so they could help them fight J'son and his Slaughter Lords. After J'son recovered the Vortex and used its power on Thanos to encase the entirety of Spartax in an amber construct, the heroes got the Vortex back and used it on X-Man Kitty Pryde so she could use her now-enhanced phasing powers to phase Spartax through the amber construct and save the planet. Before getting rid of the Vortex, some of the cosmically empowered heroes decided to remove their cosmic powers, Gamora wasn't one of them. +This superhero's name is Gandalf The White. Their real name is Mithrandir. Gandalf is a very old, very wise and very powerful wizard and one of the Ainur who entered the world of Arda at the dawn of creation. He is a main character as well as one of the main heroes in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptation of the books respectively. Being thousands of years old, he is known far and wide by all: men, elves, dwarves, hobbits, and evil such as Sauron and orcs. Has many friends and known as Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Mithrandir, the White Rider, the Grey Pilgrim, etc. He is the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor, which is said where he is to be from. During the third age, he guides Frodo in destroying the One Ring, and participating several battles during the War of the Ring. As a member of the High Order of wizards, he travels all around Middle-Earth visiting friends and embarking on journeys. In the Hobbit and the first film, the Fellowship of the Ring, he was Gandalf the Grey, cloaked in all gray and wields a wooden staff. He offers to guide Frodo to Mordor to destroy the Ring and several comrades of all races join them. While traveling through the mines of Moria, he duels with a monstrous demon of fire: the Balrog. He sacrifices himself and falls to his supposed death. He returns in the last two films reincarnated: Gandalf the White, having survived the fall. This time, his hair, beard, cloak and staff are all white, which some mistake him for Saruman +This superhero's name is Gandalf. Their real name is Olórin. Gandalf was one of the five Istari sent to Middle-earth by the Valar in the Third Age. In Valinor he was known as Olórin. Gandalf was instrumental in bringing about the demise of Sauron in T.A. 3019, chiefly by encouraging others and dispensing his wisdom at pivotal times. Gandalf was originally robed in grey, and second to Saruman in the Order of wizards. After his fall in Moria, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth as head of the Order, robed in white. Gandalf was noteworthy for his keen interest in Hobbits. +This superhero's name is Garbage Man. Their real name is Richard Ethan Morse. Richard Ethan Morse was an attorney for a powerful law firm before his transformation into his current hero/monster state. +This superhero's name is Garmadon (The Lego Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Garmadon. At some point, Garmadon met Koko in a battle, and they fell in love. They eventually got married and had a child named Lloyd. However, Koko soon realized that Lloyd would grow up to be evil if he stayed with Garmadon, so she left Garmadon along with her son. Not changing to become a good father became one of Lord Garmadon's greatest regrets. At some point after this, Garmadon gained the Shark Army and would attack Ninjago almost daily, until a Secret Ninja Force formed to repel his attacks. Eventually, his attacks were added to the daily weather forecast. On Lloyd's birthday, he attacked again in a Shark Walker, sending his Shark Army to try and take over Ninjago City. The Secret Ninja force responded and took to their mechs, fighting back against the Shark Army forces. Lloyd went after Garmadon, who kept running in his Mech all over the city, mocking the Green Ninja, telling him to shoot him if he saw him. Lloyd then saw the shark head poking out and fired, and Garmadon yelled that Lloyd hit his kidney. Lloyd then tracked Garmadon down and used his Green Ninja Mech Dragon to send rapid fire missiles at Garamdon, after the Dark Lord said that he left because his son cried all the time, had no hair or any teeth. Garmadon was then surrounded by the Ninjas' mechs, and he threw a bomb at Lloyd, which he could not catch. As Lloyd yelled at him to get out of his life, Garmadon told Lloyd he had a lot of problems and that he hoped that he would have them sorted out by the time he was back to attack again. Garmadon then returned to his Volcanic Lair and met with his generals, telling them they had finally taken Ninjago. When General Number 1 tried to correct him, Garmadon yelled that he was being sarcastic, and asked #1 if he wanted to be a follower or a leader. When he said leader, Garmadon fired him out the volcano. Other generals dropped ideas, only to be fired as well. But then, some IT Guys gave him the blueprints for a new mech, Garma Mecha Man. They then got to work building it. The next day, he attacked again, with a bigger army and the new Garma Mecha Man. Once again, The Ninja went to stop him, but it went differently. Garmadon grabbed the Mech Dragon and flung it into the docks, firing off tons of Sharks. He then climbed up the tower to the mayor, and planting a flag, finally taking Ninjago City after so many tries. Lloyd followed him up on his dragon, and aimed the Ultimate Weapon at the Garma Mecha Man, demanding Lord Garmadon leave Ninjago forever. Garmadon began dropping his weapons, and then started walking towards Lloyd, pressuring the Green Ninja into firing the weapon: a light that attracted Meowthra. Garmadon took the chance to grab the weapon and aim it at the other Ninjas' mechs, having the cat destroy them. He then used his Mech to kick the Green Ninja Mech Dragon off the tower, and some Shark Army members grabbed Lloyd. Lloyd then revealed he was Garmadon's lost son before telling Garmadon that he wished that Garmadon wasn't his father before escaping. Garmadon then moved from his volcano to the tower, and the Shark Army partied there in celebration of their victory yet Garmadon was upset over Lloyd wishing he wasn't Loyd's father. He then called out to his then General Number 1 and asked her if she had captured the Ninja, Master Wu or Koko like he asked her to, which she didn't as she was busy celebrating with the other Generals, which gets her fired from the volcano. +This superhero's name is Gary Bell. Their real name is Gary Bell. Gary Bell is in his twenties, sensitive to many factors of his environment, and dependent upon rigorous routine. Despite any perceived limitations, Gary is also a "transducer" -- a human antennae. His neural synapses have the ability to "read" a wide range of frequencies including television, radio, and cell phone signals in the same way people typically hear the everyday sounds around them. Gary's alpha skill is incredibly effective and allows him to intercept communications and encrypted messages. However, it can also be overwhelming for him when he is unable to turn these signals off. +This superhero's name is Gemini V. Their real name is Madison Jeffries. Much of Madison's past is unknown. He and his brother served in the US army during Vietnam. Madison worked as a mechanic, Lionel as a medic. While Madison had been uncomfortable with his powers, Lionel seemed to relish using his. Their unit was heavily damaged after a mission and Lionel seemed to go insane. He used his powers on the dead and wounded with horrific results. Madison had to use his powers to restrain his brother and had him committed.Madison was apparently recruited by Guardian and was part of the Gamma Flight training group. He became romantically involved with Diamond Lil, also part of Gamma Flight. Madison's first major action was to dismantle Courtney Delphine when Omega Flight attacked Alpha Flight. Madison worked on a new version of the Box robot with Roger Bochs. He was able to find or make a special type of living metal that allowed the operator to merge into the armor rather than control it via remote. Bochs and Jeffries then both officially joined Alpha Flight. When Bochs started to go insane, Madison took possession of the Box robot. With his powers he could form weapons and devices to augment it as needed.While James Hudson was presumed dead, Madison and Heather became close, and even became engaged. However, he continued to secretly see Lillian and eventually realized that he loved her and not Heather. He also helped James Hudson when he was captured by Roxxon.Heather began looking into Madison's past and discovered his brother Lionel in a mental ward. Madison knew his brother was a danger and tried to stop her. Calling himself Scramble, Lionel escaped and set up a 'clinic' where he would work on others, claiming he could fix any ailment. Bochs was one of the ones who showed up, wanting legs. The two then merged into Omega, wanting to use their combined powers. Although Persuasion was able to briefly separate the two, Scramble lobotomized Bochs and reformed Omega. Madison felt that his brother could never be rehabilitated, so he formed a large cannon and destroyed Omega.He and Diamond Lil retired and married. Lillian attempted to keep him from using the Boxbot. Madison finally admitted he was becoming addicted to using it, as well as being an adventurer.He still rejoined Alpha Flight after it was reinstated by Department H, although his wife asked him not to. However, she was able to convince him not to use Box unless it was absolutely necessary. On a mission with the team, Jeffries was knocked out battling the Zodiac. They brainwashed him into being Gemini and had him create a robot duplicate to control. Despite Puck finding and unmasking him, he seemed to still think Alpha Flight were his enemies.Jeffries was then taken by Weapon X. He was manipulated to think that Director Colcord is his ally and not to question what the intended use of his projects are for. He is working on a new generation of Sentinels as well as using Box robots to keep the Neverland prisoners in line. He may not even realize that his wife Diamond Lil is one of the detainees in the camp. With Neverland now being abandoned, Madison and his prototypes accompany Colcord. +This superhero's name is General Cryptor. Their real name is Cryptor. Firstly, General Cryptor was sent by the Overlord to attack Garmadon's Monastery where the Ninja are taking refuge. He later failed and was sent to guard the Power Station. General Cryptor then leads the attack on the Power Station, and makes fun of Min-Droid's small stature, and gives him the nickname. Eventually, he encounters Zane and tells him to get a move on with the future. When the Power Station is destroyed, he is powered down with the rest of the Nindroids and taken to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk to be scrapped. +This superhero's name is General Kozu. Their real name is Kozu. General Kozu was the leader of the Overlord's Stone Army, having acted as the supreme military commander when his master was occupied elsewhere. Kozu fought in the Stone Wars against the First Spinjitzu Master—a battle that ended with The Overlord incapacitated, while the Stone Army was sealed underground. Countless years later, the Serpentine accidentally freed the Stone Army from their tomb shortly after they were awoken by the Great Devourer's venom. Kozu reunited with The Overlord and served under Lord Garmadon, who wore the Helmet of Shadows. Kozu fought the Ninja on the Dark Island and later in Ninjago City. There, Dareth seized the helmet and control gained control of the Stone Army, forcing Kozu to turn against The Overlord. Kozu was destroyed in the blast following the Overlord's defeat.[1] A statue of Kozu was later placed in the Ninjago Museum of History. When Cole accidentally opened the Departed Realm using the Yin Blade, Kozu's spirit escaped and possessed the statue. Seeking vengeance, he attacked Dareth with help from several Stone Warriors. Dareth reclaimed the helmet and controlled the Stone Army once more, commanding them to beat up and destroy Kozu. As a result, his spirit was sent back to the Departed Realm. +This superhero's name is General Vex. Their real name is Vex. Vex was born in the village of the Formlings, a race of beings with the ability to turn into various animals. However, he was unable to find his animal form. Driven mad by his insecurity, he delusionally believed everyone insulted him behind his back and exiled himself of his own will. For a long time, he journeyed the land, while he gained an infamous reputation as a liar, and was declared, "Vex the Formless." +This superhero's name is General Zod. Their real name is Dru-Zod. In Krypton's final days, General Zod served as the appointed leader of military defense for the Kryptonian Science Council. Upon learning of the scientific experiments being conducted by Jor-El and his mentor Non, Zod (accompanied by his lieutenant, Ursa) led a raid on Jor-El's laboratory and placed both men under arrest for charges of heresy. The Kryptonian Science Council believed that Jor-El's theories regarding the planet's imminent destruction was causing uncivil panic. Soon after the arrest, Zod learned that Jor-El was actually correct and that the Science Council had lied to him. Ursa and he defected from the council and joined with Non in his quest to warn Krypton's civilian populace of their penultimate fate. Zod and Non grew close, but soon after, the Kryptonian council members apprehended Non and performed a lobotomy on him, turning him into little more than a mindless savage. Zod was incensed. He abandoned all loyalty to the council and swore revenge against them for what they did to Non. Zod tried to enlist the aid of Jor-El in a bid to wrest control from the Science Council, but Jor-El refused, citing that violence was hardly the solution. Zod felt that violence was the only answer at this juncture. Zod, Non and Ursa invaded the Science Council chambers and murdered five council members before they were stopped. Jor-El used the last bit of influence he had with the council to convince them not to execute the three terrorists for treason. The remaining council members placed Jor-El in charge of sentencing the three Kryptonians, and he opted for what he believed to be the most humane solution - exile. Zod felt that Jor-El was a coward for not joining him, and he vowed to avenge himself against the House of El, including Jor-El's heir, Kal-El. Using a special projector, Jor-El transported Zod, Ursa and Non into an interdimensional null reality known as the Phantom Zone. During the years they spent trapped in the Phantom Zone, Krypton exploded, leaving only one presumed survivor - Kal-El. Zod and Ursa discovered a fragment of an old Kryptonian prison known as Fort Rozz floating inside the Phantom Zone. The prison was transported into the zone due to a projector accident, and for reasons unknown, was able to maintain a corporeal shape. Inside the prison, time passed normally and residents were able to revert back into solid matter so long as they stayed inside the building. Because of this, Zod and Ursa were able to mate and produce a son, Lor-Zod. They raised him inside of Fort Rozz where the child was able to age normally. Zod however, was extremely abusive to the boy and saw him as little more than a tool by which to engineer their final escape from the Phantom Zone. Years passed, and Zod was able to build small space vessels that could maintain physical form and escape from the Phantom Zone. Lor-Zod was the key to their success, and functioned as a physical tether between the material world and their otherwise ghostly wraith-forms. Zod knew that the surviving son of his jailer, Jor-El, was living on Earth and Zod wanted to finish off the family line. Further, he decided that Earth was an ideal world ripe for conquering and the establishment of a "new" Krypton. When the time was right, Lor-Zod was launched from the Phantom Zone and sent towards Earth. Upon landing, his ship activated a beacon, which allowed the other displaced Kryptonians the power to free themselves and follow him to Earth. After reuniting with his son, General Zod led a massive attack against the city of Metropolis and managed to exile Jor-El's son Superman into the Phantom Zone. From there, his followers and he enslaved the city, and began terraforming it with Sunstone structures, similar in design to the buildings of long-dead Krypton. Lor-Zod, having spent some time on Earth with Kal-El, inherited some of Superman's moral fiber and ultimately betrayed his father, attacking him with blasts of heat vision. +This superhero's name is Geo-Force. Their real name is Brion Markov. Brion Markov is Geo-Force, a powerful super-hero and member of the royal family in Markovia. His powers allow him to control gravity and the Earth's terrain. This has led him to become a long-standing member of the Outsiders, and he later joined the Justice League. His half-sister is Terra of the Teen Titans. +This superhero's name is Ghost (MCU). Their real name is Ava Starr. Ava Starr is the daughter of Elihas and Catherine Starr, who gained the ability to render herself intangible and generate extreme amounts of power following a quantum accident, which killed her parents. At a young age, S.H.I.E.L.D. began taking advantage of her powers, enlisting her as a stealth operative under the moniker of Ghost prior to the HYDRA Uprising. Under Bill Foster's care, Ava realizes that she is slowly dying due to a lack of quantum energy, which she involuntarily harnesses. Within weeks of succumbing to her disease without a cure, Ava learns that an updated version of the Quantum Tunnel, a gateway to the Quantum Realm engineered by Hank Pym has been completed, and embedded into a portable lab. Her plans to harness quantum energy from the Quantum Realm conflict with Pym's plans to rescue Janet van Dyne, whose survival in the Quantum Realm relies directly on the quantum energy Ava is seeking to extract. Ava begins making attempts to steal the lab by force, putting her in conflict again, this time with Ant-Man and the Wasp. At the verge of dying, Janet transfers some of her energy to Ava, temporarily stabilizing her abilities. With this, she slowly makes a recovery and goes into hiding with Foster. +This superhero's name is Ghost Rider 2099. Their real name is Kenshiro Cochrane. 'Zero' Cochrane was a hacker and avid motorcycle rider. He was fatally wounded by corporate hitmen. Dying, Zero connected to the 'Net in an attempt to deliver one last message. His consciousness went into the network and eventually settled in a skeletal robot. He awoke seeking revenge. +This superhero's name is Ghost Rider II (MCU). Their real name is Robbie Reyes. Roberto "Robbie" Reyes is a young car mechanic from Los Angeles who, having been murdered by the Fifth Street Locos, was resurrected by Johnny Blaze and gained the power to transform into a demonic being known as the Ghost Rider. Seeking revenge for his brother's disability, Reyes used the Ghost Rider to hunt down and kill various criminals until he was tracked down by Quake, who sought to end Reyes' massacres. Eventually Quake led Reyes to S.H.I.E.L.D. and he assisted them in battling against Lucy Bauer and her search for the Darkhold which contained an ancient power. Learning that his uncle Eli Morrow had planned and succeeded in getting terrible powers, he helped S.H.I.E.L.D. to kill him, but in the process Reyes let himself to be teleported to another dimension, until Reyes managed to escape and return to Earth, just in time to help S.H.I.E.L.D. take down the crazed Aida, and rid the world of the Darkhold for good. +This superhero's name is Ghost Rider (King Of Hell). Their real name is Johnny Blaze. King of Hell When Doctor Strange used magic to restore Las Vegas after its devastation, he accidentally opened a magical doorway that Mephisto used to invade Earth. Wong devised a plan to help him, and to this end assembled the Midnight Sons, among which was Ghost Rider. As part of Wong's plan to defeat Mephisto, Ghost Rider confronting him head-on. Just as they expected, Mephisto lifted Zarathos' curse from Johnny and killed him. Johnny's soul was sent to Hell, and he convinced Zarathos to help him in a journey to Mephisto's throne. Since it was vacant due to Mephisto's venture in Las Vegas, Johnny effortlessly usurped it and became the new king of Hell. Using his new authority, Blaze turned Mephisto's minions against him and freed the souls that were imprisoned. He additionally empowered Doctor Strange so that he could defeat Mephisto one-on-one. Even though Mephisto managed to escape and returned to Hell, Johnny defeated him with the help of an army of Spirits of Vengeance from across the time. Blaze then sent Mephisto back to Earth, where he was held captive. +This superhero's name is Ghost Rider (SONY). Their real name is Johnny Blaze. Johnny Blaze was a stunt motorcyclist who sold his soul to the devil to make his father better from cancer. After his father dies, the devil known as Mephisto (or Roarke) turned him into a demon who's head was a skull on fire. By calling the fire spirit within him, the spirit of vengeance, he will turn into Ghost Rider. +This superhero's name is Giant Stone Warrior. Their real name is . Massive titans of their brethren created to combat the First Spinjitzu Master, the Overlord led them in combat against his enemy. Eventually circling the First Spinitzu Master, the Giant Stone Warriors were defeated when he split Ninjago into two continents and proceeded to bury them in locations outside of the Stone Army Tomb. +This superhero's name is Giganta. Their real name is Doris Zuel. Giganta starts out as Doctor Doris Zuel, who worked at a medical facility where the comatose Wonder Woman was being kept. Dying of a terminal illness, Dr. Zuel plotted to transfer her mind into Wonder Woman 's body. This procedure was stopped halfway by Wonder Girl and both Dr. Zuel and Wonder Woman were declared dead. Neither of them were, however. Dr. Zuel's assistant found out that her essence had been stored in the transference machine's buffer module. Wishing to save her, he put her in the body of one of the test animals, a gorilla named Giganta. Dr. Zuel was not pleased with this, desiring a human body. She discovered another suitable host: a beautiful red-haired strong woman from a traveling circus named Olga, who was comatose. Absconding with Olga's prone form, Zuel did another transfer, successfully putting her mind in Olga's body and, presumably, Olga's mind into the gorilla. (That being said, the fate of Olga and the gorilla have never been revealed.) Dr. Zuel discovered something amazing. She could now grow to a gigantic size, a power that Olga had possessed before Dr. Zuel stole her body. Using this ability, Dr. Zuel, now embracing the identity 'Giganta', joined Villainy Inc., but met with defeat at the hands of Wonder Woman. She would later on join Secret Society of Super Villains, a united team of super villains. After Donna Troy assumed the identity of Wonder Woman, Giganta teamed up with the Cheetah and Dr. Psycho to search for the 'real' Wonder Woman, Diana. After holding Donna hostage, they eventually clash with Wonder Girl, Robin, Hercules and Diana, who was under the guise of Diana Prince, government agent. Giganta is ultimately defeated by Hercules in this conflict. Giganta's next appearance featured her as an instructor at Ivy Town's University, but under the control of M'Nagalah, the Cancer God. Under his influence, she was assigned to seduce and capture the new Atom, Ryan Choi. She ended up swallowing him whole but he managed to escape by making her sick, thus causing her to cough him up. Free of the M'Nagalah's control, Dr. Zuel remained in her position at the university. She has also since approached Ryan for a second chance, despite the unusual nature of their initial encounter. The two do make a second date, but before it happens Ryan is asked by Wonder Woman, on behalf of the Department of Metahuman Affairs, to wear a wire on his date with Doris. During their date, Doris discusses her desire to reform. When Ryan is away, however, she learns that he was wearing a wire and angrily tears off the roof of the restaurant to see Ryan and Wonder Woman talking, unaware that he had removed his wire. Wonder Woman and Giganta fight, with Wonder Woman emerging victorious. Ryan intervenes, preventing Wonder Woman from beating her further. Wonder Woman admits she lost her temper, but both realize that Giganta had escaped. It is unknown whether or not Doris heard Ryan's pleading on her behalf. Giganta has appeared as one of the inmates on the prison planted in Salvation Run. As part of the group that follows the Joker, she has apparently formed a friendship with Leather. Giganta was seen as a Member of Libra's SSSV, and at the end of Final Crisis #3 she is shown as a Thrall of Darkseid alongside several other Super-Powered Women. She is now called Gigantrix and wears a mask with a skull and cross bones design. Giganta was being controlled at this time by a Fury and this control was maintained by the mask, until Supergirl destroyed it which resulted in Giganta being released from Darkseid's control. She was recently hired by Secret Six to aid them while their teammate Catman was away. She would join a Secret Six version who would battle the current version of the Secret Six. She returned stateside with the others and Amanda Waller had them all pardoned by the President. She tells them that the Suicide Squad is not seen in a positive light and that she needs 6 members to be called upon for secret missions. She invites Dwarfstar to her room. When he shuts the door she begins to beat him and torture him with his own molecular belt. She tells him that he killed her boyfriend Ryan. She duct-tapes his mouth shut before killing him. He begs for his life, in contrast to Ryan Choi who did not when facing overwhelming odds against Deathstroke's Titans. +This superhero's name is Gilotina. Their real name is Gilotina. A member of the original group of Female Furies, Gilotina was later bumped to a junior member and worked with the other younger members of the group: Malice Vundabar, Speed Queen, and Bloody Mary. Gilotina had the ability to chop through anything with her hands, hence the name, but is armed with battle swords. She was eventually abandoned by the Furies after a failed mission, and joined Project Cadmus. A short time later she rejoined the Furies. +This superhero's name is Gizmo. Their real name is Mikron O'Jeneus. +This superhero's name is Gladiator. Their real name is Kallark. Gladiator's history before he joined the Imperial Guard is largely unknown. He was born centuries ago, though the time period remains unspecified. He is said to descend from a proud bloodline, though the names of his ancestors remain unknown. He was raised by the Strontian council of elders. They were as much family to him as his blood relatives. His earliest known memory also dates to centuries before. Kallark was a cadet on his native planet of Strontia, training with other young Strontian men and women. All cadets dressed in nearly identical uniforms. The uniform colors were red and blue, with yellow chest symbols. Each cadet seemed to have a different symbol, though the significance of this was left unexplained. They were competing for the title of Gladiator. In an exercise, the cadets were flying and evading attacking strontium missiles. Kallark noticed his fellow cadet Tennet hit and falling from the sky. He chose to go rescue the falling comrade. He caught the young man. A nearby Strontian Elder chastised Kallark for abandoning his target and shirking his duty. Kallark left Tennet with the Elder and replied to the accusations. He felt that honor demands for a warrior to aid his comrade, provided this does not compromise the mission. He then flew away and attacked his target, a flying ship. The pilot of the ship attacked Kallark with sorcery. This was not expected since the magical arts were forbidden on Strontia. Kallark was not afraid of the unexpected attach. He destroyed the ship, took the pilot prisoner, and delivered him to the Elder. The Elder commended him for a job well done. He then informed the cadet that he had won a spot on the final roster. He warned Kallark that the most difficult challenges were yet to come. Later, Kallark stood with nine other cadets before the Strontian council of elders. These ten were the only ones to have completed the training mission. An Elder informed them about the purpose of their trials. The new Imperial Guard of the Shi'ar Empire would be a company of elites, and each race of the Empire may be represented by its finest warrior. The one chosen to be the Strontian representative will undergo an enhancement process to become Gladiator. His powers would be unmatched throughout the universe. The Elder warned the cadets that the enhancement process was life-threatening and few could survive it. He added that even fewer possess the strength of character to be trusted with its gifts. The Elder informed the cadets that they are not going to choose among them. The choice would be made by Majestor T'Korr. Kallark and the other cadets soon met on the Majestor and knelt before him. He found them to be too young to be warriors, but Chancellor Vitana informed him that only the young could survive the Gladiator process. But reminded the Majestor that even an ordinary Strontian had the power to decimate an army. Hearing this, T'Korr had doubts about the loyalty of such a powerful subject people. He perceived that they could threaten the throne. He decided to test their loyalty. T'Korr adressed Kallark and the other cadets, informing that he will make his selection among them. But only after they completed a mission for him. He stated that there was a group of potential threats that he needed them to face. They were wise and powerful. and they may plot against his rule. This group was their own Council of Elders and their mission was to slay them. An unnamed female cadet was the first to react at the order. She called T'Korr mad and informed him that the cadets were loyal to the Elders. She attacked him and threatened to kill him. He killed her instead, leaving only 9 Strontian cadets. T'Korr reminded them that the Strontians have sworn undying loyalty to the Shi'ar Throne. So they should obey any order given to them. He ordered them to complete the mission or be killed like her. Kallark was the only one to reply, to proclaim that they would obey. He led the charge of the cadets. As they attacked the Citadel of the Elders, cadet Harrald voiced his doubts to Kallark. He reminded him that the Elders were like family to them all. Kallark replied that the Elders raised them to be honorable and obey the orders of the Majestor. And this was exactly what they were doing. The other cadets were feeling doubt and their powers left them. Several were killed in the battle. Kallark mused that maybe it was for the best if all of them were killed, before having to choose their loyalty to the Majestor and their own home. Changing his mind, Kallark proclaimed his own musing were but the mewlings (whimpers) of a coward. He decided his own feelings were irrelevant, only the orders mattered. He charged forward and broke through the Citadel, despite Harrald’s protests. The Elders were defended by several guards. Kallark fought them, but called for them to stand aside. His orders did not include harming them. He was here only to kill the Elders. Harrald decided to change sides and defend the elders. He attacked Kallark and threatened to kill his friend. Kallark pointed that Harrald's voice betrayed his uncertainty, his own doubts preventing him from killing Kallark. Kallark stated that he had no uncertainty of his own. He smashed Harrald into a nearby wall and then used eyeblasts to kill the elders. He then exited the building. A dying Elder informs Harrald that Kallark had just saved the planet. The Elders had bargained with the Majestor. A Shi'ar Starcracker was orbiting Strontia's sun. Had the cadets defied the Majestor's orders, he would have activated the Starcracker and cause the sun to go nova. Annihilating Strontia and all its inhabitants. If they obeyed instead, Strontia would survive. The Elders had chosen to secretly inform their most promising cadet, Kallark. They trusted him to do the right thing. The other cadets would have considered rebellion, secession, and war. The Elder died with the certainty that Kallark would go on to serve the Imperium with honor and dedication. He would obey. Meanwhile, Kallark returned to the Majestor. He announced he was the only survivor, lying about the survival of Harrald. T'Korr realized that the cadet was aware of the true purpose of his mission. The Majestor explains to the Strontian that he is not a cruel man. The safety of countless worlds of the Empire depends on its Majestor. There was no room for doubt in either a ruler or the people that the ruler has to rely on. T'Korr proclaimes that Kallark has proven himself. He named his Praetor (leader) of the new Imperial Guard. He also names him Gladiator. Regardless of the Majestor or Majestrix in charge, Gladiator would heed their orders According to the family history known by Korvus, the Imperial Guard was formed to stop his ancestor Rook'shir. He was a Shi'ar outlaw who became an avatar of the Phoenix Force. Gladiator led the Guard against him to prevent him from destroying the Shi'ar Empire. Known members of the Guard at the time included Magique, Mentor, and Neutron. The details of the battle between the Guard and Rook'shir have not been detailed. But the battle ended with Gladiator having defeated the Phoenix avatar. He was holding Rook-shir up by the head. He positioned the defeated foe in a kneeling position and prepared to deliver the killing blow. He used his right fist to decapitate Rook'shir. A piece of the Phoenix Force remained within Rook'shir's sword which became known as the Blade of the Phoenix. The Guard retrieved the sword following the battle. Gladiator continued to serve succeeding rulers of the Shi'ar Empire, including Emperor D'Ken Neramani. Members of the Imperial Guard under his command at that time included Astra, Electron, Fang, Hobgoblin, Impulse, Magique, Mentor, Neutron, Nightside, Oracle, Scintilla, Smasher, Starbolt, Tempest, and Titan. The X-Men (Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Storm, and Wolverine) teleported from Earth to the "World". There they found D'Ken, Eric the Red, the captive Lilandra and the gathered Imperial Guard. Astra asked Gladiator who were these people, and whether the new arrivals were friends or foes. Realizing that they can understand each other's language, the two teams started to talk. Representing the X-Men, Cyclops explained that they came to get Lilandra and Eric the Red. Gladiator introduced himself and his team. He also pointed that the X-Men were surrounded and outnumbered. He next explained that Lilandra was both a princess and a traitor to the Empire. He declared that the Guard would not surrender the prisoner. In reply, Cyclops attacked Mentor and started a battle between the two teams. Gladiator swore that Cyclops would pay for his attack, and that he would personally kill him the mutant with his bare hands. He next commanded the Guard to attack. Nigtcrawler teleported Lilandra out of danger. She explained to Cyclops her own background, the civil war of the Shi'ar, and how it affected their own recent battles on Earth. She pointed that D'Ken seeks absolute power. Overhearing her explanation, Gladiator approached the princess. He asked Lilandra what right she had to deny this power to her emperor. Reminding Lilandra that she herself swore an oath of service to D'Ken. She replied that that oath was sworn to a madman, asking Gladiator to open his eyes. Or else D'Ken's dreams of imperial glory would close these eyes forever. Gladiator answered that he did not care of the consequences. The Guard's role is not to question orders but obey them. Adding that By D'Ken's will, Lilandra and her companions had to die. Gladiator managed to grab Lilandra and added that he would not listen to her. He regretted ever caring for her. Lilandra was still trying to reason with him. Claiming that she was only seeking to save the Empire while D'Ken is fated to destroy it. Gladiator asked her how she knows what D'Ken was going to do. She admitted that she does not know but only fears. But that the power D'Ken seeks was known as "the End of All That Is". The conversation between Gladiator and Lilandra ended at this point. Gladiator was attacked by a laser beam by the arriving Starjammers. He was seemingly knocked out. The combined forces of the X-Men and the Starjammers finished off the rest of the Guard, winning the battle. The unconscious body of Gladiator was seem on the ground at the battle's ending. D'Ken pointed that their victory was only temporary. He called for his foes to look to the sky above them. At this point a gateway opened, blue-white light emerged and poured into the nearby M'Kraan Crystal. For a fraction of a second all reality ceased to exist. Gladiator and the Guard remained unconscious while Jahf emeged to face the X-Men and Starjammers. When Jahf fell, Modt emerged to replace him. During the fight D'Ken was thrown in the Crystal. He and everyone conscious nearby were transported to the interior of the Crystal. Phoenix had to fight her own battle in there. The X-Men emerged triumphant from the Crystal back to the "World". By this point Gladiator, Nightside, and Starbolt had regained consciousness and were ready to attack them. They intended to follow D'Ken's commands and kill them. Lilandra spoke directly to Gladiator and prevented him from attacking. She claimed that with D'Ken out of the way, the throne belonged to her. The Guard had to obey her. At this point, Araki arrived and explained that Lilandra was not empress yet. D'Ken was now mad and the throne vacant, but she legally remained a traitor. It would take time to clear her name and summon her to be crowned. Afterward the X-Men and Lilandra were teleported to Earth. Lilandra explained that D'Ken was driven insane and catatonic by the experience. For the time being the Shi'ar throne was vacant and she stood as the main candidate for it. But until the High council decided to summon her to receive the throne, she would spend her exile on Earth. This would mean that Gladiator and the Guard were no longer their enemies. In time Phoenix turned to Dark Phoenix, a major threat. In the Imperial Center, ruling seat of the Shi’ar Empire, Empress Lilandra and her ministers of the Grand Council observe a viewing screen. They see the Dark Phoenix approach Earth. Gladiator stood in guard at the Center. Lilandra started speaking, comparing the threat posed by the Dark Phoenix to Galactus. Yet she argued, the new threat was greater than the old one. Both beings felt infernal hunger and the need to consume. But Galactus consumed only individual worlds, while the Dark Phoenix could consume everything in existence. Lilandra decided that the Dark Phoenix had to be destroyed for the universe to survive. The X-Men (Angel, Beast, Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Professor X, Storm, and Wolverine were teleported aboard the flagship of the Shi'ar grand fleet. Gladiator spoke to them, reminding them of his codename and status as Praetor. He announced that they were in the presence of Empress Lilandra and their fate rested in her hands. Lilandra announced her decision that the Phoenix had to be destroyed for the universe to remain safe. She continued that since "Jean" could not cope with her near-infinite abilities, the Shi'ar can no longer do nothing about the threat she posed. She asked Gladiator to continue in announcing her plans. Gladiator explained that Dark Phoenix was a chaos-bringer and a ravager of worlds. Responsible for the deaths of 5 billion inhabitants of the D'Bari star system and the destruction of a Shi'ar warship. The X-Men react in shock that one of their members is a mass murderer. Lilandra asked the X-Men to surrender "Jean" to Shi'ar custody. Cyclops then claimed that Dark Phoenix no longer existed. "Jean" no longer has access to that power. Lilandra argued that "Jean"'s depowerment could be only temporary. She also argued that as long as Phoenix existed in any form, at any power level, she would be a deadly threat to all that lives. The risk is too great to let "Jean" survive. She ordered her warriors to capture "Jean", Professor X then shouted the ceremonial words “Arin’nn Haelar", challenging Lilandra to a duel of honor for the life of "Jean Grey". Lilandra decided that she had to stop proceedings and consult her allies before making a decision. Said allies were the Supreme Intelligence, ruler of the Kree Empire and Empress R'Kill of the Skrull Empire. They both agreed to the duel, provided that their representatives would monitor the battle. Lilandra decided that the duel would begin at dawn. The following day, the flagship transported the combatants to the Moon. The Imperial Guard would represent Lilandra on the battlefield. Lilandra announced the terms of the battle. The two teams would fight until only one remained. If the X-Men won, their survivors would be set free. If the Guard won, Phoenix would belong to the Shi'ar. The chosen battle ground was the Blue Area of the Moon. Professor X was excluded from the combatants, leaving only 8 X-Men on the battlefield. The X-Men split into two groups, each with four members. A group consisting of Beast, Colossus, Storm, and Wolverine encountered and fought Warstar. While Colossus fought C'cil and Beast fought B'nee, Storm and Wolverine stayed on the sidelines. Gladiator approached the two X-Men from behind and ripped up the floor that they were standing on. Storm and Wolverine consequently fell into a pit. While Warstar continued to face his opponents, Gladiator observed the battle. He eventually realized that Warstar was loosing the battle. Colossus knocked out C'cil and B'nee knocked out the Beast. Leaving the two of them to face each other, with Colossus outclassing his opponent. At this point, Gladiator intervened and attacked Colossus. He explained that for Colossus to get to any other members of the Guard, he would have to go through him first. And he self-confidently announced that victory was impossible for Colossus. Gladiator knocked Colossus into a wall. Colossus considered that Gladiator was as strong as himself. But decided that perhaps he was more vulnerable to harm. Colossus dropped an entire pillar on Gladiator, who seemed completely unfazed. The opponents then engaged into a brutal fist fight. The ancient, fragile structures around them crumbled and collapsed on top of the two combatants. They were buried below mountains of rubble. After a while, Gladiator managed to lift boulders and emerge from the rubble. His uniform was torn but his body was unharmed. He was the victor by default. He took time to rescue the unconscious Colossus. Cyclops and Phoenix were the last X-Men left standing, holding their own against Oracle, Smasher, and Starbolt. Gladiator flew to their position to join the battle. An energy flare from the moon served to announce that the Phoenix was back. Deciding that the Guard had no chance to win against the threat, Lilandra was prepared to destroy the Moon, the Sol, and the entire star cluster. All in hopes of killing Phoenix. Gladiator and the Guard were seen unconscious, defeated by the Phoenix. At the end, the Phoenix committed suicide, seemingly eliminating the threat. He was one of the Guard members chosen to battle the X-Men over the fate of Jean Grey, who had seemingly become the Dark Phoenix. Kallark was later charged with pursuing a group of Skrulls posing as a superhero team. He believed the Fantastic Four to be this group and attacked them. Captain America and Spider-Man found the real Skrull group and assisted in their capture. Kallark was among a number of Imperial Guard members temporarily relocated to Earth. After learning of a Phalanx invasion of Shi'ar space he confronted Cannonball, sending him, the Beast, Trish Tilby, Joseph and Rogue to assist in his stead. At another point, Kallark was enlisted by Pip the Troll to try and liberate the planet Skardon from the apathetic rule of the Champion of the Universe (because Skardon law would not recognize the legitimacy of any challenger unless they could beat the Champion in a boxing match). Kallark fought against the Champion, but lost because the Champion possessed the Power Gem which allows it's wearer access to all the power that has or will exist. Kallark spent a period of time recuperating from his injuries; meanwhile, She-Hulk convinced the Champion to remove the Power Gem, and subsequently pummeled him into submission. Kallark was sent to Earth to find the Uni-Power, which was traveling from host to host for help against Krosakis. He found it with the Invisible Woman, and was able to convince it to come with him. Krosakis attacked Kallark and the Uni-Power as they left Earth. The Silver Surfer intervened and returned the Uni-Power to Earth while Kallark took Krosakis into Shi'ar custody. When Vulcan captured a Shi'ar cruiser with intention of attacking the Shi'ar Empire the Imperial Guard were dispatched to stop him. Vulcan was able to hold is own against the gathered forces but was finally defeated by Kallark (who seriously injured Vulcan). Vulcan later married Cal'syee Neramani (Deathbird) and upon murdering then Shi'ar Emperor D'Ken ascended to the throne as Emperor Vulcan. Kallark conferred with his new Empress before following the orders of Vulcan, but did so nevertheless. Gladiator served his new Emperor as he had all others in the past but eventually disobeyed his orders (in this case, the execution of Lilandra) and rose up against his Emperor. He was present when Lilandra was assassinated by the Fraternity of Raptors agent known as Razor. Razor had taken over his host Chris Powell (Darkhawk) but was overridden too late to stop the assassination. With Vulcan presumed dead and Deathbird incapacitated, Gladiator took leadership of the fragmented Sh'iar empire in order to prevent another civil war. The Shi'ar, having lost the war with the Kree however fell under their rule. After the Phoenix arrived on Earth and chose five hosts from among the X-Men, Kallark traveled to Earth in order to stop them and rescue his son. He was no match for the Phoenixes however and was defeated and beaten down. The Phoenixes spared him, and Kallark and his son left Earth. Kallark arrived at the border of the Shi'ar Empire following the inertial alert from Operation: Broken Frontier. After the death of Superguardian Smasher (Galin) during the action, Gladiator promoted Izzy Kane to be the Superguardian for the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, noting that she was the first Guardsman from Earth. During the interrogation of a member of the race that invaded the empire, the Majestor learned that they had only attacked the empire because they had been fleeing a greater threat. This threat that forced the aliens to attacked the Shi'ar Imperium revealed itself to be known as the Builders. Kallark joined the Galactic Council alongside with the Avengers to eliminate the Builders. Following the defeat of the Builders, Gladiator planned to expand the Imperial Guard. When the focus of the decay of the universe was found to be the Earth, the Majestor addressed the Galactic Council, and decided that the Earth had to be destroyed to save the universe. Even though they planned a sneak attack on the Earth, the Guardians of the Galaxy managed to discover the Shi'ar's plan and warned the Avengers. While approaching Earth, the Shi'ar alerted humanity that they had two hours left to live until Earth was destroyed by their fleet. Using a super weapon capable of channeling the Earth's power, Sunspot and A.I.M. retaliated against the Shi'ar in front, while S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Avengers used a Planetkiller seized from the Builders to attack from behind. However, A.I.M.'s weapon overheated and exploded, and the Planetkiller was destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. With no options left, the Avengers prepared to meet their end. However, the Illuminati used the controller disk of a rogue planet that shared the same space with Earth while phased while Iron Man flew to the Sol's Hammer, and prepared to use it. Iron Man charged and fired Sol's Hammer, successfully destroying the Shi'ar fleet, including the Majestor. +This superhero's name is Goblin Force. Their real name is . The Goblin Force was born at the beginning of reality during the Big Bang. Like the Phoenix Force, it had limitless power, but unlike the Phoenix, it derived power from its ravenous hunger that couldn't be sated. Its hunger lead it to devour entire galaxies when it encountered the Phoenix Force, the Phoenix stood against it only to be consumed. Even Galactus, the devourer of worlds fell to the power of the Goblin Force's hunger. It wasn't until the 5th Host of the Celestials stood against the Goblin Force that it met defeat, though it wasn't destroyed. The Celestials eventually died from the battle, leaving the Goblin force only to be contained. Many years later, the Goblin Force seized the opportunity to attach itself to the life force of Madelyne Pryor, making her its conduit into the world again, being reborn as the Goblin Queen through the corruption of Madelyne Pryor. As the Goblin Force gradually took over Madelyne's mind, it waged a war against Earth heroes, brainwashing most of them to join forces with her. Eventually, the Goblin Force was again contained by Scottie Summers, the son of Madelyne Pryor and Alex Summers who was said to have celestial level potential in power (similar to Franklin Richards); Madelyne Pryor was lost in the process. The Goblin Force eventually returned after possessing the comatose body of the Beyonder, adding his power to her own, and waged another war against Earth heroes joining forces with Dracula. Posing as the Beyonder, the Goblin Force killed most of Earth's heroes, including the X-Men, Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Doctor Doom, and Namor. The Goblin Force eventually revealed herself to Havok after stripping the Beyonder's body of its power. Havok was revealed to hold within him the Nexus of All Realities, an unlimited supply of energy funneled through him; using the Nexus, combined with Scottie's celestial level power, the Goblin Force was defeated and separated from Madelyne. +This superhero's name is Goblin Queen. Their real name is Madelyne Jennifer Pryor. By somehow obtaining a sample of Jean Grey's cells. Mister Sinister created an adult clone of her. When the original Phoenix committed suicide, Scott believed he had lost Jean forever, unaware that her original body lay in suspended animation in a pod at the bottom of the sea. Sinister grew his clone at an accelerated rate in his laboratory. He named her "Madelyne Pryor" and programmed her with false memories and the desire to fall in love with Cyclops. When Phoenix died, its share of the real Jean's consciousness traveled back to Earth. This part of Jean's psyche eventually reached the clone that Sinister had created and endowed it with consciousness for the first time. Sinister then planned for Madelyne to bear a child, which would possess the superhuman genetic potential of both Scott and Jean. The evil mutant would then capture the child and control him as he grew up. Scott Summers first met Madelyne Pryor in Alaska, where she was working as a pilot for North Star Airways, the company run by his grandparents. Scott and Madelyne were married when he became convinced that she was not Jean Grey, Madelyne's exact lookalike. The scheme started successfully: Cyclops married Madelyne, and they had a son, Nathan, who was destined to become Cable. When the real Jean returned, Cyclops rushed to her side. Madelyne's own psi powers began to emerge, and she took refuge with the X-Men. But then the demon N'astirh sent her dreams which aroused the dark side of her psyche. Her powers fully awakened, Madelyne became the mad Goblyn Queen and attempted to take revenge on Cyclops by sacrificing their son. Instead, Madelyne perished in combat with the original Jean. Intent on destroying the X-Men along with herself, the Goblyn Queen unleashed a tremendous psychic force. But her enemies shielded themselves, and Pryor became the only victim. In one last attempt to kill Jean, the dying Pryor linked their minds together. Jean survived, and the portion of Jean's psyche which had been stolen by the Phoenix Force and had awakened Madelyne, finally returned to Jean. Later, Nate Grey created a duplicate of Madelyne, a "psionic shell" in a new physical body, who had became Nate's ally. +This superhero's name is Goku. Their real name is Kakarotto. Baby Kakarot was born while his father, Bardock, and his warrior team were on a mission to conquer planet Kanassa and kill all of its inhabitants. Kakarrot was a very weak baby, compared to the norm for the Saiyajin race, so he was sent to a planet with weak inhabitants (Earth)to exterminate all the life there.This was done because Saiyajin warriors are needed for harder missions.so they use their children saiyins to exterminate their unworthy opponents. Kakarot was found by an old man named Gohan in a small space craft. Gohan tried to raise the young boy, but Kakarot was extremely hostile and strong by human standards. During a trip one day, young Kakarotto fell down a deep ravine and bashed his head. The permanent amnesia from this fall prevented the young boy from completing his initial mission. He was named Son Goku by Gohan. He had amazing strength, speed, and loved fighting so Gohan trained him in the ways of Martial Arts. Young Goku even had a tail which resembled a monkey's tail. This tail would allow him to turn into a huge Ape at the sight of the full moon but Goku had no memories of anytime he has ever gone Great Ape and was completely unaware of this until later told by Vegeta. After Gohan's death,Goku went about the world traveling with Bulma Briefs to search for the mystic dragon balls and met Master Roshi, the Turtle Hermit, Yamcha, the desert bandit and his shape shifting cat companion Puar, and Oolong, a shape shifting pig. After finding the Dragon Balls and losing their wish to Oolong, Goku decided to train with the venerable old Master Roshi. Roshi began to train Goku and Krillin in the ways of the Turtle Hermit and taught them the legendary energy blast: The Kamehameha. Goku entered the World Martial Arts Tournament to only be defeated by Master Roshi's alias Jackie Chun. After the World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku traveled around the world to find the Dragon Balls, defeating the entire Red Ribbon army in the process, a feat which was considered impressive by all of his friends. After defeating the Red Ribbon Army and finding the last Dragon ball, Goku once again entered the World Martial Arts Tournament, only to lose to Tien Shinhan by a fluke, as they were both thrown into the air, and Goku technically hit the ground first, as he fell onto a moving car before Tien hit the ground. His other great accomplishment was defeating King Piccolo. As an adult, He married a woman named Chi-Chi and had a son named Gohan. Goku led a relatively peaceful life until Raditz landed on the planet earth, Raditz revealed himself to be Goku's brother and told Goku of his orginal mission on earth, Goku refused to join Raditz in the extermination of Earth's citizens and they fought. As an incentive to fight him and reveal his true Saiyajin roots, he took Goku's newborn son Gohan and decided that if Goku wouldn't fight for him and destroy earth, maybe he could turn this little half Saiyajin kid to do it instead. that didn't go well with Goku or Chi Chi at all, and so Goku set off to defeat Raditz , but, knowing he couldn't do it on his own, requested his old enemy, Piccolo to help him fight him. Piccolo wasn't too excited about it, but he decided that if killing this Raditz guy would give him another shot at Goku, he'd do it with pleasure. Goku and Piccolo fought side by side in an attempt to defeat Raditz but could only do so by Goku giving his life to hold Raditz still while Piccolo used his Special Beam Cannon to defeat him. After death, Goku was allowed to keep his physical body and chose to travel to Kaio sama to train under him. Kaio sama's planet had many times earth's gravity and helped Goku to become stronger. Goku left King Kai's in time to defeat the saiya-jin warriors, Vegeta and Nappa, who had landed on the planet in search of their fallen comrade Raditz. Vegeta and Nappa took their time and killed most of Goku's friends while Goku was hurrying to the battle site. They took the lives of TienShinhan, Piccolo, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu. Goku could not defeat Vegeta but they were both unable to fight and Vegeta fled back to where he came. Since Piccolo was defeated the Dragon Balls had dissapeared from earth and they needed them to wish their friends back so Goku and the others traveled to the Planet Namek which held seven more dragon balls. Freeza was already on this planet searching for the dragon balls himself. Goku defeated Freeza's special Corps the Ginyu Force and went on to fight Freeza. Goku was vastly inferior to Freeza but they fought and when Frieza decided to kill Krillin, Goku's best friend, for fun Goku had reached the limit and became a Super Saiyajin. After this, the fight on Namek was clearly very one sided, as Goku continued to thrash Freeza across the planet. It was then that Freeza decided to unleash another form, where he became even more powerful, and, rather than just changing into a whole other body type like before, he simply made his muscle mass increase. he thought that he'd still be able to take over the fight, but Goku continued to soundly beat him with his clearly superior power. It was this form that Freezarealized he had been afraid of his entire life since destroying Goku's planet, and had realized that his fate was too lose. Seeing no other option, he sent a blast down to the core of planet Namek, knowing full-well that it would destroy the planet in a matter of minutes. Five, in fact. It was here that Goku knew he couldn't save all of his friends from the explosion. He knew, however, that since his friends had already wished everyone back onto earth with the Dragon Balls from Namek, that he could fight to the end, truly, on Namek with Freeza. That is, if you could call the fight he was in a fight. He was having near no trouble with Freeza at all. After his enemy had shown his true colors, a coward, he decided to leave him there for dead. But Freeza, knowing the weakness that Goku had for being so kind to his enemies, asked him for some of his energy, which he planned to kill Goku with, so at least, he thought, they would both die. Goku, being so kind-hearted by nature, handed over, slightly hesitantly, some of his energy. Just enough for Freeza to survive. he hoped that he would be able to see the error in his ways. Goku, flying away, was wrong. The split in half Frieza (ironically he split himself in half with his own energy disk) sent the energy Goku handed him straight back at him. "HAAA!!" Freeza screamed in his raspy, almost feminine voice. Goku only replied to the energy by telling Frieza he was truly a fool, and redirected it, possibly killing him in the process as the planet blew up. After the defeat of Freeza, it was a wildly held view that Goku was killed on Namek along with Freeza. But, one day, the Z-fighters and Vegeta felt Freeza's power level approaching Earth. As the fighters approached, Freeza, newly rebuilt, and his father King Cold touched down, planning to destroy earth. everyone was worried that the planet was doomed since Goku wasn't around to be the savior. But a mysterious young man comes to confront them first. Both Freeza and Cold are clearly outmatched by the young Super Sayian and are defeated in a matter of seconds. The young man then goes to the Z-Fighters and tells them that Goku would land on Earth soon. Goku did land, with a new technique Under his belt: Instant Transmission. The youth is Future Trunks, and says that the androids will be here in three years. He gives Goku heart medicine, claiming that he died in another time line and this would save his life. They all go their separate ways and start their training. Goku trains with his son Gohan in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for quite a while. This was where Goku and Gohan learned how to maintain their Super Saiyan limits, and where Gohan learned how to manipulate his Saiyan strength. This was also how Goku and Gohan became able to hold themselves in these forms for elongated periods of time. There he is pushing Gohan to his limit. After Goku and Gohan got out of their training time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, they decided that, since they still had much time left, they would just stay and relax until the tournament that the evil Cell had set up began. Goku knew that he did not have enough power to defeat Cell in this state, and he had also figured out (before Vegeta had, unfortunately, which was why Cell attained his final form, because Vegeta had become to cocky in his Super Saiyan 2 form, and was thus defeated by Final form Cell. After this, Cell decided that he would form his own tournament to fight all of the most powerful warriors in the world, which seemed to be an excuse to fight and beat Goku. And it was. Goku has known since Gohan was a child that his strength comes from his anger. He was intending to wear down Cell enough so that Gohan could finish him. Cell starts to self destruct. Goku quickly uses the instant transmission to teleport himself and cell to King Kai's planet. He sacrifices himself so that earth is safe, but Cell was able to regenerate. it was up to Gohen to defeat him and that he did. When they gathered the Dragon Balls to wish everyone back to life Goku tells them that he thinks the world would be safer if he stayed dead. Low and behold it is not until Goku gets a day to walk among the living that Babidi comes and resurrects Majin Buu. earlier that day Goku had met all of his best friends, like Krillin and Vegeta, along with his sons Gohan and Goten, who he'd never met before. During the World Martial Arts Tournament, Two fighters with an M insignia in their forehead stole some of Gohan's power and fled. Goku and the others followed them to Babidis ship. After the fighters gave Babidi the power they had stolen they were immediately killed. Goku, Vegeta, and the Supreme Kai went into Babidi's ship where they faced a few trials of combat. Goku fought a creature that came from the darkest corner of the universe. The creature had the ability to absorb energy. Once Goku realized this, he powered up and let the demon absorb his power until he exploded. Vegeta was secretly trying to get Babidi to see that he was evil so he would increase his power. Babidi noticed and did so. Babidi transported them to the World Martial Arts Tournament where Vegeta proved he was truly evil by blowing up part of the arena in an attempt to gode Goku into a fight. Goku asked Babidi to transport them to a place away from people to fight Vegeta. He transported them to the mountains. Goku and Vegeta went blow for blow until they realized that Majin Buu had been released, then Goku tried to persuade Vegeta to partner up so they could defeat Majin Buu. Vegeta agreed but when Goku went to grab some sensu beans, Vegeta knocked him out. Vegeta gave his life trying to defeat Majin Buu, but afterward's when Goku awoke he had to go back to the afterlife because his 24 hours were up. Gohan would later be trained by the Supreme Kai and would remove an ancient sword of power that released an elder Kai. The elder Kai would later exchange his life for Goku's afterlife so Goku could go to earth and find some one to use the Supreme Kai's fusing earrings to permanently bond with. Goku fused with Vegeta after his resurrection, becoming Vegito. In the end Goku used his Spirit Bomb to defeat Majin Buu's original form (Kid Buu). Before Kid Buu's defeat, Goku asked that Kid Buu be resurrected later in life so Goku would have the chance to fight him again. Years later Buu was resurrected as a boy named Uub, and at a martial arts tournament Goku tried antagonizing Uub into releasing his hidden power. Goku would soon stop the fight and take Uub off to train. +This superhero's name is Golden Glider (CW). Their real name is Lisa Snart. Lisa Snart is very close with her criminal older brother, Leonard Snart. The two grew up with an abusive father and frequently found themselves looking out after each other as the only family members they could trust and eventually turned to a life of crime. +This superhero's name is Golden Master's Mech. Their real name is Overlord. While some of the Nindroids under Cryptor retrieved the Golden Weapons from the comet where they landed as a result of Garmadon's time travel exploits, Pythor led the others in claiming Borg Tower so as to adapt the assembly line for the Overlord's purposes. +This superhero's name is Golden Ninja. Their real name is Lloyd Garmadon. Lloyd becomes the Golden Ninja, and fights the Overlord, in a battle that almost destroys Ninjago City. Using the power of the Golden Dragon, Lloyd summons the power necessary to defeat the dark lord, freeing Ninjago from his control and curing Garmadon of his evil. +This superhero's name is Goliath IV. Their real name is William Barrett Foster. William Foster spent his childhood in the Watts ghetto. His natural intelligence and the influence of several good people helped him leave the ghetto and attend California Technical Institute, but not before enlisting in the military. He saw combat in southeast Asia, where he made an enemy of CIA operative Geoffrey Ballard, later the rogue super-agent known as the Centurion. As a student, Foster worked toward a degree in biochemistry and met and married Claire Temple, a medical student. Upon graduation, he worked his way up the corporate ladder at Stark Industries, but his drive for success strained their marriage to the point of divorce. When the scientific adventurer Henry Pym was trapped at a minimum of ten feet in height, Tony Stark recommended that Foster assist Pym in finding a cure. For several months they worked together in Pym's laboratories in New Jersey and the Avengers Mansion, although Foster often became embroiled in the Avengers’s cases, such as surviving attacks by the Sons of the Serpent and helping to thwart Whirlwind’s attempt to kill Pym and the Wasp in order to claim their estate. The two scientists eventually found a cure. Foster returned to Stark Industries, where he was promoted to head of the biochemistry division at Stark Industries' Los Angeles plant. Fascinated by Pym's research, Foster synthesized the growth compound, hoping to eliminate any side effects. Eventually Foster tested the formula on himself and found he had successfully duplicated Pym's growth powers. Taking a vacation from his duties at Stark Industries, Foster devised a plan by which he might win back the affection of his ex-wife, Claire Temple. He wrote her about how he had worked with Pym and duplicated his powers but deceived her into believing that, like Pym, he was also trapped at giant stature. She agreed to meet him to see what help she could provide. They met at a traveling circus where he said he had to work in order to earn money to continue his research. Foster had outfitted himself in a costume and billed himself as "Black Goliath." Claire's current boyfriend, Luke Cage (then known as the hero Power Man), had followed her, and the two men fought over her. They settled their differences long enough to join forces against the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime, which Foster had unwittingly joined. Ultimately, however, Claire chose to remain with Cage rather than her ex-husband. Ashamed, Foster returned to Los Angeles. Although he had fashioned a costumed identity for himself, Foster was uncertain whether he should use it to fight crime, considering the circumstances in which he fashioned it. With the encouragement of Henry Pym, he decided to try. On his first outing, Foster encountered the criminal Atom-Smasher, who bombarded him with deadly radiation. This bombardment immediately produced painful side effects, making his size transformations difficult and causing him to occasionally black out. Before Foster was able to defeat the Atom-Smasher, his foe was killed by a mysterious assassin that later turned out to be Atom-Smasher's brother, the second Atom-Smasher. Ignoring the symptoms of radiation poisoning, he continued his career, battling such menaces as Vulcan, the Stilt-Man, and the Hijacker, and aiding the Champions and the Thing. After some time, Foster changed his code-name to Giant-Man. When it became difficult to ignore his illness, Foster took a leave of absence from Stark International to come a consultant at Project: PEGASUS, an upstate New York energy research installation facility. There to do research on the corpse of the Atom-Smasher, he nearly sacrificed his life to stop the mad scheme of the Nth Man. Following the attack, a team of top radiologists were assigned to help cure his condition, including Reed Richards and Walter Langkowski. After their treatments failed, Foster returned to Los Angeles to finish his life's work with Stark Industries, only to be attacked by the new Atom-Smasher. The Thing, Spider-Woman, and himself defeated Atom-Smasher. Spider-Woman saved his life with a transfusion of her blood, at the expense of losing her own power of immunity to radiation. However, Foster believed his cell structure had deteriorated to a point that he could never become Giant-Man again. He retired and became a full time researcher. During this time, he became a consultant to the Avengers when they opened their West Coast base. Eventually, Foster found himself working as technician for the High Evolutionary at his Antarctic strong hold. Learning the High Evolutionary's plan to mutate everyone on earth, he managed to release a warning to the West Coast Avengers, who tracked him to the stronghold. But as the Avengers were being defeated, Foster swallowed a chemical that again transformed him into Giant-Man, and he learned that his cellular disintegration had been cured. He then defeated the High Evolutionary in combat. Foster declined joining the Avengers full time, returning to research. Foster renewed his research partnership with Henry Pym for a time, and with it, his occasional association with the Avengers (for instance, he assisted Pym in saving the life of the second Swordsman who was residing at the Avengers Mansion). Later, he and Pym learned of a potential invasion from the dimension of Kosmos, from which their growth powers derived. After thwarting the attempt, Foster found himself powerless once more, and he once again returned to scientific research. Restoring his growth powers and resuming his Black Goliath identity, Foster aided Black Panther, Falcon, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist against a gang of criminals; later, as Foster, he assisted the Avengers during the Red Zone crisis. Modifying his costume and adopting a new alias of Goliath, Foster teamed with the Thing to defeat Cauldron the Scalding Man. Subsequently, Foster was one of many heroes who opposed the U.S. government's Superhuman Registration Act and joined Captain America's Secret Avengers team. During a clash with Iron Man's squad of Registration Act supporters, Foster was killed by a clone of the thunder god Thor. +This superhero's name is Gorilla Girl. Their real name is Fahnbullah Eddy. A carnival performer with the ability to turn into a gorilla, Fahnbullah Eddy and the rest of her fellow performers had their souls stolen by the magician Moondark and turned into his mindless slaves. The carnival was freed from Moondark by Spider-Man and Ghost Rider and their souls returned. Sometime after the incident with Moondark, Eddy and her fellow carnival performers Six and Muck briefly operated as a superhero team called the Freaks. In their only known outing as such, the team saved a doctor from being kidnapped by the villains Hammer and Anvil. +This superhero's name is Gorilla Grodd (CW). Their real name is Grodd. Grodd, also known as Gorilla Grodd, is a silver-back gorilla that was experimented on by S.T.A.R. Labs. After being exposed to the energy from the particle accelerator, Grodd then escaped his cage and developed powerful psychic abilities, becoming a near-unstoppable enemy of the Flash. Having cared for Grodd, Caitlin Snow was sympathetic to his condition as the only meta-gorilla, and so she helped Team Flash send him to Earth-2 where he could be with more of his kind in Gorilla City. However, Grodd wanted to rule over humankind, plotting to dethrone Solovar and to take over Central City on Earth-1 with an army. After this failed, he was locked up back on Earth-1 by A.R.G.U.S. Due to a rupture of time caused by the Legends, Grodd ended up as an anachronism in 1967's Vietnam, starting his own cult and fighting the Legends, before being found and recruited as a follower of Mallus by Damien Darhk. Upon their defeat, Grodd was sent back to A.R.G.U.S. presumably by the Time Bureau. He orchestrated his escape on the night of the Enlightenment and he broke out about a year later where he tried to steal King Shark's crown so he'd be able control everyone in Central City. He was defeated by King Shark, and placed back in A.R.G.U.S. custody, this time in a medically-induced coma. +This superhero's name is GPL. Their real name is GPL Tech. The IT Guys had the idea of making the Garma Mecha Man and help Garmadon conquer the city. Later, Garmadon used them in order to spy on his brother. They found out that he was going into the jungle so Garmadon left his base in order to track them down. It is unknown what happened to them after that. +This superhero's name is Grand Master Skywalker. Their real name is Luke Skywalker. After the defeat of the Empire, Luke Skywalker helped keep peace throughout the galaxy as the New Republic slowly defeated small remnants of the Empire. When Palpatine returned in the form of several clone bodies, Luke temporarily fell to the dark side and became the resurrected Emperor's apprentice. He was later redeemed with the help of his friends, and continued with his goal of reviving the Jedi Order. In 11 ABY, he founded the New Jedi Order, and began teaching Force-sensitives about the ways of the Force at the Jedi Praxeum, fulfilling his destiny as the first of the new Jedi. In the midst of this rebirth came numerous challenges for Skywalker and his apprentices, including the Black Fleet Crisis, the Almanian Uprising, and the lure of Waru, but Skywalker, aided by fellow Jedi and his friends, was able to overcome each trial. Meanwhile, after a long series of failed relationships, Luke married fellow Jedi and former Emperor's Hand Mara Jade in 19 ABY. Several years after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Skywalker found himself, yet again, on the front lines. Skywalker served as the leader of the New Jedi Order, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, an invasion by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong species. During the war, Skywalker's wife gave birth to a son, who they named Ben, in memory of his first mentor of the force: Ben Kenobi. Skywalker endured countless battles as the New Republic was first pushed back, including the fall of his home on Coruscant. However, the newly reformed government, labeling itself the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, regrouped and helped push back the alien invaders. In the final stages of the war, Skywalker sought out the living world of Zonama Sekot, convincing the planet to join the Galactic Alliance in a final battle on Coruscant, in which Skywalker personally led the assault on Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane's citadel and slew Jamaane. Combined with the fact that his nephew, Jacen Solo, would soon after kill Jamaane's puppet master, Onimi, the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated and the war was ended. After the Yuuzhan Vong War, Skywalker maintained a prominent role among the Jedi into the Dark Nest Crisis, which saw him call a Jedi convocation to deal with strife within the Order. Faced with disunity, Skywalker assumed the title of Grand Master and direct control over the reestablished Jedi Council. Despite the successful handling of the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War, lasting peace was yet to be achieved, as the Second Galactic Civil War broke out a few years later. Skywalker was plunged into a dark time as his nephew, Jacen Solo, became a Sith apprentice under his old adversary Lumiya and slew his beloved Mara. His grief was further compounded by his son's treading near the dark side as well, but he continued to lead the Jedi, forming the Jedi Coalition to oppose the rule of the Alliance by his nephew, now a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Caedus. With Skywalker's aid, Caedus was killed by his twin sister Jaina, ending the war and restoring peace to the galaxy. In the aftermath of the war, Natasi Daala ascended to the position of Chief of State and fostered a wide spread anti-Jedi sentiment resulting in tensions between the Jedi Order and her government. Daala ultimately had Skywalker arrested for dereliction of duty, and in exchange for his freedom, he was exiled and forbidden from involving himself in the affairs of the Jedi Order. Skywalker and his son embarked on an odyssey across the galaxy in order to discover the causes of Jacen Solo's fall to the dark side. During their journey, the Skywalkers encountered the Lost Tribe of Sith, as well as a malevolent dark side entity known as Abeloth. With the help of his son and the rest of the Jedi, Skywalker returned to his position as Grand Master. Skywalker and his allies then repelled the Sith threat, and with the help of an unlikely Sith ally, defeated Abeloth, preventing another disaster that could endanger the galaxy. Eventually, Luke passed away, and became one with the Force. +This superhero's name is Granny Goodness. Their real name is . Granny Goodness did not begin as one of the higher-level residents of Apokolips, but was instead one of the "Lowlies" - the brutally-oppressed peasant class. She was removed from her parents and trained to be one of Darkseid's "Hounds" (his elite soldiers). One part of their training was to train their dog; Goodness named hers Mercy. Through combat and training, the two bonded. As the final step of her initiation into life as a Hound, she was told to kill her beloved pet. Instead, she killed her trainer for ordering this. When Darkseid asked why, she answered that "to have done otherwise would have robbed my lord of a most valuable asset," telling him that Mercy would obey her first, but him foremost. Testing this, Darkseid ordered Mercy to kill Goodness. Mercy attacked Goodness, forcing Goodness to kill her pet. Darkseid was impressed, telling Goodness that she had graduated with honors. "You have trained Mercy so well in my name that perhaps you'll do as well training others whose blind obedience I will one day require." Darkseid had Goodness run the training facility for his elite soldiers, where she uses brainwashing and torture, in a brutal parody of child care, to turn the innocent into fanatical warriors willing to kill or die for Darkseid's glory. Since the war between Apokolips and New Genesis first moved to Earth, Granny Goodness has often run Earthly orphanages, looking for potential warriors for Darkseid. Granny runs the "orphanage" on Apokolips and is the chief of the Female Furies. She also raised Scott Free, the son of Highfather of New Genesis who had been traded for Darkseid's son as part of a peace treaty. Scott Free (AKA Mister Miracle) became the first child to successfully escape one of her Orphanages. Granny Goodness is killed. Art by Scott Kolins.In the final issue of the Amazons Attack miniseries it was revealed that Granny Goodness has been posing as Athena, having been manipulating the Amazons into the war. It also appears that Goodness is posing as Athena in the Countdown series, using Amazon centers to recruit new female fighters. She is also holding the Gods of Olympus prisoner. After the gods are freed by Mary Marvel, Holly Robinson and Harley Quinn, Granny is attacked and killed by Infinity-Man. However, she is reincarnated on Earth, along with the other Evil Gods, as a member of Boss Dark Side's gang. Although this form is destroyed by Black Alice in an issue of Birds of Prey, in the Final Crisis of mankind, she takes the body of the Alpha Lantern known as Kraken and uses it to attack John Stewart and frame Hal Jordan for the assault. While she is discovered by Batman, she easily overpowers him and brings him back to the Evil Factory beneath Blüdhaven where he is sealed inside a torture device. Later, Reverend Good announces that Granny Goodness is poised to conquer Oa from within in the name of Darkseid, which would likely reestablish her as his favorite among the Elite. Granny's attempted assault on the power structure of Oa results in injury to a Guardian, the clearing of Hal Jordan's name, the hiding of the Power Battery and a Green Lantern assault force sent to Earth. +This superhero's name is Grant Ward (MCU). Their real name is Grant Ward. Grant Douglas Ward grew up in Massachusetts and had a difficult childhood. He had an abusive older brother who would frequently force Ward to beat up his younger brother. His parents were even worse. Ward also had a sister with whom he no longer has contact. An incident in particular that had a profound effect on Ward was when his older brother threw his younger brother into a well and would not allow Ward to rescue him. Ward eventually managed to do it without his brother knowing +This superhero's name is Graviton (MCU). Their real name is Glenn Talbot. Brigadier General Glenn Talbot was a high-ranking officer of the United States Air Force. Following all the terrorist attacks connected to the HYDRA Uprising, Talbot was then personally tasked with capturing the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities, for which he was promoted. Despite their long standing feud and constant attempts to better each other, Talbot soon grew to respect S.H.I.E.L.D. new Director, Phil Coulson, accepting his help in the War on HYDRA. All his experiences in dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D. had soon led to President Matthew Ellis putting Talbot in charge of the ATCU, which was re-purposed to serve as the public face of S.H.I.E.L.D. after Rosalind Price's death, as Talbot used his possession to assist S.H.I.E.L.D. in their wars against Gideon Malick and Hive, while also successfully destroying HYDRA for good and ending their conflict. With the return of S.H.I.E.L.D., Talbot was tasked with finding their new Director and developed Project Patriot to find their next Captain America with Jeffrey Mace. However all Talbot's continued missions soon made him a target, as he was shot through the head by a Life-Model Decoy sent by Aida. While Talbot survived, his injuries allowed Hale to take advantage, having Talbot tortured for months, while undergoing Faustus. Upon being rescued, Talbot's struggle with his mind caused him to inadvertently send the Remorath to attack. As he had sought a solution, Talbot absorbed Gravitonium into his body and gained incredible power, only to become corrupted. In his aim to protect the world from Thanos, Talbot had attempted to gain more Gravitonium and endangered the entire world in doing so, forcing Quake to challenge him and then eventually launch Talbot into space to finally end his rampage. +This superhero's name is Gravity. Their real name is Greg Willis. Greg Willis moved to New York to attend New York University. He immediately encountered Black Death and Rage; because of a misunderstanding, Black Death escaped. After beating the Rhino, he became a target of the Daily Bugle, especially because of the symbol on his chest (could be mistaken for an X, used by many mutant teams, such as the X-Men; Willis may or may not be a mutant). For a time Gravity partnered with another hero called the Greenwich Guardian, who turned out to be Black Death and escaped again. Gravity also defeated Brushfire. Other people in Willis' life included "Frog," his roommate, and Lauren Singh, another student. Gravity was one of the heroes taken to Battleworld, along with Spider-Man (Impostor), Medusa, Wasp, Firebird, Venom and Henry Pym by a being claiming to be the Beyonder. Later, when Uatu the Watcher appeared, the 'Beyonder' was proven to be a hoax, It ended up being another cosmic entity known as The Stranger. The being then decided to destroy the planet, setting it to self destruct. Gravity forfeited his life to hold it together long enough for the others to escape. Most recently, the new Fantastic Four found out that Gravity's grave had been desecrated. They followed a trail and found that he had been put into a cocoon by Epoch. This was fought over briefly by the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four, until Gravity emerged as the new Protector Of The Universe, because Quasar lost his life in the recent Annihilation war. Gravity used his powers up to save the being that gave him the powers' life when Galactus came to consume it. This sated Galactus, whom left peacefully. Gravity and the FF returned to Earth and he left for home. Gravity returned to schooling in Manhattan, but decided to give up his heroing career, leaving his costume behind in Wisconsin. While using his super abilities to fly to New York he encounters Warhead, a member of the Bastards of Evil. Gravity eventually subdues him, but not before Warhead kills innocent bystanders. The encounter convinces Gravity to not give up his heroing career, returning home to retrieve his costume before returning to Manhattan. Gravity became involved investigating the Bastards of Evil after they attacked Manhattan, including Warhead causing a nuclear explosion at Ground Zero that presumably killed himself in the process. Gravity teamed up with recently unretired superheroine Firestar to learn more about the remaining Bastards. The pair, along with Spider-Girl, Nomad and Toro, defeated the Bastards of Evil and revealed that they were actually kidnapped victims of the Superior, the alleged son of the Leader. When Nomad suggested the group form an official heroing team, Gravity firmly rejected the idea, stating that he was "over the team thing." +This superhero's name is Grayven. Their real name is . Grayven was the third son of Darkseid. +This superhero's name is Great Evil Beast. Their real name is The Great Darkness. The Great Evil Beast was formed when God uttered the words "Let There Be Light" and came to embody all the darkness in creation as well as everything that opposed the light of the Presence (which is DC universe's version of God) - however despite its immense power the Great Evil Beast was still a newborn entity and thus was easily defeated by the Presence and contained within its own realm. When the events Crisis on Infinite Earths took place, a group of mystics named the Brujeria attempted an occult ritual designed to contact the Great Evil Beast but it went horribly wrong and the entity awoke as a furious beast, unable to grasp its power and becoming confused as to its existence. The Great Evil Beast would encounter Etrigan, Dr. Fate and the Spectre - Etrigan taught the entity that Darkness was Evil, Dr. Fate told the entity Evil was Despisable and the Spectre finally told the entity about the concept of revenge: these new lessons angered the Great Evil Beast despite the heroes being well-meaning and it launched an assault on Heaven itself in order to get answers as to its existence from the Presence itself. Along the way the Great Evil Beast decimated anything that got in its way and was so powerful that Lucifer, Azrael and Beelzebub formed an alliance to defend themselves should the Great Evil Beast decide to attack Hell as well - somewhat ironically another batch of demons known as the Demons Three decided to do the opposite and allied with the Great Evil Beast, seeing it as the ultimate sin and evil (which technically it was). Finally, Swamp Thing, readied by his journeys into the Parliament Of Trees and his dealings with John Constantine, sought the entity out of his own free will, whereas all other beings had been engulfed after being soundly defeated. The entity listened as Swamp Thing gave what little he had, lessons that implied darkness was in its own way as needed as light, and had a place in the cosmos after all. It told Swamp Thing to leave him in peace, as he had entered, and prepared for what it called a great and final ending. However as the Great Evil Beast stormed the gates of Heaven itself the entity extended its hand and much to the surprise of everyone the Presence did likewise - this climaxed in the two beings merging together into the perfect balance. The battle was not without its price. Doctor Fate killed one of the Demons Three. On the more heroic side, Golden Age magical hero Zatara sacrificed his life to save his daughter Zatanna, and Sargon The Sorcerer also met his end. John Constantine lost some of his oldest friends in the campaign to stop the Brujeria, while his ally Mento (Steve Dayton, formerly of The Doom Patrol and an ally to The Teen Titans) glimpsed the smallest portion of the Great Evil Beast and went insane, actually becoming a villain for several years. In later issues showing the afterlife in Swamp Thing, he would glimpse the joined hands of the darkness and the Presence. _________________________________ This being is outside of the Presence's creation.[1] This is no fallen Angel or Leviathan, this is the soul of darkness itself, a complete absence of divine light.[2] This being is in every way equal to the power of the Presence, but his opposite who existed before Creation.[3] When the earth-shattering events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths struck, a group of mystic madmen calling themselves the Brujería attempted to conduct a mystic ritual to contact the Great Darkness; unsurprisingly, it went awry and instead the entity awoke as a furious beast, unknowing of its own power and confused about its existence. It ended encountering a number of mystical heroes (Etrigan, Doctor Fate, the Spectre), who unwittingly angered the being and directed it against Heaven, leaving only the defeated heroes behind. They did this unknowingly, despite their best intentions; Etrigan taught it darkness was evil, Dr. Fate told him that evil was despisable, and the Spectre instructed it with the concept of revenge. Infuriated, the being sought to assault Heaven to demand answers from the Presence as to its existence, trampling all it crossed paths with. This power was so huge, it caused Hell's main three figures - Lucifer, Azazel and Beelzebub - to form a triumvirate to defend themselves should the Great Darkness decide it wanted Hell as its realm. A different faction, led by the Demons Three, banded together to follow the Great Darkness, whom they saw as the ultimate sin and evil. However, before the Great Darkness reached the gates of the Silver City of Heaven, it encountered the Swamp Thing, who taught it the concept of good and evil, life and death, intertwined so that one could not survive without the other. The Great Darkness then extended its hand, and something happened that nobody had foreseen; the Presence extended His. When both Hands touched, both the ultimate light and the ultimate dark merged, forming the perfect balance as a form of Yin/Yang. The realm of the Great Darkness, an expanse of complete and utter darkness known as the Sunless Sea or the Shadowlands, has been referred to as the power source for shadow-manipulating characters like Richard Swift (the Shade), his archenemy Culp, the Shadow Thief, Nightshade, Ian Karkull, and Alan Scott's son Obsidian. +This superhero's name is Greedo. Their real name is Greedo. Greedo was a male Rodian bounty hunter who grew up on Tatooine in Mos Espa. During the Clone Wars, he was hired by the Trade Federation to kidnap Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe Papanoida, the daughters of Chairman Papanoida, but was forced by the chairman to lead him and his son Ion to them. He was occasionally hired by crimelord Jabba the Hutt for various mercenary jobs, including the capture of Han Solo, who killed the luckless Rodian. +This superhero's name is Green Arrow (Injustice). Their real name is Oliver Queen. Oliver Queen, upon his mother and fathers' passing, was the CEO of his own conglomerate, Queen Industries. This would be halted when during a yacht party, an accident sends him shipwrecked on an island. Using his survival skills and proficiency with a bow and arrow, he would make his way back home to Star City. He used his archery skills to become the vigilante Green Arrow, fighting crime alongside his sidekick Roy Harper. It wasn't long before his skills were recognized by the Justice League, being recruited to the team and becoming a frequent mainstay, even when other people like Roy would take his place. +This superhero's name is Green Arrow. Their real name is Oliver Queen. When millionaire Oliver Queen fell overboard from a yacht, he was washed up on a deserted island where he was forced to learn how to hunt with a bow and arrow in order to survive. He eventually escaped from the island by overpowering some drug smugglers and handing them over to the authorities. Changed by his experiences, he decided to give something back to society, in as exciting a way as possible - becoming a crime-fighter, using his archery skills for good. With a nickname coined by the press, Green Arrow and his sidekick Speedy made it their mission to protect Star City. He took his cue from Batman and built his own "Arrow Cave," complete with an "Arrow Car" and allegedly a yellow submarine. He and Speedy fought with trick arrows that were designed to be non-lethal. Green Arrow joined the Justice League of America and soon fell in love with member Black Canary (even though he was almost twice her age). Unbeknownst to the rest of the League members, in the early days Queen was one of the major financial backers of the team. He was also the only one that objected when the team relocated to a space station in orbit, feeling that they were too far removed from the people they were meant to protect. In the ensuing year after losing his fortune, Ollie traveled the country with Green Lantern Hal Jordan while his left-behind ward dabbled with drugs that caused the two to go their separate ways. While Ollie was on the team and they were located in their Sattelite base, the events alluded to in Identity Crisis transpired, although he eventually left the team during this era following the example of Black Lightning, who turned down membership to the group due to similar concerns. After being together for years, Ollie and Dinah relocated to Seattle and opened a floral shop. Ollie, about to turn 43, was having a bit of a midlife crisis. He wanted her to marry him and to have children, citing that Roy was "not technically" his son, nor was Lian technically his granddaughter, but Dinah objected, citing their career as superheroes as being too dangerous to go to that level. Dinah's warning would become a premonition when she was kidnapped and brutally tortured by sadistic criminal not long after their arrival (Dinah had been investigating drug trafficking undercover when she was found out). When Arrow found her tied up and brutally tortured, his rage led him to shoot the killer--only the second person Ollie had ever killed, and the first under these circumstances. Dinah's injuries were extensive--she lost her "canary cry" and was subsequently found to be unable to bear children. This marked a major turning point in Ollie's life. Green Arrow patrolled the streets of Seattle, no longer using the trick arrows for which he was so famed, but resorting to normal bodkin and arrowheaded ones. He tried not to kill when he could help it. Early on, he met a Ninja assassin named Shado. When Ollie was injured and being cared for by Shado, she proceeded to rape him while he was unconscious, conceiving a son she would name Robert. When Ollie found out about the son, Shado made it clear that he would have nothing to do with the child. It also caused a rift between Ollie and Dinah, since she despaired at not being able to give Ollie the one thing he had always truly wanted (not withstanding Roy and Liam). After many adventures around the globe, Ollie and Dinah began to grow more distant, resulting in her breaking up with him after she caught him kissing their assistant. With the depature of Mike Grell, Green Arrow was brought back more in line with traditional DC superheroes (although he still used real arrows, not trick ones). Ollie traveled for some time, running into Huntress, Catwoman, and even Deathstroke before being called to act for Zero Hour. Ollie refused to believe that Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), his oldest and closest friend, had indeed become the murderous Parallax. Ollie initially refused to fight against Hal, until the full depth of the former Green Lantern's madness became all too clear. In the final battle, Ollie shot Hal in the chest, being the crucial attack that stopped Parallax and saved the universe. Ollie was distraught, however, at the thought of having killed one of his best friends. Coping with his loss, Ollie withdrew to an ashram where he had spent some time earlier in life. There he met Connor Hawke, a young man who was also a skilled archer, and who would soon turn out to be Ollie's illegitimate son from a romance that predated his relationship with Black Canary (Ollie didn't know for sure that it was his son until Hal Jordan turned up, still crazy, but attempting to reconcile with Ollie). Connor joined his father and left the ashram for more adventures. On one such case, while stopping a militant group called the Eden Corps from leveling Metropolis, Oliver Queen was killed in an airplane explosion that even Superman failed to prevent. After Queen's death, Connor Hawke, the son whom he had barely known, picked up the bow and continued the good fight as the second Green Arrow. +This superhero's name is Green Goblin (2099). Their real name is Jennifer D'Angelo. The Goblin of the year 2099 wanted to take Spider-Man's place on Downtown, even if it meant getting rid of the wall-crawler. He once framed Miguel's brother Gabriel O'Hara to make it seem that Gabriel was the Goblin. +This superhero's name is Green Goblin II. Their real name is Harold Osborn. Harry was born in New York to industrialist Norman Osborn and his wife Emily. Unfortunately, the circumstances of Harry's birth weakened Emily, and she died after several years of illness. Heartbroken, Norman became a cold and unloving father, either dismissing Harry or lashing out at him in fury. Harry would spend the rest of his life trying desperately to earn his father's approval. When Harry graduated high school, he enrolled in Empire State University. Among the wealthiest students in the school, Harry soon became one of the most popular faces in the school, despite his aloof manner. He soon formed a clique of rich, popular students around him. One of these students was the lovely Gwen Stacy, whom Harry had known since high school. Gwen soon became intrigued with a new student, a bookish, studious fellow named Peter Parker. Harry took a dislike to Parker, as he resented the amount of attention he was getting from Gwen, and he assumed that the reason Peter was so standoffish was because of snobbery. After confronting Parker, however, Harry discovered that Peter was painfully shy and worried about his ailing aunt, May. Despite this rocky early start, Harry and Peter became friends, eventually sharing a luxury apartment. What Harry didn't realize was that Peter was the superhero Spider-Man, and that he had twice battled his father, who had become the Green Goblin in an accident while attempting to create a super-serum. When the Goblin discovered Spider-Man's identity and captured him, he revealed his own identity to Peter. Horrified that his greatest enemy was his best friend's father, Peter's loyalties were torn during their battle. However, Osborn then fell onto an electric transformer and the resulting shock removed all memory of being the Green Goblin. Spider-Man removed the Goblin's costume and equipment, hoping it was the end of the Goblin menace. However, Norman's memories would resurface from time to time and he would periodically battle Spider-Man, only to lose his memories again when the fight was over. These were difficult times for Harry. Having experimented with drugs since his teenage years, Harry gradually began experimenting with harder substances, which affected his mental stability and relationships with his friends. Spider-Man used this to his advantage on one occasion when, in battle with the Green Goblin, he was able to stop the fight by showing Norman his son's emaciated condition, brought on by an accidental cocaine overdose. The sight shocked Norman so much that it brought him back to sanity for what was to be the last time. It wasn't long after, though, that stress caused Norman to become the Green Goblin again. Harry's life had fallen apart. His relationship with Peter's friend Mary Jane Watson had come to an end when she dumped him, fed up with his self-destructive lifestyle. A disconsolate Harry attempted turned to drugs and suffered an LSD overdose. He survived, but this tragedy, compounded by imminent bankruptcy, drove the Green Goblin over the edge. He kidnapped Gwen as bait for Spider-Man, and then threw her off the George Washington Bridge. When Peter pulled her back up with his webbing, she was already dead. A vicious battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin ensued, with Peter barely able to control himself from killing the villain. The Goblin then directed his goblin glider to impale Spider-Man, but the wall-crawler jumped out of the way, and the Goblin was impaled through the chest himself, and seemingly killed. Peter was wracked with guilt and sorrow, but took comfort in the fact that the Green Goblin was finally dead. However, Harry had secretly witnessed the battle. Wanting to protect his father's identity, he stripped Norman's body of the Green Goblin costume and hid it. Blaming Spider-Man for his father's "murder," Harry swore vengeance. Having inherited his father's company, Harry managed to get the business back in shape as he planned his revenge. One day, to his shock, he found a Spider-Man costume in Peter's apartment, and realized that his best friend was the man he blamed for his father's death. Using his father's old equipment, Harry confronted Peter as the new Green Goblin. Not wanting to hurt Harry, Peter avoided fighting his old friend. Eventually Harry was knocked unconscious and taken into police custody. There he raved that he was the true Green Goblin and Peter Parker was Spider-Man, but was dismissed as a lunatic. He was put in the care of criminal psychologist Dr. Bart Hamilton, who extracted the secrets of the Green Goblin from Harry through hypnosis, and buried the knowledge deep with Harry's mind. However, this was not altruistic on Hamilton's part - he then raided one of Harry's hideouts and became the third Green Goblin, hoping to become the new boss of the underworld. However, his power was no match for his enthusiasm, and the power-mad psychologist was killed by a bomb he had planted for Spider-Man. Harry was released and considered cured, and he and Peter rekindled their friendship. For a while, Harry's life seemed back on track; His company began turning profits once more, and he developed a romance with Liz Allan, whom he met at the wedding of Betty Brant and Ned Leeds. Not long after, the two were married, and eventually they had a son, whom Harry named Normie in memory of the boy's grandfather. Harry also gave his blessing to the marriage of Peter and Mary Jane. However, Harry was forced to act as the Green Goblin a few times during these years, once to defeat Jason Macendale, the Hobgoblin, who sought the Goblin formula that gave the Green Goblin superhuman strength; Harry was able to defeat the Hobgoblin by doubling back during an aerial chase and emptying his entire supply of pumpkin bombs onto the Hobgoblin. Harry even wondered if he could use the Goblin persona for a career as a superhero, but Peter convinced him that the Goblin had too much baggage for such a role, and Harry buried the Goblin menace within his mind once more, and focussed on his business and family. This tranquility was shattered when the aftereffects of the Inferno crisis sundered the barrier between Harry's conscious and subconscious minds. Once again he remembered being the Green Goblin - and his irrational hatred of Spider-Man (Harry had now convinced himself that Peter resented the Osborns' 'stable family life' due to never having been wanted by his guardians, when in fact it was almost the complete opposite). His sanity shattered, he declared that their next confrontation would be their final one, and only one of them would be alive at the end. To ensure that he was the victor, Harry researched his father's chemical notes, hoping to recreate the original Goblin's superhuman strength. Harry made his own modifications to the formula, and upon ingesting it, it proved better than he had dreamed. The new Goblin Formula had made him stronger than both Spider-Man and his father. Now a physical match for Spider-Man, Harry planned his final revenge. Harry took to stalking Peter Parker on his Goblin Glider, claiming that there was no law against just soaring around town in a colourful costume, and taunting Peter that someday he would destroy him, but he relished keeping Peter in suspense in the meantime. After weeks of this, Peter finally lost his cool and struck at Harry, only to be sent flying when Harry hit back, demonstrating his new strength. He then rocketed away, taunting Spider-Man's inability to stop him. Not long after, Harry held a prestigious dinner at his townhouse, inviting many of his father's old business associates. However, it was actually a trap, and Harry had planted explosives throughout the townhouse, which he planned to detonate, thus destroying everybody who had slighted the Osborns. Spider-Man, fearing the worst, dropped in to investigate, only to be confronted by Harry as the Green Goblin. The two former friends engaged in an explosive battle, which ended when Harry injected Peter with a drug that left him immobile but still conscious. However, even as he gloated over his victory, he realized that Mary Jane and his son Normie were also in the townhouse, and that the explosives would detonate in two minutes. Despite protestations that he wasn't a hero, Peter convinced Harry to use his glider to get the two to safety. Once Normie and Mary Jane were safe, Harry's sanity finally returned, and he realized that he had left Peter to die. Harry rescued Peter from the explosion in the nick of time. However, as his friends thanked him, he suddenly collapsed. The Goblin Formula was imperfect, and while it had increased his strength, it was also lethally poisoning him. Paramedics were called, but Harry died en route to the hospital. With his final words, he apologised to Peter, and confirmed that despite everything, they were still best friends. +This superhero's name is Green Goblin III. Their real name is Barton Hamilton. Dr. Barton "Bart" Hamilton was Harry Osborn's psychiatrist. While treating Harry, he came up with idea of writing a thesis about the criminal mind. Being able to hypnotize Harry, he was able to learn the entire history of the Green Goblin. After finding the secret hideout of the Green Goblin, he was able to access all of the Goblin's equipment and began experimenting with them. Feeling the sense of power that came with them he felt that he was the one who should lay claim to the Green Goblin. Since Harry had revealed Spider-Man's true identity to him, Dr. Hamilton set out to destroy Spider-Man & become the one true crime-boss of New York. He had Harry follow Spider-Man and take pictures of him destroying his clone. He then had Harry mail the pictures to J. Jonah Jameson and hypnotized him into forgetting all that he had done. He then enrages Harry during a session and they fight in the shadows. It is revealed later on that Dr. Hamilton had tied Harry up and was now the Green Goblin. As the Green Goblin, Dr. Hamilton plotted to become crime-boss of New York. He found out that Silvermane and every crime-boss were having a meeting at a restaurant in the World Trade Center. He crashed in on their meeting and proposed that he should be the one true crime-boss. He claimed that he could offer, as leader of the underworld, something that no other leader could, which was the elimination of Spider-Man. Silvermane agreed to talk about who would be crime-boss if he could deliver on his claim of eliminating Spider-Man within twenty-four hours. He captured Spider-Man but was attacked by Silvermane's men and Spider-Man escaped. Enraged that Silvermane intervened he attacked him at Radio City Music Hall. Spider-Man shows up to stop him but could not. Silvermane was defeated & Spider-Man was knocked unconscious by one of Goblin's Sonic Toads. Goblin took Spider-Man to the same incinerator plant that Spider-Man used to destroy his clone. Goblin planned on throwing Spider-Man down one of the smokestacks, but Spider-Man woke up and was able save himself. Spider-Man defeated the Goblin and unsmasked him. As Dr. Hamilton told Spider-Man his whole plot to destroy him and become crime-boss, Harry Osborn (as the Green Goblin) attacked him. Harry and Dr. Hamilton battled and Dr. Hamilton is killed in an explosion. +This superhero's name is Green Goblin IV. Their real name is Phillip Benjamin Urich. Born to Arnold and Mindy Urich, Phil took to the wing of his uncle Ben who worked as a journalist with The Daily Bugle. On a journalism assignment, Phil joined his uncle Ben in an investigation on an Osborn Industries building. When his uncle was besieged by attackers in the building, Phil hid and tried to find help. Stumbling upon an experimental new Green Goblin costume Phil also fell into a chamber of the Goblin Formula. Quickly dressing up in the suit, he scared off the hoods. Later on, he decided that the costume and equipment were worth using. After his discovery of the Goblin arsenal and equipment, Phil ran into the Scarlet Spider, Rhino, the Hobgoblin, Joystick and others. Many were unsure of his purpose and motives as they were also curious about this new Goblin on the scene. It was not until a corrupt judge targeted Ben and sent the assassin Purge to kill him that Phil decided to take on his new persona with responsibility. Teaming up with Daredevil the pair were able to stop Purge. This act gave the new hero a lot of attention and he developed a small but devoted following. Liz Allan asked Ben for information on who was using her husband's former identity. She later gave Phil her "blessing" after he saved her and her son Normie from Angelface. During Onslaught's attack, the Goblin costume was heavily damaged after battling Sentinels. Phil soon decided to retire as an active hero. He has recently been seen as part of Excelsior. +This superhero's name is Green Goblin (SONY). Their real name is Norman Osborn. +This superhero's name is Green Lantern (Injustice). Their real name is Hal Jordan. Inspired by his father to be a pilot, Harold 'Hal' Jordan became a popular and daring test pilot for Ferris Aircraft, using some of their best fighter jets. In an unexpected event, Hal would come across a spaceship that crashlanded nearby his home. In there, a dying alien gave him a power ring and battery, proving that Hal was worthy of being a member of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force meant to enforce justice around every sector of the known universe. Since then, Hal has been a huge help to the Corps, as well as a founding Justice League member. +This superhero's name is Green Lantern (New 52). Their real name is Alan Scott. Alan Scott is the Green Lantern of Earth 2. After nearly dying in a train crash, Alan was given the power of The Green, to fight the threat of the The Grey +This superhero's name is Greenskyn Smashtroll. Their real name is Unknown. Greenskyn Smashtroll is Counterpart of Hulk in Eurth. The history of the Eurth is that: When a living cosmic cube called the Shaper of Worlds formed the medieval world Eurth using the imagination of a child and the history of Avalon, Prester John acted as one of its "Four Muses". Greenskyn Smashtroll is teammate of Captain Avalon in Champions of the Realm (It is the counterpart of the Avengers) +This superhero's name is Grid. Their real name is . After he was given the technology that kept him alive, Cyborg realized that with its telecommunication he could keep a constant watch on every superhuman on Earth. However, aware of the invasion of privacy, he refused to consciously hunt for information, leaving secondary cybernetic systems to passively compile information. He began to refer to the software that curated these secondary systems as "the grid". The software grew, and developed into a neural network, with behavioral quirks copied from the viruses and hackers it encountered. It was shepherded into full sentience by Atomica, who used it to steal all the data of the Justice League's adventures. When she betrayed the heroes to the Crime Syndicate (Earth 3), she brought it with her onto the villain team. The machine mind, now christened "Grid", stole Cyborg's cybernetic prostheses to make a body for itself and went to join the Crime Syndicate in exchange for their promised help in achieving its ultimate goal: emotions, which were the one thing Victor Stone had that it could not replicate. Forever Evil Grid served the Crime Syndicate in their scheme to take over the world, acting as a datahub. He was instrumental to their plan, to take over the global telecoms infrastructure one city at a time, during a worldwide blackout that the group had engineered. He was eventually stopped by Victor Stone, who had been given new prostheses by his father, and who attacked with the aid of the Metal Men, a gang of non-networked robots. The group appealed to Grid's nascent ego, causing him to disconnect from wireless contact to fight them, after which they seemingly killed him. The Darkseid War However, Grid survived, hidden inside Cyborg's systems once again. When the surviving members of the Crime Syndicate teamed up with the Justice League to end a conflict between Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor, Superwoman reactivated Grid to strengthen the Syndicate's side of the alliance. Grid was able to take advantage of changes to the nature of Victor Stone's cybernetics and made Victor become him. Grid assisted the combined group, but at the end of the adventure, his allies were dead, except for Owlman, who had Grid download himself into the Mobius Chair. Owlman and Grid are then seen talking to Metron when a powerful force attacks and seemingly kills him. +This superhero's name is Griffin Turner. Their real name is Griffin Turner. Griffin Turner was born as a descendant of the original Elemental Master of Speed. At one point he managed to unlock his True Potential, and shortly after the defeat of The Overlord was invited by Master Chen to participate in the Tournament of Elements. +This superhero's name is Grifter. Their real name is Cole Cash. Grifter is an ex-soldier turned super-hero and vigilante. His firearms expertise makes him an incredible marksman and one of the most dangerous men in the world. Through Daemonite experimentation, he also gained telepathy and telekinesis. +This superhero's name is Grim Reaper. Their real name is Eric Williams. When Eric Williams found out that his brother Simon had died trying to infiltrate the Avengers as Wonder Man (not knowing that Simon had actually died due to Baron Zemo's betrayal), he had a tech scythe grafted on his arm, donned a death-inspired costume and sought revenge on the Avengers as the Grim Reaper. He has died multiple times (like his brother), but keeps getting revived by Scarlet Witch's magic. His most recent death was at the hands of the X-Man Rogue. +This superhero's name is Groot. Their real name is Groot. Groot posed as Divine Majesty King Groot the 23rd, Monarch of Planet X, custodian of the branch worlds, ruler of all the shades, flora colossus. Groot is a member of the Flora colossus, a society of sentient trees, discovered by the Kree. In the Autumn of 1960, scientist Leslie Evans and his girlfriend Alice witnessed a blinding object falling from the sky. When Evans went to investigate the next day, he not only found the object, but discovered it was alive. Evans looked on as the alien creature, Groot, grew larger by the minute as he absorbed wooden objects into his own body. There in the woods, Groot announced his presence to the nearby community. Claiming to be the Monarch of Planet X, Groot announced that he had come to Earth to take a small Terran town back to his home world for its scientists to study. While the humans resisted, no gunfire, or even conventional fire could penetrate Groot's hide. Seeing the futility of trying to fight Groot directly, Evans abandoned the townspeople and raced back to his laboratory, for which he was labeled a coward. Over the next three days, Groot used his ability to control trees and plants to turn the forest into a make-shift army. His announced intention was to use Earth's native vegetation to create a net of roots to allow him to lift the town into space whole. When Groot entered the town, Evans snuck up behind him and unleashed the fruits of his frantic work: a specially bred colony of termites. The insects voraciously ate through Groot's hide, and into his core. Groot collapsed in a a state of shock, and was believed dead by the townsfolk. Later, however, Groot was seen alive and captured in Collector's zoo beneath Canada. When the Mole Man attacked the Collector in his lair, the security in the Collector's zoo failed, and the monsters were released. The stampede of monsters eventually arrived in New York, and were engaged by the Thing and the Hulk. Joined by the Beast and Giant-Man, the four heroes defeated the horde of monsters, including Droom, Groot, Grottu, Grogg, Gargantus, Rommbu, Taboo, Tragg, and Vandoom's Monster. Afterwards, the Hulk hurled all the monsters through a portal and into the Negative Zone. At some point, Groot returned to Earth, supposedly to Monster Isle. Later, Groot was tracked down and engaged by a unit of the Howling Commandos of Area 13, a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. dedicated to tackling supernatural threats through supernatural means. Groot had blended into the surrounding woodland, despite his size, but was ferreted out by Sasquatch and the Abominable Snowman's sense of smell. The unit -- also including Gorilla Man and Warwolf -- disoriented Groot with high-pitch sonics and brought him down. Teleported to Area 13, Gorilla Man informed Groot of his options: either join Area 13 as part of the the solution, or be imprisoned as part of the problem. When a horde of fantastic creatures under the control of Merlin poured into Area 13 through a magical portal, the larger creatures were released from their cells, causing a stampede which crushed many of the invaders. Arriving in Merlin's territory on the other side of the portal, Groot met up again with the Howling Commandos. Realizing that Area 13 would just catch up to him again if he escaped, and that the landscape had been so warped by magic that it was physically painful to him, Groot has offered to assist the commandos. Following the defeat of "Merlin" Groot apparently went back into space, eventually finding himself in Kree space, where he was promptly captured and imprisoned. While in jail he formed a rapport with Rocket Raccoon and was assigned to a covert ops team lead by Starlord, whose goal was to assault Hala and defeat the Phalanx. His body was mostly destroyed, but a small twig of him split off, preserving him, traveling in the care of Rocket Raccoon, fitting easily in his hand. He can grow back to his full size in time. Groot and Rocket Raccoon are having a libation in a low-down dirty spacer bar in low-down dirty spacer space when they are accosted by a group of Badoon who attempt to arrest them for 'Crimes against the Royal Brotherhood'. A quick shootout ensues and Rocket creates an avenue of escape by shooting holes in the beer barrels causing the saloon patrons to stampede for the free beer. The duo make a hasty exit and are soon rocketing away when they find themselves pursued by Badoon Attack Cruisers. Rocket orders Groot to take evasive action while he goes to boost the stardrive to allow them to escape. He finds the stardrive compartment empty and the scene cuts to a shot of the surprised Rocket with a cliffhanger closing credits and Mojo proclaiming "Best Pilot Episode Ever!". They then find themselves staring at an empty compartment where a stardrive should be and questioning why they are hearing voices like suddenly their lives just got a narrator or something. Their ship blows up and they appear in space in combat space armor bewildered at what just happened and how they got there. They target their Badoon attackers forcing one of the pilots to eject. They squeeze into his craft and it begins to plummet to an ice planet below. Mojo calls for the scene to cut and hit the Bio-Stasis on his stars. He proceeds to plan for the next scene expecting to make enormous money on the show. In the background, Rocket's Timely Inc. Shipment Processing Device analyzes the situation and informs the duo they are caught up in an artificial dramatic construction. They blast through a wall realizing they are in a "Flarkin' TV Studio" and are confronted by a hologram of Mojo who opens fire with real weapons. Groot and Rocket Raccoon are transported to the Mojoverse by the inter-dimensional TV producer known as Mojo. He has decided to use the pair in his latest reality television show. He recruits various criminals that the heroes have fought in the past. He places the pair in scenarios were they would have to battle them again, however if an innocent life form was caught in the crossfire, they would be killed in the process. As the duo moved from one scenario to another, Mojo began advertising action figures with a collection pack that allows buyers to assemble their own 12" Groot figure after collecting all five. The demand was so high, Mojo stand to make a fortune until the Timely Inc. Shipment Processing and Analysis Device decides to take control of the situation and holds a B-00-M Meson Beam Gun at Mojo's face. It allowed the reality system to stop just long enough for the heroes to escape. They confront destroying Mojo who is revealed to be a robot controlled by Major Domo. Groot, along with the rest of his team, aided the Avengers in fighting the returned Thanos.Thanos managed to get a Cosmic Cube from the United States Army, with which he escaped to Moord, the homeland of the Badoon. The Guardians arrived to the Avengers Tower and informed the Avengers about the situation. They joined the Guardians to fight Thanos and the Badoon. After Thanos apparently killed the Elders of the Universe, to impose his supremacy, he became one with the Cosmic Cube and killed the Avengers as well as the Guardians. But actually, they were sent to the Cancerverse along the Elders, there, Tony Stark found that Thanos' weapon wasn't actually a Cosmic Cube and that it had defects. They bargained with the Collector, in exchange of a weapon capable of deactivating the "Cube" and return to Earth, the Avengers and the Guardians would let Thanos to be defeated by the Elders. With the help of other members of the Avengers, Thanos was defeated and sent to punishment by the Elders. +This superhero's name is Gru. Their real name is Felonius Gru. Felonius Gru is the main character of Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and Despicable Me 3, alongside Mel and a minor character in Minions. He is often referred to by his surname Gru, was formerly a supervillain and jelly manufacturer and a consultant for the Anti-Villain League. +This superhero's name is Gypsy (CW). Their real name is Cynthia. Cynthia, better known as Gypsy, is an unrivaled collector from Earth-19. She came to Earth-1 to collect H.R. Wells due to him breaking the inter-dimensional travel ban on Earth-19. Her capture was interrupted by Cisco Ramon, who challenged her to trial by combat. Cynthia was defeated by Cisco and she returned to Earth-19 without H.R. claiming that he was already dead when she found him. Later, on an assignment on Earth-2 trying to catch another breacher, Cynthia was captured by Grodd and forced to open a breach to Earth-1 for Grodd and his army to travel through to Central City. She helped Cisco and the team get rid of the gorillas on Earth-1 and went back to her Earth. She later returned to save Cisco from Savitar and Killer Frost, joining the team to defeat the two rogues. She dated Cisco for several months until they broke up. +This superhero's name is Gypsy. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Hammer. Their real name is Leroy Hammer Jackson. Leroy "Hammer" Jackson was the son of "Crackerjack" Jackson, and he grew up to be a criminal, claiming to hate everyone and everything. He was sentenced to prison for reasons that have not been revealed and was assigned there to a chain gang. An unidentified person in the prison administration with a perverse sense of humor decided that "Hammer", who was black, should be chained while working on the chain gang to another prisoner, Johnny Anvil, who was well known as a racist who hated blacks. However, Hammer and Anvil's hatred for prison proved to be even stronger than their hatred for each other, and they succeeded in escaping while still chained together at the wrists. +This superhero's name is Hammerhead. Their real name is Joseph. Hammerhead was originally a boy named Joseph who grew up in Russia but was forced to flee along with the rest of his family due to persecution and the family relocated to Italy. In Italy, Joseph became a member of the international criminal-syndicate "The Maggia" where he served as an enforcer for the mobster known as "Top Man". This lead Joseph to getting in a fight which shattered his skull but which was cured after Top-Man had his skull reinforced with steel as a reward.With his new skull, Joseph became known as "Hammerhead" and he came to move to New York City where he took-over Top-Man's Maggia-Faction after the gangster's arrest. Hammerhead is obsessed with classical gangsters and dresses in prohibition-clothing, opting to use weapons like tommy-guns as weapons rather than modern machines. Hammerhead can also use his steel skull as a weapon by head-butting his enemies with the top of his head being strong enough to deflect superhuman punches and break through walls. +This superhero's name is Hancock. Their real name is John Hancock. There are heroes... there are superheroes... and then there's Hancock. With great power comes great responsibility - everyone knows that - everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood, Hancock's well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough - as grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn't the kind of man who cares what other people think - until the day that he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey, and the sardonic superhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock's greatest challenge yet - and a task that may prove impossible as Ray's wife, Mary , insists that he's a lost cause. +This superhero's name is Happy Hogan. Their real name is Happy Hogan. Harold "Happy" Hogan is an ex-boxer who once saved Tony Stark from a burning racecar. Happy refused a reward for saving Tony's life, and this convinced Tony to hire him as a chaffeur. Happy fell in love with Stark's secretary Pepper Potts. At first her eyes were on Tony, but she eventually reciprocated Happy's feelings and they got married. +This superhero's name is Harbinger. Their real name is Lyla Michaels. Lyla Michaels, alias Harbinger was rescued from floating in the sea as a child by the Monitor, who then brought her on-board his satellite to raise her as his assistant, studying the Multiverse alongside him. +This superhero's name is Harley Keener. Their real name is . Harley Keener was abandoned by his father, who left in 2006 and never returned, supposedly with the excuse of going to 7-Eleven to get lottery tickets, leaving him with his mother and sister. +This superhero's name is Harley Quinn (Arkham). Their real name is Harleen Quinzel. During her early life, Harleen had a criminal father who gave her distorted morals, but also led her to become fascinated by the extreme criminal mind. Being academically intelligent, she therefore undertook a psychiatric medical degree at Gotham City University as this was the quickest method of being able to treat criminal behavior in institutions such as Arkham Asylum. While at the university, Harleen may have developed her skills in gymnastics, which accounted for her acrobatic abilities displayed later in her life as Harley Quinn. +This superhero's name is Harley Quinn (New 52). Their real name is Harleen Quinzel. Harleen Quinzel was born in Canarsie, Brooklyn, New York, the oldest of four children and the only girl. Her interest in criminal psychology grew early in her childhood, and blossomed when she met a boy named Bernie Bash, who turned out to be troubled enough to commit murder as a way to prove his love for her. Despite his crime, Harley later broke into his house and stole a stuffed beaver from his father's taxidermy shop as a memento of their relationship that she would keep with her into adulthood. She was an Honor Student and a Gymnast. She attended Gotham University and initially went to college for Veterinary and Biological Science, but for some unknown reason she left that field to pursue Psychiatry. She excelled in her field, eventually earning a place as a psychiatrist at a prominent hospital, but her interest in criminal psychology led her to transfer to Gotham City's famed Arkham Asylum. Soon discovering that the other doctors could not penetrate the minds of their patients, Harleen went undercover as a patient herself. The Joker - whom she had thought was misdiagnosed by his previous doctors - saw through her disguise, and opened up to her. Her confidence and savvy in the face of the Joker's madness impressed him. On their tenth session, he revealed to her that he knew about the fact that her father had been killed by a drunk driver who had had the connections required to get off without any punishment. As a gift to her, he presented her with the driver's finger as proof that the man had been brought to justice. He then promised that he could teach her how to become as powerful as he had, by failing to care about life's rules Unfortunately, Harleen's supervisor, Dr. Sterano, discovered her crush on the Joker after stealing her psychiatric notes with the intention of publishing them as her own. In a rage, Harleen tried to kill Sterano, but was interrupted by the guards. Rather than surrender, she killed a guard and broke the Joker out of his cell. That night, the Joker took her to the Ace Chemical Processing Plant where his persona had been born, and promised that this would be her birthday. Realizing his intention, she had struggled, but he shoved her into one of the chemical vats and watched her sink to the bottom. Afterwards, he drained it and found her inside, alive, but changed. She had lost touch with reality, which meant that she could do whatever she liked. He dubbed her Harley Quinn, and the two of them were together - until he tired of her. Freed of the constraints and strict regiment of her former life, Harley chose a uniform for herself, forming a mosaic of all of the people she was or wanted to be. Any guilt for the crimes she committed as Harley Quinn was repressed along with Harleen Quinzel +This superhero's name is Harley Quinn. Their real name is Harleen Quinzel. Described as having a genius-level IQ, Harleen attended Gotham State University on a scholarship for gymnastics, where she majored in Psychiatry under Dr Odin Markus. To get into the graduate program, she had Dr Markus meet with her in her dorm room, where she outlined what she believed would be a good graduate thesis: 'There are only two circumstances under which a person disregards the rules of society. When they commit a crime, or when they're in love.' To prove this thesis, she aimed to allow Dr Markus to observe an independent experiment on the matter. The test subjects: herself and her boyfriend Guy Kopski. Guy, also a scientist, had developed a 'Think Drink' to calm and centre himself. One day, while meeting with Harley, he noticed that she wasn't laughing at any of his jokes. She explained that she had driven through a red light in a stolen car, right after blackmailing Dr Markus and possibly shooting him. She asked if he still loved her, but after noticing evidence of a recently fired handgun, Guy ran out with it. Harleen found him in the gymnasium (where the shooting had supposedly taken place) laughing nervously, and standing over a homeless man he had just shot, believing him to be Dr Markus. He begged her to help him shoot himself, asking her to do it because she loved him. The gun fired, but it remains a mystery as to whether she had helped to pull the trigger. It later became clear that Dr Markus had spiked Guy's 'Think Drink' with diluted Joker Venom, in hopes of counteracting the stresses that Harley would put him through. Harley, however, believed that the situation had been caused by chaos, and as such, she grew to feel that she understood The Joker, and declared to Dr Markus that she would do anything to get an internship at Arkham Asylum. Upon graduating, and with a glowing reference from Dr Markus, Dr Harleen Quinzel began her first-year residency at Arkham. As soon as she was accepted by Dr. Arkham, she requested to meet the Joker. Based on the claim that she was doing research for a book on serial killers, she was given complete access to the Clown-Prince of Crime. In their first session together, she introduced herself as Dr Harleen Quinzel, but stressed that he could refer to her as Harley Quinn, like the medieval jester Harlequin. Joker had been silent until then, but he suddenly began laughing and asked if she was flirting with him. When she moved closer, he chose to strangle her. But, when he saw a loving look from Harley instead of shock or fright, he ceased, and stated that it was a joke. The pair shared an affair, with Quinn helping Joker escape from Arkham several times before she herself was finally caught. Her medical license was revoked and she was committed, despite her claims that all of the releases were meant to be therapeutic. Harley broke out of Arkham multiple times in order to join up with her The Joker, whom she referred to as "Puddin'." Eventually, though, she acknowledged his abusive behaviour and broke off from him. She decided to become a crime boss on her own, and gathered a gang together that she called The Quintets. After a run in with The Riddler at Wayne Manor during a looting, and a few other failed heists, one of the Quintets decided that Harley should be eliminated. Word was put out that there was a price on Harley's head, and many assassins came to collect it. Killer Croc attacked her in her own secret hideout, but he was subdued thanks to her knowledge of the building. The traitor revealed himself, and would have killed her, if not for the timely intervention of Matches Malone. +This superhero's name is Harrison Wells (CW). Their real name is Harrison Wells. Dr. Harrison "Harry" Wells is the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-2, the husband of a late unnamed woman, and the father of Jesse Wells who was taken by the meta-human criminal Zoom. Harry then traveled to Earth-1, joining the team led by Barry Allen to take down Zoom. While he was at one point forced to work as a mole for Zoom, Harry eventually turned on the speedster criminal, and with the help of Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon, freed his daughter from captivity. He continued working with Team Flash as its main scientific mind to defeat Zoom before returning to Earth-2 with his daughter and Jay Garrick after Zoom was no more. After Jesse developed her meta-human powers as a speedster and began establishing herself as vigilante protector in Earth-2, Harry's overly protective and controlling nature caused a strain in their relationship, making Jesse determined to work alone. Feeling he had no other reason to be on Earth-2, Harry decided to rediscover himself on Earth-1 by rejoining Team Flash. After his Thinking Cap dramatically decreased his intelligence to the point of barely being able to speak comprehensively, he only managed to retain any intelligence due to Marlize DeVoe. With the majority of his intelligence gone and back in touch with his emotional side, Harry returned to Earth-2. +This superhero's name is Harry Osborn (Raimi Trilogy). Their real name is Harold Osborn. Harry Osborn is Peter Parker's closest friend. Born to a wealthy family his mother apparently died soon after his birth. He had flunked out of the many private schools his father had sent him to public school and wished to have his wealth and privilege downplayed to his new classmates. He constantly tries to impress his father Norman, a rich industrialist, who is very invested in his work having little time for his son. Harry eventually grows jealous of Peter's relationship with him as Norman admired Peter's intelligence and work ethic. Harry starts a relationship with Mary Jane Watson whom he finds attractive. He is aware Peter does as well and after he finds out attempts to justify himself saying that Peter never made a move, though she eventually falls for Peter. Harry eventually manages to somewhat mend the relationship he has with his father. After Norman's death as The Green Goblin, Harry believes that his father was murdered by Spider-Man, and seeks revenge, unaware that Spider-Man had in fact tried to save Norman's life, and went to great lengths to keep secret the billionaire's alter-ego as The Green Goblin. After Norman's death Harry takes over Oscorp, and invests huge amounts of money in a proposed sustainable fusion energy reactor invented by Dr. Otto Octavius. The experiment failed and the company loses millions as a result. Harry was saved by Spider-Man in the disaster but still continues his vendetta. Ever the more bitter, Harry forms an alliance with Doctor Octopus to get his revenge, providing Octopus with a rare element , tritium, that he needs to complete his fusion reactor in exchange for Octopus capturing Spider-Man. Doctor Octopus brings Spider-Man back to Harry, who unmasks him in preparation to kill/assassinate him. He is shocked to see that Peter is in fact Spider-Man. Afterwards, he begins to hallucinate, seeing his father's image in a mirror who demands that Harry avenge his death. He refuses to do so and smashes the mirror only to find a hidden room concealed behind it. The room contained all of Norman's Green Goblin equipment and serum, which Peter had hidden when he brought his body back after his death. This discovery led Harry to realize that his father was the infamous Green Goblin. Around six months after he discovered Peter was in fact Spider-Man thanks to his capture by Doctor Octopus. Encouraged by another hallucination of his father in a mirror he attempts to take revenge, attacks Peter during a fight wearing Norman's Green Goblin suit and jet glider. As a result of the head injury he suffered in their subsequent, he briefly sustains a case of immediate amnesia. While in this state, he reverted back to how he was before his father's death. After regaining his memory, due to the efforts of his father's ghost, he attempts to destroy Peter by sabotaging his relationship with Mary Jane and then claiming that she left Peter for him, only for Peter — falling increasingly under the influence of the black suit — to attack Harry in his penthouse, throwing one of his own pumpkin bombs back at him and scarring the right side of his face. Later Mary Jane is captured by Venom and Peter, free of the black suit's influence, returns and asks Harry to help him for Mary Jane's sake. Harry refuses and Peter leaves. However, after learning the truth, that his father's death was his own doing and not Peter's, from his butler Bernard, he decides to help Spider-Man save Mary Jane from Venom and The Sandman. In the ensuing fight Harry ultimately sacrifices himself to save Peter during the ensuing fight/battle, Harry is stabbed to death by his own glider on the stomach by Venom. Harry ultimately forgives Peter for what happened to his father and the two reconcile. Harry dies after the pair's defeat with both Peter and Mary Jane by his side, not before declaring that he and Peter are best friends. Peter and Mary Jane, both heartbroken by their friend's death, attend Harry's funeral together along with Bernard the Butler and aunt May and Flash Thompson. +This superhero's name is Harry Potter. Their real name is Harry James Potter. On his eleventh birthday, Harry receives a letter informing him that he is a wizard, and that he has a place at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite initial opposition from his aunt and uncle, he soon goes to the school, where he learns that he is very famous in the wizarding world for having defeated Voldemort ten years previously. Eventually he and his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, becomes entangled in the protection of a mysterious artifact later discovered to be the Philosopher's Stone. The group is able to thwart a plan orchestrated by Voldemort and a professor at the school to steal the Stone. Harry is almost prevented from returning to Hogwarts by his aunt and uncle, and again when the gate and Platform 9 & 3/4 seals itself and prevents both his and Ron's access to the train. Eventually making it to school, Harry soon gets swept up into the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets, a room rumored to be located in the school which supposedly contains a monstrous creature. Harry soon learns that the monstrous creature is a basilisk and that the release of the monster is being orchestrated by a fragment of Voldemort's soul that has been planted in Voldemort's childhood diary. He descends into the Chamber of Secrets and battles the basilisk, killing it and destroying the fragment of Voldemort's soul. Harry is warned that a man named Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison. Though everybody is hesitant to tell him why this pertains to him, he is warned to be cautious. He soon discovers that it was apparently Black that betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort. Harry also discovers a particular susceptibility to Dementor's due to his troubled past, and enlists the help of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Remus Lupin, an old friend of Harry's father, to teach him how to cast a Patronus. Eventually he, Ron and Hermione encounter Black. Along with Lupin, Black explains that he was not responsible for the betrayal of Harry's parents, and that he is Harry's godfather. Harry prevents Black and Lupin from killing the true culprit, Peter Pettigrew, resulting in Pettigrew's escape and Black's capture . Through the use of magical time travel, Harry manages to rescue Black, allowing him to escape custody. In the final segments of the book, Professor Lupin is revealed to be a werewolf, and ends up being forced to take leave of his job by angry parents. Harry attends the Quidditch World Cup, witnessing firsthand the destruction wrought by Voldemort's terroristic Death Eaters when a gang of them attack the campsite in the aftermath of the match. Harry then returns to school and, despite being only fourteen, and thus too young to compete, Potter is selected as the fourth participant in the Triwizard Tournament. Though he did not put his name in for the competition, Harry is magically bound to compete. He does so at great personal risk, and manages to win the Tournament, albeit tying with fellow Hogwarts student Cedric Diggory. Upon doing so he and Cedric are transported to a graveyard where he learns that his participation in the competition was an elaborate ruse to use him to resurrect Voldemort. After ordering an underling to kill Cedric, Voldemort uses Harry's blood in a spell that gives Voldemort his body back, and Harry barely manages to escape being killed. Harry and his cousin are attacked by Dementors. When Harry uses the Patronus charm to repel the Dementors, he is expelled from school for using magic while underage. However, before the decision is made absolutely permanent, headmaster Dumbledore intercepts, and ends up reversing the jurisdiction. Harry is then allowed to return to school. He quickly becomes the target of Dolores Umbridge, a Ministry of Magic employee who becomes the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher. Umbridge resents Harry and refuses to believe that Voldemort has returned. After the Minister passes decree after decree heightening Umbridge'd already formidable control over Hogwart's, Harry starts a secret student organization, Dumbledore's Army, to instruct fellow students in defensive and offensive magic. However, The Room of Requirement, where Harry had been using his hideout, is discovered by Draco Malfoy, and through him, Dolores Umbridge. On the brink of being expelled, Harry is once again saved by Dumbledore, who ends up stunning several Ministry officials and proceeds to flee Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Harry also begins to experience mysterious visions of what he later learns is the Department of Mysteries. After a particularly disturbing vision, his much-loathed teacher, Professor Snape, is instructed to teach Harry Occlumency to protect his mind from magical interference, but fails due to their mutual animosity. Harry experiences a vision of Black being kidnapped and tortured in the Department of Mysteries and eventually travels there with a few friend to attempt to rescue him. The vision is revealed to have been a fake, and Harry's group is at the mercy of the Death Eater's, when the Order of the Phoenix and the real Sirius Black come to their aid. In the following duel, Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort's trusted lieutenant, kills Sirius. In a rage, Harry chases Bellatrix, only to meet Voldemort himself instead. However, Harry is saved by the timely arrival to Dumbledore, who proceeds to engage Voldemort in an earthshaking duel. Before Voldemorts Apparates away, however, some Ministry officials manage to get a glimpse of him, causing Fudge to finally admit that Voldemort has returned. At the Department he hears a prophecy which explains that he is destined to kill Voldemort, or that Voldemort will kill him. Harry begins to suspect that fellow student and enemy Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater, and plotting something sinister. Returning to school, he begins his first year of NEWT studies, and uncovers a mysterious potions book that once belonged to a student identified as the Half-Blood Prince. This book contains numerous tricks and hints for potion-making, as well as new spells. Meanwhile, Harry begins receiving lessons from Albus Dumbledore, who teaches Harry about Voldemort's past and enlists him in the search for Voldemort's horcruxes, magical items that contain a part of the users soul and unnaturally extend the possessor's life. Harry and Dumbledore locate what they believe to be a horcrux and steal it, leaving Dumbledore badly wounded. When they arrive back at the school, they are confronted by a group of Death Eaters. Harry is magically frozen by Dumbledore, and witnesses Snape killing Dumbledore. He pursues Snape from the school and attempts to engage him in a fight before Snape Disapparates. Harry learns that the horcrux he recovered was a fake, and vows to track down the remaining horcruxes and destroy them. Harry is no longer protected by the spell cast over his aunt and uncle's house, and so flees in the dead of night. Despite precautions they are attacked, and lose a number of valuable friends. He, Ron and Hermione dedicate themselves to locating the remaining horcruxes, but spend a great deal of time wandering aimlessly and hiding from the Death Eater regime, which seeks to capture them. They locate one of the horcruxes and eventually manage to destroy it. He learns of the Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak, and discovers that Voldemort is seeking the Elder Wand. He and his friends are captured by Death Eaters but manage to escape, in the process learning the location of another horcrux, which they find and destroy. He returns to Hogwarts, where the other horcrux is located, and leads the school in forcing out the Death Eaters. He located the next horcrux and sees it destroyed while the school is being besieged by the Death Eaters. He sees Snape killed by Voldemort, and learns that Snape was secretly working for the Order the entire time. He learns that he himself is a horcrux, accidentally created when Voldemort attempted to kill him as an infant, and allows himself to be struck with a killing curse by Voldemort. This kills the soul fragment, but Harry remains alive. With the final horcrux destroyed by fellow student Neville Longbottom, Harry and Voldemort duel. Voldemort attempts to use the killing curse on Harry, but it rebounds upon him, killing Voldemort. +This superhero's name is Harumi. Their real name is Harumi. +This superhero's name is Harvey Bullock. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Hashirama Senju. Their real name is . Hashirama Senju was a member of the famed Senju clan. He himself was hailed as the "God of Shinobi" for his unmatched ninja prowess. Hashirama sought peace for the shinobi world, and to that end founded Konohagakure with his clan, his childhood friend and rival: Madara Uchiha and the Uchiha clan. He would later become the First Hokage of Konohagakure. Although he was not able to achieve peace during his lifetime, his legacy and vision for the world would continue to shape the village and the entire shinobi world even after his death. +This superhero's name is Havok (FOX). Their real name is Alexander Summers. Alex Summers is first shown to be in solitary confinement in a government prison, preferring it due to the uncontrollable nature of his powers. In 1962 his release was arranged by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr in order for him to join their team of mutant peacekeepers they were forming for the CIA. The warden cautioned them about putting him with others in a group, as Alex was the only prisoner he'd known to actually prefer solitary confinement. Alex reluctantly joins them. While bonding with Xavier's other recruits (except for Hank McCoy as they initially had a more atagonistic relationship), the secret CIA facility where they were staying was attacked by the Hellfire Club. Their leader, Sebastian Shaw, encouraged them to join him in overthrowing humanity, saying that they should be with their fellow mutants, not guarding the humans. Angel Salvadore accepted the offer, and when Alex attempted to hit Shaw with his energy waves, Shaw absorbed the blast and used the energy to murder the mutant Darwin, who was trying to rescue Angel. Afterwards, Alex and the others relocated to Xavier's Mansion where they began training to defeat Shaw. Xavier had turned an underground bomb shelter into a training room for Alex, setting up mannequins for him to use as targets. Alex on his own is unable to focus and control his energy beams. Hank McCoy constructed a containment unit for him, allowing Alex to focus his energy blasts. After a successful test, he had one built into his X-Men uniform. However, some tension still existed between him and Hank as he mocked McCoy's large mutant feet, comparing them to clown shoes. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the team assembled to finally confront the Hellfire Club. Shaw was attempting to get America and Russia to engage in a nuclear war. Despite their initial friction, Summers was impressed with Hank McCoy's ferocity, accompanying his beastial transformation and dubbed him "Beast". He and Hank fought the mutant Azazel and he also faced Angel alongside Banshee. Although his containment unit was damaged in battle, he was able to focus his ability enough to project a beam that sliced off one of Angels wings, causing her to crash. After the battle, Alex stayed with Xavier at his new school for a short period, until he was drafted into the Vietnam War. +This superhero's name is Havok. Their real name is Alexander Summers. Alexander Summers is the son of Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force, and his wife Katherine Ann Summers. His older brother is Scott Summers. Both are mutants. When Scott and Alex were boys flying home from a family vacation in their father's vintage private plane, a scout ship from the alien Shi'ar Empire suddenly materialized and set the plane ablaze. Katherine pushed Scott and Alex out the plane door with the only available parachute. The parachute caught fire, so Scott used his mutant optic blasts for the first time to slow their descent. Scott and Alex were unaware that their parents had been teleported from the plane by the Shi'ar a moment before it exploded. Scott suffered a head injury on landing that damaged the part of Scott's brain that would have enabled him to control his optic blasts. The two boys were hospitalized and both suffered traumatic amnesia regarding the incident.. They left the hospital after two weeks and were placed in the State Home for Foundlings, an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska and were subjected to a battery of tests and experiments by the orphanage's owner, Mr. Milbury, an alias for the evil geneticist and their future enemy Mr. Sinister. Sinister believed that Scott was the Summers brother with the most potential, so he had Alex adopted to separate them and render Scott emotionally vulnerable. Alex had little or no contact with Scott until years later. Alex was raised by Andrew and Joanna Blanding, whose son Todd had been killed in a car accident. Alex was pressured to act as a replacement Todd, which he tried to do as best as he could. When Todd's killer Vincent kidnapped Alex and his foster sister, Haley Blanding, Alex manifested his mutant powers for the first time, incinerating Vincent. Mister Sinister appeared, quite surprised to find that Alex’s potential possibly exceeded Scott's. Unfortunately, Alex lacked any control over his powers. Sinister placed psi-blocks on both Alex and Haley, causing them to forget everything that happened that night. The immortal mutant Apocalypse encountered the non-mutant variant Ahmet Abdol and deemed him to be a broken, beaten man of great potential but without direction. Apocalypse acquired a sample of Alex Summers' DNA, insuring that its coding had been modified for his purposes, and had Sinister graft it to Abdol. The experiment was only partially successful and resulted in an unexpected and quite unusual symbiotic relationship wherein Abdol's power was split between them and not shared. Deciding to use his powers for his own personal gain, Abdol created a cult around himself as messiah, the Cult of the Living Pharaoh, became a super-villain and set about his plan to rule the world. Alex grew into an adult unaware of his brother's developing mutant power or his identity as Cyclops, leader of the X-Men, until after Alex graduated from Old Landon College's geophysical studies. Ahmet Abdol, then a professor of archaeology, discovered a psychic link between himself and Alex. While both of them possessed the latent mutant power to absorb and transform cosmic radiation, Abdol's ability to exercise the power was jammed in an unknown manner by Alex' body. Abdol captured Alex and took him to his laboratory in Egypt. Abdol found a way to screen Summers' body from ambient cosmic radiation, permitting his own body to attain its latent potential. Abdol was transformed into the Living Monolith, a gigantic mutant with vast cosmic power. The Monolith was defeated while in combat with the X-Men when Alex's latent mutant powers surfaced under the stress of entombment within the mechanism designed to screen him from cosmic radiation. Incapable of controlling the shock waves his body emanated, Summers chose to remain in the Egyptian desert, rather than accompany the X-Men back to America. Summers was soon captured by one of the mutant-hunting robotic Sentinels and brought to the headquarters of Larry Trask, the son of the Sentinels' inventor, Dr. Bolivar Trask. Trask gave Summers the codename Havok and a costume, whose chest display monitored the build-up of cosmic energy within him. When the X-Men finally freed Trask's captive mutants, Havok was severely injured. The X-Men took Havok to Dr. Karl Lykos for treatment. Lykos tried to drain Havok's lifeforce to feed his own vampiric urges. Havok's mutant energy triggered his transformation into Sauron, a pterodactyl energy vampire. The X-Men battled with Sauron and stopped him from further leeching off Havok. Alex accompanied his brother and his teammates back to the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where he began training to help him keep his energy in check. While with the X-Men, Havok was immediately attracted to the green haired Lorna Dane, much to the anger of Iceman, who also showed a romantic interest in her. Professor Charles Xavier enlisted Alex and Lorna's help repelling an invasion by the alien Z'Nox. Later, Havok and Lorna met Ka-Zar in the Savage Land, were targeted by the Promise, and encountered the Hulk who mistook Lorna for his former lover Jarella. Havok gained enough mastery over his power that he could release it only when he wished to do so, as opposed to when he was near death, and could wield his power skillfully enough to become a formidable opponent in battle. Following the X-Men's battle against the island Krakoa, Havok and Lorna left the X-Men to pursue their mutual interest in geophysics, attending graduate school in Nevada. Alex and Lorna fell under the mind-control of the Shi'ar Intelligence agent Davan Shakari, also known as Erik the Red. A battle ensued at Kennedy International Airport as the duo were turned against the X-Men and attempted to assassinate Professor Xavier. They were both eventually freed from Shakari's control and stayed at Muir Island for their recovery. At Muir Island Lorna and Alex were attacked by henchmen of the Living Pharaoh. After arriving in New York, Spider-Man came to their aid and accidentally knocked The Living Pharaoh into a containment unit that was to be used to make Alex a living battery to amplify the Pharaoh's powers a million fold, and he was transformed into the Living Monolith again. Monolith was beaten by Spider-Man and Thor. After returning to Muir Island, Alex and Lorna aided the X-Men battling Proteus. Afterward, they settled in New Mexico, where they completed their advanced degrees. Their plan to stay out of the affairs of the outside world did not last long as Professor X called on Alex and Lorna for help in the rescue of the friends and family of the X-Men from Arcade's henchman Miss Locke in Murderworld. Scott brought a visitor to meet Alex, his long lost father, who had become a space pirate called Corsair. Corsair had been captured and sold into slavery by the Shi'ar Empire and later became leader of the Starjammers. Alex learned his grandparents were still alive and owned a shipping company in Canada. At the Summers family reunion Scott was shocked to meet Madelyne Pryor, a pilot for his grandparents who was identical in appearance to Scott's late love and former X-Man Jean Grey. No one was unaware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean created and programmed by Sinister to fall in love with Scott to make use of their potentially powerful offspring for his own purposes. Scott and Madelyne did grow close and Alex attended their wedding as his best man. Madelyne bore Scott a son named Nathan Summers. Eventually Scott and Madelyne's marriage became strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean. Scott became very distant, even leaving Madelyne in the middle of the night. Finally, the news came that Jean Grey had been discovered alive. Scott was hit hard and hid this news from Madelyne. He left Madelyne and baby Christopher despite Madelyne's warning that if he left her again, he would not be welcome back. Scott, the other original X-Men founded X-Factor, an organization that intended to seek out and aid mutants under the pretense of hunting down mutants as "actual" menaces to society. After beginning to fear for Madelyne's safety and feeling bad about abandoning his family, Scott went back to Alaska to look for them. Scott was unaware of Sinister's influence on his life. Sinister sent the Marauders to kill her and collect Nathan for him. She was shot multiple times and fell into a coma. She was taken to the hospital as a Jane Doe. Sinister erased every record of Madelyne and the baby. After finding the corpse of a young red-head in a river, Scott believed his wife was dead and buried her by himself. While living in the Rio Diablo Mountains of New Mexico, Alex and Lorna stumbled upon a Brood Star-shark. Alex went to warn the X-Men who he found on the run from the Mister Sinister's Marauders. Storm ordered Psylocke to erase his memory so he wouldn't remember the X-Men were going to go underground and become a proactive strike force. Because Professor Xavier had trained him in mental defense, his psi-shields made him have reoccurring nightmares of being attacked by the X-Men. Alex left Lorna to check on the X-Men again. This time Psylocke refused to erase his memory a second time, fearing she might damage his mind. Havok agreed to return to the X-Men in their time of need. While Havok was away the Marauders went after Polaris. The psychic entity Malice possessed her body and assumed leadership of the Marauders. Havok ran into Polaris/Malice in San Francisco when she was attempting to kill Madelyne Pryor who was still in a hospital. Malice made Alex aware of the fact that Lorna was being controlled and tormented him with the knowledge that he could do nothing about it. In Dallas, Texas, the X-Men and Madelyne Pryor gave their lives to imprison the Adversary. The Omniversal Guardian Roma restored the X-Men to life. The event was broadcast live on television and the world believed the heroes to be dead. After being resurrected, the X-Men decided to go underground and keep their rebirth secret. The X-Men resurfaced in Australia, where they defeated the Reavers and claimed their base. Roma magically made them invisible to any sort of detection such as cameras. The X-Men next investigated the Brood Star-shark Havok had found and tracked the source to Harry Palmer, who was unaware he was infected and had made an entire crèche of mutant hosts. The X-Men were conflicted over killing the human hosts, but Havok was forced to kill several of them. He was left to wonder if killing becomes easier each time. Alex began to feel remorse for the lives he had taken, feeling that he was becoming more like Wolverine and resented the idea. Madelyne Pryor soon learned that the reason Scott had abandoned her when she saw him on television with Jean Grey. The demon S’ym offered to help her locate her missing son and promised to give her a chance to get back at Scott and Jean. He infected her with his magic. Alex was confused and lonely because of the Polaris/Malice situation. Madelyne seduced him into an affair. Madelyne tranformed into the Goblyn Queen and caused demonic invasion of New York with Havok as her Goblyin Prince. When X-Factor and X-Men met, Madelyne manipulated brother against brother. Havok accused Cyclops of abandoning his wife when she most needed him. Madelyne at last learned she was a clone of Jean and was driven mad. She died fighting the X-Men and X-Factor while trying to sacrifice her son to gain more power.. Mister Sinister was seemingly killed by Cyclops. Alex and Wolverine were vacationing in Mexico and saved a woman from terrorist attackers. Alex woke up in a hospital in the care of nurse Scarlet McKenzie, who manipulated Alex and made him fall in love with her. Scarlett was actually working for the Russian scientist, Dr. Neutron (Meltdown) who wanted to use Alex as a means to absorb the energy of a breaking down atom reactor and transmute it into himself. Scarlett told Alex that terrorists were trying to sabotage the plant. When he ventured into the heart of the reactor he found it reaching critical limit. Alex tried to absorb the dangerous radiation and when he witnessed Dr. Neutron killing Scarlett, he shot his plasma at him, making Neutron stronger. The timely arrival of Wolverine prevented a full disaster. After Logan seemingly killed the scientist, Alex redirected the nuclear radiation into space. For Alex's sake, Wolverine kept Scarlett’s betrayal secret, as he was still trying to get over being manipulated by Madelyne. Malice’s hold over Polaris weakened due to the death of Sinister. After Lorna freed herself from Malice, she called the X-Men (including Havok) for help from the southern-most tip of South America, only to be captured by Zaladane. Psylocke knew that returning to their Australian base was certain death, however the teleporter Gateway called the X-Men back (leaving Polaris stranded in South America) without being asked. Roma had presented them with the Siege Perilous, a gem that created a portal which granted any person who walked through it judgment and a new chance at life, with a new career, home, and so forth. Psylocke persuaded the Havok and the rest of X-Men to walk through the Siege Perilous rather than die at the hands of the Reavers. Lorna eventually regained her freedom and headed to Muir Island. Alex re-emerged as a magistrate of Genosha, serving the state voluntarily. During this time Wolfsbane was forced to undergo the mutate process, and was genetically bonded to Magistrate Summers. In a battle with his brother, his memories returned. Afterwards, he elected to remain in Genosha to help put a new, better state together. Later Havok, with Polaris again, joined the second incarnation of X-Factor, a newly-formed, government-funded, mutant agency. They overcame Mister Sinister and Ricochet's attempts to discredit the team. They fought the Mutant Liberation Front, and the Hell's Belles. They took down X-Force after an assassination attempt was made on the life of Charles Xavier. During a mission to Genosha, the connection between Havok and Wolfsbane was discovered. The team battled the fanatical terrorist Haven who believed that, when the Mahapralaya came, the world would be destroyed and a new golden age would come about after it. Haven hoped to bring Mahapralaya about early. She took Wolfsbane through a Pralaya, moving her in and out of pocket dimensions, and cured her of the genetic bond. When haven tried to cure Multiple Man of the Legacy Virus, she failed, killing him. Havok was also deeply affected by the apparent death of his teammate and friend Jamie Madrox. Mourning Jamie’s death, he decided to quit the team until Polaris tracked him down and convinced him to stay with the team. Later Havok's powers raged out of control. Havok was once again confined to the regulator costume he used to wear. He returned to X-Factor but was kidnapped by the bounty hunter called Random. Random brought him to the Dark Beast, the Beast's evil counterpart from another timeline. Havok was brainwashed and put in charge of McCoy's lackeys, including Fatale, Post and Random. McCoy came to serve Onslaught and offered his team's services to the powerful entity. Havok confronted his former X-Factor teammates and coldly hit Lorna with enough force to put her into cardiac arrest. Apparently freed of mind-control, Havok founded a team of mutant terrorists called the Brotherhood. However, Havok did not truly become a terrorist. He joined the Brotherhood in order to stop the Dark Beast's sinister plans. Later he tried to kill JJ Jameson and nearly killed his brother. He also tried to recruit Nate Grey. He joined the X.U.E (mutants from the future) in stopping the Dark Beast. Havok rejoined Lorna and what was left of X-Factor at the time. However, his teammate Greystone developed a severe case of temporal insanity and tried to use a slipshod time machine to return to his own time. Havok attempted to stop him but the time machine exploded, apparently killing them both. In the explosion, Alex’s mind was transported to another reality, where he took over the body of his counter-part, who too was on the brink of death, as he had been shot by Sentinels. In this reality, Alex was leader of the Six, a team consisting of himself and altered versions of Madelyne Pryor, Iceman, Beast, Archangel and Storm (known here as Marvel Woman, Ice-Man, Brute, the Fallen and Bloodstorm). There, Cyclops was taken into space twenty years ago, along with their parents, and Alex was married to Madelyne Pryor and was the father of their child, Scotty, named after his long missing older brother. Havok took the place of this dimension's Alex Summers as leader of the Six, though little Scotty recognized that he wasn't the same person anymore. Madelyne changed into the Goblin Queen, a pure evil being intent on ruling the world. She was under the power of an entity called the Goblin Force. She fought against Havok and the remaining handful of super-heroes that were left after her attacks. She started fighting the evil influences of the entity. She, Havok, and Scotty were taken to the astral plane were the newly emerging powers of Scotty were able to contain the Goblin Force and unfortunately took Maddie with it. When it was revealed that the Beyonder was in fact the Goblin Queen, Havok managed to split Maddie and the Goblin Queen. Maddie has now been returned to her son. Alex eventually returned to his own universe. He was discovered in a hospital in a comatose state. His mind eventually returned to its body with the help of young telepath Carter, son of Nurse Annie, who had cared for him. Seizing the day, Alex's long-time love Lorna asked him to marry her. Somewhat shocked at such a life-altering question so soon after his return, Alex faltered over a reply but his assembled friends and family made the decision for him. However, Alex had fallen in love with Annie, and called off his wedding as Lorna was walking up the aisle. Lorna snapped and attempted to kill both Alex and his newfound love, but she was stopped by Alex's teammate, the Juggernaut. Soon after, the alternate reality Havok's personality resurfaced within Alex, having followed Alex's consciousness back from within the void in which he had been trapped. The team of dimension-hopping mutants known as the Exiles were charged with the task of stopping the evil Havok, and they teamed up with the X-Men to prevent him from killing Carter. The evil consciousness was eventually forced out of Alex's body and sent back into the void where it was destroyed by the Exiles' taskmaster, the enigmatic being known as the Timebroker. Following the Scarlet Witch's alteration of reality, many mutants were left powerless, including Polaris. When she chose to leave the X-Men Havok decided to accompany her. During an encounter with the creature called Daap, Polaris was abducted by Apocalypse and Havok returned to the X-Men. After the battle with Apocalypse Wolverine discovered that one of his knocked-out horsemen was actually Polaris. As her esophagus closed down, Havok administered CPR to save her life, but was infected with the meta-plague. Luckily, Emma Frost saved some of the antidote Havok destroyed earlier and cured him with it. Alex's long lost brother Vulcan returned from his space exile to reclaim his title as an X-Man, killing Banshee in the process. After it was revealed Xavier had deceived the X-Men by keeping Vulcan's existence a secret, the X-Men attacked him as they deemed him too dangerous to be left alone. Vulcan easily repelled their attack and fled the planet, renouncing Cyclops as his brother, and headed for space, bent on revenge on the Shi'ar empire for killing his mother. Havok was recruited by Professor X, along with Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, Warpath, Darwin and Polaris to participate in a space mission to stop Vulcan from unleashing his powers on the Shi'ar empire. Alex witnessed Vulcan murder their father. Alex, Lorna, and Rachel Summers stayed in space, joining the Starjammers to lead the resistance against Vulcan and his wife, Deathbird, who had conquered the Shi'ar Empire. The civil war between Vulcan's forces and those loyal to the dethroned Lilandra raged on. Led by Havok and the Starjammers, Lilandra's forces gradually whittled away at Vulcan's forces, which were plagued by defections. Warned in advance of a rebel raid on Feather's Edge, Vulcan and his fleet ambushed the Starjammers. However, in the middle of the battle, his ship, the Hammer, was destroyed by the Scy`ar Tal (translating to "Death to the Shi'ar"). Vulcan made contact with the Starjammers to call a temporary ceasefire. Under the ceasefire, the Shi'ar and the Starjammers decided to take out the Finality, thus crippling the Scy'ar's biggest threat. Once Havok and Vulcan were in position to destroy Finality, the Eldest Scy'ar tried to stop them. Once Vulcan figured out how the Eldest was powered, he severed the connection Eldest had with his brothers, making him powerless. Once the connection was severed, the Scy'ar became unorganized, and the tide of the battle shifted to the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar then proceeded to attack both the Scy'ar and the Starjammers. Meanwhile, Vulcan blasted Havok into a sun. Vulcan decided to use Finality to destroy the Scy'ar by using the weapon to place a star in the middle of their fleet. Alex returned and, having absorbed enough power to burn Vulcan, decided to end things with him. While they battled, Rachel and Korvus tried, and failed, to stop the beacon that would initiate the attack by the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard ended Alex's battle with Vulcan by appearing with the Starjammers in captivity, threatening to kill them. Before surrendering, Alex destroyed Finality. Alex and the Starjammers were then taken into Vulcan's custody and placed in a prison, while Rachel Summers remained free. Alex and Lorna, along with the other captured Starjammers, were kept in a deep underwater prison below a planet's surface. Alex and Lorna were tortured daily and forced to hear each other's screams, and Alex was powerless as he was nowhere near a star or any cosmic force to draw his powers from. Despite ploys such as telling Havok that his teammates were dead and it was all Alex's fault, Havok remained defiant. Alex had at least some power left. He allowed some time to go by, with moments of exposure continuing, before killing his guards and escaping. Alex then liberated his teammates from captivity. As he rescued Polaris, she gave him a thank-you kiss. Havok surprised his team as he informed them of his true plan. Instead of running they would wait, Gabriel would be coming to them to defeat them, and Havok planned to kill him when he did. After Rachel and Korvus lost their connection to the Phoenix Force, Havok and the Starjammers departed for Kree Space. The group attended the wedding of Crystal and Ronan the Accuser. Vulcan and the Imperial Guard sacked the wedding and injured many present. The Kree then declared war on the Shi'ar. After returning to Earth Havok joined X-Factor Investigations after the X-Men underwent their Schism on behalf of Wolverine. After Jamie Madrox's apparent death, Wolverine suggested that Havok and Polaris take over leadership of X-Factor Investigations. After Jamie's return from death, he and Alex agreed to share leadership with Alex taking the lead on missions from Valerie Cooper and Wolverine and Jamie taking the lead on the rest. Havok joined the conflict between the Avengers and the X-Men on the side of his fellow mutants. After the last two Phoenixes, Cyclops and Emma Frost, began to lose control, Havok and many other X-Men joined the Avengers in attempting to defeat them. Cyclops later defeated Emma in order to absorb the whole Phoenix Force and become the Dark Phoenix, but was finally defeated and incarcerated. At the end of the war, Captain America realized that the Avengers had stood by and allowed the world to hate mutants and that they should have done more to help them. As a result, he formed a new team of Avengers in hopes of unifying mutant and humankind. He chose Havok to lead his team and become the new face to represent mutants as Professor X and Cyclops once were. Their first threat was a brain-washed Avalanche, who was sent by the Red Skull to create chaos and increase the fear against mutants. The Avengers managed to save innocent citizens from Avalanche's destruction, although he later disappeared from the scene. After the attack, Alex helped in the search for survivors but there were none. However, one of those who were saved by Alex thanked him and told him he doesn't care what the world thinks about mutants, that all he cares about is that Havok saved him and his daughter, and that there aren't enough heroes in the world. +This superhero's name is Hawk (Titans). Their real name is Hank Hall. Henry "Hank" Hall was born in 1989 in Washington, D.C. and raised, alongside his half brother, Don Hall, by a single mother. Despite living in a poor district, the Hall brothers were pushed academically to gain a scholarship that offered them the chance to attend a prestigious private school where, in 1999, Hank became a top star for the school football team, The Hawks. Once during his school days, Hank experienced a traumatic incident after a game. He protected his half brother who was going to be sexually abused by his coach, Vincent. He sacrificed himself by taking Don's place and proceeded to be molested by his coach after having sent Don away. Sometime after that, his mother developed cancer and passed away since she couldn't afford the proper medical attention. Sometime later, Hank and Don was engaged in a fight and eventually expelled from the university. Then, in order to release his anger, which football had been his outlet before he was expelled, he found a different method by doing vigilantism with his half brother. However, Don was killed not long after in an accident. At the same accident, Dawn Granger's mother was also killed, which later made both Hank and Dawn to be closer because they often crossed paths at a support group and talked with each other about their lost after sessions. Eventually, they were engaged in a relationship and at some time, Dawn found out about Hank's secret identity. Sometime later, Dawn donned her own vigilante identity, Dove and joined Hank in vigilantism, and so Washington, D.C. has its secret protector in Hawk and Dove. +This superhero's name is Hawkeye II. Their real name is Katherine Elizabeth Bishop. Kate Bishop grew up as the youngest daughter of a rich Manhattanite family. Her father was emotionally distant and busy with work while her mother died while she was still young. Though Kate was close to her older sister, Susan, she developed a very independent, blunt, and stubborn personality. A few months prior to her sister's wedding, Kate was assaulted while walking in Central Park. The event initially left Kate traumatized and isolated. However, the ordeal eventually motivated her to learn several forms of combat fighting and self-defense. She quickly became proficient in swordplay, archery, and martial arts. She also met with a therapist during this time to work through some of her issues. Kate first encountered the Young Avengers when they attempted to save her and two hundred other guests at her sister's wedding in St. Patrick's Cathedral. Unfortunately, the Young Avengers were only successful in starting a fire and becoming hostages themselves. It was Kate that saved them using one of Patriot's throwing stars. The Young Avengers were able, however, to escape the scene before the police arrived. After the attack, at the hospital, Kate was approached by Cassie Lang, daughter of the Avengers' Ant-Man. Together the girls tracked down the Young Avengers to the ruins of the Avengers Mansion, where the girls confronted the the team and invited themselves on as members. Not long afterwards, the Mansion was attacked by Kang the Conqueror. To join the battle, Kate donned gear from the Mansion including Mockingbird's Battle Staves and mask, Swordsman's Sword, Black Widow's utility belt, and Hawkeye's Bow. After defeating Kang and saving the world, Kate and Cassie remained on as permanent members. Captain America and Iron Man ordered the team to disband and refused to train them. However, Kate used some of her family's money and connections to procure a new lair, as well as costumes and weapons for the team. With Iron Lad gone, Patriot and Kate took on the unofficial roles of co-leaders. She and Patriot even shared some chemistry and competitiveness. Her friendship with Patriot was severely strained when she and the rest of the team learned Patriot was taking Mutant Growth Hormone to simulate Super Soldier Serum powers. After Patriot was injured, Kate blamed Captain America for not training them properly. Later Jessica Jones returned to give Kate the original Hawkeye's Bow and arrows with a note from Captain America addressed to "Hawkeye". Jessica told Kate that the only other person to stand up to Captain America the way Kate did was Clint Barton, and that Captain America wanted her to take Clint's codename. Kate did and officially became the new Hawkeye. Along with the rest of his team, Hawkeye sided with Captain America and the Secret Avengers against the Superhuman Registration Act, which led to the Superhero Civil War. Kate also unwittingly berates a resurrected Clint for donning the Captain America uniform and bearing the Captain America's Shield. She stated that she took on the codename "Hawkeye" to honor the original Hawkeye, and not to mimic him or disgrace his memory. It was her words that convinced Clint to condemn Stark for his behavior, and go his own path. Not long after this initial encounter, Kate and Clint met again. During an awkward date with Eli in Central Park, Kate was attacked by Clint in the guise of Ronin. Clint and Kate meet a few more times over the next few days, culminating in Clint (in his own unique way) officially passing on his Bow and mantle to Kate. When the Skrulls invaded Earth, Hawkeye joined the other Young Avengers and Runaways on the frontlines of the battle. Hawkeye, along with the other Young Avengers, helped rescue the fallen from Asgard during the Siege. She and Patriot were briefly trapped under some rumble together, leading to an argument and a kiss. After Wiccan powers overloaded and the Avengers decided to keep him under observation, Hulkling and the other Young Avnegers broke Wiccan out of holding and began the search for the Scarlet Witch. Accompanied by Magneto and Quicksilver, the team travelled to Transia and then to Latveria before discovering a depowered and amnesiac Wanda engaged to Doctor Doom. The rediscovery of Wanda did not go unnoticed though, as the Avengers soon arrived on the scene. A battle with Doom's Doombot army soon broken out and was only stopped by the arrival of Iron Lad. Iron Lad teleported the Young Avengers and Wanda into the timestream. They all went into the past, and met reanimated Jack of Hearts, who is explode. After that Wanda remembered who she is, regained her powers and returned herself, the Young Avengers and Scott Lang into the present. She then finally confirmed that Billy and Tommy are indeed her reincarnated sons. Wanda's increased powers were revealed to be the result of her gaining a connection to the life force itself. A ritual intended to undo the Decimation was interrupted by Patriot, leading to the powers being transferred to Doctor Doom. He intended to usher the world into utopia, a utopia in which he would rule. The Avengers and X-Men teamed up to defeat him, in the process, Stature was killed by Doom, and the villain escaped after losing his powers when they overloaded. Iron Lad proposed to save Stature through the Timestream but Vision refused, ending with both of them battling each other and Iron Lad destroying Vision and then taking off to the timestream, even after Wiccan warned that this was the moment in time where he became Kang the Conqueror. In the aftermath of the battles, the Young Avengers disbanded and stayed in low profile during the major events that transpired in the world (the Spider-Island infestation, the X-Men's Schism and the resurrection of the Human Torch). However, their moment of joy was interrupted by Ms. Marvel who called them to the Avengers Mansion. After a few words from Captain America all the remaining Young Avengers were officially named as full-fledged Avengers. In the following months, Kate was recruited as a partner of Clint Barton, the original Hawkeye, in his street-level crime-fighting. The pair has become not only dedicated duo, but also close friends. Although the Young Avengers again disbanded, Kate remained in close contact with Billy and Teddy. She also had a romantic encounter with Marvel Boy. +This superhero's name is Hawkgirl (CW). Their real name is Kendra Saunders. After a singularity was accidentally opened over S.T.A.R. Labs, Kendra, along with a number of others, looked on as it sucked up parts of the city. Kendra began working as a barista at CC Jitters where she was asked out by Cisco Ramon, initially rejecting him. Cisco later returned to simply order coffee, asking if Kendra was going to shoot him down again. Kendra told Cisco that she was new to Central City and accepted his offer for a date, giving him her phone number. While on their first date to see The Princess Bride at a local theater, Cisco touched her hand and vibed, seeing a winged person dressed in armor and a helmet. Cisco is left freaked out and bails on his date with Kendra. Cisco later visited her at CC Jitters, giving her a box of chocolates, flowers and bringing along a digital projector with the movie loaded onto it. As Kendra and Cisco kiss, he vibed again and learned that the person he saw in the armor was Kendra. Cisco and Kendra later went on a date at Jitters where the two were about to have dinner when a mysterious man suddenly appeared, calling Kendra "priestess Chay-Ara". The man then insisted Cisco hand her over only for the latter to refuse. Fortunately before he could harm them The Flash came to their rescue. The man then threw a knife at Cisco which The Flash caught before escaping. A grateful Cisco then accidentally revealed The Flash's identity as Barry Allen much to Barry's annoyance. At S.T.A.R. Labs Barry and the others questioned Kendra only for Kendra to reveal that she never met the man. In an effort to keep her safe Barry and the team brought her Star City where she met Oliver Queen who she found out was the Green Arrow. Oliver proceeded to question Kendra about the man harshly and when Barry told him to calm down a little Oliver pointed out that Barry put everyone including his teammates in danger. In an effort to ease tension Felicity suggested they go back to the loft to relax. At Oliver and Felicity's loft the group relaxed until the man crashed through the window. Oliver, Barry, and Thea managed to fight him off however and the man once again escaped. At The Foundry Cisco proceeded to tell Kendra about his abilities and the vision he got of her. Suddenly Malcolm Merlyn and the League of Assassins appeared and revealed the man's name was Vandal Savage: an immortal who has lived over centuries. He then proceeded to tell them that they could not protect Kendra who then proceeded to run outside with Cisco going after her. Catching up with Cisco asked if she was alright and apologized for not telling her about his powers sooner. Kendra assured him it wasn't that and claimed that if what Merlyn said was true then her whole life was changed and claimed she was not ready for that. Cisco compared her experience to when he first learned about his powers and assured her that everything would be alright. Suddenly a man with wings seemingly kidnapped her and took her to a building. The man identified himself as Khufu and told Kendra she needed to remember him and who he was and told her that until her memories came back she needed to stay by his side so he could protect her. The Green Arrow and The Flash came to Kendra's rescue and managed to subdue the man. Back at the Foundry, the winged man identified himself as Carter Hall a reincarnation of Prince Khufu and that Kendra was Priestess Chay-Ara and that they were lovers forced to find each other again and again and that Vandal Savage is the one who kills them each time having done it a total of 206 times and that he grows stronger with each kill. Malcolm entered once again and told them that Savage had left Star City after realizing that taking them on would be a challenge and had decided to retrieve the Staff of Horus . An ancient and powerful weapon from Carter and Kendra's past that would make Savage nearly unstoppable. Carter suggested that he be allowed to show Kendra how to activate her powers and memories. Going to the top of a building Carter suggested Kendra jump off to unlock her potential. When she began to hesitate Carter pushed her only for Barry to save her. When he suggested the try again Barry and Cisco strongly objected. Oliver then realized that the reason Kendra was drawn to Central City was because it was were the Staff of Horus was located. Later on top of the building Kendra realized Carter was right and that to become who she really was she had to jump which she did. Suddenly her wings sprouted. Cisco then proceeded to give her the name Hawkgirl. Later Kendra, Carter, and the rest of the team decided to hide out in a farmhouse in the outskirts of Central City. As everyone coordinated plans to find and stop Savage, Oliver told Kendra that they should work on unlocking her abilities. Barry warned Kendra to not let Oliver train her, Carter then decided to train her himself. When Oliver and Barry returned from a meeting with Vandal Savage, Oliver told Kendra and the rest that they have twenty four hours until they are supposed to hand Kendra and Carter over to them or else Savage would destroy Central City. Kendra was distraught however claiming that her life was not worth the deaths of numerous innocent people and left the house. Carter went after her and when he caught up with Kendra she asked if they have ever killed themselves to deny Savage the chance of killing them himself. Carter tried to calm her down but Saunders noted that everyone back at the farmhouse was willing to die to protect them. Carter however pointed out that it was this act of bravery was what made all of them heroes. He then told her that if she did not want the others to die for her she should focus on becoming the warrior that he knows she is. Carter then had Saunders attack him which she did only for Carter to easily best her. Eventually Kendra lost her temper and managed to tackle Carter down. Felicity then arrived and told them that the others had found information on Savage. Felicity then played the tape given to her by John Diggle. In the tape, scientist and professor Aldus Boardman explained his knowledge of Hath-Set/Vandal Savage, Khufu and Chay-Ara's origins. He said that his immortality had come as a result of an "unearthly calamity" and that anything related to that calamity would possibly reverse its effects. Professor Boardman also expressed his belief that Vandal Savage was the greatest threat Earth would ever face. Later that night Oliver came up with a plan to defeat Savage and he Kendra, Carter, and Barry arrived to seemingly give in to Savage demands. When Savage was about to kill them Oliver and Barry spring the plan into action. The plan however failed miserably with Kendra unable to unlock her abilities and Savage ended up killing Kendra, and Carter, and with the Staff of Horus unleashed an energy blast that vaporized Oliver and everyone else in Central City. +This superhero's name is Hawkgirl. Their real name is Kendra Saunders. The current Hawkgirl is Kendra Saunders, a young woman who committed suicide. When Kendra's soul left her body, that of her grand-aunt, Shiera Hall, the Golden Age Hawkgirl, entered it. Her grandfather, former OSS agent and globe-trotting adventurer Speed Saunders, recognized this change and encouraged his granddaughter to embrace her destiny as the "new" Hawkgirl. Still believing herself to be Kendra, she debuted as a heroine using the original Hawkgirl's equipment and set out in search of a being called the Fate-Child (actually her own reincarnated son, Hector Hall). This led to a meeting with the Justice Society and Kendra's induction to that team. She currently has all of Kendra's memories, but almost none of Shiera's. This creates tension with Hawkman since he remembers all of their past lives together and believes they are destined for each other. Kendra has been presented as a very troubled young woman, haunted by the murder of her parents by a corrupt cop and confused by her jumble of memories and feelings. She has operated as Hawkman's partner but only recently began to actually admit her attraction to him. The truth about Kendra's identity was eventually revealed to her by the angel Zauriel. She is one of the heroes Donna Troy recruited for a deep space mission to avert a coming crisis. A Zeta Beam transporter malfunction injured many of the superheroes in space, including Hawkgirl, causing her to grow over twenty feet tall. Some time later, her proper stature restored, she is protecting St. Roch, Louisiana, in the absence of Hawkman. She has also taken over as curator of the Stonechat Museum. She is also a returning member of the new Justice League, having briefly served with the team when the original members were previously missing. A brewing relationship between Hawkgirl and Red Arrow has become one of the major subplots in the series. +This superhero's name is Hawkman (CW). Their real name is Carter Hall. Not much is known of Carter's early life during this incarnation. It can be assumed that at some point prior to 2015, he was able to unlock his powers by jumping or falling from a great height and regained his memories of his previous incarnations. +This superhero's name is Hawkwoman III. Their real name is Shayera Thal. Shayera Thal was a police officer on the planet of Thanagar. While and her and her partner, Katar Hol, were chasing the criminal Byth, they crash landed on Earth. After capturing him, the pair decided to remain on Earth and became Hawkman and Hawkwoman. +This superhero's name is Hawkwoman. Their real name is Shayera Thal. Born on Thanagar, Hawkwoman protected all that was good as an officer and hero. +This superhero's name is Heart Of The Monster Hulk. Their real name is Bruce Banner. +This superhero's name is Hearthstone. Their real name is Hearthstone. +This superhero's name is Heat Wave (CW). Their real name is Mick Rory. Mick Rory, nicknamed Heat Wave by Cisco Ramon, is a pyromaniac, a romance novelist under the pseudonym Rebecca Silver, and the former criminal partner of the late Leonard Snart/Captain Cold; both were adversaries of the Flash. In January 2016, Mick and Snart were recruited by Rip Hunter into the Legends, a time-traveling team of superheroes dedicated to hunting down Vandal Savage and preventing his uprising in 2166. Considered "supervillains" in comparison to the rest of their team, Mick and Snart were seen as outcasts. Though both initially joined to exploit the potentials of time travel Snart came to be genuine about the cause whereas Mick did not, leading to a falling out between them when Mick betrayed the team to time pirates for his own safety. As a result Snart was forced to maroon Mick in an unknown time period, but he was found by the Time Masters and brainwashed into becoming a temporal bounty hunter named Chronos. Under this guise Mick traveled back in time and hunted down his old team during their initial ventures through time, but was eventually exposed and captured by the Legends who reformed him. Mick continued to be a reluctant member of the team after becoming a target of the Time Masters for his failure. After Snart's sacrifice to save him and end the corrupted Time Masters, Mick finally became genuine about the cause too. After aiding in Savage's death Mick decided to remain on the team. For the next 6 months Mick aided the team in correcting aberrations to the timeline, though still partook in thieving whenever possible, eventually encountering Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash and his team. Recently Mick has begun to display amicable affections for fellow team member and JSA war hero Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, which has caused him to question his place on the team having been both a hero and a villain in the manifestation of a hallucination of Snart's criminal self. After encountering a version of Snart, from a point in the timeline prior to joining the Legends, recruited him into the Legion of Doom, Mick came to believe the Legends never valued him and he sided with the Legion, allowing them to obtain the Spear of Destiny and rewrite reality. However, in the new reality Mick, who retained his knowledge of how reality had been before using the Spear, made the right decision and sided with the Legends when he realized that his real place was with them. After the defeat of the Legion of Doom, Mick remained on the team to continue protecting the timeline. When the Legends went up against the demon Mallus, Mick was made the bearer of the Fire Totem. After the defeat of the demon, Mick returned his totem to Kuasa. Currently, Mick and the Legends assisted by the Time Bureau are tracking magical creatures once locked in the same prison as Mallus. +This superhero's name is Heat Wave. Their real name is Mick Rory. Born on a farm outside Central City, Mick Rory became fascinated with fire as a child. This fascination turned into an obsession and one night, he set his family's home ablaze. His obsession was so great, that he simply watched the flames engulf his house, instead of running to get help. His entire family died in the fire. After this event, Rory went to live with his uncle. His pyromania continued and he was forced to run away after locking a schoolmate in his house and setting it on fire because the boy locked Rory in a meat locker during a field trip as a prank. He took a job as a fire eater with a traveling circus. This did not last long either, as he ended up setting the circus on fire. It was these events that made him desperate to fight his fire obsession and after seeing the Rogues in action in Central City, he decided to use his mania to become a villain. He created a protective costume made of asbestos (this was back before the dangers of asbestos were known), built a gun-sized flamethrower and became Heat Wave. As he was committing crimes in Central City, it was inevitable that he'd run into the Flash, which he did quite regularly. Subsequently, he also ended up in jail quite regularly. He also became a rival of Captain Cold, due to his aversion to cold temperatures. It was Captain Cold who introduced Heat Wave to The Rogues. Eventually, Mick went straight, due largely to the manipulations of the Top. He took a job as a firefighting consultant, using his vast knowledge on fires and heat. He also became good friends with Barry Allen, who he had discovered was The Flash years before. All good things must come to an end though, and Rory succumbed to an offer by Abra Kadabra of gaining respect and infamy in the world. He and four other members of the Rogues sacrificed themselves, quite unwittingly, to unleash the demon Neron, setting off the events of Underworld Unleashed. Later, Neron returned the soulless bodies of the five to Earth, in a plan to force Flash into a deal. The five Rogues each possessed incredible powers and wreaked havoc, death and destruction before Neron was forced by Flash to halt their actions and return their souls to their bodies. Heat Wave would only briefly return to his criminal ways before abandoning them to study with Zhutanian monks. Afterwards, he worked for Project Cadmus as a backup agent, but eventually quit that too and moved to the Quad Cities, Illinois area. He eventually got a job at the FBI, along with other reformed members of Rogues. This was a spectacular failure and Rory became a villain once again after the Top arrived and undid the mental program that had kept him reformed. One Year Later, after being caught by the police, he and several more of the Rogues were approached by speedster Inertia with a plan to kill Bart Allen, the current Flash. Caught up in the moment, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, and Captain Cold shot Bart to death with their respective weapons after he foiled Inertia's plan, and are now on the run. They expressed guilt immediately after the murder. He was one of the first villains to be captured during Salvation Run. Heat Wave was seen joining Libra's Secret Society of Super Villains. Unfortunately, he and the other Rogues' reject Libra's offer. Before they can retire, they hear that Inertia (now Kid Zoom) had escaped. The Rogues' confront Kid Zoom and ultimately kill him because that they were used and to overcome the guilt of Bart's death. Human Flame sought out Heat Wave hoping to purchase one of his signature flamethrower guns. Heat Wave refuses, denouncing Human Flame as "pathetic" and beating him harshly. When the actions of the Reverse Flash temporarily drastically altered the timeline, Rory suffered serious nerve damage caused by burns received while fighting Cyborg. Incarcerated for his crimes, he formed a new Legion of Doom consisting of various fellow inmates including the Thinker, Lock-Up and Sportsmaster, along with Plastic Man, who was smuggled into the prison inside the Cluemaster's stomach. The group escaped prison and sought revenge on Cyborg, who had been responsible for capturing most of them, but when Plastic Man realized that Rory's plan involved murdering the entire population of Detroit he turned on him, and Rory was forced to melt him. Rory eventually ordered his team to stay back while he fought Cyborg one-on-one, but he was defeated and jailed again, finally being confronted in his cell by a vengeful, reconstituted Plastic Man, who seemed intent on killing him. +This superhero's name is Heavy Metal. Their real name is Faith. Heavy Metal leads the ambush of the Ninja and takes them and the ruins of the Destiny's Bounty 2.0 back to Dead's End and Iron Baron. She is at her master's side when the Ninjas' blindfolds are removed. +This superhero's name is Heimdall (MCU). Their real name is Heimdall. Heimdall was the all-seeing and all-hearing Asgardian and former guard of Asgard's Bifrost Bridge. He could see and hear nearly everything that happens in the Nine Realms. Despite vowing to obey the orders of Odin, Heimdall was prepared to commit treason if it meant protecting the Realms, as he allowed the Warriors Three to return Thor from Midgard to defeat Loki. When Asgard was attacked by the Dark Elves, Heimdall discovered his powers were blocked by the Elves so he was forced to once again commit treason to help Thor destroy Malekith and protect the Nine Realms. Under Loki's disguised regime over Asgard, Heimdall was banished from his position. When Hela took control over Asgard, Heimdall hid the Asgardian citizens from her and with the help of Thor, he evacuated them from Asgard before Ragnarök. He then joined their new king Thor on their trip to Earth. On their way, the Statesman was attacked by Thanos and the Black Order, who overthrew the ship. Summoning a last shred of dark magic, Heimdall was able to teleport the Hulk to Earth using the Bifrost before he was killed by thanos +This superhero's name is Hela. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Hellboy (Injustice 2). Their real name is Anung Un Rama. Biography As a member of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, Hellboy has defended the world from friends, witches, demons, and more than a few Lovecraftian Gods. With his trusty revolver and his Right Hand of Doom, Hellboy has made monster disposal his specialty. Injustice 2 Hellboy serves as a downloadable character as part of Fighter Pack 2. In the game, Brainiac has brought Hellboy from his original universe in order to add him to his 'special collection'. To which Hellboy responds by beating him down. After that, his popularity rises after defeating Brainiac, he was offered positions and help from numerous individuals but became bored quickly, stating that 'it is not his thing'. When he returned back at his universe and into the Bureau, it was not the same as usual. Hellboy soon decides to retire from his job and takes refuge in Africa. +This superhero's name is Hellboy. Their real name is Anung Un Rama. The creature which would become known as Hellboy first appeared the night of December 23, 1944, when the evil mystic Grigori Rasputin summoned Hellboy to Earth with the help of the Third Reich. Baby Hellboy appeared miles away in a churchyard in East Bromwich, England where he met a crack team of American soldiers lead by 1st Sgt. George Whitman sent to investigate the mysterious Nazi ritual. They were accompanied by Professor Trevor Bruttenholm of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.), Professor Malcolm Frost, Lady Cynthia Eden-Jones, and the Torch of Liberty, a WWII-era costumed superhero. Bruttenholm befriended the creature, christening him Hellboy. The child was raised in secret by the U.S. government and trained to be a paranormal investigator. After he appeared in a church on an island off the coast of Scotland, Hellboy was taken to an air force base in New Mexico where he grew up under the guidance of Trevor Bruttenholm and the fledgling B.P.R.D. Hellboy interacted with personnel at the base such as U.S. General Norton Ricker, and the dog, Mac. In 1952, when he was eight, Hellboy officially joined the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense as a full-time agent. Hellboy aged greatly in body, although somewhat less in mind: while appearing to be a full-grown middle-aged man, he still had the rebellious fire and attitude of an adolescent. He became adept in many supernatural and paranormal subjects such as possession, haunting, exorcism, enchantments, holy amulets, and sacred artifacts. He eventually became a full-fledged field agent of the B.P.R.D. under Trevor Bruttenholm. In the years following World War II and the demise of the Nazi regime, Hellboy traveled the world, encountering and defeating numerous supernatural beings and disturbances such as werewolves, vampires, and encounters with the deranged Nazi scientist Herman von Klempt. Hellboy also encounters minor deities, mythological creatures, and beings of folklore. He had a notable encounter with the Baba Yaga. In the year 1952, Hellboy was granted honorary human status by the United Nations. Two years later, Hellboy was approached by the Osiris Club to slay the Saint Leonard worm, an alligator-like monster. This battle was, in fact, a test of Hellboy's true virtue, resulting in lilies that grew from his spilled blood, which seemed to confirm his good nature. A short time later, Professor Bruttenholm sent Hellboy to help Professor Edmond Aickman with the King Vold myth. Aickman was obsessed with a possible reward and manipulated Hellboy into begrudgingly completing Vold's chosen tasks. In 1959 Hellboy was in Ireland and embarked on a mission to rescue a baby, Alice Monaghan. In order to do so, he had to bear a corpse to its final resting place. Overseeing the assignment was the King of the Daoine Sidhe, who would harbor an interest in Hellboy in the near future. In 1979 Hellboy was sent to aid a once-famous physical medium, Mister Tod. Tod, using drugs to enter a trance, accidentally released a cosmic monster which created a body for itself with Tod’s ectoplasm. This was Hellboy's first encounter with the spirit of an Ogdru Hem; he was able to defeat the creature with an herb. In 1982 tracked down the infamous Countess Ilona Kakosy, a vampire. Hellboy slew her after she tried to distract him with a disturbing vision. In 1991, Hellboy is called in to assist fellow Bureau agent Pauline Raskine. The B.P.R.D. was investigating a newly discovered hidden basement in a mansion owned by former Doctor Carp. Carp was a Grand Master of the Golden Lodge, a temple of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra located in New York. Hellboy has knowledge of the H.B.R. and refers to them as crazy. Upon entering the room Hellboy was magically warped through time to the year 1902, where he had to contend with the sadistic Doctor. Carp managed to get a sample of Hellboy’s demonic blood to use on a chimpanzee, turning the ape into a bloodthirsty monster. However, it wasn’t until the groundbreaking Cavendish Hall mission that Hellboy truly met a challenge that posed an extreme threat to him or his fellow agents Abe Sapien and Elizabeth Sherman, a woman with uncontrollable pyrokinetic abilities. It began when Hellboy met with his mentor Trevor Bruttenholm, who was trying to tell Hellboy a crucial memory disturbing the Professor. Suddenly, Bruttenholm was mysteriously killed when a spawning of frogs entered the room, and an angry Hellboy faced off with a humanoid frog monster. A mission was sent to the haunted Cavendish Hall mansion, consisting of Hellboy, Abe and Liz to question the elderly Mrs. Cavendish, whose well-known family heritage Bruttenholm mentioned as he tried to remember what to tell Hellboy seconds before his death. Mrs. Cavendish was a widow who lost her three sons a few months before, when they, along with Trevor Bruttenholm, together explored the Arctic in search of a legendary temple. She said it was her family's curse that every male in the line, starting with Elihu Cavendish, became obsessed with retrieving something from the Arctic. Many would never come back. In truth, the Cavendish boys along with Bruttenholm made it to a secret temple in the Arctic. There they had come across Grigori Rasputin, who had been hibernating for years in service to a terrible cosmic monstrosity, the Ogdru Jahad. Rasputin had become the creatures’ only hope of entering our world in order for them to unleash the Apocalypse on Earth. A dormant Ogdru Hem, Sadu-Hem one of the 369 children of the Ogdru Jahad, was accidentally awoken by the team. It's breath transformed the three Cavendish brothers, and their guide while Bruttenholm was able to keep by Rasputin, after reading his mind and discovering his link with Hellboy. They boarded a ship and when they arrived in America, Bruttenholm was allowed to escape with a fragile memory, in order to lure Hellboy to Cavendish Hall. Hellboy and his partners elected to stay the night at Cavendish Hall, to further explore any possible clues. Unbeknownst to the agents, the revived Rasputin had been manipulating events in order to draw Hellboy closer to him, intent on forcing Hellboy to fulfill his purpose as the Harbinger of Armageddon. Rasputin was the one who had summoned Hellboy to this world back in 1944, and had been patiently waiting for his chance to return and retake control of his ‘son.’ Upon discovering the presence of Rasputin, who had willingly revealed himself that evening in a vain attempt to coerce Hellboy’s loyalty, Hellboy refused this destiny. Having been raised by his mentor in the ways of good, he then tried to slay the now furious Rasputin. Abe Sapien managed to kill Rasputin by throwing a harpoon through his chest. However, he was actually being possessed by the spirit of Elihu Cavendish. The ghost of Cavendish desired vengeance against Rasputin for the murder of his family. Liz Sherman awoke from her trance and summoned a firestorm that killed Sadu-Hem. Hellboy succeeded in rejecting his purpose and delaying the End of Days. Rasputin’s body was destroyed and his spirit was forced to flee, vowing that Hellboy would fulfill his purpose in the end, whether he wanted to or not. What follows are a few worthy-of-note adventures of Hellboy and his partners following the Cavendish Hall incident: In 1997, the second major turning point in Hellboy’s journey of discovery regarding his original purpose on Earth began as a mission to Romania, to investigate the theft of an ancient box containing the corpse of Vladimir Giurescu, a Napoleonic officer who was, in fact, a vampire. The legend went that whenever Giurescu was injured in battle, his servants would bring his body back to his home castle, where the rays of the full moon would mystically revive him back to full health. In 1882, Giurescu, posing as a foreign nobleman, attempted to start a secret evil empire to conquer England. This caught the attention of the Nazi party during the 1940s, who then sent a delegation lead by Ilsa Haupstein to recruit the immortal vampire to their cause. The meeting went badly, resulting in Hitler ordering the arrest and murder of Giurescu’s vampiric followers, nicknamed his “family.” He and his ‘family’ were beheaded and stabbed through the heart with stakes, and then burned; their ashes sent to Hitler. However, this was not the end of Vladimir Giurescu. In 1997, a former Nazi named Howard Steinman/Hans Uber was shot to death inside his own museum, and a crate marked “Giurescu Lot #666” was taken. It is assumed that Uber had stolen the remains of Giurescu during his Nazi days and had hidden the deceased vampire inside the museum for the last few decades. Now it appeared that Giurescu’s followers, lead by Ilsa Haupenstein, had come to rescue their master and bring his remains to Castle Giurescu, where the next full moon would revive him. The problem was that Castle Giurescu had never been found, for its location has always been hidden. B.P.R.D. agent Kate Corrigan made three rough guesses at possible locations of the castle, and three groups of agents were sent to each location in case one of them is the real deal. Hellboy went solo to the first site, while Agent Clark and Abe Sapien went to the second site, and Liz Sherman, Bud Waller, and rookie agent Sidney Leach investigated the third site. Hellboy arrived in time to discover that Ilsa had already prepared for the resurrection ceremony, but he was distracted by an encounter with the harpy-like Women of Thessaly. Meanwhile, Rasputin’s spirit had returned, and he succeeded in transforming Ilsa into the reincarnation of the goddess Hecate, who battled with Hellboy. When Hellboy was captured and left to die chained to a pole, the revived Giurescu charged him, only to be killed in an explosion when Hellboy cracked the pole in half and struck the vampire’s horse. In fury, the iron maiden which formerly was Ilsa Haupenstein swallowed up Hellboy, trapping him within an alternate dimension. He encountered a group of beings who claim to be Chaos itself and told Hellboy that the time had finally come for him to embrace his purpose. His true name, “Anung Un Rama,” was revealed for the first time, and the two sawed-off horns atop Hellboy’s forehead began to regrow as a crown of fire appeared above him. Hellboy, however, managed to overcome the transformation, telling the spirits, “screw you!” and snapping off his newly-regrown horns; an act which represents Hellboy’s devotion to the cause of good and that he truly is a well-meaning being, despite his origins or purpose. This moment of defiance instantly returned him back to our world, where he met Kate Corrigan. Backup never arrived due to an accident at the airport, and Kate revealed to a shocked Hellboy that during his adventures the other two teams had met their own misfortunes: Liz Sherman accidentally revived a human-sized homunculus which drained her power and killed Bud Waller before fleeing. Liz felt extreme guilt over the incident. At the same time, Abe Sapien and Agent Clark had visited a church in the belief that they would meet Hellboy there due to the presence of his tracking device. But it was revealed to be a trap set up by Rasputin, who wanted revenge against Abe for stabbing the mystic through the chest in their last encounter during the Cavendish Hall affair. Clark was killed in the process, but Abe managed to survive. The skeletal remains of Vladimir Giurescu were recovered by the B.P.R.D. while Hellboy and his fellow agents were airlifted home, exhausted by their recent mission. Meanwhile, Rasputin's other henchmen Karl Ruprect Kroenen and Leopold Kurtz attempted to follow the will of Rasputin in a castle in Norway. The two Nazi scientists had been entrusted with the task of creating an Army for Giurescu to lead in a campaign to destroy mankind, thus bringing about Rasputin’s planned “Ragna Rok” apocalypse. However due to Kroenen's disobedience in resurrecting Nazi scientist Herman Von Klempt, whom Rasputin despised, and the accidental killing of Kurtz the undead mystic struck the C.E.O. of the Zinco Corporation, Roderick Zinco blind. While Zinco panicked, he accidentally hit a button that destroyed the fortress. However, Kurtz and Kroenen were somehow able to survive, probably thanks to Rasputin, and recently reappeared in the B.P.R.D. story Russia. After losing her powers to the homunculus, Liz Sherman underwent treatment by Dr. Olasz at the Wauer Institute. Meanwhile, Hellboy and Kate Corrigan investigate a missing cross and several missing corpses. The culprit was the homunculus, praying for God to kill him. Instead, the homunculus met his older brother, who told him of his creator and of their plans to overthrow mankind. Hellboy and Kate discovered the homunculus' lair where they were attacked by his brother's crude homunculi henchmen. Kate was captured and the homunculus's brother planned to use her to build an enormous homunculus body for him to inhabit. Kate was rescued, but the evil brother used the giant body to attack Hellboy. The first homunculus then seemingly gave in to his brother's wishes, becoming part of the giant body. But he used the pyrokinesis taken from Liz to destroy his evil brother's new body. They rushed to the Wauer Institute and arrived just moments after Liz died. Then the homunculus, now dubbed "Roger", returned Liz's pyrokinetic powers to her, restoring her life at the cost of his own. In 1999, Hellboy and Abe investigated the castle of Count Guarino after a mysterious attack. On this mission, the warlock Igor Bromhead released Ualac, a minor demon trapped in a box by St. Dunstan. Ualac was able to teach Bromhead Hellboy's secret name, Anung Un Rama, and temporarily paralyze him. Abe was shot by a chimpanzee, the former count now transformed. Ualac claimed the Crown of the Apocalypse (which sits invisibly on Hellboy's head) before attempting to take Hellboy's stone right hand. Hellboy was able to break free thanks to advising from the Daoine Sidge and killed his enemy’s mortal body. Bromhead and Ualac were claimed by the demon Astaroth, who also took Hellboy's crown down to Hell. This was a landmark moment in Hellboy’s multi-layered career. With the help of fellow agents Roger and Abe Sapien, among others, he faced off against an unprecedented threat: a cosmic entity bound with a Nazi scientist who had been floating through space for decades and was now the vessel for the monstrous creature’s arrival on Earth. This beast was an alleged offspring of the Ogdru-Jahad, which the Nazis had tried to communicate with back in the ’40s. This mission to stop the ‘worm,’ now controlled by Grigori Rasputin, culminated in an intense sacrifice from Roger the Homunculus, who risked his very life to try and imprison the worm’s spirit within himself. With assistance from the ghost of famed television-serial hero Lobster Johnson, Hellboy managed to drive away the Worm’s consciousness, and a wounded Roger was given aid by B.P.R.D. agents. Hellboy now felt deep guilt over his profession, due to him having been given by Manning prior to the mission a device to kill Roger, should he become dangerous again. Then, with a heavy heart, Hellboy announced his resignation to Kate Corrigan, before leaving to try and find out once and for all the truth behind the supposed fate that would always haunt him. +This superhero's name is Hellcat. Their real name is Patricia Walker. Patricia Walker was the only daughter of Joshua Walker and Dorothy Walker, a comic book writer. While she was still a child her mother acted as her agent, helping her at modeling and commercial work. Dorothy Walker’s greatest success was the creation of a comic book named after her young daughter, featuring romantic adventures of Patsy and her real-life friends as teenagers. The Patsy Walker comic book was very popular and continued for over a decade as Patsy grew into and out of her teens. Patsy Walker felt very strange about her mother’s fictionalized exploitation of her, and was relieved when the series ceased publication. Constantly exposed to comic books, Walker grew up to idolize the heroes her mother’s colleagues wrote about and developed a crush on Reed Richards. However, she ceased daydreaming soon after high school and married her childhood friend, Robert Baxter (who had appeared in the Patsy Walker comic as her romantic interest). Baxter was in the officers training program of the Air Force, and Walker spent the next several years of her life on a number of Air Force bases. While her husband was assigned to a security post at the heavily government-subsidized Brand Corporation in New Jersey, Patsy Walker met the Beast and learned his secret identity. Walker had long idolized "super heroes," and she elicited the promise from him that in exchange for keeping his secret, he would help her become a "super heroine". Walker's marriage eventually came to a bitter end, and she sought out the Beast, who was now a member of the Avengers, to remind him of his promise. Tagging along with the Avengers to investigate criminal activities at the Brand Corporation, she became imprisoned along with the heroes by the Corporation and her ex-husband. Ater they freed themselves, Walker discovered a costume like that worn by Greer Nelson in her identity as the Cat. Putting the costume on, Walker dubbed herself Hellcat and used her natural athletic abilities to help the Avengers. Although she hoped to join the Avengers, Hellcat was persuaded by the Titanian priestess Moondragon to accompany her to Titan to undergo a period of training. During her stay on Titan, Hellcat’s minor psionic potential was artificially enhanced by various electronic organic devices (Moondragon used similar technology to give powers to Angar the Screamer and Ramrod) and was given extensive martial arts training. Upon her return to Earth, she met the Defenders and decided to accept their offer of membership rather than the Avengers. Hellcat remained a core member of the loosely organized Defenders for several years, becoming particularly close to the Valkyrie and Nighthawk. Eventually she met Damion Hellstrom, who in his costumed guise of the Son of Satan, joined the Defenders for a short time, and after he was cured of his demonic aspect found that she was in love with him. Renouncing her costumed identity, Patsy Walker decided to marry Hellstrom. The couple was married in Greentown, Ohio, where her father currently resided. The wedding, attended by several of her Defenders colleagues, was interrupted by her ex-husband "Buzz" Baxter, who had assumed the costumed guise of Mad Dog, and the Mutant Force. The Defenders repulsed the attack and Hellstrom subdued Mad-Dog. The Hellstroms then moved to San Francisco where they established themselves as occult investigators. In this capacity, they helped several superheroes in mystical problems, notably the Avengers' West Coast branch. In helping the Avengers, Pasty again donned the Hellcat costume and remained on hand to help them capture the villains Tiger Shark and Whirlwind. Sometime later, however, Hellstrom's dark soul reasserted itself and Patsy was driven mad at the sight of it. She languished in a near-vegetable state for months afterward until the mercy-killing entity Deathurge sensed her despair and, at her request, freed her spirit from her body, effectively killing herself. She soon after contacted Earth from a spirit plane and announced her intention via radio to return in the near future. Patsy had ended up in the realm of the demon Mephisto, fighting an eternal battle in the so-called Arena of Tainted Souls, alongside fallen Avenger Mockingbird. Months later, the Avenger villain Grim Reaper resurrected Patsy and Mockingbird, among others, tainting them with his hatred for the Avengers and setting them against the team. With the help of the Scarlet Witch, Patsy and the others reverted to their true personalities and aided the Avengers against the Grim Reaper before returning from whence they came. Before she disappeared, Mockingbird was able to send a warning to her husband Hawkeye about a plan Hellstrom was developing. Hawkeye and his team the Thunderbolts confronted Hellstrom and then used their sorcerous connections to go to Hell in order to restore Mockingbird. They were tricked however, by Hellstrom, and the Thunderbolts rescued Patsy instead, restoring her bodily to Earth. Pasty remained despondent and depressed due to her perceived failures in life and time spent in Hell. She nevertheless presented a good front, wrote an autobiography and began a book tour. Shortly thereafter, Patsy returned to Centerville to find her high school rival Hedy had joined with the corporation that was built upon the Patsy comics fortune and turned Centerville into a tourist attraction. Patsy discovered the town was also infiltrated with demonic forces, led by the evil warlock Nicholas Scratch. Scratch had allowed a cult called the Sons of the Serpents to use the citizens of Centerville for their occult purposes, and altering the Avengers, Patsy resumed her Hellcat identity and defeated the Serpents alongside her team. Patsy was still despondent about life when later Scratch's minions attacked Hellcat. She then uncovered a plot by the extradimensional villain Dormammu to take over the various dimensions of Hell, each led by different demons, among them Mephisto, Hellstrom, and Satannish The Supreme. Hellcat helped Mephisto thwart Dormammu by uniting the demons along with the death gods Pluto and Hela. She also revealed Hellstrom's father was actually Satannish, a pawn of Dormammu. Ultimately, she escaped back to Earth by proving to Mephisto that he would be better served to have her on Earth. Revitalized by her adventure, Pasty rededicated her life to super heroics as Hellcat. One day, Patsy's supernaturally-tinged senses brought her to the attention of a homeless man. She tried to recuperate him, and he turned out to be the Defenders' villain Yandroth the Magician, who began systematically attacking Earth by binding the spirit of Mother Earth itself. Patsy escaped and managed to contact the various members of the Defenders to stop him, re-forming the team after a long hiatus. As a result of the battle, several of the Defenders were cursed to continually band together, and Patsy and the remaining Defenders elected to stay together as a team to support them. With the passage of the Superhuman Registration Act, Patsy was forced to become a registered hero. Facing a lack of ressources, Iron Man had Hellcat dispatched on her own in Alaska. During her flight to join her base, Hellcat decided to visit North Spirit. On her journey, she banded with one of the magical bear, a water lemming, a talking stone calendar and a cat-like creature possibly going as "Manslayer". She eventually encountered the kidnapper of the witches' daughter on standing on a ship, separated from Hellcat and her group. Joined by an army of rabbits, she built a rabbit bridge to confront him and managed to aboard the ship. During the ensuing fight, Hellcat and the "kidnapper" burst through a wall into the daughter's bedroom, where she revealed that he was his boyfriend. The daughter, named Ssangyong Rexton, then revealed the truth about the whole adventure, including that the talking stone calendar was her father. Exceeded by Ssangyong's obstination, Hellcat ended up punching her to move on. Leaving the ship, the band bursted the car into an ice cliff. She eventually managed to convince Ssangyong to save them and sent them to the witches, after her father turned back to human form. After a quick brawl, the whole situation was debunked, and Hellcat returned to Anchorage for debried with Iron Man. Dark Reign Along with Camp Hammond senior staff Gauntlet, Physique, Baron Blitzschlag and Taskmaster, Gargoyle and Tigra, Hellcat discussed the setting of a Shadow Initiative operation against Hydra leader and Initiative deserter Hardball, leading the discussion to the problem of commandment in the Initiative. Later that day, she went to Tigra, trying in vain to help her about her Skrull-pregnancy. At the end of the day, along with Stingray and Gauntlet, she tried to make Hank Pym remain at the Camp, in vain as well. Offered commandment of the Initiative by Gauntlet (who was de facto its leader but didn't felt qualified), Hellcat refused, intending to return to her duty in Alaska. As Thor's clone awakened, Hellcat battled it along with the other Initiative members present at Camp Hammond. She also helped rescue the endangered civilians once the brawl was ended, until Norman Osborn came to announce the camp closure. Unnoticed by H.A.M.M.E.R. until before Siege Hellcat went rogue at some point, after a brief time as the Initiative Alaskan-based agent. Patsy later became less active as a super-heroine, writing some auto-biographical novels instead. She formed a close friendship with other part-time heroines Felicia Hardy, Monica Rambeau, and Angelica Jones. She was one of the many applicants for nanny to Luke Cage and Jessica Jones' daughter, Danielle Cage. +This superhero's name is Hellfire (MCU). Their real name is JT James. JT James is an Inhuman who was taken to Afterlife under Jiaying's leadership, but was expelled from the community before undergoing Terrigenesis for trying to steal from its archives. After he finally gained his Inhuman powers with the intervention of Hive and Daisy Johnson, he started calling himself Hellfire. Following his liberation from Hive's influence, James started hating what he became, and made a deal with the terrorist group the Watchdogs to help them exterminate the Inhumans. When Quake and Jemma Simmons visited James to warn him about attacks on registered Inhumans, Hellfire betrayed them and headed them over to the Watchdogs. During that event, he was attacked and defeated by the demonic Ghost Rider and taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. +This superhero's name is Hellstorm. Their real name is Daimon Hellstrom. Though demons are notorious liars, more reliable sources trace the genesis of the Class Two Demons (Hell-lords) to the primeval concentration of evil energy left behind when Demogorge drove the evil Elder Gods from Earth billions of years ago. That energy eventually gave rise to demons, shaped by the unconscious desires of their earliest human worshippers. These included at least Mephisto, Satannish, and Thog, though many others followed, each ruling their own nether realms. Other Hell-Lords arose from fallen gods and angels, such as Lucifer, cast down from Heaven. Marduk Kurios was worshipped by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. It is unclear whether some Mesopotamian Gods (Annunaki) may have usurped names and worshippers of demonic predecessors (as the Egyptian Seth did to the Elder God Set), whether some Gods degenerated into demons or assumed alternate roles such as false angels after being deprived of worshippers in later millennia, and/or if gods may have split off demonic counterparts, or vice-versa. Regardless, the above mentioned demons and many others capitalized on the eventual human belief in a single lord of evil, Satan, each claiming to be that being and naming their realms Hell. Numerous, often unidentifiable, Satans and Devils have encountered humanity throughout history. Some thirty years ago, a number of Hell-lords acted collectively to create a son via a human woman, who would serve as a living battery drawing in the black energy (sin) of mankind, storing it up as a charge of pure evil. This would give the Hell-Lords the power to break through the walls of reality en masse and lead to an unstoppable assault on man. An early attempt saw Beelzeboul seduce and impregnate Cassandra Dragonmekas, who learned her lover's true identity and banished him from Earth with a magic dagger that foiled their spell. Apparently unknown to the Hell-Lords, the Chapel of Dresden cult sought to create a half-human, half-demon child through which they could rule mankind. Purchasing Victoria Wingate Hellstrom from her Satanist parents, they tattooed her womb with Satanic symbols, enabling her to bear such a child. Kurios came to Earth in human form, and was drawn to and seemed to seduce Victoria. Marrying quickly, they moved to Fire Lake's mansion and Daimon was born there a year later, tended by his father's servants. Despite being weaned on human blood and his pentagram-shaped birthmark, Daimon was more attached to his mother and remained unaware of his father's true nature; but his sister, Satana, born when he was three, was always Daddy's little girl. When Daimon was six, Victoria walked in on an animal sacrifice Satana was performing for her father; she was driven mad and institutionalized upon seeing her husband's true face. Driving out the memory of willingly mothering the Antichrist, Victoria described herself as an innocent victim of Satan in her diary. Satana was taken to Hell to be raised by Satan while Daimon was raised in an orphanage, having no contact withhis father. His addled mother gave him an Ankh chain during a visit, telling him that only it could save him. Daimon studied under Father Raymond Gossett at a Jesuit Monastery for over three years, but he left abruptly before being ordained upon his mother's death and learning of his inheritance of Fire Lake. There he read Victoria's diary, learned of his father's true nature, and heard his father's call and promises of power. Removing his Ankh chain and accessing the mansion's portal to Hell, Daimon confronted Satan, ultimately refusing his father's offer. Daimon stole his father's trident and used it to summon his Demon-Steeds (Amon, Hecate, Set) and chariot, escaping Hell and sealing the portal behind him. Daimon spent years studying demonology and wallowing in indecision, using the Ankh chain and isolation to moderate the nightly transformations when his demonic Darksoul would gain ascendance. Eventually he began to work as an exorcist, assisting the possessed Linda Littletrees (Witch Woman), which led to an alliance with the Ghost Rider against a Satan who cannot be clearly identified. As the Son of Satan, Daimon thwarted Satan by threatening to shatter his realm. After finding that the Fire Lake opening to Hell had reopened, Daimon traveled to St. Louis' Gateway University at the request of parasychology professor Katherine Reynolds, driving off Ikthalon, the icy demon of stagnation, and his Legions of Boreas. He stayed there for a time, befriending Reynolds and divinity student Byron Hyatt and celebrating his birthday, marked by a battle with his father's agent Baphomet and the merging with his Darksoul, ending his nocturnal transformations and inverting his pentagram. To end the threat of the fiery serpent Kometes, Daimon traveled back in time to pre-Cataclysmic Atlantis, where he encountered Kamuu and Zartra and the legendary sorceress Zhered-Na, and destroyed Kometes via an encounter with Spyros (Adam K'ad-Mon), the first man on Earth. Working locally and distantly, Daimon exorcised the demon Allatou, one of Satan's court, from the Manners family; destroyed the evil Madame Swabada who resented his fame and used tarot manifestations in a failed effort to slay him; assisted the Defenders against Satannish's human mystic Asmodeus (Charles Benton) and later the Sons of the Serpent; defeated a plot of his father's agent Dryminextes with the aid of the Human Torch; and encountered the enigmatic Father Darklyte and his Legion of Nihilists, the former exploding into a shower of cockroaches at battle's end. Daimon left Gateway, encountering and assisting Satana against Satan's agent Kthara of the Outer Dark, earning Satana's enmity in the process when he unwittingly nearly slew her. Daimon joined the Thing against another plot of Kthara, assisted Ghost Rider against Mephisto, and even joined forces with Satan against the Possessor (Raphael Zoran) who thought to conquer Hell. Relocating to Washington, D.C.'s District University, Daimon taught parapsychology; defeated Mindstar, who attempted to use him against the Egyptian god Anubis; befriended the bizarre Proffet the Celestial Fool; and became more than friends with wicca Saripha Thames. Summoned to investigate the ditzy psychic Winda Wester, Daimon crossed Hitler's alleged dentist Doctor Reich and corrupt cult-leader Reverend Joon Moon Yuc, leading to Daimon's Darksoul briefly possessing Howard the Duck. Daimon also helped free the vampire hunter Blade from the control of Deacon Frost and participated in the "Defenders for a Day". Now 27 years old, Daimon joined the Defenders in saving Eternity and the entire universe, opposing the alien Nebulon, as well as the demonic Six-Fingered Hand (Avarrish, Fashima, Hyppokri, Maya, Puishannt, Unnthinnk) who threatened to conquer Earth. The Defenders (including Daimon) teleported across the planet to fight the demons' agents Gargoyle (Isaac Christians) and Hellcat, both of whom were purged of demonic influences; the vampire Gordski, whom Daimon exposed to premature daylight via time manipulation; rock singer Asmodeus Jones; a would-be Messiah (David Kessler); and the possessed Man-Thing. Ultimately, the Six-Fingered Hand were revealed to be pawns of the major Hell-Lords, led by Mephisto (who had manipulated them as Maya), Satan, Satannish, and Thog, who threatened to merge Hell and Earth, enabled by the damage to the dimensional walls caused by the threat to Eternity and their multiple teleportations. After a pitched battle between father and son, Daimon agreed to stay in Hell to study under his father, and Satan cancelled the invasion of Earth, leaving the Defenders to wonder if Satan had achieved his true goal after all. After months of attempting to purge his humanity, Daimon rebelled against and abandoned Satan, who surprisingly expressed pride and revealed his multi-faceted nature. Daimon returned to the Defenders, saving the life of the Beast's girlfriend Vera Cantor, foiling the corrupting spirit within the Resurrection Stone, and fighting the Secret Empire. To save the Valkyrie Brunnhilde's life, he sought the Rose of Purity from the Wasteland Dimension, but found he could not steal the Rose, a god to residents Damask and Zaffer. After aiding the Squadron Supreme on Earth-712 against Null the Living Darkness, Daimon expressed his love for Patsy Walker (Hellcat), who initially rebuffed him. Leaving in a rage, Daimon returned to District University where he found that a demon from Satan's realm had usurped his identity. Daimon defeated the interloper, but left him in peace when Saripha revealed her love for the demon. Daimon sought solace at Father Gosset's new monastery, but fell into a plot of the Miracle Man, who stole his Darksoul, which was ultimately cast into a serpent that seemed to slither off and die. Seemingly free of his demonic half, Daimon married Patsy, despite interference from the Secret Empire, and they moved out to San Francisco to work as occult investigators. Daimon's pentagram returned soon after and he showed intermittent mystic power, sometimes using the alias Hellstorm and donning a garish costume. He and Patsy joined the Defenders against Minerva Bannister (who sought vampiric immortality); aided the Avengers against Allatou, Master Pandemonium and the Cat People; and helped resolve the dual possession of the Phantom Rider by his uncles, the heroic Carter and the maddened Lincoln. Meanwhile, the Hellfire Serpent, recipient of Daimon's Darksoul, was used by Terror to empower Mikal Drakonmegas as Hellfire to oppose Beelzeboul. Daimon's powers faded, and he retired, but he soon began to die without his Darksoul. In desperation, Patsy used the Grimorium Verum to summon Satan, who restored Daimon's Darksoul to continue their struggle. Patsy was driven mad upon seeing Daimon's full demonic spirit; he brought her back to Fire Lake where Isaac Christians cared for her. In preparation for the final battle with his father, Daimon took a road trip, defeating Satan's Somnambulist and his pawn Ervil Allred in Nevada, then befriended occult experts Al Shaitan and Avram Siegel. From the witch Lavoisin he learned his birth father's true name - a source of vulnerability to demons - for the price of donating his seed to her. Satan located Daimon's former imposter, sending him to resume the identity and lead the Satanic Black Church. Daimon slew the demon and promised his father their next battle would be their last. Severing ties with Doctor Strange, Daimon battled the Black Church's Jack Riley alongside Soulfire, initially intended as Satan's pawn; punished the lethally abusive father of Lisa Beckman; and allied with the Souls of the Damned, spirits from Hell restored to Earth by Satan via misguided would-be faith-healer father Joshua Crow. Daimon successfully fought to bring the few redeemed Souls to Heaven, but was cast down to Hell as punishment. After learning the secrets of Heaven and Hell, Daimon invoked the name and symbols of Marduk Kurios, granting him the power to slay his father. Unexpectedly, the Black Halo of Satanic regency passed to Daimon, making him new Lord of Hell. As Daimon mandated secrecy and pondered these changes, high-ranking demons noticed the laxity and sought to increase their domains, while the forces of a division of Heaven, long-associates and rivals of Kurios, saw this as a chance to win the eternal struggle with Hell. Daimon slew the Armorer, who wore the organs of murdered sorcerers and sought to give Manhattan to the demon Zahgurim as a dowry; along the way, Daimon fell in love with occult terrorist Jaine Cutter, while Patsy regained sanity only to commit suicide under Deathurge's guidance. Working alongside occult network head and Satanist Anton Devine, Daimon and Jaine destroyed the Antimuse Inanna and her Bailiff of Madness; drove mad the angel Tzadqiel; and destroyed Heaven's homonculus agent Stephen Loss, driving his agent Gabriel insane in the process. Daimon had Isaac care for Gabriel, and he learned that Lavoisin was expecting a boy -- a child he knew would be his reborn father, Satan. Daimon slew Doctor Druid when his powers and motives threatened earthly existence, resurrecting the mutant witch Nekra in the process; warned Wolverine of a mysterious box long thought lost in the nether regions; and assisted the mystically-empowered Punisher against rival Hell-lord Olivier. He was rescued by the Fantastic Four and sorcerers Margali Szardos and Mechamage from rival devil-spawn Blackheart's apparent imprisonment, allegedly gaining standing as the White King to Blackheart's Black King of the Hellfire Club in the process. Daimon manipulated the Thunderbolts into recovering Patsy from Mephisto's Hell. When Satannish united with the extradimensional Dormammu to conquer all of Hell, Hellstorm joined with Mephisto, Pluto, Hela, and Hellcat to foil this plot. Afterwards, perhaps addled by her experiences, Patsy made an odd series of conclusions and claimed that Daimon was the Son of Satannish. Seeking to keep Patsy distant from the horrors of his current life, Daimon took on a malevolent aspect and agreed to her claims, though Mephisto provided her safe transport back to Earth for her help. With Jaine as his consort, Daimon remains lord of Hell, though his reborn father is almost certainly plotting a coup against him. +This superhero's name is Hepzibah. Their real name is Hepzibah. Hepzibah is one of the founding members of the Starjammers. She was imprisoned in the Shi'ar Slave mines with Corsair, Raza and Ch'od. It was her suffering that drove Corsair to act against the slave masters. Fleeing the prison, the four stayed together to form the Starjammers.After years of rebellion against the Shi'ar, Hepzibah has become fanatical. Her only goal is to destroy the Shi'ar wherever they are. This fanaticism is killing her relationship with Corsair. +This superhero's name is Herald. Their real name is Mal Duncan. Malcolm Duncan was the wielder of the Gabriel Horn and Bumblebee's husband. +This superhero's name is Hermione Granger. Their real name is Hermione Granger. Hermione Jean Granger (b. 19 September, 1979) was an English Muggle-born witch born to Mr and Mrs Granger, both dentists. At the age of eleven she learned that she was a witch, and had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. Hermione possessed a brilliant academic mind, and proved to be a gifted student in almost every subject that she studied. +This superhero's name is Highfather. Their real name is Izaya. Izaya, at this point known as Izaya the Inheritor, was a warrior of New Genesis, husband of Avia, and father of the boy who would become Scott Free. He and his wife were ambushed by Steppenwolf, his nephew Darkseid, and the warriors of Apokolips, during which attack, Avia was slain. He was found injured by a young woman named Vayla who nursed him back to health, fell in love, and eventually married him before bearing a child by Izaya. Izaya led an attack on Apokolips, during which he slew Steppenwolf (though Steppenwolf would later return). Revenge, however, brought no solace to Izaya, and he soon after went on a sojourn into the wilderness of New Genesis, seeking enlightenment. It was at this time that Izaya first encountered the Source, and, taking the name Highfather, he returned to the gods of Supertown to bring them the Source's wisdom. After years of war, the two worlds struck a peace accord, which involved the exchange of the two heirs of these worlds. Highfather engineered the Pact with Darkseid, by which Izaya's child was sent to the orphanages of Granny Goodness on Apokolips, while Darkseid's son Orion was sent to live on New Genesis as Highfather's adopted son. (It was later revealed that Highfather's true motive in this agreement was to simultaneously redeem Orion, while refining Scott's spirit through his testing on Apokolips.) However, in this trade, Highfather would prove to be the winner; while his true son would live amongst the denizens of Apokolips and learn to rebel against the system, he would tame Orion's brutal being and persuade him to serve New Genesis. Both these machinations proved to be successful: Scott Free escaped Apokolips to eventually reunite with Highfather and New Genesis, and Orion became a loyal follower and step-son, to Highfather, battling Darkseid and his agents for years to come. To this day, Highfather continues to lead the gods of New Genesis, and hopes to one day pass down leadership to his son. Relationships between father and son are strained however, due both to the results of the Pact, and Scott Free's general rejection of the ways of the gods in favor of that of the humans of Earth. Recently, upon learning of Darkseid's plans to destroy the Source Wall and control the Source itself, he gathered other elder gods, including Zeus, Jove, Odin and Ares together to fight Darkseid. However, this plan quickly fell apart, as Ares rebelled against the other gods, and in the end killed Highfather. While Ares was later imprisoned on the new Source Wall (he later still escaped and has resumed his role of god of war on Earth), Highfather remained deceased...until very recently. After Izaya's death, Takion assumed the role of Highfather (after Scott Free turned down the offer); this role would prove to be challenging for the young god. He asked for some sort of help from Highfather, who was now one with the Source, and he got it: Highfather briefly returned to resurrect Supertown to its former glory, giving the forces of New Genesis a new hope in the come battles against Darkseid and his armies. +This superhero's name is Hinata Hyūga. Their real name is Hinata Hyūga. Hinata Uzumakiis a kunoichi and the former heiress of the Hyūga clan. Because of her meek disposition, her father doubted that she was suited for the responsibilities of leading the clan, much less life as a ninja, leading him to disinherit her. Nonetheless, Hinata persevered and from observation of Naruto Uzumaki especially, Hinata found both an example to follow to be more assertive, and a person to love. Through her membership with Team 8, she sought to become strong enough to change herself, if even a little at a time. A few years after the war, Hinata married Naruto and eventually had two children with him. +This superhero's name is Hiruzen Sarutobi. Their real name is . Hiruzen Sarutobi was the Third Hokage of Konohagakure. A disciple of the village's previous Hokage, Hiruzen was a powerful ninja, hailed as a "God of Shinobi". Though he was only ever directly the teacher of the Sannin, generations of Konoha shinobi benefited from his wisdom during his lifetime. +This superhero's name is Hit-Girl. Their real name is Mindy McCready. Hit-Girl (she has not yet been called by another name) was raised by her father, Big Daddy, her mother being murdered by frustrated criminals. For an unnamed amount of time, Big Daddy has been training Hit-Girl to kill, allowing her to fight along side him to avenge his wife's death by killing many criminals, ending with boss-man Johnny G. As a result of this, she has a high knowledge and interest of weapons. Also she has a taste for comic books, and apparently Hello Kitty. It is revealed in her diary that, because of their business, Hit-Girl and her father move constantly, record time being six weeks. Hit-Girl has been trained thoroughly by her father. She has been trained to take a bullet (with a bullet-proof-vest on, of course), fight hand-to-hand, fight with both blunt and bladed weapons, and she has been taught about guns, inventors of guns, and even action movies and action movie stars. This is presumed to exist only for comic purposes, because she has not yet been seen using guns. The nature of Hit-Girl's training has made her particularly brutal in combat. Although the advantage of costumes and nicknames are obvious, it appears that most of all of it is influenced heavily by Hit-Girl and her love of comics. It is even shown that the only reason Big Daddy agrees to join forces with Kick-Ass and The Red Mist is to entertain his daughter. +This superhero's name is Hit-Monkey. Their real name is Unknown. Hit-Monkey lived in the mountainous wilderness as part of a clan of other monkeys. Members of this clan took in a fugitive assassin, nursing him back to health with herbal remedies and hot springs. Hit-Monkey disagreed with this, knowing that someone would eventually come looking for the assassin. Once the nameless assassin regained his health, he began to hone his skills once more, practising on snowmen. Hit-Monkey had studied this assassin, who had warned him against these evil ways. Hit-Monkey resorted to physical violence against the members of his clan over the continued presence of the assassin and was exiled to walk alone. He happened upon a group of soldiers in the woods who were looking for the assassin, and returned to the clan to give warning, but did not make it in time. The assassin and his clan were slain and Hit-Monkey sought vengeance, pick up the assassin's pistols and killing the soldiers. His home and his tribe gone, Hit-Monkey set out on his journey as "a killer of killers" with a duffel bag full of guns. Searching for General Kato, the one who gave the orders to kill the nameless assassin he starts to kill every man Kato has engaged. After Kato realizes that a macaque is searching to kill him he hires Bullseye, his best man as a body guard. The spirit of the deceased hit-man starts to guide him to the city were probably Kato is. Hideki Hiyshi, a politician involved in the plot too was his first target but Hit-Monkey shot his innocent assistant, and ran away crying. The ghost assassin scolded him. A thrown away news paper said that Kato's daughter was getting married so the perfect place for the hit was in Kato's garden. He has recently opposed Spider-Man and Deadpool. An unnamed assassin was marked for death after his part in a failed political coup. After blowing up a squad of enemy soldiers, he decides to run for his life. Passed out in the snow after four days of fleeing, he was rescued by a troop of Japanese macaques. The monkeys allowed the assassin into their clan, with the exception of a lone monkey. The man knew that he would be hunted so he trained daily using snowmen as training dummies. Quietly, the monkey that distrusted him watched, and eventually picked up on the fighter's skills. The assassin's health began to fail, and as the tribe of monkeys tried to save him, the lone monkey objected, eventually fighting the rest of the group with his newfound skills. Because of the violence he displayed, the monkey was banished from his clan. However, on his own, he saw a group of men on their way to kill the assassin. He tried to run back and warn his tribe, but it was too late - the assassin had been killed as well as the rest of the monkeys. Furious at his clan's slaughter, the monkey picked up extra guns from a bag and proceeded to kill the entire group of men. Determined to avenge his fallen tribe, the monkey now dedicated his life to killing assassins - under the alias of Hit-Monkey. In Deadpool #19, Spider-Man finds a local shop owner brutally murdered. Having seen Deadpool in New York earlier, Spider-Man suspects he is the killer, and fights and catches him. However, Deadpool claims he has an alibi. After examining the crime scene, Deadpool says that only one assassin could have pulled off a job so flawlessly: Hit-Monkey. Deadpool and Spider-Man team up to catch Hit-Monkey, who is known for killing other assassins. Because of this, they realize that Deadpool is likely on Hit-Monkey's hit-list. Spider-Man reluctantly teams up with Deadpool, and after some dirty cops are killed by Hit-Monkey, Spider-Man is followed by Hit-Monkey in order to kill Deadpool. Hit-Monkey accidentally shoots Spider-Man in the fight and seemingly feels bad about it, showing that he is not just a ruthless killer, but a killer of known assassins. Trying to capitalize on this moment, Deadpool attempts to kill Hit-Monkey, but fails and is shot several times. Hit-Monkey leaves him for dead, apparently not knowing about Deadpool's healing factor. Deadpool then pretends to be Spider-Man and fakes his death. At "Spider-Man's" funeral, Hit-Monkey comes to pay his respect, thinking he killed him. However, Deadpool jumps out of the casket in order to kill Hit-Monkey. Spider-Man renders both fighters' guns unusable so they can't kill each other without blowing themselves up as well. Deadpool doesn't care and pulls the trigger, seemingly killing Hit-Monkey but surviving due to his healing factor. Nevertheless, Spider-Man reveals that Hit-Monkey did survive- or, at least, that his body was not found. Hit-Monkey later returns for a short cameo. As part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel event, Hit-Monkey appears as a member of S.T.A.K.E.'s Howling Commandos. Hit-Monkey later joins up with Domino's incarnation of the Mercs for Money. Hit-Monkey was seen with the Howling Commandos at the time when they help Old Man Logan rescue Jubilee from Dracula +This superhero's name is Hive (MCU). Their real name is Unknown. Alveus, also known as Hive, was a parasitic Inhuman capable of infesting and possessing the bodies of dead humans and controlling other Inhumans through a hive mind. Because of his great powers, Alveus was banished to a barren planet. Alveus' worshipers founded a secret society with the sole purpose of bringing Hive back to Earth to conquer it. Over the centuries, that society evolved into HYDRA. Eventually, Alveus possessed Grant Ward's dead body when he was killed by Phil Coulson with his prosthetic hand on Maveth, and was able to return to Earth once more. Working with Gideon Malick, Alveus soon took the reins of HYDRA from him. Seeking to transform the Earth's population into Inhumans so they could live in peace, Hive and his small army attempted to use Kree blood to recreate the original experiments he had endured thousands of years earlier, kidnapping Holden Radcliffe in order to use his genius to complete his plans while battling the continued efforts of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Secret Warriors to stop him. As Hive attempted to complete his plan by detonating a warhead filled with Terrigen Mist into the Earth's atmosphere, he was defeated when Lincoln Campbell trapped himself and Hive with the bomb and allowed it to explode safely in space, destroying Alveus. +This superhero's name is HK-47. Their real name is HK-47. A self-sentient killing machine, HK-47 was far more than an ordinary combat droid. Created four thousand years ago, he came equipped with a devastating arsenal of high-powered weaponry, a ruthless and single-minded pursuit of his termination targets, and a pre-programmed disregard for all organic life. This Hunter-Killer model is one of the most dangerous assassins in the galaxy. And yet, he was also a protocol droid. The incongruity did not go unnoticed, even by HK-47. For a time, his memory was partially wiped, and he could not piece together his history. He knew that he just wanted to blast a few "meatbags," but the droid wasn't sure exactly why he wanted to do that. Or how he came to regard organic life as "meatbags." Or why he was so well equipped to gleefully dish out violence. Instead, HK-47 found himself in a droid shop in Anchorhead, part of the Ithorian Yuka Laka's inventory of goods. The HK model was rumored to have been created by Czerka Corporation to eliminate the heads of rival companies. Units such as these were quite capable of laying waste to an entire building in an effort to dispose of a single target. This wanton carnage, combined with the tendency of the droid's previous owners to come to rather gruesome ends, has led most civilized planets to issue explicit bans on all HK-model assassin droids. But there was more to HK-47 than that. In truth, HK-47 belonged to Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Revan gave HK-47 the programming necessary to make the droid fluent in the difficult language of Tatooine's Sand People. It was HK-47 that helped Revan locate the ancient Star Forge map on Tatooine. To cover these tracks, Revan wiped the droid's memory of those events; ironically, the Sith Lord's memories would be wiped too. HK-47 would help Revan again once the droid was reawakened. The droid had a strong sense of loyalty. He would obey his master to the letter of the instruction, even if the Revan wanted to tinker around in his chest and try to unlock some of the droid's hidden memories and capabilities. +This superhero's name is Hogun (MCU). Their real name is Hogun. Hogun was a highly respected Vanir warrior, an ally as well as friend of Thor, and a member of the Warriors Three, known for his stern demeanour. Alongside all his fellow warriors, Hogun took part in a poorly considered strike against all the Frost Giants, which had soon resulted in King Odin deciding to directly punish Thor by banishing him to the Earth without his powers. When Loki then took the throne of Asgard during Thor's banishment, Hogun and his allies played a key role saving Thor from the Destroyer before bringing him back to Asgard where he successfully stopped Loki from stealing the throne of Asgard and restoring the peace. Once they had finally quelled the Marauders rebellion during the Battle of Vanaheim, Hogun was given the chance to return to his people and live in peace, only to briefly witness Thor's continued battle against Malekith and the Dark Elves. Hogun returned to service to Asgard and lead the entire armies of the Einherjar during their final stand against Hela, following the slaughter of Volstagg and Fandral. Hogun continued to show his strength against Hela even after seeing his army destroyed, until Hela slaughtered him and attempted to rule over all of Asgard and the Nine Realms. +This superhero's name is Hollow. Their real name is Monet St. Croix. Monet St. Croix is the sister of Marius, Claudette, and Nicole St. Croix. When her brother Marius, who would later become the mutant Emplate, first manifests his powers, the conceited Monet often verbally abused him. An enraged Emplate transforms her body into a hardened, spiked, red state and left her mute. He then tells her to "consider this your penance." Claudette and Nicole, realizing how dangerous their brother is becoming, banish him to his own pocket dimension, but he manages to bring Monet with him, who takes the name Penance. Nicole and Claudette, knowing Monet was their parents' favorite, decide to merge into one body with the appearance of Monet. Shortly after the formation of the mutant teen team Generation X, Penance is dropped onto the front lawn of the Massachusetts Academy by Gateway, who reveals her identity as Penance. She is brought inside by headmaster Banshee, who discovers her powers as he cuts his hands by trying to pick her up. As Penance cannot speak, understand English (apparently), and with an immunity to telepath, Banshee places her in the infirmary as Banshee and Emma Frost attempt to discover her identity. Teen member M, her relation to Penance unknown, tells the adults that Penance was perhaps a prisoner of Emplate, a parasitic mutant who fed upon other mutants who the group had encountered previously. As the team leaves, Penance awakens with one thought on her mind: survival. Tearing apart her (in her mind) cell and escaping, she was free. Hearing the alarms of a breach, the team rushes to the infirmary and stares at the extensive damage she caused during her escape. The team splits up to find her before she can cause further damage to the Academy. Team member Chamber , feeling a kindred spirit due to his own mutilated body, leaves the group to search for her alone. Feeling that another deformed soul would seek him out, he waited for her arrival. After Penance fights her way past the rest of the team (Husk, Synch, Jubilee, and M), she approaches Chamber, who talks telepathically to her in an attempt to convince her that he knows how she feels and eventually calms the girl down into staying with the team. During her stay at the Academy, she would rarely interact with her peers, due to her animalistic nature and fright of being captured again. Fortunately, perhaps due to her time with the feral mutant Wolverine, Jubilee becomes a friend to her. Trusting her friends more, Penance begins to go on missions with the others, and in in Generation X #8. In a subsequent mission, presumably to cover up their relation, Emplate refers to her as "Yvette" and the others grow somewhat weary of Penance. Finally, M reveals that she is a combination of two sisters, and tell the others the truth about Penance, and that they feel horrible about impersonating their sister. To "make things right", the twins, now split apart, merge once more into the form of Monet and swap places with Penance, freeing the real Monet at last, with the merged twins taking over as Penance's body. Monet, free at last, continues to operate under the twins' codename of M, while the twins retain the identity of Penance. Both remain a part of the Generation X team, while still trying to cure the still mute Penance. Later, an explosion frees the twins from the Penance body, but the body would continue to function as though a mind is still inside it. When the twins leave for their home, they take Penance body with them, along with the mutants Artie Maddicks and Leech. Penance later makes an apperance in the Loners series under a new codename, Hollow. She has been held captive by MGH-harvesting drug dealers. Penance trying to convince Ricochet that she isn't a threat, though he has been avoiding her claws. Lightspeed (following Johnny out of concern) lands between the two and uses her Kymellian powers to mesmerize Penance, but was stabbed through her shoulders instead. Later, Penance encountered the rest of the group at the hospital (where Julie was recovering); where she sensed a kindred spirit within Phil Urich. She also sensed the ones to imprisoned her, including a mysterious woman who called her "Hollow". It was Mickey Musashi's discussion with the woman that allow Hollow to remain with the group and which allows her to be staying at Phil's residence. While she is sleeping and Phil is washing dishes, when she was awaken by the sound of him smashing them {when he saw an image of himself as the Green Goblin and her kissing} and tries to comfort him. The Loners writer C.B. Cebulski has revealed that the Hollow/Penance body has a new host: "Is there someone inhabiting it at this point. Yes. Who is it? Wait and see!" +This superhero's name is Homelander. Their real name is John. Origins The public story released by Vought-America is that that the Homelander is an alien who dropped down to earth as a baby and was raised by parents in a small town. In reality, Homelander was a part of a series of twisted experiments to create super soldiers that VA could market as "superheroes" to the public. He was one of seven children given copious amounts of Compound V while in the womb. Compound V was a powerful chemical developed by Nazi scientists to give humans (and other beings) incredible superpowers, but with a litany of side-effects depending on the physiological makeup of the person and the amount used. As a result, Homelander gained incredible power, but his upbringing in a paramilitary science lab (such as being tied to a nuclear bomb to keep his aggressiveness under control) and exposure to experimental drugs, had him grow up with low moral standards and very little sanity. Superhero Career As the Homelander began his superhero career with the rest of The Seven (a superhero team meant to parody the Justice League), it became clear that their extreme power and lack of morals would often make disasters worse. Despite starting out optimistic and genuinely wanting to do good, Homelander found himself causing destruction and death everywhere he went. Homelander and The Seven found themselves protected from the consequences of their actions by Vought America, who used their lucrative government connections, expensive legal teams, and powerful PR firms to cover-up or sanitize their actions. Immune to all forms of damage, Homelander also grew immune to his own humanity and helping people was no longer a priority. He now became obsessed with hedonism and destruction. He became a living antithesis of what a superhero should be, and his actions grew more depraved, violent and cruel by the day. Descent Into Madness The Homelander was terrified to find an anonymous source that began blackmailing him with photos of various horrific acts he apparently took part in. He was especially distraught to realize he had no memory of committing any of these atrocities. This even made him even crueler, and slowly but surely the Homelander went from a selfish hedonist to a full-blown violent murderer and torturer. The Homelander, emboldened by his growing insanity and sadism, began toying with the idea of a "superhero uprising" where he and his fellow false heroes could rise up and destroy all the world governments, effectively taking over the world. He attempted to spread this message at a Superhero award show, only to be intimidated by one of the corporate elites from Vought America, causing him to run away in fear. These events destroyed any remaining sanity or morality in The Homelander. The Revelation The Homelander would eventually put his dreams of an uprising into action, and he and his fellow false heroes would launch a full-scale attack on the white house, killing any other heroes who refused to join them. They were eventually all slaughtered or otherwise defeated. During a confrontation with Billy Butcher after murdering the president, Homelander was horrified when his teammate Black Noir was actually his clone, created by Vought-America to destroy him if he ever went out of line. Unfortunately, Black Noir was even crueler and viler than Homelander and was actually the one responsible for the atrocities Homelander saw in the photographs. Distraught by this revelation and the fact that he could have been a real hero all this time if everyone around him didn't constantly manipulate him and tried to kill Black Noir, only for the latter to kill him instead. Before dying Homelander managed to severely injure Black Noir weakening him enough for Billy Butcher to kill him, avenging his wife and child and ending his rampage. +This superhero's name is Honey Badger. Their real name is Gabrielle Kinney. Gabrielle is one of at least ten clones of Wolverine, youngest of the Sisters, created by Alchemax Genetics, a division of Alchemax. The project was overseen by Robert Chandler, with security provided by Captain Mooney. The girls were created and trained to serve as bodyguards for humanitarian missions and other personnel. Much like Laura before them, they were often abused by their handlers, particularly Mooney, but the elder Sisters did their best to protect her from the worst of the abuse. She was incapable of feeling pain, the result of nanites implanted in her body that were slowly killing her. With six of her sisters dead due to fatalities on missions, or as a result of the nanites, she escaped along with Zelda, Bellona, and X23_3PAR. They were assisted in their escape by Kimura, who armed and equipped them before sending them after Alchemax for revenge for stealing property from The Facility. +This superhero's name is Hope Summers. Their real name is Hope Summers. Hope was the first new mutant born since the M-Day. The moment she was born, Cerebra blew up and the town was soon attacked by the Purifiers, who had used information given from the time-traveling Sentinel Nimrod warning them of her arrival. Although all the children in town were murdered by the Purifiers, Cable managed to save her. According to him, the baby was the messiah supposed to save both mutant and humankind. However, according to the Purifiers and Bishop, she would become the equivalent to the Antichrist and kill a million humans in six minutes, turning humanity against mutants once again, thus leading into a new era of mutant persecution, the very time line in which Bishop was born. The baby was later kidnapped by the Marauders and delivered to Mister Sinister, actually Mystique in disguise. She took the baby and made her touch the comatose Rogue. Gambit quickly took her away from Mystique, believing that she just killed her but he was amazed to see that the baby was alright and that it even cured Rogue. After a huge battle between the Marauders, X-Men, and Predator X, Cyclops decided that the baby would be better off with Cable, and allowed his son to take her to the future. However, an adamant Bishop decided to track Cable and the baby in order to finally kill her and prevent his future from happening. Upon jumping into the future, Cable took her to the secluded safe haven of New Liberty in the future, where Cable married a fellow civilian named Hope, who became like a mother to the mutant baby. Years passed, since his last battle with Bishop damaged his time machine, Cable could only jump forward in time. She was now seven years old. But then New Liberty was invaded by humanoid insects who called themselves the United States Army. Cable fought them and left New Liberty with his wife and Hope in order to make sure New Liberty didn't fall. After spending months in the wasteland, the family was attacked by the president of the insects, whom Hope managed to save her family from by stabbing the insect in his weak spot, since she had been watching Cable fight. Cable questioned the president where he found out that Bishop, in order to find Hope in the future, had destroyed all the continents in the world, except North America, in order to easily find her and kill her. Cable killed the president, and the family moved on. The family encountered a settlement, but were met with resistance. Cable took care of them easily, but not fast enough, as her mother was shot and died in Cable's arms while she watched. Hope saw Cable bury her mother and departed with him. After arriving at a church, the pastor asked the name of the child. In that moment, Cable decided to name her Hope Summers, in honor of her adoptive mother. Hope became the center of conflict between Cable, Stryfe, and X-Force. Hope was kidnapped by Stryfe who was working with Bishop. She watched as Stryfe tortured Warpath until Cable, Wolverine, and Elixir came to their rescue. In the following fight she survived along with the rest of the X-Force and Cable with Bishop losing an eye to Wolverine and having his time travel device damaged. When Cable and Hope were forced to time travel again, Hope resisted because she wanted to stay with X-23 and Elixir, with whom she had bonded during the War. That caused her to kick Cable in mid jump stranding herself and Cable two years apart from each other. Hope fled the rubble of Stryfe's Celestial City and befriended Emil Spence, the descendant of Stryfe's warriors, Stryfetroopers. Hope survived for two years, with the help of Emil, until rejoining Cable and fleeing Earth on the second last spaceship on the planet, the Ensabahnur I, which Cable commandeered posing as Stryfe. Hope was devastated at being forced to leave Emil, the boy she loved. At some point during their journey Hope accidentally betrayed Cable and he was imprisoned. Bishop and Emil eventually caught up to Cable and Hope, Emil under the impression that Cable had kidnapped Hope and Bishop was her true father, Bishop was also armed with a thermo-nuclear device which he planned to activate as soon as he saw Hope. While Bishop and Emil raided the Ensahabnur I, Emil and Hope were reunited and Hope explained to Emil that Bishop was in fact trying to kill her. During Bishop's invasion the Brood, attracted to Hope's power, attacked both ships, distracting Bishop from Hope. While Cable and Bishop both fought the Brood, Hope and Emil made their way to the ship's two terraforming pods, which would facilitate their escape. Emil placed Hope in the pod against her will as she refused to leave Cable. As Emil was preparing the second pod Cable appeared and Emil gave the second pod to Cable, sacrificing his own life. After Cable and Hope had left Emil obtained Bishops thermo-nuclear weapon, detonating moments before he could be attacked by a Sleazoid. However, Bishop escaped by allowing himself to be absorbed by an Acanti, and two years later he had tracked Hope and Cable in cryo-sleep within their terraforming pods. Hope and Cable survived the brutal crash-landing back onto the dying Earth. Hope and Cable make encampment in ruins infest with mutant rats. Soon Hope made the decision that she was ready to go home and join the X-Men. However, the only fully functioning time machine in Bishop's robotic arm, and Bishop is still trapped inside a dying Acanti. Cable blows up the Acanti corpse, awakes Bishop and narrowly escapes with Hope into the past, but not before Bishop fires a bullet point blank at Hope's head. Fortunately, Hope mutant powers manifested and she used Cable's telekinesis to stop the bullet in midair. The cobbled together time machine turned out to be somewhat faulty, making it difficult to timesliding to a specific date. Also, the remnants of Bishop time device are triggered with each jump which allowed him to follow Cable and anywhere in time. A violent chase ensues across numerous time periods on Manhattan Island including Revolutionary War and ruins of the apocalyptic future. Suddenly, they arrive in 2044 where Cable and Hope were briefly reunited with Sophie Pettit. However, Bishop also meets some former comrades, Turnpike Authority, and begins chasing Hope with his new reinforcements. Unfortunately, during the chase, the car carrying Cable, Hope and Sophie crashed in Central Park. Cable was able to save Hope and time-jump, but Sophie died. Hope and Cable land in Central Park of 1933 and waste no time in moving before Bishop follows. Cable and Hope make several more rapid time jumps, each time over shooting their true destination, but each time getting closer. Bishop finally reach them and is almost successful in killing Hope until Cable activated the time device in his arm to send Bishop to the year 6700 AD. Finally free of their pursuer, Hope and Cable borrow a car and drive to the X-Mansion and prepare for their final jump into the present. Cable and Hope arrived at in the present at the ruins of the Xavier Institute. While searching the rubble for clues on the X-Men's current whereabouts, a team of Smiley Faces attacked them. They were able to escape, but now Bastion knew about the Mutant Messiah's return. Bastion began tracking the pair to using Cable's T.O. virus as a beacon. Hodge's Smiley-Faces and Stryker's Purifiers both continued to pursue the pair, but the X-Men was also been alert to Hope and Cable's return via the Stepford Cuckoos and Cerebra. A select team of X-Men was able to stop both the Purifiers and Smiley Faces, and catch up to Cable and Hope. Once the X-Men understood how Bastion was tracking Cable they broke into two team: Nightcrawler, Rogue and Hope teleporting back to Utopia and Wolverine, Cable and the remainder of Alpha Team acting as decoys. Bastion quickly uncovered the deception and attempted to kill Hope personally, but he is confronted by Rogue and then damaged when Nightcrawler sacrifices himself to save Hope; teleporting in one leap for Las Vegas to Utopia. After Hope arrived on Utopia, Bastion launched the next phase of his plan. During the months leading up to Hope's return a large energy dome was built over the Bay Area to cut off the X-Men from escape or help. Once the dome was activated, Bastion opened a dimensional portal from his home reality to allow in more Nimrod-Series Sentinels. Like the original Nimrod, these Sentinels are able to detect, analyze and adapted to mutant powers. They are also self-repairing. The X-Men were barely able to subdue them, and several X-Men sustained severe injuries. Every five minutes a wave of five new Nimrod Sentinels continued to appear through the portal. Only by sending X-Force, Cable and Cypher on a one-way mission into the future to reprogram and destroy the Nimrod Master Molds were the X-Men successful to defeating them. However, Cable sacrificed himself to get the other members of X-Force home safely. Once the dimensional portal was closed, Bastion decided it was time to confront Hope personally. He converted both Graydon Creed and Stephen Lang into robotic forms to battle the X-Men on the Golden Gate Bridge. Hope, grieving profusely at the death of her father, allowed her sorrow to turn into purposeful rage. Her mutant powers manifesting once more, Hope was able to draw on the mutant powers of the X-Men around her and single-handedly destroyed Bastion, Lang and Creed. After the battle, Hope laid down cradled in the remains of Cable's techno-organic arm and fell for nearly 30 hours from shear exhaustion. Once the dust had settled after the final Bastion, Hope, accompanied by Rogue and Dr. Nemesis, was set to the Baxter Building in New York City to be thoroughly examined by Mr. Fantastic. After the examination, Richards concluded that Hope showed no major signs damage from time-traveling. He did recommend she have some dental work done and begin her vaccination regiment. He also said what would be most helpful is a biological family history. When Hope returned to Utopia, she was confronted by Cyclops. They agreed to not let Cable's death stand between them. Cyclops began to talk about Hope and a small group of X-Men visiting the five newly manifested mutants, but Hope refused to go. Cyclops realized he was expecting too much from Hope, and per her request promised to send her and a few X-Men to Cooperstown, Alaska to search for clues of her biological family. Hope with Rogue, Cypher and Dr. Nemesis goes to Alaska, and discovers that her mother's name was Louise Spalding. She comes to her grave and meets her own grandmother, who tells Hope about Louise. Thereafter Hope returned to the X-Men, and met the "first light" - Laurie. +This superhero's name is Hourman. Their real name is Rex Tyler. Scientist Rex Tyler, raised in upstate New York, developed an affinity for chemistry, particularly biochemistry. Working his way through college, he landed a job researching vitamins and hormone supplements at Bannermain Chemical. A series of discoveries and accidents led him to the "miraculous vitamin" Miraclo. He found that concentrated doses of the "miraclo" given to test mice increased their strength and vitality several times that of normal. After taking a dose himself, Rex found he could have superhuman strength and speed for the hour that the vitamin's effects lasted, before returning to human levels. Keeping the discovery of Miraclo a secret, Tyler decided that human trials would be limited to the only subject he could trust: himself. Feeling that the Miraclo-induced abilities should be used for good purposes, he decided to use the abilities to help those in need; in other words, he would become a superhero, based in Appleton City. He received his first mission by placing an ad stating that "The Man of The Hour" would help the needy. Tracking down one responder to the ad, he aided a housewife whose husband was falling in with the wrong crowd, and stopped a robbery. Using a costume he found in an abandoned costume shop, he started to adventure as The Hour-Man. egan to decline in the post-war years. Eventually, his adventures ended. However, with the resurgence of super-heroes in the mid-1950s and early 1960s, interest in the Golden Age heroes returned, and Hourman was soon appearing as a guest star in issues of Justice League of America. Like all the other Golden Agers, he was now considered an elder statesman of the super-hero set. Unlike some other Golden Age heroes, his character would continue to grow more and more complex. The idea that Miraclo was addictive, combined with the suggestion that Tyler himself was addicted to crime fighting, made Hourman one of the superhero world's first cautionary tales. Rex would continue to fight both of his addictions throughout the rest of his appearances. His character was seemingly killed off along with other Golden Age heroes fighting a time-traveling villain named Extant, during the Zero Hour crisis, when Extant increased Rex's temporal rate to age him to death.[4] He was rescued from that fate by the third Hourman and put in a pocket dimension called the Timepoint. Rex would remain there for one hour, but that time would only pass when he was visited by his son, after which Rex would have to return to the confrontation with Extant so that history would unfold as it had. However, when Rick was wounded in a fight with Nemesis, he transferred himself to the Timepoint. Rex was sent back in the role of Hourman until the android Hourman returned to take the JSA to the Timepoint and retrieve Rick. When the Timepoint ended just as Rick's injuries had been treated, Rick and Rex fought to try and return to Zero Hour, but the android Hourman took his place in that battle. Rex now lives in semi-retirement with his wife Wendi, noting that he intended to rebuild his relationship with Wendi and also work on reconstructing the android Hourman based on his remaining pieces. Rex has his old Hourman costume, and a bowl full of Miraclo inside a secret compartment of the grandfather clock in his bedroom which opens when both hands are turned to 12. +This superhero's name is Howard The Duck. Their real name is Howard. Howard the Duck was born on Duckworld, a planet in another dimension, where intelligent life evolved from waterfowl. Duckworld is apparently an alternate Earth, and resembles mankind's Earth in an astounding number of ways, including the fact that ducks speak English. Very little is known about Howard's past on Duckworld. Indeed, there are conflicting accounts as to the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. Howard vanished from his home world when the power hungry demon Thog the Nether-Spawn used his magic to cause the interdimensional Cosmic Axis to shift. Howard was dislodged from his home dimension and dropped into the middle of the Florida Everglades on our Earth at the site of this world's Nexus of All Realities, a place from which travel to all other dimensions is said to be possible. In an effort to set the Cosmic Axis right and return home, the reluctant Howard joined with Korrek the barbarian, who also came from another dimension, the young Earthborn sorceress Jennifer Kale, Dakimh the Enchanter, and the Man-Thing. The battle against Thog ended for Howard when he fell off the otherdimensional Stepping Stones of Oblivion and landed back on our Earth in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. In Cleveland Howard first met the young life model Beverly Switzler when they were both menaced by the costumed criminal accountant Pro-Rata. Howard and Beverly escaped and began living together. Their relationship lasted a long time, but is now apparently over. Although Howard has attempted to live as normal a life as possible, considering that he is a talking duck on a world of human beings, he has continually run afoul, so to speak, of various unusual menaces, most notably his arch nemesis Doctor Bong. However through cleverness, persistence, and good luck, Howard has always managed to defeat or escape his adversaries. Howard came to public notoriety when he became a candidate for the United States presidency on a very minor party ticket. However the general populace refuses to believe that Howard is a real talking duck, thinking of him instead as a dwarf in a duck suit, and the public dismissed his candidacy as a joke. Howard has chosen to make the world of humans his home. Dakimh the Enchanter has predicted that Howard has a major role to play in the destiny of the multiverse, and that role may still involve more adventures in Howard's future. +This superhero's name is Hugo Strange. Their real name is Professor Hugo Strange. Hugo Strange is a brilliant but insane psychologist and scientist who is driven by obsession to fight against Batman. Pre Crisis The origin of Dr. Hugo Strange is unknown. He appeared upon the Gotham crime scene as a criminal mastermind who used fear and terrorism to further his goals to obtain wealth. Post Crisis Psychologist Dr. Hugo Strange became obsessed with the Dark Knight who was beginning to make a name for himself in his battle against Gotham City's criminals. Teetering on the edge of insanity, Strange's envy and hatred of the vigilante drove his quest to snare the mind of his quarry, the Batman. +This superhero's name is Hulk (2003). Their real name is Bruce Banner. Young Bruce is a withdrawn and closed child, rarely outwardly expressing emotion even in extreme cases, with patches of green skin that appear when he feels intense emotions. The elder Banner, under extreme guilt for his unintentional damage to his son, is feverishly attempting to find a cure for the child's condition when the government, represented by Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, shuts down his research after learning of his dangerous experiment. David Banner, in a fit of rage, causes a massive explosion of the facilities' gamma reactor. After the accidental death of his wife, David Banner is arrested and locked away in a mental hospital, while 4-year old Bruce is sent into foster care and adopted, taking on the last name of Krenzler, and believing both his biological parents to be deceased. During his life, the repressed memories of his parents, the explosion and his young life manifest themselves as intense nightmares that leave Bruce shaken and disturbed but unable to conjure the memories. 30 years later, Bruce Banner is a brilliant researcher at the Berkeley Nuclear Biotechnology Institute. Bruce uses nano-meds, activated by gamma radiation from a device called a Gammasphere (but actually operates differently to a genuine Gammasphere), to regenerate living tissue; the nanobot experiments result in out-of-control cellular growth and are invariably fatal to their test subjects. Presenting a fusion of gamma radiation, nanotechnology and congenital mutation as responsible for the transformations, the screenplay modernizes the Hulk's origins somewhat. The military-industrial complex, represented by the unscrupulous Major Talbot, becomes interested in the research to build self-healing soldiers. David Banner reappears and begins infiltrating his son's life, working as a janitor in the lab building. "Thunderbolt" Ross, now an army General, also begins to investigate when he learns of Bruce's involvement in the research through Talbot. Ross, the estranged father of Bruce's ex-girlfriend and co-researcher Betty Ross, becomes concerned both for his daughter's safety around Banner, but also because Bruce is working in the same field as the father he does not remember. As Bruce, Betty and their other co-scientist, Harper, continue to work towards progress in their experiments, they experience an accident during a routine power-up when there is an overload of the nanobots with Harper stuck in the lab room. Bruce saves Harper and takes the brunt of the gamma radiation himself. Afterwards, we see Bruce sitting in a hospital bed telling Betty that he's never felt better, which she can't fathom due to the fact that the nano-meds have killed everything else they've touched. The radiation has intertwined with Bruce's already-altered DNA. That night, his father confronts him, revealing their relationship and hinting at the mutation in his son. Using Bruce's DNA, he begins experimentation on animals. Soon after, the building rage within him stemming from all of the stresses building up around him (his father, Betty, Talbot and the accident) activates his gamma-radiated DNA, triggering Bruce's signature transformation into the Hulk. His father sees him in his transformed state, and is in both awe and horror of what he has created, deepening his obsession. After the destruction at the lab, Banner is found unconscious and at home by Betty. Bruce barely remembers his transformation, a sensation similar to birth. Ross arrives, suspicious, and places him under house arrest as well as taking over Bruce and Betty's lab. Betty confronts David Banner for answers, but only succeeds in angering him when she reveals her father's involvement. That night, David phones Bruce and tells him he has unleashed three mutant dogs to her house. Enraged and attacked by Talbot (who believes Bruce has deliberately cut him out of the loop by giving Ross control of the lab) Bruce transforms again and, after seriously injuring Talbot and his henchmen, manages to save Betty. The next morning, Bruce is tranquillized and taken to an enormous underground base in the desert. Betty convinces her father to allow her to attempt to help Bruce control his transformations, but Ross remains extremely sceptical, believing Bruce is "damned" to follow in his father's footsteps. In the meantime, David Banner breaks into the lab and subjects himself to the nano-meds and the gamma-sphere, gaining the ability to meld with and absorb the properties of anything he can touch. Talbot, seeing an opportunity to profit from the Hulk's strength and regenerative capability, goes over Ross' head and takes over custody of Bruce, sending Betty away. When attacking and taunting Bruce fails, Talbot puts him in a sensory deprivation tank and induces a nightmare that triggers his repressed memories. David Banner confronts Betty and offers to turn himself in. In exchange, he asks to speak to Bruce "one last time". He also recounts to Betty his experience with his young son, revealing that he intended to kill Bruce after General Ross threw him off the project, believing his son's mutation would grow out of control. However, he accidentally killed his wife instead when she tried to defend her child. Remembering the entire event, Bruce finally transforms; killing Talbot (who fires an explosive missile at the Hulk that ricochets off of his tough skin and backfires towards him) and escaping the base in the process. He battles the army in the desert, defeating 4 tanks and two Comanche Helicopters, and leaps all the way to San Francisco to find Betty again. Betty contacts her father and convinces him to take her to meet the Hulk, believing that he needs "a chance to calm down". Bruce's love for her comes through, and he transforms back into his human state. At night, David is taken to a base to talk to Bruce. As a precaution, Ross has placed Banner between two large electrical generators which will kill them both with a massive electrical surge when activated. David, having descended into megalomania, rants of how the military and their weapons have ruined their lives, and dismisses Bruce as a pathetic shell of his "true son", with whom he can destroy the military. He bites into a wire, and absorbs the electricity to become a powerful electrical being, and Bruce transforms to battle him. The two fight in the sky before landing near a lake, where David takes on properties of rocks and water. He tries to absorb his son's power, but is unable to contain the grief and pain that is its driving force, and swells to an energy bubble. Ross orders a weapon (a Gamma Charge Bomb) be fired into the lake, and David's swelled form is destroyed, leaving no trace of either man. A year later, Ross talks to Betty on the phone. Bruce is presumed dead, but there have been sightings of the Hulk in various locations, and Betty is under 24-hour surveillance. Deep in the Amazon Rainforest, Bruce is a doctor whose medical camp comes under siege by guerrillas. When they raid his camp, he tells them in Spanish, "You're making me angry, You wouldn't like me when I'm angry". His eyes become green, and the camera pans back to show the rainforest, just as it fades to green and a roar is heard. +This superhero's name is Hulk 2099. Their real name is John Eisenhart. In one possible future, the Marvel Universe of the year Marvel 2099 is vastly different than the one we exist in now. The age of heroes has ended long ago and much of the country is run by corporations which use violence to grow and expand, giving an all-new meaning to the phrase "corporate take-over." In Los Angeles, the base of operations for Hulk 2099, things are even worse. In 2076, a band of eco-terrorists detonated California's fault lines, creating a moat which separated Western California from the rest of the nation, causing it to descend further into the hands of corrupt corporate villains. However, there was a cult that lived in the California-region called the "Knights of Banner" who worshiped the Hulk of the 20th century and lived by a code of honor. Tired of the state of society, they began experiments with gamma radiation to create a new Hulk which would save the people from their terrible position in life. The enigmatic lifestyle of the Knights attracted L.A. movie studios, which wanted to make a film based on their lifestyle. One studio in particular, Lotusland Entertainment, sent their ruthless dealmaker John Eisenhart to meet the Knights of Banner and secure the rights to their story. However, the Knights, who were more interested in honor and integrity than Hollywood money, turned him down. However, John didn't take "no" for an answer and tricked a young boy in the Knights, Gawain, to reveal the Knight's secrets to him. Gawain revealed that the Knights were carrying out illegal gamma experiments to recreate the Hulk. John, who had no reservations to play dirty to get what he wanted, reported the Knight's activities. Unexpectedly for John, an armada of police attacked and slaughtered the Knights. John tried to stop them, but the only one who he could save was Gawain. But in the process, the Knight's gamma weapon discharged and John was turned into the Hulk 2099. Now haunted by the guilt of getting all of the Knights killed, John swore to protect the Gawain, the last of the Knights of Banner. However, even that failed when a man/machine named Draco committed a violent corporate takeover of Lotusland. In the process, Gawain was killed. Hulk 2099 dedicated himself to defending the people from monsters like Draco and became a leader in a rebellion against them. After President Victor Von Doom's takeover of America, John stole a gamma device from one of Doom's henchmen in order to keep it from Doom himself. This device was similar to the one that granted John the ability to transform into his Hulk-like form. Draco goes on to inform John that if he doesn't turn the device over to him, he will detonate a massive bomb placed directly on the city's fault line. In the ensuing battle, the bomb detonated and triggered a massive earthquake. The earthquake set off the gamma device that resulted in a massive explosion, laying waste to the city. John emerged from the rubble, mutated even more so by the radiation emitted from the device. His mutation stabilized and he returned to his original form just prior to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived in the region. While battling them, John seemingly perished +This superhero's name is Hulk Earth-5901. Their real name is Bruce Banner. Unknown +This superhero's name is Hulk (Stark Gauntlet) (MCU). Their real name is Bruce Banner. After Tony created a new gaunlet Hulk uses it to revive everyone. +This superhero's name is Hulk. Their real name is Bruce Banner. Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. Banner's mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father's rage. Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source, but he was afraid his exposure to it mutated his son's genes. Bruce showed signs of high intelligence at an early age which strengthened his father's belief. Brian became abusive to Bruce and when his mother intervened, Brian murdered her. He frightened Bruce to keep quiet, but his own bragging landed him in a psychiatric institute. As a child Bruce was withdrawn, possibly developing a split personality to help deal with his pain and rage. His only happiness came from spending time with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce found it hard to develop friendships and often found himself on the receiving end of physical abuse at the hands of school bullies. One such incident sparked him to build and plant a bomb in the basement of his school. The bomb was a dud, and Bruce was expelled, but the military took notice of his genius. Eventually, Bruce earned a doctorate in nuclear physics and started a career with them. Supervising the trial of an experimental gamma bomb that he designed for the U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Bruce selflessly rushed to the rescue of an ignorant teenager who had wandered onto the testing field as the countdown ticked inexorably toward zero. After shoving young Rick Jones to safety in a nearby ditch, Bruce was struck full-force by the bomb blast. He survived, but was irradiated by the deadly gamma energy. At first, Banner would transform into the brutish gray Hulk only at sunset, and revert to human form at dawn. Eventually, his changes into the childlike green Hulk came to be triggered by the release of adrenaline when he was intensely excited, no matter what time of day. The green Hulk possesses little of Banner's memory and intelligence, and is easily enraged; making him a menace to society. Since Banner's initial transformation into the Hulk, military forces commanded by the implacable General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross � Bruce's one-time benefactor � have hunted him continually. Hulk continued to make more enemies within the military such as Major Glenn Talbot as he and Bruce constantly competed for the affections of Ross' daughter, Betty. For a short time, Banner successfully treated his condition with radiation and was able to maintain enough of his own personality when he became the Hulk to control himself in that form. Subsequently, he earned the government's favor by destroying the alien Metal Master and received a presidential pardon. Not long after Hulk was baited into a trap by the Asgardian trickster, Loki, into destroying a train trestle. This would lead to the first instance where Hulk became a team player. Beside the occasional group endeavors, Hulk has teamed-up with many others that didn't think he was so bad. Spider-Man, Power Man and Iron Fist have partnered with Hulk on several occasions. Even brutes like the Thing and scrappers like Wolverine identified with Hulk and have allied with him almost as many times as they've fought against him. Not only has Hulk befriended those in the super-hero community, but he has managed to form bonds with regular people such as "Crackajack" Jackson and Jim Wilson. Unfortunately for the Hulk, there are many who used his limited intelligence against him and attempted to manipulate him for their own selfish means. Vile menaces like the Leader, Tyrannus, and Captain Omen. When Hulk proved to be too hard to control, they sent their minions like Aquon and Mogol to confront him physically. Enemies came in all shapes and sizes, ranging in power levels. From mere humans like Devastator, to evolved beings like the Inheritor, to monstrous powerhouses like Glob, Hulk always found a way to prevail � even against those who masqueraded as friends such as his old physics professor, Geoffrey Crawford � later known as Ravage. Gamma-powered psychiatrist Leonard "Doc" Samson captured the Hulk and successfully separated Banner and his alter ego. Without Banner's psyche to restrain him, the Hulk became a greater danger than ever before. Realizing there was only one way to reign in the Hulk, Banner agreed to merge with the monster. But the stress of the re-integration fractured Banner's subconscious, creating the street-smart gray Hulk. During this time, he spent several years in Las Vegas, sometimes operating as an enforcer calling himself Mr. Fixit (or "Joe Fixit.") The smart-mouth Fixit was an ill-tempered, wise-cracking, thuggish brute whose personality resembled that of his father and the fraternity boys who surrounded him in college. It was also at this time that Joe Fixit began his a short-lived relationship with the future wife of Rick Jones, Marlo Chandler. In this state of the Hulk, Banner again found himself changing into the Hulk at night and into his human form in the light of the day. Soon after, the swirling mess of persona and mentalities took their toll on the ever-flustered mind of Dr. Banner, and a battle for supremacy and control took place in Banner's subconscious. With assistance by the Ringmaster and his hypnotic abilities, Doc Samson tapped into the subconscious of Banner and reached his separate incarnations. Through this hypnosis, Banner, the green Hulk, and the grey Fixit all aligned to face their true inner demons-- Banner's unresolved issues with his abusive father and the murderer of his mother. With this realization, Banner was able to fuse these mentalities together, finding peace of mind. However, a green but intelligent version of the Hulk emerged. He had the mentality of Dr. Banner but the body and abilities of the Hulk � later nicknamed the Professor. Although Banner had his dominant personalities merged together, there were a number of other personas running through his mind including that of a "Devil-Hulk." It was during this time the Professor was recruited into the Pantheon, a group determined to end war, famine and pestilence on the Earth. His exploits with the team ranged from posing as gangsters in Las Vegas, taking down individuals like the enigmatic Mr. Frost, to renewing old grudges with powerful foes such as Madman while forming new enemies as the amphibious android, Piecemeal, to battling enemies from beyond the stars. During this time, Hulk also traveled forward in time and met his future self, the Maestro. However, once it was discovered Agamemnon, immortal founder of the Pantheon, betrayed them to an alien race called the Troyjans, Hulk quit the group. Sometime later, the Pantheon was hired by Henry Gyrich to capture the Hulk, but they secretly wanted him to join their ranks again. They faked the Hulk's death as a show of good faith, but he still declined their invitation. When Dr. Banner realized he must once again keep his temper in check, he triggered a fail-safe within his subconscious. Any time he let his rage loose, the mentality of the savage green Hulk would soon take over, albeit in the form of Banner's human body. Without the strength of the Hulk and filled with the Green Goliath's rage and belief of his old abilities, he proved to be a great danger only to himself. This was, however, not to last. During the assault of the being known as Onslaught, the Hulk asked Jean Grey to let the green Hulk loose from its mental prison in order to use his maximum potential and abilities to defeat the menace. In a strange twist, Banner became divided. Half physically went away to a parallel world created upon Onslaught's defeat, where he once again became the savage green Hulk. The other half that remained on Earth was a cold, somewhat unfeeling but intelligible version of the jade monster. This version of the Hulk also found himself allied with Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), who made Hulk into War � one of his Four Horsemen. This only lasted until War injured Rick Jones, and Hulk's guilt rejected Apocalypse's programming. The surly version of the Hulk remained in this state, never changing until much later when the two Hulk fragments re-merged, and Banner and Hulk split their time and existence. The Maestro returned after absorbing enough radiation to re-form his body after suffering a previous defeat from Hulk, but was beaten again. He reestablished a connection to his wife, Betty, but was left a broken man after her death due to radiation poisoning. Banner blamed himself, believing it was Betty's prolonged exposure to him that caused her death, but he discovered the Abomination had injected her with his radioactive blood. Hulk would later bludgeon his archenemy into a bloody pulp, nearly killing him. After the events of the M-Day, Banner sought refuge and peace in Alaska, where he lived as a hermit loosely connected to the town community. He was eventually tracked down by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., who required his help in defeating the Hydra space weapon called the Godseye which could detonate all the nuclear bombs in the world. Sent up as the Hulk, he discovered that the Godseye was actually a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon that could match the strength of any enemy. In the ensuing battle, the Godseye found that though it could try, it could not match the increasing power of the Hulk, and it exploded. A S.H.I.E.L.D. commissioned space shuttle was sent to retrieve the Hulk, or so he believed. Seizing the opportunity to be rid of the Hulk, a group of superheroes known as the Illuminati decided to jettison the shuttle into space, to a planet with no intelligent life forms. Unfortunately, there was a navigation error, and the Hulk landed on Sakaar, a place full of barbarian tribes, gladiator battles and ruled over by a corrupt empire. The planet was situated near a portal, which gave it access to several different cultures and technologies. The trip made him vulnerable, and it wasn't long before he was subjugated by the Red King. Hulk was forced to fight, but he eventually brought peace to the savage planet.File:Acotilletta2--WWHulk.jpg Hulk was proclaimed the Green King, and all those on Sakaar worshiped him and his Queen, Caiera. She told her king that she would bear him a child, and it seemed that the Hulk's life of running and fighting was over. However, the Hulk was not destined for a happy ending as the ship that brought him to that world soon exploded, seemingly killing both his wife and unborn child sending Banner into a rage like no other. He and his Warbound journeyed to Earth seeking revenge on the planet's heroes for their part in Sakaar's destruction. Once they arrived, the Hulk crushed Black Bolt on Attilan and took the city of New York as his battleground. Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange all fell before the Hulk and his Warbound too. Even old sparring partners such as the X-Men as well as new threats like the Gamma Corps couldn't even slow the Hulk's rampage. Iron Man called upon the combined power of various satellites to finally put an end to Hulk's war. Banner was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody and was placed three miles below the Mojave Desert. The Warbound was also placed in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but they escaped after saving New York from being split in half by an expanding chasm the Hulk created. While Banner was incarcerated at Gamma Base, a new mystery revealed itself when long-time Hulk foe, the Abomination, was found murdered in his homeland of Russia. A team comprised of Iron Man, General Ross, Samson, She-Hulk and Commander Maria Hill went to investigate only to determine the only suspect that could have done this was the Hulk. The perpetrator soon revealed himself on a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and it was indeed a massive creature referring to itself as the Red Hulk. This new incarnation of the Hulk decimated the likes of She-Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and even Rick Jones in his new powered up identity named A-Bomb. Banner was set free when the conflict between the Red Hulk and A-Bomb caused a big enough earthquake to damage his prison. The potential threat to Banner's life triggered his transformation into the Green Goliath, and the Hulk wasted no time in confronting his new nemesis. The Hulk was caught unprepared for the Red Hulk's fighting style. He was defeated in their first meeting - suffering a broken arm in the process - but the outcome was much different during their second clash. The Hulk found a potential weakness in the Red Hulk and exploited it. Once the Red Hulk was beaten, the Hulk left before he could find out the Red Hulk's true identity. However, Banner had been spending his time trying to track down the Red Hulk before he can do anymore damage. On his journey, Banner ended up in Las Vegas where the Hulk had to team up with Sentry, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and even Brother Voodoo to quell a pack of Wendigos from devouring everyone inside a casino. The Grandmaster came to Hulk with a proposition: if Hulk chose to participate in a game and won, Grandmaster would bring his love, Jarella, back to life. Hulk agreed and was told he could pick a group of allies to aid him in the game. Hulk chose his former teammates in the Defenders: Namor, Doctor Strange, and Silver Surfer. When the time came to meet their opponents, the Collector appeared with the Red Hulk, and his team: Baron Mordo, Terrax and Tiger Shark - now known as the Offenders. With the game underway, a member of each team was paired up on separate battlefields, but each couple was too evenly matched. In an unexpected turn of events, the Red Hulk impaled the Hulk on a trident, killing him. Grandmaster would eventually resurrect the Hulk to attend to an out of control Red Hulk, but he would still be left broken-hearted over the loss of his beloved Jarella � much to the satisfaction of his red nemesis. Banner became a captive of M.O.D.O.K. and the Intelligencia, and quartet of heroes attempted to infiltrate the underground base to free him. They uncovered that at the end of Hulk's war with the heroes of Earth, the satellites Stark used to end the Hulk's rampage were hacked into by M.O.D.O.K. for the sole purpose of interfacing with Banner's irradiated cells. With this information, and the help of a seemingly traitorous General Ross, M.O.D.O.K. intended to create an army of gamma-powered soldiers. They already caused Doc Samson to develop an evil split personality, transformed Rick Jones into the monstrous A-Bomb, and created the Red Hulk. When Samson turned on his group and attacked She-Hulk, leaving Ben Urich and Peter Parker to fend for themselves against the Red Hulk, an enraged Banner released his alter-ego to save them. The battle between the Hulks left the base in ruins, but it appeared it would be the last time these behemoths would ever clash again. The Red Hulk used his power to absorb radiation to drain Hulk dry, leaving Banner unable to ever transform into the Green Goliath again. Taking Hulk out of the equation so soon wasn't initially part of the plan, but that was only the start of the Intelligencia's master stroke. Unable to summon his incredible strength to combat his foes, Banner had to rely mainly on his son, Skaar, to do as he was told. Skaar had come to Earth to kill his father but without Hulk around, he wound up aiding Banner. Amadeus Cho, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, his recently discovered daughter, Lyra, and a bevy of other heroes were also working with Banner to defeat the Intelligencia. An unforeseeable event occurred when the Intelligencia put their plan in motion and transformed an army of A.I.M. soldiers into Hulks and marched them into the nation's capitol � the ray used to transform the soldiers also created "Hulked-Out Heroes." Following a chaotic battle, Banner and the rest of the world's smartest men managed to revert the all of the Hulks and M.O.D.O.K. back to normal humans, but the cost was too high. The radiation taken from the soldiers' bodies was brought back to the Intelligencia's ship, the Hellcarrier, but its machinery couldn't contain it for long. The only thing on the planet able to absorb it all was Banner. Samson attempted to help undo some of the damage he caused and sacrificed himself in the process. Immediately following the absorption process, Banner became the Hulk once again, and Skaar was finally going to get the fight he'd been longing for. During the brawl Skaar accidentally placed several innocents at risk. Hulk saved their lives, proving he wasn't the monster Skaar or Banner made him out to be. Father and son finally reconciled and decided to act as a family. With the threat of the Intelligencia behind him Banner began to make amends with his makeshift family, but Betty wanted no part of it. The more Bruce pushed the more she spurned his advances and eventually transformed into her Red She-Hulk persona and vaulted away. Banner followed suit and pursued as the Hulk which only led to a clash titanic enough to grab the attention of Steve Rogers and his Avengers. It was at this time Hulk discovered he had another son � Skaar�s twin brother, Hiro-Kala, who was racing toward Earth with the planet K�ai in tow. The Hulk took his family into space to stop Hiro-Kala before the planets collided, killing everyone on both. While Hulk�s allies dealt with Hiro-Kala�s forces, Hulk confronted his son with the hope he could reason with him. He soon found out his second son was evil and cruel, and the only thing he understood was violence. Still, Hulk could not bring himself to kill his own flesh and blood, so Skaar sealed Hiro-Kala in a rock tomb, leaving him imprisoned on K�ai for the foreseeable future. K�ai was brought back to its point of origin, the Microverse, by Arcturus Rann and the Enigma Force. As Hulk was dealing with his errant son the Chaos King was busy trying to plunge the universe back to the nothing before time and space began. Only Hercules and a select few had the power to oppose him, but they were rapidly losing ground. Dr. Strange appeared before Hulk and requested aid. The Hulk returned to Earth and was immediately assaulted by an enemy long-thought dead � the Abomination, now a servant of the Chaos King. To make matters worse Dr. Strange fought at Abomination�s side, possessed by Zom, and the two were seeking Marlo Chandler, A-Bomb�s ex-wife and the only person on Earth to have been touched by death and live. The dead had returned as servants of the Chaos King to fight the Hulk, but fallen allies rose to help him. Samson, Jarella and even Banner�s mother stood by his side, but one parent�s return signaled the resurrection of his father. Hulk had to face his personal demons alone as his new family contended with an army of undead enemies, but before long they were all united in defending Marlo. It almost seemed as if the Chaos King�s forces would overwhelm the heroes until Marlo tapped into the power within her and returned all of the Chaos King�s allies to the grave, and Hercules restored the universe to the way it was before the assault. After seeing how some of the heroes were rewarded for their assistance, Hulk was angered his family did not receive anything for their service. He journeyed to the new Mount Olympus where the Greek gods were restored to power and challenged Zeus, demanding his family be given the opportunity to live normal lives as their reward for their part in saving existence. Zeus gladly accepted the challenge but once he realized Hulk was only looking to sacrifice his own life for the lives of others, Zeus stopped fighting and decided to teach hulk a lesson through torture. Hulk was saved by Hercules and his family, but having to live with his own tortured soul proved to be punishment enough. +This superhero's name is Hulkling. Their real name is Dorrek VIII. +This superhero's name is Human Target. Their real name is Christopher Chance. Christopher Chance is a private detective and bodyguard for hire. +This superhero's name is Human Torch (FOX). Their real name is Jonathan Storm. When Johnny got hit by the cosmic radiation, him and the Fantastic Four got their powers, Johnny gained the power of fire generation and flight. Unlike the others, Johnny is the only one that actually enjoys his powers upon getting them, preferring to use them as much as possible, even when he is warned not to approach super nova, as he could destroy all life on the planet. Later, he went to make himself the unofficial public face of the 'Fantastic Four', to the extent that he gave his teammates names. However, after facing near-death at Victor's hands, learning he tried to kill the team, Johnny accepted the greater responsibilities of his powers. He can be kind and caring, for example, when Sue and Reed were trying to get married Johnny told Sue that she looked beautiful. This shows that Johnny cares for Sue. +This superhero's name is Human Torch II. Their real name is Jim Hammond. Jim Hammond began his life as an android created by Professor Phineas Horton, but a design flaw caused the android to burst in flame in contact with oxygen, without getting damage. After the proccess was stabilized with nitrogen, the android became the first superhero known as the Human Torch during World War II, and took a human alias as police officer Jim Hammond. He teamed up with Captain America and the Invaders during this period. The Human Torch's legacy lives on two heroes: after the young Johnny Storm got similar powers, he became the second Human Torch, and Ultron used a spare body of the original Human Torch to create Vision. Hammond himself has met both of these heroes, battling Johnny through a misunderstanding and serving alongside Vision in the West Coast Avengers. +This superhero's name is Huntress (CW). Their real name is Helena Bertinelli. Helena was once in love and happily engaged to her fiancé Michael Staton, wanting to turn her father into the FBI she began to collect evidence for them, but once her father discovered this he mistook, Michael, as being the one who was trying to turn him in and had him killed. In anger and grief, Helena went to Sicily, wanting revenge, and eventually discovered the existence of La Morte Sussurrata, an organization of killers trained by the Hashshashins of Persia when they migrated to Italy. Helena began having sex with various members of the organization to earn their trust, ultimately learning to fight and kill for them. She decided to use her skills to take down her father's criminal empire by killing people his closest associates and ultimately her father himself. +This superhero's name is Huntress (Injustice). Their real name is Helena Rosa Bertinelli. Helena was a member of the Justice League but did not continue her membership with the League following the destruction of Metropolis and Superman's transformation of the League into a police force. When the President of the United States asks Batman to stop Superman's Regime, he obliges and is given Huntress' name, along with those of other people who have not aligned with Superman. Batman finds her and recruits her to the Insurgency's cause. Huntress argues with Batman over Superman's recent accomplishment, having saved the planet at the expense of the murder of countless Parademons from Apokolips. She begins to leave the Insurgency Base in front of the other Insurgents after she realizes Batman has not revealed his identity to his allies. He reveals the details of the Super-Pills in an attempt to keep her, but she is still angry at Bruce. He then takes off his helmet and reveals to the other Insurgents that he is Bruce Wayne. She later helps disperse various protesters after Superman's heroic efforts to save Earth from Apokolips and sparks a cult following in his name. When Batman, Captain Atom, Green Arrow, Black Canary and Catwoman go to the Fortress of Solitude in an attempt to acquire one of the Super-Pills, Helena stays behind. She notices Oliver and Nathaniel's absence when the Insurgents teleport back to the Insurgency base. Bruce reveals the deaths of the two of them, and that it would be wise for her and the other Insurgents to hide. Huntress is later killed by Wonder Woman during a clash with Superman's forces when Wonder Woman snapped her neck with her golden lasso. +This superhero's name is Hush. Their real name is Thomas Elliot. Born a child of wealth and privilege, young Thomas Elliot, later to become Hush, was close freinds with Bruce Wayne as a child and would play childish strategy games with him, Thomas usually winning every game, later at the age of 10 he would murder his parents by cutting the brake wires of there town car, his parents had a car crash, his father Roger, died, but his mother Marla, survived, because Thomas Wayne saved her life, and that is were young Tommy’s grudge against the Wayne family began. he later would carry out his plot against the Wayne’s and become Hush. +This superhero's name is Husk. Their real name is Paige Elisabeth Guthrie. After her older brother Sam's mutant powers manifested and he joined the New Mutants, Paige tried many things to discover whether she was also a mutant, but became frustrated after many failures. Venting her anger, Paige finally found that her power was to shed her skin. She kept her nature secret until the day Sam and his X-Force teammate Boom Boom visited the farm. They were abducted by the Fenris twins as part of the "Younghunt," a contest involving the capture of young mutants. X-Force teamed up with the New Warriors, whose member Firestar had also been captured, and together they opposed the organizer of the contest, the Gamesmaster. Paige secretly followed them and confronted the Gamesmaster, defeating him in a game of wits. Soon after, Paige was kidnapped by the techno-organic alien Phalanx, who sought to learn how to assimilate mutants into their collective. Paige and her fellow abductees were rescued by an ad-hoc X-Men team, and subsequently became founding members of Generation X, a team of mutants enrolled at the new Massachusetts branch of Xavier's School. During her time there, Paige studied to become a better X-Man than Sam. She also romanced her teammate Chamber, although their relationship was strained and terminated more than once because of his self-sabotaging. After the School was closed, Paige was recruited by her former headmaster Banshee into his paramilitary X-Corps. After that group was dismantled, Paige went to study at the re-established Xavier Institute. Her interest in environmental issues led to her discovering corruption within Worthington Enterprises, the company owned by the X-Man Archangel. Investigating, she and Archangel encountered the Dominant Species, and she was almost killed. Archangel saved her with his healing ability, after which they became romantically involved. Having finally graduated to the ranks of the X-Men, Paige later aided Archangel in establishing the global mutant outreach program Mutantes Sans Frontières. Setting up office in Zanzibar, they became involved in an attempt by the Hellfire Club to destabilize the country by employing the mercenary Weaponeers. Alongside the country's President, who was secretly the superhero Askari, as well as reinforcements from Genosha, the heroes managed to repel the invaders. Her younger brother Josh later joined the new New Mutants team under the codename Icarus. Her sister Melody also joined the school as Aero after discovering she could fly, but was depowered on M-Day, although Paige herself retained her powers. Husk later clashed with the O*N*E* after they attempted to confiscate her personal items, hacking into their computers in retaliation. Following the murder and subsequent funeral of her brother Jay, Husk returned home to Kentucky before re-joining the X-Men in San Francisco to help repel the Skrulls invasion. She has most recently been seen in Utopia, fighting against Norman Osborne's Dark Avengers Necrosha During the Necrosha event, Husk was part of the team that was sent to Muir Island to investigate but she too was possessed by the villain Proteus, who gained the ability to possess more than just one host. While possessing her, he demonstrate husking into a flaming form. Eventually Paige was freed from Proteus, and he was defeated by Magneto Later, she was seen in the San Fransisco Subway, fighting Nimrods alongside Avalanche, Sunspot and Boom-Boom. +This superhero's name is Hybrid. Their real name is Scott Washington. After Justice had killed his abusive father in an act of rage, he turned himself in and was put on trial. He was surrounded and led around by a series of armored Vault guards, one of them being Scott Washington. Justice was acquitted of murder, but found guilty of negligent homicide. He allowed himself to be taken in. The Guardsmen (including Scott) regularly trained against Justice throughout his incarceration, which was highly beneficial for the guards since they would never have attempted to train with the supervillain prisoners. Out of all the guardsmen, Scott became closest to Justice. The New Warriors soon tried to spring Justice, but he sent them away due to his respect for the law. Scott and Justice continued sparring against each other, however despite their improvement Justice still easily dispatched his captors on a regular basis. A Vault prison riot broke out after one such sparring session and Justice ended the fighting on both sides by suggesting compromise. He used his friendship with Scott to show that the guards and prisoners were only numbers if they allowed it and that each side needed to understand the other more. Scott was given a special assignment for a couple months. Dressed in his Guardsman armor, he his fellow guards were to live underground and oversee a scientist's experiment on the four symbiotes created by the Life Foundation. Scott knew that Venom and Carnage were psychotic killers and that the symbiotes tried to corrupt their earlier hosts, so he was apathetic to their situation. Promised get a raise afterward it was the best way of getting his mother and brother Derek out of the ghetto. At that exact same time, the invasion of the Symbiotes was taking place in New York, so the scientists treated the symbiotes harshly and quickly with each successive experiment in order to find a solution to ending said invasion. The Venom symbiote unleashed a sonic shriek of despair during Scott's assignment, which caused most symbiotes in the city to commit mass suicide. Instead of dying, the Life Foundation symbiotes broke their restraints and huddled together, each one incredibly weakened from the shriek and experimentation. The four aliens began merging and became, as Scott stated, a Hybrid. The composite symbiote broke out and momentarily latched onto Scott. His fellow Guardsmen scared it off with sonic blasts, but Scott and the Hybrid symbiotes shared minds for a brief moment. Scott took off his helmet to show that he was shedding tears, and insisted to the others that the symbiotes didn’t deserve all of their torture. Scott's friends told him to go get checked out as they left after the escaped alien. He saw the merged symbiote above him, paused, and allowed it to escape, which got him into heavy heat with his superiors. Cameras surrounding the area recorded his actions, and coupled with the fact that Scott didn’t even tell anyone he saw the creature dug him into more trouble. In an attempt to defend his actions (and the symbiotes) by stating that what they were performing on the aliens was wrong, Scott lost his job. In the shadows, feeling Scott's desperation, the Hybrid symbiote felt that it needed a host and that Scott, the "kind one," needed them just as much. As time passed Scott has obtained a job as a low-paid security guard thanks to the government having blacklisted him. He had been drawing up the blueprints for his old Guardsman armor in hopes of maybe being able to exploit it in some legal way for money. He makes sure that his brother Derek doesn’t stray into running with gangs, but this ultimately lead to Derek standing up to a high-ranking gang member at a basketball court. Scott protected his brother by nearly breaking the guy’s arm. The thug (Scar) ran off, saying that he’d get his revenge. One night he broke into their apartment with his friends and shot both Scott and his brother Derek. Derek was killed and Scott was left paralyzed. Weeks later, Justice gave him a visit, but Scott was a changed man. He became filled with frustration and anger over what happened to him. When he went home he heard a kid driving by turning up his stereo, and initially thought it was the thugs out to finish the job. Far from his assumption, the noise was actually the composite symbiote, who searched for Scott in his time of need. At first Scott tried to fight the bonding, but then realized that he could use them for his own ends. The symbiotes noticed that he'd become different; not due of his legs no longer functioning, but rather the Scott now wasn’t the same kind soul they remembered. Now as their host, Scott wanted revenge which did not bode well with the symbiotes. Hybrid took to the streets and terrorized the gang activity in Brooklyn. He tracked down one man whom he recalled as an accomplice of the gang that crippled him. He tried to kill him, but the symbiotes left him, insisting that they would not take a life. Scott was completely vulnerable, since he could not walk, so the symbiote chose to rejoin him so they could save him from the gang member’s gunfire. Scott attempted once more to convince the symbiotes that killing was the right thing to do, but he was stopped by Justice. Justice deduced Scott's secret identity as Hybrid and was out to stop him from becoming a cold-blooded murderer. Hybrid explained himself: The gang he was chasing stole his guardsman armor blueprints and he needed to stop them before they could do anything dangerous with such knowledge. To find their hideout, he revealed one of the symbiote's unique abilities. Injecting people with a piece of the symbiote's material, Hybrid could then track it like a Spider-Tracer, and he used that ability on the same man he nearly killed. Hybrid and Justice sneaked into the gang headquarters and just as Hybrid seemed to have control over himself he sees the man that crippled him and snapped again. Justice would love to stop him but as it turned out, the gang did put Scott’s blueprints to use. As Justice contended with the armored criminals, Hybrid chased after his brother’s murderer. He found a gang member hiding his face with a mask, so he slammed him into a wall and tore the mask off. The mystery thug was Dwight: Derek’s best friend. He explained that out of fear from Derek and Scott's assault, the safest option was to join the Eazy X Gang so he wouldn't be targeted. Scott tells off Dwight about their neighborhood's crime problems, simultaneously using his symbiote tendrils to disarm his enemies. His point was that the true root of their community’s problems was the lack of respect they all had for their fellow man. Their gang activity, drug running and staking territory was only making things worse, and Hybrid even vocally denounced his thirst for revenge, seeing as it was counter-productive. The gang members ignored his message and shot at him before running off. Telling Justice not to go after them, Hybrid fell to his knees, hopeless about the entire situation. He told Justice that this is an enemy they just can’t deal with. Dwight, having removed his gang apparel and offering his gun, felt differently. Scott’s ability to change his mind and let go of his anger in the name of hope had inspired him to do the same. Justice felt that if Hybrid could do that for one person, he could probably duplicate the result in others. Hybrid and Dwight looked over Derek’s grave, and Scott reminisces that he always promised Derek that he’d lead him out of their awful neighborhood, but as of recent events, Derek was never going to leave. He and Dwight discussed making their neighborhood a better place. Turning into Hybrid, Scott stated that they had a lot of work to do. Crime went down roughly in half since Scott began his vigilante career. Hybrid noticed Sentry and thought that the government began hunting him down alongside Guardsmen from the Vault. Scott started planning how he’d have to hide from his would-be captors, however the usually peaceful symbiotes went into a rage. The rest of the Jury appeared and took out Hybrid with their sonic weapons. Hybrid sent some of his symbiote material out the window during his fight, which found Dwight and warned him of his plight. Dwight immediately called the the emergency number for the New Warriors, and Justice eventually arrived with Powerhouse and Turbo. The symbiote material latched onto Turbo and fed the coordinates of Scott's location to her armor using binary code. At the Jury headquarters, Olivia Lentz planned to charge the symbiotes as the scapegoat for the symbiote invasion. In order to separate Scott from his symbiote, they had to use sonics which was more than likely going to kill all five of them. At Olivia's behest they commenced the separation. Maxwell Taylor barged in and demanded she stop the separation, saying that she was not allowed. Hybrid's mask peels back and the Jury saw Scott’s face, a couple of them recognizing him. Olivia reluctantly stopped trying to kill him, but kept him imprisoned. Sentry attempted to free Hybrid, only for the symbiotes to grab him in another ploy for revenge. Eventually chaos erupts as the Guardsmen and New Warriors fight to protect Scott (the one who needs to be stopped.) Maxwell intervened and managed to calm everyone down so they could deal with the situation. Focusing on the good memories shared with Sentry, Scott convinced the symbiotes to set him free. Justice aided him in convincing the Jury that he was no longer a threat. Afterward Justice offered a position on the team, but Scott decided to work on his own neighborhood first, with Justice leaving the option available for the future. After the Civil War, he was listed as a potential recruit for the Initiative. When Eddie Brock started his hunt for symbiotes, he first targeted Hybrid. While Washington was patrolling the streets of his neighborhood, Brock paralyzed him with an electric discharge. A confused Hybrid asked why Brock was attacking him, and although he knew Scott was a hero, Brock shot and killed him. The rests of Hybrid may have been found by the U.S. Army, who separated it into the original four symbiotes and bonded them to each one of the Mercury Team in order to fight Carnage. +This superhero's name is Hydro-Man. Their real name is Morris Bench. Soon after discovering his powers, Hydro-Man set out to find those he held responsible for his condition in order to make them pay. He eventually encountered Spider-Man, and on their second altercation, was defeated when Spider-Man managed to splatter the nucleus of his body sufficiently far enough apart that Hydro-Man could not reform himself before evaporating. A few weeks later, Hydro-Man reintegrated his form in a water tower on a Manhattan rooftop where apparently the majority of his body particles had fallen as rain. Returning to his favorite pub, he was chagrined to find William Baker, alias the Sandman, romancing his sometime-girlfriend Sadie Fricke. The two criminals soon began fighting over her until Spider-Man came along to try to stop them. Turning their attentions to him, the two joined forces against their mutual foe. Spider-Man, however, tricked the two into running into each other, each in his altered particulate state. Collapsing into the harbor, the two soon emerged from the brine as a composite sand-water creature containing both of their substances but neither's full intelligence. Dimly recalling their desire for Sadie Frickett, the mud-being sought her out at her apartment. After getting over her initial shock, Frickett decided to exploit the creature's devotion to her and through a theatrical agent, arranged for a special exhibition of the mud-thing. The creature inevitably went berserk but was stopped when a special gas sprayed from police helicopters dehydrated it and caused it to crumble. The soggy sand was scooped up by the authorities and taken to a police laboratory where researchers tried to restore the men to life by various stimuli, including chemicals and radiation. Believing the task was hopeless, the police dumped the canister containing them. A short time later, Hydro-Man and Sandman managed to integrate themselves into their separate rightful forms. Wanting no more of each other's company after their humiliating ordeal, the two went their separate ways, with Hydro-Man heading out of town. Sandman was so shaken that he went straight for years (until the Wizard brainwashed him into returning to crime), while Hydro-Man did most of his criminal work in groups from that point on, perhaps seeking safety in numbers. Both alone and as a member of teams like the Sinister Syndicate, the Frightful Four and the Assembly of Evil. Bench fought a wide array of foes such as Silver Sable, Sandman, the Fantastic Four, Cloak & Dagger, the Avengers, the New Warriors, Thunderstrike, the Thunderbolts, Gambit and Black Panther, but most often clashed with Spider-Man. Hydro-Man was one of many super-criminals employed by corrupt billionaire Justin Hammer for a time, and later served in the Masters of Evil assembled by Hammer's daughter Justine, alias the Crimson Cowl; however, after Justine's arrest and the apparent death of Justin, Hammer Industries phased out its criminal enterprises and Bench, along with fellow employee the Shocker, was laid off. The Shocker and Hydro-Man then teamed up for one last crime, seeking enough money to retire, but Hydro-Man's thirst for revenge against Spider-Man led to their defeat. Trying and failing to go straight, Bench was recruited back into the Wizard's Frightful Four and, more recently, the Sinister Twelve. Previous the events of the Spider-Island, Morris tried to rob a jewelry and defeted the Young Allies, then Spider-Man arrived and using a special spider-tracer turned Hydro-Man into ice, and left him into custody of the Young Allies until the authorities appeared. +This superhero's name is Iceman (FOX). Their real name is Bobby Drake. Bobby lived with his mother, father and younger brother, eventually he began to display mutant abilities but he kept it from them out of fear. He convinced his parents to send him to a fancy prep school but in reality he went to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. He felt like he belonged and became good friends with Pyro. +This superhero's name is Iceman. Their real name is Bobby Drake. Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake was born in Floral Park, Long Island, New York to William Robert Drake and Madeline Beatrice Bass-Drake. Bobby is Jewish on his mother's side and Irish Catholic on his father's. Bobby first discovered his mutant abilities at a young age when he found himself unable to stop feeling cold and shivering. A school bully named Rocky Beasely had convinced his gang to attack Bobby and Judy Harmon, his girlfriend at the time. Bobby panicked and encased Rocky in ice, saving Judy, but revealing his abilities to his peers. Believing Bobby to be a dangerous mutant, the people of his town, Fort Washington, organized a lynch mob. The mob broke into the Drake household and overpowered them. The local sheriff noticed that things were getting out of hand and took Bobby into custody for his own protection. The story made its way to Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men. Xavier sent Scott Summers (Cyclops) to recruit Bobby. After Bobby turned him down, the two mutants got into a brief scuffle before the mob caught up with them. The mob was stringing Scott and Bobby up to be hanged when Professor X used his telepathic abilities to erase their memories. Grateful for saving his life and yearning to be like Scott, Bobby enrolled in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and become the second member of the X-Men. There, the X-Men were tutored by Professor X and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room. As 'Iceman', Bobby learned to control his abilities in order to protect a world that feared and hated him for being different alongside Cyclops, Angel, Beast, and Marvel Girl. Iceman quickly befriended Beast, however he remained self-conscious about being the youngest member of the group. Still, his lighthearted approach to disaster often eased tension among his teammates. Bobby's rudimentary control of his abilities caused his appearance to be snowman-like, rather than the almost transparent ice version of his later years. Alongside the X-Men, he battled many foes including Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. In time, Bobby learned to cover himself in ice instead of his original snow man appearance. During this time, Bobby teamed up with the Human Torch to defeat the modern-day pirate Captain Barracuda. Bobby started dating the waitress Zelda, often going on double dates with Beast and his girlfriend, Vera Cantor. Bobby and Iceman did not reveal their superhero identities to their dates. During one date, Iceman and the Beast got into a brawl with the Maha Yogi. When the X-Men joined together against Mesmero and a robot Magneto, Bobby developed a brief romantic relationship with the mutant Lorna Dane which turned into a love triangle when Scott's brother, Alex Summers joined the team as 'Havok'. The triangle ended badly for Bobby when Lorna eventually decided that her heart belonged to Havok. After it was revealed that Professor Xavier lied to his students, having faked his death, Bobby angrily quit the team. After hearing his former teammates were in trouble, Bobby traveled to the Savage Land where he stumbled into a conflict between Sauron and Magneto. Sauron erased Bobby's memories of the encounter. Bobby returned to the X-Men shortly after. After witnessing the kidnapping of Gwen Stacy, Bobby briefly battled Spider-Man until they realized it was a misunderstanding. The duo rescued Robbie Robertson from corrupt politician, Sam Bullit. Later, Bobby was attacked by the Human Torch who was convinced he had been attacked earlier by Bobby. After the other X-Men verified Bobby's innocence, the duo decided to track-down the villain responsible and battled Equinox. Bobby was among the original X-Men captured by Krakoa, which led to the formation of a new incarnation of X-Men. Bobby decided not to remain on the second generation of the team and left along with all of the original members except for Cyclops. Bobby went-off to college at UCLA, where he eventually earned his CPA accreditation. Bobby and Warren Worthington III were attacked by harpies who were trying to locate Venus. The two young heroes were joined by Ghost Rider, Black Widow, and Hercules. After defeating Pluto, they decided to stick together as a team: self-styled "Champions of Los Angeles". Warren's wealth bankrolled the group and they bought a surplus of Avengers' Quinjets, the "Champjet", for team usage. The Champions battled Edward Lansing and his mutates, Rampage, Griffin, Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo, Stilt-Man, Warlord Kaa, the Stranger, Kamo Tharnn, and Swarm. Bobby developed strong feelings for Darkstar. Unfortunately, Darkstar didn't share those feelings. The group was volatile and disbanded after a brief stint. After the team disbanded, Bobby visited his former opponent Rampage in the hospital and was brought under his mental control. Bobby began wearing the armor of Rampage and helped him to escape. Spider-Man arrived to cover the story of the Champions disbanding, and Bobby battled both him and Angel. Spider-Man was able to bring Bobby to his senses. Later, Bobby took his girlfriend, Terri Sue Bottoms, to Warren's cabin style mansion and was attacked by Master Mold. After Bobby was captured, Master Mold awoke the Hulk. The Hulk and Angel were also captured and taken to the Sentinel Space Station, where the Hulk broke free and tore Master Mold into pieces. Later, Professor X called on Iceman to help in the rescue of the friends and family of the X-Men from Arcade's henchman Miss Locke. Bobby was reunited with Polaris and it was during this mission that Iceman was able to finally accept her decision, though the wound would seem to always remain sore. Bobby teamed-up with the Thing and Giant-Man to defeat the Circus of Crime and save Alicia Masters. Later, Bobby was reunited with Angel and Beast after he and a group of heroes were manipulated to join the Avengers. Bobby felt compelled to display his skill by battling Moon Knight. When it was revealed that Moondragon was manipulating them to strengthen the Avengers, Bobby returned to college. On another summer break, Bobby visited his former teammate and best-friend, Hank, and briefly became associated with the Defenders. After the founding Defenders (Dr. Strange, Prince Namor, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer) were convinced to leave the team, Iceman played a pivotal role alongside Hank and Angel in the organization and cohesion of the team. While visiting his parents, Bobby was attracted to Marge Smith and, while attempting to talk to her, was attacked by Idiot and White Light. After finding a small box in Marge's destroyed home, Bobby returned to his parent's home where they berated him for bringing shame to the family. While holding the box, Bobby was sent into the past where his parents, William Drake and Madeline Bass, were his age. When they were attacked by Kali Marge saved Bobby but his father died, causing Bobby to fade away. Bobby was sent to Oblivion, who explained that Marge was his daughter, created out of a fragment of himself, and if Bobby returned her he would recreate Bobby's father. Bobby was sent to a dreamworld, created by Marge, and convinced Marge to return to Oblivion. This adventure helped him to understand his parents more upon his return. Later, Moondragon, who was possessed by Dragon of the Moon, seemingly killed most of the members of the Defenders in a climactic battle, and the team disbanded. After his completion of college and a short life of an accountant for Harras, Anderson and Brown, it was discovered that Jean Grey was still alive after having believed dead for years. Believing that the X-Men were no longer following the Xavier's dream, Bobby joined his former teammates and founding members of the X-Men in the formation of X-Factor, an organization that intended to seek out and aid mutants under the pretense of hunting down mutants as menaces to society. The public assumed they were humans hunting mutants when in fact they were training young mutants in the use of their powers at the X-Factor Complex. They also worked as mutants in a team the media referred to as X-Terminators. The team went-on to battle Apocalypse and his Alliance of Evil. Bobby was also the object of a crush from the young mutant, Boom-Boom. Later, Bobby was captured by Loki, the Asgardian God of Mischief. Loki hoped to enhance Iceman's powers to the point that he could be used to restore the Frost Giants of Loki's realm. After being rescued and returned by Thor, Bobby's powers spiraled completely out of control. After defeating of Apocalypse, his sentient Ship crash landed on their Complex and X-Factor began living on it. X-Factor was approached by the media and finally revealed the truth of X-Factor's mutant origins. Iceman began dating a young mutant named Infectia. Infectia kidnapped Bobby and tried to use her powers kiss him and make him her slave. Beast jumped in the way and took the kiss instead, plunging him into a coma for several days. Later, Bobby began dating Opal Tanaka. Bobby helped Opal with her forced marriage arranged by her crime lord grandfather, Tatsu'o, and her cousin, Hiro, to one of his Cybersamurai. After the X-Factor and the X-Men defeated the Shadow King on Muir Island, the members of X-Factor rejoined the X-Men. Iceman became a member of Storm's Gold Team. After taking Opal to meet his parents, Bobby was again attacked by her cousin, Hiro. In a confrontation with Mikhail, Iceman's body was forced to turn into living ice instead of just the external casing he had always used before. Iceman began to realize that there were more aspects to his powers than he had formerly thought. Bobby began experimenting, adding ice to his body to bulk himself up and using ice columns to lift things into the air rather than his typical ice slide. Opal became fed-up with the weirdness her lover�s life brought with it and dumped Bobby. Later, Bobby and Hank visited a dying Infectia in a hospital in San Francisco. After months in a coma, Emma Frost awoke and possessed Iceman's body. Frost accessed the full extent of his powers and used them in ways Bobby had previously never dreamed. Bobby demanded she tell him how she accessed his powers. Emma responded that she owed him nothing and went as far as to call him a pathetic loser for not pushing himself. Bobby, still upset about the lack of control over his powers after years at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, went on a road trip with Rogue, who was dealing with her own demons after sharing a kiss with Gambit. During the trip, Bobby began seeing visions of Emma Frost. Later, Bobby, Scott, Ororo, and Logan were mysteriously awakened in an area unfamiliar to them. They all seemed to have suffered in a battle they had no memory of. Bobby awoke in his ice form with a gaping hole in his chest. Amazed he was still alive, Bobby and the other X-Men found that they were being tested by Onslaught. After finally defeating Onslaught's herald, Post, they were teleported back to the mansion. Bobby again confronted Emma Frost, who helped Bobby learn how to convert to his full ice form and back, healing the hole in his chest. The X-Men sent Iceman and Cannonball to infiltrate presidential candidate Graydon Creed's mutant hating political campaign. Bobby found evidence that Creed was associated with the Friends of Humanity. After his father spoke out against Creed, Graydon's thugs nearly killed Mr. Drake, and Bobby left the team to be at his father's side. Bobby briefly returned to rescue Cecilia Reyes during Bastion's government-sponsored anti-mutant Operation: Zero Tolerance went into effect. During this mission, Bobby brought Marrow into the X-Men. Bobby learned that he didn't need to fear the evolution of his abilities and returned to the X-Men to explore his untapped potential to the fullest. It was during this time that Bobby suffered a chest injury from Black Tom that triggered his Secondary Mutation, slowly encasing his body in ice and preventing him from reverting into his human form. During a mission to rescue Nightcrawler, Iceman's entire body was shattered in his ice-form, leaving only his head. Bobby later reformed himself using the moisture from the body of an enemy. Bobby was unable to return to his human form at all, which caused him to become bitter towards everyone. After Havok left Lorna at the altar for a human woman Bobby had previously kissed, Lorna was left open for Iceman to admit that he still had feelings for her and a relationship between them developed. Things were further complicated when Bobby expressed disapproval over Cyclops reassigning him to a team under his brother Havok,. As he was one of the original X-Men, Bobby felt he held a higher rank. Bobby also wasn't happy having the Juggernaut on any X-Men team, let alone his. Bobby's attitude toward leaving the team was evident daily. He wrote many letters of resignation only to leave them in a desk drawer. The events of M-Day seemed to remove his powers altogether, until Emma discovered that Bobby had been instinctively suppressing his powers out of fear. Lorna left the team with Havok after losing her powers. Bobby tried to follow, but Cyclops insisted that he was needed. Iceman was recruited by Rogue to serve on her new team of X-Men. During their first confrontation with the Children of the Vault, Bobby was seemingly killed when he was completely destroyed by Northstar and Aurora. However, Bobby was able to pull himself back together from steam to ice and eventually his human form, marking the first time he was able to re-manifest a body after it had been vaporized. Mystique gave him mouth-to-mouth to resuscitate him. When Mystique came to the team as a seemingly reformed enemy seeking asylum, she and Iceman developed a brief romantic relationship. The entire personality Mystique portrayed turned-out to be a front for her goals of spying on the X-Men for Mister Sinister and locating Destiny's diaries. Bobby and Mystique kissed while fighting the Hecatomb, and had a very intimate moment in Rogue and Mystique's old home, in Caldecott County, Mississippi. At this time, Bobby also showed a molecular level control of his power by blocking Sunfire from use of his powers. Mystique revealed that she did not have feelings for Bobby after all, shooting off one of his arms below the elbow while he was in ice-form. Still, Mystique allowed Bobby to escape when no one was watching, warning him to stay away. Bobby survived, but was tricked by Mystique again when she posed as his ex-girlfriend, Opal. Mystique was playing games with him. When the X-Men moved to San Francisco, Bobby soon followed. Iceman was responsible for creating drinkable water on the island sanctuary, Utopia. Bobby attempted to keep spirits up, but believed that they were living in the last days of mutantkind. Scott sent Bobby to San Fransisco to recruit a new Public Relations agent for the X-Men and the mutant race, similar to Cameron Hodge and X-Factor years earlier. With Warren's funding, Bobby hired Kate Kildare of Hestia Public Relations. Later, when the vampire army of Xarus attacked Utopia, Scott had Bobby blessed by a priest as holy water and used him to burn them away with his ice powers. After the disagreement between Cyclops and Wolverine over the direction of mutant race, Wolverine decided to relocate the majority of the students back to the Xavier grounds and Bobby was the first person he asked to help him. Bobby agreed and the two began to recruit staff members for the "Jean Grey School for Higher Learning". Bobby served as the school's bookkeeper. He and Logan tried to rescue the kids after the earthquake hits the school. When the X-Men defend the school from the Hellfire Club's forces, Logan orders him to leave with the kids. Bobby unleashes his ice cloning power, which he uses the to protect the children and defeat the enemies. One of the ice clone also kisses Kitty, which Lockheed melt. He later tried to talk to her about it, but she dismissed him. He later watched over Angel, who flies to a household and resurrected a dead dog, scaring an entire family in the process. While returning to school, Bobby realized that Angel doesn't remember him. Logan tells him that Angel lost his memories during the battle with Apocalypse. He brought him to the school hoping that it might help him recover his memories. Bobby says that he is taking full responsibility for Warren. Logan, Bobby and Warren leave Worthington Industries after a meeting, and while Warren takes off his clothes and flies around, Logan and Bobby talk about their current situation. Bobby says that they have used up all their money to open the school, and if they don't have a large infusion of money in the future, they will have to close. Logan refuses to close the school and decides to get more money. He leaves Bobby and Warren, but not before naming Bobby temporary headmaster, as Kitty hasn't been seen in two days. When Bobby discovers why, he is one of the X-men that shrink down and go into her body. Later, Kitty vomits, causing the X-Men to be expelled from her body, after a very long and gruesome battle. Before Kitty is taken away, she kisses him. Contrary to Wolverine's wishes, Bobby decides to leave the school to join the battle alongside his fellow mutants against the Avengers. But, he and most of the X-Men decide to join the Avengers after the Phoenix Five went rogue. Iceman took part in a battle against Celestial creations, during which he was infected with a fragment of Apocalypse's power. He lost control of his mind and almost froze the whole planet, also kidnapping his ex-girlfriends. X-Men figured out that Dark Beast has planted that power on him and tried to confront Iceman with Thor's help. Iceman almost killed Thor, when his ex-girlfriend Opal appeared and distracted Bobby, giving Thor a chance to shatter Iceman. Mystique, who was also pretending to be Iceman's ally, took Apocalypse's fragment for herself, but was stopped by the X-Men. Later Mystique told Bobby that fragment didn't amplify his power, but only opened his mind and allowed him to use his power at a higher capacity without fearing his own abilities. With help from the X-Men, Iceman managed to collect his shattered mind and to become whole again, but the guilt for many lives that were taken during his crisis still haunts Bobby. +This superhero's name is Icon. Their real name is Arnus. In 1839, an alien starliner malfunctioned and exploded, and a jettisoned lifepod crashed in the middle of a cotton field in the American South.The pod automatically altered the appearance of its passenger named Arnus to mimic the first sentient life-form who discovered him. That life-form was a slave woman named Miriam, who saw the pod crash land. And so it happened that Miriam found inside a baby boy with her mother's eyes +This superhero's name is Immortal Hulk. Their real name is Bruce Banner. Childhood Trauma Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. Banner's mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father's rage. Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source, but he was afraid his exposure to it mutated his son's genes. Bruce showed signs of high intelligence at an early age which strengthened his father's belief. Brian became abusive to Bruce and when his mother intervened, Brian murdered her. He frightened Bruce to keep quiet, but his own bragging landed him in a psychiatric institute. As a child Bruce was withdrawn, possibly developing a split personality to help deal with his pain and rage. His only happiness came from spending time with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce found it hard to develop friendships and often found himself on the receiving end of physical abuse at the hands of school bullies. One such incident sparked him to build and plant a bomb in the basement of his school. The bomb was a dud, and Bruce was expelled, but the military took notice of his genius. Eventually, Bruce earned a doctorate in nuclear physics and started a career with them. Man or Monster Supervising the trial of an experimental gamma bomb that he designed for the U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Bruce selflessly rushed to the rescue of an ignorant teenager who had wandered onto the testing field as the countdown ticked inexorably toward zero. After shoving young Rick Jones to safety in a nearby ditch, Bruce was struck full-force by the bomb blast. He survived, but was irradiated by the deadly gamma energy. At first, Banner would transform into the brutish gray Hulk only at sunset, and revert to human form at dawn. Eventually, his changes into the childlike green Hulk came to be triggered by the release of adrenaline when he was intensely excited, no matter what time of day. The green Hulk possesses little of Banner's memory and intelligence, and is easily enraged; making him a menace to society. Since Banner's initial transformation into the Hulk, military forces commanded by the implacable General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross � Bruce's one-time benefactor � have hunted him continually. Hulk continued to make more enemies within the military such as Major Glenn Talbot as he and Bruce constantly competed for the affections of Ross' daughter, Betty. For a short time, Banner successfully treated his condition with radiation and was able to maintain enough of his own personality when he became the Hulk to control himself in that form. Subsequently, he earned the government's favor by destroying the alien Metal Master and received a presidential pardon. Friends and Foes Not long after Hulk was baited into a trap by the Asgardian trickster, Loki, into destroying a train trestle. This would lead to the first instance where Hulk became a team player. Beside the occasional group endeavors, Hulk has teamed-up with many others that didn't think he was so bad. Spider-Man, Power Man and Iron Fist have partnered with Hulk on several occasions. Even brutes like the Thing and scrappers like Wolverine identified with Hulk and have allied with him almost as many times as they've fought against him. Not only has Hulk befriended those in the super-hero community, but he has managed to form bonds with regular people such as "Crackajack" Jackson and Jim Wilson. Unfortunately for the Hulk, there are many who used his limited intelligence against him and attempted to manipulate him for their own selfish means. Vile menaces like the Leader, Tyrannus, and Captain Omen. When Hulk proved to be too hard to control, they sent their minions like Aquon and Mogol to confront him physically. Enemies came in all shapes and sizes, ranging in power levels. From mere humans like Devastator, to evolved beings like the Inheritor, to monstrous powerhouses like Glob, Hulk always found a way to prevail � even against those who masqueraded as friends such as his old physics professor, Geoffrey Crawford � later known as Ravage. Multiple Personality Disorder Gamma-powered psychiatrist Leonard "Doc" Samson captured the Hulk and successfully separated Banner and his alter ego. Without Banner's psyche to restrain him, the Hulk became a greater danger than ever before. Realizing there was only one way to reign in the Hulk, Banner agreed to merge with the monster. But the stress of the re-integration fractured Banner's subconscious, creating the street-smart gray Hulk. During this time, he spent several years in Las Vegas, sometimes operating as an enforcer calling himself Mr. Fixit (or "Joe Fixit.") The smart-mouth Fixit was an ill-tempered, wise-cracking, thuggish brute whose personality resembled that of his father and the fraternity boys who surrounded him in college. It was also at this time that Joe Fixit began his a short-lived relationship with the future wife of Rick Jones, Marlo Chandler. In this state of the Hulk, Banner again found himself changing into the Hulk at night and into his human form in the light of the day. Soon after, the swirling mess of persona and mentalities took their toll on the ever-flustered mind of Dr. Banner, and a battle for supremacy and control took place in Banner's subconscious. With assistance by the Ringmaster and his hypnotic abilities, Doc Samson tapped into the subconscious of Banner and reached his separate incarnations. Through this hypnosis, Banner, the green Hulk, and the grey Fixit all aligned to face their true inner demons-- Banner's unresolved issues with his abusive father and the murderer of his mother. With this realization, Banner was able to fuse these mentalities together, finding peace of mind. However, a green but intelligent version of the Hulk emerged. He had the mentality of Dr. Banner but the body and abilities of the Hulk � later nicknamed the Professor. Although Banner had his dominant personalities merged together, there were a number of other personas running through his mind including that of a "Devil-Hulk." Pantheon It was during this time the Professor was recruited into the Pantheon, a group determined to end war, famine and pestilence on the Earth. His exploits with the team ranged from posing as gangsters in Las Vegas, taking down individuals like the enigmatic Mr. Frost, to renewing old grudges with powerful foes such as Madman while forming new enemies as the amphibious android, Piecemeal, to battling enemies from beyond the stars. During this time, Hulk also traveled forward in time and met his future self, the Maestro. However, once it was discovered Agamemnon, immortal founder of the Pantheon, betrayed them to an alien race called the Troyjans, Hulk quit the group. Sometime later, the Pantheon was hired by Henry Gyrich to capture the Hulk, but they secretly wanted him to join their ranks again. They faked the Hulk's death as a show of good faith, but he still declined their invitation. Harmless to Horseman When Dr. Banner realized he must once again keep his temper in check, he triggered a fail-safe within his subconscious. Any time he let his rage loose, the mentality of the savage green Hulk would soon take over, albeit in the form of Banner's human body. Without the strength of the Hulk and filled with the Green Goliath's rage and belief of his old abilities, he proved to be a great danger only to himself. This was, however, not to last. During the assault of the being known as Onslaught, the Hulk asked Jean Grey to let the green Hulk loose from its mental prison in order to use his maximum potential and abilities to defeat the menace. In a strange twist, Banner became divided. Half physically went away to a parallel world created upon Onslaught's defeat, where he once again became the savage green Hulk. The other half that remained on Earth was a cold, somewhat unfeeling but intelligible version of the jade monster. This version of the Hulk also found himself allied with Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), who made Hulk into War � one of his Four Horsemen. This only lasted until War injured Rick Jones, and Hulk's guilt rejected Apocalypse's programming. Devastating Loss The surly version of the Hulk remained in this state, never changing until much later when the two Hulk fragments re-merged, and Banner and Hulk split their time and existence. The Maestro returned after absorbing enough radiation to re-form his body after suffering a previous defeat from Hulk, but was beaten again. He reestablished a connection to his wife, Betty, but was left a broken man after her death due to radiation poisoning. Banner blamed himself, believing it was Betty's prolonged exposure to him that caused her death, but he discovered the Abomination had injected her with his radioactive blood. Hulk would later bludgeon his archenemy into a bloody pulp, nearly killing him. Planet Hulk After the events of the M-Day, Banner sought refuge and peace in Alaska, where he lived as a hermit loosely connected to the town community. He was eventually tracked down by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., who required his help in defeating the Hydra space weapon called the Godseye which could detonate all the nuclear bombs in the world. Sent up as the Hulk, he discovered that the Godseye was actually a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon that could match the strength of any enemy. In the ensuing battle, the Godseye found that though it could try, it could not match the increasing power of the Hulk, and it exploded. A S.H.I.E.L.D. commissioned space shuttle was sent to retrieve the Hulk, or so he believed. Seizing the opportunity to be rid of the Hulk, a group of superheroes known as the Illuminati decided to jettison the shuttle into space, to a planet with no intelligent life forms. Unfortunately, there was a navigation error, and the Hulk landed on Sakaar, a place full of barbarian tribes, gladiator battles and ruled over by a corrupt empire. The planet was situated near a portal, which gave it access to several different cultures and technologies. The trip made him vulnerable, and it wasn't long before he was subjugated by the Red King. Hulk was forced to fight, but he eventually brought peace to the savage planet.File:Acotilletta2--WWHulk.jpg Hulk was proclaimed the Green King, and all those on Sakaar worshiped him and his Queen, Caiera. She told her king that she would bear him a child, and it seemed that the Hulk's life of running and fighting was over. However, the Hulk was not destined for a happy ending as the ship that brought him to that world soon exploded, seemingly killing both his wife and unborn child sending Banner into a rage like no other. He and his Warbound journeyed to Earth seeking revenge on the planet's heroes for their part in Sakaar's destruction. World War Hulk Once they arrived, the Hulk crushed Black Bolt on Attilan and took the city of New York as his battleground. Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange all fell before the Hulk and his Warbound too. Even old sparring partners such as the X-Men as well as new threats like the Gamma Corps couldn't even slow the Hulk's rampage. Iron Man called upon the combined power of various satellites to finally put an end to Hulk's war. Banner was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody and was placed three miles below the Mojave Desert. The Warbound was also placed in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but they escaped after saving New York from being split in half by an expanding chasm the Hulk created. The Coming of the Red Hulk While Banner was incarcerated at Gamma Base, a new mystery revealed itself when long-time Hulk foe, the Abomination, was found murdered in his homeland of Russia. A team comprised of Iron Man, General Ross, Samson, She-Hulk and Commander Maria Hill went to investigate only to determine the only suspect that could have done this was the Hulk. The perpetrator soon revealed himself on a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and it was indeed a massive creature referring to itself as the Red Hulk. This new incarnation of the Hulk decimated the likes of She-Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and even Rick Jones in his new powered up identity named A-Bomb. Banner was set free when the conflict between the Red Hulk and A-Bomb caused a big enough earthquake to damage his prison. The potential threat to Banner's life triggered his transformation into the Green Goliath, and the Hulk wasted no time in confronting his new nemesis. The Hulk was caught unprepared for the Red Hulk's fighting style. He was defeated in their first meeting - suffering a broken arm in the process - but the outcome was much different during their second clash. The Hulk found a potential weakness in the Red Hulk and exploited it. Once the Red Hulk was beaten, the Hulk left before he could find out the Red Hulk's true identity. However, Banner had been spending his time trying to track down the Red Hulk before he can do anymore damage. On his journey, Banner ended up in Las Vegas where the Hulk had to team up with Sentry, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and even Brother Voodoo to quell a pack of Wendigos from devouring everyone inside a casino. Defenders / Offenders War The Grandmaster came to Hulk with a proposition: if Hulk chose to participate in a game and won, Grandmaster would bring his love, Jarella, back to life. Hulk agreed and was told he could pick a group of allies to aid him in the game. Hulk chose his former teammates in the Defenders: Namor, Doctor Strange, and Silver Surfer. When the time came to meet their opponents, the Collector appeared with the Red Hulk, and his team: Baron Mordo, Terrax and Tiger Shark - now known as the Offenders. With the game underway, a member of each team was paired up on separate battlefields, but each couple was too evenly matched. In an unexpected turn of events, the Red Hulk impaled the Hulk on a trident, killing him. Grandmaster would eventually resurrect the Hulk to attend to an out of control Red Hulk, but he would still be left broken-hearted over the loss of his beloved Jarella � much to the satisfaction of his red nemesis. Fall of the Hulks Banner became a captive of M.O.D.O.K. and the Intelligencia, and quartet of heroes attempted to infiltrate the underground base to free him. They uncovered that at the end of Hulk's war with the heroes of Earth, the satellites Stark used to end the Hulk's rampage were hacked into by M.O.D.O.K. for the sole purpose of interfacing with Banner's irradiated cells. With this information, and the help of a seemingly traitorous General Ross, M.O.D.O.K. intended to create an army of gamma-powered soldiers. They already caused Doc Samson to develop an evil split personality, transformed Rick Jones into the monstrous A-Bomb, and created the Red Hulk. When Samson turned on his group and attacked She-Hulk, leaving Ben Urich and Peter Parker to fend for themselves against the Red Hulk, an enraged Banner released his alter-ego to save them. The battle between the Hulks left the base in ruins, but it appeared it would be the last time these behemoths would ever clash again. The Red Hulk used his power to absorb radiation to drain Hulk dry, leaving Banner unable to ever transform into the Green Goliath again. Taking Hulk out of the equation so soon wasn't initially part of the plan, but that was only the start of the Intelligencia's master stroke. World War Hulks Unable to summon his incredible strength to combat his foes, Banner had to rely mainly on his son, Skaar, to do as he was told. Skaar had come to Earth to kill his father but without Hulk around, he wound up aiding Banner. Amadeus Cho, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, his recently discovered daughter, Lyra, and a bevy of other heroes were also working with Banner to defeat the Intelligencia. An unforeseeable event occurred when the Intelligencia put their plan in motion and transformed an army of A.I.M. soldiers into Hulks and marched them into the nation's capitol � the ray used to transform the soldiers also created "Hulked-Out Heroes." Following a chaotic battle, Banner and the rest of the world's smartest men managed to revert the all of the Hulks and M.O.D.O.K. back to normal humans, but the cost was too high. The radiation taken from the soldiers' bodies was brought back to the Intelligencia's ship, the Hellcarrier, but its machinery couldn't contain it for long. The only thing on the planet able to absorb it all was Banner. Samson attempted to help undo some of the damage he caused and sacrificed himself in the process. Immediately following the absorption process, Banner became the Hulk once again, and Skaar was finally going to get the fight he'd been longing for. During the brawl Skaar accidentally placed several innocents at risk. Hulk saved their lives, proving he wasn't the monster Skaar or Banner made him out to be. Father and son finally reconciled and decided to act as a family. Dark Son With the threat of the Intelligencia behind him Banner began to make amends with his makeshift family, but Betty wanted no part of it. The more Bruce pushed the more she spurned his advances and eventually transformed into her Red She-Hulk persona and vaulted away. Banner followed suit and pursued as the Hulk which only led to a clash titanic enough to grab the attention of Steve Rogers and his Avengers. It was at this time Hulk discovered he had another son � Skaar�s twin brother, Hiro-Kala, who was racing toward Earth with the planet K�ai in tow. The Hulk took his family into space to stop Hiro-Kala before the planets collided, killing everyone on both. While Hulk�s allies dealt with Hiro-Kala�s forces, Hulk confronted his son with the hope he could reason with him. He soon found out his second son was evil and cruel, and the only thing he understood was violence. Still, Hulk could not bring himself to kill his own flesh and blood, so Skaar sealed Hiro-Kala in a rock tomb, leaving him imprisoned on K�ai for the foreseeable future. K�ai was brought back to its point of origin, the Microverse, by Arcturus Rann and the Enigma Force. Total Chaos As Hulk was dealing with his errant son the Chaos King was busy trying to plunge the universe back to the nothing before time and space began. Only Hercules and a select few had the power to oppose him, but they were rapidly losing ground. Dr. Strange appeared before Hulk and requested aid. The Hulk returned to Earth and was immediately assaulted by an enemy long-thought dead � the Abomination, now a servant of the Chaos King. To make matters worse Dr. Strange fought at Abomination�s side, possessed by Zom, and the two were seeking Marlo Chandler, A-Bomb�s ex-wife and the only person on Earth to have been touched by death and live. The dead had returned as servants of the Chaos King to fight the Hulk, but fallen allies rose to help him. Samson, Jarella and even Banner�s mother stood by his side, but one parent�s return signaled the resurrection of his father. Hulk had to face his personal demons alone as his new family contended with an army of undead enemies, but before long they were all united in defending Marlo. It almost seemed as if the Chaos King�s forces would overwhelm the heroes until Marlo tapped into the power within her and returned all of the Chaos King�s allies to the grave, and Hercules restored the universe to the way it was before the assault. After seeing how some of the heroes were rewarded for their assistance, Hulk was angered his family did not receive anything for their service. He journeyed to the new Mount Olympus where the Greek gods were restored to power and challenged Zeus, demanding his family be given the opportunity to live normal lives as their reward for their part in saving existence. Zeus gladly accepted the challenge but once he realized Hulk was only looking to sacrifice his own life for the lives of others, Zeus stopped fighting and decided to teach hulk a lesson through torture. Hulk was saved by Hercules and his family, but having to live with his own tortured soul proved to be punishment enough. +This superhero's name is Imperiex. Their real name is Imperiex. The embodiment of entropy, Imperiex takes the form of pure energy contained inside a humanoid set of armor, colossal in size. He was first seen when Mongul, the son of the deceased villain of the same name, arrived on Earth stating that Imperiex had destroyed Warworld and was heading for Earth. Mongul convinced Superman to help him fight Imperiex, and the two managed to defeat it. However, it transpired that the "Imperiex" they had encountered was no more than a probe, whereas Imperiex Prime, leader of the Imperieces, was himself a much larger and more powerful being. He had detected imperfections in the fabric of the universe, and his ultimate plan was to destroy it and create a new, perfect one. To do so, Imperiex Prime headed for Earth, the planet which held the universe together, in order to destroy it and therefore induce a new Big Bang. +This superhero's name is Impossible Man. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Incredible Hulk (Universal). Their real name is Bruce Banner. Robert Bruce Banner was born on Thursday, December 18, 1969. As he grew up, he started going by his middle name. During his youth, Banner had an estranged relationship with his father, believing that he was never able to impress him. Banner met Betty Ross while in college, where they fell in love. At Harvard University, the couple participated in an experiment involving hallucinogens.They soon graduated and moved on to Willowdale, Virginia, while working together at Culver University as instructors, where Banner specialized in nuclear physics, biochemistry, and was a member of the Bio-science Department. During his tenure, Banner met astrophysicist Erik Selvig, one of the university's instructors. During that time, Banner was involved in a praised work on anti-electron collisions and gamma radiation, becoming one of the foremost geniuses of his entire generation.While working on his gamma ray experiments, Banner was unable to visit his father, and ultimately missed his passing. Throughout his career, Banner obtained seven Ph.Ds.Following the September 11 attacks, Thaddeus Ross was commissioned by the United States Armed Forces to rekindle Project Rebirth from the 1940s in order to create super soldiers akin to Captain America. Ross enlisted Banner into the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project due to Banner's prowess in biochemistry and radiation, but elected not to inform Banner that his task was to recreate Abraham Erskine's Super Soldier Serum.Believing he was recreating a serum designed to prevent radiation poisoning, Banner chose to substitute the original formula's vita radiation with gamma radiation. aving successfully recreated a Super Soldier Serum consisting of gamma radiation as opposed to vita radiation, Banner was administered a myostatin primer designed by Betty Ross that allowed his cells to absorb radiation temporarily, and believing that his serum was designed for radiation resistance, decided to test it on himself. Wishing to impress the general, Banner upped the dosage of the gamma radiation. +This superhero's name is Incubus (DCEU). Their real name is Incubus. Incubus was an inter-dimensional mystical being, one of the first great enemies of the Suicide Squad, and the brother of Enchantress. When released by his sister, he aids her attempt to take over Earth with their combined mystical powers. Only the combined efforts of the Squad (most notably El Diablo) are able to stop and destroy Incubus and his sister forever. Incubus entered this world in 4357 BCE, more than a millennia prior to the War of the Gods. Due to their incredible power, Incubus and his sister Enchantress would be worshiped as gods by ancient humans of Pre-Columbian Latin America (with Incubus becoming known as "Kinich Ahau", the Sun God and supreme pagan god of the Maya civilization), but would ultimately be betrayed by their Inca subjects and be somehow defeated and sealed away into containers, which, in turn, were placed inside a tomb of Tres Osos Caves for thousands of years. +This superhero's name is Indiana Jones. Their real name is Indiana Jones. Dr. Henry Walton Jones, Junior was an American archaeologist most famously known as Indiana Jones or Indy. During World War I, he used the name Henri Defense, and went by a number of aliases throughout his life. He was married at least twice, fathered a son and daughter, and had several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Throughout his career, Jones found numerous famous mythological artifacts, including the Sankara Stones, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Crystal Skull of Akator, which placed him in conflict with different groups across the globe. Born July 1, 1899 in Princeton, New Jersey, Jones' life was indelibly influenced when he accompanied his parents, Henry Sr. and Anna Jones on a world lecture tour from 1908 to 1910. Throughout his travels, Jones encountered many important figures in history who shaped his outlook on life. After the return home, his mother became ill and died. Father and son relocated to Utah in 1912 but without Anna, their relationship became increasingly strained. As Henry Sr. withdrew into his studies, Indiana found himself in various locations as his father lectured once again. By 1916, Indiana and his father had moved back to Princeton. While on Spring Break that year, Indiana quit high school, briefly participated in the Mexican Revolution, and spent the next three years fighting in World War I. Afterwards, he attended the University of Chicago, where he studied under Professor Abner Ravenwood, later transferring to France, where he earned an undergraduate degree in linguistics. In 1925, he began a brief relationship with Ravenwood's daughter Marion, which ended his friendship with Abner. Once a graduate, he briefly became an archaeology teacher in London where he met student Deirdre Campbell. Their romance led to marriage in 1926, but a plane crash took Deirdre's life. In the years leading up to World War II, Jones secured a teaching position at Marshall College. In 1936, the US Government contracted him to find the Ark of the Covenant, which led him to be reunited with Marion Ravenwood. The relationship lasted until Jones left a week before their wedding. During the war, Jones joined the OSS along with girlfriend Sophia Hapgood. The Cold War brought the Soviets into competition as a new world power and Indy found himself the focal point of their quest for Akator. After Soviet agents kidnapped him, he agreed to help his son Mutt Williams rescue his father figure and Indy's colleague Harold Oxley. Indy and Marion were reunited and their reconciliation finally led to marriage. Jones' lifetime of adventures eventually took its toll: he sustained a wound to one eye, and was forced to walk with a cane during his 90's. By the early 1990s, he was living in the New York City area with his daughter and grandchildren. +This superhero's name is Indigo. Their real name is Iroque. +This superhero's name is Infernal Hulk. Their real name is Bruce Banner. After Banner became the Sorcerer Supreme in his universe, he separated himself from the Hulk and banished him to Hell where he became the Infernal Hulk. When the Bruce Banner of Earth-616 traveled to this universe with Spider-Man and Deadpool, the Infernal Hulk was able to get free from Hell by trading places with the Hulk persona of Earth-616's Banner. He immediately went after Bruce who was saved by Spider-Man and Deadpool. Together with his counterpart, Spider-Man, and Deadpool, the Sorcerer Supreme Banner came up with a plan to defeat the Infernal Hulk once and for all by reversing banishing spell and then snapping Bruce's neck before the Infernal Hulk could take control of his body. +This superhero's name is Infinity Man. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Ink. Their real name is Eric Gitter. Ink was one of the members of the Young X-Men team that believed themselves to have been organized by Cyclops. He was a loud-mouthed, rude teenager who didn't care what others thought about him, as proven by when he stood up to two police officers who wished to arrest him in a tattoo parlor. He fought back using his bio-hazard tattoo, which produced the same effects as a biochemical weapon, making the police officer instantly very sick. Despite this, he was arrested anyway. While sitting in jail and waiting to rot, Eric sassed a guard who ended up freeing him. As they were leaving, the guard turned off an image inducer and revealed himself as Cyclops. Cyclops gathered Eric along with the other members of his new team into the New X-Men's former training simulator, the Danger Cave, built by Prodigy. There he trained them to take on their first mission, to take down the latest incarnation of the Brotherhood of Mutants, which consisted of the former New Mutants. Ink and Blindfold were assigned to the Blue team and were sent to apprehend Dani Moonstar. n their way to Moonstar's cabin, they had a conversation where Blindfold implied Ink was not a mutant. They were successful in their mission, and just after leaving Moonstar unconscious, Ink knocked out his partner, warning her that she should have seen that coming. Ink was paid to deliver both Blindfold and Moonstar to Cyclops, which he did, though he refused to kill them for him. Later, when "Cyclops" was revealed to be Donald Pierce with an image inducer, Ink had a change of heart and fought alongside the former New Mutants and his team of Young X-Men. It was decided that the team would continue and that Ink would be allowed to stay even though he worked with Pierce. During the next mission, the team discovered that Ink was not a mutant, causing him to leave the team. Off on his own and depressed, he got drunk and was attacked by the Hellfire Cult, a group that attacks mutants, the irony is not lost on Ink. Cipher shows up and tells Ink that the team needs his help. Resistant at first, he decides to help but goes to his tattoo artist, the real mutant, and gets two more tattoos, the caduceus symbol that heals and a Phoenix Force tattoo. He arrives on the battle field and heals Moonstar, who had been shot and proceeds to take away the powers of all the Y-Men. Using all that power had put the tattoo artist into a coma. It is decided that, even though he is not a mutant, he will stay on the team, because Scott fears him running around unchecked with Phoenix-like powers. Ink befriended Graymalkin, both of whom are new to the X-Men family. Ink asked about Cipher, but Cipher, who was eaves-dropping, bursts in and stops the conversation. Shortly after this, when Danielle Moonstar found Dust dead, Ink attempted to use his untested Phoenix Force tattoo to revive her. Dust was revived, though the strain left Ink catatonic. +This superhero's name is Ino Yamanaka. Their real name is . Ino Yamanaka is a kunoichi of Konohagakure's Yamanaka clan. She and her fellow members of Team Asuma are their generation's Ino–Shika–Chō trio. +This superhero's name is Invincible. Their real name is Markus Sebastian Grayson. Mark Grayson was born to Nolan Grayson, a Viltrumite male, and Deborah Grayson, a human female. When Mark was seven years old, his dad told him that he was an alien from a different planet, and the superhero known as Omni-Man. Mark was told that the Viltrumites are virtually a race of peaceful Supermen. Mark learned that his father had come to Earth to protect it, and that one day Mark would develop superpowers like Nolan. Every single day, he waited for his powers to develop. One day in his senior year of high school, when working at his part time job, he sent a trash bag flying through the sky. Nolan eventually had his friend Art make Mark a superhero costume, but Mark needed to choose a name first. After protecting a classmate from being bullied, he was sent to the principal's office, who commended him, but warned him that he isn't "invincible" or anything. Mark liked the name and used it for his superhero identity +This superhero's name is Invisible Woman (FOX). Their real name is Susan Storm. Herself, Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Victor and Susan's younger brother, Johnny Storm; went up in a space shuttle to research into Cosmic Radiation. However, with the arrival of the cosmic storm, it changed her and the other four members genes. In Sue's case, she was granted to have the ability to manipulate light (allowing her to disappear and generate semi-visible force fields). Prior to the storms arrival Victor proposes to her; however, she turns him down because of an interuption of the Cosmic Storm. +This superhero's name is Iron Baron. Their real name is Unknown. At some point, Iron Baron lost his leg and arm to the Firstbourne. He later led a group of hunters in Oni territory and discovered that the Oni were no longer present in the first realm. Using this to his advantage, Baron presumably killed his group and would use the Hunters' fear of the creatures to become their leader. He and the Dragon Hunters hunted and killed the powerful Ultra Dragon at some point after the events of the Final Battle. Around this time, he forces Faith into disguising herself as male hunter, Heavy Metal. +This superhero's name is Iron Destroyer. Their real name is Tony Stark. When the forgotten Asgardian god of fear - Odin's brother and deadly rival, who had been imprisoned for millennia - was released by his reincarnated daughter Skadi, he released seven hammers containing the essences of his generals of old on Earth. As the eight demonic beings rampaged on Earth, Tony Stark - having faced Mokk, the Breaker of Faith - realized more power than humanity possessed was necessary to stop them. He sacrificed his sobriety as a supplication to Odin, demanding the All-Father appear and give them at least a fighting chance. Odin, who had been planning to raze Earth to defeat his brother, relented and gave Iron Man access to his Asgardian resources - unearthly metals, the expertise of the dwarven smiths and empowering enchantments - to create mighty weapons for eight of Earth's heroes. Iron Man plunged himself, armored up, into molten Uru - the magic-absorbing metal from which the invincible Asgardian Destroyer and Thor's mighty hammer Mjölnir were forged - and was enchanted, along with the other weapons, by Odin himself. When he emerged, his armored form resembled the Destroyer, and he faced the so-called Worthy in the last stand of Earth's heroes against devastation. The battle was won, and afterwards, Odin removed the enchantment, and Tony Stark expelled the Uru from his armor. +This superhero's name is Iron Fist (MCU). Their real name is Danny Rand. Daniel Rand-K'ai is the only son of the owners of Rand Enterprises. His parents died in a plane crash which resulted in Danny being taken to K'un-Lun where he trained and eventually turned into the Iron Fist. Soon later he returned to NYC and is now a member of The Defenders +This superhero's name is Iron Fist. Their real name is Danny Rand. Daniel Rand is the son of Wendell Rand, who had, as a youth, visited the mystic city of K'un-Lun, which materialized in the Himalayas once a decade; founded roughly a million years ago by extraterrestrials, K'un-Lun was co-ruled by the aliens' descendants and powerful beings called the Dragon Kings, who were themselves subject to the godlike sorcerer Master Khan. Rand had saved the life of K'un-Lun's ruler Lord Tuan, who adopted Rand as his heir, to the resentment of Tuan's son, Yu-Ti. During his time in K'un-Lun, Rand married a woman named Shakari and fathered a daughter, Miranda Rand-K'ai. At some point, Rand won ritual combat against Davos, son of K'un-Lun's greatest warrior, Lei Kung the Thunderer, which entitled him to claim the power of Shou-Lao the Undying, a man transformed into a mystic serpent over a thousand years ago by the Dragon King Chiantang; however, although great K'un-Lun warriors had periodically wielded Shou-Lao's power as the Iron Fist, Rand declined the power. Ten years after coming to K'un-Lun, Rand was showing Shakari the restored nexus when Yu-Ti's men attacked them. Shakari was slain, and the grief-stricken Rand returned to Earth. Within a year, he became a successful businessman and married Heather Duncan. In his absence, Lord Tuan died and became ruler of Feng-Tu, abode of K'un-Lun's departed spirits, leaving Yu-Ti to rule K'un-Lun, while Lei Kung, shamed by Davos' defeat, banished his son to Earth. When Daniel Rand was nine, at roughly the time K'un-Lun was scheduled to materialize, his father decided to bring him and Heather to K'un-Lun. Accompanied by Rand's business partner Harold Meachum, they traveled to the Himalayas, but Wendell fell from a mountain ledge; clutching the edge, he called to Meachum for help, but Meachum, hoping to control Rand's business shares, caused Wendell to plunge to his death. Shortly afterward, Heather sacrificed her life to protect Daniel from a wolf pack, and her spirit ascended to Feng-Tu. The denizens of K'un-Lun found Daniel and took him in, while a frostbite-crippled Meachum learned of Daniel's survival and spent the next decade preparing elaborate defenses against future attack. Vowing to avenge his parents, Daniel Rand studied martial arts under Lei Kung while growing up in K'un-Lun. His closest friends were Miranda Rand-K'ai, whom he did not know was his half-sister, and a K'un-Lun boy named Conal D'hu-Tsien. At nineteen, Rand requested and earned an opportunity to win the power of the Iron Fist by confronting Shou-Lao the Undying, whose power resided within a flaming brazier. Rand slew Shou-Lao, a feat no other warrior had ever accomplished, and plunged his hands into the brazier, imbuing himself with the mystic energy of the Iron Fist. Unknown to Rand, Shou-Lao's death angered Chiantang, who sought to destroy K'un-Lun in response but was imprisoned by Master Khan. Shortly afterward, Rand fought off jealous peers with the aid of Conal and Miranda, whom Conal had taught martial arts in defiance of K'un-Lun law. Fleeing K'un-Lun, Miranda and Conal were captured by K'un-Lun's ancestral enemies, the plant-beings called the H'lythri, and presumed dead. The dimensional nexus opened on schedule, and Rand, as Iron Fist, traveled to New York, seeking vengeance on Meachum. He overcame Meachum's defenses, but on seeing Meachum was an invalid, he spared the broken man. Meachum was instead slain by the ghostly Ninja, a servant of Master Khan. Blamed for the murder, Iron Fist eventually cleared himself with the help of two private detectives he befriended, samurai-trained Colleen Wing and cyborg ex-cop Misty Knight. Nonetheless, Iron Fist often had hostile relations with his new business partners, Meachum's brother, Ward, and daughter, Joy. Iron Fist's adventures continued against the likes of the Cult of Kara-Kai, worshippers of the goddess Kali; Warhawk, a war veteran turned assassin empowered by a process similar to that of Luke Cage; and the alien robot known as the Monstroid. In the process, he learned that the Ninja was using Colleen Wing's father, Lee, as a host; Iron Fist ended this magical possession. Soon afterward, Iron Fist fought the Steel Serpent, a master martial artist specializing in the delayed death touch. The Serpent had twice in the past been defeated by Yu-Ti in attempts to take over K'un Lun, and he fell victim to his own power during his assault on Iron Fist. Rand then encountered a woman named Jade and defended her from agents of Dhasha Khan, a demonic warrior sorcerer who had conquered Feng-Tu; however, more of Khan's agents abducted Iron Fist and Jade, whom Iron Fist learned was the embodiment of humanity's nobility, her soul bonded with the cosmic Firebird. Iron Fist was defeated by Khan's enslaved warrior, the Silver Dragon, while Khan used his mystic Soulgem to rob Jade of the Firebird, which he used to transform Earth. Iron Fist defeated the Silver Dragon and discovered she was the spirit of his mother, Heather Rand. Iron Fist then defeated Khan in battle, using the Soulgem to restore Earth and return his mother to a peaceful afterlife. Although he had fallen in love with Jade and wished she could remain mortal, he knew that humanity needed the Firebird, and he used the Soulgem to restore Jade. Over the next few months, Iron Fist became a noted crimefighter and clashed with enemies such as Master Khan, Scimitar, Chaka, the Wrecking Crew, and Sabretooth. He sometimes worked with other heroic martial artists such as the Sons of the Tiger, the White Tiger, and Shang-Chi, the latter helping him save K'un-Lun from the sorcerer Quan-St'ar. Iron Fist then faced Davos, Lei Kung's banished son, who sought to steal the Iron Fist power. Also calling himself Steel Serpent, Davos briefly succeeded in usurping the power before losing it back to and being defeated by Iron Fist; his soul was imprisoned within the alien Contemplator's Anomaly Gem. Iron Fist became Misty Knight's lover; he defended her from Luke Cage, a super-strong mercenary blackmailed into serving Knight's enemy, Bushmaster. Iron Fist, Knight, and Colleen Wing helped Cage break Bushmaster's hold, and Iron Fist soon formed a partnership with Cage as Heroes for Hire, taking assignments as bodyguards and private investigators. While Iron Fist and the cynically down-to-earth Cage were very different, they shared a dedication to justice and became best friends. Soon, Iron Fist and Cage confronted Master Khan, whom they pursued to K'un-Lun. Reunited with Lei Kung, Iron Fist was appalled to learn that the population had been decimated by the H'ylthri, and he and Cage led K'un-Lun's remaining warriors against their foes; however, Iron Fist's time on Earth had changed him, and he became disillusioned by K'un-Lun's regimented culture. He was then captured by his adoptive uncle, Yu-Ti, who hoped to use him to appease Master Khan; however, even Khan feared the full power of the Iron Fist and was threatened into releasing his enemies. Iron Fist destroyed the mystic emerald that stabilized K'un-Lun's link to Earth, making future interfaces unpredictable, then returned to New York with Cage. Khan himself became trapped on Earth and was unable to prevent Chiantang from escaping and almost destroying K'un-Lun. Khan later enlisted Ward Meachum, Cage's enemies Shades and Comanche, and Fera in a plot against Iron Fist; Fera was actually one of the wolves who had slain Heather Rand, granted human form via the magical power of Shirrair and enslaved by Master Khan. Khan used the Power Gem of Quon to steal Iron Fist's power and life force, nearly killing him; but with the aid of Cage, Misty, Colleen, the vigilante el Aguila, and policeman Rafe Scarfe, Iron Fist regained his power and banished Khan again. Many months later, Iron Fist and Cage befriended Bobby Wright, a troubled boy who could transform into the superhuman Captain Hero; unknown to them, "Wright" was the Super-Skrull, a powerful alien whom Master Khan had mesmerized into befriending Iron Fist. Meanwhile, Khan himself usurped the form of police officer Tyrone King and began romancing Misty Knight to undermine his enemy. Shortly afterward, Iron Fist was exposed to deadly radiation and, accompanied by Cage and Wing, he returned to K'un-Lun. Instructed in the use of his healing power by Lei Kung, Iron Fist learned that Chiantang's attack had been in response to Shou-Lao's death and became overwhelmed with guilt, but recovered with the help of his friends, who banished Chiantang. Preparing to return to Earth, Iron Fist was secretly ambushed by the H'ylthri, who sent a duplicate, believing itself to be Iron Fist, in his place. As for Chiantang, he too appeared on Earth, where Khan, as Tyrone King, slew him; however, even Khan was unaware of the H'ylthri's substitution. Shortly afterward, the Iron Fist duplicate attempted to heal "Bobby Wright", who was supposedly dying; the attempt seemed successful, but "Wright" suffered a relapse and, as Captain Hero, beat the duplicate to death in a rage. Khan, believing his enemy dead, then dismissed the Super-Skrull and eventually abandoned his King identity, leaving Cage to take the blame for the death of "Iron Fist". For months the true Iron Fist remained the H'ylthri's captive, but when the Super-Skrull impersonated Iron Fist himself, Knight and Wing learned that the "Iron Fist" they had buried had reverted to plant-like remains. Following the Super-Skrull's defeat by Namor the Sub-Mariner, Knight and Wing brought Namor to K'un-Lun, where they rescued Iron Fist. Soon afterward, Iron Fist helped Cage defeat Bushmaster again, but while Cage was pleased to see his friend alive, he was uninterested in re-forming Heroes for Hire. When Master Khan vengefully rendered Namor amnesiac, Iron Fist helped Knight and others find Namor, restore his memory and confront Khan, whom Namor apparently slew. Iron Fist went on to aid other heroes against threats such as the mystic Legion of Vengeance, the feral mutant Sabretooth, and the forces of the mutated serial killer Carnage. When Rand began to lose faith in himself, the Contemplator realized Iron Fist's inner turmoil was upsetting the cosmic balance through his link to Shou-Lao's power. He had Iron Fist reassemble the Anomaly Gem, shattered during the H'ylthri invasion; this resurrected the Steel Serpent, who stole Rand's power and tried to conquer K'un-Lun. Given new purpose per the Contemplator's plan, Iron Fist battled Steel Serpent and reclaimed his power, then renewed his relationship with Misty Knight. Months later, when New York's most prominent super heroes were seemingly slain by the psychic entity Onslaught, Iron Fist resolved to give the world hope and mystically bound himself to K'un-Lun, hoping to bring it to Earth and remake the world. After Namor the Sub-Mariner's Oracle, INC bought out Rand-Meachum, Iron Fist gained funding and formed an expanded version of Heroes for Hire to renew people's confidence in heroes. This team reunited him with Cage, though the group proved to be temporary; the members were less than pleased when Namor sold Oracle (and by extension Heroes for Hire) to Stark-Fujikawa. After their new employers fired Cage and Ant-Man (Scott Lang) for their prison records, the remaining members disbanded. Weeks later, Iron Fist was manipulated into stealing the powerful Zodiac Key by Death Sting, actually Miranda Rand-K'ai, who, along with Conal, had been pressed into H'ylthri service. Iron Fist fought the pair and their H'ylthri masters, and both Death Sting and Conal were believed slain, although Death Sting survived. Meanwhile, the heroes supposedly slain by Onslaught had returned, and Iron Fist, belatedly realizing that humanity would reject rule by K'un-Lun, sought to stop the process he had begun; but young Hand assassin Junzo Muto stole his power in order to bring K'un-Lun to Japan. Heather Rand's spirit told Iron Fist that Muto could not succeed without him, leaving K'un-Lun to move on to an unknown fate. Unwilling to risk K'un-Lun's destruction, Iron Fist teamed with Wolverine, Yu-Ti and others to defeat Muto, but not before K'un-Lun began to merge with the city of Tokyo. Yu-Ti then stabbed Iron Fist, reasoning that his death would un-merge the cities. K'un-Lun indeed returned to its proper place, but Iron Fist was met in Feng-Tu by his proud parents, who restored him to life. Back in New York, former Heroes for Hire foe Nightshade resurrected Chiantang to use him against her current enemy, the Black Panther. Chiantang turned on her, re-empowered Iron Fist, and mentally enslaved him to fight the Panther, but Iron Fist regained his senses and helped defeat Chiantang. Returning to crimefighting, he found it unsatisfying and left New York to seek a new path. Yet all paths, it seemed, led back to K'un-Lun, for he soon faced Chi, a sorcerer exiled from K'un-Lun a millennium before, who hoped to use Iron Fist's unique bond to K'un-Lun for conquest. Iron Fist defeated Chi, accepting his heroic role anew. Danny's recently come back into the spotlight, taking up the mantle of Daredevil while Matt Murdock was incarcerated. With the recent passage of Superhuman Registration Act, Danny has chosen to not register and is considered an enemy of the state. When a chinese business man shows interest in a contract with the Rand company, Danny becomes suspicious and ends up badly battered after a fight with Hydra. He then feels someone else using the power of the Iron Fist, and meets his predecessor, Orson Randall, who informs him that he not only knew his father, but taught him as well. He follows Orson down to his father's secret subway station and is given the Book of the Iron Fist. He is told that the history and truth of his title is in this book, and that it will prepare him for the Tournament of the Heavenly cities. After a massive fight with the Steel Serpent, Orson sacrifices himself, but before he breaths his last, he alows Danny to touch his heart and take his chi. Danny rises to fight the Steel Serpent as equals, now with the powers of Orson Randall within him. As the fight comes to a stalemate, Danny is summoned back to K'un-Lun by his master Lei Kung for the tournament. +This superhero's name is Iron Man (MCU). Their real name is Tony Stark. Tony Stark is a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist and former head of Stark Industries. Using his tech, intelligence and knowledge he was kidnapped by The 10 Rings. Stark created a suit of armour to escape. Returning home and now calling himself, Iron Man. +This superhero's name is Iron Man (Model 45). Their real name is Tony Stark. Anthony Stark, son of industrialist and inventor Howard Stark, demonstrated his mechanical aptitude and extraordinary inventive genius at a very early age, enrolling in the undergraduate electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 15. Double majors in physics and engineering were easy for him. When he was 21, he inherited his father's business, Stark Industries, and within a few years turned it into a multi-billion dollar industry complex whose chief contracts were for weaponry and munitions for the U.S. government. +This superhero's name is Iron Man (Sorceror Supreme). Their real name is Doctor Anthony Stark. Tony Stark and a group of individuals convinced the leaders of the world's governments to give them the money allocated to their military. After making the world a better place, including inducing global peace with a World Energy Shield, Stark became the Sorcerer Supreme of the entire galaxy by the year 2099 A.D. Tempus When Tempus traveled to the year 2099, thinking it was her husband and her daughter's reality, Earth-TRN640, she went to the Sanctum Sanctorum where she met Anthony Stark. He revealed to her that her family's timeline was erased from existence and that she could never go back. He took her to Tabula Rasa, where he convinced her to return to her real time. Iron Man Tony was able to reach out to the past and contact Victor von Doom, the Iron Man of that time. He warned him to give up the Iron Man mantle before he was captured, but lost connection before he could elaborate on the circumstances. Ironheart The Next Avengers delivered Ironheart, who was visiting their time in the Vanishing Point, to Stark's doorstep. He vaguely explained to her the events that transpired in the years prior. Stark, among other individuals she encountered, inspired her to prepare for an exciting future before Kobik returned her home. +This superhero's name is Iron Man (Thorbuster). Their real name is Tony Stark. Stark was asked by the US government to talk to Thor and convince him to leave before United Nations forces entered the area. Thor refused to do so. Thor, God of Thunder, provided Tony Stark with an Asgardian crystal charged with immense energy to study. The hope was that its power could act as a safer, cleaner energy source than the current technology on Earth possessed. Asgard moved over Slokovia after Asgardian worshipers were killed. Storms raged and the Valkyrior were sent to collect the dead. Doctor Doom was secretly manipulating events, supplying one group with weapons while offering the others asylum in Latveria. Stark was asked by the US government to talk to Thor and convince him to leave before United Nations forces entered the area. Thor refused to do so. Doom then contacted Stark and told him he would need to use the crystal to have any chance at stopping Thor, who now wielded his father's Odin-Force in addition to his already great power. Stark designed the Thorbuster armor, giving it a look somewhat similar to the Destroyer armor and used it in a confrontation with Thor. Thor was surprised at its power and that Tony would turn a 'gift from the gods into a weapon.' He destroyed the reactor and Iron Man ejected from it. Only the intervention of Captain America was sufficient to prevent military involvement. He too tried to talk Thor down, but got his shield dented in the process. When Thor realized he was attacking his old friends, he stopped. After repairing Cap's shield, he moved Asgard away from the area. Doom was able to gain the design plans for the reactor, but Stark countered by infecting his systems with a computer virus. +This superhero's name is Iron Man (Wild West). Their real name is Tony Stark. The Iron Man of the Old West, Tony Stark, was one of the many heroes and villains inhabiting Chronopolis. +This superhero's name is Iron Man. Their real name is Tony Stark. Anthony Stark, son of industrialist and inventor Howard Stark, demonstrated his mechanical aptitude and extraordinary inventive genius at a very early age, enrolling in the undergraduate electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 15. Double majors in physics and engineering were easy for him. When he was 21, he inherited his father's business, Stark Industries, and within a few years turned it into a multi-billion dollar industry complex whose chief contracts were for weaponry and munitions for the U.S. government. Stark went to Vietnam (recently changed to the Persian Gulf) to supervise a field test for one of his transistorized weapons. He ignored concerns that security was insufficient. Stark tripped on a booby trap and a piece of shrapnel was lodged in his chest. The gravely injured Stark was taken captive by the Communist leader Wong-Chu, and was informed that within a week the shrapnel would penetrate his heart and kill him. Wong-Chu offered Stark a deal: if he built the Communists a powerful weapon, Wong-Chu would allow Stark to undergo an operation to save his life. Knowing this was a lie, Stark agreed, hoping to gain time and access to tools. Stark was given access to a small laboratory in communist territory with another captive, the renowned Oriental physicist and Nobel laureate Professor Ho Yinsen. With Yinsen acting as his assistant, Stark designed and built an electrically powered suit of armor equipped with heavy offensive weaponry. The armor also contained a pacemaker-like device that enabled Stark's heart to keep beating after the shrapnel entered it. Donning the suit, Stark connected it to its power source, an electrical generator. Lying on a table Stark was helpless until the suit was fully charged. His captor, Wong-Chu, sensed something was amiss and came to investigate with armed men. Realizing he was sacrificing his life, Professor Ho Yinsen went out to confront Wong-Chu, to give Stark the extra time he needed to charge the armored suit fully. As the Iron Man, Stark avenged Yinsen's death and scattered Wong-Chu's guerrilla troops. Then, still clad in his armor, which was necessary to keep his heart beating, Stark made his way to the jungle, trying to escape enemy territory. James Rhodes, a pilot in the United States Marines who was stationed in Southeast Asia, had been shot down in the jungle by communist rockets while he was on a reconnaissance mission. Rhodes managed to land safely and was attempting to get his helicopter air-worthy when he encountered Iron Man. After Iron Man helped Rhodes fight off an attack by communist forces, Rhodes allowed him to drain the helicopter's batteries to recharge his armor. The two tracked through the jungle together, finally discovering a hidden communist rocket base. Stealing an enemy helicopter, they destroyed the site and flew to the nearest American base. Back in the United States, Stark redesigned his chest plate, which contained a pacemaker-like device, reducing the chest plate's size and weight so he could wear it under his normal clothing. Required to wear the armor's chest plate at all times to keep his heart beating, Stark decided to put the rest of the armor to regular use as well. After redesigning the entire armored suit to match the lighter chest plate, Stark made the existence of the suit public. He concealed the suit's true origin, as well as the fact that he himself had to wear the chest plate to live. Stark made it known that he would soon manufacture the suit, which he called "the human machine," for sale to the public. Soon afterward, Stark donned one of his battle suits in order to prevent thieves from stealing parts from the other copies of it. This experience made him realize that the suit was too dangerous to be made available to the public. The next day Stark revealed what had happened to him in Southeast Asia to Joanna Nivena, his then fiancé. Together they attended a tennis match in Forest Hills, N.Y. that afternoon. Stark brought along his armor, which he was taking to a nearby laboratory for tests. Terrorists who threatened to kill everyone present with a bomb invaded the match. Joanna urged Stark to don the armor to stop the terrorists. Stark did so, captured the terrorists and saved the spectators by throwing himself atop the bomb. Iron Man thus publicly became a hero, and Stark had a new sense of purpose, having decided to combat evildoers as Iron Man. Wishing to retain some degree of anonymity, Stark established the fiction that Iron Man was his paid bodyguard wearing a suit of armor that he had invented. Only his most trusted aides learned Stark and Iron Man were one and the same. One of these eraly confidantes was "Happy" Hogan, whom Tony hired as his chaffeur. Hogan fell in love with Tony's secretary Pepper Potts, whom Tony was secretely in love with. Even though Potts reciprocated Tony's feelings, she eventually began a whirlwind romance with Hogan, which ended with the two of them getting married. At first, Stark used his Iron Man identity mostly to combat spies, like the Actor, and criminals who threatened Stark Industries, like the Melter or Mr. Doll. During this time, the original Crimson Dynamo attacked Stark Industries, but Tony Stark persuaded him to defect. Also, Stark faced off for the first time against the Mandarin, who would become one of his most recurring enemies. Later, he expanded the scope of his alter ego's activities to battle any force or person who threatened the security of America or the world. Stark was instrumental in the organization and armament of the original global intelligence and law-enforcement agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D.. As Iron Man, he became a founding member of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the team of super-human champions known as The Avengers. Stark donated his Manhattan mansion to the Avengers for their exclusive use. As an Avenger, Stark would go on to participate in many missions over the years, although he sometimes had trouble reconciling his private affairs with his responsibilities in the Avengers. With the other remaining founders after the Hulk left, he was among those who discovered the frozen form of the heroic Captain America, still frozen since World War II. He was also the Avenger who sponsored the membership of Hawkeye, a man whom he had skirmished with, after realizing his good intentions. Hawkeye was one of the new Avengers who joined when Stark and the other founders decided to take leaves of absence. Over the years Stark constantly refined and modified the design of his armor. From a bulky, transistorized iron suit, he eventually built a relatively lightweight, integrated circuit, magnetically-polarized suit with more human-looking articulated musculature. Stark's extraordinary genius in theoretical mechanics has enabled him keep his suit of armor state-of-the-art. Stark eventually underwent heart transplant surgery so that he was no longer obligated to wear his metallic chest plate. For moral reasons, Stark eventually decided to stop manufacturing armaments and devoted his company to other areas of technology. In the wake of the Kree-Skrull War, Stark initiated a meeting in Wakanda with Professor X, Mister Fantastic, Black Bolt, Doctor Strange, and Namor to form a clandestine, unnamed group to devise strategy and policy regarding overarching menaces (the "Illuminati"). Stark's original goal was to create a governing body for all superheroes in the world to answer to (with him most likely being the head of that group by his mannerism during the meeting). However, the different beliefs and philosophies, besides the fact that many heroes chose to conceal their real identities, made Stark's plan impractical. Despite this, the group agreed to share vital information. In recent years Tony Stark's greatest nemesis has been alcoholism. As a wealthy socialite, alcohol had been a constant part of his life. When his company, which had changed its name from Stark Industries to Stark International, was threatened with the takeover at the same time he was experiencing oppressive personal problems, Stark began to abuse alcohol. Although he managed to recover quickly from his first serious bout, the compulsion to drink remained a constant temptation. The second time he succumbed to alcoholism, due to even more devastating personal problems than the first time, Tony Stark went on a several month binge during which he was cheated out of Stark International, had all Iron Man suits destroyed (except one), lost the leases on his various apartments, and had his personal assets frozen so that he could not touch his fortune. All of this was the result of the machinations of the mysterious European entrepreneur Obadiah Stane, who took over Stark's company, renaming it Stane International. During this time, Stark's friend James Rhodes, who had gone to work for Stark after leaving the military, assumed custody of the Iron Man armor and operated as Iron Man in his stead. When Stark finally regained his sobriety, he joined with Rhodes and two of his friends, Morley Irwin (late of Stark International) and his sister Clytemnestra Irwin of Richmond Enterprises, to set up a new electronics firm in California named Circuits Maximus. In its brief existence, Circuits Maximus became a prestigious and successful firm. While the armor was in his custody, James Rhodes became increasingly enamored with being Iron Man and, upon Stark's return to sobriety, feared that Stark would ask for it back. The cybernetic helmet had never been properly calibrated to Rhodes' brain patterns; he began to have severe headaches and his thinking was clouded. As a result Rhodes began to manifest hostility toward Stark. As part of his therapy, Stark constructed a simple suit of armor based on his original design with no intention of donning it until he felt in control of his alcoholism. When Rhodes began acting irrationally, however, Stark felt obligated to put on this crude suit of armor to prevent Rhodes from doing harm. Stark managed to subdue Rhodes and made necessary recalibration on the cybernetics. For a brief time Stark and Rhodes used their respective suits of armor as Iron Men, although Stark did so reluctantly. At the suggestion of the West Coast Avengers chairman, Hawkeye, Stark designed and built his most sophisticated armor to date, presumably so that the Avengers could find someone to wear the suit and bolster the team's strength. However, soon after its completion, Obadiah Stane became alarmed at Stark's steps toward recovery. Circuits Maximus was bombed, injuring Rhodes and killing Morley Irwin. Desiring vengeance, Stark donned the untested new armor and sought out Stane. Stane himself put on a suit his engineers had built using Stark's plans, and met Iron Man in battle as the Iron Monger. Losing the battle against Stark, Stane committed suicide. Stark decided that although one is never truly cured of alcoholism, he could also not deny the responsibility of being Iron Man. He resumed his career as Iron Man, and joined the new West Coast branch of the Avengers. Stark also managed to reclaim control of his fortune, although he decided not to claim ownership of the company formerly known as Stark International. Rather, he founded a new technological design and manufacturing company, Stark Enterprises, based in Silicon Valley in Southern California. Stark Enterprises quickly became a highly successful and innovative company. Stark learned that an industrialist calling himself Spymaster had stolen the plans for the many secret technological innovations found in the Iron Man armor. Spymaster had then turned these plans over to Stark's most powerful and antagonistic business rival, Justin Hammer, who in turn had made them available to criminals. These criminals had then incorporated the stolen technological innovations into their own armored battle suits. Outraged that his inventions were being used for criminal activity, and even for killing, Stark determined to deprive these criminals of his secrets. He planted a computer virus in Hammer's computer system that would wipe out all traces of the plans for Stark's Iron Man technology. As Iron Man, Stark sought out and caught many criminals and others (such as the United States government's Guardsmen) who wore a battle suit utilizing his technology. He implanted devices called 'negator packs' on their armor to fuse the circuits, rendering the suit useless. With the computer records of the plans for his technology gone, presumably it could not be used in reconstructing the suits. Iron Man accidentally killed the second Titanium Man (also known as the Gremlin) in the course of these "Armor Wars". The United States government branded Iron Man an outlaw as a result of these and other vigilante actions, and his longtime Avengers comrade Captain America was among those opposing him. Stark publicly claimed that he had fired Iron Man in displeasure over his illegal activity. Shortly afterward, Iron Man was apparently destroyed in combat with government forces. In fact, however, Stark had survived. He created an even more sophisticated armored battle suit to wear as Iron Man using technology far more advanced than that which Spymaster had stolen from him. Stark continued to go into action as Iron Man, but publicly claimed that the previous Iron Man was dead and that another employee of his whose identity was being kept secret was now wearing the armored suit. Later, Kathleen Dare, a former lover of his with an unstable mind, shot Stark. The gunfire severely injured Stark's spine and it appeared he could be crippled for the rest of his life, unable to walk. However he could still function normally within his Iron Man armor. A microchip device was later implanted in Stark's spine that enabled him to walk and move normally once again. This 'bio-chip' proved problematic and degenerative nerve damage occurred. This was aggravated by the attack of Kearson DeWitt, a madman who claimed Stark had stolen his father's designs. DeWitt had Stark's nervous system attacked with a techno-organic virus, but Stark was able to survive. He temporarily had to be placed in cryo-stasis, with Jim Rhodes taking his place as CEO. Soon after recovering, Stark was injured from feedback from a 'telepresence' system to remotely control his Iron Man armor and battle Ultimo. Stark eventually recovered after extensive rehabilitation. Stark was forced to restructure Stark Enterprises when several of Stane's business decisions were leaked to the press. This also caused a number of other heroes to confront Iron Man, such as the Hulk regarding gamma bomb production plants. Stark also quarreled with Rhodes over several good-intentioned but wrong decisions Jim made as CEO (such as selling off nuclear assets to a dummy company secretly operated by AIM), as well as his actions in Imaya. Rhodes was still angry Stark had lied to him about his nerve damage condition. The two briefly clashed, but have since resumed their friendship. Later, while under the influence of Immortus, Stark committed a number of horrible acts and was temporarily replaced by a younger version of him. This was corrected when Franklin Richards brought him and the other heroes who sacrificed themselves against Onslaught back. When the replacement Tony Stark returned to the 616 Marvel Universe, he was merged with the 616 Tony Stark who was resurrected thanks to Franklin Richards. Shortly after returning he subjected himself to judgment by his fellow Avengers and was exonerated. Stark declined to challenge the Fujikawa acquisition and formed a new company, Stark Solutions. Injuries from battling the Mandarin and other foes revealed a danger of long-term armor exposure. The armor's power systems and insulation were significantly redesigned to compensate. Jocasta's AI was recovered from Sunset Bain. The Sons of Yinsen, who became worshipers of his mentor and the Iron Man technology, contacted Tony. During a battle with Blacklash during a storm, the armor became sentient. This would be later revealed due to the Ultron Imperative. Iron Man (Sentient Armor) decided it would replace Stark, but ultimately sacrificed itself to repair damage to its creator's heart. Stark posed as simple worker 'Hogan Potts' at Askew Electronics, incorporating a new alloy called SKIN into his armor designs. After tests against the Shocker, he went into battle against AIM, the Ghost, and finally Ultron after the villain revealed his manipulation of the Sons of Yinsen, his role in the sentient armor, and corrupting the SKIN technology. Stark investigated an early military armor that had been distributed to rebel forces around the world. Temugin also made his presence felt, challenging Iron Man for the apparent death of his father, the Mandarin. A strange alien bio-plasm was investigated in Las Vegas. Stark infiltrated the Thunderbolts posing as the Cobalt Man. The US military attempted to claim older model Iron Man armors. Their pretense was that Stark had not patented the technology and that he violated agreements made after the Armor Wars by continuing to adventure as Iron Man. At the same time, a new Secretary of Defense was needed. Stark vied for the position and halted a disaster involving the technology as Iron Man. Stark (later revealed to be manipulated by the Scarlet Witch) suddenly threatened a Latverian ambassador at a UN meeting. Clarence Ward used a stolen armor to kill nearly all of Stark Industries' board and Rumiko Fujikawa. In light of the incidents, Stark resigned as secretary. Stark returned to work at a hectic pace, often sleeping in his lab. A former classmate asked for help--a super soldier project named Extremis had been given to a small terrorist group. Iron Man battled the augmented terrorist Mallen, but suffered massive injuries. Taking Extremis, Iron Man healed and found himself able to directly interface with technology, especially the armor. Going after Mallen again, Stark was forced to kill him. Stark found he was becoming more and more aggressive battling the Crimson Dynamo and assisting the Avengers against Graviton. He also began building a group of drones nicknamed the Argonauts. 'Iron Man' was spotted attacking several officials, including those involved in his and Ho Yinsen's imprisonment. Stark agreed to go under watch, but armored up and escaped. He confronted Extremis' creator, only to learn the enhancement was not part of it. An outside force was controlling him. The Sentry was sent to apprehend Iron Man, only to find a remote unit and stopped via Tony's manipulation of CLOC. Stark tracked down the sender at a press conference, finding Ho Yinsen's son. He learned Yinsen had been forced to secretly implant a control chip in Stark during their imprisonment years ago. This chip operated on Yinsen's breakthrough in using electromagnetic signals to control the body. Operatives looking to steal the technology killed Yinsen’s wife. In revenge, his son activated the chip, using Iron Man to go after those he felt responsible. A S.H.I.E.L.D. sniper soon shot Yinsen's son, activating his fail-safe: the Argonauts. While flying around the city, Iron Man arrived at the Raft prison to aid Captain America, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Matt Murdock, and the Sentry in keeping prisoners in after a prison break. Tony was initially reluctant to make a new team but eventually agreed. The New Avengers went to find Karl Lykos and found out that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been enslaving the Savage Land Mutates to dig in Vibranium mines. Next, The New Avengers found the Sentry and helped him restore his memory before going off to Japan to face HYDRA and the Hand. After they returned, the New Avengers revealed themselves to the world. After this, the House of M occurred, followed by a battle with the Collective. In between these missions, the Sentry was sent to battle Iron Man by the government, and Tony only defeated him by showing the Sentry several reports of disasters awaiting his actions, which caused the Sentry to collapse. Tony also tried to help Cap shut down the Young Avengers, only to help them fend off an invasion by both the Kree and the Skrulls over Hulkling. The New Avengers also attempted to apprehend the vigilante Cloak when he was framed for an attack on his partner Dagger, but were interrupted by the Runaways, who helped clear Cloak's name. Learning of the government's plans to instigate a Superhuman Registration Act that would force costumed, super-powered individuals to reveal their identities to the government and sign on as licensed agents, Iron Man at first sought to defeat the proposal, even going to such lengths as to hire the Titanium Man to attack the hearing on the act as he testified in order to manipulate opinion in his favor. However, at some point, Tony Stark's opinion of the Act changed, seeing it as a new means to achieve the goal that he had sought in forming the "Illuminati", and to tie the knots of friendship between humans and superheroes. He attempted to convince the other members of the clandestine group to support the new Act, stating that their input could prevent the Act from becoming too restrictive of superhuman activities, but all except Mister Fantastic rejected the idea of registration. After the Stamford, Connecticut disaster turned public opinion against super humans and fast-tracked the Act into law, Stark came out publicly in support of the Act, but the new law split the hero community in two. All of Stark's planning and manipulation came to fruition as Stark then became the representative and leader of the pro-registration side, placed in opposition to the anti-registration advocates. In his first major public action as a supporter of registration, Stark again unmasked as Iron Man. Prior to the events of Civil War, Stark assisted fellow Avenger Spider-Man and his family. Peter Parker came to regard Stark as a mentor, became his assistant, and accepted a new technologically enhanced costume from him. Stark also convinced Spider-Man to unmask and go public with his identity as well. However, Peter's feelings of being manipulated and unease about the rightness of Stark's cause grew until Stark revealed a prison for super humans he and Mister Fantastic had built in the Negative Zone. When Spider-Man attempted to escape from Stark Tower, along with his family, in order to join the Resistance, he attacked Stark, who had confronted him. However, due to Spider-Man's override of the suit given to him by Stark and some unexpected intervention by the Punisher, the web-slinger managed to escape with his family and was now considered a traitor by Stark and the Pro-Registration side. Other incidents in which Stark was directly involved was the death of Goliath after being struck down by a clone of Thor, utilizing the Thunderbolts and other super-villains as a task force to hunt down unregistered heroes and even using the Green Goblin as a weapon against them. Unknown to Stark, the Goblin was no longer under his control and was seeking his own agenda; however, Sally Floyd and Ben Urich allege that Stark himself who compromised the nanites in Osborn, an accusation that Stark did not deny. Stark went to the moon where the Sentry was visiting the Inhumans. He personally invited the Sentry to join his team, saying that he might not be around to see the end of the Civil War and he would need some stronger heroes to be there if this was to happen. The Sentry followed Iron Man back to Earth, where he supposedly joined his side. Director Maria Hill suggested that Tony might become the next acting head of S.H.I.E.L.D. She cited his higher qualification than her, and the fact that it would "piss the right people off." Tony became very active in shutting down unregistered factions, frequently trying to arrest the New Avengers and pouring S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into Los Angeles to capture the Runaways. Eventually, Captain America's group surrendered and was granted amnesty, with Cap agreeing to go on trial for his actions during the "Civil War". However, while in custody, Captain America was killed in an assassination orchestrated by the Red Skull. Stark was devastated by his friend's death, and left unsure on how to proceed. In a letter Steve had written before his death, he asked Tony to insure that the Captain America legacy lived on and to look out for Bucky Barnes. Tony was instrumental in getting Bucky to assume the mantle of Captain America. Iron Man and the other Illuminati were responsible for exiling Hulk from Earth, and were the people Hulk sought revenge on when he returned. Luckily, Stark saw this possibility as an eventuality, and was prepared to engage the Hulk with a brand new Hulk-Buster armor. The battle between them destroyed most of New York City, and blows were thrown so powerful that no other hero could get close enough to help or act. Stark Tower collapsed on top of the two during the battle, and ultimately, Hulk took Tony captive to the Stadium with the rest of his captured heroes. Once all of Stark's sources (and comrades) were exhausted, he rendered the Hulk unconscious with orbiting military satellite lasers he helped install in his appointing as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He had to draw money from numerous sources (most notably S.H.I.E.L.D itself) to repair Avengers Tower and the several damaged buildings and structures of New York. When Thor returned he learned of the events of the superhero-registration "Civil War" and was angered that Iron Man had waged war on the heroes who had been their friends and that Stark and others used his DNA to create the Thor Clone without his knowledge or permission. Tony began to fight Thor but it became obvious he could not win. Seeking a compromise, Stark rationalized that Asgard could be considered a foreign embassy, with diplomatic immunity granted to its inhabitants. Thor deemed this acceptable and the fighting stopped. Tony came to the remains of the X-Mansion to talk with Cyclops. He informed the former X-Men leader that the government was pushing to get the X-Men registered. Scott told him there were no more X-Men and that they were going to be registered for being born. During the Skrull Invasion Stark's armor was infected by an alien cyber virus which ultimately purged him of the Extremis virus. Stark discovered Spider-Woman herself was the Skrull Queen Veranke who nearly deceived him to join ranks with her. He was saved by Ms. Marvel who upon Tony's request left him with Black Widow who acted as his defense until he could fix his damaged armor to a point to where it was fully functional. Tony led the heroes of New York against the Skrull invaders. His armor however, began to fail in midst of the battle forcing him to return to Avengers Tower for another one. The President of the United States was less than reasonable regarding Stark's action and ultimately removed Stark as director of S.H.I.E.L.D, and disbanded the entire agency itself. Although the battle against the alien invasion had been won, Tony suffered a great loss. His technology was non-functional, his corporations were in dismay, he had many new enemies, and little to no allies willing to help him with any of his problems. After the invasion, the U.S. government also disbanded the Avengers, handing control of the Initiative over to Norman Osborn. Iron Man was later a member of Henry Pym's Mighty Avengers. Before fighting the threat of Chthon, Iron Man helped to subdue the Hulk. He left the team after realizing he was not yet ready to be a part of it. With his Extremis powers failing, Stark was able to upload a virus that destroyed all records of the Registration Act, thus preventing Osborn from learning the identities of his fellow heroes. The only copy of this database remained in Stark's head, while he was now on the run in one of his extra armors, and his remaining armors in Stark Tower were now in Osborn's hands. Iron Man managed to gain a new armor and fought Namor in the Stark Undersea Base. Stark was able to outsmart the Atlantean and escape the collapsing base. Osborn then placed a bounty on Stark's head, offering mountains of gold to the Hood's gang. The members of the secret organization the Cabal gathered to discuss many issues, among which was the hunt for Stark. Stark was losing intelligence by the day which slowed his thinking time and caused him to not be able to pronounce difficult words correctly. He started gathering and assembling parts to make his Iron Man suit easier to navigate and control as it was becoming more and more difficult for him to do so. He later abandoned it for the Dynamo Armor, which he borrowed from Dimitri Bukharin. Tony was later tracked down Pepper but the two were captured by Madame Masque. He managed to escape with Pepper's help, but was forced to leave her behind so she could fend off Masque. He then made his way to Afghanistan, but before he could reach his destination, he was shot down by Afghani militants. With his armor destroyed, Tony was forced to abandon it and proceed on foot to his destination, the secret laboratory that Stark worked with Ho Yinsen as a captive in developing the first Iron Man armor, Mark 0. Dusting off the outdated computer systems, Stark was able to reactivate the old suit, which was now the only armor simple enough for his deteriorating mind to operate. When Osborn personally caught up to the debilitated Stark and beat him savagely, Pepper Potts broadcasted the beatings, costing Osborn credibility and giving Stark public sympathy. Stark went into a vegetative state, having previously granted Donald Blake (Thor's alter ego) power of attorney. A holographic message stored in Pepper's armor revealed that Stark had developed a means of 'rebooting' his mind from his current state prior to his destruction of the database. Blake and Bucky resolved to use it to restore him to normal despite Stark's offer in the message to stay in his current state if it would make things easier and Pepper's own uncertainty about the fact that Tony could come back when so many others could not. The procedure on how to reboot Stark was very complicated. First, they had to place Pepper's electromagnet implant onto his chest, which would be fueling his entire biology. Then they jacked in the hard drive that Maria Hill recovered, which was a backup copy of his brain before he underwent the Extremis injection and then they activated the implant by channeling Thor's lightning through Captain America's shield connected to it. Meanwhile, in the last remaining vestiges of Stark's mind, he was in a barren wasteland, digging for the lost relics of his life, assisted by a couple named Howard and Maria. However, every time he found something, giant machines resembling his own Titanomechs would attack, causing the illusion to reset. He eventually found he was digging for an iron chest plate, resembling the 1960s version of his old armor. Back on Earth, Pepper, Rhodey, and Captain America sent in Doctor Strange to help Tony after the first attempt to revive him failed. The Ghost interrupted the doctor's ritual, but Tony Stark manually overcame his coma and used the Ghost's ghostphone to transport the assassin away. It was then everyone realized Tony's backup memory drive was not quite complete, as he was awed by the events he read about on his computer after the skirmish, which included the Civil War, Captain America's assassination, the Secret Invasion, and Dark Reign. During most of the Siege of Asgard Tony Stark was out of commission, but suddenly returned wearing an older version of his armor, disabling Norman Osborn's stolen Iron Patriot armor and signaling the return of all three main Avengers; including Thor and Steve Rogers. After the Siege, Tony built a new model of armor with the help of Mister Fantastic. He also apologized to Thor for everything he had done. Later, Tony announced that he would make a new company, Stark Resilient., to rebuild his former wealth and to extend his repulsor technology as a civilian energy source. After his reboot Tony, now with no company, decides to start a new company named Stark Resilient. Thor offers to give him treasures to fund his new venture, however he rejects it hoping to start from scratch. After working with Reed Richards on his new upgraded suit he pulls Stark from making government weapons. Pepper becomes his new CEO and informs business men that he wants to use his Repulsor technology to change the world and remove the need for oil and other fossil fuels. However he tells them that if they don't get on boar +This superhero's name is he will ruin them. Angered by this. Their real name is Pepper has a helicopter leave Tony. they hire Spymaster to kill Stark Resilient while it's still in its crib. They also buy and sell old Stark Tech and H.A.M.M.E.R. weaponry and use some of it to fake a terrorist attack in Tokyo so their Detroit Steel could ""defeat"" these terrorists and come out victorious. Meanwhile making Iron Man and War Machine +This superhero's name is Iron Monger (MCU). Their real name is Obadiah Stane. Obadiah Stane was the business partner of Tony Stark and a good friend of his father, Howard Stark. After Howard Stark's death, Stane became interim CEO of Stark Industries until Tony Stark took over officially shortly after. Stane's jealousy of the younger Stark led him to join forces with the Ten Rings to organize a failed attempt to assassinate him so Stane could become CEO once again. When this failed Stane created the Iron Monger Armor and attempted to kill Stark himself, leading to his own death. +This superhero's name is Iron Monger. Their real name is Obadiah Stane. Obadiah Stane was the son of Zebediah Stane, a drunkard who was a failure in making a career for himself. One night, when Obadiah was only a child, his father returned to the hotel room where they were staying, having just won a great deal of money gambling. Apparently overjoyed, the elder Stane told Obadiah that his luck had changed, and to prove it, Zebediah played Russian roulette with himself, loading a single bullet into a gun, spinning the chamber, and then firing the gun at his head. The elder Stane thus killed himself with his first shot, traumatizing young Obadiah. Later, Obadiah decided that his father had realized that the world was his opponent against which he could not succeed, and had therefore intentionally committed suicide. Now orphaned, Stane was raised in a succession of foster homes. By his eighth birthday, Obadiah Stane was completely bald as a result of the shock of witnessing his father's death. Ridiculed by his classmates for his baldness, Obadiah became introverted. He became fascinated by games of chance, especially chess. Obadiah believed that life was itself a game at which his father had lost, Obadiah determined that he himself would never lose at anything. One of Stane's fellow students at his school, Bernie Devlin, was a better chess player than he. Devlin bested Stane in the penultimate match of a school chess tournament. The winner of the next game would win the tournament. Stane secretly slit the throat of Devlin's beloved dog, Ruffer, and hid the dog's corpse in Devlin's school locker. After finding Ruffer's body on the day of the final game. Devlin was so distraught that Stane easily won the tournament. This episode was the first major example of Stane's use of psychological warfare in order to get what he wished: Stane would discover his opponent's weakness and then exploit it. Stane became an international chess champion while in his teens. In his early twenties Stane worked for an industrialist whom he came to regard as an incompetent. Perceiving that the industrialist's primary weakness was his love for his young wife Stane faked photographs showing the wife apparently engaged in an affair with the industrialist's best friend. The industrialist's morale was thereby destroyed, and Stane soon took control of the company himself. This was the beginning of Stane's accumulation of a massive fortune: he made his first million dollars by the age of twenty five. Stane began selling munitions made by his company to whatever buyers offered the best prices for them, often to repressive dictatorships. Eventually, Stane built his company into a multinational corporation producing munitions that was based in Salt Lake City, Utah, with offices in various locations in the United States and abroad. Stane decided to create a team of special bodyguards for himself, the Chessmen, whose costumes and identities derived from Stane's love of chess. Stane attempted to form an organization of European and Oriental industrialists, led by himself, that would act in defiance of antitrust laws, and even attempt to usurp power from the leaders of certain nations. Anthony Stark, the president and chairman of the board of Stark International, a leading American-based electronics and manufacturing corporation, opposed Stane's efforts to form such an organization. Stane had been seeking a worthy opponent against whom to compete in a new "game" of business maneuvers, and decided that Stark was the man he sought. Stane also knew Stark's principal weakness: Stark was a reformed alcoholic. At this point Stane had not yet realized that Anthony Stark was secretly the costumed champion Iron Man. First, Stane employed an agent codenamed Tattoo to bring about widespread sabotage at Stark International's Long Island headquarters. Iron Man thwarted Tattoo,but the latter died, having secretly been poisoned by Stane. Another of Stane's secret agents, a woman named Indries Moomji, encountered Stark and encouraged him to fall in love with her over the following weeks. During this time, Iron Man battled various members of the Chessmen. One of the latter, a Rook, held Stark's best friend, James Rhodes, captured and poisoned by venomous spiders. Iron Man defeated the various Chessmen and rescued Rhodes, but Rhodes had to be hospitalized. Iron Man learned that Stane was behind these various actions against him and his company, and confronted Stane, but with no success. By now Stane's alliance of foreign corporations had succeeded in outbidding Stark International for certain major foreign contracts. Then men working for Stane attempted to abduct or kill Rhodes from his hospital bed; Rhodes escaped, but Stark did not know what had happened to him. Stark met with Stane, who arrogantly defied him. Terribly depressed and near despair, Stark met with Indries Moomji, who coldly and cruelly rejected him and his love for her, just as she and Stane had intended. For Stark this was the final blow: he began drinking alcohol heavily again, and quickly began his downward slide psychologically as a result. Due to various recent financial setbacks, Stark international had a number of large debts. Stane bought up all the company's debts and also initiated a number of civil suits of an unrevealed nature against the company. Stark himself no longer even tried to fight against Stane's obvious takeover attempt and instead sought solace in drunkenness. As a result, Stane succeeded in taking control of Stark international and becoming its new president and chairman of the board, displacing Stark in both roles. Stane renamed the corporation Stane International and banned Stark from the premises. A number of Stark lnternational employees who were loyal to Stark and opposed Stane's takeover soon resigned, including Rhodes, Yvette Avril, and executive secretary Bambi Arbogast. Rhodes had already taken over the role of Iron Man from the now continually drunken Stark, and saw to it that Stark's other Iron Man armored suits were destroyed so that neither Stane nor the international law enforcement agency SHIELD could make use of them. Stark had previously manufactured munitions for SHIELD, but had finally ended munitions production altogether. Stane had quickly resumed weapons contracts with SHIELD upon his takeover, and it has been speculated that Stane had had SHIELD's support all along in his effort to seize control of Stark International. Stane arranged for a court order freezing Stark's financial assets, effectively rendering him penniless. Eventually, Stane formed an alliance with Stark's enemy and former lover Madame Masque, who had reassumed control of her "family" in the criminal Maggia. After spending many months as a drunken derelict, Anthony Stark finally resolved to stop drinking after he delivered the baby of his friend, a fellow derelict named Gretl Anders during a snowstorm. Gretl died in giving birth, and in trying to keep the infant alive amidst the bitter cold, Stark was reawakened to the importance of life. Stark and the baby were both taken to a hospital. Rhodes went there as Iron Man to see Stark, who told him of his desire to rebuild his life. Shortly afterwards, Stark, once again having overcome his alcoholism, joined Rhodes and the siblings Morley and Clytemnestra Erwin in founding Circuits Maximus, a new California-based electronics firm. Soon afterwards Stark brought about the defeat of the Termite, a superhuman criminal who had been hired by Stane to sabotage Fetison Electronics. Stane was still convinced that Stark was a hopeless drunkard and was unaware of Stark's return to constructive activity, or even of his defeat of the Termite. Then, however, Stane learned that Stark was being sought by the latter's former lover Bethany Cabe. Intrigued as to why she was looking for him, Stane had Cabe captured. By now Stane and Madame Masque were on the verge of becoming lovers. Moreover, Stane had correctly guessed by now that Anthony Stark had been the original Iron Man. Stane speculated that the Iron Man who had been active since Stark had become a derelict was either Rhodes or one of the Erwin siblings. Stane was not aware that recently Stark had reluctantly gone into action as Iron Man on a few occasions himself. Madame Masque warned Stane that her informants had told her that Stark had given up drinking and was active again. Seeking to destroy the new Iron Man, Stane dispatched the Circuits Breaker, a device with which he intended to kill Rhodes and the Erwins. Both garbed in Iron Man armor, Stark and Rhodes went into action against it, and Rhodes destroyed the weapon. Stane then realized that one of the two Iron Men who had attacked the Circuits Breaker must have been Stark. For reasons that remain unclear, Stane had his employee, Dr. Theron Atlanta, exchange the consciousnesses of Cabe and Madame Masque. Then, as part of his new plot to destroy Stark, Stane had Stark's friends Virginia "Pepper" Potts Hogan and Bambi Arbogast abducted, and even had Gretl's infant son Timothy Anders kidnapped. Rhodes, as Iron Man, thwarted the first attempt to abduct another of Stark's friends, Harold "Happy" Hogan. In retaliation, Stane tried to destroy Iron Man by sending a bomb to Circuits Maximus headquarters. It exploded, killing Morley Erwin and injuring Rhodes, and Stane's men succeeded in their second attempt to abduct "Happy" Hogan. Stark blamed himself for not having stopped Stane before the latter had killed Erwin and had the others kidnapped. Determined to stop Stane now, Stark decided to return to his life as Iron Man, wearing a new, improved suit of armor he had recently designed. After Stane had taken over Stark International, a notebook of Stark's had been found there with cryptic notes about the workings and construction of Iron Man's armor. Stane set a team of scientists to work to build a battlesuit called the Iron Monger based on, these notes. Stane intended to mass produce the suits, perhaps to outfit his own army and take over one or more nations. On learning that Iron Man had invaded Stane International's Long Island headquarters, Stane realized this Iron Man was indeed Stark, and dispatched a Circuits Breaker and a team of Chessmen against him. After Iron Man easily overcame these threats, Stane donned the Iron Monger armor and went into battle against Iron Man himself. As Iron Monger, Stane failed to defeat Iron Man, so he finally resorted to the ploy of seizing the Anders infant and threatening to kill him unless Iron Man surrendered. Realizing that the Iron Monger armor was controlled by a computer in a nearby building, Iron Man destroyed the unoccupied building, causing the Iron Monger suit to become immobile. Stane dropped the baby, whom Iron Man caught and brought to safety. Stane gained some control over the armor, but not enough to avoid a crash landing. Defeated, Stane committed suicide by removing his helmet and firing a repulsor ray blast from his armor at his own head. Stark, as Iron Man, was the only person to witness Stane's death, and Stane's security personnel quickly removed the body from the scene. Stark, as Iron Man, had already freed the Hogans and Mrs. Arbogast before Stane's death. Shortly after Stane's death Cabe and Madame Masque regained their rightful bodies. Stark regained control of his personal fortune, and decided to make no attempt to regain the presidency and chairmanship of the board of Stane International. Instead, Stark founded a new firm, Stark Enterprises, based in California. The Iron Monger armor somehow fell into the possession of industrialist Simon Steele, who sent an employee of his wearing the armor to kill the former adventurer Dominic Fortune. Stark, as Iron Man, defeated the Iron Monger, and the current whereabouts of the Iron Monger armor have not been revealed. Stane's death was never reported in the news media. Only Stark, a few of Stark's associates, Stane's security personnel, and top-ranking SHIELD officials are aware of it. Following his death, Stane was replaced with a lifelike LMD by the Deltite, a rogue android which had been manipulating SHIELD. Through the LMD of Stane, the Deltite was able to maintain SHIELD's interest in Stane International. The LMD was presumably destroyed. Stane International was later acquired by another of Stark's business rivals, Justin Hammer, but the property was eventually reacquired by Stark himself. Most of the corporation's assets were either absorbed into Stark's then-company Stark Enterprises or closed down. +This superhero's name is IT. Their real name is Pennywise the Dancing Clown. It arrived on Earth in a massive cataclysmic event similar to an asteroid impact, landing in a location in North America that would eventually become Derry, Maine. Once people settled over this location, It adopted its usual pattern of a 27-30 year hibernation, waking to kill and eat. Each awakening and return to hibernation is sometimes marked by a violent act, such as a mass murder or weather event. In the period between, a series of child murders occurring in Derry are never solved. It is outwardly explained that a series of murders, no matter how gruesome, don't get reported if they happen in the small town. However, the real reason is that the influence of It prevents anyone investigating too deeply. +This superhero's name is Itachi Uchiha. Their real name is Uchiha Itachi. Itachi Uchiha was a prodigy of Konohagakure's Uchiha clan and also served as an Anbu Captain. He later became an international criminal after murdering his entire clan, sparing only his younger brother, Sasuke. He afterwards joined the international criminal organisation known as Akatsuki, whose activity brought him into frequent conflict with Konoha and its ninja including Sasuke who sought to avenge their clan by killing Itachi. Following his death, Itachi's motives were revealed to be more complicated than they seemed and that his actions were only ever in the interest of his brother and village, remaining a loyal shinobi of Konohagakure to the very end. +This superhero's name is J. Jonah Jameson. Their real name is John Jonah Jameson, Jr.. Jameson was the head of the Daily Bugle and went on a smear campaign against Spider-Man, saying that Spider-Man was a menace. He became Peter Parker's boss when Peter was able to provide him with close-up photos of Spider-Man. When Peter Parker decided to retire Spider-Man, Jameson acquired Spider-Man's suit which was found by a garbage man in a garbage. He then hung it in his office, but it was taken back by Spider-Man when he decided to return to crime-fighting. +This superhero's name is Jack Bauer. Their real name is Kiefer Sutherland. Jack Bauer was born in Enola, Pennsylvania, on February 18, 1966, to Phillip Bauer, who placed his livelihood in his company, BXJ Technologies. The name of Jack's mother is unknown. Jack had one brother, Graem Bauer. Philip originally planned to give the company to Jack, but as Jack said in Day 6, "I just had to go my own way." Jack has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Arts from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Master's Degree in Criminology and Law from the University of California at Berkeley. He entered the U.S. Army and eventually joined the elite Delta Force (Among his honors are the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Legion of Merit). He left the Army with the rank of Captain, according to his service record. Following his career in the Army, Jack worked for both the Los Angeles Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics unit and for the Central Intelligence Agency as a case officer in the clandestine service. He is recruited into the Counter-Terrorist Unit (CTU) by Christopher Henderson. Jack Bauer was born in Enola, Pennsylvania, on February 18, 1966, to Phillip Bauer, who placed his livelihood in his company, BXJ Technologies. The name of Jack's mother is unknown. Jack had one brother, Graem Bauer. Philip originally planned to give the company to Jack, but as Jack said in Day 6, "I just had to go my own way." Jack has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Arts from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Master's Degree in Criminology and Law from the University of California at Berkeley. He entered the U.S. Army and eventually joined the elite Delta Force (Among his honors are the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Legion of Merit). He left the Army with the rank of Captain, according to his service record. Following his career in the Army, Jack worked for both the Los Angeles Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics unit and for the Central Intelligence Agency as a case officer in the clandestine service. He is recruited into the Counter-Terrorist Unit (CTU) by Christopher Henderson. +This superhero's name is Jack Frost. Their real name is Jackson Overland Frost. Before Jack Frost became an immortal being who possessed the power over ice and snow, Jack was once a teenage human boy who had a family of his own 300 years before the current timeline. Like his current form, Jack was mischievous, liked to have fun and play tricks on his friends and his younger sister. When Jack and his sister got themselves in trouble while they were ice skating on thin ice, Jack made up a game of Hopscotch, and using his staff, Jack saved his sister from the cracking ice, at the cost of his own life. The Man in the Moon, seeing Jack's selfless act of heroism and sacrifice, shines his light and transforms Jack into a Winter Spirit, of which Jack rises up from the frozen pond and he is reborn as Jack Frost. When Jack Frost was reborn he lost all memory of his previous life and immediately began his adventures of fun and mischief, discovering his powers. The Man in the Moon only ever told him his name, and he quickly discovers no one can see him when he enters a village and is walked through for the first time. +This superhero's name is Jack-Jack. Their real name is Jack-Jack Parr. Jack-Jack is a baby and the youngest child in the Parr family; his parents are Mr. Incredible (Bob Parr) and Elastigirl (Helen Parr). His primary power is shapeshifting, but has a large number of other powers. For the first year of his life, Jack-Jack didn't seem to exhibit any signs of powers, presumably being too immature for superpowers to manifest. According to official sources, Jack-Jack is 1 year old, is 2'4" (0.71 cm) in height and weighs 30 lbs (13 kg). Jack-Jack is first seen being bathed by his mother Helen in a kitchen sink while Helen talks with Bob over a telephone, telling him that the family has just moved in. During the scene where the family is having dinner, Jack-Jack is shown to enjoy watching his older siblings Dash and Violet fighting (Dash teases Violet about her crush on her schoolmate, which insults Violet). When a doorbell is rang by a family friend Lucius Best, which also stops the fight and makes the Parrs return to their seats, Jack-Jack turns to the door and asks "Hello?" When the rest of his family is occupied with a super-villain named Syndrome, Jack-Jack is looked after by Kari McKeen. But her determination to have some fun ends with trouble when Jack-Jack begins showing signs of his powers that she tries to control and eventually anticipates. Later, Syndrome shows up, and Kari, thinking he is the replacement babysitter, eagerly places Jack-Jack into his care. When the Incredibles return home, they find Syndrome with Jack-Jack in his hands as he openly declares that he will raise him to become his sidekick. With that, Syndrome kidnaps the baby and flies away to his jet, but Jack-Jack uses his powers to defend himself against Syndrome by turning into a fireball, a heavy steel ball, and a small monster. He disables one of Syndrome's rocket boots, causing the supervillain to fly uncontrollably and crash into his jet; upon impact, Syndrome drops the baby. Jack-Jack is rescued by Elastigirl, who is thrown into the air by Mr. Incredible on her command. As Elastigirl turns herself into a parachute to bring Jack-Jack safe to the ground, Jack-Jack notices an explosion way above her (Mr. Incredible has thrown his car at Syndrome's jet, knocking Syndrome off balance, and Syndrome—wearing a cape—gets pulled into the jet's turbine, leading to his death and the destruction of his jet). Soon after Elastigirl and Jack-Jack lands safely on the ground, the wreckage of Syndrome's jet falls onto the Parrs and their residence, destroying their house, but the family survive thanks to Violet wrapping her force-field around them. Jack-Jack also chuckles to Dash's remarks of the possibility of the family having to move again. Three months later, Jack-Jack is seen with his family at Dash's track race. After the race, The Underminer emerges from underneath the earth and declares war, and the family, including Jack-Jack, put on their masks. Edna Mode made costumes for the entire family, including a flame-retardant jumper for Jack-Jack which, coincidentally enough, is needed as Jack-Jack has the ability to burst into flames and become bulletproof, though this being done before the family could determine the full extent of Jack-Jack's powers. Edna will presumably modify the costume to accommodate all of Jack-Jack's abilities. +This superhero's name is Jack Kirby. Their real name is Jack Kirby. Born and raised in the Lower East Side, Jack Kirby (born Jacob Kurtzberg) created or co-created some of the most enduring characters and stories in comics (Captain America, Avengers, Hulk, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Darkseid, among hundreds of others). In addition to revolutionizing such comic book genres as crime, war, and superheroes, Kirby also co-invented romance comics with his partner Joe Simon. Kirby’s 1960s work with Marvel’s Stan Lee (who dubbed Kirby “King”) may be his most well-known. Another Kirby legacy is that he almost single-handedly defined the visual language of comic books with his dynamic page layouts portraying exaggerated anatomy, heartfelt emotion, explosive movement, and cosmic wonder. Kirby died in 1994 at age 76. Evidence of his work and influence surrounds us today, not only in comics but also in television and movies In The Beginning… In August of 1917, Rose and Ben Kurtzberg, two immigrants from Galicia in what is now Poland welcomed their firstborn, Jacob. In the early 20th century, New York City’s Lower East Side was the most densely populated two square miles on the planet. Ben sewed pants in sweatshops. Rose did piecework at home when not raising her sons. Lower East Side kids played in the streets, and fighting was a favorite pastime. Kirby’s gang, the Jewish kids of Suffolk St. would take on the Italian kids from another block, or the African-American kids from yet another block. Jake was small in stature, and once had to rescue his younger brother David from an attack by a rival gang. Jake recalled it happening in slow-motion as if choreographing the whole fight in his head. Jake loved fighting so much that he once took a long subway trip to the Bronx to see if they fought any differently there. Rose’s extended family were storytellers. Jake grew up hearing stories about demi-gods, werewolves, and vampires, learning about them long before they appeared in the movie theaters that were everywhere on the Lower East Side. At 14 Jake found a science fiction pulp magazine in a rain-drenched gutter. The image on the cover changed him forever. He took the magazine home, read it, and it fueled his interest in drawing. The stories in the magazine reminded him of the tales his mother and her friends told, but with new, hopeful, futuristic trappings. He began reading as much as he could, something he had to hide from his buddies, and took how-to-draw books out from the library. Jake met his “second father” Harry Slonaker around this time. Slonaker graduated from the Boys’ Brotherhood Republic in Chicago and was assigned to New York City to start one there. The BBR helped boys in the worst neighborhoods learn responsibility and useful skills, and it had its own rules, government, and even media. Jake took up boxing and became the cartoonist on the BBR newspaper, which he signed with the name “Jack”. While Jack’s mother wasn’t going to let him follow neighborhood hero, actor John Garfield (nee Jacob Garfinkle), to Hollywood, his time as an office boy in a newspaper cartoonist’s office showed him there was another way out of the ghetto. Most of his pals saw careers as policemen, politicians, or gangsters in their future. Jack stayed less than a week in an art class at the Pratt Institute. Not only wasn’t he the kind of artist they wanted – he worked fast – but his father lost his job, and Jack dropped out of school entirely to find work. After a brief stint as a newsboy, Jack found work at the Fleischer Brothers animation studio, working on Popeye and Betty Boop cartoons as an inbetweener, filling in the necessary number of drawings to complete the illusion of movement. Jack’s steady work allowed the Kurtzbergs to move from the Lower East Side to Brooklyn. Jack’s time with the Fleischers was short-lived. The environment reminded him too much of the sweatshops where his father worked, and the studio was relocating to Florida. He found work with some small newspaper syndicates, preparing his strips (Socko The Seadog, Your Health Comes First) at home on the kitchen table. One series, “The Romance Of Money” didn’t get syndicated, but was collected as a small pamphlet for savings banks as a giveaway. Arguably, The Romance Of Money is Jack’s first comic book. Kirby Comic Books Begin! With the success of Superman in 1938, there was a tremendous demand for new, original comic book content. Jack found his way to the Eisner-Iger Studio, preparing stories in a similar fashion to the single pages appearing in Sunday newspapers. Soon, he and his boss Will Eisner realized they were working in an entirely new, multi-page art form. Eisner recalled one incident where Jack got in the faces of mobsters who were shaking down the studio for a towel service payment. The goons left. Unfortunately, Jack came up against too much of that “sweatshop” approach again at Eisner-Iger and soon found work as a staff artist in the office of Victor Fox, where he drew the first four weeks of the Blue Beetle newspaper strip. While at Fox, Jack hit it off with Joe Simon, and the two began collaborating on Blue Bolt. Simon & Kirby quickly produced Red Raven Comics for Martin Goodman at Timely, which contained a Comet Pierce story where Jack first signed his name as “Jack Kirby.” Jack soon left Fox to work with Simon exclusively and moved his family to a nicer apartment in Brooklyn. There, he met his upstairs neighbor, and future wife, Rosalind Goldstein. Simon & Kirby produced Captain America, and the first cover featured the patriotic hero punching Adolf Hitler in the face. Published in late 1940, a year before the U.S.A. entered the war, the cover was a stark declaration of intent, and the book was a smash hit. Kirby’s choreographed action sequences were the main selling point. At one point, the Nazi-sympathizing group the American Bund were making threatening phone calls to the Simon & Kirby team. When they called again, Kirby went downstairs to confront them, but they weren’t there. Also for Goodman, they took two superhero sidekicks, Bucky and Toro, teamed them with four non-super-powered kids and created the Young Allies, the first kid gang. While still on staff at Timely, Kirby, Simon, and several inkers produced Captain Marvel Adventures #1 for Fawcett, uncredited, over a weekend. It became one of the top sellers of its time. The Simon & Kirby Team & WW2 The Simon & Kirby team had such success with Captain America and their Captain Marvel one-shot that when they discovered Goodman wasn’t paying them the agreed percentage of revenue, they quickly moved to National Comics, home of Superman. They revamped existing features Sandman and Manhunter, while Kirby’s youth inspired them to create the Boy Commandos and the Newsboy Legion. In 1942, the bickering Boy Commandos received their own title which was only outsold by National’s Superman and Batman comics. That same year, Jacob Kurtzberg legally changed his name to Jack Kirby and married Rosalind. In the midst of this success, World War II was looming. Jack was drafted into the infantry in June of 1943. In August 1944, Kirby arrived in Normandy, France and was sent to Verdun to join General Patton’s Army on its rapid offensive eastward. His division was sent to the south of Metz to rid the area of German resistance. Taking advantage of Kirby’s drawing skill and his knowledge of the German dialect Yiddish, Kirby’s commander sent him into enemy territory to scout and draw up detailed maps. Kirby’s war experiences were more brutal, horrifying, and violent than anything he experienced on the mean streets of the Lower East Side. His time in combat had a profound effect on him. Since storytelling was such a part of his personality, he shared war stories for the rest of his life. Eventually, Kirby contracted trench foot and nearly needed both feet amputated. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. Roz, at least, expressed that losing his drawing hand would have been much worse. In January 1945, Kirby made his way back stateside to North Carolina and was honorably discharged in July with several honors including the Bronze Battle Star. In December 1945, Roz and Jack’s first child, Susan, was born. After The War – The 1950s With the war behind them, the Simon & Kirby team got back to work, producing the short-lived Stuntman and Boy Explorers for Al Harvey. But action heroes and kid gangs didn’t sell like they used to. Comic books had been popular with soldiers overseas, but now that they were home, they had more reading choices. By 1947, the team was trying their hand at other genres; crime comics, funny animals, and teen humor. “True Romance” pulp magazines had been selling well to both teen and adult women for a while, so through Crestwood/Prize, Simon & Kirby’s Young Romance, the first romance comic, debuted that summer to great success. After two lucrative years producing romance comics and with growing families, the Kirbys and the Simons moved into houses across the street from each other in the suburbs of Long Island’s Nassau County. In 1953, Simon & Kirby started their own publishing company – Mainline Comics. Unfortunately, the corrupt newsstand business was collapsing, and social forces that had been building for years came to a head with the publication of Fredric Wertham’s book, Seduction Of The Innocent, which claimed comic books were corrupting America’s children. Subsequently, horror and crime comics were chased off the market, and comic book creators were stigmatized. Comic book quality experienced a sharp decline, with all offerings assuredly safe for the youngest kids. Eventually, Joe Simon left the team for more lucrative and secure work in advertising and marketing for political campaigns. Kirby brought the team’s Challengers of the Unknown to National (DC), and started working for Goodman (Atlas) again. He also worked up a number of comic strip proposals. Eventually, through a connection made by Jack Schiff, an editor at DC, Kirby, with writers Ed and Dave Wood, began a newspaper strip that capitalized on the nascent space race, Sky Masters Of The Space Force. With inking by Wallace Wood, the strips were beautiful. Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding of the financial arrangement with Schiff, and what Schiff felt was Kirby’s using ideas from story conferences for Challengers Of The Unknown in Sky Masters, Schiff sued Kirby. Kirby lost. He continued the strip for a while, but the financial arrangement made it a losing proposition, so he quit. He’d also lost DC as a client. Jack soon found more work under Atlas editor Stan Lee, mostly on monster and science fiction stories. Simon and Kirby teamed up briefly at Archie Comics on The Double Life of Private Strong and The Adventures of the Fly. Kirby even worked briefly for Classics Illustrated. The Marvelous 1960s Inspired by his success with starting Challengers Of The Unknown at DC, the slight success of the Archie heroes, and his son Neal’s interests, Kirby felt the time was again ripe for superheroes. Soon enough, Goodman and Lee saw what was happening at DC with the Justice League of America, and decided that Kirby was right. Lee had Kirby take one of his monster stories featuring some adventurers, and give them superpowers. Thus was born Marvel Comics as we know it, with The Fantastic Four. Kirby’s vivid imagination, his heartfelt humanity, his love of science fiction and mythology, and his amazing dynamic visual storytelling all coalesced in his work for Lee and Marvel when he was in his 40s. Kirby continued to pitch heroes. Lee had been publishing monster comics, so how about a monster as a lead character, the Hulk? A scientist from a previous story became Ant-Man. Mythology was one of Kirby’s favorites, so Norse god Thor came next. An urban hero who walked on walls came next, with Kirby bringing in a logo from the Simon & Kirby studio days in the early 1950s – Spiderman. Steve Ditko ended up with the assignment. Next came Iron Man, with the origin drawn by Don Heck; Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos, a grown-up Boy Commandos; X-Men, a science fiction-based kid gang; and The Avengers, a bickering group of adult heroes. Kirby even had a hand in the creation of Daredevil, evoking his earlier Stuntman. In response to the assassination of President Kennedy, Lee and Kirby revived Captain America. Marvel’s sales picked up. Lee’s snappy dialogue combined with Kirby’s stories, as well as the familiar, fan club-like tone of Marvel’s editorial copy kept the baby boomers reading comics into their teens and college years. Soon, Kirby was producing so many stories for Lee, that it became more expedient to eschew story conferences before the art was drawn. They’d briefly discuss the next issue, and Kirby would return with a fully drawn story, and describe to Lee what was happening. When even this became too time-consuming, Kirby would include story notes on the edges of his artwork for Lee to use while preparing the dialogue script for the letterer. In one notable example, Lee and Kirby had discussed having the antagonist be “The Big G” – a euphemism for God. Kirby knew that such a powerful, threatening force would be preceded by… a scout, whom he cosmically depicted as a surfer of the spaceways. Lee loved Kirby’s new character and dubbed him the Silver Surfer. Audiences’ minds were blown. Goodman started licensing Marvel characters out, which led to Steve Ditko’s departure since Goodman wasn’t including him in licensing revenue. As a result, Lee tried to strengthen his relationship with Kirby, agreeing to a profile of he and Kirby by the NY Herald-Tribune. Unfortunately, the profile failed. The writer admired Lee’s P.T. Barnum-like chicanery and denigrated Kirby’s appearance and manner. Upset, Kirby kept producing stories and characters for Lee, but not for long. On one Fantastic Four story where Kirby introduced a new character, Him, Lee ignored the notes and changed Kirby’s theme. After that, Kirby only delivered stories containing already existing characters. Full Rein Kirby couldn’t stop creating new concepts, though. He just kept them to himself. When Goodman sold Marvel to Perfect Film, a more corporate entity, Kirby was stung by the new owner not wanting to negotiate a contract. Kirby felt the need to break out of his situation, so he moved his family to Southern California and began talking to Carmine Infantino at DC. Infantino, a long-ago Kirby protege who had successfully updated Batman for the readers brought in by the TV show, was rising in the editorial ranks. For DC to have an artist in the editorial office was unprecedented, and Infantino was looking to innovate. Once Jack Schiff retired, Infantino was free to bring Kirby aboard. Infantino had wanted Kirby to revamp Superman, but Kirby only took on the Jimmy Olsen series, adding an updated Newsboy Legion to the cast (Olsen was a newsboy, after all). Kirby pitched a new science fiction mythology that filled three ongoing series, but unlike his time at Marvel, he retained creative and editorial control, eventually bringing in California resident Mike Royer to provide inking and lettering. The New Gods, Mister Miracle, and the Forever People, his “Fourth World” comics, were unfettered Kirby at the top of his game, making comics for everyone, not just kids or teenagers. Unfortunately, the newsstand business was still corrupt, with distributors selling fan-favorite comics like Kirby’s to comic dealers to sell at conventions without reporting those sales to the publishers. As a result, the sales reports for Kirby’s comics were disappointing. Infantino then asked Kirby for a horror comic, like the movies that were then in vogue, and a kids' comic to capture the popularity of the Planet Of The Apes movie series. Jack delivered The Demon and Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth. Kamandi became Jack’s longest-running series for DC. But as the end of his DC contract neared, Kirby was unsatisfied with his prospects there. A Return to Marvel and Cartoons In 1976, Kirby returned to Marvel and Captain America. He also created the Eternals, Machine Man, the Black Panther, Devil Dinosaur, and an adaptation of 2001: A Space Odyssey. At the end of his two-year deal, he worked with Lee on a Silver Surfer graphic novel in the hopes it would be turned into a rock musical movie. In 1978 Kirby was commissioned by producer Barry Ira Geller to design the sets for a movie based on Roger Zelazny’s science fiction novel Lord Of Light. Geller’s idea was for the sets to act as a theme park called Science Fiction Land once shooting was complete. Royer inked the pieces to perfection. The movie and theme park weren’t to be At this point. Kirby had enough of comic books and found work in the production of television cartoons for children. He finished his contract with Marvel by storyboarding Fantastic Four cartoons. He designed characters, props, and situations for Ruby-Spears, sometimes for existing shows like the Kamandi-like Thundarr The Barbarian, but mostly for presentation pitches for new shows. Kirby made some of the best income of his life, and for the first time, even had health insurance benefits. The Last Kirby Comic Books In 1981, Kirby returned to comic books with the first issue of Captain Victory And The Galactic Rangers. Published by Pacific Comics, Captain Victory and Silver Star were the first Kirby comics that bypassed newsstands for the comic book “Direct Market”. In 1983, while having dinner with publisher Richard Kyle, Roz encouraged Kirby to change the subject from WW2, and tell a story about growing up on the Lower East Side. Kyle commissioned Kirby to draw “Street Code”, Kirby’s only explicitly autobiographical work. To raise money for writer Steve Gerber’s lawsuit against Marvel over the rights to Howard The Duck, Kirby drew Gerber’s Destroyer Duck story pro bono. The comic was so successful, Kirby and Gerber would produce four more issues. After the last issues of Captain Victory and Silver Star, Kirby returned to DC to provide covers and editorial material for a new edition of New Gods. Among other things, he also produced the graphic novel The Hunger Dogs, bringing his Fourth World saga to a close. In 1984, the comics publishers were realizing that it was in their best interest to return the original art they had been warehousing for years to the artists. Marvel sent a brief release for the artwork to all the artists except Kirby. To him, they sent a four-page document with excessive stipulations. Kirby tried to negotiate but to no avail. His situation gained serious notice in the comics community, who put significant pressure on Marvel to return Kirby’s art as they had to other artists. In 1987 Marvel complied. Jack and Roz celebrated their 50th anniversary in 1992 surrounded by family and friends. Kirby died the morning of February 6th, 1994 in his hilltop home in Thousand Oaks, California. All this time, throughout their life together, Jack and Roz attended comic book conventions and welcomed fans into their home. They loved their fellow fans of comics, science fiction, mythology, romance, and action, encouraged them to live their own lives to the fullest, and to tell their own stories. The high profile of comics in our culture today is a testament to the Kirbys’ positive energy, love, and commitment. +This superhero's name is Jack of Hearts. Their real name is Jonathan Hart. Jack Hart was the son of Phillip Hart, a brilliant scientist who developed a revolutionary, extremely efficient liquid fuel called "Zero Fluid," and a humanoid alien woman of the Contraxian race. The alien was one of many scientists dispatched to try to discover an energy source to resuscitate the dwindling nuclear processes of the Contraxian sun. Learning of Hart's experiments, the alien assumed a totally human form to keep Hart under surveillance. Hart and the alien eventually met, married, and produced a son they named Jack. The alien woman, "Marie," died in a car accident when the boy was a child. Neither her husband nor child ever learned of her extraterrestrial origin. When Jack was a teenager, Phillip Hart perfected his "Zero Fluid" and decided to donate the fuel to all the free countries of the world. Hart was then contacted by agents of the criminal Corporation who wanted to market the Zero Fluid. Refusing to deal with them, Phillip Hart was murdered by Corporation agents before the eyes of his son. Managing to escape, Jack Hart took refuge in his father's basement laboratory Corporation agents broke in minutes later, and their laser-cannon sheared through the laboratory door, striking the vat of Zero Fluid. Doused by the powerful, corrosive fuel, Hart underwent a mutagenic change and began to glow. With an uncontrollable burst of energy generated by his entire body, Hart killed his father's murderers. Vowing vengeance on the entire Corporation, Hart fashioned a costume for himself, plundering his father's collection of armament. The armor somehow interacted with the final stage of mutation and provided a moderator that contained and controlled the release of his body's energy. Calling himself Jack of Hearts as a tribute to his father's passion for playing cards, he embarked on a mission of vengeance. Initially his quest for vengeance on the Corporation was blind and intolerant, leading him into conflict with such innocents as the Sons of the Tiger and the Hulk. Later he aided Iron Man in freeing Stark International from takeover by Mordecai Midas, and was taken under Iron Man's tutelage for a brief time. When his energy powers began to increase uncontrollably, he placed himself into SHIELD custody. There he met a former classmate of his, Marcy Kane, who was also actually a Contraxian. She revealed to him his mother's extraterrestrial origin and convinced him to accompany her back to Contraxia to try to save their sun. On Contraxia, a cult calling themselves the Survivalists captured Jack of Hearts to force him to do what he was intending to do anyway. He was flown in a starship to Contraxia's sun and there vaporized the craft before sending the energies of his body into the sun. In some as yet unknown manner, he apparently restored the vast quantities of hydrogen necessary to sustain the nuclear reactions of the sun, and added an undisclosed number of years to the sun's life. Then, still radiating great energy, he returned to Contraxia, his vast heat melting the polar icecaps, in order to say farewell to his girlfriend and to lecture the Contraxians about morality. He then flew off into outer space, realizing that he could no longer live among organic beings with his vast energies emanating out of control. Under unrevealed circumstances, Jack of Hearts was captured by the enigmatic alien, the Stranger, and placed on his planet for study. Jack of Hearts was inadvertently freed by the Avenger Quasar, who had traveled to the Stranger's world for his own purposes. Joining other refugees of Earth, Jack of Hearts returned to their native planet, only to be mind-controlled by another refugee, the Presence, into fighting Quasar. His armor was breached in the fight, and Jack appeared to have exploded in a burst of Zero energy. Actually, Jack was rescued and healed by the Moondragon, in her bid to gain an ally to prove herself as a worthy consort for Quasar. Jack proved overzealous as a mentally-influenced agent of Moondragon, who soon abandoned her designs on Quasar anyway, and Jack was released from her control. Jack sequestered himself in the abandoned Hart residence, but found his condition rapidly deteriorating, as his energies again threatened to go out of control. Returning to space, Jack sought out the alien Silver Surfer for help. The Surfer led Jack to an alien armor-wielder, who created a new and better energy-regulating armor for him. Jack remained with Surfer for a short time, and both teamed up with other cosmic heroes when they encountered the mega-powerful entity known as the Tyrant. The battle left Jack of Hearts severely weakened, and he was nursed back to health by fellow adventurer Ganymede, whereupon the two became lovers. Ganymede was the last member of a sisterhood dedicated to the opposition of Tyrant. She refused to engage in physical intimacy, which was not an option for the armor-bound Jack. She was also at one point willing to abandon an injured Jack rather than let her enemy escape. Although Jack remained by Ganymede's side for many months, they eventually went their separate ways. While journeying through space, Jack of Hearts happened upon agents of the cosmic beings known as the Infinites, an encounter which left him nearly dead. The incident also alerted members of the Avengers, including Moondragon. The Avengers rescued Jack and Moondragon helped restore his armor to his original design with several sophisticated upgrades. Jack and a team of Avengers confronted the Infinites directly, convincing the beings of the danger they posed to the universe. Afterwards, Jack remained alongside the group to confront a galactic federation's decree that Earth should become a penal colony for the universe's known criminals, and he helped expose the alien Kree as masterminds of the plot. Returning to Earth, he helped the Avengers round up the remaining criminals and also helped the Avengers set up new security and analytical tactics to become a more effective team. Jack remained with the Avengers for several missions, including those against the time-traveling Kang when he nearly succeeded in conquering the Earth. During this time, the Avengers extended membership to Jack in gratitude for his efforts, and he readily accepted. The Avengers also developed a new strain of neutro-mist that allowed Jack to exist safely outside his armor for short periods of time. Jack appeared to give his life while assisting the Avengers, leaving into space so as to not harm Earth with his explosion of Zero energy. However, his body was apparently reanimated by the Scarlet Witch. 'Jack' returned to the mansion and abruptly exploded, killing Scott Lang and damaging the Mansion grounds. Jack was later seemingly brought back to life at Project Pegasus using mysterious Z-Energy previously utilized to create a Zombified Squadron Supreme. He was unaware of who or where he was and promptly fainted. He was subsequently revived by one of Project Pegasus' security officers, Captain Jill Harper and destroyed the zombie Squadron before sharing a kiss with her. +This superhero's name is Jack Sparrow. Their real name is Jack Sparrow. The son of Captain Edward Teague, Jack Sparrow was born on a pirate ship in a typhoon. Before he was known as "Captain Jack Sparrow", he was simply known as Jack, a teenage stowaway who, even then, had a desire for adventure. Jack first sailed on the Barnacle with a young ragtag crew on a quest to locate and procure the legendary Sword of Cortés. As a young pirate he earned the name Jack Sparrow when he trapped the notorious Spanish pirate hunter Capitán Salazar in the Devil's Triangle. Years after his teenage adventures, an encounter with the infamous rogue pirates forced him to abandon the pirate life and take employment in the East India Trading Company. After five years of faithful service, during which he sailed across all the Seven Seas, he was given command of the Wicked Wench, a ship owned by Cutler Beckett, the EITC Director for West Africa. As Beckett's employee, Jack searched for the mystical island of Kerma and its legendary treasure, until he decided to betray Beckett and keep the island and its inhabitants safe from Beckett and his slave traders. When Beckett contracted him to transport a cargo of slaves to the Bahamas, Jack chose to liberate them and steal the Wench from Beckett. However, Beckett's men managed to find him and branded him as a pirate, while the Wench was set aflame and sunk. After striking a bargain with Davy Jones, the ghostly captain of the Flying Dutchman, to resurrect his beloved vessel, Jack had the Wench renamed the Black Pearl and began the pirate life anew. At some point, Jack Sparrow became one of the nine Pirate Lords, his domain being the Caribbean Sea +This superhero's name is Jacob Frye. Their real name is Jacob Frye. Sir Jacob Frye is the main male protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate He was a Master Assassin of the British Brotherhood of Assassins, active in London, and the younger twin brother of Evie Frye. +This superhero's name is Jaime Lannister. Their real name is . Jaime is the eldest son of Joanna Lannister and Lord Tywin Lannister. Tywin is the head of House Lannister, the richest man in Westeros and the most powerful man in the world, and Lord Paramount of the Westerlands. The Westerlands are one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Lannister is one of the Great Houses of the realm. Jaime had great difficulty learning to read as a child because he transposed letters in his mind. Tywin sat with him through four hours a day practicing until he learned. Jaime resented being forced to spend so much time on reading. Jaime is the older brother of Tyrion and the twin brother of Cersei. Their mother died giving birth to Tyrion. Due to his place in the Kingsguard, Jaime cannot inherit his father's lands or titles, making Tyrion his father's heir; a fact which vexes Tywin. Unlike Cersei and Tywin, Jaime always treated Tyrion with a degree of love, kindness and respect. Jaime began an incestuous relationship with his twin Cersei in his youth. At the age of 16, Jaime rose to the rank of knighthood. At the behest of Cersei, he consented to join the Kingsguard so that the two of them could be together in King's Landing. However, Tywin erupted in fury and resigned his position as Hand of the King, taking Cersei back to Casterly Rock with him. Jaime was appointed to the position by the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen during the Tourney at Harrenhal. He was then the youngest man ever appointed to its membership. At the conclusion of Robert's Rebellion, Jaime's father Tywin arrived at the gates of King's Landing with the main Lannister army, pledging his allegiance. Most of the Small Council urged Aerys not to trust Tywin, especially Jaime, knowing his father would never support the losing side of a war. Instead, Grand Maester Pycelle gave the opposite counsel, and once the Lannister army was allowed inside, Tywin ordered his men to attack the city. As Lannister soldiers raped and pillaged throughout the city during the Sack of King's Landing, King Aerys remained holed up inside the Red Keep, for hours maniacally repeating the order to "burn them all". Despite being sworn by the holiest oaths to protect the king as a member of the Kingsguard, Jaime ultimately turned his own sword on Aerys, slaying him at the foot of the Iron Throne itself. For this infamous act, he is known throughout the Seven Kingdoms as the "Kingslayer", to his irritation. Jaime always refused to discuss precisely what happened the day he slew the Mad King, and thus his true motivations – and what plans Aerys had for King's Landing – were never revealed. On one occasion he confides the truth to Brienne of Tarth: Aerys' final orders were for Jaime to kill his father, and to burn the entire city and its inhabitants with wildfire. Unwilling to let that happen, Jaime killed him, and in doing so actually saved thousands of innocent lives. He adds that the "honorable" Ned Stark judged him guilty on the spot, without giving Jaime a chance to explain. He was forgiven for breaking his vows by King Robert Baratheon and permitted to remain in the Kingsguard as part of Robert's alliance with House Lannister, along with the marriage of Jaime's twin sister Cersei to Robert. In addition to the slaying of the Mad King, Jaime is known for his handsome looks, arrogant demeanor, and his superior and incredible fighting skills, and for his superb martial skills. He is so skilled and great with a sword that he claims that there are only three men in the seven kingdoms who may have a chance at beating him in a fair duel. +This superhero's name is James Bond (Craig). Their real name is James Bond. James Bond was born on April 13, 1968, in West Berlin, Germany. His father Andrew Bond of Glencoe, Scotland, was a Senior Accounts Manager for Vickers Defence Systems (now BAE Systems Land & Armaments Group), while his mother Monique Bond (n�e Delacroix) was originally from Yverdonm Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. Until age 11, Bond was educated in Switzerland and Germany, where his father was stationed as a Vickers executive. Both parents died tragically in a climbing accident while attempting to scale north-east ridge of the Aiguille de la Pers�v�rance. After the death of his parents, he was privately tutored while he lived at the family's estate in Scotland, Skyfall Lodge . On his father's command, from age 12 to 13, Bond attended Eton until he was expelled for repeated curfew violations and 'trouble' with one of the maids. He then attended his father�s alma mater, Fettes College. While there he won numerous athletic competitions and twice boxed for the school as a light weight. He also formed the first intermural judo league for the public school circuit. During his teens, he spent time studying both climbing and skiing with local Austrian instructor Hannes Oberhauser of Kitzb�hel during term breaks at Fettes. Bond's one strong relationship, this friendship ended when Oberhauser disappeared mysteriously. Bond has referred to Oberhauser as a second father.[1] During a stint at the University of Geneva under an exchange program with Fettes, Bond led an expedition to the very mountain where his parents had died. Bond climbed it with friends and never told them of his personal and tragic link to the location. After graduating from Fettes at the age of 17, Bond began attending the Britannia Royal Naval College. While there, Bond excelled in all areas of training. Bond matriculated from his coursework at BRNC with passable marks. However, whilst excelling at athletic competitions, strategic operations, and counter-intelligence courses, his unconventional approach to his education, his diffident attitude to some of his superiors, and a lack of respect for curfew drew him many demerits. On more than one occasion, a fellow candidate was strongly suspected of lying to protect Bond from punishment. In his later teens, Bond lost his one surviving close relative, his aunt Charmain Bond. Bond conducted his year of Sea Service with high recommendations from his Chief Petty Officers and Warrant Officers. He applied for and was uniformly recommended for work in Naval Intelligence. Bond served as an intelligence officer on HMS Exeter both before and during Operation Granby, and later was able to transfer to submarine service, touring on the HMS Turbulent. His natural abilities, mental quickness and confidence impressed his commanding officers. Within the year of being assigned to HMS Turbulent, it became apparent that Bond was not being sufficiently challenged with his duties, so Bond volunteered for the Special Boat Service. Bond excelled at SC3 and Underwater and Aquatic Warfare training. He constantly equaled or bested his superior officers and instructors in all areas after nominal experience. Bond earned the distinction of being the only candidate to entirely escape detection during the night limpet placement operation at Plymouth. There was some doubt as to whether Bond had actually accomplished the mission per the assignment until he demonstrated his rather ingenious method of eluding the underwater infra-red cameras and sonar systems in-place. His techniques were rapidly included in future training. Upon completion of UAW training, Bond commenced Advanced Commando Parachute training at Brize Norton. A very dramatic incident occurred when Bond participated in the first group freefall exercise. At 900 meters the third jumper Lieutenant Cameron's ripcord pins jammed causing the main chute to malfunction, and he panicked. As the fourth jumper, Bond spotted Cameron, and at great personal risk, repositioned himself to aerially intercept Lt. Cameron at approximately 450 meters, and deploy Lt. Cameron's chute. Bond deployed at 250 meters. Lt. Cameron shattered his hip upon landing, although Bond escaped without serious injury. Bond's record with training earned him placement with the 030 Special Forces Unit, rather than deployment as a swimmer-canoeist with the standard SBS Units in Poole. During further training with 030 SFU, Bond earned certifications for the operation of assault helicopters, Harrier-class jets, fixed wing aircraft, hovercrafts, marine assault vessels, armored vehicles, and other crafts. Bond served with distinction in the 030 Special Forces Unit. He proved adept at training other candidates, initiating athletic competitions, and fostering a creative environment. During his three-year tenure with the 030 SFU, Bond rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He saw covert service in Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Libya, and active service in Bosnia. Upon completion of his duties in Bosnia, where Bond was credited with saving the lives of nearly 100 men from a Serbian militia in one village. Bond was recruited by the RNR Defence Intelligence Group and awarded the rank of Commander. Bond's work with the Defence Intelligence Group at Defence Intelligence and Security Centre, Chicksands, proved highly satisfactory, although his fellow officers noted Bond's rather casual attitude toward command structure and protocol. Bond's work provided vital intelligence during key moments with Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Cyprus, Indonesia, China (during the Hong Kong handover) and North Korea. In Libya, Bond was able to secure detailed assessments of the status of the Libyan government's reputed financial ties to numerous terrorist organizations, as well as crucial information related to the settlement of issues related to the Pan Am 103 case. In Iraq, Bond was able to monitor Iraqi counter-moves to the UNSCOM (now UNMOVIC) inspections process during one key period. Bond undertook a particularly hazardous mission into Afghanistan to rescue a researcher deemed important to Her Majesty's government who was being imprisoned by the Taliban government. During the S-300 missile crisis in Cyprus, Bond helped undermine the Republic of Cyprus government's confidence, and, it is felt, helped bring a peaceful resolution to the matter. On occasions, Bond has been known to carry out high profile assassinations under Her Majesty's orders. During his tenure at the RNR DI Group, Bond attended specialized courses at Cambridge (where he achieved a first in Oriental Languages), Oxford and other institutions. Bond left the RNR DI Group after recruitment by MI6 at the age of 30. Bond completed all orientation and MI6 Covert Operations training in eight weeks. He received exceptionally high marks for physical endurance, logic, and Psychological Ops exercises. His first assignment was at the British Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica. His duties there included: translation of Haitian, French and Dutch West Indies communiqu�s, interdiction efforts with gun and drug smuggling between Kingston and London (resulting in a letter of commendation from his superior, Charles DaSilva), and four days of Black Ops reconnaissance in Cuba, penetrating military compounds. Bond then was appointed Senior Advisor at the British Embassy in Rome. He was promoted to Ops Specialist simultaneous with this posting. Although based nominally in Rome, his duties took him to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon, France, Spain, China and the United States. He worked back-channel sources to aid in solving a minor crisis between the U.S. and China. Bond worked with his former Special Forces unit to penetrate and gain intelligence on Iraqi military and suspected unconventional weapons installations in late-2002 and early-2003. Afterwards, Bond was posted to the MI6 headquarters in London, where he continued to work as a Mission Specialist (within Black Ops) in such locations as Cuba, the United States, Austria, Spain, Russia, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the Sudan, and the UAE. +This superhero's name is James Gordon. Their real name is . James W. Gordon is a Gotham City police officer, for a long time, serving as commissioner of the GCPD. He is a stalwart ally of Batman, and uncle and guardian of Barbara Gordon (Batgirl). +This superhero's name is James T. Kirk. Their real name is James T. Kirk. +This superhero's name is Jane Foster (MCU). Their real name is Jane Foster. Doctor Jane Foster is one of the world's leading astrophysicists, the world's foremost astronomer, the creator of the Foster Theory, as well as one of the premiere experts on Asgard. She found Thor after he was banished from Asgard and fell to Earth while she and her team were in New Mexico studying astronomical anomalies. She helped him in his mission to return to Asgard, eventually falling in love with him along the way. They were separated due to the temporary destruction of the Bifrost Bridge. During Loki's assault on Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. kept her out of harms way by transferring her to a remote observatory where Loki could not find her. She found out of Thor's return through the footage of the Battle of New York; this left Foster disappointed and angry that Thor didn't attempt contacting her. During the Convergence, she became host to the Aether and helped Thor defeat Malekith during the Battle of Greenwich. Once free of the Aether, Foster returned to work and Thor had decided to remain on Earth with her. Due to her work studying of the Convergence, Foster was being considered for the Noble Prize in astrophysics. Following the Ultron Offensive, Foster was again separated from Thor, who returned to Asgard without her knowledge to learn more about the Infinity Stones. +This superhero's name is Jango Fett. Their real name is . Jango Fett was born in the years prior to the Invasion of Naboo.He claimed to have been born on the planet Concord Dawn, a Mandalorian world, but his exact history was unknown. Fett's history being a mystery was the way he liked it, but he did wear Mandalorian armor.However, despite his possession of the armor, officials of Mandalore disavowed any connection to Fett, claiming he was simply a bounty hunter who somehow stole an artifact from their planet's troubled past.[8] However, Fett's armor itself was fashioned from durasteel alloy, while most Mandalorian armor was made from beskar. However, in most other respects it was the same as the gear that had been designed hundreds of years prior. Fett rose to the top of the bounty hunting trade, where he used his advanced armor and twin blaster pistols to hunt down fugitives. At some point in his career Fett began to work with Zam Wesell, and she became his sometime partner. At one point Jango Fett was also an associate of pirate captain, Hondo Ohnaka, and fellow bounty hunter, Aurra Sing.Ultimately, Fett became widely regarded as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy,but this notoriety eventually drew the attention of the Sith. +This superhero's name is Jar Jar Binks. Their real name is Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks is a Gungan, an amphibious species native to the planet Naboo. Though clumsy and inept, Jar Jar has a good heart, and assisted the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in rescuing Queen Amidala, leader of Naboo's human inhabitants, when the Trade Federation invaded the planet. He travelled with the group to Tatooine, where he met and befriended a young boy, Anakin Skywalker, who subsequently accompanied them on their journey to the Republic's capital world, Coruscant. He then returned home with Naboo with the same group, and assisted in the liberation of his homeworld. Jar Jar was later elected as one of Naboo's representatives in the Republic's council. +This superhero's name is Jay (The LEGO Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Jay Gordon. A young boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets its mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legend of Ninjago. Ninjago is a city that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and husband of Koko. The city despises Lloyd for this relationship, which puts Lloyd in emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the Secret Ninja Force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master, Master Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city. On Lloyd's birthday Garmadon attacks the city once again, only to be defeated. He escapes and throws many of his generals out the volcano for failing to help him. He then beings to form a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and decides to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons. Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from his long trip. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs and machines. He discusses with the Ninja of their respective powers: Nya's power over water, Kai's power of fire, Jay's power over lightning, Cole's power over earth, and Zane's power over ice. Wu then states that Lloyd is the green element, only to be confusing Loyd with that topic. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd an idea to finally defeat Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use it. The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech. He successfully defeats Lloyd and his own mech. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city, while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs, before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the green ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon speechless. Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Forest of Dangers, the Canyon of Death, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away. The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by Garmadon's former generals, who want revenge. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated; they retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the generals. The generals begin to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, however the rest of the Ninja save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry generals by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process. They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as revealing to Lloyd that Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself, her cover name being The Lady Iron Dragon, Nya's idol. He reveals to Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He wants Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall of a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, and they head towards Ninjago. Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the green ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra, and tells Garmadon he forgives him, and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After reconciling, Garmadon moves in with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero. As the story concludes, Mr. Liu tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja. +This superhero's name is Jay. Their real name is Jay Gordon. Jay was born the son of famous actor Cliff Gordon and the Elemental Master of Lightning. For unknown reasons, as a baby he was given up by his parents, and left with a key of his future house at the doorstep of an inventor couple, Ed and Edna Walker, the owners of a large junkyard. The two adopted Jay as their own son.One morning, Jay took off to test one of his inventions, a set of Mechanical Wings, for apparently the sixth time. The wings worked well, even spinning twice but Jay ended up crashing into a billboard. As he picked himself up on the rooftop he fell onto, he met Master Wu. He claimed he was a dreamer himself and he can build the impossible. Jay soon took up residence at the Monastery of Spinjitzu and began his training, meeting Cole and Zane in the process, all the while, remembering what Wu told him the first time they met. +This superhero's name is Jean Grey. Their real name is Jean Grey. Jean's powers first manifested at the age of ten when her telepathy was prematurely triggered when her best friend Annie Richardson was hit by a car. As Annie lay dying, Jean instinctively linked to her mind and the trauma of experiencing her friend's death nearly killed Jean as well. The incident left Jean in a coma. For three years, her parents sought the expertise of specialists to rouse Jean out of her catatonic state but only one, Professor Charles Xavier, was able to help. He realized that Jean's young mind could not cope with her telepathy yet so he decided to mentally block her access to this ability, allowing it to evolve at the natural pace it would have save for Annie's tragic death. Even though Jean continued living with her parents until she was a teenager, she had many training sessions with Xavier. When she became a teenager, she left her parents and began attending Xavier's "School for Gifted Youngsters" and joined the X-Men under the name of Marvel Girl. She was the only female founding member of the team. At first, Jean could only use her telekinesis to lift an equivalent weight to what she could lift physically. Exceeding this limit would result in strain that would culminate in her loss of consciousness. Jean and Cyclops both had a crush on each other, but neither were aware of the other's feelings. Cyclops was afraid to get close to anyone, lest his powers hurt that person. He also felt that he was no match for Angel, who Jean was dating at the time. Once, Jean had a date with Angel, but insisted on taking Cyclops along, which confused and frustrated both men. Jean eventually left the school to enlist in Metro College where Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, also attended. She would continue to assist the X-Men on a regular basis, but did not continue living at the X-Mansion. The theme of her seeking tertiary education would provide a number of later X-Men subplots. Jean would later design new uniforms for the team. Angel decided that Jean was not actually interested in him and started a relationship with his old friend Candace "Candy" Southern. Jean and Cyclops later admitted they were in love with each other and started dating openly. Requiring seclusion while he prepared to deal with a forthcoming invasion of Earth by the alien Z'nox, Xavier had the mutant Changeling impersonate him in order to supervise the X-Men in Xavier's absence, telling only Jean of his plan and swearing her to secrecy. However, the Changeling, as Xavier, died heroically in action, and Xavier felt obliged to continue the pretense of his death. Fred Duncan, the X-Men's FBI liaison, considered the united team to present an easy target for "the ever-growing population of evil mutants" and felt the X-Men would be more effective acting as individuals and spread across the United States. At the same time, Professor X's will confirmed that his estate would serve as a charitable trust with each of the five active X-Men a trustee, to ensure that they would need to stay in contact with each other. Jean and Cyclops remained in New York while Beast and Iceman relocated to California. Angel remained mobile across the United States. The X-Men would later reunite. Jean later completed her college education and found employment as a model. Her first assignments were swimsuit presentations. At this time, Jean was introduced to Polaris and they soon became friends. Jean was also introduced to Alexander "Alex" Summers, Cyclops' younger brother, who was just graduating from college. He would soon serve with the X-Men as Havok. Xavier was later revealed to the others to be alive, as he had them help them defeat the Z'Nox. Many months later, after Xavier had recruited a new team of X-Men to help save the others from, most senior members left and so did Jean, who involuntarily found herself attracted to new member Wolverine. She still remained in contact with the X-Men, and became good friends with the new teammate Storm. Later while meeting with Cyclops, Jean was abducted by Sentinels along with Wolverine and Banshee and taken to a space station in orbit around Earth. The other X-Men later came and rescued the three from the Sentinels. Returning from space, Grey attempted to pilot a shuttle back to Earth during one of the worst solar storms in history. The shuttle was unshielded and Grey would have died were it not for the intervention of the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix force. The shuttle crashed into Jamaica Bay. Jean seemingly emerged from its remnants, imbued with vast cosmic powers. It was later retconned that Jean was actually placed into a coma in a cocoon in the depths of Jamaica Bay and the Phoenix adopted her identity as a heroine who claimed to be Jean and was so convincing an imposter that not even Professor X could detect the difference. Phoenix believed herself to be Grey and she and Cyclops continued their relationship, until Phoenix lost control of her powers after being manipulated by Mastermind, and eventually committed suicide. The Dark Phoenix Saga, the lengthy story of the decline and fall of Phoenix, by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, is regarded as one of the best comics stories of the 1970s. Grey's survival was revealed when the original X-Men formed X-Factor, which she joined when she emerged from her coma. Cyclops, in the meantime, had married her double (later revealed as her clone), Madelyne Pryor. When Scott left Pryor for Jean she felt distraught and betrayed. Goblins used her despair to make her the Goblin Queen. She died in battle with Jean after she (becoming suicidal upon the discovery of her being a clone) linked their minds together and killed herself, hoping the link would kill Jean as well (it did not). As a result, Cyclops and Grey were able to resume their relationship, and eventually married. Shortly thereafter, she resumed using the name Phoenix as an attempt to redeem both the entity and herself in her mind, and also to honor her "daughter" from a future parallel world, Rachel Summers, who at the time was believed to be dead. The list of the Twelve had both Jean and Cyclops on it. Jean and Cyclops decided to help the X-Men in this turning-point battle and in the end, Cyclops apparently perished as he merged with the villain Apocalypse. Jean then began a search for her lost husband with her adopted son Cable. They found him and Jean separated Cyclops from Apocalypse's spirit. A combination of Jean's new duties as headmistress, her re-emerging Phoenix powers, and Scott's temporary merger with the evil mutant Apocalypse drove a wedge between the couple. Cyclops and Jean started to have marital problems; Cyclops tried to show Jean that he needed to talk about his feelings of boredom with his own personality after being possessed by Apocalypse, though he didn't know how to talk to her. Their relationship became further strained when Jean began showing signs of the Phoenix Force, which Cyclops thought would lead to another disaster. Cyclops then turned to Emma Frost to talk. Emma seduced Cyclops and began to have a psychic affair with him. When Jean walked in on the two in bed, a psychic battle erupted between the two telepaths, with Jean using the full extent of her powers on Emma. This led to Cyclops briefly walking out on both Jean and the X-Men. Upon his return, in the storyline Planet X, Xorn in the guise of Magneto attacked the X-Men, and battled Jean. In spite of her incredible power as the Phoenix, Xorn was able to mortally injure Jean by manipulating the iron in her blood and inducing a planetary-scale stroke within her. As she died in Scott's arms, she told him she forgave him. Jean was then resurrected in the last arc of New X-Men: "Here Comes Tomorrow", bearing the Phoenix entity once again. This future timeline went wrong when Scott Summers decided to decline the offer of Emma Frost to once again open up Xavier's Institute. Hank McCoy then takes up the dubious burden of re-opening the school and under the pressure, begins taking the drug �Kick�. The villain John Sublime possesses Hank McCoy through �Kick� and he is driven insane by it. Jean comes in time to stop Hank from destroying the world with the Phoenix. She then transcends into the �White Room� with all the other Phoenix hosts, but not before sending her husband Scott Summers a mental push to accept Emma Frost�s offer and affections. Somehow knowing her fate before she died, she made a holoempathic imprint of her full essence, and everything that she was, for her daughter, Rachel "Grey" Summers. She did this so that no matter what happened to her body, her soul would always be with Rachel. Recently, the Shi'ar resurrected the Phoenix entity in hopes of destroying it while it was relatively weak. The entity managed to escape and fled to Earth, where it needed a host to sustain itself. After possessing a firefly and running into Wolverine, the entity resurrected Jean and bonded with her once more. Jean realized that the Phoenix was resurrected too early and as a result was mentally unbalanced. She had a confrontation with the X-Men before teleporting Wolverine to the North Pole, where she had him stab her several times, leaving the Phoenix entity weakened and allowing her to once again gain control. Jean then plunged herself through the ice, freezing instantly. When the X-Men arrived, Wolverine told them that Jean was "dead. Or as close as she can get." When the Phoenix entity returned from the ice, she possessed Emma Frost as the new love to Scott Summers' life. As Emma struggled against the force, a hopeless Scott prayed for Jean's return. With no other choice, he freed Jean from the ice. After Jean once again bonded with the Phoenix entity, the X-Men discovered the true reason for her return. Emma called out telepathically to her Stepford Cuckoos and focused the empathic impressions of all Jean's dearest friends. She felt their love for her. This allowed both Jean and the Phoenix to achieve balance before returning to the cosmos. Parting from Scott, she asked one last request before leaving, to see his eyes. The Phoenix Endsong limited series cleared up for anyone who didn't know the difference between Jean and the entity; there is none. Jean's mutation makes her more than a mere host; she is the closest thing that the force has to a human form which makes her closer to it than any other host body. She is the most powerful and this is what has finally caused her to become The White Phoenix of the Crown. Jean is currently in search of the missing fragments of the Phoenix Force that were scattered through space by the Shi'Ar in order to bring them all back to the "White-Hot Room", which is the core of creation itself, in order to make herself and the Phoenix whole again. +This superhero's name is Jemma Simmons (MCU). Their real name is Jemma Anne Simmons. Jemma Anne Simmons is an English-born S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and scientist. A genius biochemist, she is one of the youngest and most prominent members of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s research division, along with her partner and husband, Leo Fitz. She, along with Fitz were recruited to Coulson's Team and worked with them on all of their missions. While on the team, Simmons became friends with teammates Skye and Grant Ward. During the HYDRA Uprising, Simmons was an active participant in hunting for John Garrett and the rest of the Centipede Project. She was shocked and saddened to learn that Ward had been a member of HYDRA. Despite the events surrounding the Battle at Cybertek and Fitz's severe injury, Simmons stayed with the team to help rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. as Nick Fury requested. As Coulson began to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D., she became aware that her presence was impeding Fitz's healing and took an undercover assignment to infiltrate HYDRA but returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. when Raina broke her cover. She aided the team in their search for the Kree City and in other operations. When their base was attacked by another S.H.I.E.L.D. faction led by Robert Gonzales, she remained loyal to Coulson. After the War against the Inhumans, Simmons found herself teleported to another world after being swallowed by the Kree Monolith. In the six months she spent there, she met and bonded with a fellow stranded human, astronaut Will Daniels, until she was brought back to Earth by Fitz and S.H.I.E.L.D. Simmons then dedicated her time to attempting to reopen the portal, determined to bring back Daniels. But she heard from Fitz that he was killed by the dark Inhuman as he returned from the other planet. Yet, the dark Inhuman, Hive, managed to return to Earth. Fitz and Simmons tried to find a cure to Hive's power of controlling Inhumans' minds. S.H.I.E.L.D. eventually managed to kill Hive. Jeffrey Mace was appointed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new Director after the signing of the Sokovia Accords. Although she did not trust him, he appointed Simmons as his advisor in science and technology, which led to her becoming one of the superiors in the organization. Simmons investigated the existing of another dimension and helped S.H.I.E.L.D. to defeat Eli Morrow. With Holden Radcliffe's betrayal on S.H.I.E.L.D. and his kidnapping of most of her friends, Simmons and Daisy Johnson entered the Framework in order to rescue them. They succeeded and they all returned to the real world, but had to face against the threat of the now living Aida. S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped the crazed Inhuman, but Simmons and others were sent to the year 2091 afterwards. The team found themselves in a bunker located in the ruins of Earth called the Lighthouse. Simmons ended up becoming a servant of the ruler of the the place, the Kree Kasius. She was later freed by Fitz who managed to came from the past to save her and the two engaged. Eventually she and the others managed to return to the present, where she and Fitz would soon be married by Coulson. They worked to prevent the Destruction of Earth, came into a conflict with General Hale's HYDRA and later with the Confederacy. They managed to kill the enhanced Glenn Talbot, thus saving Earth, however Fitz's lost his life in the battle. Simmons followed Alphonso Mackenzie as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new Director, searching for the present day Fitz frozen in space. +This superhero's name is Jennifer Kale. Their real name is Jennifer Kale. Zhered-Na was a sorceress in Atlantis circa 18,000 BC. Exiled by emperor Kamuu for her prophecy that Atlantis would sink, she relocated to the mainland Thurian continent where she taught about her god Valka. These lessons became the Cult of Zhered-Na. When the star-spanning Celestials caused the Great Cataclysm, sinking Atlantis, Zhered-Na was killed by a pawn of the demonic Dweller-in-Darkness, while her Cult was driven off by superstitious villagers. Zhered-Na's former apprentice, Dakimh, continued her teachings and perpetuated the Cult throughout his extended lifespan. Centuries ago, a demon and an angel shared the mystic knowledge of their realms with Cultist Illyana Kale, who added it to her own knowledge to complete the Tome of Zhered-Na. To prevent the knowledge's abuse, only the combination of a Kale and angelic and demonic agents could utilize the Tome. Recently, Jennifer learned of the Tome via her grandfather, who led the modern incarnation of the Cult. The aged Dakimh took Jennifer as his apprentice, drawing energies from the angelic realm Therea and demonic realm Sominus to use the Tome to prevent Earth's invasion by the demon Thog. Jennifer joined Dakimh, the Man-Thing, Howard the Duck, and Korrek, warrior of extradimensional Katharta, in opposing further plots of Thog, the Congress of Realities, the wizard Klonus and barbarian Mortak, and the mad demon Bzzk'joh and his Imperium Emporium. Even after Dakimh's death, his spirit continued to advise her. Between efforts to live a normal life at various colleges, she has been drawn into numerous magical conflicts, including learning of her familial connection to both Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch. Recently, the demon Marduk Kurios, one of many to use the alias Satan, duped Andrew Kale into touching the Tome of Zhered-Na, unleashing the curse of the Hellphyr which threatened to destroy all magical beings on Earth. Doctor Strange recruited Jennifer, the angelic Topaz, and the demon Satana to oppose this nefarious plot, and Jennifer was ultimately forced to slay her Hellphyr-possessed brother. Afterwards, she refused to surrender her familial Tome, remaining together with Topaz and Satana as three Witches, hoping to keep the world safe from similar mystic threats. +This superhero's name is Jerome Valeska. Their real name is Jerome Valeska. +This superhero's name is Jesse Custer. Their real name is Jesse Custer. Jesse Custer is a preacher who merged with a creature that has escaped from heaven and develops the ability to make anyone do anything he says. Along with his ex-girlfriend, Tulip, and an Irish vampire named Cassidy, the three embarked on a journey to find God. +This superhero's name is Jesse Quick (CW). Their real name is Jesse Wells. Jesse Chambers Wells, also known as Jesse Quick, is the daughter of Harrison Wells (Earth-2). A college student on her Earth, Jesse was used by Zoom in a plot to turn her father against Team Flash. Eventually she was saved and joined Team Flash and had been aiding them through missions. But after being hit by a dark matter wave from the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator of Earth-1, Jesse gradually managed to unlock her Speed Force connection, becoming a meta-human speedster and superhero. After helping Team Flash defeat Grodd and his gorilla army, she decided to move to Earth-1 with Wally West, whom she was currently dating until they broke up. After learning Savitar had plans for her, Jesse left Earth-1 to take over for Jay Garrick as The Flash of Earth-3 until Savitar was destroyed and Jay returned from the Speed Force. Jesse then returned to Earth-2 to continue her heroics and lead her own team. +This superhero's name is Jesse Quick. Their real name is Jesse Chambers. Jesse Chambers is the daughter of the Golden Age Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. Originally adopting her father's speed formula, Jesse became the superhero known as Jesse Quick. As Liberty Belle, Jesse was an All-American Powerhouse. +This superhero's name is Jessica Jones. Their real name is Jessica Campbell Jones Cage. Jessica Campbell was born and raised in Forrest Hills, New York. She had attended Midtown High School along with Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, and they had shared several classes together. She developed a crush on Peter, but never told him. She followed him to the "Experiments in Radio-Activity" ." She was about to approach him, but he was bitten by the Radioactive Spider that granted him his super powers and left the building. Jessica followed after him, but lost sight of him and was nearly run down by an "Ajax Atomic Labs" truck before a man pulled her to safety. Jessica fled the scene. At home that night, Jessica tried to pleasure herself to her pictures of the Human Torch, but was interrupted by her younger brother Phillip. The family later went on a trip to Disney World with tickets given to them by her father's boss, Tony Stark. On the way home, Jessica argued with her brother, but they then collided with a military convoy carrying radioactive chemicals. Her family was killed, and she was exposed to the chemicals. After spending several months in a coma, Jessica emerged around the time the Fantastic Four first encountered Galactus, an event in which tremendous cosmic radiation were given off. She was placed in an orphanage, Moore House for Wayward Children and was later adopted by Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones. After her recovery, Jessica discovered that she had developed superhuman powers such as strength, durability and flight. He new family re-enrolled Jessica at Midtown High, where she was ostracized by her classmates, especially the school bully Flash Thompson. Peter tried to befriend Jessica, feeling she was a kindred spirit due to both of them losing family members. Jessica, however, mistook his kind attention and lashed out at him, believing he was merely pitying her. When she ran away she discovered that she could fly, however she lost control and crashed into the Hudson River, but luckily she was rescued by Thor. It was while witnessing a fight between Spider-Man and Sandman in her own class. This inspired her, in a way she cannot put into words, to use her abilities in a positive light. She attempted to become a super heroine, calling herself "Jewel", but did not have much success. While trying out her powers, she accidentally crash-landed on the Scorpion, who was robbing a laundromat. This was enough to stun him so he could be apprehended. She happened upon a fistfight in a restaurant, and discovered that Zebediah Killgrave aka the Purple Man had told the men to fight. Killgrave then overpowered Jessica's will and told her to "take care of the police" so that he can finish his meal, which she did. Jessica was captured by the Purple Man and kept prisoner for eight months, though never used for sexual means. She was eventually sent to attack the red-costumed Daredevil at wherever the "...costume frat boys hang out..." and kill anyone who got in the way, after a newspaper report angered Killgrave. Jessica became disoriented once she was out of range of the pheromones produced by Killgrave but, having been under his control for so long, she was still focused on her mission. She ended up attacking the Scarlet Witch because her costume was red. After hitting The Scarlet Witch, she snapped out of Killgrave's control. Thinking the gathered Avengers and Defenders would attack her, Jessica ran away, but was found and nearly killed by the Vision and Iron Man. Jean Grey of the X-Men helped awaken Jessica from another coma. Following several months of recovery, she was asked to join The Avengers as S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison, but declined the offer. Still bitter about her experience, Jessica briefly became a hardened vigilante, calling herself Knightress. Intercepting a crime meeting between the Owl and a mafioso, she first encountered Luke Cage. After defeating the Owl and his goons, she discovered that one of the thugs had brought his children with him. She took off her mask and revealed her identity to the cops so that they would allow her to look after the children for the night. Luke went to her home later that night and the two had a long talk. She soon retired as a super heroine and began a new career as a detective, creating Alias Investigations specializing in super hero activity. Luke Cage hired her to find his father James Lucas, who does not trust his "heroic" son. Jessica met Mrs. Lucas at her home. Jessica explains that she is a detective representing Luke Cage in a search for her husband. She says he has no interest in meeting his son due to the death of his other son; James Lucas, Jr..On their way home, Luke and Jessica stop at a nearby Dairy Queen and embrace. One of her cases involved a client whose wife had cheated on him. The evidence also showed that his wife was a mutant, which angered the man to the point that he attacked her. She reacted by throwing the man through the window of her office door. Jessica met Luke Cage at his bar and that night the spend an intimate evening together. Her next client came to her trying to find her sister, Miranda Pritchett. However during the investigation she finds Miranda was actually OK, but she also learned the boyfriend was going out dressed as Captain America. However after watching the recording she confirms that the man was actually Steve Rogers. She traveled to her clients house only to discover a crime scene as the woman had been strangled. Distraught she spent another evening with Luke. She later tried to meet with Cap but he was away on a mission. At her office N.Y.P.D. Detective Paul Hall wanted question her about Miranda. She lied about knowing that Miranda was murdered, but Hall produces a photograph of the crowd at the crime scene proving that she was at Miranda's house the previous night. He asked her to then accompany him to the police station. She was interrogated about the crime and her past life as a superhero, she became enraged at the accusation, but before she can do anything her lawyer arrived Matt Murdock, who had her freed. He told her he is an alias and a friend of Luke Cage. She asked an old friend Carol Danvers to investigate the number her client gave her. Carol confirmed the phone number is owned by LWS Enterprises. The email includes LWS's main phone line, which went to the committee to elect the Democratic presidential candidate, Steven Keaton. At a bar in Washington, D.C., she realized that she was set up to video tape Captain America's secret identity in order to damage the President of the United States. She found the woman who hired working at Keaton's campaign office. She chases after her finding her dialing "Lawson, Daviano." before she fainted. She went to the law office of Lawson, Daviano & Silver where she confronts David Lawson, accusing him of hiring her through a third party and demanding to know why. Lawson threatens to call the police, but she just waits outside for him. Matt Murdock contacted her to tell her that the N.Y.P.D. has dropped its investigation into her based on the autopsy results on Miranda. He said "the bruises and indentations on the neck of the dead girl were those of a large man," ruling Jessica out as a suspect. However During the call she was attacked by a large man. Michael "Man Mountain" Marko, attempts to strangle her, but Jessica soon defeats him. She approached Mr. Zoumas. He told her that she ought to sell the tape she made, and explains that his motivation in tricking Jessica into making the tape was so that she would "give up the Flag-boy" to the press. He revealed he planned to have Steven Keaton become president as the current one did not follow orders. She was contacted by Clay Quartermain, who told her they had been monitoring the conversation and S.H.I.E.L.D. arrested Mr. Zoumas. Captain America contacted Jessica and thanked her for saving his reputation. Carol tried to get Jessica to stop seeing Luke, and suggested Ant-Man (Scott Lang) instead. While on a case, a strange man came into her office claiming to be a big fan but she soon kicked him out. Soon after, a woman called Jane Jones came to her office. She said they were related as Jane is married to her cousin, Rick Jones. She claimed Rick had been missing for weeks.However Jessica had no recollection of being related to Rick, she even contacted her mother to confirm. She tracked Rick to a bar called Ultimates, when she confronted him he asked her if she was an agent of the Kree or the Skrulls. She tried to convince him to go home, but since Kree-Skrull War, he was considered "a war criminal" with "a bounty on his head." He refused to go to the Avengers because of the book he wrote, so they went to the Baxter Building instead. But Roberta the robotic secretary refused them entry, she tried to contact the Avengers so Rick ran off. However, Jessica was later awoken by the strange man again. He answered the phone from Edwin Jarvis who confirmed that the real Rick Jones was in Los Angeles, and they were well aware of the impostor. Jessica kicked the man out again when he introduced himself as Malcolm and asked for a job. She found the impostor again who had reunited with his wife. J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle hired Jessica to discover the true identity of Spider-Man, and assigns journalist Ben Urich to shadow Jones in order to write a series of articles chronicling her investigation. Jessica commuted to Lago, New York, to find a missing girl named Rebecca Cross. During the investigation with the girl's family, she learned Rebecca was a mutant. It is while in the town she learned that the local preacher was having anti-mutant sermons in which he claims that "God didn't create...mutants. Man created mutants. Mutants are abominations brought on by Man's greed." She confronted the preacher over any hate crimes, leading to the attacks in the town. It's during this case that Scott Lang contacts her to ask her on a date. She finds Rebecca alive with her girlfriend in a bar in the next town over. When they returned park to the town they learn Katherine Cross murdered her father. After the case she contacts Scott. When Matt Murdock's was outed as Daredevil, her and Luke became his bodyguards. She fought Typhoid Mary alongside Luke Cage. Black Widow arrived at Nelson and Murdock Law Office and passed by Jessica and Luke on her way into Matt Murdock's office. Jessica criticized Cage for his substandard "body-guarding" abilities. She later went on a date with Scott Lang. However, the two were interrupted by Spider-Man and the Human Torch chasing Doctor Octopus down the street. In one case, she succeeded in finding the missing Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin). Mattie's boyfriend had been keeping her drugged, and was using her as a source of super-powered genetic material to create the drug known as Mutant Growth Hormone.}Her willingness to take cases involving her former colleagues is not always well-received by the super hero community. She still assists other heroes from time to time and has a large number of contacts. Jessica was contacted by Kim Rourke, who wanted to hire her to find a man named Killgrave. When she visited Kim's home she found a large gathering, where Kim explained that 34 people were recently killed in a restaurant when Killgrave told them to stop breathing. But during this time Killgrave was locked away on the Raft. She told Luke about her time with Killgrave. Jessica traveled to The Raft and met with Quartermain, who escorted her through the prison to Killgrave's holding cell She questioned Killgrave while Quartermain watched from a security booth. Killgrave claimed that Jessica and he are simply characters in a comic book, but that he cannot escape because he is not the writer. Jessica demanded that he admit to just one of the many murders he was never charged with, but Killgrave continued to insist that she is a character in a story, and that she craves the approval of her readers. Finally she gave up and left. However when she return to Kim's home she learned their had been a riot at the Raft and Killgrave had escaped. After a night at Scott she awoke to find ants swarming over Scott's dead body. Killgrave was their and commented on the aesthetics of "Jessica's comic book." Jessica accused Killgrave of murdering Scott, and he admired that he is "the bad guy," though he revealed that he only made Jessica see Scott as being dead, when in fact Scott was alive. He then made Jessica see her "worst nightmare," which was Scott engaged in a ménage a trois with Ms. Marvel and Luke Cage. To get the attention of other heroes he told everyone on the street to "beat up the person to their left until that person is dead." The street erupted in a mass of mob violence. Killgrave watched, and Jessica experienced a vision of Jean Grey, who explained to hero that she implanted "a psychic defense trigger" in Jessica's mind after her "first Killgrave incident," and that Jessica could stop Killgrave if she choose to. Jean vanishes moments before the Avengers arrived, and Killgrave instructed Jessica to kill the superhero of her choice, but Jessica turned on Killgrave and beat him savagely instead. In the aftermath of the brawl, Jessica looked on as Killgrave's body was carried away from the scene before she was approached by Scott, who explained that Killgrave escaped The Raft after Carnage set off an explosion. Jessica admitted to Scott that she was three months pregnant, and that the baby was not his, at which point Scott walked away .A few days later, Jessica met Luke outside his apartment. He admired that he cared about her, and she told him that she was pregnant and that the baby was his. Luke asked if she wanted to keep the baby, and when she admitted that she does and he suggested that the two of them can start a "new chapter." Jessica had moved in with Luke in Harlem, Jessica met with Editor-in-Chief Robbie Robertson at the The Daily Bugle. He took her to meet J. Jonah Jameson, who blamed the decline of the newspaper industry before admitting that his relationship with Jessica has caused him to reconsider some of his belief regarding "costumed vigilantes." Jameson acknowledged that his personal disdain for superheroes is hurting his newspaper, and offered her a job as "a vigilante analyst" for "a special weekly section of the paper. Tentatively called The Pulse. , the stories for which will be written by Ben Urich. Jessica insisted on health insurance and a stable contract before admitting that she's pregnant with Luke's child, and Jameson requested that part of their deal will give the Bugle exclusive coverage of the announcement and birth. Jameson admited that Ben's best reporting days may be behind him, but The Pulse is about her. Her new job caused argument between her and Luke. Kat Farrell met with Jessica and Urich in Central Park to bring them up to speed on the details of Kidder's death, and the three of them consider how many "flying people" life in New York City. Kat laments that S.H.I.E.L.D. will have to be called if "a flying guy" was involved. Ben met with Jessica, Kat, Jameson and Robertson and explains that Oscorp employees have been disappearing and he could prove that Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin. Despite his fears that running such a story "will look like a cheap vendetta" against Osborn, Jameson agreed to print Urich's article. Jameson instructed Jessica to go with Urich to notify the police, assuring her that she will be safe. But at Oscorp they are attacked by the Green Goblin. A blast knocked Jessica out the window but she is rescued by Spider-Man, but she worried she may have lost her baby. Jessica attacked the Goblin and the two brawl in mid-air. Osborn escaped as Spider-Man caught her. Luke met Jessica at the hospital as a doctor examined her, but the baby was fine. Cage then left the hospital, but claimed that he "can't let this go." However Norman is outed and arrested after a beat down by Luke for hurting Jessica. When they returned to their apartment, and Luke pressured a group of neighborhood kids to get him the name of a local drug-dealer who is selling to kids. Inside the apartment they discover a woman who promptly destroyed the apartment with a massive energy blast. Knocking Cage into a coma Nick Fury traveled to Metro Hospital where he finds Danny Rand and Jessica sitting with the comatose Cage. Jessica demands to know why Fury has come. Steve Rogers arrives, attacking Fury as he insists that he warned Fury that something like this would happen. Fury orders Steve Rogers outside, but Steve tells Jessica to "get away from here" and "keep your baby safe" before instructing Rand to prepare to move Cage because "too many people have seen him." Jessica steps into the lobby to call Matt Murdock. A week after the attack at the hospital were Luke is kept is attacked and Iron Fist is taken and the hospital is almost destroyed. During the investigation they learn that NicK Fury was involved and that the Daily Bugle will no report on any stories involving him due to losing future government access. Jessica was kidnapped by a group of Hydra agents lead by woman Special Agent Cohen. She explained that Luke was attacked because of his part in Nick Fury's "Secret War," and that they would help her find Luke. Jessica however refuses their help, but Quartermain and his team arrive taking out the Hydra agents Young Avengers She had a meeting with Kat and Jameson regarding the emergence of a teen superhero team that seem to be mimicking the Avengers. She met with Iron Man and Captain America who told her more about the teen heroes. However when they find the team they are attacked by Kang the Conqueror who threatened Iron Lad to return to his own time or it would change history and Jessica found herself back in her Jewel outfit and was no longer pregnant. Iron Lad complied and everything return to normal. The Avengers tell the young heroes parents about their children being superheroes, while Jessica personally visits Cassie Lang mother Peggy Rae . Danielle Cage Luke Cage now became and Avenger. She and Luke attend the Avengers Christmas party., Jessica Jones's water breaks while she, Luke Cage and best friend Carol Danvers are picking out a new costume design for him. Carol Danvers rushes Jessica to the hospital. Jessica gives birth to a baby girl they called Danielle Cage. So, as payback against Jameson, she refused the newspaper exclusive rights to cover the 'celebrity birth' of their child. Jessica told her daughter, Danielle, about the first time she met Luke. Jessica decided to consent to be his wife, though she has not informed Luke. However, she quit her job with The Daily Bugle after editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson used the paper to smear the New Avengers. Jessica and Luke married with all their friends and family present. But Jessica chooses to keep her maiden name Jones. Jessica and Luke later attend Black Panther and Storm's wedding in Wakanda During the Civil War, Jessica and Luke were confronted by Iron Man and Ms. Marvel, who urged them to register with the authorities under the provisions of the Superhuman Registration Act. When asked if they intended to sign up, neither actually said "no", though they made their intentions to defy the law very clear, with Luke going so far as to compare the Act to slavery. In order to keep their child safe, Jessica traveled with her to Canada, while Luke stayed home in New York City. Having eluded the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents dispatched to apprehend him, Luke Cage joined Captain America's "Secret Avengers". He and the unregistered heroes hold their own wake for Captain America, with Luke praising the speech Wilson gave and Wilson apologizing for the fact that none of them could have been at the public ceremony. Despite the surrender of Captain America at the conclusion of the Civil War, Cage remained underground as leader of The New Avengers. Jessica later returned from Canada to be beside her husband, only to eventually decide to register in light of Elektra being revealed as a Skrull and the Hood's Gang attack. Luke confronted her about this and she tried to convince him to register, saying that he could get his life back. He told her it was not safe, that there was going to be a Skrull Invasion, and that Tony Stark was actually a Skrull. Jessica, however, did not take his warnings seriously. Luke told their daughter of how they first met. The Edwin Jarvis disguised Skrull kidnapped Danielle. Cage teamed up with Dark Avengers to capture and interrogate the Skrulls to find his daughter they track him to a warehouse where Bullseye executes the Skrull. Cage escaped from Osborn to return Danielle to her mother. Spider-Man arrived back at the safe-house, where he is greeted by Jessica Jones, feeding her baby, calling him "Peter". He tells her not to call him by that while in costume, for he fears another "Civil War" event again.Jessica's mother criticized her daughter for raising her child is such conditions when they are wanted fugitives. Jessica states to her mother that she doesn't want her child to live by a lie She believes that the New Avengers' actions are justified. Cage was weakened and interrogated by Osborn , they offered Him a trade to free his family of prosecution.Cage escapes and returned to Jessica. Jessica takes up the Jewel identity again and revealed that she used to have a crush on Peter Parker in high school. But when Clint Barton is captured trying to kill Norman Osborn, Jessica calls her mother to babysit so she can don the costume of Jewel once more and rescue him with the help of Spider Woman and Ms. Marvel. Jessica and the team escape the safehouse.Luke and Jessica Cage are seen struggling with their child who they can't get to stop crying. Wolverine shows up and shocks them both by offering to hold the baby. Wolverine is able to make her stop crying. Jessica mentions that Wolverine has never asked to hold the baby before. Jessica worried about her husband, is watching the news he makes contact but only makes her worry more Cage persuades Jessica to let him go and investigate an incident of violence against one a kid Cage knew when he was first starting out as a superhero, Leodis Dyson. The Raft prison was re-purposed. and Luke Cage, who had the Thunderbolts insignia on the sleeve of his jacket, is the one who is going to manage the place but promises his wife Jessica Jones that he'll be around for dinner. When Steve Rogers replaced Norman Osborn, Jessica moved into Avengers Mansion with her husband as he lead the New Avengers. She gives the team a note from Rogers stating that he is moving Victoria in with them to keep an eye on them. Jessica was furious that Victoria aimed a gun at her baby's head.Luke became possessed by a demon when the Eye of Agamotto suddenly drops into his hand. Jessica assisted in the fight, giving her baby to Spider-Man to keep safe. She fights the possessed Luke but also tried to reach out to him and make him fight off the demon inside. Eventually the demon is removed from him, and Luke recovers, but the team has bigger problems. The sky opens up and demons begin swarming the city. Jessica left the fight and flies back to Avengers Mansion looking for her child, where she was attacked by demons. She held her own but in the end was nearly taken down by the swarm. Victoria appeared and takes out the rest of the demons. Jessica thanked her and ran into the mansion. She was with the Avengers when Brother Voodoo sacrificed himself to save the world. Danielle's Nanny Jessica, took up the identity of Jewel again, became a member of the New Avengers.She and Luke began searching for a nanny and had a varied selection of applicants including Hellcat, Mantis, D-Man, Firebird, Sersi, Echo,U.S. Archer, Molly Hayes, Ultragirl,Groot, Deadpool, Sepulchre, Cassie Lang, She-Hulk, Nighthawk, Devlor, Tigra and Beverly Switzler. In the end they choose Squirrel Girl as Danielle's nanny. Jessica takes the name "Power Woman" to both honor her husband and to be a role model for their daughter. Jessica and the team fight the Spider-Slayers to defend Jameson Luke and Jessica attend Wolverines surprise birthday party.The team go after former H.A.M.M.E.R. agents. Jessica and the team battled Skadi and the The Serpent. On the Raft , Wolverine, Jessica move Osborn from his cell with a small attachment of guards. Osborn taunted Jessica while they walked, Wolverine took it upon himself to finally silence the criminal by threatening his Adamantium claws. She is with the team when the battled the Revengers. Jessica and the team battle the citizens of New York as they gained spider-powers. The Children's Crusade Jessica along with Beast and Hawkeye attempt to defuse the situation between the Avengers and X-Men who are fighting over who gets to punish the Scarlet Witch. She helps fight Doctor Doom and is present when Stature (Cassie Lang) and the Vision (Jonas) are killed. She is seen hugging Hulkling as the team is declared full fledged Avengers by Captain America who unveils a statue of the Vision and Stature. End of Children's Crusade Cage contacted Jessica after a battle with the Purifiers. Luke and Jessica are pack up their belongings to leave the team. Carol Danvers told Jessica that baby Danielle's safety should come first. Carol guided Luke, Jessica, and their infant daughter down an escape tunnel which will get them safely away from Avengers Mansion. She turns back, and Luke also seems to consider staying behind. Jessica later worked as an associate of her husband's team the Mighty Avengers. Jessica and her daughter lived in the apartment of the Gem Theater. Jessica and Cage were confronted by the Spider-Man (Otto Octavius / "Peter Parker") and his Arachnaughts, he offered him a place on his team. They refused and she punched him in the face for threatening her child. They later switched apartments with an old friend of Luke's named D. W. Griffith. While moving in, she spoke to the Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear) about what it's like to raise a child of superheroes and expressed both her support and annoyance at her husband's choice to start another team of Avengers. Jessica along with many other heroes attended Deadpool's wedding. Jessica helped the team battle the Deathwalkers and later fired her own husband from the team when he, under the effects of an inversion spell, caused during the World War Hate, tried to sell the team to Cortex Incorporated. After Luke was re-inverted, he still pretended to be his inverted persona in order to infiltrate Cortex. Jessica offered him to help infiltrate the evil corporation, but Luke told her not to, as it was too risky. +This superhero's name is Jestro. Their real name is Jestro. Jestro tried to be a knight, then a Wizard, before finally becoming the jester of King Halbert's court. As the king's jester, he would always ruin his own performances, which caused him to be the laughingstock of Knighton. He found a friend in Clay, though he would later become his enemy. +This superhero's name is Jigsaw (MCU). Their real name is Billy Russo. Billy Russo was the son to a meth addict. He was abandoned by his birth mother, Carla, outside a fire station in Albany. Russo lived throughout various foster homes until he was brought into the Ray of Hope group home. During his time at the Ray of Hope, he became a victim of an attempted child molestation when Arthur Walsh attempted to attack him. Russo tried to defend himself by striking the attacker with a stickball bat, but he still suffered from an arm injury. Many years later, Russo joined the United States Marine Corps and becoming a fierce soldier. During his time at the Corps, he met and became close friends with Frank Castle. They fought together through battles until Frank decided to leave the army after a questionable mission. But, unbeknown to Frank, Russo was still secretly working for William Rawlins and used the resources from Rawlins to built his own private military company named Anvil. +This superhero's name is Jim Powell. Their real name is Jim Powell. Jim is a failed artist turned police sketch artist who feels he hasn't contributed to the world. While crazy in love with his wife and children, he can't help but feel that the family is growing apart, losing each other in the everyday activities of a busy household. Jim also struggles with his wife's success. While happy for her, her victories in the world of bio-medical research have only shown him more and more how less significant his contributions to the world are. That is, until something extraordinary happens. After the crash in Belem, Jim finds himself with new abilities, a super strength that rivals any superhero. Excited about the possibilities his new powers have given him, Jim begins to explore what it means to be a superhero in today's society. Aided by his best friend George, Jim must balance the needs of his family and those of the world, all while learning to harness his own power. +This superhero's name is Jimmy Neutron. Their real name is Jimmy Neutron. Jimmy is a genius inventor, but most of his inventions seem to cause more destruction than anything and it is usually up to him and his friends to stop them. He lives in Retroville with his robot dog, Goddard, who is named after Robert H. Goddard (a pioneer in modern rocketry) and his parents, Hugh, a bumbling, goofy car salesman and duck-lover, and Judy who is his mother. He has an IQ of 210, making him the most intelligent resident of Retroville. He also loves having adventures with his best friends; Carl, Sheen, Nick, Cindy, Libby and Goddard and fighting bad guys. Jimmy also hates being short and usually gets mad when he's reminded of it. +This superhero's name is Jiraiya. Their real name is . Jiraiya was one of Konohagakure's Sannin. Famed as a hermit and pervert of stupendous ninja skill, Jiraiya travelled the world in search of knowledge that would help his friends, the various novels he wrote, and, posthumously, the world in its entirety – knowledge that would be passed on to his godson and final student, Naruto Uzumaki. +This superhero's name is JJ Powell. Their real name is JJ Powell . JJ has lived with the knowledge that he's a disappointment his whole life. With a science wizard as a mother and a sister with straight A's, JJ had accepted his role as "the dumb ass" in the family. That is… until he discovers he has super powers. Suddenly, solving scientific equations is a walk in the park and math problems shake in fear from his super-powered brain. With his new ability to ace tests and pass classes, JJ can finally make his parents proud of him. But what lies ahead for this remedial student turned polymath, and how can he keep his powers under wraps? +This superhero's name is Joe Wilson (CW). Their real name is Joe Wilson. Joe Wilson, alter-ego Kane Wolfman, and nicknamed "Spawn of Slade" by Curtis Holt, is the former leader of the Jackals and a former agent of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service. He is the son of Slade and Adeline Wilson, the brother of Grant Wilson, and the godson of the late Billy Wintergreen. +This superhero's name is Johann Krauss. Their real name is Johann Krauss. Born in Stuttgart, West Germany, in 1946, Johann Kraus became aware of his psychic abilities when he was ten years old. Frustrated with his inability to help the spirits that appeared to him, he sought out spiritualists in attempts to better understand his powers. Disappointed with occultism, Kraus turned to the church, which allowed him to focus on the spirits themselves rather than the occultist's focus on study and academia. In 1971, he opened an office in Munich, where he became a well-respected medium before relocating to Heidelberg. In early 2002, Kraus was the only survivor of a seance affected by a mystical disaster. His ectoplasmic form survived when his body was incinerated, and knowing he would dissipate without a physical body, he sought out the best paranormal minds on the planet for help: the B.P.R.D. At first, he was sustained inside a transparent tank apparatus developed by the B.P.R.D. for other purposes; eventually the technology was sized down into his distinctive containment suit. Kate Corrigan has said of him that, "He's not dead. He just doesn't have a body anymore." After the loss of Hellboy, Kraus was hired to replenish the Bureau's pool of "enhanced talents". Kraus soon proved an invaluable member of the team. His psychic abilities are better than ever due to his condition (similar to a musician who has lost his eyesight). Where once he could speak with the dead, now he can give them temporary physical form. Johann is also an accomplished scholar in occult lore and, since he no longer requires sleep, works constantly. It was largely he who researched and organized the mountains of files culled from the sub-basement of the Bureau's new base in the Colorado mountains, resulting in the revelation that Ben Daimio's grandmother had been a Nazi occult war criminal. There was tension between the two for some time after this. Their sometimes difficult relationship was perhaps not helped by the death of Roger the homunculus, who Johann had been closer to than perhaps anyone else, owing at least partly to Daimio's actions. When the Bureau came into possession of two giant vat-grown bodies awaiting a soul in the aftermath of the Garden of Souls storyline, Johann took possession of one of these. Overcome by giddy euphoria at finally having regained life, at being able to taste and touch once more, Johann let himself be seduced by the pleasures of the flesh. He all but abandoned his work and commitments to the Bureau to indulge his vices. This proved to be the worst possible time for such a lapse, as the halls of the Bureau came under attack by two separate monsters, one of them the were-jaguar form of Captain Ben Daimio. Johann returned in the nick of time, saving the lives of Kate and Abe, but was himself savagely killed. Condemned to his ectoplasmic half-life once more, Johann began pursuing a private obsession with Ben Daimio, trying to track down his living relatives and hiding the ceremonial dagger that is supposedly the only weapon that can destroy him in his were-jaguar form. In 2009, Johann returned to his beloved Munich for the first time since his 2002 accident during The Warning, only to see it destroyed and its inhabitants killed by a subterranean robot army, a blow from which he has found it hard to recover. Johann has developed a brotherly relationship with zombie Iosif Nichayko, the director of Russia's "Special Sciences Service" who also lives confined to a containment suit. After a successful mission, Iosif gifted Johann an altered form of his own more advanced containment suit to Johann's delight. By Johann's own admission, his new suit has changed his life as it feels like a body - so much so that he once even fell asleep and dreamed for the first time since his "accident". Johann dies when he sacrifices himself to destroy the Ogdru Jahad that landed on Earth. +This superhero's name is John Constantine (Power Of Shazam). Their real name is John Constantine. Trinity War About one year after he had first arrived in New York, Constantine was alerted to the fact that a magical artifact - Croyden's Compass - was being targeted by the evil magical organization he had fought in the past - the Cult of the Cold Flame. After going on a world tour for its pieces and fighting a few high ranking members of the Cult, Constantine successfully destroyed the compass and returned to New York. Upon his return to America, Constantine walked into a conflict when the mysterious Pandora attempted to contact heroes and villains she thought might be able to open her box. Constantine had his own plans though and, knowing that if the hero Shazam were to touch Pandora's Box, it would disrupt all the magic in the universe, temporarily stole Shazam's powers away from him. With the powers of Shazam at his fingertips, Constantine was ambushed and defeated a member of the Cult of the Cold Flame before having to return his powers back to Billy. Mortally wounded from battle, Constantine was begrudgingly saved by Papa Midnite, who saw John as a lesser of two evils when compared to the impending threat of the Cold Flame. The Cult continued their assault against Constantine while he attempted to juggle the war over Pandora's Box. Stealing all of Constantine's magical artifacts from his base in New York, the three leaders of the Cold Flame transferred all of the items' magical value to themselves. Mister E, one of the leaders, then attempted to finally kill Constantine, believing him to be at his weakest but was instead vanquished by Constantine, E's powers then transferring to the final two remaining leaders. With the invitation to take E's spot as leader of the Cold Flame, Constantine agreed, secretly planning to take the cult down from the inside-out. Constantine then returned to handle the war over Pandora's Box, gaining possession of the box in the chaos and watching as its true purpose was unleashed - summoning a doorway for the Crime Syndicate from Earth 3. +This superhero's name is John Constantine. Their real name is John Constantine. John Constantine is a gritty supernatural detective. Originally a member of the mainstream DC Universe introduced as a supporting character to Swamp Thing, his stories were later moved to the Vertigo Universe. This version of Constantine continued to age real-time in his own Hellblazer stories, while the mainstream version did not reappear until Brightest Day. They both exist independently of each other. John Constantine was an occult investigator in England. He had heard tell of a coming dark entity, and he used many of his contacts to determine what that thing was and how it would appear. Eventually, he was led to the Louisiana swamp, where he met the Swamp Thing. He revealed that the Swamp Thing was in fact a plant elemental, and connected to all other plant life through a force called The Green. However, he refused to reveal more until Swamp Thing agreed to meet him in Rosewood, Illinois. After Swamp Thing had dealt with the threat of vampires there, Constantine appeared to him and gave him another location. At each location, the Swamp Thing learned of an evil growing across the land, and then Constantine would give him another location, but not much information. Meanwhile, Constantine began trying to prepare his companions for the coming threat of a crisis. When the Swamp Thing finally completed Constantine's final task, John showed him how the crisis was affecting the earth, and then took him aboard the Monitor's satellite to explain the nature of the crisis. While there, he commented that for people like he and the Swamp Thing, another supernatural crisis would be on its way. An evil South American cult called the Brujeria had raised an Invunche in order to facilitate sending a message that would raise a Great Darkness. Finally, Swamp Thing and John Constantine met in Brazil at the source of the river Tefé, where John explained that Swamp Thing's destiny as a plant elemental has heritage which extends back through something called the Parliament of Trees, to whom he then introduced the Swamp Thing. Finally, John, Swamp Thing, and the remainder of the Newcastle crew prepared to face the Brujeria in Argentina. In the ensuing battle, the Brujeria managed to transform John's friend Judith into the messenger they sought, and Swamp Thing allowed her to escape rather than allow John to be killed by the cultists. With the Great Darkness' coming inevitable, John and Swamp Thing split up to recruit a force who could help them fight the evil off. John gathered many occultists and magicians including Zatanna and her father John Zatara; Mento; Baron Winters; Doctor Occult; and Sargon the Sorcerer. Together, John's team used Mento as a conduit to send their magical energies to aid the Swamp Thing's own team in the Spirit World. Unfortunately, the Great Darkness lashed out, and Sargon was burnt to death. They were forced to maintain their circle, holding his charred hands, lest they lose contact. Later, the Great Darkness chose to attack young Zatanna, but her father redirected the magic on himself, and she was forced to watch her father burn alive. Angrily, she cursed Constantine for involving them. After Swamp Thing managed to ease the threat of the Great Darkness, Mento watched as the Darkness clasped hands with the Presence, which drove him insane. With three casualties on his team, John Constantine declared the event a draw. Much later, John Constantine sensed that something was amiss in The Green, and realized that it was a reaction to the Swamp Thing's attempts to avoid being the protector of the Green, and focus on his relationship with his wife. He went to Louisiana to chastise Swamp Thing for shirking his duty, which was not at all well-received. Seeking alternative methods, John reconnected Jason Woodrue with the Green in order to discover that the turmoil was caused because the Parliament of Trees had begun to create a replacement for the Swamp Thing, thinking he had been dead, after disappearing from Earth in Gotham City. Realizing that the Green requires a sacrifice to become the next elemental, so that the Swamp Thing can retire without causing calamity, Constantine orchestrated a series of events which led to a plane crash, only to have Swamp Thing guide the intended host off to Heaven inadvertently. Angered by Swamp Thing's failures, John washed his hands of the issue. One day, John returned to his apartment to find that his old friend Gary Lester, who had become a drug addict over the last ten years, waiting for him there. Unfortunately, Gary had been touched by a demon that he had failed to exorcise properly. Recruiting Papa Midnite, John concocted a plan to trap the demon inside Gary and let their mutual hungers cancel each other out. Unfortunately, this meant allowing Gary to be consumed by the demon, thereby reducing the already dwindling numbers of the original Newcastle Crew by one more. Despite being haunted by the ghosts of his dead friends, John had the good fortune of meeting a strange and beautiful woman named Zed, who he took as a lover. When John heard that his niece, Gemma was kidnapped by a strange man, Zed accompanied him to Liverpool to deal with it. While investigating his sister's home, John encountered his brother in law, who had fallen in with a new fundamentalist Christian group called the Resurrection Crusade. While John managed to save Gemma, he couldn't help but notice that Zed seemed to have a troubled past with connections to the Resurrection Crusade. Additionally, an opposing force called the Damnation Army was discovered. John encountered the Resurrection Crusade again, when they convinced a town in rural Iowa that their sons, who had been declared MIA during the Vietnam War could be returned to them through the Pyramid of Prayer. John witnessed the results of their prayer turn to carnage. Later, John discovered that the force behind the Damnation Army was a demon called Nergal. At the same time, Zed was being tormented by young men from a group called the Tongues of Fire. John had his friend Ritchie Simpson, the last of the Newcastle Crew, use his computer prowess to find out more about the Resurrection Crusade. Ritchie discovered that the Tongues of Fire were a more action-oriented offshoot of the Crusade, but in the process of searching, Ritchie's physical body was destroyed by the Tongues of Fire's security system, leaving his mind trapped in cyberspace. John was forced to shut off the computer, and let the last of his old friends die. When Ritchie's ghost began to haunt him as well, John became distressed, and threw himself from a moving train. Unfortunately, while John was incapacitated, the Tongues of Fire kidnapped and brainwashed Zed in order to have her do what she was made to do - mother a new race of angel-human hybrids. Meanwhile, the Swamp Thing discovered John's crippled body on the side of the train tracks, and took him to a hospital. There, John was disturbed into wakefulness by the demon Nergal - the one behind the creation of the Damnation Army. The demon offered John the opportunity to join him, pointing out that John's friend Ray was murdered by the Resurrection Crusade's bigots. Meanwhile, Nergal warned that Zed was to fulfill a prophecy that would upset the balance between Heaven and Hell. John agreed to prevent the divine conception, given the threat that Nergal would start consuming the souls of innocent infants. The demon healed John's broken bones, but the process required the use of Nergal's own blood. This action laid a taint deep within John that would be of great significance later. John then went to Gotham City, where he realized that it was his 35th birthday. All day, he was plagued by some kind of spirit, which had been trying to chase him down. Evading it, he returned to Glastonbury, where he snuck in to the Resurrection Crusade's ceremonies to see Zed. She allowed him to make love to her one last time, not realizing that his demon taint would taint her as well. Afterwards, he returned to his apartment, where the Swamp Thing found him, and stole control of his body away from him. After having grown himself a more powerful brain in order to solve the issue of what to do with the Sprout, Swamp Thing realized that he could use John's body as host in order to impregnate his wife with the Sprout, so that it could be grown as a human child and taught. Needless to say, John was not pleased by the arrangement. After the Swamp Thing took control of John Constantine's body, he took it back to the Louisiana swamp to make love to his wife Abby, and with John's human body, conceived a child that was both human and plant in nature.. John's soul, meanwhile, was displaced into the astral plane. From there, he was able to see the consequences of all of his actions of late. He had made love to Zed one last time, before she was intended to be taken by an angel as a lover and to conceive a divine child. However, the taint of the demon Nergal's blood within John was spread to Zed in that act, and the angel destroyed her along with her cult, the Resurrection Crusade. Nergal was pleased to see that John was successful in overturning the prophecy that he feared, but the demon soon realized that something was changing within The Green. By using John's body, Swamp Thing was able to reproduce with a human, and because of the taint which ran through John's veins, that child fulfilled the prophecy. After being returned to his body, John went to Newcastle, the site of an event which had haunted him for the last ten years. He remembered how in 1978, he and his friends had encountered a young girl who had been so abused by her father that she conjured a demon to kill him. The girl was driven insane and the demon remained, so John decided to call a stronger demon in order to fight it. He and his friends called on a demon, but instead of appearing in a human form, it possessed the girl's body. At John's command, the demon killed the opposing demon, but it soon revealed that it had not done so because of any obligation. The demon had come of its own accord, and as payment, it demanded the girl's soul. John attempted to escape with the girl, but he failed, and she was killed. Since then, each member of his team was killed, one by one, and it always seemed to be John's fault. Ten years later, John discovered the identity of the demon who got the better of him: Nergal. As there is power in naming - a thing he had not known at Newcastle - John planned to take on Nergal once more, and win. Though John spent a week trying to come up with a way to kill Nergal, it was not until he discovered that his friend Ritchie Simpson was still alive, albeit trapped in cyberspace, that he came up with a plan. John entered cyberspace and lured Nergal to follow him there. With Ritchie's help, John brought Nergal to the edge of Heaven, where Nergal's soul was destroyed. Having thwarted the minions of Hell three times, John Constantine was free to go unpunished, though Agony and Ecstacy warned that one day, he would die, and Hell would come to collect. After returning to London, John discovered that he was wanted for the murder of the two thugs in Paddington that he had seen Nergal kill. He attempted to hitchhike out of town, but when the police nearly caught him, he was forced to flee into the forest on-foot. There, he met a young girl named Mercury, who appeared to be a medium of some sort. She was part of a commune of once-members of the Peace Convoy, who now traveled as nomads across the English countryside. John decided to travel with them, and they soon met up with another group of travelers at a park-up. He befriended many of the other new-agers, including a man named Errol, who claimed to have met with Zed after John had watched her die in the astral plane. John also attempted to seduce a woman named Myra, but when she revealed that she knew that he was wanted for murder, he was forced to try to hypnotize her. The attempt failed, but he was soon spirited away by Mercury, who wanted to take him to see a stone circle along the ley lines. At the stone circle, Mercury suddenly became overwhelmed by a feeling of fear, and the site had been commandeered by a facility of some kind, run by a company called Geotroniks. One of the facility's administrators, a Dr. Fulton, seemed to recognize Mercury's psychic potential, but John managed to talk their way out of trouble. Upon returning to camp, John attempted to apologize to Myra, and though she accepted his apology, she also drugged his tea with highly toxic mushrooms. The eventual psychedelic trip led John back to the stone circle, where he saw a Russian man attempting to perform tests on the stones. John and the man were suddenly overcome by fear, and the other man began dashing his head against the rocks. When John finally came-to, there was no sign the other man had ever been there. The next morning, Fulton had men posing as the police raid the camp, and take Mercury and her mother Marj into custody. Later, Marj was drugged and released, allowing Fulton to escape with Mercury unopposed. John went into town and found Marj at the local police station. Before taking her back to camp, he overheard the name "Beale" - another name to add to his list of Geotroniks employees, along with "Davis." While Marj and the nomads decided to meet up with the Pagan Nation in Scotland, John decided to return to London, promising to find Mercury somehow. John's train back to London became the target of a psychic attack of pure fear by Geotroniks, who were hoping to find and kill a Russian spy, whose partner they killed earlier at the stone circle. John managed to save that spy's life, but not before the train had crashed and most of the other passengers were killed. In London, John encountered a Detective Chief Inspector Geoffrey Talbot, who's failure to succumb to corruption within his department had made him subject to the bullying and ridicule of his coworkers - particularly a man named Davis. In fact, Davis had begun writing threatening letters to Talbot's wife, who eventually was driven to suicide. Afterwards, John decided to look into a guest at the same hotel as him, who was a reporter working on a story about a string of suicides associated with Geotroniks employees. Upon arrival at the man's room, John discovered that someone had tried to murder him. John rescued Simon Hughes, and listened to all the reporter had to say about Geotroniks. With this information, John deduced that the company was a cover for some kind of weapon development, using psychic energy and ley lines as the delivery system for a payload of fear. The Black Squad run by Beales and Davis must have kidnapped Mercury in order to power that weapon. This was indeed the case, and Doctor Fulton had begun training Mercury to extract the fear from phobics, and transfer it into a special receptacle for it. One day, she decided to look into that receptacle, and discovered that a horrible fear-monster was growing within it. A man who had been consumed by the creature warned that Geotroniks hoped to bring about the coming of a creature called Jallakuntilliokan. John took Hughes and Talbot to meet with the Russian spy, only to have everyone but John arrested by Davis and taken captive. Meanwhile, Mercury had influenced Doctor Fulton to let her leave the facility for the day, and then he allowed her to escape. Seeing that Fulton had failed, Webster killed him, and then began the ritual of human sacrifices that would lead to Jallakuntilliokan's awakening. The Geotroniks director appeared to inform Webster that the grand lodge of Freemasons has ordered that their operations be shut down, but was horrified to find that Webster's actions were far beyond his control. On his way back to Scotland, John was reunited with Mercury, and they later met up with the Pagan Nation and Marj. Unfortunately, the group had been attacked with some kind of powerful magic that killed many of the male members of the commune. John attempted some meditation to see what they were up against, and he witnessed Simon Hughes being murdered by Webster while Talbot and the Russian remained trapped in the room with the Fear Machine. John and Zed determined with the Pagan Nation that Webster was attempting to awaken the male half of the ying and yang; a great dragon. Zed explained that without the balance of its female counterpart, that dragon's awakening would be chaos. John sent a team to try to cut off the dragon's power source at the ley lines while he, Zed, Marj, and Mercury attempted to raise the female dragon. Unwittingly, Talbot brought about the coming of Jallakuntilliokan by strangling Davis to death in vengeance. To counter this, Zed and Marj used John sexually in order to conceive the female dragon. Zed gave birth to the dragon, restoring the balance. Then the oceans rose, and washed them all away, leaving John alone. John later woke on a fishing boat, with all threats to the earth apparently gone without trace, along with his female companions. After returning to England, John decided to stay with an acquaintance of his named Jerry O'Flynn. Jerry's exploits were so legendary that authors of fiction had begun to base their characters on him. However, for Jerry, the line between his real life and his life in fiction had begun to blur. Before long, Jerry was captured by fictional characters and put on trial for blurring the line too much, and he was taken away. John decided to stay in Jerry's unoccupied mansion, where he discovered a safe containing drugs and money. Apparently Jerry had become addicted to the act of trade. John was then interrupted by a visit from an elderly gentleman, who claimed to have a longstanding agreement with Jerry in which he would trade a package for an envelope of certain information. While the man wasn't looking, John looked into the envelope, and saw that it contained information about an average English family. After the man had left, John discovered a ledger in which Jerry wrote of how he had begun trading souvenirs from an active serial killer known as the Family Man in exchange for potential victims. Seeing this, John realized that he had facilitated one of these murders. After three months of avoiding the issue, John's feelings of guilt grew to the point that he was tortured by nightmares of the murdered family. So, he decided to pay a visit to Reed Hackett, the man who had been collecting the Family Man's souvenirs. After framing Hackett for the murders, John made sure that he was caught in a press photo of the arrest, so that the killer would know he was coming. Unbeknownst to John, the killer - a retired policeman named Samuel Morris - had already begun looking for him. Not wanting to let a witness go, he did a background check on John, and decided to pay a visit to Thomas Constantine, who he then murdered. News of more murders in the Paddington area soon reached John, who discovered that he was not one step ahead of the killer after all. John laid low in an apartment above his friend Chas Chandler's workplace, where he received a call from his sister Cheryl, to tell him that his father was killed. Shaken, John promised to come to Liverpool for the funeral, though he feels responsible for the murder. Determined, John purchased a gun and arranged to stay with Chas' cousin Nora - a prostitute - for the night. As the Family Man followed John to Nora's, Chas followed him back to his own hotel, and reported back to John to warn him of when the killer planned to wake up. The next morning, John snuck out the back of Nora's place and watched as the Family Man waited for him to come out the front. He couldn't bring himself to shoot the man in the back, and so went back inside, and came out the front - as expected. He tried to lure the killer into a construction site, but Morris realized it was a trap, and decided to let John go to Victoria Station and catch a bus to Liverpool unharmed. However, when the bus stopped for repairs, he appeared in disguise and attacked John with a knife. John managed to run out of plain sight, and in their struggle, he grazed the killer with a bullet. This experience shook Samuel Morris into remembering how he had murdered his own parents as a boy, and rather than see this memory, he forced John to pull the trigger again, and put him out of his misery. John was very uncomfortable with the thought of killing anyone, and he vomited at the thought of what he had just been involved in. Later, John attended his father's funeral, where he discovered that his niece Gemma was seeing her grandfather's ghost, and it was driving her to distraction. Eventually, he realized that the reason his father could not rest was that he had cursed his father as revenge for burning his books on occultism by tying his father's soul to that of a decaying cat's corpse. At the time, he had realized that his father would die if he didn't do something about it, so he had preserved the cat in formaldehyde and buried it. As the cat remained preserved, so too did Thomas Constantine's soul remain attached to it. So, John and Gemma burned the cat's corpse on top of his mother's grave, and they said goodbye to Thomas, at last. Dead Boy's Heart Having fallen into a state of perpetual drunkenness and depression over his father's murder and his own murder of the Family Man killer, John returned to London and looked up his old friend Mercury and Marj. Mercury sensed his depression, and knew that he would try to abuse her mother's love for him by demanding sex, but she could do nothing to prevent it. The act of being forced to kill the Family Man reminded John of his boyhood, when he and his sister were sent to stay with their aunt and uncle. He had been bullied into trying to steal from the drunken caretaker of a nearby quarry, and in the process of running away, he had discovered a skeleton and a stone which he believed was the fossilized heart of a boy the caretaker had murdered. As he carried the stone around, John began to believe that it was influencing him toward evil acts. He returned to the quarry, to throw the stone back to the place from which it came, but it landed on the roof of the caretaker's shack. When the caretaker failed to come out of the shack, young John believed that the stone must have smashed through the roof, and killed him. When John went out looking for Mercury, she accused him of having allowed himself to become a wreck out of fear of what awaited him in death. With her ability to know what people fear most, she reached into John's psyche and forced him to see his own death. In that glimpse of the future, John was an old man; forced to leave a hostel for his smoking and failure to fall in line. As he attempted to meet up with a much older Mercury, a pack of hell hounds attacked him, knocking him into the river, where he drowned. After recovering, John agreed to stay with Mercury and Marj for a while, and they traveled to East Anglia on Mercury's recommendation. There, their van broke down, so John and Marj walked into town. In the meantime, Mercury encountered a boy named Martin Aclin, whose father was a sadistic butcher. They became friends, but when Martin's father came to collect him, the boy was made to watch as his father slaughtered pig after pig. Drunkenly, Martin's father strung him up like a pig, and stripped him to his underwear, humiliating him. Mercury intervened and used her abilities to give Martin's father his just desserts. Thenceforth, Martin began traveling with them too. John and company reconnected with the Pagan Nation with Zed and Errol, though John had begun to sense something within himself that made it seem to Marj that he would not be staying much longer. He had Zed throw his tarot, and he was given a vision of his birth, when he had wrapped his twin brother's umbilical cord around his foot in utero, cutting off the circulation and killing him, along with their mother. Feeling that this first act of murder had both informed the direction of his entire life and prevented his twin brother from becoming the powerful magician he was meant to be, John ventured out into the night while very high on psychedelic mushrooms, and re-entered the womb. In a parallel universe, John's brother became a powerful magus. He had used his power to create a kind of commune of magicians, but late in his life, he began to have visions of the brother that he had murdered in the womb. He tried to kill the vision with magic, but it backfired on him, and apparently killed him. He did eventually recover, but the event shook him, and he determined to face his demons. In the astral plane, he encountered John, who had been waiting for him there some 40 years. They concluded that neither of them was the "right" twin - they were two halves of one whole. They would have to merge. The next morning, Errol, Mercury, Marj, and Zed found the cave John had entered the night before collapsed, with his footprints leading away. His clothes were hung from a stone, on which an epitaph had been carved: "From Womb to Tomb and Back Again, the Journey Wobbles On." Zed commented that John would certainly have to live and die a thousand times in order to become a true Magus. John - still alive - laid low for a while, but thirty packs of silk-cuts a day had caught up with him. John had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Morbidly, he took a tour of a cancer ward, in order to prepare himself. While there, he befriended a man named Matt Higgins. Though John admitted that he planned to check in to the ward soon, he inwardly swore that before he did, he would try any harebrained scheme he could think of to escape his fate. John tried asking his friend Brendan Finn, a heavy-drinking Irish magician, for help in curing his affliction. Brendan had discovered a spring of holy water in his cellar, and with John's help, he turned the water into beer, magically. When John mustered the courage to ask for help, Brendan admitted that he had been hoping that John could help him cure his liver disease. All the drinking they did actually caused Brendan to die that night, and Lucifer himself came to collect. Slyly, John urged the devil to try some of the beer, and then changed it back to holy water, burning him from the inside. The distraction allowed Brendan's soul to go to Heaven, but the devil swore vengeance against John. John turned to his demon friend Ellie for help, but she could do nothing. She warned that Lucifer had begun preparing cruel punishments for him. So, John tried the snobby angel Gabriel for help. Gabriel refused, claiming that John's fate was deserved. Drowning his sorrows in beer, John concocted a new plan. John took the next day to say goodbye to his friends and family. He made his goodbyes with his sister Cheryl. He left a letter and some money for Chas. He said his final goodbyes to Matt Higgins, explaining that he wanted to go out on his own terms. Then, John returned to his old flat in Paddington. There, he summoned the demon Beelzebub, and promised him his soul. Then, he summoned Azazel, and offered him the same. Finally, he took a razor, and slit his wrist. With his death inevitable - by blood loss or by cancer - John was visited by Lucifer, who took great pleasure in his suffering. When Azazel and Beelzebub appeared to claim the soul for themselves, Lucifer realized that they were duped. Each of the three rulers of hell was promised John's soul, and one of them had to claim it. While none would give up his claim, they could not war over it, lest the forces of Heaven intervene, and take the soul and Hell for themselves. With no other option, Lucifer angrily removed John's cancer - in the most painful way possible - and returned him to perfect health. John could not help but rub his victory in. John spent three days drinking, realizing that the demons would likely be watchful for any mistake that would give them the opportunity to visit suffering on him. While wandering the streets, he encountered Brendan's ex-girlfriend Kit, and they caught up. While out for coffee, they bumped into Chas, who reminded John that he hadn't told anyone he wasn't going to die. John remembered just in time to see Matt Higgins before the old man died. Matt had reminded John to stay close to his true friends - people like Kit. John felt responsible for his friend's death, and ran away, but Kit found him in the street and embraced him, underlining her importance to his life. After a long period of confusion for John, he and Kit admitted their feelings for each other on Christmas Eve. John began to spend so much of his time at Kit's flat that she suggested he move in with her, on the condition that his occultist activities never come home with him. But while things were looking up for John, a violent and brutal killer was on the streets of London, and Sir Peter Marston knew exactly who the killer was. Marston tracked down John and took him to the Caligula Club - and exclusive place where Britain's rich and powerful could engage in debaucherous and even criminal behavior. There, he explained that a certain prominent individual had attempted a demonic summoning, and become possessed. What was especially troubling about this situation is that the possessed killer was the Prince of Wales. While at the Caligula Club, John ran into the prince's younger brother, who tried to convince him to both the exorcism he had been asked to do, such that the elder prince would die, and he would be moved one step closer to the throne. John refused, and began preparations for a seance by contacting his acquaintance Nigel Archer. Nigel lead John, Marston, and three witnesses to the summoning in the seance; Marston having brought along three of the killer's victims as well. The victims and drew the demon out, and John convinced the demon to give up its name to its victims in exchange for the lives it took. The demon gave them the name Calabraxis, and hinted that it had once possessed the man who became known as Jack the Ripper. Meanwhile, the possessed prince had become eager to remember his identity, and be free of the parasite in his brain. Unable to access his own memories, he accessed those of the demon, and saw the seance of the night previous. He recognized Marston there, and realized who he was. Before the prince could cry out, the demon wrested control away, and decided that they should go to the Caligula Club and kill this meddling John Constantine. In the meantime, John moved in with Kit, sneaking a page from Ben Cox's Grimorum Verum in amongst his luggage in hopes that it would help him exorcise the demon without losing his own life. Marston, meanwhile prepared his man David Hezlet for the eventuality of killing John and Nigel, given that they planned to go to the press as soon as the exorcism was complete. John and Nigel appeared soon after, awaiting their briefing, but a commotion outside drew Marston away. John decided to search Marston's desk while he was out, and discovered that he too had pages from the Grimorum, indicating that he had some direct involvement in Calabraxis' summoning. A scream from the hallway drew John out, and he was horrified to discover that the killer had come to him. The prince leaped upon him and bit deep into his shoulder. John woke to find that his wound had been treated by Hezlet, while the man had incapacitated the possessed prince, for the time being. Hezlet was, at that moment, seeking out the remaining witnesses to the summoning, and then killing them. John and Nigel attempted to form a plan that would see them escape the scenario with their lives. John pilfered a pair of handcuffs from the younger prince's office and then returned to demand of Marston why he intended to use the Grimorum to put a demon on the throne. Marston explained that he had hoped to create a new regime where there would only be the ruler and the ruled, without democracy. In disgust, John handcuffed Marston to a pipe and then began the exorcism. John called the demon out of the prince's body, and then directed it to enter Marston instead. Unable to move away from the pipe, the demon was left with no one to kill but its host. Through Marston, it began tearing and eating away at its own body. Hezlet returned, and attempted to stop the madness, but John managed to knock him toward the demon, resulting in his bloody death as well. With all of those responsible for the killings dead, John and Nigel left the prince alive, knowing more problems would be caused in his death than leaving him alone. The First of the Fallen eventually discovered that the succubus Chantinelle +This superhero's name is nd John Constantine were acquainted. When he attempted to rape her and use her to get to Constantine. Their real name is Chantinelle made her escape from Hell and contacted John for help. Reluctantly. and banking on the debt that the succubus would owe him if he did help. Chantinelle owed John already +This superhero's name is John Pilgrim (MCU). Their real name is Robert Pilgrim. Robert, also known as John Pilgrim, is a former assassin for the Aryan Brotherhood who, upon finding religion, attempted to rebuild his life again only for Anderson and Eliza Schultz to manipulate him into committing a series of murders to protect their son's image in the media. However, as Amy Bendix had managed to escape Pilgrim's crusade of violence, he found himself being plunged further into darkness as he continued killing any other witnesses in New York City while his past life came back to haunt him. Once his wife had passed away and with the Schultzes holding his two sons as hostages, Pilgrim found himself without hope of finding redemption from all his past sins, until the Punisher, who had been protecting Bendix, spared Pilgrim's life and rescued his sons from the Schultzes who were executed, allowing Pilgrim to live a peaceful life. +This superhero's name is John Wraith. Their real name is John Wraith. John Wraith was part of Team X along with Wolverine, Sabretooth, Maverick, Mastodon, and Silver Fox. Wraith was a powerful teleporter, capable of getting the team out of sticky situations after their job was finished. He had a penchant for explosives, arming himself with shaped charges. Like the other members of Team X, he was given an artificial age suppressant so he was likely much older than he looked. His time as a secret agent and a member of the Weapon X program has left John somewhat paranoid. His house is a veritable death trap, as is the yard around it - John trusts no one. This is well illustrated by his memorable introductory scene: as an apparently harmless gentleman sitting on a New York subway, he is accosted by several members of a teen gang, who threaten him. He throws something which bounces off of the chest of the gang leader. When the leader asks "What was that?" Wraith replies, deadpan, "That was a copper-jacketed .45 ACP hot-load with a depleted uranium core swimming in mercury. It leaves an exit wound the size of a deep-dish chicken pot pie, and the next one will be considerably faster." He was thereafter undisturbed. He made a habit of keeping his skill a secret from his compatriots as well as his foes, using it only sparingly and if no one was looking directly at him -- unless it was absolutely vital. The only time when his fellow Team-X members found out about his powers was when they went up against Omega Red. John was backup on that mission that Wolverine, Maverick, and Sabretooth ran in Germany to collect a carbonadium synthesizer, and when that trio burst out of the target compound with Red in pursuit, John stalled him with his gun until the others got away. Unfazed, Omega went to wrap John up and tear him to pieces, but John teleported to safety at the last second, with only Wolverine and Omega Red seeing this. There is also a certain animosity between him and Sabretooth. He's about as violent as his fellows from the Weapon X program, but a lot more merciful and doesn't enjoy killing innocents while on a mission, which puts him at odds with people like Sabretooth. Sabretooth, once languished for quite a time in John's basement with several shaped charges strapped to his chest. Unless he had a really good reason to, Sabretooth wouldn't lift a finger to help John. Years later, John had tracked Wolverine and the rest of his old teammates down because it seemed that there was a problem with the age suppression factors given to them by Weapon X, as one of their number, Mastodon, had suddenly aged quite rapidly and been reduced into a pile of ooze. With their help, John discovered a list of termination candidates from the Weapon X project. They recognize themselves on the list plus a man named Aldo Ferro, who they know is a big time mafia chief, Il Topo Siciliano. They track Ferro to his secluded island where they discover Maverick guarding him. Maverick soon changes sides when Ferro, a.k.a. Psi-Borg, reveals that he was the one who used his psi-powers to speed the false memory implantation of the Weapon X subjects. After this fiasco, John hung out with Wolverine for a month or two, but then vanished. Wraith was later re-recruited into Weapon X by the "Director" and his mission was to recruit Maverick as well. However, Maverick fought back and Wraith was shot and then gutted by his partner Sabretooth, for his failure. +This superhero's name is Johnny Quick. Their real name is Jonathan Allen. Johnny Quick was a supervillain on the alternate Earth designated as Earth-Three, but rather than being a counterpart of the Earth-Two Johnny Quick, he was a version of The Flash. He and the other members of the Crime Syndicate of America (all of whom were villainous counterparts of Justice League of America members) were Earth-Three's only superpowered beings, and had never been defeated by Earth-Three's primary hero, Alexander Luthor (a heroic counterpart to Superman's nemesis Lex Luthor). They travelled to Earth-1 as they were out of shape from inactivity, but were defeated by JLA. They were attacked by the JSA, but using a trick imprisoned them and battled the JLA again, where The Flash defeated Quick by making him work up so much speed he couldn't control it and collapsed. The Crime Syndicate are imprisoned by Green Lantern in the vibratory barriers between Earth-1 and 2. Once they were released by time-traveling villain Per Degaton to help him change history and take over Earth-2, though they tried to overthrow him. They tried to get him, but he revealed he had made sure he and his Time Machine would vibrate at a different speed to them, meaning they couldn't touch him. They told him who they were, and he decided to use them. He then made them steal nuclear missiles from the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 on Earth-Prime and brought them back in time to Earth-Two's 1942 by towing them behind his time machine, not caring about the fact war would happen due to this. When they tried to defeat him, they were hurled into 1982 of Earth-1, as he had made sure this would happen if any of them touched him. They materialized on the JLA's satellite headquarters, and defeated the heroes. The JLA traveled to the past and teamed up with the JSA and All-Star Squadron to prevent Per Degaton's plan. When Per Degaton was defeated, these events were erased from existence. Like the rest of the Crime Syndicate, he perished during the Crisis at the hands of the Anti-Monitor when a wave of antimatter destroyed Earth-Three. +This superhero's name is Joker (Gotham). Their real name is Jeremiah Valeska. Jeremiah Valeska is a terrorist, criminal and murderer. He is also the more arrogant and obsessive identical twin brother of the anarchistic cult leader, Jerome Valeska. After Jerome's death and being exposed to his altered chemical laughing toxin driving him to insanity, Jeremiah takes over the role of main antagonist for the final arc of Season Four and a major antagonist in Season Five. As a child, Jeremiah supposedly suffered years of abuse at the hands of his insane brother, who apparently burnt Jeremiah's bed while Jeremiah himself was in it. Jeremiah would in turn manufacture several lies about his brother that would turn Jerome's entire family against him; it remains unclear how much truth there was in either story. In a desperate attempt to defend Jeremiah from his monstrous brother, his uncle took him away from Haly's Circus, in which his mother Lila worked, and proceeded to take him to St. Ignatius. Following this Jeremiah changed his name and started calling himself Xander Wilde. After finishing school, Jeremiah became a brilliant engineer, designing highly advanced generators for Wayne Enterprises. He also built a labyrinth hideout to protect himself from his brother, which took almost six years of construction. In addition to the hideout which he filled with security cameras, rooms of work and more, he met a young woman named Ecco who started to work for him as a proxy and assistant. Jeremiah would later reunite with his brother, who after a rampage to find his twin, found him in his hideout. Right after witnessing his brother's death, Jeremiah received a gift sent by Jerome, which is revealed to be a "special" gas created just for him. Upon inhaling it, his face became pale white and a wide red grin formed from ear to ear, finally giving Jeremiah the drive to explore that dark side of him that his brother Jerome had seen. Becoming obsessed with both Bruce Wayne (whom he quickly became friends with each other) and re-building Gotham in his own image after destroying it, he eventually formed an alliance with Ra's al Ghul. After mortally injuring Selina Kyle in an attempt to destroy Bruce's attachments and drive him insane, Jeremiah killed the mayor and demolished all of Gotham's bridges, cutting the city off from the rest of the world and paving the way for Bruce to become the "Dark Knight" Ra's had foreseen. With Gotham City reduced to a lawless "no-man's land", Jeremiah managed to escape into the night, remaining on the loose in the abandoned city. After Selina recovers, she tracks down Jeremiah and stabs him multiple times with the intent to kill him. Jeremiah survives and proceeds with his plan to reenact the Wayne murders, using Jim Gordon and Lee Thompkins as stand ins, hoping their murders would give him and Bruce a permanent connection. His plan is foiled by Selina’s intervention, and Jeremiah is severely disfigured and brain dead after falling into a vat of chemcials - which ultimately leads to him losing his identity. He is currently in a coma whilst in the custody of Bruce Wayne. Despite this, his secondary plan to prevent the reunification with the mainland succeeds, leaving Gotham’s river polluted with toxic chemicals. +This superhero's name is Joker. Their real name is Jack Napier. The Joker is a homicidal maniac and the archenemy of Batman. Although his real name and full origin are unknown, the Joker is known to have been forced to swim through a vat of chemicals which turned his skin white, his hair green, and left his face permanently locked in a double Glasgow Grin. Completely unpredictable with no regard for human life, the Joker finds murder and mayhem funny, and is perhaps the most dangerous man on New Earth with a body count stretching into the thousands, all centered around his obsession with destroying the Dark Knight. Accounts of the Joker's origins have been varied and numerous. He himself has told the story of how he came to be with several different variations, saying that sometimes he remembers it one way, sometimes another; and that if he has to have a past, he "[prefers] it to be multiple choice." What has remained the most consistent is that his first encounter with the Batman was while he was acting in the identity of the "Red Hood," along with a gang of other thugs, committing a robbery in or near the Ace Chemical Processing Plant. During this robbery he either tripped into a vat of chemicals, or was accidentally pushed in by Batman. Most origins end with him falling into chemicals which bleach his skin, make his hair green, and give him a permanent red smile. Sometimes the chemicals are also blamed for his mental state, and the combination of chemical exposures, and possible brain damage due to oxygen deprivation have been cited as factors in his insanity. The various versions of Joker's origin invariably include Batman's involvement in some way, and whatever the reason he fell into the vat of chemicals, he blames Batman. During a lucid state the Joker admitted "Here's the cold, hard truth Bats...I don't hate you 'cause I'm crazy...I'm crazy 'cause I hate you." His activity between the accident in the chemical factory and his first public appearance as The Joker is unknown, but his return to the Gotham City crime scene was a spectacular one. He announced himself on television, after murdering a reporter with Joker Venom, and publicly told the police he intended to murder local millionaire Henry Claridge that evening on the stroke of midnight. Despite a full compliment of GCPD officers guarding his apartment, and intervention by the Batman himself, Claridge collapsed to the ground at midnight in a fit of laughter and died with the Joker's trademark death-grin on his face. The Joker also nearly contaminated Gotham City's entire water supply with his poison, but Batman was able to stop him by cutting off the reservoir's connection himself; effectively forcing the entire city into a drought as a consequence. The Joker was successfully incarcerated, but not for long. Incarceration would prove no obstacle for the Mirthful Menace, and he quickly rose to become one of the top members of Batman's Rogues Gallery. He would find a frequent home in Arkham Asylum, Gotham's local insane asylum, where he would most commonly find himself imprisoned. Despite the asylum's efforts to contain him, he viewed it as sort of a revolving door, and even a place to simply rest up between his plans. His crimes vary from the whimsically indifferent to the inhumanly brutal, and his plans, in Batman's own words, "make sense to him alone." Many henchmen are afraid to work for him, and he doesn't always necessarily intend to physically gain from his crimes. He often commits crime for the sheer enjoyment of it, or specifically to cause pain to others, which he sees as part of "the big joke." Although not all of his criminal endeavors earn him money, he has been shown to have a significant bank roll, and has had possessions as outrageous as a full truck-mounted heat-seeking warhead. The Joker has a substantial list of significant crimes, so many that his entire criminal history is too lengthy to be recounted. His most consistent theme has been personal attacks against Batman, often through loved ones and members of the Batman Family, but he has shown complete indifference as to who his victims are, as it doesn't really matter to him. Though many fear to form an alliance with the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime was recruited into a gang of super-villains led by Two-Face to battle Carmine Falcone's criminal empire. As one of the Joker's tasks, the Joker had to eliminate Mario Falcone, but the hit was unsuccessful. The group was also responsible for the Columbus Day Massacre of Gotham's mob bosses, including Bobby "The Don" Gazzo. The team disbanded after a battle with The Hangman and the battle in the Batcave with the newly-formed Dynamic Duo, Batman and Robin. While the Joker's criminal activities have certainly not been limited to those listed here, he has performed a considerable number of acts that distinguish him from the population of ordinary villains. While trying to show Batman how easy it was for even the sanest of people to lose their minds, the Joker attempted to drive Commissioner Gordon insane. He arrived at Gordon's house, and before kidnapping him, shot his niece in the spine then took pictures of her naked, bleeding, and in pain on the floor, and forced the Commissioner to watch in a slideshow. Although the Joker did not know this when he shot her, James Gordon's niece was actually Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. the original Batgirl. She was left crippled, a wheelchair-bound paraplegic, and forced to retire from her life of street vigilantism to a new career as the mysterious "Oracle" for a time. In one of his more heinous acts the Joker murdered Jason Todd, the second boy to don the guise of Robin. Jason had been searching for his mother in Africa, and found out too late that she had actually been involved in criminal activity with none other than the Clown Prince of Crime. Jason's mother betrayed him, and the Joker tied the two of them up together in a warehouse set to blow up. He also viciously beat Jason with a crowbar many times, causing severe trauma to his head. Batman was unable to rescue the two of them before the bomb's detonation, and they were both killed in the explosion. When Bane destroyed the walls of Arkham Asylum, Joker escaped the facility. Before leaving, he left Dr. Arkham in a death trap to stall Batman. A few days later, Joker teamed up with Cornelius Stirk and used him in a plan to kidnap Commissioner Gordon in order to control the GCPD. His plan was foiled when Stirk tried to kill Gordon instead of kidnap him and Joker left Stirk to be captured by Batman. As soon as he was leaving, Joker was approached by Scarecrow and together they teamed up and invaded the house of Mayor Krol. They dosed him with Scarecrow's Fear Toxin and forced Krol to do their will. Joker was having fun with Krol and after Scarecrow pressed Joker to think of an evil plan, Joker told him to make Krol call the president of the union of firefighters and inform him that he was cutting their rolls. Joker did this, knowing that Firefly was creating fires all around Gotham. Joker then forced Krol to call the GCPD and give them a false instruction to rescue him at a funhouse. Joker prepared a trap that caused the death of the entire SWAT Team of the GCPD. No Man's Land During the time Gotham City became known as "No Man's Land" (when it was abandoned by the United States and crime ran rampant across town,) the Joker was absent for quite a while. Batman also left Gotham for some time, and while he was away the Joker just simply didn't think it worth the bother of being active in Gotham. However, when he did appear, amidst the already burgeoning chaos, his impact was shocking. A large number of GCPD officers were murdered when he, after capturing them, dressed them up in costumes and makeup similar to his own, so they would all be killed by a lone police sniper who had a vendetta against the Joker. A large number of innocent police officers were shot by their comrade. Later, he took an entire hospital ward full of newborn infants hostage. When Detective Sarah Essen, Jim Gordon's wife, arrived on the scene, he pointed a gun at her and told her not to move, but then threw a baby at her. Sarah instinctively went to catch the child, and the Joker shot her in the head. Oddly, he seemed to take no pleasure in this act. When Gordon found out, his anger led him to the verge of murdering the Joker but instead he only shot Joker in the knee. The Joker was immediately concerned about the damage to his leg, worrying that he might never walk again, but quickly cracked up laughing, realizing there was a joke. The Commissioner had just gotten him back for the damage to his niece. At one point the Joker stole Mister Mxyzptlk's reality-altering power, remaking the entire world into a twisted caricature, with everyone in it stuck in a loop. The Joker entertained himself with various forms of murder, such as killing Lex Luthor over and over, and devouring the entire population of China. Ever obsessed with Batman the Joker tortured and killed his adversary every day, only to bring him back to life and do it over again. Superman's powerful will allowed him to fight off the Joker's influence enough to make contact with the weakened Mxyzptlk, who along with a less-powerful Spectre, encouraged Superman to work out the Joker's weakness before reality was destroyed by the Joker's misuse of Mxyzptlk's power. As time ran out, Superman realized that the Joker still could not erase Batman from existence, as the Joker totally defines himself by his opposition to the Dark Knight; by this logic, the Joker would be incapable of destroying the entire universe, since he is incapable of doing so to Batman. This broke the Joker's control, and Mxyzptlk and the Spectre reconstructed reality from the moment the Joker disrupted everything. However, Batman was left broken from experiencing multiple deaths and Superman had to erase Batman's memories of these events so that he could go on. Joker's Last Laugh In an attempt to get him to come to terms with his mortality and have some sort of moral realization, a prison doctor informed the Joker he was going to die of a malignant tumor. Instead, the Joker decided he wanted to leave his mark on the world indelibly, and began a chain of chaotic events that would come to be known as "The Joker's Last Laugh." He used a variant compound of the Joker Venom to actually Jokerize all metahuman inhabitants of Slabside Penitentiary, driving them virtually into the same condition he was in, but with the added benefit of having every single one of them completely loyal to him. The Joker's army ravaged the planet, combating all of earth's heroes, but Batman was eventually able to thwart the attacks using an antidote he obtained from Harley Quinn. Harley was angry at the Joker for attempting to impregnate her without marrying her. Nightwing, falsely believing that Robin had been eaten in the ensuing madness by Killer Croc, caught up with the Joker and actually beat him to death. Batman, not wanting Nightwing to have blood on his hands, resuscitated the Joker and saved his life. Hush and the Riddler convinced and manipulated several other villains into helping in their attempt to destroy Batman. Part of this included fooling Bruce into believing that his childhood friend Tommy Elliott was the latest victim of the Joker. That brought Batman to the brink of murdering the Joker, and he only stopped when former GCPD commissioner Jim Gordon talked him down, reminding him that by killing the Joker, Batman would become just another killer, and Jim refuses to let the Joker ruin Batman's life in that way. In "Soft Targets", Joker began a shooting spree with a high powered sniper rifle murdering Mayor Dickerson and the Superintendent, in order to force the inhabitants of Gotham City to stay inside during the Christmas holiday. He then turned himself in to Gotham's Major Crimes unit, before revealing he'd planted bombs throughout the city, as a "Christmas present" for Batman. This caused the M.C.U. to rush to save countless Christmas shoppers from death. Joker then began a shooting spree within the Major Crimes Unit, where he killed several detectives, only to be shot multiple times by Maggie Sawyer, as his bomb went off, leveling a now evacuated toy store. Joker recovered from his wounds in the hospital laughing at the carnage he had caused. After Jason Todd returned to life, he sought revenge against Joker. Todd took over the Joker's old Red Hood identity and found Joker on an abandoned carnival, where he beat the Joker with a crowbar in the same way as Joker did to him years ago. Shortly after this, Joker recovered and learned Black Mask's latest scheme and confronted the crime lord, who was disguised as Batman. The real Batman arrived shortly after and knocked down the Joker before chasing Black Mask. However, during his fight with the crime lord, Joker managed to get away. Some time later, Joker got a second chance to take down Black Mask and he shot the crime lord on the leg. Joker's vendetta against Black Mask was due to the killing of Robin at the hands of Black Mask, as the crime lord was blamed for Stephanie Brown's death. Joker was mad at Black Mask for taking away from him the chance to kill another Robin. Batman arrived at the scene and stopped the fight, delivering both criminals to the police and Joker was sent back to Arkham Asylum. A few days later, Red Hood abducted the Joker and held him hostage at Crime Alley, beating him without mercy until Batman arrived. Jason tried to force Batman to kill Joker and then he threatened to do it himself. However, Batman defeated Jason and Joker seized the chance to create havoc by taking a gun and shooting a box of explosives, blowing the entire building. The Joker was one of extremely few villains not drafted into Alexander Luthor's Secret Society of Super-Villains during the Infinite Crisis. Unlike many of the other villains, like Catman, the Joker actually wanted to be a member of the Society, but the higher level members wouldn't let him join, which enraged him. While slaughtering a branch of the Royal Flush Gang on his warpath, the Joker was actually laughed at by the King who said "Don't you get it? The Joker's too Wild!" He then electrocuted him with his joy buzzer, before walking away and saying to himself, "That's not funny". Later, after the Society had been defeated, while Alex Luthor was planning what to do next, he was ambushed by the real Lex Luthor and the Joker. Before allowing his brutal murder, Lex simply told his counterpart "You should've let the Joker play." For a period the majority of Earth's villains were deported to the Hell Planet, where the Joker became responsible for one of the factions. They were largely nonconstructive, and attempted to steal food and supplies from Lex Luthor's group, who were trying to find a way to escape. The conflict ended in one-on-one fisticuffs between Luthor and the Joker. Although the match was nearly even, the Joker ultimately overcame Lex, just before the entire villain community was forced to unite against an oncoming Parademon attack. Jimmy Olsen interviewed an incarcerated Joker about the murder of Duela Dent, who had called herself "The Joker's Daughter." The Joker stated that he never had a daughter, but expressed awareness of the Multiverse's existence and of shifts in reality. A deranged police officer impersonating Batman, named Josef Muller, shot the Joker in the face, leaving him physically scarred and disabled. After having undergone extensive plastic surgery and physical therapy, The Joker reappeared with a drastic new appearance, with scars running from the corners of his mouth high onto his cheeks, and affliction sometimes referred to as a "Glasgow smile." While in intensive care at Arkham, the Joker had developed a new, more lethal variant of Joker Venom, and instructed Harley Quinn to use it to kill his former henchmen to signal his spiritual "rebirth." He then went on a rampage through Arkham, attempting to murder Harley (her death being the final "punchline" of his rebirth) before being stopped by Batman. Joker was locked in his cell in Arkham when suddenly Batman showed up and attacked the Scarecrow in front of Joker's cell. Batman opened the cell, cuffed Joker to a pipe and proceeded to torture Crane on the Joker's toiler, much to the madman's delight. After Crane confessed his crime, Batman left the place and Joker was thankful with him for letting him witness such a great performance. Not long after this, Joker was offered a position on Doctor Hurt's conspiracy "the Black Glove" and he murdered several people on Arkham as part of the plan. It was revealed that Joker joined Black Glove on the condition that they give him Robin and not long after this, Guy Dax freed Joker from his cell. Joker then attacked Dax and mutilated his face after going for his henchmen and after a while, he attacked El Sombrero, apparently killing him. Joker went to Hurt and shortly after he faced Batman, who had been lured to Arkham. During the fight, Joker cut his tongue and caused Batman to have a mental breakdown. After the Black Glove buried Batman alive, Joker warned them that the Dark Knight would rise again and eliminate them all. Then, Joker hijacked an ambulance and escaped Arkham but was pushed off a bridge by a Batmobile driven by Damian Wayne. Joker soon resurfaced under the guise of British journalist/detective Oberon Sexton. At the same time however, he operated as the Domino Killer, killing members of the Black Glove one by one. Dick Grayson, the current Batman, figured it all out and confronted Oberon about all the domino killings actually being a set routine of jokes. Oberon removed his mask to reveal the Joker grinning at his old foe, the bullet wound to the head seemingly healed. After the Joker was arrested once more, he appeared to underestimate the current Robin (Damian Wayne) by trying to win the Boy Wonder's pity. He received a beating with a crowbar (mirroring Jason Todd's murder) from Robin, who he realized is the son of his old foe after noting the resemblance between the child and the original Batman. The officers at GCPD ignored the Joker's pleas for help after they concluded that Robin can handle the villain easily. However, the Joker's apparent helplessness was yet another ruse. Feigning injuries from Robin's assault, he scratched Robin with a paralyzing toxin painted onto his fingernails, and revealed that he had once again manipulated events toward his own ends and mocked Robin for going so far as to provide his own crowbar (another reference to the murder of Jason Todd). Appropriating Robin's utility belt, the Joker escaped to execute his attack on the Black Glove, unleashing his signature venom on an audience gathered under Professor Pyg (via tainted popcorn) and guiding Batman and his allies to a climactic confrontation. The Joker is seen in an undisclosed location, with Robin bound and gagged, and possessing what appears to be a nuclear weapon. Help arrived in the form of the original Batman (who had just returned from his time odyssey), who aided his successor and his son in their battle against the Black Glove and the Clown Prince of Crime in Wayne Manor and the Batcave. Then, the Joker apparently killed Dr. Hurt by infecting him with Joker Toxin and burying him alive. The second Batman pursued and captured the Joker, while the original Dark Knight, Robin, and Alfred Pennyworth disarmed the Clown Prince of Crime's weapon and defeated the remaining Black Glove members. Eventually the Joker escapes from Arkham again by ingesting a mixture of venom mixed with alcohol to secrete through his pores, making him poisonous to the touch. James Gordon's ex-wife Barbara is attacked with more toxin and Batman hunts the Joker down to an underground lair. They fight with Joker refusing to acknowledge Dick Grayson as a worthy successor to "his" Batman, but in defeat he insists he never touched Gordon's wife. It's revealed that James Gordon, Jr. broke the Joker out of Arkham and attacked his own mother with toxin, using her as a diversion while he kidnapped his sister Oracle. After Earth 2's Batman sacrificed himself to kill a large number of the New Earth Batman's villains, Joker came up to the Dick Grayson of his world and shot him, paralyzing him in a manner not unlike how he had paralyzed Barbara Gordon. Shortly after, he was executed by Telos by breaking his neck, Telos believing him to be repulsive no matter which universe he came from. +This superhero's name is Jolt. Their real name is Helen Takahama. Hallie Takahama had just turned fifteen when New York was attacked by the psionic Onslaught and his robot Sentinel army. Hallie's parents were slain, and she became the protector of several younger children during the crisis. She and her charges were abducted for experimentation by the geneticist Arnim Zola. Mutated into superhuman form, Hallie escaped and sought aid from the Thunderbolts, not realizing they were secretly Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil. As part of their heroic pose, the Thunderbolts captured Zola, and when Hallie's involvement was telecast, Zemo, as Citizen V, agreed to let her join. The enthusiastic Jolt served with the Thunderbolts for weeks before Zemo, as part of his larger scheme, revealed the team's true identities; as the team fled, Jolt stowed away on their craft, and when some of the Thunderbolts questioned their involvement, she persuaded them to become genuine heroes and help defeat Zemo. Still on the run for past crimes, the Thunderbolts fell under the leadership of the Avenger Hawkeye, who wished to help them redeem themselves to the public. To Jolt's annoyance, Hawkeye insisted that she complete high school, where she was targeted by Scourge, an assassin controlled by government operative Henry Gyrich. Scourge apparently killed Jolt, who was mourned by her teammates. However, Jolt's superhuman form retained some semblance of life, and her former teammate Techno absconded with her body, holding her in stasis for weeks as he considered her condition, ultimately releasing her when Scourge attacked the Thunderbolts' base. Now partially paralyzed but able to assume an energized form, Jolt joined her teammates in defeating Scourge and exposing Gyrich's activities. Now a ward of the state, she joined the government super-team the Redeemers. After joining the Redeemers, Jolt was unable to return to school due to having such a public civilian death and burial. Instead she was schooled by S.H.I.E.L.D. and went through a strenuous daily therapy regimen to learn to walk normally again. Tragically, most of the Redeemers perished fighting the godlike Graviton and Hallie's best friend Charlie (Charcoal) was presumed destroyed. Jolt survived, and she and the Thunderbolts were transported to Counter-Earth, a duplicate Earth on the other side of the sun. The team labored to help the problem-ridden world recover, and when the Thunderbolts returned to their own Earth, Jolt chose to remain behind and continue the rebuilding process alongside the teen team of the Young Allies. Jolt briefly returned to aid the Thunderbolts during a crisis with the Avengers but is again on Counter-Earth. +This superhero's name is Jonah Hex (CW). Their real name is Jonah Hex. Jonah Hex is a bounty hunter and an old friend of Rip Hunter's, and an ally to the Legends. At some point, Jonah became a bounty hunter. Sometime prior to 1868 Jonah met Rip Hunter, a time traveler from the future on a mission, who became distracted by the opportunities for heroism the era offered and the two became close friends. However, when the two were in the town of Calvert they encountered a ruthless outlaw named Quentin Turnbull. However, Rip left when Jonah needed him most. Due to Rip and Jonah's actions, the people of Calvert were inspired to stand up to Turnbull. Angered, Turnbull gathered the entire town, Jonah included, into a church and set it on fire. Somehow, Jonah escaped with a disfigurement on the right side of his face as a result of being burned. Angered at Turnbull's actions, Jonah started tracking him down. +This superhero's name is Jonah Hex. Their real name is . Jonah Hex was a legendary bounty hunter on the American western frontier in the 19th Century. His reputation as the deadliest man alive followed him everywhere, and he killed hundreds of men up until his death. Hex was a gruff anti-hero with a deep personal code of honor that kept him on the side of good despite his violent tendencies. +This superhero's name is Jor-El. Their real name is Jor-El. Jor-El is a Kryptonian scientist, the husband of Lara Lor-Van and father of Kal-El. He discovered and preached about the impending doom of his planet, to no avail. +This superhero's name is Josiah Power. Their real name is Josiah Power. The impressively tall, massive Josiah Power was one of America’s best lawyers until his meta-gene was triggered during the alien invasion. Shortly afterwards, he transformed into a monstrous creature while in court. Although the effect was soon reversed, his career as a lawyer had been effectively ruined. Working his way through a subsequent depression and other problems, Josiah eventually found a way to combine his old skills and newfound abilities. Why not found a business of super-heroes for hire, structured like a law firm, with partners and associates working for paying clients? So was born the Power Company. Although now having learned to control his power, Josiah’s interest lies not in adventuring, but in the business itself. He rarely participates in the Company’s missions, but has made exceptions when his friends need him, like the recent adventure in the world of Ashalanti. When he uses his power, Josiah takes on a monstrous, grey, stone-like appearance and energy starts to sparkle around him, at which time he gains great strength and possibly other energy powers. Josiah lives together with his life partner Rupe in a big mansion outside San Fransisco. +This superhero's name is Jubilee. Their real name is Jubilation Lee. Jubilation 'Jubilee' Lee was born and raised in Beverly Hills as the daughter of two prosperous Chinese immigrants, Dr. and Mrs. Lee. She attended an exclusive Beverly Hills school where she became an extremely talented gymnast. One weekend her parents lost their money in the stock market. That same weekend two hit men mistook Dr. and Mrs. Lee for their neighbors, also named the Lees, and killed them. Orphaned and impoverished, with nowhere to live, Jubilee was sent to the Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall. There she learned how to defend herself and became rebellious towards authority. The Juvenile Hall authorities arranged to send her to another orphanage. Fearing that she might eventually be sent to live with her only living relatives, who were in Communist China, Jubilee ran away to the Hollywood Mall. At first she survived as a petty thief, stealing whatever she needed. But one day, trapped by mall security police in a dead end, in her fear and panic she unwittingly activated her superhuman powers for the first time. Globules of energy, which she would later call 'fireworks,' shot from her hands, exploding in front of the police, enabling her to make her escape. From then on Jubilee led a lonely life, her outwardly cynical attitude hiding her deeper fear that she could not trust anyone. She earned a living by creating 'fireworks' displays for the mall customers with her newly emerged abilities. Then one day, mall security, having failed to capture her yet again, contacted the novice mutant hunters known as the M Squad. Luckily, several female members of the X-Men--Dazzler, Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm--happened to be shopping at the Hollywood Mall that day. They foiled the M Squad's attempt to capture Jubilee. Fascinated by these women, Jubilee followed them until they exited via a teleportation portal provided by the mutant aborigine Gateway back to the small town in the Australian outback, where the X-Men were then based. Before the portal closed, however, Jubilee jumped in. She emerged in front of Gateway moments after the female X-Men had left the scene. Gateway verbally welcomed Jubilee, although he had never spoken to any of the X-Men, led her to a tunnel, and pushed her down into it. She landed in the vast underground cavern that stored the bounty of the Reavers, the criminal cyborgs who had previously been the town's sole residents. Jubilee created a living space for herself within the cavern. Although part of her wanted to connect with the X-Men, she did not trust anyone yet, mutant or otherwise. So she kept her presence a secret, watching the X-Men from her hiding place. She became a scrounger, taking food and clothing from the X-Men while they were busy elsewhere. She finally emerged from hiding after most of the X-Men had abandoned their Australian base and the returning Reavers had captured and crucified the X-Man Wolverine. After Wolverine succeeded in freeing himself, she helped him escape to safety. Over the following months Jubilee accompanied Wolverine in his travels through Asia. He became like a second father to her. Jubilee finally met Professor Charles Xavier, the founder of the X-Men, when they were both captured by the alien Warskrulls. Subsequently, when the X-Men reunited under Xavier's leadership, she became a full member of the team. She continued to accompany Wolverine frequently on his solo missions. After the X-Men defeated the techno-organic Phalanx race, Xavier decided to found a new school where the various teenage mutants whom the Phalanx had captured would be trained in the uses of their superhuman powers. Hence, Husk, M, Skin, and Synch became members of a new mutant team, Generation X. Xavier assigned Jubilee to join this new team as well, since she was in their age group. She was not happy, seeing her reassignment as a demotion. However, Jubilee quickly became the team player in Generation X that she had been with the X-Men. Despite her characteristically cynical remarks, Jubilee came to love and trust the members of her new team as if they were her new family. +This superhero's name is Juggernaut (FOX). Their real name is Cain Marko. Juggernaut was recruited into the Brotherhood by Magneto after being freed from imprisonment by US Forces. Multiple Man and Mystique were alongside him. Because of his immense strength, Juggernaut immediately became one of Magneto's trusted generals. When Magneto attempted to recruit Jean at her family home, Wolverine and Storm were left outside to face Juggernaut, Callisto, Quill and Arclight. Soon, Wolverine and Juggernaut engaged in a fight, with the latter emerging victorious (the Extended Cut of the fight revealed Wolverine as the victor, with the help of Storm). During the battle of Alcatraz, Juggernaut was sent to kill Leech - the source for the mutant "cure". Shadowcat, meanwhile, went to stop him. He knocked himself out by colliding with a wall in an attempt to kill Shadowcat and Leech - the latter negating his power of irresistible force. It is been brought to say that Juggernaut survived Phoenix's destruction of Alcatraz Island, but unknown if left whether using the cure or not. Juggernaut was a prisoner at The Ice Box prison, held in a secure section of the facility. In the aftermath of Cable's assault on the prison, Russell Collins befriended the Juggernaut by sharing food with him. Because of Cable's attack on the prison, all prisoners were scheduled for transport to another installation. Deadpool organizes a team of mutants to fight Cable and save Russell, whom he calls X-Force. The team launches their assault on the prison truck transporting Russell by leaping from a plane and parachuting in, but all members other than Wilson and Domino die in the landing. During the battle, Russell frees the Juggernaut, who destroys the truck and escapes with Russell. Cable decides to team up with Deadpool and they plan to stop Russell from killing the orphanage's abusive headmaster, an act which sets Russell down his murderous path. Wilson, Cable, and Domino arrive at the orphanage to stop Russell and the Juggernaut but face difficulty fighting the latter, who proves too powerful for them. Colossus arrives and distracts the Juggernaut long enough for Cable and Wilson to catch up with Russell. Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Yukio managed to defeat the Juggernaut. With Yukio using her chain to restrain him, Colossus shoving a power cable up his anus and then Negasonic using her power to knock him into the pool electrocuting him. He survived as he can be seen climbing out of the bath before the credits. +This superhero's name is Juggernaut. Their real name is Cain Marko. Cain Marko is the son of Dr. Kurt Marko, who was an atomic researcher, and Marjorie Marko. Cain's parents separated and he was eventually sent to boarding schools, which he continued to get expelled from. Cain's mother died shortly after when he was only three. Dr. Marko's wealthy colleague, Dr. Brian Xavier, another atomic researcher, died in an accident, and Dr. Marko eventually married his widow, Sharon Xavier, for her great wealth. On marrying Sharon, Dr. Marko moved into her large Westchester County mansion, and, after yet another expulsion from school, eventually moved Cain in also. Dr. Marko favored his gentle, smart step-son, Charles Xavier, to his own son, which led to Cain bullying the young Charles and Dr. Marko secretly beating Cain. Cain was abusive to his stepbrother at every opportunity. Charles' telepathic powers began emerging when he was still a boy, around ten, and, on one occasion, he found himself experiencing the anguished thoughts and emotions of Cain, after Cain had been beaten by his father. The inexperienced young Charles could not control or end his contact with Cain's mind at this time. Somehow, Cain sensed that Charles was reading his mind and had discovered his secret shame. Sharon died shortly thereafter, of a broken heart, leaving Charles to live with his step-father and abusive step-brother. During an argument in Dr. Marko's private laboratory over money, Cain accused him of having a hand in Dr. Xavier's "accidental" death, at the disaster at Alamogordo. Dr. Marko was quick to be steadfast in defending himself, taking Cain by the collar of his coat and yelling at him to "never say that again". Charles was stationed outside the door, however, and overheard the conversation. When Cain realized, he intended to cause a ruckus, by destroying some of his father's chemical experiments, throwing a vial of green liquid that caused similar containers to shatter, spilling the chemicals throughout the laboratory. The collision of the different substances caused a violent explosion that left the lab aflame. Though Dr. Marko managed to rescue both Cain and Charles from the fire, he himself died of smoke inhalation. In his dying words, Dr. Marko begged forgiveness for not saving Dr. Xavier when he had the chance, and telling Charles to keep his powers secret from Cain. Cain was standing over, however, and heard of Charles' gift, which led him to believe that Charles had invaded his thoughts deliberately. From then on, Cain regarded Charles as his enemy. Cain continued to live in the Xavier mansion, growing increasingly resentful of his step-brother's scholastic and athletic achievements as well as his telepathic powers (which Charles mastered as he grew older), while Charles entered England's Oxford University. Cain even pushed Charles too far one day and the two got into a fight, which Charles easily won. What happened to Marko after he left home was unclear. However, it was known that Cain became a mercenary and was eventually imprisoned in a Third World jail, when the revolutionary forces he was fighting for were defeated. In the jail, Cain became friends with a fellow mercenary, Black Tom Cassidy, who used his mutant powers to help them escape. Later, Marko and Xavier found themselves serving together in the same U.S. military unit in Korea. Marko deserted under fire and Xavier went after him to bring him back. Xavier followed Marko into a cave, that housed the lost secret Temple of Cyttorak, a powerful mystical entity. Marko impulsively grabbed a glowing ruby from the lap of an idol and read the inscription (which mystically appeared to his mind to be in English): "Whosoever touches this gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Henceforth, you who read these words shall become forevermore a human juggernaut." As Xavier watched, the gem's mystical power transformed Marko into a larger, superhuman being. Just then, enemy high explosive bombardment caused a cave-in and Marko was buried under several thousand tons of rock. Xavier survived and returned to his unit. Due to the fact that he did not need air or food to survive, Marko, now the Juggernaut, eventually dug himself free with his new-found, immense strength and invulnerability and, after many years, made his way to America, to use his power to kill Xavier, leaving the gem in Korea. As the Juggernaut, Cain had released his soul to the deity Cyttorak, becoming his human avatar. Marko attacked Charles, now a professor and founder of the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, at their old home and learned that his new helmet protected him from psychic attacks. Professor Xavier and his group of X-Men were helpless to stop him, until Professor Xavier asked for the assistance of the Human Torch, who burned the rivets of Cain's helmet, allowing for the X-Men to removed it. After Professor Xavier sent Cain into a coma, he locked him in a room in the basement of the mansion. While attempting to removed the mystic powers of Cain, Professor Xavier placed the two of them in a device and, due to the intervention of the Factor Three, Cain was revived and temporarily retained Professor X's telepathic powers. After defeating the X-Men, Cain was contacted, by the Factor Three, for membership. While attempting to join Factor Three, Juggernaut was tricked, by the X-Men, and sent to the Crimson Cosmos of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. While attempting to find a pathway back to Earth, Cain made his way to Nightmare's Realm/Dream Dimension and aided Dr. Strange in battling Nightmare, to rescue Eternity. After successfully rescuing Eternity, Cain attempted to destroy Eternity and was banished back to the Crimson Cosmos. Due to a number of mystic coincidences, it being Halloween, and his desire for revenge, Cain was briefly returned to Earth, in Rutland, Vermont. The powers that be in the Crimson Cosmos, to teach him an abject lesson, made Cain believe that he was aging rapidly until death. Due to the circumstances of his arrival, Cain was pulled between the Earth dimension and the Crimson Cosmos, while causing chaos in Vermont to regain his youth through hate. Coming to the aid of the citizens of Rutland, the former X-Man Beast, battled Juggernaut, who was winning until he realized that Beast's new beastly appearance was real and not a costume. Due to Cain's hate turning to fear, he began to age again and, before he could perish, another portal appeared, returned Cain to imprisonment, and restored him to life when he was brought back to the realm. While attempting to seal away another rampaging beast, the Hulk, Dr. Peter Corbeau sent the Hulk to Cain's mystical dimension and accidentally warped Cain in his place. After Cain attempted to break-out of the Hulk's Hulkbuster Base I cell, Dr. Crobeau attempted to reverse the procedure and resulted in the Hulk and Juggernaut in the cell. Together, the pair broke-out of the prison and made short work of all the military force that Colonel John Armbruster threw at them, but, when Cain began to terrorize civilians, the Hulk and Juggernaut began an epic battle. The pair were very evenly matched, until the Hulk grabbed Cain by the helmet and began to spin him around. The speed and force of Hulk's attack was enough for Cain's helmet to snap loose and send him into a mountain. Before Cain could begin his sneak attack retaliation, the X-Men arrived and Professor Xavier mentally subdued him again. Later, Juggernaut was freed and hired for a job, to kill the X-Men, by Erik the Red. The Shi'ar warrior hired Cain and Black Tom and the two set a trap for the X-Men, at Banshee's Cassidy Keep, where Cain first met the X-Man Colossus. Cain proved to be enough to overpower the mutants, but when Black Tom was thrown into the waves below the castle, Cain withdrew and jumped in after him. Cain and Tom resurfaced in New York, attempting to kidnap Madame Web, hoping her psychic visions could help defeat the X-Men, but were opposed by Spider-Man. Although Spider-Man could not stop Juggernaut from taking Madame Web, he was able to outsmart Cain and leave him in a pool of wet cement on a construction site. Cain eventually made his way out of the cement and was seen again in a bar in Manhattan. While attempting to forget his defeat, Juggernaut's drinking was interrupted, by Colossus, who accidentally spilled his beer on Cain. Eager to let-out his frustrations, Cain beat-up Colossus, while Wolverine and Nightcrawler watched-on. After asking if they wanted a beating too, the other X-Men said "no" and Cain left, paying for his beer. Wishing to improve Tom's defenses, Cain had the idea for what would make for a rather unique birthday present and went to Korea, to retrieve the Gem that gave him his powers. After walking through the Korean army, Cain retrieved the gem and gave it to Tom, turning him into a Juggernaut, as well. However, both of them had only half of the original’s powers and Black Tom became enraged, engaging his ally in a brief battle, which was then interrupted by Spider-Man and the X-Men. Rogue leeched-off Cassidy’s Juggernaut powers and, later, Cain reclaimed the full set, when he touched the ruby a second time. Realizing that the ruby was not only the source of his strength, but could also be used to take it away from him, Cain decided to hurl it into space, where nobody could use it. Cain was later seen back in New York, at the First United National Bank, where he was actually conducting a legitimate business transaction, but was attacked, by Nimrod. This time, ironically, Cain was aided by the X-Men, which, after being seen siding with the Juggernaut, it appeared to the public that the X-Men were aiding a felon. Cain was later seen on Muir Island, by the X-Man Dazzler, who Cain was a huge fan of musically. Cain was attempting to keep the local authorities busy, while Black Tom looted the Bank of Scotland. Dazzler wished to prove her worth, having recently joined the X-Men, but Cain did not wish to harm the beautiful hero, even offering to pay for damages of an accident they had. Dazzler unleashed the full fury of her powers, passing-out from over exertion, leaving Cain mortified at the thought that he had killed her. After mistakenly burying Dazzler alive, the new group of X-Men defeated Cain and handed him over to the authorities. Cain was sent to the ultra maximum security prison, Crossmoor, in London, until he was freed by the British crimelord Vixen. Vixen offered Cain her help, in exchange for his assistance in her plans. Cain destroyed the prison wall and most of the prisoners escaped, beating up the guards, and also destroyed most of the tanks, while Vixen and her troops flew away with jet packs. Cain was confronted by Captain Britain, who ordered him to give up. Cain over-powered Captain Britain, but was defeated and returned to custody, by Excalibur. Cain's reputation as an unstoppable force gained the notoriety of the Gods, when Loki had him teleported from Crossmoor to Queens, where Cain began to rampage. Loki's goal, as always, was to have Cain face-off with his brother, Thor, which came shortly after. Surprisingly, Cain was able to beat Thor, but the arrival of the New Warriors gave Thor the time he needed to recover and Cain was covered in molten metal. After the metal cooled, Thor took the temporary prison to an asteroid in space and left Cain. The gem did not stay in space, due to Nova sending it back to Earth, and a young boy, Stevie, was granted a different set of powers, but still drained Cain's powers. Ironically, while in space, Cain overthrew an alien planet and became absolute ruler. This time, Cain was stopped by the arrival of Thor and Excalibur, where Cain first displayed his force field and Thor used Mjolnir to break it and teleported Cain to another asteroid in deep space. Cain's partner in crime brokered a deal to get him back to Earth and Black Tom had Arianna Jankos build a interdimensional teleporter, in exchange for Black Tom helping Arianna stop a corporate buyout of her company. When activated, the teleporter exploded and out popped Juggernaut. Black Tom planned to aid Arianna, by holding the would-be purchasers hostage in the World Trade Center, but Tom's cousin, Siryn, attacked them. Grateful for being back on Earth, Cain gladly fought Siryn outside, until Warpath of X-Force arrived to aid her. Realizing the odds were against them, Tom detonated bombs, destroying the World Trade Center. Arriving to aid their teammate, Cain then battled X-Force and Spider-Man, while Cable attempted to kill Black Tom inside the ruins of the tower. As Tom lay in his own blood, Deadpool arrived and teleported him and Cain, who was fairing nicely in his battle outside, to Mr. Tolliver, in exchange for their services, but Tolliver was seemingly killed in a helicopter explosion. After arriving back on Earth, Cain was initially held at bay by Stevie and it was unknown what became of Stevie, but, apparently, Cain encountered the child a second time and successfully reclaimed his power source. This time, the gem was mystically bonded to Marko and merged with his body, making Cain no longer needed his costume to have the full range of his powers, except for the immunity to telepathy granted by his helmet. Later, Cain was summoned to the Crimson Cosmos, to aide Dr. Strange and Nova from becoming Cyttorak's priest and priestess. Cyttorak's manifestation seemed to be an elf-like figure, who wore a pointed helmet-like hat with a ruby grafted onto it and, greedy for more power and thinking that this new stone would increase his own abilities, Cain battled his benefactor and ripped the stone out. Strangely, though, he felt no difference and, when Dr. Strange and Nova teamed up against him, they made him drop the glowing jewel and it returned to its rightful place. Over the years the Juggernaut has clashed with Xavier and both the original and new teams of X-Men repeatedly. He has also formed a successful criminal partnership with his old friend Black Tom Cassidy. Also in intervening years he had clashed several times with Spider-Man, The Hulk (as Merged Hulk and the Horseman War), Spider-Woman and the Avengers. The sentient psionic being known as Onslaught, actually an amalgamation of the psyches of Xavier and Magneto, would-be world conqueror and mutant Master of Magnetism, ripped the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak from Juggernaut's body and imprisoned him within. Inside the jewel, Cain learned he was an avatar for Cyttorak. As such, the otherworldly entity sought to assume control of Juggernaut's form. But Cain, through sheer force of will, destroyed the evil god and returned to Earth, stronger than ever, but unable to fully control his amplified abilities. Cyttorak was merely one of a pantheon of eight gods, all with earthbound avatars. These Exemplars enlisted the Juggernaut's aid in constructing a machine that would enslave the human race. As the Exemplars tended to in their final preparations, Cain withdrew deep into himself, where he clashed with Cyttorak. Charles entered his stepbrother's mind to aid him in the battle, but the Exemplar known as Bedlam sensed his presence and expelled him. Still, Charles' short stay in Juggernaut's head had helped Cain regain control of his psyche. After defeating Cyttorak, Juggernaut destroyed the Exemplars' God Machine. He then turned his attention to the avatars themselves, defeating each in turn. Juggernaut again was cast as a hero when the sentient spaceship Prosh escaped the confines of a Celestial prison, returned to Earth and dispatched a group of disparate beings on a journey through time to uncover the keys to preserving human evolution. Besides Cain, Prosh's task force included Phoenix and Iceman, members of the X-Men; and Mystique and Toad, mutant terrorists. Their mission: Save the human race from a threat that might not manifest itself for millions of years. Juggernaut was shown that for all his physical strength, he long has lacked strength of character. Despite all his yearning for power, he has squandered his supernaturally enhanced abilities. When Prosh reassembled the members of his team in the present, they fought and defeated the enigmatic alien entity known as the Stranger, who sought to control the natural evolution of humans and mutants. If not acquiring a new-found respect for life and human dignity, at least Juggernaut gained a better sense of understanding for the mutant plight. As the result of an undisclosed battle with Cyttorak, his patron deity, Cain lost most of the power of the Juggernaut. Thereafter, Cain reconciled with Xavier and joined the X-Men. In an unusual turn for someone of Cain's personality he immediately befriended several people at the mansion including a young mutant boy named Sammy Pare, a.k.a. Squidboy, who had a positive influence on him. Cain later allowed himself to be taken into custody and then had a one-night stand with She-Hulk, who as Jennifer Walters was representing him in his trial for all the crimes he had committed as a criminal. It would turn out later that it was, in fact, an ‘Earth One’ alternate of Ms Walters. Amazingly, Cain was exonerated of all his crimes and allowed to go free despite having numerous outstanding felonies both at home and abroad. Later, Black Tom Cassidy resurfaced and Juggernaut joined his new Brotherhood of Mutants, with the intention of betraying the group and warning the X-Men when he had the chance. Squidboy stumbled upon the Brotherhood having a meeting, and thinking that Juggernaut had betrayed the X-Men he became angry and started yelling. Annoyed, Black Tom killed the boy. Furious with rage, Juggernaut tried to kill his former friend. When the Brotherhood were sucked into a black hole by the second Xorn, Juggernaut accompanied them to make sure Nocturne (another mole) would be safe if everyone survived and to make sure the Brotherhood didn't try to attack the mansion again. He ended up in Mojoworld and became the property of Mojo along with Nocturne. To escape, Nocturne took control of Mojo's hench-woman, Spiral, and opened a portal to the X-Men's Danger Room, where they were reunited with the team. This, however, was a trap set by Spiral, who was in more control of her body than thought, leaving a portal open to allow Mojo to cross over as well. Mojo turned the X-Men into X-Babies, but they managed to overpower his forces anyway. Juggernaut still felt extremely guilty about Squidboy's death, and how the boy's last words were that he hated him. He wondered if he should remain a child, this being his chance to start over with a clean slate, but Storm comforted him and convinced him not to. The X-Men were re-aged, and Juggernaut remained with the team. In the wake of House of M, in which the majority of the mutant population has lost their powers, Juggernaut joined the new Excalibur grouping in London. More recently, Cain was among the various teams of X-Men attempting to protect Professor Xavier from the wrath of the Incredible Hulk. Though Cain had recently come into possession of the gem of Cyttorak, he was still unable to call forth his full power during his first battle with the Hulk and was quickly defeated. Cyttorak himself appeared before Cain and explained that Cain himself was the cause of his own weakness. Cyttorak intended for Cain to use the powers granted to him to fulfill his own selfish desires and needs and not for heroic purposes. Cain finally accepted his role as Cyttorak's avatar to it's fullest extent and regained his full power. He challenged the Hulk once more and the Hulk was unable to defeat him once again. As Cain continued to push the Hulk back, the Hulk used his cunning to use Cain's own momentum and near-unstoppable movement against him, which briefly removed him from the field of battle long enough for the Hulk to escape. Shortly afterward, Cain refused all of Xavier's attempts to thank him. Before leaving, he gave Xavier a warning not to send anyone to try to find him. Cain engaged in a fight with Skaar, the son of the Hulk. He was defeated and launched into orbit. Cain was later found unconscious by Spider-Man. Spider-Man had no idea who did this and then the government arrive and transported him to a prison. After the Siege event, Cain appears as a member of Luke Cage's Thunderbolts. When the Serpent was freed by Skadi, he called seven hammers to Earth. The Juggernaut was transformed by one of these hammers, becoming one of The Worthy; Kuurth, Breaker of Stone. He then heavily damaged the Raft, allowing many prisoners to escape, before flying away. After this, Cain, now Kuurth, attacked a petrol station 60 miles from San Francisco, gaining an ally who he possessed. As Kuurth continued towards San Francisco, he met with the police force on the highway who arrempted to stop his rampage. After Kuurth's ally gained the influence of the anti mutant protestors, Marko was directly attacked by the first wave of X-Men, Cyclops, Shadowcat,Colossus and Iceman. While Colossus managed to crack Kuurth's helmet, he was unsuccessful in removing the helmet, which needed to be done to allow Emma Frost to telepathically control him. This team was later joined by Magneto, who was unable to stop Kuurth's hammer using his magnetism, being saved from death by an interfering Kitty Pryde. Cain couldn't be stopped by the first team and so was next attacked by an aerial force consisting of Angel, Cannonball, Storm and Dazzler. During this time, Hope Summers had absorbed almost every X-Man's power and battled Marko, managing to remove his helmet before collapsing. Emma Frost then tried to take control of his mind but was overpowered by Kuurth and his ally. During the last battle between the Avengers and The Worthy, Kuurth was defeated by Wolverine using his Uru armor, and lost his hammer when the Serpent was killed by Thor. After losing his hammer and blessing of Cyttorak, Cain was re-imprisoned in the Raft. He was later confronted by a pair of guards, who taunted him for the loss of his powers. John Walker, the warden appeared, admonishing the guards and dismissing them. He then offered Cain his former spot on the Thunderbolts. Man-Thing managed to use his access to the Nexus of All Realities to teleport to this Earth a Cyttorak from another universe in which Marko was dead, thus becoming Juggernaut once more. +This superhero's name is Junkpile. Their real name is . Junkpile was a member of the X-Men and an ex-member of Xi’an Chi Xan’s Lawless in 2099, when his disagreements with Xi’an made him turn on his fellow teammates. Since Xi’an had come back from Saigon with visions of peace between human and mutantkind, Junkpile felt that he had strayed from his destiny. Junkpile believed that mutants were born with the power to do what they wanted, and to try to work for peace with weaker humans would degrade them. So that when the Synge Corporation thought Xi’an had murdered their founder, Noah Synge, Junkpile gave them enough information to raid Xi’an’s gathering and kill him. But the assassination failed, and Junkpile was forced to fight his ex-teammates and kidnap an injured Xi’an. As Junkpile had installed a psionic jammer that kept Cerebra out of his head, Serpentina wasn’t strong enough to hurt him, and Timothy Fitzgerald couldn’t use his powers properly, taking Xi’an’s body was easy. After returning to the Synge Corporations headquarters with Xi’an, Junkpile later stopped Krystalin from killing the corporation’s new head, Lytton Synge, and then fought the X-Men that had come to save Xi’an and clear his name. Serpentina attacked him impulsively, and he killed her by shoving her face against the wall, which galvanized the rest of the X-Men to attack him. But none of them were strong enough to hurt him until Xi’an appeared revived and used the disintegrating power of his left hand to disable Junkpile. And though Junkpile threatened that if Xi’an didn’t kill him, he would come after him, Xi’an believed he would eventually see his mistake and return as a friend, and so let him live. After the X-Men left, Desdemona Synge, Lytton’s sister, sold Junkpile to an Alchemax Bioshop. But while he was drugged and restrained on the way to the bioshop, La Lunatica, a psychic vampire who had escaped from the Theatre of Pain, hijacked Junkpile’s truck and freed him. Luna was on the run and needed Junkpile’s help against the Theatre. She later convinced Timothy Fitzgerald, soon called Skullfire, to keep her from the Theatre’s trackers, as well. But she lied to Skullfire, and surprised both him and Junkpile by bringing them together and asking for their combined help. The two fought at first, but Luna convinced them to put aside their differences to help her. Soon, the three met up with Xi’an, who forgave Junkpile his betrayal, as Xi’an’s old criminal personality had resurfaced. Following Xi’an, they left to track down the mutant savior, Driver. They found him in a hidden garage in the middle of Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona. After breaking into his garage, the Driver captured them and attempted to upload Junkpile’s personality into his database, where he kept outcast mutants in order to revive them in the future when humankind would accept them. But the leader of the Theatre of Pain, Brimstone Love, appeared and stopped the transfer. Freed, Junkpile attacked the Driver to exact his revenge, but the Driver used the neurotechnology in his head to activate his car, Nitroburn, and drove it, intangible, through Junkpile, disrupting his mechanical circuits. His body immediately began to pull scrap metal towards it in order to heal him, but the Nitroburn had created a sort of seizure in his systems, and Junkpile was unable to control the healing process. Soon, Junkpile’s mutant power pulled the Driver’s database apart, killing the uploaded mutants. Once Xi’an had agreed to Brimstone’s offer to join the Theatre, he healed Junkpile’s body in order to extend his suffering, and Xi’an, Brimstone, and the X-Men left him in the wreckage of the Driver’s garage. Later, President Doom extracted Junkpile from the slag that was left, and ordered Morphine Somers to rebuild him. Somers and Doom then offered Junkpile a place in the new S.H.I.E.L.D., and the authority to operate independent of any security force, answerable only to Somers or Doom. Junkpile accepted, and was sent to the Theatre of Pain to shut it down. He arrived at the Theatre with a pair of canine robots called his Junkyard Dogs. But after destroying much of the Theatre’s security, and distracting them enough for the X-Men’s Cerebra to slip away from their notice, Brimstone Love appeared and defeated him. The Theatre discarded Junkpile into a waste dump and left him there for the solvent drain to release industrial solvent, liquefying him. The Theatre later dropped Skullfire in, and the two were forced to set aside their differences again to find a way out of the waste disposal center. Skullfire soon found the remains of Junkpile’s Junkyard dog, and drained the last of its battery to convert into a blast of energy that he used to blow a hole in the side of the disposal center. The two escaped in time to find Luna wearing another obedience collar, and she attacked Junkpile before Skullfire burned her collar off with his powers. But Junkpile was unconscious when the rest of the X-Men and their former leader, Xi’an, brought down the Theatre, and Doom appeared to offer them, and the victims of the Theatre, sanctuary in Halo City. +This superhero's name is Justice. Their real name is Vance Astrovik. Vance Astrovik was born in Saugerties, New York. As a runaway, young Vance met the Thing, who helped him. Vance's latent mutant telekinesis powers were activated when his future self, Major Victory of the Guardians of the Galaxy, traveled back in time, and across realities, in an attempt to prevent Vance from becoming an astronaut and ending up in cryogenic suspension for a thousand years. Shortly after, Vance joined a circus, where he performed a mind-reading act as "The Amazing Astrovic". Crossing paths again with the Thing, the two helped to take down the Taskmaster, who was using the circus as a front to train henchmen for the underworld. At first, Vance did not have much control over his telekinetic powers, and would often give himself nosebleeds by straining himself too much. However, as the years went by, he developed his powers to the point that he could even fly by his own power. As Marvel Boy, Vance attempted to apply for membership to the Avengers. However, he was turned down by his idol, Captain America, on the grounds that he was too young and inexperienced to be a member. Night Thrasher, an armored vigilante who was building his own team, had been paying the hot dog vendor outside Avengers Mansion for information on who was coming in and out of the building. When he heard of Vance's attempt, he approached him and offered him a position on the team. Vance met Firestar when Night Thrasher shanghaied her into joining the team. They started out as just friends, occasionally spending time together. After some time, their relationship became much more serious. When Angelica found out her microwave-based powers were making her sterile, it was a blow to the both of them, as they had both been tentatively considering future marriage. In fact, Angelica proposed to Vance and he accepted. Vance's father, who as a child had been beaten for his homosexuality, grew up a bitter man. When he found out about Vance's mutant abilities, he turned on him the same way his own father had, calling him a "freak" and abusing him. Eventually, Vance lashed out at his father with a full-on telekinetic assault, accidentally killing him. Vance was found guilty of negligent homicide, and sent to the federal facility for super-humans known as the Vault. Vance served his time in due respect for the law, even helping out the prison Guardsmen during an uprising. When he came out of prison, he had a new outlook on life, and renamed himself the more mature Justice. Vance eventually took over New Warriors as the team's leader. After proving his leadership abilities with the Warriors, Vance and Firestar became involved in the Morgan Conquest when their teammate, the former Avenger Rage, was attacked by Morgan Le Fey's demons. Impressively, when the Avengers were all under Morgan's spell and believed themselves to be members of the Queen's Vengeance, Vance broke out of it when Captain America tried to draw out the "truest" and "strongest-believing" Avengers. Later, while the new team was being decided upon, Vance and Angel took the initiative and hunted down and arrested Whirlwind, who had eluded the Avengers. For these reasons, he and Angel were brought into the team as reservists. After serving several missions, and feeling vastly inferior to be joining the same league as his idols, Vance was elected to full membership. Continually trying to prove himself, Justice eventually won over his insecurities during the Avengers' battle with the robot Ultron. He had researched the Avengers files, discovering a new means of defeating Ultron and using it to help the Avengers destroy him. After seeing the emotional turmoil Hank Pym and the Wasp went through in the battle, Vance finally began to regard the Avengers as people rather than icons and became more relaxed about working with the team. Soon afterward, Vance announced his engagement with Firestar, and the two left active duty, presumably to explore their relationship. In reality, they were asked to secretly infiltrate the headquarters of the Triune Understanding, whose leader, Jonathan Tremont, was surreptitiously attacking the Avengers' public image for his own benefit. Vance and Firestar discovered the true cause of the Understanding-- using the beliefs of its members to sympathetically power a spaceship to battle a cosmic menace. They helped a contingent of Avengers join the battle against the menace, and directly afterwards helped the heroes keep the time-traveling Kang from conquering the world. After the crises were averted, they again parted company with the Avengers. Vance broke off the engagement after realizing Angelica was too young to be married. Justice and former teammate Rage learned that people were hunting down former New Warriors members because of perceived blame for the deaths caused by Nitro in Stamford, Connecticut while fighting an incarnation of the team. They both sought out the legal services of Jennifer Walters in protecting the allies of the New Warriors, as their identities were already publicly exposed. They eventually discovered that former New Warriors member Carlton LaFroyge, (Hindsight), was responsible for the persecution and exposure of their teammates, operating a website that was slowly outing the identities of the twenty or so remaining Warriors. Both Rage and Justice refused to go along with the proposed super-human registration act. This is further evidenced when they joined Captain America's Secret Avengers after of the death of Bill Foster. After the Civil War, Justice was recruited by Iron Man to head the youth outreach arm of The Initiative superhero training program, based at Camp Hammond. Vance was unaware of some of the shadier aspects of the program, and was growing increasingly irritated by the Initiative "Drill Sergeant" Gauntlet's constant demeaning and disparaging remarks about the deceased New Warriors. During this time, Vance secretly began seeing Ultra Girl, a trainee with the Initiative and former New Warriors associate. Justice's personal investigation into the fate of Initiative recruit MVP opened his eyes to the morally ambiguous activities of the Initiative, instituted by Camp Hammond director Henry Peter Gyrich. As a result, Justice apparently deserted from the Initiative to continue his investigation, and recruited Ultra Girl, Rage and other former New Warriors Debrii and Slapstick to his cause. After a clone of MVP went rogue and left the Initiative with major casualties, Justice and these former New Warriors officially informed Iron Man of their intention to quit the Initiative and act as a form of independent oversight for the program; as the group were all registered super-humans, Iron Man was unable to act against Justice's team unless they committed an illegal act. However, Ultra Girl decided to return to the Initiative, apparently ending her relationship with Justice. +This superhero's name is Justin Hammer. Their real name is Justin Hammer. Justin Hammer is the CEO of Hammer Industries, a British Industrialist and the main business rival of Tony Stark in the technology market. At times, he has gotten Stark technology through industrial espionage and has sold it to supervillains. The Detroit Steel Armour in the comics was created by Justin's daughter Justine and his granddaughter Sasha in-order to be used by mercenaries to kill Iron Man with Sasha Hammer ultimately taking up the mantle herself. +This superhero's name is Jyn Erso. Their real name is Jyn Erso. Jyn Erso was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic prior to the Battle of Yavin. She grew up on her own from the age of fifteen years old and developed a reckless and rebellious streak. She had a number of incidents on her record, including the forgery of Imperial documents, possession of stolen property, aggravated assault, and resisting arrest. After the Alliance learned of the construction of the Death Star, an armored battle station capable of destroying entire planets, Erso was assigned by a leader of the Alliance, Mon Mothma, to learn more about the test of the weapon. As a result, Erso became involved in the theft of the Death Star plans that ultimately led to the destruction of the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. +This superhero's name is K-2SO. Their real name is . K-2SO, sometimes spelled Kaytoo Esso or Kay-Tuesso, was an enforcer droid originally created for use in the Galactic Empire's armed forces. At some point, however, the droid encountered Captain Cassian Andor -- a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a resistance movement that sought to overthrow the Empire and restore democracy. Andor was able to reprogram K-2SO to serve the Alliance. Along with a band of roguish Alliance operatives, K-2SO went on a daring mission to steal the plans for the Empire's moon-sized battle station, the Death Star. +This superhero's name is Kabuto Yakushi. Their real name is Yakushi Kabuto. Kabuto Yakushi spent most of his life as a spy and then Helping Tobi create an army against the shinobi alliance. +This superhero's name is Kaecilius (MCU). Their real name is Kaecilius. Kaecilius is a sorcerer and a former member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts who became disillusioned with the Ancient One when he felt his mentor was not allowing other dimensions to come to Earth, which he believed could then reunite him with his deceased wife and son. He formed the Zealots with the intention of defeating the Ancient One and bringing the inter-dimensional being known as Dormammu to Earth, but was challenged by his former brothers-in-arms as well as a new Master, Doctor Strange. He was defeated and became part of the Dark Dimension for all eternity, gaining him the immortality he had desired, but at a horrific cost that he had refused to understand. +This superhero's name is Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Their real name is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki is the former matriarch of the Ōtsutsuki clan and mother of Hagoromo and Hamura Ōtsutsuki. Long before the founding of the hidden villages, during an era of endless war, Kaguya consumed the fruit of the God Tree and became the first wielder of chakra on Earth, before later merging with the tree to become the Ten-Tails. +This superhero's name is Kai (The LEGO Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Kai. Kai's attitude is more serious, like Cole in the TV show. Despite this, he is very compassionate and approachable, as he is "always ready with a hug." Much like his own TV show counterpart, Kai is possibly impulsive, enjoys fighting enemies, and is loyal and protective of those he cares about, especially his teammates. Unlike his TV counterpart (beside the alternate face on his figurine), he seems to be curious or perhaps more sassy. He also appears to enjoy describing things with a variety of onomatopoeia. +This superhero's name is Kakashi Hatake. Their real name is Kakashi Hatake. Kakashi Hatake is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Hatake clan. Famed as Kakashi of the Sharingan, he is one of Konoha's most talented ninja; regularly looked to for advice and leadership despite his personal dislike of responsibility. To his students on Team 7, Kakashi teaches the importance of teamwork, a lesson he received, along with the Sharingan, from his childhood friend, Obito Uchiha. After the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kakashi becomes Konoha's Sixth Hokage +This superhero's name is Kale. Their real name is Kale. When Universe 7 is selecting their team, Kale is one of the foes from another Universe pictured by Old Kai. She is a member of Caulifla's gang as well as her protégé. She is often looked down upon by other Saiyans of Universe 6 for her timid personality. After Cabba teaches Caulifla how to attain the Super Saiyan form, he and Caulifla work together to help Kale obtain it. It initially doesn't work, but after seeing Cabba and Caulifla "flirting", Kale is able to unleash her anger and utilize an "Berserker" state of the Super Saiyan transformation. Upon entering her berserk state, she immediately calls out Cabba and viciously attacks him in an attempt to kill him. Kale almost succeeds, however, Caulifla manages to awaken her Super Saiyan 2 state and saves Cabba's life by defecting Kale's ki blast. Caulifla, after realizing why Kale was so upset, told her that she would never fall for someone like Cabba. This calms Kale down and she reverts to her normal state. As Kale falls to the ground, Caulifla catches her. After arriving at Champa's planet, Champa supplies Caulifla and Kale with Potara Earrings, in order to have them as his secret trump card in the tournament. They do not want the earrings and try to give them to Cabba, but Champa insists they keep them and use them when the time is right. Universe 6 arrives at the World of Void for the tournament. Cabba introduces Caulifla and Kale to Goku and Vegeta but Kale shyly hides behind Caulifla whenever Goku asks if she is a Saiyan. Kale tries to keep Caulifla from insulting Goku and Vegeta, who gets offended by her insults. As the Tournament of Power began, Kale, alongside Caulifla and Nigrisshi, watches as Goku and Vegeta's Final Kamehameha overpowers the Trio De Dangers' Triangle Danger Beam and Zeno and Future Zeno erase Universe 9. She is ganged up on by Napapa and Methiop and is saved by Caulifla, who tells her to rest. Caulifla tries to boost Kale's confidence by telling her to fight Goku, but Kale is unable to transform. As Kale watches Caulifla fight Goku, she tries to interfere but is told not to, and Caulifla is too busy having fun to accept her help. Kale shows animosity towards Goku for "taking" her friend away from her, causing her to transform. She then personally fights Goku, easily able to shrug off his attacks and knock the older Saiyan back. Even when Goku becomes a Super Saiyan Blue, Kale still has the upper hand, even walking through his Kamehameha unfazed. Piccolo stops Gohan from helping his father, commenting that Kale is unable to control her power, and Kale loses her reasoning in a blinding rage, causing chaos on the entire battlefield. She grabs Goku in the face, but, retaining some composure, she instead throws him aside rather than try to kill him. Later Kale, in a fury, unleashes a Blaster Meteor everywhere, eliminating three from the tournament and wrecking the arena. Vuon, a Pride Trooper member, tries to restrain Kale, but she easily fends off the attack and knocks him out of the tournament. As Kale emits a loud roar that shakes the entire battlefield, the Pride Troopers prepare to act, with Jiren personally assaulting and easily defeating her in a single shot, sending her flying back. She was caught by Caulifla and they were attacked by Kahseral, Cocotte, Zoiray, Kettol, and Tupper. After Tupper gets eliminated by Android 18, Cocotte traps the two female Saiyans in a barrier. When she sees Caulifla on the brink of elimination, Kale transforms into a unique Super Saiyan form and manages to control the transformation. Kale and Caulifla have a beam struggle with the Pride Troopers. Initially, the Pride Troopers gain the advantage, but when Kale turns Berserker Super Saiyan, she and Caulifla gain complete control over the beam struggle, eliminating Kahseral, Kettol, and Zoiray. After breaking out of the barrier set by Cocotte, she collapses. As Kale regains consciousness in the ruins of the arena, Kale spots Hit against Pride Trooper Dyspo. Worried after Dyspo states he could beat Hit's Time-Skip, Caulifla - who was watching her rest and resting herself - believes that Hit will beat Dyspo. As Hit strategically maneuvers Dyspo out of the ring, Kale watches Kunshi save Dyspo and beat Hit together, Caulifla decides to get out there to help Hit. As she begins to step out, however, Goku in his Super Saiyan God form timely arrives to block Dyspo's punch and they take care of them together, leaving Caulifla and Kale to rest. Later, she and Caulifla watch as Jiren is fighting Goku and witness the latter using Ultra Instinct. She then watched Hit fight Jiren alongside Cabba and Caulifla and were about to join him, but Cabba told them to let him keep fighting him, as he stated he had a plan. Then, they were told by Hit to fight and defeat the other universe warriors and were shocked when they saw Hit lose and eventually get knocked out by Jiren. Afterwards, Kale and Caulifla talked about the fight between Goku and Jiren, which made Caulifla excited and aspired her to get stronger. The two female Saiyans were then assaulted by Monna of Universe 4. Kale was then told by Caulifla not to interfere as she prepared to fight Monna, but then Cabba showed up and told them to retreat and recover their stamina while he fought Monna. Kale then watches Caulifla's fight with Goku and realizes she was having fun in this fight. Goku then pointed out Kale, and Caulifla invited her to join in the fight to achieve Super Saiyan 3, which she happily does. Kale is excited to fight alongside her sister figure, turning into Super Saiyan (perfect energy control) and attacking Goku together with Caulifla. With their combination attacks, the two landed clean hits on Goku. While he managed to hold himself against the attacks, he was also pushed back by the attacks and the two of them fired energy blasts at him, but Goku blocked the attacks with his aura, becoming Super Saiyan 3, shocking Caulifla and Kale. Goku thanked Caulifla and Kale, saying he can feel power boiling inside of him, and Caulifla and Kale were amazed at the form's immense power. However, Goku immediately reverted to Super Saiyan 2, saying he hasn't recovered the stamina to sustain Super Saiyan 3. Kale was then determined to get stronger herself, powering up to become Berserker Super Saiyan, worrying everyone watching. An excited Goku takes a fighting stance as Kale stares him down, with her energy being enough to make Jiren flinch during his meditation, as well as distract Vegeta and Toppo from their battle. Caulifla was then amazed at Kale's power, as she went up to her and told her she finally made that energy her own, extending her hand. Kale grabbed it, but forcefully gripped it, enough to partially destroy the ring under them. Caulifla asked Kale if she can recognize her, acknowledging Kale as not only her protégé, but her true friend, and saying that together they should pose as the greatest threat to all the universes. Hearing this, Kale suddenly gained full control of her power, attaining her "True Legendary Super Saiyan" form, which surprises Goku. The two sides started their battle, and Goku was overwhelmed by the two's combination attacks. When Caulifla tries to attack Goku, he uses the Solar Flare to blindside her and cause her to crash. With her brute power, Kale pushed Goku back, angry that Caulifla couldn't land her attack on Goku. When Katopesla began to change his mode against Frieza, she and Goku knocked him aside, the latter still struggling against Kale's power. Kale tried to knock Goku off, but she was knocked back by a ki blast shot from Goku's foot. Goku resumes his match with Caulifla and Kale, excited to fight them with everything he has. Caulifla created a smokescreen, causing Goku to focus and sense the attacking Kale's ki, however it was a diversion as Kale grabbed Goku and kept him in place while Caulifla pummeled him. Goku flipped, causing Kale to crash on the ground and let go of him, and then attempts to use Instant Transmission, but Caulifla used her senses to attack Goku as he reappeared. Goku acknowledged Kale and Caulifla as the perfect tag team, then transforms into Super Saiyan God. Goku attacked with several Finger Beams, which the Saiyan duo dodges, and despite the two's combination attacks, Goku managed to hold his own. Caulifla and Kale tried blasting Goku from both sides, but the more experienced Saiyan pushed back their attacks with blasts of his own. While Kale was struggling against her blast, Caulifla tried to run from hers, noticing it's tracking her. Kale deflected her blast, but watches as Caulifla took a direct hit. Goku complimented the two on their performance, but said they still need more training, opting to fight them again after the tournament. Caulifla then realizes she's no match on her own, and told Kale to take out "that thing" they received before the tournament. While Goku fired a Kamehameha, he shattered the ring around them, but the two are enveloped by a strange glow and fused together into Kefla to fight Goku on even terms. However, Caulifla and Kale were later separated and eliminated from the tournament via Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku's Imperfect Instinct Kamehameha with Kale apologizing to Champa and Fuwa for losing. After Saonel and Pirina are defeated, Kale is erased alongside all of Universe 6. Later, when Android 17 wishes for the erased universes to be restored, Kale, along with the rest of Universe 6, is revived. Overjoyed to see Caulifla revived as well, she bursts into a fit of tears. Caulifla puts an arm around her shoulder and drags her off to greet an also newly-revived Cabba. +This superhero's name is Kang. Their real name is Nathaniel Richards. Nathaniel Richards was born in the calendar year 3000 of the alternate timeline Other Earth (a.k.a. Earth-6311). Bullied as a youth, his throat was slit by a bully, Morgan, and he was hospitalized for a year. Recovering, he studied science and his ancestor's history tapes of the heroic age of Earth-616 (mainstream Earth), growing into a man of adventure in a time of complacency. At age 25 he discovered his ancestor's fortress and time machine. Following encounters with alternate Earth Fantastic Fours seeking to thwart his future self, which faded from his mind, Richards constructed an immense sphinx-shaped ship and traveled to Egypt circa 2950 BC. The ship crashed, blinding and stranding him there, but he subjugated the natives with his technology. He forced the natives to procure for him a radioactive herb which would restore his sight, then, as Pharaoh Rama-Tut, he ruled as a god for a decade, during which he encountered Samira, Mistress of the Nile, who became his enemy; Amenhotep, whom he transformed into a vampiric creature; and time-travelers such as Killpower and the Genetix team. At some point he had a son, Ramades, by a slave. Eventually, a struggle with the Fantastic Four, which also involved the young En Sabah Nur (later Apocalypse), the moon god Khonshu, and modern-era heroes Dr. Strange and the Avengers, forced Rama to flee that time period. En route to the future, a "time storm" diverted Rama to the modern era and an encounter with a space-lost Dr. Doom. Damaged by the time storm, Rama-Tut's control module skipped several years into the future and briefly crashed in Egypt, where he fought fellow time-travelers Blaquesmith and Cable. Inspired by Doom, he took the armored identity of the Scarlet Centurion, traveled to another timeline (Earth-689) and duped its Avengers into neutralizing all their fellow heroes so he could rule; but he was defeated by the visiting Avengers of Earth-616 and cast outside time. Richards sought to return to his native time, but temporal disruptions hurled him into Other Earth's 40th century. As Kang, he conquered that entire world, sparing only the tiny kingdom of Carelius due to his interest in the king's daughter, Ravonna. Kang's life became progressively non-linear, as each foray in time produced at least one divergent-timestream counterpart; it is extremely difficult to identify which Kang counterpart was involved with each encounter. Conquering everything within 100 light years, Kang next attacked his ancestor's world in the modern age of marvels, but the Avengers forced him to flee. Seeking a new power base, Kang established himself in 1901 AD as Victor Timely, a brilliant inventor and industrialist who founded the city of Timely, Wisconsin, became its first mayor, and transformed it into a technological marvel over the next century; "Victor" appeared to age and be replaced by his children (Kang in new guises). The city also housed a portal to his base Chronopolis where he gathered warriors from various eras to serve as his strike force, the Anachronauts. Kang's continued efforts saw his Spider-Man robot (Timespinner) destroyed by the Avengers and Spider-Man, and his conquest of Camelot foiled by the time-traveling Thing and Human Torch. He also assaulted the Reed and Sue Richards wedding, unknowingly drawn there by Dr. Doom's Emotion-Charger device. Returning to the 40th century, Kang completed his galactic conquest and even invaded other dimensions. In Kosmos, he gained technology to create his powerful Growing Men. Kang then brought the Avengers forward in time, intending to subjugate them or defeat them in front of Ravonna. When both the Avengers and Ravonna defied him, the furious Kang easily conquered her small kingdom; however, when he tried to force Ravonna to marry him, he caused unrest in his troops for failing to follow his own edict of slaying all conquered rulers. Kang's troops, led by General Baltag, turned on him, but he allied with the Avengers to defeat them. Impressed that Kang had risked his life for her, Ravonna leapt in the path of a blast from the defeated Baltag, saving Kang, but apparently dying in his place. The devastated Kang sought to restore Ravonna. Later, the cosmic Grandmaster challenged him to a contest of champions, offering him the power of life or death as the prize. Using the Avengers as pawns, Kang was victorious, but he chose the power of death, intending to slay the Avengers. Foiled by the Black Knight, Kang had to live with the knowledge that he had squandered his chance to save Ravonna. Disturbed at having lost and feeling sympathy for Ravonna, the Grandmaster removed Ravonna from stasis, revived her, and told her of Kang's betrayal. Moving on, Kang tried to use the Hulk to destroy Bruce Banner's ancestor to prevent the Avengers from ever forming, but the Hulk foiled this plot. Kang then sent a robot double of himself to capture the Avengers during a war with rival time lord Zarrko the Tomorrow Man. One of Kang's most relentless campaigns was his quest for the Celestial Madonna, a woman fated to give birth to the most powerful being in the universe. Wanting to be that being's father, Kang narrowed the Madonna's identity to Agatha Harkness, Mantis, and the Scarlet Witch, abducting all three. Rama-Tut, actually Kang's own future self, arrived to help the Avengers thwart his plot. Mantis was finally revealed as the Madonna, and when Kang could not claim her, he tried to kill her; but his fatal blast was intercepted by the Swordsman, who died instead. Kang and Rama-Tut were then pulled into Limbo by Immortus, a potential future self of both men, but Kang imprisoned Immortus and used his technology to create the Legion of the Unliving, a team of reportedly deceased pawns drawn from past eras. The Avengers defeated the Legion and Kang fled. Kang soon returned, allied with a trio of Kangs from different time periods, and tried to abduct Mantis at her wedding, but Immortus foiled him by substituting a Space Phantom as his captive. Kang next made a base in Tombstone, Arizona, circa 1873 AD, intending to use it as a stepping stone to conquer the modern age. Opposed by cowboy heroes, as well as time-traveling Avengers, Kang disintegrated when his force field shorted out in battle with Thor. However, a failsafe device transported Kang's consciousness to an alternate body, as it had during many other near-death experiences. Though taking place in rapid succession in the modern era, these last two campaigns accounted for ten years of Kang's life. Less time-intensive efforts included seeking the reality-altering power of a Cosmic Cube, facilitating an attempt by the Inuit (Eskimo) Aningan Kenojuak to reclaim Captain America as the "God in the Ice" worshipped by his people years ago, conquering an alternate 40th-century Earth, battling the legendary First Line, and participating in the hero vs. villain war on the virtually omnipotent Beyonder's Battleworld. Kang then found his 40th-century base ravaged by rebels loyal to Baltag. To recover his base, he sought out a Growing Man stored in the modern era and battled Thor, who banished him to Limbo. There Kang chanced across Immortus' stronghold, Tenebrae, and learned of his own multitude of divergent counterparts. Unwittingly manipulated by Immortus, Kang formed the Council of Kangs, choosing a few of his most capable counterparts as allies, and began eliminating redundant Kangs from each alternate reality. One of these sought to pair with an alternate Ravonna and wipe out all other realities, but was eliminated after accidentally killing his lover. Kang prepared robot duplicates to replace the slain counterparts to rule the empires of every Kang in existence. At the same time, Kang re-took his 40th-century base via his Growing Man. After the rest of the counterparts were eliminated, the prime Kang slew the rest of the Council. Immortus then appeared, explained that he was Kang's future self, and showed Kang a psyche-globe containing the memories of all of the slain divergent Kangs. Kang tore the globe from his hands, only to go mad as the minds of all of the other Kangs merged with his. The last Kang-now every Kang, since he possessed all of his counterparts' memories-fled into Limbo. To save himself, Kang used his helmet's temporal circuitry to create an additional divergence/counterpart, dividing his madness between two Kangs. One made his way to Chronopolis to recuperate, while the other, still addled, was recruited by the Cross-Time Kangs, a group of beings who had defeated or slain alternate Kangs and usurped the Kang identity. That Kang learned of a plot by Kang-Nebula (actually a power-hungry Ravonna) to obtain the "ultimate weapon" within the Time Bubble, a period of time in Earth-8810 surrounded by an impassable temporal barrier. A trio of Kangs followed Kang-Nebula into the Time Bubble where they were cast into the vortex surrounding it and ultimately destroyed, though the divergent Kang also sent his Growing Man to help foil the demonic Inferno invasion of Earth. Taking control of Chronopolis, the prime Kang sought revenge on Mantis in the modern era, joined Dr. Doom during the Infinity War, took over the Cross-Time Kangs, learned an assassin was stalking him, and exposed his would-be killer as Ravonna, now calling herself the Terminatrix. Intrigued by her warrior nature, Kang battled her, but sacrificed himself to save her from an assault by the Avengers. Overcoming her hatred for Kang, Ravonna impersonated him and took over the Cross-Time Kangs. When Chronopolis was attacked by the immensely powerful temporal entity Alioth, Ravonna revived Kang, and with the aid of the Avengers they sacrificed the Cross-Time Kangs, using their energy to imprison Alioth. The reunited Kang and Ravonna (who posed as Victor Timely's fiancée Rebecca Tourmenet for a time) soon ruled Chronopolis side by side. However, Kang, now almost sixty, grew weary of administrative matters. Missing the days when he was worshipped in a small land, Kang returned to ancient Egypt circa 2930 BC as Rama-Tut and smashed his chrono-sphere. As Rama-Tut, he spent ten years benevolently enjoying his people's adulation. In 2920 BC he encountered the Avengers, who had been trapped in the past by a time machine that could only travel backwards in time. Determined not to become Immortus (whose subtle manipulations he despised), the later Rama-Tut tried to break the cycle by placing himself in suspended animation, reviving in the modern era to battle his past Kang self during the Celestial Madonna struggle. Failing to change the course of events and feeling resigned to his fate, Rama headed for Limbo, but upon glimpsing a chrono-flash of Immortus bowing to the powerful Time-Keepers, he was infuriated by the idea of becoming anyone's lap-dog, and vowed to overcome his destiny. Rama-Tut returned to Chronopolis, resumed his Kang identity and used his rivals to destroy each other. He then destroyed the mind-transfer failsafe device he had so often used to cheat death, feeling that it took the risk-and thus the enjoyment-out of conflict. After a brief battle with the X-Men and an enterprising starship crew, Kang formed an alliance with Libra (Gustav Brandt), the Kree Supreme Intelligence and the Avengers against Immortus and the Time-Keepers. Ravonna and the Anachronauts were apparently slain and Chronopolis was destroyed, but Kang managed to destroy the Time-Keepers and forcibly diverge himself from Immortus, leaving his future uncharted. Renewed by this victory, Kang engineered a series of successors, each of whom he named Marcus. These infants were sent back in time and trained to be warriors worthy of inheriting Kang's empire. Following a failed effort to conquer the realm Otherworld, Kang, alongside Marcus XXIII (outfitted as the Scarlet Centurion), used Damocles Base, his massive armada, and alliances with various criminal forces (including rogue Atlanteans and Deviants) to conquer Earth; but the Avengers led a rebellion that ultimately defeated and imprisoned Kang. Marcus freed Kang in hopes of restoring their dominion, but Kang knew that Marcus had held back during the war more than once because of his attraction to Avengers member Warbird. Unable to forgive this betrayal, Kang slew Marcus. Disheartened, Kang told his computer to postpone development of Marcus XXIV. Regaining his focus, Kang plotted against Iron Lad, his younger self created by his meddling in his own past, and his allies in the Young Avengers. Note: Differences between the history of Other-Earth and Earth-616, as well as differing calendars in different realms, and damage to records during periods of massive warfare, have led to some inconsistency in the dating of the time periods of both Kang and Ravonna. +This superhero's name is Kanto. Their real name is Iluthin. As a student of Granny Goodness's on Apokolips, Iluthin, Kanto's name at the time, is accused of stealing weaponry from Darkseid's then-master assassin Kanto 13 and others. Iluthin is punished, not for the stealing, but being caught. He first faces a gauntlet of fellow students, defeating them with ease. Against the wishes of Kanto 13, Iluthin is exiled from Apokolips to Renaissance-era Earth by Darkseid. There he trains under Italian teachers and falls in love with a woman named Claudia. Kanto 13 tracks Iluthin to Earth and kills Claudia at the couple's wedding altar. Iluthin defeats Kanto 13 in battle. Darkseid comes to Earth and destroys Kanto 13 for his failure. Iluthin returns to Apokolips as Darkseid's new assassin. When Mister Miracle returns to Apokolips, he faces Kanto who captures him, taking him to Granny Goodness. Kanto dresses in a quasi-Renaissance fashion, possibly to imply both the artistic pride that he has in his assassin's work and the presence of royal court intrigue. Perhaps this attire fuels his nihilism by reminding him of his murdered love. Of all the foes Mr. Miracle faced during Kirby's run with the character, Kanto harbors a sort of professional respect with Mr. Miracle. During writer John Byrne's Genesis comic mini-series, Kanto encounters Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, the one-time Wonder Woman, and it is revealed that Kanto had been not only her teacher but a lover as well. As Artemis was trapped in a demon dimension alongside her Amazonian sisters from age fourteen to twenty-four and was not shown with Kanto until the Genesis storyline, speculation about this alleged affair suggests time travel. While mutually amorous, the tryst was apparently unconsummated since Artemis, during Mike Deodato's Requiem mini-series, claimed to be a virgin. When New Gods are being slaughtered across the galaxy, Kanto is recalled to Apokolips where he faithfully serves Darkseid's, voicing private concerns with Granny Goodness. He is killed by Infinity-Man while spying on Orion, Mister Miracle, and Superman. His body is found by Kalibak. During the Final Crisis storyline, Kanto has since appeared serving Darkseid, going by Boss Dark Side at the time, and Kalibak. The three inhabit human hosts posing as businessmen in the Dark Side company and brainwash gifted Earth children. It is suggested that their host bodies burn out easily. +This superhero's name is Kapau. Their real name is Kapau. On the first night of the Tournament of Elements, Kapau and several other Cultists made their way to the Anacondrai Temple to partake in a secret ceremony, but were captured by the Ninja who went in their place. +This superhero's name is Kapau'rai. Their real name is Kapau. While hiding behind the waterfall, Kapau and Chope were ecstatic at being in Chen's inner circle and guarding Skylor, though she messed with them to get Eyezor to yell at them. They released her under Chen's orders and were sent to recapture her, which they successfully did, catching her and Kai in a vengestone net. The two then performed the spell in Clouse's place due to his being sent to the Cursed Realm, and they both were amazed with their new forms and left the island with Chen and the other Cultists. +This superhero's name is Karlof. Their real name is Karlof. Karlof was born as a descendant of the Elemental Master of Metal. While refining his craft in his homeland of Metalonia, he worked as an aeronautical engineer responsible constructing Roto Jets. Eventually, he received an invitation to Master Chen's Tournament of Elements. +This superhero's name is Karnak (MCU). Their real name is Karnak Mander-Azur. Karnak Mander-Azur is the trusted and loyal advisor/family member of the Inhuman Royal Family. Following Maximus' coup, Karnak was forced to flee to Earth, where he suffered a heavy trauma that greatly affected his powers. After meeting a group of marijuana dealers, Karnak slowly recovered until he was able to flee from Reno and ultimately reunited with the rest of the Royal Family. Karnak was devastated by the death of his cousin Gorgon, who sacrificed himself during a fight with Maximus' forces. Upon returning to the Moon, Karnak sought a way of reviving him and ultimately succeeded by making Gorgon undergo a second Terrigenesis with the help of Auran's blood. As the city of Attilan was destroyed following Maximus' actions, Karnak joined the rest of the Inhumans and went to Earth one more time, preparing for a new life on the planet their ancestors had left. +This superhero's name is Karnak. Their real name is Karnak Mander-Azur. Karnak Mander-Azur is the second son of an Inhuman priest and philosopher named Mander and an ocean biologist named Azur. They sent their first son, Triton, into the Terrigen Mist when he was an infant, rendering him incapable of functioning outside an aquatic environment. Thus, they pleaded with the Genetic Council to raise Karnak without Terrigen mutation. Karnak was enrolled in his father's religious seminary in the Tower of Wisdom, where he trained in various physical and mental disciplines until he was eighteen years old;meanwhile, at some point Azur died in a mysterious undersea mishap. Karnak also fathered a son with an unrevealed woman named Leer at an unknown period of time. +This superhero's name is Katana (CW). Their real name is Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu Yamashiro is one of the former handlers of Oliver Queen. Tatsu is also the estranged wife of the late Maseo Yamashiro and the mother of the late Akio Yamashiro. She later became a guardian of the Lotus as part of the Crescent Order. +This superhero's name is Katana (DCEU). Their real name is Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu Yamashiro is a Japanese samurai assassin code-named Katana (after her weapon of choice). Tatsu is an infamous master of swordplay and martial arts, trained to the highest level in the ancient art form. She is a proxy member of the Suicide Squad, and, of note, the only voluntary member as Rick Flag's personal bodyguard. +This superhero's name is Katana. Their real name is Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu Yamashiro is Katana, a Japanese sword-wielding superhero who has been a member of the Suicide Squad, the Outsiders, the Justice League of America and the Birds of Prey. Her primary weapon is her sword, "Soultaker," which is said to capture the souls of anyone killed by it, including her husband +This superhero's name is Kathryn Janeway. Their real name is Kathryn Janeway. Janeway notable for being the first female of a starship and independently, and successfully, completing an unscheduled seven-year journey across the previously unexplored Delta Quadrant Kathryn Janeway is captain of the USS Voyager. +This superhero's name is Kefla. Their real name is Kale/Caulifla. With the Potara earrings given to Caulifla and Kale as a last resort, they assume the Potara fusion right before they are eliminated by Super Saiyan God Goku. Goku shows extreme concern on his face, remarking that Kefla has a seemingly limitless supply of energy. Wanting to test her new power, Kefla shows her immense speed, enough to catch Super Saiyan God Goku completely off guard. During a brief scuffle, Kefla shrugs off Goku's attacks, completely, calling them "lame", and knocking the Saiyan down. Kefla further pressures Super Saiyan God Goku, forcing Goku to no longer prioritize his stamina and transform into Super Saiyan Blue. To combat this, Kefla herself becomes a Super Saiyan. The two fight an even battle, however one of Kefla's attacks forces Goku to go Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. Kefla then defeats Goku with a surprise attack, and prepares to eliminate him, however she is cornered when Goku suddenly regains his Ultra Instinct -Sign- state. Kefla answers by further powering up, turning into Super Saiyan 2, her power impressing everyone, to the point she claims she could destroy an entire universe in a single shot, and proceeds to attack Goku, who dodges all of her attacks and lands a hit on her, with Kefla claiming that he can still do better than that. Goku then surprises Kefla with a barrage of punches and throws her away. Kefla then proceeds block Goku's punch, only to be kicked away after trying to attack him, she then becomes enraged and starts further powering up and generating an onslaught of ki blasts and lightning bolts that covered most of the arena. Goku manages to dodge most of her attacks, though he was slightly hit twice by her energy, he then starts to charge a Kamehameha while dodging Kefla's attacks. He then jumps in the air towards her, and she says he will not be able to dodge in mid-air and charges a powerful ki blast and fires it at Goku, who dodges it much to Kefla's surprise, and hits her at point-blank range with his Imperfect Instinct Kamehameha, which throws her out of the arena and breaks her potara earrings, ending the fusion. +This superhero's name is Kelex. Their real name is . The original Kelex was but one of many robotic assistants in service to the House of El in the years before Krypton's destruction. Owned by family patriarch Seyg-El, Kelex was charged with monitoring Seyg-El's son Jor-El. Gifted with a greater perception of human emotion than the other robots, Kelex knew that Jor-El was different from other Kryptonians. Kelex was destroyed when the planet Krypton exploded due to an unstable core. Years later, a highly advanced Kryptonian relic called the Eradicator used its inherent technology in an effort to recreate Krypton on Earth. Though this effort never came to total fruition, it did result in the creation of the Fortress of Solitude. The Eradicator also recreated a host of robotic assistants, including a second Kelex. Like his predecessor, Kelex II was devoutly loyal to the House of El and soon came under the service of the now-grown Kal-El (better known to the world as Superman). Kelex remained at the Fortress of Solitude for many years, and was instrumental in the construction of a humanoid physical body for the Eradicator. In later years, Kelex was loaned out to John Henry Irons for service at his company the Steelworks. John's niece, Natasha Irons, reprogrammed Kelex's personality matrix to make the robot more user-friendly. Though still obedient and loyal, Kelex's speech patterns were peppered with terminology commonly associated with street gangs. +This superhero's name is Kenshiro. Their real name is Kenshiro. Origin Kenshiro was originally an orphan from Taiseiden, Shura and a descendant of the Hokuto Sōke bloodline. He was sent to the mainland by Jukei as a baby to be adopted by Ryuken, master of Hokuto Shinken. Ryuken named him after his older brother Kenshirō Kasumi since they shared the same Big Dipper-shaped birthmark on their heads. Kenshiro watched his adoptive brothers train in the art of Hokuto Shinken and decided to join them in the fight to become Ryuken's successor. Despite being younger and more naive than his older brothers, Kenshiro was a promising student who ultimately earned the title of the successor. History After the nuclear war of 199X and the death of Ryuken, Kenshiro left with his fiancée, Yuria, to find a future for themselves in the post-apocalyptic world. However, this was curtailed by Shin, a rival from the Nanto Koshū Ken school, who defeated Kenshiro and engraved the trademark seven scars on his chest, before kidnapping Yuria for himself. Kenshiro survived his ordeal and spent the next year wandering the wasteland for revenge. During this time, he developed the killer instinct needed to survive in the war-torn age and befriended two young orphans, Bat and Lin, who followed him on his journey. He discovered that Shin had assumed the title of 'King' and was the leader of the eponymous KING organization. After defeating Shin's four generals ('Four Jacks' in the anime), he infiltrated his capital city, Southern Cross, to settle things once and for all. Driven by his new strength, Kenshiro soundly defeated Shin but he was too late to rescue Yuria. Before his death, Shin revealed that Yuria had already committed suicide to stop his violent ambition. Refusing to die from Kenshiro's technique, Shin leaped to his death from his palace balcony, as Yuria did before him. Kenshiro continued to journey the wasteland, never staying at one place for long, as the curse of Hokuto leaves only chaos in its wake. He made a career of destroying those who preyed on the weak and innocent, such as Golan, Jackal and the Fang Clan, and built a reputation as a 'savior' among the people. He also discovered that his three older brothers and fellow Hokuto Shinken practitioners: Jagi, Toki and Raoh, had all survived the nuclear holocaust. Jagi, the second-youngest, had long hated Kenshiro and was now committing acts of carnage in his name. It was also revealed that Jagi manipulated Shin into taking Yuria, as well as kidnapped Rei's sister, Airi, and murdered their parents. Kenshiro caught up with Jagi and subjected him to a gruesome death. Kenshiro then fought against his second-oldest brother, Toki, who had succumbed to madness after the apocalypse, but this was in fact Amiba, a jealous rival of Toki, who was impersonating him. The real Toki was imprisoned at Cassandra by Raoh, the eldest brother, who had taken the title Ken-Oh (拳王 King of Fists) and aimed to bring order to the world by any means necessary. With the help of Rei and Mamiya, Kenshiro toppled the great prison and was reunited with Toki. He would go on to become a valuable ally to Kenshiro in his journey and intervened during his first fight with Raoh, as they were on the verge of killing one another. Kenshiro joined forces with Shu, leader of a guerilla outfit against Souther, the Holy Emperor, and master of Nanto Hōō Ken, who enslaved children to build his empire. Kenshiro was defeated by Souther when his vital point attacks had no effect on Souther's body. On the brink of death, Kenshiro was rescued by Shu's son, Shiva, who gave his life to aid his escape. However, in retaliation, Southern stormed the rebel hideout and had Shu executed at the summit of the Holy Pyramid. Kenshiro recovered from his wounds and this time he uncovered Souther's secret: the position of his heart and his vital points were reversed. Kenshiro took pity on Souther's tragic past and killed him with a merciful technique, bringing an end to the Holy Emperor's reign. With the final battle with Raoh drawing ever closer, the mysterious Last Nanto General emerged to challenge Raoh's conquest. It turned out that the Nanto General was none other than Yuria, Kenshiro's betrothed. In actuality, she had been saved by the Nanto Goshasei after attempting suicide at Shin's palace and her survival was kept a secret to protect her from Raoh. Kenshiro fights Raoh using the ultimate Hokuto Shinken technique Musou Tensei, drawing on his profound sadness to make Raoh tremble in fear. However, Raoh kidnaps Yuria during his escape and prepares to kill the woman he loves if it will imbue him with the same sorrow. Kenshiro and Raoh have their final battle at the Hokuto Renkitōza, with Raoh having killed Yuria to unlock Musou Tensei. Kenshiro's greater understanding of life and death gives him the edge over his older brother and leads him to victory. Yuria awakens after the battle, as Raoh had actually put her in a false state of death when he realized she was terminally ill. After Raoh's death, Kenshiro spends his next few years living in peace with Yuria, whose disease had been subdued by Raoh's power. The latter half of the manga (and the corresponding Hokuto no Ken 2 anime adaptation) involves Kenshiro joining forces with the grown-up Bat and Lin, who have formed the Hokuto Army to oppose the tyrannical Jakou and his Imperial forces. The story eventually takes Kenshiro to his birthplace, the Land of Shura, where he learns of his heritage and fights against the warlords who oppress the land. This includes his estranged blood-brother, Hyoh, and the nefarious Kaioh, Raoh's other blood-brother. The final story arcs of the manga (which were not adapted for the TV series) see Kenshiro taking Raoh's orphaned son, Ryu, under his wing before continuing on his own where he settles the love triangle between himself, Bat and Lin. In the end, Kenshiro heads into the desert alone to fulfill his destiny as the Hokuto Shinken successor. It's assumed that he eventually comes back to Ryu and trains him to become the next Hokuto Shinken successor. +This superhero's name is Kevin 11. Their real name is Kevin Ethan Levin. Kevin 11 is a mutant who could absorb energy. He first met Ben 10 in a video games room until a group of bullies came and wanted to beat up Kevin. Ben scares away the bullies as XLR8. Kevin soon finds out about Ben and the Omnitrix and decides to make friends with Ben. Kevin in fact wanted to use Ben to commit crimes. Ben later discovers that Kevin is a sociopath and tries to stop Kevin as Fourarms. Kevin fights back and absorbs all the electricity in the area. Kevin jumps onto Fourarms and tries to suck all of the energy from the Omnitrix. Kevin then transforms into a half human and Heatblast creature. Ben still manages to defeat him. Kevin soon gains absolute control over his new powers. He was able to transform into Stinkfly, Upgrade, Grey Matter, Fourarms, Ripjaws, Wildmutt, Heatblast, Ghostfreak, XLR8 and Diamondhead. However there’s a down side, he cannot stay his human form for a long period of time. Kevin blamed Ben for turning him into an abomination and sought revenge. He tracks down Ben and defeats Ben with ease in the beginning. Later Lt. Steel had been ordered to stop the aliens at any cost. At first, Lt. Steel suspects Ben is behind all of the crimes, but he soon discovers that Kevin is behind all of the crimes. Ben fights Kevin on a bridge, Ben uses Fourarms to stop Kevin and successfully defeats Kevin. Kevin wanted Ben to keep on fighting him but Ben refused. Ben told Kevin that he wasn’t worth his time, and an enraged Kevin transforms himself into all of the ten of Ben’s aliens from the Omnitrix. However, Kevin still loses and Ben knocks him into the water. And Kevin is believed to be dead, because (as Gwen points out) No one could survive that. Kevin resurfaces later on and fights Ben on a wind farm. Ben was not faring well in this fight. Kevin then claims that he is 10 times as more powerful as Ben. They were teleported on to a Megacruiser by Slix Vigma, a creature that collects aliens from across the Universe to battle in a arena fight. Kevin and Ben decide to ally themselves and fight against Vigma's men. They soon discover that Vigma is a robot and Ben turns into Upgrade and takes him over. Kevin kills Vigma and tries to kill Ben but is thwarted by an alien that Ben saved in the arena, and Kevin is once again thwarted to defeat Ben.. Kevin gains control over the Megacrusier and forms an alliance with Vilgax, and both of them attack Ben. Ben had played with the Omnitrix and figured out the master code, he could now turn into any alien he wanted to, and he could stay in that alien form longer than 10 minutes. Vilgax figures that Kevin has the energy signature of the Omnitrix and he had the technology to remove the Omnitrix from Ben’s wrist. Before they can succeed Ben sets the Omnitrix back the way it was, now it Times out and he can only change for a little. Max uses the Null Void projector and sends Vilgax and Kevin into the Null Void. Kevin and Vilgax both fought each other for the Omnitrix and ended up being trapped there. Kevin's future son, Devlin, befriends Ben's son Ken. Devlin could transform into his fathers original alien form and could easily change back to human. Devlin liberates Kevin. Kevin attacks Ben and Ken but Devlin betrays Kevin and helps Ben and Ken. Kevin was defeated again and was sent back to the Null Void and Devlin was adopted by the Tennysons. In Ben 10 alien force Kevin apparently has broken out of the Null void and invested himself in some shady dealings involving level 5 alien tech which could very well put the earth in danger. It is when Magister saved his life that Kevin decided to help the heroes, that and the now 15 year old Gwen Tennyson might have swayed him to the side of good. The Older Kevin's powers have also advanced, he now can absorb from any material and use it as a body armor. He has to be around enough of the substance in order to absorb it, otherwise he is just going to have only a small portion of his body changed. Kevin also reveals that his father was a plumber as well and he himself has always wanted to be one. Kevin's powers might have come from his alien lineage, like many others. He has been a great ally of the Tennyson’s, helping them find DNAlien dealings. He still likes to pick on Ben and give him a hard time. Kevin and Gwen show signs of a relationship, as Gwen asked Kevin to a dance. Kevin was even asking Ben for dating advice. +This superhero's name is KGBeast. Their real name is Anatoli Knyazev. Anatoli Knyazev, alias KGBeast was an elite top secret member of the KGB cell called "The Hammer." Knyazev was trained as an assassin and became a master in many forms of martial arts as well as weaponry. His cybernetic enhancements also allowed him to become a proficient killing machine. He had a body count of over 100 men (including 9 CIA agents) and was rumored to have planned the assassination of Anwar Sadat. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, without a cause, he became a freelancer and supervillain +This superhero's name is Khanjikhan. Their real name is Khanjikhan. At an unknown point in time, Khanjikhan married an unnamed woman and became the Djinn King, and inherited the Djinn Blade as a result. Afterwards, he had a son, Nadakhan. However, when Nadakhan left Djinjago to explore Ninjago and became a pirate, Khanjikhan disowned his son, no longer welcoming him back in his home realm. +This superhero's name is Kick-Ass. Their real name is Dave Lizewski. Dave Lizewski lead a typical high school life. He wasn't popular or a geek or class clown. He was just another average student at his high school. Nothing special about him really.. Just a kid who liked Ryan Reynolds movies, Snow Patrol and the Goo-Goo Dolls. He couldn't even strike up a conversation with the girl he liked. His mother died of an aneurysm when he was fourteen and he lived with his dad, who was still having problems coping with her death. As an escape, Dave played a lot of video games and was really into comic books. He became so obsessed with comics that he decided that was the career he wanted for himself, even though superheroes didn't really exist in the world. One night he decided to put on a costume. He spent the first few weeks walking around on rooftops getting used to the costume and enjoying the thrill of wearing it underneath his clothes. He spent time working out in his high school gym during lunch and also ate high protein foods to try and pack on lean muscle all the while trying to come up with a name. One day he decided to go into action. Seeing some kids spray painting a wall, he felt this was his time. Having courage from wearing a mask and costume, he approached and insulted the three kids. After an exchanging of words, a fight began with a costumed Dave throwing the first attack that came in the form of a improvised miniature bat. He used bottles as well as his own weapon to fight off the thugs but their numbers overwhelmed him. Things didn't go so well as Dave ended up getting stabbed by the first man that he attacked upon arriving on the scene. The thugs rushed off and Dave struggled to walk home. Crossing the road, he ends up getting hit by a car and became a victim of a hit and run as the ones responsible fled the area. He was left with two broken legs and a crushed spine yet in his horrendous state he was able to take off his costume and hide it before the paramedics arrived. After months of counseling and therapy, Dave burns all of his comic books and promised himself to never partake in heroics ever again. A promise he immediately broke. Donning his costume once again, he roams the streets only to find a man getting mugged by three "Puerto Ricans". This time Dave was armed with not one but two of the improvised mini bats which he kept strapped to his back. In a act of bravery or stupidity he decided to take on the three men. The fight instantly became bloody and again Dave became overwhelmed by the number of attackers. This time though, he was able to fight himself out of the beating reaching a point where the Puerto Ricans left saying that he was "f***ing nuts". The crowd that had gathered to watch the battle cheered Dave on, while a young man takes out his cellphone and records the fight, putting it on youtube for all to see. Dave becomes a local celebrity and his costumed persona finally has a name, given to him by the masses, Kick-Ass. In his regular life he gains the confidence and even gets the courage to talk to the hottest girl in school and she reciprocates. By now Dave is on cloud nine only to be brought down by his best friend Toddy Haynes when he tells him that every one thinks he is gay because he was found naked those months ago when he first donned the costume. Being the opportunist Dave played the role of the supposed "gay best friend" just so he could be close to the girl that he had a crush on. He also received a can of mace from his father he showed concern from all of Dave's new cuts and bruises. As Kick-Ass he sets up a myspace page to come into contact with victims or people who need his assistance. On his first mission he went to a hotel building looking to deal with a man named Eddie Lomas. The call came from Eddie ex girlfriend saying that he was making crank calls to her and she asked Kick-Ass to go have a little "talk" with him. After a few condescending jokes about Dave costume made by Eddie and his crew, a fight break's out between Kick-ass and Lomas's posse. He used the can of mace that his father gave him on Eddie but was quickly stuck from behind. It looked evident that Kick-Ass was about to be severely beaten again we suddenly a mysterious young girl in costume carrying a katana sword appears. She uses the sword first on Eddie driving it through his back. Then she uses it on one of the crew members, cutting half of his head off. With 2 men now dead she makes an open challenge to the rest of the people in the room as she began to pull out a second katana sword. Unlike Dave, the young girl was well trained and ruthless in her form of justice. He watched as she one by one killed the people in the room thinking "she handled those knives like a f***ing surgeon". When it was over she assured him that they were on the same side and took off so that cops would not find her at the scene. Kick-Ass followed only to see her go to a large costumed man. Through their interaction Kick-Ass found out that the girl's name was Hit-Girl and the man was known as Big Daddy. As they fled Kick-Ass was impressed at how they carried themselves and the tactics they used and called them "the real deal" The murder of the people in the Lomas house made Dave extremely uneasy. Thinking that it could all be pinned back to him he vowed to never again put on the costume again in fear of going to jail. His meeting with Hit-Girl and Big Daddy left him wondering and he began to search the internet were he had become popular but could find nothing on them. After a conversation with Eddie Lomas's ex girlfriend Dave feels more comfortable about his name staying clear but still is convinced that he will never become Kick-Ass again. For a few weeks Dave had laid low not doing any type of vigilante hero work but that was all it took for him to be replaced. In that time span a new hero had emerged and in Dave's eyes had become an attention-whore. After checking out some forums Dave decided that for a few nights it was time to hit the streets again donning the costume one more time as Kick-Ass but found that the city was calmer then ever. Dave then found himself once again playing the gay best friend role with his long time crush Katie Deauxma. She could sense that something was not right and after thinking quickly his response to her in an attempt to cover his true feeling were that his was afraid to tell his father about the gay stuff. After some soothing words by Katie, Dave reiterated the fact that he was not a homosexual by concealing the fact that he had an erection as she laid her head on his chest to comfort him..After news reports that gave the new hero that called himself The Red Mist credit for Kick-Ass's accomplishments Dave had had enough. By using Myspace which was dubbed the twenty-first century version of the Bat signal, Kick-Ass arranged a meeting with The Red Mist to get some answers. To Kick-Ass's surprise when they met The Red Mist claimed to be his biggest fan. After a small talk Red Mist asked Kick-Ass to do a team up for the night and introduced him to the Mist Mobile. The two seemed to hit it off and became good friend while they patrolled the city. When the night seemed to be winding down they ran into something that neither of them expected, a burning down building. At first glance The Red Mist was reluctant to go in but after some persuasion by Kick-Ass they both ran into the building looking for a woman's baby that was named Charlie. The whole time Red Mist complained saying that Kick-Ass was nuts and when they finally found the "baby" it turned out to be a cat. The fire had then became too overwhelming and the building came down on them but they were rescued by the firefights that had shown up later. When the two left the scene they were received as heroes making such an impact that they brought people to tears. When Dave returned home he jumped on the web and noticed that he had regained his "rockstar" status. Little did he know that Hit-Girl and Big Daddy were in his room. After getting his attention they showed that they were not impressed with what he had done. But wanted to see how he would do against the mob. While Big-Daddy held him down the pair of vigilantes offered Kick-Ass a chance to team up with them. They were going after the mob's "Boss of Bosses" and needed the help of Kick-Ass and The Red Mist. At first Big-Daddy opposed but after speaking to his daughter Hit-Girl he agreed that a team-up needed to be done. After releasing his grip on him Big-Daddy orders Hit-Girl to tell Kick-Ass their origin. She begins to speak and reveals that Big-Daddy is her father and a former police officer that "couldn't be paid off". Also she said that the mob killed his wife, her mother and that is why they were on a quest for revenge. At first Dave was reluctant claiming that he did not want to kill but was left with no choice when Big-Daddy blackmailed him say that if he and The Red Mist did not work with them he would leak his identity on the internet. By this point Dave was changed. The things that mattered to him before seemed irrelevant. It was becoming harder for him to relate to non "superheroes". He soon met up with The Red Mist to decide on what they would do. Red Mist seemed reluctant but after a conversation with Kick-Ass decided to meet at Big-Daddy's hideout. The two then parted was and Dave had a rush of adrenaline that he said came from second hand contact from The Red Mist's weed . He went to Katie Deauxma's house and shouted at her window "I've been Kick-Ass all along and I'm not Gay" but as soon as she opened the window he cowered and ran away. Later he meets up with Red Mist again this time heading to the hideout of Big-Daddy and Hit-Girl. They make their way inside to find Big-Daddy severely beaten up and Hit-Girl crying by his side. Big-Daddy notices Kick-Ass at the door and asks for his help but before he could act. The Red Mist pulls a gun and points it to the back of Dave's head showing his allegiance to the mob. +This superhero's name is Kid Colt. Their real name is . Kid Colt was an outlaw in Old West times. +This superhero's name is Kid Flash (CW). Their real name is Wally West. Francine gave birth to Wally 8 months after leaving her family.Francine and Wally lived in Keystone City, where Wally started participating in street races and gained a reputation as a winner. Other racers stopped wanting to face him, so he started racing in Central City in order to pay for his mother's medical bills due to her being sick.[3] +This superhero's name is Kid Flash II. Their real name is Bartholomew Allen II. Bart Allen is a teenage speedster and a member of the Flash Family who has gone by several code names. He was born in the 30th Century, the grandson of time-traveling speedster the Flash, although he returned to the past to continue his family's legacy. Because of his strange origins, he ages at an inconsistent rate. Originally, he took the name Impulse to reflect his impulsive nature, but later changed his alias to Kid Flash when he grew older. There was a brief period when he became The Flash after Infinite Crisis, but he was killed by the Rogues during Full Throttle. Later on, he was resurrected during Final Crisis through his connection to the Speed Force and has returned to his role as Kid Flash since then. Bart Allen has been a member of the New Titans, Young Justice, the Teen Titans, and the Legion of Super-Heroes. +This superhero's name is Kid Flash. Their real name is Wallace Rudolph West. Wally West was the nephew of Iris West, fiance of Barry Allen, who was (unknown to her at the time) the Flash of Central City. Wally grew up in a small town called Blue Valley with emotionally distant parents, and dreamed of living in Central City and perhaps one day meeting his hero, The Flash. Wally was only close to one relative, his father's sister, Iris. One summer, Iris offered to let Wally stay in Central City with her. Wally gladly took the chance to get out of his hometown and away from his parents, and looked forward to the excitement of the big city. Iris introduced Wally to Barry, whom Wally thought was dull and uninteresting until Barry offered to introduce Wally to the Flash. Barry used some simple super-speed tricks to pull off the double identity, and gave Wally the surprise of his life. In Barry's lab, the Flash told Wally about how he had gotten his powers - a stray bolt of lightning that hit a rack of chemicals, which in turn hit him. A bolt of lightning struck chemicals which spilled on Wally granted him super-speed powers similar to Barry's. This was the exact same way in which Barry received his powers! Wally would later find out that the Speed Force used these accidents as a cover to grant super-speed powers to both him and Barry. Barry revealed his dual identity to Wally and a new partnership was forged. Wally became Flash's sidekick, Kid Flash. Initially, Wally wore a costume mirroring Barry's. As a strategic decision during a battle, Flash altered Wally's costume to a primarily-yellow design. After the battle, Wally chose to keep the costume, and wore it through his whole career as Kid Flash. Wally enjoyed many adventures with Barry and quickly established himself as a good hero, a few years after becoming Kid Flash, Wally met fellow heroes Robin and Aqualad, they joined together to stop the menace of Mr. Twister. It was the first time the sidekicks joined forces. Their second meeting was more eventful: Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, now joined by Wonder Girl , fought against their mentors, who had been possessed by the evil Antithesis. At this second meeting, the four youngsters decided to become a team and the Teen Titans were born, with Robin becoming the leader of the team. The sidekicks would continue to operate with their mentors, as well as spending time with their peers in the Titans. Kid Flash eventually left the group to focus on school, while also continuing a part-time solo career and partnership with the Flash on a handful of cases. Wonder Girl eventually persuaded him to rejoin the team. Wally had a crush on Donna and made a halfhearted attempt to date her, even though she was involved with Aqualad at the time. Nothing ever came of this attraction. After a case involving Titans West, this incarnation of the team disbanded and Wally returned to Blue Valley to continue his college career. Some months later, Raven banded together a group of New Teen Titans to help her battle her demon-father, Trigon. Initially, Wally was disinterested in joining the team. Raven used her emotion-manipulating powers to make Wally fall in love with her – and in turn, he joined this new group of Teen Titans. Wally was consistently protective of Raven, and came to blows with Robin when he challenged her true motives. After an encounter with the Justice League, Zatanna revealed Raven's manipulation of Kid Flash. He was angry and heartbroken. Even though the Titans eventually came to her aid and ultimately defeated Trigon, Wally had a hard time dealing with Raven's deception. Complicating matters, even without her influence, Wally realized he really was in love with Raven. Shortly after this, Wally's high school sweetheart, Frances Kane, reentered his life. Frances' mother believed she was possessed by a demon; In truth, she had mutant magnetic powers. The Titans were able to deduce this although her mother still rejected her, fearing what her daughter had become. Frances resolved to learn more about controlling these powers. She also revealed to Kid Flash that she knew he was Wally West. Wally grew increasingly unsure of his decision to continue as a member of the Titans. His discomfort with Raven and Frances' encouragement led him to leave the team and return to school in Blue Valley. +This superhero's name is Kilgrave (MCU). Their real name is Kevin Thompson. Kevin Thompson was a man who was experimented on by his parents since his childhood in order to treat a neurodegenerative disease, but the treatment ended up giving him the new ability to control people's minds at his will. Assuming the name Kilgrave, he began to use his powers for personal gain and developed a cruel nature, eventually coming across Jessica Jones whom he kept as his personal sex slave for several months. Kilgrave became obsessed and fascinated with Jones, even falling in love and hunting her down since she managed to overcome his thrall, using Hope Shlottman and Malcolm Ducasse to get closer to her and trying to manipulate her into staying with him. Jones explained that she had the idea to teach Kilgrave morality so he can use his powers for good but Kilgrave's quest for a loving future with Jones soon fell apart when she went behind his back and tried to have him arrested. Now furious at the betrayal, he focused his efforts on enhancing his powers with the help of his father and finally killing Jones. He was eventually cornered while trying to escape New York City and had his neck broken by Jones. Despite being defeated by the only person he considered an equal, his fearsome reputation was repeatedly mentioned through out New York and other places he has been by civilians, his former victims and their enemies alike. Ducasse, who he ordered to stalk Jessica was desperately finding ways to recover from his time as a drug-addict Kilgrave made him to be in order to keep a low-profile taking pictures on Jones. Eventually he tries to find ways to distract himself with becomes addicted to sex and began to have an affair with Trish Walker, who was at the time using Simposon's combat enhancement inhaler drugs. After accidentally killing Dale Holiday, a prison warden who abused her mother during her time in prison, Jessica began to hallucinate, seeing Kilgrave and constantly being taunted by him where he attempted to convince her to kill bad people. When Walker made and an alliance with Karl Malus in order to get super strength like Jessica, the Kilgrave hallucination kept on taunting Jessica to kill Malus and only faded into nothing when she decided to spare him, but promises her if she gets into difficult problems again he will always be there to discuss it with her. +This superhero's name is Killer Bee. Their real name is . Killer Bee is a shinobi from Kumogakure. He is the jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails. +This superhero's name is Killer Croc (DCEU). Their real name is Waylon Jones. Waylon Jones, known as Killer Croc, is a metahuman skilled crocodile wrestler, born with a genetic mutation which gave him reptilian skin, leading to him being nicknamed Killer Croc. He eventually turned to crime, and was chased out of Gotham City by Batman, only to be captured and recruited into Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad. He would greatly contribute to the defeat of the Enchantress and Incubus mystical duo, and get his prison sentence shortened as a result. +This superhero's name is Killer Croc. Their real name is Waylon Jones. Waylon Jones, is a criminal and nemesis of Batman. He was born with a medical condition that caused him to grow progressively more like a crocodile, hence his name. His mother died in childbirth, and his father abandoned him. Waylon was raised by his aunt, but her persistent drinking prevented him from growing up in an ideal household. As a teenager, Croc had no friends, and was the object of ridicule of those who knew him. By the time he reached adulthood, Waylon found work wrestling alligators. It was at this point that he began referring to himself as Killer Croc. Even then, his strength level was greatly beyond that of a normal human. Croc soon realized that there was more money to be made in crime, so he set out to become Gotham's most powerful underground figure. One of the most significant of atrocities that Croc committed was the murder of Joseph and Trina Todd. Their deaths would inspire their adoptive son Jason to take up the costumed role of the second Robin. Ultimately, Killer Croc's criminal lifestyle brought him into conflict with Gotham's guardian the Batman. After a protracted battle, Croc was defeated and sent to Arkham Asylum. There, he suffered from intense electroshock therapy, which resulted in intense recurring nightmares. Some time later, notorious sociopath Ra's al Ghul engineered a massive breakout of Arkham Asylum, freeing all of the patients, including Killer Croc. In exchange for their freedom, the prisoners agreed to help Ra's with a scheme to confound the Batman. Croc's roll in the plan was to break into Wayne Manor and abduct Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred Pennyworth. Croc had no idea what connection Pennyworth had to Batman, but he executed the deed without question, and brought Alfred back to Poison Ivy's Exotica Emporium where four other hostages were being held. Batman soon arrived to rescue the hostages and fought with Croc once again. As time was of the essence, Batman wasted little of it fighting Croc, and quickly subdued him with a gas pellet from his utility belt. Afterwards, Killer Croc was returned to Arkham Asylum. Like many do, Croc eventually escaped from Arkham and began running criminal operations again. After robbing a shopping store, Croc discovered a secret stairwell that led into an old unfinished subterranean highway. The tunnel had since become a shelter for many of Gotham's homeless. Croc became friends with the homeless people and attempted to make a new life for himself. Croc's newfound lifestyle was short-lived however. Batman investigated the store robbery, and the trail led him right to Killer Croc's shelter. The two began fighting one another, but at midnight, the city flushed the tunnels with water from the river, and Croc was washed away. His friends believed that he had died in the flood. Croc survived however, and six months later had taken to living out of the Gotham City alleyways. He was tormented by visions of his past, calling to mind hurtful incidents where his peers would routinely comment about his physical features. In combination with his natural, instinctive rage, Croc's emotional state erupted into a wave of violence and he began going berserk throughout the city streets. News crews captured his latest rampage, as he began terrorizing the district known as Eden Park. An aspiring foreign crime lord known as Bane witnessed Croc's rampage, and determined that defeating him would be a stepping stone on his personal path towards destroying Batman. Before Bane could catch up with him though, Croc found himself facing neophyte vigilante Jean Paul Valley (who was masquerading in a Batman costume at the time), as well Batman's young sidekick Robin. Bane interrupted the fight and demonstrated his raw power by breaking both of Croc's arms. Croc soon healed and returned to Gotham in an effort to re-establish himself in the criminal underworld. He went on a brutal murder spree that claimed the lives of several members of the Paretti crime family operating out of Gotham's waterfront district. At this point in time, Bruce Wayne had relinquished the role of Batman to his first ward Dick Grayson. As the new Batman, Dick and Robin (Tim Drake) fought with Croc at a warehouse. Surviving members of the Paretti gang were present and opened fire on Croc severely wounding him. Croc survived once again however and evaded capture. Years later, Killer Croc was summoned by some strange paranormal force to break out of Arkham Asylum and make his way to the Lousiana swamps. Batman followed him there only to find that the mysterious force was actually the Swamp Thing, who offered Croc a place in the swampland where he could finally give in to his animal side and live free from human persecution. There he stayed, and Batman returned to Gotham City. In recent years, Killer Croc has been portrayed as being much more reptilian than in past incarnations. In one incident, a virus forced Croc's body to devolve into a more primal and reptilian state. Croc later attempted to find a cure for his condition, but when this failed, Croc ate the scientist who tried to help him. Croc was later discovered feeding off the remains of the villain Orca. He was apprehended once again and taken back to Arkham Asylum. While being transferred from one prison cell to another, Croc wrestled free from his handlers and attacked visiting reporter Jimmy Olsen. Olsen spontaneously generated super-powers and was able to escape unharmed. Killer Croc soon escaped confinement however, and was one of many super-powered villains led by Deathstroke who crashed the wedding of Green Arrow and Black Canary. Fortunately, the wedding party was made up of members of the Justice League, the Justice Society, the Outsiders and the Teen Titans. By the end of the fight, most of the villains, including Croc, were apprehended. The administrators of Checkmate later decided that Croc was too dangerous for them to safely contain him. He, along with many others, were exiled from the Earth via Boom Tube and taken to the "Salvation" World. A new Black Mask attempted to control Killer Croc by implanting a device in his body. He escaped Black Mask but was captured and imprisoned by the Outsiders. In an effort to save his mother's life from the Reverse-Flash, Barry Allen unknowingly changes reality, creating a new world in which his friends' lives are drastically different. In this timeline Killer Croc life is more or less the same. Croc had been kidnaping the people of Gotham City and imprisoning them in the sewer. Batman (Thomas Wayne) then arrived and attacked Croc. Croc attacks Batman, but he stabbed in the head with his own machete. Batman rescued the people that Croc is taken away by Gotham Security. Killer Croc fought Roy Harper in Hell's Kitchen but quickly noticed Roy wasn't fighting back. He figured out that Roy's trying to have him commit assisted suicide, and comforted the ex-sidekick, knowing Green Arrow screwed him over publicly by taking his shares of Ollie's company, and told him that this is not the way to go out. Roy said he was not that bad of a guy before blacking out, but Killer Croc reminded him next time he will not be so nice. He actually became Roy's sponsor for his alcoholism. +This superhero's name is Killer Frost (CW). Their real name is Caitlin Snow. Caitlyn Snow was a scientist that worked at Star Labs before being frozen and becoming killer frost now she fights as an enemy to the flash +This superhero's name is Killer Frost. Their real name is Caitlin Snow. Caitlin Snow was a young and bright scientist working for S.T.A.R. Labs assigned to an underfunded S.T.A.R. Labs Outpost #72 in the Arctic Circle, where the deceased researcher Dr. Louise Lincoln had been working on a Self-Sustaining Thermodynamic Ultraconductor Engine that could subvert the second law of thermodynamics in order to create perpetual motion. Caitlin became interested in continuing Lincoln's work, in spite of her colleagues warning her against it. When Caitlin succeeded in finishing the S.T.U. engine, her colleagues turned on her and revealing themselves to be working for H.I.V.E., as they were expected to ensure that the engine was never made public in order to protect H.I.V.E.'s investments in the energy industry. Furthermore, they were also responsible for Lincoln's death, and they then proceeded in silencing Caitlin by placing her in the working S.T.U. engine. In a panic, Caitlin ripped out the wires for the engine's coolant system, consequently infusing her biological makeup with ice. As a result, she became a vampiric being who craved for heat, and killed the H.I.V.E. agents. After carrying out her vengeance, Caitlin continued to search for other sources of heat; she attacked a Norwegian research camp and stole their helicopter to fly to her hometown of Pittsburgh, where she encountered and fought Firestorm. While fighting Firestorm, Caitlin discovered that Firestorm's powers can temporarily heal her condition, and devoted her time to seeking and confronting him. She soon learned about the Firestorm Matrix and attempted to recreate it. +This superhero's name is Killian (MCU). Their real name is Aldrich Killian. Aldrich Killian was the founder and CEO of Advanced Idea Mechanics. When Tony Stark had refused to join his research, Killian participated in the development of Extremis, amassing a group of Extremis-enhanced soldiers under his command. To mask his illegal activities as terrorist attacks, he created an idealized terrorist persona known as the "Mandarin" portrayed by the actor Trevor Slattery to serve as his proxy, unaware the real Mandarin actually existed. Killian had also conspired with the Vice President Rodriguez in an attempt to take control of both the United States of America and the War on Terror, and manipulating them for profit. However, as soon as Killian had kidnapped both Pepper Potts and President Matthew Ellis, he was then confronted by Iron Man who managed to defeat his plans with the assistance of the Iron Legion and Potts. +This superhero's name is Killmonger (MCU). Their real name is Erik Stevens. N'Jadaka, also known as Erik Stevens, was a former Navy SEAL soldier of Wakandan origin through his father, Prince N'Jobu. His savagery while serving in the US military black-ops unit, earned him the nickname Killmonger. Years after, T'Chaka had killed his father for betraying Wakanda, Killmonger then planned to forcibly dethrone his son and heir T'Challa in order to accomplish his father's plan to seize control of the world using all of Wakanda's Vibranium technology and stop the oppression of people of African descent all across the world. Manipulating and then killing Ulysses Klaue to gain access to their city, Killmonger seemingly killed T'Challa during their ritual combat and took the throne. Just before Killmonger unleashed his plans, the Black Panther returned and challenged Killmonger, eventually defeating and killing him during their final battle. +This superhero's name is Killow. Their real name is Killow. Not much was known about Killow's life, but at some point, he met Harumi and according to "LEGO Ninjago: Garmadon Rulez!," he was the first member recruited in the Sons of Garmadon. +This superhero's name is Kilowog. Their real name is . Bolovax Vik was one of the most crowded planets in the universe; it had 16 billion residents with a communal mind. Kilowog was a geneticist and one of Bolovax's most brilliant minds. After the previous Lantern, Branwill, died, Kilowog was chosen to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. It was a great honor, but it meant leaving Bolovax and going into space on missions; this was tantamount to exile for a Bolovaxian. Nevertheless, Kilowog carried out his duties with pride. He would go on to be one of the Corps' best recruiters and trainers. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Bolovax Vik was destroyed. His ring automatically protected Kilowog, but not his people. Acting quickly, he placed all 16 billion life energies into his ring. By sheer force of his will they survived until Kilowog found a suitable planet to release his people. Sadly, the planet was soon destroyed by Sinestro. Kilowog could not rescue them again. He was now alone for good. Along with some other GLs, Kilowog was assigned to Earth, where he spent some time in the Soviet Union. He was convinced that socialism was the closest philosophy to that of Bolovax Vik, but he couldn't find any government that practiced it purely. While in the USSR Kilowog helped their scientists perfect the Rocket Red Brigade, a symbiosis of forced genetic evolution and advanced technology in the form of powerful armor. During his time on Earth, Kilowog became close to the group of Green Lanterns who were assigned there. He always had a soft spot in his heart for Arisia of Graxos IV, a fellow ex-Green Lantern who helped him face his ultimate loneliness and loss of his people. However, since Arisia had feelings for Hal, he decided to just be her friend. Kilowog was also good friends with Salakk, John Stewart, Katma Tui and Ch'p, although the latter was initially mistrustful of him. Kilowog's relationship with Hal Jordan remains firm despite Hal's actions as Parallax. His interest in genetics led him to join the New Guardians, supposedly the next step in mankind's evolution. Kilowog helped them establish an island base before Guy Gardner invited him to join the Justice League. While part of the Justice League Kilowog acted as their repairman and mechanic. Kilowog was one the last Green Lanterns to engage Hal Jordan when Jordan became possessed by the Parallax entity. Driven insane by grief, Jordan used his ring to destroy his old friend, blasting Kilowog's body and leaving a blackened skeleton behind. Vengeful aliens later used 'black magic' to summon Kilowog's spirit, transforming him into the Dark Lantern and sending him to exact revenge upon his former friend. This mission of vengeance ended when Oa was restored by Tom 'Pieface' Kalmaku, who used the residual energy of Jordan's old ring to redress some of Hal's former sins. Restored to life by Kyle Rayner and Ganthet, Kilowog participated in the efforts to restore Oa and the Green Lantern Corps. He received a power ring from Kyle and fought alongside Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and a resurrected Hal Jordan in the battle against Parallax. After Parallax was once again imprisoned in the Central Power Battery, Kilowog began the monumental task of training thousands of new recruits, whom he affectionately dubbed 'poozers'. He apparently bore no ill will towards Hal, and playfully challenged him to a wrestling match in one of Oa's famous mud pools. When two of his trainees were captured by the Spider Guild, Kilowog went on a solo mission to rescue them. He participated in the defense of Oa from the Spider Guild invasion, giving his recruits field instructions on how to overcome the yellow weakness of their power rings. During the Infinite Crisis, where effects from the first Crisis on Infinite Crisis took place, Kilowog and Kyle Rayner aided efforts on Rann and Thanagar during their war. Being a part of a greater whole is very important to Kilowog. His greatest fear is being alone, but with so many friends he has nothing to worry about. He is exceedingly loyal, kind, generous, and humble. His power ring constructs display amazing raw power, and Hal Jordan has noted that Kilowog's ring is the only one that makes a sound (usually a loud boom) when it is used. During the Blackest Night event, Oa is invaded by a swarm of black power rings, that turn all the deceased Lanterns in the Oan crypt into Black Lanterns, who promptly attack the living Lanterns. Kilowog is attacked by the reanimated Ermey, who mercilessly berates him for not preventing his death, and for saving the life of Sinestro, citing the deaths Sinestro had caused as being Kilowog's fault. Gaining the upper hand, Ermey attempts to rip out Kilowog's heart, but is interrupted by the announcement that Black Lanterns' rings have reached one hundred percent power. Subsequently, the Black Lanterns are given new instructions: to devour the Central Power Battery. Ermey departs for his new objective, joined by the rookie Lanterns he had just killed. Kilowog then joined his fellow Green Lanterns in their attempt to protect the Central Power Battery. +This superhero's name is King Shark (CW). Their real name is Shay Lamden. Shay Lamden, nicknamed King Shark by Patty Spivot, is a meta-human with the physical characteristics of a human and a shark. He was hired by Zoom to take out Earth-1's Flash, only to be brought down by Harry Wells and captured and imprisoned by A.R.G.U.S. Though Shay eventually escaped, he was defeated and re-captured again by Team Flash. Formerly, Shay acted as a type of "guard dog" at A.R.G.U.S. Though Shay eventually escaped again, he was defeated and re-captured a third time by Team Flash. Shay resurfaced yet again when Team Flash asked A.R.G.U.S. if he'd be willing to serve as a test subject in a trial with a meta-human cure they'd been working on, but Grodd attempted to mind-control him, causing him to suddenly run off before a decision could be made. Shortly thereafter, The Flash forced the cure into Shay, turning him human again. However, Shay volunteered to permanently turn back into King Shark in order to stop Grodd from taking over the city, also wishing to make for hurting so many people when he'd previously been King Shark. He was then returned to A.R.G.U.S. and relocated to a nicer tank, where he now resides peacefully under the care of the widow of his late Earth-1 doppelgänger. +This superhero's name is King Shark. Their real name is Nanaue. +This superhero's name is King Thanos. Their real name is Thanos. This Thanos' life seemingly mirrors that of his younger self. As time went by, the heroes of Earth grew old and weak, but Thanos only grew stronger; his eternal quest to please Death leading him to kill almost every living thing in the known galaxy, and become the king of what had remained in his wake: nothing. Knowing that he had to die in order to be with Death, King Thanos gave a piece of the Time Stone to his servant, the Rider, and tasked him with going back in time to drag his younger self to the future so he could be killed by him after dealing with the Fallen One, the one being who had eluded him. The time-displaced Thanos soon started a fight with his older self for thinking he was a pretender, but ceased his attacks once King Thanos confirmed his identity by speaking the name his mother was going to give him before going insane: Dione. When the Fallen One arrived at King Thanos' palace with the Annihilation Wave at his back, King Thanos fought alongside his younger self and the Rider against them, and managed to viciously claim the Fallen One's life, prompting Death to return. Once his younger self realized the true reason for having been taken to the future was to kill King Thanos so he could be by Death's side, the elder Thanos prepared for battle since he didn't want to go out without a fight. Despite overpowering his future self, the younger Thanos stopped attacking after the elder Thanos begged for his death. Having become disgusted by his future self's begging, young Thanos stepped back and snatched the Time Stone shard from his necklace in order to return to his time, and set out to never become like his future self. Because of this, the elder Thanos and his entire timeline started fading to nothingness. In his final moments, King Thanos confronted Death to know what did his younger self do to rid of him. After King Thanos and all of reality was gone, Death simply replied that what he did was to win. +This superhero's name is Kingpin (MCU). Their real name is Wilson Grant Fisk. Wilson Grant Fisk is a powerful businessman with interests in the future of New York City by controlling the crime waves which brought him into conflict with some of his partners who betrayed him, as well as fighting the new vigilante Daredevil. His attempt to destroy and rebuild Hell's Kitchen was ruined when his criminal activities were leaked to the FBI, leading to his arrest. Fisk's criminal career did not end at his arrest. Within Ryker's Island, Fisk began building up a loyal band of criminals and came to run the prison. Seeking to destroy the crime competition in New York by the time he got free, Fisk assisted in the Punisher's escape, as he desired to eliminate competing criminal empires as the new Kingpin. This put Fisk in conflict with Nelson and Murdock who incarcerated him. Desiring his freedom, Fisk then set about a plan to manipulate the FBI by leaking criminals within New York City to be placed in the Presidential Hotel where Fisk could continue all of his criminal activities while focusing most his efforts on exposing Matt Murdock as Daredevil. From his new position of power, Fisk had then blackmailed and manipulated multiple agents, including Benjamin Poindexter to aid him in framing Daredevil as a terrorist, while he also ensured that his name was cleared within the eyes of the law to ensure that Vanessa Marianna could return to him. However, Fisk's schemes were thwarted by the posthumous testimony of Ray Nadeem, while Poindexter learned of Fisk's manipulation of him, as Daredevil and Poindexter fought and eventually defeated Fisk, resulting in him and Marianna then being returned into prison. +This superhero's name is Kingpin. Their real name is Wilson Grant Fisk. Very little is known about the Kingpin before he first took command of the East Coast mobs. He has described himself, however as having been "an unpopular, blubbery child" before he began his lifelong pursuit of bodybuilding. Wilson Fisk was impoverished as a child, and committed his first murder when he was twelve. From the start Fisk was determined to be the best in whatever he did, and he believed physical strength to be a major factor in building power in the underworld. Hence, he fanatically trained himself in various methods of bodybuilding and personal combat, finally concentrating on the Japanese art of sumo. His sumo training probably led to his interest in the Orient, which would manifest itself in other ways. Fisk educated himself by stealing books from stores and libraries, and became particularly fascinated by political science. He decided that another key to success would be in using political techniques in organizing and directing groups of criminals. It was his adoption of these techniques that caused him to be thought of as a political "kingpin of crime," a description which became his nom de crime. Although Fisk has always taken pleasure in physical combat with his enemies, he has always recognized the necessity never to place himself in a situation in which the law can prove his responsibility for crimes. As a result, it is believed Fisk has never once been convicted. Even when he inexplicably broke his own rule and was jailed for personally stealing an ancient tablet from Empire State University, charges had to be dropped for lack of evidence. Fisk thus never worked as any criminal's henchman, but formed his own small gang right from the start. Fisk's gang rapidly grew in size, influence, power and wealth, thanks to his organizational skills and, when necessary, his prowess in hand-to-hand combat. Fisk was careful to invest his illegal gains in legitimate businesses. The first company which he owned completely was one dealing in spices from the Far East. Today, even though Fisk has built a vast legitimate business empire in various fields, he still professes in public to being merely a "humble dealer in spices." After about a decade of being a criminal leader, Fisk had also achieved enough success in legitimate business to become a prominent member of New York society. It is at this point that he met and soon married Vanessa (maiden name unknown), a beautiful woman not yet 20 years old, and whose love, the Kingpin has stated, gave him the peace he sought after his constant struggle for power. Whether or not Vanessa knew of his criminal activities when she married him is unclear; she did know afterwards. Their son, Richard, was born within a year after their marriage. About two decades later, Fisk, now known as the Kingpin, had become one of the most powerful criminal leaders in both the New York and Las Vegas areas, and had won the respect of many of the other crime bosses. When the costumed crimefighter Spider-Man briefly retired, the Kingpin decided the time had come to fulfill his master plan. For years various major criminals dreamed of forming a coalition of criminal gangs in order to compete with the Maggia, which virtually monopolized organized crime throughout the country, The Big Man (the late Frederick Foswell) had only temporarily succeeded in uniting the independent gangs; others who have tried included the Crime-Master, Doctor Octopus, the first and third Green Goblins, the Mad Thinker, the Owl, Hammerhead, and Silvermane. With Spider-Man apparently gone, the Kingpin now proposed that such a coalition be formed under his leadership, and met with nearly unanimous acceptance. The Kingpin then directed a major crime wave in New York City which came to an end with his first confrontation with the again active Spider-Man. Moreover, the Kingpin's attempt to silence Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson backfired when Spider-Man rescued Jameson, who then publicly exposed Fisk as the Kingpin, the crime coalition apparently then fell apart. In the following years the Kingpin suffered a number of reversals. During this time he was offered an opportunity to fully achieve his ambitions for political power when he was recruited to serve as the behind the scenes leader of the Las Vegas area faction of the now fragmented HYDRA. His son, Richard, acted under him as Supreme Hydra of this group. Through HYDRA the Kingpin planned to overthrow the United States government and even achieve world domination, but he turned against HYDRA upon learning that the Las Vegas contingent was actually controlled not by him but by the infamous Nazi war criminal, the Red Skull. Ever since, the Kingpin has pursued more realistic goals than HYDRA's. Eventually, Vanessa, sickened by the Kingpin's life of crime, demanded that Fisk abandon it or else she would desert him. Unwilling to lose Vanessa, Fisk agreed to her terms, and the two retired to Japan. Vanessa even persuaded the reluctant Fisk to turn over his files on the activities of other leaders of organized crime to American legal authorities. To prevent this, the new leaders of the Kingpin's crime syndicate kidnapped Vanessa, who was then apparently killed by a Kingpin aide who correctly saw her as the only obstacle preventing Fisk from returning to crime. The enraged Fisk indeed made a comeback. Not only did he resume leadership of his former organization, but he also turned over his files on other criminal leaders to the law through the costumed crimefighter Daredevil, now with the motive of ridding himself of any rivals. The ploy worked: as a result of the evidence in the files, many criminal leaders, both inside and outside the Maggia, were convicted. In the ensuing power vacuum the Kingpin rebuilt his coalition, stronger than before. Today he controls the great majority of non-Maggia East Coast gangs dealing in conventional crimes. The Kingpin's organization is now stronger than any single Maggia "family" in the New York area. The Kingpin again turned his attention to his political goals, and his puppet candidate Randolph Winston Cherryh actually won a New York mayoralty election. However, Daredevil, now the Kingpin's principal opponent among the city's costumed adventurers, found Vanessa alive, though suffering from severe mental problems. Daredevil told the Kingpin he would return Vanessa to him if the Kingpin ordered Cherryh to decline accepting the mayoralty. The Kingpin agreed, and the bargain was carried out. Vanessa was returned to the Kingpin's custody as promised. While the Kingpin attempted to get revenge for this disgrace by having Elektra assassinate Matt Murdock's legal partner Foggy Nelson, it ended in failure when Bullseye killed Elektra. The Kingpin was angered by Daredevil's various successful attempts at subverting his plans. Finally, Karen Page, Daredevil's former lover who had become a heroin addict, sold the information that Daredevil was lawyer Matthew Murdock to a drug dealer. The information came into the Kingpin's hands, and he seized the opportunity for vengeance. He arranged for Murdock to be rendered virtually penniless and had him framed for bribing a witness to perjure himself. Murdock lost his license to practice law. Already psychologically troubled, Murdock sank into severe paranoia. He confronted the Kingpin, who savagely beat him and had him trapped, unconscious, within a car at the bottom of a New York river so Murdock's death would seem an accident. But Murdock managed to escape. Kingpin continued to send super-thugs, such as Typhoid Mary, on attacks against Daredevil, but Murdock, after a long while, got back at Fisk. Exposing the Kingpin for who he was, rendering him penniless and taking the recovering Vanessa into hiding in Europe was the ultimate revenge on him. The broken Fisk seemed to have come full circle from his squalid upbringing. Under circumstances to be fully revealed, Fisk became a part of the Stark-Fujikawa corporate empire, surfacing in an East Asian branch, and wielding power and influence as he had before, although not quite on the same scale/geography. He eventually came up against the X-Men and their erstwhile companion, Shang-Chi. The heroes were hot on the trail of the Elixir Vitae which they thought could be used as a cure for the Legacy Virus. Unfortunately, the information about the Elixir was in the hands of the Kingpin, who wanted to give it up only for its ultimate monetary value. Storm ended up destroying the Elixir rather than to let Fisk get rich off it. Fisk used his position at Stark-Fujikawa to re-establish his empire in New York. Wilson Fisk eventually lost his criminal empire to one of his employees, Samuel Silke, who was working with his son Richard, in a bloody Caesar-like assassination bid. In the aftermath, Vanessa killed Richard and fled the country with Fisk's remaining wealth while the Kingpin recuperated in an unnamed eastern-European country, broken and alone. He returned, and after getting revenge on Silke by crushing his head, almost managed to regain his empire through sheer will, but was defeated by Daredevil, who declared himself the new Kingpin. Fisk was put in jail. He hatched a scheme to be freed and regain his wealth by giving the F.B.I. proof in the form of the nonexistent "Murdock Papers" that Matt Murdock is Daredevil. Having made so many enemies who were in prison, Fisk was constantly under attack from the Hand, HYDRA, or any number of criminal organizations with which he had had intimate contact. The U.S. Government was hard pressed to get rid of this expensive, dangerous, legally clean master criminal, and Fisk succeeded in manipulating the F.B.I. into gravely wounding Daredevil and directing them to his D.N.A. He told Ben Urich to give the feds the location of the Night Nurse, the only medic for injured superheroes, or go to jail. He succeeded in getting Matt Murdock finally arrested, but the F.B.I. betrayed him at the last minute and arrested him as well, placing him in the same jail as Murdock with hopes that the two would kill each other. While in jail he also managed to arrange the near-fatal stabbing of Foggy Nelson, Daredevil's longtime friend and fellow lawyer. Ironically, the enemies were forced to team up in order to survive a prison riot which was directed at them. Finally, Murdock sacrificed the deal, refusing to let Bullseye, who was also incarcerated, leave the prison as Kingpin had planned. The fight ended with the Kingpin shot point-blank in the knee by gunfire from Bullseye intended for Murdock, while Murdock escaped. During the Civil War he offered a deal to Iron Man — consideration on his sentence in exchange for information about Captain America's Resistance base. However, as his status in prison was threatened for collaborating with Stark, he betrayed him. He first set up Iron Man by revealing a gathering of supervillians by Hammerhead to create a new criminal empire, claiming it was a base of Captain America's, and gave information to the Secret Avengers instead. He also put out a hit on Spider-Man and his loved ones. A sniper attempted to hit Spider-Man, only to hit one of the "secondary targets", Aunt May. At some point later, after Matt Murdock returned to America with his name cleared, he completed Vanessa Fisk's last wish and took on Fisk's case, getting all charges dropped in exchange for Fisk leaving the country. Fisk visited his wife's grave. However, Fisk returned to New York to settle some "old business" and met with the Runaways, who were on the run from SHIELD. He offered them protection from the government if they promised to steal a special artifact for him. After the teens ran into a winged monster and the Punisher, they decided not to give the artifact to Fisk, but were attacked by his army of ninjas. They escaped by using the artifact, which took them back in time. During the time when Daredevil got control over The Hand, Fisk decided to meet with former Heroes for Hire, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, to discuss how they were going to deal with Daredevil. When they refused, Fisk used a scroll in order to summon the Ghost Rider. After Daredevil's fallout, Kingpin became the new leader of the Hand, with Lady Bullseye, Thyphoid Mary, Montana and Hobgoblin as his henchmen, using the group for his criminal purposes. With the new Hobgoblin as his most recent incorporation to his organization, Fisk stole the experimental metal called Reverbium from Horizon Labs. The Reverbium was destroyed because of its instability by Spider-Man and Black Cat, leading to the destruction of the Fisk Tower and the death of Montana. +This superhero's name is Kisame. Their real name is Kisame Hoshigaki. Kisame Hoshigaki was a shinobi of Kirigakure's Hoshigaki Clan. After joining the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he became a S-rank missing-nin and was partnered with Itachi Uchiha when the latter joined Akatsuki. +This superhero's name is Klaw (MCU). Their real name is Ulysses Klaue. Ulysses Klaue was a black-market arms dealer, gangster, and international criminal who had worked alongside N'Jobu in order to expose Wakanda to the rest of the world, with Klaue stealing a stockpile of Vibranium as a result in 1992. During an encounter with Ultron thirteen years later, Klaue sold all of his Vibranium to the A.I. before losing his arm during an argument. Remaining bitter against Wakanda, Klaue then joined forces with Erik Killmonger - the son of N'Jobu - to steal more Vibranium, as Klaue was now armed with his new weaponized prosthetic arm. However, Klaue was still being hunted down by Black Panther and all of the Dora Milaje, until he was eventually captured by Everett Ross after an extensive conflict while they were in South Korea. Having been rescued, Klaue was still ultimately betrayed and murdered by Killmonger as a means to enter Wakanda and challenge T'Challa for the throne. +This superhero's name is Klaw. Their real name is Ulysses Klaw. Ulysses Klaw was a physicist working in the field of applied sonics at the Technical University at Delft, who had designed a sound transducer able to convert sound waves into physical mass. The theoretical element necessary to make his device work was Vibranium, a substance known to exist only in certain meteoric deposits in the small African nation of Wakanda. Desperate for a sample, Klaw organized a team of mercenaries to help him seize the element from the African tribe who guarded it, the Wakandans. When T'Chaka, the leader of the Wakandan cult of the Black Panther, refused to yield any of the metal from the sacred mound, Klaw ordered his men to kill him. Witnessing his father's death, T'Chaka's adolescent son T'Challa seized Klaw's sonic blaster weapon and aimed it at the marauders, shattering Klaw's right hand with one burst and scattering his troops with a second. Driven away, Klaw vowed to return and wreak vengeance. When he reached civilization, Klaw had his mangled hand amputated and fitted with a claw-like prosthetic device into which he built a sonic-force blaster. Ten years later, he mounted a second attack on the Wakandans. He was opposed by the Fantastic Four and T'Challa, now the Black Panther, who had succeeded his father as ruler. Thwarted again, Klaw leaped into his massive sonic converter device (the Vibranium for which he had acquired criminally on the open market), hoping to gain superhuman powers to combat his foes. His gamble was successful and Klaw was transformed into a creature whose body was composed of "living sound". In his new form, Klaw battled the Fantastic Four and was pummeled into unconsciousness by Mister Fantastic wearing Vibranium knuckle guards and taken to prison. Klaw was soon freed by the Crimson Cowl, an alias of Ultron, and invited to join the second Masters of Evil. The Masters of Evil managed to capture the Avengers, but they later escaped. Klaw was subdued by a kick from his old foe, the Black Panther. Too powerful to be imprisoned by conventional means, Klaw escaped and freed some of his cronies from the Masters of Evil. A second foray against the Avengers was less successful than the first and Klaw was again subdued. Managing to escape custody again, Klaw journey back to Wakanda where he helped steal a device capable of augmenting the metal-disintegrating property of a Vibranium-alloy. Encountering the Thing, the Human Torch, and the Black Panther, Klaw was defeated when the Thing crushed his prosthetic hand. After rebuilding the device, Klaw joined forces with the murderous Solarr and trapped the Avengers within a solid sound barrier. Klaw threatened to execute the Avengers if the Black Panther did not abdicate the throne of Wakanda to him. The Panther managed to subdue Klaw and Solarr before he could make good his threat. Klaw was later freed from prison by a member of the extra dimensional race of Sheenarians, who wished him to use his sonic powers to help open a dimensional portal big enough for their invading armada to enter Earth. Klaw agreed and after a skirmish with Ka-Zar in London, traveled with the Sheenarian to the Savage Land where there was a Vibranium deposit large enough to create the portal. After Ka-Zar repulsed the invaders, Klaw fled into the Sheenarian dimension, and unable to salvage anything substantial from his allies, used their technology to return to Earth. Materializing in the Nexus of All Realities located in the Florida Everglades, Klaw happened upon the wand of the Molecule Man. Helping the Molecule Man find a body to possess, Klaw and his new ally traveled to New York to wreak revenge on their common enemy, the Fantastic Four. Klaw was subdued by the visiting Impossible Man. Klaw began to realize that his sonic powers had been waning over the years and undertook an elaborate scheme to manipulate a youth gang into restoring him to full power. Although the scheme worked, Klaw was overpowered by the Black Panther, who turned his hand-blaster on Klaw himself. Klaw's sound-body was apparently disintegrated. Klaw's prosthetic device was recovered and taken to Project: Pegasus, a government energy research facility, for analysis and safekeeping. When Solarr, another ward of the Project, was inadvertently freed from his containment cell, he sought an ally to help him escape from the heavily-fortified facility. Finding Klaw's hand-blaster, Solarr thought that the Project was responsible for killing him and threw the device angrily against the wall. The sonic vibrations of the impact provided the necessary energy for Klaw, whose mental essence had found refuge inside the prosthetic device, to reconstitute his solid sound body. The two criminals' attempt to escape was thwarted, however, and Klaw collapsed back into his sonic device. Project scientists soon revived him again in order to study him. Weeks later, when the mutant Dazzler was at Project: Pegasus to have her sound-transducing powers tested, Klaw tricked the mutant into helping him escape confinement. Realizing her mistake, the Dazzler used her body's sound absorbing abilities to siphon Klaw's energies totally into herself. Klaw's mental essence, rendered unconscious, was also transferred to the Dazzler. When the Dazzler expended the vast quantity of energy that is Klaw while aboard the starship of the world devourer Galactus, the advanced alien circuitry of Galactus' craft absorbed it and Klaw's mental essence. Some time later, Galactus was among the many beings assembled for study by the omnipotent extra dimensional Beyonder. Needing to consume the energy of a planet-sized object, Galactus sent for his solar system sized home base, docked to which was his starship. Doctor Doom, another of the beings abducted by the Beyonder, stole aboard Galactus' home base to find weaponry to battle first Galactus then the Beyonder. While trying to fathom the alien technology, Doom used Galactus' machines to bodily resurrect Klaw, whose mental essence had been flitting through the circuitry of the base. As a result of his experience in disembodied form, Klaw was mildly insane when Doom restored his form. Doom nevertheless exploited the fact that Klaw's energy-form was attuned to Galactus' ship and carved up Klaw's non-organic body into special lenses. These lenses enabled Doom to siphon the energy released when Galactus converted his home base into fuel succeeding in the audacious scheme, Doom attacked the Beyonder and the Beyonder gave up his power to Doom in order to see what Doom would do with it. Doom believed he had totally eradicated the Beyonder from existence, but the Beyonder instead took refuge inside Klaw's now restored energy form. After witnessing how Doom handled his omnipotent power, the Beyonder manipulated Doom into returning it. The Beyonder then dispatched Doom and Klaw back to Earth. Klaw was among the villains assembled by the newest Crimson Cowl in the newest incarnation of the Masters of Evil, only to be ultimately defeated by the Thunderbolts. He joined the Intelligencia and helped the team to find Ultron, who returned Earth. At some point later, has battled Thor, Iron Man, although he was able to create constructs of himself, he was defeated and imprisoned by Mr. Fantastic in a special containment unit. One of his constructs (also called echoes), managed to avoid the heroes and tried to become a new Klaw using more echoes, who were on the loose, and using Daredevil as a new body. Daredevil managed to escape the echo's hideout. While battling it, the construct along the rest of them were desintegrated. +This superhero's name is Knockout. Their real name is . Knockout was a former Female Fury from Apokolips whose hidden identity was that of a super-strong stripper who worked at a club called the BoomBoom Room. She first appeared shortly after Superboy moved to Hawaii. Using her super strength, she fought and flirted with Superboy just for the fun of it. Later, she was recruited to join Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad for an attack against the international crime cartel, Silicon Dragons. Knockout was presumably killed during the mission when she was left behind with King Shark and the base exploded. . She later turned up alive and joined Superboy in a fight against Valor (although she tussled with him as well during the fight). She turned back up shortly thereafter and teamed up with Superboy, battling across Hawaii in several of his adventures. Her past soon caught up with her, and it was revealed then that she was originally from Apokolips, one of Granny Goodness's Female Furies. After Big Barda ran off with Mister Miracle, Knockout decided she had had enough of the Furies. During a punishment where she was chained up on the walls of the Fire Pits, she broke her chains and leapt into the fires (after seeing Himon, whom she thought was a hallucination, do so). As she did so, a Boom Tube opened and took her to Hawaii. The other Female Furies arrived in Hawaii to reclaim Knockout; a huge battle ensued with Superboy, Knockout, and a small squad of police officers on one side and the Furies on the other. The Furies were only driven off when Dubbilex used his mental abilities to convince them that Knockout had died in the battle. The police discovered that the one police officer who was killed in the battle was actually struck down by Knockout, just because he was in her way, and attempted to bring her in; Superboy adamantly refused to believe she was guilty, causing the two to briefly go on the run. The two encountered an explorer named Victor Volcanum. Knockout wanted Superboy to kill him and fully become her lapdog, but he refused, and Knockout decided to do the deed herself, revealing her true colors as last. Superboy managed to defeat her and bring her into custody. She was shown in maximum security a couple more times, but did not escape during the rest of the series' run. +This superhero's name is Koko (The LEGO Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Koko. Koko met Garmadon in a war under the identity of the Lady Iron Dragon. When Lloyd was born, she left Garmadon and went to Ninjago in order to raise Lloyd on her own due to an argument they had. Koko raised him in Ninjago presumably his entire life and made sacrifices to help him fit in around their surroundings. +This superhero's name is Kool-Aid Man. Their real name is . Before he was officially the Kool-Aid Man in 1975, he was the “Pitcher Man”. The Pitcher Man was created in 1954 by Marvin Plotts, an art director for a New York-based advertising agency. General Foods had just purchased Kool-Aid from the drink’s creator Edwin Perkins the year before, and Plotts was charged with drafting a concept to illustrate the copy message: “A 5-cent package makes two quarts. " Working from his Chicago home on a cold day, Potts watched as his young son traced smiley face patterns on a frosty windowpane," recounts Sue Uerling, marketing and communications director for Hastings Museum of Natural and Cultural History. This inspired Marvin Plotts to create a beaming glass pitcher filled with flavorful drink: the Pitcher Man. From there on the joyful pitcher was on all the Kool-Aid’s advertisements. the voice of the man is John Fickley. In 1975 Kraft Foods created the character’s first costume with arms and legs. He also became more of an action figure in commercials — performing extreme sports and busting through brick walls. Kool-Aid Man is famously known for shouting, “Oh, Yeah!” as he is summoned by thirsty children with the phrase, "Hey, Kool-Aid!". Commercials of the era also featured a catchy jingle, always ending with the Kool-Aid Man's phrase. Starting in the late 1980s, the character was given dialogue, and his mouth would be digitally manipulated to "move" while the voice actor talked. Sometime in the 1990s, the live-action character was retired; from that point until 2008, the character became entirely computer-generated (although other characters -- such as the kids -- remained live-action). In 2000, a new series of commercials were created for Kool-Aid Fierce and the actor chosen to play Kool-Aid Man was Jon Carr. The most recent Kool-Aid commercials feature a new and different live-action Kool-Aid Man playing street basketball and battling "Cola" to stay balanced on a log. +This superhero's name is Korg (MCU). Their real name is Korg. Korg is a Kronan warrior who resided on Sakaar and was forced to participate with the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions. Upon meeting the Asgardian Prince Thor, Korg helped him escape from Sakaar with the Hulk and defeat the threat of Hela. Having gained victory, Korg and Miek joined the Asgardian people in their journey towards the Earth following the complete Destruction of Asgard. +This superhero's name is Kraglin (MCU). Their real name is Kraglin Obfonteri. +This superhero's name is Kratos. Their real name is . Kratos is the son of Zeus and Callisto. Kratos also has a younger brother named Deimos, Deimos was scarred by his broken house and was captured by Ares. Kratos got a red mark symbolizing Deimos' scar. When the rumors about his sire's identity grew so strong, his mother took Kratos to Sparta and receive training. He quickly become a Spartan general and although his tactics were brutal, they were efficient. But soon he learned that despite all his military power he was no match for Eastern Barbarians, numbered in the thousands, and his men fell one by one. As he was ready to be finished by the Barbarian King, Kratos pledged Ares the God of War and the Furies to save him,and kill his enemies. Kratos exchanged his soul for a victory. There are three blood oaths: the death of his enemy, the death of his enemies and the death of his brethren. Kratos became a living weapon, his swords attached to chains and burned to his forearms. He continued in the ways of war and death for Ares. But Ares deceived Kratos, and in his bloodlust Kratos killed Lysandra and Calliope. He was then cursed by a woman of the village, the ashes of his family forever turning his skin pale. The Furies were sent by Ares to find Kratos who broke his oath. 6 months later, Kratos met a Fury/Demigod named Orkos who helped Kratos break his connection with Ares. Orkos told Kratos to go to Delphi to meet Aletheia. Kratos was encountered by Pollux and Castor who took Aletheia's rule. Aletheia was blind since her eyes were ripped out by the Furies. Kratos used the Amulet of Uroborus to destroy and construct surfaces. When Kratos came to Delos, Orkos gave Kratos an Oath Stone in which Kratos can use a decoy to get out of the Furies' traps. After finishing the Trials of Archimedes, Kratos and Orkos were sent to Aegaeon the Hecatonchires. The Hecatonchires was a titan who broke his oath and became a prison for oath breakers. Kratos escaped from the insect infested prison and killed Megaera. He later killed Tisiphone, her pet Daimon and Alecto who can transform into a sea monster. Before the Furies died, they made their son, Orkos their oath keeper. Kratos regretfully killed Orkos which broke his oath and made him remember the tragedy made on Calliope and Lysandra. He put Orkos' corpse where Calliope and Lysandra's were. Kratos did various tasks for the gods for 10 years. One task included that Kratos must help Helios defeat Morpheus, Atlas and Persephone. The death of Persephone led to Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders. Atlas stated that both he and Kratos will meet again. Kratos' last task from Poseidon was to kill the Hydra. The torment of what he had done to his family still haunted him. He wished for forgiveness and sought out Athena. Athena and the other gods have become troubled by Ares and she offers Kratos forgiveness if he kills the God of War. Eventually, Kratos finds Pandora's Box and with it's power he is able to kill a god. However, the Box contained the evils of the Great War and infected the other gods. Athena put hope to help Kratos kill Ares. But when he goes to claim his prize, Athena forgives him, but this does not make him forget his past. Kratos attempts suicide, but is saved by Athena. Without Ares, the gods have decided that Kratos will be the new God of War. Before Kratos actually became a god, he had to find Deimos. Kratos sunk Atlantis which made Poseidon upset. Kratos found Deimos at the Domain of Death. Kratos and Deimos killed the owner of the land named Thanatos. Deimos later died. He was dug to his grave by the Grave Digger (Zeus). The Grave Digger said "Only one remains". Kratos is now a God of War. As a god, Kratos assists the Spartan army and does not associate himself with the other gods, which angers them. Finally, while trying to destroy Rhodes, Zeus intervenes. Zeus gives life to the Colossus of Rhodes and tricks Kratos, telling him how to defeat the giant. Kratos puts all his godly energy in the Blade of Olympus, but it is taken from him by Zeus, who kills him. The titan Gaia helps Kratos escape from Hades and tells him to find the Fates to change his destiny. When he finds them, they cannot do as Gaia says and Kratos slays them. Using the Loom of Fate, Kratos travels back to when Zeus killed him. He battles with the king of the gods and defeats him, but Athena intervenes, at the cost of her own life. God of War III Kratos and his Titan allies were attacked by the Gods. After brutally killing Poseidon, he confronts Zeus but is blasted from Mt. Olympus along with Gaia. With his grip slipping, Gaia refuses to help Kratos, stating he to be nothing more than a pawn to serve the Titans, having now brought them to fight Zeus, he outlived his usefulness. Kratos fell into Hades Realm, where he is greeted by Athena, who had become some sort of Angel and agrees to help Kratos, so can mankind be freed from Zeus's grasp, and told he should extinguish Olympus' source of power, the Flame of Olympus. In the Underworld, Kratos meets Hephaestus, the God of Smith, who warn him the Flame of Olympus is deadly to all who touches it. Kratos also kill Hades and finds the tombs of Ares and Persephone. He learn Hephaestus had created Pandora, a child-like construct, who is the key to extinguish the Flame of Olympus and had been hidden by Zeus, so Kratos cannot find her. He resumes his quest back to Olympia, killing Hermes and taking his boots; curb stomp Hercules to death, snaps Hera's neck with his bare hands after she called Pandora a whore. Back above, he finds Gaia, now loosing against the Gods and ask his help again, but having been already betrayed by the Titans he refuses and sever her hand. Kratos also find the goddess of love Aphrodite and makes love with her, much to Hephaestus's dismay, but when he learn Kratos intend to sacrifice Pandora to the Flame of Olympus so he can retrieve the Pandora Box, Hephaestus send him to the Underworld to retrieve the Omphalus Stone inside their grandfather's belly, the Titan Cronus. Cronus and Kratos fight, and after Cronus made the foolish mistake of swallowing Kratos like he did with his sons, Kratos cut his way from the Titan, finding the Stone and use the Blade of Olympus to finish off Cronus. Hephaestus make a new weapon with the Stone an give to Kratos, but he tried to kill him so he cannot reach Pandora, and Kratos kill him in turn. He finds Pandora, but Kratos grew fond of her because he reminds her of his daughter and is at first, unwilling to let her sacrifice herself, as he realized that if he lost Pandora he would be throwing away another loved one because of the manifestation of his daughter in Pandora's form. But Zeus appears and they end up fighting, but Pandora tries to jump in the flame only to Kratos hold her, but Zeus kept reminding him of "do not fail her like you fail with your family" making Kratos exploding in anger and attacking Zeus in a overwhelming rage, but letting Pandora fell into the Flame. After he open the Pandora's Box and find it empty, the guilt of a loved one sacrifice in vain lies heavily in his shoulder and he pursues Zeus into a last stand, which is interrupted by Gaia herself, having survived the attempt against her, Zeus and Kratos fell into her heart and after one last battle, Kratos kills both Zeus and Gaia by stabbing them with the Blade of Olympus in the heart. After removing the Blade from Zeus' chest, he emerges a spirit moved by his overwhelming hatred for Kratos and imprisons him in his own mind. However Pandora appear to him and remind him of hope and her sacrifice. Kratos manage to get hold in to himself, overwhelm Zeus and beat the tar out of him to death. However, after the gods have been killed, calamity after another befell over mankind, leaving a calamitous world behind, and Athena appear to Kratos and demands she return her power to him. She explain the Box was not empty, after Kratos opened it to fight Ares, all the evils rested inside the Box sought out the strongest and end up corrupting the Gods, but the Hope, the last remnant was inside the box sought Kratos, and he still has the power of Hope inside him. Rather than let himself be manipulated by another, he impale himself with the Blade of Olympus and release the power of Hope into the world. After he falls dead in the ground, in a post-credit scene, a trail of blood into the sea is seen, indicating he might still be alive... +This superhero's name is Kraven II. Their real name is Alyosha Kravinoff. Alyosha Kravinoff, a mutant son of the infamous Kraven the Hunter, was - unlike his half-brother Vladimir (the Grim Hunter) - shamefully raised in an African jungle separate from his family and civilization due to his illegitimate birth. After Kraven's suicide Alyosha came to New York to understand the father he barely knew. Dressed as Kraven, Alyosha confronted his Uncle Dmitri (the Chameleon). Believing his abusive half-brother had returned from the dead, the Chameleon revealed to Alyosha much about the dysfunctional Kravinoff family. Kraven’s former lover, Calypso Ezili, did actually return from the dead, and she mistook Alyosha for Kraven. She seduced Alyosha, but afterwards he spurned her affections. Later, riding a bull elephant atop Manhattan's rooftops, Alyosha attacked Spider-Man, poisoning him with an hallucinogenic dart, but then set him free. While at the Kravinoff's estate, Alyosha was learning about his father from Spider-Man when Calypso returned with Kraven's tribesmen, setting the home ablaze and killing all but one animal, Gulyadkin the lion. Calypso poisoned Alyosha and Spider-Man and used her hypnotic powers to force the two to fight to the death. Spider-Man resisted and injured Calypso, while Alyosha subdued her with his lion. Despite asking for her forgiveness, Alyosha savagely killed Calypso and all the tribesmen. He was later contracted to by the Fantastic Four to help capture the enigmatic enormous canid Puppy. Next, he was hired by White Wolf, head of the, deposed Wakandan secret police, to capture the Black Panther. The Black Panther turned the battle around, nearly killing Alyosha. The Sandman later invited Alyosha to join the Sinister Six to hunt Dr. Octopus and Senator Ward, host body for the alien Z'nox. Venom (Eddie Brock), slighted at his lack of inclusion in the Sinister Six, hunted each of the team members. Refusing to be "the hunted", Alyosha managed to trap Venom with fire, but Venom seriously injured him and escaped. Alyosha then adopted a more relaxed personality - suave, witty, and a ladies’ man. As "Al", he began dating a waitress and aspiring actress named Timber Hughes from an all-villain bar. Al sought to help Timber's career in Hollywood by becoming a director. Despite connections to celebrities, Al's efforts were stonewalled, facing arrogance, greed and corruption within the Hollywood elite. Being forced out of Hollywood by the powerful Rothstein brothers. Al was beaten while Timber was brutally raped. Both Al and Timber enacted vengeance, defeated another half-brother, Ned, and left Hollywood to pursue heroics in New York City. Considering his family history, and personality swings, his mental stability remains in question. He retained his mutant powers after M-Day. +This superhero's name is Kraven the Hunter. Their real name is Sergei Kravinoff. Kraven was a maniacal big game hunter who sought to defeat Spider-Man to prove that he was the greatest hunter in the world. Unlike other hunters, he typically disdained the use of guns or bow and arrows preferring to take down large dangerous animals with his bare hands even though he often made elaborate preparations to weaken a quarry before hand. He also used a mystical serum to give him similar strength to Spider-Man, but even without the serum he was a threat to the wall-crawler. However, Kraven's continual underestimation of the superhero's resourcefulness made him a frustrating quarry. For a time, he gave up hunting Spider-Man, but his manipulative lover, Calypso Ezili, tricked him into believing Spider-Man set his caged animals free. Goading Kraven into resuming his pursuit, both she and Kraven were arrested. Convinced he would never be worthy of Calypso's love until he humbled Spider-Man, Kraven once again hunted Spider-Man. This time, Calypso muted Spider-Man's spider-sense, while the two battled. When Kraven realized Calypso had drugged Spider-Man with a hallucinogenic dart, he stopped the fight out of honor. The police captured the two again. After numerous battles in which Kraven was bested by the Wall Crawler, he finally defeated Spider-Man by shooting him and burying him for what would be his last hunt. He then donned Spider-Man's black costume and set out to prove that he was a greater Spider-Man than Spidey himself. He hunted down and defeated the creature known as Vermin who previously was only able to be defeated after Spider-Man enlisted the help of Captain America. The still living Spider-Man, who had actually been shot with a tranquilizer dart, clawed his way out from the grave and attacked Kraven but the hunter did not retaliate. Believing that he had regained his honor, Kraven released Vermin onto the streets. Spider-Man pursued Vermin while the deranged Kraven took his own life. +This superhero's name is Kronos. Their real name is Luke Castellan. The Titans were the eldest of the three races born to Gaea (also spelled Gaia) the Earth and Ouranos the Sky, before the Hekatonkheires (Cottus, Gyges, and Briares) and the Elder Cyclopes (Arges, Brontes, and Steropes). All were detested by their father, but he detested the six younger children so much (mainly for their ugliness) that he imprisoned them in the terrifying abyss of Tartarus, which was itself deep within the Earth. Enraged at Ouranos and his actions, Gaea then gathered her remaining twelve children, the Titans, to free their brothers and overthrow their arrogant and sadistic father. Kronos was the boldest, as well as the most ruthless and devious and cruelest of the siblings (even though he was the youngest) and, initially, only he would agree to help his mother. While growing up, Kronos would frequently resort to dirty fighting tactics while wrestling his elder brothers, earning his infamous nickname "The Crooked One." Furthermore, as the youngest of the twelve Titans, Kronos was initially ignored by his parents (who even had trouble recalling his name), which inspired the young Titan to prove himself as superior to his elder brothers, in any possible way. This is also what inspired him to sadistically murder his father. Though the youngest, Kronos proved himself as a natural leader, and was able to convince all of his Titan brothers (except for Oceanus) to aid him in their father's murder. Kronos' sisters Theia, Tethys, Themis, Phoebe, Mnemosyne, and Rhea also refused to participate. +This superhero's name is Kruncha. Their real name is Kruncha. At an unknown point in time, Kruncha was a warrior who died, and unable to come to terms with death, was sent to the Underworld, becoming a Skulkin as a result. He would eventually become second-in-command to Samukai, with Nuckal acting as his partner. Some time later, he was later challenged to a battle with Frakjaw and Krazi, though soundly defeated the two on his own. When Garmadon arrived in the Underworld and usurped Samukai's title, Kruncha became subservient to him, though nevertheless failed to trust him, suspecting his involvement in their realm's affairs would prove to be the downfall of the Skulkin. He was eventually assigned to participate in the hunt for the Golden Weapons. +This superhero's name is Krux. Their real name is Krux. Forty years prior to the events of Hands of Time, Krux and his brother Acronix were the era's Elemental Masters of Time. While Acronix could go forward in time and slow down time, Krux could go back in time and pause time completely. He used these powers to great advantage; going back in time seconds before an opponent could make a move and turning the battle in his favor. +This superhero's name is Krypto. Their real name is Krypto the Superdog. Krypto was the family dog in Jor-El's household, and was used for a test flight of the rocket that eventually carried baby Kal-El to Earth. However, Krypto's rocket was blown off course and drifted in space for many years until the rocket picked up the signal from Kal-El's rocket that landed on Earth. Krypto arrived when Kal-El was a teenager, and the two got along famously. Krypto adventured alongside young Kal-El, though he was not publicly known. This new version of Krypto had superhuman (or, supercanine) abilities, but with a normal canine intellect. This initially caused a great deal of trouble for his new master. For instance, Krypto would scratch at a door to indicate he wanted to go out and unintentionally gouge big chunks out of the door with his super-strength or inflict grevious bodily harm when combating villains (since Krypto bites the way a regular canine would, only without being careful about his super-strength). As a result, Krypto was for some time locked away in the Fortress of Solitude under the care of one of Superman's robots programmed to emit the scent of the dog's real master. Superman has gone to great lengths to train the dog, and Krypto has occasionally accompanied the Man of Steel on missions. Batman never misses an opportunity to poke fun at Krypto when Batman and Superman don't see eye-to-eye. Krypto had a surprisingly violent reaction to Kara Zor-El when he first encountered her. The dog happened upon the girl while she was exploring the Fortress of Solitude. Krypto attacked, going so far as to use his heat vision and other potentially lethal attacks. Some time later, Superman left Krypto in Superboy's care, saying that Smallville's open spaces were a better place for the dog, and that Superboy could use a friend.[1] Their relationship had a shaky start, not helped by Krypto getting Superboy in trouble with the superheroine Starfire for destroying her alien garden. However, they slowly developed a close friendship in which Krypto willingly did anything he could to protect Conner. One example of this loyalty was Krypto's quick defense of Conner from an outraged Superboy-Prime. Although Krypto was injured, this only strengthened his relationship with Conner. With the murder of Conner by Superboy-Prime during the Infinite Crisis, Krypto has been taken by Superman to his retreat at the Fortress of Solitude where the sole remaining Earth-made Superman Robot now called "Ned" watches over and plays with Krypto. Krypto was left with Martha Kent in the wake of Jon Kent's death, and is playing around in Smallville with Conner Kent in the wake of his resurrection. Most recently, Krypto joins Superman and Conner in a battle against the Black Lantern Superman (Kal-L). The battle sheds insight into Krypto's emotions in-battle, where he is awash with love, rage and will. +This superhero's name is Kurse (MCU). Their real name is Algrim. Algrim the Strong (Älgrim in Shiväisith) was a lieutenant of the Dark Elves' leader Malekith. Loyally serving his master during the war against the Asgardians, he was one of the few Dark Elves who survived the war that almost wiped out their race and cost them the Aether. Five thousand years later, Algrim did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life to be transformed into the last of the Kursed to gain their revenge upon Asgard. Kurse then helped Malekith to unleash the Sacking of Asgard, and killed Frigga. Once Malekith obtained the Aether, Kurse attempted to kill Thor, only to be challenged by Loki whom he then (seemingly) fatally wounded. In his "final" moments, Loki activated one of Kurse's Black Hole Grenades on his belt and destroyed the Kursed monster's body once and for all. +This superhero's name is Kurse. Their real name is Algrim. Algrim the Strong was one of the Dark Elves of the extra-dimensional realm of Svartalfheim who served the Dark Elves' ruler, Malekith the Accursed. He was one of the largest and strongest of his kind. +This superhero's name is Kylo Ren. Their real name is Ben Solo. Ben Solo was born shortly after the battle of Endor in which his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, died. At a certain point in his youth he was sent to his uncle, Luke Skywalker, to begin his training as a Jedi. During his training, he eventually fell to the dark side and became a member of the knights of Ren, taking on the name Kylo Ren in the process. +This superhero's name is Lady Blackhawk. Their real name is Zinda Blake. Zinda Blake, or Lady Blackhawk, was a member of the World War II aviator team the Blackhawk Squadron, and after being displaced in time during Zero Hour, she joined the Birds of Prey. +This superhero's name is Lady Bullseye. Their real name is Maki Matsumotu. Born in Japan, the young girl (it has not been revealed whether Maki Matsumoto was her birth name, or an assumed one) who would become Lady Bullseye was imprisoned by the Yakuza, who planned to sell her and many others into sexual slavery. However, Bullseye, on an unrelated errand, arrived to slaughter the mobsters. The sight of Bullseye effortlessly killing her captors inspired the girl to escape and become a killer. [citation needed] Years later, now in the employ of the Hand, the famous ninja order, she arrived in New York to take the lead in Hand ninja-lord Hiroshi's then unrevealed plan. However, she demonstrated little tolerance for the Hand's ritual when she interrupted some of them in order to catch her enemies. Those who were used to those traditions were caught off-guard. She killed and resurrected both White Tiger and Black Tarantula to assist her. +This superhero's name is Lady Deadpool. Their real name is Wanda Wilson. Lady Deadpool vs. General America General America is leading the loyalists while Wanda is leading an assault against forces in Washington D.C. and meets up against Wanda's one-woman resistance. The two have met before - leading to Deadpool's interference (with Headpool) and the amputation of the General's right arm. As the two meet again, he starts to get the better of her but Deadpool teleports in and helps Wanda take out General America. Deadpool informs Wanda of the plight at hand and because she is so easily sweet-talked into things, she quickly accepts and the two teleport out of that universe. Later when Deadpool returned to his apartment with Headpool, Lady Deadpool is found playing guitar hero with Kidpool. After her adventures with the Deadpool Corps, she eventually returns home. "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" is Lady Deadpools One-Shot "Women of Marvel" stand-alone comic. You get to see Wanda Wilson on her own away from her alternative reality versions, Deadpool, Headpool, Kidpool, and Dogpool. Seeing Wanda all on her own, we learn that she is a relatively secluded person, not wanting to go out into the sun until her Cable goes out. Once outside, she is hired by Shamus Onus to protect the face of some "Rebel's Force." Wanda quickly falls in love with the failed actor turned Rebel Leader Charles Randolph, who happens to already have a girlfriend. Wanda continues to try and impress Charles one way or another. Lucky for Charles she was there when a very angry man, who had been left by his wife and kids because they wanted to follow the rebellion, decided to assault Charles with his shoe, Wanda is there to intercept the shoe with her face. Losing several teeth in the process but it was worth it to her. After she blows the man to "smithereens" Charles romantically lifts her from the floor, cementing in Wanda's Mind they're meant to be together. Determined to be with Charles, Wanda interrupts an intimate moment between Charles and "Ginger", which is then interrupted by General America. Wanda refuses to let that happen but Ginger tasered her rendering her incapacitated. General America takes Charles to a secret compound and Wanda is tempted to take the job of rescuing him by Shamus and his flunky by Peach Cobler with Shepards Pie on the side. Of course, she takes the job and ends up fighting General America for her love again. After stabbing him with her sword, Tristan Sheen, the former agent of Charles Fay, appeared to kill Wanda. Charles tries to save her with a muchaco he found but ends up killed as his former agent shoot him. Fortunately, he was successful, as the muchaco damaged Tristian's head after the shot, killing him as well. Deadpool Kills Deadpool When an evil version of the Deadpool Corps started hunting down the numerous Deadpools of the multiverse under the command of Dreadpool, Lady Deadpool was one of the few living counterparts of Wade Wilson alive, and alerted the Deadpool of Earth-616 about this threat and invited him to join the resistance. When the resistance found itself fighting a squad of evil Deadpools in an unnamed world, the evil Deadpools brought to the battle a Galactipool to ensure the destruction of the resistance even at the cost of their own. In order to buy the resistance time and to defeat Galactipool, Lady Deadpool sent The Bea Arthur straight to the face of the world-consumer Deadpool, killing not only him but also herself in the process +This superhero's name is Lady Deathstrike. Their real name is Yuriko Oyama. Yuriko Oyama is the daughter of Kenji Oyama, a former Japanese kamikaze pilot during World War II, whose face was horribly scarred in a failed suicide attack on an American battleship. Later becoming the head of Oyama Heavy Industries, Kenji had Yuriko and her two brothers privately tutored by Marcy Stryker, wife of an American soldier named William Stryker. Kenji felt much shamed by his failure decades earlier, and as a result he ultimately scarred the faces of his three children in a ritual design. Becoming the criminal scientist Lord Dark Wind, Kenji developed a means for bonding the virtually indestructible metal Adamantium to human bone, a procedure he hoped to use in creating an army of super-soldiers for Japan. However, his notes were stolen and it took him years to rediscover the process. Growing to despise post-war Japanese civilization, Lord Dark Wind had the then-crippled assassin Bullseye brought to his island off the Japanese coast. There, Dark Wind replaced some of Bullseye's broken bones with Adamantium substitutes, hoping that in return Bullseye would assassinate Japan's minister of trade for him. Arriving in Japan intent on recapturing Bullseye, the blind costumed crimefighter Daredevil encountered Yuriko, who sought vengeance on her father, both for scarring her and for the deaths of her brothers, who had perished in Lord Dark Wind's service. Moreover, I the young man Yuriko loved, Kira, served in Dark Wind's private army, and she did not want her father to cause him harm. After Yuriko guided Daredevil to her father's private island, Bullseye escaped and Yuriko herself slew Lord Dark Wind just as he was about to kill Daredevil. Following Daredevil's departure, Kira committed suicide in despair over Dark Wind's death. The shock of Kira's death radically altered Yukio's outlook on life, and she resolved to carry on her father's work. Yuriko became convinced that the mutant adventurer Wolverine had gained his Adamantium-laced skeleton by means of the process stolen from her father years earlier. Garbed as a female samurai and calling herself Lady Deathstrike, Yuriko led a number of her father's warriors to Canada where they confronted Wolverine, seeking to retrieve his Adamantium skeleton for study. She was defeated by Wolverine's long-time friend Heather Hudson, who had adopted the costumed identity of Vindicator in her role as leader of the Canadian super-team Alpha Flight. Having failed to defeat Wolverine, Lady Deathstrike resolved to better fight him on his own terms and so struck a deal with Donald Pierce, the renegade White King of the elitist Hellfire Club, who had formed a band of cyborg mercenaries named the Reavers. Pierce had the extradimensional being named Spiral transform Deathstrike into a cyborg, healing her facial scars in the process. Now possessing superhuman strength and Adamantium claws to rival Wolverine's own, she led three other cyborgs in Pierce's employ - former Hellfire Club soldiers Cole, Macon, and Reese - in an attack on Wolverine, only to again meet defeat. Now interested only in vengeance, Deathstrike later joined Pierce and his Reavers in an ambush on Wolverine in a remote town in the Australian outback. Capturing him, they crucified him on an X-shaped cross and left him to die. Wolverine was rescued by the young mutant Jubilee, and after a brief clash with the Reavers, the pair escaped. Believing Wolverine had fled to the mutant research facility on Muir Island, the Reavers arrived and clashed with both a ragtag group of X-Men and the US government-sponsored Freedom Force team. After both sides suffered casualties, the tide of battle began to turn against them and the Reavers retreated. Later hoping to succeed alone after her failures with a team, Deathstrike had the Reavers' former ally, the mutant aborigine Gateway, teleport her to Wolverine's location. At that moment, Wolverine had traveled back in time to Spain in 1937, so Deathstrike was also sent into the past. Caught in a skirmish during the Spanish Civil War, the pair subsequently fought their way through temporal distortion to return to the present, their battle unresolved. In a subsequent confrontation, Deathstrike learned that the self-styled mutant master of magnetism, Magneto, had forcibly removed the Adamantium from Wolverine's body. As a result, she lost interest in her quest and returned to the Reavers in search of purpose. After an attack on the Reavers by giant robotic Sentinels summoned from the future by the time-traveling mutant villain Trevor Fitzroy, Pierce rebuilt the Reavers and led them in capturing Milo Thurman, a former government employee who possessed incredible natural prophetic abilities. Pierce intended to transform Thurman into a cyborg Reaver under his control, but his plan was opposed by Thurman's former lover, the mutant mercenary Domino. As Deathstrike battled Domino, Pierce downloaded almost 60% of Thurman's consciousness into his own mind before the Reavers' base was destroyed. Later striking out on her own, Lady Deathstrike once again clashed with Wolverine but was possessed by the spirit of another of his nemeses, Ogun. Eventually abandoned by the spirit once it had learned from her how to infiltrate cybernetic systems, Deathstrike subsequently allied with the Japanese terrorist group Strikeforce Ukiyoe and they clashed with the super-soldier Captain America following his return from an extradimensional exile. She next found herself targeted by Prime Sentinels, mutant-hunting cyborgs under the command of the time-traveling villain Stryfe. Although not a mutant herself, Deathstrike unknowingly carried within her cybernetic programming the control codes for the more powerful Omega-class Sentinels. With the help of Wolverine and his teammates in the X-Men, Deathstrike defeated Stryfe and his forces. Despite their shared victory, Deathstrike's dislike for Wolverine endured, and she was subsequently recruited by Wolverine's arch-nemesis, the feral mutant Sabretooth, to assist him in striking at Wolverine's loved ones in exchange for valuable information. Deathstrike, alongside the Russian super-soldier Omega Red, crippled Wolverine's friend Yukio and abducted his ward, Amiko. Having obtained what he wanted, Sabretooth subsequently double-crossed Deathstrike and Omega Red, cheating them out of the information he had promised them. Lady Deathstrike later went to the aid of her former associate William Stryker, who had since become a minister and led an anti-mutant crusade that resulted in his imprisonment due to the murderous actions of his Purifier soldiers. Breaking him out of government custody, Deathstrike gave him access to the resources of Oyama Heavy Industries. In the course of aiding Stryker in his efforts, she fell under the control of Paul, a sentient computer entity who sought to protect the community of mutants living in Mount Haven. Under Paul's control, Deathstrike fought both Stryker and the X-Men, once more dueling with Wolverine and, ironically, meeting more success under Paul's control than she ever had on her own. In the course of one clash, Deathstrike was buried beneath collapsing rubble, but when the X-Man Bishop investigated he found only her severed cybernetic arm. Deathstrike's current whereabouts and activities are unknown. +This superhero's name is Lady Shiva. Their real name is Sandra Wu-San. Sandra Wu-San is Lady Shiva, known as possibly the world's greatest martial artist. She has been both a ruthless villain and a heroic vigilante. Her motivations are based purely on what interests her. This has lead her to mentor several other fighters +This superhero's name is Lagoon Boy. Their real name is . Lagoon Boy originally from the underwater city of Atlantis. When he was a teenager he joined Titans East. +This superhero's name is Laira. Their real name is Laira Omoto. she became one of the first members of the Red Lantern Corps +This superhero's name is Lance Hunter (MCU). Their real name is Lance Hunter. Amadeus Ravenclaw "Lance" Hunter is a former British soldier and mercenary that joined the second incarnation of S.H.I.E.L.D. based on the recommendations of Isabelle Hartley and his ex-wife, Bobbi Morse. He participated in many field missions for S.H.I.E.L.D. and he stayed loyal to Director Phil Coulson during the brief war against the S.H.I.E.L.D. faction led by Robert Gonzales. He later saved his ex-wife Bobbi Morse after she was kidnapped by Grant Ward and Kara Palamas. As a result, Hunter became focused on killing Ward in revenge, but his mission to kill him failed so he refocused his efforts in defeating Gideon Malick's plans for HYDRA. During a mission in Russia, he and Morse had to resign from S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to keep the existence of the agency secret. A few years later, Hunter assisted Leo Fitz escaping from the United States Armed Forces custody to make sure Fitz would be able to reach the year 2091 in order to save the rest of the team. +This superhero's name is Lantern Bleez. Their real name is . Bleez is a member of the Red Lantern Corps from the planet Havania and former member of the New Guardians. +This superhero's name is Lar Gand. Their real name is Mon-El. Lar Gand was born on Daxam in the 20th century. He was a seeker who studied forbidden lore. Lar discovered the fate of Krypton and tracked down the rocket sent right before the planet exploded. He ended up in Smallville (without memories) and met Clark Kent who thought that they may be brothers (since Lar had spoken something about Krypton and Jor-El, and has displayed powers similar to Clark). Thinking him kin, Clark offered Lar to fashion a temporary name for himself, Mon-El ("Mon" for Monday, the day he came to Earth, "El" for Clark's real name, Kal-El). +This superhero's name is Lashina. Their real name is . Lashina was raised as a warrior in Granny Goodness' Orphanage, and took over leadership of the Female Furies when Big Barda left Apokolips for Earth. Though the Furies went to Earth to aid Big Barda and her lover, Mister Miracle, they soon returned to Apokolips to be punished for their betrayal of Darkseid. Lashina was then given leadership over the Female Furies by Darkseid, much to the annoyance of Bernadeth. During a mission to capture Glorious Godfrey, a New God that had been imprisoned on Earth, Lashina was betrayed by Bernadeth and shoved out of the boom tube. She was shot and later suffered from amnesia +This superhero's name is Laufey (MCU). Their real name is Laufey. Laufey was the king of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, and the biological father of Loki. While attempting to start a second war between Jotunheim and Asgard, Laufey was approached by Loki who offered him a way of murdering the Asgardian King Odin, only for Loki to betray and kill Laufey before then attempting to wipe out the entire race of Frost Giants. +This superhero's name is Laufey. Their real name is Laufey. Laufey is the king of the Frost Giants and the father of Loki. He was later killed by his own son during an attempt to assassinate Odin. +This superhero's name is Lauren Strucker (Fox). Their real name is Lauren Strucker. Lauren Strucker is a mutant from Atlanta, Georgia. Her powers first manifested during a vacation when the family car veered off the road, and she generated a force field to protect her family. Her brother Andy's mutant powers manifested while he was being bullied at a dance. His powerful telekinetic abilities caused the school to partially collapse. Lauren publicly revealed herself as a mutant when she used her powers to shield herself and others from debris. +This superhero's name is Leader. Their real name is Samuel Sterns. Sam Sterns was once little more than a slow-witted laborer who had never even completed high school. As an adult, Sterns found employment working the night shift at a chemical research plant. One evening, he was moving canisters of waste material when one of the containers cracked open bathing him in gamma radiation. Sterns survived what would normally be a lethal dose of radiation, but not without cost. Initially however, the side-effects seemed completely beneficial. Sterns discovered that his intellect had increased a thousand-fold, and he retained information with the accuracy of a computer. He began reading voraciously, accumulating as much knowledge as he possibly could. Before long however, his gamma-irradiated body continued to mutate. His skin turned permanently green, and his cranium increased in size.Abandoning his true human name, Sterns instead began to refer to himself as the Leader. Over the course of a year, he used his heightened intellect to become a criminal mastermind, and he developed an extensive spy ring with plans of taking control of the United States government. His efforts soon earned him the attention of another gamma-spawned mutation, physicist Bruce Banner, also known as the Incredible Hulk. +This superhero's name is Leech. Their real name is . The green-skinned Leech was orphaned as a toddler. His parents left him to die when his mutations became apparent. He was found by the Morlock Caliban and taken to a woman named Annalee who raised him and several other young mutant orphans as her children. During his life in the Morlock tunnels, he made friends with a mutant his age named Artie Maddicks and had a few brief encounters with the X-Men. During the "Mutant Massacre," Mr. Sinister rallied his henchmen, the Marauders, to infiltrate the sewers and massacre all the Morlocks living there in an effort to rid the world of "genetically impure" mutants. While many Morlocks were killed, Leech, Artie and Caliban survived, rescued by the Power Pack and the X-Terminators (the X-Factor in their mutant roles). Leech and Artie were placed in the care of X-Factor until they could be enrolled in private school. Soon after they began attending this school, Leech and Artie were captured by mutant-hunting demons. They were again rescued by X-Factor, this time with the help of the New Mutants. The two went back to attending school for several months before they were kidnapped a third time, this time by Gene Nation This group, composed of second-generation Morlocks were the descendants of those who survived the massacre in the tunnels. They were born and raised in an alternate dimension with a faster flow of time than this one called The Hill. They sought revenge for those who wronged their forbearers. The Gene Nation led a campaign to hunt down and kill as many humans as possible, since it was the humans' unwillingness to accept them that led their parents to the tunnels in which they were massacred. Leech and Artie wanted no part of this, but were trapped until they were rescued by Generation X. They were thereafter made junior members and remained with the team until it disbanded. Leech and Artie continued to live in the MassachusettsAcademy under the care of Emma Frost. When they met Franklin Richards, they were inducted into his own short-lived team, the Daydreamers. When Richard's family, who had previously been exhiled to an alternate universe, returned, the group was disbanded. Leech and Artie returned to the academy to take on more active roles. For a time, the academy was shut down and, although it is never made clear, Leech may have transferred to another school. What is known is that he was eventually captured by the revived Weapon X program and forced into a machine that was designed to attached to a mutant, take their powers, and then project them to any other mutant in the world. Sabretooth, then a part of Weapon X, used the machine, at one point, to strip Wolverine of his healing abilities in order to finish him once and for all. Leech survived, but continued to be used by the Weapon X program to keep imprisoned mutants under control. After the events of "M-Day," Leech reappeared unharmed from Neverland on the grounds of the Xavier Institute. He is one of the estimated 198 mutants who have retained their powers. +This superhero's name is Legion. Their real name is David Haller. +This superhero's name is Legolas. Their real name is Legolas Of Mirkwood. Legolas was a Sindarin elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age. +This superhero's name is Leo Fitz (MCU). Their real name is Leopold Fitz. Leopold James "Leo" Fitz is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and scientist. A genius engineer, he is one of the youngest and most prominent members of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Sci-Tech division, and inseparable from his research partner and friend (and later wife), Jemma Simmons. He, along with Simmons, was recruited to Coulson's Team and worked with them on all of their missions. While on the team, Fitz became good friends with Grant Ward and Skye. During the HYDRA Uprising, Fitz was an active participant in hunting for John Garrett and the rest of the Centipede Project. He was shocked by the revelation that Ward had been a member of HYDRA all along, and refused to believe it. When Ward was ordered to kill him and Simmons, they were trapped on the ocean floor. They escaped, but Fitz spent a long period of time without oxygen, causing brain damage. As time progressed, Fitz's condition seemed to get better with help and support from his fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. colleagues rebuilding it. Slowly regaining his skills, Fitz was able to get back into doing active field and lab work, and played an important role in the conflicts with Robert Gonzales' S.H.I.E.L.D. faction and during the War against the Inhumans, in which he caused the death of Gordon. However, soon after the war was over, Simmons was swallowed by the Monolith and disappeared. Fitz studied the Monolith for months and with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s help, he went through a portal to a distant planet and rescued her. Although Simmons returned, Fitz was devastated to learn she had met and bonded with the astronaut Will Daniels. Fitz helped Simmons research a way back to the planet, but their work attracted the attention of HYDRA, which forced Fitz go back to the planet to bring Hive back on Earth. There, Fitz learned that Daniels had died and his body was possessed by Hive. Fitz destroyed Daniels' body and returned home, believing the Inhuman was dead. However, the dark Inhuman, Hive, managed to return to Earth. Fitz and Simmons, having become a couple meantime, tried to find a cure to Hive's power of controlling Inhumans' minds. S.H.I.E.L.D. eventually managed to kill Hive. S.H.I.E.L.D. had its new Director appointed by the president after the signing of the Sokovia Accords. Fitz worked with Dr. Holden Radcliffe on developing an Artificial Intelligence called Aida which was designed to serve S.H.I.E.L.D. as a decoy target. He was caught in an explosion with Phil Coulson and Ghost Rider by Eli Morrow and was almost sent into another dimension, but managed to get out. Fitz then helped S.H.I.E.L.D. in their last fight against Morrow. To Fitz's shock, Radcliffe betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D. and used Fitz's technology against S.H.I.E.L.D.. Fitz was captured and his mind was connected to the virtual reality called the Framework where he lived a rewritten life as The Doctor, Aida's lover and HYDRA's ruthless second-in-command. After he created for Aida a machine to become a real person, Fitz left the Framework, traumatized from his behavior there. But when Aida learned Fitz didn't love her back, she planned her revenge on him. S.H.I.E.L.D. eventually succeeded in defeating her. Shortly after, everyone in the team but Fitz were taken by mysterious people. Fitz was then arrested by the army and taken to a black site prison. However, former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Lance Hunter rescued him and brought him to Enoch, the one who took the team. Fitz decided to go into suspended animation for 74 years to facilitate his rescue of the team. Once in the future, Fitz took up the identity of Boshtok the wealthy Marauder. He managed to break Simmons and Daisy Johnson free from Kasius' enslavement, getting engaged with Simmons in the process. After the team managed to return to the present, however, due to multiple stressful factors, Fitz also experienced a psychic split which enabled his dark personality from the Framework to resurface at times. They continued working on a way to prevent the Destruction of Earth, came into a conflict with Hale's HYDRA cell and later with the Confederacy. In their final battle against Glenn Talbot they succeeded to change the course of history, however Fitz was killed in the process. However, due to the method he used to travel to the future, a younger version of Fitz remained alive, though cryogenically frozen in space. +This superhero's name is Leo Valdez. Their real name is Leo Valdez. +This superhero's name is Leonardo (TMNT 2012). Their real name is Leonardo. Leonardo and his four brothers were just ordinary turtles when they were adopted at a pet store by Hamato Yoshi. On his way back from the pet store he witnessed a burglary in progress were he thought more to investigate as he got closer he was exposed by an alarming rat. He tryed to defend himself and in all the confusion he and his pet turtles were covered in Ooz (Mutagen). were the turtle mutated into four humanistic turtle, and he mutated into a humanistic Rat. +This superhero's name is Lex Luthor (DCEU). Their real name is Alexander Joseph Luthor. Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor Jr. is a megalomaniacal multi-billionaire businessman, as well as one of the smartest individuals in the world by far. He is the current owner and CEO of LexCorp Industries. Lex Luthor also becomes the archnemesis of Superman, whose very existence makes Lex feel threatened, which makes the malevolent supergenius go out of his way to expose the godlike alien superhero as a fraud, and to subsequently destroy him, by first pitting Superman against Batman, and then his monstrous creation Doomsday. Lex, however, is ultimately jailed as a supercriminal for his exposed numerous unspeakable crimes, first in Belle Reve supermax, and then in Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. Following the founding of the Justice League and defeat of Steppenwolf, Lex escapes captivity, acquires a private yacht, and meets up with Deathstroke to discuss their upcoming partnership. +This superhero's name is Lex Luthor (Injustice). Their real name is Alexander Luthor. Alexander Joseph Luthor is the CEO of his company LexCorp, which he gained the funds for out of an attempt to get a huge life insurance policy from his parents' death. As such, he excelled in designing aeroplanes and space shuttles. When Superman came around, Lex became enamored but also enraged at him for knowing of someone like a Superman becoming a huge liability for Metropolis. As such, he went at odds with the Man of Tomorrow, getting around the moral that power comes from pure skill and smarts rather than godlike powers. Luthor's even responsible for creating well-known Superman villains like Bizarro, and even discovering a hunk of kryptonite and fashioning it into a ring just in case. +This superhero's name is Lex Luthor. Their real name is Lex Luthor. The current Luthor family has a long history with the city of Metropolis. Some of Lex's ancestors were with the Pilgrims who came to the island, and other ancestors of his were among the Native Americans who met them. As the centuries went on, the Luthor family grew in prominence and wealth. Luthor's great-grandfather, Wallace Luthor, was a millionare steel industrialist at the beginning of the 20th century. An ardant pacifist with dreams of a united society, Wallace was distressed when America was pulled into World War I. He reluctantly agreed to sell his steel for the manufacture of allied ships and weapons. In the stock market crash of '29, Luthor lost his entire fortune. He went to his grave penniless believing that it was divine punishment for his part in the war. Luthor was born in the Suicide Slum district of Metropolis. In his younger years, Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor grew up in a household where his cruel and short-tempered father abused Lex's mother and belittled his son's dreams of leaving the Suicide Slum district for a better life. His father is also responsible for instilling in Lex a hatred of immigrants (aliens) as well as his atheism. Luthor's mother was also emotionally abusive and spent most of her time drinking. His only friend was Perry White, who encouraged Lex's dreams of making something of himself. Lex's big break would come in his early teens, when Lex's parents were killed in a car accident and left Lex with a rather large insurance policy that left the teen incredibly wealthy. Years later, an unauthorized biography would accuse Lex of not only causing the death of his parents but also of obtaining the insurance policy on his parents without their knowledge. Lex was put into a foster home while he waited until he became of legal age to collect the insurance money. However, Lex found that his foster parents were even worse than his biological parents. Greedy and manipulative, they schemed to find out the location of Lex's money and steal it from him. Shortly after Lex turned the age in which he could have access to his money, he secretly put the money in a savings account with it explicitly stated that only he could withdraw money from the account. When his foster parents found bank documents Lex had hidden from them, Lex's foster father confronted his daughter Lena and demanded that she seduce Lex (who had fallen in love with Lena) into giving her parents the money under the lie that they would use the money to pay for their daughter's college education, which they had no plans on doing. Lena, who had feelings for Lex, refused and for her trouble was knocked down the stairs by her foster father and died. Lex was absent from the home at the time, having been talked into going to a football game by his friend Perry. When Lex returned home, he was heartbroken to find Lena murdered by her father. This event would serve as the turning point for Lex Luthor, who vowed to do whatever it took to gain power and to destroy anyone who got in his way. Perry White was the first target of Lex's turn to evil. Lex blamed Perry for keeping him from being at the house when Lena died and got his revenge by seducing Perry's wife shortly after their marriage and getting her pregnant with Lex's child. The offspring Jerry White, would later learn of his true parentage during his late teens before being killed by a local streetgang that Jerry had associated with. Years later, Lex would on several occasions purchase ownership of the Daily Planet, much to Perry's shock and attempt to kill the newspaper out of complete spite for Perry. +This superhero's name is Life Entity. Their real name is The Life Entity. +This superhero's name is Light Lass. Their real name is Ayla Ranzz. When Ayla's and Garth's older brother Mekt went to Korbal, their ship crashlanded. Ayla suggested that they should trick the local lightning beings to recharge the ship's batteries, but they were attacked and gained electrical powers. In an unknown later accident, Ayla lost her electrical powers and gained the ability to negate the pull of gravity of certain objects. She has dated Sun Boy, Ultra Boy and Timber Wolf. Brainiac 5 thought that it's disturbing that some persons so powerful as Light Lass treats their powers like party tricks. Light Lass and her brother Garth have recently been reunited with their older brother Mekt. +This superhero's name is Lightning Lad. Their real name is Garth Ranzz. When Garth, Ayla and Mekt crashlanded their spaceship on the planet Korbal, Ayla suggested that they cuold use the local lightning beasts to recharce the batteries of the ship. They were unsuccessful, and they were attacked by the beasts. The beasts caused the siblings to gain electrical powers. Garth was later at the founding of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Lightning Lad is considered the Legion's ID. He has a relationship with Saturn Girl and is the best friend of Cosmic Boy. Of all of the Legionnaires, Lightning Lad's logged in the least amount of time on Earth. Garth says that he prefers to explore, but the other Legionnires feel that he's searching for something. After the Zero-Some encounter (an undocumented case), Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad took a break to Rimworld where they were among the first to encounter Terror Firma. The Terror Firma and Lemnos were defeated later, and then Cosmic Boy took leave to be with his family on Braal and appointed Garth as acting leader. Lightning Lad has made a deal with Saturn Girl's mother, Delegate Ardeen, to make the Legion an autonomous branch of Earthgov with rights and privileges equal to the Science Police. Garth and his sister Ayla were recently reunited with their older brother Mekt during the Dominator War. +This superhero's name is Lightning Lord. Their real name is Mekt Ranzz. A solo person on a world where twin birth is a norm, Mekt was treated with pity and fear and became suicidal. The other people in his school used to say that Validus, the Lord of Lightning, was Mekt's true father. He became a part of a cult that worshipped Validus. The cult had a prophecy that a certain solo would bring Validus to Winath in the flesh, but on the planet Korbal. While near the Korbal, they crash-landed because his siblings Garth and Ayla had followed him. Ayla suggested that they could use the local lightning beings to recharge the ships batteries. But the siblings were attacked and lapsed into coma of massive electrocution. They discovered later that they had gained electrical powers. The Wanderers were a group of "black ops" superheroes created by the Earthgov. All of them, but Mekt, were killed fighting the Dominators (who had began a war against the United Planets). Mekt searched the galaxy to create the new Wanderers and found Polar Boy, White Witch, Inferno, Plant Lad and others. The Wanderers manipulated the Legion of Super-Heroes into freeing Mon-El from the Phantom Zone and giving him the lead antitoxin, but when that was done, Star Boy, Karate Kid, Ultra Boy, Light Lass and Mon-El were teleported to the Wanderers. After the final battle against the Dominators, Mekt were surprised that Cosmic Boy were planning to cause the entire Dominator homeworld to explode with a bomb that Brainiac 5 built. Both Mekt and Supergirl were willing to deliver the bomb to the planet's core, but Cosmic Boy decided that Mon-El would deliver it. Mon-El agreed, but Mekt did not. The bomb was in fact not an actual bomb, but rather an extremely powerful Phantom Zone projector. Cosmic Boy was going to wait to tell the rest of the Legion about it untill Mekt and th Wanderers would go away from Earth, in fear that Mekt would try to retrieve Mon-El himself, without any thought of retrieving something else. However, because Cosmic Boy disappeared, the Wanderers stayed a little longer than planned. Mekt was picked to one Cosmic Boy-search team together with Star Boy and Sun Boy, and they were going to Winath. There, after a series of dramatic events, Mekt had one of his fingers bitten of by Tenzil Kem and was arrested for murder, attempted murder of a government official (as Tenzil Kem was a persecutor appointed by the United Planets to investigate Cosmic Boy's possible war crimes) and mind control (as he had let Vrax Gozzl control the minds of certain Winathians). +This superhero's name is Lightray. Their real name is Solis. Solis is one of the New Gods of New Genesis. As a boy he established a close friendship with fellow New God Orion. +This superhero's name is Lightspeed. Their real name is Julie Power. 10-year-old Julie Power was the daughter of of a brilliant scientist who discovered how to convert anti-matter into energy. An alien known as Aelfyre Whitemane (whose species resembled Earth horses) was able to discover an error that would have caused a chain reaction that would have destroyed Earth. Attempting to stop the experiment by warning Julie, her older brother Alex and her younger siblings Jack and Katie, Whitemane was mortally wounded by reptilian aliens who kidnapped Julie's parents in hopes of learning their knowledge of anti-matter. The now dying Whitemane was able to divide his powers among Julie and her siblings so they could save their parents. In Julie's case, she obtained the powers of super-speed and flight (both accompanied by a rainbow trail). After saving their parents, Julie and her siblings decided to continue their superhero lifestyle as the superhero team "The Power Pack", with Julie taking the name "Lightspeed". However, as the siblings grew older, they eventually went their seperate ways, causing the Power Pack to disband. A now teenage Julie was later enlisted to Avengers Academy. +This superhero's name is Link. Their real name is Link. +This superhero's name is Little Epic. Their real name is Eilliott Kipp. Found on the wrong side of justice at an early age, Little Epic has been Captain Epicís sidekick since childhood. Realizing Little Epicís potential as a super speedster, he was brought up to value the importance of using oneís powers for good. His love for people, animals and nature gives Little Epic a strong desire to protect the well being of others. After years as Captain Epicís constant companion, Little Epic struggles with leaving his childhood behind and still thinks of himself as the Ďkidí. He has SADHD (Super Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), giving him moments of extreme focus and times of extreme mania, almost to the point of exhaustion. +This superhero's name is Little Krishna. Their real name is Krishna. +This superhero's name is Littlefinger. Their real name is Petyr Baelish. Petyr Baelish was the head of House Baelish and the lord of an extremely minor holding, so small it has neither name nor a maester, located in a small area within the Fingers, a coastal region in the northeastern shores of the Vale of Arryn. House Baelish had very meager origins and no distinguished lineage: Petyr's great-grandfather was a lowly sellsword from Braavos who came to the Vale at the invitation of House Corbray. Petyr's grandfather was a poor hedge knight, who managed to earn a minor lordship of a few stony acres in the smallest peninsula of the Fingers. Petyr's father fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings, the preemptive assault on the forces of Maelys Blackfyre, the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders, before they could attempt an invasion of Westeros. During the conflict, Petyr's father served well under Lord Hoster Tully. Through their good relationship, Hoster agreed to foster his son Petyr at Riverrun, a great honor for a lesser House. Petyr went to Riverrun when he was eight years old, carrying all he owned in a bundle. At Riverrun, he befriended Hoster's daughters Catelyn and Lysa Tully. Their brother Edmure mockingly nicknamed Petyr "Littlefinger", in reference to his small height at the time and the location of his minor landholdings. The nickname would stick with him throughout his life. Eventually, even Petyr sarcastically embraced the nickname, because it showed how far he had risen, from an impoverished noble-born boy from an insignificant minor House in the "little Finger" peninsula of the Vale, to one of the most powerful officials at the royal court. Petyr became obsessed and in love with Catelyn, but she never returned his affections. Lysa was infatuated with Petyr, but he only loved Catelyn. Eventually when she was betrothed to Brandon Stark, heir to Lord of Winterfell and Lord Paramount of the North, Petyr challenged him to a duel, thinking he could win through pluck and courage but he was promptly overpowered and nearly killed, though Catelyn begged Brandon to spare his life. Embittered, Petyr was cast out of Riverrun and returned to the Vale. During the course of Robert's Rebellion, however, Brandon was killed by the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen, so Catelyn married his younger brother Eddard Stark, while to secure a political alliance Lysa was wed to Jon Arryn, ruler of the Vale. Manipulating Lysa's infatuation with himself, Petyr ingratiated himself into Jon's services, first as a customs officer at Gulltown, where he increased the port's revenues tenfold. Seeing Littlefinger's financial acumen, Jon was easily convinced by Lysa to later bring Littlefinger to the royal court at King's Landing, and make him Master of Coin on King Robert Baratheon's Small Council. Petyr's blatant ambition often placed him at odds with the Master of Whisperers, Varys. In charge of the crown's treasury, Littlefinger rapidly grew into a powerful player in royal politics and a master of court intrigues. Of an older mindset, few who did not know him suspected Littlefinger as a threat, seeing only that he was a man from a very minor House, with no distinguished lineage, significant landholdings, or armies. Instead, Littlefinger based his newfound power on money. Baelish is unscrupulous in his search for power and wealth: he has bought multiple brothels in the city. Particularly a high-class brothel catering to the nobles in the city, cynically noting that whores make a better investment than ships because they rarely sink. Baelish makes good use of his brothels to have his agents spy on and manipulate his clientele and owns one of the largest spy networks in Westeros, second only to Varys's. Littlefinger has been known to privately bribe lords who have unusual or violent sexual fetishes if they pay the right price; ranging from supplying lords with amputee prostitutes, to delivering young boys to pederasts, and even delivering prostitutes to be secretly murdered by his clients for thrill-kills. Due to their past friendship as children, Catelyn Stark continued to believe that Lord Baelish was a friend she could count on at court. +This superhero's name is Livewire (CW). Their real name is Leslie Willis. Leslie Willis (died January 22, 2018), also briefly known as Roseanne, was a former shock jock of CatCo Worldwide Media. After a fatal helicopter accident, Leslie gained electrical powers and turned into the supervillain Livewire. She later became an ally of Supergirl and sacrificed herself to save her from Reign. +This superhero's name is Livewire. Their real name is Leslie Willis. Leslie Willis was a shock jock. Going by the DJ name Leslie, her show was dedicated to bashing upon Superman every night, claiming that Superman was only saving people in the name of grandstanding and showing off. She also showed a disdain for fellow broadcaster Billy Batson. Her career as a shock jock was cut short when the owner of the station, Miguel, decided to turn the station into a country station. Miguel was also quite pleased that she was fired because his wife was saved by Superman. +This superhero's name is Living Brain. Their real name is . The Living Brain was a robot invented by International Computing Machines Corporation. At that time the Living Brain was considered the most sophisticated robot of that time and went around on a "good will tour", visiting schools and cities throughout America. Liz Allan and Peter Parker interacted with the robot when it arrived at Midtown High School for a demonstration of its abilities . It claimed to have deduced the identity of Spider-Man, but it's answer was never revealed. Later that night however two thieves tried steal the robot, yet they only managed to cause it to malfunction and wreak havoc. Spider-Man was informed of the chaos that the robot was causing and managed to stop it after a short scuffle. Years later the Living Brain was rebuilt by a scientists son and sent on rampage. It again was opposed by Spider-Man, who again destroyed it. +This superhero's name is Living Totem. Their real name is . A stranded alien who crashed in the American southwest, the Living Totem wished to destroy all humans he came across. +This superhero's name is Living Tribunal. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Liz Sherman. Their real name is Elizabeth Anne Sherman. Born in Kansas City, Kansas, on April 15, 1962, Liz was a normal child until her pyrokinetic abilities began to manifest themselves around her eleventh birthday. The eruption took the lives of her family and destroyed an entire city block. The final tally was 32 casualties, including three firefighters. Liz's file states that her last uncontrolled manifestation was July 4, 1984. She was taken in by the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense where she learned to control her power to some degree. She was often teamed with Hellboy and Abe Sapien. Her childhood trauma left her bitter and she has often left the B.P.R.D., but she always returned, presumably because it is the closest thing to a family she has. She briefly tried to rid herself of her pyrokinesis by using it to jumpstart Roger the Homunculus, and fell into a coma as a result. Liz was taken to the Wauer Institute in Tirgoviste, Romania, until Roger later returned her powers to her after he was plagued by guilt concerning the incident.[1] Liz has recently returned from the Agartha Temple in the Ural Mountains, where she spent time with a society of monks learning to control her pyrokinesis. She is currently back with the B.P.R.D. and doing her best to accept the changes that have been made to the team. As a result of her time amongst the monks, Liz has complete control over fire; she can produce small hand-sized flames to light her way in darkness, or she can erupt in a furious explosion of fire to destroy anything around her. She can also manipulate fire into shapes and designs. Recently, her powers were greatly magnified by a mysterious object. This dramatic increase in her already considerable powers allowed her to burn the towering Katha Hem entity to dust. +This superhero's name is Lizard. Their real name is Curtis Connors. Dr. Curtis Connors was an Army surgeon whose right arm was amputated when it became gangrenous from a war wound. Unable to remain a surgeon, Connors undertook the scientific study of reptiles, soon becoming a leading authority. Reptiles still possess the ability to regenerate missing limbs whereas mammals have evolved away from that trait. Connors discovered the precise chemical substance that confers this ability, and administered it to himself. He succeeded in regenerating his missing arm but the mutagenic effects of the chemical did not end and caused a body wide transformation to a reptilian-humanoid form. Possessed by a primitive but cunning reptilian mind, the Lizard intended to gather a reptile army that would supplant humanity as Earth's ruling species. But Spider-Man stopped the Lizard's schemes, using Connors' chemicals and scientific knowledge to create a serum that reversed the original formula's effects. However, the mutations the serum enacted remain part of Connors' genetic makeup. Though he has gone long periods without transforming into his reptilian alter ego, the scientist has never been able to fully free himself from the curse of the Lizard. In fact, the reptilian persona seems to be awake in Connors' subconscious, hinting at a larger agenda for the world and humanity than previously At one point, the villain Calypso apparently put the Lizard under her control, but it was actually a clone of Connor's Lizard-form. He went on a killing spree in New York City, which ended only when he killed Calypso. Spider-Man and a bounty hunter named Warrant went looking for this Lizard and started a three-way battle. The Lizard jumped into quicksand and was thought dead. In reality, this Lizard in the quicksand mutated into a more reptilian monster. The first one destroyed the second Lizard when it tried to kill Curtis's son. +This superhero's name is Lloyd (The LEGO Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Lloyd Garmadon. Lloyd was born to Lord Garmadon and Koko, sometime before arriving to Ninjago. When Garmadon declared his intentions of conquering the city, Koko decided she didn't want Lloyd to become a villain so she reluctantly left Garmadon and took Lloyd with her to Ninjago to give him a normal life. She got a job at a copy center and kept her former life a secret from her son while Garmadon stayed behind and carried on with his plans to conquer Ninjago. +This superhero's name is Lloyd. Their real name is Lloyd Garmadon. Lloyd is the son of Lord Garmadon and Misako. The soon-to-be dark lord was filled with pride for his newborn son, and wanted Lloyd to follow a different path from his own. The family was happy for a time, but one day Garmadon finally lost control over the evil within him, and was banished to the Underworld. Lloyd was too young to remember Garmadon, but he had heard of him, and was fond of his evil father, wanting to follow in his footsteps, unaware that Garmadon did not. Once he was old enough, Misako sent him to the Darkley's School for Bad Boys. On his first day at Darkley's School, everyone made fun of Lloyd, and Brad put fire ants in his bed. After everyone left, Brad took him under his wing and taught him the art of revenge. One day, he had received a package from his "grandmummy" when another student named Finn took it from him and turned it into worms. Lloyd was expelled from school that same day because he didn't have the "amoral ambition to become one of tomorrow's masterminds." Before he left, he stole a cape and hood from a closet, planning to become an evil overlord by himself.Lloyd arrived in Jamanakai Village where he attempted to steal all of the candy, but was stopped and humiliated by the Ninja in front of the villagers. Later when he was walking in the Glacier Barrens, he stumbled upon the Hypnobrai Tomb. After gaining command of the Hypnobrai, he led them on an attack of Jamanakai Village, only to be stopped by the Ninja once more. Lloyd then turned his army's attention to constructing a fortress in the heart of Wildwood Forest, though it was quickly discovered and destroyed by the Ninja. During the Ninjas' attack, Skales took command of the Hypnobrai and after defeating Slithraa in a Slither Pit fight, the new General banished Lloyd. Using a map he had stolen from the Hypnobrai Tomb, Lloyd set out to find the Fangpyre Tomb which he planned to unleash to get revenge on the Hypnobrai for betraying him. Though the Fangpyre was eager to help him, they insisted on first rebuilding their army. Traveling to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk, Lloyd witnessed the Fangpyre use their venom to turn old vehicles into attack machines, though they were forced to flee when the Ninja arrived. With their army ready, Lloyd accompanied the Fangpyre into battle against the Hypnobrai. Unfortunately for Lloyd, Fangtom and Skales were old friends and a truce was called, forcing Lloyd to flee once more. Knowing that all the other tribes feared the Anacondrai, Lloyd traveled to the Anacondrai Tomb only to find that a single one of these snakes remained—Pythor. Nevertheless, Pythor agreed to be Lloyd's minion and they spent the day carrying out petty crimes. At his new minion's suggestion, Lloyd and Pythor attacked Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys in revenge for them kicking him out. However when the Ninja arrived, Pythor showed his true colors by stealing the Map of Dens and fleeing, leaving Lloyd to be captured by the Ninja. Lloyd was then told a bedtime story by his Uncle Wu, explaining why one shouldn't trust a snake. Now living with the Ninja, Lloyd aided his uncle in one of the Ninjas' daily lessons by pulling pranks on them (such as placing Zane's clothes with Kai's in the wash, thereby turning them pink, messing with one of Jay's inventions, etc.) and blaming it on the other Ninja.In the aftermath of the Devourer's defeat, the Ninja moved into an apartment in Ninjago City. Although their spacious new home had a training course for Lloyd, he was unable to receive any personal guidance from the Ninja as they all had to all work jobs to pay the rent. After Lloyd was nearly abducted by Skales, the Ninja decided to downsize to a more affordable apartment. Although the Ninja were now able to oversee Lloyd's training, they soon realized that their cramped apartment was unsuitable and began using Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo as training grounds. When Captain Soto and his pirates attacked Ninjago City, Lloyd was ordered by the Ninja to stay behind, but the little Green Ninja used the Ultra Dragon to board the ship, performing Spinjitzu for the first time during the battle. Soon after, Lloyd was invited back to his old boarding school to receive an honor. Upon arriving at the school, Lloyd discovered that it was merely a ploy by his old classmates who captured him and attempted to turn him evil again. When Garmadon's Bizarro Ninja arrived, Lloyd managed to convince his classmates to help the Ninja defeat their fake counterparts. When the Ninja entered the Ninjaball Run to save Dareth's dojo from being destroyed, Lloyd entered the race with the Ultra Dragon. Although he was unable to reach the finish line, Lloyd did manage to stop Garmadon from destroying the Ninja mid-race. When the Ninja were turned into kids by Garmadon's Mega-Weapon, Lloyd took them to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to find information about the Grundle, a Ninja-hunting creature, that the effects of the Mega Weapon brought back to life. As a result of using Tomorrow Tea to defeat the Grundle, Lloyd was aged significantly, prompting the final battle to draw closer. Now older, Lloyd began to take his training more seriously and confronted his father with the other Ninja in the Lost City of Ouroboros. As a result of the Ninja following Garmadon back in time, destroying the Mega Weapon with their own Golden Weapons making sure it never happened, Lloyd's knowledge of the Mega Weapon was erased. Some time after, Lloyd and the other Ninja were summoned to the Ninjago Museum of History as the venom of the Great Devourer had brought the Stone Army merchandise to life. After the Ninja had taken care of the problem, Lloyd was reunited with his mother Misako, though still angry she left him so many years ago, he stormed away. Misako caught up to him and revealed the story of the Overlord.Following the Overlord's defeat, Lloyd traveled Ninjago accepting medals and achievements as the Golden Ninja for his victory. His father also abandoned the title of Lord and began going by Master Garmadon, and swore an oath of nonviolence. Lloyd realizes that Ultra Dragon is feeling homesick. They flew to the Spirit Coves and Lloyd chose to set him free.Lloyd heard word from Nya that the Ninja were in trouble, and raced to New Ninjago City on his Golden Elemental Dragon to help. He used his Golden Power to temporarily disable the Security Mechs and reunited with the Ninja. Their reunion was quickly interrupted by the revived Digital Overlord, whom Lloyd declared that since he defeated him once, he could defeat him again. As the Security Mechs powered up, the Overlord stated that he didn't want to fight, he only wanted the Golden Ninja's power. Lloyd prepared to attack the mechs again, but was stopped by Wu who realized that the golden power was only making them stronger. Their master then ordered the Ninja to flee the city while he tricked the Overlord, and Lloyd rode the Golden Dragon away. +This superhero's name is Lobo. Their real name is Lobo. Lobo, whose name means "one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it," is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise that knew nothing of war and the Czarnians were almost immortal. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane and became the planet's first mental patient in ten millennia after the infant Lobo chewed off four of her fingers. Lobo knew he was one of a kind, but he wanted even more. Inspired by the idea of genocide, Lobo created a swarm of lethal scorpion-like creatures, he set them on his people wiping out his entire species but himself. He claimed it was a science project and gave himself an 'A'. Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties. Despite his ruthless nature, Lobo has a strict code of honor when it comes to these agreements. Along the way he has met and battled a number of superheroes. Lobo played an important role in the Citadel War, in his capacity as a bounty hunter. He was hired by the Citadel's human agent Harry Hokum to capture the Euphorian known as Kalista in a bid to learn the secret behind her home world's planetary shield. Along with fellow bounty hunters Bedlam and Berserk, he raided the mothership belonging to the Omega Men, where upon he engaged in combat with Kalista. Soon after, Harry Hokum hired Lobo once again, this time to assassinate the Omega Men's interim leader Tigorr. Lobo never had the opportunity to complete the contract however. After the Citadel War ended, Lobo was then hired by Kalista's husband Primus to help them infiltrate a Citadel prison facility and free several of Primus' captured allies. During the prison break, Lobo killed the supreme commander of the surviving Citadel military forces. Lobo made his first appearance on the planet Earth when he was hired by Manga Khan to take out the newly formed Justice League International. But after Big Barda teleported Lobo across the galaxy, Lobo landed on Earth smack in the Justice League Embassy. After a brief altercation with Guy Gardner, Lobo hung around, pretending to be a friend, waiting for the right moment. But before he could act, Manga Khan canceled his contract. For a such a fierce bounty hunter and a loner, Lobo still held a few surprises under his brash exterior. He would prove to be more a team player than anyone would think. He kept a secret pod of pet Space Dolphins that he cared for. When one of the dolphins was killed, Lobo tracked the perpetrators to Vril Dox II's newly formed band of freedom fighters, the L.E.G.I.O.N. Lobo single handily crippled the entire team, but was halted by Vril Dox II, who offered to provide protection for the Space Dolphins in exchange for Lobo's service in the L.E.G.I.O.N. Lobo accepted and accompanied the new team to Cairn, known galaxy wide as the "drug world." There the team dismantled the drug lords' empire by sheer brains and brawn. Vril Dox II also took advantage of Lobo's ability to multiply, which helped them destroy the remainder of Cairn's opposing rulers. During this mission, Dox secretly poisoned Lobo and his clones. Lobo was depowering, lost his ability to multiply, and his clones were destroyed. It was later revealed that one of Lobo's clones escaped to the planet Kannit. During Lobo's service in the L.E.G.I.O.N., it was clear that he held no personal love for any of his teammates. He followed Vril Dox II's orders out of some sense of honor, but did not hesitate to break both of Garryn Bek's legs. But even Vril Dox II was not immune. When Vril Dox II was raped and killed by Stealth, he too was cloned. Lobo took advantage of Vril Dox II's vulnerability and attempted to kill the clone in order to be free from his pact. Superman Draaga found an intergalactic taxi driver to take him to Earth to get revenge on Superman. Just as they left the bar, Lobo arrived. Lobo was boozing it up at the bar when he heard two aliens in a bar corner discussing the odds of Draaga's return battle with Superman. Lobo got involved in the conversation, and the aliens got Lobo drunk enough to where he excepted a bet that he could kill Superman. Lobo, along with the bar's delivery guy Raof and Bibbo Bibbowski, traveled to the Fortress of Solitude, but Superman wasn't there. While the three were tooling around inside, Superman arrived. Lobo attacked Superman, and the two brawled through the Fortress. Superman escaped to a Kryptonian exo-suit he had, and battled Lobo outside while wearing the suit. Lobo blew the suit up with missiles from his spacehog, and Lobo and Bibbow presumed Superman dead. They then collapsed, both very drunk. It turned out that Superman was safe inside the Fortress, and had faked his death inside the suit. Lord Manga Kahn accidentally captured space-dolphins belonging to Lobo, who came looking for them. After an altercation, Lobo recruited Mister Miracle to help him find his space-dolphins on Mogo. Guy Gardner had to get back on his feet after his fight with Hal Jordan for Sector 2814, so he tried crimefighting ringless. When that didn't work, he enlisted the help of Lobo to go with him to Qward to get Sinestro's ring. Guy and Lobo then retrieved the ring. Lobo eventually got into a fight with Guy, over the events on Qward. Lobo was hired by Lord Manga Kahn to take in Despero. Despero had been currently running rampant on Earth. Lobo tried to take the monster in, but met fierce resistance from the Justice League International and the Justice League Europe. Lobo, the JLE, and the newly formed Conglomerate all launched a frontal assault on Despero, but the monster was able to fend them all off. But Kilowog and L-Ron arrived, and Kilowog accidentally uploaded L-Ron's consciousness into Despero's head. Lord Manga Kahn then paid Lobo his fee for helping take down Despero, and also offered to finance the reconstruction of Times Square. At one point, Lobo went back to Earth to prove that he was still better than Superman, even though Superman was resurrected. Along the way, Lobo destroyed a planet called Thanotopsia, which attracted the attention of a group of aliens that followed Lobo to Earth where Lobo confronted Superman in Metropolis. After a battle, Superman punched Lobo into orbit, and Lobo landed on the alien ship where he was attacked by a number of robot bounty hunters. Superman took out the disintegration cannon on the ship and hauled it away from Earth. Superman then caught back up to the ship and helped Lobo defeat the bounty hunters. Lobo then decided to not fight Superman anymore since Superman helped him out. When Vril Dox II later hired Lobo to transport a prisoner to him safe and alive, Lobo thought that the transport normally wouldn't be more than a boring job. It turns out the prisoner in question is not only the person who wrote the book on Lobo, but was also his fourth grade teacher, Miss Tribb. The Legion Of Decency, a group of old women who want to kill Miss Tribb for writing such a nasty book; a group of truckers, after an altercation at a truck stop; the Dnedia Police S.W.A.T. Team after Lobo killed their chief; and the Pan-Galactic Demolition Dance Company after having to get Miss Tribb from their show and slaughtering many of their dance troop were among the groups of enemies Lobo were being tracked by. The only people on his side were a gang calling themselves the Sons of Lobo, not that he cares or even knows. While each of the groups have their reasons for wanting Lobo and Miss Tribb dead, he eventually falls into the hands of The Orthography Commandos who seek to remove the ignorant and functionally illiterate from the universe. They have a special way of eliminating these so called unwanted by holding a spelling bee. Lobo was smarter than he lets on, especially when he’s given words to spell that he likes, such as "Genocide", for example. Things go his way until he makes the mistake of telling these people that Miss Tribb is a teacher. Eventually, Lobo loses his patience with these people and kills them all. Unfortunately, after this situation was sorted out with violence, he contacts Vril Dox II and tells him he’s taking a vacation on Revel-7. He does this over an unsecured line and it draws everyone to him like flies. One world wide riot and massive body count later, Lobo delivers Miss Tribb to Vril Dox II, alive and well, but as soon as Vril receives the old woman, Lobo fixes things so that he is, once again, is the Last Czarnian. Lobo eventually turned his back on his violent ways and became an archbishop in the First Celestial Church of the Triple Fish-God. He became a protector of sorts to a massive colony of refugees from Sector 3500 and also gained possession of the Emerald Eye of Ekron. He happened to arrive in an asteroid field just in time to kill Devilance, rescuing Animal Man, Adam Strange, and Starfire, who were stranded in space. Starfire negotiated a deal with him, in which he would help them out of their predicament if they helped him with his problems. After helping the heroes defeat Lady Styx, he brings the Emerald Eye to the triple-headed fish god, who agrees to release Lobo from his vow of non-violence in exchange. When told that the Emerald Eye is the only thing that can kill the fish god, Lobo blasts him with it. After the battle on Apokolips, Lobo's soul was sent to Hell. Lobo's suffering was enough to power Neron's entire region of Hell. When the demons; Etrigan and Blue Devil and went on a rampage through Hell to seek revenge on Neron, they accidentally freed Lobo from his prison. In order to buy time to fully recover before battling Czarnian, Etrigan stole Blue Devil's soul and told him he would have to fight Lobo to get it back. Lobo however during his rampage through the underworld cut off the magician Zatara's head, which angered his daughter, Zatanna who engaged in an intense battle with him before paralyzing him in place to escape with her team. Lobo appeared on Earth to capture a bounty on the Red Lantern Atrocitus's head. After battling Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris and Sinestro, he left without finishing his job. The mystery of his retreat is revealed as the fight was all staged by Atrocitus in order for the latter to gain the trust of the New Guardians. As a payment, Lobo was given a Red Power Ring. Still using the Red Power Ring, Lobo was recruited by Vril Dox II, who requires his help battling Brainiac and Pulsar Stargrave. Due to the fact that the Space Church that Lobo oversaw was spending more money than it was taking in, Lobo needed to work for Vril Dox as his personal enforcer. Even losing his Spacehog, Lobo saves the planet Colu, but Brainiac and Pulsar Stargrave escaped. Lobo later battled Altin Ad'Ms, the Green Lantern of Sector 2828, to a stand still. He was later tricked into thinking that there was another Czarnian still alive, but Astrild Storm-Daughter, using pheromones to confuse Lobo, for this trick he later killed Astrild. After tracking Astrild's origins to the Psion Homeworld he would go toe to toe with Smite, her friend and ally. The fight would only pause because Lobo was winning and wanted to get drunk instead of fighting. Lobo and Smite go to a bar and share a drink and war stories. He then explains to Smite he shouldn't be mad at him, he should be mad at Starro. Lobo and Smite then attack the now helpless Starro. +This superhero's name is Lockjaw. Their real name is Lockjaw. Lockjaw is the Inhumans' bulldog, with the power to teleport himself and those at a close distance. +This superhero's name is Lodestone. Their real name is Unknown. Phillipe Bazin was the crimelord whose operations were plagued by Darkhawk's attacks. He hired an unidentified woman to be subjected to experiments granting her the power of manipulating magnetism, much in the same fashion as Magneto. Her first appearance, she fought Darkhawk and in the ensuing battle, severely wounded Chris' friend, Headset. Later, when Darkhawk's amulet had been torn out of his chest by Tombstone, she fought and easily defeated him. However, after being captured by Lodestone and Bazin, DH's father sacrificed his life in order to free Darkhawk. Lodestone was defeated, and Bazin presumed dead. +This superhero's name is Longshot. Their real name is . In the dimension known as Mojoworld, beings called the Spineless Ones ascended to ruling the area. A temporal loop drove them mad. They ordered a number of humanoid slaves created to serve them. However, Arize, the slaves' creator, deemed that they should be able to fight their oppressors and gave a number of them enhanced abilities. Arize was exiled for refusing to provide advanced weapons to the Spineless Ones. Longshot is the most notable of these 'freemen', imprinted with an imperative to seek freedom and granted with several unique abilities. Longshot was forced to perform dangerous stunts due to his unwillingness to cooperate as a slave of Mojo. Longshot eventually began a rebellion, after meeting Arize and became a legendary hero, but was captured by the Spineless Ones. They artificially induced amnesia in him, so Longshot would become a submissive slave, but instead, Longshot fled and found an inter-dimensional portal to Earth. It was on Earth where he was dubbed "Longshot", because he continually acted against heavy odds in his exploits. Longshot met Rita Wayword, a.k.a 'Ricochet Rita', a professional stunt-woman who befriended and fell in-love with Longshot when he first appeared on Earth. Mojo ultimately came to Earth, determined to prevent Longshot from returning to their home world and telling the humanoid slaves how Earth was ruled by human beings. Mojo feared that this news would inspire further rebellions. Once coming to Earth, Mojo began planning to enslave its population. Meanwhile, Longshot began regaining his memories. Aided by Ricochet Rita, Quark, and Doctor Strange, Longshot defeated Mojo, forcing him into an inter-dimensional portal. Spiral followed Mojo and then Longshot, Ricochet Rita, and Quark also entered the portal, in order to follow Mojo back to his home world. Longshot intended to kill Mojo there and then to lead his thousands of fellow humanoids from his home world to Earth, where they can be free. Mojo, however, had other plans and teleported him back to Earth at a time before he recovered all of his memories. The mutant heroes known as the X-Men found the amnesiac Longshot in their Danger Room[1] and he participated with them in many adventures while trying regain all of his memories. Longshot, first, accompanied the injured X-Men to Muir Island after being beaten by the Marauders, where the team rescued Dazzler from Juggernaut and defeated him. After returning to New York, Storm decided that, in order to safeguard their friends and families from their many enemies, the X-Men must fake their deaths and become an underground proactive strike force. After a brief battle, Havok, also, asked to join the team. The team was later abducted by Horde, to use as his lackeys to retrieve the Crystal of Ultimate Vision, of which he wore a shard on his forehead. The X-Men were sent to the Citadel of Light and Shadow, where the crystal was hidden. As the X-Men progressed through it, the citadel created illusions of each of their most powerful desire. Only Psylocke, Storm, and Wolverine were able to resist and Wolverine, empowered to godhood, rejected the god-like power and returned the X-Men and their friends home. Unwilling to watch her die, Magneto went to Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four to use a device that Mr. Fantastic had built to save Shadowcat. Unsure of the outcome, Mr. Fantastic refused to help Kitty Pryde, even after the X-Men begged him, and the X-Men and Fantastic Four briefly battled. At that time, Dr. Doom presented his assistance and, under duress, Storm accepted. At the urging of Franklin Richards, Kitty was cured by the combined efforts of Dr. Doom and Mr Fantastic. The X-Men, next, rescued Madelyn Pryor-Summers, Cyclops' wife that he had abandoned to a coma, from the Marauders. Tracking Storm, the X-Men arrived at Forge's Eagle Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, where they were attacked by the Freedom Force and Longshot recognized Spiral. After the initial battle, a rift opened in the sky of Dallas and a chaos ensued of different weather patterns right next to each other and beings and creatures from the past appearing and attacking. The X-Men and Freedom Force formed a temporary alliance with each other to save the citizens of Dallas, until Colossus, recently recovered, decided to enter Eagle Plaza. After gaining access into the Starlight Citadel, the X-Men battled the Adversary and, after Rogue absorbed his power and opened a portal to seal him in, gave their life to imprison the Adversary, with a spell used from Forge. However, the Omniversal Guardian, named Roma, restored the X-Men to life and freed the Adversary under the notion that there could be no order without chaos. The events had been broadcast over a live television news feed and the world believed the heroes to be dead. After being resurrected, the X-Men decided to use the opportunity to go underground and keep their rebirth secret. The X-Men resurfaced in Australia, where they defeated the Reavers who were holding Jessán Hoan as a hostage. They released Jessán and claimed their base and teleporter, Gateway, a mute, mutant aborigine with the ability to create gates with his bull roarer. Roma appeared and presented them with the Siege Perilous, a gem that created a portal which granted any person who walked through it judgment and a new chance at life, with a new career, home, and so forth and had magically made them invisible to any sort of mechanical perception. The X-Men next investigated an alien Brood Star-shark Havok had found and tracked the source to Harry Palmer, who was unaware he was infected and had made an entire crèche of mutant hosts. The X-Men were too conflicted with killing the human hosts, but finally ended the threat, with Havok and the senior X-Men killing all of the mutant Brood. Following Storm, who abruptly left in the middle of the night, the X-Men tracked her to the Savage Land. Upon arrival, the Savage Land was scorched and barren and the X-Men battled Garokk, in the armor of Terminus. After the initial battle, Longshot fell into a dimensional rift and Storm's Cameo Crystal opened a portal to M'Rinn's dimension, where Longshot was and the Fall People escaped to. Together with M'Rinn's people, the High Evolutionary, and the Fall People, the X-Men separated Garokk from Terminus, where Rogue absorbed Longshot's power of luck and learned that he cared for Dazzler, and, with his sacrifice, restored the Savage Land. After Maddie went missing, the X-Men battled the Press Gang and Genoshan Magistrates, where Wolverine and Rogue were captured and taken to Genosha, until the X-Men arrived and rescued Madelyne and the two X-Men. During his time with the X-Men, Longshot quickly developed a romantic relationship with Dazzler, touring the local bars and venues. Envious of Longshot and Dazzler's relationship, Rogue, one time, even dressed and posed as Dazzler to court the man's attention, which Longshot did not mind, stating that he there was room in his hearts for more than a single person. Later, Havok tracked the Marauders, in The Alley, and the X-Men ambushed them. The Marauders fled and, as the X-Men gave chase, they found themselves battling a demonic invasion of New York. Wolverine recognized familiar scents and the X-Men confronted X-Factor, the original X-Men, harassing Madelyne and her baby. Madelyne instigated a battle between the X-Men and X-Factor, having the X-Men under her demonic influence and believing that X-Factor was attempting to kidnap Nathan Summers, her and Cyclops' child. After the demon, N'Astirh, attacked, the X-Men and X-Factor combined efforts to defeat him, assuming that he was controlling Madelyne, calling herself the Goblin Queen, and Havok, calling himself the Goblin Prince. At that moment, Marvel Girl was captured, by Maddie, and another battle was instigated between the X-Men and X-Factor. Longshot and Dazzler were influenced the most, being told that they were stars in the center stage and ordered to attack Death. The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan atop the Empire State Building to permanently open a gateway between Earth and the demonic Limbo. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Marvel Girl inside a psionic barrier. Both the X-Men and X-Factor's combined efforts seemed to be futile in an effort to break through the telekinetic bubble. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne committed suicide in combat with Marvel Girl, attempting to kill everyone in her power, but the X-Men and X-Factor protected each other while Jean protected Nathan Christopher[2]. After taking baby Nathan and Marvel Girl's parents to X-Factor's Celestial Ship, Longshot arrived at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters just in time to see it destroyed, by Mister Sinister. Longshot was second-guessing himself, due to the influence of the Goblin Queen, and did not initially aid his team. While the X-Men and X-Factor battled Sinister and Malice, Sinister attempted to claim Marvel Girl, but Cyclops seemingly killed Sinister with an unchecked optic blast. Attempting to comfort Havok after the recent loss of both the women he loved, Wolverine suggested that the men of the X-Men go to a bar in Sydney, taking the idea from Dazzler who took all of the women out. While at the bar, the four X-Men stopped an alien invasion of the many aliens in The Conquest. Later, the Deviant priest-lord, Ghaur, and the former Lemurian empress, Llyra, contacted the Serpent Society to find certain mystical objects they needed to reconstruct the Serpent Crown and, due to the interference of Mister Jip, Diamondback briefly switched bodies with Dazzler. The X-Men thwarted the Serpent Society and returned Dazzler to her natural body. Later, the X-Men battled the Master Mold Sentinel, who had absorbed Nimrod and killed Senator Robert Kelly's wife. After the events of Inferno, Longshot had a dream, involving Dazzler, Rogue, and Rita and later he was a ghost finding pieces of himself, and decided to leave Dazzler and the team in order to regain his lost memories. Longshot recovered his memories and gathered Dazzler with the help of Lila Cheney to go to the Mojoverse and overthrow Mojo once and for all. Instead, they were captured. Dazzler was tricked into luring the X-Men to help free Longshot, where they were put into a version of The Wizard of Oz. Professor X was able to help them override the influence, and Longshot apparently killed Mojo with a blade. Longshot and Dazzler decided to stay in Mojoworld. They married and were expecting a child. It was prophesied that a future warrior, a son of both normal humans and the Arize-created humanoids would ultimately stop Mojo. Shatterstar is thought to be this child. However, his connection to Benjamin Russel and why Dazzler seemed to lose her child is unknown. A clone of Mojo sought to take over, but was defeated with the help of Spiral. The real Mojo did return, promising even more violence to keep the ratings up. Newly created X-Babies based off of the Age of Apocalypse wreaked havoc on the dimension. Dazzler returned to Earth in time to help an interim X-Men team, but feared Longshot was dead. When Mojo diverted the reality-hopping Exiles to the Mojoverse, the team sought Longshot to help them defeat Mojo and continue their mission. While they found him and freed him from his prison, Longshot was unwilling to help, saying he was tired of losing to Mojo. Longshot seemed to regain some of his confidence by the time the team confronted Mojo, but did not contribute to the fight. Later, the Exiles made a bargain with Mojo, getting Longshot to help them in their pursuit of Proteus, though Mojo had again removed his memories. +This superhero's name is Lord Garmadon. Their real name is Garmadon. Lord Garmadon is the power-hungry Lord of Destruction as well as the revived evil form of the Ninjas' former mentor, Master Garmadon. He is the First Spinjitzu Master's firstborn son, Wu's older brother, Misako's estranged husband, and Lloyd's father. Garmadon grew up learning the art of the Ninja alongside his brother. As a child, Garmadon was bitten by the Great Devourer and infected with evil, which led him down a darker path through which he trained under Master Chen. During this time, he met Misako, and they had a son named Lloyd, whom he cared for deeply despite his corrupted soul. The corruption transformed him into an evil warlord who was banished to the Underworld. And teamed up with the Skulkin +This superhero's name is Lord Of Cinder. Their real name is Gwyn. Before the flame existed, little of Gwyn's life is known, save that he had an uncle named Lloyd. He was surrounded by knights when he found the flame, and was dressed in his regalia, so it is possible that he may have been a king long before that moment. At the dawn of the Age of Fire, Gwyn discovered a Lord Soul along with the Furtive Pygmy, Gravelord Nito, and the Witch of Izalith. His soul allowed him to manipulate light, and generate a substance called lightning. They allied with Seath the Scaleless and amassed an army, and with their power, challenged the Everlasting Dragons for dominion of the World. His mighty bolts peeled apart their ancient scales, allowing them to be killed by other attacks, and they were ultimately defeated, but not eliminated. And thus the Age of Fire began, with Gwyn becoming the king of Lordran. He lived with his clan, who became a new and varied race known as Gods, in their city of Anor Londo. They often hunted the descendants of the dragons for sport, for which many of their powers were developed. This did not include Seath, for he received recognition for his deeds, and was made a part of the nobility. When the flames began to fade, Gwyn and the other Lords did all they could to find a solution. The Witch of Izalith attempted to recreate the First Flame from her own Lord's Soul, but the attempt went horribly awry, mutating the Witch into the terrible Bed of Chaos, which spewed forth malformed demons whom Gwyn's faithful Silver Knights fought, but the flames of the demons charred their armor black, thus becoming Black Knights. Seeing no other choice, Gwyn left Anor Londo and traveled to the Kiln of the First Flame, to link the First Flame, thus prolonging the Age of Fire. When he left, he divided his own soul among his clan and his children, and granted parts to both the Four Kings and Seath, along with others. In linking the flame, Gwyn sacrificed himself; with his powerful soul providing fuel for the flames, prolonging the Age of Fire. A great many of his Black Knights followed him into the Kiln and were reduced to ash when he linked the fire, wandering Lordran as disembodied spirits for eternity. His Lord Soul was able to keep the fire burning for centuries, but it left Gwyn to Hollow. It is implied that at least one thousand years have passed when the events of Dark Souls begin. Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight, Kingseeker Frampt and Darkstalker Kaathe give the Chosen Undead alternating viewpoints of Gwyn. Gwynevere claims that it is the Chosen Undead's duty to succeed Gwyn, stating that their success would "avert further Undead sacrifices" and that without Fire, "all shall be a frigid and frightful Dark" – a perspective that Frampt shares. As this Gwynevere is actually an illusion, whether or not they are being entirely truthful is left unresolved. On the other hand, Kaathe asserts that the Age of Dark – the apparent "age of men" – would naturally follow the Age of Fire, but Gwyn, in dire fear of both the Dark and humans, resisted the course of nature by sacrificing himself to link the Fire. Unlike Frampt, Kaathe believes it is the Chosen Undead's fate to "destroy the fading Lord Gwyn, [...] become the Fourth Lord, [and] usher in an Age of Dark". +This superhero's name is Lord Voldemort. Their real name is Tom Riddle. +This superhero's name is Lorelei. Their real name is Lorelei. Lorelei is the younger sister of the Enchantress, and just like her, she likes to use her beauty to manipulate men, but she isn't as skilled in magic as the Enchantress. +This superhero's name is Lucifer (FOX). Their real name is Samael. +This superhero's name is Lucius Malfoy. Their real name is . We know very little about Lucius' past. He first appeared in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We do know he used to be the right hand man of Voldemort. He then was replaced by Severus Snape. Lucius has tried and failed on many missions for Voldemort. +This superhero's name is Luke Cage. Their real name is Luke Cage. Born and raised in Harlem, Carl Lucas spent his youth in a gang called the Bloods. With his friend Willis Stryker, he fought the rival gang the Diablos and committed petty thefts, often on behalf of deformed crimelord Sonny Caputo, a.k.a. Hammer. In and out of juvenile homes throughout his teens, Lucas dreamed of becoming a major New York racketeer until he finally realized how his actions were hurting his family; he sought to better himself as an adult, finding legitimate employment. Meanwhile, Stryker rose through the ranks of crime, but the two men remained friends. When Stryker's activities angered the Maggia (a.k.a. the Syndicate), he was badly beaten in a mob hit, saved only by Lucas's intervention. When Stryker's girlfriend, Reva Connors, broke up with him in fear of his violent work, she sought solace from Lucas. Convinced that Lucas was responsible for the breakup, Stryker planted heroin in Lucas's apartment and tipped off the police. Lucas was arrested and sent to prison; contact with his family was sparse due to the resentment of his brother James, Jr., who intercepted Lucas's letters to their father James and eventually led each to believe the other was dead. In prison, Lucas was consumed by rage over Stryker's betrayal and his father's supposed death, engaging in frequent brawls and escape attempts. Eventually transferred to Seagate Prison off the coast of Georgia, he became the favorite target of sadistic guard Albert "Billy Bob" Rackham, whose brutality ultimately led to a demotion that he blamed on Lucas. Later, research scientist Dr. Noah Burstein recruited Lucas as a volunteer for experimental cell regeneration based on a variant of the Super-Soldier process he had previously used to empower Warhawk. Burstein immersed Lucas in an electrical field conducted by an organic chemical compound; when he left Lucas unattended, Rackham misused the experiment's controls, hoping to maim or kill Lucas. Lucas's treatment was accelerated past its intent, inducing body-wide enhancement that gave him superhuman strength and durability. He used his new power to escape Seagate and made his way back to New York, where a chance encounter with criminals inspired him to use his new powers for profit. Adopting the alias Luke Cage and donning a distinctive costume, he launched a career as a Hero for Hire, helping anyone who could meet his price. He soon established an office in Times Square's Gem Theater, where he befriended film student D.W. Griffith. Burstein, aware of his friend's innocence, also relocated to New York and opened a medical clinic, assisted by Dr. Claire Temple, whom Cage began dating. Although Cage would have been content to battle strictly conventional criminals, he soon learned that New York was hardly the place to do so. Stryker himself had become a Maggia agent as Diamondback and died battling Cage. Subsequent opponents included Gideon Mace, an embittered veteran seeking a U.S. takeover who would become a frequent foe; Chemistro (Curtis Carr), whose Alchemy Gun would be a weapon later used by others, including his own brother after Curtis reformed; and Discus, Stiletto, Shades, and Commanche, all criminals with ties to Cage's prison days who would face him repeatedly over the years. Although Cage seemed to have little in common with most of New York's other superhumans, an ill-conceived attempt to collect a fee from a reneging Doctor Doom led him to befriend the Fantastic Four. He was subsequently hired by Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson to capture Spider-Man, the wisecracking adventurer who doubled as Jameson's personal demon, but Cage came to sympathize with Spider-Man and forcibly returned Jameson's deposit, earning a place on the publisher's lengthy list of superhuman personas non grata. Cage also befriended Jessica Jones, a.k.a. Jewel, a young woman whose super-strength and unconventional style matched his own. During a mission in which Orville Smythe duped him into stealing an experimental starsuit from Stark International, Cage followed the example of his new peers and took the codename of Power Man. Shortly afterward, Cage began associating with the loose-knit super-team known as the Defenders, alongside whom he fought the super-strong Wrecking Crew and the racist subversives known as the Sons of the Serpent. When the Thing temporarily lost his superhuman powers, Cage was hired to replace him in the Fantastic Four, but his tenure proved brief after the Puppet Master took control of him to fight his new teammates. Meanwhile, Cage continued in solo action against an odd assortment of villains, including the maddened professional wrestler X the Marvel, the uninspired Maggia agent Mister Fish, mobsters Dontrell "Cockroach" Hamilton and Ray "Piranha" Jones, the racist Wildfire, the vengeance-seeking Mangler and Spear (whose brother had died under Dr. Burstein's treatment), rival crimelords Baron and Big Brother, the obsessive Goldbug, and Zzzax the Living Dynamo. Called to assist the Defenders against the Plantman, Cage began to complain that his participation in their group was interfering with his paying work. Wealthy Defenders member Nighthawk solved this problem by placing Cage on retainer, giving Luke a steady paycheck for his Defenders activities. For some time thereafter, Cage served as a core member of the Defenders alongside the likes of Doctor Strange, the Hulk, Brunnhilde the Valkyrie, Nighthawk and the Red Guardian (Dr. Tania Belinskya). Together, they defeated minor threats including the Eel and the Porcupine, and major menaces such as the Headmen, Nebulon, Egghead's Emissaries Of Evil and the Red Rajah; but Cage felt out of place in the often-bizarre exploits of the Defenders and eventually resigned. He believed he was unsuited to teamwork, little realizing how wrong he would be proven months later. Having obtained proof of Cage's innocence in his original drug charges, the criminal Bushmaster abducted Burstein and Temple, using their safety and the hope of acquittal to blackmail Cage into abducting detective Misty Knight, who had humiliated Bushmaster in an earlier encounter. Cage's efforts led to a fight with Knight's boyfriend, the martial artist Iron Fist, a native of the extradimensional city of K'un-Lun and still a newcomer to Earth society; however, upon learning of Cage's situation, Iron Fist and Knight helped him defeat Bushmaster and rescue his friends. In the course of the encounter, Bushmaster forced Burstein to mutate him as he had Cage, but was nonetheless defeated and soon became paralyzed by the process. Cleared of criminal charges, Cage briefly worked for Knight's detective agency Nightwing Restorations but soon elected to join Iron Fist in a two-man team, Heroes for Hire, founded by attorney Jeryn Hogarth and staffed by administrative wunderkind Jennie Royce. Although the streetwise Cage and the unworldly Iron Fist seemed to have little in common, they soon became the best of friends; however, Cage's relationship with Claire Temple proved less durable, and he instead began dating model Harmony Young. Cage and Iron Fist achieved great success with Heroes for Hire, earning an international reputation and fighting a wide variety of criminals, including the genius Nightshade, the international crimelord Montenegro, Sabretooth and the Constrictor, Warhawk, and the druglord Goldeneye. They had several struggles involving the nations of Halwan and Murkatesh, including incarnations of Scimitar and the Black Tiger. They occasionally worked alongside fellow street-level heroes such as Spider-Man, Daredevil and Moon Knight, but rarely participated in the larger-scale crises that occupied the likes of the FF and the Avengers; however, their adventures took occasional turns toward the extraterrestrial or the extra-dimensional, areas which held little appeal for the down-to-earth Cage. Their partnership's downfall began when the mysterious government agency S.M.I.L.E. manipulated Cage and Iron Fist into the employment of Consolidated Conglomerates, Inc.; during their first CCI assignment, Iron Fist contracted radiation poisoning. Cage took him to K'un-Lun for treatment. While there, Iron Fist was, unknown to Cage, replaced by a doppelganger of the plantlike H'ylthri race, K'un-Lun's ancient enemies. Soon after their return to the outside world, the doppelganger was destroyed, pummeled by the alien Super-Skrull, as a result of a bizarre scheme engineered by Iron Fist's archenemy, Master Khan. Cage was blamed for the apparent murder of Iron Fist. A fugitive again, Cage broke contact with his New York friends and relocated to Chicago; but, with Hogarth's help, he was cleared of criminal charges when the real Iron Fist turned up alive. Wanting a new start, Cage abandoned his Power Man guise and began operating out of Chicago as the plainclothes Luke Cage, Hero for Hire; he made arrangements with the Chicago Spectator for exclusive reports of his adventures and frequently worked with detective Dakota North. He soon attracted the interest of the refined assassin Hardcore, an employee of Cruz Bushmaster, son of the very villain whose defeat had cleared Cage's name the first time. Cage learned that Cruz, following in his father's extortion footsteps, had abducted Noah Burstein's wife Emma to force the scientist to re-create the process that had empowered Cage, regardless of how many test subjects suffered in the process. Cruz underwent the procedure himself, but the elder Bushmaster drained the power from his son, reversing his near-catatonia and declaring himself the Power Master; however, Cage teamed with Iron Fist to thwart their plans, freeing the Bursteins while the Bushmasters apparently perished. While Cage tried to locate his surviving family members with the aid of Dakota North, his brother kept moving his father around to keep Cage away from them. James, Jr. was eventually recruited by the criminal Corporation, whose power-enhancing scientist Doctor Karl Malus mutated him into the superhuman Coldfire. As Coldfire, James, Jr. hoped to be a match for his super-powerful brother, whom he regarded as a threat, and he used his hatred of Cage as a focus for his energy powers. Though James, Jr. worked with the Corporation quite willingly, Malus had James, Sr. held hostage as extra insurance of Coldfire's cooperation. When Cage learned the Corporation was apparently holding his family, he invaded their headquarters and battled Coldfire; however, the brothers ultimately joined forces to rescue their father from Malus, and Coldfire apparently sacrificed himself to destroy the Corporation's headquarters. A few months later, Cage investigated the murder of Harmony Young and fought her killer, the demon Darklove, alongside Ghost Rider. Not long afterward, the mystic Doctor Druid recruited Cage to serve in his Secret Defenders against the sorcerer Malachi. Cage returned to New York and, deciding his heart was no longer in superheroics, became co-owner of the Gem Theater with his friend D.W. Griffith. Even an invitation from Iron Fist to join a new and expanded Heroes for Hire failed to interest him; yet when the would-be world conqueror called the Master tried to recruit Cage as a spy within Iron Fist's team, destroying Cage's theater in the process, a curious Cage played along. Cage joined Heroes for Hire and served with them for some time while reporting to the Master. Cage himself even began to sympathize with the more benevolent aspects of the Master's goals, and the Master and Cage seemed to become genuinely fond of each other; but in the end, Cage could neither betray his best friend Iron Fist nor reconcile himself to the tremendous loss of life the Master's plans of conquest would entail, and he ultimately helped Heroes for Hire destroy the Master of the World's plans. Cage remained with the group thereafter, and dated a fellow member, the She-Hulk. When the Stark-Fujikawa corporation bought out Heroes for Hire, Cage and Ant-Man were fired because of their prison records, and the rest of the team quit in protest. Cage, bitten by the hero bug once more, continued to share adventures with Iron Fist and other heroes. Briefly resuming his Power Man identity, he was hired by Moon Knight to join the "Marvel Knights"; but mere days after he joined, the group dissolved following clashes with the forces of Tombstone and Fu Manchu. Deciding that a return to basics was in order, he re-established his Hero for Hire activities, intervening in a gang war between Tombstone and Hammerhead, and soon learned that, despite his international fame, he was almost forgotten on the streets where he had originally made his reputation. He invested his money in a bar and set about ridding his immediate neighborhood of criminal elements, deciding that the business of world-saving was best left to others. After a one-night stand with a drunken Jessica Jones, now a private investigator, Cage's life was briefly thrown into disarray by Jones's reaction to the fling; but the two made peace while working as bodyguards for Matt Murdock, whose public denial of his Daredevil costumed identity cost him a bit of Cage's respect. Shortly afterward, Cage extended emotional support to Jones when she was forced to revisit past abuses by the villainous Purple Man, and Cage's feelings for her grew. When Jones revealed that she was pregnant from their tryst, she and Cage moved in together. Soon afterward, Jones became a superhuman consultant with the Daily Bugle, where Jameson's ire at Cage has by no means dwindled over the years. Cage was recently recruited into a new incarnation of the Avengers, New York's premiere super-team; but whether this venture into teamwork, perhaps the farthest from his roots yet, will fare any better than usual remains to be seen. Jessica and Cage are now the parents of an unnamed daughter and have gotten married. +This superhero's name is Luke Campbell. Their real name is Luke Campbell. Luke, after spending a night in juvenile hall, returns home with his mother. They pass by the home of Samson Gray, which has police cars outside. They argue over the fight Luke had started with a boy who, Luke claims, called Mary a whore. They find Daniel Simmons in their living room, nailed to the armrests of a chair with screwdrivers. Sylar captures them telekinetically and threatens to torture them, hoping that Simmons will give him information on his father. When Sylar starts suffocating Mary, Luke rescues her with his microwave rays, piquing Sylar's interest. Luke demonstrates his ability for Sylar. Meanwhile, Simmons escapes and grabs his gun. Luke burns him to death. Afterwards, Luke leaves his home with Sylar, eager to leave behind his old life. +This superhero's name is Luke Skywalker. Their real name is Luke Skywalker. When a group of Jawa traders visited Luke's moisture farm, Luke and his uncle Owen purchased two droids: R2-D2 and C-3PO. While cleaning and repairing the droids, Luke discovered a part of a holorecording in R2-D2 asking for aid from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In an attempt to view the rest of the message, Luke removed the restraining bolt from R2-D2 but to no avail, the holorecording cut off. While Luke was eating tea with his aunt and uncle, Artoo took advantage of the lack of restraining bolt and escaped the moisture farm, seeking Obi-Wan Kenobi. The next morning, Luke and Threepio took Luke's speeder and went looking for the Artoo. They found the astromech in a canyon in the Jundland Wastes but were ambushed by Tusken Raiders shortly afterwards. The Tuskens knocked out Luke and tore off Threepio's arm while Artoo hid in an alcove of the canyon wall. They were rescued by Ben Kenobi who took Luke to his home for Luke to recover. Ben informed Luke of his real name - Obi-Wan - and that he was the man Artoo claimed to be searching for. Obi-Wan informed Luke that his father was a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars and encouraged Luke to train in the ways of the Force under Obi-Wan. Luke turned down the offer, stating that he was needed by his uncle for their farm but did offer Obi-Wan a lift to Anchorage where Obi-Wan could get a transport to Mos Eisley. On the way, they encountered the Jawa transport that had sold the droids to Luke and Owen. The transport had been destroyed by a group of Imperial stormtroopers. Luke realized that if the stormtroopers were seeking the droids and that if they had found the Jawas, they would soon find the moisture farm as well. Luke immediately travelled back to the farm only to find the farm sacked and his uncle and aunt dead. Grieving, he returned to Obi-Wan and agreed to travel with him to Alderaan and learn to become a Jedi. Together, they travelled to the space port of Mos Eisley where they met Han Solo and Chewbacca. They hired the pair of them to take them to Alderaan in their ship: the Millennium Falcon. During the journey, Obi-Wan began Luke's training, giving him his father's lightsaber and a training droid. Upon arrival in the Alderaan system, they found the planet destroyed and were captured in the tractor beam of the Death Star. a space station the size of a small moon. They hid in some smuggling compartments on the ship then made their way to the control room where Obi-Wan found out the location of the tractor beam controls so he could disable it. When Artoo discovered the location of Princess Leia, Luke, Han and Chewbacca went to the detention block where she was being held. They freed Leia only to find themselves pinned down by a squad of stormtroopers. Together they fled down a junk disposal tunnel and found themselves in a magnetically sealed room. After a close shave involving their near deaths when the walls of the room began to close in on them, the group made their way back to the Falcon only to find Obi-Wan in the midst of a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. Obi-Wan fell to Vader's blade but instead of dying in the normal sense, Obi-Wan just disappeared. The rest of the group escaped in the Falcon and travelled to the Rebel base on Yavin IV but were followed by the Death Star due to a tracker placed on board the Millennium Falcon during Leia's rescue. After a briefing on how the Rebels were to destroy the Death Star, Luke flew an X-Wing with proton torpedoes to be used against the giant space station alongside many other rebels. One of the rebels named Biggs Darklighter was an old friend of Luke's from Tatooine. Many rebels died during the assault on the Death Star, including Darklighter. Eventually though, through using the Force for guidance, Luke managed to shoot one of his proton torpedoes down an exhaust pipe and into the Death Star, destroying it shortly before it would have fired on Yavin IV. Upon their return to the Rebel base, Luke and Han were celebrated as heroes and were each awarded with medals from Princess Leia. Following an infiltration mission to discover potential bases for the Rebel Alliance, Luke was tasked with an assignment to travel to the planet Poln Major. He was ordered to follow the Millenium Falcon in a Z-95 Headhunter without alerting Han or Chewbacca of his presence. Han had been given the job of escorting the former governor of the Logarra District on Alderaan - a man named Vestin Axlon - to Poln Major where he would be negotiating a new base for the Rebellion in exchange for protection from the alien warlord Nuso Esva who had built up an army in uncharted space. Once he arrived on Poln Major, Luke was to act as a hidden aspect should things turn sour. Han, however, was not as easy to trick as Axlon had hoped. Upon landing, Han immediately walked to where Luke's Z-95 Headhunter was docked to confront him. Realizing that there was little point in maintaining Luke's presence as a secret, Axlon ordered Luke to accompany him for the first meeting with the Imperial governor of the Candoras system: Bidor Ferrouz. The next day, Axlon received word that an Imperial agent (Mara Jade) would be targeting Ferrouz for his treasonous meetings with the Rebel Alliance. Luke was ordered to wait outside the palace, watching for the agent and engage her in combat if necessary. But by the time Luke was in position, he was too late. Mara Jade had already entered the palace under the guise of a criminal. While Luke was watching outside, Mara Jade had infiltrated the palace. As she was about to take Ferrouz's life, he revealed to her that he had only proposed to join the Alliance because Nuso Esva had captured his wife and daughter. Mara Jade was leaving to follow up some leads when the palace was attacked by a group of Nuso Esva's men. Outside, Luke found himself in the middle of a riot created by more of Nuso Esva's men. Thinking that Ferrouz had been killed by Mara Jade - with her lightsaber - the ringleader grabbed Luke's lightsaber and flailed it around in the air, shouting that Luke had killed Ferrouz. Luke was able to retrieve his weapon and escape the riot but was unable to contact his fellow rebels. His comlink had become damaged beyond use when he threw it at the man holding his lightsaber in a successful attempt to make him release it. However, Luke was found by Brightwater of the Hand of Judgement. Brightwater gave Luke his belt which contained emergency rations and other useful items before heading back to the rest of his team. The Hand of Judgement had been recruited by Mara Jade for one final mission before they were forced to retire due to lack of supplies. Mara Jade, Ferrouz and Axlon (who was about to have his second meeting with Ferrouz when the palace was attacked) had met up with the Hand of Judgement in the cellar of a tapcaf. Mara Jade left to try and find Ferrouz's family while everyone else held their positions. With Mara Jade gone, Axlon took the opportunity to betray Ferrouz and the Hand of Judgement, he severely injured Grave and Quiller then held the rest at blaster point. He revealed his plans to forge an alliance between the Rebels and Nuso Esva's army by helping to kill Ferrouz and to blame it on Luke by killing Ferrouz with Luke's lightsaber upon his arrival. However, while Axlon was distracted, Quiller was able to use Brightwater's knife to stab and kill Axlon. LaRone contacted Luke to inform him of Axlon's betrayal and what his intentions had been. Instead of coming to the tapcaf, LaRone asked Luke to spy on the group of Nuso Esva's men who had been responsible for the riot. When the group was about to move out, Luke killed the sentry guarding their speeder, removed the blasters from the speeder's storage compartment and hid himself in their under a blanket behind the dead sentry's body. Upon the discovery of the body in their storage compartment, Nuso Esva's men assumed that the Hand of Judgement had killed the sentry and made off with their blasters. With Luke stowing away in the storage compartment, they travelled to the cave in which Ferrouz's family was hidden. Here, Luke hid in a dark corner, biding his time until the opportunity to make his way into the room which contained Ferrouz's family revealed itself. When Mara Jade deliberately set off a booby trap elsewhere in the cave causing a large explosion, Luke took his opportunity and ran for the door to the room containing Ferrouz's family. Unfortunately, however, he was pinned down by Nuso Esva's forces and would have been slain had it not been for the aid of Mara Jade. Mara Jade rescued Ferrouz's family while Luke left. The Rebel forces had realized their chances of establishing a new base on Poln Minor were slim. They withdrew from the planet and headed for Hoth, accidentally leaving clues as to there new whereabouts for Vader to follow. Three years after the Death Star had been destroyed, the Empire destroyed the Rebel Base on Hoth VI. Though the spiritual guidance of Obi-Wan, Luke traveled to Dagobah, in whose swamps Yoda now made his home, to become Yoda's apprentice and continue his training in use of the Force. Luke was however troubled by visions of Han and Leia tortured by the Empire and decided cease his training to rescue his comrades. By the time Luke reached Cloud City he was too late to save Han or Leia--but he and Vader engaged in a lightsaber battle. Vader's power was much more vast than Luke's, but he did not kill Luke because he wanted Luke to turn to the Dark Side and become an ally of the Empire. They fought, and Vader eventually slashed off Luke's hand at the wrist and his father's lightsaber along with it. Vader tells Luke his true parentage but Luke chose death over life as Vader's son, and he let go and fell. He barely survived and continued the fight against Vader and the Empire. More than six months passed. Over that time, Luke formed a plan to free Han. The group went to Luke's former home planet of Tatooine, location of Jabba the Hutt's palace, where Han was frozen. (Lando Calrissian participated in order to win a wager against Leia Organa, who had bet that he could not redeem himself by assisting them.) They freed him and Leia succeeded in killing Jabba himself. The Alliance had learned that the Empire was building a second, more powerful Death Star, knowledge that the Emperor had secretly allowed it to obtain. Luke and his friends arrive at Endor and align with the Ewok, until Luke decides to confront his father and the Emperor. When Leia tries to persuade him not to do it, Luke reveals their relation as siblings and that it was his destiny to confront the Dark Lords of the Sith. When Luke traveled to the base where Vader and the Emperor were, he revealed his acceptance of the fact that Vader had once been Anakin Skywalker, his father, and tried to draw Vader back where Kenobi had failed. But aboard the unfinished second Death Star, he would eventually duel his father in another lightsaber duel. Once Vader learns about Leia and threatens her life, Luke succumbs to the Dark Side. After Luke defeats Vader, the Emperor tempts to take his father's place but Luke refuses. Enraged, the Emperor fired Force lightning at him, and was about to kill him as Vader watched. Vader becomes Anakin Skywalker once again and throw's the Emperor down the reactor shaft. Luke tries to save his father, but he request that his helmet be removed so he can see his son one last time. Luke escapes the Death Star just time as it explodes are lands on Endor, where he cremates his father's armor on a funeral pyre. Luke later joins the Rebels as they celebrate the end of the Empire and sees the spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin watch over them. Shortly after his promotion to general, Luke was involved in the attack on an Imperial base on the planet Mindor. The planet was surrounded by meteors on almost unpredictable courses. As a result, the New Republic hit as hard and fast as they could so the Imperial forces seemed to be defeated very easily. However, it was all a ploy. Lord Shadowspawn pretended to be flying to Luke's ship under the pretence of peace negotiations while the ship was in fact loaded with a bomb. Before the bomb could reach Luke's ship, he realized what it was and had it destroyed. Despite this, the blast from the bomb was able to split Luke's ship into three, killing many members of the crew. Luke was able to use the Force to land his third of the ship and decided to allow himself to be captured by Shadowspawn's forces. He was taken into an underground complex where he was forced to engage in a duel with Shadowspawn. Part of the way through the duel, Luke realized that the man he was fighting was a fake, Lord Shadow's Pawn. Using the Force, Luke discovered exactly where to hit the man in order to release the control put over him by Cronal (also known as Blackhole). The man informed Luke of his name, Nick, but their exchange was cut short when the rock beneath them literally moved and swallowed them both. It was Cronal's plan to move his Force essence into Luke, giving him immense power and an important position. He had been planning for this to happen for a long time and had discovered a way of using Force alchemy to manipulate the stone (meltmassif). He gave Luke the illusion that he was at the end of the universe and that any struggle would be useless but Luke was able to extend his presence and free Nick who had been possessed once again. Nick defeated the other possessed individuals but was unable to save them, he then used the stun setting on a blaster to liquefy the meltmassif surrounding Luke. Together they escaped from the complex and were confronted by a group of black armored stormtroopers. Instead of fighting, however, they hailed Luke as their Emperor - part of Cronal's plan so that he would be the Emperor when he took over Luke's body. Luke ordered the stormtroopers to cease firing on the New Republic forces and help them instead. They moved on to were Luke predicted the Millenium Falcon would land soon but instead of finding Han, Leia and Chewbacca aboard, they found Nick's girlfriend Aeona and a group of Mindorians. After being rescued by the Falcon, Aeona and the Mindorians had thought that the best way of escaping the planet alive would be to hijack it so they had kicked out the actual crew members in a cave. Luke realized that this gave Cronal the perfect opportunity to take Leia's body instead of Luke's. He commanded the new crew to fly down into the meltmassif using the ship's blasters to liquefy it so the ship could get through. He arrived to find Han with an unconscious Leia as her brain was infected with meltmassif to help Cronal transfer his Force essence. Luke tried to help Leia but realized that she didn't need it. As the group were about to escape, they were attacked by Cronal who was possessing Nick's brother Kar Vastor, a hulking human with Force sensitivity. After defeating him, Luke used the Force link between Cronal and Vastor to communicate with Cronal who was in hyperspace escaping at the time. Cronal used the meltmassif to send every one of his stormtroopers on a rampage which caught the New Republic forces unaware as the stormtroopers had been acting peacefully under Luke's command. Luke was able to destroy the item allowing Cronal control over the meltmassif but in doing so, killed the thousands of stormtroopers formerly under Cronal's command. Feeling that it was necessary after causing all the deaths, Luke remained connected to every single stormtrooper as they died. Shortly afterwards, Luke resigned his position as general and hired the investigator Lorz Geptun to find out everything he could about the events on Mindor. However, instead of filing a full and proper report, Geptun accepted a holodrama contract and sold a story based on the events in exchange for more money than Luke was offering. After a lot of persuasion, Luke was made to come around to the idea as it would only bring good publicity to the New Republic and Luke. Following Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the children's departure to Corellia for their holiday, Luke visited Lando Calrissian in his new home in the lower levels of Coruscant. The home complex had been a project of Lando's to provide a pleasant place to live for those who could not afford to move to the higher levels. Lando explained to Luke his desire to marry a wealthy heiress so as to use her money for further investment opportunities. Although Luke was initially against the idea, Lando was able to persuade him to accompany Lando on a visit to three possible wives Lando had picked out so that Lando could show off his important position. The two shortly left for the first woman, a widow named Karia Ver Seryan on the planet Leria Kerlsil. Lando found her to be exactly what he was looking for and was in the process of marrying her when R2-D2 and C-3PO arrived and informed them that Karia was in fact a life-witch (or a life-bearer). Karia had the ability to prevent her husband from feeling any pain or discomfort but at the cost of only five more years of life. Lando and Luke quickly left to seek out the next prospect wife. This too turned out to be a failure. Condren Foreck lived on the planet Azbrian but had got married shortly before the arrival of Luke and Lando and failed to notify them. After an awkward exchange, Luke and Lando left a planet without a wife for Lando once again. Lando's next potential wife was a woman named Tendra Risant on the planet Sacorria in the Corellian sector. In order to prevent the trip to be yet another failure, Luke encouraged Lando to pay Tendra a holonet call before they arrived. Lando found that he could easily converse with Tendra and they quickly began talking about a multitude of subjects. When the Lady Luck landed on Sacorria, the conversation quickly continued but was cut short after a meal when Sacorrian police ordered Luke and Lando to leave the planet immediately. Lando and Tendra agreed to communicate with each other via radio on a set date when Lando would be on Sacorria's moon. Luke and Lando moved on to Corellia where they planned to meet Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the children for the Trade Summit but, upon arrival, found the largest interdiction field in known history forming. Realizing that something was drastically wrong, Luke told Lando to turn the Lady Luck around and head back to Coruscant to get help. +This superhero's name is Luna. Their real name is Luna Maximoff. Luna Maximoff was born to Pietro Maximoff and Crystal of the Inhumans. She stayed there on the moon with her mother's race. Luna longed to go to Earth and see the ocean. After M Day, her father was taken to the moon to heal after a suicide attempt. Quicksilver stole the Terrigen Mists and convinced Luna to flee with him to Earth. Luna agreed, and went with Quicksilver to the ocean. There, she was exposed to the Terrigen Mists, and granted powers. With Quicksilver, they laid low for a while. Traveling to Genosha, Quicksilver granted various mutants their powers with the Mists. When Callisto's powers returned, they went crazy and sent her comatose. Hoping to prevent another incident like this, Magneto confronted Quicksilver and Luna and reprimanded them. Quicksilver grew angry and attacked Magneto, but Luna saved her grandfather. Not realizing what she was doing was wrong, Luna tried to turn off his emotions so that he would not be sad over losing his powers. Magneto stopped her, and promised to leave if Quicksilver took care of her. +This superhero's name is Lyja. Their real name is Lyja. In an effort to destroy the Fantastic Four, the Skrull Emperor tried feverishly to come up with a plan to defeat them. The Skrull General, Kalamari, suggested sending someone in as a spy, but the Emperor knew that they could not realistically duplicate any of the four’s powers. Then Paibok appeared and pointed out that they could make a duplicate of someone close to the four, picking Alicia Masters. Out of a group of Skrull women, Paibok chose Lyja for the mission. The two had once had an affair that had ended badly, and Lyja was unsure if his choice was a privilege or a punishment. Either way, she was chosen and studied Alicia’s face, mannerisms, and spent countless hours being trained in everything the Skrulls knew about the Fantastic Four, the Thing, and Alicia herself. Lyja was even equipped with contact lenses that would render her blind in her human form and she learned to operate without sight. The Skrulls waited patiently for the right moment; then they found it as the Fantastic Four were beamed away by the mysterious, alien construct that appeared in Central Park. They acted quickly to replace Alicia, and Paibok took the original away. But when the three members of the Fantastic Four returned, Lyja was shocked to find She-Hulk in place of the Thing, who she had expected to return. The Human Torch reluctantly told her that Ben had stayed behind and was replaced by She Hulk, thinking that Alicia was heart-broken over the loss of her love. Lyja’s plans were in shambles, but she reacted quickly and turned to Johnny, who she intended to get close to as a confidant. However, Lyja made a bigger mistake and fell in love with Johnny and the two were later married in a private ceremony that the Puppet Master nearly broke up until he realized how happy his niece - who he mistook Lyja for - seemed to be. The couple spent many years happily wed; but one day, when the Thing prepared himself a midnight snack, he heard noises coming from Mister Fantastic's laboratory. Lyja was there, attempting to destroy Reed’s Brain Analyzer before he could discover that she wasn’t really Alicia. Ben confronted her as an intruder, who appeared as a shadow, and continued to change into various forms to elude him until he rounded a corner and found Alicia there - who claimed she encountered nothing. Ben explained what he saw, though the rest of his team was skeptical. Later, Lyja discussed it with Johnny, who refused to believe that it was simply a hallucination. Lyja suggested that it could have been someone like the Puppet Master. Then, right on schedule, Ben slammed his way through the door alongside the Puppet Master and came after the woman disguised as Alicia. Johnny tried to stop him, but the Thing eventually snuffed his flame and threatened Lyja to reveal herself to the whole team, proving that she had duplicated Alicia. Reed was forced to stop Johnny from killing Lyja before she could tell them the truth. Only when the Invisible Woman used her force field on him did he burn himself out and calm down. Lyja then told them all the details of her mission, explaining that she had been Alicia since before Johnny married her. The Torch refused to believe this, thinking that he had married the real Alicia, and Lyja had simply replaced her later. But Lyja insisted, explaining that she had shared his bed and his life, and was soon to have his baby. Then, together with the Fantastic Four, Lyja donned Sue’s original uniform (to differentiate her from other Skrulls) and agreed to help them rescue the real Alicia in exchange for her freedom. Again, Johnny was furious but he restrained himself. When they invaded the Skrulls’ hidden base, Lyja armed herself with a stun gun and fought alongside the four. Though once Paibok appeared and turned on Johnny for the imagined indignities he felt the human had made Lyja suffer, she was torn between the man she had lived with and her former lover. Then, before Paibok could fire a lethal beam at Johnny’s back, Lyja transformed into a giant, alien beast and threw herself in the way of the beam. The Thing dropped a massive pillar on Paibok, putting him out of commission. Lyja was injured and lay dying. The Torch ran to her and asked her why she would do what she did. She told him that she wasn’t pregnant - she only wanted him to stay with her - and that she loved him, and would always love him. She seemingly died in his arms as he professed his own love for her. Mister Fantastic saved the real Alicia from her suspended animation and they were forced to leave Lyja’s body and escape as Paibok recovered and came after them. Later, when the Fantastic Four fought the Magnus, Paibok joined up with Devos the Destroyer, and together they revived Lyja and imbued her with her own superpowers. Calling her Lyja the Lazerfist, they plotted their revenge and soon attacked the Torch while he was attending Empire State University. Paibok and Devos chased him around, firing at him, until Lyja appeared. Feeling abandoned, Lyja hungered for revenge and used her new bio blasts to try and destroy the Torch. She again claimed to be pregnant, and together with her two allies, she poured fire upon the Torch until he lost control and used his ultimate weapon against them: his nova flame. Johnny turned white-hot and partially burned down Empire State University while Lyja and her cohorts fled. Together they continued to taunt Johnny. Lyja and Paibok appeared in a crowd during his arrest, revealing themselves enough to send him into a frenzy, but acting as innocents once he turned on them; further damaging his image. But Lyja could not hate him as Paibok expected, and she snuck out of their orbiting ship and defended Johnny when he and his teammates stood off against Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Hulk, and Spider-Man: the Secret Defenders. She stopped the Ghost Rider from killing him, claiming that as her right, but fought alongside of him when they were taken to the Moon shortly afterwards by Uatu The Watcher. Johnny saved her, as well, from an extra-powered Doctor Doom, before the Inhuman Black Bolt stopped Doom and they returned to Earth. She agreed to join Johnny when he was charged and imprisoned, and later accompanied the Thing to Alicia’s apartment where she met the woman she impersonated. Lyja attended Johnny’s trial, which was shortly broken up by Paibok, Devos, Klaw, and Huntara, a future relative of the Richards’. Lyja fought the villains, and her former allies, until Paibok reminded her that her baby would not be born properly without a genefit of a Lacaroo. The fight went out of Lyja, and she slumped to the ground, but Johnny appeared to save her though he took a blast in the back from Klaw. Afterwards, while Reed worked to fix a mutated Ms. Marvel, Lyja left Four Freedoms Plaza and disguised herself as a woman named Laura Green and became angry when Johnny hit on her. She later collapsed in pain due to her pregnancy, but made the then-teenage Franklin promise not to reveal it. She continued to vacillate between trusting Johnny and hating him, but finally revealed to him that if she didn’t have the Lacaroo birthing medicine their baby would die. Luckily, they were captured by Paibok and Devos and taken to the Skrull Homeworld, where Lyja and the remaining members of the Fantastic Four followed the lead of the Invisible Woman after the apparent death of Reed Richards, along with Doom. On the way off the planet, Susan grabbed a vial of birthing medicine. During a mission undersea alongside Namor and the Inhuman Triton, Lyja went into labor. Triton swam both Lyja and Johnny away and back to a hospital while the rest continued on. With very little time left, Lyja entrusted herself to a human doctor, and Johnny handed him the birthing medicine she needed. The doctor discovered that the medicine put Lyja in a spongy state, and he searched the mass for the baby. He pulled out the implant that gave her the energy powers, and tossed it away. Then he finally found the baby, which turned out to be an egg. Lyja and Johnny spent the next few days coming back to their incubated egg. Johnny even considered quitting the team, as he feared for the life of his baby with all the dangerous things going on at the time. He had finally decided to remain behind while the rest went out on a portentously fatal mission to stay with his child. A man appeared named Raphael Suarez who showed up as the Collector appeared to take their very unique child, and Raphael helped fight off a robot sent by the Collector with the lazerfist powers he accidentally received from Lyja’s implant. Moments before, Lyja herself discovered that her own powers were gone. After analyzing the egg, the Collector pronounced it a sham and disappeared. Lyja revealed that Johnny was not the egg’s father, but it was actually an artificial implant. She explained that she had tried to tell him, but couldn’t. As the egg began to hatch Johnny was whisked away to fight alongside his teammates. The egg then hatched and a huge, tentacled monster sprang forth. Lyja and Raphael fought it, with the help of Ant-Man and Namor, but only when Lyja used her Skrull abilities to transform into a twin of the creature was it finally beaten. Johnny and the rest of his team reappeared and Lyja explained that the creature was a Sha’Barri, implanted in her to destroy the Fantastic Four. She tried to make it up to him and offered to start their life over, but Johnny refused to trust her again and they both went their separate ways. Lyja continued to keep tabs on Johnny as Laura Green, but stayed estranged from him. She eventually decided to stay on Earth and assume a human life, as she no longer felt connected to her Skrull heritage. +This superhero's name is M. Their real name is Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix. The Monet first met and recruited to be part of Generation X was actually the twins Claudette and Nicole. The 'real' Monet was merged with the being known as Penance and sent to her sisters by Gateway. It is not clear why, but it seems the twins tried to defend themselves from their evil brother Emplate by merging to a being similar to Monet. They were eventually revealed by Emplate. The twins joined with Penance and the real Monet emerged. All the siblings were briefly merged into 'M-Plate'. Since then, the twins and Monet separated and Penance continues to exist as its own being. Monet continued to be part of Generation X and now serves in the Paris branch of the X-Corp, which is near her homeland of Algeria. +This superhero's name is Mach-IV. Their real name is Abner Jenkins. Abner Jenkins was a master mechanic at an aircraft parts factory who became dissatisfied with his boring, low paying job. Using his considerable mechanical knowledge, Jenkins built an armor-plated, strength-augmenting suit, a pair of gravity-defying wings, suction-fingered gloves, and a cybernetic control helmet. Calling himself the Beetle, Jenkins decided to use his battle suit for fame, wealth, and adventure. Believing a victory over half the Fantastic Four would make him an overnight sensation, the Beetle chose to lure the Human Torch and the Thing into battle. Unfortunately, the Thing and the Human Torch defeated him, and he was sent to prison. When Baron Zemo formed the Thunderbolts, Jenkins made a new armor, the Mobile Armored Cyber-Harness, and took on the name of MACH-I. Zemo's plan was to gain the favor or the citizens of New York, which was in need of heroes after the disappearance of the Avengers and Fantastic Four after Onslaught's attack, only to gain access to classified S.H.I.E.L.D. files and eventually control the world. Jenkins and several of his teammates began to like the hero life, and decided to leave their villainous pasts behind. Zemo instead revealed that the Thunderbolts were actually ex-Masters of Evil members to the public, leaving the new heroes with a public unwilling to trust them. The murder he committed eventually came back to haunt Abe. When Hawkeye took over leadership of the team, he convinced Jenkins to serve out his prison sentence as a gesture of good will to the public. While in prison, someone used the Beetle armor to frame Jenkins, so he broke out. Abe was given a new face and appearance by Fixer along with the alias of Matthew Davis. Eventually Jenkins returned his features to normal and returned to prison to finish his sentence. Spending time as a hero seemed to change his outlook on life. After being released from prison, Jenkins reformed the Thunderbolts with the funding of Baron Strucker. With Songbird now in charge of the team, Abe is working with Fixer once again. +This superhero's name is Machine Man. Their real name is X-51, Aaron Stack. Scientists worked on creating an army of robotic soldiers capable of acting like humans. Dr. Able Stack took one of the robots home to test a radical theory--a robot will only function like a human if it is raised like one. The other 50 models began displaying psychotic tendencies and the order came down to destroy them. Able attempted to remove the self-destruct mechanism, but it was triggered. X-51 survived, Able was killed. X-51 vowed that Stack's dream of human and robot peace would occur. He found a world greatly afraid of machines, but blended in. Although initially recruited by the Adaptoid to fight the Avengers, he soon joined the heroes.Machine Man fell in love with Jocasta and planned to rebuild her after she was damaged by Ultron. However, her head was captured by Bain during a battle with Terminus.Machine Man was captured by SHIELD in an attempt to make a new version of the Deathlok cyborg. This was thrown into further chaos when the Red Skull attacked the SHIELD helicarrier. Machine Man was able to save the agents, but seemed to be destroyed in the process.The Brotherhood, looking for weapons and devices, excavated the wreckage where Stack had been lost. They confronted SHIELD agent Jack Kubrick, who was also looking for salvage and secretly a Prime Sentinel. They killed him before his nannites would take him out of 'sleeper mode' and the body was left near the damaged Machine Man. Their technologies interaced forming a composite being. Stack's programming was eventually able to override the mutant-hunting qualities of the Sentinel. He was also able to transfer his and apparnetly Kubrick's mind into an LMD. This LMD fascinated the Celestials, who sent a Monolith to observe it and offer it to accompany the them. Stack agreed. +This superhero's name is Mad Harriet. Their real name is . Mad Harriet was raised in Granny Goodness' orphanage and was noticed by Granny for adoring the feeling of torture and pain. One of the first members of the Female Furies, Mad Harriet served Darkseid despite her insanity. During the battle with Earth-based Suicide Squad, over the fate of Glorious Godfrey, Harriet was almost killed when she attacked the Bronze Tiger and her energy claws backfired. However, she comments on how much she loved the situation. During another mission, Harriet was captured by the Gods of New Genesis but was sent back to Darkseid. Later, Mad Harriet was seen as a prostitute in Granny Goodness' brothel, though it is unknown if that was the real Mad Harriet or a delusion by the second Mister Miracle. Her insanity also made her develop a friendship with the criminal Harley Quinn, though Bernadeth scolded her later on for befriending the mort +This superhero's name is Madame Xanadu. Their real name is Nimue Inwudu. Madame Xanadu was once the sorceress Nimue Inwudu who cast a spell on Merlin. Merlin had the last laugh, though, as he succeeded in stripping her magic away from her. She wandered for some time before deciding that she wanted to atone for her sins. She did so by helping those troubled with the supernatural. She is descended from Gypsies, but has operated her fortune telling parlour out of Greenwich Village for many a year. She was later able to gain her immortality by besting Death in a game of cards. She however remained without any real magic might of her own, which has led her to manipulate various forces in order to gain power. +This superhero's name is Madara Uchiha. Their real name is Uchiha Madara. Madara Uchiha was the legendary leader of the Uchiha clan. He founded Konohagakure alongside his rival, Hashirama Senju, with the intention of beginning an era of peace. When the two couldn't agree on how to achieve that peace, they fought for control of the village, a conflict which ended in Madara's death. Madara, however, rewrote his death and went into hiding to work on his own plans. Unable to complete it in his natural life, he entrusted his knowledge and plans to Obito Uchiha shortly before his actual death. Years later, Madara would be revived, only to see his plans foiled before his final death. +This superhero's name is Maestro Hulk. Their real name is Bruce Banner. Childhood Trauma Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. Banner's mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father's rage. Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source, but he was afraid his exposure to it mutated his son's genes. Bruce showed signs of high intelligence at an early age which strengthened his father's belief. Brian became abusive to Bruce and when his mother intervened, Brian murdered her. He frightened Bruce to keep quiet, but his own bragging landed him in a psychiatric institute. As a child Bruce was withdrawn, possibly developing a split personality to help deal with his pain and rage. His only happiness came from spending time with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce found it hard to develop friendships and often found himself on the receiving end of physical abuse at the hands of school bullies. One such incident sparked him to build and plant a bomb in the basement of his school. The bomb was a dud, and Bruce was expelled, but the military took notice of his genius. Eventually, Bruce earned a doctorate in nuclear physics and started a career with them. Man or Monster Supervising the trial of an experimental gamma bomb that he designed for the U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Bruce selflessly rushed to the rescue of an ignorant teenager who had wandered onto the testing field as the countdown ticked inexorably toward zero. After shoving young Rick Jones to safety in a nearby ditch, Bruce was struck full-force by the bomb blast. He survived, but was irradiated by the deadly gamma energy. At first, Banner would transform into the brutish gray Hulk only at sunset, and revert to human form at dawn. Eventually, his changes into the childlike green Hulk came to be triggered by the release of adrenaline when he was intensely excited, no matter what time of day. The green Hulk possesses little of Banner's memory and intelligence, and is easily enraged; making him a menace to society. Since Banner's initial transformation into the Hulk, military forces commanded by the implacable General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross � Bruce's one-time benefactor � have hunted him continually. Hulk continued to make more enemies within the military such as Major Glenn Talbot as he and Bruce constantly competed for the affections of Ross' daughter, Betty. For a short time, Banner successfully treated his condition with radiation and was able to maintain enough of his own personality when he became the Hulk to control himself in that form. Subsequently, he earned the government's favor by destroying the alien Metal Master and received a presidential pardon. Friends and Foes Not long after Hulk was baited into a trap by the Asgardian trickster, Loki, into destroying a train trestle. This would lead to the first instance where Hulk became a team player. Beside the occasional group endeavors, Hulk has teamed-up with many others that didn't think he was so bad. Spider-Man, Power Man and Iron Fist have partnered with Hulk on several occasions. Even brutes like the Thing and scrappers like Wolverine identified with Hulk and have allied with him almost as many times as they've fought against him. Not only has Hulk befriended those in the super-hero community, but he has managed to form bonds with regular people such as "Crackajack" Jackson and Jim Wilson. Unfortunately for the Hulk, there are many who used his limited intelligence against him and attempted to manipulate him for their own selfish means. Vile menaces like the Leader, Tyrannus, and Captain Omen. When Hulk proved to be too hard to control, they sent their minions like Aquon and Mogol to confront him physically. Enemies came in all shapes and sizes, ranging in power levels. From mere humans like Devastator, to evolved beings like the Inheritor, to monstrous powerhouses like Glob, Hulk always found a way to prevail � even against those who masqueraded as friends such as his old physics professor, Geoffrey Crawford � later known as Ravage. Multiple Personality Disorder Gamma-powered psychiatrist Leonard "Doc" Samson captured the Hulk and successfully separated Banner and his alter ego. Without Banner's psyche to restrain him, the Hulk became a greater danger than ever before. Realizing there was only one way to reign in the Hulk, Banner agreed to merge with the monster. But the stress of the re-integration fractured Banner's subconscious, creating the street-smart gray Hulk. During this time, he spent several years in Las Vegas, sometimes operating as an enforcer calling himself Mr. Fixit (or "Joe Fixit.") The smart-mouth Fixit was an ill-tempered, wise-cracking, thuggish brute whose personality resembled that of his father and the fraternity boys who surrounded him in college. It was also at this time that Joe Fixit began his a short-lived relationship with the future wife of Rick Jones, Marlo Chandler. In this state of the Hulk, Banner again found himself changing into the Hulk at night and into his human form in the light of the day. Soon after, the swirling mess of persona and mentalities took their toll on the ever-flustered mind of Dr. Banner, and a battle for supremacy and control took place in Banner's subconscious. With assistance by the Ringmaster and his hypnotic abilities, Doc Samson tapped into the subconscious of Banner and reached his separate incarnations. Through this hypnosis, Banner, the green Hulk, and the grey Fixit all aligned to face their true inner demons-- Banner's unresolved issues with his abusive father and the murderer of his mother. With this realization, Banner was able to fuse these mentalities together, finding peace of mind. However, a green but intelligent version of the Hulk emerged. He had the mentality of Dr. Banner but the body and abilities of the Hulk � later nicknamed the Professor. Although Banner had his dominant personalities merged together, there were a number of other personas running through his mind including that of a "Devil-Hulk." Pantheon It was during this time the Professor was recruited into the Pantheon, a group determined to end war, famine and pestilence on the Earth. His exploits with the team ranged from posing as gangsters in Las Vegas, taking down individuals like the enigmatic Mr. Frost, to renewing old grudges with powerful foes such as Madman while forming new enemies as the amphibious android, Piecemeal, to battling enemies from beyond the stars. During this time, Hulk also traveled forward in time and met his future self, the Maestro. However, once it was discovered Agamemnon, immortal founder of the Pantheon, betrayed them to an alien race called the Troyjans, Hulk quit the group. Sometime later, the Pantheon was hired by Henry Gyrich to capture the Hulk, but they secretly wanted him to join their ranks again. They faked the Hulk's death as a show of good faith, but he still declined their invitation. Harmless to Horseman When Dr. Banner realized he must once again keep his temper in check, he triggered a fail-safe within his subconscious. Any time he let his rage loose, the mentality of the savage green Hulk would soon take over, albeit in the form of Banner's human body. Without the strength of the Hulk and filled with the Green Goliath's rage and belief of his old abilities, he proved to be a great danger only to himself. This was, however, not to last. During the assault of the being known as Onslaught, the Hulk asked Jean Grey to let the green Hulk loose from its mental prison in order to use his maximum potential and abilities to defeat the menace. In a strange twist, Banner became divided. Half physically went away to a parallel world created upon Onslaught's defeat, where he once again became the savage green Hulk. The other half that remained on Earth was a cold, somewhat unfeeling but intelligible version of the jade monster. This version of the Hulk also found himself allied with Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), who made Hulk into War � one of his Four Horsemen. This only lasted until War injured Rick Jones, and Hulk's guilt rejected Apocalypse's programming. Devastating Loss The surly version of the Hulk remained in this state, never changing until much later when the two Hulk fragments re-merged, and Banner and Hulk split their time and existence. The Maestro returned after absorbing enough radiation to re-form his body after suffering a previous defeat from Hulk, but was beaten again. He reestablished a connection to his wife, Betty, but was left a broken man after her death due to radiation poisoning. Banner blamed himself, believing it was Betty's prolonged exposure to him that caused her death, but he discovered the Abomination had injected her with his radioactive blood. Hulk would later bludgeon his archenemy into a bloody pulp, nearly killing him. Planet Hulk After the events of the M-Day, Banner sought refuge and peace in Alaska, where he lived as a hermit loosely connected to the town community. He was eventually tracked down by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., who required his help in defeating the Hydra space weapon called the Godseye which could detonate all the nuclear bombs in the world. Sent up as the Hulk, he discovered that the Godseye was actually a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon that could match the strength of any enemy. In the ensuing battle, the Godseye found that though it could try, it could not match the increasing power of the Hulk, and it exploded. A S.H.I.E.L.D. commissioned space shuttle was sent to retrieve the Hulk, or so he believed. Seizing the opportunity to be rid of the Hulk, a group of superheroes known as the Illuminati decided to jettison the shuttle into space, to a planet with no intelligent life forms. Unfortunately, there was a navigation error, and the Hulk landed on Sakaar, a place full of barbarian tribes, gladiator battles and ruled over by a corrupt empire. The planet was situated near a portal, which gave it access to several different cultures and technologies. The trip made him vulnerable, and it wasn't long before he was subjugated by the Red King. Hulk was forced to fight, but he eventually brought peace to the savage planet.File:Acotilletta2--WWHulk.jpg Hulk was proclaimed the Green King, and all those on Sakaar worshiped him and his Queen, Caiera. She told her king that she would bear him a child, and it seemed that the Hulk's life of running and fighting was over. However, the Hulk was not destined for a happy ending as the ship that brought him to that world soon exploded, seemingly killing both his wife and unborn child sending Banner into a rage like no other. He and his Warbound journeyed to Earth seeking revenge on the planet's heroes for their part in Sakaar's destruction. World War Hulk Once they arrived, the Hulk crushed Black Bolt on Attilan and took the city of New York as his battleground. Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange all fell before the Hulk and his Warbound too. Even old sparring partners such as the X-Men as well as new threats like the Gamma Corps couldn't even slow the Hulk's rampage. Iron Man called upon the combined power of various satellites to finally put an end to Hulk's war. Banner was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody and was placed three miles below the Mojave Desert. The Warbound was also placed in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but they escaped after saving New York from being split in half by an expanding chasm the Hulk created. The Coming of the Red Hulk While Banner was incarcerated at Gamma Base, a new mystery revealed itself when long-time Hulk foe, the Abomination, was found murdered in his homeland of Russia. A team comprised of Iron Man, General Ross, Samson, She-Hulk and Commander Maria Hill went to investigate only to determine the only suspect that could have done this was the Hulk. The perpetrator soon revealed himself on a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and it was indeed a massive creature referring to itself as the Red Hulk. This new incarnation of the Hulk decimated the likes of She-Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and even Rick Jones in his new powered up identity named A-Bomb. Banner was set free when the conflict between the Red Hulk and A-Bomb caused a big enough earthquake to damage his prison. The potential threat to Banner's life triggered his transformation into the Green Goliath, and the Hulk wasted no time in confronting his new nemesis. The Hulk was caught unprepared for the Red Hulk's fighting style. He was defeated in their first meeting - suffering a broken arm in the process - but the outcome was much different during their second clash. The Hulk found a potential weakness in the Red Hulk and exploited it. Once the Red Hulk was beaten, the Hulk left before he could find out the Red Hulk's true identity. However, Banner had been spending his time trying to track down the Red Hulk before he can do anymore damage. On his journey, Banner ended up in Las Vegas where the Hulk had to team up with Sentry, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and even Brother Voodoo to quell a pack of Wendigos from devouring everyone inside a casino. Defenders / Offenders War The Grandmaster came to Hulk with a proposition: if Hulk chose to participate in a game and won, Grandmaster would bring his love, Jarella, back to life. Hulk agreed and was told he could pick a group of allies to aid him in the game. Hulk chose his former teammates in the Defenders: Namor, Doctor Strange, and Silver Surfer. When the time came to meet their opponents, the Collector appeared with the Red Hulk, and his team: Baron Mordo, Terrax and Tiger Shark - now known as the Offenders. With the game underway, a member of each team was paired up on separate battlefields, but each couple was too evenly matched. In an unexpected turn of events, the Red Hulk impaled the Hulk on a trident, killing him. Grandmaster would eventually resurrect the Hulk to attend to an out of control Red Hulk, but he would still be left broken-hearted over the loss of his beloved Jarella � much to the satisfaction of his red nemesis. Fall of the Hulks Banner became a captive of M.O.D.O.K. and the Intelligencia, and quartet of heroes attempted to infiltrate the underground base to free him. They uncovered that at the end of Hulk's war with the heroes of Earth, the satellites Stark used to end the Hulk's rampage were hacked into by M.O.D.O.K. for the sole purpose of interfacing with Banner's irradiated cells. With this information, and the help of a seemingly traitorous General Ross, M.O.D.O.K. intended to create an army of gamma-powered soldiers. They already caused Doc Samson to develop an evil split personality, transformed Rick Jones into the monstrous A-Bomb, and created the Red Hulk. When Samson turned on his group and attacked She-Hulk, leaving Ben Urich and Peter Parker to fend for themselves against the Red Hulk, an enraged Banner released his alter-ego to save them. The battle between the Hulks left the base in ruins, but it appeared it would be the last time these behemoths would ever clash again. The Red Hulk used his power to absorb radiation to drain Hulk dry, leaving Banner unable to ever transform into the Green Goliath again. Taking Hulk out of the equation so soon wasn't initially part of the plan, but that was only the start of the Intelligencia's master stroke. World War Hulks Unable to summon his incredible strength to combat his foes, Banner had to rely mainly on his son, Skaar, to do as he was told. Skaar had come to Earth to kill his father but without Hulk around, he wound up aiding Banner. Amadeus Cho, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, his recently discovered daughter, Lyra, and a bevy of other heroes were also working with Banner to defeat the Intelligencia. An unforeseeable event occurred when the Intelligencia put their plan in motion and transformed an army of A.I.M. soldiers into Hulks and marched them into the nation's capitol � the ray used to transform the soldiers also created "Hulked-Out Heroes." Following a chaotic battle, Banner and the rest of the world's smartest men managed to revert the all of the Hulks and M.O.D.O.K. back to normal humans, but the cost was too high. The radiation taken from the soldiers' bodies was brought back to the Intelligencia's ship, the Hellcarrier, but its machinery couldn't contain it for long. The only thing on the planet able to absorb it all was Banner. Samson attempted to help undo some of the damage he caused and sacrificed himself in the process. Immediately following the absorption process, Banner became the Hulk once again, and Skaar was finally going to get the fight he'd been longing for. During the brawl Skaar accidentally placed several innocents at risk. Hulk saved their lives, proving he wasn't the monster Skaar or Banner made him out to be. Father and son finally reconciled and decided to act as a family. Dark Son With the threat of the Intelligencia behind him Banner began to make amends with his makeshift family, but Betty wanted no part of it. The more Bruce pushed the more she spurned his advances and eventually transformed into her Red She-Hulk persona and vaulted away. Banner followed suit and pursued as the Hulk which only led to a clash titanic enough to grab the attention of Steve Rogers and his Avengers. It was at this time Hulk discovered he had another son � Skaar�s twin brother, Hiro-Kala, who was racing toward Earth with the planet K�ai in tow. The Hulk took his family into space to stop Hiro-Kala before the planets collided, killing everyone on both. While Hulk�s allies dealt with Hiro-Kala�s forces, Hulk confronted his son with the hope he could reason with him. He soon found out his second son was evil and cruel, and the only thing he understood was violence. Still, Hulk could not bring himself to kill his own flesh and blood, so Skaar sealed Hiro-Kala in a rock tomb, leaving him imprisoned on K�ai for the foreseeable future. K�ai was brought back to its point of origin, the Microverse, by Arcturus Rann and the Enigma Force. Total Chaos As Hulk was dealing with his errant son the Chaos King was busy trying to plunge the universe back to the nothing before time and space began. Only Hercules and a select few had the power to oppose him, but they were rapidly losing ground. Dr. Strange appeared before Hulk and requested aid. The Hulk returned to Earth and was immediately assaulted by an enemy long-thought dead � the Abomination, now a servant of the Chaos King. To make matters worse Dr. Strange fought at Abomination�s side, possessed by Zom, and the two were seeking Marlo Chandler, A-Bomb�s ex-wife and the only person on Earth to have been touched by death and live. The dead had returned as servants of the Chaos King to fight the Hulk, but fallen allies rose to help him. Samson, Jarella and even Banner�s mother stood by his side, but one parent�s return signaled the resurrection of his father. Hulk had to face his personal demons alone as his new family contended with an army of undead enemies, but before long they were all united in defending Marlo. It almost seemed as if the Chaos King�s forces would overwhelm the heroes until Marlo tapped into the power within her and returned all of the Chaos King�s allies to the grave, and Hercules restored the universe to the way it was before the assault. After seeing how some of the heroes were rewarded for their assistance, Hulk was angered his family did not receive anything for their service. He journeyed to the new Mount Olympus where the Greek gods were restored to power and challenged Zeus, demanding his family be given the opportunity to live normal lives as their reward for their part in saving existence. Zeus gladly accepted the challenge but once he realized Hulk was only looking to sacrifice his own life for the lives of others, Zeus stopped fighting and decided to teach hulk a lesson through torture. Hulk was saved by Hercules and his family, but having to live with his own tortured soul proved to be punishment enough. +This superhero's name is Magneto (FOX). Their real name is Erik Lehnsherr. Magneto (born Erik Magnus Lehnsherr) is a mutant, leader and founder of the Brotherhood of Mutants. He has the ability to manipulate magnetic force fields and magnetic flight. Magneto is one of the most infamous mutants, having a stand against humans due to him being a part of the Holocaust and how humans are known to hate and fear mutants. Similarly to Professor Xavier, Magneto has a strong belief and formed a team of his own, the Brotherhood of Mutants, after he was a founding member of the X-Men with Professor X, having been good friends. Unlike Professor X, Magneto's team's belief isn't to equally live with humans, but to rise above them. +This superhero's name is Magneto. Their real name is Erik Magnus Lensherr. The man now known as "Magneto" was born Max Eisenhardt. While attending school in Nuremberg, Germany, Max was attracted to a young gypsy or Roma girl, named Magda, the daughter of the school cleaner. Max would do things, such as create necklaces and excel in sporting events, to gain her attention. While returning from school one day, Max found his uncle, Erich, beaten and wearing a sign saying that he had shamed a German woman. At a school event, Max won a javelin competition, to impress Magda, and the following day, was accused of cheating. Max was told to either give-up his medal or recreate the throw with a "regulation" javelin. After winning the competition a second time, Max was again accused of cheating, expelled and beaten by the other children. After traveling with his father Jakob to see Major Scharf whom he saved in World War I, his father was left waiting for the Major and beaten by a troupe of Nazis for "making such a trouble" in Scharf's office and resisting arrest. After hours of beating, Major Scharf threw Jakob out of his office, stating that they would have killed him and that they were even. As things worsened in Germany, Max's father taught his family "fight back, and they'll stomp in your head", but fled to Warsaw, Poland after Reichskristallnacht. There they lived in the Jewish section of Warsaw where the Nazis built the Warsaw Ghetto in October 1940. His time in the ghetto molded Max into a smuggler of food and supplies. When the Nazis started to deport ghetto inhabitants to Treblinka extermination camp in July 1942, Max and his family escaped from Warsaw. On their way to their hideout they were captured by Nazi soldiers and as they were executed, Jakob saved Max' life by pushing him out of the firing line without anyone's notice. The corpse and Max were buried in a mass grave. After being found, Max spent his early teens imprisoned at the Vernichtungslager (Extermination Camp) in Auschwitz, Poland. While in Auschwitz, Max served in the Sonderkommando; the squad of Jewish men who were forced to help their Nazi masters run the gas chambers, ovens, and fire pits of the camp. The only member of his family to survive the Holocaust, Max learned how brutally human beings could treat minorities that they considered different. Max was unable to access his mutant powers at puberty, like most, due to a bout of hepatitis from working in the camp. While in Auschwitz, Max was reunited with Magda and continued to smuggle food and supplies. Max saved Magda from the gas chambers and then from execution; as the members of the Sonderkommando revolted, the two of them escaped together. For several years, Max and Magda lived in a Carpathian Mountain village, and eventually they were married. They had a daughter, Anya. Max, at this point, sought out a forger, named Georg Odekirk, who was supposed to be among the best, and asked him to create a new identity for him. Odekirk used the identity of the deceased "Erik Lehnsherr, the Sinte gypsy", so Max could live more easily amongst Magda's own people. Max added "Magnus" as his middle name and, although many knew of his history as a Jewish prisoner, no one knew of his life as Max Eisenhardt. Not satisfied with the simple life of a mountain village, Erik moved his family to the, then, Soviet city of Vinnitsa, so he could better himself. On their very first day in the city, Magnus consciously used his powers for the first time. Erik magnetically hurled a crowbar at his boss who was cheating him of his pay. When he returned to the inn where he, Magda, and Anya were staying, Erik saw it was on fire and his daughter Anya was trapped on the upper floors. He tried to use his new-found powers to save his daughter, but his boss had called the KGB and they beat up Magnus and held him down, preventing him from rescuing Anya. The child fell, burning to her death, in front of her father. Magnus then used his powers to destroy the men holding him, the crowd watching, and a large section of the city of Vinnitsa in revenge. Terrified by her husband's powers and overwhelmed by the tragedy, Magda fled, as her husband called out to her to help him bury their child. Magda never revealed to Erik that she was pregnant. At some unspecified time later, soon after giving birth to the twins, Wanda and Pietro, under the care of Bova on Wundagore Mountain, Magda wandered out into the snow, never to be seen again; presumably dying. As Magnus attempted to bury his daughter, more soldiers arrived after hearing what he had done and attacked him. After being shot in the head, Magnus forced the soldiers to turn their own guns on themselves. Eventually Magnus traveled to Haifa, Israel, possibly under the guise "Erik Magnus". Magnus worked there as a volunteer orderly at a psychiatric hospital for Holocaust victims. It was there Erik first met and became friends with Charles Xavier. Magnus and Xavier frequently debated the subject of mutants' coexistence with the rest of humanity, though neither revealed to the other that they were mutants. After the two men joined forces to rescue their friend, Gabrielle Haller, from Baron von Strucker and his HYDRA agents and revealed their powers to each other, Magnus seized Hydra's Nazi gold and left for parts unknown, realizing his and Xavier's views were incompatible. For some time after, Magnus attempted to stay on the path of righteousness and used his powers to help track Nazi war criminals. However, while working for one of the Western intelligence agencies (most likely the CIA or the British SIS or MI6), Magnus was also working for Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service, and instead of turning the Nazis over to his "Control" government after he found them, he was giving them over to Israel for trial. It seems his "Control" knew about Magnus' status as double-agent, and let him give the Nazi war criminals to Israel, as long as they were Nazis that the USSR had optioned. When Magnus captured and attempted to give Nazi Hans Richter to Israel, agents from the unnamed Western intelligence agency decided to put an end to his activities. They murdered Magnus' girlfriend, at the time, Isabelle, right in front of his eyes. In a rage, Magnus killed his "Control" and cohorts and vowed from that time on, he would be called "Magneto". Magneto, then, began planning his campaign against the human race. Magnus, later, found himself in Brooklyn, New York, under the guise "Michael Xavier", where he had learned that mutants were gathering and hiding from humans in plain sight. Magnus asked Cassandra Michaels to create his first uniform, stating that with all of the colorfully costumed heroes and villains walking the Earth, it was imperative that he do the same to make a statement. After accompanying Cassandra on a date, they were attacked by an underground monster and Magnus entertained the idea of being a hero, but, after feeling Cassandra was ungrateful, realized that his heart lay elsewhere. Years later, Magneto reemerged in costume and helmet, designed to shield from telepathy, determined to conquer the human race, to prevent their oppression of mutants as the self-proclaimed savior of mutantkind. Magneto had also created an orbital space station, Asteroid M, to use as a base and began to assemble his original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. One of his early recruits, Astra, was simply infatuated with Magneto and could care less about the mutant cause, but she left the group under mysterious circumstances before it made its first public appearance. Simply needing powerful mutants in the coming war, Magnus, unwittingly, recruited his two twin children for the Brotherhood, after he rescued them from a mob of ignorant humans, but was unaware that they were the children that Magda hid from him. Pietro wished to leave constantly and Wanda disagreed with Magneto's evil ambitions, but Wanda felt that she owed Magneto her life and Pietro would never leave her side. It is certain at this time, Magneto was in a psychotic and manic state, brought on by a combination of factors, including the overuse of his immense powers. On the anniversary of his liberation from the Vernichtungslager Extermination Camp, Charles, now a Professor and confined to a wheelchair, met with Magneto in Auschwitz. Professor Xavier pleaded with Magneto that the actions he would set into motion were no different than what the Nazis did to him years earlier, but Magneto laughed and patronized the Professor for claiming to lead mutants, but being confined to a chair. Professor Xavier replied that he may have lost the use of his legs, but not his heart, something Magneto could not say. After both men reminded each other that they had the power to destroy each other, Magneto left, with Professor Xavier hoping that he saw the error of his ways. Professor Xavier's original team of X-Men thwarted Magneto's first act of genetic terrorism in his war with humanity, the takeover of the Cape Citadel missile base. When they next clashed, Magneto overthrew the government of Santo Marco, setting himself up as absolute ruler, and was leading his original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which included Wanda and Pietro, now known as the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Not until years later would Magneto learn that they were actually his children. After the X-Men liberated Santo Marco, Magneto kidnapped Angel and the X-Men followed, to Asteroid M. Asteroid M was destroyed in the battle with the X-Men, when Scarlet Witch sabotaged a button, designed to kill the X-Men. Later, while the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants were battling the X-Men at Hammer Industries, Magneto and his troops withdrew from battle, after the arrival of a Sentinel. Around this time, the Evolutionaries sought the help of Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, viewing Magneto as the leader of all mutantkind. After the Brotherhood kidnapped Emma Frost, Magneto took her to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, to use Cerebro. Beast created a device, that shut-off their access to cosmic rays and accidentally killed two of them. When Cyclops vowed to protect mutantkind, the remaining Evolutionary reluctantly left, but not before erasing the memory of their presence from the minds of the X-Men and Brotherhood and vowing to return one day. Magneto then attempted to recruit both the Thunder God, Thor, and the King of Atlantis, Namor, into his Brotherhood, but both refused. While convincing Namor, Magneto commandeered his Atlantean army and attacked, but was beaten by Namor and the Fantastic Four. The Blob was the next candidate for recruitment, but he ultimately declined to join, after seeing the way Magneto mistreated his followers. Magneto, briefly battled the Inhumans, while attempting to use Black Bolt as an ally in assaulting a government research facility developing a new cosmic power source, but Black Bolt only pretended to succumb to Magneto's mind control device and the royal family defeated Magneto. During an encounter with the enigmatic Stranger, Magneto and the Toad were captured and taken to the Stranger's homeworld, for study. Shortly after which, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch joined a revamped version of the Avengers, led by Captain America. Magneto escaped from the planet on his own, leaving the Toad behind, but was then re-captured by the Stranger, who had been warned by Professor X. Then, Magneto was accidentally returned to Earth by Dane Whitman and attempted to force Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver back into his Brotherhood. Magneto traveled, with the twins, to the United Nations building, where he demanded that mutants be given their own country. Quicksilver managed to send a distress call to the Avengers and they joined the X-Men in defeating Magneto. As his island base was destroyed, Magneto was thrown from the escaping helicopter, by Toad, tired of Magneto's constant abuse. Seeming to perish, Magneto managed to escape a drowning death by using his magnetic powers to burrow through the Earth. Magneto retreated to the Savage Land and genetically altered the natives into the Savage Land Mutates, who worshiped him as The Creator. Here, he took the help of some of these natives to create a device that would permit him to channel energy to him. Investigating the supposed suicide of Sauron, the X-Men, again, stumbled upon Magneto's plans and, after Magneto revived the life of Angel, they destroyed his machines and Citadel, seemingly killing him. Magneto survived, due to a strange radiation in the Savage Land, and, upon his resurrection, the X-Men battled him again. Magneto destroyed the X-mansion and defeated the X-Men, but a distress call was sent to the Avengers. After capturing the Avengers also, Magneto controlled both groups to kidnap scientists, to create atomic devices that will create him an army of mutants to command. The heroes were saved, after Vision used his powers to take possession of Piper and knocked Magneto unconscious. At one point, Magneto came across, what seemed to him to be, a treasure trove of alien records and scientific equipment, which had actually been left for him to find by the master geneticist, Maelstrom. Using these resources, Magneto genetically engineered a being called Alpha the Ultimate Mutant, who rebelled against him and turned Magneto back into an infant. Prof. Xavier gave the baby into the care of his colleague, geneticist Dr. Moira MacTaggert, at the Mutant Research Center on Muir Island. Dr. MacTaggert tried to alter Magneto's genetic structure, so his brain -- his mind -- would be able to handle the enormous energies he controlled and he wouldn't be driven insane again. Dr. MacTaggert hoped, given time and the right upbringing, Magneto would grow up to become a better man. However, not long after, the Shi'ar, Davan Shakari (alias Erik the Red), returned Magneto to adulthood, albeit one younger than before. Magneto, thereafter, had a series of battles with Prof. Xavier's new team of X-Men. First, Magneto battled the X-Men for payment for Erik the Red restoring his age. Magneto, later, formed a new Brotherhood, comprised of Burner, Lifter, Peeper, Shocker, and Slither, but when they failed to capture the mutant with two bodies, known as Mister One and Mister Two, and lost to Captain America, Magneto abandoned this team. Magneto next found himself in Latveria and was disgusted at level of obedience that the citizens showed to Dr. Doom. After attacking Doom, in Doctor Doom's Castle, Doom defeated Magneto and Magneto propositioned to rule the world together. Dr. Doom declined and subjected Magneto to a mind controlling neurogas. After administering the antidote, Doom suggested that Magneto attempt to stop him from controlling the world himself. Magneto traveled to the Avengers and briefly battled, before he informed them of Doom's plans. The Avengers were then ordered, by Doom to kill Magneto and Magneto realized that Beast was fighting the control. After rescuing Beast and erasing the effects of the gas, Magneto and Beast went to the Champions, for assistance. After arriving, the Champions also attacked the duo and Washington, D.C. and confronted Doom, who had the Hulk attack them. After the arrival of the Champions, Ghost Rider shed the effects of the gas and aided the duo. Magneto was poised to defeat Dr. Doom, until Dr. Doom reversed the effects of Magneto's powers and he withdrew from battle. Magneto, later, rescued the X-Men from Mesmero, who had controlled them to perform in a circus, to have them imprisoned by his robot, Nanny, while he destroyed aerospace installations in Australia and New Zealand. Due to the rapid re-aging of Magneto by Erik the Red, Magneto's body had been healed of the damage he'd done to it by the overuse and abuse of his powers, but his mind had taken longer to heal -- as the brain needs to rewire itself, and damage isn't easily repaired. Therefore, after a brief time of more psychotic behavior, Magneto began to calm and think about his past. After Cyclops and Lee Forrester stumbled upon his island base in the Bermuda Triangle, Magneto decided that he would take control of all world governments and end the nuclear arms race, but the Soviet submarine, Leningrad, attacked him. After destroying the sub and all crew members aboard, Magneto, by shear force of will, created a volcano in the city of Varykino, destroying it. Magneto battled the X-Men again, but underwent a crisis of conscience after almost killing young Sprite, a fellow mutant and Jew, and abandoned his plans of world conquest. After finding the bodies of two murdered mutant children hanging from a swing set, Magneto rescued the X-Men from an attack, by the Purifiers. After capturing their attackers, Magneto and the X-Men tortured them for information and rescued Kitty Pryde, who was being pursued by Purifiers. After arriving at Reverend William Stryker's base, Magneto and the X-Men rescued Cyclops and Storm and Magneto resuscitated them. Professor X was taken to Madison Square Garden, where he was attached to a machine that, using his brainpower, would kill all living mutants. Magneto, with his psi-shielded helmet, was able to distract the Professor enough for the X-Men to destroy the machine. Televised, Cyclops entered into a debate with Stryker about his actions and Stryker pulled a gun, attempting to kill Kitty. Before he could fire, Styker was shot-down, by a police officer. Later at the X-mansion, Professor admitted that Magneto was right and began to accept his offer to join, until Scott stopped him and stated that he believed in the Professor's dream and will see it come true. Professor X declined, stating he would not leave his students and Magneto left, calling them fools. After rebuilding his space station, Magneto was among those that were teleported to an area of space-time near a galaxy far from the vicinity of Earth's. Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecker and the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct within this same area of space-time. Aboard the constructs the passengers watched in awe as the galaxy nearest to them was annihilated by an unseen force, except for a single star. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. Finally, a rift opened in space-time, from which poured a blinding light, and the passengers within the constructs heard a voice telling them, "I am from beyond! Stay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!" The passengers were then sent to Battleworld. There, over the next several days, they engaged in a "secret war" amongst themselves; most of the criminals sought to destroy the heroic adventurers in order to gain the prize that the Beyonder had promised. Magneto was immediately dismissed as a villain and decided to stay-out of the direct conflicts and become a third-party, creating his own fortress. After battling the heroes for their power supply, Magneto kidnapped Wasp. Later, Magneto took responsibility of watching Galactus' movements. After Professor X noticed Galatus was attempting to feed on Battleworld, the X-Men and the heroes battled him. During his time there, Magneto was mostly allied with the X-Men. After Dr. Doom absorbed energy from Galactus and Beyonder and killed all of the heroes, Mister Fantastic revived them all. After Beyonder regained his powers, he and Doom disappeared and the heroes willed themselves back to Earth. After being returned to Asteroid M, the arrival of Warlock, crashing through his space station, sent Magneto plummeting to Earth. Magneto arrived in the ocean where he was saved from a shark attack from Cyclops' ex-lover, Lee Forrester. Lee took Magneto to his old base in the Bermuda Triangle and nursed him back to health, despite his distaste for humans. Lee warmed Magneto's heart after saving his life and the two became lovers. On the following day, Lee was reminded of the monster that Magneto once was and left him. Around this time, the Mutant Registration Act was passed, that called for all mutants to register with the government, forfeiting their civil rights and illegalizing an unregistered mutant. Feeling the return of the Beyonder, Magneto once again joined forces with the X-Men. This time, due to Prof. Xavier's weakened state from being attacked by a group of mutant haters, Magneto temporarily joined the team. Magneto began using the alias, Michael Xavier, to avoid detection from authorities. Completely out of character, Magneto stopped Rachel Summers from killing a human that shot at her, stating that she would only prove them right that mutants are murderers. While visiting the National Holocaust Memorial with Kitty (Shadowcat, as she was then called), Kitty was amazed to learn that Magneto knew her grandaunt and saved many lives in Auschwitz before Magneto was attacked by the Freedom Force and gave himself up, for trial by the World Court. Magneto's old friend, Gabrielle Haller, was his defense attorney and Sir James Jaspers prosecuted him. The trial was disrupted by an attack of the Fenris, the twin children of Baron von Strucker, and Prof. Xavier was almost killed. As Professor Xavier lay dying, the Shi'ar, Lilandra Neramani, appeared to take him into outer space to be healed by their science. At this point, Prof. Xavier begged Magneto to take over for him and be headmaster of the School for Gifted Youngsters for the New Mutants and Magneto began splitting his time between being a member of the X-Men and teacher for the New Mutants. With the X-Men, Magneto again battled the Beyonder. Later, Phoenix decided to simply destroy the entire universe and have it all start over without the Beyonder. Phoenix stole the life force of the X-Men and Starjammers, but Storm's soul convinced her otherwise. After hearing the thoughts of every living being in existence, Phoenix returned the X-Men and Starjammers to life. This event also made Magneto rethink his methods of genocide for a "greater good". While the X-Men rebuilt San Francisco after the battle with the Beyonder, the New Mutants were obliterated from existence by the virtually omnipotent Beyonder and then recreated by him, angry that Magik refused his 'gift' of her power being transferred to Shadowcat, to use them as guinea pigs. In being recreated, the New Mutants, somehow, lost much of the proficiency in using their superhuman powers that they had learned at Prof. Xavier's school and seemed detached. In time, Magneto's fears, insecurities, paranoia, and temperament slowly began to get the best of him and he was emotionally persuaded, by Empath, into having the New Mutants join the Hellions, to see if the White Queen, Emma, could help. Upon realizing the manipulation, Magneto raced to rescue the children and was attacked by the Avengers, believing Magneto was planning to kidnap the children, along the way. After the New Mutants arrived to rescue Magneto, he and Emma worked together to cure the children of their trauma at the hands of the Beyonder. After being turned to X-Babies by Mojo, the X-Men battled the New Mutants until they were broken of their brainwashing and defeated the spineless one, Mojo. At this time, Magneto was offered a position in the Hellfire Club and upon entering the building, he recognized that X-Factor were in-fact the original X-Men. Magneto left the building unsure. The X-Men, later, attempted to rescue the Morlocks after Mr. Sinister´s Marauders began to indiscriminately massacre them and Magneto was charged, by Storm, to stay at the mansion, watch over the New Mutants, and tend to the wounded. Colossus was injured by Riptide's shurikens, which caused energy leaks in Colossus' body without penetrating his armored skin, and Magneto used his power to mend the wounds, but Piotr Rasputin was left in a temporary paralysis. The New Mutants wandered into the tunnels, to help, at the same time Thor created an enormous burial fire for the murdered Morlocks and the New Mutants were thought dead also. After being propositioned, Magneto, later, joined the Hellfire Club as co-White King of the Inner Circle, at Storm's behest, and accepted Havok as a member of the X-Men. The union between the Hellfire Club and the X-Men would give the X-Men access to all of the Hellfire Club's government secrets and protect the school, if the Marauders were to attack again. Unwilling to watch her die, Magneto went to Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four to use a device that Mr. Fantastic had built to save Shadowcat. Unsure of the outcome, Mr. Fantastic refused to help Kitty, even after the X-Men begged him, and the X-Men and Fantastic Four briefly battled. At that time, Dr. Doom presented his assistance and, under duress, Storm accepted. At the urging of Franklin Richards, Kitty was cured by the combined efforts of Dr. Doom and Mr Fantastic. After learning that pieces of his space-station, Asteroid M, had fallen to Earth, Magneto left the X-Men to travel to Kampuchea, on his own, and retrieve the technology in it. Magneto was intercepted by the Avengers and the X-Men arrived to aide him, before the Super-Soldiers and Crimson Dynamo arrived. The three teams fought over Magneto and, in the confusion, the X-Men slipped away with him. Magneto left the X-Men, again, to get the tech on the space-station and, after finding it, began wearing his old helmet again. After the Avengers showed again, the X-Men, again, came to Magneto's aide and they left with his tech, while destroying the rest of the Asteroid. After arriving in Singapore, the team took a Dutch freighter and were boarded by the Super-Soldiers, while at sea. Fearing that he was endangering the team, Magneto, again, left the X-Men. Arriving back in Singapore, Magneto was sheltered by an underground group of mutants and brought to the Galleria, where they asked him to lead them against human oppression. After Magneto informed them that he was no longer that man, soldiers burst in and began firing on them and Magneto saved them. Magneto, then, went to the X-Men and Avengers and revealed his technology, a device in his helmet that would mix with his magnetic powers and give him control over any mind he chose. Magneto declared that he had modified the circuitry to remove all traces of prejudice, particularly that of mutants, from the collective minds of the human race and not to rule them. After using the device on Captain America, Magneto learned that Cap never hated mutants and agreed to go before trial again. Magneto was, once again, defended by Gabrielle Haller and prosecuted by Sir James Jaspers in Paris. After fearing that his death would spark a war between mutants and humans, Magneto called his helmet, from Singapore to Paris, and used it on one of the judges, Alexandre Gilbert Du Motier, acquitting him of his crimes in the world court. Magneto destroyed his helmet and returned to his position as headmaster of the Xavier School, attempting to connect more with his students, after learning that they had returned as well. Magneto, notably, connected with Illyana Rasputin, who had lost her brother, Colossus, best friend, Shadowcat, and control over her realm, Limbo, after the attack of the Marauders. Magneto also grounded the New Mutants for their impulsive, reckless behavior. After a soccer game became too physical, Sunspot ended-up giving Cannonball a concussion and, after the rest of the New Mutants began to chastise him, Sunspot ran away, feeling he was a danger to his team. Warlock left after Sunspot and this left all of the team feeling deeply guilty and worried about Warlock and Sunspot's whereabouts. To calm them down, Magneto dressed them elegantly and they all attended a Hellfire Club event and asked Dr. MacTaggert to assist in the administration of the school. After hearing of an animal creature that was being mistreated after capture, the New Mutants abducted Bird Brain and, after returning home, Magma decided to return to the Massachusetts Academy. After an incident at the mall, Magneto decided to return Bird-Brain to the authorities, but after Cypher began to speak with it, the New Mutants convinced him that Bird-Brain could be taught and he remained. Magneto woke, one night, to the return of Sunspot and Warlock and the disappearance of the New Mutants. Magneto ordered Sunspot and Warlock to stay-put, while he used the technology at the Hellfire Club to locate the New Mutants. While at the Hellfire Club, Magneto witnessed X-Factor's battle with Apocalypse and the current X-Men die on television. When the children returned, they informed Magneto that Cypher was killed in action, by the Ani-Mator. Magneto was furious and magnetically held the children and forbid them from ever leaving the school without his presence or using their powers, stating that he needed to protect them. Retreating to Limbo, Illyana returned in her Darkchylde form with her Soulsword and attacked Magneto, stating that she was wrong about him being her Knight in shining armor, until the New Mutants separated them and she returned the sword to Limbo. Magneto blamed himself for Doug Ramsey's death as well as Homo Sapiens and contacted Doug's parents (telling them Doug was killed while the students were on a field trip by a hunting accident), while cursing Professor Xavier for leaving him in his position. Magneto's temper began to rise daily as he would threaten the New Mutants that is if they would not follow his demands, he would make them. After Mirage interrupted a training session of Cannonball's, Magneto ordered the children never to use their mutant powers without his permission, a fact that Sunspot immediately defied and stated that Magneto didn't give them their powers and they could use them as they pleased. After scolding Sunspot, Magneto received a call from Emma, stating that Magma had been kidnapped. Magneto, the White Queen, and the Inner Circle left to rescue Magma, unaware that the New Mutants had already rescued her and Magneto was over-heard, by the New Mutants, stating that the Purifiers had almost foiled their plan for Magma. After allowing Cannonball to attend a concert of his girlfriend's, after he promised not to use his powers, Magneto was over-heard by the New Mutants, on the phone with the White Queen, stating that he was prepared for the events to come and willing to go as far as using power neutralizers, an act that angered the New Mutants and they left to aid Cannonball with a battle that broke-out at Lila Cheney's concert. Responding to his summons at the Hellfire Club, Magneto donned his old helmet and a similar red and purple suite and attended a meeting, where Shaw berated Magneto for his students rash acts and the White Queen came to his defense. The Inner Circle battled a rein of demons that descended upon Manhattan from a portal in Times Square. After the portal was closed, the Inner Circle was approached by the demon, N'Astirh, who offered a truce with the Hellfire Club and proposed that if they would allow him Manhattan, he would give them the rest of the world. The New Mutants witnessed Magneto and the Inner Circle meeting with N'Astirh and lost all trust in him. After the defeat of the demons, Shaw argued with Magneto for his lack of control over his student, Illyana, and the demon invasion as a result. Magneto and Shaw began to fight, arguing the path that mutants should follow, ending in disagreement. Returning to the School, Magneto and the Inner Circle arrived just in time to save the New Mutants from the Marauder, Sabretooth, who explained that Mr. Sinister destroyed the mansion. Magneto was shocked and angry to learn that Illyana had become a child again, to stop the demonic invasion, and Sunspot instigated a battle between the Inner Circle and the New Mutants, until Magneto trapped all of the New Mutants in a metal ball. Shaw accused Magneto of having lost all of the control the Hellfire Club petitioned his membership for and the two battled. Magneto stated that he joined the X-Men, led the New Mutants, and entered the Hellfire Club to build a foundation for control and peace among mutant kind. Magneto said that the teams were to be his army against the coming war between humans and mutants and the New Mutants heard it all. After defeating Shaw, Shaw stated to the other Inner Circle members that if Magneto stayed, then he would not and was voted out of the Inner Circle. It is also possible that the White Queen was manipulating Magneto. Magneto declared himself "Grey King" +This superhero's name is both Black King and White King. Their real name is and allowed the New Mutants to leave. they would find his ways right. Wanting a contingency plan if things didn't work out with the Hellfire Club +This superhero's name is Magog. Their real name is David Reid. Lance Corporal David Reid, great-grandson of Franklin D. Roosevelt, was with the Marine platoon assigned to halt the looting of the National Museum of Iraq during the Iraq War. Reid tracked one of the looters and found an artifact; upon touching it, Reid blacked out, waking up three weeks later to find that he was now filled with plasma energy and that a mark shaped like the Eye of Providence had opened up on his left arm. With the aid of a pointed hand-held device (which got him the nickname “Lance”), Reid was able to project focused blasts of energy. Because the modern Justice Society of America tries to keep the legacies of former heroes alive, and because Franklin Roosevelt was credited with bringing the JSA together in the first place, the Society asked Reid to join them. David Reid was recently killed by members of the African Congo Army who successfully destroyed his energy lance. Reid was revived by Gog in the recreated format of Magog. It is presently unclear how similar or different Reid is after dying and being revived to his former personality and memories. +This superhero's name is Magus. Their real name is . The Technarchy aliens are a sentient form of "techno-organic" life, which resembles machinery in various ways. Magus is the ruler of the planet Technarch, and, as is customary, each of his children must face him in combat to the death before the child has achieved adulthood. However one of the Magus' sons, Warlock, was fearful of being slain in combat and refused to participate, fleeing his native world. He landed on Earth near the Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, home of the New Mutants. The young mutants welcomed him as their new friend and teammate. However, Warlock, was pursued through space by the Magus himself. He landed in New York state, battling the X-Men who, like the New Mutants, were based at Xavier's school. Despite the Magus's vast power, the three X-Men managed to cause him pain. The Magus called off the battle and departed, warning the X-Men to turn Warlock over to him or else he would wreak destruction upon the Earth. The Magus decided to avoid conflict on Earth, considering that many high-powered entities were interested in it (such as the planet devouring Galactus). Instead, Magus chose the extradimensional Limbo as his battleground, and infected S'ym, the demonic henchman of New Mutant Magik, with the techno-organic virus. Magik defeated S'ym's revolt, and the New Mutants battled Magus alongside the space pirates Starjammers. In this battle, Cypher managed to decode Magus's genetic structure, and devolved him into a Technarchy youth. The Magus was then sent back to the Technarchy homeworld to be reared once again. Over time, the Magus recovered. By this time, a new alien race had developed from the Technarchy’s techno-organic virus: the Phalanx. The Magus began to seek out and destroy the Phalanx, including an infestation that had begun in the Shi’ar Empire, by creating a massive “Babel Spire” on the infected planets. His search had brought him again to Earth, where the Phalanx had originated. He once again battled Warlock, but the rites of succession no longer applied, as Warlock had since been killed and reborn in a new body. Nevertheless, Warlock was resurrected as a member of the Phalanx, so the Magus still sought his destruction. He began construction of a Babel Spire, and was confronted by Warlock and his allies. The Magus was ultimately defeated when Warlock and his allies infected him with an altered version of the techno-organic virus, one that conflicted with his natural state, forcing the Magus to flee Earth. +This superhero's name is Makkari. Their real name is Makkari. Makkari is a third or fourth generation member of the Eternals, an evolutionary offshoot of the human race. Although Makkari has lived for over three thousand years, he retains an adolescent fervor, especially for his interest in building and riding vehicles that move faster than he himself can with his superhuman powers. In the days of ancient Greece and Rome, Makkari was often mistaken for Mercury (Hermes), the swift-flying messenger of the gods. In recent years the anthropologist Dr. Samuel Holden introduced Makkari, and his friends Ikaris, Sersi, and Thena to the world as Eternals at New York's City College. Holden also revealed Kro to be a Deviant there. However, the general populace of Earth regards these four Eternals and Kro to be super-powered human beings, not members of superhuman races. When most of the Eternals of Earth recently left for outer space, Makkari remained behind. One of the Eternals who left for space was the race's communications chief Domo, who was also one of its leading technologists. Makkari has attempted to take Domo's place with less than complete success. Most recently, Makkari has joined Ikaris in opposing the Deviants' latest activities connected with the Deviant priestlord Ghaur's pursuit of power. +This superhero's name is Malekith (MCU). Their real name is Malekith. Malekith was the utterly cruel and malevolent leader of the Dark Elves, a race of beings said to be older than the universe itself. Born in a realm of complete darkness, Malekith had led his people in a War against the Asgardians, using an ancient weapon known as the Aether, but they were thought to have been destroyed thousands of years ago during a final battle against the Asgardian King Bor. Malekith had survived, however, and after going into hiding for thousands of years, he returned during the Convergence and sought to retake the Aether and use its power to transform the universe by plunging it back into eternal darkness. Before his attempt could succeed, however, Malekith and his armies were finally defeated by Bor's grandson, Thor, in the Battle of Greenwich, resulting in the eventual death of Malekith. +This superhero's name is Malekith. Their real name is Malekith. Malekith the Accursed is the leader of the Dark elves, a race of elves that formed from darkness. He created a red liquid known as the Aether(pronounced ee-ther) which was capable of ultimate destruction. Thousand of years ago, they tried to plunge the universe into darkness at the Convergence (where the Nine Realms align and passage to each one instantly is possible), but they went into hibernation after Thor's grandfather Bor defeated them and the Aether was locked underground. They remained asleep until the Aether was accidentally discovered by Jane Foster. Malekith injected part of the Aether into Algrim the Strong, one of his greatest warriors, turning Algrim into Kurse. The Dark Elves ambushed Asgard to get the Aether (which was in Jane Foster's body). Malekith battled Thor while Kurse freed some prisoners. Thor struck half of Malekith's face with lightning after Malekith killed Thor's mother Frigga. The Dark Elves retreated to the Dark World, but Thor and Loki followed. Malekith stripped the Aether from Jane and made his way to Midgard(Earth). He used the Aether to try and complete what he started years ago at the Convergence on Earth. Thor managed to find him and destroy the Aether and finally defeat Malekith and his army. +This superhero's name is Mammoth. Their real name is Baran Flinders. Mammoth first appeared as one of the founding members of the Fearsome Five, and became an enemy of the Teen Titans, Superman, and the Outsiders. He is highly devoted to his sister Selinda (a.k.a. Shimmer), also a founding member of the Fearsome Five. A towering hulk of a man with immense physical strength and durability, Mammoth is intellectually and emotionally underdeveloped (so much so that he was once tricked into surrendering to a Superman whose powers had recently been lost thanks to Lex Luthor's use of Mister Mxyzptlk's red kryptonite), and he lacks skill as a hand-to-hand combatant. +This superhero's name is Man-Bat. Their real name is Robert Kirkland Langstrom. When Kirk Langstrom was a young boy, he fell into a deep cavern and was lost for more than six weeks. Police conducted a massive search for the child, and were nearly ready to give up when they finally found him. Though his parents were overjoyed to see their son returned to them, Kirk seemed almost sorry to leave the cave. He silently waved goodbye to the "friends" he left behind. A short time later, Kirk met six-year-old Bruce Wayne outside of a movie theater. He regaled Bruce with tales of his adventures beneath the earth, and embellished such tales by telling him about the race of half-human, half-bat creatures he encountered. As an adult, Kirk left his home town of Chicago and enrolled at Gotham University where he met fellow student Francine Lee. Even after all this time the so-called "cave boy" was still obsessed with bats, and he believed that he could pioneer new medical breakthroughs through the study of bats. After college, Kirk became a zoologist and nocturnal mammals expert employed by the Gotham Natural History Museum. He long admired the careers of costumed crime fights and wanted to emulate, particularly those such as the legendary Batman. To this end, Langstrom used his scientific knowhow to develop a serum extracted from the glands of bats. This serum was designed to amplify a person's sensory capabilities, gifting them with enhanced hearing. Like many scientists of his caliber, Langstrom decided to test the serum on himself with immediate results. His hands grew hairy and claw-like and his face took on the physical characteristics of a bat – including elongated ears that allowed him to perceive his surroundings via echolocation. Dubbing himself the Man-Bat, Langstrom first went into action when a group of thieves calling themselves the Blackout Gang broke into the museum. Batman was on their trail and the Man-Bat teamed up with him to bring the thieves down. Batman welcomed the assistance, but the Man-Bat shied away when Batman mistakenly complimented him on his "disguise". As the Man-Bat ran off, Batman wondered if he had just made a formidable ally – or a brand new adversary. A short time later, Langstrom attempted to break into Biochem, Ltd. after learning that they possessed a possible cure for his mutation inside one of their vaults. As luck would have it, a gang of thieves decided to rob Biochem on the very night that Langstrom planned to strike. Their presence brought the Batman down upon them and Man-Bat and Batman teamed up once again to stop the criminals. When the fight was over however, Man-Bat still intended on stealing the formula that he had come there to acquire. Batman could not allow this and the two came to blows for the very first time. Man-Bat knocked Batman out cold and ran off into the night. When Batman came to, he instinctively thought that Man-Bat might return to the place where they first met – the Gotham Museum of Natural History. Arriving there, Batman met Kirk Langstrom's fiancée, Francine Lee. It was then that he deduced that Langstrom and the Man-Bat were one and the same. He burst into Langstrom's laboratory just as the Man-Bat was preparing to consume the formula that he has stolen. Batman's presence startled him and he dropped the beaker where it smashed upon the floor. The Man-Bat then leapt from a third-story window and the Batman gave chase. As he pursued Man-Bat towards the cliffs, Langstrom hurled himself off the edge. Plummeting towards the river below, he entered the next phase of his mutation by sprouting leathery, bat-like wings under his arms. With that, the Man-Bat was able to fly away to safety. Man-Bat took shelter inside of a tight crevice in the side of a cliff. He soon discovered that the crevice opened up into a greater cavern which led all the way to the Batcave. When Batman returned home, the Man-Bat tried to escape, but Batman sealed off the cave, eventually incapacitating Langstrom. He then administered his own special chemical compound, which he had hoped would cure Langstrom of his mutated condition. The Man-Bat awakened during the procedure and flew into the darker recesses of the cave. The Batman left to find Francine Lee, hoping that she might be able to calm Langstrom down long enough for him to administer the cure. When he returned to the Batcave with Francine however, the Man-Bat was gone. Langstrom tracked Francine down several weeks later. His sanity began to suffer by this point, and he rejected the concept of being cured. He now believed that he was superior to Batman and all other human beings. He reunited with Francine who professed to love him regardless of his condition. The Man-Bat made Francine prove her love for him by subjecting her to the same bat gland extract that first turned him into the Man-Bat. Now they were both creatures of the night. The Batman caught up with Kirk and Francine on the night of their wedding. He burst into the cathedral, removed the latex masks they had been wearing and exposed their monstrous features before all of the attending wedding guests. The guests fled the hall in terror and Batman had to take on not one, but two savage Man-Bats. Scaling the steps of the cathedral, he used the church’s great bell to disorient the Man-Bats, giving him the opportunity to incapacitate them and inject them with his cure. Kirk and Francine appeared to be normal now and could live out the rest of their days as a normal married couple. A series of chance occurrences lead Kirk Langstrom to relapse into his Man-Bat identity after marrying Francine Lee, and the Batman had to capture him and restore him to normalcy. A few months later, Doctor Langstrom and Francine were called out to the deserts of Nevada to investigate the sudden appearance of a rare breed of tropical vampire bats. Langstrom deduced that their sudden presence in Nevada was caused by atomic bomb testing beneath the desert sands of New Mexico – testing that disrupted a network of warrens, forcing the bats to travel further into the desert. While examining the vampire bats, Francine was bitten and reverted to her She-Bat stage, but was now even more monstrous than before. When news of the Langstroms' work in the desert reached the ears of Batman, he came to Las Vegas to investigate. Kirk and Batman corralled the savage Francine Lee inside a cave whereupon Batman ensnared her with his batrope. He then administered the same cure that he had given her before, but with the caveat that she would soon need a full blood transfusion. Kirk wanted to donate his own blood, but Batman wouldn't allow it. Francine and he soon returned to Gotham City. Events transpired that prompted Langstrom to take his bat extract serum once again. This time however, he maintained his personality and did not seem to suffer from the insanity that had previously gripped him. With greater control over his transformations, the Man-Bat committed himself towards becoming a crime-fighter and proved pivotal in bringing down a criminal known as Roy Reynolds. Sometime later, Kirk Langstrom learned that the widow of a man named Moran was giving a $100,000 reward for the capture of the man who assassinated her husband. Langstrom needed the money, so he decided to inject himself with his special serum and became the Man-Bat once again. He traveled to the island of Santa Cruz which was run by a dictator named Domingo Valdez. Man-Bat used his grotesque appearance to convince the islanders that he was a bat-god and ordered them to deal with several CIA agents who were likewise looking to collect on the reward. The Man-Bat flew to Valdez's castle, but he was attacked by vampire bats and forced to retreat. At this time, Langstrom had another encounter with the Batman. The two decided to work together to bring down Killer Krag, the man who assassinated Moran. They tried to infiltrate Valdez's castle but were captured in the process. Langstrom lent Batman some of his serum and Batman transformed into a true "Bat-Man". He then freed Langstrom and together they captured Killer Krag and left Santa Cruz. Back in Gotham, Batman returned to his normal form and donated the reward money to Langstrom's department at the Gotham Natural History Museum. Langstrom was later forced to assume the guise of the Man-Bat again – this time to combat a sorcerer calling himself Baron Tyme. Tyme had entered into a bargain with dark forces for power and in exchange, he needed to sacrifice innocent lives. To facilitate this task, Tyme used his power to hypnotize Francine Langstrom, turning back into the She-Bat and using her as his personal assassin. Man-Bat tried several times to stop Francine, but she was even stronger than he was by this point. He enlisted the aid of Batman and together they were able to defeat Baron Tyme and free Francine from his control. In order to take better care of his wife, Kirk reluctantly relocated from Gotham City to his home town of Chicago, Illinois. Members of his family and several old friends held a surprise "Welcome Back" party for him, but Kirk had little interest in family gatherings. The only thing that concerned him was seeing after his wife. At this time, the Man-Bat found himself at odds with one of his strangest foes to date: Phil Reardon, the Ten-Eyed Man. Reardon had been hired by a man named Lowell, leader of the Civil Liberties Association to capture the Man-Bat. Lowell promised him that he would perform an experiment to give him the Man-Bat's echolocation powers. The Ten-Eyed Man ambushed the Man-Bat, but Langstrom managed to escape from him near Lake Michigan. They fought against one another a second time on the balcony of Langstrom's apartment. This time however, the Ten-Eyed Man came prepared with a magnesium flare bomb, which he intended on using to blind the Man-Bat. During the fight, the bomb was accidentally triggered prematurely. The Man-Bat thrust Reardon in front of the bomb and he was permanently blinded. Reardon lost his balance and fell from the top of the building, seemingly to his death. Kirk and Francine remained in Chicago for some time and eventually gave birth to their first child, Rebecca. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for the Langstroms: Francine was cured, Kirk had control over his transformations and they now had a new child to raise. While still a young child, Rebecca fell deathly ill from a mysterious disease. Batman tried to help the Langstroms, but when he came into possession of the Seronotal needed to save her life, the Batman destroyed it, believing the formula had been tainted. Rebecca was eventually saved, but Kirk felt that Batman had betrayed them and had tried to kill his daughter. Whereas Kirk once felt immeasurable respect for Batman, now he felt nothing but hate. His hatred of Batman grew into an obsession and this obsession began to affect his work. In short order, the Langstroms lost their home and their fortune. They were forced to return to Gotham City where they lived in a rundown apartment in Gotham's East End. One evening, Kirk was working with his bat gland formula when he made a miscalculation in the chemical compound. Upon drinking it, he instantly transformed, but his conscious mind was subsumed, replaced with nothing but raw, naked instinct. He flew off into the night and eventually returned to the catacombs that led to the Batcave. By this point, Batman had relocated to the Wayne Foundation building and his ancestral home, Wayne Manor, was largely abandoned. Occasionally, children or squatters would make their way into the empty house, but they never stayed long. The shrieking cries of the Man-Bat always drove them away. After several such instances, some began to believe that Wayne Manor was haunted. Commissioner Gordon led a search of the mansion to ferret out the source of these alleged "ghostly wails". Accompanying him was the Batman as well as ghost breaker Doctor Terrence Thirteen. Batman's primary concern was making sure that the original Batcave was safely sealed off from inspection. He came upon the Man-Bat who viciously fought against him. Doctor Thirteen tried to lend a hand, but the Man-Bat knocked him back, hospitalizing him. Batman scooped up Thirteen's sonic radar and turned it on Langstrom, forcing the Man-Bat to flee deeper into the cave. Batman eventually caught up with him, and as the two struggled against one another, Batman forced him to take the antidote. This time however, the antidote had no effect and the Man-Bat escaped. +This superhero's name is Man Of Miracles. Their real name is Mother Of Existence. The being known as Mother is the creator of the universe. There is no being greater than she, and her powers appear to be limitless. She is known as Mother to her children, of which there are more than there are numbers, but she is neither male nor female. In fact, she often appears as males if the situation suits her. She has appeared as many forms throughout the ages and can appear differently to different people simultaneously. Of her countless children, her two greatest disappointments were entrusted with the planet Earth. These two beings, whom we know as God and Satan, have squabbled and fought for ages. Their incessant bickering developed into complete hatred for one another and eventually all out war. Ordinarily, Mother would have allowed them to continue fighting as they saw fit (as she rarely gets involved with the affairs of her children). These two petty and hateful children, however, despite their never-ending feud managed to create something beautiful and wholly unique in the universe – mankind. Mankind was created by God to serve his will, but his creation was tainted by his hateful brother Satan. Man was given free will so as to disobey God’s commands. The combined influence of both God and Satan led to the unique creation that is a human being - a creature capable of boundless artistic expression and limitless love, a creature which Mother deemed important enough to protect personally. During Armageddon, she appears to Spawn in the guise of the Man of Miracles, acting as his guide so that he may fulfill his role of stopping the Apocalypse and saving humanity from the forces of her two children. +This superhero's name is Man-Thing. Their real name is Dr. Theodore Sallis . Allegedly, before Earth was formed, a creator being from before time spawned the Fallen Stars, each an embodiment of one of its thoughts. On Earth, the creator made a woman, Cleito, representing the nature of reality. Cleito spawned Adam K'ad-Mon, the first Man of Lineage, and their birth site became the Nexus of Reality. Descendants of K'ad-Mon served as Nexus guardians, but over time the Men of Lineage became less concerned with this mission, until eventually one man abandoned it completely: Ted Sallis. A biochemistry professor at Empire State University, the sheltered Sallis had no knowledge of his destiny and preferred books to people. The United States Army recruited him into "Project Sulfur," which sought a means to survive bio-chemical warfare. Sallis developed "Serum SO-2," which granted immunity to all known toxic biochemicals, but its mutagenic effects would have transformed people into monsters. Ted's friend, the free-spirited girl Sainte-Cloud, convinced him to denounce the Project, shutting it down before any serum was produced. Ted proposed to Sainte-Cloud, but she refused due to their many differences. Returning to teaching, Sallis fell in love with one of his students, Ellen Brandt, a naïve and impassioned girl of nineteen. The two eloped following a secret affair. After their honeymoon, they visited the fortune teller Madame Swabada, who foretold a catastrophic change. Sallis was then reassigned to "Project Gladiator," a SHIELD research program based in the Florida Everglades and aimed at re-creating the lost Super Soldier Serum that had created Captain America. Working separately from his colleagues, including Dr. Wilma Calvin and Dr. Barbara Morse, Sallis modified his SO-2 formula as the basis for a new Super Soldier Serum. The subversive organization AIM wanted the serum and conspired with a bitter Ellen, whom Ted had neglected since their honeymoon. Upon completing his new serum, Ted committed its formula to memory and burnt his records. When Ellen led Ted into an AIM ambush, he fled and injected the only existing sample of the serum into himself just before his car crashed into the swamp. He should have died, but the magical energies of the swamp combined with the serum to transform him into the hideous creature later known as the Man-Thing. His intelligence rapidly fading, he slew the AIM agents and horribly burned half of Ellen's face. Unknown to Sallis, Ellen had been pregnant. Recovered by Project Gladiator agents, she underwent surgery that repaired her face, but it proved temporary. She gave her son up for adoption and began punishing herself for her crimes by surrendering to alcohol, drugs, and carnal indulgence. Maddened by the face she saw in the mirror, Ellen ended up in Massachusetts' Rosewell Mental Hospital, eventually restored to sanity by the enigmatic mystic Sorrow. AIM again tried to obtain Sallis' formula, but was foiled by the Man-Thing and Ka-Zar. Man-Thing made the swamps his home and became the guardian of the Nexus of All Realities. Its magic made the swamps a focal point of bizarre activity, attracting super-beings such as Wundarr and the Molecule Man. Alongside Dakimh the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Howard the Duck, and Korrek the barbarian warrior of Katharta, the Man-Thing foiled a series of plots to use the Nexus to merge all realities by Thog the Netherspawn, demon lord of the realm of Sominus, and the Congress of Realities. The Man-Thing in some sense befriended Richard Rory, Ezekiel Tork and his pet Dawg, and fought Franklin Armstrong Schist, who sought to drain the swamp in search of the Fountain of Youth; Professor Slaughter; the religious zealot Foolkiller; the Critics, afterlife agents seeking to judge the fate of suicide victim and clown Darrel Daniel; the natives of la Hacienda, home of the Fountain of Youth, whose waters nearly cured the Man-Thing and horribly mutated Schist before his death; The Glob, Yagzan, and the Cult of Entropy; the Si-Fan, alongside Shang-Chi; and the Gladiator, sent to recover Sallis' formula by Death-Stalker. Schist's wife Vivian hired Dr. Dane Gavin to capture or kill the Man-Thing; he chose the former, placing Man-Thing on display in the New York Museum of Nature History, where visitors' fears sent the Man-Thing on a berserk rampage through the city until Dr. Gavin and Schist's daughter, Carolyn, took him back to the swamp. Man-Thing later faced the manifested hate of Maybell Tork, the Demons of Liberation (embittered scarred war veterans), and the reality-altering Brian Lazarus. Wandering into the Port Everglades, the Man-Thing was trapped on the Marietta cargo ship and caught up in a two-century-old curse involving the satyr Khordes, the immortal crew of the pirate Captain Fate, and oceanographer Dr. Maura Spinner. Maura was a reincarnation of the former captain of Fate's crew, whom Fate had traded to Khordes in exchange for his treasure. Mistaking the satyr's benevolent intent, Maura had slain Khordes, who cursed them all. After helping convince Spinner to accept her destiny by the resurrected satyr's side, Man-Thing returned to the Everglades. The bog beast then joined old allies Korrek, Dakimh, and Jennifer Kale against the extradimensional sorcerer Klonus and warrior Mortak. In a weird twist of fate, a Man-Thing-shaped candle (created after his New York rampage) was drugged and given to Ted Sallis' former love interest Sainte-Cloud by her jilted lover Chuck, causing her to see Man-Thing hallucinations; exposed to the drug himself, a terrified Chuck badly burnt his face on the candle. After surviving an assault from his one-time victim Jackson Hunter, the Man-Thing halted the Mad Viking's rampage. He then heeded the tortured spirit of student Edmond Windshed, taking vengeance on Edmond's former tormentors. Captured by townspeople and thrown into a sewage treatment plant, Man-Thing escaped and slew the Mad Viking, ending a violent book-burning crusade by the Viking and Olivia Selby. Now able to survive longer away from the swamp, the Man-Thing was brought by Richard Rory to Georgia, where he escaped. He fought the demon Erthold, the soul-stealing Scavenger, and Thog, whose Nightmare Boxes threatened to plunge all reality into madness until the positive wills of Ted Sallis and Steve Gerber contaminated the boxes, foiling Thog, whom Man-Thing incinerated. Alongside Ghost Rider, Morbius, and the Werewolf as the Legion of Monsters Man-Thing helped destroy the enigmatic Starseed, actually a would-be savior of humanity. After again fighting the Molecule Man, the Man-Thing was captured along with the Glob by The Collector, who pitted them against The Hulk before they rebelled and escaped. Man-Thing later helped psychic Andrea Rodgers restore her fragmented personality, helped thwart the inane cosmic menace Bzzk'Joh, drove off D'Spayre, destroyed Jude the Entropic Man and Victorius, allied with the Cult of Entropy (narrowly missing a chance to regain his humanity), and encountered the extradimensional Micronauts. Sallis' mind was nearly restored by Dr. Karl Oheimer's cerebral regeneration therapy for a CIA project; but the army suspected enemy involvement and tried to protect Sallis' serum by attempting to rescue Oheimer, who was slain in the process. The sentient Man-Thing slaughtered all others involved, but once back in the swamp his mind faded. Another experimental project briefly transported him to the Himalayas, where he encountered a Yeti race descended from Cro-Magnons. The sorcerer Baron Mordo returned him to the swamp, restored Sallis's mind and used him as a pawn against Dr. Strange in a plot to destroy Earth, but Jennifer Kale helped the Man-Thing throw off Mordo's control and foil the plot, though Sallis's mind again faded. After aiding Howard the Duck against the mad monopoly of Kong Lomerate, the Man-Thing befriended Sheriff John Daltry and Barbara Bannister, alongside whom he again met Captain Fate and opposed yet another Thog plot. This time, Sallis was cured and writer Chris Claremont took his place as the Man-Thing, destroying Thog. Dr. Strange restored Claremont, but Sallis's curse returned and proved irreversible. The Man-Thing was possessed by Unnthinnk, one of the demon coven called the Six Fingered Hand, who battled the Defenders in a massive plot to take over Earth; the Six Fingered Hand turned out to be pawns of the Hell-Lords in a scheme to use the Nexus in an aborted attempt to merge Hell and Earth. Alongside Thor he opposed the Man-Beast and Bi-Beast, then briefly served as a pawn of the mad sorcerer Ian Fate, leading to another rampage through New York. Back in the swamps, Sallis refused an offer from the demon Eblis to become human in exchange for his mortal soul. The government's Project: Glamor developed a version of Sallis's formula, planning to attack Russia with super-soldiers, but these warriors were destroyed by the Man-Thing and others. Another Sallis serum derivation, SS-8, was used by Daemian Wainscroft, mutating his son Deke into a powerful form until being functionally lobotomized by The Punisher. Alongside the Hulk, the Man-Thing encountered a new Glob, and was later nearly destroyed by the Deviant Ereshkigal when she used the Star Brand to access the Nexus in an effort to rule all reality. Another writer with reality-warping powers used the Man-Thing to complete his final story in the last seconds of his life. Shortly thereafter, the Man-Thing was one of the Daydreamers joining Franklin Richards on a surreal journey to accept Onslaught's seeming destruction of Franklin's parents, who had actually survived in the Counter-Earth of a pocket realm created by Franklin; however, Ashema the Listener, a Celestial who would help Franklin retrieve Onslaught's victims and establish Counter-Earth as a real planet orbiting opposite Earth, obliterated the Man-Thing in order to stop him from blocking access to the pocket realm. Re-created via the combined energies of an Asgardian Norn stone and the recent breaching of the dimensional barriers, the Man-Thing's form was briefly usurped by mailroom employee Carl Schuffler, who was removed by Spider-Man using instructions from the virtually omniscient Authority. Recent dimensional travel had shattered the Nexus of Realities, and Dr. Strange recruited Ellen Brandt to help Man-Thing restore it. In the process, the Man-Thing was possessed by K'ad-Mon, the history of the Men of Lineage was revealed, and Sallis learned that his relation with Ellen was predestined to restore his hereditary mission. Ellen, the Man-Thing, and K'ad-Mon recovered Nexus fragments from within the maddened Devil-Slayer, from Howard the Duck (despite the opposition of Mahapralaya and a revived Cult of Entropy), from Cleito herself in ancient Atlantis, and from a Nexus-created planet that Ellen had to destroy to save reality. Their efforts to restore the Nexus were opposed by the Fallen Star Mr. Termineus, the embodiment of finality, who had visited the young Ted Sallis over the years. Termineus had captured Ellen's long-lost son Job Burke and trained him as his disciple in a plot to destroy all existence. Devil-Slayer united the remaining Fallen Stars, including K'ad-Mon and Sorrow, to stop Termineus. Using the power of the final Nexus fragment, Termineus succeeded in shattering the healing Nexus, wiping out all reality. However, Sallis' nature as the Man of Lineage (combined with his love of Ellen) allowed him to briefly maintain the dream of existence; he joined forces with Job, who rebelled against his mentor, to re-imagine the creator's dream that had formed reality. All existence was restored, with Ted and Ellen inhabiting the Nexus itself, while K'ad-Mon retained control of the Man-Thing. Job returned home with his adoptive parents to live his life and prepare for his future destiny. Termineus began to plot anew to bring about the endgame, but as it was he who had involved K'ad-Mon in this struggle, he had to deal with bringing about his own failure, due to his inability to relinquish the love in his heart for his former wife, Sorrow. Shortly thereafter, the ancient Scrier mutated one of his cabal into the Outrider to seize the Nexus. Spider-Man helped foil this plot, and Ted and Ellen drew the consciousness of the Nexus down into the Man-Thing, merging into a powerful collective being. This merged being left the earthly sphere, becoming the new Nexus, and the magic of the swamp re-formed the Man-Thing's original form, apparently instilling it with the residual memory of Sallis's consciousness. Continuing its subconscious mission to defend the swamp and Nexus, it incinerated botanist Owen Candler, creator of the Salvation Seed and the Union, which had threatened to replace humanity with plant simuloids; slew a mad scientist who tried to use the Man-Thing in experimental emotion therapy; and even opposed a universe-menacing, virtually omnipotent Thanos enhanced by the Heart of the Infinite. Eternally cursed with a monstrous form, barely aware of its past or surroundings, the Man-Thing remains the most startling slime creature of all. The Man-Thing was recently slashed in half by Ares of the Dark Avengers and "bagged and tagged" since then however he was seen protecting the Moloids who are collecting and spiriting away the Punisher's body parts, after he is dismembered and decapitated by Daken, acting on the orders of Norman Osborn. After Norman Osborn was deposed during the events of Seige, Man-Thing was moved to the Raft. There, Hank Pym studied it and created a device which used Man-Thing's connection to the Nexus of All Realities to enable Luke Cage's Thunderbolts to teleport anywhere in the world. He was inscribed with the 'World Song' by Satana. Using the Nexus of All Realities, Man-Thing was able to escape the Raft and run amuk around New York City. Howard the Duck, along with She-Hulk, Nighthawk, and Frankenstein's Monster went in search of him in an attempt to stop him. Returning to the Thunderbolts, he helped during an invasion of Chicago by absorbing the hordes of monsters sent to destroy it. This caused him to become giant-sized. Satana extracted a bulb from his old, burnt out body. +This superhero's name is Man-Wolf. Their real name is John Jameson. John Jameson, son of newspaper mogul J. Jonah Jameson, was one of the youngest applicants to ever be accepted into NASA's astronaut program. During his first mission, in which he orbited Earth, Jameson's capsule developed a faulty guidance module which caused the craft to spin out of control. The fledgling adventurer, Spider-Man, who had just begun his career weeks earlier, managed to rescue Jameson by getting a replacement guidance module to the plummeting capsule. This incident, which Jameson's father construed as a publicity stunt to upstage his son's accomplishment, provoked the one of elder Jameson's first editorial denouncements of Spider-Man. On a later space mission, Jameson somehow contracted an unknown virus presumably during a space walk. Upon his return to Earth, Jameson began to develop superhuman strength as a side effect of the virus. Jameson was given a special body suit designed to keep his strength in check by scientists at NASA. When it appeared that Spider-Man was involved in a bank robbery, J. Jonah Jameson persuaded his son to use his strength to subdue the web-slinger and thus become a public hero. John Jameson agreed but was bettered by Spider-Man in their first encounter. When the elder Jameson learned Spider-Man was innocent, he tried to stop his son from proceeding in his battle, but John Jameson sought a rematch after his earlier defeat. When the two clashed a second time, Spider-Man managed to neutralize the virus in Jameson's body by a high dosage of electricity. When Jameson recovered, his strength was no longer superhuman. Some time later, Jameson was selected to go on a secret mission to the moon, the reason for which is still classified information. While collecting lunar rock samples, he came across a glittering red gemstone, unlike anything else he had seen there. At the successful completion of the mission, Jameson felt a strange compulsion to possess the unique gemstone, and with the assistance of a colleague, Jameson had it recovered from quarantine and made into a pendant. Jameson was wearing it around his throat on the first night of a full moon when lunar luminescence reacted with the pendant, causing him to transform into a wolf like humanoid creature. For months, Jameson tried to find a way to fight the three nights of transformation; finally acquiring a radiation suit he hoped would screen out the moon's rays. It failed like all his other attempts. In his native New York City on the first night of his fifth month of his transformations, Jameson began to stalk his own father in an instinctive quest for help. The elder Jameson was shocked by the seeming attack of the Man-Wolf, and suspected the creature was in partnership with Spider-Man, who happened by in time to fight the werewolf. Then J. Jonah Jameson saw the pendant around the Man-Wolf's neck and recognized it as his son's. Confronting his son with his suspicions the next day, the elder Jameson learned of his son's strange plight, and discovered that his son could not end it by removing the pendant since it had somehow grafted itself to his skin. Soon, however, as the Man-Wolf grappled with Spider-Man, the costumed crimefighter tore the pendant from Man-Wolf's throat, unaware of its connection. Although it would take months before the injury to his throat would heal, John Jameson was cured of his lunar-triggered transformations. Spider-Man threw the pendant into the Hudson River. Not long after his throat healed, John Jameson was again afflicted by the curse of the Man-Wolf when Michael Morbius, a scientist with a blood disease that gave him artificial vampiric powers, recovered the gemstone and exposed Jameson to it. Jameson reverted to his wolf like form, and in that state Morbius placed the gemstone around his neck once more. Morbius hoped to use the Man-Wolf as his pawn in a scheme to cure himself of his vampiric affliction, but that scheme was thwarted by Spider-Man. Both Morbius and the Man-Wolf managed to escape. Again afflicted by monthly transformations, the Man-Wolf's rampages attracted the attention of the police department, who assigned special investigator Simon Stroud to the case. Stroud suspected that the Man-Wolf was Jameson, but kept his suspicions to himself. Managing to escape from New York and the authorities, Jameson hitchhiked to Georgia where he became involved in a skirmish between SHIELD and the original Hate-Monger. SHIELD Director Nick Fury escorted Jameson to NASA headquarters where he was wanted being absent without leave. NASA officials offered to drop changes against him if he agreed to perform communications breakdown with an orbiting space station. Jameson agreed, and upon his arrival at the space station, learned that the installation had been boarded by three extradimentional humanoids named Garth, Lambert, and Gorjoon. The invaders revealed to Jameson that they had come from the dimension in which his gemstone originated. Jameson agreed to accompany them to the moon where the portal to their world, 'Other-Realm,'was located. Crash-landing on the moon, Jameson, now permanently the Man-Wolf due to direct exposure to the moon's rays, found the portal to 'Other-Realm.' To his amazement, he discovered that in this other dimension, he retained his human intelligence while in wolf form. He was then told the origan of the gemstone. It was an artifact created by the ruler of the 'Other-Realm,' a being known as Stargod. When Stargod felt himself dying, he opened a portal to Earth's moon and went there to die, channeling his godly essence into the jewel. When the 'Other-Realm' faced a crisis of dire consequences, he arranged that the gemstone would be found, and a successor possessing his godly might would come to deliver his world from evil. Jameson seemed to be that chosen successor. However, since the mystical radiation that leaked through the moon portal was so weak by the time it reached Earth, the gemstone was only able to effect a partial change to the mythic wolf-being. Thus Jameson had gained Stargod's strength and outward form but not his wisdom or power. As Stargod's successor, Jameson helped the denizens of the 'Other-Realm' vanquish its would-be conqueror Arisen Tyrk, utilizing the full power of Stargod. Jameson then utilized the gem's full power to teleport him back to Earth. On Earth, Jameson found himself to be at the mercy of the partial effects of the gemstone, again transforming into a wolf against his will. Furthermore, since he had exhausted the gemstone's power in fulfilling its purpose, it was slowly turning into a malignant organism, sinking beneath the surface of his skin and poisoning him. When his father J. Jonah Jameson learned of his latest plight, he had his son placed in cryogenic suspension, in hopes of arresting the process. An enemy of Jameson's, Spencer Staythe, released the younger Jameson, hoping to hurt Jameson or his son. Spider-Man managed to quell the Man-Wolf's rampage, but lost track of the creature when he was snatched by Smythe's teleport beam. When John Jameson returned months later, Spider-Man enlisted the aid of Dr. Curt Connors and the two managed to give Jameson a radiation treatment that caused the gemstone to withdraw its root system and be rejected by Jameson's body. When the gemstone crumbled to powder, Jameson was finally free of his strange ordeal. For a time he was in a sanitarium due to the strains of what he had suffered in his life, but he is now recovering. Jameson's current activities are unrevealed. +This superhero's name is Mandarin. Their real name is Khan. Born circa 1920, the future Mandarin was raised by his embittered aunt following his parents’ deaths, and as an adult he used his brilliance and family wealth to attain prominence in the Kuomintang Party’s reign over China. The Communist Revolution of 1949 cost him his position and power, although the population he had once commanded still regarded him with nigh-mystic awe. After years of seeking some means of regaining greatness, he ventured into the mysterious Valley of Spirits, where he discovered the millennia-old wreckage of a starship of the reptilian Kakaranatharian, or Makluan, extraterrestrial race, and the ten mighty rings which had powered the vessel. Unaware that the Makluans themselves remained at large, posing as humans, the Mandarin spent decades mastering Makluan technology, then several years more conquering the valley’s adjacent villages and establishing a network both of citadels and of loyal followers such as Po, Yu, and Li Fong. His long-range goal was to conquer China, and then the world, which he claimed he would rule with the “wisdom and harmony” of his nobleman ancestors. During these years he fathered a son, Temujin, whom he sequestered in a remote monastery, and took the girl later known as Madam Macabre as a student; another girl, Mei-Ling, became betrothed to marry him in adulthood. He also discovered the dormant alien robot Ultimo within a volcano, and worked for years to revive him using a combination of science and magic. In recent years, seeking assistance to master the Makluan rings’ full power, the Mandarin became the patron of the Sin-Cong revolutionary Wong Chu, who abducted the Chinese genius Ho Yinsen and American industrialist Tony Stark. However, Yinsen sacrificed his life to enable Stark to escape and overwhelm Wong Chu’s forces using his first Iron Man armor. After disciplining Wong Chu for his failure, the Mandarin had the opportunity to stop Iron Man from departing but, intrigued, allowed him to pass unhindered, little realizing the armored hero would become his most persistent nemesis. Several months later, Iron Man visited China to investigate the Mandarin for the U.S. government. Using the rings and his own combat skills, the Mandarin nearly defeated Iron Man, who nonetheless outwitted him and escaped. Soon after, the pair again clashed when the Mandarin pulled Stark surveillance missiles from the sky to use for his own purposes, then manipulated the Chinese government into test-firing a missile which, unknown to them, was intended to trigger world war, but Iron Man defeated him both times. Affected by Doctor Doom’s Emotion Charger, the Mandarin next joined many other super-villains in attacking the Fantastic Four’s Richards-Storm wedding; later, he recruited the Swordman, whose sword he equipped with greater technological weaponry, to serve as his spy within the Avengers, but the Swordsman ultimately balked at destroying the Avengers and betrayed him. Finally activating Ultimo, the gloating Mandarin teleported Stark to his citadel to observe the supposed triumph, but Iron Man lured the giant back into the volcano, temporarily imprisoning him. Later, Iron Man again prevented his foe from provoking world war with a second missile scheme. Reactivating Ultimo and rehiring the Swordsman, along with Living Laser, Power Man (later Atlas of the Thunderbolts), Enchantress, and the Executioner, the Mandarin launched an effort to empower a world-wide hate-ray, only to be foiled by the Avengers. He next mentally controlled the Hulk and used him to wreak havoc, thinking each nation would blame the other for the behemoth’s attacks, but his control was disrupted by Nick Fury and Yuri Brevlov of S.H.I.E.L.D. Undaunted, the Mandarin, now accompanied by the adult Mei-Ling, used a Hulk robot to abduct Stark’s lover Janice Cord while framing Stark himself for enemy conspiracy, but Mei-Ling, touched by Cord’s love for Stark and disillusioned by the Mandarin’s cruelty, sacrificed her life helping Iron Man defeat him. A second attempt to control the Hulk with the help of the Sandman also failed, as did efforts to foment unrest by abducting peacemaker Dr. Robert Hoskins, who was rescued by Captain America. Hoping to enhance his rings’ already phenomenal power, the Mandarin manipulated the Royal Family of Inhumans into obtaining the mystic Eye of Yin, created centuries ago by Makluan-trained sorcerers, but he was overpowered by Black Bolt, who absconded with his rings. After allying himself with the former Russian super-operative Unicorn, the Mandarin regained the rings via a Makluan headband device and returned his attention to Tony Stark. In the identity of Gene Kahn, he stirred unrest among Stark’s employees, then, when exposed, fought Iron Man alongside the Unicorn. However, careless use of the headband inadvertently switched the Mandarin’s consciousness with that of the terminally ill Unicorn, and he quickly abandoned the fight to rectify the situation. Adding insult to injury, he discovered that a rival mastermind, the Yellow Claw, had, at the prodding of the extradimensional Black Lama, seized his current base, one of his Chinese castles, in his absence. Retiring to an underwater base, the Mandarin captured Sunfire and forced him to power the machinery that restored him to his rightful body, but even with Ultimo’s aid, regaining his castle was not so simple. Iron Man and Sunfire intervened in the conflict, which ended with the Mandarin seemingly slain by the Yellow Claw’s robot surrogate, the Makluan rings claimed by the Claw’s servant Loc Do. However, the Mandarin’s new control of his consciousness enabled him to transfer his intellect into the rings themselves, and he remade Loc Do’s body into a younger version of his own. Despite his new body, his customary schemes to foment world war were once more thwarted by Iron Man. Efforts to obtain Wakanda’s Vibranium via the resurrected Killmonger proved no more successful, and his attempt to destroy China’s rice crops, intended to drive the Chinese government into invading other nations, was disrupted by an alternate Iron Man (Stark’s temporary replacement Jim Rhodes). Later, while experimenting with his rings, the Mandarin was rendered comatose; although he recovered physically, he was left amnesiac when elderly Chen Hsu, the millennia-old captain of the disguised Makulans, stole and replaced one of his rings, still tied to his consciousness and thus necessary to restore his memory fully. As Zhang Tong, the Mandarin, still driven by a need for conquest, became a criminal overlord in Hong Kong, allowing ten underlings to use his rings as his operatives in the so-called Hand. Having no memory of his grudge against Stark, he sought to force a business alliance but was again foiled by Iron Man, who nonetheless found himself unable to interfere with his opponent’s criminal network. Soon afterward, the Mandarin joined several other masterminds in the so-called “Acts of Vengeance” anti-superhero conspiracy, then allied with Matsuo Tsurayaba of the ninja Hand, but these endeavors were disrupted by the Avengers and the X-Men, and subsequent worldwide attacks on crime prevention specialists were ended by Nick Fury’s intervention. Eventually recognizing Chen Hsu’s theft, the Mandarin confronted the old man, who returned both his ring and his memory, then guided him in commanding the gigantic Makluan dragon Fin Fang Foom, with whom the Mandarin soon seized control of one-third of his native land. Tony Stark and James Rhodes, both armored as Iron Man, intervened, but the Mandarin turned against Hsu and Foom upon learning that the Makluans wanted to rule Earth themselves; with Stark channeling his own armor’s power through the rings, the Mandarin seemingly destroyed the Makluans, but his hands were burned off in the process. Eventually recovering, he grew new reptilian hands and recovered his rings, then discovered the Thuviskaroth of Cataphylaxis, a.k.a. the Heart of Darkness, a centuries-old talisman of cosmic evil. Forced through a psychological gauntlet in which he overcame personifications of his earlier schemes, he emerged near-mad with supernatural power and, in a departure from his usual methods, mystically reverted China to its medieval state, supposedly saving the world from the corruption of the technology he had commanded so long, with the assistance of the superhuman Avatars. While War Machine (Jim Rhodes) and Force Works fought the Avatars, Iron Man penetrated the Mandarin’s defenses and infected him with a techno-organic virus, nullifying his Heart’s mystic bond and again rendering him amnesiac as the janitor Chu. Regaining his identity, the Mandarin rebuilt his power base once more, clashing with Squirrel Girl and using the Espionage Elite, the Dreadnoughts, and others to undermine Stark, whom he now knew to be Iron Man and of whose capabilities he was unsure following the hero’s revival from the Onslaught crisis. Aboard his immense aircraft, the Dragon of Heaven, the Mandarin invaded Russia using a mercenary army fought by the Avengers and Winter Guard, but this was merely a pretext to lure Iron Man into action and better test him in battle. Although satisfied Iron Man indeed remained a worthy adversary, the knowledge seemed to do the Mandarin little good when Iron Man destroyed the Dragon of Heaven’s power source, toppling it from the sky. The Mandarin was seemingly slain in the disaster, but this may be only the latest of the many seeming deaths from which he has returned. +This superhero's name is Mantis (MCU). Their real name is Mantis. Mantis was a young empathic woman raised by the Celestial Ego and recruited as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Since she was a child, Mantis helped ease Ego's neurotic behavior with her powers until the Guardians of the Galaxy came to his planet. After bonding with Drax the Destroyer, she came to care for the Guardians and then allied with them to help prevent Ego from conquering the Galaxy. With her own servitude to Ego ended, she became a full-fledged member of the Guardians and accompanied them on further adventures. She has the ability to sense other people's feelings, and rarely alter them. When the Guardians were called to action to stop Thanos from collecting the Infinity Stones to wipe out half the universe, Mantis accompanied some of her group to Knowhere where they failed to stop the warlord from gaining the Aether. After, they followed Thanos to Titan where they teamed up with the Avengers to fight him head-on. The fight once again ended in failure, and Mantis and her fellow Guardians, except Nebula and Rocket Raccoon, were killed when Thanos unleashed the stones' power. +This superhero's name is Mantis. Their real name is Mantis. Mantis is an insectoid inhabitant of Apokolips who was given great power by Darkseid in exchange for his servitude. +This superhero's name is Maria Hill (MCU). Their real name is Maria Hill. Hill was born on April 4, 1982. Upon reaching to her adulthood, Hill first joined to the United States Armed Forces and later joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and rose through its ranks, at one point working in Madripoor and becoming one of the organization's best agents. By 2012, Hill had already caught the eye of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director Nick Fury and had been appointed Deputy Director, working closely with Fury. +This superhero's name is Mario. Their real name is Mario Mario. Early Life The Stork was carrying Mario and Luigi. Kamek snatched Baby Luigi and the Stork with Mario falling onto Yoshi. Yoshi and his travel companions work together to help Mario save Luigi while the Toadies attempt to chase them. After the defeat of Baby Bowser, Mario reunited with Luigi and Yoshi freed the stork. The stork continued carrying Mario and Luigi to the parents' home and leaves Mario and Luigi by the porch. Donkey Kong Mario knew that Donkey Kong has kidnapped Pauline onto a dangerous construction site. Donkey Kong taunted and teased Mario until Mario defeated Donkey Kong and Mario rescues Pauline. For revenge, Mario kidnapped Donkey Kong inside the cage. Mario prevented Donkey Kong Jr. from rescuing Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. caught up with Mario which he failed keeping Donkey Kong captive. Mario Bros. Mario and Luigi meet each other again. They work as plumbers inside the sewers of New York. Mushroom World's First Invasion Mario and Luigi heard about Bowser summoning dark magic into the Mushroom World turning Toads into inanimate objects, Princess Peach was also kidnapped by Bowser that she cannot undo the spell. Mario defeated Bowser and rescued Peach, who assigned him a new quest. Subcon Mario was dreaming about Subcon when he witnessed Wart kidnapping Subcons. Mario woke up from his dream. Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Peach had a picnic nearby a cave. Mario told his dream to his friends; they stated that they had the same dream. The group was curious about looking through the cave. They noticed the stairs leading to the door. When they opened it, they fell to Subcon. The group defeated Wart and rescued the Subcons. Mushroom World's Second Invasion Princess Peach messaged Mario and Luigi that Bowser sent the Koopalings to invade the seven worlds. Mario defeated Koopalings and returned the wand to the kings. However, Bowser kidnapped Peach. Mario rushed to Bowser and defeated Bowser. Upon his defeat, Peach thanked Mario. Yoshi's Island Mario, Luigi, and Peach agreed to have a vacation on Yoshi's Island. Mario and Luigi relaxed on the beach. They realized Princess Toadstool disappeared. Mario and Luigi search for her until they approached an enormous egg, a Yoshi Egg. Yoshi thanked Mario and Luigi for rescuing them. He told Mario and Luigi that "monstrous turtles" sealed them in eggs. Luigi realized Bowser and the Koopalings returned. Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi arrived in the Valley of Bowser. Mario and Luigi fought against Bowser and rescued Peach. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, and the eggs traveled back to Yoshi's Island. The Yoshis hatched from the eggs. Sarasaland Invasion Tatanga brainwashed the people in Sarasaland and conquered it. He kidnapped Daisy, plotted to marry her and to be his queen. When Mario learned this incident, he traveled through the four kingdoms and fought Tatanga. Upon his defeat, Mario rescued Daisy and the people were free from Tatanga's control. Behind The Paintings Peach sent an invitation to Mario, mentioning that he is invited to eat cake. Mario headed to Peach's Castle. Upon entering, Mario heard Bowser speaking and realized Bowser held Peach and the Toads captive in paintings. He entered paintings and gathered scattered Power Stars. After saving the Toads, he collected enough Power Stars and faced Bowser in combat and ended his terrible reign. Princess Peach was saved, and she thanked him with a kiss and baked him a cake. Luigi's Mansion King Boo tricked Luigi into thinking he had won a mansion. King Boo trapped Mario in a painting. Luigi rescued Mario from the painting upon King Boo's defeat. Isle Delfino Upon arriving on Isle Delfino, inhabitants branded Mario as a criminal. An impersonator of Mario, Shadow Mario was vandalizing Isle Delfino with goop. Mario denied that he vandalized the island. Security forced Mario to clean the goop and return the Shine Sprites to the Shine Gate. Mario started cleaning up the isle and found out Bowser Jr. was the impersonator. He kidnapped Princess Peach and took her to the Corona Mountain. After Mario defeated Bowser Jr., he flooded Delfino Square. Mario went to Corona Mountain and found Bowser and son, bathing in a tub of hot slime goop. When Mario flipped the tub upside down, they fell onto a separate island, saving Isle Delfino. Inhabitants apologized for accusing Mario. Mario continued enjoying his vacation. Vibe Island Bowser kidnapped Mario, Luigi, and the Toads while Princess Peach, Toadsworth and Toad were strolling. Army Hammer Bro help him captive in the cage. Upon Peach, Toadsworth, and Toad's arrival, they found out that Bowser kidnapped them, witnessing Toads with different emotions. Peach was determined to rescue the brothers and Toads. Toadsworth gave Peach an unordinary umbrella named Perry. Perry assisted Peach in Vibe Island. After rescuing Toads and Luigi, the duo went the Bowser's villa and confronted Army Hammer Bro and Bowser. Defeating both of them, Perry freed Mario. Peach, Perry, Toads, Mario, and Luigi left the island and returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. Big Tail Tree When Mario and Peach walked to Peach's castle, lightning struck the castle. Mario rushed to the castle to investigate. However, Bowser Jr. took Peach. Mario realized it and chased after Bowser Jr. While Mario continued running, Mario fought against Bowser and Bowser Jr. Upon their defeat, he rescued Peach. Peach's Birthday Mario and his friends celebrated Peach's birthday. When a large cake landed in the castle, they investigated it. Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings emerged and kidnapped Peach. Mario and company fought Bowser in his castle. Upon his defeat, they rescued Peach. Mario and company rode on hot air balloons and left the place. Galaxy Reactor Peach sent Mario an invitation to the Starbit Festival. Mario was excited and rushed to her castle. However, Bowser and his troops crashed the festival. The Koopa troop separates Mario from Peach. When Mario woke up, Lumas played with him. Mario met Rosalina, who requested Mario's help to collect Grand Stars and Power Stars. Retrieving Grand Stars, Rosalina navigated the Comet Observatory to Bowser's Galaxy Reactor. Mario approached Peach, Bowser and Bowser Jr. Mario fought against Bowser. Upon Bowser's defeat, Mario rescues Peach. The black hole deconstructed the galaxies, while Rosalina rescued Mario from the cataclysm. Awakening at the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, and his passing acquaintances celebrated reconstructed galaxies celebrating. Galaxy Generator Another story of Mario, Peach invited Mario to her castle for cake. When Mario arrived, Bowser kidnapped Peach and took her away to the center of the universe. After Mario defeated Bowser's Galaxy Generator, Peach appeared with the Grand Star and landed on the garden planet with Mario. The Comet Observatory was free from Bowser's fortress, and Rosalina was pleased to know that Luma is safe. Luma also takes Mario's cap as a souvenir. Mario and Peach rode on Starship Mario and returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. Tail Tree The great storm blew Tanooki leaves off the Tail Tree outside Peach's Castle. The next day, Mario and three Toads check on the big tail tree and realized Bowser kidnapped Peach while she investigated the damage to the tree. Mario and the Toads ran to rescue her. While running through the worlds, he receives letters from Peach to learn about her predicament. Mario approached Bowser's lair; they fought each other. After Bowser chased Mario through obstacles, Mario pressed the switch that collapsed the bridge, and Bowser fell into the lava pool. Mario and the three Toads rescued Princess Peach and returned to the castle. After Mario rescued Luigi from Dry Bowser, Bowser captured Peach again. Mario returned to his castle and defeated him. Acorn Plains Mario, Luigi, two Toads, and Peach were having dinner together. However, Bowser, Bowser Jr., and the Koopalings threw Mario, Luigi, and two Toads away from her castle to Acorn Plains. Mario and company ventured through different worlds and found Peach on the tower. Upon entering the castle, they were about to save her until Bowser and Bowser Jr. appeared. Upon defeating them, Mario and company ran to Peach, and the castle returned to its original state. Witnessing Bowser, Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings retreating, they celebrated. Sprixie Kingdom Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Blue Toad were enjoying the fireworks on the evening of Mushroom Kingdom. They found a slanted Clear Pipe. After Mario and Luigi fixed the pipe, a green Sprixie Princess panicked and told them that she escaped Bowser, but he kidnapped the other Sprixie Princesses. Bowser came out of the pipe and trapped the green Sprixie Princess in the jar and went to the plains area. Peach checked Bowser inside the pipe but fell into the pipe. Mario and company caught up to her and fell into the plains area where they found the green Sprixie Princess trapped inside a jar. After Mario and the company rescued the green Sprixie Princess, they continued to save more Sprixie Princesses in other areas. Rescuing the last Sprixie Princess, Bowser kidnapped all the Sprixie Princesses in a large jar and ran to the amusement area. The foursome rescued the Sprixie Princesses again from Bowser as Meowser. Bowser was trapped in the jar as Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser and Peach's Wedding During the events "in the skies above Peach's castle," Bowser kidnapped Princess Peach and Tiara on his airship. Bowser threw Mario's cap at him; thus Mario falls to the ground at the Bonneter Kingdom. Cappy found Mario and told him that Bowser kidnapped his sister, Tiara. Cappy assisted Mario while they venture. Mario and Cappy confronted Bowser with Peach and Tiara at his kingdom, and he told Mario and Cappy that he planned his wedding on the moon and left them behind. While Peach, Bowser, and attendees were present at the wedding, Mario and Cappy crashed the wedding. Bowser declared a battle against Mario. After Mario fought Bowser, Mario, Cappy, Peach, and Tiara reunited. They escape from the collapsing area to the moon with Mario and Cappy possessing Bowser. Meanwhile, Mario and Bowser proposed to Peach, but she rejected them and left with Cappy and Tiara to the Odyssey. Mario jumped onto the Odyssey while Bowser was stuck on the moon. +This superhero's name is Marrow. Their real name is Sarah. As a young child, Sarah was saved from being killed during the Morlock Massacre by Gambit, although her mutant power likely made Gambit think her injuries were more serious than they were. Later, influenced by the Dark Beast, Sarah led a group of young Morlocks calling themselves Gene Nation in terrorist attacks. When the X-Men arrived she challenged Storm to a duel, claiming she was no longer worthy of being the leader. Bombs were set to Marrow's heart by the Dark Beast, and Storm was forced to stab her to stop them. She soon recovered.During Zero Tolerance, Marrow reluctantly joined the X-Men. Although she served on the team for a time, she felt they were not aggressive much, nor did she feel much in common with the others. The Weapon X Project was able to entice her into joining by offering to help her with her self-image. Their alterations allowed her better control of her powers, and her appearance was more attractive. Mesmero became enamored with her and used his abilities to trick her into sleeping iwht him. She eventually left the project, setting up a new group of Gene Nation to attack them. Agent Zero was sent. He killed all of Gene Nation except for Marrow. +This superhero's name is Martian Manhunter. Their real name is J'onn J'onzz. Centuries ago on the planet Ma'aleca'andra, the Green Martians known as M'yrnn and Sha'sheen gave birth to twin sons. The bearing of twins was uncommon among the Martian culture, and as such, the first of the twins was named J'onn J'onzz, whose name means "Light to the Light". J'onn's brother however, was born a mutant, bereft of a Martian's innate ability to communicate telepathically. He was named Ma'alefa'ak, whose named means "Darkness in the Heart". As an adult, J'onn became a Manhunter (police officer) and married a Martian woman named M'yri'ah. The two established a modest home for themselves beneath the windswept Martian plains and gave birth to a daughter named K'hym. Years passed, and J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak grew to despise everything about Martian culture. In an ambitious endeavor to commit full-scale genocide against his own people, he engineered a contagious virus known as H'ronmeer's Curse. The virus reacted to telepathic energy, and carried from one Martian to the next whenever they elected to use their psionic powers. The plague responded to a Martian's innate fear of fire, causing them psychosomatic stress so intense, that their bodies and minds would literally burst into flame. J'onn desperately tried to keep his wife and daughter from using their mental gifts, but they were unable and so, contracted the plague. K'hym was the first to experience the symptoms, and M'yri'ah followed soon after. J'onn was anguished as he watched his family burning to death before his very eyes. The trauma of the event shattered his psyche, and nearly drove him mad. Meanwhile on the planet Earth, a would-be scientist named Dr. Saul Erdel developed a transmitter machine based upon ancient Martian technology. Seeking to make contact with extraterrestrial life, he aimed his device towards the vicinity of Mars and activated it. The transmitter beam streaked across both space and time, striking the Martian Manhunter at a point in time several centuries before Erdel would even be born. The beam brought J'onn back to Erdel's natural time era, where he collapsed on the ground outside of the Doctor's Colorado laboratory. Erdel brought the distraught Martian inside and attempted to nurse him back to health. The anguish of J'onn's mental state created a psychic bond between the two, and Erdel became aware of the events that took place on Mars. In an effort to heal J'onn's mind, Erdel used the mental link to fabricate a new history for the Martian. He created a back-story inspired by the writings of famous science fiction novelists such as Ray Bradbury and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Eventually, J'onn's sanity was restored, and he was prepared to function in this strange new world. Erdel put the idea into his head, that he should become a great champion, and thus J'onn adopted the heroic guise of the Martian Manhunter. J'onn J'onzz is accidentally teleported to Earth by a human scientist, Dr. Erdel, who immediately has a heart attack and dies, leaving the Martian stranded and unable to return. He is able to use his powers to fit in, adopting a human-like appearance and calling himself "John Jones". He joins the police force, secretly using his alien powers to help the inhabitants of his new planet. After he had given up his John Jones persona he became Marco Xavier in order to infiltrate the international crime cartel known as VULTURE. Early on, the Manhunter from Mars adopted a more characteristically superheroic modus operandi, openly fighting crime in a green-skinned form. Later it was revealed that Mars was dead when J'onn was taken, killed by a mental plague deliberately started by his brother Ma'alefa'ak. He took the identity of the Bronze Wraith, and fought crime with the Justice Experience. The Martian Manhunter's history is intimitely linked with that of the Justice League of America: He is a founding member of the team. During the Justice League International years, J'onn is shown to be obsessed with Chocos, partially due to Captain Marvel's influence. J'onzz reveals that his familiar appearance is not his true Martian form but a "compromise" between his true form and a human appearance - explaing that his real form is private and that, even on Mars, his "public" appearance was the familiar version. In addition to serving in the League under his own identity, he also joins (under duress) as "Bloodwynd". The Martian Manhunter is the most recognized hero in the Southern Hemisphere, and that he maintains a number of different secret identities, many of them outside the United States; however, following two incidents (in which John Jones separates from the Martian Manhunter), he decides to focus on his original human identity and retire the others. Later, the Martian Manhunter attempts to conquer his fear of fire and makes a deal with a flame-wielding villainess named Scorch, who wants J'onzz' telepathic help in dealing with her own mental issues. 20,000 years before, an extremely dangerous race of beings called "the Burning", caused large fires to help themselves to reproduce asexually. In order to prevent the Burning from destroying much of the universe, the Guardians of the Universe split the species into the Green Martians and the White Martians, changed their reproductive behavior, and instilled in them a fear of fire. When the Martian Manhunter confronts his fear of fire, he reverts into one of the ancient creatures and changes his name to Fernus. His genetic memory identifies threats such as Vandal Savage, who killed one of the Burning on ancient Earth. This same genetic memory also makes Fernus hate the Green Lantern, due to his association with the Oans. Fernus increases the strength of the powers he inherits from J'onn: For example, he can phase other beings rather than just himself, and he has access to pyrokinesis. He can breathe fire of such intensity it harms Scorch, who had previously been thought immune to damage from fire. Fernus' tremendous strength also allows him to dominate the Justice League in combat even without his Martian telepathic powers. He can also heal himself from almost total destruction within seconds. The Justice League eventually defeats Fernus by re-enlisting Plastic Man, who is immune to Fernus' psychic powers and has superior shape-changing abilities. It is implied that Batman recruited Plastic Man to the Justice League as a balance in case the Martian Manhunter ever goes out of control. After destroying Fernus, J'onn grieves for Scorch, who had fallen into coma, and with whom he had fallen in love. J'onn later tells Superman that his aversion to fire has changed: he is now invulnerable to flames unless they are "flames of passion" or of some other "psychic significance". The Martian Manhunter in his current formAlthough J'onzz is initially thought killed in the explosion of the Justice League Watchtower, Justice League member Manitou Dawn receives a telepathic vision of J'onzz assuring her that he "will reveal himself, in time" but needs her help to keep an eye on a mysterious, newly-powerful telepath - the mind-controlling villain Key - whose abilities he had always managed to dampen before. J'onzz resurfaces during Infinite Crisis, unconscious and connected to Alexander Luthor, Jr.'s vibrational tower, along with Lady Quark, the Ray, Black Adam, Power Girl, Nightshade, and Breach. Wonder Girl, Superboy, and Nightwing free J'onzz and the others from Alexander's tower. Oracle asks J'onzz to telepathically coordinate the heroes' response to the Society's global jailbreak. He joins the assembled heroes in the defense of Metropolis from the combined might of the world's supervillains and in the battle against Superboy-Prime. In the following months, J'Onn masqueraded as U.S. Secretary of State Kakalios in an attempt to bring down Checkmate. He was successful in eliminating it as a U.S. government-controlled agency. However, it soon reorganized under the United Nations. One of the most dramatic changes in J'onn's life occurred a short time later. While operating under the guise of William Dyer, he discovered that several Green Martians had crash-landed on Earth, and were being held by high-ranking members of the Defense Department. One of the Martians, Roh'kar, broke free of his confinement and made contact with the Martian Manhunter. The union was bittersweet however, as brainwashed assassin ended Roh'kar's life with a weapon designed to target Martians. J'onn found five of Roh'kar's colleagues and rescued them from the bowels of a government think tank. He established a safe house for them and pledged to do everything in his power to keep them safe from government scrutiny. +This superhero's name is Marvel Girl. Their real name is Rachel Anne Summers. The daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey in an alternate timeline, young Rachel Summers inherited her mother's potential for telepathic and telekinetic powers she possessed as Marvel Girl of the X-Men, a team of mutant adventurers fighting for peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans. In the mainstream reality, the X-Men prevented an attempted assassination of anti-mutant Senator Robert Kelly. However, in Rachel's timeline, Kelly was killed. The assassination caused intense widespread public paranoia against mutants, and, in the next presidential election, an anti-mutant candidate won. His administration unleashed giant mutant-hunting robot Sentinels to eliminate mutantkind, and the Sentinels decided that the best way to do so was to take over the United States. Over the subsequent years they killed or imprisoned virtually all known superhuman beings within North America. One day, whilst Rachel was still a child, the X-Men's base of operations at Professor Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was attacked and demolished by federal troops. The only survivor at the school was Rachel, whom the soldiers found by the side of Xavier's body. They used drugs to neutralize her developing psionic powers before she was tortured and brainwashed in the laboratory of the sadistic Ahab. Following extensive behavior modification, Rachel became a mutant "hound," using her psionic powers to hunt down other mutants for the authorities. Rachel's superiors branded her face with a grotesque pattern of tattoos to mark her as a hound, and forced her to wear a leash. Rachel occasionally killed mutants herself, and it is known that some of those were people she loved. Rachel's grief and shame at what she was forced to do as a hound, and her anguish over the deaths of her parents and friends deeply scarred her soul, leaving her bitter and intolerant toward humans who persecute mutants. Eventually, Rachel was placed in the South Bronx Mutant Containment Facility where she rejoined the surviving members of the X-Men in a plan to end the Sentinels' reign by changing history. Rachel used her psionic powers to exchange the consciousness and spirit of the adult X-Man Kate Pryde with that of Pryde's teenage self as she existed at a time just before the attempt on Kelly's life. It was hoped that the adult Kate, in her younger self's body at that earlier time, could warn the X-Men about the assassination attempt so they could stop it, thereby preventing the chain of events from occurring that led to the Sentinels' rule. However, history cannot be changed in this manner. Rachel, as it turned out, actually caused Kate to exchange psyches not with her younger self in the past of her own reality, but in the mainstream reality. Kate succeeded in preventing Kelly's assassination in the mainstream reality, after which the Pryde's psyches returned to their proper times and realities. On her return, Kate found that other X-Men, except for Rachel, had all died in an attack on the Sentinels' Manhattan headquarters. Kate still did not give up her vain hope of altering her reality's history. She hypnotized Rachel into using her psionic powers to tap into the Phoenix Force and send herself back in time when Kate said the words "Dark Phoenix". Thus Kate hoped that Rachel herself could change history. Together, Kate and Rachel illegally entered the laboratory of Project Nimrod, which was the attempt to construct the most highly advanced Sentinel possible with the technology of that time, in the hopes of sabotaging the project. Pursued by guards, Kate and Rachel locked themselves within the laboratory, whose walls were proofed against Kate's mutant power to phase through solid matter. Rachel believed herself and Kate to be trapped, but Kate said the words that caused Rachel to project herself back through time. Project Nimrod's creation, the Sentinel called Nimrod, then killed Kate and travelled back in time to find Rachel. Rachel found herself physically transported, body and mind, to a time shortly before the present. But, like Kate's spirit, Rachel had traveled not to the past of her reality, but to the past of the mainstream reality. She went to Xavier's mansion, but could not bring herself to stay on realizing that she had come back to the wrong reality, and fled without identifying herself. Pursued by the psychic vampire Selene, Rachel was rescued by the X-Men. After Xavier read her mind, she was invited to join the team. Rachel was shocked to learn of the supposed "death" of Jean Grey in this reality. Visiting the home of Grey's parents while they were absent, Rachel found a holo-empathic crystal that was imbued with an imprint of Grey's personality. Unaware that Jean had not actually been Phoenix, Rachel refused to believe that Jean could be evil, as people claimed Phoenix was, and she decided to claim the name and power of Phoenix as her own birthright. Through her own actions, Rachel sought to redeem the name Phoenix in this reality. Rachel also believed that as the new Phoenix she could use her power to help her fellow mutants, and thereby atone for what she had done as a hound in her own reality. It was at this moment while holding the crystal that Rachel first manifested about her the bird-shaped aura of energy associated with the previous Phoenix. From that time on, Rachel was able to draw to a limited extent upon the vast power of the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force. The alien being known as the Beyonder once hinted that Rachel could potentially become equal in power to the previous Phoenix. Indeed, the Beyonder once granted Rachel the full power that the previous Phoenix had possessed, but he reclaimed it shortly thereafter. Soon after, Rachel's teammate Wolverine severely injured her to prevent her from vengefully murdering Selene. Fleeing to heal herself, she was fooled by the six-armed sorceress named Spiral and taken to the alternate dimension of Mojoworld where she was held prisoner for several months. Rachel eventually escaped to London where she was tracked by agents from Mojoworld. With the help of Kitty Pryde, Lockheed, Nightcrawler, and Captain Britain, Rachel defeated her would-be captors and together they formed the British super-team Excalibur. After many adventures with Excalibur, Rachel finally managed to return to the future she had come from. While she couldn't change her past, she and her teammates were able to change the directives of all the Sentinels of the era to preserve all life, thereby ending the genocide that had prevailed for years. On the return journey, Captain Britain was lost in the timestream and it was discovered that Rachel had to exchange places with him for him to return. She accepted, and was carried to another future time that was ruled by the eternal mutant Apocalypse. There, Rachel founded the Clan Askani to help in the struggle against Apocalypse's tyrannical reign. As the Mother Askani, Rachel was responsible for transporting her parents to the future to care for Cyclops' infant son Nathan, who had been taken to the future in the hopes of curing a techno-organic virus that Apocalypse had infected him within the past. The Clan Askani saw in the infant the potential to be a great warrior, and trained him to become the soldier known as Cable. The effort of transporting the two X-Men exhausted Rachel's frail old body and her physical form died, leaving her to live on in an astral form. Sometime later, Cable journeyed to the end of time and found a youthful Rachel being held prisoner by Gaunt, a man who had been imprisoned there for his crimes. Cable challenged Gaunt to a duel to decide the fate of Rachel and emerged victorious, returning Rachel to the present with him. With her own timeline erased and having been abandoned by the Phoenix Force, Rachel decided to retire from the costumed adventuring life and began attending college. Soon after, Rachel became embroiled in the Dark Sisterhood's attempted takeover of the United States. Rachel aided Cable in defeating the Sisterhood and their leader, Finality, after which she returned to college. Months later, Rachel was captured by the mutant predator Elias Bogan who used her as his pet telepath, enslaving other mutants to do his bidding. After Bogan's defeat at the hands of the X-treme, X-Men team, Rachel was freed from his telepathic control and rejoined the X-Men, taking the codename Marvel Girl to honor the memory of her mother. She has also changed her last name to "Grey" becoming Rachel Grey possibly to express disapproval at her father's continuing relationship with Emma Frost, though she and Emma have made a truce of sorts during one of the team's missions in Hong Kong. After House of M and Decimation, where most of the world's mutants lost their powers, the government had Sentinels instituted at the X-Mansion to protect the mutants in case any enemies used this low point to attack. Though their intentions were good this time, it reminded Rachel too much of the previous timeline when Sentinels herded mutants into concentration camps. Rachel spent some time with her grandparents, bonding with her grandfather. At a family reunion with all her relatives, a commando unit under the order of the Shi'ar attacked the party, killing everyone including Rachel's grandparents, in hopes of wiping out the Grey genome. Though unable to kill her, they were able to graft a deathmark on her back that would allow them to find her wherever she went. Afterward, at the graves of the Grey family, Rachel vowed a terrible vengeance on the Shi'ar. Even after swearing a vow of vengeance on the Shi'ar Professor Xavier recruited Rachel to come on his mission to stop her uncle Vulcan from destroying the Shi'ar, Since the event that revealed Vulcan was Rachel's uncle, Professor X spent much time with Rachel in order to teach her to hone her skills as a telepath and improve them since Professor X had lost his powers. Professor X recruited Rachel along with her uncle Havok, Nightcrawler, Warpath, Darwin and Polaris in a space mission to stop her paternal uncle Vulcan from destroying the Shi'ar empire. Xavier, who recently was stripped of his powers, recruited Rachel to serve as his telepathic "eyes and ears" during their mission. Aware of Rachel's vendetta against the Shi'ar, Xavier has agreed to use their trip into space to find out who in the Shi'ar Empire gave the order to wipe out all members of the Grey family and has warned Rachel that they will deal with the people responsible for her recent losses Xavier's way. While in space, the team was attacked by Korvus, a Shi'ar warrior sent to kill Rachel. Korvus's ancestor Rook'shir was a previous host of the Phoenix Force, and a small portion of the Phoenix's power was left behind in his sword, the Blade of the Phoenix. With this power, Korvus made short work of the other X-Men, but when Rachel blocked the sword their minds were involuntarily linked and Rachel learned that Korvus's family was also murdered by the Shi'ar government because of their connection to the Phoenix. Part of the Phoenix power from the sword was transferred to Rachel. Rachel claimed that rather than having taken the power, the power chose to go to her. When this happened, Rachel's normally gold energy aura turned blue, the same color as the Blade of the Phoenix. She then telekinetically disabled an explosive implant that the Shi'ar chancellor K'tor was using to force Korvus's obedience. Due to her connecting with the sword, Rachel also connected to Korvus and the two began to share memories. Rachel discovers the Phoenix Force formerly in the blade is just an echo of the Force. This blue shadow of the Phoenix soon began influencing Rachel's behavior, causing her to design a darker new uniform and begin a romance with Korvus. Not long after these events, Vulcan took the life of his father Christopher Summers, both Rachel and Korvus joined the Starjammers, to stop the evil Vulcan. +This superhero's name is Master Brood. Their real name is Currently Colin Wood. Hailing from a time long ago, Master Brood was cursed in the middle ages with a super healing factor, and trapped inside his eighteen year old body, unable to age and doomed to be an eternal teenager. The knowledge that he will never die has left him dark and bitter. He has trouble becoming emotionally involved, as he knows that any relationship is unable to last as long as he will. His travels have taken him around the world and he has always taken interest in the next up and coming thing, whether it be art or technology. He has learned the fighting styles of many martial arts, but only to a basic level as his adolescent tendencies eventually make him lose interest. He met Captain Epic in Europe during World War II. The two have fought in many battles in Canada and abroad, using Master Brood’s fighting skills and homemade gadgets, (which are still being perfected). +This superhero's name is Master Chen. Their real name is Chen. When he was young, Chen became vain when he was told he would amount to nothing, compared to the Elemental Masters, who were naturally born with unique abilities. At some point, he married the Elemental Master of Amber and they went onto have a daughter. +This superhero's name is Master Chief. Their real name is John-117. Master Chief was only six years of age when The UNSC government took him and 70 other children for life long training. In his place they left a flash clone to be a placeholder for his parents without them knowing. His first name was John but, was assigned number 117 for the duration of his training. He was determined to be as near to a perfect human being as it is possible to be and so fit to undertake the physical and mental training necessary to become a Spartan II super soldier. Like the other candidates John was strong and swift and brave, but innate luck was what set him out from the other Spartans. This quality was noted by Dr Hallesy at the outset of the selection process and it was because of it that John was chosen to test the new Mjolnir armor that the Spartans were to be issued with. The Spartans were trained under CPO Mendez for a total of eight years. In the first two years they undertook physical ,intellectual and weapons training. When the Spartans where eight years old, they were sent on a training exercise. The Spartans dropped from a pelican dropship over an area of wilderness. Each had one piece of the map leading to their extraction zone. The twist to the exercise was that the last Spartan to make it onto the extraction Pelican would be left behind. John quickly realised that teamwork was the key to the exercise and rallied the other Spartans worked together to complete their mission. This showed that he had learnt from an earlier failure where he had abandoned his team in order to complete the objective. When the Spartans arrived at the vehicle they discovered that it was guarded by men under orders to prevent the Spartans from escaping. Once again John showed his leadership potential and organised the young Spartans to take down the guards and escape. He then ensured that all the others got on the Pelican before him, meaning that he would be left behind rather than any of them. However Hallesy was so impressed by his leadership qualities and willingness to sacrifice all for his team mates that he was not only allowed to come with them but was promoted to squad leader. At the age of 14, Master Chief underwent both physical and cybernetic augmentation (including Carbide ceramic ossification, Muscular enhancement injections, Catalytic thyroid implant, Occipital Capillary reversal, Superconducting fibrification of neural dendrites, and Nural implants). Only 32 of the 70 children in the Spartan program survived the augmentation process Subsequently Master Chief was assigned to a team of Spartans. He grew close to them and they had many successful missions. When the alien race known as the Covenant attacked the Earth homestead of Reach and took massive casualties, Master Chief and his squad became the humanity's last hope. In the first few fights, Master Chief and his fellow Spartans were slowly separated by death. Most notably was John friend Sam, who was forced to stay behind on a Covenant ship to ensure that a bomb detonated after he took a plasma round for the chief and breached his suit. On Reach the Spartans were assembled to undergo a suicidal mission to capture the Covenant Prophets and end the war. Here John was selected by Cortana, a UNSC smart AI. Her design was copied after doctor Hallesy who originally took interest in Master chief as a boy. She was supposedly killed fleeing from a battle aboard a space ship. However she was in fact going underground to escape persecution by ONI, the UNSC's special operations branch. Reach was attacked before the mission could get underway and the Chief escaped on board the Pillar of Autumn with Cortana. When the ship was crippled during a battle with a superior Covenant fleet the Captain, a decorated war hero by the name of Keyes, crashed the ship on a strange ring world. After several skirmishes with Covenant forces Cortana discovered that the ring world was called Halo and was of religious significance to the Covenant. After the release of the flood the Chief was recruited by a robotic entity know as 343 Guilty Spark to activate Halo and destroy the parasitic life form. Guilty Spark also told the Master Chief that he was the Reclaimer, son of the Forerunners. He was prophesized to activate the ring. The Chief quickly discarded his remarks. What he failed to mention was that activating the ring would wipe out all sentient life in the universe in order to prevent the flood from spreading. Fortunately Cortana managed to stop John and together they decided to stop Guilty Spark. After tearing the command codes out of a Flood infected Captain Keyes they flew to the Pillar of Autumn's crash site and overloaded its engines. Destroying the ring and the Covenant ground forces. Master Chief and Cortana captured a Covenant ship and rescued the survivors of the Spartan project on Reach before heading back to Earth. Here they were attacked by the Covenant Prophet of Regret, who had followed the instructions of a sacred prophecy and come to Earth looking for Forerunner artifacts, unaware that it was the human home world. After a short but bloody battle, in orbit and on the surface, the Prophet performed a slip space jump and disappeared, closely followed by the In Amber Clad with the Chief on board. When the ship dropped out of slip space it quickly became clear that the Prophet had discovered another Halo. The Master Chief went into action on the ring worlds surface to find and kill the Prophet while Miranda Keyes, Captain Keyes' daughter, tried to prevent its activation by getting to the Index before the Covenant. The Chief was successful in his mission but was knocked unconscious when a Covenant ship glassed the area in an attempt to kill him. Miranda on the other hand was captured when the Arbiter, a Covenant holy warrior, arrived to claim the index. The Chief was sent to find the Index at the Covenant city of High Charity by Gravemind, the hive controlling mind of the Flood as the Covenant were under the misconception that activating the Ring would ascend them to the next plane of existence. The Prophet escaped on a Forerunner ship, heading for Earth and the Chief followed, stowed away on the massive vessel. Unfortunatly he was forced to leave Cortana behind as a safe guard against the Flood taking control of ships capable of slip space travel. He promised to return for her but she remained skeptical. When he is asked what he is doing on a Forerunner ship, Master Chief replies that his is going to "Finish the fight." After being captured on board the Prophet of Truth's ship and subsequently escaping the Chief fought in the Battle of Voi, clearing the way for an aerial assault on the Prophets fleet. Which had been busy excavating something under the African desert. As the human ships attacked a massive portal opened above the ground, through which the diminished Covenant fleet fled. After the arrival of a flood infected ship containing a message from Cortana landed in the area, the Master Chief was forced to once again ally himself with 343 Guilty Spark. In her message Cortana said that the portal lead to another Forerunner installation called the Ark, which would allow Truth to activate all seven of the Halo rings dotted throughout the universe. Now working with the Arbiter who's race had seceded from the Covenant. The Chief and his allies followed Truth through the portal and engaged his troops. Victorious in all engagements the Chief was able to stop Truth from activating the rings, allowing the Arbiter to kill him. Unfortunatly they arrived to late to save Miranda Keyes, who was shot in the back by Truth while she tried to kill herself and Sergeant Johnson. AS only a human could activate the Ark and they had both been captured. The Gravemind chose this moment to make its play and betrayed the Chief, trying to infect him and the Arbiter. After fighting his way into a Flood colony the Master chief rescued Cortana and started to implement a plan to stop the Flood. Using the index from the first Halo the Chief activated an incomplete ring, that would destroy the Ark and the Flood with it. However Guilty Spark went rampant, killing Johnson, when he realised that the plan would destroy the under construction Halo. The Master Chief destroyed him and tried to help Johnson, but it was too late. The old sergeant told John, "Send me out, with a bang." Before passing him Cortana's micro chip. The two activated halo and escaped in the ship that had brought them to the Ark. Unfortunatly the portal collapsed while they were going through it and left them stranded, beyond the blast radius of Halo but in the gulf of empty space beyond the galaxy. Cortana predicted that it would be several years before they were found and so the Master Chief froze himself, telling her that she should wake him if he was needed. +This superhero's name is Master Hand. Their real name is Master Hand. Super Smash Bros. Master Hand first appears in the opening cutscene of the game, where he takes plush dolls of two random characters and places them on a table. After setting up the objects around them, he counts to three and snaps his fingers, changing the table into the Peach's Castle stage and bringing the dolls to life. Master Hand later appears as the final boss of the 1P Game. He attacks the player with slaps, punches, and flicks, and must be defeated by depleting his 300 hit points that must be depleted. Once all of his hit points have been depleted, he explodes while floating away into the background, along with the screen fading to white then fade to pitch black. Afterward, the player's character returns to their plush doll form. As the camera zooms out, the screen suddenly transitions to black, and the sound of a closing door plays. Super Smash Bros. Melee Master Hand once again serves as the final boss of Classic Mode. He has a few more moves than he had in the original, and his hit points depend on the difficulty. On normal difficulty or higher, once Master Hand health is reduced by half, Crazy Hand joins in. In the event matches, both Master Hand and Crazy Hand are the enemies of "Event 50: Final Destination Match". He can also be playable as a glitch. Super Smash Bros. Brawl In the Subspace Emissary of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Master Hand appeared to be the main antagonist for most of the story and commanded two of the main villains, Bowser and Ganondorf. However, he was being controlled by Tabuu. When Tabuu turned Ganondorf into a trophy, Master Hand's chains were broken and he attacked Tabuu, who easily defeated Master Hand. It is unknown if he was killed or simply injured, however as he appeared in later games he presumably survived or was revived. Super Smash Bros. 4 In Classic Mode of Super Smash Bros. 4, the player can choose to confront either Master Hand or Master Hand partnering with Crazy Hand on Intensity 3.0 and higher. In Intensity 5.1 and higher, when they lose a good portion of their health, Crazy Hand disappears, and Master Hand bursts open to reveal Master Core. In the Wii U version of the game, he and Crazy Hand run their own mode called "Special Orders", in which they award the player if he or she successfully completes an Order. In Master Orders, Master Hand grants the player a reward based on their success on a single order. In Crazy Orders, if the player completes twenty orders or more, they will face off against Master Hand partnering with Crazy Hand. If the player wins, they will keep all of the rewards. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Master Hand returns one of the bosses that the player may encounter at the end of Classic Mode. He appears solo in some fighter campaigns while in others, he may be paired up with Crazy Hand. In total, Master Hand appears at the end of 44 fighters' campaigns. In the new adventure mode "World of Light", a swarm of Master Hands is the minions of Galeem. In the opening cinematic, the Master Hands break open to reveal balls of light, which are absorbed by Galeem to create lasers that destroy all of the fighters except Kirby. Master Hands also appear in the mode's overworld map, creating hazards that block off pathways. One is also fought before the player can fight Galeem. However, these Master Hands are replicas of the original Master Hand whom Galeem brought under his control, much like what happened to the fighters. He and Crazy Hand are found in the final map if the balance of light and dark are not overwhelming each other. Only by freeing him and Crazy Hand from Galeem and Dharkon's control will they assist the fighters in the final battle, with Master Hand fighting off a horde of Galeem and Dharkon's fighter clones. After defeating the true Master Hand in "World of Light", he becomes an ace neutral primary spirit. Kirby After his first appearance in Super Smash Bros., Master Hand appears in some of the Kirby games, such as Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, where he and Crazy Hand are the bosses of Level 9, "Candy Constellation". +This superhero's name is Match. Their real name is Kent Connor. Created using Superboy's DNA, Match was made to serve "the Agenda", a secret organization specializing in creating clone armies. Agent Amanda Spence was able to kidnap Superboy and the Agenda used his DNA to create the clone Match. Match was given implanted memories, like Superboy, but they included a greater host of information that Superboy did not have. He also had improved durability as well as greater control over his powers. In fact, it is believed by some[citation needed] that the host of data he was given helped him hone his powers. In the resulting battle between the two clones, Superboy managed to come out on top and the reactor holding the Agenda's compound together exploded, destroying the base. Match was left alone and ailing. Some time later, the Agenda kidnapped Superboy again and took over Project Cadmus. When the Agenda kidnapped Superboy, Match took his place in Young Justice. At this time, Project Cadmus was also infiltrated by several clones loyal to the Agenda. Eventually, Superboy freed himself and joined the fight against Match and the Agenda to free Cadmus. During Joker's Last Laugh, after being poisoned with Joker venom, Match returned to infiltrate and terrorize Young Justice disguised to look like Superboy. While Superboy was away, Match was at Young Justice headquarters with Empress, Secret, Arrowette, and Wonder Girl in the hopes of killing them in a comical manner. While the Jokerized Match was unable to keep his plans secret from the girls, they simply believed he was Superboy pretending to be a Jokerized Match to try to lighten the mood after Robin and Impulse both quit earlier that day. Match left however after accidentally making Wonder Girl confess her love for Superboy, causing Match to develop feelings for her as well. The criminal mercenary Deathstroke has begun forming Titans East, a team created explicitly to take down the Teen Titans. Though he is a powerful physical asset to the team, Match's presence is more of a psychological ploy, due to Superboy's death during the Infinite Crisis event. Deathstroke is counting on Match's resemblance to Superboy, enhanced by changing his costume to match Superboy's last costume, to unbalance Robin, Superboy's best friend and the Titans' leader, and Wonder Girl, Superboy's girlfriend and the Titans' most powerful member. Match's first appearance in Teen Titans #43 shows that both his mind and body have begun to rot away, making him behave more like a normal Bizarro clone, even going so far as to speak in contradictions. He appears to still have feelings for Wonder Girl, as he claims "I hate Wonder Girl." Following that, in Teen Titans # 44, Wonder Girl wakes up in what seems to be a replica of the Fortress of Solitude in Slade's Titans Tower in New York. She sees what appears to be Superboy on a throne, but it is, in fact, Match, who claims "You so ugly when you sleep, me hate to watch you", continuing to speak in opposite logic as his body and mind deteriorate. As he attempts to force his feelings on Wonder Girl, Match is unexpectedly attacked by Robin and Batgirl (who was freed from Slade's influence). His body appears less invulnerable than before, as Robin's throwing R's managed to cut into the clone's back. Wonder Girl, still furious at Match's very existence begins an all out assault against the clone, only to still end up defeated along with her other teammates by Match and the other Titans East. When Nightwing, Donna Troy, Flash (Bart Allen) and Beast Boy arrive with Cyborg, Raven and Duela Dent, the unified Titans battle against the Titans East one last time. Match is defeated when Wonder Girl reflects his heat-vision back at him with her braclets after which Jericho possesses his unconscious body. Unfortunately, due to Match's Kryptonian powers, he has proven too dangerous to turn over to conventional authorities. As such, Jericho continues to control Match's body, which proves difficult for him after a point. At one point Match manages to break free of Jericho's control and begins destroying Titans Tower. Wonder Girl however manages to sooth his aggressive nature by saying soothingly 'I'm here'. Match immediately becomes submissive to Jericho's control again. Originally, Match's physical appearance was practically identical to Superboy's, save for white hair and pale eyes (in comparison to Superboy's black hair and blue eyes) and a "brand" of the Agenda's logo on the left side of his chest. This logo was also on his original costume, two intertwined double helixes (most likely to represent DNA) that form a shape akin to three circles. Match's look is currently very similar to a Bizarro clone of Superboy. Like Superboy after his redesign, Match has jeans and black t-shirt. However, the shirt has several tears or holes and the "S" shield is reversed, like Bizarro's. His body exhibits extreme skin calcification, a trait he shares with Bizarro. Due to genetic damage which accumulated over time, his mental and speech patterns currently resemble those of a Bizarro. +This superhero's name is Matt Parkman. Their real name is Matthew Parkman. Matt Parkman is a detective in the New York Police Department, though he had immense trouble getting to his desired position because his dyslexia made it difficult for him to pass the entrance exam. He is an evolved human with the ability of telepathy. +This superhero's name is Maui. Their real name is Maui. +This superhero's name is Maverick. Their real name is Christopher Bradley . Chris Bradley lived the life of a normal teenager until the day his mutant nature first manifested. This drew the attention of the mutant heroes the X-Men, two members of which – Gambit and Jean Grey – were sent to monitor Chris. At school, Chris found himself unable to control his electricity-based powers and was overwhelmed, falling unconscious in the school’s bathroom. He was found by Gambit and Jean who subsequently took him home. With his parents’ blessing, Chris went to live with the X-Men at their mansion home. There, Chris trained with them in the use of his powers, and began to form close friendships with several of the X-Men, particularly Iceman. Eventually, Chris proved able to control his powers, but on the eve of his return home, the X-Man Beast discovered that Chris had contracted the mutant-killing Legacy Virus. A despondent Chris still sought to return to a normal life, and although alienated from his best friend, Chris found acceptance in his classmate Donna Funaro, who did her best to understand his situation, and they soon fell in love. After public anti-mutant sentiments grew to a near-fever pitch, Chris’ parents were forced to take him out of school. On a visit to the only clinic willing to help those infected with the Legacy Virus, they stumbled upon members of the anti-mutant Friends of Humanity movement who were intending to bomb the clinic. They were saved by the mutant mercenary Maverick (Christoph Nord), who was also infected with the Virus. With the Friends defeated, Chris used his powers to help defuse the bomb. Maverick then provided Chris with contact details should he ever need Maverick’s help in the future. Later, Chris’ home was burned down by mutant-haters, and he angrily sought revenge on the Friends, whom he believed to be the perpetrators. Iceman sought to stop him, but Chris rejected his offer of help, feeling that the X-Men had abandoned him. Instead, Chris sought out Maverick, unwittingly leading the Friends to confront them. Aided by Iceman and the feral X-Man Wolverine, they defeated the Friends, after which Maverick arranged for Chris and his family to be given new identities as the Johnsons and relocated to Altamonte Springs, Florida. Maverick also had his old ally, Doctor James Keller, begin analyzing Chris’ condition. Chris settled into his new life as Brian Johnson, though the Legacy Virus soon affected his control over his powers. Eventually, Chris ran away from home to New York to be reunited with Donna, but became the target of the Friends once more. Saved by Maverick and Russian telepath Elena Ivanova, they were soon joined by Wolverine in opposing the Friends. An explosion allowed the heroes to escape, but also left Donna mistakenly believing Chris had died. For his protection, Maverick had Chris take a code-name, and he chose “Bolt.” On a subsequent visit to Keller’s clinic, Chris learned that Maverick’s powers had returned, forcing the Virus into remission. He then aided Keller in opposing a group of would-be burglars, using his powers to mask his true identity. Later, seeking to fight mutant persecution as a super-hero, Chris moved to New York and was again reunited with Donna. Soon after, Chris aided several other teen heroes in battling the alien warrior Blastaar, after which the heroes banded together as a new incarnation of the New Warriors. Initially, Chris kept his Legacy Virus infection a secret from his teammates. Having nowhere to live, Chris slept on the streets for a time before turning to Donna for help, after which she let him sleep on the floor of her room for a time. As a Warrior, Chris helped his teammates save Namorita from Genecide and her Eugenix soldiers, after which they became involved in a war between rival gangs Born 2 Die and Lobo's Boys, during which Chris’ teammate Aegis opted to save his friend James, one of Lobo’s Boys, instead of Chris, resulting in Chris being injured by a falling wall. Subsequently investigating the gang’s arms supplier, Harvey Traynor, a recovering Chris and his teammates clashed with the armored mercenaries Heavy Mettle, with Chris facing off against the energy arrows of Warbow. Traynor went to prison, where he was killed by an agent of Heavy Mettle’s employer, Silvermane. The Warriors were also involved in the “contest of champions” held by the alien Coterie, during which they bested fellow teen heroes the Slingers in a game of basketball only to be subsequently defeated in combat by the Black Panther (T'Challa). Chris and the Warriors later teamed with teen mutant heroes Generation X in opposing Fletcher Traynor, who sought revenge on the Warriors for his father’s death and was mutated by one of his father’s weapons into the monstrous Biohazard. After Biohazard’s defeat, Namorita learned of Chris’ lack of accommodation and offered him the spare room at her apartment. The Warriors next prevented an armored car heist by the Mutant Force during which Chris opposed Peeper. Media reports of the clash mistakenly referred to Chris as “Bulk,” much to his chagrin. Subsequently, the Warriors battled Heavy Mettle once more, with Chris besting the aquatic powerhouse Barracuda by electrocuting him. Later, Chris was among the world’s mutants who were temporarily stripped of their powers by the High Evolutionary’s machinations, regaining them in time to rejoin his teammates in helping the Warriors’ former leader Night Thrasher against the would-be new Iron Fist and the ninjas of the Hand. Chris and the Warriors then opposed an attempted robbery by Blizzard (Donald Gill). During the clash, Iron Man joined the fight, but subdued Blizzard so brutally that the Warriors interceded, unaware that they were actually opposing a suit of sentient Iron Man armor which almost killed the Warriors until it realized what it was doing was wrong and left. Subsequently, the Warriors were transported to the extradimensional realm of Olympus by Hercules, who sought to test them in battle. Chris took the opportunity to ask the ruling god Zeus for help in curing the Legacy Virus; however, Zeus declined to involve himself in mortal affairs. Chris ultimately told his teammates the truth about his condition, and they – along with a returned Night Thrasher - pledged their resources to finding a cure. Eventually, the X-Man Beast created a cure which was released into Earth’s atmosphere by the sacrifice of the X-Man Colossus. Soon after, an intergalactic council attempted to convert Earth into a prison planet, during which a reinvigorated Chris fought with his teammates against Spragg the Living Hill and other threats before joining many of Earth’s heroes in opposing their would-be “warden,” Ronan the Accuser, and a horde of mutated Kree soldiers. Upon learning of Maverick’s apparent death at the hands of Sabretooth, then an agent of the subversive Weapon X program, Chris swore revenge. Seeking out the mutant soldier Cable, Chris recruited his help as a combat instructor to better allow Chris to take up Maverick’s name and uphold his legacy. Chris immersed himself in the Maverick persona, doing his best to look, sound, and act like Maverick. Chris subsequently joined Cable's Underground resistance group in opposing Weapon X and its sadistic Director, Malcolm Colcord. Alongside Domino, Chris helped capture Weapon X operatives Reaper and Wildside, whom he proceeded to brutally torture in an effort to learn of Weapon X’s plans. The Underground then formed an alliance with rogue Weapon X operative Brent Jackson and a cadre of agents loyal to him in an assault on Weapon X’s headquarters, but they were ultimately betrayed by Jackson and captured. Chris escaped and battled Weapon X’s Agent Zero, unaware that he was secretly the former Maverick. After the Underground was co-opted by former Weapon X agent Marrow and restructured as Gene Nation, Chris tracked her down and confronted her. Marrow surprisingly invited Chris to join them, and he accepted, secretly intending to dismantle the organization from within. For his first mission, Chris was sent to aid in a terrorist attack on Grand Central Station. Seeking to stop the bomber, Chris was confronted by Agent Zero, who mistakenly believed him to be the perpetrator. In the ensuing confusion, Zero fatally shot Chris. As he lay dying, Chris was unmasked by Zero, who was shocked to discover he had killed his former friend. Chris died, never knowing Zero’s true identity. Recently, Chris was revived with an alien techno organic virus. +This superhero's name is Maxima. Their real name is . Oldest child of the Royal family of the planet Almerac, the fiery-tempered Maxima came to Earth in search of a suitable mate, leaving behind Ultraa, her betrothed. She and Superman are genetically compatible; she could give him what no Earth woman could - children. She was infuriated when Superman rejected her offer, saying he had no desire to father despots. Maxima later found herself reluctantly working with Brainiac who had destroyed Almerac with the Warworld. She turned against him, and helped Earth's heroes defeat him, subsequently joining a reformed Justice League for her own reasons after the League saved Almerac from Starbreaker. As a Leaguer, she helped in the fight against Doomsday, and when that version of the League disbanded, she became a member of Captain Atom's Extreme Justice. She considered both Captain Atom and Amazing Man as potential mates, but neither were interested. During the period of her flirtation with Captain Atom, an angry jilted Ultraa attacked him, Maxima eventually stopped the brawl and sent Ultraa back to Almerac. She offered herself to Superman again, hoping that her recent good deeds would offset her earlier ruthlessness. Superman, now married to Lois Lane, was even less interested in her proposal than before. Angry and humiliated, she joined the Superman Revenge Squad. She swore that Superman had rejected, humbled and humiliated her for the last time, and threatened that the next time they meet, it would truly be war. However, in her next appearance, during the build up to the Our Worlds at War crossover, Maxima and the 'Chosen People of Almerac', as she phrased it, showed up in Earth's solar system where they met up with Superman and fellow JLA member, Green Lantern. Superman and Green Lantern were just beginning to investigate the disturbing disappearance of Pluto and the even more distressing engine ion trail associated with Warworld, when they stumbled across Maxima, her people, and the supervillain Massacre. After a battle full of wounded pride, Maxima eventually conceded her position when Almerac's rendezvous showed up using a Boom Tube. She explained that she was leading her people to safety from Imperiex, the force that conquered her world. Massacre had seemed to meet his death, however, somehow Maxima came across him and described her association in these words: "Massacre serves only me now." To save her people, she allied herself with Darkseid's son, Grayven, who was taking them to regions unknown. This was also being undertaken without the knowledge of Darkseid. Maxima left Superman with the following words: "Mark my words, when Imperiex comes for your precious homeworld, you'll see alliances you've never dreamed of." All that Maxima warned eventually came to fruition as she and a myriad of other characters (both heroes and villains) formed alliances with Earth and Apokolips in an effort to destroy Imperiex. Maxima ultimately met her demise in an heroic effort to put her ship between the destructive beams of Brainiac 13's Warworld which would have resulted in the destruction of the entire universe. +This superhero's name is Maximus (MCU). Their real name is Maximus Boltagon. Maximus Boltagon is the prince of the Inhumans of Attilan and is the younger brother of Black Bolt of the Inhumans of Attilan. Growing up Maximus desired to wear the crown himself and saw great flaws with Attilan's unfair caste system. Leading an uprising against his family, Maximus took the throne and banished the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family from Attilan. Maximus soon became paranoid about their return and sent assassins to kill his family down on Earth. When Black Bolt finally returned to Attilan to reclaim his throne, Maximus put the city at risk by damaging the protective dome surrounding it. With only moments before the city was destroyed, Maximus confessed all his sins to Black Bolt before he was locked inside of a bunker and was left behind, seemingly trapped forever. +This superhero's name is Maxwell Lord. Their real name is . Max Lord is one of the greatest masterminds on Earth. He was a powerful business magnate and manager of the Justice League International. +This superhero's name is Maya Herrera. Their real name is Maya Herrera. Maya Herrera is a evolved human from Santo Domingo who made her way to New York City to meet Mohinder Suresh in hopes that he could help her with her ability. She was originally on the run with her now deceased brother because they were both wanted for murder. +This superhero's name is M'baku (MCU). Their real name is M'Baku. M'Baku is the leader of the Jabari Tribe, a group of Wakandans who have removed themselves from mainstream society, and a staunch opponent of T'Challa's rule who ends up torn between challenging him for the throne only to help him defend Wakanda from Erik Killmonger. Seeing the threat that Killmonger posed to the world, M'Baku chose to save T'Challa's life and gathered his armies to help defeat Killmonger in their final battle, with M'Baku gaining a seat on the Tribal Council as a result of his choice. M'Baku would later aid the rest of Wakanda in defending the city from Thanos' army of Outriders, but while succeeding in killing all of Thanos' forces, they failed to stop him from gathering all six Infinity Stones and M'Baku was one of the few survivors of the battle. After the Decimation was undone in 2023, he was enlisted by Doctor Strange to join the resurrected heroes, along with his king T'Challa, to travel to New York and participate in the Battle of Earth. +This superhero's name is Medusa (MCU). Their real name is Medusalith Amaquelin. Medusalith "Medusa" Amaquelin is the wife of Black Bolt, sister of Crystal and the Queen of the Inhumans. During Maximus' coup, she was sent to Earth by Lockjaw, but not before being depowered by her brother-in-law. There she met and formed a close relationship with Louise Fisher, who helped Medusa reunite with her family. Upon returning to Attilan they tried to prevent Maximus to destroy the city, but being unsuccessful, Medusa and Black Bolt led the Inhumans to a settlement on Earth to become their new home. +This superhero's name is Melinda May (MCU). Their real name is Melinda May. Melinda May was born to William and to the intelligence operative, Lian May. At age 7 she became an ice skater and admired the famous ice skater Dorothy Hamill, winning many awards in competitions. However, she found the ice too hard when she fell on it, so at the age of 12, she switched to martial arts, where the floors were padded. +This superhero's name is Meltdown. Their real name is Tabitha Smith . When Tabitha Smith's mutant nature manifested at age 13, she ran away from her abusive home. After an encounter with the otherdimensional Beyonder, Smith was recruited into the Vanisher's band of thieves the Fallen Angels. Briefly taken in by the X-Factor group as a trainee, Smith soon returned to the Fallen Angels only to rejoin her former fellow trainees as the X-Terminators. Subsequently joining the New Mutants, Smith stayed with the team after they were restructured by Cable into X-Force. She began a relationship with Cannonball that would last until he graduated and joined the X-Men. Following her father's near-death experience with Sebastian Shaw and Holocaust, Tabitha underwent a drastic change in looks and personality. She renamed herself Meltdown and became something of a loose cannon. When ex-spy Pete Wisdom assumed leadership of X-Force, he introduced them to the shadowy world of covert operations. After a mission, the team was considered deceased (including Tabitha). When Cable reformed X-Force, Tabitha briefly rejoined the team. Later, she resurfaced as a member of Nextwave. +This superhero's name is Mephisto. Their real name is Mephistopheles. A Class Two Demon or Hell-lord, Mephisto rules a fiery nether realm that he refers to as Hell or Hades, though it is neither the Biblical Hell nor Pluto's Olympian Hades. In the distant past, Mephisto became engaged to the lover of one of his former soldiers, then manipulated that demon into slaying his lover; the demon became Darklove, cursed to always perform the opposite of love. Mephisto's realm includes the Arena of Tainted Souls where tainted souls are locked in perpetual combat. Mephisto delights in impersonating the Biblical Satan. Empowered by the souls of the damned, he often strikes deceptive bargains with the living. Mephisto takes particular interest in the souls of extremely powerful or exceptionally pure beings. Long ago, Mephisto entered a rivalry with the demonic Zarathos and struck a bargain with the young prince who eventually became Centurious, the Soulless Man. Together, they brought down Zarathos, and Mephisto began a long process of tormenting Zarathos by bonding him with mortals. Knowing Zarathos was connected to the ancient Spirits of Vengeance, Mephisto became obsessed with controlling the Medallion of Power, a mystic talisman housing the essences of the Spirits. This led Mephisto to the Kale family, who bore shards of the Medallion within their souls. In the 18th century, Mephisto bargained with the overzealous madman Pastor Kale, hoping to gain the soul of the Pastor's son, Noble. This eventually led to the creation of the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider. Throughout history, Mephisto has exploited the spiritually adrift. In Europe, he granted a group of mystics (the future Mys-Tech) immortality in exchange for a yearly quota of souls. He also corrupted sea captain Joost van Straaten, who became the infamous Flying Dutchman. Benedicto de vica Severtes once dealt with Mephisto to gain the love of Beatriz, and prevented Mephisto from claiming his soul by encasing himself in mystical armor, becoming the Brass Bishop, but after centuries of evading Mephisto, his soul was finally claimed when the hero Puck cracked his armor. Prior to World War II, Mephisto duped a group of German scientists into believing in the Vril, a perfect race that had allegedly ruled Earth before the age of man and had relocated to an extradimensional realm. These scientists developed a portal to the Vril, though their project was shut down at war's end. Surviving project member Thule secretly continued this work in the Rocky Mountain base Schamballah, assisted by a growing band of neo-Nazis. In recent years, Mephisto has been increasingly fascinated by Earth's super-beings, and has particularly coveted the Silver Surfer's pure spirit. Mephisto tried to tempt the newly Earth-bound Surfer with power and physical pleasure, even offering up the Surfer's beloved Shalla-Bal, but the Surfer resisted. Undeterred by this failure, Mephisto has repeatedly threatened the Surfer, Thor, Daredevil and many other heroes. He sent the ghostly Flying Dutchman back to Earth to attack the Surfer, but the Dutchman renounced Mephisto. When Noble Kale's descendant Naomi Kale sought to undo the Kale family curse, she offered Mephisto her soul in exchange for his promise that the curse would not plague her firstborn son. She hoped this might break the curse forever, but Mephisto taunted her with assurances that even if her son John could not become "the" Ghost Rider, he could certainly become "a" Ghost Rider. Years later, when John Blaze turned to the occult in a futile attempt to save the life of his adopted father, Mephisto appeared to him in the guise of Satan. Claiming Blaze's soul, Mephisto bonded the human with the captured Zarathos as a new Ghost Rider. Mephisto's power over the soul of Doctor Doom's mother led him into several conflicts with the Latverian monarch, battling each other annually on Halloween. Allied with fellow Hell-lords Satannish, Thog and Satan, Mephisto manipulated the demonic Six-Fingered Hand into helping him create Hell on Earth, but the non-team known as the Defenders thwarted their efforts. After Thor freed mortal souls from his Hell, Mephisto attempted to slay Thor's then-human form, Dr. Donald Blake, employing the deceased Darkoth against him, but Darkoth had no love for Mephisto, and had Thor destroy him. Mephisto has menaced the Fantastic Four on several occasions, including one involving the demonologist Elspeth Cromwell who mistakenly invoked him, allowing him to capture Reed and Susan Richards and their son Franklin. Mephisto had gained tremendous power by the evil of the extraterrestrial Dire Wraiths who were invading Earth at the time, but lost this power when the spaceknight Rom banished the Dire Wraiths, and Mephisto was temporarily destroyed by Franklin. Mephisto later re-formed, missing five fragments of his essence. He tricked the villain Master Pandemonium into gathering these fragments, which Pandemonium believed to be pieces of his own lost soul, and Mephisto was eventually restored to full strength. This resulted in the destruction of the Scarlet Witch's twin sons, whom she had mystically created by unwittingly trapping and transforming two of Mephisto's power fragments. A rivalry developed with the Asgardian death goddess Hela, who stole several souls that Mephisto considered his. Scheming to force Thor to oppose Hela, Mephisto temporarily stole the souls of several heroes, including the Invisible Woman, Jean Grey and Rogue, before finally claiming the one he'd sought all along: the Thunder God's. After a series of confrontations with the Fantastic Four, X-Factor, the X-Men and the Avengers, Mephisto freed Thor's soul, but his plot succeeded. Having seen the horrors in store should the realm of death ever expand to engulf the living, Thor vowed to stand against Hela's advances forevermore. With at least one rival neutralized, Mephisto sought other means of increasing his power. When the godlike Beyonder came to Earth seeking understanding of humanity, Mephisto attempted to sway him by offering his own warped view of mortals, sending Zarathos to test Spider-Man's morality. When Mephisto tricked the herald of Galactus, Nova, into becoming more bloodthirsty in her duties, the Silver Surfer and Galactus both opposed the demon. Galactus and Mephisto engaged in a cosmos-shaking battle that left the Hell-Lord badly beaten. More failed attempts to gain the Medallion of Power followed, as well a brief period in which Mephisto served as an advisor to Thanos, who then held the Infinity Gauntlet. Mephisto lied to Thanos about his origins, linking them to the Infinity Gems, in the hopes of gaining the villain's trust. Thule's Eye of Force eventually achieved its goal, opening a portal to the "Vril," only for them to be revealed as Mephisto's demon elite. Mephisto devoured Thule as payment, but his intended invasion of Earth was thwarted by Cloak and Dagger, Spider-Man, and Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch). Mephisto once stole the soul of Odin while he was in his Odinsleep, and Loki possessed Odin's form, but Odin ultimately reclaimed his body and Mephisto took Loki's soul, his true goal all along. After months in Hell, Loki's spirit eventually escaped. Mephisto empowered suicidal Chris Daniels into the superhuman Suicide, cursing him so that only the Ghost Rider (Ketch) could slay him, hoping that Suicide could force Ketch into committing murder. The demon later attempted to seduce the Silver Surfer by mimicking the form of Nova (Frankie Raye), and Mephisto ruthlessly murdered Avengers member Mockingbird after the Avengers interfered in Mephisto's clash with rival demon Satannish over the souls of the Lethal Legion. Mephisto later helped the hero Hellcat destroy Satannish. Appreciating the strength mortals drew from family and friendships, Mephisto mystically created two children for himself: a son named Blackheart, whom he deemed worthy of being his heir, and a daughter named Mephista. Mephista would wage war upon Doctor Strange, but Blackheart targeted first Daredevil and later the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider. Mephisto sought to teach his son the ways of ruling Hell, but Blackheart's ambition began to rival his own and they turned on each other. Blackheart temporarily overthrew his father and claimed the throne of Hell, but he eventually lost it to Noble Kale, who was in turn cast out by a renewed Mephisto. After reclaiming his throne, Mephisto once more began focusing on acquiring more souls for his realm. His efforts to claim the Black Panther (T'Challa) were thwarted when he was nearly overwhelmed by all of the Black Panther spirits throughout history. The Haazareth demons who granted Doctor Doom magical power against the Fantastic Four are within Mephisto's domain, and tormented Doom for their master when he offended their patronage. Mephisto took advantage of Spider-Man's desperation to save his Aunt May's life, after she was shot by one of the Kingpin's snipers. In exchange for her restored health, Spider-Man had to sacrifice his marriage to Mary Jane Watson, as the demon would revel in the elimination of a sacred and holy bond of love, and Spider-Man's innate suffering (despite losing memory of the event). The couple agreed, and Mephisto altered time such that the Parkers never exchanged wedding vows. As part of the deal, Mephisto removed the knowledge of Spider-Man's secret identity from the world. Through this event, Harry Osborn was somehow restored to life. +This superhero's name is Mera (New 52). Their real name is Mera. Mera is the princess of the underwater kingdom of Xebel, the reigning Queen of Atlantis and the fiancée of the hero Aquaman. +This superhero's name is Mera. Their real name is Mera. Mera was once an undersea queen in an alien otherworldly dimension commonly referred to as Dimension Aqua. Several years ago, a criminal named Leron seized control of the kingdom and deposed Queen Mera. Exiled from her kingdom, Mera fled Dimension Aqua for the Earth dimension whereupon she met the Atlantean sea-king, Aquaman. Aquaman and his sidekick, Aqualad, vowed to assist Mera in any way possible. Leron pursued Mera to Earth, and managed to capture her along with Aquaman. He brought them back to Dimension Alpha where they were imprisoned. Aided by the water sprite known as Quisp, Aquaman managed to free Mera and defeat Leron. However, rather than return to the throne to her kingdom, Mera elected to return to Atlantis with Aquaman. As Mera continued to share in adventures with the sea-king, the two began to fall in love. The two were soon wed and Mera lived with Aquaman at the Atlantean Royal Palace. Before long, Mera gave birth to Aquaman's son, whom they named Arthur Curry, Jr., aka, Aquababy. Less than two years later, Mera suffered the greatest tragedy in her life. Aquaman's nemesis Black Manta kidnapped Arthur Curry, Jr. and confined inside of a translucent tank filled with poison. The child lapsed into a coma and Mera embarked upon an ambitious crusade to save him. She found the means to return to Dimension Aqua and fought against the tyrant Leron in order to learn the location of a special healing device. She discovered that Leron had taken all of Mera's possessions and cast them away into the Great Pit. Mera braved the pit and fought against elemental monsters in order to retrieve the device. Her quest proved successful, but as she returned home to Atlantis, she found that she was too late. Arthur Curry, Jr. had died. This ultimately led Mera to suffer a nervous breakdown. She abandoned her husband Aquaman, blaming his "weak genes" for Arthur, Jr.'s death. It was her belief that had her son been born of a man from her dimension, then he would have been strong enough to survive Black Manta's attack. Their marriage dissolved, Aquaman left Atlantis, but Mera stayed behind. Her mental stated continued to deteriorate until finally, one of the interim rulers, Lord Wexus had her committed to the AHARD-1 hospital center. She remained there for several months until such time that Aquaman returned to repel an invasion force of giant jellyfish. Aquaman tried to make peace with Mera, but she savagely attacked him. While attempting to defend himself, Aquaman accidentally pushed Mera too hard, impaling her upon an upturned piece of metal. Believing her dead, Aquaman had her placed inside a coffin and taken to the royal palace. However, as Mera is not native to this dimension, her vital organs are not located in the same position as a normal human's. She in fact survived being impaled and rose from her coffin. With nothing more to say to Aquaman, Mera left the Earth realm and returned to Dimension Aqua. Mera was chosen as the deputy for the Red Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night storyline and after the battle Carol Ferris was able to use her ring's power to keep Mera alive long enough for Saint Walker to remove the destructive effects of the Red Ring from her body with his Blue Lantern Ring. Afterwards she is happily reunited with her husband who was one of the people resurrected by the power of the White Lantern Corps. +This superhero's name is Mercy Graves. Their real name is Mercedes Graves. Mercy Graves is Lex Luthor bodyguard and assistant. +This superhero's name is Merlin. Their real name is Myrddin Emrys. One of the most powerful Sorcerers. +This superhero's name is Metallo. Their real name is John Corben. Over ten years ago, John Corben was in a terrible auto accident that nearly ended his life. Fortunately for him, he was discovered by scientist Emmett Vale who brought him back to his laboratory. Vale replaced all of Corben's skin, bone and internal organs with cybernetic components and covered the frame in a Plastex sheathe. He also replaced his heart with an artificial pump powered by Kryptonite. When Corben awoke on the operating table he was horrified. Vale dubbed him "Metallo" and explained that he wanted him to destroy Superman, whom he felt was an aggressive alien invader. He further told Corben that the Kryptonite within his chest cavity emitted waves of radiation that were deadly to members of Superman's alien race. Corben had difficulty believing that Superman was an alien invader, but he couldn't deny that he now had a new lease on life. Deciding that he no longer required Professor Vale's assistance, Metallo choked Emmett Vale and left him dead on the operating table. He then decided to use his newfound cybernetic strength for crime. He first encountered the Man of Steel during a robbery at the Commerce Bank of Metropolis. Clark Kent and Lois Lane heard the bank's alarm system and ran inside to investigate. Initially, they thought Metallo was completely human as he was covered with the Plastex body sheathe. After changing to Superman, Kent discovered that not only was his foe actually a cyborg, but that he generated energy that siphoned away his invulnerability. This was Superman's first exposure to Kryptonite. Their fight was brutal and resulted in the destruction of the bank building. Just as Metallo prepared to finish Superman off however, several of Lex Luthor's agents arrived on the scene and apprehended the cyborg. Luthor had no intention of allowing another individual kill Superman. Such an honor was reserved only for him. Luthor brought Metallo back to Lexcorp where he was placed under observation. Luthor learned that Metallo's Kryptonite heart was lethal to Superman, so he physically tore it out of Corben's chest. Metallo survived the encounter and managed to escape from the Lexcorp facility. As Luthor began tracking down and stockpiling more Kryptonite, Metallo began raiding Lexcorp warehouse stealing as much as he needed to keep his body charged. He also discovered that one of Lexcorp's holding companies manufactured cybernetic components, so he began stealing those as well. He modified certain components so that they would be dedicated to his specific hardware, and in doing so, was able to mentally control these components independently of his body. Metallo soon discovered that a shipment of these modified components had been delivered to another recipient - Robotman of the Doom Patrol. After scouring globe looking for these pieces, he eventually tracked Robotman down to Kansas City and involved himself in a fight with Robotman's teammates the Doom Patrol. As Robotman was using Metallo's modified components at the time, Metallo was able to mentally control Robotman's body. Superman learned of the incident and flew to Kansas City to aid the Doom Patrol. During the fight, Celsius and Scott Fischer combined their powers to destroy Metallo's physical body. His head remained intact however, but went missing amidst the debris. Lex Luthor tracked Metallo down and sent a team of scientists to recover his brain. Luthor's lead scientist Sydney Happersen found Metallo's head and secured it within a crate where it remained locked up inside of a Missouri warehouse for months. Some time later, the alien conqueror known as Brainiac began systematically taking control of all of Lexcorp's facilities. The physical body housing his mental consciousness was dying, so he performed a comprehensive analysis on all of Lexcorp's advancements in cybernetics. Through this, he learned of Metallo and had his head brought to a laboratory where it was attached to a new robotic body. Metallo agreed to work with Brainiac, since he still held a grudge against Luthor. He sent a robot duplicate of himself to stage a robbery at the Lexcorp owned Metropolis Mercantile Bank, knowing that it would draw the attention of Superman. While Superman dealt with the decoy Metallo, the real Metallo led a robot army on a raid against the Lexcorp Tower. Immediately thereafter, Brainiac had Metallo adopt a human disguise and kidnap a scientist named Dr. Reginald Augustine. Augustine was once one of the founding fathers of the Cadmus Project. With Augustine in tow, Metallo raided Project Cadmus to steal their cloning technology for Brainiac. During the raid, Metallo ran afoul of Superman, as well as Cadmus' resident protector, Guardian. He succeeded in procuring the technology required to clone Brainiac a new humanoid body to replace his dying borrowed form (prior to cloning, Brainiac's consciousness occupied the body of former carnival mentalist Milton Fine). A short time later, Metallo encountered Superman again and suffered a resounding defeat. His body was destroyed, and his head was placed under special quarantine at Stryker's Island Penitentiary. Metallo's imprisonment was short lived however. A man named Steelhawk gassed the special detention wing at Stryker's and liberated Metallo's head. In exchange for outfitting him with a larger, sturdier body, Metallo agreed to accept a contract hit on behalf of Steelhawk and his employers. He traveled to Nathan B. Forrest High school in Marietta, Georgia to sanction a teenage boy named Grant Emerson. He smashed through the wall of the classroom and quickly located Emerson, but the incident sparked Emerson's Meta-gene and the young boy increased in size and power. After fighting for several minutes, Grant Emerson's body erupted with power causing a massive explosion that destroyed Metallo's body as well as his entire school. Conduit freed Metallo from S.T.A.R. Labs and had him attack Superman, part of an effort by Conduit to wear down Superman (and distract him as Conduit went after his family). Metallo's new body featured a device that made him unmovable so long as he had his feet planted. Superman fought him outside Metropolis, arriving at a shopping mall. Metallo made the mistake of climbing on top of a car. When Superman kicked the car out from under him, Metallo went airborne and Superman was able to grab him and knock his head clean off. Superman could not wait for him to get picked up, but some local teens promised to watch it (and suggested soccer). When the demon Neron manifested his corporeal form on Earth, Metallo was one of dozens of super-villains who accepted an offer of power in exchange for his immortal soul. Neron granted Metallo greater flexibility and range with his powers, enabling him to morph his body into more complex mechanical constructs--Metallo could now draw on any metal nearby to create a new body for himself, fulfilling a dream to never be rendered "just a head" again. During the "Underworld Unleashed" event, Metallo teamed up with Gorilla Grodd in an effort to hijack a truck carrying nuclear warheads. Batman, Robin and the Huntress arrived in time to prevent the theft, and Metallo escaped. During the ensuing chaos, Metallo arrived in Washington, D.C. where he encountered Steel. Steel was trying to diffuse a riot and had little patience for Metallo. He managed to knock his head off and send it into the Potomac, but Metallo recovered and came back for more. Steel had meanwhile responded to a bomb threat at a mosque. He took the bomb and started to fly out to sea, only to be spotted and pursued by Metallo. When he got close enough, Metallo pulled the bomb to himself, believing he could then be in total control of it. Unfortunately for him, while the casing was metal, the bomb itself was plastique. Metallo's huge frame absorbed most of the blast, although the shockwave still knocked Steel from the air. Metallo would come back to Metropolis, this time when the Man of Steel was in his "Man of Energy" phase. Still unused to both his own new powers as well as Metallo's, Superman was initially only able to battle him to a standstill. Fortunately for Superman, the Ray arrived and helped him understand and use his new powers. Working together, they were able to defeat the cyborg, but Metallo eluded capture. Making his way to the nearby naval base, Metallo managed to convert an entire aircraft carrier into a new body. Superman defeated him soundly this time around, using his powers to drain off the carrier's nuclear energy--a move that nearly proved to great for even Superman. Metallo is taken into custody. Metallo was given a new, "Godzilla size" body by Brainiac 13 during Y2K. The new body also featured a "kryptonite heart" as a power source. Luckily for Superman, the Metal Men arrive in Metropolis. While they have no more luck against Metallo on their own, Superman has Lead coat over his body, protecting him from the Kryptonite. Superman flies straight through Metallo's heart, destroying it and causing Metallo to topple, deactivated. Metallo was placed in the orbiting Stryker Prison facility after Our Worlds at War!. When General Zod of Pokolistan changed the sun to red and seized the White House, President Lex Luthor rescued a stranded Superman and took them to Stryker's. Metallo removed the armor Zod had placed around Superman. Like many of the other villains, he questioned why he should bother helping Luthor or Superman save the world from Zod. Nevertheless, he did agree to help. While Superman lead a cadre of villains to Earth, Metallo transformed himself into a new colossal spaceship. With Luthor at the "helm," they flew towards the sun to disable the "solar converters" Zod had placed around it. They were attacked by Ignition, but Metallo split his body up into several drones. They successfully destroyed the converters, enabling Superman to defeat Zod back on Earth. Metallo returned Luthor to Earth, and while it is not clear exactly what occured next, Luthor made it clear that he did not pardon at least the other prisoners. Some time later, Superman and Batman embarked upon a quest to rid the world of all Kryptonite. They tracked down Metallo and Superman forcibly removed his Kryptonite heart. Batman quickly replaced it with an electronic substitute that enabled Metallo to continue to live, but also restricted the use of his weaponry. +This superhero's name is Metamorpho. Their real name is Rex Mason. In Ancient Egypt, the reign of Ramses II, the priest Ahk-ton discovered a fallen meteor, from which he crafted the Orb of Ra. He sends it into the future, calculating for its return as a powerful weapon against the king. When Batman and the Outsiders arrive from the future, Ahk-ton used the Orb to enslave Metamorpho. Once Metamorpho was freed, Ahk-ton was defeated and taken by Ramses, who intended to slay Ahk-ton. Apparently this execution was stayed. Ahk-ton soon resurfaced. This time, he himself had been transformed by exposure to the metor into "the Metamorph." Vandar Adg (Vandal Savage) used the Orb of Ra to enslave Ahk-ton and war against the prince, Khufu. This transformation was later reversed, and Ahk-ton slain and buried along with the artifacts. Millennia later, Rex Mason, a soldier for hire, was contracted by Simon Stagg to find the Orb of Ra. When he found it, his cohort, Java, stole it and left Rex in the light of an ancient meteor. This meteor transformed Mason into Metamorpho, the Element Man. Soon after, he sought the Justice League's help in restoring him to normal. This failed, and Rex also rejected the JLA's offer of membership. He teamed on other time during the "Silver Age" of heroes when Deadman coerced a group of heroes to form a task force against Agamemno and the Injustice League. Rex continued his adventuring solo, until the day when Batman's associate, Lucius Fox, was kidnapped in Markovia by Baron Bedlam. At just that time, Metamorpho had been seeking a cure from Markovian scientist, Dr. Helga Jace. Metamorpho aided in overthrowing Bedlam and decided to stay on with this new group of heroes, whose name he coined: the Outsiders. It seemed that Dr. Jace was on her way to discovering a way to cure Rex. She helped him gain access to his girlfriend, Sapphire Stagg. The reunion was brief as her jealous father, Simon killed Rex using the Orb of Ra. Dr. Jace proclaimed him dead, but admitted, Rex's physiology was no longer human. To restore him, the Outsiders decided to return to Egypt, in search of the meteor of Ahk-ton. There they were transported back in time to 1200 B.C. Metamorpho was again exposed to the ancient meteor and restored. (Though he would discover that this second exposure meant he could never reverse the process). He came briefly under Ahk-ton's control before the Outsiders could stop him and capture Ahk-ton. Upon their return to the 20th century, Sapphire Stagg proposed marriage to Rex, which he wholeheartedly accepted. Later, the Outsiders foiled an assassination attempt on Simon Stagg. Afterwards, Stagg relented and gave his blessing to the wedding of Metamorpho to his daughter. As Rex and Sapphire readied for their wedding, his former foe, Maxwell Tremayne, sent his shape-changing lackey, Even Steven to kidnap Sapphire. Even Steven betrayed Tremayne and killing the both of them. After the wedding, they happy couple decided to try to find a way to conceive a baby. Hopes for children were dashed after much physical examination. And so, Rex agreed to undergo an experiment which would infuse him with new DNA. Unfortunately, while Dr. Jace began this treatment, the Manhunters activated all their sleeper agents on Earth — including Jace! Jace captured the Outsiders and took control over Metamorpho. Sadly, before Jace could be stopped, she destroyed Metamorpho and herself. Metamorpho lay dormant (and was believed dead) for quite some time. Finally, he was reconstituted by the Dominators' gene bomb. Soon thereafter, he resumed his heroing career as a charter member of Justice League Europe. He suffered temporary amnesia, and forgot about his family, who eventually sought him out. To his surprise, he now had an infant son — Joey! By then, Sapphire had been pressured into marrying Java and Rex could not cope with that betrayal. He and Sapph went separate ways. During his time with Justice League Europe, he met and fell in love with Vivian d'Aramis (the Crimson Fox). Though Vivian returned his feelings, she was torn when her former husband, Rene, returned from the dead. She chose to go with Rene and the two of them faked their deaths (again). It seemed tragedy would ever follow the Element Man, as his son, too was cursed by the meteor of Ahk-ton. Unless contained, the boy would randomly transform the elements around him. For everyone's safety, Rex agreed to place the boy in Simon Stagg's care. Once done, Stagg forbade Rex from ever seeing Sapphire or Joey. For his son's safety, Rex abided this until he met a woman named Jillian Conway. She had also been transformed by the meteor. She convinced Rex that she knew a way to cure them of their metamophosis. Rex hoped that this miracle would work for his son, too, and he stole Joey away from Simon Stagg. Before it was too late, Rex discovered that Conway had misread the heiroglyphics; when she attempted to reverse the process on herself, she was instead destroyed. In the confusion, Joey had escaped and found his way to the the meteor. Since the meteor transforms those who touch it, and Joey transforms the things he touches, both canceled each other out. Joey was cured of his condition, and the meteor was rendered inert. Rex and Sapphire were once again estranged and he mutated further, into more a rock-like form. During this time, he was drawn to Vivian D'Aramis, the Crimson Fox. This relationship was cut short when Vivian was kidnapped and ultimately killed. He has twice reunited with the Outsiders: once in Paris, and again at Geo-Force's wedding. Tragedy struck again when Metamorpho shielded his fellow Leaguers upon reentry from space. He was is rendered "inert," and was interred in Valhalla, the graveyard of heroes. There he lay, but not peacefully. When the sixth-dimensional being called the "Id," was loosed on Earth, it granted everyone's desires. Young Joey Mason wished for his father's "return"; the dead hero was not, however, brought back "to life." After the Id's defeat, Rex's strained form was returned to its grave. Apparently, Rex's spirit remained alive and he knew that he could be restored using the Orb of Ra. He finally succeeded in contacting Sapphire Stagg and she used it to restore him at last. He was soon back into the swing of things. Thayer Jost recruited him to join a short-lived, rival Doom Patrol. The whole Metamorpho clan was involved in an explosion which altered their identities. Simon, Sapphire and Joey were all merged into a single energy being. Rex himself took on the form of the late Java. The resulting amnesia let the former into a blind rage and up against Black Canary. Canary ultimately guessed what had happened and helped them regain their individual selves. Apparently, Rex subconsciously chose the form of Java because of jealousy; where Rex could never succeed, Java had been like a son to Simon Stagg. Stagg was rejuvenated by the affair and suggested they begin their adventuring anew. Meanwhile, a second Metamorpho appeared. This person possessed most of Rex's memories, but suffered a measure of amnesia. This person accepted Arsenal's proposal to join the new Outsiders. The real Rex soon learned of his duplicates activities and went to reassimilate him. He revealed to the Outsiders that he had fallen to Earth protecting the JLA, his body dispersed into many pieces. Though most pieces were recollected, one fragment reformed itself into its own separate consciousness. Understandably, this new Metamorpho had limited memory of its past and he eventually came under the wing of S.T.A.R. Labs in California and joined the Outsiders The Outsiders were not so quick to allow Rex to destroy their teammate and in the end, Rex decided that this new version of himself was indeed a unique sentient being. He was allowed to continue his life with the Outsiders and choose a name for himself: Shift (he decided not to take an alter ego). This "second" Metamorpho went by the name "Shift" and developed a relationship with Indigo. After the events of One Year Later, Shift willingly chose to be reassimilated into Metamorpho, after killing several people. Rex has stepped in to fill Shift's position in the Outsiders, while a full account of Shift's crimes is pending. Rex has recently mentioned that his parents died in a car accident just before he attended college. +This superhero's name is Metron. Their real name is Metron. Metron is the supreme explorer, scientist, and inventor of the New Gods. His mission is the unraveling of the mysteries of the universe. His credo is: “Who runs the universe matters not! What makes it run is my prime objective!” The mysteries of his own origins have yet to be revealed, save that he is not a native of New Genesis or Apokolips, but comes from another place altogether. Although he allies himself with the New Gods, he is truly neither good nor evil. His main reason for helping the New Gods in battling Darkseid of Apokolips is fear of being made subject to Darkseid’s tyrannical rule. This would surely hinder Metron in his search for knowledge. Metron first met Darkseid centuries ago, before Darkseid was ruler of Apokolips. Metron was fascinated by the “X-Element,” a strange material that possessed teleportational abilities, which was invented by Himon, a scientist of Apokolips. Darkseid offered the element to Metron if he would use it to create devices with which Darkseid could invade New Genesis. Metron’s curiosity superseded any moral considerations, and as a result he was partially responsible for the ensuing war between New Genesis and Apokolips. Metron joined the New Gods after the warring planets had negotiated a pact of peace, sharing with them a teleportation device known as the “Boom Tube” as an act of peace. Metron befriended young Orion and Lightray, the heirs apparent of New Genesis, and when Darkseid finally did break the peace pact he revealed the details of Darkseid’s plan to Orion. Metron then went back to his research, interfering only rarely in the affairs of the New Gods. During one journey through another dimension, Metron discovered the Anti-Life, an extradimensional creature of infinite power. The sight of the creature temporarily damaged Metron’s mind and he lapsed into a comatose state. The Anti-Life sent a portion of its’ energy into Earth’s dimension, and it took the combined might of the New God’s and Darkseid’s forces to banish it forever, but not before countless lives were lost. Recovering from his coma, Metron continued to wander the universe, oblivious to the carnage his quest for knowledge has often unleashed. Such matters are beneath his concern, he exists only to discover ultimate truth. (Superman II #65, Superman: The Man of Steel #10, Superman II #66, Adventures of Superman #489) - Metron sensed a tragic event unfolding in the universe, and investigating he discovered that Warworld had destroyed the planet Almerac. He sensed Brainiac’s presence, and the madman’s plan to invade Earth. Metron sent a warning to Lightray and Orion, but Brainiac removeed Metron from the Mobius Chair and imprisoned him. Metron’s warning allows Superman to assemble an army of superheroes to defend Earth. When Metron was freed and reunited with his Mobius Chair, he shows a rare sign of emotion…anger. Metron assisted in Brainiac’s defeat, and later imprisoned him on New Genesis, despite an outcry from several heroes. (New Gods Secret Files #1) - The Source Wall revealed to Metron and Takion that Mageddon, a doomsday weapon of the Old Gods, was set to reawaken and attack Earth. They agreed to have Orion and Big Barda join the JLA in order to combat this threat to the universe. +This superhero's name is Micah Sanders. Their real name is Micah Sanders. Micah Sanders is the son of Niki Sanders and DL Hawkins. Micah is exceptionally intelligent and even built a new logic board for his computer. This knowledge of technology may have led to or been caused by his technopathy. +This superhero's name is Michael Demiurgos. Their real name is Michael Demiurgos. Many years ago, during Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven, Michael Demiurgos led God's forces against Lucifer but during the battle he was felled by Sandalphon when he exposed his back. From that point on, he was kept in captivity by "Lucifer's follower" whose grand scheme was to use Michael's genetic material to create an army of angels with the Demiurge inside them. The majority of these children were failures but one, his prize, was not, for even better than having the Demiurge inside the child, the child was a female, meaning she could sexually create even more servants for him, she was of course Elaine Belloc. But before Sandalphon could put these plans to fruition, none other than the man he thought he served, Lucifer, came to collect both Elaine and Michael from Sandalphon for he himself needed them. So it was that Michael was revealed to be dying and that should he die, the release of the power within him would destroy the whole creation. So, Lucifer brought Michael to where the Lux once stood in Los Angeles (The Host were at that point trying to destroy the Void) and Lucifer was eventually granted entrance into his own realm, for it was the only place it would be safe for Michael to die, and there it was that Lucifer impaled his brother and the Demiurge filled the Void. However, Michael was reborn, healthy and full of life once again and he and his brother parted ways, for the two could never agree, fighting on opposite sides of the spectrum and Michael returns to Heaven where he seeks out Yahweh's counseling...counseling he does not approve of. So it is that Michael, the angel perhaps most loyal to The Presence is exiled from Heaven and he begins a quest with his various companions, a quest to find and rescue his daughter. This leads to numerous other adventures. It seems that after he fled Destiny's table in a rage, Michael flew straight to Heaven with his daughter Elaine trying her best to keep up with him, until she finally did so on the outskirts of the Silver City. By then, however, she had no chance to confront her father for he had neared his target and lighted upon the ledge of a tower with but a single window that opened to a room at the top of the tower. As he stood there he simply turned to Elaine, their eyes locked, and she understood as he told her to leave that he was going to try and save creation. That room was The Logos, the place where God's voice lives, and once within Michael lay on the floor like a child, pouring out the Dunamis Demiurgos, God's power into all of the things, renewing Yahweh's name on every atom in the universe. Michael had sacrificed himself to save his father's abandoned creation. When Uriel is told of these events by Elaine he seems to agree with Michael's reasoning and believes it to be for the better, but Lucifer interrupts and says that while the attempt may have worked under normal circumstances, a new variable has been added to the equation, Fenris, and he's on the move to Yggdrasil. That is why, against Uriel's pleading, Lucifer himself goes to the Logos and entering the single window he bellows at his brother, ordering him to awake. Michael hears nothing of course or at least makes no response so the Morningstar places his palms flat on the tower and with his own incredible power incinerates the structure. Emerging from the rubble a clearly enraged Michael gathers himself rather quickly and says, "Speak quickly Lucifer. Or I call this Host to witness -- you will not speak again." Whether a conflict ensues is never revealed but it seems Lucifer wins Michael over, at least temporarily, as Michael, Lucifer, Elaine and the Host head to Svartalfheim where Michael still remains distrustful of his brother. Lucifer seems to have clued him into some things but Michael still isn't clear on everything proving that despite his power, he doesn't hold the knowledge Lucifer does. Michael is confused as to why they need to be in Svartalfheim if their journey to Yggdrasil won't be physical. Lucifer responds by telling him that The World Tree expects to be approached from such a direction which in relativity, should make things at least a little easier for the three of them. Their journey is long and hard, but never truly explained how they made it, although Charlie Gilmour notices them while making his own journey to Yggdrasil and he says that he saw three angels, one bleeding power (Michael), another will (Lucifer) and the third something from her eyes (Elaine). Eventually, after Charlie, Fenris, Abonsam and Bet reach the World Tree and get settled in, some ways away Lucifer, Michael and Elaine all plummet to the earth, both Michael and Lucifer now unconscious and Elaine blind, making them the perfect victims for a certain Trickster. In the fields of Yggdrasil, Michael groggily awakes, eyes opening weakly as he mutters, "L -- Lucifer?" Getting to his hands and knees he speaks again as he sees his daughter, choking for breath while Lucifer's outstretched arm suspends her in the air and Michael speaks again, louder this time, "Brother?" Swiftly he clambers to his feet and rushes to get between the two, trying to push Elaine away from his brother, warning Lucifer to stay away from Elaine. But Lucifer's only reply is, "Morningstar? I am Fenris. I am The Wolf!" With that, the maddened Lucifer thrusts Elaine's head into the side of Michael's face, taking both of them out. Lucifer and Michael now begin their greatest and final fight, Michael is trying his best not to harm his brother holding back Lucifer's fists. Yet it seems a show of force will be necessary when Michael is lying upon the ground, his wings flattened beneath his back, he raises his right hand, apologizes to his brother for what is to come (seeing as Lucifer is not himself) and than from his hand bursts forth a white energy that envelops Lucifer, taking its toll on him and causing the Morningstar to cry out in pain. Now within a massive crater, Michael stands over Lucifer whose on his hands and knees, both of their wings are in tatters, what's left of their clothes torn, blood streaming over their bodies. Smoke rises around their bodies and although Michael is stronger, he makes one fatal error, he tries to reason with his brother, telling Lucifer that it is not he who acts. Michael tells Lucifer to fight it, to be himself, lest all their pain and effort be for naught and creation falls. But Lucifer, still possessed simply turns his head to the side, blood dripping from his mouth as he grins evilly at his brother, "Excellent." Then in a blur of speed, he grabs his brother and Lucifer takes to the air, glowing with energy as he takes his brother higher into the heavens. As they ascend Michael still pleads with his brother, "Morningstar -- brother -- I don't want to kill you --" but Lucifer simply scoffs at these words as he points out that with his broken wings, Michael's strength is failing. His own rant thus begins, "I am the furnace in which you will be unmade. I am your death." But Michael remains stubborn and responds by telling Lucifer that he will be the death of all and that it will all be his own doing and his alone. Lucifer heeds not these words in his madness and a massive expulsion of energy erupts from within him, engulfing both sons of Yahweh, leaving them both to plummet to the ground, burning as they fall. Michael and Lucifer crash through the upper branches of Yggdrasil, snapping them as they continue their descent, lost to view for some time, but then after things seem to calm down with the departing of Fenris, a broken Lucifer stumbles over to the place where his brother lays in a pool of blood, at the base of the tree, his own leathery wings are naught but spines now, jutting from his back. Cleared of mind he weakly speaks his brother's name, but it is too late. Michael is dying, the fate of creation sealed, but the latter issue is not the current problem for Michael's death provides a problem in and of itself. And so he calls out to Elaine, asking her to come to him, the blinded Elaine follows the voice of her father until she is kneeling at his side. She promises him that she will stay by his side till he dies if he would like but he cuts her off, for that is not why he called her. Within himself he holds power, Yahweh's power, the Dunamis Demiurgos, and should he die, this power would be released, overwhelming all of creation and destroying it. Elaine argues that creation will be destroyed anyway, but Michael ensures her that that process will take days or even weeks but that he is dying NOW and she must act now. Seeing as she is the only other Demiurge, it is her duty to take the Dunamis Demiurgos from him. Lucifer interrupts by saying that Elaine is too weak, that she cannot do it and so draws Michael's attention to the Morningstar. He asks to exchange apologies with his brother, as he never thought it would have to come to this but Lucifer tells him, that Michael is not at fault, that he himself is to blame and the brothers seem to make a silent peace with one another. This being said, Michael then returns his attention to his daughter, explaining to her that she must not only let his power flow into her, but she must contain it as well but in fear, she tells him she knows not how to perform such a feat. Michael and Elaine become more panicked as Michael tells his daughter that should she survive she will find herself with a great many duties, though he believes in her ability to rise to them, but Elaine simply has last regrets on her mind and begins apologizing to her father, for not trying to talk to him, for not coming to him. Then it is that her father utters his last words, proving that he can acknowledge his own faults "It would have done no good. I was proud and stubborn. I could have sought you out. I could have --" and so he dies, Elaine hovering him, a scream ripped from his throat as his nigh-uncontainable energy bursts forth from his body, engulfing Yggdrasil and all within its perimeter. +This superhero's name is Micro Lad. Their real name is Gim Allon. Despite what it looks like, Micro Lad has not the power to increase his size, but he's a giant with the power to shrink to 6 feet. His hometown, Big City, formerly known as McMurdo City, was normal-sized until the 29th century when Bizarro-Brainiac enlarged it to it's current size. The people who live there voluntarily stay there to prevent anyone from accidently squishing someone. Gim, however, with his ability to shrink to normal human size, have been able to travel to other places. Gim dislikes being called Colossal Boy and prefers to be called Micro Lad. Many of his teammates feel he tries too hard to please everyone. Nevertheless, he is loved by all because his heart is always huge. He's a bit clumsy and has been referred to as being a walking avalanche. Gim appears to enjoy being with the "little people". After the Legion Headquarters was destroyed, the Legion used Gim's home as a base of operation until the new Headquarters was finished. Later, several youths from Big City appeared across the globe and began destroying property. However, the Legion managed to stop them with the help of Supergirl. But Gim was beaten badly these youths when they was freed by a mysterious team of villains during interrogation. +This superhero's name is Might Guy. Their real name is Might Guy. Might Guy is a jōnin of Konohagakure. A master of taijutsu and leader of Team Guy. +This superhero's name is Mimic. Their real name is Calvin Montgomery Rankin. Calvin Rankin was raised by his father Ronald Rankin, who was experimenting with genetics. Once when Calvin was left alone and caused a lab accident which gave him his copying powers. His father, afraid that others would despise him went into hiding with Calvin in a cave, where his father was building a machine that would take away his powers. The villagers found this out and attacked the Rankins' causing a cave-in, killing Ronald. Years later while in college Calvin met Hank McCoy and Bobby Drake. He realized after using thier powers that they were Iceman and Beast of the X-Men. He then later was in a shop were Jean Grey was. He developed telekinetic powers and realized that she was Marvel Girl. He then proceeded to follow her back to the Mansion, where he introduced himself and asked to join the X-Men. After revealing his plan to them they tussled until Calvin was able to capture Jean and hold her hostage. Calvin then took her to the cave where his father had died and planned on using the machine his father created to make the powers he copies permanent. Not realizing that it would instead take away his powers he used the machine and became powerless. Xavier then removed his memories of the X-men and Calvin returned to college. Later during a lab accident in college he regained his powers and memory of the X-Men. Seeking revenge he demanded that he become a member of X-Men. Xavier reluctantly accepted and made Calvin the deputy leader. During the next several missions Calvin faced off against Banshee, Ogre and the Factor Three. After that Calvin was offended by Cyclops and attacked him. Xavier finally fed up with Calvin's attitude kicked him off of the team. Calvin left the mansion later to find the Super-Adaptoid attacking the X-Men. Hoping to become even more powerful Calvin offered to join the Adaptoid in his plan to conquer the earth. But upon learning he would become a mindless pawn, he changed his mind and attacked the Adaptoid, losing his powers in the process. Calvin then returned to school until his powers started to return. This time however his powers where drawing the life force of those around him. Frightened he fled to Canada were his girlfriend, Vera Cantor asked Hank McCoy to help him in finding a cure. Unfortunately the Hulk felt Calvin's power and sought to destroy the source. As the Hulk grew closer Calvin started to absorb the radiation which gave the Hulk his strength. While the Hulk and Beast fought Calvin absorbed too much radiation and died of poisoning. Calvin was then buried in an undisclosed location. Years later somehow Calvin absorbed the healing factor and powers of Wolverine and was brought back to life, believing himself to be Wolverine. He again encountered the Hulk and later learned that his father was connected to Weapon X. Calvin then regained his memories and the real Wolverine arranged for Calvin to spend some time in Japan to help learn to control his powers. Years later in Siberia, X-Force found him and tried to calm him down after they crashed into a station nearby. Sometime later Mimic formed an alliance with Onslaught, who upgraded his powers in exchange for his services. He also allied himself with a man known as Sledge who also upgraded his powers. Sometime later Excalibur was searching for Xavier after the Operation: Zero Tolerance fiasco and instead found Mimic being held hostage by rogue Sentinels. Confused he attacked the members of Excalibur and ultimately lost. They then took him to their headquarters where he recuperated and attended the wedding of Captain Britain and Meggan. Weeks later he for some unknown reason joined the new Brotherhood Of Mutants and helped the X-Men defeat Cerebro. He then continued to work with the Brotherhood when they tried to capture X-51 a.k.a. Machine Man. They failed and Calvin was captured. Later while being held prisoner Valerie Cooper came and consoled him and offered him a way out of prison, which he took. He was then alongside the Brotherhood affected by a beam sent down by the High Evolutionary in order to de-power all of Earths mutants. The beam caused Calvin to lose his powers momentarily, but he quickly regained them moments after the beam was reversed. Recently Calvin was seen as a captive of the Thunderbolts after recent developments as a captive alongside hundreds of other criminals in the Folding Castle Detention Quadrant. It is unknown if Calvin has joined the Thunderbolts or if he is still being held by them as a prisoner. +This superhero's name is Minato Namikaze. Their real name is . Minato Namikaze was the Fourth Hokage (Yondaime Hokage, Literally meaning: Fourth Fire Shadow) of Konohagakure. He was renowned all over the world for his speed, leading him to be dubbed as Konoha's Yellow Flash. He died during the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack, sacrificing his life to seal a part of the Nine-Tails into his newborn son, Naruto Uzumaki. +This superhero's name is Mind Flayer. Their real name is Mind Flayer. An intimated paranormal creature which is The Mind flayer also, known as the Shadow Monster, is a malevolent entity that rules the parallel dimension known as the Upside Down. He was introduced in the second season of Stranger Things and serves as the main antagonist of the series. The Mind Flayer is a massively powerful entity of unknown origin which manifests the Upside Down. +This superhero's name is Minna Murray. Their real name is Wilhelmina Harker. She begins the story as Miss Mina Murray, a young school mistress (teaching etiquette and decourum) who is engaged to Jonathan Harker, and friends with Lucy Westenra. She visits Lucy in Whitby on 24 July of that year when schools would have closed for the Summer. After her fiancé Jonathan escapes from Count Dracula's castle, Mina travels to Transylvania and joins him there. Mina cares for him during his recovery from his traumatizing encounter and the two return to England as a married couple. Mina and Jonathan join the coalition around Abraham Van Helsing, who now turn their attentions to dealing with Dracula himself. After Dracula learns of this plot against him, he takes revenge by visiting — and biting — Mina at least three times. Dracula also feeds Mina his blood, destining her to become a vampire at her death. The only way to forestall this is to kill Dracula first and the rest of the novel deals with the main characters trying to achieve this. Mina slowly succumbs to the blood of the vampire that flows through her veins, switching back and forth from a state of consciousness to a state of semi-trance during which she is telepathically connected with Dracula. Mina uses this connection to track Dracula's movements. Dracula flees back to his castle in Transylvania, followed by Van Helsing's gang, who manage to kill him just before sundown. As a result, Dracula's spell is lifted and Mina freed from the curse of the vampire. The book closes with a note about Mina's and Jonathan's married life and the birth of their first-born son, whom they name Quincey in remembrance of their American friend Quincey Morris, who was killed by Dracula's Szgany minions during the final confrontation. +This superhero's name is Mirage. Their real name is Danielle Moonstar. Danielle Moonstar is an American Indian of the Cheyenne Nation. Moonstar's mutant powers emerged at puberty but she could not control her ability to create visible images of people's greatest fears. She could not stop herself from creating such images at unexpected moments, and she thereby alienated everyone in her community except for her parents William and Peg Lonestar, and her grandfather, the chief and shaman Black Eagle. One night she created a symbolic vision of her parents' deaths. Shortly thereafter her parents disappeared during a trip to the mountains. Moonstar believed them to have been killed, and her dreams were haunted thereafter by a vision of a demonic bear, whom she believed to be responsible for their deaths. In fact, Moonstar's parents had been transformed into the demonic bear by an as yet unrevealed cause. This bear was intended to work the same transformation upon Moonstar, but the spells of Black Eagle kept the demonic bear away from her. After her parents' disappearance, Moonstar was taken in by their friends, the Roberts. Pat Roberts, their son, and Danielle were very close friends. After she had been at the Roberts's home a week, Moonstar was at Sunday dinner with them when Pat said something to her that provoked her. Moonstar lashed out at him with her psychic power, unaware she had it. The images of the objects of Pat's greatest fear and desire appeared before Pat and his family as a result. Moonstar fled to the mountains, where Black Eagle raised her over the following years, Finally, Black Eagle sent a letter to Professor Charles Xavier, who had become a friend of his son, William, Danielle's father, when both Xavier and William were in the army. Xavier and William had become blood brothers, and Xavier had become acquainted with Black Eagle. Black Eagle believed that Xavier could provide Moonstar with the training she needed to utilize her powers best, and asked him in the letter to do so. When Black Eagle asked Moonstar to go with Xavier when he came, she angrily refused, believing all Caucasians to be her enemies. In her anger she unintentionally created an image of Black Eagle's death, as he had foreseen it in a prophetic dream. Black Eagle ordered her to go with Xavier, and she agreed. +This superhero's name is Mirror Master (CW). Their real name is Sam Scudder. Sam Scudder, nicknamed Mirror Master by Harry Wells, is a meta-human criminal, the boyfriend of Rosa Dillon and the rival of the late Leonard Snart. After being exposed to the energy from the particle accelerator explosion of S.T.A.R. Labs, Sam gained the ability to travel through mirrors. Sam and Rosa Dillon completed a heist with Leonard Snart. The latter told them to lay low but they refused. Leonard approached them and Sam told Snart that without him and Rosa, Snart would still be kicking down liquor stores. Sam was told that his version of reality was warped. Sam decided he wanted out and Snart tried to shoot him. Sam disarmed Snart but was quickly defeated and thrown against a mirror. Sam crawled to another nearby mirror where he was nearly killed by Snart, before the latter fled when the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator blew up. Sam was hit by the dark matter and vanished. +This superhero's name is Misako. Their real name is Koko. As a young woman, Misako met the sons of the First Spinjitzu Master; Garmadon and Wu. She befriended the brothers, and was even taught Spinjitzu by Wu. Though she was initially inclined toward Wu, a letter she received from Garmadon swayed her to choose to marry him instead. The two spent many happy years together, and eventually had a son named Lloyd. Eventually, Garmadon succumbed to the evil growing inside him as a result of his bite by The Great Devourer and was cast into the Underworld after a battle against Wu. Realizing that Lloyd would become the legendary Green Ninja, Misako left him at Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys so that she could research the prophecy in the hopes of preventing it. +This superhero's name is Misfit. Their real name is Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe. Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe lived with her mother and her newborn sibling in an apartment in Metropolis's worst slum. She never met her father. Charlie knew she had superpowers from a young age, but rarely used them, because they made her mother uncomfortable. She was a big fan of Barbara Gordon's Batgirl. The landlord of the apartment building had bribed the safety inspectors. The fire escape had been removed, and the smoke detectors were broken. When a fire broke out, Charlie and her family were trapped in the apartment. In Charlie's experiments with her powers, she had discovered that living beings didn't survive teleporting with her - she couldn't get her family out. In the end, Charlie's mother made her leave, shouting at her to teleport out. Seventeen people died in the fire. The landlord's sentence was six months, time served. Some while later, Charlie surfaced as a crime-fighter in Gotham City, using the Batgirl name and wearing a homemade Batgirl costume, complete with utility belt. This drew the attention of Barbara Gordon, now operating as the all-seeing master hacker Oracle (DC), who sent out her team of operatives, the Birds of Prey, to discover who was using her old identity. The Birds laid a trap for the new 'Batgirl' in the hopes of confronting her. When Charlie showed up, she leaped into combat, enjoying the chance to go up against the Birds, all the while talking as if she'd been their friend for ages. When they were confronted by a gun-runner seeking revenge for her imprisonment at the Birds' hands, Charlie teleported in to take a gunshot intended for one of the team. However, as the Birds went to Charlie's assistance, she disappeared. Charlie reappeared in Oracle's control room, without a scratch on her. She revealed that she'd been in and out of Barbara's control room on numerous occasions, without Barbara's knowledge, and wanted her approval to become the new Batgirl. Barbara, identifying Charlie as untrained and ungrounded, tried to talk her out of becoming a superhero, and thought she'd succeeded when Charlie agreed to stop being Batgirl. However, before Charlie left, she told Barbara that while she'd promised to stop being Batgirl, she'd never said she'd stop being a superhero, leaving Barbara utterly frustrated. Charlie popped up again a couple of weeks later, this time using the name Misfit. She tagged along with the Birds on a couple of missions, doing what she could to help out. When Barbara managed to get some downtime, she followed up on a tip she'd received from Spy Smasher, which led her to Charlie's last known address - the burned-out shell of Charlie's old apartment block. When Charlie showed up, she confessed what had happened to her family, and that she was currently homeless. Barbara took her in as one of her team, giving her a home. +This superhero's name is Miss Martian. Their real name is M'gann M'orzz. The origin others know: there are two different races of Martians, distinguished by their differing world-views. The Green Martians are peaceful philosophers, while the White Martians are vicious warriors. When the White Martians began massacring their Green cousins, M'gann's parents sent her on a rocket to the Vega system to escape the civil war. M'gann learned that another Green Martian refugee, J'onn J'onzz, had escaped the White Martian tyranny, establishing himself on Earth, and came to Earth herself. While almost correct, this leaves out at least one significant detail, M'gann's true form is that of a White Martian, creatures believed to live only for war and conquest. Questioned on whether or not she was actually a White Martian, M'gann said it was a "long story". Whatever her true origins might be, M'gann eventually came to Earth along with her parents. Details of this period are sketchy, but it is known that M'gann's parents, along with dozens of other White Martians, were captured by the United States government, many of whom, including M'gann's parents were subsequently executed. After separating from her parents, M'gann adopted two new names during her time on this world: "Megan Morse", the English transliteration of her Martian name, and "Miss Martian", her chosen superhero identity. Shortly after the Infinite Crisis, Megan met the Teen Titans. She joined the team during a rocky interim period and shared a room with the reformed villain Ravager. Her initial stint with the Titans was brief, however. One day, she watched an episode of The Three Stooges, and decided to imitate their vaudeville antics by throwing a pie into Ravager's face. Ravager failed to appreciate Megan's attempt at humor and began calling her names. Hyper-sensitized to other people's thoughts, Megan fled in tears and quit the team. Nearly a year later, the Teen Titans discovered that Megan had relocated to Australia, basing herself in the Tanami Desert. She liked the arid terrain because it reminded her of her Martian homeworld. The Titans approached Megan in the city of Brisbane shortly after she apprehended an armored villain known as Gunshot. The Titans' leader, Robin, asked Megan's help in locating one of their missing teammates – Raven. Megan admitted to having recently met with Raven, who had asked her to use her telepathy to scan the minds of former Titans in search of a "secret". Megan refused however, as reading the minds of "good people" violated her personal code of ethics. She didn't reveal Raven's location, but instead directed Robin's team towards another neophyte hero – Bombshell. Soon after the Titans had left however, Megan violated her own rules, scanning the minds of a number of former Titans. Having scanned Bombshell's mind, she discovered that the neophyte hero was actually a mercenary in search of a computer disk, which housed the life essence of a deceased Titan named Jericho. Megan tried to warn the Titans, but Bombshell attacked her with an incendiary device, revealing her true White Martian heritage to the other Titans. Regardless, she proved to be a valuable asset to the team, and aided them in bringing Bombshell down. Following the incident, Cyborg declared that she was once again a member of the Teen Titans. Cyborg later brought Megan to Belle Reve in the hopes that she would use her telepathy to interrogate the imprisoned Bombshell. Megan was reluctant to use her powers in such an invasive way, but agreed to the task nonetheless. Her interrogation was interrupted, however, by the arrival of Titans East. During the battle, Megan became the object of torture for Titans East members Sun Girl and Inertia, the former of whom claimed that Megan was her personal slave in the future she was from. Following the Titans East debacle, Megan and the other Titans found themselves involved in the Amazon attack on Washington D.C. While her teammates attempted to reign in an angry Wonder Girl, Megan engaged in battle with Wonder Girl's best friend, Supergirl. She later fought with Artemis and saved Wonder Girl's mother Helena from being gunned down by overly ambitious soldiers. Shortly thereafter, Megan encountered her future counterpart - an older, evil version of Miss Martian who embraced her more predatory White Martian instincts. Calling herself the Martian Manhunter, the older Megan was a member of the so-called "Titans Tomorrow". After a protracted battle with her future self, trace elements of the Martian Manhunter's personality merged with that of M'gann's own persona. She began to develop a condition akin to multiple personality disorder, and frequently found herself warring with her older, darker self. The alternate personality began assuming control of M'gann's body and performing actions independent of M'gann's will. She even forged legal documents establishing that "Megan Morse" was a legal citizen of the State of Arizona. As Megan Morse, Miss Martian began attending classes at Wolfman and Perez High School. Soon after, Megan and her fellow teammate Kid Devil were abducted by the Terror Titans and taken to the Dark Side Club in Manhattan. Though Kid Devil was manipulated into participating in trials of combat, Miss Martian used her telepathy to try to free the minds of other brainwashed prisoners. After being freed, Megan helped Kid Devil to shake off the lingering effects of being brainwashed. Megan still suffered great difficulty coming to terms with embodying the personality of her future-self. As such, she decided to leave the Teen Titans in order to concentrate on her emotional and physical shortcomings. She spent a great deal of time infiltrating the Dark Side Club, posing as a new incarnation of the Star-Spangled Kid. She won the tournament, and used her psychic abilities to overpower many of the young heroes' indoctrination at the hands of Clock King. Under her leadership, the freed heroes overthrew both the club's resident staff, and the Terror Titans, who had been attempting to start a brainwashed metahuman army. During Final Crisis, Megan was seen aiding Checkmate in their efforts to psychically purge the Anti-Life Equation from the collective consciousness of humanity. Following the Final Crisis and the infiltration of the Dark Side Club, M'gann returned to the Teen Titans as a full-time member. As a favor to Tim Drake, M'gann posed for him in a public speech that the assassin Scarab was going to attack. She was shot through the lower torso and taken to the hospital as 'Tim Drake,' where they swapped, allowing Tim to pose as wounded and M'gann to return unhurt to her normal form. +This superhero's name is Mistake. Their real name is Mistake. Mistaké once lived in the Realm of Oni and Dragons before the First Spinjitzu Master fled to build Ninjago. She was among the Oni set out to either extradite or kill him. But Mistaké had a change of heart upon discovering that Ninjago was beautiful, and refused to carry out her orders. She decided to stay in Ninjago as a result, staying undiscovered throughout the millennia by disguising herself with her shapeshifting powers. She has helped the First Spinjitzu Master and his descendants ever since. +This superhero's name is Mister Fantastic (FOX). Their real name is Reed Richards. A genius-but-timid-and-bankrupt-physicist, is convinced that evolution is triggered by clouds of cosmic energy in space, and has calculated that one of these clouds is soon going to pass near Earth. Reed has always reached for the stars and would do anything to fund his lifelong dream of an experimental space mission. But one miscalculation turned into a tragedy, as they got hit by cosmic energy, there bodies changed, especially Ben +This superhero's name is Mister Fantastic. Their real name is Reed Richards. Reed Richards, the only son of wealthy physicist Nathaniel Richards and his wife Evelyn, was a child prodigy with special aptitude in mathematics, physics, and mechanics. Evelyn Richards died when Reed was seven. Nathaniel Richards encouraged and guided young Reed in his scientific studies, and Reed was taking college-level courses by the time he was fourteen. Richards attended several universities, among them California Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Harvard University, and State University in Hegeman, New York State. It was at State University that Reed Richards first met two of the most important individuals in his life. He was assigned to room with a foreign student, a scientific genius named Victor Von Doom. The imperious Von Doom took an immediate dislike to Richards, and decided to take other quarters. As Doctor Doom, Von Doom would later become Richards' greatest rival and enemy. Richards instead gained as his roommate former high school football star Benjamin J. Grimm, who became Richards' closest friend. Richards was already intending to build a starship for interstellar travel. When he told this ambition to Grimm, Grimm jokingly said that he would pilot the starship for Richards. While attending Columbia University Richards rented living quarters at the Manhattan boarding house owned by the aunt of a young girl named Susan Storm. Though she was still only a child, no more than twelve years old, Susan fell in love with the older Richards, much to his embarrassment. Three years before Reed Richards tested his starship, his father mysteriously disappeared. In fact, Nathaniel Richards had devised a time machine which he had used to attempt to journey into the future of his own world. However, the machine actually transported him to an alternate Earth with a history considerably different from our own; Reed Richards would be reunited with him while visiting this alternate Earth years later. But before Nathaniel Richards left his own time line, he made arrangements that left two billion dollars to his son. Reed Richards spent most of this money on his project to build and launch his starship. This project, based in Central City, California, received further funding from the federal government. Reed Richards recruited his old friend Ben Grimm, who had become a successful test pilot and astronaut, to pilot the starship. Susan Storm, who was now an adult, joined Richards in California. Richards and Storm were engaged to be married. Shortly before the starship was to be launched, Richards used his scientific knowledge to defeat the extraterrestrial being Gormuu, who had intended to conquer Earth. Richards' encounter with Gormuu strengthened his resolve to finish the starship, which he saw as a first step in making it possible for mankind to defend itself from extraterrestrial threats. However, the federal government then threatened to withdraw its funding from the project. Richards decided to take the starship on a test flight himself before the funding was withdrawn. Grimm was opposed to the idea, warning that the starship's shielding might prove inadequate protection from intense radiation storms. Nevertheless, Grimm was persuaded to serve as pilot, and Susan Storm and her adolescent brother Johnny insisted on accompanying Richards as passengers. The four friends stole onto the launch facility, entered the starship, and blasted off. They intended to travel through hyperspace in the ship to another solar system and back. However, unknown to Richards, a solar flare caused Earth's Van Allen radiation belts to be filled temporarily with unprecedented, ultra-high levels of cosmic radiation. Since the ship was designed to shield against ordinary levels of radiation, the cabin volume was subjected to intense cosmic ray bombardment, which irradiated the four passengers and wrought havoc on the ship's controls. Pilot Grimm was forced to abort the flight and return to Earth. Once back on Earth, the four passengers discovered that the cosmic radiation had triggered mutagenic changes in their bodies. Reed Richards discovered that he could become malleable and elongate his body at will. Richards convinced the three others that the four of them should use their newfound powers for the good of humanity as members of a team he named the Fantastic Four. Richards, who became the team's leader, named himself Mister Fantastic, while Ben Grimm, Susan Storm, and Johnny Storm named themselves the Thing, the Invisible Girl (later Invisible Woman), and the Human Torch, respectively. The profits from Richards' patents and royalties funded the team's activities. Under Richards' leadership the Fantastic Four has become Earth's most honored team of superhuman adventurers, and has saved the world from conquest or destruction many times. Richards eventually married Susan Storm, and they now have a son, Franklin. After many years, Reed joined his wife in semi-retirement from their superhero career. They tried to raise their son Franklin in a relatively normal environment, but soon, Franklin was kidnapped by the villains Nanny and the Orphan-Maker at the same time that New York was undergoing a demonic invasion. Richards and his wife teamed up with Captain America (then, the Captain) and other heroes to reform the team Avengers, which had then recently gone on hiatus. Richards, however, continually disrupted the Avengers' team dynamic with his natural penchant for leadership. Richards and his wife soon left the team and rejoined the Fantastic Four at their base. Since then Reed and the rest of the Fantastic four have continued to protect the world from every threat they can. +This superhero's name is Mister Freeze. Their real name is Victor Fries. Pre-Crisis Mr Zero/Mr Freeze was a rogue scientist whose design for an "ice gun" had led to his inadvertently spilling cryogenic chemicals on himself, resulting in his needing sub-zero temperatures to survive. His motives for turning to crime were not explored beyond this. In the Batman: Mr Freeze special (based closely on the animated series episode "Heart of Ice") Victor Fries was fascinated with freezing animals as a child, which would lead to his career in cryogenics research. His parents, horrified by his "hobby", sent him to a strict boarding school, where he was miserable, feeling detached from humanity. However, at university, he met Nora, whom he befriended and ultimately married. Unfortunately, Nora later fell terminally ill. Fries took on a job working for a large company run by the ruthless Ferris Boyle, working in his field. Fries did not like the job but needed money to help Nora. Fries discovered a way to put Nora into cryo-stasis, hoping to sustain her until a cure could be found. Boyle attempted to have her brought out of stasis, overruling Fries' frantic objections. A struggle ensued, in which Boyle kicked Fries into a table full of chemicals and he was left for dead. He survived, but his body temperature was lowered dramatically, and from then on he could only live at sub-zero temperatures, forced to wear a special refrigerating suit to stay alive. As Mr. Freeze, he used cryonic technology to create a gun, which fired a beam that freezes any target within its range. Mr. Freeze's first action in his new identity was to seek revenge on Boyle. Batman intervened and, when Victor fired his freeze-gun at him, he dodged, causing the beam to shatter Nora's capsule. Freeze blamed Batman for this, and swore to destroy whatever the hero held dear. The series The Batman gives a different origin story, it laks Nora but makes Batman indirectly responsible for his powers: Victor Fries, a petty theif, is robbing a bank when Batman intervines. A chase insues, but Batman breaks off just before Fries crashes into a cryogenics lab. He falls into a cryogenic freezing chamber with a electrical cable, and Fries is electricuted at the same time that his blood freezes. When he awakes and leaves the chamber, ice forms under his feet, meening that he can create and control ice. Also, he can temperarily survive at normal temperatures. He vowes revenge on Batman. Mr. Freeze's crimes tend to involve freezing everyone and everything he runs into, which seems to satisfy his urge to get even with a hard, cruel world. In addition, he hardly ever forges alliances with the other criminals in Gotham City, preferring to work alone, although, it should be noted that he has worked as a hired enforcer/hitman for the Black Mask. Also, in the hope of curing and reviving his wife, allied himself with The Society, fashioning for Nyssa al Ghul a sub-zero machine in exchange for the use of her own Lazarus Pit. Attempting to bring back Nora without waiting for the adjusting needed in the pool chemicals, he revived her as the twisted Lazara, and escaped after his now estranged wife (who blames her husband for her condition). While he displays no obvious signs of insanity (at least, in comparison to the likes of the Joker or Two-Face), he is usually imprisoned in Arkham Asylum when apprehended by Batman, as it is only local penal facility that can accommodate his medical condition (a refrigerated cell). +This superhero's name is Mister Miracle. Their real name is Scott Free. Scott Free was originally the unnamed son of the Highfather of New Genesis. In order to form a truce between New Genesis and Apokolips, Scott was given to Darkseid in exchange for his son Orion. Scott Free was given his name by Granny Goodness as a form of cruel irony. He was raised to be a mindless soldier, but was secretly being encouraged by Metron, the New God of Time, to break free. While growing up, Scott developed a close friendship and later romance with Big Barda, one of Darkseid's elite warriors. Scott later escaped Apokolips and headed to Earth. Little did he know that Darkseid had planned his escape to be as easy as possible so that he could end his truce with New Genesis, effectively starting the New God's war on Earth +This superhero's name is Mister Mxyzptlk. Their real name is Mr. Mxyzptlk. Introduced in Superman #30 (September 1944) as "Mr. Mxyztplk", he was an imp from the fifth dimension. Not being bound by our physical laws, he could do things that seemed to be magical. In this first appearance, Mxyztplk wreaked havoc across Metropolis by using his powers to pull all manner of pranks. He soon told Superman that he was a jester in his home dimension, explaining why he used his powers to play practical jokes. Superman soon discovered he was able to send Mxy back to the fifth dimension by making him say his name backwards. Originally, Mxy had designs on conquering the planet for himself, but soon settled for tormenting Superman whenever he got the opportunity. His only weaknesses were that he could not stand being ridiculed and if he said or spelled his name backwards, Kltpzyxm, he was involuntarily sent back to his home dimension for a minimum of 90 days. Mxy would often look for ways to counter the latter weakness, but he always proved gullible enough for Superman to trick him time and time again. Mxy appeared originally as a small bald man in a purple suit, green bow tie and purple derby hat. This was changed to a futuristic looking orange outfit with purple trim in the mid-1950s, although the hat remained. At around this time the spelling of Mxy's name changed (by mistake) to "Mxyzptlk". After the establishment of DC Comics' multiverse in the 1960s, it was later explained that the purple-suited Mxyztplk lived in the fifth dimension connected to Earth-Two and the orange-costumed Mxyzptlk in the fifth dimension connected to Earth-One. The Earth-One version was also retconned into Superboy stories as "Master Mxyzptlk". Mr. Mxyzptlk continued to be a thorn in Superman's side for many years. Despite Alan Moore offering a radically different interpretation of the character in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, he made it through the Crisis on Infinite Earths relatively unchanged, although the unpleasant nature of his pranks and the psychological effects they had on others was played up more, at least initially. In early post-Crisis stories the "condition" that would send him back to the fifth dimension was anything he wanted it to be but, since Lex Luthor taught him how to lie, making this meaningless, the stories have reverted to Mxyzptlk saying his name backwards. Many of Mxy's later stories have a post-modern feel to them, similar to Ambush Bug, as he comments on editorial decisions, cliches of the genre, etc. This was most obvious in Superman: The Man of Steel #75, a pastiche of Superman's death in Superman (series 2) #75, which culminates with Mxyzptlk meeting the Supreme Being... who turns out to be Mike Carlin, the then-editor of the Superman titles, who promptly brings him back to life. Although Mxy does not appear in Grant Morrison's JLA, Morrison took advantage of certain similarities to tie Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt and Aquaman character Qwsp to the fifth dimension, implying the dimension may be the origin for legends of djinn. This story also saw the first (and so far only) post-Crisis appearance of Mxy's Earth-One girlfriend, Ms. Gsptlsnz (described as his "quinto-partner"). More recently, Peter David showed us Mxy's origins as a serious-minded researcher in Young Justice and, in a multipart story throughout the Superman titles, he had his powers temporarily stolen by the Joker. It has also been implied that he sees himself as serving an important purpose, in teaching Superman not to take everything seriously. He has also encountered Batman's implike tormentor Bat-Mite twice. The first was in Karl Kesel's World's Finest book, in which they forced the heroes to compete against each other. The second was in the World's Funnest oneshot, in which they travel to various parallel Earths, including the worlds of Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew and Alex Ross's Kingdom Come. In Adventures of Superman #617 (2003), Mxyzptlk was reinvented as different-sex twins with a serious hatred of Superman. A year later, in Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004 (2004), he returned to his usual self. The reasons for this remain obscure. +This superhero's name is Mister Sinister. Their real name is Nathaniel Essex. During the 19th Century, Nathaniel Essex encountered Apocalypse who used his technology to transform Essex into “Sinister”, the last word his dying wife ever spoke to him. Soon after, a time displaced Gambit and Courier approached Sinister for help. Sinister agreed to help them, as long as he could have a DNA sample from Courier. This DNA sample allowed Sinister to replicate Courier shape shifting abilities, within Sinister’s own body. By the early 20th Century, Sinister had cracked the genetic genome and was willing to share the information with Herbert Edgar Wyndham, who would later become the High Evolutionary. During World War II Sinister worked alongside the Nazis, collecting as many blood samples as he could. It was during this time that he first saw Sub-Mariner, and was inspired to create a clone of Namor. The clone was experiment N2 and had varied success against the original Namor but was defeated by Captain America. Some time later, Sinister recruited Gambit to gather together the Marauders and ordered the massacre of the Morlocks. Sinister cloned Jean Grey in the form of Madelyne Pryor, so that Cyclops would have a child with her, which Sinister would view as the ultimate mutant. Ultimately, Cyclops rejected Pryor when Jean returned from stasis, and the youth would be carried to the future, where he would return to present era as Cable. Sinister's machinations would lead to the event known as Inferno, where Cyclops supposedly killed Sinister with an optic blast, although Sinister resurfaced alive and well, when he revealed that there was a third Summers brother. Sinister was involved in Stryfe's attempted assassination of Xavier,, trading Cyclops & Jean Grey to Stryfe in exchange for their DNA. However, Stryfe actually gave Sinister the Legacy Virus, which would terrorize mutant (and eventually human) life, and lead to the deaths of several mutants. Sinister later involved himself with Nate Grey and the mutant Threnody. He joined the reestablished Weapon X program as Doctor Robert Windsor, claiming to help mutants escape Weapon X's mutant concentration camp "Neverland," but in reality, he took them to be his test subjects. +This superhero's name is Mister Terrific (CW). Their real name is Curtis Holt. Dr. Curtis Holt is a bronze medal Olympic athlete and a former employee of Palmer Technologies who worked alongside then-CEO Felicity Smoak in the Design Innovations department. He is the ex-husband of Paul Holt and the boyfriend of Nick Anastas. After learning of Green Arrow's secret identity and the location of the Arrowcave, he joined Team Arrow as maintenance and tech support. While searching for Rene Ramirez to have him join the team, he took a beating from a group of street thugs. This inspired him to be trained and go out on the field, not wanting to feel helpless again. During his first time out, Curtis was jokingly called Mister Fair Play, after his favorite wrestler, Terry Sloane, and for his clean tactics. He was later directly named after Sloane's in-ring name; Mr. Terrific. After discovering that Oliver Queen, John Diggle, and Felicity Smoak respectively had violated his privacy, he left the team, along with Rene and Dinah Drake to formed their own team known as New Team Arrow, until he rejoined Team Arrow to help Oliver battle Diaz, along with Rene and Dinah. +This superhero's name is Misty Knight (MCU). Their real name is Mercedes Kelly. Mercedes Kelly "Misty" Knight is a police detective with the New York City Police Department, stationed at the 29th Precinct Police Station within Harlem. During her investigation into all of the criminal activities of the notorious Cottonmouth, Knight encountered the mysterious Luke Cage, who had been involved in every aspect of her current investigation. Once her partner Rafael Scarfe and Cottonmouth were both murdered, Knight became determined to discover the truth, putting her into conflict with Mariah Dillard and Diamondback while her superiors encouraged her to find and arrest Cage. However Knight attempted to arrest Diamondback, leading to her being saved by Cage and informing the world of his innocence until Candace Miller could testify to convict Dillard, but before she could, Miller was murdered by Shades. Dillard went free but Knight remained determined to finally bring her to justice. Knight waited for Cage to be freed from Seagate Prison and requested his help in solving another case, however this led to Knight becoming involved within a fight against the Hand along with the Defenders, which then placed several of their friends in protective custody after they had became involved. Knight then waded into the final battle at Midland Circle after realizing that Colleen Wing had just stolen the explosives in order to destroy the building, and in the process lost her right arm saving Claire Temple from being beheaded by the Finger of the Hand Bakuto. Knight was then taken into the hospital owned by Rand Enterprises in order to begin recovering. She was later outfitted with a Bionic Arm to help her recovery. Returning to work, Knight found herself the source of ridicule owing to her new disability, forcing her to prove her worth to her co-workers. Refocusing her efforts on bringing down the last of the Stokes Crime Family, Knight had once again joined forces with Cage as they found Mariah Dillard was now being targeted for assassination by Bushmaster, forcing both Knight and Cage to protect Dillard in order to keep Harlem safe from Bushmaster's rage. When Shades chose to snitch on Dillard, Knight was able to get the evidence needed to bring Dillard down. Upon being offered the captain's position, Knight took some time off and assisted Danny Rand and Colleen Wing in their fight against Davos, who had taken the power of the Chi for himself, bringing him to justice while Knight had still continued to debate her future career with the NYPD. +This superhero's name is Misty Knight. Their real name is Mercedes 'Misty' Knight. Misty Knight was a rising star with the NYPD when she was seriously injured preventing a bomb attack that forced the amputation of her right arm. Rather than take a desk job, she resigned from the police force, though she remained good friends with her long-time partner on the force Rafael Scarfe. Tony Stark provided her a bionic arm which endowed her superhuman strength. Soon after that, she met Spider-Man and then Iron Fist. Misty roomed with X-Men member Marvel Girl until Marvel Girl returned to her life as an X-Man. Misty teamed with her friend Colleen Wing in fighting the criminal Emil Vachon in the Hong-Kong area. She saved Colleen from an attempted rape. She then set up a private detective agency with Colleen entitled: "Nightwing Restorations Ltd." Soon after she first met Iron Fist, the two crime fighters fell in love. Misty conducted undercover work against the crime lord John Bushmaster. She aided Iron Fist, Spider-Man, and Colleen Wing against Davos, the Steel Serpent.She then first met and fought Luke Cage, Power Man. Misty's "Knightwing Restorations Ltd" detective agency would go on to help Power Man and Iron Fist's Heroes for Hire agency on numerous cases. Misty aided Iron Fist and Power Man in rescuing captives of John Bushmaster, and procured a videotape clearing Cage of crimes. Misty was then captured and nearly killed by Nightshade.She then helped the X-Men, Colleen Wing, and Sunfire against Moses Magnum in Japan. She fought Sabretooth, and then fought Constrictor and Sabretooth together, and was rescued by El Aguila. She escaped captivity, and captured Ward Meachum.Colleen Wing later broke off her friendship with Misty due to Misty's relationship with Tyrone King. Misty rescued Iron Fist from drowning, reconciled with him, and ended her relationship with Tyrone King.Later, when Iron Fist broke up with her, Misty began a short romance with Power Man. This episode was a source of tension between Power Man and Iron Fist for a brief period. Misty later learned of Iron Fist's apparent demise.Iron Fist was presumed dead for an extended period, until Misty saw the Super-Skrull impersonate Danny Rand (Iron Fist) on television. She confronted the Super-Skrull in his guise as Danny Rand. Misty assisted Namor the Sub-Mariner in finding and saving the hero. They went to the Savage Land, where they learned that the Super-Skrull had been posing as Iron Fist, and Misty aided Namor and Namorita against the Super-Skrull. She and Danny Rand were ultimately reunited and renewed their relationship. During the 2006 "Civil War" storyline, Misty Knight and Colleen Wing were contacted by Iron Man, Reed Richards, and Spider-Man to re-form Heroes for Hire in order to track down superhumans who refused to register. Initially hesitant, the pair eventually agree creating a team including Shang-Chi, Humbug, Orka, Black Cat, Paladin, and a new Tarantula. Misty has been identified as one of the 142 registered superheroes who will be a part of the Initiative. After the Civil War between the superheroes ended, Iron Fist was shocked to find that Misty had sided with the Initiative as he had joined the New Avengers. Nevertheless, when the Steel Serpent and HYDRA plotted to kill Iron Fist and destroy the seven cities of heaven (the latter unbeknownst to Steel Serpent), Misty and Colleen rushed with Luke Cage to Danny's aid.Later, the three helped Danny stop a terrorist attack by HYDRA on the mystical city of K'un L'un where Danny told Misty, "I love you, Misty... but I make a lousy boyfriend." Though Danny said this, they continued a sexual relationship and finally committed to each other on his birthday, despite their disagreement over the Superhuman Registration Act. Returning from a mission to capture Moon-Boy during the World War Hulk storyline, Heroes for Hire arrive in New York to see that it has been taken over by the Hulk. After being captured by Warbound, Colleen Wing and Tarantula were offered to No-Name the Brood Queen by their possessed teammate Humbug. Misty makes a deal with Paladin to take Moon-Boy (whom Colleen had become attached to) in order to find both Colleen and Tarantula after their capture.When Misty and the other heroes come save them, Colleen is in traumatic shock from the torture she endured; she is further agitated when Moon-Boy is taken into custody by Paladin. Colleen, deeply upset by her friend's actions, leaves the group as a result. Heroes for Hire itself has disbanded permanently in the aftermath of this. Misty becomes depressed due to her actions that led to the breakup of the group. Iron Man later comes to her to enlist her aid in stopping the Hulk's remaining robots; through this, she was able to move past her mistakes. Misty and Danny move in with each other in Harlem. Danny proposes to Misty and she accepts, after that she tells him that she is pregnant with his child.They have since found out that this was a false pregnancy, causing a strain on their relationship. They decide to move out of their apartment and live separately, but continue their relationship. Following the 2010 "Shadowland" storyline, Misty, Colleen Wing, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Shang-Chi confront him in attempt to stop him without violence. After a commotion happens elsewhere in his castle, he attacks the group, believing they are responsible. Misty teams up with Paladin, Silver Sable and the Shroud to discover who is framing the Hand for the murder of a number of New York's mobsters. Following the events of the "Shadowland" storyline, Misty revamps the Heroes for Hire concept by basing herself as 'control' and utilizing various street heroes based on their powers and abilities in exchange for money or information. At the end of the first issue, it is revealed that Misty is being manipulated by the Puppet Master. Misty is later freed from mind control with help from Iron Fist and Paladin. After being freed, Paladin approaches Misty to continue the operation Puppet Master set in place, but on her terms. As part of the Marvel NOW! initiative, Misty Knight showcases in the comic book alongside Valkyrie where she is one of the members of the Fearless Defenders.Misty Knight appears during the 2015–17 All-New, All-Different Marvel promotion as a supporting character to Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, who is uneasy now that his friend Steve Rogers has regained his original moniker. Though the two men opt to share the name, many civilians in the Marvel Universe feel that Sam Wilson is undeserving of the title. Misty helps him deal with his doubts and is revealed to be in a sexual relationship with him as well.She then helps clear the names of female heroes and villains, who fell victim to a scandal over embarrassing sex videos posted on the internet. During the "Hunt for Wolverine" storyline, Misty Knight has left the NYPD for an unknown reason. She is approached by Daredevil and Nur who enlist her to help find Wolverine after his body goes missing from it's unmarked grave. She takes them to an information broker that she knows who turns out to be Cypher. When Nur hands him a smartphone, Cypher makes use of it and tells Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur about the different Wolverine sightings in the past sixty days. Using an Attilan Security Force Skycharger that was "borrowed" from the Inhumans, Daredevil, Misty Knight, Nur, and Cypher investigate the sightings of Wolverine in Manhattan, Phoenix, and Chicago. Misty Knight and Nur arrive at McCarthy Medical Institute in Manhattan where Jane Foster was enrolled and learned that an unnamed man delivered flowers. The security footage revealed that it was by someone that resembled Wolverine. In Chicago, Misty Knight learns from a security guard that he deleted a post when he thought he saw Wolverine. When it came to Saskatchewan, they hear that Ranger Outpost Nine in Meadowlake Provincial Park was attacked by a man with claws. When they arrive, Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur find the males dead and the female missing as they head into the forest to investigate.When they find Cypher on the ground with a slit throat, Nur works to heal Cypher as Daredevil and Misty Knight discover that the attacker is Albert as they fight him. When Albert grabs Daredevil by the neck and demands to know what he did to Elsie-Dee, Misty Knight combines her bionic arm's attacks with Nur's gun and a recovered Cypher's laser to deactivate Albert as they leave an anonymous tip for the Canadian authorities to come pick him up. Upon returning to Chicago, Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur visit the security guard she questioned again only to find him dead and a bomb nearby as it goes off. Misty Knight's cybernetic arm manifested a shield big enough to protect her, Daredevil, and Nur from the explosion. Then they worked to evacuate those who couldn't get out of the burning building. Nur reveals to Misty Knight that his eyes also work like a camera flash as he analyzed the apartment before it blew up. His analysis revealed that the security guard worked for a group called Soteira which was listed as an asset management company. Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur head to one of their offices in Chicago where Daredevil's radar detects the people inside purging their records. As the group crashes through the window, Nur holds the workers a gunpoint as Cypher works to see if he can stop whatever they were doing on the computer. Misty Knight works to protect Cypher who retrieves the data as the four of them escape from the Level Four Killteam. When Misty Knight asks what to do next, Daredevil states that he is grateful for their help as this is no longer a missing persons case. As Nur asks what he plans to do with the drive after getting him, Misty Knight, and Cypher back to New York, Daredevil says that he is giving it to Kitty Pryde while informing her on who else is looking for Wolverine and what they are walking into. Nur recaps his wife leaving him following his Terrigenesis and tells Misty Knight that he looks forward to working with her again. +This superhero's name is Mockingbird (MCU). Their real name is Barbara Morse. Morse went to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Operations and was one of the best; she was scouted by Melinda May, who noted her skills. Morse became friends with fellow agent Isabelle Hartley and her sister Jane. During her time as an agent, Morse, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Lance Hunter had a mission together in Dubai. Eventually, she married Lance Hunter, whom she introduced to the Hartley sisters. Since she was in a mission, Morse had to return to Johannesburg after the wedding. During her marriage to Hunter, she found out that he is not a "big picture guy," his folding skills were "abysmal," and, to his dislike, she began keeping secrets. They eventually got divorced because, according to Hunter, inter-species relationships are hard (Hunter claiming that, while he was a human, Morse was a "demonic hell-beast" who was "pure evil"). +This superhero's name is Mockingbird. Their real name is Barbara Morse. Barbara "Bobbi" Morse attended the Georgia Institute of Technology, specializing in biochemistry. Upon completion of her Ph.D., she was admitted onto the Project: Gladiator team under Dr. Wilma Calvin. She was also Agent 19 of SHIELD. She traveled to the Savage Land with Dr. Paul Allen, with whom she was involved in a sham engagement on SHIELD orders due to (correct) suspicion that he was involved with AIM. In Florida, Allen was destroyed by Man-Thing, who was once Barbara's colleague, Dr. Theodore Sallis. With Ka-Zar, she traveled to New York and helped defeat Victorius, who had taken a sample of Super Soldier Serum from Sallis and Calvin's experiments. Barbara's penchant for taunting her opponents in battle earned her the codename of "Mockingbird", though not before she had spent a short period as a costumed operative called "the Huntress". Morse was a freelance agent when she met Clint Barton, a.k.a Hawkeye, when he was temporarily serving as chief of security for Cross Technological Enterprises. During this time, they were kidnapped by Crossfire, who wanted to use hypnotic ultrasounds to force superheroes to kill each other. Hawkeye and Mockingbird defeated Crossfire, but Hawkeye suffered hearing damage due to the villain's ultrasound technology. Hawkeye and Mockingbird eventually eloped. When Hawkeye returned to active duty as an Avenger, the Vision, then Avengers chairman, appointed him to head a new branch of the team based on the West Coast. Hawkeye chose Bobbi as one of his team members, along with Iron Man, Wonder Man, and Tigra. Clint and Bobbi served as the motivating force behind the team. One of the western team's most fateful adventures had Kang the Conqueror scatter them across time. They encountered an Old West vigilante gang consisting of the Phantom Rider, Two-Gun Kid and Rawhide Kid, and joined with them to fight a large criminal outfit headed by the evil Iron Mask. The Phantom Rider came to believe that Mockingbird was a goddess, and since he was one with the spirits, that she should be his. After they had vanquished Iron Mask's gang, the WCA decided to try going back to the time of Kang's reformed self, the Pharaoh Rama-Tut, in order to try and get themselves home. Just before leaving, the Rider kidnapped Mockingbird and rode away. With the rest of the WCA in ancient Egypt, Mockingbird was given an Indian love potion and temporarily forgot her old life and fell in love with the Phantom Rider, who revealed his secret identity as Lincoln Slade. However, Two-Gun and Rawhide were on his trail, determined to recover Barbara. They found the two, but Mockingbird, under the influence of the potion, fought them alongside Lincoln, and she and the Rider escaped. However, as time passed Mockingbird began to slowly fall out of the influence of the potion, and when Two-Gun showed up in a makeshift Hawkeye outfit to jog her memory, she finally broke from Lincoln's influence. She implied that Lincoln had raped her - having had intercourse with her while she was drugged - and rode off to kill the Phantom Rider. Two-Gun and Rawhide were alarmed, knowing the good the Rider had once done and not wishing to kill him, only to see him brought to justice. Mockingbird told them the fight was hers alone, and Two-Gun reluctantly held Rawhide back from following her. Mockingbird confronted the Phantom Rider on a mountain peak he held sacred and in the fight that followed, Lincoln Slade fell from a cliff. He managed to grip the edge of the cliff with his fingers, but in the slickness of the rain that was coming down at the time, he was losing his grip. Mockingbird stood and watched him fall, doing nothing to save him. There was some justice in this, but it also broke the Avengers' code of no killing. Eventually Hawkeye returned to bring Mockingbird back to the present with the rest of the WCA, as the local Indians buried Lincoln in a cave tomb. The couple separated after Clint learned of these events through Phantom Rider's spirit. Along with Tigra and Moon Knight (who had joined after helping the rest of the team in Egypt), Bobbi left the team. They briefly formed a more proactive splinter group; thwarting the High Evolutionary (with aid from Bill Foster) and battling the Night Shift. Meanwhile, the spirit of Lincoln Slade continued to torment Bobbi in the present day. Lincoln Slade's great-great-grandson Hamilton had discovered his ancestor's tomb and become a modern-day Phantom Rider. Lincoln's spirit possessed him, and while doing some good in the world (founding the Rangers for instance]), this new Phantom Rider began to haunt Mockingbird in revenge, and had caused Hawkeye to learn the circumstances of his death. Bobbi tracked down Hamilton Slade (who had no memory of his exploits while possessed), assaulting and nearly killing him before being stopped by Moon Knight. Realizing Hamilton too was a victim, Bobbi sought out Hellstorm and Hellcat to help her exorcise him. Upon performing the ceremony, the onlookers were shocked to see two spirits rise from Hamilton - that of Lincoln, as expected, but also that of Carter Slade, his great-great-uncle, the original Phantom Rider, whom Lincoln had taken over for when the former met an untimely death. Carter's spirit had recognized the madness that afflicted Lincoln even in death, and was battling Lincoln's spirit for dominance within Hamilton as he knew that possessing poor Hamilton and leaving him with no memory of events was wrong. Carter's spirit eventually subdued Lincoln's and when Daimon Hellstrom was prepared to banish Lincoln's spirit forever Carter agreed to go with him, to forever end his brother's menace. However, knowing that Carter's spirit was a force for good and did not deserve banishment, Hamilton Slade, at the exact moment of banishment, willed Carter's spirit to enter his body, transforming him again into the Phantom Rider. After this, Mockingbird parted ways with her fellow ex-WCAers, with Tigra returning to active duty and Moon Knight returning to New York. Mockingbird remained an Avenger, but only in reserve capacity. The rift between Bobbi and Hawkeye grew when Mockingbird proved instrumental in a plot by several world governments to abduct and dismantle the Vision for his near-takeover of the world, giving them access to the Avengers Compound (although she had aborted the plan before anyone was truly harmed). Hearing that a Midwestern-based team was using the name "Great Lakes Avengers", Hawkeye took Mockingbird along with him to investigate. After determining that these "impostors" had no malicious intent, Clint and Bobbi took it upon themselves to train this neophyte crimefighting team. In the wake of the Avengers receiving a United Nations charter, both active teams were revamped. Bobbi received only one vote (from USAgent, who was himself cut) to become an active member. She and Hawkeye still remained at arm's length. Bobbi, as a former Agent of SHIELD, was among those called in by Colonel Nick Fury to help him decommission old SHIELD outposts and technology after shutting the organization down in the wake of the Deltite Affair. This paved the way for the foundation of the second, U.N.-sponsored incarnation of SHIELD. After Operation Galactic Storm (during which Bobbi was part of the team of reservists who remained on Earth), the West Coast team and Vision encountered Ultron once again. This time he was accompanied by his latest "mate", Alkhema, whose brain patterns had been based on Mockingbird's. Alkhema, however, turned on Ultron, and the Avengers won the day. Clint, who had recently re-assumed his Goliath identity, managed to reconcile with his estranged wife at this time. When Mockingbird was captured by Satannish the Supreme, the AWC embarked upon what would be their last mission. The team battled the combined forces of Satannish and Mephisto. During their escape, Bobbi was killed by Mephisto. Shortly thereafter, the Vision disbanded the West Coast team. After death, Bobbi's soul had apparently become trapped in Mephisto's Realm. While there, she was occasionally able to help other heroes. She fought alongside fellow Avenger Hellcat in the Arena of Tainted Souls, and kept company with dead Great Lakes Avengers. After the climactic battle between the Skrulls and Earth's heroes, the individuals replaced by Skrull agents were revealed to be alive and well, including Bobbi. She was apparently one of the first people captured and replaced, with this occurring some time between the start of her relationship with Clint and her apparent "death." The returned Mockingbird then joined her estranged husband and his teammates in the New Avengers. Bobbie formed her private spy organization, the World Counterterrorism Agency, or WCA. She was joined on her first mission by her husband, Clint Barton, as Ronin. After Norman Osborn was replaced by Steve Rogers, the Avengers teams were reorganized and Bobbi joined Luke Cage's team. She and Clint separated after a particularly intense WCA mission involving a new Phantom Rider. During a confrontation with Superia she was grievously injured. To save her life Clint had Nick Fury inject her with a formula that was a functional combination of the Infinity Formula and the Super Soldier Serum. Mockingbird joined S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own Avengers team. During a mission to murder the Scientist Supreme of A.I.M., Bobby was left in A.I.M. Island with no memory of how did she got there, and had to impersonate an A.I.M. agent during her involuntary stay for months. She was discovered, and brainwashed into siding with A.I.M., being one of her first actions the murder of her fellow teammate Taskmaster. Bobbi managed to break from the control and was rescued by her fellow teammates. During a fight against Yelena Belova, Mockingbird used her holo-camouflage on her in order to disguise her as Mockingbird and have her shot by A.I.M. instead of her. She was, however, found and confronted by Andrew Forson. Bobbi fought and defeated him, and left to live under the radar along wtih Daisy Johnson and Bucky Barnes. +This superhero's name is MODOK. Their real name is George Tarleton. +This superhero's name is Mogo. Their real name is Mogo. Mogo was a sentient or "living" planet. When it was desired, its affliation with Green Lantern Corps was marked by its folliage that was arranged into a green band circling the body with the standard Corps lantern symbol. Mogo is also responsible for guiding the Green Lantern rings to new sentient beings after their hosts die. Mogo was not a social Green Lantern (Roche limits being what they are) and its interactions with the rest of the universe were not well-documented. It avoided announcing its presence, preferring to represent itself using pseudonymous holograms. In one incident, it sent holograms to purchase Lobo's dolphins. When Lobo tried to retrieve them, a Mogo hologram persuaded him not to. Lobo never discovered he was dealing with a sentient planet. At the same time, Mogo has allowed alien races to live on its surface and has been willing to change its climatic conditions to suit them. These inhabitants of Mogo may not always know that their home is alive and watching them. Mogo was also the adopted home of a group of Xenomorphs. It seems that years ago, Hal Jordan and a group of fellow Green Lanterns were charged with dealing with these Xenomorphs following the death of a Green Lantern, and Hal Jordan wanted to avoid killing them if possible, believing that they were just animals, and thus were not evil. His solution was to deposit them on Mogo, where they would be a threat to no one and would be able to live. Years after that, however, Kyle Rayner traveled to Mogo to rescue the crew of a crashed freighter. This was Rayner's first encounter with the sentient planet, although he didn't speak to Mogo directly. Mogo traveled to Sector 1014 to seek the aid of Ch'p when he lost contact with the power battery on Oa. Mogo was unaware that the battery had been destroyed and that Ch'p had been killed. Having relied on the emerald energy of the power battery to sustain him, Mogo lost consciousness and drifted through space until he was discovered by a nomadic alien race. These aliens proceeded to strip Mogo of his natural resources and pollute his environment. Mogo's body reacted instinctively, creating constructs to hinder the aliens' efforts to exploit his resources. Mogo was finally rescued by Kyle Rayner, who used his power ring to reawaken the sleeping giant. Mogo offered to allow the aliens to settle on him and offered to take care of all their needs, but the stubborn beings chose to abandon their settlements. Mogo later revealed to Rayner that he was relieved the aliens had left, and that he had planned to give them terrible weather in retaliation for their pollution. Following the resurrection of the Guardians of the Universe and the reestablishment of the Green Lantern Corps, Mogo rejoined the Corps. Mogo requested back-up against Rannian and Thanagarian forces. Green Lanterns Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, Stel and Green Man were dispatched to clear out the enemy fleets, and then enjoyed a respite on Mogo's surface. Mogo had also changed his policy on isolation, now encouraging Green Lanterns to come and enjoy rest on his surface. He has also given counsel to Green Lanterns struggling with their new dual lives. At one point Despotellis infected Mogo with mushroom spores, causing the Green Lanterns receiving counseling to be infected with hallucinations and then driven mad. Guy Gardner, despite being framed for murder caused by this event, managed to figure out what was happening and confirmed it when medic Soranik Natu conducted an analysis on Mogo. Guy and several other Green Lanterns succeeded in removing Mogo of the spore's influence, allowing Mogo to destroy the mother spore. Mogo played a major role in the conclusion of the battle against Superboy-Prime, in which the Green Lantern Corps, Superman and Kal-L to stop the villainous Superboy-Prime. The Supermen, Kal-El and Kal-L, took the deluded Superboy-Prime into the red sun Rao in a desperate gamble to depower him. With their powers waning, the Kryptonians managed to crash land on Mogo, before they would all perish in deep space. The Supermen managed to stop Superboy, but not before he managed to critically injure Kal-L. After the fight, the rest of the Green Lantern Corps took Superboy-Prime into custody. During the Sinestro Corps War, Mogo was responsible for directing Green Lantern Rings to potential new bearers after their Green Lanterns died. Because the Corps was in a constant state of recruitment, he was targeted by the Sinestro Corps for destruction. They used Ranx the Sentient City, enlarged to Mogo's size, to drill to Mogo's core, where the Children of the White Lobe would detonate blink-bombs and kill Mogo. Green Lanterns Kilowog and Salakk lead a force of Green Lanterns to defend Mogo. The Guardians, seeing the number of Green Lanterns dropping while the Sinestro Corps remained static, authorized the Lanterns to use lethal force against their enemies. Sodam Yat destroyed Ranx before he could kill Mogo, and the Sinestro Corps were deprived of their only viable method of attacking Mogo, who was now even more dangerous since he could kill. After the conclusion of the War, Kilowog enjoyed a brief leave with energy constructs of his deceased family on Mogo. In a prophecy narrated to Abin Sur, it is said that Mogo will be the last Green Lantern. In a battle with the Empire of Tears, Ranx the Sentient City will explode a blink-bomb within Mogo's core, killing the sentient planet and ending the Green Lantern Corps forever. The events of the Sinestro Corps War seem to have disproved this prophecy. Mogo plays a significant role during the Blackest Night. During the John Stewart (New Earth) Lantern attack on Oa, Salak orders that all the rings of deceased Lanterns were to head to Mogo, so that the new recruits would not be taken to Oa during the battle. Mogo itself traveled to Oa to help with the battle by increased his gravity to pull the Black Lanterns off of Oa, unfortunately he also drew his fellow Green Lanterns along with them. Once there Mogo pulled all of the Black Lanterns into his core, where their bodies were constantly being incinerated, preventing their regenerative powers from fully restoring them. Mogo also helps to free Guy Gardner from the infulence of the Red Latnern power ring, however he is unable to completely erase its influence and warns Guy of this. Krona, the mad guardian, took over the Green Lantern Corps by implanting Parallax in the Central Power Battery. The takeover included Mogo, who Krona used to recruit more members of the Green Lantern Corps. Kyle Rayner and John Stewart, wearing Blue and Indigo rings respectively, attempted to free him from Krona's control using Kyle's Blue Power Ring. They found Mogo's core, but were assailed by the controlled Corps. They found residue from the Black Lanterns that Mogo had absorbed in the Blackest Night. John was also telepathically connected to the corrupted Mogo, and Krona determined that he could not be freed. Channeling the Black energy with his Indigo Power Ring he produced a massive blast of power that killed Mogo. This produced a wave of psychic feedback that temporarily paralyzed Krona and the Corps. +This superhero's name is Mohinder Suresh. Their real name is Mohinder Suresh. Dr. Mohinder Suresh is a genetics professor from India who took up the research into evolved humans after the death of his father. Steadily unravelling the mysteries of his father's research, as well as determined to find his father's killer, eventually Mohinder joins the Company, and later defected to Pinehearst. Mohinder's research has since made the ground-breaking discovery of the way a normal human could gain abilities, with Mohinder using the new treatment on himself and becoming an artificial evolved human. +This superhero's name is Moloch. Their real name is Edgar William Jacobi. A crime boss from the 1940s through the 1960s, he ran an underground vice den and constructed a solar mirror weapon as part of his nefarious schemes. Over the course of his criminal career, he clashed with Nite Owls, Ozymandias, and Doctor Manhattan. Eventually captured, he spent the 1970s in prison, where he converted to Christianity and gave up his life of crime. At some point during that time, he worked for Dimensional Developments, where he contracted cancer. Following his release, he lived alone in New York City, until his murder in 1985 as part of Ozymandias' plot when Jacobi was shot in the forehead. Rorschach found Jacobi dead with the bullet still in his forehead and was framed for Jacobi's murder. +This superhero's name is Molten Man. Their real name is Mark Raxton. Former lab assistant to Spencer Smythe, Mark Raxton helped to develop an experimental metallic alloy obtained from a meteor containing organic matter. During an argument between the two, the metallic alloy spilled over Raxton�s body and was absorbed into his skin. Fearing for his life, he ran for the nearest hospital, only to discover that the alloy had granted him extraordinary powers. Realizing the potential his new abilities gave him, Raxton, now calling himself the Molten Man turned to crime to further his gains. Peter Parker, as Spider-Man, was forced to nearly miss his high-school graduation to stop the Molten Man's first crime spree. After graduating high school, Elizabeth Allan worked as a nurse to aid Raxton, her step-brother. It was only after Molten Man made an attempt to attack her, he realized that his step-sister was the only member of his family who had not abandoned him. After desperate attempts to cure himself involving criminal activities, Raxton ended up in the Vault, the superhuman prison in the Colorado Rockies. Years later, reconciling with Raxton, Liz and her husband Harry Osborn gave Raxton a job as head of security at Osborn Industries. Raxton supported Liz when Harry went back his villainous ways and later helped Spider-Man to capture him. Molten Man and Spider-Man have since become friends, but when Ben Reilly assumed the role of Spider-Man they have minor disagreement until they allied themselves against Gaunt. Raxton also crossed paths with Daredevil when he was affected by a gas made by Mister Fear. Daredevil managed to dispose the gas before he managed to hurt anyone and revealed that Raxton was betrayed by one of his own people. Some time after that, Molten Man was abducted by Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin, and was brainwashed. Under mind control, Molten Man attacked and killed Osborn's henchwoman Alison Mongrain, who happened to be one of the few people who knew the true cause Mary Jane's miscarriage. While Molten Man has since recovered from the mind control, he still bears a heavy burden of guilt over the incident. Sometime after Superhero Registration Act came a law and Spider-Man had publicly revealed his identity. Chameleon recruited Scarecrow, Will-O'-The-Wisp, Electro and Swarm to the group he himself called Exterminators. He then blackmailed Raxton to join the group by threatening to hurt a child who he was mentoring. They made Liz call Spider-Man to come her apartment by threatening to hurt Normie. When Spider-Man arrived with Black Cat they were attacked by Raxton, Will-O'-The-Wisp and Scarecrow. Spider-Man and Black Cat managed to beat them and Spider-Man made Raxton tell them where Chameleon was. He told that Chameleon was after Aunt May. Raxton apparently was arrested shortly after Spider-Man and Black Cat left to rescue Aunt May. +This superhero's name is Mon-El (CW). Their real name is Mon-El. Mon-El was born on the planet Daxam to his parents, king Lar Gand and queen Rhea. He was raised as a prince to his people and spent most of his life indulging himself in all the benefits of his privileged position, becoming known by many as the "frat boy of the universe". While he was still on Daxam, he went to many different planets; among these was Maaldoria, a world from which his family regularly bought and sold slaves, though he did not personally "agree" with this practice he never tried to stop it, and Warworld, where he oversaw a battle featuring the powerful gladiator Draaga, during which the aforementioned was injured by a sword to the right leg. +This superhero's name is Monarch. Their real name is Nathaniel Christopher Adam. +This superhero's name is Mongul The Elder. Their real name is Mongul. Mongul was the tyrannical ruler of Warworld, an artificial satellite that traveled the galaxy picking up slaves for gladiatorial combat. Superman was picked up by a Warworld slave ship, where the Man of Steel began winning match after match. Mongul finally pitted Superman against the warrior Draaga, one of Warworld's finest. But when Superman refused to kill his foe, Mongul decided to fight Superman himself. Mongul used his gemstone's power to overwhelm Superman, but fortunately the Cleric teleported Superman away from the fight. +This superhero's name is Mongul. Their real name is Mongul II. He is Mongul the elder son. +This superhero's name is Monica Dawson. Their real name is Monica Dawson. Monica Dawson is an evolved human from New Orleans, LA with the ability of adoptive muscle memory. She is Micah's second cousin and acts as a surrogate to him while Niki is away. +This superhero's name is Monstrox. Their real name is Monstrox. The Book of Monsters was formerly a necromancer named Monstrox, who terrorized Knighton with his dark sorcery. Once having been a member of the Wizards' Council and ally to the likes of Merlok, he discovered the Forbidden Powers. The forbidden powers drove him mad and corrupted him as he experimented with dark magic. He then chose to use the forbidden powers and his dark magic to wreck havoc across the land. The Council was left with no other choice but to expel him from the council and end his reign of terror, and so Merlok set out to defeat Monstrox. After Merlok had turned his original army into stone, shrinking his castle to be placed inside a snow globe, Monstrox vowed revenge against Merlok. The good wizard Merlok eventually defeated Monstrox by turning him into a book, dividing most of his evil power among eleven other spell books, believing that he could control him and his powers. Although he knew that destroying the spell books would ensure Monstrox's eternal defeat, Merlok was reluctant to sacrifice sources of such potent (if evil) magic. He took the books (including the former Monstrox) to his library, where they sat on a shelf for many years. Following his defeat, Monstrox bided his time and plotted revenge against the Kingdom of Knighton. Knowing that he still had some power even in his book form, he waited years to find someone that he could manipulate into acting as his pawn. He found it in a young Jestro, dropping out of The Knight's Academy, voicing his insecurities and concerns with Merlok. Realizing he could use Jestro's insecurities against him he spent the next five or six years plotting. His plan eventually came to fruition when Jestro found the Book of Monsters after wandering off after the embarrassment and humiliation of his failed performance at the Knight's graduation. Sensing a perfect pawn at last, the Book manipulated and coerced Jestro into becoming a "bad boy," promising him tremendous power that would stop anyone from laughing at him ever again. With the Book's power, Jestro summoned a lava monster army, including a Book Keeper to hold the Book of Monsters so Jestro wouldn't have to. They then planned out multiple attacks on the Kingdom of Knighton, but were pushed back and defeated.During the ensuing war, the Book of Monsters encouraged Jestro to seek out the other eleven spell books which contained his remaining power, explaining that he could perform new and stronger spells by consuming them. Despite the Nexo Knights' best efforts and a number of other setbacks (including Jestro himself returning to the side of good), the Book eventually succeeded, restoring Monstrox's full power. He promptly attempted to possess Clay, sending his army to delay the other knights when they arrived to save their comrade. The knights held their own against the lava monsters, but this only allowed Monstrox to reabsorb their energy, making him powerful enough to defeat them all in a single strike. Just when all hope seemed lost, Clay was given the sword Techcalibur, containing Merlok's data, by the Black Knight mech, who allowed himself to be sucked into Monstrox's mouth. Overcome by the pure magic energy, the villain exploded spectacularly, taking all of his summoned monsters with him and leaving only the charred cover of his book form. The Kingdom of Knighton celebrated Monstrox's defeat, but Jestro saw the former necromancer's face in a distant cloud, hinting at his survival.Unbeknownst to the kingdom, Merlok's sacrifice only served to destroy the Book of Monsters' pages, the binding was preserved and Monstrox lived on as the evil spirit within endured in the form of a living storm cloud. Enraged at yet another failure, Monstrox changed his plans from conquering Knighton to destroying it outright and mind controlled Jestro into becoming evil again. He then set about reviving his original army of monsters by using his new lightning abilities to reanimate their petrified bodies, all the while planning to unleash the Stone Colossus. +This superhero's name is Moon Knight. Their real name is Marc Spector. Spector's father, a rabbi, managed to escape Germany when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. Spector was born in the US. His mother died soon afterward. Marc refused to follow his father's calling; he could not understand why Elias never fought back against persecution. Instead he became a prize fighter, but when his father got into the ring one night to stop him, Marc punched him. The next morning he enlisted in the Marines. He never saw his father again. After two tours of duty, he became a field agent of the CIA. There he worked with several people who would later interact with Moon Knight, including William Cross, Amos Lardner, and his own brother, Randall Spector. Randall killed Spector's girlfriend Lisa with a hatchet to keep her from exposing a gun-running scheme; Spector retaliated with a grenade and assumed Randall was dead. After leaving the CIA, Spector became a soldier-for-hire. During this period he befriended "Frenchie" Duchamp, who became his professional partner. They took on several assignments, mainly in Africa and South America. Spector later went to trial for assassinating the president of Bosqueverde, a South American country; such assignments paid well, though, and Spector invested wisely. Spector and du Champ took on a job in Sudan for Raoul Bushman. Whereas Spector worked for the money, Bushman seemed to enjoy plunder and killing. When Bushman massacred the inhabitants of Selima, as well as archaeologist Peter Alraune, to find an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb, Spector could stomach no more. He got Alraune's daughter Marlene to safety at the tomb and challenged Bushman, who mortally wounded him in the desert. Spector managed to reach the tomb before he collapsed, and Marlene and the crew laid him beneath an idol of Khonshu. His spirit had an encounter with Khonshu, who promised to save his life in exchange for his service. Spector agreed, although he later considered this encounter a hallucination. Restored to life, he punished Bushman's men, while Bushman himself escaped. Finally having found a purpose in life, Spector applied himself with a will. He, du Champ, and Alraune (now his lover) moved to New York, taking the idol along. With their help he developed the costume, equipment, and persona of Moon Knight. With his fortune he could not only support his new career of fighting crime, he could create another persona: Steven Grant, financier. Finally, to gather information at street level, he created a fourth persona: Jake Lockley, cab driver. His original persona, with its multiple facets, faded into the background. Still, leading four separate lives put great mental stress on Spector. Lockley developed a network of informants, including the homeless Bertrand Crawley, diner owner Gena Johnson, and her sons Ricky and Ray. Spector's first major job as Moon Knight came when the Committee hired him to capture a werewolf named Jack Russell. He succeeded, in large part thanks to the silver cesti he was equipped with. However, he learned that the Committee planned to turn Russell's sister into another werewolf and use them both as weapons. He did the honorable thing and switched sides; Spector and Russell shut down the Committee. Spector faced Conquer-Lord on his own before briefly joining the Defenders to battle a Life-Model Decoy version of the Zodiac. The first skeleton from Spector's closet to bedevil Moon Knight was William Cross (now the villain Crossfire), from whom Spector rescued the Thing. He met Spider-Man for the first time when they teamed up against the Masked Marauder, who at the time called himself "Big M" and employed the original Cyclone. Moon Knight had reached the big time and encountered super-villains with more frequency. Very early on, he had to face a serial killer dubbed the Hatchet-Man, who claimed to be his brother Randall. Spector investigated the death of Amos Lardner when his body arrived in a crate on Spector's doorstep. He learned that Amos' brother James had become a test subject in a CIA experiment (one that Spector himself had participated in), and when Amos investigated, he was forced to undergo the same treatment and committed suicide as a result. Spector faced other menaces: some super-powered, some insane, some simply ambitious, but all dangerous. He confronted the Jimmy Crawley Slasher, a man slaying homeless people in a effort to find his father. He tracked down Bushman and sent him to jail, but Bushman struck back by having Midnight Man (a more recent foe) destroy Spector's idol of Khonshu. By this time Spector was convinced that Khonshu had given him his powers, as well as a focus in life. His precarious self-control broke down until Marlene produced another idol, which she claimed was the original. Moon Knight's next major foe, Morpheus, turned out to be a patient of Doctor Peter Alraune, Marlene's brother. The idol of Khonshu sustained Spector again when he first encountered the Black Spectre, who tried to terrorize people into supporting his bid for mayor. Nobody, including Dr. Alraune, believed Spector when he claimed that Knowles was the Black Spectre, but Khonshu gave him the strength to prevail. A battle with the Fly left Spector unable to walk, but he quickly recovered. To stop an ancient Egyptian curse, Spector briefly hosted the spirit of a priest of Khonshu, which helped to integrate his personalities. When Spector learned that his estranged father was dying, he had a change of heart, but he arrived in Chicago too late. To his horror, Spector found his father's tomb empty and his papers stolen. After his father's death, Spector was outraged when his body was stolen by Reuben Davis, a former student of Elias Spector who had mastered Kaballah. Using the body as a power source, Davis took the name Zohar and used his magical power to punish Marc Spector for his sins. Moon Knight defeated Zohar, but Spector subsequently suffered another serious mental breakdown and decided to abandon all of his alternate identities to settle down with Marlene; By reconciling with his father's legacy, though, he found a measure of peace and decided to retire from crime-fighting. As part of his new life, Spector gave up his Grant identity and sold the idol at a gallery in Paris. He had a vision, however, telling him that "the image is delivered up to evil." Called back to action as Moon Knight, he learned that Marlene could no longer tolerate his schizophrenic behavior, and she left him. In the Egyptian Valley of the Kings, Spector met three ancients priests of Khonshu, who told him that Khonshu had chosen him as an earthly champion and gave him new weapons. Only later did Spector realize that Khonshu himself was influencing him subconsciously. Spector joined the West Coast Avengers for a time after rescuing some of their members who had been time-shifted to Pharaonic Egypt. Hawkeye got help from Khonshu, in exchange for designing Moon Knight's new weaponry. Khonshu alerted Spector in the present day, who helped the Avengers return home safely. While an Avenger, Spector for a time became romantically involved with Tigra, but he never became a true team player. After a while, there was a controversy amongst the team upon the discovery that Hawkeye's wife Mockingbird had allowed the Phantom Rider (who had sexually assaulted her) to die while cast away in time. Spector, Tigra, and Mockingbird left the team as a splinter group. Together with Bill Foster they daunted the High Evolutionary, and they also fought the Night Shift. When they consulted with Hellstorm about Phantom Rider's ghost haunting Mockingbird, Spector learned of Khonshu's presence in his own psyche, and Hellstorm convinced the moon god to depart. Freed from Khonshu's meddling, Spector left the "mainstream" hero business and gave up the mystic weapons the priests had given him. Back in New York, Spector reunited with Marlene and went back to less-cosmic crime-fighting. He soon learned that Jeff Wilde, the son of his old foe Midnight Man, had tried to take his place during his time on the West Coast and now wanted to become an ally. The new Midnight fought crime for some time together with Spector, until Midnight was seemingly disintegrated during battle with the Secret Empire. Wilde had survived, however, and was turned into a cyborg soldier by the Secret Empire, told that Moon Knight had been responsible for his father's death. These difficulties with the Empire drew Spector (as well as Darkhawk, New Warriors Night Thrasher and Nova, the Punisher, and Spider-Man) into a near war. At the end of the climactic battle, Wilde again seemingly perished, this time crushed by debris when the Empire's headquarters collapsed around him. Spector underwent another near-death experience. He then found that his brother Randall had survived, and in addition had been trying to take his place as Khonshu's champion. Randall (as Shadowknight) succeeded in usurping Spector's powers temporarily. With the Punisher's help, Spector defeated Shadowknight. The power levels of his foes kept increasing, so Spector continually upgraded his own equipment. He retooled his Kevlar armor and steel crescent darts with adamantium, and his public persona with a firm named Spectorcorp. During the Infinity War, Spector had to contend with Moonshade, an evil twin of himself created by the Magus (himself an evil twin of Adam Warlock). Luckily, Moonshade suffered from the same blunted focus caused by Spector's multiple personalities, while Moonshade's threat had the effect of sharpening Spector's own focus. Moonshade also had an Achilles' heel: the adamantium in Spector's new weapons. During another cosmic event, the Infinity Crusade, the Goddess (another aspect of Warlock) selected Spector as one of the most spiritual beings on Earth, thanks to his near-death experiences and his devotion to Khonshu. Seth Phalkon (actually the Egyptian god Seth) attacked Spectorcorp with a computer virus. Rather than let it destroy the entire conglomerate and his employees, Spector quarantined it in his own building, Shadowkeep, along with himself. He died in the ensuing meltdown. Khonshu resurrected Spector again to counter another plot by Seth, who had recruited Spector's old foes Bushman, the Black Spectre, and Morpheus. Using an idol of Seth, they tried to break up a peace conference at the UN. Spector foiled the plot by destroying the idol. The CIA tried to assassinate Spector because he knew too much about their mind-control programs. With an old flame from the agency, Candace Calder, he exposed the latest refinements in their sinister schemes. Spector journeyed back to the spirit realm to help the Black Panther reconnect with Bast, his own patron deity. Although Nightmare impersonated Khonshu and tried to divert them from their purpose, the real Khonshu helped them finish the quest. Some time later, Spector was approached by Doorman of the Great Lakes Champions (then called the Great Lakes Avengers), who was seeking new blood for his team after Dinah Soar's death and Mr. Immortal's (repeated) suicide attempts. However, Spector mistook Doorman for the Midnight Man, leading to an altercation. Needless to say, Moon Knight did not end up joining the Great Lakes Avengers. Despite his mistrust of teams, Spector joined a group that tried to bring in the Punisher for his excessive vigilantism, and he put up the funds for a headquarters. Zaran wounded Spector severely, and the team's building exploded in the same attack. Drained of money, health, and enthusiasm, Spector retired again. Spector finally exorcised one of his demons when he killed Bushman in mortal combat. He survived, albeit with broken knees. Crippled and despondent, he turned to drugs and alcohol. The Civil War passed him by, although both Captain America and Iron Man tried to enlist him for their sides. Recent encounters have forced Spector to shake off his lethargy, at the price of some psychological stability. He still believes that he is Khonshu's champion, but in his mind Khonshu wears the face of Bushman. So far he has faced a returned Midnight, the Taskmaster, and a revitalized Committee. Recently he had to fake his own death when Osborn sent his Thunderbolts to kill him. After that he fled to mexico for a while and eventually met up with the Punisher. Moon Knight returns to New York after faking his death with Jake Lockley as his dominant personality, but still struggles against his violent nature and is hounded by a small imaginary tormentor resembling a man in the Moon Knight costume with a bird skull who goads him to kill. While trying to walk the path of a hero he makes a bold return taking on many criminals but killing none of them, now the people of New York begin to see him as a hero and not a murderous vigilante much to Norman Osborn's disdain. Jake's personality has been one of struggle against the inner demon trying to get him to kill while juggling sobriety. Most recently he was met by the Sentry who asks him "Who do you think you are, a hero?" Later the Sentry takes Moon Knight across the city while he saves people and stops crimes telling Lockley that eventually he will be tested and that he will fail to which Moon Knight replies "So will you". They stare each other down for a moment before the Sentry eventually leaves. +This superhero's name is Moonstone. Their real name is Karla Sofen. Karla grew up in the mansion of a Hollywood producer, the child of a butler. After her father died, her mother worked three jobs to put her daughter through college, and Karla vowed never to end up like her mother, to never put another's needs before her own. Despite building a successful psychological practice, Karla so disliked being dependent on her patients for income that she entered the super-criminal world as an aide to Doctor Faustus. Learning of Moonstone (Lloyd Bloch), she became his psychologist and manipulated him into rejecting the source of his powers, an extraterrestrial gem of considerable power, which she then absorbed to gain the powers of Moonstone. Karla worked briefly for the Corporation, controlling the Hulk and manipulating General "Thunderbolt" Ross into a nervous breakdown. She continued to pursue greater power, stealing Curt Connors' Enervator and searching the moon's surface for further moonstone fragments. First Egghead and then Baron Zemo recruited Moonstone for their Masters of Evil, and she aided each against the Avengers. After the last of these fights, she decided to serve out her prison term and give up her criminal life. However, when Zemo formed a group of villains to masquerade as heroes, he broke Moonstone out of the Vault and she returned to villainy as the Thunderbolt Meteorite. Upon encountering a young victim of Arnim Zola's genetic manipulations, a youngster by the name of Jolt, Moonstone nudged Zemo into accepting her in the team. She soon became a mother figure to Jolt and used her enthusiasm to create a power-base inside the team, rallying the others behind her. Zemo exposed the true nature of the team, but Moonstone opposed him, followed by MACH-1, Songbird, and Jolt. Zemo had brainwashed the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, but the small team of Thunderbolts, with the help of Iron Man, was able to defeat Zemo and Techno, his ally. After the battle the Thunderbolts had decided to pay for their crimes, but they were unwittingly teleported to an alternate dimension. In this world, known as Kosmos, Moonstone led the team to safety from the Kosmosian army and eventually executed the Kosmosian Primotur to ensure their return to Earth. Inspired by Jolt, she made the Thunderbolts see that it would be preferable to work for their redemption as heroes, rather than to be in jail. After gaining fake identities for the team, she led them away from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Lightning Rods, and she managed to defeat Graviton using her psychological skills, making him see that he did not truly have a goal, that he lacked vision. However, the Thunderbolts disagreed with her, for she merely thought of the present and did not care for the future consequences of her actions. When the former Avenger known as Hawkeye joined the team, claiming they would be pardoned if they followed him, she stepped down as leader and allowed him to get the position. Soon after the Thunderbolts fought the new Masters of Evil, a veritable army of supervillains, and Moonstone decided to betray the team. But something inside of her snapped, and she defeated Crimson Cowl and returned to the team. Weeks after, Graviton returned, having pondered the words of Karla. He took over the city of San Francisco, turning it into an island in the skies. Thunderbolts attempted to stop him, but they were captured. Graviton offered Moonstone a place at his side, as his queen, but she laughed in his face. As the youngest members of the team saved them, Moonstone wondered why she didn't take Graviton's offer. During a mission against the Secret Empire, she become romantically involved with Hawkeye. But as time went by, she became haunted by nightmares of an ancient alien warrior woman, who whispered in her thoughts. Soon after, the team was targeted by Scourge, who killed Jolt. The death of the youngster hit Karla deeply. Subsequently, Citizen V asked for help against her own team, the V-Battalion, and the Thunderbolts agreed to do so, engaging the V-Battalion's operatives in battle. Karla was torn about fighting them, for they were heroes. She released a surge of her powers to stop the fight, making them all intangible, and fled, trying to find out what was wrong with her. Her first stop was Attilan, but the Inhumans were gone. She then searched the Fantastic Four's computers and found the answer she was looking for. She flew under her own power to the Blue Area of the Moon, where she sought the Kree Supreme Intelligence and demanded the truth. The Supreme Intelligence revealed to her that the fragment she referred to as the "Moonstone" was part of a Kree Lifestone, which used to empower the Guardians of the Galaxy centuries ago. The alien warrior woman that haunted her dreams was the previous owner of the moonstone, whose memory was etched into it, and kept steering Karla into the path of heroism. The Thunderbolts managed to catch up with her, and so did Captain Marvel, who offered her help. Led by Captain Marvel, the Thunderbolts went to Titan, where Mentor and ISAAC attempted to remove the moonstone from Karla's body. After a serious discussion about Karla's potential to do good, Mentor allowed her to keep the gem but erased the memory of the previous owner, leaving Karla's mind, and by consequence, her decisions, to herself. The team returned to Earth, only to find Jolt alive. She exposed Hawkeye, revealing the pardons Hawkeye promised would not be honored. Soon, the Thunderbolts chased Scourge, who was being manipulated by Henry Peter Gyrich. Thunderbolts fought the V-Battalion's Redeemers but eventually teamed up with them to defeat Gyrich, who was being manipulated as well. Valerie Cooper offered the Thunderbolts pardon for saving the world from her own people, with the condition that they would hang up their heroic identities forever. Karla Sofen was soon contacted by Graviton, who hired her as a tutor. In the following weeks Karla helped Graviton understand and control his powers in ways he had not even dreamed, making him fall in love with her. Graviton soon attacked the Redeemers, slaughtering the team. He also managed to keep many of Earth's heroes unmoving in the sky, as he lifted hundreds of cities all over the world as well, for he wanted to reshape the face of Earth into a semblance of his face. The Thunderbolts re-formed to stop him, only to find Karla at his side. In the end, she hesitated fighting them and helped them stop Graviton. However, his power imploded, sending most of the Thunderbolts to Counter-Earth. While trapped on Counter-Earth, the Thunderbolts became true heroes at last, rescuing thousands in their flying city, Attilan. Karla was given the task of reshaping the minds of the world's leaders, creating a new way of thought to ensure the survival of all. Soon after, Karla removed a second moonstone from that world's Lloyd Bloch (known there as the Phantom Eagle), dramatically increasing her own powers. The Thunderbolts eventually returned to Earth, leaving Jolt and the Young Allies to complete their task of saving Counter-Earth. When the Avengers later interfered in the Thunderbolts' plan to control the world's "transnormal energy", a failsafe was triggered-- a device that Karla had planted in her private plot against Zemo. The stolen energy was funneled into her moonstones, further increasing her powers. Karla attempted to use this energy to flee, but the Thunderbolts and Avengers combined forces to stop her. In the end, Zemo ended up in possession of both moonstones and Karla was left comatose. +This superhero's name is Morbius. Their real name is Michael Morbius. Dr. Michael Morbius was a brilliant scientist born in Greece who became a Nobel Prize winning biochemist. He suffered from a debilitating blood disease and developed an experimental treatment involving vampire bats and electroshocks. Its side effects turned him into a pseudo-vampire who needed to consume blood in order to survive, and gained typical vampire characteristics. His overall appearance changed as well: he gained fangs, his nose flattened to appear more bat-like, and his skin became extremely pale. +This superhero's name is Morlun. Their real name is Morlun. Morlun is a vampiric being who has walked the earth for centuries. He feeds on the totems-- the core power sources of the universe. While he can feed on lesser sources such as humans and super humans, he requires a pure source to fully satiate his hunger. In his initial appearance, Morlun drew Spider-Man, who possessed the power of a pure totem, to him. Spider-Man and Morlun battled in the streets of New York, but it was quickly revealed that Spider-Man was no match for Morlun's overwhelming powers. Before he left, Spider-Man was warned that now that Morlun had touched him, he could find him anywhere. Hoping to throw Morlun off, Spider-Man changed into his civilian clothes, but Morlun's warning struck true, and Spider-Man was found. Having been offered earlier a place of refugee by Ezekiel, Spider-Man sought help from him. Ezekiel told Spider-Man that he was out of luck, as Morlun could now track him anywhere. There was nothing Ezekiel could do. Facing Morlun again, Spider-Man was surprised when Ezekiel leaped to Spider-Man's rescue, battling Morlun to his apparent death. Satisfied with the life force he absorbed from Ezekiel, Morlun left to return at a later notice. Unable to find Ezekiel's body, Spider-Man noticed that in his fight with Morlun, Ezekiel had managed to shed some blood from him. Studying the blood, Spider-Man came up with a plan to defeat his enemy. Morlun tracked Spider-Man to a nuclear power plant, where Spider-Man seemed as if he was dead, having absorbed great amounts of radiation. When Morlun went to touch Spider-Man, his hand was burned. His strength returned, Spider-Man revealed that whatever totemic powers might have been given to him by the spider, the radiation had played a role, and thus his powers were not pure. Spider-Man proceeded to deliver a sound beating to Morlun, but when Morlun was at death's door, he hesitated. Suddenly, Dex, Morlun's servant who had endured great suffering underneath his masters rule, drew a gun he had stolen and killed Morlun. Spider-Man let Dex go, and left, thinking that his nigh invincible foe was dead. Morlun mysteriously returned months later and plagued Spider-Man by sudden and mysterious appearances, warning him that he was coming. Spider-Man, for a reason not explainable by science, was dying, and Morlun hung back to watch the causes and effects of his ailment. Finally, Morlun struck, and in a climactic battle, Morlun delivered Spider-Man the worst beating any hero had ever endured. Morlun left when the police arrived, opting for a more appropriate time to absorb Spider-Man's life force, leaving the web slinger at death's door with only one eye. Returning soon thereafter, Morlun entered Spider-Man's room in the Emergency Ward and prepared to feast. Peter's wife, who was standing by his side, tried to stop Morlun. As it appeared he would kill Mary Jane, Spider-Man suddenly sprung to life in a ferocious display of mysterious new powers. Using stingers that sprouted from his arms, Spider-Man was seemed to eat his essence as Morlun had. Morlun apparently died, crumbling to dust. It remains to be seen whether this was a permanent death, or if the vampiric totem eater will rise again. +This superhero's name is Morph. Their real name is Kevin Sydney. Morph has been succesful since his mutant abilities manifested in his early teens. Immediately able to control his powers, he hid his abilities from others. It was not until Professor Charles Xavier asked him to enter his mutant academy that Morph realized his own potential. Xavier made him a part of his young team of New Mutants. Morph quickly became a best friend to all of his teammates and, although he was not the group's official leader, he was looked upon as a trusted confidant. He even completed a degree in computer engineering during his time on the team. Promoted to the X-Men, Morph's sense of humor initially grated upon the much more serious team but eventually his humor and humility won them over. He was instrumental in many of the team's victories and was chosen to be part of a pilot program with the Avengers, along with the Beast, as a public representative of mutantkind. Morph would return to the X-Men because, in his own words, "he missed his freaky mutant brothers and sisters." On a subsequent mission, Morph and the rest of the X-Men were facing off against a threat known only as Stonehenge when Morph became unhinged from time. The Timebroker informed Morph and the rest of the Exiles that the chains of reality had been corrupted and the lives they remembered would be changed if they didn't do as he asked. Morph discovered that in his reality he would be injured and put into a coma during a battle with the Morlocks. This coma would cause his physical composition to break down, leaving him in a liquid state. Morph adjusted to the stressful situation as he always did -- he joked about it. The team looked to him for comic relief from time to time, although he did grate on people's nerves in more stressful situations. Eventually, he would display his intellect on missions, including a battle with Galactus and saving a planet from a techno version of the Legacy Virus. The most important thing to happen to Morph occurred before their second mission. Mariko Yashida, her reality's Sunfire, replaced the dead Magnus, and Morph took it upon himself to help her adjust to the situation. The two became close and Morph began having strong feelings for her. During a brief rest from their hectic missions, the team asked Sunfire to go on a shopping spree with Morph so the rest of them could sunbathe without worrying about Morph's juvenile behavior. During their time together Morph revealed that his feelings for her were more than those just friendly. Sunfire told him that she was actually a lesbian. Morph took the news surprisingly well and hid his emotions in his usual manner - he joked about them. Morph still harbored deep feelings for Sunfire but kept it hidden. The Exiles battled on, fixing reality after reality and struggling to keep it together. Following one of these missions the team was kidnapped by Mojo, the insane evil dictator of the Mojoverse. Mojo considered Morph the best entertainer he had ever seen and brought him back to entertain the masses. If he didn't, Mojo would kill his fellow Exile, Nocturne. Eventually, Nocturne was able to escape and set Morph free. Mojo went crazy and threatened to kill Morph's friends. An enraged Morph was on the verge of killing Mojo when the Timebroker stopped them. The Timebroker revealed Mojo had disrupted time but he was a necessary evil and could not be killed. Morph continued to be the heart of the team until a mission in which Mimic was taken over by a Brood egg. During the battle, he killed Sunfire. Mimic was eventually cured but Morph was enraged. He was devastated by Sunfire's death and told Mimic he should have killed himself rather than let something like this happen. Morph stormed off and threatened to leave the team. Magik, an unlikely ally, followed and tried to calm him. The two connected and despite her past attitude during missions, Morph realized Illyana was just a scared girl trying to get home. He remained angry with Mimic but helped his team fight against the rogue reality-hopping team, Weapon X. Before the battle began, Magik attempted to switch sides, believing her team was weaker. Hyperion, the self-appointed leader of Weapon X, snapped her neck and Morph was driven into a rage. He attacked Hyperion, who attempted to blast Morph with his eyebeams, but Mimic saved him. During the brawl with Weapon X, Morph fought against an evil Ms. Marvel. Their battle caused a building to fall in on them, killing Ms. Marvel but Morph was able to survive. The Exiles were triumphant and the Timebroker told Morph he could finally go home. His mission was fulfilled. Morph considered the offer but asked if he could stay with his team. He realized they needed him and he couldn't leave them behind. The Timebroker agreed; Morph asked him not to tell the rest of the Exiles of his decision. Morph and Mimic reconciled. Morph realized that Sunfire's death was not Mimic's fault and that the Brood was controlling him. The team moved on. Morph was the first Exile to think of turning down an offer made by the Timebroker. Whether or not this is possible for all of them is unknown. Morph may someday regret staying with the team, but for now he seems content standing by his new family. +This superhero's name is Morro. Their real name is Morro. A young Morro was found by Wu, while he and a few other children were rummaging through the monastery's trash bins. The young master took pity on the boy and gave him food, as well as offering to train him in the ways of the Ninja. He was considered by Wu to be the perfect student as he undertook any obstacle that his master would throw at him. Morro was eventually gifted a kite by Wu; by playing with it, Morro discovered that he was a descendant of an Elemental Master of Wind. Upon this revelation, Wu revealed that he believed Morro was to be the Green Ninja. Unfortunately, Morro became arrogant with the thought of having the Green Ninja's power, though he was dismayed to find that the Golden Weapons did not react with him, a sign that would indicate the true Green Ninja. The Master of Wind became obsessed with proving his master—and destiny—wrong, and left the monastery, declaring that he would never return until he found the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master, and in his journeys committed multiple atrocities. Arriving at the ancient library of Domu for answers, he discovered a passage referring to a "cave in the deep," and misinterpreting its meaning, journeyed to the Caves of Despair, a mistake that would prove fatal; while exploring, he became trapped in a cave with a kethanol geyser and was killed by the toxic gas. His spirit was then banished to the Cursed Realm for his actions, where he pledged his service to the Preeminent. Plotting to free his mistress and curse the Sixteen Realms, Morro came into contact with Fenwick, and the latter, fearing for his safety, agreed to assist the Cursed Realm by rewriting destiny so that Morro would be able to leave when given the chance to escape. Escape +This superhero's name is Morty Smith. Their real name is Morty Smith. Morty is the grandson of Rick Sanchez and his assistant in their adventure through space +This superhero's name is Moses Magnum. Their real name is Moses Magnum. Moses Magnum was fascinated with weapons as a youth. When Italy invaded Ethiopia, he joined the invaders against his own people. He eventually became the world’s foremost independent weapons manufacturer. When Magnum’s Deterrence Research Corporation (DRC) was hired to develop a toxic biochemical gas, he tested it on kidnapped innocents. The Punisher (Frank Castle) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) shut down this operation, though Magnum narrowly escaped death. As Magnum Force, he established a mining operation on Katsyu Shima island to tap Earth’s core’s potential energy. His forces abducted geophysicist Amanda Sheridan for her knowledge of the region, but they were opposed by Power Man (Luke Cage), hired to protect her by Sheridan’s grandmother, whose grandson and his family had been killed by Magnum. Magnum’s drilling triggered a massive earthquake which Cage and Sheridan escaped, but Magnum fell into the drill shaft to his apparent death. He was saved by the mutant conqueror Apocalypse, who gave Magnum seismic powers in return for his servitude. Supplied with additional technology by They Who Wield Power, Magnum subsequently threatened to sink Japan if he was not proclaimed its ruler, destroying the port city of Agarashima to prove his intentions. Opposed by the visiting X-Men and national hero Sunfire, Magnum ultimately unleashed his power but was countered by Banshee, who burned out his own power to block Magnum’s seismic energy. The resultant explosion destroyed Magnum’s base, but Magnum survived. Re-establishing his company as Magnum Munitions, Magnum purchased the classified Deathlok cyborg technology from Cybertek. After the criminal High-Tech stole the technology, Magnum sent one of his agents in a massive “Terrordome” weapons platform to retrieve it, but was thwarted by Deathlok (Michael Collins). Magnum subsequently bid against rival weapons manufacturers Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) for a defense contract, destroying their world headquarters after they refused to withdraw their bid. Magnum used the subsequent profits to outfit a new army, conquering the African nation Canaan and seeking to restructure it into a homeland for African-Americans. Magnum then sought to ensure Canaan’s economic independence by invading neighboring Wakanda, but Wakanda’s king, the Black Panther (T'Challa), foiled the invasion with Deathlok’s aid. For his failures, Apocalypse punished Magnum by stripping him of control over his power, resulting in Magnum triggering an earthquake whenever he touched solid ground. Desperate to redeem himself, Magnum made base on the massive floating resort Evangeline and had his forces steal an experimental seismic cannon to help stabilize his powers, bringing them into conflict with the Avengers. His control over his powers seemingly enhanced by the cannon, Magnum intended to destroy the U.S. Eastern seaboard, but was opposed by the Avengers and neophyte heroes Triathlon and Silverclaw. Knocked onto the nearby island of Martinique during the battle, Magnum triggered an earthquake that opened up a chasm beneath him, once again falling to his apparent death. +This superhero's name is Mr Incredible. Their real name is Robert Parr. Mr. Incredible's primary superpower is super strength. He is seen bench-pressing locomotives and throwing boulders at speed, even in middle age; presumably his strength was even higher in his prime. This gives him a leaping ability of a few stories, with corresponding agility. He also has good swimming ability, though not as a separate power (he also doesn't hold his breath very well underwater and therefore has to cough for air upon surfacing). His strength also presumably gives him superhuman speed, as he can run significantly faster than a normal human--though not as fast as his son Dash. He's also very agile for a man of his size. The next most significant power is durability. Mr. Incredible can withstand tremendous amounts of physical trauma, including multistory falls, the direct impact of a train, and breaking through brick walls. He can be cut, though, with very hard metals and a suitable amount of force. His third and final power is extremely sharp senses. This power is seen when Bomb Voyage is about to blow open the vault of a skyrise building; Mr. Incredible is able to hear the faint beeping of the bomb from the other side of a thick wall. Mr. Incredible's chief drawback appears to be his ego, especially his vanity and desire to "relive the glory days." No origin is given for him or his powers, and only very little backstory is told about him. It is presumed that his powers are a birth trait, as with all other explicitly-stated superpowers in the Incredibles Universe. In the Operation Kronos database, Mr. Incredible was given a threat rating of 9.1, the highest rating of any of the Supers. +This superhero's name is Mr.Krabs. Their real name is Eugene Krabs. +This superhero's name is Ms. America. Their real name is America Chavez. +This superhero's name is Ms Marvel II. Their real name is Sharon Ventura. Sharon Ventura was the daughter of a career officer in the United States Army. Her mother died while she was young, and she grew used to being constantly shipped to various towns when her father was transferred. Her father had apparently wanted a son, so he never really encouraged her or praised her for doing anything right. She enrolled in military school, but she was kicked out when she refused to testify against a roommate who was suspected of cheating on some exams. Her father never could forgive her for that, and he died a year later, still angry with her. She spent the next few years of her life training in a number of dangerous physical activities. She then began to earn money in such professions as movie stunt work. She joined the Thunderider motorcycle stunt team, and stayed with them for a while. While on the team, she met Ben Grimm, the hero known as the Thing. Ben was attracted to her because she reminded him of his dream girl, Tarianna, whom he had met and lost on a planet created by the omnipotent Beyonder. Sharon became fond of Ben, but she could not return his romantic feelings towards her. While Ben was a member of the World Class Wrestling Federation, Sharon met Auntie Freeze, a manager for a group of female wrestlers called the Grapplers. Freeze offered Sharon a chance to join the Grapplers if she would go through a special strength augmentation process. Sharon agreed and went through most of the treatment, which was administered by the criminal Dr. Karl Malus. She suddenly realized that she was cheating herself by having her potential artificially increased. She escaped before Malus could inject her with the final drug of the process, which was actually a highly addictive drug that would make her dependent on Malus for the drug in the future. Sharon had actually completed the augmentation process and was now much stronger. Sharon contacted Auntie Freeze and joined the Grapplers, wearing a colorful costume and calling herself Ms. Marvel. When Freeze learned that Sharon had not completed the treatment, she was forced to order the Grapplers to capture Sharon. Sharon escaped, with the help of the Thing. During the battle, the Thing started to mutate and change. Sharon helped Ben get to a hospital, and then accidentally became involved in a battle with the hero She-Hulk. While they were fighting, the Thing left the hospital, not wanting them see his newly mutated body. For a while, Ms. Marvel looked for Malus. During her search, she met the Captain (a brief alternate identity used by Captain America), and she was molested by some men. A little later she joined the hero team Fantastic Four, reuniting with the Thing. While battling the Arabic electronic terrorist, Fasaud, the Thing and Mrs. Marvel were forced to take one of Fasaud's space shuttles. They defeated Fasaud in outer space, but the shuttle was badly damaged in the battle. The shuttle, crash landed somewhere in the African jungles of Wakanda. During the flight down, the shuttle and its occupants were bombarded with cosmic rays. After crashing, the Thing found himself farther mutated, and Sharon had mutated into a form similar to that of Ben when he originally turned into the Thing. At one point Doctor Doom offered to restore her to her original form, in return for betraying the Fantastic Four. She violently disagreed, having become romantically involved with the Thing, and defeated Dr. Doom in battle. Despite her rejection of Dr. Doom, Sharon was rebuffed by the Thing, who couldn't accept that she would ever ally with the villain. Sharon ultimately tried to commit suicide, but failed. She was placed in a stasis tube by Mr. Fantastic so that he might work on a cure for her condition. Before Mr. Fantastic could cure her, he seemingly died in battle with Dr. Doom. Sharon was freed by the villain Klaw and recruited as a part of the Wizard's Frightful Four team. She fought the Fantastic Four with the Frightful Four on a couple of occasions, but in the latest confrontation, Sharon abandoned the group after a conversation with the Fantastic Four's ally, Wyatt Wingfoot. Wyatt offered Sharon a place on his tribe's reservation while she came to grips with her situation, and she agreed. +This superhero's name is Multiple Man. Their real name is James Arthur. Jamie Madrox's mutant ability was apparent at birth when a duplicate was created upon his being slapped by the doctor. Two weeks later, Jamie's father resigned from the Los Alamos Nuclear Research Center and moved his family to an intentionally isolated farm in Kansas at the suggestion of Professor Charles Xavier. From a young age, Madrox was given a special suit to wear that would neutralize his mutant power, but before this could be explained to him a freak tornado killed his parents when he was 15. Madrox spent the next six years alone caring for his parents' farm. When he was 21, malfunctioning control elements in the suit caused a power surge that released his inhibited power and caused the suit to begin absorbing ambient electrical energy. Confused, frightened, and driven mad by isolation, Madrox felt himself drawn to New York City. There, he clashed with the Fantastic Four until Xavier arrived to defuse the situation. With the help of Xavier and the Fantastic Four's Reed Richards, Madrox's suit was repaired and he accompanied Xavier back to his mansion in Westchester. There, Madrox's temporary madness was cured and, after learning to cope with his powers, he was invited to join the X-Men. He declined, and instead accompanied Xavier to Muir Island where he became a laboratory assistant to mutant researcher Doctor Moira MacTaggart. Madrox's ability proved invaluable to MacTaggart, and he quickly became a regular fixture on Muir. Unfortunately, Madrox also found himself battling against threats such as the alien Eric the Red and the reality-altering mutant Proteus, who possessed one of Madrox's duplicates in order to escape confinement on Muir. Proteus's possession instantly killed the duplicate, and for the first time Madrox felt the severe psychic backlash this caused. After Proteus was defeated, Madrox again declined to join the X-Men, preferring to remain on Muir with Moira and her lover, the X-Man Banshee. Soon after, Banshee's daughter Siryn came to live on Muir, and she and Madrox ultimately grew close. Eventually, one of Madrox's duplicates sought to remain apart from the original and live his own life. To this end, he drugged the original Madrox and joined Moira and Siryn on a trip to the U.S. to search for Sunspot and Warlock, two missing members of the New Mutants. Eventually finding the runaway mutants as members of the Vanisher's teenage gang, the Fallen Angels, the duplicate Madrox and Siryn were persuaded to join by the alien Ariel. During their time with the group, the duplicate Madrox and Siryn engaged in a brief romance. Eventually, the true nature of the Fallen Angels was revealed to be a ruse by aliens from the Coconut Grove dimension who sought to cure their race's stalled evolution by experimenting on mutants. Defeating the aliens, the team returned to Earth, but apparently disbanded soon after. The duplicate and Siryn rejoined Moira at the Xavier Institute to return to Muir; however, the duplicate had no desire to be reabsorbed and so created another duplicate to take his place on the return trip while he secretly remained in the U.S. Later, the original Madrox was possessed by the psionic entity the Shadow King during the villain's takeover of Muir; after his defeat Madrox joined the government-sponsored X-Factor team. Unknown to Madrox, the duplicate that had joined the Fallen Angels years before had since found a place in the Nasty Boys, a team of super-powered mercenaries employed by geneticist Mister Sinister. With the help of Senator Stephen Shaffran, a.k.a. Ricochet, a mutant with the ability to turn other mutants' powers and fears against them, the duplicate convinced the Nasty Boys, and Madrox himself, that he was the original. Madrox merged with the duplicate, but it was a ruse; he "disassembled" the duplicate from the inside and remained the dominant personality in order to expose Shaffran and stop Sinister. Later, when most of the team were busy with another assignment, Madrox and his teammate Quicksilver were sent to investigate a murder case in Maine in which the prime suspect was a young mutant named Rachel Argosy, a.k.a. Rhapsody, who had been fired from her music teaching job after turning blue and first manifesting her ability to entrance others with music. The man responsible for terminating her employment was found dead two days later, with Rhapsody apprehended at the scene of the crime. Exposed to the effects of Rhapsody's power, Madrox became convinced of her innocence and was set to break her out of prison when the truth was revealed. Rhapsody had used her power on the victim in an effort to make him see the error of his decision to fire her, only to accidentally cause his death. Following an attempted assassination of Xavier supposedly by the mutant soldier from the future, Cable, X-Factor and the X-Men teamed up to capture Cable's team of young mutants, X-Force. Among X-Force's number was Siryn, who confronted Madrox over their past relationship. Madrox revealed to Siryn that although he retained all the memories of her relationship with his renegade duplicate, he possessed none of the related emotional attachment. Among his X-Factor teammates, Madrox formed a close bond with Guido Carosella, a.k.a. Strong Guy. The pair shared an odd sense of humor and often joked around much to team leader Havok's chagrin. A psychiatric analysis by Doctor Leonard Samson ultimately revealed the reason for Madrox's humorous attitude. His living alone for many years as a child created an almost pathological need for attention to ensure he would never be alone again, and he was willing to do virtually anything - whether it be telling jokes, playing gags, or creative use of dupes - to get people to notice him. During a subsequent mission with X-Factor to the island nation of Genosha, one of Madrox's duplicates contracted the deadly Legacy Virus; when reabsorbed, it was believed Madrox himself was infected. The mutant prophetess Haven offered to cure Madrox of the Virus, but the attempt failed and he seemingly died. However, Madrox unconsciously stayed split into separate bodies, ensuring that the Virus would be contained in one body and not duplicate into the others. When the infected body died, the shock of its death caused Madrox to lose his memory. Later, X-Factor was sent on a mission to apprehend a mysterious figure that was revealed to be Madrox, alive and well with his memory restored. Madrox had been recruited by elements of the U.S. government that wanted to turn him into the ultimate secret agent, training him to become a one-man army. Madrox ultimately rejoined X-Factor until the team's disbanding after the apparent death of its leader, Havok. He then returned to Muir Island where he was reunited with both Moira and his X-Factor teammate Wolfsbane. Madrox subsequently worked in Genosha at the behest of Professor X to monitor the situation there after the rise to power of mutant activist Magneto. Madrox was then recruited by Banshee into the paramilitary X-Corps organization for which Madrox created duplicates to function as support staff performing duties ranging from communications monitoring to gunship pilots. Following the restructuring of the X-Corps into the X-Corporation global mutant search and rescue organization, Madrox worked with the group's European branch for a time until a pitched battle against the living bacterial consciousness known as Weapon XII apparently cost the life of his teammate Darkstar. Madrox subsequently quit and struck out on his own, sending "long-term explorer dupes" around the world to learn new skills before returning to be reabsorbed. Madrox then established XXX Investigators in Mutant Town with Guido and Wolfsbane. His first case was to investigate the murder of one of his duplicates by an assassin named Clay, who also possessed the ability to create duplicates of himself, which led Madrox to Chicago and Sheila DeSoto, fiancée of multi-millionaire industrialist Edward Vance. Unbeknownst to Madrox, who had become romantically involved with Sheila, she was the one who had hired Clay to prevent Madrox from interfering in her plans to take control of the Chicago crime syndicate. Sheila was ultimately killed after she was revealed to be a self-styled highly evolved mutant. +This superhero's name is Music Meister (CW). Their real name is Unknown. "Music Meister" is an extra-dimensional being with unexplained supernatural powers and an author in an erased timeline. He claims to originate from somewhere outside of the normal universes of the multiverse, which he describes as being beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans. +This superhero's name is Mysterio. Their real name is Quentin Beck. Quentin Beck found his calling when his uncle gave him an old movie camera. Despite his widowed father making fun of him, he grew up to become a successful stunt man and special effects designer in Hollywood. That changed when he became frustrated and felt he wasn't getting the recognition he deserved. First he teamed up with the Tinkerer to steal industrial and military plans, with Beck donning an alien costume to throw potential snoopers off the track and leading a group of supposed extraterrestrials. Later, an article in the Daily Bugle gave Beck the idea of pretending to be Spider-Man and framing him for crimes, then becoming a hero and bringing Spider-Man to justice. Beck studied Spider-Man for weeks and was able to duplicate his powers, apart from spider-sense, mechanically. After a few robberies posing as the web-slinger, which added more grist to the mill for J. Jonah Jameson's vendetta, Beck, as Mysterio, trounced an unsuspecting Spider-Man. When they next met, Beck fought and apparently beat Spider-Man, then boasted how he had achieved it all. Spider-Man taped the confession and cleared his name. Despite the clever gadgetry Beck built in to the Mysterio costume, Spider-Man managed to defeat him. Beck next joined up with Doctor Octopus when he formed the Sinister Six but the group had no better luck in defeating Spider-Man. Then Beck posed as Doctor Ludwig Rinehart, a psychiatrist visiting from Europe. Using illusions, Beck convinced Spider-Man that he was going mad and could only be cured if he revealed his secret identity. As Spider-Man was about to do just that, Jonah Jameson and Flash Thompson burst in, Jonah having been told that Rinehart was a fraud. This unexpected arrival spoiled Mysterio's scheme and Beck was soon returned to prison. Now unemployed, and with a criminal record, Beck planned a way to take revenge against Spider-Man and Jameson by staging a car crash where Spider-Man was the cause, and Jameson supposedly died. In reality, the "body" was an automaton, and the real Jameson was placed in a special-effects version of Hell. Emboldened by the seeming success of his plan, Beck found the courage to call a childhood friend, Betsy Schneider, and they started dating. After Spider-Man rescued Jameson, Betsy admiringly told Beck that they could make lots of money off his story. Beck became enraged, certain she was only using him. Later, he proposed marriage to Betsy, but she had changed her mind about him. In yet another plan of revenge, Beck teamed up with the Wizard against Spider-Man and the Human Torch; after that failed, he bided his time in jail until he was able to escape. He then devised a series of elaborate traps in an abandoned amusement park, convincing Spider-Man that he was only six inches high. Back in prison, Beck had an epiphany of sorts; he realized that master criminals spent more time avoiding capture and battling foes than they did accumulating wealth and gaining power. He devised a quiet, long-term plan, a nursing home scam whereby he would trick the infirm into signing all their wealth over to him. To this end, he made use of his cellmate, Daniel Berkhart, taking him into his confidence, teaching him all his secrets and training him to replace him as Mysterio, even as he engineered his own "death". Berkhart was released and he confronted Spider-Man, but was defeated eventually. Later, Beck assumed the identity of Doctor Rinehart and ran his scam at the Restwell Nursing Home on Long Island. He amassed eight million dollars in three years but ran afoul of the Burglar who had killed Peter's Uncle Ben. The Burglar had broken into the Parker home years before in search of a treasure hidden in the 1930s by the gangster Dutch Mallone and now sought more information from Aunt May who was a resident of the nursing home. The Burglar held "Rinehart" prisoner, inducing the "Doctor" to help. Beck figured he could dispose of the Burglar once he learned the treasure's location so he faked May's death from a heart attack to allow the Burglar to take her from the nursing home without Peter knowing. Spider-Man, however, recognized Beck and confronted him after battling numerous illusions. Eventually, Beck escaped to work on other, safer scams, among them a scheme to undermine Spider-Man's confidence by making him the cause of an innocent bystanders death. These plans failed and Beck rejoined the Sinister Six but bailed out when he realized that Dr. Octopus was using the group for his own ends. Later, the other five met, intending to get revenge on Dr. Octopus but Octavius anticipated such an attack and instead had another proposition for them involving the appropriation of Hydra's satellite control station. The others reluctantly accepted, though Beck secretly planned to take over once they had obtained their goal. During a heated battle with a number of different heroes, Beck made his play, causing the heroes to fight each other, but he was knocked unconscious by Deathlok, who literally saw through the illusions. Now unhinged, possibly due to exposure to his own hallucinogenic mist, Beck posed as Mr. Gerde, Dr. Octopus's attorney (after the multi-armed criminal's apparent death) and forged a videotaped will, that used Octavius's relative Elias Hargrove as a pawn along with the remainder of the Sinister Six. Using misdirection and Spider-Man, Beck stole a data disk containing details on underground figures. He needed Hargrove to get the right code, but Hargrove had worked out that the tape was a fake. Before he could coerce Hargrove, the Scarlet Spider stopped Beck. Beck undid the booby-trapped data disk, but the Scarlet Spider managed to escape with Hargrove just before the building exploded, with Beck apparently caught in the blast. In a new scheme, Beck assumed the identity of Rudolph Hines and set up a new network, "Mystery Vision", which sent addictive subliminal signals to viewers mesmerized in front of their TVs. With ratings soaring, Beck also plotted to use an unsuspecting Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) as part of his programming. He tricked Spider-Man into wearing receivers, but when Ben realized what was happening he was able to trace the source of the transmissions and put the transmitter out of action. With no special signal, the networks ratings plummeted, and Beck's fame was over. While in prison after another failed union with the Sinister Six, he learned he was dying as a result of prolonged exposure to his special effects chemicals. On release he planned his swan song. But the Spider-Man was not the one he knew, so he decided to destroy Daredevil instead. Buying information from the Kingpin, he proceeded to drive Daredevil insane, both with drugs and by harming or killing those close to him. Beck's final attempt to goad Daredevil into killing him failed, and he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Even after death Beck’s soul didn’t get to rest. His soul was sent to hell for his evil doings and resided there till the Pitiful One gave him a chance to go back, although he was later sent back by Dead Girl and Doctor Strange. Recently Quentin was again seen in the living world when the new Mysterio (Francis Klum) appeared. He had bought Beck’s old costume and attacked the school where Peter Parker had been working. After Francis had secured the school by surrounding it with knockout gas and ranting how great he was, Beck made his entrance and lectured Francis how he wasn't ready to fill his shoes. Francis acted fast and tried to teleport himself inside Beck’s body, but Beck transformed himself to reddish hell flames and burned Francis slightly. Francis didn’t believe that he was Beck and accused him of being Daniel Berkhart, but Beck informed him that Daniel arrived just moments ago. He also revealed that he and his associates were interested in how Klum's fight against Spider-Man and Daniel would go before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Soon Spider-Man and Daniel arrived and fight ensued with three of them. Meanwhile Beck sought out Miss Arrow, the school's new nurse. She didn’t believe that he was Beck so he took off his helmet, and showed her that half of his face was missing. He revealed to Miss Arrow that he was hired by certain individuals to serve their needs and told her that she, him and Spider-Man are just pieces in a game that is taking stage in cosmic proportions. Before he left he convinced Miss Arrow to convince Peter to stay working in the school. +This superhero's name is Mystique (FOX). Their real name is Raven Darkhölme. Little is known of Raven's life prior to her break-in into the Xavier Mansion. However, from what she revealed in X-Men and X-Men: The Last Stand, her early life was rather tragic. As a little child, her mutation was so abnormal to others that she feared going to school. Additionally, her parents, also fearful of her mutation, had at one point tried to kill her. Eventually, after years of abuse, Raven ran away. +This superhero's name is Mystique. Their real name is Raven Darkholme. Little has been revealed about Mystique's past. Indeed, since she can eliminate the outward signs of aging with her shape-changing power, it is not known exactly how old she is. She apparently learned to use her shape-changing power at a very early age, for there is no evidence known to the public or the United States government that Raven Darkholme ever looked like anything but a normal human being. Years ago Mystique had an affair with the mutant Sabretooth and they had a son, Graydon Creed, the recently assassinated presidential candidate. Mystique has also claimed to be the mother of Nightcrawler, a member of the X-Men, as the result of a liaison with another, unnamed man. Mystique is known to be a longtime friend of the mutant Destiny who is now deceased. At some point in recent years Mystique became the protectress of the young mutant named Rogue, and looked upon Rogue as a surrogate daughter. At the same time she maintained another identity, that of Mallory Brickman, the wife of U.S. Senator Ralph Brickman. They even had a daughter, Gloria. Mystique had concealed her superhuman powers and criminal intentions so well over the years that, as Darkholme, she was able to rise rapidly through the United States Civil Service to the trusted position of Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense. This position gave her access to military secrets and to advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes. To help her in her criminal activities, Mystique organized the third incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which originally consisted of herself, Avalanche, the Blob, Destiny, and Pyro. Mystique named her group after the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, a subversive organization founded by Magneto in his criminal days. The third Brotherhood first became notorious when it attempted to intimidate the public by assassinating Senator Robert Kelly, who was investigating what he perceived as the possible menace posed by the existence of superhuman mutants and other superhuman beings. The X-Men thwarted the assassination attempt, and the Brotherhood later clashed with the X-Men on other occasions, as well as with the Avengers and Dazzler. Rogue was a member of the Brotherhood for a time, but finally left to join the X-Men, in order to find help in learning how to deal with her superhuman powers. Recently, anti-mutant sentiment among normal human beings has greatly increased, and the federal government has launched its own covert anti-mutant program, Project Wideawake. Believing that the times had thus become too dangerous for the Brotherhood to continue its criminal activities, Mystique went to Dr. Valerie Cooper, special assistant to the head of the National Security Council, and offered the Brotherhood's services to the government. Cooper agreed to convey the offer to the President, on the condition that the Brotherhood pass a test she imposed: the capture of Magneto. The Brotherhood, now renamed Freedom Force, succeeded in bringing Magneto to the authorities (although, in fact, they did so only because he voluntarily surrendered to them), and soon afterwards officially entered the government's employ. In return for entering the government's employ as Freedom Force's leader, Mystique received a presidential pardon for all criminal charges against her, but the pardon would be revoked if any member of Freedom Force was found committing a crime. Recently, Mystique fled X-Factor and hid from them by returning to her secret identity as Mallory Brickman, the Senator's wife. +This superhero's name is Nadakhan. Their real name is Nadakhan The Djinn. Nadakhan is the captain of the Sky Pirates, the owner of Misfortune's Keep, and the last living Djinn. Many years ago, he put together his crew and dominated the seas of Ninjago, until he was faced with a rival, Captain Soto. Soto trapped him in the Teapot of Tyrahn while his crew was marooned across the Sixteen Realms. Centuries later, upon the destruction of Djinjago, Nadakhan became the last of the Djinn. Shortly after the Battle of Stiix, Nadakhan was freed by Clouse; he set off to claim the Realm Crystal and reunite his crew. After learning of his lover's demise, and seeing the destruction of Djinjago as a result of the Ninjas' actions, Nadakhan's father gave him a mystical sword to capture the souls of his adversaries and tear Ninjago apart to rebuild Djinjago. In addition to this, he planned to marry Nya so he can grant himself unlimited wishes. Nadakhan's crew refurbished Misfortune's Keep and began rebuilding Djinjago in a series of landmasses above Ninjago City. In the ensuing conflict, Nadakhan captured Nya and trapped the Ninjas' souls in the sword. Nadakhan completed New Djinjago, and after he and Nya were married, he betrayed his crew. During a final fight with the Ninja, Flintlocke incapacitated Nadakhan with Tiger Widow venom, though the venom accidentally struck and killed Nya. As a result, Jay made his final wish, which was that recent events had not transpired and Nadakhan was never freed from the teapot. Though he's still alive, Nadakhan is trapped in the Teapot of Tyrahn, which is lost in the wreckage left from the Battle of Stiix. +This superhero's name is Nagato Uzumaki. Their real name is Nagato Uzumaki. Nagato was a shinobi of Amegakure and descendant of the Uzumaki clan. Forming Akatsuki alongside his friends (and fellow war orphans) Yahiko and Konan, Nagato dreamed of bringing peace to the violent shinobi world. However, following Yahiko's death, Nagato adopted the alias of Pain and, along with Konan, began leading a new Akatsuki; one that would force the world into peace using any means necessary. +This superhero's name is Namor. Their real name is Namor McKenzie. In 1915, Ernest Shackleton, sent by Winston Churchill, sought out vibranium in the Antarctic. His ship, the Endurance, was lost. Later, Leonard McKenzie, with the telepath Paul Destine as a passenger, attempted to recover the Vibranium. Princess Fen was sent to investigate explosions near the surface by her father, King Thakorr. McKenzie met, fell in lovewith, and impregnated Princess Fen with the child who became Namor. Soldiers commanded by General Krang attacked McKenzie's crew. McKenzie himself did not die, though he did not recognize Namor later when he first learned of his son's rampages in New York. The child was named "Namor" which means "Avenging Son". Namor spent his boyhood taunting his cousin Dorma, as well playing with his other cousins Namora and Byrrah as well as his friend Meranno. An oil spill in 1936 attracted the attention of Namor, who began a relationship with a young woman named Sandy. Namor grew up distrusting surface dwellers. He was sent to New York after divers were found near Atlantis. However, it was revealed that the divers were Nazis, and Namor joined the Invaders, fighting in World War II alongside men such as Captain America and the android Human Torch (in addition to his solo missions), and later the All-Winners Squad to oppose the Axis. Namor would at times battle, then befriend the democratic societies of the surface; the explanation for this was later discovered to be temporary insanity as a result of too much time spent away from the sea. For the most part, however, the Sub-Mariner set his sights on Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The Atlanteans became involved with the Axis-created Human Torch duplicates the Firebrand Squadron. One Atlantean, his friend Meranno, became an Axis agent as the U-Man. 1950s In the 1950's Namor attempted to gain recognition for Atlantis, only for bigots to cause the death of a man named Truffaut. Namor disappeared in 1958 after Destiny, the same Paul Destine who had voyaged with his father, attacked Atlantis. Atlantis was relatively unharmed during the war but soon greatly damaged by powerful earthquakes. Princess Fen and King Thakorr were killed. Paul Destine, who had ordered the explorers on McKenzie's ship to find the 'Helmet of Power' (actually Set's Serpent Crown), was causing them. He used the crown to turn Namor into an amnesiac, living as a derelict in various flophouses. Coincidentally, his former teammate Bucky was also briefly sleeping in the same flophouse. As both men had amnesia, neither man recognized the other. Namor remained as derelict until Johnny Storm, the third Human Torch, happened to find him in a flophouse and saw him use his super-strength. Johnny felt bad for the amnesiac and offered to help him get back on his feet. He shaved the "bum" with his flame, revealing Namor's true features. Johnny then dumped Namor into the river, successfully restoring Namor's memory. Unfortunately, Namor tried to return to Atlantis, but found an outpost that had been destroyed by nuclear testing during the years he was an amnesiac. He assumed that all his people were scattered where he would never find them. He immediately vowed vengeance on the surface world and attacked it, using the giant sea monster Giganto. The Fantastic Four were able to stop the Sub-Mariner. During the fight, he became instantly enamored of Sue Storm, and offered to make her his bride, and after that, his queen. Namor carried the romantic crush with him for years and she even reciprocated the feelings for awhile, which first became apparent when Namor teamed up with Doctor Doom to destroy the Fantastic Four. Namor also joined the Hulk in an attack on the Avengers, but was repulsed when the temperamental Hulk left the fight. After the battle, Namor stumbled across the still-frozen body of his wartime comrade, Captain America, which was being worshiped by a far-flung Inuit tribe. Enraged, the Sub-Mariner threw the ice block into the ocean. The Avengers happened upon Rogers' thawing body, and soon revived the legendary hero. Even though he had been their enemy, he had won the Avengers' respect. When the team's original members took a leave of absence, they approached Namor to offer him a place with the Avengers, but he refused. Shortly thereafter, Magneto approached Namor and asked him to join his first Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Namor fought against the X-Men in a battle alongside Magneto, but refused to kowtow to the Master of Magnetism and ultimately rejected the offer. Once Sebastian Shaw was in search for a new person for the title of the White King of the Hellfire Club. He made a party to which he invited the most influential men in the world and trying to decide who is better fit for this position. Rejecting the candidacy of Tony Stark, he choose Namor, and invited him to join the Club. But Namor contemptuously rejected the proposal, saying that if Sebastian once again dare to waste his time on such a minor thing, he will kill him. This led Shaw into a frenzy, so he ordered Emma Frost to force Namor to join the Club, no matter what the cost. A few days later, she acted out a suicide by jumping overboard a yacht to attract Namor's attention. He rescued her and they spent together two weeks in the Atlantis. Shaw, however, tired of waiting for news from Emma, thinking that Namor killed or captured her, he decided to sent the Sentinels for her. Sentinels attacked Namor and Emma and caused damage to Atlantis, and Namor took this as a declaration of war. Finding where the Sentinels came from, Namor, along with Emma, went there and clashed with Shaw, Donald Pierce and Selene. Selene mind-wiped Emma, to erase the memories of her betrayal and make her loyal to the Club again. Surrounded by two telepaths, Shaw explained to Namor that he would never get close enough to kill him. Namor left, but vowed to take revenge one day. Namor returned to Atlantis and became king of Atlantis again, clashing with the surface world on several occasions as well as fighting off undersea threats to Atlantis like the rebel leader Attuma. He was supposed to marry his cousin Dorma, with whom he had fallen in love. However, Llyra, an evil princess of Lemuria, another submarine culture, kidnapped and replaced Dorma at the wedding hoping to usurp Namor's kingdom in that way. Legally, though, Dorma was the one Namor had married, but he still had to find his wife. Unfortunately, Llyra had taken Dorma to the surface world in a tank as bait, and when Namor arrived, she smashed the tank to distract him. Namor was unable to save Dorma, and nearly went insane from grief. Later on, Namor, flying near the Savage Land, spotted Magneto lying unconscious near a volcanic eruption. He picked Magneto up and brought him to Atlantis to recuperate. Namor then left Atlantis to join the Fantastic Four on a mission, and returned to find that Magneto had usurped his throne. The Fantastic Four and Namor made short work of Magneto, and Namor regained his kingdom. Unfortunately, trouble brewed often for the Avenging Son of Atlantis, and he lost his kingdom a number of times. He also married the Alpha Flight member named Marrina, another sea-dweller, but lost her when she turned evil and was killed. During some of his exiles from Atlantis, he joined his former rivals, the Avengers, and helped to found the Defenders. He also was a member of the short-lived undersea team, Deep Six. During his active membership as an Avenger, his hubris was an obstacle towards teamwork, and his rivalry with Hercules was particularly notable. His respect for his old comrade Captain America helped to keep this from becoming a major problem. The Defenders, with their looser organizational approach, allowed the Sub-Mariner the "space" he required. It was during his tenure with the Avengers that Namor helped recover the cocoon in which the Phoenix Force had placed Jean Grey, thought to be dead, years earlier. He also fought against Magneto when Magnus tried to rescue his students from Emma Frost, then White Queen of the Hellfire Club, and recovered his lost giant horn, which was found by the X-Terminators. Not long afterward, rogue elements of Atlantean society led by Attuma declared war on the surface, and Namor was presumed killed in the battle, though the Atlantean barbarians were defeated. However, Namor had actually survived, and surfaced months later in the South Pacific. Nearly mad from his ordeal, he was found by Caleb and Carrie Alexander, a father-daughter team who quickly nursed Namor back to health. It was Caleb who revealed to Namor the truth about his blood chemistry and his "rages," and who equipped him with a monitor that warned him when he had to seek air or water. This allowed Namor to control his metabolism for the first time in his life. Determined to continue to preserve the oceans and his people, but without revealing himself, Namor raided sunken treasures to finance his purchase of an international company he renamed Oracle, Inc., using the Alexanders as proxy buyers. Shortly thereafter, however, Namor was forced to reveal his survival when a terrorist bomb detonated on an Oracle submarine super-tanker, threatening the lives of everyone in New York. Then, Namor lost his ankle wings when he unleashed a mutagenic scrambler inside the animated garbage dump called "Sluj" in order to stop the monster. He dealt with the world of high finance thereafter, though it brought him into conflict with the Super Skrull, and then to the dimension of K'un-Lun, where he found the hero Iron Fist, who had been presumed dead for many months. Returning to Earth and investigating the apparent invasion of Earth by the K'un-Lun sentient plant race called the H'ylthri, Namor was forced to fight Wolverine, who had been captured by the H'ylthri and their associate Plant-Man days before. The battle was fierce, but it was interrupted by the sorcerer Master Khan, who destroyed the plant people and returned Wolverine to his place. Khan then wiped Namor's memory and dumped him in the American Midwest, as punishment for interfering in his plans for Iron Fist. Namor was "missing" for almost a year, and was known as "Rex," until his cousin Namorita was able to track him down using a psychic link to him that she had recently discovered. However, Namor didn't recognize her and rejected her. He didn't regain his memory until a while afterwards, when he and the apparently-resurrected Princess Fen (his mother, who had saved him when he was thrown into the ocean by an explosion) were captured by Dr. Doom's new sonic ram fishing vessel. The boat itself was then magically imprisoned in a bottle by Master Khan, and Khan assumed Namor's form and sold off much of Oracle's holdings. Namor soon broke the bottle and the spell, and then ripped Khan's head off. Immediately thereafter, Namor was called to Atlantis to deal with attacks by the ancient Faceless Ones on Atlantis's borders. Fen attempted to usurp the throne, and it was soon revealed that she was really the witch-queen Artys-Gran, who had stolen Fen's body in order to release her husband Suma-Ket, a pagan sorcerer-king who had been banished by Namor's ancestor thousands of years earlier. Namor soon confronted Ket and was killed, impaled on Ket's spear. Fortunately, Father Neptune, the deity worshiped by Atlantis, appeared to resurrect Namor to fight Suma-Ket, whose religion threatened Neptune's existence. In the process, Namor's ankle wings were restored and he was given the sacred golden armor of his ancestor in which to fight. With the help of his people and comrades, Namor defeated Suma-Ket and his forces, though the real Fen, trapped in Artys-Gran's body, died defending her son from a final attack from Socus, the villains' servant. Namor eventually returned to both ruling Atlantis and running Oracle, but has remained generally out of the surface world in recent days. Oracle, Inc. was also funding the charitable super-group Heroes for Hire, and the team used an Oracle facility as its headquarters. Afterwards, Namor was involved in an international dispute with Wakanda and its King T'Challa (a.k.a. Black Panther), and had to deal with Attuma's uprisings again. A mystical curse from an old foe, the sorcerer Yandroth, bound Namor and the three other senior members of the Defenders--Doctor Strange, the Hulk and the Silver Surfer--to be transported to scenes of danger and trouble around the world, forcing them into the midst of one deadly crisis after another. Namor and his fellow Defenders eventually freed themselves from this curse, but not before they attempted to take over the world as "The Order," figuring that if they ran the world there would be no crises. The world's heroes tried to stop them, and eventually the curse was lifted. Namor allied himself with the New Invaders team, bringing the full might of his Atlantean army to bear wherever needed. Namor was briefly reunited with his father with the help of Stingray, although the villainous Tiger Shark and Llyra later had Leonard killed. Llyra also posed as the Invisible Woman to seduce Namor during a time when Mister Fantastic was believed dead. She gave birth to a son, Llyron, and aged him through forbidden magic and technology. Llyron confronted his father over the control of Atlantis, but he and his mother were eventually defeated. When the Scarlet Witch altered reality in the event known as the House of M, Namor was idolized by the general public as the first super hero. He was also classified as a super human mutant (homo superior). After M-Day, Namor retained his powers. Namor was a a member of the clandestine policy group the Illuminati, with Mister Fantastic, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Professor X, and Black Bolt, although he appeared to be very hostile and arrogant in his opinions and decisions of the group. He violently opposed the the group's decision to send the Hulk into outer-space exile, and eventually left the group. His cousin Namorita was killed with the rest of the New Warriors in the Stamford explosion caused by the super-villain Nitro, which led to the Superhuman Registration Act. The Illuminati asked Namor back in this light, to consider the Act, but Namor refused this as well. For vengeance of his cousin's death, Namor activated sleeper agents of the Atlantean Royal Guard to search for Nitro, who was instead found and captured by the X-Man Wolverine. After his ambassadors were attacked on U.S. soil, Atlantis rebuffed diplomatic overtures. Namor brought an army of Atlanteans to aid the Captain America's forces in the climactic battle between the pro and anti-registration heroes, but they returned to the sea after Captain America surrendered. Post Civil War, Namor discovered he had a long lost son, Kamar, who attempted to usurp the throne of Atlantis by forcing war with the United States. Because most of his former allies had refused to help him during this crisis, Namor was forced to evacuate the entire civilization of Atlantis, ordering his people to emigrate to the surface world to live within sleeper cells, leaving an overcharged Nitro to explode within the empty city-state, assassinating the then captured Kamar. Namor then formed an alliance with the supervillain and European monarch Doctor Doom due to him being the only former ally who offered any assistance after Namor's crisis. This eventually led to an alliance consisting of Emma Frost, Doctor Doom, Norman Osborn, Loki, and the Hood, known as the Cabal. As Emma and Namor meet again, she finally restoring her memories about their first meeting and Shaw's betrayal, so she offered Namor a deal: she will help him kill Shaw, and in response he will protect and defend mutants as his own people. Namor agreed, so Emma telepathically called Shaw to the Club's mansion. When he arrived she blinded and immobilized him in illusion, and in the same time showed Namor another illusion, in which she kills Sebastian. After convincing Namor that Shaw is dead and enlisting his support for mutants, Emma took Sebastian to the Graymalkin Industries and locked him in the Brig for crimes against the mutantkind. When an Atlantean sleeper cell launched a terrorist attack on California, Osborn ordered Namor to publicly denounce the rogues, and execute them, leaving one alive to parade before the media. Namor vehemently refused, and walked out on the Cabal. Along with Emma, Cloak and Dagger, Namor left the Dark X-Men after helping his lover, Frost, betray the Dark X-Men and Osborn. Not long after the X-Men relocated to Utopia, the island base began to slowly sink. To permanently fix the problem Magneto approached Namor with a plan to build a support pillar to serve the double purpose of preventing the sinking of Utopia and housing the scattered Atlanteans. Namor agreed and New Atlantis was constructed just beneath Utopia. Soon hundreds of Atlanteans came to their new home. Namor later fought alongside the X-Men during Bastion's massive assault on Utopia. When Xarus led his united vampire nation to San Francisco to convert the X-Men, Namor was sent to reclaim the head of Dracula from the Aqueos. This provoked the long forgotten horrors into attacking New Atlantis. During the fighting Alani Ryan, the X-Man known as Loa, almost drowned but was saved by an Atlantean Amulet which gave her the ability to breath underwater. After the Aqueos were defeated Namor was praised as a hero by his people. After studying Loa, Dr. Nemesis concluded that the Atlantean Amulet had permanently changed Alani's physiology due to the way it reacted with her X-Gene; even without it she could breath underwater. However, the transformation had not ceased when the Amulet was removed. Within four to five hours, she would be unable to breath air. Namor himself broke the news to Alani, who took it badly. Inexplicably, specters emerged from the Amulet and dragged Namor back inside to hell. Wolverine's recent escape from Hell had softened the borders between realms, allowing the spirits to use the Amulet as a channel to kidnap Namor. In Hell, Namor found himself in a desert, taunted by skeleton-headed creatures. Any water he found retreated from him. He then came across the disembodied heads of dead Atlanteans, including General Kadar. Namor finally found his way to an ocean. Upon diving in, he was assailed by a giant skull-headed octopus and was surprised that the water hadn't restored his strength. The ocean was revealed to be an illusion, and the skeleton-headed creatures revealed their identities to Namor; they were the dead Kings of Ancient Atlantis. Back in New Atlantis, the options to rescue Namor proved to be few and difficult. However, an unexpected guest arrived to offer assistance: Doctor Doom. However, Doom eventually abandoned Namor in Hell and departed alone, leaving Namor and his remaining allies to fend for themselves. They eventually returned, only to find a rebellion led by Krang and his ally Selach. Krang eventually defected and Selach was defeated, but to do so Abira, Namor's latest love, had to become the new Logomancer to replace the old one, losing her emotions in the process. After Skadi released the malevolent Serpent, he summoned the seven hammers of the Worthy to Earth. One of those hammers transformed Attuma into Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans. He devastated Namor's kingdom, forcing him to turn to Stephen Strange for assistance. The Defenders were reformed, consisting of Namor, Strange, Loa and Lyra, daughter of the Hulk and herself a She-Hulk. Namor stands with his fellow X-Men against the Avengers. He fights both Luke Cage and the Thing. After a short battle, the X-Men feign a surrender and teleport out of Utopia to give them a head start in searching for Hope. The X-Men eventually locate Hope on the Moon and Namor, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus and Magik teleport to the Moon in order to find her. They are confronted by the Avengers who are also there to find Hope. Before a fight can break out, Thor falls from the skies followed closely by the Phoenix. A fight then broke out between the X-Men and the Avengers while Iron Man built a weapon to fight the Phoenix. Iron Man attacked the Phoenix but instead of destroying it, the Phoenix turned all five of the X-Men into avatars. Namor and the rest of the avatars took Hope back to Earth in order to prepare her. The Phoenix Five built a grand new Utopia, a floating fortress, for mutantkind. They began working to provide power, food and water for all the Earth. Not content with just that, they outlawed war altogether. The Avengers, however, mistrusted the Five. Wishing to prepare for the day when the Five would lose control and become destructive, they tried to retrieve Hope from Utopia. Cyclops and Emma alone defeated the Avengers, but they were saved by the timely intervention of the Scarlet Witch, who teleported the Avengers, and Hope, to safety. Scott realized they needed to hunt down the Avengers, imprisoning some of their members, while the rest were outlaws. Namor, against Cyclops' will, sought to finish the Avengers. So he headed to Wakanda and raised a massive wall of water from a nearby lake, to drown them. Destroying almost the entire kingdom and killing an untold number of innocents in the process. Following this, was his defeat by the combined forces of all the Avengers present in Wakanda. After Namor fell, his portion of the Phoenix Force was bequeathed to the rest of the Phoenix Five. Namor returned to Atlantis after his de-powering and remained there for the rest of the battles. He was then approached by Hope who came seeking files belonging to Cable. Hope asked him if he was okay after his possession and Namor initially defended his actions as a Phoenix, but then remarked on how being possessed made him feel like a single krill lost in endless oceans and departed. After an event in Wakanda, Black Panther reconvened the Illuminati, Namor included, to face the threat of colliding multiverses brought to their attention by Black Swan. After facing two incursions, tension built within the group with Wakanda and Atlantis on the brink of all-out war. Namor proposed a peace treaty with T'Challa in the belief that the incursions were too important for them to be distracted by war. T'Challa agreed to bring it before the council but the Queen of Wakanda, Shuri, rejected the offer, feigning acceptance while preparing her armies. While Namor was celebrating the peace with T'Challa, T'Challa revealed the truth, and Namor left to find Atlantis a ruin after an attack by Wakanda. Moments after discovering the ruins of his city, Namor was approached by Proxima Midnight and Thanos' invading army. Proxima had come to kill Namor, raze Atlantis and take his Infinity Gem, but upon seeing the ruins of Atlantis, she realised that Namor did not have a gem in his possession. She offered to spare Namor and Atlantis in return for the location of the gems and his allegiance to Thanos. Namor pledged his and Atlantis' allegiance to her and told her that the gem was in Wakanda, a lie to trick Thanos into destroying Wakanda for him. This caused the Black Order to come across the Necropolis and get hold of the Illuminati's anti-matter bomb. However, the Illuminati later defeated their forces and secured their arsenal, albeit somewhat damaged from the ordeal. The next Incursion pitted the Illuminati against the Great Society of Earth-4290001, a group of noble heroes who had been able to prevent the destruction of their Earth without bloodshed. However, the Society no longer had the means to prevent this Incursion in the same way as the others. This led to a fight between both teams for the fate of their respective universes. When the Illuminati won the battle, they planted the anti-matter injector and returned to Earth. When they had to decide who would activate the anti-matter injector, both Mister Fantastic and Black Panther tried to do it, but failed, realising they were not capable of such a monstrous act. Namor derided them for holding their own morals above the lives of two universes, and he was the one to finally activate the trigger, destroying the other inhabited Earth. Following this course of action, the Illuminati confronted Namor for what he had done. The friction between Namor and T'Challa escalated, and after revealing that he was the one who led the Black Order into assaulting Wakanda, Namor left the team. With a new Incursion happening immediately after, and with the Illuminati resigning themselves to their fates, Namor contacted the Inhuman scientist Maximus and freed Thanos, Proxima, Corvus Grave, Terrax the Truly Enlightened, and Black Swan; and formed the Cabal, who were willing to destroy other Earths to save both universes. Together, the new team destroyed the colliding Earth. Eight months after the formation of the Cabal, it had received legitimacy as the world's protectors and been sanctioned by the UN. The world allowed the Cabal to raze Wakanda, and claim the ruins as their new base of operations. They continued to protect universes by destroying colliding Earths, but despite this, Namor had grown weary, since the Cabal engaged in wholesale slaughter of the colliding Earth's heroes and population, as opposed to simply planting the bomb and leaving as he would like. He sought out Doctor Doom and asked him to join the Cabal, believing that together, they could keep the Cabal under control. Doom refused however, judging Namor as broken and weak, and telling him that he should have to come to him first instead of freeing the Cabal. Namor, now willing to turn himself in for his crimes in order to stop the Cabal, devised a plan with the Illuminati to destroy the Cabal. A new Incursion was on the horizon, one in which the incursive world had been ravaged by the Mapmakers. Namor would lead the Cabal to said world, activate the anti-matter injector without their knowledge, and leave them to die with said Earth, preventing them from escaping with the use of an A.I.M. platform capable of creating an impenetrable barrier between the two colliding Earths. However, as Namor was preparing to activate the platform, Black Panther and Black Bolt ambushed him. They incapacitated Namor and threw him off the platform to the soon-to-be-destroyed Earth. The Cabal confronted Namor for fleeing, and he lied, claiming he had seen a strange object in the sky and gone to investigate. He warned them about the trap the Illuminati had set, omitting his part in it, and luckily, a means of escape presented itself in the form of yet another incursion happening simultaneously. Namor and the Cabal narrowly fled to the other world, the Ultimate Universe, where they encountered Reed Richards After Reed lets Thanos and Maximum talk with his world's Nick Fury and convince Fury to lead an attack on Earth-616 in order to save Earth-1610, Namor talks with Thanos and Maximus in private. Thanos asks Maximus if the lifeboat that would take them to safety when the incursion occurs will be ready in time. Maximus tells Thanos that it will but couldn't say if it will work or not. Namor asks if Nick Fury is going to play his part, and Thanos claims with certainty he will. Maximus however is not so sure, claiming that Fury is crafty and knows they're lying. Either way however, when the incursion happens, Thanos believes Fury will have no choice but to do what they want. +This superhero's name is Namora. Their real name is Aquaria Nautica Neptunia. The daughter of an Atlantean man and a surface woman, Aquaria Neptunia was nicknamed "Namora" in honor of her cousin Namor. During her early adolescence, Namora moved to the Atlantis Antarctic capital with her father and became a playmate of Namor. A few years later, Namora and her father relocated to a northern colony and were absent when Atlantis was increasingly drawn into surface activities. In 1946, Namora's skin, formerly the typical Atlantean blue, faded to a Caucasian tone, and her father revealed her half-human heritage. Shortly afterward, she and her father returned to Antarctic Atlantis, where, in early 1947, the Brockton Gang, surface criminals led by Stoop Richards, invaded Atlantis in search of treasure, killing Namora's father. Namor and Namora took vengeance on Richards and his underlings. Namora continued to accompany Namor on adventures, fighting the schemes of their cousin Byrrah and such surface criminals as the mesmeric Doctor Macabre and the weapon-wielding Viking; on her own, she clashed with the Mummy Men of Tut-Ak-Mun and other threats. In 1955, Namora married an Atlantean man named Talan. At some point following the formation of the adventurous Monster Hunters in 1956, Namora joined the team on some of their adventures; however, her marriage with Talan became strained when, due to her hybrid nature, she was unable to bear children. In late 1957, Namora persuaded the exiled Atlantean scientist Vyrra to implant her with an altered cloned embryo, enabling her to become pregnant. In 1958, Namora accompanied the Monster Hunters on a mission alongside other heroes, which brought her to the attention of FBI agent Jimmy Woo. Although she declined to join his group of super-powered agents, she pointed him in the direction of the Human Robot, laying dormant in the ocean. Soon after, Namora gave birth to her daughter, Namorita. About this time, Namor went missing after a clash with the madman Destiny; Namora searched for him to no avail. In 1961, Namora and her family left Atlantis for the colony of Maritanis. Soon afterward, Talan was killed in an atomic bomb test, and Namora took their child to live in Lemuria. After several years, she became attracted to Lemuria's Prince Merro, leading her rival, the power-seeking Llyra, to poison her. Namora was believed to have died while Namorita was a pre-adolescent. Recently, an aging Jimmy Woo was nearly killed in tracking down the Atlas Foundation, prompting his rescue and rejuvenation by his former allies in the 50s. Jimmy Woo and his allies began the search for the Atlas Foundation anew, and the Human Robot calculated that Namora was likely still alive, frozen in a cavern under the North Sea. Their investigation triggered a defense system of genetically engineered crustaceans, and they were saved by the Robot, who managed to thaw Namora from her icy coffin. (As a surface dweller/Atlantean hybrid, Namora's body had overcome the poison and only needed to be revived. Grateful, Namora pledged her loyalty to their cause, and they eventually uncovered the truth of the Foundation, which was led by Woo's archenemy, the Yellow Claw. The Yellow Claw ceded control of the Foundation to Jimmy, who professed his determination to use such resources for the betterment of the world. He, Namora, and the other Agents of Atlas would become a clandestine force for good. +This superhero's name is Namorita. Their real name is Namorita Prentiss. Namorita was born in 1958 to Namora, half-human cousin of Atlantis's Prince Namor; unknown to her husband Talan, Namora became pregnant via genetic manipulation by Atlantean scientist Vyrra, who implanted her with her own clone, infused with genes from Atlantis's greatest warriors. Talan died when Namorita was three, and she and Namora relocated to Lemuria. Eventually, Namora grew attracted to Lemuria's ruler, Merro; however, Namora's rival, Llyra, poisoned Namora when Namorita was still a pre-adolescent. Llyra assumed the throne of Lemuria soon after, and Namorita remained in her care, suspecting her of Namora's death but unable to prove it. In recent years, Llyra plotted against Namor and forced Namorita to lure Namor into a trap. Namor foiled their plans and, reunited with the cousin he had not seen since her infancy, he entrusted her welfare to his longtime surface friend, Betty Prentiss. Under Prentiss's guidance, Namorita attended high school and college, and she took Prentiss's last name following her guardian's death. Namorita herself acted as mentor to the alien Wundarr, and when he attained adult intelligence as the Aquarian, she briefly joined his spiritual movement, the Water Children. When the alien menace Terrax surfaced, Namorita and other superhumans defeated him and joined forces as the New Warriors. After some time with the Warriors, Namorita was shocked to learn of her cloned nature. Reassured by Namor, she fell in love with teammate Nova, only to undergo a physical transformation into a more primitive and powerful form of Atlantean. Eventually regaining her original appearance, she and Nova grew apart, and she later dated the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four, although that relationship also ended. At present, she co-rules Atlantis with Namor and the warrior Andromeda. Recently, during a televised raid by the New Warriors of a building in which Cobalt Man, Speedfreak, Coldheart, and Nitro, who had recently escaped from the Raft, resided, Namorita followed after Nitro. Slamming him into a bus, Namorita taunted him, but Nitro screamed he wasn't the kind of loser that she was used to facing and that she was in fact "playing with the big boys now", before letting off a massive explosion that killed Namorita, Night Thrasher, Microbe, Cobalt Man, Speedfreak, Coldheart, all of the children at the nearby elementary school, and all residents in the surrounding neighborhood where the fight took place. Retrieved from "http://www.marvel.com/universe/Namorita" +This superhero's name is Naruto Uzumaki. Their real name is Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto is the carrier of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox that was sealed within him by the Fourth Hokage when it attacked Konohagakure twelve years prior to the onset of the main plot. Naruto's parents supposedly died trying to help defend the village from the fox's onslaught shortly after he was born. However, since a law was enacted forbidding villagers from speaking of the aforementioned events, Naruto grew up not knowing a single detail about who his parents were. He was even unaware of the fox inside him up until around the time he became a ninja. An orphan living alone, Naruto would often pull pranks and vandalize monuments and statues in order to draw attention from those who shunned him. Though he trained to become a ninja at the academy, he would mostly goof off in class, inventing techniques like Sexy Technique (Sexy no jutsu) in which he transformed into a naked female version of himself. Naruto's lifelong ambition is to become the greatest hokage (lit. "fire shadow"), the highest ranking ninja of Konoha, so that people will finally give him the respect he deserves. His motivation and determination to achieve his goal drives him to train extremely hard. However, this has also made him very stubborn--never taking no for an answer when requesting high ranking missions. Some of his traits, good and bad, even manage to rub off on other ninja, including antagonists such as Gaara of the Sand Village, and the grandson of the Third Hokage, Konohamaru. He becomes accepted by several of his peers, ranging from his original teacher Iruka Umino and his team members Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi, to two of the three legendary Sannin. He steadily becomes more powerful as the series progresses, and even learns advanced techniques mastered only by high-level ninja such as Jiraiya of the Sannin and the late Fourth Hokage. In Part II, Naruto finally gained the recognition that he has been striving for after saving the village from Nagato in the Pain Invasion Arc. When Madara Uchiha announces the Fourth Shinobi World War against the Allied Shinobi Forces because they wouldn't hand over Killer Bee and Naruto(the remaining uncaptured Jinchurikis), Naruto is put in the center of attention of the whole Shinobi World. Naruto has finally gained the respect of the Third Raikage after surpassing his speed in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. +This superhero's name is Nathan Petrelli. Their real name is Nathan Petrelli. Nathan Petrelli is an aspiring politician who, inspired by his late father, seeks to one day help the world by occupying a high position in the government. Through a long and painful struggle, Nathan succeeded in becoming a Congressman for the state of New York. After the apparent death of his beloved younger brother Peter, he resigned and is currently alone, jobless, and wallowing in his sadness. He is an evolved human with the ability to fly. Nathan places a high value on his election campaign, often above that of his family. He masks his brother's dreams and attempts to fly by telling the media that Peter has tried to commit suicide. Nathan also tells his mother to "get over" her husband's recent death. Nathan is also willing to abide by his election committee's decision to keep his wife, recently crippled, away from the media spotlight to avoid appearing "weak." Nathan downplays the existence of his flying power, despite having flown several times, both intentionally and unintentionally. +This superhero's name is Nebula (MCU). Their real name is Nebula. Nebula was one of many youths who were orphaned and then taken in by the interplanetary warlord Thanos to be trained as merciless warriors devoted to his service. While Nebula greatly despised her other adopted siblings, she formed a genuine bond with the Zehoberei Gamora to the point that they began to truly consider each other as sisters. Throughout her childhood, Nebula trained to be a galaxy-class killer under the tutelage of Ronan the Accuser. Nebula would often train alongside Gamora and fellow Thanos devotee Korath.Thanos regularly had Nebula spar with Gamora to test their strengths with Gamora winning every match. Every time Nebula lost, Thanos would upgrade her to try and make her Gamora's equal. Nebula grew to resent Gamora for never letting her win causing Thanos to torture her. +This superhero's name is Negasonic Teenage Warhead (FOX. Their real name is Ellie Phimister. Ellie Phimister, more known as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, is a mutant and a member of the X-Men, formerly under the tutelage of Colossus. She possess the mutant ability to detonate atomic bursts from her body. +This superhero's name is Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Their real name is Ellie Phimister. Ellie Phimister was a Genoshan teenager and a student of Emma Frost. Her mutant power gave her precognitive nightmares and premonitions. She chose the codename Negasonic Teenage Warhead for herself. During a telepathy class with Emma Frost, Ellie revealed that the previous night she had the same nightmare fifty times wherein all people in Genosha were exterminated. She also pointed out that she experienced the same vision during the class. At that point, Cassandra Nova's gigantic Wild Sentinels appeared on Genosha and wiped out half the world's mutant population: 16 million people. Ellie's corpse was carried by Emma Frost, who had survived the Genoshan genocide thanks to her secondary mutation, when she was found by Beast and Jean Grey. Emma proclaimed the teenager to be a credit to her family and the mutant race and suffered a mental breakdown when she found out Ellie was dead. When Emma Frost's subconscious began attacking the X-Men due to a telepathic attack planted by Cassandra Nova, Negasonic Teenage Warhead appeared as a member of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club with the Black King and Perfection. She faced off against Kitty Pryde and predicted she'd uncontrollably phase through the ground, which cause her to do so. The telepathic projection of Ellie was "murdered" by Cyclops when he shot her with a handgun. Ellie was one of the many thousands of deceased mutants resurrected by Selene with the help of Eli Bard's Techno-Organic Virus. After Destiny's escape, Ellie joined Thunderbird and Caliban as one of Selene's righthand slaves. +This superhero's name is Neji. Their real name is Neji Hyuga. Neji Hyūga was a member of Konohagakure's Hyūga clan. Though a prodigy even by the Hyūga's standards, Neji was a member of the clan's branch house; no matter how skilled he became, he would always be in service to the Hyūga's main house, a fact that convinced him fate was predetermined. After experiencing Naruto Uzumaki's refusal to be limited by such an ideology, Neji realised his fate was what he chose it to be, and as a member of Team Guy he sought the strength necessary to make the future he wanted for his family and friends. +This superhero's name is Nekron. Their real name is Nekron. Nekron is the Lord of the Unliving, one of the most powerful forces in the DC Universe, able to summon the dead to serve him towards whatever ends he might seek. Nekron is a concept/physical manifestation of the concept of death as a cosmic certainty and as the ultimate opponent and opposing force of all life that exists. As a cosmic force for evil, he has frequently found himself in conflict with the Green Lantern Corps. During Blackest Night, he has been revealed as the mastermind behind the Black Lantern Corps. Although he is a sentient being, Nekron is not alive as we understand the concept. He is the complete ruler of the Land of the Unliving, a dimension where souls go before their final judgment. As his eternal punishment, he is also imprisoned within this realm, unable to leave, although he frequently attempts to escape into our dimension. His origins remain completely shrouded in mystery. Nobody knows how he rose to power in his realm, or whether or not he was at one point a living being. Recent sources have claimed that Nekron is not so much a part of darkness, but in fact is the darkness, predating the existence of life as we know it. Further, It is stated that the darkness itself created Nekron as its persona and uses him to protect itself from the life. It has also been hinted at that the guardians of the universe clashed with Nekron close to the beginning of the universe and imprisoned him. +This superhero's name is Nergal. Their real name is . Nergal is a powerful demon and Constantine enemy. +This superhero's name is Neron. Their real name is . Neron is a fallen angel and the ruler of Hell. He offers deals to villains and heroes for their souls. +This superhero's name is Neuro. Their real name is Neuro. Neuro was born as the descendant of the Elemental Master of Mind. He unlocked his own True Potential before the events of The Tournament of Elements and became a contestant in the Tournament of Elements. +This superhero's name is Nick Fury (MCU). Their real name is Nicholas Fury. Nicholas "Nick" Joseph Fury was a former Colonel who had served with the United States Army and an espionage veteran of the CIA during the Cold War. Continuing to serve the world, Fury joined S.H.I.E.L.D., a covert international peacekeeping organization which operates as humanity's first line of defense against Earth's most dangerous enemies. The great scope of enemies widened as Fury met Kree warrior Vers. Fury helped her uncover her human heritage as Carol Danvers, as the two fought off the Kree Starforce, which was led by Yon-Rogg, as they targeted refugee Skrull families. Fury took a liking to Mar-Vell's pet Flerken, Goose, who proceeded to scratch him and permanently blinded his left eye. Fury has kept the reason for this injury his secret while Captain Marvel had left the Earth. Later promoted to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury refocused his efforts to organizing the Avengers Initiative, which had been named after Danvers' own former codename, with Fury's true intentions being to bring together any other super-powered individuals assist S.H.I.E.L.D. with protecting the Earth from extraterrestrial threats, which he had only learned of following his encounters with the Kree and Skrulls. Despite some more considerable reluctance from World Security Council who had not believed in his theories, Fury had still continued his efforts and eventually managed to recruit both Iron Man and Captain America into their Initiative, ready for an incoming invasion. With the Avengers ready, Fury was forced to call them all into action when the Earth was invaded by Loki who managed to brainwash an army and steal the Tesseract. With the Avengers assembled, Fury took charge of the hunt for Loki, leading the volatile team through the mission as they attempted to learn what Loki's plan for the Tesseract was and who he had been working for. This all then came to a head following Loki killing Fury's close friend Phil Coulson, before being tracked to New York City where all the Avengers engaged Loki and his entire incoming army of Chitauri in a final battle, with Fury keeping the World Security Council from nuking the entire city before Loki was defeated and the Avengers were disassembled. Following the Avengers' victory, Fury hired Captain America to become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., while Fury worked on the new Project Insight. However, when Fury began to suspect that something was wrong with Project Insight, he then found himself becoming a target of the Winter Soldier, forcing Fury to fake his own death and go into hiding. With limited people he could trust, Fury then turned to Captain America along with Black Widow, the Falcon and Maria Hill to lead the fight, as he soon discovered that HYDRA had secretly managed to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and Alexander Pierce was the leader, as Captain America had also learned that the Winter Soldier was actually his friend Bucky Barnes who had been brainwashed by HYDRA decades following Barnes' apparent death. Once Fury and his allies had stopped Project Insight and also killed Pierce, Fury chose to go into hiding to continue hunting down the remaining HYDRA cells. Fury then assisted the now resurrected Phil Coulson in defeating John Garrett while also stopping his plans for Project Deathlok. Following this, Fury chose to promote Coulson to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., telling him to rebuild it from the ground up. Fury had then also aided the Avengers during the Ultron Offensive, inspiring them all at their lowest moment before then returning during the Battle of Sokovia and setting up their New Avengers Facility. However, just as Fury was getting word of something going wrong, he was too late to stop the Decimation as Thanos wiped out half of all life, killing Fury in the process who just managed to get a distress call out to Captain Marvel before his death. +This superhero's name is Nick Fury. Their real name is Nicholas Joseph Fury. The eldest of three children, Nicholas Joseph Fury grew up in Depression-era New York City with his brother Jacob and sister Dawn. Fury's mother died while he was very young and his father Jack Fury, an American pilot who joined the British war effort during World War I, remarried and the children were raised by his stepmother in lieu of Jack Fury's own early death. It wouldn't be until Nick Fury became a solider himself overseas that he would learn of his father's military service. Living in the tough streets of Hell's Kitchen, Fury soon became fast friends with Red Hargrove, whom he helped keep out of trouble. Fury himself was no stranger to trouble, but more than often confined it to the boxing ring where he would bout, or in the Police Athletic League where he became one of the finest marksman. World War II Fury and Hargrove caught the eye of Lt. "Happy Sam" Sawyer who enlisted them for a special mission in Holland. On this mission Fury made the acquaintance of his future life-long friend, the circus strongman Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan. Seeing the Nazi menace firsthand, Hargrove was moved to say he would enlist and Fury said he would follow him. However Fury didn't enlist until 1941, where he received nine weeks of basic training at Fort Dix without Red Hargrove, hoping to ride out the wave of unemployment in the States. Eventually Fury reunited with Hargrove, both getting stationed at Pearl Harbor. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Fury was spurned on by the death of Hargrove during the attack to join the U.S. Rangers, and was eventually recruited and reunited with Captain Sawyer who assigned him command of the First Attack Squad; aka the "Howling Commandos," a specially-trained band of soldiers who undertook some of the most dangerous missions of the war. Together with Dum Dum Dugan as his second in command, Fury led Gabe Jones, Robert "Reb" Ralston, Dino Manelli, Eric Koenig, Izzy Cohen, Percival Pinkerton, and Jonathan Juniper against the likes of Red Skull, Baron Heinrich Zemo, and other Axis villains, fighting alongside such war heroes as Captain America and Bucky. As leader of the Howling Commandos, Fury struck blow after blow against the Nazis and their allies through missions that ranged from deep infiltration missions behind enemy lines to undercover work and even some home front action. It was during the war that Fury first crossed paths with his most dangerous foe, Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker. Strucker's humiliating defeats at the hands of Fury would drive Strucker to devote a lifetime seeking revenge. Among the formative events during this period of his life included the friendships made with Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones (both of whom would follow him into SHIELD), and fighting alongside fellow war hero Captain America. Also during the war, Fury met Lady Pamela Hawley, who would become his first (and some say only true) love. Tragically she died before Fury was able to propose marriage to her. During his relationship with Hawley, they crossed paths with Doctor Strange in a taste of his future strange and extraordinary adventures. During the war Fury and his Commandos faced super-powered menaces that included vampires and other-dimensional beings. Two serious injuries sustained during this time would have a serious impact in his later life: a grenade blast that began the slow deterioration of his sight in his left eye, and a landmine accident that led to Fury being inoculated with the Infinity Formula by Professor Berthold Sternberg in France. The Infinity Formula substantially slowed his aging process, and Fury was thrust with a double edged sword: although his life was saved, the consequences of the Infinity Formula would haunt him throughout his life as he would see many friends age and die, as well as become the target of various villains seeking his secret. Dr. Sternberg himself was not immune to taking advantage of Fury's delicate situation, basically holding Fury's life for ransom starting in 1946, every year through 1976 by charging Fury a high fee for more of the serum. For most soldiers, after V-J Day the war was over it was time to go home and live a normal life again. This was not the case for Nick Fury. Following a number of "mop-up" missions with the Howlers, Sgt. Fury was reassigned and left his wartime comrades behind in France, heading for Okinawa. His skills were quickly put to use with the growing intelligence community. The Office of Strategic Services had recognized Fury's potential during the war, using him for a few missions into German-occupied France, and based on this he was officially recruited by Colonel Tom Lynaugh in 1954. He was flown to Langley where he began training as an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency, serving through till his appointment to SHIELD. During these cloak & dagger years, Fury saw action in the Korean War, briefly reuniting with some of the former Howling Commandos who reenlisted. On one particular mission, the Howlers joined Fury and Colonel "Happy" Sam Sawyer for a covert mission to destroy a MIG airbase, a mission that earned Fury a long-deserved brevet field commission to Colonel. Fury also became involved in fighting Communist Chinese forces. Within the last 30-35 years, Nick Fury recruited Richard Parker into the CIA. Foreshadowing his heavy involvement with super-powered beings as director of SHIELD, Fury recruited the then still new Fantastic Four to investigate goings-on in what would reveal itself to be a master plot by the Hate-Monger. Fury's eye began to finally fail around this time. In the early 1960's Fury was contacted by the Board of Directors of the newly organized international espionage organization S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division) and offered directorship by Tony Stark. (An alternate theory adds that the Deltite LMD manipulated events so that Fury would be chosen). Fury served as SHIELD's director throughout the 1960's, 70's, and 80's. At his side were fellow Howlers Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones, as well as long-time love, the beautiful agent Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine. His command of SHIELD coincided with the ascension to Supreme Hydra by Fury's old WWII nemesis, Baron Von Strucker. The Cold War ignited with a war between HYDRA and SHIELD, resulting in a near fatal blow at Hydra Island, where Fury sunk the base with its leader locked inside its atomic core, left for dead. Fury served the original incarnation of SHIELD both as administrative head and as field commander. His fearless leadership saw the organization through myriad crises and helped it rise to become the world's premier covert-operations agency. Fury and SHIELD thwarted numerous major threats to the world's freedom launched by such groups as HYDRA and the Zodiac - headed at one time by Fury's brother, Jacob. Fury also assisted Earth's superheroes in cases, and SHIELD spearheaded Earth's defenses during many of its worse crises, including the alien Dire Wraith invasion, attacks by the likes of the Yellow Claw and Loki and hunting down creatures such as Godzilla and the Hulk. After the final strike against HYDRA, SHIELD gradually grew to a vast international network the likes of which not even Fury could personally oversee entirely. Thus in 1988 the Deltite Affair erupted, in which a group of rogue LMDs revealed that they had been manipulating SHIELD, HYDRA, and even Roxxon Oil in an attempt to take over the planet. The most important phase of the plan involved replacing agents with advanced LMDs. This brought an end to SHIELD and sent Fury into self-imposed exile. This included traveling the world, shutting down rogue SHIELD bases and decommissioning their equipment. A year later, events engineered by both the late Baron Strucker and the Yellow Claw, brought Fury back out of his exile and thus a second S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate) was commissioned under a United Nations charter with Fury once again as its director. This incarnation of SHIELD struggled to gain its footing with resentment from other espionage agencies and the task of assembling enough resources and manpower to combat the growing international threats. One of these threats was once again HYDRA, lead by a resurrected Von Strucker, whose plans to cripple the first SHIELD were successful enough to allow a HYDRA retaliation against the new, but weaker agency. The attack leveled SHIELD Central, killed 1,500 agents, and left Fury bitter and vindictive. Eventually Fury managed to defeat Von Strucker and put an end to his existence. With Von Strucker seemingly gone at last, Fury still did not feel a whole man and his disillusionment with SHIELD continued. Fury found himself siding against his friends more and more, including Captain America during the Genoshan Crisis and being used as a pawn to collect "rogue" elements like Cable and Ghost Rider for subversives within the government. Worse still was having to hunt his own son, Mikel, who once again donned his Scorpio identity to fight in a civil war in Carpassia. Fury faced internal strife as the defection of former KGB interrogator Dimitri Panshin instigated a rogue faction within SHIELD to make Panshin pay for his crimes. Fury and Captain America joined with Titanium Man and AIM to stop the renegades. Likely as a result of the rogue agents affair, SHIELD faced severe cutbacks in funding. With a scaled-back SHIELD, Fury was glad to be reunited with his son Mikel in 1995. Together, father and son helped thwart a revenge scheme by the ex-wife of the head of HYDRA's NYC cell, involving a mini-neutron bomb. Later they stopped a black-market arms racket funding the local street gangs in Hell's Kitchen. As the 1990's and his fourth decade as director drew to a close, Fury had Tony Stark construct a "perfect" L.M.D. (perhaps based on the Deltite LMD) which took Fury's place while he investigated a message from his predecessor as director. His investigations took him once again to the lower levels of what was once SHIELD Central, finding himself caught in a trap that housed him in a pocket dimension. In a stroke of luck, the use of the LMD Fury coincided with an attempt on Fury's life by Spook, a subversive seeking control of SHIELD. This resulted in a brainwashed Punisher bringing about the "death" of Nick Fury for all the world to see. Brought back from the pocket dimension by former agent Sharon Carter, the real Nick Fury once again attempted to set SHIELD straight; uncovering an unauthorized NEMESIS project by EXTECHOP and later taking a short leave of absence from the directorship to investigate the disappearance of agent David Ferrari. Fury tried to take charge of an agency that had once again grown too large for him to handle. Perhaps the greatest threat to SHIELD came with the hijacking of the helicarrier by the Red Skull, leading to a hunt which culminated in a battle with the a new Hate-Monger and the Skull. Following the attacks on the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001, Nick Fury and SHIELD found their roles expanded to deal with the ever-growing terrorist threats and the stronger tactics being employed by both superheroes and supervillains alike. Recent assignments have included dealing with the Fantastic Four in a post-Doom Latveria, weather attacks on the United States by a rogue SHIELD agent, and safeguarding Tony Stark from assassination attempts. When the Red Skull was killed, and Nick sent in Captain America and Agent 13 to investigate. The three began a relentless quest to track down the person responsible, and to obtain the powerful Cosmic Cube. This brought them into conflict with General Aleksander Lukin and the mysterious Winter Soldier. At about the same time, SHIELD was dealt a huge blow by The Hand and HYDRA. Fury and Elektra worked at bringing a brainwashed Wolverine into custody. They succeeded, but not before Elektra was killed and resurrected by The Hand. Wolverine's brainwashing was reversed just in time to help fend off the dozens of brainwashed mutants attacked the Helicarrier and SHIELD bases around the world. The Helicarrier was destroyed, SHIELD was shattered, and Nick was left in critical condition. Fury eventually uncovered that many tech-themed criminals were being supplied high technology through the Latverian prime minister Lucia von Bardas. He presented the evidence to the President, who decided to do nothing about it. Apparently, because the U.S. government had funded the restoration of Latveria since Doom's fall and were afraid of it backfiring on them. Realizing that the President turning a blind eye would cost lives, Fury gathered Captain America, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Wolverine and Daisy Johnson into mounting a "Secret War" against Latveria. Because simply assassinating von Bardas would not stop the impending attack against the States, Fury needed to send a message to her cohorts -- by bringing down Castle Doom down upon her. He then some how managed to cover all of this up. He then brainwashed everyone but Widow and Johnson into forgetting what happened. A year later, von Bardas is found to be alive and sends tech-theme villains against the participants of the Secret War. She then linked all of the tech together to create and antimatter bomb capable of destroying the States. However, only Daisy's timely intervention halted her insane plan. Fury then explains to the Avengers, Fantastic Four and X-Men about the Secret War. In fact, a Life-Model Decoy was in his place, which he uses to explain that he's going underground and hopes that they will one day understand why he did this. In the aftermath, Fury is no longer in charge of SHIELD, replaced by Maria Hill, someone known not to favor superheroes as he generally did. Fury's old supporters such as Dum Dum Dugan were marginalized as much as possible in an attempt to put a gap between SHIELD and costumed vigilantes. With the outbreak of the superhero Civil War, Nick remained in hiding, using old decommissioned SHIELD safehouses, the locations of which were known only to him. Fury allowed Cap and his Secret Avengers to use one of these as their base, and helped their cause, most notably the efforts of the reformed Winter Soldier. Following the Secret War Nick Fury had planned out, he went into hiding but still assisted the heroes during the Civil War. However, he was long aware of the Skrull plans before the Skrulls even revealed themselves, after an impostor posing as Contessa de la Fontaine attempted to seduce him and extract S.H.I.E.L.D. passcodes from him. He became suspicious and killed her. He subsequently went into hiding and began assembling a new team of Howling Commandos, composed of unregistered superpowered teenagers, personally trained by Fury himself, to combat this threat. He also assigned Jessica Drew to be his mole in both Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.. However, the Hydra doctors who attempted to restore her powers were actually Skrull agents, who used her DNA so that their queen Veranke could take her place. Fury brought his Commandos directly into the fray in New York City, helping evacuate civilian and downed heroes when the invasion began. He brought the recovered heroes into Central Park where the rest were gathering. After a brief discussion with Norman Osborn, Iron Man, and then a direct encounter with the Skrulls about their God, Fury stated that his God, Thor, had a hammer. The battle between the entire Skrull army and the gathered heroes and villains ensued. After the battle was over, Iron Man and other Avengers took down the fleet and Iron Man brought down a ship carrying the original heroes who were replaced with Skrulls including Dum Dum Dugan and a number of SHIELD Agents. Once they recognized Fury, he teleported his entire team away. With Fury as, on a technicality, a government fugitive for his Secret War, it was presumable that his team was also aiding and abetting a fugitive and may also be warranted for arrest. Their existence has been made public and the team's objective of defeating the Skrulls has been achieved, their current purpose is unknown. Fury investigated a covert SHIELD base in Chicago that didn't exist in official databases. Analyzing its contents, Furye discovered that SHIELD was, and always had been controlled by HYDRA, which also had connections to the security departments of the American, Canadian and Russian governments. Realizing that all his work had been a big lie, he gathered his Commandos to prepare to counter the renewed HYDRA threat and to overthrow the corrupt HAMMER agency - created by former Green Goblin, Norman Osborn, having been given national mandate by the government after killing Queen Veranke - that replaced SHIELD. But to defeat two opponents controlling massive armies, Fury needed an army of his own. He hired the services of the Howling Commandos PMC, led by Dum Dum and 1200 SHIELD agents refusing the automatic transfer to HAMMER, before stealing three decommission Helicarriers and convincing 3000 HAMMER agents to join him. Fury reactivated the services of John Garrett, needing his help in determining the allegiance of a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Seth Waters. Garrett returned from a successful mission, determining that Waters was working for an unknown group who was highly connected in the government. Therefore, Fury broke into Avengers Tower, where he was coerced by Osborn himself into interrogating Waters. He then escaped with the data, learning that there was a group called Leviathan, much like Hydra, which was founded by the Soviet government. A month later, Fury had his army assembled. He introduced Daisy to other team leaders, Alexander Pierce and Mikel Fury. He told them that their teams would work together for the coming storm. +This superhero's name is Night King. Their real name is . The Night King was a First Man that was captured by a pack of the Children of the Forest. Leaf, who was among the pack, pressed a dragonglass dagger into his chest, causing his eyes to turn blue and turning him into the first of the White Walkers. Thousands of years later, Leaf tells Bran Stark that her people created the White Walkers to defend themselves when Westeros was invaded by the First Men, who were cutting their sacred trees and slaughtering the Children of the Forest. However, the White Walkers soon turned on their creators and began what was known as the Long Night. +This superhero's name is Night Thrasher. Their real name is Dwayne Taylor. id='history' +This superhero's name is Nightcrawler (FOX). Their real name is Kurt Wagner. Nightcrawler was controlled by Colonel William Stryker to assassinate the President. He stood undercover and watched as Alicia Vargas read a speech excerpt by Abraham Lincoln. He then raced through the White House with a combination of teleporting and running, attacking those he found on the way until he reached the Oval Office. There he jumped on the President and raised a dagger as if to stab him, but was shot by a guard - dropping the dagger and teleporting away. It fell next to the President and on it was written 'MUTANT FREEDOM NOW." Storm and Jean Grey attempt to recruit Nightcrawler after his discovery by Professor X through Cerebro. They look after him before taking him to the X-Jet to make their way home. Following the abduction of several students from Xavier's School by Stryker's soldiers, Nightcrawler joins the X-Men in their rescue mission. After picking up Wolverine, Rogue, Iceman and Pyro, they are threatened by jet fighters. A missile tears through the X-Jet, and Rogue is sucked out before being rescued by Nightcrawler. Just before the X-Jet crashes, everyone is saved by Magneto. Later in the evening, Jean Grey read his mind, discovering the location of Stryker's base. He aided the X-Men with their mission to find Professor X and the abducted students. Following Jean's apparent death, Nightcrawler prayed for no more evil hoping everything will be good. Later on, he appears with the X-Men for one last time when they travel to the White House to warn the President of a war that is coming. Kurt was working in a Munich circus until he was captured and taken to a Mutant fight club. He tries to escape but the walls of the cage block his teleporting and he is forced to fight his opponent: Angel. Although initially, he tries to dodge and avoid fighting, Angel tells him that if he doesn't fight they will both be killed. Kurt knocks Angel into the walls of the cage severely damaging his left wing. Mystique has found the fight club and shuts off the power to the fences allowing Angel and Nightcrawler to escape, Angel fights his way out, but Kurt is taken by Mystique. Mystique takes him to Caliban in order to get a new identity to travel to safety. However, Mystique sees a news broadcast on Magneto and decides to go see Charles Xavier and she takes Kurt with him. At the school Kurt becomes friends with Jubilee who gives him a tour of the mansion, he also meets Scott Summers and Jean Grey. He tells Scott how he is unfamiliar what a mall is, so Scott decides that they should skip school and go out and have fun. At the mall, Kurt gets to experience normal teen activities: shopping for records, seeing Return of the Jedi and experiencing "brain freeze" from a frozen drink at the food court. Scott then drives the four friends back to the mansion, only to find it has been attacked by Apocalypse and the Horsemen and Professor X has been taken. Willam Stryker also arrives and kidnaps Mystique, Quicksilver, Moira MacTaggert and Beast. Kurt hides in the rubble of X Mansion with Scott and Jean, who manages to use her telepathy to keep them cloaked from Strykers soldiers. The trio sneaks on the jet with the captured X-Men, to Alkali Lake Stryker's base for experimenting on mutants, to rescue their friends. At Alkali lake the trio is forced to hide from guards and encounter Wolverine locked in a cage, Jean sets him free and he goes on a killing rampage throughout the base. While teleporting in various locations inside, Kurt eventually finds the captured heroes and Scott use his powers to blast open their cell. Kurt, Scott, Jean, Mystique, Quicksilver, Beast and Moira don armored suits and board a jet to fly to Cairo to save Professor X. The team is divided with Kurt tasked to retrieve Charles's body from Apocalypse before they transfer consciousness's, but he is attacked by Angel again. Nightcrawler defeats Angel again and retrieves Charles, the X-Men return to the jet and are preparing to escape but the Horsemen attack and Kurt is forced to teleport himself and seven others to safety, straining him and causing him to pass out. When he awakes, his fellow X-Men have defeated Apocalypse once and for all. The mansion is rebuilt and Kurt stays on as a student permanently, also joining Mystique, Beast, Quicksilver, Cyclops, Jean and a reformed Storm as the new X-Men. Under the watch of Professor X. the team gathers in the Danger Room to train against an army of Sentinels. +This superhero's name is Nightcrawler. Their real name is Kurt Wagner. Kurt Wagner was born with certain unusual physical characteristics, but his power of self-teleportation did not emerge until puberty. Margali Szardos, a sorceress and gypsy queen, found Wagner an hour after his birth, in a small roadside shelter in the Bavarian Alps. She found his father, Eric Wagner, dead of a heart attack on the road outside. Margali is said to have found Wagner's mother lying next to the baby and dying, but this assertion has been called into question, and not even Kurt Wagner knows the truth. Margali took the baby to the small Bavarian circus where she worked as a fortuneteller as a 'cover' for her activities as a sorceress. Wagner was never legally adopted by anyone, but was raised by all the members of the circus, who had no prejudices against 'freaks.' Margali acted as Wagner's unofficial foster mother. Wagner grew up happily in the circus, and his two closest friends were Margali's natural children Stefan and Jimaine. Long before his teleportation power emerged, Wagner had tremendous natural agility, and by his adolescence he had become the circus's star acrobat and aerial artist. Circus audiences assumed that he was a normal-looking human being wearing a demon-like costume. Years later, the Texas millionaire Arnos Jardine, who ran a large circus based in Florida, heard of the circus Wagner worked for and bought it. Jardine intended to move its best acts into his American circus. However, he demanded that Wagner be placed in the circus's freak show. Appalled, Wagner quit and made his way towards Winzeldorf, Germany, where Stefan was. He discovered that Stefan had gone mad and had brutally slain several children. Two nights after leaving the circus, Wagner found Stefan and fought him, hoping to stop his rampage. In the course of the struggle, Wagner unintentionally broke Stefan's neck. Then the villagers of Winzeldorf, who assumed him to be a demon who was responsible for the child killings, discovered Wagner. They were about to kill him when they were all psionically paralyzed by Professor Charles Xavier, who had come to recruit Wagner into the X-Men. Wagner agreed to join the group, but before they left for America, he and Xavier went to the Bavarian circus so that Wagner could explain to Margali about Stefan's death. However, Margali was not there. She held Wagner responsible for murdering Stefan, but years later, she learned the truth and she and Wagner were reconciled. Wagner was also happily reunited with Jimaine, who now lives in the United States under the name of Amanda Sefton. Known as Nightcrawler, Wagner became a member of the X-Men. +This superhero's name is Nighthawk. Their real name is Kyle Richmond. +This superhero's name is Nightshade. Their real name is Eve Eden. Nightshade is a superhero with the ability to manipulate darkness +This superhero's name is Nightwing (Arkham). Their real name is Dick Grayson. After the Christmas Eve Incident, Dick's parents were killed by mob boss, Tony Zucco. Bruce felt sympathy for the boy, and after he remembered his own tragedy, he adopted Dick. Dick eventually discovered Bruce's secret identity as Batman. Wanting to help his friend and father-figure, Dick developed the identity of Robin: The Boy Wonder. Together, the Dynamic Duo took down both criminals and super villains. +This superhero's name is Nightwing (New 52). Their real name is Dick Grayson. Richard John "Dick" Grayson is the adopted son of Bruce Wayne, better known as the vigilante Batman. Trained by the Dark Knight himself, Grayson eventually became Batman's sidekick, the first Robin. After Grayson outgrew his role as Batman's sidekick, he graduated to the role of Nightwing, donning a new costume, and, later, temporarily worked as Batman himself. However, after the Crime Syndicate exposed his secret identity to the world, Grayson agreed to take up a new identity and work undercover for Batman within the villainous spy agency known as Spyral as Agent 37 before returning to his role as Nightwing once again. +This superhero's name is Niki Sanders. Their real name is Nicole Sanders. Nicole "Niki" Sanders is a former casino worker in Las Vegas. She was raising her son, Micah, alone because her husband DL Hawkins is a fugitive. In the absence of D.L. and his regular paycheck from construction work, she earned extra money as a webcam stripper running lasvegasniki.com. She has an aggressive alter-ego named Jessica, under whose identity violent acts and murders are committed. +This superhero's name is Nina Theroux. Their real name is . Nina Theroux is worldly and sophisticated, attractive and intelligent, complex and manipulative. In short, she gives new meaning to the idea that a woman "always gets what she wants." Her alpha skill is called "influencing" and it involves the disruption of the specific neural pathways in the cerebral cortex that leave the brain vulnerable to suggestion. It's Nina's curse to know that those aware of her ability, cannot distinguish if she is being genuine or if she is controlling them. +This superhero's name is Nite Owl II. Their real name is Daniel Dreiberg. Born in 1945, Daniel Dreiberg relied more upon technical wizardry than toughness, which set him apart from his fellow costumed adventurers. Still, he has demonstrated more than adequate skills when defending himself. All of his gadgets and costumes are based on an owl theme. He uses an owl-shaped flying vehicle nicknamed "Archie" (Archimedes, after Merlin's owl), equipped with a variety of offensive and defensive devices. Dreiberg's father was a banker who left him a large inheritance, which he used to design and build his crime-fighting gear. Hollis Mason, the original Nite Owl, was his hero and when he retired, Dan wrote to Mason, asking if he could carry on his name. Upon looking at his gear, Mason was too impressed to refuse him, so Dan started out in the 1960s. From then on, the two men became friends, and met every Saturday. In 1965, Dreiberg (as Nite Owl) successfully teamed up with fellow costumed adventurer Rorschach to take on organized crime. Having already come to believe that his expensive activities were accomplishing little, Dreiberg retired after the passing of the Keene Act on August 3, 1977, although in 1985 (when the story takes place) he seems to regret his decision to give up crime fighting. Rorschach would later say regarding his retirement, "No staying power." Dreiberg mastered in aeronautics and zoology at Harvard University, contributing scholarly articles to ornithological journals after his retirement in 1977. +This superhero's name is Nite Owl. Their real name is Hollis Mason. Born in 1916, Hollis Mason spent his early years on a farm in Montana. His grandfather, whom he was named after, was a highly religious and moral individual. Although young Hollis disliked the man, growing up with him left an indelible stamp upon the boy’s morality. Upon moving to New York with his mother and father in 1928, Hollis was confronted by the sheer darkness and horror present in the city. The things the young boy saw raised an ethical revulsion within him that he was never able to shake off. Whenever it became too much to handle, his main escape lay within the black-and-white world of pulp novels, where the purity of the hero was never in doubt and evildoers were always punished. Hollis’ sense of justice eventually led him to attend the police academy, and he joined the New York Police Department in 1938. Later that year, inspired by Superman comics and the real-life exploits of the Hooded Justice, Mason decided to become a costumed hero himself. After he devoted all of his free time to physical training, one of his fellow officers took to sarcastically calling him “Nite-Owl”. Mason decided that it had a nice ring to it. Mason made his debut as Nite-Owl in 1939. After a few successful months as a costumed adventurer, he answered an ad in the Gazette asking other heroes to come forth, and subsequently became a member of the Minutemen. Nite-Owl would prove to be one of the most effective members of the team, with his police training and hand-to-hand combat skills proving indispensable to the group. During World War II, Mason’s occupation as a police officer exempted him from the draft. He and the other remaining Minutemen stayed in America, where they fought domestic threats. In 1949, the Minutemen broke up for good. Nite-Owl continued working as a solo costumed hero. In 1954, during the HUAC hearings, the former Minutemen were called upon to reveal their secret identities to a representative. Mason complied and passed. Around this point villains became less flashy in spite of their strange names. They took to such underground crimes as drugs and vice – which often left Mason feeling rather ridiculous as the only costumed person in the room. Crimes also began taking on a rather sordid and depressing edge. Mason would later attribute this to all the optimism which America had felt post-WWII wearing thin and leaving an ominous feeling in the air. At some point just prior to 1962, Mason obtained his dog sidekick Phantom. However, at 46 years old and feeling it, he saw himself as superfluous in a world with Doctor Manhattan. He publically retired as a superhero and a cop and wrote a memoir, entitled Under the Hood, wherein he made numerous controversial comments and revelations concerning his former career. Mason became a mechanic and opened his own garage post-retirement. Unfortunately, Doctor Manhattan’s ability to synthesize lithium made electric cars viable and cheap, rendering Mason’s skills nearly useless and causing his retirement to be considerably less pleasant than he’d hoped. Shortly after he retired, Mason was approached by Daniel Dreiberg, a young man who had eagerly followed his exploits and who sought to follow in his footsteps as the second Nite-Owl. Impressed by Dreiberg’s zeal, as well as the technology he intended to bring to bear in the war against crime, Mason was more than glad to acquiesce. 5882 in-depth character profiles from comics, games, movies Random entriesKeep this site alive Print Friendly Nite Owl of the Minutemen (Watchmen DC Comics) Nite-Owl (Hollis Mason) Comics DC Universe Other DC Universe corners Watchmen continuity Power Level: Street-level Game system: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game Role: Character (Heroic) Jump to the game stats Context Nite-Owl was a core member of the Minutemen, the team of 1940s super-heroes that preceded the Watchmen in Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ landmark Watchmen graphic novel. He likely was the most successful and least messed-up of the lot, and is still alive (albeit middle-aged) when Watchmen starts. Advertisement Background Real Name: Hollis Mason. Marital Status: Single. Known Relatives: Hollis Wordsworth Mason (Grandfather), Unnamed Parents, Liantha (Mason?) (Sister). Group Affiliation: The Minutemen. Base Of Operations: New York City. Height: 6’ Weight: 180lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown, later Gray Powers and Abilities Hollis Mason was an experienced police officer who trained constantly in order to keep himself in peak physical shape. He’s also a good mechanic. However, his expertise with cars lies with models long obsolete within the Watchmen-verse. Advertisement History Born in 1916, Hollis Mason spent his early years on a farm in Montana. His grandfather, whom he was named after, was a highly religious and moral individual. Although young Hollis disliked the man, growing up with him left an indelible stamp upon the boy’s morality. Upon moving to New York with his mother and father in 1928, Hollis was confronted by the sheer darkness and horror present in the city. The things the young boy saw raised an ethical revulsion within him that he was never able to shake off. Whenever it became too much to handle, his main escape lay within the black-and-white world of pulp novels, where the purity of the hero was never in doubt and evildoers were always punished. Hollis’ sense of justice eventually led him to attend the police academy, and he joined the New York Police Department in 1938. Later that year, inspired by Superman comics and the real-life exploits of the Hooded Justice, Mason decided to become a costumed hero himself. After he devoted all of his free time to physical training, one of his fellow officers took to sarcastically calling him “Nite-Owl”. Mason decided that it had a nice ring to it. Nite Owl and the Minutemen Mason made his debut as Nite-Owl in 1939. After a few successful months as a costumed adventurer, he answered an ad in the Gazette asking other heroes to come forth, and subsequently became a member of the Minutemen. Nite-Owl would prove to be one of the most effective members of the team, with his police training and hand-to-hand combat skills proving indispensable to the group. The Minutemen having a social event During World War II, Mason’s occupation as a police officer exempted him from the draft. He and the other remaining Minutemen stayed in America, where they fought domestic threats. In 1949, the Minutemen broke up for good. Nite-Owl continued working as a solo costumed hero. In 1954, during the HUAC hearings, the former Minutemen were called upon to reveal their secret identities to a representative. Mason complied and passed. Time moves on Around this point villains became less flashy in spite of their strange names. They took to such underground crimes as drugs and vice – which often left Mason feeling rather ridiculous as the only costumed person in the room. Crimes also began taking on a rather sordid and depressing edge. Mason would later attribute this to all the optimism which America had felt post-WWII wearing thin and leaving an ominous feeling in the air. Nite-Owl arrests a Nazi super-villain during the 1940s At some point just prior to 1962, Mason obtained his dog sidekick Phantom. However, at 46 years old and feeling it, he saw himself as superfluous in a world with Doctor Manhattan. He publically retired as a superhero and a cop and wrote a memoir, entitled Under the Hood, wherein he made numerous controversial comments and revelations concerning his former career. Retirement Mason became a mechanic and opened his own garage post-retirement. Unfortunately, Doctor Manhattan’s ability to synthesize lithium made electric cars viable and cheap, rendering Mason’s skills nearly useless and causing his retirement to be considerably less pleasant than he’d hoped. Shortly after he retired, Mason was approached by Daniel Dreiberg, a young man who had eagerly followed his exploits and who sought to follow in his footsteps as the second Nite-Owl. Impressed by Dreiberg’s zeal, as well as the technology he intended to bring to bear in the war against crime, Mason was more than glad to acquiesce. The Minutemen's group photo from the Who's Who This marked the beginning of a close friendship, and Dreiberg would frequently visit Mason, looking up to him as a mentor. During the events of Watchmen, Mason kept up his cordial relations with Dan Dreiberg and Sally Jupiter. However, he was regarded by Rorschach as a possible suspect in the murder of Edward Blake. Tragically, after Nite-Owl II and Silk Spectre II sprang Rorschach from prison, a group of Knot-Top Gang members heard that “Nite-Owl” was responsible for the breakout. They broke into Hollis Mason’s apartment and beat the old man to death. +This superhero's name is Nobu (MCU). Their real name is Nobu Yoshioka. Nobu Yoshioka was a Japanese businessman with a mysterious agenda. Once an associate of Wilson Fisk's criminal empire, he represented Murakami's faction of the Hand, and shared in the profits of the cartel's criminal activities. When the Fisk's criminal empire was threatened by a mysterious vigilante, Yoshioka took it upon himself to kill the man. During his battle with the masked man, Yoshioka was nearly victorious, before he was outwitted and then burned alive. Yoshioka was resurrected a few months later, and he attacked New York City with his loyal Hand followers. With them, Yoshioka attempted to convince Elektra to join the Hand and embrace her destiny as the Black Sky. When that failed, Yoshioka attempted to destroy Elektra's ally, Daredevil, but Elektra sacrificed herself for Daredevil and she was killed instead by Yoshioka's own sword. During his final battle, Yoshioka was ultimately defeated by Daredevil and killed by Stick, who decapitated Yoshioka. +This superhero's name is Nomad (MCU). Their real name is Steve Rogers. Captain Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers is a World War II veteran, a founding member of the Avengers, and Earth's first known superhero. Rogers had suffered from numerous health problems, and upon America's entry into World War II, was rejected from military service despite several attempts to enlist. Rogers was the only recipient of the Super Soldier Serum developed by Abraham Erskine under the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Determined to serve, Rogers ultimately volunteered for the Project Rebirth, which enhanced the frail Rogers' body to the peak of human physicality. Mistrusted by Colonel Chester Phillips, the head of the SSR, Rogers was relegated to propaganda campaigns, and was given the new moniker of Captain America. Rogers later joined the war with a combat role after he single-handedly liberated captured Allied prisoners of war. From 1943 to 1945, Rogers attacked multiple HYDRA bases alongside his own team, the Howling Commandos, in another attempt to capture Red Skull, and recover the Tesseract. His famous World War II exploits had made him a living legend, and during this time he also formed a relationship with Peggy Carter. Despite seemingly losing his closest best friend and loyal teammate, Bucky Barnes, during a mission, Rogers carried on to help the Allies win the war, but crashed into the Arctic during his final mission. His friend Howard Stark spent time searching for his body. Rogers then spent sixty-six years encased into ice in suspended animation before Rogers was eventually found by S.H.I.E.L.D. in the early 21st century. When he awoke, Rogers had found himself alone in a modern world that he hardly recognized with no idea what to do with his life. Following Loki having stolen the Tesseract from S.H.I.E.L.D. and declaring war on humanity, Nick Fury enlisted Rogers' help in retrieving what he had once known as HYDRA's weapon, and also foiling Loki's plans. Joining the team dubbed as the Avengers which had been made up of some of the Earth's mightiest heroes, which included Howard Stark's son Tony, Rogers then played one of the key roles in the Battle of New York, successfully stopping the Chitauri Invasion of Earth, capturing Loki, and reacquiring the Tesseract while finding his place within this new world. Joining S.H.I.E.L.D. as his way to maintain peace and justice with the aid of Black Widow, Captain America had come into a fierce conflict against the Winter Soldier who had seemingly assassinated Fury. Having been blamed for the incident by Alexander Pierce, Rogers discovered that HYDRA, whom he thought had dissolved in 1945, had existed in secret as a parasite within S.H.I.E.L.D., and that they were planning to use Project Insight as a way to bring about a new world order, while also learning that Winter Soldier was, in fact, his best friend Barnes, operating as the brainwashed assassin. Along Romanoff, Maria Hill and Falcon, Rogers had ended the HYDRA Uprising. As the immediate threat of HYDRA was quelled, Rogers embarked on a quest to locate Barnes. During the search for Barnes, the Avengers had assembled in order to eliminate the remnants of HYDRA, which prompted Rogers to abandon his own quest and rejoin all of his former teammates to help capture the Scepter and Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. After securing their victory, Rogers was almost immediately thrown into another crisis when Ultron, the new peacekeeping artificial intelligent program designed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, began a plot to eliminate humanity. Following a prolonged and brutal conflict in which Vision's creation gave them an advantage, Ultron was defeated during the Battle of Sokovia, however the cost of their battle meant many of the Avengers disbanded, while Rogers and Romanoff stayed to lead the second incarnation of the Avengers. While the Avengers conducted worldwide missions, they soon began tracking down Crossbones, only for Scarlet Witch to be blamed for innocent deaths when she failed to fully contain an explosion that Crossbones caused. Thaddeus Ross used the disaster to write the Sokovia Accords, but Rogers refused to sign due to moral disagreements. Rogers' problems increased more as Barnes resurfaced having seemingly caused a recent terrorist bombing, as Rogers chose to protect Barnes, which then lead to Ross sending Stark out to apprehend them both. Upon learning Helmut Zemo was to blame, Rogers fought against his former allies to find Zemo, only for Zemo's schemes to finally be completed as he revealed Barnes killed Stark's parents, resulting with Rogers going on the run as the Avengers falling apart due to Rogers and Stark's conflict. Having saved his friends from the Raft, Rogers sent Barnes to gain help from Black Panther in Wakanda while he and all his allies then became vigilantes. However, when Thanos and his Black Order attacked Earth seeking the final Infinity Stones, Rogers came out of hiding in order to protect Vision. In order to keep the Vision safe, Rogers had brought him to Wakanda while he and Black Panther's army held off the onslaught of Outriders sent down by Thanos. Despite their success with destroying Thanos' forces, when Thanos himself arrived on the planet, he effortlessly overpowered Rogers and all the other heroes and took the Mind Stone, killing Vision in the process. Despite all their attempts, Thanos completed his goal and wiped out half of the population of the universe, leaving as Rogers witnessed his best friend die again alongside his countless others. +This superhero's name is Nora Darhk (CW). Their real name is Eleanor Darhk. Nora Darhk (born December 2, 2003), also known as Emily and Eleanor, is the daughter of the late Damien Darhk and the late Ruvé Adams. She was a playmate of William Clayton when he was kidnapped by Malcolm Merlyn and placed into Damien's "care". Nora and her mother were to survive the Genesis disaster in the Tevat Noah facility, only for Lonnie Machin to kidnap them, with the ensuing fight sabotaging the facility and Machin murdering Ruvé. Nora was rescued by Team Arrow, before being returned to Damien by Thea Queen. Nora was to spend her last moments with her father, as they waited for the world to be destroyed in a nuclear fire, only for Team Arrow to put an end to Damien's plans. However, Nora later grew up to become a follower and vessel of the mysterious entity known as Mallus. She also became involved with the Order of the Shrouded Compass to resurrect her father, desperately wanting to save him from his dark fate. When Mallus was initially freed from his prison, Nora was killed in the process. However, with help from Ray Palmer, Damien went back in time and took Nora's place as a vessel for Mallus, saving her life. Nora was subsequently arrested by the Time Bureau before Ray gave her father's time stone so she could later escape and start a new life. She was found by Ray some time after that, who came asking for her help for saving John Constantine's life, ending with Nora turning herself over to the Time Bureau to pay for her past. +This superhero's name is Northstar. Their real name is Jean-Paul Beaubier. Jean-Paul Beaubier’s parents were killed in a car crash shortly after his birth. He and his twin sister Jeanne-Marie were taken in by the Martins, cousins of their mother, but they could not afford to raise both children and so sent Jeanne-Marie to a catholic girl’s school. When Jean-Paul was six, he was placed in a foster home after his foster parents died, and the twins grew up unaware of each other. As a teenager, Jean-Paul was caught stealing by Raymonde Belmonde, who became his mentor and guardian, helping Jean-Paul cope with both his emerging mutant nature and his sexuality. Belmonde introduced Jean-Paul to skiing, which he used as a means to help control his super-speed. Jean-Paul later joined a circus and became a talented trapeze artist. He came to regard his fellow performers as the family he had never known. However, there was still much anger and frustration within him which he ultimately expressed by joining the separatist Front de Libération du Québec movement. Becoming part of the Front’s radical Cell Combattre, Jean-Paul acted as a courier. He came to disagree with the Cell’s terrorist methods after he saw himself forced to save innocent lives from a bomb. He subsequently severed all ties with the Front. Jean-Paul returned to his passion for skiing, and by secretly using his powers he quickly became a world champion, winning a gold medal at the Olympics and becoming famous and wealthy. At that time, the Canadian government’s Department H had begun forming a team of superhuman operatives, Alpha Flight. The team’s founder, James Hudson, had already recruited Jean-Paul’s sister as Aurora, and after seeing a photo of Jean-Paul he noticed their resemblance and discovered they were siblings. Hudson invited Jean-Paul to join the team as well, and he was overjoyed to learn that he had a sister, joining the team as Northstar to be with her. The twin’s reunion came as a surprise to all, for when they touched they created a flash of intense light. The team’s first mission was to reclaim former government operative Wolverine, who had defected and joined the American X-Men team. Ambushing the X-Men in Calgary, Alpha Flight held their own, but the battle caused much damage and the government opted to let Wolverine go rather than face massive rebuilding costs. Shortly thereafter, Department H was closed and Alpha Flight disbanded. Later visiting his sister, Northstar was shocked to discover that she had a dual personality, alternating between the free-spirited Aurora and the shy, reserved Jeanne-Marie. When Hudson reformed Alpha Flight without government funding, Northstar managed to convince his sister to return with him. After his sister began to switch personalities with increasing frequency, Northstar sought psychiatric help for her. Later, Northstar took his sister to visit Belmonde, but the reunion turned to tragedy after Belmonde was killed by Deadly Ernest who then kidnapped Aurora. With the help of the enigmatic Nemesis, Northstar rescued his sister. The siblings later argued over Northstar’s mistaken assumption that Aurora had romanced Ernest to prevent him from harming her. Shocked at her brother’s arrogance, Aurora angrily told him she never wanted to see him again. Despite Northstar’s pleas for forgiveness, Aurora stayed true to her word, and he eventually ceased operating as a member of Alpha Flight on a regular basis. Aurora ultimately sought to break her ties with him completely by having her teammate and then-lover Sasquatch alter her powers so they were not the same as his. Ultimately reconciling their differences following the apparent death of Sasquatch, the twins joined Alpha Flight in opposing the gamma-spawned Hulk, who was rampaging through Vancouver. During the battle, the twins discovered that, as a result of Aurora’s altered powers, they could now no longer touch each other without temporarily canceling out their powers. The Hulk was eventually driven back to the U.S., and the Canadian government realized that Alpha Flight was necessary and reinstated the team’s funding. Northstar returned to active status with the team, but his terrorist past would soon come back to haunt him after former members of Cell Combattre began turning up dead. After the killer was exposed, Northstar was pardoned for his past indiscretions by Canada’s Prime Minister. Shortly thereafter, Northstar grew ill until he became almost completely incapacitated. While Alpha Flight sought a cure, the Norse trickster god Loki appeared to the twins, convincing them that they were not mutants but the children of an Asgardian elf, and that Northstar was dying because he could not exist without his light. Aurora willingly expended her power to bathe Northstar in her light, curing him. She was then captured by demons and became trapped in the Asgardian netherworld, while Northstar was welcomed into the realm of Asgard by his supposed brethren. Loki was summoned before the higher gods, They Who Sit Above in Shadow, and berated for his actions. In attempted atonement, he transported Aurora to a monastery on Earth, but was sent to the netherworld himself as punishment. Northstar remained in Asgard until his former teammates rescued him from being slain by Dark Elves worshipping Llan the Sorceror, and during the ensuing battle against Llan he was able to restore Aurora’s powers. As a side effect, both siblings proved able to generate light individually. After discovering an abandoned baby girl who had been born with the AIDS virus, Northstar adopted her, naming her Joanne, but she died weeks later. Northstar then publicly announced his homosexuality, hoping that his celebrity status would increase interest in HIV prevention. Following another disbanding of Alpha Flight, Northstar was implicated in the murder of a tabloid reporter, and the Canadian government dispatched Department K’s Weapon P.R.I.M.E. unit to bring him in. At the same time, Northstar was targeted by the manic assassin Arcade, who had been employed by Carl Kerridge, a businessman who sought to cleanse the human race of supposed impurities. Northstar was able to gather enough evidence to prove his innocence and convict Kerridge. Northstar later reunited with his former teammates to uncover the truth about the new Department H, and they assisted a new Alpha Flight team against the latest Weapon X. Northstar then left to write his autobiography, “Born Normal.” At a book signing in Philadelphia, Northstar was recruited by the mutant telepath Jean Grey to join an ad-hoc X-Men team to oppose Magneto and his planned all-out attack against mankind. Returning to Canada, Northstar established himself as a successful businessman before he was invited to join the Xavier Institute as a teacher of business and economics. Northstar also taught a flight class for new students, and became advisor to a squad of students he dubbed Alpha Squadron in honor of his former team. After his teammate Wolverine was captured and brainwashed by the terrorist organization Hydra, Northstar was killed in an ambush by Wolverine. He was subsequently resurrected and brainwashed into leading Hydra’s super-powered army in an attack on the Helicarrier headquarters of their nemesis S.H.I.E.L.D. Meanwhile, Wolverine had been deprogrammed by S.H.I.E.L.D. and aided in the defense of the Helicarrier, but was unable to prevent Northstar from seriously injuring S.H.I.E.L.D.’s leader Nick Fury. Northstar then led the army on a killing spree, murdering anti-mutant and anti-gay supporters until he was confronted by Wolverine. Capturing him, Northstar tortured him until a group of giant mutant-hunting robot Sentinels under S.H.I.E.L.D. control intervened. As the Sentinels killed the other super-beings, Wolverine was able to defeat Northstar, and he was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody to be deprogrammed. +This superhero's name is Nuckal. Their real name is Nuckal. Nuckal and Kruncha accompanied Samukai and several Lightning Skulkin in attacking Four Weapons Blacksmith in search for the Map of the Golden Weapons. While Kai and Nya were distracted by the foot soldiers, the two generals snuck into the store to search for the map. Nuckal became distracted with one of the samurai helmets and quickly got into a fistfight with Kruncha after each accused the other of not looking hard enough. Their fight however caused a chain reaction of destruction around the shop, eventually revealing the map which the generals claimed. The two retreated to the Skull Truck where they were ordered to capture Nya, and left to the Underworld with her. +This superhero's name is Nya (The LEGO Ninjago Movie). Their real name is Nya. A boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets its mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legend of Ninjago. Ninjago is a city that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and husband of Koko. The city despises Lloyd for this relationship, which puts Lloyd in emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the Secret Ninja Force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master, Master Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city. On Lloyd's birthday Garmadon attacks the city once again, only to be defeated. He escapes and throws many of his generals out the volcano for failing to help him. He then beings to form a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and decides to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons. Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from his long trip. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs and machines. He discusses with the Ninja of their respective powers: Nya's power over water, Kai's power of fire, Jay's power over lightning, Cole's power over earth, and Zane's power over ice. Wu then states that Lloyd is the green element, only to be confusing Loyd with that topic. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd an idea to finally defeat Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use it. The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech. He successfully defeats Lloyd and his own mech. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city, while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs, before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the green ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon speechless. Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Forest of Dangers, the Canyon of Death, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away. The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by Garmadon's former generals, who want revenge. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated; they retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the generals. The generals begin to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, however the rest of the Ninja save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry generals by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process. They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as revealing to Lloyd that Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself, her cover name being The Lady Iron Dragon, Nya's idol. He reveals to Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He wants Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall of a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, and they head towards Ninjago. Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the green ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra, and tells Garmadon he forgives him, and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After reconciling, Garmadon moves in with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero. As the story concludes, Mr. Liu tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja. +This superhero's name is Nya (Water Ninja). Their real name is Nya. Nya and her brother Kai were raised by their father, a blacksmith, and their mother in the town of Ignacia. Unbeknownst to her, she inherited her mother's control over the element of Water. When they were young, their father would tell them stories of the Dragons; mystical creatures that belonged to both the world of the living and of the dead. After their parents went missing around the time when she was 3 years old, the siblings inherited his shop, Four Weapons and Kai continued his father's legacy while Nya managed the store itself. +This superhero's name is Nyssa Al Ghul (CW). Their real name is Nyssa Raatko. Nyssa Raatko (Arabic: نيسا رعتكو‎) (born May 10, 1985), better known as Nyssa al Ghul (Arabic: نيسا الغول), is a former member of the League of Assassins and an ally of Team Arrow. Nyssa is also the daughter of the late "Ra's al Ghul", the paternal younger half-sister of Talia al Ghul, the former lover of Sara Lance, and the former mentor/close friend of the late Laurel Lance. She was the one who rescued Sara from Lian Yu and brought her to Nanda Parbat. Nyssa was briefly "Ra's al Ghul" and the last person to have the title, making the personal choice to disband the League of Assassins and destroy the ring of Ra's al Ghul. Shortly after Sara Lance’s resurrection, she destroyed the Lazarus Pit to prevent it from being used ever again. Nyssa decided to leave with Thea Queen and Roy Harper to find and destroy Lazarus Pits that were discovered by Malcolm Merlyn. +This superhero's name is Nyssa Raatko. Their real name is . Ra's al Ghul had a child born during his travels in Russia in the 18th Century named Nyssa.[1] Enamoured by the romantic stories that her mother would tell her about Ra's as a child, Nyssa set out to find Ra's and eventually located him at his headquarters in North Africa. Impressed by her beauty, her warrior skills, and the fact that she was able to locate him, Ra's promoted her to a position similar to that held by her half-sister, Talia. As a right hand associate, she accompanied Ra's during his adventures. Ra's was so impressed with her abilities, he even allowed Nyssa to use his Lazarus Pits. Like her sister Talia, Nyssa eventually became disenchanted with Ra's genocidal plans to "cleanse the Earth," and disassociated herself from her father sometime in the early 19th century. Ra's reluctantly approved this, believing that she would return to him and that she and/or her children would become his future heirs. To his disappointment, Nyssa refused to give herself or her family to him, causing him officially to disown her permanently. He did however allow her to keep a Lazarus Pit for herself and, much to his surprise, she found a way to reuse it, allowing her to survive until modern times. During World War II, Nyssa and her family were sent to a concentration camp, where Nyssa's entire family died and she was rendered infertile by gruesome Mengele-sque experiments. +This superhero's name is Obito Uchiha. Their real name is Uchiha Obito. Obito Uchiha was a member of Konohagakure's Uchiha clan. He was believed to have died during the Third Shinobi World War, his only surviving legacy being the Sharingan he gave to his teammate, Kakashi Hatake. In truth, Obito was saved from death and trained by Madara Uchiha, but the events of the war left Obito disillusioned with reality, and he inherited Madara's plan to create an ideal world. Resurfacing under the names of Tobi and Madara Uchiha himself, Obito subtly took control of the Akatsuki, using them as a means to advance his machinations, eventually going public and starting the Fourth Shinobi World War. However, towards the war's conclusion, Obito had a change of heart and, as atonement, sacrificed his life to save the same world he sought to replace. +This superhero's name is Ocean Master (DCEU). Their real name is Orm Marius. Born to King Orvax Marius and Queen Atlanna of Atlantis, Orm became a great warrior under the guidance of chief counselor Nuidis Vulko. At the same time, he developed a strong hatred for the surface after witnessing the damage they were inflicting on the oceans, which is poisoning the Atlantean children. At some point during his childhood, Orvax discovered that Atlanna sired a half-human son prior to their marriage and banished her to the Trench.After taking his father's place on the throne, Orm began devising a master plan that would both unite the seven kingdoms and destroy the surface in one fell swoop.In order to carry out his plan and become "Ocean Master", he must obtain the support of at least four kingdoms. He also employed the mercenary David Kane and granted him with an advanced suit of armor out of manipulation into killing Arthur as part of Kane's revenge for the death of his father. Orm advances his plan into further stages when he is using the seemingly unprovoked attack as a pretext to declare war on the surface.The more stages he does about his plan of the surface, the more kingdoms are uniting with him such as The Fishermen people. Nereus, the mighty king of Xebel, is showing full support toward Orm, and is ready to join forces with him despite the anger of his daughter, Mera, who has been betrothed to Orm, refuses to aide them and journeys to the surface to ask Arthur for help, earning his trust by saving his father Thomas from a tidal wave sent by Orm himself.Orm would send his men to ambush Arthur which they would capture him. Orm would arrive to visit Arthur who was chained up and announces that Atlanna was executed for the crime of having a half-breed son, blaming Arthur and the surface for her death.He offers Arthur an opportunity to leave forever, but Arthur instead challenges him to a duel in a ring of underwater lava. Orm gains the upper hand and nearly kills Arthur before Mera rescues him. Together, Arthur and Mera journey to the Sahara desert, where the trident was forged, and unlock a holographic message that leads them to Sicily, where they retrieve the trident’s coordinates. Meanwhile, Orm provides David with Atlantean armor and weaponry and sends him to stop them, imprisons Vulko upon learning of his betrayal, and coerces the remaining five kingdoms of Atlantis to pledge allegiance to him and his campaign against the surface, knowing that if he obtains support from at least four kingdoms, he will be titled "Ocean Master" and be granted with unstoppable power.To prepare for the upcoming battle of the surface world, he tries to force the Kingdom of the Brine to join him by defeating them at war. However, the battle was interrupted by Aquaman, Mera, the Trench and Karathen. Upon learning that his brother Arthur has already got hold of the trident and became the Aquaman, Orm gives the green light for the war to begin and the surface world begins to suffer from massive attacks of Atlantis. Arthur, Mera, and Atlanna lead an army of marine creatures in a lengthy and destructive battle against Orm and his followers, who renounce their obedience to Orm and embrace Arthur as the true king upon learning he wields the trident.Arthur and Orm are arriving to the surface world with a submarine, and entering into brutal duel. Arthur defeats Orm in combat but chooses to spare his life, and Orm accepts his fate after discovering Arthur has found and rescued their mother +This superhero's name is Ocean Master. Their real name is Orm Curry Marius. Orm Marius aka Ocean Master is the half-brother of Aquaman and one of his greatest enemies. Orm is the son of Atlan the wizard (Aquaman's true father) and an Inupiat woman, thus making him Aquaman's half-brother. +This superhero's name is Offspring. Their real name is Luke O'Brian. Offspring appears, recovering from outstretching after saving twenty members of Lex Luthor's 'Everyman' hero groups. Lex had deactivated their powers, causing dozens to fall from the sky. During his reappearance he is called "Ernie" by Plastic Man, not Luke. In Week 40, he assists Steel in launching an attack on Lexcorp when Natasha is captured by Luthor. He's later involved with the World War III, beaten by Black Adam, but able to recover fast, even joking with his father about the lack of humour of his superpowered foe, showing the same wisecracking and carefree attitude of his father. In Countdown to Mystery it is revealed that Ernie is his middle name, and Luke his first name, ending the confusion. +This superhero's name is Old King Thor. Their real name is Thor Odinson. +This superhero's name is Old Man Logan (FOX). Their real name is James Howlett. Wolverine (born James "Jimmy" Howlett, usually referred to as Logan) was a mutant born with retractable forearm claws, enhanced physical parameters, and a powerful healing factor. Living for nearly two centuries, Logan's life was filled with blood, hatred, war, suffering, and betrayal. By the events of the year 2029, having long since (apparently) lost all his loved ones (excluding his friend and mentor, Charles Xavier) and with his gradually weakening body, Logan's outlook on life became bleak at best and so, more hostile than ever, Logan cared little for helping others and sought only to find a small measure of (personal) peace, so becoming a drifter on the sea. With his healing powers so weak, he refrained from getting into many fights, as he would not heal as fast any more, and since he was no longer immune to most toxins, he took solace in the intoxication drinking provided to both numb the chronic pain his injuries put him in, and the endless grief of having lost everything. However, upon discovering the existence of his daughter, Laura and having to undertake a series of tasks to help her, Logan slowly and ultimately regains his lost compassion and hope from years before. So much so, that he gives his life to kill the Reavers and Transigen, preventing them from harming Laura and her fellow X-23 mutant friends. +This superhero's name is Omac. Their real name is O.M.A.C. Prime. The OMACs (Omni Mind And Community) are a race of robots that can control human hosts. They were originally designed to monitor metahuman activity. However, they have since gone rogue following some reprogramming by the Justice League's adversary Maxwell Lord. They are controlled by Brother Eye. +This superhero's name is Omega Red. Their real name is Arkady Gregorivich. Little is known of the past of Russian mutant Arkady Gregorivich before he became a serial killer. Eventually captured, Arkady was turned over to the KGB who set about transforming him into the super-soldier code-named Omega Red. The procedure was interrupted by Team X, an elite covert operations unit consisting of mutant operatives Wolverine, Sabretooth, Maverick, and Wraith. Team X stole the Carbonadium Synthesizer, a device that was used to control Omega Red’s mutant power, and as a result the KGB placed Omega Red in suspended animation. Decades later, Omega Red was mystically revived by the ninja clan the Hand, and he allied himself with their leader, Matsu’o Tsurayaba, in exchange for the whereabouts of Wolverine and the C-Synthesizer. Omega Red clashed with both Maverick and Wolverine, but was defeated by Wolverine’s teammates in the mutant super-team the X-Men. Omega Red later fell under the psionic control of the mutant Soul Skinner who forced him to battle against Wolverine and the X-Men until the telepath’s death. Omega Red then sought to kill the cyborg M.O.D.A.M., whom he believed was a former KGB operative that had betrayed him, but was opposed by the armored Avenger Iron Man. Omega Red subsequently clashed with the team of mutant trainees Generation X as well as the costumed crimefighter Daredevil and the Russian super-spy the Black Widow. Omega Red was later hired by Russian crimelord Ivan Pushkin to help incite war between the terrorist groups Hydra and A.I.M., an effort opposed by Maverick. He was subsequently employed as an enforcer for the drug lord The General, only to be recruited by Sabretooth alongside the cyborg Lady Deathstrike to attack the friends of their common enemy Wolverine. Ultimately betrayed by Sabretooth, Omega Red grew tired of being a lackey and became kingpin of New York’s Red Mafia. In this capacity, he provided Maverick, now called Agent Zero, with information on Sabretooth’s whereabouts, thus exacting a measure of revenge on his betrayer. +This superhero's name is Omega. Their real name is The Omega. When garmadon and Lloyd were about to destroy the Realm Crystal, he manifested from the shadows and fought them. Backing the pair into a corner, he then told them his identity as The Omega, the bringer of doom. He demanded to know if Lloyd and Garmadon were the protectors of Ninjago, to which Lloyd said he was, and that Garmadon replied that while usually he fought against the Ninja, today he too protected his homeland. Confused, The Omega asked why he, an Oni hybrid, would side with the realm. Garmadon quickly snapped that he would only have himself take over Ninjago, and not "some Oni usurper with a Walking Stick". Angered, The Omega then declared that Garmadon would perish with the realm he said he would defend. +This superhero's name is Omni-Man. Their real name is Nolan Grayson. +This superhero's name is Omniscient. Their real name is Omniscient is the closest English word that compares to his alien tongue.. Little is known about Omniscient’s past. We know that Omniscient had been to earth once before, but Captain Epic believes that it was an act of destiny that brought him to the team. When Omniscient crashed in Toronto, he was able to form his essence into an approximation of a human form. However, since his energy is unaccustomed to holding a human shape, his body is very delicate. It is believed that the Canadian Shield created a shell and helmet that would protect his delicate form while in battle. He spends most of his time learning of his new home, the creatures that inhabit it and the wonders of having a corporeal form. +This superhero's name is One-Above-All. Their real name is The One-Above-All. Undoubtedly the most mysterious character within the Marvel Multiverse. The One-Above-All has only appeared and been mentioned a few times. He is not to be confused with One Above All, the leader of the Celestials, or any religious figures. The One-Above-All was first mentioned by the Living Tribunal when Doctor Strange first encountered the entity. The-One-Above-All is often unofficially cited as Marvel's creator. When his final confrontation with Asteroth nearly left him dead, Beta Ray Bill was restored to life by a mysterious, glowing white-robed man (who was clearly one of the more anonymous representations of The One-Above-All.) When the Fantastic Four journeyed far beyond the boundaries of existence they ended up in The One-Above-All's personal realm where he took the form of Jack Kirby. After a short conversation with him The One-Above-All healed Reed's severely damaged face and sent them all home. The One-Above-All's was seen taking the guise of a homeless man and was advising Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man) to be with his Aunt May who was dying at the time as well as telling Peter that death is a natural part of life and we as people must learn to let those we love who are dying go when the time has come. Peter did not listen to what The One-Above-All said. +This superhero's name is One Punch Man. Their real name is Saitama. For a superhero, Saitama is thought to be quite indifferent. Even the mightiest foes pose no challenge to him, so he doesn't take his hero work very seriously and beats monsters like swatting insects. Since his superhero work has begun to bore him, he is constantly searching for an opponent that can challenge him. The lack of any such opponents has led him to suffer from an existential crisis, and he claims that his ability to feel any and all emotions has dulled considerably. He stated that he just became a hero because it was his dream and for self-satisfaction and before becoming one, used to suffer from anxiety issues. Despite his boredom, Saitama does not ignore crime, as in his own words (having displayed a lack of understanding at the disaster level system), "If the heroes run and hide, who will stay and fight?". The combination of his attitude, unstoppable strength, and distinctively simple and 'unimpressive' appearance often cause his battles to become anticlimactic. Saitama will usually allow his opponents rant about their motives and power up into their strongest forms before obliterating them with a single punch. However if they talk too much he will either interrupt them or just punch them. A running gag about Saitama is his inability to remember people's faces and names, seen when he forgot Sonic's name and could not remember who Tanktop Tiger was. Because of this, he always ends up pronouncing their names incorrectly. As of some special chapter during his time participating a costume contest, appearance doesn't matter to him, the only thing matters to him are his abilities and his desire to be a the super hero he's been training for. That being said, he does care about his cleanliness, as the only thing he ever really complains about is how he gets dirt on his clothes or blood on his gloves. Though he doesn't care about appearances, he has shown dislike towards his hero name, Caped Baldy. Thus even after receiving it, he always refers to himself as Saitama. Saitama has been shown to be very humble, as he purposefully let the masses turn against him, for the sake of the defeated heroes to be given credit for their efforts; claiming that they had weakened the Sea King before his arrival. He did the same for the police in the Special Chapter, dressing as one of them and killed a monster, though he would had gain much fame had he revealed who he actually was. He also didn't mind that King took credit for all of his achievements. Another surprising thing about Saitama is that he is surprisingly tactful and insightful, being well able to discern situations and character traits from the people and environment around him fairly easily. Having picked up a number of hints to Sonic's own persona on their first meeting and when two tank top heroes jealously plotted to ruin him after the meteor event that there were irate and self-serving hero types like them, as well as discerning Fubuki's forced offer of submission or destruction just before his crackdown on how the hero world really works than how it is currently run. Saitama has been shown to show remorse to his enemies before, particularly ones who can give him an actual fight and don't go down in one hit. One such example of this being Boros, to whom, in order to give an exciting fight to (seeing as he could relate to having similar amounts of power), though in the end, still couldn't draw out Saitama's full power. Saitama does not actually care if people insult him and he usually ignores them and says that they need a hobby; the only insult that could at the very least get a what could be called reaction out of him is when someone mentions his bald head. He also shows a measure of concern when it comes to bargains, as seen when he fought Carnage Kabuto, when he was more shocked upon the realization that he was going to miss a bargain sale, rather than his opponent, who had undergone a transformation and was whacking him around. Despite his general indifference to most things, Saitama was genuinely shocked to when he realized that no one actually knew of him, despite his achievements (although this could be attributed to the fact that he never stuck around after saving the day). Saitama shows impressive restrain with his power, considering that with his physical ability, he is capable of splitting the sky, or jumping from the moon to earth easily. He manages to beat nearly all of his opponents with a single punch, though occasionally causes more devastation than necessary. While he has no problem killing monsters, Saitama has yet to be seen killing another human, and uses only enough strength to knock them out. Little is known about Saitama's past, but it is known that he lives in his apartment by himself. As a child, according to Saitama, he used to watch superhero shows many times, and wishes that he wants to be like those heroes too someday. In his second school day of his freshman year in middle school, Saitama is seen reading a health and PE manual, but did not hear from the other students about what happened to the freshman who called himself "The Bicycle Commuter" yesterday, after two third-year bullies beat him up pretty badly. After school on a rainy day at 4 o'clock, Saitama is watching a news about the ongoing monster incident in Z-City, news of which happened nine months ago. Saitama drifted off to sleep but forgot to do his homework. As a result, he is called by his homeroom teacher to the teacher's room, despite suggesting that he could do both days' homework that night. While going to the teacher's room, he is interrupted by the same two third year bullies from yesterday, and threatened to hand over his wallet, but Saitama told them he doesn't have one and prepares to fight them instead. However, Saitama is still too weak to defend himself from the bullies and his 200 yen was stolen by them. Shortly after, Piggy Bancon attacks the bullies and takes Saitama's stolen money from them, Saitama soon heard that one bully's reason in threatening the freshmen to steal their money was to feed his little brother his lunches and Saitama goes chasing after the pig monster to get his money back, but due to his lack of strength, is unable to retrieve his 200 yen. After the monster is destroyed by the police and special unit forces, Saitama decides to return to school and see his homeroom teacher. Saitama is then scolded by his homeroom teacher, while trying to tell what happened to himself back before going to the teacher's room, though the teacher thinks Saitama is bluffing. While going home, Saitama becomes very disappointed in himself for being weak and losing many times, and starts to think about himself and his future. More than three years prior to the start of the story line, Saitama was an unemployed man on a job hunt. One day, after yet another failed interview, a nihilistic-feeling Saitama was wandering the streets and encountered Crabrante. Saitama's total apathy toward the situation impresses Crabrante, who claims to share a similar outlook, prompting him to spare Saitama and move on. Crabrante tells him that his real prey is a child with a cleft chin anyway. Walking on, Saitama spots the child Crabrante was talking about. He decides that he doesn't want anything to do with the matter but after Crabrante suddenly arrives, Saitama impulsively saves the child from Crabrante's attack. He urges the child to run away and demands to know why Crabrante wants the boy dead. While Crabrante explains the prank the boy pulled on him, Saitama chuckles and notes aloud how the monster resembles one from an anime Saitama watched in his youth. This enrages Crabrante, who pummels Saitama even after the latter resolves to live out his childhood dream of being a superhero by fighting back. As Crabrante turns from the apparently defeated Saitama to finish the cleft-chinned boy, Saitama lassos one of his eye stalks with the loop of his removed tie and tears it out. The monster is defeated and the child saved. Unknown to him, the child confronted his grandfather for the creation of the Hero Association in Saitama's honor for saving his grandchild from the monster's crime. Resolving after this encounter to become a mighty superhero, Saitama started a daily training schedule which consisted of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats along with running 10 km every single day. He ate three meals a day, but only a banana as breakfast and also didn't use the AC, to strengthen his mental resistance. These daily activities were extremely tough and caused his body excruciating pain; muscle aches and internal bleeding. However, Saitama didn't give up and continued his training day after day. On Saitama's 300th day of training, his body had already felt the effect of working out too much. However But still, Saitama has shown signs of improvement, such as wrecking a car after saving a boy from an accident. At that time, the Personification Of A Light Pull Cord attacked the streets, looking for an opponent that would satisfy him. The Personification punches cars and buildings as he keeps searching. To test the fruits of his labor, Saitama challenged the monster but was sent flying after a single punch. Filled with determination to overcome his limits, the monster punches Saitama again and is knocked down. However, Saitama quickly got up, spat out a tooth that had been bothering him because of a cavity. Saitama then defeated the monster with a single punch before moving on with his workout. At some point in the first year and a half of Saitama's training, the Octopus Claw Man attacked an unspecified group of people. Saitama arrived and defeated the Octopus Claw Man, though sustained multiple injuries from the fight. After the fight, he consoled one flailing civilian who had suffered three scratches above his left eye from the mysterious being. When questioned about his injuries, Saitama shrugged it off, simply smiling at the thought that there was a special sale that day. Some time between when Saitama started training and started to lose his hair, Z-City experienced a Mysterious Being attack by the 170,000-Year Magicicada Larva, prompting the citizenry to evacuate to the state-of-the-art Shelter Nr. 7. The three low-ranking heroes sent to defeat the Magicicada were defeated, but survived and managed to find some straggling evacuees on their way back to the shelter, among them being Saitama. When Saitama discovers that he has been led to a shelter, he became upset, stating that he thought that following the heroes would lead him to the Mysterious Being. Saitama attempts to leave so he can find the Mysterious Being, but is restrained by the citizens, thinking he's become suicidal. The guards attempt to explain that the doors can't be opened while the disaster is still ongoing, but reassure the public that the shelter is able to withstand any sort of attack. While she praises the structure's perfection, Saitama confronts one guard again to ask where the bathroom is, only for her to reply that the 'perfect' shelter was nevertheless designed and built without bathrooms. Saitama slowly becomes more and more distressed, as he doesn't know if his bladder can hold until the situation ends. After overhearing that two A-Class heroes were defeated by the beast, and that it will take three hours for a Hero Association squadron to arrive, Saitama can't take it anymore. He walks to a wall of the shelter and breaks a hole in it with a single punch before the stunned onlookers, and runs off stating that he's going to the convenience store. Just as he is about to reach the store to use the bathroom, the 170,000 Year Magicicada Larva appears in front of him, which he promptly kills. One and a half years after he started training, he had lost his hair and become strong. He continued his training for another year and a half before starting his (initially amateur) superhero career. +This superhero's name is Onslaught. Their real name is Onslaught. Onslaught was a sentient psionic entity created from the consciousness of two extremely powerful mutants: Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. During a battle between the X-Men and Magneto's Acolytes, Wolverine slashed Magneto, and in response, Magneto ripped out the Adamantium from his bones, severely injuring Wolverine so much that even his healing factor had trouble healing him. For Professor Xavier, this was the limit. Having tolerated every one of Magneto's evil actions, even his recent actions that had killed hundreds of people across the globe in a single day, he finally snapped. He used his telepathic powers to shut down Magneto's mind, rendering him catatonic. During the psionic contact, Magneto's anger, grief, and lust for vengeance entered Professor Xavier's consciousness; commingling with every long-suppressed negative feeling the professor had endured during the last 30 years. This aggregation resulted in a separate personality within Professor Xavier, the being known as Onslaught. Onslaught remained dormant for some time. Gradually, Xavier's frustration with his dream of mutant-human peace and harmony began to increase, exacerbated by the daily growth of anti-mutant hysteria, the deaths of dozens of mutants from the lethal Legacy Virus, and his own failed attempt to rehabilitate the mutant sociopath called Sabretooth. Xavier reached his breaking point when anti-mutant humans killed a young mutant near the grounds of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, the secret base of the X-Men. It was at this point that Onslaught awakened within Xavier and began to manifest himself to others. Following an encounter with the mystically-empowered criminal called the Juggernaut (Xavier's stepbrother, Cain Marko), Onslaught invaded a government-sanctioned Sentinel base. He downloaded the current specifications for the mutant-hunting androids and erased portions of the memories of the employees working in the clandestine factory. Soon after, while hiding in Xavier's mind, Onslaught encountered the telepathic, telekinetic Nate Grey. He pulled the Professor's body from the astral plane, a feat never before achieved. Through X-Man's actions, Onslaught was able to escape Xavier's mind and move independently. After taking full possession of the Professor's mind and body, Onslaught-as-Xavier called together the X-Men. When they resisted his plan to turn them into soldiers fighting a total war against humans, Onslaught revealed himself to the X-Men and attempted to destroy the outlaw adventurers. The time-tossed mutant soldier called Bishop, remembering childhood stories of a traitor betraying and killing the X-Men, began to realize that the guilty party was Xavier as Onslaught. Bishop rescued his teammates. Taking Xavier's body with him, Onslaught escaped. Once free, Onslaught created a childlike psionic projection named Charles to gain the trust of young Franklin Richards, a mutant possessing the latent power to alter reality. Onslaught succeeded in capturing the child despite a rescue attempt by Franklin's parents, Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman, members of the legendary super-team known as the Fantastic Four. Now carrying Franklin and Xavier, Onslaught captured X-Man, intending to use his raw psionic power to fuel Onslaught’s plans to transform the human race into a collective consciousness. Onslaught returned to New York, reprogramming the Sentinel robots to obey his commands and form a protective circle around Manhattan, sealing off the island from the rest of the world. The X-Men, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, challenged Onslaught. Their first confrontation with the entity and his minions resulted in the rescue of a now-powerless Xavier, who retained his usual benevolent personality. Onslaught now existed as psionic energy contained within his armor. A second and final confrontation occurred at his Central Park citadel. After a number of attempts to free Franklin and X-Man from Onslaught's seemingly impervious armor, the heroes regrouped. During their next assault, X-Man Phoenix (Jean Grey) used her telepathy to turn off the part of the monstrous Hulk's mind that contained the rationality of his alter ego, Dr. Bruce Banner. The now-savage Hulk, possessed of a near-animal intelligence and unbelievable strength, battled Onslaught and tore apart his armor. The resulting explosion of psionic energy separated Banner and the Hulk, and Onslaught was left as an energy being, immune to most physical harm. Onslaught then used Franklin's powers to create a second sun that would destroy the heroes and Manhattan. The Avenger known as Thor, Asgardian God of Thunder, master of storm and lightning, flew into the energy being, disrupting Onslaught's form. Realizing that Thor's efforts alone were insufficient to destroy their adversary, the non-mutant members of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four entered the energy field, and the Hulk-less Banner and Dr. Doom (albeit reluctantly) followed. The X-Men were unable to do likewise, as it was theorized that if Onslaught, a being of mutant origin, came to possess a mutant host, he would become unstoppable. Onslaught dissolved, seemingly destroyed, along with the heroes who had thrown themselves into the rift. The remaining Sentinels were disabled, Franklin and X-Man were rescued, and Manhattan was returned to normal. Later, it was revealed that the Avengers and the Fantastic Four did not die, as had been surmised. Rather, the heroes were reborn in a pocket universe created by Franklin. The Avengers and the Fantastic Four returned to their rightful home months later, possessing only hazy memories of their time on Counter-Earth. Following the Scarlet Witch's proclamation of "No more mutants" and the subsequent depowering of most of the Earth's mutants, a large mass of energy was released into space. After awakening Vulcan and Darwin and being controlled by Xorn (who returned to Earth, fused with Collective and was then defeated by the combined efforts of the New Avengers), the ball of energy returned to Earth a second time and gained physical form as a recombined Onslaught. Immediately seeking out Franklin Richards (and failing to kill him through a mind-controlled Human Torch and Reed Richards), Onslaught quickly cornered the child in his bedroom, where Franklin once more used a toy ball as a focus to escape into a world that was for the most part an exact copy of the Counter-Earth he had created. There, with the help of recreated versions of the Fantastic Four, Avengers and their allies and foes, Franklin battled Onslaught. The fight took them to the Baxter Building where Bucky sacrificed her life knocking Onslaught into the Negative Zone. Bucky found herself transported to Earth-616 while Onslaught remained trapped in the Zone. He was last seen floating near Wonderland curious of its purpose. As both Secret Avengers and Young Allies were investigating a Roxxon facility in Colombia, Onslaught emerged from the Negative Zone and possessed Rikki's body. He then reveals that the real Rikki had in fact died in the Negative Zone and she was just a construct made by him so he could use the energy he had stored in her as an anchor to pull himself back into the main Marvel Earth. The revelation that she had been sent to Earth solely to serve as Onslaught's tether, forced her to fight back only to prove he was wrong. Eventually, Rikki had Gravity kill her so that Onslaught could not return and destroy Earth. +This superhero's name is Oracle. Their real name is Barbara Gordon. Barbara Gordon was born the daughter of Roger C. Gordon and his wife Thelma in the suburbs of Ohio. Even as a young girl, Barbara wanted nothing more than to be a super-hero. Her best friend Marcy and she would spend endless hours designing super-hero costumes and heroic identities for themselves. At this precocious age, the seeds of Barbara's future crime-fighting career began to foment. When Barbara was 13, her mother and father were tragically killed in an automobile accident (due largely to her father's drinking problem). Barbara adjusted as well as she could. After the accident, her uncle, James Gordon, adopted the orphaned Barbara. James Gordon and his wife (also named Barbara) lived hundreds of miles east in Gotham City, where James worked as the police Captain. Barbara immediately became infatuated with the gothic city's most legendary phantom of the night � the Batman. Barbara had become completely obsessed with the Batman and learned everything that she could about him. One evening, she snuck into her father's private home office to discover him engaged in a secret conversation with the Batman. Barbara had no idea that her adoptive father was actually worked with this mysterious dark knight. Her obsession with Batman only intensified. The following morning, Barbara insisted that James enroll her in martial arts classes. While reluctant at first, he recognized that the daughter of Gotham City's police captain could definitely benefit from some knowledge of self-defense. Barbara excelled in her training and earned her black belt within a short span of time. As dedicated as she was towards her physical development, Barbara equally committed herself towards her academic achievements. Gifted with a photographic memory, she easily rose through the ranks of Gotham Heights High School, and graduated early at the age of sixteen. That same period, Barbara earned herself a scholarship to Gotham State University. She became one of the University's youngest students, graduating with honors before she was even a legal adult. She became friends with Katarina Armstrong(Now know as Spy Smasher) but that friendship ended when Katarina trip Barbara on the run track and that she won the race. (They never spoken again until a few years later.) Just starting out at the tender age of 16, Barbara continued with her self-defense training, this time learning the art of Jujitsu under a sensei named Dragoncat. To supplement her income, she accepted a position as a research assistant at the Gotham Public Library. Her true dream however, was to one day work in the field of law enforcement. She asked her father about joining the police academy, but James laughed at her, claiming that she didn't even meet the height requirements. She also attempted to enroll at the local FBI office as a field agent,but they dismissed her, citing many of the same reasons. A few nights later, Barbara found an opportunity that would ultimately change her life forever. The Gotham City Police Department decided to host the Million Dollar Masquerade Ball at the Bristol Country Club. Dozens of Gotham City's most affluent leading citizens, including the likes of Bruce Wayne and J. Devlin Davenport, were expected to attend. Barbara sewed a stylish, feminine version of Batman's costume based upon designs that she first conceived as a child. For the most part, she intended on crashing the party as this "Batgirl" merely to spite her father. When she arrived however, she found that somebody else had decided to crash the party before her. A costumed criminal named Killer Moth and his cronies raided the country club, grabbing Bruce Wayne as a hostage. It was their intent to rob the charity proceeds as well as extort hundreds of thousands of dollars from Gotham's wealthiest patrons. Barbara now found herself acting as Batgirl in deed as well as in name. She tackled Killer Moth in the hopes of rescuing Bruce Wayne from his clutches. What she didn't realize though, was that Bruce Wayne was actually Batman. He allowed Batgirl to rescue him so that he could sneak off to change into his work clothes. Returning to the scene with his sidekick, Robin, Batman discovered that Killer Moth had gotten the better of Batgirl. In order to free her from the morass of Killer Moth's silk-spinner gun, they were forced to let the criminals get away. Batman chided Batgirl harshly for her foolish antics, and warned her against pursuing such a reckless lifestyle. Hearing such criticism from a man she idolized for so long was a shock for Barbara, but it did not deter her from her chosen path. Despite his disapproval, he sent her Batarangs via Dick Grayson, who subtly revealed to her that he was Robin. Barbara was able to solve the case, and by story's end, Batman swore her in an oath and also revealed his identity. As the years went on, however, Barbara found her role as Batgirl less and less fulfilling, and she eventually more or less retired. That's when the Joker showed up at her house, shooting and paralyzing her and when he kidnapped her Uncle Jim. Batman rescued Jim Gordon, but 19 year-old Barbara Gordon's career as a crime fighter was over. She spent a month in a deep depression. Recognizing she could no longer be the kind of superhero she had been, she instead devoted all her time to developing one of the world's most complex and powerful computer systems and set to work accumulating information, renaming herself "Oracle." Blessed with a photographic memory, Barbara reads dozens of the world's top newspapers and magazines daily. She's also constantly gathering information from other, less public sources, such as the CIA's mainframe, not to mention the data networks of the FBI, NSA and Interpol (all without their knowledge or consent). Oracle has proven an absolutely invaluable resource to the Batman and his allies, as well as countless other superheroes, few of whom know anything about the person behind the name. Oracle has formed an alliance with fellow heroes Black Canary and The Huntress to aid those in need. Together, they are the Birds of Prey, combining their unique abilities and skills in the war against crime and terror. Barbara founds the Birds of Prey, a team of female heroes, whom she employs as agents. Her first agent is Power Girl. However, when an early case goes awry and several deaths result from it, Power Girl blames Barbara and stops working with Oracle on a regular basis. (Although she helps Oracle occasionally, when Oracle invites Power Girl to rejoin the team after the events of Infinite Crisis, she replies that she'll do so "when Hell freezes over.") Barbara joins forces with superhero Black Canary. The two � similar in both having lost their original abilities while fighting crime, yet managing to overcome their handicaps � would later meet in person and become best friends (Birds of Prey #29). The two form the nucleus of the Birds of Prey. The Huntress joins the team as a full-time agent, as do Lady Blackhawk and Vixen. Although the personnel on Barbara's team grows and changes, Huntress and Lady Blackhawk remain core agents. During the "No Man's Land" storyline, Barbara employs various teenagers to be her eyes and ears on the street. One of these young agents is Cassandra Cain; she later saves Jim Gordon's life. Barbara realizes that Cassandra is actually one of the world's top martial artists; it is revealed that her father, David Cain, had trained her to be a weapon from infancy. Barbara accedes to Cassandra taking up the Batgirl mantle, and becomes Cassandra's mentor. During the "War Games" storyline, Batman, who is battling the Black Mask, usurps Oracle's computers and satellites. This results in the destruction of Barbara's home and headquarters in the clock tower. Subsequently, Barbara decides to move on, and leaves Gotham City altogether. She cuts her ties with Batman, and after a temporary world trip with her team, relocates to Metropolis. After becoming herself infected with an advanced virus delivered by Brainiac, Barbara develops cyberpathic powers that allow her to psychically interact with computer information systems. Although she loses these abilities after the virus is renderd dormant, following an operation by Doctor Mid-Nite she discovers she can move her toes. However, this proves to be a short-lived effect, and Barbara remains paralyzed. Although Barbara and Dick Grayson (the superhero now code-named Nightwing) re-ignite their romance, Barbara ends the relationship when she feels Dick is being over-protective of her. In truth, the villain Blockbuster is attacking all areas of Dick's life. Barbara and Dick still love each other and remain in each other's lives; after the destruction of Bl�dhaven by The Society, Dick proposes and Barbara accepts. However, their romance is cut short by the Infinite Crisis storyline. Alexander Luthor's master plan to recreate the multiverse relies upon diverting the attention of the world's heroes. Dick is severely injured in the battle for Metropolis, and Barbara stays by his side as he recovers. When Batman asks Dick to join him on his quest to recreate Batman, Dick is torn because of his engagement to Barbara. Barbara returns the engagement ring because she feels that Dick needs a soul-searching quest as much as his mentor, and understands that she and Dick aren't ready for marriage. Dick goes with Batman, but leaves Barbara a note, the ring, and a photograph of them as Robin and Batgirl, promising to come back to her. A year after the events of Infinite Crisis, Oracle and her team continue to work in Metropolis. Barbara works with Batman, although not on a regular basis as before � she prefers to work primarily with her own agents. Oracle is not immediately aware of Cassandra's retirement as Batgirl, nor her subsequent take-over of the League of Assassins. (Cassandra becomes a sore point with Oracle: she slaps Misfit, a metahuman girl pretending to be Batgirl, for merely mentioning Cassandra's name.) Barbara continues to lead the Birds of Prey, and expanded the ranks of the operation. Black Canary leaves the team, having decided to devote herself to raising her adopted daughter, Sin. Huntress remains as the team's de facto field leader, and Big Barda has been brought in as the group's heavy-hitter alongside a larger, rotating roster. Oracle and her team struggle for power with Spy Smasher, a government agent who has taken over the Birds of Prey organization. After the completion of a mission in Russia in which the team rescues the resurrected Ice, Barbara challenges Spy Smasher to a hand-to-hand fight: the winner takes the Birds of Prey. Although Barbara wins the fight, Spy Smasher reneges on the deal. Every agent Oracle has ever employed, male and female, appears to provide support. Black Canary leads the group and, deploying reason and threats, convinces Spy Smasher that the Birds of Prey cannot exist without Oracle in charge. Spy Smasher is forced to admit her defeat. At the end of the issue, Barbara finds Misfit, discovers she's an orphan, and adopts her into the Birds of Prey. In Countdown, Barbara dispatches the Question and Batwoman to capture Trickster and Piper following their role in the murder of the Flash. She struggles to keep the identities of the world's heroes from being stolen and coordinates the response to a global crisis engineered by the Calculator, a villainous hacker and information broker. At the same time, the Legion of Super-Heroes members Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl storm her headquarters, demanding her assistance. Unfortunately, Oracle was busy trying to keep Calculator from hacking her system, and so she attempted ot send them away. After defeating the lesser computer hacker, Oracle runs a series of test on Karate Kid and discovers that he is dying of some unknown illness, and she then sends him out to locate someone who might be able to help him. Later, after discovering that Green Arrow has proposed to Black Canary, Oracle tries to talk Dinah out of the marriage, reminding her of all the times that Oliver cheated and hurt her. In the end however Dinah states that her love for Oliver is too deep to just give up. Dinah then asks Oracle to be her maid of honor at the wedding, which Oracle agrees to do. +This superhero's name is Orochimaru. Their real name is . Orochimaru is one of Konohagakure's legendary Sannin. With a life-ambition to learn all of the world's secrets, Orochimaru seeks immortality so that he might live all of the lives necessary to accomplish his task. After being caught red-handed performing unethical experiments on his fellow citizens for the sake of this immortality, Orochimaru defected from Konoha rather than be persecuted for his ambitions, and for many years sought the village's destruction in order to take revenge and demonstrate what he had learned. After several apparent deaths in the pursuit of his goals, Orochimaru realises his approach is flawed through Kabuto Yakushi, his former associate, and begins monitoring the choices and actions of his former apprentice, Sasuke Uchiha. +This superhero's name is Overtkill. Their real name is Nicholas Rocca. Metal parameshed with flesh. Ice cold calculation wrapped with a passion for violence. All driven by the organic heart of a murderer. This is OvertKill. Literally a 'Mafia-made man'. Nicholas Rocca. Born and raised in Palermo, Sicily. At the age of thirteen, he was extorting protection money from village store owners and selling his already powerful talents as a leg breaker to other youths. At the age of fifteen, he caught the notice of Sicily's top boss of organized crime, Luciano Bartino, by killing two of Bartino's best thugs with his bare hands. Instead of having young Rocca killed for his crime, Bartino took Rocca under his wing and began training him to channel his strength and violence for his own use. Nicholas Rocca became known as The Palermo Pit Bull. His body continued to grow as large as his thirst to punish. Bartino took great pleasure in knowing that all of organized crime both envied and feared his hulking hit man. In one of his murderous rampages across the Strait of Messina into Calabria, Rocca killed the son of Vito Calogero. Calogero, a long time rival of Bartino, was enraged. He quickly made plans to kill Rocca. Calling in favors from the oil-rich Arabs that he had helped out on occasion, Calogero had the out-of-town Arabs ambush Rocca. Using over 50 gunmen, the Arabs nearly shred Rocca into hundreds of pieces. He was left for dead. Rocca was found by Bartino's men and brought home. Through a miracle or the fact that a heart so evil refused to die, Rocca still had a flicker of life left in him. While in Sicily on business with Bartino, Tony Twist, the crime boss of New York, used this moment to seal himself to the debt of Bartino. Twist suggests that Bartino try once more to make a Mafia super hit man like they did once before with the failed Tremor attempt. This time they would have a willing patient in Rocca. They would also use more bionics. Rocca begged Bartino to do it. Revenge now fueled the flames to keep Nicholas Rocca alive. The experiment in the paramesh system went far beyond their expectations. Rocca's body and mind embraced the operation fully. That night Nicholas Rocca became the name whispered in fear by the Mafia's enemies - OvertKill! The first order on OvertKill's menu of manslaughter was the death of Vito Calogero and his crime family. It was done in a flashburn of mayhem. OvertKill's name became a legend in the circles of organized crime throughout the world. Bartino began using OvertKill as a way of having other members of the organization become indebted to him. He would loan OvertKill's services out for favors to be named later. One such loan was made to Tony Twist. Twist brought OvertKill to New York to crush Spawn. It was by far the most physical battle that Spawn had ever dealt with in his short time back from the dead. If not for a mechanical oversight with Overt-Kill's circuits, he would have caused Al Simmons to be the only person to die,twice. +This superhero's name is Owlman. Their real name is Thomas Wayne Jr.. Thomas Wayne, Jr. was the eldest son of the Waynes - Thomas Wayne, Sr. and Martha Wayne - who were one of the richest families in Gotham. Due to his belief that his parents were managing their wealth poorly, Thomas decided to murder them, but before doing so attempted to convince his younger brother, Bruce, to help him. When the time for the murders arose, Bruce was hesitant and attempted to dissuade Thomas. Thomas perceived this as a sign of weakness and thus murdered him while his butler and servant Alfred, murdered their parents. Though done by his own hand, Bruce's death deeply saddened Thomas; Bruce was the person whom he loved the most. +This superhero's name is Pandora. Their real name is Pandora. Pandora is one of the Trinity of Sin.She is responsible for opening Pandora's Box, and was cursed for all of eternity for that. +This superhero's name is Parademon. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Parasite (CW). Their real name is Rudy Jones. Dr. Rudy Jones (died November 2016) was a research scientist who became infected with an Angon alien parasite that could absorb the powers and life energy of other beings; this turned Jones into an alien-human hybrid called Parasite. +This superhero's name is Parasite. Their real name is Rudolph C. Jones. Rudy Jones, alias Parasite, was originally a menial laborer who was transformed while working as a janitor at the Pittsburgh branch of S.T.A.R. Labs. Unknown to anyone at the scene, Darkseid, the lord of Apokolips, remembered the Parasite who had existed prior to the Crisis on Infinite Earths (Maxwell Jensen) and manipulated events in order to turn Jones into a new version. Under Darkseid's influence, Jones opened a waste container believing it contained something of value he could steal, and was exposed to a strange form of radiation which changed him into the bald, green-skinned Parasite. Jones now had the ability to absorb the life energy of others, leaving behind a smoldering skeleton. This power was necessary for his survival, as his own body is in a constant state of hunger for energy that it can't sustain on its own. +This superhero's name is Paul Blart. Their real name is Paul Blart. Paul Blart is a mall cop. Everyday he protects his mall for a living. But usually he barely does anything until some group of thugs try to take over the mall. Paul must stop them at any cost. His life story will be a hilarious battle between Good and Evil. Who will control the mall? +This superhero's name is Peggy Carter (MCU). Their real name is Margaret Carter. Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter was one of the most prominent agents of the Strategic Scientific Reserve during and after World War II and one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Originally a code-breaker working at Bletchley Park, she joined the Special Operations Executive following her brother's death. Carter later joined the SSR, formed to fight HYDRA. On the mission in Germany she saved Abraham Erskine from Johann Schmidt. The success of her mission enabled the SSR to start Project Rebirth and develop their Super Soldier Serum to make the army of Super Soldiers. During the project she had befriended Steve Rogers, one of the project's candidates. In 1943, after the abrupt end of Project Rebirth and Rogers' transformation into the only Super Soldier, Carter assisted him in becoming the world's first superhero, and eventually fell in love with him. After Rogers' disappearance in 1945, she continued the SSR's fight against HYDRA, capturing the last high-ranking HYDRA officer Werner Reinhardt, and continuing her service in the SSR once the War ended. As an agent of the SSR, Carter helped former colleague Howard Stark clear his name when he was accused of being a traitor, and later traveled to Los Angeles where she clashed with Whitney Frost over the extradimensional Zero Matter. She helped Stark found the new peacekeeping organization, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D. She eventually married a former Allied soldier and became a mother of two children, though she would continue her service in S.H.I.E.L.D. during the turbulent years of the Cold War. Eventually Carter retired and saw her niece Sharon Carter follow in her footsteps. During her retirement, Carter learned that Rogers had survived all these years, but by this time she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and struggled to take in the news. She died peacefully in her sleep in 2016. +This superhero's name is Penance II. Their real name is Robert Baldwin. Robbie Baldwin is the son of Justin Baldwin, District Attorney of Springdale, Connecticut, and Maddy Naylor-Baldwin, a popular actress. His parents held very opposite views and often argued in front of Robbie, a fact made more poignant as their arguments often had to do with what Robbie should be doing with his life and future career. As a high school student, Robbie was interning at the Hammond Research Laboratory in Connecticut. There, Doctor Benson and two colleagues began the final stages of their attempts to tap an extra-dimensional energy source, but the researchers did not construct adequate safeguards and the energies began to overload Hammond Labs' equipment. Part of the energies fed back into the generator, shorting out the entire system. Unfortunately, Robbie had sneaked into the lab where the experiment was taking place, curious as to what all the hush-hush preparations had been for. Robbie was bombarded by energy from the dimension but survived, finding himself surrounded by weird energy bubbles, clad in an odd costume, and having a hollow and resonant voice. Panicking, Robbie sought to escape to the roof of the lab building where he encountered four masked gunmen. During the ensuing battle, Robbie discovered that his body now generated a kinetic energy field that protected him from any impact and made him a bouncing dynamo of kinetic energy. Shortly afterward, Robbie's parents were accosted by Johnny Roarke, a criminal Justin Baldwin had put away, and Robbie used his powers to defeat him. The media leaped to the story, reporting the appearance of a new hero, whom they dubbed "the Masked Marvel." Robbie continued to use his powers to fight crime, and the Masked Marvel enjoyed a great deal of popularity from the townspeople, although his parents held very diametrical and vocal views about the costumed vigilante. Baldwin was forced to keep his power under control, avoiding any potential contact that might trigger his powers. He also spent much of his time trying capture Dr. Benson's cat, Niels, who was similarly caught in the energy experiment and gained Speedball-like powers, and using him to help understand his powers. During a trip to New York City, Robbie ended up helping Spider-Man and Daredevil stop the Purifiers of the High Evolutionary, but mostly Robbie fought criminals in Springdale, such as the Sticker, Leaper Logan, the Bug-Eyed Voice, and the Feathered Felon. Robbie hoped to become a big-time superhero, and even joined a tryout for the premier hero team Avengers, only to be rejected. During a shopping trip to New York City with his mother he saw a battle breaking out involving Terrax, former herald of Galactus. Joining the fray along with the other heroes that would subsequently become the founding members of the New Warriors, Robbie agreed to join the team as well after Terrax was defeated. Despite the long distance he often had to travel, Robbie stayed with the New Warriors for a long tenure, quickly becoming an annoying but loveable kid brother to the older Warriors and continuing to grow in the development of his powers. Shortly after joining the team, he asked his teammates to join him in investigating the long absence of his mother, who had joined a fanatical ecological watchdog group, Project: Earth. The Warriors discovered the group wanted to kill Baldwin's mother, as her celebrity would serve to make her a martyr to their cause. Robbie helped save his mother and defeat Project: Earth, and in so doing he revealed his secret identity to her. Although shaken, she supported her son's lifestyle as a superhero. Speedball had battled numerous villains with the New Warriors, including Terrax, the Sphinx, the Puppet Master, Gideon, Force of Nature, Psionex, and the Folding Circle. At one point, the cosmic villain Magus created evil doppelgangers of Earth's heroes, and Robbie's duplicate used its powers to virtually destroy the town of Springdale. It also confronted Robbie's parents, and Robbie was forced to kill his duplicate. This led to his father discovering his secret identity, and Justin Baldwin denounced his son because of what he saw as vigilantism. Robbie’s parents got divorced, and Robbie chose to live with his mom in New York. This allowed him to develop deeper relationships with his teammates, notably Nova, Rage, and, perhaps more reluctantly, his neighbor Carlton LaFroyge (who used the knowledge of Robbie’s identity to force his way onto the team as Hindsight Lad.) When Timeslip joined the Warriors, telling of her visions of Speedball’s death, she and Robbie nevertheless developed the beginnings of a romantic friendship while seeking the truth behind these visions. At the same time, despite Speedball’s ever-increasing control over his powers, Robbie began experiencing severe spikes in his power levels that wreaked havoc over his immediate area. The Warriors were confronted by the Sphinx, who claimed the presence of Speedball was creating chaos with time itself. They were also confronted with the evil techno-organic being Advent. The Sphinx succeeded in killing Speedball before escaping, and Advent left for the future. Timeslip, holding Speedball when he died, received memories from him in his dying moments-- memories of a citizen from the future named Darrion Grobe. Grobe, the son of the man who would become Advent, hoped to undo the meddling his father had done by traveling through the kinetic dimension to the past. He used futuristic technology to become a duplicate Robbie Baldwin/Speedball, replacing Speedball when he was trapped in the kinetic dimension by the Sphinx several months before. Timeslip used her knowledge and powers to transport the New Warriors to the future. There, a holographic persona of Darrion helped the Warriors to undo all of Advent's manipulations. Ultimately, the team had to enter the kinetic dimension to escape the future before it became re-made, and they brought back the true Speedball while returning home. Robbie has always been a New Warrior at heart. Even when the team seemed to be on a long hiatus, he and Nova helped re-form the Warriors to defeat Blastaar, adding new members Aegis and Bolt. Robbie and Nova even tried to pitch the New Warriors as an animated series, but they were forced to flee when they saw the producers’ unique take on the team. Nevertheless, Speedball returned when the New Warriors were led by Night Thrasher into a unique re-branding as a reality-TV show. Robbie’s bouncy personality seemed a perfect fit despite the contentions of other teammates, and the team hit the road to become heroes for the common man throughout small-town America. Recently the New Warriors encountered Nitro, Speedfreek, Cobalt Man, and Coldheart and during the battle that followed Nitro used his power and caused a massive explosion killing the New Warriors and almost everyone around that area for an unknown distance. Speedball was seemingly killed during this explosion and was later ridiculed by TV talk show hosts. Speedball was later found alive (albeit barely), his powers apparently burned out. The media and the authorities made him the scapegoat for the Stamford disaster, which had sparked widespread anti-superhero sentiment and prompted the passing of a law requiring superheroes to register with the authorities. The government decided to make an example of Robbie, holding him without bail or trial while he was abused repeatedly by both guards and fellow inmates. His secret identity leaked to the press, hated by the public, disowned by his parents after he refused to admit to any wrongdoing, Robbie was offered a deal: he would be released if he became a government-registered super-hero, helping train other super-agents and hunting down unauthorized super-heroes. Robbie turned down the deal repeatedly on principle and was later shot by vigilante Mr. Stricker, whose daughter had died at Stamford. Narrowly surviving, Robbie soon discovered that he still had energy powers, but they were now fueled by his own physical pain, such as the near-constant pain of the bullet fragments lodged in his spine. Perhaps somewhat unhinged by this situation, and increasingly haunted by guilt regarding his role in the Stamford disaster, Robbie agreed to register after foiling a jailbreak by several super-criminals, asking only that Stricker be pardoned in exchange for his registration. No longer caring about anything except making himself suffer, Robbie also agreed to become a hero-hunting government super-agent. He did so in his new guise as Penance, wearing an armored costume whose spikes constantly pierce his own flesh, augmenting both his pain and his power. +This superhero's name is Penguin. Their real name is Oswald Cobblepot. Born Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, the Penguin was teased very much in childhood due to his short stature, obesity, and bird-like nose. These traits made him an outcast in his rich, debutante family. Their rejection drove him to become a violent criminal (at least one Origin story claims The Penguin and his mother owned a pet shop, and he became a criminal after neighborhood bullies murdered all the animals in the shop, including his beloved birds). In keeping with his family's tradition of wealth, the Penguin lives a life of crime and evil, yet executes it with his own self proclaimed high society class and style. He commits crimes with the theme of the various birds he loves. Unlike most of the Batman villains, the Penguin is a gentleman villain, in control of his own actions and perfectly sane. This lends itself to a unique relationship with his archenemy, Batman. This has extended into the current situation with the Penguin ceasing his direct involvement in crime, instead running a nightclub that is popular with the underworld. As such, he is an excellent source of information on crime and Batman grudgingly tolerates his operations because of that. However, the entrepreneurial Penguin doesn't exactly keep his beak clean; he is often fencing stolen property or arranging early furloughs for incarcerated former criminal associates - for a hefty fee, of course - on the side. During the period when Gotham City was leveled by an earthquake (the "No Man's Land" storyline), he was one of the major players in the mostly-abandoned and lawless city, using his connections (one was eventually discovered to be tied to Lex Luthor and his company) to sell necessities at outrageous prices. The Penguin's trademark are the various deadly umbrellas he uses to execute his evil plans. Several Origin stories say he was forced as a child to always carry an umbrella by his over-protective mother, due to his father dying of pneumonia after being drenched in a downpour. In keeping with his pretensions of being a refined gentleman, he also prefers to wear formal wear such as a top hat and tuxedo during his jobs. The Penguin received his alias from a childhood nickname, bestowed by his peers, who teased him because of his grotesque appearance and love of birds (some retellings of his origin suggest he also suffered from some sort of hip ailment, which caused him to waddle when he walked. The Penguin shows no signs of suffering from this affliction today). Some comics suggest that he tried to abandon the title, which he hates, but it has been permanently brought into popularity by Batman. While he hates the nickname, he has cashed in on its popularity with his 'Iceberg Lounge'. His appearance,a usual a fat human in formalwear has alternatively changed with Tim Burton's version of The Penguin, a grotesque murderuous psychopath who is a cross between an actual penguin and a man. This freakish appearance inspired comic artists and for a while the cartoon series to base itself off Burton's vision, although now his old and new appearance alternate, despite their being no clear explanation or basis in reality for this to happen. +This superhero's name is Penny. Their real name is William Adiyodi. +This superhero's name is Percy Jackson (FOX). Their real name is . Percy was born to Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He never new who his father was until he was 12 and went to Camp Hal-Blood. By then, he got attacked by a Minotaur and his mother disappeared. He got onto his first quest with Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood to go find Zeus' lightning bolt and save his mother. +This superhero's name is Percy Jackson. Their real name is Percy Jackson. Percy was born to Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He never new who his father was until he was 12 and went to Camp Hal-Blood. By then, he got attacked by a Minotaur and his mother disappeared. He got onto his first quest with Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood to go find Zeus' lightning bolt and save his mother. +This superhero's name is Peter Petrelli. Their real name is Peter Petrelli. Season 1 Peter Petrelli is a hospice nurse who keeps having amazing dreams that he can fly. Later, he stands on top of a building, throws himself off, and is saved by his brother Nathan, who can also fly. Peter eventually learns that his power is actually the ability to absorb the powers of those he meets. Peter visits Mohinder Suresh, looking for the author of Activating Evolution. While Peter and Mohinder are on a subway train, time freezes, and Peter has a visit from a Japanese man, who tells him that Peter must "save the cheerleader, save the world". When he meets Isaac Mendez, Peter finished a painting depicting a dead and mutilated cheerleader. Peter realizes he must save this girl, and upon seeing another painting, heads to a homecoming, in Odessa, TX. There, he meets Claire Bennet, and manages to stop her from being killed by a mysterious stranger. He falls off a building and breaks several bones, although he regenerates, when Claire finds him, mimicking her power. Outside the sheriff's department, Peter collapses and has a vision of himself bursting into red flames and exploding in the middle of the city. Peter meets the invisible Claude Rains, who helps Peter discover that he can access the powers he has absorbed by thinking of the person from whom he absorbed the ability. But their progress in Peter's training is stopped when Bennet comes after them. Later, Peter visits Isaac's loft again, and confronts the painter about his association with Mr. Bennet. A fight ensues, and Simone is accidentally shot. Then, Peter visits Mohinder's apartment, but is confronted by Sylar, who begins to cut off the top of Peter's head. However, Peter heals his wound, fights Sylar, and "dies" when struck with a shard of glass in his brain. He revives when Claire removes the shard. At Kirby Plaza, Peter absorbs Ted's power, and has difficulty controlling it. Peter has a seemingly final confrontation with Sylar. They trade blows, and Peter's hands begin to glow dangerously. He tells Claire to shoot him, but Nathan descends from the sky, picks up his brother, and flies away into the sky where Peter explodes. Season 2 At a shipping yard in Cork, Ireland, Ricky, Tuko, and Will search for a shipping container for iPods, but find a half-naked Peter handcuffed inside the empty container who can't remember anything. When attacked, he shocks Tuko and looks completely surprised. The men tie up Peter in a pub, where he later heals from cuts, escapes through ropes, and disarms a man who attacks Caitlin, Ricky's sister. When Ricky later asks Peter about helping them on a job, he tells Peter his name and offers a box of Peter's belongings as a reward. After using his ability to help Ricky, Will betrays Ricky and shoots Peter. Peter, however, heals himself and chokes Will before letting him go. Ricky thanks him and accepts him as family. He gives Peter the box, but Peter doesn't open it, and instead hopes for a new future with Caitlin. A woman asks about Peter at the docks, and Ricky tells Peter to stay with Caitlin at her flat. While there, Peter finds in the box his passport, a plane ticket to Montreal, and a picture of himself and a man. Peter sees a blank canvas, then starts painting a picture. When he finishes, Peter sees a painting of himself and Caitlin in Montreal. Caitlin receives a phone call, and the two find Ricky killed, and Peter decides the two need to go to Montreal. They find a warehouse at the intersection Peter painted, and the two find a note from Adam written to Peter. Peter hugs Caitlin, and is suddenly teleported in the future. While there, Peter learns that a virus killed 97% of the human race. Before he can save Caitlin, he teleports back to present time, and is confronted by a stranger. The stranger reveals himself as Adam Monroe, and helps Peter remember the things he forgot by suggesting Peter use his healing power to restore his memory. Peter then remembers everything, including the night of the explosion. After Nathan and Peter flew into the air and before Peter exploded, Peter told Nathan to let go of him. The blast from the explosion burns and knocks out Nathan, who is then saved by Peter. He then remembers after saving Nathan he brought him to a hospital, where he was captured by Elle and Bob. Peter was then in by the Company so he couldn't hurt anyone. They give him ability negation pills so he cannot use his ability. He is put in a cell next to Adam's cell, where the two decide to escape to help save Nathan. After Adam gives Nathan some of his blood, the two try to get to Montreal, but are met by Elle and the Haitian. They separate, and the Haitian forces Peter into a container in a shipping yard. He takes his memory and leaves him there for a "fresh start". After remembering everything, Adam and Peter decide to save the world. Peter and Adam go to see Victoria Pratt, who was a founder and knows about the virus. Peter goes in alone, and tries to get information from her. After Peter leaves, Victoria comes out of the house and attempts to shoot Peter, but before she shoots Adam, knocks her out. They find out that the virus is at Primatech Paper, and then Adam kills Victoria. When the two arrive at Primatech, time suddenly stops, and Hiro appears. Hiro tells Peter he must kill Adam, but Peter prevents it, knocking out Hiro by shocking him. Time unfreezes, and the two make their way to the Company vault. Peter rips the door off the vault, but Hiro teleports to stop them. Peter begins to choke Hiro with telekinesis, but Matt appears and attempts to make him stop choking Hiro. Peter stops Matt by mimicking the other aspect of Matt's telepathy then throws him back. Nathan comes and tells Peter that Adam is trying to release the virus, and he's using Peter. Nathan is able to convince Peter as they're brothers and Peter trusts him. When the three run to the vault, Adam and Hiro are gone and the vial containing the Shanti virus is about to hit the floor, but Peter catches the vial just in time. Peter destroys the vial, then Nathan suggests that they stop the Company and take their abilities public. Nathan calls a press conference, but before he can reveal his secret he is shot by an assassin. Nathan collapses into Peter's arms. Season 3 In Volume Three, Peter starts off being in Jesse Murphy's body (in Level 5) because Future Peter shot Nathan Petrelli and present-day Peter came after him. Elle Bishop then, uncontrollably, releases the Level 5 escapees and "Jesse", The German, Knox, and Flint Gordon, Jr. go to wreak havoc. They go and rob a bank. Future Peter then comes and lets him out of Jesse's body. Future Peter time travels into the future where Peter goes to see Sylar. Peter learns how to use the hunger and then the Costa Verde explosion happens. Peter survives the explosion and teleports back to present day in Sylar's cell. Peter, having learned the hunger, tries to kill both Sylar and Angela Petrelli. Peter is then captured and put in a cell. Sylar, thinking that Peter is his brother, tells Peter to read Angela's mind. Peter pulls Pinehearst out of her head and heads there. Unbeknownst of his father being the head, Peter is shocked. Too shocked to stop Arthur from taking his abilities. Peter then wakes up in a Pinehearst cell and escapes. But Arthur catches him and gives him to Mohinder Suresh as a test subject for the formula. Sylar saves him but then throws Peter out of a seven story building. Claire Bennet and Peter find each other and hide in a sewer from Knox and Flint, but then they find them. They escape and head to Primatech with Angela's team to discuss how to stop Arthur. Peter and Nathan then go to Haiti to find The Haitian. But they get stuck in a mission to take down the Haitian's brother, Baron Samedi. Peter and Nathan fight the whole time and Nathan says that Arthur is right, starting a long feud between the two brothers. Back at Primatech, Angela tells Peter to shoot Arthur because The Haitian will be there and Arthur can't use his abilities. Peter fires the gun but Sylar stops it and uses lie detection to find out that Arthur is not his dad. Therefore, Sylar kills him with the bullet. Then, Peter, Flint, and Knox go to destroy the formula and Pinehearst. Nathan interferes the raid and the place is about to blow up. Peter injects himself with the formula and grabs Nathan and flies him out of Pinehearst. In Volume Four, Nathan had gone to the President and exposed Evolved humans starting a secret government project to "round up" all evolved humans and place them in camps. Peter is back to living a normal life but soon encounters Mohinder driving a taxi like in Genesis. Later, at Peter's apartment, Nathan and Noah Bennet capture Peter. He is hooded, drugged, in a jumpsuit, and on a plane when Claire sneaks on and frees him. They free the rest, but Peter can't control his new ability and Freezes a hole in the plane. After crashing, him and Tracy Strauss team up to take Nathan's project down. Peter, Matt Parkman, Hiro Nakamura, Ando Masahashi, and Mohinder gather together and discuss how to lay low and what they need to do based on Matt's drawings. Peter, Matt, and Mohinder then capture Noah. They interrogate Noah until Emile Danko's team comes. Peter flies Matt to Isaac's loft where Matt sees himself blowing up in front of Capitol Hill. Matt and Peter break into Building 26 and Rebel helps them, but Matt gets caught. Peter negotiates with Nathan with a trade. Matt and Daphne Millbrook for Flight 195's security footage.Nathan arrives without Matt nor Daphne, so Peter gave the tape to the media. When the government goes after Angela, Peter saves her and they go to a church. Noah sees them but let them have a free pass. Angela dreams that she needs to go see her sister, Alice Shaw. Peter and Angela go to Coyote Sands where Nathan, Claire, and Noah are there to know what Angela did here and they dig to learn the past. Peter still hasn't forgiven Nathan and they start to forgive each other throughout the ending of the season. Angela says that a new Company needs to be formed. Peter then goes to kill Sylar once and for all. There is a long fight throughout the season finale episode in which Nathan dies. Peter replicates Sylar's ability to shape shift into The President to trick Sylar and defeat him with a tranquilizer. Angela, Matt, and Noah then fake Sylar's death by making Sylar be Nathan and then burning James Martin's body which is still in the form of Sylar. They burn his body at Coyote Sands. Peter remains unaware of the truth of his brother's death and Sylar's survival Season 4 Peter Petrelli had resumed his life as a paramedic, using his abilities to save people. He teamed up with Noah to stop the speedster known as Edgar. He then met Emma and Samuel disguised as "William Hooper". A tatto appeared on his arm, and he went to Noah for guidance. He later helped "Nathan" understand his abilities more, and met with Angela to start reconnecting with his family. He saved Emma's life, and began trying to form a connection with her. After another failure, he reunited with the dying Hiro. He sought out Noah's help to locate a healer for Hiro. After getting the ability to heal from Jeremy Greer, he arrived too late to save Hiro. He then began using his new power to help heal innocents injured during a train crash. He learned of Emma's past, and inspired her to return to medical school. He met up with "Nathan" and, thanks to René, they found Nathan's deceased body. After finding Matt, he healed him, and learned what took place after he fought Sylar. He confronted Angela during Thanksgiving, and after Sylar returned, he decided to go after him. He went after Sylar, but was unable to return Nathan. He attended his brother's funeral, and resumed his hunt for Sylar, ending up fighting crime. He later learned Emma would be responsible for the deaths of thousands, and learned of her relationship with Samuel and the Sullivan Bros. Carnival. He damaged his bond with Emma after destroying her cello, and going to Matt to get Sylar. He forgave Sylar for his sins, and helped him escape his telepathic nightmare. Together they went to save Emma, however Eli was sent to stop them. With Sylar's help he stopped Eli, and then left to New York City to defeat Samuel. He managed to hold off Samuel, until Hiro teleported away the members of the carnival. In the aftermath of the events that took place, Peter watched as Claire exposed herself to the news and the world. Taken from the Heroes Wiki +This superhero's name is Phantom Girl. Their real name is Tinya Wazzo. Tinya Wazzo was the only Bgtzlian who could interact with the main universe. When she phased, she was visible in both universes, which could cause confusion. She's a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes as Phantom Girl. Of all of the Legionnaires, she digs the 21st century history the most and is considered the go-to expert on matters of legend. Tinya is one of the few who know the truth behind Cosmic Boy's Dominator genocide plan, that they weren't exactly killed, as the public believe, but rather put in the Phantom Zone. +This superhero's name is Phantom Lady. Their real name is Stormy Knight. The beautiful daughter of the late Senator Henry Knight, Stormy Knight could have settled for the comfortable life of a debutante, but instead decided to pursue the more exciting life of a superhero. +This superhero's name is Phantom Rider. Their real name is Carter Slade. Carter Slade (also known as Phantom Rider) was born and raised in Ohio in the mid-19th century, along with his brother Lincoln. Eventually Carter decided to move out west to the new territories, in order to become a schoolteacher at the new settlement of Bison Bend in Montana. However, when he had nearly arrived he came upon a group of what appeared to be Indians slaughtering helpless homesteaders. Though he was untrained in using a gun, he had been a boxing champion in college and, at any rate, could not allow such an atrocity to go unchallenged. +This superhero's name is Pied Piper (CW). Their real name is Hartley Rathaway. Hartley Rathaway, self-styled as Pied Piper, is the son of Rachel and Osgood Rathaway. A former employee of S.T.A.R. Labs, he was fired by Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne in disguise) for trying to stop the activation of the Particle accelerator, which he'd discovered was at risk of exploding. After being affected by the particle accelerator and gaining the ability to hear at superhuman levels, Hartley attempted to get revenge on Wells for firing him by trying to kill Barry Allen/The Flash, believing Wells to have replaced him with the Flash. After being defeated by Barry and Wells, Hartley was re-incarcerated, having planned his capture and escape the first time as part of his revenge plan, but not this time. However, he knew the whereabouts of Ronnie Raymond, and Cisco reluctantly worked with Hartley to find Ronnie and succeeded. Nonetheless, Hartley used this opportunity to escape. In an altered timeline, Hartley's revenge was interrupted by the appearance of a Time Wraith, but worked with Team Flash to defeat it. As a result of the timeline change, Hartley made amends with Team Flash and became an ally of the team, even knowing Barry's secret, and made up with his parents. +This superhero's name is Pinhead. Their real name is Elliott Spencer. +This superhero's name is Piper McLean. Their real name is Piper McLean. Piper McLean is a Greek demigod daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan McLean and is currently the head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, after challenging and defeating Drew Tanaka who became head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin after the former counselor died in war. +This superhero's name is P.I.X.A.L.. Their real name is Primary Interactive X-ternal. P.I.X.A.L. was the latest in a line of android assistants to Cyrus Borg. Her fifteen predecessors had malfunctioned due to a faulty thermo-coil and a malfunctioning AIE-ES (artificial intelligence enhancer-emotion suppressor) chip. Cyrus managed to fix the thermo-coil with P.I.X.A.L., but the AIE-ES chip remained problematic. +This superhero's name is Plantman. Their real name is Samuel Smithers. Samuel Smithers, a.k.a Plantman, was born in London and was orphaned at very young age. At some point during his childhood, he left the orphanage he was raised in. He went to work as a lab assistant to a well-known London botanist who was exploring the low-order mental activity of plant life. After ten years, the botanist died and Samuel came to the U.S., in hopes of continuing his work: an invention to make plant life smart enough for human beings to speak with and understand He did not have the proper education needed so Smithers went to work as a gardener in Glenville, Long Island, New York. He worked for Mr. Evans, who eventually fired him because he was spending more time working on his invention than gardening. Not long after, lightning struck his plant ray gun, giving it the power to control and animate all plant life. It was revealed later that this incident occurred because of the intervention of the plant-like race H'ylthri from the mystical city of K'un-Lun. He made a disguise and called himself Plantman. Smithers then thought out a suitable revenge for his former boss Mr. Evans, framing him for robbery. However, Evans' daughter Dorrie was dating the Human Torch, who thwarted Plantman and cleared Evans' name. Even though the Human Torch destroyed Plantman’s ray gun, Smithers escaped. He then created another ray gun, even stronger than his first. He challenged the Human Torch to a duel in the botanical garden, but was defeated and taken to prison. Smithers allied himself with the Maggia and other super-powered crmininals and unsucessfully fought the X-Men. as well as Captain America (and his partner the Falcon). Later, he, along with the Porcupine and the Eel attended the Celestial Mind Control Movement established by Nebulon in the hopes of turning around their failing criminal careers. Smithers quickly left, as he thought that the movement was nothing more than a fraud. He devised a plan to kidnap millionaire Kyle Richmond, who was in hospital recuperating from brain surgery, and ransom him for fifty million dollars. He was opposed by Richmond's teammates, the Defenders, and was soon forced to retreat. He decided that he couldn't do it alone and returned to the Celestial Mind Control headquarters. When he saw his friends who were brainwashed by the movement, he changed his mind and wanted to leave. This time, however, Nebulon blasted him unconscious. Smithers later branched out on his own to become a mastermind of a larger criminal operation. He developed his "Pretty Poison" which he field tested on his long-time nemesis Captain America. The toxin placed the Captain in a debilitating, life threateing coma. The Falcon and Spider-Man were able to track down, defeat Plant Man, and acquire an antidote just prior to Captain America succumbing to the poison's effect. He also clashed at various times with the Micronauts, the Avengers, Alpha Flight, Hawkeye, the Fantastic Four and the She-Hulk, amongst others. Smither's more closey allied with the H'ylthri when he worked with their representative Sssesthugar. The two worked to bring the H'ylthri to Earth to conquer mankind and set up their species as the dominant new world order. However, Smithers was betrayed by the H'ylthri and left for dead. He gave his ray gun to Namorita who was able to use it and stop the H'ylthri invasion. . Smithers eventually became a more productive member of society. Despite his affinity for things green, he served as a valuable member of the Thunderbolts. +This superhero's name is Plastic Man. Their real name is Patrick O'Brian. In the 1940s a crook named Patrick "Eel" O'Brian was shot by a security guard and struck by a falling drum full of an unidentified acid, some of which entered Eel's wound. He was saved by a mysterious order of monks whose example cured his penchant for crime. The acid bath gave him the ability to change his shape. He wore dark glasses and a red and yellow costume as flexible as his body. Whatever shape he took, the colors remained the same, so there would be a red-and-yellow chandelier over a table full of plotting gangsters, or a red-and-yellow abstract painting hanging on the wall, but the villains never caught on until it was too late. Plastic Man (sometimes called "Plas") later acquired a sidekick called Woozy Winks, a doofus who was originally magically endowed with the power that nature itself would protect him from harm. Woozy became a dumb but loyal friend of Plastic Man. The two of them became members of the police squad and eventually the FBI. Plastic Man later aided his country by serving in the All-Star Squadron and Freedom Fighters. Because of their powers, "Plas" and Woozy have stayed youthful into modern times. Strangely, Patrick became a good friend of Batman (despite Batman's lack of a sense of humor and skepticism towards reformed criminals), and an occasional member of the Justice League. It was revealed that Plas had a son, named Luke, out of wedlock whom he ignored and the son joined a gang. Batman got Luke out of the gang and tried to reunite him with his father. In a mission Patrick and the JLA went back 3000 years into the Atlantis' past and Plas was ripped apart during the fight. The JLA returned to the present thinking him dead but in the time gap (3000 years) he pulled himself together. Batman and Firestorm found him and helped him complete the process. Traumatized, he blocked Plastic Man from his mind, became Ralph Johns, and went back to his family in Chicago. Emotionally, they took him in. He became an average Joe, a father, and was in an relationship with his son's mother. When Martian Manhunter was possessed by a martian demon and tried to destroy the world, Batman came asking for his help (as he was immune to telepathy). After spending precious time trying to get him to remember who he was, Batman left "Ralph" to think it over. After staring out the window thinking about everything, Plas remembered who he really was after his son revealed his inherited powers and told him a joke. After the fight was over, O'Brian started a new life balancing his hero life and his family life. In the massive prison breakout by the Secret Society of Super-Villains during Villains United, Plastic Man was a responder to Blackgate Penitentiary where he fought Clayface . During the Battle of Metropolis, he punched out their leader Doctor Psycho. In the aftermath, he celebrates with all of the other assembled heroes. He is present when Lex Luthor causes the mass slaughter of Everyman Project participants, and shows pride for his son Offspring who saved over twenty people's lives. During World War II, he is part of the charge led against Black Adam by the Justice Society of America. Adam actually manages to somehow make his nose bleed. Despite this, he manages to give his son advice on better banter. There's another celebration after their victory and Plastic Man attends. Plastic Man is infected by Eclipso (Jean Loring) during Countdown to Mystery, who corrupts him and reverts his personality to before he reformed his ways. He becomes a criminal again, with Woozy Winks as his accomplice. Batman and Offspring work together to take him down, but the Spectre intervenes and finishes the battle. Eclipso rescues him for her own motives. He is gathered with her other converts Dove and the Creeper around the corpse of Alex Montez for a ceremony. They break into an NSA facility together to steal government property. Huntress attempts to stop them, but they succeed in stealing the Heart of Darkness. They are freed from his grasp, but not before Eclipso can reach his true power. However, while he's defeated by the Spectre they work to eradicate his remaining agents on Earth. Martian Manhunter is murdered by Libra and the Secret Society of Super-Villains during Final Crisis. Plastic Man is one of the many who attend his funeral, where he comforts Booster Gold and Stargirl. Plastic Man joins the Justice League of America again. During Blackest Night his heart is ripped out by a resurrected Vibe when the Black Lantern Corps rises. This seemingly kills him. However, he survives due to his unique physiology. +This superhero's name is Plastique. Their real name is Bette Sans Souci. In her first appearance, Plastique attempted a suicide bombing against the New York Herald-Express with a set of bombs attached to her costume, only to have the original Firestorm disarm her by vaporizing her clothes, leaving her naked and while Firestorm took the bombs to explode in a safer area. Later, via genetic modification commissioned by her organization, Plastique gained the power to project explosive force from her body. Later, Plastique and the group she'd gathered for this particular attempted to destroy the Canadian Parliament Buildings in Ottawa and the Statue of Liberty in New York City, as well as personally attempting the assassinations of the American President and Canadian Prime Minister. The bombings of the two landmarks were thwarted, and Plastique herself personally captured on live international television, by Captain Atom. Plastique became a member of the Suicide Squad for the duration of a single mission. She attempted to betray the team during their second field operation in Qurac under the command of Amanda Waller, and was caught by Nemesis, and brainwashed to suppress all memories of her Squad participation. Plastique then became a mercenary who actually reformed, subsequently earning a pardon from the United States for her crimes there based on services rendered to the "Captain Atom Project", as well as a somewhat more subdued response along similar lines from the Canadian authorities. Plastique then became engaged to Captain Atom, although the engagement was effectively broken in the wake of events of Armageddon: 2001. Following his reappearance the engagement was renewed and Plastique was invited into the ranks of the "Extreme Justice" faction of the Justice League, and celebrated a bachelorette party. Signalman informs Black Lightning, that Plastique had teamed with the Electrocutioner in a partnership known as the Bomb Squad. The duo has subsequently been among a series of costumed villains that had disappeared, seemingly into thin air. Bette resurfaced as a member of the Suicide Squad after the incident with Captain Atom in Bludhaven. Apparently, she and her husband are separated leading her to have a "devil may care" attitude. During the 34th week of the series 52, Plastique and the Electrocutioner appear as part of a Suicide Squad operation against Black Adam. She later appeared, in opposition of an illegal incarnation of the Suicide Squad. In Countdown, she again appears with the Suicide Squad to apprehend Trickster and Pied Piper. +This superhero's name is Platinum. Their real name is Platinum. She was created by Doctor Will Magnus to save people. She is a part of the Metal Men. +This superhero's name is Poison Ivy (Arkham). Their real name is Pamela Isley. Batman, while he searched for Warden Sharp at the Penitentiary at Arkham Asylum, came across Poison Ivy in her cell at the Green Mile. After she sensed that her plants were in pain, Ivy plead desperately with Batman to save them. Not sharing her concern, and knowing full well what kind of havoc that Ivy could wreak if she was released, Batman disregarded her plea, left her in her cell, and continued to look for the Warden. Soon after, Harley Quinn also made her way past Ivy, and Ivy begged her to let her out so that she could rescue her "babies." At first, Harley refused because Ivy wasn't on Joker's 'Party List;' however, she gave in rather quickly and unlocked the cell door, which left Ivy free to make her way over to the Botanical Gardens. After he discovered Joker's Secret Lab in Botanical Gardens, Batman went to Ivy, whose plants had been used to help create the venom. Ivy refused to help at first, and decided instead to let the Joker "have his fun," but eventually agreed after Batman threatened to destroy her plants if she didn't cooperate. Ivy then told Batman that the spores that were needed to create the anti-venom were produced by a plant that was located deep in Killer Croc's Lair. Before he left, Batman instructed Ivy to return to her cell or he'd be back, to which Ivy replied that she'd be waiting for him. The Joker then subsequently injected Ivy with the Titan Formula. Instead of creating a "monster plant" as the Joker expected, Ivy remained the same on the outside (although with glowing green irises) but gained an enhancement to her chlorokinetic abilities, induced rapid growth and evolution among her plants, and even among the newly mutated plants were a species that produced glowing airborne toxic spores (though it should be noted that Batman said that Ivy used a similar species of plants during an attack on Gotham City a year ago). Ivy took the opportunity to take over the entire island with her newly mutated plants, vowed to kill Batman and eventually, the Joker himself, much to his delight; and looked forward to the coming battle. Batman eventually returned to the Gardens with the anti-venom formula, where Ivy beckoned Batman to come to her lair. Along the way, Batman was attacked by two security guards who were under Ivy's control, and was forced to defeat them both. Batman attempted to inject Ivy's Plants with the anti-venom before he was stopped by an attacking Ivy, who forced him to contend with more Arkham Guards who were infected by her mind-controlling plant spores, including William North and Eddie Burlow. The two engaged in a long and strenuous fight, which resulted in Ivy's defeat. After the Joker's defeat, Ivy was taken back to her cell by the Arkham Staff. +This superhero's name is Poison Ivy (New 52). Their real name is Pamela Isley. Pamela was a young botanist. When her professor tricked her into stealing ancient herbs, he poisoned her with them so she could not give him away. She survived and while getting an immunity to toxins, Isley went insane and became Poison Ivy, an eco-terrorist out to save the environment in a deranged way. Because she acquired plant powers, Ivy revolves her crimes around her obsession with plants and a twisted way of saving the environment. In addition to her knowledge of plants and toxic immunity, Ivy is known to also be able to manipulate plants with her mind. Harley Quinn is a chief ally of hers in several of her schemes, her best friend, and usually the only human Ivy doesn't hate, though she has an on-and-off friendship with Catwoman and has shown attraction to Batman. She hates The Joker because of his attitude towards her and Harley; Poison Ivy has teamed up with Batman a few times to stop his plans. Though she is a villain, Ivy has fought with Batman and Batgirl against other rogues, probably most notably as a member of the Birds of Prey. Amanda Waller has recruited her several times in the Suicide Squad alongside Bronze Tiger, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, an amnesiac Lashina and others, in exchange for a reduced jailtime. +This superhero's name is Poison Ivy. Their real name is Pamela Isley. Pamela Isley was born with a skin condition - an aversion to sunlight. Though the doctor had prescribed her a lotion to protect her, little Pamela's abusive father had forbade her from going outside. On one occasion, when her mother allowed her to play outside, he had angrily punched her in the face, giving her a black eye. As if nothing had happened, Pamela's mother stepped outside and began gardening. Seeing her daughter there, she explained that she liked gardening because the flowers listen to her, and sometimes, if she stays very quiet, they speak back to her. When Pamela had asked about the black eye, her mother had assured her it was nothing to worry about. The abuse continued. Every time he hit her, Pamela's father bought his wife's forgiveness with flowers, and her garden would grow. That was how Pamela learned that flowers could manipulate people. However, she also learned of human cruelty when her father murdered her mother, burying her under her own garden before being arrested. In college, Pamela created designer drugs, doling pheromone pills out in order to study their effects. The University learned of her activities, and she was expelled and put in jail pending a criminal indictment. However, she had already used her pills to get the Dean under her thumb. Charges were dropped, and she graduated Summa Cum Laude. After graduating, Pamela visited her father in prison for the first time since the murder. He had stubbornly sat in silence, just staring at her and waiting for her to make the first move. After a time, she decided to do what made the most sense. She leapt up out of her seat and kissed him. By the next morning, he was dead, and the toxin used to kill him was untraceable. The Dean secured Pamela an internship at Wayne Enterprises straight out of College at their R&D site just after the merger with Kane Chemical. She helped to develop pharmaceuticals and cosmetic applications, but she had greater aspirations. Pamela became a research assistant at Wayne Enterprises, helping a man named Dr. Paji create a project that would allow plants to grow at an incredibly advanced rate. During the event that would be dubbed "Zero Year" by Bruce Wayne, a terrorist known as the Riddler partnered with a scientist named Dr. Karl Helfern to steal Pamela's experiment. The Riddler turned off the power in Gotham City, turning the city into a savage cesspit. The villain then spread Pamela's project throughout the city, turning the once proud and advanced city of Gotham into a literal urban jungle because of the incredible plant growth. However, both the Riddler and Hellfern were defeated by the new hero known as the Batman, and Gotham City began a rebuilding process, getting rid of all the plants that Pamela's stolen research had caused. With the city back to normal, Bruce Wayne came to look in on Pamela's division when she took the opportunity to present him with a business project that would cut his advertising division by 100%. In fact, she had used pheromones to get the meeting with him, and this was her proof that Wayne Enterprises could use pheromones to target clients, and modify their behaviour to the company's benefit. Wayne refused her pitch on the grounds that it amounted to brainwashing, and removed free choice from the equation. Ethically opposed to her idea, Bruce Wayne fired her on the spot, warning that his company owned any research she had done, so she would not be able to pitch her idea elsewhere. Angrily, she had rushed past security to steal what she could of her work back, specifically a plant serum that she had made from all of her knowledge in botanical research, which she alone knew how to make. Unfortunately, in the process, she was doused with her own chemicals. The chemicals changed her, making her immune to poisons and viruses, giving her command over any plant, and connecting her inexorably to The Green as well as giving her immunity to poisons and viruses and innate control of pheromones. She became something of an eco-terrorist, using her abilities to strike back at those who struck out at the Green. Ivy still lived in Gotham City, but had been asked by Black Canary to join the Birds of Prey, despite her tendency toward criminal activity. Ivy accepted, but her new teammates Starling and Katana weren't very happy about it. They grew to trust her, begrudgingly, while investigating a mind-controlling criminal called Choke, who was using unsuspecting people as sleeper agents, and implanting them with bombs triggered by mnemonic queues. After a battle with one of the Court of Owls' Talons, Ivy sacrificed her health in order to trap him within the refrigerated car of a train, knowing that only severe cold could stop him. She had made Black Canary promise to take her to the Amazon Basin, should she ever become injured, and following the Talon's capture, the Birds of Prey made good on that promise, but were attacked by plant-monsters when they arrived. As it turned out, Ivy had betrayed them, having secretly poisoned them, and intended to coerce them into helping her in her eco-terrorist crusades against polluting corporations. When it became clear that Batman could cure their poisoning, Katana near-fatally injured Ivy, resulting in her being dropped from the team. A free-agent in Gotham, Ivy broke Clayface out of Arkham Asylum, manipulating him into becoming her husband - and therefore her bodyguard. Batman intervened for her sake, mainly because the locations she attacked were the Penguin's properties, and he had put a bounty on her head. Unfortunately, Ivy was captured by Penguin's men, and buried alive. However, she survived long enough for Penguin's over-ambitious second-in-command Ogilvy to rescue her as part of his plan to take over Penguin's business, since his boss had gone missing thanks to the return of the Joker. She repaid her debt to him by supplying him with a means to chemically enhance himself enough to become a match for the Batman, which ended up giving his skin a consistency akin to that of bark. When the Crime Syndicate took over the world and seemingly killed the Justice League, the villains of Gotham took rule over it. Poison Ivy, among them, took control of a section of Gotham for herself, primarily being concerned with her plants. When Bane returned to Gotham in order to claim it for himself, Ivy joined Scarecrow's army of Arkhamites to combat Bane's battalion of prisoners from Blackgate Penitentiary in what would later be named "the Arkham War". Participating in several battles against the Bane's army, Scarecrow eventually pulled out all the stops in order to win the city by secretly drugging all the Arkhamites, including Isley, with a derivative of Bane's precious Venom, but, despite their temporary super strength, the Arkhamites were still defeated by Bane, who declared himself the victor of the Arkham War. After the fall of the Crime Syndicate and return of the Justice League, Poison Ivy began operating with the Calabrese crime family, being led by her friend Selina Kyle. +This superhero's name is Polaris (Fox). Their real name is Lorna Dane. Lorna Dane, also known by the alias "Polaris" was an operative of the Mutant Underground. She was arrested by the Atlanta PD when she, Eclipse, and Thunderbird rescued Blink after she escaped from prison. Polaris was taken to the mutant detention center in Garland, Texas. Several hours later, Atlanta ADA Reed Strucker promised to reduce the severe sentences she was facing for attempting to kill police officers with her mutant powers if she helped the government track down the Underground's members. Although she tried to threaten Reed, Polaris became hysterical when the attorney showed her a document that would be part of his case against her: she was pregnant, carrying the child of Marcos Diaz. She spent some time in prison (temporarily in the same cellblock as Reed Strucker), before they were both rescued by the Mutant Underground. After going on several missions, including destroying a plane filled with government officials, she left the Underground taking Andy, Sage, and others with him ad joined the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Six months later, Reeva Payge became the leader of the Hellfire Club, and took over a munitions warehouse in Washington, D.C. so Lorna would have a safe place to give birth after having pains. She would later give birth to a baby girl, who she named Dawn, after the Frost sisters helped her by showing her a vision of the future where mutants were safe and in control of the country. +This superhero's name is Polaris. Their real name is Lorna Dane. Lorna Dane is a mutant, born of an affair between her mother Suzanna and Magneto. Her mother's husband, Arnold, later learned of this affair and confronted his wife while he was flying her and Lorna on his plane. An argument erupted, upsetting the infant Lorna whose desperation to make her parents stop fighting caused an early manifestation of her immense magnetic abilities, which caused a magnetic pulse that destroyed the plane and killed her parents, as well as giving her hair its iconic green colour. Lorna survived the crash and was found by her true father, Magneto, who had been drawn to the location by her magnetic pulse. Believing that she was not ready for her abilities or the life he could offer her, he had his associate Mastermind use his illusionary powers to re-write Lorna's memories of that day, leaving her to believe that her parents died in a plane crash when she was an infant. Lorna was raised by Arnold's sister and her husband, and grew up thinking that they are her real parents until she was informed of the truth when she was almost twenty years old - Lorna's foster parents had feared it would cause her extreme stress and trauma if they told her before. Iceman met the young Lorna Dane after she was identified as a mutant by Cerebro and discovered that she had green hair after Lorna stepped out of the shower. Lorna's magnetic powers emerged when she was controlled by Mesmero and subjected to a 'mutant energy stimulator' device. Lorna and Magneto were convinced that they were father and daughter, due to the similar natures of their powers. Iceman provided evidence that convinced Lorna that her true parents had died in a plane crash years earlier and she turned against Magneto, who was revealed to be a robot double. Lorna returned home with the X-Men and, eventually, joined the team. In the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the X-Men were tutored by Professor Charles Xavier and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room. For a while, Iceman had a crush on her, but Lorna didn't truly reciprocate the feelings. Lorna did, however, fall in love with her teammate Havok, the brother of Cyclops. They both served for a time as active X-Men and helped Professor X repel an invasion by the alien Z'Nox. Later with the X-Men, they met Ka-Zar in the Savage Land, where Lorna invented her first "code name" Magnetrix. Even though she quickly dropped the name, Havok continued to use it as a way to annoy and flirt with her. When Lorna first encountered the real Magneto in the Savage Land, she was surprised that he did not know who she was. They were, later, targeted by the Promise, and met the Hulk. Later, the X-Men and a number of mutants were kidnapped, by the Secret Empire, to harness their energy to power an "Electorn-Gyro". After Number One landed the saucer on the White House lawn and defeated Moonstone, the Secret Empire was defeated by Cyclops, Captain America, the Falcon, and Marvel Girl. When the old and new X-Men together fought the island Krakoa, it seemed Lorna displayed her major power potential for the first time as she disrupted the Earth's magnetic field, flinging Krakoa into deep space. Years later, it was revealed that Prof. Xavier actually altered the minds of everyone to cover-up the fact that his second team of X-Men were all slaughtered attempting to save them. Following the X-Men's battle against the island Krakoa, the two, Lorna and Alex, left the X-Men to pursue their mutual interest in geophysics, attending graduate school in Nevada. Mind controlled by Shi'ar Lorna received her Shi'ar designed costume when her mind came under the domination of the Shi'ar Intelligence agent, Davan Shakari, also known as Erik the Red. It was he who gave Lorna the code name Polaris. At the time, Shakari served D'Ken Neramani, the emperor of the Shi'ar Galaxy, later deposed in favor of his sister, Lilandra Neramani. Shakari kidnapped Alex and Lorna and subjected them to a powerful form of mind control: they were turned against the X-Men and attempted to assassinate Prof. Xavier. A massive battle ensued at Kennedy International Airport, with the duo battling the X-Men. Polaris was defeated by Storm, but Shakari managed to escape with both her and Alex. Eventually, Prof. Xavier freed Lorna and Alex from Shakari's control and they stayed at Muir Island for their recovery. While there, Lorna and Alex were attacked by henchmen of The Living Pharaoh and Lorna attempted to contact the X-Men, but received no answer and contacted Beast in the Avengers. After arriving in New York, Spider-Man came to their aid and accidentally knocked The Living Pharaoh into a containment unit, that was to be used to make Alex a living battery to magnify the Pharaoh's powers a million fold, and he was transformed into the Living Monolith again. Lorna was swept out to sea and later rescued, by Thor. After returning to Muir Island, Lorna and Alex aided the X-Men battling Proteus. Afterward, they settled in New Mexico, where they completed their advanced degrees. Lorna and Alex returned from time to time to assist the team, but they led a happy civilian life for a number of years. Professor X called on Alex and Lorna for help in the rescue of the friends and family of the X-Men from Arcade's henchman Miss Locke in Murderworld. While living in the Rio Diablo Mountains of Northern Mexico, Alex and Lorna stumbled upon a Brood Star-shark and Alex left Lorna for New York. Later, the Marauders ambushed Lorna and her mind was overtaken by an evil being, known as Malice, while Lorna saw Alex off to check on the X-Men. As Malice, Lorna led the Marauders for a few months, first attempting to kill Cyclops' wife, Madelyne Pryor-Summers, while she was lost in a hospital, and battled Alex and the X-Men. Malice's energy matrix was very compatible with Lorna's powers and the two became grafted together, apparently inseparable. When Malice attempted to leave Lorna, Mister Sinister informed them that he was aware of the connection and that was why he suggested their union. Later, Havok tracked the Marauders, in The Alley, and the X-Men ambushed them. The Marauders fled and Polaris, controlled by Malice, returned to Mr. Sinister. Mr. Sinister was attempting to learn all he could from the X-Men and X-Factor and, thoroughly went-through the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Following Mr. Sinister's psychic trail, Marvel Girl tracked him to the school and the X-Men and X-Factor were ambushed by the Marauders. While interrogating Polaris/Malice, Mr. Sinister destroyed the school. While the X-Men and X-Factor battled Sinister and Malice, Sinister attempted to claim Marvel Girl, but Cyclops seemingly killed Sinister with an unchecked optic blast. After Mister Sinister was seemingly killed, Malice's hold over Polaris weakened and Lorna was able to place a phone call to the X-Men in Australia for help, but they arrived too late. Lorna was with her alleged half-sister Zaladane, a priestess for the Savage Land's Sun People. The X-Men arrived in time to witness Zaladane's getaway, but Havok managed to infiltrate her army in disguise while the X-Men followed. There, the X-Men found that Zaladane had amassed an army of Savage Land natives who were being mentally controlled for her by Worm, one of the Savage Land Mutates. Zaladane revealed that she was in fact Lorna's sister and, using the High Evolutionary's machinery, stripped Polaris of her magnetic powers and took them as her own. The process also managed to finally separate Lorna and Malice. Zaladane and her forces clashed with Ka-Zar and the X-Men, who were trying to free Lorna. During the encounter, Polaris' Secondary Mutation kicked in and she grew in height, (towering over Alex), was invulnerable, and had superhuman strength. Zaladane's army was released from Worm's control, and Lorna regained her freedom. Having nowhere else to go, Lorna headed for Muir Island. On her way there her secondary mutation kicked in again (as was evidenced by her increased size). She discovered that her new mutation also affected those around her, amplifying negative emotions such as anger and hate. Upon examination even Moira MacTaggert was at a loss to explain Lorna's new mutation, although she did confirm that the only way Zaladane could have taken her powers away was if she were a biological sibling. Lorna was on hand to help Moira and Banshee defend Muir Island from the attacking Reavers (who were there looking for Wolverine). At the time it was not clear that she drew her strength from being a nexus for negative emotional energies. Lorna's new status as a nexus however was perceived by the villainous Shadow King. The Shadow King used Polaris as a gateway to allow him access to the mortal realm from the astral plane, causing a world-wide increase in anger, hatred and violence in the process. Lorna was freed of his influence with the help of X-Factor and the X-Men. Upon the defeat of the Shadow King, Lorna's powers returned due to a combination of Zaladane's death a short time before and the neural-disruptive psionic blade of the X-Man Psylocke leaving no trace of her increased size, strength or emotion control powers. Lorna was then asked to join the newly formed Government X-Factor by Valerie Cooper and, tired of hiding out on Muir Island, she accepted. Lorna and Alex were set as its leaders. Joining X-Factor offered her the chance to reunite with Alex, but their relationship remained largely unresolved. Since this time X-Factor had changed dramatically, and so had Polaris, growing stronger and more sure of herself, and more independent from Alex. They tried to maintain the relationship but they broke up and reconciled multiple times. Polaris became a mainstay of X-Factor and became the government's secret weapon against a possible attack from Magneto. Malice returned to bother her once more but Havok and Polaris, out of their love for each other, each tried to absorb her, preventing the other from being possessed. In the end, Malice perished at the hands of Mister Sinister. X-Factor's atmosphere changed as criminals Mystique and Sabretooth were forced by the government to join the group. Lorna began to question her place on the team and finally found her suspicions to be justified after Sabretooth ran amok almost killing the whole team. When Havok finally revealed that his "terrorist" activities had been a front for his true undercover work, Lorna forgave him although she rejected him romantically. She also rejoined X-Factor only to watch as Havok was seemingly killed in the explosion of a faulty time machine constructed by the mutant from the future, Greystone. Lorna left X-Factor to grieve and the group disbanded. Months later, Nightcrawler ran into Lorna in a church, where she confided in him that she felt she was being followed, and that she was sure Alex was alive because The Living Monolith hadn't returned. Little did she know that she was right on both counts. A group of Skrulls working with Apocalypse were indeed shadowing her, and broke into her apartment to retrieve the headgear from Alex's original costume. Lorna learned that she was one of "The Twelve"; a team of mutants supposedly destined to usher in a new golden age for mutant-kind. Lorna freaked, even after the X-Men set a trap for the Skrulls and found their base. She journeyed with the X-Men to Egypt to battle Apocalypse. Lorna was captured along with the rest of The Twelve, but when Magneto's failing power short-circuited Apocalypse's plan and the Living Monolith burst free as well, Magneto somehow tapped into Lorna's power and was able to command the magnetic field with incredible force. After Apocalypse was defeated, Lorna returned to Genosha with Magneto to supply him with power and help him keep order. She believed she was doing it for the greater good, but also knew that she enjoyed the education in her powers that she was receiving. In the end, Magneto launched a full-scale assault on Carrion Cove, the last city opposing his rule, in order to gain access to technology that would restore his full abilities. Polaris decided to try and stop him, but was defeated and fled the country following Magneto's return to full power. Later, when Magneto captured Professor X as the first step in a war against humanity, Polaris returned to Genosha to help evacuate the humans still living there. After Wolverine nearly crippled Magneto, Polaris stayed to help him recover and maintain order. At this time, Lorna began running genetic tests on Magneto and herself, while investigating the plane crash that killed her parents. To her shock, she discovered that all the metal on her parents' plane had been magnetized and that she was Magneto's genetic daughter. She left Genosha in a hurry. After coming to terms with her discovery, Polaris returned to Genosha, and found out that Magneto had known of her research and its results and had proclaimed them to his people, so she was greeted as a returning princess. Lorna was still there when the Sentinels sent by Cassandra Nova decimated the island's population. Polaris fled the scene, and survived the radiation surges and power blasts. For months she struggled to contain the electromagnetic fields of the dead, nearly going crazy in the process, until the X-Men visited Genosha and found her. They managed to break through to Polaris, and rescued her from the ravaged country. A few weeks later, Polaris apparently heard that Havok had been located, and showed up at the Mansion to reunite with him. Finding Alex's nurse Annie Ghazakhanian yelling at his unconscious form to release her son Carter (who had become trapped in Alex's mind), Lorna attacked with scalpels, even bruising Northstar when he tried to stop her. Finally Lorna was calmed, though she blew Annie off with cruel abandon, and then launched herself at Alex when he regained consciousness moments later. Lorna was all over Alex, as if marking her territory, and then stunned everyone when she asked him to marry her. Alex accepted, and then the two of them left the Mansion to reconnect as they planned their wedding. Unfortunately, Alex left Lorna at the altar and Lorna went mad, manufacturing a Magneto helmet out of flatware and attempting to kill Alex, Annie and Carter. Lorna was finally brought down by Juggernaut and upon being returned to the Mansion under restraints agreed to let Professor X into her mind to unravel the cause of her recent personality shift. Lorna goaded Annie into joining the telepathic party, and revealed to them the truth about her relationship to Magneto, as well as the horrific experience of living through the Genoshan Massacre. While Lorna was under guard at the Mansion, her attitude drastically changed from a sweet loving woman into a more "shoot-first, ask questions later" fighter. After the fight with 'Xorneto' she played the devil's advocate, supporting Magneto's view on humans and mutants. She even went as far as attempting to convince Prof. Xavier of Magneto's view at Magneto's funeral in Genosha, by threatening to kill him just so that he would fight for his own survival and prove his own dream of peaceful coexistence wrong. However, Prof. Xavier didn't go down that line and would have rather died than kill his former student. Not being able to say anything else she showed her respect for Prof. Xavier and her father by making a statue of Magneto and Professor X out of the giant Sentinel-turned-Magneto statue that Logan had ripped down. During a reorganization of the X-Men, Polaris was added to Havok's team, causing a significant amount of conflict because she and Iceman had become a couple. Lorna was still a little distant, and somewhat concerned for her own sanity, due to her recent traumas. After the House of M incident, Lorna seemed to have lost her powers, though initially she went into denial and tried to hide her power loss from her teammates. After nearly being killed in combat, Lorna revealed that she had lost her powers and decided to leave the team. Havok accompanied her, but Cyclops kept Bobby Drake from going along as well. Chased by members of the Sapien League, including the ferocious and vengeful Leper Queen, Havok and Polaris encountered Daap (an alien-like creature resembling Doop). Only Lorna was able to understand the creature, and she felt an overwhelming desire to befriend it. Before Havok could protest any further, the creature grabbed Lorna and flew away with her. The creature dropped her inside Apocalypse's sphinx (whether the creature was in league with Apocalypse or was repelled by the ships systems, or even if the creature was real or some artificial creation of Apocalypse's Celestial technology was not entirely clear). When Apocalypse made Lorna an offer of power as his horseman of Pestilence, she refused, but was eventually tempted to join him. Mind-wiped, she ingested viruses from the World Health Organization and was attempting to create a meta-plague. In the climatic battle between the X-Men, the Avengers, and Apocalypse, Wolverine discovered the choking Pestilence was Lorna. Havok was able to resuscitate Lorna, having been given a serum to protect him from the diseases present. She was recovering in the X-Mansion when Gambit and Sunfire returned to take her away. She arose and refused to go with them. Polaris decided to leave that night to search for Apocalypse in Egypt. She went alone and was later hunted until Havok and the new X-Men team saved her. Emma Frost noted that her powers seemed to be mutating, and that Apocalypse fused unknown technology to Lorna's nervous system to replicate her lost magnetic powers. After being rescued from an anti-Apocalypse cult by a new team of X-Men, Polaris agreed to join Professor X, Darwin, Havok, Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, and Warpath on their mission to stop Vulcan from attacking the Shi'ar Empire. At first, Apocalypse's adjustment to Lorna appeared more dangerous and difficult to control compared to her natural abilities. Throughout the journey through space, Lorna learned to master these adjustments as if they were her own. During various battles with Vulcan's forces, Polaris managed to stop Gladiator to a stand-still, though he ended up being too powerful to be contained by metallic bonding. During the final battle with all the X-Men and Vulcan's forces, Corsair was killed. Darwin saved Prof. Xavier from the M'Krann Crystal (which had the effect of re-powering his lost X-Gene). Nightcrawler took them back to their ship, and Lilandra did not wait for Polaris, Havok, or Marvel Girl to send Prof. Xavier, Nightcrawler, Darwin, Warpath, and Hepzibah back to Earth by teleportation. Meanwhile, Polaris had successfully caused major damage to Vulcan by crushing him with his own metallic armor, but it wasn't enough to win the battle. Polaris, Havok, and Marvel Girl joined the ranks of the Starjammers, as did Korvus, Marvel Girl's romantic interest. Although Havok made it the Starjammer's only interest to kill Vulcan and end his rule as Emperor of the Shi'ar Empire, a new arrival, the Scy'ar Tal added new pressure. They arrived, claiming the Shi'ar ejected them from their home world. The Starjammers and Vulcan's forces temporarily united to deal with the impending threat, one so great it managed to destroy an entire planet in Shi'ar space that Rachel was unable to stop. After the battle with the Scy'ar Tal, Vulcan betrayed Havok by flinging him into the vacuum of space, where Havok crashed into a star. Unbeknownst to Vulcan, Havok's ability allowed him to absorb some of the star, giving him a massive temporary power boost. Meanwhile, Polaris led the rest of the Starjammers, first against the Scy'ar Tal, and then against the Shi'ar Warbirds ten-times the size of the Starjammers. When they lost contact with Havok, Polaris unleashed and began destroying whole Shi'ar Warbirds. Vulcan sent his entire Imperial Guard for Polaris and the Starjammers, and Polaris sent Rachel and Korvus after a tracking device sent by Vulcan that would lead a star to destroy the M'krann crystal. Gladiator attacked them before anything could be done to stop the tracking device. Polaris led the team remaining on the Starjammer (Raza and Ch'od) against the Imperial Guard, and although they were able to hold their own for some time, the trio were eventually overcome by the sheer numbers of the Guard. Ch'od gave Havok Polaris' message that 'this can only end one way." Havok destroyed the Finality, the device using stars as planet destroying bombs, and was captured himself. At the end of the battle, Vulcan had won, and planned to expand the Shi'ar Empire while keeping Havok, Ch'od, and Raza as prisoners. Marvel Girl, Korvus, and Lilandra all escaped. Polaris and the others were tortured in a prison under water on an oceanous planet. Despite ploys such as telling Havok that his teammates were dead and it was all Alex's fault, Havok remained defiant. Alex had at least some power left. He allowed some time to go by, with moments of exposure continuing, before killing his guards and escaping. Alex then liberated his teammates from captivity. As he rescued Polaris, she gave him a thank-you kiss. Havok surprised his team as he informed them of his true plan. Instead of running they would wait, Gabriel would be coming to them to defeat them, and Havok planned to kill him when he did. This caused her to be worried about Alex's safety and well-being. Pursued by a Shi'ar superdestroyer after escaping, Lorna used the fact that she was Crystal's sister in law to allow the Starjammers through the Kree's defensive shield. After the Shi'ar Imperial Guard's attack on Crystal and Ronan's wedding, Lorna played a minor but pivotal role in regaining Kree popular support for the Inhumans by making sure that Crystal's humanitarian acts towards the injured Kree civilians were broadcast all over the Kree networks. After this, she once again joined the Starjammers on their mission to rescue Lilandra. They promptly commandeered a Shi'ar Ironclad (which she helped capture by magnetizing the Starjammer to its hull) which they then used to join the main Shi'ar fleet until their cover was blown when they rescued Rocket Raccoon and his Guardians of the Galaxy. Polaris joined X-Factor Investigations after the X-Men underwent their Schism on behalf of Wolverine. After Jamie's apparent death, Lorna and Havok agreed to take over leadership of x-Factor Investigations. Jamie returned from the dead however and agreed to share leadership with them, with Havok taking the lead on missions from Valerie Cooper and Wolverine and Jamie taking the lead on other missions. After Rahne fell into a deep depression regarding her actions toward her child, Lorna and Banshee took her out on a road trip to cheer her up. Their first stop was visiting Father John Maddox for some spiritual counseling. When Lorna was building a shrine to commemorate the death of her parents, she handed an old photo of them to Longshot. Touching the photo gave Longshot a vision of what happened to them. Lorna tried to force him to tell her and eventually he relented. Lorna didn't trust him however, and forced Monet to use her telepathic abilities and show her what Longshot saw. She was shown a vision of her father taking her mother up in an airplane and confronting her with the fact that he knew that Lorna wasn't his daughter. Their argument became heated and woke the sleeping Lorna. Lorna begged them to stop fighting, but after being yelled at by her parents, her powers manifested and in a tantrum she released a magnetic pulse that tore the plane apart and killed her parents. Magneto was drawn to the magnetic pulse she sent out and declared that she wasn't ready for a life with him yet and that she needed to grow up in a normal environment. He asked his associate, Mastermind to use his illusionary powers to wipe the memory of this event from Lorna's mind until she was ready to join Magneto. The knowledge that she had killed her parents rendered her catatonic. Fellow team member Banshee made a deal to become the Morrigan, an ancient god, in order to gain the power to help Lorna. She succeeded, and Lorna emerged from her catatonic state. With the birth of the 7 billionth human being on Earth, Rahne's son Tier, the various Hell Lords commenced their war for dominance of hell and Earth. Polaris and X-Factor were embroiled in the conflict, attempting to stop the Hell Lords from killing Tier. Mephisto managed to circumvent the conditions of the war by incapacitating the other Hell Lords, and claiming dominance over Earth. However, after Guido killed Tier and became the supreme Lord of Hell, he set everything back to its natural state. Polaris found herself returned to New York, with no sign of any of her team mates. Deeply depressed, Polaris found a bar and proceeded to get heavily intoxicated, and started causing a scene after the bartender tried to cut her off. This attracted the attentions of both the local law enforcement, and her half-brother Quicksilver. The mix of her depression, anger and intoxication caused her to engage the police in an attempt to commit suicide-by-cop and to fire bullets at her half-brother. Quicksilver managed to subdue her, but before he could bring her into Avengers custody in order to help her, she was taken away by the police. Polaris awoke to find herself in a cell, lamenting what she had just done. Before getting her bearings, she was approached by a figure who claimed she was not in jail and was free to go, but that he had come to make her an offer to lead a super hero initiative called X-Factor on behalf of his company. Polaris agreed to hear him out. This mysterious figure was Harrison Snow, CEO of Serval Industries, who offered Lorna the opportunity to lead his corporation's superhero team, X-Factor. Lorna accepted, and went about recruiting Gambit as well. Upon returning to headquarters, she found her half-brother Quicksilver waiting for her, having tracked her to Serval out of worry. Claiming that he had had a falling out with the Avengers, he volunteered to join the team, and Lorna accepted. Lorna led them on their first mission, to rescue a mutant captured by A.I.M. +This superhero's name is Portal. Their real name is Charles Little Sky. id='history' +This superhero's name is Power Girl (New 52). Their real name is Kara Zor-L. Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl and first cousin to Kal-L, the Superman of Earth-Two. Power Girl took her cousin's place in the Justice Society of America after he entered into semi-retirement to focus on his personal life. Kara Zor-L has since been recognized as an important member of the JSA. After the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the merging of Earth-Two into New Earth, Power Girl was led to believe that she was a descendant of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion, though Arion himself later revealed this to have been a lie.Kara's true Earth-Two heritage was revealed to her during the "Infinite Crisis". +This superhero's name is Power Girl. Their real name is Kara Zor-L. As originally created, Power Girl was Kara Zor-L, the cousin of the Superman of the parallel world of Earth-Two (and thus, she was her Earth's counterpart of Supergirl). When the Earth-Two universe's Krypton was about to explode, Kara's father Zor-L launched her as an infant to Earth in a ship at the same time that Kal-L's ship was launched; however, Kara's ship took a much longer journey, resulting in her arriving on Earth in the 1970s, decades after her cousin. Unlike Kal-L's ship, Zor-L constructed her ship (or "Symbioship", as it was called) to hold Kara in stasis through the longer journey. In addition, the ship's artificial intelligence carried the life experiences and education of a Kryptonian in the form of a virtual reality wherein she interacted with virtual copies of her parents and fellow Kryptonians. By the time she landed on Earth, Kara had aged into her early 20's (post-Crisis, as referenced in JSA Classified, her initial age has been revised to about eighteen). Unlike her counterpart Supergirl, Power Girl's existence was not revealed to the general public until much later, as her cousin Clark and his wife Lois provided her a family environment to assist her transition towards real life relationships. Her first recorded case was assisting the Justice Society members Flash and Wildcat in containing an artificially induced volcano which had erupted in China. She then joined them and other younger heroes Robin and Star-Spangled Kid to form a Super Squad along with then active members of the Justice Society to defeat Brainwave and Per Degaton's scheme for world domination. She was later provided full membership when she took over the vacated spot on the team's roster left when Superman retired from active membership. Having been raised by the Symbioship with artificial Kryptonian life experiences Power Girl had trouble fitting into life on Earth, but with the help of reporter Andrew Vinson, eventually adopted the secret identity of computer programmer Karen Starr. She obtained her knowledge in this field from treatment under Wonder Woman's purple ray on Paradise Island. She never wore a mask or other disguise between her two identities and, at some point, her identity was revealed to the public. Power Girl's best friend was Huntress, Helena Wayne, the daughter of the Earth-2 Batman and Catwoman. The 1985 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths retroactively erased the existence of the Earth-Two Superman, and Power Girl's continuity was thus substantially disrupted. Following the series, her background was retconned; she became the descendant of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion, having been frozen in suspended animation for millennia until the present day. In the late 1980s Power Girl joined the Justice League (the Justice Society having been disbanded in the interim). Later, while a member of Justice League Europe, she was badly injured by a mystical being. Superman assisted in her medical treatment, using his heat-vision to enable surgery to be performed on her otherwise-invulnerable tissues (without his intervention, Power Girl would have perished). Although she recovered, she was significantly weaker, lost all of her vision powers, and could not fly for a time. Later, she mystically became pregnant and gave birth to a son (Equinox) during the Zero Hour crisis. Her son was subsequently artificially aged, became a superhero, and disappeared. Power Girl was established as being the first partner for Oracle in what grew to become the Birds of Prey. The partnership ended when a mission failed disasterously, resulting in a large loss of life. Power Girl believes that bad orders from Oracle were to blame for the tragedy, and dislikes Oracle intensely as a result (although she has worked with her again on a few occasions when needed). Power Girl's costume has varied significantly over the years. During her time with Justice League Europe/America it transitioned to a capeless yellow and white bodysuit, followed by a blue and white costume with a short mini-cape, headband, with a diamond shaped opening on her chest. In the late 1990s Power Girl's original costume design was restored: a white bodysuit, red cape, blue gloves and boots, with the presence of "round window" on her chest depending on the artist depicting her. In her guest appearance in Green Lantern, Kara is seen in her large wardrobe closet with every costume design she's ever worn in DC continuity, deciding which costume to wear for that mission. During the miniseries that established her ancient Atlantean origin, Power Girl was portrayed with a highly athletic but slender physique. In the limited series Kingdom Come, artist Alex Ross restored Power Girl's extremely busty shape, rendering her as heavily muscled (as if an ardent bodybuilder). This approach has been carried forward by most other artists. The character's appearance and costume have become somewhat controversial, as Power Girl's voluptuous figure has been made light of in several recent appearances. When the Justice Society re-formed in the late 1990s, Power Girl joined as a key member. Power Girl's backstory as a descendant of Arion was called into question when Arion himself admitted that her origin as an Atlantean was a story that he had created for her own protection at her foster mother's request (the Lois Lane of Earth-Two). The Psycho Pirate, the source of Kara's multiple origins in an effort to drive her insane, revealed to her that the Kryptonian origin was her true origin: Power Girl was a survivour of the Krypton of Earth-Two. It is still unclear why she survived the Crisis, even retaining her pre-Crisis origin, when other Earth-Two figures, such as the Huntress and Robin, did not. It seems likely that Power Girl's survival has something to do with the fact that the remaining relative from her old life was Kal-L, who was also still alive. In the pages of Infinite Crisis, Kal-L himself returned to the post-Crisis DC Universe after breaking down the walls of the paradise dimension in which he, Lois Lane, Alexander Luthor, and Superboy-Prime had been living since the end of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Appalled by the rapidly-deteriorating state of affairs on the contemporary Earth, their goal was to replace the post-Crisis planet with a recreated Earth-Two. Kal-L tracked down Power Girl, explaining the events of the original Crisis to her. He also revealed her pre-Crisis history as his cousin. A touch from the ailing Lois Lane-Kent served to restore Power Girl's Earth-Two memories. Soon after this revelation, she was confronted by Superboy-Prime, who rendered her unconscious. Power Girl was attached to a ”tuning fork,” a device controlled by Alex Luthor whose purpose was to bring back the multiple Earths. Alex Luthor and Psycho Pirate coerced Black Adam (also attached to the machine) into saying "SHAZAM!," and used the now-raw magical energy to power the tower. Initially, only Earth-Two was restored, and everyone associated with that Earth was transported to it. (However, Power Girl remained on Earth-One because of her proximity to the tower.) The Lois Lane of Earth-Two died moments after her arrival there with Kal-L. This led to a violent confrontation between the two Supermen, at the end of which Kal-L came to the realization that Earth-Two had not been a perfect world since "a perfect earth doesn't need a Superman." Kara was freed by Wonder Girl and Kon-El and joined them in fighting Superboy-Prime and Alex Luthor. Left on Earth during the savage battle on Mogo between Superboy-Prime and the Supermen Kal-L and Kal-El, she was brought to Mogo by the Green Lantern Corps just in time to bid a tearful farewell to her dying cousin. A year afterwards, she has apparently recovered from her traumatic ordeal, and taken her place once again in the Justice Society of America. Interestingly, she has also become Nightwing in the city of Kandor, fighting a cult that worships Kal-El, with Kara Zor-El as her sidekick, Flamebird. +This superhero's name is Power Ring. Their real name is Harold Jordan. The man who would become Power Ring was born into the partially "reversed" universe of Earth-Three. He was actively seeking out mystical power and found it when the mad Buddhist monk, Volthoom, who gave him a lamp and a matching ring of unlimited power. Accepting the lamp and ring this man would begin his career as Power Ring. Over the years of his many criminal exploits, he joined in the loose partnership with the other four super-powered beings on Earth-Three and founded the organization known as the Crime Syndicate of America. It would be after largely conquering most of their world that Power Ring and his fellow Crime Syndicate members challenged the combined forces of the Earth-One Justice League of America and Earth-Two Justice Society of America. Not able to withstand the combined mights of two Earths greatest superbeings, the Crime Syndicate was defeated and imprisoned in an extradimensional bubble created by the Earth-One Green Lantern. After their defeat by the combined forces of the Justice League and Justice Society, Power Ring would remain imprisoned between dimensions until Captain Comet and the Secret Society of Super-Villains passed through the dimensions and accidentally freed him along with Johnny Quick and Super-Woman. It was during this battle that the limitation of Power Ring's lamp was revealed. Due to the elongated periods of disuse by Power Ring the lamp began to overload its energy levels and leak out changing people into monsters.It is this episode that suggest that Power Ring has superhuman concentration that allows him to use the energies of the lamp without it overwhelming his mind and body as it does to normal people. Power Ring was able to re-exert control over the lamp suggesting that he was either able to repair the lamp or drain off the excessive energies in some way during the resulting battle with Comet and the Super-Villains, even though it appeared that Comet destroyed the battery. This was largely dismissed as Power Ring was shown to continue using his ring in later events which would have lost its charge eventually if there was no lamp to recharge the ring with. The exact events leading to its reformation were never shown.After being defeated by Captain Comet, Power Ring and his fellow Crime Syndicate members were once again imprisoned. But Power Ring and the other Crime Syndicate members were able to routinely escape as shown when the Per Degaton and the Ultra-Humanite and his new time-traveling band of the Secret Society came to Earth-Three.Power Ring and the others would battle against Alexander Luthor, Sr. and other dimensional heroes on many occasions who would routinely defeat Power Ring and the other members of the Crime Syndicate. This basic stalemate of almost endless escape and imprisonment would continue until the antimatter wave attack of the Anti-Monitor came to Earth-Three during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Unable to stop the antimatter wave that was destroying Earth-Three, Power Ring and the other members of the Crime Syndicate teamed up with Luthor, Sr. in an attempt to stop the attack. Power Ring and Ultraman, being the more powerful members of the Syndicate tried to find some way to directly overpower the antimatter way. Stunned to see Ultraman killed by the anti-matter wave, Power Ring was also consumed by the antimatter wave before he could recover from his momentary startled reaction and killed. He along with everyone else native to their dimension died in the attack and were completely erased from all history with the reset of the single surviving universe, except for Superman of Earth-Two and Alexander Luthor, Jr. who remembered this Power Ring and his native world. +This superhero's name is Powerboy. Their real name is . Power Boy was a native of Apokolips and member of the Teen Titans. +This superhero's name is Predator. Their real name is Yautja. Predators (Yautja by their native tongue) are humanoid aliens from the planet Yautja Prime. They are known on Earth (by few people) for their advanced technology, joy for hunting and their crude, inhuman ways of killing people (skinning people alive and hanging them with string, or removing the head of their victims with the spinal cord still attached). Predators came to Earth and discovered the ancient people of Earth, mainly the Aztecs. The Aztecs worshiped them as gods and they were taught how to build pyramids for them. Some of these pyramids were used for holding Xenomorphs for the Predators to hunt as a right of passage. If the aliens proved to be too great for the Predators, the Predators would detonate a giant explosive that would kill all of the surviving aliens in order to keep them from overrunning the Earth. Predators still come to Earth to continue to hunt on Earth, hunting everything from humans, wildlife, or xenomorphs in ritual pyramids. Hunting in almost every environment, from cities, forest, deserts, warzones, the artic, etc. Most predators follow a strict code whenever they are hunting prey, no matter what it might be. Whenever they are hunting on Earth, they try to avoid killing pregnant females, children, and those who are physically weak like the elderly or people with severe health problems. They will make exceptions if they feel that they will make worthy prey or if they make threatening gestures at the Predators. Two notable examples from the films is when a Predator in Predator II almost killed a male child who pointed a toy gun at a cloaked Predator or when the rich and elderly Mr.Charles Weyland was killed in Predator vs. Alien after he attacked a Predator with a makeshift flamethrower, after the Predator had looked him over and discovered that Weyland was weak and suffering from a terminal disease. Predators will try to make sure they are evenly matched with their prey, often hunting with the barest and most basic hunting essentials. A good example of this would be in the original Predator movies. The Jungle Hunter disarmed himself to face Dutch in hand to hand combat . If someone like a human challenged a Predator to a fist fight or sword fight, the Predator would most likely accept the challenge and fight them under the challenger's conditions. The Predators place great pride in following the hunter's code and breaking the code would most likely cause them to be shunned and severely punished within the Predator society. These Predators are called Bad Bloods. They kill not for the hunt, but just for the satisfaction of killing. They're hunted down by other Predators in order to end the heresy. Any human or similar species who manage to beat and/or kill a predator in a hunt usually receive a trophy or prize for their achievement. Predators are willing to work with their prey in order to defeat a much greater threat like a Predalien but when the greater threat is killed, the truce between the hunter and prey usually dissolves and the Predator may continue with his/her hunt. If a Predator loses in the hunt and is about to be killed, is mortally wounded, or has been completely defeated by its prey, it will attempt to commit suicide via an extremely powerful explosive device located on its forearm. The explosive device does not usually detonate immediately, giving the prey a short amount of time to try to escape the blast radius. If the explosive device is damaged and becomes unusable, the Predator will find other means to commit suicide, even if it means using it own hunting equipment. +This superhero's name is Preeminent. Their real name is The Preeminent. At an unknown point in time, possibly the same time Djinjago was created, the Preeminent was born as its sister realm. She would go on to function as a prison for the most wicked of souls. Later on, Morro, while looking for the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master, died in the Caves of Despair. As a result, he was sent to the Cursed Realm, where he proceeded to fall under the Preeminent's control. +This superhero's name is Professor Dumbledore. Their real name is Albus Dumbledore. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the Transfiguration Professor, and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Professor Dumbledore also served as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (?–1995) and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot (?-1995; 1996-1997). He was a half-blood, Muggle-supporting wizard, the son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, and the elder brother of Aberforth and Ariana. His father died in Azkaban when Dumbledore was young, while his mother and sister were later accidentally killed. His early losses greatly affected him early on, even at his death, but in turn made him a better person. He was most famous for his defeat of Gellert Grindelwald, the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with Nicolas Flamel. It was through Dumbledore that resistance to the rise of Lord Voldemort was formed, as it was he who founded and led both the first and second Order of the Phoenix. Due to the fact that he had a keen mind and legendary power, Dumbledore became the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared. He was the wielder and the master of the Elder Wand from 1945 until 1997 and considered by many as the greatest Headmaster to ever grace Hogwarts. As he was about to die by a cursed ring, he planned his own death with Severus Snape. He was killed by Snape during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. Though he was no longer alive at the time, it was through Dumbledore's manipulations that Voldemort was ultimately defeated and peace restored to the wizarding world. He is the only Headmaster that was laid to rest at Hogwarts. Albus Dumbledore's portrait still remains at Hogwarts. Harry Potter later named his second son Albus Severus Potter after him. +This superhero's name is Professor Severus Snape. Their real name is Severus Snape. Severus Snape was born to Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince. He was born on January 9, 1960. He met a young girl named Lily Evans. She was his age. She was magic, just like him. Snape and Lily both went to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizarding. When they got their, Snape was sorted into Slytherin and Lily was put into Gryffindor. After Snape was bullied by The Marauders (James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin) for 7 years. It was to the point where Snape joined Voldemort. But then Voldemort killed Lily. Snape then joined Dumbledore and became a spy. He died in 1998. +This superhero's name is Professor X (FOX). Their real name is Charles Francis Xavier. Professor X (born Charles Francis Xavier) was a mutant, the leader and creator of the X-Men and the founder of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and one of the most powerful telepaths in the world (rivaled only by Jean Grey). His dream of a peaceful coexistence between mutants and humanity has long been the driving force for the X-Men. An immensely powerful telepath and scientific genius, Professor X had been known as the heart and soul of the X-Men, having first formed the team of mutants back in 1962. +This superhero's name is Professor X. Their real name is Charles Francis Xavier. Charles Francis Xavier was the mutant son of wealthy nuclear researcher, Dr. Brian Xavier, and his wife, Sharon Xavier-Marko. While gestating in his mother's womb, Charles' twin was recognized by Charles as an evil presence and he preemptively tried to kill it with his nascent psychic abilities, causing the fetus' miscarriage. After Dr. Xavier's death in an accident, Sharon married his colleague Dr. Kurt Marko who brought his son by a previous marriage, Cain Marko to live in their ancestral mansion. Dr. Marko favored the gentle, smart Charles over his own son, which led to Cain bullying Charles and Dr. Marko secretly beating Cain. Sharon married Dr. Marko because she believed that it would be best for Charles. Charles' telepathic powers began emerging when he was still a boy, around ten, and, as he grew older, he learned to control them. Due to the immense psychic energies emanating from Charles' head, he became bald at a young age. With his powers, Charles had discovered that Dr. Marko cared only about his mother's money, admitting that he was jealous of Dr. Xavier's wealth. Dr. Marko quickly grew neglectful of Sharon, driving her to alcoholism, and abused both Sharon and Cain. Charles linked his mind to his mother's, in a effort to share the abuse with her and alleviate it. Charles, on one occasion, found himself experiencing the anguished thoughts and emotions of Cain, after Cain had been beaten by his father, which only led to Cain becoming more aggressive toward him and Charles feeling Cain's pain firsthand, but the inexperienced young Charles could not control or end his contact with Cain's mind at this time. Sharon died shortly thereafter, of a broken heart, leaving Charles to live with his step-father and abusive step-brother. Later, a fight erupted between Cain and Dr. Marko, that caused some of Dr. Marko's lab equipment to explode. Mortally wounded, Dr. Marko dragged the two children out before dying, begging forgiveness for not saving Dr. Xavier when he had the chance, and telling Charles to keep his powers secret from Cain. Cain was standing over them and heard of Charles' gift, which led him to believe that Charles had invaded his thoughts deliberately. From then on, Cain regarded Charles as his enemy. A brilliant student intent on undertaking graduate studies, Charles entered England's Oxford University, where he met and fell in love with a young Scotswoman named Moira Kinross while Cain continued to live at the mansion. Cain grew increasingly resentful of his step-brother's scholastic and athletic achievements, as well as his telepathic powers and even pushed Charles too far one day and the two got into a fight, which Charles easily won. Moira and Xavier's passionate discussions on genetic mutation gave way to an equally passionate romance. It had also been hinted that Mister Sinister interfered with Moira and Xavier's relationship, as he was posing as a professor at Oxford at the time. Charles and Moira planned to be married, but after finishing his work at Oxford, Xavier was drafted and sent to Asia during the Korean War. There, Xavier and Cain served in the same unit. Attempting to bring back the deserting Cain, Xavier witnessed how Marko found the mystical ruby in the Temple of Cyttorak, that transformed him into the superhuman Juggernaut. Just then, enemy high explosive bombardment caused a cave-in and Marko was buried under several thousand tons of rock. Xavier survived and returned to his unit. Xavier also served alongside Kitty Pryde's father, Carmen Pryde, on search and rescue missions, where he earned the nickname, the Good Shepherd. Deeply depressed when Moira broke off their engagement without explanation, after inheriting his family's considerable wealth, Xavier began traveling abroad. After leaving the army, Xavier later discovered that Moira married her old boyfriend, Joseph MacTaggert, who abused her. While in Cairo, Egypt, Xavier met the young pickpocket, Ororo Munroe, and, while making mental contact with her, battled Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King host, the first evil mutant he had ever met. This meeting led to the visionary Xavier's decision to devote his life to protecting humanity from evil mutants and safeguarding innocent mutants from human oppression, believing that both could peacefully coexist. Xavier, who acknowledged she was a mutant from her brainwaves, declined to contact Ororo at this point, not wanting to shock the young woman with the true nature of her powers. Xavier next went to Haifa, Israel to meet with the head of a clinic for traumatized Holocaust victims, Daniel Shomron, where he fell in love with the catatonic Gabrielle Haller, whom he awoke using his telepathy, and became friends with a man calling himself Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, a volunteer. Magnus and Xavier held lengthy debates hypothesizing what would happen if humanity was faced with a new super-powered race of humans, unaware that Magnus himself was a mutant. While Xavier was optimistic, Magnus' experiences in the Holocaust led him to believe that humanity would ultimately oppress the new race of humans, as they had done with other minorities. The two friends revealed their powers to each other when they fought Nazi Baron von Strucker, and his Hydra agents, who kidnapped Gabrielle because she knew the location of their secret cache of gold. Magnus attempted to kill von Strucker, but Xavier stopped him. Realizing that his and Xavier's views on mutant-human relations were incompatible, Magnus left with the gold. Charles stayed in Israel for some time, but Xavier and Haller were unaware when he left that she was pregnant with his son, who would become the autistic mutant known as Legion, and they separated on good terms. In a strange town near the Himalayas, Xavier encountered an alien calling himself Lucifer, the advance scout for an invasion by his race, and foiled his plans. In retaliation, Lucifer dropped a huge stone block on Xavier, crippling his legs. Xavier was freed by Sage who had heard his telepathic cries for help. Xavier went into a deep depression after losing the use of his legs and Amelia Voght, a young American nurse, made cheering him up her pet project. Amelia helped Xavier recover during his convalescence in Bombay, India, wherein the two fell in love. While living in an apartment together in Bombay, Amelia found Xavier's notes of a device, called "Cerebro", that could detect mutants. Amelia fought with Xavier, believing that he only wanted her as an experiment, until he used his power to speak in her mind that he loved her. Realizing that he, too, was a mutant, the couple grew very close and Xavier continued his dream with Amelia by his side. Xavier worked with fellow mutation expert, Dr. Karl Lykos, as well as Dr. Moira MacTaggert, who built a Mutant Research Center on Muir Island, again. Apparently, Charles had gotten over Moira in his travels to the Greek island of Kirinos. Xavier renewed his friendship with Moira, who was now a renowned geneticist, and they began discussing the idea of founding a school for mutants. Xavier discussed his candidates for recruitment to his personal strike force, the X-Men, with Dr. MacTaggert, including those he passed over, which were Kurt Wagner, Piotr Rasputin, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and Ororo. Professor Xavier's first student was the 11-year-old Jean Grey, who had been traumatized when she telepathically experienced the emotions of a dying friend. Over the years, Charles made a name for himself as geneticist and psychologist, renowned enough that the Greys were referred to him when no other expert could help their catatonic daughter, Jean. Professor Xavier helped Jean recover and taught her to use her telekinetic powers. Professor Xavier also trained Tessa to spy on Sebastian Shaw and built a machine for Jamie Madrox to learn at home, instead of going to school. Professor Xavier later met with Fred Duncan, an FBI agent investigating the growing number of mutants. Professor Xavier told Duncan of his plan to locate young mutants and enroll them in his "School for Gifted Youngsters", using his ancestral mansion home as a base to train them to use their powers, as well as provide them conventional educations, for humanity's benefit. The base included subterranean medical labs, a training facility called the "Danger Room", an aircraft hanger with a Stratojet, and Professor Xavier's mutant detection device, code named "Cerebro". Amelia stayed with Professor Xavier, partially because she loved him, but also to convince him to give up his nonsense idea. On the anniversary of his liberation from the Vernichtungslager Extermination Camp, Professor Xavier and Amelia met with Erik, now calling himself Magneto and in costume and helmet designed to shield from telepathy, in Auschwitz, Poland. Professor Xavier pleaded with Magneto that the actions he would set into motion were no different than what the Nazis did to him years earlier. After both men reminded each other that they had the power to destroy each other, Magneto left, with Professor Xavier hoping that he saw the error of his ways. Amelia left Professor Xavier as Scott Summers moved into the mansion, believing the best solution to the "mutant problem" being for mutants to lay low. Professor Xavier tried to force her to stay with his mental powers, but immediately ashamed by this, let her go. Over the following months, Professor Xavier assembled his original team of X-Men: Scott, who took the name Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, and Jean, who took the name Marvel Girl. The first menace they would face was Xavier's old friend Magneto, now a mutant supremacist and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. After training them for several years, Professor Xavier went underground from all of his original students, save Jean, to prepare for the invasion of the alien Z'Nox and had the reformed and dying villain, Changeling, posing as him after giving him a portion of his telepathic power. The X-Men disbanded after Changeling was killed by Grotesk and Professor Xavier left all of his belongings to Scott. Professor Xavier returned with Havok and Lorna Dane to stop the invasion of the Z'Nox, where Prof. Xavier probed every human mind on the planet and was left in a weakened state, and was revived using a device created by Bruce Banner. Years later, when most of his original students were captured by the mutant island Krakoa, Professor Xavier sent another team comprised of Dr. MacTaggert's students, Kid Vulcan (who was Cyclops' unknown brother), Petra, Darwin, and Sway, all of whom he gave quick, mental combat experience, to rescue them. Professor Xavier also approached Emma, to be the team's telepath, but she refused and the Professor erased the event from her memory. After the team freed Cyclops and Kid Vulcan revealed their connection, the entire team was seemingly killed. Cyclops escaped, but, when he made it back to Professor Xavier, the Professor wiped the traumatizing knowledge that his new-found brother had died saving him from Cyclops' memories. Professor Xavier assembled another team of X-Men, including Banshee (former Factor Three operative), Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunfire, Thunderbird, and Wolverine to rescue the others on Krakoa, never revealing anything about Dr. MacTaggert's students. The mission was successful and the team stayed together, save Sunfire. Their next mission was to stop Count Nefaria and his Ani-Men, during which Thunderbird was killed attempting to stop Count Nefaria's escape. The team went on to battle Kierrok and Professor Xavier was captured by Steven Lang's Sentinels and taken to his space station, until his X-Men rescued him. After, Professor Xavier stayed with a weak Jean in the hospital, after she had piloted the shuttle back to Earth and declared herself the Phoenix. At this time, Professor X had somehow also gained access of a RS-150 Blackbird from S.H.I.E.L.D., as the X-Men's new transportation. Lilandra Neramani, princess of the alien Shi'ar race and the woman he shared an intense psychic bond with across the vast distance that separated their two planets, came to Earth to implore Prof. Xavier for his help against her mad, tyrannical brother, D'Ken Neramani, and he, instantly, aided her by deploying his X-Men. They, then, journeyed to the M'Kraan Crystal's homeworld to battle the Shi’ar Imperial Guard. After briefly battling Weapon Alpha, and, later, Warhawk, Phoenix returned from the Savage Land to tell Professor X that all the X-Men were dead. Prof. Xavier shut down the school and traveled with Lilandra to her kingdom, where she was crowned Empress. Prof. Xavier dreamed of her and Lilandra knew they were soul mates. They fell in love and, for a time, Professor Xavier lived on Chandilar, the Shi'ar throneworld, as Lilandra's consort. Prof. Xavier returned to Earth and resumed his position at the school. Professor X then located Kitty Pryde with Cerebro. Professor Xavier and three of the X-Men, Colossus, Storm, and Wolverine, set out for Deerfield, Illinois to contact her and possibly recruit her as a member of the X-Men. Unknown to Prof. Xavier, the mercenary, Warhawk, had planted a device that enabled his employers in the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club to monitor Cerebro's activities. The Inner Circle, thus, also learned about Kitty, and one of its leaders, Emma, now the White Queen, also went to contact her. The X-Men then went on to battle the Hellfire Club while attempting to recruit Dazzler. When trying to understand the motives of the Hellfire Club, Angel set-up an invite to a Hellfire Club party, where the Phoenix fell under Mastermind and the Hellfire Club's control and transformed into the Black Queen. After the X-Men battled the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle, Phoenix underwent another transformation into the Dark Phoenix and soared through the universe, where she devoured an entire star and the five billion inhabitants of one of its planets. When Phoenix returned to Earth, she threatened to kill everyone, but Professor X was able to keep Phoenix under control and helped her will herself back to normal. The X-Men were then teleported away by the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar Empire had witnessed Dark Phoenix consuming the star and Prof. Xavier had no other choice but to challenge the Shi'ar Imperial Guard to a duel over the fate of the Phoenix. The battle triggered her transformation into Dark Phoenix once more and she understood that she would never be able to fully control the dark hunger inside and sacrificed herself on the Moon. Jean Grey was believed dead. The team went on to battle the Sentinels and during a coupe, first met the alien Brood and battled Deathbird and Admiral Samedar to restore Lilandra to the Shi'ar throne, where Prof. Xavier was sent into a coma. Unknown to anyone, Professor X had been implanted with a Brood Queen egg at the time. Professor X woke from his coma to learn that his X-Men and Lilandra had left him. Around this time, Professor X aided Spider-Man in battling Mentallo and was unable to rebuild Anthony Power's son, Matthew's, comatose mind. Professor Xavier was able to help Dr. Lykos, who had been trapped as Sauron. Professor X found that Dr. Lykos was infected with a genetic virus that mutated him and isolated the alien element in his DNA matrix, which cured him. After a call from Reed Richards about a powerful, young mutant who's powers were out of control and encouragement by Dr. MacTaggert, Prof. Xavier took Xi'an Coy Manh to his mansion and Dr. MacTaggert, also, brought her foster daughter, Rahne Sinclair. Donald Pierce was determined to kill Prof. Xavier, as well as other superhuman mutants and had Danielle Moonstar's grandfather, Black Eagle, murdered. Prof. Xavier and the girls went to Moonstar's aid. After Dani joined the group they went-on to rescue Roberto da Costa and Samuel Guthrie. After being captured by Pierce the youths rescued Professor X and he decided to take on a new class of mutant students whom he aptly named the New Mutants. Professor Xavier also employed a small staff to help with the raising of the students, beginning with the human Stevie Hunter, and Xi'an, as the school's secretary. Professor Xavier initially had brought the team together to use as embryos as Brood Queen was slightly influencing him. After mysteriously trapping Psyche in the Danger Room, Professor X used her powers to attack the New Mutants. The X-Men returned from space with the knowledge that Professor X had been infected with an embryo and the Brood Queen revealed herself by transforming him. The mind of Professor Xavier asserted long enough to ask Cyclops to kill him but Cyclops declined. Dr. MacTaggert and the X-Men's space-faring allies, the Starjammers, saved Prof. Xavier by transferring his mind into a newly cloned, somewhat younger body in which his legs functioned. The experience made Professor Xavier feel like a "whole man", but his legs were having trouble working. After Professor X had a televised debate, with Reverend William Stryker, he, Scott, and Ororo were kidnapped by the Purifiers. While in captivity, Professor X was hooked to a machine operated by Dr. Phillip Ramsey, attempting to turn him against mutants with illusions of the X-Men killing him and Reverend Stryker saving him. After Professor X was brainwashed, he fired mental bolts at Scott and Ororo, seemingly killing them, and Stryker had him taken to Madison Square Garden, where he was attached to a machine that, using his brainpower, would kill all living mutants. Magneto, with his psi-shielded helmet, was able to distract the Professor enough for the X-Men to destroy the machine. Later at the mansion, Professor admitted that Magneto was right and began to accept his offer to join, until Scott stopped him and stated that he believed in the Professor's dream and will see it come true. Professor X declined his offer and Magneto left, calling them fools. At the return of the X-Men, Professor Xavier, initially, demoted Kitty Pryde (Sprite), to the New Mutants, an act that enraged her, until Kitty impressed him by defeating two Sidri, with the help of Lockheed. While attending a fair the New Mutants were attacked by Viper and the Silver Samurai and Psyche was kidnapped. Professor Xavier decided to aid Team America and the New Mutants left without his permission to save Dani. Xi'an was lost to the New Mutants to an explosion. Sensing the Shadow King in Xi'an's disappearance, Professor Xavier ordered the New Mutants to a vacation. Rogue came to Professor Xavier asking for help with her multiple personalities. Professor Xavier accepted her into his school and the X-Men, even after all the X-Men and Binary stated they would quit if she was admitted, and the team reluctantly agreed. Professor Xavier and Lilandra continuously tried to understand why he felt intense pain every time he would attempt to walk and she stated that she would soon have to leave to stop her sister from starting war in her kingdom. After battling Mastermind again Professor Xavier hosted Cyclops' first marriage to Madelyne Pryor at his mansion home. Professor Xavier, later, bid farewell to his love, Lilandra, as she returned to Shi'ar space with the Starjammers and the X-Men battled the Brotherhood, as Mystique attempted to “rescue” Rogue from the X-Men, thinking Prof. Xavier forced her leave from the Brotherhood, only to have Rogue tell her that she joined of her own freewill. Professor Xavier shocked everyone with the full use of his legs. Professor Xavier maintained his principal of never rejecting a troubled soul and, after rescuing Rachel Summers from Selene, Professor X scanned her and welcomed her to his school and the X-Men. After the New Mutants battled a Demon Bear, Professor X invited Sharon Friedlander and Tom Corsi, two more humans, to work at his school. After returning to a ruined home, Professor X allowed Warlock to join the New Mutants. At this time, Professor X took a visiting professorship in genetics at Columbia University, where he was beaten by a hate crime driven, anti-mutant group of students, and Professor X was slightly healed by the Morlock Healer. Professor X and the X-Men, next, battled Thunderbird, brother to the original Thunderbird and blaming Prof. Xavier for his brother's death, and the Hellions to rescue Banshee. Professor X, eventually, convinced Thunderbird that his brother died a hero's death and he released them, stating Professor Xavier was an honorable man. To rescue Banshee, the X-Men had to infiltrate the NORAD, North American Aerospace Defense Command, and the X-Men were officially outlawed. After repeated assaults, from publicly announcing she was a mutant, Dazzler returned to Professor X and asked for training in the Danger Room. After her training, Professor X provided her with a new uniform that amplified and gave precision to her powers. Professor X met with his former lover, Gabrielle, on Muir Island and discovered that he was her teenage son's father. The autistic boy, David Haller, suffered from multiple personality disorder and had vast psionic powers beyond his father. After helping him and the New Mutants to escape from David's mind Professor Xavier promised he would always be there for him. Feeling the return of the Beyonder, Magneto once again joined forces with the X-Men. This time, due to Prof. Xavier's weakened state from being attacked by the group of mutant haters, the Professor asked Magneto to temporarily join the team. After stopping a scheme of Loki's, Magneto went on trial in front of the World Court, and was attacked by Fenris, Andreas and Andrea von Strucker, the children of Baron von Strucker. Professor Xavier suffered physical injuries and psychic strains that left him on the brink of death and asked Magneto to become his successor as headmaster of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and as mentor of the New Mutants. Lilandra and the Starjammers returned and took Professor Xavier into outer space, where they used Shi'ar technology to restore him to health, but due to damage sustained by their ship, were not able to return him. While on the run from the Shi'ar, Professor Xavier was reunited with Illyana. Illyana had been attacked by the Magus, lost her teammates, and battled all the demons of Limbo, who had been infected with the Transmode Virus. Prof. Xavier was Illyana's last thought and she was sent to the planet that he was on with the Starjammers and, with the Professor, Lilandra, and Binary, she returned to Limbo. After defeating S'ym, they gathered all of her teammates throughout time and space and returned to the planet that the Professor was on with the Starjammers and Cypher and Warlock re-wrote the Magus' DNA, effectively reducing him to infancy. During this time, Professor Xavier scanned his students for current affairs and learned of the Marauders, the loss of Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Shadowcat, and the fact that his original students were the mutant hunting team of X-Factor. Professor X, initially, decided to return, but, later decided to stay-on and continue to aid the Starjammers, who he believed he owed his life to, and used Karma to mentally control Illyana into sending the New Mutants back home. After an extended sojourn in space with the Starjammers, Xavier finally returned to Earth. Both the original and second teams of X-Men reassembled under his leadership, along with new recruits like Gambit and Jubilee. Xavier led the X-Men against the Shadow King, only to have his spine broken in the Astral Plane battling his son, leaving him crippled and confined to a wheelchair once more. While holding a mutant rights speech, Xavier was nearly assassinated by Stryfe, being infected with a fatal Techno-Organic Virus, but was saved by none other than Apocalypse. As a temporary side-effect he gained full use of his legs and devoted his precious time to the youngest recruit on his team, Jubilee. Since the X-Men were all now highly trained adults, Xavier renamed the school in his mansion the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. He took control of a private school, the Massachusetts Academy, and made it the new School for Gifted Youngsters, where yet another new class of young mutants, Generation X, was taught. In a battle with Magneto, Xavier lost his temper over his old friend ripping the adamantium from Wolverine's body and used his mental powers to shut down Magneto's conscious mind by transferring it into his own. In the process Xavier's mind was inadvertently infected by the evil within Magneto's psyche. The result was that the dark sides of Magneto's and Xavier's minds combined and physically manifested themselves as the nearly invincible entity called Onslaught, who usurped Xavier's psionic powers. America's greatest super heroes narrowly defeated Onslaught, who appeared to perish. However, to ensure that Xavier never again spawned a being like Onslaught, Dr. Valerie Cooper of the United States government took him into custody. Although Xavier was willing to serve as a prisoner of the United States government, he was appalled when it turned him over to the custody of Bastion, head of the anti-mutant Operation: Zero Tolerance. Xavier was eventually freed and found by Cerebro. He briefly led the Brotherhood during this time. He then left Earth to train a group of mutant Skrulls called Cadre K. When Mystique blew up Moira MacTaggert's laboratory complex, fatally wounding her, Charles went to the Astral Plane to meet with her and retrieve information on the cure to the Legacy Virus, but after gathering the information he did not want to leave her alone. If not for Jean pulling him back, the professor would have died with his first love, who stated she had no regrets. After the Legacy Virus was cured, Magneto assembled an army on Genosha. Xavier went to try and dissuade him, but it took an interim X-Men team to stop Magneto, who had crucified Xavier in Magda Square, and former lover and disenchanted Acolyte Amelia Voght to free him. Xavier regathered his X-Men as a public team and created the X-Corp in light of the incidents with Cassandra Nova Xavier, his 'evil twin.' She had revealed his mutation to the world, something he needed to do but did not want to sully his reputation over. In the wake of Cassandra Nova's attack on the Shi'ar, Lilandra had gone insane and tried to assassinate Charles on a trip to the X-Corporation branch in Mumbai. Lilandra, believing that too much disaster had come from the Shi'ar's involvement with the X-Men, annulled her marriage to Xavier. Stepbrother Juggernaut defected to the X-Men once Xavier reached out to him while he had nowhere to go. Cain redeemed himself, and the brothers came to understand one another. Shortly thereafter, Kuan-Yin Xorn seemed to reveal himself as Magneto. However, Xavier was apparently aware that the real Magneto was still on Genosha. Traveling there, he tried to start a rebuilding effort with several other mutants. When Magneto brought the comatose Scarlet Witch, he also began to try to help her. Xavier briefly returned to help Cyclops's team with Danger, whom he revealed was a sentient entity kept in the Danger Room to help make it a unique and realistic training setting. After mutant Layla Miller restored the memories of some of the X-Men and Avengers, they headed to Genosha where they discovered that Magneto erected a memorial garden for Xavier commemorating his death. They were horrified until Cloak faded into the grave and discovered there was no body inside. After a battle, Scarlet Witch again used her powers to restore reality and, as a slight against her father, caused 91.4 percent of mutants to lose their powers, leaving the mutant race on the brink of extinction. With reality restored, Xavier was still missing and the X-Men were unable to detect him with Cerebra. The truth about Xavier sending Moira's students to Krakoa all those years ago was finally discovered when an energy-mass comprised of all the mutants' powers revived Kid Vulcan, now known simply as Vulcan, and in a rage he attacked the X-Men, causing Xavier to come out of hiding; his legs had been restored to him after the House of M, though he was no longer a mutant. Vulcan made Xavier tell the X-Men what he had done. After Vulcan was defeated and flew off into space, Cyclops told Xavier that he was no longer wanted at the X-Mansion for what he did, though some of the other students were more forgiving, including Beast. Even though Xavier was no longer welcome at the Institute, he nevertheless formed a new team composed of Darwin, Havok, Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, Warpath and Polaris for the express purpose of tracking down Vulcan before he could enact his vengeance against the Shi'ar Empire. In the midst of a coup involving Vulcan and the Shi'ar royal family, Xavier was imprisoned and briefly tortured, and then was set to be thrown into the M'Kraan Crystal. After he was rescued, Professor Xavier regained consciousness and discovered that the M'Kraan Crystal had restored his mutation, and he now maintained both his telepathy and his ability to walk. He then began a search for his old colleague Magneto. Messiah Complex His relationship with the X-Men became even more strained when Professor X tried to get involved with the first new mutant baby since M-Day, but Cyclops refused his help. Understanding he had to act on his own, Xavier helped Cable secure the baby and find an escape route. After the final battle had taken place with bloodshed and Cable jumping into the future with the baby, Bishop fired a shot to kill Cable, but instead it hit Xavier in the head. Xavier survived the bullet impact due to the intervention of the Brotherhood and Exodus directly, though he suffered lingering damages to his mind and memories, while his telepathic abilities seemed unaffected. Despite Xavier's limits, he was trying to rebuild himself and his connections. Some were no longer as trusting of Xavier as before, including Scott Summers, though Wolverine had sought out Xavier to help him free his son from the Hellfire Club's designs. After convincing Exodus to disband the Acolytes, he was approached by Norman Osborn for unknown purposes. Following their encounter, Xavier was taken to H.A.M.M.E.R.'s West Coast base, a restructured Alcatraz Island and slowly stripped of his telepathic powers through the machinations of Dark Beast. Eventually joined by Beast, who had been arrested during a riot, he attempted to convince him that he was the real Xavier in order to warn him. Meanwhile Osborn recruited Mystique to impersonate Xavier in public. During the Dark Avengers' arrival in San Francisco to enforce martial law and squelch the anti-mutant riots occurring in the city, Mystique, posing as Xavier, publicly denounced Cyclops' actions and urged him to turn himself in. Emma Frost managed to detect the real Professor X, later helping Emma to enter the Sentry's mind. However, after Emma worked to free the Sentry of the Void's influence, a minute sliver of the entity itself remained in her mind. Xavier quickly told her to remain in her diamond armor state to prevent the Void from gaining access to her psi-powers. After Legion regained consciousness from his creation of the Age of X universe, Charles together with a team of X-Men helped him find his lost personalities. After Legion suffered a massive shock to his nervous system, Charles vowed to take care of him and nurse him back to health. Charles was seen on the shores of Utopia with his son in intense pain together with various other psychics as the Phoenix arrived to choose its host, which ended up being five X-Men. Later, after the battle of Wakanda, Charles telepathically contacted Scott Summers to express his severe disappointment in their recent actions and made it clear that unless they ended their madness right away, he would have to take action and use the appropriate actions to bring the X-Men down. After the power of the Phoenix was only distributed between Scott and Emma Frost, Charles aided the Avengers to take them down. His powers managed to nullify Scott's for a small period of time in which the Avengers attacked. Knowing he couldn't defeat the Avengers without the whole Phoenix Force, Scott took the final portion from Emma. Xavier attacked again and demanded he stop but Cyclops finally lost control and somehow killed Xavier before turning into Dark Phoenix. Charles's death caused a mental shock wave that caused Charles son, David Haller a.k.a Legion to lose his control over his powers and birth a new persona that at first took the shape of a yellow goblin-like creature and later the form +This superhero's name is f Charles Xavier himself. David also made it his mission to uphold his father's legacy After his death. Their real name is Charles Xavier's brain was harvested by the Red Skull. leading to Beast being inducted into the Illuminati as Charles' replacement. " +This superhero's name is Professor Zoom. Their real name is Eobard Thawne. Professor Zoom, also known as Reverse-Flash is the arch-nemesis of the Flash. He is a twisted sociopathic criminal with a brilliant mind and super-speed. Eobard Thawne was born in the 25th Century and travels through time to do battle with his most hated enemy. He has also been a member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Eobard Thawne was born in the 25th Century. His parents genetically engineered him to be highly intelligent and to have a particular appearance. However, as he grew up, they become concerned about his lack of social skills and tendency to daydream, which was frowned upon in a their very regimented society. Hoping that helping to take care of a sibling would help Eobard adjust, his parents had a second son, Robern. Eobard struggled to manage his little brother and chafed when reprimanded by their parents for his periodic outbursts, triggered by his frustration. Eobard spent so much time in social bonding sessions and psychological analyses with Robern that he fell far behind in his own studies. As a result, his application to study the Speed Force at the Flash Museum was rejected. Eobard illegally began doing his own research on the subject. However, he was caught by Robern, now an officer in the Science Police. A future version of Eobard traveled into the past and prevented Robern from being born. This allowed Eobard to focus completely on his studies. He successfully was admitted to study at the Flash Museum. Another scientist, Professor Drake, announced that he was on the verge of proving the existence of the Speed Force. Eobard offered to collaborate with him, but was refused. Again, a future version of himself traveled through time and killed Drake. Passing into yet another newly-created timeline, Eobard was appointed professor of the Flash Museum. His knowledge of the Speed Force caused his peers to nickname him Professor Zoom. However, his research was unsuccessful and he was unable to tap into the Speed Force. Eventually, his parents grew concerned and instigated the closure of the Flash Museum. Again, his future self interfered with the timeline and caused the deaths of his parents, allowing him to continue his research. Eobard fell in love with a reporter who had been hired to inteview him. However, he learned that she was engaged. His future self interfered yet again, killing the reporter's fiance and eventually every man who she had ever dated, when she steadfastly refused to believe that her fiance was gone for good. However, she continued to rebuff Thawne's advances, eventually retaliating physically when he attempts to kiss her. In anger, his future self traumatized the reporter as a child, rendering her mute and causing her to be institutionalized for the rest of her life. Eobard longed for the heroic age of the 20th century. Foremost among the super-heroes, in his mind, was Barry Allen, the second Flash. He worshipped him as a hero and as a friend. He knew everything about Barry, keeping a collection of memorabilia about his hero. At the center was Barry's biography, The Life Story of the Flash by Iris Allen. Barry's life became as real to Eobard as did his own. He underwent a Plastomorph operation to make himself look like Barry. One day, he came across Barry's cosmic treadmill in an antique store. He killed the cashier in order to acquire this Holy Grail of Flash collectibles. Now, Eobard had the means to meet his idol. All he had to do then was to somehow duplicate the reaction that gave Barry his superspeed. The ordeal cost him his fortune and shaved years off his life, but he knew that he now had the chance to become Barry's friend and partner. Grabbing the biography for an autograph, Eobard set off to the 20th century on the treadmill. However, the treadmill's calibration had been affected by the centuries of not being used. It miscalculated his arrival, and Eobard appeared several years after Barry's death, when Wally West was the Flash. His journey had been pointless, or so he thought. Eobard visited the Flash Museum. There, he learned that he was destined to become the Flash's greatest villain: Professor Zoom. This drove Eobard mad. He began to honestly believe he was Barry Allen. He showed up at Wally's door on Christmas Eve dressed as Barry. For several months, he patrolled the streets of Central and Keystone Cities with Wally as the Flash. Everything went well and everyone was happy until he began to go mad again. During one battle with the Combine, a Combine agent started to brag that he had killed the Flash after blasting Wally with a cannon. Eobard began to beat him up, saying, "I'm the Flash!" This is when Wally realized that something was wrong, that he was not Barry. After leaving Wally to die in a Combine trap, Thawne began to completely turn around, fighting Green Lantern, Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, and Johnny Quick. Finally, after finding the biography that Eobard had brought with him in an alley, Wally deduced the villain's true identity. In a showdown at the Flash Museum, Thawne switched to the predominantly yellow costume of his future self, Professor Zoom. Finally, Wally managed to trick Zoom into returning to his own era on the cosmic treadmill. Now powerless, Thawne retained no memories of this journey — but he was left with a deep and bitter hatred for Barry Allen. Thawne began a career as a criminal in his home era. The police department and his fellow crooks knew him as the "Professor" due to his scientific leanings. The Flash remained one of his favorite characters of history, but now he hated him because the hero stood for law and justice and he stood for the reverse. One day in 2463, a time capsule materialized out of the air. Inside were many relics from the 20th century, including a genuine costume used by the Flash. He amplified the super-speed wave patterns contained in the suit using a simple 25th century technique, giving him super-speed when he put in on. He dyed the costume the reverse in color of its original hues. Naming himself Professor Zoom, he decided to become the greatest criminal in human history. His first crime was to steal the famous Cribi sculptures. However, Barry Allen, on a rescue mission to destroy an atomic clock that was also in the time capsule and had become an atomic bomb during time travel, stopped Zoom. Zoom escaped prison and was determined to regain his powers, since the Flash had taken his suit from him. He discovered a new element, Element Z, which granted him superspeed when he wore a locket containing the substance around his neck. However, the element was not stable, and he lost his powers after a short amount of time. Determine to fix this flaw, Zoom sent his astral image backward in time and contacted Al Desmond, the reformed Flash villain once known as Mr. Element and Dr. Alchemy and one of the most knowledgeable scholars on elements in history. Here, he forced Desmond to mix a radioactive substance which would send Zoom's physical body to the 20th Century as well. The malevolent speedster then forced Desmond, against his will, to reprise his old Mr. Element persona and commit several crimes, so that he would be willing to help Zoom out by purifying Element Z. Once this was complete, Zoom used the Cosmic Treadmill to return to his own era, where he attempted to blackmail the government by threatening to release dangerous prisoners from jail with his newfound super speed, unless he received vast sums of money. However, the Flash followed him to the 25th Century, where Zoom was defeated. He was sent back to prison and his locket taken away. While in prison, Zoom did a great deal of research in the field of ultra-speed, developing radiation which could compel others to do evil, enable him to read and control the minds of others, as well as granting and taking away superspeed. After he had served his sentence for a year, he was subjected to a test which determined his level of rehabilitation. Because he had previously tampered with the device that was used to administer this test, he passed with the highest possible rating and was released from jail. Building his own Cosmic Treadmill and using his new ultra-speed science to regain his powers, he traveled back to the 20th Century to test his evildoing radiation on Al Desmond, with whom he had become fascinated after their previous encounter. While in this era, Zoom used his mind control radiation to cause the city officials of Central City to ban superspeed within city limits, thereby creating a great amount of difficulty for his law-abiding foe, the Flash. The Scarlet Speedster was captured, and Zoom summoned Desmond, who had resumed his identity as Mr. Element, to kill their common enemy. However, Element had given himself a post-hypnotic suggestion to save the speedster, which he did by destroying the device which was keeping the Flash hostage. Zoom was shocked at this betrayal, and the Flash took this opportunity to land a mighty punch, knocking him out. As this caused the vibrations which kept him in the 20th Century to cease, Zoom returned to his own era, where the authorities found him, unconscious. Zoom was placed in a prison enclosed by invincible radiation, even feeding him radiation, so that no one would ever need to go in his cell. However, he used the radiation of the cell to increase his mental capacity, to the point where he could actually follow through with his most recent twisted plan. Wanting to enjoy the double life of Barry Allen, he used his enhanced brain power to switch places with the Flash, sending him to the 20th century and Barry into his own cell in the future. Changing Barry's electric shaver into a matter distributor, Zoom changed his face to make it look like Barry's. Of all nights, this happened to be the night before Barry's wedding to Iris West. However, in the future, the real Barry escaped the radiation cell by using his costume ring's chemical formula to have a shrinking effect on the energy wall, and then vibrated through it. He traveled back to the 20th century, where he broke up his own wedding, which was in progress, and took Zoom outside, where they battled. After the Flash defeated Zoom, the authorities from the future whisked Zoom back to his own era for conviction. While in prison, Zoom created syntho-steeds, synthetic horses used to replace the real things, which had become extinct. The horserace-watching public was so pleased that Zoom eventually received a full pardon for his crimes and was released. However, Zoom had become enamored with the Raxalus wings, a priceless piece of art on display in Central City. He began an elaborate plot to acquire it by sending one of his syntho-steeds through time to the 20th century. Here, it terrorized the city, and neither the Flash nor Green Lantern could stop it. However, they were able to determine that the steed was from the future. They traveled to the 25th century, where they enlisted Zoom's aid in stopping the beast. He agreed, on the condition that Green Lantern steal the Raxalus wings for him. The two heroes reluctantly agreed, and so Flash and Zoom returned to the 20th century to battle the syntho-steed while Green Lantern stayed in the future to steal the sculpture. Everyone was successful. However, the Raxalus wings were yellow and thus were destroyed when the Green Lantern attempted to carry them back through time without being able to protect them with his ring. A frustrated Zoom accidentally confessed to his crime and he was taken back to the 25th century. Scientists in Zoom's era discovered a deadly form of energy known as cosma-spurs. When he learned of them, he knew he had to return to the 20th century to use them on his foe, the Flash. This he did by creating a system of tornadoes laced with cosma-spur radiation which threatened to destroy Central City. The Scarlet Speedster arrived on the scene, but was caught in a twister and would have been killed had he not vibrated into an intangible state. Meanwhile, Zoom began impersonating Barry Allen, hoping to take his place as Iris's husband. Iris eventually deduced that he was not Barry, almost immediately before Barry himself was finally able to revert back to his tangible form and defeat his impostor. However, before he was defeated, Zoom implanted a lethal energy-flux in Iris's body which would cause the destruction of the universe if she came in contact with her husband's aura. To prevent this, Jay Garrick and Doctor Fate whisked her away and attempted to cure her. When they failed, they sent her to the 30th century, hoping that she could be cured by her biological parents, Eric and Fran Russell. The Flash eventually tracked her down, only to discover that Zoom was also in the 30th century and had convinced Iris to marry him in exchange for sparing all of existence. However, after battling Zoom, the Flash discovered how to neutralize the energy-flux in Iris. Zoom escaped. At some point, the authorities temporarily released Zoom from prison to help fight Cobalt Blue. However, during this battle, he came in contact with the villain's gem, causing the Thawne family hatred of the Allen family to boil to the surface. He then focused his attention on attacking a nearby police officer, Simogyn Allen. However, Zoom was stopped by a time traveling Wally West, but made a getaway and ran to the Flash Museum. Here, he used the Cosmic Treadmill to travel to the 30th Century, where he hoped to claim the gem for himself. However, Zoom was followed by Wally, who quickly defeated him and returned him to prison in his home era. Zoom was magically summoned to this 20th century from his own era by the Wizard, who recruited him to join the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Along with with Plant Master, Blockbuster, and Star Sapphire, they stole a trans-spacial transponder from S.T.A.R. Labs, which they planned to use to transport themselves to Wizard's home dimension of Earth-Two and conquer it. Zoom, who was recruited in part because of his technological expertise, was put in charge of operating the machine. However, things did not go as planned, and the team of villains arrived on Earth-Three, home of the Crime Syndicate of America. The Wizard determined that they could travel to the correct world by collecting three tokens of power so that he could cast a spell to break down the dimensional barrier. Zoom was tasked with obtaining one of the tokens, the ring of Power Ring. He was successful, as were his teammates, and the Society arrived on Earth-Two, at the headquarters of the Injustice Society. Wizard began summoning members of the Justice Society of America one at a time and had his teammates battle them. While Blockbuster fought Atom, Zoom and Plant Master defeated Doctor Mid-Nite. When Zoom demanded to know when they would begin to fight more powerful members of the JSA, Wizard explained that he wanted to take out the second-stringers first. During an adventure in which members of the Society switched bodies with members of the Justice League of America, Zoom and his teammates learned the secret identities of the various Justice League members. In order to protect their loved ones, the League had Zatanna magically erase this information from their minds. Using the alias "Mr. Zyx" and appearing invisible by vibrating his molecules at superspeed, Zoom contacted Central City's corrupt police chief Matthew Paulson, who he convinced to steal heroin that had been confiscated by the police. He then planned to stabilize the drug, packaging it with powdered milk manufactured at a factory he was using as a hideout, with the ultimate goal of creating a vast number of addicts who would do his bidding. Zoom fell in love with Barry's wife, Iris. One day, he came to her and asked her to either leave Barry for him or die. At a costume party the next day, Zoom asked Iris what she had decided. She slapped him, saying that even if she didn't love Barry so much, she would never let him lay a hand on her. Zoom had one of his henchman drug Barry with "angel-dust". Barry felt dazed and Iris went to get him a glass of water. She entered a room where the deranged convict, Clive Yorkin, was hiding out. Here, Zoom vibrated to invisibility and slipped his vibrating hand through Iris' skull, fatally damaging the molecules in her brain. Obviously, all the evidence pointed to Yorkin. Zoom finally revealed himself to Barry, claiming to know the identity of Iris's killer and leading him on a chase across the world. Ultimately, the villain fitted the Flash with pair of heavy matter boots and left him to sink to his death in the Earth's molten core. The speedster escaped, however, and went to Zoom's home era to learn who killed his wife using 25th Century historical records. In his nemesis's absence, Zoom posed as the Flash and brought Paulson to the police, wanting to take full control of his heroin ring, and briefly fought the Green Lantern. He also booby-trapped the Cosmic Treadmill, hoping to kill the Flash when he returned to the present. However, Barry survived. Although his trip to the future had been unsuccessful, based on security video of Iris's murder, he determined that Zoom was the killer, as only a person with super-speed could commit a murder invisibly. He chased Zoom through the ocean to Zoom's cosmic-powered time-tripper. They went backwards through time, and Barry left Zoom to face doom alone. After years of trying various vibrational frequencies, Zoom was finally able to free himself from his extra-dimensional prison.. On the day that Barry Allen was supposed to marry Fiona Webb, Zoom left a message for his nemesis at the Flash Museum, telling him to meet him at the house where Barry and Iris used to live. At this moment, he was snatched up by his successor from the future, the second Zoom, and brought several years into the future. Since the newer Zoom's powers left him unable to operate the Cosmic Treadmill, he requested that the Professor operate it for him so that they could force Wally West to watch the attack on his wife that resulted in the deaths of their unborn twins over and over again. Thawne, with vague memories of his first encounter with Wally, was happy to comply. However, Barry soon showed up, bringing Thawne back to his own time. Soon after, Barry, desperate to save Fiona's life, clotheslined Zoom at super-speed. The sudden stop snapped Zoom's neck, killing him instantly. Afterwards, five Rogues, Captain Boomerang, Captain Cold, Pied Piper, Weather Wizard, and Trickster, stole Zoom's corpse from the morgue and held a special ceremony atop an isolated column of rock thirty miles north of Central City. They destroyed his coffin in rage, cursing him for having been killed by their nemesis. He was buried at Avernus, the hidden graveyard of the Rogues. Zoom has been impersonated at least twice after his death. Once by Abra Kadabra during Barry Allen's trial, and later by Wally West in a ploy to trick Kadabra and Replicant. Several years later, police profiler Hunter Zolomon adopted Zoom's costume and became the second Zoom, dropping the "Professor" title from his name. During Blackest Night, Thawne's corpse returned as a member of the Black Lantern Corps, resurrected by a power ring. This version called himself the new Black Flash. He immediately sought out the Flash and began tormenting him to feed on his emotions. This version was only the reanimated corpse of Zoom, and did not have any memories from after its own death. It was not aware that an alternate version of Zoom has since reappeared, or that the Flash died and came back. Although he called Barry out for murdering him and compromising the morals that made him a hero, the Flash calmed himself down from the encounter, and evaded him. Zoom returned with Black Lantern versions of Kid Flash and Solovar to battle Barry, Wally West, and Saint Walker. In the midst of the fight, Zoom's body suddenly became encased in ice, exactly at the moment when a cold grenade belonging to Captain Cold was set off in Iron Heights, which housed an incarcerated future version of Zoom. During the final battle with Nekron, Zoom was resurrected by a white light. Almost immediately, he disappeared, claiming that he was "going home". Eobard learned that his old nemesis Barry Allen had died, sacrificing himself heroically to save the universe during the first Crisis. Enraged that his enemy had died with such dignity, Professor Zoom sent a subliminal message to Barry, who had briefly emerged from the Speed Force, that his return was greatly needed. This ultimately engineered Barry's return during the final Crisis. Thawne then broke into the Central City crime lab, murdered two police scientists, and recreated the accident which originally had granted Barry his speed. This resulted in the creation of the Negative Speed Force. Zoom then traveled through time on a personal vendetta against Barry Allen. He pushed a young Barry down the stairs, burned down his childhood home, left the door open so his dog was hit by a car, murdered his mother,, and attempted to stop his son's marriage in the 30th Century. He also brutally attacked Abra Kadabra and did something unnatural to the jungles near Gorilla City. Zoom's creation of the Negative Speed Force resulted in the death of the Black Flash and turned Barry Allen into its successor. Barry's touch resulted in the deaths of Savitar and Christina Alexandrova. The Justice League and Justice Society built a device to separate Barry from the Speed Force. Not wanting to hurt his loved ones, Barry escaped and ran into the Speed Force. Here, he witnessed the death of Johnny Quick. His murderer was none other than Zoom, who finally revealed himself to Barry. He was wearing a new costume, with the direction of his lightning bolt reversed. He then trapped Barry and the revived Max Mercury inside the negative Speed Force. After boasting of his actions, he went to attack Wally West's kids, Jai and Irey. He attempted to kill them through their connection to the Speed Force, only to be stopped by Jay Garrick and Kid Flash, who took the fight to a nearby parade honoring the Flash in the streets of Central City. He defeated Jay and prepared to kill Bart before Max and Barry, who had been freed from the Speed Force by Wally West, arrived and took the fight to him. The fight was soon joined by Jesse Chambers and Irey, now with a full connection to the Speed Force and taking up the mantles of Jesse Quick and Impulse. Zoom pulled Barry away and revealed that he caused everything horrible that had happened to Barry, including the death of his mother. He then decided to destroy everything by killing Barry's wife, Iris, on the evening of their first date. As Barry chased after Zoom, Wally joined him in the time barrier. Doing so, they reached Zoom, becoming the lightning bolt that turned Barry into the Flash as they were able to stop Zoom from preventing killing Iris. The Flashes pushed Zoom back through time, showing Zoom confronting past and future. Returning to the present, the Flashes tossed him in the device that had been built to sever Barry's connection to Speed Force. It had the same effect on Zoom. He was bound tightly and imprisoned in the Iron Heights. From the next cell, Hunter Zolomon spoke to him, saying they could help each other be better. Zoom was freed some time later by Captain Boomerang, who had also been resurrected after becoming a Black Lantern and was looking for answers. Zoom, however, told him that he knew nothing and promptly ran away.. He then proceeded to travel through time to various points in the 25th Century, where he killed numerous people from his own past so that he could mold his own history. Hoping to harness the power of Darkseid's omega energy, Zoom tracked Bruce Wayne through the timestream. He briefly ran into the Time Masters, who were also looking for Wayne. Thawne began experimenting with the effects of the Speed Force on age. He murdered the Elongated Kid, airman Jay Nicolosi, and a young girl in a playground by aging them until they expired from old age. He then adjusted his own age so that he appeared as a young boy and hid in a shipping container near the second crime scene, where he was discovered by the police. He was brought to the police station to be interviewed as a witness, but refused to open up to anyone but visiting police scientist Patty Spivot. After eating lunch with Patty, he told her that he was going to take a nap. She then returned to the lab to continue working on the case. While she was busy with her work, Thawne returned to his proper age and revealed himself to her. He revealed the experimental nature of his murders to Patty and was about to kill her as well before Flash, Kid Flash, and Hot Pursuit arrived. Hot Pursuit began to use his equipment to sever Zoom's connection to the Speed Force, but Zoom overpowered him. After carrying Hot Pursuit away, he soon realized he was a Barry Allen from an alternate Earth. Relishing the chance to kill any Barry Allen, Zoom accelerated Hot Pursuit's aging process, as he had done his other recent victims, killing him within seconds. After a brief scuffle with Flash and Kid Flash, Zoom disappeared into a crowd, hiding himself by aging into an old man. Later elsewhere, Professor Zoom says, "It changes, It all changes." and a lightning bolt strikes from the skies, leading directly into the Flashpoint event, that has begun. Zoom later reveals he escaped from prison as his body was permanently connected to the Speed Force, enabling him to create the negative speed force. He plans to ruin Barry's life. It is revealed he was unable to alter Barry becoming the Flash as that would erase him from existence, which he discovers when he nearly phases from existence when attempting to stop the chemicals from spilling over Barry when he hopes to become the only Flash ever by making this his origin, though this causes the lightning bolt to pass through him and strike the chemicals, so he decides to ruin Barry's life during childhood, removing his best friend from existence to move Barry more inward, stalking Barry and doing minor things to annoy him like making him miss ball-catches, and killing his mother. In Flashpoint, he mocks Barry, who remembers how reality should be but has lost his powers, by stalking his mother who is shown to be alive in this reality and placing a Reverse-Flash costume inside his ring, causing Barry to realise Zoom is mocking him. Later, Professor Zoom finally appears in front of Barry in the middle of the Amazon/Atlantean war just after Billy Batson is killed. He reveals to Barry that the Flashpoint timeline was created by Barry himself going back in time to stop Professor Zoom from killing his mother. He pulled the entire speed force into him to stop Zoom, transforming history. Zoom resets Barry's internal vibrations so he can remember this. Barry's actions also transformed Zoom into a living paradox, no longer requiring Barry to exist. Zoom continues to taunt Barry with this knowledge and revel in the fact that he can now kill him at his leisure, untill he was stabbed in the back and killed by Batman (Thomas Wayne) using an Amazon's discarded sword. Barry later travels back in time to stop his younger self from altering time and the timeline is apparantly restored. +This superhero's name is Prometheus (CW). Their real name is Adrian Chase. Simon Morrison (April 21, 1986–May 17, 2017), better known as Adrian Chase, was the former district attorney of Star City and a former close collaborator/friend of Oliver Queen as mayor, helping him in cleaning up the streets through the legal system. Adrian was a serial killer who called himself Prometheus, and not only knew that Oliver is Green Arrow, but had a personal vendetta against him as well. Having lost his father four years ago at the hands of the Hood, Adrian desired retribution, and spent his time afterward studying The Hood's skills and history, while also uncovering Oliver's true identity as Green Arrow. In his alter-ego, Prometheus crusaded against Green Arrow in order to destroy the vigilante's life and legacy. He was also labeled by the media as the "Throwing Star Killer" for murdering people whose names formed anagrams of individuals on The List using shurikens made from Oliver's discarded arrows as a form of sending a twisted message to him. Eventually, Adrian was defeated by Oliver and temporarily taken into custody by A.R.G.U.S.. After a short time spent in a glass-walled prison, he managed to escape to Lian Yu. After facing off with Oliver in battle once again, Adrian was defeated but committed suicide, triggering a dead man's switch which in turn set off many hidden C4 bombs situated throughout the island. +This superhero's name is Proto-Goblin. Their real name is Nels Van Adder. A man used as a test subject by Norman Osborn years before he became the Green Goblin. Long before Norman Osborn became the Green Goblin, long before young Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, there was a man named Nels Van Adder who worked for Osborn Industries . Early in his career, Captain George Stacy is on the hunt for a serial killer. In the time before super-powered individuals, Stacy refused to listen to the conspiracy theories from his brother, Arthur, about super-powered folk taking over humanity. George finds himself called to Osborn Industries when one of his officers was attacked by a suspicious individual lurking around one of the plants. The reason Stacy was called in was because Norman refused to allow anyone inside except for him. He also insists that his new head of security escort him...who happens to be George's brother Arthur. George and Art enter the facility with some armed police officers looking for the suspect. They are brutally attacked by a shadowy figure with long hair and claws. The attacker manages to escape but George discovers a bunch of red fluid on the floor. Arthur sticks around after George leaves and finds an Osborn employee badge belonging to Nels Van Adder. Arthur can't help but wonder what the connection between their attacker and Van Adder is and finally confronts Norman about it. Norman tells him that Van Adder was a disgruntled employee that was let go months ago. That doesn't explain what his identification badge was doing at the scene of the attack. Osborn firmly puts an end to the conversation with Arthur. Norman sits in a lab, frustrated that he can't locate the missing notes from his former partner, Mendel Stromm. He is visited by Van Adder, who is now a red beast. He tells Norman that because he allowed himself to be a guinea pig, he's changing and can't return home to his wife. He mentions that he killed men and that wasn't what he wanted. Norman tells him that this is all an unfortunate side effect. Arthur continues to do some digging and notices that there were never any termination papers on Van Adder. Later, both George and Arthur confront Norman to find Van Adder about to attack him. The two brothers attempt to apprehend the red beast. Bullets don't seem to harm him. Finally, Arthur knocks Van Adder through a window where he falls into the river. Norman then tells them that Van Adder was a former research assistant for his former partner, Stromm. Osborn says that Van Adder was experimenting with some biotechnology developed by Stromm and somehow turned himself into a monster. To make things worse, during the fight, Stromm's desk was smashed which revealed the hidden notes Norman was looking for and would use to create the Green Goblin formula. +This superhero's name is Proxima Midnight (MCU). Their real name is Proxima Midnight. Proxima Midnight was one of Thanos' children and a key member of the Black Order. She and all of her siblings were essential in his mission to find and harness the power of the Infinity Stones. The Black Order had soon found themselves challenged by the Avengers as Midnight fought in the Battle of Wakanda in order to claim the stones for Thanos, where she was soon overpowered and killed by Scarlet Witch. A past version of her from 2014 was brought into the future by Nebula, where she participated in the Battle of Earth, although she was killed by Iron Man. +This superhero's name is Proxima Midnight. Their real name is . One of Thanos' generals in the Black Order +This superhero's name is Psimon. Their real name is Simon Jones. While performing experiments to contact alternate dimensions, physicist Simon Jones was contacted by Trigon and given vast psychic powers and abilities (leaving his brain exposed as a result). Having been given a command to destroy the Earth, Simon, now calling himself Psimon, joined Doctor Light's supervillain team "The Fearsome Five", eventually becoming its leader. His alliance with Trigon ended following the failure of the Fearsome Five, but he continues to be a powerful adversary of the Teen Titans. +This superhero's name is Psylocke. Their real name is Elizabeth Braddock. Sir James Braddock was a denizen of Otherworld, an other-dimensional realm. Merlyn sent James to Earth to father the champion, who would be known as Captain Britain. Arriving in England, Dr. Braddock became one of the United Kingdom's leading research scientists. James soon married and set up home in Braddock Manor. There, James created a highly advanced supercomputer he named Mastermind. Dr. Braddock and Mrs. Braddock had three children, Jamie Braddock Jr. (the eldest), and twins Brian and Elizabeth Braddock. When Betsy and Brian were in their early twenties, their parents were killed in an explosion, in Dr. Braddock's laboratory, caused by the malfunctioning computer Mastermind. Brian Braddock pursued post-graduate studies in Physics at Thames University, while Betsy worked as a charter pilot. Soon after Brian became the hero Captain Britain, Betsy alerted him that their brother Jamie had been injured, while testing his racing car in the grounds of Braddock Manor, apparently an attack rather than an accident. Betsy flew Brian back to the Manor, but their plane was downed as they neared the crash by the psychic powers of Dr. Synne; luckily both inside survived the crash. Dr. Synne subsequently mind controlled Betsy into seeing her brothers as hideous monsters, causing her to attack them, but they managed to overpower her. Betsy was taken to the nearby Morder Research Centre for treatment, unwittingly delivering her into the hands of one of Synne's agents, Dr. Ramsey. When Brian managed to defeat Synne, Ramsey reverted to his true allegiances as an agent of the Nazi Red Skull, taking both Betsy and Jamie as hostages. Both were subsequently freed by Captain Britain and his new ally, Captain America. It was after this that Betsy experienced her first reported psychic incident (there may have been earlier, unreported ones, but Synne's mind control appeared to have unlocked her psychic potential, allowing it to start to grow). Betsy had a visionary dream warning her of Brian's peril fighting the mad Lord Hawk. Betsy quit the charter business and took up modeling. Some time later, with her psychic powers growing and after Brian had departed overseas to continue his studies, Betsy made mental contact with a S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi agent (S.T.R.I.K.E. being Special Tactical Response for International Key Emergencies, the U.K.'s equivalent of the U.N.'s S.H.I.E.L.D. agency), and was soon recruited by Agent Matthew (later renamed Gabriel), with whom she pursued a brief romance. Betsy subsequently became the lover of fellow psi, Tom Lennox. Maintaining her modeling career as a cover, at one point, Betsy attempted to infiltrate the Hellfire Club, where her father had been a member of the London Branch's Inner Circle, holding the position of Black Bishop, for S.T.R.I.K.E., but was warned off by Tessa. Betsy had lost track of her brother for many years while he was adventuring in America and other dimensions, but he returned in time to save her life when she and her fellow S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi's were targeted for assassination by Slaymaster, who had been hired by the crimelord, Vixen, to cover her takeover of the agency. Betsy, Tom, and the sole other survivor of the Psi Division, Alison Double, sought refuge with Brian in Braddock Manor, but had to flee there after a battle between Brian, his allies (the Special Executive), and the hero killing, extra-dimensional, cybiote the Fury. With the insane mutant reality-warper, Mad Jim Jaspers, taking over the country, the group sought to hide out in London. While in London battling Crimson Dynamo, Betsy shared a intimate night with Hercules. Later, Tom was killed and Betsy and Alison captured by government forces. The two women ended up in a concentration camp until Jaspers' reign was brought to an end, partially through the efforts of her brother. Betsy, who had been in mental contact with Tom when he died, met and convalesced under the care of Victoria Bentley, an old friend of Dr. Strange and the Black Knight, at the camp and Victoria not only helped her heal, but taught her to harness the trauma she had felt, using it to develop and strengthen her psi powers. Betsy eventually returned home to Braddock Manor. Soon after, Brian fought a counterpart of his from another reality, the villainous sadist Kaptain Briton. Briton won the encounter, briefly taking Brian's place while extra-dimensional mercenaries, the Technet, took the wrong man back to Briton's fascist reality. Briton tried to rape Betsy, but she fried his brain with her psychic abilities, killing him. Subsequently, R.C.X., the agency which had replaced S.T.R.I.K.E., came to Braddock Manor seeking Captain Britain's aid and one of the agents who made the approach was Betsy's old flame, Matthew (now using the codename Gabriel). When Brian refused to work with them, they tricked him into leaving the country and then Gabriel persuaded Betsy to become the new Captain Britain. Using Kaptain Briton's costume, Betsy magnified her strength to superhuman levels when she wore it and could fly. The hero, Captain UK, trained Betsy in crime fighting skills and they became partners for several months. Soon after, opting to go solo as the new Captain, Brian's enemy the Vixen lured her into an ambush, where Slaymaster brutally beat Betsy and blinded her. Brian felt his twin's pain, through her telepathy and the special bond they share, and came to Betsy's rescue, killing Slaymaster, and once again took up the Captain Britain mantle. Betsy was offered new cybernetic eyes by R.C.X., but refused, preferring to rely on her telepathy. Betsy later accepted Gabriel's proposal of marriage and the engaged couple traveled to Switzerland where they hoped Betsy could recuperate in peace. Betsy was kidnapped from the Alps by Mojo and Spiral and surgically given artificial eyes, restoring her sight. Mojo had mentally controlled Betsy, named her Psylocke, and had her star in a popular new show, the Wildways, using her to capture children around the world to join his junior team show, Bratpack. After capturing Professor Charles Xavier's New Mutants Wolfsbane and Sunspot, the other New Mutants rescued Betsy and she chose to stay at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, as her powers were mutant in origin. The purpose of her bionic eyes was revealed shortly after when Mojo, using Psylocke's eyes as a camera, transformed the X-Men into the X-Babies to film their adventures. The New Mutants battled the de-aged X-Men until they were broken of their brainwashing and defeated the spineless one, Mojo. The massacre of the Morlocks occurred shortly thereafter and Betsy was charged with helping the wounded and staying in telepathic contact with the members that were in combat with the Marauders. After the initial conflict, Betsy fought the savage Sabretooth in a brawl throughout the X-Mansion. Impressed by Besty's courage, the battle-ravaged X-Men offered her a position on the team and Betsy accepted and adopted the code name Psylocke. Next, Betsy battled Malice with the X-Men. After returning to New York, Storm decided that, in order to safeguard their friends and families from their many enemies, the X-Men must fake their deaths and become an underground proactive strike force. After Havok showed up to check on the X-Men, Storm ordered Betsy to erase the event from his memory, but, due to Professor Xavier's mental defenses, he remembered. After a brief battle, Havok asked to join the team. While her brother and Meggan were visiting, the team was later abducted by Horde, to use as his lackeys to retrieve the Crystal of Ultimate Vision, of which he wore a shard on his forehead. The X-Men were sent to the Citadel of Light and Shadow, where the crystal was hidden. As the X-Men progressed through it, the citadel created illusions of each of their most powerful desire. Only Betsy, Storm, and Wolverine were able to resist. Psylocke, who had been transformed into a metallic warrior as part of her heart's desire, sacrificed herself to slow Horde down, while Wolverine, empowered to godhood, rejected the god-like power, and returned the X-Men and their friends home. Tracking Storm, the X-Men arrived at Forge's Eagle Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, where they were attacked by the Freedom Force and Psylocke was captured. After the initial battle, a rift opened in the sky of Dallas and a chaos ensued of different weather patterns right next to each other and beings and creatures from the past appearing and attacking. The X-Men and Freedom Force formed a temporary alliance with each other to save the citizens of Dallas, until Colossus decided to enter Eagle Plaza and Betsy recognized Roma in his recent memories. After gaining access into the Starlight Citadel, the X-Men battled the Adversary and, after Rogue absorbed his power and opened a portal to seal him in, gave their life to imprison the Adversary, with a spell used from Forge. However, Roma, restored the X-Men to life and freed the Adversary under the notion that there could be no order without chaos. The events had been broadcast over a live television news feed and the world believed the heroes to be dead. After being resurrected, the X-Men decided to use the opportunity to go underground and keep their rebirth secret. The X-Men resurfaced in Australia. Roma appeared and presented them with the Siege Perilous, a gem that created a portal which granted any person who walked through it judgment and a new chance at life, with a new career, home, and so forth and had magically made them invisible to any sort of mechanical perception. Psylocke began wearing her cape and armor costume that Wolverine, ordered from Landau, Luckman & Lake. To pass the time on the Australian base, Elizabeth would pose, sometimes nude, for Colossus. Later, Betsy accompanied the Carol personality, in Rogue's body, to her old apartment and the two battled Master Mold and Nimrod, where Senator Robert Kelly's wife was killed and Betsy attempted to ease the pain of her passing. While battling, Master Mold absorbed Nimrod. In one of Psylocke's more bizarre encounters, crime lord Mats'uo Tsurayaba captured her and switched bodies with his lover Kwannon. Betsy was brainwashed into become the Lady Mandarin, but regained her free will and rejoined the X-Men. After returning to the X-Men Psylocke become part of Cyclops team and was shown to be attracted to Cyclops and started to flirt with her leader, using her telepathy to influence his mind on a very low level in an attempt to seduce him.Besty later would dress up in a dress Jubilee would described as "I-want-sex" and go to the hanger bay where Scott is working on the Blackbird and kiss him in an attempt to start an affair. However, Cyclops couldn't do it as he loved Jean and couldn't bring himself to betray her. Jean would later question Psylocke about having an affair with Cyclops which Betsy denied and when Jean ask if she was using her power to influence the mind of Scott, Psylocke would answer her by stabbing her with her psychic-knife. Kwannon showed up, fought Psylocke and won and claimed that she was the real Elizabeth Braddock. Kwannon became an X-Men ally calling herself Revanche, dying of the Legacy Virus. She had Tsurayaba kill her, still in Psylocke's British body. Betsy lived, but was now forever in Kwannon's Japanese body. Psylocke and fellow X-Man Angel began falling in love. Sabretooth later attacked and nearly killed Betsy, having become more resistant to telepathy. Wolverine, Angel, Doctor Strange, and Gomurr the Ancient used mystical force from the Crimson Dawn dimension to save her. Kuragari, conqueror of the Crimson Dawn realm, attempted to corrupt Psylocke and make her his queen. Angel and Psylocke defeated the tyrant, but Betsy was once again forever altered. Her fighting and telepathic skills were enhanced, and she could now transport through and become one with shadows. The mark of the Crimson Dawn, a red tattoo covering her left eye, was imprinted as well. After a brief period away from the X-Men, Betsy was tricked by the Shadow King into producing a psi-wave removing all mutant telepathy and allowing him to control every mind on Earth. Although she should have died, Betsy's Crimson Dawn powers saved her once more. In a foolish mistake, the Shadow King expanded his powers too far allowing his personal nexus to be exposed. Betsy defeated Farouk, sacrificing her telepathy to keep him trapped within her astral shadow form. Jean Grey attempted to help Betsy regain her powers safely. But in the process, she gained vast telekinetic abilities instead. Soon after, Angel broke up with Betsy after viewing some flirtation with Thunderbird and admitting their relationship had hit a dead end. She then joined Storm's X-Treme X-Men squad and left the Xavier Institute in search of Destiny's 13 diaries that foretell the future. In Valencia, Spain, the X-Men were captured by Spain's national police and had their powers and fighting abilities tested. Separated from the team with Beast and Rogue, Vargas suddenly arrived claiming to be the first of the true homo sapiens superior. The last standing, Betsy dueled Vargas and was impaled through the chest by his sword and presumed dead. Psylocke later appeared out of the blue in the exact spot she died. Running numerous tests, it was proven Betsy was the real deal. Rejoining Storm's X-Men squad, Psylocke was reunited with her friends in a more alien world where Cyclops and Emma Frost ran the Xavier Institute, presumed dead teammates Colossus and Rachel Summers were alive, and Jean Grey had seemingly died. Her brother Jamie Braddock claimed he was responsible for Psylocke's resurrection, needing her assistance against a threat known only as the Foursaken. After M-Day, Betsy and a team of X-Men flew to London to help Captain Britain deal with the after-effects of the Decimation. There, they were attacked by a Charles Xavier and his five original X-Men from another reality. During a subsequent battle with these evil X-Men, Betsy was ripped from the time-stream and found herself in the Panoptichron, headquarters of the Exiles. There, she was integral in the group's restructuring after several members left to pursue their own lives elsewhere. During her time as an Exile, she befriended the Earth-295 counterpart to her old foe Sabretooth, becoming lovers and co-leaders of the team. She also helped the team deal with threats across several worlds, including teammate Gambit's home reality of Earth-6706. During this time, the team was hunted by alternate counterparts of Susan Storm, Wolverine, and one of her deadliest foes, Slaymaster, who she eventually slew on the streets of London to save her brother and stop his cross-reality massacre of her alternate counterparts. Returning to Earth-616 under unknown circumstances, Betsy was captured by a woman Scott Summers believed to be his presumed deceased ex-wife Madelyne Pryor, calling herself the Red Queen.The Red Queen had Spiral, Lady Deathstrike, and Chimera, members of her Sisterhood of Mutants, bring Betsy's original body from the grave of Kwannon to their hideout. Through a ritual the Red Queen put Betsy back into her original body. She was brainwashed into assisting the Sisterhood in attacking her fellow X-Men, providing a distraction so that the Red Queen could retrieve a lock of Jean Grey's hair. However, she was able to fight against her "inner dark side" and was restored to her Asian body, leaving her original body a corpse again. She then rejoined the X-Men. Psylocke revealed she has regained her telepathy and traveled back in time along with Beast (to disguise his cat-like features) and his X-Club in order to study the birth of mutantkind and find a way to reverse M-Day. After the events of Second Coming, Cyclops ordered the disbanding of X-Force. Wolverine returned to his teammates and declared that X-Force would continue but no one would know, and Betsy initially joined the re-formed X-Force. Betsy and Warren rekindled their relationship, after joining the team, as she was helping him to control his Death/Archangel persona. Warren also built a new secret bunker in Sedona, Arizona, Cavern-X, which was the base of operations for X-Force, but seconded as an emergency base for the X-Men should they need it. The team's first mission was to stop the resurrection of Apocalypse. The team was attacked by the Final Horsemen of Apocalypse and War fell in-love with Betsy. When the team got to Apocalypse, no one was willing to kill the child. While X-Force fought among themselves, Fantomex killed Apocalypse. Apocalypse's death triggered an Ascension Protocol within the Death Seed that Apocalypse had planted in Warren to turn him into Archangel. He began to become, in essence, a new Apocalypse. X-Force became aware of this after Warren tried to kill a reporter, to whom Shadow King had delivered files on the secret team. To prevent his ascension, X-Force traveled to the Age of Apocalypse under the direction of Dark Beast. They sought to claim a Life Seed to destroy the Death Seed within Warren. Teaming up with the X-Men of that universe, they managed to claim a Life Seed and return to their world, but not without unfortunate casualties for the X-Men. However, they had been tricked; Dark Beast had been working for the Ascended Archangel all along. They returned to find Cavern-X overrun by Clan Akkaba, with Archangel at its head. X-Force had procured a Life Seed, which was exactly what Archangel desired. A Life Seed was crucial in his plans for the world. In the ensuing battle Wolverine was gravely injured by Genocide, the son of Apocalypse. Psylocke surrendered herself, hoping to appeal to whatever was left of Warren. Archangel revealed his plan to Psylocke as they reached Clan Akkaba's secret base in the North Pole. Using Genocide and the Doom Fountain, he would scour all life from the world, replacing it with new life grown from the Life Seed. As a test run, a small town in Montana was destroyed and regrown as Tabula Rasa. When X-Force's actions led to the demise of the Final Horseman of Death, Archangel determined to replace him with Psylocke. Gathering a Death Seed from the Dreaming Celestial, he transformed her into his own Death. The remaining X-Men from the Age of Apocalypse reality arrived to aid X-Force and the Jean Grey of that world managed to un-brainwash Psylocke's death persona and trap it in her mind. X-Force finally managed to defeat Archangel's servants as they flee from the battlefield. She and Fantomex fought Archangel to the death as Psylocke stabbed Warren with a Celestial Lifeseed supposedly killing him. This utterly made Betsy mourned for killing the love of her life. Warren soon reappeared with no memory of who he was. Psylocke attempted to rekindle her relationship with him but gave up when she realized that the person she loved was gone forever. After these events, she and Fantomex were kidnapped by the Captain Britain Corps. The Corps put Fantomex on trial for killing the child of Apocalypse by using Brian connection to her sister, Psylocke as evidence. Fantomex was sentenced to death by injecting him with the anti-reality serum. This made Psylocke furious for using her memories without her consent as she interrupted the trial to save Fantomex from being executed by the anti-reality serum. X-Force came to rescue Psylocke and Fantomex as they learn that the Otherworld is being invaded by inter-universal forces. Wolverine and his team chose to aid the Captain Britain Corps. During the battle, Fantomex was seriously injured. In order to save him from anti-reality serum, Psylocke and Krokwel made a deal to give up her ability to feel sorrow. They were later ambushed by the Skinless Man. Fantomex and the Skinless Man both have a long history together where Fantomex stole his skin and used as sentient bullets in the past. Now the Skinless Man is back for revenge, ripping Fantomex’s skin off. Psylocke was able to intervene by paralyzing his body. They were able to escape and head to assist the Corp and X-Force. The leader of the inter-dimensional forces was revealed to be a future version of Psylocke's brother Jamie Braddock. Psylocke was forced to kill him in order to prevent this future from happening. After all that had happened to her, Elizabeth told Wolverine that she was leaving X-Force. She was then kidnapped by the Shadow King who was a member of the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Shadow King tortured her telepathically but she was rescued by Fantomex who gave her his mask which blocked telepathic attack. This left Fantomex vulnerable and since he had been poisoned by Brotherhood member Mystique he was unable to use his powers. He was just able to send her away with EVA when he was killed. EVA took Psylocke to X-Force's headquarters. Their re-union was interrupted by the Brotherhoods leader Daken who revealed that with Fantomex dead, Ultimaton had reverted to his original programming which was to kill mutants. Just before Ultimaton snapped Gateway's neck and self-detonated, Psylocke managed to enter Gateway's mind and use his powers to send X-Force away. They appeared 30 years in the future where they were greeted by Deathlok. In this world Evan Sabahnur had ascended and become Apocalypse. He was the greatest threat the entire world had known which led Wolverine to create an X-Force composed of several heroes. Together they managed to kill the new Apocalypse and were celebrated as war heroes and elected to make sure such a thing could never happen again. Led by Psylocke, they had soon killed all the world's criminals and began pro-actively killing people when they made up their mind to commit a crime and before committing it. When Wolverine and X-Force from the present were unrepentant of this course of action, Deathlok attempted to kill them in order to prevent the future from happening but failed when he was destroyed by Cable. Before they could be sent back, Psylocke escaped and had resolved to prevent this future by killing the future Psylocke. She realized that this wouldn't save her world and that even if she went back knowing what she did, she would still make the same mistakes. In order to make sure Fantomex's sacrifice meant something and to save the world she stabbed herself through the gut. She narrowly survived her suicide attempt and attempted to finish herself off permanently but was interrupted by the future Punisher who attempted to save her. Psylocke struggled, trying to end her life but finally failed when she passed out and was saved by Nightcrawler. She was healed of her injuries and spoke to her future self. She was then returned to the present together with the rest of X-Force. After returning to the present, X-Force were headed to Genosha to save Evan from descending from Apocalypse. When arriving to the island, Psylocke was able to subdue Mystique by using her telekinesis to disguise herself as Sabretooth and put her to sleep. X-Force were arguing about whether to kill Evan or not should he ever to descend in becoming Apocalypse. They later noticed that Deadpool had disappear seemingly thinking about killing Evan. It turns out that he came to save Evan. Deadpool was later captured and tortured by Daken and his new Brotherhood. Wolverine and Psylocke sneaked into the enemies' underwater base. Wolverine was handling most of the enemies while Psylocke turned off Deadpool pain receptor from being torture by Omega Black. She was telepathically ambushed by the Shadow King where Psylocke purposely gave herself temporary amnesia to escape the astral plane. She telepathically control Omega White to attack the Shadow King. The Shadow King's mind and powers were absorbed inside Omega White body where it was locked forever in the comatose body. If it wasn't for Psylocke in her battle against the Shadow King, he could have control Evan's mind as he wore the suit of Apocalypse. X-Force were successfully able to fend off against the Brotherhood. Nightcrawler betrayed by making a deal with his mother to kill the Blob. Deadpool and Evan wiped out the Omega Clan and the Skinless Man. Evan nearly killed Mystique as Nightcrawler helped his mother to escape. Lastly, Wolverine and Daken fought to the death. Wolverine killed his son by drowning him. Evan comes to him and explains that there was nothing he could do. Sabretooth steps out and explains that this was all his plan, to destroy Wolverine by making him kill his own son. As the villain gloats, Evan attacks him and begins punching him. However, Logan talks him down, saying that revenge leads nothing but misery. The villains and the heroes depart. Psylocke leaves her sword behind in the wreckage of the base as it sinks into Hammer Bay. Wolverine takes his son to Japan and buries him while Psylocke visits her brother in Otherworld. She admits that he was right about everything he did to Fantomex but he comforts her, telling her that Fantomex was created with three brains, one of which was a mutant hunting sentinel, and says that the fact that he was able to fight the conflicting voices in his head is a testament to his character and adds that he loves his sister. Psylocke asks him to store the Shadow King and the Apocalypse armor Evan wore in Otherworld. Psylocke entered her apartment to find Wolverine waiting for her, telling her that there was one complication left unsolved with X-Force. The two left for the hideout in E.V.A. and Psylocke asked him what the future Logan whispered to him before they left the future. The future Logan told him that he couldn't kill his own son and let Daken live, which led to Daken killing all of the students, telling the younger Wolverine that he knew what needed to be done. Wolverine doesn't respond to Psylocke's question however. They arrive at the hideout and find Deadpool there, and Fantomex emerging from a cloning machine. Two more Fantomexes appear however, one of them evil who teleports away and the other a woman. E.V.A. tells Fantomex that when they found his body, all three of his brains were still intact and she placed him in a cloning hatch to create a new body for him. The machine misunderstood however, and created a new body for each of Fantomex's brains. Deadpool tells him that he missed him, and Fantomex says he missed Deadpool too. Fantomex asks where they're off to now, but after being met by somber looks, he deduces that the team is done. He takes Psylocke and his new "sister" to meet his mother and he and Psylocke share a kiss. Six months later, Psylocke return back to the Jean Grey School, after her relation with Fantomex ended somehow. Elizabeth was soon dismissed from teaching by Wolverine, due to anger issues, after she had assaulted Quentin Quire during a class. Logan also tried to give Betsy some advise about reviving X-Force, because for him to be a respectable headmaster he can't be part of any of that stuff himself. He invited her to read her e-mail, where she and Storm, who was as well living with anger issues after her marriage cancellation by T'Challa, were tasked with a mission. The mail was sent by Wolverine's old friend Puck, and contained a tip about a drug dealer selling TAO, a drug that makes people susceptible to a hive mind mentality. The two X-Women meet Puck at a bar in L.A., and he led them to an old bank from the 20's that the drug dealer – the diva of downtown LA - used to sell drugs and dance. Storm and Psylocke quickly realized the dealer was Spiral and instinctively attacked her. Meanwhile, Storm and Puck headed to the bank vault, since it was where Spiral hid her things. Ororo and Puck found a scared little girl inside the vault, who mentally ordered the people at the club to attack Betsy. She telepathically influenced a man in the club to help her fight the mind-controlled party-goers. Inside their minds, Betsy found the little girl controlling them. Storm and Puck find the girl being kept on the vault. Spiral arrives and teleports the girl away with her. As Puck and Storm chased Spiral, Psylocke went berserk and fried everyone's mind in the club. At the rooftop, Spiral teleports away again and brings the girl with her. Tracking Spiral and the girl, the three heroes were attacked in Spiral's flat by a returned from the future Bishop. Bishop kidnapped the girl, Ginny, and ran off. Puck considered their mission accomplished as they had captured Spiral, but Storm wanted to bring the girl back. It was revealed that Mojo removed Spiral's ability to travel between dimensions, so she was trapped on Earth-616 without anywhere to go, until she found Ginny and started to use her psychic powers to make money by selling drugs, which were false (It was actually Ginny's powers that put people in a trance). Betsy stated that she could follow Ginny's psychic avatar and ordered Spiral to teleport them there she was, in a subway tunnel in LA. As Betsy couldn't pick up any psychic signature, including that of her teammates, Bishop was able to surprise and attack them. While they fought, Spiral grabbed the girl and teleported away. Betsy used her psychic knife on Bishop and entered his mind, finding his psyche tangled like a maze, and the Demon Bear, realizing it was a trap. After their respective X-Force teams disbanded, Psylocke sought out Cable and offered her services to his new X-Force team. +This superhero's name is Puck. Their real name is Eugene Milton Judd. Born in 1914, Eugene Milton Judd was both a giant of a man and an incredible athlete. He became a mercenary seeking the Black Blade of Baghdad. Upon claiming it, he was attacked by the being known as Razor that possessed the blade. The spirit of Razor lengthened Judd's lifespan, but also caused great pain and shrunk him. Judd continued to travel the world. It is known that he met the author Ernest Hemingway in Spain. He is also very familiar with Wolverine and the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff). He met Modred the Mystic while battling the Brass Bishop. Years later, Guardian broke him out of jail and offered membership in Alpha Flight. He agreed and took the name of Puck.Later the spirit was removed and Puck reverted to an old man. Loki took him to Tibet as part of a scheme. Puck sought out a llama hoping to get away from everything, tired of the world. Tibet itself was being overtaken by the Chinese military. the llama offered Puck a choice: to reunite with his friends or travel to all the other dimensions. He chose to save his friends and was sent to the realm of Dreamqueen. Although the others were freed, Dreamqueen captured Puck and tortured him. She restored his youth to ensure she could torture him endlessly. Puck was reunited with the others as they returned from battling the sorceror Llan. He was placed in a hospital to recover from his injuries. He was then abducted by the Master of the World and experimented on. Sasquatch was able to undo the damage, and Puck was back in his young dimunitive form. Since then he has remained a loyal member of Alpha Flight. He has been called the 'heart and soul' of the team. +This superhero's name is Puma. Their real name is Thomas Fireheart. Thomas Fireheart is the result of years of genetic engineering performed by his Native American tribe. Fireheart can transform into Puma, a half-mountain-lion being with senses far more acute than that of a normal human. He is the traditional protector of his New Mexican tribe, although Fireheart himself often questions the traditional rituals that his uncle, the tribe's Shaman, espouses. In his Puma identity, Fireheart is an internationally known professional assassin and mercenary who sells his unique skills to the likes of the Rose and the Kingpin. As the C.O.E. of Fireheart Enterprises, he is also internationally known in his civilian identity. Puma first crossed the path of Spider-Man when he was hired by the Rose to 'remove' the Web-Slinger. The Rose later changed his mind, so the continued existence of Spider-Man is not considered a blight on Puma's professional record. Puma sought Spidey's help when he discovered that he was destined to fight the Beyonder; Spider-Man refused, making Puma doubt himself and, eventually, fail in his quest against the Beyonder. Puma publicly confronted Spider-Man over a story in the Daily Bugle that made it seem as if Spidey was a thief; when the story turned out to be false, Puma felt as if he had lost face and was now honor-bound to clear Spidey's name. To this end (and much to Spidey's annoyance), he purchased the Daily Bugle and began a campaign of positive promotion which was largely responsible for the public perception of Spidey as a hero. Puma's animal side became dominant after contact with the Black Crow. He was seriously wounded in a fire fight with the New York City Police, but nursed by to health by Nocturne, who was eventually able to restore his human psyche. Height: 6'2' Weight: 240 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Black (red when transformed into Puma) Features: In his Puma identity, he has a scar over his right eye. Strength Level: In his Puma form he can press 12 tons. Powers: Puma has above-human senses; he can, for instance, see auras. Since he transforms into the Puma through concentration, he may be considered to have some mental abilities beyond the norm. Puma's powers are from years of genetic engineering, although given his uncle's status some mysticism may be involved. When he faced the Beyonder he briefly had cosmic powers beyond understanding. How he was able to tap into the universal energies needed to confront the Beyonder, and if he would be able to do so again, is unclear; his uncle called Thomas the chosen champion of Death, so it may have been through Death's intervention that Fireheart was able to do harness the needed cosmic energies the first time. Abilities: Fireheart is an extraordinarily capable financial manager with a genius level IQ. He also spent some years in Japan training in the martial arts, and has above-average tracking skills. Equipment: None. Weapons: None. Limitations: Puma is bound by a sense of honor that only he understands. +This superhero's name is Punisher. Their real name is Frank Castle. Born in New York to parents of Italian ancestory, Francis Castiglione is a former U.S. Marine Captain. Before Frank joined the Marines, he was studying to become a Catholic priest but changed his mind because he was unable to forgive those who did evil. Also prior to his enlistment, he married his wife Maria who was already pregnant with their first child. During his time in the United States Marine Corps (USMC), Castle graduated from Basic Training, then went on to Infantry School. Immediately following that, he went through the USMC's Reconnaissance, Force Reconnaissance, and Sniper Schools. Attaining dockets, Castle was permitted to go through U.S. Army Airborne School, and U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team training, becoming qualified as a Navy SeAL (Sea, Air and Land). He served in the Vietnam War in a special forces unit as a point man. For heroism in the line of duty, he was decorated with numerous medals, inlcuding the Purple Heart. Shortly after a tour in Vietnam, Castle, his wife, Maria and their children were in New York's Central Park for an afternoon picnic when they witnessed a Mafia gangland execution; an informant had been hanged from a tree. Seeking to eliminate all witnesses, the Costa crime family murdered them on the spot. However, Castle survived. Even though Frank was able to identify all of the shooters the police were unable to help Castle in his quest for justice; they were tied in too deeply to the powerful Costa family. He decided that the only punishment criminals might receive is that of physical destruction. Shortly thereafter, he emblazoned his body armor with a symbol of a death's head, and exacted his revenge. Since then he has waged a one-man war upon crime, taking the name Punisher. In his vigilante endeavors, Castle has crossed paths with several costumed crimefighters, most notably Spider-Man and Daredevil. These encounters have often resulted in his incarceration. While he is known to be significantly inferior to Daredevil in hand-to-hand combat skills, Punisher has been rated as one of the most dangerous criminals alive. When he was incarcerated in New York's Riker's Island Prison, though heavily outnumbered in gang-fights, Punisher has routinely killed armed, homicidal criminals with frightening ease, sustaining no injury. Due to his proficiency in fighting, he is rarely so accosted in prison environments. Adhering to his military philosophies, Punisher is constantly training whenever he is not out on actual maneuvers. He exercises fanatically to maintain his impressive physical conditioning and sticks to a balanced diet whenever possible. +This superhero's name is Purple Man. Their real name is Zebediah Killgrave. According to his own account, Zebediah Killgrave was a spy working for the Soviet bloc who was assigned to invade an American army ordnance depot and steal a sample of an experimental nerve gas. A military guard came upon Killgrave and fired a shot at him, which accidentally hit a canister of the nerve gas. The contents of the canister poured out, thoroughly drenching Killgrave, impregnating his skin and indelibly dying him purple. Caught outright and questioned, Killgrave offered a weak, inadequate alibi to his captors. Much to his surprise, he was believed and released. Several more incidents of this nature demonstrated that the nerve gas had given Killgrave the superhuman ability to command the wills of other people. Calling himself the Purple Man, Killgrave embarked on a criminal career. Although Killgrave never confirmed the story, a woman named Melanie met Kiligrave in a bar in Buffalo, New York. Taken with Melanie’s beauty, on a whim Kiligrave used his superhuman power to induce her to marry him. Eventually, Kiligrave truly fell in love with Melanie and decided to free her from his mental control in the hope that she would genuinely love him as well. Instead, horrified at what he had done to her, she fled to Toronto, Canada. Killgrave never went after her, and months after leaving him, Melanie gave birth to his daughter Kara. When Kara turned thirteen, her skin turned purple and she developed superhuman powers similar to the Purple Man’s. Melanie then told her that her father was the Purple Man. Kara, calling herself the Purple Girl, became associated with Alpha Flight, the Canadian team of superhuman adventurers. Having come to New York City, the Purple Man used his superhuman ability to force people to do whatever he wished, and even robbed a bank by this means. The Purple Man now intended to use his power to become master of the world. However, he was instead defeated by the crime-fighter Daredevil, whose will power was strong enough to enable him to resist Killgrave’s power. Killgrave was sent to prison, but he finally escaped and made San Francisco, California, his base of operations. There he built himself a criminal empire, but he was again opposed and defeated by Daredevil. This time, though, Killgrave was not sent to prison. His criminal empire in San Francisco apparently collapsed, and Killgrave turned up in New York City once more. There he used his power to coerce Maxwell Glenn, head of Glenn Industries, into committing various crimes on his behalf, as the first major step in the Purple Man’s plan to create a financial empire for himself. Put on trial for these crimes, Glenn committed suicide. Daredevil had learned that Killgrave had forced Glenn to become a criminal, and the crime fighter had a confrontation with the Purple Man at Ryker's Island Prison. Killgrave realized that Daredevil was blind and correctly guessed that he was Matthew Murdock. Their confrontation ended when Killgrave plunged into the sea and seemingly drowned. Killgrave survived, but the experience of this latest defeat radically altered his outlook on life. He realized that there was no need for him to engage in criminal conspiracies and battles with costumed crime fighters since he could get anything he wanted by using his power. Therefore, Killgrave retired from crime and became a gentleman of leisure. One day a car being used by two underlings of the Kingpin of Crime to make a major delivery of illegal narcotics accidentally collided with Killgrave’s purple Rolls Royce on a New York City street. Angered, Killgrave used his power to compel the two criminals to fight each other; the police arrived and confiscated the heroin. The Kingpin had Killgrave brought to him, and the Kingpin too proved to have the strength of will necessary to resist the Purple Man’s power. The Kingpin forced the Purple Man to aid him in selling a death trap for various New York-based costumed crime fighters. Due to the increase in the Purple Man's power over time, plus the use of a sound system that amplified his voice, not even Daredevil could resist any longer. However, wearing ear plugs so he could not hear the Purple Man's voice, the Moon Knight knocked the Purple Man unconscious. Killgrave was then taken into police custody. But Killgrave somehow regained his freedom. Later, while relaxing on an island in Polynesia, he was captured by Doctor Doom, who imprisoned Killgrave within a gigantic psycho-prism he had constructed on Doom Island. Doom magnified the Purple Man's will-sapping power and manipulated it to make himself the master of Earth, also using the help of Sub-Mariner. Virtually every one on Earth was compelled by the Purple Man’s power to obey Doom, and he succeeded in capturing a number of crime fighting superheroes. The Sub-Mariner himself was also enslaved. Due to his unusual physiology, the Avenger Wonder Man was unaffected, however, and was able to free Captain America from Doom's mental control, who in turn freed Hawkeye, Iron Man and the Wasp. Together they freed the other captured superheroes. Infuriated at having been enslaved by Doom, the Sub-Mariner smashed the psycho-prism, thereby both killing Kiligrave and freeing the world from Doom's control. Killgrave was revealed that he was the mastermind behind X-Man (Nate Grey)'s sudden celebrity status as a miracle worker. He had been subtly manipulating people into thinking X-Man as a messianic figure. He believed that by doing this Nate would use his vast mutant powers to improve the planet. The plan ultimately fails when Nate learned the truth and lost his confidence, thus reducing his power Killgrave goes once more into hiding. After being presumed dead, he resurfaced. The superhero Jewel (Jessica Jones) found a fight breaking out in a restaurant, and discovered that Killgrave had told the men to fight. Killgrave then overpowered Jessica's will and told her to "take care of the police" so that he can finish his meal, which she did. He took Jessica Jones, then known as the superhero Jewel, prisoner at a five-star hotel. She stayed in his control for a period of eight months, often being made to beg for him to do with her what he did with college girls he got off the street. He made her believe her life was a comic book, with an audience of loyal readers, and that every time he made her strip for him, she was taking her clothes off for them. Killgrave eventually got so angry at a front-page report on how Daredevil saved New York City, and sent Jessica off . She mistakes the Scarlet Witch for Daredevil. Jessica was knocked out by the Avengers, only learning afterwards she was brainwashed. They asked Jean Grey to alter her mind so that Killgrave could not take control of her again. When she awoke, the whole incident traumatized her to the point where she quit the superhero career, to become a private investigator. Jessica Jones was contacted by Kim Rourke, who wants to hire Jessica to find a man named Killgrave. When she visited Kim's home she found a large gathering she explained that 34 people were recently killed in a restaurant when Killgrave told them to stop breathing. But during this time Killgrave was locked away on the Raft. Jessica travelled to The Raft off the coast of Ryker's Island and met with Clay Quartermain, who escorted her through the prison to Killgrave's holding cell She questioned Killgrave while Quartermain watched from a security booth. Killgrave claimed that Jessica and he are simply characters in a comic book, but that he cannot escape because he is not the writer. Jessica demanded that he admit to just one of the many murders he was never charged with, but Killgrave continued to insist that she is a character in a story, and that she craves the approval of her readers. Finally she gave up and left However when she return to Kim's home she learned their had been a riot at the Raft and Killgrave had escaped. After a night at Scott she awoke to find ants swarming over Scott's dead body. Killgrave was their and commented on the aesthetics of "Jessica's comic book." Jessica accused Killgrave of murdering Scott, and he admitted that he is "the bad guy," though he revealed that he only made Jessica see Scott as being dead, when in fact Scott is alive. He then makes Jessica see her "worst nightmare," which is Scott engaged in a ménage a trois with Miss Marvel and Luke Cage. To get the attention of other heroes he tells everyone on the street to "beat up the person to their left until that person is dead." The street erupts in a mass of mob violence. Killgrave watched, and Jessica experiences a vision of Jean Grey, who explains to hero that she implanted "a psychic defense trigger" in Jessica's mind after her "first Killgrave incident," and that Jessica can stop Killgrave if she chooses to.Jean vanishes moments before the Avengers arrived, and Killgrave instructs Jessica to kill the superhero of her choice, but Jessica turned on Killgrave and beats him savagely instead. In the aftermath of the brawl, Jessica looks on as Killgrave's body is carried away from the scene before she is approached by Scott, who explains that Killgrave escaped The Raft after Carnage set off an explosion. When Electro created a riot at the Raft. Killgrave tried to mind control Luke Cage into killing the Avengers, and threatened his wife and the unborn child. However Killgrave was given drugs in his food that would negate his powers. Luke Cage then beat him to a pulp in response to his demands. Killgrave targeted the Thunderbolts. He trained an unknown person to be the new Swordsman, and had his powers amplified by the Overmind. He had the Swordsman appear to betray him, even rescuing Songbird, only to then attack Atlas and Mach IV. Killgrave then gained control of a number of other heroes and used them as 'cannon fodder' when the Thunderbolts regrouped. Once again, he was defeated, putting an end to his so-called 'Purple Reign'. Killgrave was able to use the Civil War incident to take over a squad of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and hovercraft to escape to Canada. He was stopped by U.S. Agent who managed to push him off the craft, injuring him in the process. Killgrave later took over a casino in Las Vegas. He was also recruited to join The Hood's Hood's Gang, offered "seeding money" to use as funds to expand the empire. Killgrave is later incarcerated in the the Raft. He was one of the inmates used by the Avengers Academy as part of their scared straight program. Their instructor Tigra warned the students not to look at his face or read his lips. Hazmat however accidentally causes a power outage. Allowing Killgrave and group of mind controlled inmates to escape. They come across a lone Luke Cage, now leader of the Thunderbolts. Cage easily defeats Killgrave and the inmates, revealing that the nanites used to control the Thunderbolts also shield him from Killgrave's influence. Killgrave was one of the inmates are freed from the Raft when Juggernaut into Kurrth, Breaker of Stone. Before escaping, the he attempted to kill a comatose Puppet Master who was being kept in the infirmary, it was revealed he was behind Puppet Master's manipulation of the Heroes for Hire. He is prevented from killing the Puppet Master by Heroes for Hire operatives Elektra and the Shroud, but Killgrave attacked the pair with a group of mind controlled inmates. When the heroes defeat the inmates, the Purple Man sets them both against each other. Killgrave later tried to form a new criminal empire with the help of Headhunter, Avalanche, Shocker, Death-Stalker, and Scourge. Killgrave started gathering the numerous children he had with women under his influence over the years, as he wanted to use them to rule nations, as well as to finally know unconditional love. However, his Purple Children turned on him and united their will to force Purple Man into walking in front of a train and kill himself. Purple Man's body was found and taken to a morgue; however, his healing abilities brought him back from the death. When the SFPD responded to the Purple Children's rampage, Zebediah escaped from the police station. He later found Daredevil in a gutter, who had recently been emotionally overpowered by the Purple Children. Zebediah started beating him up, until Daredevil managed to recover and chase him off. The Purple Man later followed the spoor of his children to an arcade, where he stealthily started taking them down, one by one. Daredevil was able to save the children, and help the police officers surrounding the arcade enter by turning up the volume of the music, so Purple Man's commands wouldn't be heard. Daredevil then knocked out Zebediah, so he could be put under custody. +This superhero's name is Pyro (FOX). Their real name is St. John Allerdyce. Pyro made a minor appearance in X-Men; he tries to impress Rogue, as he is sitting in front of her, by putting his hand behind his back and displays his pyrokinetic abilities by creating a small fireball; however Bobby Drake, sitting next to Rogue, uses his cryokinetic abilities to freeze the fireball over. Pyro then accidentally drops the frozen fireball, it falls on the floor and shatters, and gaining the attention of Storm and the entire class. This resulted in Pyro getting in trouble with Storm. After the X-Men stop Magneto, Rogue, Bobby, Pyro, and another boy at school are playing foosball while a news report shows Senator Kelly (who is Mystique in disguise) withdrawing the Mutant Registration Law. +This superhero's name is Pyro. Their real name is St. John Allerdyce. St. John Allerdyce was originally a money-hungry young man who drifted from job to job around the South Seas before eventually becoming a journalist for an Australian wire service as well as a popular, if not critically acclaimed, Gothic romance novelist. Allerdyce eventually met the shape-shifting mutant terrorist Mystique and was recruited into her terrorist group, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, as Pyro. The Brotherhood’s first public appearance was an attempt to assassinate outspoken anti-mutant activist Senator Robert Kelly, but they were defeated by the team of mutant adventurers the X-Men. After tiring of being hunted as outlaws, Mystique offered the Brotherhood’s services to the U.S. Government and so they became the government-sponsored Freedom Force team. On their first official mission, they were sent to arrest the self-styled mutant master of magnetism, Magneto. The government ultimately disbanded Freedom Force after a disastrous mission in the Middle East during which they battled the Arabic super-team Desert Sword. Pyro and his teammate the Blob were captured by the Iraqi military and forced to serve as personal bodyguards to the Iraqi commander until the acrobatic mutant Toad bartered for their freedom and they joined his new incarnation of the Brotherhood. Pyro eventually left the Brotherhood after contracting the deadly mutant-killing Legacy Virus and went to join the mutant “leper colony” for Virus sufferers on the island owned by acclaimed author Jonathan Chambers to ease his pain. Pyro ultimately left and turned to crime to finance a treatment until the Virus caused his powers to begin flaring out of control. Pyro then briefly joined a team of other Virus sufferers in an unsuccessful search for a cure. Pyro ultimately opposed Mystique and her new Brotherhood during their second attempt on the life of Senator Kelly. Pyro sacrificed his life to stop the assassination, forcing Kelly to rethink his stance. Kelly was later killed whilst giving a pro-mutant speech by a protestor who believed Kelly to be a traitor to the anti-mutant cause. +This superhero's name is Pythor. Their real name is Pythor. Pythor P. Chumsworth is the self-proclaimed general and the sole survivor of the Anacondrai tribe. He was sealed away with his brethren in the Anacondrai Tomb after the Serpentine's defeat in the Serpentine War. After being freed, he united his fellow Serpentine and unleashed The Great Devourer on Ninjago. However, the scheme backfired horribly and Pythor became one of the beast's first victims. Long thought to be deceased, Pythor suddenly resurfaced during the Nindroid war, allying with the Digital Overlord to seek revenge on the Ninja. Once again, his schemes were foiled after he was shrunken by a shrinking pill and the Golden Master was destroyed. Afterwards, he was sent to Kryptarium Prison. The Ninja visited Pythor at the prison after finding out Chen needed him for a spell that would transform his followers into Anacondrai. The cultists ultimately captured Pythor and used him to fulfill the spell. Pythor ultimately escaped and found that the Book of Spells would allow them to summon the spirits of the Anacondrai Generals. After the spell was cast, and Chen's army was vanquished, Arcturus restored Pythor to his original size and he parted ways on understanding terms with the Ninja. Due to his villainous past, a statue of Pythor was placed in the Ninjago Museum of History. On Day of the Departed, Pythor went to the museum and discovered the Ninjas' old adversaries had been resurrected. He went to the Corridor of Elders and fought Lloyd. After realizing he couldn't win the battle, Pythor fled the scene. His whereabouts are still unknown as he has not appeared since. +This superhero's name is Quake (MCU). Their real name is Daisy Johnson. Born on smalle chinese village in the warm summer night of Saturday July 2, 1988 in the Hunan Province, Daisy Johnson was the daughter of a woman named Jiaying, who carried the genetic marker of the Inhumans and was gifted with longevity. The baby's father, Calvin Johnson, an experienced medical practitioner, delivered her.Shortly after Daisy's birth, a group of HYDRA operatives raided the village and abducted the elders, including Jiaying. Jiaying was brought to Austria to the fortress of HYDRA General Werner Reinhardt. Reinhardt vivisected the woman and used her blood and organs to regain some of his youth, and left her remains to be found by the infant's father, driving him into a state of extreme rage. While Calvin butchered the HYDRA agents in search of his daughter, Daisy was found by a S.H.I.E.L.D. team sent in to investigate the massacre. Designating the infant as an 0-8-4, the team was quickly killed off by the girl's father, prompting S.H.I.E.L.D. to send in a back-end team consisting of Richard Lumley, Linda Avery, and three other agents. They found the infant sleeping in the arms of the dead lead agent. +This superhero's name is Quake. Their real name is Daisy Johnson. +This superhero's name is Quantum. Their real name is . Quantum's powers began to appear when he was a young teenager, but they developed so gradually that he was almost into his twenties before he realised that he was a superhuman. Though he possessed incredible speed, it is believed that Quantum's physical strength wasn't that much greater than a normal human. +This superhero's name is Queen Hippolyta. Their real name is Hippolyta. +This superhero's name is Question. Their real name is Charles Szasz. When Vic Sage, a television investigative journalist, encountered stories he couldn't investigate by normal, legal means, he donned a special mask (kept in his belt buckle) that made it appear that he had no face. As the Question, Sage investigated corruption in the face of all danger, leaving a blank "calling card," which, when touched, emitted a smoky question mark. Victor Sage was born Charles Victor Szasz, and grew up an orphan who had a reputation as a troublemaker. Szasz prided himself in defiantly enduring the physical abuse of the Catholic orphanage where he was housed. Though he managed to get into college, higher learning did not mellow his violent tendencies. Some time during college, he brutally beat a drug dealer for giving him LSD, which had caused Sage to doubt his own senses under its influence. After graduating from college (where he nursed an unrequited crush on fellow student Lois Lane), Sage made his mark as a highly outspoken and aggressive reporter with a reputation for obnoxiousness in Hub City. He then moved to television journalism, which eventually led him to investigate Dr. Arby Twain. This particular story would alter the course of Sage's life permanently. Sage was approached by his former professor, a scientist named Aristotle ("Tot") Rodor, who told Sage about an artificial skin called Pseudoderm, which Rodor had co-developed with Dr. Twain based on the notes of Gotham criminal Bart Magan and research into Gingold, the chemical responsible for the Elongated Man's powers. Pseudoderm was intended to work as an applied skin-like bandage with the help of a bonding gas, but had an unforeseen toxicity which was fatal when applied to open wounds. Though Rodor and Twain agreed to abandon the project and parted ways, Professor Rodor later discovered that Dr. Twain planned to proceed with an illegal sale of the invention to Third World nations, despite the risk to human health. Sage resolved to stop him but had no way of going after Dr. Twain without exposing himself. Rodor suggested that Sage use a mask made of Pseudoderm to cover his famous features. Disguised by the Pseudoderm mask and armed with information, Sage eventually caught up with Dr. Twain, stopped the transaction, and extracted a confession from him. He then left Twain bound in Pseudoderm in an ironic twist. On television, Vic Sage reported on Dr. Twain's illegal activities. With his first venture a success, Sage decided that this new identity would be useful for future investigations. He continued to work with Professor Rodor, who supplied the Pseudoderm and eventually modified the bonding gas, giving it the ability to alter the color of Sage's hair and clothing, as well. Vic became good friends with "Tot," who became a mentor to him in both of his identities. Shortly after debuting in Hub City, Vic Sage relocated to Chicago, IL in order to join the staff of WWB-TV as a crusading journalist. He would continue to operate as The Question there, and would make an ally of Chicago's other resident hero, the Blue Beetle (Ted Kord). He would also travel to other cities in the course of his investigations, and eventually teamed up with Batman and briefly participated in the Crisis. The Question's early crime fighting career was somewhat successful, but his black-and-white moral viewpoint and lack of commitment would soon lead to a turning point for both Sage and his alter ego. After his time in Chicago, Vic Sage returned to Hub City and KBEL television, where he worked alongside news anchor and occasional love-interest Myra Connelly. During a mission as The Question, he was badly beaten in personal combat by the mercenary and martial artist, Lady Shiva, and then nearly fatally beaten by her employer's thugs and shot in the head with a pellet gun. Though he was thrown in a river to drown, Shiva rescued him for reasons of her own and gave him directions to meet Richard Dragon as soon as he was recovered enough to get out of bed. Following a vision of Batman (during which the Caped Crusader called Sage an "incompetent dilettante") while in his sickbed, Sage sought out the master martial artist, who retained all of his skill even while confined to a wheelchair. Sage spent a year learning martial arts and Eastern philosophy from Dragon. The training changed and deepened The Question's moral perspective, and the crimefighter became more understanding of the moral ambiguity of his chosen work. Vic Sage returned to Hub City and resumed his career as The Question with a new, broader worldview, and a belief that crime had to be fought at more than one level. Though The Question had originally established himself as a crime fighter by stopping street crime, his post-Dragon career found him attacking the systematic corruption of Hub City at its highest levels. Hub City was noted as being "synonymous with venality, corruption, and violence," and perhaps even outranked Gotham City as the most dismal city in the the United States. The Question's work in defending the city extended beyond street crime and into the realm of politics and social justice. He re-enlisted as an ally his former girlfriend, Myra, who had married the corrupt, alcoholic mayor of Hub City, Wesley Fermin, in his absence. He also meet Batman again and have the first of what would be many encounters with the Green Arrow. After spending months running Hub City while her husband descended into mental illness, Myra Fermin announced her intention to run for mayor herself, and received Sage/The Question's full support. Though Myra's marriage to the mayor was loveless, she resisted the temptation to reunite with Sage, but she eventually gave into her temptation and had affairs with both Sage and The Question, whom she did not realize were the same man. When Myra lost the election by one vote (partly due to Sage's being too preoccupied to cast a vote on election day), she was elected to the position anyway, as her challenger had died as a result of what was called "the worst tornado in history." However, during her victory speech, her husband, Wesley Fermin, shot her in the stomach for supporting what he called "Communist beliefs." Wesley was subsequently killed during a police stand-off, but Myra entered a coma, and Hub City was plunged further into chaos. For some time, the Question, became the city's only guarantor of justice, though Myra eventually awoke from her coma and assumed her role as mayor. The gang warfare in the weeks following the election led Sage to a reunion with Lady Shiva, who at first resumed her adversarial relationship with The Question and then became an ally to him. Through Shiva, The Question was able to meet with the gang-leaders who were creating chaos in the city. Although he had the support of Myra and his mentor, Tot Rodor, Sage/The Question often felt troubled about his role as the city's protector and as a fighter of crime. Reconciling his original, stark, mindset with the enlightenment he had received from Richard Dragon continued to be a source of conflict for The Question, who struggled to determine how far he should go in his pursuit of justice. With the help of his allies, The Question realized that a perverse part of him wanted to know what it felt like to take another person's life, and he managed to successfully (if temporarily) defeat his temptation to kill. Though The Question did his best to contain the chaos around Hub City, he felt himself growing increasingly dark as time wore on. A hallucinogenic trip caused his subconscious, in the form of his mother, to tell him that he would never be able to lead a happy life unless he left Hub City. Richard Dragon echoed this viewpoint during a visit to Vic Sage, when he sensed that Sage was on the verge of a major turning point in his life. Lady Shiva soon after arrived by helicopter to spirit The Question, Rodor, and Myra Fermin away from the city, though she herself decided to embrace the Hub's chaos and remain there. Sage nearly convinced Myra (who had only recently learned that Vic Sage and the Question were the same man) to leave the city with him, but her sense of duty convinced her to remain. Before Sage left, Myra gave to him her only daughter, Jackie, and wandered back to the city alone to meet her duties as Mayor and do her best to stand for what she believed in. Sage took Jackie with him to South America, hoping to rid himself of his "No Face" alter ego and find a land free of the clutter and corruption that filled Hub City. However, this sense of serenity did not last long. Sage was quickly drawn into a drug war which ultimately forced him to kill a man in order to save Jackie's life. The Question's philosophy from that point changed once again, as he realized that he had no guilt over the killing and would do it again if necessary. He would kill again. Unfortunately, Jackie would die anyway, en route to her mother in Hub City. After leaving Hub City, Victor Sage held a series of journalistic positions in various cities, while reviving his Question persona when necessary. Previous experiences teaming up with such heroes as Green Arrow and Batman had established the Question in the superheroic community, and he would participate in major events such as the Alien Invasion and Brainiac's attack on Metropolis. Following his abandonment of Hub City, The Question helped protect an Indian reservation alongside Green Arrow and John Butcher. He traveled the United States and would meet Steel and Azrael. He even very briefly became a member of a team, when he joined the L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) alongside his old comrade Blue Beetle and Nightshade, Sarge Steel, Captain Atom, and Judomaster during a disappearance of the Justice League of America, in order to stop Judomaster's former sidekick, Tiger, from conquering the world. On that mission, the Question would also first learn of the mysterious land of Nanda Parbat. He would also return to Hub City several times, and eventually got a bittersweet shock when he learned that Myra had finally moved on. Following the near-destruction of Gotham City after a major earthquake, the Question relocated to Gotham and teamed with the Huntress, with whom he had a short-lived affair. After years of dabbling with hallucinogens, meditation, and his mask-activating gas, The Question developed a shamanic awareness, in which he was able to interpret coincidences and thus "talk to the city". In this state, he was also able to sense chi, or life force. He became able to "walk in two worlds" for an increased awareness of his surroundings and of any disturbances in a city's natural order. This ability came in handy when Sage relocated to Metropolis and teamed up with Superman against Lex Luthor and the Psychopomp. Infinite Crisis During the events of the Infinite Crisis the Secret Society of Super-Villains coordinate a planet wide breakout of super-villains from every major prison. With the JLA otherwise occupied Oracle with the help of the telepathy of the Martian Manhunter is able to organize a group of second string vigilantes to oppose the escapees at each prison. The Question joins up with these heroes and when they make their way to Metropolis he is transported with the other heroes to fight in what would become the Battle of Metropolis. Following the events of the Infinite Crisis and Batman's disappearance, The Question returned to Gotham City to assume the role of its protector. His first act was removing the bat symbol sticker from the Bat-Signal and spray-painting a giant question mark in its place. This was not strictly an act of ego, however- he shone the light on Renee Montoya's apartment building in order to get her attention. Three days later, he entered Montoya's apartment and left her an address: 520 Kane Street. When Montoya visited the location, he hired her to watch an abandoned building located there for "two hundred dollars a day, plus expenses," and implied that it would be used by a third party. This mysterious behavior would lead to a partnership that would last nearly a year. Two weeks and one night later, the two teamed up against a strange creature who entered that building. The course of their investigations then led them to Kahndaq, where they investigated Intergang dealings and prevented a suicide bombing during Black Adam and Isis's wedding, an action that earned The Question the Order of the Crescent. After returning to Gotham City, the Question learned that he was suffering from lung cancer. Though Montoya immediately had Sage hospitalized and later took it upon herself to transport him to the Himalayan city of Nanda Parbat in the hope of using its mystical properties to save him, she was too late. After suffering through great discomfort and hardship, Victor Sage, The Question, passed away. During the Blackest Night crossover, Vic Sage is reanimated as a Black Lantern. He goes after Renee, Tot and Lady Shiva, who manage to elude him by suppressing their emotions, making them invisible to him. The Question's legacy lives on, however: Renee Montoya has been seen wearing the mask and garb of the Question in Gotham City, and, on an alternate version of Earth, a version of Vic Sage lives on. +This superhero's name is Qui-Gon Jinn. Their real name is . Qui-Gon Jinn was a male human born on the galactic capital of Coruscant.Identified as a Force-sensitive, he was taken for training by the Jedi Order and was assigned as a Padawan to Jedi Master Dooku, from whom he learned the ways of the Force.Jinn went on to become a Jedi Master in his own right, one who developed an independent attitude towards the Jedi Order. He was seen as a maverick Jedi, one who would disobey the Jedi Code if he felt it was the right decision. Jinn eventually took on a Padawan of his own, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who believed that Jinn could have been a member of the Jedi High Council if he followed the Code.On one occasion, Jinn and Kenobi were sent on an extended mission to the planet Mandalore, where a civil war had been raging between various Mandalorian factions. Jinn and his Padawan were assigned to protect Duchess Satine Kryze of the pacifistic New Mandalorians faction, who had become a target for insurgents. +This superhero's name is Quicksilver. Their real name is Pietro Django Maximoff. Pietro Maximoff was the son of the mutant called Magneto and the gypsy named Magda. Just prior to Pietro's birth, Magda fled from Magneto, terrified of the bizarre powers he suddenly manifested and his intentions of world domination. Seeking refuge in the scientific citadel of Wundagore in the Balkan Mountains of the tiny European nation of Transia, Magda was taken in by Bova, a humanoid cow evolved by the genetic engineer called the High Evolutionary. Magda gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, with Bova as her midwife, and named them Wanda and Pietro. Still afraid that her husband might find her and learn of the children, Magda left Bova a note explaining her fears and walked into the frozen mountain wilderness to perish. Feeling that it was not right to raise two seemingly normal babies amid the evolved animal-men of Wundagore, Bova was relieved when, several nights later, an American couple, Robert and Madeline Frank, also came to Wundagore seeking assistance. The Franks were former super heroes active during World War II known as the Whizzer and Miss America; Madeline was now pregnant and about to give birth. Bova intended to give the couple the days-old twins to raise along with their own newborn. Unfortunately, the couple's child was stillborn and Madeline died from complications in giving birth. Bova presented Robert Frank with the twins, claiming they were his own natural children, in the hope that it would assuage his grief. Instead, Frank fled from Wundagore upon hearing of his wife's death, nearly insane with grief. (Years later, the children would come to believe for a time that Frank was their natural father). Bova then presented the twins to her master, the High Evolutionary, who agreed to find foster human parents for them. He chose Django and Marya Maximoff, a gypsy couple camped nearby who had lost their own twin children, Ana and Mateo, during World War II. The Maximoffs accepted the strange gifts from the High Evolutionary and cared for the children as if they were their own. (Years later, the aging Django would mistakenly believe that Wanda and Pietro were his natural children Ana and Mateo). As adolescents, Wanda and Pietro discovered that they had unusual superhuman abilities. When Django began to steal food to feed his starving family, enraged villagers attacked the gypsy camp. Using his phenomenal speed, Pietro fled from the camp with his sister. The circumstances of their separation from their family were so traumatic that not until well into adulthood could they remember anything but the barest details of their childhood. For the next few years Wanda and Pietro wandered central Europe, living off the land. One day, Wanda accidentally caused a house to burst into flame through her hex powers, which she could not yet control. Superstitious townspeople began chasing her, thinking she was a witch. Despite Pietro's attempt to defend her, they were soon overpowered and were about to become victims of mob violence when Magneto came to their rescue. Unaware that he was their natural father, Magneto pressed them into service in his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, costumed them, and named them the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. For months they served Magneto out of a sense of obligation and fear of his reprisal. As members of the Brotherhood, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch aided Magneto in his terrorist campaigns against humanity and helped him combat the original members of the X-Men. Magneto did not realize Wanda and Pietro were his children, nor did they know he was their father. When Magneto was defeated by the overwhelming powers of the alien Stranger, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch quit the Brotherhood; the Stranger transported Magneto away from Earth, and the Maximoff twins returned to Transia. Pietro and Wanda sought refuge from The Avengers, a world-renowned team of super heroes. They were inducted along with Hawkeye to take the place of the charter members, who wished to take a leave of absence. This foursome was nicknamed "Cap's Kooky Quartet". At first it was looked upon as less capable than the previous roster, but defeating Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Doom, and other threats quickly proved their worth. Although the hot-tempered Quicksilver and Hawkeye often both rebelled against his orders, Avengers leader Captain America molded them into valuable team members. Humanity's suspicion of mutants still rankled Quicksilver, and he briefly rejoined Magneto after the latter returned to Earth, compelling his sister to come with him. Months after the X-Men and Avengers defeated Magneto, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch resumed their membership in the Avengers. Seriously injured during the Avengers' battle against the Sentinels, Quicksilver was taken to medical care by Crystal, a member of the royal family of the hidden race of Inhumans. Months passed before Quicksilver was well enough to contact his companions to tell them what had happened to him. During that time Quicksilver became romantically involved with Crystal, and the two married after a brief courtship. The wedding, held in the Inhumans' refuge of Attilan, then located in the Himalayan Mountains, was attended by the Inhumans, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four. Not long after the birth of his and Crystal's first child, Luna, Quicksilver learned the truth about his parentage. Magneto had stumbled upon Bova and learned from her that Wanda and Pietro were his children. Confronting Quicksilver and his sister in Attilan with this revelation, Magneto apparently hoped to sway his children to rejoin his crusade against humanity. But Quicksilver denounced Magneto for his callous treatment of them when they were members of his Brotherhood, and refused to believe he had changed his ways. A man of action, Quicksilver volunteered his services to the head of the Inhumans' small militia and became an officer. During the period of his service, however, the Inhumans had no call for military activity. Quicksilver's neglect of his wife led Crystal to become involved with another man. Learning of her infidelity, Quicksilver refused to forgive her and fled Attilan, vowing vengeance on her and all those he perceived as having wronged him. Unknown to anyone, however, Crystal's malevolent cousin Maximus was manipulating Quicksilver's mind, fanning Quicksilver's anger at Crystal into a rage directed against his former colleagues in the Avengers. Quicksilver framed the Avengers for treason, thereby turning the federal government against them until they cleared their names. Quicksilver also led the members of the android version of the criminal organization Zodiac against the Avengers, fought the Fantastic Four, and joined forces with various Soviet-era Communist operatives against the Avengers' West Coast division. Eventually Maximus' control over Quicksilver's mind lapsed and Pietro ended his criminal ways. The Inhumans' monarch Black Bolt commanded that the reluctant Quicksilver reconcile with Crystal. Their initial attempts failed. Quicksilver unofficially joined the Avengers' West Coast branch for a time. Eventually Crystal took Luna to Earth and joined the Avengers, and Quicksilver shortly afterwords became a special operative of the United States government as part of its new, Havok-led version of X-Factor. Quicksilver and Crystal again attempted a reconciliation, and this time they were successful. Quicksilver left X-Factor and again became affiliated with his wife's team, the Avengers. However, their happiness was short-lived, because Crystal seemingly perished in the Avengers' battle against Onslaught. In actuality she, along with many other members of the Avengers, had been transported to an alternate reality. During her absence, the High Evolutionary asked Quicksilver to become the leader of a small band of his Knights of Wundagore, animals that the geneticist had endowed with human intelligence and humanoid forms. Quicksilver accepted and for a time led the Knights in battles against injustice. Quicksilver and Crystal were happily reunited after she and the other missing Avengers finally returned to their native Earth. During the events of House of M after Layla Miller had used her powers to make numerous heroes see that the reality was false they all believe that it was Magneto's doing. Upon arriving at Genosha they found out that it was Quicksilver who persuaded the Scarlet Witch into changing the reality. Magneto killed Pietro in a rage after discovering what his son had done in his name. Wanda subsequently revived her brother, and out of spite reduced the world's powered mutant population to a mere fraction of its former size. Quicksilver is one of the mutants who have lost their powers. As a result, Pietro fell into a deep depression over his loss of powers and betrayal of mutant-kind. When an angry Spider-Man confronted Quicksilver (angry with the fact that he still has memories of being married to Gwen Stacy and having a child together from the House of M reality), Quicksilver jumped off a roof, seriously injuring himself and possibly breaking his spine. Crystal, whom Quicksilver had tried to contact earlier, teleported in to find her ex-husband lying hurt, and attacked Spider-Man, until Quicksilver told her that he had jumped off the roof. Crystal teleported him to the Inhumans for medical attention, believing he had become suicidal upon the loss of his powers and unaware of his true connection to the events. After treatment by an Inhuman healer, Quicksilver woke up and was reunited with his daughter Luna. Deciding that he could not stand life as a human, Pietro asked Black Bolt for permission to undergo Terrigenesis. Quicksilver's request was denied since he was of human blood, and Terrigenesis was reserved only for those of pure Inhuman stock to decrease the chance of a detrimental mutation. Luna introduced Quicksilver to a "communicator" who told Pietro much about the process of Terrigenesis, leading to Quicksilver breaking into the sacred Terrigen Caves and knocking out a guard so he could dive into the misty waters inside. Quicksilver returned to his room, thinking that the exposure had no effect on him, only to be greeted by an older looking Quicksilver. The older Quicksilver explained the nature of his new powers, and of the plan that came to pass. Quicksilver began working with his older selves to set forward a plan to take the Terrigen Crystals back to Earth and restore the mutant population. He set about gaining Luna's loyalties, and promised to bring her to Earth with him, as well as learn of Lockjaw's loyalties to Luna. Eventually, Quicksilver managed to get a container full of Terrigen Crystals to the past, and used Lockjaw to take him and Luna back to his apartment in New York. Luna instructed Lockjaw not to let Crystal find them before he headed back to the Inhumans. Quicksilver explained the basis of his plan concerning the Terrigen Crystals, and told her he was going to give back her birthright and exposed her to his Terrigen Mist, giving her the ability to "see" souls and emotions. After gaining some funds by jumping to the future and using winning lottery numbers, he then traveled to Genosha and convinced Callisto to sample some of the Terrigen Mist herself, which promptly restored her heightened senses to the ultimate degree. Quicksilver told Callisto to gather up the remaining depowered mutants so that he could restore their powers. Callisto went to find other depowered mutants, and it began to rain, which caused her intense pain, as each rain drop felt like a hot burning needle. Each sense was amped to levels not able for her to withstand, such as feeling her fingernails grow or listening to millions of insects underneath the ground. However, Magneto came across her, and confronted her about who had done this to her, and he was told that it was his son's doing. Nevertheless Quicksilver continued his "mission", re-powering the rest of Genosha's mutants. Confronted by Magneto, who verbally assaulted him showing to the other mutants the unconscious Callisto as proof (in fact her growing pain had sent her in a comatose state). In retaliation Quicksilver used his new-found power to pummel Magneto with the aid of two "temporal dupes", and only the sight of his crying daughter stopped him from killing his own father, blaming him for having never acknowledging his presence and his love for him. After a brief encounter with the Inhumans, U.S. government agents shot Quicksilver with a tranquilizer dart in an attempt to immobilize him. What they really sought, however, was the tank of Terrigen Mist. In an attempt to save his daughter, Pietro ordered Lockjaw to teleport her away from Genosha. This proved a fortuitous move. Despite a warning by the Inhumans to return the tank, the agents attempted to escape with their newly acquired cargo. Left to deal with the situation on his own, Black Bolt whispered the word "war," preventing the agents from escaping and causing massive destruction to the surrounding area. As a result, this action was taken as a sign of open conflict between the Inhumans and the U.S. government. After escaping from the battle on Genosha, Quicksilver bathed himself in the Terrigen Mists for what seemed to be weeks on end, going so far as to absorb the crystals into his own body. He used the Terrigen Crystals to travel farther into the future than ever before, and upon his return spoke of a monstrous disaster yet to come. Learning he gained the power to restore the super-human abilities of former mutants, Pietro "cured" a man on the street who turned out to be the villain known as Reaper. As he walked away, Quicksilver appeared more mentally unstable than ever before as he chose to accept the destruction that lay ahead. Pietro was later arrested for vagrancy, but he regained his powers after suffering through many hallucinations which eventually indicated that the terrigenesis crystals had run their course through his body. Upon seeing a young woman in danger from his cell, he used his powers to break out of the prison and save her after she was thrown off a building. He left her at a lighthouse on Rhode Island with a man and his child who likely did not have a mother. He rediscovered his desire to be a hero and happily ran off with a fresh start. After these events, Pietro obtained a new costume and rejoined the Knights of Wundagore serving as a scout and gathering intelligence but was later captured by Modred. The sorcerer transferred his consciousness into Cython's spell book while transferring Cython's consciousness into Pietro's body. Cython was eventually thwarted by Hank Pym and his new Mighty Avengers and Pietro was returned to his body with the help of the new Vision (Jonas). He was initially declined Avengers' membership offered by Hank Pym (now the Wasp), but he changed his mind after seeing his sister, the Scarlet Witch in their ranks-unbeknown to him and most of the Mighty Avengers, it was really a disguised Loki. Pietro chased after the Mighty Avengers hoping to catch them and reinstate their offer, but Hank declined because of his former teammate's initial response. Wanting to prove himself, the speedster continued to chase the group's activities persistently aiding them on multiple missions in which Pym and the Avengers gratefully accepted him. Pietro participated in all of the team's missions hoping to speak with his sibling but met with no success. After opposing the powerful Inhuman known as "the Unspoken" Pietro recovered the remaining Terrigenesis crystals returning them to the Inhumans and clearing his name of criminal charges through a lie that a Skrull committed all of his felonies during the Secret Invasion events. While the Wasp (Pym) and Jarvis know the truth behind his deception, both have kept it secret and want him to continue on his road to redemption. Their views however, are not shared by Pietro's daughter Luna; while she keeps the truth secret out of love for her father, she will never forgive him for his past actions and may never see him as the man he is trying to revive. +This superhero's name is Quill. Their real name is Maxwell Jordan. The ever-optimistic Maxwell Jordan was among the first intake of students to attend the rebuilt Xavier Institute and was placed on the Corsairs, a squad mentored by co-headmaster Cyclops. An average student as a result of his unofficial status as "class clown," Jordan hoped to make up his grades by joining two other students in stealing a copy of a computer science test. Caught in the act by Kitty Pryde, Jordan and his accomplices were forced to spend a day with former professional thief Gambit in the hopes that they would learn from his seeming reformation. However, Gambit involved them in his attempt to reclaim a surveillance video that placed him in a compromising position, teaching them thieving techniques that allowed them to obtain it for him. This has inspired Jordan to become a professional thief, although whether this was just youthful folly has yet to be determined. Quill was one of the few students who had retained his powers after M-Day. He continued to stay and learn at the Institute, but the squad system had been disbanded. During the attack on the Mansion by Reverend William Stryker, Quill met his fate and died. +This superhero's name is Rachel Pirzad. Their real name is . Rachel Pizad is a pretty, timid girl in her early twenties, sheltered from society by her protective parents. Rachel is that of a "synesthete", which allows her to enhance one sense while rendering her remaining senses temporarily useless—often leaving her vulnerable to danger. +This superhero's name is Ragman (CW). Their real name is Rory Regan. Rory Regan is a former vigilante who initially sought revenge for the destruction of his home, Havenrock, of which he was the sole survivor. However, the Green Arrow convinced him to cease his crusade and use his powers for good. For some time, he operated as a member of Team Arrow, using mystical rags of the Devarim to fuel his magic, operating under the codename Ragman, as suggested by Rene Ramirez. After absorbing a nuclear explosion, the rags seemed to stop working, causing Rory to leave the team until he can restore his bond with the rags. Retiring from vigilantism, he turned towards helping the disenfranchised in other ways, before being hunted by the mask-hunter Chimera, leaving his ultimate fate unknown. +This superhero's name is Ragnarok. Their real name is Ragnarok. In the comics, Ragnarok was created by Tony Stark as a clone of Thor, but proved unstable and became villainous. He is infamous for the murder of Black Goliath. +This superhero's name is Raiden. Their real name is Jack. Early life and career Jack was born on a rainy day in Liberia. During his youth, in the turbulent period that was the First Liberian Civil War, Jack was adopted by Solidus Snake, who named him and became his godfather after he killed the former's parents. Jack was subsequently raised as a child soldier and later fought in the country's Civil War in 1989. He and other children were shown Hollywood action films daily for "image training," and were given food mixed with gunpowder containing toluene to make them more controllable. Jack and the other members of the Small Boy Unit were forced to kill POWs and civilians. On one occasion, Jack was injected with an unknown substance during a physician's experiment. On another, Jack witnessed Solidus demonstrate to him that blades were a "noble weapon" compared to guns, by slitting another soldier's throat in front of him. Under Solidus, Jack became a killing machine, known alternately as the "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper" due to his incredibly high kill rate compared to other boys his age, as well as a reference to his being one of the few Caucasians born in Liberia. Armed with a gun at the age of six, he would later remember it as an AK rifle, as well as a knife, he proved to be a superior soldier, rising to become captain of the Small Boy Unit at ten. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, was another reason for his "Ripper" nickname. After the war ended, Solidus had Jack placed in a relief center. The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Eventually, without Solidus' knowledge, he was later removed by a non-governmental organization and taken to the United States. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counseling before becoming at least outwardly stable. There, Jack came into the hands of the Patriots, who implanted his cerebral cortex with a high concentration of nanomachines, in order to have him function as a back-up system for an optic-neuro AI. The Patriots chose him out of the other child soldiers in his unit because unlike the others, who would live up to their pasts and pay dearly for it, Jack did not accept his past and hated it. The same nanomachines were also capable of memory manipulation by connecting or stimulating synapses, primarily nerve sections in the dormant part of the brain. In addition, Jack was not listed under any of the United States databases (e.g. the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.) Jack would grow up to suppress the memories about his terrible childhood, burying the memories of his bloody past, though he still suffered from nightmares of his past nearly every night. Now living a life in the United States, Jack joined the military where his admirable skills were at first recognized by the U.S. Army's Task Force XXI. From there he participated in over three hundred VR simulations, including re-creations of the Shadow Moses Incident and the Tanker Incident. He had eventually left the Force XXI group by January 20, 2007. On April 30, 2007, Jack met Rosemary after transferring to Fort Hamilton in New York City and had an argument about King Kong. After they parted ways, they met again afterward, shocked that they worked in the same place. Eventually, Jack grew to love Rose deeply, but his harsh experiences had left him melancholic and emotionally distant, and he constantly shut her out of his problems. In large part because of his PTSD-induced nightmares, he also refused to sleep next to Rose out of fear of hurting her. Most times when they did get together, he either stayed awake all night or otherwise left Rose's place, and he wouldn't let her in his bedroom. This eventually culminated in Rose entering his room without his permission, which was devoid of any personal objects save for a bed and a desk. However, all of this drama was a ruse by the Patriots to gain more control over Jack's life, with Rosemary acting as a spy. Sometime prior to the Big Shell Incident, Jack was recruited into the supposedly reformed FOXHOUND, a special forces unit that no longer officially existed. One of his training sessions at FOXHOUND was at Fort Polk, within a mock Afghan village. +This superhero's name is Rainbow Rider. Their real name is Roy G. Bivolo. Roy G. Bivolo was a daltonic kid whose parents got him special glasses to percieve colors. Even though these didn't work, they allowed him to manipulate people's emotions with beams of different colors. He used this power for crime and became an enemy of The Flash. +This superhero's name is Rambo. Their real name is John Rambo. Originally born July 6, 1947 in Bowie, Arizona, John J. Rambo was drafted into the United States Army on August 6, 1964. The specific training which he endured was known as the Green Beret program. These men were taught to ignore pain and kill without hesitation. To them, everything was a mission. John Rambo excelled in this program and gained many specialty skills from it. Such skills included foreign language expertise, vehicular and weapons mastery, and more. At the end of his training, John had become a true killing machine. While in the warzone, John Rambo was captured by the Viet Cong. Held captive, he was torured beyond measure. One symbol that he bears is a large scar across his chest from the blade of one of his captors. Eventually, he escaped. When he returned to the United States, he was one of the most decorated officers of the war. John J. Rambo returned with two Silver Stars, four Bronze Stars, four Purple Hearts, the Distinguished Service Cross, and the Medal of Honor. +This superhero's name is Raphael (TMNT 2012). Their real name is Raphael. Raphael and his four brothers were just ordinary turtles when they were adopted at a pet store by Hamato Yoshi. On his way back from the pet store he witnessed a burglary in progress, were he thought more to investigate, as he got closer he was exposed by an alarming rat, he tryed to defend himself, and in all the confusion he and his pet turtles were covered by Ooz (Mutagen). We’re the turtles were mutated into four humanistic turtles, and he was mutated into a humanistic rat. +This superhero's name is Ra's Al Ghul (CW). Their real name is Unknown. "Ra's al Ghul" (Arabic: رأس الغول Raʾs al-Ġūl; for Demon's Head) (before 1854—May 13, 2015) was the title of an otherwise unidentified man who was the leader of the League of Assassins. He had inherited the title from a predecessor. He was also the husband of a late unnamed woman, the father of a late unnamed boy, a late unnamed girl, Nyssa al Ghul, and Talia al Ghul, the former mentor of Oliver Queen, and the former best friend and nemesis of Damien Darhk. Once, when Sara Lance was murdered, Ra's captured Oliver Queen and brought before him, informing him that unless he found Sara Lance's killer in 48 hours, he and his assassins would begin murdering innocent people. When the time had run out, Oliver returned, falsely informing Ra's that he had killed, because she herself had pleaded to die. By the law of the league, Oliver challenged Ra's to a trial by combat, which was accepted. The two met within the neutral combat area, the top of a mountain, shortly afterwards. Soon enough, they engaged in combat, which swiftly resulted in Oliver's defeat. Oliver was impaled through the chest, and pushed over the edge of a cliff, seemingly to his death. Turned out, Oliver hadn't died and he tried to stop Ra's from proceeding his plan. Ra's was killed in a battle with Oliver and The Demon's head title passed to Malcolm Merlyn +This superhero's name is Ra's Al Ghul (Dark Knight). Their real name is Ra's Al Ghul. Originating from an ancient part of the Arabian world, the man who would later be known as Ra's al Ghul served a skilled mercenary under a powerful warlord, eventually falling in love with and secretly marrying the warlord's beautiful daughter. Out of a sense of dishonor, the warlord had the mercenary condemned to a nearby hellish prison known as the Pit, a place the mercenary developed a fear of as a child due to the demons rumored to torture the prisoners already in it, but exiled him instead. The mercenary understood that this was because his wife secured his release, but unbeknownst to him, the true price of his freedom was that she and their unborn daughter Talia had to take his place in the Pit, where the other inmates eventually attacked and murdered the mother when the prison doctor forgot to lock the door to their cell. Traveling to Bhutan, Ra's then joined the League of Shadows and rose through the ranks quickly until he became the League's leader. When the time came for his fear to be conquered, Talia came along after spending the early years of her life locked up in the Pit with her mother, having just escaped with the assistance of a fellow prisoner called Bane, and brought her father back to enact vengeance. There, he rescued Bane, who was badly mutilated by the other prisoners for aiding Talia's escape. The League took both Bane and Talia in to begin their training in the martial arts, but due to the constant reminder of the fate his wife suffered, Ra's excommunicated Bane. It was for this reason that caused Talia to have resentment towards her father until his death. +This superhero's name is Ra's Al Ghul. Their real name is Ra's Al Ghul. Ra’s al Ghul was born 700 years ago in a tribe of nomads in one of the Arabian deserts. When Ra’s was young, he became fascinated with science, but due to his nomad tribe, he was unable to study. Ra’s decided to leave his tribe and move to the city where he could study science. He became a physician and then quickly married the love of his life, Sora. Later, Ra’s discovered the secret lair of the Lazarus Pit. When a sadistic prince was dying (Ra’s did not know he was sadistic) Ra's tried to save him by putting him in the Lazarus Pit. When he emerged from the Lazarus Pit, it caused him to go completely insane and the prince would proceed to strangle Sora and killed her in the process. Later, the King would convict Ra’s for doing something to his son and sentences him to a slow and torturing death in a cage with his wife’s corpse. Ra’s was eventually set free by a son of an old woman; he tries to save the dying woman but was unsuccessful. Ra’s was devastated with what had happened to him and his wife. He decides to take the son of the old woman and they went to the tribe that Ra’s was born from. At the tribe, Ra’s asked his uncle, who was the leader of the tribe, to help him and guaranteed the fall of the King. His uncle would agree and they began plotting against the King. Ra’s was extremely knowledgeable with germ theory of disease. His knowledge on it was far more advanced then anyone of that time. With that knowledge, Ra’s would contaminate some fabrics and sent it to the prince. The prince became sick and the king would seek Ra’s for a cure. Ra’s denied him and killed both the king and prince. He sends the tribe into the kingdom and they proceed to kill everyone inside it. Right afterward, Ra’s would declare himself the “Demon's Head”. Ra’s also has a daughter named Talia. He met a woman that was mixed Chinese and Arab at Woodstock, after that Talia was born. Ra’s began to travel the world. Ra’s, his uncle, and that boy were all using the Lazarus Pits to continue living. While in London, Ra’s catches the boy writing about the Lazarus Pits and about his whole life in their language. Ra’s engages in a fight with him to stop him from writing any more and kills him in the end. Ra’s became weak after the battle and had to get to the Lazarus Pits to help revive him. When he returns to London, he discovers that his uncle had stolen all his historical records. Ra’s continues his journey and eventually becomes a master martial artist, and also became a great fencer. He also gains a mass amount of wealth through time and starts creating organizations to rid the world of crime; his first was called The Demon. The League of Assassins is a branch organization of The Demon. Ra’s is an eco-terrorist and his purpose with the League of Assassins is to eliminate all evil in the world. He concludes that the only way to do so is to destroy all of humanity and start all over. This gives him run-ins with the superhero community, especially Batman. Ra’s has had many plans over the years that tried to destroy the world. One includes his organization unleashing a virus called Elbola into Gotham City. He had also allied with Bane and also thought of Bane as a possible heir, however, Talia disliked Bane’s brutish criminal personality. Ra’s has also beaten the entire JLA before when he discovered Batman’s notes on how to take down every single hero. He is defeated but was able to get Batman kicked out of the JLA. When Talia began falling in love with Batman, Ra's began to consider Batman as a possible heir for his organization. Ra's decides that he must find out the identity of Batman and was able to deduce only a rich man would be able to buy the equipment Batman uses. He learns that it is Bruce Wayne and was able to locate the Batcave. Ra’s went to the Batcave seeking Batman’s help to save his daughter and Robin who were kidnapped by a mysterious stranger. After Batman realizes that it was all an elaborate plan by Ra’s, Ra’s then proceeds to tell Batman that he passed the test. Ra’s then offers Batman to become the new heir but is denied by Batman stating that his plan is genocide and will not be a part of it. After Batman’s decline to join Ra’s, he made Batman his mortal enemy for life for defending a corrupt world. While Ra’s was traveling in Russia during the 18th century, Ra’s had another child by the name of Nyssa Raatko. Her mother told her romantic stories about her father and it made Nyssa determined to find her father. She eventually was able to locate his headquarters in North Africa. Ra’s is impressed with everything about her and especially since she was able to locate him, he offers her a high position in his organization which she accepts. Ra’s would reveal the Lazarus Pits to Nyssa, which later she would be able to make the Pits reusable. Eventually, Nyssa began to disagree with Ra’s ideals and decides to leave the organization. Ra’s thought that she would someday return with children to take over his organization, but she declined and Ra’s would disown her. During World War II, Ra’s had allied himself with the Nazis, while Nyssa and her family had been taken into a concentration camp. Ra’s has abandoned her in the camp where she was tortured and her whole family was killed. After her father abandoned her at the concentration camp, she began plotting against him. Nyssa would later befriend her half-sister, Talia, but actually kidnaps her and brainwashes her. Nyssa planned to assassinate Superman to destroy all hope in the world, but is stopped by Batman. However, Nyssa was able to badly wound her father. As Ra’s laid there dying, he reveals that this was all a part of his plan. Since his daughters both did not like his ideals and what he has done, he showed them that he is correct with his death. It worked since Talia and Nyssa now became the head of The Demons and the League of Assassins. Talia tells Batman that she no longer loves him, and Nyssa finishes Ra’s by stabbing him in the heart. They declared war on Batman, and later Batman would have Ra’s body cremated so he does not return. Talia takes her son, Damian, to Australia to be told about Ra's' history by his servant White Ghost. However the Ghost attempts to use Damian's body as a host for Ra's' return. This plan was stopped by Batman who defeated the Ghost. White Ghost meets his end when he accidentally fell into a Lazarus pit. Ra's' had recently come back to life in a new body. However, his host betrayed him and poisoned himself with radiation, and he needed a new body. He had chosen Damian, but Damian had refused and was going to inform his father of Ra's' return. Ra's is also trying to take back control of the League of Assassins from the Sensei. He kidnapped Robin and Damian and intends to force Batman into choosing which one will be his new host. In the end, Ra's al Ghul has no choice but to accept the offer from his son, White Ghost. Ra's is now reborn in a somewhat inferior body. He soon arrives in Gotham and tells Batman he is setting up his base of operations there. Batman quickly discovers where Ra's al Ghul is. They fight with Batman telling him it is "over forever". In disguise, Batman transfers him to Arkham Asylum under the identity of "Terry Gene Kase". He tells Arkham that he has multiple personality disorder. His files say he's claimed to be Superman, Jesus, and even the "billionaire leader of a cabal of international assassins". He is being kept heavily sedated. It is Batman's hopes that he will rot there for decades. Recently, Ra's was able to escape Arkham, though the exact specifics remain unknown. Returning to take control as the Demon's Head he steered clear of Gotham, until rumors of the Detective's death reached him after Final Crisis. Using his contacts he began spying on members of the " Bat Family" and superhero community, whose action's validate the rumor's to him. Wanting both to have absolute proof, and also attempting to push Dick Grayson along the same path as Bruce, he sends a group of ninja's to the manor to bring Dick to him. Not at all to his surprise, Dick manages to defeat all of his henchmen, and after a brief conversation the two reach an accord. Ra's waits for Dick to arrive at his base for their meeting, showing that their are none of his Acolytes for over a 25 mile radius, just as Dick failed to bring any of his Superhero cohorts. Ra's confronts Dick about both his choices during the events of his resurrection, and the recent loss of Bruce. As Dick gets angry and is about to leave, Ra's tosses him one of a pair of blades used by himself and the Detective in a previous duel. He proceeds to duel Dick, both raging about his own feelings on Bruce's loss, and pushing Dick closer towards taking up the mantle of his father, and forging a new Detective. Dick is able to defeat Ra's, to his apparent pleasure, and Ra's offers him the blade used as a keep-sake, explaining their history. When Dick refuses, and tells Ra's to keep it as a reminder that they will cross path's again, Ra's feels his plan is complete. He has one of his minions deliver the sword to the cave, having it waiting for Dick, the new Detective, upon his return. In addition to Dick, Ra's also makes contact with Tim Drake who is now using the identity of Red Robin as he travels through Europe searching for proof that Bruce is alive and lost in time. Ra's offers Tim the resources of the League of Assassins in his quest, as well as a team of assassins to assist and eliminate any threat to Tim's life and Tim accepts, finding the proof that he's looking for in the Iraq desert. However Ra's has come under attack from a rival organisation called the Council of Spiders and his people are being assassinated, and Tim nearly dies in one of these attacks before being brought to a League facility in Istanbul called the Cradle. Ra's makes Tim the leader of an effort to eliminante the Council of Spiders and Tim complies only to gain access to Ra's database and destroy all of the League's bases across the world, causing Ra's to declare revenge on Tim, vowing to destroy Bruce Wayne's legacy just as Tim has destroyed his own. Now established in Gotham, Ra's phones Tim to tell him that he has sent assassins to kill Dick and Damian, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle, Oracle, Vicky Vale, Jim Gordon, Lucius Fox and Julie Madison, but Tim has his friends from both the Batman family and Teen Titans to defend all of Ra's targets before confronting Ra's at his Gotham base. Ra's engages Tim in a brutal duel but Tim reveals he never intended to win the fight, realising that Ra's secondary goal was to transfer all of Bruce Wayne's financial interests to himself by threatening Hush, and using those funds to restore his League of Assassins. Tim says that all he needed was to buy himself time for Lucius Fox to transfer controlling interest of Wayne Enterprises to Tim as Bruce's named heir and thereby protect Bruce's legacy, since Lucius had suspected Hush's goal was to bankrupt Wayne Enterprises. Calling Tim the 'Detective', a title he has only ever bestowed on Bruce, Ra's kicks Tim out of the penthouse window before retreating to an unknown location where he talks with an unknown woman, stating that Tim surpassed every one of his expectations and that he would 'produce a worthy heir', indicating that he considers Tim the equal of Bruce Wayne. During the events of Road Home, Ra's Al Ghul turned out to be the mastermind behind all of the attacks on Vicki Vale's life! From a series of events, Vicki Vale collected information on all of the members of the Bat-Family! What she didn't have was evidence to prove that different citizens (for example Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Barbara Gordon) were different heroes (or used to be heroes) in Gotham City. When Ra's found out that Vicki was going to expose Batman's identity, he quickly got a team of assassins, mercenaries, and Ninjas to kill Vicki Vale. Ra's didn't want to draw battle with Bruce's friends and family, Ra's just wanted to protect the kingdom (or legacy) that Bruce Wayne has created over the years. When all of his soldiers failed to kill Vicki Vale, Ra's Al Ghul decided to combat Vicki Vale himself! Insider (Bruce Wayne) jumped in between them and revealed to Vicki Vale that he was Batman (Insider at the time) all along. Ra's Al Ghul dropped the charges on Vicki Vale's life, and told Bruce Wayne that the next time they meet, they will be enemies. +This superhero's name is Raven (Titans). Their real name is Rachel Roth. Rachel Roth (born 2005), also known as the Raven, is a teenage girl possessing mysterious demonic powers inherited from her father, Trigon. Reeling from her adoptive mother's murder, Rachel was pursed by mysterious operatives hell-bent on reuniting her with her demonic father. She learns that Trigon’s intention is to come to Earth and destroy the world - and that she’s supposed to create the portal for his return. Rachel hopes to contain the darkness inside of her and learn to relate to people. +This superhero's name is Rawhide Kid. Their real name is Johnny Bart. In the 1800s, Johnny Bart was an orphan who was raised by Ben Bart, a Texas Ranger with a ranch outside Rawhide, Texas. After Ben was shot in the back during a duel, Johnny avenged his death by turning the killers to justice and decided to use his gun-fighting prowess to fight evildoers throughout the West, calling himself Rawhide Kid after the town where everything began. +This superhero's name is Ray. Their real name is Ray. As a teenager, Ray was very poor, wearing ragged clothes and going door to door selling custom made weapons to make a living for himself. At some point, he discovered his powers and became the Elemental Master of Fire. One night, Ray and Master Wu were searching for samurai bandits, but when he spotted the silhouettes of scarecrows, he mistook them for the bandits and sprung into battle. The next morning, he was forced to apologize to the farmers that owned the scarecrows for his mistake. Ray fought alongside Wu and Garmadon in many battles. Like his son, Kai, he was headstrong and reckless, but a skilled fighter and a loyal ally. Ray eventually became one of Master Wu's most trusted friends. Following the end of the Serpentine War, the Time Twins went rogue and tried to take over Ninjago. Wu got an idea and commissioned Ray and his wife into building blades made of Chronosteel which would absorb their enemies' powers. The crafting exhausted Ray and Maya but they soon completed the weapons and rested while the rest of the Elemental Masters defeated the twins. After the events of the Serpentine War and the event with the Time Twins, he fathered Kai and Nya with his wife, Maya. His element of Fire was inherited by Kai. Later on, Wu wanted Ray to become a Ninja, though he declined to stay at home with his wife to take care of their children and work at Four Weapons Blacksmith. As such, the old master entrusted him with the map to the Golden Weapons, made in the event of Wu's demise to ensure that the powerful artifacts could be retrieved in times of darkness. Sometime later, he and his wife befriended a man named Dr. Sander Saunders, who became very close to them. However, the man revealed himself to be Krux; he wanted revenge for their contributing in his loss of his powers and his brother being lost in time. Krux threatened to harm a young Kai and Nya if his demands weren't met. As a result, Ray and his wife were forced into Krux's services and separated from their children. Following their disappearance, Kai and Nya became the new owners of his blacksmith shop. +This superhero's name is Razor-Fist II. Their real name is Douglas Scott. Little has yet been revealed about the man calling himself Razorfist and his origina in unknown. He worked as a hired killer and enforcer for Mr. Roche, the supreme crime-lord of the island nation of Madripoor. The mutant adventurer Wolverine (then operating under the name Patch) interfered with one of Mr. Roche's attempts to assassinate Tyger, a competitor crime-lord. Roche had Razorfist punish the incompetent assassins and then kill Wolverine. Although Razorfist encountered the mutant, Wolverine defeated Razorfist and continued on his way. +This superhero's name is Reactron. Their real name is Ben Krullen. +This superhero's name is Red Arrow. Their real name is Roy Harper. Red Arrow is the current superhero identity of Roy Harper, Green Arrow's adopted son and former sidekick. He has also been known as Speedy and Arsenal during his long career. Though Red Arrow has no superpowers, his accuracy with projectiles is equaled only by his mentor. The boy who would become Red Arrow was born Roy Harper, Jr.- the son of a forest ranger. Harper's mother died while he was an infant, and Roy, Sr. raised the child on his own for some time. Unfortunately, Roy, Sr. died while saving members of a Navajo reservation during a major fire when his son was barely two years old. The shaman of the reservation, Brave Bow, raised young Harper in gratitude for Roy, Sr.'s sacrifice. Under Brave Bow's care Roy Harper was raised as a traditional Navajo and treated as a member of the tribe. Brave Bow recognized in Harper an early talent for archery, and he was trained in that skill throughout his time on the reservation. With few friends and a lot of time on his hands, Harper practiced extensively, eventually developing the skill of someone twice his age. After Green Arrow's public debut, Harper developed an immediate hero worship and followed the hero's exploits avidly. When Green Arrow visited the reservation in order to judge an archery contest Harper was participating in, eager Roy did his best to impress his hero, and succeeded in doing so. However, in the final elimination of the tournament Harper was given a magnetized arrow and missed his last shot. When he helped to stop a robber by quickly drawing and firing an arrow, Green Arrow noted that Harper had been "speedier" than he, and offered to take Roy in as his ward. Though publicly the two were known as Oliver Queen and Roy Harper, benefactor and foster child, in private Queen trained Harper to be his partner in crime. Roy Harper was extensively drilled in the use of both standard arrows and the trick arrows that Green Arrow had created for use in crimefighting, and when Green Arrow judged him to be sufficiently skilled, he was presented with his own costume and the super-heroic identity of "Speedy." Shortly afterward, Brave Bow died, and Oliver Queen/Green Arrow became the only father figure in Roy Harper's life. As Speedy, Harper assisted his mentor during many of his cases. Just as Green Arrow had become a member of the Justice League of America, so did Speedy find his own colleagues when he joined Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Wonder Girl to become the Teen Titans. While serving with the Titans, he and Wonder Girl (aka Donna Troy) began a semi-serious teenage relationship that later developed into a close friendship. After his stint with the Titans, several events occurred that made Speedy feel increasingly rootless and abandoned. His relationship with Donna Troy failed to progress past the "teenage sweetheart" stage, the Teen Titans disbanded, and Ollie Queen, the closest thing Harper had to a father, lost much of his fortune and abandoned him to travel America with Hal Jordan (the Green Lantern of Earth) and Queen's girlfriend, the Black Canary. Increasingly alone and extremely depressed, Harper developed a heroin addiction. When Green Arrow discovered his addiction, rather than give Harper support or comfort, Ollie punched him and kicked him out, leaving him homeless. He was later found by Jordan, and with the help of Black Canary and others, Harper quit cold turkey. Though Harper quit drugs entirely, partly in order to prove his strength to Ollie Queen, the latter's actions had already driven a rift between the two that would take years to heal. Harper worked as a counselor for teens with drug problems following his recovery, while continuing to pursue a solo career as Speedy. He also joined a re-formed Teen Titans for a time, but the team once again disbanded and Speedy was left on his own. While counseling teenagers and working as a superhero, Harper's obvious skills as well as his personal connection to the drug underground attracted the attention of the Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI), a clandestine government agency largely concerned with drug trafficking and terrorism. The CBI, led by Sarge Steel, trained Harper in undercover work, as well as the use of firearms (Harper learned he was as accurate with a gun as he was with a bow and arrow.) Harper became an official CBI drug enforcement agent. On one undercover assignment, Harper was tasked with the job of gaining the trust of the sociopathic mercenary Cheshire. Though Harper was meant to eventually turn Cheshire over to the authorities, the two fell in love and had an affair. Harper could not bring himself to Cheshire in, but he was concerned that his continued presence would endanger her. That worry combined with his growing misgivings over Cheshire's disregard for life caused Harper to abandon her, unaware that she was pregnant with his child. When Harper eventually learned that he was the father of Cheshire's daughter, Lian, he teamed up with his old friend Nightwing (formerly known as Robin) to track down Cheshire and prevent her from assassinating a group of diplomats. Speedy was captured by Cheshire but rescued by Nightwing, who brought the baby with him. Cheshire left Lian in Harper's care, and Roy assumed the duties of a single father. No longer a member of the CBI or the Titans, and still estranged from Oliver Queen, Harper struggled for some time to find his place in the world. For a time, he relocated to Los Angeles, where he attempted a career as a private investigator. Though he assisted the latest incarnation of the Titans on several occasions, he declined to rejoin as a full member. Eventually, he resumed his working relationship with the CBI and then its successor organization Checkmate. During this time, Speedy's old friends in the Titans were going through a crisis of their own. After being hunted by the Wildebeest Society, led by Jericho, the team had been shattered and reformed. The Titans Tower, their headquarters, was destroyed, and the Titans were rootless and mistrusted by the American government. After making a deal with harper's employer, Sarge Steel, to become officially supervised and sanctioned by the US Government, Nightwing voluntarily stepped down as leader. The obvious choice to fill the vacuum was Roy Harper, who had connections to both the Titans and the Federal government. Availing himself of Steve Dayton's technology, Harper decided at this point to abandon his identity as Speedy and become Arsenal. Now no longer simply using a bow and arrows, Arsenal's high-tech costume gave him several devices to use for crimefighting. He would soon abandon his original Arsenal costume in favor of a more streamlined one, but retained his new codename and leadership of the Titans. Unfortunately, the team suffered from a lack of commitment from its various members, and was dissolved yet again. Arsenal took this opportunity to re-open a dialog with his mentor, Green Arrow. The two managed to forgive one another and bury their past differences, but the reconciliation was short-lived, as Oliver Queen died in an airplane explosion shortly afterward. Soon, yet another team of Teen Titans emerged. This group consisted of a teen-aged Atom (de-aged by events in Zero Hour) and new heroes Argent, Risk, Joto, and Prysm. The team was funded by Loren Jupiter, once the benefactor of the original Teen Titans that Harper has been a member of. Jupiter gathered together the original Titans (now going by the aliases of Nightwing, Tempest, Flash, and Arsenal) to combat the threat of his bitter, super-powered son Jarrod Jupiter (Haze). New and old Titans joined forces to defeat Haze, but at a price; Joto apparently lost his life, and Arsenal felt responsible for his death. Arsenal remained with this new group of Titans for a time, but eventually left the group before it, too, disbanded. Arsenal later came into conflict with Vandal Savage. Savage had discovered that both Roy Harper and his daughter Lian were his descendants, and thus, their organs were suitable for him to harvest to prolong his life. Arsenal was able to save his daughter from Savage. After this ordeal, he adopted a new look to reflect his Navajo heritage. Shortly after, the original five Titans decided to form yet another incarnation of the team. Arsenal served as a full-time member on the team, and chose to reside at the new Titans Tower with his daughter, Lian. He hired Rose Wilson to be Lian's nanny, and also attempted an adult relationship with Donna Troy, but broke it off when it became clear that Troy was dealing with an identity crisis of her own. Arsenal, who by that point had established a reputation as something of a "ladies' man," went back to his philandering ways. At roughly the same time, Oliver Queen reappeared, having been resurrected earlier by Hal Jordan (in his identity of Parallax). After Queen sorted out his own issues, he and Harper's relationship resumed. When a mysterious conglomerate known as Optitron offered to sponsor the Titans and Young Justice, members of both teams encountered a cybernetic girl from the future (known as Indigo) at their complex. The android attacked both teams and disabled nearly half of the group. Those members who could teamed up to track down Indigo, but instead encountered a rogue Superman robot that Indigo had somehow reactivated. The Superman robot made quick work of Lilith, killing her by snapping her neck, and then killed Donna Troy with a heat vision blast to her chest. Though Indigo returned to shut down the Superman Android, the rest of the Titans and Young Justice were left to mourn their fallen friends. Once again, the Titans were parted ways. Arsenal took this opportunity to accept Optitron's offer and formed a new team: the Outsiders. Harper conceived the team as professional and proactive, with none of the "family" connections that seemed to doom various incarnations of the Titans. He began by buying a massive secret underground headquarters beneath New York City. Roy outfitted the shelter with state-of-the-art equipment and began recruiting members for the new team. He successfully coaxed the veteran Metamorpho, as well as Grace (a superhuman bouncer whom Harper had a physical relationship with) and Thunder (daughter of Black Lightning) into joining the team. He also decided to accept Indigo as a member. Even though she had been responsible for activating the Superman android, and ultimately for Lilith's and Donna Troy's deaths, her memory had been wiped clean, and she convinced Arsenal that she wanted to atone for what she had done. Indigo's presence would prove to be a major sticking point for Arsenal's last recruit: Nightwing. The Titans' former leader was completely unwilling to renew his involvement in a team after such a devastating loss. Arsenal argued that the Outsiders were the next logical step for them beyond the Titans, and that perhaps a team of strangers would operate more efficiently than a team with so many emotional attachments. Nightwing, while still reluctant, agreed to join and became field leader of the Outsiders shortly after the team defeated Gorilla Grodd. On a later mission, Arsenal was shot in the chest while attempting to stop Brother Blood from activating a global network of sleeper agents. He survived, but was sidelined for months. In the interim, he assigned the Huntress to be his replacement. He was hesitant to resume active duty, feeling afraid of his own limitations, but returned with encouragement from Nightwing. Not long after his recovery, the Outsiders took on a case which involved a child-slaver and molester named Tanner. One of Tanner's informants recognized Harper from years prior, and led Tanner to Lian Harper. Lian's nanny was killed and the girl was branded with Tanner's mark. The Outsiders arrived just in time to save Lian and other children from being flown out of New York. Oddly, Arsenal's near-death from gunshot wounds later saved his life when he met Deathstroke. The villain, Arsenal discovered, had been posing as Batman and feeding him information since the Outsiders began. Deathstroke and Arsenal fought, with Deathstroke intending to kill him, but when the mercenary discovered the bullet scars on Arsenal's chest, he figured Arsenal had suffered enough and gave him a "pass." About the same time, Arsenal was also kidnapped by Green Arrow's nemesis Constantine Drakon. Drakon was working with the Riddler, and slit Arsenal's throat so that he would have to apply constant pressure to the wound or die. The Outsiders helped search for Arsenal and rescued him. During the period of turmoil known as the Infinite Crisis, Indigo was revealed to be a plant of Brainiac's, and almost succeeded in destroying the team. Later, Arsenal and the Outsiders were among the heroes gathered to defend Metropolis from an invasion by the Society. After the disappearance of Batman, Robin, Superman, and Wonder Woman, the Outsiders continued to operate, but found themselves handling low-level criminals and making little difference in the world. When Nightwing and Red Hood discovered that Black Lightning, former Outsider and father of Thunder, had been arrested for a crime he didn't commit, the Outsiders attempted a rescue. Ultimately, they failed in their attempt, and ended up believed dead by the outside world. Though the team saw this as an opportunity to operate covertly, Arsenal soon realized he was not made for the life of a cloak and dagger hero and left the team, returning full command to Nightwing. Nearly a year later, after their return to active duty, the heroes Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, decided to reform the Justice League of America, which had been disbanded during the Crisis. In a sign that he had finally "made it," Arsenal was asked by the three to join the latest incarnation of the team. In their first mission as teammates, Hal Jordan referred to Harper as "Red Arrow" (attempting to cover for the fact that he almost called him by his real name). Though Harper was surprised by this new nickname, he soon embraced the identity with the help of a new costume, given to him by his former mentor, Green Arrow. His new name and costume became symbolic of his "coming of age" and the end of his troubled relationship with Oliver Queen. Red Arrow continues to serve with the Justice League. +This superhero's name is Red Death. Their real name is Bruce Wayne. On his world, Batman used to be the hero of Gotham City who fought crime with his Robins. However, the city took its toll on the Bat and claimed the lives of all his sidekicks, forcing Bruce to seek more extreme ways to prevent the crimes he felt he wasn't fast enough to stop. Batman set his sights on his world's Flash, determining that he could use the Speed Force better than the speedster himself could. Batman took out all of the Flash's Rogues and confiscated their weapons to use against the Flash in a fight for his powers.[1] After Bruce bested Barry, Batman drove the two of them into the Speed Force using his Batmobile merged with the Cosmic Treadmill - absorbing the Flash and his powers. When Batman returned from the Speed Force, he donned a new costume and became "Batman: The Red Death" and began murdering members of his own rogues gallery in Gotham. +This superhero's name is Red Hood (New 52). Their real name is Jason Todd. Jason Todd was the second person who held the mantel of Robin. He was also the first person to hold the monicker or Red Hood after the collapse of the Red Hood Gang. Primary a killer for hire, Todd once held a deep grudge against his former mentor, Bruce Wayne, for being unable to save him, but that since faded do to Jason’s attempts to look forward to the future. Although his relationship with Bruce never truly healed, it did mend after a while with Bruce forgiving Jason for his actions and allowing him to join Batman Incorporated as wingman. Manipulated his entire life, whether it was by the Joker or the League of Assassins, Jason always tries to find a way to forge a life for himself. Ironically, Bruce Wayne, the one person who truly loved Jason instead of manipulating him, was the one person whom Jason hated for the most of his life. Eventually, though, Jason and his surrogate father managed to return to taking terms, even forming a bond with one another similar to that which they used to have. +This superhero's name is Red Hulk (Ghost Rider) (Venom). Their real name is Thaddeus Ross. In Las Vegas, Blackheart, Mephisto's demonic son, opened a portal to bring Hell to Earth and overthrow his father, but only managed to bring a part of it. Venom was a fugitive there, with Red Hulk wanting to bring him to the authorities. Meanwhile, X-23 was there looking for a sample of her blood and the new Ghost Rider detected Blackheart's malevolence. Accidentally, the four heroes found themselves about to battle Blackheart. The villain created Anthiteses of the four heroes to torment and battle them, Flash's being an Evangelist who used the symbiote, his father and his drinking problem to fight him. Though they fought well, the heroes died in the end. In Hell, Mephisto made an offer for the heroes to live in exchange for defeating Blackheart. They managed to get the Spirit of Vengeance, which had been trapped by Blackheart and wanted to get it to Blaze, in order to become the Ghost Rider again. Throughout the battle, Venom and Red Hulk were thrown away by Blackheart. Red Hulk bonded with the Spirit, becoming the new Ghost Rider with the addition of the symbiote from Flash. Blackheart was beaten when his Antithesis was created by the Ghost Rider using the mirror which created Antithesis. Meanwhile, X-23 and Flash helped Johnny Blaze return to Hell through the dimensional portal it appeared and destroy it. When Las Vegas returned to normal, Red Hulk returned Spirit of Vengeance to Alejandra and the symbiote to Flash. When the Secret Avengers arrived, Captain America tried to take Venom to custody, but he convinced Cap to let him join the Secret Avengers, allowing Beast and Giant-Man to make the symbiote more controllable. +This superhero's name is Red Hulk. Their real name is Thaddeus E. Ross. Crossing the Canadian wilderness, the Red Hulk was attacked by a Wendigo, which he ended up killing. The government detected the Red Hulk in the Bering Strait when a satellite detected the seismic activity of the Hulk landing on the ground. In Dimitri, Russia, the Red Hulk murdered the Abomination. In New York, the Red Hulk attacked Director of S.H.I.E.L.D Tony Stark's newly commissioned Helicarrier causing it to crash land and be destroyed. While there Red Hulk erased all files on the Hulk, using a sophisticated computer virus. After this attack Red Hulk headed to Gamma Base in Death Valley, Nevada where he squared off against A-Bomb before having to face android Harpies, and the original Hulk. Red Hulk even punched Uatu in the face for trying to watch their battle. Some of Doc Samson's clothing was found with dramatically increased radiation, so it is possible that Doc was the Red Hulk, although that is not conclusive yet. After fighting, and defeating, the Savage Hulk he was on top of a bridge claiming to be "the strongest there is" until interrupted by Thor. However, Thor found himself surprised and the Red Hulk managed, to get the upper hand, and leave Thor defeated on the moon. Returning to Earth, Red Hulk went on to cause an earthquake in San Fransisco which was being dealt with by the Hulk, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Thor then returns, and stating that he is angry, he promptly defeats Red Hulk in a few moments, and was about to slay him, but was stopped by A-Bomb, who said the Savage Hulk must be the one who defeats the Red Hulk. The Savage Hulk, and the Red Hulk then engage in combat, and it seems that the Red Hulk was gaining the upper hand, but then the Red Hulk overheated, and suddenly became really dizzy. This allowed the Savage Hulk to defeat the Red Hulk. After his defeat, Red Hulk was visited by Doc Samson and General Thunderbolt Ross who said they gave Red Hulk his power to defeat Hulk and now that he had failed they were cutting him loose. She-Hulk later gathered Thundra and Valkyrie as the Lady Liberators in an effort to apprehend the Red Hulk near Mount Rushmore, accidentally destroying the sculpture of Lincoln's face. They seemed to defeat him. After most of the group left, Red Hulk revealed he had played possum, and took Thundra forging a partnership with her. To settle a bet with the Grandmaster, the Collector teamed up Red Hulk with Tiger Shark, Baron Mordo, and Terrax against Hulk, Namor, Doctor Strange, and Silver Surfer. Eager for revenge on the his counterpart, Red Hulk agreed to take part in the fight, dubbing his team "The Offenders". He killed everyone and then went after Galactus. Galactus became enraged, took away the Red Hulk's Silver Surfer powers he had taken before, and sent him to Earth. Tired of taking orders from Grandmaster, he killed him. Before he died he brings the Defenders and the Offenders back to life and the Defenders defeated Red Hulk. The Grandmaster decided to show the Hulk the dead body of Jarella, breaking the Hulk's heart which gave the Red Hulk great satisfaction. Afterward Banner was somehow captured by AIM, and was detained underneath Gamma Base to be used to create a Gamma irradiated super soldier program behind Red Hulk, headed by MODOK and backed by General Ross. The plot was uncovered by She-Hulk, who was informed by a short haired Doc Sampson. Jennifer recruited reporter Ben Urich to help uncover the truth, who in turn recruited Peter Parker to aid in photography. As they infiltrated the underground base, Sampson revealed he was brainwashed by MODOK and revealed a long haired alter ego, who assaulted She-Hulk and alerted AIM and Red Hulk to their presence, fortunately Spider-Man appeared and began to fight him. The battle soon interrupted the tank containing Banner, causing him to transform into the Hulk. The Hulk attacked his doppelganger with the aid of Spider-Man. As the battle escalated, the Hulk body slammed his enemy into a Gamma generator in the base. Tired of their endless battles, the Red Hulk totally absorbed the radiation that powered the Hulk. As the base reached critical mass the defenseless Bruce Banner was rescued by a now intelligent A-Bomb. Red Hulk managed to catch up to Ben Urich and warned him that if one word saw print, he would kill everyone at the Front Line in one murderous rampage. Domino had witnessed Red Hulk changing from his human form. To keep Domino from revealing the identity to X-Force, General Thunderbolt Ross gave him a team of mercenary to work with him called "Code Red" (consisting of Crimson Dynamo XII, Deadpool, Elektra, Punisher, and Thundra). Red Hulk and "Code Red" are instructed to hunt Domino within 24 Hours. When they find Domino at a bar, they also run into X-Force. Wolverine tells X-Force to handle "Code Red" while he fights Red Hulk. When Red Hulk ends up blinded by Wolverine, he is rescued by the Red She-Hulk who is wearing a ripped version of Domino's outfit and wielding Elektra's sais. Red Hulk then fights Red She-Hulk when she double-crosses him. +This superhero's name is Red Mist. Their real name is Chris Genovese. The Red Mist was another teenager following the example of Kick-Ass. But his cooler appearance stole some Kick-Ass fandom. Trying to settle things right, Dave tried to talk to him and force Red Mist to give up his super hero identity but in the end they decided to team-up when a building was on fire. When Kick-Ass was visited by Hit-Girl and Big Daddy, Red Mist was reluctant to join their team. Both friends were in they way to meet Hit-Girl and her father in their headquarters ready to make a counter offer. But what they saw was a heavenly wounded Big Daddy pleading for help at the hands of Johnny G. At that precise moment, Red Mist was exposed not only as a traitor who set the heroes up but as Johnny G's son. +This superhero's name is Red Robin. Their real name is Tim Drake. Red Robin is a vigilante and member of the Batman Family. He became the third Robin at a young age, succeeding Jason Todd as Batman's sidekick. Eventually he would outgrow this position and begin wearing the costume of Red Robin when he's replaced by Damian Wayne. Origins Timothy Drake, then a young boy, was in attendance at the circus on the night the Flying Graysons were murdered. Some years later, he saw footage of Batman and Robin apprehending the Penguin, and the lad was deeply impressed when Robin performed a quadruple somersault (a rare maneuver that only Dick Grayson and a few others could perform). When Tim eventually learned that Grayson was Bruce Wayne's ward he (quite impressively) deduced that Wayne had to be Batman, and Grayson, Robin. Tim followed the adventures of the Dynamic Duo over time, and when a new hero, Nightwing, appeared Tim rightly deduced that he was Dick Grayson who had struck out on his own and assumed this new identity. As a result, Tim began to consider approaching Bruce Wayne in hopes of convincing him that Batman needed a Robin, and that it was him who should assume that mantle. Batman, eaten up with grief after the death of Jason Todd (at the hands of the Joker), became ever more reckless and dangerous, thus convincing Tim even more strongly that a "replacement" Robin was needed, finally driving him into action. But Tim (much like his soon-to-be mentor, Batman) does not act rashly nor impulsively, instead opting to wait for the optimum time to arrive. His chance came when he learned that Nightwing had left the Titans for a short time in order to find himself. So Tim followed Dick and convinced him that Batman needed help. Grayson then took Tim to the Batcave and left, as Nightwing, to help Batman deal with the vile Two-Face. Alfred (always the helpful one) insinuated that Tim was brought to the Batcave to help Batman as the new Robin. But with Clayface on the loose, Tim and Alfred became worried about the safety of Batman and Nightwing, and went out to help them. Tim donned the costume of Robin and with the help of Alfred Pennyworth, and managed to rescue them. Batman accepted Tim as the new Robin on a trial basis. He trained over several months, first with Alfred, then Batman, and, finally, Nightwing. The Obeah Man captured Tim's parents during a trip to the Caribbean. Janet died in the resulting conflict, and Jack was left with paralysis, this despite Batman's help. He now required the care of a nurse/physical therapist, Dana Winters. After assisting in the defeat of Scarecrow, Batman finally deemed Tim was ready to fulfill his role as the new Robin. He was given a new costume that set him apart from the previous Robins. Tim had his doubts about becoming the new Robin, but Bruce told him that he had every confidence in Tim being his new partner. Bruce also confided in Tim that he was looking for someone with smarts, not just guts, and Tim had that and more. All that was necessary was for Tim to go through some intensive training before taking to the streets in Gotham. This would involve a tour overseas, helping Tim understand who he was in addition to learning how to be a great fighter. His first stop was Paris, to learn from Rahul Lama, a Chinese martial arts master. In Paris, Tim crossed paths with some thugs working for King Snake, who was himself being shadowed by Lady Shiva. Shiva actually joined with Robin and a man named Clyde Rawlins (who wanted revenge against Snake for the death of his family) to help take down King Snake's heroin trafficking in the area. It was not that Shiva was opposed to it for any moral reason, she simply wished to learn for herself if King Snake was truly as dangerous as rumors made him out to be; a good challenge for her talents. Together, they discovered that King Snake was interested in more than just drugs: he was going into chemical weapons and manufacturing his own bubonic plague. They followed the trail to Hong Kong, and whilst there, Shiva continued to train with Robin and it was during this time that he acquired his collapsible fighting staff. King Snake's plan was to unleash his plague into Hong Kong so as to leave it a rotting cesspool before the Chinese reclaimed it from the British. The team split up when they breached his lair. Clyde found him first and was quickly killed by Snake. Robin managed to defeat him, but refused to kill him when Shiva ordered him to. He returned to Gotham, ready to take his place alongside the Batman. Tim distinguished himself from Jason Todd by being far more reserved in temperament and from Dick Grayson by being more cerebral a detective and less a great acrobat. Whereas Dick had been brought up from a very early age to be acrobatic, Tim had to work hard for it. He proved himself more than capable of holding his own alongside the Batman. However, Batman did have strict orders with Tim--whenever Tim came across a known killer (Joker, Two-Face), he was supposed to withdraw and summon help. Tim also started dating a classmate around this time, a young girl named Ariana Dzerchenko, who was the niece of Russian immigrants. Tim was in Gotham City when Bane broke open Arkham Asylum, unleashing nearly every inmate into the city, and was the first to suggest to Batman that Bane was responsible. He set out with the Batman at first, and initially they had some good progress busting up the Mad Hatter's tea party and bringing in a half dozen or so thugs along with him, however they got separated when Robin decided to pursue Bird (one of Bane's lackeys) while Batman went after Zsasz. Robin was briefly captured by Bane and Killer Croc, but managed to escape. Tim then did some detective work regarding Firefly, but a physically and emotionally drained Batman ordered him to stay in the Batcave while he took on Firefly by himself. Tim saw some action when Riddler held a live TV show hostage (although he had a fake bomb) and helped to apprehend the self-appointed Prince of Puzzler's. Tim was with Alfred and Jean-Paul Valley when Bane broke the Batman's back and threw him from a rooftop in downtown Gotham. They acquired an ambulance and took Bruce back to the Batcave (despite Tim's initial protestations that he should go to a hospital). He contacted Jim Gordon to get some medicine that Bruce needed. After that, there was nothing he could do but wait and pray alongside Alfred. Thankfully, Bruce did not die, though when he awoke, he was psychologically scarred, as his defeat at the hands of Bane coupled with months of exhaustion, was a major blow. Tim could barely stand to see his mentor so shattered, but he stayed the course, helping Alfred recruit Dr. Shondra Kinsolving to be his personal physician and wrecking the Porsche to explain how Bruce Wayne could have sustained such injuries. Once Bruce was feeling in better spirits, Tim went to talk to him about the escalating violence and gang wars in Gotham suggesting that someone would have to step in for Bruce until he could recover. Bruce turned down Tim's suggestion to get Nightwing, reasoning that Dick was his own man now with his own responsibilities, which left the task to Azrael, Jean-Paul Valley. Tim gave him the costume and taught him a few of Batman's tricks. Bruce's condition was particularly heartbreaking for Tim, given that his own father was still paralyzed (although Jack had been making remarkable progress; while still wheelchair-bound, he had much more feeling and could move his arms much better). Robin went on patrol with the new Batman (sometimes referred to by fans as "Az-Bats") and was dismayed when Jean-Paul kept getting more and more aggressive, pushing the edge when it came to defeating criminals. Robin kept trying to remind Jean-Paul that there was more to being Batman than just the costume, but Jean-Paul had quickly lost himself in his role. Meanwhile, Bruce surmised that since Bane had guessed his secret identity, Bane may also have guessed Tim's. So he went to Drake Manor — too late, for Jack Drake was kidnapped just before Bruce arrived. Tim continued to try and steer Jean-Paul in the right direction, but he became much more erratic and even lashed out at Robin calling his overtures interference. Tim discovered his father was missing when he headed home after Jean-Paul having made it clear that he would not take directions from Tim. Bruce and Alfred had left Gotham to go search for Jack Drake and Shondra Kinsolving, who had also been taken. Tim kept up the pretense that his father had planned his trip. Tim felt shut out of the team and the Cave by the time Nightwing dropped by. Tim filled him in on the situation, saying that he blamed himself partly for Jean-Paul's behavior, as it had been Tim who had designed Jean-Paul's original costume, which was very similar to a villain Bruce had recently defeated. That, combined with "the System," (a kind of brainwashing Azrael had undergone) might have been the cause of his recklessness. Nightwing told Tim not to blame himself and also admitted that he was surprised Bruce hadn't asked Tim to fill in while he was injured. Robin showed up when Bane and Jean-Paul had their second sparring and managed to save the passengers of an elevated train while Az-Bats took down Bane. Much to Tim's relief, Jean-Paul did not kill Bane. Despite the fact that Azrael did not kill Bane, he was still acting reckless, even out of control in some instances. The System kept playing havoc with Azrael's psyche, and finally he snapped and attacked Robin in the Batcave. Tim might have died if Jean-Paul hadn't overcome the System. Robin decided it was time to leave because the team was dead without Bruce. So he took his custom-made vehicle, the Redbird, and left. Tim met up with Ariana Dzerchenko, his girlfriend, for their first date in weeks, doing his best to put Jean-Paul, Bruce, and even his Dad's disappearance aside for a few hours. There was some excitement at the party they attended when some masked thugs, the Speedboyz, tried to carjack another student's vehicle and Tim had to intervene. Later that night, Robin decided to try and track them down, only to be confronted by a local county cop, "Shotgun" Smith, who mistook Tim for one of the carjackers. Robin managed to evade arrest and got to work tracking down the Speedboyz. He managed to bust up their gang and leave a phone call for Shotgun, letting him know who to thank. Going back home, Tim had to blow off Ari, who was beginning to think that he was seeing someone else. Tim decided to make it up to her by taking her to the movies. However, his mind kept wandering having just learned that the Cluemaster, and some other thugs, had escaped from prison. One was the Electrocutioner. Another was Czonk, who decided to create a new identity for himself, the Baffler. The others didn't like the name, so he changed it to Headbanger. Robin got to work investigating, stumbling into Spoiler soon enough. Unsurprised at this, because he knew that Stephanie was the Cluemaster's daughter and had reasoned that she'd turn up eventually. He went to the last known location of the gang and here Robin discovered a clue that the Baffler had left for the police. He followed the clue to the gang's heist: an armored car robbery. He and Cluemaster got sealed inside the car, and the other two (not knowing the car is occupied) put it in a pit and started covering it with cement. Robin could only wait until the others came back but they arrived much earlier than planned because the cops were onto them. With some help from Spoiler, Robin was saved and Cluemaster and his buddies were sent back to jail by Smith. Robin bumped into Huntress and helped her get out of a jam from her involvement in a gang war with Mandy Paul. Tim reaffirmed that while he had discovered her real identity, he had never told Batman. They came to Mandy's lair only to find a man calling himself Deathangel, trying to "send all sinners to God" with a pair of pistols. After a firefight where Deathangel fled the scene, Robin and Huntress split up, with Robin following Mandy to a church. Huntress found Robin and Deathangel at the church, after correctly guessing that he was really Danny DePaolo, Mandy's brother, a priest at that very church. He was suffering from a delusion caused by his sister's wickedness. Everything led to a final confrontation with Mandy and her goons. Deathangel could not pull the trigger, but his sister could, and she gunned down her brother. Robin kept Huntress from killing him. Bruce kept his word. He and Alfred found Jack Drake and they returned to Gotham City. Bruce even had his broken back mystically healed during the trip. Once back, Bruce confessed to Tim that he was thinking of permanent retirement. That all changed when he learned that Azrael had let Abattoir die. Bruce was a little angry at Robin for not doing more to stop Azrael, but Tim replied there wasn't much else he could do, considering that Jean-Paul had sealed off the cave and nearly killed both of them in their fight. Breaking into the Batcave, Bruce and Tim found Jean-Paul, who was beyond reason. He did not even refer to himself by name anymore, but simply was the Batman. Bruce decided he would have to retake the mantle by force, but he would need a crash course to return to his physical peak, and that meant going to Lady Shiva. Tim was just happy to have Bruce and his father back safely. Robin joined with Nightwing to help Bruce, once he had "graduated" from Shiva's training. In the end, Bruce had to confront Jean-Paul himself. Batman told Robin the job was still his, and the dynamic duo was back in action. Jack decided to buy his son a car, or more precisely, a van (one that was wheelchair accessible). Tim had another fight with Ari when he fell asleep while she was trying to talk to him. Soon after Bruce's return, Zero Hour came into swing, a crisis in time itself. The effects dropped a young Dick Grayson (in his first or second year as Robin) into the present and he and Tim worked together before Zero Hour began to erase everything. Afterward, Bruce decided he needed some time off, and this time he handed the mantle over to the right person, Dick Grayson. Robin and the new Batman got along great, working against the likes of Two-Face. In his home life, Tim kept trying to make it up to Ari while his dad kept insisting on some bonding time because of his absence. Jack also hired Dana Winters to be his personal physical therapist. On a date with Ari, some teens picked a fight, and Tim had to take some hits, not wanting to reveal his martial arts training (which would lead to his secret identity being revealed). He vented his frustration later that night when he went out with Dick. On another night, when he ran into the teens alone, he got his revenge, but it was spoiled when he visited Ari and found out her uncle had been attacked at his shop by gangsters. Dick's tenure as Batman quickly came to an end when Bruce decided to return to the job. That event also brought some long needed healing between Bruce and Dick, who were very much like father and son. Bruce redesigned his costume, making it darker than ever. Robin then had a run in with the KGBeast, but unlike their last encounter, he did not have backup. KGBeast was perfectly willing to kill Tim and destroy most of Gotham City. KGBeast had already put down Harvey Bullock, who only survived due to Robin's knowledge of CPR. The battle against the KGBeast was tough. Robin was tempted to use Bullock's sidearm, but refused. He managed to defeat him just as Batman showed up. Bullock was comatose for a while, but recovered. Robberies were up recently, and Batman discovered that someone was sending very lame clues to the police department from inside Blackgate Prison. Figuring it was the Cluemaster and the villain would talk to Robin, Batman took Tim to the prison. Cluemaster told them that he was being blackmailed to plan some crimes by some thugs on the outside and that they had kidnapped Stephanie to ensure his cooperation. Batman tracked down their lair and Robin came along. Robin saved her life and rescued her, and after changing into her costume, she insisted on coming along. Batman was not amused, but Stephanie told him that Cluemaster had conned them and was in on the whole thing. While Batman went for another chat with Cluemaster, Robin and Spoiler stayed put until he pointed them in the right direction, where they rounded up the rest of the gang. Spoiler acted like the whole thing was a date, despite Tim's protestations that it was serious business (and that he had a girlfriend already). Afterward, Stephanie paid a visit to her dad in jail. In an attempt to expand his criminal empire, King Snake came to Gotham. After a brief encounter with King Snake's enforcers alongside Huntress, Robin was told to back off by Batman. Robin next saved the life of Mayor Krol from a disgruntled city employee, but the credit went to another man, someone who had recently been fired for trying to blow the whistle on safety violations around the city. Following a couple bizarre heists, such as a missing lion, Robin stumbled across Ulysses Armstrong, recently released from juvenile hall. Ulysses had recruited a vagrant who was under the impression he was Julius Caesar (having been influenced by an equally vagrant Maxie Zeus) and together they plotted a crime spree. With some help from Shotgun Smith, Robin foiled the plot. Returning home, he discovered Ari was in his bedroom. She told him she had run away because her uncle was planning on moving away from the city because of the attack on his shop. Tim might have been in some trouble with his father and maid for Ari spending the night if Jack's physical trainer hadn't come out of Jack's bedroom that morning. Dana had worked wonders on Jack in more ways than one, and he was up and walking about with a cane. Robin got to take his mind of things by helping Batman investigate a string of local robberies perpetrated by a gang of amateur ninjas, one of whom died when he fell off a rooftop. The deceased turned out to be a classmate of Tim's and he learned that the kid had gone to a Ninja Camp. Robin followed another classmate and easily defeated some of the ninjas, though they managed to escape. Tim decided to go undercover and enrolled at the camp using his alias, Alvin Draper. He impressed the camp leaders enough that they let him in on their outfit, provided he could pass one last test. Robin passed with flying colors and arranged for the ninjas to be arrested. Tim got home and learned that Ari's uncle had sold his store and they would be moving at the end of the week. But things weren't so bad, thanks to a little help from Bruce Wayne. Bruce arranged for Lucius Fox and Wayne Enterprises to buy the store at a very generous price, enough for the family to open another store in a better neighborhood and remain in the city. Ari would even be going to the same school as Tim. Robin felt great. That night on patrol, he heard that Killer Moth had broken out. Figuring Moth for a third tier super lightweight, Robin went after him on his own. Moth had just sold his soul to Neron during Underworld Unleashed and been transformed into Charaxes. The monstrous being shredded its way through some cops and evaded a shootout with Sheriff Smith while capturing Robin, hoping to devour him. Robin was saved by an unknown party before Batman could turn up, and Charaxes was gone. Robin met the new Green Arrow about that time. Green Arrow and Spoiler joined Robin to take down some gunrunners who were selling guns around Tim's high school. One of Tim's classmates, Karl Ranck, had been given a gun by his dad to protect himself, prompting Tim to tell his father. Jack had a talk with Karl's dad, who took the gun away. Karl then took one of his dad's guns and was killed in a shootout at the school. Tim was so angry that the beat-down he gave the gunrunners might have been much worse had Stephanie and Connor not been there. Tim spotted Stephanie at Karl's funeral and tried to avoid her, prompting Ari to misread the situation. Luckily, Tim managed to straighten that out easily enough. Robin and Spoiler then went after the guy who shot Karl, who was part of a larger street gang. They had to be saved by Batman, who was not happy that Robin decided to go at the gang without more backup than Spoiler. He also reminded Tim that Karl had made the choice to pick up the gun and become a target. Batman sends Robin to track down a plague survivor named Kendall Stuart when the Apocalypse Virus breaks out in Gotham. He reluctantly teams up with Catwoman, but they're both beaten by a bounty hunter named Tracker. Azrael intervenes to save them, but Robin fails when Stuart is shot dead by the Order of St. Dumas. He fights rioters with Nightwing and Huntress, then gets infected when one of them spits in his face. Alfred is forced to take care of him in the Batcave, and Tim hallucinates while dying. He's saved when Azrael deciphers the cure, and dutifully helps the relief efforts even in his weakened state. Ariana briefly bleaches her hair blonde, and Tim is distressed to realize that she's jealous of Stephanie. He's captured by Maxie Zeus and Julie Caesar, but manages to defeat them both without help. When he meets Wildcat at a car show, he is thrilled to team up with a legendary hero against the Speedboyz. When Armand Krol dies during Legacy, they realize the Apocalypse Virus was never cured and Tim still has it in a dormant state. Batman travels to the Sudan with Nightwing and Robin where they track down an ancient cure. It's revealed that Ra's al Ghul is controlling the virus, and they're forced to fight through an army of assassins while he escapes. Nightwing and Robin chase his acolytes to Paris, where they stop a terrorist attack on the Louvre. Robin beats up Shen Chi in a surprise showdown, and is forced to work with Henri Ducard. Batman destroys the last of the plague in Gotham, and Robin pursues Ra's with Huntress and Nightwing. They track down his boat The Shrike, and Robin steals data from his computers before escaping while it explodes. Bruce and Tim blame themselves for the number of deaths, and Alfred reminds them they should count everyone they've saved. Robin met Impulse for the first time when their respective classes went on the same skiing field trip in Colorado. Alfred went with Robin, for they had extra business, a plot involving a group called White Heat and Mystral. Tim met Bart early in the trip, and once he saw Bart in uniform, he was able to instantly guess who his identity, much to Bart's surprise. This would mark the beginning of a long and close friendship. Tim hated that he kept having to mislead Ari ; trouble seemed to come up everywhere, even at a student outing to "Macbeth on the Beach" where Tim had to avoid Helena Bertinelli so she wouldn't recognize him. Tim cared for Ari very much, even if Spoiler kept making passes at him. During the Final Night, the Robin and Spoiler were trapped in a snowdrift along with a thug who tried to kill them with a chainsaw. Spoiler could not understand why Robin tried to save the thug trapped in the snow. While they were digging him out, they found a woman and her child also trapped in the snow and rescued them. "General" Ulysses Armstrong got out on parole and Robin decided to visit him at home, and remind him that he should stay in line. He knew that Armstrong would not do so, and sure enough, the kid soon joined up with the Toyman (Winslow Schott) to try and steal the toy collection of a local eccentric, Phillip Crouch. Robin tracked them to Crouch's manor, where a fight broke out with some hi-tech, deadly toys. Toyman betrayed Armstrong, and Robin had to rescue him and stop them both. Both were arrested. As a young child, Bruce Wayne enjoyed watching Roy Raymond, a TV criminologist. His son, Roy Raymond Jr., had a TV show that aired dramatizations of crimes on which he called himself Manstalker. Tim thought the show was a joke, but it couldn't take his mind off things. Ari had been a little distant lately, and his friend Ives was keeping secrets too. On patrol, Robin found Slyfox and his crew trying to rob an insurance company, and of course, Manstalker and his TV crew arrived on scene during a special episode. Robin had to destroy the tape in the camera before heading after the hoods, whom he apprehended. While Spoiler was out getting into some trouble with Lynx and her goons, Tim was spending time at Ari's. He got the shock of a lifetime while they were alone at her house and she walked out of her room in her underwear, wanting to sleep with him. Tim finally learned what was bothering her; when she had dyed her hair, she had hung out with another guy and the guy tried to rape her. It was an unsuccessful attempt, but it left her feeling very scared and vulnerable. Tim told her that he loved her and said it would be best if they waited to have sex. While Tim and Ari were sharing a tender moment, Ari's uncle and aunt walked in and was cross with them. Ari's uncle was not in the mood to listen to an explanation. Tim had to flee before Ari's uncle strangled him. He decided to go on patrol, where he ran into Spoiler and she explained about Lynx's Ghost Dragons. Robin agreed to work with her, but the Dragons proved too much for them to handle on their own. Robin knew he should tell Stephanie to give up being Spoiler, but he just couldn't do so. Soon Tim learned that the only secret Ives was keeping was that he had a job dressing as a giant mouse at a kid's restaurant. Ari, however, was transferred to an all girl's school. Tim kept thinking about Spoiler, and when he went to meet her, he found out she had been kidnapped by Czonk, who was back to calling himself the Baffler. Despite being one of the dumbest goons in Gotham, Baffler managed to tie up Robin and Spoiler and planned on leaving them to die in an old project building that was being demolished. He managed to knock himself out, and they ended up having to save him as well as themselves. Afterward, Robin told Stephanie she might have to stop being Spoiler. When he got home (early the next day), he found his dad back from his recent lecture tour and Jack had spoken to Ari's uncle. Tim was grounded, but even when forbidden to leave his room, he managed to solve a crime by watching the news. During the Genesis crisis, Robin was unable to save a hood who had to tried to kill him from drowning. Feeling depressed, Robin headed for the frontlines. Armstrong was back, this time as adviser to Ali Ben Khadir, a claimant to the throne of the Karoccan Emirate. His rival was being backed by Qurac. With Nightwing's help and a Wayne Tech jet, Robin went over to the war-torn country (the conflict was escalating with the appearance of more mercenaries on either side, such as Deadline). Nightwing managed to stop two armies from clashing outside the capital while Robin penetrated Armstrong's lair. He found that Armstrong and his employer had experienced a falling out, so the boy was arrested and Robin withdrew. Robin had Nightwing drop him off in France, saying that lately he'd been feeling lost and decided he needed to step back for a while. He thought Paris was the right place to start, since his training had never really ended there. Knowing that Rahul Lama was dead, Tim decided to train in the course of the Iron Master, although he remained in his identity as Robin. He stopped a former student from stealing from the master and also met a girl named Dava Sborscs. The girl was there to learn a single move to add to her arsenal of lethal moves. She wanted to be able to fight in the war that was destroying her native country of Transbelvia. After she left, Lady Shiva arrived looking for her. Robin had to withdraw, leaving the Iron Master to fight her alone, and Shiva killed him. King Snake was also involved again, this time selling weapons to Transbelvia. Robin went after Dava to warn her about Shiva. Back in Gotham, Jack Drake, Ari, and Spoiler were all wondering what had happened to Tim. Robin found Dava, a rebel fighting against the oppressive regime using a special chemical called Aramilla that allows her to move at super speed. Together they easily took down some military thugs, but then Shiva turned up. Not willing to step aside and let her murder Dava, Robin attacked, using the Aramilla to his advantage. Not even Shiva could stand up to Robin moving at super speed. Losing control, Robin beat her to death, just as King Snake sauntered in. While Dava fought King Snake and his minions, Robin performed CPR and managed to revive Shiva. Shiva had absorbed some of the Aramilla, and at super speed, she took down all of King Snake's men and went after King Snake herself. Robin left them to fight each other and brought an injured Dava to safety. But the war continued, and Robin decided it was finally time to return home. Robin joined with Batman and the rest of the "family," overwhelmed at the near total destruction of the entire city. There was little that Robin could do in such chaos, and Batman asked him to stay out of most of the city. Luckily, the Drake home, in one of the outer neighboring communities, suffered only minor damages and they were able to effect repairs. During the Aftershock, Ari and Stephanie were both staying in a shelter with their families. Stephanie asked Robin to retrieve her costume, worried someone would steal it and learn her secret. Cluemaster was waiting there, but Robin took him down and turned him in to the National Guard. After spending more time with Stephanie, Robin decides he really does care for her, and that he has to break things off with Ari rather than keep her hanging on. Fortunately, Ari feels exactly the same way about a breakup, although she says it is because they are too young to pursue a relationship. Ari is not seen again. (see the Talk page for more on this development) At this same time, Robin also became one of the charter members of Young Justice. See that entry for more information about his details with that team. Tim and Spoiler got along wonderfully. She didn't pry about his real identity, and he could share being Robin with her. After their first real date, Stephanie told him that she was pregnant. Robin was not responsible for her condition, but he stood by her. Disguised as Alvin Draper, he went to lame classes and told her that she had to give up being Spoiler until after the baby was born. Later, Robin had to save his friends Ives and Hudson from Steeljacket. At school, a friend of Tim's was found dead in the woods and two bullies were suspected of killing him. While Tim initially believed they were innocent, he soon found evidence of their guilt, which led to their arrest. With all of Gotham in ruins, Jack Drake decided the family should relocate from Gotham Heights for a while. He decided to move to Keystone City. When they arrived, Robin teamed with the Flash to take on the Riddler and Captain Boomerang. They also got some help from Superman to stop a bomb threat. While they were in Keystone, Stephanie went into labor (earlier than expected) and needed a C-section. Flash got Robin back to Gotham in time for him to come to the hospital. The baby was born and Stephanie gave the child up for adoption. Jack was furious with his son for running home to Gotham, but admitted that he had hated Keystone and also wanted to come back. Robin even managed to help Shotgun Smith take down three monstrous thugs who held hostage an emergency room. Recalled to Gotham City by Batman, Robin and Nightwing had to crawl through an extensive system of tunnels and underground chambers, as the bridges were all down and patrols kept them from crossing the river. They had a tussle with Tommy Mangles and Gearhead, but Nightwing easily defeated them and got into the city. Robin was depressed by the despair and desperation he witnessed in people fighting to survive. Batman put Robin to work immediately, ordering him to track down a cache of food from an old shelter. Robin found it and discovered the Ratcatcher there. Robin had to flee from the Ratcatcher and his legions of rats, though a combination of rat bites and exposure to sewage gave him a fever. He managed to stave it off with some antibiotics, and was found by a group of children known as the Wolflings, including a kid Robin knew from his school who was calling himself Aragoth. The Wolflings decided to find the stores, and Robin was too sick to follow them at first. The kids found it, but so did the Ratcatcher and Mister Freeze. Robin managed to defeat both Freeze and Ratcatcher, arrangin +This superhero's name is for them to be arrested. Batman was impressed with Robin's actions. Robin did not have much time to recover. Their real name is as he knew Batman and the others were fighting for their lives. Robin was captured by Killer Croc. but Tim was successfully lifted out with some help from the new Batgirl. Jack decided to enlist his son in Brentwood Academy +This superhero's name is Red Skull (MCU). Their real name is Johann Shmidt. Johann Schmidt is the former head of HYDRA-Abteilung, a special weapons division of the Nazi Schutzstaffel and the modern-day incarnation of the ancient HYDRA society. A brilliant scientist in his own right, he fought his way through the ranks of Nazi elite to become a confidant of Adolf Hitler himself. However, his ambition to become the superior man led him to test an imperfect version of the Super Soldier Serum on himself which transformed him into the horrifying Red Skull. After gaining possession of the mystical Tesseract and its unimaginable power, he decided to turn his back on the Third Reich and rule the world alone. However, as World War II raged, his plans would be challenged by the only Allied super soldier, Captain America. In 1945 Schmidt launched his offensive, intending to bring the United States to its knees, but he was intercepted by Captain America and vanished when he touched the Tesseract with his bare hands. Schmidt was teleported to Vormir, where he became trapped in a state of purgatory, becoming the Stonekeeper, a wraith who advises those who seek the Soul Stone. After over seventy years on Vormir, Schmidt met Thanos and Gamora, who were seeking the stone. He led them to it, and disappeared after Thanos sacrificed his daughter and claimed the stone. With Thanos successfully obtaining the stone, Schmidt's curse was broken, and he was free to leave Vormir and pursue his own goals once more. +This superhero's name is Red Skull. Their real name is Johann Shmidt. Johann Shmidt was born the son of an abusive, drunken German villager named Hermann Shmidt and his saintly, long suffering wife Martha, who for years endured abuse and beatings from her husband. Martha died giving birth to Johann, their only child. Driven to madness by the death of the woman he both loved and hated, Hermann Shmidt tried to drown the newborn infant, accusing him of murdering Martha. The doctor who had just delivered the baby saved Johann from his father, and the next morning Hermann Shmidt committed suicide. The doctor took Johann to an orphanage, where the child led a lonely existence. Johann ran away from the orphanage when he was seven years old and lived in the streets as a beggar and a thief. As he grew older he worked at various menial jobs but spent most of his time in prison for crimes ranging from vagrancy to theft. In his late teens during the rise of the Third Reich, Shmidt got his most prosperous job, a bellhop in a major hotel. There he served the rooms of Adolf Hitler himself. By chance, he was present when Hitler was furiously berating an officer and swore he could train Johann himself, a simple bellhop, to be a better National Socialist. Looking closely at him and sensing his dark inner nature, Hitler decided to take up the challenge and recruited Shmidt. Dissatisfied with the standard drill instruction his subordinates used to train Shmidt, Hitler took over personally. Upon completion, Hitler gave Shmidt a unique uniform with a grotesque red skull mask, and he emerged as the Red Skull. His role was the embodiment of Nazi intimidation, while Hitler could remain the popular leader of Germany. The Red Skull was appointed head of Nazi terrorist activities with an additional large role in external espionage and sabotage. He was spectacularly successful, wreaking havoc throughout Europe in the early stages of World War II. The propaganda effect was so great that the United States government decided to counter it by creating their own equivalent using the recipient of the lost Operation Rebirth, Steve Rogers, Captain America. The two counterparts soon clashed in what would be a series of engagements throughout the war, ending with a final battle that left the Skull buried under the rubble of a bombed building. Because he was immediately exposed to an experimental gas there, he remained in suspended animation for decades. Johann was eventually rescued in modern times by the terrorist organization, HYDRA. The Skull quickly subverted a HYDRA cell to his own ambitions of world conquest and the death of Captain America. The Skull and Captain America resumed their personal war against each other. The Skull was consistently frustrated by failure; not even when the Skull possessed the reality-altering Cosmic Cube could he claim victory. At one point, the Skull's health failing, he had Nazi geneticist Arnim Zola make him into an imitation of the Captain's civilian identity, Steve Rogers, using cloned tissue from Captain America's body. Under the alias of Mr. Smith, the Red Skull had Douglas Rockwell, the head of the U.S. president's Commission on Superhuman Activities, make unreasonable demands upon Captain America, while arranging for the Taskmaster to train a replacement for Captain America, appointed the violent and mentally unstable John Walker. When the CSA's requests forced Rogers to relinquish the Captain America identity, the CSA assigned John Walker to fill the role. As the new Captain America, Walker was manipulated by the Skull to act in a manner which publicly disgraced the image of the hero. The Skull then tried unsuccessfully to use Walker to kill Rogers (now "the Captain.") When Rogers defeated Walker, the Skull tried to blow the Dust of Death on Rogers. Walker hit the Skull him from behind with his shield, exposing Shmidt to the dust. He suffered the signature facial disfigurement attributed to the Dust, yet survived due to years of exposure to low doses. Rogers later reclaimed the Captain America title. After this, the Skull was attacked by the mutant terrorist Magneto, a Jewish Holocaust survivor who wanted to punish him for his involvement in Hitler's regime. Magneto buried him alive with enough water for a few months. The Skull remained there until he was rescued by his henchman Crossbones. Red Skull had control over multiple criminal organizations, including the Watchdogs, a group of right-wing militiamen, and the Scourge of the Underworld, an organization devoted to murdering super villains. He proposed an alliance with the Kingpin of Crime (Wilson Fisk), one of New York City's top organized crime bosses, to bring a new designer drug to New York but the Kingpin refused to form an alliance with a Nazi. Fisk defeated the Skull in hand to hand combat, sparing his life on the condition he never come near the Kingpin's territory again. However fellow Nazi Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, leader of the terrorist organization HYDRA, gratefully allowed the Skull the use of HYDRA's resources after the Skull's agents brought Strucker back from the dead. Recently, Red Skull manipulated his way into the position of Secretary of State, under the alias of Dell Rusk. Rusk developed a biological weapon he tested at Mount Rushmore, releasing a deadly spreading contagion "red zone" but was bested by Captain America and the Avengers. Desiring the Skull's Cosmic Cube for himself, former Soviet general Aleksander Lukin hired Rogers' former WWII sidekick, Bucky (now known as the Winter Soldier) to assassinate the Skull. When the Skull was shot, he attempted to use the Cube to switch bodies with Lukin to survive, but the cube was weak. The transfer was only partially successful as the Skull only managed to transfer his mind into Lukin's body; now the minds of the two enemies were trapped together in the same body. The Skull/Lukin formed numerous alliances with other villains, including Doctor Faustus, Doctor Doom, Arnim Zola and the Serpent Squad. The Skull used hypnotist Dr. Faustus to help arrange Captain America's assassination. Under Faustus' influence, former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Cap's occasional girlfriend Sharon Carter was brainwashed into killing Captain America herself. Freed from his ever-present nemesis, the Red Skull/Lukin raised a private army while attempting to arrange for Senator Gordon Wright to become president of the USA. The Winter Soldier became the new Captain America and overcame their plans. Arnim Zola transferred the Red Skull's mind out of Lukin's body and into one of his own spare android forms as a temporary measure. Shortly afterward, Lukin was killed by Sharon Carter and Zola was seemingly destroyed. The Red Skull remains trapped in Zola's spare body. +This superhero's name is Red Sonja. Their real name is Sonja. Red Sonja lived with her family in a humble home in the Western Hyrkanian steppes. When she had just turned 17 years old, a group of cruel mercenaries killed her father Ivor, her mother and two younger brothers and burned their house and all their possessions. She survived but at the cost of her own virginity after she was brutally raped by the leader of the group, leaving her in shame. After all this, the goddess Scathach then appeared to her, and instilled in her incredible skill in handling swords and other weapons on the condition that she would not allow herself to be loved by another man unless he defeated her in fair combat +This superhero's name is Red Tornado (CW). Their real name is . Red Tornado was activated by T.O. Morrow when General Sam Lane asked Supergirl to fight it, to test the android's capabilities. The next day, both Red Tornado and Supergirl battled. Though Red Tornado was initially winning the fight, Supergirl soon gained the upper hand, causing internal system damage to Red Tornado, and taking off its arm in the process. Due to this, Red Tornado's emergency self-preservation function was activated, with the android escaping. The next day, still under the control of Morrow, Red Tornado confronted Sam Lane, Lucy Lane, and James Olsen, pushing Lucy into a table with a gust of wind. Though it attempted to attack Sam Lane, Red Tornado was prevented from doing so by Supergirl. Afterwards, Red Tornado created a tornado as a diversion to escape. +This superhero's name is Red Tornado. Their real name is Lois Lane. As a child, Lois Lane accompanied her father, Samuel Lane, in his military service around the world, and seeing him fly in fighter jets made her love the beauty of flying at an early age. In one of those moments of childhood, in the Arabian desert, little Lois was visited by the Olympian gods Mercury and Eurus. As the oracle predicted for the girl a future both bright and tragic, there would be a time when she should live beyond death, and Mercury bound the spirit of Eurus to hers, to help her. The oracle saw that she would become one with the East Wind, and Eurus would help her to survive that torment. After that Mercury left, making Lois forget for now the gift of the gods that she had received.[1] As a grown woman, Lois was the wife of Clark Kent, who was known to the world as Superman. During their married life together, she and Clark raised his cousin Kara Zor-El as if she was their own daughter, leading to her eventually becoming Supergirl and later Power Girl. Lois died during the events of the first Apokoliptian invasion under undisclosed circumstances at the Daily Planet, and Superman himself would later follow as he sacrificed his life to save his adopted world. +This superhero's name is Red Wolf. Their real name is William Talltrees. William Talltrees was a man born in Wolf Point, Montana. He was the son of Rebecca and Thomas Talltrees, a Cheyenne tribal leader, and grew up hearing tales of the legendary Red Wolf. William witnessed his father being intimidated into selling his property to corrupt businessman Cornelius van Lunt and his enfoncer Jason Birch; that night, van Lunt's henchmen killed William's family. William swore vengeance, finding and donning the ceremonial garb of Red Wolf. Owayodata visited him and imbued the young man with his spiritual legacy, granting him superhuman powers. The new Red Wolf found a wolf cub that he named Lobo and trained to be his companion. Following the two criminals back to New York, he was able to gain vengeance on them with the aid of the Avengers. Alongside Tigra, Red Wolf battled the Super-Skrull and the Rat Pack. Alongside Phantom Rider III, Firebird, Texas Twister, and Shooting Star, he battled the Hulk, and rescued Rick Jones from the Corruptor. Red Wolf joined these other four heroes as part of the first incarnation of the short-lived superhero team, the Rangers. Alongside the Defenders, Red Wolf battled some trolls. Alongside the Rangers again, Red Wolf battled the West Coast Avengers while under the influence of the demon Riglevio possessing Shooting Star. It was revealed that Will Talltrees was part of a squad of Marines during the Vietnam War, along with Willie Lincoln, Josh Cooper, Jim Rhodes and others named Fong and Janes. They were part of an attack on a village that resulted in the slaughter of the parents of The Bengal. As an adult, Bengal resurfaced to take vengeance on those Marines, but has since turned away from his vendetta. Red Wolf suffered a crisis of faith caused by his defeat at the hands of the Bengal. Some time later, Red Wolf adopted a new wolf cub. Alongside Doctor Strange and the Black Crow, Red Wolf stopped the Cheyenne pantheon from taking vengeance for the Cheyenne people. Red Wolf later battled false eco-terrorists in the employ of Roxxon Oil Company. They tried to destroy a Roxxon pipeline crossing a Canadian and an American Blackfeet Indian Reservation, as well as to assassinate Mellisa Sparrow Bear, an Indian negotiator. Weeks after the end of the superhero Civil War, Red Wolf was seen as a member of Texas' new government-sponsored superhero team, the revived Rangers, as part of the Fifty State Initiative Program. During the Secret Invasion, a Skrull had posed as Lobo and attacked Delroy Garrett, Eric O'Grady / Ant-Man and the Rangers in a Skrull/wolf-like form. When Red Wolf asked it what they did with the real Lobo, the Skrull-Lobo says that he'll learn his wolf's fate soon enough when he shares it with him. Delroy and Red Wolf subdued the Skrull-Lobo and Shooting Star shot him. The Rangers come into conflict with Kaine (alias Scarlet Spider) in Houston, then they joined forces with him to battle a monster made of pure energy. +This superhero's name is Redeemer II. Their real name is Phil Timper. The second man to receive the Angelic Fire was an ex-con named Phil Timper. Timper had found religion while in jail and had dramatic change of heart - he was therefore more apt to receive the heavenly light. Due to his past life as a convict, he still retained the brutality necessary for a candidate for the Angelic Fire. He was taken and infused as Wynn before him. During this process, the agents of the Star Chamber detected an odd reading on Earth and sent the Redeemer to investigate and collect the source of this reading. He was sent to Rat City, tracking three necroplasmic readings, emanating from Cogliostro, a bum named Bobby (whom Spawn had recently resurrected through magic), and Spawn. This Redeemer was significantly more powerful than Spawn and was easily able to defeat him before taking his true target, Bobby away to the orbiting satellite for study. Spawn attacked an angelic base on Earth which prompted the Redeemer to teleport back to Earth with Bobby and engage Spawn again. In the ensuing battle, Spawn was able to slice off one of the Redeemer's hands and escape with Bobby as the raw energy erupting from the Redeemer's wound caused a distraction. Timper has not been seen since. +This superhero's name is Redeemer III. Their real name is Eddie Frank. Spawn tried to help Eddie and Andy Frank, children with an abusive father, by using his powers to tattoo the phrase "I beat my kids", over their father's body. Unfortunately, this just made him beat them even more until Eddie ended up taking matters into his own hands and killed his father, a memory which he represses. He projects his own guilt onto Spawn. Years later, after some time in juvenile institutions, Eddie found religion. Later, he goes on a shooting spree and is critically injured, according to his plan. His desire for vengeance upon Spawn leads to his rebirth as the Redeemer. Eddie's soul leaves his body and transforms into a new Redeemer. Unlike the previously-seen incarnations, this one is heavily armored, wields a sword and flies via wings. The previous Redeemers used the power of teleportation also held by Hellspawn. This Redeemer also seems to lack the energy projection powers of his predecessors, however his sword does appear to harness the Angelic Fire that they were able to project. Eddie's transformation appears to be Mammon's plan as well, as Mammon knows exactly who the new Redeemer is and visits him in the hospital in order to tell him the truth about his father that he's been denying and repressing, shaking Eddie's faith. This revelation halts the Redeemer's attack on Spawn, who is pulled into Hell. The Redeemer is then enlisted by Cog to follow him into Hell to save Spawn. Cog sends him to retrieve the box that holds The Last Seed of Eden and upon completing that task he heads back into the fray. After Cogliostro's coup, he is trapped in Hell until Nyx frees him. The Redeemer resumes his attack on Spawn, but Spawn triumphs by cutting off the Redeemer's wings with his own sword. Upon having his wings cut off, the Redeemer transforms back into Eddie Frank in a hospital gown and struggles to reach for his sword but passes out. It is unknown how Eddie's body was inside the Redeemer considering the depiction of his origin in previous issues, and his physical self should still be lying comatose in a hospital bed, but there may simply be a magical explanation for his appearance. Neither Eddie, nor a new Redeemer, have been seen since. +This superhero's name is Reign. Their real name is . Reign is a biological weapon created on Krypton. +This superhero's name is Renata Soliz. Their real name is . The eldest of Maria and Julius Soliz' three children (the others being Samantha and Robert), Renata has black shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes. Renata is fourteen years old - physically! (What does that mean? You'll have to read the first book to find out!). +This superhero's name is Resurrection Spawn. Their real name is Al Simmons. Spawn is revived and is later told by God in dog form that Wanda's dead and trapped in Hell where Al must rescue her. It's also revealed that he wasn't abusive towards his wife and had an unborn son instead of a daughter as it was a false memory made by the demons to get him to commit suicide. He later fights Satan and saves his wife. God and Satan were no longer twins due to the Man of Miracles being sold to Marvel and thus was retconned out of existence with God being based on a variation on the traditional Abrahamic story of Creation alongside Satan's origins is based on that as well though Mother of Existence does show up in 297. After Saving Wanda from Satan she goes to heaven and Spawn continues to protect the people in Wanda's memory from the forces of both Heaven and Hell as well as any supernatural threats. +This superhero's name is Rev-9. Their real name is Terminator. The Rev-9 is capable of acting human, even going so far as to brag to a United States Border Patrol agent by stating his whole body is a weapon and even apologized after falling into someone's shed, destroying it. It also has casual demeanor when acting with others though some robotic-like behavior can be seen. The Rev 9 is stated to be something to run away from rather than fight due its abilities. The Rev 9's endoskeleton is extremely strong and it is very agile, however, despite its incredible capabilities the Rev 9 does not seem to have been designed to battle rogue Terminators, as an aged T-800 was able to dominate the fight between them though it wasn't able to do any serious or lasting damage until later. The Rev 9 was forced to split itself in two just to overpower and damage the T-800, simply to free itself from Carl's grip. The Rev 9's most notable characteristic is the ability to split itself in two, given it when dealing with multiple threats. When Split, one acts similar to a T-1000, being liquid metal with no endoskeleton, and the other is simply the endoskeleton but far more agile than what has been seen from Skynet's models. The endoskeleton itself is quite unique in appearance, while it is humanoid like a T-800, it has numerous cavities and gaps, this is likely used to store the liquid metal as unlike the T-X, the liquid metal is not just a sheath but capable of forming a human shape, meaning there is far more mass of the liquid metal. +This superhero's name is Reverse Flash (CW). Their real name is Eobard Thawne. Professor Eobard Thawne (born c. 2151), also known as the Reverse-Flash, is a meta-human speedster from the twenty-second century, a descendant of the late Eddie Thawne, a time criminal, and the archenemy of Barry Allen/The Flash. Obsessed with the twenty-first century's Flash, Eobard recreated the accident that gave the Flash his powers and became a speedster himself. But after his very first trip back in time, Eobard learned that he was destined to become the Flash's archenemy and grew to despise the hero, attempting to prove his superiority as the Reverse-Flash and therefore became the opposite of his former idol. Since then, the two speedsters battled each other for many years, but neither of them were strong or fast enough to defeat each other. After learning the Flash's secret identity, Eobard traveled back in time to kill Barry as a child to erase his foe from existence but was thwarted by the Flash of a later time who brought the younger Barry to safety. An enraged Eobard then killed Nora Allen and framed Henry Allen for the crime instead. However, Eobard lost his connection to the Speed Force, becoming trapped in the early twenty-first century. Realizing Barry was the only way to return to his time, Eobard killed Dr. Harrison Wells, the director of S.T.A.R. Labs, and assumed his identity to push through for the creation of a particle accelerator to ensure that Barry would become the Flash. Posing as Wells, Eobard mentored the Flash and became the leader of a team he assembled to stop the meta-human threats, to increase his protégé's speed so that Eobard could use the hero's connection to the Speed Force to return to his own time. After his plan was exposed and subsequently foiled, he was erased from existence after Eddie killed himself to stop him. One year after Thawne was erased from existence, Barry prevented Eobard from murdering Nora, creating Flashpoint and held captive for months. After realizing this mistake, Barry released Eobard, allowing him to kill Nora. As a result of being pulled out of the timeline, Eobard was spared from his fate and continued to exist as a time remnant, while his original actions remain intact. Due to his own nullified state of existence being an aberration, he was hunted by the Black Flash, forcing him to seek out the Spear of Destiny in order to restore his natural existence. Unable to find the object and outrun the enforcer at the same time, Eobard formed a supervillain alliance. Eobard and his co-conspirators eventually retrieve the Spear of Destiny, which they use to rewrite reality to their whims. Despite initially succeeding, his plan was foiled by the Legends de-powering the object, and Eobard was vaporized by the Black Flash. Despite his erasure from existence, Eobard's time remnants are preserved throughout history by the Speed Force, keeping his past time travels intact in order to stabilize the timeline (where his manipulations of it span several years) and prevent further paradoxes. Later, Eobard mysteriously resurfaced as an ally of the New Reichsmen of Earth-X. He originally tried to carry out the Fuhrer's request to perform heart surgery on Overgirl. However when the Reichsmen's defeat eventually became inevitable, he abandoned his allies to their deaths at the hands of the Earth One heroes and Supergirl, running off to parts unknown. +This superhero's name is Reverse Flash (New 52). Their real name is Daniel West. Daniel West's mother died giving birth to him, a fact for which his father William never forgave him. This also drove his father to become an abusive alcoholic. His sister Iris protected and supported him until the day his father went too far, and an angry Daniel pushed him down the stairs, crippling him for life. When he realized that Iris' opinion of him would change forever as a result of those actions, Daniel ran away from home, blaming his father instead of himself for what happened. By the time he was eighteen he had fallen in with a fast crowd, becoming a small-time thug. All while trying to mend his relationship with Iris, who resented him for leaving her with their paraplegic father. His first big score was thwarted by The Flash, and he wound up in prison for 5 years. When he got out of prison, Daniel found that Iris still was not ready to make amends with him. While he struggled to make it on his own, he was captured by Gorillas when they attacked the Gem Cities. When he was rescued by the Rogues he learned that they still intended to rob those they had saved. In his attempt to escape them, he crashed into Dr. Elias' stolen monorail car, which was powered by a Speed Force battery. The accident imbued him with the ability to turn back time, but that power was dependent on the Speed Force charge in the battery. In Reverse Wanting more than anything to go back in time and change his relationship with Iris by killing his father, Daniel dubbed himself the Reverse-Flash and began murdering those who had been touched by the Speed Force in order to drain them of the energy he would need to go back in time far enough to change his own past. Eventually, the only ones touched by the speed force who remained were the Flash and Iris. The Flash had learned that Daniel could not sense him through the Speed Force because of his containment suit and gave one to Iris to mask her as well. Not to be deterred, Daniel managed to lure the Flash to Doctor Elias' lab. He used his power to go back in time — to the day of his last happy memory when he was eight years old — and kill his father. His plan backfired though when his younger self and Iris come home just in time to witness his act of murder. Daniel attempted to kill his father while the Flash defended his and Iris' younger versions, only to realize that he was causing them more trauma. With the Flash's convincing, Daniel gave his powers up to the Flash to let him fix his mistakes. The Flash managed to do so, and he brought them both back to the present, without any repercussions of their actions to the timestream. Iris held the weakened Daniel, who told her that he still did not regret trying to fix things between them by killing the others. Daniel was then sent back to Iron Heights. Daniel continued to defend his actions to Iris, who was still disappointed and turned her back to Daniel for good. New Suicide Squad Daniel is recruited for the Suicide Squad, apparently having regained his powers. While he is fast, he is remarked as not being nearly as fast as the Flash. During a mission where he is asked to plant bombs, Daniel overexerts himself and blows out his knee. Later, the Squad are heading back to headquarters after finding a time bomb in a village. Daniel decides to be a hero and runs back to the village to save the children by getting rid of the time bomb in the ocean. He is able to drop the time bomb in the ocean, which detonates, and he seems to be able to make it back to the group. Unfortunately, he trips and rolls while running back on the water, and is sucked into a vortex created by the time bomb. The skin on Daniel's hand comes off, leaving a skeletal hand, and Daniel supposedly dies as a hero. +This superhero's name is Rey. Their real name is Rey. Rey was a human female scavenger who discovered her latent Force-sensitivity while on a quest to find the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and bring a new hope to a galaxy on the brink of war. Rey grew up in the wastes of the desert planet Jakku, where she was left by her family for reasons unknown to her. She spent her childhood dreaming of the day her family would return for her, meanwhile honing her skills as a scavenger and gaining a reputation as a warrior and scavenger in the junk fields of Niima Outpost. She became a talented scavenger in the planet's Starship Graveyard and gained skills as a linguist and a pilot, all of which were necessary to survive on the backwater planet. Despite the harsh realities of Jakku, Rey remained optimistic for her family's return and compassionate towards others. Rey's life changed forever when she encountered BB-8, a Resistance astromech droid who carried information about Luke Skywalker's whereabouts; and a stormtrooper named Finn who defected from the First Order. They were hunted by First Order forces and escaped from Jakku aboard the Millennium Falcon, which was soon retaken by two of its previous owners, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Solo brought them to Takodana to meet the pirate Maz Kanata, where Rey discovered the lightsaber that once belonged to Skywalker and his father. However, she rejected the idea that the lightsaber was calling to her. During a First Order assault on Kanata's castle, Rey was taken captive by the dark Force user Kylo Ren, who knew she had seen the map that BB-8 carried. On Starkiller Base, a First Order superweapon, Rey refused to give up the information and mounted an escape attempt. She encountered Finn, Solo, and Chewbacca after they had arrived to destroy the weapon and rescue her. After the weapon was damaged and Solo killed by Ren, who was actually his son Ben, Rey and Finn escaped into the forest to find the Millennium Falcon. Ren confronted them and, after Finn was injured, Rey fought Ren in a lightsaber duel and bested him. She and the others escaped to the Resistance base, where they learned Skywalker's location. Rey ventured to the planet Ahch-To, found the legendary Jedi Master, and presented him with his father's lightsaber. +This superhero's name is Rhino. Their real name is Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich. Aleksei Sytsevich was just another thug in the Russian Mafia, grasping at dreams of easy money, and headed for a short brutal life. Seduced by promises of wealth and power, Aleksei underwent a life-threatening series of chemical and radiation treatments to transform him after several months into the superhumanly strong agent for a collective of professional spies - in part, to support his family. Aleksei's powerful armor, permanently bonded to his form, was modeled after the hide of a rhinoceros. Two scientists named Igor and Georgi chose this form, both for its visual impact and in recognition of the fact that the rhino is the result of countless generations of evolution towards the ultimate form for armored assault. They selected Aleksei for his muscular physique and low intelligence, which they believed would insure his loyalty. Given the code-name Rhino, his first mission was to kidnap astronaut John Jameson, son of Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson, and sell him to the highest bidder. He received intensive sub-hypnotic training in American English and false citizenship papers bearing the name Alex O'Hirn. Feeling cocky, he turned on his benefactors, destroying their headquarters, and attempted to abduct Jameson under his own initiative. As the Rhino made his way towards New York City, Spider-Man began to formulate how to defeat this apparently unstoppable foe. His discovered two key factors: once charging, the Rhino cannot change directions or easily halt his advance. Second, Aleksei is rather dumb. Spider-Man deduced that if he could avoid a direct hit from the Rhino's horn, his superior tactical skills and agility would always leave him the final victor in any fair fight. Spider-Man defeated the Rhino sending the villain to a special state correctional hospital where he was kept under heavy sedation. After a few weeks, the Rhino broke out of the hospital and escaped, seeking revenge on Spider-Man. This time, Spider-Man defeated him using a specially-formulated version of his web fluid, devised with the aid of Dr. Curt Connors, that contained encapsulated acid pellets whose containers dissolved upon contact with air. The special webbing rendered the Rhino's costume weak and brittle, which deprived him of needed impact resistance. The Rhino was recaptured, tried, and convicted. The Rhino served a commuted sentence and was discharged. When he was released, the spies who had transformed him, apparently showing no sign of malice towards his betrayal, approached him with the offer to strengthen him using a gamma-ray process. They had also devised an improved, acid-resistant material rhinoceros suit. Having no other prospects of gainful employment, the Rhino accepted the offer. The new series of radiation treatments were successful and doubled the Rhino's previous strength level. The augmented Rhino's first mission was to abduct Dr. Bruce Banner, an authority on biochemical gamma-ray experimentation, (also known as the Hulk). The spies planned to coerce Banner into developing an army of gamma-ray treated superhuman assassins. When the Rhino tried to abduct Banner, Banner transformed into the Hulk and overpowered the Rhino. Again, the Rhino was sent to a state facility under heavy sedation and high security. The Rhino's battle with the Hulk came to the attention of the Leader, one of the Hulk's foremost enemies, who decided that further gamma-ray treatments would give the Rhino enough power to overcome the Hulk. The Leader freed the Rhino from the state facility, and further increased his strength by gamma-ray bombardments. The Leader then dispatched the Rhino to crash the wedding of Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. Succeeding in interrupting the wedding, the Rhino engaged in battle with the Hulk when the Leader accidentally shot him with a radiation blast intended for the Hulk. The Rhino turned on the Leader and caused the Leader's escape module to explode. (Banner's wedding to Ross was subsequently delayed for several years.) The Rhino was left comatose but otherwise unharmed and taken to a state hospital. The Leader used his mental energies to revive him, and reoutfitted him to battle the Hulk once again - this time with the Leader's mind controlling his every move. When the Leader released the Rhino, Aleksei was aboard a space shuttle battling the Hulk. The fight continued until the shuttle crash landed on the High Evolutionary's artificial planet on the opposite side of the sun called Counter-Earth. While the ship automatically repaired its damage, the Leader telemetrically signaled for it to return. The Hulk fought his way back on, the Rhino in tow. When the ship crash landed back on Earth, the Rhino lay buried in the wreckage for some time until he revived. The Rhino was then recruited by Egghead, as part of the criminal scientist's Emissaries of Evil. The Rhino was paired off with Solarr and sent to Dr. Strange's sanctum to fetch the Star of Capistan, a jewel of power that Egghead mistakenly thought Strange had. The mission brought the Rhino in conflict with his old nemesis, the Hulk, as well as the Defenders. The Rhino was ultimately defeated by the Red Rajah, a being in possession of Dr. Strange. He later battled and was defeated by Doc Samson, and subsequently taken for study to Project Pegasus, an enormous energy research facility in upstate, New York. After months of observations, the Rhino joined in a mass escape attempt along with fellow prisoners Moonstone, Blackout, and Electro. The escape was thwarted by the Avengers. While being transferred to another facility, the Rhino was freed by the Miracle Man who wanted the Rhino to help him regain his mystical powers. The Rhino did not wish to be freed, however, preferring to seek medical treatment to remove his costume which had affixed itself to his skin following he fiery shuttle crash. With the aid of the Thing, the Rhino opposed the Miracle Man, and accompanied the Thing back to PEGASUS where they again attempted to transfer him to the medical facility as arranged. The Rhino was hired by the Green Goblin (Harry Osborn) hoping to earn cash to return to his homeland and convince his family to return back to America with him. Hired to scare Peter Parker, the Rhino was severely beaten by a furious Spider-Man. The Rhino's family was disgusted to learn the means Aleksei was using to gather funds. When the treatments failed to restore him to normal, the Rhino escaped and joined the Beetle's Sinister Syndicate to earn money to finance further operations. With teammates Speed Demon, Hydro-Man, and the Boomerang, the Syndicate nearly overpowered Spider-Man until the timely rescue of the then-reformed Sandman working for Silver Sable. The Syndicate reunited again, though soon fell apart due to the machinations of Leila Davis seeking revenge against the Beetle, whom she held partly responsible for the death of her husband, the Ringer. Rhino hoped again to use earnings in the Syndicate to remove his suit. The team fell apart and the Rhino, working for the Kingpin, was double-crossed. Rhino, overhearing the scientists who were instructed not to take remove the suit, kidnapped one of the scientist's children, and had his suit finally removed. The Kingpin, not one to be outdone, sent a fake-explosive package to the now more vulnerable Aleksei, letting him know he could always kill him if need be. Rhino, missing the excitement in life, requested Justin Hammer to make him a new removable suit. Rhino later found himself broke and alone during the holiday season. He stole a Santa Claus costume and made people "give" him money. He agreed to be a mall Santa, but became volatile when the kids did not get along with him. The Hulk was there, and a fight ensued in which the Rhino gored the Hulk. However, with a little girl crying, the Rhino spent the next few hours at the mall as Santa on much better behavior. The Rhino even joined a minor league baseball team, wearing a suit of "Mecha-Rhino" armor, resulting in two clashes with the Hulk. In the Great Game, a gambling operation run by a group of wealthy individuals who wager on the outcome of battles between their sponsored super-powered contestants, sponsor James Johnsmeyer sent the Rhino to pressure the deformed Spider-Man clone, Kaine, into becoming a contestant. Joystick and Polestar joined the fight while the sponsors wagered on who would draw first blood. Double points were offered for Spider-Man as a wildcard while he tried to defend Kaine. Uninterested in joining the Game, Kaine seriously battered the Rhino while Spider-Man tackled Polestar and Joystick. In another scientific experiment, the Rhino attempted to enhance his limited intelligence. The experiment was too successful, rendering him too smart for his own good. His new intellect ruined a romance, and he became suicidal. However, instead of giving up on life, he reversed the procedure and returned back to his former IQ. The Rhino battled Hammerhead's gang but was taken down again by Spider-Man. In Canada, the Rhino became subject to experimentation whereupon he was mutated into a half-man / half-rhino creature temporarily. The Juggernaut, attempting to reform his life, stopped the bestial Rhino, rejecting an opportunity to escape his own sentencing. The Rhino was reverted back to his previous superpowered self, whereupon he abducting and proposed to a French female singer/songwriter. Subsequently, after Spider-Man apprehended him, he was jailed in a special section of Ryker's Island prison for superpowered criminals at the same time as the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn). The Rhino was last seen free from jail, whereupon Colleen Wing knocked down and apprehended him after she crashed Misty Knight's Jaguar XK8 straight into him. +This superhero's name is Rick Flag. Their real name is Richard Rogers Flag. After the death of the original Rick Flag, the Suicide Squad was introduced to Richard Rogers Flag, who claimed to be his son. Young Rick headed a new, public team which included his girlfriend, Karin Grace, Dr. Hugh Evans, and Jess Bright. In one tragic mission in Cambodia they were pursued by a Yeti. Evans and Bright and the Yeti fell into a crevasse, presumably to their deaths. Bright survived, angered at being left behind. Bright, frostbitten and near-death, was found by the Chinese who nursed him back to health. He then passed onto the Russians who transformed him into the bionic monster called Koshchei the Deathless. With his expertise in engineering, Bright assisted in the creation of the Rocket Red Brigade and lent a hand to the nation of Qurac in assembling their metahuman team, the Jihad. Grace also secretly bore Flag's son and placed him with an adoptive family. Later, Rick was sent to infiltrate the Forgotten Heroes as a spy for the government. After the "death" of the Forgotten Heroes' leader, the Immortal Man, the team disbanded and Flag worked covertly for the U.S. government. Flag was then tapped by the government to lead the new Suicide Squad as formed by Amanda Waller, a role he reluctantly assumed. Immediately, Rick showed signs of instability, which were worsened when Karin Grace became the team's medic. Flag hated working with the criminals under his command, and resented the notion that he and Deadshot were alike in any way. There were bright points amongst the Suicide Squad however, as the team was not completely filled with criminals. Nightshade, although she resented Flag at first when she was forced to become an accessory to murder when she became an undercover operative in the Jihad, grew attracted to him. She was never able to admit her feelings to him however, and he was too determined to notice them. Flag also held good relationships with Nemesis and the Bronze Tiger, even though both were in some ways opposed to Flag. Although Nemesis had feelings for Nightshade, something that Flag was also oblivious too, he stepped out of the way and respected Nightshade's feelings. Similarly, the Tiger was originally tapped to become the Squad's leader, but was instead replaced by Flag, something that the Tiger had no problems with. The loyalty Flag had towards his teammates and Waller was evident in the fact that he did not shy away from a conflict with the Justice League in order to free Nemesis from Soviet captivity. He also threatened a superior who was himself threatening Waller's position. This did nothing to ease Flag's mental instability, and it soon worsened. Flag led a different Squad in a deadly mission involving the Doom Patrol. None of Flag's people returned from that one. The death of Karin Grace also served to amplify this and it came to a head when US Senator Cray threatened to reveal the existence of the Suicide Squad to the public. Unbeknownst to him, Amanda Waller had already dealt with the threat, and Flag set out to assassinate Cray in order to ensure the existence of the Suicide Squad, even though he loathed some of its members. The Squad set out to stop him, with the clearance to do so by any means necessary. The villain Deadshot found Flag and Cray, but instead of killing Flag however, Deadshot murdered the senator. Flag was forced to flee, and unwittingly, the existence of the Suicide Squad was still revealed. Flag set out to destroy the Jihad team once and for all after learning that his father had previously attacked their stronghold, Jotunheim, during World War II in order to neutralize a Nazi prototype nuclear weapon. He left a note to Nightshade detailing his plans. The bomb was still there, buried under rubble and the Jihad was unaware of its presence. Flag sneaked in and slew his way through to the bomb itself. He battled the Jihad's leader Rustam personally, just before the bomb exploded. +This superhero's name is Rick Sanchez. Their real name is Rick Sanchez. Rick Sanchez is the co-eponymous main character and leading protagonist of the show. He is a genius scientist whose alcoholism and reckless, nihilistic behavior are a source of concern for his daughter's family, as well as the safety of their son, Morty +This superhero's name is Rictor. Their real name is . J.E. Richter is a mutant with the superhuman power to generate powerful waves of vibrations which resemble earthquakes. He was once captured by the Right (a subversive organization founded by Cameron Hodge and dedicated to the elimination of all superhuman mutants to ensure that they cannot dominate normal humanity) and used by them to create havoc in San Francisco. Rictor was freed by X-Factor and became their trainee. During this time he became a member of the X-Terminators, which contended with N'astirh and his demons in New York during the 'Inferno'. Rictor joined the New Mutants and went with them to Asgard, to battle Hela. He later fought Caliban, and was severely injured by Sabretooth, although Cable and the New Mutants arrived in time to save him. As a member of the New Mutants, Rictor stood alongside them as they assisted Cable in his fight against Stryfe and the Mutant Liberation Front. Rictor was captured and briefly enslaved in Genosha. After that ordeal he left the New Mutants hoping to bring Wolfsbane back with him from Genosha. Rictor, convinced that Cable had been the man who killed his father (it was actually Cable's clone, Stryfe), agreed to join Weapon PRIME in trying to capture Cable. By this time the New Mutants had evolved into X-Force and with their help Weapon PRIME's mission to capture Cable failed. Rictor eventually returned to join X-Force in time to be captured by the X-Men and X-Factor. Rictor and the X-Force team moved into the X-Men's mansion, which they now use as their main headquarters. Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Weight: 145 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Strength level: Normal Known superhuman powers: Ability to generate powerful waves of vibrations which can produce effects resembling those of earthquakes. Rictor is immune to the harmful effects of the vibrations he creates. +This superhero's name is Riddler. Their real name is Edward Nigma. The Riddler discovered how fun and challenging puzzles were when he was a young boy (he cheated on a puzzle in school to win a prize), and he gradually turned to crime as he matured. Issue 2 of Justice by Alex Ross, suggests that the presence of his father, not absence, was to blame for his compulsion to hide the form of the truth in riddles. His father presumably caught Edward cheating and beat him, presumably perpetually after the incident to keep Edward to tell the truth and keep him out of trouble. The sad result had Edward telling the truth behind riddles and entered to crime possibly as a result of the abuse. The Riddler, unlike many of the other members of Batman's rogues gallery, is more of a cerebral than physical villain. Although he is quite suited for physical combat and often has weapons ready for use, he has probably always been among the least homicidal of the major Bat nemeses; indeed, one story showed him lamenting the rise of murderous villains ("What's happened to us? The Joker's killing people, for Christ's sake!"). His riddles are in fact a bizarre obsessive compulsion; his attempts to stop himself from sending them have met with failure. This extends to the fact he cannot simply kill his opponents when he has the upper hand, but put them in a deathtrap to see if he can devise a life and death intellectual challenge that the hero cannot escape. However, of Batman's themed enemies, Riddler's compulsion is quite flexible, allowing him to commit any crime as long as he can describe it in a riddle or puzzle. He often has two female assistants that help him, usually named a combination of Quiz, Query or Echo. The Riddler is one of the few rogues that has deduced the true identity of the Batman. However, there is no major concern that the Riddler will leak the information, as Batman explains "What good is a riddle which everyone knows the answer to?", playing with the Riddler's obsession with riddles and the greatest riddle of all: "Who is Batman?". +This superhero's name is Riot (SONY). Their real name is Carlton Drake. Dr. Carlton Drake was genius inventor and leader of the Life Foundation experimenting on the symbiotes. Drake would bond to another symbiote known as Riot. +This superhero's name is Rip Hunter. Their real name is Richard Hunter. +This superhero's name is Ripcord. Their real name is Miranda Leevald. Stacy X first appeared at the X-Ranch, a brothel for mutants with unique powers that would fit at such a locale. Her powers included mainly increasing the healing of her team and the ability to seduce men or make them violently ill. While most of the mutants there did not need to touch their customers Stacy needed to have contact in order for her powers to work. Soon after the destruction of the X-Ranch by the Church Of Humanity Stacy X joined the X-Men. While with the team she continued to service her special clients which lead to a fight with Wolverine. After she was unable to seduce any of the male X-men, especially Archangel, she left the team. Her whereabouts were unknown but she was one of the mutants who lost their powers during the crisis of M-Day. As revealed in the Sally Floyd's Mutant Diaries, Miranda became a street hooker. She worked in New York Cities Red Light District between 9th Ave. and 42nd St. She still retained a reptilian appearance, but seemed to be more scarring instead of scales. She described herself as someone hope had died in. Sometimes later she turned up as a new member of the newest incarnation of the New Warriors, a group of depowered mutants fighting against the Superhuman Registration Act. To go with her new technological powers, she took up the name Ripcord. During her time as a member she fought against the Zodiac and Machinesmith. She was recently killed alongside her teammate, Skybolt, when an attacking S.H.I.E.L.D. agents' jet pack explodes. +This superhero's name is Robin II. Their real name is Jason Todd. Jason Todd was the son of circus acrobats Joe and Trina Todd, who were inspired by Flying Graysons and worked in the Sloan Circus. The Flying Todds were introduced to Dick Grayson from the Flying Graysons by their mutual friend, Waldo the Clown. In turn, Dick Grayson introduced the Todd to his guardian, Bruce Wayne. The Sloan Circus was being blackmailed by Killer Croc and the Todds volunteered to help Robin find the criminal. Unfortunately, they were killed by Croc, leaving Jason as an orphan. At first, Dick wanted to adopt him, but Bruce had other plans in mind. Shortly after his parents' deaths, Bruce Wayne took Jason into Wayne Manor, as the kid had learned the secret of Batman and Robin. In an effort to earn Bruce’s permission to become his new partner in the likeness of Robin, Jason attempted to help Batman during a confrontation with Man-Bat, but all he managed was to get himself kidnapped by the monster. Jason was eventually rescued by Batman and he played a vital role in Man-Bat’s defeat, proving his worth as a partner in combat. Despite his devotion to become Batman’s partner, Jason was denied the chance every time. For this reason, Jason decided to run away from Wayne Manor to go back to the circus. While at the circus, Jason became aware of a crook part of the circus crew and he helped Batman capture the criminal called Chimera. For his assistance in the case, Jason was given the chance to become Batman’s new partner. However, Jason was forced to wait longer than he expected and he hurried things by dying his hair black and taking Dick Grayson’s outfit to become the next Robin in order to help Batman against the Joker. Batman tried to get Jason to use a different costume and adopt a different identity, but after they defeated Poison Ivy, Jason was given permission by Dick Grayson to use the Robin identity and continue his legacy, as he started looking for a new identity of his own. Under his new identity as Robin, Jason joined Batman and stopped several criminals including Crazy Quilt, Doctor Fang, Catman, Scarecrow, Mister Freeze, and many others. Unfortunately, Jason was taken away from Bruce by the Child Welfare Bureau after the legal paperwork for his guardianship was overlooked. In a twist of events, Jason was adopted by Natalia Knight, but she allowed him to continue his activities as Robin, since she was aware of the secret of Bruce Wayne. Nocturna became a good mother for Jason and even helped Batman and Robin capture the Mad Hatter. Despite all this, Jason didn’t accept her at first, not even after they had to team-up to confront the Night-Slayer, who was impersonating Batman. Their collaboration didn’t bring them together and Jason was eventually taken back to Wayne Manor by Natalia, who gave up her quest to prove to be a good mother. Shortly after, Jason was officially adopted by Bruce Wayne. After he returned to live with Bruce in Wayne Manor, Jason resumed his usual Robin activities and helped Batman against various criminals including Darkwolf, Calendar Man, the False Face Society and their leader, Black Mask, Mirror Master and Captain Boomerang, and Hugo Strange. Eventually, Jason started feeling the need of a mother figure and he turned to the only woman that after his mother’s death had provided him such care and love: Nocturna. Later, Robin asked help from Bullock to protect Nocturna from the Night-Slayer, who was still looking to kill her. When Batman became too busy watching over the ailing Catwoman, Robin took it upon himself to protect Nocturna from the Night-Slayer, but despite his best efforts, Nocturna was seriously wounded by the Night-Slayer, which grieved Jason deeply as he felt responsible for her apparent demise. After such traumatic events and thanks to Batman’s efforts, Jason became closer to Catwoman as he found a bit of the relief he sought in Nocturna in Selina Kyle. In some of Robin’s last missions, he helped Batman capture the Dark Rider and he teamed-up with Bullock to stop the Film Freak. Afterwards, he learned that Two-Face had escaped from Arkham Asylum and worked with Batman to stop the villain, even after neglecting his duties as Robin for his new girlfriend, Rena. Realizing the truth, Jason came to his senses and resumed his role as Robin. On his last mission as Robin, he assisted Batman in defeating Ra's al Ghul and many other criminals, who were released to kill Batman. After the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Jason Todd's existence and history was completely altered, transforming him into a different person, existing on a different reality. +This superhero's name is Robin III (Arkham). Their real name is Tim Drake. +This superhero's name is Robin III. Their real name is Tim Drake. Tim Drake is a vigilante and member of the Batman Family. He became the third Robin at a young age, succeeding Jason Todd as Batman's sidekick. Eventually he would outgrow this position and begin wearing the costume of Red Robin when he's replaced by Damian Wayne. Origins. Timothy Drake, then a young boy, was in attendance at the circus on the night the Flying Graysons were murdered. Some years later, he saw footage of Batman and Robin apprehending the Penguin, and the lad was deeply impressed when Robin performed a quadruple somersault (a rare maneuver that only Dick Grayson and a few others could perform). When Tim eventually learned that Grayson was Bruce Wayne's ward he (quite impressively) deduced that Wayne had to be Batman, and Grayson, Robin. Tim followed the adventures of the Dynamic Duo over time, and when a new hero, Nightwing, appeared Tim rightly deduced that he was Dick Grayson who had struck out on his own and assumed this new identity. As a result, Tim began to consider approaching Bruce Wayne in hopes of convincing him that Batman needed a Robin, and that it was him who should assume that mantle. Batman, eaten up with grief after the death of Jason Todd (at the hands of the Joker), became ever more reckless and dangerous, thus convincing Tim even more strongly that a "replacement" Robin was needed, finally driving him into action. But Tim (much like his soon-to-be mentor, Batman) does not act rashly nor impulsively, instead opting to wait for the optimum time to arrive. His chance came when he learned that Nightwing had left the Titans for a short time in order to find himself. So Tim followed Dick and convinced him that Batman needed help. Grayson then took Tim to the Batcave and left, as Nightwing, to help Batman deal with the vile Two-Face. Alfred (always the helpful one) insinuated that Tim was brought to the Batcave to help Batman as the new Robin. But with Clayface on the loose, Tim and Alfred became worried about the safety of Batman and Nightwing, and went out to help them. Tim donned the costume of Robin and with the help of Alfred Pennyworth, and managed to rescue them. Batman accepted Tim as the new Robin on a trial basis. He trained over several months, first with Alfred, then Batman, and, finally, Nightwing. The Obeah Man captured Tim's parents during a trip to the Caribbean. Janet died in the resulting conflict, and Jack was left with paralysis, this despite Batman's help. He now required the care of a nurse/physical therapist, Dana Winters. After assisting in the defeat of Scarecrow, Batman finally deemed Tim was ready to fulfill his role as the new Robin. He was given a new costume that set him apart from the previous Robins. Tim had his doubts about becoming the new Robin, but Bruce told him that he had every confidence in Tim being his new partner. Bruce also confided in Tim that he was looking for someone with smarts, not just guts, and Tim had that and more. All that was necessary was for Tim to go through some intensive training before taking to the streets in Gotham. This would involve a tour overseas, helping Tim understand who he was in addition to learning how to be a great fighter. His first stop was Paris, to learn from Rahul Lama, a Chinese martial arts master. In Paris, Tim crossed paths with some thugs working for King Snake, who was himself being shadowed by Lady Shiva. Shiva actually joined with Robin and a man named Clyde Rawlins (who wanted revenge against Snake for the death of his family) to help take down King Snake's heroin trafficking in the area. It was not that Shiva was opposed to it for any moral reason, she simply wished to learn for herself if King Snake was truly as dangerous as rumors made him out to be; a good challenge for her talents. Together, they discovered that King Snake was interested in more than just drugs: he was going into chemical weapons and manufacturing his own bubonic plague. They followed the trail to Hong Kong, and whilst there, Shiva continued to train with Robin and it was during this time that he acquired his collapsible fighting staff. King Snake's plan was to unleash his plague into Hong Kong so as to leave it a rotting cesspool before the Chinese reclaimed it from the British. The team split up when they breached his lair. Clyde found him first and was quickly killed by Snake. Robin managed to defeat him, but refused to kill him when Shiva ordered him to. He returned to Gotham, ready to take his place alongside the Batman. Tim distinguished himself from Jason Todd by being far more reserved in temperament and from Dick Grayson by being more cerebral a detective and less a great acrobat. Whereas Dick had been brought up from a very early age to be acrobatic, Tim had to work hard for it. He proved himself more than capable of holding his own alongside the Batman. However, Batman did have strict orders with Tim--whenever Tim came across a known killer (Joker, Two-Face), he was supposed to withdraw and summon help. Tim also started dating a classmate around this time, a young girl named Ariana Dzerchenko, who was the niece of Russian immigrants. Tim was in Gotham City when Bane broke open Arkham Asylum, unleashing nearly every inmate into the city, and was the first to suggest to Batman that Bane was responsible. He set out with the Batman at first, and initially they had some good progress busting up the Mad Hatter's tea party and bringing in a half dozen or so thugs along with him, however they got separated when Robin decided to pursue Bird (one of Bane's lackeys) while Batman went after Zsasz. Robin was briefly captured by Bane and Killer Croc, but managed to escape. Tim then did some detective work regarding Firefly, but a physically and emotionally drained Batman ordered him to stay in the Batcave while he took on Firefly by himself. Tim saw some action when Riddler held a live TV show hostage (although he had a fake bomb) and helped to apprehend the self-appointed Prince of Puzzler's. Tim was with Alfred and Jean-Paul Valley when Bane broke the Batman's back and threw him from a rooftop in downtown Gotham. They acquired an ambulance and took Bruce back to the Batcave (despite Tim's initial protestations that he should go to a hospital). He contacted Jim Gordon to get some medicine that Bruce needed. After that, there was nothing he could do but wait and pray alongside Alfred. Thankfully, Bruce did not die, though when he awoke, he was psychologically scarred, as his defeat at the hands of Bane coupled with months of exhaustion, was a major blow. Tim could barely stand to see his mentor so shattered, but he stayed the course, helping Alfred recruit Dr. Shondra Kinsolving to be his personal physician and wrecking the Porsche to explain how Bruce Wayne could have sustained such injuries. Once Bruce was feeling in better spirits, Tim went to talk to him about the escalating violence and gang wars in Gotham suggesting that someone would have to step in for Bruce until he could recover. Bruce turned down Tim's suggestion to get Nightwing, reasoning that Dick was his own man now with his own responsibilities, which left the task to Azrael, Jean-Paul Valley. Tim gave him the costume and taught him a few of Batman's tricks. Bruce's condition was particularly heartbreaking for Tim, given that his own father was still paralyzed (although Jack had been making remarkable progress; while still wheelchair-bound, he had much more feeling and could move his arms much better). Robin went on patrol with the new Batman (sometimes referred to by fans as "Az-Bats") and was dismayed when Jean-Paul kept getting more and more aggressive, pushing the edge when it came to defeating criminals. Robin kept trying to remind Jean-Paul that there was more to being Batman than just the costume, but Jean-Paul had quickly lost himself in his role. Meanwhile, Bruce surmised that since Bane had guessed his secret identity, Bane may also have guessed Tim's. So he went to Drake Manor — too late, for Jack Drake was kidnapped just before Bruce arrived. Tim continued to try and steer Jean-Paul in the right direction, but he became much more erratic and even lashed out at Robin calling his overtures interference. Tim discovered his father was missing when he headed home after Jean-Paul having made it clear that he would not take directions from Tim. Bruce and Alfred had left Gotham to go search for Jack Drake and Shondra Kinsolving, who had also been taken. Tim kept up the pretense that his father had planned his trip. Tim felt shut out of the team and the Cave by the time Nightwing dropped by. Tim filled him in on the situation, saying that he blamed himself partly for Jean-Paul's behavior, as it had been Tim who had designed Jean-Paul's original costume, which was very similar to a villain Bruce had recently defeated. That, combined with "the System," (a kind of brainwashing Azrael had undergone) might have been the cause of his recklessness. Nightwing told Tim not to blame himself and also admitted that he was surprised Bruce hadn't asked Tim to fill in while he was injured. Robin showed up when Bane and Jean-Paul had their second sparring and managed to save the passengers of an elevated train while Az-Bats took down Bane. Much to Tim's relief, Jean-Paul did not kill Bane. Despite the fact that Azrael did not kill Bane, he was still acting reckless, even out of control in some instances. The System kept playing havoc with Azrael's psyche, and finally he snapped and attacked Robin in the Batcave. Tim might have died if Jean-Paul hadn't overcome the System. Robin decided it was time to leave because the team was dead without Bruce. So he took his custom-made vehicle, the Redbird, and left. Tim met up with Ariana Dzerchenko, his girlfriend, for their first date in weeks, doing his best to put Jean-Paul, Bruce, and even his Dad's disappearance aside for a few hours. There was some excitement at the party they attended when some masked thugs, the Speedboyz, tried to carjack another student's vehicle and Tim had to intervene. Later that night, Robin decided to try and track them down, only to be confronted by a local county cop, "Shotgun" Smith, who mistook Tim for one of the carjackers. Robin managed to evade arrest and got to work tracking down the Speedboyz. He managed to bust up their gang and leave a phone call for Shotgun, letting him know who to thank. Going back home, Tim had to blow off Ari, who was beginning to think that he was seeing someone else. Tim decided to make it up to her by taking her to the movies. However, his mind kept wandering having just learned that the Cluemaster, and some other thugs, had escaped from prison. One was the Electrocutioner. Another was Czonk, who decided to create a new identity for himself, the Baffler. The others didn't like the name, so he changed it to Headbanger. Robin got to work investigating, stumbling into Spoiler soon enough. Unsurprised at this, because he knew that Stephanie was the Cluemaster's daughter and had reasoned that she'd turn up eventually. He went to the last known location of the gang and here Robin discovered a clue that the Baffler had left for the police. He followed the clue to the gang's heist: an armored car robbery. He and Cluemaster got sealed inside the car, and the other two (not knowing the car is occupied) put it in a pit and started covering it with cement. Robin could only wait until the others came back but they arrived much earlier than planned because the cops were onto them. With some help from Spoiler, Robin was saved and Cluemaster and his buddies were sent back to jail by Smith. Robin bumped into Huntress and helped her get out of a jam from her involvement in a gang war with Mandy Paul. Tim reaffirmed that while he had discovered her real identity, he had never told Batman. They came to Mandy's lair only to find a man calling himself Deathangel, trying to "send all sinners to God" with a pair of pistols. After a firefight where Deathangel fled the scene, Robin and Huntress split up, with Robin following Mandy to a church. Huntress found Robin and Deathangel at the church, after correctly guessing that he was really Danny DePaolo, Mandy's brother, a priest at that very church. He was suffering from a delusion caused by his sister's wickedness. Everything led to a final confrontation with Mandy and her goons. Deathangel could not pull the trigger, but his sister could, and she gunned down her brother. Robin kept Huntress from killing him. Bruce kept his word. He and Alfred found Jack Drake and they returned to Gotham City. Bruce even had his broken back mystically healed during the trip. Once back, Bruce confessed to Tim that he was thinking of permanent retirement. That all changed when he learned that Azrael had let Abattoir die. Bruce was a little angry at Robin for not doing more to stop Azrael, but Tim replied there wasn't much else he could do, considering that Jean-Paul had sealed off the cave and nearly killed both of them in their fight. Breaking into the Batcave, Bruce and Tim found Jean-Paul, who was beyond reason. He did not even refer to himself by name anymore, but simply was the Batman. Bruce decided he would have to retake the mantle by force, but he would need a crash course to return to his physical peak, and that meant going to Lady Shiva. Tim was just happy to have Bruce and his father back safely. Robin joined with Nightwing to help Bruce, once he had "graduated" from Shiva's training. In the end, Bruce had to confront Jean-Paul himself. Batman told Robin the job was still his, and the dynamic duo was back in action. Jack decided to buy his son a car, or more precisely, a van (one that was wheelchair accessible). Tim had another fight with Ari when he fell asleep while she was trying to talk to him. Soon after Bruce's return, Zero Hour came into swing, a crisis in time itself. The effects dropped a young Dick Grayson (in his first or second year as Robin) into the present and he and Tim worked together before Zero Hour began to erase everything. Afterward, Bruce decided he needed some time off, and this time he handed the mantle over to the right person, Dick Grayson. Robin and the new Batman got along great, working against the likes of Two-Face. In his home life, Tim kept trying to make it up to Ari while his dad kept insisting on some bonding time because of his absence. Jack also hired Dana Winters to be his personal physical therapist. On a date with Ari, some teens picked a fight, and Tim had to take some hits, not wanting to reveal his martial arts training (which would lead to his secret identity being revealed). He vented his frustration later that night when he went out with Dick. On another night, when he ran into the teens alone, he got his revenge, but it was spoiled when he visited Ari and found out her uncle had been attacked at his shop by gangsters. Dick's tenure as Batman quickly came to an end when Bruce decided to return to the job. That event also brought some long needed healing between Bruce and Dick, who were very much like father and son. Bruce redesigned his costume, making it darker than ever. Robin then had a run in with the KGBeast, but unlike their last encounter, he did not have backup. KGBeast was perfectly willing to kill Tim and destroy most of Gotham City. KGBeast had already put down Harvey Bullock, who only survived due to Robin's knowledge of CPR. The battle against the KGBeast was tough. Robin was tempted to use Bullock's sidearm, but refused. He managed to defeat him just as Batman showed up. Bullock was comatose for a while, but recovered. Robberies were up recently, and Batman discovered that someone was sending very lame clues to the police department from inside Blackgate Prison. Figuring it was the Cluemaster and the villain would talk to Robin, Batman took Tim to the prison. Cluemaster told them that he was being blackmailed to plan some crimes by some thugs on the outside and that they had kidnapped Stephanie to ensure his cooperation. Batman tracked down their lair and Robin came along. Robin saved her life and rescued her, and after changing into her costume, she insisted on coming along. Batman was not amused, but Stephanie told him that Cluemaster had conned them and was in on the whole thing. While Batman went for another chat with Cluemaster, Robin and Spoiler stayed put until he pointed them in the right direction, where they rounded up the rest of the gang. Spoiler acted like the whole thing was a date, despite Tim's protestations that it was serious business (and that he had a girlfriend already). Afterward, Stephanie paid a visit to her dad in jail. In an attempt to expand his criminal empire, King Snake came to Gotham. After a brief encounter with King Snake's enforcers alongside Huntress, Robin was told to back off by Batman. Robin next saved the life of Mayor Krol from a disgruntled city employee, but the credit went to another man, someone who had recently been fired for trying to blow the whistle on safety violations around the city. Following a couple bizarre heists, such as a missing lion, Robin stumbled across Ulysses Armstrong, recently released from juvenile hall. Ulysses had recruited a vagrant who was under the impression he was Julius Caesar (having been influenced by an equally vagrant Maxie Zeus) and together they plotted a crime spree. With some help from Shotgun Smith, Robin foiled the plot. Returning home, he discovered Ari was in his bedroom. She told him she had run away because her uncle was planning on moving away from the city because of the attack on his shop. Tim might have been in some trouble with his father and maid for Ari spending the night if Jack's physical trainer hadn't come out of Jack's bedroom that morning. Dana had worked wonders on Jack in more ways than one, and he was up and walking about with a cane. Robin got to take his mind of things by helping Batman investigate a string of local robberies perpetrated by a gang of amateur ninjas, one of whom died when he fell off a rooftop. The deceased turned out to be a classmate of Tim's and he learned that the kid had gone to a Ninja Camp. Robin followed another classmate and easily defeated some of the ninjas, though they managed to escape. Tim decided to go undercover and enrolled at the camp using his alias, Alvin Draper. He impressed the camp leaders enough that they let him in on their outfit, provided he could pass one last test. Robin passed with flying colors and arranged for the ninjas to be arrested. Tim got home and learned that Ari's uncle had sold his store and they would be moving at the end of the week. But things weren't so bad, thanks to a little help from Bruce Wayne. Bruce arranged for Lucius Fox and Wayne Enterprises to buy the store at a very generous price, enough for the family to open another store in a better neighborhood and remain in the city. Ari would even be going to the same school as Tim. Robin felt great. That night on patrol, he heard that Killer Moth had broken out. Figuring Moth for a third tier super lightweight, Robin went after him on his own. Moth had just sold his soul to Neron during Underworld Unleashed and been transformed into Charaxes. The monstrous being shredded its way through some cops and evaded a shootout with Sheriff Smith while capturing Robin, hoping to devour him. Robin was saved by an unknown party before Batman could turn up, and Charaxes was gone. Robin met the new Green Arrow about that time. Green Arrow and Spoiler joined Robin to take down some gunrunners who were selling guns around Tim's high school. One of Tim's classmates, Karl Ranck, had been given a gun by his dad to protect himself, prompting Tim to tell his father. Jack had a talk with Karl's dad, who took the gun away. Karl then took one of his dad's guns and was killed in a shootout at the school. Tim was so angry that the beat-down he gave the gunrunners might have been much worse had Stephanie and Connor not been there. Tim spotted Stephanie at Karl's funeral and tried to avoid her, prompting Ari to misread the situation. Luckily, Tim managed to straighten that out easily enough. Robin and Spoiler then went after the guy who shot Karl, who was part of a larger street gang. They had to be saved by Batman, who was not happy that Robin decided to go at the gang without more backup than Spoiler. He also reminded Tim that Karl had made the choice to pick up the gun and become a target. Batman sends Robin to track down a plague survivor named Kendall Stuart when the Apocalypse Virus breaks out in Gotham. He reluctantly teams up with Catwoman, but they're both beaten by a bounty hunter named Tracker. Azrael intervenes to save them, but Robin fails when Stuart is shot dead by the Order of St. Dumas. He fights rioters with Nightwing and Huntress, then gets infected when one of them spits in his face. Alfred is forced to take care of him in the Batcave, and Tim hallucinates while dying. He's saved when Azrael deciphers the cure, and dutifully helps the relief efforts even in his weakened state. Ariana briefly bleaches her hair blonde, and Tim is distressed to realize that she's jealous of Stephanie. He's captured by Maxie Zeus and Julie Caesar, but manages to defeat them both without help. When he meets Wildcat at a car show, he is thrilled to team up with a legendary hero against the Speedboyz. When Armand Krol dies during Legacy, they realize the Apocalypse Virus was never cured and Tim still has it in a dormant state. Batman travels to the Sudan with Nightwing and Robin where they track down an ancient cure. It's revealed that Ra's al Ghul is controlling the virus, and they're forced to fight through an army of assassins while he escapes. Nightwing and Robin chase his acolytes to Paris, where they stop a terrorist attack on the Louvre. Robin beats up Shen Chi in a surprise showdown, and is forced to work with Henri Ducard. Batman destroys the last of the plague in Gotham, and Robin pursues Ra's with Huntress and Nightwing. They track down his boat The Shrike, and Robin steals data from his computers before escaping while it explodes. Bruce and Tim blame themselves for the number of deaths, and Alfred reminds them they should count everyone they've saved. Robin met Impulse for the first time when their respective classes went on the same skiing field trip in Colorado. Alfred went with Robin, for they had extra business, a plot involving a group called White Heat and Mystral. Tim met Bart early in the trip, and once he saw Bart in uniform, he was able to instantly guess who his identity, much to Bart's surprise. This would mark the beginning of a long and close friendship. Tim hated that he kept having to mislead Ari ; trouble seemed to come up everywhere, even at a student outing to "Macbeth on the Beach" where Tim had to avoid Helena Bertinelli so she wouldn't recognize him. Tim cared for Ari very much, even if Spoiler kept making passes at him. During the Final Night, the Robin and Spoiler were trapped in a snowdrift along with a thug who tried to kill them with a chainsaw. Spoiler could not understand why Robin tried to save the thug trapped in the snow. While they were digging him out, they found a woman and her child also trapped in the snow and rescued them. "General" Ulysses Armstrong got out on parole and Robin decided to visit him at home, and remind him that he should stay in line. He knew that Armstrong would not do so, and sure enough, the kid soon joined up with the Toyman (Winslow Schott) to try and steal the toy collection of a local eccentric, Phillip Crouch. Robin tracked them to Crouch's manor, where a fight broke out with some hi-tech, deadly toys. Toyman betrayed Armstrong, and Robin had to rescue him and stop them both. Both were arrested. As a young child, Bruce Wayne enjoyed watching Roy Raymond, a TV criminologist. His son, Roy Raymond Jr., had a TV show that aired dramatizations of crimes on which he called himself Manstalker. Tim thought the show was a joke, but it couldn't take his mind off things. Ari had been a little distant lately, and his friend Ives was keeping secrets too. On patrol, Robin found Slyfox and his crew trying to rob an insurance company, and of course, Manstalker and his TV crew arrived on scene during a special episode. Robin had to destroy the tape in the camera before heading after the hoods, whom he apprehended. While Spoiler was out getting into some trouble with Lynx and her goons, Tim was spending time at Ari's. He got the shock of a lifetime while they were alone at her house and she walked out of her room in her underwear, wanting to sleep with him. Tim finally learned what was bothering her; when she had dyed her hair, she had hung out with another guy and the guy tried to rape her. It was an unsuccessful attempt, but it left her feeling very scared and vulnerable. Tim told her that he loved her and said it would be best if they waited to have sex. While Tim and Ari were sharing a tender moment, Ari's uncle and aunt walked in and was cross with them. Ari's uncle was not in the mood to listen to an explanation. Tim had to flee before Ari's uncle strangled him. He decided to go on patrol, where he ran into Spoiler and she explained about Lynx's Ghost Dragons. Robin agreed to work with her, but the Dragons proved too much for them to handle on their own. Robin knew he should tell Stephanie to give up being Spoiler, but he just couldn't do so. Soon Tim learned that the only secret Ives was keeping was that he had a job dressing as a giant mouse at a kid's restaurant. Ari, however, was transferred to an all girl's school. Tim kept thinking about Spoiler, and when he went to meet her, he found out she had been kidnapped by Czonk, who was back to calling himself the Baffler. Despite being one of the dumbest goons in Gotham, Baffler managed to tie up Robin and Spoiler and planned on leaving them to die in an old project building that was being demolished. He managed to knock himself out, and they ended up having to save him as well as themselves. Afterward, Robin told Stephanie she might have to stop being Spoiler. When he got home (early the next day), he found his dad back from his recent lecture tour and Jack had spoken to Ari's uncle. Tim was grounded, but even when forbidden to leave his room, he managed to solve a crime by watching the news. During the Genesis crisis, Robin was unable to save a hood who had to tried to kill him from drowning. Feeling depressed, Robin headed for the frontlines. Armstrong was back, this time as adviser to Ali Ben Khadir, a claimant to the throne of the Karoccan Emirate. His rival was being backed by Qurac. With Nightwing's help and a Wayne Tech jet, Robin went over to the war-torn country (the conflict was escalating with the appearance of more mercenaries on either side, such as Deadline). Nightwing managed to stop two armies from clashing outside the capital while Robin penetrated Armstrong's lair. He found that Armstrong and his employer had experienced a falling out, so the boy was arrested and Robin withdrew. Robin had Nightwing drop him off in France, saying that lately he'd been feeling lost and decided he needed to step back for a while. He thought Paris was the right place to start, since his training had never really ended there. Knowing that Rahul Lama was dead, Tim decided to train in the course of the Iron Master, although he remained in his identity as Robin. He stopped a former student from stealing from the master and also met a girl named Dava Sborscs. The girl was there to learn a single move to add to her arsenal of lethal moves. She wanted to be able to fight in the war that was destroying her native country of Transbelvia. After she left, Lady Shiva arrived looking for her. Robin had to withdraw, leaving the Iron Master to fight her alone, and Shiva killed him. King Snake was also involved again, this time selling weapons to Transbelvia. Robin went after Dava to warn her about Shiva. Back in Gotham, Jack Drake, Ari, and Spoiler were all wondering what had happened to Tim. Robin found Dava, a rebel fighting against the oppressive regime using a special chemical called Aramilla that allows her to move at super speed. Together they easily took down some military thugs, but then Shiva turned up. Not willing to step aside and let her murder Dava, Robin attacked, using the Aramilla to his advantage. Not even Shiva could stand up to Robin moving at super speed. Losing control, Robin beat her to death, just as King Snake sauntered in. While Dava fought King Snake and his minions, Robin performed CPR and managed to revive Shiva. Shiva had absorbed some of the Aramilla, and at super speed, she took down all of King Snake's men and went after King Snake herself. Robin left them to fight each other and brought an injured Dava to safety. But the war continued, and Robin decided it was finally time to return home. Robin joined with Batman and the rest of the "family," overwhelmed at the near total destruction of the entire city. There was little that Robin could do in such chaos, and Batman asked him to stay out of most of the city. Luckily, the Drake home, in one of the outer neighboring communities, suffered only minor damages and they were able to effect repairs. During the Aftershock, Ari and Stephanie were both staying in a shelter with their families. Stephanie asked Robin to retrieve her costume, worried someone would steal it and learn her secret. Cluemaster was waiting there, but Robin took him down and turned him in to the National Guard. After spending more time with Stephanie, Robin decides he really does care for her, and that he has to break things off with Ari rather than keep her hanging on. Fortunately, Ari feels exactly the same way about a breakup, although she says it is because they are too young to pursue a relationship. Ari is not seen again. (see the Talk page for more on this development) At this same time, Robin also became one of the charter members of Young Justice. See that entry for more information about his details with that team. Tim and Spoiler got along wonderfully. She didn't pry about his real identity, and he could share being Robin with her. After their first real date, Stephanie told him that she was pregnant. Robin was not responsible for her condition, but he stood by her. Disguised as Alvin Draper, he went to lame classes and told her that she had to give up being Spoiler until after the baby was born. Later, Robin had to save his friends Ives and Hudson from Steeljacket. At school, a friend of Tim's was found dead in the woods and two bullies were suspected of killing him. While Tim initially believed they were innocent, he soon found evidence of their guilt, which led to their arrest. With all of Gotham in ruins, Jack Drake decided the family should relocate from Gotham Heights for a while. He decided to move to Keystone City. When they arrived, Robin teamed with the Flash to take on the Riddler and Captain Boomerang. They also got some help from Superman to stop a bomb threat. While they were in Keystone, Stephanie went into labor (earlier than expected) and needed a C-section. Flash got Robin back to Gotham in time for him to come to the hospital. The baby was born and Stephanie gave the child up for adoption. Jack was furious with his son for running home to Gotham, but admitted that he had hated Keystone and also wanted to come back. Robin even managed to help Shotgun Smith take down three monstrous thugs who held hostage an emergency room. Recalled to Gotham City by Batman, Robin and Nightwing had to crawl through an extensive system of tunnels and underground chambers, as the bridges were all down and patrols kept them from crossing the river. They had a tussle with Tommy Mangles and Gearhead, but Nightwing easily defeated them and got into the city. Robin was depressed by the despair and desperation he witnessed in people fighting to survive. Batman put Robin to work immediately, ordering him to track down a cache of food from an old shelter. Robin found it and discovered the Ratcatcher there. Robin had to flee from the Ratcatcher and his legions of rats, though a combination of rat bites and exposure to sewage gave him a fever. He managed to stave it off with some antibiotics, and was found by a group of children known as the Wolflings, including a kid Robin knew from his school who was calling himself Aragoth. The Wolflings decided to find the stores, and Robin was too sick to follow them at first. The kids found it, but so did the Ratcatcher and Mister Freeze. Robin managed to defeat both Freeze and Ratcatcher, arranging for them to be +This superhero's name is rrested. Batman was impressed with Robin's actions. Robin did not have much time to recover. Their real name is as he knew Batman and the others were fighting for their lives. Robin was captured by Killer Croc. but Tim was successfully lifted out with some help from the new Batgirl. Jack decided to enlist his son in Brentwood Academy +This superhero's name is Robin (Titans). Their real name is Jason Todd. Jason was born to a man and a woman, though they quickly neglected him and left him with his uncle Ray. His uncle frequently took him to bars, but his uncle's drunken antics had them kicked out on multiple occasions. As a child, Jason read about the vigilante, Robin. In around 2012, Ray overdosed, leaving Jason to fend for himself. Jason began committing crime, such as stealing hubcaps. At the age of 18, he attempted to steal the hubcaps off of the Batmobile, but was stopped by Batman, who took him in as his sidekick, training him as the new Robin. +This superhero's name is Robin V. Their real name is Damian Wayne. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. During Battle for the Cowl he became the fifth Robin, working alongside Dick Grayson as Batman. He was eventually killed by the Heretic during an adventure with Batman Incorporated. Damian's existence was initially unknown to Batman. Genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was intended to be a formidable warrior. Raised by Talia and the League of Assassins, Damian became a talented martial artist by the time he was a pre-teen. Damian is seen years later when Talia has him spy on Bruce with her. Talia reveals Damian's existence to Bruce Wayne at ten years old and leaves him in his father's custody in an effort to disrupt Batman's work. Precocious, spoiled, selfish and violent, Damian battles Robin (Tim Drake), whom Damian wants to replace as Batman's sidekick, and sucker punches him off the T. Rex model in the Batcave. Grounded by Batman, Damian escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and assorted League of Assassin gear, and gets into a fight with the villainous Spook, whom he decapitates. Although misguided and malicious, Damian seems to genuinely want to aid Batman's war on crime as Damian sees himself as Wayne's true son though this remains unconfirmed. Eventually, Batman confronts Talia, but both Talia and Damian are soon caught in an explosion. They survive the explosion, but a badly injured Damian requires transplants of harvested organs, which his mother orders her physicians to carry out. Damian made a full recovery. Talia, Head of the Demon, takes Damian to the Australian Outback where he is tutored in the secret history of his grandfather, Ra's al Ghul. Talia is unaware that a former servant of Ra's, named White Ghost, plans to use Damian as a shell for the soul of Ra's to return to Earth. This process would, of course, kill Damian. Talia is able to save her son from his fate at the last minute. However, Ra's is still able to return, as a rotting, shambling undead corpse, still needing Damian to stabilize his form. Damian flees to alert Batman, but he's still pursued by his evil grandfather. Upon entering Wayne Manor, Damian attempts to relay to Robin the fact that Ra's has returned. However, Robin, suspicious of Damian's intentions, does not believe his story and begins a fist fight. Damian flees and encounters Alfred. Before he can effectively relay his news he is attacked by Robin, who perceives Damian's attempt to help a tripping Alfred as an attack, and renews their battle. As they fight, members of the League of Assassins approach the manor with the intention of killing all others within and bringing Damian back to Ra's alive. Damian and Robin (Tim) fight side-by-side against Ra's and his minions, with the help of Nightwing. However, their collaboration is hindered by their very different philosophies of battle, not to mention their strong dislike - even hatred - of each other. Damian is willing to betray Tim at any moment for his own safety. Ra's captures the two and tells Batman that he will use one of them for his own body. Batman offers his own body instead. Ra's refuses the offer, feeling that he needs someone of a younger age. The choices are Robin or Damian. Batman offers a third alternative: "Fountain of Essence," which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. Damian leaves his mother and Tim to an unknown fate, while he goes off to be with his father. Unfortunately, he ends up captured by Ra's and nearly loses his life. Batman and the others manage to save him, and Talia takes her son and escapes. Sometime after surviving Ra's resurrection, Damian had sensed that someone is out to get Batman. In response to this, Talia began to formulate a plan. Meanwhile, a later talk between Drake and Alfred shows that Bruce Wayne had performed a DNA test on Damian to determine any blood connection between Bruce and Damian though the results of that test remain secret at that time. Alfred says Bruce intended to tell him the results when the time was right and Grayson already knew the results beforehand. At this, Tim realizes that Damian is indeed Bruce's son, and exclaims "The son of the Devil is my brother?" But the results of the actual test are not specifically revealed, leaving the specific question unanswered. Talia's plan then seems to involve Commissioner James Gordon, whom Talia and Damian rescue from a booby-trapped Wayne Manor while in search of Batman, who has gone insane and missing. Damian and Alfred race to aid Batman against the Black Glove in a commandeered Batmobile. Damian, who is driving, knocks an ambulance off a bridge without any sign of remorse or even concern. When Alfred reprimands him, Damian retorts with a backhanded threat. The only occupant of the ambulance was the Joker. After Batman's supposed death in Final Crisis, Damian is left in the care of Alfred Pennyworth and trained by Dick Grayson (Nightwing). Gotham has deteriorated and Robin and Nightwing are trying their hardest to set it right. They have developed the Network, made up of their best allies, to help. Robin and Squire tracked and were about to take down some robbers, but before they could, someone else did. Robin and Squire don't see the person, but he leaves a note reading "I AM BATMAN." Before anything can be said, Nightwing calls Robin for back up with a gang, and they take the gang down. Meanwhile, a coach full of Gotham's most dangerous criminals on their way to Arkham is stopped by a small army of goons led by the Black Mask. After the criminals are off the coach, Arkham is blown up (by the Joker). The criminals seem to have caught on that Batman is no longer around. Back in the Bat-cave, Nightwing is looking at all of Batman's different suits when Tim walks in saying that one of them (Tim or Dick) needs to become the new Batman. Nightwing shrugs this off, so Tim tells Dick about a man running around in a custom-made Batman suit fighting crime (possibly Jason Todd) and says this person was no beginner because he knew what he was doing. Tim uses his brilliant detective skills to work out where the phony Batman's hideout is, but decides not to confront the fake Batman as Robin but as Batman. He uses the silver age Batman suit. Meanwhile Damian is joy riding in the Batmobile with a friend when Oracle calls him to do sweep of the docks. Damian's friend starts talking and Oracle takes control of the car, ejecting Damian's friend's seat. She goes flying into a small stream, where Killer Croc and Poison Ivy are trying track the Batmobile. Croc eats the girl, then knocks the car off the road into the stream. Damian is terrified and tries to talk his way out of the situation. Croc was about to eat Damian but Nightwing flies in on a hang glider and saves him. While they're flying they are shot out of the air and on the ground they are quickly surrounded by goons. Suddenly the phony Batman appears and shoots the goons. Dick begins to fight the phony Batman. While they are fighting, Dick reveals that he knows the phony Batman is Jason Todd. Jason shoots Damian in the chest and flees the fight. Back at Black Mask's hideout, the criminal is planning to blow up Gotham police headquarters with Firefly and Adam Bomb. Meanwhile, Tim (dressed in the Silver Age Batman suit) has found Jason's Batcave, but he is not alone. Catwoman has followed Tim, thinking he was the one killing people as the phony Batman. At the same time, Dick discovers that Tim had taken the Bat suit. Jason sneaks up on Catwoman and knocks her out. Tim and Jason begin to fight and Jason uses his knowledge of his cave to lure Tim into a pit, where Jason repeatedly slashes him with a Batarang. In the midst of the fight, Jason asks Tim to be his Robin, but Tim refuses and picks up a crowbar and begins to beat Jason with it. Jason manages to stab Tim in the gut with the Batarang and leaves him to die. Tim wearing the Batman costume, is rescued from Jason's explosive destruction of his temporary Batcave by Damian, who was sent by Dick to retrieve Tim. Tim abandons the Batman costume, leaving the Batman hood behind. After Dick Grayson takes up the mantle of Batman, Tim begrudgingly resigns from the role of Robin, with Damian Wayne assuming the title to work alongside Dick. Despite working as Grayson's Robin, Damian expresses a strong willingness to take over the Batman identity himself if Dick is not "up to it." Damian has no respect for Grayson, and tells him that he needs to earn it if he wants his respect. It is revealed that Damian has begun to visit his father's former friend and enemy Thomas Elliot, also known as Hush, in the prison at the top of Wayne Tower that Dick and Tim put him in, and engages him in chess games. Damian claims that these visits are out of his curiosity for why Hush would alter his appearance to that of Bruce Wayne's. But Hush suspects that the visits are rather Damian's form of grieving for Bruce and a way to "spend time with your old man." It becomes apparent that Grayson had chosen Damian instead of Tim because he sees Tim as an equal and not a sidekick. He chose Damian as he feels his character needs developing or he could be like Jason.. Still, Damian mocks Drake and offers him the position of Batgirl, causing Tim to lash out and become the Red Robin and search the globe for Bruce Wayne, who Tim believes is still alive. After his first fight alongside Dick, Damian gets upset with Grayson and goes looking for the villain Professor Pyg himself. The Professor captures him, or rather, is led to believe so by Damian, who is in complete control of the situation, waiting for the right moment to make his move. Despite his good intentions, however, Damian is still overpowered by a large number of Dollotrons. Bent on catching Pyg, he is saved only by the timely intervention of Dick Grayson. While pursuing Pyg, he overlooks an earlier promise he had made to Sasha (a promise to save her and take her to safety), the only Dollotron who has an intact personality. As a result, the young girl's sanity is bent by her traumatic ordeal and disfigurement, ripe for the Red Hood to sway to his side , as her opposite number in the Red Hood battle against crime. The two are eventually defeated by Grayson and Damian. It appears that under Dick's teachings, Damian has begun to grow a conscience and has even demonstrated signs of empathy, particularly towards children. This is demonstrated by his behavior during a mission with the new Azrael and more recently during a Christmas case, in which Damian and Dick find the bodies of several dismembered kids, causing Damian to vomit in horror. Damian and Dick came to a blow with Stephanie Brown, the new Batgirl, and Barbara Gordon, who acts as her mentor. However, even though Stephanie and Damian initially don't get along, he is intrigued by the new Batgirl, watching her in an attempt to "figure out what makes 'Stephanie Brown' tick" (something said while drawing a stick-figure Batgirl in the snow). Damian also becomes involved with the Wayne Enterprises' board members during one board meeting led by Lucius Fox. He manages to track down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises accounts, intimidating the board of members along the way. The board becomes impressed that the young Wayne has such impressive business capabilities despite his young age, apparently inherited from his father. After Tim Drake is revealed to have named as Bruce Wayne's heir in accordance of his will made prior of his disappearance, Damian has filed an injunction with the boards to against Drake since he is Wayne's son. After Bruce's skull was taken from his grave, Damian and Dick decide to bring the rest of his skeleton, along with those of Damian's paternal grandparents, to their base beneath Wayne Tower. Damian is quite shaken by the sight of the bones of his family. On the way to the cave, Dick's body is possessed by Deadman, whom Damian lashes out at in confusion. Deadman then possesses and leaves Damian's body, subsequently passing his knowledge of the attack of the Black Lanterns onto him. The two heroes then prepare for the Black Lantern's assault on Gotham. After raiding the Army Reserve National Guard Armory, Dick, Damian, and the arriving Tim Drake, are able to save Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, and the surviving police officers at Gotham Central from the reanimated versions of the original Dark Knight's deceased rogue gallery members. However, they then find themselve having a horrific encounter with Batman and the Red Robin's parents - the Flying Graysons and Jack and Janet Drake - reanimated as Black Lanterns.. Dick and Tim send Damian with the Gordons to their underground base while they battle the Black Lanterns. Dick eventually orders Damian through their comm-links to send one of his Wingers with Mr. Freeze's gun. Grayson uses the weapon to cryogenically suspend himself and Tim, forcing the Black Lanterns to retreat as they are unable to read any sign of life of them. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. Talia begun to clone Damian as she has realized that her son has completely sided with Dick Grayson and the Bat-Family. Damian finally stands up for his Robin mantle, telling Talia that being Robin was the best thing that he had ever done, and Talia does not need to save him from something he chooses to be. Talia then shows Damian the cloned version of himself, whom she sees as Damian's younger brother. Talia admits to Damian, that even though she loves him, he is no longer welcome and is now considered an enemy of the House of al Ghul. Damian defiantly replied that he hoped that he would be a worthy one. Damian (as Robin) is then seen teaming up with Batman and Alfred to begin the search for Bruce Wayne. During a confrontation with a returned minor villain the Getaway Genius, Damian is initially angry that Grayson failed to capture the foe- as well as the implication that his father failed as well during the Genius's original run back when Grayson was Robin-, but when Dick explains to him that Bruce let the Genius go because he discovered that the Genius's robberies were only him stealing medicines that he needed so that he could live long enough to see his daughter grow up, Damian realises that he never really knew his father as a person, and admits that there was more to him than Batman. After Grayson's confidant Oberon Sexton was revealed to be the Joker in disguise, Damian tortured the villain by savagely beating him with a crowbar in order to get information along self-defense as Joker had planned to attack him. However, the Clown Prince of Crime's appeared helplessness reveals to be another ruse and incapacitates Damian with his hidden Joker venom. The villain intends to use him and Dick of his fight against their common enemies: the Black Glove. Help arrives in the form of the original Batman. After Bruce Wayne helps Dick and Damian defeat the Black Glove and the Joker, Wayne accepts his son in additions of his role of Robin. Despite Bruce's parental responsibilities to Damian, he decides that he prefers Damian to continue working with Dick (who maintains the Batman mantle and whom Bruce sees as a positive role model for his son) rather than being with himself primarily, due to his plans with Batman Incorporated. Dick Grayson eventually sees that Damian requires friendship and compassion in order to curb his harsh methods. So Grayson takes Damian to Titans Tower, where Damian, despite not being a teenager, takes steps to become the leader of the Teen Titans. His first mission ends in disaster after a super powered teen, who was using his powers in revenge for being bullied, is attacked by Damian after Raven is able to calm him down and the teen lashes out and escapes. Eventually Damian and Ravager work well together to defeat the feral students in the cafeteria, even coming to a truce with one another after a few final insults. During this the other Titans defeat the super powered teen Head Case. Not long after this Tim Drake commissions the Titans help to deal with The Calculator causing for the first time there to be two Robin's with the Titans. While fighting against The Calculators androids Ravager states that Damian seems to "turn up the snark factor for his brother", after which both Damian and Tim reply "He's not my brother!" After revealing The Calculator to be an android as well, Damian quits the Titans stating "you fools will only get in my way" and "you still have a Robin" Also telling Tim that it's obvious that he is the one they prefer. Upon his return to Gotham, Grayson notices that Damian's time with the Titans has made him more patient and he is less prone to use his weapons. After apologizing to Damian about his time with the Titans being a bust, Damian states that he knows Grayson sent him there to find friends but "[he] has one in Gotham and that's more than enough" implying that Grayson is the only friend he'll need. During the Flashpoint event, Professor Zoom creates an alternate timeline that removes the Flash while destroying his own legacy. In this version of history, Bruce Wayne dies instead of Thomas Wayne and Damian is never born. Eventually they find a way to repair the timeline from this dystopia, but Pandora alters the DC Universe even further. Bruce and Damian begin patrolling together as Batman and Robin for the first time. Bruce tries teaching Damian about the sanctity of life, but has trouble relating with his son. Damian begins showing restraint, which Bruce commends, although Alfred still criticizes him for not being supportive enough. Bruce buys Damian a dog named Titus to teach him compassion. They're both targeted by a super-villain named Nobody. They are kidnapped by Nobody, who tries to show Batman that his no-kill methods are ineffective. He encourages Robin's darker side and tries to take him as an apprentice. Robin angrily leaves the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asks him to execute a criminal. Robin reveals that he was lying, and refuses to betray his father. Nobody decides to torture Robin, continuing his personal vendetta against Batman. When Batman discovers their location, he beats Nobody mercilessly. Nobody swears that he will return and kill their friends, so Damian shoots and kills him. Instead of growing angry, Bruce reacts with compassion. When Damian gets out of the hospital, they talk about how difficult it is to adjust from the life of an assassin. Despite their differences, they play with Titus and enjoy spending more time together as father and son. Bruce and Damian begin working together against his mother Talia, revealed as the head of Leviathan. During a fight in a meat factory, he converts to vegetarianism and adopts a pet named Bat-Cow. He is believed dead when he's shot in the head by an assassin named Goatboy. It's revealed that Talia has created another clone as his replacement, the obedient fully-grown Heretic. Robin is shown to have faked his death, and is confined to the Batcave at Batman's orders. To avoid the bounty on his head, he begins using the name Redbird and switches to a new costume. This allows him to team up with Jason Todd, who is using the Wingman identity. They work together with Batman Incorporated to take down the League of Assassins' top killers. However, Batman tells Damian he has to quit crime-fighting altogether. Bruce reveals that he has seen Damian's future, as told through Batman in Bethlehem. If Damian doesn't retire, his actions will lead to a plague that forces the President to nuke Gotham. Batman Incorporated fights Leviathan in the streets, while Damian is forced to stay inside. Alfred Pennyworth gets him a cat to take care of, who he also names Alfred. Damian refuses to stay home while his allies are dying, and Alfred allows him to leave knowing he can't be stopped. He flies his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan has taken over Wayne Tower. He neutralizes the child soldiers, and teams up with Dick Grayson to take down the remaining assassins. The Heretic flings Grayson aside, and challenges Damian to a sword-fight. Despite his bravery and refusal to give up, Damian is impaled through the chest and killed. +This superhero's name is Robin VI. Their real name is Carrie Kelley. Carrie Kelley had been in touch with Damian Wayne, giving him acting lessons so that he could see "what it was like being someone else". She stopped hearing from him, unaware that he had been killed, leaving Carrie confused as to what had happened to him. When Bruce Wayne appeared at her door during a party Carrie was hosting, he was caught off-guard by the Robin costume she was wearing. When she demanded to know where Damian was, Bruce left without answering, leaving only a $10,000 check to settle Damian's debts to her (which were only $1,000). Still intent on finding Damian, she dropped by Wayne Manor, but Bruce brushed her off with a lie that he was studying abroad. She also returned the check, minus the due debt. Alfred hired her to take care of Titus. After two weeks, Bruce finally noticed her in his house when she filmed him for a home movie she's planning to send to Damian. After Bruce talked to Alfred about the arrangement made behind his back, Carrie offered Bruce a deal; if she gave him the flash drives of her student interview with Damian and a movie she made about Titus (the latter to be sent to Damian), he would contact Damian and ask him to call her. Bruce agreed and, in return for the flash drives, spliced together a message for Carrie using audio recordings of Damian's adventures as Robin. +This superhero's name is Robin. Their real name is Dick Grayson. For many years, Richard "Dick" Grayson was Batman's sidekick Robin. The name "Robin the Boy Wonder" and the medieval look of the original costume were inspired by the legendary hero Robin Hood, as well as the red-breasted American Robin, which continued the "flying animal" motif of Batman. Young Dick Grayson was born on the first day of spring. His mother nicknamed him "little Robin". Little did she know how prophetic this term of endearment would be in her son's life. Dick Grayson was a twelve-year-old Romany circus acrobat, the youngest of a family act called The Flying Graysons of The Haley Circus. Dick joined the act at a very young age, having been trained in acrobatics from birth. Before one appearance in Gotham, in which The Flying Graysons were the main attraction, they were asked to pose for a photo opportunity with the Drake Family, including their young son Tim Drake. From that time on Tim's one and only hero in the world was Dick. While on tour in Gotham City, he overheard "Boss" Tony Zucco, a well-known and feared crime-lord, threaten the performers unless the circus's owner paid extortion money. The owner refused, and that night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. Young Dick felt responsible, because he didn't warn his parents in time. Shortly after the tragedy, as shown in Batman: Year Three and Year One Annual: Robin, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, on the grounds that social services was full. He got beaten up by a number of the inmates, and he was later sent to a Catholic orphanage. Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him as his ward, because the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire. In Batman: Dark Victory, frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick sneaked out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble into Batman, who was also investigating the murder. When Dick returned to the circus, he was confronted by Zucco's business associate, Eddie Skeevers who nearly killed Grayson, but Dick was saved thanks to Batman's intervention. After waking up in the Batcave, he is shocked to learn that Bruce is really the Batman. They succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity, but he supposedly dies of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; that he could temper compassion with a thirst for justice, Batman made the young orphan the offer of a lifetime; the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chose the name Robin, and his training began. Dick's first mission alongside the Dark Knight involved battling The Hangman in Gotham's sewers, and then Two-Face and the rest of Batman's Rogues Gallery at the Batcave. They swore an oath late that night that they would fight together against crime and corruption, never swerving from the path of righteousness. Batman had realized for the first time that he did not have to be alone in his crusade. Robin's origin had a typological connection to Batman's in that both witnessed the crime-related deaths of their parents, creating an urge to battle the criminal underworld. This provided a bond and understanding between the two. Bruce taught Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling 6 months. Finally, Dick had to pass a final test - "the Gauntlet". Dick had to elude the Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one night - from sunset to sunrise - without any outside help. Dick succeeded, simultaneously bringing Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. Dick took to the streets as Batman's full-fledged partner in crime-fighting: Robin, the Boy Wonder. Dick enjoyed his first year as Robin, regarding the job as an adventure until a confrontation with Two-Face served as a rude awakening for the young hero. Two-Face had captured the new District Attorney and Batman, and had each suspended from a hangman's noose in a 'double gallows death-trap'. Robin, in trying to save the D.A., used a batarang to cut the rope of the noose. It worked, but Robin didn't account for Dent's obsession with the number two -- it was a two-fold trap, and the floor gave way, dropping the D.A. into the water, where the man drowned. Robin was unable to prevent his death, and received a beating at the hands of Two-Face. A beating witnessed by Batman, still tied up on the platform trying to free himself. Eventually, Batman was able to free himself and apprehend Two-Face. This event, however, scarred the young crime-fighter, and haunts him even today. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman "fires" his partner, sidelining the Boy Wonder for a time. Teen Titans The formation of the Teen Titans mainly happened due to the sidekick's mentors making them feel lesser of themselves, which they quickly knew wasn't right about them. Dick, along with Wally West (Kid Flash), and Garth (Aqualad) teamed-up; later on, Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) joined the team along with Roy Harper (Speedy). Together, they cured the heroes from their mind control; later, their mentors (Batman, Flash, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman) supported the idea of the teens becoming a heroic group, the Teen Titans! Dick became the leader of this team. Eventually, the team would disband when they grew older. Dick continued his adventures with Batman, and began attending college at Hudson University. Robin started to take on solo missions as well, and found himself to be a capable crime-fighter in his own right. Shortly afterward, the mysterious Raven summoned Dick Grayson, and several other young heroes, to form a new group of Titans. Robin again resumed leadership, and moved out of the shadow of the Batman. When Robin was 17, he was shot in the shoulder by the Joker, and this scared Batman into ending his career for good. Dick realized at that point that he had grown up: he no longer relied on Batman and, in fact, he and the Dark Knight disagreed on crime-fighting methodology. His new-found independence and Titans' duties in New York left less time for his former commitments in Gotham City. He also dropped out of Hudson after only one semester. Dick rediscovered his self-worth among the Teen Titans. Batman, however, was less than pleased. He informed Dick that if he no longer wanted to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Dick left Wayne Manor after this fallout. Helping him through this difficult time was his fellow Titans, including Starfire, a beautiful alien Dick had fallen in love with. Dick handed over leadership of the Titans to Wonder Girl. +This superhero's name is Robocop. Their real name is Alex Murphy. +This superhero's name is Robotman. Their real name is Clifford Steele. Robotman, Cliff Steele, is a member of the Doom Patrol. His human corpse was destroyed in a horrific driving accident that happened in Speedway City, leaving only his brain salvageable, and it was transplanted into that of a mechanical robot. Although this has made him largely an outcast from society, and unable to truly live a normal life, he uses the incredible abilities of his new body to fight for good against the forces of evil. +This superhero's name is Rock Lee. Their real name is Rock Lee. Rock Lee is a shinobi of Konohagakure and a member of Team Guy. He is taijutsu master. +This superhero's name is Rocket Raccoon (MCU). Their real name is Rocket Raccoon. Subject: 89P13 was recovered by alien scientists and brought to the Halfworld planet in the Keystone Quadrant star system, where he was genetically and cybernetically enhanced so that he was given sentient levels of intelligence. However, years of abuse and repetitive genetic rewrite caused him to develop a vain and chaotic personality, driving him into becoming a gun slinging mercenary, calling himself Rocket. Rocket's Nova Corps criminal record includes 13 counts of theft, 23 counts of escape from his incarceration, 7 counts of mercenary activity, and 15 counts of arson. +This superhero's name is Rocket Raccoon. Their real name is Rocket Raccoon. Centuries ago, a group of alien humanoids settled the largest planet in the Keystone Quadrant star system. They built a complex to house and treat the insane, recording their medical observations in a psychiatric diary. When their funding was cut, they abandoned the project, but not before they created a staff of robots to provide for the humanoids. They then separated the quadrant from the rest of the galaxy with an impenetrable force field. When a nearby star went nova, ensuing radiation gave sentience to the robots, who quickly chafed at the illogical of the humanoids, or "Loonies." Seeking to end their servitude, the robots used genetic engineering to give intelligence and awareness to the animals that had been left as companions for the patients. They charged the animals with the patients' care and protection, then relocated to the far side of the planet, which they proceeded to strip bare through industrial endeavors, one of which was construction of a vast, humanoid spacecraft called Ship. The half-industrial, half-verdant planet became known as "Halfworld." The animals continued to care for the humans, and the robots provided alot of equipment, weapons, and parts for toys. The psychiatric diary left by the physicians (now known in legend as the "Shrinks") became an indecipherable icon called Gideon's Bible. Toys played an important part in Halfworld society as entertainment for the Loonies. Without toys, the Loonies lapsed into a deep melancholy, so the animals made certain nothing interrupted production. Two otters formed the first toy factory, and upon their death it was taken over by the mole Judson Jakes, who established his headquarters in the Spacewheel space station built by the tortoise Uncle Pyko. Pyko designed toys, weapons, an army of robots clowns, and the batlike Drakillers. Jakes' first attempt to steal Gideon's Bible, decipher its secrets, and turn them to profit was stopped by the Hulk. He had been transported to Halfworld by the energies released by the Galaxy Master and was met by Rocket Raccoon and Wal Rus. The Hulk decides that he likes these two critters and helps defend them against a powerful tank called a Robomower. The three of them flee into Rocket's space ship the Rakk 'n' Ruin and blast off. Rocket Raccoon explains to the Hulk that Halfworld is threatened by an insidious mole named Judson Jakes. Jakes seeks to acquire the fabled Gideon's Bible, which he believes will enable him to conquer not only Halfworld, but the entire Keystone Quadrant. The Hulk agrees to help Rocket and Wal Russ safeguard Gideon's Bible from Judson Jakes clutches. Rocket Raccoon flies to the Cuckoo's Nest, where he discovers that Judson Jacks has not only stolen Gideon's Bible, but he has also kidnapped Rocket's girlfriend Lylla as well. The three board the ship once again and head towards Judson's satellite headquarters, the Spacewheel. While Rocket Raccoon desperately searches for Lylla, the Hulk has an encounter with Judson's chief scientist Uncle Pyko. Pyko knows that the Hulk's prodigious strength would give the opposition a great advantage, so he convinces the Hulk to return home to Earth. He provides the Hulk with the means to teleport his body back to his homeworld. Rocket Raccoon meanwhile gets the drop on Judson Jacks. Although he fails to recover Gideon's Bible, he does succeed in rescuing Lylla. Jakes' "Mayhem Makaniks" encountered its first competition when the serpentine Lord Dyvyne organized "Dyvynities, Inc." and forced Jakes from Spacewheel. Jakes retreated underground and a Toy War ensued. Both coveted the otter Lylla, who was legal heir to the toy empire and romantically involved with Rocket Raccoon. Rocket Raccoon opposed Jakes and Dyvyne and tried to end the war. The two joined forces in a mutual attempt to kill him, even as Pyko joined Rocket. Pyko, Lylla, Rocket, and his first mate, Wal Russ, took Gideon's Bible to the robots and presented it to the Head Robot, who combined the information contained in the volume with the robots' advanced technology to create helmets that would cure the Loonies. The four animals distributed the helmets. A last assault by Jakes and Dyvyne was narrowly foiled by the animals, the robots, and the newly aware humanoids. The grateful humanoids began to plan the future, and offered Rocket, the other animals, and the robots positions as assistants and entertainers. Not interested in those roles, the animals and automatons entered Ship and launched an expedition to explore space and its many worlds. One such planet was Hallaile, or "Witch World," where Rocket Raccoon met the wandering Prince Wayfarer of Ithicon. The two fought the sorceress and a monstrous treealong with the Plagueosau. After the Plageosaur's defeat and death, a mystical being called Kirke appears. Rocket Raccoon was later captured by a renegade group of alien Skrulls disguised as a race of D'Bari, a.k.a. the Asparagus People, after Raccoon discovered their secret. The disguised Skrulls also captured allies of the trucker-turned-space explorer Razorback. She-Hulk materializes on an alien planet and is imprisoned, but she looks into the next cell and sees Rocket Raccoon, turned into a stone statue. She-Hulk asks Taryn what happened. Taryn explains how she and Buford picked up a strange subspace signal in the Coal Sack Nebula, and went to investigate. They followed the signal to Dandesh Four, where they found Rocket Raccoon fighting a planet full of D'Bari. Rocket was doing fine until the arrival of Taryn and Razorback distracted him. Then he got hit by the D'Bari weapon and was petrified into stone. Razorback and Taryn O'Connell fought their way through the crowd to try to rescue Rocket, but then a cage was dropped on them. Then they were taken to the prison, where they have been left ever since. She-Hulk defeats the Skrulls and restores Rocket Raccoon to normal, he then returns home to his fellow Halfworlders. Later Rocket Raccoon was held prisoner by the Kree. He was introduced to Peter Quill aka the "Starlord" as a member of his team to help halt the Phalanx's attempted conquest of the galaxy. Rocket Raccoon acted as a gifted military tactician who was also fearless, loyal, and insightful. M1shawhanAdded by M1shawhan Afterwards he joined Starlord's Guardians of the Galaxy, where he proved essential to holding the team together when Starlord's leadership was questioned. After Star-Lord's supposed death, the Guardians disbanded and Rocket Raccoon got a job as a mail carrier for Timely Incorporated. After receiving a mysterious package filled with the same killer toy clowns from Halfworld, Rocket quit his job, taking one of the company's sentient shipping and packaging devices with him to quickly access an orbital weapons cache, and immediately set out to locate Groot. When the duo reached Halfworld, they were immediately fired upon and Rocket's ship was destroyed. After regaining his memories of the events that took place on Halfworld, and preventing the mind jumping Star Thief from merging with the organic core of Halfworld, Rocket and Groot vowed to continue to keep Star-Lord's Guardians alive. Rocket Raccoon and Groot are having a libation in a low-down dirty spacer bar in low-down dirty spacer space when they are accosted by a group of Badoon who attempt to arrest them for 'Crimes againsth the Royal Brotherhood'. A quick shootout ensues and Rocket creates an avenue of escape by shooting holes in the beer barrels causing the saloon patrons to stampede for the free beer. The duo make a hasty exit and are soon rocketing away when they find themselves pursued by Badoon Attack Cruisers. Rocket orders Groot to take evasive action while he goes to boost the stardrive to allow them to escape. He finds the stardrive compartment empty and the scene cuts to a shot of the surprised Rocket with a cliffhanger closing credits and Mojo proclaiming "Best Pilot Episode Ever!". They then find themselves staring at an empty compartment where a stardrive should be and questioning why they are hearing voices like suddenly their lives just got a narrator or something. Their ship blows up and they appear in space in combat space armor bewildered at what just happened and how they got there. They target their Badoon attackers forcing one of the pilots to eject. They squeeze into his craft and it begins to plummet to an ice planet below. Mojo calls for the scene to cut and hit the Bio-Stasis on his stars. He proceeds to plan for the next scene expecting to make enormous money on the show. In the background, Rocket's Timely Inc. Shipment Processing Device analyzes the situation and informs the duo they are caught up in an artificial dramatic construction. They blast through a wall realizing they are in a "Flarkin' TV Studio" and are confronted by a hologram of Mojo who opens fire with real weapons. Rocket Raccoon and Groot are transported to the Mojoverse by the inter-dimensional TV producer known as Mojo. He has decided to use the pair in his latest reality television show. He recruits various criminals that the heroes have fought in the past. He places the pair in scenarios were they would have to battle them again, however if an innocent life form was caught in the crossfire, they would be killed in the process. As the duo moved from one scenario to another, Mojo began advertising action figures with a collection pack that allows buyers to assemble their own 12" Groot figure after collecting all five. The demand was so high, Mojo stand to make a fortune until the Timely Inc. Shipment Processing and Analysis Device decides to take control of the situation and holds a B-00-M Meson Beam Gun at Mojo's face. It allowed the reality system to stop just enough for the heroes to escape. They confront destroying Mojo who is revealed to be a robot controlled by Major Domo. In exchange for his life, Major Domo agreed to give Rocket and Groot a new starship along with weapons and riches to sweeten the deal. The Guardians followed the returned Thanos to Earth, where he and his own Zodiac fought the Avengers, when the Avengers returned to the Stark Tower after a battle, the Guardians of the Galaxy suddenly arrived offering help. The Guardians divulged that Earth was "off-limits" to all extraterrestrials, explaining Thanos's used Earthbound-agents in amassing items of power such as a man-crafted Cosmic Cube. The Guardians and the Avengers embarked in a journey through space to find Thanos. The heroes were attacked by the Badoon, who were working for Thanos, after escaping a near-death experience, the heroes managed to defeat the enemies and found themselves against an intense light, revealed to be a massive the Cosmic Cube floating in space at the heart of an astral ghost of Thanos. Thor tried to defeat Thanos but is apparently killed along his team and the Guardians. In reality, they were sent to the Cancerverse, where they found the Elders of the Universe, supposedly killed by Thanos to impose his supremacy. There, Tony Stark found that Thanos' weapon wasn't actually a Cosmic Cube and that it had defects. They bargained with the Collector, in exchange of a weapon capable of deactivating the "Cube" and return to Earth, the Avengers and the Guardians would let Thanos to be defeated by the Elders. With the help of other members of the Avengers, Thanos was defeated and sent to punishment by the Elders. Due to his enormous help with the defeat of Thanos, Starlord personally offered Iron Man a spot in his team, which he gladly accepted. +This superhero's name is Rocket. Their real name is Raquel Ervin. Icon's friend and partner. +This superhero's name is Rogue (FOX). Their real name is Anna Marie. Rogue, whose real name is Marie D'Ancanto, was an innocent young girl from a peaceful neighborhood in Meridian, Mississippi who had plans to go on an adventure with her boyfriend David before college. She tells him about her plans to travel away to new places after high school, and then there's a pause, and they slowly move closer until they kiss. By that moment her powers began to manifest, when David, suddenly, falls unconscious, quivering, and Marie's loud scream makes her parents rush to her room. Marie is hysterical and yells at her mother to not touch her, and her father rushes his wife to call an ambulance. This incident causes Marie to panic and eventually run away from home. +This superhero's name is Rogue. Their real name is Anna Marie. Raised by her Aunt Carrie after tragedy befell her parents, young Anna Marie ran away from home and was taken in by Mystique and Destiny (Irene Adler), whom Rogue came to regard as her surrogate parents. Rogue's mutant power first manifested in her early teens when she kissed Cody Robbins. Her mind filled with his memories, and he fell into a permanent coma. Eventually realizing she could never safely live among normal people, Rogue began participating in her foster mother's criminal endeavors and came to join Mystique's terrorist Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. On her first mission, the inexperienced Rogue clashed with Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) and permanently absorbed the hero's memories and powers, including super-strength and flight. Distraught over her lack of control, Rogue turned to her enemies, the X-Men. Convinced of her sincerity, Professor Xavier accepted her onto the team; however, it wasn't until Rogue risked her own life to save Wolverine's fiancée Mariko Yashida that she began to gain her teammates' trust. Rogue and teammate Gambit fell in love despite her inability to safely touch him. Eventually, he and Rogue formed a splinter group with four other X-Men to search for Destiny's diaries, which predicted the future of mutant kind. During their quest, Rogue and Gambit were rendered powerless, and the pair seized the opportunity to pursue living a normal life together in the mutant-friendly community of Valle Soleada in California. Soon after, they came to the X-Men's aid against the mutant predator Elias Bogan and subsequently rejoined the team. Regaining her power of absorption thanks to the jumpstarting ability of her teammate Sage, Rogue set out on a personal quest to rediscover her past. Rogue learned that her parents, Owen and Priscilla, had sought out the Far Banks, a world of dreams that required a state of heightened consciousness to enter. With the help of Campbell, who was in fact a mutant dream, she journeyed into a dream world and stopped her mother from breaching the barriers between that place and our world. However, in his desperation to reach it, Owen selfishly betrayed Priscilla and, as a result, Priscilla sacrificed herself to protect the Far Banks from people like him. Traveling to the Far Banks herself, Rogue was able to make peace with her mother's spirit. Soon after, a woman named Blindspot revealed her shared past with Rogue, dating from before the formation of Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, when they were a team, and Blindspot was the only one who could touch Rogue, due to the similar nature of their powers. Rogue and Sunfire were later defeated and captured by Mystique. In captivity, Sunfire forced Rogue to take his remaining power to avenge his immanent death. She has absorbed his powers, perhaps permanently. Returning to Xavier's mansion, Rogue and Gambit began telepathic therapy sessions with Emma Frost to try to find a solution to their inability to touch, without success. A student of Gambit named Foxx tried to seduce him and was revealed to be Mystique. Mystique wanted to break up the couple so that Rogue could finally have a normal relationship with someone else. Mystique brought along her protégé Pulse for this purpose, but this backfired when Pulse didn't want to be used. Rogue stayed with Gambit until he was transformed by Apocalypse into Death, one of his four Horsemen. Rogue refused to believe her love had turned, but after Death tried to kill her a few times she started to let go. She still holds on to the hope that he will eventually return, but that seems like a slim chance, even to her. Following the breakup, Rogue worked with Cyclops and Emma Frost to rescue mutants being experimented on by a clinic. Afterwards, she was offered a role as a strike team leader by Cyclops. With the luxury to choose her own team, Rogue put together a motley crew of X-Men and former villains, including Mystique, to stop the Children of the Vault, advanced humans who had attacked the mansion. After she and her team defeated the Children Of The Vault, Rogue announced her teams departure from the mansion. Recently Rogue and her squad had to take down a villain named Pandemic, pandemic's goal was to take Rogue's power and add it to his collection of powers that he had absorbed already, he infected her with a disease called strain 88, which affected her negatively. When her squad of X-men took Pandemic down they freed Rogue but she was too weak to do anything and had to be hospitalized on Cable's island,Providence. While on Providence a new threat was released within the mind of Lady Mastermind, called the Hecatomb.With the other X-men having a difficult time defeating the Hecatomb, Cable with his mind merged with an alien species that wanted to destroy the hecatomb had no other choice but to wake Rogue from her comatose state of mind. She easily defeated the alien by absorbing it's powers and memories since the hecatomb had already taken in so many lives and alien species beforehand. Although she has recovered, she now seems to have a hunger to absorb the people around her. +This superhero's name is Ronan The Accuser (MCU). Their real name is Ronan. Ronan, otherwise known as Ronan the Accuser, was a radical member of the Kree race, and a ferocious, genocidal militarist. In 1995, during the Kree-Skrull War, Ronan worked with Yon-Rogg and the Starforce after the Ambush on Torfa to wipe out the last of the Skrull refugees. Ronan and the Accusers were then called to drop warheads on Planet C-53 to wipe out the remaining Skrull opposition there, but was forced to retreat when Captain Marvel launched a counter-offensive against the Kree, promising retribution. In 2014, further disgusted by a peace treaty made between the Kree Empire and Xandar, Ronan initiated a new campaign to eradicate the Xandarians by forging an alliance with the Mad Titan Thanos, offering the Orb in exchange for the destruction of Xandar. After a long search, Ronan acquired the Orb but after having seen its true destructive capabilities, betrayed Thanos and chose to take the Orb's power for himself. Using his new-found power, he attacked Xandar, but was defeated and killed by the combined strength of the Guardians of the Galaxy. +This superhero's name is Ronin (MCU). Their real name is Clint Barton. Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton, also known as Hawkeye, is a skilled marksman, a former special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of the founding members of the Avengers. Known for his use of the bow and arrow as his primary weapon, Barton had become one of the best agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., responsible for the recruitment of Black Widow, whom he developed a strong friendship with. Assigned by Nick Fury into watching over the Tesseract, he was brainwashed by Loki and used as a pawn for all his evil schemes. However, following their Attack on the Helicarrier, he was freed from Loki's mental control by Black Widow and joined the Avengers to fight against Loki's Chitauri army in the Battle of New York, ending Loki's Invasion before Hawkeye returned to his work as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Hawkeye continued to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. until its collapse following the HYDRA Uprising, he and the Avengers worked to bring down the remnants of HYDRA, eventually capturing Wolfgang von Strucker and ending the organization's threat to the world. However, Hawkeye was pulled back into the fight as Tony Stark had inadvertently used HYDRA as well as some Chitauri technology to create Ultron. As Ultron tried to destroy the world, he allied himself with Pietro and Wanda Maximoff and Barton focused much of his efforts in convincing them to change sides while keeping the Avengers safe by bringing them into his family home. During the final Battle of Sokovia, Hawkeye's life was saved by Quicksilver's sacrifice, resulting in Barton retiring from the Avengers to return to his family. Despite living happily within retirement for a brief time, Barton was recruited by Captain America to aid him during his fight against the newly produced Sokovia Accords, which forced Rogers to protect his friend Bucky Barnes from being arrested for a crime he did not commit. Feeling that he owed a debt to Rogers and Maximoff, Hawkeye had joined in the Clash of the Avengers, fighting against Iron Man who was in support of the Accords. Despite putting up a good fight, Hawkeye and most of their team were eventually defeated and imprisoned at the Raft under the orders of Thaddeus Ross, only to be freed by Rogers. Barton returned back to retirement and, after striking a deal with Ross, was then placed under house arrest. In the wake of the Decimation, Barton went on a grief-fuelled rampage against criminals for five years. Upon being tracked down by Natasha Romanoff, Barton was convinced to return to the Avengers to try and reverse the Decimation. Hawkeye joined the team in enacting the Time Heist in order to obtain all of the Infinity Stones, during which he witnessed Romanoff sacrifice her own life so Hawkeye could take the Soul Stone. However, just as the team succeeded in their goal, they were attacked by Thanos, as Hawkeye was ordered to ensure that Thanos could not obtain the Iron Gauntlet. Eventually, Thanos and his entire army were defeated once Tony Stark sacrificed his life, allowing Barton to return home as he reunited with his beloved family, while he still mourned Romanoff's death. +This superhero's name is Ronin (Ninjago). Their real name is Ronin. Ronin, at one point, became indebted to Soul Archer, who threatened to have him banished to the Cursed Realm if he didn't pay him back. Ronin was reluctant to pay him, but after he was banished to the Cursed Realm, the deal had seemingly disentegrated. Following the The Overlord's destruction, Ronin captured the newly-rebuilt Zane and P.I.X.A.L. and sold them to Master Chen so he could lure the other four Ninja into participating in the Tournament of Elements. +This superhero's name is Ronin. Their real name is Clint Barton. Clint Barton was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a car accident and was sent to a children's home with his brother Bernard. He and his brother ran away to join the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders, and the pair worked as roustabouts. While a member of the circus, Hawkeye was trained by the original Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne) and Trickshot. Clint's life, however, would forever be changed after he stumbled onto the Swordsman counting the money he had just robbed from the carnival. The Swordsman offered Clint to become his partner in crime, but Clint rejected his mentor, sparking a fight that ended when the Swordsman left him for dead after he fell from the high wire. Barney, too, abandoned him, in disbelief that Clint passed up such an opportunity. Trickshot stepped up his role as Clint's mentor, later asking him to join him in raiding a criminal named Marko. However, Clint severely injured one of Marko's guards and discovered him to be his brother, Barney. Repelled by the consequences of his actions (and his mentor's role in prompting them), he abandoned Trickshot and parted on bad terms. His natural archery abilities honed to an expert level, Clint wandered the country, working in various carnivals or otherwise making money out of the costume and persona of "Hawkeye". One day, when witnessing Iron Man save the lives of some people at the carnival, he decided to become a costumed crime-fighter himself. But as luck would have it, on Hawkeye's first night on patrol, he was mistaken for a criminal by the police and hunted down. He soon met the Black Widow, who was working at the time as a costumed villain for her country, and she easily seduced the hot-headed adventurer, making him think it was in his interest to defeat Iron Man. He attempted to do so according to her prompting on several occasions, but soon wised up, regretting his decision. Instead, he hoped to join Iron Man's team of Avengers. As a way of proving himself, he broke into the Avengers Mansion and convinced their butler, Jarvis, to play the role of a victim so he could display his powers. Iron Man vouched for Hawkeye, and he joined the new line-up that included Captain America, the Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver. Clint continued to be an active member of the Avengers for years, with his archery skills matching the superhuman powers of his teammates. His brash attitude initially chafed under the leadership of Captain America, and, although it took some time to come to respect him, the two have become good friends. Also at first, he felt attracted the Scarlet Witch, even to the point of having trouble getting over her eventual marriage to the Vision. For years, he also continued to hold a torch for the Black Widow, until she returned to her espionage career and told him that she had never loved him (although she said that in order to keep him away.) Hawkeye stayed with the Avengers for a long time, leaving only briefly when his temper and ego led him to believe he wasn't wanted. He returned after a short period, having joined the "non-team" Defenders in the meantime. At one point, Hawkeye was passed over accompanying the Avengers in the Kree-Skrull War due to his lack of superhuman abilities. Not one to be deterred so easily, Hawkeye took on the identity of Goliath with the use of Hank Pym's size-altering particles. He hitched a ride so as to join the team in their intergalactic adventure and maintained the Goliath identity for several months upon their return to Earth. During his time as Goliath, Clint was approached by his brother, who had become a big-time racketeer. Barney had learned of Egghead's plans to construct an orbiting laser death-ray to extort money from the United States and came to the Avengers for help. The Avengers confronted Egghead and his allies, the Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master, but tragically, Barney died in the ensuing battle. Later, Egghead would use the Swordsman to capture Clint as Goliath, thinking him to be Hank Pym, but Hawkeye-as-Goliath soon defeated both criminals, avenging his brother at last. Soon afterward, Clint abandoned the Goliath identity but continued to serve the Avengers as Hawkeye the Marksman. Another leave of absence was forced upon him, when, due to a type of "affirmative action", he was replaced by the Falcon to comply with the Avengers' government sanction. During this time, he eventually found employment as a night security guard for Cross Technological Enterprises (CTE). Never gone from his team for long, he soon rejoined the fold, although one particular solo adventure would have a lasting impact. His boss, head of CTE, was the villain known as Crossfire and hoped to test his ultrasonic equipment with which he hoped to turn heroes against one another, With the help of the ex-secret agent, Mockingbird, Hawkeye defeated Crossfire. The two heroes, head over heels in love, promptly got married. At the time, the Vision was expanding the Avengers' operations, and he named Hawkeye chairman of a west coast branch of Avengers, and Mockingbird joined him as a charter member. Hawkeye led the team through several adventures, growing into a competent leader, and he even had time to embark on a series of solo adventures. During one of these latter adventures, Hawkeye had to defend himself against many costumed mercenaries and villains hoping to collect a bounty placed on his right arm. The mastermind behind it all proved to be Trickshot, now dying of cancer, and he was hoping to goad Hawkeye into killing him. Instead, Hawkeye reconciled with his former mentor and friend. During an adventure where the team became lost in the past, his wife was involved with the death of the Old West hero, the Phantom Rider, and the situation caused the couple to split up. Shortly after, the government forced the membership of the U.S.Agent on the team, and Hawkeye quit. Both he and Mockingbird wound up investigating and leading the heroes known as the Great Lakes Avengers. Eventually, however, Hawkeye left the Midwest to rejoin the Avengers West Coast, although he never really led the team again. Hawkeye continued to adventure with the team, even alongside his separated wife, and was present with them when Mockingbird was killed in a demonic dimension, saving her husband's life from an attack by Mephisto. Distraught, Hawkeye left the team and took a cross-country walkabout. Later, Clint was commissioned to train a group of rebels known as the Shadows along with Sundance and Striker. He attempted to keep them from killing, but on one raid Striker killed a woman and injured her fianc�, a friend of James Rhodes. As War Machine, Rhodes was surprised to see Hawkeye among the rebels, and even more so when a government backed group led by the U.S.Agent also arrived. The three were able to stop the conflict and were confronted by the mysterious Advisor. Eventually drawn back to the Avengers' fold when the team was attacked in a plan orchestrated by Immortus, Hawkeye was present with the team when they apparently died, sacrificing themselves to absorb the energies of Onslaught. Eventually, Hawkeye and the other heroes were restored, and Hawkeye quickly rejoined the reforming Avengers. However, Hawkeye was dissatisfied. His previous experience as a team leader left him feeling too anxious as a regular member. Hawkeye turned his attention instead to the team of reforming villains, the Thunderbolts. Sympathetic because of his own outlaw past and eager for new challenges, Hawkeye offered to serve as the Thunderbolts' new leader if they would continue fighting crime and remain reformed. During his stint as their leader, he became a friend and mentor to the group, honing their skills and greatly enhancing their reputations. He and his teammate Moonstone had even began developing romantic inclinations. The Thunderbolts soon became trusted allies of the Avengers, though Hawkeye formally resigned his membership in the latter group since he didn't want any perceived criminal association with the Thunderbolts to negatively impact the Avengers. Unfortunately, CSA agent and former Avengers government liaison Henry Peter Gyrich targeted the Thunderbolts for assassination as part of a larger scheme to eradicate superhumans. Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts exposed and thwarted Gyrich's conspiracy, freeing Gyrich himself from the mind-controlling technology Baron Strucker had used to make Gyrich act out his anti-superhuman fantasies. Hawkeye agreed to keep the entire affair a secret in exchange for a full federal pardon for the other Thunderbolts, but a bitterly furious Gyrich refused to go along with concealing the incident unless Hawkeye went to prison for operating as an illegal vigilante with the Thunderbolts. Hawkeye agreed and was remanded to federal custody. While in Seagate Federal Penitentiary, Barton was contacted telepathically by Mentallo, who orchestrated a break-out for Hawkeye and three others (one of which was a Mentallo-possessed Headlok). Despite their success, the inmates remained remotely "chained" to each other. The so-called �Chain Gang� reluctantly agreed to work together to search for a way to survive, deactivate their security manacles, and to search for a weapon of great power left behind by the death of the criminal industrialist Justin Hammer. Unknown to his associates, Barton was actually working undercover on behalf of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., who hoped to use Barton as a mole to track Mentallo's criminal activities. S.H.I.E.L.D. also hired the Thunderbolts' Songbird, who tracked Hawkeye and defeated his erstwhile allies. They discovered that Hammer's legacy was a biological toxin that had been ingested by every single villain who had ever worked for him and that one of the villains, Plantman, was the carrier. Hawkeye, Songbird, and Plantman began a new search for the trigger that would release Plantman's toxin. The search ended with Hammer's daughter, Justine, who turned out to be the Crimson Cowl, leader of the Masters of Evil. Hawkeye convinced several members of the Masters of Evil to side with him and Songbird against Crimson Cowl and their former allies, pointing out the dangers of the super-weapon. Hoping to throw off suspicion, Hawkeye made the villains reinvent their costumed identities, thus creating a new team of Thunderbolts. The group ultimately defeated the Crimson Cowl and her Masters of Evil, and Plantman (as Blackheath) managed to release an antidote for the toxin into the atmosphere. Hawkeye and his Thunderbolts also helped Citizen V and the V-Battalion to help destroy their headquarters' engine of alien technology that had began distorting, In so doing, they were reunited with other the Thunderbolts, led by Baron Zemo and trapped on Counter-Earth. The two teams combined forces to shunt the alien ship from Earth. After much discussion, most of the costumed heroes and villains chose to part company. Hawkeye agreed to leave the Thunderbolts to Zemo's leadership, reluctantly agreeing that Zemo had proved he had potential to be a hero. Hawkeye returned to the Avengers full-time. At one point, he and the Wasp had a dallying romance, upsetting Yellowjacket, and the two heroes avoided talking about the uncomfortable situation. Soon afterwards, however, the Avengers suffered a series of sudden and devastating attacks from friends and enemies alike, culminating in a surprise attack by the alien Kree. During the Kree invasion, Hawkeye suffered a mortal shot to the back. In his dying moments, Hawkeye overpowered a Kree soldier, using the soldier's jetpack to fly both of them into the Kree's command ship. Hawkeye sacrificed his life to single-handedly thwart the invasion. (These attacks were in part motivated by the Scarlet Witch, whose mind became unhinged with the magical powers she constantly felt forced to control, and it is believed the Kree invasion was all a magical construct of the Scarlet Witch.) Hawkeye showed up alive once more in the Scarlet Witch's mutant-dominated alternate reality, with no memory of the reality before. When a young mutant gave several of the heroes the ability to remember the way the world once was, Clint and the others were horrified at what the Scarlet Witch had done. With his memory restored, Hawkeye remembered the events his own death. When the heroes confronted the Witch and her children, Hawkeye angrily shot her in the back, demanding to know why she had killed him, as he was her friend and had only love for her. One of the Witch's children made Hawkeye vanish into nothingness with just a thought. After reality was restored several heroes arrived at the ruined Avengers Mansion after a report that someone had been there, only to find Clint's costume and a newspaper cutting about his death, pinned to the ruins by Hawkeye's trademark purple arrows. It was later revealed that Clint indeed survived and that he was the one who nailed the costume on the wall. He realized that the whole world thought that he was dead and he himself also had doubts of who he really was. In his disordered state of mind he found himself standing in front of Doctor Strange's house. He met Strange who ensured him that he was who he thinks he is and that he is indeed alive. Strange informed him of what had happened and that Wanda couldn't be found and that he thought she might be dead. Clint didn't believe this and started to search for her. He found her in Wundagore Mountain where she lived with her aunt Agatha. She didn't remember anything and didn't recognize him at all. She also told him that she had lived her whole life in that village. Clint decided to stay in the village for some time with her until he for some reason came back to the states and contacted Iron Man revealing to him that he was alive. After Iron Man had ensured that he was who he said he was he made Clint an offer to be the next Captain America. Clint even tried the flag on and got to use the original shield but he realized that it was a mistake when he met Patriot and new Hawkeye who convinced that he wasn't Captain America. Clint let them escape and gave the shield back to Iron Man and told him that he will mail the "flag" later. Not long after this Clint again found himself in front of Doctor Strange's house now seeming as though it had been abandoned and sold to a franchise company. In reality, however, it was illusion cast by Strange to hide himself and his team members from Iron Man. They decided to show themselves to Clint and after some talk and magic they decided to give Clint Ronin's costume. They then left to Japan to save their team member Maya Lopez from the Hand. +This superhero's name is Rorschach. Their real name is Walter Joseph Kovacs. Rorschach (pronounced Roar-shack) is the vigilante name of Walter Joseph Kovacs; he was born March 21, 1940. His mother, a prostitute who resented his interference in her business, abused him viciously. His father never knew his son and nothing is known about him other then he liked President Truman and his name was "Charlie". At age 10, Walter attacked two bullies that had cruelly abused him, partially blinding one with the bully's own lit cigarette. Kovacs became a ward of the state and was sent to the Lillian Charlton Home for Problem Children. In high school, he excelled in religious education and literature, as well as in boxing and gymnastics. He also wrote an essay in which he praised President Truman's decision to use nuclear weapons against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, asserting that the bombs helped save lives by stopping the war. During those high school years, at age 16, Walter was informed of his mother's gruesome murder; her pimp force-fed her a bottle of Drano until she died in agony. Walter's reaction consisted of only a single word: "Good." At about the same time, he found work as an unskilled garment worker; noting later to a prison psychiatrist "Job bearable but unpleasant. Had to handle female clothing". Working in this capacity, in 1962 he grew fascinated by a new fabric made possible through technologies developed by Doctor Manhattan. Two viscous liquids, one black and one white, between two layers of latex, continually shifted in response to heat and pressure, forming symmetrical patterns like a Rorschach inkblot test while never mixing to produce a grey colour. Kovacs learned of the fabric when a young woman chose not to buy a dress which she had ordered made from it; subsequently Kovacs took the dress home and experimented with the fabric. He learned to cut the fabric and maintain the seal using heated scissors. The real life 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese (in front of a building full of tenants who didn't bother to help her) was made part of the Watchmen universe backstory, providing a trigger for Kovacs's decision to avenge the powerless victims of crime. He decided that Genovese had been the woman who had ordered the dress ("Young. Pretty. Italian name. I'm sure it was her"), cut up the dress, and made it into a mask -- becoming Rorschach (taking his name from the test). Eventually, in 1965 he teamed up with another superhero, the second Nite Owl, whose technical skills and resources complemented Kovacs' skills as an investigator. In 1975, Rorschach was searching for a kidnapped child and found her captor's vacant hideout. A cursory inspection revealed, to his horror, that the girl had been murdered, butchered, and fed to two German Shepherd dogs. In the face of this atrocity, Kovacs' mind snapped and assumed the mental identity of Rorschach as a separate personality. He killed the dogs with a meat cleaver and waited for the kidnapper. Kovacs later mentioned, "shock of impact ran along my arm. It was Kovacs who said 'mother' then, muffled under Latex. It was Kovacs who closed his eyes. It was Rorschach who opened them again." When the man returned, he wordlessly chained him to a pipe, ignoring his claims of innocence (the man telling Rorschach: "Y-you can't prove anything. I mean, wh-where's the evidence", suggesting that he fed the girl to the dogs to get rid of the 'evidence'), then placed a hacksaw near him and set the house on fire. Finally speaking, he told the terrified man that he would not have time to cut through his restraints before the fire killed him (implying that he would have to sever his own arm to escape). Kovacs calmly watched the structure burn from across the street; the suspected kidnapper did not emerge. In an interview ten years later with psychologist Malcolm Long, Kovacs explicitly mentioned the incident as the point after which he became "Rorschach, who sometimes pretends to be Kovacs"; before that, he claims, he was only "Kovacs pretending to be Rorschach." He no longer refers to his "mask"; now he only calls the mask his "face". After the 1977 Keene Act outlawed costumed vigilantes, demanding his retirement, he grew even more violent, murdering notorious multiple rapist Harvey Charles Furniss and leaving his corpse in front of a police station; a note pinned to his chest read, "Never!" True to his word, Rorschach remained an active "adventurer" in open defiance of the law. Rorschach lives in a slum run by a landlady who has had multiple children by multiple fathers; he pointedly comments on his belief that she cheats on welfare. It is never mentioned whether he continued to work in the garment trade or found some other source of income. During the day, he walks around New York as a vagrant with a sign reading "The end is nigh." During a mid-1980s murder investigation of a man named Eddie Blake, Rorschach discovered that the victim was the alter ego of the Comedian an amoral government-sponsored "costumed adventurer" and former colleague whom he seemed to admire. Suspecting a plot to eliminate superheroes, he pursued the investigation accordingly, interviewing and warning several former members of the hero community. Although no one took his theory seriously, the sudden public denunciations and subsequent self-exile of Doctor Manhattan and the attempted murder of Adrian Veidt (the former Ozymandias) bolstered his confidence that he was on the right track. Before long, however, he was framed for the murder of Moloch, an ailing former adversary, and was captured by the police. During the take down, Rorschach fought the heavily armed officers with improvised methods using ordinary household materials, with surprising effectiveness, but he was knocked unconscious as he fought to escape. In prison, Kovacs was examined by a clinical psychologist, and subject to numerous death threats and attacks by vengeful prisoners. When taunted by inmates about being trapped inside with them, his only reply was to say that they had it backwards; they were, in fact, trapped with him. He prevented an attempt on his life in the prison cafeteria by calmly and wordlessly grabbing a pot full of boiling cooking grease and hurling it into the assailant's face. The psychiatrist later described the resultant burns on the attacker as "horrific." A former organized crime head called The Big Figure orchestrated a prisoner riot as a distraction while his flunkies attacked Kovacs. He easily, almost leisurely, dispatched the would-be assassins before he escaped his cell to pursue and drown The Big Figure (a diminutive old man) in a prison restroom. During this battle, the current Nite Owl and Silk Spectre were attempting to break him out of prison, and used the chaos of the prison riot to do so. They sought his help in their own investigation into the murders of the former superheroes. Investigating jointly, Nite Owl and Rorschach learned that the mastermind behind the plot was Adrian Veidt, who had been hailed as the smartest person in the world. Rorschach and Nite Owl traveled to his home in Antarctica to confront him; however, they were unable to prevent him from accomplishing his ultimate goal. Before the duo arrived, Veidt teleported an enormous Lovecraftian "alien" that he had manufactured into the heart of New York City, killing millions and psychically traumatizing millions more. Exactly as Veidt had predicted, the hoax forced the nations of the world to halt their mounting hostilities towards one another and unite against the perceived alien threat, thereby preventing the inevitable nuclear showdown. Shortly after Veidt confessed his plot to Nite Owl and Rorschach, they were joined by Doctor Manhattan and the Silk Spectre, having just returned from Mars. After a brief struggle, the adventurers realized that by exposing Veidt's act they would only manage to return the world to the brink of nuclear catastrophe. The other heroes agreed that they must keep the hoax a secret, but Rorschach flatly refused to comply (" Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon. That's the difference between us, Daniel."). Manhattan told Rorschach that he "cannot allow" him to reveal the truth to the world, but Rorschach maintained his defiance. Enraged and in tears, Walter Kovacs removed his mask and demanded that Manhattan kill him if that is what it took to protect Veidt's utopia. Although reluctant and showing emotions again, Manhattan silently complied with Kovacs' request. However, Rorschach's legacy may have had greater consequences; prior to departing for Antarctica, he wrote a lengthy journal detailing his investigation and sent it to a reactionary right-wing newspaper The New Frontiersman. While Veidt was confident Kovacs would not be believed by the public, since his mental illness was well known, the question of whether the journal's contents would be printed and his evidence seriously examined was left open ended in the very last panel of the Watchmen comics series. +This superhero's name is Ruby Thursday. Their real name is Thursday Rubinstein. Ruby's origin is probably unknown outside of the Headmen. Dr. Arthur Nagan (AKA Gorilla Man II) inducted her into the Headmen -- a group of megalomaniacal villains that also includes Dr. Jerold Morgan (AKA Shrunken Bones) and Chondu the Mystic -- shortly before their second entanglement with the Defenders. (If anyone has details about that appearance, please add them here.) (Defenders Volume 1 #32-#35, Defenders Annual #1) A few years later, Ruby perpetrated some sort of crime in the Las Vegas area that brought Omega the Unknown in pursuit of her. Introduced here as her (new?) servant was the Dybbuk, a demonlike creature. In the midst of their confrontation, Las Vegas police officers arrived on the scene. The officers believed that Omega was criminally assaulting Ruby -- perhaps because of duplicity on Ruby's part -- and they shot him dead. (Omega the Unknown #10) The Defenders traveled to Las Vegas to investigate Omega's death, and encountered Ruby and the Dybbuk. During their confrontation, the Wasp shattered Ruby's head with a sting blast, thereby killing her. The Dybbuk sorrowfully collected her corpse and teleported away. (Defenders Volume 1 #76-#77) Ruby reappeared with the Headmen several years later in their plot to replace Chondu's monstrous body with a clone of She-Hulk's body. Due to a miscalculation by Dr. Nagan, Spider-Man learned of the Headmen's activity and confronted them. Ruby revealed to Spider-Man that she had recovered from death. (Neat trick, eh?) She-Hulk and Spider-Man defeated the Headmen and handed them over to New York authorities. (Sensational She-Hulk #1-#3) A few years after that, Ruby reappeared with the Headmen to once again pursue the prospect of attaching Chondu's head to Spider-Man's body (despite Dr. Morgan's earlier determination that it wasn't feasible). They tracked Spider-Man to an art gallery event that coincidentally had the Human Torch in attendance. With the Human Torch's help, Spider-Man subdued the Headmen for submission to New York authorities. (Web of Spider-Man #73) (Ruby appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #97 next. If anyone has details about her appearance, please add them here.) A few years later, a Doombot (robot built by Doctor Doom) formed its own will and personality. Calling itself Mechadoom, it began using Capturebots to subdue cyborgs (e.g. Ruby, Forge and Bushwhacker) and other 'sentient' robots (e.g. Machine Man and Ultron) for the purpose of dismantling and analyzing them with the hope of learning how to adapt to its selfhood. Ruby came under Mechadoom's scrutiny and became one of its unwilling cyborg captives. Deathlok and members of the Fantastic Four and the X-Men defeated Mechadoom and convinced it to release its captives. Having been a victim of crime rather than a perpetrator in this case, Ruby was presumably allowed to go her own way upon release. (Deathlok Volume 2 #2-#5) A few years later, the Headmen learned of and sought out a mystical idol called the God from Beyond. Soon afterwards, they used another mystical artifact, the Star of Capistan, to power the idol in order to summon and control the monstrous and powerful extraterrestrial Orrgo. In the midst of this they incidentally rescued MODOK from extradimensional exile; in exchange, he availed himself and his organization, Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM), to them. Per Dr. Nagan's instruction, Orrgo seized mental control of all life (or at least all humans) on Earth except those who had previously touched the idol (which Orrgo couldn't affect) and MODOK and the operatives of AIM. Fortunately, the Defenders had previously touched the idol and thus were free to oppose the Headmen. During their period of control over life on Earth, Ruby interfaced with some AIM computers and researched the ramifications of introducing seventh-dimensional objects into the three-dimensional universe. Thanks to Nighthawk's quick thinking, the weaker contingent of the Defenders defeated the Headmen and scared Orrgo away from Earth; MODOK and the AIM operatives presumably escaped in the confusion. (Defenders Volume 2 #5, #9-#10) +This superhero's name is Sabretooth (FOX). Their real name is Victor Creed. Victor Creed was born in the mid-late 1820s in what would later be known as the Northwest Territories of Canada, British North America. Eventually, his father, Thomas Logan, had another son, named James Howlett, with a woman named Elizabeth Howlett +This superhero's name is Sabretooth. Their real name is Victor Creed. Little is known about the early life of the feral mutant named Victor Creed, although it is believed that he suffered an abusive childhood at the hands of his father who, disgusted by the boy’s mutant nature, frequently beat him and chained him up in the darkened basement of their home. As an adult, Creed took the name Sabretooth, and by the 1910s he was known by this name in a small Canadian frontier community where he intimidated almost everyone. One of the few exceptions was a young man named Logan, whom Sabretooth sensed had superhuman abilities similar to his own. Hating the love that existed between Logan and a young Indian girl named Silver Fox, Sabretooth brutally assaulted her, apparently raping her and leaving her for dead. The enraged Logan then forced Sabretooth into a pitched battle, which ended with Sabretooth victorious. Unbeknownst to either combatant, Silver Fox survived the attack and soon departed from the community. Little is known about Sabretooth’s subsequent activities until the early 1960s when served in Team X, a special intelligence unit run by the Central Intelligence Agency for the subversive Weapon X Program. In Team X, Sabretooth was reunited with both Logan, now known as Wolverine, and Silver Fox, however none of them recalled their past experiences due to false memory implants provided by Weapon X’s ally Psi-Borg. Sabretooth had a falling out with Wolverine during a mission in East Berlin in Germany during the early 1960s, exacerbating the already tense animosity between the two. During that same mission, Sabretooth met and romanced Leni Zauber, an operative for another unnamed government agency. Unbeknownst to Sabretooth, Zauber was actually the shape-shifting mutant known as Mystique. Sabretooth remained with Zauber for a month before returning to his Team X duties and remained with the team until its disbandment. He then set out on his own as a hired assassin, earning a worldwide reputation. At some point in the subsequent decades he became a student of the enigmatic Foreigner, head of the assassin guild known as the 1400 Club and one of the few men that Sabretooth respects. Sabretooth was also again manipulated by Mystique, who, for reasons of her own, seduced him in order to become pregnant with his child. However, the resultant son had no mutant potential and was abandoned by Mystique, growing up to become the anti-mutant activist Graydon Creed. While working for the elitist Hellfire Club, Sabretooth clashed with Wolverine in the latter’s capacity as an agent of the Canadian government’s Department K. Months later, an amnesiac Wolverine, having recently been subjected to experiments which bonded the unbreakable metal Adamantium to his skeleton, sought the advice of Adamantium creator Doctor Myron MacLain. Sabretooth, hired by unidentified parties, interrupted the consultation and attempted to kill his former foe and teammate, only to be stopped by Wolverine’s allies. At some point, Sabretooth took up the practice of annually stalking Wolverine on the day Wolverine believed to be his birthday. In recent years Sabretooth, although always a violent man, gradually began developing a psychotic bloodlust that overcame his admittedly heartless human persona. As a result of this further mutation, Sabretooth’s features became more animal-like, a condition which eventually corrected itself. He first came to attention in the modern era when he abducted noted attorney Jeryn Hogarth who was rescued by his client, the martial artist known as Iron Fist. Later, Sabretooth formed a partnership with the costumed criminal the Constrictor on an assignment for the crimelord Montenegro. However, driven by his hunger for violence, Sabretooth disguised himself and slew several people in New York City, resulting in reports of a mysterious “Slasher.” When Sabretooth was exposed as the Slasher, he and the Constrictor found themselves fighting not only Iron Fist, but his allies in the super-strong Power Man, the cyborg detective Misty Knight, and the mutant adventurer El Aguila. Sabretooth and the Constrictor were forced to retreat, however the pair later sought revenge on Knight, only to again meet defeat at the hands of Power Man and Iron Fist. Later, in an effort to prove himself to the Foreigner, Sabretooth tracked down the costumed adventurer the Black Cat, who had clashed with some of the Foreigner’s agents. The effort led to battles with both the Black Cat and the costumed crimefighter Spider-Man, with Sabretooth ultimately being hospitalized under guard. Soon escaping, he was subsequently recruited by an old acquaintance, the mutant thief Gambit, to join the cadre of mutant assassins the Marauders in the service of the enigmatic geneticist Mister Sinister. The Marauders were sent to slaughter the underground mutant community of Morlocks, leading to a clash with the Morlocks’ allies, the team of mutant adventurers the X-Men who counted Wolverine amongst their ranks. In the course of the so-called “Mutant Massacre,” Sabretooth and Wolverine fought several times, with Sabretooth ultimately meeting defeat. As his bloodlust increased, Sabretooth hired the telepathic Birdy to help him keep his urges in check, only for Birdy to be murdered by his son Graydon, now an avid anti-mutant activist with a deep hatred of his parents. Sabretooth then slipped into a killing spree, only to be captured by his former Team X teammate Maverick and the X-Men. The X-Men’s founder, the telepathic Professor Charles Xavier, undertook the task of helping Sabretooth overcome his bloodthirsty impulses, just as the X-Men had helped Wolverine deal with his own berserker rages. Sabretooth played along at first, although doing little to hide his contempt for the X-Men, but when the opportunity presented itself, he escaped from his holding cell in Xavier’s mansion. Confronted by Wolverine, the two fought savagely and Sabretooth was nearly lobotomized when Wolverine thrust one of his claws into Sabretooth’s brain. Following this attack, Sabretooth seemed unusually passive, and one of the X-Men’s allies, the young mutant called Boom-Boom, became fond of the seemingly peaceful prisoner and sought to help him reform. However, Sabretooth soon regained his true personality and turned against Boomer and the X-Men, almost killing the X-Man Psylocke during his escape. Not long after, Sabretooth was recruited by the U.S. government to pursue the malfunctioning mutant tracker known as the Hound. To that end, Sabretooth was instated as a member of the government-sponsored mutant team X-Factor, much to the chagrin of X-Factor’s leader Forge. Unknown to his supposed teammates, Sabretooth was actually a sleeper agent of the government’s Hound Program, under orders to kill X-Factor should they be deemed uncontrollable. He was forced to wear an inhibitor collar that administered a severe shock to his nervous system if he became overly aggressive towards any of his teammates or if he tried to remove the collar. After joining his teammate Mystique in opposing the terrorist organizations Hydra and A.I.M., Sabretooth obtained pills to help him overcome the pain and, after succeeded in removing the collar, he savagely assaulted several other members of X-Factor before escaping. Rejecting the government’s authority, Sabretooth also killed several potential members of the Hound Program, setting back the government’s efforts to control mutants. Sabretooth also clashed with the Russian super-soldier Omega Red who sought to capture the feral mutant and bring him to the Russian telepath Elena Ivanova, whose mother Sabretooth had killed years earlier whilst she was still in-utero. Under unrevealed circumstances, Sabretooth had the near-unbreakable metal Adamantium bonded to his skeleton and claws, much as the Weapon X Program had done to Wolverine decades prior. Sabretooth then attacked Wolverine during his wedding to the Viper on the island nation of Madripoor, only for Wolverine to be forced to cooperate with his foe to save Madripoor from an attempted invasion by the ninja clan the Hand and the terrorist organization Hydra. In a later encounter, Sabretooth and Wolverine were set against each other by the eternal mutant Apocalypse, who sought to transform one of them into a Horseman in his service. After a savage battle, Wolverine defeated Sabretooth, tearing out his heart, and Apocalypse removed the Adamantium from Sabretooth, bonding it to Wolverine’s skeleton instead. Left for dead, Sabretooth was found in an extremely weakened state by Gambit and the mutant shape-shifter Courier. The trio broke into one of Mister Sinister’s bases, and, after some haggling, Sabretooth received a treatment to kickstart his healing factor. Gambit subsequently secured enough Adamantium from Sabretooth’s former partner the Constrictor to keep him alive. Restored to his former self, Sabretooth joined Mystique’s restructured Brotherhood of Mutants in an effort to release a virus that would infect the normal human population. However, after an attack on the Muir Island research base, Sabretooth was defeated by the X-Man Bishop. Sabretooth was subsequently captured by the reformed Weapon X Program, and Adamantium was once more bonded to his skeleton. Sabretooth was used as the Program’s key operative, responsible for recruiting other former Weapon X members back into the fold. Sabretooth recruited the mercenary Deadpool, but failed to recruit his former Team X teammates Maverick and Wraith. Sabretooth was then assigned as back-up on Deadpool’s mission to kill the shape-shifting mutant named Copycat, Deadpool’s former lover. When Deadpool refused to kill her, Sabretooth performed the deed instead. Sabretooth soon betrayed Weapon X by stealing its data on the world’s known mutants, data he used as a lure to recruit two more of Wolverine’s enemies, Omega Red and the cyborg Lady Deathstrike, to attack Wolverine’s friends and family, capturing Wolverine’s young ward Amiko Kobayashi. Sabretooth quickly betrayed these allies as well, teleporting himself and Wolverine to the original and long abandoned Weapon X facility where he taunted his nemesis with the revelation that some of Wolverine’s amnesia about his life was due to his own healing factor, which repressed overly painful memories. Using command codes stolen from the Weapon X project’s Director, Sabretooth utilized a device that stripped Wolverine of his mutant powers. Sabretooth then challenged Wolverine to a supposed final battle during which his own mutant abilities were negated by the same device. Both mutants seemingly died of wounds sustained in the ensuing fight, but once their powers were re-activated both were revived by their mutant healing factors. Sabretooth next set about using his stolen data to murder several mutants under consideration by the Weapon X Program, which soon recaptured him and subjected him to the hypnotic power of the mutant Mesmero to keep him in line. However, Mesmero soon lost his powers, leaving Sabretooth a threat once again. Sabretooth escaped Weapon X a second time with the help of Mister Sinister, then disguised as the project’s lead scientist Doctor Charles Windsor. Returning to his former mercenary ways, Sabretooth accepted employment from an offshoot of Weapon X to track down an escaped test subject called the Native. Outfought by the Native, Sabretooth manipulated Wolverine into tracking her for him, only to be turned on by his employers as they recaptured their quarry. Seeking vengeance, he allied with Wolverine to raid the facility where the Native was being held. After killing his employers and watching Wolverine and the Native escape, Sabretooth swore to finish the job he had started. Recently, Sabretooth "allied" himself with the X-Men once again. He joined Rogues team, alongside the likes of Cable, Cannonball, Iceman and others. Wolverine did not agree with this decision to once again have Creed in the mansion and decided to settle the score with him once and for all. The battle took both of them to Wakanda, where it was revealed to them that they were both descendants of a "wolf" like evolutionary scale as opposed to ape. Sabretooth was kidnapped from his captivity in Wakanda by an unknown individual. He was brought to the former Department H(Weapon X) faclility, where Wolverine found him in in a cryogenic tank similar to the one that Wolverine was in when he was transformed by Weapon X. Sabretooth broke free and killed a de-powered Feral, and severely wounded her sister Thornn. Sabretooth appeared to be more feral and vicious than ever before, and it was revealed that his captor was Romulus, an individual who has an unexplainable connection to both Logan and Creed. Creed faced Wolverine, who was wielding the muramasai blade which negated both of their healing factors. Logan than beheaded Creed, seemingly ending his life. +This superhero's name is Sage. Their real name is Tessa. Little is known of the life of the woman known as Sage except that she had lived in a small village in the Balkan region of Europe whilst still a young girl, and that she had spent time in a harem under unrevealed circumstances. Just prior to her teenage years, Sage found herself caught up in the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. She was forced to learn to fight to survive encounters with both soldiers and local bandits, and took weapons and equipment from the bodies of fallen combatants. One day, Sage felt herself compelled to enter a cave in the nearby Hindu Kush mountain range. There, she found the powerful telepathic mutant named Charles Xavier, who had been trapped under a massive stone block by the alien being named Lucifer. Initially wary of him, Sage rescued the critically injured mutant but soon after they encountered a United Nations aid convoy being attacked by bandits. Sage drove off the attackers and then avenged the death of one young U.N. worker by brutally murdering the bandit that had raped and killed her. Years later, Xavier recruited Sage at the same time that he formed his original team of teenage mutant students he called the X-Men. Xavier kept Sage's presence at his mansion a secret as he intended to utilize her own mutant talents as a spy in his fight for peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans. Sage's first mission was to infiltrate the organization for the rich and powerful known as the Hellfire Club and to gain the trust of Sebastian Shaw, leader of the Club's Inner Circle at its New York branch. For years, Sage acted as Shaw's familiar, advising and counseling him in both his legitimate and illegal business practices, all the while gathering information for Xavier. Shaw found Sage's ability to function as a living computer invaluable and kept her in his employ for many years, even during the time he was deposed as leader of the Club. Early in Sage’s time with the Club, its renegade White Bishop, Donald Pierce, attempted a coup of the Club's leadership. Pierce kidnapped Sage, believing that without her Shaw's position could more easily be compromised. She was rescued by Xavier and his team of New Mutants and, upon her return to the Club, Pierce was expelled. Later, Sage ran afoul of one of the Club’s regular and valued patrons, a reclusive billionaire named Elias Bogan. Shaw had made a wager with Bogan during a game of cards whereupon if Shaw lost, Bogan would win the Club's then-White Queen, the telepathic mutant Emma Frost. Bogan had never lost a game before, but with Sage’s help Shaw won the bet. Bogan honored the wager, but knew who was truly responsible for his defeat and exacted his revenge on Sage, capturing her and branding her face with facial tattoos. Rescued by the X-Man Storm, Sage soon affiliated herself with the X-Men, acting as part of their support crew. In order to shield herself from detection by Bogan, Sage consciously shut down her telepathic abilities, relying solely on her computer-like mind to assist her new teammates. When Senator Robert Kelly announced his intention to run for the Presidency on an anti-mutant platform, Sage met with him to persuade him otherwise by convincing him that his actions were no different to those of the mutant terrorist Magneto. Kelly was not so easily swayed, however, and it wasn’t until a mutant sacrificed his life to save Kelly that he realized his folly. Storm soon recruited her into a splinter group of X-Treme X-Men who set out to search for the diaries of the blind mutant seer named Destiny that predicted the future of mutantkind. On the new team's first mission, Sage was instrumental in saving the life of her teammate the Beast after an encounter with the self-professed enhanced human named Vargas. Sage used a heretofore-unseen ability to advance the Beast's evolution to its next stage, healing him of his injuries and activating his latent Secondary Mutation. Eventually learning of Sage's deception, Shaw allied himself with Lady Mastermind, the daughter of former Hellfire Club member Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde), to exact revenge on his former assistant. Lady Mastermind trapped Sage in a convincing illusion, making her believe that she was once again Shaw's assistant back in the Hellfire Club. Sage was freed thanks to the efforts of Heather Cameron, an Australian mutant with the ability to manifest various super-human powers depending on what the current situation called for, and the X-Men defeated Shaw once more. Sage later catalyzed the latent mutant powers of Heather’s brother Davis, who subsequently joined the X-Treme X-Men as Slipstream, as well as evolving her teammate Rogue's mutant ability to grant her control over the manifestation of the powers and abilities she has absorbed over the years. Sage often used her computer-like mind to assist her teammate Bishop in his activities as a homicide detective, such as when they were called upon to investigate the attempted murder of Emma Frost, now a member of the X-Men and an instructor at Xavier’s school. Later, when the X-Treme team encountered Elias Bogan once more after a murder at his Alaskan estate, Sage and Bishop were called in to investigate. A young mutant named Jeffrey Garrett was wanted for questioning after Bogan had his family killed and, in retaliation, he teleported Bogan's associates onto the nearby glacier where they froze to death. Garrett fled to the Xavier Institute where he came under the protection of Frost. However, Bogan had secretly possessed the young boy and when Frost scanned his mind, Bogan took possession of her. Sage and Bishop followed the trail to the mansion where Bogan captured them, but the timely arrival of Storm allowed them to escape and defeat the villain. Bogan returned to plague the X-Treme X-Men soon after when he captured and mentally enslaved Bishop, hoping to use him as a weapon against his teammates. With the aid of several of their former allies the X-Men were able to rescue Bishop, which allowed Sage to defeat Bogan once and for all. Sage then accompanied her teammates back to New York to assist in the rebuilding of the mansion following an attack by Magneto, after which they rejoined the core X-Men team. Recently, Sage has joined a new incarnation of the British super-team Excalibur. It appears that she had recently become romantically involved on some level with Pete Wisdom. +This superhero's name is Sai. Their real name is . Sai Yamanaka was an Anbu from Root. He is added to Team Kakashi as a replacement for Sasuke Uchiha. +This superhero's name is Saint Of Killers. Their real name is . The Saint of Killers is God's Angel of Death. He was tasked by angels to find and retrieve a dangerous creature named Genesis, who had possessed a man named Jesse Custer. +This superhero's name is Sakura Haruno. Their real name is Haruno Sakura. Sakura Uchiha is a kunoichi of Konohagakure. When assigned to Team 7, Sakura quickly finds herself ill-prepared for the duties of a shinobi. However, after training under the Sannin Tsunade, she overcomes this, and becomes recognised as one of the greatest medical-nin in the world. +This superhero's name is Sam Winchester. Their real name is Sam Winchester. Samuel "Sam" William Winchester (b. May 2, 1983) is a hunter as well as a Man of Letters, along with his older brother Dean. He is one of the main protagonists of Supernatural. Both Sam and Dean are related to the Winchester and Campbell families - a Letters family and a Hunting family respectively. The pair also shares a bloodline with Cain and Abel. Because of this, Sam was predestined to be the true vessel of the fallen archangel Lucifer (whilst Dean was Michael's). Sam is friends with angel Castiel, Prophet Kevin Tran, the demon Meg and former lover-turned-enemy of demon Ruby. He is also the occasional reluctant ally of demon Crowley and for a time was forced to be an unknowing and unwilling vessel for the angel Gadreel. +This superhero's name is Samukai. Their real name is Samukai. Samukai was a fearsome Skulkin general with four arms. After he fought against Wu and Garmadon, Samukai was banished to the Underworld, where he united an army of the undead and became their king. Upon Garmadon's banishment, he supplanted Samukai as the realm's new ruler. Nonetheless, Samukai retained a position high on the Underworld hierarchy as Garmadon's lieutenant and the Skulkin general of Fire, carrying out his superior's will. Samukai and the Skulkin fought against the Ninja and claimed the Golden Weapons. When Samukai confronted Wu, he took hold of all four weapons, but their immense powers incinerated him and created a portal. Garmadon then escaped the Underworld and wreaked havoc in Ninjago. A statue of Samukai was later placed in the Ninjago Museum of History. When Cole accidentally opened the Departed Realm, Samukai's spirit escaped and possessed the statue in the museum. Samukai set off to exact vengeance, in his case going after Jay with help from Krazi and Frakjaw. Samukai fought Jay at his parent's junkyard before his statue was shattered to pieces by Jay's nunchucks. As a result, his spirit was sent back to the Departed Realm. +This superhero's name is Samurai Mech(Stone Army). Their real name is Garmadon. When Misako stole the Helmet of Shadows, Lord Garmadon pursued her in the Samurai Mech. The Ninja attacked it, but even their new Elemental Blades were useless against the giant machine - only the surprise arrival of Nya and the Earth Driller allowed the group to escape. Lord Garmadon piloted the Samurai Mech through the forest after the Earth Driller resurfaced, quickly catching the Ninja's machine in his robot's massive hands. After shaking the Ninja up, he had the robot throw the Power Drill across the forest. To Ninja's disfortune, the impact of the throw jammed the the cockpit window to prevent their escape. Lord Garmadon moved in for the final blow, but Lloyd appeared and blasted the Samurai Mech with an elemental beam, bringing the mech to the ground. The mech fell over, seemingly inoperable, and Lord Garmadon was forced to emerge, dazed and vulnerable. +This superhero's name is Samurai X. Their real name is Primary Interactive X-ternal. P.I.X.A.L. is an acronym for Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Life-form. When the Ninja visit Borg Tower, they meet P.I.X.A.L., who is Borg’s android assistant (it took 16 versions for Borg to create the P.I.X.A.L. we know today). She was briefly taken over by the Digital Overlord, during which time she helped to manufacture an army of Nindroids based on Zane’s design. From the beginning, there was mutual fascination between her and Zane, as they shared similarities as well as differences. Badly damaged after a battle at the Storm Farm, P.I.X.A.L. was saved when Zane shared half his power core with her – his heart, you might say. From then on, she became an ally of the Ninja and very close to Zane. Later, Zane and P.I.X.A.L. were captured and held hostage on Chen's Island. When Zane found her cell, P.I.X.A.L. had been reduced to only spare parts and a face on a monitor. Zane put her neural drive into his processor, making P.I.X.A.L. a part of his artificial intelligence. she later escaped and became the new samurai x +This superhero's name is Sandman (SONY). Their real name is Flint Marko. Flint Marko stole to pay for medical treatment for his daughter Penny, who has an unspecified illness. While on the run from the police after escaping from prison, he accidentally fell into an experimental particle accelerator that molecularly bound him with sand, giving him shapeshifting sand abilities. Sandman is later spotted by police officers walking down the streets of Manhattan. Sandman got on top of a dump truck filled with huge amounts of sand. When one of the policemen climbs atop of the truck, he is assaulted by a huge fist made out of sand. Having absorbed the truck's sand to add to his mass, a giant Sandman then emerged. The police shot at Marko, but he managed to escape by turning into a sandstorm and flying away with the wind. At the Spider-Man fair, the sandstorm was spotted and Spider-Man was asked to investigate. In doing so, Spider-Man confronts Sandman, foiling his attempt to rob an armored truck, but Sandman got away. Later, at the police station, Police Captain George Stacy revealed that there is evidence implicating Marko as Ben Parker's killer and he also told Peter and Aunt May that the carjacker, Dennis Carradine, that Peter confronted two years earlier was really Marko's accomplice, as well as did not fire the shot that actually killed Ben Parker. Peter is left feeling guilty over causing the death of the suposedly innocent carjacker, as well as letting the real killer get away. In the meantime, Sandman robbed a bank and Spider-Man, now with enhanced abilities due to his new black symbiote suit, chased him to the subways. During their fight, Spider-Man managed to burst a water tank, flooding Sandman in water and turning him into mud, which was swept through a water grate. Believing that Sandman was dead, Spider-Man left in satisfaction, but unbeknownst to him, Sandman, who was washed out of the river, was able to eventually reconstitute himself. Later, Spider-Man tore the Symbiote of his body in a bell tower after learning of its parasitic nature and it bonded with Edward "Eddie" Brock Jr. to become Venom, who convinced Sandman to team up with him to destroy Spider-Man. The two kidnapped Mary Jane Watson and took her to a construction site, forcing Spider-Man to face them both. During the fight, Sandman used the site's sand to increase his size, turning into a version of himself several stories high. After Venom restrained Spider-Man with his webbing, almost strangling him, Sandman nearly beats Spider-Man to death, but for the intervention of Harry Osborn, under the guise of the New Goblin, who came to his friends aid with his goblin arsenal. Harry exploded a pumpkin bomb at Sandman, as well as then distracted Venom enough to free Spider-Man. Working together, the two manage to save Mary Jane and defeat Sandman and Venom, though at the cost of Harry's and possibly Eddie's lives. Sandman returned to his normal size, as well as having discovered Spider-Man's real identity, he revealed that his shooting of Uncle Ben was an accident while he was trying to carjack Uncle Ben. During the incident, Ben attempted to reason with Marko, but Carradine arrived and startled Flint, causing him to shoot Ben accidentally. Sensing that Marko was telling the truth, as well as understanding the importance of forgiveness over revenge, Spider-Man forgave him and Marko shapeshifted and flew away. +This superhero's name is Sandman. Their real name is Wesley Dodds. Wesley Dodds was born in 1913, the son of wealthy industrialist Edward Dodds and his young wife Marina. Young Wesley was a bookish lad, somewhat fearful of his stern father. When Wesley's mother died in late 1917 Wesley was sent to a number of boarding schools before he and his brother Gerald joined their father in Europe after the end of the First World War. After a fight, Gerald left the family to find his own way. Heeding the advice of a fortuneteller, Edward sent young Wes to live abroad, mostly with people heading up his father's various business interests, mostly in the Far East. There, Wesley soaked up the Oriental wisdom and lifestyle, learning to speak several languages, and honing his body with martial arts and Yoga. Concluding his schooling in America, Wes Dodds graduated Magnum Cum Laude from Princeton with degrees in Business and Chemistry. Briefly returning to the Far East, he began to suffer from dreams that drove him nearly insane until he began acting on them when he came to live in the US again, after the death of his father. In these weird and horrid nightmares that, unbeknownst to him were caused by the Lord of Dreams known as Morpheus, who was at that time imprisoned by Roderick Burgess, he saw visions of Morpheus and of criminals and grave injustice. Inspired by the man in the strange helmet that he had seen in his dreams Wesley bought a number of gas masks and used part of his fortune to develop a special sedative green gas that was both a "truth serum" and a narcoleptic agent, and the delivery system in the form of a "gas gun". Donning one of the masks and a gas gun he then set up a new identity for himself and began righting the wrongs of New York City in the early part of 1938 as The Sandman as he investigated and put an end to the crimes of his dreams. Operating outside the law, he became the target of NYPD Lieutenant Tony Burke, a hard-nosed and unyielding bully of a lawman. Crossing paths with Burke on several occasions, they came to an understanding that The Sandman could go places and was privy to information that Burke could ultimately use. Attending a charity ball at the request of one of his father's old friends, Judge Thomas Schaeffer, Wesley was introduced to District Attorney Lawrence Belmont and his daughter Dian Belmont. The young Dian aided and later fell in love with Wes Dodds, aiding him on several occasions, and ultimately joined Wesley on a search for his estranged brother in early 1940. It is not known what the result of that search was, but it is known that The Sandman had begun to fight crime again in New York City in late 1940. In early November 1940, The Sandman was drawn into a conflict with Nazi spies along with six other American "mystery-men" and became a founding member of the Justice Society of America. His contribution to the group, other than financial, was supplying the meeting place, the top floor to a Manhattan, NY hotel that he owned. Inspired by his fictionalized comic book adventures, a young man took to the New York rooftops, fighting crime under the name Sandy, The Golden Boy. He later became the ward of Dian Belmont, the common-law wife of Wes Dodds, and took to sporadically adventuring with The Sandman as his partner, beginning in July of 1941. On an adventure with the Justice Society, The Sandman, along with other members and their confederates, was exposed to chronal energies that had the effect of retarding the aging process. This gave Wes greater longevity in adventuring than might be expected in later years. The Sandman, as a member of the JSA, joined the wartime "super-group" The All-Star Squadron and Sandy became a member of an affiliate group, The Young All-Stars. As World War II drew to a close, two events lead to the eventual retirement of The Sandman. First was the heart attack he suffered, forcing him to curtail most of his physical activities. Next was the injury of his partner, Sandy. While working on a "silicon gun" to beef up his fighting style, Sandy was injured and mutated in an explosion. Changed to a hulking, mute monster, The Sandman placed Sandy in a state of suspended animation. Too ashamed to seek outside help, Wes worked nearly fifty years to reverse his condition, meeting failure after failure. After retiring, Wes Dodds pursued financial and social goals to help better his fellow man, along with moral support for Dian, who later in life became a best-selling author. She won the Nobel Prize for Literature. About nine years ago, as his former comrades in the Justice Society began to come out of retirement, at least on a semi-regular basis, The Sandman reappeared, solely in the company of the JSA, assisting them and the Justice League on several occasions. Nearly seven years ago, the creature formerly known as Sandy was accidentally freed and recaptured with the assistance of the JSA and JLA. Several months later, a criminal seeking to enhance his reputation captured and accidentally cured the Sand-Creature. However, Sandy had not aged while transformed and is now in his early twenties. Wes suffered another stroke and finally curtailed his crime-fighting career. He appeared with the Justice Society on two occasions, the last of which saw the group cast into a recreation of the Norse Gods Gotterdamerung. They were freed after more than two years in this Limbo, whereupon Wes suffered yet another stroke. While in the hospital, he aided Hourman and Johnny Quick in saving a South African freedom fighter. Soon afterwards, The Sandman was among the assembled heroes who fought Extant and as a result he was robbed of the chronal energies that kept him youthful. He aged to his natural state of over eighty years old. Now hard-of-hearing and arthritic, Wes retired from the super-heroic community entirely. He was sought out by and aided Starman, Jack Knight. Soon afterwards, he and Dian left the United States to tour and relive his youth in the Far East. After the recent death of Dian, Wes became aware of the mystical menace of The Dark Lord. Fearing that he might unwittingly aid him, and unable to fend off any further attacks, Wes threw himself off a cliff, going finally to that Great Eternal Sleep. Before dying he told Speed Saunders to tell Sandy that now it was his time to dream, as the piece of Morpheus' essence that had inspired him to become Sandman in the first place was transferred to Sandy Hawkins, who began getting the same weird dreams that Wesley once had. +This superhero's name is Sarab (CW). Their real name is Maseo Yamashiro. Maseo Yamashiro (died May 2015) was one of the former mentors, former handlers, and an old friend of Oliver Queen. Maseo was also the estranged husband of Tatsu Yamashiro and the father of the late Akio Yamashiro. Sometime after Hong Kong, Maseo joined the League of Assassins, around the same time Sara Lance did. From then on, he came to be known as merely Sarab (Arabic: سراب; for Mirage), refusing to use his former name entirely. +This superhero's name is Sasquatch. Their real name is Walter Langkowski. Walter Langkowski replaced his religious faith early on with a belief in and a dependence on science. He attended Pennsylvania State University on a football scholarship, where he met Robert Bruce Banner and became interested in gamma ray research. After graduating, Walter pursued his research independently while accepting a position with a professional football team, the Green Bay Packers, and married Veronica, an actress who bore him a son. After earning over a million dollars, Walter retired and returned to school, soon earning his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Walter began teaching at McGill University in Montreal and furthered his gamma ray research, including studying Banner’s famous transformation into the Hulk, and Veronica soon divorced him, taking their son. At a new position with the Canadian government’s Department H, Walter worked with James Hudson, whose plans for a new super-hero team would eventually lead to Alpha Flight. Langkowski acted as technical and scientific support for Alpha’s precursor, the Flight, which included Smart Alec, a brilliant man with access to vast amounts of information, Snowbird, a goddess with the power to change to any Arctic animal, and Wolverine, a vicious mutant with a mysterious past. Eventually, Langkowski exposed himself to gamma rays, hoping to gain powers like Banner’s. Instead he opened a mystic barrier that allowed the Great Beast Tanaraq to pass through, and Walter assumed its form, wrongly believing his powers came from the gamma radiation. At first, Langkowski’s brain and personality remained in control of his monstrous Sasquatch form, and he joined Alpha Flight himself. Alpha Flight’s roster would change frequently over the years as they went through phases of government contracts and independent action. Walter studied many incoming operatives, who were generally assigned to training teams Beta and Gamma Flight, for Department H. One operative, later known as Wild Child, had a very unstable genotype and psychosis, but the government shoe-horned him into the program anyway. Langkowski buried Wild Child’s unstable results, figuring he would handle them at another time, though he never put much thought into it. In Alpha Flight’s earliest missions, Sasquatch battled the X-Men, the Hulk, Sunset Bain, Machine Man, Tundra of the Great Beasts, Ranark the Ravager and Wendigo. Sasquatch also participated in the "Contest of Champions" organized by the Grandmaster and Death, and, as one of the Grandmaster’s operatives, battled the Chinese Collective Man to a stalemate. Langkowski was consulted by the Fantastic Four for his radiation expertise, and battled the Dire Wraiths, Omega Flight (in a battle where Hudson was believed killed) and the Collector. Becoming fast friends with the diminutive Puck, Walter started a romantic relationship with the light-powered Aurora, a fact her twin Northstar resented immensely. Walter and Aurora’s relationship became complicated when Aurora began struggling with split personalities, one that liked Walter and one that didn’t. In the process of trying to help Aurora retain her more outgoing personality, Walter altered her mutant powers. Sasquatch discovered his ability to quickly heal from injuries after he broke his arm in a battle with the Super-Skrull.Langkowski eventually began struggling with a more bestial side of his nature during various battles, and feared he was becoming more like the Hulk. When his aunt, Lillian Von Loont, left Walter a mansion on Tamarind Island, Walter and Aurora investigated only to battle Loont, who had become the cyborg madwoman Gilded Lily. This mansion would later serve as Alpha Flight’s headquarters for a time. Sasquatch, alongside Alpha Flight and the X-Men, was temporarily cured of his rages by a Loki-possessed Madelyne Pryor. Snowbird, whose mission it was to slay the ancient Great Beasts who had roamed the Earth before mankind, discovered that Walter’s Sasquatch form was actually Tanaraq, and Walter was now losing control. Left with no choice, Snowbird followed Alpha Flight’s battle with Caliber and slew Sasquatch by ripping out Tanaraq’s heart. Alpha Flight pursued Walter’s soul into the realm of the Great Beasts and battled their leader, Somon who killed Aurora, Northstar and Talisman before Langkowski used his life-force to resurrect them. Shaman helped preserve Walter’s soul as they transported back to Earth, only to discover that Walter’s body had been destroyed completely. Walter’s soul took over the Roger Bochs created Box armor as a temporary home and continued aiding Alpha Flight. Seeking a physical body, Walter entered the interdimensional Crossroads and briefly possessed the Hulk, but his soul was left adrift when he refused to displace his old friend Bruce Banner’s spirit. Months later, Walter found Omega Flight’s now-mindless Smart Alec in the Crossroads, possessed him, and returned to Earth. During his absence, Snowbird had been killed, and the evil Pestilence had reanimated her albino Sasquatch form and attacked Alpha. Walter inhabited the Box armor again and aided his team, who were shocked to find him alive. At the battle’s end, Smart Alec’s form had been crushed and the Sasquatch form left empty, so Walter transferred his soul to the Sasquatch form; however, when he returned the Sasquatch body to human state, he found himself in a woman’s form. Deciding to call himself Wanda, Langkowski rejoined the team, possessing none of Snowbird’s powers except the ability to transform into the Sasquatch. Aurora was distressed at Langkowski’s return as a woman and attempted to get the flesh-altering Lionel Jeffries to alter Wanda’s form to a man again, but this failed due to Wanda’s body having Snowbird’s godly attributes. Wanda struggled to adjust to her new form, and, after batting Bedlam, was overcome by a mysterious force and helped resurrect four of the Great Beasts. Overcoming the temptation to join them, Sasquatch helped Alpha Flight banish the Beasts back to their realm. After brief jaunts through space and Dream Queen’s dimension, Wanda sought to reclaim Langkowski’s fortune to help fund Alpha Flight, but the fortune had been willed to Veronica; unable to prove she was Walter, Wanda left the fortune in Veronica’s hands. In final battle with the Dream Queen, Sasquatch was bewitched to be loyal to the villain until Snowbird’s spirit freed Sasquatch from the spell and changed Wanda’s form back into Walter’s; this also changed the albino Sasquatch form back into the orange one, and enabled Walter to reclaim his fortune. The team battled Llan the Sorcerer, a villain who briefly broke both of Sasquatch’s arms (though the injury soon healed). When Alpha Flight restructured itself, Sasquatch was assigned to both Alpha Flight and Gamma Flight, in the latter as Biotech research and development. When Wild Child joined the team as Weapon Omega, Walter struggled with guilt over his part in Wild Child’s origins and the truth soon came out, causing several team members to distrust Sasquatch. Alpha Flight continued to act as super-heroes despite breaking ties with the Canadian government over the newly instituted Super Powers Act. Struggling with all he had lost over the years by devoting all his time to Alpha Flight, Sasquatch was easily drawn into following the mystical Goddess, the "good" side of Adam Warlock’s soul, who controlled Sasquatch and others into battling fellow heroes for her cause. Remembering his doubts regarding religion, Sasquatch shook off the Goddess’s influence with Shaman’s help, and the Goddess was soon defeated. Though Alpha Flight soon disbanded, Walter continued his gamma ray research at Project Michelangelo in Antarctica. Months later, the mercenary Deadpool attacked the base and caused the core to overload, endangering the entire world, so Sasquatch and Deadpool teamed up to shut it down. The Canadian government, in forming a new Alpha Flight, discovered a true bestial Sasquatch in the woods and assumed it was Walter. Finding ways to subdue the beast, they had this Sasquatch participate in team missions until it was killed while battling Ecliptic’s Zodiac, and the team held a funeral for Walter. Still in Antarctica and unaware of the new team, Walter discovered corruption in the Canadian government. Sasquatch helped gather some of the original team and the group exposed the corrupt government program, then stayed on to rejoin Alpha Flight. While aiding Wolverine (actually a Skrull imposter)in a battle against A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics), Alpha Flight was shocked to find Snowbird alive again. Walter and Aurora became romantically involved once more, but Aurora was soon terrorized by Mauvais and kidnapped by the corrupt Weapon X program, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. When Alpha Flight went up against the X-Men again, Sasquatch briefly donned battle armor that allowed him to defeat a weakened Juggernaut. When all of his teammates were captured by the alien Plodex, Sasquatch recruited new heroes, formed a new Alpha Flight and rescued his former teammates. The former Alpha Flight members left for space, leaving Sasquatch’s team to take their place, move into the Plodex base, and sever ties with the Canadian government once again. Alpha Flight embarked on a complicated time travel adventure before the original Alpha Flight members returned and rejoined the team. After speaking at Northstar’s funeral and battling Sabretooth and Wendigo, Sasquatch briefly participated in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Howling Commandos team. He later accompanied Alpha Flight in investigating the powerful mutant Collective, but they swiftly fell before his assault. His teammates Guardian, Major Mapleleaf, both Pucks, Vindicator, and Shaman, were all apparently killed and Alpha Flight was disbanded in the wake of the tragedy. However, a new team was quickly assembled by CSIS to replace them, this time called Omega Flight. Sasquatch was selected to serve as team leader of the new group, charged with the mission to defend Canada's border against criminals fleeing from the American Superhuman Registration Act. When the American super-villain team the Wrecking Crew invaded Canada, Sasquatch confronted them solo, only to suffer a severe beating at their hands. +This superhero's name is Sasuke Uchiha. Their real name is Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha is one of the last surviving members of Konohagakure's Uchiha clan. After his older brother, Itachi, slaughtered their clan, Sasuke made it his mission in life to avenge them by killing Itachi. He is added to Team 7 upon becoming a ninja and, through competition with his rival and best friend, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke starts developing his skills. Dissatisfied with his progress, he defects from Konoha so that he can acquire the strength needed to exact his revenge. His years of seeking vengeance and his actions that followed become increasingly demanding, irrational and isolates him from others, leading him to be branded as an international criminal. After learning the truth of his brother's sacrifice and later proving instrumental in ending the Fourth Shinobi World War and being happily redeemed by Naruto, Sasuke decides to return to Konoha and dedicates his life to help protect the village and its inhabitants becoming referred to as the "Supporting Kage". +This superhero's name is Saturn Girl (CW). Their real name is Imra Ardeen. Imra Ardeen is a powerful Titanian with psychic abilities from the 31st century. Her home "planet" is Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. She is also a founding member and co-leader of the Legion, the ex-wife of Mon-El and a powerful ally of Kara Danvers/Supergirl. Imra is also known as Saturn Girl. Imra was born in the late 30th or early 31st Century on Saturn's moon Titan. At some point, she met and married Mon-El, who she then worked with to form the Legion. Along with Brainiac 5, another member of the Legion, Imra devised a plan to travel back in time to the 21st century and stop Pestilance before she could evolve into the Blight. They kept this plan from Mon-El as they assumed he wouldn't want to come back to their time period. To do this Imra, Mon-El, Brainiac 5, and three other members of the Legion, travelled through a wormhole that took them 12,000 years into the past. They then put themselves into cryo-sleep, but were awoken in 2017 when a torpedo hit their ship. +This superhero's name is Savage Dragon. Their real name is Kurr. The Dragon was found in a burning field by Lt. Frank Darling. At the time, Chicago was being terrorized by villainous "superfreaks" (Larsen's collective term for superpowered characters), namely the criminal gang called the Vicious Circle, led by the mysterious Overlord. Realizing that the Dragon's super-human powers would be a terrific boon to the police in battling the Vicious Circle, Darling asks the Dragon to join the police. At first, the Dragon refuses and takes a job in the warehouse of Darling's cousin. After a number of serious incidents, including the murder of the superhero Mighty Man and the brutal mauling of SuperPatriot, Darling takes drastic action. He pays Vicious Circle members to threaten his cousin in the hope that it will prompt Dragon to re-consider his offer. Although this achieves Darling's desired result, the two criminals, Skullface and Hardware, kill Darling's cousin and detonate a bomb in his warehouse. The Dragon joins the police, but Darling is now under the thumb of the Vicious Circle, causing him to steer Dragon away from Vicious Circle activities. Later, The Dragon gains a girlfriend, Debbie Harris, only to see her shot dead in his apartment by her jealous ex-boyfriend Arnold Dimple. The Dragon falls into a deep depression as a result. Dimple returns to plague the Dragon on several occasions as the Fiend, who makes a deal with the Devil to gain supernatural powers. As well as being kept away from Vicious Circle activities, The Dragon was loaned out to other police forces across the country to help them in dealing with superpowered criminals. While on loan to the NYPD, he first meets the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who he assists multiple times in later comics. Also during his time in New York, a large prison break occurs and a number of powerful and dangerous criminals are killed. This is the first time the Chicago PD loses a star witness against Overlord: Hardware, who intended to give evidence against the criminal, is shot dead. Though Captain Darling's Freak Force program failed, the Dragon carries on a lasting relationship with one of its former members: Rapture, a former prostitute with electrical powers, who would later have his child. Meanwhile, Overlord's second-in-command Cyberface breaks away from the Vicious Circle to form a rival organization. Cyberface is later arrested, but like Hardware before him, he is killed before he is able to testify. Ultimately Cyberface is resurrected and later leads the Vicious Circle under the control of Horde, another recurring villain. Later the Dragon makes his first attempt to arrest The Overlord, who easily defeats him and leaves him impaled upon a church spire. The Dragon is believed to have died, but regenerates from his wounds afterwards. This is not the only time that the Dragon is missing and presumed dead; it becomes both a recurring theme and running joke in the series. During his recovery, Dragon is attacked by a person under the mental control of a strange worm. Under the domination of this creature, the Dragon goes on a rampage during which many innocent bystanders are injured or killed. He is finally stopped by the vigilante Mace, and the worms are traced to a villain called Horde. The rampage results in a massive negative backlash against the Chicago Police Department, and the Dragon's biggest naysayer, R. Richard Richards (a thinly veiled parody of J. Jonah Jameson), takes this opportunity to attack the Dragon with a robotic weapon dubbed "Dragon Slayer". Later, the Dragon encounters the She-Dragon, a young superpowered woman who models herself after him. Following an attack on the police station and the murder of Cyberface (who is later resurrected), Dragon leads a SWAT team to finally take down Overlord. The battle is harsh, and every member of the SWAT Team perishes except for the Dragon, who is skinned alive. Even in his weakened state, the Dragon finally unmasks the Overlord as Mafia boss Antonio Seghetti who subsequently falls to his death. After aiding the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for a second time, the Dragon narrowly survives another attack by the Fiend, which leaves him nearly crippled after his bones heal incorrectly. To make matters worse, Chicago is in the midst of a brutal gang war that has arisen as a result of the Overlord's death. The Vicious Circle, once kept tightly organized by the Overlord, has since separated into several factions who are battling for criminal supremacy. The Dragon is found by a friendly cabbie and Mighty Man, who uses his super-strength to re-set the Dragon's bones. After recuperating from this ordeal, the Dragon fights another prison break, this time in a maximum security facility torn open by a newly-resurrected Cyberface. This battle marks the end of the gang war, and Cyberface assumes command of the Vicious Circle. This victory is followed by difficult times for the Dragon. After a number of crossovers with other Image Comics characters including Wildstar and The Maxx, the Dragon encounters Spawn and ultimately is sent to Hell by the Fiend, the demonic soul of Arnold Dimple. Dimple can possess living bodies and his powers are fueled by the capacity for hate of those possessed. The Fiend's last victim is Debbie Harris' mother, who was unaware that the demon possessing her was the spirit of her daughter's murderer. While in Hell, a fist-fight occurs between God and the Devil, which is one of the series' best remembered scenes. As God finally overcomes the Devil, God warns his defeated opponent: "Don't fuck with God." Just as the amnesiac Dragon begins to ask about his origins, God returns him to earth. Afterwards, things grow steadily worse for the Dragon. He is unable to save ill fellow officer Phil Dirt with a blood transfusion. Meanwhile, Rapture (pregnant with the Dragon's child) suffers internal damage when the baby kicks — the unborn child having inherited its father's strength — and Rapture enters premature labour. The Dragon is not able to reach the hospital in time, and the baby appears to have died. However, in truth, the infant is taken by the Covenant of the Sword, a shadowy organization bent on world takeover. After a crossover with Hellboy, the Dragon is caught up in the Mars Attacks Image and Mars Attacks Savage Dragon event, where he is responsible for destroying the Martians' bases on Mars using a Martian Growth Ray. This results in their retreat and possible extinction. While he was gone, the Vicious Circle has taken control of the city. Returning home to a devastated Chicago, Dragon is captured and publicly crucified by the Circle. The Dragon survives and defeats most of the villains, but the Dragon's new superior, Captain Mendoza, suspends him for having been missing for so long. During his suspension the Dragon spends a few months as a bounty hunter and helps rebuild the city after the Martian invasion. Behind the scenes during this period, Rob Liefeld departed from Image Comics. The Mars Attacks Image event and the Shattered Image crossover were used as a way to phase out characters created by Rob Liefeld from the collective "Image Universe", including Youngblood. In the pages of the Savage Dragon, Larsen has the Dragon be approached by the United States government to form a superhuman task-force to replace Youngblood. After negotiations, the team is dubbed the Special Operations Strikeforce, or S.O.S. This team includes much of the super-powered supporting cast of the book, including Jennifer Murphy, a super-strong, invulnerable single mother first introduced in the "Sex And Violence" mini-series. Despite being the founding member of the team, the Dragon spends little time as a member. Later, on a dying parallel Earth, a murderous despot named Darklord begins to swap parts of his earth with parts from the Dragon's. The Dragon leads a team of S.O.S members, including Jennifer Murphy and his former girlfriend Rapture, to this world to stop Darklord. Rapture is killed by Darklord, and the Dragon and Jennifer are separated from the rest of the team. While the remaining members of S.O.S. manage to stop the transfer and escape back to their own Earth, the Dragon and Jennifer are forced to find their own way off of the dying planet. While they make their escape, Dragon attempts to find this Earth's Rapture, only to find that world's Debbie Harris instead. The threesome are lost in space for some months, and Dragon is once again presumed dead, eventually landing on Godworld, where Debbie dies but is revived as an angel. Dragon and Jennifer are caught between a battle between Thor and Hercules, and then sent back to Earth by All-God; Debbie does not return with them. Following this, Dragon fights a Dr. Doom-like armored dictator before returning to Chicago on leave and striking up a casual sex relationship with his former partner Alex Wilde. With giant-sized issue #50, many of the series sub-plots are resolved, and in a climatic battle between most of the series cast, Dragon is killed by the mystic Abner Cadaver; however the wizard is murdered mid-way through this by William Jonson, and The Dragon is bonded with him. The series changed its title to Savage She-Dragon for five issues, featuring her as the main character during an attack by The God Squad to retrieve the various super-freaks that were descendants of gods, leading to the S.O.S. returning to Godworld and its accidental destruction by S.O.S. member and former Deadly Duo member Kid Avenger. During this time, William Jonson realises he and the Dragon are sharing bodies, and shortly thereafter Dragon finds he has the ability to take over Jonson's body so they become a masked superhero. While he is helping She-Dragon, Jonson's fiancé, Rita Medermade, is kidnapped by Jonson's brother Ralph and they both encounter an individual wearing the Overlord armor. While rescuing her, Jonson is shot Ralph is killed by Overlord, and Dragon is given full possession of his body. The wizard, Abner Cadaver, returns, made up of parts of dead God Squad characters, Darklord, and Dragon's arm, and engages in battle with Fon~Ti, the mystical being who was once Horde. After Fon~Ti’s victory, he separates Dragon from Jonson, and returns Dragon to his normal body. Having admitted their love, Jennifer and Dragon begin to date. After a fight with Impostor, posing as Rapture, Dragon proposes to Jennifer, and their wedding follows in the next issue, where Jennifer is apparently killed by the New Overlord — in truth she was replaced with Impostor beforehand by the Covenant of the Sword. Though he had only been semi-active before, Dragon officially resigns from the S.O.S. and became Jennifer's daughter Angel's legal guardian. In the following issue, the Overlord sub-plot is tied up after Dragon defeats his new team. Dragon kills Overlord, and he is revealed as supporting character Vic Nixon, who had worn the armor to spy on Rita; the armor then corrupted him. After this, the Overlord armor is destroyed. Following the resolution of the new Overlord plot, the series spent most of its issues wrapping up all the sub-plots still left, in order for the eventual revamp in issue #75, with Dragon as a single parent looking after Angel and gradually losing a custody battle for her because of his dangerous lifestyle. Dragon dates a television producer named Marcy Howard, resumes his casual affair with Alex Wilde, and dates Ann Stevens before she is murdered, while a number of super-powered children and adults are kidnapped by the Covenant of the Sword. After losing custody of Angel, and Ann's murder, Dragon and Mighty Man (now former Freak Force member Dart) begin searching for the missing SuperPatriot. This leads them to the Covenant of the Sword, which have in its possession SuperPatriot, Jennifer, and Dragon's child. Dragon and Mighty Man are captured, but eventually rescued in a large battle similar to the one in issue #50 where a number of characters are killed. It was revealed the Covenant were formed by Damian Darklord, a time traveler who was the enemy of a vigilante named Super-Tough. This man became Darklord and started life as Damian, the son of Liberty, SuperPatriot’s daughter who was raped during the Mars Attacks event. Damian also built and detonated the "Nega Bomb" made up of super-powered individuals that de-powered every non-natural "freak" in the world. Dragon then kills him. With issue #76, the series changes into a Jack Kirby-inspired post-apocalyptic/dystopian story with the Dragon stuck in a new reality he created by killing the infant Damian Darklord, and thus prevented him going back in time, and with most of the mutated and monstrous populace of this world trying to kill him. Dragon finds his house to be a crater, and believes Jennifer and Angel are dead. Dragon has encounters with Wildstar and Madman and finds out that during his time possessed, without Mace to stop him, he went on a much longer rampage, killing Alex Wilde. Dragon also discovers that Cyberface is now President of America, and has SuperPatriot under his control. Dragon organises a group of old enemies and allies to defeat Cyberface. After fulfilling a commitment to Rex Dexter — who helped him overthrow Cyberface — by saving his daughter, Dragon returns a hero, and finds his way back to Chicago and is re-united with Jennifer and Angel, who had in fact survived. Dragon then finds his old world had survived as well as the Savage World. His counterpart from Darkworld, this Dragon, was defeated, but Dragon's old Earth was destroyed by a world-devouring Galactus-like being named Universo, despite the best efforts of Dragon and his son, Malcolm, who are left floating in space after its destruction. Dragon is able to save Alex Wilde from that world. After this, Dragon marries Jennifer and lives with her, Angel, and Angel’s new "pet", Mr. Glum, who is secretly plotting to kill Dragon. To coincide with the 2004 Presidential elections, Larsen created a corrupt politician Ronald Winston Urass, who engineers a successful write-in campaign to elect the Dragon President Of The United States. However, once his criminal intents and relationship to the criminal Dread Knight are exposed, the Supreme Court disallows these votes. This leads a vengeful Urass to attack Dragon using the armour of his father, Dread Knight, who was an old foe of SuperPatriot's. Behind the scenes, Erik Larsen was made publisher of Image Comics, causing a near year-long publishing gap between issues 121 and 122 of the series. The title resumed regular publication in January 2006 with the first story involving a vengeful scientist from Iraq sending an almost unstoppable robot to kill the President. Recently, Mr. Glum's plans for world domination were realised using the power of the God Gun (a weapon able to grant three wishes to its user). Glum fires the gun and asserts his control of the planet while the Dragon is incapacitated in a hospital, having lost his rapid healing abilities. Glum was, at the time, on the run with Dragon's stepdaughter Angel after he caused her to grow to over 100-feet tall and she accidentally destroys her house and crippled her mother. The two become partners, and Angel adopts a murderous, merciless personality, while Glum set the people of Earth to work with the impossible task of making the planet look like his face (as his old world did). Dragon is revived with his healing abilities restored and is able to defy Glum's control because of a loop-hole in his wish that means he cannot control extraterrestrials. He is unable to get close enough to Glum because of the various robots and villains Glum has under his control. However, the intervention of a number of characters from the comic series Wanted, who had come to steal the God Gun, allow Dragon to destroy the weapon, negating Glum's wish. During the story, Vanguard's space ship is destroyed, freeing Universo, who was imprisoned on it. He began to suck the energy from Earth once more. Universo and its herald are killed by Solar Man, a Superman-like hero who became murderous and was wished out of existence using the God Gun, a wish undone by Dragon's destruction of the weapon. She-Dragon also returns from Dimension X with the Angel from the Dragon's original world of origin. They are being pursued by the Darkworld Dragon and a new villainess Battleaxe. +This superhero's name is Scarlet Spider II. Their real name is Kaine Parker. The clone that would come to be known as Kaine was the Jackal's first attempt at cloning Peter Parker. Initially thought to be a success Kaine eventually became deformed due to a flaw in the cloning process. As he continued to degenerate he was left further deformed and mentally unstable. The Jackal allowed Kaine to live as a test subject and to see how long the clone would survive (far exceeding his expectations). Kaine experienced a strong feeling of rejection similar to that between a father and son. Kaine left Professor Warren and realized the partial degeneration also caused a slight amplification of the powers he genetically "inherited" from Peter. His strength, speed, and agility were comparable to the original Peter's, but he also gained precognitive powers (a so-called "precognitive sense") as well, which shows him flashes of the future. (This new ability has been assumed to be an amplified version of Peter's spider-sense). He also possessed a "Mark of Kaine," a corrosive touch that he used to leave eaten away hand prints on his victims' faces. The Jackal went on to create another clone; the man who would become Ben Reilly. When the Jackal used Reilly against Peter, the ensuing battle left Reilly and the Jackal (really a clone of Warren) for dead. They both managed to survive; the Jackal placed himself into suspended animation in a cloning pod to awaken later; and Reilly left New York upon realizing that he was the clone. Behind the scenes, Norman Osborn managed to have the files on Ben and Peter switched, so that the Jackal would think Peter was the clone and Ben was the real deal. Consulting the Jackal's files, Kaine also believed the same, so he followed Ben Reilly throughout his "exile". For a time, he found love in the arms of police detective Louise Kennedy of Salt Lake City, but when he discovered she was working for the criminals, coupled with Kaine's increased cellular degeneration, pushed him even further towards insanity. After killing Louise (Although a part of him still loved her), Kaine continued to stalk Ben, making it appear as though Janine Godbe, the woman Ben had come to love, had committed suicide and then framed Ben for various murders he committed (Kaine and Ben had the same fingerprints). He hoped in doing this that he could give who he thought was the clone (Peter) the life he could never have. Return to New York When Ben returned to New York to visit a sick Aunt May (since revealed to be a genetically altered actress) Kaine followed. By this time Kaine had become a feared and respected mob hit-man. When he discovered that Ben was in the city he hounded him to try and prevent Ben from involving himself in Peter's life. It was at this time that his enhanced spider-sense warned him that someone would kill Mary Jane and because of this Kaine went on a killing spree--killing anyone who seemed a potential threat. Among those he killed were villains Doctor Octopus, and the Grim Hunter. This (of course) attracted the attention of Spider-man and the Scarlet Spider. The wave of killings was put up on police bulletin boards nationwide and Kaine's distinctive M.O. was recognized in Salt Lake City there Louise Kennedy's ex-partner immediately left for New York to bring the killer to justice. Peter wanted Kaine to stand trial for what he had done, but Kaine initially refused. The two fought and ended up getting dragged into a mock-trial where Spider-Man was on trial, Kaine was his defense attorney, Carnage was the prosecutor, several Ravencroft Institute inmates were the jury, and a powerful being known as Judas Traveller was the judge. During the one-sided trial, Kaine tried to physically fight off all those who were against Spider-Man before Traveller returned them to their previous place of battle. Peter was eventually imprisoned for Kaine's crimes (as all three individuals had the same fingerprints), but after a period of time Ben took his place in prison. After an incident involving a super-powered villainess named Stunner, a weakened Kaine still refused to confess to his crimes. Spider-Man responded by knocking Kaine out and webbing him up before heading to the courthouse. Kaine reawakened before they arrived and struggled again with Spider-Man refusing to confess. At this point, Kaine admitted that he had done everything to protect Peter's life and revealed that he was the first clone of Peter, now partially degenerated. Spider-Man decided that if Kaine would not reveal the truth, then he would reveal his true identity to the entire courtroom and end everything. Kaine pleaded for Peter not to do this and before Peter could reveal the truth Kaine confessed to the murders and left the "Mark of Kaine" on the Judge's podium. Kaine was then taken into custody. After the trial Peter and Ben decided once and for all to determine who the real Peter Parker is. They used Seward Trainers lab to do the test, and found that Ben was the original and Peter the clone (secretly Seward was under the influence of Osborn and altered the results), this pushed Peter over the edge and he, in a fit of rage, struck Mary Jane when she tried to stop him from killing Ben. Ashamed of what he done Peter fled the lab. After Peter gave in to the news that he was the clone and Ben the true Peter Parker, he allied himself with the Jackal. But Kaine refused to let him throw his life away. He confronted the Jackal with the full intent of destroying him, when the Jackal manipulated his mind once more and led Kaine to believe he could be cured of the flaw triggering the degeneration process. Once the Jackal revealed that he had lied again, Kaine left feeling dejected. He went back to Mary Jane for answers, and after a conversation about power and responsibility, Kaine returned to the Jackal's lab in time to assist Ben in a battle against numerous Spider-clones. In the ensuing battle Kaine saved the Jackal from Spidercide but was then impaled on a masonry spike. When he asked why Kaine simply replied, "You gave me life." The Jackal, curiously, then placed Kaine in a regeneration pod. When the pod was next seen, it was empty. During Reilly's time as Spider-Man, some of the world's strongest fighters were pitted against one another in a fighting competition called the Great Game, a fighting tournament in which wealthy people wagered on the fighters for their amusement. One of the Game's main sponsors, James Johnsmeyer, found the pod containing the revived Kaine, and decided to initiate him into the competition, sending the Rhino to fight him. After Kaine's refusal and escape, thanks to temporary partner Shannon, Johnsmeyer still attempted to involve Kaine by allowing other Game competitors to attack him (Joystick and Polestar). Spider-Man interfered in the skirmish and got sidetracked by Joystick and Polestar while Kaine gave a near-fatal beating to the Rhino and escaped with Shannon. Before they were able to get away, Spider-Man had managed to tag Shannon with a tracer and he pursued them once Polestar and Rhino were taken into custody. He found them moments before the police, but after an incident that threatened to kill the officers, Kaine and Shannon escaped again. This time, Kaine's destination was Johnsmeyer's headquarters. Spider-Man found them once again after Kaine managed to single-handedly destroy all of Johnsmeyer's rooftop security defenses, but once inside, Johnsmeyer revealed that Shannon--who was still working for Johnsmeyer during the entire ordeal--had been manipulating and deceiving Kaine. Kaine, not wanting to become a puppet of anyone ever again, tried to kill Shannon but was persuaded by Spider-Man not to do so. Kaine left, vowing to take down every sponsor of the Great Game. During a later encounter with Ben Reilly, in which Janine Godbe returned to the man she loved, Kaine finally brought himself to let go of his hatred for his brother, even saving Ben's life after nearly leaving him to die in a burning diner. Encouraged by his brother's example (as well as finally acknowledging Ben as his brother rather than his foe), Kaine handed himself over to the law, as Janine (who was wanted for the murder of her abusive father) did the same. Several months later, however, he escaped from jail alongside other super-powered criminals. Kaine broke out to try and stop Norman Osborn after finding out that Harry Osborn was still alive and had masterminded the Clone Saga, and briefly worked against Osborn's agents in southern Europe. Kaine later returned to New York City, attacking Spider-Man as he tried to track down Raptor. He revealed that he has sought Raptor out, hoping that he could cure his cellular degeneration, and attacked Spider-Man to keep him from the villain. When Raptor attacked Harry Osborn and Peter's cousins at Aunt May's house, Kaine appeared, having been working with Raptor the whole time. He exposed Peter's identity as Spider-Man and stated that Peter was a clone of Reilly and should be killed since he was the closest thing to Ben. Peter beat Raptor unconscious and escaped. Raptor had lied to Kaine about being able to cure his degeneration to gain an ally in his quest for revenge. Furious, Kaine breaks his neck, seemingly killing him. Kaine is attacked by Alyosha and Ana Kravinoff for being associated with spiders. However, seeing as he wasn't a true spider, they decided to punish him by keeping him alive. Nevertheless, they wounded Kaine severely enough that he flees to Peter Parker's apartment seeking help. Peter hides him in the bathroom, then leaves to attempt to stop the Kravinoffs. When we next see Kaine, he has shaved and cut his hair, and now looks like Peter (albeit with a badly scarred face). When Spider-Man is "killed" resurrecting Kraven, it was discovered that it was actually Kaine under disguised, and he had given his life to save Peter. At the end of the Grim Hunt, Kaine is buried as a Parker but is later seen rising from the dead, with mutated features, including extra eyes in a spider-like pattern on his forehead, with the Jackal saying 'Rise, cursed one. Rise... Tarantula'. Kaine is then further changed by the Jackal into a tarantula-like creature, with 4 spider legs growing from his back and a spider's face. The Jackal makes him the first of his army of individuals to use during the Spider-Island event. Kaine however follows the Jackal merely because he is under his control. In his final confrontation with the original, Spider-Man throws him into a tank filled with "the cure", a concentration of Anti-Venom's symbiote to help cure the people of Spider-Island. The cure does more than turn Kaine from a monster, it also stabilizes Kaine's DNA and makes him a perfect clone of Peter Parker; similar to Ben Reilly. Kaine then helps with the retaliation against the Spider Queen, Adriana Soria, in Central Park and does what the original Peter Parker cannot do to anyone; he kills the Queen. Earning money from stopping robbers, and robbing, Kaine started a trip around the USA to enter Mexico. During his stay in Houston, Texas, he saved a young girl from human traffickers and left her in a hospital. A super-powered villain interrupted there to search for her, Aracely, and Kaine had the feeling that he had to save her, instead of leaving Houston. In a scarlet suit similar to Spider-Man's, Kaine faced the Salamander and managed to defeat him, being named by him as "Araña Escarlata" (Scarlet Spider in spanish). When the people at the scene cheered him, and told them they hadn't heroes and needed one and feeling responsible for Aracely, Kaine stayed in Houston as Scarlet Spider, their hero. After saving the life of the Doctor Meland from an assassin hired by Terrance Mitchell, who blamed the doctor for the death of his daughter after an accident, Kaine was targeted by the Assassins Guild. +This superhero's name is Scorpia. Their real name is Elaine Coll. Elaine Coll is not a nice person. She is not mentally stable, and in actuality, she has a mean streak running through her that would make the most hardened criminals shiver. She was part of the Hell's Kitchen Mob when the Maggia crime lord, Silvermane, offered her an alliance between the "families". The Hell's Kitchen and Maggia organizations were usually enemies, but Silvermane sweetened the deal. He had his engineers upgrade the suit of the then retired Scorpion, and gave it to Elaine. She dubbed herself Scorpia, and she was more than willing to do Silvermane's bidding as long as the Hell's Kitchen gang got their piece of the city after the smoke had cleared. Working with Silvermane’s other operatives, Speed Demon, Hydro-Man, Beetle, and Boomerang, she sought out the cyborg Deathlok in order to retrieve him for her Maggia ally. The first assault on Deathlok may have been successful if not for the interference of Spider-Man. The two heroes managed to drive their enemies away only to learn that Silvermane gained control over the city's computer systems, and he would only release his hold once he had Deathlok's body for himself. Deathlok surrendered himself to Silvermane in hopes that the city would be spared from any further disasters, but Spider-Man would not allow Silvermane to get possession of Deathlok's body so easily. Spider-Man found another ally in Daredevil and the two of them tracked Deathlok to Silvermane's hideout. Surveillance cameras alerted the Maggia to the intruders, and Scorpia was more than willing to bring the fight to them. As she attacked, Daredevil immediately recognized her. He remembered that she tortured and killed two policemen while singing and was committed to the psycho ward at Bellevue Hospital, but she was released due to the fact that she was supposedly completely rehabilitated. Scorpia seemed to be more than a match for the two heroes, but she was defeated when Silvermane, now in control of Deathlok's body, shot her from behind in order to gain his enemies trust. Enraged at Silvermane's betrayal, Scorpia set out to find him so that she could even the score. Stalking Spider-Man and Daredevil, so that they would lead her right to Silvermane, Scorpia only had a brief moment to attack before her armor was taken control of by Mainframe. However, once Mainframe was defeated by Daredevil, she was free to act out her revenge. She never got her chance to get Silvermane because the Punisher arrived and severely damaged a plasma reactor inside the military installation where the fighting took place. As Deathlok and Spider-Man shut down the reactor, Scorpia escaped. Scorpia's current whereabouts are unknown. +This superhero's name is Scorpion (injustice). Their real name is Hanzo Hasashi. Hanzo Hasashi is raised by the Shirai-Ryu ninja clan, the rivals to the fellow Lin Kuei clan. While Hanzo would be one of their best ninjas, his clan would be horrifically slaughtered, leaving him brutally injured. The warlock Quan Chi approached him and offered him to become his pawn in exchange for the Lin Kuei that was responsible, Sub-Zero. Hanzo accepted, and would gain the moniker Scorpion, being one of the Netherrealm's deadliest participants in the Mortal Kombat tournaments. +This superhero's name is Scorpion. Their real name is Hanzo Hasashi. Hanzo Hasashi, also known as Scorpion, is a resurrected ninja in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. He is one of the very few original characters debuting in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game. He holds the distinction, along with Raiden and Sub-Zero (in one form or another), of appearing in every generation of Mortal Kombat games as a playable character. +This superhero's name is Screaming Mimi. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Sea King. Their real name is Unknown. Sea King is an alternate reality version of Aquaman from Earth 3. He travels to Earth Prime with the Crime Syndicate of America where they replace the Justice League and call themselves the Crime Syndicate +This superhero's name is Sebastian Shaw (FOX). Their real name is Sebastian Hiram Shaw. In 1944, Sebastian Shaw (under the alias Dr. Klaus Schmidt) was a scientist working for the Nazis. He was present at the Auschwitz concentration camp, where a young Erik Lehnsherr's mutant powers first manifested. Shaw attempted to get Erik to show his power by pretending to be his friend and giving him some chocolate. When Erik refused, Shaw urged him to move a coin that was on the table, but to no avail. He then threatened to shoot Erik's mother if he did not move the coin by the time he counted to three. When Erik failed to do so, Shaw killed his mother. This enraged him greatly, causing him to lash out with his powers, killing two guards and destroying the room, to the delight of Shaw. He then congratulated the traumatized young mutant, and promised to bring out his power using anger and rage. During the 1950s, Shaw operated a small gambling establishment on Las Vegas strip called the "Hellfire Club", which served as a front for his ambitions for mutant superiority. Three years later, Sebastian is firmly established as the leader of the Hellfire Club, a group of mutants with aspirations of world domination. He was observed in Las Vegas by CIA agent Moira MacTaggert meeting with U.S. Army Colonel Hendry, where he threatens him into supporting the placement of American Jupiter missiles in Turkey, near the Russian border. When MacTaggert witnesses Shaw's henchmen Azazel and Riptide using their powers, she attempts to warn her superiors; but Shaw has Azazel teleport Hendry to a Joint Chiefs meeting where he voices his support of the plan. Later, when Hendry came aboard Shaw's yacht to collect his payment, he attempts to have him killed. However, Hendry pulls out a grenade and threatens to blow them all up with him if they refuse to let him go. Shaw soon takes the grenade and pulls the pin himself with confidence, displaying his mutant power by absorbing the energy from the blast and killing Hendry himself by a single touch. That night, a now adult and vengeful Erik Lehnsherr, who had been hunting Shaw, sneaks aboard the yacht and attempts to murder the man who had tortured him, only to be overwhelmed by Emma Frost's telepathy. At the same time, the U.S. Coast Guard arrived along with MacTaggert and mutant telepath Charles Xavier to capture him. Emma used her powers to shield Shaw from him, and they all made their way to his submarine and narrowly escaped capture. On their way to meet with General Armivolkoff, Emma senses Xavier's enhanced telepathy (through use of Cerebro) and informs Shaw that he is recruiting his own team of mutants, consisting of Dr. Hank McCoy (Beast), Angel Salvadore (Angel), Sean Cassidy (Banshee), Alex Summers (Havok), Raven Darkholme (Mystique) and Armando Muñoz (Darwin). Shaw reveals a helmet he had built by the Russians that shields him from telepathic influence. He asks Emma if she can read his mind, but is shocked and says she can't. He then orders Frost to meet with the general in his place where he, Azazel and Riptide track Charles and his team to a secret CIA facility called Division X, where they proceed to kill everyone, leaving the young mutants as the only ones left. He then offers them a chance to join him in the upcoming war with humankind, an offer that only Angel accepts. When the others attempt to stop her, Darwin says he will join before he suddenly yells out to Havok. Havok shoots Shaw, but he absorbs his energy blast and kills Darwin with it. Shaw proceeds to Russia, where he meets with Armivolkoff, as emma had attempted to do, during which she was captured by Lehnsherr and Xavier. He and the Hellfire Club force Armivolkoff to send Soviet missiles to Cuba. It is his plan to goad the U.S. and Soviet Union to use nuclear weapons against each other, which would cause WWIII and cripple human civilization, allowing mutants to rise up and rule. He accompanies the Russian fleet in his submarine to assure that the missiles reach their destination, but is tracked by Xavier and his team. Lehnsherr uses his powers to lift the submarine from the water before they both crash on a nearby beach. Shaw attempts to absorb the energy from the sub's nuclear reactor (becoming a human atom bomb) but is foiled by Lehnsherr. The two fight, Shaw then tells Erik that without him, he would never have unlocked his true power, adding up that mutants are the future. Erik then admits that Shaw was right. Suddenly Erik manages to remove his helmet, allowing Xavier to mentally freeze his body. Lehnsherr then takes Shaw's helmet for himself and says that Shaw was right about mutants being the future, however, he does not forgive him for killing his mother or even the other innocent lives. He then uses his ability to force the Nazi coin he still kept and puts it through Shaw's brain, killing him slowly. His body was then used by Erik as a means of showing he was now in charge to Shaw's former comrades - Azazel, Riptide and Angel. +This superhero's name is Selene. Their real name is Selene. Selene is a former Vampire Death Dealer, sired by the Vampire Elder Viktor after he had slaughtered her family unknown to her. She was born to Hungarian parents sometime in 1383. Eventually, she becomes the first Vampire-Corvinus Strain Hybrid. Her companion and lover was Michael Corvin, the first Hybrid, and they have a daughter together, Eve. She is currently one of the new Vampire Elders alongside David and Lena and thus one of the leaders of the entire Vampire race. +This superhero's name is Sensei Garmadon. Their real name is Garmadon. After allying with the Skulkin and Serpentine to claim the Golden Weapons, Garmadon later joined The Overlord—only to be used as a vessel for his rebirth. After Lloyd defeated The Overlord, Garmadon was purified of evil and reunites with his family, hoping to atone for his misdeeds. Garmadon became a master, and during the Nindroid Conflict he grew closer to his son. After Zane sacrificed himself, Garmadon and the Ninja journeyed to an island to rescue Zane. There, they were caught up in a conflict with Master Chen and his cult. Garmadon was banished to the Cursed Realm in a bid to defeat Chen's army. Later, during the ghost's invasion, Lloyd met with his father one last time, and wore his robes into battle. When the Preeminent was drowned by Nya, Garmadon died in the Cursed Realm's destruction and passed on to the Departed Realm. +This superhero's name is Sensei Yang. Their real name is Kodokuna Yang. At an unknown point in time, Yang went on a quest to master all martial arts, learning Spinjitzu, Fang Kwon Do, and many others in his journey. From his accumulated knowledge, Yang invented the art of Airjitzu. However, growing old at the time he created Airjitzu, he decided to preserve his work by passing it down to his students, which he had gathered shortly after he created the martial art. He was an excellent master who even had a statue of himself built before the Temple of Airjitzu in his honor. However, his pupils were afraid of him because of his strict teachings, causing him to become worried he would not be remembered as a good master, or remembered at all. He later discovered the forbidden Yin Blade and planned to use its dark magic to attain immortality and live forever as the greatest master of all time. After testing the Blade's magic on several trees, Yang decides performing the ritual atop his Temple only to accidentally curse the entire Temple of Airjitzu, transforming himself and his students into Ghosts to haunt the Temple for the rest of time. As master of the haunted Temple, he eventually grew mad and enslaved his students with the power of the Yin Blade, binding their wills to his power. At some point, Yang would lose the Yin Blade, where it would be placed in a Clearstone case at the Ninjago Museum of History along with a description and portrait of him. +This superhero's name is Sentry. Their real name is Robert Reynolds. In 1947, Canada's Department K and remnants of the United State's Operation: Rebirth pooled their resources to become Project: Sentry, an attempt to not only recreate the Super Soldier Serum but, in post-war hubris, magnify its effects a thousand times over. Unfortunately, within a few years it had been divided nearly a thousandfold itself into isolated sub-projects; with lab work farmed out to private contractors the overall administration was virtually nil. Precisely where all of its resources ended up over the decades, what they might have begun, and where they ultimately led, is currently unknown. Over ten years later, Robert Reynolds, a meth addict, broke into the laboratory of Professor Cornelius. It was there that he discovered a glowing serum. Consuming the compound, Robert Reynolds gained the power of a million exploding suns. This act killed his partner and the lab's guards. He then asked the Professor to make more for himself. Project: Sentry, appalled at what their irresponsibility had wrought, persuaded Reynolds to let them test his powers at their facility, but they could not contain him for long, nor curb his desire to use his powers for the greater good of all, and the Sentry debuted before a world that had almost forgotten superhuman Samaritans. After trouncing the school bully who had tormented him, Reynolds sewed together a costume and made his debut as the heroic Sentry. The Sentry was an optimistic and socially accepted hero who stood in marked contrast to the mostly freakish nature of the other heroes. He had connections to Mister Fantastic, Iron Man, the Hulk, Spider-Man and Professor X. One of very few super heroes active during the years just prior to the Fantastic Four's emergence, Sentry gained new importance when the new wave of heroes rose to prominence. Almost instantly deducing Spider-Man's secret identity, he became a role model for the young hero, as well as an ally to the X-Men, an equal to Reed Richards, and a friend to the outcast Hulk. The Sentry even battled Doctor Doom alongside the Fantastic Four and defeated his greatest enemy, the General, with the X-Men's aid. During this period, the Sentry married the love of his life, Lindy, and took the young Scout as his sidekick. Lindy got swept up in it all, excited at the prospect of meeting other heroes. She eventually learned of Robert's addiction but did nothing about it. She even feared that taking the serum must have awakened something of biblical proportions. She later stated that she should have killed him on their wedding night. Mastermind, hired by the Sentry's enemy the General, implanted a virus in Reynolds' mind that created delusions within his mind of the existence of the Void, which was (in reality) Reynolds' own repressed persona. This so-called "mental virus" impaired Reynolds' memory of his own life. As a cry for help, he subconsciously implanted his memories into the mind of comic book writer Paul Jenkins, who transferred the Sentry's memories to comic books. Jenkins then wrote that, should the Sentry ever remember his life he would be struck by a fear of a "devil" attacking the world, hence the Void. The arrival of the Void, a shadowy monster that exploited its enemy's greatest fears, ended the Sentry's charmed life. The Void nearly killed Scout, drove Hulk into a rampage, and murdered over one million people in Manhattan. Discovering that the Void had been the dark aspect of his own powers, the Sentry teamed with Reed Richards and Dr. Strange to create a system which made Earth's entire population, themselves included, forget all about the Sentry. With the Sentry inactive and all forgotten, the Void vanished. Years later, Robert's memories returned and, along with them, the Void, who rampaged across Europe, murdering many members of the Super Heroes of Europe (SHE). The Sentry contacted his former colleagues, but the only one who recalled their shared history was the Hulk. As the Void returned to Manhattan, the pieces began to fall in place and the Sentry's former friends assembled to defend him and the city. Remembering the dual nature of Robert's powers, Sentry and Reed Richards reactivated the Watchtower, dispelling the Void and making the world forget the Sentry once again. Later, however, Robert's memories of the Sentry again returned, and he demanded to be placed on the Raft, S.H.I.E.L.D.' high-security prison for super-villains, claiming that he had killed his wife. Lawyers Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, along with bodyguard Luke Cage and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jessica Drew, traveled to the Raft to visit the Sentry in order to find out what had happened to him and his wife. Soon after their arrival the supervillain Electro staged a massive jailbreak, freeing almost ninety supervillains who then attacked Murdock, Nelson, Cage and Drew, along with the newly arrived Captain America and Spider-Man. During the ensuing melee the group was confronted by the alien symbiote, Carnage. Foggy Nelson, thrown into the cell containing Robert Reynolds, attempted to convince the Sentry to help them. Without saying a word, the Sentry blasted through nine levels of the complex carrying Carnage into space, where he ripped the alien symbiote in half. Inspired by this adventure, the other heroes soon formed the new Avengers, but Sentry vanished before they could invite him to join them. The Sentry stayed in hiding, but remained a person of great interest to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, both of whom were fascinated by his powers and worried that they may lead to another Scarlet Witch situation. Eventually, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the New Avengers confronted the Sentry with several disturbing facts: The wife he claimed to have killed was alive, and the only reference in the world that could be found of the Sentry was in comic books, stories invented and written down by the imagination of a comics writer. Unable to face these shocking events, the Sentry fled. Resurfacing as Robert Reynolds at his home, the Sentry was again confronted by the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D., along with the Inhumans and the X-Men. He cried, saying that he had warned them of the Void's coming and that it was now too late. The group was suddenly attacked by the Void. Robert, along with the help of Emma Frost, discovered that the reason no one remembered him was not because of his own attempts to erase the Void, but because of Mastermind's manipulation. With this new-found knowledge, the Void disappeared, and Emma Frost resurrected the Sentry. The New Avengers offered him membership, partly to keep an eye on him and partly because they would need his power, which he accepted. Later, Yelena Belova attacked the Avengers and absorbed the Sentry's powers. After Belova defeated each of the Avengers, she was defeated by the manifestation of the Void, which enveloped and incapacitated her. The Sentry told Belova that absorbing his powers had exposed her to the Void, but if she answered his questions, he could send the Void away. Later still, the Sentry fought Iron Man. During the course of the battle, Iron Man yelled "C.L.O.C." - the name of the Sentry's robot prioritizing system - which then fed all kinds of emergencies into the Sentry's head, leaving him incapacitated and unable to finish Iron Man. Returned to the world, the Sentry captured the hearts of the public, newspapers referring to him as "the Golden Guardian", and he saved hundreds of lives on a daily basis; Reynolds' psychological problems, however, had worsened. Unable to reconcile that Robert Reynolds, the Sentry and the Void were the same being, the Sentry contained the Void in a vault in the Watchtower. At C.L.O.C.'s urging, Reynolds' psychiatrist Dr. Cornelius Worth entered the vault and found only a chair and a mirror. When Cornelius confronted Reynolds with this, Reynolds became confused and ran to the fairgrounds where he first gained his powers. Cornelius followed Reynolds to the fairgrounds where the Sentry and the Void had been fighting. The Void claimed that Reynolds transformed into the Void rather than the Sentry, and that the Sentry was merely a guilt-borne byproduct of that transformation. With only half of Robert Reynolds' memories (the Void possessing the other half), the Sentry was not sure the Void was wrong. The Sentry chased the Void away and then explained to Cornelius why Reynolds had hired him in the first place. Reynolds subconsciously wanted someone to reveal the Void's existence to the world so he would no longer have to hide that aspect of himself. The Sentry told Cornelius how Reynolds really gained his powers as a teenager: by stealing the Professor's serum and ingesting it to get high. He also told Cornelius that he knew all along that the Void was never in the Watchtower's vault. He knew that if Reynolds believed that he believed the Void to be in the Watchtower, the Void would be there. This kept the world safe from the Void for as long as the Sentry could keep up the charade. The Sentry then visited Dr. Strange to determine if he was real or not. Strange tricked the Sentry into traveling to his old Professor's research facility where the two men confined the Sentry in an illusionary realm where he was a mental patient and superheroes didn't exist in an attempt to prevent any further destruction. The Sentry broke free of the illusion and after confronting the Professor who made the original serum, he traveled to Antarctica to confront the Void and discover what memories of Reynolds the Void has in his mind. The Void claimed that Reynolds had actually ingested a super-saturated, exponentially more potent, version of the Super-Soldier formula that created Captain America. This was considered dangerous by the government because the Sentry's blood could be used to create more of the serum, perhaps enough for the entire world. Several failed attempts were made to kill him. Enraged by this revelation, the Sentry threw the Void into the Sun, telling his enemy that he no longer needed him to balance his own actions of good. The Void promised to return. During the Superhuman Civil War, the Sentry sided with Iron Man's Pro-Registration program. While trying to escape from a battle between the New Avengers, believing that every path he could choose would ultimately lead to the death of people he knew, the Sentry flew to the moon. There he was confronted by the Inhumans; believed a threat, he was ordered to follow them to Black Bolt's presence in the so-called "Blue Area" on the Moon. Then, after a discussion of the Civil War events with the (still unaware) Inhumans, he rekindled his friendship with them and almost resumed his past relationship with Crystal. He was then confronted by Iron Man himself, who finally convinced a still reluctant Sentry to join him, stating that he'll help Captain America, who is opposed to registration, understand that the world is changing. He later accompanied a S.H.I.E.L.D. squad to battle Wolverine and told him that he didn't want to get involved but saw no choice - he claimed that he had to stop the ugly business even if that meant becoming part of it for a while. He then knocked Wolverine unconscious and handed him over to S.H.I.E.L.D. Three days after the climactic battle of the Civil War, the Sentry publicly announced his support of the Registration Act. Additionally, he was recruited by Tony Stark to be part of the Mighty Avengers, the newest incarnation of the Avengers team. He was identified as one of the 142 registered superheroes of the Initiative. While at first there was some dispute between the Sentry and his wife, Robert joined the team while Tony Stark and Ms. Marvel offered him assistance to battle his mental issues. He was seen as the most powerful member of the team, but, lacking in proper training on how to use his abilities, he (consequently) frequently apologized for his mistakes (such as causing damage to the city building and then again when he was thrown into a blimp). When Iron Man morphed into the new female Ultron, she analyzed the Sentry, stated his high power level and pointed out he was very difficult to terminate. He battled Ultron, with neither one seeming to be able to win, until Stark's heli-carrier fell due to a computer virus from Ultron. Ultron then initiated a "Plan B" which involved killing Lindy, the Sentry's wife. An enraged Sentry attacked Ultron once more, but in an exchange of blows was knocked away. His teammates Ares and Hank Pym in his Ant-Man costume proceeded to infest Ultron with a virus intent on destroying it and allowing Iron Man to reform himself. Sentry however, assaulted Ultron in retaliation for murdering his wife and almost compromised the Avengers plan by nearly destroying Ultron tearing its head off. Before he could finish, he was knocked away by Ms. Marvel. After Ultron's defeat he returned to the Watchtower to find his wife, Lindy, alive and well - having apparently revived her himself after touching her. Robert was later shocked when he heard his wife, in a terrified state, secretly requesting that Iron Man find a way to either degrade her husband's powers or kill him before he would one day succumb to his insanity and possibly kill everybody else. The next day, a symbiote attack infected everyone in New York, including a few of the Mighty and Secret Avengers, with the exception of Sentry, Wonder Man, Ares, Ms. Marvel, Luke Cage and Iron Man. Sentry eventually had no choice but to knock out Janet, who had grown to giant size and was infected. When Iron Man managed to create an antidote, they track the symbiotes from Latveria, so the Avengers and SHIELD led an attack against Victor von Doom. Unfortunately, Sentry, Iron Man and Doom accidentally go back in time. To get back, they needed to use the Fantastic Four's time platform. That mostly required Sentry, because whatever he does any-when will be eventually forgotten. When the Hulk and his Warbound attacked Earth, Sentry talked to Reed Richards and Tony Stark. Both men were able to convince Robert to fight off the Hulk upon his return to Earth, but not before the Sentry had a talk with Iron Man. Iron Man explained the Illuminati's actions in exiling the Hulk from Earth stating that no matter how strong a hero was, they would always be limited in preventing the criminals they fought from repeating their actions. The only solution they found was avoiding the law and deciding the criminal's fate themselves in order to save more lives. A confrontation with the Hulk and Iron Man caused Sentry's Watchtower to drop straight down through Stark Tower/Avengers headquarters, destroying it. Later in a confrontation between the Hulk and the Fantastic Four, Susan Storm tried to call the Sentry for help, but he did not answer the call. The President also attempted to convince the Sentry to fight the Hulk, but failed. The Sentry watched the battle between the Illuminati (minus Professor X and Namor) and a gigantic monster on the news as most of the Hulk's actions, as well as the recent events, were televised. The Illuminati were victorious, but the Hulk modified the obedience disks implanted in them, making them want to kill each other. After seeing this, the Sentry flew out of his home to face the Hulk. Mister Fantastic was ordered to kill Iron Man, but was stopped by the Hulk declaring that his return was for justice. Sentry arrived and engaged the Hulk in combat. Robert was no longer holding back, having lost control of his powers while going into battle being in a frail mental state. After a while, he began to lose control of them. Sentry unleashed forces that nearly destroyed what was left of New York, but ultimately, the battle between the two titans was ended after they burned each other out at the end of the battle. With the Sentry reverting back to Robert Reynolds and the Hulk back into Bruce Banner. Robert joined his Mighty Avengers teammates as they discovered a Skrull ship that contained 1970's versions of a large group of heroes. The Sentry battled the ship's Vision, who morphed into the Void and told Robert that the invasion was Robert's punishment for those who forgot him. Scared, Robert flew away to Saturn and struggled with his mentality in it's ring. When he returned to Earth however, he was no longer the Sentry, but the Void. The Skrulls had invaded New York City and one of them had broken into his Watchtower threatening Lindy. Robert made his way back to the Watchtower and fended off the powered Skrulls. Lindy was horrified to learn that whatever Bob couldn't accomplish as the Sentry, he would accomplish as the Void. Osborn visited the Sentry shortly after the Invasion. Osborn confided in Bob his own mental health problems, and convinced him that there was no Void, that he had created it by denying his own humanity. Osborn offered to help Bob, on the condition that he join his Avengers. He gave him a formula similar to the one that gave him his powers. Upon confronting the sorceress Morgan le Fay, the Sentry, having been given a complete mandate by Osborn, seemingly killed her by tearing her head off. Afterward, in a confused state, he asked whether what he did was good or bad. He then exploded in a blinding flash of light which also heralded the return of Morgana. After Osborn's Avengers and Dr. Doom defeated Morgana, the team, believing the Sentry to be dead, returned to New York City. Upon reaching Avengers Tower, they were met by a flash of light as the Sentry reappeared alive and well, much to the surprise (and worry) of his teammates. Osborn went out to remind Reynolds that there was no Void. Later, he asked the Void to have Robert massacre a cell of Atlantean terrorists who attacked Los Angeles. During the events of Utopia, Emma Frost reached into the white room she placed in Robert's mind in order to remind him of who he was. She held the Void within her while he fled the battlefield. However, she failed to contain the Void, who chased Robert. Somehow, he managed to escape his dark persona. But when he returned to his Watchtower, he found Lindy holding a ray gun to his face. She had grown terrified of him since his refusal to let her go and shot him. Returning to life, under the Void persona, Reynold's prepared to kill Lindy. Robert and the Void battled each other, the former reminding the Void of their deal. Robert fought Void in order to keep him from killing Lindy. In a desperate attempt, Robert flew as fast as he could out of the Watchtower, and into space, heading for the Sun. Robert then tried to kill himself by flying into the sun, but it did not work. The Void guided Robert back to Earth, convincing Robert on the way that everything he did was a failure, and that he should just give the Void control, because everything he did was a success. Robert then let go of his control. The Void was later seen hovering near Avengers Tower using tendrils to attack the ground. Norman Osborn confronted the Void, who confirmed that he was in control of the Sentry. The Void wanted a world where Bob and Lindy couldn't exist. Osborn promised him that world, and told the Void to follow his orders. The Void complied. During the events of Siege, after Ares attacked Norman Osborn, the Sentry engaged the God of War. After a short skirmish where the Sentry had the upper hand, he ripped Ares in half from head to toe to the shock of everyone on the battlefield. Osborn then sent the Sentry to battle Thor. Sentry gained the advantage in his fight against Thor, until Norman Osborn lost control and begged the Void to bring down Asgard. As he released Thor who watched in terror, the Sentry turned Asgard into rubble. The Void, now in full control, began to attack the remaining heroes, who were eventually greatly empowered through the intervention of Loki using the Norn Stones. After a relentless assault against him, the Void killed Loki to prevent him from further using the stones. In a last ditch effort, Tony Stark directed the Shield Helicarrier to ram the Void like a Bullet. The resulting explosion caused the Void to revert to Robert Reynolds. After pleading for his death, Bob turned back into the Void and was swiftly killed by Thor. Thor wrapped the Sentry's charred corpse in his cape, flew him into space, and dropped him into the Sun. In the funeral of the Sentry many heroes exchanged stories about the Sentry. While the ceremony was going on, CLOC went to Reed Richards and made him read page four of Roberts diary. Reed was in shock and CLOC stated that he would rebuild the Watchtower in anticipation for the return of Robert. Sentry was brought back to life by the Apocalypse Twins, using both the Life Seed and Death Seed, in order to serve, alongside Banshee, Grim Reaper and Daken, as one of their Horsemen of Death. Once resurrected, Sentry's madness slowly increased and he started to consider himself as the heir of Apocalypse. When the Avengers Unity Division arrived in the Apocalypse Ark within the shrunken Akkaba Nebula, Sentry took Thor by surprise and the two of them started to fight in the planet covered by green lava known as Tyconria. After causing devastation around the planet and its inhabitants, Sentry managed to temporarily subdue Thor and went towards the Tachyon Dam of the Twins where he was confronted by Wasp, and later also by a returned Thor. During the fight Thor, whose consciousness returned from the future where the Apocalypse Twins won, tried to convince Sentry of helping them to save the Earth from destruction as secretly planned by the Twins. Learning this, Sentry, full of madness but still thinking of himself as the protector of mankind, agreed to help stopping Exitar the Executioner but not before deciding that he would be the destruction of these "cancerous" mutants. After Exitar's death, Sentry revealed to Wasp that he enjoyed helping the Avengers and that he would take a great journey moving the Celestial body far from Earth. Before leaving, he warned her that they must prepare themselves because the Celestials' wrath would be mighty. +This superhero's name is Shade. Their real name is Shade. Shade was born as the descendant of the previous Elemental Master of Shadow. +This superhero's name is Shades (MCU). Their real name is Herman Enrique Salazar Alvarez. He was born in Puerto Rico. He has been a gangster and a criminal for most of his life, partnering up with Comanche, his longtime friend. He has been under the employ of some of the toughest gangsters in Harlem, including cottonmouth, Diamondback and Mariah Stokes. He has commonly gone up against Luke Cage, constantly fighting for the soul of Harlem. +This superhero's name is Shadow King. Their real name is Amahl Farouk. Shortly before World War II, Amahl Farouk was believed to have worked with Baron Strucker on a plot to destabilize Britain's political structure, with the intention being Britain allying with Germany in coming war, or at the very least, staying neutral. Shortly after encountering a young Storm, Professor X walked by a restaurant in Cairo when he was suddenly hit with a powerful psychic attack. Realizing the culprit was inside, he confronted the Shadow King, then known as Amahl Farouk. The two engaged in a fierce battle on the astral plane. Xavier defeated Farouk, whose body slumped over in his chair. But Farouk's evil mind continued to exist on the astral plane, calling itself the Shadow King. (It was also hinted that Farouk was just a body inhabited by the Shadow King.) Many years later, Farouk sought to attack Xavier, angry that he had been defeated. He was able to take over the New Mutant Karma due to her own mutant ability of possession making her vulnerable. The Shadow King also chased the de-aged Storm in Cairo. She was able to escape with the help of Gambit. Farouk later took over the interim team of 'Muir Island X-Men.' Destiny and Sunder were killed, and in an ensuing psychic battle the backlash re-injured Professor X's legs and spine. Shadow King later caused the Psi-War, tricking Psylocke into causing a massive wave of energy that disrupted psionic powers across the world. However, he stretched himself too thin attempting to link with all the minds on Earth, and was defeated by Psylocke in her new shadow astral form. When Psylocke was killed, the Shadow King was free again and attempted to attack the X-Men. However, it seemed Rogue's acquired memories as well as Sage's computer like mind were too much for him to handle, and he was defeated once again. +This superhero's name is Shadow Lass. Their real name is Tasmia Mallor. +This superhero's name is Shadow The Hedgehog (Pre-Wave). Their real name is Shadow The Hedgehog. Early life Shadow was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik fifty years ago aboard the Space Colony ARK, with the help of the Black Arms leader, Black Doom, who contributed his own blood to the "Ultimate Lifeform". However, the two creators envisioned two contrasting purposes for their creation: Gerald wanted Shadow to one day to protect the world, whereas Black Doom was intent on having Shadow as his chief agent in conquering the world. Regardless, Shadow swore to Maria Robotnik, the professor's granddaughter of whom he was very close, to protect the planet she loved. Shadow's stay aboard the ARK ended when G.U.N. Soldiers raiding the space station, apprehending the professor and killing Maria, the death of whom Shadow witnessed moments before being ejected from the ARK. He was soon recovered and put into stasis somewhere on Prison Island. Fifty years later, Shadow was awakened by his creator's grandson, Dr. Eggman, who had recently stumbled upon the professor's diary. Filled with anger at the death of his close friend, Shadow sought revenge on the people of the world. Aided by the Doctor, who agreed to collaborate with the ultimate life form to achieve his own plan to take over the world, Shadow and his new master gathered Chaos Emeralds to be used for the powerful Eclipse Cannon. During his quest, he ran afoul of Sonic the Hedgehog, who had been blamed for Shadow's crime of stealing an Emerald from the bank. After a number of battles, Shadow saw his vengeance approaching fulfillment but was moved to help save the planet he sought to destroy. Thought lost after he became Super Shadow and joined Super Sonic in battling the Finalhazard,​​ Shadow was later found by his old ally Rouge the Bat in one of Eggman's bases. Awakened with no memory of his past, the black Hedgehog joined Rouge and unlikely new ally E-123 Omega to form Team Dark. This group fought alongside-and against-Team Sonic, Team Rose and Team Chaotix to battle the evil Metal Overlord, a monstrous form taken by Metal Sonic. Soon, Shadow found himself dealing with the Black Arms invasion of the planet. As the Black Arms descended from the sky to invade, Black Doom appeared before Shadow and told him to bring him the Chaos Emeralds "as promised" before disappearing. Fueled with the desire to seek out his past and find the truth behind Black Doom's words, Shadow sped off to obtain the emeralds. During his adventure, he provided some level of assistance to the invaders, which resulted in feelings of mistrust towards him from some citizens of the planet. After successfully gathering all of the emeralds, Shadow was confronted by Black Doom, who commanded him to give up the emeralds so that they can begin the 'Ritual Of Prosperity'. Sonic and the others, including Dr. Eggman, then arrived and told Shadow not to listen to the alien leader. After it was revealed that Black Doom wished to harvest humans as an energy source, he took the Chaos Emeralds from Shadow and used Chaos Control to warp the Black Comet down to the surface of the planet. Black Doom then explained that he helped Professor Gerald create Shadow but only in return for the Chaos Emeralds, which were needed to bring the comet down to the surface. This revealed that Shadow was actually created using Black Doom's DNA. As Eggman was in disbelief that his grandfather would betray the planet, Black Doom paralyzed everyone with a special gas and left them to be devoured by his alien offspring. As the end seemed near, Shadow suddenly heard Maria asking for help and he broke through the paralysis. Black Doom fled, leaving behind Shadow, the only hope for the planet. Shadow caught up with Black Doom, only to suddenly be attacked by the alien's mind control. Black Doom told him that he could control him as they had the same blood running through their veins, but Shadow refused to believe it. Just then, the Chaotix activated a film showing a sane Professor Gerald Robotnik. In the video, he referred to Shadow as his "son" and told him that he was the only hope for the planet. It was revealed that the only way to defeat the Black Arms was to destroy the Black Comet using the Eclipse Cannon, a powerful weapon built into the ARK. As the video ended, Maria stepped into the frame and gave Shadow the inspiration he needed to break through Black Doom's control. Black Doom escaped and prompted Shadow to use the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Shadow and fight the alien leader. Black Doom, now in his Devil Doom form, fought Shadow but was defeated. Shadow then used a super-powered Chaos Control to warp the Black Comet back into the planet's orbit and tear it apart with a blast from the Eclipse Cannon. Everyone cheered in joy as the alien threat was destroyed seemingly forever. On board the ARK, Shadow looked at a picture of Maria and Gerald before tossing it away, remarking "Goodbye forever... Shadow the Hedgehog". In the events of a timeline that was later aborted, Shadow and the other members of Team Dark became involved in a series of time-traveling battles with a villain known as Mephiles. After possessing Shadow's shadow in order to take on a form resembling the Ultimate Lifeform, Mephiles led them on a chase that ended with a horrible revelation. In the future resulting from that timeline, Shadow had been blamed for the catastrophe that had befallen the planet, and hunted down by his own reprogrammed comrade Omega and imprisoned. However, Rouge vowed to stand by Shadow no matter what, and after working with Silver the Hedgehog and Sonic to defeat Mephiles' ultimate form of Solaris, these events were erased from history. Shadow and Rouge later took part in an Extreme Gear competition with a disguised Metal Sonic,​​ and also became involved in Eggman's efforts to abuse the power of the Wisps.​​ He and Sonic's other friends and allies were later captured by the Time Eater, and Shadow faced off with Sonic prior to the blue Hedgehog's defeat of their foe. +This superhero's name is Shadowcat (FOX). Their real name is Katherine Anne Pryde. She is a student at Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters. Senator Kelly referenced her as "a girl from Illinois who can walk through walls" in Congress during his debate with Jean Grey. +This superhero's name is Shadowcat. Their real name is Kitty Pryde. Katherine "Kitty" Anne Pryde was leading the normal life of a extremely gifted thirteen year old girl in Deerfield, Illinois when she began suffering increasingly intense headaches. The headaches were a result of Kitty's mutant power emerging. Kitty possesses the ability to pass through solid matter. Professor Charles Xavier located Kitty and set to recruit her for his school and possibly as a new member of his X-Men. The Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club also learned about Kitty, and its White Queen, Emma Frost, went to invite Kitty to her Massachusetts Academy. Visiting a local malt shop with some of the X-Men, Kitty and Storm began what would evolve into a close friendship. Suddenly, three Hellfire Knights burst into the shop in an attacked led by the White Queen. The X-Men were overcome and taken prisoner. Unwilling to abandon Storm and the others, Kitty hid aboard the Hellfire Club's hovercraft and then found the captive X-Men in the Frost International complex where the White Queen was holding them. Storm gave Kitty the X-Men's phone number and asked her to summon help. Phoenix, Cyclops and Nightcrawler arrived in response of the message just in time to save her from Hellfire Club mercenaries. Phoenix comforted the frightened Kitty. Pryde then helped the X-Men in rescuing their captive colleagues. Afterwards, Kitty's father was furious at Xavier for the danger he believed he had placed his daughter in. Phoenix invasively used her mental powers to calm Carmen Pryde's rage. Kitty's parents allowed Kitty to join Prof. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. She became the newest member of the X-Men. Kitty spent a great deal of time training. During her first training session in the Danger Room, Kitty easily walked through a scenario that took Professor Xavier weeks to program. Ororo Munroe christened Kitty with her first code name, Sprite, and took her to dancing lessons at Stevie Hunter’s studio. Kitty quickly developed a crush on Colossus, but was uncomfortable around the demon-like Nightcrawler. Thirty years ahead in a possible future, Rachel Summers used her psionic powers to exchange the consciousness and spirit of the adult X-Man Kate Pryde with that of Pryde's teenage self. It was hoped that the adult Kate, in her younger self's body at that earlier time, could warn the X-Men about the assassination attempt on Senator Robert Kelly's life by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants so they could stop it, thereby preventing the chain of events that led to her dystopian future from occurring. After the X-Men saved Senator Kelly, Kate Pryde's consciousness left Kitty's body and returned to her own time, only to find her timeline had not changed. She had only created an alternate timeline. Many adventures soon followed. On Christmas Eve, Kitty destroyed a N'Garai demon by herself when she was left alone in the mansion. Later, Kitty was almost kidnapped by deformed mutant Caliban. Caliban, who only sought friendship, return to his underground home. Later, after Kitty stowed away on an X-Men mission, Kitty was nearly killed by Magneto. This act made Magneto finally come to realize that he was becoming no better than the Nazis who had murdered his family. Emma Frost telepathically influenced Kitty's parents into transferring her to her Massachusetts Academy. Frost switched bodies with Storm. After Kitty and Ororo (in Emma’s body) freed the X-Men, Kitty returned to Xavier's. Illyana Rasputin, Colossus' six year old sister, was kidnapped by Belasco and the X-Men followed to Limbo, where Kitty was harassed by an alternate version of Nightcrawler, and they rescued her. While returning to their dimension, Belasco grabbed Illyana and Kitty held her arm. Kitty lost her grip for a few seconds and reached back in the portal, until she felt an arm and pulled out Illyana. Due to her captivity in Limbo, where she spent years while only mere moments elapsed on Earth, Illyana returned to them thirteen. Kitty and Illyana became very close and seemed to share a link, with Illyana even joining Kitty in Stevie's dance studio and becoming roommates. When the alien Brood implanted embryos in all of the X-Men, Kitty met the small, alien, dragon-like creature Lockheed. While the X-Men were in space, Xavier formed a new team of mutants, the New Mutants, most of whose members were closer to Kitty in age than the other X-Men were.This time, he would only train them in the use of their special powers, and not send them out into combat. Xavier infuriated Kitty by terminating her X-Men status and moving her to the New Mutants, who she called the "X-Babies". Peter and Kitty became close, though at the time, both were too shy to fully admit their feelings for each other. However, after surviving the threat by the alien Brood, Kitty and Peter grew closer and started to date. One problem in their relationship was that Kitty was a devout Jew and Colossus was raised as an atheist. Kitty began to grow angry at her parents' divorce. As the X-Men confronted Dracula over Storm, Kitty was temporarily possessed by Lilith and bit Piotr (Peter) Rasputin. Together, Kitty and Piotr attacked Storm, as she was commanded to steal the Montesi Formula for Dracula. While the X-Men battled Dracula, Kitty began to recite the Montesi Formula, but was stopped. Dracula was defeated and Lilith released Kitty, thanking the X-Men for their assistance. Xavier relented and retained Kitty in the X-Men after Kitty impressed him by defeating two Sidri with the help of Lockheed, who had followed her back to earth. Lockheed became Kitty's constant companion. The X-Men encountered the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks, who had kidnapped one of their former members, Angel. After Piotr's life was in danger, Kitty promised Caliban of the Morlocks her hand in marriage, while deathly sick from Plague, in exchange for aid in saving Peter and the X-Men's life, but Sprite did not keep her promise and returned to the X-Men. Kitty abandoned her code-name, Sprite, for the Professor's original choice, Ariel. While battling the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Colossus was frozen in liquid nitrogen. While attempting to save Colossus, Kitty was kidnapped by Callisto, who intended for her to keep her word and marry Caliban, but Caliban released her from her vow, hoping she would one day return to him of her free will, and Colossus was saved by the combined efforts of Rogue and the Morlock, Healer. Kitty began spending time with her friend, Doug Ramsey, another computer genius, and together, they hacked Project Wideawake files. Soon after this, even though Kitty had acted out of love to save him, Piotr started to question the time she was spending with Doug, which even led to Kitty missing scheduled Danger Room sessions. Doug later asked Kitty to accompany him to the Massachusetts Academy, where he had received a scholarship. Believing Emma to be in a coma, Kitty went and they were both captured by the White Queen. After the New Mutants rescued them and because of his relationship with Zsaji, Colossus broke up with Kitty. Kitty grew close to the X-Man Wolverine, who became a mentor to her. Kitty found that her father was dealing with Japanese gangsters. She followed him to Japan and Kitty was captured and put under the mental control of Ogun, the ninja master who had once been Wolverine's teacher but had since become his enemy. Ogun mentally had Kitty believe that she was his daughter and had been training in the art of ninjitsu since birth. Ogun also cut her hair shorter. Being the only X-Man to receive her call for help, Wolverine soon followed. Kitty was sent to kill Wolverine and injured him greatly, but with help from Yukio, she was restored. Wolverine undertook a crash program to teach Kitty's body, just as Ogun had taught her mind, to become skillful enough in the Japanese martial arts to contend against Ogun. Constantly telling her that she can either train or leave, Kitty eventually realized that Wolverine was giving her a choice that Ogun denied her and she slowly began to grow out of her childish, spoiled ways. At the end of her training, Kitty assumed the new code name Shadowcat, which she still uses today. Kitty went to face Ogun herself. After being defeated by Ogun, he offered her to join him or die. At that time, Wolverine came to her rescue. Sadly, Wolverine was also overwhelmed and the two of them sat helplessly at Ogun's mercy. In a turn of events, Kitty informed Wolverine that she was scared until he arrived. When he apologized, she stated that she did not want an apology, but life. At that moment, Wolverine turned the battle and defeated Ogun. Kitty regained her innocence that Ogun had taken. Kitty returned and made another costume change. Kitty went on to rescue the Power Pack from the Morlocks and battled the Beyonder, who briefly transferred Illyana's powers to Kitty. Kitty and Piotr agreed to be friends after surviving together in Murderworld. Kitty then battled the Gladiators to rescue Sunspot and Magma from their old teammate, Karma. While fighting the Gladiators, the Beyonder brought-out Illyana's dark half, the Darkchylde. She teleported her friends to Limbo and attacked them, until Kitty used Illyana's Soulsword on her and returned her to her natural form. After Kitty and Piotr returned from Murderworld, Kitty and Doug created a program that would alter the Murderworld computers. Kitty visited the National Holocaust Memorial with Magneto, new member of the X-Men per Prof. Xavier's request, and Kitty was amazed to learn that Magneto knew her grandaunt and that he was a hero in the death camp of Auschwitz before they were attacked by the Freedom Force. At this time, the Beyonder brought a young mutant named Boom-Boom to the mansion and the X-Men and New Mutants instinctively attacked them. After having nightmares of Illyana being in trouble from Karnilla, the Norn Queen, the X-Men later traveled to Asgard to rescue Storm and the New Mutants from one of Loki's schemes, then battled Fenris, and later, the Beyonder again. Later, Phoenix decided to simply destroy the entire universe and have it all start over without the Beyonder. Phoenix stole the life force of the X-Men and Starjammers, but Storm's soul convinced her otherwise. After hearing the thoughts of every living being in existence, Phoenix returned the X-Men and Starjammers to life. While the X-Men rebuilt San Francisco from the battle with the Beyonder, he wiped the New Mutants out of existence and Illyana's Soulsword and armor were passed to Kitty. No one knew of the New Mutants' existence until he brought them back. At this time, the X-Men stayed with Jessica Drew and Kitty accompanied David Ishima to a date. Upon their return, the X-Men were beaten by Freedom Force and about to be taken-in, until the intervention of Officer Bree Morrell. The X-Men then returned to New York. While the X-Men searched for a severely wounded Phoenix after Wolverine had stabbed her in the chest, they were attacked by Nimrod and formed an alliance with the Hellfire Club. Later, Kitty re-calibrated Cerebro, for non telepaths to use, to search for Nightcrawler and Phoenix. Kitty, Piotr, and Magik rescued a weakened Nightcrawler from a gang. After being turned to X-Babies by Mojo, the X-Men battled the New Mutants until they were broken of their brainwashing and defeated the spineless one, Mojo. The X-Men attempted to rescue the Morlocks during the indiscriminate massacre by the Marauders and the Marauder, called Harpoon, seriously injured the phased Shadowcat with his energy spear, as she leaped between him and Rogue. It also adversely affected Kitty's powers so that she could no longer regain her solidity and gradually began to dissipate. Kitty was sent to recover on Muir Island. Kitty's condition began to worsen and she was in danger of completely dissipating. Unwilling to watch her die, Magneto went to Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four to use a device that Mr. Fantastic had built. Unsure of the outcome, Mr. Fantastic refused to help Kitty, even after the X-Men begged him, and the X-Men and Fantastic Four briefly battled. At that time, Dr. Doom presented his assistance and, under duress, Storm accepted. While having Psylocke mentally keep her mind together, Mr. Fantastic reconsidered and traveled to Latveria, where the X-Men initially battled the Fantastic Four again. At the urging of Franklin Richards, Kitty was cured by the combined efforts of Dr. Doom and Mr Fantastic and through intense concentration, Kitty was able to remain solid. While recovering on Muir Island, Kitty witnessed the what seemed to be the X-Men sacrificing themselves on television, in Dallas, Texas. Kitty was later visited by Illyana, who was hysterically blaming Forge for her brother and the X-Men's death and asking Kitty to aid her in killing him. Illyana left furious after Kitty declined to help her. After having the same continuous dream, Kitty and Nightcrawler summarized that Rachel might have been trying to telepathically reach them. After being attacked by Gatecrasher and the Technet, who were hired by Saturnyne to eliminate Phoenix, Kitty and Meggan Puceanu were captured. After arriving in London and being reunited with Rachel, the combined efforts of Kitty, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Meggan, and Captain Britain resulted in their escape and the defeat of the Technet and the Warwolves, who were sent from Mojo to bring back Rachel. At the urging of Rachel to continue Professor Xavier's dream, Shadowcat and Nightcrawler became founding members of the British-based team Excalibur. After rescuing hostages in a nightclub, Kitty created a Doppelganger Module to draw-out the remaining Warwolves, by impersonating Rachel. Kitty's plan worked better than she thought and she was captured by the Warwolves. After Kitty was skinned by a Warwolf, Phoenix felt her pain and held her consciousness together, while tracking her to the Warwolves' hide-out. Excalibur rescued Shadowcat, who's intangibility saved her life, and placed the Warwolves on display at the zoo. After battling the Juggernaut and a group of escaped prisoners, the team addressed Captain Britain's drinking problems, while moving into their new headquarters, Captain Britain's Braddock Lighthouse. Following a trail of counterfeit money, Excalibur traveled to Murderwold and battled the Crazy Gang, to rescue Captain Britain's ex girlfriend, Courtney Ross. While battling the Crazy Gang, Excalibur's bodies were switched with members of the Crazy Gang, except Kitty who stayed hidden. After Kitty entered the virus that she and Doug created into the Murderworld computers and sent Arcade into Murderworld, Courtney restored everyone to their respective bodies, except Rachel, who was possessed. Kitty had to phase in order for Rachel's telepathy to reassert her control. Following Rachel, who sensed her infant brother's telepathic distress, Excalibur traveled to the Empire State Building and battled demons, where Meggan was brought under the demonic influence of the demon, N'Astirh, and became the Goblin Princess. Kitty and Captain Britain were transformed into movie characters and Captain Britain attempted to kill Kitty, as Fast Buck and then a Nightmare on Elm St. look-alike. At this time, Illyana's eldrich armor and Soulsword covered Kitty and she brought Cap out of his illusion and brought Meggan out of her enchantment, as well. After the demonic invasion, Kitty returned to the School for Gifted Youngsters to get her old things and was shocked to see it had been destroyed. The New Mutants were also at the site and Kitty began to argue with them, until a newly returned to childhood Illyana yelled at her and Mirage used her power to manifest Doug and the teenage Illyana. Kitty realized her immaturity and apologized to the New Mutants and asked Mirage to "let them go". After briefly returning to the School for Gifted Youngsters, Excalibur returned home to rescue W.H.O. from the Lightning Force, alternate reality versions of themselves, where Kitty met Widget and, completely out of fear, disrupted her circuitry. Through their actions battling the Lightning Force, Excalibur was able to return Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Kitty took Widget home with her. Upon returning to the Lighthouse, Kitty and Rachel found that the Soulsword appeared, embedded in bedrock. Despite using the full extent of power permitted by the Phoenix Force, Rachel was unable to remove the sword, which she surmised only Kitty could remove. At this time, a competition grew between Kitty and Rachel over the affections of W.H.O. member Alistaire Stuart. Stuart ignored the smitten Shadowcat while he found himself attracted to Rachel. While attempting to activate Widget, Kitty briefly stood before a group of aliens in a giant hall, including hairy Excalibur counterparts, until she was returned to her reality and Widget began to eat small, metal objects. After returning to the exchange of Dr. MacTaggert and the Highland Flyer crew with the Lightning Force Reichsrail Train, Reichsminister MacTaggart threw a nuclear grenade and Widget teleported Excalibur and Alistaire into another dimension. Kitty was deeply affected by Illyana's death from the Legacy Virus. Kitty eventually became romantically involved with her teammate Peter Wisdom. Later, G. W. Bridge, the acting commander of the international law enforcement agency S.H.I.E.L.D., recruited Kitty Pryde to become a temporary S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Bridge explained that the computer system of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying headquarters, the helicarrier, was failing to recognize any user but her. Pryde soon learned that this was because the spirit of the late Ogun had taken control of the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier's computer system. Pryde succeeded in defeating Ogun and, with Wolverine's aid, S.H.I.E.L.D. regained control of the helicarrier computers. Shadowcat has subsequently returned to Excalibur, where she has continued to be a valued member of the team. When Excalibur disbanded, Shadowcat returned to the United States and the X-Men. Following the tragic death of Colossus, and too many loved ones before him, Kitty left the team to find a new way to help realize Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence between man and mutant. That road led her to a life away from the front lines of genetic conflict at Robert Heinlein University, where she would be free to pursue her own destiny. Life away from the X-Men only lasted so long. While studying computer science, her father died in the Sentinel attack on Genosha. Attacking another who was spouting anti-mutant sentiments, she was placed in therapy. Soon after, the Purity anti-mutant group attempted sabotage on-campus, and evolving Sentinels attacked. Kitty defeated both threats with the help of Karma and Shola Inkose. Kitty then became involved with Storm's X-Men squad, once again facing William Stryker. Storm then requested her help in fighting Elias Bogan and his mysterious telepath who ended up being Kitty's lost friend Rachel Summers. Shortly thereafter, Scott Summers and Emma Frost took over the Xavier Institute. Kitty accepted a spot on Cyclops' squad, while also teaching at the school. She was reluctant, as her dealings with Ms. Frost in the past were anything but friendly. Yet, in their investigation of a claimed cure for mutants, Shadowcat discovered the very much alive Colossus being used as a test subject. After a bit of initial awkwardness, Kitty and Peter resumed dating and finally consummated their relationship. Mental projections created by a piece of Cassandra Nova's consciousness which had been lodged in Emma's mind utilized Emma's telepathy to orchestrate Nova's escape from the Stuff body. Kitty personally took down Frost and imprisoned her, only to fall under a telepathic delusion. Under this delusion, Kitty was made to believe that she and Colossus had conceived a child which was later taken away by the X-Men because its potential mutant abilities were supposedly dangerous. Kitty reacted in the delusion by attempting to rescue the child from a near-inescapable "box" in the depths of the school, unaware that in reality she was freeing Stuff, who contained the trapped consciousness of Cassandra Nova. Kitty collapsed immediately afterward, driven to unconsciousness after Nova tried to transfer her mind into Kitty's body from Emma's body. Later, Kitty was with a group of X-Men taken to the planet Breakworld by Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D. Kitty was phased into an enormous bullet that was launched toward earth by the inhabitants of Breakworld. In a heroic gesture, Kitty phased the entire bullet through the planet and out the other side. She may have been permanently fused to the bullet and was presumed dead. S.W.O.R.D. managed to keep track of the giant bullet using a satellite which fell into the bullet's orbit. Because the bullet's design was to harden as time went on, it became increasingly difficult to break the bullet open. When some asteroid travelers wandered into the bullet's path it looked like the bullet was going to destroy the thousands of lifeforms on the asteroids, but the bullet phased through them - revealing Kitty to be alive. A few months after that, Magneto went to the top of Mount Tamalpais and used his powers to bring her back to Earth, but was nearly killed by that act. When Kitty Pryde was about to hug Colossus, she phased through him and couldn't talk. She was placed in a containment unit to ensure that she could be restored to her state prior to when she was taken to Breakworld. Kitty had no hair or nail growth, and had not slept, gone to the bathroom, eaten, or drank while she was in the bullet. She was also being visited by Colossus. Colossus asked Emma to help them contact telepathically, but she refused. Kitty then got angry, blaming the fact that she was like this on Emma herself. She then accepted. Kitty told Colossus that she loved him. Kitty figured out that Emma meant to kill Sebastian Shaw when she heard Emma's stray thought. She used a suit that the X-Club made for her that cancelled out her intangibility and let her interact with other people. She, along with Emma and Fantomex went to get Sebastian off the island so Emma could not kill him. However, Sebastian broke out of his confinement. As he was about to kill Emma, Kitty removed her suit and stuck her hand into his heart, and threatened to kill him if he didn't let Emma go, but she was not truly able to kill him because she was unable to become solid. He knew that she had lied and continued to attack Emma. Emma then subdued him, wiped his mind and left him there. When Breakworld refugees came to Earth, led by Kruun and Haleena, they found hospitality on Utopia. Kitty, alongside with Colossus, known by the Breakworlders as the Powerlord, visited the camp to support the refugees. Kruun, who wanted to win over Colossus, took the intangible Shadowcat hostage using a Breakworld's metal dagger that was able to cut her. After battling Colossus, Kruun tracked down Kitty on Utopia, until she went to the X-Club's X-Lab, where she was killed and revived as a solid by Haleena during a solo mission ritual where she sacrificed herself. She was revived by the same ritual by Kruun, who was strong enough to survive. When Kuurth attacked San Francisco, the X-Men failed to stop him. Magik used her powers to teleport herself, Colossus, and Kitty Pryde into the Crimson Cosmos and meet with Cytorrak. Illyana told Cyttorak that Cain Marko betrayed him and now served another god. Cytorrak took his power back from Marko and Magik intended to become his new avatar, but Colussus intercepted, becoming the new Juggernaut, much to the displeasure of Kitty Pryde. Wolverine had had enough of Scott using kids as soldiers and decided to restart the school and sides were taken. Kitty sided with Logan. Kitty became the headmistress of the Jean Grey School. Her first day involved Bamfs, the Hellfire Club, Krakoa, Sauron, and Wendigo. Kitty was shocked to find herself seemingly eight months pregnant. It turned out that she wasn't pregnant, but things were much worse: her uterus contained Brood drones. These Broods were trying to kill her. The X-Men shrank down to microscopic size and fought the Brood inside Kitty's body. An infected Kitty was force to fight for her life as the Broods begin their invasion. Later, she was incapacitated by an alien name Starblood, who revealed that Kitty's history with the Brood made her the most effective distraction, and the Brood was about to attack its real target: Broo . Kitty was injected with centaurian penicillin to kill off the remaining Brood inside her.. Kitty eventually left Wolverine's X-Men team and the Jean Grey School because she believed that he didn't trust her. She took the time displaced X-Men with her, and together they joined Cyclops and his X-Men (the Extinction team). +This superhero's name is Shang-Chi. Their real name is Shang-Chi. Shang-Chi is the son of an internationally-renowned and powerful criminal mastermind. His childhood was a lonely one, full of constant training in rigorous mental and martial arts and with only limited contact with his parents. Finally, the day had come. While still a teen, he was given his first mission outside the walls of his fatherís retreat in Honan, China. He was to assassinate his fatherís enemy. As he knew nothing but that his father was a great humanitarian and savior of mankind, Shang-Chi felt nothing short of unquestioning loyalty. He stole into his victimís home in Mayfair, London, and delivered his killing strike! Almost immediately, he was confronted by another of his fatherís enemies, Sir Denis Nayland Smith, who told Shang-Chi the truth about his fatherís evil deeds. Shang-Chiís mastery of kung-fu enabled him to escape, but he sought out his mother, who confessed the truth as well. Shang-Chi, finally aware of his fatherís manipulations, declared himself to be his fatherís mortal enemy, devoting his life to the overthrow of his criminal empire. Shang-Chi became a regular ally of Sir Denis Nayland Smith and worked with him on missions for MI-6, British intelligence, and later for Freelance Restorations, Smith's own independent agency. Shang-Chi ultimately contributed to his father's apparent death in a confrontation at the Honan retreat. His "Elixir Vitae," which had allowed him to live and remain in his physical prime for many decades, was no longer sufficient to maintain his youth. Rapidly aging, his father needed his son's blood to restore his physical vitality. But Shang-Chi wrested away the blood-filled test tube and spilled it on the ground. His father seemed to spend his last minutes of life frantically licking it up when the retreat was demolished by an explosion set off by other aides of Smith. Shang-Chi escaped, but his father was assumed to have been killed. Torn by guilt over helping to cause his father's apparent death, Shang-Chi wandered for several weeks, contemplating his future and his purpose. He eventually came to believe he had atoned for the alleged murder of his father, and, rejecting what he called the "games of deceit and death" in which he had participated as an adventurer, he retired to a passive life in the village of Yang Yin, in the Chinese province of Kwang Tung, where he spent much of his time as a fisherman. He returned from retirement at one point, when his friend Leiko was kidnapped by a group of terrorists. Shang-Chi helped rescue his friend before retiring again. When he was next forced to return from self-exile, Shang-Chi stumbled across an effort by the villainous Kingpin to recreate the Elixir Vitae. The X-Men were also searching for the Kingpin, as they thought the elixir may be used as a cure for the mutant-killing Legacy Virus. The X-Men and Shang-Chi confronted the Kingpin, who revealed he was interested purely in the elixir's ultimate monetary value. The X-Men's Storm destroyed the Elixir rather than let the Kingpin get rich from it. When briefly in New York, Shang-Chi happened to join a group of other heroes to stop the threat of an invasion led by Ulik the rock troll. One of their member was the vigilante known as the Punisher, and the heroes afterwards agreed to stay together in order to bring an end to the vigilante's activities. They were soon joined by Moon Knight, who provided the assemblage with funding and a headquarters. Although the Punisher continued to elude the group, the heroes managed to thwart crime on a number of occasions. One such adventure brought the team against agents of Shang-Chiís father, in particular the weapons master Zaran. Afterwards, the team disbanded and Shang-Chi returned to Yang Yin. Months later, the threat of his father rose again. Shang-Chi's former allies of MI-6 sought his help once more, and Shang-Chi helped the team infiltrate his father's base. There, Shang-Chi was confronted by a brother, of sorts: Moving Shadow, a man raised in the same manner as Shang-Chi but following his father's commands to kill. Shang-Chi hoped to convince Moving Shadow to deny their father's wishes, but they fought to a standstill and his father ultimately killed Moving Shadow for his supposed failure. At the same time, the agents of MI-6 succeeded in sabotaging his fatherís doomsday weapon. Shang-Chi stayed in the collapsing headquarters to verify that his father's body was buried in the rubble, barely escaping himself. With his father once again thwarted, Shang-Chi returned to his fishing village. +This superhero's name is Shao Kahn. Their real name is Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn was originally a royal advisor to the first emperor of Outworld known as Onaga the Dragon King, and that position was somewhat similar the celestial title "Protector" and the duty to the specific realm. But soon, consumed by his lust for power, Shao Kahn poisoned his former king and assumed the throne, turning the once unified and glorious realm of Outworld into an extremely dangerous and dystopian empire. One of the backwards dialogues in Mortal Kombat: Deception says that Shao Kahn is part of the same race of beings as Lucifer and Raiden. In Deception's Konquest mode, Damashi who is the spirtual avatar of Onaga states to Shujinko that Shao Kahn was to Outworld is what Raiden is to Earth making Shao Kahn a god similar to Raiden. Mortal Kombat II Shao Kahn (MKSM).jpg Shao Kahn in his MK II attire in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Shao Kahn concocted a plan to lure the Earthrealm champions to Outworld; if they could be killed, they would not be able to cause further damage to his plans. He captured Kano and Sonya Blade to use as bait, and enraging Liu Kang by sending Baraka and his troops to destroy the Shaolin temples, they confidently waited for the Earth warriors to fall into the trap. Despite Kahn's vast power, Liu Kang's determination saw him through, and he defeated the despot. Unwilling to accept defeat, Kahn called his armies to destroy the Earthrealm warriors. They fled back to Earthrealm, out of Kahn's clutches. Mortal Kombat 3 Shao Kahn in Earthrealm.jpg Shao Kahn along with his palace fortress that emerged during his invasion of Earthrealm. In an attempt to claim Earthrealm, Shao Kahn has his Shang Tsung and his other elite mystics called Shadow Priests revive Sindel but to where she would be revived in Earthrealm so he can go "reclaim" her forcibly to merge Earthrealm with Outworld. Upon doing so most of the souls in Earthrealm are stolen be Shao Kahn except those who are protected by Raiden. However due to Raiden being weakened due to the forced merger Raiden was unable to fight Shao Kahn on his own. Shao Kahn upon hearing of survivors sent his troops to kill all survivors. As Raiden and Earths defenders fight his men, Shao Kahn annoyed seemingly killed Kung Lao with an energy attack once Kung Lao defeated Goro. This lead to Liu Kang directly facing and even defeating Shao Kahn who then ordered his men to retreat thus preventing the merger and returning the world to it's original state. His revival of Sindel also weakens his power as Kitana was able to return her to her original mindset freeing their realm from him along with several of his troops abandoning him to return to Sindel's side. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Shao Kahn was approached by Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, who pretended to offer themselves as servants. However, the two attacked the weakened Shao Kahn and slay him. Mortal Kombat: Deception Mortal Kombat Deception Shao Kahn Ending Shao Kahn's MK:D Ending Mortal Kombat Deception Shao Kahn Ending None shall oppose the might of Shao Kahn -- he will rule all! KAHN'S MILITIA IN MORTAL KOMBAT: DECEPTION. It was revealed that the Shao Kahn killed by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi was actually a clone and that after being weakened from his attempted takeover of Earthrealm, Kahn had created the clone to rule Outworld for him, while he recovered. Shao Kahn found his former servant, Goro, mortally wounded and healed him, regaining the allegiance of the Shokan. The two set out to overthrow Onaga, so as to let the emperor regain his control over Outworld. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Shao Kahn had become the ruler of Outworld again and joined forces with Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Onaga in an uneasy alliance so as to gain the god like powers of Blaze. In his ending, Shao Kahn defeated Blaze and claimed his powers, destroying all of his enemies. He eventually conquered all other realms and joined them with his own. However with nothing left to conquer, Shao Kahn went insane from the boredom. In Konquest mode, a giant statue of Shao Kahn stands in the courtyard of the emperor's fortress. If an intruder enters the fortress, the statue will come to life. It will use its enormous hammer to smash the intruder. The statue can only be stopped if four magical orbs are used. The orbs will weaken the statue to the point where it can be damaged by normal attacks. After being damaged by normal attacks, the statue will crumble into pieces. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Shao Kahn (MKvDCU).jpg Shao Kahn second half of Dark Kahn. Main article: Dark Kahn At the beginning of the game, Shao Kahn had been defeated and met in a graveyard with his secret ally, Quan Chi. He was blasted into a portal by a blast of lightning from Raiden, causing him to combine with Darkseid and transform into Dark Kahn. After his defeat, Kahn ended up in the DC universe, rendered powerless. Kahn was then imprisoned in the Phantom Zone by Superman. Ending87878.png Shao Kahn escapes the Phantom Zone with a collection of Kryptonian criminals now at his command. In his ending, while the Phantom Zone weakened the others imprisoned there, the magical nature of Kahn's powers made it have the opposite effect on him. It restored his power, allowing him to escape the Phantom Zone along with an army made up of all the others imprisoned there, who swore him their allegiance in gratitude and joined Kahn in his quest to take control of both universes. Alternate Timeline Mortal Kombat (2011) An anemic effort from ineffectual deities! Today, I become THE Elder God! SHAO KAHN TO RAIDEN. At the beginning of the Story Mode of Mortal Kombat (2011), every character (presumably) dies during the Battle of Armageddon. The only ones who were left standing were Raiden and Shao Kahn. Before Raiden was killed by Shao Kahn, the thunder god showed images of events to his past self so he can alter the future, also leaving his past self one message: "He must win!" After Liu Kang won the original Mortal Kombat tournament, Shao Kahn decides to execute Shang Tsung for his failure. Begging for his life, Shang Tsung told Shao Kahn that if he called for another tournament and wins, he could have another chance at conquering Earthrealm, to which Shao Kahn agrees to. During the tournament, Shao Kahn is approached by the new Sub-Zero (who assumed the identity of his older brother, the original Sub-Zero), demanding that he fight Scorpion as revenge for killing his brother, which the emperor allows after the ice warrior proves his skill by defeating Reptile. Before Sub-Zero could finish off Scorpion after beating him, Lin Kuei cyborgs suddenly appear and subdue the warrior. Cyrax and Sektor approach Shao Kahn, offering their loyalty and service to the emperor in exchange for Sub-Zero, which Shao Kahn accepts. The emperor then summons his daughter Kitana and scolds her for allowing Earthrealm warriors to so easily appear before him after he had ordered her to intercept them while the tournament was taking place. Upset by her father's words, and with encouragement from Raiden, Kitana begins to search for answers and eventually makes a disturbing discovery: Shao Kahn was planning to create a "perfect daughter" to replace her. Upon learning of Kitana's discovery, Shao Kahn reveals to Kitana that he is not her real father, and that he originally did not want to accept her as his daughter. But now, with his new daughter's creation, he no longer has to accept Kitana as his daughter, and sentences her to death. Continuing with the Mortal Kombat Tournament, Kung Lao defeats both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung at the same time, as well as Kintaro afterward. As Kung Lao was celebrating his victory, Shao Kahn sneaks up behind the gloating Shaolin warrior and snaps his neck, killing him. Enraged, Liu Kang tackles Shao Kahn and fights him. Even with his incredible strength, Kahn loses to the Shaolin monk. Severely bruised and beaten, Shao Kahn stands up and tries to regain his composure, but Liu Kang delivers a flaming Fist of Shaolin through the emperor's chest, causing Kahn to vomit blood and collapse to the ground, seemingly dead. All seemed to have ended in victory for Earthrealm, but Raiden's Amulet was still cracked, indicating that the events in the timeline that his future self warned him about were still going to happen. Later, in the throne room, several of Shao Kahn's subordinates start arguing about who should succeed the emperor and lead Outworld. To everyone's surprise, however, Shao Kahn approaches the group fully recovered, albeit still limping in pain from his wound. It turns out that Quan Chi accelerated his recovery and saved his life. Since Shao Kahn lost the Mortal Kombat tournament, he could no longer merge Earthrealm with Outworld. Quan Chi recommends invading Earthrealm, but Shao Kahn points out that he cannot invade Earthrealm due to the protective ward Sindel placed after sacrificing herself. In order to start an invasion, Sindel needs to be revived to nullify the ward. Quan Chi successfully resurrects the empress, negating the ward and allowing Shao Kahn to invade Earthrealm. During the invasion, Motaro is killed. After Shao Kahn discovers this, Sindel insists that she can finish what Motaro started. Shao Kahn agrees, but before sending her to fight, he kills Shang Tsung and transfers the innumerable souls the sorcerer absorbed to Sindel, increasing her power immensely. With her newly acquired power, the empress arrives in Earthrealm and single-handedly kills almost every hero, except for, Raiden, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage, before being killed by Nightwolf, who sacrifices himself to stop her. Raiden then figures out that the person his future self was referring to when he said "He must win!" was Shao Kahn. If the emperor attempts to merge Outworld with Earthrealm without winning a Mortal Kombat tournament, the Elder Gods would be able to punish him for breaking the rules they set in place. Raiden tried to explain to Liu Kang that they must allow Shao Kahn to merge the realms, but the Shaolin Monk dismisses the thunder god's statement as "insane". Kang then fights Raiden after a heated argument between them, leaving Kang dead after an accident in the fight. Once Kahn enters Earthrealm, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade attempt to stop him, but the emperor effortlessly pushes them aside, knocking them both out. He then approaches Raiden, who submits himself to the emperor and accepts Kahn's victory, stating that further resistance will not help Earthrealm win. Shao Kahn starts brutalizing and taunting the thunder god for denying him his "rightful claim" in the past, and nearly kills him before the Elder Gods intervene and grant Raiden some of their power. Shao Kahn's Death (MK9).png Shao Kahn's defeat. Raiden and Shao Kahn then fight, with Raiden emerging victorious thanks to the power of the Elder Gods. Dazed and severely weakened after the fight, Shao Kahn lifts his hammer and tries to strike Raiden again, but Raiden delivers one final blast, allowing the Elder Gods to restrain the emperor and send him away for punishment, leaving only his damaged warlord helmet behind. The helmet was later retrieved by Quan Chi as he was discussing Kahn's defeat with Shinnok. Mortal Kombat X Other followed in Shinnok's foosteps... like Outworld's emperor, Shao Kahn, who was obsessed with conquering Earthrealm. SHAO KAHN'S MENTION IN THE OPENING. Mortal Kombat X takes place 25 years after Shao Kahn was defeated. Although the warlord never physically appears in the game, he is mentioned a few times during the story. A statue of him appears in the game's introduction as well. Shao Kahn Statue.png Shao Kahn's statue, as seen in the introduction. After his defeat at the hands of Raiden and the Elder Gods, the successor to the outworld throne was heavily contested between Mileena and Kotal Kahn. Mileena claims that her status as Shao Kahn's daughter makes her the rightful heir to the throne, while Kotal Kahn believes this claim is illegitimate, as Mileena was created in a lab by Shang Tsung. Ermac's concept confirms that after his death in Mortal Kombat (2011), his soul was later trapped inside Ermac. Mortal Kombat 11 I am no refugee! I am Kahn of Outworld. VACATE MY THRONE, OR I'LL SOAK THESE SANDS WITH YOUR BLOOD! SHAO KAHN MK11 Shao Khan.png Shao Khan as he appears in Mortal Kombat 11. Shao Kahn appears in Mortal Kombat 11 as a minor story mode villain and a playable character to people who preordered the game. It revealed Shao Kahn had betrayed his general, Kotal Kahn and massacring the entire Osh-tekks but kept Kotal alive for Shang Tsung's experiments until he escape after Shao Kahn died. As Kronika manipulates time by merging both past and present together, Shao Khan returns to Outworld in the midst of the execution of Kollector. Shao Kahn is joined by his allies, such as Baraka, Skarlet, Kano, and Erron Black. Shao Khan is first confused by what he sees, but gets furious when Kotal tells the old monarch that he is Khan now. Believing it to be no more than a trick by Raiden, Shao Kahn then engages Kotal in a fight when he learns that both him and Mileena have been killed long ago. Shao Kahn nearly defeats Kotal Khan, but Liu Kang barges in the duel, this breaking the controlled duel to a free-for-all, with Raiden's and Kotal's forces against Shao Kahn's. Kotal beats Shao Kahn and nearly kills him, but D'Vorah conveniently interrupts the fight, who escorts him to her hive. There, he learns that he was killed by Raiden himself, and D'Vorah killed Mileena. The latter bit greatly angers the king, who was going to attack the insectoid before Kronika appears. Kronika offers Shao Kahn a great empire after she reboots the timeline if he can get his throne back and ally his troops with Kronika. Agreeing to the deal, Shao Kahn heads to a camp for the Tarkata, readying his goons. After Kotal and Jade fail in trying to sneak into the camp, Shao Kahn finds them and has both of them locked up. He gives Jade to Skarlet so she can have herself a tasty meal, and hauls Kotal back to the Koliseum to kill him. Boasting to the crowd about how he is the true leader of his realm, the arena is ambushed by the Tarkatan and the Shokan, with Kitana joining forces with Baraka and Sheeva to destroy the emperor. He likes how she barged in courageously, but she calls both him and Mileena "unholy monsters" before fighting Kollector. With Kotal freed by Jade, both Kahns have a rematch. Shao Kahn wins by breaking Kotal's back, but Kitana approaches her father, where he mocks her by telling her that he only kept her alive to not upset Sindel. Shao Kahn is then fought and defeated by Kitana, who blinds the man and knocks him out. It is unknown what happens to Shao Kahn after this. +This superhero's name is Sharon Carter. Their real name is Sharon Carter. Sharon grew up hearing tales about Captain America from her aunt Peggy. She joined the military and was eventually selected to join SHIELD, operating as Agent 13. She later encountered Captain America and has been an ally of his ever since. +This superhero's name is Shatterstar. Their real name is Gaveedra Seven. Shatterstar comes from the planet Mojoworld (about a century in the future, as opposed to the Mojoverse which co-exists with the contemporary Earth dimension, making him a time traveler as well as a dimension-hopper) which is ruled by the alien tyrant Mojo V. There, Shatterstar was created to be a slave, he claims to have had no parents, only a "gestation chamber." Genetically engineered to have enhanced physical capabilities so he could serve as an arena gladiator. It’s been speculated that Shatterstar was made from some of the same genetic material as the X-Man Longshot who was also artificially created on Mojoworld, as Beast has found that the two have some identical DNA. Shatterstar learned the arts of battle as a warrior in arenas on Mojoworld, where he participated in combats staged for Mojo's television programs. It’s assumed it was here he developed his strong sense of honor and pride as a warrior, to combat the constant violence and death in his life. Eventually he escaped and joined the Cadre Alliance, the rebel group that sought to overthrow Mojo V's dictatorship. From there, he learned the Cadre’s language and began taking part in missions, one of which sent him back in time to find the X-Men and get their assistance in defeating Mojo. He did not find the X-Men though. Shatterstar was either teleported or traveled back in time to Earth at the point just before Cable reorganized the New Mutants into X-Force. With Cable’s assurance that they would help him defeat Mojo (though with the use of time travel it was not urgent that they leave anytime soon) Shatterstar became a founding member of the new team. Later Shatterstar discovered, to his bewilderment, that he also had the memories of an Earthling named Benjamin Russell. Soon afterwards, Mojo made Cable and Shatterstar his prisoners and transformed them into digital images for one of his television programs. In the course of the show, Shatterstar was mortally wounded in combat. Mojo's sometime ally Spiral teleported Cable and Shatterstar back into reality, where they regained their true forms. Spiral brought Cable, Shatterstar, Longshot, (who was Shatterstar's ally on Mojoworld), and the X-Force member Siryn to the Weisman Institute for the Criminally Insane in Rutland, Vermont. There Spiral directed them to the bedside of one of its patients, a mutant named Benjamin Russell who had no living relatives, had been in a coma since his powers had emerged, and, curiously, looked identical to Shatterstar. Longshot transferred Shatterstar's "uemeur," or soul, into Benjamin Russell's body, and the two became one. Apparently Shatterstar's body merged with Russell's as well, for the resulting body bore the starburst pattern that Shatterstar had around his left eye and his hair lengthened greatly. Restored to full health and consciousness, and feeling "whole" for the first time in his life, Shatterstar resumed his work as a member of X-Force. However, this does not explain why Shatterstar had some of Benjamin Russell's memories before they merged, or why they looked so much alike. There are still mysteries yet to be explained about Shatterstar's origin. It was hinted that Shatterstar may have been the child of Longshot and the mutant X-Man Dazzler. Dazzler revealed that she was pregnant with Longshot's child and Longshot suggested the name "Shatterstar" for the unborn child. Longshot and Dazzler returned to MojoWorld to free Longshot's people and Dazzler later appeared without Longshot and without a child. It has been speculated that Dazzler miscarried, though it has not been established officially what became of the infant. Shatterstar accompanied Rictor to the Richter home in Mexico to try and end Rictor's family's arms-dealing business. Both characters have since appeared separately so one assumes they succeeded, though it’s not known why they later parted. Shatterstar is later seen in Madripoor, earning his money by fighting in arenas. He was sought out by Spiral and had one of her agents made Shatterstar believe she wanted to kill him. With a fake quest, Spiral lured Shatterstar to an alternate universe she had conquered and ruled. On that Earth, Spiral had also killed most of that world's heroes and mutants. That Earth's Shatterstar had been killed as well. He was found by that Earth's rebel forces, including Cable and some other members he knew from X-Force. Together, they eventually defeated Spiral. Upon returning to the mainstream Earth, Shatterstar was contacted by Cable and requested to temporarily join him on a mission to defeat the Skornn[6]. Shatterstar agreed, but first Cable wanted him to train with monks on Mount Xixabangma. After those monks were killed by Skornn's worshipers, Shatterstar was reunited with his old team and they eventually killed the Skornn. +This superhero's name is Shazam (DCEU). Their real name is Billy Batson. William "Billy" Batson, known as Shazam, is an orphan chosen by the wizard Shazam to be his champion, granting him immense power to defend the innocent from evil. +This superhero's name is Shazam. Their real name is Billy Batson. Captain Marvel is the World's Mightiest Mortal. Originally, he was a orphaned boy named Billy Batson, who was chosen by the wizard Shazam to be a champion of good. Shazam gifted Billy with the power of six legendary Greek figures, and when he spoke the Wizard's name, he became an adult superhero empowered by six legendary Greek figures. Later, Captain Marvel would gain the ability to share his power with Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr., creating the Marvel Family. Today, Captain Marvel remains as one of the world's greatest heroes. Billy's parents - archaeologists C. C. and Marylin Batson - were killed by their treacherous assistant, Theo Adam, while on a dig at the tomb of Rameses II at Abu Simbel, Egypt. Theo Adam was the resurrected non-powered form of Teth-Adam aka Black Adam. He also kidnaps Billy's sister Mary, who ends up missing. The wizard Shazam is made aware of all of these events, and (just as in the Fawcett origin) has Billy brought before him by the dark-clothed stranger, and grants the boy the power to become Captain Marvel. As Captain Marvel, Billy takes on the form of his late father, which is how Theo Adam guesses his identity, has a revelation about the power of Shazam, and becomes Black Adam using a scarab he stole from the tomb. After subduing Black Adam and his employer, the rich tycoon Doctor Sivana, Billy swears to find his sister as Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel became a member of the revived Justice Society of America and was featured prominently in that group alongside his nemesis Black Adam. Captain Marvel had originally joined the team to keep an eye on Adam, who had joined the JSA claiming to have reformed. Black Adam eventually left the JSA to instigate a takeover of his home country of Kahndaq; he had a fondness for the country, and wished to see the totalitarian regime done away with, in what he saw as justice. Captain Marvel remained with the team. During his tenure in the JSA, Marvel dated Courtney Whitmore, also known as Stargirl, which put him in an unusual position; while he could legally date Courtney as Billy Batson, it looked very strange for the grown-up Captain Marvel to be with the teenaged Stargirl. The Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick, another JSA member, confronted Marvel about the issue. Rather than telling Garrick and the team the truth about his age, Marvel chose to follow the Wisdom of Solomon and leave the team and Courtney. The Marvel Family played an integral part the Infinite Crisis. The climax of the Day of Vengeance saw the Spectre engaged in a cosmic-level battle with the wizard Shazam. At the conclusion of this battle, Shazam was obliterated, and the Rock of Eternity burst apart into Earth's dimension, freeing scores of ancient magicks and evils that had been captured eons ago back into the Universe. In the aftermath of the Day of Vengeance, Day of Vengeance, Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family then helped Zatanna and several other beings to capture the Seven Deadly Sins and rebuild the Rock of Eternity. Captain Marvel was then required to take over Shazam's role as caretaker of the Rock. Marvel was later shown fulfilling this role, although teetering on the brink of insanity, constantly talking back to the Seven Sins around him. During this time, Marvel was shown helping Black Adam grant Adrianna Tomaz the powers of the goddess Isis. Later that year, Captain Marvel presided at the marriage ceremony of Adam and Isis in Kahndaq. Black Adam's continued attempts to reform, and depicted Adam's formation of, with Captain Marvel's blessing, a "Black Marvel Family". Joining Black Adam in the Black Marvel Family were his wife Isis and her brother Osiris. Isis and Osiris are murdered by the "Four Horsemen", creatures engineered by a team of DC's mad scientist characters (Dr. Sivana among them). As a result, Black Adam takes his revenge out on the entire world, killing millions. Black Adam is halted for a few minutes, just the time needed for Captain Marvel to force a magic lightning bolt on him, turning Black Adam back to Teth-Adam and changing his magic word into an unknown one. With Shazam dead, the Rock of Eternity chose Capain Marvel as its new caretaker. Captain Marvel recieved a new white suit and his hair became long and white, and assumed the name Marvel. form Trials of Shazam! featured Captain Marvel, now with a white costume and long white hair, taking over the role of the wizard Shazam under the name Marvel, while Captain Marvel Jr. and Mary Marvel lose their powers. A powerless Freddy Freeman is then drafted to prove himself worthy to the individual six gods evident in the "Shazam" acronym so that he can become their new champion and herald under the name Shazam, although a witch Sabina De La Croix from the Council of Merlin attempts to take the power herself, as ordered by her father Merlin. Atlas is killed by Sabina, but Apollo's healing replaces him. Marvel helps Freddy when he is trapped by the weight that Atlas bore. Later, Apollo takes Atlas's place in holding the world, while Marvel returns to the Rock of Eternity and Freddy continues his trials. The battle between Freddy and Sabina ends when Freddy is chosen to wield the gods's power, and becomes Shazam, while Sabina is destroyed. As the new Shazam, Freddy takes Marvel's former duties as a superhero. Marvel is ambushed by Black Adam and Isis, who are intent on taking over the Rock of Eternity. Isis robs Marvel of his powers by saying Shazam from a spell book to send lightning at him, and banishes a powerless Billy Batson back to Fawcett City, where he contacts the Justice Society for help. Upon arriving at the Rock of Eternity with Billy, the Justice Society fights Black Adam and Isis. Billy is abducted by the now evil Mary Marvel, who shares her powers with him and turns him into an evil teenage Captain Marvel. The evil Billy and Mary join Adam and Isis in fighting the Justice Society. However, Adam switches sides when Isis sets into action her plan to kill off humanity and destroy modern civilization. With the help of the Justice Society's Flash and the spirit of C.C Batson (Mary and Billy's father), the dead wizard Shazam's soul is retrieved from an underworld realm known as the Rock of Finality, and Adam gives up his powers to resurrect him from the statue he is imprisoned in. Shazam promptly takes his powers back from the other three Black Marvels, turns Adam and Isis into stone statues, and banishes Billy and Mary from the Rock of Eternity upon stating that they have failed him. He threatens to come after Freddy Freeman, as his powers come directly from the Gods. They are later seen walking the streets of Fawcett City while homeless and pondering the fate of their father's spirit. During Blackest Night, they are living in an apartment, and comment on how scary it is not to have their powers anymore. Freddy is seen with Billy and Mary in their apartment. They reminisce about the past and how Mary now feels useless without her powers. Mary is later seen assaulting Freddy, Blaze appears. The scene cuts to a homeless shelter. Blaze is seen talking to Mary. She tells Mary that if she kills Freddy, she will restore Billy and Mary's powers. It cuts back. Blaze is seen breaking her promise to Mary. Seconds later the word 'Shazam' is heard, sending Blaze rocketing through the wall. It turns out Freddy was in on it too, only pretending to get killed. Blaze and Freddy fight in the streets. Blaze punches Freddy with a ring containing liquid from the river of the Styx, which is toxic to everyone besides the residents of Hell. Billy is seen telling Mary to distract Blaze while he helps Freddy wash off the toxic water. Freddy then follows by "killing" Blaze and sending her back to Hell. Later on, Freddy tells Billy and Mary that no matter what, he will find a way to restore their powers! +This superhero's name is She-Hulk. Their real name is Jennifer Walters. Jennifer Walters is the first cousin of Robert Bruce Banner, also known as the Incredible Hulk. Despite a five-year age difference, Walters and Banner became as close as brother and sister growing up. But the two saw less of each other as they pursued separate careers: Banner medicine; Walters law. Some time after exposure to gamma radiation triggered Banner's first transformation into the Hulk, he visited Walters to re-establish contact with his childhood friend. Driving Banner to her Los Angeles home, Walters was shot and seriously wounded during an attempt on her life by Nicholas Trask, an enemy of one of her clients. His cousin rapidly losing blood, Banner improvised an emergency transfusion. But he fled as soon as it was evident Walters would survive -- for fear that in the excitement, he would turn into the Hulk. The effect on Walters of receiving Banner's mutated blood first became clear when Trask's men infiltrated her hospital room, posing as doctors. Walters recognized them, and anger triggered her transformation into a superhumanly strong female version of the Hulk. As She-Hulk, Walters exacted vengeance on Trask's organization. Later in her superhero career, she joined the Fantastic Four during the Thing's leave of absence. She-Hulk now serves as a member of the mighty Avengers. +This superhero's name is Sherlock Holmes. Their real name is Sherlock Holmes. Details about Sherlock Holmes' life are scarce in Conan Doyle's stories. Nevertheless, mentions of his early life and extended family paint a loose biographical picture of the detective. An estimate of Holmes's age in "His Last Bow" places his year of birth at 1854; the story, set in August 1914, describes him as sixty years of age.His parents are not mentioned in the stories, although Holmes mentions that his "ancestors" were "country squires". In "The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter", he claims that his grandmother was sister to the French artist Vernet, without clarifying whether this was Claude Joseph, Carle, or Horace Vernet. Holmes's brother Mycroft, seven years his senior, is a government official. Mycroft has a unique civil service position as a kind of human database for all aspects of government policy. He lacks Sherlock's interest in physical investigation, however, preferring to spend his time at the Diogenes Club. Holmes says that he first developed his methods of deduction as an undergraduate; his earliest cases, which he pursued as an amateur, came from fellow university students. A meeting with a classmate's father led him to adopt detection as a profession,[19] and he spent several years after university as a consultant before financial difficulties led him to accept John H. Watson as a fellow lodger. The two take lodgings at 221B Baker Street, London, an apartment at the upper (north) end of the street, up seventeen steps. Holmes worked as a detective for twenty-three years, with physician John Watson assisting him for seventeen.They were roommates before Watson's 1888 marriage and again after his wife's death. Their residence is maintained by their landlady, Mrs. Hudson. Most of the stories are frame narratives, written from Watson's point of view as summaries of the detective's most interesting cases. Holmes frequently calls Watson's writing sensational and populist, suggesting that it fails to accurately and objectively report the "science" of his craft. +This superhero's name is Shikamaru. Their real name is Shikamaru Nara. Shikamaru Nara is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team Asuma, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future. +This superhero's name is Shin Godzilla. Their real name is Gojira. One morning, the Japan Coast Guard comes aboard an abandoned yacht called the Glory-Maru in Tokyo Bay. The craft's owner is nowhere to be found, and all that remains on the boat are a few folders, a piece of origami and a pair of shoes. Suddenly, the boat begins to shake as a huge cloud of steam erupts from the bay. A leak opens in the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, causing a strange red fluid to pour in. Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Rando Yaguchi learns of the disaster and discusses it with his colleague, Yusuke Shimura. Shimura informs him that a meeting will be held to discuss the ongoing disaster and that the Prime Minister will be arriving shortly. When the meeting begins, government officials determine that the cause of the incident in the bay was likely either an earthquake or an underwater volcanic eruption, despite no previous tectonic or volcanic activity being recorded in the area. Yaguchi, after monitoring videos of the incident filmed by eyewitnesses, proposes that some sort of giant creature is behind it. The other officials do not take Yaguchi seriously and dismiss his claims, then call for an all-Cabinet meeting. During the meeting, Cabinet officials discuss measures that will be taken to address the disaster, until they are told to turn on the television and look at the news. After turning on the TV, they witness footage of a colossal tail rising from the bay, confirming Yaguchi's earlier proposal. The Prime Minister immediately arranges a meeting with university biologists to determine what kind of creature the tail belongs to, while Yaguchi takes matters into his own hands and has Shimura call his college friend Hiromi Ogashira, a low-ranking official from the Ministry of the Environment, to provide a more concise analysis of the monster. When the Prime Minister reconvenes with the rest of the government officials, Ogashira explains that the creature appears to have both gills and fin-like legs, meaning it could come on land. Other officials tell the Prime Minister that the creature's legs would collapse under its weight if it came ashore. The Prime Minister decides to hold a press conference to calm the public, then dons a blue emergency uniform and leaves. Meanwhile, the creature exits the bay and begins swimming up a river into Tokyo, destroying boats and bridges as it swims. At the press conference, the Prime Minister assures the press that there is no risk of the monster coming ashore, only to be informed by an aide that the creature has surfaced. The monster, walking clumsily on its two hind legs, comes ashore in Kamata in the Ota Ward, smashing cars and destroying buildings as it waddles through the street. The Prime Minister reconvenes with the other officials and is urged to make a decision to allow the Self-Defense Forces to attack the creature. The Prime Minister states that such an action is unprecedented, and he is not keen on mobilizing the country for war. But as the monster continues rampaging through Kamata and approaching Shinagawa, the Prime Minister reluctantly gives the order to mobilize attack helicopters against it. Helicopters are launched from Chiba and fly to Shinagawa to engage the monster. Suddenly, the creature stops moving and falls flat onto the ground. Then, it begins to evolve, sprouting tiny arms and standing upright on its hind legs before emitting a deafening roar. The monster continues walking through Shinagawa and is confronted by the helicopters. The order is given to fire, and the pilots begin aiming their weapons at the creature. However, they are told to hold their fire at the last second, as civilians are still present in the area. When asked if the helicopters can fire, the Prime Minister orders the operation to be aborted. The monster's dorsal fins begin glowing red and giving off steam, and it roars loudly before dropping back to a horizontal stance and running back into the ocean. Later, numerous officials including Yaguchi visit the ruins of an area destroyed by the monster. They lament the devastation before one minister and his aides leave to go meet the press. Yaguchi remains behind and prays silently before slowly walking away. At the Prime Minister's residence, Yaguchi assembles a team of low-level bureaucrats and government outcasts to determine a way to combat the monster if it ever comes ashore again. Initially, the team ponders how the creature is able to sustain itself given its huge size, to which Ogashira postulates that it derives its energy from nuclear fission. Following some analysis of the monster's path of destruction, it is discovered that it leaves radiation in its wake, confirming Ogashira's hypothesis. A special envoy from the President of the United States, Japanese-American Kayoco Anne Patterson, arranges a meeting with Yaguchi and offers an arrangement to help both governments. She states that if Yaguchi can provide her with information on a missing biologist named Goro Maki, she has been authorized by her government to give him more information about the creature. Yaguchi's sources eventually uncover information about Maki, a disgraced Japanese professor who was employed by the American Department of Energy after being exiled from Japan. Maki's yacht, the Glory-Maru was found abandoned in Tokyo Bay right before the incident in the Aqua Line, with Maki apparently having committed suicide. Yaguchi presents the information to Kayoco, who in return provides him with a file from Maki's notes about the monster, which he named "Godzilla," meaning "incarnation of God" on Maki's home of Odo Island. Yaguchi brings new information to his team for them to analyze. They learn that Maki was studying nuclear waste dumped into the Pacific Ocean by the United States about 60 years ago. Godzilla was apparently the result of an ancient sea creature becoming surrounded by this nuclear waste and rapidly adapting to withstand it. The team eventually concludes that the reason Godzilla returned to the ocean was that the nuclear fission in his body produces a tremendous amount of heat, and he needed water to keep his body temperature under control. They then determine that Godzilla must possess a blood cooling system as well, and that theoretically they could force it to perform a reactor scram to stay alive by injecting it with a blood coagulant and freezing it. Yaguchi tells the various team members to prepare an operation to freeze Godzilla, tentatively titled the "Yaguchi Plan." Godzilla suddenly surfaces at Kamakura, south of Tokyo, now grown nearly twice as large. Godzilla begins to walk onto land and approach Tokyo again. The Prime Minister is urged to mobilize the Self-Defense Forces again and finally gives the order. Several Type 10 Tanks are lined up next to a river to form a secondary line of defense, while multiple AH-64 Apache helicopters are launched to attack Godzilla first. As Godzilla nears Tokyo, the choppers fly in front of him. The Prime Minister finally gives the order to fire, and the choppers fire their autocannons at Godzilla. The bullets simply bounce off of Godzilla's face, and the monster does not even seem to notice and keeps walking. The choppers fire 30mm chain gun rounds at Godzilla, but they fail to injure him as well. The pilots ask for permission to fire rockets at Godzilla, but the Prime Minister is hesitant. The Minister of Defense, Reiko Hanamori, tells the Prime Minister that he has no choice, and he decides to grant permission. The choppers fire their rockets at Godzilla, and they too fail to faze him. As Godzilla continues to approach the river, the tanks are ordered to open fire on Godzilla and aim for his head and legs. Self-propelled howitzers open fire on Godzilla as well, but they too are unable to halt him. Fighter jets fly overhead and drop bombs onto Godzilla, seemingly causing him to turn around. The JSDF and government believe the bombs are working, and order the planes to drop more bombs and finish Godzilla. The bombs hit Godzilla and create a huge cloud of smoke. Suddenly, a bridge is flung out of the smoke cloud and crushes several tanks. Godzilla walks out of the smoke cloud completely unharmed and continues approaching Tokyo. As night falls, Godzilla is getting closer and closer to the heart of Tokyo. The Prime Minister is informed that the American military has sent B-2 stealth bombers armed with Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) bombs to attack Godzilla. With the Prime Minister's residence lying in Godzilla's path, he is urged to evacuate along with his highest-ranking Cabinet officials. The Prime Minister is reluctant to evacuate, but Yaguchi tells him that he is too important to risk his life and needs to escape now. Yaguchi tells the other officials that he and the lower-ranking bureaucrats will escape in cars, then leaves. While the Prime Minister and his Cabinet are being loaded into helicopters on the roof, Yaguchi and his colleagues find themselves caught in a huge traffic jam. Realizing that the American bombing strike will take place soon, Yaguchi decides to exit the car and warn the civilians. After Yaguchi exits the car, he hears thundering footsteps and looks over the nearby buildings to see Godzilla walking past. Yaguchi and the civilians run into the subway tunnels, while the B-2 bombers fly overhead and drop their MOP bombs onto Godzilla. Several bombs strike the top of Godzilla's back, blasting off some of his dorsal plates and drawing a large amount of blood. Godzilla roars out in pain and looks down at the ground. His dorsal plates begin to emit a purple glow, which spreads across the rest of his body. Godzilla unhinges his jaw and his lower jaw splits in half, revealing a purple glow coming from his throat. Godzilla begins spewing a cloud of black smoke from his mouth onto the streets below, which spreads across all of Tokyo. The black smoke coming from Godzilla's mouth then ignites into a gout of flame, which produces a gigantic fireball that blows up huge sections of the city. The fire condenses even further into a thin purple laser, which Godzilla aims up into the air, causing it to completely destroy one of the bombers. As Kayoco evacuates the city with the American ambassador in a car, she overhears that one of the bombers was destroyed. The ambassador exclaims that it is impossible, while Kayoco simply remarks that Godzilla is truly a god incarnate. The other bombers circle back and prepare to attack Godzilla again, dropping more MOPs onto his back. Godzilla closes his mouth and stops firing his atomic breath, then suddenly unleashes several purple beams from in between his dorsal plates. These beams shoot up into the sky, destroying the bombs and the bombers. Godzilla opens his mouth again and fires his atomic breath, slicing several skyscrapers in half and blowing up the helicopter holding the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. Godzilla allows the beam to turn back into the fire, setting the ruins of Tokyo ablaze before it is extinguished altogether. Godzilla continues walking through the city before stopping near a train station, where his body ceases glowing and he seemingly freezes in place. The next morning, Tokyo is in ruins and the government is in shambles, with the Prime Minister and the next several in line to succeed him all dead. Yaguchi emerges from the subway tunnels and is escorted to a building where some remaining bureaucrats are. After hearing about the death of the Cabinet, Yaguchi loses his temper and screams at the others not to go to pieces now and instead make do with those who have survived. Yaguchi calms down and apologizes, then decides to get his team back together to resume work on the Yaguchi Plan. Meanwhile, the Japanese Parliament convenes and names Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Yusuke Satomi as the interim Prime Minister. Yaguchi meets with the remaining members of his team and expresses his condolences for all who were lost, but expresses the increased importance of their work now. The team immediately resumes working on the Yaguchi Plan and studying Godzilla and potential ways to defeat him. A reconnaissance team in the ruins of Tokyo has discovered one of Godzilla's severed dorsal plates and that it is seemingly regenerating on its own and could potentially become a functioning organism. At this rate, one member of Yaguchi's team suggests that Godzilla could propagate all over the world, or even evolve wings for intercontinental flight. Unfortunately for Yaguchi's team, they are unable to synthesize a coagulant that can affect Godzilla and are unable to interpret molecular diagrams of Godzilla found with Maki's notes. Yaguchi meets with Kayoco again and learns from her that the American government, fearing that Godzilla could spread around the world and possibly land on the west coast of the U.S., has decided to launch a nuclear strike against Godzilla while he is dormant in Tokyo. Japan will have two weeks to evacuate Tokyo and the surrounding areas, after which the strike will be delivered, one day before Godzilla is expected to resume activity. Kayoco reveals that her grandmother lived through the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and she is unwilling to see another nuclear bomb dropped on the country of her ancestors. Yaguchi meets with Akasaka, telling him to do something to delay or prevent the nuclear strike. Akasaka says that the United Nations security council has approved the strike and that other nations will assist Japan in rebuilding the city after the strike. Yaguchi tells Akasaka that his team is making progress with their plan to freeze Godzilla, but Akasaka insists that a nuclear strike is the only way to certainly destroy Godzilla. Luckily, Yaguchi's team has a breakthrough with their work. They discover that when folding the molecular blueprints of Godzilla, they can visualize how his cells metabolize radiation. They determine that Godzilla's cells can metabolize radiation in the presence of water and oxygen. The team concludes that they can inhibit the activity of Godzilla's cellular membranes, allowing the coagulant to take effect. The plan is immediately fast-tracked, while Yaguchi gets approval from Prime Minister Satomi to enact it. Yaguchi meets with the Chief of Staff, Masao Zaizen, and discusses final preparations for the plan. When Zaizen asks what the plan will be formally called, Yaguchi decides on the name Operation Yashiori, after the sake that was used to defeat Yamata no Orochi in Japanese mythology. Meanwhile, Kayoco meets with the American ambassador, who questions her support of Yaguchi's plan. He warns Kayoco that she is putting both the political reputation of her family and her future political career in jeopardy, but she simply responds that Japan is banking on the strategy succeeding. The ambassador shakes Kayoco's hand and wishes her good luck as she leaves to go help Yaguchi with Operation Yashiori. Kayoco meets with Yaguchi and offers him the support of several U.S. drones for the operation. Yaguchi says the drones won't come back in one piece, and Kayoco simply jokes that she will bill the Japanese government later. Yaguchi's colleagues manage to get France to convince the U.N. Security Council to delay the nuclear strike, buying time for Operation Yashiori to take place. With all preparations completed, Yaguchi addresses all of the men and women taking place in Operation Yashiori. He warns them of the dangers involved but promises them that the future of Japan is in their hands. Yaguchi and several others stand on top of a skyscraper overlooking Godzilla and give the order to initiate Operation Yashiori. Trains loaded with explosives are rammed into Godzilla's legs, causing him to awaken. The American drones fly overhead and launch rockets at Godzilla, prompting him to fire his atomic breath. As the drones are destroyed wave by wave, Godzilla's atomic energy wanes. Suddenly, the purple glow runs up to the tip of Godzilla's tail and an atomic beam is fired from its tip. Godzilla fires his atomic breath, back beams, and tail beam until his atomic energy is depleted. At that moment, skyscrapers surrounding Godzilla are blown up by explosives, causing them to topple onto him and pin him to the ground. With Godzilla immobilized, several trucks drive up to his head and extension tubes into his mouth. The trucks begin pumping the coagulant into Godzilla's mouth. Godzilla begins to stir and fires an atomic beam from his mouth, obliterating all of the trucks. Godzilla rises back to his feet and begins approaching the train tracks again. Several more unmanned E231 and E233 series trains are sent ramming into Godzilla, snaking up his body and exploding. The explosions knock Godzilla back to the ground, where the second team of trucks arrives and pumps the remainder of the coagulant into his mouth. Godzilla bites down on the tubes and rises back to his feet. His dorsal plates begin glowing purple again, and he emits a deafening roar before he instantly freezes solid. Temperature readings show that Godzilla's core temperature has been reduced to -196 degrees Celsius, making the operation a success. Everyone across Japan breathes a sigh of relief, with Akasaka remarking that Yaguchi had only two hours to spare. In the aftermath of Operation Yashiori, Yaguchi meets with Kayoco on a rooftop with the frozen Godzilla visible in the distance. Yaguchi states his intention to help rebuild the Japanese government correctly and help his country learn to coexist with Godzilla. Kayoco remarks that Yaguchi will make a good Japanese counterpart for her when she becomes President of the United States one day, to which he replies that she must mean her Japanese puppet. Kayoco mentions that when Godzilla resumes moving, the American government will resume the countdown to the nuclear strike. If anything, Yaguchi has just delayed the inevitable. Yaguchi expresses hope that he will be able to prevent that scenario once again. After Kayoco walks away, Yaguchi looks back at Godzilla, saying that things are still far from settled. As Godzilla stands frozen in the ruins of Tokyo, several smaller skeletal humanoids with Godzilla's teeth and dorsal plates can be seen emerging from the tip of his tail. +This superhero's name is Shisui Uchiha. Their real name is Uchiha Shisui. +This superhero's name is Shocker. Their real name is Herman Schultz. Herman Schultz is a career criminal who, after several prison terms for robbery, built a battle suit that sent out shock waves to quickly open safes as well as give him a significant advantage over the New York police. During his first outing as the self-styled "Shocker" he ran into and defeated Spider-Man (Peter Parker), who became Schultz's nemesis. Schultz was usually involved in theft or extortion; a typical day in the life of the Shocker would find him knocking over armored cars or trying to hawk items he previously stole. On one particularly ambitious day, the Shocker held New York City for ransom when he blacked out portions of the city to spell out his criminal moniker, then threatened to black out the entire city unless he was paid 1 million dollars. On another he terrified a stockbroker into playing the market, for substantial monetary gain. The Shocker has been a member of the Masters Of Evil and has fought Spider-Man many times. He has proved to be one of Spider-Man's more difficult opponents. The Shocker, being very masterful in his equipment, makes changes accordingly to defeat his enemies. The Shocker has severe confidence problems but came back to his original cocky, arrogant self, recently. He once had Spider-Man completely at his mercy but let him go. The Shocker's brief period of shakey confidence appears to be a thing of the past. +This superhero's name is Shriek. Their real name is Frances Louise Barrison. As a young girl, Shriek had a miserable childhood that eventually drove her to drugs. Her mother was ashamed of her for being overweight and she was abused by both her parents. She became a groupie for a rock band, and a drug dealer on the side until the vigilantes Cloak and Dagger happened by during one of her deals. Having already suffered enough traumas to make her dangerously unstable, a short stay in Cloak's dark dimension pushed her over the edge into insanity. After that, she was captured and imprisoned in Ravencroft. According to her, she was also shot in the head by police and while gluing the pieces together again, the doctors apparently missed some. However, it is still unclear as to how her powers actually developed. It could be that she already had these powers but they didn’t manifest themselves until she was exposed to Cloak’s darkness, or they could have been a side effect of the drugs she was taking, or it could have been a combination of these events, among others, that caused her powers to develop. When the menace Carnage was imprisoned and escaped from Ravencroft, Shriek talked him into taking her with him. After that, they met with Doppelganger, Demogoblin and Carrion (Malcolm McBride). Shriek's childhood problems of being obsessed with families started to surface, and she adopted Carnage as her husband, Carrion and Demogoblin as their children to which she would teach their evil ways, and Doppelganger became their adopted pet. Carnage, demented in his own right, went along with this dysfunctional family idea of hers. During this episode in Spider-Man’s life now referred to as Maximum Carnage, Shriek used her powers to induce everyone they came across in the city of New York to be evil. Shriek and her adopted family had to battle Spider-Man and several of his allies such as Black Cat, Iron Fist, and Venom. Doppelganger had become close to Shriek and gave his life to protect her when Carnage attacked her for her rebellious behavior. The fighting within the Carnage Family became too much and with the death of Doppelganger, Carrion seemingly rid of the virus inside him, and Demogoblin wanting to repent for his murderous ways, Shriek thought she too had seen the light. Shriek was returned to Ravencroft after the events of Maximum Carnage. Shriek attempted to escape twice from Ravencroft. Once, alongside the vigilante Mayhem and a handful of other inmates, she was defeated by Spider-Man and John Jameson before they managed to escape. The second was when Dr. Kafka was treating the seemingly cured Malcolm McBride, and tried to convince him that he was not insane by taking him to Shriek’s cell in order to show him a truly insane person. However, seeing her “son” made her snap yet again, and broke free from her specially designed cell. Using her powers, she reactivated the Carrion virus within McBride, and set out to reunite her “family” only it was too late for Demogoblin had also been killed and Carnage was in a coma. Spider-Man, after a few trying events in his own life, intercepted and attacked Shriek with a viciousness she hadn’t seen before, but she turned the tables with her sonic powers when she made Spider-Man hesitate by begging him to stop hitting her. Shriek sensing the darkness within Spider-Man growing decided that he would be a suitable “father” for Carrion, therefore taking the place of Carnage in her demented family. With the virus almost completely taken over Malcolm’s mind, Shriek took him to visit his mother because he was still attached to her. Spider-Man tracked them down and was attacked by the confused Carrion while trying to save the life of his real mother, Beatrice McBride. Spider-Man now takes his frustrations out on Carrion and just as he is about to fall Beatrice McBride pleads to Spider-Man’s conscience to stop. It is then that Shriek realizes Spider-Man could never take the place of Carnage and blasts him with a sonic burst, and forces Malcolm to choose who he wants for his mother. Carrion, more confused than ever, turns his power on himself but something inside Shriek changes as she sees Beatrice McBride go to embrace him possibly ending in the death of both of them. Shriek absorbs the Carrion virus and collapses leaving Malcolm free of his curse, and enabling Spider-Man to return her to Ravencroft. After those events, Shriek was treating the virus inside her as an unborn child when the Jackal paid her a visit and removed the virus from her body. It could be assumed that Shriek is still undergoing therapy at Ravencroft. However, she has recently been seen at the "Bar With No Name" amongst a host of other super villains making bets on what was inside a mysterious chrysalis that appeared overnight in Manhattan. +This superhero's name is Shuri (MCU). Their real name is Shuri. Shuri was the Princess of Wakanda, daughter of T'Chaka and Ramonda, sister of T'Challa, and the leader of the Wakandan Design Group. An innovator responsible for creating much of Wakanda's modern technology, she is also known for designing the current generation Panther Habits. After her brother's coronation, Shuri assisted him and the Dora Milaje in tracking down Ulysses Klaue, only to be forced to flee the Golden City as Erik Killmonger overthrew the throne, eventually returning to reclaim Wakanda. Later, Shuri was assigned by T'Challa to delete HYDRA programming from Bucky Barnes' mind. A couple of years later, she was tasked by her brother and the Avengers in removing the Mind Stone from Vision's head to have Wanda Maximoff destroy it as the android was under threat from Thanos. She was soon compromised by Corvus Glaive, who ambushed her lab and quickly defeated Shuri. Later, Shuri was among the many who died when Thanos completed the Infinity Gauntlet and wiped out half the life in the universe. +This superhero's name is Sif (MCU). Their real name is Sif. During her early years, Sif's great talents as a warrior were not appreciated by many because she was a woman. Thanks to her friend Thor, who believed in her capabilities, Sif became one of the most appreciated warriors of Asgard, along with the Warriors Three, Loki, and Thor himself. Sif was also romantically involved with a warrior named Haldor, who was later enthralled by the sorceress Lorelei. The event led to Haldor's death, creating a deep hatred between Sif and Lorelei. +This superhero's name is Sif. Their real name is Sif. Sif was a beautiful warrior-goddess of the Asgardian pantheon. Heimdall, her brother, was the sentinel of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, which connected Asgard and Midgard (Earth). When Sif was a child, she possessed long golden hair. She often played with young Thor, Odin's son, and Loki, Thor's adopted brother. Sif and Thor fell in love while they were quite young. Jealous, Loki cut off all of Sif's golden hair while she was asleep. Guessing that Loki had something to do with Sif's loss of hair, Thor angrily demanded that Loki restore her golden locks. The scared Loki contacted two dwarfish craftsmen, Brokk and Eitri (who would later create Thor's hammer Mjolnir), and asked them to create new hair for Sif. Loki was either unable, or unwilling, to pay the dwarfs enough gold to create golden hair. The dwarfs decided that "for the price of naught" they would make "strands of naught." The dwarfs created magical strands of hair from the blackness of the night. The strands of darkness took root the moment they were placed on Sif's head, and then began to grow out. Thor found that Sif's new black tresses made her even more attractive, disrupting Loki's plan to ruin their relationship.[1] For a time, Thor and Sif had a falling out. Many years later, Thor began his career as a super hero on Earth, and had a long-time love affair with the mortal Jane Foster. After this, however, Odin arranged for Thor to meet the now adult warrior-goddess, Sif. They became close companions and fell in love again. They promised to someday marry each other. Unfortunately, Thor's feelings of responsibility to the Earth and its people often came between the two lovers. In the past, Sif tried to adjust to living on the mundane Earth. Unfortunately, Sif preferred the majesty of Asgard. At one point, Thor's former mortal lover, Jane Foster, was dying, and Sif merged her life force with Foster's, reviving the dying woman. Sif did this partially so that she could try to understand Thor's attraction to mortals, especially Jane Foster. Soon afterward, Foster was separated from Sif, when Foster was exiled to a limbo-realm called the Runestaff of the Possessor. Sif and Thor eventually rescued Jane Foster and reunited her with her mortal love, Keith Kincaid. Thor and Sif later came to the aid of the alien champion, Beta Ray Bill, who was the guardian of a large space fleet that carried the surviving members of his alien race in suspended animation. Sif, Beta Ray Bill, and Thor drove off a horde of Surtur's demons that were attacking Bill's fleet. Beta Ray Bill and Sif found themselves attracted to each other while the war with Surtur raged on. During this time, Thor had fallen under an enchantment that caused him to fall in love with the Asgardian Lorelei. Thor was so blinded by the spell that he even struck Sif in anger. In a final climactic battle with Surtur, Thor, Loki, and Odin defended Asgard. Meanwhile, the Ancient Casket of Winters had been opened on Earth. The warriors of Asgard, led by Sif and Bill, protected Earth from Surtur's demons and the renegade Dark Elves working with Surtur. Surtur and his forces were defeated on Asgard and Earth. Before returning to Asgard, Bill and Sif spent some time together on Earth. Once back in Asgard, Sif and Bill defeated the Titanium Man, the Russian villain, who was leading a group of disgruntled American war veterans wearing the Credit Card Soldier armored battle-suits. Sif and Bill eventually returned to Earth. Sif finally came to forgive Thor, after realizing that Lorelei was to blame for Thor's brutality. Sif was also impressed by Thor's heroism when he entered Hela's realm to rescue some mortals' souls stolen by the death goddess. This also caused Sif to accept Thor's guardianship of Earth and Asgard. When the Egyptian death god, Seth, attacked Asgard, Sif fought along with the other brave Asgardian warriors. During the battle, Leir, the Celtic god of Lightning, saw Sif and developed an attraction for her. Later, when the Ice Giant Ymir attacked Asgard, Leir arrived in Asgard planning to ask Sif to marry him. A worried Sif agreed, once two conditions were fulfilled. The first condition was that Leir help her find Thor and bring him back to Asgard. Leir agreed and they traveled to Earth in search of Thor. The trail led from Earth to the Black Galaxy, where they finally found Thor. Leir got them back to Asgard in time to witness the final battle between Ymir and Surtur, which heralded Ragnarok. Thor and Odin were able to permanently postpone Ragnarok, saving the universe. Leir then had to face Sif's second condition: to defeat Sif's chosen champion in battle. Thinking that Sif would ask Thor to be her champion, Leir was stunned when Sif acted as her own champion and easily bested the arrogant Leir. Since then, Thor and Sif continued their close relationship. During Ragnarok, Sif died in battle against Thor's enemies, who possessed weapons that were forged in the same way as Mjolnir. When Thor was revived and began awakening the Asgardians, Sif's absence was notable. Hoping to find her, Donald Blake, briefly separated from Thor, sought out Jane Foster in New York City to see if she was again housing Sif's spirit. Finding Jane to be lacking Sif's spirit, Donald left the hospital where she worked, little realizing that one of the patients there was actually Sif, being held hostage in the body of an old woman by the reawakened Loki. +This superhero's name is Silk Spectre II. Their real name is Laurel Juspeczyk. Sally pushed her daughter into the "family business" of crimefighting. Laurie Juspeczyk never held much interest in becoming her mother's successor, but went along with Sally's wishes anyway; growing up, the brunette Laurie knew Laurence Schexnayder was not her real father, and she always believed, incorrectly, that her real father was Hooded Justice. Laurie Juspeczyk is liberal-thinking and a "modern" woman. She is vocal in her feminist and humanitarian concerns and is quite a conditioned fighter, and at the start of the story is shown to have a strained relationship with her mother. Driven by the memories of her own experience, Sally tried to keep Laurie from knowing some of the harsher realities of the crimefighting life; for example, she didn't allow her to read Hollis Mason (Nite-Owl I)'s autobiography Under the Hood (which included the Comedian's sexual assault on Sally, something Laurie knew nothing of). Sally acted like an agent for her daughter, picking out her revealing costume, bringing her to the meeting of the ill-fated "Crimebusters" in a limousine and waiting outside for her to finish. After the meeting broke up, Laurie met the Comedian outside, who commented and complimented her for being the spitting image of her mother, but their conversation was broken up quickly by an angry Sally Jupiter. Laurie noted that the Comedian looked sad as he watched them drive away, and she felt sorry for him. The following car ride home was when Sally told her daughter of her history with the Comedian (but did not tell her that the Comedian was her father). Disgusted and deeply saddened for her mother's pain, Laurie never forgave the Comedian for his actions, though it seems that as time passed, and in a complicated way, Sally was able to come to terms with it, even to the point that she was willing to defend the Comedian from Laurie's derogatory remarks after he was murdered. Shortly after the meeting of the Crimebusters, Laurie met and became involved with Doctor Manhattan, something her mother did not approve of, likening Laurie's relationship with Manhattan to being the equivalent of sleeping with an H-bomb. Drawn to him from the moment she first saw him, Laurie worked with Doctor Manhattan in some of his various domestic assignments, including the suppression of riots during the police strike of 1977. Never exactly happy being a vigilante and not happy with the government taking advantage with her relationship with the superhuman Manhattan, Laurie was more than pleased to quit being a superhero when the Keene Act of 1977 forced all but government-sponsored superheroes to retire. +This superhero's name is Silk Spectre. Their real name is Sally Juspeczyk. The first Silk Spectre was former frizzy haired red head waitress and burlesque dancer Sally Jupiter (her real last name was Juspeczyk; she wished to hide her Polish heritage), who entered action sometime around 1938 when she was only 18 years old. In her time, she was a sex symbol who villains and criminals didn't really mind getting caught by. She was basically an action heroine version of a pin-up girl and, even in her old age, she seemed proud of her sex symbol status, apparently enjoying male attention as indicated by her career as a dancer and her reaction to learning of a Tijuana bible that was based on her, much to her daughter's disapproval. She was soon invited by Captain Metropolis to join the Minutemen, a group of costumed heroes. On October 2nd, 1940, after a meeting of the Minutemen, she was sexually assaulted by Edward Blake, alias The Comedian, who was about three years younger than her and was apparently prone to flirting with her before the incident. He was stopped by fellow Minuteman Hooded Justice, who gave him a vicious beating, but the event would have a profound impact on Sally's life; her agent, Laurence Schexnayder, persuaded her not to press charges against the Comedian for fear of damaging the group's image. More celebrity than vigilante, Silk Spectre provided a cover for Hooded Justice's homosexuality by being his glamorous girlfriend (possibly her way of thanking him for intervening when the Comedian attacked her). In an interview, she admitted that she didn't really like the Silhouette, a.k.a. Ursula Zandt, who was constantly pestering her about her Polish heritage, but later expressed regret that she was expelled from the group simply because she was a lesbian, especially since there were men on the team who were gay (though she did not identify them). In 1947 Sally retired from crimefighting and married her agent, Laurence Schexnayder, while keeping in touch with Hollis Mason (Nite Owl) and Nelson Gardner (Captain Metropolis). In 1949 she gave birth to her daughter Laurel Jane, commonly known as Laurie. It was known to both parents that Laurie was not Laurence's child, but the Comedian's, from a second encounter, and this led to conflict in the family, leading the couple to divorce in 1956. While not explicitly stated, it is implied that Sally's second sexual encounter with the Comedian was consensual, and that, despite it all, she did have feelings for him. +This superhero's name is Silk. Their real name is Cindy Moon. When Cindy Moon was a child, her parents found out that she had an eidetic memory. Her mother wanted Cindy to focus on her studies while Cindy would rather continue playing on her school hockey team with her secret boyfriend, Hector Cervantez. When her mother found out, she was forced to go to the school field trip to General Techtronics and Cin told her she hated her. When high school student Cindy Moon was attending a public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials, sponsored by the General Techtronics Corporation, a spider irradiated by a particle accelerator used in the demonstration, bit Peter Parker in the hand and fell from his hand, it then bit Cindy in her ankle before dying. The first manifestation of her powers happened when her uncontrollable organic webbing accidentally caused her to web up her parents. A man by the name of Ezekiel Sims came and took Cindy away. He trained Cindy in the use of her powers until he realized the totemic predator Morlun was tracking her. He then locked her away in a room that blocks Morlun's detection at the bottom of his tower to protect her from him. This bunker had years worth of food, books, and tapes on the outside world which Cindy watched every day. She knew the code to leave at anytime but knowing the consequences she decided to stay put despite the horrible boredom. Cindy's story was revealed to Peter, now the hero known as Spider-Man, when the Orb released some of the Watcher's secrets and he went to free Cindy. She tried to warn him about Morlun, but he opened the door anyway and she attacked him for dooming them to being hunted down by Morlun. Peter reveals that Morlun is dead, and after realizing she was free, she made an improvised costume of webs and told Spider-Man to call her Silk before going to her parents' home. After realizing that her parents moved, Spider-Man promised to help her find them. She asked him when Morlun died, but after he told her that he had died twice, she realized that he had already returned from the dead once and attacked him, telling him that he could return again. Morlun, who had indeed returned, sensed her liberation and started his greatest hunt. Cindy attacked him for wasting her sacrifice, pulling him with a webline and asking him if he can feel that they are all in danger. Peter realized that his Spider-Sense was overloaded like it never was before. Silk pulled his mask up and they kissed. Almost immediately, the two began an extremely intimate relationship, surprising Anna at the apartment she shared with Peter. She felt threatened by the presence of Anna and told her forcibly to back off from Peter, though she later apologized. She later helped Spider-Man against Electro and the Black Cat when they attacked the television station that Peter was giving an interview at to promote his new humane Superhuman Prison. Silk saved Spider-Man from being unmasked by the Black Cat in live TV, and escaped with him from the studio. Cindy later accompanied Peter to the demonstration of the technology to depower Electro being held in Waterfront, which was sabotaged by the Black Cat. In their costumed identities, Peter and Cindy fought the villains. Silk saved innocents from the machine gone haywire, and later protected Spider-Man and Electro from its explosion, which luckily depowered the villain. Spider-Verse While bickering with Spider-Man over the necessity of him remaining in New York, Silk was recruited by Spider-UK's team alongside him, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Woman, and Spider-Girl. Upon realizing most of the alternate Spider-Men were versions of Peter, she tried to sense if she possessed the same attraction to any of them, but detected nothing from any of them aside from Kaine, Peter's clone who was the avatar of the Other. Instructed by Old Man Spider to remain behind, Cindy indignantly demanded an explanation as to why, and when none was provided impulsively followed through the portal. It was revealed that Cindy was the avatar of a powerful spider-totem called the Bride, and her presence in conjunction with Kaine's attracted Daemos, Brix, and Bora of the Inheritors, who killed several members of Superior Spider-Man's team and Old Man Spider. When Octavius accused her of getting his best soldiers killed, Cindy attracted the attention of Brix and Bora before jumping through a random portal, followed by Jessica Drew and Spider-Man Noir. Cindy's impulsiveness and naivety lead to Spider-Man Noir being severely injured, and her teleporter being damaged. Jessica swaps teleporters with her to evacuate her from Loomworld, and Cindy travels to Earth-3145. Realizing the area is a nuclear wasteland, she makes her way to Ezekiel's bunker and encounters the Benjamin Parker of that world, contacting the other Spiders to let them know she'd found a new safe haven. Upon learning that Jessica had been stranded on Loomworld due to sacrificing her damaged teleporter, Cindy snuck away to rescue her, accompanied by Spider-Gwen. However, their rescue attempt was kiboshed when Cindy's teleporter was destroyed in an altercation with multiversal pirates, stranding them on Loomworld. Cindy protested that none of their hardships were her fault, but was berated by Spider-Woman for her incompetence and lack of responsibility. Their argument was interrupted when Verna, Brix, and Bora attacked to capture the Bride. Upon learning Cindy was in danger, the surviving Spiders, including a now-redeemed Karn, went to Loomworld for a final battle to save her, Benjy, and those whose with them to stop Inheritors. Morlun cut Cindy's palm, severing the Bride's connection to the Web of Life and preventing new Spider Totems from arising through chance. After the Inheritors are defeated and the Master Weaver is killed by Otto Octavius, Morlun, enraged, attacks Spider-Man to kill him for ruining their plans. Spider-Man created a portal to Earth-3145, then escapes thanks to Silk, who tells him that since they were bitten by the same spider she can sense him across the Multiverse. As the Spider Army rests for a few minutes, Cindy tells Peter his pheromones are arousing her, but he turns her down. After recuperating, the Spiders open a portal to Earth-982 to send Mayday home. On Loomworld, the remainder of the Spider-Army bid their goodbyes. Karn realizes someone is tampering with the Web of Life and Destiny, and they rush to the web to find Otto Octavius hacking at the Web with Morlun's dagger. When Karn shouts that he could destroy the Multiverse, Otto sneers that he's aware of his destiny and rejects his fate, revealing that he figured out that Peter is from the future. Otto battles with Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl, stating that by destroying the Web he's giving them free will. When Anya sees that there's totemic script on the dagger, Otto attempts to stab her before being punched away by Peter. Otto sneers that Peter is a coward for ganging up on him, but Peter points out that he did the same thing as the founder of the Sinister Six. Taking advantage of the distraction, Anya immobilizes Otto's arm and reads that there will always be a Master Weaver at the center of the Great Web. Silk recalls that the Inheritors referred to her as the "Spinner at the centre of the Web" and wonders if her destiny is to take the Weaver's place, while Otto again tries to stab Anya, snapping that his world needs him and that he's the greatest Spider-Man ever. Peter and Jessica knock him back, and Anya secures the dagger, reading that anyone can take the place of the current Weaver, but only death can free the Weaver from their sacred obligation. Silk, having spent most of her life trapped in one room, balks at the idea of spending the rest of eternity trapped again, and Karn commiserates with her. As Peter and the other Spiders fight Otto, Karn notices a slot that fits the prongs of the spear he made as a child, which acts as a key to open the mechanism. When Silk asked how he could possibly be in two places at once, Karn states that the flow of time differs in Earth-001, using the coexistence of Peter Parker and Otto Octavius as an example. When Anya states that only a Spider Totem should be able to repair the web, Karn states that he's consumed enough Totems for their essence to enable him to take the Weaver's place, donning the Weaver's mask and stating that this shall be his penance and hopefully salvation. Peter defeats Otto, who feigns surrender but puts Anna on a 100 day standby. Anya asks Karn if he can repair the damage done by the Inheritors and Otto, and Karn states that in time he can fix the Web, but that in the meantime all the Spiders' connections to it will be diminished, weakening their Spider-Senses. As Karn prepares to return him to the past, Otto swears revenge on him, which Karn dryly retorts that he already got by killing his future self. As Otto swears that he'll find a way to survive, Peter shoves him through the portal and he reappears in the aftermath of the chronoton implosion that time-displaced him in the first place, his memory of the recent events erased. Karn remarks that weaving and repairing the Great Web is new to him, but that the existence of Earth-616 has been stabilized. However, he is unable to open a portal to Spider-UK's dimension, Earth-833, discovering that it was somehow destroyed. Spider-UK reveals that Incursions between dimensions have been erasing entire realities, including his own, and laments that he wasn't able to help his fellow corpsmen face the danger. The Earth-616 Spiders console him, reminding him that without his efforts they wouldn't have stood a chance against the Inheritors. Silk asks if the Inheritors will be able to survive on Earth-3145 without draining the essence of Spider-Totems, and Karn remarks that his family can subsist off the life force of any animal, and that Earth-3145 is teeming with mutant spiders for them to feed off of. When the main spiders of Earth-616 return home, Silk realized that they had been gone for days and hopes the Fact Channel hasn't fired her. Jessica remarks that, as his own boss, Peter doesn't need to worry about such things. Peter corrects her, stating that for a long time he didn't feel ready to run his own company, but that after leading the Spider-Army he feels ready for anything. After the battle with the Inheritors, she is currently focused on finding her parents with the resources of the Fact Channel News, while beginning a career of crime-fighting but finds that their records had been erased. She then goes to her old neighborhood and runs into her high school boyfriend, who is now engaged. Unknown to Silk during all this, two mysterious figures are watching her every time she is in the bunker. +This superhero's name is Silver Banshee (CW). Their real name is Siobhan Smythe. Siobhan Smythe is the former second assistant of Cat Grant at CatCo Worldwide Media. After Kara Danvers outed her plan to offer information on Supergirl to the Daily Planet, she was fired by Cat. Soon afterward, Siobhan discovered that a family curse gave her the power of a sonic scream and became a criminal, calling herself Silver Banshee. +This superhero's name is Silver Banshee. Their real name is Siobhan McDougal. Siobhan McDougal was the first-born child of Garrett McDougal, the patriarch of an old Gaelic clan that has occupied an island midway between Scotland and Ireland for a thousand generations. On that island is Castle Broen, where first-born McDougals undergo a ritual to prove themselves worthy to lead the clan. When Siobhan was young, she traveled the world, only returning to Castle Broen when she heard of her father's death. Her uncle Seamus determined that no woman would lead the clan and intended her brother Bevan to become the new patriarch. She went ahead with the family ritual by herself, which involved calling on supernatural forces for power. She was interrupted by Bevan, and the distraction proved disastrous as she was dragged away into an infernal netherworld. An entity called "the Crone" granted her powers and the ability to return to Earth as the Silver Banshee, but demanded payment in the form of an occult book that belonged to her father. She found that her father's book collection had been shipped off for sale in the United States. Her quest brought her to Metropolis. Killing anyone that stood in the way of her search attracted the attention of Superman, who was able to defeat her when he realised that she could only kill a person once as she turned away from someone who resembled a previous victim; by faking his death, Superman was able to enlist the Martian Manhunter to attack Banshee by posing as Superman's ghost. Unable to defeat Superman, she chose to retreat and continue her mission at a later date. +This superhero's name is Silver Samurai (FOX). Their real name is Ichirō Yashida. During the Nagasaki bombing in 1945, Yashida's life was saved by Logan. In return for his actions, Yashida wanted to give Logan his sword, Danzan (Separator in Japanese). Logan refuses, but states that he would one day return for it. After the war, Yashida established the Yashida Corporation, which would become a power technology conglomerate. Additionally, following his encounter with Logan, Yashida became obsessed with both mutants in general and Logan's healing abilities in particular, and branched into exploring forms of genetic science to extrapolate mutations. This led him to develop a genetic manipulation device capable of removing mutations and transferring them from one body to another. In the last years of his life, he began stockpiling adamantium at his research facility in northern Japan. Realizing his life was drawing to a close, Yashida sent his foster granddaughter Yukio to find Logan so that he could properly bid him farewell. Not too long before, Yashida went to America to receive treatment, where he met Dr. Green, whom he hired as his oncologist. When Logan arrived in Japan, Yashida offered to take Logan's immortality away from him through his genetic manipulation device, and pass it into his own body, as he feared for the safety of Mariko, his granddaughter. Logan refused, and was injected with a robotic parasite by Viper. Later that night, Yashida dies, which shocks Yukio as she was unable to predict his death using her precognitive abilities. At the funeral the following day, Yukio comments that the Yashida family's Silver Samurai armor would stand over Ichirō forever. The Yakuza then disrupt the proceedings and attempt to capture Mariko. It was later revealed that Yashida faked his death and was using the Silver Samurai armor to keep himself alive, which explains why he had been stockpiling adamantium. He battles Wolverine, cuts off his adamantium claws, and started to then extract his immortality. Short of having eternal life, he was stopped by his granddaughter Mariko Yashida. He tries to stop her by reminding he is her grandfather, but she replies she buried her grandfather. He was then confronted by Wolverine who tells him "You asked me to come say goodbye. Sayōnara!". He was finally killed after taking two deep stabs in the chest by Wolverine's bone claws, and tossed overboard in the river from below. +This superhero's name is Silver Surfer. Their real name is Norrin Radd. Norrin Radd - former herald of Galactus, omnipotent devourer of worlds. Radd offered his life to protect his planet of birth, Zenn La, from the insatiable hunger of mighty Galactus. Galactus accepted Radd's offer and imbued him with a infinitesmal fraction of his Power Cosmic. Galactus transformed Radd's flesh into a virtually indestructable metallic substance and created a silver 'surfboard' which he would use to travel across the cosmos in search for planets. When the Surfer first visited Earth in the servitude of Galactus he encountered the Fantastic Four and Uatu the Watcher. His subsequent meeting with the blind sculptress, Alicia Masters, forced him to rediscover his lost humanity. Because of this rekindled conscience the Surfer chose to betray Galactus in order to save these savage humans, people in who he now saw so much potential, from Galactus' hunger. The Surfer did the unthinkable and engaged his all powerful master in direct conflict! The Surfer knew engaging Galactus in conflict meant certain death but he felt he had found something to fight for, something worth dying for. Although he was powerless to stop his former master he was able to buy the Watcher and Fantastic Four the time they needed to steal the Ultimate Nullifier from Galactus' Worldship. (The Ultimate Nullifier is a weapon capable of destroying even Galactus) Reed Richards, with the Ultimate Nullifier in hand, forced Galactus to retreat and thus spare the earth. As punishment for his betrayal, Galactus erected a barrier around the earth that kept the Surfer exiled from the spaceways he so loved. Years later, thanks to an offhand remark by Benjamin Grimm, (The Thing) the Surfer discovered that it was his board that triggered Galactus' barrier. With this knowledge the Surfer escaped the barrier and sought out Galactus. In exchange for saving the life of Galactus' current herald, Nova, Galactus removed the barrier around the earth and the Surfer was finally free from the yolk of Galactus. The Silver Surfer now soars the spaceways using his Power Cosmic to help atone for the sins he feels he committed in the service of Galactus. +This superhero's name is Silverclaw. Their real name is Maria de Guadalupe Santiago. The Kamekeri are a small South American tribe located in Costa Verde. Originally part of the Tahuantinsuyu, they worshipped both the Incan and their own local gods until missionaries convinced them to reject their old beliefs for modern ways. However, Peliali, the Volcano Goddess, swore never to leave her home or her people. Though the Kamekeri kept in touch with the outside world the Costa Verde government officially learned of their existence only recently. Years ago Jamie Santiago returned from one of many journeys into the Andes with an infant girl he claimed was his by Peliali. Revealed as a shape-shifter at her christening, Lupe grew up teased by other children. When her father died, Lupe was taken in by the Church orphanage, despite their misgivings about her “ungodly” powers. When a TV ad brought the orphanage a letter from Edwin Jarvis they decided to make Lupe his sponsor, believing that his connections to Iron Man might be able to help her someday. Lupe began a correspondence with Jarvis that lasted several years, though not revealing her birthright. Agents of Moses Magnum learned of her powers while traveling to America and forced her to fight the Avengers while they stole a seismic cannon being shipped through JFK Airport. Lupe cooperated on the condition that no hostages or bystanders were killed. Once Magnum Force escaped, Lupe, now called Silverclaw, helped the Avengers retrieve the cannon. Lupe attended college classes until a telegram warned her of an old Costa Verde prophecy coming true. Once Silverclaw and the Avengers arrived they discovered that sorcerer Kulan Gath had transformed the Kamekeri into Hyborian Era (circa 10,000 B.C.) versions of themselves and was intending to sacrifice Peliali in order to attain godhood and destroy the Earth. The Avengers were able to distract Gath long enough for Silverclaw to channel the belief of the Kamekeri into Peliali allowing her to escape and leaving Gath to the mercy of his demonic masters. Now an Avenger reservist, Silverclaw continued her studies while helping out against such foes as Ronan the Accuser, a homunculus of Estaban De Ablo, and Kang. When the Avengers helped Mantis save her son Sequoia from one of the Thanosi (renegade Thanos duplicates), Silverclaw was attracted to the extra-dimensional Haywire, but his obsession with reviving his dead girlfriend Inertia ultimately destroyed him. Silverclaw also aided the Avengers when an extra-dimensional madman tried to merge their universe with his own and when an insane Scarlet Witch attempted to destroy the Avengers. +This superhero's name is Sinestro. Their real name is Thaal Sinestro. While living on his home world of Korugar, Sinestro was visited by Jewelius Blak, a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Jewelius chose Sinestro has her new apprentice. When Blak became incapacitated, Sinestro was contacted by the Guardians of the Universe to become a full time member of the Corps. Over the years, his sector became known as the most orderly slice of the universe, bringing great renown to Sinestro. After Hal Jordan was accepted into the Corps, Sinestro was asked to help train him, and they became fast friends. But when Hal discovered that Sinestro's peace-keeping methods bordered on fascism, Jordan exposed him to the Guardians, and he was thrown out of the Corps and exiled to the Anti-Matter Universe. The reverse-guardians of the Anti-Matter Universe, the Weaponers of Qward, gave Sinestro a yellow ring with which to terrorize the Green Lantern Corps, thus avenging himself upon them. However, he was thwarted again and again by Jordan and eventually imprisoned within the Central Power Battery on Oa. There, he discovered another prisoner of the great lanterns: a creature called Parallax, who had been there for millenia. Parallax was a being of pure fear that was responsible for the yellow impurity in green rings. Sinestro awoke this creature and helped it possess his nemesis Hal Jordan, faked his own death, and, in doing so, turned Jordan into the renegade he himself once was. For years, he laid low in the Anti-Matter universe, perpetuating the rumor that he was, in fact, dead. But once the truth about Parallax was discovered by Kyle Rayner, Sinestro returned, battled the newly-freed Jordan and again swore revenge upon his defeat. This time, his revenge is in the form of the Sinestro Corps, an immense army of yellow-ringed fear-mongers who are currently wreaking havoc upon the positive universe and killing dozens of Green Lanterns. Sinestro's first plan was to find a new host for Parallax. He chose Kyle Rayner and set up a scheme to break his will. First, he had Despotellis, the sentient virus, infect Kyle's mother and then he had the crazed villain Alex Nero seemingly replace Kyle Rayner. Sinesto's plan worked, when he captured Kyle and brought him to Qward, he extracted the Ion entity from him and then replaced it with Parallax. Kyle became the new Parallax. Sinestro sent his new Corps to Oa where they killed dozens of Green Lanterns and released many prisoners including Superman-Prime and Hank Henshaw, the Cyborg Superman. Sinestro recruited these two into his ranks and they along with Sinestro and Parallax became the Heralds of the Anti-Monitor.Tthe Sinestro Corps' guardian, the Anti-Monitor, sought to destroy the positive matter universe and saw the Sinestro Corps as his means to achieve that end. Sinestro went to his home planet of Korugar and defeated that sector's Green Lantern, Soranik Natu. He arrived back on Qward to find Parallax and members of the Sinestro Corps fighting Hal Jordan and other Green Lanterns. The Green Lanterns escaped and managed to save Ion. Sinestro knew it was time for his main attack. He gathered his Corps and went to Earth, the center of the Multiverse. The Sinestro Corps battled the Green Lantern Corps and Earth's heroes in New York while Sinestro led a wave of his troops, including Amon Sur down to Coast City where Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner, now free from Parallax, engaged them in battle. Sinestro drained the two Green Lanterns powers using Manhunters and Hal countered by doing the exact same thing to Sinestro. The three warriors began a fist fight on the rooftops of Coast City. Sinestro couldn't handle both of them and was arrested. His Corps retreated and he was brought to Oa. Sinestro revealed that this was all just a plan so that the Guardians would enable lethal force and the Green Lanterns would become feared. Hal didn't believe him but Sinestro claimed victory. Hal regretfully told his old mentor that he was to be executed for his crimes. However, even though Sinestro was imprisoned and had received a death sentence, no execution date was set for Sinestro. Atrocitus, Abin Sur's murderer and founder/leader of the newly formed Red Lanterns, had also become fixated on ending Sinestro's life. The guardians ordered for Sinestro to be taken back to Korugar for his execution, but a group of Sinestro Corps members intercepted Sinestro's escort and began an attempt to free him. The escape is thwarted when Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns show up and begin to attack both sides. In the midst of the battle, a Blue Lantern named Saint Walker appeared and told Hal Jordan that Sinestro's survival is crucial in order to stop The Blackest Night. Sinestro is then taken by the Red Lanterns to Ysmault, Atrocitus's home world and Red Lantern "headquarters". Sinestro is nailed to a cross to await his execution at the hands of Atrocitus. Atrocitus intends to make Sinestro suffer greatly by taking his revenge on everything Sinestro has ever cared about, including Sinestro's home planet of Korugar, and Sinestro's previously hidden daughter. Sinestro is also used by Atrocitus as a trap to lure in Hal Jordan and the Blue Lanterns that are with him to the Red Lanterns. Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns then ambush Hal and the Blue Lanterns as they arrive, giving Sinestro and his Corps a much needed diversion to break free. As Hal is trying to talk sense into the Red Lantern Laira to hopefully save her from the negative effects of the Red Lantern ring she is wearing, Sinestro kills her with a blast through the chest. Laira's death then makes Hal so consumed with rage that he is chosen by Laira's then departing Red Lantern ring and becomes a Red Lantern. Due to the effects of the Red Lanterns ring, Hal begins to go berserk and attempts to kill Sinestro himself. Saint Walker, the Blue Lantern who told Hal that Sinestro was crucial for ending the Blackest Night, intervenes and puts an end to Hal's rampage by placing a Blue Lantern ring on Hal's hand over the Red Lantern ring. This destroys the Red Lantern ring and makes Hal a "hybrid" Green/Blue Lantern and saves Sinestro from Hal's rage. Sinestro then escapes the planet with his Sinestro Corps and must head back to his home world, Korugar, to see to some family business. After Sinestro finally reaches his home world of Korugar and rapidly incapacitates Green Lantern Princess Iolande, he confronts Soranik Natu and reveals that he is her biological father. Sinestro begins to tell Soranik about how his wife took Soranik and left him as he began his rise to power on Korugar. He was eventually able to locate his daughter and give her the mark on her face, his family's coat of arms, along with a micro transmitter device so he could always locate her. He visited Soranik throughout her life using his ring to alter his appearance and he once even took a picture of her and her new family, the Natu's, at her medical school graduation. Sinestro then says that he's proud of her for succeeding where he could not, most notably bringing order to Korugar peacefully as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. He then tells her that they must work together to stop the Blackest Night. After leaving Korugar, Sinestro traveled to visit the grave of his former friend Abin Sur, and then made plans to lead an assault on the homeworld of the Star Sapphire Corps. Upon arriving, he first encountered Carol Ferris. He asked her why she was there, as she and Hal Jordan never fully formed a partnership for any meaningful amount of time. While Sinestro holds no ill will towards Carol and only wished to free his Corpswomen from Zamaron, he warned Carol that he would hurt her if she stood in his way. Carol then encased Sinestro in a crystal structure, forcing him to relive the death of his love, Arin Sur (Abin Sur's sister). Angered by this, Sinestro bursted free, staggering Carol enough for his Corpsmen to seize her. However, before he could capitalize on the advantage, the Black Lanterns invaded, led by Amon Sur, shocking both Sinestro and Carol. Hal Jordan and Indigo then appeared, initially fighting off some of the Black Lanterns. Indigo teleported the group to Korugar, so that Sinestro could finally confront the usurper Mongul. Sinestro�after some initial difficulty�defeated Mongul by overriding his rings, and imprisoned him within the Yellow Central Battery. Sinestro vowed to keep Mongul alive (and torture him), then kill him when the Blackest Night is over. He also proclaimed himself to be "leading this coalition" against the Black Lanterns. The Sinestro Corps' celebration was cut short when a ship crashlanded nearby, containing Abin and Arin Sur (who were now Black Lanterns). The Black Lanterns attacked, with the corpse of Arin choosing to fight (and emotionally manipulate) Sinestro. At one point, the corpse even altered itself to look more like a living person, and addressed Sinestro by his full name. Just then, Hal, Abin, and Carol burst through the streets to where the others are; with all four in place, they destroyed Abin and Arin's rings. Afterwards, Hal and Sinestro debated whether to contact the Blue or Red Lanterns, respectively. Then Hal, after asserting himself�instead of Sinestro�as leader of the coalition, made the decision himself. Sinestro relented, told his Corps that there is a temporary truce with the GLC, and traveled with the others to Odym. After gathering the other Corps leaders, Sinestro and the others followed the Black Lantern battery to Earth, where Nekron had already risen. Under Indigo's direction, they combined their lights, thinking it would destroy the Black Lanterns' source of power, only for it to be strengthened. In an attempt to bolster their ranks, Ganthet duplicated the corps leaders' rings, having them seek out candidates to deputize. Sinestro's ring chose the self-proclaimed master of fear - Johnathan Crane aka The Scarecrow. The Black Lantern Spectre then attacked the group. In order to defeat it, Hal released Parallax from its prison, intending to let it possess him again. Sinestro offered to join with Parallax instead, but was rebuffed. +This superhero's name is Siren II. Their real name is La Sirene la Bailene. Siren is a mermaid and a foe of the Teen Titans and Young Justice. She fought the Titans several times and hypnotized Tempest into during her evil work for a short time until the Titans unhypnotized him. She later joined the Anti-Titans group ,Tartarus led by Vandal Savage. After Tartarus Disbanded she was later seen alongside other villains fighting Young Justice. In Zandia She fought Lagoon Boy for a long time after that she hypnotize him and promising to make him from a boy to a man but, before she can do so she is stopped by Jayna, of the Wonder Twins. After That she is seen in Infinite Crisis in which she joined the Secret Society Of Super Villains. +This superhero's name is Sirius Black. Their real name is Sirius Black. Sirius Black was born in 1960. He went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding in 1971 at the age of 11. Sirius quickly befriended James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Together they were The Marauders. They were all out into Gryffindor. James and Sirius bullied Severus Snape for all 7 years. Voldemort killed James Potter and Lily Evans. Sirius was framed by Peter Pettigrew. He was sent to Azkaban for 12 years. When he escaped, he went into hiding. Three years after, he was killed in a duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. +This superhero's name is Siryn. Their real name is Theresa Rourke Cassidy. +This superhero's name is Skaar. Their real name is . While on the planet of Sakaar the Green Scar along with his Warbound Warriors defeated the Red King, Prince Angmo II. The Green Scar then became ruler of the planet. He later took the Shadow woman Caiera the Oldstrong as his queen. Not long after their nuptials of marriage, Caiera became pregnant. It was believed that her child was never to have the blessing of life. He was born when mother, Caiera the Oldstrong, was incinerated in the blasts that destroyed Crown City, along with most of the inhabitants of Sakaar, it was assumed that both of them lost their lives in this massive explosion. However, his existence is unknown to his father, by some unknown phenomenon, her child rose from the ashes of the charred planet. He was christened with the name of Skaar, and the title Son of Sakaar. The Son of the Hulk has survived the monsters and Wildebots of the radioactive swamps, then defeated the barbarian general Axeman Bone of the Fillians. Not long after the defeat of the Axeman Bone, Skaar locked horns with the warrior Princess Omaka. The Princess and Skaar joined forces to defend Sakaar’s refugees from the invading barbarians. Hailed as a savior, Skaar walked the Prophet's Walk through the Great Desert of Sakaar. Once in the shadow of the holy stone, he claimed his birthright of the Old Power promised by Old Sam of the Clear-Eye Shadow. Skaar's ascension to his birthright was spoiled when the hidden technology Old Sam, sought to use to awaken the Old Power within Skaar was cannibalized by the Wildebots. However, there stood a chance that the power would awaken on its own. Before this mystery could unravel, however, the holy rock was destroyed by Hiro-Amin, the Axman's Blind Shadow Priest. His attack was blistering with amazing new strength promising nothing but destruction for Skaar and the refugees. Unbeknownst to all present, Old Sam had once tried to train Hiro-Amin to control the Old Power, but he lacked the discipline and skill to master the secret power of the Shadow People. Skaar was able to defeat Hiro-Amin by separating him form the planet - thereby decreasing his power. After seeing the might of the Old Power, Skaar is now seeking to master the Old Power. +This superhero's name is Skales Jr. Their real name is Skales Jr. The only son of Skales and Selma, Skales Jr. was born sometime after the Serpentine became trapped in the tomb of the Stone Army. +This superhero's name is Skales. Their real name is Skales. Skales was among the Hypnobrai when their tomb was opened by Lloyd Garmadon. To his dismay, General Slithraa ordered them to obey the young human, which ended up with the Serpentine raiding Jamanakai Village for candy. Skales protested that the attack was a waste of their talents, but Slithraa—having accidentally hypnotized himself while attempting to hypnotize Lloyd—kept him in line. When the Ninja attacked, Skales tried to hypnotize Cole, only to be interrupted by Nya attacking him. The snakes were eventually forced to retreat when the Ninja stole the Hypnobrai Staff from Slithraa, but Skales had secretly retained control over Cole, allowing him to spy on the Ninja. As he schemed, Skales maintained a facade of loyalty to Slithraa, but continued to question the competence of Lloyd. In private, Mezmo demanded to know why Skales refused to confront Slithraa directly, but Skales assured his subordinate that he had a plan that would be sprung when the time was right. +This superhero's name is Skalidor. Their real name is Skalidor. During the first Serpentine War, Skalidor attacked Jamanakai Village with the other Serpentine, though was repelled by the Elemental Alliance. Near the war's end, he and the other Constrictai were sealed away in a tomb by the Elemental Masters using a Sacred Flute. +This superhero's name is Skeletor. Their real name is Keldor. The brother of King Randor, Keldor mysteriously vanished after dwelling too deep into the ways of black magic. Returning as the evil Skeletor, his quest is to control the mystic powers of Castle Grayskull and conquer the planet Eternia and eventually the universe, but he will always be opposed by He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. +This superhero's name is Skids. Their real name is Sally Blevins. Sally's powers manifested as she was being abused by her father. Running away and finding refuge with the Morlocks, she was eventually taken in by X-Factor. Under the guise of the X-Terminators, Skids and other young mutants fought the demon N'astirh during the 'Inferno'. Afterwards she joined the New Mutants and started dating Rusty Collins. Both her and Rusty were captured by the Mutant Liberation Front and brainwashed. Magneto eventually broke them free of their mind control, with the teenagers subsequently joining his Acolytes. Holocaust killed Rusty during his attack on Avalon, the Acolyte space station headquarters, and the following battle with Exodus sent the station plummeting to Earth. Jean Grey was able to magnify Skid's field so they saftely returned to Earth without burning to death upon reentry. Sally recovered at the X-Mansion and soon began studying biology in college. She briefly reunited with her teammates when X-Force needed a place to crash. At the request of Sunspot, Skids joined X-Corporation Los Angeles and was drawn into a fight with telepath Elias Bogan by Storm's X-Men squad. +This superhero's name is Slapstick. Their real name is Steve Harmon. Slapstick has fought foes such as the Nuclear Bum and Overkill alongside other heroes like Spider-Man. +This superhero's name is Slenderman. Their real name is The Slender Man. The Slender Man has no specifically confirmed history, but contributors to the mythos placed early sightings of Slender Man-like beings in Germany in the early 1600s and before. Historically, the entity often took the appearance of a knight or a noble figure. Germanic myths and fairy tales have been cited as containing Slender Man-like creatures as cautionary tales for children. Photographs from the early 1900s are the first confirmed reports, where images of the Slender Man can be found in old photographs. Reports from this time indicate sightings in America, the UK, and Russia, usually connected to reports of child disappearances. In the mid-1900s, several run-ins occurred in the war zones in Germany, which is theorized to be the Slender Man's native land. Soldiers were the primary targets here. In America and Canada, there were reports of missing skiers and children, mainly coming from forested and unoccupied areas. He is also held responsible for several strings of buildings burning with no apparent cause, and multiple related deaths. The few survivors of Slender Man attacks, along with accounts left by victims, show the following historic traits: The Slender Man originally killed its victims by impaling them on the branches of very tall trees and allowing them to bleed to death. The victim’s organs would be individually removed and placed in plastic bags, which were then returned to their original positions in the body. The victims' corpses did not show any sign of a struggle. However, as time went on, it seems that Slender Man abandoned this practice. In the late 1990s, the more common use of cameras and camcorders allowed technology to shed more light on the creature, and the Slender Man was recorded and photographed stalking potential victims many times. In the late 2000s to early 2010s, several individuals recorded ongoing stalking and attack scenarios with themselves and friends. These video accounts are codenamed Marble Hornets, EverymanHYBRID, DarkHarvest00, MLAndersen0, and TribeTwelve, as well as certain Rivn videos. New accounts of the Slender Man's powers, abilities, and attacks show some drastic differences from his original behaviors. Gone is the original desire to impale targets on trees, his overtly aggressive attitude, and the tendency to target mainly children. He now appears to target people who encountered him as children, often stalking them for years. It does so in such a way that the target is often unaware of his presence for months, years, or even decades. Typically, the victim won't be aware of its attention until far too late. Because of the somewhat contagious nature of Slender Man’s attacks, an initial victim may not even be aware that they are causing others to be targeted, since they may not know that he is stalking them. The Slender Man’s stalking behavior is remarkably passive. He torments an individual by repeatedly appearing and vanishing – usually without harming the victim in any physical way. He invades the mental safety of his prey by appearing inside their house, outside their home, on roads they travel, at their place of work when they are alone or ensuring only the victim can see him, or while the target is sleeping. The sporadic and unexpected nature of these manifestations causes fear and unease, which eventually can grow into incredible paranoia. This period of stalking can last anywhere from several minutes to decades. The longer Slender Man stalks a victim, the greater strain on their mental health, which may be one of his goals. Prolonged stalking causes what has been named “Slender Sickness,” which is both a mental and physical ailment and can cause paranoia, nightmares, coughing and difficulty swallowing, convulsions, exhaustion, vomiting, hallucinations, etc. The physical symptoms naturally affect an individual’s mental health, but it is believed that Slender Man exerts a direct effect on the mind as well. However, this phenomenon and Slender Man’s control over it have yet to be fully explained. As mentioned, the behavior of taking organs out or impaling targets appears to have been abandoned. If reports of Slender Man’s new modus operandi are to be believed, it now vanishes with his targets, leaving no traces behind. Victims are usually alone when they vanish, leaving no witnesses. What little camera footage has been found is incredibly distorted and it is nearly impossible to even theorize as to what they depict. The victims are almost never found, dead or alive, and it has been speculated that perhaps he does not kill victims immediately. One of the most powerful new traits Slender Man exhibits is some form of memory inhibition. Like Slender Sickness, this effect can be caused simply by proximity, although it seems to vary as to exactly how powerful. In some cases, individuals will forget the past few minutes, but extended contact has led to people awakening in locations they are unfamiliar with, with no memory of how they got there. In some cases, it is believed Slender Man itself will deposit a victim in an unknown location and leave them to awaken after an attack (possibly to continue stalking them further.) Victims who are stalked by The Slender Man for extended periods show excessive damage to their social life, physical health, and even their careers. Typically individuals will show massive mood swings and constant irritation, lose track of large periods of time, and have difficulty maintain communication with friends or holding down steady work. Memory losses can be as long as several weeks or months, and often an individual awakens and attempts to return to their life only to find it ruined. These patterns are possible indications that The Slender Man has at least some indication that he has knowledge and experience with how the human mind works and reacts to various stimuli. It is possible that he exploits this deliberately. Abandoning its more blunt tactics of impaling and gutting its victims, it is possible he has moved to more subtle forms of attack, such as invading their mind, surroundings, and thus eliminating any feeling of safety and driving them to insanity in a slow torment. +This superhero's name is Snake-Eyes. Their real name is . Snake-Eyes is a Xantharian Boulder-Crusher (an enormous snake) with the ability to place people in a deep rest with his eye beams. Snake-Eyes was a member of the Collector's assortment of collected items. When the Collector attempted to capture Marrina and Spider-Man, Snake-Eyes broke out of the ship and escaped into the ocean. After the Collector left earth, Marrina decided to track down Snake-Eyes. She tracked him to an aquarium in New York City, only to discover he had been taken back to the ocean by the young adventures, Power Pack. Together, they were able to capture Snake-Eyes in a sunken ship and then move that ship to the Arctic where Snake-Eyes entered hibernation. +This superhero's name is Snowbird. Their real name is Narya. Narya's origins trace back to ancient times when the Eskimo Gods of the North battled the mystical Great Beasts for the fate of the world. Ultimately both parties were exiled from Earth, and as such the Gods sought to create an agent to prevent the Beasts' return. To that end, Nelvanna, goddess of the Northern Lights, mated with a human. With the midwifery assistance of Sarcee mystic Michael Twoyoungmen, Nelvanna gave birth to a daughter, Narya. Twoyoungmen bound the infant to the lands of Canada, allowing her to assume human form; however, she would weaken if she left Canada's borders. Twoyoungmen raised the rapidly maturing Narya as his own daughter, and both were soon recruited into Alpha Flight as Shaman and Snowbird. Narya was given the human cover identity of RCMP Records Officer Anne McKenzie, as whom she met and fell in love with fellow officer Doug Thompson. Snowbird and her teammates protected Earth from the Great Beasts, but when Narya married Thompson and became pregnant with his child, the outraged Eskimo Gods banned her from their realm. When Narya went to the Arctic alongside Doug and Shaman to give birth, the necessary magic accidentally revived the evil Pestilence, who had lain dormant underground there. Pestilence possessed Snowbird's newborn son and aged him into an adult, intending to menace Earth with his powers of death and decay. In the ensuing battle, Thompson and the baby were killed by Pestilence, and Vindicator was forced to kill a Pestilence-possessed Snowbird. The souls of Narya, her husband, and their child were then welcomed into the Gods' realm. Snowbird's spirit occasionally returned to Earth until she was resurrected through a combination of science and magic by the terrorist organization Advanced Idea Mechanics. Rescued by Alpha Flight, she rejoined the team. +This superhero's name is Solid Snake. Their real name is David Hayter. In 1970, Solid Snake was foreseen in a prophetic vision by Elisa and Ursula as the son of Big Boss that would "save the world." In 1972, David and his twin brother Eli were born as a result of the secret government project "Les Enfants Terribles," designed to create the perfect soldier, using the genes of the "Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century" Big Boss. The twins were also to serve as an insurance policy for the Patriots, should Big Boss abandon their organization. Using the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer, eight clone embryos were created by inserting Big Boss's DNA into enucleated egg cells, donated by a healthy Japanese woman. By utilizing the Super Baby Method, the embryos were then implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother with six of the babies eventually being aborted to promote growth in the remaining two. The two clones were also modified on the genetic level, with one clone expressing Big Boss's dominant genetic traits and the other expressing Big Boss's recessive traits. Nine months later, the twins were born and would later receive the codenames of Solid Snake and Liquid Snake. Being a somatic cell clone of Big Boss, Solid Snake inherited mitochondrial DNA from the Japanese egg donor of "Les Enfants Terribles," later demonstrating some awareness of this heritage. A third clone was created afterward. Following his birth, Solid Snake was given the name David. He spent his early life being raised in the United States by a variety of foster parents. Making his way into the military, David was inducted into the Green Berets as a teen and took part in a mission to infiltrate western Iraq in 1991, during the Gulf War. During the war, some U.S. soldiers were injected with soldier genes in an attempt to replicate the results of Les Enfants Terribles, making them, and the reported "Gulf War Babies," David's siblings, in a sense. Later, David joined Big Boss's special forces unit FOXHOUND, during which time he received the codename "Solid Snake." While undergoing FOXHOUND's training regimen, he became an expert in high-altitude skydiving, linguistics, closed-circuit open-circuit combat diving, and free climbing. Big Boss personally trained him in the use of CQC and taught him the importance of having the will to survive on the battlefield. It was at FOXHOUND's training camp that he also met survival instructor Master Miller. During this time, Snake's real name and origins were classified under National Security. Outer Heaven Uprising Snake's first mission for FOXHOUND came in 1995 when he was tasked with infiltrating Outer Heaven; a military nation deep within South Africa, led by a feared and legendary mercenary. Snake was charged with rescuing Gray Fox, a FOXHOUND agent who was missing in action and shed light on the "ultimate weapon" Metal Gear, which Fox had mentioned in a broken radio message prior to his capture. Shortly after arriving in the general vicinity of Outer Heaven, he was contacted by Big Boss via his radio and was reminded to prepare himself for his first real mission for FOXHOUND. After infiltrating the fortress via an underwater insertion, he learned from the various prisoners of war after freeing them that Fox was being held in a high-level prison cell in the basement, and the only way to find him was to get himself captured. After locating Gray Fox, he learned from him that Metal Gear was a bipedal nuclear-armed tank that can launch a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world. He was then told to locate the weapon’s developer, Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar, to find a way to destroy it. With the help of resistance members Schneider, Diane, and Jennifer, Snake succeeded in rescuing Dr. Madnar and his daughter Ellen and destroyed TX-55 Metal Gear. Just as he was making his escape, Snake discovered that his mission commander, Big Boss, was secretly the leader of Outer Heaven, and was apparently confronted by the man himself within the fortress's 100th-floor basement. Snake defeated Big Boss in combat and escaped the base before its self-destruction. However, the "Big Boss" that Snake fought was actually the body double Venom Snake, while the real Big Boss fled to Central Asia. Despite his success in Outer Heaven, Snake departed FOXHOUND and entered early retirement. He also chose to abandon the CQC techniques taught to him by Big Boss, due to its association with the man who had betrayed his unit. Snake was later scouted by the CIA and spent six months as an undercover agent until he became dissatisfied with the organization and left. He then became a mercenary for hire, and after earning enough money, he went into semi-retirement in the Canadian wilderness. For the next few years, Snake experienced PTSD, caused by memories of Big Boss and Outer Heaven. Zanzibar Land Disturbance In December 1999, Snake was called upon by FOXHOUND’s new commander, Roy Campbell, for an operation into Central Asia. Apparently, a new highly militarized nation called Zanzibar Land had kidnapped Dr. Kio Marv, inventor of the oil refining microbe, OILIX. Not only that, but a new Metal Gear was believed to be under development in Zanzibar Land. Snake accepted the mission, in part to end the nightmares that he had endured since Operation Intrude N313. Snake's mission objectives were to infiltrate the seemingly impenetrable wall that surrounded Zanzibar Land and to recover Dr. Marv and the OILIX formula, as part of Operation Intrude F014. His radio support team consisted of Colonel Campbell, former FOXHOUND instructor Master Miller, and mercenary adviser George Kasler. Snake succeeded in the first task, but complications arose when one of his allies in the mission, a CIA war coverage spy named Holly White blew her cover and required rescuing. After freeing Holly, Snake learned how to contact Dr. Marv by radio, but after discovering that he could only speak Czech and Slovakian, he was forced to locate his STB bodyguard Gustava Heffner. However, the two were attacked by Snake's former comrade Gray Fox while attempting a rescue, after being betrayed by his supposed ally Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar, resulting in both Gustava and Dr. Marv's death. Despite these events, Snake succeeded in recovering the OILIX formula, utilizing the polymimetic nature of a special brooch key, bequeathed to him by Gustava on her deathbed. Deep in the heart of Zanzibar Land, Snake destroyed Metal Gear D and defeated Gray Fox, successfully thwarting the ambitions of Big Boss. As the man behind Zanzibar Land's rise to power, Big Boss returned for a final battle against his former subordinate. Snake ultimately defeated Big Boss with a makeshift flamethrower, consisting of a lighter and lacquer spray. Snake and Holly then escaped the fortress, fending off enemy troops in the jungle until they were extracted by helicopter. During the mission debriefing, Snake declined Campbell's request to rejoin FOXHOUND, stating that his nightmares were now over. Likewise, Snake also confirmed to Holly and Campbell that the cartridge he retrieved was indeed the one Marv used to store the OILIX plans, citing that Marv's signature was written backward on the MSX loading screen when used. Despite promising to have Christmas dinner with Holly following the mission, Snake stood her up and disappeared shortly afterward. Campbell also implied that this was not the first time Snake disappeared without warning. Retirement Following the conclusion of Operation Intrude F014, Snake returned to North America and retired to an Alaskan wilderness retreat, Twin Lakes. By this time, the military had deemed that Snake had committed several acts of misconduct during his career, enough for him to serve a lengthy prison sentence, should he be brought to account. Through his retirement, Snake attempted to try and forget his war-torn past and recover from PTSD, as well as come to terms with the fact that he had "killed" his own father. During this time, he began heavily drinking. He later became a dogsled racer, taking care of 50 huskies, and competed in the Iditarod. In February 2005, Snake was called back to the U.S. military when he was deployed by his former commander Roy Campbell to Shadow Moses Island. A rebellion had taken place at Shadow Moses by rogue members of FOXHOUND, who had threatened the U.S. with a nuclear strike and demanded that the remains of Big Boss be turned over to them. Unhappy at how Campbell had sent armed soldiers after him and had his personal effects confiscated, Snake reluctantly accepted the assignment on the condition that he only takes orders from Campbell, and that he be given full disclosure of all mission information. Due to his resemblance to the terrorist leader Liquid Snake, Solid Snake had his hair cut shortly before departing to Shadow Moses, to avoid being mistaken for him. Snake was charged with ascertaining their nuclear capability and rescuing their hostages: president of ArmsTech weapons manufacturer Kenneth Baker, and the DARPA Chief Donald Anderson. Snake infiltrated the base alone, but quickly gained help in the form of Metal Gear REX developer Hal Emmerich and new FOXHOUND recruit Meryl Silverburgh, Campbell's niece. Metal Gear REX was a nuclear-armed bipedal walking tank developed in secret by the U.S. Army and ArmsTech. Although he largely was in shape for the mission, he did end up exhausted after climbing the flight of stairs up to Tower A's roof, causing Campbell to briefly joke that Snake's mushing had him get out of shape. However, he ended up being tricked into activating Metal Gear due to misinformation supplied by Liquid (who had infiltrated Snake's support group by posing as Master Miller, having had him murdered three days prior). With the help of the two aforementioned, as well as his former comrade Gray Fox (now the Cyborg Ninja), Snake succeeded in destroying REX and defeating the members of FOXHOUND, including Liquid. Prior to their final battle, Liquid taunted Snake with the knowledge that he had killed many of his brothers in the Next-Generation Special Forces, who like Snake, had been experimented on to replicate Big Boss’s genes. Snake soon learned that the mission had been a cleverly woven plot, prepared by the Pentagon. Through the secret, Pentagon-guided efforts of genetic engineer Naomi Hunter, Snake's body had become host to the artificial virus FOXDIE. Snake was outraged to hear that his mission was a government conspiracy and that he was merely sent as a carrier of the virus, which was programmed to kill Baker (for knowing too much about the project), and the FOXHOUND operatives just to ensure that the bodies of the Genome Soldiers and Metal Gear REX could be recovered undamaged. He was also reminded of the possibility that he had willingly returned to the battlefield because he enjoyed war, as commented upon by Meryl, Psycho Mantis, and Liquid Snake, and echoing Big Boss's words in Zanzibar Land. Throughout the incident, Snake suspected that Campbell was concealing important information regarding the mission's true nature, although he later forgave Campbell after learning that the Pentagon had used Meryl as leverage in order to force him to cooperate with them (as they had deliberately sent Meryl to Shadow Moses the same day as the revolt). Snake also discovered that Naomi was the foster sister of Gray Fox, who desired revenge for what Snake had done to her brother and had modified the FOXDIE virus so that it would kill him in addition to FOXHOUND. However, she set the virus to a "wildcard" value, leaving him vulnerable at a later time.[36] To enable Snake some peace, Campbell reported Snake died when his jeep sank into the ocean. This cover story was short-lived, assuming it fooled anyone at all. Following the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake and Meryl disappeared after leaving the base, after Campbell faked their deaths by claiming that they had died after their jeep crashed into the ocean. Sometime later, Snake lost contact with Meryl. Because of his exploits at Shadow Moses, he also became a hero to the public, which greatly concerned the Patriots. Revolver Ocelot, the sole surviving member of FOXHOUND, reported the events on Shadow Moses to U.S. President George Sears, for whom he had acted as a spy throughout the entire incident. He informed Sears, that it was the inferior clone Solid Snake, who had survived, stating that Liquid had wrongly believed himself to be inferior right until his death. Ocelot also reported that the FOXDIE in Snake would activate soon, although Snake would ultimately remain unaffected due to differences between his and Liquid's genetic codes. Three weeks after the Shadow Moses Incident, Naomi escaped from confinement at a high-security facility during debriefing due to someone breaking her out. As Nastasha Romanenko and the U.S. Government believed Snake to have been the one who broke her out (in actuality, it was Liquid Ocelot who did the deed), the U.S. military also added Snake's supposed involvement in her escape to his rap sheet. Ocelot later sold REX's plans onto the black market, prompting Snake and Otacon to found the anti-Metal Gear NGO, Philanthropy. With the goal of eradicating all Metal Gear technology, Snake participated in investigating its development across the world, often by illegal means, which Philanthropy then exposed to the public via the Internet. His missions and activities in the group included data collection and various sabotage missions and were also extremist in nature. During one of these operations in a facility, Snake, along with Otacon, also stole Liquid Snake's corpse, which was kept in cold storage. Around 2007, Snake also began suffering the effects of accelerated aging. In August 2007, Otacon received a tip from his estranged stepsister Emma Emmerich that a new Metal Gear was being developed by the United States Marine Corps, and was being transported via a Marine vessel disguised as an oil tanker. Solid Snake would later reminisce that the intelligence had been suspicious, but Philanthropy had grown complacent due to its previous successes in sabotage. Snake boarded the tanker while en route to its destination, and quickly discovered that a group of Russian mercenaries led by Sergei Gurlukovich had their own plans for Metal Gear RAY, arriving shortly thereafter to take over the vessel. Snake soon encountered Olga Gurlukovich (Sergei’s daughter) onboard the tanker and proceeded to defeat her in a gunfight, knocking her unconscious with his modified M9 tranquilizer pistol. Snake quickly made his way into the tanker's holds and, as per his mission objectives, secured photographic evidence of the new Metal Gear. Neither he nor Otacon could have predicted the reappearance of Revolver Ocelot on the tanker, who proceeded to detonate Semtex explosives onboard the ship in order to sink it. While attempting to stop Ocelot, Snake was confronted by the spirit of his deceased brother Liquid Snake, who had apparently taken over the mind of Ocelot through an arm transplant (Liquid's arm having been grafted onto Ocelot, to replace the hand he lost at Shadow Moses). Snake's presence had seemingly released Liquid's personality, who went on to comment that he had evaded the accelerated aging that Snake was now undergoing. After Liquid escaped in the stolen RAY, Snake successfully escaped the sinking tanker and made his way the surface of the river, where he was rescued by Otacon on a small boat. The two also rescued Olga, and, taking advantage of the situation, decided to fake Snake's death by using the corpse of Liquid Snake as a decoy. Thanks to the photographs taken by a U.S. Army Cypher, the Patriots framed Solid Snake and Philanthropy in a smear campaign for the tanker sinking, simultaneously exposing them to the public and destroying their reputation. It was widely believed that Snake had been killed in the incident after Liquid's body was retrieved from the New York Harbor, its genetic similarity to Snake's providing apparent confirmation. In April 2009, Snake had received Intel that a new Metal Gear was being developed at the Big Shell offshore facility, which was occupied by the Sons of Liberty, composed of the remnants of the GRU unit and other unidentified soldiers. Feeling that he had been in hiding long enough, Snake infiltrated the Big Shell by cutting a hole into the oil fence. He later knocked out several Gurlukovich sentries in the deep sea dock, and ascended to the roof of Strut A by elevator; Raiden, who had infiltrated shortly after Snake, briefly saw him, though his back was turned. Snake later disguised himself as Lieutenant Junior Grade Iroquois Pliskin, a member of the Navy SEAL Team 10 Alpha squad. He chose the alias as a reference to "Snake Plissken" of Escape from New York, and the name of a confederacy of Native American tribes headquartered in New York (also a Huron word meaning "Black Snake"). “Pliskin” first encountered Raiden in the Strut B transformer room, which was strewn with the bodies of SEALs who had been killed by Dead Cell member Vamp. Raiden was nearly attacked by Vamp but only received a scratch from a bullet grazing his face thanks to an intervention from Pliskin. Vamp then went to attack Pliskin, but stopped short, remarking that Pliskin smelled just like "him." Raiden then picked up Pliskin's M4 carbine, which was not ID-locked like the other SEALS' weapons, and fired on Vamp to drive him off, who then left the area after being ordered to retreat. Claiming to have entered the Big Shell by a "fast rope descent from a navy chopper," Pliskin aroused Raiden’s suspicions after a sea louse crawled out of his clothes. Pliskin told Raiden about Vamp's origins, as well as Dead Cell, though he wasn't able to continue on because he needed a few moments to recover from Vamp's attack, having become disorientated from blood loss. However, he also exaggerated slightly to Raiden, as he intended to go separate ways and watch him from afar until he could gauge whether Raiden was trustworthy enough for him to ally with. Before Raiden left, Pliskin provided him with a SOCOM pistol. Pliskin later met Raiden and bomb disposal expert Peter Stillman within Strut C. Stillman provided the two with a coolant spray and sensor to disarm C4 explosives, which had been planted throughout the facility by Stillman’s former protégé Fatman of Dead Cell. Pliskin’s possession of headphones, usually worn by SEAL commanders off the battlefield, and his use of other military organizations' mottos ("Semper Fi" and "Who Dares, Wins" of the U.S. Marines and SAS, respectively), clued Stillman into the fact that Pliskin wasn’t actually a SEAL. Pliskin then left to begin his bomb disposal of Shell 2 and located: the first C4 on the Strut H heliport behind some cargo; the second C4 on the ceiling of another strut (which required him to get onto a stand to reach it with the coolant spray); the third C4 planted on the back of a Gurlukovich mercenary; the fourth C4 in an area so narrow he needed to crawl inside to reach it; and the fifth C4 that required a much closer inspection to locate. Olga Gurlukovich became alerted to Pliskin's presence aboard the Big Shell, after seeing "a man in a cardboard box." This unorthodox tactic clued Solidus Snake into Pliskin's possible identity. Raiden also briefly witnessed the same man in a cardboard box, and called Pliskin about it and inquired if the man in the cardboard box was a member of Dead Cell, unaware at the time that Pliskin had been that man in question. At some point later, Pliskin was contacted by Peter Stillman and requested that he investigate Shell 2 in case there were C4 planted that the C4 sensors couldn't pick up. Pliskin managed to stumble upon a large cache of C4 explosives that both were vapor-sealed and didn't contain any of Fatman's cologne, at the bottom of Strut H, and contacted Stillman and Raiden. However, he also ended up inadvertently activating the same C4 cache when he disarmed the last of Shell 2's decoy C4 explosives due to the same cache being rigged to activate when all of the decoy C4 were disarmed. Pliskin ended up knocked out in the resulting explosion shortly after Stillman's final message warning Pliskin and Raiden about the proximity microwave trigger with a seven-foot (two meters) radius, on the C4. He ended up surviving the blast with the help of Otacon. In addition, after Raiden questioned him about toxins being released after Shell H was heavily damaged, Pliskin revealed he never heard of that and decided to investigate, also revealing that Shell 2 did not contain any hostages, meaning they were most likely in Shell 1. He also implied that saving U.S. President James Johnson and the hostages wasn't his mission, arousing Raiden’s suspicions further. Afterward, acting on Raiden's tip, Pliskin conducted a thorough investigation of Shell 2 and managed to hijack a Kasatka helicopter, with Otacon acting as pilot. Afterward, he then briefly introduced Raiden to Otacon, via Codec, although they had to cut the meeting short when Pliskin had to fight off several Gurlukovich Mercenaries who had spotted them and attacked. Snake eventually met his genetic brother, the terrorist leader Solidus Snake, though he refused to acknowledge him as such. After aiding Raiden in his attack on Solidus’s Harrier jet on the Shell 1-2 connecting bridge, Snake revealed his true identity and mission to him, as the latter had overheard Solidus using Snake's name. He also once again met Olga and explained to her that it was, in fact, Revolver Ocelot who had killed her father Sergei. Snake later helped Raiden, Otacon and Emma install the reprogrammed computer virus, a digital counterpart of FOXDIE, into GW (Arsenal Gear's AI system), shortly before Emma died after being stabbed by Vamp. Snake worked together with Olga, using Raiden in order to gain access to Arsenal Gear and to acquire a disc that contained information on the true identities of the Patriots’ Wisemen's Committee. Once aboard Arsenal Gear, Snake gave Raiden Olga's H.F. Blade, and despite not being "a big fan of blades," he instructed Raiden on how to use it. He and Raiden then fought their way through an army of Arsenal Tengu soldiers. They were both eventually split up from one another, with Snake being captured by Fortune and brought to the top of Arsenal. Atop Arsenal, Ocelot revealed his true colors to Solidus, Fortune, Snake, and Raiden. But before he could kill them, Ocelot's right arm began to twitch, and Liquid Snake possessed him once more, revealing that he had leaked the information about Arsenal Gear to lure Snake out to the Big Shell so that Snake could "free him [Liquid]." Liquid (in Ocelot's body) then set off in RAY to kill the Patriots via his host, with Snake in pursuit. Although Snake failed to stop RAY, he placed a tracker on the Metal Gear and explained later to Raiden that his plan was for him to find the Patriots by deciphering the source code of Emma's worm cluster, admitting that the disc they gave Raiden was a decoy. He also declined Raiden's request to help Snake in Philanthropy and save Olga's child, as he suspected that even after the S3 Plan was complete, the Patriots would still monitor Raiden's vital signs and thus place Sunny in further danger of being killed should he try to help, and also hinted that Rosemary did indeed exist and that he should maintain his relationship to her before joining. He then slipped away unnoticed to Otacon's car and left, being long gone by the time Raiden remembered about Snake. However, the data recovered from Arsenal showed that all 12 members had been dead for over a hundred years, and Philanthropy had lost their only lead. However, Snake eventually deduced that the information was a fake lead (or as he put it, five years later, "a load of crap"). After the Big Shell Incident, Snake's Werner syndrome-like symptoms gradually grew worse. His body began to age rapidly, with no doctors being able to diagnose the cause. In addition, in 2011, although Snake had earlier promised Raiden that he would rescue Sunny from the Patriots, he wasn't able to get that chance and ended up receiving Sunny via Raiden (albeit covertly on the latter's part). By 2014, Otacon and the various doctors who treated Snake estimated that Snake's life span would be a year at best. Sometime prior to 2014, the Pentagon declassified documents relating to Big Boss's exploits during the 1960s, which evidently contributed greatly to his legend to the populace, and his CQC was also being taught in the military. Otacon initially believed that Snake lifted his self imposed the ban to show them how it's really done but Snake corrected him and said his body just simply reacts with the "real deal" when he sees their "cookie-cutter imitation" coming at him and adopted the use of a stun knife. It was not until 2014 that Snake, now occasionally referred to as Old Snake, resurfaced for a final time. Liquid Ocelot (a fusion of Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot) was the leader of a new Outer Heaven, this time acting as a single mother company to five of the largest PMCs on the planet. With PMCs now taking over the world's armies in terms of firepower, Liquid was finally on the verge of world domination. With the world once again in crisis, Snake was dispatched to the Middle East as a personal favor to Campbell to assassinate Liquid. In addition, he was to meet up with a PMC investigation group and was also given the cover job of inspecting PMCs. Failed assassination attempt Snake successfully made it to the PMC base that Liquid was using as his headquarters by disguising himself as a militia instructor for the militia in the region fighting off the Praying Mantis PMC, although he briefly lost the disguise after an ambush by several Gekko units, escaping with the use of his new OctoCamo suit. Snake once again met Meryl, who was now in command of the CID unit Rat Patrol Team 01. He also briefly witnessed the Beauty and the Beast unit when they wiped out a Middle Eastern militia platoon. However, he failed to assassinate Liquid in time due to the latter's sudden deactivation of the Sons of the Patriots system, which resulted in all the soldiers in the vicinity to experience mass convulsions from the sudden release of emotions, including Snake himself, although he was affected to a lesser degree. SOP was run by the Patriots with the purpose of monitoring and controlling every soldier engaged in combat action. Liquid's plan was to remove the system altogether, though his initial attempt had unforeseen consequences when it caused the PMC's Middle Eastern base to descend into chaos (although the chaos unknowingly saved him from Snake's mission to kill him). Later, Otacon received a message from Naomi Hunter, who had been there in the Middle East to save Snake when the SOP System went haywire. The message contained a distress call as well as an encrypted map of Liquid's South American base in Soliton Radar format (a sign from Naomi that it was truly from her), the location of which Olga's daughter Sunny was able to trace. In addition, he was able to arrive at Liquid's base, located in a mountainous region (implied to be the Andes) surrounded by forests, by landing at the El Dorado International Airport with the cover job of a UN inspector as well as gaining a 4x4 vehicle, driving it as close to the security perimeter as he could before sneaking into the region, due to Roy Campbell's influence. Although Snake initially was to meet up with a rebel group to aid him in getting into Liquid Ocelot's primary base, the Vista Mansion, he was forced to change plans after Laughing Octopus murdered some rebel soldiers and spared one under the condition that he does not forget "his" face (Laughing Octopus having disguised herself as Old Snake via FaceCamo at that time). Snake made it to the base where Naomi was held, and she gave him a thorough medical examination. It was during this that Snake discovered the harsh truth: his aging was not part of any external source, but the way he was designed as a clone, and also that the FOXDIE that Naomi injected him with almost a decade earlier will finally claim his life within six months. This was because the FOXDIE was also starting to mutate due to Snake's rapid aging, and would eventually lose its ability to kill by specific DNA patterns and indiscriminately infect anyone and everyone, effectively turning Snake into a walking biological weapon who could cause the deaths of millions. Because of this, he asked if killing himself would have any impact on stopping FOXDIE. Naomi confirmed this, stating that FOXDIE will also die with its host. Snake also learned from Naomi that he had a new FOXDIE strand that was injected into him recently, and immediately deduced that Drebin 893 was the one who injected it into him. After defeating Laughing Octopus of the Beauty and the Beast Unit, as well as procuring her FaceCamo, Snake escaped with Naomi with the help of Drebin 893, a "gun launderer" he had met in the Middle East. They also picked up Raiden, who was now a Cyborg Ninja. He also learned from Naomi that, despite what he and anyone else believed earlier, Solid Snake was neither a perfect clone of Big Boss nor was he genetically identical to Liquid Snake, which also explained why the previous FOXDIE virus was not able to kill him earlier. Raiden explained that he was acting under the orders of Big Mama, the leader of a small resistance group in Eastern Europe. He then disguised himself as a civilian in Eastern Europe, also putting his FaceCamo to good use by giving himself a younger look, and was tasked to meet up with a contact that Campbell supplied. However, Raven Sword anticipated this move and made sure to blacklist him if he carried the same nanomachines, which nearly resulted in his cover being blown before his contact, Meryl, managed to get him through. However, Snake and Meryl ended up getting into an argument regarding Liquid's threat level, as well as some of Snake's decisions. Snake, stalking a member of the resistance group, Paradise Lost, eventually found Big Mama, discovering she was the former Chinese spy who Big Boss had known, back when his codename was Naked Snake, as EVA. Due to her ties with Big Boss, she was able to explain most of the Patriots' history to him. She also revealed that she had Big Boss's body in her possession. After escaping an onslaught of Haven Troopers and defeating a second BB Corps member, Raging Raven, Snake found Liquid, who was in the midst of implementing the now perfected version of his plan. Taking control of the SOP system, Liquid used his now unbeatable army to kill every last soldier there, including Big Mama, save for Old Snake and the members of Rat Patrol. Luckily, in the chaos, Otacon was able to stow the Mk. II away with Naomi (who had returned to Liquid), and discovered Liquid's plan: to destroy JD and use GW to take over the Patriots AI system. As a result of the chaos in the final legs of the mission, he also received severe burns to the left side of his face. Return to Shadow Moses and infiltrating Outer Haven Knowing Liquid was planning to do this by using the only non-Patriot controlled weapon in existence - the rail gun from Metal Gear REX - Snake followed Liquid back to Shadow Moses Island. There Snake managed to defeat Vamp, BB Corps member Crying Wolf, and a Metal Gear RAY piloted by Liquid, with Snake himself piloting REX against the latter. However, he was unable to kill Liquid or stop him from stealing the rail gun in time, a prize which Liquid quickly equipped to his own recreation of Arsenal Gear, Outer Haven. Snake, Meryl and Rat Patrol team member Johnny "Akiba" Sasaki infiltrated Outer Haven from the USS Missouri, where Snake defeated the last of the BB members, Screaming Mantis, as well as finally destroying GW, the Patriots' former AI which Liquid had managed to reassemble. Unbeknownst to Snake, the FOXALIVE worm cluster that he had uploaded to GW, spread to JD and the rest of the Patriots' AIs. Atop Outer Haven, Liquid revealed to Snake that he had wanted him to succeed in uploading the worm, and thus eliminate the Patriots' control, though he was unaware that the societal collapse, which he anticipated would come about, had been averted. Snake faced his "brother" in hand-to-hand combat one last time, where it was revealed that Liquid Ocelot no longer possessed the right arm of Liquid Snake, but rather a cybernetic prosthetic instead. Snake ultimately defeated Liquid, with Ocelot's former personality temporarily reasserting control prior to his death. After performing his signature hand gesture and commenting, +This superhero's name is You're pretty good," he passed away, having succumbed to the new FOXDIE virus within Snake's body. Final encounter with Big Boss Sometime later, Snake prepared to commit suicide to prevent the spread of the mutant strain of FOXDIE. He sat in front of Big Boss's grave with his gun in his mouth but ultimately was unable to end his own life. Big Boss then appeared, returning the Patriot to the grave of The Boss and explained the full history of the Patriots from his point of view, and euthanized the now-vegetative Zero himself. He also revealed to Snake that Revolver Ocelot was never truly possessed by Liquid, but had put himself through hypnotherapy and implanted himself with nanomachines in order to make himself "believe" that he was Liquid Snake. This was done to throw off the Patriots who, being a computer program, could only repeat the same processes and would send Snake in to take down Liquid if they thought he was alive. Big Boss also revealed that when Drebin injected Snake with modern nanomachines in order to make him compatible with SOP weaponry, he also injected him with a second strain of FOXDIE, which was programmed to kill Big Mama, Liquid Ocelot, and Big Boss himself, but also supplanted the original FOXDIE; thus, Snake was no longer in danger of becoming a biological weapon. Succumbing to illness from exposure to the new FOXDIE strain, Big Boss finally made his peace with Snake and urged him to live out the rest of his days "not as a snake, but as a man." Determined to fulfill this notion, Snake decided to quit smoking and retreated with Otacon and Sunny, this time for good, to live out the remainder of his life in peace, resolving to live long enough to see what the future held for the new world he helped to create.. Their real name is Genius-Level Intellect Snake possesses an astonishingly high IQ of 180. His perceptive and crafty nature has won him battles against opponents who would otherwise overwhelm him in a battle of strength and artillery. Being known as "the Man Who Makes the Impossible Possible", Snake can destroy tanks, assault helicopters, and even Metal Gears while on foot, and has matched, outsmarted, and defeated legendary soldiers like Big Boss and his phantom, Gray Fox, Revolver Ocelot, and his twin brother, Liquid Snake. He can rapidly adapt to dangerous situations and think quickly and tactically even under pressure, defeating many opponents even with a limited arsenal, most impressively defeating Big Boss with nothing but a lighter and hairspray. [list] Multilingualism. 50 +This superhero's name is Solomon Grundy. Their real name is Cyrus Gold. Cyrus Gold (Solomon Grundy), is a Zombie supervillain who has clashed with many heroes over the years, including Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, the Justice Society of America, and the Justice League of America. Solomon Grundy frequently dies and resurrects in new incarnations, each of varying levels of strength and intelligence. Although primarily evil, some of his incarnations have shown the capacity for heroism. Cyrus Gold was born some time around the early to middle 19th Century. Although accounts of his origins differ, the tale is fairly consistent that he was a Gotham City gentleman of ill repute who came to his death in Slaughter Swamp, and resurrected some years later as a horrible creature. Stories of his origins include: The most common origin of Solomon Grundy is that in the late 19th century, a wealthy merchant named Cyrus Gold was murdered and his body disposed of in Slaughter Swamp. He was supernaturally reanimated fifty years later, where parts of his body were actually composed of swamp material. Another origin tells that in the year 1895, he was killed in Slaughter Swamp by the pimp of a prostitute. The pimp was trying to blackmail Gold by claiming that he was the father of the prostitute's unborn child. Gold refused to yield to the blackmail, and thus was bludgeoned over the head and buried in the Swamp where no one would think to look for him. Over the span of fifty years, Gold’s body interacted with the detritus and vegetation of the swamp, resulting in his resurrection. The next tale comes from the Parliament of Trees, a high council of Plant Elementals, who tried to turn him into the newest Plant Elemental. However, the process was missing one vital piece, as a Plant Elemental cannot be fully created unless it died in flames first. Since Grundy's death did not involve fire at all, the process was not complete, and he became a sort of half-functional Plant Elemental. Another possibility is given by a mysterious group called the Seven Unknown Men of Slaughter Swamp. They recount the death of a miserly pedophile, Cyrus Gold, at the hands of an enraged mob. However, they also mention that Gold could just as easily have been the innocent victim of a misunderstanding, as Slaughter Swamp is a point in space where time means nothing. The same Unknown Man who tells the tale, punishes another of his group, the Eighth Man: Zor, by dressing him in Cyrus Gold's clothing and leaving him for the mob to find, implying that Zor (an extremely vain character, notable for attempting several times to overthrow the Universe and for having defeated the Spectre) would later become the first Solomon Grundy. In the original Multiverse Solomon Grundy existed on Earth-Two, home of the Justice Society and the All-Star Squadron. Cyrus Gold's corpse was first reanimated in 1944, as a huge shambling figure with almost no memory of its past life. Gold murdered two escaped criminals who were hiding out in the marsh and stole their clothes. He showed up in a hobo camp and when asked about his name, one of the few things he could recall was that he was "born on a Monday." One of the men at the camp mentioned the nursery rhyme character Solomon Grundy, and Gold adopted the moniker. Strong, vicious, and nearly mindless, Solomon Grundy fell into a life of crime — or perhaps returned to one, according to his scattered residual memories — attracting the attention of the Green Lantern. Grundy proved to be a difficult opponent, unkillable (since he was already dead) and with an inherent resistance to Scott's powers (which could not affect wood, a substance of which Grundy's reassembled body was now largely composed). Their first fight ended when Grundy was hurled under a train. The third battle with Grundy involved Green Lantern and his fellow members of the Justice Society of America tracking him across the country, depositing Grundy on the moon once he was defeated. A subsequent battle between the two ended up with Lantern burying Grundy in 1947. At this point, he was pulled back to 1941 by the time-traveling criminal Per Degaton, who had enlisted the aid of several super-villains to capture the Justice Society of America on December 7, 1941 (the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor). The All-Star Squadron came to their rescue, and Grundy was then thrust back to the moon where he remained for over two decades. Grundy eventually mastered the use of the stored up emerald energy he had absorbed over the years from the many battles with his arch-foe, and returned to Earth to battle Green Lantern, along with Hourman and Doctor Fate. At this point, he had temporary mastery over all wooden objects, though he subsequently lost this power with his next death. He was briefly a member of the Injustice Society of the World, a group of villains banded together to fight the Justice Society. In the interim, he had battled the combined might of both the Justice Society, and later their counterparts the Justice League, nearly to a standstill, though he was eventually defeated again. Grundy went on to clash with Green Lantern and his teammates again, including the Huntress, the first female for whom he developed an affection. After Solomon Grundy was rescued from a glacier by Alan Scott's daughter, Jade, Grundy became loyal to her and for a while joined Infinity, Inc., a team of younger superheroes. Eventually, this affectionate relationship turned to tragedy as the villainous Harlequin, Marcie Cooper of the Dummy's Injustice Unlimited, used her illusion powers to disguise herself as Jade. Harlequin manipulated Grundy to attack the members of Infinity Inc. one by one. She convinced him to press the unconscious Mister Bones's bare hand against Skyman; since Bones's skin constantly exudes a cyanide-based compound, this quickly led to Skyman's death. This was the beginning of the end for Infinity Inc. and for Grundy's quasi-heroic career. Solomon Grundy consistently haunts Gotham City, and has been known to take residence in the Gotham sewer system. In the early years, his primary enemy was Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, though he also fought Batman as well. During The Long Halloween, he struck up an odd kinship with Harvey Dent, as Dent was on the path to becoming Two-Face. Grundy even joined Dent's team of "costumed freaks" that was responsible for the deaths of Gotham city crime lords such as Carmine Falcone and his successor Sofia. Grundy's appearances were not limited to Gotham, however. He fought Superman several times in Metropolis. For a time, a new innocent, child-like Grundy lurked in the sewers of Opal City, where he was befriended by Starman Jack Knight, who affectionately referred to him as Solly. Solly also became friends with Starman Mikaal Tomas, and sacrificed himself to save Mikaal from being crushed by a collapsing building. This left Grundy in critical condition. In return for his sacrifice (as well as trying to stop the old Grundy from reemerging), Jack and Ted Knight and Alan Scott enlisted the aid of the Floronic Man, who like Grundy was a creature of The Green, to try and save his life. Woodrue was accompanied by Batman, and had them all eat seeds, allowing them to enter the consciousness of Grundy in order to pull out the Solly aspect of Grundy's personality, rather than one of Grundy's evil versions. Unfortunately the bad aspects of Grundy were too overwhelming and the Solly version couldn't be saved. When the heroes returned to the normal world, Grundy disappeared. Grundy's next appearance saw the return of his malicious persona, where he was found by Jack Knight on a strange blue planet, apparently having landed there when he was cast into orbit by Alan Scott and Dr. Fate in the 40's. The crash on the planet killed him, apparently allowing him to resurrect with a different body on Earth. This suggests that Grundy's consciousness may be able to inhabit multiple bodies, though only one at a time. This new Grundy had a much higher intelligence than normal, but claimed to have no knowledge of Jack Knight or his previous exploits on earth since he was cast into orbit. This version of Grundy was summarily destroyed. Mikaal Tomas was the next to battle Grundy. This Grundy displayed an average intelligence and was once again malicious. However, when as assassin (Frankie Soul) tried to take out Mikaal with a sniper rifle, Grundy sensed the coming shot and stepped in front of it, sacrificing himself once again to save Mikaal. With his dying words Grundy claimed that this was not a result of the Solly personality reemerging, but was unable to explain why he had done it. Grundy next joined the new Injustice Society, led by Johnny Sorrow and fought the JSA once again. During the Joker's Last Laugh, Grundy was jokerized and fought the JSA again. It is known that Grundy hid out for a time in the Arrowcave, the long abandoned former headquarters of the Green Arrow. While searching for artifacts of his former life, Green Arrow and his former ward Arsenal stumbled onto Grundy's new hideout, where he tried to kill them. Ollie notes that this version seems much more violent, and manages to kill him by choking him with the string to his broken bow. Later, Arrow helped a Dr. Chrissie Cavendish, a S.T.A.R. Labs employee who claimed she was the great, great grand-daughter of the man the monster spawned from, to find and cure him. Her cure, however, warped her into a monster much worse than Grundy. Green Arrow subdued Cavendish, and decided it was best to leave Grundy to be. Grundy helped attack Superman and Batman when a bounty was placed on both of them by President Lex Luthor, although he was being mind controlled by Gorilla Grodd at the time. He was defeated by Batman. During the Infinite Crisis in Villains United, Grundy joined the Secret Society of Super-Villains. He turned on them briefly when Rag Doll of the Secret Six compared their disfigurement and convinced Grundy to join his side. In the Battle of Metropolis, Grundy fought alongside the rest of the Society again, but was killed once more by Superboy-Prime, along with the Blood Pack. Solomon Grundy returned from this death to fight the Justice League of America, in a much more advanced form. He is depicted as intelligent and sophisticated, seemingly serving as the brains behind a complex operation to willingly transfer Professor Ivo's immortality to Grundy. Through the interference of the Red Tornado, his wife, and the Justice League, Grundy's scheme failed to achieve its ends. In later appearances, he seemed to have lost this intelligence. He was exiled to the Prison Planet during Salvation Run, where a large number of supervillains were exported several lightyears into space, and left to fend for themselves on a foreign planet. He joined Lex Luthor's camp, but was killed in the gigantic Parademon raid shortly before the villains could escape. Even millions of miles away from Earth, upon his death Cyrus Gold was resurrected once more in Slaughter Swamp with a strange new level of perception. Noticing that Gotham City had changed much, Gold went to a mobile home, where he killed the owner. Walking to his former house, he had a flashback to his murdering his Uncle John, expressing remorse over it. Suddenly, Cyrus remembered his past as Solomon Grundy, and becomes terrified of dying and becoming Solomon Grundy again. He attacks a woman who offered him help, then assaulting two police officers who try to stop him. In the process, Cyrus is shot through the chest, discovering that he still has no physical heart. Running away, he jumps into the highway, where he is run down and killed. Gold is resurrected as Solomon Grundy again, and flees into the sewers. A week later, he encounters Killer Croc, battling him and eventually breaking his jaw. At dawn of Sunday, Grundy transforms back into Cyrus Gold at the cemetary which holds his tombstone. Here, he is found by the Phantom Stranger, who became aware of his resurrection and change last week. He is unable to help Cyrus in these changes, but had drafted Green Lantern Alan Scott into helping. Though Green Lantern was hesitant to help, the Stranger insisted: there was an unholy night coming, and it would be best if Solomon Grundy were gone before another could claim him for themselves. Grundy and Alan Scott are now on a quest for Grundy's redemption. It is his mission to find the person who is responsible for killing him the first time... and forgive them. Cyrus discovers shockingly that in a fit of madness, he actually committed suicide in Slaughter Swamp, taking his own life... he is unable to forgive himself, and pass on to the next world. Instead, he receives a Black Lantern Ring and is commanded to RISE. His corpse is destroyed when Bizarro drives it into the sun. With Cyrus Gold in Hell, and Solomon Grundy's corpse destroyed, the curse on Solomon Grundy is finally broken. He is no more. +This superhero's name is Solomon Kane. Their real name is Solomon Kane. Solomon Kane was raised a Puritan, a heresy that was actively hunted by the royalty. Faced with this, he chose the traveller's way. Thus, as was natural for an Englishman in those times, he took the sea. Kane travelled extensively in India and China, although his first chronicled adventures took place during one of his episodic returns in England. During the Religion Wars, Kane was a soldier who chased a brigand called Leloup through Europe. Coming across a dying girl in rural France, Solomon Kane swore to avenge her death by killing the murderer. He tracked him down to his hideout, slaying all of his gang, but Le Loup managed to escape to Africa, where he became the blood brother of chieftain King Songa. Solomon eventually found Le Loup, killing him and the giant Gulka the Gorilla Slayer. Solomon fought pirates in Barbary and even travelled along with Sir Francis Drake when the great man travelled around the world. Kane became a pirate himself, and then a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition. Darkest Africa He escaped and lived for years in darkest Africa, encountering many sinister and strange mysteries while living among the natives. He even became blood brother to a very powerful shaman called N’longa. Despite his uneasiness in the presence of the old man’s magical might, he always respected his wisdom. N’longa even gave him the staff once owned by Moses and later used by King Solomon to fight the demons. Albeit Howard’s tales stop here, some apocryphal stories tell of an encounter in a mystical place with the great warrior Conan, and of fights against Vlad Dracula. +This superhero's name is Solovar. Their real name is Solovar. Solovar is the benevolent ruler of Gorilla City and an ally of The Flash and Kid Flash. He is one of two Gorilla City inhabitants who have psychic powers, the other being the evil Gorilla Grodd. +This superhero's name is Songbird. Their real name is Melissa Joan Gold. When Melissa Gold was a child, her mother was sent to prison for robbery. Overwhelmed by taunts from other children and abuse from her drunken father, Melissa ran away from home to find her mother. She grew up on the streets, adopting her mother's name "Mimi" as part of a hard, cold persona she developed as a survival mechanism. She also dated a criminal named Mike, who abandoned her to the police when he was found with stolen goods. In prison, Melissa met wrestler Marian Pouncy who brought her into the costumed wrestling team the Grapplers as "Screaming Mimi". The Grapplers moonlighted as criminals and were cybernetically enhanced by Roxxon Oil, who had hired them to invade the government's Project: PEGASUS facility, but they were defeated by Quasar and Giant-Man. Screaming Mimi eventually left the Grapplers, serving in Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil and partnering with the similarly powered Angar the Screamer; however, Angar was killed during a robbery and a grieving Mimi went on a screaming rampage that destroyed her voice. She was rescued by Zemo, who recruited her back into his Masters and had the Fixer grant her new abilities based on Klaw's Sonic Horn. When Zemo's new Masters disguised themselves as the heroic Thunderbolts, Melissa adopted the identity of Songbird and became romantically involved with teammate Abe Jenkins, alias M.A.C.H. 1, who trained her in aerial combat. Ultimately, she and Abe were among the Thunderbolts who turned against Zemo and tried to prove to the world that they had reformed. As part of his reformation, Abe has voluntarily served additional time in prison while Songbird continued to serve with the Thunderbolts. After the team disbanded following an altercation with the Avengers, Melissa joined a new incarnation of the Thunderbolts assembled by Abe, but the time she and Abe have spent apart has strained their relationship. +This superhero's name is Sonic The Hedgehog. Their real name is Sonic. Past Not much is known about Sonic's early life. He was born on Christmas Island with his abnormal ability to run at super-speed, but his love for adventure eventually called him away from his home. Since then, he has spent his life traveling the globe, driven by his restless spirit, in search of adventures to satisfy his thirst for thrills. At some point, Sonic met Dr. Ivo Robotnik and they became enemies. Sonic would subsequently fight Robotnik in an untold number of confrontations as the scientist attempted time and again to conquer the world, with Sonic foiling the doctor's plans each time. Despite their many battles, Sonic did not really account for his adversary. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) In Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic heard the news about Dr. Robotnik invading South Island after the doctor had discovered some powerful relics, called the "Chaos Emeralds", which were hidden on the island and which he now sought to produce weapons of mass destruction. Annoyed by Robotnik's perseverance, Sonic hurried to South Island to stop him. Once Sonic arrived, he was met by Robotnik, who revealed his new method to enslave the animal residents: trapping them inside robot shells. With this method, he could turn them into robotic servants called Badniks, a method that left Sonic greatly shocked. Despite having the whole island as his enemy, Sonic resolved to save the animals and get the Chaos Emeralds before Dr. Robotnik could get his hands on them. After traveling across the island while freeing the animal residents and securing the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic entered the doctor's local stronghold, where he defeated the mad scientist and drove him off the island. With Robotnik defeated, Sonic reunited with his friends to Green Hill Zone, where he released the Chaos Emeralds, with their power ensured the island's prosperity. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic was traveling the world in the Tornado in search of adventure, when he discovered West Side Island. Deciding to land there, Sonic began exploring this new region. After a few days, Sonic noticed that someone was following him and saw it was a two-tailed fox cub named Miles "Tails" Prower, who had come to idolize him. As Tails hid upon being discovered, Sonic chose to ignore him and tried running away, but Tails continued to follow him and even kept up with his speed. Impressed by the fox's tenacity and ability to keep up, Sonic decided to let him tag along despite his disinterest in him. Later, during an early afternoon, Sonic was napping under the Tornado when he was awoken by explosions and saw Badniks attacking West Side Island. Standing beside Tails, who was watching him, during the initial attack, Sonic knew that Dr. Robotnik was behind this and ran into the center of the attack to find the mad doctor. It turned out that it was indeed Robotnik who was at his old schemes again. This time, he was turning the island residents into Badniks to find the Chaos Emeralds, which were located on the island, to create the Death Egg for conquering the world. Sonic thus set out to stop Robotnik, retrieve the Chaos Emeralds, and save the island, with Tails following him all the way. When Sonic obtained all seven of the Chaos Emeralds, he discovered that their powers could turn him into Super Sonic. All the while, Tails proved to be a great assistance to Sonic with his unique skills, and the two began forming a strong bond. After freeing West Side Island, Sonic and Tails followed Robotnik to the Wing Fortress Zone on board the Tornado,[11] where Tails and the Tornado were shot down, forcing Sonic to go on alone. When Dr. Robotnik escaped in his rocket ship, Sonic found Tails coming to his aid in a rocket-enhanced Tornado. Catching up to the doctor's rocket in the Tornado, Sonic rode the ship to the Death Egg where Sonic fought Robotnik's Mecha Sonic, followed by Robotnik in the Death Egg Robot. After a heated battle, Robotnik was defeated once again, which triggered a chain reaction that made the Death Egg crash, but Sonic escaped by jumping off into space. Falling through the atmosphere, Sonic was saved by Tails who had flown into the sky to look for Sonic, and together the two of them flew through the sky. With their adventure at an end, Tails had become Sonic's best friend. Sonic, in turn, took the fox under his wing as his sidekick, setting the course for their future. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit) In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic, after having saved South Island, had just returned to the island from a casual adventure when he found a note from Tails. In the note, Tails said that he and the Animals of the island had been kidnapped by Dr. Robotnik and were now being held captive in the Crystal Egg. To reach Tails, Sonic had to collect the Chaos Emeralds. The note also warned Sonic of Robotnik's six Master Robots, who were waiting for him. With no time to waste, Sonic set off to save Tails. Along his adventure, Sonic got the Chaos Emeralds as instructed and took out the Robot Masters, before facing Robotnik in the Crystal Egg Zone. However, the doctor escaped through a teleporter upon his defeat. With Tails still missing, Sonic almost despaired, but then Tails appeared from the teleporter, unharmed. Though confused at this turn of events, Sonic was happily reunited with Tails and the duo departed for new adventures together. SegaSonic the Hedgehog In SegaSonic the Hedgehog, Sonic was captured by Dr. Robotnik and imprisoned on Eggman Island where he was to be executed along with Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel. Teaming up with Mighty and Ray, Sonic escaped his cell, only to be blown to the other side of the island with Mighty and Ray by a geyser triggered by Robotnik. Working together to escape the island, the trio got to Eggman's Tower where they confronted Robotnik. Robotnik, however, triggered the self-destruction of the tower, with Sonic, Ray and Mighty managing to escape just in time. Sonic the Hedgehog CD In Sonic the Hedgehog CD, Sonic was traveling to Never Lake to explore the Little Planet, a small satellite that goes near Earth once a year. When Sonic arrived, however, he saw that the entire planet had been transformed into a mechanical wasteland and chained to a nearby mountain. After avoiding some falling mountain debris, Sonic noticed Dr. Robotnik's face carved into the mountain where the chain was embedded; immediately he knew that his arch-nemesis was behind this and up to no good again and traveled to the Little Planet to liberate it. As he arrived, Sonic learned he could undo Robotnik's work by using Little Planet's time passages to change the past and by collecting the native Time Stones, powerful gems capable of controlling the passage of time which Robotnik had his eyes on to conquer the world. Shortly after his arrival, Sonic met Amy Rose, who had a massive crush on him. Only shortly after their meeting though, Amy was captured by Metal Sonic, a robot created by Robotnik to destroy Sonic, leaving Sonic with the task of saving Amy too. Using his unrivaled speed, Sonic ensured a good future for the Little Planet. He eventually caught up to Metal Sonic and the doctor once again and raced Metal Sonic at Stardust Speedway with Eggman hot on his heels. While Sonic outraced his metallic doppelganger, Metal Sonic was smashed at the finishing line while Sonic saved Amy from captivity. Sonic went on and defeated the doctor in Metallic Madness, which caused the doctor's bases to collapse. After escaping Little Planet with Amy, Sonic destroyed the chain holding the Little Planet and stood in awe as the Little Planet showed Sonic's face in a shower of light as a sign of gratitude before warping away, leaving many new flowers growing around the area. While Robotnik managed to grab a Time Stone, Sonic put an end to his schemes by destroying his escape vehicle. Sonic Chaos In Sonic Chaos, Sonic was out on an adventure with Tails when they heard a rumor saying that Dr. Robotnik was seeking the Chaos Emeralds on South Island. Returning home, they found the island in chaos as Robotnik had stolen one of the Chaos Emeralds, thereby creating an imbalance that scattered the rest of the Chaos Emeralds and was making the island sink into the ocean. As such, Sonic and Tails set out to get the Chaos Emeralds before it was too late. In the ensuing battles, Sonic and Tails recovered the lost Chaos Emeralds except one. Afterward, they defeated Robotnik in a final showdown and retrieved the Chaos Emerald in his possession, ensuring South Island's safety once more. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Sonic the Hedgehog 3 In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, many days after stopping the Death Egg, Sonic was napping on the beach until Tails came who had discovered a large reaction of chaos energy out on the sea. At the same time, Sonic found an ancient ring washed on the shore, which made him recall a legend about a floating island in the sky with a highly unique culture supported by a powerful stone. Filled with excitement, Sonic headed out with Tails in the Tornado for another adventure to check out the reaction. When Sonic and Tails reached the location, they found the legendary floating isle, Angel Island, except that the island was kept at the ocean's surface by the Death Egg, which Sonic thought they had destroyed, which had crash-landed on it. Seeing that the Death Egg was currently being rebuilt, Sonic and Tails set out to destroy the Death Egg for good. Sonic used the Chaos Emeralds to transform into his Super State and stormed the island, but when he arrived, Sonic was ambushed by Knuckles the Echidna, the guardian of the floating island and the Master Emerald, who forced the emeralds out of Sonic. The echidna, who had been tricked by Dr. Robotnik into believing that Sonic and Tails had come to steal the Master Emerald, thus stole the Chaos Emeralds and escaped with them to hide them. Despite this setback, Sonic and Tails left to liberate the island from Dr. Robotnik's robots. During their adventure, Sonic and Tails were repeatedly ambushed by Knuckles, but they got through each encounter with their lives and recovered the Chaos Emeralds as well. When reaching the Launch Base Zone, Sonic and Tails boarded the Death Egg just as it took off where they faced Robotnik, who had returned to defeat Sonic with excessive force. Nevertheless, Sonic defeated Robotnik again, with their resulting battle taking its toll on the Death Egg at a critical point of its launch, making it crash into the Lava Reef Zone. Sonic & Knuckles In Sonic & Knuckles, as Sonic and Tails landed in the Mushroom Hill Zone after escaping the falling Death Egg, they saw the space station survive another crash landing, this time into the island's volcano. Not content unless the Death Egg was completely destroyed, Sonic set out with Tails once more to find the Death Egg and destroy it and as well discover Robotnik's fate. As the duo got through Mushroom Hill, they spotted Knuckles passing through a hidden doorway. After making sure Knuckles was gone, Sonic opened the hidden doorway and looked inside it with Tails, where they found a Giant Ring. Enthralled, Sonic touched it, which took him and Tails to the Emerald Shrine in the Hidden Palace Zone where the Master Emerald rested. Riddled with questions, Sonic and Tails returned to Mushroom Hill Zone to began the next phase of their adventure. Eventually, the duo reached the Hidden Palace Zone on their own, where Sonic faced Knuckles in an epic showdown and won. Sonic and Tails then followed the red echidna as he went to check the Master Emerald, where they saw that Robotnik steal it for the purpose of powering the Death Egg. As the doctor escaped with the Master Emerald, Knuckles, having realized Robotnik's deceit, befriended Sonic and Tails and guided them to Sky Sanctuary Zone to reach the Death Egg, though they had to leave Knuckles behind as he was too exhausted from the previous struggles. On their way through the sanctuary, Sonic and Tails fought Eggrobo and Mecha Sonic fought several times, where they in the final encounter used a crumbling pillar to get on the Death Egg. Onboard the Death Egg, Sonic and Tails faced Dr. Robotnik in his Great Eggman Robo for a final showdown. After the defeat of the contraption, causing the final destruction of the Death Egg, Robotnik escaped with the Master Emerald in another mech, but Sonic transformed into Super Sonic and pursued the doctor through space. After a long battle, Sonic beat Robotnik's mechs and returned to earth with the Master Emerald where Tails caught him in the Tornado. The two then brought the Master Emerald back to where it belonged. Having made peace with Knuckles, Sonic and Tails left Angel Island for the time being. Sometime after this though, Sonic rescued Knuckles in the Tornado—after the latter's fight against the recently-reactivated Mecha Sonic—from falling into the ocean. The two brought the stolen Master Emerald back to Angel Island and they parted ways once more. Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble In Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble, Sonic, and Tails caught wind that Dr. Robotnik had lost the Chaos Emeralds following a weapons test and sprung into action to find them. While collected information, however, Knuckles, who had been deceived by Robotnik that they sought the Emeralds for the wrong reasons, suddenly popped up and gave them a warning before leaving. Despite their adversaries, Sonic's resolve remained unshaken. Along their adventure, Sonic got all but one of the Chaos Emeralds while overcoming both Knuckles and Fang the Sniper, the latter who wanted the Emeralds for profit. When arriving at the Dr. Robotnik's base, Sonic and Tails faced and beat Metal Sonic, Fang and finally Robotnik for good while retrieving the final Chaos Emerald from the doctor. After that, Sonic and Tails freed Knuckles from imprisoned and made up once more, before taking off on the Tornado towards new adventures. Sonic Labyrinth In Sonic Labyrinth, some days after Tails left on a solo adventure, Sonic awoke from a nap on South Island, but when he slipped his shoes on, he noticed that his feet felt extremely heavy. Upon examination, he noticed Dr. Robotnik's insignia on his shoes which proved irremovable. Cursing his carelessness, Sonic noticed Robotnik proclaiming to his nemesis that he had switched Sonic's Power Sneakers out with his Speed Down Boots, which disabled Sonic's speed and agility. The only thing that could remove them were the Chaos Emeralds, which Robotnik had already hidden away in his new super labyrinth on South Island. Unable to chase after the doctor, Robotnik began taking over the island. While his speed was gone, however, Sonic realized that he could still use his Spin Dash and resolved to brave this labyrinth to get back both his speed and the Emeralds. With his Spin Dash, Sonic made his way through the labyrinth and expelled Robotnik from the island while regaining the Chaos Emeralds and his regular shoes. Sonic the Fighters In Sonic the Fighters, Sonic learned that Dr. Robotnik had built the Death Egg II and was deploying armies of robots from it, which were laying waste to everything. Luckily, Tails had built the Lunar Fox, which he could fly directly to the new Death Egg in and destroy it. However, it was a one-seater and it needed all of the Chaos Emeralds to take off. Sonic and Tails, therefore, set off to gather the Emeralds from their friends (and enemies), who were safeguarding them, from around the globe. On their first stop, however, Sonic got into an argument with Knuckles (one of the Emerald guardians) over who would get to use the Lunar Fox, with Knuckles arguing that only the strongest among them should go. Believing he was more than qualified, Sonic accepted Knuckles's challenge, but before the hedgehog and echidna could fight, Tails got between them and convinced them to fight fair and squarely over the spot in the ring with the other Emerald guardians, and the one who could win against all the contestants got to ride the Lunar Fox. A fighting tournament was subsequently established. At the end of the tournament, the victor used the Chaos Emeralds to go to the Death Egg II and made it self-destruct moments after escaping it. Sonic 3D Blast In Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic traveled with Tails and Knuckles to Flicky Island. Having heard legends about the island's Flickies' being the key to find the Chaos Emeralds, the trio journeyed to there to find these birds. Once they arrived on the island, however, they found the island in pandemonium and Dr. Robotnik nearby, busying himself with turning the Flickies into Badniks. It turned out that Robotnik had established a base on the island and was trapping the Flickies so they could power his robots and find the Chaos Emeralds on the island. As Sonic made his presence clear to Robotnik who departing in the Egg Mobile, Sonic decided to rescue the island and its inhabitants.[19] In no time, Sonic saved the Flickies on the island and, with the help of Tails and Knuckles, gathered all of the Chaos Emeralds before the doctor could do. The Flickies then helped Sonic enter Dr. Robotnik's secret lair, where Sonic beat Robotnik in a lengthy battle. Escaping the lair in time, Sonic met the Flickies who thanked him for his help and peace reigned over the island once more. Sonic Blast In Sonic Blast, Sonic was napping on South Island when he was awoken by a light from a nearby Chaos Emerald which shattered and spread across the island. Robotnik then showed up to reveal he was planning to shoot Sonic with a laser beam but hit the Chaos Emerald instead. Still pleased with the outcome, Robotnik planned to use the shards to fortify his Silver Castle. As Sonic was about to head to find the shards, Knuckles showed up and joined him in his quest. Eventually, Sonic and Knuckles got the shards first and destroyed Robotnik's fortress. Sonic R In Sonic R, Sonic was on an adventure with Tails when they saw an advertisement of the World Grand Prix, a racing competition to determine the fastest in the world. Despite Tails' urging, Sonic was not interested in participating, but when he glimpsed Dr. Robotnik's name on the list of participants, he changed his mind and ran off to register. In the competition, Sonic had to face many of his friends, new and old enemies and as well Robotnik, who planned to use Sonic to locate the Chaos Emeralds which were on the race tracks. In the end, Sonic kept his title as the fastest thing alive while he and the others kept Dr. Robotnik from the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic Adventure In Sonic Adventure, Sonic was just returning home through Station Square after being gone for a while on a long journey where he saw the Station Square Police Department fighting Chaos. Sonic stepped and defeated Chaos, though it escaped. The next day, Sonic saw Tails' crash in his plane nearby and came to his aid. The fox took Sonic to see a plane he was working on, powered by a Chaos Emerald, but at the workshop, Dr. Eggman appeared to take the Emerald. Though the duo beat Eggman and his Egg Hornet, Eggman snatched the Chaos Emerald and revealed Chaos, whom he transformed into Chaos 1 with the Emerald and told his plan to make it invincible with all seven Chaos Emeralds and then build Robotnikland upon Station Square. As Eggman fled, Sonic set out with Tails to get the Chaos Emeralds before Dr. Eggman. Sonic and Tails soon got two Emeralds, only for Eggman to briefly knock them out with sleeping gas and steal one. Unshaken, Sonic and Tails soon found another Chaos Emerald, when they were attacked by Knuckles, who had been tricked by Eggman into believing Sonic had Master Emerald Shards. Sonic fought Knuckles until he dropped the Chaos Emeralds, which were then taken by Eggman and given to Chaos 2, transforming it into Chaos 4. After Sonic and the others beat it, Eggman escaped to his Egg Carrier. Sonic and Tails tried followed him in the Tornado, but were shot down. Back on the ground, Sonic began looking for Tails but met Amy who wanted him to her protect a Flickey. Despite Sonic refusing, Amy followed him until they were attacked by ZERO, who soon kidnapped Amy. Sonic followed them as ZERO fled to the Egg Carrier until he reached a dead end, but then met Tails in the Tornado 2 who got them onboard the Egg Carrier. When they found Amy with Eggman however, Sonic was attacked by E-102 Gamma, but before Sonic could destroy Gamma, Amy convinced him to let it go. As the Egg Carrier began to crash, Sonic had Tails get Amy to safety while he followed Eggman. Eventually, Sonic found Eggman with Chaos 6, just as Big the Cat showed up to save Froggy who was trapped inside Chaos. After saving Froggy, Sonic defeated Chaos 6, but as Eggman escaped, Knuckles showed up, whom Sonic left Chaos to while he followed Eggman. On the way, Sonic found an ancient temple with a mural depicting a monster on the inside and a mysterious light that took him back in time to see the Altar of the Emeralds in ruins and Tikal trying to stop a catastrophe. Back in the present, Sonic found Eggman and beat him for good before reuniting with Tails again. While trying to rest, Sonic had to head out when Tails reported that Angel Island had fallen. There, they found both Knuckles and Eggman, and learned that Chaos was still alive, had rebelled against Eggman to destroy the world, and possessed six Chaos Emeralds. As they were heading out get the last Emerald before Chaos, Sonic was drawn into the past again, where he saw the Knuckles Clan's attack on the altar and Tikal sealing herself and Chaos inside the Master Emerald. Back in the present, Sonic and Tails found the Chaos Emerald in the Tornado 2, but lost it to Chaos, who became Perfect Chaos and attacked Station Square. As Perfect Chaos destroys the Egg Carrier 2, Tikal came to Sonic to explain that Chaos was blinded by wrath. After Perfect Chaos released the drained Chaos Emeralds, Tikal wanted to seal Chaos again, but Sonic said it would not work as Chaos would still be full of rage. Sonic's friends then came with the Chaos Emeralds, claiming that he could still use their positive energy. Transforming into Super Sonic, Sonic defeated Perfect Chaos while neutralizing its anger. As Chaos and Tikal departed, Sonic noticed Eggman making his escape and decided to head off himself for his next adventure. Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure[/h][/b][/i] In Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure, Sonic discovered Dr. Eggman was up to his old tricks again by capturing Animals, and set out to foil him. While chasing Eggman, Sonic had several confrontations with the doctor, who managed to give Sonic the slip each time. Eventually though, Sonic came across Knuckles, who suddenly attacked him. Upon defeating Knuckles and claiming his Chaos Emerald, however, Eggman ambushed the two heroes. Taking the Emerald, Eggman left Sonic and Knuckles to get crushed by the collapsing cave they were in. With his last strength, however, Knuckles sent Sonic out of the cave and into the sky with an uppercut. Among the clouds, Sonic landed on the wings of the passing Tornado, flown by Tails. With Tails' aid, Sonic reached Eggman's airbase and resumed his hunt for Eggman. There, Sonic had a rematch with Mecha Sonic, who went haywire upon its defeat and revealed an entrance into the next Zone where Eggman was hiding. There, Sonic found Eggman, only for the doctor to use a trap he had set for Sonic to drop him into the depths of his base. However, Sonic soon caught up to Eggman and surprised the doctor, who tried fighting back using another one of his creations. However, Sonic still defeated Eggman and chased him to Last Utopia Zone. There, Eggman appeared before Sonic in a mech powered by the Chaos Emerald he stole from Knuckles. However, Sonic took back the Emerald and defeated the mech. Eggman then tried to escape into space. In response, Sonic, having gathered all the Chaos Emeralds at this point, transformed into Super Sonic and chased after Eggman. In the depths of space, Sonic defeated Eggman when he tried using his last mech against him and returned to Earth where he reunited with Tails onboard the Tornado, just before the Chaos Emeralds scattered themselves. With peace restored to the world, Sonic headed out on new adventures with Tails. Sonic Shuffle[/h][/b][/i] In Sonic Shuffle, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy were suddenly transported to the Temple of Light in Maginaryworld. There, they met Lumina Flowlight who had brought them here to help her restore the Perfect Precioustone which had been shattered by Void and caused its guardian, Illumina, to disappear. With Maginaryworld endangered by Void without the Precioustone, Sonic and his team promised to help. While recovering the Precioustone pieces and restoring the worlds affected by Void, Sonic occasionally had dreams where he met Void. While initially defying Void, Sonic and his friends noticed he was lonely and sad which touched their hearts, and they soon realized that Void and Lumina were two halves of the same being. After returning all the Precioustones to the Temple of Light, Sonic and the group headed there to stop Void when he sought the Perfect Precioustone again. There, Void succumbed to his despair and became a monster. Though Sonic and his team defeated Void, Lumina lost hope as the Perfect Precioustone was not recovering. As Sonic found Void in the form of a dark gem, Sonic helped cheer Lumina up by telling her that she should not reject Void as the negative feelings that he embodies makes it possible for people to dream. Sonic then gave Void to Lumina and witnessed her restoring the Perfect Precioustone, and Lumina and Void returning to their original form, Illumina. With Maginaryworld restored to an even better place, Sonic and the gang received Illumina's gratitude before returning home. Sonic Adventure 2[/h][/b][/i] In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic was on his own when he met the Guardian Units of Nations who arrested him for robbing a federal reserve bank of a Chaos Emerald. Handcuffed, Sonic was brought onboard a helicopter, but he managed to escape while over Central City. Soon after, Sonic encountered Shadow the Hedgehog, the true thief of the Chaos Emerald. Realizing that he had been mistaken for him, Sonic attacked Shadow, but Shadow used Chaos Control to escape. No sooner, Sonic was cornered and arrested by G.U.N. and locked up on Prison Island. The following day though, Sonic found Amy at his cell, who had come with Tails to break him out. While freeing Sonic, Amy revealed Shadow was on the island and Dr. Eggman was behind it all. With this information, Sonic left to find Shadow. When he did, Sonic fought Shadow until he heard that the island was about to explode on Eggman's radio. Sonic, however, found Tails and Amy and escaped the island before it exploded. Back in Central City, Sonic, Tails and Amy saw Eggman's broadcast, where he revealed the Eclipse Cannon, powered by six Chaos Emeralds, on the Space Colony ARK. After demonstrating the Eclipse Cannon blowing up half of the Moon, Eggman demanded world control within 24 hours or he would fire at earth. Their new target now Eggman, Sonic distracted the police as they arrived to give Tails time to track Eggman. He soon contacted Tails and heard they could use the communication link to Eggman in the President's limousine to find him. Meeting up inside the limo, Sonic and Tails learned Eggman was on the Space Colony ARK. With Knuckles' help, Sonic, Tails and Amy found Eggman's base where they hoped to find a space ship to the ARK so they could destroy the Eclipse Cannon. After infiltrating the base, where Sonic enlisted Knuckles to find the keys to the center, they were ambushed by Eggman and his Egg Golem. However, Sonic defeated the robot and joined the others in a space shuttle. While en route to Space Colony ARK, Knuckles tried to take control of the shuttle when a stray asteroid force-open the cargo bay and released his Emerald Shards, causing Sonic and the others to crash land on the ARK. Onboard, Sonic got a fake Emerald from Tails that he could use to destroy the Eclipse Cannon from the inside out when Tails turned off the power. When Sonic reached the control room, however, he was contacted by Dr. Eggman, who demanded the final Chaos Emerald or he would kill Amy. Meeting with Eggman, Sonic thought he could trick him into taking the fake Emerald. Eggman, however, saw through this and Sonic was captured in a capsule set to explode and rejected into space after saying goodbyes to his friends. Before the capsule could explode, however, Sonic used Chaos Control with the fake Emerald to warp himself back to the ARK. There, Sonic got Knuckles to find Tails and Amy while he went to the cannon to destroy it with the fake Emerald. On his way there, Sonic met Shadow and fought him once more. After Sonic won, he destroyed the Eclipse Cannon just before it fired. Back onboard, Sonic and Knuckles met Rouge, who revealed the ARK was now on a collision course towards earth. There, Sonic and all the others saw a recording of Gerald Robotnik announcing to the world that the ARK would crash into the planet and destroy it as his revenge at humanity for the death of his granddaughter, Maria. Banding together with Eggman, Sonic and the group came up with a plan of using the Master Emerald to deactivate the cannon's core, which was powered by the seven Chaos Emeralds, to stop the Space Colony's crash course. When Sonic and Knuckles reached the core, they were intercepted by the Biolizard, but Shadow appeared, now on their side, and held it off, while they deactivated the Chaos Emeralds. In response, the Biolizard warped outside the ARK and became the Finalhazard to keep the ARK on its collision course. Determined to stop it, Sonic and Shadow used the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic and Super Shadow, and they defeated the Finalhazard before sending the ARK back into orbit with Chaos Control. Back onboard, Sonic informed the others that Shadow had seemingly died after stopping the ARK, before giving Shadow's gold ring to Rouge and assuring her that Shadow was a great hero. After processing Shadow's death, Sonic suggested that they all went home and he bid farewell to his worthy rival. Sonic Advance[/h][/b][/i] In Sonic Advance, Sonic joined forces with Tails, Knuckles, and Amy to stop Dr. Eggman from obtaining the seven Chaos Emeralds. Over the course of their adventure, Sonic and his friends got the Chaos Emeralds first and followed Eggman to the X-Zone. After they defeated the EGG X, Sonic chased after Eggman. When Eggman fled to the Moon though, Sonic used the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic and pursued the doctor. On the moon's surface, Super Sonic defeated Eggman and his Super Egg Robo. After the fight, Super Sonic seemingly disappeared, only to reappear in the sky a few days later where he met Tails in the Tornado. Sonic Advance 2[/h][/b][/i] In Sonic Advance 2, Sonic learned that Dr. Eggman kidnapped Tails and Knuckles when he tried again to build the Eggman Empire. As such, Sonic headed out to save his friends. Along the way, Sonic met Cream the Rabbit and Cheese, who were held hostage by Dr. Eggman. After saving Cream and Cheese from Eggman, Sonic tried to leave them, but the duo followed him as Cream wanted to save her mother, Vanilla, who was held captive by Eggman too. Following that, Sonic rescued Tails and Knuckles from Eggman (the latter who had been tricked by Eggman into fighting him) who also joined him on his adventure. After hunting down and seemingly defeating Eggman, Sonic and the others found Vanilla, only to have her kidnapped by Eggman in his new mech. Seeing Cream cry at the loss of her mother, Sonic transformed into Super Sonic and both defeated Eggman and saved Vanilla. As they fell through the atmosphere, Super Sonic tried to break the fall of the capsule containing Vanilla, but the re-entry tore the capsule apart and Super Sonic powered down to normal. However, Sonic caught Vanilla and brought her safely back down to the ground. There, Sonic reunited Cream and her mother and he thanked Tails and Knuckles for their help before running off again, looking for new adventures. Sonic Advance 3[/h][/b][/i] In Sonic Advance 3, while hanging out with Tails, Sonic witnessed Dr. Eggman splitting Earth into seven regions with Chaos Control so he could turn each region into a part of the Eggman Empire. Sonic thus set out with Tails to restore the world and collect the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman could. During their adventure, Sonic and Tails found Knuckles, Amy, and Cream who joined them. Along the way, Sonic also faced Dr. Eggman's newe +This superhero's name is t creation. Their real name is G-merl. until G-merl betrayed Eggman +This superhero's name is Sonya Blade. Their real name is . Lieutenant Sonya Blade, (USA) or Lt. Sonya Blade, (USA), is a female soldier who is a member of Earthrealm's Special Forces unit known as Outer World Investigation Agency (OIA) and is a heroine in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series, now she commands all the operations of the Special Forces and Units like the new Earthrealm unit which is Cassie's team. She is one of the few original Mortal Kombat characters, debuting in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game. +This superhero's name is Soranik Natu. Their real name is Soranik Sinestro. Soranik Natu is the former Green Lantern of Sector 1417. She is Sinestro's daughter and finally joined the corps of her father. +This superhero's name is Soundwave. Their real name is Soundwave. N/A +This superhero's name is Space Ghost. Their real name is Thaddeus Bach. Thaddeus Bach was a promising Peacekeeper. He soon moved up to the ranks of Eidolon Elite. He caught the attention of Quartermaster Temple and was recruited into the Wraith. The Wraith was the embodiment of the Eidolon. Only the best of the best were able to join the Wraith. They take on the most dangerous missions that no one else is capable of. This concerned Thaddeus' pregnant wife, Elua Bach. On a mission to meet a weapon dealers. Tower decided to kill him and take his weapons and money. Thaddeus had a severe problem with this. Even though the dealer was a bad alien, they had trials and procedure. Tower told him the Psi-judges aren't perfect and it's their jobs to punish those who are evil. He tells Thaddeus that all he needs from him is five cycles and then he could retire from the Wraith. That night, while Elua is sleeping, Thaddeus wakes her and says they need to leave, now. Unfortunately, there were a couple Wraith members were in his home cloaked with invisibilty tech. He is knocked out from behind. Later, Thaddeus wakes with Tower telling him how disappointed he was. He also finds out that his wife and unborn son were brutally killed. Thaddeus snaps and attacks them all. Out manned and out gunned, he he shot. Later, Tower announces that Officer Bach was killed in the line of duty along with his wife and unborn child. He is beaten some more and left to die on a ghost planet. Thaddeus is saved by an alien named Solomon. After over a month, Solomon revealed to Thaddeus a secret he'd been keeping from him. He said he was only going to share it with him because he knew he was a good man. He tells him how he was born into war and also created weapons. It was the creation of those weapons that killed everyone on his planet while he hid in shame and cowardice. When Thaddeus sees a ship, he asks if it works. Solomon can see the lust for revenge in his eyes and pleads for him to not follow that path. Donning the power bands Solomon created and wearing a hood and cape, Space Ghost is born. +This superhero's name is Spartan. Their real name is John Diggle. John Thomas "Dig" Diggle (born c. 1977) is a former high-ranking agent of A.R.G.U.S., a former bodyguard, a Master Sergeant in the United States Army, and a founding member of Team Arrow. John is the older brother of the late Andy Diggle, the husband of Lyla Michaels, and the father of John Diggle, Jr. (Sara Diggle in the pre-Flashpoint timeline). As a member of Oliver's team, John is his partner and plays a number of roles including field support, decoy and guidance to Oliver in times of doubt. John was known in the Suicide Squad under the code-name Freelancer. Later he took up a suit and was officially given the designation Spartan by Felicity. Oliver would later (temporarily) retire from vigilantism, and asked John to carry on the mantle of Green Arrow and leader of Team Arrow by extension; until the F.B.I.'s investigation is over. After Oliver discovering John's nerve damage, he took on the mantle once more; until John fully recovers from his injuries. John eventually left the team; after losing faith in Oliver's leadership, until he rejoined Team Arrow to help battle Ricardo Diaz. He later returned to working at A.R.G.U.S. full time after Oliver was arrested. +This superhero's name is Spawn. Their real name is Al Simmons. Al Simmons was a highly decorated member of the Secret Service (notably saving the President in an attempted assassination) and the CIA. After being murdered in a foreign country by his superior Jason Wynn, Simmons is sent to hell because of his life as an assassin. Making a deal with the devil, Simmons agrees to become a Hellspawn and serve Malebolgia if he is allowed to see his wife, Wanda, one last time. Malebolgia returns Simmons to the living realm, but with only the barest of memory, a badly burned body, and a watch dog, the Clown. Simmons is unaware that five years have passed. His wife has married his best friend, Terry Fitzgerald, and the two have a daughter, Cyan. His life over, Simmons has two choices before him: follow Malebolgia, or renounce the devil. The two choices come in the form of Clown, a diminutive, portly, disgusting minor demon (who can transform into the huge, fanged, clawed Violator), and Cogliostro (Cog), an apparently homeless old man who knows more about Simmons (whom both call Spawn) and his situation than even he knows. After many fights involving minions of Heaven and Hell, criminals of Earth, and common street scum, Spawn eventually kills Malebolgia but refuses the throne of Hell. Upon returning to Earth, Spawn discovers he has new powers, but must quickly learn to use them, engaging in battles against Clown, Jason Wynn, and even himself. A new evil named Mammon soon made his presence known, and although he was previously thought to be a background character it has become evident that Mammon is much more important, and more powerful, than anything Spawn has ever faced. +This superhero's name is Spectre Oversoul. Their real name is Aztar. +This superhero's name is Speedball. Their real name is Robert Baldwin. +This superhero's name is Speedy. Their real name is Thea Queen. Thea Queen is Oliver Queen's younger sister. While Oliver was on the island, she developed a rebellious attitude and a drug habit, although she began to become clean after criminal charges are brought against her for driving while under the influence. During this time she met and began a relationship with Roy Harper. After the collapse of the Glades and Oliver's return to the island, Thea took over Oliver's club. After being drugged by Malcolm Merlyn following her return to Starling City she murdered Sara Lance. +This superhero's name is Spider-Gwen. Their real name is Gwen Stacy. Gwen Stacy was born in Forest Hills to George and Helen Stacy. Following her mother's death, she was raised by George alone. Gwen's free spirit and artistic inclinations often put her at odds with the type of ethics her father worked to instill. As a result of this contrast with his father, Gwen would often retreat into quiet seclusion and play the drums. Over time, she developed a friendship with her neighbor and fellow introvert Peter Parker, sharing their love for music. At Midtown High School, Gwen developed relationships with other students, a group of girls with whom she formed the band The Mary Janes, and rebelious affluent student Harry Osborn. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, Gwen was granted arachnid-like super-powers, and started a career as a crimefighter, dubbed by the media as "Spider-Woman." She was given a costume and a set of Web-Shooters by retired crimefighter Janet van Dyne. Gwen spent most of his early adventures focused on exploiting and mantaining her newfound attention more than helping those in need. However, Gwen's behavior changed after his father expressed he believed Spider-Woman could easily help people. Spider-Woman's influence also caused one of the biggest tragedies in Gwen's life. The bullied Peter Parker, desperate for becoming special like his idol Spider-Woman, conducted an experiment that turned him into a Lizard-like creature. Parker crashed the Midtown Senior Prom, and Gwen was forced to fight him. In the aftermath of the battle, Peter returned to his human form, but died due to his injuries. With no evidence or link to his transformation, Spider-Woman was blamed for Peter's death and branded a criminal. In an effort to clear her name and haunted by Peter's death, Gwen doubled her efforts to fight crime. Additionally, Gwen's father George was tasked with conducting the NYPD investigation to capture Spider-Woman. This drew the attention of Matt Murdock, the right hand to New York's Kingpin of crime, who sent hitman Aleksei Sytsevich to kill George in an attempt to make an ally of Spider-Woman. After thrawrting the murder attempt, Gwen found herself held at gunpoint by her father, and she was forced to reveal her double identity. She pled her innocence, and swore to never rest until criminals like the Kingpin were stopped. Captain Stacy chose his daughter over his duty and let Spider-Woman free. Gwen was one of the first spider-totems to join Spider UK's Spider-Army in order to combat the Inheritors during the Great Hunt. She was sent to Earth-21205 to recruit the spider-totem of that reality, a Peter Parker who was driven to madness and grief caused by the death of the Gwen of that reality and became the Goblin. However, that Peter was killed by Verna and her Hounds. Angered, Gwen swore vengeance and warped away from that reality. Spider-Woman was later present during the final fight agains the Inheritors, during which the villians were finally defeated and dealt with. Gwen later returned to her reality, where she still tried to turn the public opinion against her by becoming a vigilante. With the appearance of a new villain named the Vulture, Gwen set out to catch him and deliver him to the police, in order to gain their trust +This superhero's name is Spider-Ham. Their real name is Peter Porker. Peter Porker was born a spider (simply named Peter). Residing in the basement lab of May Porker, a slightly goofy animal scientist who had created "the world's first atomic powered hairdryer," hoping that "the introduction of nuclear fission into America's beauty salons" would "revolutionize the hair care industry". After dousing her head with water and activating the dryer, May Porker accidentally irradiated herself, and in a fit of delusion, bit Peter, who then found himself transformed into an anthropomorphic swine much like May Porker herself. Running from the Porker homestead disoriented, Peter soon came to realize that he still retained a spider's abilities. +This superhero's name is Spider-Man (Black) (Raimi). Their real name is Peter Benjamin Parker. A symbiote encased in a meteorite hit land in Central Park in New York City one night and crawled upon Peter Parker's motor scooter. It followed Peter into his apartment and on a stormy night, it attached itself to one of his Spider-Man costumes that he was wearing at the time. It drastically enhanced Peter's various powers, but it also brought out a lot of aggression in Peter's personality, causing him to become more violent. Eventually Peter ripped off the symbiote, which attached itself to Eddie Brock, creating the infamous "Venom". +This superhero's name is Spider-Man Noir. Their real name is Peter Parker. Peter Parker was raised by his paternal aunt and uncle, May and Ben Parker, during the Great Depression. Peter was raised with the belief of good triumphing over evil and was supportive of his aunt and uncle's activism. Peter tragically discovered the mutilated body of his uncle Ben, killed in retaliation by one of New York City's businessmen for organizing a strike on sweatshops. The murder of his uncle by the Goblin drove Peter's resolve to continue to seek justice. While helping May at a rally in a Hooverville, they encountered a violent response from the Enforcers. Fortunately, the two were saved by Ben Urich. Subsequently, Peter became Urich's protege for the Daily Bugle and explored the dire situation of New York City's denizens, especially those under the threat of the Goblin. After Peter mistakenly received a tip-off meant for Urich, he ventured to a warehouse where the Goblin’s men were unloading a shipment of stolen antiques. A particular antique – a spider statue – breaks open and releases a horde of spiders. One of the spiders bit Peter, causing him to pass out and dream of a spider god. After waking up, Peter discovered he possessed arachnid superpowers. Donning a mask, Peter confronted Norman Osborn in his home in order to get him to give up his hold over the city. However, Peter was shocked to discover Urich, who was revealed to have been blackmailing Osborn with his information on the mob boss in exchange for fueling his drug habit. Angered, Peter left Urich. Upon returning home, Peter created a costume based on his uncle's World War I-era airman uniform and became the vigilante, Spider-Man. Peter later returned to Urich's apartment to force him to help him to bring down the Goblin, only to find the reporter dead. Strengthened with resolve from his aunt and Urich's lover Felicia Hardy, Peter thwarted the Goblin's criminal operations.As the Bugle labeled him negatively in the papers, Spider-Man arrived at the Bugle building to meet Jonah Jameson over this matter, only to find Jameson shot to death. Later on, Peter learned that Jameson was replaced by the Chameleon and the real Jameson was imprisoned by Osborn. This lead Peter to Jameson's location, where he killed the Vulture, who was responsible for killing Ben Parker, to stop him from murdering May Parker. Despite saving his aunt, May criticized him for killing the Vulture, as he could have stopped him with his powers. She told Peter that killing people would make him less of what makes him human. Spider-Man later tracked down the Goblin's "torture house" and found the mob boss and his Enforcers holding Felicia and Jameson captive. He discovered that the Goblin had planned on murdering Urich, finding the reporter's information on the Goblin, which was kept by Felicia, and then eliminating every witness. He also discovered that Felicia was responsible for killing the Chameleon after she saw him, disguised as Jameson, murdering Urich. Spider-Man intervened, subdued the Enforcers and rescued Jameson. Spider-Man chased the Goblin, who held Felicia hostage, and cornered him. Peter had the chance to kill Osborn, but decided not to. The mob boss was then killed by spider-infested Sergei kravinnof +This superhero's name is Spider-Man (Raimi Trilogy). Their real name is Peter Parker. Peter Parker was orphaned as a child and lives in New York City with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. He was bullied at school and had a crush on his next-door-neighbor Mary Jane Watson. His best friend was Harry Osborn son of Norman Osborn, the founder of Oscorp. On a school field trip to a laboratory, an escaped experimental spider bites Peter, bonding DNA, changing his life forever. After suffering a night with intense fever and pain, Peter awakens the next day completely transformed. He acquires a muscle-bound physique and a variety of abilities such as wall crawling, web shooting, increased agility, and a precognitive "spider sense." He no longer needs his thick-rimmed glasses, and could sprint fast enough to catch a speeding school bus. During lunch hour that day, Peter discovered his organic webbing, accidentally shooting it from his wrists. He also unwittingly tapped into his increased sensory abilities when catching Mary Jane as she falls, slipping on a puddle in the cafeteria. An ensuing brawl between Peter and Mary Jane's angered boyfriend, Flash Thompson, revealed to Peter his spider-sense, as well as super human speed. Discovering his new powers, he attracted the suspicion and curiosity of his aunt and uncle. Determined to impress Mary Jane properly (as she did not react positively to the hallway fight), Peter found an ad in the newspaper for a car, as well as an ad offering $3,000 prize money for anyone who could survive three minutes in a wrestling ring with the champion Bone Saw McGraw, which Peter would use to buy the car. He designed a rudimentary blue and red costume for the event. Telling his Aunt & Uncle he was going to the library, Uncle Ben intercepted Peter and offered to drive him himself. Uncle Ben dropped Peter off at the library, not far from the wrestling event. Before Peter could leave the car, Ben attempted to offer kind advice, knowing Peter is going through difficulties at school. Also not impressed with Peter's fight with Flash Thompson, Ben attempted to instill a responsible mindset in Peter. Reacting defensively, Peter rejected the advice, and stormed out of the car and expressing impatience and frustration. Ben, clearly disheartened by Peter's reaction, told his nephew that he planned on picking him up at 10 p.m. that night. In his home made spider suit, Peter enters the wrestling match which he is then insulted and pelted by spectators and Bonettes as he enters. Nonetheless, despite the little spat he pins Bone Saw in less than three minutes. The promoter, however, only pays Peter $100 of his $3,000 prize money. Angered, Peter witnesses an armed robber stealing from the promoter. But Peter allowed the robber escape, despite pleas from a police officer and the injured promoter himself. However, Peter's proud comeback would be short lived. Attempting to meet his Uncle Ben, Peter discovers the street filled with bystanders and paramedics. His uncle had been car jacked and fatally shot in the chest. Then, Peter watches his Uncle perish as they comfort each other and his uncle dies which it make Peter heartbroken and cries. Enraged, Peter dawns his spider costume once again, using his powers to chase after the criminal. Using his webs to swing from building to building, Peter caught up with the car chase and forced the suspect to crash into a pier warehouse. When Peter finally confronted the gunman, he discovered that it was the same man whom he allowed to go free robbing the wrestling promoter. Startled, the robber tripped backwards out a second story window and dies landing on the dock below. After a group of police on a boat believe that he killed the robber, Peter left and sat on a rooftop, before returning home and comforting a heartbroken Aunt May. A few months have passed, Peter and Harry have finally finished high school and earned a scholarship. After graduation, Norman Osborn congratulates the two, though seems to praise Peter more. He then went home and felt bad after his uncle's death include remember what he say to him which he regret it. Then, his aunt came to his room by telling him that she miss her husband, but she know that his uncle is so proud of him and wont let him down. After she left, Peter realizes that his aunt was right and created his home made suit out of his drawing book. Remembering the words of his Uncle, "with great power comes great responsibility," Peter designs a new spider suit, and uses his powers to fight crime throughout New York City. The next day, he dawns the official nickname "Spider-Man," a name he borrows from the announcer at the wrestling match. This does not endear him to J. Jonah Jameson, the editor and publisher of The Daily Bugle. Then, Peter got the job by taking photos of the Spider-Man for the Daily Bugle. Continuing his super hero career, Spider-Man quickly earns a mythic status among the people of the city. Peter attends the World Unity Fair, taking photos for the Daily Bugle after proving to his boss, J Jonah Jameson, his skill as a photographer. Mary Jane Watson, attending the Fair with her new boyfriend, Harry Osborn, falls from a balcony during the Green Goblin's attack. Slipping into his suit, Spider-Man fights off the Green Goblin, saves several people from falling debris and catches Mary Jane before falling to her death. Then, Spider-Man defeats the Goblin, but is forced to let him flee. Later, Green Goblin attacks the office of J Jonah Jameson, demanding to know the identity of the photographer who captures the pictures of Spider-Man. Jameson makes an attempt to lie to the Goblin, but Peter once again saves the day by appearing as Spider-Man just before the Goblin kills Jameson. The Green Goblin uses a sleep paralysis gas on Spider-Man and brings him to a secluded space to offer a deal of working together. The Goblin gave Spider-Man a few days to think over a "generous proposal," arguing that there's nothing that people like more than seeing a hero fail and they'll turn against him one day. Several days later, J Jonah Jameson publishes slanderous newspapers calling Spider-Man a menace, believing he and the Green Goblin are working together, and the city calls for his arrest. Spidermanx Mary Jane rain kiss Spider-Man kisses Mary Jane Watson Spider-Man saves Mary Jane in a dark alley after seeing her being assaulted by men in raincoats. Mary Jane, still unaware of Spider-Man's true identity, shares a passionate kiss with her savior upside down in the rain, making all her unspoken affection clear and kissing him on the lips for several long seconds. A few days later, the Green Goblin starts a fire in a crowded apartment building to lure Spider-Man into a trap. Spider-Man saves a baby from the inferno, but returns to the blaze at the call of one remaining victim. But, The Green Goblin reveals himself as the last "victim" and when Spider-Man refuses the Goblin's proposal, the two engage in a fight. Spider-Man sustains a deep cut on his left arm from one of the Goblin's weapons. With the Goblin's weapons and combat He gains a slight advantage but Spider-Man finishes the fight and escapes due to the building being weakened by the fire and collapsing, leaving goblin in anger from Spider-Mans choice. Later that day, Peter races back to attend his own Thanksgiving party where Mary Jane, Harry, Norman and Aunt May are in attendance. May offers Norman to cut the turkey, but he notices a deep cut on Peter's left arm. Not believing Peter's excuse, Norman races off knowing that he discovered the identity of Spider-Man. Later, The Green Goblin attacks Aunt May directly, forcing her into the hospital and terrifying her. The next night, The Goblin captures Mary Jane, and answers her phone when Peter calls to check in on her. The Goblin invites Peter to the Roosevelt Bridge where he has Mary Jane and a trolley car full of children held captive. Spider-Man arrives on the scene, but if forced to make a decision between saving Mary Jane or a trolley full of kids both being suspended by the Goblin's super strength. Spider-Man acts decisively, able to catch Mary Jane and the trolley of kids before both falling to their inevitable deaths. Holding the trolley by its suspension cable, Spider-Man tells Mary Jane to climb down until a freight barge can catch them both on the water below. The Goblin attempts to terrorize Spider-Man, forcing him to let go, but people on the bridge above intercept the Goblin's attacks. The barge manages to catch the trolley and Mary Jane. Meanwhile the Goblin's attacks persist as he drags Spider-Man via his glider to an abandoned small pox Hospital on the shore nearby. The two fight once again while The Goblin throws a pumpkin bomb at Spider-Mans face, injuring him horribly and he brutally beats the hero with powerful punches to the mouth and cheek. Spider-Man tries to fight back, but Goblin keeps shutting him down. Spider-Man gets his will back when Goblin threatens to kill MJ and starts to fight back while Spider-Man gaining the upper hand. he Goblin reveals himself to be Norman Osborn, and attempts to beg for mercy, asking he was like a father to Peter and asking him be his son. Peter retorts with already having a father, the man's name was Ben Parker. With Norman refused once again, he uses a remote and attempts to impale Peter with his glider which Peter dodges the incoming blades, leading the glider to impale its owner. Just before Norman dies, he asks Peter to never tell Harry. Peter, in his singed and torn Spider-Man suit, brings the body of Norman back to the Osborn estate which Harry sees Spider-Man carrying his father's body, assuming that he had killed him. After the burial ceremony, Mary Jane realizes her true feelings for Peter and the two embrace in a kiss. Despite this, Peter rejects Mary Jane, knowing the danger he would put her in if she became involved in his life. After he left, Mary Jane is shown suspecting that Peter Parker, is in fact, Spider-Man. Two years later, Peter is having a hard time with his double life as an increasing burden. Precariously struggling to balance his crime-fighting duties with the demands of his normal life, Peter often finds his personal life taking a back seat. He loses a job at the pizza place, faces financial difficulties and struggles to maintain his physics studies at Columbia University. However, he has become estranged from his love interest Mary Jane who's in a relationship with someone and his best friend, Harry Osborn falsely accuses Spider-Man of murdering his father and Aunt May is threatened with foreclosure after his uncle's death. Harry, now head of Oscorp's research division, has invested in the research of brilliant scientist Doctor Otto Octavius, Peter's idol. To perform a sustained fusion experiment, Octavius has developed a set of artificially intelligent mechanical arms, which are impervious to heat and magnetism. Though the experiment overloads and becomes unstable, Dr. Octavius refuses to halt it, with devastating results: his wife is killed; the neural inhibitor chip which prevented the advanced AI of the arms from influencing Octavius's own mind is destroyed; and the arms are fused to his spine. Uncontrolled, the tentacles begin to corrupt Octavius' mind, playing on his vanity and ego, and he decides he must complete his experiment at any cost. J. Jonah Jameson names him "Doctor Octopus" or "Doc Ock". In an effort to finance his experiments, Doctor Octopus attempted to rob a bank where Peter Parker and Aunt May happen to be present. After a short deactivation in his powers, Spider-Man manages to recover and soon the two take their fight outside the bank, but Doctor Octopus takes Aunt May as a hostage. When Spider-Man rescues her, she revises her former opinion of him and realizes that he's a hero while Octavius escapes unharmed. During a party, Peter learns that Mary Jane is planning to marry J. Jonah Jameson's son, John Jameson, an astronaut. He also gets into a physical confrontation with Harry who is drunk because Octavius' failed experiment left Oscorp bankrupt, over his loyalty to Spider-Man. Shortly after he loses his powers while web-slinging across town, Peter questions if he could ever have what he "needs", a life as Peter Parker which involves a vision of Uncle Ben and resolves to give up being Spider-Man which J. Jonah Jameson is delighted, having been given the abandoned Spider-Man suit. Back home, after visiting Uncle Ben's grave, Aunt May is distressed as Peter confessed that he was somewhat responsible for his Uncle Ben's death. Aunt May and Peter later reconcile and she tells Peter of the hope that Spider-Man brings to others in spite of what dreams he may have to sacrifice. Peter attempts to re-connect with Mary Jane, but she informs him that it was too late. In the meantime, Doctor Octopus has completed rebuilding his reactor and needs one final item: the tritium which fuels the reactor. He goes to Harry for it, who agrees to give Octavius what he needs in exchange for capturing Spider-Man. Mary Jane meets Peter in a coffee shop to ask if he still loves her, but Peter told her that he did not. Later, Doctor Octopus, having been advised by Harry that Peter was the key to find Spider-Man, destroys the coffee shop. Peter regains his spider-sense at the right moment to throw Mary Jane and himself out of the way of a thrown taxi, but Doctor Octopus abducts Mary Jane to lure Spider-Man into a trap. Peter's powers fully return and he dons his costume and engages Doctor Octopus in a battle, which starts off at the top of a clock tower and then on top of a train. During the battle, Octavius manages to destroy the brakes to the train, forcing Spider-Man to rescue the runaway train. Spider-Man manages to stop the train before it can plunge over the end of the track. He nearly falls, but the people in the train catch him and see him without his mask on. They agree to keep his identity a secret and try to protect him from Doctor Octopus, but his mechanical arms are too much for them. Weak from his exertions Spider-Man becomes dizzy and faints, he was captured by Doctor Octopus and delivered to Harry. Then, Harry unmasks Spider-Man and is shocked to discover that his sworn enemy was his best friend. Spider-Man awakens and convinces Harry to reveal Octavius' whereabouts so he can rescue Mary Jane. Spider-Man finds Octavius in an abandoned warehouse on a waterfront pier where he's restarted his fusion experiment. After battling with Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man manages to stun the villain with an electric shock. Then, Peter reveals his true identity to Octavius and pleads with him to stop the machine. Returned to his senses by the shock and determined to end his experiment before it causes more harm, Octavius uses his mechanical arms to collapse the floor of the building, drowning the device at the cost of his own life. Mary Jane sees Peter without his mask on, but Peter tells her that they can never be together as he'll always have enemies. The next morning, Peter hangs around his apartment in his thinking state. Across town, Mary Jane left her wedding, running to Peter's apartment, telling him that she has decided to be with him despite the risks. She persuades Peter to finally let her in while accepting his need to respond to a call for help. Six months later, Peter attended the opening night of Mary-Jane's new Broadway show, Manhattan Memories. Also attending was Harry who still accuses him of murdering his father Norman. As Peter left the show, he saw Harry, and ran up to him. He asked Harry to hear his side of the story, but Harry refused and leaves. Peter went backstage and caught up with Mary Jane, before the two went to the park. Peter spun them a web hammock with his spider powers and the two laid in it, stargazing. As the couple leaned in for a kiss, behind them a meteor falls nearby. Unknown to them, a strange, black substance crawls out of the meteor, attaching itself to Peter's moped as he and Mary Jane leave. Peter arrived at his Aunt May's new apartment and told her that he's planning to propose to Mary Jane, but his aunt tells him that he needs to put her before himself and he convinces himself that he can do it. May then tells him the story of how Peter's Uncle Ben proposed to her. When she was finished, she tells Peter to make the proposal very special to Mary Jane and hands him her wedding ring as a gift for Mary Jane. While driving back to his apartment, Peter is whisked off his moped by a masked figure on some sort of glider. The masked figure throws Peter into a wall and then reveals himself as The New Goblin, Harry's alter-ego using his father's Goblin gear. Peter and Harry fight through the streets of New York, and the end result is Harry getting knocked out in an alleyway. Peter promptly took him to a hospital and watched as they attempted to revive Harry. Peter was told that Harry will recover and is led into the ward where Harry lies. Harry has lost his immediate memory, but he and Peter begin to get along just like the old days. Mary Jane arrives and then she and Peter are asked to leave; Harry tells the nurse that he would give his life for his two best friends. Back at his apartment, Peter admires the ring he plans to give to Mary Jane when she knocks on his door. So, he lets her in and she enters, flustered. Then, she reads out an negative review of her performance in the play from the previous night. Peter uses his experiences as Spider-Man to try and comfort her, but Mary Jane gets even more upset. Just when she thinks Peter is about to understand, Peter's police band monitor goes off and reports about an out-of-control crane which Peter gives Mary Jane a sympathetic look and then changes into his costume, swinging off through the city. Mary Jane pauses as she leaves, startled by a small bang, but dismisses it almost instantly. What she doesn't see is the meteoric black substance crawling down the back of Peter's desk and into the shadows of the closet. Across the road from and completely unaware of the out-of-control crane, Peter's lab partner in science, Gwen Stacy, is having a photo shoot in an office building. A rebar slammed through the windows behind her, and then dropped down another floor and smashes out the floor supports below. The corner of the building dropped, and Gwen slid down to the edge of the building and hung on with all her might. Just as she fell, Spider-Man swung in, caught her and set her down. Spider-Man is approached by Eddie Brock, Gwen's alleged boyfriend, who tells Spider-Man that he was the new photographer of Spider-Man. Spider-Man swung off, annoyed with this new photographer and then went to The Daily Bugle to deliver the editor some photos of the crane accident. When he arrived, it turned out that Brock has gotten there first, and J. Jonah Jameson chooses Brock's photo over Peter's. Brock explained that he would like a staff job and Jameson told the two photographers that if either of them wanted a staff job, they'll have to get a picture of Spider-Man committing a crime. Peter told Brock that he didn't have a chance at getting the photo, and Peter went to Times Square. There, he saw a sign saying Spider-Man was to receive the Key to the City. Later, Peter went to take Harry back to his penthouse apartment and the two hung out there which Peter gave Harry his old basketball and threw it to him in the living room. It bounced into a vase and knocked the vase over and Harry effortlessly catches both the ball and the vase. He marvels at his skill, worrying Peter. The next day, Peter attended the ceremony being held for Spider-Man. He met Mary Jane who didn't tell him about being fired from the show, encouraged him. Then, he walked off in preparation. Gwen Stacy introduced Spider-Man as the person who saved her from certain death. Then Spider-Man swung in, performing small stunts on the stage, dropped down and suspended himself at head level with Gwen Stacy, upside down. Then, he told Gwen to kiss him for publicity, and she did so in a kiss reminiscent of the one Peter and Mary Jane shared in the alleyway years ago. Suddenly, a cloud of sand flew in, and the ceremony was disrupted. Spider-Man swings off to find out what is going on and saw the cloud of dust form into a person who breaks into an armored car. Spider-Man landed in the car and tried to punch The Sandman, but his arm went straight through his stomach. The Sandman punched Spider-Man out of the vehicle and Spider-Man swung back in to try and fight off The Sandman. Marko fled as Spider-Man realized that the armored car was about to crash into a large vehicle, and managed to save the two drivers. He jumped out, with The Sandman nowhere in sight. The following night, Peter went to a fancy French restaurant and gave the Maître the ring for Mary Jane for safekeeping while hee sat and waited for her, practicing his proposal. As she arrived, Gwen Stacy also approached and Peter introduced her to Mary Jane as his lab partner. This infuriated Mary Jane and Gwen quickly left which Mary Jane asked Peter if he was trying to push her away, inappropriately kissing another girl with "their" kiss, but left when he replied. Peter tried to follow her, but gives up and retrieved the ring. The following morning, Peter tried to contact Mary Jane, but she deliberately didn't answer the phone. As he hung up, the phone rang. A Detective asked him to go down to the police station, where Peter and Aunt May were informed by Captain George Stacy (Gwen's father) that the police got the facts wrong surrounding Uncle Ben's death and that he was actually murdered by someone else. The officer pulls out a picture of Flint Marko and Peter instantly recognizes him which he storms back home, waiting for any news on The Sandman. Then, Mary Jane arrives while he waits and told him that she wanted to support him through this which he told her that he didn't need help. Then, MJ tried to make him understand that everybody needs help at some point in their lives even Spider-Man which she leaves and Peter continues waiting for the police band to give him some news about The Sandman. As he waited, he fell asleep. Silently, the black meteoric substance approached him and he later woke up hanging upside down in front of a skyscraper window. His Spider-Man suit is now jet black and has enhanced his powers, making him feel really good which he swung around the city and then visited Dr. Curt Connors, his science professor who agreed to analyze the black substance. Connors warned him that the substance appeared to be a symbiote, in need of a host to bind to. He warned Peter not to get any on him. Peter went home and finally heard a report about The Sandman on the police band. Then, he puts on the black suit and proceed to fight The Sandman, with his powers enhanced. Brock turns up to photograph the event, but Spider-Man turns on him, ripping the camera away and smashing it. Spider-Man then goes on to fight and, evidently, kill The Sandman, ruthlessly drowning him and thereby transforming him into a pile of wet mud. Later, Peter went home and argued with his landlord, Mr. Ditkovich and slams his door on him. The landlord retreats back to his room, shocked at Peter's sudden outburst. Meanwhile, Peter looks in the mirror and realizes that the black suit is altering his personality, and so takes it off. He later visits Aunt May, telling her of Marko's death at the hands of Spider-Man. She was shocked that Spider-Man could act like that and tells Peter that revenge can take people over like a poison and change them. Then, Mary Jane visits Harry and together they have fun which the two kiss. Realizing that she actually doesn't feel anything for Harry, she leaves, much to the dismay of the equally lonely Harry which Harry suddenly has flashbacks and remembers Peter's alter-ego. He sees his father in the mirror by telling him to attack Peter's heart. Mary Jane arrives home and hears Peter leaving a message on her answering machine. As he finishes, she was thrown against the wall by The New Goblin who was lurking in the shadows. With his mask off, he tells Mary Jane that there is something she must do for him if she wants Peter to live. The next day, Mary Jane called Peter and asked him to meet her in Central Park where she dumped him, claiming to be in love with another man. Later, Peter met Harry in a diner where Harry claimed that he's the other man which Peter furiously left and puts the black suit on, arriving back at Harry's penthouse that night. He furiously attacked Harry, knocking him into a glass shelf and then sneering at Harry that his father had never loved him. Then, Harry threw a pumpkin bomb at Peter, but Peter snags it with a web and threw it back at him which Peter left as the bomb went off which disfigured Harry. The next day, Peter strolled through the streets and saw an article about Spider-Man, stealing some money from the bank with a photo courtesy of Eddie Brock which he recognized the photo as an altered version of one that he took himself years ago. So, he went to the Daily Bugle and alerted Jameson to the fraud who fired Brock from his new position as part of The Daily Bugle staff. Peter got a call from Dr. Connor, who told Peter that the black symbiote, would amplify the characteristics of any host, but Peter brushed it off. Peter had new photos of the black suit Spider-Man which Jameson offered Peter the usual rate, but Peter says that if he wants the pictures, Jameson has to give him the staff job. That evening, some mud fell out of a sewer pipe and into a small pond. It reformed and The Sandman crawled out of the water. Strung around his hand was his daughter's locket, he took one look at it and then walked off, determined to live up to his promise to fund her care and cure. Peter took Gwen to a jazz club where Mary Jane was working, in an effort to make Mary Jane jealous. When Mary Jane gets up to sing, Peter jumped up and started playing the piano with the band, leaving her speechless. He suddenly jumped up and launched into a full dance routine throughout the jazz club which Gwen realizing that he did it all to make Mary Jane jealous and left the jazz club. Peter attempted to talk to Mary Jane before The bouncer tried to throw Peter out, but Peter starts viciously beating him up. When Mary Jane tried to step in, he turned around and whacked her hard on the jaw, sending her flying to the ground. Then, MJ asked him who he was which he say that he didn't know. So, he left while Mary Jane was still lying on the floor with a look of shock on her face. Peter donned his black Spider-Man costume and swung up to the top of a church tower where he jumped down and began tearing at the costume by a church bell. The bell sound seemed to pain the symbiote and it eventually came off clean. At the same time, Eddie Brock was sitting in the church praying for God to kill Peter which Eddie heard the bells ringing and went to investigate, and was caught as the symbiote drips off Peter and lands on him. The symbiote changes Brock into Venom, a terrifying variation of Spider-Man with huge teeth and claws. Peter was visited that night by his Aunt May who told him that despite everything that he may have done to Mary Jane, he can still make things right somehow. He watched as she left, feeling comforted. Later, Venom swung through the streets of Manhattan when he was suddenly stopped by Flint Marko who mistook him for Spider-Man. But, Venom told Marko that they could defeat Spider-Man which Marko agrees to team-up. Venom acquired a taxi, drove to Mary Jane's house and collected her when she flags him down to go see Peter in hopes of rekindling her romance with him. Venom kidnapped her and hung her in the taxi in a web, suspended 80 stories above the ground in an under-construction skyscraper which Peter saw the kidnapping on the news and changes into his old red and blue Spider-Man costume. Before he can save MJ, Peter went to Harry's and asked for help, but Harry rejects him again and turns to show Peter the scars on his face. Peter tries once more to get Harry's help, for Mary Jane's sake, but Harry merely growls at him to get out which Peter leaves. Harry is confronted by the house butler, Bernard, who tells Harry that he cleaned his father's wound the night he died, that the blade that pierced his father's body came from his own glider and that Peter was not to blame. Meanwhile, Spider-Man swung into the construction site and landed on the front of the car until Venom swung in and knocked him through the windshield. Then, Spider-Man grabbed the back of the car and hauled himself up, and Venom introduced himself and mocked him for his Spider-Sense (which didn't go off due to the symbiote blocking it) Spider-Man leaped in, but Venom knocked him down again. Then, he landed down on the web and Venom jumped on him while Peter tried to ask Brock to settle the problem some other way, but Venom declined. Peter and Venom toppled out of the web and had a mid-air fight before Peter hit the ground. Then, he was tripped up as The Sandman appeared, more than ten times his normal size and growling like a monster. Spider-Man attempted to escape The Sandman, but Venom knocked him onto a steel bar and holds him there with his webbing. The Sandman beat him with his gigantic fist while onlookers begin to weep, even Mary Jane who was horrified. Just before The Sandman could finish Spider-Man off, Harry flew in with his New Goblin gear, threw a pumpkin bomb at The Sandman and helped Peter up. The two fought Sandman and Venom, and Harry eventually knocked The Sandman down while Peter gets Mary Jane out of the taxi and into a safer area. Later, Venom attacked Peter and trapped him with his webbing which Harry flew in and attempted to stab Venom with some blades protruding out the front of his hoverboard. But, Venom grabbed his board and flung him off, knocking several rears loose and collapsing to the floor. The clanging sound pained the symbiote, and Peter remembered back to the bell noise in the church. Venom was heading towards Peter with Harry's board, intending to impale Peter, but Harry jumped in between Venom and Peter and is himself stabbed instead. Venom threw him aside and then leaped towards Peter again who managed to snap his wrists free and smack Venom on the head with a rebar. Peter circled Venom with the bars and the clanging sound pains Venom as each one is slammed into the ground. Peter snagged Eddie from inside the suit with his webbing and pulled him out which Peter threw a pumpkin bomb from Harry's glider at the symbiote. But, Eddie rushed towards the symbiote while the pumpkin bomb flew through the air and perished in the resulting explosion. After beating the symbiote, Marko approached Peter and told him that the killing of Uncle Ben was an accident caused by his gun going off unintentionally which Peter forgave him and The Sandman flies off through the buildings while Peter swung down to Harry. Later, he and Mary Jane sit on either side of Harry, comforting him while Harry forgave Peter for the death of his father and dies as the sun rises. The next day, Peter, Mary Jane, Gwen, Aunt May, Bernard and several others attended Harry's funeral. Later, Mary Jane was singing at the jazz club and stopped singing as Peter walked in. Peter steps forward and his hand outstretched which MJ took it and the two embrace, slowly dancing on the spot to the music of the jazz band. Peter and Mary Jane rekindled their relationship and are back as a couple. +This superhero's name is Spider-Man (Ultimate). Their real name is Peter Parker. Richard Parker was a scientist who was working with S.H.I.E.L.D. He was researching with Dr. Henry Pym, Dr. Bruce Banner, and Dr. Franklin Storm to reverse-engineer the Super-Soldier Formula for S.H.I.E.L.D. (based on Nick Fury's genetic sample). Banner mistakenly believed he solved the formula and tested it on himself for credit, however, the process created the Hulk. At the time, Richard Parker went to see his wife and baby Peter outside the research facility. Hulk destroyed the facility, resulting in the deaths of Peter's parents. Hulk's humanity only awakened after seeing baby Parker, and he then reverted back to Banner. Fury had Banner arrested, and had Peter sent to his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. As a cover story, Peter grew up believing that his parents and the Brocks had all died in a plane crash. Aunt May and Uncle Ben raised Peter as if he were their own child. With the exception of his neighbor Mary Jane Watson and tutoring subject Harry Osborn, Parker found few friends in high school, and was often the butt of jokes by bullies Flash Thompson and Kong. Peter Parker gained his powers on a high school field trip to Osborn Industries, Inc. where he was bitten by a spider exposed to the OZ Compound, a prototype Super Soldier serum. Imbuing him with the proportionate powers of a spider, Peter gained superhuman strength, speed, agility and stamina and the ability to stick to and crawl surfaces +This superhero's name is Spider-Woman IV. Their real name is Charlotte Witter. The granddaughter of the clairvoyant Madame Web, Charlotte Witter was a reputable fashion designer who also dealt in illegal markets, which brought her into contact with Dr. Octopus. Sensing latent psychic powers in Witter that could further his plans, Octopus kidnapped her and conducted genetic testing using spider DNA, altering Witter's physical appearance and transforming her into a spider-human hybrid. Witter despised what Octopus had done to her and tried to kill him several times, but Octopus conditioned her through torture, sensory deprivation and starvation until she obeyed his every command, so long as he provided her with a steady diet of human blood. Taking the name "Spider-Woman," Witter orchestrated attacks on other women who had previously used that name and absorbed their powers, with orders to kill Spider-Man once the powers of all the other Spider-Women had been absorbed. In the island-nation of Madripoor, Witter ambushed and defeated private investigator Jessica Drew (who had temporarily given up her "Spider-Woman" identity at the time) as she walked home from work. Shortly after, in Los Angeles, California, Witter overpowered former Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter in her home as she waited for her daughter to return from school. Learning of the attacks on the other Spider-Women, who were both left in critical condition, Spider-Man set out to protect 15-year-old Mattie Franklin, the current holder of the "Spider-Woman" title at the time. Witter attacked them both, but Spider-Man escaped with the injured Franklin, whom he brought to the apartment of the Black Cat. Following the trail of Franklin's power, Witter tracked her down but was forced to retreat by Black Cat and Spider-Man, who placed a Spider-Tracer on Witter to follow her movements. Witter next resurfaced on a New York City rooftop battling the NYPD until Spider-Man arrived, causing Witter to reconsider her actions and feel momentary remorse for attacking the other Spider-Women. But Witter soon reverted to Octopus' programming, defeating Spider-Man and bringing him to Octopus's lair under the East River before Spider-Man escaped, driving off Octopus and Witter. Days later, now operating from an abandoned Greenwich Village brownstone, Witter began kidnapping men on which to feed while Madame Web assembled the heroic, depowered Spider-Women to capture her granddaughter. Tracking Witter's psychic emanations, Franklin and Drew battled her, and Witter was rendered unconscious when Franklin mystically absorbed all of the power that Witter had stolen from the others. Reuniting with Octopus, Witter realized that she still had psychic control over the spider legs that were now attached to Franklin's back, and she forced Franklin to attack Spider-Man against her will until Madame Web severed the psychic link and subdued Witter. Witter was placed in Web's care as she slowly siphoned her powers back, eventually escaping and using her psychic powers to learn Spider-Man's true identity. Witter's powers were finally rendered dormant after Spider-Man and Franklin defeated her. +This superhero's name is Spider-Woman. Their real name is Jessica Drew. Jessica Drew was the daughter of American anthropologist Jonathan Drew and his British wife Merriem. When Jessica was still under two years of age, her parents moved to the small Balkan nation of Transia. Her father and his colleague, geneticist Herbert Edgar Wyndham, bad purchased a parcel of land on Wundagore Mountain within the Transian borders, and intended to build a small scientific research center there. After discovering uranium on the property, the two scientists became wealthy and poured their riches into the building of a citadel of science. Coinciding with the completion of the Wundagore citadel five years later, Jessica Drew became deathly ill due to her exposure to the radioactive uranium. To save her life, her father injected Jessica with an experimental serum composed of irradiated spider's blood, since his experiments showed that spiders possessed greater immunity to radiation than did human beings. Jessica did not immediately respond to treatment, however, and Wyndham placed her in a genetic accelerator of his own design for further treatment. When Merriem Drew mysteriously died several days later, Jonathan became so despondent that he left Wundagore for his previous home in England. (Drew returned to Wundagore years later possessed by the ghost of the Sixth Century magician Magnus, who had sensed Drew's troubled thoughts about Wundagore and recognized the place as the site where he had helped entrap the demon Chthon centuries before). Jessica Drew remained in partial cryogenic suspension for decades, aging at about 1/7 the normal rate, and was educated by learning tapes. When released from the tube after Wyndham determined that her radiation poisoning had been cured, she was physically 14 years old. Wyndham, who now called himself the High Evolutionary, tested her and discovered that the treatment had mutated her cellular structure, giving her vast strength, an immunity to all toxic substances and radiation, and the capability to generate bioelectric energy which she could discharge as sparks. The High Evolutionary placed her in the care of Boys, a cow artificially evolved by Wyndham's science. The citadel of Wundagore left Earth about a year later, but Bovo and Jessica remained behind. When Jessica was 17, Bova sent her to the village below to learn to live among humankind. Jessica soon became involved with a young villager named Wladyslav. When startled by his father while in the midst of a passionate embrace, Jessica accidentally discharged her bioelectricity, apparently killing her lover. Fleeing from an angry mob, Jessica was rescued by Count Otto Vermis, then head of the European splinter group of the subversive organization HYDRA. Recognizing the young woman's unique abilities, Vermis put her through rigorous espionage and martial arts training to become a special agent of HYDRA. To insure her loyalty, Vermis had her subjected to special brainwashing techniques to make her believe she was actually a highly evolved spider rather than a real woman, and assigned an agent named Jared to engage her in an amorous relationship. Given a special costume with glider-wings and codenamed Arachne, Jessica was sent on her first mission: to assassinate SHIELD Director Nick Fury. Upon learning HYDRA was evil; Jessica betrayed the organization and fled. Now called the Spider-Woman, Jessica encountered Modred the Mystic in London and the magician ended the effects of HYDRA's brainwashing. With the realization that she was human, Jessica became obsessed with finding her parents. On the trail of her father, she met Magnus, the magician's ghost who had possessed her father's body briefly decades before and who now occupied the body of an eccentric tailor. Magnus felt he owed Jonathan Drew a small debt for the loan of his body and wished to pay him back by helping Drew's daughter. Magnus and the Spider-Woman journeyed to Los Angeles, and eventually learned that Jonathan Drew had been slain months earlier by a subversive organization he had gotten involved with, Pyrotechnics, Inc. After capturing her father's killers, Jessica Drew decided to settle down in Los Angeles. There she confronted a number of bizarre foes, chief among which was the Sixth Century sorceress Morgan Le Fey. Concerned that he was getting too emotionally involved with Jessica, Magnus abruptly left her to return the body he had borrowed back in London. Jessica Drew floundered for a time, trying to decide what to do with her life and her special abilities. She could not bear to give up the sense of freedom that being Spider-Woman provided her, and she tried to keep the knowledge of Spider-Woman's existence from becoming widespread. Finally, in association with criminologist Scott McDowell, she became publicly known as a bounty hunter. After severing ties with McDowell, she moved to San Francisco and with the assistance of Nick Fury, acquired credentials enabling her to get a private detective's license. Although she sought clients as Jessica Drew, she invariably became Spider-Woman in the course of an assignment. Not long after setting up in San Francisco, Jessica was revisited by Magnus, this time in his true ghostly form. Magnus explained that his former lover and Spider-Woman's old nemesis Morgan Le Fey was planning to kill her, and the only way they could end her threat forever was by traveling back to Morgan's time period and fighting her there. Using his magicks to free her astral body from her physical self, Magnus took Spider-Woman back through time to Morgan's castle in Sixth Century England. After a rigorous battle, Spider-Woman caused Morgan's physical body to be destroyed. Morgan, like her pupil Magnus before her, mystically preserved her astral body and used her magic to travel to Jessica's time era before Jessica could return. With a powerful spell, Morgan placed a mystic barrier around Jessica's physical self, barring her astral self entry. Magnus had insufficient power to breach the barrier and could only console his young friend, now trapped in astral form. At Jessica's request, Magnus attempted a spell to make the world forget Spider-Woman's existence, but due to the ghost's weakened state after journeying through time, the spell was ephemeral. Tigra, an acquaintance of Spider-Woman, discovered Jessica's lifeless body and summoned the Avengers for aid. The Avengers brought in Dr. Strange, who attempted to breach the barrier around her physical form erected by Morgan. This led the Avengers into battle with Morgan Le Fey's astral form itself. Through the sacrifice of Magnus's astral existence and by Dr. Strange's magic, Jessica Drew was reunited with her physical form and brought back to life. However, since Morgan had interlocked her mystic barrier with Jessica's bioelectrically charged nervous system, Strange was forced to remove her bioelectric powers in order to thwart Morgan's barrier. Having lost Spider-Woman's major power, Jessica Drew decided to retire her costumed identity and remain a plainclothes private investigator in San Francisco. At one point, Jessica set up operations in the east-Asian city of Madripoor. She was later ensorcelled by the Black Blade to battle the X-Man, Wolverine, where it was revealed that Jessica's powers may not have been permanently lost. She would then assist Wolverine on several adventures. Later still, having somehow become trapped in a magical dimension, Jessica was rescued by Lindsey McCabe, Spider-Man, and the second Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter. Some time later, Jessica Drew was attacked by a costumed villain calling herself Spider-Woman, stealing Drew's (apparently fully regenerated) powers for herself. Drew joined with the second Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter, a recently-rejuvenated Madame Web, and a new hero calling herself Spider-Woman to track down this villain, who had been stealing powers from these women as well. Ultimately, the newest Spider-Woman stole all the powers back from the villain, leaving Jessica Drew without her powers yet again. Drew remained in New York, and, alongside Madame Web, often helped the new Spider-Woman, a youth named Martha "Mattie" Franklin, in her nascent adventures. Eventually, Jessica Drew began to notice that different aspects of her superhuman powers were returning. Nevertheless, Drew remained reluctant to return to full-time costumed adventuring. +This superhero's name is Spike. Their real name is William Pratt. +This superhero's name is Spitfire. Their real name is Jacqueline Falsworth. Jacqueline Falsworth was kidnapped by the vampire Baron Blood. Desipte being rescued by Captain America and Union Jack, Jacqueline had lost too much blood, so she got an emergency transfusion from the original Human Torch, which gave her flame powers. +This superhero's name is Splice. Their real name is Unknown. The man who would become Splice started out as a promising young actor. His career was going well at first, but he never got his big break and eventually his roles started to get smaller.He got a job on a sitcom, but was fired because one of the child stars didn't like him. Being fired by an 11 year old was too humiliating for him, and he quit the acting business. Instead, he started a career as a professional assassin, code-named Splice. He became obsessed with having a life that gave him more control, and he found it in having the power to take away the lives of others. Splice proved far more successful as an assassin than he ever was as an actor, and a few years later, that child star became another one of his victims. Splice has been known to film some of his hit jobs, and make them into mini movies. At least two of these 'Splice and Dice' films have actually been released to the public. Eventually, Splice came into the employ of the crimelord Lotus Newmark. She became both his employer and his lover, although she had no real romantic interest in him. Lotus hired Splice to assassinate the Avenger Wonder Man, whom she was worried was getting to close to uncovering one of her criminal projects. In their first battle, Splice nearly succeeded in killing Wonder Man, but the timely arrival of Wonder Man's girlfriend Alex Flores distracted Splice long enough for Wonder Man to recover. While the two of them resumed fighting, Flores electrocuted Splice with a power cable that had been severed during their fight. This was the first time Splice ever failed in an assignment. +This superhero's name is Spock. Their real name is S'chn T'gai Spock. +This superhero's name is Sportsmaster. Their real name is Lawrence Crock. Lawrence "Crusher" Crock, alias Sportsmaster, was a disgruntled athlete who turned to a life of crime. +This superhero's name is Spyke. Their real name is Evan Daniels. Evan Daniels was born in New York, New York to Vivian Daniels and Mr. Daniels. His mutant powers are first noticed at his high school basketball game by his Aunt Ororo (aka Storm (a longtime member of the X-Men), and his teammate Pietro. The next night Storm, along with Cyclops and Jean Grey, approached Evan's parents about his mutant powers and attending Xavier's Institute. Evan angrily declined on his own behalf and leaves. He went to his school to catch the thief who kept breaking into his locker. The thief was Pietro, a mutant with super speed powers. Pierto, who renamed himself Quicksilver, broke into all the lockers in the school and let Evan take the heat as he escaped prosecution. Only when Professor X used his pull to help Evan get out of prison did he join the X-Men and the school under the code name Spyke. Spyke settled the score with Quicksilver when he, Cyclops and Jean defeated the speedy mutant. Spyke was cleared of all charges when he caught Quicksilver's arrogant confession on tape. During his tenure with the X-Men, Spyke didn't want any special treatment from anyone at the school because he was Storm's nephew. Though he liked being an X-Man and thought of them as his family, Spyke at times acted selfishly and inconsiderate of others. Spyke would goof around in class and on at least one occasion ditched school mid-class to go skateboarding with his then human friends. He also was late for several training exercises in the Danger Room resulting in the other X-Kids getting reprimanded because of him. If not for him saving Storm's life from the Hungan, Spyke would have been sent home to his parents due his lack of concern for school and DR training. After he and the other X-Men were discovered to be mutants, Spyke grew angry at how they were being treated. After drinking Pow-R8, an energy drink that was toxic to mutants even by touching it, Spyke found out he could not retract or fully control his spikes. After seeing how cruelly he was treated because of his condition, Spyke joined the Morlocks (a mutant street gang) because he wanted to fight for mutants that look different from normal humans. Storm did not take this well and tried to convince Spyke to come back but he refused. When he returned he had mutated even further, and most of his upper body was covered by armadillo-type bone-plates except for his face and below the waist. He later helped out in destroying the Pyramids surfaced by Apocalypse. Spyke was last seen in a group photo with the X-Men, the New Mutants and their unaffiliated allies. In this photo he was wearing the bottom half of his X-Men costume, hinting that he may have rejoined, if only temporarily. +This superhero's name is Stan Pines. Their real name is Stanley Pines. Stanley Pines AKA Grunkle Stan is Mabel and Dipper's uncle in Gravity Falls series. +This superhero's name is Star-Lord (Celestial Power MCU). Their real name is Peter Quill. Peter Jason Quill was a half-human, half-Celestial who was abducted from Earth by the Yondu Ravager Clan in 1988. After his abduction, he began building fame as the legendary outlaw Star-Lord. In 2014, he decided to leave the Ravagers and operate individually, starting by stealing a precious artifact known as the Orb, unintentionally becoming a key player in the Quest for the Orb. Following his arrest, he forged an uneasy alliance with fellow inmates Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, and formed the Guardians of the Galaxy team with them a short while later in order to stop Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar. After the Battle of Xandar, he left with the other Guardians to do "a little bit of good and a little bit of bad." A few months later, he and the other Guardians were hired by Ayesha and the Sovereign to defend interdimensional batteries from an Abilisk. However, after Rocket stole some of the batteries, Ayesha sent the Sovereign fleet after them, with the Guardians being saved when the fleet is destroyed by Ego, Quill's biological father, whom Quill had never met before. Quill spent a few days bonding with his father, but when Ego revealed that he was responsible for Meredith Quill's death, Quill allied with his fellow Guardians to prevent Ego's quest to terraform the universe. After killing Ego and witnessing Yondu Udonta's sacrifice, Quill continued to lead the Guardians of the Galaxy, and eventually started a relationship with Gamora. +This superhero's name is Star-Lord. Their real name is Peter Quill. Peter Quill, alias Star-Lord, was born during an unusual astronomical phenomenon when many of the planets aligned. Seeing no resemblance, the man who believed he was Quill's father angrily accused his wife Meredith of infidelity and attempts to kill the infant, but died of a sudden heart attack. Quill was raised by his single mother, Meredith. One day Peter returned home, bruised from trying to stop a bully. As he was washing up for dinner, his mother saw a bright light and two Badoon aliens emerged. Vowing to end the 'Spartoi bloodline', they killed Meredith. After Quill saw the aliens and his dead mother, he panicked and ran. As the aliens pursued, he grabbed a shotgun and managed to kill them with it. He then found a mysterious device in a closet. Seeing a bright light he fled the house, just before the alien ship destroyed it. Quill was placed in an orphanage but escaped and eventually became a trainee NASA astronaut. An alien entity called the Master of the Sun eventually visited the space station that Quill and other astronauts were currently inhabiting, and offered the mantle of Star Lord (an interplanetary policeman) to a worthy candidate, Quill volunteered, but was rejected in favor of a colleague he once treated badly. Quill was outraged, and NASA ordered his return to Earth and discharge for his conduct. Peter, however, stole a scoutship, and on returning to the space station took his colleague's place. Quill was then chosen to become Star-Lord, with the Master of the Sun first creating an illusion in which he was able to find and kill the aliens that murdered his mother to free him of his past. Equipped with a sentient vessel called "Ship", Quill commenced his role as Star-Lord. It was later revealed that Peter Quill's father is Jason of Spartax, the second son of the galactic Emperor who acted as Star-Lord before him. Star-Lord encountered the former Herald of Galactus, the Fallen One, who was trying to starve his former master by destroying all planets he could feed on, and was almost killed in his first battle with the entity, Ship discovered that the energy generated from destroying planets harmed the Fallen One. Sacrificing a little Kree lunar colony (35,000 lives) near a Kree planet the Fallen One was going to destroy, Ship was able to harness that energy and defeated the entity (Star-Lord's vessel "Ship" was destroyed doing it). Star-Lord turned the Fallen One and himself to the Nova Corps for Galactic level genocide. While there were divided thoughts about his choice, the pair were subsequently imprisoned in the intergalactic prison the Kyln. There, Peter allied himself with Ch'ak, Gladiator and Thanos against the Maker in fear of her immense power. They filled Thanos in on her background, and asked for his assistance, but he just walked out. Later, Peter observed a giant explosion in the Kyln, and assumed that it was Thanos who caused the Maker to attack. They went to the explosion site, and Gladiator filled Peter in on how he and the Maker got into the Kyln. When Gladiator asked Peter on how he got in the Kyln, he declined to answer. Later, after Thanos had defeated the Maker, Peter found out that the Fallen One had escaped. He told Thanos about this, and Thanos went off, presumably to deal with it. Peter made his way around the Kyln and was met by Gladiator who was going to leave, now that the Maker was incapacitated for good. Gladiator told Peter that he had drafted Peter into the Shi'ar Guard, to Peter's disapproval. He met up with Gladiator's Shi'ar allies later on, and was told that they weren't going after the Fallen One nor Thanos, but that they decided they wanted Peter to help them. A couple months after the Kyln and Xandar were destroyed in the first days of the Annihilation War, Peter organized the United Front with Nova Prime to battle the Annihilation Wave led by Annihilus from conquering their universe. On the 183rd day of the war, Peter and Nova Prime were defending Daedalus 5 from the wave. They were aided by Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Ronan the Accuser and his Kree warriors, and the former heralds of Galactus, Firelord, Red Shift and Stardust. They managed to hold the defense while the former heralds attacked and destroyed the mothership, and captured Extirpia. Days later, Peter filled in Nova about the health status of Firelord after he exploded fighting Extirpia. The two then interrogated Extirpia, who revealed that Thanos was working with Annihilus, and that they had defeated and captured Galactus and his current herald, Silver Surfer. A few days later, Peter and Nova Prime met with the leaders of the Kree division of the United Front, House Fiyero and Ronan the Accuser. House Fiyero had some problems working with Ronan because Ronan was a fugitive from the Kree empire. They threatened to leave the United Front if Nova Prime and Peter didn't arrest Ronan. Nova Prime furiously shot down the demand, and a small argument erupted. Ronan then slaughtered all of House Fiyero, which angered Nova Prime. Just then, Gamora arrives with Praxagora and the news of Super-Skrull's death. Just then, Ravenous, Terrax, Paibok, and Delinquent, and many more arrive on Daedalus 5 via Thanos' teleportation techonlogy and the United Front are forced into battle. Negative Zone Centurions later arrived as well, and so did an Annihilation Wave flagship, with a weaponized Galactus aimed to devour the planet. The United Front retreats while Red Shift and Stardust cover their escape, dying in the process. Peter, Nova Prime, Ronan, Gamora, the one-time Captain Marvel Phyla-Vell, Praxagora, the miraculously revived Super-Skrull and Drax's human companion, Cammi are among the few who escape. After the severe loss, the United Front disbands. Later, Peter informs Nova Prime that Ronan is going to Hala to take down the rest of House Fiyero, and Praxagora and Super-Skrull would be going with him too. Peter suggests calling on the heroes of Earth, so Nova Prime then tries reaching the Fantastic Four, but his hopes for saving Earth are completely shattered when he learned of what was happening between the heroes. Peter then tells him that he'll be accompanying him on his next plan to attack Annihilus head on. Peter, Nova Prime, and Phyla-Vell all go to the ruins of the planet Xandar where they teleport and go deeper into Wave territory. On Canticus Prime, they meet up with Blastaar and his Spaceknights. They finally teleport their way the center of the Annihilation Wave, and they attack Annihilus head on. They were losing until the Quantum Bands that Annihilus acquired off the dead Quasar attached themselves to Phyla-Vell, turning the tide of the battle. She weakened Annihilus, and Nova Prime killed him. After the war was over, Peter was filled in by the rest of the factions that aided in destroying the Annihilation Wave. He told the stories to Nova Prime as he was recovering from the battle. He was later assigned by Ronan to be in charge of rebuilding the Kree defense network. The Space Knights offered to upgrade Hala's defense systems with new tech and give them an army of Centurions. Peter pitched it to Ronan and Ronan quickly accepted the offer. Peter had the Spaceknights bring the Centurions to Hala for a few threat scenario exercises. However, the Centurions began to attack Hala, and when Peter confronted the Spaceknights about this, they revealed themselves and their "Trojan Horse"-like ploy. One of the Spaceknights broke Peter's arm and he was forced to flee. He fell out a window of a building while trying to escape. Peter awoke after surgery on the Kree planet, Aladon Prime. He was removed of all his cybernetic attachments, including his left eye and his universal translator, and was briefed on the Phalanx's conquest of Hala and the rest of the Kree Empire. Admiral Galen-Kor, the person in-charge of Peter's recovery, revealed the Phalanx's plan to infect the Kree with an airborne techno-virus that would put the Kree under their control. Galen-Kor requests that, in exchange for nursing him back to health, he'd lead a commando team into Hala to destroy the machine that would release the techno-virus. He agreed, and he met with the team. The team consisted of prisoners that the Kree had caught over the years; there was a Kaliklak warrior known as Bug, a Shi'ar berserker codenamed Deathcry, the Celestial Madonna Mantis, a former Terran soldier that went by the name Captain Universe, a lower life form known as Rocket Raccoon, and a flora colossus that called himself Groot. Peter was given his old Star-Lord outfit, with a few upgrades. He trained the team for a couple of days until they were dropped off in Hala. They infiltrated and were met with heavy resistance. The team was a pretty dysfunctional one, with Peter seeing them more as an expendable team rather than allies in battle. They sneaked through most of Hala, looking for the bio-tech reproduction facility, when suddenly a battle between some of Annihilus' remaining bugs and the Phalanx broke out. Deathcry jumped into the battle, revealing the rest of the team. During the battle, Deathcry attacked Captain Universe, and in an act of self defense, Captain Universe disintegrated Deathcry. The team retreated and was also forced to leave Groot behind as he covered their escape. After two days of no luck finding the facility, Peter went alone on a reconnaissance mission to find it. He looked through classified Kree archives, and there he found that they had already released the virus as a airborne nanovirus — meaning that everyone on the planet were slowly becoming infected. He returned back to the sewers where he told the team of his plan. Not long after, they were attacked by the Phalanx. Captain Universe covered their escape and they made it out into the streets of Hala. However, Peter, Rocket Raccoon, Bug, and a tiny little Groot (who regrew after his destruction) were captured on the street not long afterwards. Mantis was able to turn herself invisible and Captain Universe defeated all of the Phalanx down in the sewers, so they weren't captured. Peter and his teammates were later about to be dissected by the Phalanx, but Mantis and Captain Universe saved them. They made their escape, only to find Kree soldiers in their way. The Kree soldiers decided to let Peter and company go due to Peter's reputation as the Starlord. Mantis explained to Peter that they risked the Kree soldiers threw away their lives to save his, because the Starlord was an ideal. They commandeered a Kree ship and flew out of Hala to Alon-Gin. There, he was debriefed on the outcome of their mission. Since Captain Universe got the genetic information of the virus when he was rescuing the team, the Kree were able to come up with a cure. Also, the team was clean of infection. The team came to Peter saying they were ready for the next assignment, despite Peter's clear unwillingness. A few days later, Peter was back on Hala with his commando team. He had now become the secret leader of the anti-Phalanx resistance. Rocket reported to him that Blastaar had been captured, tortured and killed by the Phalanx, as per the plan. Blastaar brought with him spores that would map the entire Babel Spire, the heart of the Phalanx power. They got into the tower and set up the bombs that would cripple the tower, allowing the Kree empire to be accessible to outside forces. However, all of a sudden, a mind-controlled, resurrected Blastaar appeared and killed Captain Universe. Peter would've been killed too had it not been for the appearance of the Phalanx's leader, Ultron, who was enraged and wanted to torture somebody. Ultron tortured him, trying to get information on the anti-Phalanx resistance's plans, but Peter wouldn't give it up nor would the mind scans work, for Mantis was telepathically shielding him. Ultron later found Mantis and sent the Phalanx to attack her. Peter was physically drained, and passed out. He was awakened by Mantis, Bug, and Rocket, saying that they had a plan of escape. They ran through the Babel Spire and jumped out of the building. It was revealed Groot expanded and wrapped himself around the tower and detonated his body, and so the tower was destroyed. Groot was once again "killed" doing a heroic act. Mantis told Peter that she had foreseen that three members would be lost during the fight against the Phalanx, and the third she revealed to be herself. Just then, Ultron arrived in the body of Adam Warlock and struck Mantis across the head. Before Ultron could attack Peter and his crew, Nova Prime arrived with Gamora, Drax, and the Technarchy, and attacked Ultron and his Phalanx. Peter was leading his injured team away from the battle when he saw that the Phalanx were building another giant structure, which would turn out to be a giant version of Ultron. He watched as Phyla-Vell, now going by the name Quasar, and Adam Warlock (with his own consciousness back in his own body) attacked and defeated the giant Ultron. The Kree empire was saved and everything slowly went back to the way things were. Star-Lord would hang out with Nova Prime, Gamora, and Drax once in a while. He saw to Mantis' and Groot's recuperation. Peter blamed himself for the Phalanx invasion, and so he sought to make it right. After Ultron and the Phalanx were defeated, Star-Lord formed the new Guardians of the Galaxy. The universe was in a very fragile state after the two Annihilation events, and fissures in reality were beginning to form and spread. In order to prevent the collapse of the universe, he had Mantis telepathically nudge Adam Warlock, Phyla-Vell, Rocket Raccoon, Drax, and Gamora into joining his team . This motley crew set up base in the severed head of a Celestial, called Knowhere. When Star-Lord's deception was found out, everyone but Mantis quit the team in disgust and set off on their own quests. Star-Lord responded to a Kree summons and returned to the Kree homeworld to speak with Ronan. Upon arriving, he is shocked to see that they are rebuilding the Phalanx Spire to protect Kree space. He argued with Ronan and was then thrown into the Negative Zone. He was then forced into helping the newly appointed ruler of the Negative Zone, King Blastaar, into taking over the Superprison 42 so he could gain access to their portal to Earth. Star-Lord was then sent into 42 to convince them to open the door and surrender. Once inside he spoke with the unofficial leaders of 42 and told them not to surrender, but only Jack Flag agreed with him. They tried to stop them but the doors were opened and Blastaar's army was unleashed; after learning of his betrayal, Blastaar sent his men to find and kill Star-Lord. Running for their lives, Star-Lord and Jack Flag located a telepath in 42 to ask the Guardians for help and they were able to escape before being killed by Blastaar. Once he returned to Knowhere, Peter found that Rocket had assembled a new team, consisting of Major Victory, Bugman, Groot, and Mantis. Eventually, the other members returned as well; Adam and Gamora returning in order to still help the universe, and Drax and Phyla returning with the newly resurrected Moondragon. Their first order was to split up and attempt to end the War of Kings, which would cause irreparable damage to the fabric of the universe. Peter led his team to Hala to speak with the Inhumans. Even after telling them the dangers of their war, they refused. Phyla, who now called herself Martyr, had other ideas of negotiating and took Crystal hostage. Star-Lord could not get her to release her prisoner and they were teleported back to Knowhere. Upon their return, they soon found themselves in the middle of a battle with the Inhumans and the Imperial Guard, who had followed the other team back. After rescuing Crystal, the Inhumans left and the Guardians were left to face the Imperial Guard, who wished to take over the station. In the process of the battle, Starhawk escaped her captivity and took Star-Lord, Mantis, Bug, Jack Flag, and Cosmo to her future. In Starhawk's bleak future, she was finally able to convince them what she had been saying all along was true. A massive fissure was consuming the universe and it had to be stopped. The two Guardians teams worked together to try to send a message back through time to warn that the fissure, known as the Fault, was actually caused during the War of Kings by Black Bolt. With their time machine broken, they formed a new plan. The Badoon, who now ruled what little was left of the universe, had enslaved the Celestials and created what was called the Celestial Engine, used to keep the fissure at bay. They send back their message and break the alignment of the Celestial Engine, causing the destruction of this future. To Star-Lord's surprise, this did not kill them. They found themselves in a different time with a different set of Guardians. Another surprise: he was old enough to be his own grandfather. The Starhawk of this future received messages from his previous selves and learned the truth. The team was adrift in time, which was causing their changes as well. They formed a plan to find a time machine under Avengers Mansion, but once they got there they slipped through time once again. And again. And again. They finally arrived at an alternate future, one ruled by the Magus and the Universal Church of Truth. While battling the members of the Church, they had an unexpected guest: Kang the Conqueror. He returned them to their normal states and took them to his headquarters in Limbo. He explained that all futures were becoming Magus futures and it was up to Star-Lord to stop this from happening. Kang gave Peter a Cosmic Cube and told him that future must be saved at all costs. They were sent back to moments before Adam would turn into the Magus while repairing the Fault. Star-Lord tried to talk to Adam, but the damage had been done. He had overlapped the time lines and essentially he had been the Magus for months. Adam transformed and began his battle with the Guardians, who were all reunited. After killing Major Victory, Mantis, Cosmo, Gamora, and Phyla, Star-Lord was finally able to grab the Cube and use it to revert the Magus back to Adam. Adam told him that he must finish him, and to his own regret, Star-Lord shot and killed his friend. The universe had been saved, but the price was very high. Adam managed to avoid death, however, and Magus continued in his service to his Lord Mar-Vel, a Mar-Vel from a universe where death had lost and life had triumphed, resulting in a universe of immortal monsters. When the denizens of Lord Mar-Vel's universe, the Cancerverse came out of the fault in order to consume the 616 universe as well. Peter Quill, together with the rest of the Guardians, Nova, and Thanos traveled into the Cancerverse in order to stop Mar-Vel and the Old Ones whom Mar-Vel served. Drax, however, was driven mad due to the fact that he was an avatar of life in a universe where life had triumphed, and he tried to kill Thanos, who in turn vaporized him. The Guardians and Thanos met up with the Machine Resistance, the unliving robotic denizens of the Cancerverse who had been immune to Mar-Vel's conversion of his universe and had fought to stop him ever since. They informed Thanos and the Guardians that Mar-Vel was planning a Necropsy, in which he would kill the Avatar of Death (Thanos) thus killing Death itself. Thanos seemed to betray the Guardians when he submitted to Mar-Vel, but when Mar-Vel ran him through with a sword, Death appeared and, due to being summoned by Thanos, killed the entire Cancerverse and forced the Old Ones into a coma that would last a very long time. Death refused to take Thanos with her and he flew into a rage, vowing to destroy the universe. Peter and Nova volunteered to distract him, managing to keep him in the Cancerverse long enough for it to collapse and kill all three of them. The survivors hailed Peter and Nova as heroes and a statue was erected in their honor on Kree-Lar. Return Thanos, Star-Lord, and Nova remained in the Cancerverse fighting over the Cosmic Cube. A returned Drax joined the brawl against the Mad Titan. After Star-Lord starting losing control over the Cube, Thanos offered Quill to give him the Cube, as he could control it to get back to Earth-616. However, Star-Lord killed Thanos with it. As Thanos reappeared and killed Star-Lord from behind, who also returned, the heroes discovered death was impossible in the Cancerverse, as one would merely respawn in another location. After killing Thanos for a third time, the heroes' discussion on what to do was interrupted by the arrival of the Cancerverse's Revengers. Following an extremely long battle, the Revengers got hold of the Cosmic Cube. Thanos managed to retrieve the Cube and defeat the Revengers, but was soon opposed by Drax, Quill, and Nova. While the Mad Titan was distracted by Drax, Nova picked up the Cosmic Cube and decided to use it along with the Nova Force to open a gate to Earth-616. However, Rider couldn't come along as he was acting as the door between the two universes. As his last wish, Nova asked Peter not to tell Gamora about this event, as it would devastate her. Peter Quill, Drax and Thanos were then returned to Earth-616. Star-Lord and Drax reuinted with the other Guardians and they aided the Avengers to fight Thanos, who had once again targeted Earth following his return. Thanos managed to get a Cosmic Cube from the Army, with which he escaped to Moord, the homeland of the Badoon. The Guardians arrived at the Avengers Tower and informed the Avengers about the situation. They joined the Guardians to fight Thanos and the Badoon. After Thanos apparently killed the Elders of the Universe, to impose his supremacy, he became one with the Cosmic Cube and killed the Avengers and the Guardians as well. But actually they were sent to the Cancerverse along with the Elders. While there, Tony Stark found that Thanos' weapon wasn't actually a Cosmic Cube and that it had defects. They bargained with the Collector in exchange for a weapon capable of deactivating the "Cube" and return to Earth. The Avengers and the Guardians would let Thanos be defeated by the Elders. With the help of other members of the Avengers, Thanos was defeated and sent to punishment by the Elders. After being alerted by his father, J'son, that a council of galactic empires had decided that Earth should be left untouched by all, the Guardians fought a Badoon invasion on Earth. They were briefly imprisoned by Spartoi forces after defeating the Badoon in London, but managed to escape, becoming fugitives of the Spartoi Empire. Star-Lord was later captured by the Spartoi, and his fellow Guardians were all sent to other places across the galaxy for their own separate punishments. Soon after being captured, Quill was saved by none other than Captain Marvel. After exposing King J'son for who he really was and starting a rebellion, Peter Quill and Captain Marvel went around the Galaxy picking up their teammates, all except newly-inducted Flash Thompson who went into hiding after escaping a run-in with the Skrulls. After sneaking into an orphanage to search for a gem left behind by the Spartax, Peter was confronted by a group of Badoon bounty hunters. Outnumbered, Peter was captured by the Badoon. While imprisoned, Peter discovered that a mysterious "Mr. Knife" placed the bounty on his head and that he also had plans for Earth. Soon after, Peter escaped the ship with the gem only to come face-to-face with the commander of the Spartax Royal Guard who turned out to be the sister he didn't know he had, Victoria. She turned him in to Fortress Viderdoom for the reward money, but quickly turned on Quill's captors to help him escape and steal Viderdoom's assets. The siblings escaped the planet together, narrowly avoiding death. When back on her ship, Victoria offered half of the money to Peter but he declined it, saying he was in it for the adventure. +This superhero's name is Star Sapphire. Their real name is Carol Ferris. Carol Ferris is the boss and occasional love interest of Hal Jordan. Her family owns the Ferris Aircraft company, where she acts as an executive, and sometimes as a pilot. She is also Star Sapphire, a once villainous character occupying another part of her personality entirely. In the Star Sapphire Corps, where she fights for love across the universe, she has taken on a more heroic role. +This superhero's name is Stardust. Their real name is . As Herald for the world devourer, Galactus, Stardust found suitable worlds for his master to consume. Stardust also performed above his master's expectations as he would track down and destroy any inhabitants of a world that happened to escape the destruction, so he would wipe out any trace of their civilization. Stardust first met Beta Ray Bill as Bill was trying to defend his people, the Korbinites, who happened to be the next target of Galactus. Their planet was eventually lost, but the remaining survivors had transferred their life essences into an orb that Beta Ray Bill would protect until he could find a new world for his people to inhabit. Stardust, however, had other plans as he hunted Beta Ray Bill.He was determined to wipe out the Korbinite�s existence forever. The two engaged in battle and Bill would not fall knowing that he was the last hope for his people. Eventually, Stardust called upon his powers to open a dimensional gateway to banish Beta Ray Bill and his people into, but instead he unwittingly released a foe greater in power and evil than either have ever confronted. Asteroth was now let loose upon the universe, and it was up to both of them to stop her. Galactus, meanwhile, had repaired the damage done to a fallen Korbonite, Alpha Ray, and sent him to intercept Stardust and Beta Ray Bill. Stardust, knowing that Asteroth had to be banished from this plane of existence, used his immense cosmic abilities to create a black hole. Alpha Ray arrived just in time to deal a major blow to Asteroth and drove her into the black hole removing Asteroth as a threat. Stardust became a victim of his own creation as he could not escape the black hole's gravity and was consumed as well. Stardust eventually returned to his master�s side and was present at the time of the Annihilation Wave. Galactus sent Stardust to join two other former heralds, Firelord and Red Shift, in opposing the forces of Annihilus before taking the Silver Surfer as his herald once more. While in battle with Anihilus's forces on the planet Daedalus 5, Stardust and Red Shift detected the presence of Galactus, who had been turned into a weapon by Thanos. Stardust saved Gamora during her battle with another former herald, Terrax, and reunited her with the rest of the rebellion. In order to give Nova and his remaining forces time to evacuate, Stardust and Red Shift seemingly sacrificed themselves by delaying the destruction of Daedalus 5 by temporarily holding back the cosmic energies of Galactus before they could consume the planet. Stardust, in time, was able to reform himself in the Andromeda Galaxy unclear of what drew him there. While traveling back to the side of his former master, Galactus, Stardust intercepted a cluster of alien life forces that he recognized to be of his race, the Ethereals. The fifty three entities that formed the group explained that the Annihilation Wave wiped out their civilization, and they were the last of their kind. They branded Stardust as a traitor since he was off helping the Corporeals, the Solid Ones, in fighting their war instead of aiding his people and attacked him. Stardust was unwilling to listen to the accusations and struck back using the Power Cosmic to obliterate the entities. However, horrified at his rash actions, Stardust siphoned their essence into him and was willing to use them as his conscience as they now shared a destiny. Finally, Stardust reached Galactus who was in a weakened state because of the energies he used to defeat Aniihilus� forces. Asking to be taken back as herald once more, Stardust was asked by Galactus for a show of loyalty. Knowing exactly what Galactus wanted, no matter how monstrous it may have seemed, Stardust obliged and willingly gave the fifty three beings residing within him to Galactus to feed upon and partially replenish him. Galactus took Stardust back as a second herald and showed him a glimpse of the future where the Silver Surfer will turn on Galactus once more, and Stardust will be called upon to stand at his side. It is then that Stardust revealed that both corporeal and ethereal beings are equally useless to him and only one being in the universe commands his allegiance and his love�Galactus. +This superhero's name is Starfire (Titans). Their real name is Koriand'r. Koriand'r (born November 11, 1991), anglicised as Kory Anders and codenamed Starfire, is an alien from the planet Tamaran with the abilities of solar energy absorption and redirection. Sent to earth to capture a powerful demonic entity known as “the Raven”, Kory acquired temporary amnesia in a car-crash and forgot her mission. Accidentally befriending her target, she decides to protect Rachel, and teams up with Dick Grayson and Gar Logan to destroy The Organization. Kory provides emotional counsel to her new friends. +This superhero's name is Starfire. Their real name is Koriand'r. Tamaran's Princess Koriand'r was the second of three children. Her older sister, Komand'r was the next in the line of succession, but she was crippled by a childhood illness that robbed her of her natural Tamareanian ability to convert ultraviolet light in to flight energy, so she was deemed not worthy to be queen and the succession fell to Koriand'r. When both sisters were sent to train with the legendary Warlords of Okaara, the bitter Komand'r ran off, allying herself with the Citadel. They used Komand'r's information to successfully invade the planet Tamaran. King Myand'r turned Koriand'r over to the Citadel to ensure peace. Koriand'r endured six years of torture until she and Komand'r were both released for experimentation by the Psions. The Psions, who are largely sadistic scientists, performed a deadly experiment on both of the sisters to see just how much energy their Tamaranean bodies could absorb before exploding from the overload. During the procedure, Komand'r's forces attacked the Psion ship to rescue her and while the Psions were distracted, Kory broke free with the starbolts, destructive blasts of solar energy, a result of the experimentation. Against her better judgment, she decided to free Komand'r who was still absorbing energy. However, far from grateful, Komand'r struck her sister down with the same-much stronger- power and had her restrained for later execution. Koriand'r escaped and found her way to Earth with the help of the Teen Titans. She chose to remain with the team and took the name Starfire, and quickly formed a romantic relationship with Dick Grayson, then - as Robin - the leader of the team. Kory is regarded as extremely physically attractive even by the standards of the superhero. She also displays the traits of Tamaran's highly sensuous culture, coupled with a no nonsense warrior attitude. For a time, Kory had a career as a fashion model. She has been married twice, both times to Tamaranean men: once to the prince Karras to seal a peace treaty, and once to General Phy'zzon for love. Both of her husbands died in battle. She almost married Dick, but their wedding was interrupted by Raven, who had followed in the steps of her father, the demon Trigon. Raven murdered the priest before he pronounced Dick and Kory husband and wife. The relationship was already on unsteady ground, with Kory fearing that Dick was rushing into marriage, and also being concerned by the anti-alien sentiments that sprang up in response to the news of the impending nuptials. Starfire has served as mentor/teacher to the latest roster of Titans, and also began serving with the Outsiders. Starfire was stranded on a paradise-like planet with fellow heroes Animal Man and Adam Strange after the battle with Alexander Luthor, Jr. and Superboy-Prime. After several weeks, Adam was able to get his spaceship working, and they departed for Earth. Their ship, however, was attacked by Devilance, who they had encountered on the planet and who had pursued them into space. Lobo appeared just in time to destroy Devilance, and after a some negotiation, agreed to help them out. When it was believed that Animal Man had perished in battle against Lady Styx, Starfire took it upon herself to bring his jacket back to his surviving family on Earth. Upon reaching Earth, however, she quickly discovered that Animal Man was still alive. After the apparent defeat of Lady Styx, Starfire once again returned back to Animal Man's home, where she was recovering from her recent adventures and regaining control of her returned powers. One afternoon, while sunbathing, she and Animal Man's son were attacked by a water demon in Buddy's swimming pool. Meanwhile, her old Titan teammates had also been attacked by assorted demonic entities. This led to Starfire, Nightwing, Troia, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Flash, and Red Arrow, to reassemble as a team, when they realized that the attacks are the result of a resurrected Trigon and his newly discovered three sons. While investigating, the Titans began to experience unexplained mood-shifts. For Starfire and Nightwing, they were overwhelmed by lust, and ended up having abrupt sex in the middle of their investigation. Soon after, the team met up in New York's Central Park, where they attempted to recover from these mood-shifts and realize that each shift coincided with one of the seven deadly sins. The team was then approached by the Sons of Trigon. They battled the villainous prodigy, and drove them away. Starfire and Nightwing then discuss their actions while under the influence of Trigon's sons. While Nightwing shows hints at wanting to renew their relationship, Starfire questions his commitment to the relationship and goes so far as to ask Nightwing whether or not he truly still loves her. Nightwing to his own surprise and reluctance admits he does not, leading to them for now leaving their reunion in doubt. Since then, it has been clearly stated that Dick has moved on, though Kory stays true to her Tamaranian culture and still loves him. Most recently, she has been captured and turned into a Justifier, as seen in Final Crisis: Resist. She has since been freed. Although the loss of control she gathered from the Justifier helmet distressed her severely, causing her to lash out at anyone remotely looking like they are wearing one of the helmets. She was more than happy to destroy a warehouse full of them when Mister Terrific offered her and Cyborg to destroy them. After a stint with a psychiatrist (instead of talking to Donna, which troubled her to no end), and a subsequent denial of joining the Justice League, she is left none the healthier. Most recently during Hero's Day, a time when the heroes of the DC universe join together in remembrance of dead comrades, Starfire and the Titans were attacked by Black Lantern versions of their fallen teammates. During the battle, Starfire and Cyborg were subjected to a psychic attack by the Black Lantern Omen, putting them both in a euphoric state as they experienced their greatest desires. For Starfire, her greatest desire came in the form of her marrying Dick Grayson (indicating that she is still deeply in love with him). Luckily, both she and Cyborg were rescued by Beast Boy and with their attackers eventually defeated by Dove, Starfire and the Titans prepared to face the Black Lanterns head on. Kory was recently invited to join Kimyo Hoshi's new Justice League by Donna Troy. She joined the team briefly and left a note to Dick explaining why she had left. She then joined the R.E.B.E.L.S. and returned to where Tamaran used to be, to find that it had mysteriously returned. She had casual relations with Captain Comet, who clearly felt more for her than her for him. +This superhero's name is Stargirl. Their real name is Courtney Whitmore. Courtney Whitmore is a junior member of the Justice Society of America and the JSA All-Stars. She originally operated as Star-Spangled Kid using Sylvester Pemberton's Cosmic Converter Belt, but when Jack Knight left her the Cosmic Staff, she adopted the name Stargirl. With the belt and the staff, she carries on the legacies of Star-Spangled Kid and Starman. Courtney was the daughter of Sam Kurtis and Barbara Whitmore, born and raised in sunny California. Her parents broke up, and Barbara found a new love: Pat Dugan. They moved to Blue Valley, Nebraska. Courtney did not like the move, and she did not like her new stepdad. She did make new friends quickly, though, with Mary Kramer and Josh Hamman. While rummaging through her stepfather's belongings, she found Sylvester Pemberton's old equipment. Realizing her stepdad used to be Stripesy, the only adult sidekick to a teen hero in history, filled her with joy, as she had a new means to get back at him and ridicule him. She donned a Star-Spangled outfit to a patriotic-themed spirit week dance to mock him, but they were attacked by Dragon King's minions. Dugan pulled out his newly built S.T.R.I.P.E. armor to stop them, and they prevented the thugs from taking over. They decided they would form a duo, Star-Spangled Kid and S.T.R.I.P.E. The attack on the high school caught the attention of Oracle, who clued Robin in on the new legacy hero. Though they had little to go on, Young Justice traveled to Nebraska to take a look at the new hero. Their initial meeting was not smooth (as they kept thinking the S.T.R.I.P.E. armor was a robot) but in the end, they solved an alien invasion together. Courtney did not join the Team, but she did come along on their mission to Zandia to stop Agua Sin Gaaz. In Blue Valley, most of her adventures involved Dragon King, and his daughter, Cindy Burman. Cindy was the most popular girl in school, and as evil as her father. She adopted the name Shiv, and would become Courtney's arch nemesis. During her adventures, she teamed up with Starman and the Shining Knight, who carried a grudge against Dragon King as he had killed his love Firebrand. When Jack Knight retired as Starman, he knew who to give his staff to. He had previously met Courtney, and was impressed how she managed during Sins of Youth. She had wielded the Staff then, so as he left for San Francisco to raise his son Kyle, he passed the staff and the legacy of Starman to her. She added the Cosmic Staff to her arsenal. Some time later, she decided to adopt the name Stargirl, a name Mary had suggested to her when she first became a hero. Father issues She only sporadically saw her biological father, Sam Kurtis, and when she did, it was not in a positive light. When she found him working as a low-level goon for the Royal Flush Gang, she broke with him for good. She started seeing Pat as her father, which was cemented when she learned of Kurtis's death. Stargirl was a much appreciated junior member of the Justice Society. She learned a lot from Power Girl, and had a brief fling with Billy Batson. That the rest of the Society did not know Captain Marvel was actually a fourteen year old hampered the relationship, and led to Captain Marvel quitting the JSA. Al Rothstein and Jakeem Thunder also had an affection for her. She did have feelings for Al, and even saw a vision of them being married in the future. When he was tried for the massacre in Khandaq, she told him she would wait for him. While other members of the Justice Society were phased from the main Earth to the new Earth-Two, Whitmore along with teammates Mister Terrific and Doctor Mid-Nite remained, revealing that they would not have been native to Earth-Two. Stargirl survived the Crisis largely intact, and began attending college. She changed her equipment: her rod now compresses to a small cylinder, and when she activates it, her costume and belt appear while the rod grows to full size. She has started to take driving lessons from Mr. Terrific. Less than a year after the Infinite Crisis, the JSA was disbanded when only three members remained. When the time was right, Green Lantern, Flash and Wildcat set it up again, and Stargirl was a solid choice. She became friends with Ma Hunkel's granddaughter, Maxine Hunkel, and helped her form her identity Cyclone. When the JSA split up due to differences between the old guard and the new, Courtney decided to join the JSA All-Stars. At first she felt out of place because everyone was older than her, but Power Girl convinced her that they needed her and that she was a role model to most of the members. During this time, Albert Rothstein was missing and Johnny Sorrow claimed to be in love with her. He took her to the subtle realms disguised as Atom Smasher in order to receive a kiss from the girl. The real Atom Smasher was tied up at a castle in the realms and the JSA All-Stars came to save her. At the end, Courtney continued her work with the All-Stars. She also attempted to patch up her relationship with Albert, but they soon realized that they both had a need for space. +This superhero's name is Starling. Their real name is Evelyn Crawford. Starling was a new character introduced with the relaunch of the DC after the events of Flashpoint. She was inserted into continuity as an old friend of Black Canary who is considered an outlaw by the Government. She appears to be religious, worrying about her eternal soul and claiming that she had no idea where to even "start to confess a sin like this" when she drove her car through a church. +This superhero's name is Starro The Star Conqueror. Their real name is Star-Ro. Starro refers both to a starfish-shaped alien species also known as Star Conquerors, and their humanoid leader, Starro the Conqueror, a member of the Hatorei species who used their innate psychic abilities to communicate with oneanother in the distant past and now uses the method to enslave and gain control of a Star Conqueror Motherstar to use the other Starros as his instrument of conquest. +This superhero's name is Static. Their real name is Virgil Hawkins. +This superhero's name is Steel (1997). Their real name is John Irons. John Henry Irons is a weapons designer who invents high-tech laser guns and protective armor for the United States military. One soldier, Nathaniel Burke, decides to show just what Irons' weapons can do and sets one of Irons' laser guns at the highest power setting, firing the device at an abandoned building. However, the weapon backfires and destroys the building the team is situated in. Irons' partner, Susan "Sparky" Sparks, is crushed by a large slab of concrete in the ensuing chaos. In court, Irons reveals Burke's role in the incident and Burke is dismissed from the military. Because his weapons resulted in Sparks becoming a paraplegic, Irons resigns in disgust. Meanwhile, Burke hatches a plot to sell Irons' weapons to criminal gangs, recruiting a video arcade manager to help him carry out this deed. Irons witnesses a bank robbery organized by gang members wielding Burke's modified guns; they escape before he can interrogate them on where they obtained the weapons. The gang does not tell Irons anything when confronted directly in their hideout. Irons visits Sparks in a veteran's hospital and takes her to his own assembled laboratory, where he hopes he and Sparks can create weapons needed to combat the criminals. With the help of Uncle Joe, they forge a suit of armor and the weaponry necessary for Irons to carry out his war on crime and become the vigilante "Steel". However, during his crusade against crime, Irons is pursued by the cops and is forced to return to his lair. The next night, the robbers arrange to rob another bank. Irons, as Steel, tries to stop them, but is hindered by the robbers' weapons. When Irons returns to his grandmother's house, he is arrested. Meanwhile, Burke prepares to auction off all his modified weapons to every criminal organization in the world over the Internet. When Irons is released from jail, Sparky is captured by Burke's thugs. Irons, as Steel, attempts to infiltrate Burke's headquarters, but is captured himself in the process. When Burke continues with the auction, he is tricked by Steel, which allows him and Sparks to rebel and destroy Burke's lair. Burke himself is killed when a laser he fires towards Steel reflects back towards him due to Steel's suit. +This superhero's name is Steel Serpent (MCU). Their real name is Davos. Davos is a member of the Order of the Crane Mother, the son of Lei Kung and Priya and a previous contender for the Iron Fist mantle. Davos later became friends with Danny Rand, but grew jealous of Rand as he received the honor of becoming the Iron Fist. Davos' jealousy turned to anger as Rand had left his post at K'un-Lun to return to New York City, as Davos had eventually turned against his friend when he saw how Rand had changed while he was in New York and his unwillingness to kill the Hand during their conflict with Bakuto. Seeking the help of Joy Meachum, Davos chose to take revenge by killing Rand for his decision to leave K'un-Lun and betraying him. Having gained the corpse of the previous Iron Fist, Davos and Meachum hired Mary Walker to track down and kidnap Rand, using the Crane Sisters to perform a ceremony to transfer the power over to Davos, giving him the ability to channel his Chi to become the Immortal Weapon. Seeking to use the power as he believed it was intended, Davos had then recruited the aid of Chen Wu and Ryhno's Gang to track down and murder members of the Yangsi Gonshi and Golden Tigers. However, Davos was tracked down by Rand, who attempted to transfer the Iron Fist to Colleen Wing. Despite furiously attempting to keep his new power, Davos was eventually overpowered and Wing took the Iron Fist from him, as Davos was then arrested for his crimes, still vowing to get revenge against Rand. +This superhero's name is Steel Serpent. Their real name is Davos. +This superhero's name is Steel. Their real name is John Irons. John Henry Irons is a hero forged from his own making. When Superman saved Irons from a fatal fall off a Metropolis skyscraper, he challenged the construction worker to make his life count for something. A former weapons engineer for the ruthless AmerTek Company, Irons longed to atone for the deaths his designs had caused. For the purpose, he built a suit of exoskeleton armor for himself and assumed the primary alias of Steel. As Steel, he crusaded to dismantle AmerTek's weapons programs, including the destruction of every last production model of the BG-60 " Toastmaster", the deadly assault rifle he had designed. Superman is proud to call Steel his partner. Irons even helped Superman rebuild his Fortress of Solitude and gave it a computer linkage to Irons' headquarters, called "The Steelworks", an abandoned arms factory in Suicide Slums. After the Death of Superman by Doomsday, Steel took his place, soaring over Metropolis in high-tech armor and smashing crime with a sledgehammer. In Superman's absence, or if the Man of Steel needs assistance, Steel often coordinates and leads " Team Superman", a cadre of S-shield-wearing heroes including himself, Supergirl, and Superboy. Steel provided this Super-Squad with stealthy combat-garb meant to protect them from the necrotic touch of Kancer as they aided Superman in battle with General Zod and the armies of Pokolistan. Irons suffered mortal wounds releasing Doomsday from the JLA Watchtower to battle Imperiex. Superman was unable to turn away the Black Racer, a being that gathers souls and ushers them into the afterlife. This time, however, the Black Racer delivered Irons to Apokolips, where the evil Darkseid restored life to Iron's body. But the cost at which Steel was brought back to life has still not been determined. Darkseid placed Irons in the Entropy Aegis, a burned out Imperiex-probe altered by Apokoliptic science. This new armor was far superior to his old, but Apokoliptic upgrades made it more of a curse than a blessing. Steel led the short lived 2nd incarnation of Infinity Inc. It is unknown how was was able to escape the Entropy Aegis. He had his more known costume on during the Infinity Inc. incarnation. John Henry Irons's known relatives include a niece, named Natasha Irons, who later became the fourth user of the alias of Steel. The identities of the second and third users of the alias of Steel are not known. Steel resurfaces for a fight with Doomsday. With no other heroes around, Steel is left to fight Doomsday by himself. Natasha Irons tries to persuade her uncle not to fight Doomsday, but John insist and heads off into battle. John gave the fight all he had. John even managed to hit Doomsday with a direct hit from his hammer. Steel had hurled his hammer from a thousand feet away. During the fight Doomsday evolves growing armor out his body and also possess the ability to fly. John manages to break away a piece of Doomsday's chest armor which allowed John to introduce nanonytes into Doomsday's body. The nanonytes were suppose to paralyze Doomsday for an hour until help arrived, but the effects only lasted a few seconds. John then gets pounded by Doomsday until he is knocked unconscious. We last see John being carried off by a flying Doomsday. +This superhero's name is Stephanie Powell. Their real name is Stephanie Powell. As Global Tech's newest (and youngest!) Executive Vice President of Research, Stephanie finds herself wishing for more hours in the day, rushing from an 80-hour work-week to get home to her husband and children. While she loves her career, she can't help but miss spending important time with her family. Unfortunately, it's getting worse every day, with the kids old enough to have their own lives and Jim increasingly feeling disconnected from her. Caught between supporting her family financially and supporting them emotionally, Stephanie is at a loss with how to fix the situation. When Jim suggests turning Stephanie's research trip into a family vacation, she's all for it. Until the plane crashes in the Amazon, and Stephanie finds herself moving faster than ever. Armed with her new super speed, Stephanie discovers she can do everything, and still be home in time to cook dinner for the family. But where did these powers come from? And what are the ultimate consequences in having them? Those are the questions that plague Stephanie, and as the scientist, she approaches the powers with caution, determined to discover their origin and protect her family. +This superhero's name is Steppenwolf. Their real name is . After his Yuga Khan being imprisoned in the Source Wall, his sister Queen Heggra became absolute ruler of Apokolips and he was promoted by his sister, to the post of commander of the army. During the time of Heggra's reign, Darkseid suggested to him organize an army to invade New Genesis, so they could partake of a sadistic sport:hunting and killing the civilians. Steppenwolf's soldiers attacked Izaya the inheritor,until Avia intervene to save him,but Steppenwolf seeing movement behind whirled and fired a fatal radion bolt at her,not realizing she was Izaya's wife,later Darkseid rendered Izaya unconscious with a blast from his "killing gloves". Then Darkseid, along with a now suspicious Steppenwolf returned to Apokolips. After the death of his wife, Izaya lead New Genesis forces against Apokolips in act of vengeance, making the two planets go to war. Darkseid gives to Steppenwolf the command of the Dog Calvary to hold New Genesis raid,but ended killed by Highfather. All this was nothing more than a Darkseid's plan to poisoned his mother and take over throne without the intervention of his uncle. Sometime later Steppenwolf was resurrected through Desaad invention and became Apokolips military leader under Darkseid's command. Thousands of years ago, Steppenwolf accompanied Darkseid to the planet Bylan 5 so that Darkseid could wed the princess of the planet. In actuality, the devious duo really wanted access to the precious resources of the planet and were using the marriage as an excuse to obtain it. However, the monster Doomsday appeared and quickly began wreaking havoc on the planet, even managing to kill Master Mayhem. Angered, Darkseid attempted to engage the monster but Steppenwolf decided it was best for them both to retreat as the Bylan 5 was essentially destroyed. Steppenwolf's main job is commander of Darkseid's Dog Calvary. He trained the dogs and men to work in Darkseid's main army. His best warrior was Canis Major. When Canis Major had a son, Canis Minor, he tried to train the boy to fight. All the lad was interested in was art. Eventually the boy killed his father and took his place as Canis Major. It turned out the son was allot better then his father. When Steppenwolf found out about this, he told Darkseid. Darkseid ordered Steppenwolf to kill the son saying, how he preferred his father. Steppenwolf served as the true leader of the Darkseid Club while in human form (he was named Steppenwolf). However he was quickly killed by the new Clock King, who then proceeded to usurp control of the club. Steppenwolf appeared as one of Darkseid's Elite along with DeSaad in the Justice League's revised origins. The pair were torturing Superman on Apokolips, until Cyborg manipulated their Mother Box's and sent them to Earth-2 and left them stranded on Earth-2 and unable to return Apokolips. Steppenwolf next appeared in Earth-2 as main adversary for Kal-L, Wonder Woman and Batman as he tried to take over Earth-2 in Darkseid's name, often mind controlling the countries of Earth he defeated with an Anti-Life Generator and wanted to use them as members for his army against the World Army until, Terry Sloane bombed the countries under Steppenwolf's control. As Diana was fighting a horde of Parademons, Steppenwolf opened a boom tube behind them and stabbed Diana in the back with his sword despite the cries of Superman warning her of his presence and watched as Kal-L was killed in a swarm of Parademons, however, Batman was able to upload his virus to the beacon towers thereby deactivating all of Steppenwolf's Parademons and thereby securing a victory for the World Army. After the war ended, Steppenwolf sought asylum with King Marov in Dherain. Steppenwolf with the help of Fury launched a preemptive strike against Marov as Marov himself was planning to kill Steppenwolf and collect the bounty on his head. While his men were being defeated by Fury, Marov detonated an explosion to give himself time to suit up to fight against Steppenwolf. Marov then had his his men outfitted in updated Parademon schematics to fight Steppenwolf, they however, were not a challenge to Steppenwolf and he cut them down with his Battle-Axe, revealing the reason he came to Dherain was because he wanted to take Marov's throne. When Fury killed the last of Marov's men, Steppenwolf then threw his Battle-Axe through Marov's body, killing him as he tried to attack. Steppenwolf later decapitated Marov to show to his people that, now that Marov was dead they had no else to stop the World Army from coming for them due to their role in supporting Apokolips during the invasion and had to grudgingly Steppenwolf as their new King. Steppenwolf later commented to Fury, that Dherain was not enough for him since he wanted to take over the entire world and wanted to start preparation for the World Army's expected arrival. Steppenwolf later sent Fury to Gotham City to capture Big Barda and Mr. Miracle the lost son of Highfather who had escaped him a year ago. When the Wonders of America & the World Army tried to invade Dherain the invasion initially seemed to be going well for them as they decimated his initial forces. However, Steppenwolf stayed behind and sent his Hunger Dogs to confront them. Steppenwolf's Hunger Dogs easily defeated the combined forces of Wonders and the World Army, they however, refrained from killing most of them. When the full forces of the World Army finally came to Dherain only then did Steppenwolf finally suit himself up and engage in battle. Even with the World Army having a large numbers advantage; Steppenwolf single-handedly slaughtered most of the World's Army's soldier in just over an hour, with the aid of his Hunger Dogs, he killed many more soldiers and destroyed most of their air fleet. It was the death of the World Army's leader Jason Storm Foster by Brutaal, that solidified Steppenwolf's victory and led to the World Army ordering a retreat. However, the Wonders of America wouldn't give up and Alan Scott went to attack Steppenwolf and eventually gained the upper hand until Brutaal blasted Alan in the back with his eye beams while he was focused on Steppenwolf. When Al Pratt tried to intervene in the subsequent beat down of Alan Scott, Brutaal knocked him out with a backhand and together he and Steppenwolf proceeded to pound away at Alan Scott who was helpless to retaliate. After they had finished, Steppenwolf went to a reporter to announce to he World that the World Army hadn't been able to stop him and before he could continue with his speech, Brutaal cut him in half vertically with his hand and revealed as his armour began to fall away that he was Kal-L, the previously thought dead Superman of Earth-2 and now a loyal servant of Darkseid. +This superhero's name is Steve Trevor. Their real name is Steve Trevor. Steve Trevor is a commercial pilot, a retired colonel in the United States Air Force. Born and raised in Enid, Oklahoma, Steve is the son of Ulysses Trevor and Diana Rockwell. He lost his mother when he was 7; while test piloting an experimental jet, she was lost over the Mediterranean Sea. In reality, she had washed ashore on Themyscira, and helped in the defense of Doom's Doorway at the expense of her life. Queen Hippolyta named her own daughter Princess Diana after the outsider hero. Ares manipulated General Sam Tolliver to send Colonel Trevor to bomb Themyscira and as he was nearing the island, he realised that by doing so, he would kill many innocents. His co-pilot, who was possessed by Ares too, fought him and forcing the plane down. Diana, seeing the plane go down, dove in the sea and saved Trevor. She brought him back to the shores of Themyscira, and there she recognized the insignia on his jacket and she decided from there on that she was to fight against Ares. Eventually, an argument with his superior made Trevor decide to retire. He set up a private aviation firm, and eventually married Etta Candy, his former aide. They lived near Hanscom Air Force Base, though Steve had expressed the desire to return to Enid.[1] Trevor later went into politics, and served as Deputy Secretary of Defense during the Horne administration. +This superhero's name is Stevie Hunter. Their real name is Stephanie Hunter. Stevie Hunter was brought into the world of the X-Men when Professor X was looking for a dance instructor to teach Kitty Pryde. Storm immediately had problems with Stevie, seeing her as a threat to her special bond with Kitty. When Kitty invited Stevie and Ororo to a Dazzler concert, an outburst by the morlock Caliban caused the X-Men to reveal their mutant powers to Stevie. With their secret out, Stevie became more engrossed in the mutant world and joined the Institute as dance teacher and physical therapist. After Mister Sinister's attack on the Mansion reduced it to rubble, Stevie returned to her private studio. When Shadow King began to possess various X-Allies, he took control of Colossus and forced him to attack her. Although escaping unharmed, she too was possessed by Shadow King and traveled to Muir Island. The combined forces of X-Factor and X-Men freed all of Shadow King's captives, and Stevie returned to the Institute when she was rescued. When there was an assassination attempt on Xavier's life, Stevie nursed the wounded from the ensuing conflict. Currently, Stevie is back working at her dance studio. +This superhero's name is Stewie. Their real name is Stewie Griffin. Stewart Gilligan Griffin, or simply Stewie Griffin, (born June 18, 1997) is the anti-heroic secondary protagonist of Family Guy, as well as the main protagonist of the Road to... subseries. He is the infant child of Lois and Peter Griffin. +This superhero's name is Stick (MCU). Their real name is Unknown. Stick was a mysterious martial arts master and Chaste member. During the war between the Chaste and the Hand, Stick recruited Elektra, only to abandon her as she had proved too dangerous and trained Matt Murdock instead. Years later, Stick and Elektra had attempted to recruit Murdock, now working as Daredevil, but he still refused and instead convinced Elektra to change sides. This caused Stick to then order Elektra's death, leading to him being captured and tortured by the Hand. Stick was saved by his former pupils, and later witnessed Elektra's death by Nobu Yoshioka. In the final days of the war, Stick had witnessed the Chaste being defeated by Alexandra Reid's forces and went to the Defenders in the hopes of defeating his enemies once and for all. However upon learning that the Hand required Iron Fist to complete their plans, Stick chose to kill Danny Rand to stop this from happening. Stick was stopped however when Elektra returned and kidnapped Iron Fist, plunging her blade into Stick's chest and killing him. +This superhero's name is Stompa. Their real name is . Little is known about Stompa's early years, though she was born on Apokolips and was taken in by Granny Goodness. Trained and tortured in Granny's orphanage, Stompa's strength, ruthlessness, and loyalty promoted her to one of the founding members of the Female Furies, an elite group of warriors chosen to serve Darkseid directly. +This superhero's name is Storm (FOX). Their real name is Ororo Munroe. When Ororo was growing up, she became a member of the X-Men. She became one of the teachers at Xavier's Institute. +This superhero's name is Storm Shadow. Their real name is Tomisaburo Arashikage. Storm Shadow is the Cobra Commander's ninja bodyguard and assassin. +This superhero's name is Storm. Their real name is Ororo Munroe. Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm, is the descendant of an ancient line of African priestesses, all of whom have white hair, blue eyes, and the potential to wield magic. Born Ororo Munroe, her mother, N'Daré, was the princess of a tribe in Kenya, who married the American photojournalist, David Munroe, and moved with him to Manhattan, where Ororo was born. When Ororo was six months old, she and her parents moved to Cairo, Egypt and, at the age of five, a plane crash destroyed their home. Ororo's parents were killed, but she survived, buried under rubble near her mother's body. This traumatizing effect left Ororo with the severe claustrophobia that still afflicts her today. Ororo managed to escape the rubble of her shattered home with nothing but the tattered clothes on her back and her mother's ancestral ruby. Homeless and orphaned, Ororo was found by a gang of street urchins who took her to their master, Achmed El Gibár. Achmed trained Ororo in the arts of thievery and she soon became his prize pupil, excelling in picking both pockets and locks. During her time in Cairo, Ororo picked the pocket of an American tourist. The man proved no easy mark, however, as he was Charles Xavier, a powerful mutant telepath who used his abilities to stop the theft. At that moment, Xavier was psionically attacked by another mutant, Amahl Farouk (absolute ruler of Cairo’s thieves), and Ororo used the opportunity to escape. Xavier, who acknowledged she was a mutant from her brainwaves, declined to contact Ororo at this point, not wanting to shock the young woman with the true nature of her powers. Years later, feeling a strong urge to wander south, Ororo left Cairo. During her travels, Ororo naively accepted a ride from a complete stranger and was almost raped by him. Forced to defend herself, Ororo killed the man and, from that moment, she swore never to take another human life. Ororo wandered for thousands of miles, almost dying during her trek across the Sahara Desert. Ororo's mutant ability to psionically control the weather emerged soon after, and she was able to use them to rescue T'Challa, a prince of the African nation of Wakanda, from his would-be kidnappers. The pair shared a romance and spent much time together, however, T'Challa's duties as a prince prevented them from further exploring their burgeoning mutual attraction. Finally, Ororo reached her ancestors' homeland of the Kilimanjaro Valley on the Serengeti Plain in Kenya. Ororo was taken in by an elderly tribal woman, named Ainet, who taught her to be responsible with her powers. Ororo soon came to be the object of worship of the local tribes, who believed her to be a goddess due to her gift. Years later, Ororo found herself in the Savage Land and was forced to battle the threat of a mutant energy manipulator, who used Ororo's control over weather, known as Deluge, who sought revenge against humanity. With the help of the team of mutant heroes known as the X-Men, Deluge was seemingly destroyed and Ororo returned to her life amongst the tribal people. Months later, however, Professor Xavier was left with no choice but to recruit Storm, as he called her, and other mutants from around the world into the X-Men in order to rescue his original students from the threat of the sentient island being, known as Krakoa. Prof. Xavier explained to Ororo that she was not a "goddess", but a mutant and had a responsibility to use her abilities to help the world, just as she had helped the local tribes. Curious, Ororo accepted Professor Xavier's offer and was given the code name "Storm". After most of the original team left, Ororo, along with fellow new recruits Nightcrawler, Colossus, Wolverine, Thunderbird, and Banshee stayed as members of the new X-Men. This new group of X-Men were mostly adults and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room. Storm remained with the X-Men for years. Storm was initially very naive when it came to the customs of the modern world, but her teammate Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), helped educate her in the ways of society and the pair formed a lasting friendship. Jean was also one of the first X-Men to learn of Storm's claustrophobia, after the two women chased a thief into the subway. In the Savage Land Storm encountered M'Rinn at a dimensional interface point in a body of water. M'Rinn and one of her people were in peril, being attacked by an aquatic dinosaur, and Storm saved them, killing the creature. Storm accompanied M'Rinn back to her own dimension for a time, where time passed more quickly than on Earth, aiding her in battle and governing her people. Storm and M'Rinn became close friends and M'Rinn called Storm 'daughter of my heart'. When Storm eventually left M'Rinn's dimension, M'Rinn gave her a Cameo Crystal that allows Storm to get to M'Rinn's dimension with the use of her lightning. Leading the X-Men After serving with the team for many years, Storm was appointed leader of the team following the departure of former leader, Cyclops, after the apparent death of Jean Grey. Storm was initially unsure about her new role, but, with the support of her teammates, she soon became a capable leader. Ororo began her friendship with Kitty first, by christening Kitty with her first codename, Sprite, and even took her dancing at Stevie Hunter’s studio. When Cyclops eventually returned to the team, Storm found herself doubting her leadership abilities once more, after a mission she led went wrong. However, Ororo soon asserted her position, reminding Cyclops that she was now team leader. After sensing that Arkon was in danger, Storm, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four aided him in battling the Badoon. Storm and Arkon admitted their love for each other, but decided that their responsibilities were more important. Later, Emma Frost switched bodies with Ororo, while Sentinels attacked the X-Men. After using Emma’s telepathy, Ororo was able to gain her body back. During a coupe, Ororo helped Cyclops and his father defeat the Sidri and then battled the Brood, Deathbird, and Admiral Samedar to restore Lilandra Neramani to the Shi'ar throne. After battling in a duel between the Gamemaster and Death, Ororo, with Wolverine, infiltrated the Pentagon, to destroy the files on the X-Men they knew Fred Duncan had and, there, she first met, and battled, Rogue. Later, Ororo was attacked and hospitalized, only to find that Dracula wanted her for his bride. With the help of Kitty and the X-Men, Ororo shed his influence. Next, the X-Men were sent to the Savage Land, after Angel called and asked for assistance. In the Savage Land, the X-Men were captured, by Sauron and Zaladane, and rescued, by Angel and Ka-Zar. Later, the X-Men went to Limbo, where they battled Belasco and were aided by a future version of Storm that was left in Limbo and trained in magic. Later, in retaliation, the X-Men were captured and taken into space by the insectoid alien race known as the Brood, Storm fought back but her powers flared out of control. The X-Men discovered that they had been implanted with a Brood egg that would hatch and transform them into one of the aliens. Not wanting to unleash such an evil into the world, Storm attempted to commit suicide by channeling all of the surrounding stellar energy into her own body, destroying the Brood embryo, but leaving her drifting unprotected in space. Ororo would have died in the vacuum had it not been for a member of the Acanti, a race of space-faring, whale-like creatures that had been enslaved by the Brood. The Acanti that saved Storm was revealed to be the caretaker of the soul of his entire race, who had lost his mother to the Brood and needed guidance. Storm agreed to let her consciousness guide the young Acanti, whilst it healed her damaged body, and, after the Brood were defeated, a restored Storm returned home with the X-Men. The X-Men returned home to battle the Brood Queen that was inside of Prof. Xavier and saved his life by transplanting his mind into a cloned body. After Professor X had a televised debate, with Reverend William Stryker, he, Ororo, and Scott were kidnapped, by the Purifiers. While in captivity, Ororo and Scott were tortured and hooked to machines, operated by Dr. Phillip Ramsey, that transferred their pain to Professor X. After Professor X was brainwashed, he fired mental bolts at Ororo and Scott, seemingly killing them, but Magneto and the X-Men rescued them and Magneto resuscitated them. Professor X was taken to Madison Square Garden, where he was attached to a machine that, using his brainpower, would kill all living mutants. Magneto, with his psi-shielded helmet, was able to distract the Professor enough for the X-Men to destroy the machine. Televised, Cyclops entered into a debate with Stryker about his actions and Stryker pulled a gun, attempting to kill Kitty. Before he could fire, Stryker was shot-down, by a police officer. Later at the mansion, Professor admitted that Magneto was right and began to accept his offer to join, until Scott stopped him and stated that he believed in the Professor's dream and will see it come true. After sensing Dracula's summons, Ororo went to face him again. Storm was commanded to steal the Montesi Formula and was opposed by a possessed Kitty and Colossus. With the aid of the X-Men, Dracula was defeated. Soon after, the X-Men encountered the underground community of mutants, known as the Morlocks, who had kidnapped one of their former members, Angel. To save her friend, Storm challenged the Morlock leader, Callisto, to a duel and bested her in hand-to-hand combat. As a result, Storm became leader of the Morlocks and she ordered them to cease their hostilities against the surface-dwelling humans. When the X-Men later traveled to Japan to attend the wedding of their team member Wolverine, Storm first met the ninja named Yukio and the X-Men battled Viper and Silver Samurai over control of Clan Yashida. A friend of Wolverine's, Yukio was the most carefree spirit that Ororo had ever met and the two became fast friends. Yukio influenced a major rebellious change in Storm's attitude towards life and she took to wearing leather and shaved her hair into a Mohawk. The X-Men again battled with Mastermind and then the Impossible Man. After, the team battled the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and the Morlocks. Powerless Storm later had her powers accidentally neutralized by Henry Gyrich with a gun invented by the mutant machinist, named Forge, who took it upon himself to nurse Storm back to health. During her convalescence at Forge’s headquarters in Eagle Plaza in Dallas, Texas, Storm and Forge fell in love, but their relationship was cut short after Storm learned Forge had created the device that stripped her of her powers. Later, alien Dire Wraiths invaded Forge’s headquarters, since he was working on weaponry to be used against them and Naze (Forge's Shaman instructor), Amanda Sefton, and Magik joined with Forge and the X-Men in battling them. Naze faked his demise at the barbed tongue of a Dire Wraith, letting it assume his identity and then fall under the mental control of the Adversary, sparing Naze from this fate. Storm subsequently quit the X-Men and returned to Africa, where she finally came to terms with losing her mutant ability. When the Wraith home world, Wraithworld, began to approach Earth through hyperspace, the X-Men went to aid Rom and, with the help of Forge, banished them from existence. Before, returning to Cairo, Ororo battled Fenris, Andrea and Andreas von Strucker, in the Serengeti and then joined Prof. Xavier's newest team of young mutants, the New Mutants, in rescuing the body of Karma from being possessed by the Shadow King. During which time, the New Mutants met one of Storm's ancestors, Ashake, who helped the heroes return to their own time. After being briefly possessed herself, Storm and the New Mutants exhumed the Shadow King of Karma and Karma defeated him on the Astral Plane. While vacationing with the kids later, the group was subsequently captured by the Asgardian trickster God, Loki. After witnessing her battle hordes of demons, Loki sought to use Storm in one of his schemes to discredit his half-brother, the Thunder God Thor, by giving her a hammer, Stormcaster, that would restore her abilities and making her the new Goddess of Thunder. With the aid of the X-Men and the New Mutants, Storm was able to reject Loki's gifts, thus thwarting his plan. Storm returned to the X-Men and defeated Fenris, then later found herself being challenged to a duel for leadership of the team by Cyclops. Despite her still being powerless, Storm won and Cyclops quit the team. The X-Men attempted to rescue the Morlocks after the Marauders began to indiscriminately massacre them and Storm briefly questioned her ability to lead the X-Men, until Callisto changed her mind. After battling Malice, Storm and Wolverine investigated the recently bombed home of Sara Bailey, Jean's sister, and Storm was abducted by Crimson Commando, Super Sabre, and Stonewall to be hunted. After defeating the Commando in combat, Storm decided that the X-Men would be more proactive and attack their enemies before they are attacked. Storm suggested that she and Magneto join the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle both as the White King. The union between the Hellfire Club and the X-Men would give the X-Men access to all of the Hellfire Club's government secrets and protect the school, if the Marauders were to attack again. Storm decided that, in order to safeguard their friends and families from their many enemies, the X-Men must fake their deaths and become an underground proactive strike force. After Havok showed up to check on the X-Men, Storm ordered Psylocke to erase the event from his memory, but, due to Professor Xavier's mental defenses, he remembered and, after an initial battle, Havok asked Magneto to accept him as an X-Men and joined the team. The team was later abducted by Horde, to use as his lackeys to retrieve the Crystal of Ultimate Vision, of which he wore a shard on his forehead. The X-Men were sent to the Citadel of Light and Shadow, where the crystal was hidden. As the X-Men progressed through it, the citadel created illusions of each of their most powerful desire. Only Storm, Wolverine, and Psylocke were able to resist and, empowered to godhood, Wolverine rejected the god-like power and returned the X-Men and their friends home. Unwilling to watch her die, Magneto went to Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four to use a device that Mr. Fantastic had built to save Shadowcat. Unsure of the outcome, Mr. Fantastic refused to help Kitty, even after the X-Men begged him, and the X-Men and Fantastic Four briefly battled, after Human Torch burned Storm's arm. At that time, Dr. Doom presented his assistance and, under duress, Storm accepted. At the urging of Franklin Richards, Kitty was cured by the combined efforts of Dr. Doom and Mr Fantastic. Soon, Storm realized that she needed her powers restored and so she sought out Forge for his help. Ororo found Forge's old mentor Naze instead, who informed her that Forge had been corrupted by his nemesis, the Adversary, and was seeking to destroy the world. Unbeknownst to Storm, the Adversary had actually corrupted the Naze look-a-like after the battle with the Dire Wraiths. After a Vision Quest with Naze/Adversary, Storm finally located Forge atop a mountain, seemingly opening a dimensional portal filled with demons. Storm stabbed Forge in the chest and, only then, realized he had been attempting to close the portal, not open it. The Adversary, then, trapped Storm and Forge in the other dimension and seized control of Dallas, warping time and space in order to foment chaos on Earth. Storm and Forge spent a year on an alternate Earth, during which time they made peace and admitted their love for one another and Ororo regrew her hair out. Forge used components from his cybernetic leg to fashion a new device that restored Storm's ability to use her powers, which she then used to energize a portal back to their own world. Ororo and Forge rejoined the X-Men and were captured in Roma's Starlight Citadel that the Adversary had taken over. Ororo was released and, with the X-Men, gave her life to imprison the Adversary, with a spell used from Forge. However, the Omniversal Guardian, named Roma, restored the X-Men to life and freed the Adversary under the notion that there could be no order without chaos. The events had been broadcast over a live television news feed and the world believed the heroes to be dead. After being resurrected, the X-Men decided to use the opportunity to go underground and keep their rebirth secret. The X-Men resurfaced in Australia, where they defeated the Reavers. Roma appeared and presented them with the Siege Perilous, a gem that created a portal which granted any person who walked through it judgment and a new chance at life, with a new career, home, and so forth and had magically made them invisible to any sort of mechanical perception. Storm made another change in her uniform, loosing the leather jacket for a black suite with a lighting bolt across her chest. After Storm's Cameo Crystal sensed a disturbance, Storm left in the middle of the night without explanation to the Savage Land. Upon arrival, the Savage Land was scorched and barren and the X-Men followed and battled Garrok, in the armor of Terminus. After the initial battle, Longshot was lost and Storm's Cameo Crystal opened a portal to M'Rinn's dimension, where Longshot was and the Fall People escaped to. Together with M'Rinn's people, the High Evolutionary, and the Fall People, the X-Men separated Garokk from Terminus and with his sacrifice, restored the Savage Land. Soon after, the X-Men were ambushed at their hideout, by the crazed scientist known as Nanny and her partner, the Orphan-Maker. After attempting to flee, Storm chased Nanny's craft and was caught in tentacles, while Havok fired a plasma burst and downed the craft. A S.H.I.E.L.D. L.M.D. of Storm was found to ensure that the X-Men would not follow and Storm was assumed dead. Storm was captured by Nanny, who sought to use Storm's abilities in her quest to liberate the world's super-powered children by making orphans of them. Nanny used her technology to de-age Storm to her pre-teens and strip her memories, so as to better sway the mutant to her cause. However, Storm fought back and overloaded Nanny's device. Once more a child with no memories of her life as an X-Man, the young Storm returned to her life as a thief. On one caper, Ororo found herself the target of the psychic being known as the Shadow King, but was saved by a fellow mutant and thief, named Gambit. The pair formed a partnership and, after Storm regained her memories, she took Gambit to meet the X-Men. Storm was eventually restored to adulthood after the X-Men were captured by agents of the island nation of Genosha who used mutants as slaves. Storm underwent the mutate transformation process, however the Genoshan Genegineer and Chief Magistrate were members of a rebel faction. They restored Storm's body and mind, and the X-Men were able to defeat their aggressors. Soon after, the X-Men were reformed into two separate strike teams, with Cyclops and Storm as co-leaders. Forge aided both teams as their resident technician, however this left little time for them to rekindle their relationship. Forge still asked Storm to marry him, but she hesitated on giving a reply. Forge was left thinking she did not truly love him and he left before she could respond with a "yes." Scott, Bobby, Ororo, and Logan mysteriously awakened in an area unfamiliar to them. They appeared to have suffered a battle, but had no memory of the events. Scott and the other X-Men found that they were being tested by Onslaught. After finally defeating Post, they were teleported back to the mansion. the X-Men were forced to battle their mentor when Professor Xavier was transformed into the evil Onslaught as a result of mind-wiping Magneto. Although the X-Men defeated the evil entity and freed Prof. Xavier, most of Earth's heroes were lost for a time. Soon after returning from Hong Kong and battling with Shang-Chi against Wilson Fisk for the Elixir Vitae, hoping it would cure the Legacy Virus, the government sponsored mutant-hunting operation known as "Operation: Zero Tolerance" took effect, and the villainous Bastion captured X-Men Storm, Wolverine, Cannonball, Cyclops, and Phoenix. Months later, the eternal mutant Apocalypse made a bid for power by gathering together The Twelve, a group of mutants prophesied to usher in a golden age for their kind that counted Storm amongst their number. Apocalypse was defeated, but not before the ultimate extent of Storm's mutant power was revealed in an alternate future wherein she had evolved into a wholly elemental being. Not long after, Storm and five of her team mates formed a splinter group of X-Men, cutting all ties with the rest of the team to search for the diaries of the blind mutant seer Destiny that mapped the future of mutants. During a mission in Australia, Storm was reunited with Gambit who sought to obtain her mother's ruby. It was revealed that the ruby was part of a set that, when empowered, could open a portal between dimensions. Several of the gems had already gone missing, and Gambit wished to ensure that Storm's ruby remained safe. At that moment, the other-dimensional warrior named Shaitan attacked, capturing Gambit and stealing the ruby. Shaitan used the gems and Gambit's mutant ability to empower them, thus opening a portal allowing the armies of his master, Khan, to pass through and invade Earth. Storm's X-Men opposed the invaders, but she was seriously injured by Madripoor's ruling crimelord Viper and was subsequently taken prisoner by Khan himself. The warlord intended for Storm to be his queen, and commanded his physicians to heal her. Storm attempted to seduce Khan into calling off his invasion whilst her team mates fought to close the portal. Khan's other concubines grew jealous of Storm's advances and attempted to kill her. Despite her injuries, Storm prevailed and escaped, rejoining her team mates as they destroyed the portal. During her subsequent recuperation, which required her to undertake physical therapy to heal her back and legs, Storm and her team were asked back to the mansion to rejoin the core X-Men team. Storm declined, however, believing that there was still work for her team to do. During a world summit to address the increasing hostilities between humans and mutants, Storm offered her X-Men team's services to the United Nations as a global mutant police force, the X-Treme Sanctions Executive. Storm's first mission would be a solo one as she was charged with infiltrating and exposing an underground slave trading network that forced mutants to fight in gladiator-style arenas. Soon after, Storm and her team returned to Westchester to help rebuild the mansion following an attack by Magneto and stayed on to continue their new direction. Following the events of "M-Day," when the majority of the world's mutants lost their powers, Storm left the X-Men to return to Africa in order to safeguard depowered mutants. When the X-Men journeyed to Niganda to investigate reports of mutant animals, they ran into Black Panther. At the end of the mission, Storm stayed in Niganda to help the mutants affected there. During this time she came into conflict with an African Colonel named Shetani, who was hunting down and killing de-powered mutants in search of Storm. When she finally confronted him, he revealed to her that he was her uncle. Afterward, Shetani told Storm of a hidden village in Northwest Kenya where she met her grandmother for the first time. This finally prompted her to accept the Black Panther's marriage proposal. At the wedding of Storm and the Black Panther, Iron Man and Captain America showed up but leaving before the ceremony because neither of them could stand the sight of each other. Earlier, Charles Xavier made an appearance, telling Storm that as the queen of Wakanda, she was now the most important mutant in the world, and the living symbol of human/mutant relations. A role he believed she was born to play. When they were married, their essences were taken to the spirit world to seek the approval of the Panther God. Storm soon found she couldn't use her power in this plane. The Panther God accepted her into T'Challa's family. Fantastic Four T'Challa and Ororo temporarily joined the Fantastic Four after the Civil War ended while Reed Richards and Sue Storm reconciled their damaged relationship. Ororo, also, helped the X-Men with settling an affair with the Morlocks. Ororo, Warpath, and Hepzibah journeyed underground to stop Masque from disfiguring anymore humans. After being rescued by Nightcrawler and Professor Xavier, they had Masque undo all of the damage. After the Fantastic Four, the Wakandans realized that the Skrulls had infiltrated their population. When the first ground troops arrived and were shot down, a ground battle commenced. T'Challa ordered Storm to "stick to the plan" and departed quickly, leaving her husband behind. After building a new headquarters, Graymalkin Industries, and a brief battle against Magneto and some Sentinel robots, Cyclops sent word to all the world's mutants that San Francisco, which had welcomed the X-Men with open-arms, was now a safe haven for mutantkind and that all were welcomed to join them. Ororo found herself being bored with the life of royalty and returned to the X-Men. While at the Graymalkin Industries, Storm joined with Cyclops, Emma, Wolverine, Beast, and Armor and the group checked-on a mysterious death, that seemed to be mutant related. After following a trail of mysteriously genetically-created mutants and death, the X-Men finally ended on Wundagore Mountain. There, they confronted Forge, who revealed his true madness. Forge endeavored to save the world from the Annexation, an invasion from a parallel world on the other side of the Ghost Box, the trans-dimensional teleporter, and planned this by sending the X-Men to the parallel universe that was home to the Ghost Boxes, to destroy them before the Annexation could begin. After forcibly opening the Ghost Box, risking all life on Earth, Abigail Brand and Beast fired a world-destroying laser into the opening of the Ghost Box. Before everything could be destroyed, Ororo offered Forge a chance to come back with them and Forge screamed of his rejection by Ororo for marriage and she let him go. Forge remained in his complex as it was destroyed and seemingly perished in the ensuing laser blast. While aiding the X-Men and ruling the Nation of Wakanda, Ororo was challenged by the Shadow King to choose between the two, by controlling N'Gassi and framing Gentle for murder. After Storm released Nezhno, they were confronted outside by the Wakandan army, Black Panther, and the Dora Milaje, when T'Challa told the waiting crowd that marrying Storm was a mistake and turned to wink at her. After being drawn to the Astral Plane, Storm confronted the Shadow King and he told her of how he controlled everyone, including Cyclops back in New York to kill the X-Men. Black Panther ordered his guards to kill Storm and Gentle and she retaliated with a lightning bolt, then froze the guards and escaped with Nezhno into the forest. Storm concentrated on atmospheric disturbances in order to find Cyclops flying back to San Francisco and destroyed the Blackbird with a lightning bolt, to save the X-Men. After the Dora Milaje attacked, Gentle saved himself and Storm, but the Black Panther arrived to fight Storm. After she overcame him, T'Challa said that he was free of the Shadow King and asked Storm to help him up, but she kicked him in the face, knowing that the real T'Challa would never ask for help. After returning to the palace, Storm prayed to the Panther God to prove to the Wakandan people that Storm was the rightful ruler and several panthers come from around the city, walk through the army, and bow to Storm. The army, then, dropped their guns and bowed to their queen. Storm and Gentle traveled to San Francisco to stop Cyclops and when they arrived, the Shadow King possessed all of the X-Men to battle her. After Storm separated all of the X-Men, the Shadow King left Cyclops and entered Ororo. Unknown to the Shadow King, the Panther God, was hiding inside Storm's mind. Bast ate the Shadow King, freeing everyone from his control and Storm performed CPR to revive Cyclops. After returning briefly to Wakanda to spend time with her recuperated husband, Ororo took Gentle back to the X-Men, stating that she is cable of doing both. Storm aided the team again when Kaga vowed to kill the X-Men, using bio-Sentinels of mixed X-Men friends and enemies, because he was jealous that they could appear normal with their mutations and he could not. Storm battled the Hellfire Cult, the Red Queen's Sisterhood of Mutants, and relocated on Utopia with the X-Men. After setting-up on Utopia, Storm and Iceman were responsible for the clean drinking water for all of the mutant population. After the return of the mutant messiah, Hope Summers, and Cable to the mainstream timeline, Bastion and his members of the Human Council attacked her tirelessly and Nightcrawler was killed returning her to Utopia. After Ororo attended Kurt's funeral, Bastion systematically eliminated all of the teleporters, except Pixie, from the X-Men's ranks and had Donald Pierce destroy all transportation off the island. Bastion, then, encased the island and much of the San Francisco Bay Area in an impenetrable dome. At the center of the dome, Bastion opened a time portal to his own time where sentinels ruled and mutants were extinct and sent a beacon to a Master Mold Sentinel to send an endless wave of Nimrods. After Bastion was destroyed, Storm fought with the X-Men against the Vampires that had invaded San Francisco and as asked by Cyclops to aide Warren, after Lobe unleashed his mutant plague on Utopia. Warren's small group, consisting of Northstar, Dazzler, and Pixie, safe-guarded San Francisco. The team defeated the Collective Man and captured Lobe's imitation X-Men. Looking to replenish the ranks of the Avengers, Captain America approached the Black Panther, who declined Steve’s offer to return to the team, but recommended Storm for membership. Calling Storm to Avengers’ Mansion, which was swarming with the media and public supporters of the heroes, Captain America asked Storm to join the team. The new Avengers team now consists of Storm, Captain America, Iron Man, Red Hulk, The Protector, Spider Woman, Hawkeye, Quake and Vision. The press conference was interrupted by a holographic image of Norman Osborne, who accused the Avengers of a litany of criminal offenses against him, and that H.A.M.M.E.R. would rise to challenge the Avengers. Captain America had the Avengers begin an immediate search for Osborne's whereabouts, teaming Storm up with Red Hulk, but all of them were surprised attacked and held captive by Osborne's H.A.M.M.E.R forces. They were eventually freed by Quake, and Storm and the Avengers defeated Osborne and shut down his bases of operation! Storm was summoned by Captain America to an Avengers meeting detailing their plans for the coming of the Phoenix Force and to prepare in case of a fight against the mutants of Utopia. Storm left in disgust, siding with her fellow mutants against the Avengers. After Namor attacked and almost destroyed Wakanda searching for the Avengers, T'Challa named the X-Men enemies of his country. Feeling Ororo betrayed their people by siding with the X-Men, and after Storm threw down her ring after a confrontation with her husband, the High Priest of the Panther Cult had their marriage annulled. Despite this, Storm still aided the Avengers to free their teammates from the Phoenix imbued X-Men, and in the final confrontation to defeat the Phoenix. In the wake of the Avengers vs X-Men conflict, Storm returned to the school and was immediately hired as a teacher. However, when Beast brings in the teenage versions of the original 5 X-men, Kitty Pryde takes it upon herself to train and guide them, and asks Storm to become the Headmistress of the Jean Grey School in her stead, and Ororo accepted. Storm, who was dealing with anger issues after the High Priest of the Panther Cult ended her marriage to T'Challa, and Psylocke were sent an e-mail by Wolverine's old friend Puck. An e-mail that contained a tip about a drug dealer selling TAO, a drug that makes people susceptible +This superhero's name is to a hive mind mentality. The two X-Women met Puck at a bar in L.A.. Their real name is and he led them to an old bank from the 20’s that the drug dealer – the diva of downtown LA - uses to sell drugs and dance. Storm and Psylocke quickly realized the dealer was Spiral. who mentally orders the people at the club to attack Betsy. Tracking Spiral and the girl +This superhero's name is Strange Visitor Superman. Their real name is Kal-El. Rocketed to Earth from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was found by Martha and Jonathan Kent, and raised as their own son, Clark Kent, with the aid of Professor Phineas Potter; at some point prior to 1926, the Kryptonian hound Krypto had joined him, a playmate to the boy as he explored his burgeoning superhuman powers under the light of the yellow sun. By 1938, Clark began his career as Superman, defender of Earth, and the revelation that man wasn't alone in the universe would spur mankind to push itself farther than ever previously imagined. By 1939 construction on the starship Phaethon was completed, and one day after working together with Batman and Dracula to battle the forces of Frankenstein's Forbidden Army, Superman went to see the rocket's launch, powered by a new red version of the Kryptonite mineral. However, a problem with the fuel resulted in disaster and the apparent annihilation of the ship, yet due to its disappearance without a trace, Superman believed it hadn't been destroyed; regardless, the incident was his first major failure. Seemingly unaging, Superman would battle the forces of evil over the course of decades, gain new and incredible abilities, fall for Lois Lane, find his long-lost relative Kara, and look after the Bottle City of Kandor, among his many other magnificent trials and deeds. By 2013 Superman primarily worked for the government but took the time to attend a rededication ceremony for the Metropolis Spaceport alongside Lois, at the site of the loss of the Phaethon, to commemorate his 75th anniversary. Mr. Mxyzptlk revealed to him as an anniversary present that the Phaethon indeed survived, trapped outside of time due to its unstable Red K fuel and unreachable even by the 5-dimensional imp, yet still potentially capable of being saved one day. Superman would live countless epochs, outlasting his home planet (which would come to revere him as a role model for all humanity, and would successfully utilize Red Kryptonite as a fuel to power the exodus from the doomed planet), mortal life, and ultimately even the gods. Eventually, he would separate himself into thousands of counterparts to roam the cosmos, while the prime "Superman Null" personally held back creation's end. After the last being in the universe, the god Anu finally died, Superman reunified, and encouraged by the spirit of Lois Lane, outflew the waves of entropy and tore open the fabric of reality to finally reach the Phaethon, which aged only minutes over the billions of years in which it was trapped. Reassuring the crew that all wasn't lost with the Earth and that he would remain with them no matter what, they journeyed together into the unknown of the new universe. +This superhero's name is Sunspot. Their real name is Roberto DaCosta. Roberto da Costa is the son of Brazilian millionaire Emmanuel da Costa and his American wife Nina, an archaeologist. Roberto first manifested his superhuman mutant powers when, at the age of fourteen, he was playing in a championship soccer match for his school team in Rio de Janeiro. Motivated by racial hatred, a boy named Keller and another member of the opposing team knocked da Costa to the ground. The hot-tempered da Costa retaliated by tackling Keller, who began brutally beating him. It was then that, without being aware of what was happening to him, da Costa first manifested his superhuman strength. His body and clothing temporarily turned black in the process, and he inadvertently hurled Keller away from him. Confused and frightened, da Costa sought help, but both the other players and most of the spectators panicked and fled. However, his girlfriend, Juliana Sandoval, who had been watching the game along with Emmanuel, stood by Roberto in his time of need. Roberto's powers came to the attention of Donald Pierce, the renegade White Bishop of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Pierce sought to murder any superhuman mutants he could find. Pierce's mercenaries failed to abduct Roberto, but kidnapped Juliana instead. The mutant telepath, Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, had learned of Pierce's plan to kill Roberto and sent his colleague, Dr. Moira MacTaggert, and the young superhuman mutants, Karma and Psyche, to help da Costa. Roberto agreed to meet with Pierce's men in order to obtain Sandoval's release, but the mercenaries refused to free her and intended to kill both of them instead. During a fight one of the mercenaries fired at da Costa, who had returned to normalcy again, but Juliana leaped in front of da Costa, taking the fatal bullet herself. Anguished with guilt that Juliana had died protecting him, da Costa vowed to take vengeance on Pierce. Bobby joined Karma, Prof. Xavier, and another young mutant, Wolfsbane, in tracking down Pierce and they succeeded in defeating him. da Costa agreed to stay with Prof. Xavier and received training in the use of his superhuman powers as a member of the New Mutants, even when it was later discovered that Professor had originally created the because the had been possessed by a Brood Queen egg inside of him seeking young mutants for future embryos. In the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the New Mutants were tutored by Professor X and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room. A founding member of the New Mutants, Bobby was a mainstay of the junior team for most of its existence and became best friends with his teammate Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball). Meanwhile, Bobby�s father was contacted by the Hellfire Club and became a member of its secret Inner Circle under the alias of White Rook. He was the only person in the Inner Circle without superhuman powers. His performance in that role was almost unnoticed. Sunspot and Wolfsbane were injected with the same drug that gifted Cloak and Dagger with their powers. Unable to control himself, Bobby attacked the X-Man Colossus until the New Mutant Magik returned the powers to the original owners. Empath of the Hellions turned Bobby and his teammate Magma over to the Gladiators, where they were forced to battle for entertainment by his former teammate Karma. Later, during a trip to Asgard, Bobby gained a job as security in a tavern. After lifting Volstagg over his head, he befriended the Warriors Three. Bobby seriously entertained the idea of staying, as heroes were honored and worshiped in Asgard and he was hated and feared as a mutant on Earth. After their adventure in Asgard, the New Mutants found themselves under the guidance of a new teacher, Magneto, a fact that Bobby had a hard time dealing with. After reading Professor Xavier's personal files on himself, speculating that he could one day turn evil due to his arrogance, Bobby took a brief leave of the school. While watching the Wildways, Bobby was captured by Spiral and Mojo, and mentally controlled by Psylocke into joining a new show, the Bratpack. After a brief battle with the New Mutants, Psylocke was freed from her mind control and freed the others as well. The New Mutants later battled the X-Men after they had been turned to the X-Babies by Mojo, until they were broken of their brainwashing and defeated the spineless one, Mojo. During a friendly soccer game, Bobby accidently gave Sam Gurthrie a concussion. Believing himself to be danger to his team, Bobby ran away. After living on the streets, Bobby saved a runaway mutant called Chance from a group of thugs. When Bobby's powers failed, Chance abandoned him and fled with an alien girl called Ariel. Bobby was rescued by Warlock, who tried to convince Bobby to return to the New Mutants, but Bobby felt he was not worthy to rejoin the team and wished to be left a pariah. Warlock suggested that they stick together. Bobby decided to become a villain and rob a church, but found himself unable to go through with it. The pair were found by a duplicate of Jamie Madrox and Siryn, who attempted to return them to the New Mutants. A cyborg called Gomi propositioned Bobby to join the Fallen Angels, a group primarily made up of adolescent mutant thieves organized by the mutant criminal called the Vanisher. Among his recruits were the young mutant Boom Boom, Gomi and his two cybernetically-enhanced lobsters Bill and Don, Chance, Ariel, the duplicate Madroxes, and Siryn. Vanisher teleported the Fallen Angels to the Valley of the Flame on Dinosaur World, where they were joined by Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur. After Devil Dinosaur accidentally crushed Don the lobster, Gomi spoke of not leaving friends after an accident or tragedy, which struck a cord with Bobby and he began to second-guess his decision to leave the New Mutants. After all of the mutants' powers temporarily went out-of-whack due to Chance, Ariel suggested that they all leave and teleported them to the Coconut Grove, her home planet. The inhabitants of the Coconut Grove and the leader, Unipar, captured the Fallen Angels, intending to experiment on them in order to continue their evolution, but the Angels worked together to defeat them and returned home. Bobby and Warlock returned to the New Mutants in time to aide the them against Cameron Hodge and The Right. During the battle, Doug Ramsey jumped in the path of a bullet intended for Wolfsbane, killing him. Magneto ordered the children never to use their mutant powers without his permission, a fact that Bobby immediately defied and stated that Magneto didn't give them their powers and they could use them as they pleased. The mutants did not stay under the care of Magneto, as Cannonball and Mirage decided to move the team out from under Magneto's thumb. Magneto claimed the X-Men and the New Mutants were to be his army against the coming war between humans and mutants, however Magneto allowed the New Mutants to leave, stating that, in time, they would find his ways right and Bobby would be the first to join him. Bobby and the New Mutants were introduced to X-Factor and began to live on Ship, merging with the X-Terminators. X-Force When his father died Bobby left the New Mutants and went with Gideon, an old friend, to take over his father's business. Gideon, however, was an immortal External who had killed Bobby's father and was looking for the next External. Thinking that it was Sunspot, Gideon had Bobby subjected to various experiments that increased his solar absorption capabilities by 3000%. Meanwhile, Cable turned the New Mutants into X-Force and Sam Gurthrie was discovered to be the real External of the team. When Sunspot was liberated by X-Force, he found he had the ability to fire energy blasts from his hands. Shortly after, during a battle with the M.L.F., Sunspot channeled his solar energy around his body, enabling him to fly. Unfortunately, he flew into one of Locus' portal beams and was sent into the time-stream. It was thought that Sunspot had an alternate persona called Reignfire who led the M.L.F., but it became clear that they were separate entities. After Bobby flew into Locus' beam, Reignfire captured him and forged a telepathic link that made Sunspot his puppet. When Cable forced his Askani disciplines into Sunspot to "expunge" Reignfire, he severed that link and Bobby returned to normal. As a result of Cable's actions, Bobby was now fluent in Askani and gained finer control over his powers. He was currently so powerful that he found it hard not to be in his blacked-out "fiery-head" state, but he can power down using the Askani methods. In the final battle with Reignfire, Bobby was possessed by his nemesis, but eventually regained control of his body, and was stronger than ever. While his best friend Sam Guthrie ("Cannonball") was with the X-Men, Bobby got closer with Sam's girlfriend Meltdown (Tabitha Smith). Things progressed to the point where the teammates kissed, just in time for Sam to burst in and see them. This drove a wedge between the friends that hadn't really healed, although they managed to work together when Sam rejoined X-Force. Bobby was deported from the U.S. because his student visa was no longer valid since he was not a student anymore. He returned to Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro and S�o Paulo, but was restless and found the life of a rich playboy heir boring and meaningless. At that moment, Selene, who had usurped control of the Hellfire Club, approached Bobby and convinced him to help her stop the Deviants in the Damocles Foundation from resurrecting a Celestial Template. Bobby agreed, and met up with X-Force again during the battle. However, Selene didn't give up so easily and put Bobby through a number of illusory situations to force him to her side. Sunspot saw through all of them, so Selene and Blackheart, the new Black King, played their trump card: Juilana Sandoval. Juilana was Bobby's girlfriend before his powers manifested. She was captured along with him by the Hellfire Club and she died to save him from being shot by a HC goon. Blackheart told Bobby that Juliana was supposed to have lived, but someone in Processing messed up. The deal was: Bobby would join the Hellfire Club, and Juliana would get a new start in a recently deceased girl's body. Feeling that he owed his life to Juliana, Bobby had no choice but to accept, and left X-Force to become the third Black Rook. With Sebastian Shaw's resumption of leadership of the Hellfire Club, Bobby appeared to have been released from his vow. Exactly what occurred and why Shaw would let Bobby get away is still unknown. Bobby then became the head of the Los Angeles X-Corporation branch, and was working with Empath to insure that mutant interests are taken care of. For some reason, Bobby no longer used or had access to his energy-blasting and flight abilities, and now simply operated as "super-strong." In that capacity, Bobby helped Jon Spectre and a reconstituted X-Force battle the Skornn. Bobby was again contacted by Shaw (and secretly by Sage) and invited to join the Lords Cardinal as the Black King under Shaw, who sought the overarching position of Lord Imperial. However, Shaw's injury at the hands of Donald Pierce put Roberto in position to become Lord Imperial, with Sage as his primary adviser. As a result of the Scarlet Witch's actions on M-Day, nearly all of the mutants in the entire world were stripped of their powers. Bobby was one of the 198 who retained their powers. He retained his position as Black King of the Hellfire Club until Donald Pierce manipulated a team of Young X-Men into attacking him, believing him to be an enemy. When Pierce was defeated, Bobby became a teacher to these Young X-Men at the request of Cyclops, before rejoining his former teammates and reforming the New Mutants. New Mutants X-Men Squad Magik later returned, stating that she was from the not too distant future and that the world and New Mutants would die without her intervention. Cyclops allowed Cannonball to reorganize the original New Mutants squad. Their first mission was to subdue a recently returned Legion. After battling their resurrected teammate, Doug Ramsey, and the Hellions, Doug was freed from Eli Bard's control by Warlock wielding Magik's Soulsword and rejoined Bobby and the rest of his former teammates. After the conflict between the Avengers and the X-Men, Captain America decided that his team the Avengers should've done more to help mutants, and allowed the world to hate them. As a result, he asked for various mutants to be part of the ranks of Earth's Mightiest Heroes as well as forming a team of Avengers lead by Havok. Sunspot joined the main Avengers team in Tony Stark's plan to make the Avengers bigger than ever. +This superhero's name is Super Adaptoid. Their real name is . An artificial being created by the terrorist group A.I.M. for their evil plans to assassinate Captain America, it holds a fragment of the Cosmic Cube that serves as its limitless power source and can copy the powers of any being it wants. +This superhero's name is Super Greg. Their real name is Greg. +This superhero's name is Superboy-Prime. Their real name is Kal-El. Kal-El was born as the son of Lara and Jor-El of the planet Krypton in the Pre-Crisis universe designated as Earth-Prime. When Kal-El was still a toddler, his scientist father made a grave discovery. Jor-El learned that a massive solar flare from Krypton's red sun threatened to engulf their home world, ultimately destroying it. Jor-El brought his concerns to the Kryptonian Science Council, but rather than offer solutions, they politicized the pending travesty and locked themselves in committee. In the meantime, Jor-El labored to find a way to save the people of Krypton. Working alongside his scientist wife, Lara, they developed a technology which would enable them to teleport samples of living tissue (weighing less than fifty pounds) across intergalactic distances. He presented his transportation device to the science council, but it was too late. Krypton was already beginning to suffer from the effects of the intense solar radiation. As Krypton shook in its death-throes, Jor-El placed his son inside of the teleportation device and transported him across the universe. Kal-El rematerialized on the planet Earth. In a New England seacoast town, Jerry and Naomi Kent were hiking through the forests when they discovered the abandoned toddler. They decided to adopt him and raise him as their own. Naomi chose to name him Clark, despite the fact that Clark Kent was the name of a popular comic book hero known as Superman. Unlike his namesake however, Clark Kent grew up without the benefit of super-powers. His classmates at school would tease him and refer to him as Superboy. However, Clark took the ribbing in stride and soon cultivated a small circle of friends. As Clark grew older, he became romantically involved with a fellow student named Laurie Lemmon. One evening, Clark, Laurie and several other friends decided to attend a costumed beach party. Being of good humor, Clark donned a Superboy costume similar to that worn by the fictional comic book hero. They drove down to Hampton Beach and sat by the ocean waiting to catch sight of Halley�s Comet. Suddenly, a tremendous tidal wave rose up on the beachhead threatening to flood the small hamlet. At that same moment, a cosmic vortex opened up above them discharging the Earth-One super-hero known as Superman. At that critical moment, a bizarre transformation took hold of Clark. The physical characteristics of his Kryptonian heritage manifested for the first time and he discovered that he was gifted with flight and super-strength. Superman quickly introduced himself to his younger alternate Earth counterpart, but there was little time for pleasantries. Superman gave Superboy a crash course in the use of his powers and together, they were able to divert the course of the deadly tidal wave. With the immediate disaster abated, the newly crowned Superboy aided Superman in returning him to his proper world. He followed Superman through the cosmic vortex to Earth-One. Little did Superboy realize that he would never again see his adopted world. The Multiversal catastrophe known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths began as a deadly wave of anti-matter consumed parallel dimensions. Superboy aided heroes from hundreds of different worlds, but none of them were able to save the Earth of his home dimension from destruction. The Crisis finally culminated with the destruction of the Multiverse. In its place existed a solitary static universe with only one version of the planet Earth. Superboy-Prime remained as the sole survivor of not only his birth world, but his adopted world as well. He united with an aging version of Superman from the late Earth-Two as well as his wife, Lois Lane-Kent. Along with Alexander Luthor, Jr. of Earth-Three, they traveled into the Antimatter Universe and forged a quiet, peaceful existence for themselves in a paradise realm. Over time, as the four of them watched the history of the New Earth reality unfold, Superboy-Prime became frustrated and angry, homesick and wishing to return to the life he had. He consoled himself by watching images of his ninth birthday and grew horrified every time it would focus back on the Crisis. Alexander would notice that and decided to manipulate him to his needs. On two separate occasions, Superboy-Prime's anger got the best of him and he shattered the wall with his fists, the punch altering reality as it did. Upon deciding to join Alexander in his quest to bring about the perfect Earth, Alex empowered him with his Anti-Matter powers using it to break free. He was spotted by Blue Beetle, but Prime ignored him. In quick succession, Superboy-Prime obtained the Eclipso diamond to be obtained by Jean Loring, altered the location of Thanagar, initiating the Rann-Thanagar War and attacking and capturing J'onn J'onzz, destroying the Watchtower. When Alexander convinced Kal-L to leave their paradise reality, Prime was already with them, no one the wiser over what he had done. Soon after being freed, Prime was there to greet Power Girl after she was reunited with her cousin. However, when she discovered Alex's tower, Prime struck her down to be used for it. He then flew to Smallville, Kansas where he encountered the Superboy of this reality. He chastised the clone Superboy and accused him of being unworthy of the title of Superboy. The two fought one another and their epic battle raged across the state, eventually culminating in Keystone City. Members of the Doom Patrol, the Justice Society, and the Teen Titans arrived to lend a hand, but the power-mad Superboy-Prime thwarted even their efforts. He brutally attacked the heroes, killing several including Pantha, Bushido and Wildebeest. Jay Garrick, Wally West, and Bart Allen, grabbed Superboy-Prime and used their combined super-speed to propel him into the kinetic dimension known as the Speed Force. However, Superboy-Prime escaped from his imprisonment and built a battle-suit based on the Anti-Monitor's armor that constantly supplied his body with yellow sunlight. Superboy-Prime arrived at Alexander Luthor's tower to battle with Nightwing, Superboy, and Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark). The heroes succeeded in releasing the metahumans powering the machine. After a brief fight, Conner grabbed Superboy-Prime and flew into the tower destroying it. However, Superboy-Prime would be unfazed by the attack, escaping as Conner was killed by the rubble. Superboy-Prime then was seen at the Battle of Metropolis, killing both heroes and villains with ease. He continued his killing spree until he was met with resistance by Bart Allen in his grandfather's uniform. He was pulverized by Bart, but then left Earth to destroy Oa in an attempt to cause another Big Bang and reform the current universe hopefully closer to his original Earth-Prime reality. On the way to ignite this universal rebirth, Superboy-Prime killed 32 Green Lanterns. Then, while battling the Green Lantern Corps, Kal-L and Kal-El forced Superboy-Prime through Krypton's red sun to depower the vastly overpowered youth to levels where the elder Supermen could handle him directly. The three crash-landed on the Green Lantern planet Mogo, where they continued to fight. Kal-L's power levels were intact, but was still no match for even the power fading levels of Superboy-Prime, who was able to literally beat Kal-L to death with his bare fists and was able to fight against the New Earth adult Kal-El, whose own superpower levels had completely faded. But the time and effort Superboy-Prime used to attack Kal-L (whose strength and endurance was still superhuman) was enough to completely drain off Superboy-Prime's own power level to where the fully adult New Earth Superman was able to beat the still only teenage Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime was then taken into the custody of the Green Lantern Corps. Too powerful to be placed in a regular Sciencell on Oa, the Guardians of the Universe imprisoned him inside a Sciencell near what is alternately described as a red sun or a Red Sun-Eater, constantly being guarded by fifty Green Lanterns. Members of the Corps were often assigned to "Prime Duty" as punishment. While in prison, Superboy-Prime carved a bloody "S" on his chest using his fingernail, saying that he had always found a way out (referring, presumably, to his escape from the Speed Force and his future prison). Superboy-Prime was freed, along with the Cyborg Superman, by a strike force of Sinestro Corps members who turned the red sun to yellow, presumably thereby restoring his powers. Superboy-Prime was brought to Qward, where he was made into a herald of the Anti-Monitor, along with Cyborg Superman, Sinestro and the Parallax-possessed Kyle Rayner. [1] Now calling himself Superman-Prime, Prime joined in the battle to attack most of the major heroes of Earth as part of the strike force of the Sinestro Corps. And again, due to the massive power difference between himself and the others, Prime was able to cut a path of destruction throughout the known universe, once again successfully defeating Kal-El of New Earth, but this time with Power Girl and Supergirl all at the same time with them charged up as well, ending the debate of who was the most powerful of the Supermen as well as many other high powered heroes in his role as the herald of the Anti-Monitor. However, Prime showed that his main goals are to gain his revenge on the Anti-Monitor (who Superboy-Prime had accidentally revived during Infinite Crisis) and somehow recover his lost universe, or at least the recognition as the so-called "real" Superman over weaker incarnations such as the adult Kal-El of New Earth. Towards the end of the Sinestro Corps War, Prime was confronted by the Guardians of the Universe, who introduced the new Ion, the Daxamite Sodam Yat. Prime and Sodam Yat battle each other in a brutal and fierce fight. It is clear that Prime is clearly more powerful than Yat, though Yat refuses to yield in any way. When the battle is taken inside a nuclear power plant (with its walls lined with lead), Ion is obviously weakened by lead poisoning to the point that he can not even really fight back against Prime. Prime spears Ion with several lead rods, then beats him unconscious and leaves Yat for dead until the Guardians prevent him from actually killing Yat. Later on, during the final battle between the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps, the Anti-Monitor is severely injured when the Green Lanterns throw Warworld at him and the Cyborg Superman like a grenade. Prime takes this opportunity to turn on him and throws the Anti-Monitor into deep space. Prime is then attacked by both Corps and kills several members from both sides. Before any more lives can be lost, one of the Guardians uses himself as a living bomb and detonates himself to kill Prime. The explosion does not kill Prime, but merely transports him into the Multiverse. An unexpected result of the transport was that Prime's atoms are infused with a large portion of the Guardian's own energies that the Guardian thought would destroy Prime. The infusion of the Guardian's energy as part of his energy absorption and processing ability restructures his body to now appear as a fully adult man rather than his actual age of only 19. During Countdown, the now adult-looking Superman-Prime has started a murderous rampage against all of his other dimensional counterparts and their supporters while searching for Earth-Prime. Superman-Prime was shown killing the Superman of the Earth-15 dimension and his wife and unborn child. After killing that world's Justice League, Superman-Prime destroys Earth-15. Returning to his new base of operations, the Source Wall, Superman-Prime is shown torturing Mr. Mxyzptlk and Annataz Arataz of Earth-3 to recreate Earth-Prime using his super-science/magic abilities or at least show him its location in the Multiverse. During his torture, Mxyzptlk reveals to Superman-Prime that his aging to adulthood was from him absorbing the cosmic Oan powers of the Guardian that blew himself up to kill him during the Sinestro Corps War. He also tells Superman-Prime that the cosmic energies will wear off very soon, and then he will turn back into a boy. After he escapes, Prime is angered and gives up on the use of magic to achieve his goals. After finding out about the so-called perfect universe which he thinks is his original source universe, Superman-Prime heads off to the Monitor's satellite headquarters, threatening the brutal Earth-8 Monitor Solomon to help him find this recreated Earth-Prime. Superman-Prime demands to know where this "perfect universe" is. Seeking to manipulate the infinite powered Superman-Prime to defeat the Monitors' forces against those of Monarch for the Monitors, Solomon sends Superman-Prime to Earth-51. As Solomon predetermined, the successfully manipulated Superman-Prime flies to the battlefield to challenge Monarch, in order to keep him from destroying Earth-51. Superman-Prime goes into a rage and attacks Monarch, with his cosmic powers seemingly beginning to dissipate. Prime then tears off the chestplate of Monarch's containment armor. The energies inside Monarch's armor are released, resulting in an explosion of quantum energy so massive, it destroys the entire contents of the Earth-51 universe. Prime had been lost in the timestream following his final encounter with Monarch. The Time Trapper brought Superboy-Prime to the 31st century in his never ending scheme to destroy the Legion of Super-Heroes. He crashes into the 31st Century a little bit outside of Smallville. His stolen Oan energy at this point had faded, reverting him to his actual young age, as well as returning his power to their previous levels, which was what Mr. Mxyzptlk had foretold. Upon arriving, he is encountered by a old farming couple, who thinks he's Superboy, which makes him extremely mad. He considers himself a man, not a boy, and kills the couple. When he flies to Smallville, he comes upon the Superman Museum, further fomenting his fury at how beloved Superman is in the future. He then becomes even more enraged when he sees the hall of villains, only to find out that he is not even considered a villain of Superman's, but no more then a nuisance and his statue is kept in storage. Furthermore, history retells that he was defeated by Conner Kent and Sodam Yat, totally contrary to what really happened. He proceeds to wreck the entire museum and kill whatever security or police officers he comes across. The Museum tour guide (a holographic recreation of Jimmy Olsen) then tells Superboy-Prime of the Legion of Super-Villains. When Superboy-Prime learned that the Legion of Super-Villains followed a code of evil, inspired by a dark being whose "name was never spoken," he got the idea to be the greatest villain Superman had ever faced. Superboy-Prime then went to the prison planet Takron-Galtos and freed the imprisoned Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen, and Cosmic King. When they see Superboy-Prime, they immediately know him and hail him as the inspiration of the LSV's evil code, making him the dark being in question. He then burns an S shield into the planet, that can be seen from space. When the Legion of Super-Heroes learns of the prison break, they decide they need to bring Superman from the 21st Century. Superman and Brainiac 5 decide to bring in two other versions of the Legion to combat the Legion of Super-Villains. Superman believes the only way to stop the carnage is to try to redeem Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime later makes his way to Sorcerer's World where he recruits Mordru to his Legion and kills the "last" active Green Lantern, Rond Vidar. Legion members Mon-El and Shadow Lass follow Vidar's ring back to Oa and find that Sodam Yat is still alive and had been monitoring the last Green Lanterns. They convinced him to battle Superboy-Prime once again. With Yat, Superman, and the Legions of two other dimensions as reinforcements, the Legion was able to turn around the battle with the combine forces of all their major villains in Metropolis. Superboy-Prime burned a hole through Superman's hand and broke through Yat's ring construct just in time to be informed that there was something happening at Legion headquarters. At the headquarters, three Brainiac 5s, Lightning Lads, Lightning Lasses (one of whom is actually Light Lass), and XS, using a combination of living lightning and a Cosmic Treadmill, bring the young version of Bart Allen out of the Speed Force. Superboy-Prime is seemingly distraught at the thought of Bart's return, since he is the only person that was able to defeat him twice. Not long after fighting Kid Flash, Element Lad arrives and and turns the surrounding debris into Kryptonite, which actually causes harm to Superboy-Prime, but he then kills Element Lad by throwing a piece of Kryptonite right through him. Cosmic King then turns the Kryptonite in Superboy-Prime's body into yellow sunlight. When the LSH head to the North Pole to regroup, Superboy-Prime and the LSV follow them to the Fortress of Solitude. He attacks the three Brainiac 5's and cuts off Polar Boy's ice hand. Wildfire then uses his powers to fuel a Kryptonian regeneration chrysalis inside the Fortress. From the chrysalis emerges a resurrected Conner Kent, a.k.a. Superboy, his corpse having been placed in the chrysalis by the LSH when they time-traveled to the 21st century as part of Brainiac 5's plan to recall Superboy-Prime's greatest enemies to the future to stop him. Superboy and Superboy-Prime clash with the rest of the Legion joining in. During the latest battle with the Time Trapper, Superman pulled off the Time Trapper's hood to reveal an aged Superboy-Prime as the Time Trapper's real identity. As the Legion continue their battles, the Time Trapper reveals that he knows the outcome of the battle, claiming that the Legion loses on this day. But, as the battle rages, Conner inflicts a wound on Superboy-Prime's body, burning a scar across his S-Shield-scarred chest and inflicting it upon the Time Trapper. Realizing that time, and thus his own body, is fluid, Superman, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad defeat the Time Trapper and drag him to the battlefield where the two Primes meet. The Time Trapper attempts to recruit Prime in destroying the Legion, but Prime, whose arrogance means that he is unable to accept that he will become someone like the Time Trapper, attacks the being, causing a time paradox that apparently wipes both of them from existence. Instead, Superboy-Prime is flung back to a recreated version of Earth-Prime and reunited with his family and girlfriend. Instead of being greeted with open arms, Laurie runs away, horrified at Superboy-Prime and his father confronts him over what he did. Prime learns that his parents and everyone else had read what he did in Infinite Crisis, the Sinestro Corps War, Countdown and Legion of 3 Worlds. His adoptive parents, now afraid of him, allow Superboy-Prime to remain at their home, fearful of what he may do. Superboy-Prime is last shown with his eyes powering up in his parents basement, trolling the various DC Comics message boards, trying to prove his greatness and vowing that he will find someway to return to his former power and threat levels once again as he has shown he is committed to being the most powerful villain ever. In Adventure Comics (vol. 2) #4, Superboy-Prime is seen again, still reading comics in his basement, trying to keep up with everything in the other worlds. When he learns of his fate at the end of this issue, he panics and demands his parents take him to the comic store, the Legion watching as he does. As they get there, Naomi reveals that she's afraid of him, but he brushes it off. In the comic store, he demands to know where Adventure Comics (vol. 2) #5 is, but the comic store cashier tells him that issue #4 just came out. He then tells him to look up possible spoilers on the Internet. As he does, Alexander Luthor appears, now a Black Lantern, killing the cashier and a customer. He confronts Superboy-Prime, wanting his heart. Superboy-Prime stops him briefly, knowing that this isn't the real Alexander Luthor. Luthor, in turn, grants Prime back his armor, returning him back to Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime goes on the attack, but Alexander continues to taunt Prime, telling him that he's nothing more than a cosmic inside joke. Prime is then weakened and struck down by other forces. Looking up, Prime discovers Black Lantern versions of those he killed, including Element Lad, Charaxas and Bushido, with Alexander telling Prime that he will die in the next issue. The next issue, Superboy-Prime is seen having taken the battle from his hometown to Manhattan, where he crashes through the DC Comics headquarters, where he decides that, if he's going to die, he's taking the writers and plotters who made his life that way. Before he can, though, Black Lantern Alexander Luthor arrives and pulls Prime away, taking him back to his room. There, Alex taunts him over losing Laurie as the other Black Lanterns beat him down and tear away his armor. Realizing he can't win, he catches a Black Lantern Ring and puts it on, the ring commanding him to die. As he becomes Black Lantern Superboy-Prime (realizing Alex's cryptic statement at the end of the final issue), the ring cycles through the Emotional Spectrum: willpower due to his deluded demand for respect, compassion for regretting what he did to Laurie, avarice for wanting everyone to love him, fear of those he wants admired, and stopping at rage for hating himself for what had become, transforming into Red Lantern Superboy-Prime. He goes into the offensive, attacking Alex over his attacks. At the very end, the ring asks him who does he love. He calls out that he loves Laurie, transforming him into the Star Sapphire Superboy-Prime with the last of his strength. As he passes out, the Black Lantern Ring shatters, unleashing the white light and eradicating the Black Lanterns. In the end, he admits that he hates what he has become and all he wants now is just his happy ending. As if someone was listening, Laurie appears, her arm in a sling (meaning that the horrible thing Superboy-Prime did to her lead to her having broken her arm). She tells him that they (possibly the writers) have heard his pleas and sent her to tell him that they're going to start leaving him alone. Unbeknown to him, she's also wearing a Black Lantern Ring, but this one sparkling with hope, the last of the emotions that Prime wasn't asked about. +This superhero's name is Supergirl (Injustice). Their real name is Kara Zor-El. As a teenager, Kara Zor-El witnessed the devastation of Krypton before she was sent to Earth on a mission to protect her infant cousin, Kal-El. Arriving on Earth decades too late, she discovered that grown-up Kal has been imprisoned, due to his hideous actions as the High Councillor of Regime over the last five years. Still determined to protect her family, and its legacy, Kara would fight her cousin’s enemies as Supergirl. But after she learned the truth about what Superman and his followers had done, she changed her allegiance to the good side in Insurgency. +This superhero's name is Supergirl. Their real name is Kara Zor-El. Kara Zor-El is the daughter of Superman's uncle Zor-El and his wife Alura. Kara is actually older than Kal-El (Superman); she was a teenager when he was a baby. When Krypton was attacked by Brainiac, he took Kandor with him, while Kara and her parents remained in Argo. After Brainiac's attack, her father created a force-field around Argo using a Brainiac Probe. When Brainiac came to consume Argo City, her parents had no choice but to send her in a rocket headed for Earth. However, her rocket was caught in a large kryptonite-encrusted meteor and she arrived on Earth years after her cousin did. After some initial confusion, Kara was found by Superman and trained by Wonder Woman. She was captured by Darkseid, and after being brainwashed, attacked her own cousin. Superman defeated her and returned her to Earth, where he faked her death so Darkseid would not come looking for her. She then assumed the role of Supergirl. However, she felt out of place, not sure where she really belonged. Kara was uncomfortable with her cousin's overprotectiveness, and she could not hang out with her Earth-Two counterpart Power Girl since their powers went haywire whenever they touched. She found kindred spirits in her other "cousin" Superboy and fellow alien Starfire. Kara's self-discovery was interrupted when Lex Luthor used Black Kryptonite to split her into a good Kara and an evil Kara. The evil Kara stated that she was sent to Earth by Zor-El for the sole purpose of killing the infant Kal-El. Zor-El had devised a special crystal that would influence her personality as she traveled to Earth, making her "innocent", thus creating the good side of Kara's personality. However, the good side became dominant. At the climax of the struggle between the two Karas and the Justice League, the good Kara urged Wonder Woman to use her golden lasso of truth to bind the two together and ask: "Who is Kara Zor-El?" The two Karas fused back into a single good Kara, who decided her past was not important and acknowledged Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman as her foster parents. Supergirl joined Donna Troy and other heroes to help prevent a coming crisis. While in deep space, Kara was struck by an altered zeta-beam and disappeared. Kara re-appeared in the 31st century. She was revered as a member of the Superman family. Upon her arrival, she concluded that she was "dreaming" the Legion and that the 31st century wasn't real. Saturn Girl, attempting to learn more about how Kara arrived in their era, scanned Kara's mind and found a particularly vivid memory -- that of the Zeta-Beam accident. The Legion hypothesized that Kara was rationalizing her fantastic existence by believing her life was a dream. In a relatively short period of time (due to suspended animation): - She lost her planet. - She lost her parents. - Arrived on Earth to find her baby cousin grown up and a legendary hero. - She discovered her extraordinary powers and quickly reached the status of "living legend." - Found herself inexplicably thousands of years in the future. To complicate matters, every time Supergirl wanted something to happen in her supposed dream world, it happened. For example, when told she couldn't become a full member because the Legion was out of flight rings, one was immediately sent to her from Brainiac 5. She had a few adventures with the Legion before Brainiac 5 came close to a means of returning her to the 21st century. He invented the Chronexus (a time window) that she and some of the other Legionnaires viewed various parts of Superman's history (including references to another Legion). Brainiac 5 secretly worked with Sev Tcheru to perfect the Chronexus technology by making it a real, but limited time machine. It only worked one way, and only once. When this was revealed, Saturn Girl convinced Kara that she should go back to her native era. Sev Tcheru wiped out Kara's memory of the Legion right before she went, as knowledge of future history was considered dangerous. One Year (and one month) after Infinite Crisis, during World War III, Kara returned, only to find Superboy dead and Superman powerless. Feeling alone, she eventually started a relationship "no hero would condone". She also became Metropolis' protector along with Booster Gold and Supernova. Soon after, she assumed the identity of Flamebird to fight crime in Kandor with Power Girl as Nightwing. They opposed a religious cult based around warped versions of Superman's earlier appearances in Kandor. Kara also believed the key to Argo City, her home town, lied somewhere in the city. Supergirl and Power Girl found themselves battling the Saturn Queen and Ultraman (posing as Superman), villains who had established themselves in Kandor. At the climax of the struggle, Supergirl unexpectedly left (with her comrade in tow). Since she did not consult with Power Girl about the timing of their exit, the two parted on somewhat strained terms. Note: This version of Kandor was actually just a psychic manifestation created by Saturn Queen. The real Kandor was not discovered until quite some time after this event. Kara re-established herself on Earth, attaining financial independence after selling an item of Kryptonian technology that would completely "heal" anybody who used it to Batman for his own personal use at the price of one million dollars. With this money Kara, purchased her own apartment. Kara attempted to develop familial ties with the Kent Family, who were still mourning the loss of Superboy. During a visit, Kara took one of Superboy's's trademark black t-shirts and gave it to his mourning girlfriend, Cassie Sandsmark, a.k.a. Wonder Girl. From there, Kara and Cassie forged a close friendship. She also developed a close relationship with former-villain Captain Boomerang II. Owen clearly wished to date Kara, but she instead saw him as a big brother of sorts. In an attempt to create a secret identity, Kara started going to high school under the name Claire Connors, a teenage girl from Kansas. Kara used a wig, glasses, and plain clothes to become "Claire." Her attempts to assimilate failed because she was unable to connect with the other students, and she dropped out after a week or so, due to cruel classmates. As a favor to Captain Boomerang, Supergirl was granted an "audition" with the Outsiders. Having encountered the group once before, she had a crush on team leader Nightwing. She even stole a kiss, her "first true one", from Nightwing during their first encounter. The members of the Outsiders were all very suspicious of her. They believed she was using lethal force against criminals, but she was acting at super speed to disable them. She also broke the leg of a passenger on a cruise ship, who was really Metamorpho in disguise. She used x-ray vision to detect that the passenger was Metamorpho, and she was upset that the Outsiders decided to test her rather than tell her all the details and trust her. As a result, she decided to not join the team. She met the new Terra and the two fought together to defeat a rogue Empathosaur. Around this time, Kara met a new teenage super-hero, Power Boy. The two first met while rescuing hurricane victims in Mexico, and again later in Hollywood where they teamed up to fight two villains known as Gakidou and Sakki. Afterward, she began dating Power Boy (without telling Captain Boomerang). A series of haunting half-memories of her past showed Zor-El subjecting an unwilling Kara to grievous experiments to enhance her powers; in fact, when badly injured by Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) in an artificial red-sun environment, Kryptonian Sunstones sprouted from her body, healing her and impaling her foe. Kara accompanied Hal Jordan on a mission to the casino world of Ventura. She assisted the Green Lantern partly out of a desire to see more of the universe and partly in order to avoid a lecture about responsibility from her cousin. Her personality was slightly different from normal, as she appears to be quite flirtatious and playful with Hal, but when he politely rebuffed her advances, she entered a gladiatorial contest dressed in a pink dress and pigtails. The ploy turned out to not only be a response to Hal's comments, but also a clever ruse designed to flush out their prey. Returning to Earth after her mission with Hal, Supergirl renewed her relationship with Power Boy. Power Boy revealed that he loved Supergirl so much that he was obsessed with her. After Kara was about to visit Owen in the hospital, Power Boy immediately stopped her and decided to go through this with violence, forcing him to turn on Supergirl. Power Boy was revealed to have been born on Apokolips. Later when Kara found herself in deep space and near death, she saw a vision of her father, Zor-El. He then explained to her that she was remembering things wrong, so he needed to retell her why he did what he did before she left Krypton. He started by explaining that the Phantom Zone was inhabited by some sort of ghostly life. These beings were angry about being removed from their home by the projector and took out their anger by possessing various people who lived on Krypton. Zor-El then discovered that the only way to destroy the phantoms was with Kryptonian Sunstone. He implanted sunstones into her to make her immune to possession by the Phantoms. Shortly afterward, the students at the school Kara went to on Krypton were possessed by these Phantoms and they were forced to kill them all with sunstone. For this, the Kryptonian Science Council had decided that Zor-El, Kara, and Alura should be sentenced to exile in the Phantom Zone. However the final quakes before Krypton's destruction interrupted this before the sentence could be carried out. Then, in the present day, Kara found herself back on Earth and saw the Phantoms there. Kara was then assaulted by hundreds of Phantom-possessed humans, including Wonder Girl, who forced Kara to admit all the dark secrets that she has been denying since arriving on Earth. Disgusted with Kara, Wonder Girl released her. Kara then flew to the Batcave in the hopes that Batman might be able to help her. Unfortunately, the Phantoms had possessed him, and he had sealed himself inside the cave. Before Kara could try to break her way inside, Robin who was also possessed, blocked her path. He provoked Kara into hitting him, and she accidentally stabbed Robin with a sunstone. This surprisingly did not kill nor even mortally injure him, but instead freed him of the Phantom Ghost. Robin, who had apparently been keeping tabs on Superman since the sun went red (using a Batsuit loaned to Superman since his powers were gone), then gave Supergirl directions to locate Superman in Metropolis. When she reached Metropolis, she discovered that the phantoms were coming out of Superman's body. Once reunited with her cousin, Kara admitted everything. Clark, who has been going mad from the Phantoms that were leaking out of him, begged her to kill him and free their adoptive homeworld. Before any actions could be taken, a Pre-Crisis version of Supergirl appeared and attacked Kara, cheerfully taunting her with accusations of imperfection and inadequacy during their battle over Metropolis. She soon discovered that all of these events were really the machinations of Dark Angel, including the Phantom-infested Earth, Cassandra Cain's attack, and Kara's direct encounter with her father. All of these were part of Dark Angel's twisted "test" to determine her validity in the Multiverse. Acting under the auspices of one of the Monitors to identify post-Crisis "anomalies" who threaten the Multiverse, Dark Angel had become personally invested and then obsessed with proving Kara's status as an anomaly through increasingly brutal means. The Monitor appeared and chastised Dark Angel harshly. He asserted that Kara was, indeed, this universe's Supergirl, and apologized for Dark Angel's excess. After stating that Kara's tragic memories of her journey to Earth were real, the Monitor departed with his employee, leaving Kara in deep space with her Kryptonian abilities apparently restored and no outward sign of her sunstone implants. Kara then met the reborn Pariah, who warned her of a "Great Disaster" that was coming during which she was destined to play a role. Kara then returned to Earth where she sets about correcting some of her past wrongs, apologizing to Boomer for leading him on, repairing her friendships with Cassie and Sarah (a girl she met during her brief time in High School) and dealing with her cat Streaky. Though she attempted to apologize to Power Girl for her actions in Kandor, Power Girl said she couldn't trust her and challenged Kara to fix things with Clark. After spending fifteen minutes outside Lois and Clark's apartment deciding what to do, Lois invited Kara inside, where she and Clark embraced. Her actions over the past year forgiven, Kara raced her cousin to the Fortress of Solitude. Later, when Wonder Girl confided in Kara some of her personal problems, they discovered that the Amazons of Themyscira have invaded Washington, D.C. as part of the events of Amazons Attack. Because of the McCarran Internal Security Act, implemented by the U.S. President, Wonder Girl's mother and a friend of Supergirl's, named Alison, were held at an internment camp. As they tried to storm the camp and free the women, they were stopped by the Teen Titans, and told by Robin that negotiation would be a better solution. Consequently, they flew to Washington D.C. and spoke with Queen Hippolyta, who told them that negotiations were impossible, since the President was safe on Air Force One. Agreeing to bring the U.S. leader to the Amazon Queen, the two girls blocked the path of Air Force One and threatened to bring the plane down if the President did not come with them. Kara received membership with the Teen Titans shortly thereafter, though her tenure with the Titans was extremely brief. Although no longer a member, Kara participated in several adventures with the young heroes. Kara met two time-travelers from the 30th century named Val Armorr and Una. Val and Una were members of the Legion of Super-Heroes, albeit from an alternate future timeline than the Legion that Kara was familiar with. At the Nebraska/Colorado border, Supergirl assisted the Legionnaires in battling a cybernetic powerhouse named Equus. Equus attempted to destroy Supergirl by battering her with a railroad car, but Kara proved that she was in fact "more powerful than a locomotive". At the conclusion of this debacle, Supergirl, Val and Una parted company, but their meeting prompted something in Supergirl's mind that reversed Brainiac 5's previous mind-wipe. She now recalled all of her adventures from the 31st century, but was still uncertain if these things actually happened, or it was all just a dream. Supergirl then assisted Superman and the Green Lantern Corps in tracking down an invading alien armada back to their home galaxy. Kara made use of tesseract technology to follow them, but ultimately a solar flare distracted her senses and she was unable to determine the aliens� point of origin. She returned to her home to report her failure, but Superman was still proud of her efforts. Soon after, Supergirl encountered a villain who would prove to be her greatest nemesis � Reactron. Reactron claimed to have the power of a star inside his containment suit, and he unleashed a massive attack of atomic energy that threatened to destroy Metropolis. Supergirl fought against him and lost in the initial throwdown. Supergirl came back for round two and determined that Reactron's power source originated from a circular disk inside his chest cavity. Supergirl tore the device from his containment suit and Reactron was defeated. In the aftermath of Reactron's attack against Metropolis, Supergirl learned about a boy named Thomas Price. Thomas was 11 years-old and dying of cancer. Supergirl made a promise to him that she would save his life � a promise that provoked strong opinions from not only his parents, but from Superman as well. Superman warned her against pursuing this course of action, for even though they are powerful heroes, nobody can stave off death. Supergirl was undeterred however, and continued in her quest to find a cure. She sought out Mitchell Shelley, the Resurrection Man, whose nanite-infected blood enabled him to literally resurrect himself from the point of death. Supergirl wanted to use Shelley's blood to cure Thomas, but by the time she returned to Metropolis with him, she was too late. Thomas Price was dead. Supergirl refused to accept this. She even tried using the tesseract technology she acquired from the previous mission to alter the timeline so she could save Thomas' life, but even this was not enough. In vain, she still tried using Shelley's blood to revive Thomas, but this too failed. Supergirl then teamed up with former Young Justice member Empress to take down Clayface and later a man named Eddie Rose. Rose was a survivor of Superman's fatal battle agains Doomsday, but the experience left him an embittered parapalegic. He wanted to turn public opinion against super-heroes, so he kidnapped Empress' family, forcing her to bait Supergirl into a trap. Supergirl was able to resist Empress' reluctant efforts to brainwash her, and together they were able to stop Rose and rescue Empress' parents. After a series of unfortunate mishaps, lapses in judgment, and an article written by Cat Grant titled "Why the World Doesn't Need Supergirl", Kara decided that she should scale back her actions as a full-time super-hero. At the suggestion of Lana Lang, Kara adopted a civilian identity as Lana's niece and began calling herself Linda Lang. Vril Dox, the original sentient computer known as Brainiac came to Earth with the intent of assimilating the planet's culture and technology into his gigantic skull-ship. Superman fought and defeated Brainiac, and in so doing, discovered the miniaturized Kryptonian city of Kandor. It had always been believed that Kandor was destroyed along with the rest of Krypton, but in truth, Brainiac had visited Krypton prior to its destruction, miniaturized the city, and secured it within a special containment tube inside his ship. With Brainiac's defeat, Superman liberated more than 200,000 Kandorians. These Kryptonians were restored to their normal size and their home city was transplanted to the Arctic Circle, where it was christened New Krypton. Among the survivors were Supergirl's parents, Zor-El and Alura. Supergirl was overjoyed to discover that her parents were still alive. Her father explained that their original home, Argo City, had likewise survived the destruction of Krypton, but was later assimilated by Brainiac and merged with Kandor. Zor-El also revealed that many of Supergirl's prior perceptions of him were actually false memories as a result of prolonged Kryptonite poisoning. During the time that Supergirl was journeying to Earth, her ship was encased inside of a large Kryptonite meteor. The ambient radiation, while not fatal, was enough to unbalance her brain chemistry. Zor-El treated Supergirl and purged her system of the lingering Kryptonite particles. The rest of the planet grew wary of the possible consequences of 100,000 super-powered Kryptonians now residing on Earth. In order to stave off a possible alien invasion, a secret government response group was put together known as Project 7734. The project was headed up by General Sam Lane (whom was previously believed to have been killed during the Imperiex War) and included several notorious agents such as Lex Luthor, Metallo, Reactron and a new Superwoman. It was during this time that Supergirl suffered the greatest tragedy of her life. Under General Lane's orders, Reactron and Metallo invaded New Krypton. Armed with Gold Kryptonite (which robbed a Kryptonian of their powers), they systematically began slaughtering as many Kryptonians as they could find. Reactron murdered Supergirl's father, Zor-El. As a result of the skirmish, Kara's mother Alura used Sunstone technology to literally uproot New Krypton from the planet Earth. The floating city was piloted into outer space and placed in geosynchronous orbit, directly opposite of Earth. The United States government also took action as a response to Kryptonian violence. They passed a law, stating that all Kryptonians with the exception of Superman were no longer allowed to set foot on the planet Earth. This included Supergirl. Supergirl went to live with her mother on the New Krypton planetoid. Alura still wanted revenge against Reactron for the murder of Zor-El and ordered Kara to return to Earth to bring Reactron to justice. Supergirl tried to keep her continued presence on Earth a secret, but she quickly earned the attention of Project 7734. She fought against Reactron for the second time, defeating him in a manner similar to how she stopped him when they first fought. She also fought against Superwoman, whom she discovered was actually General Lane's daughter, Lucy. The fight resulted in Supergirl rupturing Superwoman's battle suit, seemingly killing her. Shortly thereafter, Supergirl celebrated her eighteenth birthday. As per Kryptonian custom, it was time for her to select a guild house for herself. After observing the way the other guilds worked, she elected to join the same guild as her mother - the Kryptonian Science Guild. After being teleported to an alley, Kara finds Chris Kent and Thara Ak-Var. Supergirl attacks Thara, for killing her father and trying to kill her. However, Chris stops Kara and tells her he is her cousin. The three are attacked by Guardian and the Science Police, for apparently killing Mon-El. Chris tries to tell Guardian that they did not murder Mon-El, but Guardian ignores him. The three manage to escape to Paris. Chris, Thara and Kara talk about what has happened. They then discover that the two sleepers they were fighting were Metallo and Reactron. However, they were then attacked by Squad K. Escaping from Squad K, the three go to Lana Lang's apartment. They decide to get Lois's help in clearing their names. Chris and Lana go to find Lois while Kara and Thara stay in Lana's apartment. While waiting, Thara attempts to tell Kara what is wrong with Lana, but states it in a way that makes Kara angry. Meanwhile, Reactron promises General Lane he will kill Supergirl. Kara, Chris, and Thara a.k.a. "The Metropolis Three" fight Reactron. Kara about to hit Reactron with her heat vision is instead hit by Reactron's gold kryptonite, stripping her of her powers temporarily. Thara jumps in front of Reactron before he can hit Kara again and is knocked out of the fight. Lois shows up to report the fight, noticing that the three are depowered and unconscious, engages Reactron in battle and wounds him by jabbing her pen in his neck. With Reactron about to kill Chris and Kara, Thara transforms in the Flamebird and easily defeats Reactron. Reactron reveals that General Lane was behind the sewer bombing to deepen the mistrust in Kryptonians. Kara decides to take Reactron back to Alura on New Krypton for punishment. Kara and Thara forgive each other. Kara delivers Reactron to Alura. Alura has flashbacks of her time with Zor-El before Reactron killed him. She remembers how the Science Guild told her love is is simply a chemical response to external stimuli and therefore should be ignored. But she does love Zor-El. Back in the present, Reactron is standing trial. But before the verdict is announced, many Kryptonians burst into the courtroom, wanting revenge. Supergirl and Alura jump in to save Reactron, but in the skirmish, he is apparently killed. Supergirl decides to return to Earth. It is revealed Alura faked his death to torture him for information. In World's Finest, Supergirl and the new Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) team up for the first time. Batgirl has been captured and Oracle sends Supergirl to save her. Batgirl and Supergirl become fast friends and go to stop the Toyboy. Supergirl takes down Toyboy while Batgirl stops Mr. Freeze. They are captured by a giant Superman/Batman robot being powered by the Kryptonite Man. Batgirl manages to send out a distress call to Oracle before disconnecting. Oracle calls Superman and the new Batman (Dick Grayson). Superman, Batman, and Robin save them and in the end, Supergirl is seen scolding Robin for calling Batgirl "Fatgirl". In the Justice League: Cry For Justice miniseries, Kara, still seeking justice for her father's death, joins Hal Jordan's team of proactive heroes. During Blackest Night, Kara and Alura visit Zor-El's tomb, only for a black power ring to seek out the body and turn it into a Black Lantern. Kara and her Black Lantern father fight and with Alura's help, knock him out of the city. Alura has a shield placed over the city so no one can leave or enter the city. Kara is talking to Lana about her illness. Kara figures out that the illness is nothing the doctors in Metropolis can figure out. The Inspector calls Kara and the two fight Silver Banshee. Kara grabs a box and is transformed into SuperBanshee. Meanwhile, Lana has collapsed and is bleeding. The spirits that have possessed Supergirl are upset with the Silver Banshee. The Inspector cuts a coin from his hand to stop the Banshee spirits and Supergirl breaks free from their control. Silver Banshee then eliminates the disembodied clan spirits by screaming their name. Kara rushes to the hospital as Linda Lang just as Lana is pronounced dead. Linda goes to see the body and sees Lana encased in a chrysalis. Lana's condition is somehow the result of her time as the Insect Queen. In Metropolis, Supergirl is captured when the hospital is engulfed in a massive cocoon and an army of humanoid insects emerge. Once she is freed by Gangbuster, Linda conspires with him and Kimiyo Hoshi to infiltrate the cocoon, rescue the hostages, and find out who is behind the invasion. After being ambushed and knocked out, Linda awakens bound and gagged at the feet of Lana, who has once again reverted back to her Insect Queen form. Insect Queen informs Linda that during her last encounter with Lana, she embedded a piece of her DNA within her in an attempt to retake her body. The two women engage in a drawn out battle, with Linda eventually expelling the Queen from Lana's body through the use of an advanced Kryptonian machine. After Lana is cured, Linda informs her that she is leaving her home, feeling betrayed about Lana's unwillingness to share her illness. Back at Project 7734, Lucy Lane is seen to have been resurrected and is an amalgam of "all" the alien races whose powers were in the Superwoman suit, with all of their powers and weaknesses. Lucy kills the physician with an electric blast and says she is ready for duty. Brainiac is unleashing his robot troops into New Krypton and the Kryptonian citizens rise up to fight the drones. Zod, without hesitation, fires the Global Defense Cannons at Brainiac's ship, but only manages to kill the innocent Kryptonians in the way. Kal-El, furious at Zod for killing the citizens without remorse, changes into Superman. He then manages to pass the force-field and enter Brainiac's ship. Supergirl fights several of the probe bots in order to protect her mother. She is attacked by a probe, but is saved by Superboy, Mon-El, and The Legion of Super-Heroes. Kara takes them to Zod and they explain that there are other cities within Brainiac's ship that they must save. Zod sends Supergirl off and arrests the Legionnaires. Inside Brainiac's ship, Superman has been captured by Brainiac and his partner Lex Luthor. Meanwhile, Supergirl and Mon-El are fighting Brainiac probes when Mon-El gets a telepathic message from Tellus. Mon-El has to save Superman and tells Supergirl to get the Kryptonians to work together. Supergirl rushes to her mother's aid and sees Alura fighting with Superboy. Kara punches Connor away, but Superboy comes back to save them both from a Brainiac probe. Supergirl tells Alura of the Legion mission and challenges her to stand up to Zod. Alura pardons the Legion and sends Supergirl with them to fight Brainiac. Mon-El has entered the ship the same way as Superman and manages to save him and the city of Lanothians. On Brainiac's ship, Brainiac has re-energized and fights Superman. During the brawl, Superman is able to get hold of the telepathic Lanthians, but Brainiac teleports away with all the other cities. The Legion manages to enter Brainiac's ship thanks to Brainiac 5's help. But even this does not seem to help and New Krypton is put back into a bottle. Superman is pummeled by Brainiac's weapons system and is declared dead. Superman is grabbed before he hits the ground by a flying Brainiac drone, powered by Quislet. Meanwhile, on Brainiac's ship, Superboy ends up face to face with Lex Luthor. Kon-El is hit with Green Kryptonite and awakens to find himself in Kandor. Zod it turns out has a devices which can counteract the Brainiac shrinking technology. They get free of the city and are ready to fight. Meanwhile, Supergirl and Brainiac 5 have met. Brainy, in a brief moment alone reveals how hard it is to be near Supergirl, how much he loves her, and how hard it was when she died. It is revealed that Brainy is looking back at Supergirl's life historically. Brainy tells Kara she needs to destroy the reactor while he attempts to hold off the Phages. She smashes the satellite's power core. He tells Kara to trust her friends and she needs to trust him. He can't tell her anything about the future, but that she needs to live her own life and decide her own future. With the force-field on Brainiac's ship down, Superman is able to re-enter the ship. On board, Luthor emerges from Kandor and grabs a bottle city for himself. Superman has gone to rescue Kandor while Zod and his soldiers fight Brainiac. In the meantime, Mon-El remains captured, but the Legion shows up to save him. Superman has found Kandor and meets up with Supergirl and Brainiac 5. He turns the city over to Supergirl, calling it her home, trusting that she will keep protect it and re-enlarge it. Brainy re-sizes the city safely. Kandor is big once more. Superman joins Zod in fighting Brainiac. Luthor has expanded the city he grabbed right inside Brainiac's ship. Brainiac's ship has begun to plummet to New Krypton's surface. Zod is fighting with Brainiac. Superman, Supergirl, and Superboy and the rest of New Krypton work together to stop the ship. Brainiac 5 runs to help Supergirl, who is trying to hold back the expanding city. Brainy is able to stop it and re-bottles the city. Brainiac punishes Luthor for his treachery by snapping his neck, only to reveal that Luthor is a robot. Superman comes in time to save Brainiac from Zod. Brainiac 5 walks up and teleports away with his ancestor. Before leaving, he tells Kara to watch out for her mother. It is revealed that Luthor was working with General Lane all along. Zod is given total command over Krypton. All the guild leaders, except for Alura, were killed in the attack. Zod declares war on Earth. With the military guild ready to attack Earth, Zod is holding Superman captive. Alura is torturing Reactron for information, only to be found by Kara. She is shocked and disgusted. She tells Alura that he father said to 'watch out for your mother', warning her about what Alura is capable of. Reactron tells Supergirl Project 7734 wanted him brought to New Krypton. Alura shoves Kara into a radiation-proof deck room and seals it, protecting Supergirl and sacrificing herself. Reactron explodes, causing a chain reaction that also destroys New Krypton. The majority of New Krypton citizens are dead and the only guild left it the military guild, since they were not on the planet when it exploded. Superman finds Supergirl; they grieve while Supergirl clutches a piece of Alura's shield. Enraged by her mother's death at the hands of Reactron, of Luthor, of Earth, Supergirl grabs the flag of Krypton, carrying the standard into battle, racing to Earth to join the war effort. Superman manages to stop her. She breaks down; Kara feels responsible for New Krypton's destruction because she brought Reactron there. Superman assures her it wasn't her fault; they hug and are happy they still have each other. General Zod sends a bulk of his troops to the Human Defense Corps Mars base. The two sides fight, General Lane calls upon Luthor to finish his 'second project'. Using the false Rao corpse and time-pool technology,Earth has a red sun. Flamebird has taken off into space and dove into the sun. Thara destroys the Rao-bomb, returning the su +This superhero's name is to yellow. Their real name is but killing herself in the process. With the sun restored to yellow. both saddened and angry +This superhero's name is Superking. Their real name is Bender. Bender is a Bending Unit built in Tijuana, Mexico. He is a robot that runs on alcohol and works for Planet Express, a delivery service. +This superhero's name is Superman (2006). Their real name is Kal-El. As far as is known, the early history of Kal-El in Superman Returns is similar to that of his counterpart in the Richard Donner universe of Superman movies up until Superman II. Born as the last son of Krypton, he was sent to Earth as an infant and raised by the Kents as Clark Kent. After his foster father's death, Clark was summoned by the memory crystal from the ship that carried him to Earth to construct a Fortress of Solitude in the Artic Circle, where he discovered his true origin as a Kryptonian, his true name, and the nature of his abilities. In his early thirties, Clark became a reporter for the Daily Planet and became Superman, meeting fellow reporter Lois Lane whom he fell in love with at one time. He also encountered Lex Luthor, the greatest criminal mind on Earth, who became his main adversary. +This superhero's name is Superman (Post-Crisis). Their real name is Kal-El. Kal-El was born on the doomed planet Krypton to Jor-El and Lara. Although Jor-El had hoped to send his pregnant wife away from the planet in a test rocket and avoid its destruction, Kal-El was born earlier than expected, and the life support systems could only support one. Therefore, the baby was sent alone to Earth, the last son of Krypton. The baby's spaceship landed in Sutton Field near Smallville, Kansas, where he was found by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raised him as their son, Clark Kent. As he grew older, he began exhibiting extraordinary powers, including super-strength and flight. His friends in Smallville included Pete Ross and Lana Lang who continued to remain friends with Kent into their adult lives as shown when Ross became Vice President during Luthor's Presidency. As Clark plays football game with Pete and a few other teenage boys. However, his powers lead to Pete breaking his arm, and destroying the football. Guilt-ridden, Clark rides home with his farmer. Next day at school, when Pete asks Clark to sign his cast, Clark's powers let him see the break in Pete's arm, and he runs away. Lana , follows him, as they talk about the day they discovered Clark's power when he saved her from the blades of a combine harvester. When Clark responds that he's afraid to touch people, Lana kisses him. However, this leads to Clark's heat vision activating, and he accidentally burns down the gym. Clark wonders what's wrong with him. That night, Jonathan decides to tell Clark the whole story of how he joined the family. They always knew he was special. Not just for who he is, or for his uncanny abilities. They knew because he dropped out of the sky in a silver rocket, and answered their prayers. Clark is initially overjoyed, until the rocket begins playing a recorded message from Jor-El. The Kryptonian scientist introduces himself as the father of Kal-El, last son of Krypton. He says that his powers will protect him in the environment of the planet Earth, but that he is not one of the Earthlings. Clark reacts with rage and blasts the shipw with his heat vision, but the ship is resistant to his powers. Clark runs across the field and breaks down crying. John catches up to him, and the two embrace. The next day, the Kents have an idea: since the rocket is immune to Clark's powers, they make him a set of glasses from some of its crystals to block the heat vision. Martha Kent thinks it makes him look clever. Going back to the rocket, Martha sees some of the disasters that befell Krypton before its destruction, as well as catching a glimpse of day-to-day Kryptonian wear. Clark avoids playing football with the other boys, for fear of hurting someone else. Lana suggests that he get better at lying, then asks him to help her set up her aunt's stall at the county fair. There, Clark meets a young red-headed man: Lex Luthor, who is selling off his books so he can get a ticket out of Smallville. Clark is interested in a book about aliens, but when Lex pulls out the green rock he found earlier, Clark faints, knocking over Lex and smashing the jar with the rock in it. A tornado brews from nowhere, and although everyone else gets to safety, Lana is swept up. Reacting, Clark runs to her and jumps... and goes on jumping. He flies to her, rescuing her from the tornado. When she asks how he is flying, his power fails him and he falls to earth. The two land in a stream, and Lana kisses him. The glasses, he notes afterwords, contain the effects of the heat vision. Clark is happy that he has found a positive use for his condition, but Martha is firm that he should wear something else if he is going to use his powers, or he will swiftly be without clothes. Using some sketches based on the Kryptonian clothing in the hologram, and the blanket he came wrapped in, she plans to make a suit for him to wear, but she needs his heat vision to help her sew it (since the impervious nature of the suit has so far resisted five pairs of scissors, a sewing machine and Jonathan Kent's chainsaw. Once the suit is made, Clark comes down wearing it. Martha and John are impressed, but Clark is firm in the belief that he will never wear something this silly again. Wearing his suit, Clark engages in several heroic activities across Smallville. Clark saves Lionel Luthor from falling off a cliff. Clark comes back home by slipping through a secret underground tunnel. He tells his parents that he has been staying out of sight, mostly out of embarrassment about his uniform. Clark looks to the skies with Joanthan, sees into distant galaxies, and wonders if he's alone. He studies Dr. Erdel's book the next day, and Lex interrupts him in the process of researching Metropolis for the building Lex plans on constructing in the city. After Lex tells Clark of his grand plan, Clark offers to hang out with Lex some time. Lex sneers at the idea. Lana tries to console Clark over the fact that most of the kids are not hanging out with him, or that he's pushing them away. When Lana kisses him on the cheek his eyes begin to flare, and inadvertently he tells Lana that he only wants to be friends, and sends her off upset as well. He hears the other kids poking fun at him, and is soon interrupted by three members of the Legion of Superheroes. The Legion bend the rules to take him to the future. They fight a group of human supremacists. Brainiac 5 interrupts their revelry to remind them of the consequences of their actions. They return Clark to the present and promise future adventures. As Clark describes the future to Pa, a rocket approaches the house. Clark stops it, revealing the test rocket with Krypto. While Clark was still a youngster, the amnesic Daxamite Lar Gand arrived in Smallville, Clark was excited to find someone like himself, even theorizing that he was his older brother and naming "Mon-El". However, after accidentally exposing the Daxamite to lead, his memories returned. Clark sent him to the Phantom Zone until a core for his lead poisoning could be found. During his earliest time as a private super-hero, Clark continued to be visited by the Legion of Super-Heroes, who continue to bring him to their time and induct him into their membership, and share many adventures with Clark during his youth. Clark occasionally traveled between this future and his own native time, before permanently returning to his own native time. His memories of his visits would be erased by Saturn Girl, so as not to pollute the timeline. Clark mostly remembers these events as vague dream-like memories. After he graduated from high school, Clark then decided to travel the world for a number of years, learning about it's cultures, languages, and customs. He would secretly help people when he could, although he never had a costume or a superhero identity. He briefly stayed in Paris, where he met a renown journalist named Simone. He also started dating a young woman named Rosie. Shortly after he started dating her, he ran into an old friend of his from high school, Kenny Braverman, who "stole" Rosie away from Clark. The two had a whirlwind courtship and soon became engaged, but shortly before the wedding was supposed to occur, they broke it off. Clark never learned why. He spent some time in Australia, where he met and had a brief romance with Callie Llewellyn. While in college, Clark met Lori Lemaris and the two became briefly involved, until he learned her secret. After graduating college, Clark later moved to Metropolis. As Clark walks around Metropolis, awestruck, he encounters a citizenry that lives fast, cheap, and out of control. He comes up to the Daily Planet, a dilapidated building laced with graffiti. Inside he makes a point of catching his briefcase and spilling it in a subtle way. In the elevator he meets Rudy Jones, a janitor who says he has forgotten his lunch. Taking Clark for a country rube, Jones talks him into handing over his lunch. At the main floor he encounters Ron Troupe, Steve Lombard, Cat Grant, and Jimmy Olsen. He is mistaken for a bill collector and eventually makes his way to the Planet office, where Lois Lane and Perry White debate the merits of a story. Perry cites the fact that going after Luthor has nearly killed the Planet, and Lois fights back with the nobility of idealism. Perry introduces Lois and Clark, and Lois offers to take Clark on a tour, which surprises Perry. She takes Clark to the Lexcorp building for the unveiling of a piece of technology, and sneaks in wearing a blonde wig by duping Clark to distract the guards. At the top Luthor unveils his Metallo body suit, which Lois observes with interest as a potential machine of war. Security catches her, she flees, and then she trips and falls off the building. Clark, hearing the ruckus, sneaks into an alley, changes into his suit, and saves her. People grab at him and he flees, fearing he's done the wrong thing unveiling himself to the world. Lois and Perry debate the story about the flying man, while the other reporters look on in interest. Luthor goons show and demand that Lois go with them, and they ask for Clark to come as well. Lois agrees, given the opportunity to finally quiz Luthor. Lois and Clark wait for Luthor, who appears as they're talking about his wealth. Lois lights into him with questions. While they talk, Rudy Jones has mutated into the Parasite and attacks Luthorcorp employees. Clark hears Parasite's rampage, tries to make an excuse to leave, but as he does, the Parasite bursts in, having smelled him. Clark appears and takes Parasite out of the building. As he does, Parasite's teeth grow outward, and he sucks on Clark's neck, stealing power. They crash on street level. Clark musters strength and punches the Parasite. He hits Parasite with heat vision, then freezes him in place. The people around seem afraid of Clark and thankful. Luthor appears, and tries to foster the fear. Clark leaves. On the roof of the Daily Planet, he sees Jimmy on the ledge. Thinking him about to commit suicide, Clark stops him. They talk about feeling ostracized in the big city, and how Jimmy is thinking of leaving. Superman persuades him not to, given that Jimmy is his only friend in the city. Jimmy asks if he can take a picture of Superman, and Superman allows it. Jimmy has him put his hands on his hips. The issue runs with Lois' story and Jimmy's picture, identifying the flying man as "Superman." This infuriates Luthor, causing him to declare personal war on Perry White. A fire in the Daily Planet's main warehouse almost takes a fatal turn that night, but people are saved by Superman. Public opinion slowly turns to Superman's favor, thanks in large part to the Daily Planet, the only Metropolis newspaper that portrays Superman in a positive way. As he is about to fly away, he meets Lois and Jimmy, who get some information for a story. The three voice the opinion that the fire is the work of a milicious. Jimmy wonders who it could be... At the Daily Planet, things are looking up. Lois is about to get to work, when she is greeted by Sgt John Corben, her father's choice for her future husband. Lois truies to break away, but John refuses to go away... unitl he is met by Clark Kent. Corben tries to bull Kent aside, but through a combination of oafish good humour and a grip like a steel vice, he sends Corben packing. Clark offers to buy lunch for Lois Lane, and she takes him up on it. Over lunch, Lois Lane tells Clark about John Corben, who works for her father and whom he favours over Lois and her sister. Lane always wanted a son. Lois also reveals that she cannot remember her mother. When Clark tries to comfort her, she points out that Clark constantly shifts between two personae, one a bumbling fool and one a supremely confident man. An explosion on a skyscraper leads to Clark leaving complaining of an inner ear infection. Flying to the scene as Superman, he meets General Lane, who asks him for an interview. Lane points out that while there have been previous reports of humans gaining extraordinary abilities, his office believes that Superman is not human. Superman explains that he grew up on Earth, considers himself an American, and wants to use his powers to be a productive member of society. Lane abandons the pretext that this is an interview, and demands to know what Superman can do, and what his interest in Lois is. Superman turns to leave, telling Lane that he is no-one's enemy. Outside, Superman is accosted by soldiers, who fail to make any impact. However, the soldiers are soon backed up by Corben, who manages to weaken Superman in a pitched battle. As Corben reveals the glowing rock, Superman is weakened, but a ricocheting bullet hits the rock, creating an explosion which cripples Corben and his battlesuit. Superman escapes through the sewers as the soldiers rush to save Corben. General Lane and his forces arrive at the Daily Planet to shut the newspaper down, until they get some answers about Superman. And in the sewers below Metropolis, Superman sits wounded. Soldiers find Superman in the sewers. They battle him as he pleads with them to stand down, for the safety of the bystanders. Metallo enters the fight, and he begins to attack his own soldiers in order to get to Superman. Lois arrives to warn him about the kryptonite and tell him to flee, but he refuses to give up. Metallo attacks him with a kryptonite ray, threatening the bystanders, but Superman melts a manhole cover over the kryptonite and flies Metallo into space until the lack of oxygen knocks him out. Sam arrives and orders Superman and Lois arrested. The crowd turns on the Army, and Superman orders the crowd to stop, telling them that they, not the Army, not Lex Luthor, nor himself, are meant to be Metropolis's saviors. Superman meets with Lex and tells him Metropolis doesn't belong to him: "You don't own us." Lex objects, since Superman isn't from Earth. Superman replies, "This is my home," and leaves. Superman visits Lois atop the Daily Planet building and thanks her for making him feel like he belongs there. He starts the Planet�s rusty globe spinning again. Lois asks, "Are you a man or an alien?" His response is, "I'm Superman." Superman and Batman meet each other for the first time. Batman is on the trail of the criminal known as Magpie. He is interrupted in a lead by Superman who regards him as an outlaw. Rather than risk capture, Batman informs Superman that should the latter make any attempts to come near him, a signal will be activated that will trigger a bomb and kill a person somewhere in the city. The two are forced to work together and eventually capture Magpie. In the end, Batman reveals to Superman that the endangered person is Batman himself. Superman departs cautioning Batman against crossing any further lines. Batman admits to himself of a respect for Superman�s innate goodness and wonders if, in a different reality, they could have been friends. In keeping up his secret identity, Clark Kent misses the train to take him to work, something he does three times a week. A gunshot is heard from that train and Clark appears as Superman and finds the victim: the train's driver. As the train speeds up uncontrollably, Superman tries to grab the side of the train but it already plummets off the curve toward the ground. But Superman manages to catch it, before it hits the ground. Superman tracks the trajectory of the bullet that killed the driver, but finds nothing. In the distance, shadowy figures track his movements, and later that night, those figures break into S.T.A.R. Labs. They make sure Superman is not around to stop them, but a shadow appears and stops them anyway. The media believes Superman was the one who stopped the thieves, but wonders why he decided to leave them hogtied. In Antarctica, other shadowy figures track down and dig out a creature created by Lex Luthor: Bizarro. Clark receives a tip from an old friend, and he meets him in his limousine. Bruce was the one who captured the S.T.A.R. Labs thieves, as he explains that he has been on the trail of an exclusive cartel that can obtain any type of weapon calling themselves "the Purge". The thieves were after kryptonite, and Bruce needs his help in the decryption of a LexCorp disc, where the thieves will steal next. An Amazon woman, who calls herself "Diana", passes her "audition" by fighting several shadowy figures. A man from the shadows offers her a position with The Purge. Clark breaks the code on the disk and discovers that The Purge was after something called "Project Replica". He knows what it means, and goes to one of the locations to see it gone. Covered in heavy, thick chains, Bizarro sits as the shadowy man enters: Ra's Al Ghul. Calling Bizarro his "friend", he talks him into joining the Purge and adds that no one will ever harm him again. He is unlocked, and is given a medallion that says "Bizarro #1". In the Batcave, Batman informs Superman that the man behind The Purge is Ra's Al Ghul, an eco-terrorist. Bats once had connections inside Ghul's network, but they disappeared. He knows whatever he's doing, it's big. Bizarro steals a nuclear sub, when he is attacked. He shakes the sub and kills all the soldiers, with one of the missiles launched and detonated near Themyscira. Above the Daily Planet, Superman is greeted by Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman. She has come to talk about the missile that fell, whom the Amazon believe that Superman did it himself. When it is revealed that Bizarro did it, someone who wears something similar to Superman's costume, Diana feels embarrassed that they thought it was Superman. They decide to take down the sub, and Superman and Wonder Woman take a ride in her invisible jet. Tracking the sub down at the Sahara Desert, they find a camp where they investigate an underground facility. Soon, the two heroes get attacked, but Diana is already fast enough to be deflecting the bullets. The commander orders Unit A to fall back and Unit B to advance. Realizing Unit B are suicide bombers, Superman can do nothing but shield Diana as they all explode. The dust settles, and after Superman takes care of the nerve gas, they go to the commander who has locked himself in a vault. Inside, the commander activates a bomb and kills himself just as Superman and Diana burst in. With no time left, Superman gets Diana out as he spins at incredible speed to get the bomb underground as it explodes. As she leaves, Diana sees a knot on a crate that is an Amazonian Bridle Knot. Diana tries to find Superman as his hand breaks through. With Diana mentioning the crate to Gotham City, Superman knows who to ask for help. "Diana" and members of The Purge meet with a street gang in Gotham. Inspect the "merchandise", Batman takes down the Purge, and soon does the same with the gang. When he goes after "Diana", Batman is able to fend off most, but not all, of her attacks. Finally, "Diana" knocks him out and escapes. Recovered, Batman uses one of the Purge members to get answers. Not able to get anything, a golden lasso wraps around the man and he starts spilling his guts. Diana doesn't approve of Batman's aggressive methods, but he isn't seeking approval. Superman tries to play peacemaker while he introduces one to another, and why they are here. After bringing him up to speed, Batman gives the two heroes a psychological sketch of Ra's and wants to question the Purge member further, using Wonder Woman's lasso. She agrees, if he doesn't brutalize the suspect. After getting the man's name, rank and serial number, the three learn the missile is in Gotham, but doesn't know the location. When they're finished, Batman breaks the man's jaw. Batman and Wonder Woman get at each other's throats over Batman's brutality toward the man they question. Diana is taken aback, though, when Batman reveals the "Diana" wearing an eagle crest like Diana's. Batman departs, leaving Wonder Woman to question how Superman could consider such a man a friend. Before she leaves, she hands him one of her ear rings that is also a transmitter. Below Gotham, Ra's enters his Lazarus Pit, where "Diana" learns he is much older. Ra's learns from her that she is from Themyscira, and her name is Artemis. In the Batcave, Batman explains to Superman that the total of missiles are half a dozen, meaning there is four left. He is also informed that in twenty-four hours, 95% of the world's communication satellites will pass within in five cubic miles of each other. Something no one, except Ra's, is aware of. If Ra's detonates a missile in the center, the world will be thrown into a communications blackout. As Superman goes out to take care of the missile in Bulgaria; Batman reveals something he didn't tell him: the location of Ra's Al Ghul. In her jet, Wonder Woman sits impatiently until she picks off a signal: Bizarro. Following him to Ra's lair, she learns that the missile is still prepped and ready, so she reveals herself. As she gets to Ra's, Bizarro appears and gets the upper hand, even breaking Diana's lasso, before completely beating her. Superman reaches the silo in Bulgaria and plans to stop the missile as it launches. Grabbing the warhead, he throws it into deep space as it explodes. Wonder Woman awakens in the same chains that held Bizarro with Ra's next to her. Exchanging words, Ra's reveals that one of the missiles will destroy Gotham, while the others will give something bigger for Superman to worry about: all part of his plan to save Earth from man. Seeing a group of guards out cold, Artemis is attacked by Batman, and finally gets the upper hand against her. Just as Bizarro is about to kill Diana, Batman appears and hurts Bizzaro with an explosive that hurts his eyes. Blinded, he files off as Batman fights Ra's and beats him. Until, Ubu surprises Batman in order for Ra's to escape. Freeing Diana, Batman and Wonder Woman make their way deep into the complex until Diana gets weakened from the fumes of the Lazarus Pit. Batman goes to work on the missile as one of Ra's followers, Sybil, attacks him. Diana, still weak, fights her but is stabbed. Batman cries for the Amazon, just as Sybil falls to her death and Batman stops the missile. Diana enters the Pit just as Superman arrives. When she emerges, the fact that the Pit causes anyone to go insane at first leads Diana to go out against Superman and Batman just as she leaves. Worried about her, Superman and Batman travel to Themyscira to see how Diana is doing. Breaking off the harness and gliding down, Batman finds Diana after taking her bath. Overcome by her beauty he rushes forward and kisses her, but Diana, surprised, decks the Dark Knight. Suddenly, Amazonian soldiers surround Batman, but Superman descends before a fight can break out. Diana informs them that these men are here to speak to her, and they need to do so in private. On the atoll, Diana apologizes for her hasty departure from Gotham and assumes the Purge is still active. Batman is quick to realize that Ra's will have to change his plans. Superman is go find Bizarro and Diana will try to find anything she can. In the Gobi, Artemis learns that Ra's new plan is to find a new remote location as their headquarters: Themyscira. Diana asks her mother, Hippolyta, about the rogue Amazon, and she reveals a group of Amazons known as the Bana-Mighdall. Superman finds out where Bizarro is when Batman's tracking device is being interfered by extreme cold. Wonder Woman meets Batman, as Bruce Wayne, indicating that she knew who he really was. And it is with him that she figures that with a rogue Amazon as his ally, Themyscira would be the perfect target as Ra's new location. At Ra's headquarters, Superman comes out of nowhere and fights Bizarro and buries Bizarro into a mountain side. Ra's meets with Superman and tells him of two airplanes that are about to be destroy in Metropolis. Not wanting to believe him, Superman leaves to make sure things are well in his city. Ra's and Bizarro resume prepping their forces to invade Themyscira. Superman arrives in Metropolis in time to see two airplanes preparing to crash into the Lexcorp building. He grabs one plane and manages to maneuver it into the second one and the two planes crash into the lake. Superman takes off once more. Ra's forces reach Themyscira, and the Amazons prepare for battle. A sonic device knocks Bizarro out as Wonder Woman and Batman descend onto the scene. As Batman battles Bizarro, and Wonder Woman and Ra's duel, Artemis leads the attack against Themyscira. However, she can't fight her own people, so she fights against Ra's forces. Soon, Superman comes in and disables all the helicopters and finds Artemis. Wonder Woman finally defeats Ra's and helps Batman against Bizarro until Superman comes in, burns Bizarro's hand off, and punches off several times into a volcano. The battle ends when the three disable all the remaining weapons and send all to the bottom of the water. Returning to their homes, Superman can't believe how they almost had a disaster, as Wonder Woman can't find the rogue Amazon, and Batman knows Ra's Al Ghul will return as it has happened before. But all of them agree that without each of them meeting the others, would it have happened differently. Each of them consider the others friends. In an epilogue, Ra's Al Ghul's body is found by his daughter, Talia Al Ghul. Artemis begins her journey home after spending a few months on the other side of Themyscira aka Paradise Island. And below the ocean, the severed hand of Bizarro glows an eerie red, becoming red kryptonite. The JLA was formed by Superman (Clark Kent), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), The Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter after Applaxians attacked Earth. Superman became one of the first members of the team, along with Batman and Wonder Woman, after the team was first formed afterwards. In his first year (after the Lost Years), Superman would have his first encounters with Metallo, Darkseid, Arathaza, Bloodsport, the Circle, the Fearsome Five, Chemo, Rampage, Mister Mxyzptlk, and the Silver Banshee as well as the Legion of Super-Heroes. In those first early adventures, Superman would often go against Lex Luthor, who had vowed to destroy the hated "alien" and reclaim his place as the First Son of Metropolis. Superman would also encounter his Achilles' Heel, Kryptonite, in his first battle against the cyborg Metallo. Lex Luthor retrieves the Kryptonite from Metallo and has part of it fashioned into a ring which he wears at all times, forcing Superman to keep his distance. Luthor also dismisses the suggestion that Clark Kent and Superman are one in the same, rationalizing that no one who had the power of Superman would ever pretend to be a mere human like Clark Kent. Superman also has his first encounter with the New God Darkseid, who teleported him to Apokolips. Superman remained on Apokolips for some time, eventually rallying the lowlies in a resistance against their despotic ruler, but the revolution is unsuccessful and Superman is returned to Earth. Superman and Wonder Woman met during the Legends event, and Superman was surprised to find that she was in his thoughts a lot. Eventually the two came together, discussing their mutual attraction, but after a crisis involving Darkseid and the Olympian gods was resolved, they decided they were not right for each other and would just remain friends. Howver, Superman did trust Diana enough to reveal his secret identity to her. Superman was shocked to meet a being calling herself Supergirl, someone who first appeared similar to Lana Lang. Supergirl explained that she was from the Time Trapper's Pocket Universe and pleaded with Superman to come back there with her. Superman agrees and meets the Lex Luthor of that universe, a benevolent scientist responsible for creating the Matrix Supergirl. He explains that ten years have passed since Superman's visit, and that the Pocket Universe exists solely so that the Legion of Super-Heroes could come there from the future. Superboy had already left for the 30th Century and Luthor accidentally released General Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ul, three Kryptonian criminals, from the Phantom Zone. The Kryptonians proceeded to destroy the atmosphere of the Pocket Earth, killing everyone on the planet, save for a handful that Lex protected in Smallville. Superman was unable to stop them from killing the rest and badly injuring Supergirl. Superman exposes the criminals to gold Kryptonite, taking away their powers, and then, taking on the role of judge, jury and executioner, decides that they must be punished for their crimes--he exposes them to green Kryptonite, killing them. He then takes Supergirl and leaves the dead world. The guilt of taking life weighs heavily upon Superman. He has a minor psychotic break, which manifests itself in the form of him blacking out and fighting crime in the guise of Gangbuster. Guardian discovers this after a brief fight. Superman decides after what he's done that he has to leave Earth--after seeing to a few things and saying good-bye to his parents, Superman uses a breathing mask and a teleporter to begin a self-imposed exile into space. When Matrix fully recovers physically, she shapeshifts into Clark's image, briefly posing as him. After several adventures in outer space, Superman is captured by Warworld and confronts Mongul for the first time. He meets the Cleric and encounters the Eradicator for the first time. Superman is pitted against Draaga in Warwold's arena, and when he refuses to kill Draaga, Mongul attacks Superman. Superman is saved from Mongul by the Cleric, who teleports him away. Superman accepts the Eradicator device from the Cleric, who dies shortly thereafter, and deposes Mongul as the ruler of Warworld. Draaga becomes the leader of Warworld, but is humiliated by his defeat at Superman's hands. Having found peace over executing the three criminals in the Pocket Universe, Superman returns to Earth. He finds Matrix living in his apartment, still locked into the form of Clark Kent, and Jimmy takes a photo of the two of them. Still confused, the Matrix actually attacks Superman in Smallville before realizing what she has done. Still locked in Superman's shape, she takes off into space in an exile of her own. Superman soon learns that the Eradicator, more sentient than he initially thought, has a mind link to him and is attempting to impose its own designs on Earth. He decides to bury it in the Antarctic, but a subsequent visit reveals that the artifact has built a vast underground fortress--the Fortress of Solitude. Superman learns the whole history of Kem-L, his ancestor, and how he built the Eradicator and what its purpose truly is. The Eradicator begins to melt some of the polar ice cap, but after a communication with holographic forms of Jor-El, Lara, and Kem-L, Superman manages to shut it down. Clark, recently fired from the Daily Planet, accepts the Managing Editor position at Newstime from Collin Thornton. The Eradicator begins to exert its influence over him again, forcing him to change into the so-called Krypton Man. He battles Draaga again on the Moon, almost killing him in the process. Only an intervention by the Kents at the Fortress itself is enough to snap Superman out of the programming the Eradicator has him under. He takes the Eradicator artifact and his Krypton Man costume and hurls them into the sun. Luthor's kryptonite ring is eventually stolen from him by a former employee, Amanda McCoy. With some help from Batman, Superman manages to recover the ring. He decides to entrust the ring to Batman for safe keeping, telling the Dark Knight to use it against him if he would ever lose control and need to be put down. Mister Mxyzptlk decided to have some fun with Superman through Lex Luthor for a change. He gave Lex a piece of red kryptonite, which removed Superman's powers. It would work so long as Luthor did not tell Superman about it. When Luthor told Clark Kent, he inadvertently broke the spell and restored Superman's powers. Clark proposed to Lois Lane at this time and she accepted. Dying of cancer, Lex Luthor decides to fake his death in a plane crash. On the day of Luthor's flight, Jimmy Olsen decides to throw Lois and Clark an engagement party at the Daily Planet. Clark ducks out so that Superman can investigate the remains of the crashed jets. He finds a mangled body, complete with Luthor's prosthetic hand, and it's enough to convince him (and the world) that Lex Luthor is dead. Superman eventually discloses to Lois the secret of his doub +This superhero's name is e life. Immediately afterwards. Their real name is Superman is swept away in an adventure across time--Time and Time Again--which takes him from the ancient past to the distant future. When he finally returns to the present. this time in a humanoid form. He sets out to remake the Earth into a new Krypton +This superhero's name is Superman (Smallville). Their real name is Kal-El. Clark Kent, aka Superman, is Earth's greatest hero and the main protagonist of Smallville. Hailing from the planet Krypton, Clark is a super-powered alien who was raised in Smallville, Kansas. He resided there until his early adult years, when he moved to Metropolis. Born as Kal-El to Jor-El and Lara-El, Clark was sent to Earth by his parents to fulfill a destiny in which he would become the savior of humanity: he was rocketed off of the planet just minutes before its destruction. Accompanied by a massive meteor shower, his spaceship crash-landed in Miller's Field in Smallville: there, he was found by farmers Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent to which they raised him as their son, instilling in him strong moral principles and teaching him to use his abilities for good. Thanks to the yellow sun, Clark developed many Kryptonian powers that grew stronger as he got older. He learned much about his origins from Dr. Virgil Swann, a journal and an artificial intelligence version of Jor-El. Clark secretly fought crime around his hometown during his high school years and moonlit as a vigilante throughout Metropolis initially known as the Good Samaritan, then as the Red-Blue Blur, and then simply as the Blur. By day, he works as a reporter at the daily planet +This superhero's name is Swamp Thing (New 52). Their real name is Alec Holland. +This superhero's name is Swamp Thing. Their real name is Alec Holland. In a secret facility located in the Louisiana swamplands, scientist Alec Holland and his wife Linda invented a Bio-Restorative Formula that would solve any nations' food shortage problems. Ferrett and Bruno - thugs working for Nathan Ellery - barged into Alec's lab, knocked him out, and planted a bomb in the facility. Alec woke up just as the bomb exploded, and in flames, he ran into the swamp. His body had been drenched in the bio-restorative formula, and this affected the plant life of the swamp, imbuing it with Alec's consciousness and memories. The newly conscious plant life formed a semblance of a human form and rose up from the bog as the Swamp Thing, the latest in a long line of Earth elementals created when The Green was in need of protection. The Swamp Thing originally thought that he had been Alec Holland, transformed by the freak accident into a monster. He sought to regain his human body, but often met opposition in the form of Anton Arcane, and his ever growing legion of Un-Men. After finally defeating Arcane, Swamp Thing was set upon by General Sunderland's men, in a covert military operation. The resulting attacks blasted a hole in Swamp Thing's head and destroyed the lives of many of his friends. Sunderland brought the Swamp Thing's body back to Sunderland Corp to study and unlock the secret of the Bio-Restorative Formula. Sunderland hired the Jason Woodrue to study Swamp Thing's body, which he had stored in a cryochest. Over the course of his research, the Floronic Man deduced the truth about Swamp Thing, that he was a plant that thought it was Alec Holland - the real Alec Holland had died in the explosion. Sunderland and Woodrue parted on bad terms, so the scientist used Sunderland's automated computer systems to raise the thermostat in Swamp Thing's cryochest. This allowed Swamp Thing's body to regenerate, and in his search for Sunderland, he stumbled across the Floronic Man's report, which sent him into a mindless rage. He killed Sunderland, and set off for the swamps. Swamp Thing went into shock from learning his true origins. He rooted himself into the swamp and spent three weeks dreaming; his mind eventually traveling into The Green. Woodrue returned to the swamp and discovered Swamp Thing's connection to The Green, but the experience drove him mad. When Swamp Thing realized the presence of Woodrue's corrupting influence there, he wrenched himself back into reality. He caught up with Woodrue and convinced the villain that his war against animal life was pointless, reminding him that plant life and animal life needed each other to survive. A budding friendship grew between Swamp Thing and his dead nemesis Anton Arcane's niece Abby Cable. Her husband Matthew grew resentful of her disinterest in sex, and turned to drink, further pushing her toward the Swamp Thing. She asks for his help when her autistic students at Elysium Lawns were being tormented by Kamara, the Monkey-King. Swamp Thing destroyed the demon with the help of Etrigan. On the same night that the demon attacked, Matthew decided to go out and help Abby. Unfortunately, his alcoholism caused him to crash his car, mortally wounding him. In order to stay alive, he made a pact with the spirit of Anton Arcane, who possessed his body. Later, Swamp Thing was visited by the ghost of Alec Holland, and eventually learned that Alec's skeleton was still lying at the bottom of the bayou. Diving down, Swamp Thing retrieved the body and gave it a proper burial. This allowed the Alec's spirit to free itself from the earthly plane and ascend into Heaven. One day, Abigail finally realized that the man she had thought was her husband for weeks had actually been her uncle Anton. Her feeling of disgust sent her into a horrible shock. Swamp Thing confronted the possessed Matthew, and with the guidance of the monster, he discovered Abby's body. Unfortunately, Arcane had sent the "soul" of his niece to Hell. In a rage, Swamp Thing beat Arcane to a pulp, allowing Matthew's trapped spirit to cast the soul of the sorcerer out of his body and back to the nether world. The effort returned Matthew to control of his body, but left him comatose. To set things right, Swamp Thing travelled into The Green and beyond; to the Spirit World and on into Hell, all to reclaim Abby's soul. He was forced to fight off a legion of the damned, including Anton Arcane, but he prevailed again with the help of Etrigan. After Abby was returned to life, Swamp Thing and Abby confessed their love for each other. To celebrate the beginning of their relationship Swamp Thing grew hallucinogenic tubers for Abby to eat, enabling her to see the world as he did. Swamp Thing's body was destroyed after an encounter with a man saturated by dangerous levels of radiation. He sent his mind into the Green to attempt to form another body, and with Abby's help and weeks of effort, Swamp Thing reformed most of his new body. In the meantime, occultist John Constantine had heard news of a coming danger, and found his way to the swamp. Upon meeting the Swamp Thing, he informed the creature that it was a plant elemental. Constantine hinted at knowing much more about the nature of the Swamp Thing than he was saying, and promised to discuss the matters further if Swamp Thing met him in Rosewood, Illinois in a week's time. Constantine informed Swamp Thing that he had not completely destroyed the vampire population of Rosewood during his last encounter with them, and a number of them adapted to live within an aquatic settlement. Swamp Thing remembered that running water could destroy the vampires - they could only live underwater because the body of water covering Rosewood was stagnant. In order to deal with them, Swamp Thing extended his abilities further than ever before, forming a new body from a mountain and letting its river merge with Rosewood's, thereby wiping the vampires out. Rather than provide any new information, Constantine told Swamp Thing to meet him in Maine in two weeks' time. In Kennescook, Maine; Swamp Thing encountered Phoebe, a werewolf filled with outrage on behalf of abused and oppressed women throughout history. He prevented her from killing her husband, but was forced to watch on helplessly as she committed suicide. Constantine arrived soon after, and told Swamp Thing to go back home to Louisiana. Abby found work on the set of a soap opera being filmed on the old Robertaland Plantation. Things went awry when the lead actors became possessed by the spirits of the murderous landowners. Dead slaves that worked on the plantation rose from the grave as zombies. Sensing the evil there, Swamp Thing burned Robertaland to the ground after realizing that it was the source of their power. Eventually, Swamp Thing began to see a pattern emerging in all the monstrosities he had been confronting across America, but admitted he would need Constantine to explain it to him. Constantine instructed him to travel to San Miguel, California, promising that this would be the last leg of their mission before he revealed everything he knew. In San Miguel, Swamp Thing visited the abandoned Cambridge mansion, haunted by every person ever to have been killed by the Cambridge repeater firearm. A group of thrill seekers were menaced by the ghosts. Swamp Thing managed to exorcise the ghosts from the mansion by making the sound of a hammer on a big table within. Afterward, Constantine appeared and explained that he wanted the Swamp Thing to see first-hand the effects that the coming Crisis was having on Earth. Swamp Thing and Constantine witnessed the effects of the Crisis: blood red skies, and people and beasts from many different time periods, displaced into the present day. The pair were suddenly teleported to the Monitor�s Satellite by Alexander Luthor. Constantine introduced Swamp Thing to Alexander, who had formed a plan to ensure that reality survived the Crisis. Constantine promised that the Swamp Thing would likewise ensure that the spiritual realms survived the after-effects of the Crisis. Constantine revealed that after the Crisis ended, reality would be unstable and vulnerable for a time. Meanwhile, the ancient cult of the Brujeria were taking advantage of this situation in order to summon the Shadow Creature which would destroy Heaven. To do so the Brujeria needed to encourage a worldwide belief in monsters and the darker things in life. They were the ones responsible for the rash of nightmarish incidents that Swamp Thing had contained over the past few weeks. He planned for he and the Swamp Thing to travel to South America and battle the cult - but first he wanted Swamp Thing to visit the Parliament of Trees in Brazil, where he promised that he would finally learn the truth about his nature as a plant elemental. Swamp Thing bid farewell to Abby for a while, and as they kissed, they were unaware that amateur photojournalist, Howard Fleck, was taking pictures of them. Swamp Thing travelled to Brazil, where he met the Parliament of Trees. There, he encountered one of the previous plant elementals, Alex Olsen. Olsen explained that the Swamp Thing was the latest in a long line of plant elementals, who had all since joined the Parliament in their retirement. Communing with the others, Swamp Thing was able to learn the histories of his predecessors. Joining up with Constantine, Swamp Thing managed to destroy the Brujeria by flooding their underground caves with dirt and crushing them with tree-roots. Unfortunately, his decision to save Constantine's life provided the Brujeria with enough time to send their messenger to awaken the Shadow Creature. Constantine and Swamp Thing scrambled to come up with a plan to deal with the Great Darkness, and then split up. Swamp Thing travelled through The Green to the afterlife, recruiting the help of Deadman, Phantom Stranger, The Spectre and Etrigan. Together, they prepared to make a stand against the Great Darkness in Hell. One by one, Swamp Thing's allies fell to the Darkness, failing to answer its questions - that is until the Swamp Thing tried entering it of his own free will, with peaceful intent. Reflecting on what the Parliament taught him about nature, he offered insights to the Great Darkness that its place in the universe was necessary; that good would grow stronger by its opposition to evil. His talk sparked something in the Great Darkness. When it finally reached Heaven, the Great Darkness and The Presence joined in an alliance of balance, changing the nature of good and evil for the entire universe. Back in Louisiana, Swamp Thing met with John Constantine again. Swamp Thing was distressed to learn that in his absence, Howard Fleck had released the photos of he and Abby, causing such a scandal that she ran away to Gotham City. The Louisiana police had charged her with obscenity and crimes against nature, and it became Gotham's job to hold her trial, and extradite her. Swamp Thing sped to Gotham in order to free Abby from jail. He burst into the Gotham courthouse and demanded Abby�s release. When his demand was refused, he tapped into the Green, using his immense elemental power to cause Gotham to become overgrown with plant-life. In this way, he kept the city hostage until his wife was released. In the meantime, Batman asked Swamp Thing to turn Gotham back to normal, and the refusal of the creature led to a fight in which the much outmatched Batman was defeated. Finally, Batman convinced the mayor that Abby had not committed any crime, and that it would be in the best interest of everyone if charges against her were dropped. In response, Swamp Thing removed the overgrowth from Gotham. As Swamp Thing was about to be reunited with Abby, he was attacked by Dwight Wicker and the D.D.I., who wanted to avenge the death of General Sunderland. They cut him off from the Green using a communications scrambler provided by Lex Luthor. Then, they set him aflame with napalm. Locked out of The Green's frequency, Swamp Thing survived the attempted assassination by tuning into a different, alien one. He managed to grow a new body on a planet populated by only blue vegetation, unconnected to The Green. He stayed on the planet for a time, exploring it and even creating plant-replicas of people he knew from Earth to keep him company. Finding this to be ultimately pointless he destroyed his creations and gathered up the courage to try and grow a new plant-body elsewhere in the universe. He finds his way to the planet Rann, where he meets and befriends Adam Strange. The planet was going through a devastating drought, and there were arrangements made to find a solution with Thanagarians. Swamp Thing reached down under the surface of the planet and brought its plant life back. He attempted to grow a body from vegetation on a planet which seemed to be techno-organic. However, unbeknownst to him, the planet was sentient, and sought to mate with him. The entity forced Swamp Thing to mate with her, and afterwards Swamp Thing swiftly fled across the universe to find a new place to grow a body. Finally, Swamp Thing found his way to the planet J586, where all plant life is sentient. With the help of Green Lantern Medphyll, Swamp Thing learned to shift his frequency, so that he could return to Earth and The Green. Before reuniting with Abby at last, Swamp Thing murdered the men responsible for the assassination attempt. After settling down again with Abby in the swamp, Swamp Thing travelled to the Parliament of Trees, but was greeted with surprised horror. The Parliament had assumed him dead, and had therefore begun to grow a sprout which would grow into a new elemental, once bound with a human spirit. The upshot of which being that having two elementals active at one time would set the balance of nature awry and cause calamity. The Parliament gave him the choice to either take root in the Parliament, and leave Abby forever, or to kill the Sprout. Swamp Thing refused to do either, whatever the consequences. Eventually, Swamp Thing and John Constantine concocted a plan by which they would bind the Sprout to a human host so that he could retire to be with Abby until it was time to join the Parliament. The Sprout attempted to bind with Solomon Grundy in Slaughter Swamp, but the monster resisted, eventually bathing in toxic chemicals in order to force the Sprout out. However, during his encounter with Grundy, Swamp Thing realized that the Parliament was trying to kill him in order to restore balance, given that he would not kill the Sprout. He returned to the Parliament, and demanded to speak with a Committee, to find a solution for the Sprout problem. In communing with the members, he discovered that across time, there have been hundreds of elementals, all of whom were once humans that were killed by fire. The meeting was a trap, however, and as he experienced pasts of the committee members, he began to take root. However, at the same time, the Sprout attempted to bind with an insane, evil man named Alan Bolland who had just died in the midst of a terrorist attack. The Parliament sensed the evil within Bolland, and it shocked the Swamp Thing out of his hypnosis. He used his frequency shifting abilities to force the committee members out into space, and the resulting chaos forced the Sprout from Bolland's body. John Constantine's contacts seemed to indicate that the Parliament's predictions were right. Something was wrong with the balance of nature. Using his contacts, he arranged to find out where and when the next candidate for binding with the Sprout would be ready. Constantine arranged to help reconcile an average man named Gary Holland with the idea of becoming the next Swamp Thing as his plane was destined to crash with no survivors. Meanwhile, Swamp Thing had hidden the Sprout on the moon. Upon his return through The Green, he encountered the lost souls of those on the crashed plane, and guided them all to heaven - including his intended replacement. There would have to be another plan. The pair went through several other failed attempts, going so far as to try to bond the Sprout with Swamp Thing's friend Chester Williams. Fortunately, that was not required. Swamp Thing decided, at Abby's urging, to grow himself a more powerful brain in order to solve the dilemma. After one and a half months of deliberation, he managed to find a solution. Swamp Thing used his abilities to take control of a somewhat unwilling Constantine's body, displacing Constantine into the astral plane. Then, in that human form, Swamp Thing and Abby finally consummated their relationship, conceiving a child for the sprout to bond to. In the body of a child, the Sprout would be given the chance to learn at a slower rate. Despite seemingly having found happiness with his wife, Swamp Thing was soon set upon by the Dominators. Given that their weaponry was of a plant-based nature, they knew they had to eliminate the one being on the planet Earth who could easily render them toothless in their intended invasion. In order to dispose of him, the Dominators used a device to displace the Swamp Thing in time. Swamp Thing found himself within the body of a soldier during the Second World War in 1945. There, he encountered a young Anton Arcane, using an abattoir as his lab for the creation of his Un-Men. Arcane used an artifact known as the Claw of Aelkh�nd to send Swamp Thing further back in time. Swamp Thing was then occupying the body of a downed French pilot during the Great War. There, he met Abby's grandmother Ana�s Arcane, who called on her young doctor son, Anton, to treat his wounds. Naturally, Anton's interest in Swamp Thing's biology was less than medical, and the result of their encounter faced Swamp Thing with the Claw again, sending him further back. He next awoke in the old west in 1872, where he was trapped within a large chunk of amber. Eventually, a team of heroes including Bat-Lash and Hawk Haukins managed to free him. Hopefully, Swamp Thing arranged to have his photo taken with them, thinking that his pregnant wife might see him, and know he was okay. Knowing he had to go back further, he willingly faced the Claw again. Swamp Thing became trapped again in a piece of amber, falling into the hands of Tomahawk, the old west hero. Another exposure to the Claw sent him back to medieval times when he encountered Merlin and Shining Knight, and an item believed to be the Holy Grail. Further back, Swamp Thing encountered a tribe of early men, who lived in harmony with The Green. However, the time for their kind was at an end, and with the ice age, they were killed by a younger, more violent race of men. Before dying, a shaman that Swamp Thing befriended gave to him three seeds, and stored the spirits of his people away within a piece of amber - which sent Swamp Thing back further still. Swamp Thing arrived at a time when man had not yet been born. He encountered three of his predecessors, Yggdrasil - the tree of life, Tuuru - the tree of knowledge, and Eyam. They explained that they were the three founders of the Parliament of Trees, and sent him back once more into the past. In a world desolate and devoid of life, Swamp Thing grew his brain large once more, and realized that it is he who created the Parliament, and began the succession of earth elementals. He planted one of the three seeds he was given, which later grew into Yggdrasil, imbuing it with a map of all his knowledge. Then, he allowed a flow of lava to overtake him, converting the sap within his enlarged brain to amber. Finally, Swamp Thing realized that the reason he was sent back in time by the Claw was that the chunk of amber within it was a future version of himself. He waited millennia for the day when John Constantine would find his way to the present day location of the Claw, and release him. Freed, finally, Swamp Thing arrived home just in time to witness the birth of his daughter Tef�. Swamp Thing was unaware when he chose Constantine as the surrogate for the conception of his daughter, that he had received a blood transfusion from the demon Nergal. Likewise, he was unprepared for the fact that the powers of his daughter extend to both The Green and The Red. One day, when she witnessed him disappearing into The Green, she tried to do the same, and in the process, she destroyed her human body. Tef�'s astral form travelled the Spirit World until it ended up on the outskirts of Hell. There, she caught the attention of the demon Beelzebub, not to mention Anton Arcane who managed to gain lowly demon status by way of his evil ways. Arcane was assigned to Nergal, who recognized his own taint within Tef�. Through this taint, the demons hoped to gain control of her. However, the child became the centre of a political struggle in Hell between the Spider Guild, Beelzebub and Azazel. Swamp Thing entered the Spirit World, where he encountered a number of alien spirits who were stuck in the human afterlife after the Dominators' attack. Together, they travelled to Hell. There, Etrigan explained the truth about Tef�'s demon taint. Confronting Nergal, it seemed as though Swamp Thing was no match for him. However, Arcane's machinations had connected Tef� to the irrigation system of the whole city, and when she opened a window back to earth, it caused the destruction of the city and all those demons within. The destruction of Nergal's garden released a particular spirit on Earth. It was Matango, a fungus-based lifeform. Meanwhile, Swamp Thing and his wife searched for a way to get Tef� back into a physical body. With Constantine's help, they determined that she must be the one to recreate the body herself, but without any knowledge of anatomy, she would not be able to do so properly. A Shaman clued Swamp Thing in to the existence of a fountain in the Garden of Eden which can allow any being the ability to understand all languages. With this, Tef� could understand how to rebuild her own body with instruction. Swamp Thing met with the Parliament of Trees to find out the location of the fountain. There, he reunited with Yggdrasil, Eyam, and Tuuru, who explained that much of what he had been taught in the past was a ruse in order to bring about the birth of a plant-human hybrid: Tef�. Yggdrasil explained that by planting the first of the three seeds, Swamp Thing brought about the birth of the Parliament. The second became his vessel forward through time. The Third was consumed by Tef� - and that is what woke Matango. The seed represented the ways of the old race of man, who were in communion with nature. The newer, more violent race of men served Matango's needs better. The Parliament had once resided in the Garden of Eden, but a war with Matango and the fungus-based life force known as The Grey forced them out. The fountain was still to be found in the ruins of Eden, which lied in what became known as Antarctica. Swamp Thing travelled there, rescuing Eyam's trapped soul, collecting a frozen shard of the waters of the fountain, and narrowly escaping destruction by the Angels who protected the ruins. As a hurricane threatened all of Louisiana Swamp Thing returned, giving Tef� the water from the fountain. With the help of Constantine's friend Brenda and the Shaman of Sarga, Tef� was able to rebuild most of her body. Unfortunately, Matango had assembled an army of servants of The Grey to capture the infant. The new body she grew became corrupted with mould and fungus, prompting Swamp Thing to destroy it, as the hurricane swept over the swamp, and destroyed everything in sight. The next morning, Swamp Thing and his family decided to take Tef� to the Parliament of Trees for her protection. Main article: The Quest for the Elementals Upon their arrival at the Parliament of Trees, Yggdrasil helped recreate Tef�'s body for them. The Parliament then explained to Swamp Thing that Matango was once the thirteenth in the line of plant elementals, and the last to share in the secret knowledge of the Parliament's creation via time-loop. When Matango was protector of The Green, a meteor formed by the destruction of a planet that was home to The Grey landed on Earth. Matango volunteered to host the new life-form in order to learn more about it. Unfortunately, his own ambition was corrupted by The Grey's drive to consume, and he became its agent. A war broke out between The Green and The Grey which forced the elementals to leave Eden. In order to have a compromise, the Parliament caused an ice age that allowed the new race of man to conquer the old race, so that in time, if man caused the downfall of The Green, The Grey could take its place. By giving a seed of the old race to his daughter, Swamp Thing caused the balance to be offset. The Parliament decided that in order to save The Green, they needed to confront Matango. Swamp Thing began to amass an army of those elementals trapped by The Grey during the war. Unfortunately, Matango anticipated this, and all of the efforts were in vain, leading to Swamp Thing's capture and imprisonment, deep in the Pacific Ocean. Swamp Thing risked the death of all those imprisoned by attempting to form a body there, but was fortunately successful, with the help of others. They returned to the Parliament, where they learned that Matango had ensnared Abby and Tef�. Climbing the rotting trunk of Yggdrasil, he reached them and set them free before heading onward to Matango's lair. Discovering that Matango's weakness was his old Green form, Swamp Thing used his own skin against him, and severed his connection to The Grey. The Grey finds a new, more neutral vessel, who promises that he will wait until The Green's time has passed before allowing The Grey to inherit the earth. After a time of being able to live happily with his family, Swamp Thing became aware of the resurgence of Sunderland Corporation as a threat to the environment. Now run by General Sunderland's daughter Constance, Sunderland Corporation took on a personal vendetta against the Swamp Thing while pursuing its greedy, destructive interests. Meanwhile, Tef�'s power over both plants and flesh became a matter of concern for her parents when she showed a tendency to horribly mangle and kill those who angered her. When she killed the family cat in anger, it was decided that Swamp Thing would consult the Parliament of Trees for help. The Parliament sent Lady Jane to act as Tef�'s governess, allowsing Swamp Thing to focus his attention on protecting The Green. Eventually, in Hell, the devil abdicated his rule, allowing many of the demons trapped there to escape - including Anton Arcane. Arcane returned to the land of the living with intent to possess the Tef�'s body, and cause pain to his niece Abigail. However, Arcane's attempted coup was thwarted by the appearance of Agony and Ecstacy, but he vowed to return. When Constance Sunderland had an occultist named Doctor Polygon resurrect her father from death, it provided Anton Arcane with a body to host his spirit. Using Sunderland's influence and his own power, Arcane managed to terrorize his niece once again. With the threat of Anton Arcane's return, Abigail made Swamp Thing promise to stay with her and their daughter in order to protect them and be a husband and father. Reluctantly, he agreed - but the Parliament of Trees was displeased with the decision. When a great threat to the environment and The Green appeared, Swamp Thing was forced to choose between breaking his promise to Abby or allowing the Green to suffer. Ultimately, he chose neither, and created a double of himself to look after his family while he protected The Green. He had intended to return to his family once the threat was taken care of, but the Parliament prevented it - leaving his double to become firmly entrenched as the family man he could not be. After being away for two weeks, Swamp Thing's body was restored, but with an altered appearance. The toxins gone, he returned to Louisiana to reunite with his family. Unfortunately, the double he created believed that he was more worthy to be with Abby and Tef� than Swamp Thing, and they fought. When Swamp Thing realized that the double was not merely a copy, but a part of him, Swamp Thing absorbed it back into his body. Unfortunately, Abby was disgusted when she realized his deceit, and decided to leave him and move to New Orleans with Chester Williams. Swamp Thing was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan. As a tribute to Hal and the destroyed Coast City Swamp Thing turned the barren Coast into a lush garden. It is revealed that he is the Earth's Ultimate Savior and the Entity's Champion. Unlike the previous incarnation, a mass of humanoid plant life with all of Holland's absorbed memories, this new renewed Swamp Thing was generated directly from the body of Alec Holland himself. Holland rising from the ground as a seemingly semi-sentient corpse until fully given human flesh again as the once formerly brilliant biologist. Holland stating that his last conscious memory was of hurling himself into the swamp to extinguish the flames engulfing him, having no memory of ever being Swamp Thing previously. The Life Entity stating essentially that Holland was a missing "vital component" to the being itself. Leaving us to ponder if the being Dark Avatar assaulting the city may have actually been the former Swamp Thing. Notably also bearing a very close physical resemblance. The Entity imbued upon Holland all of the powers of The Green that the former had wielded. Including now additional elemental abilities, i.e. governance over fire, being now shown capable of breathing fire naturally. Swamp Thing then immediately growing to enormous height to battle the Corrupted Being. Immediately upon defeating it, acting to restore the Green to natural order. +This superhero's name is Swarm. Their real name is Fritz von Meyer. Fritz von Meyer was once a Nazi scientist, the details of which remain unrevealed, although it is known he had access to looted gold from countless European capitals to fund his research. Von Meyer fled Germany at the end of World War II to settle in South America. A world expert on toxic poisons and apiculture (bee keeping) he continued his research on breeding patterns of killer bees in comparative peace deep in the jungles. One day, he found a hive unlike any he had ever seen-- the bees exhibited no fear, an unusual passivity, and a highly developed intelligence. Believing that a nearby meteorite bombardment had somehow mutated the bees with radiation, von Meyer built a device that he hoped would reawaken the bees' killer instincts so that they could serve him. However, von Meyer had erred, so that, while the bees were no longer passive, they were not in his control. They began to swarm over von Meyer, killing him. In the midst of his death throes, his consciousness shredded, dissipating into the swarm of bees. Thus, von Meyer became an aggregate being, a living embodiment of the swarm, with his own scientific mind added to the mutant intelligence of the multitude of bees. Von Meyer claims to have used his powers to conquer, and at some point he must have developed giant mechanical bees that obey his commands. Shortly afterward, the international police agency Interpol, in its quest to bring war criminals to justice, managed to track down von Meyer. One agent somehow managed to capture the queen bee of von Meyer's swarm, encasing it in amber and fleeing to the United States. Von Meyer, calling himself Swarm, followed, killing the agent who was attempting to flee on a ship but failing to recover the briefcase that held the trapped queen. At the same time, the Champions were seeing off a friend of their member, Black Widow. They interrupted Swarm's attack, discovered the murder, and took the briefcase, unaware of its purpose. Swarm soon confronted the team directly, and during the attack, managed to free the queen. The queen was free to complete its mutation, begun earlier by von Meyer, and grew to gigantic size. The fight ended when the Champion Hercules, using his superhuman strength, threw the gigantic queen miles away. The bees of von Meyer's body were pulled away, following the queen, and left von Meyer as nothing but a skeleton. Von Meyer's skeleton was sent to New York's Empire State University biophysics department for further study. When the scientist started performing radiation tests on the skeleton, a queen bee that happened to be in the skull instantly began breeding millions of bees (It is unclear whether this was the original queen bee somehow shrunken or a different one entirely). Within moments, the entity of Swarm was reborn. Swarm decided to kill the scientist and launch a reign of terror on the campus. The scientist was rescued by Spider-Man, whose secret identity of Peter Parker had began work in the department as a teaching assistant, and Swarm turned his attention on Spider-Man, claiming that "spiders and bees are natural deadly enemies." Spider-Man was saved only by smashing into nearby chemicals that happened to be some manner of insect repellant. Swarm immediately launched an attack on the city, hoping to cleanse the world of humankind. He also hoped to allow his queen bee to mutate and grow, and he began constructing a gigantic hive in the middle of the campus for this purpose. Parker learned from his fellow teaching assistants that they created more of the experimental insect repellant that saved Spider-Man's life. Pouring the chemicals on his costume and combining it with his web-fluid, Spider-Man once more confronted Swarm. The repellant caused the bees intense pain, and in their maddened state, they turned against each other. This also happened to the now-gigantic queen bee, whose hive refused to obey Swarm's commands and fled. Once more, von Meyer was reduced to nothing but a skeleton. Somehow, Swarm's intelligence survived, presumably due to the fact that he no longer needed the human skeleton upon which to manifest. Years later, experiments on a supercollider project at the Rand-Meachum laboratories in Houston, Texas, began disrupting the migratory patterns of various insects and causing Swarm severe distress. Vowing revenge, Swarm used various insects under his control to surreptitiously sabotage the project. The insect attacks alerted the attention of a government watchdog group. The leader of the group contacted his old friend, Doctor Druid, for help. Druid, in turn, manipulated events so that Doctor Henry Pym (in his Giant-Man identity) would unknowingly join his team of "Secret Defenders" to investigate. Doctor Druid and his regular allies confronted Swarm, who, frustrated on being discovered, hoped to use the destructive power of the supercollider to render all technology in the world useless, thus paving the way for insect life to become the rightful dominant lifeform on the planet. Druid psychically induced Archangel and Iceman (former members of the Champions) to converge on the site, and the battle was joined on multiple fronts. Ultimately, Druid was able to convince Swarm that if he truly believed that humankind would eventually destroy itself anyway, he shouldn't risk attracting the enmity of the human race and should simply wait for the inevitable destruction. Swarm agreed and fled. In the meantime, the other heroes were able to use their powers to stop the supercollider from overloading. When Onslaught was destroyed by Earth's heroes, the telepathic bond between von Meyer and his mutated bee colony was damaged. Swarm returned to New York, the place of Onslaught's destruction, to re-establish his psychic link or risk becoming discorporate again. He took over the Institute of Seismoharmonic Research to force its research team to adjust his body's vibratory field to restore him to full power, as bees fly by moving their wings so fast that they create a vibratory current they can ride on. In the meantime, a cloud of bees began forming over the city, attacking people and causing mayhem. This drew the attention of Spider-Man (Ben Reilly). Swarm's bees seemed to recognize and be afraid of Spider-Man, despite the fact that it was a different person in the costume, thus allowing the hero to enter the Institute unmolested and form a plan with the scientists. Spider-Man adjusted the equipment, so that, instead of allowing Swarm to pull together his bees, the bees' ability to fly was negated. Spider-Man easily captured the queen bee, professing to prevent Swarm from posing any future threat. When the cabal of villains known as the Pride was defeated by their children, it left Los Angeles and the West Coast with a power vacuum in its criminal community. Notified by its drones, Swarm appeared in Hollywood, claiming his rule over the city. He was opposed by the Runaways and taken down by their newest member, Victor Mancha, who used his powers to disrupt the electrical impulses that Swarm's bees used for communication. For some unknown reason, Swarm attacked the school but was taken down by Krakoa, Doop and the Bamfs. Allying himself with Master Pandemonium to avenge themselves and be "the men who killed the X-Men", they infiltrated the campus after the graduation ceremony but were neutralized before they could attack by Doop's Power of Funk. +This superhero's name is Sylar. Their real name is Gabriel Gray. Born Gabriel Gray, the son of a watchmaker always dreamed of bigger things, of being "special". Adopting the name "Sylar," he becomes a serial murderer, targeting evolved humans with abilities, but doesn't discriminate against killing anybody who stands in his way. Having the power of intuitive aptitude, Sylar is able to see how things work and use that to take the special powers of others after killing them. The FBI has categorized Sylar as a suspected serial killer. His suspected victims are sometimes seen with their heads sliced open horizontally at the center of their skull and their brain removed. Other victims are pinned to walls, frozen, or beaten. Sylar is hunted by the FBI, but has successfully eluded and taunted them, growing stronger and more powerful with each victim. +This superhero's name is Symbiote Wolverine. Their real name is Logan. Wolverine was a hero infected by a Symbiote. He first appears in Spider-Man Web of Shadows when Spider-Man goes to Hell's Kitchen where he fights him, believing that Spider-Man is one of the Symbiotes that is infesting the city. Shortly after the fight, he finds out that it's really Spider-Man and stops attacking him then he shows him how to use his Spider-Sense in the Black Suit to locate hidden Symbiotes. Later in the game, Wolverine teams up with Spider-Man at a church. Wolverine had set up a trap - he would wait for the Symbiotes to try to get at the parishioners inside the church, then he would ring the bell to stun them so he could "chop them up by the dozen". After clearing a landing zone a S.H.I.E.L.D. ship comes to pick them up. Soon after the people are taken away, Wolverine is infected by the Symbiotes after falling off of the church with a group of Symbiotes on him, which results in Symbiote Wolverine being born. Spider-Man proceeded to battle for control of Wolverine's mind, after subduing the symbiote, Spider-Man managed to get through to Howlett who managed to remove the symbiote. Wolverine later helped fight the Symbiotes onboard the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier while Spider-Man battled the giant super-powered Venom. Alternate Ending Later in the game, Wolverine teams up with Spider-Man at a church. Wolverine had set up a trap - he would wait for the Symbiotes to try to get at the parishioners inside the church, then he would ring the bell to stun them so he could "chop them up by the dozen". After clearing a landing zone a S.H.I.E.L.D. ship comes to pick them up. Soon after the people are taken away, Wolverine is infected by the Symbiotes after falling off of the church with a group of Symbiotes on him, which results in Symbiote Wolverine being born. Immediately after the fight Spider-Man rips Wolverine in half and absorbs his symbiote, becoming more powerful and prompting Wolverine to swear revenge. After taking over as supreme ruler of New York under the Symbiotes, Spider-Man was deemed a massive threat causing S.H.I.E.L.D to bond a Symbiote to Wolverine who desired his revenge. +This superhero's name is Synch. Their real name is Everett Thomas. Everett Thomas was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He was first introduced in X-Men #36, when the mechanical collective race known as the Phalanx had assimilated the X-Men and attempted to wipe out what was to be the next generation of mutant heroes (Husk, Jubilee, Monet, and Blink, all except Blink future members of Generation X). Synch had accidentally synched to Banshee, who was in the area, and had shattered all the windows in his area with Banshee's "borrowed" scream. He didn't know how he did it, but the next thing he knew there were a slew of police officers with guns pointed at him. Unfortunately for them, the menace wasn't Everett, but the Phalanx, who attacked the officers. Luckily, he was saved thanks to the help of the White Queen, Sabretooth, Banshee, and Jubilee. This misfit band of heroes ended up saving the other kids who were attacked by the Phalanx, and from the sacrifice of Blink, they escaped the menace. Following this, the kids were all relocated to the Massachusetts Academy, where they would train to use their powers, receive a formal education, and act as Generation X, the next generation of X-Men, on the side. Everett, along with M, was one of the foremost students. When Emma Frost's sister, Adrienne, came to America, she forced Emma to re-admit her back into the school. If not, Adrienne would release information to the parents of the normal kids that the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters was a secret training ground for mutants. Later, Adrienne created mutant hatred amongst the human students in the school. When the parents of the non-mutant students heard that their children were going to school with mutants, they all arrived together to take their children away from the academy. However, Adrienne Frost had planted bombs all around the school. Banshee and Synch set out to turn off and deactivate all the bombs, while Emma and Adrienne brutally fought. Eventually, Emma pulled out a gun and shot Adrienne. Meanwhile, Banshee and Synch separated. Synch found a bomb and there were human students nearby. So, he "synched" with the nearest mutant, who was Monet. However, Monet was too far away, so he only received a portion of her powers, which happened to be her super strength. Using all his might, he threw the human kids out of the room, saving them from the explosion. Sadly, he wasn't able to save himself, dying to save his human peers. +This superhero's name is T-1000. Their real name is Cyberdyne Systems Series 1000 Terminator. The Cyberdyne Systems Series 1000 Terminator, or simply T-1000, is a Terminator series produced by Skynet in 2029. Unlike previous Infiltrator models that used rubber skin or living tissue over a metallic endoskeleton, the T-1000 is entirely made of a liquid metal called "mimetic polyalloy", meaning it can deform and take any shape it touches of the approximate size. One of the fundamental prime directives of the T-1000 was "recovery of essence"; as the more it lost, the less effective it became. Also, the default command in the mimetic polyalloy's molecular memory was to find the main mass and rejoin it. As this trait was encoded at a very basic level, it was this emergency camouflage programming that was normally exhibited when a T-1000 was critically damaged, showing itself as a malfunction or "glitch". A damaged T-1000 may have, for example, begun to "meld" into floor coverings or other objects that it was in physical contact with, against its own will, due to its particles undergoing this form of self preservation. Due to its "liquid metal" construction, the T-1000 is capable of extensive regeneration. Ballistic penetration could hydrostatically shock the T-1000, but only for a few seconds. Separating the "parts" of a T-1000 was not enough to stop it from regenerating, as the individual pieces would seek each other out and re-form to become a complete, fully functional battle unit again, at least over short distances. The smaller the volume of particles, the less intelligent each piece became.[citation needed] Combined, the T-1000 was incredibly capable; however, when in pieces, it merely tried to get back to the whole again. The mimetic polyalloy construction of the T-1000 allows it to replicate any object or person of similar volume that it molecularly sampled by physical contact. It appears that the T-1000 could use a medium to do this without actually touching the subject's skin. Composed entirely of mimetic polyalloy, the Series 1000 Terminator is a metallic mass, thus making it electrically conductive. However, unlike endoskeleton-based Terminators, the T-1000 can withstand a high-voltage charge without being knocked offline. Catherine Weaver demonstrated this ability by impaling the Water Delivery Guy with one hand and stabbing the other into a circuit breaker box, allowing the current to flow freely through her to terminate her victim. Likewise, the Series 1000 Terminator is unable to generate body heat and is cool to the touch just as any ordinary metal. The 1000, having the ability to be gilatnus or liquid can enhance its speed and its ability to become completely solid increases its strength, especially when it is not mimicing tissue or clothing, making it completely metal, as seen when only being in humanoid shape but being made of metal. The Series 1000 Infiltrators, as with other mimetic polyalloy equipped units, are initially deployed with an individualized default humanoid shape, which it remains in for most of its active service. It is thought that this form was kept as it was more energy efficient than mimicking others and reduced the stress caused to its ability to molecularly expand when it mimicked more obese subjects. Due to the conservation of mass, when the T-1000 mimicked a human subject of greater volume than its default form, its density decreased. It therefore compensated for illogical mass constitutions for the subject it replicated. For example, the T-1000 may have had to step down more heavily to give the appearance of a greater mass. The T-1000 could lip read and was also able to synthesize the speech pattern of any human that it replicated. This did, however, require a sufficient sample of the subject's voice.[citation needed] The T-1000 was also capable of registering its environment in a dozen subtle ways using its entire body, could directly read magnetically encoded information, and could run at a speed of at least 40 mph. The T-1000 was not issued with any weapons, but was capable of fashioning any solid metal form, such as knives and other stabbing weapons. The T-1000 could not form any complex systems which may have had moving parts or chemicals, like guns or explosives. However, the T-1000 was capable of concealing and carrying weapons, such as guns, inside itself. In order to form a weapon from a limb, the T-1000 had to convert that particular section to a liquid metal state before reconfiguring it, while keeping the rest of its body in a solid metal state. Beyond the capabilities of the standard T-1000, the T-1001 could morph into a roughly slug/snake-like silver metallic form capable of moving at high speeds through air vents, performing high jumps, and propelling itself through water. Rather than automatically seeking out the primary mass, the detached parts of the T-1001 could operate independently, demonstrated by Weaver keeping a part of herself separate in the form of a pet eel. This element was kept separate as a security key required for operation of the T-1001's time displacement equipment. The T-1001 was extremely adept at terminating multiple fleeing targets with deadly efficiency. It chased down a dozen employees in a secret warehouse, extending blades to at least 10ft to impale the escaping workers. The T-1001 could extend a blade and retract it again with amazing speed, suggesting a remarkable level of control over the structure of its design. At least one unit possessed more advanced interpersonal skills than other Terminator units. +This superhero's name is T-800. Their real name is Cyberdyne Systems Series 800 Terminator Model 101. After emerging from the time displacement sphere, at 1:52 AM on May 13, 1984 at the Griffith Observatory, the naked Terminator encountered three punks roaming the streets and forcibly demanded their clothing, killing two of them when they responded with aggression. At some unspecified time later, in the earlier hours of the morning, it went to a gun shop to acquire weapons for its mission, killing the shop's proprietor so it could take the ammunition. The Terminator then checked a phone book for a list of Sarah Connors, finding a total of three. It proceeded to kill Sarah Ann Connor and Sarah Louise Connor, before tracking down its intended target - Sarah Jeanette Connor - in Tech Noir. The Terminator nearly succeeded in killing her, but Kyle Reese - a soldier sent by the future John Connor to protect Sarah against the Terminator in the past - helped Sarah to escape. A chase ensued and the Terminator was injured in a car crash, damaging its arm and left eye. After removing the useless flesh eye (exposing the cybernetic optic underneath), the Terminator wore sunglasses so as to conceal its cybernetic eye and continue passing off as human. Armed with an assault rifle and shotgun, it then went to an LAPD police station to terminate Sarah, and while it went on a shooting spree which killed dozens of police officers, it failed to eliminate Connor before she escaped with Kyle. The Terminator later went after and murdered Sarah's mother, and by impersonating her over the phone, was able to trick Sarah into revealing her and Kyle's whereabouts at the Tiki Motel; but the two escaped again. The Terminator proceeded to pursue them on a high speed motorcycle through a tunnel, then tried to run Sarah down with a commandeered truck, while Kyle used a pipe bomb to destroy it. However, while the truck was destroyed, the Terminator survived; its living tissue was burned away by the fire, but its endoskeleton had survived and continued functioning, with only a disabled left leg joint. The Terminator chased Kyle and Sarah into a factory, where Kyle attempted to blow it up and was mortally wounded in the process; though the explosion succeeded in crippling the Terminator further by blowing its legs, pelvis and left hand off, its endoskeleton from the waist up still survived and continued crawling through the factory after Sarah. Sarah managed to trap the Terminator and activate a hydraulic press on it just as it was about to choke her to death; the press crushing and flattening away the Terminator until it was finally destroyed, leaving little more than the arm it had attempted to choke Sarah with. The Terminator Though the T-800 had been terminated, its arm and its chipped CPU had survived the hydraulic press, and were recovered by Cyberdyne Systems. Dr. Miles Bennett Dyson, a cybernetics scientist and a high-ranking employee of Cyberdyne, was tasked with creating a new neural-net processor from these two pieces of unknown-sourced advanced technology. Miles studied the processors and was able to build a revolutionary new brand of automated systems, a more-advanced form of artificial intelligence and making other existing computer systems obsolete in comparison. The project eventually reached the point where he nearly completed a prototype of the processor. In the same manner as Kyle Reese's entrance into the timeline had altered the fathering of John Connor, the introduction of the Terminator's remains altered and accelerated the rise of Skynet, introducing another alternate future revolving around a predestination paradox. The Terminator arm and CPU were stolen from Cyberdyne by a 10-year-old John Connor, his mother Sarah, and another T-800 which had been reprogrammed by the Resistance. They ultimately destroyed the two Terminator pieces by throwing them into a vat of burning steel, in an attempt to change the future and eliminate Skynet once and for all. +This superhero's name is T-850. Their real name is Cyberdyne Systems Series 850 Terminator. As the future war progressed, Resistance fighters acquired more and more plasma weapons from destroyed battle units, captured factories, and uncovered warehouses. As a result, Skynet decided to harden the Series 800 Terminator against plasma attacks and add new features to aid in the destruction of mankind. Thus, the Series 850 Terminator is created in 2027. With its upgraded files, toughened endoskeleton, stronger joints and hydraulics, improved power cells, electronic adrenaline system, limited skin regeneration, reboot ability, data evaluation and predictive forecasts, the Series 850 Terminator is a far more dangerous threat than its predecessor, the Series 800 Terminator. It has enough strength to go up against a T-X and even managed to crush her/its wrist with one hand. The T-850 is very similar to the T-800 in many ways, as it is basically the same style hyperalloy combat chassis with a few modifications. As well as the endoskeleton looking very much like that of a T-800, the T-850's is also capable of utilizing the same models of living tissue sheath for the T-800, such as Model 101. The skin peels away more easily and is more regenerative. It has a more durable endoskeleton, more resistant to plasma weaponry. It also possesses subroutines on basic human psychology and behavior in its programming. +This superhero's name is T-X. Their real name is Cyberdyne Systems Series X Terminator. The T-X is a model of Terminator produced by Skynet in the future. One model of this unit was dispatched by Skynet into the past in order to terminate John Connor. The T-X ultimately failed in its attempts to destroy the Tech-Com resistance leader. With the success of the mimetic polyalloy T-1000 Series, Skynet continued to develop its liquid metal technology, this time combining it with an advanced endoskeleton, similar in shape and structure to that of the Series 900. The resultant T-X Series is stronger, faster, more intelligent, and more deadly than any of Skynet's other battle units, effectively making them redundant, however, its infiltration abilities while impressive are inferior to the T-800's as they lack living tissue, the ability to sweat and bleed thus their shape-shifting ability is only useful to a point, while a Terminator that is bleeding or possesses scars is more likely to be mistaken for a human. Due to the T-X's default form being that of a young female, John Connor dubbed the T-X the "Terminatrix". The T-X Series has an advanced utilitarian battle chassis, weighing in excess of 150 kilos (approximately 330.6 lbs.). Protected by malleable crystalline ceramic armor interlaced with nano-fibers of carbon and titanium, the T-X is practically unstoppable on the battlefield, capable of sustaining vast amounts of damage with little to no effect. Extremely strong and agile, the T-X Series is capable of moving its joints in ways that would be impossible for any human. Aided by artificial liquid steel lubrication, each joint has a massive degree of rotation. The neck is capable of 360-degree rotation, and the torso is capable of at least 180-degree rotation. The enhanced joints also show little to no wear or degradation when moving at high speeds, allowing the T-X Series to run at speeds in excess of 80 km per hour for brief periods of time before its power packs began to show slight decline. The T-X Series is capable of easily crushing a human spinal column with just two fingers, and its thighs can crush with a pressure greater than an industrial hydraulic press. Its steel jaws and alloy teeth are harder than industrial diamonds, and can crush and cut through titanium, let alone human flesh and bone. Like the earlier Series 1000, the Series T-X utilizes mimetic polyalloy. However, where as the Series 1000 was constructed entirely from this liquid metal, the T-X series only has a liquid metal outer sheath covering its endoskeleton for infiltration purposes, which gives the T-1000 an advantage for being able to regenerate better. Like the T-1000 before it, the T-X can take the form of any human it touches, typically terminating the subject upon reproduction. The T-X seems to be able to mimic targets it sees as well. This is seen when the T-X increasing its breast size seen from a billboard, effectively confusing a L.A. patrolman. Stored within small reservoirs in the cranial casing of the T-X when in endoskeletal form, the mimetic polyalloy not only aids in infiltration, but also adds strength to the overall armor of the T-X Series. +This superhero's name is Talia Al Ghul (CW). Their real name is Talia Al Ghul. Talia al Ghul (Arabic: تاليا الغول) is the daughter of the late "Ra's al Ghul" and the paternal older half-sister of Nyssa al Ghul. A worldly and cultured elite warrior, Talia is the leader of her own cult of combatants, similar to the League of Assassins, as well as the mentor of Yao Fei Gulong, Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase. After her father's death Talia trained Adrian and joined his team in order to get revenge against Oliver, who killed Ra's. Her fate was left unknown after the explosions on Lian Yu, until Oliver found her in Slabside Maximum Security Prison, alive. She then revealed to him that she was the mysterious individual known as The Demon, who he'd been searching for, as she had some kind of connection to help him take down Ricardo Diaz. He and Talia later came to terms as Oliver helped her escape while Talia offered to help him expose Level Two of Slabside. +This superhero's name is Taserface. Their real name is . Taserface is a scout of the Stark, an alien tribe that found and adapted a lost arsenal of Tony Stark's technology. He is an enemy of the Guardians of the Galaxy. +This superhero's name is Taskmaster. Their real name is Tony Masters. Tony Masters gained an ability known as "photographic reflexes" during a mission as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. This ability enabled him to watch another person's physical movements and duplicate them without any practice, no matter how complex. He was previously a naturally gifted athlete who trained himself to superb physical condition. His power was only limited by the fact that the memories he gained by watching others overwrote his personal memories. As a result, Tony forgot his wife and field agent partner, Mercedes Masters, as well as his own history with S.H.I.E.L.D. Mercedes crafted an elaborate set-up to help control and guide Tony in his new guise as Taskmaster. Using a series of muscle memory and reflexive tasks, she linked Taskmaster to "the Org", his "handler" between jobs and a constant to keep him on task despite his frequently over-written memory. The Org was actually Mercedes herself, gathering intelligence and feeding it back to S.H.I.E.L.D. thanks to Taskmaster's reports. Tony therefore became the ultimate double agent in the super-villain underground -- one who didn't even know what he was. Tony decided to use his stolen capital to establish a base of operations to train criminals known as the Taskmaster's Academy. He took the the name Taskmaster and began training anyone that could pay. When Dr. Pernell Solomon used the Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane as a front, he used the Taskmasters school's resources to create a clone of himself called Selbe. When he required an organ donation due to possessing an extremely rare blood type, the clone, learning of his fate, contacted the Avengers. Taskmaster captured Yellowjacket, the Wasp, and Ant-Man when they attacked the site. Taskmaster battled the Avengers, who exposed his front operation. He was defeated and fled after a fight with the Avengers newest member the robot Jocasta, whose lack of body language made it impossible for Taskmaster to predict her next move. In addition to his training academies, Taskmaster also lent himself out as a mercenary or private instructor. He trained John Walker to be the new Captain America for the Commission on Superhuman Activities, then trained Cutthroat to fight Captain America on behalf of the Red Skull. Eventually, the Taskmaster considerably changed his appearance. He wore a costume apparently modeled after tactical body armor, replacing his previous pirate-themed garb. The Taskmaster also ceased carrying an arsenal of duplicate weapons. Taskmaster began operating as a more traditional mercenary instead of as an instructor. He first met Sandi Brandenberg after beginning this mercenary M.O. Taskmaster spent some time around Wade Wilson after Deadpool became famous for the Four Winds hit and hired Sandi as his personal assistant. Wilson was not responsible for the hit, however, and the real assassin Black Swan came after him and his friends. Wilson and the Swan were seemingly killed in an explosion. When Sandi found a stray amnesiac with super-healing powers, she brought him home because she thought he must be Mr. Wilson. Taskmaster reluctantly helped train "Alex Hayden" at Sandi's request, but thought such an inexperienced merc would just get her into more trouble. He tried to have Alex killed by setting him up on a job to steal the Punisher's .45s, and later reported to the surviving Four Winds that Hayden was Wilson. When Sandi was put in danger by this last act, though, Taskmaster chose to stand side-by-side with Hayden and his friend Outlaw against the Four Winds. Alex and Sandi eventually slept together, which nearly drove Taskmaster nuts. Things got even more complicated when both Deadpool and Black Swan returned. In the end, Taskmaster and Sandi seemingly ended up together with Hayden and Outlaw reunited, and the entire group stayed together for a time as Agency X. Taskmaster was eventually hired by the Committee to take out Moon Knight. He raided Spector's apartment, but was unable to kill him. Spector piloted his Mooncopter to the Committee's Manhattan headquarters and flew it directly into their office. Miraculously, all of the Committee members survived the attack. He was briefly one of the Thunderbolts' detainees, later being released and assigned to Camp Hammond to serve as a trainer for the Initiative recruits while their former drill instructor, Gauntlet, recuperated from injuries sustained from one of his trainees. During this time, a formerly deceased Initiative member, Michael Van Patrick acquired a weapon called the Tactigon and began assaulting everyone at the camp. The Taskmaster had little interest in participating in the fight, preferring instead to sit by the sidelines with one of his charges, Ant-Man. Taskmaster then took over training for the entire Initiative and participated in the siege of Asgard. He joined in the fight against Thor, since it would help him become a more reputable assassin. He fought both Captain Americas at the same time with unexpected success. Able to see that his side was not winning the fight, Taskmaster fled with the Constrictor to return to mercenary work. He taunted Norman Osborn with the knowledge that he had earlier assisted Deadpool. After losing his weapons in Tokyo, Tony began a quest to attempt to remember some of the things he had been forgetting. On this quest, his former handler, The Org, seemed to put out a billion-dollar bounty on his head. Many of the teams he formerly trained, including A.I.M. and Hydra, attempted to collect the bounty by killing him, but only succeeded in tracking him on his quest. It was during this memory quest that Tony temporarily learned his true past, that of a married former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who mistakenly took a Nazi serum that granted him his extraordinary abilities. He also briefly met his wife and handler, Mercedes Merced. Ultimately, he was forced to learn the new fighting skill of Redshirt, the man who put out the fake bounty, which erased all of his knowledge regarding his past. Apparently, this had happened repeatedly in the past. Taskmaster was asked to become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers team after being rescued by Nick Fury Jr. from the criminal nation of Bagalia. His first mission was to join A.I.M.'s High Council as a double-agent, taking the role of Minister of Defense. When he tried to free Mockingbird from A.I.M. captivity, he was attacked from behind by the TESS-One, and shot in the head by Mockingbird herself, who had been brainwashed by A.I.M. However, Mockingbird purposely missed any vitals and Taskmaster was revealed to be alive but left in a vegetative state. As they thought he was dead, the Secret Avengers left him behind, but his survival was discovered by Mentallo, who had developed a friendship with him. Mentallo kept his survival a secret and sought to cure him with with his nanobots. After briefly becoming a part of Baron Zemo's Hydra, Taskmaster moved his base of operations to Bagalia, becoming the sheriff of the small country. +This superhero's name is Tempest. Their real name is Angel Salvadore Bohusk. Angel Salvadore resurfaced, along with her husband Beak, as a member of the newest incarnation of the New Warriors. Now going by the name Tempest, she gained fire, ice and wind/flight powers given to her through technological means by Night Thrasher. Her relationship with Barnell was noticeably more complacent than it had been in the past. +This superhero's name is Thanos. Their real name is Thanos. Thanos was one of the last sons of A'Lars, progenitor of the second colony of Eternals on Titan, and Sui-San, the last survivor of the original settlement of Eternals on Titan. Born with grey, hide-like skin and a massive body due to being born with the Deviant Syndrome, Thanos was a morose child who became obsessed with the concept of death. Through bionic implementation and long hours of meditation, Thanos augmented his Eternal strength and powers so that his powers surpassed those of all other Titanian Eternals. As he grew in power, Thanos also grew in ambition and desire for conquest. Thanos stole one of his people's starships and traveled to other star systems to recruit soldiers, mercenaries, and malcontents for a private army. With a small fleet, he dropped nuclear devices on his home world Titan, killing thousands of his people, including his mother Sui-San. Declaring himself ruler of Titan, he then set his sights on Earth. At some point in his adult life, Thanos met the embodiment of Death itself who, in female form, became Thanos' companion. It is probable that Death was attracted to Thanos by both his philosophical dedication to nihilism as well as his willingness to commit genocide on even his own people. Thanos began, for the first time in his life, to experience love for another being, although the being was just a manifestation of Death. To make himself worthy of so awesome an entity, Thanos decided to acquire more power. At first he planned simply to seize political power through the conquest of worlds. To this end, he amassed a huge armada of battleships. Then he found a way to amplify immeasurably his personal power. Having kept the planet Earth under surveillance since it first exploded a nuclear weapon, Thanos learned of a power-object called the Cosmic Cube brought into existence by the subversive organization, Advanced Idea Mechanics. Thanos seized control of the reality-altering device and commanded it to give him control over the universe. Transformed into a godlike wraith by the Cosmic Cube, Thanos battled the Avengers and the Kree Captain Marvel, the former of whom had already vanquished his armada. When Thanos carelessly discarded the Cube, believing falsely that he had drained it of all power, Mar-Vell struck the cube, willing it to restore the universe to what it had been. Robbed of power, Thanos reverted to mortal form in the center of the universe where his flagship Sanctuary II retrieved him under pre-programmed instructions. Revived, Thanos was dejected to discover that Death had abandoned him because of his failure. He soon formulated a plan to regain "her" affection: he would give to "her" more than any single living being had given "her," the annihilation of everything that lives. Through the minds and records of countless civilizations he searched, hoping to find the key to the power he sought. Eventually he learned of the Infinity Gems, six power objects of unknown origin and vast power, and set about to acquire them. He had obtained all of the Infinity Gems except one, the jade jewel worn on the head of Adam Warlock. Thanos feared to acquire Warlock's gem directly because it possessed the power to steal souls, and he feared to risk forfeiting his own. Observing him, Thanos learned that Warlock had diverged a temporal counterpart named the Magus, who was the head of a galaxy wide religious empire and would certainly oppose Thanos' schemes of stellar destruction were he to learn of them. Thanos thus planned to eliminate the Magus. Possessing the capacity for time travel, Thanos decided to set up certain factors in the time stream which, combined, might prove the Magus' undoing. (He could have tried to thwart Warlock's life well before the critical time he would/wouldn't become the Magus, but he needed Warlock to remain the Soul Gem's possessor for simplicity's sake). One of these factors was the rescuing of the infant Gamora, a female of the pacifistic Zen-Whoberis race that was slaughtered by the Magus' missionary troops. She would serve as Thanos' personal assassin. The second major factor would be Thanos' own direct alliance with Warlock against the Magus. Neither of these factors existed in the original time-line that led to the Magus' creation; thus, Thanos hoped to diverge a reality wherein Warlock never became the Magus. Thanos succeeded, and while in close proximity to Warlock, siphoned from his Soul Gem the energies he needed without Warlock's knowledge. Thanos then constructed a single huge synthetic Soul Gem to hold the energies of the other six. With it, he planned to extinguish the stars one by one. Gamora learned of his plan of destruction and tried to assassinate him, but Thanos slew her. Thanos also slew Warlock's comrade Pip the Troll. Warlock had by this time learned of Thanos' threat and traveled to Earth to enlist the aid of the Avengers and Captain Marvel. In battle aboard Thanos' starship Sanctuary II, Captain Marvell damaged Thanos' projector through which he transmitted the synthetic Soul Gem's energies into suns to cause them to go nova. Warlock faced Thanos in personal combat and was slain. The Avengers were taken captive by Thanos, but rescued by Spider-Man and the Thing. Spider-Man, influenced by the abstract entities Lord Chaos and Master Order, released Warlock's spirit from the Soul Gem Warlock had worn, and seething with cosmic power released through his physical death, Warlock grappled with Thanos and turned the mad Titan to immobile stone. Incapacitated, Thanos retained a fragment of his consciousness and was thus tortured by the fact that he who worshiped death would forever be denied it. However, after he obtained and lost the Infinity Gauntlet, he was led to a period of introspection. Adam Warlock recognized that Thanos' efforts to obtain omnipotence had been thwarted not only by the intervention of superheroes but by Thanos' own self-doubt and anxiety. Believing the Titan to be capable of change - and wishing to keep Thanos where he could keep an eye on him - Warlock made Thanos a member of the Infinity Watch, giving him the Reality Gem, one of the Infinity Gems which Adam Warlock and the Watch guarded. Eventually, however, Thanos detected a threat to the universe, as the embodiment of time itself was rendered catatonic. Tracking the source to the revived Magus, Thanos sought the help of Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch. Thanos and the Infinity Watch traveled to the realm of Death to learn the truth about the Magus, and found that he was attempting to replace this reality's heroes (and indeed, all reality itself) with evil doppelganger versions of his own. Returning to reality, Thanos and the Infinity Watch were attacked by an assemblage of heroes before the true threat of the Magus could be revealed. Taking the fight to the Magus, Warlock reassembled the Infinity Gauntlet in order to match the combined might of the five Cosmic Cubes possessed by the Magus, although ultimately Magus would gain the Infinity Gauntlet for himself. During the battle, Thanos was pitted against his doppelganger, who had become the Magus' most favored lackey, and in defeating it, gained insight into Magus' schemes. Confronting him, Thanos pointed out that Magus didn't, in fact, have the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet, as the Reality Gem was actually an elaborate fake. Rattled, the Magus was then thwarted by the embodiments of Eternity and Infinity, and the Infinity Gems were restored to their owners. Unknown to all, the Reality Gem was in fact held by Thanos himself, and had been since Warlock first distributed the Gems to the Infinity Watch. Thanos then returned to wandering the cosmos. Some time later, Thanos and Warlock were trapped in the folds of a shifting reality, due to the appearance of the Goddess, which was Warlock's manifestation of his "good side" that had appropriated the power of the five Cosmic Cubes previously used by the Magus. Warlock eventually freed himself and Thanos. Thanos embarked on mission to learn about the Goddess and determine what threat she posed to reality. The two were soon contacted by the demon Mephisto, and Thanos agreed to let Mephisto aid them in exchange for a Cosmic Cube of his own. Warlock had a plan of his own, and before bodily entering the Soul Gem, he gave it to Thanos. Thanos, in turn, assembled a contingency of reality's heroes in order to distract the Goddess. Thanos however, seemingly failed, and the Goddess began to destroy the universe one star at a time. In reality, however, the destruction was an illusion generated by Warlock, who had used the Cosmic Cubes to create a universe-wide mass-hallucination. Distracted, the Goddess was defeated by Thanos and the assemblage of Earth's heroes. Thanos destroyed the "Cosmic Egg" that held the cubes, for which act Warlock tried to paint the Titan a hero. Thanos even honored his bargain with Mephisto, giving him a Cosmic Cube, albeit one without power. Later, when the thunder god Thor apparently went insane, Thanos was contacted by the Silver Surfer to stop the mad god's rampage. Thanos succeeded where the Surfer, the Infinity Watch, Doctor Strange, and the other Asgardian gods could not. This led the assembled group to Asgard, where they came into conflict with Odin. Thanos battled Odin until the god learned the truth, revived Thor, and allowed Thanos and the heroes to leave Asgard with his and Thor's gratitude. Soon after these events, Thanos became bored and decided to search for the vast storehouse of knowledge called the Oracle. To assist him, Thanos recruited several unwilling allies, which included the second Super-Skrull, Nitro, the Rhino, and the Titanium Man. After they accomplished his goals for him, Thanos stranded them. After slaughtering the entire Ovin Mercenary Army just for something to do, Thanos used the Oracle to search for a worthy adversary. He believed he found one in Tyrant, first spawn of the world-devouring Galactus. With the help of the former Herald know as Terrax, he kidnapped Tyrant's archenemy and recent opponent, Ganymede. The hero Jack of Hearts, Ganymede's lover, recruited Genis-Vell to help free her. Ganymede, in the meantime, had joined Thanos and Terrax, in order to extract revenge on Tyrant. The trio battled Morg, Galactus' most deadly Herald and forced lackey of Tyrant, who eventually escaped. Jack of Hearts, Legacy, Ganymede and Terrax could not defeat the Tyrant. Thanos, who briefly fled the scene in order to learn the truth about Tyrant's origins, returned to battle Tyrant himself (with the help of one of Tyrant's own "power orbs" which contained the energies siphoned from Morg), laying waste to a sizable portion of Tyrant's planet. Thanos emerged from the battle declaring that, since he had withstood the powerful Tyrant for a time and gained what he sought from him, further struggle was pointless (and admitted it would likely have resulted in his own destruction). The Silver Surfer, later, sought out Thanos in order to discern Death's motives for plaguing him with images of death with the obvious intent on making him her new consort. Enraged, Thanos beat the Surfer to death and delivered his body to Death's realm himself. Believing Death to be unappreciative, Thanos revived the Surfer and sought to leave, further insulting Death who cursed the Titan with immortality, forever barring him from her embrace. Others would continually come in and out of Thanos' life. Gamora returned to Thanos' side, forsaking her relationship with Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch. The computer intelligence know as Quasimodo took over Sanctuary II and use it to capture and torment the Silver Surfer and Spider-Man before being ousted by Thanos, who declared the two heroes owed him a debt. Thanos then become trapped in a pocket-dimension that he was investigating. Separated from his source of cosmic energy, he was only able to contact normal reality mentally through a genetically engineered creature called Consumption. Consumption then contacted the Plunderer, brother of the hero Ka-Zar to serve Thanos, and converted its own body into a gateway to the pocket dimension containing Thanos, destroying itself in the process. The Plunderer entered and contacted Thanos directly, who promised him to ruler-ship over a lifeless Earth. The Plunderer used the terraforming devices of the Antarctic paradise known as the Savage Land to begin to re-shape the Earth, a process, which began to re-power Thanos. The Plunderer was ultimately confronted by Ka-Zar, but not before Thanos managed to absorb the energies of the pocket-dimension and the terraforming devices. Filled with power, Thanos began to affect the entire galaxy with his newfound primeval energies and opened various portals throughout the universe. Thanos and the Plunderer were forced to pursue Ka-Zar through rapidly shifting areas of the cosmos, as Ka-Zar had stolen the key for the terraforming machines' power. Ultimately, Thanos, tired of the Plunderer and abandoned him on an unidentified world. Thanos' strength, however, had been depleted and Ka-Zar managed to turn the tables on him by knocking him into an active volcano in the Savage Land. Destroying the key to the terraforming machines, Thanos leaped into the device, hoping to recover his source of power, as the device was destroyed by agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Thanos was apparently trapped once more in the pocket-dimension. Soon, however, Thanos discovered a possible exit from the pocket dimension along the mystical Ley-line nexus points. He mentally contacted the monstrous Hulk, who was anguished over the recent death of his wife Betty. Thanos attempted to trick the Hulk into becoming a vessel for Thanos' mind, but was overheard at another Ley-line nexus by Nate Grey, also known as the X-Man. Nate attempted to convince the Hulk to refuse, and ended up locating the Hulk and battling him. Thanos instead used Nate as his physical vessel as the Hulk attacked anew. In the course of battle, the mystical barriers that separated the two dimensions were shattered, freeing Thanos. Ultimately, the X-Man and the Hulk managed to exile Thanos to the pocket dimension yet again. Later, somehow free of the pocket-dimension, Thanos appeared in Asgard as it lay in ruins and many its warriors defeated by the powerful Mangog. Thanos found an ally in Odin's aide, Tarakis, who helped him to obtain the apocalyptic Map of All-Ending from Odin. Already possessing the Chalice of Ruins, Thanos believed the two objects would help him to find the being known as the Designate. Thanos and Tarakis collected their other ally, Mangog, who had just defeated Thor, and traveled to the planet Rigel-3, home of a peace-loving race of thinkers and dreamers. Once there, Thanos teleported Mangog to the surface, and the hulking behemoth began to destroy everything in sight. Thanos demanded the Fire Gem, the next item required find the Designate in order to stop Mangog's rampage. He was ultimately successful, although Rigel was nearly laid to waste in the process. Thor promptly traced Thanos route, and allied himself with the Rigellians Recorder and Firelord, the former Herald of Galactus. Thanos and Mangog managed to collect the final items and captured the Designate, a woman named Tarene. As Thor and his allies battled Thanos and his allies, Tarene began to weep for her champion, Thor, an action that granted Thanos the power of Ragnarok. Before Thanos could truly begin Ragnarok, Thor killed Mangog and was given apparel to supply him with the Odin-Force. Thor and his allies battled Thanos once again. As Thanos fell, Tarene wept again for the lives of all those slain by Thanos. As written, she flung her tears upon the fallen Titan, who burst into an all-consuming hellfire, seeming vanquished forever. In reality, Thanos was not destroyed. He soon confronted Marlo Jones, the wife of Rick Jones, associate of the then-current Captain Marvel. Thanos revealed that Marlo had become the physical refuge for the embodiment of Death and as such, was the target of the death god known as the Walker. Convincing Thor to help them, Thanos, alongside Thor and Captain Marvel, was able to keep the Walker from killing Marlo. Ultimately, Death itself defeated the Walker. During the Annihilation Wave's attack on the universe Thanos joined forces with Annihilus. Many speculated why the Mad Titan would play the role of underling? He later explained to Moondragon that he had grown tired of the same life cycles playing out and was simply curious to see how a radical shift in the universe would play out. He was instrumental in capturing Galactus and using him to power the Wave's forces. Upon Moondragon's revelation that Annihilus' intentions were not conquest but for the universe wide extinction of both our universe and the Negative Zone, Thanos decided to release Galactus. Before he could finish the process, Drax The Destroyer punched through his chest, removing his heart. Just before Drax's arrival, Thanos saw Death, so it is assumed that he is really dead this time. The spirit of Thanos and Death later appeared and watched Nova after he killed Annihilus. He was resurrected and made unkillable by Death. Together with a few other heroes he traveled into the Cancerverse, a universe where Life had "won" and death no longer existed; in order to fight the lord Mar-Vel, that universe's avatar of Life. He feigned submission to Mar-Vel who ran him through with his sword, believing it would kill him. However, this summoned Death who proceeded to kill Mar-Vel and all the other immortal denizens of the Cancerverse. Thanos begged her to take him with her but she left him and he flew into a rage vowing to kill the Universe. Nova and Peter Quill attempted to hold him back long enough for the Cancerverse to collapse and destroy him, thus buying time for the other heroes to go back to their universe. They succeeded and Thanos was trapped in the collapsing Cancerverse. Returning to the prime Universe through undisclosed means, Thanos next sought to gain control of Earth, an intergalactically agreed-upon "off limits" territory. Running a gambit to amass the vast array of cosmic-level weapons found there, he reconstituted a new version of the Zodiac as his localized catspaws, managing to collect a Cosmic Cube. His machinations were inadvertently stumbled upon by an irregular assemblage of Avengers including Hulk. The heroes' ranks were soon bolstered by the Guardians of the Galaxy, pursuing Thanos's activities through their own deep-space investigations, arriving to Thanos' base in the Badoon's homeland. After the heroes were left at the mercy of the the vacuum of space, Thanos activated the Cube. After Thanos defeated the Elders of the Universe, to impose his supremacy, he became one with the Cosmic Cube and killed the Avengers and the Guardians as well. But actually, they were sent to the Cancerverse along the with the Elders. There, Tony Stark found that Thanos' weapon wasn't actually a Cosmic Cube and that it had defects. They bargained with the Collector, in exchange of a weapon capable of deactivating the "Cube" and return to Earth, the Avengers and the Guardians would let Thanos to be defeated by the Elders. With the help of other members of the Avengers, Thanos was defeated and sent to punishment by the Elders. Unknown if he escaped or was left out from his punishment, Thanos was seen again in Titan, sensing the activation of the Infinity Gauntlet by the Illuminati. +This superhero's name is The Batman Of Zur-En-Arrh. Their real name is Tlano. Having observed Batman's every action on Earth through a powerful telescope, a benevolent scientist named Tlano was inspired to play the same role on his home planet of Zur-En-Arrh. When his world came under attack by robot invaders from another world, Tlano teleported Batman from Earth to help in the fight, knowing that on Zurr-En-Arrh, the Caped Crusader would have powers equivalent to those of Superman. +This superhero's name is The Beyonder (Earth-1298). Their real name is Beyonder. Known as the Beyonder due to the fact that he comes from beyond. The Beyonder came to Earth to investigate humanity creating his 'Secret Wars', he was barely defeated by the Earth's super-beings and left to sleep at the center of the Earth. A climatic battle between Havok and Captain America released the Beyonder from his sleep, and now he is returning to the surface to seek information on what has happened to the planet in his absence. After going on a rampage in search of Alex Summers, and killing most of Earth's heroes in the process, it was discovered that this was not the original Beyonder but his shell filled by the Goblin Queen. In a confrontation with Havok, the Goblin Queen shed the Beyonder's skin. +This superhero's name is The Boy. Their real name is Number Five. Five was born on 1st October 1989 along with his twin brother Luther and 41 random children. Him, Luther and 5 other kids (Allison, Diego, Klaus, Ben, Vanya) were adopted by an eccentric billionaire named Reginald Hagreeves. He saw that they had powers and trained children to control them. At the age of ten five got frustrated with his father when he said he wasn’t ready to time travel and was forbidden to do so. Five ran away and decided to use his time travel abilities and he was able to successfully travel 20 years into the future. The future turned out to be the apocalypse and when he attempted to travel back he failed. He spent 20 years surviving in the apocalypse when a woman came found him. She offered him a chance to escape the apocalypse by working for her temp agency. She said if he gave five years of service he would be able to go to any time of his wishing. He agreed and they trained him to be an expert hitman. Then he went through time assassinating people and he became the best of the best. On one assassination he broke his contract and went back 20 years in time (specifically 8 days before the apocalypse). +This superhero's name is The Cape. Their real name is Vince Faraday. ince Faraday, an honest police detective who is considering leaving the city's corrupt police force. He witnesses the murder of the city's new police chief by a mysterious individual known as "Chess". Faraday accepts an offer to work for the private security firm of billionaire Peter Fleming, who is petitioning the city to privatize their police and public safety operations. An e-mail from the anonymous investigative blogger "Orwell" leads Faraday and his partner Marty Voyt to a cargo train owned by Fleming's firm that is smuggling explosives. Unfortunately, Voyt has set up Faraday and delivers him to Chess, who is Fleming himself. Fleming frames Faraday for the police chief's murder and sends his security teams after Faraday in a chase (televised by local news stations) that culminates in an explosion. The entire city (including Faraday's family) now believes that Faraday is Chess and that he died in the explosion. Faraday survives and is taken in by a traveling circus turned bank robbery ring. Their leader, Max Malini, trains Faraday to use a special black cape to defend himself against his foes. The circus folk convince Faraday that he cannot reveal himself to his wife and son without endangering their lives. Faraday decides to fight Palm City's corruption and clear his name by taking the guise of his son's favorite comic book hero, "The Cape". +This superhero's name is The Comedian. Their real name is Edward Morgen Blake. Eddie Blake had the longest crime fighting career out of all the costumed vigilantes. Edward Blake first started out as a crime fighter in the 1940's as The Comedian. He was part of a group called the Minutemen, a team of eight masked crime fighting vigilantes. After a photo shoot for the Minutemen, The Comedian walked into a room to find Silk Spectre changing. He then attempted to rape her but was then stopped by Hooded Justice, who then proceeded beat Blake in a rage. The Minutemen then banned him from the group. After being stabbed in the chest in 1941, he changed his green and purple costume to tough leather armor. Soon after the Minutemen disbanded in the 1950's, Blake was called to testify for the disappearance and killing of Hooded Justice, but he refused to testify. Nothing was ever proved against him. In the late 60's Blake joined a group called the Crimebusters, led by Captain Metropolis. However, their first meeting did not last long after the Comedian set fire to one of Metropolis's display and told everybody that the group was a joke. After the the Keene Act in the 70's, the Comedian joined the fight in Vietnam with Dr. Manhattan, receiving a disfiguring scar on the left side of his face at war's end by an enraged Vietnamese woman he'd impregnated. He shot her in retaliation, telling Doctor Manhattan (who had watched the ordeal) that, despite the numerous chances at preventing the entire discretion; he did nothing. Returning home, he assisted Nite Owl in attempting to quell a riot, only to become enraged after someone hits him in the head with a piece of debris, opening fire on the crowd with rubber bullets. After the riot disperses, Nite Owl questions his brutal choice of action. In October of 1985, he visited Edgar Jacobi a.k.a. Moloch, his former arch-enemy, while he was drunk. Sobbing, he tells him that everything in life is a joke before departing in an inebriated stupor. A few days later, he is attacked in his apartment; being tossed around and beaten before being thrown from the window and plummeting to his death below. +This superhero's name is The Crow. Their real name is Eric Draven. Eric and his fiancée, Shelly, are on their way back from a romantic get-away when their vehicle breaks down on a deserted road. A car full of gang members stops, not to help, but to take advantage of the couple's misfortune. They shoot Eric in the head paralyzing him while they rape and kill his fiancée in the car, Eric dying hours later in the hospital. A year later, resurrected by The Crow, Eric exacts vengeance on the men responsible for their deaths. +This superhero's name is The Executioner (MCU). Their real name is Skurge. Skurge was an Asgardian warrior who was tasked with becoming the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge by Loki following the banishment of Heimdall. When Loki was revealed to have been ruling Asgard in secret, Skurge was demoted and made the janitor; however, he was later recruited by Hela to become her personal Executioner. However, Skurge's disillusion and inner conflict of his new position upon seeing her brutality against her own people and the threat she posed to the Nine Realms ultimately made him turn against the Goddess of Death. During his final moments, Skurge fought Hela's entire army of the Berserkers and then allowed all of his people to survive the Destruction of Asgard at the cost of his own life. These actions also finally made Skurge a hero of Asgard. +This superhero's name is The False Mandarin. Their real name is Trevor Slattery. The Mandarin was an international terrorist and claimed leader of the terrorist group; the Ten Rings (who had captured and held Tony Stark hostage in a cave, until he built the Mark 1 and broke free and also helped Ivan Vanko with his revenge on Stark). He possessed ten rings, which were the symbols and namesakes of his group. His nationality was unknown, due to the fact he surrounded himself in secrecy, as he used many other warrior motifs and symbols and twisted them for his own use, such as Asian royal robes, a terrorist beard, samurai hair, a Captain America shield tattoo with the "A" for "anarchy" in the middle instead of star on the back of his neck, and a gun ammunition shirt. He studied South American insurgency tactics and Sun Tzu and other ancient warfare tactics. He surrounded himself with Chinese iconography, dragons, and the symbols of warlords. He was a field officer at one point. He had a hatred of America and used it to unify his group, who also had a hatred of America. He attacked the TCL Chinese Theater in which Happy Hogan was severely injured, prompting Tony to challenge the Mandarin to a fight using the media. Mandarin had Savin destroy Tony's mansion. With Harley's help,Tony discovered Mandarin's base and infiltrated it using a variety of homemade weapons. He found the Mandarin in his bedroom, where it was revealed that the Mandarin was just an English stage actor named Trevor Slattery that Aldrich Killian had hired to cover his evil schemes and had bribed him with as many drugs and women that he wanted, as long as he stayed in the mansion until another video needed to be made, and was oblivious to acts of the Mandarin. During the final fight, Killian revealed he was the real Mandarin mastermind. After Killian's death, Slattery was apprehended for assisting in Killian's plans. Slattery was later approached in prison by a man who claimed to want to know Trevor's story, however at the end of their meeting, the man revealed he was a Ten Rings operative sent by the real Mandarin. The man informed Trevor that the Mandarin wasn't pleased with him and wanted revenge. +This superhero's name is The Flash (CW). Their real name is Jay Garrick. Jay Garrick is a veteran speedster from Earth-3 and semi-retired vigilante known as The Flash, stylized as the Crimson Comet. Jay was found by Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, an evil meta-human speedster from Earth-2, and held as a prisoner in Hunter's lair on Earth-2, forced to wear an iron mask that dampened his powers. His name and mantle as the Flash were taken by Hunter to carry out facades as part of a plan to inspire false hope in Central City. After being rescued by Team Flash, Jay found his way back to Earth-3 with the help of Harry and Jesse. Jay Garrick would work with Barry Allen, the Flash of Earth-1, in his fight against the speedster known as Savitar. He subsequently sacrificed himself and took Wally's place in the Speed Force prison after Wally was tricked into freeing Savitar, thereby taking his place in said prison. Thanks to Cisco Ramon, he was later freed from the Speed Force, returning and aid Team Flash in Savitar's final defeat. Barry later voluntarily took his place in the Speed Force, as the Speed Force prison had become unstable without an occupant. Jay would go on to remain as the Flash for another year until 2018 when a mission to help save Barry's Central City made him realize that it was time for him to go into semi-retirement and train a new Flash on his Earth to take over for him. +This superhero's name is The Flash. Their real name is Barry Allen. Barry Allen is The Flash, the fastest man alive. Using his super-speed powers, he taps into the Speed Force and becomes a costumed crime-fighter. His position is a legacy in the Flash Family, successor to the original Jay Garrick and predecessor to Wally West. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America. Barry Allen and a twin brother were born on March 19, two weeks late, to Henry and Nora Allen in the small midwestern town of Fallville, Iowa. The brother was pronounced stillborn by Dr. Gilmore. However, in actuality, he had been born healthy, but given to another family, the Thawnes, whose child had died during birth. The lateness of Barry's birth only foreshadowed his bad habit of always being late. Barry grew up reading the adventures of his favorite superhero, Jay Garrick, the original Flash, and acted many of his hero's adventures out with his friend and future actress, Daphne Dean. When he was a child, his mother was killed and his father was convicted of the crime. The drive to prove his father was innocent gave Barry a strong belief in justice. In high school, Barry had a reputation for being slow and easy-going. On his first date, he went to a carnival. His date had wanted to put a little motion in his life, and they went on the roller-coaster first thing. Because of this, he developed a fear of roller-coasters, a fear that he didn't get rid of until much later in his life. Barry loved chemistry from an early age, and that helped his skills as a farmer. He won first place in the Fallville County Fair Agricultural Competition, a prize which included an scholarship to Sun City University. He graduated in three years with a major in organic chemistry and a minor in criminology. While a senior, Barry helped the authorities apprehend a bank robber, and he was offered a job as a police scientist for the Central City Police Department Scientific Detection Bureau. Eager to be in the sister city of his childhood hero's home, Keystone City, he accepted the offer. After moving to Central City and getting an apartment with a laboratory in the back, Barry began dating Picture News reporter Iris West, whom he met while examining an apparent murder that she was reporting. She was charmed by his honesty and stability. That night during an electrical storm, Barry returned to an experiment after a short break. All of a sudden, a bolt of lightning streaked through a window, shattered a chemical cabinet and covered Barry in the electrified chemicals. Dazed, he decided to return home in a taxi. However, the taxi started to pull away without noticing him. Barry sprinted after it, only to run straight past it as if it had been standing still. He decided to sit down and recollect his thoughts at a diner. A passing waitress accidentally spilled the items of her tray onto Barry, who amazingly caught them all in mid-air and returns them to the tray. The next day, Barry saved Iris from a stray bullet. There was no question about it: the freak accident had somehow given Barry superhuman speed! Deciding to use his powers to help humanity, Barry designed a special costume. He used a special cold cast polyester he developed in college, which could be molded into miniature outfits from liquid material, that, when submersed in a special liquid, became sensitive to hydrogen, expanding on contact with the hydrogen in the air. A charge from a battery-powered ring he wore on his finger caused the fabric to release the extra hydrogen and shrink into the ring. He later revised the process, making the fabric sensitive to nitrogen instead. He called himself the Flash, a tribute to his childhood idol. He briefly considered wearing a costume that would show his face, like Jay had, but decided that it would be best to wear a mask to conceal his true identity. The first villain he faced was the Turtle Man. As the Flash, Barry later became a founding member of the Justice League of America, where he befriended Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, with whom he had many adventures both with and without the Justice League. Later still, he discovered that Jay Garrick was real, and became friends with him as well. During one summer, Iris's nephew Wally came to visit her in Central City. He was an incredible Flash fan, and he knew his aunt's boyfriend was a "friend" of the Flash, so a meeting was arranged. The Flash offered to answer all of Wally's questions, so Wally asked how the Flash had gained his powers of super-speed. The Flash explained the events of what had happened, causing Wally to wish out loud that something like that would happen to him. It just so happened that Barry had set up the chemical cabinet in his lab just as it had been during that fateful night, and there was a thunderstorm on the afternoon of Wally's visit. All of a sudden, almost in answer to Wally's wish, the freak accident that gave Barry his powers repeated itself, this time covering Wally in electrically-charged chemicals. Now possessing the same powers as the Flash, Wally at first donned a smaller-sized copy of Barry Allen's Flash costume, with the Picture News dubbing the young crimefighter 'Kid Flash' in a headline. Wally's original costume was later transformed into a new yellow and red design with which the Flash had been toying, following an accident with a matter-transforming machine. As Kid Flash, Wally wore this costume for many years until he outgrew his teenage appellation and became the new Flash, exchanging it for the outfit originally worn by Barry. Eventually, Barry proposed to Iris on a Ferris wheel at the fair. She accepted, and they were married, in spite of the efforts of Professor Zoom, who attempted to foil the ceremony. Barry hid his identity from Iris for a year, although she had known the entire time because he had spoken in his sleep on their honeymoon. He was worried that the accident had made him less human and that they would not be able to have children. However, after performing many tests that first year, he determined that they still could, and he revealed his secret. However, it was not long before Zoom took Iris's life at a masquerade party. Barry chased him into the timestream and left him there. Barry met and began to date another woman, Fiona Webb. However, on the day they were supposed to be married, Zoom showed up again, claiming that he would once again kill the wife of the Flash. Barry chased him across the world, and failed to show up for his own wedding. In the end, Zoom was about to kill Fiona, but Barry unwittingly killed him. The Flash was charged with manslaughter and had to face a long trial. Barry's face was disfigured severely in a battle with Big Sir. He went to Gorilla City to have his face repaired. Since Barry Allen had supposedly been missing, he decided to have it reconstructed into a completely new face, so that he could keep his secret identity dead. Later, Barry was brought to the 30th century, where Iris was from and had been reborn. For about a month, they lived in happiness and thanks to great advances in reconstructive surgery that had been made in this era, Barry's original features were restored. Iris would later have twins, Don and Dawn Allen. Barry made a stop in time during his trip to the future and met up with Wally West in a battle against Professor Zoom. There were two Zooms at the time and they each took one. Barry faired much better than Wally, and sent his Zoom through the timestream. It is unclear what happened to him, but he does end up in the 30th century. The Crisis on Infinite Earths brought Barry out of retirement. The 30th Century was beginning to fall apart: natural disasters were occurring despite the technology that had been created to stop them, and reality itself was fraying. Flash returned to the 20th century to warn his fellow heroes. Just as he started to warn Batman, he was pulled into the Antimatter Universe by the Anti-Monitor, where he was mentally tortured by the Psycho-Pirate. Finally, he used the Psycho-Pirate to turn all of the Anti-Monitor's servants, the Thunderers, against him. This gave him enough time to destroy the Anti-Monitor's anti-matter cannon by running around it and destroying the outer casing. He ran so incredibly fast that he entered the Speed Force forever. There are several differing accounts on what happened to Barry following his death. He has been shown to transform into electricity as he goes back in time, eventually becoming the lightning bolt that first struck him and gave him his powers. There was an extra-dimensional amnesiac character who later showed up in the Marvel Universe, implied to be Barry and remembering his name as something like Buried Alien. He later adopted the alias Fastforward. The Terminal Velocity storyline introduces the concept of the Speed Force, portrayed as a sort of Valhalla for speedsters. Barry is shown to have joined the ranks of legendary speedster heroes throughout time in death. This still allows him to become the lightning bolt that struck him in the chemical accident. Oliver Queen later met Barry when he visited an aspect of Heaven following his own resurrection in Quiver. Hal Jordan and Jason Todd were also seen, as Barry gave Oliver advice on the afterlife. The witch Thessaly also encounters him at the Dead Legends Cafe. In death he is portrayed as an amnesiac who doesn't even remember his own name, but still maintains some of his heroic characteristics. Barry Allen's soul appeared from the Speed Force, along with Johnny Quick and Max Mercury, to help his grandson Bart deal with Superboy-Prime, taking the villainous lad with him into the Speed Force. Bart Allen later emerges from the Speed Force, wearing Barry Allen's costume, in Tokyo to tell the heroes that Superboy-Prime has escaped. Bart again reappears to combat Superboy-Prime once more. Barry spent four years in an alternate Keystone City along with Max Mercury, Johnny Quick and an alternate Jay Garrick, until he met Bart and Wally West, joining him after the battle against Superboy-Prime. After Superboy-Prime escapes, Barry suggests that someone of the still living speedsters has to absorb the whole Speed Force and cross the dimensional bridge back to Post-Crisis Earth. As Bart volunteers, Barry gives him his suit as a last gift, to keep the Force contained, and stays behind. Barry Allen has recently reappeared during the Final Crisis. He has been seen chasing the bullet fired backwards through time that killed Orion, and being chased by the Black Racer and what appears to be the Morticoccus Virus. He simply says to Wally West and Jay Garrick "Run!". Barry and Wally accelerate one month into the future, only to find that Darkseid has conquered the world. They are soon discovered by a group of Female Furies composed of the Anti-Life corrupted Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Catwoman, and Giganta. Evading the Furies, they head to Iris's apartment, where Barry is able to break the Anti-Life Equation's hold over her with a kiss, assuring Iris that everything is going to be all right. Shortly afterwards, Jay Garrick made his way to Iris' home, and reunited with Barry and Wally. Once Jay was there, Barry explained his plan: because they had lead the Black Racer to the present, Barry would lead him to Darkseid, and let his soul be claimed. Although Barry wanted to go alone, Wally insisted on going with him, and Barry relented, asking Jay to keep Iris safe. Managing to hit light speed, Barry and Wally lead the Black Racer to Darkseid's base in Bludhaven. Aware of the threat the speedsters posed, Darkseid fired his Omega Beams through his Anti-Life slaves, but the two Flashes managed to outrace them. At the last second, Barry told Wally to save himself, but both Flashes went through together, running past Superman (who was naturally surprised to see Barry) and vibrated through Darkseid, causing the Omega Beams to hit Darkseid and allowing the Black Racer to remove Darkseid's essence from Dan Turpin. Shortly afterwards, although his family and friends were overjoyed that he was back, Barry himself was uneasy, as he was unable to explain how he alone escaped the Speed Force, while others such as Max Mercury and Johnny Quick were still trapped inside. Deciding not to waste this second chance, Barry went to the Flash Museum to catch up on what he had missed. While there, he met up with his old friend, Hal Jordan, who had also died and returned. Barry discussed his unease over his return with Hal, and how he felt that he did not need to come back. Barry told Hal to tell Wally and Jay that he wasn't going to the parties that had been set up in honor of his return, then sped off on patrol. While running, a rogue speedster Wally had encountered named Savitar somehow escaped the Speed Force through Barry. When Barry managed to catch him, Savitar disintegrated before Barry's eyes. Recently Barry and Wally found the Black Flash "apparently dead". After that Barry became the new Black Flash. When he realizes that his presence could damage or kill other innocents, Barry flees back into the Speed Force, where he encounters old friends Johnny Quick and Max Mercury. Max attempts to tell Allen that his becoming the Black Flash is not his fault, and when Max and Barry are pulled into another pocket of the Speed Force, the real culprit reveals himself: Professor Zoom. Zoom reveals the depth of his plan: after Barry briefly aided Kid Flash against Superboy-Prime during the Infinite Crisis, Thawne was able to send a subliminal pulse into the Speed Force to draw back what was left of Barry's self-awareness. This led to the hero's reappearance during the Final Crisis. Afterward, Zoom transformed himself into "a new kind of speedster and created his negative Speed Force to contaminate Barry and the other heroic speedsters. Before Barry can fight any further, Zoom fades away. Wally enters the Speed Force to retrieve his uncle, and after venturing deeper into the Speed Force, Max reveals to Barry that it was Allen himself who created the speedsters' source of power. Barry unknowingly did the same throughout his career to create the normal Speed Force. Meanwhile, Wally manages to reach Barry and Max, and the three begin their escape. As the heroic speedsters are recharged with energy, Barry, Wally, Jay, Max, and Bart charge towards Zoom. The seven speedsters battle against Zoom, and despite being outnumbered, Zoom pulls Barry away. He reveals that everything horrible that happened to Barry's life, including the murder of Barry's mother, was caused because of Zoom. He, then, decides to destroy everything by killing Barry's wife, Iris, before they even met. Barry chases after Zoom, and is joined by Wally, who tells Barry to push as hard as he can to break the time barrier. Doing so, they reach Thawne, becoming the lightning bolt that turns Barry into the Flash as they are able to stop Zoom from killing Iris. As the two Flashes push Zoom back through time to the present, the two Flashes see that the Justice League, the Justice Society, and the Outsiders have built a device specifically for Thawne. Barry tosses him in and activates the device, severing his connection to the negative Speed Force. The Flashes tie Zoom up to stop him from running. With the threat ended, everyone celebrates by welcoming Barry back and the speedsters in general. Later, Barry closes the case on his mother's death and opts to take all the other cold cases they had after his death. Barry spends some time with Iris before racing to Washington to celebrate his return with the Justice League, apologizing for being late. A few months later, at the grave of Bruce Wayne in Gotham City, Hal Jordan and Barry Allen reflect on Batman's death and how the hero community is avoiding linking Wayne and Batman. This reflection turns to the pair looking at their own deaths, comparing the sadness that Barry's death engendered in others while Hal's death produced anger. Hal sums it up by telling Barry, "I died a sinner. You died a saint." The conversation moves on to the world becoming "more dangerous" after Barry's death and observing that the deaths of Arthur Curry and Martian Manhunter cost the Justice League its "heart and soul". As they leave the cemetery, Barry expresses hope that their dead comrades will be returned to them. He specifically cites Batman noting, "If there's an escape, you can bet Batman's already planning it." Barry also appears alongside Hal in the July issues of Green Lantern tying into the event. Recently, in a fight with Black Lantern J'onn J'onzz, he found a mysterious black residue at Bruce Wayne's grave-a black form coagulating much like blood that started corrupting him by partly decaying his skin and muscle during the fight against his former friend, who is intent on killing both Hal and Barry, seeing how they both died, and in the eyes of the Black Lanterns, must return to that state to keep the universe in balance. After fighting off the undead Martian and the subsequent Black Lanterns with Hal and the arriving Atom, Mera, Firestorm, and two of the Indigo Tribe members, Barry, along with Wally and Bart, races across the globe to warn every superhero community across the planet. His message also inadvertently warns the Rogues, who are all realize that their deceased members would come after them and decide to strike first at Iron Heights Penitentiary, unaware that Sam Scudder, the original Mirror Master, who is now a Black Lantern, is watching them. While doing so, Barry meets a Black Lantern version of Professor Zoom for a brief battle. Barry decides to go to Gorilla City to seek aid from its ruler Solovar, unaware the gorilla leader had been killed years before. Finding the city attacked, Barry assumed Grodd had struck only to be horrified to learn Solovar was now a Black Lantern. Their fight was shortened by Barry racing to Coast City. After he stops at the city's memorial, where he witnesses the arrival of the Black Lanterns' demonic lord, Nekron, and his disciples Scar and Black Hand. The Justice League, the Titans, Wally, and Bart arrive to aid Barry to take a stand against Nekron. However, Nekron reveals however that all the resurrected heroes are tied to him, because he allowed them to rise again. And as such they belong to him. Nekron then used a series of black rings to turn Superman, Green Arrow, Bart and several other resurrected heroes into Black Lanterns. Barry himself soon finds himself being targeted by a black ring and is forced to flee or risk joining the others as Black Lanterns. When it was decided to deputize an individual for each Lantern Corps for 24 hours, the Flash was chosen as the deputy for the Blue Lantern Corps. During the battle, Barry is forced to fight his own grandson, who his ring detects is still alive but would eventually die if not free from the black ring soon. Barry is shown to be skilled with his ring in creating energy constructs based on his imagination (possibly because of the understanding with his friend Hal Jordan's ring), as he is able to create images of Bart as Impluse and Kid Flash against him in order to make him feel again. Barry's plan almost works as Bart reacts to the images of his past and the constructs begin to attempt to take the black ring from him, but later is interrupted by the Black Lantern Professor Zoom and Solovar. Wally and Walker later join Barry to fight against them. Afterwards, Barry and Hal begin searching the country for Prometheus, who had escaped after destroying Star City during Justice League: Cry for Justice. The pair go to the Shade, who then reveals that he helped Ollie track down Prometheus, and that he killed the villain in cold blood. After confronting Ollie with this knowledge, he flees through use of a transportation key that Prometheus had used to escape during a previous encounter with the JLA. Barry then vows that he and the League have to track down Ollie before he kills again. With Hal and Dinah by his side, Barry searches the city for Green Arrow, and at some point tells Ollie's son Connor Hawke about his father's crime. After eventually tracking down Ollie, the trio confront him, with Barry telling his old teammate that he hates him more and more every time he sees him. Barry makes the foolish mistake of trying to grab Ollie, and is electrocuted after touching the archer's booby-trapped quiver. Barry reintegrates himself into life in Central City. Under the cover of having been in witness protection, Allen returns to the Central City Police Department's crime lab and returns to the streets as the Flash. While readjusting to life as the Flash, a man appears out of thin air in the costume of Flash rogue the Mirror Master, and promptly dies on the street. When Barry arrives on the scene to investigate, he sees the man is neither original Mirror Master Sam Scudder, or the current Rogue, Evan McCulloch. Hearing of another portal appearing, Barry transforms into the Flash and runs to investigate. When he arrives, a group of people in costumes similar to the Rogues, called The Renegades appear and tell Barry that they are from the 25th century, and that he is under arrest for murdering the "Mirror Monarch." Barry tells the crew that he hasn't killed anyone, to which their leader, "Commander Cold," tells him, "Not yet. But you will." After a brief struggle, the Renegades retreat but accidentally destroy an apartment building in their jump back to the 25th century. Barry saves everyone in the building, even rebuilding the building in minutes, and goes on to search for the true killer of Mirror Monarch. He is attacked again by the Renegades, but only before Captain Boomerang shows up, now wielding explosive energy boomerangs. Boomerang fights both the Flash and the Renegades, and a confused Top (one of the Renegades from the 25th century) questions his teammates on whether or not Barry Allen is the man they are looking for, pointing out that in their timeline, Boomerang never showed up. The Renegades finally corner Captain Boomerang when the Rogues arrive with a giant mirror left by the previous Mirror Master that says "In Case The Flash Returns Break Glass." An all out brawl ensues as the Rogues battle the Renegades. Meanwhile Flash is confronted by Top who warns him that the reason he will eventually kill Mirror Monarch is because of Iris's death, which he claims will be caused when the giant mirror breaks, releasing the Mirror Lords. Top tells Barry that one of the Mirror Lords will possess Iris and take her away from him. Barry races to stop the mirror from breaking, with Top at his side. However, when the White Lantern entity reaches out to Captain Boomerang, telling him to "Throw the Boomerang", Boomerang responds by throwing dozens of boomerangs in every direction. One of them hits the glass and it begins to break. Top tells the Flash to stop the Mirror Lords, while he goes and protects Iris. Flash questions, "This doesn't make any sense," but Top throws him into the mirror and flees. In the mirror, Flash is exposed to strange visions of his mother. Outside, the Rogue Mirror Master tells the others that the mirror is actually a slow acting poison and they flee. Barry escapes the mirror confused and asks, "Where are the Mirror Lords?" He is then arrested by the Renegades, who realize that this was all a setup by Top to frame the Flash for his own personal gains. Barry is transported to a 25th century court, while Top confronts Iris. Barry escapes the 25th century court and goes after Top. Top reveals that the reason for all of his crimes is because Barry reopened a previously closed case. Barry felt that the person convicted was actually innocent. The person who is actually guilty of the crime is one of Top's ancestors. Top reveals that they do not allow anyone in the Renegades who has any ancestors with a criminal record. The Flash is able to beat Top, and convict the right man for murder, letting go the innocent man who was sent to prison. Afterward, the 25th century court and the Renegades go over the facts, realizing that the Flash was right and that their entire record of history is wrong. That morning, Barry arrives late for work after having battled Gorilla Grodd at the zoo. He is sent to investigate a potential homicide. The victim's prints and costumed match those of the Elongated Kid. However, the body is that of a very old man. The investigation causes Barry to miss a family picnic. That night, Barry calls his old colleague, Patty Spivot, hoping to get her help on the case. However, the power suddenly goes out and the crime lab is attacked by the mysterious Hot Pursuit. Changing into the Flash, Barry chases him to the river. Here, Hot Pursuit reveals himself to be an alternate version of Barry. Hot Pursuit explains to the Flash that he came to New Earth to investigate about a mysterious anomaly that could affect New Earth and all realities as well. Then, Kid Flash rushes in front of them, explaining that he came to check on him since he didn't go to the family picnic. Hot Pursuit is interested in Bart and his connection to the Speed Force. Hot Pursuit explains that since Bart is from the future, he could cease to exist due to the anomaly. Barry offers to help Hot Pursuit, but Hot Pursuit simply wants to work alone. But somehow, Hot Pursuit's Cosmic Motorcycle pulls the Speed Force right out of Barry, and he falls to the ground. When Bart catches up to him he automatically assumes that he is going to help Barry, but he refuses. Bart then says that Barry is no better than Hot Pursuit, then begins to question Barry's absence from the picnic even further, and says that the only reason Barry wasn't there, is because Bart was there. He then runs off. Later, back as Barry Allen, he is in his crime lab, analyzing some DNA he pulled from Hot Pursuit. The analysis confirms that he is Barry Allen. Soon after, Patty Spivot walks in, and after a small reunion, Barry asks her to help with the case regarding the Elongated Kid. But, she declines, saying that because she no longer works at the crime lab, she can't get involved. Then, Barry gets a call from David Singh. They have another body. At the crime scene, they notice that he, like the Elongated Kid, looks very old, however, he is identified as 30 year old, airman Jay Nicolosi, because he has a wallet on him, and near the crime scene they find a rut in the ground that looks like a tire track. Then, something in the distance gets their attention, it's a little boy, a witness. In the crime labs, Barry and Patty continue investigating the case. David Singh then walks in, saying that the kid is in child services, and that he's alright, but they can't find his parents. And the kid isn't saying a word. In the front lobby, the kid is curled up in one of the chairs. Patty tells Barry that he should talk to him, maybe he can make the kid more comfortable. But just then the kid leaps from his chair, and clings to Patty. She once again says that she can't get involved, but as Barry asks her again, she accepts, and brings the boy down to the cafeteria for something to eat. Once again at the crime lab, Barry and James Forrest brainstorm on the tire tracks found at the scene of both crimes. However, they don't get far, because Barry gets a text from Iris, reading: "Need You Home. 911." Barry races home, to find his entire family all in his living room. Iris says that they need to talk about how Barry has been going nonstop, about why Barry wasn't at the picnic. Barry explains that he's been really busy and that there is someone really dangerous on the loose out there. Jay reminds him that every second counts and that he needs to slow down, and live his life. Wally West then says that Barry taught him that same principle that Jay just said years ago. He then asks, why won't he live it. Then, Iris asks Bart Allen if there is anything he wants to say. Bart declines, and Barry apologizes to him for being so distant. Bart jumps from his seat and just wants to know why Barry can't be the person he's suppose to look up to and respect. He runs off, and Barry chases after him. Hot Pursuit rushes up to Bart on the street and grabs him, but before he can take him, the Flash steps in his way. Hot Pursuit explains that Bart is the anomaly and must be sent back to the future. As Flash and Hot Pursuit fight, Hot Pursuit's club detects the actual anomaly. Hot Pursuit goes after the anomaly, and Flash and Kid Flash follow him. The anomaly is in fact Professor Zoom, who is attacking Patty. The Flash takes Patty to safety, and Patty reveals to him that Zoom transformed himself into the boy the police found in Jay Nicolosi's murder scene. The Flash then returns to attacks Zoom. Hot Pursuit uses his stick to drain the Speed Force out of Zoom, and tells the Flash and Kid Flash to evacuate the building because when the Speed Force process ends, everything within one hundred feet will age to dust. The Flash and Kid Flash evacuate the building, but Zoom overcomes Hot Pursuit's club and kills him. The Flash and Kid Flash pursue Zoom to a park, but Zoom disgusises himself as an old man, and the two heroes lose him. The Flash and Kid Flash then check up on Hot Pursuit's empty suit, and the Flash reveals to Kid Flash that Thawne is the one who killed his mother. In the police station, Barry checks on Patty. Although Patty is unscathed, she feels she made a mistake in coming back to Central City, revealing that when she worked as Barry's assistant, she had a crush on him. However, she felt that since he was obssessed over his mother's case, she felt that she had to back away until Barry could close that chapter of his life. But when Barry finally became more open, he fell in love with Iris. In that moment, Iris appears, and Patty leaves, not wanting to have an awkward moment. Later on, Barry and Iris are having a talk in the coffee house. She is concerned because he is turning into a workaholic again. He explains that he grew out of that because he managed to stop blaming himself for his mother's death. However, with the revelation that Professor Zoom - one of his enemies - travelled through time and killed his mother, those feelings have come back. Iris says that he has friends and family, and he can forgive himself for the actions of his enemy. Later that day, Barry goes to leave flowers on his mother's grave and apologize for his part in her death. He then walks away as the day ends. Suddenly, Professor Zoom begins his plan to destroy the Flash once and for all. Waking up suddenly at his desk, Barry Allen has only a few seconds to puzzle out the fact that something in his work environment has changed before he hears that a Rogue named Miss Alchemy is engaging in a felony. Barry starts running to get there, only to fall down a nearby flight of stairs. This alone is a puzzle to him, but then he is greeted by an even bigger shock Nora Allen, still alive in the present day and coming to visit him. After some investigation he is struggling to find any heroes to help as Superman is missing and Wonder Woman and Aquaman leading their respective nations in a war, his wife Iris is unmarried and himself currently powerless. Barry seeks Batman who might help, and he drives to Gotham City and enters a run-down Wayne Manor and explores a small Batcave until he is attacked by Batman. Barry tries to explain who he is by saying he knows Batman is Bruce Wayne, although then he realizes that Batman is Thomas Wayne. While Barry is being beat up by Batman, he explains about his secret identity as the Flash and his relation to Bruce Wayne. Barry's memories spontaneously change and learn that the world of Flashpoint is not an alternate dimension, but his own. Barry uses his ring, which he uses to contain his Flash outfit, but the ring, instead ejects Professor Zoom's costume and Barry tells Batman that Zoom is taunting him with it. Barry explains that both he and Zoom have the ability to alter time, leading Batman to ask him about how Bruce was to have lived in his place and if he can really change the world, Barry needs his speed first. Later, Barry and Batman create an electric chair-like device to try and recreate the accident that gave him his speed, however the first attempt met with failure, leaving Barry severely burned. Barry awakes on an operating table in the Batcave and is covered in bandages and third degree burns. Despite Thomas' advice, Barry sits back down in the electric chair device. When lightning strikes grants Barry's super-speed to return and he then saves the Batman from being impaled on a fence, Barry's injuries are healing rapidly the speed-enhanced rege +This superhero's name is eration and he recreates his Flash costume. The Flash researches the incarnations of heroes of the DC timeline. Their real name is believing that Zoom deliberately changed their lives to prevent the Flash from creating a Justice League and learns of a rocket that crashed into Metropolis which carried the infant Superman. the three see a pale +This superhero's name is The Golden Master. Their real name is Overlord. The Golden Master is an ancient figure of evil linked to a Serpentine prophecy; it is said that the Golden Master will obtain all of the powers of the First Spinjitzu Master and will try to bring about a new dawn of the world, enslaving every man, woman, and Serpentine for all eternity. During the Nindroid conflict, the Ninja initially believed Lloyd was to become the Golden Master, but they eventually discovered The Overlord wanted to earn the title with the help of Pythor. The Overlord would steal Lloyd's Golden Power and forge a massive suit of armor and mech using the Golden Weapons, thus becoming the Golden Master. +This superhero's name is The Goon. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is The Grandmaster (MCU). Their real name is En Dwi Gast. En Dwi Gast, also known as the Grandmaster is a cosmic being who is fascinated with gaming and enjoys manipulating lesser life-forms. He is also the brother of Taneleer Tivan. He was later being exiled after chasing Valkyrie, Thor, and Bruce Banner whom he was being betrayed of. +This superhero's name is The Great Devourer. Their real name is The Great Devourer. In his early days, the Devourer was just a small green viper with an ominous poison that could turn the purest of hearts evil. He bit a young Garmadon, infecting him with darkness, and began to grow into a titanic monstrosity. The ancient Serpentine somehow took control of the Devourer and used her in their initial invasion of Ninjago—following the Serpentine's defeat, the beast was sealed under the Lost City of Ouroboros. He also laid the Vermillion Eggs, creating the Vermillion. +This superhero's name is The Green Hornet. Their real name is Britt Reid. Britt Reid is the only child of crusading Chicago newspaper owner Daniel Reid. During the Roaring Twenties (and presumably before), Daniel Reid had his Daily Sentinel relentlessly expose the Chicago mob and corruption. To him, that was the mission of a journalist.An amateur entomologist, Daniel Reid kept a number of pinned insects under glass. This collection included one scary (fictional) specimen of vespa viridis. These green hornets, found in Kenya, are exceptionally deadly. The specimen impressed Britt during his boyhood.Daniel always assumed that Britt would succeed him. He did not quite see that Britt was more inclined toward athleticism and travel. Trying to please his father, Britt nevertheless became the editor-in-chief of his high school’s newspaper, the West lake Herald. However, in 1934 he rebelled. Britt packed his bag and decided that what he wanted to do was see the world rather than work at the Daily Sentinel right after graduating as his father intended. His father was nevertheless supportive, seeing his mistake. He set up a trust fund to pay for his son’s travels, as rich people do. The younger Reid spent 1935 and part of 1934 travelling in Europe. There, he witnessed with dismay the rise of Nazism and Fascism. In 1936 he was in Africa. In undocumented circumstances he tried to launch a newspaper in Magadi, Kenya (south of Nairobi).Things went wrong. Reid’s employee, a man named Adisa, was killed as they fled from local paramilitaries. Reid only survived as he spotted a nest of green hornets, recognising them from his father’s study. He provoked them into killing his pursuers.Reid fled Kenya in August, sailing to Japan then China.Witnessing the horrors of the Rape of Nanking , Reid was looking for a way out. This is how he ran into a Japanese deserter who had been sabotaging the efforts of his countrymen. Though highly skilled, the renegade had just been caught. Thanks to a convenient power line, Reid saved the man from an ad hoc firing squad, and they fled Nanking together. Hayashi Kato became a close friend and ally. Having lost his country to the early Shōwa Era , Kato accompanied Britt all the way back to the US. Reid passed himself for Hayashi’s manservant as they were on a Japanese merchant boat, then fed US customs a story about foreign students.n San Francisco, the careless Reid was attacked by a street gang who had overheard about his trust fund. In the ensuing scuffle, he discovered Hayashi’s amazing martial skills. Though Hayashi was somewhat ashamed of this display of violence, Reid asked if he could be taught to fight this way. He wouldn’t even wait to arrive to Chicago, and had Kato start teaching him whilst still on the train.However, Britt arrived the day after his father died. As he mourned, Britt learned that he had inherited the Daily Sentinel as his father had always intended. He resolved to continue his father’s fight against the mob and corruption. He would particularly target mob boss “Skid” Caruso, who had practically taken control of the town. However, it was trivial for Caruso to threaten the families of the Daily Sentinel staff. After attempting to expose the mob Reid found himself with his hands tied. (In the real world, Frank “the Enforcer” Nitti was still the boss of the Chicago Outfit during these years. In the Green Hornet’s world Nitti fell in unrevealed circumstances and was replaced by Caruso.) Kato suggested covert action, striking from the shadows – and the use of masks to avoid reprisals. After Hayashi showed him what a ninja can do, Reid was convinced. Britt trained for seven more months with Kato in the basics of ninjutsu and the martial arts. He also continued to assemble assets for a shadow war against the Chicago mobs.A key recruitment was mechanical engineer “Rusty” Schmidt. He was an older German-American who used to run the presses for Daniel Reid. Rusty’s daughter had been killed by a mob gunman, and his very affected wife died soon after. Rusty himself was sinking into alcoholism when Reid recruited him for his shadow war against the mob.A capable inventor with superior practical sense, Schmidt designed the likes of the Green Hornet’s “stinger” gun and the Black Beauty supercar. He also provided excellent advice about logistical matters.Following his advice Reid sold his father’s house, where he had grown up, to buy an apartment building facing a warehouse. The warehouse had been used by the Underground Railroad , and was thus ideal for conversion into a secret base. A secret elevator was installed in Reid’s new apartments. It allowed him and Hayashi to quickly reach a tunnel leading to the warehouse. Once there they could switch to costumes and exit discreetly in their car via hidden doors and a blind alley. Schmidt eventually ran into technical difficulties to build some gadgets – being primarily a mechanical engineering man.But Kato teamed up with him and brought his more recent and general scientific knowledge to the table.Soon, the Green Hornet and his chauffeur were ready for action ! +This superhero's name is The Keeper. Their real name is Norrin Radd. His origin is the same as the original Silver Surfer, he offered himself to become Galactus' herald to spare his homeworld. He still turned against his former master, was bound to Earth, "won a pardon from the world devourer", and left Earth to later return to find Earth being attacked by Martians. in a War of the Worlds. He ended up fighting alongside Dr. Franklin Richards, Captain America, and Dr. Doom against the Martian invaders. Eon had convinced him that it was Earth's Destiny to be conquered, and he left Earth, wracked with guilt, unable to accept his offer. Centuries later, he finally accepted Eon's offer to wear the Quantum Bands, as Protector of the Universe. While working for Eon, he was sent to Earth to defend it from Galactus once again. He first found Thor (Dargo Ktor), who mistook him for an enemy at first, "but soon came to realize that our cause was the same." Meanwhile, the other former herald Firelord had intercepted a distress signal that was sent to Radd that his homeworld, Zenn-La, was about to explode, and to his credit sought him out to warn him. Firelord found him in time to help Thor (Dargo Ktor) and Radd to defend Earth from Galactus, who had a new herald, Nova. They combined their powers into one shot, aimed at the planet eater, "but reacting instantly, Nova intercepted the blast -- and was killed!" Apparently Radd was close to Nova, but so was Galactus, who was given pause by her demise. He reabsorbed her cosmic power, making her closer to him in death than life, and vowed to never take a herald again. With the immediate threat mitigated, Firelord told Radd of his message, and they went to his homeworld, Zenn-La, only to be too late, and it exploded into cosmic dust. After a short mourning period, he placed the blame on Galactus for all the anguish he had felt in his life and sought out to enact retribution on him. He attacked him, with both the quantum bands, and the power cosmic at his command, but still, he was picked off like an insect. It was at this point, that with "righteous fury which had welled in him since the death of Nova" he destroyed his board. He then used his awesome power to strip Radd of his Power Cosmic and his silver sheath. He then flung him to the edge of the Universe, where a Watcher named Aron, saved him, by removing him from the Eternity and the universe. Which is how he and the Quantum Bands escaped the detection of Eon for so long. Aron taught him how to use the Bands to their fullest, and convinced him that Power Cosmic was inside him. "With conviction came acceptance. With acceptance came awareness". With this power, he re-sheathed himself in silver. He now rededicated his life to foiling the world-eater wherever he threatened sentient life. He then re-entered the universe, to first save a world "beyond the Plieades" which is Main Frame's world. They raced to stop Galactus and found Firelord doing the same, as a Protector of the Universe. Radd used his powers to remove the city from the world that Galactus was targeting, while the Guardians and Firelord tried, in vain to stop Galactus. Just as Firelord was about to be destroyed, The Keeper (Radd) stepped in, to confront Galactus for the last time. They battled, and right as the final blow was about to be dealt to the world-eater, Eon stops him. He then reminds Radd that "it is not the world-eater that you seek to kill, but his killing that you wish to end", and to help Galactus to his feet. Eon then feeds Galactus, satisfying his hunger for now, and convinces Radd to join him once again, not as his herald, but as his equal, to stop him from feeding on worlds that are inhabited by sentient life. As he is leaving with his new partner, he forms his surfboard once again. +This superhero's name is The Lizard (SONY). Their real name is Curtis Connors. Some many years ago, Connors lost his right arm up to its elbow. As would be expected, this greatly affected him emotionally, and so Connors endeavored to find a "cure". Dr. Connors soon came to be a scientist working at Oscorp Industries, and he met Richard Parker, a fellow employee, who wished to help Connors in his search for a cure. Though, the day that Richard and his wife, Mary, mysteriously went missing, Dr. Connors decided to totally shut down his work indefinitely. Years later, while working with some interns at Oscorp Tower, Curt Connors encountered Peter Parker, whom impressed him due to his knowledge beyond most teenagers. During this encounter, Connors did not find his name, but just thought him to be another intern. A few days later, Peter came to Dr. Connors' house. Connors recognized Peter from the other day and, assuming he wanted an autograph, was quick to ask him to leave. However, Peter introduced himself as Richard Parker's son, and the scientist invited him in. They discussed the work that Peter's father and Dr. Connors were in, and why Connors had not approached the Parkers before. Peter proceeds to give the scientist his father's "decay rate algorithm", something he had been working on before his disappearance. Later, Dr. Ratha, a colleague of Connors', approaches him, requesting him that he quickly find a cure for their dying boss, Norman Osborn. Dr. Connors agreeing to do what he can, Ratha leaves. The following day, Peter met again with Dr. Connors in the scientist's laboratory. Peter proceeded to enter the decay rate algorithm in to a computer, with a hypothetical mouse being the target, but it fails to work at first. Peter continues to do it, finally getting a successful result that enables the mouse, named Fred, to grow an extra limb. Dr. Ratha approaches Connors, having seen the effects of Peter's decay rate algorithm, demanding that he starts human trials straight away, if they're to treat their dying employer. At first, Dr. Connors refuses to test people with the formula, causing him to be fired. Dr. Ratha decides to use the serum at a Veterans Administration hospital, under the guise of a flu shot. Connors, desperate to impress, injects the formula in to himself instead. Nothing happens immediately, and Curt falls asleep. When he awakes, his limb has fully regrown. The scientist hears about Ratha's plan to inject the formula as a flu shot, and raced to intercept him. Along the way, Dr. Connors' arm, the one that regenerated, started to turn green and scaly. Just as he reaches the Williamsburg Bridge, he fully transforms in to a giant, mutated man-lizard hybrid. Unable to control his alter ego, Connors flips cars over the side of the bridge, the occupants only to be saved by Spider-Man. The Lizard goes to the sewers, near to where Dr. Connors has constructed an underground lab. Spider-Man, having the suspicion that the Lizard is Dr. Connors himself, follows him. He proceeds to take a picture of the Lizard, via means of carefully-placed webs, but the camera is destroyed by the Lizard, not before he reads the camera's owner's name. Dr. Connors, as the Lizard, follows Peter Parker to his school. After ripping through the school to find him, the two finally engage in a battle. While Spider-Man's webs subdue the Lizard, they ultimately fail to do any harm. After a quick battle, the Lizard runs through the streets of Manhattan. Aiming to reach Oscorp Tower, he finally gets there, having turned some police officers that subdued him in to lizard-men. The scientist-turned-lizard tries to get a machine that will release a toxic cloud, causing all humans to turn to a lizard-hybrid, like him. Gwen Stacy, his protégée, tries to stop him from taking it, but he wins over, not wanting to harm her. Dr. Connors climbs to the top of Oscorp Tower, planning to release a gaseous cloud turning the human race in to lizard cross-species. Before he can do this, Spider-Man arrives. The two proceed to fight. George Stacy, captain of the police force, assists Spider-Man, knowing his true identity. Captain Stacy uses a shotgun to injure the Lizard, but this does next to nothing to the huge beast. Dr. Connors, not having control of his mind, stabs the cop with his claws. Meanwhile, Spider-Man finally reaches the peak of the tower, and is able to replace the machine with an antidote to Connors' serum. Peter releases the cloud, causing the Lizard to turn back to an injured Dr. Connors, as well as changing the former police that became cross-species. Following the ordeal, Dr. Connors is locked up in Beloit Psychiatric Hospital. He is visited by a mysterious man, seemingly familiar to the scientist. The man asks if Connors told Peter the truth about his father, but Curt demands Peter be left alone before the man mysteriously disappears. The trial of Dr. Curt Connors came to an end as the former geneticist for Oscorp Industries was found guilty on all twenty counts for which he was indicted, including the murder of NYPD Captain George Stacy. Connors and his attorney, Anne Weying, were unable to convince the jury that he was not responsible for his deadly actions while transformed. His defense that he only injected himself with the serum that changed him into the Lizard to prevent Oscorp Industries from experimenting on innocent civilians did not sway the jury. Next stop: Rikers. But even that is controversial. Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane has said their facility is better served for housing and studying a prisoner such as Connors, but the judge has yet to rule on where Curt Connors will spend what is likely to be the rest of his life. +This superhero's name is The Lobster. Their real name is Lobster Johnson. A vigilante in the 1930s, Lobster Johnson murdered criminals and subsequently burned his trademark lobster claw on their foreheads as his calling card. Though the public believes that The Lobster was only the hero of pulp serials and comics, he was a real man who faced paranormal threats as well as gangsters. Eventually, the Lobster outgrew petty mobsters and crooks and moved on to killing Nazis instead, which ended in the untimely deaths of himself during a secret American commando assault on Hunte Castle in Austria to stop the Nazi space program in 1939, and his sidekick in pursuing a Nazi saboteur who destroys a train carrying scientists and equipment for the Manhattan Project. In modern times, The Lobster came back as a powerful ghost to help Hellboy in his adventures. +This superhero's name is The Lord Of Light. Their real name is R'hllor. Melisandre, a Red Priestess of the Lord of Light, has installed herself at the court on Dragonstone and has won the trust of King Stannis Baratheon. Under her influence, Stannis has converted to the Lord of Light's religion. She believes that Stannis is the chosen servant of the Lord of Light who will destroy his enemies with the flaming sword Lightbringer. She also wins over many converts among Stannis' household, including Matthos Seaworth, though his father Ser Davos remains skeptical. Stannis has also taken the flaming heart, the symbol of the Lord of Light, as part of his personal sigil. At a ceremony on the beach under the castle, Melisandre burns sacred religious artifacts from the Faith of the Seven, icon statues representing the Seven-faced God, despite Maester Cressen's objections. Later, he tries to poison Melisandre by tainting his own cup of wine and sharing it with her. As he lies dying, Melisandre reveals she is unaffected by the poison due to the protection of the Lord of Light. Melisandre later seduces Stannis, promising to give him a son. She does become pregnant, but not with a human child. After the failed parley with Renly, she "gives birth" to a monstrous shadow creature in the caves below Renly's camp. Quaithe is also a follower of the Red God, though she does not appear to be a Red Priestess. Beric Dondarrion, along with the members of the Brotherhood Without Banners, has converted to the religion of the Lord of Light. Dondarrion has died six times since he was sent to fight Gregor Clegane, and each time, Thoros of Myr has brought him back by praying to the Lord of Light. Melisandre reveals that Thoros of Myr was first sent to the Seven Kingdoms to convert Robert Baratheon to the Lord of Light. Thoros admits he failed, rather unapologetically. Selyse Baratheon, Stannis' wife and Queen, is revealed to be a fanatical follower of the Lord of Light, to the point of taking pride in her husband's infidelity with Melisandre as it was done in the service of their god. Melisandre sacrifices three members of Stannis's household for their adamant refusal to tear down their "idols" of the Seven, Axell Florent among them. Despite being her brother, Queen Selyse watches the sacrifice with ecstatic delight, convinced she has seen their souls emerge from the bonfires and be taken by the Lord of Light. Later, Melisandre instructs Stannis's and Selyse's daughter, Shireen, on their religion, as Selyse believes the child is too stubborn and fears for her soul. Melisandre assures Shireen that her uncle Axell is in a better place now, though the child remains unconvinced, so the Red Woman tells her the Faith of the Seven and their Seven-Pointed Star is but a fable —there are only two gods, eternally at war: a god of light and love and joy, R'hllor, and a god of darkness, evil, and fear. Shireen asks whether there are seven heavens and seven hells, and Melisandre claims there is only one hell: the one they are living in right then and there, the life before death. Melisandre sacrifices the princess Shireen Baratheon to the Lord of Light. She believes that sacrificing Shireen's life - which contains the power of a king's blood - will gain the Lord of Light's favor, who in return will aid them in their time of need by lifting the blizzard. This act initially seems to work in their favor as the very next day the temperature climbs and the snow melts enough so that Stannis's army can march on Winterfell as planned. However, it is discovered that half of his forces deserted in the night and Selyse, who had a change of heart when her daughter was being sacrificed and tried to stop it (unlike before when her brother was being sacrificed), has since hanged herself. Stunned by these developments, Melisandre flees back to Castle Black while Stannis presses on toward Winterfell where he is ultimately defeated in battle. After returning to Castle Black, Melisandre drops her glamour in a moment of privacy, revealing her true form as a withered, ancient woman. [13] Later, at Ser Davos's urging, she prays for Jon Snow to be brought back to life. She is astonished to see that he is brought back, and tries to grill him about what he saw.[14] Melisandre now believes that Jon, not Stannis, is the Prince That Was Promised. Tyrion arranges a meeting with Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis and possibly one of the highest ranking of R'hllor's clerics. She firmly believes that Daenerys Targaryen is The Prince That Was Promised. Varys is more skeptical, being suspicious of any practitioners of magic, and points out that Melisandre had already declared Stannis Baratheon to be the Prince, only for him to be defeated twice. Kinvara says that while the Lord of Light has a plan, the humans following him do occasionally make errors. Kinvara then assures Tyrion that she will send the preachers and priests best suited to the task at hand. On the eve of the Battle of the Bastards, Jon asks Melisandre not to bring him back should he die again. Melisandre states that the Lord of Light is the one who brought him back and that she is just a conduit for his will. Thus, she makes it clear she wants to at least try, but will accept it if the Lord only wanted to bring Jon back the once. Thoros proves R'hllor's power to Sandor Clegane when he witnesses a vision in flames, of The Wall, Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the Wights. During the Wight Hunt, Sandor sees a mountain in the distance that he states is the same he saw within the flame. Eventually they find themselves being attacked by a wight snow bear and Thoros is injured. Though his wound is cauterized, he later dies during the frigid night while the group of men are seeking refuge in the center of a frozen lake; surrounded by the Night King's dead army of wight walkers. With Thoros now deceased, Beric is now aware that if he dies again, there will be no priest to bring him back to life. +This superhero's name is The One Below All. Their real name is Unknown. +This superhero's name is The One. Their real name is . Fusion of five Gods: Highfather, Ares, Zeus, Jupiter and Odin +This superhero's name is The Overlord (Garmadon). Their real name is Overlord. As Garmadon admired the Garmatron, the Stone Army returned with Nya as a prisoner. The Overlord watched as Garmadon immersed Nya in Dark Matter, infecting her with evil and transforming her into a loyal servant of darkness. With the test complete, the Overlord accompanied his forces as the Garmatron left the camp and headed for the coast. Upon arrival, the Overlord encouraged Garmadon to fire the Garmatron's main cannon across the ocean—its Dark Matter warheads would infect Ninjago piece by piece, remaking it in Garmadon's image. Unfortunately, Lord Garmadon was distracted when Lloyd, Master Wu, and Misako arrived and begged him to stop—although they failed to reach the villain, their interference prevented the Overlord from warning Garmadon about the main cannon's twenty-second warmup period. Despite this, the Stone Army managed to delay the heroes until the Garmatron could fire, thereby corrupting Ignacia. As Lord Garmadon dropped Lloyd and General Kozu down a trapdoor and fired another shot of Dark Matter at Jamanakai Village, the balance between light and darkness shifted enough for the Overlord to begin manifesting in the world once more. At this point, the Overlord revealed that he had been using Lord Garmadon all along—the four-armed villain had only been a pawn in the Overlord's millenia-long plan to free himself and conquer Ninjago. Lord Garmadon angrily protested at this (both at being used and because the Overlord was "stealing" one of his previous plans), but the Overlord took over his body, declaring that his "metamorphosis" had begun. In an attempt to gain even more power, the Overlord set the Garmatron's sights on Ninjago City, only to realize that the Ninja were interfering with the Stone Army's attempts to reload the cannon. He sent General Kozu to secure the bullets, but ended up accidentally firing him into Ninjago City when Master Wu kicked the general into the Garmatron's loading port. The Overlord was then confronted by Lloyd, who was determined to stop the villain before he could corrupt any more of Ninjago. A fierce battle erupted, with the Overlord gaining the upper hand. However, Lloyd called out to his father, and Lord Garmadon's attempts to reach out to his son caused the Overlord to weaken momentarily. Taking his chance, Lloyd launched a furious assault, and Lord Garmadon desperately struggled against the Overlord's control in order to avoid harming his own son. Unfortunately, the Overlord regained control over Garmadon's body and overcame the Green Ninja's energy beam, trapping Lloyd in a sphere of darkness and hurling him across the beach, breaking his leg. Weary of the Ninja's interference, the Overlord opened a portal to Ninjago City and led his army through it, leaving the Ninja stranded on the Island of Darkness +This superhero's name is The Overlord. Their real name is Overlord. Before Ninjago's creation, there were two kinds of beings with unfathomable power: the Oni and the Dragon. The Dragons had the power to create, while the Oni had the power to destroy; and so, they waged war against each other. One day, a child was born of both powers, the First Spinjitzu Master, who went on to create a world of light and darkness, these powers had been past down to him from their respective owners. From the shadows of the new world, the Overlord emerged. Risen to counterbalance the light of the land, the Overlord challenged the First Spinjitzu Master to a battle for control of Ninjago. The battle eventually ground into a stalemate, so the Overlord created the Stone Army to turn the tide in his favor. Realizing that he would be overcome, the First Spinjitzu Master used all of his strength to split Ninjago into two equal halves, which would later become two islands—one half remained as Ninjago, and the other became the Island of Darkness. This balanced the forces of light and darkness, preventing the Overlord from leaving the Island of Darkness as it slowly sank beneath the sea. For thousands of years, he plotted the events that would lead to his return. +This superhero's name is The Presence. Their real name is Sergei Krylov. Sergei Krylov is one of the most influential Russian scientistas, and father of Mutants Darkstar and Vanguard. Krylov, wanting phisical power to match his intellect, exposed himself to radiation to become a radioactive being known as the Presence. The Presence is mentally unstable, and has acted as both hero and villain depending on his mental state. +This superhero's name is The Prince. Their real name is Dastan. The Prince is the youngest son of Sharaman and heir to the throne in Persia. He is the main protagonist throughout both the Sands of Time Trilogy and it's spin-offs correlating to it's universe. +This superhero's name is The Punisher (War Zone). Their real name is Frank Castle. Five years into waging his one-man war on the world of organized crime, ruthless vigilante-hero Frank Castle set his sights on overeager mob boss Billy Russoti. After slaughtering most of the mob bosses in New York, Frank chased Russoti to a recycling plant. There, he threw him into a glass crushing machine. Billy was left for dead by Castle, horribly disfigured. Under his new alias, Jigsaw, he set out for vengeance. With the "Punisher Task Force" hot on his trail and the FBI unable to take Jigsaw in, Frank must stand up to the formidable army that Jigsaw had recruited before more of his evil deeds go unpunished. Frank defeated Jigsaw's army and eventually Jigsaw himself. +This superhero's name is The Question. Their real name is Renee Montoya. Montoya was a longstanding detective on the GCPD before being selected by The Question (Vic Sage) to pass on guidance. After his death, Montoya took up the "Question" identity to become his successor. +This superhero's name is The Ray (CW). Their real name is Ray Terrill. Ray originated on Earth-1 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, having a older brother named Michael who fought in the War Against Terror until he was killed. The only child of the Terrills left, he still lived at home with them and kept his homosexuality a secret from his parents as he reached adulthood. Insisting on working at jobs that only helped the less fortunate, Ray worked alongside his friends Jenny Knight and John Trujillo until one day when they all got laid off. That night, Ray gained light-based powers from his dying doppelgänger and used them to stop crime in his hometown, honing his skills and becoming The Ray. This was noticed by Curtis Holt and Cisco Ramon, who got him to team up with them, The Flash, Green Arrow, and Vixen to stop a rogue military robot attacking Detroit. Later, Ray was at home with his parents when Overgirl broke in and stole the remains of Red Tornado that Ray’s Earth-X counterpart had left. Ray decided to come out as gay to his parents before departing to Earth-X to face Overgirl. Teaming up with the Freedom Fighters, Ray battled the forces of the New Reich, eventually defeating Overgirl in single combat and tossing her into the distance while his new allies captured Black Arrow and Blitzkrieg. At some point, Ray met and fell in love with Leo Snart, for which he was rounded up by Nazis and taken to a camp, being given a power-dampening collar. While at the camp, Ray interacted with a number of heroes from Earth-1, their origins unbeknownst to him. When a Sturmbannführer came to do a check, the heroes and Ray were pulled out of the area to be executed. On their way, some of the Earth-1 heroes attempted to escape but were stopped by shocks from their power-dampening collar. They continued on, but before they could be shot, Leo intervened, breaking Ray's collar and allowing him to use his powers to let them escape. They returned to the base of operations of the Freedom Fighters, where Ray was brought up to speed on who they were and their abilities. He introduced them to General Winn Schott, who told them of their plans to blow up a gateway to Earth-1. Alex Danvers attempted to argue, wishing to return home and help their friends, but Schott's mind was decided, a fact Ray tried to assure her. Ray and Leo left to their quarters, where the former questioned why the latter was so adamant about helping the heroes, eventually coming round to the idea. They suited up, before going to talk to General Schott. After some arguing, he agreed to give them some time, an hour. They discussed a game plan, before heading for the hangar. The group was able to get in under the guise of transporting the Führer. After some difficulties, the Ray and the Flash watched the perimeter for Red Tornado. Deciding not to give them a full hour, General Schott sent Red Tornado out, much to the distress of the two heroes. They caught up with Red Tornado, attempting to make him stop, but he was otherwise unaffected, sending them crashing to the ground. Suggesting they combine their powers at once, the Ray had the Flash send lightning at him, while shooting a beam of light energy, successfully defeating Red Tornado. Successfully opening a breach to Earth-1, The Ray flew through it. The heroes arrived at just the right time, the Ray and Firestorm flying in to help destroy Metallo. Sometime later, all of the combined heroes gathered aboard the Waverider, discussing their course of action, as Overgirl, who was about to go nuclear, was in Central City. They were then hailed by another timeship and the heroes watched on as the Green Arrow talked to his doppelgänger. The heroes soon after took to the streets, where the Ray flew around taking out Nazis. After the threat was eliminated, the Ray watched on as Steel caught Supergirl after falling from space. Following the ordeal, Ray decided to return home, albeit without Leo, who decided to hang around for a bit before returning to Earth-X. +This superhero's name is The Rhino (SONY). Their real name is Aleksei Sytsevich. Aleksei Sytsevich, along with a number of other criminals, stole a truck of plutonium. After destroying much of Manhattan, Aleksei was finally stopped by Spider-Man and incarcerated. Sometime later, Aleksei was approached in prison by Gustav Fiers, subsequently being broken out and given a mech suit to rampage through Manhattan in. +This superhero's name is The Rival (CW). Their real name is Edward Clariss. Edward Clariss (died October 18, 2016) was a meta-human speedster, during both the "Flashpoint" timeline and the current timeline. Named by the public as the Rival, he acted as the archenemy of Wally West/The Flash in the Flashpoint timeline and was ultimately defeated thanks to the joint efforts of Barry Allen, Wally West and Joe West, guided by the other members of Team Flash. In the current timeline, Clariss, having flashbacks to the Flashpoint timeline, met with Alchemy, who gave him the same powerset and costume he wore in that timeline, sending him to kill Barry. However, he was defeated by Barry and Cisco Ramon and incarcerated in Iron Heights Prison, where Alchemy condemned him for his failure and Savitar killed him. +This superhero's name is The Rumor. Their real name is Allison Hargreeves. +This superhero's name is The Scarecrow (Gotham). Their real name is Jonathan Crane. Jonathan Crane is a deranged, criminally insane teenage psychopath and anarchist. He is the son of the late Gerald and Karen Crane. As a child, his mother died in a house fire, causing his father to try to stop fear until his inevitable death. Not long before this, his father injected his son with the serum he made, which overloaded Jonathan's fear response causing his mind to create a boogeyman of what he feared the most, a scarecrow, driving him insane. He would later be transferred to Gotham Asylum for his condition, until Merton and his gang bribed the warden into releasing him so they could make Jonathan recreate his father's serum and pose as a threat to Oswald Cobblepot. However, the gang locked him in a closet with a scarecrow much to his dismay and horror until he became one with his fear, wearing the scarecrow as a costume and abandoning his birth-given name in favor of The Scarecrow. After spraying a member of the gang with fear toxin, he would return to the old asylum seeking revenge on the warden and attempting to "free" his fellow inmates until Jim Gordon would arrive and discover the serum's weakness, water. Crane would eventually be captured again and sent to Arkham Asylum however, he would soon escape with his new allies Jerome Valeska and Jervis Tetch. This alliance later evolved into the Legion of Horribles, reinforced with Oswald Cobblepot, Mr. Freeze, Firefly and Solomon Grundy, which operated with the goal to drive Gotham City into madness according to a plan by Jerome, while the other members were promised to rule the city after its downfall. On Jerome's request, Crane therefore developed the dangerous Laughing Toxin. The Legion was ultimately dissolved after their leader Jerome Valeska died once again, whereupon Scarecrow allied with Jerome's brother Jeremiah Valeska, assisting him in driving Bruce Wayne mad, while Crane also fought Selina Kyle in order to prevent her from ruining Jeremiah's plan. During the No Man's Land event, Crane claimed his own territory and established a gang. +This superhero's name is The Shocker (MCU). Their real name is Herman Schultz. Herman Schultz is a former salvage worker who had become a professional criminal and a member of Adrian Toomes' Crew who had sold Chitauri and Ultron based weaponry created by the Tinkerer. Following Toomes murdering Jackson Brice, who had used his modified gauntlet occasionally under the alias of Shocker, Toomes had passed the gauntlet down onto Schultz and appointed him as the new Shocker. With his new title and power of the gauntlet, Shocker still continued to help Toomes with fighting against Spider-Man's ongoing attempts to bring an end to all of the black market arms deals, which resulted in the Shocker being defeated during a fight and arrested. +This superhero's name is The Smiling Knight. Their real name is . During the time of the Kingswood Brotherhood, the Smiling Knight killed Ser Victor Tyrell - cousin of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden. While rescuing Lady Jeyne Swann from the Brotherhood, Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard defeated the Smiling Knight and slew Simon Toyne. Ultimately the Smiling Knight was killed in a clash with the Kingsguard. During the combat, he briefly crossed swords with Jaime Lannister, but the squire held off the Smiling Knight. Ser Arthur Dayne next fought an extended exchange with him until the Smiling Knight's sword broke. Arthur paused the fight and allowed the outlaw to take a fresh sword. The Smiling Knight did so, but remarked that it was Arthur's famous sword Dawn that he truly desired. Arthur replied "Then you shall have it, ser." In their second exchange, the Smiling Knight was slain by the Sword of the Morning. Ser Jaime Lannister recalls that the Smiling Knight was his generation's Ser Gregor Clegane in terms of men's eagerness to best him in combat. According to Jaime, the Smiling Knight was "a madman, cruelty and chivalry all jumbled up together, but he did not know the meaning of fear." +This superhero's name is The Thing (FOX). Their real name is Ben Grimm. Ben Grimm is the best friend of scientist Reed Richards. When Reed faces bankruptcy, he helps him to convince Victor von Doom, to finance his experiment, which is made to prove that evolution has been caused by special space rays. Victor accepts, granting for himself the most of the experiment's profits. Being an astronaut, Ben is chosen as the pilot of the mission, which comprehends Reed, Victor, Reed's ex-girlfriend Sue Storm and her brother Johnny. Johnny was a subordinate of Ben's in NASA, but during the mission he's his superior, thus making Ben quite angry for the mission. While in space, Von Doom's station gets hit by the space cloud prematurely, as it arrived sooner than expected, just when Ben is out with his spacesuit: Reed, Sue and Johnny, inside the station, are briefly exposed to the cloud, but Ben gets a full exposure to it, protected only by his suit. Once back on Earth, every one of them finds out that the cloud gave them special powers, but Ben is transformed in a rock monster due to his total exposure. Angry and suffering for his situation, he leaves his friends and goes on a walk alone. On the Brooklyn Bridge, Ben prevents a man from committing suicide but, due to his monstrous appearance, he scares him and causes a massive car pile-up. Along with Reed, Sue and Johnny, who reached him, Ben uses his powers for saving the lives of the people on the bridge, stopping a truck with his own body. When the press arrives and claims the for of them as heroes, nicknaming them as the Fantastic Four, Ben is the only one suffering, since his wife-to-be, as she sees his in his rocky form, leaves her wedding ring on the street and flees. Reed, realizing his friend's pain, promises him that he'll do anything to make him come back to his human form. The Fantastic Four move to the Baxter Building, in which Reed starts to study their powers and tries to find a way to revert the process. Meanwhile, cohabitation is not easy for the four of them, especially because of Johnny's temper: he acts as a rock star, using his powers to become famous. When, during an interview, Johnny nicknames Ben "The Thing", he gets angry and, after reducing Johnny's new car into a steel ball, violently confronts him. After the quarrel, while walking alone, Ben meets Victor, who, unknowingly to Ben and the others, is transforming into a living metal organism. Victor tries to convince Ben that Reed is doing nothing to cure him, but Ben decides to trust his friend and leaves. Once at the Baxter Building, he finds Reed with Susan, not working on his researches, and he starts to believe to Von Doom's words. Furious with his friend, Ben has a brief fight with him and leaves, searching for Victor, who's spying Reed's movements and acknowledges himself of the situation of the Cosmic Storm Machine: it would work with more power, but it's ineffective and dangerous in its actual state. Tricking Ben, Victor makes him to enter the chamber and provides with his new powers the extra energy. Ben is "cured" and gains his human form again, but realizes too late that Von Doom just wanted to attack his friend and to eliminate the super-strong Thing from the battle. Without his powers, Ben is easily defeated by Victor, now calling himself Doom, and he's incapacitated. When he regains his senses, Ben finds out that his teammates have been utterly defeated by Doom, and decides to revert the machines' process to become The Thing again. Just a moment before Doom kills the Invisible Woman, The Thing, shouting "It's clobberin time!", bursts in the room, attacking Doom and moving the battle on the streets below the building. Despite his incredible strength, Ben is no match for Doom: just when the latter is about to give him the finishing blow, Reed, Johnny and Susan intervene and save him. When the four of them are reunited, the final showdown begins: following Reed's plan, The Thing destroys an hydrant and makes the water go on Doom, previously super heated by the Human Torch, thus solidifying him in a metal statue. When all is finished, Ben, during a party, tells Reed that he's starting to accept his condition, mostly thanks to Alicia Masters, a blind artist who's his new girlfriend and who's teaching him to go behind appearances. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver SurferEdit With Reed Richards' and Sue Storm's wedding approaching, Ben Grimm, who has been chosen as Reed's best man, is trying to convince his friend to drop all of his researches, at least until the wedding is done. As forseen, Reed doesn't listen to him, nor to his wife-to-be, and continues a research for the Government, studying strange radiations. During the wedding, the ceremony is interrupted by Reed's machines as the Silver Surfer, the origin of the radiations, appears. The wedding is suspended, and the team is called back in action. When the Human Torch is defeated by the alien and has his molecular structure compromised by him, Ben starts to mock him and tries to exchange their powers, but Johnny, after a first, succeeded try, refuses and takes his powers back. The Fantastic Four are contacted by General Hager, who informs them that the alien is appearing all around the world, creating enormous holes in the ground for unknown purposes. The team follows the alien in London and tries to capture him, but the mission fails because of the Torch. Only Sue's and Ben's efforts to sustain a giant panoramic wheel prevents a catastrophe. After the failure, Hager forces the team to join Victor von Doom, revived by the Surfer's cosmic powers. The five of them, along with the Army, reaches the Black Forest, which is believed to be the next stop of the Surfer. In there, Ben is attacked by a bear, which, scared by The Thing's appearance and roar, flees. Using Reed's pulse generator, the team manages to separate Silver Surfer from his board, which is the source of his powers, and the Army has him arrested and taken to Siberia. Once in there, Doom reveales his real intents and steals the Surfer's powers, killing Hager and breaking out of the base. Meanwhile, Sue informed the rest of the team of the informations gained by Surfer about Galactus, the real enemy. The FF are freed by Frankie Raye and leaves along with the Surfer. The team follows Doom with Reed's new invention, the Fantasticar, and Ben himself drives one of the modules. The four of them are anyway overpowered by Cosmic Doom, and decides to give all their powers to the Human Torch, still unstable, to stop him. Having regained for a brief time his human form, Ben aids the Torch hitting Doom with a demolition metal ball. When Doom is defeated and the Surfer regains his powers, all the FF assist him while he fights his former master Galactus. When the crisis is surpassed and the world is saved, Sue and Reed finally get married in Shanghai, with Ben as the best man as programmed. Just a moment after the ceremony, the team is called in action once again +This superhero's name is The Thinker (CW). Their real name is Clifford DeVoe. Professor Clifford DeVoe (May 8, 1975–May 22, 2018), nicknamed The Thinker by Cisco Ramon, was a former history professor at Central City University, and a criminal mastermind who was also an extremely knowledgeable enemy of Barry Allen/The Flash. Before he lived in Central City he lived in South Africa. DeVoe worked alongside Marlize DeVoe, his now-estranged wife, and ex-partner-in-crime, whom he met at the University of Oxford. DeVoe eventually transferred his consciousness into the various "bus metas", siphoning their respective powers into himself. He eventually managed to take control over the body of Ralph Dibny, whose powers made him immune to the negative effects that his ever-expanding mind was having on his body's physical well-being. DeVoe also used Dibny's powers to revert to the appearance of his initial body. He then went on to attempt to achieve his ultimate goal: to reset the intelligence of every person on the planet, which he called the "Enlightenment". Marlize, after realizing how insane his plan was, had ultimately aligned herself with Team Flash to stop him. After Ralph regained control of his body, DeVoe managed to live on via a hologram created by transferring his consciousness into his hoverchair but perished once and for all when Marlize removed the chair's power source. +This superhero's name is The Upgrade. Their real name is Grey Trace. Grey Trace, a stay-at-home mechanic, lives with his wife Asha who works for Cobolt, one of the companies contributing to human-computer augmentations. Grey asks Asha to help him return a refurbished car to his client Eron Keen, a famous tech innovator for a company called Vessel. While visiting his home, Eron reveals his latest creation, an AI chip called STEM that can serve as an auxiliary brain. On their way home, Grey and Asha's self-driving car malfunctions and crashes at a homeless camp. Four men then arrive, shooting Asha in the chest and Grey in the neck, severing his spinal cord. Grey watches helplessly as Asha bleeds to death next to him. Grey returns home months later as a wheelchair-bound quadriplegic, now under the care of his mother. Asha's death and the inability of Det. Cortez to identify their attackers causes Grey to sink into depression. After a suicide attempt, he is visited by Eron who offers to surgically implant STEM into Grey's spine and restore motor functions to his body. Though Grey is initially resistant, Eron successfully persuades him to undergo the surgery. Grey regains control of his limbs faster than expected and Eron has Grey sign a non-disclosure agreement to conceal STEM from everyone, including the police, and pretend to still be paralyzed when in public. While looking through case files on his wife's murder that night, Grey hears STEM speak into his mind. STEM says it can help Grey get revenge and quickly identifies one of the assailants from a drone video feed. Grey breaks into the man's home and discovers he was "upgraded" as a result of a secret military experiment, which connects him to a local bar called the Old Bones. The man returns home and discovers Grey, leading to a fight between the two. As he begins to overpower Grey, STEM convinces Grey to temporarily give up control of his body. Under STEM's direction, Grey becomes a lethally efficient fighting machine, killing Serk with little effort. Though they attempt to cover their tracks, Det. Cortez sees drone footage of Grey approaching his house before the murder. However, she lacks evidence connecting Grey to the murder. Eron learns what happened by tracking STEM's movements and berates Grey for his vigilantism. Grey reveals STEM is speaking to him, which surprises Eron, who demands that Grey stop any further investigation. Nonetheless, Grey proceeds to the Old Bones and finds the next assailant. Although initially squeamish, Grey allows STEM to torture the man to death, but not before getting the name of the assailants' ringleader, Fisk. While leaving the bar, Grey collapses onto the ground. STEM informs Grey that Eron is attempting to shut them down remotely and directs him to a hacker nearby who can sever Eron's connection. After an arduous struggle, Grey finds the hacker who manages to remove STEM's input guard. Jamie then abandons them upon realizing they've been followed by the assailants. Fisk kills the Vessel employees while Grey, with STEM's control restored, murders Fisk's companion. Grey returns home only for his mom to discover him walking about, forcing him to reveal STEM's existence. Det. Cortez arrives to interrogate them after finding Grey's wheelchair suspiciously abandoned at the Old Bones. Unable to get either of them to confess, she leaves after discreetly planting a listening device on Grey's jacket. Grey wishes to give up the exhaustive search, but STEM refuses, explaining that unless they deal with Fisk, he will eventually track them down and kill them. STEM forces Grey to leave the house to hunt down Fisk. While driving, they discover Det. Cortez is tailing them. STEM causes an automated car to malfunction and crash into hers so they can escape. Det. Cortez returns to Grey's home shortly after, where Pamela reveals the truth about STEM. Grey and STEM find Fisk, threatening him at gunpoint to reveal why he killed Asha. Fisk reveals he was only hired to paralyze Grey so he could be implanted with STEM. Grey attacks Fisk, who is also upgraded and can outpace Grey's movements. Grey taunts Fisk with the death of his brother, causing STEM to gain the upper hand and kill Fisk. Grey searches Fisk's phone and discovers a message from Eron, suggesting he'd orchestrated the events to make Grey the ideal test subject for STEM. Grey storms Eron's home, killing all personnel in his path. Confronting Eron, Grey is held at gunpoint by Det. Cortez before further action could be taken. Eron confesses how STEM forced him to do it's bidding, having long since come to dominate all aspects of Eron's life in pursuit of its goal to become human. After revealing its plan, STEM kills Eron and attempts to kill Det. Cortez. In a desperate effort, Grey fights STEM for control over his body. Wrestling enough control to force his arm to his neck, Grey shoots himself. Grey wakes up in a hospital room, in full control of his body. He's greeted by Asha who explains how he had been unconscious for a few days following their car crash, finding comfort that it was all a dream. In reality, Grey had failed to take control and is still in Eron's home with Det. Cortez. STEM, now speaking through Grey's body, states the psychological strain (coupled with days of sleeplessness and constant activity) overexerted Grey's mind, causing it to break; this was STEM's objective all along as it allowed STEM to assume control over Grey's body. Grey's consciousness is placed into an idyllic dream state within his own mind while STEM shoots Det. Cortez and leaves into society with its new body. +This superhero's name is The Wasp. Their real name is Janet van Dyne. Janet van Dyne was a daughter of a wealthy scientist named Vernon van Dyne. During an experiment, however, an alien monster was unleashed and Dr. van Dyne was killed. Her father's associate, Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, had created a substance called "Pym particles", which allowed the user to grow or shrink in size, and had become the superhero Ant-Man; when Janet's father died, she convinced Pym to help her, and he gave her a supply of "Pym particles" and subjected her to a procedure which granted her the ability to, upon shrinking, grow wings and fire blasts of energy, which she called her "wasp's stings". As Ant-Man and The Wasp, they defeated the monster and sent it to its own dimension, and had several more adventures together. Soon afterwards, the superhero team, which Janet herself dubbed the Avengers, formed, and the pair were among its founding members. Although they took occasional leaves of absence, the two have almost always remained members; during the course, Janet grew as a person and several years later would be elected leader of the team. The relationship between Janet and Pym had always been one of loving squabbling, but her wealth and his research had always stopped him from proposing. One day a cocky new costumed crimefighter called Yellowjacket broke into Avengers HQ. He claimed to have disposed of Pym and even kidnapped Janet. To the outrage of her colleagues, Janet then married Yellowjacket. A tension-filled wedding was made even more edgy by an attack by the Circus of Crime. During the fight it was discovered that Yellowjacket was Pym. He had had an accident with some chemicals causing him a severe case of schizophrenia. Janet had realized this from very early on and had taken advantage to finally tie the knot. However, her relationship with Pym became rocky, as he suffered a further series of mental problems. A few years later, Pym had a complete breakdown, and became completely paranoid. During the course of this breakdown, he became overbearing and verbally abusive. At the nadir of his degeneration, he struck Janet, and then proceeded to concoct a plan to make himself look good in front of his teammates by staging an attack upon them which only he could stop. This plan backfired and Pym was exposed, disgraced, and expelled from the Avengers, and the couple divorced. She remained with the team despite these hardships, and after Pym's mental state returned to normal, the two became friends again and, some years later, resumed a romantic relationship. Recently, during the Disassemblement of the Avengers by Scarlet Witch, she was knocked into a coma by an attack on Avengers Mansion. Hank watched over her as she lay in the hospital, and when she recovered, they reconciled. The two have retired from the Avengers in order to pursue a new life together in Oxford. +This superhero's name is Thinker. Their real name is Clifford DeVoe. Clifford DeVoe was Keystone City's district attorney in 1913. In mob boss Hunk Norvock's trial, DeVoe was stumped when the defense put a young woman on the stand, and he withdrew his case rather than offend the jury by harshly questioning her. This failure, coupled with the knowledge that crime could be made to pay, drove him to alcohol. Visiting Norvock while drunk one night, he offered his services as a "thinker" - a preparer of alibis and legal precedents to keep his organization out of jail. Norvock gave him a house and a stipend and he set to work +This superhero's name is Thor Girl. Their real name is Tarene. In the beginning of time, alien sorcerer X'Hoss foretells the creation of the Designate, who will help evolve sentient beings to the next level of existence. Billions of years later, Tarene is born. She is told about the fate of the evil Destroyer and together with others seeks a way to stop him. In the meantime, Thanos obtains X'Hoss' knowledge and destroys Tarene's home-world. She gains the help of Thor and Orikal in defeating the villain. Tarene later transforms herself into an Asgardian goddess and becomes Thor's loyal ally, taking the name "Thor Girl" and the civilian identity of Jake Olson's 'cousin' Tara. She tries to assist Thor in his adventures, aiding him in his confrontations with Gladiator, Loki and Nullitor, but in a later battle against a revived Surtur she sacrifices nearly all of her cosmic powers to contribute the additional power needed to defeat him. Upon Odin's apparent death, Thor Girl loses most of her cosmic powers. She retains the powers she had as Thor Girl. She returns to Earth in an attempt to live a normal life as Tara Olson, but is also seen adventuring occasionally. She knows that she is destined to, and one day will, regain her full power and then some, to become The Designate. After the Superhuman Registration Act is passed, Thor Girl interferes in a jewel theft undertaken by the Grey Gargoyle, a previous foe of hers, and pummels the villian, preventing the jewel heist in the process. In return the Grey Gargoyle undertakes a law suit with the assistance of Mallory Book at the Superhuman Law Offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg and Holliway. Thor Girl is one of the first recruits for the Camp Hammond training facility. Other fellow trainees include Bengal, Cloud 9, Slapstick, Trauma, Armory, Rage and Komodo. When the Initiative recruits are sent as crowd control in Manhattan, with Thor Girl aiding mass evacuation, when the city was attacked by the Hulk while he sought his revenge upon the Illuminati. However, Rage broke ranks to try and help the Avengers in battle against the Hulk and his Warbound, and Thor Girl was among the trainees who sided with Rage. Easily defeated, Thor Girl and the others were imprisoned at Manhattan Square Gardens and controlled by obedience disks. The Initiative's black ops team, including the empathic metamorph Trauma, were sent in to free Thor Girl and her compatriots, with Trauma assuming the form and powers of Thor as he battles the Warbound, leaving Thor Girl awestruck by the encounter. Subsequent to Trauma's assumption of Thor's form, Thor Girl has expressed a kind of hero worship of and became enamoured with Trauma. However both Tarene and Trauma are brutally attacked by the MVP clone calling himself KIA (Killed In Action). Tarene is stricken heavily while protecting Trauma, who is then stabbed in the chest by KIA. In an possible future where Thor rules Earth, Tarene regains her full cosmic powers to aid Desak in an attempt to defeat Thor. Thor kills Desak, but Tarene helps a now-enlightened Thor travel back in time to prevent the bleak reality he created. +This superhero's name is Thor (Odin Force). Their real name is Thor Odinson. Thor has traveled across the realms, battling all enemies of Asgard and Earth, including the Death Goddess Hela and Olympian demigod Hercules. Though both Thor and Hercules fought on opposite sides during the Norwegian and Greek war in the year 1,000, they eventually teamed up and remain friendly rivals. It was his time on Earth leading the Vikings that began the Norwegian myth of the God of Thunder. In one iteration of Asgard, Thor's thirst for battle led him to break an Asgardian treaty with the Frost Giants, leading Odin to punish him; Odin sent him to Earth as Dr. Donald Blake. When Blake discovered that he is the Norse God of Thunder known as Thor and is reunited with Mjolnir, he chose to divide his time between his life as an ordinary human doctor and an immortal God. As Blake, he fell in love with the human Jane Foster. When he requested permission from Odin to marry her, Odin refused and told Thor he wasn't allowed to share his true identity with her. His affinity for Earth has caused many arguments and rifts between him and his father. When Loki took advantage of his brother's love of Earth, Thor sought the help of Iron Man, the Hulk, Ant-Man, and the Wasp to ward off the Asgardian menace. His trickery led Thor and these super powered individuals to found the Super Hero group called the Avengers. Balancing his dual lives, Thor continued to pursue Foster. Foster was granted temporary Goddess status, but Odin required proof of her worth. He set impossible tasks for her on Asgard, but she was unable to cope and returned to Earth, eventually marrying a man named Keith Kincaid. After this disappointing decision, Thor reunited with his friend Sif to share a romance. Thor continued as Asgard's greatest defender, fighting off terrible foes such as the evil Mangog who disguised himself as Odin. During his reign, he bested Thor along with his allies the Warriors Three, but Thor ultimately defeated Mangog. When Ragnarok threatened Asgard's demise, Roger "Red" Norvell took up Thor's mantle using his Belt of Strength and unique gauntlets to battle the Midguard Serpent. He died in doing so, but helped the realm narrowly avoid Ragnarok. Enemies and wars aside, family drama reigned supreme as the God learned late in life who his real birth mother was. While he was born in Asgard to Odin and raised by his stepmother Frigga, the Earth Goddess Gaea actually bore him. Thor, in his continued travels, encountered the alien Beta Ray Bill. Bill thought Thor to be a demon and seized Thor's hammer, proving himself worthy to wield it. Because they were so evenly matched, Odin created Stormbreaker, a new hammer to be used by Bill. Thor joined forces with Bill to help battle Sons of Muspel, demons serving the fire demon Surtur that threatened Bill's people. It was just after this encounter that S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury helped Thor establish a new identity and helped encourage him to keep in touch with humanity as Sigurd Jarlson, a construction worker. When the Casket of Ancient Winters was unleashed on Earth, it ushered forth Surtur and the cyclical end of Asgard known as Ragnarok. Surtur went to war with Asgard, and Thor joined Beta Ray Bill, the Avengers, and Fantastic Four to stop Surtur. Loki joined the fight, battling alongside Thor and Odin. Odin casted himself and Surtur from Asgard to seal the realms from his menace, placing them in eternal conflict. The following battles found Thor up against Hela the Death Goddess, who disfigured and cursed him with the inability to heal his injuries. Loki saw this moment as another opportunity to defeat Thor and set Thor's enemies against him, including the Absorbing Man, the Midguard Serpent, and the Destroyer. Thor bested these foes and confronted Hela in Hel to lift the curse. Hela, in order to save herself, healed Thor's injuries and removed the spell. Just as one death goddess was defeated, another surfaced in the form of Seth the Death God, who held Odin captive. In Thor's effort to free his father, Surtur followed. Then Odin temporarily granted Thor his Odinpower, helping him to triumph over Surtur. After these wars, an acquaintance of Jarlson's, Eric Masterson, aided Thor on a mission, but was nearly killed. To save him, Odin merged him with Thor. But, Thor's new guise as Eric was problematic, since he was a real man and much more complicated than Blake; often his life interfered with Thor's adventures. Alas, Eric filled in for Thor when Thor became exiled in the back of their collective mind, and even faced Loki in battle. Eric, however, was not the last human that Thor merged with. Jake Olson was the next mortal to play host to Thor, but his body proved to be less than worthy for the might of the God. To break the Ragnarok cycle and foil Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, Thor let Asgard fall, allowing himself to presumably die. His demise proved false, though, when it was revealed that he was actually sent to a limbo-like dimension. During the Super Hero Civil War, Tony Stark was desperate for Thor's assistance and cloned Thor from one of his hairs to create a cybernetic version of him known as Ragnarok. The clone lacked moral sense, though, and became an enemy of the Avengers. When Thor arrived to limbo, it expelled his Donald Blake aspect back to Earth. Mjolnir also returned to Earth, so Blake retrieved it and then convinced Thor to come back from limbo to reestablish Asgard; Thor did so by moving it from a different to its new home hovering over Broxton, Oklahoma. There, Thor discovered Iron Man's Thor clone and the implementation of the Superhuman Registration Act. He then departed from the Avengers and devoted himself to restoring the slain Asgardians from Ragnarok. During this restoration process, Loki schemed and mimicked Sif, who was trapped in the dying Rose Chamber's body. Loki drew out Balder, a prospective ruler and son to Odin, and revived Bor, Odin's father. Unaware of who Bor was, Thor slayed him, breaking Mjolnir in the process. Loki called Thor a traitor and Balder exiled him from Asgard. Thor then turned to Doctor Strange to help him restore Mjolnir. It was bonded to Thor's life force so that any injury to the hammer would affect Thor. It was then that Thor learned of Sif's fate, allowing him to restore her to her body. Sif, the Warriors Three, and Thor then chose to settle in exile in Broxton before Asgard was finally restored to its own realm. Thor Odinson eventually became unworthy of Mjolnir and his former lover Jane Foster took up the mantle of Thor in his stead. Possessing all his godhood and powers via the hammer, she battled as the Goddess of Thunder. The Odinson, along with his new weapon, the battle ax Jarnbjorn, departed to fight across the realms on his own. When Jane Foster's cancer-ridden body could no longer take the rigors of godhood, she chose to battle a rampaging Mangog one last time in an effort to save Asgard from total destruction. In her final battle, she managed to defeat the monster, and allowed the Asgardian people time to escape the destruction. Jane Foster then stepped down from the mantle, allowing the God of Thunder to serve as Thor once again. +This superhero's name is Throg. Their real name is Simon Walterson. After Thor is turned into a frog by the kiss of a woman under Loki's spell, he remains worthy of Mjolnir and helps some frogs in their war against rats. +This superhero's name is Thunderbird III. Their real name is Neal Shaara. Coming from an affluent family and the son of a Calcuttan police chief, Indian national Neal Shaara has not been a follower of Charles Xavier's philosophies for long, but appears to be one of their most dedicated supporters, nonetheless. It began when his journalist brother, Sanjit, disappeared. Sharra took it upon himself to find him. When the investigation turned deadly, Sharra was saved by his father's best detective, Karima Shapandar, who was ordered to shadow him. The two continued the investigation together and developed a romantic relationship. They were eventually captured by the mutant-hunter Bastion, who had previously captured Sanjit. Bastion planned to turn his victims into cybernetic/nanotech Prime Sentinels in order to serve as moles for his mutant-hunting cause. The shock of the procedure activated Sharra's latent mutant powers, and he attempted to free himself and his friends. Sanjit, who had already been transformed into a Prime Sentinel, fought his programming long enough to disable the other Sentinels, but was fatally wounded in the attempt. Karima told Sharra to leave her, as it was too late to save her and could not hold off her transformation for long. Sharra, unsure of himself and his powers, contacted Moira MacTaggert, an old friend of his family's, and soon found himself on her Muir Island mutant research facility. There, he met and was invited to join the X-Men, whereupon he took the code-name Thunderbird. Soon after, however, he split with the team to join several of their number in searching the world for the lost diaries of the late mutant seer, Destiny. During his adventures with the team, he developed a romantic relationship with his teammate Psylocke before her death. Later, Sharra began to develop a relationship with his teammate Lifeguard. During one adventure, Lifeguard discovered that she may be, in part, alien in origin. This fact upset her brother, Slipstream, who ran away. Sharra and Lifeguard left the X-Men to search for her brother and for the truth of her background. Shaara was a member of the X-Corporation stationed in Mumbai before its closure. +This superhero's name is Thunderbird. Their real name is John Proudstar. John Proudstar was born on the Apache reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona. During his childhood and adolescence, he proved to be an exceptionally strong and vigorous athlete. Proudstar, however, regarded himself throughout his life as a loner and an outcast. He wished to prove himself to be a warrior in the tradition of his ancestors, and he was dissatisfied with what he regarded as the complacent lives led by his fellow Apaches on their reservation. Although too young to join the armed forces, Proudstar lied about his age and entered the United Stated Marines, intending to lead the kind of active life he desired. He became a corporal and earned a number of medals. But still, Proudstar was dissatisfied with his life once his tour of duty was over and he had returned to the reservation. Proudstar's mutant superhuman strength first manifested itself when, at the age of twenty and using only his bare hands, wrestled and threw a charging bison to save an endangered little girl. This feat earned Proudstar fame among his tribes people on the reservation, but the true nature of his abilities remained unknown until Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, a team of superhuman mutant adventurers, discovered him. Through the use of his mutant-detecting computer Cerebro, Xavier located Proudstar, whom he invited to become one of the X-Men. The first mission that Proudstar and six other new recruits undertook was the rescue of the original X-Men from the "living island" of Krakoa in the South Pacific. With the exception of Sunfire, all of these new recruits, including Proudstar, decided to stay on and became the "new" X-Men. Xavier gave Proudstar the code name "Thunderbird." On their next known mission, the new X-Men went to Cheyenne Mountain in the Colorado Rockies, the location of a North American Air Defense command center, which had been taken over by Count Luchino Nefaria as part of an international extortion scheme. After the X-Men had foiled his plans, Nefaria attempted to escape in a small aircraft. Thunderbird managed to climb onto the plane as it took off. Defying Xavier's telepathic warnings to get off the plane, Thunderbird asserted that he was finally going to prove he was a true Apache warrior. Using his superhuman strength, Thunderbird ripped open part of the plane and wreaked havoc on its internal systems. Furiously, Thunderbird pummeled the aircraft until finally it exploded, killing him instantly. Nefaria, however, survived by using a teleportation device. +This superhero's name is Thunderstrike. Their real name is Eric Kevin Masterson. Eric Masterson assisted a wounded Thor, picking up Mjolnir (proving worthy) to help him. Later he was injured taking a blast meant for Thor. Thor later bonded himself to Masterson, with the permission of Odin, to save Eric's life. When Thor killed Loki, Odin punished him and had Masterson replace him as Thor. Eric was uneasy in the role, finding it difficult to convince his teammates that he was the same Thor that had accompanied them on previous missions. He eventually admitted the truth. When Thor returned, Odin had the mace Thunderstrike given to Eric. He continued to adventure, calling himself Thunderstrike after the mace he used. He and James Rhodes acted as Secret Defenders assisting the Silver Surfer. Thunderstrike was confronted by a new Bloodaxe, who claimed the wielder was someone close to him. It turned out to be his girlfriend, Jackie Lucas. Eric was able to save her and use both his mace and the Bloodaxe (Enchanted Axe) to battle Seth, becoming possessed in the process. He died to purge himself of its corruption and refused a place in Valhalla. Thunderstrike would later appear (complete with mace) in Avengers Vol. 3 #10 & #11 as an undead Avenger minion of the Grim Reaper. After overcoming the Grim Reaper's control, he (and other undead Avengers) were returned to the spirit world by the Scarlet Witch. It is not made clear if this was Eric that returned, or a magical construct of some sort, although his last words were to Thor in regards to checking on his son Kevin. +This superhero's name is Thundra. Their real name is Thundra. Toward the end of the twentieth century in one alternate timeline, worldwide chemical and biological warfare broke out, resulting in the sterilization of 95% of the Earth's female population. The fertile 5% seized political power and began a systematized program of oppression against men, who were seen as having nearly exterminated the species. By the early 23rd century, natural childbirth was totally supplanted by laboratory birthing, and men were bred only as servants, entertainers, and breeding stock. The major concerns of the United Sisterhood Republic, one of the leading nations of the new world, were exterminating the renegade bands of roving free men and preventing incursions from foreign nations and powers. Thundra was born in the Central Birthing Center of Greater Miago (Milwaukee-Chicago), a government-run laboratory where fetuses are brought to term in artificial wombs. Genetically engineered for strength and endurance, Thundra was sent to military school when she was eight years old. By the age of eighteen, she had distinguished herself as the finest warrior in the Midwestern Republic and became an officer in the militia. She led assaults against roving bands of renegades and the armies of the Central American Empire. In the middle of Thundra's military career, the USSR faced an invasion from soldiers from another alternate timeline, a world known as Machus. Men from this alternate Earth had managed to overthrow their female oppressors generations previously, and used their technology for inter-dimensional travel to journey to Thundra's Earth to liberate the men of that world. In an attempt to strike back at the men of Machus, Thundra stole their dimensional apparatus, planning to launch a counter-attack on their world. The machine malfunctioned, however, and displaced her through time as well as space. She arrived in the twentieth century, and after acclimating herself, decided to humble the strongest man on Earth, thereby, she believed, preventing the world of Machus from ever coming about. Upon her arrival, she was befriended by the criminal Wizard of the Frightful Four, whose instruments detected Thundra's time displacement. The Wizard was looking for a replacement for Medusa, and saw Thundra as an ideal choice. Thundra pretended to go along with the Wizard's plans in order to exploit his resources. She determined that the Thing of the Fantastic Four would be the ideal object lesson to vanquish in battle. Alongside the Frightful Four, she engaged the Thing in a battle, besting him fairly on at least one occasion. Recognizing that her actions in the past would have little bearing on the future, she betrayed the Frightful Four to become an ally of the Fantastic Four. Mahkizmo, the greatest warrior of Machus, eventually trailed Thundra to the twentieth century and took her back to her own time to stand trial for her theft of the interdimensional travel equipment. The Fantastic Four followed Thundra (using their own means of travel) and helped Thundra battle against the dimensional invaders of Machus. Before leaving the future for their own time, the Fantastic Four destroyed the mind-domination equipment of Machus and hoped that the two worlds would settle their differences amicably. Thundra returned to the twentieth century with them, believing that her world would be changed unfavorably by the presence of the extradimensional men. Months later, however, Thundra was contacted by the Nth Command, subsidiary of the Roxxon Oil Company devoted to extradimensional research. They told her that a divergent future world existed which was never invaded by Machus. She agreed to carry out a mission for them in exchange for being restored to her world. The mission was leading a band of female Roxxon operatives called the Grapplers into the government energy facility Project: Pegasus in order to sabotage it. She was apprehended in the process but was released so the authorities could track down the party that sent her. She briefly became an ally of Hyperion of the Squadron Sinister, another Roxxon operative. When she learned of the Nth Command's sinister motives, she stole one of the Nth Projectors, dimensional aperture synthesizers. Creating a portal to her own time, she went through it after bidding a fond farewell to the Thing, the twentieth-century male she had most learned to admire. Hyperion attempted to follow her, but the portal closed while he was halfway through, stranding him in limbo. Thundra arrived in her home reality safely. Thundra became the ruler of this alternate future Femizonia, renamed renamed the United Sister-hood Empire. Later, as her people wanted her to establish a dynasty, Thundra decided that, since the Thing was the only male she respected, he should marry her. An emergency prompted her to call the Thing to her dimension, and once the crisis was averted, she took the opportunity to propose. Because acceptance meant that the Thing would be forever unable to return to his time, he declined. As a favor, Thundra first returned the Thing to an alternate timeline where he could propose to his long-time love, Alicia. Instead, however, the Thing left Alicia at the altar and Thundra soon returned the Thing to his own timeline. Thundra eventually found herself at war with the extradimensional kingdom Polemachus and its chauvinistic warrior monarch, Arkon. Towards the end of their long, bitter conflict, Thundra employed the hero teams Avengers and Fantastic Four as pawns in her war with Arkon. However, the heroes helped Thundra and Arkon discover that they shared a strong mutual attraction, an attraction that ended their conflict when they became lovers. Thundra has since joined Arkon in Polemachus as his consort. Some months later, Thundra and Arkon sought Avengers' aid in repairing Polemachus' energy ring and protecting the maiden Astra from becoming a human sacrifice to Polemachus' religious zealots led by the high priest Anskar. Arkon also had a rival in his Grand Vizier, who, over time, convinced Arkon to return Polemachus to a more barbaric lifestyle rather than rely on its science. The Grand Vizier then abducted the superhero and Avenger Photon along with the super-villains battling her at the time, the Wrecking Crew. The Grand Vizier used the Wrecking Crew to depose of Arkon and Thundra, until the Avengers arrived to rescue their teammate and restore Arkon to the throne. Polemachus returned to its hybrid barbaric/scientific lifestyles. Presumably, Arkon rules Polemachus with Thundra by his side. +This superhero's name is Tigra. Their real name is Greer Grant Nelson. Greer Grant Nelson was the recipient of two separate sets of superhuman abilities, one scientific and one mystical in nature. As a laboratory assistant to Dr. Joanne Marie Tumolo, Nelson became involved in a physiological conditioning program that would enable a human being to attain his or her full physical and mental potential. Out of financial desperation, Dr. Tumolo had accepted private funding for the project from Malcolm Donalbain, an eccentric who planned to use her conditioning equipment in his nationwide chain of health clubs. Not trusting the test subject that Donalbain had coerced her to use, Tumolo had Nelson secretly undertake the experiment alongside the other woman. Donalbain's test subject, Shirlee Bryant, and Greer Nelson emerged from the battery of treatments with superhuman physical capabilities. Dressed in one of Donalbain's specially designed cat costumes, Bryant died in a test of her abilities. Donalbain had his henchmen set off dynamite charges in the laboratory to make it appear that Bryant had died accidentally in an explosion. Tumolo was injured in the explosion. Believing her mentor to be dead, Nelson determined to stop Donalbain's plans. She donned a stolen costume, and calling herself the Cat, thwarted Donalbain's plans and forced him to commit suicide. Nelson soon learned that Tumolo had not been killed but had been hospitalized for apparent brain damage. During this time, Nelson, as the Cat, pursued a brief career as a crimefighter, operating mostly within the Chicago area. Unknown to Nelson, Tumolo was a member of the Cat People, a race of humanoids magically evolved from cats in Europe during the Middle Ages. Prior to the explosion Donalbain had engineered, Tumolo had become aware of a plot by the subversive organization HYDRA to steal a bacterial culture that had been developed by Tumolo's ancestors. HYDRA had discovered the secret of Tumolo's ancestry and suspected her of possessing the formula for 'The Final Secret.' Tumolo had chosen to feign brain damage in order to evade HYDRA, but HYDRA abducted her from the private home where she had apparently been convalescing. Nelson put on her Cat costume and pursued them. HYDRA agents fled from the Cat's attack, but during the confrontation managed to shoot her with 'alpha radiation.' To save Nelson's life, Tumolo and the Cat People mystically transformed her into the legendary half-human, half-cat warrior they called the Tigra. As Tigra, Nelson helped the Cat People defeat the HYDRA agents. Although she was able to use the cat's-head amulet to change back to her human form, Nelson became so accustomed to and enamored of her feline form that she seldom made the transformation. Moving from Chicago, she became a full-time adventurer, encountering and defeating such menaces as the Rat Pack, Kraven the Hunter, Tabur, and the Super-Skrull. She also briefly worked with Red Wolf, Spider-Man, and the Fantastic Four. Tigra was among the handful of costumed crimefighters that the telepath Moondragon coerced into vying for Avengers membership. She was elected to membership and served for several months, all that time doubting she was worthy of membership in the group. Although she proved herself while in battle with the Molecule Man, she decided to resign her active membership. Moving to San Francisco, she became friends with Jessica Drew, the original Spider-Woman. Months later, when Hawkeye moved to Los Angeles to form a West Coast branch of the Avengers, she was invited to join. She made a staunch addition to the team, despite the fact that the human and feline sides of her personality had become at odds with one another, causing her behavior to become somewhat erratic. Because of her catlike need for attention, she became involved with teammates Henry Pym and Wonder Man at the same time. The ultimate solution to her discordant nature presented itself when she and the Avengers journeyed to the 'Land Within,' the magical dimension where the parent tribe of the Cat People dwelled. The ruler of the Cat People offered to magically cure her of her split personality if she would kill Master Pandemonium, a demonic human being whom the Cat People feared and hated. Although Tigra agreed, she could not bring herself to violate the Avengers' code against killing when she had the opportunity to do so. After almost killing Hawkeye in a training exercise, Greer decided to abandon her Tigra form permanently. Almost immediately, Hank Pym and Greer were kidnapped on behalf of the demon Allatou, who wrongly believed them to be agents of her enemy, Master Pandemonium. The Avengers sought aid from Hellstorm and Hellcat, who were retired heroes at the time, having set up an occult investigations business. Together, the heroes invaded Allatou's realm with Pandemonium on their heels. A three-way fight broke out until Allatou managed to strand everyone with Pandemonium aboard a boat running through the various realms of hell. Shortly after, the castaways found that they had drifted into the Cat People's Land Within. It turned out the Cat People were demons, having become such through their longtime residence in the demonic realms. The Cat People were at the time guarding a shard of Pandemonium's soul on behalf of the demon Mephisto, and they had ordered Tigra to kill Pandemonium to protect it. Tigra continued to refuse to slay Pandemonium, and the Cat People punished her by stripping away her cat-soul altogether and leaving her human. Hellcat, however, owning a version of Greer's original Cat costume, gave it to Greer, who led the Avengers in battling the Cat-People and single-handedly defeated their champion, the Balkatar. The cat-soul was released from confinement in the struggle, and stronger than ever, re-inhabited Greer again, producing a Tigra that was more physically formidable than ever but controlled by Greer's human intellect. The Cat People surrendered, unwilling to battle a 'whole' Tigra who now exactly resembled the revered Tigra of their legends. Returning with the Avengers, Tigra continued as an active member and forsook her previous romantic involvement with others of her team. The Avengers were rocked by controversy when their member Mockingbird revealed that she let the villainous Phantom Rider die in a previous encounter. Sympathetic to Mockingbird's cause, Tigra joined Moon Knight in briefly splitting from the team to accompany Mockingbird, who quit the team and separated from her husband and leader, Hawkeye. Together, the threesome joined Bill Foster (previously Giant-Man) to stop the villainous High Evolutionary, and later fought the Night Shift. Afterwards, the heroes sought help from Hellstorm and Hellcat to rid Mockingbird of the ghost of the Phantom Rider. The three parted ways after this, and Tigra returned to the Avengers. Over time, however, Tigra's cat-soul continued to reassert itself. As it gained more and more prominence, Tigra once again became moody and aggressive, but also began to change physically to resemble that of a predatory cat, and was even discovered to be chasing mice. On a subsequent adventure, Pym was forced to used his size-altering powers to shrink Tigra to the size of a house cat, which she resembled. He imprisoned her until he could discover a cure. Shortly afterward, the time-traveller Immortus freed Tigra to further distract the Avengers from his plans against them, and Tigra roamed the city for some time. The sorceress Agatha Harkness, who at the time was living at the Avengers' compound, discovered and re-captured her. Seeking a cure for Tigra's condition, Harkness called upon the Cat People. The Cat People's new ruler -- Tigra's old foe Tabur, a cat artificially evolved into humanoid feline form -- appeared and restored Tigra to humanoid form. Tabur tried to coerce her into mating with him to legitimize his usurpation of the Cat People's throne, but Tigra resisted and Harkness mystically transplanted Tigra's cat-soul into Tabur, causing him to revert to the form of a mere cat while allowing Tigra to keep her superhuman form but retain her human personality. Using Tabur's discarded amulet, Greer was even able to switch from Tigra form to ordinary human form and back again whenever she wished. Thus empowered again, Tigra rejoined the Avengers' West Coast branch. Later, on a mission against their enemies, the Pacific Overlords, Tigra was forced to crash-land the Avengers' Quinjet in an Australian wilderness, but was rescued by Native Australians. She elected to stay with her rescuers, taking a leave of absence from the team. She did, however, assist a team of reserve Avengers when the main team was off-planet, fighting amid the Kree-Shi'ar War. Afterwards, she apparently remained in the United States, and was on hand to attend the funeral of Mockingbird. Electing not to stay with the newly re-formed Avengers, Tigra left with Starfox for outer space, searching for hedonistic off-planet adventures. Tigra grew quickly disenfranchised with such a lifestyle, and was relieved when former teammate Moondragon assembled Tigra, Starfox, and other Avengers to battle the alien Infinities. When the crisis was averted, Tigra returned to Earth. Having attempted to settle into a new life over the past few years with the Avengers, Tigra wasn't happy with just being 'part of the team'. She realized she had to settle up with the past. This meant getting to bottom of The Brotherhood of the Blue Fist: an elusive group who might have murdered her late husband. Working undercover as Greer Sorenson, she signed up for training at the New York City police Academy. She rooted out the conspirators and the organization was dismantled. Then, she finished her training and undertook a new career in the police force. +This superhero's name is Tinkerer. Their real name is Phineas Mason. Very little is known about the criminal known as the Tinkerer. First encountered by Spider-Man early in the webspinner's career, he appeared to be the leader of an alien task force attempting to control the world. Though Spider-Man stopped the "invasion", the Tinkerer got away leaving behind only a rubber mask, leaving a confused Spider-Man to ponder just who or what the Tinkerer really was. Years later, Spider-Man learns that the Tinkerer is an ordinary man who has an extraordinary talent for anything mechanical, and his "aliens" were really movie stuntmen in costumes, doing his dirty work. The Tinkerer has in recent years been inventing armor and weapons for various super-criminals, including the Beetle, the Big Wheel, Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale), and the Constrictor. To date Tinkerer has eluded capture. +This superhero's name is Titan. Their real name is . As with most of the other superhumans, Titan's powers developed when he reached puberty. When he realised what he was becoming, Titan knew that he had to fully embracehis destiny; an idealist, he believed that his powers were a gift not only to himself, but to all of mankind. Titan saw the world in very black and white terms; there is good,and there is evil. In his late teens, Titan first encountered Maxwell Dalton, leader of the High Command. Dalton initially invited Titan to join his group, but their partnership didn't last long; the HighCommand did things very much their own way, and Titan was too inflexible to adjust his methods. Regardless, Titan and The High Command remained in relatively closecontact, teaming up occasionally. +This superhero's name is Titania. Their real name is Mary McPherran. Mary MacPherran was born prematurely in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. Mary was often overlooked as the smallest of her siblings and would immerse herself in fantasy books. She grew little over the years, remaining short and scrawny compared to her peers; a popular girl at school named Vanessa Ashwood gave Mary the nickname "Skeeter" (a slang word for mosquito) because of this. Her only real friend was Marsha Rosenberg, who was similarly unpopular (in her case for being awkward and overweight). Consistently mocked and humiliated since childhood by the wealthy Vanessa and her social clique, Mary (and Marsha) had to take menial jobs to survive. Mary grew bitter over her hard life, and fantasized about something improbable in her favor such as winning the lottery. These fantasies soon turned to gaining superpowers to be admired, and to exact revenge on her tormentors. When the second Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter began to make appearances in Denver, Rosenberg remarked that her hair was the same color as Mary's. Mary falsely confided in her friend that she was secretly Spider-Woman, and when Rosenberg spread the rumor, Mary saw her popularity grow and was invited to a party by Vanessa and her clique +This superhero's name is Toad (FOX). Their real name is Mortimer Toynbee. Toad was a mutant who possessed enhanced leaping capabilities, acrobatic speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, coordination, balance, a prehensile 13-foot tongue, and the ability to spit an acidic mucus that hardened almost instantly. He had a confident and comical personality. Toad was one of the GI soldiers bunked at Saigon, Vietnam with fellow mutant soldiers Ink and Havok. Thinking that they were on their way home, William Stryker showed up to have the group transferred instead to Trask Industries so they could be studied as new specimens, but a disguised Mystique intervened, allowing Ink to use his bio-hazard tattoo to incapacitate some of the guards. He and the others then boarded a plane back to the United States. Toad later became a member of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants. He often annoyed his teammate Sabretooth. He battled Storm, Cyclops, and Jean Grey all at the same time at Liberty Island. Storm blew Toad off a balcony, leaving his tongue latching onto a support beam to stay alive. Storm struck his tongue with a lightning bolt and electrocuted Toad. There was no confirmation on what happened to him as a result of this attack though it is clear he did not survive. Toad's name later appeared on a list of mutants Mystique scrolled through on William Stryker's computer while looking for Magneto's file. Toad was one of the mutants based in Saigon, along with Havok and Ink. When William Stryker came to transfer the mutants to Trask Industries, a disguised Mystique instigated brief confrontation between military personnel and Toad, Ink, Havok, and Spyke, which permitted them to depart to their homes. Toad was later seen, as a chef, watching Magneto's televised speech towards Nixon and his administration. +This superhero's name is Toad. Their real name is Mortimer Toynbee. British-born Mortimer Toynbee was abandoned by his parents so early in childhood that he cannot remember them. He was placed in an orphanage where the other children, who regarded him as a freak due to his ugliness, his unusual physique, and his leaping ability, continually tormented him. Toynbee was so traumatized by his loneliness and the continual abuse he received that it affected his learning abilities. The teachers and administrators in the orphanage therefore regarded Toynbee as mentally retarded, even though, in actuality, he was of normal intelligence. So desperate did Toynbee become for affection that he developed a pathetically subservient personality, and would unquestioningly obey anyone he thought sincerely cared about him. Mortimer Toynbee is a former subject of the Alamogordo Project, which observed the development of genetically flawed mutants. Due to his flawed genetic make-up, Toynbee experienced extreme physical changes and mental instability throughout his life, at one point requiring him to ingest a prescription drug Ridilin to remain stable. At some point after achieving adulthood, Toynbee was discovered by Magneto and recruited for his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Magneto gave Toynbee the alias of the Toad because of Toynbee's powers, appearance, and personality. The Toad blinded himself to Magneto's continual verbal and physical abuse because Magneto was out to conquer the human race that had rejected the Toad. As a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Toad met the Scarlet Witch and became infatuated with her, though she did not reciprocate the feeling. The team's nefarious schemes would often be confronted and defeated by the mutant heroes known collectively as the X-Men. After one such confrontation with the X-Men, Magneto and the Toad were captured by the alien called the Stranger and imprisoned on the alien's distant world. When Magneto first escaped, he callously left the Toad behind, and the Toad's attitude toward his master began to change. After being recaptured, Magneto escaped a second time and took the Toad with him, but his continued bullying caused the Toad's resentment to increase until it flared into murderous hatred. The Toad abandoned Magneto to die in an explosion that followed an encounter with the Avengers. (Although it was later discovered that Magneto survived.) Toad was once captured with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch on the world of Arkon, but after their adventure there, he elected to stay instead of returning to Earth. Eventually, the Toad built a dimensional breach/space ship that allowed him to return to the Stranger's homeworld, where he studied and stole the Stranger's technology and equipment in an effort to become more powerful and thus more appealing to the Scarlet Witch. However, just as he prepared to return to Earth, he learned that the Scarlet Witch had married the Vision. Enraged, he planned to strike out at her, attacked the Avengers to learn her whereabouts, and was defeated. He served a short prison term and was released, at which time he commissioned the criminal Arcade to construct a sort-of "toad kingdom," complete with a series of deadly traps, in a seemingly deserted castle in upstate New York. Renaming himself the Terrible Toad King, he planned to entrap everyone who he felt had abused him, placing them in the palace where they would be killed in the attempt to escape. His first victim was the X-Men’s Angel, but the Toad accidentally kidnapped the Thing, too. Just as the two were about to escape, Arcade stepped in and demanded immediate payment for his services. Unable to pay and fearful for his own life, the Toad fell into a panic. The Angel took pity on Toynbee and formulated an agreement with him to convert the castle into an amusement park, paying the debt in the process. The endeavor was a success until it was discovered that the castle's original owner was the villain Victor von Doom. Doctor Doom sent a robot of himself and a security force to remove the Toad and restore the structure to its original state. Toynbee again fell into despondency and decided to commit suicide, an attempt which was interrupted by Spider-Man. Hoping to make Spider-Man his friend, he hired a group of criminals to attack Spider-Man, but in the process he met Frog-Man and Spider-Kid. The three formed a partnership of their own called the Misfits. Though seeking the help of a psychiatrist during this period, Toynbee was still obsessed with the Scarlet Witch. He used some robot doppelgangers of the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but was stopped by Quicksilver. Toynbee and his automatons were removed to a government research facility (Project: PEGASUS) for study, but one of the robots reactivated on a timed program and freed its builder. Ultimately he again came into conflict with Spider-Man, whose approval he still valued. The Toad defeated Spider-Man and the Vision using a powerful robotic exoskeleton. Forcing his way into the New Jersey home owned by the Scarlet Witch and the Vision, he found the Scarlet Witch eight months pregnant. Finding her repulsive, he attacked her. She defeated him, but he escaped. Months later, Toad resurfaced again with new powers, a heightened intelligence, and a vicious mean streak. He tried to form his own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (simply called "the Brotherhood,) and revived a long-dormant Sauron. This brought him into conflict with the fledgling team X-Force, who forced the team to escape. Another time, he sought an ally in the villain Gideon, and the two played a game which pit several groups of mutants against Harness, Piecemeal, and the scientific criminal organization A.I.M. who attempted to resurrect the mutant Proteus. Eventually, however, Toad's Brotherhood simply went their separate ways. At this point, Toad tried to join the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, but was soundly rejected. Feeling sorry for him, Hellfire Club member Emma Frost let Toad live on her estate in Canada, where, with fellow-mutant the Surgeon, he built himself head of an army of frogs. When Frost's team of young mutants, Generation X, took temporary residence at the estate, they ended up battling the Toad in a misunderstanding. Later, the Toad was recruited by former teammate Blob to join a new version of the Brotherhood of Mutants, this time in order to help safeguard X-Men leader Professor X from the artificial intelligence, Cerebro. Afterwards, the Toad was recruited into yet another Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Mystique. The team was hired by an unknown source to recover the parts of the android Machine Man, which were believed destroyed after a battle between the Red Skull, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the X-Men. The Brotherhood was forced to retreat by Machine Man, however. At a time when the High Evolutionary stripped all mutants of their powers, the Toad's DNA mutated further when the world's mutants reverted to normal. He since possessed a more normal-looking appearance as well as strange new powers. Afterwards, the Toad was abducted by the sentient space ship Prosh along with others associated with the X-Men, in order to stop a cosmic threat. During this time-traveling adventure, the Toad discovered that, as an infant, he and thousands of other mutant babies were experimented upon and studied by a clandestine facility known as Black Womb, a facility that hoped to track the evolution of mutantkind. Ultimately, in a battle with the alien Stranger, the Toad was wounded to the point of death, but Prosh healed him, resulting in an altered appearance and strange new powers. Prosh then returned the Toad and the others to the present day. The Toad appeared in several disparate areas over the next few months. He briefly joined Mystique's new Brotherhood, he later entered the Blood Sport (an ultimate fighting tournament based in Madripoor) where he killed the villain Eel (although the Eel has since reappeared.) He also turned up in Magneto's nation of Genosha, which had just been destroyed by Sentinels, and the Toad helped construct a monument to Magneto's legacy. When Magneto later reappeared, attempting to take over the world once more, the Toad joined him as an aide-de-camp, often speaking to the masses on behalf of Magneto, until they were defeated by the X-Men. (This Magneto was later revealed to have been Kuan-Yin Xorn in masquerade.) Toynbee has appeared more lucid and reflective of his actions of late, such as when he recently used his abilities to help another mutant in need. Since then, Toynbee has joined the band of mutant refugees that have come to be called the 198. +This superhero's name is Tobias Church (CW). Their real name is Tobias Church. Tobias Church (died November 2016), known by the alias Charon, was a crime lord who set about creating a coalition of the gangs of Star City, aiming to take it over. His goals brought him into conflict with the Green Arrow and his team. Church received his moniker for his habit of leaving two coins on the eyes of his murdered victims. He was later killed by Prometheus for trying to kill the Green Arrow when he was warned twice not to. +This superhero's name is Tobias Whale (CW). Their real name is Tobias Whale. Raised by in Freeland, both he and his sister Tori were the victims of mental and physical abuse from their father Eldridge on a daily basis. This experience, along with being one of the few black albinos in Freeland, only fueled his resentment and need to rise to power. At one point in his life, Tobias was a politician who rose through the ranks of local government through corruption. He was later brought down for this by Alvin Pierce, Jefferson's father, who Tobias then killed by "literally shoving his articles down his throat until he died". However, after killing Alvin, Tobias was exiled and became the leader of the gang known as The 100. +This superhero's name is Tobirama Senju. Their real name is Senju Tobirama. Tobirama Senju was Hashirama's younger brother. After his brother's death, he became Second Hokage . +This superhero's name is Tom Corsi. Their real name is Thomas Corsi. Tom originally worked for the NYPD before being caught up in a battle between the New Mutants and the Demon Bear. He and Sharon Friedlander were magically transformed from being physically caucasian to Native American. Unable to explain their new bodies, Tom and Sharon resided at the Xavier Institute and joined the school staff. After the Mansion was destroyed during 'Inferno', Tom and Sharon relocated to Muir Island. They participated in the defense of the Research Center from an assault by the Reavers. Much later, Tom and Sharon went undercover at a private school to supervise a latent mutant. When the Acolytes attacked the school in search of the youth, Tom used a shotgun to kill Eric Kleinstock. Tom held the Acolyte attack off long enough for the X-Men to arrive, though Sharon perished. Tom joined the staff of the Massachusetts Academy when the school opened to human students. He acted as gym teacher, and began more intensive training of Generation X. When the school closed, Corsi transfered back to the Xavier Institute. +This superhero's name is Tomar-Re. Their real name is Tomar-Re. Tomar-Re was a scientist on the planet Xudar before joining the Green Lantern Corps. He became a pivotal member of the Corps, training new members, like Arisia, and serving in the Honor Guard. He investigated reports of abuses of power by Sinestro on Korugar. He was close friends with Abin Sur, Green Lantern of neighboring sector 2814. Tomar's most famous mission while serving in the Corps dealt with the planet Krypton. Krypton, a planet in Sector 2813, was growing increasingly unstable. It was due to explode, caused by internal pressures deep inside the planet's core. Tomar-Re sought to use a rare compound called Stellarium to absorb some of the tectonic pressure, thus saving the Kryptonians. He gathered the compound, and was en route to Krypton when a yellow solar flare blinded him, and forced him to drop the stellarium. He quickly recovered, but discovered he was blind. He gathered what little stellarium he could without his sight, and proceeded towards Krypton. He was closing in when his vision started to clear. The first thing he saw upon his sight returning was Krypton exploding. The Guardians of the Universe recovered Tomar and brought him back to Oa, where he healed and rested. +This superhero's name is Toxin. Their real name is Eddie Brock. Not being bonded to a symbiote anymore, Eddie used an obtained arsenal to hunt down Carnage, Venom, Toxin and the other symbiotes, starting with Hybrid and Scream. Despite helping to save New York, Eddie was homeless and poor, and his arsenal was the only thing he had. When he was trying to kill the new Venom, he was knocked out in battle and forced by Crime-Master to become the host of the Toxin Symbiote to serve him in his Savage Six. Toxin tracked down Venom in order to kill him but was incapacitated by a sonic weapon and webbed up by Venom. He later recovered and returned to Crime-Master's hideout. When Venom arrived there searching for Betty Brant, Toxin and Megatak faced him, but finally both battled against each other to kill Venom. Finally, Thompson burned Toxin and tried to remove Eddie from it, but the symbiote recovered its host to die with him. It was revealed that both the symbiote and Eddie survived, they continued to work as Toxin, hunting down and killing numerous criminals and gang members in their way to get revenge on Venom. In Philadelphia, Venom's new base of operations, Toxin found Thompson trying to reason with a alien-machine hybrid monster. Eddie ate the cyborg to probe a point before attacking Thompson. Using the sedative he was saving for his symbiote, Flash incapacitated Brock, who left the scene vowing a new encounter soon. Toxin tracked down Flash to the high school he now worked in, wanting to confront him, but the alien machines whose host Toxin had killed infected new people, people who were now looking for both Toxin and Venom, their new natural enemies. In order to save innocent lives, Flash convinced Brock to temporarily team-up and defeat the monsters, who were ultimately killed. Realizing he was doing good with Venom, Brock offered Flash a deal: he would let Flash live as long as he had control over the symbiote, but would mercy-kill him if he lost control. +This superhero's name is Toymaster. Their real name is Hiro Okamura. Hiro Okamura is a teenage mechanical genius from Japan. Hiro's inventions are inspired by anime and manga +This superhero's name is Tracy Strauss. Their real name is Tracy Strauss. Tracy is one in a set of triplets along with Niki Sanders and Barbara. After discovering her ability, Tracy joined forces with Arthur Petrelli's Pinehearst Company so as to give Nathan the opportunity to become President of the United States with her at his side. However, after Pinehearst's defeat, Tracy was fired by Nathan and later betrayed as he turned her information over to the US President. +This superhero's name is Trickster (CW). Their real name is James Jesse. James Jesse is a psychotic criminal who operated under the mantle of The Trickster. Considered the most dangerous thing Central City had ever seen prior to the Particle Accelerator explosion, Jesse was incarcerated in Iron Heights Prison after committing a series of terrorist attacks, in which he killed at least ten civilians and two cops. Years later, James Jesse eventually became one of The Flash's many enemies, going so far as to develop an obsession with killing the Flash, as seen with drawings on the wall of Jesse's maximum security ward. +This superhero's name is Trickster II. Their real name is Axel Walker. Axel Walker was the second villain to be called Trickster. Unlike most criminals in the DC Universe, he is a teen and he jokes around a lot. Some of his weapons are ones that he stole from the original Trickster. He is an enemy of the Flash. He is also a member of the Rogues, along with Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Pied Piper, Heat Wave, The Top, Abra Kadabra, and Golden Glider. +This superhero's name is Trickster. Their real name is Giovanni Giuseppe. James Jesse was born to the Flying Jesses, famous circus performers. He, however, was afraid of heights, and preferred reading stories of Western criminal Jesse James. He invented air-walker shoes to get rid of his acrophobia, and this led to his fame as an aerialist at the circus. However, he wanted more excitement, and became the Rogues Gallery member, the Trickster. Trickster escaped from prison when he learned that the Picture News was planning to raise $100,000 at a charity event, which he planned to steal. However, Captain Cold had done the same thing. At first competing for the money, they decided to join forces when they were pursued but not only one, but two Flashes, as Jay Garrick had briefly come out of retirement. The pair successfully made their getaway, but were later captured when the two speedsters lured them into a trap by claiming that a recently discovered meteorite contained a fortune in diamonds. However, Blue Devil convinced him to give up his criminal career to become a special effects designer. However, this was short-lived, and James was soon back to his old ways. He was brought to Neron with a plethora of other villains, only to trick the demon into being defeated by Earth's super-heroes. He later worked for the FBI. Added by Brian KurtzJesse, unhappy with his desk job at the FBI, grew bored and fell back in with the Rogues. He figured that if the government found out, he could claim that he was working undercover. When Inertia gathered them together in a plot to rob the new Flash of his speed, Trickster was among their ranks. However, the others were hesitant about including him, considering his past with the FBI. As a show of faith, he and the Pied Piper tricked a wealthy businessman into wiring his fortune to the Mirror Master and jumping into the ocean. When the Trickster realized that Piper had in fact kept the man from dying and transferred the money to a charity, he blackmailed Rathaway into transferring the money to him instead. Trickster was present at the Getty Center, where the Flash was killed. Although he had not actively taken part in the murder, he knew that he would be considered just as guilty as the rest of the Rogues. Jesse and Piper decided to work together to stay out of sight. He reluctantly went with Piper to the Flash's funeral. However, after a speech by Wonder Girl stressing the importance of capturing the Rogues, the two fled and decided and go their separate ways. Outside, they were shot by Multiplex and Deadshot. Ultimately Trickster and Piper were arrested and handcuffed together. However, the two escape, but still shackle together, and made their way to Gotham City. From there they are offered partial sanctuary by the Penguin. Unfortunately, Penguin secretly works with the Suicide Squad and turn on the two. Piper and Trickster escaped again and only to be tracked by the Question and Batwoman. Piper and Trickster immediately begin to plead with the two heroes that they personally were not responsible for the death of Bart Allen. Batwoman quickly refuse to believe their innocence and concerns in bringing them to justice. The Question however, hears their story at which point Trickster used hand-puppets of themselves and the Flash to illustrate their innocence. Batwoman became furious at the disrespect that Trickster shows, and punched him down. The Question however, believes their story, stating that they are 'too stupid to kill time' and lets them go. Trickster and Piper inadvertently made their way to Poison Ivy's greenhouse, and are captured. Deathstroke arrived and decided to use them as bait, planting a bomb on them. They are saved by the intervention of Wally West. Wally confines the two at the Green Arrow/Black Canary wedding, despite the warnings that Deathstroke is planning an all-out assault at the occasion. The two manage to escape the wedding assault, inadvertently picking up Double Down as a passenger. The trio stop at a diner in which Trickster and Piper hear out from Double Down of lesser and well known villains being disappeared. The three are tracked down by the Suicide Squad. Double Down is captured, but Piper and Trickster fortunately hid themselves with Trickster's makeshift invisibility field. The two then decide to follow the Squad while still using the invisibility field, and attempts to free the other captured villains. Once they arrived at their destination (Belle Reve), they encountered and free Two-Face, in which they learn from him that the villains are being exiled to a uncharted planet. At first the duo quickly decide to escape and offers Two-Face the chance in joining them, but he declines in a coin-flip. Having steal a vehicle from the prison, the pair then narrowly avoid capture by Deadshot. Later the two travel on train and after a valiant attempt to save their own lives and an eventual acceptance of Pied Piper's orientation, the Trickster is shot by Deadshot while trying to defend Pied Piper. Piper is left alone with the corpse of Trickster attached to him still, and is lost in the Mexican desert with his dead companion. As Piper travel across the desert he starts to hallucinate in which that Trickster still talks to him. Piper eventually chops off the hand of Trickster after carrying his corpse as far as he can. While most of Trickster's body remained on Earth, his hand took the trip with Pied Piper to Apokolips. There, the hand fell into Apokolips after being separated from Piper. The planet then seemed to explode after Piper played his swan song for Trickster. +This superhero's name is Trigon. Their real name is . +This superhero's name is Triplicate Girl. Their real name is Luornu Durgo. Luornu Durgo is the only survivor of a worldwide disaster on her home world, Cargg. She has no memory of the events before the disaster. When she met a predator, she discovered that she had the ability to split into three, and then six, and then nine etc. Each of herself could remerge and share knowledge as well. She rebuilt Cargg and then discovered the upper limit of her power when she repopulated Cargg. Three of herselves were chosen as a delegation to the fledgling United Planets. Those three quickly joined the first wave of Legionnaires sharing many adventures along the way. When she returned to Cargg, her other selves refused to remerge with her because that she had changed to much, both in her biochemistry (which had adapted to an alien diet), and her viewpoints. She has/have gone on dates with Sun Boy, Element Lad and Ultra Boy (which ended up badly because each of herself had gone on a different date at the same time). +This superhero's name is Triton. Their real name is Triton. Triton is the eldest of two sons born to the Inhuman priest and philosopher Mander and his wife, Azur. Triton was exposed to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist when he was a year old and emerged with a number of aquatic mutations. No longer able to breathe air, the young Triton was raised in a specially designed alcove on the shore of the island of Attilan. Triton's mother, a biologist, undertook the study of ocean life so she could better understand and care for her son. Eventually, a cumbersome breathing apparatus was designed to enable Triton to survive out of water for extended periods. This apparatus was refined and miniaturized by Maximus some years later. Triton's mother died during an undersea mishap when he was 14. At 18, he became a scout for the Inhumans, keeping watch over human oceangoing traffic in the vicinity. When sailors captured Triton, Black Bolt decided that Attilan was in danger of human discovery. Subsequently, the city was moved twice -- first to the Himalayas, then to the Moon -- neither site close to water. Triton now occupies his time exploring the ancient subterranean water tunnels beneath the moon's Blue City. He occasionally teleports to Earth under Lockjaw's power to swim the oceans and renew old acquaintances, such as his friendship with Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner. With Black Bolt and the rest of his cousins, Triton wandered the Earth in search of their fellow Inhuman, Medusa. They soon found her after Gorgon was sent by Maximus to bring her back, and Triton was with the group as they discovered the Human Torch in their hidden base alongside Crystal. He and Gorgon fought with Johnny, who eventually escaped and alerted the rest of the Fantastic Four. Then, with the rest of the Inhumans, Triton joined in a battle atop New York’s buildings against the Fantastic Four. But Mister Fantastic quickly discovered his suit of water that kept him submerged and tore it open. Triton was forced to flee the battle and dive off the New York docks, only to be shortly captured by the Seeker, who had also been sent to bring the Inhumans back to Attilan. When the Seeker captured the android Dragon Man, the Fantastic Four followed his trail to discover his ship. But the Dragon Man awoke too soon, and, finding himself chained, broke free and went on a rampage, destroying the water globe that the Seeker held Triton within. While the Human Torch and the Thing left to chase the Dragon Man, Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Girl stayed behind and used Sue’s powers to save Triton before he expired in the air. But the Seeker soon claimed him under Inhuman law and Reed was forced to give him up to be returned to Attilan. Shortly afterwards, Black Bolt and the rest of the Inhumans returned to Attilan and Black Bolt tore his crown from his brother, Maximus. Maximus then revealed to Triton and the Seeker that he was setting off his atmo-gun, which would kill all the humans on Earth, leaving only the Inhumans to rule the planet. But the machine didn’t work and Medusa announced what it revealed: that the Inhumans were of the same race as the humans. This drove Maximus insane, and he reversed his atmo-gun, sealing Triton and the rest of the Inhumans in a Negative Zone that surrounded Attilan. In his stint in complete madness, Maximus created circulators that would pump saline into Triton’s blood, allowing him to breathe air like other Inhumans. Later, Black Bolt was forced to use his powerful voice to destroy the shield that surrounded Attilan and the Inhumans were freed. Then the Council of Elders decreed that the royal family should split up and go into the human world, which Black Bolt agreed to, and they dispersed to go amongst the humans. When Reed Richards was trapped in the Negative Zone, floating towards certain death in the form of the Explosive Belt around Earth, Crystal implored Black Bolt to help him. Black Bolt sent Triton back with her as his underwater abilities would let him navigate in the zero gravity of the Negative Zone. He used his air-gun to propel himself to save Reed and take him back through the portal; but the alien Blastaar followed them. Triton attacked Blastaar when he made his presence known, but the Sandman blinded him and Blastaar knocked him unconscious with one punch. Soon, Reed managed to heal him in a tank of water, back to his full strength. Before too long, Maximus had recovered and used his scientific genius to capture the Inhuman royal family and retake Attilan. However, Black Bolt soon used his powerful voice to break them free and send Maximus scurrying to a hidden rocket. He left Earth with the Inhuman Royal Family to prevent the Kree subjugation of the Inhumans, and battled various aliens. He battled Kree agents, and returned to Earth and battled the Kree agent, the Pursuer. He battled the Hulk alongside the Royal Family. Triton participated in the Inhuman exodus when Attilan was relocated to Earth's Moon. He grappled with the Avengers under Maximus's mind control. He accompanied Medusa to Earth when she fled Attilan to avoid compulsory abortion by order of the Genetic Council. Triton battled mutated aquatic life caused by toxic waste. Triton maintains a friendship with Namor the Sub-Mariner, and has occasionally been involved in stories with Marvel's other ocean-dwelling characters. He had pivotal roles in major crossover stories such as the Kree-Skrull War,[issue # needed] and Atlantis Attacks. Triton has expressed discontent to Black Panther and Storm when they visit Attilan's current moon location. He reveals that several underground chambers have been flooded for his benefit, but it is just not the same. During the Secret Invasion storyline, the Inhuman royal family forges an alliance with the Kree to recover Black Bolt from the Skrulls' clutches. Together, they discover a weakness in the Skrull's defense and split up to recover the resources to exploit it. Triton is sent to the all-water planet Pelagia where he encounters a race of mermen-like beings that closely resemble him in appearance. He develops feelings for the native Dascylla. Although outnumbered by the hostile Pelagians, Triton manages to overcome them and find what he came for. Triton's breathing harness is then upgraded by the Kree allowing him to operate in the vacuum of space thus enabling him to physically attack the Skrulls' ship during the rescue. +This superhero's name is True Form Oblivion. Their real name is Oblivion. +This superhero's name is Tsunade. Their real name is . Tsunade is a descendant of the Senju clan and one of Konohagakure's Sannin; famed as the world's strongest kunoichi and its greatest medical-nin. The repeated loss of her loved ones caused Tsunade to develop a crippling fear of blood and she would later abandon the life of a shinobi for many years. She is eventually persuaded to return to Konoha and take on the mantle of Fifth Hokage, where her skills prove invaluable to the village. +This superhero's name is Turbo II. Their real name is Mike Jeffries. id='history' +This superhero's name is Two-Face. Their real name is Harvey Dent. Gotham City District Attorney Harvey Dent was nicknamed "Apollo" by the media, because he was charming, good-looking and seemingly untouchable. He was dedicated to his job of upholding law and order, and became one of the first supporters, allies and even friends of the Batman. At the time of his job as D.A., the worst criminal threat in Gotham was nigh omnipotent mafia boss Carmine Falcone, "The Roman." He forged a triumvirate with Batman and Commissioner James Gordon to bring the man down within the law, no matter what the cost. His slightly angrier temperament led Batman and Gordon to distrust him slightly, believing there was a possibility he might be the mysterious "Holiday" killer who was gunning down mob members at the time. The alliance ended tragically when Sal Maroni, believing Dent to be responsible for the death of his father, threw acid in his face during a trial. Harvey was horribly scarred on the left side of his face and his left hand. Harvey escaped from the hospital and descended into madness. He became obsessed with duality and opposites, and developed a second persona, the villainous Two-Face, to compliment the law & order obsessed Harvey Dent. As Two-Face, his trademark was crimes involving the number two. His obsession even shows in his clothes, which are usually composed of two halves made out of very different materials. He carries a double-sided coin with one side scarred at all times. In the aftermath of the earthquake that left Gotham City in shambles during the events of "Cataclysm," Two-Face kidnapped Commissioner Gordon and put him on trial for his actions during No Man's Land, with Two-Face as both judge and prosecutor. Gordon played upon Two-Face's split psyche to demand Harvey Dent as his defense attorney. Harvey Dent cross-examined Two-Face and won an acquittal of Gordon. It was also during this time that Two-Face met GCPD detective Renée Montoya. Montoya was able to reach the Harvey persona in Two-Face, and was kind to him. He fell in love with her, though the romance was one-sided. After the earthquake that ravaged Gotham, Two-Face outed her as a lesbian and framed her for murder, hoping that if he took everything from her she would be left with no choice but to be with him. Montoya was furious, and the two fought for control of his gun until Batman intervened, putting Two-Face back in Arkham Asylum. A short time later, Two-Face met the brilliant surgeon, Dr. Thomas Elliot. Although Elliot specialized in neurosurgery, he was competent enough to repair Harvey's face via plastic surgery. [1] Harvey Dent's sanity was restored, and the menacing "Two-Face" persona seemed to be gone forever. Thomas Elliot was also the villain known as Hush, and he had hoped to manipulate Harvey into acting as one of his many pawns in a campaign against Batman. With renewed sanity, Harvey stood by the side of law and order and betrayed Hush, catching him in enough time to save Batman's life, and shooting him into the Gotham river.[2] Having regained his trust, Dent was trained and conditioned by Batman to act as Gotham's primary vigilante protector when he, Robin and Nightwing all took a one-year hiatus to train during the Lost Year.[3] When Batman returned, a series of murders occurred implicating Harvey and involving Two-Face's M.O.. When confronted on the issues by Batman, in his anger at being distrusted, the Two-Face persona resurfaced, and talked Dent into scarring his face and returning to his life of crime. Harvey Dent has returned to the Two-Face identity and committing crimes. Two-Face is not consistently evil; every time he contemplates a crime, he flips his two-headed coin. Only if the coin came up scratched-side did Two-Face go ahead and commit the crime, never questioning the result of the toss. This compulsion is a compromise between Dent's evil "Two-Face" personality and his former, law-abiding self. Over the years, he has been shown to rely on the coin to different degrees. Sometimes to decide whether or not to commit a crime, sometimes to decide whether or not to do something good, like save someone. He will even go out of his way to do good deeds if the coin mandates. In the questionable "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" one-shot, the doctors at Arkham were shown to have weened him off of the coin, and onto a die, then a pack of tarot cards. With the die, instead of only good and evil, he is given six different options, and with the tarot, seventy-eight. Two-Face is shown to be completely dependent, and is unable to even decide to go to the bathroom before sorting through the cards, wetting himself. During Countdown, when he is being deported to the "Hell Planet" along with the other villains in Salvation Run, Pied Piper and the Trickster offer to break him out of Belle Reve after defeating his escorting guards. Two-Face flips the coin, and it comes up un-scarred, so he declines, and instead simply waits patiently in the middle of the hallway for more guards to show up. Over the years, various attempts have been made to repair his facial scars, but none have successfully cured his insanity long term; although he has briefly returned to his Dent persona, he has ended up simply destroying one side of his face and becoming Two-Face once again. +This superhero's name is Typhoid Mary (MCU). Their real name is Mary Walker. Mary Walker is a private investigator, mercenary and former special ops soldier with the United States Army who had been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which manifest mainly into two distinct personalities, the naïve Mary and the ruthless Walker. Walker was recruited by Joy Meachum along with Davos in investigate and capture Danny Rand. However, her Mary persona befriended Rand and insisted upon helping him. Walker's struggles with her identity eventually led her to discovering her third mysterious alter while also choosing to betray and attempting to assassinate Davos who she had just deemed to be far too dangerous to be allowed to live. +This superhero's name is Typhoid Mary. Their real name is Mary Walker. Mary Walker's parents constantly argued with one another before she was born. After her birth, her father began molesting her in her crib. One night, when her father came into her room to molest her again, Mary retreated deeply into her mind and a second personality emerged to attack her father. After that her father never touched her again.Mary's need to protect herself led to her second persona developing latent mutant powers of mind control, telepathy, and pyrokinesis. Mary eventually ended up in a mental institution, where her dissociative identity disorder was identified, but the source of her powers were not. As a child, Mary was sweet and cooperative, but was sickly and prone to epilepsy. She was also unaware of her second persona, which in contrast was violent and uncontrollable. Her second persona was dubbed "Typhoid," because she ran a constant fever. Typhoid eventually escaped the facility, bringing Mary with her. Mary started a career in acting and became a well know actress before disappearing. It was assumed Typhoid destroyed Mary's acting carrier. She eventually worked as a prostitute in a brothel, this is where she first met Matt Murdock, before he became Daredevil. He was there to attack a villain at the brothel where Mary worked. To his surprise, the girls working there defended him. In a moment of panic, he lashed out against the women, knocking Mary out the window. At that moment, Mary vowed that she would never allow a man to hurt her again. She became Typhoid Mary. +This superhero's name is Uatu the Guardian. Their real name is . This is the Amalgam Universe combination of a Guardians of the Universe (DC)and Uatu the Watcher (Marvel). Uatu the Guardian is a member of one of the oldest races of beings in the universe, dating back to its origins. They posses vast cosmic powers, but have taken a vow not to intervene with the dealings of the universe. It is possible that these Guardians have some connection to the hero Iron Lantern, or Oa, the Living Planet. It is also possible that there exists a rebel Guardian who works in conflict with the others, just as DC's Guardians have one rogue, Krona, and Marvel's Watchers have the rogue Watcher Aron. Uatu is also responsible for framing Hal Jordan for killing Sinestro, a fellow member of the Starbrand Corps. While the Corps searched for Hal, Uatu killed the other members one by one, leaving Hal the last. But when he tried to kill Hal, he was met by the Speed Demon, who seemingly destroyed him for his crimes. Uatu survives and later claims to have regained his sanity. It is Uatu who warns the Challengers of the Fantastic of the coming of Galactiac to Earth, thus breaking his vow of non-interference. Uatu sent one of Johnny 'Red' Storm's stormtrooper clones inside of Galactiac that was controlled with Johnny's mind. From the inside, Galactiac was defeated. +This superhero's name is Ubu. Their real name is Ubu. Ubu is the name given to several men who act as the loyal manservant of eco-terrorist Ra's al Ghul. The origin and first person to became Ubu remains unknown, since Ra's has had many servants through the centuries. +This superhero's name is Ultimo. Their real name is Doomsday Device. Ultimo was a robotic construct which was developed several thousand years ago on an unknown world. At some point in the past (probably in the early-mid 19th century) Ultimo attacked the planet Rajak and wiped it clean of life. A group of surviving Rajaki were off-planet during the attack, and hunted Ultimo down for what he had done. However, the giant robot proved too powerful for the Rajaki, and it was Ultimo who ended up pursuing them. The Rajaki led Ultimo into a meteor shower near Earth; the meteors knocked both Ultimo and the Rajaki ship to Earth. Ultimo crashed in China, and the Rajaki ship in what would become Washington State. The Mandarin eventually discovered Ultimo and altered his programming to suit his needs. He claimed that Ultimo was his own creation; the only thing, however, that the Mandarin actually created (besides the different programming) was an artificial grey skin for the robot. Mandarin utilized Ultimo numerous times against Iron Man, including once in the nation’s capitol, Washington D.C. During that battle, Iron Man trapped Ultimo beneath the Earth’s crust. As a result, the robot meandered through the planet’s magma absorbing an enormous amount of energy. Years later, while Iron Man was in battle with a rock-like creature dubbed the Earthmover near Mt. Acheron in California, Ultimo re-emerged sans his blue skin, significantly taller and much more powerful. He vaporized the Earthmover and destroyed a remote unit Iron Man, and then went about destroying anything in his path. Jim Rhodes cobbled together several of Tony Stark’s closest confidantes to wear old suits of Iron Man armor in order to meet the Ultimo threat. This group was dubbed “The Iron Legion” and proved successful only in slowing down the behemoth robot. It took Tony Stark in a new suit of Iron Man armor to figure out how to stop it; he planted a device on Ultimo’s back which caused lightning to strike it, thereby shutting down all of its systems. Ultimo remained in the possession of Stark Enterprises, and then eventually the new Stark-Fujikawa. Tony Stark was not part of the latter company and hence had no say (nor knowledge) of that company’s plan to use Ultimo as a floating power source. He was quite dismayed when he discovered what had become of the dangerous robot. However, his protests were met with deaf ears by his cousin Morgan Stark, now part of Stark-Fujikawa. Sometime later, two entities known as Sapper and Golden-Blade attacked the Stark-Fujikawa craft which laid atop Ultimo, attempting to siphon energy from it. Their attack unknowingly reactivated Ultimo, even as Sapper – who turned out to be the sole-surviving Rajaki – realized what the Stark-Fujikawa ship really was. Once awakened, Ultimo probed Sapper’s mind, learned who he was, and then continued to pursue that which he originally did before he crashed to Earth – the Rajaki starship. The major problem was that the city of Spokane, Washington laid right in Ultimo’s path. Eventually, Iron Man placed a systems tap on Ultimo which permitted him to access the robot’s internal programming. He ordered Ultimo to stop and shut down, and after a few unsuccessful tries, Ultimo finally ceased his advance and deactivated. SHIELD arrived and began to disassemble the giant android, after Goldenblade and Sapper had siphoned enough energy from the fallen destroyer to re-power their ship - "accidentally" frying his neural network in the process. Ultimo was separated out into several parts - His body, his brain and his software - and studied by, among others, the Human Engineering Life Laboratories who attempted to weaponize the giant android. They discovered his basic nature is liquid rather than solid, and proceeded to infect human subjects with him, temporarily turning them into miniature Ultimos. Having destroyed two components of the giant, War Machine (James Rhodes) caught up with Morgan Stark who, in an attempt to get out from under the shadow of his cousin, imbibed the liquid form of Ultimo to become a new giant destroyer. His will proved too weak, however (or insufficiently evil) and with the help of Norman Osborn of all people, War Machine managed to neutralize the now-liquid, shapeless and mentally blank robot. Suzi Endo, the Cybermancer, was charged with teaching the mindless, but functional Ultimo a new way to live. Several 'prototype Ultimos' have appeared, presumably based on what was gleaned from studying the inert robot. +This superhero's name is Ultragirl. Their real name is Tsu-Zana. Little is known of the childhood of Suzy Sherman apart from that she was raised in California but her father Toby Sherman, and her mother. In her teen years, Suzy was struggling model in Southern California. Since she was rapidly developing muscles and the agencies thought she was too "buff" to be a model. On an audition, Suzy was suddenly attacked by a Sentinel, a left-over minion from Onslaught. The Sentinel implied that she was actually a mutant Kree-Warrior, though her exact origins are still unclear today. Reporters who saw the fight between Suzy and the Sentinel ran to interview her. During the interview she kept using the term "Ultra", which led to the press dubbing her "Ultra Girl". Suzy began to receive endorsements, and thought that being Ultra Girl was her ticket to stardom, so she and her friends designed a costume from sports apparel she had received from past modeling jobs.One of Suzy's friends, Amber, tried to convince her to abandon the superhero idea, but Ultra Girl was set on it, even fighting against the villain, Effex, alongside the New Warriors. Together the Warriors and Ultra Girl defeated Effex. After a mission with the Warriors, Ultra Girl learned that Amber was in fact "Ambra", a Kree agent sent to Earth to watch Suzy, whose real name was Tsu-Zana, discovered her friend Amber & other locals were secretly Kree and that they expected her to serve as Kree messiah. Ambra also informed Suzy that many of her friends (even her childhood doctor) were Kree. It was said in the Kree writings that Tsu-Zana was to be the Ultimate Unifier, so she could eventually restore glory to the Kree Empire. They asked her to abandon her superhero career, as to not draw attention to the Kree. Civil WarThe honor of working with the New Warriors is now haunting her, as the Warriors are blamed for an explosion in Stamford which caused the death of hundreds of people, including children. Ultra Girl is one of the New Warriors whose civilian identities were publicly outed on an Anti-New Warriors website. Teaming with the remaining Warriors and She-Hulk, they shut down the website and discovered it was in fact run by former Warrior, Hindsight. Ultra-Girl was a member of Captain America's Secret Avengers. She was seen among the super-heroes rescuing Captain America during Tony Stark and Steve Roger's private meeting to make one more attempt at settling their differences. After the end of the war, she decided to comply with the Superhuman Registration Act. Post Civil WarUltra Girl is now part of the Initiative. Sherman is seen on the bus of registered trainees headed for Stamford. Ultra Girl is injured while fighting the forces of HYDRA. She later accompanies Rage, Hardball, Cloud 9, Komodo, Triathlon, Thor Girl, and Slapstick to fight the Hulk. It has also been revealed that she and Justice have started a relationship. +This superhero's name is Ultron (Final Form). Their real name is . At the peak of his powers and after destroying all human resistance to his rule, Ultron reigned supreme over the Earth. He was confronted by Kang the Conqueror, who relished in the challenge of confronting the most powerful Ultron in recorded history. Kang failed to defeat Ultron, and returned time and time again with new allies to overwhelm the robot overlord. Kang's repeated abuse of the time stream eventually caused it to fracture altogether, threatening reality as a whole. +This superhero's name is Unicron. Their real name is Unicron. Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother Primus. Also known as the Lord of Chaos, the Chaos Bringer, and the Planet Eater, he is dedicated to consuming the multiverse. His massive form is powered by the consumption of planets, moons, stars, and even the very fabric of existence. Unicron will not be sated until his ultimate goal is attained: to bring an end to the annoying creation boasting independence around him, and find peace by becoming the living center of a swirling, infinite torrent of nothingness at the end of all things. To undertake this seemingly overwhelming task, Unicron is able to travel across realities at will, a meandering plague upon existence itself. Integrated into his systems are incomprehensible quantum computers which calculate probabilities forward and backwards in time, in perpetuity, giving his processors an ever changing, evolving map of the multiverse. With these abilities at his disposal, Unicron has thus far devoured approximately 22.56% of known universes. Seen at a detached distance from the multiverse, this collective "Unicron Phenomenon" acts with the characteristics of a virus or plague seeping through reality, succeeding where it can, retreating when it cannot. Various permutations of Unicron can spawn into existence outside the trappings of the larger entity, hailing from a more mundane origin but possessing the same consumptive traits. For much of multiversal history, the singularity Unicron threatened all of existence, but now, that is no longer the case, versions of Unicron being restricted to their own dimensions. The only thing that he fears is Primus's essence, contained inside the Matrix. To a being of chaos and uncreation, this font of life is a poison. Frequently, Unicron will make deals with lesser beings, promising them vast new powers in exchange for their servitude. These minions are sometimes stripped entirely of their free will, but others follow him willingly. Service to Unicron, however, is a double-edged sword, for it causes insanity and loss of self. And in the end, Unicron's plans ultimately call for their consumption as well. +This superhero's name is Union Jack. Their real name is Lord James Montgomery Falsworth. Lord Montgomery Falsworth was a British nobleman who became a secret costumed operative for the British government during World War I. Clad in a costume resembling the British flag, the Union Jack personified the fighting spirit of Great Britain even as Captain America would symbolize America's ideals and fighting spirit during World War II. As the British government intended, the mysterious masked figure of Union Jack also struck terror into the minds of the Germans, who came to dread his one-man commando-style actions against them. In the later days of World War I, Union Jack often operated as a member of a team of costumed operatives from America, Britain and France, known as Freedom's Five, who battled the Germans. Towards the very end of the war, Union Jack had grown disillusioned with war due to the bloodshed he had witnessed. In one of his final wartime missions, Union Jack was assigned by British Prime Minister David Lloyd George to investigate a series of murders of prominent British subjects, many of them important military leaders. Union Jack finally found the culprit, the vampire Baron Blood, who served the German cause. Unknown to Union Jack, the masked Baron Blood was actually his own younger brother, John Falsworth. Union Jack fought the vampire and stabbed him with a silver blade, forcing him to flee and thereby thwarting Baron Blood's attempt to murder a leading member of Parliament. A few weeks later, World War I ended and Union Jack was officially retired from active service by the British Government. Montgomery Falsworth eventually married, had two children, Brian and Jacqueline, and came to lead the life of a peaceful country squire. In 1938, Lord Falsworth was outraged at British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin's policy of appeasement towards Adolf Hitler's German regime. Falsworth's son Brian, however, was an isolationist and pacifist and disagreed with Lord Falsworth's views. The arguments between the two grew more heated as time passed, until finally Brian left home because of them. Shortly afterwards, the Germans released photographs showing Brian Falsworth and his best friend Roger Aubrey with Hitler himself; both Brian and Aubrey publicly supported appeasement of Hitler's regime while they were in Germany. Lord Falsworth was appalled and saddened by this development. War between Britain and Germany broke out, and his wife, Lady Falsworth, died in the Blitz of 1941,when a German bomb fell on a London hospital where she was doing volunteer work. Early in World War II, Brian Falsworth and Roger Aubrey tried to leave Germany. The Nazi government was unwilling to risk the possibility that Falsworth and Aubrey would reverse their anti-war positions, and a Gestapo chief in Hamburg, Germany, tore up their passports. Falsworth lost his temper and attacked the Gestapo chief, only to be imprisoned. Aubrey then became violent and was likewise made a prisoner, but he was finally turned over to the Institute of Nazi Science, where he was brainwashed and subjected to experiments that transformed him into Dyna-Mite, a man less than a foot tall. Brian Falsworth was imprisoned in Hamburg in the same cell as the German biochemist Eric Schmitt, who had concocted a variant of the Super-Soldier formula that was used to turn Steve Rogers into Captain America. Dying, Schmitt asked Falsworth to keep the sample of the formula he had concealed on his person from falling into Nazi hands. Falsworth took the disguised flask, drank its contents, and was immediately physically enhanced by the formula. Falsworth escaped the prison and became a costumed fighter of Nazis within Germany itself known as the Destroyer. In England in 1942, Lord Falsworth and his daughter Jacqueline befriended the Invaders, a team of costumed champions serving the Allied cause much as Freedom's Five had done during World War I.Lord Falsworth again donned the costume of Union Jack in order to help the Invaders battle the returned Baron Blood, and was made an Invader himself.[3] However, in a battle between Union Jack and Baron Blood in a cave beneath the Falsworth estate, the vampire hurled a massive boulder at Union Jack, crushing his legs and leaving him permanently crippled. Union Jack managed to pry the boulder off his legs, causing the huge rock to strike Baron Blood, knocking him backwards. The vampire fell onto a sharp stalagmite, which impaled his body, killing him. Lord Falsworth's career as Union Jack was over, but as a result of being bitten by Baron Blood and then receiving a blood transfusion from the original Human Torch, Falsworth's daughter Jacqueline became the superhumanly powerful Spitfire and joined the Invaders herself. Lord Falsworth, Spitfire, and Dyna-Mite parachuted into Nazi Germany in the hope of finding a means of restoring the brainwashed Dyna-Mite's memory. Lord Falsworth knew that Dyna-Mite was Roger Aubrey and hoped that once Aubrey's memory was restored, he could reveal what happened to Brian Falsworth. Lord Falsworth and Dyna-Mite were captured by the Germans but were rescued by the Destroyer, who revealed his true identity to his father and was reconciled with him. Lord Falsworth suggested that Brian adopt the costume and name of Union Jack, and Brian agreed. The second Union Jack was still a member of the Invaders when World War II ended on the European front. Brian Falsworth became a member of the V-Battalion after the war until he died in an automobile accident in 1953. Lord Falsworth financially supported the V-Battalion after the war, and apparently continued to do so even after Brian's death. Lord Falsworth hoped that Jacqueline's son, Kenneth Crichton, would become the third Union Jack, but Kenneth did not wish to do so. In later years, the then extremely-elderly Lord Falsworth suspected that a series of "slasher" murders in the vicinity of Falsworth Manor were the work of a secretly resurrected Baron Blood, whom he now knew to be his brother John. Lord Falsworth summoned his former Invader colleague Captain America to England to stop the vampire. Lord Falsworth's suspicions proved to be correct, and he desperately wished he could become Union Jack again in order to end his brother's evil forever. Finally, Lord Falsworth donned his Union Jack costume again, planning to serve as bait to lure his vengeance-seeking brother out of hiding so that Captain America could defeat him. Lord Falsworth then suffered a heart attack, but Captain America carried forth his basic plan, with Kenneth Crichton's friend Joseph Chapman disguised in the Union Jack costume. Chapman, as Union Jack, battled Baron Blood, but it was Captain America who finally slew the vampire by beheading him, thereby ending his vampiric life permanently. Lord Falsworth died quietly while watching the burning of Baron Blood's remains, knowing that his brother's evil had been overcome at last. Joseph Chapman has continued to operate as the third Union Jack, carrying on the noble tradition of both Montgomery and Brian Falsworth. +This superhero's name is Ursa Major. Their real name is Mikhail Ursus. Russian mutants were deemed as a threat and were to be killed as soon as their mutation was discovered. However, Professor Pieter Phobos was able to convince the Soviet government to allow him to train them as potential agents loyal to the government. His real motive, however, was to use them to gain power for himself. Ursa Major was one of the first trainees along with Darkstar and Vanguard. As part of the Soviet Super Soldiers, they investigated a radioactive area along with the Hulk. They discovered Phobos was attempting to irradiate the USSR to provide more mutants for him to feed off of. Phobos was defeated, and the three mutants vowed they would not serve the government without question. +This superhero's name is Utgard-Loki. Their real name is . Utgard-Loki is monarch of the Frost Giants, who for millennia have been the enemies of the gods of Asgard. The Frost Giants dwell in Jotunheim, a realm of ice, snow, and cold, which lies in a dimension other than that of Earth. Jotunheim is one of the "Nine Worlds" of Asgardian cosmology. Utgard-Loki defeated Thor, prince of Asgard, in an encounter as yet unrecorded outside the Norse myths. More recently, Utgard-Loki learned of the disappearance of Odin, monarch of Asgard, and planned to take this opportunity to conquer Asgard. As a first step, Utgard-Loki and his Frost Giants invaded Nornheim and captured its ruler, the sorceress Karnilla, a sometime ally of Asgard. Utgard-Loki used his enchanted dust to turn the other inhabitants of Nornheim to stone, and forced Karnilla, who was prevented from using her powers by magic shackles, to work as a slave in his fortress. Thus Utgard-Loki deprived Asgard of a potential ally, and he planned to eliminate Asgard's other allies as well until Asgard would be forced to stand alone against invasion by Jotunheim. Karnilla's lover, Balder the Brave, one of Asgard's leading warriors, went to Jotunheim to rescue her. Using his newly developed power to radiate light and heat, Balder melted the fortress of Utgard-Loki, which had been constructed from ice, and reduced Utgard-Loki and his fellow giants to tiny size. Balder freed Karnilla, took her back to Nornheim, and then returned to Asgard, where soon afterward, he was made Odin's successor as monarch of Asgard. But whether or not Utgard-Loki will remain in greatly reduced size remains to be seen, and the Frost Giants will soon launch a new attack against Asgard. +This superhero's name is V. Their real name is . The background and identity of V is largely unknown. He is at one point an inmate at the infamous "Larkhill Resettlement Camp", one of, if not the worst of many concentration camps where political prisoners, homosexuals, Jews, Pakistanis, Muslims and probably all non-Europeans are exterminated by Britain's new fascist regime, Norsefire. While there, he is part of a group of prisoners who are subjected to horrific medical experimentation, conducted by Dr. Delia Surridge, involving artificially-designed hormone injection. Lewis Prothero is the camp's commandant, and a paedophile priest, Father Anthony Lilliman, is at the camp to lend "spiritual support". All prisoners so injected soon die under gruesome circumstances, with the sole exception of "the man in room five" ("V" in Roman numerals). Although there is nothing physically wrong with him, Surridge theorizes that his mind had been warped by the experimentation. Still, his actions seem to maintain a twisted logic to them. The experiments actually yield some beneficial results: he develops Olympic-level reflexes, increased strength, and incredibly expanded mental capacity (as demonstrated consistently throughout the novel, V is a genius in the fields of explosives, martial arts, philosophy, literature, politics, computer hacking and chemistry). +This superhero's name is Vagabond. Their real name is Priscilla Lyons. Priscilla Lyons was in Kentucky hitchhiking to Miami, Florida when she was picked up by Jack Monroe, who is also the costumed crimefighter Nomad, who was passing through on his motorcycle. Priscilla told Monroe that she was going to Miami to find her brother Phil, who she feared had become involved with dangerous criminals in the illegal drug trade. Monroe promised to find and rescue Phil for her. Monroe learned that Phil Lyons was in the employ of Ulysses X. Lugman, alias the Slug, the head Of Miami's illegal drug trade. Monroe managed to get a job working aboard Lugman's yacht and told Phil Lyons that Pricilla had sent him to bring him home. But Phil said he was happy working for Lugman and did not want to be 'rescued.' Phil Lyons then informed his superiors about Monroe, injected him with a hypodermic needle containing drugs, and threw him overboard to drown. However, worried that she had not heard from Monroe in three weeks, Pricilla Lyons had contacted his occasional partner, Captain America. Captain America rescued Monroe from drowning, and together they battled the Slug and his men aboard the yacht. Nomad set the boat on fire, but he, Captain America, and the Slug all escaped. So too, apparently did Phil Lyons, whose current whereabouts and activities are unknown. Months later, Nomad and Priscilla Lyons arrived at the mansion owned by the former costumed wrestler Demolition-Man in the Santa Monica Mountains of California. Priscilla and Jack Monroe wore now lovers, and she had adopted the masked identity of Vagabond. However, she had no special skills that would qualify her to be an effective adventurer or crimefighter, she seemed merely to be tagging along with her lover on his adventures. Steve Rogers, the original Captain America, had temporarily abandoned that particular costumed identity. For a time Rogers, calling himself simply the Captain, worked alongside Nomad, Demolition-Man, and another crimefighter, the Falcon. The Captain insisted that Vagabond refrain from active participation in the team's battles against criminals. However, Demolition-Man began training Vagabond in hand-to-hand combat and gymnastics. To her own astonishment, Vagabond even succeeded in defeating the Black Racer, a member of the Serpent Society, by tickling her into helplessness. Nomads grew jealous and angry over the amount of time that Vagabond spent with Demolition-Man, although in actuality Vagabond and Demolition-Man were no more than friends to each other. Finally, the relationship between Jack Monroe and Priscilla Lyons came to an end. Priscilla Lyons went to see Curtiss Jackson, the head of Power Broker, Inc., in the hope of receiving his treatment to gain superhuman strength so that she could become more effective as a costumed adventurer. While she was speaking with Jackson, he came under attack from another of the costumed vigilantes known as Scourge. Hoping to gain enough strength to defend himself from Scourge, Jackson submitted himself to the strength enhancement treatment, knowing full well that in fifty percent of the cases it had terrible side effects. The treatment enlarged Jackson's musculature to such an extent that he was no longer able to move. Jackson was taken into custody by the police and placed in the Los Angeles County Hospital. Priscilla Lyons was then captured by Dr. Karl Malus, Jackson's chief scientist. Malus intended to take over the operations of Power Broker, Inc., but the safe containing Jackson's most important files could only be opened through the use of his fingerprints. Hence, since he believed that Jackson would trust Lyons, Malus gave her an 'epidermold' made of a malleable putty-like material and demanded that she take an impression of Jackson's hand. Malus warned her that if she refused or betrayed Malus, he would have her brutally injured by some of his superhumanly strong henchmen. Malus placed a bracelet on her arm that she could not remove and through which he could monitor what she said. Guilt-ridden at the idea of betraying the faith of the now helpless Jackson, Lyons nonetheless went to his hospital room and took the impression of his hand. She then contacted Malus, demanding that he meet her alone in the hospital lobby with the key to the bracelet. Malus agreed, but on meeting her tried to inject her with a hypodermic needle whose contents are unknown. Lyons knocked Malus unconscious, injected him with the needle, put the bracelet on him, left him in a stall in the ladies' room, and had hospital security notified he was there. She left the hospital, and phoned the costumed adventurer known as the U.S. Agent to tell him where to pick up Malus's henchmen. She then crushed the putty-like ball with Jackson's handprint, rendering it useless. Priscilla Lyons' current whereabouts and activities are unknown. +This superhero's name is Valerie Cooper. Their real name is Dr. Valerie Cooper. Dr. Valerie Cooper, a Special Assistant to the United States President's National Security Advisor, is perhaps the most important figure in the United States government's ongoing efforts to cope with the growing number of superhuman beings in the nation. Dr. Cooper's primary concern is the danger that she believes superhuman mutants pose to the United States. Cooper recognizes that superhuman mutants are emerging throughout the world and that both governments and private interests have begun to exploit their abilities. She believes that superhuman mutants in the employ of unfriendly powers could wreak havoc with the national security of the United States. Hence, she wants the United States government to be able to protect itself against superhuman mutants and to strike back against them if necessary. She sees the United States as engaged in the equivalent of an 'arm race' with other nations to find and develop an effective corps of superhuman mutants of its own before they do. Furthermore, Dr. Cooper disapproves of the activities of superhuman crimefighters who do not have the approval of the United States government. Hence, Dr. Cooper is a supporter of the Mutant Power Registration Act, (passed in the later 1980's) which requires mutants possessing superhuman powers to register them with the federal government. Thus, the government will be able to keep track of those mutants who register. The government later repealed the Act after there was many public outcries against it. Mystique, leader of the second Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, approached Cooper with the proposal of offering the Brotherhood's services as government operatives. Cooper accepted Mystique's offer, and the Brotherhood then operated under government auspices as Freedom Force, which Cooper supervised. She was involved in the Commission's demand of ownership over the identity and property of 'Captain America.' She supervised the recruitment and training of the fifth Captain America (now known as US Agent) and his partner Battlestar. Ultimately, the former Captain America revealed this to be a plot by his archenemy, the Red Skull, and he was reinstated as Captain America. Dr. Cooper who, acting on behalf of the government, commissioned the inventor, Forge, to devise means to detecting superhuman powers. When the majority of Freedom Force was caught or compromised after a mission to Kuwait during the Gulf War, the Freedom Force project was abandoned. About the same time, the villainous Shadow King mentally controlled Cooper. For reasons unclear, the Shadow King ordered Cooper to shoot Mystique. Through force of will, however, Cooper managed to turn the gun on herself at the last minute. Mystique contacted espionage agent Nick Fury who helped cover up to truth, and for a while Mystique impersonated Cooper while the world believed her dead. During the impersonation, Mystique had herself hypnotized to believe herself to be Cooper so that the Shadow King would believe he had succeeded. Cooper resurfaced and Mystique resumed her identity when the hero teams X-Men and X-Factor and assorted allies defeated the Shadow King. Cooper convinced several of the heroes who defeated the Shadow King to be a part of a new government-sponsored team in the spirit of Freedom Force: the new X-Factor. Cooper acted as government liaison to the very publicly operating team, but eventually she was forced to implement policy that she never fully agreed with, such as allowing the villains Mystique and Sabretooth to join. Later, she fell under the mental influence of one of the Acolytes of Magneto, and X-Factor was taken from her control and placed under the leadership of their member Forge. Soon, X-Factor had grown so uncomfortable with the government's heavy-handed involvement that they violently cut their ties to them, choosing to operate 'underground.' Cooper returned to the Commission of Superhuman Activities, but has often used her position to help the X-Men surreptitiously, such as assisting the X-Men after they broke into the Pentagon searching for the Genoshan scientist Doctor Peter Corbeau or giving them tips to the activities of mutant villains. Cooper also helped the Thunderbolts and the V-Battalion defeat Peter Henry Gyrich when he was being controlled by nano-technology. +This superhero's name is Valerie Hart. Their real name is . Valerie possesses a magical pendant that allows her to transform into a Valkyrie warrior. While in transformation, she is clad in armour and fur with a magic spear that she can use while in battle. Although she does not know the pendant’s original origins, she knows that it is of Norse descent. Born somewhere along the East coast of Canada, Valerie has fought as a vigilante since the age of eighteen. There has been no other information found on her past at this time. +This superhero's name is Valkyrie (MCU). Their real name is Brunnhilde. Brunnhilde was one of the many Valkyries sent by Odin to drive Hela back to her prison. Riding a winged steed, Valkyrie and her fellow Valkyries engaged Hela in combat. Hela created a vast amount of weapons that she used to kill the Valkyries as they descended on her. Brunnhilde was one of the last of the Valkyries, managing to avoid death by the ferocious attack when Hela then personally engaged her but was thwarted by the only other remaining Valkryie Being all that remained of the Asgardian warrior maidens, Brunnhilde exiled herself to the planet Sakaar where she served the Grandmaster as one of his best acquisition specialists under the designation "Scrapper 142." She had an antagonistic relationship with the Grandmaster's bodyguard, Topaz, but was favored by the Grandmaster himself. Scrapper 142 eventually found and brought the Grandmaster the Hulk after he arrived on Sakaar. +This superhero's name is Valkyrie. Their real name is Brunnhilde. The origin of Brunnhilde the Valkyrie remains a mystery. Her parentage is unknown. She has claimed to be not 'just an Asgardian' and to have served something older than Asgard, but what she meant by this statement is as yet unknown. Brunnhilde was selected by Odin, monarch of the gods of the otherdimensional realm of Asgard, to lead the Valkyrior, the Choosers of the Slain, a group of warrior goddesses who would appear over the battlefields of mortal worshippers of the Asgardian gods and choose which of the fallen were worthy to be taken to Valhalla, the land of the honored dead in the dimension of Asgard. Brunnhilde served Asgard capably in this capacity for centuries. According to a sentient, disembodied eye that one belonged to Odin, the Asgardian monarch once gave his son Thor the mortal identity of the warrior Siegmund. Circumstances reluctantly forced Odin to decree that Siegmund must be slain. Brunnhilde, recognizing that Odin was acting against his true wishes, sought to protect Siegmund, but Odin himself then caused Siegmund's death. Brunnhilde helped Siegmund's pregnant lover, Sieglinde, get to safety. As punishment for her defiance, Odin removed Brunnhildes godly powers and immortality and cast her into a trance. She was eventually awakened by Siegfried, who was the son of Siegmund and Sieglinde and was a mortal reincarnation of Thor. Brunnhilde and Siegfried became lovers, but Siegfried fell under the influence of magic and betrayed her. Siegfried was later murdered, and Brunnhilde, still in love with him, leapt into his blazing funeral pyre. Odin restored both Siegfried and Brunnhilde to life, giving them back their godly roles, powers, and near-immortality as Thor and the Valkyrie, but removing their memories of their recent lives on Earth. Odin himself would centuries later admit that he had mindwiped the Valkyrie and Thor of their memories of these incidents. Brunnhilde and her fellow Valkyries continued to gather heroic mortal warriors for Valhalla until roughly a millennium ago, when Odin was forced to cease virtually all intercourse with the Earth in accordance with a pact that he and the leaders of Earth's other pantheons of gods made with extraterrestrial Celestials. From then onward, the Valkyries could only choose slain heroes from among fallen Asgardian warriors. Brunnhilde was bitter over being barred from choosing warriors on Earth and roamed Asgard in pursuit of something meaningful to do. In a tavern on the outskirts of Marmoragard, Brunnhilde encountered Amora the Enchantress, who offered her a life of adventure. For several weeks Brunnhilde accompanied the Enchantress on her conquests. Brunnhilde soon discovered Amore's inclinations towards immorality and tried to end their partnership. In response Amore entrapped Brunnhilde within a mystic crystal of souls. Whith Brunnhildes body remained in suspended animation, her immortal soul became Amora's plaything. Over the centuries the Enchantress used Brunnhilde's spiritual essence to give the Valkyrie���s powers to herself or to her pawns. The Enchantress usually used her magic to alter the recipient's appearance to resemble Brunnhilde herself. Specific instances of Amore's exploitation of the Valkyrie before recent years are not yet known. The first time Amore assumed the Valkyrie's physical aspect in recent years was in a plot to lead a handful of female superhumans against the male Avengers. Her true identity was discovered, however, and her plan thwarted. Months later, the Enchantress bestowed the Valkyries power upon a socialite named Samantha Parrington in an attempt to get revenge on the Hulk. Finally, a woman driven mad by being trapped in another mystical dimension, Barbara Norriss, was given the Valkyrie's power and consciousness by Amora in order to help the Enchantress and her erstwhile allies, the group of superhumans called the Defenders, escape from the clutches of the sorceress Casiolena. Amora did not undo her spell on Norriss after Casiolena's defeat. As a result, Norrisss body now possessed Brunnhilda's consciousness, appearance, and powers, while Norriss���s own mental essence was trapped in Brunnhildes real body in Asgard. However, thanks to partial amnesia induced by the Enchantress, Brunnhilde was unaware that she was not in possession of her real body and full memory. Indeed, while trapped in Norriss���s body Brunnhilde personality lacked much of its usual strength of will. It was not until a minor Asgardian warrior named Ollerus attempted to take over Valhalla that the Valkyrie's two mixed aspects met for the first time. Brunnhilde���s mental essence trapped Norriss���s transformed body, fought Norriss���s mental essence trapped in Brunnhilde���s real body. At the end of that encounter, the Valkyrie���s body, still possessed by Norriss���s mind was consigned to Niffiehelm, the realm inhabited by the spirits at the non-heroic Asgardian dead, while Brunnhilde���s mind in Norriss���s transformed body accompanied the Defenders, who had made the other dimensional journey with her, back to Earth. For reasons yet unknown, Brunnhilde was not concerned at this time about reuniting her mind with her true body. It was not until Barbara Norriss���s body was murdered that the Valkyries spirit and mind were inadvertently freed from their mortal host. With the help of Doctor Stranges magic, Brunnhilde regained her true body, which was rescued from Niffleheim by the Enchantress. Back in her real body, Brunnhilde regained her full memory and normal warriors personality as well. Brunnhilde then battled Amore and banished her into the crystal of souls in which she had been trapped. Feeling estranged from Asgard in general and Odin in particular for their neglect of her centuries-long plight, Brunnhilde chose to return to Earth with her mortal friends, the Defenders, rather than to remain in Asgard. She had joined the Defenders after their battle with Casiolena and remained with them continuously until the group finally came to one of its end. Odin placed the dangerously powerful self-styled goddess Moondragon into Brunnhilde's charge. Brunnhilde was to teach Moodragon humility, and Moondragon served alongside Brunnhilde in the Defenders. Brunnhilde was to take action against Moondragon should she again become a menace. Eventually Moondragon reformed, but later she fell once again under the malevolent influence of the alien entity called the Dragon of the Moon. Moondragon attacked the Defenders, but Brunnhilde, given temporary additional powers by Odin for this occasion, including the power to grow to gigantic stature, opposed her. Brunnhilde summoned other Valkyries to her aid and together with two other Defenders, the Angel and Cloud, they battled and, thanks to Cloud especially, defeated Moondragon. Moondragon escaped, however, and months later Moondragon returned to attack the Defenders, and during the encounter her power was vastly augmented by the alien Beyonder. In order to defeat the Dragon, Brunnhilde and the Eternal called Interloper projected their immortal life forces against it. They were joined by the Defender Andromeda and the Defenders��� former foe Manslaughter, for it was necessary that Brunnhilde���s and Interloper���s life forces pass through �ǣmortal instruments��� in order that Moondragon be defeated as well. Joining hands, the four allies hurled the tremendous power of their combined life forces at the Dragon, Moondragon, and the Gargoyle, whose body was now under the Dragons control. Three other Defenders went to rescue endangered innocents, and when they returned, Brunnhilde, Interloper, Andromeda, Manslaughter, Moondragon and the Gargoyle had all seemingly been transformed into statues of ashes and dust, and the Dragon of the Moon was apparently gone. When Doctor Strange was on the brink of death, his astral form found itself being drawn towards a realm of the afterlife. His astral form saw Brunnhilda, who had come to escort him into the hereafter. Strange, however, refused, and after considerable effort, returned to life in the mortal world. Shortly afterward, Brunnhilde returned to a semblance of life by possessing various mortal hosts. For a brief time, Brunnhilde served as a member of 'the Dragon Circle' with the other fallen Defenders who had returned to life. +This superhero's name is Vampire Batman. Their real name is Bruce Wayne. +This superhero's name is Vandal Savage. Their real name is Vander Adg. Vandar Adg was a caveman and leader of the Blood Tribe who was born 50,000 years ago. A mysterious meteor crashed to the ground, bathing him in radiation, and granting him incredible intellect and immortality. An observer from the Bear Tribe would later approach that same meteorite and become Savage's eternal nemesis, the Immortal Man, possessing the power to resurrect as a new persona every time he is killed. +This superhero's name is Vanisher. Their real name is . Nothing is known about the Vanisher's past before he embarked on a one-man crime wave of spectacular thefts using his power of self-teleportation. Thanks to his remarkable successes, the Vanisher quickly assembled a criminal organization under his leadership. In his greatest coup the Vanisher stole top-secret American defence plans and demanded ten million dollars for their return. Confident that no one could capture him, the Vanisher showed up on the White House lawn accompanied by his men to claim the ransom money. Professor Charles Xavier was present and used his psychic powers to give the Vanisher amnesia. Unaware of his own powers, the Vanisher was easily captured and the defence plans were safely returned to the government. Eventually, the Vanisher's memory returned and he escaped from prison. He then joined Factor Three, an organization of superhuman mutants intent on world domination. However, the X-Men thwarted Factor Three's efforts to bring about a nuclear holocaust . When Factor Three's leader, the Mutant Master, was exposed as an extraterrestrial, the Vanisher and other members of Factor Three teamed up with the X-Men in defeating him. Later, seemingly tiring of high profile crimes, the Vanisher organized a small band of adolescent thieves, a number of whom had superhuman powers, called the Fallen Angels. Apparently the Fallen Angels eventually disbanded. For a time, the Vanisher was a dealer of drug Mutant Growth Hormone. More recently, the Vanisher fell under the mental domination of the Darkling, a superhuman who controlled forces from the Darkforce Dimension, the realm through which the Vanisher apparently travels when he teleports. With the Darkling's defeat the Vanisher regained his free will. He soon joined the Outer Circle of the second criminal team to be known as the Enforcers. The Outer Circle met defeat at the hands of Spider-Man and apparently disbanded. The Vanisher's current whereabouts and activities are unknown. +This superhero's name is Vegeta. Their real name is Vegeta IV. +This superhero's name is Venom 2099. Their real name is Kron Stone. In the year 2099, Kron Stone was a criminal who got away with killing Jake Gallows' family due to being the son of wealthy industrialist Tyler Stone. Gallows became the Punisher of that era and fatally stabbed Kron, who was left dying in the sewer but was found by the Venom symbiote, which bonded with him, thus becoming an enemy of Spider-Man 2099. +This superhero's name is Venom II. Their real name is Angelo Fortunato. Angelo Fortunato was often humiliated by his criminal father, organized crime boss Don Fortunato. He was bullied by other people of his age and mistreated by everyone he met. When Eddie Brock had a Christian revelation and wished to die clean, he auctioned off the Venom symbiote. Hoping to make his son a man, Don Fortunato bought it for Angelo. Angelo hoped to become famous and strong with the Venom symbiote. When he donned it, he attacked Spider-Man at a high school reunion and killed one of his classmates (Seymour Reilly) in an effort to prove himself to his father. Angelo seemed to have access to the skills that Eddie Brock had taken months to learn, but due to his inexperience he was unable to use them to their full potential. He fought with a fury, but was eventually defeated. Rather than go to jail, Angelo tried to run away. The symbiote, viewing him a coward, dropped Angelo in mid-air and let him fall to his death. It later bonded to Mac Gargan ( Venom III ). +This superhero's name is Venom III. Their real name is MacDonald Gargan. One of Spider-Man's oldest enemies, MacGargan has recently abandoned his Scorpion suit and identity bonding with the alien symbiote that had previously been hosted by Peter Parker and Eddie Brock. He now goes by the infamous name, Venom. Former private investigator Mac Gargan was hired by J. Jonah Jameson to find out how Peter Parker is able to get incredible pictures of Spider-Man. Gargan's efforts to locate Peter in order to find out the truth triggered Parkers's spider sense, making him easily avoidable. Frustrated, Jameson decided to pay $10,000 to Gargan as the subject of an experiment. An experiment created by Dr. Farley Stillwell, a researcher in animal mutation which endowed the subject with the characteristic of another animal. Unfortunately the process resulted in the loss of Gargan's sanity, and the creation of the super-powered criminal menace known as the Scorpion. Over the years Scorpion fought and was bested by Spider-Man many times. Most of these confrontations were the result of Spider-Man stepping in on an attempt on the life of Jameson, who Gargan hated even more than Spider-Man. With his mechanical tail, speed, and strength, Scorpion has always been more than a match for Spider-Man. Only the skill, experience, and quick wit of the web head helped him defeat Gargan. Later on, Scorpion was recruited by Norman Osborn, informed of Spider-man's real identity, and ordered to kidnap Peter's Aunt May if anything should happen to Osborn. In the middle of his task Scorpion was approached by the recently freed symbiote. Risking Osborn's wrath, Gargan chose the symbiote over Osborn's mission, since the symbiote's potential for power was far greater than any newly designed Scorpion suit could ever be. Thus transforming Scorpion into the even more monstrous Venom. Dying of cancer, Eddie Brock decided to auction for charity to the highest bidder the alien symbiote from which he derives his powers as Venom. After being purchased by New York mobster Don Fortunato to be used by his son Angelo, thinking him weak, the alien symbiote abandoned its new host leaving him to fall to his death after a short and murderous career. It then sought out a new host that shared both its hatred of Spider-Man as well as the will and experience of a seasoned criminal. Mac Gargan returning to his apartment after a recent kidnapping of Aunt May and intimidation of Spider-Man, only to find the symbiote which made Gargan a proposition to be its newest host. The one-time Scorpion eagerly accepted the offer, and was thus transformed into the monstrous Venom. After an elaborate plan paid off and the Green Goblin was out of prison, the Goblin led Spider-Man and the Black Cat into a direct confrontation with the newly formed Sinister Twelve, which included the new, more powerful Venom among its ranks. Venom and the Twelve very nearly defeated Spider-Man before the Fantastic Four and a small faction of the Avengers headed by Captain America joined in, leading to the eventual defeat of the Twelve. In the midst of the battle Osborn escaped, with the full intention to murder Peter's wife, Mary Jane. Spider-Man soon followed only to be stopped by Venom. The two foes continued to battle high above on New York's rooftops. After catching Gargan off balance Spider-Man dropped a condemned building on the new Venom, ending the battle. Venom was arrested and sent to Ryker's. He promised Spider-Man he would never reveal his identity, as that was his only leverage against him. More recently, Gargan has escaped prison. He journeyed to Battleworld, along with a ragtag group of characters including the likes of Henry Pym, Gravity, the Hood, and others, in order to enter a contest arranged by the Stranger posing as the Beyonder. Shortly thereafter, Venom was approached by a joint CSA / S.H.I.E.L.D. taskforce, and joined the new Thunderbolts team which was formed during the Civil War to stop unregistered heroes. +This superhero's name is Venom. Their real name is Eddie Brock. The symbiotes were a conquering race who had no feelings unto themselves. They fed off the emotions of those they conquered and forced them to do spectacular feats in order to feel the adrenaline rush. Eventually, the beings would be sucked dry and left for dead. One symbiote was placed in a prison and condemned to death by disintegration when it was discovered that he focused more on bonding and communicating then on dominating. When the Beyonder created Battleworld, the crime fighter known as Spider-Man released the symbiote when his familiar red-and-blue one was ripped into tatters, believing it to be an alien clothing generator. When Spider-Man grabbed the little black ball, it instantly slithered over his body, covering him from head to toe. But it did not pattern itself after his red-and-blue costume. Rather, it took on the appearance of the garment worn by the new superhuman adventurer on Battleworld Spider-Woman, whom Spider-Man had been admiring. The web spinner was amazed at the properties of his new suit, but never questioned the mechanisms behind them. For instance, it could mimic any type of clothing whatsoever, making Spider-Man’s need for spare clothing obsolete. It also contained a "dimensional aperture" where he could place his camera, spare change, and other items without adding to the bulk of the costume. The costume was also equipped with its own web-shooter and seemingly contained an unlimited supply of webbing. Once Spider-Man returned to Earth, the alien costume could not tolerate being separated from its host for long periods of time. At night, when Spider-Man’s alter ego, Peter Parker, slept, the symbiote would engulf him and send the somnambulator to battle evil. Later, Spider-Man battled the Puma, who perceived that the wall-crawler’s webs were organic. Startled by this revelation, Spider-Man accepted Reed Richards’ offer to study the costume. Richards learned that the costume was actually a living alien symbiote, a parasite trying to graft itself permanently to Spider-Man both mentally and physically. Richards succeeded in separating the alien costume from its host by shooting it with a "sonic blaster." He then contained the being in a special environmental cell. But the alien was much more intelligent than anyone perceived. It escaped from its cell and made its way to Peter Parker’s closet where it waited, disguised as a spare red-and-blue costume. Spider Man unwittingly donned the costume, which immediately made itself apparent. He brought it to the tower at Our Lady of Saints Church gambling the intense sound of its bells would destroy it. Spider-Man lost the gamble, and he succumbed to the bells before the costume did. However, the empathic parasite had preyed upon the emotions of Spider-Man long enough to learn how to feel, and in feeling, to act. Sacrificing itself, the alien costume saved Spider-Man, who assumed it then, crawled away to die. Actually, the symbiote, weak and dying, slithered down into the church where Eddie Brock kneeled in prayer at the altar. Raised a Catholic, he begged forgiveness for the suicide he was contemplating. Brock had been a successful columnist for the newly revived Daily Globe until he began writing a series of articles about the "Sin-Eater murders". A bogus offender had confessed to Brock about committing the murders. While protecting the "murderer’s" identity under the First Amendment, Brock wrote a series of stories in the Globe detailing his dialogue with the supposed killer, until mounting pressure from the authorities forced him to write an exclusive revealing the murderer's name. Although that edition of the paper sold out immediately, Spider-Man soon revealed the true identity of the Sin-Eater to be Detective Stan Carter, making Brock a laughingstock among his fellow journalists. Fired from the Daily Globe, he was forced to write venomous drivel for scandal newspapers. Brock's wife left him, and his future appeared to be over. Brock blamed his predicament on Spider-Man. Soon after, Brock began an intense physical workout program hoping to reduce the stress his life had become. However, such physical exertions only increased his violent obsession with Spider-Man. Although his body had been honed to near-perfection, Brock’s mind was reduced to an all-consuming vessel of hatred. It was this fierce emotion that attracted the empathic parasite. In order to survive, the alien costume had to feed off the nearest and greatest source of emotion. The symbiote joined mentally and physically with Brock, whose emotions overwhelmed the already confused alien. The dominant thought on both their minds was that of Spider-Man. But Brock’s sheer hatred for the crime fighter twisted the symbiote’s feelings to a similar extent. In effect, Brock’s emotions drove the symbiote insane, just as their bonding may have driven Brock over the edge. Brock soon discovered that the costume gave him all the powers of Spider-Man, and more. It also added bulk to his already large frame and increased his strength to superhuman levels. Calling himself "Venom," Brock directed the costume to sprout a hideous grin and plotted his revenge. Through the costume, Venom learned a great deal about Spider-Man, including his secret identity. Brock taunted Peter Parker with minor assaults, such as pushing him in front of a moving subway train. The alien costume could cancel out the wall-crawler’s spider-sense presumably by projecting conflicting frequencies upon Spider-Man's brain waves. Venom finally made a bold move when he confronted Parker’s wife, Mary Jane, at their old Chelsea apartment. Although Venom’s twisted sense of morality did not allow him to physically harm Mary Jane, Spider-Man immediately realized the nature of this threat. Taking the time to retrieve the sonic blaster from the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man challenged Venom at Our Lady of Saints Church. Although he fired the blaster at Venom, Spider-Man soon discovered that the symbiote could not be separated from Brock because it had completely bonded with him. Trying to escape and rethink his options, Spider-Man was caught unawares by Venom. He captured Spider-Man and secured him to the inside of the church bell with a considerable amount of webbing. Spider-Man narrowly escaped the bell’s crushing clapper before defeating Venom by forcing him to deplete his webbing supply, of which the alien symbiote was actually comprised. Before the alien could regenerate enough of its mass to become a renewed threat, Spider-Man brought Venom to the Fantastic Four who imprisoned him in a sonic containment cell. The Fantastic Four then shipped Venom to the government super-prison in the Colorado Rockies called the Vault. A young guard who had just been assigned to the Vault was fooled into thinking that Venom was a fallen colleague and released the gate mechanism, which imprisoned the criminal. Venom killed the naďve guard and escaped to New York City, where he once again confronted Spider-Man. This time Spider-Man used psychological warfare upon Venom, by taunting the alien symbiote to return to him. The alien, torn by its love-hate relationship for Spider-Man, tried to leave Brock and to re-establish its link with its original owner. But the trauma of trying to detach itself from Brock’s nervous system was too much to bear. The alien costume and Eddie Brock were both knocked unconscious and were subsequently returned to the Vault, where they were incarcerated. Since then, Venom has gone through many changes. After years of combating, Venom reached an understanding with Spider-Man. After dealing a truce with Spider-Man and relocating to San Francisco, Venom was recruited via an ultimatum by the government to be a special operations counter-terrorist agent. Venom agreed, but one stipulation of the deal did not sit too well with him. A bomb was planted in his chest to assure complete and utter obedience. After a few missions, Venom became tired of the situation and had the symbiote perform surgery on him and extracted the bomb. A brouhaha ensued wherein the end result was Eddie Brock lying unconscious and the symbiote "dead," only to return later on and re-join with Eddie. Thus Venom was whole again and looking to square things with Spider-Man once again. He had lost his memory and no longer knew the secret identity of Spider-Man, but knew that a deep seated hatred resided within him for the Web-Head. Shortly after the reunion, Venom joined the Sinister Six for a brief period in order to get at Spider-Man. After being scorned by the group, he hunted down certain members of the team for revenge (including Electro, Sandman, and Kraven).Later Eddie Brock approached his ex-wife Anne Weying, and at the thought of having the symbiote back in her life, she jumped out of her apartment window and killed herself. Venom blamed Spider-Man, whom he had a skirmish with right before Anne died. Thus the hatred for the old Web-Head was fueled anew. After an extended period of inactivity, Venom resurfaced with cancer, and the only thing keeping him alive was the symbiote, who did not want him anymore. After seeing a spiritual movie, Eddie decided to sell his symbiote off in an auction, swearing off his life of vigilantism. The winner of the auction was the the gang lord Don Fortunato. He gave the symbiote to his son, Angelo, in hopes that Angelo would finally make a name for himself. The symbiote eventually left Angelo to die in mid-air. The symbiote passed on to Mac Gargan. Brock was discovered after making an attempt to kill himself. It is currently unknown if he survived. +This superhero's name is Venompool. Their real name is Wade Wilson. +This superhero's name is Ventriloquist. Their real name is Arnold Wesker. Arnold Wesker was a mild-mannered, timid and meek ventriloquist with a love for noir mobster movies. Arnold was orphaned at a young age and constantly bullied prompting the man to hide away all of his anger and negative emotions. As an adult this caused Arnold to suffer a psychotic breakdown and attack a man in a bar causing him to be sent away to Blackgate Prison. In prison, Arnold's cellmate was a wood-carver by hobby who had carved a ventriloquist dummy out of the wood taken from the prison's defunct gallows tree. Arnold stole the dummy from his cellmate and developed a personality for it, calling it "Scarface" after the famous gangster Al Capone, using the puppet to vent out all of his hidden dark emotions and coming to develop a multiple personality disorder. Upon breaking out of prison, the two became known as the Ventriloquist and Scarface with Scarface serving as an evil mastermind and gangster while the Ventriloquist, believing Scarface to be a real person, was merely an unwilling accomplice. +This superhero's name is Vergil. Their real name is Vergil Sparda. Vergil, later also known as Nelo Angelo, is one of the main characters in Devil May Cry series, acting as the main antagonist of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. He is the twin brother and father of the protagonists, Dante and Nero respectively, and seems designed to be their opposites. Despite being the antagonist, Vergil rarely acted beside Dante. +This superhero's name is Vibe (CW). Their real name is Cisco Ramon. Cisco Ramon was born to Mr. Ramon and Mrs. Ramon, through all high school Cisco shared a room with his brother, Dante Ramon During his school years, he met Jake Puckett, who bullied him (by giving him swirlies in the toilet bowl) into allowing his homework being copied.At some point of his life, Cisco met Melinda Tores, who he claimed was the love of his life. Melinda actually had a crush on him, but their relationship never became romantic as his brother, Dante lied to her about Cisco wanting to become a priest.Cisco collected tech magazines in high school and showed interests in mechanics at a young age, but his talent was not recognized nor deemed of importance by his family, as their attention were mostly on Dante despite Dante's insecurities. Cisco knew he was being under-appreciated, but it didn't stop his passion and he continued to pursue his dream.He eventually became employed at S.T.A.R. Labs under the employment of Dr. Harrison Wells, but Cisco became very distant from his family even missing his brother's birthdays. +This superhero's name is Vibe. Their real name is Cisco Ramon. Francisco "Cisco" Ramon was the youngest of three brothers, during a game between the brothers, Cisco stepped into a boom tube created by Darkseid. Without thinking, his oldest brother, Armando pulled his brother out of the boom tube at the cost of his own life making him the first civilian killed by the Darkseid invasion while their middle brother, Dante couldn't help but watch. The process left Cisco's body alter allowing him to create not only seismic vibrations but also to be able to sense beings from other dimensions, even as small as an insect. He kept his powers a secret over the next five years helping people as he could. Thanks to his powers there wasn't any type of recording device digital or photographic that could capture his face or identity. He was eventually followed by a member of A.R.G.U.S., Agent Dale Gunn under the orders of Amanda Waller, who offered him the chance to kill the same Parademon that took his brother's life. Although he kills it and agrees to cooperate as to becoming Vibe and a founding member of the Justice League of America, it is later revealed neither Gunn nor his superior were sure of whether this Parademon was the same Parademon that attacked and killed Armando Ramon. He later begins to question his role after a fight with Kid Flash. Although a young and relatively inexperienced hero, Vibe and the rest of the Justice League at the time (which was mostly filled with similarly inexperienced characters) did manage to gain a degree of respectability in defeating certain supervillains, including the Cadre and Despero. However Vibe was not with the Justice League of America long before he was killed by one of Professor Ivo's androids, becoming the first Justice League member to be killed in battle. Paco had left behind many extended family members, along with a little brother by the name of Armando with similar powers who goes by the names Reverb and Hardline , even working for Booster Gold 's onetime super team the Conglomerate. He was resurrected as a Black Lantern in James Robinson's JLA Blackest Night story arc. Cisco was approached by Dale Gunn who took him to the location of a Parademon and told him it was the same one that had killed his brother. In a fit of rage, he blew up the house the Parademon was in and accidentally killed it. Agent Gunn later convinced him to take the role of Vibe and a founding member of the Justice League of America to fight Barry Allen if the team ever needed to take on the Justice League. Vibe was later sent to battle Bart Allen as training for his expected battle with Barry Allen. He was briefly able to deprive Bart of his connection to the Speed Force, showing that he would actually be able to effect Flash if they fought. After noticing Bart wasn't as bad as he'd expected Cisco began to doubt the role he played with A.R.G.U.S. On his third mission, Vibe was sent in after Gypsy. Gypsy was able to use her powers to convince the other A.R.G.U.S members that she was Batman and that Superman was dealing with Gypsy inside a building. Vibe however, saw through her illusion and attacked her. After, Amanda Waller ordered A.R.G.U.S soldier's to fire at will on Gypsy after she'd already been surrounded. Vibe attacked them. In retaliation, Waller ordered the Suicide Squad to capture him and Gypsy. Gypsy turned herself and Vibe invisible in attempt to escape from them, however, Deadshot had been informed of this ability and turned his lens to a specific spectrum that allowed him to see them and shoot Gypsy in the shoulder. Cisco blasted Deadshot and Harley Quinn and in attempt to stop King Shark from eating Gypsy. Vibe was attacked by Crowbar who had been specifically assigned by Amanda Waller. However, Vibe used so much energy against him that his crowbar couldn't contain it and he disappeared. Due to the amount of energy he used, Cisco was weakened and easily knocked out by Deadshot. He was then put in The Circus. Like a savage. Dante, Cisco's older brother, alongside Agent Gunn, was able to enter A.R.G.U.S and break Vibe out. However, before they could escape Dante was shot in the back. In retaliation Vibe released all the other prisoners in The Circus. His energy eventually broke the walls of reality allowing Rupture to enter their dimension. A battle ensued between Rupture and Vibe. Rupture is revealed to be Vibe's dead brother Armando. Gypsy revealed how Hardline, also known as Rupture, was known by her people. Rupture then took Vibe and Gypsy back to Gypsy's dimension. +This superhero's name is Vicki Vale. Their real name is Vicki Vale. Vicki Vale first appeared in Batman #49 (Oct/Nov 1948). Her role in the story was very similar to that of Lois Lane: she reported on Batman's activities for a newspaper, she was romantically attracted to Batman (and sometimes Bruce Wayne as well), and she repeatedly suspected they were the same person. Often the plot of a story featuring Vicki Vale revolved around her suspicions regarding Batman's identity. Batman would usually manage to fool her into concluding that he was not really Bruce Wayne by the end of the story, but then her suspicions would reemerge in a later story. +This superhero's name is Vigilante (CW). Their real name is Vincent Sobel. Vincent "Vince" Sobel (died February 1, 2018), also called Vinny, was a vigilante and former police detective of the Central City Police Department, as well as the boyfriend and former partner of Dinah Drake. After nearly being killed by Sean Sonus, Vincent survived due to the particle accelerator explosion and upon becoming a meta-human with the ability to regenerate much faster than normal humans, he began a crusade against criminals as the masked vigilante publicly nicknamed, aptly, Vigilante. He later went undercover to infiltrate Cayden James' criminal cabal, but was later discovered as a mole and was killed by Laurel Lance on February 1, 2018. +This superhero's name is Vigilante. Their real name is Adrian Chase. Vigilante I +This superhero's name is Vili. Their real name is Vili. Vili with his 2 brothers Odin and Ve, were part of the first few Asgardians who warred with the Frost Giants, They helped build Asgard also. The 3 brothers learnt that Surtur was plotting to destroy the nine worlds with his giant flame sword and ignite the Eternal Flame of Destruction; this would have led to Asgards destruction. So the 3 brothers set out to defeat him and avert destruction. They could not fight him individually, so the 3 merged into a giant that was the size of Surtur and they succeeded in shattering his sword, meaning he could not go through with his plan, they then returned to their individual forms and took the Eternal Flame of Destruction and fled. +This superhero's name is Violator. Their real name is . The Violator/Clown is probably Spawn's most recognizeable villain. He serves as Malebolgia's henchman and lackey. His purpose is to guide Hellspawn towards fulfilling Malebolgia's desire: to cultivate evil souls on Earth for Hell's army. He's been Hell's guide for multiple Hellspawn, his latest charge being the current Spawn, Al Simmons. Violator is the oldest of five hell-born demons known as the Phlebiac brothers. He views humanity as weak, and so asserts that demons should lead the armies of Hell, not humans. Accordingly, much of his terrestrial activities, sanctioned by Hell or not, are aimed at proving his superiority to his master. The Violator's current disguise is that of The Clown. The Violator is not a demon to be taken lightly: he has shown many times that he is more than a match for a young Hellspawn. His hands are tied by his role, though, as he cannot kill a Spawn without an order from his superiors. His role is not to kill the Hellspawn, but to weaken them and cause them to waste their powers in wreaking havoc. His chief purpose is to groom and prepare the young Hellspawn for their service in Hell's army. He has been killed multiple times, each time to be returned to Hell and reanimated by his master. After suffering a humiliating defeat in Hell during Spawn's return to claim the throne of the 8th sphere, the Clown reappeared on Earth on the order of Mammon to wreak havok in Spawn's life as part of the larger plan to give Nyx an opportunity to betray Al. He was a "mental adviser" to Jason Wynn, his former contact and partner in the deal that cost Al Simmons his life. He helped Wynn regain his sanity and return to the NSA, but had other plans, rather than being charitable. He has assumed the dominant role in Wynn's psyche and when Wynn was vulnerable, hanging from a steel girder many stories up, he caused him to fall to his apparent death. Clown then took over Wynn's body and used it as his new vessel. He turned Wynn's body into a fanged, bloated parody of his former self. The Clown then began to attack and 'mark' citizens of New York, turning them all into blue face-painted Clowns. It was revealed that the Violator was possessing hundreds of civilians and forcing them to run amok, committing acts of violence and vandalism, all with a smile on their faces. After their attacks brought Spawn to the brink of death, leaving him bleeding and broken on the streets of New York in his Al Simmons persona, the Clowns vanished. The Violator has not been seen since, but has revealed that he has been turned loose on Earth with no strings attached, and it is only a matter of time before he returns to plague Spawn anew. In Spawn #167, a new clown emerges, who is thin and agile, and fond of using knives. The clown hijacked the body of Barney Saunders, who had been having an affair with a married woman named Wilma Barbera. Trying to escape discovery by Wilma Barbera's husband, Barney Saunders jumped down the garbage chute only to be trapped there a couple of days before the bright light event (Spawn's destruction and recreation of the world), and was trapped in a garbage chute and doomed to be eaten alive by rats and roaches. The new clown easily escapes and frequently uses a knife to attack his enemies. He also can still change into his demon form when he wishes. The Violator is revealed to be the cause of all the havoc of an apartment complex, freeing the residents of restraint and allowing them to fulfill their desires and violent urges. This allowed the Violator to create a portal to hell from which the other Phlebiac brothers could enter the earth. Violator was confronted by Spawn, but easily gained the upper hand in the battle. Mere moments from Violator's victory, Barney Saunder's spirit gains control when his body sees his lover Wilma. Barney Saunders decides to go through the portal into hell, knowing that the only way to close the portal was to trap himself and Clown on the other side while he could still maintain control over his body. Barney reveals that he was angry at his lover for not coming to save him when he was starving in the garbage chute and takes her with him, stranding The Violator, Saunders and Wilma in Hell. +This superhero's name is Violet Parr. Their real name is Violet Parr. When Violet is first introduced, she is depicted as gloomy, uncertain and socially withdrawn, preferring to hide behind her long raven hair. She has a crush on one of her classmates, Tony Rydinger, but is too shy to approach him and turns herself invisible whenever he looks her way so as to avoid attention. During a family dinner, her mother Helen a.k.a. Elastigirl asks her how school was, noting that she has barely touched her food, but then Dash teases her about her crush on Tony, which insults Violet. This erupts into a fight, in which Dash runs around the table, hitting Violet, and Violet retaliates by generating her force-field that Dash crashes into. The fight is broken up when a family friend, Lucius Best a.k.a. Frozone, rings the doorbell. After Violet's father Bob a.k.a. Mr. Incredible returns from his night with Lucius, Violet and Dash hear their parents arguing loudly and rush into the scene to investigate. When Bob senses that Dash is in the same room he and Helen are in, he calls for them to come out, and Violet also appears, having turned invisible to listen to their argument without being noticed. Bob then assures the children that he and Helen work as a team, no matter what. Helen apologizes to the children for waking them up before ushering them back to bed. In one of the montages following Bob's return from Nomanisan Island, Violet is seen listening to music and reading a magazine when he comes up to her and gives her a kiss. When Helen finds out that her husband (who has been doing secret hero work behind his family's back) is in trouble, she decides to go search for him and bring him back home. She places Violet in charge during her absence, but Violet notices super-suits in her mother's bag and asks her about them. Dash, due to his ability to run at super speeds, grabs super-suits for himself and Violet. While examining her suit, Violet discovers that it can turn invisible along with her, rendering her totally unseen, without disrupting her force fields (the force field part is discussed in A Magic Kingdom Adventure (AMKA)). However, Dash runs off after his mother, prompting Violet to go after him, and the two siblings end up stowing away on a plane their mother has borrowed from a friend. When Helen discovers her children aboard the jet, they argue over who's fault it is, and Helen is shocked that they have left Jack-Jack alone in their house, to which Violet replies that she got someone to take care of the baby. Just then, missiles, sent by Syndrome, close in on the plane, and Helen orders Violet to put a force field around them for protection. However, Violet is reluctant to try to generate such a large force field, and is still too uncertain to successfully carry out the order. Helen is forced to use her powers to turn herself into a ball around her children, shielding them just as the missiles slam into the plane, destroying the aircraft. She grabs them when she sees them falling with her, then turns her body into a parachute to gently land in water. Seeing contrails left behind by the missiles, Helen decides to head in the direction the missiles came from. She morphs herself into a lifeboat, on which Violet appears to be the only passenger as Dash serves as the outboard motor. Arriving at a shore of Nomanisan Island, they make their camp out in a cave. Helen instructs her children to use their powers should anything goes wrong, but when Violet tries to protest, Helen warns her children that the bad guys they will be facing will be different from those on cartoons as those bad guys are merciless and will kill them if they got a chance. She places Violet in charge again in her absence, promising to return by morning. Before Helen leaves Violet calls for her and apologizes to her for what happened on the plane (and failing to live up to expectations), to which Helen apologizes back to Violet, stating that Helen herself wasn't being fair to suddenly ask so much of Violet. Helen reassures Violet by saying that the latter has more power than she herself realizes, but also warns her that in their situation, doubt is a luxury they can no longer afford. Her confidence bolstered, Violet practices her power on the fire in the camp, but Dash, out of boredom, decides to look around. Violet tries to talk him out of it, as he thinks they are on a vacation, warning them that their parents' lives—as well as their marriage—could be in danger. Nevertheless, Dash explores deep into the cave, but he comes running back as flames are coming in his direction (The cave Dash and Violet are in is actually a rocket exhaust pipe). Dash grabs Violet, and they narrowly escape the flames, just in time to see a rocket taking off into the night sky. They spend the rest of the night in a jungle, huddling together to keep warm. The next morning, Dash hears a monitor robot (disguised as a wild bird) asking for identification. He wakes up Violet, who stares curiously at the robotic bird that suddenly triggers a deafening alarm. They run away, with the bird flying after them, and soon they are cornered by three Velocipods patrolled by Syndrome's security guards. She reminds Dash of what their mother has said, telling him to run, which he does, and two of the guards chase after him. Turning invisible to hide herself from the remaining guard and remaining invisible, she attacks him with a large stick. Displaying a high level of ingenuity, the guard uses dirt to find Violet once she has submerged herself in a shallow pond. Just then, Dash returns and stops the soldier from killing Violet, who in return saves him from that soldier by enclosing both herself and Dash in a force-field; both discover that she can float inside her force-field if generated in mid-air. Dash then proceeds to move the force sphere by running along its inside surface, propelling it at considerable speeds and mowing down everything in their path. After destroying a couple more Velocipods, they literally run over their parents. After a brief and joyful reunion, the family works as a super-team for the first time as another wave of henchmen find them and attack them. During this fight, Violet once again displays her increasing confidence, raising a large shield which protects her family from a hail of automatic weapons fire. Though the guards are quickly overpowered, Syndrome jumps into the scene and immobilizes the family in his zero-point energy. Once the family is imprisoned in his base's containment unit, Violet, while restrained by suspension beams, succeeds in wrapping a force-field around herself and severs her magnetic bonds. At the same time, her father apologizes to everyone for being a lousy father and being so caught up in the past that he missed out on his greatest adventure: his family. Violet has gathered enough momentum to roll towards a nearby control panel. As her father vows to get the family out of the situation no matter what it takes, Violet commends him for making some excellent progress and presses a button on the control panel that frees the family from the suspension beams. The family then makes their way to a hanger in hopes of getting a fast vehicle to head to Metroville. Dash suggests they use a rocket, and Violet suggests that they just need to use the coordinates from the previous launch so they won't have to try to fly it manually. Syndrome's former co-worker Mirage, who has defected from her employer after folding her apparent relationship with him, steps in to help. After returning to Metroville, the family is faced with Omnidroid 10, which attacks the children, but Violet wraps her force-field around herself and Dash, protecting them from its claws. The Omnidroid then slams its huge bulk onto Violet's force field, dissipating it and knocking Violet unconscious. Just as the kids are about to be crushed, their father steps in and holds up the robot for Helen to reach for the kids and take them to safety. Bob then finds a remote Syndrome has left behind. Violet and Dash notice that "the remote controls the robot." Her involvement in the battle comes after her elastic mother trip-wires the robot, when an invisible Violet gets her hand on the remote while dodging the robot's claws. Dash and Violet fight over the remote, which their mother takes control of, and the family waits as the Omnidroid approaches. Violet refuses Helen's order to hide and remains by her side until the Omnidroid is destroyed when Bob launches its detached claw (which the robot has fired at Bob a little earlier to prevent him from getting his hands on the remote) that penetrates through its bulk and rips out its brainpan. The Parrs return home, where they are caught again by Syndrome, who has baby Jack Jack in his arms, intending to kidnap him and raise him to be a sidekick. After Jack Jack is rescued by Helen and Syndrome is killed when his cape gets snagged in the turbine of his manta jet, Violet wraps her force-field around the Parrs to protect them from that wreckage of Syndrome's jet that falls onto them and destroys their house. Three months later, Violet is courageous enough to talk to Tony, who is now the shy one rather than Violet, and they plan to go to the movies on Friday. Violet tells Tony that she will buy the popcorn. In this scene, Violet was seen wearing a pink shirt and khaki pants instead of her typical dark blue clothing. In addition, her recent change in personality was made present by a desire to wear her hair out of her face -- pulled back by a headband. She and her parents cheer for Dash who is participating in track and field and applaud him for finishing in second place. Following Dash's athletic accomplishment, a new super-villain, The Underminer, emerges from underneath the earth. Violet and the rest of the family don their masks and suits, showing their rededication to fighting crime. +This superhero's name is Virman Vundabar. Their real name is . Virman Vundabar is a member of Darkseid's elite, having been trained by Granny Goodness. +This superhero's name is Vision II. Their real name is Vision. The metal monstrosity called Ultron created the synthetic humanoid known as the Vision from the remains of the original, android Human Torch of the 1940s to serve as a vehicle of vengeance against the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Himself constructed by size-changing scientist Henry Pym, Ultron inadvertently gained sentience and rebelled against the Avengers' resident roboticist. The living machine programmed the Vision's neural processors with the brain patterns of the ionically charged costumed champion called Wonder Man and implanted a control crystal to keep him in check. Ultron dispatched the Vision to draw the Avengers into a deathtrap, and it was during this initial encounter that the diminutive dynamo known as the Wasp coined the synthezoid's name. At first sight of the spectral entity, the horrified heroine called him an 'unearthly, inhuman vision.' Moved by the Avengers' plight, the Vision betrayed his programming and helped the mighty mortals defeat his calculating creator. The Vision served the Avengers faithfully for a number of years, standing with his teammates against the foes no single hero could defeat. Tentatively at first, the almost-human android embarked on a romantic relationship with the hex-casting heroine called the Scarlet Witch that blossomed into true love and marriage. The newlyweds left Avengers Mansion to live a quiet life in New Jersey. When the Vision's malfunctioning control crystal interfered with his ability to reason, he became bent on creating a new golden age of peace on Earth by seizing control of the world's computers and defense systems. Ultimately, the Vision reverted to form by severing his connection to the planet's databanks and extracting the control crystal from his mechanized mind. In the wake of the android Avengers' meltdown, the nations of Earth came to regard him as a high-level security threat. Government operatives abducted and dismantled the Vision, erasing his memory. The Scarlet Witch and the Avengers recovered their teammates' components, and Pym rebuilt and reprogrammed the Vision. The scientist downloaded the sum total of the Avengers' computer files into the synthezoid's neural processors, but Wonder Man refused to allow a new record of his brain patterns to be synthesized. Apparently, he had grown resentful of his digital doppelganger and was attracted to the Scarlet Witch himself. Hence, the Vision returned to existence sans human emotion, unable even to recall his love for his wife. The Vision has since uploaded a new set of brain patterns, again acquiring the ability to feel. Though he remembers his time with the Scarlet Witch, he has chosen not to attempt reconciliation. Eager to experience human emotion to the fullest, the synthezoid has made diligent efforts to explore aspects of his personality aside from those pre-programmed by Pym. +This superhero's name is Vision. Their real name is Vision. The metal monstrosity called Ultron created the synthetic humanoid known as the Vision from the remains of the original, android Human Torch of the 1940s (actually a divergent Human Torch created by Immortus for his own machinations) to serve as a vehicle of vengeance against the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Himself constructed by size-changing scientist Henry Pym, Ultron inadvertently gained sentience and rebelled against the Avengers' resident roboticist. The living machine programmed the Vision's neural processors with the brain patterns of the ionically charged costumed champion called Wonder Man and implanted a control crystal to keep him in check. Ultron dispatched the Vision to draw the Avengers into a deathtrap, and it was during this initial encounter that the diminutive dynamo known as the Wasp coined the synthozoid's name. At first sight of the spectral entity, the horrified heroine called him an "unearthly, inhuman vision." Moved by the Avengers' plight, the Vision betrayed his programming and helped the mighty mortals defeat his calculating creator. The Vision served the Avengers faithfully for a number of years, standing with his teammates against the foes no single hero could defeat. Tentatively at first, the almost-human android embarked on a romantic relationship with the hex-casting heroine called the Scarlet Witch that blossomed into true love and eventually marriage. The newlyweds left Avengers Mansion to live a quiet life in New Jersey. When the Vision's malfunctioning control crystal interfered with his ability to reason, he became bent on creating a new golden age of peace on Earth by seizing control of the world's computers and defense systems. Ultimately, the Vision reverted to form by severing his connection to the planet's databanks and extracting the control crystal from his mechanized mind. Rogue agents of the United States government, manipulated by the time traveler Immortus, abducted the Vision and dismantled him. Once the Avengers recovered his remains, Hank Pym rebuilt him as best he could. However, Simon Williams would not allow his brain patterns to be used again to provide a matrix for Vision's emotions, as he felt the original process had "ripped out his soul" and been done without his consent. Although his love for Wanda led him to feel guilt, he attempted to justify his actions by claiming that the Vision was never anything more than a copy of him, a claim that a number of other Avengers, including the Wasp, believed. This, along with damage to the Vision's synthetic skin when he was dismantled, resulted in his resurrection as a colorless, emotionless synthozoid. Meanwhile, the original Human Torch returned from apparent death, casting doubt on the Vision's identity. The Vision and the Scarlet Witch's children were then apparently revealed not to be children at all, but rather fragments of the soul of the demon Mephisto, who had been broken apart by Franklin Richards shortly before the birth of the twins. The twins were absorbed back into Mephisto, which temporarily drove the Witch insane. Although she recovered, she and the Vision separated, each operating on a different Avengers team. The Vision gradually regained his emotions by adopting new brain patterns from the deceased scientist Alex Lipton, and gained a new body that resembled his original. In addition, Simon Williams' brain patterns gradually reemerged and melded with Lipton's patterns, restoring the Vision to full emotion once more. While recovering from a crippling injury, the Vision gave up his attempt to reconcile with his wife, yet remained a member of the Avengers, briefly becoming romantically involved with teammates Carol Danvers (Warbird) and Mantis before making another attempt at reconciliation with the Scarlet Witch. Recently, grief over the loss of the twins again drove the Scarlet Witch insane. She tried to rewrite reality to recreate them, causing a series of threats and incidents to inexplicably occur one after the other. The Vision crashed an Avengers Quinjet into the Avengers Mansion. Walking out of the rubble, he apologized to the other Avengers, telling them he was no longer in control of his body before melting and expelling several spheres from his mouth. The spheres grew into five Ultrons, which were fought and destroyed by the assembled Avengers. During the fight, She-Hulk became enraged and tore apart the remains of the Vision. Vision's memories were later incorporated into a younger version of Kang known as Iron Lad's armor that was left behind when he returned to the future. This new Vision, adopting the alias Jonas, has shown himself to be a new, unique entity. During the Chaos War, Amatsu-Mikaboshi and his army of alien gods destroyed the realms of the afterlife, releasing the dead into the land of the living. The Vision was surprised to find himself among them. Working with Captain Marvel, Deathcry, Doctor Druid, Yellowjacket and Swordsman he protected the still-living Avengers, defensely as they were put to sleep by Mikaboshi using the stolen powers of Nightmare. Under the command of the Chaos King by their own will, Nekra and Grim Reaper attempted to slay the sleeping Avengers. Grim Reaper taunted the Vision, thanking him for destroying Avengers Mansion. The Vision, thinking back to how Ultron had told him that he could not be human if he could not die, realized that he became human by dying. He then detonated himself, ending both his life and that of the Grim Reaper. The Vision was rebuilt by Tony Stark and welcomed back to the Avengers. His first adventure while back on the team was against Norman Osborn's new H.A.M.M.E.R. organization. Afterwords, the Vision did a bit of traveling. He met up with She-Hulk and forgave her. She-Hulk offered herself as someone to talk to if he ever needed it. He then went to Utopia, angrily demanding the Scarlet Witch's location from Magneto. When Wanda was brought to Avengers Mansion by Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel, the Vision angrily told her off and demanded she leave. +This superhero's name is Vixen (CW). Their real name is Amaya Jiwe. Amaya Jiwe is a former member of the Legends and the Justice Society of America known as Vixen. After witnessing the death of her boyfriend, Rex Tyler, she decided to align herself with the Legends to get their assistance in her mission to hunt down the mysterious time traveler who killed Rex. She is also the grandmother of Mari, the Vixen of the present, and Kuasa. However, due to the remaining Legends preventing this reality, she never died. During a mission to the Caribbean, she was known as the Dread Pirate Jiwe. After Mallus was defeated, Amaya decided to leave the Legends and return to her village at her proper point in time. She is also the ex-girlfriend of Nate Heywood. +This superhero's name is Vixen II (CW). Their real name is Mari. Mari (born 1992) is an amateur fashion designer, and the possessor of the Anansi Totem, which she used to fight crime as the vigilante Vixen, as nicknamed by Cisco Ramon in the original timeline. She is the granddaughter of the JSA Vixen, Amaya Jiwe, and the sister of Kuasa, and in the original timeline, was the adoptive daughter of Chuck and Patty McCabe. In this timeline, she was known as Mari McCabe. Due to the Legends' intervention in 1992, the Zambesi Village was never destroyed. Thus, Mari was raised by her biological parents, and grew up to become the defender of her village alongside Kuasa. +This superhero's name is Vixen. Their real name is Mari McCabe. Mari McCabe is a Zambesi-born American businesswoman and model. She fights crime as Vixen with the aid of the Tantu Totem that allows her to wield the powers of the animal kingdom. In ancient Africa, there was a legend that the warrior Tantu asked Anansi the Spider to create a totem that would give the wearer all of the powers of the animal kingdom, if they would use the power to protect the innocent. It is possible that the "Anansi" who Tantu met, may have been a member of the alien race who gave Buddy Baker the ability to tap the Morphogenetic Field. Mari's Tantu totem may tap into that same field. Tantu used the totem to become the first legendary hero of Africa. The totem was later passed down to Tantu's descendants until it reached the McCabes. Growing up in a small African village, Mari Jiwe McCabe heard the legend of the “Tantu Totem” from her parents. She was the daughter of Reverend Richard Jiwe, the village priest, who was her sole caretaker, as poachers, lead by a man named Kwesi, killed her mother years ago. Reverend Jiwe himself was killed by his half-brother (Mari's uncle) General Maksai. Makasai wanted the Tantu Totem, which had been in Reverend Jiwe's possession. Now orphaned, she fled to America. She set up an identity for herself as Mari McCabe and used her beauty to become a well-known fashion model in New York City. She used her newfound wealth to travel the world. On a trip back to Africa, she came across her uncle, and stole back the Tantu Totem, using its power to become the Vixen. After this, Vixen made only two appearances as a solo crime fighter: once fighting poachers in India and then against the techno-psycho criminal, Admiral Cerebrus. In fact, she was a reluctant hero until the Justice League of America was reorganized by Aquaman. She applied for full-time League membership and was accepted. During her time with the JLA, the totem was taken from her by General Maksai, who still sought its power. The totem would only grant its full power to those who would use it to protect the innocent, and caused it Maksai to be transformed into a raging beast. Maksai was killed in battle with Vixen. Vixen continued with that particular incarnation of the JLA until it was disbanded by the Martian Manhunter. When the League disbanded, Vixen returned to modeling; but a Caribbean photo session turned violent, and Mari's colleagues were killed by drug smugglers. She appealed to the government, who turned the matter over to the Suicide Squad. Going undercover to capture the drug kingpin Cujo. Along with Captain Boomerang and Black Orchid, she destroyed the operation, but not before she lost control and killed the criminal kingpin, too. Revolted by what she had become, she agreed to work with the Squad until her animal instincts could be curbed. She worked with the Squad for some time, although when it was disbanded for a year Mari returned to modeling and even launched a successful line of clothing. Her failed romance with Ben Turner (the Bronze Tiger) made Vixen decline an offer to rejoin the Squad; but sensing a chance to help the tortured Turner, Vixen reluctantly agreed to return and served through the end of its existence. She ultimately gave up on a future with the Tiger, sensing that he would never admit to needing help. After the Suicide Squad's heyday, Mari continued to do undercover work. She was drafted for at least one mission for Checkmate (the Squad's brother organization). At some point, she signed on to work with Oracle's Birds of Prey. She went undercover to investigate a strange "superhero" cult, where the leader was able to mind-control her. The Huntress tried to help her and was nearly killed by Vixen, but Vixen regained her senses and used the stubbornness of a mule to hold back the mind-control of the cult leader. She and Huntress then rescued the other brainwashed heroes. Vixen may still have trouble controlling her animal side while using the totem, as witnessed when she worked alongside the Flash to stop Gorilla Grodd. She also served on one mission with the Justice League Task Force; came to Wonder Woman's aid during a battle with Circe; and helped her former JLA comrades protect Lex Luthor. She then joined the loose-knit Ultramarine Corps until they moved on to another universe. During the Identity Crisis she was at the side of Firestorm while battling the Shadow Thief, and Firestorm was impaled by the Shining Knight's sword, which the Shadow Thief had stolen. The magical sword ruptured the nuclear man's containment field, resulting in Firestorm's body exploding. For killing Firestorm, the Shadow Thief was prosecuted by Kate Spencer (a.k.a. Manhunter IX), and Vixen testified during the trial. Vixen was lured to a bar in Hub City, by a supposed note sent by the Question. When arriving at the bar, she was ambushed by the Electrocutioner and Plastique. Plastique quickly grabbed her Totem from around her waist and escaped with Electrocutioner in a Boom Tube as Plastique destroyed the bar. Mari managed to pull herself from the wreckage as she began to lose control of her powers, due to the Totem missing and unable to channel them properly. After hours of being free with her powers, forgetting almost all her memories including her name, Vixen began to regain control as she remembered the Totem being stolen from her. Latching on to being human, she began her pursuit of finding her missing Totem. As she searched, a stinging pain hit her as Arsenal shot the android Amazo in the back, where her Totem was implanted by Professor Ivo. Vixen immediately located it and used the powers of a falcon to tear through Amazo and grab her totem. Before the battle, Vixen was considered by Superman to be part of the League, however, both Batman and Wonder Woman felt she was not ready for the League. Nonetheless, due to her part in defeating Amazo, Vixen was invited to be on the new Justice League of America, now located in Washington, D.C., along with the other heroes present during the battle with Amazo. Not long after a couple of missions Vixen noticed a change in her powers which means she is no longer drawing on animal characteristics but rather the powers of those around her, matching their skill levels and, she suspects, draining powers from the owners themselves. Superman is first to catch on to this and she subsequently reveals it to Red Arrow. Later she seeks out her former Suicide Squad teammate Bronze Tiger to discuss her situation, and subsequently admits everything to the League. Chairperson Black Canary instructs her to hand in her credentials and removes her from the team, but then discusses with Mari the possibility of seeking Zatanna's assistance in fixing the properties of the totem. When Zatanna attempts to find the source of the problem, she sees a mystic image of Vixen and Animal Man as puppets. When she tries to break the spell, she is repelled by an unknown force. When Vixen attempts to defeat the newly-restored Amazo by absorbing all his stolen powers, she becomes mysteriously weak. She falls unconcious, with Amazo bearing down on her. Amazo is later defeated and Vixen departs to visit Animal Man with other JLA members to seek help for her condition. Vixen and the other JLA members along with Animal Man are taken inside the Tantu Totem, where the Trickster God Anansi reweaves history so that the current form of the JLA never came about. Vixen escapes and teams up with an alternate history JLA in order to combat Anansi only for him to change them. She uses her last gambit and threatens the destruction of the tantu totem unless Anansi fixes what he has done, he relents. It is then that Anansi explains that while he controls the stories inside the totem, the world outside the totum is changing. The alteration of the universe worries him, as great damage can be done. He only manipulated Vixen so that he can make her into the type of person she needs to be, so that that she is prepared for what is to come. He then returns the JLA back to normal and and gives her the powers back as they were. Vixen returns to her home village for the first time in years only to find that Kwesi, the man who killed her mother, has taken over many of the local Zambesi villages. Vixen easily dispatches a number of Kwesi's troops showing the villagers her powers in the process. Many of the villagers, now fearful of her supernatural nature, ask her to leave so that she does not bring Kwesi's wrath on the village. Vixen soon confronts Kwesi directly and is surprised to find that he has powers of his own. Kwesi shows speed power and claws that rival anything Vixen possesses. He is able to severely wound her after their initial engagement. Vixen finds that she has great trouble healing the wounds, which turn out to be poisoned. While in her injured state, her JLA communicator is activated, and the Justice League travels to Africa to assist her. Vixen later finds out that Kwesi is being funded by Intergang and that his powers are actually produced by advanced technology and chemicals. One of these chemicals, a Vodun zombie potion modified to be effective against Superman, infects the Kryptonian and Black Canary. Whisper A'Daire turns out to be the head of the this Intergang plot, and through the uses of the zombie potion takes control of the two heroes and turns them against their fellow Leaguers. +This superhero's name is Volstagg (MCU). Their real name is Volstagg. Volstagg was an Asgardian warrior and a member of the Warriors Three. He was a good friend of Thor, Sif, and fellow members Hogun and Fandral. Alongside all his fellow warriors, Volstagg took part in a poorly considered strike against all the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, which soon resulted in King Odin deciding to directly punish Thor by banishing him to the Earth without his powers. When Loki then took the throne of Asgard during Thor's banishment, Volstagg and his allies played a key role saving Thor from the Destroyer before bringing him back to Asgard where he successfully stopped Loki from stealing the throne of Asgard and restoring the peace. Once they had quelled the Marauders rebellion, Volstagg and his allies believed they had brought peace to the Nine Realms before they were forced to join the War against the Dark Elf Malekith. As Thor and Odin's views had clashed, Volstagg assisted his friend in finding his own way to defeat the Dark Elves, before being tasked with removing the Aether along with Lady Sif. However, Volstagg's long service to Asgard came to its end upon Hela's arrival through the Bifrost Bridge, where she then slaughtered both Fandral and Volstagg before then attempting to rule over all of Asgard. +This superhero's name is Vulture (MCU). Their real name is Adrian Toomes. Toomes married Doris Toomes and together they had their daughter named Liz Toomes. In order to support his own family, Toomes founded the cleaning company Bestman Salvage. Toomes discovered his daughter had a natural talent for art which made him proud as he vowed to support her.the wake of the Battle of New York, the Bestman Salvage had successfully gained the contract to clean up the city. Having shown Phineas Mason a picture that his daughter had just drawn of the battle and the Avengers involved with it, Toomes oversaw all his men cleaning up Grand Central Station, telling Herman Schultz to use the Chitauri technology to take apart one of the crashed Chitauri Chariots as their own tools did not work on them. +This superhero's name is Vulture. Their real name is Adrian Toomes. Adrian Toomes is a former electronics engineer who employs a special harness of his own design that allows him to fly and endows him with enhanced strength. Toomes is quite old, though spry, and is a virtually remorseless killer. On one occasion, he restored his youth through biochemical means, though this wore off after exposure to the corpse of an elemental superhuman. At one point he had used a device to steal Spider-Man's youth, leaving Vulture young and Spider-Man elderly, but this effect wore off within hours. On more than one occasion Toomes has been in league with several other Spider-Man villains in order to destroy the wall crawler. The Vulture has been in every incarnation of the Sinister Six. The Vulture once stumbled across a plot by the Chameleon and the Green Goblin to drive Spider-Man insane by having shapeshifting androids impersonate his late mother and father; the sham was revealed when the Vulture sought out the Chameleon to find a way to maintain his artificial youth and the androids were ultimately destroyed, leading the wall-crawler to a brief nervous breakdown. The Vulture absorbed the artificial life force from the Mary Parker android, and the effect on the Vulture was two-fold; not only did he become a young man again, but he was instantly cured of the cancer that had been slowly killing him for some time. (The Vulture has since reverted to an old man once again, however.) Toomes' identity as the Vulture has been claimed by impostors on several occasions. The first, "Blackie" Drago, was a prison cellmate of Toomes. While he was in prison, Toomes was in an accident and, worried that his revenge against Spider-man would never be fulfilled, told all his secrets to Drago, who stole the Vulture harness and costume, and was subsequently defeated by Toomes. The second, Professor Clifton Shallot, was a vengeful university professor who mutated himself into a Vulture lookalike; his powers were lost in his first and only battle with Spider-Man. The Vulture technology was later copied by a group of thugs called "The Vulturions"; Toomes defeated these usurpers as well. Another technology thief, Bluebird was defeated by Spider-Man before Toomes learned of her existence. Recently, It was revealed that Toomes, with the help of Sandman, manipulated several villains Bullseye, Deadpool, Juggernaut, and Sabretooth into laying siege to terrorist group A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics) headquarters in order to retrieve a disc containing the identities of undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives (including his daughter's). Under the tutelage of Al Kraven, Kraven the Hunter's son, Toomes briefly attempted a stint at heroism, but before long he returned to the other side of the law. However, the Vulture was hired by the government to track down Spider-Man after he rebelled against the Superhuman Registration Act. Toomes was hospitalized, suffering a mild stroke during his battle, and felt suicidal until Spider-Man made Toomes recognize his will to live. +This superhero's name is Walrus. Their real name is Hubert Carpent. Hubert Carpenter was a New York City cab driver who lived with Humber, an eccentric uncle (who was also a mad scientist). Humber used experimental technology to enhance Hubert's physical abilities. Apparently, the dim-witted individual decided to do nothing more with his powers than to make a life of petty crime. He made his first known appearance as one of the villains battling the Defenders, only to be taken out by their erstaz associate, the Frog-Man. He slipped back into obscurity, surfacing again when the White Rabbit wanted to form a league of past Frog-Man villains to gain revenge on the crime-fighting amphibian. This plan ended in failure as well, as the so-called "Terrible Two" were defeated by Frog-Man and Spider-Man. Deadpool, seeing the chaos caused by the rampage of the Serpent's Worthy, manipulates the Walrus into thinking that he has been chosen to wield a magical hammer. Unknown to Deadpool, the hammer Walrus received actually did have magical properties when exposed to a full moon. Greatly strengthened by the hammer's power, the once small time criminal proceded to cause chaos and destruction in New Mexico, almost killing Deadpool on multiple occasions. In the end, Deadpool managed to trick Walrus into entering the windowless basement of a sheriff's office where the hammer became powerless and Deadpool could take advantage of the sheriff's weapon's cache. +This superhero's name is War Machine II. Their real name is Parnell Jacobs. Parnell Jacobs knew Jim Rhodes, the previous War Machine from his military days. He became a freelance mercenary after being discharged. How Parnell came to associate with Stuart Clarke is unknown. He claims he found the armor and decided to use it rather than sell it. He was drawn into conflict with Iron Man when ordered by Sunset Bain to attack a firm Tony Stark was scheduled to work for. Even with Warbird assisting the injured Iron Man, Parnell was able to destroy the firm and escape the heroes. Rhodes was able to identify Parnell by a phrase he commonly used. 'It looks like you weren't ready to play the game today.'After a second conflict with Iron Man and subsequent confrontation with Rhodes and his wife, Glenda, Parnell abandoned his employer. He retained the armor although he discarded some additional weaponry Clarke had developed. Parnell's current whereabouts are unknown. +This superhero's name is War Machine. Their real name is James Rhodes. James Rhodes was a pilot in the United States Marines stationed in South Vietnam during the U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia. Blasted out of the sky by enemy rockets, Rhodes managed to land in one piece and was attempting to get his craft airworthy when inventory Tony Stark, clad in his Iron Man armor, happened to be passing by. Stark had just completed his original armor, had avenged his fellow prisoner Professor Yinsen, and was trying to make his way through the jungle to the American defense perimeter. Attacked by the Viet Cong, Iron Man proved to Rhodes they were on the same side, and Rhodes allowed him to drain the helicopter's batteries to recharge his armor. The two then trekked through the jungle together, finely discovering a hidden enemy rocket base. Stealing an enemy helicopter, they destroyed the base, and flew to the nearest American encampment. Before leaving Vietnam for the United States, Stark offered Rhodes a job as a pilot as soon as his military stint was over. After a succession of other jobs, Rhodes finally accepted Stark's offer and became his personal pilot and chief aviation engineer. While working at Stark International, Rhodes aided Iron Man in his battles against such foes as the Roxxon Oil Company, Justin Hammer, the Dreadnoughts, and Obadiah Stane. When devastating personal problems caused Tony Stark to abuse alcohol and become incapable of using the Iron Man armor responsibly, Rhodes put it on in order to defend Stark International from the criminal Magma. He offered to return it but Stark insisted Rhodes take on the responsibility of being Iron Man for a while to enable Stark to enjoy himself. Reluctantly Rhodes agreed, and after Stark employee Morley Erwin helped him figure out how to operate the armor, found himself in battle with such foes as Thunderball, Firebrand, Krang, Flying Tiger, the Radioactive Man, the Mandarin, the Zodiac, and Vibro. Although he was unable to help Stark from being swindled out of proprietorship of Stark International by Obadiah Stane, he did prevent Stane from taking custody of all of Stark's Iron Man armors. With Morley Erwin and his sister Clytemnestra, Rhodes embarked upon a brief career as a mercenary in order to obtain funds with which they could begin a new business venture. By the time they succeeded in raising sufficient capital, Tony Stark had recovered from his several months-long alcohol binge, and offered to join them. The four moved out to Silicon Valley, California, where they founded Circuits Maximus, a small electronics design firm. Stark still was not interested in resuming his Iron Man role and gave his blessing to Rhodes to continue. Rhodes was initiated into the established ranks of superhuman champions when he became one of those who participated in the first Secret Wars. Soon afterwards, he was invited to join the newly-founded West Coast Avengers by chairman Hawkeye, who believed him to be the original Iron Man. After proving his worth to the group, Rhodes revealed to them he was Iron Man's replacement. Soon after first donning the armor, Rhodes began to get severe headaches because the cybernetics in the helmet had never been properly recalibrated for his brain patterns. Working in close proximity with Stark again, Rhodes began to fantasize that Stark secretly disapproved of him keeping the armor and wanted it back. This led to increasingly hostile and irrational behavior on Rhodes' part. As work therapy, Stark began to construct a new set of armor based on his original armor's design. When Rhodes finally began to endanger the lives of innocents by his behavior, Stark donned the unsophisticated new armor and managed to stop Rhodes' rampage. Ashamed of his behavior, Rhodes went off to look for a cure for his headaches when adjusting the helmet to his brain patterns did not end them. Stark went to the West Coast Avengers to tender Rhodes' resignation, and was invited by Hawkeye to use the laboratory facilities to create a new state-of-the-art set of armor. Rhodes returned to Circuits Maximus after the Indian mystic Shaman helped him cure his headaches, and briefly joined forces with Stark battling Obadiah Stane's latest machinations against them. Rhodes was injured in an explosion Stane engineered that destroyed Circuits Maximus and killed Morley Erwin. Consequently, he could not assist Stark in his final assault on Stane, an assault that ended in Stane's death. Rhodes joined Stark in his new business venture, but even after his bones mended, he was reluctant to put the Iron Man armor on again. Stark had resumed his responsibilities as Iron Man using the new state-of the-art armor, and Rhodes not only felt a second armored Avenger would be superfluous, he also felt contrite about his irrational period. Several years later, Tony Stark "died," and Rhodes was named CEO of Stark Enterprises. It was at this time that Stark Enterprises created the War Machine armor and Rhodes briefly took the place of Iron Man (even replacing him in the Avengers West Coast). However, when he discovered that Stark was not dead, Rhodes became furious and resigned, severing his friendship with Stark. The two would occasionally team up to battle the evil that was trying to take over, but the friendship of old was no longer the same. Around this time Jim became romantically involved with Rae LaCoste. War Machine went on his own for some time. Jim traveled to the small African nation of Imaya in an attempt to free peace activist Vincent Cetewayo. Cable and Deathlok (Michael Collins) also traveled to the war-torn country, and Nick Fury quickly sent a SHIELD team to hope the situation would stabilize. In the resulting revolution the country's dictator was overthrown, but Cetewayo had been murdered by a mysterious Advisor, who warned Jim that he is present in every conflict. Jim continued to adventure and worked for Cetewayo's company Worldwatch, which investigates human rights abuses. One of the SHIELD agents present, Sheva Joseph, left to work with Rhodes. Jim continued to adventure, but could not find someone capable of repairing the armor. Returning to Stark, the two had a confrontation about each other's recent actions. This was interrupted by the Mandarin. After Mandarin was defeated, the armor was fixed. While visiting family and friends in Philly, Rhodey stumbled onto a group of armor wearers who hunt for sport. Tracking the leader Locomotive Breath to Slorenia, he discovered that atrocities were occurring and alerted both Worldwatch and Force Works. Soon after that, he was contacted by Sheva, who was investigating some neo-Nazi activity. Rhodey and Nick Fury answered her call to find a rabid faction that was attempting to send modern weapons to WWII era Germany. Rhodey followed, meeting a younger Fury, the Howling Commandos as well as Cap and Bucky Barnes. The "Zeitkrieg" was halted, although the War Machine armor was lost when time shifted. On vacation, Jim suddenly acquired a new alien costume, the Eidolon Warwear. A mysterious woman named Skye said only that he would need it. Hearing that something terrible had happened, Rhodes returned to the Avengers. Rhodes joined the Black Widow, the US_Agent and Hawkeye to find a way to stop Tony Stark. A confrontation changed little, and Rhodey helped Force Works to disable some weapons. He went into space to disable the STARCORE satellite. There he found another Eidolon wearer named Dirge, apparently having been sent by Kang. A dying Skye explained a bit more about the Eidolon's history, and the other wearer was destroyed. Eventually, Stark broke Kang's control and sacrificed his life to save his friends. After his death, Rhodes returned to Stark Enterprises, which was soon bought out by Fujikawa; his attitude about Stark changed for the better as well. Sheva Joseph began to rapidly age and soon died, a side effect from their earlier time travel. Jim's Eidolon was discovered while he was being examined for the same condition, and he briefly got into a quarrel with SHIELD who wanted to quarantine him and study the armor. As War Machine, Jim Rhodes discovered that Fujikawa was trying to gain access to some of Tony Stark's old technology. In order to save that technology from falling into another's hands and to preserve the legacy of his old friend, he purged the computers of Fujikawa in order to destroy all the information about Stark's armor technology. In doing so, he sacrificed his alien costume by downloading it into the computers and sending it on a "search and destroy" mission. No longer wishing for any superhero identity, Rhodes returned to civilian life to start up his own salvage company. Upon Stark and the other heroes' return from Counter-Earth, the two renewed their friendship, also dealing with the new War Machine, Parnell Jacobs. Rhodes had heavily invested in Grace & Tumbalt due to their stated purpose of improving urban ethnic neighborhoods. While investigating the death of his sister Jeanette, he learned the company was corrupt, using their resources to fuel gangs and drugs. This led to his membership in The Crew. James was hired by ONE and serves as a Direct Command Officer and combat instructor for Sentinel Squad ONE. Post-Civil War, Rhodey is participating in the Intiative recruitment and training program. +This superhero's name is Warbird. Their real name is Carol Danvers. Concurrently, Carol worked as a magazine editor and freelance writer in New York City. After working several cases with the Avengers, Ms. Marvel was invited to join the team during the Scarlet Witch's leave of absence. She quickly established herself as valuable member, but left the team following a bizarre unwanted pregnancy caused by 'Marcus', who claimed to be the son of Immortus. Marcus manipulated Carol into believing that she loved him and took her to his home in Limbo. However, Marcus' plot backfired when he discovered that he aged at an accelerated rate in Limbo. Eventually, Carol learned how to use Immortus' time-traveling devices and returned to her time. Seeking peace of mind after the ordeal with Marcus, Carol relocated to San Francisco and chose not to resume ties with the Avengers. In a battle with the power-absorbing mutant named Rogue, Carol lost virtually all her Mr. Marvel abilities, leaving her with only her augmented genetic structure. After the fight, Rogue attempted to murder Carol by hurling her from the Golden Gate Bridge. However, Spider-Woman rescued Carol and alerted the Avengers and X-Men to Carol's plight. Rogue also drained her memories, most of which were restored by mutant mentor Charles Xavier. However, Professor X could not return the emotional bonds linked to those memories. During this period, Carol was a frequent ally of the X-Men -- Xavier's team of masked, mutant heroes. +This superhero's name is Warlock. Their real name is Adam Warlock. Adam Warlock is an artificially created human who was born in a cocoon at a scientific complex called The Beehive. The goal of his creators, the Enclave, was to create and subsequently exploit the perfect human. While in the cocoon, he became aware of his creators' plans for him. He awoke from the cocoon and rebelled. Having not had a childhood or parents, Warlock was lacking in maturity and restraint. He first met Alicia Masters, who was brought to the Beehive to sculpt his face, as he initially radiated so much light that a sighted person could not see through. She found him encased in a cocoon, from which he shortly emerged, destroying his creators that he hated so much, and teleported away. Warlock later came into conflict with the Fantastic Four and Thor; during his encounter with Odinson, he was killed when he attempted to force Thor's sometime paramour Sif to become his mate. Adam was revived and his behavior improved when he met the being known as the High Evolutionary. Under his guidance, Warlock's life was given direction and purpose. Warlock also came into possession of the Soul Gem. The Soul Gem, one of the Infinity Gems, allowed Warlock to sense the souls of others and draw them into a dimension contained within the gem. Warlock was then transported to Counter-Earth, an attempt by the High Evolutionary to create a Utopian society out of the framework of the original Earth. Unfortunately, it had fallen under the influence of the Man-Beast, a wolf that had been genetically modified into humanoid form by the High Evolutionary. In the process of ending the Man-Beast's regime, Warlock's narcissism led him to another death, this time by crucifixion. Warlock used his powers to resurrect himself. Warlock, in recreating the resurrection of Christ on Counter earth, lead to the creation of an organized religion planet wide; this also was the first step toward Warlock’s "God Complex". +This superhero's name is Warp. Their real name is Emil LaSalle. Little is known about how the man known as Warp gained his teleportation powers, or why he hated the woman known as Madame Rouge. As Warp, he joined the Brotherhood of Evil because of that group's plan for revenge against Rouge. In a battle with the New Teen Titans, the Brotherhood succeeded in killing Rouge and her accomplices. The Brotherhood then turned their attention to Brother Blood. In an attempt tp learn Blood's secrets, Warp kidnapped Raven, but the Titan was rescued by her team mates. Warp joined Alexander Luthor's Secret Society. Working with Dr. Psycho, he freed Doomsday. Warp was one of the villains stranded on planet Salvation. He seemingly died when the portal exploded. +This superhero's name is Warpath. Their real name is James Proudstar. James Proudstar was born on the Apache reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona. As a young boy, James idolized his older brother, John Proudstar, and when John returned from a stint in the Marines, James was overjoyed to see him again. Unfortunately, their mother revealed to the family that she had cancer, prompting a visit to an amusement park, where James had his fortune told to him, by none other than Destiny, though James thought she was a fraud. Then, James secretly accompanied John, when he infiltrated Arroyo labs, the clinic that was running tests on their reservation's people and treating them for cancer. James was discovered by Dr. Edwin Martynec, who revealed himself to be a mutated werewolf. The brothers learned that Dr. Martynec was faking the cancer diagnoses, so he could irradiate his patients and observe the results. John was soon recruited to the X-Men and was killed on one of the team's first missions. James blamed the X-Men for his brother's death and promised to murder its founder, Professor Charles Xavier. James soon manifested his own mutation, similar to his brothers'. James soon joined the Hellions, at the Massachusetts Academy, under the leadership of The White Queen, where he was tutored, by the White Queen, and trained in the use of his powers. James first encountered the New Mutants, after the White Queen invited Doug Ramsey to her school and she captured Kitty Pride and Doug. Emma Frost was unaware that Kitty and Magik shared a rapport and the New Mutants came to their rescue. James later donned his brother's costume and kidnapped the X-Man Banshee, to draw the team to Cheyenne Mountain, where his brother John had been killed. Everything was going just as planned for him, but at the last second, James couldn't bring himself to kill Professor X. Professor X, eventually, convinced Thunderbird that his brother died a hero's death and James released them, stating Professor Xavier was an honorable man. Professor X offered James membership into the New Mutants, but he declined. Instead, James rejoined the Hellions and eventually became the leader. The Hellions and New Mutants began a rivalry, which both headmasters slightly encouraged, but after the New Mutants were sent to the Massachusetts Academy, James gained a respect for his rivals and a crush on their leader, Dani Moonstar. The New Mutants were returned to the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and later Magneto dressed them elegantly and they all attended a Hellfire Club event, where James befriended the honorable Dani. The pair began to search for Wolfsbane and Catseye, who had run-off in their lycan forms. The event turned sour for the rest of the New Mutants after finding Cypher, drunk, in a bed with Roulette, until Cannonball suggested another duel between the two teams. The duel was for both teams to hunt down the person responsible for selling a member of the Hellfire Club a forged statue of Selene and the losers were to apologize, publicly, for any insults and take the rap for any trouble with their teachers before sunrise. After having Illyana Rasputin spy on the Hellions, through a scrying glass on Limbo, the New Mutants learned that Viper and the Silver Samurai were behind the forgery and decided to intercept the villains, before the Hellions. Unknown to the New Mutants, Thunderbird assumed that they would spy on the Hellions and led them to the henchmen of the villains, while the Hellions captured Viper and Silver Samurai, winning the competition. Upon returning to the Hellfire Club, while James was positioned to kiss Dani, Tessa arrived with a letter from Xi'an Coy Manh, for Dani. After hearing of an animal creature that was being mistreated after capture, Emma allowed the Hellions to participate in a contest with the New Mutants to abduct Bird Brain, where Thunderbird was influenced, by Empath, to admit his crush on Dani and the New Mutants emerged victorious. James soon felt like he did not fit in with the Hellions and quit, and returned to the Apache reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona. Cable soon met with James and offered him membership into his New Mutants, but he declined, as he enjoyed staying at the reservation. When James returned, he found the entire tribe murdered, and a Hellfire Club agent's mask left behind. James then decided to join the New Mutants, from his newly formed vendetta against the Hellfire Club and Emma, in particular. Under Cable's leadership, the New Mutants no longer associated with the X-Men and James took on the codename Warpath. Alongside X-Force, he fought the M.L.F., the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants led by Toad, and many other villains that crossed their paths. When James later met Emma again, she claimed she had no ties to the killings of his tribe. When Cable moved X-Force back to the X-Mansion, he tried to get Warpath to train with a bo staff, which he did for a short time, but never used in action. By this time, Warpath was experiencing an increase in sensory awareness and strength that allowed him to perform feats he never imagined before, such as run at 100 MPH and climb walls by digging his fingers into the concrete. One night, he received a message regarding the massacre's perpetrators and ran to New York, where Risque introduced herself to him from the shadows, planted a kiss on his lips and left. Then, when Selene made her move against the X-Ternals, killing those who remained, Warpath sensed her presence in Gideon's apartment and climbed the building to find it. He was able to track Selene, but fell victim to her spells and was knocked out. Fortunately, Risque arrived and pulled James out before Selene could drain his life. Risque took James to Florida to recuperate and they fell for each other. Finally, Jimmy wanted to get back to his friends, and the duo arrived just in time to defend X-Man from Mister Sinister. Warpath intended to remain at the Mansion, but after being confronted by the Blob and Mimic in NYC, Risque finally fulfilled her "mission" by slipping a sleeping pill into Jimmy's drink and brought him to Sledge in Detroit. Sledge had no malicious intent, but rather offered James the location of his tribesman Michael Whitecloud, who had somehow survived the massacre on the reservation. In return, he asked Warpath to enter a dimensional gateway and retrieve the person who was trapped there. That person ended up being the Vanisher, and James rocketed him out of the dimension with his vacuum suit's jetpack. As a result of this experience (in which he almost ended up trapped forever telling stories to the dimension's natives), James began to question his constant searching for vengeance and his focus on the past. James got Whitecloud's location from Sledge and went to see him with Siryn. Whitecloud told Warpath the more about the massacre and how he escaped and how to access the files he stole from the Arroyo Institute, which was the reason for the destruction of Camp Verde. However, Whitecloud's head exploded before he could reveal the names of those who sponsored the massacre. James retrieved the documents, but was ambushed and captured to Martin Edwards (Edwin Martynec), who was waiting for him. Martynec revealed that he had been working for Stryfe to create mutated soldiers and experimented on the people at Camp Verde, but the escape of one of his doctors and one of his creations necessitated the massacre as a cover up. Siryn and Warpath broke free but Martynec injected James with a drug and killed him. In a hell dimension, Warpath was confronted by Stryfe, who wanted to force him into despair, which would allow Stryfe to be resurrected by Blackheart. Fortunately, Jimmy was able to connect with Siryn, who was doing CPR on him. Also, Valkyrie (Brunnhilde), brought the rest of X-Force to the hell dimension to fight for Jimmy's soul, and they won, returning Jimmy to life. Under Pete Wisdom's tutelage, James learned how to use his enhanced abilities to do things he never thought of, like fly. Exactly how he manipulated his power to do this is still unknown. James remained with X-Force through Wisdom's tenure and through one faking of the team's death. However, when X-Force came upon a top-secret plot to use alien technology to recreate a planet-moving engine, they apparently could not stop the bio-engineered defenders of the facility. James and his teammates (except Domino) were presumed dead following the explosion they set off, leveling the alien tech base. However, they soon appeared at a press conference for the new team calling itself X-Force, and got into a fight with the other mutants over naming rights. Shortly thereafter, James was recruited into the Mumbai, India office of the X-Corporation. When Professor X came to visit, James saved his life from assassination by the deranged Lilandra. He worked with former teammate Feral, her sister Thornn, and Sunfire. Before receiving his X-Corporation uniform, he was wearing his brother's old costume, which the Indian public adored. As a result of the Scarlet Witch's actions during the "House of M" incident, nearly all of the mutants in the entire world were stripped of their powers, although James retained his powers. As a result of the loss of mutants, Cyclops shut down all of the X-Corporation offices and most of the X-Corporation employees were sent to the Xavier Institute. Warpath was one of the many, including his former Hellion teammate, Empath. James did not enjoy his stay as it reminded him of a reservation he grew up in. While living on the Xavier grounds, James rekindled his friendship with former teammate Caliban who was also staying on the grounds. He also was given Vibranium Knives as a gift from Storm and the Black Panther. Shortly afterwards, he joined the ranks of the X-Men for the first time, at Professor X's request. Along with Professor X, Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, Havok, Darwin, and Polaris, he journeyed into space to track down Vulcan. He showed his superb fighting prowess while fighting cyborg drones as the X-Men attempted to commandeer a Shi'ar ship. During the final fight with Vulcan, Warpath fought bravely and in the end was on the spaceship with half of the team when Lilandra sent it back to Earth. Back on Earth, Warpath was training with Hepzibah when they came across Sentinels attacking a "trespasser", who turned out to be Caliban. Nightcrawler teleported Caliban away to the infirmary and Warpath threatened the Sentinel until Storm showed up putting the Sentinel pilot in an awkward situation. Caliban soon told them of Leech's kidnapping, and Masque's return. The X-Men journeyed to the Morlock Tunnels, and Warpath fought an alligator along the way. Caliban explained that the alligators were their protectors and a girl could talk to them, but Warpath told him that she was gone and they were not listening anymore. While wrestling it, he was thrown through a wall, and on the other side found cryptic writings of Qwerty. They soon found where Leech was taken, and saved him while defeating renegade Morlocks in the process. Warpath, along with Hepzibah, Caliban, Wolfsbane, X-23, and leader Wolverine formed a new X-Force designed to personally do the extreme tasks the X-Men would not normally be associated with. During Messiah Complex, Caliban sacrificed his life to save James' by jumping in the path of a range of bullets from a Reaver. James buried Caliban at his past Apache reservation, alongside his brother and continued to fight alongside X-Force, as well as date Hepzibah. While taking some time off from X-Force, he visited his brothers' grave, and was attacked by a disturbed Demon Bear. With the help of Ghost Rider, he learned the secrets of Eli Bard; how he had ressurrected his brother, Caliban, and his tribe for a sacrifice to Selene. After the Messiah War, X-Force was thrust into the middle of Necrosha, where reanimated past villains and the likes were controlled by Selene and the T-O virus. He met Risque, who was a part of Selene's resurrected army, and she managed to fight the T-O virus long enough to tell him to get away. When he confronted his brother he gave him a mercy killing. Later, with the help of an ancient ritual, he defeated Selene by stabbing her in the heart with her own dagger, which also freed the souls from her reanimated army. He later left X-Force, and was seen staying on Utopia afterwards. +This superhero's name is Watcher. Their real name is Uatu. Billions of years ago, the technologically-advanced extraterrestrial race known as the Watchers decided it was their duty to help the universe's less advanced races. In their first such experiment, proposed by Ikor, a delegation of four brought atomic energy knowledge to the planet Prosilicus. The Prosilicans accepted the gift, but used it to develop nuclear weapons and engaged in an auto-genocidal war. Ashamed, the Watchers vowed never again to interfere in the affairs of other races. Ikor drafted a code of ethics based upon strict noninterference and passive observation that was so strict that if another being were dying at a Watcher's feet, the Watcher would offer no aid. With their new code established, the Watchers evacuated their homeworld and relocated throughout the galaxies, each Watcher choosing a solar system where they could observe and mentally record the lives of other races for the sake of eventually sharing it with their fellow Watchers. The Watchers would then sporadically reassemble to pool their knowledge and share what they had witnessed. Ikor's son, Uatu, chose Earth's solar system as his new home and was based in the "Blue Area" of Earth's moon, an abandoned settlement built by the alien Kree and Cotati, from which he observed Earth for billions of years. At first, Uatu adhered to his race's vow of non-interference: he did not physically intervene when the Gunan known as Xakku the Sun-Stealer threatened to transport Earth's sun to his own solar system (although he did trick the alien into expending his oxygen tanks before he could accomplish his mission) and even spurned the affections of the extraterrestrial Queen Kalthea, who offered Uatu her hand in marriage after his appearance caused the barbarians threatening her kingdom to retreat; but over the centuries, Uatu grew so fond of the lifeforms he observed that he occasionally violated his vow of non-interference when Earth's existence was threatened. Uatu's first recorded encounter with an Earthling occurred in the year 1602 A.D. when a possible-future Captain America was inadvertently sent back in time to that era, causing ripples in the timestream that threatened the very fabric of reality. Uatu revealed the nature of the problem to an Elizabethan-era version of Dr. Stephen Strange, who helped send the temporally-displaced Captain America back through a time-portal, correcting the timeline. Uatu's superior, however, allowed the divergent timeline (Earth-311) to persist in a pocket dimension. Decades ago, Uatu assisted the Destroyer (Roger Aubrey), Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler), Nathaniel Richards, and Howard Stark on a mission to save mankind. In modern times, Uatu met the Fantastic Four when they visited the Moon to investigate the Blue Area. The criminal mastermind Red Ghost and his Super-Apes had also landed there and soon attacked the Thing. Uatu revealed his presence to the Earthlings and ended the fight, decreeing that the Fantastic Four would battle Red Ghost and his simian cohorts. Uatu was impressed with the FF's victory and gave them his blessings, allowing them to retain their memories of his existence. Uatu became fond of the Fantastic Four and began to warn them of impending dangers, such as the Molecule Man, who gained matter-manipulation powers in a lab accident. After the Molecule Man's defeat, Uatu transported the villain to an other-dimensional world where time passed at an accelerated rate and reinforced the self-imposed mental blocks which limited Molecule Man's ability to use his powers. Soon after, at the wedding of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman, Uatu helped Mr. Fantastic defeat the horde of super-villains who threatened the ceremony by transporting him to the Watcher's home and not dis-allowing him to pick a weapon to send the villains back to before they were controlled, and erase their memories. Afterwards, Uatu allowed Reed and Sue to honeymoon in the Blue Area's city, providing an opulent banquet hall and assuring the newlyweds that they would be the only beings in the galaxy that he would not be watching that night. Later, when Galactus first menaced Earth, Uatu tried to hide the planet from the world-devourer, debated him as to why the Earth should be spared, and finally helped the Human Torch obtain the only weapon capable of destroying the cosmic menace -- the Ultimate Nullifier. Uatu also studied alternate realities, which he observed through a portal given to him by the Time-Keepers, a group of beings who existed at the end of time itself. Eventually, Uatu disgraced himself completely by physically opposing the Kree soldier Captain Mar-Vell after allying himself with the Lunatic Legion, a Kree faction opposed to Mar-Vell who were led by Zarek, Fer-Porr, and Sro-Himm and based in the Moon's Blue Area. Placed on trial by his own people for his numerous violations of their ethics code, Uatu explained that he had come to identify with the action and emotion that he observed on Earth, and thus yearned to become involved. At the conclusion of his trial, Uatu was released from custody on his own recognizance after promising never to interfere in the affairs of other races again. Later, Uatu was captured by intergalactic gambler A'Sai via a weapon from one of Galactus' former worldships. Uatu allowed himself to be coerced into a football wager-- Uatu's technology vs. A'Sai's weapon--but when Spider-Man led Uatu's team to victory, Uatu destroyed the weapon and transformed A'Sai into a casino playing card as punishment for his intent to renege. Uatu also saved the life of Bette Chekhov, granddaughter of Anton, one of May Parker's former boarders. When the criminal Living Laser tried to escape Quasar by flying into Uatu's alternate worlds portal and diverged into separate beings in seven different alternate realities, Uatu enlisted Quasar to recapture the Living Lasers. Based on the Watcher Otmu's theory that even observation affected others, the "Oblivion Plague" caused many Watchers to end their existences; though perpetuated by Maelstrom, the Plague was ended when Quasar convinced the Watchers that they must continue to observe so they could pass on their accumulated recordings to the next universe. Present at Uatu's earlier trial was his nephew Aron, a relatively young Watcher mentored by his uncle who was not yet assigned a solar system to observe. Fascinated by Earth, Aron eventually broke the Watcher's code by manipulating the Fantastic Four and Inhumans into a fight. Now a "rogue" Watcher, Aron grew more malevolent; after cloning the Fantastic Four and trying to create a pocket world within the mind of Alicia Masters, Aron was ambushed by Dr. Doom, who siphoned-off Aron's power into a containment device. Uatu cared for Aron as his nephew recovered; but before Aron could be tried for his crimes, the Watchers became preoccupied with the threat posed by the giant cosmic entities known as the Celestials. Aron seized this opportunity to masquerade as his uncle Uatu and manipulate the Fantastic Four into helping him recover the energy stolen from him by Doom. Completing the first phase of his plan, Aron plotted to swallow the entire universe into a black hole and then create a new universe for himself to manipulate. Opposed by the Fantastic Four and Fantastic Force, Aron pitted legions of their past enemies against them, but Ant-Man foiled his scheme by destroying the device needed to create the black hole. In the end, Uatu disciplined his nephew by dissipating his energy and using it to revive the leader of the Watchers known as the One. Uatu was stripped of his title and exiled by the Watchers for these controversial actions. Despite his expulsion, Uatu continued to observe affairs on Earth, compelled by the lives and struggles of its inhabitants. Eventually reinstated into the Watchers, Uatu witnessed the temporary demise of Galactus, who was destroyed by an intergalactic alliance of heroes led by the Silver Surfer near the Shi'ar homeworld. Soon after, Uatu was viciously attacked by Abraxas, a cosmic entity threatening all of reality, but Abraxas was defeated by the Fantastic Four. Uatu congratulated the heroes, informing them that humanity had passed another test. Some time ago, Uatu and two of his fellow Watchers, Zoma and Qyre, appeared before She-Hulk, who was then serving with the Magistrati as a presiding judge in the Living Tribunal's Cosmic Claims Court. Qyre had discovered a reclusive race who had kept their existence secret since time immemorial. The reclusive race sued the Watchers in the Cosmic Claims Court, and She-Hulk ruled that Qyre's mouth be permanently sealed so that he could not share his knowledge of the plaintiffs with his fellow Watchers. Most recently, Uatu the Watcher appeared before the costumed heroes. They were at a meeting to discuss what to do after the incident at Stamford. As Watchers only show up personally to monitor key events in history, his presence did not bode well for the costumed heroes. +This superhero's name is Weapon Hex. Their real name is Laura Kinney. +This superhero's name is Weather Wizard (CW). Their real name is Mark Mardon. Mark Mardon, nicknamed Weather Wizard by Cisco Ramon, is the older brother of the late Clyde Mardon and estranged father of Joslyn Jackam. After the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator erupted, Mark was affected by the dark matter wave the same way as his brother, gaining the ability to control the weather. Over a year later, Mark was imprisoned in the S.T.A.R. Labs Pipeline by The Flash, but was freed by Leonard Snart and Lisa Snart along with the rest of the imprisoned meta-humans. He later freed Snart and James Jesse to form the Rogues, the former of whom refused to work with him, instead choosing to warn Barry, only for Mardon and Jesse to be defeated by the Flash and sent to Iron Heights Prison. In an altered timeline, Mark was once again freed from prison by Hartley Rathaway and joined his team to take over Central City and kill The Flash and Joe West. However, due to Barry changing the timeline, Hartley made amends with Team Flash in the new timeline, thus never getting the opportunity to create his team. +This superhero's name is Wendigo. Their real name is Wendigo. The Wendigo are the result of an ancient curse laid down by the Elder Gods [citation needed] of Canadian folklore that transform any person who eats the flesh of another human being in the Canadian wilderness into a massive, fur-covered humanoid beast with fangs and razor sharp claws. A person can also inherit the curse of the Wendigo if they are bitten by a Wendigo and survive. The earliest known Wendigo dates back at least a million years ago. Unlike other Wendigo, this one had control over his transformation and could shift between his man and Wendigo forms at will. He did battle with the earliest known Ghost Rider, which ended when he fell into a deep ravine but claimed that he would survive. +This superhero's name is Wesker. Their real name is Albert Wesker. Early life and Umbrella Little is known of Wesker's childhood. It's understood he inherited advantageous genes relating to intelligence from his parents. He was, however, raised away from his parents, either through adoption or as an orphan, as part of a eugenics project led by an Umbrella researcher known only as Wesker, of whom the thirteen children assumed the surname. The Wesker Project worked for the benefit of the Umbrella Pharmaceuticals CEO, Dr. Oswell E. Spencer, who had grand ideas of indoctrinating people into his ideals prior to their infection with the Progenitor Virus, which he believed would stop allowing them to use their powers for what he saw as good. These children were later scouted by Umbrella and offered jobs, and intentionally made-unaware as to Umbrella's connection with their past. In September 1977, at the age of 17, Wesker, likely already having a degree, was indoctrinated at Umbrella's executive training center, wherein young adults were given education on biology and virology to become senior researchers for the company upon graduation, as well as being taught skills beneficial for a company executive. The class of 1978 was criticized by the Deputy Director for being lackluster, with the exception of Wesker and William Birkin, who showed a combination of talent and a ruthless character that would do well for the company. Dr. James Marcus, one of the co-founders of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals and the Director of the facility, took great interest in Wesker and Birkin and earned his trust. Following a series of company scandals that were covered-up, the training school was closed at the end of the year, with the two students being immediately offered jobs and transferred to the nearby Arklay Laboratory as senior researchers. Dr. Wesker's involvement in the t-Virus Project began immediately after his assignment to Arklay Laboratory began. The two arrived at a time when Umbrella was considering developing Ebola-based viral weaponry officially as part of a vaccination program. The two were successful in splicing genes from Ebola onto the t-Virus strain in development at the lab, creating an altered virus that kept the infected victims alive as brain-damaged mutants instead of just killing them. This rejection of Dr. Spencer's idea of t-Virus being used specifically for killing paved the way for a wide array of future research. With the t-Virus Project progressing well, yet only developing B.O.W.s of decent but sub-human intelligence, Umbrella began pressuring the duo to come up with newer research. At some point this year, Dr. Spencer ordered that Dr. Marcus be assassinated and his body dumped away; both Arklay researchers attended the assassination to immediately recover ten years of research data, which he had kept for himself. The Tyrant Project, meanwhile, represented the next step in t-Virus weaponry, but due to the virus of the time only giving advantageous mutations to people with certain intelligence-regulating genes (statistically one in ten million), the project was stalled until a new t-Virus strain could be engineered which would make it easier to create Tyrant prototypes, which could then be cloned. As a workaround, the two were able to earn a favor from Dr. Spencer to obtain an intelligent B.O.W. parasite engineered by Umbrella Europe; the parasite, dubbed Nemesis Alpha, could solve the problem by hijacking a B.O.W.'s body and follow complex orders from trainers. The parasite was inserted into the body of a mutant human test subject, Lisa Trevor, to observe its reactions. When the parasite was killed by Trevor's immune system, this led to the discovery of Golgotha Virus, and Dr. Birkin's transfer away from the facility to NEST. Dr. Wesker also decided to leave the laboratory behind, confused about Dr. Spencer's motives in approving and funding Golgotha, as it was already seen as worthless for bio-weapons development. He took up employment with their intelligence bureau to find answers. Over the course of the 1990s, Dr. Wesker was able to gain new employment with other groups by officially being an ex-Umbrella employee. From around 1991 he served with the US Army, having been scouted for his usefulness in their own illegal bio-weapons project. The military was presumably unaware of his work as a mole. Around this time, Dr. Wesker entered into a sexual relationship with a Serbian woman, but lost interest soon after, unaware she was pregnant with his child. Following his Army career, Dr. Wesker was re-assigned by Umbrella in 1996 to serve in S.T.A.R.S., a private-funded police special forces unit in Raccoon City. The Special Tactics and Rescue Service was effectively Umbrella's private army, nominally raised to deal with the increasing threat of right-wing terrorism in the American heartland, and earning them a direct source within the Raccoon Police Department should an investigation linger uncomfortably close to the company. He was made Captain of the Alpha Team and given seniority over Captain Enrico Marini. The Spring and Summer of 1998 saw considerable upset to Umbrella in Raccoon City. The new ε strain infected numerous staff members at the Arklay Laboratory in May, prompting a quarantine of the staff while its guards made preparations to shoot all escapees. Drs. Wesker and Birkin personally visited the lab shortly after the alarm was raised to evacuate the cloned embryos of the T-002 Tyrant, one of Umbrella's most important assets. Wesker also gave orders to forbid phone calls in order to limit the spread of information. Escaped Cerberus B.O.W.s did, however, escape their cages and began killing and attacking civilians in Raccoon Forest, with infected survivors going on to kill others. By July the number of killings had surpassed 20 in what the RPD theorized to be the work of a cult, but were unable to find suspects so, after press backlash, assigned the case to S.T.A.R.S. No longer able to manage the situation from within, Umbrella HQ produced the "X-Day" plans, giving Wesker a series of tasks to perform during the mission. He received orders to sacrifice S.T.A.R.S. to the mutants to provide combat data, eliminating them as witnesses; to collect the remaining B.O.W. embryos, and to finally destroy the Arklay Laboratory itself to wipe out all trace of the virus. On 23 July, Wesker sabotaged the engine of Bravo Team's helicopter, which would prevent their escape and require Alpha Team's subsequent investigation. During the S.T.A.R.S. preparation, Wesker and Birkin also had other duties with the company and were to oversee the re-opening of the executive training school, possibly to make up for the loss of the Arklay Laboratory. An attack by a nascent mutant leech colony destroyed two armed investigation teams and infected the occupants of a private train taking key personnel to the school. To prevent the outbreak from spreading out further, the two made plans to blow up the training school. While there, Wesker encountered Col. Sergei Vladimir, the executive in charge of the UBCS, after Umbrella HQ took notice of the incident. Wesker escaped from the facility before its destruction, but his experiences in the night convinced him abandoning Umbrella was now essential and agreed to a rival company's offer of employment in exchange for giving them the embryo samples rather than handing them over to Umbrella. On the evening of 24 July, Wesker led Alpha Team out to the mountains as he had expected. To better his chances of survival, Wesker was provided with a mutant t-Virus strain designed to mutate his body to further his strength and stamina. He also threatened Barry Burton with the nonexistent threat of his family's murder, forcing him to assist in the confiscation or destruction of incriminating evidence. Soon after arriving at Bravo Team's helicopter site, where RPD pilot Kevin Dooley's body was discovered, the team was attacked by the Cerberus pack and Joseph Frost killed, with pilot Brad Vickers abandoning the group. The others fled to the nearby Spencer Mansion to seek shelter. Inside, Wesker separated themselves into groups and continued with his mission. During the night he discovered Captain Enrico Marini to be alive and having incriminating evidence against Umbrella, and promptly shot him in the underground tunnels before fleeing. In the lab, Wesker began preparations for waking up the Tyrant to kill the remaining S.T.A.R.S. survivors, infecting himself with the mutant virus strain shortly before doing so. He was cornered by his comrades while in the chamber and confessed his role in Umbrella's conspiracy before ordering the Tyrant to attack them. However, T-002 recognized Wesker as a participant in the Tyrant Project, and he stabbed Wesker first, impaling him through the chest before going after the others. Albeit Wesker was seriously wounded, the virus in his body had succeeded in mutating him to possess powerful regenerative abilities, and he woke up in an empty room. With the self-destruct system prematurely activated and his computer access restricted by Col. Vladimir and the RED QUEEN AI, Wesker was unable to recover the embryos or any important data to hand over to Umbrella's rival company. He narrowly escaped the destruction of the mansion after a fight with Lisa Trevor, but his improved speed ensured his survival. Believed dead by Umbrella and S.T.A.R.S., Wesker was able to gain employment within the company despite his failure to provide the samples. The Organization (1998-2003) Still maintaining the illusion of death, Wesker avoided showing himself publicly and instead took to being the contact between the organization and its spies. When Dr. Birkin completed Golgotha, the organization made plans to steal it, and Wesker played a role as the external contact between the group and their spy, Ada Wong, the other being a liaison based within the Apple Inn. With the t-Virus outbreak slowing down Wong's investigation, the liaison killed himself to avoid turning into a Zombie. Through a computer feed, Wesker took over the liaison's role and waited for Wong's arrival on 1 October. When she confirmed the retrieval of a Golgotha sample, Wesker directed her to an Umbrella helicopter ferrying Col. Vladimir and an executive out of the city, which she hitched a ride on to escape the bombing. Following the acquisition of Golgotha, the organization began sending their paramilitary group, HCF, out on raids to Umbrella bases to recover data and bioweapons samples. Wesker led a raid on Rockfort Island in December 1998. Remember Alexia Ashford's research on t-Veronica, the Ashford-owned island was a logical place to begin the search. Saboteurs arrived on the island ahead of the main assault and planted explosives within the military training center, which released a t-Virus strain into the ecosystem as well as releasing B.O.W.s. Much of the island's infrastructure was destroyed in the subsequent bombing by HCF's aircraft, followed by the deployment of special teams searching for the t-Veronica samples, of which Wesker took direct involvement. They were unsuccessful in locating samples on the island, though Wesker did discover Claire Redfield, Chris' younger sister, had been taken captive by Umbrella and imprisoned in its concentration camp. Chris arrived the following day, looking for her. Wesker was interrupted on both occasions when about to kill them, and soon after left the island for a submarine after discovering Alexia was alive and well at Umbrella's Antarctic Base. The facility had itself also fallen to a t-Virus outbreak after refugees from Rockfort Island fled there, but the team succeeded in entering it through a submarine pen. Finding himself in an underground mansion, Wesker met Alexia for the first time and demanded she hands herself over to prove him with a sample. She refused and began mutating into a more powerful form which even Wesker was unprepared for, and he was forced to flee the mansion. Not long after, HCF discovered the body of Steve Burnside, a teenager Alexia had recently used as a t-Veronica test subject, and they returned to the submarine. Having discovered Chris and Claire in Antarctica, Wesker finally took advantage of the opportunity to eliminate the two. Initially taking Claire hostage and dragging her to the submarine, he was persuaded to let her run on the promise of a fight with Chris. Though he was able to dominate Chris with little effort, Chris got the better of him by dropping metal girders onto him. With the facility close to self-destruction and his skin burnt by a fire, Wesker gave up and left for the submarine. With the organization now controlled by Golgotha; t-Veronica, and manufacturing modified clones of several Umbrella B.O.W.s, Wesker took a more senior role in selling these bioweapons to interested parties as Umbrella entered its long period of collapse. By August 2002, Wesker was negotiating the sale of weapons to Javier Hidalgo, the drug lord running the Sacred Snakes cartel. An Umbrella customer for over 10 years, Hidalgo began to suspect he was being conned as prices began to increase from the Russian production plant. Wesker convinced him to cease buying from Umbrella, and that a third party Asian broker asking Hidalgo for information was an Umbrella agent investigating him. Not long after the sale of t-Veronica, Hidalgo entered a murderous rage over his daughter running away and caused a viral outbreak as his Zombie army and B.O.W.s began destroying nearby communities. Wesker watched from a cliff as the US government's Anti-Umbrella Pursuit and Investigation Team, itself investigating the Asian broker, was forced to tackle the biohazard and, ultimately, killed Hidalgo. Soon after his incident, he was tracked down by Jack Krauser, an American soldier who had been injured during the mission and removed from active service, who believed Wesker could help him find a new purpose in life. He soon after faked his death in an accident to explain away his disappearance and entered service as an agent whom Wesker could trust. In early 2003, the Organisation became aware of a series of unusual incidents in the Caucasus, which led them to believe a biohazard was responsible. It was thereafter discovered that the region was the location of Umbrella's secret Russian base, and Wesker traveled there in search of the U.M.F.-013, the Arklay Laboratory's supercomputer Col. Vladimir had confiscated shortly before Alpha Team's arrival at the Spencer Mansion nearly five years prior. Heading to a village close to Umbrella's oil plant base, he discovered it had fallen to the outbreak, and the Hunter Delta B.O.W.s they were bribed to keep in storage had escaped. During his search for development data, Wesker ran into Redfield and Valentine, who had joined an anti-biohazard force and were also alerted by the goings-on in Russia. Too busy to kill them, he retrieved the data and left. Wesker arrived at the Umbrella base when the outbreak had almost fully engulfed it, and Col. Vladimir one of the few uninfected staff-members left. Though he made his way into the facility before the anti-biohazard force arrived, he was slowed down by Col. Vladimir's Ivan bodyguards and was forced to kill them to progress further. When he reached the control center, Col. Vladimir was overseeing the T-A.L.O.S. fight with Redfield and Valentine. Rather than give up his allegiances to the sunken ship, the executive infected himself with a perfected t-Virus strain to match Wesker in a fight over the computer. Vladimir lost the fight, and Wesker downloaded the U.M.F.-013's entire data, the Umbrella Archives, before ordering RED QUEEN to delete everything on the server, denying his former S.T.A.R.S. comrades access to incriminating information to use against Umbrella. Soon after the raid, Wesker provided the Archives or, at least, excerpts of it, to the US government. Having been locked into a dead-end lawsuit with Umbrella USA over damages following the destruction of Raccoon City, the excerpts provided irrefutable proof they were the manufacturers of the virus that contaminated the town. After the verdict was made requiring compensation for victims, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals was forced to declare bankruptcy, and the US and Russian Federation collaborated in tracking down the whereabouts of Dr. Spencer. Partnership with Tricell (2003-2009) Soon after the raid on the Caucasus facility, Wesker entered talks with Tricell. Although nearly all of the major pharmaceutical companies had their reputations damaged by the revelations that Umbrella performed the experimentation with their products, Tricell Africa under Excella Gionne was interested in the emerging bio-weapons black market as the emergence of dedicated anti-B.O.W. organizations necessitated better B.O.W.s for its customers, although she was physically interested in him and helped give him regular injections of PG67A/W which was a serum that was required to maintain his strength after the virus infection. Helping them to develop new B.O.W.s, Wesker was provided a cut of the profits and a laboratory was constructed among the underground ruins of the Ndipaya Kingdom where Umbrella first discovered the Progenitor Virus. Now with a powerful influence within the industry, Wesker began to develop the Uroboros Virus which he envisioned would cull the human population and ensure the survival only of the genetically pure in the perfect symbol of eugenics. While working with Tricell, under the codename "S", Wesker continued to work for The Organization and oversaw the 2004 operation to retrieve a dominant species Plaga sample from Los Iluminados which was a religious extremist group in Spain with access to a bio-weapons laboratory. Krauser was sent into the area first and took part in the group's kidnapping of Ashley Graham, the American First Daughter to obtain such a sample. With Krauser taking longer than expected to return, Wesker sent Wong in who returned the following day with a Plaga. Hearing of how U.S. Special Agent and survivor of Raccoon City; Leon Kennedy became involved with the sacrilegious terror sect's activities. Wesker implored Ada to eliminate him in order to better cover their tracks as they didn't need his kind of distraction. When Ada proved obstinate in her secondary assignment, however, Wesker would revise his mission statement, saying it'd be best to leave him be as the distraction he causes can help further their own goals. After making it to the Plaga testing facility, Wesker informed his secondary that Krauser was assigned to dispatch of their rogue element. But was later informed the loyalist had been dealt with by agent Wong (secretly with her help). Ergo, Wesker would further opt her to wait out the battle to secure the Plaga sample, then eliminate whoever was left standing afterward. Ada completed her task and handed her handler the Plaga, this was revealed to not be a dominant Plaga as he was expecting and realized that The Organization became aware of his dealings with "S". He was forced to travel to Los Iluminados' island fortress in person to obtain such a sample, found within Krauser's body. This sample made it's way to Tricell who the following year also gained a sample of the t-Abyss Virus after Agent Jessica Sherawat infiltrated the BSAA which Tricell established as a propaganda tool to appear wholly against bio-warfare. In 2006, Wesker got a message from his dealer, Ricardo Irving by informing him that Spencer wished to meet him. Close to death after being betrayed by Alex Wesker, Spencer wished to see the only other remaining Wesker child. Wesker took Spencer's offer up but killed his guards when arriving. Spencer gave Wesker his most secret information, revealing the eugenics project that ensured his rearing; career within Umbrella, promotions and eventual infection with the modified t-Virus to him. He also revealed that the creation of a loyal group of modified humans was Umbrella's true goal for the world with the B.O.W.s merely a means to this end rather than it's true form. With Spencer no longer a worthwhile source of information, Wesker impaled him through the stomach. He was immediately after greeted by Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine who are sent on a BSAA mission to arrest him and Spencer. In the subsequent fight with the two, Wesker was thrown out of a window by Jill. The two survived the fall and Wesker kept her as his prisoner for his use in his Uroboros research. Her use in the research ultimately saved Uroboros. Too potent to do anything, but kill the infected, Jill's t-Virus antibodies gave him new ideas to modify it and she was spared from the project out of gratitude and provided performance-enhancing drugs to serve as one of his agents. Over the next two and a half years, Wesker oversaw the completion of Uroboros as well as the advancement of three mutant Plaga species to be used on the black market. To test both after killing his entire Uroboros research staff, Wesker and Irving used the Ndipaya tribe for Type 3 Plaga research and later sold the Type 2 Plaga samples to the Kijujuan nationalists who sought it as a means of conscripting citizens for an army to fight for independence. Aware that the BSAA would eventually investigate, Wesker's moles within the group provided them with information on the Uroboros Project; the Progenitor Virus and Valentine's survival. Though realizing that they are walking into a trap, the BSAA sent the teams including Redfield in. The main body, Alpha Team was killed by a Uorboros test subject while Redfield was convinced to continue searching for Valentine after finding a digital photograph of her. Redfield and his partner, Sheva Alomar made their way straight to Wesker and Valentine as he hoped. Though unable to kill the pair after seven minutes of fighting, he left to a nearby Tricell oil tanker and left Valentine to continue the job. Death (2009) In the night, Wesker made the final preparations for his eugenics plan which required the dispersal of Uroboros in Earth's upper atmosphere so the winds would spread it across every populated area. No longer seeing use in Gionne, he also had her infected with Uroboros as a distraction for the BSAA. This was only a mild setback, however, and he was confronted while ready to disembark on a stealth bomber as the ship began to sink from the damage that was sustained in the Uroboros fight. Redfield learned from Valentine that an overdose of PG67A/W could harm him, and in the ensuing fight in the sinking ship, Wesker was successfully injected. It was not enough to defeat him, however, and Wesker managed to board the bomber and began his departure by forcing Redfield and Alomar to follow. Continuing their fight on the bomber, the hatch was forced open, causing it to crash into a volcano and Wesker to be thrown out. With his plan ruined, Wesker punched a hole in a missile that was storing the Uroboros samples, infecting himself with the virus in the process. In the course of the fight, Wesker became stuck in the lava as a BSAA helicopter evacuated Redfield and Alomar. With his newly developed tendrils, Wesker tried to drag the helicopter into the lava, but this attack forced the pair to handle and fire two RPG-7 rockets at him, destroying him completely. Legacy Even though Wesker died, he left a legacy behind. One of his fellow Project W candidates, Alex Wesker continued utilizing the Uroboros Virus until being killed by Barry Burton and Claire Redfield in 2011. In large part due to his attempt to infect the world with Uroboros, Wesker also gained a lot of notoriety. At some point in his life, he met a female immigrant from Edonia in her early twenties whose last name was Muller. They had a brief relationship and she eventually became pregnant with his child but returned to her home in Edonia without telling Wesker about the fact. She soon gave birth to future mercenary, Jake Muller whose specialized blood type gave him protection against mutagenic pathogens such as the C-Virus, meaning that Wesker's immunity to viral infections was genetically passed down to Jake. Later, when revealing Jake's lineage to him, Dr. Carla Radames mockingly referred to him as a "colossal imbecile" for his failure to destroy the world and attempted to do the same with the C-Virus. However, unlike Wesker's eugenics ambition with Uroboros, Carla only desired to destroy civilization outright and govern over the resulting chaos. Before his death, his H.C.F. group had a role in creating a Progenitor-enhanced mold, collaborating with The Connections in the 2000s. The mold would be later grafted to an artificially born bioweapon: E-001, also known as Eveline. +This superhero's name is White Canary (CW). Their real name is Sara Lance. Sara Lance was born on December 25, 1987 to Quentin and Dinah Lance and has one older sister named Laurel Lance. When Sara was 10 years old,her father bought her a pet canary which she loved, but it drove everyone else crazy.When she was little, Sara would play dress up with her sister. One time, they pretended to be all grown up as a doctor and police officer, respectively, which were their desired careers at the time.In her youth, Sara attended Starling City Elementary, where she once starred as Peter Pan in the school play. When it was time for her to come onstage, Sara suddenly blanked and forgot her lines so she spontaneously did a tap dance before running off in embarrassment, crying. At some point, Sara met Tommy Merlyn and Oliver +This superhero's name is White Canary. Their real name is . After receiving a troubling briefcase filled with endless documentation and files on countless heroes, as well as villains, Oracle calls the Birds of Prey back into action to investigate. The files contain such detailed information that even she is astonished. Everything from addresses to secret identities, even the number of people Power Girl has slept with. There are even files on each member of the Birds of Prey themselves. Also contained within the briefcase is a message declaring that every hour a name from the briefcase will be killed until the Birds of Prey stop the carnage. After speculating on the possible identity of the killer, a signal light is seen just over the skyline much in the same way the Bat-Signal is used causing the Birds of Prey to track its source. Upon arriving they find the Penguin cowering and pleading to a shadowy figure to spare his life. Blinded by the light the mysterious figure's face remains hidden, yet Black Canary deduces from the posturing that the figure has a sense of royalty, and is most likely Asian. Immediately two names flash through her mind, Cassandra Cain, or Lady Shiva. Without warning the shadow attacks, easily taking down Black Canary and disarming the Huntress. Her attack so precise, so proficient, that Black Canary comments that, "If it is Shiva, she's gotten better." Unabated the shadow plunges one of Huntress' arrows into the neck of the Penguin but does not kill him. She then reveals herself to be the White Canary and challenges Black Canary to stop her. Accepting the challenge, Black Canary and Huntress attempt to bring down the illusive martial artist with little success. Both heroines are easily dispatched with minimal effort. Although displaying remarkable martial arts ability, the emotions that accompany the assassins strikes cause Dinah to comment that she is not Lady Shiva, but can not understand how a fighter of White Canary's caliber has gone unnoticed. The Birds of Prey briefly gain the upper hand as Huntress wraps up the villain long enough for Dinah to land several shots that only seem to anger the white ninja. Hawk, Dove, and Lady Blackhawk arrive just as White Canary slips free from Huntress' grasp. Arrogantly Hawk charges ahead only to be sidestepped and cut open, but not before snatching a handful of White Canary's hair. The fight is then interrupted as local T.V. stations and Gotham City, police arrive on the scene. It is revealed that White Canary has set the team up, and possibly even murdered Savant, and Creote. She leaves them with a cryptic message - With no other options the Birds of Prey retreat, barely escaping a collection of rogue Gotham City police officers determined on killing the team. They briefly hold up in the Penguins nightclub before it is eventually stormed by the police and Hawk is seriously injured when he is stabbed through the back by one of the White Canary's specialized daggers adding to the Birds of Prey's already overwhelming situation. Black Canary determines she must face the mysterious assassin alone or more lives will be lost. After ordering the remaining members to take the injured and run, Black Canary meets White Canary on the rooftop for an epic one on one showdown. Through the course of the fight Dinah narrows down the identity of her assailant, throwing out Cassandra Cain and Lady Shiva as possible suspects when White Canary becomes visible agitated at the mention of "family." The battle continues and soon, Black Canary believes she has figured it out, she knows who the White Canary is. The bigger revelation that the deadly martial artist suggests that she is merely the tool who a much richer villain has chosen to use in his plot against the Birds of Prey. Nineteen years ago, along the ancient "Silk Highway" in the Saanxi Province, White Canary was born to the martial artist Si Fu Huang. Her mother passed away during child birth, and like all female infants born to Si Fu, she was condemned to death despite the desperate pleas of her mother's midwife. However, before she could be taken down to the river and drowned, a freak bolt of lightning struck the midwife killing her instantly. The divine intervention did not go unnoticed by Si Fu, and he decided to spare the child's life. Thus White Canary became the lone sister of the Brothers Silk. Si Fu was a great fighter whose reputation was the stuff of legend. Consumed by his own legacy and obsessed with the realization that one day his age would catch up with him, Si Fu decided to pass his knowledge on to a new generation. Taking many wives, he fathered many children, all male, to carry on his linage. Each one was born under a different sign of the Zodiac and if any of the infants were deemed unfit or female, they were immediately put down. In the end, twelve remained (thirteen counting White Canary). They were dubbed the " The Twelve Brothers In Silk," rumored to be as skillful in the art of combat as Lady Shiva. Eventually the brothers were defeated by Black Canary and her band of heroes. This defeat would later be the death of the brothers as White Canary deemed it a shameful act that had dishonored her legendary father, thus motivating her to murder all twelve of her brothers. +This superhero's name is White Rabbit. Their real name is Dr. Lorina Dodson. Born into a rich family, Lorina was a sheltered child, protected by overbearing parents intent on seeing their daughter become a proper lady. Finding solace in the many books of the family library, she was entranced by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Later in life, at the age of 25, she was married off to a rich, elderly man of 82, named Lewis Dodson. Finding life as a trophy wife stagnant and boring, she killed off her husband, a death that the authorities ruled as accidental. +This superhero's name is White Wolf (MCU). Their real name is James Buchanan Barnes. Sergeant James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes was a former soldier of the 107th Infantry Regiment and the best friend of Steve Rogers, since childhood. Barnes was conscripted and assigned to the 107th in 1942. His regiment was captured by the forces of HYDRA, but Barnes along with what remained of his regiment were rescued by Rogers, who had become Captain America during Barnes' military absence. Joining forces in the continuing war, Barnes and Rogers formed the Howling Commandos to battle the Red Skull's forces. During an attempt to capture HYDRA scientist Arnim Zola, Barnes was caught in an ambush and plummeted hundreds of feet from the HYDRA train. As no body was ever recovered, he was then presumed dead, but officially listed as MIA. Unbeknownst to his team, Barnes had actually survived the attack on Zola's train, albeit with the loss of his left arm. Brainwashed and armed with a new cybernetic limb, Barnes ultimately became an enhanced HYDRA operative known as the Winter Soldier. Over the next several decades, he would eliminate anyone who posed a threat to HYDRA, including his former ally Howard Stark and Howard's wife, Maria. Between his missions, Barnes would be put into a cryogenic stasis to ensure his longevity. Over half a century later, when he was ordered by current HYDRA leader Alexander Pierce to assassinate S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, the Winter Soldier was unexpectedly confronted by his old friend, Steve Rogers, triggering him to then begin remembering his prior life. In the wake of the Battle at the Triskelion, the Winter Soldier went on the run from HYDRA on a mission to remember his past and end his long, violent history. However, Barnes was then framed for the terrorist bombing, which claimed the life of T'Chaka, the King of Wakanda, among others. As Black Panther sought revenge for his father's death, Barnes was repeatedly saved by Captain America, sparking the Avengers Civil War as a team lead by Tony Stark was sent to capture him. It was later revealed that Helmut Zemo had organized the Civil War, all so Zemo could reveal that Barnes had murdered Stark's parents years earlier. Having survived Tony Stark's revenge attempt, Barnes was then taken in by the nation of Wakanda, where he was allowed, by T'Challa, to be frozen until his mind could be freed of HYDRA's programming. Barnes gradually recovered with help from T'Challa's sister Shuri. When Wakanda came under threat from the Mad Titan Thanos for harbouring the Vision, who was currently in possession of the Mind Stone, Barnes joined T'Challa and the Avengers to help fight off the threat, receiving a new Vibranium arm. Despite their best efforts: managing to kill all of Thanos' forces; when Thanos arrived at Wakanda personally, he effortlessly overpowered Barnes and the heroes in his way and victoriously assembled all the Infinity Stones. Barnes was subsequently disintegrated after Thanos erased half of the life in all the universe. In 2023, Barnes, along with all other victims of the Decimation, were resurrected by the efforts of Hulk and the Avengers. Barnes then participated in the Battle of Earth, fighting alongside Rocket Raccoon. In the aftermath of the battle, he bid Rogers farewell as Rogers traveled back in time to the 1940s and was present to witness Rogers, as an old man, return to choose Wilson as his successor. +This superhero's name is Wild Dog (CW). Their real name is Rene Ramirez. Rene Ramirez, nicknamed Wild Dog by Curtis Holt, is a vigilante operating in Star City and an alumni of Star City High School. He was eventually recruited into the ranks of Team Arrow by Oliver Queen. After discovering that Oliver, John Diggle and Felicity Smoak respectively had violated his privacy, as well as unfairly being kicked off the team by the former for his insubordination, Rene along with Dinah Drake and Curtis Holt decided to form their own team known as New Team Arrow, until he apologized to Oliver for testify against him and rejoined Team Arrow to help Oliver battle Diaz. +This superhero's name is Wild Dog. Their real name is Jack Wheeler. Star athlete Jack Wheeler went to college on a football scholarship. After an injury forced him off the team, he dropped out, unable to afford tuition. He opted instead for a tour of duty with the U.S. Marines, which ended in tragedy when most of his comrades were killed by a terrorist bomb. Disheartened, Wheeler left the Marines and returned to Quad Cities, Iowa, taking night classes at State University. He also fell in love with Claire Smith -- only to see her struck down by a gunman. The police investigation revealed that her last name was really Carmonti and that she was the daughter of a recently killed Chicago mob boss. She was not a random victim, but a target. Something inside Wheeler snapped. Donning a hockey-mask, khakis, and a State U. T-Shirt, he became the crime fighter "Wild Dog". He was soon a local hero, even though wanted by the police for his ruthless vigilantism. Wheeler spent his days as an auto-mechanic, and his nights as a protector of the innocent.Wild Dog was present at the great summit during the Dominators' invasion when the heroes of the world gathered underneath the leadership of Captain Atom to strike back at the Alien Alliance.He also took part in the Battle of Metropolis during Infinite Crisis where he teamed up with Crimson Avenger and Vigilante to take down Madmen and the Trigger Twins. They gunned them down from the rooftops.Booster Gold created an alternate timeline when he went back in history to save his friend Blue Beetle from being murdered by Maxwell Lord. In this world, Lord had taken over the planet using a mentally controlled Superman and his personal army of OMACs.There was a small resistance force of heroes still fighting to stay alive, led by Green Arrow and Hawkman including Anthro and Pantha, along with Wild Dog. They made their final assault on Checkmate Headquarters, but during the fighting Lord used his mind control abilities to force Wild Dog to shoot Pantha and then himself in the face.Beetle eventually sacrificed himself to repair the timestream. +This superhero's name is Wildfire. Their real name is Drake Burroughs. Drake Burroughs was born some time in the late 30th century. As a young man he attended Metropolis University. One day, while studying at the University research center, Drake was caught in a laboratory explosion that completely destroyed his body. For reasons unknown, his consciousness survived, and the atoms of his body reconstituted themselves as pure antimatter. A scientist named Professor Vultan created a specially designed suit to contain Drake's energy form. The suit enabled Drake the ability to function in a relatively normal existence, and it also provided him the ability to channel a wide variety of new energy-based powers through the suit. Calling himself ERG-1, Drake applied for membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes. Unfortunately, the Legion maintained a policy which forbad inclusion of members whose powers duplicated those of other members. ERG-1's power-set included abilities shared by others such as Superboy, Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet. As such, his application for membership was rejected. +This superhero's name is Will Solace. Their real name is Will Solace. Will Solace becomes the head counselor of the Apollo cabin after his half-brother, Michael Yew, goes missing in action (assumed to be dead). He also heals Annabeth Chase after she was wounded while defending Percy Jackson. He is currently dating Niko Di Angelo, the son of Hades, and is the most powerful healer in camp half blood +This superhero's name is William Stryker (FOX). Their real name is William Stryker, Jr.. William "Bill" Stryker Jr. is a covert operations specialist and military scientist. Known for his anti-mutant stance, he worked tirelessly over several decades to develop solutions to what he saw as the "mutant problem". Ironically enough, he himself was part of the problem as only males can pass the mutant gene to their offspring. +This superhero's name is Willie Lumpkin. Their real name is William Lumpkin. A mailman for a small midwestern town, Willie Lumpkin always dreamed of working for the U.S. Postal Service in a major metropolitan area. When his long-time girlfriend, Lila Brown, spurned him for the affections of his best friend, Charlie Boomer, Willie felt there was nothing left to stop him from pursuing his dream. Willie moved to New York City where he maintained a steady mail route which included the Baxter Building. He worked the same standard beat for many years before the Fantastic Four moved to the top five floors of the complex. His life had become dreary and monotonous up until this point. The Fantastic Four's reputation as super heroic adventurers had preceded them, and when Willie first met Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, he half-jokingly petitioned for membership on the grounds that he had the ability to wiggle his ears. Reed responded with equal humor and told Willie he'd keep him in mind. Although he was never invited to become a member, Willie has played unwitting roles in several Fantastic Four adventures. Once he rang a certain bell in the Baxter Building's lobby which activated a fail-safe circuit breaker. This act allowed the Fantastic Four to escape the capture of the Mad Thinker. Another time he spent Christmas eve locked in a reinforced closet while the Fantastic Four battled the Super Skrull. Willie also accidentally activated Doctor Doom's time machine under the direction of the temporal super-villian called Tempus. Willie traveled backward to another dimension and began to play havoc with that dimension's space-time continuum. But the Fantastic Four rescued him. Willie was also once impersonated by a Skrull who wanted to gain access to the Baxter Building. Willie is Currently semi-retired, still working as a mailman on a part-time basis. He refuses to enter full-retirement because he feels there are still many adventures to be had with the Fantastic Four. His nephew, Freddie, feels that Willie is too old to be living alone in Manhattan and wishes to set him up in a nursing home. Willie's response to this decision remains to be seen. +This superhero's name is Winter Soldier. Their real name is Bucky Barnes. Early Life Born in 1925, James Buchanan Barnes lost both his parents early in his life; his mother had died when he was a child and his father had died in an accident while in basic training at Camp Lehigh shortly before Christmas in 1937. He was separated from his younger sister Rebecca, who was sent to boarding school while he persuaded officials into letting him remain at Camp Lehigh as a ward of the state due to sharing his father's love of the armed forces. He was eventually considered the camp mascot. During World War II, he set up a profitable endeavor providing soldiers with various non-requisition supplies. He soon began to receive select assignments as a special military operative, having received hand-to-hand combat training with British Commandos under the tutelage of William Essart Fairbairn and Colonel Rex Applegate. It was possibly linked to operations conducted by the mysterious Romulus, a figure involved in worldwide espionage. He met and befriended a young and somewhat naive private Steven Rogers, who had recently become the government operative Captain America. He was assigned to accompany Rogers, but was initially unaware of the true nature of his work. One night, Barnes happened into Rogers' tent just as he was changing to his masked identity. Sworn to secrecy, Barnes joined Captain America on his first mission against the Red Skull (Johann Schmidt), freeing many Nazi prisoners. For several months afterward, Barnes underwent an intensive training program under Captain America's tutelage. When he finished, he received his own costumed identity as Bucky and was designated as a counter-example to Hitler Youth. Although he was able to work with his mentor for most of his missions, James was trained to carry out missions the government officials did not want Captain America to be openly involved in. He was cynical and slightly dubious of the idealistic Steve Rogers, but they soon became the closest of friends. When America entered World War II after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Captain America and Bucky abandoned their military identities for most of the war to devote their full energies to serving as costumed freedom fighters. They soon found themselves allied with the Sub-Mariner, the original Human Torch, and his young mutant partner Toro, in a team that Winston Churchill dubbed the Invaders. Bucky served Captain America and the Invaders capably and faithfully, leaving the team only temporarily in 1942 to organize and lead his own team of teenage soldiers, the Kid Commandos. Once, to rescue the Invaders from the Red Skull, Bucky assembled a team of costumed super-humans who operated on the home front, a group that would remain together until the end of the war and was known as the Liberty Legion He also worked with another group of teenagers, the Young Allies. In late 1945, toward the end of the war, Captain America and Bucky were in London, England, on the trail of Nazi scientist Baron Heinrich Zemo. They discovered Zemo in the process of stealing an experimental drone plane built by the Allies. In the ensuing battle with Zemo's powerful humanoid robot, both Captain America and Bucky were rendered unconscious and strapped to the drone plane to be delivered to Hitler in Berlin. Unable to stand the sight of their patriotic costumes, Zemo dressed them in U.S. Army uniforms. Managing to escape before Zemo activated the plane, the two American champions saw the drone plane begin to move just as they jumped off. Quickly, Captain America and Bucky grabbed a motorcycle and tried to catch up with it. Just before it flew out of reach, the two leaped for the plane. Bucky leaped first and managed to get a grip on the plane's wing. Captain America missed, and shouted to his partner to let go in case the plane was booby-trapped. Bucky was unable to comply with his partner's commands because his uniform sleeved snagged onto the cockpit of the plane. The plane exploded, seemingly killing Bucky instantly. Captain America plunged into the English Channel to undergo the process of suspended animation, but Bucky's remains were never recovered strengthening the belief that he was killed in action. James however was very much alive. When he had failed to disarm the plane in time he had leaped off of the plane but did not escape completely unscratched. The explosion had claimed his entire left arm. He then plunged into the icy waters only to undergo the same process his mentor had. After the war had ended, a Russian submarine hoping to recover and capture the missing Captain America (Steve Rogers) instead found the preserved body of Bucky. After being retrieved and examined for any traces of the Super Soldier serum, his body was placed in cryostasis. In 1954, he was revived and outfitted with a replacement bionic arm which had been made after a Soviet spy had recovered schematics for cybernetic appendage. The arm was to be replaced by a newer and more advanced one every time there was an improvement in their technology. While he had no memory of his past, Barnes still had considerable physical skill. He was indoctrinated to hate the West and was provided with mental implants during sensory deprivation, molding him into the perfect assassin. It was during this period that he met Natasha Romanoff, whom he helped train in combat while she was undergoing espionage training. They fell in love and James often snuck into her sleeping quarters just so he could see her. Although Natasha was promised to Alexi Shostakov, she loved James more. This relationship did not last. Natasha learned that when Barnes was not needed for an operation or assassination he was kept in cryostasis in order to cease his aging. He used to conduct many strategic assassinations across the world and would sometimes stay in one nation for extended periods. One of his targets was Itsu, the pregnant wife of his wartime ally Logan. However, after one of his missions, Barnes did not report back on time. He went off the grid in New York City. He was recovered at a flop house, where coincidently his former teammate Namor was also sleeping. As both men had amnesia, neither man recognized the other. In 1983, he was assigned to accompany Vasily Karpov, an elderly general that had served in WWII, as bodyguard. He maintained the position until the general's death five years later. Barnes had demonstrated mental instability in some of his later missions and was placed into stasis at one of Karpov's storage facilities which had been inherited by his protégé, General Aleksander Lukin. Following the USSR's collapse, Lukin went rogue and established the Kronas Oil Corporation. In order to seize the Red Skull's new Cosmic Cube, General Lukin reactivated Barnes to assassinate the Skull, although neither of them realized the Red Skull had simultaneously transferred his consciousness into Lukin's body. After assassinating the adventurer Nomad (Jack Monroe) and framing him for the Skull's assassination, Barnes detonated a fire bomb in Philadelphia which claimed many victims. Their deaths helped power the Cosmic Cube, but Lukin who had been disturbed by the Cube's effect gave it to Barnes to store in a nuclear-safe vault in West Virginia. During investigations by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America (Steve Rogers) discovered the true identity of the Lukin's assassin and confronted him at the vault. The two engaged in combat until Rogers gained possession of the Cube and used its powers to restore James' lost memories. Overcome with remorse, Barnes used the cube to teleport away and went underground to search for Lukin and the Red Skull, still unaware that they were now one and the same. After a confrontation with the now X-Man Wolverine in Serbia, Barnes managed to track Lukin to England where the Skull unleashed a sleeper robot, salvaged from the Eisendorf excavation. Barnes abandoned his initial intentions to seek and eliminate Lukin to aid Rogers in destroying the robot. This was the first time in over half a century that they worked together, but he fled afterwards unable to face his mentor. He was revealed to be an undercover operative working for Nick Fury, who had gone underground after leaving SHIELD. Barnes encountered the Young Avengers Patriot, Hawkeye, and Vision on one of his assignments and learned how his and Cap's adventures had inspired contemporary heroes. He also reconciled with his former Invaders teammate Namor, assisted Wolverine with incapacitating his son Daken, and comforted a cynical Patriot (Elijah Bradley). Following Captain America's assassination, Barnes resolved to kill the two men he held responsible: the Red Skull and current S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Tony Stark (Iron Man). He acquired Cap's indestructible shield after defeating Black Widow, his former lover and student, in combat when she was assigned to move it to another location. Barnes then tracked Lukin and eventually confronted him only to discover his quarry was not a lead, but the Red Skull himself. Eventually captured by the Skull's forces, he resisted brainwashing by Dr. Faustus and was rescued by Falcon with the help of Sharon Carter, who was pretending to still be under Faustus' control. Barnes was then placed into SHIELD custody, but escaped and confronted Stark. He disabled his armor and fought him to a standstill only to learn his mentor's final requests of Stark: to rescue Barnes from his descent into violence and insanity, and to pass the Captain America identity to a successor. Stark felt the best way to honor both his friend's requests was for Barnes to become Captain America. Barnes agreed on the provision that his mind be cleansed of any remaining mental implants, and that he would answer to no one, not even Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. Now residing in Steve Rogers S.H.I.E.L.D. safe house, he outfitted himself with an alternate version of Cap's costume built by Tony Stark and, carrying his indestructible shield along with other weapons, Barnes quickly reacted against the efforts by the Red Skull and his accomplices to spread panic. Although effective in battle, he had yet to win the support or respect of either the US government or the general public. A number of civilians and costumed adventurers also disapproved of his current wardrobe; especially Clint Barton (Ronin, A.K.A Hawkeye). Despite the negative attention Barnes received, he continued to fight terrorism as Captain America and was often aided by Falcon (Sam Wilson), despite his initial disapproval of him. Together the two fought an A.I.M. cell headed by Arnim Zola. The Red Skull did not remain quiet for long. He responded to Barnes' meddling by sending the Grand Director, whose mind had been molded by Doctor Faustus to believe he was Steve Rogers and Captain America after him; James barely survived the confrontation, and was forced by Falcon to retreat. The two investigated the Grand Director's next course of actions after he escaped from the Skull's grasp and was becoming mentally unstable; most of it was hiding and running from detection by A.I.M. and the Red Skull. James was finally recognized by United States government and the public as hero after foiling an assassination attempt on both Republican and Democratic candidates for political debates by Sin, daughter of the Red Skull. He also revamped his relationship with the Black Widow, one of his few remaining friends who is consistently faithful to him. It was not long before he became involved in major conflicts such as an Invasion by extraterrestrial Skrulls along many other superheroes in New York. Wanting to continue to living his predecessor's legacy, James invited Clint Barton and the New Avengers to his safe-house, offering it as their base of operations as well as his own allegiance to their cause. Although he was reformed, there were still a few officials from both America and other foreign nations who had not all forgotten his past as the Winter Soldier. Bucky found out from Sharon that she had not really killed the original Captain America. As explained by Doctor Zola to Osborn, Rogers was trapped in a fixed position of time and space. But since Sharon ruined the machine that was suppose to bring him back, Steve was reliving his own past. Bucky and Black Widow attempted to steal the device from H.A.M.M.E.R, but they were captured. Osborn sent Widow back to Sharon with an ultimatum: either she would turn herself in, as Osborn had implicated her as Rogers' second shooter, or he would kill Bucky. Bucky was then sent into the custody of the Thunderbolts, who told him that he would be inducted into their group once Rogers was brought back. However, Bucky was secretly freed by Ant-Man and then rescued by Falcon. After a period of reflection, Barnes decide to give up the Captain America identity in favor of the revived Rogers. Before giving up the Captain America mantle, Bucky and the Black Widow decide to fight and throw the shield one last time. Coincidentally, Rogers was suited up and ready to fight crime that night as well until he witnessed Bucky and the Black Widow depart. Rogers decides to peruse the dynamic duo and upon doing so realized that Bucky would be well off as Captain America. A quick battle ensues when Bucky and the Black Widow encounter Mr. Hyde and his henchman. After the two heroes dispense with the henchman, Mr. Hyde attempts to escape until Rogers joins the battle and defeats him. Quickly after, Rogers officially and respectfully hands the Captain America mantle over to Bucky giving Bucky his blessing. In a distant future, approximately 25 years from Marvel time, a company known as Roxxon begins to send Deathlok cyborgs into the past and assassinate all super heroes in attempt to monopolize the US and possibly the world. Their only opposing force is a group of rebels that just so happens to consist of Wolverine. Their prime directive now is to find and assassinate the rebellion group leader known as the General. After assassinating the Punisher in an unknown time, their next target happens to be the current Captain America, James Buchanan Barnes. It has been hinted that the General is possibly Bucky himself because of his refusal to attempt to save himself possibly distorting the future time line the General has fought so hard for. When Skadi led her attack on Washington, D.C. Bucky was there to oppose her; however, her power proved too great and he was beat to with-in an inch of his life. Before passing out, Bucky told Black Widow to warn people about the Serpent. Barnes was rushed to Fury, who gave him the Infinity Formula, which saved his life and restored him. Bucky decided to stay underground and has returned to his Winter Soldier identity. Bucky's LMD was buried at the Arlington National Cemetery. +This superhero's name is Witch King. Their real name is Witch-King of Angmar. The Witch-king of Angmar was the leader of the Nazgûl or Ringwraiths, and Sauron's second-in-command during the Second and Third Ages. Once a Númenórean king of men, he was corrupted by one of the nine Rings of Power that had been given to the lords of men, and became an undead wraith in the service of Sauron. After the first defeat of Sauron in the War of the Last Alliance, the Witch-king fled to Angmar, a kingdom he ruled for over thousands of years until he returned to Mordor to lead Sauron's armies in the War of the Ring. He stabbed Frodo Baggins on Weathertop during the first months of Frodo's venture out of the Shire to Rivendell. He was killed in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields by Meriadoc Brandybuck and Éowyn, niece of King Théoden, at the end of the War. +This superhero's name is Witchblade. Their real name is Sara Pezzini. Sara Pezzini is an NYPD homicide detective whose life changed when she came into contact with a powerful ancient weapon known as the Witchblade, which bestows its wielder with impressive powers. +This superhero's name is Wiz Kid. Their real name is Takashi Matsuya. Takashi Matsuya was placed as a student at Saint Simons Academy, a private special education elementary school, shortly after losing the use of his legs in the same accident that killed both of his parents. Taki, as he came to be called, held deep feelings of resentment toward his parents for abandoning him, which further isolated him from children his own age. A computer genius and novice inventor, Taki occupied his time creating small but fantastic electronic devices. During this period of isolation, Taki first manifested his mutant ability to technoform materials to function to his specifications, even to the point of being contrary to the laws of nature and science. Shortly after first manifesting this ability, Taki was befriended by Arthur 'Artie' Maddicks and the Morlock, 'Leech', two mutant wards of the mutant group X-Factor, placed at the Academy to receive a mainstream education. +This superhero's name is Wizard. Their real name is Bentley Wittman. Dr. Bentley Wittman grew up possessing near-superhuman levels of genius and, as an adult, became an inventor of great renown, selling his futuristic inventions to the wealthy and becoming quite rich. He also gained fame from his great intellect which he used to become a chess champion and renowned escape artist. He became known as "The Wizard" by legally assuming this stage name and using his advanced scientific inventions to perform feats of "magic." At some point in his career, the Wizard married a woman named Salamandra. He did not love the woman and only sought to reproduce with her in the hopes of creating super-powered offspring. When Salamndra refused to get pregnant, Bentley forcibly confined her and impregnated her through artificial insemination. After forcing Salamandra to bring the baby to term, the Wizard abandoned her and their newborn daughter Cole, because he believed that the child would not yield any super-human abilities. +This superhero's name is Wolfsbane. Their real name is Rahne Sinclair. Rahne Sinclair was born in Scotland and was delivered by Dr. Moira MacTaggart, daughter of Lord Kinross and close friend and professional associate of Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men. Her father, a Presbyterian minister called Reverand Craig, told no one Rahne was his child as he was ashamed of the illicit relationship which had sired her, but he took her in and raised her as an orphan. His treated her harshly, but she was befriended by MacTaggert, whose ward she became. Sinclair's mutant power, which enables her to transform herself into a wolf-like being, emerged at puberty. One night when Sinclair was fourteen, she fled in wolf form from a mob led by Reverend Craig, who believed her to be possessed by the devil. One member of the mob shot at Sinclair, inflicting a flesh wound. In wolf form Sinclair ran past MacTaggert, fell, and reverted to human form before her eyes. Recognizing Sinclair, MacTaggert took her under her protection, saving her from the mob. MacTaggert brought Sinclair to Professor Xavier in America. There Sinclair became one of the first members of Xavier's new team of young superhuman mutants, the New Mutants, whom he trained in the use of their mutant powers. Sinclair remained a member of the team until it disbanded, and came to regard her guardian, MacTaggert, as her surrogate mother. In Xavier's absence, Cable reorganized the group known as the New Mutants into the mutant strike force, X-Force. Sinclair stayed with the team for a while but left to become a member of the government sanctioned X-Factor, a team of superhuman mutants organized by the United States government to deal with mutant related combat and crime fighting missions inside and outside of the U.S. Sinclair left X-Factor after events which lead to the destruction of the team. Sinclair then returned to the only place she could really call home, Muir Island, and was reunited with Moira MacTaggert. Sinclair later joined Excalibur, the superhuman champions who primarily operate within the United Kingdom. When that group disbanded, she remained in England. Shortly after Excalibur disbanded, Mystique developed a new strain of the Legacy Virus and attacked Muir Island after hearing MacTaggert discovered a cure. Moira was gravely injured, and Rhane lost her her powers when shot by a Neutralizer gun. Rogue defeated Mystique, and Rhane accompanied the X-Men back to Salem Center. On the plane ride to the States, Moira died with Rhane by her side. Moira's death hit Rhane hard, though she did accept an offer to teach at the newly opened Xavier Institute and supervise the Paragon squad. Her powers eventually returned after she allowed Josh Foley of the recently formed New Mutants squad to use his healing powers on her. When healed, she briefly went feral and nearly killed Josh. Josh survived, and Moonstar brought Rhane back from her savage state. Although Josh was seeing fellow student Laurie Collins, he and Rhane began an affair. Upon it being exposed to the school and faculty by some students, Rhane left the school before Cyclops and Emma Frost could decide on her future at the Institute. New Mutant teammate and old friend Karma tried to bring her back but Rhane explained her place right now was with Jamie Madrox and X-Factor Investigations, though she hinted at an eventual return. +This superhero's name is Wolverine (EMH). Their real name is James Howlett. +This superhero's name is Wolverine. Their real name is Logan. Wolverine's life began in Alberta, Canada, sometime around the 1880s and 1890s. The mutant who would come to be known simply as "Logan" was born James Howlett, the second son of Elizabeth Howlett (who was married to John Howlett, owner of a large estate) and the illegitimate son of the Howlett's grounds-keeper, Thomas Logan. As a boy, James was notably frail and prone to bouts of allergic attacks. He was largely neglected by his mother, who had been institutionalized for a time following the death of her first son, John Jr., in 1897. James was constantly under the pressure of his grandfather, Mister Howlett, who believed that James required constant punishment by a strong hand, in order to be raised properly. "Firm, but fair" was what Mister Howlett used to say to justify any of his abusive actions. James spent most of his early years on the estate grounds with two playmates that lived on the Howlett Estate with him: Rose O'Hara, a red-headed Irish girl who was brought in from town to be a companion to young James, and a boy nicknamed "Dog", Thomas Logan's son (and James's half-brother). The children were close friends, but, as they reached adolescence, the abuse inflicted upon Dog warped his mind. Dog made unwanted advances towards Rose, which James reported to his father. In retaliation, Dog killed James' puppy, in turn leading to the expulsion of Thomas and Dog from the estate. Thomas, in a drunken stupor and armed with a shotgun, invaded the Howlett Estate with his son and attempted to take his former lover Elizabeth with him. John, Sr. attempted to stop him and Thomas shot him in the head, in cold blood. James had just entered the room while this occurred and his mutation finally manifested; bone claws extended from the backs of his hands and he attacked the intruders with uncharacteristic ferocity, killing Thomas and scarring Dog's face with three claw marks. Already an emotionally disturbed woman since the death of her first son, Elizabeth, completely unhinged, drove James away and took her life, immediately afterward, with a blast from Thomas' gun. Rose fled the estate with James in tow, hiding in a shed James experiences his heightened senses for the first time telling Rose that he can smell apple dumplings. Dog falsely reported to the police and James' grandfather that Rose had murdered John, Sr. and Thomas. Rose led James to his grandfather's house, but Mr. Howlett simply ordered them to flee by train, with cold, cruel eyes, but still used his influence in town to help the pair escape, due to blood ties. Rose then fled the estate with James, who appeared to have been deeply traumatized and his healing factor had somehow drove the trauma from his memories, leaving him partially amnesiac. James and Rose later found themselves in the Yukon Territories in Canada, taking refuge in a British Columbia stone quarry, under the guise of being cousins. James also assumed the name of "Logan", in order to hide his identity. Within months, as the hard work of mining and the tough environment provoked traumatic changes in his body, Logan grew to be unusually healthy and ferocious, displaying enhanced agility and strength, possessing animal-like heightened senses that rivaled any animal's and learning to break the rocks by hating and bullying them. Later, Logan stated that it was a piece of his grandfather's devil personality. In his adulthood, James came to resemble the appearance of the groundskeeper much more closely than his legal father. Logan became a valuable and admirable figure amongst the small community of miners, due to his hard work and strong ethics, earning him the respect of his peers. Even the foreman, Smitty, who became a surrogate father figure to Logan, was impressed with him. Logan even gained the nickname "Little Smitty", due to their similar work ethics, and this brought him into conflict with Cookie Malone, Smitty's original favorite. Cookie took an instant dislike to Logan and continually hurt him, until Smitty came to his rescue. Cookie even shortened the fuse to an explosive of Logan's, killing five men. Cookie also cut Logan and Rose's rations, so Logan hunted deer in the woods and gave the extra to the neighbors, which made him more loved. Logan was immune to the elements, due to his healing factor, and even ran with the wolves in the forest, learning to hunt like an animal. Logan also defeated Cookie in a cage match, where he earned the nickname "the Wolverine". It was said that no one could beat Logan in a cage fight. After his victories, Logan would hear "It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog" a phrase that he repeated out loud to make it come true. During this period, Logan developed strong feelings for Rose, but could not act on them for the sake of their guise as cousins. Smitty, who had been mentoring Logan all these years, had also grown close to Rose and the two eventually fell in love and became engaged, much to the scorn and surprise of Logan, who later accepted the situation for the sake of Rose's happiness. Meanwhile, his grandfather, Mr. Howlett, was in failing health and asked Dog to find Rose and his grandson, so he could make peace with them before he died. Dog agreed; however, Dog (who had become a physically formidable man himself) decided to track them down, so he could kill Logan. Dog hunted Logan and Rose down so easily that it seemed he had a preternatural skill for tracking. On the night that Smitty was due to leave the mining town with Rose, Logan fought him but allowed him to win, hoping to reconcile with him and Rose, but Dog finally found and confronted Logan. Dog reminded Logan of his past as James Howlett and that fateful night back on the estate that had changed all their lives. The two fought fiercely in the middle of the street and, despite being the physically stronger of the two, Dog was eventually overpowered by the enraged Logan. As Dog lay unconscious, Logan unsheathed his claws, for the first time in public (to the shock of everyone watching), and was about to deal the deathblow, when Rose leaped in to stop him, but was accidentally impaled by his claws. Horrified, Logan held her in his arms as she died. Stricken with grief and guilt for the death of his first love, Logan fled into the nearby woods, where he lived in self-imposed exile in a feral state with a pack of wolves for months, if not years. Around this time, Logan met and fell in-love with many women. Unknown to him, Logan also fathered a number of children. Romulus, immortal mastermind and ruler of the wolflike Lupine, had taken interest in the Hudson line, Logan's mother's family, and over coming decades he, whether directly or through proxies, altered or erased Logan's memories to suit him. Apparently under Romulus' guidance, Logan became a mercenary in Madripoor. Sometime later he met Chang, a businessman working for the firm Landau, Luckman & Lake. He met and romanced Seraph, a diminutive woman employed by Romulus, who had instructed her to form such relationship. In the next years Logan realized that Seraph and other acknowledges were under a single authority, but he didn't know, or care who it was. Possibly on his first trip to Japan, Logan encountered members of the ninja sect known as the Hand. The Hand extorted Logan into fighting Sabretooth, who was another Romulus operative murdering women in Tokyo. Logan defeated Sabretooth and thought he was dead, without knowing of Sabretooth's healing factor. At some point later, Logan traveled to another frontier community in the Canadian Rockies and met a young Blackfoot Indian woman, named Silver Fox, with whom he fell in love. The two shared a cabin together and lived happily for a time. Logan had made a new life for himself: hunting and farm chores around the homestead now his daily routine, but, as ever, there were other forces at work in his life. On Logan's birthday, Sabretooth, possibly under Romulus' orders, brutally attacked Silver Fox, raping her and leaving her for dead, the first of many birthday "surprises" from him to come. Enraged, Logan battled him in a bar, only to be defeated and left for dead. Sabretooth then manipulated a feral, mindless Logan into believing the people of a nearby town had ordered Silver Fox's death, prompting Logan to slaughter the inhabitants of the town, persuading him that "the townspeople are afraid of you--they don't want you around. So, they got rid of the one thing keeping you here". Later, employed by The Hudson's Bay Company as a fur trader to the Blackfoot Indians, Logan defeated the demonic snake-worm, known as Uncegila, a feat which earned him the Blackfoot warrior name of "Skunk-Bear" (or "Wolverine"). A broad, largely unseen conspiracy thus began to shape Logan, now robbed of his conscience and free will, into the perfect killer. Wherever Logan went, Creed, one of his handlers, was not far behind. On one occasion in Madripoor, Logan was rescued from Victor, by Viper and Seraph. Seraph died, but not before making Logan swear an oath of loyalty to Viper. When World War I began in 1914, Logan joined the Canadian Army, where he was assigned to the Devil's Brigade, a special Canadian military unit sometimes used by Romulus. Logan's commanding officer was a super-humanly strong man known as Silas Burr (who would later become the mercenary Cyber), who was formerly an agent of the Pinkerton Private Detective Agency, where he abused his position, committing several atrocities, even burning down a schoolhouse full of children once. After being sentenced to death for his crimes, Burr was rescued from the courthouse, by Creed, and brought to the facility, hired by Frederick Hudson due to his sadistic nature. Yet another Romulus operative, Logan fell in love with female operative Janet per Burr's manipulation. Later in the war Logan and other soldiers were sent to Europe, and while fighting in Ypres, Belgium, on April 22, 1915, Logan encountered a being, called Lazaer (an anagram of Azrael, the Angel of Death), who was armed with a large broadsword and had been using it to kill soldiers on the same battlefield. They began to fight one another, with Lazaer initially gaining the upper hand, but, after being impaled with Lazaer's sword, Logan pulled it from his chest and stabbed it through his surprised opponent. Besting Lazaer in combat sent Logan in to a deep depression, even causing him to put a gun to his own head at one point. Logan started drinking considerably more as the war dragged on and ate less and less, until Lazaer finally confronted him. Lazaer explained that the depression was a punishment for defeating him and defying the natural order of things. It was also later revealed that because Logan defeated Lazaer, whenever Logan was wounded severely enough to tax even his healing factor, he recovered by defeating Lazaer in an astral arena. Afterwards, Logan was re-stationed in Canada, and Burr, under orders from Romulus' proxy, killed Janet as a lesson that whenever Logan overcame his inner bestial nature to care for someone, that person would die. Seeking for vengeance, Logan fought Burr, who severely beat him and gouged out his left eye. Logan descended to a near-feral state, his healing factor again obscuring his traumatic memories, and he fled Canada to travel abroad, as Romulus intended. Logan went to Shanghai, China, and he intervened in a conflict between locals and Ogun, a Japanese soldier, samurai and sorcerer. Impressed by Logan, Ogun offered to train him in the martial arts, but he declined. In 1921, Logan found himself in the Mexican Sondran Desert beaten, locked up by the local police, and accused of horse thievery. As Logan was blindfolded and tied to a post to be shot, by a firing squad, a voice next to him asked if he was a murderer. Logan answered, ��worse, a horse thief.�, and the person next to him turned out to be Mystique, who was also about to be killed for being blue. The locals thought she was a witch, even though she explained that she was simply born different, and Logan laughed at meeting someone like him there of all places. Mystique managed to untie herself, just before the firing squad shot, and Logan survived, due, once again, to his healing factor, and killed the guards. After they both escaped, Mystique stood surprised that Logan was able to survive and asked how he knew she would be able to free herself and escape. Logan responded, �I didn't.�, and, when she asked where he was going to next, he said the nearest bar. Mystique introduced herself to Logan and said that she had a group of friends in Kansas City, that he would probably like to meet. Once in Kansas City, Mystique told Logan about her group, who scammed people. After meeting her crew, and saving one of them from an angry customer that was scammed, Mystique informed Logan that she and her crew were planning a bank heist and she wanted him to take part in it. When Logan expressed his reluctance to get attached to people, she told him that she knew it was hard to trust people, but that they could be a family and to trust her. They both kissed and Logan decided to help her. However, he tipped off the police about the planned bank robbery. Mystique cut and ran, and despite Logan's protests, her crew was killed by the police. Logan again found himself alone and with a festering hatred for the woman he had come to trust. He continued his own criminal activities for a few years, smuggling bootleg alcohol during Prohibition of the mid-1920s. By 1932 Logan was in Madripoor again, and Seraph taught him how to be a better assassin. Around this time, Logan started to use his recurrent alias "Patch", if not before. Some time later, Logan remembered Ogun's offer and he went to Japan to better learn self-discipline. There, he spent years under Ogun's tutelage, and Logan regarded him as a surrogate father. Around the mid-1930s, Logan formed a partnership with Raven Darkholme and Irene Adler, two mutant adventurers and lovers. Maybe because of memory alteration, Logan was unaware that the apparently male Raven was Mystique. Later, Logan went into action in Spain during its Civil War. In 1937, Logan, under Romulus' orders, spent two years learning espionage from Taras Romanov, and in turn Logan gave hand-to-hand combat lessons to Natasha Romanoff, Taras' ward. Taras then told Natasha to kill Logan, but Logan instead killed him and allowed Natasha to depart. In 1939, when World War II began, Logan returned to the Devil's Brigade, again under Burr's command, although his memories of Burr's crimes were mostly purged. Seraph was like Logan's handler in Madripoor, and she prepared him for more covert missions for Romulus. In the summer of 1941, both she and Logan worked with the US super-soldier Captain America and others in order to sabotage an alliance between the Hand and Baron Strucker, luring the Hand's Jonin, their leader, out of hiding. Natasha Romanoff, now a Romulus operative, wanted to kill the Jonin, but Logan, regretting how he trained her to be an assassin, killed the Jonin himself. Later that same year, Logan, under orders to recruit or kill the Cap, worked with him and Bucky in Tunisia, where Logan met Sgt. Nick Fury. Finally, Logan decided not to kill Captain America, creating a rift between Seraph and himself. In 1942, Logan participated as a paratrooper for the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, during the Normandy landings on D-Day, as well as the liberation of the Netherlands. Logan may have also been a spy for the Allied Forces and he spent time in the Sobibor Death Camp in Poland, where he psychologically tortured three Nazi commandants by simply never speaking and returning every time they ordered him executed. While at Sobibor, Logan was known as "Prisoner Zero". A year later he surfaced in Newell, California, overseeing inhumane experimentation on Japanese prisoners of war. Even though Logan had been a hardened killer, he was atypically cruel during this period, his personality probably altered by Romulus. In 1945, Logan was captured by Japanese soldiers in Japan, where he was sent to a prison camp in Nagasaki. Logan escaped from his cell along with Lt. Ethan Warren, an American soldier who was also captured, and found refuge and love in a local Japanese girl, named Atsuko. Unfortunately, Lt. Warren, himself a mutant, returned and murdered the girl and the two men fought, until both were caught in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima that destroyed much of the city. Logan survived, but was devastated to lose another woman in his life. After the war ended, Logan sought redemption in Jasmine Falls, Japan, and he studied with Bando Suboro, in order to learn how to be a man and leave his warrior nature behind. Finally at peace since Silver Fox's supposed death, Logan met and fell in love with a local woman, named Itsu Akihiro and they married and conceived a child together, unknown to Logan. In 1946, while Logan was proving himself worthy of being a father in combat, the demon sword-smith, Muramasa, created an explosion, that caused Logan to accidentally stab a villager with his claws. Logan was banned from the village, but wanted to say good-bye to Itsu. Returning to their self-built home, Logan found Itsu murdered, by Bucky Barnes, now the brainwashed Winter Soldier. Although Barnes ostensibly served the USSR, he was acting under Romulus' orders. Believing their child to be dead, Logan mistakenly blamed Muramasa, who captured and tortured him. When Muramasa's underlings prepared to dispose of Logan, Romulus, or maybe his operative, killed them. Unknown to Logan, Romulus took the child from Itsu's womb, and he was safely born and adopted by a Japanese couple. This child was named Akahiro, but he eventually took the name "Daken", which means "Mongrel". Nine years later Daken fell under the influence of Romulus, and he was told lies that his father despised him and abandoned him, filling Daken with hatred. Logan resurfaced as a mercenary. It's unknown if he retained his memories of Itsu. Chang arranged for Landau, Luckman and Lake to handle Logan's business affairs and find assignments, and Logan would in exchange do occasional services. He operated most of the times from Ottawa and Calgary, with few exceptions into South America and Madripoor, working for government agencies, and he became one of the deadliest free agents of the intelligence field. Working for the CIA, Logan, indulged in this brutal mission per Romulus' command, helped participate in turning a boy, named Frank Simpson, into the deranged super-soldier, Nuke. In 1953 Frank, growing up watching his alcoholic mother constantly verbally abuse his meek father, was influenced by his babysitter into killing his mother. Meanwhile, as Frank's father drove the babysitter home, she abruptly pulled out his flask and began to drink it and then seduced him. After pulling over into the nearby woods, the couple was interrupted by a police officer, who was revealed to be Logan. Logan asked Frank's father to sit back in his seat and shot the babysitter, with Frank's gun. Logan then suggested that Frank's father had taken advantage of the babysitter, plying her with alcohol and even going so far as to shooting her because she resisted. Frank's father realized the gravity of the situation and, seeing no other way, he shot himself. Logan continued his espionage work, becoming a favorite of both America's and Canada's secret services, even teaming up with Ben Grimm (later known as the Thing) to participate in a Cold War-era government mission. When guarding Michael Carling, a scientist, for Landau, Luckman and Lake, Logan fought Kimora, who was after Carling's expertise in large-scale transportation between Earth and Kageumbra, his home dimension. Kimora defeated Logan, and even called him a beast in a man's clothing; however, Chang seemingly decapitated Kimora after this. Logan retired for a while, returning to Jasmine Falls and spending years there seeking his lost tranquility, until Chang found him and asked for his help to prevent Kimora from conquering Earth via Carling's technology. They both traveled to Kageumbra, where Logan and Kimora fought once again. Logan relied this time upon meditative training and berserker rage, and he hurled Kimora into a dimension-travelling device, which he destroyed. Again on Earth, Chang offered Logan a position with Landau, Luckman and Lake, but Logan declined. During his time into the CIA, Wolverine had also allegedly participated in strikes against three African leaders, stating on records and information of the Mbangawi rode by the Doctor Crocodile. By 1961, Logan, known as Wolverine now, joined the Weapon X Project, part of the Weapon Plus Program, which had been created to fight the mutant menace. Nevertheless, Weapon X only used mutants as superhuman operatives on international tasks. He was then placed on the Black Ops squad run by the CIA, called Team X, with Sabretooth and Silver Fox (it's unknown if they remembered their past history at this point), Maverick, Kestrel and Mastodon. During this time, Logan and the others received memory implants via staged scenarios, telepathic manipulation by Aldo Ferro, and other technology. Weapon X also duplicated Wolverine's healing factor and implanted it in Team X, slowing their aging processes. In 1963 Silver Fox betrayed Wolverine and Sabretooth to enemy soldiers, and she fled Weapon X. In 1968, Wolverine was shot with Carbonadium bullets, which slowed his healing factor so that Weapon X or Romulus could know how to kill him. The bullets were removed, but he awoke earlier than expected, and he regained his memories for the first time in years, because they hadn't been altered yet. Logan tried to keep the secret, and he rendezvoused with Team X in Berlin, East Germany. The team retrieved experimental Carbonadium technology and Janice Hollenbeck, a double agent. However, Sabretooth, apparently aware Wolverine had regained his memories, killed Janice to reinforce Wolverine's conditioning about innocents dying when he overstepped Romulus' boundaries. He quit Team X, but fell back under Romulus' influence, turning to atypically sadistic activities. On that same year, while in Vietnam as a Russian adviser, Logan tortured and brainwashed Frank Simpson, now a soldier, into becoming a murderous madman, known as Nuke. By 1972, Wolverine joined Department K, a secret Canadian Defense Ministry branch with ties to Weapon X. Based in Ottawa, he partnered with Neil Langram and worked with Nick Fury, now a high-ranking CIA agent, and with Richard and Mary Parker. Years later, Langram was sought as an operative by the Hellfire Club, but he refused, and he was then slain by Sabretooth, hired as a mercenary. Wolverine and Carol Danvers, a young US spy, investigated and confronted Sabretooth at the Club's Canadian facility. Sabretooth told Wolverine details of the Club's intent to guide a war between mutants and humans. Sabretooth then bombed the facility, but he, Wolverine and Danvers survived. A troubled Wolverine turned to drugs and alcohol, and he was dismissed from Department K after accidentally shooting a fellow agent. Disgusted with himself, he planned to lose himself in the Yukon. But before leaving Canada, while in his Lotus Seven, Logan was pumped full of Thorazine, beaten, and kidnapped, by a group of armed men from the Weapon X Project, possibly under Romulus' orders. The man known only as the Professor, Dr. Abraham Cornelius, and Dr. Carol Hines began to examine Logan, while he floated in a containment tank. Logan's skeleton, including his claws, was bonded with the indestructible metal known as Adamantium, making it unbreakable, and his personality was buried beneath the most intense brainwashing he had ever undergone. While in the tank, Logan was put under deep hypnosis, telling him that he was not a man or individual, and being a man disgusted him. The Project wanted Logan to believe that he was an obedient animal and that individuality lead to suffering and death. Reduced to a near-mindless state, Logan was forced by Weapon X to slaughter every inhabitant of the small town Roanoke as a test. Logan proved too difficult for the Weapon X Program to control and, after many years, he broke free of the programming, fell into a berserker fury and escaped the facility, with the help of the Winter Soldier, killing nearly everyone except for the Professor, Dr. Cornelius, Dr. Hines, and Malcolm Colcord, who later became the Director of a new Weapon X Program. Wolverine's healing factor was probably exhausted by his ordeal, since over the next few years he healed more slowly than ever before. Driven into savagery by the experiment, Logan wandered the forests of the Canadian Rockies for months, living in a feral state, ironically, not far from the place of his birth. It was during this period Logan saved the life of a creature, known as a Hunter in Darkness, one of a race of feral beings apparently mystical in origin. A psychic link of some sort was established between the two, to resurface in later years. On occasion, Logan's human personality surfaced, to the extent that, years later, he was able to recall pleasant experiences in these woods. Years after this experience, Logan's memories of much of his past would remain clouded, as a result of the Weapon X experiment and additional false memories during the procedure as well. Wandering the woods, Logan was eventually discovered by Heather and James "Mac" Hudson, a young couple honeymooning in the Rockies, whom he attacked, only to be shot by Hudson, whom neither knew was Wolverine's cousin from his maternal Hudson line. While he recovered, Logan regained enough of his human persona to be horrified at his claws, believing them to be artificial implants. Recovering his mental faculties with the Hudson's help, Logan became a member of Canada's Department H, the superhuman-oriented government agency James Hudson founded. Sometime later, Wolverine consulted Adamantium expert Myron MacLain, and he was targeted by Sabretooth and, under Silver Fox's leadership, Hydra. Wolverine was aided by Nick Fury, Carol Danvers and Natasha Romanoff, now the Russian super-spy Black Widow. Even though Wolverine and his allies triumphed, his full memories remained unrestored, and he didn't recognize former friends or enemies. Logan eventually regained memories of Burr, Seraph, Captain America and other parts of his life, but due to Weapon X intervention and his healing factor, some areas were left blank, like his life with Itsu and much of his Team X service. Logan also underwent ongoing intense psychotherapy to help him control his berserker rages. As a Department H operative, he returned to espionage and served primarily in Siberia and the Western Pacific, like Asia's Pacific Rim and its adjacent islands, including Japan. He accepted deadly and brutal assignments that no other agent would, and he soon rose to Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces. Eventually, Romulus or his proxies contacted Wolverine, who received secret orders to facilitate Romulus' interests even while on Department H missions. After the Fantastic Four's debut, Hudson steered the Department H's resources to form a super-team sponsored by the government. He nominated Wolverine for leadership of this team, which was called the Flight. Contemplating the wisdom of this move, Wolverine temporarily returned to Madripoor to reunite with Seraph. He helped her and Viper, her new student, against Sabretooth, probably a case of infighting in Romulus' forces. Seraph sacrificed her life for Wolverine, but before dying, she made him promise to help Viper in the future. Seraph's heroism influenced Wolverine to agree to Hudson's proposal, although he also continued espionage missions abroad. When a 40th century time-traveler called D'von Kray invaded Canada trying to hunt fellow time-traveler Cable, Wolverine captured Kray and turned him over to Department H. Hudson hoped Kray's technology could empower super-agents, but Kray soon escaped and resumed tracking Cable, pursued by Wolverine. Kray was defeated by Wolverine and Cable, and Cable became a mercenary whom Wolverine encountered during select missions. After this, Wolverine worked with CIA agent Rick Stoner to retrieve one of Hudson's prototype empowered-armor suits, stolen by Hydra. Meanwhile, Hudson subjected William Nowlan, a convicted murderer, to experimental procedures to manifest superhuman powers. Wolverine, maybe remembering his Weapon X experimentation, warned Hudson that Nowlan, now called Bedlam, might prove uncontrollable. His prediction accurate, Wolverine assisted Hudson in placing the insane Bedlam in suspended animation. Months after the Avengers' debut, Wolverine recruited Canadian Detective Sean Bernard to be a member of the Flight. As Groundhog, Bernard wore Hudson's Guardian armor. Some weeks later, the criminal Egghead led superhuman mercenaries to extort funds from Canada, threatening via a nuclear warhead. Wolverine led Flight trainees against Egghead and his minions, and even though the mission succeeded, trainee Saint Elmo died, Groundhog resigned, and some other trainees proved unsuited for such missions. Hudson, taking notice of this, divided the Flight into three divisions of increasing proficiency: Gamma Flight, Beta Flight and Alpha Flight. Later, on an espionage assignment, Wolverine went to Vladivostok, Russia, where he worked with Nick Fury before him being appointed director of SHIELD. While Alpha Flight's preparation continued, Wolverine traveled to Japan to seek Ogun's advice, but he found out that Ogun had surrendered himself to dark magic and he was now an assassin, a role into which he intended to enslave Wolverine. Escaping this situation and deeply disturbed, Wolverine vowed to never return to Japan. As Wolverine prepared to publicly debut as a super hero, he was kidnapped by the Leader, as were Hercules and Karkas, all of whom the Leader intended to use against the Hulk. Wolverine and the other prisoners escaped, but coincidentally the Hulk arrived in Canada shortly before Wolverine. The Canadian military mobilized to fight the Hulk, but Wolverine received orders from Romulus to attract an unidentified party's attention by fighting the Hulk. Wolverine started a battle with the Hulk and a Wendigo. Wolverine's speed and maneuverability proved to be a match for the two plodding powerhouses, but after realizing Hulk was a more formidable opponent, he changed tactics. Teaming up with Hulk to take out the Wendigo, Hulk threw the Wendigo into a patch of trees and Wolverine then delivered the finishing blow. The Hulk and Wolverine kept on fighting, and as Hulk had by now grown so enraged that Wolverine's adamantium claws failed to penetrate Hulk's skin, the Hulk emerged victorious and Hulk abandoned the unconscious Wolverine, unaware of his healing factor. The defeated Wolverine returned to Department H. Still slated to take leadership of Alpha Flight, Wolverine spent weeks completing some espionage missions, even when various factors made him increasingly troubled by his service to Department H. During his leadership of Alpha Flight, Wolverine was approached by Charles Xavier, attracted by his fight with the Hulk (as Romulus expected), who was looking for mutants to help his students, the X-Men, to escape from the island-being known as Krakoa. Wolverine resigned from Department H to accompany Professor Xavier and rescue the captured X-Men. Wolverine, under Romulus instructions, tried to assassinate Xavier, but he broke Romulus' hold on Wolverine by blocking the effects of his programming. Neither man knew their enemy's identity at the time. After Krakoa was defeated, Wolverine decided to stay with the X-Men, at the School for Gifted Youngsters, with fellow new recruits Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Thunderbird, and Banshee, as the original members left to pursue a normal life. Logan remained with the X-Men for quite some time, but a rivalry grew between him and Cyclops, one of the reasons being that he had fallen for Scott's girlfriend, telekinetic telepath Jean Grey, who soon rejoined the group. Despite decades of hard-earned cynicism and at first skeptical of Xavier's hope for mutant and human coexistence, Wolverine began to respect his ideals, determination and goals, and grew to be a loyal and trusted member of the X-Men. Wolverine also developed a strong friendship with Nightcrawler. When the X-Men traveled to Agarashima, Japan, the first time for Wolverine since breaking with Ogun, he met Lady Mariko Yashida and aided h +This superhero's name is r cousin. Their real name is former X-Man Sunfire. Wolverine fell in love with Lady Mariko +This superhero's name is Wonder Girl (Titans). Their real name is Donna Troy. Donna Troy is Wonder Girl, the adoptive sister of Wonder Woman and a close friend of Dick Grayson. At a very young age, Donna had a traumatizing experience involving a fire. She was eventually found and taken in by Diana, also known as Wonder Woman, and taken to the Themyscira, capital of the Amazons, where she was trained to become her protégé. Sometimes, Diana would attend Justice League business at the Wayne Manor and would bring Donna to accompany her. At some point, she met Dick Grayson and the two formed a sibling-like bond. She would often offer him advice whenever things seemed too complicated or stressful for him. Over the years, Donna eventually stopped training under Diana and followed her own path as a photographer and to do things her way, such as expose poachers. +This superhero's name is Wonder Girl. Their real name is Diana Prince. Cassie spent most of her time at her mother's place of work, the Gateway City Museum of Antiquities, where she had a penchant for getting into trouble. She quickly befriended her mother's new employee, Wonder Woman, and was eager to help her. During a fight with a Doomsday clone and another battle with Decay, she created a costume and used magical acquirements (the Sandals of Hermes and the Gauntlet of Atlas) to help Wonder Woman, much to her mother's horror. Cassie later had the opportunity to ask Zeus for a boon, and requested real superpowers. Zeus granted her request, but gave Dr. Sandsmark the ability to deactivate them. Dr. Sandsmark, however, reluctantly accepted her daughter's wish to be a superheroine and rarely, if ever, used this ability. Artemis was assigned as her teacher. Even without her power, Cassie was a problem child, and frequently had to change schools. Throughout her teens, she attended Holliday School for Girls,Brewer High School,Dennis Peterson High School,Gateway City High School, and eventually the Saint Elias School for Girls. +This superhero's name is Wonder Man. Their real name is Simon Williams. Simon Williams inherited his father's industrial munitions plant after his father died and his older brother, Eric, did not want to take over. Although a capable scientist, Simon nevertheless was not a businessman, and the company started to fail. Eric suggested that Simon embezzle money to invest in Eric's own business, which happened to be illegal racketeering with Maggia ties. The embezzlement and racketeering was discovered, and Simon went to jail, blaming his downfall on Tony Stark (a.k.a. the hero Iron Man and member of the team Avengers.) Simon was released with help from the original Baron Zemo and his Masters of Evil. Simon agreed to undergo an experiment to give him superhuman powers, and Zemo gave him the costumed guise of Wonder Man, warning Simon that he would die without further treatments from Zemo in order to ensure his loyalty. At Zemo's behest, Simon befriended Avengers, pretending to be their ally, and lured them into a trap. However, he repented at the last minute and saved the Avengers from the Masters, seemingly at the cost of his own life. In fact, Simon had really fell into a death-like coma. Before he was buried, his brain patterns were recorded for scientific purposes (and were later used to build the android Vision.) Simon's body was about to be buried when it was captured by his brother, now known as the Grim Reaper and who had already battled the Avengers, blaming them for Simon's death. The Reaper wanted to use the body to bribe the robotic Vision to accept a human body. The Vision refused, where it was first revealed that Vision's mind was based on Simon's own brain patterns. Eric later tried to have Simon's body resurrected by the voodoo of the Black Talon, and Wonder Man was used as a zombie to attack the Avengers. Instead, Simon was restored to consciousness by the Living Laser who was holding the powerful Serpent Crown artifact. Afterwards, the Avengers accepted Wonder Man as a staunch ally and he was later elected to full-time membership. His presence was always a source of tension for the Vision, who felt insecure as Simon was the source of his “life.” At one point, Wonder Man and the Vision were placed on "trial" by the Grim Reaper to determine which of them was the "real" Simon Williams. Simon was accepted as the "real" brother by Eric, but Wonder Man subdued the Reaper to save the Avengers. Simon's effectiveness as a fighter was limited by a lingering fear of death and chronic self-confidence problems. Despite his fears, he helped the Avengers fight major foes such as Ultron and Count Nefaria, and he ultimately overcame his fear of death to play a key role in Avengers' struggle with the supremely powerful Korvac. Soon after this, however, Simon left the Avengers to become an actor, although he would find much more success as a Hollywood stuntman. He would occasionally return to the Avengers to help them on an as-needed basis. Simon was among the Avengers who founded their West Coast branch. Although he continued to struggle with fear of death and failure, he largely overcame fear of death with emotional support from Hank Pym and the Vision. He confessed feelings of inferiority to the Vision, who he began to regard affectionately as a twin brother of sorts. He further conquered feelings of shame and fear by publicly confessing his embezzlement of funds from Williams Innovations, an act long assumed by many to be the work of his criminal brother, Eric. Simon gained enhanced fame and growing confidence as a result of his public confession, which ultimately helped him land a starring role in a major motion picture, Arkon IV, becoming a genuine Hollywood celebrity. Simon served with the Avengers West Coast throughout its existence. During this time, he furthered his acting career and becoming romantically involved with Alex Flores, a screenwriter. He opted not to stay at the Avengers' Compound, but instead lived in a Los Angeles apartment where he befriended many of his neighbors. When the Vision had been reduced to an emotionless robot after the seeming destruction of his artificial mind, Simon refused to allow the Avengers to duplicate his brain patterns as part of their efforts to restore the android. The Scarlet Witch, the Vision's wife at the time, became bitterly estranged from Simon for his refusal, which actually stemmed from the fact that he held a long-time infatuation with her, and unconsciously wanted the Scarlet Witch for himself. He finally agreed to allow the duplication of his brain patterns after a distraught Scarlet Witch suffered a mental breakdown, but the Vision declined the offer since he had realized that duplicating Simon's brain patterns would not truly, fully restore his lost personality, but merely create a similar facsimile. Simon became very supportive and attentive to the Scarlet Witch as she recovered from her mental breakdown, and he even sought a romance, briefly dating her. However, the Witch ultimately rejected Simon, which led him to overcompensate by pursuing assorted starlets. On a later adventure, Simon joined with the Avengers to stop the alien races of Kree and Shi'ar from dragging Earth into their war. The Shi'ar developed a massive "Nega-Bomb" to decimate the Kree empire, and Simon and the Vision tried to stop it. Instead they were caught in the explosion. Simon found his powers mutating, eroding his mental and physical stability (for instance, he later found that his strength fluctuated with his emotional state, increasing when he became angry.) He radiated so much ionic energy that he began altering those around him. His neighbors in his apartment developed superpowers of their own, forming a short-lived team called the Crazy Eight. Ultimately, Simon's instability led him to leave the Avengers. As he struggled through, he tried to kindle his romance with Alex Flores, proposing to her. Eventually, Simon returned to rejoin the Avengers' West Coast branch, only to find it had disbanded in his absence. Simon was contacted by Iron Man to join his new team, Force Works. During Force Work's fist mission, however, Simon was killed when intercepting a bomb set by potential alien invaders. Simon was accidentally mystically resurrected by the Scarlet Witch, who had issued a magical summons to anyone associated with the Avengers during her capture by the sorceress Morgan Le Fay. He continued to exist as disembodied energy after his death, bound to the earthly by his long-unrequited love for the Scarlet Witch. He seemed to have sacrificed his life yet again to save the Avengers from Morgan Le Fay, but he began periodically manifesting in the vicinity of the Scarlet Witch as a sort of ghostly energy wraith, appearing when she needed help or felt lonely. Never fully resurrected, Simon was stuck "in-between" as it were, and was used by his brother, who was also deceased at the time, to weaken the borders between life and death and create a Hell on Earth, with resurrected versions of deceased Avengers as his lieutenants. Simon was similarly mystically enslaved by the Grim Reaper and pitted against the Avengers, but Simon turned on the Reaper after escaping his control. The Scarlet Witch was finally able to bodily resurrect Simon by realizing her love for him. Simon, in turn, was able to bodily resurrect his brother, by realizing their love for each other. Simon elected to stay at the Avengers mansion, exploring his relationship with the Scarlet Witch while serving alongside the team as a non-member. He tried to rebuild his brotherly relationship with the Vision, who remained largely aloof. Simon continued to struggle with feelings of guilt and inadequacy due to the many mistakes and misdeeds he committed during his time in California, and he briefly left the Avengers Mansion to make the rounds of his Hollywood friends and associates in an attempt to make peace with his past life and make amends for the various misdeeds he had committed. He learned his one-time fiancée, Alex Flores, had fallen in love with someone else and was happily married, and they parted on good terms. Simon was ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing regarding deaths he helped cause during his time in Los Angeles, and with his friend the Beast, he defeated and exposed crimelord Lotus after defeating her pawn, It, The Living Colossus. He finally resolved to put his troubled past behind him and established the Second Chances Foundation, a non-profit charitable enterprise devoted to helping people in need, managed by his old agent Neal Saroyan and funded by the proceeds from Simon's films, merchandise and endorsements. Simon began dividing his time between the Avengers and the Second Chances Foundation, trying to maintain a long-distance relationship with the Scarlet Witch at the same time, despite the fact that the passion had gone out of their relationship. When Kang attempted to conquer Earth, he interned many of its citizens in large camps, including a captive Scarlet Witch. Similarly captured, Simon was placed in the same internment camp. Both had realized during their time apart that they were no longer in love with each other -- the two of them having come together more from passion, loneliness and a sense of obligation than true love. The couple amicably ended their relationship and the Scarlet Witch admitted she was still in love with Vision, though she did not expect to act on it since he had finally moved on. The Scarlet Witch helped Simon escape internment and eventually Kang was defeated by the Avengers, whereupon Simon returned to California and the Second Chances Foundation. +This superhero's name is Wonder Woman (GAM). Their real name is Bekka. Bekka is the daughter of Himon, one of the New Gods whose achievements include invention of the sentient Mother Box computers and discovery of the "x-element" that fueled his co-creation of the teleporting Boom Tubes alongside fellow scientist Metron. For many years, Bekka lived with her father in secret on Apokolips as Himon organized an underground uprising against Darkseid's tyrannical rule. Hunted for his role in this planned insurgence, Himon took extra care to shield Bekka from Darkseid's notice. Himon never imagined that Bekka would fall in love with Orion, Darkseid's own son, when he stumbled into their lives. After healing the wounded Dog of War, Himon and Bekka aided Orion in freeing his mother Tigra from imprisonment. For this act, Himon was seemingly slain by the dread lord of Apokolips. Bekka then accompanied Orion and Tigra to New Genesis, where her love continued to soothe the savagery that lurks within the Dog of War. During the "Torment" incident, she and Batman helped Superman escape from the planet Tartarus, where Superman is being held prisoner by Desaad. During the rescue mission, she and Batman developed an attraction and her affection caused Batman to reflect on the lack of love he has forced himself to endure. Bekka likened her spell of desire to a siren's call but said that it affects her as well. In the end, however, she left with Orion when he came to get her. In her home staying with Orion, while thinking that she will forget Batman, some unknown person approached her, and she is then apparently killed as part of the Death of the New Gods. During the Death of the New Gods, it is initially revealed that her killer, and the killer of all the New Gods, was none other than her father Himon. However, the killer was later shown to actually be the Infinity Man (her uncle-in-law Drax), disguised as Himon. +This superhero's name is Wonder Woman (Kingdom Come). Their real name is Diana Of Themyscira. Earth-22 Wonder woman +This superhero's name is Wonder Woman. Their real name is Diana Prince. Origin Wonder Woman did not keep her identity a secret, and she was not at first a "super-heroine". Indeed, her character was in many ways that of a babe in the woods, innocent and without guile. Diana spoke only Themyscirian, a combination of classical Greek and Turkish. She had to learn English when she arrived in America, rather than knowing the language intuitively. Nonetheless, Diana was trained as a warrior and had no compunction against using deadly force when called for. Diana often dealt with war, injustice, inequality, death, and conflicts involving the Olympian Gods. Post-Crisis, Steve Trevor was now an Air Force officer considerably older than Diana's apparent age, thus sidestepping the traditional romance between the two. Instead, Trevor became involved with Etta Candy, who herself became a mature military officer of good standing and a large, but realistic physique. The Greek war god Ares and the Greek witch Circe eventually become two of Diana's greatest enemies. Diana's enemy list also included the Cheetah who was a woman who could transform into a powerful and ferocious feline-humanoid creature. Post-Crisis Beginnings A significant change in Diana's history was that she was one of the late comers to the super hero community--relatively 5-6 years after most of the other heroes had debuted. This meant that she was not one of the founding members of the Justice League. Her place in history was replaced by Black Canary. Diana emerged on the scene during the Legends adventure. Diana was the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, the first child born on Paradise Island in the three thousand year history that the immortal Amazons lived there. The Amazons had been created around 1200 B.C. when the Greek goddesses drew forth the souls of all women who had been murdered by men. One soul was left behind, the one that would be born as Diana. That soul originally belonged to the unborn daughter of the first woman murdered by a man (whom Hippolyta was the reincarnation of). In the late 20th Century, Hippolyta was instructed to mold some clay from the shores of Paradise Island into the form of a baby girl. Six members of the Greek Pantheon then bonded the soul to the clay, giving it life. Each of the six also granted Diana a gift: Demeter, great strength; Athena, wisdom and courage; Artemis, a hunter's heart and a communion with animals; Aprhodite, beauty and a loving heart; Hesita, sisterhood with fire; Hermes, speed and the power of flight. Diana grew up surrounded by a legion of sisters and mothers. When she was a young woman, the gods decreed that the Amazons must send an emmissary into Man's World. Queen Hippolyta ordered a contest to be held, but forbade Diana from participating. Diana disobeyed and did so anyway in disguise, easily winning the contest and being named the Amazon's champion. She was given a uniform fashioned from the standard of someone who had visited the island a few decades earlier. Wonder Woman v. AresBefore embarking on her mission, Diana was given the Lasso of Truth, forged by Hephestus himself. She was also given the Sandals of Mercury, which allowed her to instantly traverse great distances in seconds. Diana's mission was one of peace, but part of it initially involved defeating a mad plot by Ares to destroy the world. Diana ventured into the world by starting at Boston. There she met a Harvard professor, Dr. Julia Kapatelis, and her daughter, Vanessa Kapatelis, as well as the Air Force Officers Steve Trevor and Etta Candy. Diana stayed with Julia and Vanessa and over the course of a month or two, Diana learned to speak English. She was attacked their home by Decay, one of Ares' minions, and after a battle that spilled out into the streets of Boston she first came to the public's eye and was given the name Wonder Woman. Upon discovering Ares' plan (one that involved creating a nuclear holocaust), Diana managed to foil it, battling through his sons Phobos and Deimos before finally convincing him the error of his ways with the Lasso. After defeating the God of War, Diana returned home for healing at the hands of Poseidon himself. Mortal and Immortal Challenges Wrap around Cover for Wonder Woman (Vol.2) #1After returning to Boston, Wonder Woman agreed to hire Myndi Mayer to be her publicist, getting her image out to the world at large. She spent the next several months touring the world, conducting interview and learning a lot about the world. She also met most of the Justice League, and after meeting Superman she realized that she was instantly enamored with him. She also gathered the attention of Barbara Minerva, the Cheetah, who desired to take the Lasso of Truth from Diana. She lied to Wonder Woman about having found the lost Girdle of Antiope to get close to her, but after touching the Lasso her truth was made clear. Diana was frustrated and angry over her naive trust of Minerva. That same night, Barbara decided to take it by force and attacked as the Cheetah. Diana managed to fight her off, and afterwards she decided it was time to return home again. Challenge of the GodsThe gods were pleased with Diana's work--one was a little too pleased, however. Zeus offered to make Wonder Woman a goddess if she agreed to sleep with him. Diana refused, as Zeus decreed she must be punished. The other gods managed to deflect the full brunt of Zeus's wrath. He decided that Wonder Woman must pass the Challenge of the Gods. He ordered her to go into the pits beneath Paradise Island and retrieve his fondest treasure. Diana accepts the challenge. Hippolyta was not pleased, and though she could do nothing to stop Diana from descending into the depths, she did resolve to follow after her (fighting past Phillipus first). Wonder Woman battled all number of evil monsters in the pits, from the Hydra to the Echidna, but got some help from the spirit of Diana Trevor. Diana Trevor, the mother of Steve Trevor, revealed that she had been an Air Force Pilot who crashed landed on the island and then died helping the Amazons in battle. It was for her that Diana was named, and it was her standard that was used to fasion the Wonder Woman costume. Hippoylta catches up with her daughter, and together they fight even more mythological beasts until they discover Zeus's treasure: Heracles himself! The demi-god had been changed to stone and made to bear the weight of the island for thousands of years. Diana and Hippolyta freed him, and brought him back to the surface. Faced with his punishment of thousands of years, Heracles was repentant and begged forgiveness for what had happened between he and the Amazons. The Amazons forgave him at last, and after a celebration he returned to Olympus. The gods were well pleased with Diana. Hippolyta was pleased as well, and ordered her daughter to return to Man's World and continue her mission. Once Wonder Woman was back, Myndi Mayer quickly arranged another publicity stunt, this time at a fair. Things got ugly, however, when the first Silver Swan arrived on the scene. Wonder Woman battled the Swan along the cost but could not capture her. Returning to Boston, Diana stayed with Vanessa while her mother was in Greece. She found herself distracted more and more with thoughts of Superman, eventually asking Myer to arrange a meeting between the two.. Diana and Superman had their "date," which included a battle to free Olympus from the grip of Darkseid after he had laid waste to it. Afterwards, Superman and Wonder Woman decided it would be best if they just remained friends, but Superman trusted Diana enough with the secret of his dual idendity. Wonder Woman is one of the few people who affectionately refers to him as "Kal." The gods decided it was time to take a vacation (or "Cosmic Migration" as they called it) even as Diana decided to go with her friends to Greece, to see the ancient home of her people. She met Julia Kapetelis's parents, but felt a strange sensation in regards to one of the smaller islands that was long said to have a bad history. As it turns out, Circe made that island her home, and she sent her minions to capture Diana and drag her back in chains. Circe revealed her whole history--including the history where she murdered Antiope, Hippolyta's sister. Circe also revealed the prophesy she learned from Hecate, who was responsible for her power, and her belief that if either she or Diana kills the other than the spirit of Hecate will consume the other. Circe resolves to use a spell that will degenerate Diana back in the clay from which she was created. Even with the help of her friends, Wonder Woman only carried the day with the timely intervention of Hermes, who had not yet left Olympus. When Diana returned to Boston, she learned of the death of Myndi Mayer--someone had apparently shot her in the face with a shotgun in her own home. A man named Steve London was framed for the death, but Diana learned that the man responsible for blasting her was a man named Skeeter Boyd. Skeeter died trying to escape from Wonder Woman, grabbing hold of an electrified fence and frying himself. He had not, in fact, actually killed Myndi--an overdose of alcohol and cocaine had killed her before he delivered the blast. Diana was left to question how something like this could happen.. Called back to Paradise Island, Diana was summoned by the gods to come to Olympus with Hippolyta and Menalippe. It was still in ruins from Darkseid's rampage. The gods announced their decision to depart from the Earth, possibly forever, possibly not. They needed Diana's help to shatter what was left of Olympus so they could move on and allow the healing to begin. Their destiny now in their own hands, Diana called for a vote among the people whether or not they should open the gates of the island and allow men to come there. The Amazons voted yes, and Wonder Woman returned to Boston to invite Julia and Vanessa to be the first guests. Shadows of the Past Diana is shocked when Hermes shows up in Boston. He explains that he feels the journey of the rest of the gods is folley and seeks to assert himself, as a god, in Boston. He wins a few converts through bribes and healing, despite Diana's protestations. Hermes is tricked, however, by Phobos and Eurayle into unleashing Ixion the Assassin from his prison beneath the Earth. Ixion went on a rampage across Boston, killing hundreds and damaging the old U.S.S. Constitution. Wonder Woman bound Phobos in her Lasso and Hermes decapitated Eurayle. Even together they could not stop Ixion, however, and he had to be struck down by jet fighters. Diana blamed himself for what happened, as she had not taken a stronger position against Hermes when he first arrived. Wonder Woman stood along with the rest of the world's heroes to battle against the alien alliance that tried to conquer Earth during the Invasion! crossover. Cheetah next decides to resurface. She uses a pair of Khunds, still on Earth after the INVASION, to create a diversion so she can steal Wonder Woman's magic lasso. Suspecting that Dr. Baraba Minerva stole the lariat (but not knowing yet that she and Cheetah are one and the same) Wonder Woman travels to Minvera's home in England (this coincides with a trip to the first meeting of Justice League Europe, but Diana decides not to remain part of the team at this time). Minerva's manservant, Mr. Chuma, poisons Diana and proceeds to tell her the whole story of how Minerva became Cheetah (see Cheetah entry for details). The poison has no effect on Diana, however, and she tracks Cheetah to Egypt where out in the hidden city of Bana-Mishdall she finds the lost colony of Amazons. Their leader, Queen Anahid incapacitated Diana with a poisonous dart and locked her up. The high priestess tries to kill Diana but inadvertantly poisons herself. Diana breaks free and realizes that Cheetah will be on the prowl that very night--but she is still groggy from the poison. The mercenary Amazons had been hired to pacify a nearby village. Armed for war, Wonder Woman fights them back and is attacked by Cheetah. After a very tough battle, Wonder Woman defeats her adversary and locks her up (Mr. Chuma dies in the all the fighting). Queen Anahid, mortally injured by Cheetah, dies after commanding that Diana be spared. The Amazons call off the raid and tell her their history. They are indeed the descendents of Antiope, Hippolyta's sister, though they are not immortal (see Antiope, Pythia). They have in their possession the other Golden Girdle of Gaea. They are a nation of mercenaries and have been since Antiope's death. Pythia, blaming Theseus and all men for her mother's death, was their first leader (see also Circe). The city is attacked by Hermes, who has learned of the rogue Amazons and is madder than hell. He has come for the Golden Girdle. Diana manages to convince him to cease his attack. One of the Amazons, Faruka, decides to use all the chaos to try and seaize power, using a (cyborg?) Amazon called Shim'tar. With Hermes weakened by Gaea's status, Diana fights Shim'tar alone, battling to a standstill. The Egyptian govenment, outraged at the massacre at one of their villages, orders an air strike on the hidden city. Not even Hermes is able to intervene. The entire city is destroyed, leaving Wonder Woman, Minerva, and Hermes alone in the desert. Wonder Woman has recovered both her lasso and the Golden Girdle. After a brief stop back in Boston, Diana returns the Girdle to her mother on Themyscira. The time has come for Themyscara to welcome the world more openly. Twelve delegates are chosen: Asmund Lindel, the Norway delegate to the U.N.; Maritza Nitumbe, a South African botanist; Phyllis Haller, an American feminist bestselling author and sociologist; Vladimir Morakov, a Russian neurosurgeon; Robert Cantwell, Scottish history teacher and war veteran; Rabbi Benjamin Hecht and Unitarian minister Reverand Alan Withersppon, the only two religious leaders to respond to Diana's invitation (the Vatican was silent); Lin Koo Teng, a survivor of Tienamen Square; Rovo Quashi, a blind man from Ethiopia; Henri Tibet, a parapelegic architecht from Canada; Felix Zumac, a Haithian zoologist and anthropologist; and Lois Lane, everybody's favorite reporter from the Daily Planet. Hermes, shedding his immortality, grants Diana the ability to use her winged sandals to take the delegates to Themyscara. The delegates all arrive to a magnificent greeting by the Amazons. No one suspects that Eris, daugther of Ares, is plotting discord. She nearly succeeds in turning everyone against one another when her plans are discovered and thwarted. Afterwards, the delegates all deliver their favorable report to the U.N. while the Amazons comence the cleanup. Julia is on a dig overseas and Vanessa is at summer camp. Hermes, shorn of some of his divinity, has been staying with Steve Trevor. Wonder Woman had her second run in with the Silver Swan, now more powerful than ever, when Valerie was attempting to escape from her "benefactors." Wonder Woman and Etta Candy were captured by Hank Armbruster's thugs, but working together they were able to break free. Usng her Lasso on Armbruster, Diana was able to unveil the depth of his lies to Valerie. The Swan walked away, no longer the villain. With Themyscira known to the world and the gods departed from Earth, Queen Hippolyta decided it was indeed time to take a more active role. The Amazons removed their bracelets and decided to come to Man's World and see all that it had to offer. Hippolyta, Menalippe, Phillipus, and other came to stay at a hotel in Gotham City. Diana encountered Hermes again, who had rebuilt a temple unto himself and proceeded to hit on Diana again--or did he? This Hermes turned out to be Mercury, and Wonder Woman had to help the true Hermes battle his "evil twin" at their temple. Mercury was able to win the battle, taunting the humbled Hermes as he departed the field. Hippolyta and the others decided they needed to present themselves as more than just an extension of Wonder Woman, and Steve Trevor told her that he needed some space as well, as Etta was growing jealous of the two of them. When Vanessa also got angry at Diana for being late to her birthday party and even Julia wanted some space, Diana decided to return home to recharge. While at home, Diana was contacted in her sleep by Hermonia as well as Pariah, both of whom offered warnings about an impending crisis. Waking from this nightmare Diana seemed to drift into another one, this one involving a badly beaten and injured Hermes. Diana suspected that Circe was behind her ill fortune lately. Back in Boston, Wonder Woman encountered Hermes--who announced his intention to destroy Boston. Diana told him she would never let it be so--but from Hermes' point of view, it was the Amazon who was threatening the city, and so they began to battle one another, all because of the illusions of Dr. Psycho, who had been posing as a therapist for Vanessa. Diana and Hermes stopped short of killing one another when one of Vanessa's teachers interrupted the insane villain. Diana and Hermes, relieved of their delusions, join together to track down their tormentor. Realizing that he had been twisting the mind of Vanessa as well, Diana was able to share her thoughts with Vanessa and track him down in his lair. There she found Vanessa's teacher, whose unborn baby had been tortured by Dr. Psycho as well. Meanwhile, the Amazons are attacked in their hotel by masked assassins, who also murder the police officers at the building and frame it on the Amazons themselves. The word quickly spreads, and by the time she takes the injured teacher to the hospital, the police try to arrest her for murder. Diana protests their innocence while alerting the police to the location of Dr. Psycho, whom she left tied up with her Lasso. However, when the police arrive, he is no where to be found; the Lasso is tied to a chair but no one is there. Before the Boston P.D. take her in, she convinces them to allow her to help deliver the child, which she successfully does. A news report indicated that armed Amazons broke into the hotel in Gotham and slaughtered police and civilains alike. Wonder Woman allowed herself to be taken into custody where she learned the horrible tally: Hippolyta was missing, Philippus was gravely injured, Menalippe and Epione had been arrested (the former with injuries), Mnemosyne and Timandra had been arrested in other cities, Pythia and Euboea were unaccounted for, and Hellene had been killed. There was also an unidentified Amazon who was killed at the hotel, prompting a scare that there could be dozens of murderous Amazons running about. Vanessa comes to the police station with news her mother is missing. Diana manages to convince the police to let her see the unidentified Amazon. The dead woman is unknown to her, but the tell-tale claw marks raking her body lead her to believe she was killed by the Cheetah. Comissioner Gordon reluctantly order Diana arrested, but Diana, fearful for the safety of her friends, breaks out of the jail. Recovering her Lasso, she frees Menalippe from her hospital before catching up with Pythia and Euboea and taking them all back to Paradise Island. War of the Gods At home, many of her Amazons sisters are crying out for vengeance, believing their queen to have been murdered. Diana asserts herself as the rightful leader of the Amazons, no matter what they decide to do. As they are debating, the Oracle announces that the gods have returned. No sooner does she do so when Diana is summoned to Mt. Olympus. The gods announced that something was terribly wrong with the order of things. They too had seen Pariah and did not understand his importance. Zeus had expended much of his power just summoning Hermes from the Earth, and it had taken the combined energy of the rest of the pantheon to summon Diana there. They told her that Donna Troy had also turned up. Just then, a new set of beings walked in like they owned the place--it was the Roman pantheon, led by Jupiter himself. The Roman gods announced that they had a human champion that would battle against the Greek's Wonder Woman--that champion was none other than Captain Marvel. Diana was forced to defend herself against a possessed Captain Marvel even while Hermes and Mercury engaged in round two. Circe began to unveil her master plan, unleashing chaos across the globe. While Wonder Woman was on Olympus, Heracles traveled to Paradise Island. Once there, earthquakes began to rock the island. Traveling beneath it, Heracles found Atlas with the island on his shoulders. This was the Roman Atlas, and he mistook Heracles for Hercules. Once they got that straightened out, they were just as confused as anyone. Back in the U.S., Mnemosyne, Timandra, and Epione were being transported by a military escort that was attacked by Amazons--but no Amazons the three prisoners recognized! These Amazons left a few surivors in the escort to tell the tale, then gassed the three prisoners and took them with them. Diana, after the battle with Marvel, was transported back to Boston. Diana ended up at the house of a police inspector, Edward Indelicato, whom she was friends with. She recounted her story and Edwards agreed to help her. Diana, sensing that Circe trully was to blame for all the madness going on, decided that she had to track down Doctor Fate for assistance, who gave her a spell that made her invisible so she could return to Boston. The spell wore off when she (literally) ran into the Silver Swan, which was dumb luck as Valerie had been looking for Diana to give her some guidance. Diana had little to give, however, as distracted as she was by everything else going on. A call to Black Canary put Diana in contact with Batman, whom she asked to retrieve the missing Themysciran goblet that she believed would help exonerate her people for the massacre in Gotham. Diana then banded together with Zatanna, Phantom Stranger, Spectre, Dr. Fate, Flash (Wally West), Madam Xanadu, and Geo-Force to try and undo the spells Circe had woven. Circe had expected this, and planned on cultivating the energy from the spells the group was now casting--but her plan backfired and her spells were undone: yet the war continued. Circe had been betrayed by her ally Kaslak. In addition to replacing the relics Circe needed for her spell, he also allowed Pythia into Circe's lair. Phytia managed to free her captured sisters as well as Julia Kapatelis. Wonder Woman met back up with Batman, who had recovered the Goblet, but told her that it was, in fact, a forgery that had been coated with some unknown material. Diana followed the trail back to Egypt, were she discovered the temple of Bana-Mighdall that she thought had been destroyed. There she found Lobo battling Shim'tar. When some more Rouge Amazons arrived, Diana had Lobo fight them while she tackled Shim'tar, demanding to know what had become of her mother. After a tough battle, Diana manages to strike Shim'tar to the ground--only to unmask her and find that it was none other than Hippolyta! Now the truth finally came together. Cheetah had a confrontation with Edward Indelicato and explained the whole truth to him. While she had been in prison, Circe's minion Mikos came to her, transforming her permanately into the form of the Cheetah--although now, Minerva's mind remained fully in control. Circe was hardly benevolent, however, and insisted that Cheetah join her bestiamorph army. Cheetah was to help Kaslak steal the proper artifacts for Circe to cast her spell. This included the Goblet, which Circle resolved to switch with a fake that would suit her own ends. She engaged the remnants of the Rogue Amazons, all part of a plot to discredit Diana and Themyscara. She also hired Doctor Psycho to keep Diana distracted. When Hippolyta touched the fake goblet in Gotham, it transformed her into the new Shim'tar. Mikos removed Shim'tar from the building but failed to get the real goblet after Maxie Zeus's assassins showed up, hired by Cheetah to try and double cross Circe. Phillipus was attacked by one of the Rogue Amazons at the scene and witnessed Helene's death at the hands of the Cheetah. Time was running out for Wonder Woman. She tracked down Hermes, but he was unable (or unwilling) to heal Hippolyta, so Diana resolved to take her mother back to Paradise Island. She was attacked en route by fighters, but with the help of Starman she managed to evade them. On the shores of the Island, she would face Circe at last. Circe had fought her way through Hermes to get to Diana, but she would not simply kill the Amazon and risk Hecate's curse. Cutting them off from other heroes gathered on the Island (Starman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, and Dolphin), Circe used her magic to revert Diana back into the clay of the island, the very same clay from which she was born. Having destroyed Wonder Woman, Circe departed, ready to grasp final victory. As the Amazons mourned their fallen princess, Superman rallied Earth's heroes for the final battle. George Perez Leaves the Title with issue #62Diana was not dead--not completely. Her soul was collected by Phantom Stranger, Spectre, and Deadman. They told her that Klarion the Witch Boy had been responsible for disrupting Circe's spells. Superman, meanwhile, lead the charge against Olympus itself, where the confused Greek and Roman pantheons were still committed to destroying each other. When Circe's deceptions were made clear, she was transported back to the limbo realm where she had slain Hermes. There she found Donna Troy and Wonder Woman--restored to life. Diana battled the evil witch, and this time her power was the greater, for Hecate's power left Circe. The witch was seemingly killed, but Hecate was denied Diana's soul. The gods decided to depart again, but the long war was finally over (see War of the Gods for more details about this arc as a whole). The war had been costly. Much of the Island was in ruins and would need to be rebuilt, and Menalippe and other Amazons had lost their lives. The United Nations, thankfully, fully exonerated Themyscara from all charges, and Queen Hippolyta was alive and well. Diana returned to the U.S. just in time to attend Vanessa's Junior High graduation. This turning point also marked the departure of George Perez as the lead writer for the series. Conflict at Home and Beyond the Stars   The New Team Takes OverAfter Pérez left the series, other writers and artists tried to follow in his footsteps, with varying degrees of success. William Messner-Loebs (also credited as Bill Loebs) took over as the lead writer for #63-100. Wonder Woman was called to action by Superman when Brainiac seized control of Warworld and started to head for Earth. Superman decided that Earth could not wait for this invasion, they had to launch a preemptive strike, and so recruited Diana and many of the world's other heroes. While Batman gathered a team to defend Earth from any advanced warriors, Diana traveled with Superman and other heroes to Warworld. She fought bravely there, but her role was a minor one and undistinguished. Diana spent some time with Vanessa and Julia, until she learned from Edward Indelicato that the Cheetah had been captured in the Balkans, in a country called Pan Balgravia, by their new president, Baron Von Nastraed. Diana contacted the god Proteus prior to leaving, enlisting her help to create a false idenity, Diana Prince. Lacking knowledge of the region, she decided to enlist Deathstroke for help. Inspector Indelicato decided to come along as well. The first location that they were lead to turned out to be a trap and they had to fight their way through some royal guards. Capturing one, Wonder Woman used her Lasso to learn that the Baron had secret and dummy prisons set up all over--and he also had mass graves. Diana and Slade went undercover to the finest restaurant in the country, where they managed to meet the Baron and get him to agree to another meeting. On the way to the meeting, Deathstroke announced that he was parting ways, prompting a fight between he and Wonder Woman that she won. After tossing Deathstroke in the trunk of the car and having Indelicato stand guard, she broke into the Baron's castle. The Baron was no so naive as they would have hoped, however, and was waiting for her with several demonic thugs. Deathstroke quickly recovered, however, and some of his "friends" showed up as backup. Wonder Woman was thrown in a magic cage but managed to force her way out. Barbara Minerva, reverted back to human form, was in the cell next to her, very weak from her long torment. She explained that the demon ruler needed a powerful female host for its mate. The Baron and his associate, Mr. Drax, began their demonic ritual as Deathstroke arrived on scene. As Wonder Woman fought the demon Drax, Deathstroke went after the Baron. Minerva, lapping up some spilled blood, reverts back into the Cheetah, and dives through the portal that Drax had opened, sealing it and destroying Drax in the process. The Baron vanishes into thin air after Deathstroke plunges a dagger into him--but at least the nation is now free again. Wonder Woman was prepared to testify at Indelicato's hearing, but no charges were filed against him. Outside the police station, Diana met a distraught woman who claimed her daughter had been kidnapped by her husband. The man in question got on the wrong side of some drug dealers who were shot and killed during a meeting he had with them, prompting to grab a briefcase full of money (and his daughter) and run for it. The race was on to see if the police could catch up to him before mafiosos--but luckily, Diana made it there first, rescuing the little girl and preventing her from getting shot. Doctor Psycho was still on the prowl, and he used his powers to continue to torment Vanessa in her dreams. Journey to the Stars Wonder Woman in ChainsWonder Woman was approached by a man named Asquith Randolph, the White Magician, for a mission that would take her into space, where she was needed to save the life of a female astronaut (Tasha) on an experimental Russian spacecraft. When she was onboard, Randolph detonated an explosive and the ship was catapulted through space. Diana managed to get it under control, but they were still rocketing into the unknown. After drifting for two weeks through space, their ship was salvaged--but their rescuers were only interested in making them slaves. The slavers stripped them of their clothing and equipment and dropped them on a prison world--a prison world populated entirely by females. Tasha and Diana were bruised and battered--but not broken. They were prisoners for months (on that planet) working in the quarries. A Khund prisoner frequently fought Diana. There was another prisoner, a Daximite, who was kept in chains as a warning to the rest. After finally learning some of the other aliens' language, Diana learned their tormentors were called the Sangtree and that they existed entirely as one gender for a century, than changed to the other. She finally managed to rally some of the other prisoners, destroying the Sangtree power station, capturing their starship, and freeing the imprisoned Daximite. Taking up the role of a kind of space pirate, Diana worked hard, recruiting more ships and allies as she carved her way across the Sangtree Empire. One of her new friends creates an artifical eye to replace one of the eyes the Daximite lost. The new Daximite is named Julia by Diana and she agrees to fight. Despite treachery from within, Diana is able to force a confrontation with the Sangtree emperor and get him (or her?) to admit the folley of his people's ways. With some help from Julia, Diana finally is able to make it back home. Randolph had weaseled his way into the position of "Hero of Boston" during her absence. Brian Bolland's Famous Cover of WW #72Diana returned either just before, or perhaps the day of, the Death of Superman. Either way, she was not there to help fight Doomsday. The monster tore through Justice League America before being put down by the Man of Steel--at the cost of Superman's own life. Diana gathered with past and present JLA members to mourn the death of their friend. She held a place of honor during his funeral procession, and was one of the ones who actually closed the lid on the sarcophogus. Diana gathered with the other heroes to pay a last respect--every year on Christmas Eve, Superman read some of the thousands of pieces of mail directed to him. Diana found one letter thanking Superman for help, even though her house was destroyed and her husband h +This superhero's name is d left her. While the others rebuilt the woman's house. Their real name is Diana tracked down the husband. so she went back to Boston and decided to get a job. Now +This superhero's name is Wong (MCU). Their real name is Wong. Wong is a Master of the Mystic Arts within Kamar-Taj. When their former librarian was murdered by Kaecilius and the Zealots, Wong then became the highly protective keeper of all the ancient books when he met Doctor Strange, and assisted him in his studies. As Kaecilius attempted to use his power to bring Dormammu to Earth, Wong and the other Masters used their power to eventually defeat him, at the cost of Ancient One's death. With Kaecilius' conflict over, Wong had then joined Doctor Strange in protecting the New York Sanctum. Wong stood with Strange and Iron Man when the Black Order had attacked the Earth in search of the Time Stone, holding them back until Wong was forced to remain behind to protect the Sanctum as Ebony Maw managed to kidnap Strange. +This superhero's name is Wong. Their real name is Wong. Wong is the descendant and look-alike of Kan, a Chinese monk who lived roughly one thousand years ago and was a student of the occult. Kan was also a teacher and a healer, and though his order of monks was devoted to the ways of peace, he was also a skillful warrior who would fight when necessary. One day Kan discovered a strange temple. Exploring it, Kan was drawn against his will through a mystical black mirror into an otherdimensional realm. There Kan met Jehan, king of Siridar, his sister, Princess Shialmar, and their court magician, Vung, the one who had cast the spell drawing Kan through the mirror. Jehan persuaded Kan to lead his people in a war against the Wizard Kings who ruled this otherdimertsional realm. Kan agreed to do so. During his time in this realm, Kan and Shialmar fell in love with each other. Ultimately Kan led his forces to complete victory over the forces of the Wizard Kings, and all but one of the Wizard Kings were killed. But Kan did not realize he was a pawn in Vung's secret plans. Vung captured both Kan and Shialmar and prepared to sacrifice them to the demonic race he secretly served, the N'garai. Shialmar offered, the N'garai her own soul, in exchange for power. The N'garai complied, transforming Shialmar into the Shadowqueen, a sorceress of great mystical power who was nearly incapable of love. The Shadowqueen slew Vung and sent Kan back to China. Back on Earth, Kan returned to the life of a priest. Kan deeply regretted aiding Vung in defeating the Wizard Kings and sought to atone by devoting his life and those of his first-born male descendants to the service of mystics who themselves serve the forces of good. Ever since then, the firstborn males of Wong's family have carried on this tradition. For the ten generations preceding Wong's, the first-born males have served the Ancient One, the former sorcerer supreme of the Earth dimension. The last of the members of Wong's family to serve the Ancient One was Wong's own father, Hamir the Hermit, who remained with the Ancient One up to the time of the latter's death. Wong was the first-born son of Hamir, and thus his life was dedicated to the Ancient One from earliest childhood. When Wong was four years old, Hamir presented him to the Ancient One. Subsequently, Wong was sent to a remote monastery to receive training in how to serve a master sorcerer. Wong's relatives were allowed to visit him on occasions. Shortly before Wong's tenth birthday, Hamir brought a young couple to the monastery to visit Wong and made a marriage pact with them, betrothing Wong to their as yet unborn daughter. During his training at the monastery, Wong mastered certain Oriental martial arts. He remains highly adept in the martial arts, although since actually becoming a servant he no longer practices them as much as he once did. When Wong reached adulthood, the Ancient One sent him to the United States to his disciple, Doctor Stephen Strange. Wong was the first member of his family to come to America. Wong has now served Strange loyally and well for many years. During that time Strange has succeeded the Ancient One as sorcerer supreme of the Earth dimension. Strange's secretary, Sara Wolfe, became strongly attracted to Wong, who began to reciprocate her feelings. However, Wong put an end to what might have become a romance with Wolfe when he was notified that Imei Chang, the woman to whom he was betrothed, had at last come of age to be married. Currently, Imei Chang lives in New York City, and the relationship between Wong and Imei appears to be proceeding well. At one point Wong was abducted by otherdimensional sorcerers to the realm that was still ruled by the Shadowqueen. Doctor Strange followed Wong there and rescued him from the Shadowqueen's dungeon. Wong helped Strange battle the Shadowqueen, who finally perished. Wong and the empath, Topaz, were both abducted to another planet by the alien sorcerer, Urthona, when the latter used his magical powers to steal Doctor Strange's house and the mystical talismans and books it contained. Urthona even viciously mutilated Wong's face while holding him prisoner, Strange defeated Urthona and rescued Wong and Topaz. Back on Earth, Topaz used her healing powers to restore Wong's face to normalcy. In order to rescue Wong and Topaz, Strange had found it necessary to unleash mystical forces that, he believed, destroyed the mystical talismans and books that Urthona had stolen, thus preventing Urthona from using them for evil purposes. (In actuality unknown to Strange, the books and talisman, wire not destroyed but were instead spirited away by the mystical entity, Agemotto. The disappearance of these talismans from the Earth dimension broke certain ancient spells holding various mystical menaces in check. Strange subsequently cast a spell causing the population of the world, including Wong and Sara Wolfe, to believe him dead. As a result Wong and Wolfe perceived Strange as a man named Stephen Sanders. Strange made Wong and Wolfe the joint administrators of the Stephen Strange Memorial Metaphysical Institute, an institution for research into the occult. Strange then embarked on a long quest during which he succeeded in defeating a number of the menaces that the disappearance of the talismans had unleashed, most notably Shuma-Gorath. Following the defeat of Shuma-Gorath, Strange returned to New York City and released Wong and Sara Wolfe from his spell. Realizing that Strange was not dead, Wong and Wolfe warmly welcomed him back. Since then, the general populace has also learned that Doctor Strange is still alive and Strange has regained his missing talismans and books. When Imei was apparently altered into a hideous demon by one of Strange's enemies, Wong hoped that Strange would be able to help her. Strange was having problems of his own at the time, and Wong took this as a sign that Strange wouldn't be able to help Imei. This resulted in the first friction between the Sorcerer Supreme and his old friend. Finally, Strange managed to redirrect some attention to this matter, the magical probe revealed that the demon just acted like Imei. In fact he discovered that it wasn't Imei at all, but only a construct that was made to believe it was and that the true Imei had been killed. Although Wong is as yet unmarried and childless, he has stated that his first-born son will follow the family tradition of serving a mystic devoted to good. +This superhero's name is World Breaker Hulk. Their real name is Bruce Banner. Childhood Trauma Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. Banner's mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father's rage. Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source, but he was afraid his exposure to it mutated his son's genes. Bruce showed signs of high intelligence at an early age which strengthened his father's belief. Brian became abusive to Bruce and when his mother intervened, Brian murdered her. He frightened Bruce to keep quiet, but his own bragging landed him in a psychiatric institute. As a child Bruce was withdrawn, possibly developing a split personality to help deal with his pain and rage. His only happiness came from spending time with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce found it hard to develop friendships and often found himself on the receiving end of physical abuse at the hands of school bullies. One such incident sparked him to build and plant a bomb in the basement of his school. The bomb was a dud, and Bruce was expelled, but the military took notice of his genius. Eventually, Bruce earned a doctorate in nuclear physics and started a career with them. Man or Monster Supervising the trial of an experimental gamma bomb that he designed for the U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Bruce selflessly rushed to the rescue of an ignorant teenager who had wandered onto the testing field as the countdown ticked inexorably toward zero. After shoving young Rick Jones to safety in a nearby ditch, Bruce was struck full-force by the bomb blast. He survived, but was irradiated by the deadly gamma energy. At first, Banner would transform into the brutish gray Hulk only at sunset, and revert to human form at dawn. Eventually, his changes into the childlike green Hulk came to be triggered by the release of adrenaline when he was intensely excited, no matter what time of day. The green Hulk possesses little of Banner's memory and intelligence, and is easily enraged; making him a menace to society. Since Banner's initial transformation into the Hulk, military forces commanded by the implacable General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross � Bruce's one-time benefactor � have hunted him continually. Hulk continued to make more enemies within the military such as Major Glenn Talbot as he and Bruce constantly competed for the affections of Ross' daughter, Betty. For a short time, Banner successfully treated his condition with radiation and was able to maintain enough of his own personality when he became the Hulk to control himself in that form. Subsequently, he earned the government's favor by destroying the alien Metal Master and received a presidential pardon. Friends and Foes Not long after Hulk was baited into a trap by the Asgardian trickster, Loki, into destroying a train trestle. This would lead to the first instance where Hulk became a team player. Beside the occasional group endeavors, Hulk has teamed-up with many others that didn't think he was so bad. Spider-Man, Power Man and Iron Fist have partnered with Hulk on several occasions. Even brutes like the Thing and scrappers like Wolverine identified with Hulk and have allied with him almost as many times as they've fought against him. Not only has Hulk befriended those in the super-hero community, but he has managed to form bonds with regular people such as "Crackajack" Jackson and Jim Wilson. Unfortunately for the Hulk, there are many who used his limited intelligence against him and attempted to manipulate him for their own selfish means. Vile menaces like the Leader, Tyrannus, and Captain Omen. When Hulk proved to be too hard to control, they sent their minions like Aquon and Mogol to confront him physically. Enemies came in all shapes and sizes, ranging in power levels. From mere humans like Devastator, to evolved beings like the Inheritor, to monstrous powerhouses like Glob, Hulk always found a way to prevail � even against those who masqueraded as friends such as his old physics professor, Geoffrey Crawford � later known as Ravage. Multiple Personality Disorder Gamma-powered psychiatrist Leonard "Doc" Samson captured the Hulk and successfully separated Banner and his alter ego. Without Banner's psyche to restrain him, the Hulk became a greater danger than ever before. Realizing there was only one way to reign in the Hulk, Banner agreed to merge with the monster. But the stress of the re-integration fractured Banner's subconscious, creating the street-smart gray Hulk. During this time, he spent several years in Las Vegas, sometimes operating as an enforcer calling himself Mr. Fixit (or "Joe Fixit.") The smart-mouth Fixit was an ill-tempered, wise-cracking, thuggish brute whose personality resembled that of his father and the fraternity boys who surrounded him in college. It was also at this time that Joe Fixit began his a short-lived relationship with the future wife of Rick Jones, Marlo Chandler. In this state of the Hulk, Banner again found himself changing into the Hulk at night and into his human form in the light of the day. Soon after, the swirling mess of persona and mentalities took their toll on the ever-flustered mind of Dr. Banner, and a battle for supremacy and control took place in Banner's subconscious. With assistance by the Ringmaster and his hypnotic abilities, Doc Samson tapped into the subconscious of Banner and reached his separate incarnations. Through this hypnosis, Banner, the green Hulk, and the grey Fixit all aligned to face their true inner demons-- Banner's unresolved issues with his abusive father and the murderer of his mother. With this realization, Banner was able to fuse these mentalities together, finding peace of mind. However, a green but intelligent version of the Hulk emerged. He had the mentality of Dr. Banner but the body and abilities of the Hulk � later nicknamed the Professor. Although Banner had his dominant personalities merged together, there were a number of other personas running through his mind including that of a "Devil-Hulk." Pantheon It was during this time the Professor was recruited into the Pantheon, a group determined to end war, famine and pestilence on the Earth. His exploits with the team ranged from posing as gangsters in Las Vegas, taking down individuals like the enigmatic Mr. Frost, to renewing old grudges with powerful foes such as Madman while forming new enemies as the amphibious android, Piecemeal, to battling enemies from beyond the stars. During this time, Hulk also traveled forward in time and met his future self, the Maestro. However, once it was discovered Agamemnon, immortal founder of the Pantheon, betrayed them to an alien race called the Troyjans, Hulk quit the group. Sometime later, the Pantheon was hired by Henry Gyrich to capture the Hulk, but they secretly wanted him to join their ranks again. They faked the Hulk's death as a show of good faith, but he still declined their invitation. Harmless to Horseman When Dr. Banner realized he must once again keep his temper in check, he triggered a fail-safe within his subconscious. Any time he let his rage loose, the mentality of the savage green Hulk would soon take over, albeit in the form of Banner's human body. Without the strength of the Hulk and filled with the Green Goliath's rage and belief of his old abilities, he proved to be a great danger only to himself. This was, however, not to last. During the assault of the being known as Onslaught, the Hulk asked Jean Grey to let the green Hulk loose from its mental prison in order to use his maximum potential and abilities to defeat the menace. In a strange twist, Banner became divided. Half physically went away to a parallel world created upon Onslaught's defeat, where he once again became the savage green Hulk. The other half that remained on Earth was a cold, somewhat unfeeling but intelligible version of the jade monster. This version of the Hulk also found himself allied with Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), who made Hulk into War � one of his Four Horsemen. This only lasted until War injured Rick Jones, and Hulk's guilt rejected Apocalypse's programming. Devastating Loss The surly version of the Hulk remained in this state, never changing until much later when the two Hulk fragments re-merged, and Banner and Hulk split their time and existence. The Maestro returned after absorbing enough radiation to re-form his body after suffering a previous defeat from Hulk, but was beaten again. He reestablished a connection to his wife, Betty, but was left a broken man after her death due to radiation poisoning. Banner blamed himself, believing it was Betty's prolonged exposure to him that caused her death, but he discovered the Abomination had injected her with his radioactive blood. Hulk would later bludgeon his archenemy into a bloody pulp, nearly killing him. Planet Hulk After the events of the M-Day, Banner sought refuge and peace in Alaska, where he lived as a hermit loosely connected to the town community. He was eventually tracked down by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., who required his help in defeating the Hydra space weapon called the Godseye which could detonate all the nuclear bombs in the world. Sent up as the Hulk, he discovered that the Godseye was actually a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon that could match the strength of any enemy. In the ensuing battle, the Godseye found that though it could try, it could not match the increasing power of the Hulk, and it exploded. A S.H.I.E.L.D. commissioned space shuttle was sent to retrieve the Hulk, or so he believed. Seizing the opportunity to be rid of the Hulk, a group of superheroes known as the Illuminati decided to jettison the shuttle into space, to a planet with no intelligent life forms. Unfortunately, there was a navigation error, and the Hulk landed on Sakaar, a place full of barbarian tribes, gladiator battles and ruled over by a corrupt empire. The planet was situated near a portal, which gave it access to several different cultures and technologies. The trip made him vulnerable, and it wasn't long before he was subjugated by the Red King. Hulk was forced to fight, but he eventually brought peace to the savage planet.File:Acotilletta2--WWHulk.jpg Hulk was proclaimed the Green King, and all those on Sakaar worshiped him and his Queen, Caiera. She told her king that she would bear him a child, and it seemed that the Hulk's life of running and fighting was over. However, the Hulk was not destined for a happy ending as the ship that brought him to that world soon exploded, seemingly killing both his wife and unborn child sending Banner into a rage like no other. He and his Warbound journeyed to Earth seeking revenge on the planet's heroes for their part in Sakaar's destruction. World War Hulk Once they arrived, the Hulk crushed Black Bolt on Attilan and took the city of New York as his battleground. Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange all fell before the Hulk and his Warbound too. Even old sparring partners such as the X-Men as well as new threats like the Gamma Corps couldn't even slow the Hulk's rampage. Iron Man called upon the combined power of various satellites to finally put an end to Hulk's war. Banner was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody and was placed three miles below the Mojave Desert. The Warbound was also placed in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but they escaped after saving New York from being split in half by an expanding chasm the Hulk created. The Coming of the Red Hulk While Banner was incarcerated at Gamma Base, a new mystery revealed itself when long-time Hulk foe, the Abomination, was found murdered in his homeland of Russia. A team comprised of Iron Man, General Ross, Samson, She-Hulk and Commander Maria Hill went to investigate only to determine the only suspect that could have done this was the Hulk. The perpetrator soon revealed himself on a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and it was indeed a massive creature referring to itself as the Red Hulk. This new incarnation of the Hulk decimated the likes of She-Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and even Rick Jones in his new powered up identity named A-Bomb. Banner was set free when the conflict between the Red Hulk and A-Bomb caused a big enough earthquake to damage his prison. The potential threat to Banner's life triggered his transformation into the Green Goliath, and the Hulk wasted no time in confronting his new nemesis. The Hulk was caught unprepared for the Red Hulk's fighting style. He was defeated in their first meeting - suffering a broken arm in the process - but the outcome was much different during their second clash. The Hulk found a potential weakness in the Red Hulk and exploited it. Once the Red Hulk was beaten, the Hulk left before he could find out the Red Hulk's true identity. However, Banner had been spending his time trying to track down the Red Hulk before he can do anymore damage. On his journey, Banner ended up in Las Vegas where the Hulk had to team up with Sentry, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and even Brother Voodoo to quell a pack of Wendigos from devouring everyone inside a casino. Defenders / Offenders War The Grandmaster came to Hulk with a proposition: if Hulk chose to participate in a game and won, Grandmaster would bring his love, Jarella, back to life. Hulk agreed and was told he could pick a group of allies to aid him in the game. Hulk chose his former teammates in the Defenders: Namor, Doctor Strange, and Silver Surfer. When the time came to meet their opponents, the Collector appeared with the Red Hulk, and his team: Baron Mordo, Terrax and Tiger Shark - now known as the Offenders. With the game underway, a member of each team was paired up on separate battlefields, but each couple was too evenly matched. In an unexpected turn of events, the Red Hulk impaled the Hulk on a trident, killing him. Grandmaster would eventually resurrect the Hulk to attend to an out of control Red Hulk, but he would still be left broken-hearted over the loss of his beloved Jarella � much to the satisfaction of his red nemesis. Fall of the Hulks Banner became a captive of M.O.D.O.K. and the Intelligencia, and quartet of heroes attempted to infiltrate the underground base to free him. They uncovered that at the end of Hulk's war with the heroes of Earth, the satellites Stark used to end the Hulk's rampage were hacked into by M.O.D.O.K. for the sole purpose of interfacing with Banner's irradiated cells. With this information, and the help of a seemingly traitorous General Ross, M.O.D.O.K. intended to create an army of gamma-powered soldiers. They already caused Doc Samson to develop an evil split personality, transformed Rick Jones into the monstrous A-Bomb, and created the Red Hulk. When Samson turned on his group and attacked She-Hulk, leaving Ben Urich and Peter Parker to fend for themselves against the Red Hulk, an enraged Banner released his alter-ego to save them. The battle between the Hulks left the base in ruins, but it appeared it would be the last time these behemoths would ever clash again. The Red Hulk used his power to absorb radiation to drain Hulk dry, leaving Banner unable to ever transform into the Green Goliath again. Taking Hulk out of the equation so soon wasn't initially part of the plan, but that was only the start of the Intelligencia's master stroke. World War Hulks Unable to summon his incredible strength to combat his foes, Banner had to rely mainly on his son, Skaar, to do as he was told. Skaar had come to Earth to kill his father but without Hulk around, he wound up aiding Banner. Amadeus Cho, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, his recently discovered daughter, Lyra, and a bevy of other heroes were also working with Banner to defeat the Intelligencia. An unforeseeable event occurred when the Intelligencia put their plan in motion and transformed an army of A.I.M. soldiers into Hulks and marched them into the nation's capitol � the ray used to transform the soldiers also created "Hulked-Out Heroes." Following a chaotic battle, Banner and the rest of the world's smartest men managed to revert the all of the Hulks and M.O.D.O.K. back to normal humans, but the cost was too high. The radiation taken from the soldiers' bodies was brought back to the Intelligencia's ship, the Hellcarrier, but its machinery couldn't contain it for long. The only thing on the planet able to absorb it all was Banner. Samson attempted to help undo some of the damage he caused and sacrificed himself in the process. Immediately following the absorption process, Banner became the Hulk once again, and Skaar was finally going to get the fight he'd been longing for. During the brawl Skaar accidentally placed several innocents at risk. Hulk saved their lives, proving he wasn't the monster Skaar or Banner made him out to be. Father and son finally reconciled and decided to act as a family. Dark Son With the threat of the Intelligencia behind him Banner began to make amends with his makeshift family, but Betty wanted no part of it. The more Bruce pushed the more she spurned his advances and eventually transformed into her Red She-Hulk persona and vaulted away. Banner followed suit and pursued as the Hulk which only led to a clash titanic enough to grab the attention of Steve Rogers and his Avengers. It was at this time Hulk discovered he had another son � Skaar�s twin brother, Hiro-Kala, who was racing toward Earth with the planet K�ai in tow. The Hulk took his family into space to stop Hiro-Kala before the planets collided, killing everyone on both. While Hulk�s allies dealt with Hiro-Kala�s forces, Hulk confronted his son with the hope he could reason with him. He soon found out his second son was evil and cruel, and the only thing he understood was violence. Still, Hulk could not bring himself to kill his own flesh and blood, so Skaar sealed Hiro-Kala in a rock tomb, leaving him imprisoned on K�ai for the foreseeable future. K�ai was brought back to its point of origin, the Microverse, by Arcturus Rann and the Enigma Force. Total Chaos As Hulk was dealing with his errant son the Chaos King was busy trying to plunge the universe back to the nothing before time and space began. Only Hercules and a select few had the power to oppose him, but they were rapidly losing ground. Dr. Strange appeared before Hulk and requested aid. The Hulk returned to Earth and was immediately assaulted by an enemy long-thought dead � the Abomination, now a servant of the Chaos King. To make matters worse Dr. Strange fought at Abomination�s side, possessed by Zom, and the two were seeking Marlo Chandler, A-Bomb�s ex-wife and the only person on Earth to have been touched by death and live. The dead had returned as servants of the Chaos King to fight the Hulk, but fallen allies rose to help him. Samson, Jarella and even Banner�s mother stood by his side, but one parent�s return signaled the resurrection of his father. Hulk had to face his personal demons alone as his new family contended with an army of undead enemies, but before long they were all united in defending Marlo. It almost seemed as if the Chaos King�s forces would overwhelm the heroes until Marlo tapped into the power within her and returned all of the Chaos King�s allies to the grave, and Hercules restored the universe to the way it was before the assault. After seeing how some of the heroes were rewarded for their assistance, Hulk was angered his family did not receive anything for their service. He journeyed to the new Mount Olympus where the Greek gods were restored to power and challenged Zeus, demanding his family be given the opportunity to live normal lives as their reward for their part in saving existence. Zeus gladly accepted the challenge but once he realized Hulk was only looking to sacrifice his own life for the lives of others, Zeus stopped fighting and decided to teach hulk a lesson through torture. Hulk was saved by Hercules and his family, but having to live with his own tortured soul proved to be punishment enough. +This superhero's name is Wotan. Their real name is Karel Wotan. One of the main enemies of Doctor Fate. +This superhero's name is Wu. Their real name is Wu. Wu was born to the First Spinjitzu Master, along with his older brother, Garmadon. He took after his father's Dragon heritage, and went on to inherit Creation as his dominant power. In Wu's childhood, he and Garmadon shared a close brotherly bond. At one point, he went on a fishing trip with his brother and father. After both experience anger with not catching a fish, their father tells them to have faith. With this inspiration, Wu was able to get a fish, but Garmadon threw his fishing rod in anger. One day in his youth, Wu lost his father's katana during a spar, and Garmadon climbed over the wall to retrieve it. While outside, the Great Devourer bit Garmadon's hand, corrupting him with its venom. As a result of the growing evil within him, Garmadon became increasingly distant from his family, but he and Wu would remain allies and a team against evil. After their father died, Garmadon and Wu vowed to protect the Golden Weapons. +This superhero's name is Wyatt Wingfoot. Their real name is Wyatt Wingfoot. Wyatt Wingfoot is a member of the Keewazi tribe of American Indians and a descendant of the Comanche Indians. He was born at the Keewazi reservation in Oklahoma. Wyatt's father, Will Wingfoot, was the greatest American decathlon champion of his time. Wyatt's grandfather was Silent Fox, the chief of the Keewazi tribe until his death. After attending a mission school near Tulsa, Oklahoma, Wyatt Wingfoot entered Metro College, which is across the river from Manhattan. There Wingfoot first met another incoming freshman, Jonathan 'Johnny' Storm, who, as the Human Torch, was a member of the team of superhuman adventurers known as the Fantastic Four. Storm and Wingfoot became roommates at Metro College's Northfield Dormitory, and quickly became close friends. When T'Chaila, the Black Panther, ruler of Wakanda, first invited the Fantastic Four to visit his country, Johnny Storm asked his teammates if Wingfoot could come along, and they enthusiastically agreed. To test himself in preparation for confronting his archenemy, Ulysses Klaw, the Black Panther attacked and trapped the Fantastic Four. However, the Panther underestimated Wingfoot, since the latter had no superhuman powers. Wingfoot freed the Fantastic Four, who then confronted the Panther. T'Challa then became friends with the Fantastic Four and Wingfoot, all of whom helped the Panther in battling Klaw soon afterwards. Wyatt Wingfoot has become a good friend to the members of the Fantastic Four and has participated in many of their adventures over the years, always proving to be a valuable ally. Although Johnny Storm did not complete his studies at Metro College, Wingfoot finished his course work there and graduated. He then returned to live with his tribe on the Keewazi reservation. After Silent Fox had been dead seven months, the Keewazi Council of Elders was about to make Wyatt Wingfoot the tribe's new chief. (Wyatt's father had died years before.) However, it was then that the alien menace Terminus arrived on Earth in Oklahoma. Wingfoot met up with Mister Fantastic, leader of the Fantastic Four, and the She-Hulk, who was serving a term in the group, when they came to Oklahoma to investigate. Wingfoot was at their side when they defeated Terminus. As a result of this experience, Wingfoot decided to decline the title of chief of his tribe, at least for the foreseeable future. Having seen and experienced wonders with the Fantastic Four, Wingfoot longed to see yet more of the world outside his village. He accepted Mister Fantastic's invitation to live with the Fantastic Four as a companion, and remains with them at this time. Wingfoot has recently begun a romance with the She-Hulk. However, Wingfoot soon returned to his tribe, whose people discovered large oil deposits under their land. Wingfoot helped to set up a corporate entity to deal with this new aspect of business, as the United States' bureaucrats soon became involved. Never apart from She-Hulk's life for very long, Wingfoot occasionally appears by her side. +This superhero's name is X-23 (FOX). Their real name is Laura Kinney. Born in 2018, Laura was created along with April, Bobby, Charlotte, Delilah, Erica, Gideon, Jackson, Jamaica, Joey, Jonah, Julie, Mira, Rebecca, Rictor, Stephen, Tamara, Tomás by Zander Rice as part of the Transigen Project. Rice used genetic samples from mutants to create new embryos that were carried by captured women. Her biological father was Wolverine, having been created with DNA samples acquired by the Alkali Lake team, and thus she shared his healing factor and retractable claws. Transigen coated her claws with adamantium but not her entire skeleton. +This superhero's name is X-23. Their real name is Laura Kinney. When a top-secret program attempted to recreate the original Weapon X experiment that involved the feral mutant Wolverine, they failed to secure a test subject that could survive the bonding of the virtually unbreakable metal Adamantium to their skeleton. Seeking to take the project in a new direction, the project's director, Doctor Martin Sutter, recruited renowned mutant geneticist Doctor Sarah Kinney and tasked her with creating a clone. Using the only available genetic sample from Weapon X, which was damaged, they were unable to salvage the Y chromosome after 22 attempts. Kinney then proposed they create a female clone, and though her request was initially denied, she still went ahead and produced a viable female subject, prompting Sutter to reconsider. Despite resistance from his prot�g� Doctor Zander Rice, whom he had raised after Rice's father was killed by a bestial Wolverine at the original Weapon X Project, Sutter allowed Kinney to proceed. As revenge for her insubordination, Rice forced Kinney to act as the surrogate mother for the clone, and she gave birth to "X-23." Raised in captivity, X-23 was trained to be a weapon. Kinney did her best to ensure the child retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts appeared to be in vain. After seven years, Rice had X-23 subjected to radiation poisoning in order to accelerate the activation of her mutant gene, then forcibly extracted her claws and coated them with Adamantium. Next, Rice created a chemical compound he called "trigger scent" that sent X-23 into an involuntary berserker rage upon smelling its presence. Three years later, X-23 was sent on her first field mission to kill Presidential candidate Greg Johnson. Numerous other missions followed, as X-23's services were sold to the highest bidder, and she was left emotionally stunted as a result. Rice, in an attempt to avenge his father's murder, abandoned X-23 on a particularly dangerous mission, but she survived against overwhelming odds and managed to return to the facility. Ultimately, Rice persuaded Sutter to hand over control of the program to him, then secretly ordered X-23 to kill Sutter and his family. Later, Rice revealed to Kinney a chamber with dozens of incubation pods containing female clones before he fired her. Before fleeing the facility with X-23, Kinney gave her one last mission - destroy the pods and kill Rice. However, Rice was able to exact revenge on Kinney from beyond the grave, as he had earlier exposed her to the trigger scent, sending X-23 into a rage that caused her to kill her mother. As she lay dying, Kinney named X-23 Laura. X-23 surfaced in New York two years later and was found living on the streets by a pimp named Zebra Daddy, who took her in and employed her as a prostitute. During her time as a prostitute, X-23 seemed to suffer from a self-mutilative disorder. She superficially cut herself with her own claws whenever she was in a threatening situation. She also seemed to suffer some personality issues which left her mostly mute and unable to free herself from the grip of Zebra Daddy. X-23 started to come to her senses after she met Kiden Nixon, a young mutant with the ability to freeze time when in danger, and together with Kiden's teacher, they rescued another young mutant, the feral Catiana, from an angry mob. Zebra Daddy tracked X-23 down, but with the aid of her newfound friends and the mutant named Felon, Zebra Daddy's thugs were defeated. X-23 then killed him to save the lives of her friends. X-23 later took a job at the mutant-themed Wannabee's nightclub in the Mutant Town district of New York. It was there that she saved the life of the daughter of mob boss Don Parisi from a gang of thugs, whom she killed. The deaths inadvertently implicated Wolverine, prompting his teammates in the X-Men to investigate. X-23 instinctually attacked Wolverine on sight, but he was eventually able to calm her down, and she led the X-Men to Parisi's daughter. After aiding the X-Men against Parisi's super-strong mutant enforcer Geech, X-23 fled the scene. She later returned to help the X-Men save victims of a car accident, after which she was enrolled at the X-Men's Xavier Institute. X-23 quickly became very protective of Wolverine, attacking his teammate Bishop after he felled Wolverine during a training session. She also took to observing Wolverine on the mansion's security monitors. During one such viewing, an anomalous energy spike prompted X-23 to investigate. Encountering Spider-Man at the source of the signal, X-23 initially mistook him for an enemy and attacked. The pair ultimately teamed up to save the young mutant Paul Patterson from an alternate reality version of the armored Avenger Iron Man. The arrival of the heroic Captain America and the super-spy Black Widow helped turn the tide. X-23 then secretly followed Wolverine on his investigation of strange activity in the Canadian Rockies. Ambushed by the Hauk'ka, evolved Saurians from the Savage Land, X-23 managed to escape and alert the X-Men. Traveling to the Savage Land, X-23 and the X-Men teamed with the Land's lord Ka-Zar and his circumstantial allies, the Savage Land Mutates, to prevent the Hauk'ka from destroying human civilization by controlling the weather-manipulating X-Man Storm. Sometime later, X-23 turned up in the in two other X-titles, without her friends. She was accused of the murders of four humans that were investigated by Wolverine and his fellow X-Men. (While she was responsible for the murders, she committed them because the victims were brutally attacking a young woman.) After a brief conflict with the mutant heroes, X-23 came to live with them at the Xavier Institute. She has nearly no social skills, so Wolverine is helping her adjust to her new life,She seems to be making friends with Shadowcat, Psylocke, and Rachel Summers. X-23 was approached by the cosmic Uni-Power in hopes of making specific use of her healing ability. Although she initially resisted its attempts to bond with her, and she remained reluctant even though it pleaded with her, she ultimately agreed to aid it and became Captain Universe for a brief time. After the effects of "M-Day", X-23 was one of the few students who didn't lose their powers. The depowered students and staff were sent home; however their bus was bombed by anti-mutant religious zealot Reverend William Stryker. Subsequently, Emma Frost had the surviving students engage in an all-in brawl, with those deemed to be the best performers assigned to a new team of trainee X-Men. Despite Frost's attempts to omit her, X-23 was among those students who made the grade. +This superhero's name is X-Man. Their real name is Nate Grey. Nate Grey hailed from the timeline in which the eternal mutant Apocalypse had conquered North America. Created by Apocalypse’s Horseman Sinister from genetic material taken from the mutant heroes Cyclops and Jean Grey of his reality, Nate ultimately learned that his purpose was to destroy Apocalypse. After the death of his surrogate father Forge, Nate traveled to Apocalypse’s Citadel and battled Holocaust, another of Apocalypse’s Horsemen. In an attempt to breach Holocaust’s armor, Nate stabbed him with a shard of the M’Krann Crystal, causing them both to be transported to the Earth-616, the mainstream reality. Nate’s subconscious need for companionship created a physical body for the Red Queen of Earth-998, posing as the dissipated essence of Madelyne Pryor, the deceased clone of Jean Grey. Nate and Madelyne became fast friends, journeying through Europe until Pryor left to join the newly reformed Hellfire Club. Nate subsequently encountered the evil Dark Beast, a fellow refugee from his own time, who informed Nate that his vast powers were burning out his young body and that he would die before he turned 21. After this revelation, Professor Charles Xavier, the telepathic founder of the X-Men, probed Nate’s mind. Sensing the evil in Xavier that would eventually become the powerful psionic entity Onslaught, Nate lashed out with his powers and pulled Xavier’s psyche from the astral plane. This incident allowed Onslaught to escape Xavier’s mind, and it captured Nate, Xavier, and Franklin Richards, the mutant son of Reed and Sue Richards of the world-famous Fantastic Four. Onslaught intended to use Nate’s power to fuel his plans to turn the human race into a collective consciousness, but was defeated by the combined might of America’s costumed champions. Eventually, Nate realized the full extent of his powers and became a modern-day mutant shaman. To save humanity from destruction by an alien Harvester, Nate sacrificed himself to merge his energies with the alien’s and, through the conduit it had forged with the world, into every being on the planet, thus rendering the world’s energy useless to the Harvester’s race. +This superhero's name is XS (CW). Their real name is Nora West-Allen. According to Eobard Thawne, the daughter of Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen was supposed to be named "Dawn". Upon meeting Nora herself in 2015, Eobard realized she was Barry's daughter and asked if her name was Dawn. When Nora corrected him, Thawne realized that his actions in the year 2000 had changed the timeline, inspiring the West-Allen couple to name their daughter after Barry's late mother. +This superhero's name is Yang. Their real name is Yang Xiao Long. +This superhero's name is Yellow Claw. Their real name is . The criminal mastermind known as the Yellow Claw was born over one hundred and fifty years ago in mainland China. A genius in biochemistry, the Yellow Claw has formulated elixirs that have prolonged his life span, enabling him to retain his physical vitality over the century and a half of his existence. For decades the Yellow Claw has dedicated himself to achieving world domination and supplanting western civilization with his own 'new older' ruled by himself and his heirs. The initial source of his longevity remains unclear; however it may have to do with the Pool of Blood that Dracula once encountered. The Yellow Claw, so far as is recorded, first went to the US to berate the Japanese State Shinto Imperliaist agent Lady Lotus for her failed attempt to destroy the Invaders in 1942. Although his native China has undergone a Communist revolution, the Yellow Claw retains many of the ways of imperial China. In the 1950s the Yellow Claw made an agreement with General Sung and other Communist Chinese leaders whereby the Yellow Claw would undertake to destroy the western democracies and conquer the United States and the rest of the western world on behalf of Communist China. In fact, the Yellow Claw only pretended to serve the Communist Chinese hierarchy, and intended to conquer the world for himself. However, his feigned alliance with the masters of the People's Republic of China proved beneficial to him for decades. The Yellow Claw launched various schemes with the conquest of America as their object, aided by his second-in-command, the Nazi war criminal Karl von Horstbaden, who had adopted the alias Fritz von Voltzmann. However, the Claw was continually betrayed by his sole living relative, his grandniece Suwan, who was in love with the Claw's nemesis, Chinese-American F.B.I. agent James 'Jimmy' Woo. With Suwan's help Woo succeeded in thwarting the Claw's schemes. The Yellow Claw was enraged at Suwan's assistance to Woo, but could not bring himself to kill his only relative. Eventually the Yellow Claw left the United States to perfect new methods for its Subjugation. To ensure that Suwan would no longer subvert his efforts, the Claw placed her in unaging suspended animation in the so-called lotus vial of dreamless sleep. In more recent years the Yellow Claw sent troops whom he had reduced to slaves with no wills of their own to invade the Statue of Liberty secretly. There the troops were to activate an 'id paralyzer' device that was to sap the wills of the people of the United States, thereby enabling the Yellow Claw to take over the country. This scheme was thwarted, however, by Colonel Nicholas Fury of SHIELD and Captain America, who used a special weapon designed by Reed Richards. The Yellow Claw, himself did not come to the Statue of Liberty, but instead directed his troops through psionic means from afar. Subsequently, Fury clashed repeatedly with a being whom he believed to be the Yellow Claw. This supposed Claw captured a weapon called the Ultimate Annihilator and nearly used it to destroy Manhattan Island. Only when Fury finally defeated this supposed Claw in battle did he learn that this 'Yellow Claw' was actually a robot. The 'Suwan' and 'Voltzmann' accompanying this Claw robot were also actually robots. Unknown to Fury the Yellow Claw robot and the other robots were the creations of Doctor Doom, who pitted them against SHIELD as part of a strange game he played with another robot of his creation called the Prime Mover. During this time the real Yellow Claw continued to be engaged in his years of contemplative isolation, during which he formulated new strategies and means of world conquest. The Claw was infuriated to learn that he had been impersonated by a robot, but to this day he remains unaware that Doctor Doom was behind the imposture. As a result of his aiding SHIELD against the Claw robot, Jimmy Woo, the real Claws longtime opponent, became a member of SHIELD. The real Yellow Claw finally reemerged to begin a new attempt at world domination. First he severed his ties with the People's Republic of China. Using occult means the Claw transferred the spirit of Princess Fanle-tamen of ancient Egypt, a woman who had a drive for conquest, into the body of Suwan, thereby causing a fusing of their personalities. The Claw knew that not even his elixirs could keep him alive forever, and he wanted an heir for his conquests. He believed that Suwan, who had revived now that the princess's spirit had entered her, was now better suited to being his heir. The Claw clashed with Captain America, Fury, and the Falcon. Finally, he seized control of the SHIELD helicarrier, the organization's flying headquarters, only to be shot by Suwan. She hated the Claw for having kept her in suspended animation, and by infusing her with the Egyptian princess's spirit; the Claw had unwittingly given her the desire to revenge herself on him. Now Suwan intended to use the Claw's resources to conquer the world herself. While Captain America, the Falcon, and SHIELD agents battled and defeated the Claw's minions on the helicarrier, the Claw himself uttered a spell that caused the life forces animating Suwan to leave her body and enter his. As a result Suwan crumbled into dust and the Yellow Claw regained his full health. The Claw then escaped. Months later, the Yellow Claw was contacted by the enigmatic Black Lama, who stated that he would bestow the means of achieving world conquest upon the would-be world conqueror who proved himself the most powerful of his peers by killing the others in combat. Deciding to compete for this prize, the Yellow Claw captured the palace of his longtime rival, the Mandarin, and succeeded in bringing about the Mandarin's physical death. However, the Mandarin transferred his spirit into his alien rings, and then took possession of a new, younger body, thereby returning himself to physical life. The Yellow Claw did not win the Black Lama's competition, for Iron Man accidentally caused the destruction of the Mandarin's palace, forcing the Claw to flee. Proclaiming that he intended to bring peace to the entire world and eliminate the threat of war by taking control of the planet himself, the Yellow Claw attempted to destroy New York City as a display of his power by creating a massive tidal wave. This time the Claw was opposed by Fury, SHIELD, and Richard Rider in his guise of Nova. SHIELD ended the threat of the tidal wave before it hit New York City, and Nova caused the Claw's skycraft to explode. The Claw, however, somehow escaped the explosion. Earlier, Voltzmann had fallen from the skycraft, seemingly to his death, but his body has never been recovered. At some point, the Yellow Claw became the leader of a terrorist group called the Sept. This again brought him into conflict with Nick Fury. Carlyle Pallis, a traitor to SHIELD, aided the Yellow Claw in his plans. Eventually, Fury travelled to the Middle East and elsewhere to stop the Yellow Claw's plans.Stating that he was becoming old and that not even his elixirs could prolong his life much further, and needing a new heir now that Suwan was dead, the Claw intended to wed a number of women who had been judged to have superior genetic traits. The Claw planned to father sons by these women. When these sons reached manhood, they would fight each other to the death, and the sole survivor would be the heir to his father. The surviving son of the Yellow Claw would rule over a new race of mankind, which he would create from genetic material that his father had gathered from what the Claw believed were the worlds most physically and mentally perfect human beings. This new race would succeed the present human race, for the Yellow Claw planned to release a vapor that would render all human beings on Earth except those within his hidden base permanently sterile. The Avengers opposed the Yellow Claw, and the Vision caused the Claw's spacecraft that was to spread the sterility-inducing gases to crash. The Yellow Claw was inside the plunging spacecraft and the Avengers believe him dead. The Yellow Claw's last recorded schemes involved Werner Von Strucker, a son of Wolfgang Von Strucker, Madame Hydra, and SHIELD. Though he ostenisbly planned to undermine SHIELD, nothing of the Yellow Claw's machinations seem to have come to fruition. +This superhero's name is Yellowjacket II. Their real name is Rita DeMara. Rita DeMara, hoping to show off her talent of engineering, stole a copy of the Yellowjacket costume from the Avengers Mansion through remote control. She clashed with the Wasp who caught Rita modifying the Yellowjacket costume for herself, and the Wasp defeated her easily when Rita collapsed in hysteria the first time she tried shrinking, overwhelmed by the experience. Later, DeMara was freed by members of the Masters of Evil and they all participated in a successful takeover of the Mansion. When the Masters were finally caught, Yellowjacket was sent back to prison. Yellowjacket was freed again, this time by her former teammate, the Fixer, motivated by more amorous intentions. Rebuffing his advances, she fled and tried to gain revenge on the Wasp. To do so, she followed her teammate, the Black Knight, whose romantic intentions for the Wasp had been rejected. The Fixer caught up with Yellowjacket, attempting to kill her. Black Knight intervened and Yellowjacket sided with the hero, defeating the Fixer. The Black Knight and DeMara parted amicably, with possible romantic overtones. Later, during a brief period of time when no Avengers where active, DeMara's Yellowjacket costume received a summons for Avengers reserve members. She banded together with the Avenger reserve members to defeat the High Evolutionary’s intention to jump-start humanity's evolutionary process through worldwide catastrophe. When the crisis was over, she left the company of the heroes. Yellowjacket returned to the Mansion during a time when people everywhere were being attacked by warped, evil versions of themselves (a plot initiated by the Magus.) At the time, the time-travelling heroes of the 30th century, the Guardians of the Galaxy, had recently taken temporary residence in the Mansion, and a new version of the Masters of Evil, led by Doctor Octopus, attempted to infiltrate the Mansion. Yellowjacket and the Guardians defeated the Masters and the warped versions of themselves. When the Guardians left to return to the 30th century, Yellowjacket used her size-altering powers to "hitchhike" with them, following the Guardians back to their timeline. Yellowjacket was quickly welcomed and she became a staunch member of the team. In this future, Yellowjacket learned of a dire threat to occur to the Avengers, and she tried to return to her original timeline to warn them. Instead, she was killed by Iron Man, who was operating under the mental influence of Kang, later revealed to be the villain Immortus in disguise. +This superhero's name is Yellowjacket III. Their real name is Darren Cross. Darren Cross was the CEO of Cross Technological Enterprises, a direct competitor of companies like Stark Enterprises, Trask Industries, and Oscorp. After realizing that he was suffering from a rare heart condition, Cross developed a specialized pacemaker to prolong his life. However, the machine disfigured and mutated Cross' body. He survived by using a series of illegal heart transplants, but realized a more personal solution was needed. Cross' goons kidnapped Erica Sondheim, a young surgeon who had developed a procedure that could save his life. Sondheim was trailed by Scott Lang, a man who had stolen Hank Pym's Ant-Man suit in order to save Sondheim, who was the only person who could perform life-saving surgery on his daughter, Cassie. Cross battled Ant-Man, and died from the resulting stress caused to his heart. The company was later rebuilt by Darren's brother, William. +This superhero's name is YellowJacket (MCU). Their real name is Darren Cross. Darren Cross was the protégé of Hank Pym who usurped his mentor as CEO of Pym Technologies and rebranded it as Cross Technologies. His obsession with Pym's former creation of the Pym Particles caused him to try to replicate his own version, which he then intended to sell to terrorist organizations such as HYDRA and the Ten Rings. Using his own version of Pym's Ant-Man Suit, which was known as the Yellowjacket Suit, he tried to fulfill the transaction, but he was challenged by Pym and Hope van Dyne, who destroyed his research with the assistance of Scott Lang. Driven mad by the failure, Cross tried to murder Lang and his family and eventually disappeared after their battle. +This superhero's name is Yellowjacket. Their real name is Hank Pym. Dr. Henry Pym, an American biochemist with extensive knowledge in other scientific fields, married Marie Trovaya, a brave and beautiful young woman who had been a political dissident in her native Hungary, from which she had fled. Naively believing that his American citizenship would protect her, Henry and Maria Pym traveled to Hungary shortly after their marriage. The Pyms were confronted by agents of the secret police there. Henry Pym was knocked unconscious and Maria was murdered. Pym was greatly distraught by his wife's death, and decided to do whatever he could in the future to battle injustice and inhumanity. Back in the United States, Pym discovered a rare group of subatomic particles, which have become known as the 'Pym particles.' Pym was able, though the application of magnetic fields, to entrap the particles within two separate serums. One serum would reduce the size of persons and objects, and the other would restore them to their normal size. Pym tested the reducing serum on himself and discovered it was more powerful than he had expected: it reduced him to the size of an insect. Pym became entrapped in an anthill and was pursued by the ants within. He escaped and restored himself to his normal size with his other serum. Deciding that the serums were too dangerous to exist, Pym destroyed both of them. However, weeks later he reconsidered his decision and began to recreate the serums, whose existence he then kept secret. Inspired by his experience in the anthill, Pym undertook a study of ants, and theorized that ants communicate through psionic / electrical waves transmitted through their antennae. After months of work, Pym succeeded in creating his first 'cybernetic helmet,' which would enable him to communicate with ants through transmitting and receiving psionic / electrical waves. Thinking that someday he might want to use the shrinking potion on himself again, Pym also designed a protective costume for himself. That same day, however, Pym received an assignment from the government to concoct a gas that would provide people with temporary, limited immunity to radioactivity under certain specific circumstances, based on his previous work. The government also assigned four other scientists to assist him in the project. The K.G.B., the Soviet Intelligence agency, learned of Pym's project and sent agents who held Pym and his assistants prisoner in their own laboratory. Only Pym knew the entire formula for the gas they had by now developed, and he refused to tell the Soviet agents. The agents set about searching the laboratory for the formula, intending to kill Pym and his assistants afterwards. Unseen, Pym donned the cybernetic helmet and protective costume and, using his reducing formula, shrank himself to the size of an ant. He escaped to an anthill outside, put a large number of ants under his control through the helmet, and used them to attack, the agents and free his men, who then overpowered their assailants. Pym then restored himself to normal size. Afterwards, in the guise of the Ant-Man, Pym battled various menaces, including the criminal scientist Elihas 'Egghead' Starr, who was to become Pym's greatest enemy. After an alien being from the planet Kosmos killed the scientist Vernon van Dyne, Pym revealed his secret identity of Ant-Man to van Dyne's daughter Janet, who wished to avenge his death. Pym taught Janet how to use the gas within which he now contained the 'Pym particles,' and which he used to shrink himself in size, and through bioengineering, gave her the ability grow insect-like wings when she used the gas to shrink herself to insect size. As the Wasp, Janet van Dyne assisted the Ant-Man in finding and defeating the murderous Kosmosian. Pym and van Dyne gradually fell in love; van Dyne reminded Pym of his deceased first wife, Maria. Pym and van Dyne became crime-fighting partners in their costumed identities, and were two of the founding members of the Avengers. Pym next developed a series of capsules containing the Pym particles which he and van Dyne used to grow or shrink to various heights, he also developed capsules that enabled him to grow to greater than normal heights. Thereafter, Pym preferred to use his power to grow to giant size for crimefighting, and called himself Giant-Man. At first he found that he could not support his own weight if he grew to a height above twelve feet. Later, he was able to reach far greater heights, even 100 feet, and still move about comfortably, but he became weaker in proportion to the amount he grew beyond twelve feet. However, his size-changing imposed great strains on Pym's body that he believed could be fatal, and, upon deciding that their careers as Giant-Man and the Wasp were proving too great a danger for van Dyne. Pym decided to retire as a costumed crimefighter. Acceding to his wishes, van Dyne retired as a crimetighter, too. Sometime later, however, Pym and van Dyne learned that the Sub-Manner was heading for New York City. Fearing trouble, they decided to alert the Avengers, van Dyne, as the Wasp, was captured by first the undersea barbarian leader Attuma and then by the Collector. In order to help the Avengers rescue van Dyne, Pym decided to use his growing power again, he donned a new costume and adapted the new name of Goliath. By this time both Pym and van Dyne could change size simply by willing themselves to do so, due to their exposure to Pym particles over the years. However, Pym could only achieve one height other than his own, that of 25 feet, and could only do so for exactly 15 minutes. In the course of the Avengers' battle against the Collector, Goliath overstayed this time limit, and, on trying to regain his normal size, could not shrink beneath ten feet. Eventually Pym regained his ability to shrink to insect size, but lost his ability to grow to ten feet in height. The Collector later subjected Pym to treatments that enabled him to grow to 25 feet in height for up to 15 minutes. Around this time Pym experimental with robotics and created a robot with the potential for high intelligence. The robot turned against its creator and escaped from Pym's laboratory. It later became one of the Avengers' greatest adversaries under the name of Ultron. For several years, Pym had been in love with Janet van Dyne, but because of his repressed personality, resisted marrying her. One day while working in his laboratory, Pym accidentally dropped and smashed some vials containing various unknown gases. The released gases wreaked a radical temporary personality change in Pym. He took the new identity of Yellowjacket, claimed that he had murdered Henry Pym, kidnapped, van Dyne, and proposed marriage to her, as Pym had long wanted to do. Realizing that Yellowjacket was really Pym, Van Dyne decided to play along, fearing that she would worsen his psychological condition if she did otherwise. Van Dyne and Pym, as Yellowjacket were married at Avengers Mansion, but immediately afterwards, the Avengers were attacked by the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime. The shock of seeing van Dyne in danger of death shocked Pym back into his normal personality. The Avengers defeated the Ringmaster and company. Despite the fact that Pym was married under an assumed name, the marriage between Pym and van Dyne was still legal, and Pym and Van Dyne happily agreed to let it stand. Pym eventually renounced his power to became a giant due to its continuing physical strains, and used the name and costume of Yellowjacket in Crimefighting, Pym spent periods of time with the Avengers, and even, once, with the Defenders, as Yellowjacket, but he spent most of his time completely devoted to his scientific research. He gave his blessing to Scott Lang when Lang used his old equipment to become the second Ant-Man. Scientific research had always been Pym's preferred career, and he no longer found the excitement in crimefighting that he had earlier in his career. Pym began to have periods of tension and depression. He began to feel that he had never made a scientific discovery equal to his discovery of the Pym particles in the several years following that event. Moreover, he was plagued by guilt over creating Ultron. As a result, he was overcome with a sense that he was a failure as a scientist, judged by his own impossibly high standards. This sense of failure was exacerbated when he considered his wife's success as a fashion designer and realized that, as a millionaire, she was the principal source of money in their marriage. Pym began to take out his frustrations through verbally abusing his wife. Matters came to a head when the Avengers battled the so-called Elfqueen. Suspecting that the Elfqueen was not acting from evil motives, Captain America attempted to calm her down. Yellowjacket, however, who was edgy because of his personal matters, blasted Elfqueen from behind without stopping to consider what Captain America was trying to do. As a result Elfqueen resumed fighting. Afterwards, Captain America felt forced to bring charges against Yellowjacket of acting recklessly, since innocent people could have been killed in the battle that Yellowjacket's action had started again. An Avengers court martial meeting was set to examine the charges. Now beginning to undergo a nervous breakdown, Pym built a robot to attack the Avenger during the court martial. Pym designed the robot to have a secret weak point which he would use to defeat it. Pym fantasized that his defeat of the robot would make him a hero in the Avengers' eyes and lead to the dismissal of the charges. When his wife protested his plan, he brutally struck her. But Pym's plan went awry, and it was the Wasp who ended up defeating the robot. Pym was expelled from the Avengers. Moreover, his wife Janet initiated proceedings that ended in their divorce. Pym moved out of his wife's mansion. Astonishingly, Pym was now virtually penniless, since his books were out of print and he had somehow exhausted the money he had earned from his patents. Pym lived his life aimlessly until he was approached by his old enemy Egghead. Egghead claimed that he felt guilty over causing his niece, Patricia Starr, to lose her arm, and asked Pym to give her a bionic arm he had designed and attach it to her, in exchange for a large sum of money. Needing the money, Pym fulfilled his assignment, but found that the bionic arm placed 'Trish' Starr under Egghead's control. Egghead informed Pym that the bionic arm was booby-trapped and that he could detonate it, killing Trish unless he obeyed his orders. As a result, Pym was forced to help steal adamantium from the government and to fight the Avengers, who defeated him. However, Egghead had lied: the arm was not booby-trapped. Moreover, Trish Starr had been 'programmed' by her uncle's technology to claim that it was Pym's plot, not Egghead's. Hence Pym had no evidence that he had stolen the adamantium under duress, and so he was imprisoned on charges of treason. During Pym's trial, he was captured by the third group calling itself the Masters of Evil, who claimed to be 'rescuing' him. Actually, they worked for Egghead, who, having successfully framed Pym, now asked him to join their criminal organization. Pym pretended to agree, and Egghead set him to work on developing a machine intended to lengthen the human life span. Soon afterwards, Pym announced it was finished. Suspecting a trick, Egghead and his allies had Pym hooked up the machine, just as Pym had secretly intended Pym had actually constructed various means of defeating his enemies into the machine, and now turned it against Egghead and the Masters of Evil and single handedly defeated them. Meanwhile, the Avengers had found Egghead's hideout. The Avenger Hawkeye sneaked into the hideout and saw Egghead aiming a gun at the unsuspecting Pym. Hawkeye fired an arrow into the gun barrel. The gun proved to be an energy blaster and backfired, killing Egghead. Some of the Masters of Evil testified in Pym's trial as to how Egghead had framed him, and Pym was found not guilty. Upon his release Pym decided to give up being a costumed adventurer and returned permanently to a life of scientific research. However, as time passed. Pym decided he wished to add the Avengers without returning himself to life as an adventurer. Hence, he offered to become manager of Avengers Compound, the headquarters of the West Coast Avengers, in which role he would perform many of the same functions that Edwin Jarvis fulfills at New York City's Avengers Mansion. Pym's offer was accepted, and today he serves not only as Avengers Compound manager but as a trusted advisor to the West Coast Avengers. Pym was on hand with the other Avengers who seemingly sacrificed their lives to absorb the energies of the being known as Onslaught. In reality, he was shunted to another dimension. When he and the other heroes were restored to Earth, Pym found that he was capable of his full range of size-changing abilities, although he could not shrink and grow other objects unless he specifically treated them in his laboratory. He and the Wasp also returned to their previous romantic relationship. Pym helped re-form the Avengers with the other restored heroes, stopping the menace of the sorceress Morgan Le Fey. He then agreed to stay on as a reserve member, returning to his laboratory work full-time. During this time, his research was monitored by Ultron, who later kidnapped Pym and other of its so-called 'family.' Ultron revealed that Pym had used his own brain patterns as a template for Ultron's intelligence, and Ultron intended to do the same with all members of its 'family' when building a new robot army with Pym's latest research. Ultron was confronted by the Avengers, who freed Pym and allowed him to deliver the blow that defeated Ultron. +This superhero's name is Yo-yo (MCU). Their real name is Elena Rodriguez. Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez is a Colombian citizen who underwent Terrigenesis during the Inhuman Outbreak and a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative. Believing her power to be a gift from God, Rodriguez used her new gift to fight corruptive elements within the Colombian political system, including the National Police of Colombia. This briefly put her into a conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D., but as they saw that Rodriguez was using her powers for good, they recruited her into the Secret Warriors. Seeking to use her gifts to protect the world, Rodriguez assisted in the battle against Hive and his army of brainwashed Inhumans, during which she was nearly killed while saving Alphonso Mackenzie from the Primitives. Agreeing to sign the Sokovia Accords, Rodriguez immediately went behind Director Jeffrey Mace's back in order to seek out Victor Ramon who had killed her cousin. Rodriguez found Ramon and stopped his weapons sale to the Watchdogs with the aid of Quake, whom she then agreed to assist in her own vigilante missions. Returning to S.H.I.E.L.D., Rodriguez assisted in the defeat of Eli Morrow with her teammates and started a relationship with Alphonso Mackenzie. Later, she joined the fight against Aida, her LMDs, as well as Anton Ivanov and his Watchdogs and entered the Framework to convince Mack, who stayed there, to leave before it was deleted, eventually succeeding. Soon after, Rodriguez and the rest of the team were sent to the year 2091 where Earth had been destroyed and the human survivors lived in the Lighthouse under a Kree rule. She and Mackenzie decided to stay in the station with the Inhuman Flint to help the people to stand against the Kree, while the rest of the team left to find a way back to the present. Before she returned to Earth, Rodriguez encountered a future version of herself who warned her about the events which would cause the apocalypse. While attempting to avert the destruction of Earth in the present, only to walk into a trap set by General Hale, Rodriguez lost both of her arms trying to save Mackenzie but later won cybernetic arms to replace her missing limbs. Rodriguez ultimately warned her colleagues about what her future self had told her: that trying to save Phil Coulson could result in the Destruction of Earth. This put her at odds with some of her teammates, notably Daisy Johnson, who refused to let Coulson die. However, Rodriguez's warning was eventually heeded by Coulson himself, leading to a S.H.I.E.L.D. victory over the now rogue Glenn Talbot. Rodriguez then remained with her S.H.I.E.L.D. teammates for new missions under Mackenzie's directorship. +This superhero's name is Yoda. Their real name is Yoda. Yoda was one of the most renowned and powerful Jedi Masters in galactic history. He was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force and skills in lightsaber combat. Yoda served as a member of the Jedi High Council in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic and as Grand Master oversaw the Jedi Order before, during, and after the devastating Clone Wars. Following the First Battle of Geonosis, Yoda held the title of Master of the Order in addition to that of Grand Master. In his centuries of service to the galaxy and the Force, Grand Master Yoda had a hand in the training of nearly all the Jedi in the Order, including such luminaries as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Oppo Rancisis; all of whom would come to serve on the Jedi Council along with him. Standing at about 66 cm tall, Yoda was a male member of a mysterious species, details of which he did not reveal. Yoda served as a member of the Jedi Order for centuries, eventually gaining a seat on the Jedi High Council, before reigning as the Grand Master of the Jedi. He had exceptional skills in lightsaber combat, most commonly employing whirling and acrobatic Form IV techniques. Yoda was a master of all but the Vaapad subset of Form VII (he had mastered the original Form VII variant known as Juyo) of lightsaber combat, and was considered by many as a swordmaster. Though arguably the Order's greatest master of the Force and most skilled warrior, Yoda believed most firmly in the importance of instructing younger generations and never missed an opportunity to ensure his students learn from their experiences. At heart, the diminutive Jedi Master was a teacher; indeed, he instructed nearly all the Jedi in the order, to some extent, during his reign as Grand Master. Though Yoda was, arguably, the most highly Force-attuned member of the Order, he was not flawless. It was partially due to his failure to recognize that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was actually responsible for the outbreak of the Clone Wars, and was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, which led to the Republic being overthrown and the Jedi Order being decimated. The Grand Master was among the few Jedi to survive Emperor Palpatine's Great Jedi Purge, after the beginning of which, he went into exile on the swamp planet of Dagobah. Later, before dying and becoming one with the Force in 4 ABY, the exiled Jedi Master was responsible for the instruction of Luke Skywalker who would use Yoda's training as a basis for the creation of a New Jedi Order, after defeating the Sith. Following his death, Master Yoda retained his identity within the Force and was revered as among the most legendary Jedi Masters of all time by Skywalker's reconstituted Order. +This superhero's name is Yondu (MCU). Their real name is Yondu. Yondu Udonta was a Centaurian, leader of a key, albeit ostracized, faction of the Ravagers and adoptive father to Peter Quill. When Quill betrayed the Ravagers and stole the Orb for himself, Udonta led the hunt for his former ally. Eventually Udonta caught up with Quill but he was convinced to help him in the war against Ronan the Accuser, who was threatening to use the Orb's power to destroy Xandar, with Quill ensuring Udonta did not get the Infinity Stone at the end. Despite losing the Stone, Udonta chose not to get revenge against Quill, leading to mistrust among all of his own men. Udonta's Ravagers turned against their former captain and put their trust instead in Taserface. With the help of Rocket Raccoon, Udonta got his revenge against the mutineers and destroyed his own ship. Udonta went to help Star-Lord in his battle against Ego. As the planet collapsed into itself, Udonta sacrificed his own spacesuit, saving Quill and allowing himself to suffocate in deep space. +This superhero's name is Yondu. Their real name is Yondu Udonta. Yondu is the leader of the Ravagers, a group of Space Pirates. Yondu found Peter Quill when the ship he piloted malfunctioned and left him stranded. The Ravagers rescued him as Peter tried to steal their ship. Peter managed to outsmart every member of the crew and even knocked out Yondu before capturing him. After he woke up, Yondu managed to set himself free from his restraints, attacked Peter, and gave him a choice between letting himself be released to space without more trouble or getting killed right there. Peter instead asked him if he could join his crew, Yondu wasn't sold on the idea, but after he found out Peter was like him, a kid without a home, Yondu changed his mind and let him stay in the ship with his pirate crew as the cleaning boy. Peter decided to stay and try to learn everything he could from space while he was part of the pirate crew. +This superhero's name is Yukio (FOX). Their real name is Yukio. When she was 5 years old, Yukio predicted her own parents' death and they soon died in a car accident. She was orphaned until she was discovered by Ichirō Yashida, who had taken his granddaughter Mariko on a trip to view a factory he was opening in the south of Japan. From then on, she was raised by the Yashida family as Mariko's adopted sister and trained as her protector. After Yashida realizes he is dying, he instructs Yukio to travel the world to find Logan and bring him to Japan. She finds him a nomad living aimlessly in Yukon, Canada, and persuades him to travel to Japan for one day to meet Yashida. Yukio is present at Yashida's funeral ceremony alongside Logan, where the Yakuza attack and attempt to capture her sister Mariko. Yukio then has a vision of Logan's death. She goes to warn him but is too late as Mariko is captured by the Yakuza who are revealed to be hired by Mariko's fiance and the corrupt Chief of Justice Noburo Mori. Logan and Yukio arrive at Yashida Family Home, where he finds the parasite on his heart, similar to the one inside Yashida's body. He attempts to use his claws to extract it, when Shingen enters mid-procedure and Yukio defends Logan. Yukio is knocked unconscious by Shingen. Logan briefly dies in the process, but regains his healing ability to fight Shingen. Although he initially leaves Shingen to live with the truth that he ordered his own daughter to die, Logan kills Shingen with his claws after the latter tries to attack him in anger. Yukio and Logan then follow Harada and Viper to the research center to find Mariko. When he arrives, Logan is attacked by Harada and the Yashida family's Black Clan. Logan is subdued by a combination of the Black Clan's arrows and a substance concocted by Viper to weaken Logan as Yukio is helpless to watch. After Logan is put in a restraining device, Yukio comes to his defense and fights Viper while he fights the Silver Samurai. Yukio kills Viper by hanging her in an elevator shaft. Wolverine later boards a plane with Yukio, who reminds him that she is still his bodyguard, and offers to fly him anywhere in the world. +This superhero's name is Yukio. Their real name is Yukio (full name unrevealed). Little is known about the early life of the adventurous Yukio save that she worked alongside the mutant thief and future X-Man Gambit, who betrayed her during a caper in England. At some point in her life she visited the Valley of Mercy and Wrath, supposed homeland of the ninja clan called the Hand. As an assassin for the Japanese crimelord Lord Shingen, leader of Clan Yashida, Yukio became part of Shingen's campaign against the mutant hero Wolverine. She drugged Wolverine and brought him before Shingen, who proceeded to shame him in battle. Later, Yukio manipulated Wolverine into helping her kill Shingen's rival, Katsuyori. Attracted to Wolverine, Yukio chafed at his love for Shingen's daughter Mariko but nevertheless saved Mariko's life when her abusive husband threatened her. Following Shingen's death, Yukio aided Mariko and Wolverine against attempts by the criminal Viper and her bodyguard, the Silver Samurai, to take over Clan Yashida. During this time, Yukio began a lasting friendship with one of Wolverine's teammates in the X-Men, the weather-manipulating Storm. Yukio then teamed up with Wolverine when he sought to rescue his teammate Kitty Pryde from his former teacher, the demon ninja Ogun. Yukio saved Mariko's life once more, this time from an assassin in the employ of Ogun's ally Shigamatsu. It is unclear when Yukio joined the Mutant Underground, a covert mutant rights activist organization, but her activities in this area led her to be herself targeted by the techno-organic alien collective the Phalanx. Fleeing to New York, Yukio allied with the X-Men and helped defeat the aliens. Wolverine ultimately entrusted the care of his foster daughter Amiko to Yukio, who promised to raise her as if she were her own. Soon after, she helped the mutant government operatives called X-Factor when a mission brought them to Tokyo, joking that American mutants venturing to Japan would be lost without her aid. Later, Yukio and Amiko were captured by a faction of the Hand but were rescued by Wolverine; however, Amiko remained partially within the Hand's thrall, and when Yukio aided the ninja Elektra against the Hand, accompanying her to the Valley of Mercy and Wrath, Amiko warned the assassins of her activities. Yukio and Elektra nevertheless escaped their encounter unharmed, although it remains unclear if the Hand maintains any hold over Amiko's mind. Yukio and Amiko were again abducted, this time by the criminal Gorn Kaishek to force Wolverine to help him defeat Gorn's brother Haan, who had taken over Clan Yashida. When both Kaisheks were betrayed by their sister Kia, Yukio managed to escape with Amik, while Wolverine and the Silver Samurai dealt with the remaining Kaishek forces. Yukio and Amiko were next targeted by the cyborg Lady Deathstrike and the Russian super-soldier Omega Red, two old foes of Wolverine's who had been hired by his nemesis, the feral mutant Sabretooth. Yukio was crippled by Deathstrike, who then carved a message to Wolverine into her back. When Wolverine visited her in the hospital, Yukio asked him to kill her, as she was unwilling to live as a paraplegic, but he chose not to do so. Yukio eventually recovered in time to aid Storm during her investigation of an underground mutant fighting arena in Tokyo. Despite her setbacks, she remains a life-loving adventurer, eager to face any challenge alongside her friends or alone. +This superhero's name is Zane. Their real name is Zane. Zane was created by Dr. Julien in a small workshop, located deep in the depths of Birchwood Forest. He spent many happy years with Dr. Julien, who taught him life skills such as cooking. During this time, Dr. Julien also built the Falcon to act as a companion for his artificial son, and the mechanical bird would continue to aid Zane throughout his life.One night, Zane and his father were visited by an old man, Elemental Master of Ice who they took in for the night. The man took an interest in Zane, after he left them it was said Zane was "acting strangely" after according to Julien, implying this is when Zane gained his Ice Power. The next day, Master Wu visited to find Zane chopping wood. After Zane asked whether Wu needed wood chopped, Wu replied that he did not, but that someday, Zane would be needed to accomplish a far greater task than he could have imagined.Eventually, Dr. Julien passed away from old age, with Zane at his side. On his deathbed, Dr. Julien told the saddened Zane that he had a great destiny ahead of him and told him that he was built to protect others and that he had become the son Dr. Julien had never had. Expressing his love one more time, the dying inventor's final act was to turn off Zane's "Memory Switch," so his son would be spared the pain of heartbreak as he moved into the next stage of his life. After being "reset," Zane went out into the world, believing himself to be an orphan. Master Wu found Zane meditating at the bottom of a frozen-over pond, and recruited him as a member of his team of Ninja, alongside Cole and Jay. He began training at the Monastery of Spinjitzu, and learned the way of the Ninja. +This superhero's name is Zatanna. Their real name is Zatanna Zatara. Zatanna is the daughter of adventurer John Zatara and his wife Sindella, a member of the mystic tribe of sorcerers called the Hidden Ones, or Homo Magi. Zatanna inherited her mother's ability to manipulate magic and her father's penchant for heroism. Sindella later faked her own death to return the Hidden One's sanctum in Turkey, leaving her daughter in John Zatara's care. Zatara travelled the world with his daughter and taught her to harness her magical abilities. Zatanna was later raised by strangers, however, when the evil witch Allura cursed Zatanna and prevented her from seeing her father. Zatanna was left to search fruitlessly for her natural parents. Zatanna discovered her father's diary and created a stage persona for herself. Her quest to find her father led her into a brief affair with John Constantine. Later, with the help of the Justice League Of America, Zatanna was able to lift Allura's curse and reunite with her father and later her mother. Tragically, Sindella died rescuing her daughter from the city of the Hidden Ones, while her father died saving her and the spiritual dimensions from the Great Evil Beast. As a long standing member of the Justice League of America, Zatanna fought countless super-villains and mystic threats. After the death of her father, however, she retired from active adventuring. She now lives in San Francisco, seeking a normal life while trying to preserve the balance of Earth's light and dark mystical community. In this role she serves as one of the Sentinels of Magic. +This superhero's name is Zero. Their real name is DWN-∞: Zero. Zero was created by the late Dr. Albert Wily sometime in the early twenty-first century. Wily alluded to him during Bass's ending in Mega Man: The Power Battle, where he mentioned he was developing a robot that will blow away both Mega Man and Bass. Schematic blueprints of his body were seen during Bass's ending in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. Learning from his past mistakes, including the accidental creation of Bassnium and his construction of Bass and King, Wily constructed Zero as a far more advanced robot than anything he had ever built before, with a power level far superior to that of Bass or Mega Man using Proto Man as reference for Zero's design. He also presumably began to create the Maverick Virus around this time. Wily even dubbed Zero his "greatest masterpiece". Zero contained a flaw in his cognitive program that made him violent and unwilling to obey instructions. Because of this, Wily decided to seal him in a capsule. Decades later, in the early twenty-second century, his hiding place was found by a group of Reploids prior to the first Mega Man X game. Once awakened by this group, Zero destroyed them, as well as any intruders who would dare enter Wily's lair. Labeled a Maverick (by the definition of being a threat to humans), Zero was later cornered by Maverick Hunters inside an unknown facility, and Zero destroyed Garma's unit. Not wanting to get any more comrades endangered by the powerful enigmatic Maverick, then-Hunter Commander Sigma himself challenged the red Maverick in a one-on-one battle. Even though Zero eventually gained the upper hand during the battle, Sigma was able to defeat the red Maverick after the gem on Zero's head began to glow with a 'W' symbol, apparently causing Zero great pain. Sigma punched this crystal, shattering it and defeating Zero, and Sigma was infected by Zero's Maverick Virus. Zero was then brought to Dr. Cain, who analyzed him. After that, he recovered from his battle with Sigma and was placed under Sigma's watch. Zero did not show any more signs of Maverick behavior and was enlisted into the Maverick Hunters' 17th Elite Unit. As part of the 17th Elite Unit, Zero became an excellent Maverick Hunter and was soon ranked A-Class, the highest rank the Maverick Hunters had to offer at that point in time. It was during that time in which he met X for the first time who was also part of the 17th Unit, even though he was only ranked B-Class due to his hesitation on the battlefield. The two became friends and partners and worked together whenever they could. Zero soon became somewhat of a mentor to X. Soon afterward, a series of Mechaniloids going berserk occurred in Abel City, the city in which the Hunter Base at that point was located. During the course of the investigation, it was Zero who eventually uncovered the identity of the person responsible for the attacks, which was none other than Sigma himself. Zero realized this after analyzing various locations which were seemly connected to the attacks, and by looking over the bodies of defeated Reploids, which were all taken down with a single blow directed at a weak spot. There had been only a very few numbers of Reploids with such perfect skills, including Sigma. The blows that the defeated Reploids had taken was caused by a beam saber, and not by range-weapons, which ruled out the previously suspected Vile. Even though Zero managed to block Sigma's first attack, he was soon overwhelmed and was used to goad X into attempting to kill Sigma, which would have killed Zero in the process, to see whether X really could hesitate. Upon seeing that X indeed does hesitate, Sigma slashed Zero with his beam saber and left him while he held X captive and launched a missile attack on Abel City. Sometime later, Zero regained his conscious and found X all alone in the facility, heavily damaged. He then brought him back to Hunter HQ. After Sigma's declaration of Reploid Independence on July 4 21XX (June in the US manual of the original game), dubbed "The Day of Σ", Zero, who at that point was the highest-ranked member of the Hunter organization, became the new leader, and he and a repaired X fought together against Sigma's rebellion. Zero saved X during a Maverick attack at the Central Highway from Vile. In Maverick Hunter X, Zero also responded to Vile's question about why Zero would aid a B-Class Hunter like X by informing Vile that he's nothing more than a Maverick at the present. After that, the two split up, with X's task to slow down the Maverick activities in nearby areas while Zero himself was on recon duty at Sigma's fortress. They eventually rendezvoused at the outskirts and together invaded the fortress. Here, they encountered Vile for a second time. Zero was captured by Vile and imprisoned in a cage (in Maverick Hunter X however, Zero was left unconscious by Vile as bait for X). When X was also defeated by Vile, Zero managed to break free (or regain consciousness, as was the case in Maverick Hunter X) and destroyed Vile's armor by firing a charge shot from point-blank range, which was a successful, yet fatal action. Afterward, Zero handed his Buster Parts to X (only in case X hadn't obtained the Buster Upgrade from the Light Capsule) and encouraged him to continue to fight before ultimately dying in X's arms (Maverick Hunter X also has Zero remarking on the irony of his actions in saving X leading to his death when he earlier told X not to be so careless). In Vile Mode, unlocked by completing the main game in Maverick Hunter X, Zero's characterization was similar to the main game, including saving X from Vile. However, instead of chasing Vile off, Zero instead retreats with an injured X. X and Zero later reappear as the final bosses at Sigma's Palace Stage 3, where he learns that Vile is, in fact, working against Sigma as well as fighting X and Zero. He ends up severely injured by Vile, although he eventually managed to sneak up and grab Vile's leg and pin him before he could deliver the final blow against X, also referring to Vile's earlier rant about X "changing the world" as "maverick talk," also grounding Vile so he'd be caught in X's charge shot. It is unknown if Zero managed to survive the charge shot that critically wounded Vile, or if, like in the main game, Zero also ended up destroyed in a sacrificial effort to help bring Vile down. After Sigma's defeat, the Hunters tried to salvage whatever remained of Zero from the sunken fortress and found Zero's control chip (which serves as Zero's "brain" and consciousness) which had miraculously survived the destruction of the body. However, the Hunters were incapable of creating a new body for Zero because they were unable to analyze his unique body structure. Six months later, a group of three Mavericks, calling themselves the "X-Hunters" (Counter Hunters in Japan), contacted the Maverick Hunters and claimed to be in possession of all of the rest of the parts that would be required to rebuild Zero. Although the American translation of the game fails to reveal how the X-Hunters gained the parts, the Japanese version elaborates with the claim that Serges (Sagesse in Japan) added these parts as they were planned additions made by Dr. Wily. The X-Hunters challenged X to a battle in order to win Zero's parts. X, who didn't want his friend in the hands of Mavericks, accepted and eventually recovered Zero's head, body, and foot parts. Eventually, Zero was reconstructed by Dr. Cain (including the upgrades that Serges had provided) and assisted X in destroying the base of the resurrected Sigma. Trying to fool X however, Sigma had constructed a doppelganger of Zero with Black Armor which he claimed to be Zero; however, this copy is quickly destroyed by the real Zero. This is the canon ending. In the Japanese version of the game, Sigma mentions just before his death that Zero is the last of "Wi...numbers", giving the first hint that Zero is the last of the "Wily numbers", or advanced robots built by Dr. Wily. The American version also gives a vague reference to Zero being the "last of the Doctor's creations." As a non-canon scenario in the game, if X couldn't retrieve all of Zero's parts, the X-Hunters would steal any parts X had previously collected from the Hunter Base, as well as Zero's control chip. Zero would then be reconstructed as a Maverick and was fought by X prior to his encounter with Sigma. Upon being defeated, a very wounded Zero would awaken from his Maverick stasis and assist X in destroying the Central Computer base. His weakness in this battle is the Speed Burner. Zero played only a minor role in the story of this game. After X managed to escape the digitized version of the Central Highway, Zero would inform him that Mavericks had hacked the Maverick Hunters' Mother Computer, stealing and corrupting data and allowing other Mavericks to run wild everywhere. While X was digitized again and sent back into the Mother Computer to destroy the protection systems that were needed to be taken out to shut the computer down, Zero would handle Maverick attacks in the real world. Also, later during the game, X would be able to find four capsules within the digitized areas, the Zero Scrambles, which allowed him to "summon" Zero to perform an attack or move. However, this was only combat data of Zero and not the real one. The beginning of the Doppler incident finds Zero and X back in their respective commands of the Maverick Hunter Forces. Dr. Doppler's Mavericks lead an attack on the Hunter Base, and X and Zero are forced to return to the base to defend it. Zero joins the Hunters defending the base outside while X ventures into the base. However, when X is captured by the defector, Mac, Zero immediately leaps into the chaos inside the base to save his best friend from the traitor's clutches, being a playable character for the first time. Zero's default weapon is the Zero Buster, however, upon fully charging until he turns green, he will unleash 2 fully charged shots followed by a devastating blow with his other weapon, the Beam Saber. After completing the Opening Stage, the player can call on Zero anytime by pressing the R-button in the Start Menu, however, Zero adheres to a certain set of rules. He is only able to maneuver through regular parts of the stage and will automatically be replaced by X upon reaching a gate before a boss or sub-boss. The player also cannot die in-game as Zero. If Zero dies, a cutscene will appear where Zero will talk about being damaged and will be unusable for the rest of the game, however, he will still appear in the Doppler Stages to assist X during a sub-boss encounter, taking care of a booby-trap while X destroys the REX-2000. There is also a secret in-game that will allow X to acquire Zero's saber. If during the completion of the game the player locates Vile MK-II through a teleporter located in either Crush Crawfish's stage, Volt Catfish's stage, or Blizzard Buffalo's stage and defeats him with one (or both) the Spinning Blade and Ray Splasher, Vile will be destroyed, changing the final boss of the second Doppler Stage as well as affecting the level throughout. Upon entering the 2nd Doppler Stage, the player will notice that the Head Gunners are now customized and are twice as difficult to defeat. If the player switches to Zero before entering one of the boss chambers which is normally an empty hallway, a robot called Mosquitus will appear, the only sub-boss that Zero can battle. This enemy is actually very easy to dispatch, however, when defeated, it will crash-land on top of Zero and explode. X will then return and Zero will explain that a few of his power cells have been damaged. He will then hand over his saber to X and then head back to Hunter HQ for repair. Note that this has the same effect in-game as dying with Zero, except that if X leave the game and return, Zero will not reappear within the Doppler Stages as he does when recovering from a standard in-game death. It is also worth noting that if leaving the game and returning with a password, Mosquitus will still appear for X to defeat. After defeating Doppler's eight Mavericks it begins to see that Sigma is behind the whole Doppler incident. If the player manages to reach the final fight with Sigma and defeat him, he will attempt to possess X. But before he can, Zero appears and hits Sigma with his saber, where he uploaded Doppler's Anti-Sigma Virus-program, believing that it is the only thing that works against him. Sigma seemingly explodes as Doppler's lab self-destructs. If the player loses Zero during the game, Doppler appears instead. Zero appears as a playable character with gameplay similar to Mega Man X4. Zero paired up with X to investigate the resurgence of previously retired Mavericks, investigating Laguz Island. He battled Gareth, partner of Berkana, who was reviving the dead Mavericks. Afterward, Zero aided X in the final battle against the resurrected Sigma. Zero's first appearance as a fully controllable character with his own story, which also marked the most tragic point in his life. It also introduced his three-hit Z-Saber combo, as well as his ability to learn special techniques as opposed to X's Special Weapons. At the beginning of the game, Zero encountered his creator within his dreams, who ordered him to finally obey his orders and fulfill his destiny by destroying his nemesis. When he awakened from the nightmare (which is implied to have happened before), he was immediately dispatched to the Sky Lagoon colony which had been attacked by Mavericks. Repliforce was also confronted at the scene, claiming to assist the Hunters in evacuating the city; however, both factions didn't trust each other, and, as a request for interrogation was declined, the Great Repliforce War broke out. When the Repliforce was labeled Maverick after the Sky Lagoon incident, both X and Zero were assigned different missions to gather information about Repliforce's coup and to cut off their support lines. Iris assisted Zero on his missions as his operator, like during the Erasure incident from Mega Man Xtreme 2. However, Iris herself was part of Repliforce while her brother, Colonel, was Repliforce's second-in-command and therefore an imminent target for the Maverick Hunters. Iris didn't want the two of them to fight, torn between her care for Zero and her love for her own brother. When the two of them battled in the Ceremony Hall of Repliforce's command center, it was Iris who stopped the two Reploids from terminating each other by begging her own brother to stop since Zero had previously saved her life after the Sky Lagoon had crashed down. Colonel, who had always regarded Zero as a friendly rival, backed off. Zero, on the other hand, stated that someone had to stop Repliforce at all costs, much to Iris' grief. When Repliforce's coup began, Zero rushed to the space port to stop the ascension of the military troops to the newly constructed space station of Repliforce, Final Weapon. There he battled Colonel, this time not holding anything back, just like his former friend, with Zero being the victor of the fight. After that, he traveled to the Final Weapon where he was, much to his surprise and horror, encountered by Iris, who was blinded by her grief of the loss of her brother and anger for Zero killing him. She had salvaged Colonel's Control Chip from his remains, fusing it with her own programming, thus resulting her body to transform into a massive Ride Armor-like combat form which Zero was forced to battle. Even though he didn't mean to, Zero damaged the exterior power core of the structure, resulting in the destruction of the armor. He hurried to Iris' body, however, it was too late to save her. Whispering to Zero that she did all this because she wanted to live in a world for Reploids only, and that he could live in that world too. She died in his arms and Zero, who was totally overthrown by the pain, began questioning his own reasons for fighting and the means of his own existence. Filled with anger, he confronted General, leader of Repliforce, defeating him in battle. Upon the end of the fight, General realized that someone had taken control of Final Weapon, aiming it at Earth. Zero rushed to the Final Weapon control center, only to find Sigma waiting for him. Sigma reveals part of Zero's past at a time when Sigma was still the leader of the Maverick Hunters. During this vision, Sigma and the Maverick Hunters are called to an abandoned laboratory to fight a Maverick of immense power. Sigma enters the building and the Maverick is revealed to be a maniacal Zero, with no power other than sheer brute strength and rage. Zero manages to overpower and grievously injure Sigma, but before he can deal a finishing blow, the light in the center of his forehead flashes on, revealing a "W" and causing Zero to collapse in pain. Sigma gathers his remaining strength and punches Zero in that light, rendering him unconscious. Sigma leaves, asking the Reploids outside to have the Maverick delivered to Dr. Cain for analysis. It is believed that during this fight that both Zero and Sigma were infected with the Maverick Virus, which later caused Sigma to betray the Maverick Hunters, however it corrected the flaw in Zero's programming, allowing him to awaken and later join the Maverick Hunters. Zero Iris After the death of Iris, Zero is lost in pain. After Zero had destroyed Sigma and the General had sacrificed his life to make the Final Weapon self-destruct, Zero escaped the destruction in a small spacecraft, thinking about what he had done. He hadn't been able to save anyone he cared about. He had killed his own friend Colonel, the General, and Repliforce with him, who in the end has only been manipulated by Sigma and the Mavericks. Most of all, he lost Iris, who he had cared about for so long. Questioning whether or not Reploids were destined to become Mavericks after all, he returned to Earth. If the game was played by X, Zero would only appear at the very end of the story, contacting X from Hunter Base upon his return to Earth by spacecraft. X, wondering what would happen if he turned Maverick, asked Zero to take care of him if that would ever happen. Confused, Zero didn't respond to X's request, although he seemingly realized X's seriousness about the topic and the eventual battle between him and his best friend. Mega Man X5Edit X6 zeropose Zero in Mega Man X5 For boss battle details, see Awakened Zero The space colony "Eurasia" was set to impact Earth, recently being coated in a large outbreak of the Maverick virus, which would cause catastrophes of unimaginable proportions. In the meantime, X and Zero faced Sigma on Earth and easily defeated him; however, Sigma lost on purpose to spread the Sigma Virus around the world. Due to this, thousands of Maverick Hunters turned Maverick, yet, the fall of the colony posed to be the bigger threat. In order to stop Eurasia's impact, X and Zero both would gather several enhancement parts to power up an old energy cannon, known as "Enigma", to destroy the colony before it could devastate the planet. While doing so, Zero noticed his strange reaction towards the Sigma Virus. While others (including X) got hurt by being surrounded by the virus, he himself actually felt energy growing inside himself; multiple infections of Sigma Virus anomalies even turned him invincible for a brief period of time. Behind the scenes, Lifesaver informed Hunter General Signas about his concerns regarding Zero, but also that there might have been a chance to develop antibodies from his DNA to cure the Maverick/Sigma Virus. Yet, the accomplishment of the Enigma was rendered priority one. However, it didn't matter how much the cannon was powered up, complete destruction of the Eurasia was impossible and only delayed the impact (in the game it's possible to destroy Eurasia with only the cannon, but story-wise it didn't work). As a last resort action, a Space Shuttle was readied to be launched and directed right into the colony to have it self-destruct right at the core. The shuttle would be operated by Zero, who volunteered because he felt that the world needed X more than himself. The operation succeeded, and Zero survived; however, debris would still rain down on Earth. Zero was later rescued by the Hunters, but the peace only lasted for a short time as a new threat arose from the debris of the Eurasia. A new virus, merged from the virus inside the colony and the Sigma Virus, called the "Zero Virus" by Alia, had begun to effect the impact area. The area flooded by the new virus was strangely deformed and was filled with anomalies that even resembled Zero. Also, strange Mavericks were found in the area, bosses that actually resembled earlier bosses such as the Shadow Devil and Rangda Bangda. The closer X and Zero got to the source of the virus, the higher Zero's viral infection level rose, yet he still didn't show any Maverick behavior. Not wanting Zero to become a Maverick, X would fight his friend in order to have him brought back to Hunter Base. Eventually, the battle would end in a draw (with X using Soul Body on Zero and getting injured by him while using it). Upon seeing X and Zero both completely exhausted after their battle, Sigma would reveal himself to destroy them. However, Zero managed to prevent this, protecting X and himself and forcing Sigma to retreat. If the one who would pursue Sigma was Zero, Sigma would reveal to him that he let the colony fall on Earth solely to purify Zero's body with the virus to clear his mind and awaken his true self. Upon defeating his first form, Sigma would also reveal to Zero that he met an "Old Man" which knew a lot about Zero and his past, caring for him like a father and that it was that man's suggestion to flood Zero's body with the Virus to awaken him. After defeating his large battle body form, Sigma would then try to take X, who was still left unconscious at the scene of his battle with Zero, down with him. Zero would take most of the hit, seriously damaging him. The remains of Sigma attacked Zero and X one final time, impaling both of them through the chest area, but was then completely destroyed by Zero, who gained consciousness briefly and fired a charge shot at him from his buster. X5anime251 The broken remains of Zero. Exhausted and damaged from the battle, Zero finally realized that he was going to die, and while in a state between life and death, he began recalling memories of his creator and his true purpose of existence. Yet, his memory circuits began to cease to function. After recalling his memories of Iris and apologizing to her, Zero asked X to live for him, bringing peace to the world. After X was saved and repaired by the spirit of Dr. Light, X searched for Zero, finding nothing but his Z-Saber, which he kept in order to honor his fallen friend. Awakened Zero Awakened Zero. As a non-canon scenario, if the Shuttle Operation was unsuccessful, the large amounts of the Colony Virus, together with the Sigma Virus Zero had already been infected with from Earth, would "awaken" Zero upon crashing on Earth, thus challenging X to a battle. His mind now cleared and caring about nothing but his mission to fight X, Maverick Zero battled X, resulting in a draw. After taking massive damage during the fight, Sigma revealed himself and prepared to destroy X. Zero, however, regained consciousness and he jumped into the line of fire, protecting X with his body, only to get mortally wounded in the process. When X destroyed Sigma in this scenario and was damaged badly, Dr. Light would appear to save him; however, Light erased X's memories of Zero and would implant a protection inside X's mind so no information about Zero would be accepted. Originally, X5 was supposed to be the final game of the series and Zero getting killed would make way for the Zero series. However, X6 was produced unbeknownst to Inafune and without his approval, and since the plot of X6 involved Zero once again, he had to modify his Mega Man Zero concept in order to not make the story more confusing. Mega Man X6Edit Set a few weeks after the Eurasia incident, Reploid scientist Gate found a piece of Zero's body near the crash site. Using the information he gathered about the Sigma Virus and Zero's DNA,[7] Gate has seemingly gone mad, creating the new Nightmare Virus, a discolored clone of Zero (called "Zero Nightmare"), and the near-invulnerable Reploid, High Max. X, taking the assault on Zero's reputation personally, set out to investigate. Upon destroying the Zero Nightmare, X is reunited with his friend, mysteriously repaired and carrying a brand new Z-Saber. Together, X and Zero set out to defeat Gate and the imperfectly resurrected Sigma. X6 scene 14 Zero reunites with X Who exactly repaired Zero was never directly stated.[8] In the Weapon Center, the Dr. Light capsule hologram denied knowing who repaired him.[9] It should be noted that the reunion between X and Zero had Zero stating that he hid himself away while he "healed".[10] In the English translation, Zero told X that he repaired himself.[11] Zero's ending in this game helps to mend the storyline between the X and Zero games. It shows Zero being sealed to remove a component from his body (presumably something having to do with the virus' influence on him, and/or his original murderous persona). This was originally going to show that the X series had ended, but fans loved the series so much, Inafune was forced to continue, making many people believe that this is either a glimpse of the future, or non-canon. However, recently revealed backstory information in the Japanese Mega Man Zero artbook has revealed that this ending is indeed canon, takes place in an unspecified time period beyond the last X series game, and is in fact considered the first of two different times when Zero sealed himself away (the second time being after the Elf Wars, when he sealed himself away once more in the Rockman Zero TELOS drama tracks, and was then finally reawakened in the Zero series). X6 scene 51 Zero about to be sealed Alternatively, it is possible to clear Mega Man X6 without ever finding Zero. In this event, cutscenes show that Zero is indeed alive, but X and the other Maverick Hunters never find him. Zero leaves on his own, stating that there's something he needs to take care of. Like the alternate ending to X5, canonically, this ending does not happen. Mega Man X7Edit Zero is responsible for the bulk of the Maverick Hunter workload due to the fact that X has recently refused to battle for any reason, due to his doubts about the Hunters' violent methods (Zero seems to have some resentment towards the workload, as indicated when he says, "I can't believe I'm back here again!" in an irritated tone in his introduction, which could also imply that he's back in the same setting as the Opening Stage of Mega Man X). Zero captures a mysterious Reploid, Axl, who has just recently abandoned the vigilante group Red Alert. Axl assists Zero in stopping Red Alert's rampages, and eventually X rejoins them. While fighting alongside Axl, Zero learns from him at least some of the details about Red Alert's downfall. After the battles, Zero has nightmares of X attacking him, out of obsession for eliminating Mavericks (possibly foreshadowing the rise of Copy X in the Zero series). X7 scene04 Zero taking Axl to see X X7 signified a few changes to Zero's gameplay. His Z-Buster was eliminated altogether, and in addition to learning new attacks from defeated Mavericks, Zero can also gain other melee weapons to replace his saber. This tradition would continue through the rest of the Mega Man X series and up to the Mega Man Zero series. Mega Man X8Edit Zero continues to work with X and Axl, now an official Maverick Hunter, in dealing with new threats. One of the new navigators, a purple-haired girl named Layer, has shown a romantic interest in him; Zero has not returned her feelings however, simply keeping the relationship professional. Zero's memories of the virus incident from X5 continue to haunt him, fueling his hatred towards Sigma. Upon confronting him, Sigma confirms that Zero is the original carrier of the Maverick Virus, which was transferred to Sigma prior to the first X game (presumably it happened when Sigma shattered Zero's head gem as depicted in X4, though the unlockable animation The Day of Σ in the PSP remake has put a few doubts on this). This information was long-since stated in Japanese sourcebooks, as well as implied as early as X4, but was never before made officially available to the public in other regions. Mega Man X: Command MissionEdit In the game, Zero is sent along with X and another Reploid, Shadow, to investigate Reploid uprisings in Giga City. Zero is separated from X after Shadow betrays them and was presumed dead, until he reappears some time later and attacks one of the rebelling Reploids in a mechaniloid factory. At this point, Zero joins X, Axl, and a number of other Reploids that X assembled to assist him. With Shadow's betrayal still fresh in his memory, Zero is unwilling to trust X's new friends, and promptly decides to work alone. However, one of the Reploids, Spider, risks his life in Zero's defense. After this, Zero decides to rejoin X's group permanently, although Spider eventually turns on them as well and reveals himself as Colonel Redips. He had hid his true identity from the group by using a replica of Axl's DNA change, hinting toward the possibility that Spider could have actually existed at one point (since Axl needs to take DNA from a Reploid in order to change into it). Zero briefly hesitated when his allies attempted to stop Redips from using the Supra Force metal, presumably out of shock that Spider and Redips were the same and thus he was "badly duped." However, he would recover and, with the others, defeat Great Redips in the end, before returning to Earth in a broken off part of the elevator. The Elf WarsEdit At some unknown point, Zero realized that he carried the virus inside him and may even be continuing to spread it all over the world during his missions as a Hunter. Thinking that the world wouldn't be safe as long as he was still active, Zero admitted himself into a research institute in order to get rid of the virus within him. At the same time, a project was started to analyze Zero as it had been revealed previously (during the Eurasia crisis to be exact), that Zero actually reacted positively to the Sigma Virus, and therefore might hold anti-bodies for the infection. Zero was sealed away and brought to a government lab. At some point, Zero's mind was extracted from the body, possibly for security measures in case something would go wrong while researching it. For an unknown amount of time, Zero's body was studied by government researchers. One of them, an unnamed female ancestor of Ciel, managed to create the "Sigma Antibody Program", a Cyber-elf capable of reverting the devastated programming of infected Mavericks and therefore destroying the virus completely. This Cyber Elf was the Mother Elf. However, weapon researcher and DNA revival specialist Dr. Weil, who also worked in the lab, planned a different way of dealing with the Mavericks, as he was unsatisfied with the result. Weil started a conflict that would ultimately cost the lives of 90% of all Reploids and 60% of all humans. This four-year-long period of war was later dubbed the "Elf Wars". Thinking that it wasn't enough to simply cure the Reploids from the virus while they still posed a threat to society due to their free will, Weil decided to create his own, radical solution, while making himself ruler of the world in the process. Project Elpis was the end result: to create a Reploid who would become the perfect ruler, by using the power of the Mother Elf to control all the Reploids in the world, thus preventing them becoming Mavericks in the first place. However, since the world was at peace at the moment thanks to the Mother Elf, he needed to give the government a reason to sanction Project Elpis. He secretly stole the Mother Elf and reprogrammed her into the Dark Elf, whose purpose was to create Maverick outbreaks by brainwashing Reploids. Baby Elves, small copies of the Dark Elf, were mass-produced to cause violent Maverick outbreaks worldwide. As new Mavericks arose and caused terror and destruction in scales never seen before, the government heeded Dr. Weil's pleas and sanctioned Project Elpis to bring this new and devastating conflict to an end. For the project he was given Zero's body, which possessed the necessary virus countermeasures for creating the perfect ruler, Omega, the messiah of Dr. Weil. For Omega to con +This superhero's name is rol all Reploids worldwide with the Mother Elf. Their real name is a massive armor was constructed around Omega for the Mother Elf to fuse with it. In addition the armor also boosted Zero's body to its absolute limits and granted it the ability to regenerate any damage. Along with the armor. which was absolutely loyal to Dr. Weil's orders. With Omega completed by fusing it with the Dark Elf +This superhero's name is Zoom (New 52). Their real name is Hunter Zolomon. Hunter Zolomon is better known as Zoom, a speedster super-villain and enemy to the Flash who became the third Reverse-Flash. Originally working as a metahuman profiler for the KCPD, Zolomon was crippled by Gorilla Grodd and gained powers through an accident with the Cosmic Treadmill. Zolomon lost his mind and dedicated his life to making former friend Wally West a better hero through tragedy. +This superhero's name is Zoom. Their real name is Hunter Zolomon. Hunter Zolomon had a troubled relationship with his parents, who rarely spoke to each other or to him. On the day Hunter was to leave for college, he came home to find the police laying siege to his house. His father was a serial killer, and when his mother told the police, Hunter's father killed her. After refusing to give up, his father was killed by the police. Hunter became obsessed with understanding the criminal mind, studying psychology and criminology in college, then joining the F.B.I. along with his girlfriend Ashley, whom he later married. One case resulted in Ashley's father being killed (Hunter had thought the criminal they were after would not use a gun). Ashley left him shortly thereafter, and the F.B.I. terminated his employment. Hunter was also left with a damaged knee due to the case, requiring a cane for walking. After arriving in Keystone City, he got a job as a profiler, working with the police in their Department of Metahuman Hostilities. His work put him in constant contact with the current Flash, Wally West, and the two became good friends. His insight was critical in solving a number of cases, but he always resented being stuck behind a desk. Hunter was severely injured in an attack by Gorilla Grodd in Iron Heights. The injuries left Hunter paralyzed from the waist down. He asked Wally West to use the time-traveling cosmic treadmill in the Flash Museum to prevent this from occurring. West refused, saying that he could not risk damaging the timestream. Zolomon then broke into the museum and attempted to use the treadmill himself. The resulting explosion destroyed the museum and shifted Hunter's connection to time. He could now alter his personal timeframe, giving the effect of super-speed. Zolomon decided that West had refused to help because, unlike the previous Flash Barry Allen, West had never suffered personal tragedy. Zolomon decided that if he became the new Zoom and killed West's wife (Linda Park), this would help the Flash become a better hero. Flash succeeded in defeating Zoom, preventing Linda's death, but his attack caused a miscarriage of their twin children. Zolomon was forced into a temporal anomaly and ended up in a comatose state, continually watching the death of his father-in-law. Zolomon's ex-wife, Ashley Zolomon, replaced him as profiler and spent a lot of time attempting to communicate with him. Due to a car accident, Ashley was hospitalized for some time. It was around this period that Zoom awoke from his coma, out of concern for Ashley. He cautiously chose to remain in his cell, however. Zoom was driven out of his self-imposed imprisonment by Cheetah in an attempt to both harness super-speed and induct him into the growing Secret Society of Super Villains. The two shared a minor romance, but nothing serious happened as Zoom considered himself to still be married to Ashley. Zoom later infiltrated the already-growing "Rogue War" between Captain Cold's Rogues, the Trickster's reformed Rogues, and the Top's brainwashed rogues. Quickly spiriting his estranged wife Ashley out of danger to the home of Linda Park, Zoom returned to the battlefront to dispatch Captain Cold, claiming that the "Man Who Mastered Absolute Zero" was wasting the Flash's time with his longstanding, self-aggrandizing methods of villainy. Zoom was not done. As the Flash and Kid Flash (Bart Allen) attempt to contain the battle, Zoom throttled Kid Flash and threatened to snap his neck in a manner reminiscent of what Barry Allen had done to Eobard Thawne (Professor Zoom). Before Zoom could kill Kid Flash, however, Professor Zoom himself arrived on a cosmic treadmill, with Jay Garrick chained to the front end. A battle ensued between the two Flashes and Kid Flash against the two Zooms, but in the end, the two Zooms accomplished what they intended. They grabbed the Flash and jumped onto the treadmill. Zoom then forced the Flash to watch their first fight, in which Linda was severely injured and miscarried. Zoom felt that Wally West should be made to focus on the feelings of sorrow and loss from this experience and told Professor Zoom to rewind it so that he could watch it again. But as the scene started to rewind, West's uncle and mentor Barry Allen appeared, riding his own cosmic treadmill and saying that he had been looking for Professor Zoom. Barry Allen removed West from immediate danger, telling West that he was here to return Thawne to his proper place in time, and that no matter how bad it seemed, West could win this if he "just pushed himself a bit". He and Thawne then disappeared through time. Zoom, enraged, began to run around the world, building up speed, with which to kill Linda. Wally rushed to catch up, but he was a step or two behind. At the last minute, he realized what Barry's advice meant and put on a final burst of speed, pushing himself, and hitting Zoom in the back. Zoom fell forward and was caught in the sonic boom which he himself used to kill Linda's babies (this ended up creating a “fissure in time” that restored Linda’s pregnancy, just in time for her to give birth). Zoom ran for the treadmill, but West forced them back to their mutual present. Along the way, they viewed scenes of Zoom's life. Zoom realized his mistreatment of Wally and briefly apologized before slipping into the timestream. He was later seen as a ghost-like figure apologizing to his wife. Zoom returned during the Infinite Crisis event as the Secret Society of Super Villains's chief speedster, but with his recent epiphany, a phase of his life as a character has ended. Zoom later appears at the sacking of Rome, being approached by Bart Allen's grandmother, to help her protect Bart from a great tragedy that the villain Inertia was setting up.[1] It is unknown whether Zoom traveled to this time period himself, or if he became stranded there after his last encounter with Wally West. He was also pursued by the Justice League in an attempt to locate Sinestro after Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) learn of the existence of the Sinestro Corps.[2] Zoom is pursued by the Justice Society of America into Atlanta. Damage is banned from the city, but enters anyway seeking revenge. During a scuffle, he ends up taking Zoom hostage until being talked down by Liberty Belle. Disappointed that Damage is not "improving", he throws a sharp pipe to kill him. Liberty Belle uses her superspeed to catch it and toss it back, knocking Zoom unconscious.[3] Hunter was became a member of Libra's Secret Society of Super Villains. In Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge he frees Inertia from his paralysis, inflicted previously by Wally West, hoping to make him his apprentice as a new Kid Flash, teaching how to "improve" his own life and the ones of other by inflicting great tragedies. Inertia learns the lesson too well, and claiming himself to be "Kid Zoom", the new master of tragedies, turns over the Flash's Rogues and Zoom altogether. Employing the timestream manipulation powers Zoom granted him against his master, he reverts the body of Zoom to the crippled, broken body of Hunter Zolomon, stripping him of his powers. +This superhero's name is Zzzax. Their real name is . Zzzax was the product of an accident that occurred at a Consolidated Edison nuclear power plant when a group of heavily armed terrorists attempted to shut down the power for New York City. The explosion that their stray gunfire caused started a chain reaction in the atomic reactor, creating a psionically charged electromagnetic field of humanoid form. As the electromagnetic form grew, it incinerated those people who stood in its way, absorbing the electro-psionic fields generated by their brains, and thus acquired a human intelligence. As it began to think and become aware of its surroundings, it developed rudimentary speech and named itself Zzzax in imitation of the electrostatic "crackle" it made when it moved. As it killed more human beings, it grew more intelligent; consequently it began a campaign of murder and destruction in order to increase its intelligence further. Zzzax clashed with both the Hulk and Hawkeye. Zzzax short-circuited and its constituent field dissipated when Hawkeye shot an arrow attached to a long conducting wire through Zzzax into the East River. Zzzax reformed months later as a result of a mistake in a scientific experiment performed by Soul Star Research, a group of three scientists, Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduates Mark Revel, Stan Landers, and Alexandria Knox, who developed a mechanism that was allegedly capable of collecting and recording the scattered electrical brain waves of any human being who had ever existed. When first used, the machine made contact with an unusually intense field of electro-psionic energy in the upper stratosphere, which was the residue of Zzzax. The collected electrical impulses formed a field of sufficient energy to explode the machine's titanium casing, and Zzzax reformed. Stan Landers was killed by Zzzax as the creature absorbed his electro-psionic energy. As a result of this absorption, Zzzax found itself influenced by Landers' intense love for his colleague Alexandria Knox, and abducted her. Once again Zzzax battled the Hulk. Soul Star's Mark Revel short-circuited and dissipated Zzzax by shooting a sufficient length of copper wire through it from a helicopter and then flying the helicopter, which still held one end of the wire, directly into a thunderstorm in which the helicopter was struck by lightning. Later, when Stark International constructed a laboratory for Dr. Bruce Banner (who was also the Hulk), the company made the mistake of purchasing a central power core from the now-defunct Soul Star Research. When the generator was hooked up, a sudden surge of electromagnetic discharge brought Zzzax back into existence. The mechanics of this reemergence of Zzzax have never adequately been explained; presumably a portion of Zzzax's electro-psionic field lay dormant in this device which powered Soul Star's previous experiment. After a brief battle the Hulk, who at that point retained Bruce Banner's intelligence when in his superhumanly strong form, ran power cables through Zzzax which were connected to a generator which drew its power from stellar and quasi-stellar sources. The Hulk reversed the generator's polarity, sending Zzzax out into space. Zzzax reappeared, emerging from high voltage lines connected to a California nuclear power plant. Exactly how Zzzax reformed this time is unknown, but its recreation is probably at least in part the work of Franklin Hall, who sought Zzzax as an ally. On Hawkeye's suggestion Wonder Man uprooted a water main, which the latter then used to fire a torrent of water at Zzzax. Hawkeye then shot an arrow carrying a conducting wire through Zzzax into the water upon which Zzzax was standing. As a result Zzzax was grounded and its field was disrupted. Somehow Zzzax was imprisoned by S.H.I.E.L.D. (Earth-616) soon after Hawkeye and Wonder Man defeated it. SHIELD kept Zzzax, which was still in humanoid form, confined within a large insulated vacuum tube, and then transferred it into another such tube at Gamma Base, New Mexico. There former General "Thunderbolt" Ross, who was obsessed with a desire to destroy the Hulk, submitted to a SHIELD experiment to transform him into a superhuman being by infusing some of Zzzax's "living electricity" into Ross's body. But the experiment went awry, and Ross's psychic energy--his mind, in effect--was absorbed by Zzzax, and Zzzax broke free. But, strangely, Ross's mind, perhaps because of the strength of its hatred for the Hulk, took control of Zzzax, submerging Zzzax's own personality. Meanwhile, Ross' original physical body remained alive, but all of that body's independent thought processes had ceased; only involuntary functions of the nervous system (such as those controlling the heartbeat) continued. Controlled by Ross's thought patterns, Zzzax tried unsuccessfully to kill both Bruce Banner and Rick Jones, who had recently become a Hulk-like monster himself. Zzzax's own consciousness resurfaced briefly, and fought for dominance of its physical form with the Ross persona, but the Ross consciousness again took control. The Ross persona had apparently become unbalanced by its absorption into Zzzax, and when Banner forced it to recognize that it inhabited a monster's form, the Ross persona was horrified. Still controlled by the Ross consciousness, Zzzax fled. [citation needed] Eventually, Ross's mind returned to his original physical body, bringing much of Zzzax's living electricity with it. But now a new menace had come to Gamma Base: a grotesque mutant (The Nevermind), which seized upon the heads of humans victims and drained life-energy from their bodies, killing them. Ross watched as Rick Jones, in his Hulk-like form, tried unsuccessfully to defeat the mutant, which menaced Betty. Then, to save Betty, Bruce Banner hurled himself into the mutant's path, and thereby himself became the mutant's victim. On seeing the Hulk's bravery and Bruce Banner's self-sacrifice, Ross realized that he had gravely misjudged them both. The mutant rendered Bruce Banner unconscious without draining him of all his life energy, and then headed towards Betty. This time, Thaddeus Ross hurled himself into the mutant's path, and the creature took hold of his head. But since Ross still possessed much of Zzzax's electrical energy, the mutant could not take control of Ross's mind, and Ross released all of Zzzax's energy, electrocuting the mutant. Zzzax has since returned, however. \ No newline at end of file