--- tags: - RUDOLPH - text-image - image-text - decoder --- # RUDOLPH-1.3B (Large) RUDOLPH: One Hyper-Tasking Transformer Can be Creative as DALL-E and GPT-3 and Smart as CLIP Model was trained by [Sber AI](https://github.com/sberbank-ai) team. * Task: `text2image generation`; `self reranking`; `text ranking`; `image ranking`; `image2text generation`; `zero-shot image classification`, `text2text generation`; * Language: `Russian` * Type: `decoder` * Num Parameters: `1.3B` * Training Data Volume: `119 million text-image pairs; 60 million text paragraphs` # Model Description **RU**ssian **D**ecoder **O**n **L**anguage **P**icture **H**yper-tasking (**RUDOLPH**) **1.3B** is a large text-image-text transformer designed for an easy fine-tuning for a range of tasks: from generating images by text description and image classification to visual question answering and more. This model demonstrates the power of Hyper-tasking Transformers. *Hyper-tasking means generalized multi-tasking, e.g., the model that can solve almost all tasks within supported modalities (two modalities in case of RUDOLPH: images and Russian texts).* * Tasks: ` text2image generation, self reranking, text ranking, image ranking, image2text generation, zero-shot image classification, text2text generation, text-qa, math-qa, image captioning, image generation, text-in-the-wild, vqa, and so on` * Language: ` Russian` * Type: ` decoder` * Num Parameters: ` 1.3B` * Training Data Volume: ` 119 million text-image pairs, 60 million text paragraphs` # Details of architecture ### Parameters The maximum sequence length that this model may be used with depends on the modality and stands for 128 - 1024 - 128 for the left text tokens, image tokens, and right text tokens, respectively. RUDOLPH 1.3B is a Transformer-based decoder model with the following parameters: * num\_layers (24) — Number of hidden layers in the Transformer decoder. * hidden\_size (2048) — Dimensionality of the hidden layers. * num\_attention\_heads (16) — Number of attention heads for each attention layer. # Sparse Attention Mask The primary proposed method is to modify the sparse transformer's attention mask to better control multi-modalities and up to the next level with "hyper-modality". It allows us to calculate the transitions of modalities in both directions, unlike another similar work DALL-E Transformer, which used only one direction, "text to image". The proposed "image to right text" direction is achieved by extension sparse attention mask to the right for auto-repressively text generation with both image and left text condition. # Authors + Alex Shonenkov: [Github](https://github.com/shonenkov), [Kaggle GM](https://www.kaggle.com/shonenkov)