"""Image processor class for Molmo""" from typing import List, Optional, Union, Mapping import numpy as np import einops import torch import torchvision.transforms from torchvision.transforms import InterpolationMode from torchvision.transforms.functional import convert_image_dtype from transformers.image_utils import ( OPENAI_CLIP_MEAN, OPENAI_CLIP_STD, ImageInput, is_valid_image, ) from transformers.processing_utils import ImagesKwargs from transformers.image_processing_utils import BaseImageProcessor from transformers.utils import logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) def pad_to_bounding_box( image, offset_height, offset_width, target_height, target_width, value=0 ): height, width = image.shape[:2] after_padding_width = target_width - offset_width - width after_padding_height = target_height - offset_height - height return np.pad(image, [ [offset_height, after_padding_height], [offset_width, after_padding_width], [0, 0] ], constant_values=value) def normalize_image(image, offset, scale): image -= np.array(offset, dtype=np.float32)[None, None, :] image /= np.array(scale, dtype=np.float32)[None, None, :] return image def resize_and_pad( image, desired_output_size, resize_method="torch-bilinear", pad_value=0, normalize=True, image_mean=OPENAI_CLIP_MEAN, image_std=OPENAI_CLIP_STD, ): desired_height, desired_width = desired_output_size height, width = image.shape[:2] # Cast into float32 since the training code did this in float32 and it (very rarely) effects # the results after rounding. image_scale_y = np.array(desired_height, np.float32) / np.array(height, np.float32) image_scale_x = np.array(desired_width, np.float32) / np.array(width, np.float32) image_scale = min(image_scale_x, image_scale_y) scaled_height = int(np.array(height, np.float32) * image_scale) scaled_width = int(np.array(width, np.float32) * image_scale) if resize_method == "tensorflow": # This how the original training code did resizing, it can produce slightly different # results then using torch resize so we keep it just in case import tensorflow as tf image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(tf.constant(image), dtype=tf.float32) image = tf.image.resize( image, [scaled_height, scaled_width], method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, antialias=True, ) image = tf.clip_by_value(image, 0.0, 1.0) image = image.numpy() elif resize_method == "torch-bilinear": image = torch.permute(torch.from_numpy(image), [2, 0, 1]) image = convert_image_dtype(image) # resize in float32 to match the training code image = torchvision.transforms.Resize( [scaled_height, scaled_width], InterpolationMode.BILINEAR, antialias=True )(image) image = torch.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0) image = torch.permute(image, [1, 2, 0]).numpy() else: raise NotImplementedError(resize_method) top_pad = (desired_height - scaled_height) // 2 left_pad = (desired_width - scaled_width) // 2 padding = [ [top_pad, desired_height - scaled_height - top_pad], [left_pad, desired_width - scaled_width - left_pad], [0, 0] ] image_mask = np.pad(np.ones_like(image[:, :, 0], dtype=bool), padding[:2]) image = np.pad(image, padding, constant_values=pad_value) if normalize: image = normalize_image(image, offset=image_mean, scale=image_std) return image, image_mask def select_tiling(h, w, patch_size, max_num_patches): """Decide how best to divide in image of size [w, h] in up to max_num_patches of size patch_size""" original_size = np.stack([h, w]) # [1, 2] original_res = h * w tilings = [] for i in range(1, max_num_patches+1): for j in range(1, max_num_patches+1): if i*j <= max_num_patches: tilings.append((i, j)) # sort so argmin and argmax favour smaller tilings in the event of a tie tilings.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0]*x[1], x[0])) candidate_tilings = np.array(tilings, dtype=np.int32) # [n_resolutions, 2] candidate_resolutions = candidate_tilings * patch_size # [n_resolutions, 2] # How much we would need to scale the image to fit exactly in each tiling original_size = np.stack([h, w], dtype=np.float32) # [1, 2] required_scale_d = candidate_resolutions.astype(np.float32) / original_size required_scale = np.min(required_scale_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # [n_resolutions, 1] if np.all(required_scale < 1): # We are forced to downscale, so try to minimize the amount of downscaling ix = np.argmax(required_scale) else: # Pick the resolution that required the least upscaling so that it most closely fits the image required_scale = np.where(required_scale < 1.0, 10e9, required_scale) ix = np.argmin(required_scale) return candidate_tilings[ix] class MolmoImagesKwargs(ImagesKwargs, total=False): max_crops: Optional[int] overlap_margins: Optional[List[int]] base_image_input_size: Optional[List[int]] image_token_length_w: Optional[int] image_token_length_h: Optional[int] image_patch_size: Optional[int] image_padding_mask: Optional[bool] class MolmoImageProcessor(BaseImageProcessor): """Preprocess images and multi-model inputs""" def __init__( self, max_crops: int = 12, overlap_margins: List[int] = (4, 4), base_image_input_size: List[int] = (336, 336), image_token_length_w: int = 12, image_token_length_h: int = 12, image_patch_size: int = 14, image_padding_mask: bool = True, do_normalize: bool = True, image_mean: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, image_std: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.max_crops = max_crops self.overlap_margins = overlap_margins self.base_image_input_size = base_image_input_size self.image_token_length_w = image_token_length_w self.image_token_length_h = image_token_length_h self.image_patch_size = image_patch_size self.image_padding_mask = image_padding_mask self.do_normalize = do_normalize self.image_mean = image_mean if image_mean is not None else OPENAI_CLIP_MEAN self.image_std = image_std if image_std is not None else OPENAI_CLIP_STD def image_to_patches_and_tokens( self, image: ImageInput, image_patch_token_id: int, image_col_token_id: int, image_start_token_id: int, image_end_token_id: int, max_crops: Optional[int] = None, overlap_margins: Optional[List[int]] = None, base_image_input_size: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, image_token_length_w: Optional[int] = None, image_token_length_h: Optional[int] = None, image_patch_size: Optional[int] = None, ): if isinstance(base_image_input_size, int): base_image_input_size = (base_image_input_size, base_image_input_size) base_image_input_d = image_patch_size tokens_per_image = image_token_length_w * image_token_length_h image_base_patch_w = base_image_input_size[1] // base_image_input_d image_base_patch_h = base_image_input_size[0] // base_image_input_d original_image_h, original_image_w = image.shape[:2] crop_size = base_image_input_size[0] # Discard this many patches from the (left/top, right/bottom) of crops left_margin, right_margin = overlap_margins # left_margin, right_margin = 2, 2 assert left_margin % 2 == 0 # Required for compatibility with 2x2 pooling total_margin_pixels = base_image_input_d*(right_margin + left_margin) # pixels removed per dim crop_patches = base_image_input_size[0] // base_image_input_d # patches per crop dim crop_window_patches = crop_patches - (right_margin + left_margin) # usable patches crop_window_size = crop_window_patches * base_image_input_d tiling = select_tiling( original_image_h - total_margin_pixels, original_image_w - total_margin_pixels, crop_window_size, max_crops ) src, img_mask = resize_and_pad( image, [tiling[0]*crop_window_size+total_margin_pixels, tiling[1]*crop_window_size+total_margin_pixels] ) # Now we have to split the image into crops, while keeping track of how each patch in the # each crop should be ordered in the global image, this require a lot of tricky booking n_crops = tiling[0] * tiling[1] patches_arr = [] mask_arr = [] patch_ordering_arr = [] # We assume 2x2 pooling, but can allow padding the right/bottom with extra # patches if the number of patches per side is not even assert (crop_patches+1)//2 == image_token_length_h assert (crop_patches+1)//2 == image_token_length_w on = 0 on_patch = 0 for i in range(tiling[0]): y0 = i*crop_window_size if i == 0: crop_y0 = 0 else: crop_y0 = left_margin // 2 crop_h = image_base_patch_h - (right_margin + left_margin) if i == 0: crop_h += left_margin if i == (tiling[0]-1): crop_h += right_margin for j in range(tiling[1]): x0 = j*crop_window_size if j == 0: crop_x0 = 0 else: crop_x0 = left_margin // 2 crop_w = image_base_patch_w - (right_margin + left_margin) if j == 0: crop_w += left_margin if j == (tiling[1]-1): crop_w += right_margin pooled_w = (crop_w + 1) // 2 pooled_h = (crop_h + 1) // 2 patch_ordering_arr.append( pad_to_bounding_box( np.reshape(np.arange(on, on+pooled_h*pooled_w, dtype=np.int32), (pooled_h, pooled_w, 1)), crop_y0, crop_x0, image_token_length_h, image_token_length_w, value=-1 )[:, :, 0] ) patches_arr.append(src[y0:y0+crop_size, x0:x0+crop_size]) mask_arr.append(img_mask[y0:y0+crop_size, x0:x0+crop_size]) on += pooled_h*pooled_w on_patch += 1 patches = np.stack(patches_arr) patch_ordering = np.stack(patch_ordering_arr) img_mask = np.stack(mask_arr) # Switch to [n_crops, n_patches, pixels_per_patch] format image_layout_impatch_w, image_layout_impatch_h = tiling[0], tiling[1] patches = einops.rearrange( patches, 'p (h dh) (w dw) c -> p (h w) (dh dw c)', dh=base_image_input_d, dw=base_image_input_d, h=image_base_patch_h, w=image_base_patch_w ) img_mask = einops.rearrange( img_mask, 'p (h dh) (w dw) -> p (h w) (dh dw)', dh=base_image_input_d, dw=base_image_input_d, h=image_base_patch_h, w=image_base_patch_w ) img_mask = img_mask.astype(np.float32).mean(axis=-1) patch_ordering = np.reshape(patch_ordering, [-1]) valid = patch_ordering >= 0 # Transpose order, to get left-to-right order instead of crop-by-crop order patch_ordering_rh = np.reshape( patch_ordering, [tiling[0], tiling[1], image_token_length_h, image_token_length_w] ) patch_ordering_rh = np.transpose(patch_ordering_rh, [0, 2, 1, 3]) patch_ordering_rh = np.reshape(patch_ordering_rh, [-1]) # The transpose will screw up which patches are masked, project the # new order into sparse structure of `patch_ordering` to fix this patch_ordering[valid] = patch_ordering_rh[patch_ordering_rh >= 0] # Now build the output tokens h = tiling[0] * crop_window_patches + (right_margin+left_margin) w = tiling[1] * crop_window_patches + (right_margin+left_margin) per_row = np.full( ((w+1)//2,), image_patch_token_id, ) per_row = np.concatenate([per_row, [image_col_token_id]], 0) joint = np.tile(per_row, [(h+1)//2]) joint = [ [image_start_token_id], joint, [image_end_token_id] ] # Finally do the same for the global image resized, _ = resize_and_pad(image, base_image_input_size) resized = einops.rearrange( resized, '(h dh) (w dw) c -> (h w) (dh dw c)', dh=base_image_input_d, dw=base_image_input_d, h=image_base_patch_h, w=image_base_patch_w ) patches = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(resized, 0), patches], 0) # Global image goes first, so the order of patches in previous crops gets increased patch_ordering = np.where( patch_ordering >= 0, patch_ordering + tokens_per_image, -1 ) patch_ordering = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, tokens_per_image), patch_ordering], 0) per_row = np.full( (image_token_length_w,), image_patch_token_id, ) per_row = np.concatenate([per_row, [image_col_token_id]], 0) extra_tokens = np.tile(per_row, [image_token_length_h]) joint = [ [image_start_token_id], extra_tokens, [image_end_token_id], ] + joint joint = np.concatenate(joint, 0) img_mask = np.pad(img_mask, [[0, 1], [0, 0]], constant_values=-1) return patches, joint, patch_ordering, img_mask def build_image_input_idx( self, image_tokens: np.ndarray, patch_order: np.ndarray, image_patch_token_id: int, no_image: Optional[bool] = None, image_token_length_w: Optional[int] = None, image_token_length_h: Optional[int] = None, ): """Converts `patch_order` into a mapping of token_id -> patch_id""" tokens_per_image = image_token_length_w * image_token_length_h if no_image is not None and no_image: return np.zeros((0, tokens_per_image), np.int32) # Indices to insert the patches image_input_idx = image_tokens == image_patch_token_id image_input_idx = np.nonzero(image_input_idx)[0].astype(np.int32) if patch_order is not None: n_tokens = image_input_idx.shape[0] patch_order = np.reshape(patch_order, [-1]) n_patches = patch_order.shape[0] valid = patch_order >= 0 n_valid_patches = valid.sum() assert len(image_input_idx) == n_valid_patches sorted_patch_ixs = np.zeros([n_tokens], np.int32) sorted_patch_ixs[patch_order[valid]] = np.arange(n_valid_patches, dtype=np.int32) # Project the inverted mapping into same sparse structure sorted_patch_ixs_ex = np.full(np.shape(patch_order), -1) sorted_patch_ixs_ex[valid] = sorted_patch_ixs # Do the gather and then re-masked outputs that were masked in `sorted_patch_ixs` valid = (sorted_patch_ixs_ex >= 0).astype(np.int32) image_input_idx = image_input_idx[sorted_patch_ixs_ex*valid] image_input_idx = image_input_idx*valid - 100*(1 - valid) image_input_idx = np.reshape(image_input_idx, [-1, tokens_per_image]) return image_input_idx def preprocess( self, image: np.ndarray, image_patch_token_id: int, image_col_token_id: int, image_start_token_id: int, image_end_token_id: int, max_crops: Optional[int] = None, overlap_margins: Optional[List[int]] = None, base_image_input_size: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, image_token_length_w: Optional[int] = None, image_token_length_h: Optional[int] = None, image_patch_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ): """Preprocesses an image Returns: crops: (n_crops, n_patches, patch_dim) individual crops, `n_crops` might change between images but the other dimension are fixed tokens: (n_tokens,) int32 tokens, pad tokens indicate where to insert the patch features, might include other special tokens as well image_idx: (n_crops, n_patches) index in `tokens` to put the patch features from the crops after pooling, negative values indicates patches features to exclude padding_mask: (n_crops, n_patches) what percent of each crop is padding, can be None if the image mask is not being used. """ max_crops = max_crops or self.max_crops overlap_margins = overlap_margins or self.overlap_margins base_image_input_size = base_image_input_size or self.base_image_input_size image_token_length_w = image_token_length_w or self.image_token_length_w image_token_length_h = image_token_length_h or self.image_token_length_h image_patch_size = image_patch_size or self.image_patch_size crops, image_tokens, patch_ordering, img_mask = self.image_to_patches_and_tokens( image, image_patch_token_id, image_col_token_id, image_start_token_id, image_end_token_id, max_crops, overlap_margins, base_image_input_size, image_token_length_w, image_token_length_h, image_patch_size, ) patch_idx = self.build_image_input_idx( image_tokens, patch_ordering, image_patch_token_id, image_token_length_w=image_token_length_w, image_token_length_h=image_token_length_h, ) return crops, image_tokens, patch_idx, img_mask def multimodal_preprocess( self, images: np.ndarray, tokens: List[int], image_idx: np.ndarray, sequence_length: int, image_patch_token_id: int, image_col_token_id: int, image_start_token_id: int, image_end_token_id: int, **kwargs, ): """Merge images and text tokens into multi-modal features for the model :param images: images to use as input :param tokens: input text tokens :param image_idx: where to insert the images into `tokens` :params image_patch_token_id: id to use of tokens that will contain image features :params image_col_token_id: token id for image column special tokens :params image_start_token_id: token id for image start special tokens :params image_end_token_id: token id for image end special tokens :params kwargs: override preprocessor default args """ max_total_crops = kwargs.get("max_crops") or self.max_crops image_token_length_w = kwargs.get("image_token_length_w") or self.image_token_length_w image_token_length_h = kwargs.get("image_token_length_h") or self.image_token_length_h image_patch_size = kwargs.get("image_patch_size") or self.image_patch_size base_image_input_size = kwargs.get("base_image_input_size") or self.base_image_input_size image_num_patch = ( base_image_input_size[0] // image_patch_size, base_image_input_size[1] // image_patch_size, ) image_padding_mask = kwargs.get("image_padding_mask") or self.image_padding_mask tokens_per_image = image_token_length_w * image_token_length_h n_pixels = image_patch_size * image_patch_size * 3 n_patches = image_num_patch[0] * image_num_patch[1] if images is None: return { "input_ids": tokens, } else: n = len(images) all_crops = [] all_image_idx = [] out_tokens = [] all_crop_masks = [] for ix in range(n): token_ix = image_idx[ix] crops, image_tokens, patch_idx, img_mask = self.preprocess( images[ix], image_patch_token_id, image_col_token_id, image_start_token_id, image_end_token_id, **kwargs, ) if token_ix == -1: # -1 is an image inserted at the very start start = 0 token_ix = 0 end = 0 else: start = 0 if ix == 0 else image_idx[ix-1] + 1 end = token_ix + 1 all_image_idx.append(patch_idx + token_ix) all_crops.append(crops) out_tokens.append(tokens[start:token_ix]) out_tokens.append(image_tokens) if ix == (n - 1): out_tokens.append(tokens[end:]) if image_padding_mask: all_crop_masks.append(img_mask) input_ids = np.concatenate(out_tokens, 0) images = np.concatenate(all_crops, 0) image_input_idx = np.concatenate(all_image_idx, 0) if image_padding_mask: image_masks = np.concatenate(all_crop_masks, 0) else: image_masks = None out = { "input_ids": input_ids, "images": images, "image_input_idx": image_input_idx } if image_masks is not None: out["image_masks"] = image_masks return out MolmoImageProcessor.register_for_auto_class()