--- license: mit datasets: - Falah/Alzheimer_MRI language: - en metrics: - accuracy - precision - recall - f1 library_name: keras pipeline_tag: image-classification tags: - medical --- # Efficient-AD: An EfficientNetB0-based CNN Model for Alzheimer's Disease Detection Hey there! 👋 I am thrilled to introduce Efficient-AD, a cutting-edge Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model designed specifically for detecting Alzheimer's disease using brain MRI scans. This innovative model is built upon the EfficientNetB0 architecture, showcasing remarkable accuracy and performance. ## What Sets Efficient-AD Apart? Alzheimer's disease poses a significant challenge, impacting cognitive functions and necessitating early detection for effective intervention. Efficient-AD takes a giant leap in Alzheimer's detection, achieving an outstanding accuracy of 99.06%. This model is the result of meticulous research and optimization, addressing the limitations of existing CNN architectures. ## Key Features: - **EfficientNetB0 Backbone:** Leveraging the power of EfficientNetB0, known for its exceptional balance of accuracy and efficiency. - **Deep Funnel Architecture:** We've fine-tuned the architecture with a deep funnel design, enhancing the model's capacity to understand complex patterns within MRI scans. - **Transfer Learning Magic:** Efficient-AD is pre-trained on ImageNet, providing a foundation for learning intricate features and fine-tuned for Alzheimer's disease detection. - **ReLU Activation Function:** Harnessing the benefits of Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), ensuring faster convergence and improved gradient flow during training. ## Performance Overview: Efficient-AD showcases superior performance, outperforming other state-of-the-art models like DenseNet121, NASNetMobile, and VGG16. It excels in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, making it a frontrunner in Alzheimer's disease detection. ## How to Use Efficient-AD: Efficient-AD is now available on [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/antrikxh/Efficient-AD). You can seamlessly integrate this model into your projects. # Environmental Impact Carbon emissions can be estimated using the [Machine Learning Impact calculator](https://mlco2.github.io/impact#compute) presented in [Lacoste et al. (2019)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.09700). - **Hardware Type:** Tesla P-100 - **Hours used:** 72 hours - **Cloud Provider:** Google Cloud Platform - **Compute Region:** europe-north1 - **Carbon Emitted:** 3.78 Feel free to explore and integrate Efficient-AD into your projects. Together, let's make strides in early Alzheimer's detection and contribute to improved healthcare outcomes. 🌟