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"0": "Chemistry and Material Sciences", |
"1": "Baseball", |
"2": "Climate Change", |
"3": "Human Rights", |
"4": "US Circuit and Appeals Courts", |
"5": "Movies", |
"6": "Environmental Activism", |
"7": "Operating Systems", |
"8": "Consumer Electronics", |
"9": "Cosmology & The Universe", |
"10": "US supreme court", |
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"12": "Global Organizations", |
"13": "Forex", |
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"15": "Environmental Science", |
"16": "Nonprofit, Charities, & Fundraising", |
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"19": "Stocks Trading", |
"20": "Mental Health Treatment", |
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"22": "Tech Giants", |
"23": "United Kingdom Economy", |
"24": "Asia Economy", |
"25": "US Involvement in Foreign Conflicts", |
"26": "Federal Election", |
"27": "Golf", |
"28": "Disease Research", |
"29": "Vaccine Development", |
"30": "Automotive and Transportation", |
"31": "Video Games", |
"32": "Renewable Energy", |
"33": "Weightlifting & Bodybuilding", |
"34": "Banking and Finance", |
"35": "Photographers", |
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"37": "Inflation", |
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"40": "Personal Finance and Financial Education", |
"41": "Real Estate & Housing", |
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"55": "Space Technology", |
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"60": "Software Applications", |
"61": "Local Policies", |
"62": "Australia Economy", |
"63": "Boxing", |
"64": "Television", |
"65": "Swimming", |
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"67": "Physics", |
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"99": "Africa Politics", |
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"108": "Food", |
"109": "Women's Health", |
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"114": "Adventure", |
"115": "Hockey", |
"116": "Chess", |
"117": "Discover", |
"118": "Local Infrastructure", |
"119": "Tech Industry Trends", |
"120": "Men's Health", |
"121": "Culture", |
"122": "Clothes", |
"123": "Computer Hardware" |
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"AI Research": 58, |
"AI Startups": 104, |
"Adventure": 114, |
"Aerobics and Cardio": 113, |
"Africa Economy": 77, |
"Africa Politics": 99, |
"Agriculture": 75, |
"Art and Culture": 57, |
"Asia Economy": 24, |
"Asia Politics": 49, |
"Australia Economy": 62, |
"Australia Politics": 107, |
"Automotive and Transportation": 30, |
"Autoracing": 43, |
"Banking and Finance": 34, |
"Baseball": 1, |
"Basketball": 18, |
"Biology": 11, |
"Boxing": 63, |
"Celebrity": 72, |
"Chemistry and Material Sciences": 0, |
"Chess": 116, |
"Civil Rights Activism": 87, |
"Climate Change": 2, |
"Clothes": 122, |
"Computer Hardware": 123, |
"Consumer Electronics": 8, |
"Consumer and Retail": 102, |
"Cosmetics": 93, |
"Cosmology & The Universe": 9, |
"Crime, Violence & Terrorism": 91, |
"Crypto Trading": 69, |
"Culture": 121, |
"Discover": 117, |
"Disease Research": 28, |
"Drug Discovery": 112, |
"Emerging Technologies": 50, |
"Energy & Natural Resources": 51, |
"Environmental Activism": 6, |
"Environmental Science": 15, |
"Epidemic and Outbreaks": 21, |
"Europe Economy": 56, |
"Europe Politics": 59, |
"Extreme Sports": 97, |
"Extreme Weather and Cataclysms": 38, |
"Federal Election": 26, |
"Federal Policies": 96, |
"Festivals": 76, |
"Food": 108, |
"Football": 83, |
"Forex": 13, |
"Fossil fuel": 17, |
"Gaming & VR": 70, |
"Global Health": 53, |
"Global Organizations": 12, |
"Golf": 27, |
"Governance": 110, |
"Health Policy": 74, |
"Hockey": 115, |
"Human Rights": 3, |
"India Economy": 103, |
"India Politics": 94, |
"Inflation": 37, |
"Interest Rates": 101, |
"Jewelry": 92, |
"Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Mediterranean": 100, |
"Labor Activism": 46, |
"Latin America Economy": 85, |
"Latin America Politics": 54, |
"Local Election": 45, |
"Local Infrastructure": 118, |
"Local Policies": 61, |
"Longevity": 71, |
"MMA": 89, |
"Medical Innovations": 106, |
"Men's Health": 120, |
"Mental Health Treatment": 20, |
"Middle East Economy": 95, |
"Middle East Politics": 98, |
"Movies": 5, |
"Music": 42, |
"Nonprofit, Charities, & Fundraising": 16, |
"Nutrition Research": 39, |
"Olympic Sports": 105, |
"Operating Systems": 7, |
"Other Sports": 81, |
"Personal Finance and Financial Education": 40, |
"Photographers": 35, |
"Physics": 67, |
"Real Estate & Housing": 41, |
"Renewable Energy": 32, |
"Royal Families": 68, |
"Soccer": 48, |
"Social Media": 88, |
"Software Applications": 60, |
"Space Exploration": 90, |
"Space Technology": 55, |
"Stocks Trading": 19, |
"Stress and Wellness": 44, |
"Swimming": 65, |
"Tech Giants": 22, |
"Tech Industry Trends": 119, |
"Tech Startups": 80, |
"Television": 64, |
"Tennis": 111, |
"US Campaigns & Elections": 52, |
"US Circuit and Appeals Courts": 4, |
"US Congress": 47, |
"US Involvement in Foreign Conflicts": 25, |
"US Involvement with International Organizations": 84, |
"US Police Misconduct": 86, |
"US Political Corruption": 66, |
"US supreme court": 10, |
"Unemployment": 36, |
"United Kingdom Economy": 23, |
"United Kingdom Politics": 14, |
"Vaccine Development": 29, |
"Video Games": 31, |
"Weightlifting & Bodybuilding": 33, |
"Women's Health": 109, |
"Workforce and Labor": 82, |
"Writing and Literature": 79, |
"pets_animals_wildlife": 73 |
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"vocab_size": 50265 |
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