In addition to a significant decrease in hepatic lipid accumulation in the IOE group, which inhibited energy intake by propionate enrichment, hepatic lipids were also significantly reduced in the mice in the IOP group, which was largely enriched with butyrate. Compared with the IOE group, IOP had a stronger regulatory effect on hepatic metabolism and triglyceride metabolism and higher levels of TCA cycle in the host. In addition, butyrate has the ability to promote browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) to brown adipose tissue (BAT).^[@ref39],[@ref40]^ WAT stores energy, whereas BAT uses energy for heating and consequently host energy expenditure increases.^[@ref41],[@ref42]^ However, adipose tissue weight does not change after WAT browning.^[@ref43]^ Therefore, the weight of adipose tissue of mice in the IOP group dominated by butyrate was greater than that of the mice in the IOE group dominated by propionate. In conclusion ([Figure [7](#fig7){ref-type="fig"}](#fig7){ref-type="fig"}C), the improvement of obesity condition in mice by both *I. obliquus* extracts was attributed to their effects on gut microbiota and SCFA profiles. IOE increased the levels of propionate-producing bacteria *Bacteroides* and *Akkermansia* in the cecum of HFD-fed mice, resulting in the enrichment of propionate. Propionate reduced weight gain in mice by inhibiting energy intake. IOP increased the levels of butyrate-production-associated bacteria *Lactobacillus* and the *Bacteroidales* S24-7 group in the cecum of HFD-fed mice, resulting in the enrichment of butyrate. Butyrate increased energy consumption, TCA cycle levels, and degradation of carbohydrates and lipids in mice by promoting mitochondrial decoupling. Conclusions {#sec4} =========== IOE and IOP ameliorated HFD-induced obesity condition in mice through differential modulatory effects on gut microbial metabolism. Moreover, we found the connections between cecal butyrate (not propionate) and chemicals of mice, including four metabolites of the TCA cycle and other metabolism-related chemicals. Materials and Methods {#sec5} ===================== Preparation of IOE/IOP {#sec5.1} ---------------------- The dried and powdered *I. obliquus* (1.0 kg) was extracted with ultrapure water (30 L) at 90 °C for 3 h and concentrated. The supernatant was evaporated in vacuo at 45 °C, followed by extracting with 4 vol of ethanol to get crude extract. The extract was deproteinized by the Sevage method five times. The supernatant was dried in vacuo and lyophilized to get IOP (62.5 g). After *I. obliquus* was extracted with water, the residue was extracted with 80% ethanol at 80 °C in a water bath for 2 h. The supernatant was dried in vacuo and lyophilized to get IOE (30.9 g). Animal Experimental Design {#sec5.2} -------------------------- The experimental protocol was approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Jilin University and complied with national laws. Five-week-old C57BL/6J male mice (15--17 g) were divided into four groups, 12 mice per group. The mice in the NCD group were fed with normal chow diet, and the mice in the HFD group, IOE group, and IOP group were fed with high-fat diet. The compositions of mice diets are presented in [Tables S4 and S5]( The mice in the IOP group were gavaged with IOP at a dose of 1000 mg/kg per day according to previous studies,^[@ref44]^ and the mice in the IOE group were gavaged with IOE at a dose of 500 mg/kg per day according to the extraction rate of IOE/IOP and the dose of IOP. After 14 weeks of treatment, the mice were sacrificed for specimens. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) {#sec5.3} ---------------------------------- OGTT was performed using a previously described method.^[@ref45]^ Serum Biochemical Analysis {#sec5.4} -------------------------- Serum and liver lipid were measured using the method of kits obtained from Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute (Nanjing, China). RNA Preparation and Quantitative PCR Analysis {#sec5.5} --------------------------------------------- The total RNA extraction and the reverse transcription (RT)-qPCR analysis of the gene expression were performed using a previously described method.^[@ref46]^ Primer sequences for the targeted mouse genes are shown in [Table S6]( Sample Collection {#sec5.6} ----------------- Urine was collected using metabolic cages at 14th week, and 50 μL of sodium azide solution (0.1% w/w) was added into each urine sample. Cecum contents were washed from cecum in a 2 mL Eppendorf tube containing 1.0 mL of cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4). All samples were then stored in a −80 °C freezer for later analysis. All samples were thawed at room temperature. Serum was prepared by mixing 100 μL of each sample with a solution of 500 μL of PBS in D~2~O (containing 3-(tri-methyl-silyl) propionic-2,2,3,3-*d*4 acid sodium salt (TSP)). Then, 200 μL exudate of cecum contents was mixed with a solution of 400 μL of PBS in D~2~O (containing TSP). Supernatants (550 μL) were pipetted into NMR analysis tubes after centrifuging (15 000 rpm, 15 min, 4 °C) and passing through 0.22 μm membrane filters. For each urine sample, 400 μL of the sample was mixed with a solution of 200 μL of PBS in H~2~O. Then, 500 μL of supernatants was pipetted into NMR analysis tubes after centrifuging (15 000 rpm, 5 min, 4 °C), and 50 μL of D~2~O containing TSP was also added to each tube. D~2~O provided a field frequency lock and TSP a chemical shift reference (^1^H, δ 0.0). NMR Data Acquisition and Processing {#sec5.7} ----------------------------------- All samples were analyzed by an AVANCE III 600M MHz NMR spectrometer at 298.2 K. ^1^H NMR spectra were acquired by one-dimensional (1D) version CPMG (serum samples) and noesyphpr (urine and cecal samples) pulse sequence with water suppression during the relaxation delay of 3 s and a mixing time of 0.1 s. Sixty-four free induction decays were collected into 64 K data points with a spectral width of 7812.5 Hz (serum samples) and 8417.5 Hz (urine and cecal samples) and an acquisition time of 2 s. Free induction decay (FID) was zero-filled to 64 K prior to Fourier transformation. Metabolite identifications were confirmed using the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) and previous studies,^[@ref47]^ based on chemical shifts of hydrogen and peak multiplicity ([Figures S5--S7 and Table S7]( All of the spectra were manually phased and baseline-corrected in software MestreNova 12.0 (Mestre-lab Research SL). Each spectrum was segmented into regions with a width of 0.005 ppm between δ 9.6 and 0.4. The δ 5.48--6.20 region in urine spectra and δ 4.72--5.20 region in all spectra were excluded to eliminate the effects of urea signals and water suppression. All remaining regions of the spectra were then normalized to the total sum of the integrated spectral area to reduce any significant concentration differences. Sequencing, Diversity Analysis, and Function Prediction of Cecal Microbiota {#sec5.8} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DNA extraction, sequencing, and data processing were performed using a previously described method.^[@ref48]^ Four parameters of the alpha diversity were used to assess the overall diversity thoroughly. The Ace and Chao (only presence/absence of taxa considered) indexes determine the richness in a community, while the Shannon and Simpson indexes (additionally accounts for the number of times that each taxon was observed) determine the richness and/or evenness of a community. In addition, a higher Shannon index or a lower Simpson index indicates higher community diversity. Unlike alpha diversity, beta diversity was used to measure the division of diversity between two or more communities. Microbial communities had often been characterized using divergence-based measures of beta diversity to determine whether two or more communities were significantly different. We used PICRUSt (phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states) to perform functional predictions. PICRUSt generates metagenomic predictions from 16S rRNA data using annotations of sequenced genomes in the IMG database. Moreover, the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database was used for functional classification.^[@ref49]^ Statistical Analysis {#sec5.9} -------------------- The data were expressed as means ± standard errors of the means (SEM). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to identify significant differences among four groups, followed by the indicated post hoc test (lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) comparison test). The results were considered statistically significant at *p*-value \< 0.05 unless otherwise specified in the figures. *P*-value between two independent groups was analyzed using an unpaired two-tailed *t*-test. Metabolomics data were subjected to OPLS-DA using software SIMCA 14.0 (Umetrics, Sweden) and used to construct multivariate statistical models. Bivariate correlations were calculated using Spearman's *r* coefficients. Heatmaps were constructed using Excel 2016. Accession Number {#sec5.10} ---------------- High-throughput sequencing data have been submitted to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under the accession number PRJNA576716. The Supporting Information is available free of charge at []( score plots of the OPLS-DA classification; VIP plot of OPLS-DA; pathway analysis based on different metabolites; effects of IOE/IOP on gut microbial diversity; ^1^H NMR spectra of mice serum, urine, and cecal contents (Figures S1--S7); main metabolites of serum, urine, and cecum contents; compositions of NCD and HFD; primer sequence for amplification of the fragments; and metabolite identifications (Tables S1--S7) ([PDF]( Supplementary Material ====================== ###### ao0c01566_si_001.pdf Conceptualization, J.Y., H.X., and Q.X.; investigation, J.Y.; supervision and resources, H.X. and Q.X.; Writing-original draft, J.Y. and J.-Y.X. The authors declare no competing financial interest. This work was supported by the Jilin Province Science and Technology Institute of China (No. 20180201078YY). TC : total cholesterol TG : triglycerides HDL : high-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL : low-density lipoprotein cholesterol TSP : 3-(tri-methyl-silyl) propionic-2, 2, 3, 3-*d*4 acid sodium salt PBS : phosphate-buffered saline Chrebp : carbohydrate-responsive element binding protein GK : glucokinase PK : pyruvate kinase PEPCK : phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase PC : pyruvate carboxylase FBPase : fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase G6Pase : glucose-6-phosphatase Ppar-γ : peroxisome proliferator-activated recepto γ Srebp1c : sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c Fas : fatty acid synthase Acl : ATP-citrate lyase Scd1 : stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 Acc : acetyl-CoA carboxylase Acox : acyl-CoA oxidase Ppar-α : peroxisome proliferator-activated recepto α Cpt1 : carnitine palmitoyltransferase I Mcad : medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Dgat1 : diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 Dgat2 : diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 Gpat : glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase VIP : variable importance of projection OPLS-DA : orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis CoA : coenzyme A SCFA : short-chain fatty acids Description Foreign trailer for Gokusen. After seven years of enduring popularity on television, Gokusen, finally makes its silver screen debut. Winning over the hearts of millions of viewers and becoming a national heroine, Yukie Nakama reprises her role as Kumiko Yamaguchi, a.k.a Yankumi. Wearing jerseys, glasses and pigtails, the dowdy high school instructor becomes the homeroom teacher for the wild delinquents of Class 3D. At first glance, Kumiko seems like she can be easily intimidated, but much to everyone's surprise, she remains unfazed by her students' shenanigans. Her courage and discipline comes from being raised by a family who also happens to be a feared yakuza clan. With her strong sense of justice and her fierce brawling abilities, Kumiko follows her principles and upholds honor to solve the problems that trouble her students. --- abstract: | We design a new, fast algorithm for agnostically learning univariate probability distributions whose densities are well approximated by piecewise polynomial functions. Let $f$ be the density function of an arbitrary univariate distribution, and suppose that $f$ is $\OPT$ close in $L_1$-distance to an unknown piecewise polynomial function with $t$ interval pieces and degree $\pdeg$. Our algorithm draws $n = O(t(\pdeg+1)/\eps^2)$ samples from $f$, runs in time $\Otilde (n \cdot \poly (\pdeg))$, and with probability at least $9/10$ outputs an $O(t)$-piecewise degree-$\pdeg$ hypothesis $h$ that is $4 \cdot \OPT +\eps$ close to $f$. Our general algorithm yields (nearly) sample-optimal and [*nearly-linear time*]{} estimators for a wide range of structured distribution families over both continuous and discrete domains in a unified way. For most of our applications, these are the [*first*]{} sample-optimal and nearly-linear time estimators in the literature. As a consequence, our work resolves the sample and computational complexities of a broad class of inference tasks via a single “meta-algorithm”. Moreover, we experimentally demonstrate that our algorithm performs very well in practice. Our algorithm consists of three “levels”: (i) At the top level, we employ an iterative greedy algorithm for finding a good partition of the real line into the pieces of a piecewise polynomial. (ii) For each piece, we show that the sub-problem of finding a good polynomial fit on the current interval can be solved efficiently with a separation oracle method. (iii) We reduce the task of finding a separating hyperplane to a combinatorial problem and give an efficient algorithm for this problem. Combining these three procedures gives a density estimation algorithm with the claimed guarantees. author: - | Jayadev Acharya[^1]\ EECS, MIT\ - | Ilias Diakonikolas[^2]\ Informatics, U. of Edinburgh\ - | Jerry Li[^3]\ EECS, MIT\ - | Ludwig Schmidt[^4]\ EECS, MIT\ bibliography: - 'allrefs.bib' title: 'Sample-Optimal Density Estimation in Nearly-Linear Time' --- Appendix {#appendix .unnumbered} ======== [^1]: Supported by a grant from the MIT-Shell Energy Initiative. [^2]: Supported by a Marie Curie CIG, EPSRC grant EP/L021749/1 and a SICSA grant. [^3]: Supported by NSF grant CCF-1217921 and DOE grant DE-SC0008923. [^4]: Supported by MADALGO and a grant from the MIT-Shell Energy Initiative. Extra-anatomic aortic bypass for complex (re-) coarctation and hypoplastic aortic arch in adolescents and adults. Various surgical approaches have been proposed for complex (re-) coarctation and aortic arch hypoplasia (AAH). We report seven patients (mean age 19.6+/-9.5 years) with complex coarctation or re-coarctation and AAH successfully treated by extra-anatomic ascending-to-descending aortic bypass (ADB) via sternotomy between 1995 and 2002 without mortality and no relevant complication early postoperatively and during a follow-up of 24+/-29 (0.2-84) months. ADB may therefore be considered in selected patients with (re-) coarctation with AAH, with the need for concomitant ascending aortic or cardiac surgery and in patients with aortic arch stenosis and increased risk of complications under DHCA. This invention generally relates to the formation of gas tight pressure blocks in multiple wire or conductor electric cables such as telephone cables to enable air pressurization of sections of such cables. In particular, this invention is useful in maintaining fluid pressure in the pressure block forming compound during multiple injections at a single site on a cable during in-field service or installation. U.S. Pat. No. 3,823,250, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, discloses a tap fitting suitable for use with the valve hereinafter described. Briefly, the tap fitting comprises a curved base sheet for placement over an opening cut in the sheath of the cable and an injection port integrally formed with and projecting from the sheet, the port including means for forming a pressure tight covering, such as threads about the mouth of the port. As is well known in the art, air pressurization of sections of electric and telephone cables prevents the seepage of water or moisture into the cable and the resulting noise and interference in communication and power circuits. Pressure blocks forming dams at intermittent points over the length of the cables are provided by injecting a self-setting liquid compound which hardens and fills the space around the wires over a sufficient length to hold the air pressure. To form such a pressure block it is necessary to make an opening in the cable sheathing leading to the interior and then to provide and exteriorly positioned fitting through which the liquid block forming compound may be injected. To accomplish this, a fluid injector is used. Typically the fluid injector comprises a chamber containing a discrete amount of block forming compound, a pressurizing plunger operative in the chamber, and a nozzle in fluid communication with the chamber through which the fluid is ejected in response to the compression movement of the plunger operating on the compound. The fluid compound is injected into the interior of the cable by threading the nozzle of the fluid injector to the tap fitting and compressing the plunger. Where a large amount of compound is needed to fill the cable interior to the desired extent, i.e., more than the amount normally contained within the injector chamber, the continuous injection operation must be interrupted so that the injector chamber can be refilled or recharged. To recharge the fluid injector in the midst of the injection operation, the pressure on the plunger of the fluid injector is released and the plunger is withdrawn to permit access to the injector chamber for refilling with the compound. Recharging in the midst of the cable filling for block forming operation presents a number of drawbacks. Due to residual pressure in the cable, some of the liquid compound escapes through the tap fitting and pressure interior of the cable is normally lost. To overcome these problems, stop valves have been devised to be interposed between the fluid injector and the cable interior. Such stop valves permit injection of fluid through a fitting into the cable interior while opposing the escape of the pressurized fluid compound therefrom. The 3M Company of Minneapolis, Minn., for example, markets a resin pressure splicing system under the trademark "SCOTCHCAST Brand R.P.S." The 3M system includes a one-way valve that opens to permit the injection of the blocking compound and closes under the residual back pressure to prevent the escape of the blocking compound. Such prior art valves have considerable drawbacks, particularly where the nozzle of the fluid injector is adapted to sealably couple with a conduit (which includes the valve) into the cable interior. For example, due to the pressure seal between the injection nozzle and the valve, it is difficult to release the plunger of the fluid injector, since any attempt to do so creates a vacuum in the interior of the fluid injector. This makes it difficult to recharge the fluid injector while it is in place on the tap fitting. /* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.refactoring.safeDelete.usageInfo; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; /** * @author yole */ public interface SafeDeleteCustomUsageInfo { void performRefactoring() throws IncorrectOperationException; } Why isn't climate change keeping more Senators up tonight? All-nighters are usually the result of not doing your homework, but this evening twenty-eight United States senators will be up for pretty much the opposite reason. Having read the latest science on climate change, they will be making speeches through the night to call for comprehensive action to meet this threat. It’s an unusual tactic, but the real question isn’t why are twenty-eight of them talking all night, but why the other seventy-two senators are sleeping when we’re facing such a serious challenge. All the major American scientific organization have been warning us about the reality and seriousness of climate change for years. And while it may be happening slowly, that won’t make it any less expensive or devastating. If taxpayers liked paying for damage from Hurricane Sandy, or the droughts and wildfires in the West and Midwest, they’re going to have a ball as the impacts get stronger in the years to come. So why are the Sleeping 72 ignoring this severe threat to our economy and our environment? It’s not that endorsing the science of climate change is unpopular in this country. 69% of Americans believe there is “solid evidence” the climate is changing (Pew, 2013). But as is almost always the case, members of Congress care a lot less about what Americans in general think than about what the voters of their state or district think. Even more specifically, that means being wary about taking position that might alienate the core supporters of your party, or ‘gettable’ moderates. As a result, many House members from solidly conservative districts, and Senators from swing states, are afraid to step out on an issue like climate change. Never mind that prudent action now will save their constituents money in the long run, and protect future generations from devastating storms, droughts, and health effects. If the politics look worrisome, they’d rather get a good night’s sleep tonight. But the funny thing about politics is that we often get it wrong. Like in sports, sometimes the worst thing you can do is play not to lose – avoid risks to nurse a lead, hoping it will hold up. Clearly, there are a lot incumbents who have calculated that denying the obvious truth of climate science will protect them from unnecessary political risk. But, in the long run, that could be a losing political strategy. 80% of voters under 35 want action to address climate change. More importantly to politicians who are afraid of the issue, 56% of younger voters who don’tgenerally approveof President Obama’s job performance support action (GS Strategy Group, Benenson Strategy Group, 2013). And it’s not just the long run. Even in 2014, before that demographic wave washes over us, signalling a sensible position on climate change (it’s real, we should act prudently) is a great way to signal moderation to swing voters. Senators, of course, know the politics of their states much better than most of us outside observers. But most of them also know they got their jobs by, at some point, upsetting the status quo – beating an incumbent, surprising a front-runner, grabbing a forgotten issue and rallying the public. In business and in politics, new ideas are disruptive. If the Sleeping 72 want to avoid becoming the Kodak or Blockbuster of politics, they’d better wake up to the threat of climate change. Keith Gaby Get new posts by email Comments Michael Ashley March 10, 2014at 7:22 pm (ET) If people would pay attention to the fact that politicians follow the money not the voters they might see that this is the best time to start a green socialist/ capitalist party ( I know - it's a fantasy ) Vivian Tisevich March 10, 2014at 9:17 pm (ET) Hmm, wondering why Ohio isn't being represented tonight? Unless I missed seeing Senator Brown and Sen. Portman's name, and if so, I apologize. I realize there are many other issues of concern to keep my reps busy, such as working to amend the Indian Child Welfare Act, that I contacted them about today, but c'mon, is climate or the abduction of children off reservations even on their top ten list? It matters to me, even tho I'm just a little ole voting gal in Ohio. When we know better, we do better. Those of you there tonight made the choice to do better. thank You! By the time the really obvious effects of climate change show, most of these senators will be out of office or died of old age. The extreme weather we experience now is easy to brush off as natural variation, and no one can say storm x was caused by climate change. It is hard for any person, especially senators to react to something unless it is staring them in the face. By the time it is staring us in the face it will be too late. The world will not end, but it will be forever changed. Training for a major sports event is never easy, be it for the first 5km run or the fifth ultra-marathon, but Tinké is here to the rescue! Follow the journey of Chris Small and James Rotheram, two first-time Tinké users, as they make use of this nifty device to get their body prepared for their ascent up Mount Kinabalu. Preparing for this big event should be no different from preparing for any other significant occasion in your life. Physical and mental preparation is important to ensure that you can perform at your peak during the event itself. The Tinké then helps keep track of your fitness and wellness levels, to ensure that you deliver your best performance. Tinké interprets your fitness and stress indices through the measurement of your heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation and heart rate variability. The Zensorium application and dashboard then stores the readings and tracks the progress over time. “James and I haven’t done some tracking in awhile, and he came up with this idea. And so, we’re going to climb Mount Kinabalu together,” said 28-year-old Chris Small. “And the Tinké is good for that (Helping to prepare for the climb),” added 35-year-old James Rotheram. Getting started, the duo decided to try out a hypoxia chamber to see how their body would fare under external conditions, similar to what they would face on their climb up Mount Kinabalu. After doing some simple exercises, Chris was shocked to see that his Vita reading was only 47/99. “A sense of a reality check, I wasn’t as healthy as I thought I was,” said Chris. The duo knew that they had to improve their health, fitness and stamina, and fast. As part of their preparation, both friends practiced yoga for mind and body relaxation, two weeks prior to the climb. “Everywhere we’ve come on this project, everyone has said we need to improve our breathing. And yoga is really a good way of doing that,” mentioned James. As a trial run, the duo trekked up Bukit Timah hill two days before their Mount Kinabalu climb. On the day of the climb itself, while both James and Chris were satisfied with how they have progressed over the previous month, it remains uncertain if they would be able to complete the hike up Mount Kinabalu. Chris appeared fitter than James, and James was concerned if he would become a liability for Chris. “I think now we are in a better place than we were before. We’ve spent two weeks of training, prepared all the gear that we need, we’ve done our yoga, we’ve worked on our breathing, and in relaxing ourselves and our bodies, and we’ve done a lot of physical training. I think after all that, we are more prepared than we initially were. On Tinké, my scores are pretty good,” said Chris. “My score this morning wasn’t brilliant on Tinké, but that’s not telling how my body feels, but we need to get hiking to see how the body reacts,” remarked a concerned James. While the ascend itself was a daunting experience, both friends pulled through and made it to the top, being possibly at the highest point one could ever be in South East Asia. “This was tough. This was really tough. Am I built for it? Maybe now? But a month ago and doing our training? No. All this played a role and helped me get ready for this climb,” said Chris. Using Tinké for a month, Chris and James were able to improve their Vita and Zen indices, to successfully conquer Mount Kinabalu. The journey itself will not be easy, but training with Tinké can make the process a whole lot simpler. Recommended articles: Zensorium | 5 Simple Back-to-Basics Workout Zensorium | 5 Ways to be a better runner Zensorium | Why is running good for you? Follow us on: Zensorium, the makers of Tinké and Being. Pros: Cons: The Worms series of games have always been a bit off-kilter. In its initial incarnation as a time-sensitive 2D turn-based strategy game, Worms pitted cute little animated earth-munchers against one another with a vast arsenal of weapons and power-ups amid bright, colorful environments that got blown to bits in the process. As fans eagerly anticipate the first 3D incarnation of the series next year, Team 17 have created an unusual spin-off to keep us quite busy and amused: the rather addictive and hyperactive combat puzzle game, Worms Blast. Bust-A-Worm? Although Blast has the look of a Worms game, the gameplay is totally different. It's more like the puzzle-flavored Bust-a-Move, which involves shooting bubbles at puzzle pieces falling from the sky. In this game, you control a little boat-bound character armed with a bazooka that fires color-coded missiles. You can move left and right, tilt the cannon up and down to alter your trajectory, and collect other weapons and power-up crates, released by destroying puzzle pieces with a missile of the same color. Since your character is in a boat, you also have to contend with rising tides, torrential weather conditions, sea monsters, and other hazards of the deep zooming around as you fight for survival. In most of the challenges, puzzle pieces gradually descend towards the water regardless of whether or not you shoot at them, so it's important to keep clearing the puzzle pieces lest you get pushed underwater. In addition, rising tides must be quelled by gathering falling stars, which are also among the puzzle pieces. If your aim is terribly off, and you hit nothing at all, cartoon items such as anvils, refrigerators, and cannonballs will fall from the sky, geared towards bonking you on the head and damaging your health. It's a far cry from the whole "you-take-a-turn, I-take-a-turn" format of the original games. Worms Blast offers a number of gameplay modes. There are numerous full-screen challenges where you face the puzzles alone, as well as a number of head-to-head modes where you play via split screen against another person or the CPU. It's a good idea to play through some of the single-player challenges first -- they serve as a sort of boot camp, where you'll learn all the basics of puzzle combat (as odd as that may sound). As you progress in these single-player missions, you'll occasionally unlock new modes. In one challenge, you've got six missiles and six tough-to-hit targets, but all the time in the world to hit them. In another, UFOs (composed of puzzle pieces) zoom towards the water and you've got to hit as many as possible directly in the belly before the timer runs out. Another challenge involves hitting rapidly descending targets on alternate sides of the screen in quick succession, adding a couple of seconds to the timer with each successful shot. There are simply too many variations in each mode to catalog here, which is a good thing. Some of the challenges are frustrating, but they're considerably varied and ultimately rewarding. Timed target shooting is one of many intense challenges you'll face in puzzle mode. Your progress in the main puzzle mode gets saved along the way, so once you pass a really tough challenge, you have the option of never looking back. You can also return to a challenge you enjoyed, or continue the remaining challenges with any character of your choice. The characters (which oddly enough, aren't limited to worms) have varying thresholds for damage, and their boats vary in terms of size and speed. There's also a tournament mode, in which you've got to survive for as long as possible during specific challenges, most of which are subtle variations of the ones introduced in the puzzle mode. Q: как передать json на сервер Здравствуйте, у меня есть 2 json объекта, находящиеся в javascript. Каким образом мне хранить их на сервере, файлами или в запросе передавать? Пожалуйста, с примерами кода. Бэкэнд на ASP.NET 4.5 A: На клиенте конвертировать его в string: myStringObj = JSON.stringify(myObj); Дальше отправить его любым способом на сервер (xhr, form submit); Процесс здесь А как хранить вам виднее, либо база данных, либо статичный json, зависит от того что делаете Category: Console We all know that Microsoft is working on a certain project called the Project Scorpio and that it’s just the next generation of the Xbox console. It was back in 2016, Microsoft had announced at the E3 about their next project codenamed Project Scorpio. Back then they announced that the console is set to be rolled out in 2017. It’s already 2017, and we haven’t heard anything much about the release date of the Xbox 2 until now. There are fresh rumors surrounding the Xbox Scorpio release date, and we are going to discuss it in this post. The current console the Xbox One has been launched back on November 22, 2013, in the US and clearly ended up winning hearts of people. So Xbox fans really got excited when they first heard of the project. But the only question that has been on people’s minds had been that when exactly does Microsoft plan to launch their products. Of course, they said the Xbox 2 Release Date in 2017 but we are already halfway through the year, already five months into the year and there is no real confirmation. Fans have been wondering is if the release date has been postponed to which we now have an answer. The new rumor is basically good news for fans who can pretty much hope to pick up the console this Christmas. This is just the sort of news we had been waiting for since the time the project was announced. This is the rumor that has emerged right before the 2017 E3 gaming expo. And the best fact is that the news comes from none other than the Xbox boss Phil Spencer, who when asked on Twitter is there is a change in the Xbox 2 release date, replied saying this: “Schedule looks very good right now, no issues.” This is what has prompted fans and tech gurus to believe that the console will be coming out in the second of the year and the most convenient time is the holiday season of Christmas, which is a great time to send your product sales soaring. We are expecting that Microsoft will announce the date of the release at the E3 gaming expo and there are expectations that they might also end up revealing the price of the console so that people are pretty much equipped to handle the pocket burn when Xbox 2 actually hits the market shelves. There are a lot of talks going on surrounding the Xbox 2 and a lot of rumors as to what new things that console will be bringing on the table. There are reports that there’ll be Voice Control Settings which will make the console a serious winner in the gaming industry. People expect the console to come with everything that the new and advanced technology has to offer in this modern day time. There are also talks that the Xbox 2 will be featuring custom game specific controllers that’ll be great, to say the least. And folks, this is all that we know about the upcoming console, but there is no official confirmation regarding these, so you should really take these rumors with a pinch of salt. Katabexin, Medichrom The drug brand named Katabexin contains generic salt-Betahistine Hydrochloride and is manufactured by Medichrom.Katabexin is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- N07CA01-Betahistine. Generic Salts Betahistine Hydrochloride Available types of drugs N / A Medical categories Human DrugAntivertigo drugs Usage-Diseases N07CA01-BetahistineManufacturers Medichrom More Drugs The drug brand named Kasmucol contains generic salt-Acebrophylline and is manufactured by Teva.Kasmucol is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC. Generic Salts The drug brand named Kas contains generic salt-Preparation for Enteral Nutrition and is manufactured by Nutricia-Bago.Kas is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC. Ge... The drug brand named Kastair EZ contains generic salt-Montelukast Sodium and is manufactured by Pediatrica.Kastair EZ is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- R03DC03-Montelukast. The drug brand named Kast contains generic salt-Montelukast and is manufactured by RND Laboratories.Kast is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- R03DC03-Montelukast. Gen... The drug brand named Kastorion contains generic salt-Montelukast Sodium and is manufactured by OEP Philippines.Kastorion is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- R03DC03-Montelukas... The drug brand named Katabios contains generic salt-Multivitamins and is manufactured by Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche.Katabios is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- A11BA-Mu... The drug brand named Katagrip contains generic salt-Acetaminophen and is manufactured by Angelini.Katagrip is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC. Generic Salts The drug brand named Katapekt contains generic salt-Ammonium Chloride and is manufactured by Vitabalans.Katapekt is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- N02AA59-Codeine, combinati... The drug brand named Katar contains generic salt-Corynebacterium Pseudodiphtheriae and is manufactured by Istituto Sieroterapico Berna.Katar is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-... The drug brand named Katasuccin contains generic salt-Succinic Acid and is manufactured by Unidentified Pharmaceutical Company.Katasuccin is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- A... The drug brand named Katen contains generic salt-Mexiletine Hydrochloride and is manufactured by Zentiva.Katen is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- C01BB02-Mexiletine. The drug brand named Kathro contains generic salt-Cholesterol and is manufactured by Unidentified Pharmaceutical Company.Kathro is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC.... The drug brand named Katin contains generic salt-Bile Salts and is manufactured by Instituto Sanitas.Katin is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC. Generic Salts The drug brand named Kativ N contains generic salt-Vitamin K1 (Phytonadione) and is manufactured by Unidentified Pharmaceutical Company.Kativ N is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (IC... The drug brand named Katogel contains generic salt-Emollient and is manufactured by Deverge Medicina e Medicalizzazione.Katogel is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- D02AX-Other... The present disclosure relates to computer systems, and in particular to managing file access to applications that are deployed in a virtualized computer environment. Virtualized computer environments, which may include cloud computing systems, composite information technology systems and computer cluster systems, are used to provide computer resources or other computing resources to end users. In a cloud computing environment, the physical hardware configuration is hidden from the end user. Cloud computing systems may include servers, network storage devices, routers, gateways, communication links, software (e.g., applications, operating systems, web services, etc.), and other devices. However, because the physical hardware and software platforms on which cloud computing system is implemented are hidden within a “cloud,” they can be managed, upgraded, replaced or otherwise changed by a system administrator without the customer being aware of or affected by the change. A computer cluster, also referred to as a cluster, may be considered as a type of cloud computing environment and may include a set of loosely connected computers that may be connected to one another via local networks. In a typical cloud computing environment, applications may be executed on virtual machines or appliances, which are guest operating systems installed within a host system and an optional preset configuration and structure (e.g., combination of operating system and web server). Virtual Machines are typically implemented with either software emulation or hardware virtualization, or both. A single hardware and/or software platform may host a number of virtual machines, each of which may have access to some portion of the platform's resources, such as processing resources, storage resources, etc. Because different applications that are deployed in a cloud computing environment may require access to files, such files may not be consistent among the different applications and/or instances of applications unless a shared location is provided, which may impose unwanted additional complexity to the installation and maintenance of the application. Additionally, unexpected outcomes may occur in the event that two different applications and/or instances of applications access the same file in an overlapping time period. Yet further, synchronization of files used by more than one application and/or instance may be problematic in a cloud computing environment. Q: Insert a row with default value column in sqlalchemy I am writing a program which uses a database with sqlalchemy as client. Here is one of my tables class DownloadRecord(Base): __tablename__ = "DownloadRecords" id = Column("Id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) download_name = Column("DownloadName", Unicode, nullable=False) download_date = Column( "DownloadDate", DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, nullable=False ) the column download_date is defined with a default value, both here and in the server side table. Here is the definition of the column on the mssql server DownloadDate DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT GETDATE() however I try to add the record DownloadRecord(download_name="new_download_name") and I get the following exception. sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (pyodbc.IntegrityError) ('23000', "[23000] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'DownloadDate', table 'DownloadRecords'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. (515) (SQLExecDirectW); [23000] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. (3621)") [SQL: INSERT INTO [DownloadRecords] ([DownloadName], [DownloadDate]) OUTPUT inserted.[Id] VALUES (?, ?)] [parameters: ("new_download_name", None)] I also tried to make this column nullable but When I added the new row the DownloadDate column was Null. How do I make it automatically use the default value? A: The problem is incompatibility between the type of the column DownloadDate and the type of the value you give as its default value on the client side. The type you used is DateTime (on the server side as well as the client side). However, in the following code: Column("DownloadDate", DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, nullable=False) the return value of datetime.datetime.utcnow() is a timezone aware object, while SQL Server's DateTime isn't. I see two possible solutions: Change the default value to a callable which returns a datetime object which is not timezone aware. Change the type of the DownloadDate column to a timezone aware type. You can use SQL Server's datetimeoffset on the server side, and SQLAlchemy's DATETIMEOFFSET on the client side. Take a look at Microsoft's docs on date and time types for the full reference. On another note, consider moving to a code first design, where you define your schema in one place. Live and let love / "Though Willow Pierce has moved forward since her husband died two years ago, she can't ignore her sixth sense that Jack is alive. When newcomer Con Russo comes to town, Willow is convinced he's Jack. She'd never forget his eyes. Willow is determined to learn the truth about Con's identity-even... Full description The fate of chlorine and organic materials in swimming pools. The fate of organic nitrogen and carbon introduced into a swimming pool by pool users has been studied using a 2.2 m(3) model pool. The study made use of a body fluid analogue (BFA), containing the primary endogenous organic amino compounds, and a soiling analogue represented by humic acid (HA). The system was used to examine the effect of organic loading and organic carbon (OC) sources (i.e. amino or HA) on the levels and speciation of the key chlorinated disinfection by-products of trihalomethanes (THMs) and chloramines under operating conditions representative of those employed on a full-scale pool. Results revealed OC, chloramines and THMs to all attain steady-state levels after 200-500 h of operation, reflecting mineralisation of the dosed OC. Steady-state levels of OC were roughly linearly dependent on dose rate over the range of operational conditions investigated and, as with the chloramine levels recorded, were in reasonable agreement with those reported for full-scale pools. THM levels recorded were somewhat lower than those found in real pools, and were dependent on both on pH carbon source: the THM formation propensity for the soling analogue was around eight times than of the BFA. Of the assayed by-products, only nitrate was found to accumulate, accounting for 4-28% of the dosed amino nitrogen. Contrary to previous postulations based on the application of Henry's Law, only insignificant amounts of the volatile by-products were found to be lost to the atmosphere. Q: textbf doesn't work with txfonts package If I compile this, it won't work - the text won't be bold. \documentclass[9pt, a4paper]{extarticle} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[IL2]{fontenc} \usepackage{txfonts} \begin{document} \textbf{Something} \end{document} If I remove the package usage, it'll work, but I do need it. What should I do? A: The log file tells you LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `IL2/txr/m/n' undefined (Font) using `IL2/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 5. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `IL2/txr/bx/n' undefined (Font) using `IL2/txr/m/n' instead on input line 6. meaning that txfonts doesn't support the IL2 encoding (just a few fonts do) and the standard Computer Modern font is used instead. Vision Our Vision Develop and sustain a nationally recognized model for community fitness and health; Maintain a wellness campus that serves more than 3,000 diverse members with integrative programming; Operate with fiscal and organizational sustainability. Vermont’s future prosperity depends on our ability to provide citizens with a solid foundation of health and physical fitness. A healthy population becomes the basis for community and economic development, as healthy citizens are also productive employees, contributing community members, nurturing parents and motivated participants in our education system. The key to a healthy population is a multi-dimensional fitness environment that provides opportunities for a social and family experience, skill building through sports, and sustainable pursuit of fitness or athletic performance goals. Vermonters have had a long standing commitment to the cultivation of our landscapes for recreational use, to thoughtful investment in an innovative recreation business community, and to the design of cutting edge equipment and programs designed to engage individuals at all ages and abilities in health and physical fitness and the pursuit of athletic performance. The Confluence–as a community sports center--has a unique role to play in securing access for adults, youth and children to these investments and innovations that can overcome the challenges in our community. Together, we can work to forward a vision of a healthy population, a rewarding recreation legacy and sustainable economic future for Vermonters. 88 N.Y.2d 925 (1996) 669 N.E.2d 1111 646 N.Y.S.2d 789 The People of the State of New York, Respondent, v. John A. Ceresoli, Appellant. Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Argued June 6, 1996. Decided June 28, 1996. Frank Policelli, Utica, for appellant. Michael A. Arcuri, District Attorney of Oneida County, Utica (Timothy P. Fitzgerald of counsel), for respondent. Chief Judge KAYE and Judges SIMONS, TITONE, BELLACOSA, SMITH, LEVINE and CIPARICK concur. MEMORANDUM. The order of the Appellate Division should be affirmed. *926Defendant was charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument and with the theft of $3,500 from the Toccolana Club, a private social club in Rome, New York. After his conviction for grand larceny in the fourth degree (Penal Law § 155.30), defendant moved pursuant to CPL 330.30 to set aside the verdict on the ground of juror misconduct involving a single seated juror. During voir dire, the juror, a resident of Rome, was asked whether he was "familiar with members of the Toccolano Club." The juror responded: "I just know where it is, not really, no." It was subsequently established that the juror had decades earlier himself been a nominal member of the club, and two of his relatives were or had been members. After a hearing on defendant's motion, the trial court found there was no improper conduct on the part of the juror, and further that the juror's conduct had not "affected a substantial right of the defendant" (CPL 330.30 [2]). The Appellate Division affirmed. The trial court's undisturbed factual finding has support in the record and, like the alleged excessiveness of defendant's sentence, is beyond the scope of our review. Order affirmed in a memorandum. Kennedy Says He’d Consider a Senate Run If Warren Tapped for VP A Kennedy in the Senate? Surely you jest. Get a compelling long read and must-have lifestyle tips in your inbox every Sunday morning — great with coffee! It’s been seven years since we’ve seen a Kennedy in the Senate. With a little nudge from presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, that could soon change. Congressman Joe Kennedy III told WCVB’s Janet Wu during a Thursday night taping of her show, On the Record, that he would consider a run for Elizabeth Warren’s Senate seat in the event she’s tapped to be Clinton’s running mate this November. Ted Kennedy won the seat in a special election in 1962 after his brother, John F. Kennedy, was elected president. He held the seat for 47 years until his death in 2009. Joe Kennedy worked on his great-uncle’s re-election campaign in 2006 before enrolling in Harvard Law School, where Warren taught for nearly 20 years. Cosmo centerfold Scott Brown won the seat in a 2010 special election, defeating Attorney General Martha Coakley. Brown served for just two years before he was ousted by Warren, who became the Bay State’s first female senator. After a failed Senate campaign in New Hampshire, Brown now spends his time calling in to Herald Radio and following Donald Trump around. Wu’s interview with Kennedy airs Sunday at 11 a.m. Characterization of the limited specificity of antigen recognition in earthworms. Parenteral administration of foreign proteins results in earthworms in significantly increased levels of the antigen-binding protein (ABP). The earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia foetida; Oligochaeta, Annelida) were stimulated with different proteins and the ABP response was followed with an anti-ABP monoclonal antibody and in ligand assay with biotin conjugates of all proteins used for stimulation. ABP levels are increased after the stimulation with different proteins irrespective of the size and extent of glycosylation. Molar mass of the ABP molecules was always the same, 56 kDa in L. terrestris and 60 kDa in E. foetida. The level of the specificity is considerably lower in comparison with immunoglobulins since ABP reacts not only with the protein used for stimulation but also, though to lesser extent, with related proteins. getFromName("_rels/.rels")); foreach ($relations->Relationship as $rel) { if ($rel["Type"] == Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_COREPROPERTIES) { // Found core properties! Read in contents... $contents = simplexml_load_string( $package->getFromName(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/" . basename($rel["Target"])) ); foreach ($contents->children(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_DUBLINCORE) as $child) { $coreProperties[$child->getName()] = (string)$child; } foreach ($contents->children(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_COREPROPERTIES) as $child) { $coreProperties[$child->getName()] = (string)$child; } foreach ($contents->children(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_DUBLINCORETERMS) as $child) { $coreProperties[$child->getName()] = (string)$child; } } } return $coreProperties; } /** * Determine absolute zip path * * @param string $path * @return string */ protected function absoluteZipPath($path) { $path = str_replace(['/', '\\'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen'); $absolutes = []; foreach ($parts as $part) { if ('.' == $part) { continue; } if ('..' == $part) { array_pop($absolutes); } else { $absolutes[] = $part; } } return implode('/', $absolutes); } } AE Works Awarded Design to Upgrade Spinal Cord Injury Center AE Works to lead design efforts that target expansion of one of the Country’s largest Spinal Cord Injury Centers Pittsburgh-headquartered architectural and engineering firm, AE Works was recently awarded a contract to provide design and engineering services to renovate and expand the existing Spinal Cord Injury & Disorders Center of Excellence (SCI&D COE) at the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia. Providing critical care for veterans with spinal cord injuries, the Richmond facility is one of the largest of the 25 spinal cord injury centers in the VA Medical Center System. Anticipating future requirements, the VA Medical Center staff embarked on proactive planning effort to meet the needs of providing critical healthcare services to a growing veteran population throughout five states and the District of Columbia. As a result of these planning efforts, this project will renovate targeted areas of the existing facility and also provide a new 20,000-SF addition to optimize delivery of these specialized clinical services. Supporting the Department of Veterans Affairs’ commitment to a patient-centered care model that focuses on providing world-class care in a welcoming, healing environment, the design will also focus on infrastructure efficiency, enhancing the patient experience and enriching collaboration opportunities among the hospital’s many clinicians, instructors and researchers. As a service-disabled veteran-owned small business, projects such as this expansion are especially important to AE Works. “Our work centers around people and the design of healthcare facilities brings that even more into focus. We feel very fortunate to be a part of this project and the opportunity to have a part in improving healthcare for Veterans,” shares Michael Cherock, PE, AE Works President and Owner. For more information on AE Works, please visit or call Carly Khanna at 301-332-9780. AE Works Ltd., headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA with satellite offices in State College, PA and Washington DC, specializes in Architecture, MEP Engineering, Telecommunication and Security design services. AE Works Ltd. is a CVE Verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. About The Western PA Healthcare News Team Throughout the year, our writers feature fresh, in-depth, and relevant information for our audience of 40,000+ healthcare leaders and professionals. As a healthcare business publication, we cover and cherish our relationship with the entire health care industry including administrators, nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, and more. We cover a broad spectrum from hospitals to medical offices to outpatient services to eye surgery centers to university settings. We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice as well as men’s health, women’s heath, and pediatrics. freedom April 22, 2011 the meds i’m on make it a little difficult to focus, but here’s what i’ll say: whatever you feel about healthcare, who gets it, how it’s paid for, and how we deal with it here, all i know is that the healthcare system did not fail me. without it, i would be dead now. there are several instances where i came close to it. don’t get me wrong, it was fucking hell (evidence below).and it still is since i’m exactly done with everything. there were times where i felt ignored, forgotten, like no one would listen to me. but! i’m here. and grateful. like i said, the drugs are making it difficult to do normal things.recovering makes it difficult to do normal things. but in the next couple days, i have some yarny goodness planned for you. stick with me bitches. mostly, though, i want to say thank you. thank you to all the readers, inter-knitters, and friends for your good thoughts, your well wishes, comments and prayers, for all the tweets, texts, visits, and vibes from across the globe. So glad to hear you are home. I wish you a speedy recovery. After my last surgery (double knee replacement), I thought I would get a whole lot of reading done. While on the drugs for a month, I could not focus enough to read a paragraph. What a disappointment! Take it easy and have patience with your recovery. Your body has had a jolt! Donna I was just thinking of you. I’m glad to hear you are recovering. Being in the hospital sucks. Yes they have the amazing ability to prevent deaths, but still, not a favorite place. Glad you’re home. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery. (And I do hope you’re able to at least knit.) Another lurker hoping you have good drugs and a speedy recovery. Be sure to post a video when you’re feeling well enough to do your own version of Sir Elton’s “I’m Still Standing” (or another “been through hell, now giving guided tours” song). Don’t even care about the yarny goodness, stoked to see that you are back in the world of the living! Hospitals are wonderful for saving lives, but home is where you heal… This event even made me a twitter follower, which is saying some as I don’t have a cell phone! Relax, think positive thoughts, and play with lots of great yarn! I’m not religious, but THANK GOD you are okay. You can’t keep a good man down, that’s what I say. . . . I am thinking about medicine/doctors. So many people say- oh, I don’t like to take drugs, let the body heal itself, etc. These are people who have never been critically sick. Once you’ve been there, life/attitudes change. It’s like a Alice in Wonderland experience, being critically sick. Or, a crap shoot. But, hey, I am glad, so glad, you are on the road to recovery. What a great person you are! Nancy Paris de-lurking to say I’m glad you are home and recovering. It’s scary to rely on others when you’ve been self-sufficient and a hospital seems to be no place to heal….you really need “home” for that. Give yourself plenty of time and don’t overdo. After finishing in first place at the Bold Leaders Challenge Feb. 18 and 19 at Fort Knox, Ky., the team qualifies to take part in the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Sandhurst is an inter-company competition at West Point. Not only do West Point teams compete amongst themselves, but they compete against teams from their fellow federal service academies, select teams from the U.S. Army Cadet Command (ROTC), the United States Military Academy Preparatory School team, and international teams. Fifty-five teams will take part in Sandhurst, including international competitors from Great Britain, Australia, Afghanistan and China. This will be the first time in more than a decade that a Citadel team has competed at Sandhurst. “We have an exceptional group of young men and women that will represent The Citadel,” said Col. Laurence Hutto, commanding officer of the Palmetto Battalion at The Citadel. “We are excited to be able to compete at this level for the first time in recent years.This is a testament to the commitment, training and leadership of our cadets and the instructors in the Palmetto Battalion.” The Palmetto Battalion Ranger Challenge team trains seven days a week while maintaining good standing in their academic requirements and cadet duties. They compete in a rapid, timed series military tasks along an eight-mile route. The Palmetto Battalion Ranger Challenge team trains seven days a week while maintaining good standing in their academic requirements and cadet duties. They compete in a rapid, timed series military tasks along an eight-mile route. The winning squad is determined by the total time required to negotiate the course plus total points scored throughout the two days. Making this a weekly event due to interest. BYOB OFFICIAL RULES HERE ( Summary: 6-14 people: $20 buy-in Texas Holdem Tourney gets 10,000 in chips 1 re-buy XOR 1 add-on up until break of 10,000 15-20 people: $20 buy-in Texas Holdem Tourney gets 5,000 in chips 1 re-buy XOR 1 add-on up until break of 5,000 Blind levels will be adjusted for lower chip counts. This is due to a limited number of physical chips that can be put in play $10 cash game after tourney (re-buy at will until host calls it for the night) For now, we'll default to Will's place but if the group decides to float, we'll decide that with at least a day's warning. Emergency room outreach to chronically addicted individuals. A pilot study. There is a dearth of literature describing the treatment needs of substance-abusing or chronically mentally ill homeless individuals who frequently utilize emergency medical services. This homeless subset represents a discrete population in the larger homeless community. We describe a pilot program, supported by local county public funds, and conducted by a local nonprofit social work agency, which was designed to provide intensive case management services to such a population. Outreach and case management activities resulted in linking clients to a broad range of entitlements and community services. Among those receiving outreach and case management services (n = 10), emergency services decreased by 58% in the year following referral compared to the year before (p <.03). Emergency services for the purpose of this study are defined as ambulance response and transport followed by emergency room admission and treatment. Those in a comparable control group (n = 8) showed no decrease in emergency service use. These results suggest that such community-based outreach programs can significantly improve patient outcome and provide substantial cost savings for local governments and hospitals. In 2011 Robert attempted to drink 365 beers in 365 days, and he nailed it! What will he do next? Saturday, 29 August 2015 August 22, 2015 193/1467) Home: All Natural Blonde by Amsterdam Brewery of Ontario: *; 5%, which goes to show how flexible the definition of light is becoming; grainy nose; bland - just a hint of fruit at finish; I imagine it does pay the rent, though; 194/1468) Home: Molotov Lite by Eviltwin Brewing of Connecticut, U.S.A.: **1/2; 8.5% Imperial India Pale Ale; opaque with a fluffy head; off-orange; earthy and resiny with a touch of citrus to the nose; earthy, resiny flavours with a bitter astringent after taste; Such valves are used to adjust and modify the volume flow of a fluid through a fluid channel. It is known in this context that the flow of the fluid through the channel is to be controlled by exerting pressure from the outside on a tube in which the fluid channel is formed, such that the pressure is adjusted as a function of a desired volume flow of the fluid through the channel. In medical technology, dosing of volume flows takes place, for example, through microvalves or directly through a corresponding pump with which the fluid to be dispensed is acted upon with pressure. Valves are used in medicine and in the cosmetic field, for example, in injection of medically and cosmetically active substances. In addition to the injection of substances for fat reduction or for injection beneath wrinkles, dosed dispensing of a substance is also necessary for application of ink for tattooing or permanent makeup in the cosmetic field. In addition to various vaccinations, medical applications also include, for example, mesotherapy. In these applications, in addition to the simple application of the media, simultaneous administration of multiple media is also provided, so that the media react with one another only after being applied. The dosing of the fluid may be performed by means of a contact method or a noncontact method. The fluid-dispensing device thus either does or does not come in contact with the skin. Noncontact devices are also referred to as so-called dispensers. The process of delivering the fluid is itself known as dispensing, jetting or pulsing. This dosing serves to apply substances to the skin or in subsequent substance delivery systems (cf. EP 1 882 491, for example). Contacting may be understood as dosing onto or through a surface. All these applications have in common the need for accurate dosing. Problems are often presented by chemical or fluid properties or particles or variable media. The document DE 103 37 484 B4 describes a noncontact dosing system, in which a tube is squeezed at a high speed, so that a free-flying droplet of liquid is formed. Dosing frequencies of 50 Hz may be achieved in this way. The design here is an open system without a prepressure. The liquid fills the tube because of the capillary forces, but the maximum dosing quantity and dosing frequency are limited by this design. If there is a backpressure, functioning is very limited or impossible. The document DE 693 25 591 T2 describes valve system for switching a flow through flexible tubes. Two positions (bistable open/closed) are selected via a pivotable lever. The liquids should flow through the valve at the coupled flange of this construction, which is manufactured by casting and welding. Possible contamination of the liquid is not prevented, nor can this principle be used as a disposable part or for higher frequencies (>1 Hz). The document EP 1 699 560 B1 describes one possibility for pipetting extremely small quantities, but is based essentially on a combination of traditional pipetting systems and the known PipeJet method, i.e., a tube deformation, embodied in this case as a pipette tip. It is thus possible here to dose only extremely small particles which fly through the air to their destination. This method cannot be used for injections because it is impossible to work at a backpressure. The document DE 197 06 513 C2 describes a micro-dosing method based on a pressure chamber having a reservoir connection and a fluid outlet. The pressure chamber is reduced in size by a displacement mechanism, so that the fluid is forced to the outlet. A device for detecting the position of the displacement mechanism is essential here. The document US 2010/0030152 A1 describes a therapeutic micro-needle system, in which multiple cannulas are used instead of one cannula. Q: How to check element visibility independent of parent visibility (jQuery or not) my first Question so please be patient. I have a container that holds a varying number of child elements like this:
Quick Question: Is there a jQuery or plain JS way of checking whether an element container would be visible independent of the parent being visible? Simply asking for jQuery('.parent .element:visible').length does not work. Background: The parent container can be toggled, and the content of the child elements gets fetched by ajax requests and is filled when the response arrives. On every response I get, the child containers get specific classes indicating the type of the response, e.g. available, unavailable and some more. So the resulting DOM may look like this:
This is a module, that is used several times with different CSS files. So I do not control whether the CSS implementation actually hides unavailable elements because this is done only in CSS. And the container can be open, but does not have to. But I have to know if there would be visible elements inside of the container without opening it. Is this possible? Thanks in advance! A: I'm not sure why you need to do this if you have classes like available or unavailable. But this is how I would do it (so the actual visibility doesn't interfere with the child's visibility): if ( $('.element').css('display') != 'none' && $('.element').css('visibility') != 'hidden' ) { // ... } In action: This invention relates generally to the reactivation of a catalyst and in particular to the reactivation of a tin oxide-containing catalyst. New approaches for extending the life of lasers used in a wide variety of applications are under investigation. One aspect of the rapid progress in this area is that new techniques for long lifetime space applications of high pulse energy, common and rare isotope, closed-cycle CO.sub.2 lasers are being studied. The high-energy, pulsed CO.sub.2 lasers must be operated closed-cycle to conserve gas, especially if rare-isotope gases are used. Rare-isotope gases, such as C.sup.18 O.sub.2 are used for improved transmission of the laser beam in the atmosphere. The electrons in electric-discharge CO.sub.2 lasers cause dissociation of some CO.sub.2 into O.sub.2 and CO and attach themselves to electronegative molecules such as O.sub.2, forming negative O.sub.2.sup.- ions, as well as larger negative ion clusters by collisions with CO or other molecules. For closed-cycle, sealed CO.sub.2 laser operation, the concentration of negative ions/clusters may become sufficiently high to form discharge instabilities which may ultimately disrupt the CO.sub.2 laser operation. The decrease in CO.sub.2 concentration due to dissociation into CO and O.sub.2 will reduce the average repetitively pulsed or continuous wave laser power, even if no disruptive negative ion instabilities occur. Accordingly, it is the primary object of this invention to extend the lifetime of a catalyst used to combine the CO and O.sub.2 products formed in a laser discharge. It is a further object of this invention to accomplish the primary object simply and inexpensively. Other objects and advantages will be apparent in the specification which follows. Attack on Iran: Hitlerian Act of Aggression Essential Reading Regarding Iran by Tony Cartalucci November 6, 2011 - As the rhetoric for war with Iran begins to mount, first with the staged DEA-Saudi bomb plot, and now with an upcoming IAEA report supposedly "exposing" Iran's nuclear arms ambitions, it is important to re-read through the signed confessions by the corporate-fascist interests behind this drive for war where it is admitted that: 1. Iran poses no threat to US national security - even if they acquired nuclear arms- rather Iran threatens US interests throughout the Middle East, half-way across the planet.2. Iran desperately wants to avoid armed conflict with both Israel and the West and would use nuclear weapons merely as a defensive deterrence.3. The US and Israel are actively looking to provoke Iran into war with a combination of covert support for destabilization within Iran, supporting listed terrorist organizations, and limited unilateral military first strikes to provoke an Iranian response needed to justify a wider military confrontation. All of this is shockingly spelled out in extreme detail within the pages of the corporate-financier funded Brooking Institution report, "Which Path to Perisa?" It is essential that every American, European, and Israeli read just how malicious, callus and eager the globalist elite are to trigger a catastrophic war with the Islamic Republic for the sole purpose of protecting Wall Street and London's hegemony throughout the Middle East. Below are links to efforts to cover in detail the key aspects of this increasing war mongering, the key players behind it, including the corporations funding this agenda, as well as irrefutable evidence that illustrates these designs, laid out in 2009 have already begun to unfold. Upon reading this information, one will realize with horror how patiently persistent the corporate-financier interests on Wall Street and London have pursued this campaign towards war with Iran, and how absolutely deceitful they are willing to be in order to keep it moving forward. It is absolutely imperative that people understand not only just how contrived the treat of Iran is, but that those peddling the lies of such a threat have, behind closed doors, admitted as much. Image: Just some of the corporate-sponsors behind the unelected, warmongering "think-tank" Brookings Institution which produced the treasonous "Which Path to Persia?" report. .... Please also take particular note of the corporations funding this act of Hitlerian aggression against a nation of 70 million at the potential loss of tens of thousands of American and Israeli (and other proxy soldiers') lives, not to mention the incalculable cost of the war to an already crippled American tax payer. Also note that these same corporations will not be losing their sons and daughters nor a single penny in the war effort, in fact, many of them stand to gain untold of fortunes and power - the very reason they are pursuing such a course of action. Now would be a good time to contact your representatives, boycott the above mentioned corporations, and begin undermining a system that is parasitically bleeding this planet to death both financially and literally in pursuit of global corporate-fascist hegemony. And remember, it will not end in Iran, the attack and destruction of Iranian sovereignty is just the beginning. Q: Volume rendering in WebGL I have: a 3D array containing a 3d dataset to be displayed a 4x4 matrix which defines spacing/scaling/orientation of the volume to be displayed a opacity transfer function a color transfer function I would like to use ThreeJS to do volume rendering (MIP, RayCasting, etc.) of this data. Are there some shaders/demos available? Should I work directly at the shader level or in javascript? Any hint/code sample would be very much appreciated, Best A: Medical imaging (DICOM, Nifti, NRRD support for now) raycasting volume rendering in webGL with AMI/THREEJS 2 Answers 2 The first two. Christopher Lloyd's character, Judge Doom, is the big conspirator organising the whole situation, but it's the head of Roger's studio, R. K. Maroon, who does the actual setup. He was the one to setup the situation between Acme and Jessica (the patty-cake), and he was also the one to hire Eddie Valiant to take pictures of the meeting. Then later when Valiant meets with Maroon to show him the results, they show Roger the pictures and he runs off to write his love poem, causing him to not have an alibi for the murder. Judge Doom convinces Maroon to do all of this by agreeing to buy his company, but only if he can also buy Acme at the same time. However it was never Maroon's intention for there to be a murder, he was just hoping to blackmail Acme into selling. No, you gotta understand, Valiant, I had nothin' to do with Acme gettin' killed. I just wanted to sell my studio. But they wouldn't buy my property unless Acme would sell his. And he wouldn't. So I was gonna blackmail Acme with pictures of him and the rabbit's wife. Judge Doom wanted to buy ToonTown but Marvin Acme wouldn't sell. Accordingly, Doom asked R.K. Maroon to blackmail Acme. As a result, Doom knew Maroon had shown Roger evidence that Jessica Rabbit was having an affair with Acme. So Doom used the opportunity to kill Acme, hoping everyone would think Roger did it. Though Acme's murder is not shown in the movie, what happened is confirmed by Jessica Rabbit's dialogue: Judge Doom killed Marvin Acme and framed Roger Rabbit. Para que llegue un jugador a Newell's como refuerzo, antes la directiva rojinegra debe cumplir un paso previo: vender. Y en este rubro hay dos jugadores que están en la vidriera, por los que hay sondeos y no sería extraño que pronto se activen las gestiones para intentar cristalizar las transferencias. Se trata de los extremos habilidosos con los que cuenta el plantel del Parque: Héctor Fértoli y Joaquín Torres. Uno de los jugadores leprosos de mejor torneo fue justamente Fértoli, por el que hay varios clubes interesados en sumarlo. Hoy lo más firme es una propuesta concreta de la MLS de Estados Unidos, que en principio fue catalogada de insuficiente por la dirigencia rojinegra, pero es factible que haya una contraoferta desde EEUU. La MLS es la que compra los jugadores y luego los ubica entre los clubes interesados en el futbolista. Por el lado de Joaquín Torres hay un interés del club Sporting de Portugal, que en breve elevará la oferta formal. Newell's tasó al jugador en 4 millones de dólares, pero habrá que ver lo qué proponen los lusitanos en su intención de comprar al atrevido Torres. Q: How to call a MainWindow method from another window? I need to call a method from the MainWindow in another window. Problem is i don't know why i got an error and i would like to fix it. I tried to call the fonction using various ways, none of them worked. Here is my last try : What i want to call : namespace Class1 { public partial class MainWindow : Window { ... public void SkipVideo() { ... } } } Here is how i tried to call : namespace Class1 { public partial class TimeWindow : Window { ... private void DemoVideo_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).SkipVideo(); } } } There is no build error, but when i run the program, it does this : System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'Class1.TimeWindow' to type 'Class1.MainWindow'.' A: The InvalidCastException means that your application's mainwindow is a TimeWindow. Provided that there actually is a MainWindow open, you can get a reference to it like this: private void DemoVideo_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainWindow mainWindow = Application.Current.Windows.OfType().FirstOrDefault(); if (mainWindow != null) mainWindow.SkipVideo(); } There are better ways to handle this, for example using the MVVM design pattern as suggested by @Christopher, but this is probably the easiest one given your current setup. ## About this example This example is a [quickstart]( of Egg, it includes the basic and comprehensive usages of Egg such as Controller, Service and some simple configurations, moreover, it has the corresponding unit tests. you can follow this simple example and build your Egg application step by step. ## How to run it locally ### Development ```shell $ npm install $ npm run dev $ open http://localhost:7001/ ``` ### Deploy Use `EGG_SERVER_ENV=prod` to enable prod mode ```shell $ EGG_SERVER_ENV=prod npm start ``` ### Npm Scripts - Use `npm run autod` to auto detect dependencies upgrade - Use `npm run lint` to check code style - Use `npm test` to run unit test ### Requirement Please ensure your node version is `>=8.0` for Egg2.x. ## some problems you might encounter - lack of MVC model development experience, click [here]( to learn more - some concepts such as middleware, extend, helper are difficult to understand, see related [docs]( to know more - encounter some errors during development, find [issues]( to check if some solutions have been provided Joseph Amoah (sprinter) Joseph Paul Amoah (born 12 January 1997) is a Ghanaian sprinter specializing in the 100 metres and the 200 metres. He competed at the 2019 World Athletics Championships in the 100 metres and 4 × 100 metres relay, and at the 2019 African Games he won a gold medal in the 4 × 100 metres relay. He was also a 100 metres finalist at the 2019 African Games, finishing fourth. Amoah has personal best times of 10.01 seconds and 20.08 seconds in the 100 metres and 200 metres respectively, both set at the 2019 NCAA Division I Championships. His personal best performance in the 200 metres broke the Ghanaian record previously held by three-time Olympian Emmanuel Tuffour by 0.07 seconds. Early life Amoah was born on 12 January 1997 to Thomas and Alberta Amoah in Greater Accra, Ghana, and was raised by his uncle Dr. Victor Antwi from middle school onwards. His preferred sport growing up was football, but transitioned to athletics while attending Prempeh College in Kumasi where his running talent was discovered. As a 19-year old he emerged as an Olympic hopeful for Ghana in the sprints after running 100 metres in 10.08 seconds at the 2016 Ghana's Fastest Human competition. University After his prep career at Prempeh College, he decided to quit athletics when enrolling into Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). However the head coach of athletics at KNUST had heard of Amoah's talent while at Prempeh college and convinced Amoah to join the team with the help of his uncle. In 2017 he transferred to Coppin State University in Baltimore, which competes in Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the highest level of intercollegiate athletics in the United States. At the 2019 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Championships in May, Amoah became the first Ghanaian in any sport to qualify for the 2020 Summer Olympics by running 200 metres in a personal best time in 20.20 seconds. It was the fastest performance from a Ghanaian since 1995 and also qualified him for the 2019 World Athletics Championships. Later in June of that season at the NCAA Division I Championships, he improved his personal best times in the 100 metres and 200 metres to 10.01 seconds and 20.08 seconds respectively. He broke three-time Olympian Emmanuel Tuffour's 24-year old Ghanaian record in the 200 metres (20.15 seconds, set at altitude), and qualified for the 2020 Summer Olympics in the 100 metres. Achievements International championships National championships References External links Category:Ghanaian male sprinters Category:1997 births Category:Living people Category:People from Greater Accra Region Category:World Athletics Championships athletes for Ghana Category:Athletes (track and field) at the 2019 African Games Category:African Games medalists in athletics (track and field) Category:Coppin State University alumni Category:Prempeh College alumni Consanguineous unions and endogamy in families of beta-thalassaemia patients from two Mediterranean populations: Tunisia and Italy. Background: Consanguinity increases the incidence of recessive diseases such as beta-thalassaemia major (βTM), one of the most prevalent lethal inherited diseases in the world.Aim: This study aims to identify the frequency of endogamy and consanguinity in two Mediterranean βTM populations and to study the implication of socio-economic factors.Subjects and methods: A trans-sectional study was conducted in 203 Tunisian families and 75 Italian families. Data were collected using a questionnaire completed by patients and parents.Results: Complete endogamy and consanguinity were observed in 82.75% and 62.56% of Tunisian families, respectively. Complete endogamy was found in 90.67% of Italian families, no consanguinity was noted. The low occupation status of Tunisian mothers was associated with an increasing frequency of consanguinity (p = .01) and endogamy (p = .0003). Consanguinity was associated with low education level (p = .012) and low occupation status (p=.047) of fathers. No significant association was found between endogamy and socio-economic factors in the Italian sample.Conclusions: High consanguinity and endogamy rates in Tunisian families may explain the frequency of βTM in Tunisia. The high endogamy rate in Italian families could also increase the frequency of βTM. Identification of geographical distribution and socio-economic factors leading to endogamy and consanguinity in these populations might help to improve βTM prevention. Purchasing Violation/Penalties Purchasing Violations: What is a purchasing violation? Section 31-7-57 of the MS Code states that when an employee receives goods or services without a purchase order, the agency has no liability for the bill. The employee is held personally liable. A purchasing violation is committed when an employee receives goods or services without a purchase order A purchasing violation is when an office prepares intentionally two or more office requisitions to the same vendor when one order combined is greater than $1,500. This is done to avoid getting written quotes/sealed bids. This is called splitting a purchase order. A violation is when an employee personally utilizes a rebate, gift or prize given to the agency by a vendor. PLEASE NOTE: When any employee orders or receives goods/services in the name of the Department of Education before requesting a purchase order, the employee will be held personally liable for the bill. Do not send the requisition and invoice to Accounting. UNALLOWABLE AGENCY PURCHASES Individual membership to professional organizations Individual Chamber of Commerce membership Individual personalization of planners, portfolios or briefcases Certificates to state employees, public officials or board members Plaques to state employees, public officials or board members Awards to state employees, public officials or board members PENALTIES FOR PURCHASING VIOLATIONS Reprimands Loss of Job Fines Imprisonment Repayment of misspent funds Vendor will re-bill order to the individual Sole Source Justification: The sole source justification letter should include the following information: What will the product be used for? Is it compatible with existing equipment? Will the product be used for testing or trial use only? Do other companies make similiar products that are acceptable? How is the product special or unique? What can this product do that other products cannot do? Is there a copyright or patent on this product? Is the manufacturer the only distributor? Does the manufacturer only sell to specific distributors instead of direct sales? Introduction {#s1} ============ In recent years there has been a substantial increase in the use of mass drug administration (MDA) to reduce the morbidity associated with helminth infections of humans [@pntd.0000211-Lammie1], increasing the probability that anthelmintic resistance may become a public health concern in the future. One such annual MDA programme is the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) which, in 2005, treated over 145 million people with albendazole (a broad spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic) in combination with either ivermectin or diethylcarbamazine [@pntd.0000211-WHO1]. GPELF targets mainly *Wuchereria bancrofti*, the most widely distributed of the filarial parasites of humans. Sensitive molecular assays are required to detect the presence of anthelmintic resistance before widespread treatment failure is apparent, drug resistance becomes disseminated and disease control is jeopardised [@pntd.0000211-Roos1]. Surveys of helminth parasites of humans are being conducted to establish whether genetic changes at certain polymorphic loci (associated with resistance to the same or related drugs used against veterinary helminths), are present in these populations and subject to detectable selection under chemotherapeutic pressure [@pntd.0000211-Albonico1]--[@pntd.0000211-Schwab1]. A phenylalanine to tyrosine substitution at position 200 on the β-tubulin isotype 1 molecule has been identified in a number of helminth parasites of farmed ruminants including *Haemonchus contortus* [@pntd.0000211-Kwa1],[@pntd.0000211-Kwa2], *Cooperia oncophora* [@pntd.0000211-Njue1], and *Teladorsagia circumcincta* [@pntd.0000211-Elard1] and is associated with benzimidazole (BZ) resistance in these species. Worryingly, this genetic change has also been identified in *W. bancrofti* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1], though the phenotypic studies relating the substitution to a decreased albendazole efficacy have not been undertaken in this species. To aid clarity the two alleles at position 200 on the β-tubulin isotype 1 molecule shall be referred to as allele *F* (phenylalanine) for susceptibility and allele *Y* (tyrosine) for putative resistance. Inbreeding, the mating of related individuals, influences parasite genotype distribution and can affect the selection of adaptive traits. Facets of a species\' biology may cause parasite inbreeding, such as population structure or assortative mating (when mate choice is determined by phenotype). Parasite allele frequency can differ between infrapopulations (the populations of parasites within individual hosts) due to the ecology of the infection or through the random nature of infection events (all groups may have an equal probability of having a rare allele, but actual numbers may vary between groups by chance). Helminth parasites have a particularly subdivided population structure as adult worms are confined within their definitive host, and only able to mate with other worms that belong to the same infrapopulation. The population genetic structure of most helminth species remains unknown. The few studies that have been undertaken indicate that whilst some species appear to have no apparent genetic structure others exhibit a high degree of parasite genetic differentiation between hosts [@pntd.0000211-Criscione1]. The degree of genetic differentiation in the parasite infrapopulation can shed insight into the microepidemiology of parasite transmission [@pntd.0000211-Anderson1]--[@pntd.0000211-Thron1]. Infrapopulation genetic differentiation will also influence helminth population genetics as it causes a reduction in the frequency of heterozygote offspring, a phenomenon known as the Wahlund effect [@pntd.0000211-Hartl1]. Studies investigating the inheritance of benzimidazole resistance are lacking, though evidence indicates that thiabendazole resistance in *H. contortus* may be a semi-dominant trait [@pntd.0000211-LeJambre1]. Other authors have postulated that alleles conferring anthelmintic resistance, including allele *Y*, are likely to be recessive [@pntd.0000211-Elard1],[@pntd.0000211-Prichard1], which would make heterozygote worms susceptible to treatment. If an allele conferring drug resistance is recessive, excess parasite homozygosity will increase the probability that a resistance allele will survive treatment. This has been shown using genetic metapopulation models investigating nematodes of grazing animals; these models indicate that the spread of rare recessive genes is promoted by hosts accumulating multiple related infections simultaneously [@pntd.0000211-Cornell1],[@pntd.0000211-Smith1]. The degree of parasite genetic differentiation among hosts can be quantified using *F~ST~* (or related analogues; see [@pntd.0000211-Criscione1] and references therein). The adult stages of the majority of parasitic helminths of humans cannot be obtained routinely for direct investigation, so genetic surveys (including those investigating drug resistance) resort to sampling transmission stages, i.e. those (immature) life-stages that gain access to the environment to be transmitted to and from hosts or through vectors [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1], [@pntd.0000211-Curtis1]--[@pntd.0000211-Shrivastava1]. However, the results of these surveys should be interpreted with caution, as the underlying allele frequency of the adult worm population may differ from the allele frequency of the sampled transmission stages. Variations in transmission stage allele frequency and genotype distribution could be generated randomly or be a product of the parasite\'s spatial structure and life-history traits. For example, population subdivision will cause random variation in adult worm allele frequencies between hosts at low parasite densities. Filarial parasites have separate sexes and are thought to be polygamous [@pntd.0000211-SchulzKey1], which may accentuate the variability in microfilarial allele frequency, e.g. a rare allele may be highly over-represented in the subsequent generation if, by chance, a male worm with this allele inhabits a host harbouring females but no other males. In addition, the inherent random sampling of gametes during sexual reproduction [@pntd.0000211-Weir1], and the overdispersed distribution of parasite numbers among hosts [@pntd.0000211-Anderson2] may cause the allele frequency and genotype distribution to vary by chance from generation to generation. This paper analyses population genetic data collected for a study by Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1] who identified the presence of the β-tubulin allele *Y* in populations of *W. bancrofti*. Firstly, the extent of parasite inbreeding is estimated from *W. bancrofti* microfilarial samples taken from patients in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Samples were obtained from different villages, some of which had received a single round of MDA with ivermectin and albendazole, under the auspices of the GPELF. Secondly, an individual-based stochastic model is presented which simulates microfilarial genetic diversity from adult worm allele frequencies. The model generates sample allele and genotype frequencies using the same number of hosts, and the same number of microfilariae per host as in Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1]. This model is then used to assess whether the observed level of parasite inbreeding is the result of a sampling artefact or a true biological phenomenon. Finally, the model is used to assess the likely range of adult worm allele frequencies which could have given rise to the observed microfilarial data, providing some insight into how genetic surveys which sample transmission stages should be interpreted. We discuss the implications of our results in terms of the development and detection of anthelmintic resistance. Materials and Methods {#s2} ===================== Sampled data {#s2a} ------------ [Table 1](#pntd-0000211-t001){ref-type="table"} summarises the data collected for the study by Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1] and indicates the number of microfilariae and hosts sampled. The village of Gora was removed from the *F*-statistic analysis since only one host was sampled in this village. In some hosts it was possible to genotype only a few microfilariae, increasing the uncertainty associated with estimation of underlying infrapopulation allele frequencies in these hosts. Results are grouped according to parasite treatment history. The average frequencies of allele *Y* in microfilarial samples from untreated and treated hosts were 0.26 and 0.60, respectively [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1]. The degree of parasite heterozygosity (the proportion of microfilariae with the heterozygote genotype) is estimated for each village. The table also indicates the deviation of each population from the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE), which gives the proportion of heterozygote microfilariae that would be expected in a randomly mating population. This reveals a strong deficit of heterozygotes in all three populations. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000211.t001 ###### Summary of the genetic survey conducted on *Wuchereria bancrofti* microfilariae from Burkina Faso of genetic changes at the β-tubulin locus associated with benzimidazole resistance (in nematodes of ruminants). ![](pntd.0000211.t001){#pntd-0000211-t001-1} Village No. hosts sampled Mean no. of microfilariae genotyped per host (range) Mean microfilaraemia per 20 µl blood (range) Sample (microfilarial) resistance allele frequency, Sample and \[expected\] heterozygosity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Untreated villages TANGONKO 16 9.6 (1, 15) 323 (162, 703) 0.28 0.20 \[0.40\] BADONGO 14 6.6 (1, 10) 212 (60, 845) 0.23 0.24 \[0.35\] Village that had received one round of chemotherapy (albendazole+ivermectin) PERIGBAN 13 8.5 (3, 12) 35 (18, 86) 0.62 0.27 \[0.47\] Results were presented by Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1]. The range of microfilarial samples obtained per host is given in brackets. The expected microfilariae heterozygosity according to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is given in square brackets. In this paper, we refer to two different types of allele frequency: (1) the underlying frequency of the allele putatively associated with BZ resistance, with *q^l^* denoting the allele frequency of the entire parasite population of a given locality, and (2) the parasite allele frequency within the host population that is sampled, denoted by *^H^q^l^*. The superscript *l* denotes the parasite life-stage under investigation, be it microfilariae (*l = M*) or adult worms (*l = W*), and *H* denotes definitive host. The allele frequency estimated from the sample, , may not correspond to the true underlying allele frequency, *q^l^*, either because the hosts sampled are not representative of the whole host population, or because the parasites genotyped do not represent adequately the allele frequency within the host. Estimating parasite inbreeding {#s2b} ------------------------------ By genotyping transmission stages before they leave the definitive host prior to the introduction of mass chemotherapy, insight can be gained into the different causes of microfilarial excess homozygosity. If it is assumed that the number of microfilariae produced, their survival, and their probability of being sampled are independent of their genotype (as we do in the null model), it can be assumed that deviation from the HWE may be the result of non-random mating. If the locus being investigated is not under selection, the excess microfilarial homozygosity will most likely be the result of either infrapopulation genetic differentiation or non-random parasite mating within hosts. Genotyping transmission stages would allow the relative contributions of each of these two sources of inbreeding to be estimated. The variation in the allele frequency between hosts will account for some of the excess homozygosity whilst deviation from the HWE in the microfilariae within an individual host will indicate possible non-random mating within the infrapopulation. The Wright\'s hierarchical *F*-statistic is used to investigate the correlation of parasite genes within and between human hosts [@pntd.0000211-Curtis1]--[@pntd.0000211-Paterson1],[@pntd.0000211-Brouwer1]. It is assumed that the infrapopulation is the first hierarchical group in the parasite population, and *F~IS~* is defined as the correlation of genes between microfilariae within the infrapopulation; , as the correlation of microfilarial genes between different hosts living in the same village; , as the correlation of microfilarial genes between different villages within the overall microfilarial population; and *F~IT~*, as the correlation of genes between individual microfilariae relative to the overall microfilarial population of the region. The different inbreeding terms introduced are summarized in [Table 2](#pntd-0000211-t002){ref-type="table"}. A value of *F~IS~* is significantly greater than zero points towards adult worm non-random mating, indicates variation in worm allele frequency between hosts, and suggests differences in the worm allele frequency between villages. The same statistical frameworks used to estimate Wright\'s *F*-statistic were employed here, taking into account variable sample sizes [@pntd.0000211-Weir1]. Estimates of the 95% confidence intervals for *F~IS~*, and *F~IT~*, were generated by bootstrapping simultaneously worms within each host and bootstrapping over hosts within each village [@pntd.0000211-Efron1]. *F-*statistics, and their associated uncertainty, were calculated for each village. Modelling the allele frequency and genotype distribution of microfilariae {#s2c} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A dioecious adult worm helminth population with a 1:1 male to female ratio was randomly generated for a given mean number of worms per host and degree of parasite overdispersion (as determined by the *k* parameter of the negative binomial distribution, parameterized following [@pntd.0000211-Anderson2]). Each adult worm infrapopulation was randomly allocated an allele frequency, as analysis of pre-treatment data did not detect any significant relationship between the host\'s frequency of allele *Y* and microfilarial burden. The adult worm allele frequency of each host was randomly selected according to the given underlying allele frequency, *q^W^*, and the degree of parasite genetic differentiation between hosts, . For a description of a method for generating the distribution of allele frequencies in a subdivided population using the beta distribution [@pntd.0000211-Wright1], see Porter [@pntd.0000211-Porter1]. It is again assumed that microfilarial production and survival is independent of genotype, allowing a microfilarial population for each host *i* to be generated according to the size and allele frequency of the adult worm infrapopulation. Worms were assumed to be polygamous; implying that if only one male parasite were present within a host, all fertile females within that infrapopulation would be mated. The number of microfilariae produced by each parasite infrapopulation was assumed to be proportional to the number of fertilised females within that host. It was also assumed that gametes separate independently and re-assort according to the degree of non-random mating (*F~IS~*). The probability with which a microfilaria within host *i*, will be of genotype *j* is denoted , and given by the equations, where and are, respectively, the frequency of allele *Y* in the male and female adult worms within host *i*, and and are the corresponding susceptible allele *F* frequencies. To allow random stochastic fluctuations in genotype distribution, the actual number of microfilariae in host *i* with genotype *j* follows a binomial distribution, with the number of trials being equal to the number of microfilariae produced by host *i*, with genotype probability equal to . Microfilarial allele frequencies and genotype distributions were generated by sampling a specific number of microfilariae from the generated hypothetical population according to the sampling scheme used in Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1]. The exact number of samples taken from each of the 30 hosts was: 11, 10, 15, 9, 11, 9, 13, 10, 10, 7, 10, 10, 7, 1, 11, 9, 1, 7, 4, 1, 10, 9, 8, 6, 4, 6, 9, 10, 10, 8, for a total of 246 microfilariae. Analysis of pre-treatment data had indicated that the number of samples taken from each host by Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1] was independent of host microfilaraemia and host allele frequency, allowing the number of microfilariae sampled per host to be randomly allocated. The program code for the simulations implemented was written in C++ and run 100,000 times, with each run generating a new helminth population and genotype distribution from which 95% confidence limits (95% CL) were calculated. The model was parameterised for the untreated villages of Tangonko and Badongo, Burkina Faso, which had an initial prevalence of microfilaraemia of 25%. The mean adult worm burden was estimated from observed microfilarial counts using the functional relationship given in the deterministic model EPIFIL (see original formulation and parameter values in Norman *et al*. [@pntd.0000211-Norman1]), giving a mean adult worm burden of 13.5 host^−1^. The degree of adult worm overdispersion was estimated from the recorded microfilarial prevalence (taken here as a proxy for the prevalence of adult worms producing microfilariae) and the mean adult worm burden, using the prevalence vs. intensity relationship that derives from assuming a negative binomial distribution of worms among hosts [@pntd.0000211-Anderson2], yielding a *k* value of 0.07. The model outlined above will only be valid for comparisons against the pre-treatment data, since chemotherapy is known to impede microfilarial production and / or survival [@pntd.0000211-Tisch1]. The null model assumes that mating is random between male and female worms within each infrapopulation and that allele *Y* is randomly distributed across hosts, i.e. . Results of the inbreeding analysis can be incorporated into the individual-based model described in equations (1) to (3) to explore the range of adult worm allele frequencies which can give rise to the observed microfilarial data. Results {#s3} ======= The observed microfilarial genotype distribution was found to deviate from HWE. Villages with no history of mass anthelmintic chemotherapy had an overall inbreeding coefficient of *F~IT~* = 0.44 (95% CL = 0.17, 0.68), indicating strong inbreeding. Fifteen percent of the microfilariae were found to be homozygous for allele *Y*, an estimate 2.3 times higher than would be expected in a random mating parasite population. Results indicate the occurrence of a significant degree of genetic differentiation in worm allele frequency among the host population . Infrapopulation allele *Y* frequency, , varied from 0 to 0.77 in the villages with no history of treatment, indicating an increase in microfilarial homozygosity of 60% above HWE. The results also suggest a degree of non-random mating within hosts measured by *F~IS~* = 0.29 (−0.09, 0.54), which is however is not significantly greater than zero. No difference was observed in the microfilarial allele frequency between the two treatment-naïve villages . The data from the two treatment-naïve villages of Tangonko and Badongo were analysed separately. Both showed a high level of microfilarial homozygosity, with overall inbreeding coefficient of *F~IT~* = 0.51 (0.16, 0.76) and *F~IT~* = 0.33 (−0.10, 0.78), respectively ([Figure 1](#pntd-0000211-g001){ref-type="fig"}). The degree of parasite genetic differentiation between hosts varied between the two villages, though the difference was not statistically significant (*p* = 0.38, calculated from the square of the normalized difference in *F~ST~* estimates [@pntd.0000211-Little1]). For the purpose of the following analysis the two treatment-naïve villages have been grouped together to increase the study sample size. A similar degree of parasite inbreeding was observed in the village of Perigban which had received one round of MDA. ![Estimates of Wright\'s *F*-statistics in *Wuchereria bancrofti* for the pre-treatment villages of Tangonko (black diamonds), Badongo (grey open circles) and for the treated village of Perigban (black squares), which received one round of chemotherapy (albendazole+ivermectin).\ The error bars are the 95% confidence intervals. *F~IT~* estimates the total degree of parasite inbreeding; *F~IS~* describes the level of non-random mating within the infrapopulation; and shows the variation in microfilarial allele frequency within the host subpopulation (village).](pntd.0000211.g001){#pntd-0000211-g001} Parasite inbreeding increases the range of underlying adult worm allele *Y* frequencies, *q^W^*, which can give rise to the observed microfilarial allele *Y* frequency of 0.26 ([Figure 2](#pntd-0000211-g002){ref-type="fig"}). Results from the null model, where mating was assumed to be random and allele *Y* is randomly distributed amongst hosts, indicate that *q^W^* in the untreated villages of Tangonko and Badongo could range from 0.21 to 0.32. If we use the excess inbreeding estimate reported in pre-treatment villages (*F~IT~* = 0.44), then model simulations suggest that *q^W^* could range from 0.18 to 0.37. ![The impact of inbreeding on the relationship between the sample microfilarial allele frequencies, , and the (inferred) underlying adult worm allele frequency, *q^W^*, for the substitution at codon 200 of the β-tubulin gene in *W. bancrofti*.\ The figure shows 95% confidence intervals for a population with no excess inbreeding (the null model, dark grey shaded area), and a population with the observed levels of inbreeding (*F~IS~* = 0.28, , light grey shaded area). Simulations are based on the same sampling scheme used in Burkina Faso [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1]. The thick black solid line indicates the mean result for both models. The observed pre-treatment microfilarial allele frequency (; black thin, horizontal dotted line) was compared to simulation results to indicate the possible range of adult worm allele frequencies which could have given rise to the West African data. The null model (black vertical dotted-dashed lines) indicated values of *q^W^* ranging from 0.21 to 0.32 compared to the inbred model (*F~IS~* = 0.28, , black vertical dashed lines), which gave values of *q^W^* between 0.18 and 0.37.](pntd.0000211.g002){#pntd-0000211-g002} The microfilarial genotype diversity model indicates that the observed homozygosity is unlikely to be solely a result of genetic sampling, demographic stochasticity, population subdivision, or the sampling scheme employed, suggesting that true biological mechanisms are operating in the parasite population even before the introduction of anthelmintic therapy. [Figure 2](#pntd-0000211-g002){ref-type="fig"} indicates the range of likely microfilarial genotype distributions that can be generated from a given *q^W^* value using the null (random) model. The observed excess homozygosity in the untreated villages was greater than the 95% confidence interval estimates generated by the null model ([Figure 3](#pntd-0000211-g003){ref-type="fig"}). It is interesting to note the wide range of microfilarial genotype distributions that can be generated by the null model. ![De Finetti diagram showing the genotype distribution of *W. bancrofti* microfilariae generated from a given underlying adult worm allele frequency, *q^W^*, taken from villages prior to the introduction of chemotherapy.\ A full explanation of the De Finetti diagram is given in [@pntd.0000211-Hartl1]. The black diamond represents the value originating from the observed data (with , and *F~IT~* = 0.44), and the error bars indicate the uncertainty in genotype distribution stemming from the values of *q^W^* (0.21, 0.32) that were estimated from the null (random) model ([Figure 2](#pntd-0000211-g002){ref-type="fig"}). Y indicates the allele coding for tyrosine at position 200 of β-tubulin that is associated with benzimidazole (BZ) resistance in nematodes of livestock, and F denotes the allele (coding for phenylalanine) indicative of BZ susceptibility. The solid-black curve represents the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). The null model generating microfilarial allele frequencies (see text) was used to investigate the range of sample microfilarial genotype distributions that could be obtained from a population exhibiting no excess inbreeding (i.e. assuming that the underlying adult parasite population would have values of ). Simulations mimic the same sampling scheme described in Schwab *et al*. The observed microfilarial genotype distribution falls outside the 95% confidence interval range (grey shaded area surrounding the HWE curve) generated by the null model, despite the uncertainty in the underlying *q^W^* estimates, indicating strong parasite inbreeding even before introduction of antifilarial combination therapy.](pntd.0000211.g003){#pntd-0000211-g003} Despite the large increase in microfilarial homozygosity attributable to parasite inbreeding, there is only a modest increase in the prevalence of hosts who have microfilariae that are homozygous for allele *Y* (and therefore putatively resistant if the allele confers drug resistance were recessive, [Figure 4](#pntd-0000211-g004){ref-type="fig"}). Parasite overdispersion reduces the number of hosts who are microfilaria-positive and concentrates allele *Y* into a small proportion of the host population. A high degree of parasite non-random mating and infrapopulation genetic differentiation increases the number of hosts (and the number of samples per host) that need to be sampled, in order to detect or quantify reliably parasite genetic diversity ([Figure 4](#pntd-0000211-g004){ref-type="fig"}). The model is used to investigate how parasite inbreeding may influence the sampling scheme of genetic surveys seeking to identify the presence of a known marker for drug resistance ([Figure 5](#pntd-0000211-g005){ref-type="fig"}). Results indicate that the observed level of parasite inbreeding markedly increases the minimum number of hosts, and the overall number of samples necessary to be 95% confident of detecting a rare allele. The sampling scheme used within [Figure 5](#pntd-0000211-g005){ref-type="fig"} assumes that the number of parasites genotyped per host is weighted by the host\'s microfilarial load. This improves the accuracy of allele frequency estimates by allowing heavily infected hosts to have a greater contribution to the sampled microfilarial population, something which is particularly important in overdispersed parasite populations. ![The impact of inbreeding on the relationship between the mean proportion of hosts harbouring microfilariae with one or two copies of allele *Y* and the (assumed) underlying adult worm allele frequency, *q^W^.*\ The figure compares the proportion of hosts exhibiting microfilariae with allele *Y* (i.e. both heterozygous and homozygous *YY* microfilariae, solid lines) with that of hosts which have only microfilariae with the homozygous *YY* genotype (broken lines). Model outcomes are compared for two hypothetical parasite populations; the former (thin grey lines) without excess inbreeding (generated by the null model), and the latter (thick black lines) with the levels of inbreeding (*F~IS~* = 0.28, ) observed in the Burkina Faso data. Simulations used the same sampling scheme described in Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1] and assume an overall microfilarial prevalence of ∼25% (see text).](pntd.0000211.g004){#pntd-0000211-g004} ![The impact of helminth inbreeding on the minimum number of microfilaria-positive hosts who should be sampled and the minimum number of microfilariae that should be genotyped to be 95% confident of detecting at least one rare allele.\ A randomly mating population (, grey open squares) is compared to an inbred population (*F~IS~* = 0.28 and , black diamonds). The underlying adult worm allele frequency of both populations is set at *q^W^* = 0.05. Each data point represents 100,000 runs of the stochastic model generating microfilarial allele frequencies. The number of microfilariae analysed per host is proportional to host microfilaraemia.](pntd.0000211.g005){#pntd-0000211-g005} To date there is no phenotypic evidence that allele *Y* causes albendazole resistance in *W. bancrofti*. However, if an allele conferring drug resistance existed in populations of this parasite then the consequences on the spread of such an allele of parasite non-random mating and genetic differentiation between hosts will depend on the frequency and the relative dominance of the resistance allele. If the resistance allele were recessive, helminth inbreeding would greatly increase the probability that a parasite survives anthelmintic treatment. This is evident from [Figure 6](#pntd-0000211-g006){ref-type="fig"} which shows the influence of parasite inbreeding on the relative proportion of resistant genotypes for a given allele frequency. With a recessive resistance allele at a frequency of 0.05, the degree of inbreeding within the *W. bancrofti* population reported here, would on average increase the number of worms with the homozygote resistance genotype nine-fold. Conversely, if the resistance allele was dominant, inbreeding would reduce the probability that a parasite survives chemotherapy, as fewer worms would have the resistant allele (the deficiency of heterozygous parasites caused by parasite inbreeding will be greater than the increase in resistant homozygous worms). ![The impact of the observed level of parasite inbreeding on the production of resistant microfilariae.\ The graph gives the relative change in the number of resistant genotypes in an inbred parasite population compared to that in a population at HWE. Results are shown for different resistance allele frequencies. The graph assumes that a known resistance allele is either recessive (A), black lines, or dominant (B), grey lines. The inbreeding coefficients are those reported in [Figure 1](#pntd-0000211-g001){ref-type="fig"}: mean result (*F~IT~* = 0.44, solid line); upper 95% confidence limit (*F~IT~* = 0.68, dashed line); lower 95% confidence limit (*F~IT~* = 0.17, dotted line). The relative change in the number of resistant genotypes caused by parasite inbreeding is estimated as in (A) and in (B).](pntd.0000211.g006){#pntd-0000211-g006} 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000211.t002 ###### The extension of Wright\'s *F*-statistic to represent the hierarchical population structure of obligate parasites of humans, exemplified in this paper with *Wuchereria bancrofti* (adapted from [@pntd.0000211-Hartl1] and [@pntd.0000211-Weir1]). ![](pntd.0000211.t002){#pntd-0000211-t002-2} Symbol Definition --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *F~IT~* Correlation of alleles within individual worms relative to alleles drawn at random from the overall worm population (total deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium) *F~IS~* Correlation of alleles within individual worms relative to alleles drawn at random from the parasite infrapopulation (within host non-random mating) Correlation of parasite alleles within parasite infrapopulations relative to alleles drawn at random from parasites within the same village (parasite genetic differentiation between hosts within villages) Correlation of parasite alleles within a village relative to alleles drawn at random from the overall worm population (parasite genetic differentiation between villages) The table includes a graphical representation of the different *F*-statistics. Discussion {#s4} ========== The genotype distribution of *W. bancrofti* microfilariae varied dramatically from the HWE prior to the introduction of MDA. The degree of excess homozygosity reported falls outside the range of values generated by the null model described in this paper, indicating a significant degree of parasite non-random mating. This may be caused, in part, by parasite genetic differentiation between hosts. The null model generates a wide range of microfilarial allele frequencies and genotype distributions indicating that caution should be exercised when interpreting results obtained by sampling solely transmission stages. Significant changes in the genetic diversity of microfilarial populations over time may not reflect a significant change in the underlying adult worm population. This result highlights the crucial importance of developing sound theoretical null models that enable helminth population genetics data to be interpreted adequately [@pntd.0000211-Prugnolle2]. These models should take into account the uncertainty in outcomes, given the sampling scheme employed and the life-history traits of the parasite. A combination of sampling transmission stages and parasite inbreeding could cause estimates of the underlying adult worm allele frequency to be highly variable, increasing the number of samples that need to be genotyped in order to detect significant changes in the adult worm genome with time after introduction of chemotherapeutic pressure. Producing a null model to assess the range of adult worm allele frequencies that could give rise to the microfilarial genetic diversity observed in villages having received treatment is complex and beyond the scope of this paper. A dynamic, full transmission model would be required that takes into account the pharmacodynamic properties of the drugs in combination and separately, as the effects of chemotherapy will influence microfilarial genetic diversity for a number of years after chemotherapy. As a result it is not possible to conclude whether adult worm genetic diversity differs between the villages that have and have not received MDA, even though their microfilarial populations differ significantly in their genetic diversity. The results presented within this paper regarding the metapopulation dynamics of bancroftian filariasis stem from the analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism in one gene. Further surveys, using multiple neutral polymorphic loci, are required to distinguish demographic and sampling effects from selective pressures [@pntd.0000211-Weir1]. If the allele of interest has been under selection then the observed genotype distribution could have been generated without the need for non-random parasite mating. The accuracy of the model developed here to derive microfilarial genetic diversity is limited by uncertainties regarding the biology of *W. bancrofti*. Results are dependent on our current ability to mimic adult worm burden and its distribution among hosts. Limitations inherent in the EPIFIL model, the presence of amicrofilaraemic yet circulating filarial antigen-positive infections, and possible heterogeneity in host immune responses could make adult worm burden estimates highly uncertain from microfilarial prevalence and intensity data. The relationship between the number of adult filariae and the rate of microfilarial production is likely to be complex and may depend on the immune responses elicited during the infection. The null model assumes a mean parasite intensity of 13.5 adult worms per host, though sensitivity analysis indicated that model results were relatively insensitive to small changes in parasite intensity around this value (sensitivity analysis ranged from 8.5 to 18.5 adult worms host^−1^, results not shown). Our conclusions are based on the adequacy of the null model, which may be improved by the inclusion of further biological detail. For example, recent evidence suggests a possible association between β-tubulin genotype in the related filarial parasite, *Onchocerca volvulus*, and female worm fertility [@pntd.0000211-Bourguinat1],[@pntd.0000211-Bourguinat2], suggesting a cost of resistance. Whilst the same gene has been analyzed in the current study, it is not known whether a similar relationship between genotype and fertility applies to *W. bancrofti*. If this were the case then the conclusions drawn regarding the causes of the observed genotype distribution should be treated with caution. Although no differences were seen in genotype frequency between the two pre-treatment villages studied, additional baseline surveys (prior to the start of MDA) would be required before firm conclusions regarding the true underlying frequency of allele *Y* in pre-treatment *W. bancrofti* populations can be drawn. Notwithstanding the fact that the *F*-statistic provides a phenomenological tool rather than a mechanistic measure of inbreeding (and therefore does not describe the biological processes generating excess homozygosity), we proceed to propose some likely causes for the strong degree of non-random mating identified in *W. bancrofti*, as well as the implications that this may have for the development and detection of anthelmintic resistance. Non-random infrapopulation mating {#s4a} --------------------------------- Our results suggest that adult *W. bancrofti* worms do not mate randomly within the infrapopulation. This is in agreement with ultrasonography studies that show adult parasites congregating in 'worm nests' along lymphatic vessels, which remain stable over time [@pntd.0000211-Dreyer1]. Spatial heterogeneity within the host may produce multiple reproducing populations within each infrapopulation, which would increase host microfilarial homozygosity. Evidence of an apparent relationship between β-tubulin genotype, the same gene analyzed by Schwab *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Schwab1], and female worm fertility in the related filaria *O. volvulus* has been reported by Bourguinat *et al.* [@pntd.0000211-Bourguinat2]. If such a relationship exists in *W. bancrofti*, the excess within-host homozygosity reported above may result from the increased fertility of homozygous adult worms. Anthelmintic treatment, prior to the introduction of MDA for lymphatic filariasis, may also have increased non-random mating depending on the selective advantage that allele *Y* may confer to the parasite at the time of treatment. Parasite genetic differentiation between hosts {#s4b} ---------------------------------------------- The degree of genetic differentiation in the parasite infrapopulation can shed insight into the microepidemiology of parasite transmission [@pntd.0000211-Anderson1]--[@pntd.0000211-Thron1]. The metapopulation transmission dynamics of *W. bancrofti* will depend on the transmission efficiency and biting behaviour of the mosquito vector. *Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto* and *An. funestus* are thought to be the main vectors of *W. bancrofti* in Burkina Faso [@pntd.0000211-Gyapong1]. Hosts can acquire multiple L3 larvae during the same bite. Although density-dependent processes are known to operate on the uptake and development of *W. bancrofti* in *An. gambiae*, infective vectors will regularly transmit multiple related L3 larvae simultaneously [@pntd.0000211-Snow1]. Other mosquito vectors of *W. bancrofti* have even greater vector competence. For example, up to 32 L3 larvae were recovered from an experimental host after it was bitten by a single *Culex quinquefasciatus* [@pntd.0000211-Gasarasi1], a main vector in East Africa. Mark-recapture studies and bloodmeal analysis indicate that various mosquito species appear to have high site fidelity, regularly biting multiple members of the same household [@pntd.0000211-McCall1],[@pntd.0000211-Michael1]. These aspects of *W. bancrofti* transmission increase the likelihood that a host will be infected with closely related parasites and will contribute to the observed genetic differentiation. More generally, drug treatment may increase infrapopulation genetic heterogeneity, as those parasites within treated hosts which survive treatment may have a higher resistance allele frequency than those harboured within untreated hosts. In Burkina Faso, lymphatic filariasis is treated with albendazole and ivermectin. Evidence indicates that the albendazole plus ivermectin combination has some macrofilaricidal and reproductive effects (mainly associated with albendazole [@pntd.0000211-Tisch1]), as well as the microfilaricidal effect (mainly associated with ivermectin). It is possible that a degree of the genetic differentiation between hosts observed in the untreated villages may have resulted from individual members of the community seeking, for instance, treatment for geohelminth infection prior to the introduction of GPELF. The spread of anthelmintic resistance {#s4c} ------------------------------------- Population subdivision and non-random mating will influence the outcomes of selection under chemotherapeutic pressure in different ways, depending on the initial frequency of the allele under selection and the ecology of the infection. Before the rate of spread of drug resistant parasites can be predicted reliably and accurately, greater knowledge would be required regarding the number, linkage, dominance, and possible negative pleiotropic effects of putative resistance allele(s), as well as regarding the pharmacodynamic properties of the drugs administered singly and in combination. However, useful biological insights can be obtained from mathematical models that make reasonable assumptions concerning the above [@pntd.0000211-Schwab2],[@pntd.0000211-Schwab3]. If the resistance allele is recessive and it has a low initial frequency, inbreeding will increase parasite homozygosity and as a result, the spread of drug resistant worms across the parasite population (see [Figure 6](#pntd-0000211-g006){ref-type="fig"} and [@pntd.0000211-Schwab2]). If drug resistance is a semi-dominant trait then parasite inbreeding will either increase or decrease the spread of drug resistance, depending on the efficacy of the drug against heterozygote parasites. Parasite genetic differentiation between hosts will also increase the spread of resistance even when the resistance allele is initially present at a very low frequency, as it increases the probability that male and female resistant worms will inhabit the same infrapopulation. This work is consistent with mathematical models of veterinary helminths which indicate that spatial heterogeneity and aggregated infections between hosts increase the spread of rare recessive genes [@pntd.0000211-Cornell1],[@pntd.0000211-Smith1]. The detection of anthelmintic resistance {#s4d} ---------------------------------------- The operation of a strong degree of parasite genetic differentiation between hosts reduces the prevalence of infection with drug resistant parasites and would therefore increase the number of hosts and parasites that should be sampled to detect and quantify the frequency of resistance-conferring alleles reliably. Even at high resistance allele frequencies, some hosts will have no phenotypic signs of resistance, particularly if the resistance allele is recessive, and therefore hosts respond to treatment. In practice the number of parasites that can be genotyped will be restricted, so surveys should carefully consider the sampling scheme they employ in order to maximise the accuracy of allele frequency estimates. Repeatedly sampling from the same host increases the chance of detecting a resistance mutation if it is present in that infrapopulation. However, sampling transmission stages from as many hosts as possible should be considered the optimum strategy, even in a population with low parasite genetic differentiation between hosts, as it reduces the chance of repeatedly sampling offspring of the same adult worm. Prior to the introduction of chemotherapy, studies investigating the presence and frequency of putative resistance markers through genotyping transmission stages alone should weight the number of samples they take per host by the host\'s infection intensity. However, after the start of chemotherapy the best sampling scheme will depend on the pharmacodynamics of the drug and the nature of the questions under investigation. Parasite elimination {#s4e} -------------------- For human helminth infections, the importance of parasite genetic differentiation between hosts stretches beyond population genetics and will influence the outcomes of parasite elimination campaigns such as the GPELF. The ability of a parasite species to persist in a host population following prolonged MDA will depend in part on the metapopulation dynamics of helminth transmission, the patterns of host compliance with treatment regimes and the pharmacodynamic properties of the drugs used. The aggregated nature of the passage of transmission stages between hosts will make parasite elimination harder to achieve by lowering the breakpoint density (the unstable equilibrium below which the parasite population will tend naturally to local extinction [@pntd.0000211-Macdonald1]), as overdispersion of parasites will result in fewer hosts with a single-sexed infection. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. TSC and M-GB would like to thank the Medical Research Council, United Kingdom, for financial support. AES and RKP thank GlaxoSmithKline, FQRNT, and the Centre for Host Parasite Interactions, Québec, for financial support. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. [^1]: Analyzed the data: TC. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: AS RP. Wrote the paper: TC MB. Natural killer cell cytotoxicity and alpha-interferon in early rheumatoid arthritis. Natural killer (NK) cell number, cytotoxicity, and serum alpha-interferon (alpha-IFN) was measured in a group of early synovitis patients and compared to that of established rheumatoid arthritis patients and normal controls. No significant differences in NK cell number or serum alpha-IFN were found. NK cell cytotoxicity (NKCC) in the early synovitis group was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced compared to that of the normal controls and not significantly different from the established rheumatoid controls. There was a trend for those early synovitis patients with a good outcome to have higher NKCC. Low NKCC is evident very early in the course of rheumatoid arthritis and is thus unlikely to be secondary to chronic inflammation. There is no relationship between NKCC and alpha-IFN levels and the cause of the reduced NKCC is unknown. Alpha-IFN levels are not raised early in the course of RA. France Clear Favorite on 2022 World Cup Odds The 2018 FIFA World Cup came to a conclusion on Sunday as France posted a 4-2 victory over Croatia to claim their second World Cup title in 20 years and pay out on +700 pre-tournament World Cup championship odds. Sunday’s victory as +110 favorites on the World Cup game line odds continues France’s torrid play at recent international tournaments. Les Bleus came within an extra time goal of the Euro 2016 championship, falling to Portugal by a 1-0 score in their only defeat at a major international tournament since the quarter-finals of the 2014 World Cup. With a youthful lineup led by 19-year-old Kylian Mbappe, who garnered Best Young Player Award honors at this year’s tournament, France’s future looks bright. Fresh off the heels of their victory this weekend, Les Bleus opened as clear +500 favorites to successfully defend their title on the 2022 World Cup odds. While Sunday’s loss as +300 underdogs proved to be a massive disappointment for Croatia, the Blazers’ impressive drive to their first-ever berth in a World Cup final has earned them hard-fought status as one of the world’s elite squads. However, Croatia’s heroics at Russia 2018 have done little to boost them on the early 2022 World Cup betting lines, where they lag well behind the favorites as a +5000 wager. A trio of squads coming off disappointing performances at this year’s tournament closely follow Les Bleus on the 2022 World Cup championship odds, with Brazil pegged at +700, ahead of Spain at +750, while 2014 title holders Germany sit at +800. The Canarinho traveled to Russia as +400 pre-tournament favorites on the 2018 World Cup odds, and looked poised for a deep knockout stage run after closing out the group stage with a pair of clean-sheet wins. However, Brazil was unable to solve a high-powered Belgium squad in a 2-1 loss that marked their third quarter-final exit in their past four tournament appearances. Spain made a second straight early exit at this year’s tournament, falling to Russia on penalties in a Round of 16 match, which marks their only knockout stage appearance since raising the hardware at the 2010 World Cup. Russia 2018 also proved to be a bitter disappointment for Germany, who closely followed Brazil at +475 on the World Cup futures entering the tournament. However, a shocking 1-0 group stage loss to Mexico as heavy -210 favorites set the tone for Die Mannschaft’s shortest run at a World Cup since 1938. Belgium Trails on 2022 World Cup Betting Lines Further down the 2022 World Cup odds, Belgium sits at +1100, followed by Argentina at +1200, and Italy at +1800, while England joins the Netherlands at +2000. Les Diables Rouges led all squads with 16 goals at Russia 2018, and saw a 25-match unbeaten streak come to an end with a 1-0 loss to France in the semi-finals. Argentina posted just one win in four matches at this year’s tournament, and maintains strong odds despite the uncertain future of superstar Lionel Messi, while Italy and the Netherlands face daunting rebuilding tasks after both European powerhouses failed to qualify for this year’s tournament. Conversely, England sports a youthful roster, led by top goalscorer Harry Kane, which is likely to make the Three Lions a serious contender at Qatar 2022. n**(-9/22) Simplify ((q/(q*q**11/q*q))/(q**0*q))**(-12) assuming q is positive. q**144 Simplify (s/s**22)/s*s**(-2/11)*s*s assuming s is positive. s**(-222/11) Simplify (y/(y*(y/(y/(y/(y*y*y**(3/5)))))/y*y))**(-7) assuming y is positive. y**(-56/5) Simplify o**(-6)*o**13 assuming o is positive. o**7 Simplify q**(-23)*q*q*q**5 assuming q is positive. q**(-16) Simplify (t/t**(3/10))/(t**(-1)/t)*t*t**(2/3)*t**(-2/17)*t assuming t is positive. t**(2677/510) Simplify j/j**1*j**(2/15)*(j**(-4)/j)/j*j/(j/(j**(7/5)/j)) assuming j is positive. j**(-82/15) Simplify d**(-2/13)*d**(-4)*d/(d/(d/d**(-4/5)))*d**(1/5) assuming d is positive. d**(-28/13) Simplify (((z*z/((z/z**6)/z))/z)/z**(4/3))**(-41) assuming z is positive. z**(-697/3) Simplify (r**(-1)/r)**(-5/4) assuming r is positive. r**(5/2) Simplify (j**2/j)**(-33)/(j**(-1/5))**(1/21) assuming j is positive. j**(-3464/105) Simplify f**(-6)/f*f**(3/2)*(f**1/f)/f**(-5/2) assuming f is positive. f**(-3) Simplify (v**(2/7)/v)/(v*v**(-2/7)*v)*v**4*(v/(v*v/(v**(-8)*v)))/v assuming v is positive. v**(-52/7) Simplify ((c/(c*c*c/((c*c**19)/c*c)*c)*c*c)/c)/(((c**(8/9)/c)/c)/c*c) assuming c is positive. c**(172/9) Simplify (k**(1/3))**(6/17)/(k*k*k/(k*k*k**(2/11)/k*k)*(k*k*k**(3/4))/k) assuming k is positive. k**(-1833/748) Simplify (q**4*q**(2/11))/((q/q**(1/7))/((q/(q*q**(1/17)*q))/q)) assuming q is positive. q**(1657/1309) Simplify ((c*c/(c**(3/5)*c))**(-15))**(-15/7) assuming c is positive. c**(90/7) Simplify (m*m/((m*m**(-3)/m*m)/m))/((m/(m**(1/7)/m)*m)/m)*m*m**9*m/(m/(m*m**(-9))*m)*m assuming m is positive. m**(36/7) Simplify (v*v/(v/(v*v/(v*v*v**(-2/7)))))**(-13)*(v*v/v**(2/3))**(2/15) assuming v is positive. v**(-5209/315) Simplify (((o/(o/(o**(1/3)*o*o)))/o*o)**(-1/8))**22 assuming o is positive. o**(-77/12) Simplify (j*(j**(-5)*j)/j)/j*((j/((j*j**(-1)/j*j*j)/j))/j)/j*((j**(-6)*j*j)/j)/(j*j**(-6)) assuming j is positive. j**(-6) Simplify w*(w*((w/(w/((w/(w*w/(w*w/w**15)*w*w*w*w*w*w))/w)*w*w))/w*w*w*w)/w)/w*w/w**(1/15) assuming w is positive. w**(-301/15) Simplify ((i**7/i)/i*i/i**(-5))**40 assuming i is positive. i**440 Simplify (r**0)**33 assuming r is positive. 1 Simplify (b**(-17)*b*b**(-10/7))**(5/8) assuming b is positive. b**(-305/28) Simplify (a**(-2/3)*a)/a**3*(a/(a*a*a**(2/3))*a)/a*a*a/a**(-2/9) assuming a is positive. a**(-19/9) Simplify (x/x**(-3/2))**48 assuming x is positive. x**120 Simplify ((o*o**(-33/4)*o)/o)/(o**(-48)/o*o) assuming o is positive. o**(163/4) Simplify (t**(2/9)/(t/(t*(t*t/(t**(-4/5)*t))/t)))**(2/61) assuming t is positive. t**(92/2745) Simplify x**(1/2)/(x**(-4)/x)*(x/x**(-1))**(-50) assuming x is positive. x**(-189/2) Simplify l**(-2/31)*l**(-13)/l assuming l is positive. l**(-436/31) Simplify x**(-2/13)*x**(-20) assuming x is positive. x**(-262/13) Simplify (h**(28/5))**(-15) assuming h is positive. h**(-84) Simplify ((w*w*(w*w**(-5/4))/w)/(w*w*w/(w*w/w**(1/13))*w))**(3/17) assuming w is positive. w**(-207/884) Simplify (x**(2/7))**(1/44) assuming x is positive. x**(1/154) Simplify a**(-25)*a*a**(3/31) assuming a is positive. a**(-741/31) Simplify m**(1/3)/m**6*m**3/(m*m*m*m**(-5)/m) assuming m is positive. m**(1/3) Simplify (((h*h/(h**14*h))/h)/h)/h*h**4 assuming h is positive. h**(-12) Simplify (x**(-2)*x)**(-1/17)/((((x**(1/3)/x)/x)/x)/x*x*x*x/x**11*x) assuming x is positive. x**(547/51) Simplify (h**(-2/7)*h/(h/(h*h/(h*h*h**(2/9))*h)))/((h*(h*h/h**6)/h)/h*h**2) assuming h is positive. h**(220/63) Simplify m**9/m*m/m**(3/20) assuming m is positive. m**(177/20) Simplify ((q**(-8)*q)/q)**(2/15) assuming q is positive. q**(-16/15) Simplify (x**(4/9)/x**(2/29))**(2/15) assuming x is positive. x**(196/3915) Simplify (f**(-1/6))**3/((f/(f**10/f*f))/(f**(4/11)/f)) assuming f is positive. f**(173/22) Simplify (i*i**(1/2)/i*i)/i*i**(2/11)*i**(1/3)*i**(-6)/i assuming i is positive. i**(-395/66) Simplify (j/(j*j**(-4))*j**(2/5))/(j**(-4)*j**(1/2)) assuming j is positive. j**(79/10) Simplify (j/(j*(j/j**(2/13))/j*j))/j**(1/2)*j**(-2/7)*j**1 assuming j is positive. j**(-115/182) Simplify (k**(-6/5)*k*k*k*k*k*k*k**(2/9)/k*k)**(-3/8) assuming k is positive. k**(-113/60) Simplify ((h*h**(-3/2)*h)/(h*h/h**(-6)))/(h**(-2/3)/h*h/(h**(-5/4)*h)) assuming h is positive. h**(-85/12) Simplify y*y*y**(-3/2)*y/y**10*y**(2/7)/y**(-8) assuming y is positive. y**(-3/14) Simplify (s**(-1/6)/(s/s**(-3/5)))/((s*s**(1/3))/(s/(s**(-3)*s*s))) assuming s is positive. s**(-11/10) Simplify t/(t/(t*t**(-15/2)))*t/(t**9/t) assuming t is positive. t**(-27/2) Simplify s*s*s/s**(-8)*s*s/s**(-11)*s assuming s is positive. s**25 Simplify (c*c**(-3))**(7/2)*(c**(2/9))**(1/17) assuming c is positive. c**(-1069/153) Simplify d**(3/8)*d*d*d**(-2/5) assuming d is positive. d**(79/40) Simplify (h/h**(-1/11))/h*h*h**(-3/4)*(h**(-2)/h)/(h*h*h**0) assuming h is positive. h**(-205/44) Simplify (u*u**(8/7)*u)/(u*((u*u**(-3/4))/u)/u*u*u)*(u*u**(-4))/(u/(u*u/(u**(-2/11)/u*u))) assuming u is positive. u**(23/308) Simplify ((o**(-4/7)*o)/o**0)/((o*o**(-6/11))/(o*o/o**(1/5)*o)) assuming o is positive. o**(1068/385) Simplify ((c/(c*(c/(c**4*c)*c)/c*c))/(c/c**(-4)))/((c*c**2*c)/(c/c**(-4/5))) assuming c is positive. c**(-21/5) Simplify a**7*a*((a**(17/4)*a*a)/a*a)/a*a assuming a is positive. a**(57/4) Simplify ((n*n**5*n*n*n)/n*((n/n**(2/5))/n*n)/n)**(-1/11) assuming n is positive. n**(-38/55) Simplify (s/(s/s**(3/5)))**3 assuming s is positive. s**(9/5) Simplify (v*v**(-1/16))/((v**1/v)/v) assuming v is positive. v**(31/16) Simplify ((d**0)**16)**26 assuming d is positive. 1 Simplify i**(-9)*i**(-17) assuming i is positive. i**(-26) Simplify (((k*k*(k*k**6)/k)/k)/(k**(-3/4)/k))/(k/(k*k**2*k))**(16/3) assuming k is positive. k**(99/4) Simplify (p**(-4)*p/(p*p**(-4)))**(1/23) assuming p is positive. 1 Simplify l**(5/6)/l*l*l**(-7/2) assuming l is positive. l**(-8/3) Simplify t/(t**15/t)*(t/(t/(t**(2/3)*t)))/t assuming t is positive. t**(-37/3) Simplify ((b*b**14*b)/b**12)**11 assuming b is positive. b**44 Simplify ((g*g**(2/13))/g)/g**(-6) assuming g is positive. g**(80/13) Simplify (v/v**(10/7))**(2/87) assuming v is positive. v**(-2/203) Simplify (t/(t*t**(-4/5)))**(-50) assuming t is positive. t**(-40) Simplify g**(-2/7)*g**(-2)*(g*g/(g/g**(-1)*g))**(-2/101) assuming g is positive. g**(-1602/707) Simplify ((v*v**(-1/4))/(v/(v*v/(v**(-1/2)/v)*v)))/(v**(2/7)/v)**(5/7) assuming v is positive. v**(933/196) Simplify (b**(-3/5)*((b/(b/(b*b**(-1))))/b*b)/b)/(b**(1/3)*b**10/b) assuming b is positive. b**(-164/15) Simplify (h**(1/14)*h**(-4)*h)**(1/39) assuming h is positive. h**(-41/546) Simplify (y**(-1))**(-1/18)*(y*y/(y/(y**(-2/5)*y))*y)**(-45) assuming y is positive. y**(-2105/18) Simplify (z**(-2/11)/z*z)**(-3/23) assuming z is positive. z**(6/253) Simplify (k*k**(-1))**14*k**(-1)*k**5/k assuming k is positive. k**3 Simplify ((m*m**(-2/7)*m)/m**(-4))/(m*m*m**(-4)/m*m*m*m/m**5*m) assuming m is positive. m**(68/7) Simplify ((j*j**(-2))/j)**(-2/61)/((j*j/j**1)/j*j)**(-35) assuming j is positive. j**(2139/61) Simplify (u**(-1/12)*u)**17 assuming u is positive. u**(187/12) Simplify ((z**(-2/17)*z*z)**(7/3))**(2/5) assuming z is positive. z**(448/255) Simplify i**(-1/15)*i**10*i assuming i is positive. i**(164/15) Simplify (w**3/((w/w**(5/3))/w*w))**(-2/109) assuming w is positive. w**(-22/327) Simplify z**(2/17)/z*z**(7/4) assuming z is positive. z**(59/68) Simplify ((s*s/(s/(s**(-6/5)/s)*s))/s)/s**(4/5) assuming s is positive. s**(-4) Simplify i**24*i*i/i**(-6)*i assuming i is positive. i**33 Simplify ((v*v*v/(v*(v*v*v**(-1/9)*v)/v))/(v/v**6*v*v))/(v**(-1/5)/v**3) assuming v is positive. v**(284/45) Simplify (n/(n*n/(n/(((n*n**(-4))/n)/n)*n))*n**(-2/9))/(n*n*n**4*n*n**(-1/3)) assuming n is positive. n**(-8/9) Simplify ((l/l**(-1/11))/l)/l**(-24) assuming l is positive. l**(265/11) Simplify l**3*(l*l**(-8)*l)/l assuming l is positive. l**(-4) Simplify ((k/k**(-3/2))/k**(12/7))**(2/29) assuming k is positive. k**(11/203) Simplify (((t*t*t*t*t*t/t**(-1/12))/t)/(t*t**(-2/3)))**28 assuming t is positive. t**133 Simplify (g/(g**(2/23)/g))/(g*g*((g*g*g**(11/4))/g*g)/g*g) assuming g is positive. g**(-445/92) Simplify (o**(-2)/(o/(o/((o/(o**(-13)*o*o))/o*o))))**(4/7) assuming o is positive. o**(-8) Simplify a**(5/7)*a/a**(8/9) assuming 5 Surprisingly Easy Tricks to Make Running a Habit You were really excited… You had signed up for a 6k run in your neighbourhood. You had also joined the local running club. You were really motivated, weren’t you? Your willpower was on a sprint and you were geared up to bolt towards the finishing line. But then… You went for a vacation or a work trip for a week. What happened when you got back? Do you still have that initial momentum? Do you feel like giving up, because starting over is such a pain? Is it tough to find time? Sticking to a new habit isn’t easy. I know! I had tried to make running a habit for ages and failed miserably. Eventually I got tired of failing. That’s when I began to read about the science of habit formation. I tried to find smart and simple ways to make habits stick. Today I can lace up my shoes and go for a regular jog every 4-5 days a week and with ease. Check out these 5 surprisingly easy tricks that have helped me make running a habit: 1. Create a trigger According to Charles Duhigg, the bestselling author of “The Power of Habit”, Triggers act as conscious or subconscious reminders to perform a behaviour. Triggers could be visual reminders. Try keeping your running gear and shoes next to your bed so you see them first thing in the morning. Triggers can also be action based. I run in the evenings and my trigger is “right after I drink my evening coffee, I will go running”. 2. Be specific During the first 4-6 weeks of picking up running as a habit specify a time of day (or night), the exact trail you will go for the run, duration of the run and at what time will you leave for the run. The more specific you can make the action, the easier it is to implement it everyday. You can use this statement: “I will go running every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at my neighbourhood park in the evening at XX pm (write the time here) for 30 minutes”. 3. Start small Habit coach Rob Norback strongly advocates the half-and-half rule. If you want to run for 20 minutes every day, cut it into half (10 minutes) then half it again (5 minutes). That’s where you should start. Doesn’t that sound a lot more achievable? Even if you can run for 10-15 minutes, stick to a 5 minute routine until it becomes second nature. Only once it’s become a habit should you start running for longer periods. How does this help? You complete your goal in 5 minutes and that brings a sense of accomplishment which is essential to building habits. You overcome any procrastination or hurdles (you woke up late, have to rush to office, send the kids to school) that you may face, since you have to invest only 5 minutes. 4. Forgive yourself If you miss a day (which you inevitably will) do NOT berate yourself. Missing a day is no big deal. But assuming defeat because you missed 1 day or 2 days in a row (or a whole week while vacationing), is a huge mistake. Negative thinking will make you give up. If you think you have failed or you are lazy or you are not good at running, it will stop you from taking further action. 5. Get a good night’s sleep Sleep matters! If you are not getting at least 6.5 hours of shut eye every night you will be tired, with little energy to focus on habit changes. You might make it to the park when your enthusiasm and motivation for running is high, but the moment things get even slightly difficult, you’ll skip the habit because as a sleep-deprived person you wouldn’t have the willpower to push yourself through a little discomfort. Why 6.5 and not 7 hours? Because, Tony Schwartz, Energy Coach, recommends that half an hour of exercise can actually compensate for half an hour of sleep and give you more energy in the bargain! What habit do you want to pick up? Work out at home, follow a diet, wake up early, learn music, maybe a language, study for a certification? These principles work for any kind of habit formation. Try it! Want to know about that one core ingredient for forming any habit? Sign up for our Blog. Thursday, May 14, 2009 Again between two guys a hell of a lot smarter than you. Me and James. Just a reminder Channelup is in Italics, James in regular font. Yo buddy Last night's lost was nothing if not interesting. I liked it (thought it could have been an hour and a half) and thought it did a pretty good job setting up next season. Writing about it was insanely hard as I had a lot of trouble gathering my thoughts and putting them in a coherent format. I obviously wanted to avoid just straight summarizing, but there was so much going on. Anyway I thought I would add a couple of more thoughts that didn't make it into my post. - I kind of mention this but the good/evil thing is really going to be the main focus of the last season I think. Ben and Mystery Island guy leading the charge to keep the island secret from everyone with others (Richard Alpert maybe? Shadow of the statue group?) fighting for their own end games. That storyline has the potential to be awesome and maddening at the same time. - The bomb explosion will probably make it so that the Oceanic crew (plus Miles and Juliette) can somehow jump back to the present and back into the fray. One thing I liked about this season with them alternating between different points in time, is that there wasnt too much overlap and confusion with the characters. Basically keeping it so that everyone easnt always running into each other worked for the production of the show. Putting them all back in to the same time, with Alpert and company's increasing role, plus this new faction, could be tough. Any other thoughts? I think I have now written 10,000 words on Lost. Interesting idea about the bomb sending the main characters forward in time. Supporting that idea is the fact that they used the exact same screen effect when we are meant to believe the bomb goes off as when we have traveled in time previously. So this foil to Jacob doesn't actually resurrect Locke - but turns himself into an image of Locke? So are we meant to believe this guy also turned himself into a vision of Jack's Dad, Walt, etc? Even though it's bizarre, I suppose it's at least a consistent explanation. I am not sure if I like the idea of the island being this place where two gods are battling for supremacy. I also don't get why Jacob would just let Ben wave that knife around and then kill him(if he is indeed dead) considering he earlier exercised the power to bring a human being back to life when Locke was thrown from the window. And to be honest, I also thought the "Jacob was actually there at all of these huge moments in all of the Losties lives" got extremely old after the first couple. The first one I was like WHOA!!! and then after that it sort of felt like cheap thrills. Jacob sitting on a bench...Locke falls from the window! Can you believe it?! Jacob was there when Locke was thrown out of the window, too! So I guess what I am saying is, I agree that the episode stands up a lot better as an hour and a half instead of 2 hours. This is sort of a shame considering I felt like some of the other huge plot points were sort of rushed. We need to see Jacob at Sun and Jin's wedding, but all we get for the most pivotal turning point is the episode is Juliet saying "I changed my mind. I saw the way you looked at her," and a weak explanation? Juliet similarly instantly changes her mind in the sub to get them back to the island...I guess she didn't see any suspicious looks by Sawyer in any of the other dozens of times he and Kate interracted since she got back? I just thought this was a very hurried and sloppy way to make sure everyone got back on the island while also letting Jack's plan carry on. It felt like forced drama, which LOST has done a good job avoiding this season. Easier would have just been to not place Sawyer, Juliet, and Kate on the sub...avoid some empty action scenes of their escape, Sawyer and Jack's fight, the "Why'd you stop," "That's why dude," Hurley and Jack moment, and so on. Why couldn't Juliet have given her "i saw the way you looked at her" speech when Sawyer first suggests going on the sub in the first place? We are still in the same place, but we have room for further development elsewhere. Would it have been so bad if we saw MIles saying to his father, "Now I understand why you did it," and then playing a bigger role in all of this instead of just having this awesome character making snarky comments in the background from time to time? Perhaps another interraction between Jacob and Evil Jacob at some other point in time(like when Oceanic 815 crashes). My overall point is, as I am sure you can tell by now - a few storylines left me wanting more and a few left me wanting decidedly less. I think either trimming it down, or re-organizing it while dropping the fluff would have been a far more impactful finale. I do agree though, that the events that happened set us up well for next season. Totally agree about the Jacob appearances. I thought some were cool (Sawyer, Sayid, Locke) and some were stupid (Jin and Sun, Jack). Also they kind of throw you off with Juliet's parents getting divorced and Jacob not showing up. When he doesnt show it kind of makes the whole thing some weird set up for why she leaves Sawyer. To be honest, the whole Sawyer, Kate Juilet thing has annoyed me for a while and I find it very hollow. What I did enjoy about Sawyer though was the genuine anguish (not for losing Juliet), but for losing the life he had in the Dharma Initiative. He was kind of saying, "I finally made a normal life for myself and you (Jack) came along and f-ed it up like you always do." That is where I felt most pity for him as a character. Also the scene where they are about to explode the bomb was beyond ridiculous considering an alarm is going off, the Dharma initiative is on to them, Sayid is dying and every sits around to talk about their feelings for ten minutes. No possible way. Agree totally about the sub and its uselessness in the overall plot. Just a filler. I doubt Jacob is actually dead and we need to consider that his body is most likely just some kind of vessel to a more supreme being. I don't know if I love these God implications because they complicate things almost more than time travel does. People with God-like powers (Sylar) are just as impossible as those who try and change the future or past. The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do. Friday, August 28, 2009 Free from blackness Independence day celebration is just around the corner. It’s been 52 years our beloved country celebrated independence and our country had achieve a lot since then. This time around since the independence fall on Ramadhan time so I bet there will be not many concerts or socialize party organized in KL or anywhere else but then, it’s just my predictions, other races might as well did it.Talking about independence, what has we, as the children of the post independence know about the value of freedom? Freedom means free from any colonization if that what it means from the past but nowadays out culture are so much been conquered by other races, culture. Our country fills with “PATI”. Anywhere we walk we can see many faces and sometimes I wonder, am I the foreigner here?Yeah2 I know the globalization means that you have to accept the windows of the world into your world but then if the newcomers come and made a hell out my country so what it is going to be? It’s ok for them to work here and made a decent earning with living peacefully with the locals but the main problem is the one that cause the social problem. What we saw in newspaper and news are just the tips of the reports and I’m pretty sure there are many more cases of robbery, thief, snatch, rape, murder involving these ‘type’ of people. Mastika (August Edition) had some stories of how the Negro affecting our life here in Malaysia. Sometimes I wonder, how can they come here? With so many of them? And the usual stories that link with Negro are theft, “pukau”, money counterfeit, rape (which was at first called love).i like to gather some info from all of you about the last one. We see and find this thing in KL right? We can see a nice lovely Malay girls walking along MidValley, hold hand with some Black tall guy. I still wonder why on earth that these ladies picked and fall in love with the Negro? I means they are Christian (some might be Muslim), Black( if you want to choose black, it’s better to choose the Indian) and not handsome ( Malays are so hotter than them)? Why and How? And if their love story end with happy ending good for them but the problem is the ending just like in the 999 (tv3 program).The Negro slept with the girl and then he dumped her and to make matter worse, the girl pregnant and the child with the DNA of Negro was born. So who’s to blame here? The Negro of course, but the girls too.What makes Negro or (in the whole) the foreigners better than the locals? I can stand Malays girls couple with Indians or Chinese as long as same Religion (I mean Islam of course), but I can’t stand if Malays or Chinese or Indians couple with foreigner. It’s like the man from our country had extinct that force them to find foreigner. The same usual lame reasons for these girls to find Negro or “Mat Salleh” are romantic, caring, loving and obviously richer. I would say it is bullshit. The story had been always having the same ending.This is also one type of colonization and proofs that we, Malaysians still not fully achieve Independence. We always value the outside goods higher than our own local goods without ever considering the quality first.The value of Independence means nothing if just some people say aloud “Merdeka” each year and put on the flag on the car, house or office. The values of independence should come within the heart of every Malaysian and together we care and cherish this gift for the good of the future.Happy Independence Day!p/s – My car might not have the flag of Malaysian but in my heart, the love of this country, none can compared with. Well, I shall put on the flag afterwards. Hope all of you did the same things. The first is Islam and the second is Malaysia and I do mean “Malay-sia”. .versionSelectItem { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 70px auto 130px; .changeLog { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 10px; } } class SwiftMethod < SwiftEntityElement end Co-Op program helps wounded warriors transition Story Highlights Former Staff Sgt. Anthony Moralez was placed in a civilian position at White Sands Missile Range thanks to the Wounded Warrior Co-Op Program. Former Staff Sgt. Anthony Moralez was placed in a civilian position at White Sands Missile Range thanks to the Wounded Warrior Co-Op Program. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M., Nov. 5, 2009 - White Sands Missile Range has initiated a Wounded Warrior Co-Op Program to help expedite recruitment efforts while at the same time helping Soldiers transition to civilian life. Former Staff Sgt. Anthony Moralez was assigned by the battalion to work with CPAC to help develop the program. He was subsequently placed in a civilian position. "This program is something I'm very passionate about," Moralez said. He explained that not too long ago he was sitting in the WTU wondering what life had in store for him. "Quite honestly I was worried!" he said. Then last year he met the EEO and CPAC office staff and he said they were extremely passionate about helping the Soldiers "Give back". When he was approached to help with the startup of the program Moralez said he jumped at the opportunity. While developing the concept plan, Moralez said he realized that the program will only work if the individual wants it to work and is willing to give up a few things to gain others. "I feel good about the program for two reasons, I helped develop it and it worked for me," Moralez said. "I'm telling you, if you walk through this door many others will open. The trick is to get thru that first one!" Soldiers eligible for this program are those in the battalion who are transitioning out of the Army. Those Soldiers who apply for the program, with an endorsement from the Warrior Transition Battalion commander, can be placed in a federal civilian position at White Sands Missile Range for up to 90 days, pending release from active duty. Upon successful completion of the trial period and upon honorable release from the military, if approved by the appropriate civilian selecting official, the eligible Soldier may be appointed to the civilian position. "Tony has been an outstanding addition to DPTMS. If you're looking for adaptive, resourceful self-starters with good operational sense, look to the Wounded Warrior Program. I just found out I have two more openings and I plan to bring in two more," said Gerry Veara, White Sands DPTMS. According to Sally Smoot, White Sands CPAC director at the time this article was written, the program is a win-win situation. "Our managers get to fill their jobs quickly, and we get to take care of our Soldiers who have taken care of us." "Under the Equal Employment Opportunity umbrella, the Wounded Warrior Co-Op Program fits well into the objectives of the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program Plan. Those warriors who are a part of the Wounded Warrior Battalion have combat related disabilities they received while serving in the war on terrorism," said Liz Childers, EEO officer. Childers said it is the goal of the EEO office to ensure that disabled veterans are offered equal employment opportunity in the federal service. "With the collaborated effort of the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center and William Beaumont Army Medical Center, the objective is to recruit and employ those wounded warriors with the required skills needed to fulfill the mission of White Sands Missile Range," she said. Applications for this Program are available online at Questions pertaining to this Program may be directed to Carol Main at (575) 678-7728, DSN 258-7728. Q: New column from previous columns in Pandas I have a pandas dataframe with some columns: >>data.columns.values array(['Sheet', 'Row', 'Column', 'Cell', 'V0', 'Thx', 'dV', 'Vd'], dtype=object) Each row contains a different value for the Sheet, Row, etc etc. From the info of Sheet, Row, etc I will create a PDF file title like this: title = Sheet%s_Row%s_Column%s_Cell%s.pdf So instead of iterating over each row of the DataFrame and create a single title each time, I wanted to directly create another column of strings called title and store the different titles like this: data['title'] = "Sheet%s_Row%s_Column%s_Cell%s" % (data['Sheet'], data['Row'], data['Column'], data['Cell']) But this is not working, seems like it is appending each Serie inside each %s How can I create this title column from the info on each row without having to iterate over the entire DataFrame? A: One way to do this would be using DataFrame.apply() with axis=1. Example - data['title'] = data.apply(lambda row: "Sheet{}_Row{}_Column{}_Cell{}".format(row['Sheet'], row['Row'], row['Column'], row['Cell']) , axis=1) Demo - In [52]: df = pd.DataFrame([['A','B'],['C','D'],['E','F']] , columns=['Sheet','row']) In [53]: df Out[53]: Sheet row 0 A B 1 C D 2 E F In [54]: df['title'] = df.apply(lambda row: "Sheet{}_row{}".format(row['Sheet'],row['row']) , axis=1) In [55]: df Out[55]: Sheet row title 0 A B SheetA_rowB 1 C D SheetC_rowD 2 E F SheetE_rowF The Joker (1960 film) The Joker () is a 1960 French comedy film directed by Philippe de Broca. Plot Edouard Berlon is a young, incorrigible seducer who moves very lightly from one affair to the next. He meets Helene Larouch, a woman married to André, a rich financier who is very busy with his affairs, leaving her in an emotionally arid life. Initially Helene resists Edouard's wooing, but as she gets to know his lively character, his eccentric lifestyle and his very unusual family environment, including his old uncle Théodose, his brother Pilou, servat Olga, some infants, and a few stray dogs, she lets herself become seduced. Their relation, however, turns out to be an ephemeral one as Edouard is busy seducing another woman. Cast Anouk Aimée as Helene Larouch Jean-Pierre Cassel as Edouard Berlon Pierre Palau as Théodose Geneviève Cluny as Pilou Berlon Georges Wilson as Guillaume Berlon Anne Tonietti as Olga François Maistre as André Laroche Jean-Pierre Rambal as Paul Liliane Patrick as Solange Irène Chabrier as Aline, servant at the inn Release The film had its premiere at the Locarno Film Festival in August 1960, but was not released commercially until 20 January 1961 in France and 7 August 1961 in New York. During the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, the film was presented with other classics at the Cinéma de la Plage, a non-competitive part of the official selection that is open to the public. In 12 November 2013, the film was presented at the Cinémathèque québécoise, Montréal. Critical response The film has been described as "a lot of genial fun" as the plot evolves. It also has been described as whimsical and in parts "nutty" for the eccentric lifestyle of the hero and his family. French critics, on the other hand, find subtle qualities in the presentation of the characters as uncle Théodose is described as "an original, old uncle" as well as poetic connotations in the overall work. References External links Category:1961 films Category:French films Category:French-language films Category:1960s romantic comedy films Q: C General sscanf return I'm trying to use the return value of sscanf function. The problem is that in the file that I'm reading, some lines may contain different number of integers. How can I tackle this problem? A: int values[5]; int values_per_line = sscanf_s(line_buffer, "%d %d %d %d %d", &values[0], &values[1], &values[2], &values[3], &values[4]); ` sscanf_s, _sscanf_s_l, swscanf_s, _swscanf_s_l: Return Value Each of these functions [including s_sscanf()] returns the number of fields that are successfully converted and assigned; the return value does not include fields that were read but not assigned. A return value of 0 indicates that no fields were assigned. The return value is EOF for an error or if the end of the string is reached before the first conversion. The Decision Maker Credit unions are well aware of the growing revolution in payments. A recent report by McKinsey & Company (Global Payments 2015: A Healthy Industry Confronts Disruption) noted that, the growth of nonbank digital competitors over the next five years will increase downward pressure on transaction margins while increasing growth in electronic payments. The drivers for this trend are all too familiar: Large technology companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Tencent and Alibaba, are some of the most significant nonbank competitors. These organizations are cash-rich and have virtually captive customer bases. Smartphones have become a crucial channel in the world of payments. With these devices comes a swarm of payment options. These range from the likes of Apple Pay to “In-App” purchases that provide an almost seamless user experience. Member expectations for technology-enabled experiences have grown considerably. Today’s members, like any other consumers, have experienced an unprecedented level of service via nonbank providers. Some may wonder why their favorite credit union does not have the same level of digital service. Despite all the hype about the electronics payments, adoption by credit union members may tend to be slower than the public at large. Members tend to be more conservative so fewer are likely to be enthusiastic early adopters. However, this does not mean credit unions are complacent about this growing trend. The industry, especially its larger players, has begun to respond vigorously with various “digital wallet” strategies. While these efforts are in the formative stages, it is imperative that credit unions position themselves to members as the trusted alternative for safe and secure digital payments. From this positioning, members can be educated and motivated to become loyal users of the credit union’s digital payment platform. A crucial element to make this strategy successful is analytics. Making effective decisions in this fast-paced environment is crucial. The ability to adjust the tactical underpinnings of the strategy on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis depends on the availability of transactional data for analysis. Having data quickly available at this level of granularity requires a well-designed and well-tuned data warehouse. This tool provides an essential feedback loop for decision makers as they guide the digital payments strategy toward meeting member needs and keeping those payments (and their margins) close to the credit union. We are missing an opportunity in this space. I would suggest that digital wallets and the associated strategies for a credit union implementation are great and should be pursued. As an industry however, we should own the entire transaction stack from the rails to the transaction. Our mobile transaction rails currently are owned and controlled by companies that are not credit union friendly. Additionally, the advent of blockchain technology will push massive disruption at the current banking infrastructure. Some have predicted the complete demise of banking as it currently exists as a result. Bottom line is the industry is fast approaching the need to innovate or die in my view. With that in mind, there is new pursuit of solutions that address both lines of thinking. Unfortunately, as an industry we remain focused on the wrong things. Instead, we need to think much bigger. Subscribe to Email Updates You now have more information at hand about your credit union than ever before. But are you using it to "out-think" your rivals? If not, you may be missing out on a potent competitive tool. This blog will: Educate subscribers about data integration and Big Data and Analytics. Send this page to someone via email WARNING: The following story contains descriptions that some readers may find disturbing. Discretion is advised. Quebec City police say a 39-year-old man has been arrested in connection with what they are describing as an attempted murder of a woman in her 20s. The incident happened on Friday evening when police were called to Arago Street West at around 9 p.m. after a man set a woman on fire before fleeing the scene. Paramedics rushed the woman to hospital with life-threatening injuries. READ MORE: Man seriously injured after setting himself on fire outside south London government office, SIU says Police say she suffered serious burns to her face, back and hands. “We fear for her life,” police said in a written statement on Saturday. Story continues below advertisement The suspect was arrested Saturday morning at around 11:35 a.m. on Girardin Street in Drummondville, roughly 150 kilometres west of Quebec City. Quebec City police spokesperson Etienne Doyon said the suspect was the victim’s ex. READ MORE: Multiple injuries after vehicle crashes into Quebec City building Doyon said a warrant had been issued for his arrest. He was wanted for attempted murder and aggravated assault. He is being held by provincial police in Drummondville. Investigators with Quebec City police were en route to interview the suspect. Doyon said police had yet to interview the victim herself. He confirmed reports that the woman’s mother and children had witnessed the attack. “The children were placed in the care of the grandmother,” he said, adding that police made sure they were being provided with the necessary support. Martyn Allard, who says he’s the victim’s neigbour, told Global News he was standing on his second-floor balcony Friday night when he saw someone running by. “I thought he’d dropped a burning torch on the street,” he said, adding he only realized it was a person when she started running and screaming, “I’m on fire, I’m on fire, someone lit me on fire!” Story continues below advertisement READ MORE: Evacuation at Quebec City airport terminal lifted, operations return to normal Allard said he called 911 and then rushed to the woman’s side to try and help her. “I was yelling at her ‘Madame get on the ground, madame get on the ground,’ but she was burning up like a torch,” he said. He described a strong smell of gasoline as he approached the victim and said he ripped her burning clothes off as he waited for a neighbour to bring a blanket. Allard said he grasped the victim’s hands as she appeared wobbly and talked to her to keep her alert. “She was talking about her kids,” he said. Story continues below advertisement — With files from The Canadian Press CCSU professors accused of sexual misconduct with students Photo: Journal Register Co. Photo: Journal Register Co. Image 1 of / 3 Caption Close CCSU professors accused of sexual misconduct with students 1 / 3 Back to Gallery Central Connecticut State University President Zulma R. Toro announced Tuesday that she is seeking to fire two longtime theater professors after investigators concluded that each had likely engaged in sexual misconduct with one or more students. Toro also announced plans to appoint new leadership for the university’s Office of Diversity & Equity and to reorganize the human resources department after evidence showed that administrators for years failed to take proper action on complaints of sexual misconduct. The two professors are Joshua Perlstein, hired in 1992, who was placed on paid administrative leave in April, and Thomas Delventhal, who was hired in 1998 and was placed on paid leave last week. Both professors continue to draw their salaries, which are in the $100,000 range. “I am disgusted and disheartened by the new findings indicating two of our professors repeatedly engaged in sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior with their students,” Toro said in statement. “Also disturbing are the apparent failures by administrators who, over the years, did not protect our students. The findings pinpoint vital changes that are needed to ensure past misbehaviors, mistakes and inaction are not repeated at this university.” Toro hired the Hartford law firm Shipman & Goodwin LLP nine months ago to conduct the investigation after an article appeared in CCSU’s student newspaper, The Recorder, revealing allegations of sexual misconduct by Perlstein. The same article also detailed a lack of administrative action when complaints were made. The investigation, which entailed reviewing thousands of documents, emails, and texts and interviews with dozens of faculty, staff and current and former students, found significant evidence that Perlstein was likely involved in sexual misconduct with several students, including a lengthy, manipulative relationship with one student that continued after her graduation. It also found that he had a “history of questionable interactions” with female students, was untruthful to investigators and attempted to conceal his problematic conduct because he believed it would put his job in jeopardy. Following up on students’ complaints about Delventhal, the investigators said that he admitted, over the years, to kissing five students on the neck and/or forehead, was untruthful during his investigatory interview, and denied attempting to engage in any relationship with current or former students. Perlstein said Tuesday he had “no comment at this time,” while Delventhal could not be reached for comment. Toro said she is taking the steps required by collective bargaining to dismiss both professors. She said the process involves “a number of faculty panels” and could take as long as a year, but she doesn’t expect the professors would continue to be paid that entire time. Besides appointing new leadership for the Office of Diversity & Equity, Toro said she plans to explore a new model for investigating sexual harassment, bullying and misconduct on campus, and to adopt an institution-wide reporting, monitoring and tracking system to collect and disseminate data, as well as taking other steps. Toro noted that the most recent chief diversity officer, Rosa Rodriguez, left her post on Friday for “personnel reasons” that Toro said she could not discuss. She did say that Rodriguez would be going to a new position at Capital Community College “for some time.” “To those who bravely shared their stories with out investigators, I am immensely grateful,” Toro said. “This has been a painful process for all of those involved. I am resolved to take the actions necessary to ensure our campus is a safe environment for all and to restore faith and pride in Connecticut’s oldest public institution of higher education.” Toro said she realized it may be a “sad day for the survivors, but at the same time I think it’s the beginning of a process that will help them heal and I think that will be positive at the end of the day.” Mark Ojakian, president of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, said he applauds Toro “for taking prompt and decisive action to make CCSU - and the theatre department in particular - a better, more welcoming learning environment.” He said the reports identify important steps needed to ensure that “all sexual misconduct complaints are received with the utmost seriousness, thoroughly investigated, and acted upon accordingly. I am beyond confident in the President’s ability to oversee and implement the necessary cultural and policy changes in a thoughtful and transparent manner.” A troubled theater department The investigators paint a picture of a theater department that is rife with tension and conflict among professors, while also quite informal. Those interviewed said that students and some faculty frequently socialize at parties or other gatherings where alcohol is consumed. In addition, those interviewed raised concerns with investigators about the “propriety” of some theater class exercises, such as massage circles. “It appears as though the informality of the department has led to a climate in which personal space and boundaries are not respected,” the report said. Faculty, administrators and students reported that there were ” rumors” about relationships between professors and students for years, which they believe have not been properly addressed, the report said. The report includes concerns that Rodriguez, the most recent chief diversity officer, as well as her predecessors, are “not welcoming or friendly, and in some cases intimidating and/or lacking follow through.” The investigators said the office is not fulfilling “the crucial function of receiving, investigating and addressing complaints.” In addition, the investigators found that Human Resources officials failed to interview complainants or witnesses about alleged misconduct involving theater faculty members. Rodriguez’s office referred questions about the report to the university’s public relations office. In at least one case, the report said, a former human resources officer named Anne Alling contacted a relevant potential witness and then later sent the same individual an email indicating that an interview was no longer required, even though the concern still existed and the faculty member remained employed at the university. In two other cases, another former Human Resources officer, Lou Pisano, failed to interview a relevant student witness before making a determination on the matter. Had the human resource office conducted further inquiry in those cases, the report said, “the outcome may have been substantially different and more significant prior discipline issued up to and including termination of the professor’s employment.” The report also said that it is troubling that other high level administrators did not take action to prevent a recurrence. The report says that a former dean and provost, Susan Pease, in setting goals for the theater department in 2014, said that faculty needed to “shape up,” adding that “shape up means: 1) they have to stop sleeping with students 2) they have to stop yelling at students and each other,” and several other goals including putting “on shows that people want to see.” “Despite the fact that she was aware of these complaints, she did not effectively address them,” the report said. Pease, who retired last February, said in an email Tuesday that the “goals” were sent “in an informal email to the acting chair of Theater I had recommended for appointment and represented my frustration with the department.” Students described Perlstein as ‘creepy’ The report says nearly all of the students interviewed used the word “creepy” to describe Perlstein and reported that he routinely conducted warm-up exercises, improvisations and visualizations in class in which he sometimes asked students to imagine themselves naked or act out words representing various sexual activities such as “sex” and “orgasm.” Several students said they told investigators that at times they caught Perlstein looking at them during these exercises in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Current and former students also told investigators that Perlstein would make comments about their weight, body parts and sexuality. He told one student she was not “sexual enough” to play a certain role. He also told that student, “You walk into a room and your tits are like bam.” Some told investigators that Perlstein seemed to deliberately choose plays that included sexual themes or nudity. The report tells of two instances in which Perlstein was accused of kissing students. The first was in the 1990s, when the student alleged that Perlstein approached her from behind and tried to kiss her on the lips while she stood outside the Black Box Theater at CCSU. The student managed to turn her head so the kiss landed on her cheek, according to the report, but Perlstein allegedly whispered to her that she should “not attempt to pull away when [he is] trying to kiss her.” A few weeks later the student confronted Perlstein and told him that he had made her uncomfortable and he should never attempt to do that again. The student told investigators that Perlstein was most concerned during that exchange about whether she had reported the incident to the university. The report said that during his interview with the investigators, Perlstein denied engaging in the alleged conduct or said it was the result of a “misunderstanding.” In the case involving the student outside the Black Box theater, the report said Perlstein claimed “he was merely trying to congratulate her after she allegedly told him that she was ‘getting married.'” The investigators said this is not “credible given the fact that the student was already married when she enrolled in the university a few years earlier.” Perlstein also disputed the account of a student in which he was found by CCSU to have engaged in “inappropriate behavior/sexual harassment.” The student accused him of kissing her, hugging her and touching her buttocks. Perlstein said he had been having an “emotional” not “sexual” conversation with her and kissed her on the cheek, but he denied touching her buttocks. According to Perlstein, the CCSU staff member at the time told him that “if we call it sexual harassment, it will go away.” Perlstein claimed that he was told that otherwise, there was a “high likelihood” that the matter would be pursued with authorities by the student’s “crazy father,” the report said. Perlstein therefore accepted the findings of the CCSU report because he thought it would end the inquiry, according to the Shipman & Goodwin report. Anna Kelly, who was the student in this incident and is now in her mid-30s living in Hartford, said she is encouraged to know the report will be “a catalyst to move the school forward — that it’s going to bring about actual change and actual consequences for these people who have gone unchecked and unpunished for a long time.” In his interview, the report said, Perlstein admitted that he engaged in a consensual relationship with a student he was teaching and advising in 2013, but claimed it was limited to a one or two weeks while he was advising her. But the report said that “substantial electronic communications” between the professor and the student demonstrate that their inappropriate relationship lasted for “an extended period of time” from 2013 until the summer of 2014 when the student graduated, with some breaks along the way. In August 2013, Perlstein was disciplined by the university for having a relationship with a student he was teaching and advising but the report says it is clear that both before and after that, Perlstein continued to advise, assist and direct activities involving the student. Perlstein said the relationship with the student, whether before or after she graduated, was consensual and not coercive, the report said. But the student told the investigators that she did not believe the relationship was “fully consensual on her part.” Because Perlstein was her adviser for her honors thesis, the student told investigators she believed she needed his assistance to successfully complete her project and graduate. “She claims that she felt as though she had no choice but to capitulate to his demands,” the report said. Evidence of their ongoing relationship can be found in multiple texts included in the report including one from early 2014, the report said, in which Perlstein says, “Sorry about attacking your butt … it was aggressive and wrong …have a swell day. Love yoi [sic] ” The texts included in the report depict a controlling and manipulative relationship in which Perlstein tried to keep the relationship going while the student tried to break it off, but feared that doing so might harm her academic and theater career. “The extensive communications demonstrate that he engaged in a long-term sexual relationship significantly beyond what any reasonable person would view as appropriate between a professor and student,” the report said. The report said further that the text messages demonstrate that Perlstein was aware his actions were wrong. Ashley Malloy, who has identified herself as the young woman who had the long relationship with Perlstein and who is now in a graduate school theater program in San Francisco said the reports offers “some relief that the truth is finally coming out but the fact that it’s this long overdue definitely doesn’t take the sting out of what has happened.” “To just read in no uncertain terms the extent to which the administration was aware of what was going on,” Malloy said, “is so disheartening and destroyed whatever little bit of faith I had left in the institution.” But she said she does applaud Toro’s actions. Delventhal admits kissing at least five students During his interview, Delventhal admitted that he probably kissed at least five students on the neck and forehead. Delventhal told investigator that this was a way of expressing his endearment for a student and explained that this was the manner in which he was kissed by female members of his family. He said he did not see it as inappropriate or sexual in nature. However, at least one student told investigator that his kisses made her uncomfortable. The investigators found that Delventhal “knew or should have known” that such contact was inappropriate and not in compliance with university policies.” Q: Is a virtual function of a template class implicitly instantiated? Consider the following code. Is it guaranteed that Derived::foo() will be instantiated? foo() is virtual and is called by a non-virtual function of the base class. #include class Base { public: void bar() { foo(); } private: virtual void foo() = 0; }; template class Derived: public Base { public: Derived(T t_) : t(t_) {} private: void foo() override { std::cout << t; } T t; }; Derived make_obj() { return Derived(7); } A: Standard section 14.7.1/11 says It is unspecified whether or not an implementation implicitly instantiates a virtual member function of a class template if the virtual member function would not otherwise be instantiated. However, for a typical vtable implementation, instantiating any constructor of the class requires a vtable for the class to exist, which must contain a pointer to the specialization's virtual function definition. So in practice the virtual function will probably be instantiated. Q: Show that $S_5$ does not have a quotient group isomorphic to $S_4$ Show that $S_5$ does not have a quotient group isomorphic to $S_4$. If we to assume that $H$ is such a group, than $H$ must be normal in $S_5$ and $|H|=|S_5|/|S_4|=5$. So $H$ must be isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}/5\Bbb Z$. That's as far as my logic goes. I couldn't arrive at a contradiction. Any ideas? A: The possible candidates for such an $H$ are the subgroups of $S_5$ that are cyclic of order 5. All elements of $S_5$ of order 5 are given by $5$-cycles. However, the subgroup generated by a 5-cycle is not normal, so no $H$ can exist, as desired. A: The kernel of a surjective homomorphism from $S_5$ to $S_4$ would have order $|S_5|/|S_4|=5.$ This is impossible because: $S_5$ has $1+4!=25$ elements of order $1$ or $5$; the image of each of those $25$ elements must have order $1$ or $5$ in $S_4$; but $S_4$ has no elements of order $5,$ so those $25$ elements must all belong to the kernel of the homomorphism. Forum of Private Business The Forum of Private Business or The Forum (The FPB) is a UK-based membership organisation which campaigns for the interests of small and medium-sized businesses. A member-funded organisation, it offers practical business advice and help, as well as offering a range of products and services to help its members save money. The Forum was established in 1977, is a non-party political organisation and represents over 25,000 UK businesses. Background The Forum (the FPB) was founded by Stan Mendham in 1977. Previously, Mendham had run an engineering business but was becoming increasingly concerned by the lack of understanding of smaller businesses in the economy and mounting red tape. He studied member-based organisations for smaller businesses in America and Canada, and decided to create a British equivalent. # Alphabet The language of a foreign text can often be identified by looking up characters specific to that language. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Latin alphabet) and no other – English, Indonesian, Latin, Malay, Swahili, Zulu àäèéëïijöü – Dutch (Except for the ligature ij, these letters are very rare in Dutch. Even fairly long Dutch texts often have no diacritics.) áêéèëïíîôóúû Afrikaans êôúû – West Frisian ÆØÅæøå – Danish, Norwegian single diacritics, mostly umlauts ÄÖäö – Finnish (BCDFGQWXZÅbcfgqwxzå are found only in names and loanwords, occasionally also ŠšŽž) ÅÄÖåäö – Swedish (occasionally é) ÄÖÕÜäöõü – Estonian (BCDFGQWXYZcfqwxyz are found only in names and loanwords, occasionally also ŠšŽž) ÄÖÜẞäöüß – German Circumflexes ÇÊÎŞÛçêîşû – Kurdish ĂÂÎȘȚăâîșț – Romanian ÂÊÎÔÛŴŶÁÉÍÏâêîôûŵŷáéíï – Welsh; (ÓÚẂÝÀÈÌÒÙẀỲÄËÖÜẄŸóúẃýàèìòùẁỳäëöüẅÿ used also but much less commonly) ĈĜĤĴŜŬĉĝĥĵŝŭ – Esperanto Three or more types of diacritics ÇĞİÖŞÜçğıöşü – Turkish ÁÐÉÍÓÚÝÞÆÖáðéíóúýþæö – Icelandic ÁÐÍÓÚÝÆØáðíóúýæø – Faroese ÁÉÍÓÖŐÚÜŰáéíóöőúüű – Hungarian ÀÇÉÈÍÓÒÚÜÏàçéèíóòúüï· – Catalan ÀÂÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔŒÙÛÜŸàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ – French; (Ÿ and ÿ are found only in certain proper names) ÁÀÇÉÈÍÓÒÚËÜÏáàçéèíóòúëüï (· only in Gascon dialect) – Occitan ÁÉÍÓÚÂÊÔÀãõçáéíóúâêôà (ü Brazilian and k, w and y not in native words) – Portuguese ÁÉÍÑÓÚÜáéíñóúü ¡¿ – Spanish ÀÉÈÌÒÙàéèìòù – Italian ÁÉÍÓÚÝÃẼĨÕŨỸÑG̃áéíóúýãẽĩõũỹñg̃ - Guarani (the only language to use g̃) ÁĄĄ́ÉĘĘ́ÍĮĮ́ŁŃ áąą́éęę́íįį́łń (FQRVfqrv not in native words) – Southern Athabaskan languages ’ÓǪǪ́ āą̄ēę̄īį̄óōǫǫ́ǭúū – Western Apache 'ÓǪǪ́ óǫǫ́ – Navajo ’ÚŲŲ́ úųų́ – Chiricahua/Mescalero ąłńóż Lechitic languages ćęłńóśźż Polish ćśůź Silesian ãéëòôù Kashubian A, Ą, Ã, B, C, D, E, É, Ë, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, Ł, M, N, Ń, O, Ò, Ó, Ô, P, R, S, T, U, Ù, W, Y, Z, Ż – Kashubian ČŠŽ and no other – Slovene ĆĐ – Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Latin ÁĎÉĚÍŇÓŘŤÚŮÝáďéěíňóřťúůý – Czech ÁÄĎÉÍĽĹŇÓÔŔŤÚÝáäďéíľĺňóôŕťúý – Slovak ĀĒĢĪĶĻŅŌŖŪāēģīķļņōŗū – Latvian; (ŌŖ and ōŗ no longer used in most modern day Latvian) ĄĘĖĮŲŪąęėįųū – Lithuanian ĐÀẢÃÁẠĂẰẲẴẮẶÂẦẨẪẤẬÈẺẼÉẸÊỀỂỄẾỆÌỈĨÍỊÒỎÕÓỌÔỒỔỖỐỘƠỜỞỠỚỢÙỦŨÚỤƯỪỬỮỨỰỲỶỸÝỴ đàảãáạăằẳẵắặâầẩẫấậèẻẽéẹêềểễếệìỉĩíịòỏõóọồổỗốơờởỡớợùủũúụưừửữứựỳỷỹýỵ – Vietnamese ꞗĕŏŭo᷄ơ᷄u᷄ – Middle Vietnamese ā ē ī ō ū – May be seen in some Japanese texts in Rōmaji or transcriptions (see below) or Hawaiian and Māori texts. é – Sundanese ñ - Basque أ ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه ؤ و ئ ى ي ء Arabic script Arabic, Malay (Jawi), Kurdish (Soranî), Panjabi / Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu, others. پ چ ژ گ – Persian (Farsi) Brahmic family of scripts Bengali script অ আ কা কি কী উ কু ঊ কূ ঋ কৃ এ কে ঐ কৈ ও কো ঔ কৌ ক্ কত্‍ কং কঃ কঁ ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য র ৰ ল ৱ শ ষ স হ য় ড় ঢ় ০ ১ ২ ৩ ৪ ৫ ৬ ৭ ৮ ৯ used to write Bengali and Assamese. Devanāgarī अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ ऌ ॡ ऍ ऎ ए ऐ ऑ ऒ ओ ओ क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल ळ व श ष स ह ० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९ प् पँ पं पः प़ पऽ used to write, either along with other scripts or exclusively, several Indian languages including Sanskrit, Hindi, Maithili, Magahi Marathi, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Bhili, Konkani, Bhojpuri and Nepali from Nepal. Gurmukhi ਅਆਇਈਉਊਏਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹ primarily used to write Punjabi as well as Braj Bhasha, Khariboli (and other Hindustani dialects), Sanskrit and Sindhi. Gujarati script અ આ ઇ ઈ ઉ ઊ ઋ ઌ ઍ એ ઐ ઑ ઓ ઔ ક ખ ગ ઘ ઙ ચ છ જ ઝ ઞ ટ ઠ ડ ઢ ણ ત થ દ ધ ન પ ફ બ ભ મ ય ર લ ળ વ શ ષ સ હ ૠ ૡૢૣ used to write Gujarati and Kachchi Tibetan script ཀ ཁ ག ང ཅ ཆ ཇ ཉ ཏ ཐ ད ན པ ཕ བ མ ཙ ཚ ཛ ཝ ཞ ཟ འ ཡ ར ལ ཤ ས ཧ ཨ used to write Standard Tibetan, Dzongkha (Bhutanese), and Sikkimese АБВГДЕЖЗИКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШ (Cyrillic alphabet) ЙЩЬЮЯ Ъ – Bulgarian ЁЫЭ Ў, no Щ, І instead of И (Ґ in some variants) – Belarusian rarely Ъ – Russian ҐЄІЇ – Ukrainian ЉЊЏ, Ј instead of Й (Vuk Karadžić's reform) ЃЌЅ – Macedonian ЋЂ – Serbian ЄꙂꙀЗІЇꙈОуꙊѠЩЪꙐЬѢЮꙖѤѦѨѪѬѮѰѲѴҀ – Old Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic Ӂ – Romanian in Transnistria (elsewhere in Latin) ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρσςτυφχψω (Greek Alphabet) – Greek אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת (Hebrew alphabet) and maybe some odd dots and lines above, below, or inside characters – Hebrew פֿ; dots/lines below letters appearing only with א,י, and ו – Yiddish no dots or lines around the letters, and more than a few words end with א (i.e., they have it at the leftmost position) – Aramaic Ladino 漢字文化圈 – Some East Asian Languages and no other – Chinese with あいうえおの Hiragana and/or アイウエオノ Katakana – Japanese 위키백과에 (note commonplace ellipses and circles) Korean ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏ etc. -- ㄓㄨˋㄧㄣㄈㄨˊㄏㄠˋ (Bopomofo) ㄪㄫㄬ -- not Mandarin កខគឃងចឆជឈញដឋឌឍណតថទធនបផពភមសហយរលឡអវអ្កអ្ខអ្គអ្ឃអ្ងអ្ចអ្ឆអ្ឈអ្ញអ្ឌអ្ឋអ្ឌអ្ឃអ្ណអ្តអ្ថអ្ទអ្ធអ្នអ្បអ្ផអ្ពអ្ភអ្មអ្សអ្ហអ្យអ្រអ្យអ្លអ្អអ្វ អក្សរខ្មែរ (Khmer alphabet) - Khmer Ա Բ Գ Դ Ե Զ Է Ը Թ Ժ Ի Լ Խ Ծ Կ Հ Ձ Ղ Ճ Մ Յ Ն Շ Ո Չ Պ Ջ Ռ Ս Վ Տ Ր Ց Ւ Փ Ք Օ Ֆ (Armenian alphabet) – Armenian ა ბ გდ ევ ზ ჱ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ჲ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ ჳ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჴ ჯ ჰ ჵ ჶ ჷ ჸ (Georgian alphabet) – Georgian กขฃคฅฆงจฉชซฌญฎฏฐฑฒณดตถทธนบปผฝพฟภมยรฤลฦวศษสหฬอฮฯะา฿เแโใไๅๆ๏๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙๚๛ (Thai script) - Thai AEIOUHKLMNPW' Hawaiian alphabet - Hawaiian ⴰⴱⴲⴳⴴⴵⴶⴷⴸⴹⴺⴻⴼⴽⴾⴿⵀⵁⵂⵃⵄⵅⵆⵇⵈⵉⵊⵋⵌⵍⵎⵐⵑⵒⵓⵔⵕⵖⵗⵘⵙⵚⵛⵜⵝⵞⵠⵡⵢⵣⵤⵥⵦⵧ Tifinagh, a script used for Tamazight (Berber) Latin alphabet (possibly extended) Romance languages Lots of Latin roots. French (Français) Accented letters: â ç è é ê î ô û, rarely ë ï ; ù only in the word où, à only at the ends of a few words (including à). Never á í ì ó ò ú. Angle quotation marks: « » (though "curly-Q" quotation marks are also used); dialogue traditionally indicated by means of dashes. Common short words: la, le, les, un, une, des, de, du, à, au, et, ou, où, sur, il, elle, ils, se, je, vous, que, qui, y, en, si, ne, est, sont, a, ont. Many apostrophised contractions for common pronouns and particles, i.e. words l' or d', less often c', j', m', n', s', t', or rarely z' — only before a word starting by a vowel or, in some cases, an h. Common digraphs and trigraphs: Vowels digraphs: au, ai, ei, ou. Word-final -ez. Vowels digraphs (nasals): an, en, in, on, rarely un. For all of these, the n become m before b, p or m (e.g. embouchure, never *enbouchure). Vowel trigraphs: eau, ein, ain, oin. Consonant digraphs: ch, gu-. Rarely sh. Semi-consonant -ill-. Letters w and k, are rare and used only in loanwords, most often from Germanic languages (e.g whisky). Ligatures œ and æ are conventional but are rarely used (a few words are well known, e.g. œil, œuf(s), bœuf(s), most other are scientific/technical and borrowed from Latin). Words ending in -aux, -eux, or -oux. Spanish (Español) Characters: ¿ ¡ (inverted question and exclamation marks), ñ All vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú) may take an acute accent The letter u can take a diaeresis (ü), but only after the letter g Some words frequently used: de, el, del, los, la(s), uno(s), una(s), y No apostrophised contractions No use of grave accent Letters k and w are rare and only used in loanwords (e.g. walkman) Word beginnings: ll- (check not Welsh or Catalan) double L (ll) Word endings: -o, -a, -ción, -miento, -dad Angle quotation marks: « » (though "curly-Q" quotation marks are also used); dialogue often indicated by means of dashes Italian (Italiano) Almost every native word ends in a vowel. Example exceptions include non, il, per, con, del. Common one-letter word: è. Common word: perché. Letter sequences: gli, gn, sci. Letters j, k, w, x and y are rare and used only in loanwords (e.g. whisky). Word endings: -o, -a, -zione, -mento, -tà, -aggio. Grave accent (e.g., on à) almost always occurs in the last letter of words. Double consonants (tt, zz, cc, ss, bb, pp, ll, etc.) are frequent. Catalan (Català) Characters: à, è, é, í, ï, ò, ó, ú, ü, ç, · Character combination tz (also common in Basque, however) and l·l Syllables and words ending in -aig, -eig, -oig, -uig, -aix, -eix, -oix, -uix Letter sequences: tx (also common in Basque, however) and tg Letter y is only used in the combination ny and loanwords Letters k and w are rare and only used in loanwords (e.g. walkman) Word endings: -o, -a, -es, -ció, -tat, -ment Word beginning: ll- (also common in Spanish and Welsh, however) Common words: això, amb, mateix, tots, que Romanian (Română) Characters: ă â î ș ț Common words: și, de, la, a, ai, ale, alor, cu Word endings: -a, -ă, -u, -ul, -ului, -ție (or -țiune), -ment, -tate; names ending in -escu Double and triple i: copii, copiii Note that Romanian is sometimes written online with no diacritics, making it harder to identify. A cedilla is sometimes used on S (ş) and on T (ţ) instead of the correct diacritic, the comma (above). Portuguese (Português) Characters: ã, õ, â, ê, ô, á, é, í, ó, ú, à, ç Common one-letter words: a, à, e, é, o Common two-letter words: ao, as, às, da, de, do, em, os, ou, um Common three-letter words: aos, com, das, dos, ele, ela, mas, não, por, que, são, uma Common endings: -ção, -dade, -ismo, -mente Common digraphs: ch, nh, lh; examples: chave, galinha, baralho. The letters k, w and y are rare. They are found mostly in loanwords, e.g.: keynesianismo, walkie-talkie, nylon. Most singular words end in a vowel, l, m, r, or z. Plural words end in -s. Walloon (Walon) Characters: å, é, è, ê, î, ô, û Common digraphs and trigraphs: ai, ae, én, -jh-, tch, oe, -nn-, -nnm-, xh, ou Common one-letter words: a, å, e, i, t', l', s', k' Common two-letter words: al, ås, li, el, vs, ki, si, pô, pa, po, ni, èn, dj' Common three-letter words: dji, nén, rén, bén, pol, mel Common endings: -aedje, -mint, -xhmint, -ès, -ou, -owe, -yî, -åcion Apostrophes are followed by a space (preferably non breaking one), eg: l' ome instead of l'ome. Galician (Galego) Similar to Portuguese; the indefinite article "unha" (fem. plural), the suffix -ción and a heavier usage of the letter "x" usually sign Galician. Definite articles o (masc. sing.), os (masc. plural), a (fem. sing.), as (fem. plural) Common diagraphs: nh (ningunha) The letters j, k, w and y are not in the alphabet, and appear only in loanwords Germanic languages English words: a, an, and, in, of, on, the, that, to, is, what, I (I is always capital when talking about oneself) letter sequences: th, ch, sh, ough, augh, qu word endings: -ing, -tion, -ed, -age, -s, -’s, -’ve, -n’t, -’d diacritics or accents only in loanwords (piñata) Dutch (Nederlands) letter sequences ij (capitalized as IJ, and also found as a ligature, IJ or ij), ei, ou, au, oe, doubled vowels (but not ii), kw, ch, sch, oei, ooi, aai and uw (especially eeuw, ieuw, auw, and ouw). all consonants, except h, j, q, v, w, x and z can be doubled. the letters c (except in the sequence (s)ch), q, x and y are almost only found in loanwords. words: het, op, en, een, voor (and compounds of voor). word endings: -tje, -sje, -ing, -en, -lijk, at the start of words: z-, v-, ge- t/m occasionally occurs between two points in time or between numbers (e.g. house numbers). West Frisian (Frysk) letter sequences: ij, ei, oa words: yn Afrikaans (Afrikaans) Words: 'n, as, vir, nie. Similar to Dutch, but: the common Dutch letters c and z are rare and used only in loanwords (e.g. chalet); the common Dutch vowel ij is not used; instead, i and y are used (e.g. -lik, sy); the common Dutch word ending -en is rare, being replaced by -e. German (Deutsch) umlauts (ä, ö, ü), ess-zett (ß) letter sequences: ch, sch, tsch, tz, ss, common words: der, die, das, den, dem, des, er, sie, es, ist, ich, du, aber common endings: -en, -er, -ern, -st, -ung, -chen, -tät rare letters: x, y (except in loanwords) letter c rarely used except in the sequences listed above and in loanwords long compound words a period (.) after ordinal numbers, e.g. 3. Oktober many capitalised words in the middle of sentences since German capitalizes all nouns. Swedish (Svenska) letters å, ä, ö, rarely é common words: och, i, att, det, en, som, är, av, den, på, om, inte, men common endings: -ning, -lig, -isk, -ande, -ade, -era, -rna common surname endings: -sson, -berg, -borg, -gren, -lund, -lind, -ström, -kvist/qvist/quist long compound words letter sequences: stj, sj, skj, tj, ck, än no use of characters w, z except for foreign proper nouns and some loanwords but x is used, unlike Danish and Norwegian, which replace it with ks doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare Danish (Dansk) letters æ, ø, å common words: af, og, til, er, på, med, det, den; common endings: -tion, -ing, -else, -hed; long compound words; no use of character q, w, x and z except for foreign proper nouns and some loanwords; to distinguish from Norwegian: uses letter combination øj; frequent use of æ; spellings of borrowed foreign words are retained (in particular use of c), such as centralstation. doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare Norwegian (Norsk) letters æ, ø, å common words: av, ble, er, og, en, et, men, i, å, for, eller; common endings: -sjon, -ing, -else, -het; long compound words; no use of character c, w, z and x except for foreign proper nouns and some loanwords; two versions of the language: Bokmål (much closer to Danish) and Nynorsk – for example ikke, lørdag, Norge (Bokmål) vs. ikkje, laurdag, Noreg (Nynorsk); Nynorsk uses the word òg; printed materials almost always published in Bokmål only; to distinguish from Danish: uses letter combination øy; less frequent use of æ; spellings of borrowed foreign words are ‘Norsified’ (in particular removing use of c), such as sentralstasjon. doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare Icelandic (Íslenska) letters á, ð, é, í, ó, ú, ý, þ, æ, ö common beginnings: fj-, gj-, hj-, hl-, hr-, hv-, kj-, and sj-, common endings: -ar (especially -nar), -ir (especially -nir), -ur, -nn (especially -inn) no use of character c, q, w, or z except for foreign proper nouns, some loanwords, and, in the case of z, older texts. doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare Faroese (Føroyskt) letters á, ð, í, ó, ú, ý, æ, ø letter combinations: ggj, oy, skt to distinguish from Icelandic: does not use é or þ, uses ø instead of ö (occasionally rendered as ö on road signs, or even ő). doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare Baltic languages Latvian (Latviešu) uses diacritics: ā, č, ē, ģ, ī, ķ, ļ, ņ, ō, ŗ, š, ū, ž does not have letters: q, w, x, y no longer uses ō or ŗ in modern language extremely rare doubling of vowels rare doubling of consonants a period (.) after ordinal numbers, e.g. 2005. gads common words: ir, bija, tika, es, viņš Lithuanian (Lietuvių) visual abundance of letters ą, č, ę, ė, į, š, ų, ū, ų does not have letters q, w, x extremely rare doubling of vowels and consonants many varying forms (usually endings) of the same word, e.g. namas, namo, namus, namams, etc. generally long words (absence of articles and fewer prepositions in comparison to Germanic languages) common words: ir, yra, kad, bet. Slavic languages Polish (Polski) consonant clusters rz, sz, cz, prz, trz includes: ą, ę, ć, ś, ł, ń, ó, ż, ź words w, z, we, i, na (several one-letter words) words jest, się words beginning with był, będzie, jest (forms of copula być, "to be"). Czech (Čeština) visual abundance of letters ž š ů ě ř words je, v to distinguish from Slovak: does not use ä, ľ, ĺ, ŕ or ô; ú only appears at the beginning of words. Slovak (Slovenčina) visual abundance of letters ž š č; uses: ä, ľ, and ô and (very rarely) ĺ and ŕ; typical suffixes: -cia, -ť; to distinguish from Czech: does not use ě, ř or ů. Croatian (Hrvatski) similar to Serbian letters-digraphs dž, lj, nj does not have q, w, x, y typical suffixes: -ti, -ći special letters: č, ć, š, ž, đ common words: a, i, u, je to distinguish from Serbian: sequences -ije- and -je- are common; verbs ending in -irati, -iran Serbian (Srpski/Српски) Serbian Latin similar to Croatian letters-digraphs dž, lj, nj (lj and nj are somewhat more common than dž, although not by much) no q, w, x, y typical verb suffixes -ti, -ći (infinitive is much less used than in Croatian) foreign words might end in -tija, -ovan, -ovati, -uje special letters: đ (rare), č, š (common), ć, ž (less common) common words: a, i, u, je, jeste future tense suffix -iće, -ićeš, -ićemo, -ićete (not found in Croatian) vowel sequences -ije- and -je- are very often in Serbian that is spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia (ijekavica), but it does not appear in Serbia because each of those sequences are substituted with -e- (ekavica). Serbian Cyrillic uses Џ, Ј, Љ, Њ, Ђ, Ћ does not use Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я, Ё, Є, Ґ, Ї, І, Ў to distinguish from Macedonian: does not use Ѕ, Ѓ, Ќ Celtic languages Welsh (Cymraeg) letters Ŵ, ŵ used in Welsh words y, yr, yn, a, ac, i, o letter sequences wy, ch, dd, ff, ll, mh, ngh, nh, ph, rh, th, si letters not used: k, q, v, x, z letter only used rarely, in loanwords: j commonly accented letters: â, ê, î, ô, û, ŵ, ŷ, although acute (´), grave (`), and dieresis (¨) accents can hypothetically occur on all vowels word endings: -ion, -au, -wr, -wyr y is the most common letter in the language w between consonants (w in fact represents a vowel in the Welsh language) circumflex accent (^) is by far the commonest diacritical mark, although diacritics are often omitted altogether Irish (Gaeilge) vowels with acute accents: á é í ó ú words beginning with letter sequences bp dt gc bhf letter sequences sc cht no use of the letter J, K, Q, V, W. frequent bh, ch, dh, fh, gh, mh, th, sh to distinguish from (Scottish) Gaelic: there may be words or names with the second (or even third) letter capitalized instead of the first: hÉireann. Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) vowels with grave accents: à è ì ò ù (é and ó still occasionally seen but usage is now discouraged) letter sequences sg chd frequent bh, ch, dh, fh, gh, mh, th, sh to distinguish from Irish: prefixes are hyphenated, so capitals in the middle of words generally do not occur: an t-Oban. Albanian (Shqip) unique letters: ë, ç. ë is the most common letter in the language. the letter w is not used except in loanwords. dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, and zh are considered one letter instead of two. common words: po, jo, dhe, i, të, me Maltese (Malti) unique letters: ċ, ġ, ħ, għ, ħ, ż semitic origin, fairly intelligible with Arabic uses il-xxx for the definite article Iranian languages Kurdish (Kurdî / كوردی) uses circumflex ( ^ ): ê, î, û and cedilla ( ¸ ): ç, ş the word xwe (oneself, myself, yourself etc.) appears frequently and is highly specific (xw combination) ( I, i ) is the most common letter in the language uses eight vowels (a, e, ê, i, î, o, u, û) impossible to find a word without any vowel has lots of compound words Finno-Ugric languages Finnish (Suomi) distinct letters å, ä and ö; but never õ or ü (y takes the place of ü) b, f, z, š and ž appear in loanwords and proper names only; the last two are substituted with sh or zh in some texts c, q, w, x, å appear in (typically foreign) proper names only outside of loanwords, d appears only between vowels or in hd outside of loanwords, g only appears in ng outside of loanwords, words do not begin with two consonants; this is reflected in the general syllable structure, where consonant clusters only occur across syllable boundaries, except in some loanwords common words: sinä, on common endings: -nen, -ka/-kä, -in, -t (plural suffix) common vowel combinations: ai, uo, ei, ie, oi, yö, äi unusually high degree of letter duplication, both vowels and consonants will be geminated, for example aa, ee, ii, kk, ll, ss, yy, ää frequent long words Estonian (Eesti) distinct letters: õ, ä, ö and ü; but never ß or å similar to Finnish, except: letter y is not used, except in loanwords (ü is the corresponding vowel) letters b and g (without preceding n) are found outside of loanwords occasional use of š and ž, mainly in loanwords (plus combination tš) loanwords more common generally than in Finnish, mainly loaned from German words end in consonants more frequently than in Finnish, word-final b, d, v being particularly typical letter d is much more common in Estonian than in Finnish, and in Estonian it is often the last letter of the word (plural suffix), which it never is in Finnish double öö more common than in Finnish; other doubles can include õõ, üü, rarely hh (for German ch) and even šš common words: ja, on, ei, ta, see, või. Hungarian (Magyar) letters ő and ű (double acute accent) unique to Hungarian accented letters á and é frequent letter combinations: cs, dz, dzs, gy, ly, ny, sz, ty, zs (all classed as separate letters), leg‐, ‐obb (note: sz also common in Polish) common words: a, az, ez, egy, és, van, hogy letter k very frequent (plural suffix) Eskimo–Aleut languages Greenlandic long polysynthetic words (a single word can number 30+ letters) relatively abundant n, q (not necessarily followed by u), u ubiquitous double consonants and vowels (aa, ii, qq, uu, more rarely ee, oo) vowels a, i, u conspicuously more frequent than e, o (which are only found before q and r) no diphthongs except occasional word-final ai, only consonant combinations besides double consonants and (n)ng consist of r + consonant old spellings (now abolished in spelling reform) sometimes included acute accent, circumflex and/or tilde: Qânâq vs. Qaanaaq. Southern Athabaskan languages vowels with acute accent, ogonek (nasal hook), or both: á, ą, ą́ doubled vowels: aa, áá, ąą, ą́ą́ slashed l: ł (check not Polish!) n with acute accent: ń quotation mark: ' or ’ sequences: dl, tł, tł’, dz, ts’, ií, áa, aá may have rather long words Navajo (Diné bizaad) In addition to the above, does not use u, ú, or ų (Mescalero / Chiricahua) (Mashgaléń / Chidikáágo) In addition to the above, uses: u, ú, ų does not use o, ó, or ǫ Guaraní lots of tildes over vowels (including y) and n tilde over g: g̃—it's the only language in the world to use it. Example words: hagũa and g̃uahẽ. b, d, and g usually do not occur without m or n before (mb, nd, ng) unless they're Spanish loan words. f, l, q, w, x, z extremely rare outside loan words does not use c without h: ch Japanese in Romaji (Nihongo/日本語) words: desu, aru, suru, esp. at end of sentences; word endings: -masu, -masen, -shita; letters: Japanese almost always alternates between a consonant and a vowel. Exceptions are digraphs shi and chi, affricate tsu, gemination (two of the same consonant in a row) and palatalization (a consonant followed by the letter y). a macron or circumflex may be used to indicate doubled vowels, eg. Tōkyō common words: no, o, wa, de, ni (Note: Romaji is not often used in Japanese script. It is most often used for foreigners learning the pronunciation of the Japanese language.) Hmong (Hmoob) written in Romanized Popular Alphabet Almost all written words are quite short (one syllable). Syllables (unless they are pronounced with mid tone) end in a tone letter: one of b s j v m g d, leading to apparent "consonant clusters" such as -wj w can be the main vowel of a syllable (e.g. tswv) Syllables can begin with sequences such as hm-, ntxh-, nq-. Syllables ending in double vowels (especially -oo, -ee) possibly followed by a tone letters (as in Hmoob "Hmong"). Vietnamese (tiếng Việt) Roman characters with more than one diacritical mark on the same vowel. See above. Almost all written words are quite short (one syllable, mostly less than six characters long). Words beginning with ng or ngh Words ending with nh common words: cái, không, có, ở, của, và, tại, với, để, đã, sẽ, đang, tôi, bạn, chúng, là Vietnamese Quoted-Readable (VIQR) The following characters (often in combination) after vowels: ^ ( + ' ` ? ~ . DD, Dd, or dd The following character before punctuation: \ Vietnamese VNI encoding The digits 1-8 after vowels The digit 9 after a D or d The following character before numbers: \ Vietnamese Telex The following characters after vowels: s f r x j The following vowels, doubled up: a e o The letter w after the following characters: a o u DD, Dd, or dd Chinese, Romanized Standard Mandarin (現代標準漢語) In general, Mandarin syllables end only in vowels or n, ng, r; never in p, t, k, m Pinyin Words beginning with x, q, zh Tone marks on vowels, such as ā, á, ǎ, à For convenience while using a computer, these are sometimes substituted with numbers, e.g. a1, a2, a3, a4 Wade–Giles Words do not begin with b, d, g, z, q, x, r Words beginning with hs Many hyphenated words Apostrophes after initial letters or digraphs, e.g. t'a, ch'i Gwoyeu Romatzyh Many unusual vowel combinations such as ae, eei, ii, iee, oou, yy, etc. Insertion of r, e.g. arn, erng, etc. Words ending in nn, nq Southern Min / Min-Nan (Bân-lâm-gí/Bân-lâm-gú) in Pe̍h-ōe-jī Many hyphenated words. Words can end in p, t, k, m, n, ng, h; never r Roman characters with many diacritical marks on vowels. Unlike Vietnamese, each character has at most one such mark. Unusual combining characters, namely · (middle dot, always after o) and | (vertical bar). ¯ (macron) is also common. Austronesian languages Malay (bahasa Melayu) and Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) May contain the following: Prefixes: me-, mem-, memper-, pe-, per-, di-, ke- Suffixes: -kan, -an, -i Others (these almost always written in lowercase): yang, dan, di, ke, oleh, itu Malay and Indonesian are mutually intelligible to proficient speakers, although translators and interpreters will generally be specialists in one or other language. See Comparison of Standard Malay and Indonesian. Frequent use of the letter 'a' (comparable to the frequency of the English 'e'). Polynesian languages Most Polynesian languages use A E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V and ʻ (sometimes written ' or Q) L : Nuclear Polynesian languages (Tongan, Samoan, Tuvaluan, Tokelauan...) as in fale R : Eastern Polynesian languages (NZ Māori, Tahitian, Cook Islands Māori, Rapa Nui...) as in fare K : most Polynesian languages except Hawaiian, Samoan, Tahitian H : most Polynesian languages except Samoan WH : NZ Māori (whenua) Consonants always separated by one or more vowels (fenua, Haʻapai, ʻolelo) Short and long vowels, written either with a macron (āēīōū) or by replication (aa, ee, ii, oo, uu) Frequent diphtongs (oiaue, māori) Words always end with a vowel Loanwords are translitterated (like in Japanese): Sesu Kilisito=Jesus Christ, polokalama=program) Frequent English or French loanwords (depending on colonial history) Tongan (lea fakatonga) A E F H I K L M N NG O P S T U V ʻ ng (Tonga), h, endings in -onua (fonua) article te frequent words: 'o, te, ki, mei, i, faka- English loanwords Samoan (gagana samoa) A E F G I L M N O P S T U V ʻ no K letter, uses okina (ʻ) or nothing instead (faka in Tongan is faʻa in Samoan) frequent use of L (le) frequent words: o, e, le, se, a, i, ma Wallisian (lea faka'uvea) A E F G H I K L M N O P S T U V ʻ distinguish from Tongan: g instead of ng (tokaga) article te h is more frequent than s (tahi) frequent words: ko, te, ki, mai, i, o, ne'e, e, mo, faka- French loanwords East Futunan (lea fakafutuna) A E F G H I K L M N O P S T U V ʻ article le frequent words: ko, le, ki, mei, i, o, mo, faka- distinguish from Wallisian: S is more frequent than H (tasi) distinguish from Samoan: letter K French loanwords Turkic languages Note that some Turkic languages like Azeri and Turkmen use a similar Latin alphabet (often Jaŋalif) and similar words, and might be confused with Turkish. Azeri has the letters Əə, Xx and Qq not present in the Turkish alphabet, and Türkmen has Ää, Žž, Ňň, Ýý and Ww. Latin Characters uniquely (or nearly uniquely) used for Turkic languages: Əə, Ŋŋ, Ɵɵ, Ьь, Ƣƣ, Ğğ, İ, and ı. All Turkic languages can form long words by adding multiple suffixes. Turkish (Türkçe/Türkiye_Türkçesi) Turkish Alphabet Lowercase: a b c ç d e f g ğ h ı i j k l m n o ö p r s ş t u ü v y z Uppercase: A B C Ç D E F G Ğ H I İ J K L M N O Ö P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z Common words bir — one, a bu — this ancak — but oldu — was (happened) şu — that Misc. The letter "j" is only used in loanwords. Words never begin with "ğ" Look for common word endings. Tense changes in Turkish verbs are created by adding suffixes to the end of the verb. Pluralizations occur by adding -lar and -ler. Common Tense Changes: -yor -mış -muş -sun Possessivity/person: -im -un -ın -in -iz -dur -tır Example: Yaptı , "[He] did it"; Yap is the verb stem meaning "to do", -mış indicates the perfect tense, -tır indicates the third person (he/she/it). Example: Adalar, "Islands"; Ada is a noun meaning "island", -lar makes it plural.) Example: Evimiz, "Our house"; Ev is a noun meaning "house", -im indicates the first-person possessor, which -iz then makes plural.) Azeri (Azərbaycanca) Azeri can be easily recognized by the frequent use of ə. This letter is not used in any other officially recognized modern Latin alphabet. In addition, it uses the letters x and q, which are not used in Turkish. Common words: və, ki, ilə, bu, o, isə, görə, da, də Frequent use of diacritics: ç, ğ, ı, İ, ö, ş, ü Words ending in -lar, -lər, -ın, -in, -da, -də, -dan, -dən Words never beginning with ğ or ı Words rarely beginning with two or more consonants Transliteration of foreign words and names, e.g. Audrey Hepburn = Odri Hepbern Chinese (中文) No spaces, except between punctuation marks and (sometimes) foreign words. Arabic numerals (0-9) sometimes used Punctuation: Period 。(not .) Serial comma 、(distinguished from the regular comma ,) Ellipse …… (six dots) No hiragana, katakana, or hangul May be written vertically Simplified Chinese (简体) vs Traditional Chinese (繁體) Note: Many characters were not simplified. As a result, it is common for a short word or phrase to be identical between Simplified and Traditional, but it is rare for an entire sentence to be identical as well. Common radicals different between Traditional and Simplified: Simplified: 讠钅饣纟门(e.g. 语 银 饭 纪 问) Traditional: 訁釒飠糹門(e.g. 語 銀 飯 紀 問) Common characters different between Traditional and Simplified: Simplified: 国 会 这 来 对 开 关 门 时 个 书 长 万 边 东 车 爱 儿 Traditional: 國 會 這 來 對 開 關 門 時 個 書 長 萬 邊 東 車 愛 兒 Standard written Chinese (based on Mandarin) vs written Vernacular Cantonese See also: zh:粵語 Note: Apart from Hong Kong, there are also Cantonese-speakers in southern Mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore[1], so written Cantonese can be written in either Simplified or Traditional characters. Common characters in Vernacular Cantonese that do not occur or seldom occur in Mandarin: 嘅 咗 咁 嚟 啲 唔 佢 乜 嘢 嗰 冇 睇 Some of the above characters are not supported in all character encodings, so sometimes the 口 radical on the left is substituted with a 0 or o, e.g. o既 0既 Sometimes, different Chinese characters are used to express the same meaning in Cantonese and Mandarin. If you use the one commonly used in Cantonese to express the same meaning when you are speaking or writing Mandarin, a native speaker may be confused or even find it difficult to understand, and vice versa. Some examples are: (Cantonese vs Mandarin) 食vs吃(eat) 飲vs喝(drink) 企vs站(stand) 凍vs冷(cold) 落vs下(down) 著vs穿(wear) 讀vs唸(read) 鬧vs罵(scold) 計vs算(calculate) 咪vs別(do not) 行vs走(walk/go) 先vs才(then) There are Chinese words used to construct vocabularies used in Cantonese that are not or seldomly implemented in modern Mandarin. Some examples are: (Cantonese vs Mandarin) 成日vs整天(always) 傾計vs聊天(talk) 返工vs上班(go to work) 溫書vs溫習(study) 影片vs視頻(video) 隔離vs旁邊(nearby) 起屋vs蓋樓(build a house) 聽日vs明天(tomorrow) 巴閉vs囂張(arrogant) 搞掂vs完成(finished) 定係vs還是(or) 靚仔vs帥哥(handsome male) 鍾意vs喜歡(like) 犀利vs厲害(powerful) 同埋vs和/及(and) 黐綫vs瘋的(crazy) 雪櫃vs冰箱(fridge) Cantonese vocabularies constructed by Cantonese words are used in daily life in southern China and are not used in modern Mandarin. Some examples are: 咪咁(don't be like this) 好冇(ok?) 玩嘢(to play tricks) 做嘢(to work) 睇戲(to watch a film/movie) 唔知(don't know) 埋嚟(come) 嗰個(that) 咁嘅嘢(such thing) 佢哋(they) 咩事/乜事(what?) 冇嘢(nothing) 嗰陣(at that moment) 越嚟越多(more and more) 我嘅(mine) 梗係(of course) 𥄫(to peek) 冧佢(love him/her) 拎畀我(take it to me) 嘥曬(everything is wasted) 你啱(you are right) 𢫏住(to cover something) 冚唪唥(all) 撳實(to press something tightly) 瞓覺(to sleep) 掟石仔(to throw a tiny stone) 唓[a modal word to express comtemption] 噃[a modal word for reminding or warning someone] 詏交(to argue) 好嬲(very angry) 心悒(feeling depressed in heart) 𧨾女仔(to please a girl) 得咁多咋(only this much) 做好咗(done something well) Finally, when terms are introduced from other countries(especially the US and the UK) to China, Cantonese and Mandarin often get different translations, where Cantonese often translates according to pronunciation of the terms in English and Mandarin often translates according to the meaning of the terms. Some examples are: (Cantonese vs Mandarin) 的士(dik1 si2, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs 出租車(chū zū chē, meaning cars for renting.), translated from Taxi. 巴士(baa1 si2, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs 公車(gōng chē, meaning public cars.), translated from Bus. 多士(do1 si2, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs 土司(tǔ sī, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.), translated from Toast. 騷(sou1, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs 秀(xìu, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation), translated from Show. 士多(si2 do1, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation) vs 小店(xiǎo diàn, meaning small shop), translated from Store. 𨋢(lip1, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation) vs 升降機(shēng jiàng jī, meaning machine that elevates and lowers itself), translated from Lift/Elevator. 掰拜(baai1 baai3, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation) vs 再見(zài jiàn, meaning see you again), translated from Byebye/Goodbye. Japanese (日本語) Katakana (カタカナ) and hiragana (ひらがな) characters mixed with kanji (漢字) No spaces Number system = Arabic Numerals (1,2,3 etc.) Punctuation: Period 。 Comma 、(,also used in double byte) Quotation marks 「」 Occasional small characters beside large ones, eg. しゃ りゅ しょ って シャ リュ ショ  ッテ Double tick marks (known as daku-on) appearing at upper right of characters, eg. で が ず デ ガ ズ Empty circles (known as handaku-on) appearing at upper right of characters, eg. ぱ ぴ パ ぴ Frequent characters: の を は が Originally written vertically(books, school, etc.) but mostly appears horizontal online. Korean (한국어/조선말) Western-style punctuation marks Western-style spacing Hangul letters(phonetic) ex: ㅂ(b in book) ㅈ(j in jump) ㅅ(s in sock)ㅊ(ch in champion) ㅍ(p in pox) Hangul letters used to form syllable blocks; e.g. ㅅ s + ㅓ o + ㅇ ng = 성 song Circles and ellipses are commonplace in Hangul; are exceedingly rare in Chinese. General appearance has relatively-uniform complexity, as contrasted with Chinese or Japanese. Khmer language ភាសារខ្មែរ Khmer is written using the distinctive Khmer alphabet. rarely uses spaces Letters have a distinctively "taller" shape than other Brahmic scripts. Uses Khmer numerals in writing ១ ២ ៣ ៤ ៥ ៦ ៧ ៨ ៩. Has smaller version of consonants placed below main consonants that may appear clustered Has 24 diacritics denoting syllable rhymes - ា ិ ី ឹ ឺ ុ ូ ួ ើ ឿ ៀ េ ែ ៃ េា ៅ ុំ ំ ាំ ះ ុះ េះ ោះ Uses this as a full stop: ។ Greek (Ελληνικά) Modern Greek is written with Greek alphabet in monotonic, polytonic or atonic, either according to Demotic (Mr. Triantafilidis) grammar or Katharevousa grammar. Some people write in Greeklish (Greek with Latin script) which is either Visual-based, orthographic or phonetic or just messed-up (mixed). The only official orthographic forms of Greek language are Monotonic and Polytonic. Normal Modern Greek (Greek Monotonic) words και, είναι; Each multi-syllable word has one accent/tone mark (oxia): ά έ ή ί ό ύ ώ The only other diacritic ever used is the tréma: ϊ/ΐ, ϋ/ΰ, etc. Pre-1980s Greek (Greek Polytonic) Katharevousa, Dimotiki (Triantafylidis' grammar) Diacritics: ά, ᾶ, ἀ, ἁ, and combinations, also with other vowels. Some texts, especially in Katharevousa, also have ὰ, ᾳ, in combination with other diacritics. Ancient Greek Diacritics: ά, ὰ, ᾶ, ἀ, ἁ, ᾳ, and combinations, also with other vowels; ῥ; tilde (ᾶ) often appears more like a rounded circumflex some texts feature lunate sigma (looks like c) instead of σ/ς Greek Atonic Was common in some Greek media (television); You will see Greek characters without accents/tones; words: και, ειναι, αυτο. Greek in Greeklish Automated conversion software for Greeklish->Greek conversion exists. If you notice a Greeklish text it may be useful for the Greek el.wikipedia (after conversion). Keep in mind: in Greeklish more than one character may be used for one letter. (example: th for Θ (theta)). Orthographic Greeklish words kai, einai. Phonetic Greeklish words ke, ine; omega appears as o; ei, oi appear as i; ai appears as e. Visual-based Greeklish omega (Ω or ω) may appear as W or w; epsilon (E) may appear as 3; alpha (A) may appear as 4; theta (Θ) may appear as 8; upsilon (Y) may appear as \|/; gamma (γ) may appear as y More than one character may be used for one letter. Messed-up (Mixed) Greeklish words kai, eine; combines principles of phonetic, visual-based and orthographic Greeklish according to writer's idiosyncrasy; The most commonly used form of Greeklish. Armenian (Հայերեն) Armenian can be recognized by its unique 39-letter alphabet: Ա Բ Գ Դ Ե Զ Է Ը Թ Ժ Ի Լ Խ Ծ Կ Հ Ձ Ղ Ճ Մ Յ Ն Շ Ո Չ Պ Ջ Ռ Ս Վ Տ Ր Ց Ւ Փ Ք ԵՎ(և) Օ Ֆ Georgian (ქართული) Georgian can be recognised by its unique alphabet (note some characters have fallen out of use). ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ ჱ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ჲ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ ჳ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჴ ჯ ჰ ჵ ჶ ჷ ჸ Cyrillic alphabet Bolding denotes letters unique to the language Slavic languages Belarusian (беларуская) uses: ё, і, й, ў, ы, э, ’ features: шч used instead of щ the only Cyrillic language not to feature и. Bulgarian (български) uses: ъ, щ, я, ю, й words: със, в features: many words end in definite article –ът, –ят, –та, –то, –те Macedonian (македонски) uses: ј, љ, њ, џ, ѓ, ќ, ѕ words: во, со features: р is usually found between consonants, for example првин Russian (русский) uses: ё, й, ъ (rarely), ы, э, щ Serbian (српски) uses: ј, љ, њ, џ, ђ, ћ does not use: ъ, щ, я, ю, й words: је, у features: large consonant clusters, for example српски Ukrainian (українська) uses: є, и, і, ї, й, ґ, є щ, ’ does not use: ъ, ё, ы, э Mongolian uses: ө, ү does not use: ё, й, к, щ, ъ, ы, ь, ю, я used only in names or borrowed words: в, е, з, ф, ц Montenegrin uses: З́, С́ Ossetian uses: ӕ Arabic alphabet All languages using the Arabic alphabet are written right-to-left. A number of other languages have been written in the Arabic alphabet in the past, but now are more commonly written in Latin characters; examples include Turkish, Somali and Swahili. Arabic (العربية) backwards question mark: ؟ short vowels are not written, so many words are written with no vowel at all common prefix: -الـ common suffix: ـة- words: إلى، من، على Persian (فارسی) Except in very rare case, verbs are at the end of a phrase. common verbs: کرد، بود، شد، است، می‌شود uses: پ، چ، ژ، گ words: که، به Urdu (اردو) uses: ‮ٹ‎، ڈ‎، ڑ‎، ں، ے many words ending in ے words: اور، ہے to distinguish from Arabic: in many texts, Urdu is written stylistically with words ‘slanting’ downwards from top-right to bottom-left (unlike the ‘linear’ style of Arabic, Persian etc.). Syriac Alphabet Syriac (ܐܬܘܪܝܐ) short vowels are not usually written so many words are written with no vowel at all three styles of writing (estrangela, serto, mahdnaya) and two different ways of representing vowels basic alphabet in Estrangela style is: ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܝ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܥ ܦ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܣ ܬ basic alphabet in Serto style is: ܬ‎, ܫ‎, ܪ‎, ܩ‎, ܨ‎, ܦ‎, ܥ‎, ܣ‎, ܢ‎, ܡ‎, ܠ‎, ܟ‎, ܝ‎, ܛ‎, ܚ‎, ܙ‎, ܘ‎, ܗ‎, ܕ‎, ܓ‎, ܒ‎, ܐ‎ basic alphabet in Madnhaya style is: ܬ‎,ܫ‎,ܪ‎,ܩ‎,ܨ‎,ܦ‎,ܥ‎,ܣ‎,ܢ‎,ܡ‎,ܠ‎,ܟ‎,ܝ‎,ܛ‎,ܚ‎,ܙ‎,ܘ‎,ܗ‎, ܕ‎,ܓ‎,ܒ‎,ܐ‎ Dravidian languages All Dravidian languages are written from left to right. All Dravidian languages have different scripts. But similarity can be found in their orthography. Kannada Kannada has a 49 letter alphabet. Tamil common word endings :ள்ளது, கிறது, கின்றன, ம் common words: தமிழ், அவர், உள்ள, சில Tamil has a unique 30-letter alphabet. With the help of diacritics, as many as 247 letters can be written. அ ஆ இ ஈ உ ஊ எ ஏ ஐ ஒ ஓ ஔ க ங ச ஞ ட ண த ந ப ம ய ர ல வ ழ ள ற ன Telugu Telugu has 56 characters (Aksharamulu) including vowels (Achchulu) and consonants (Hallulu). Telugu uses eighteen vowels, each of which has both an independent form and a diacritic form used with consonants to create syllables. The language makes a distinction between short and long vowels. అ ఆ ఇ ఈ ఉ ఊ ఋ ౠ ఌ ౡ ఎ ఏ ఐ ఒ ఓ ఔ అం అః క ఖ గ ఘ ఙ చ ఛ జ ఝ ఞ ట ఠ డ ఢ ణ త థ ద ధ న ప ఫ బ భ మ య ర ఱ ల ళ వ శ ష స హ ౦ ౧ ౨ ౩ ౪ ౫ ౬ ౭ ౮ ౯ Bengali The Bengali alphabet or Bangla alphabet (Bengali: বাংলা বর্ণমালা, bangla bôrnômala) or Bengali script (Bengali: বাংলা লিপি, bangla lipi) is the writing system, originating in the Indian subcontinent, for the Bengali language and is the fifth most widely used writing system in the world. The script is used for other languages like Assamese, Maithili, Meithei and Bishnupriya Manipuri, and has historically been used to write Sanskrit within Bengal. Bengali Bengali has unique 50 letter Alphabet. The Bengali script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes, each of which is called a স্বরবর্ণ swôrôbôrnô "vowel letter". The swôrôbôrnôs represent six of the seven main vowel sounds of Bengali, along with two vowel diphthongs. All of them are used in both Bengali and Assamese languages. অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ এ ঐ ও ঔ The Bengali script has a total of 39 Consonants. Consonant letters are called ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô "consonant letter" in Bengali. The names of the letters are typically just the consonant sound plus the inherent vowel অ ô. Since the inherent vowel is assumed and not written, most letters' names look identical to the letter itself (the name of the letter ঘ is itself ghô, not gh). ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য র ল শ ষ স হ ড় ঢ় য় ৎ ঃ ং ঁ has 10 diacritics denoting syllable rhymes - া ি ী ু ূ ৃ ে ৈ ো ৌ Assamese The Assamese script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes, each of which is called a স্বরবর্ণ swôrôbôrnô "vowel letter" too. অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ এ ঐ ও ঔ has a total of 39 Consonants. Consonant letters are called ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô "consonant letter" in Bengali. ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য ৰ ল শ ষ স হ ড় ঢ় য় ৎ ঃ ং ঁ has 10 diacritics denoting syllable rhymes - া ি ী ু ূ ৃ ে ৈ ো ৌ Canadian Aboriginal syllabics In modern writing, Canadian Aboriginal syllabics are indicative of Cree languages, Inuktitut, or Ojibwe, though the latter two are also written in alternative scripts. The basic glyph set is ᐁ ᐱ ᑌ ᑫ ᒉ ᒣ ᓀ ᓭ ᔦ, each of which may appear in any of four orientations, boldfaced, superscripted, and with diacritics including ᑊ ᐟ ᐠ ᐨ ᒼ ᐣ ᐢ ᐧ ᐤ ᐦ ᕽ ᓫ ᕑ. This abugida has also been used for Blackfoot. Other North American syllabics Cherokee Cherokee writing features a unique syllabary consisting of the following characters: ᎡᎢᎣᎤᎥᎦᎧᎨᎩᎪᎫᎬᎭᎮᎯᎰᎱᎲᎳᎴᎵᎶᎷᎸᎹᎺᎻᎼᎽᎾᎿᏀᏁᏂᏃᏄᏅᏆᏇᏈᏉᏊᏋᏌᏍᏎᏏᏐᏑᏒᏓᏔᏕᏖᏗᏘᏙᏚᏛᏜᏝᏞᏟᏠᏡᏢᏣᏤᏥᏦᏧᏨᏩᏪᏫᏬᏭᏮᏯᏰᏱᏲᏳᏴ. Artificial languages Esperanto (Esperanto) words: de, la, al, kaj Six accented letters: ĉ Ĉ ĝ Ĝ ĥ Ĥ ĵ Ĵ ŝ Ŝ ŭ Ŭ, their corresponding H-system representation ch Ch gh Gh hh Hh jh Jh sh Sh u U or their corresponding X-system representation cx Cx gx Gx hx Hx jx Jx sx Sx ux Ux words ending in o, a, oj, aj, on, an, ojn, ajn, as, os, is, us, u, i, aŭ Klingon (tlhIngan Hol) When written in the Latin alphabet Klingon has the unusual property of a distinction in case; q and Q are different letters, and other letters are either always (e.g. D, I, S) or never (e.g. ch, tlh, v) written in upper case. This causes a large number of words that look quite strange to people who aren't used to it, for example: yIDoghQo', tlhIngan Hol (with mixed case). The apostrophe is fairly frequent, especially at the end of a word or syllable. Common suffixes: -be', -'a' Common words: 'oH, Qapla' May use one or more apostrophes in the middle of a word: SuvwI″a' Lojban (lojban.) (almost) all lowercase; common words lo, mi, cu, la, nu, do, na, se; paragraphs delimited with ni'o and sentences delimited with .i (or i); many five-letter words in consonant-vowel shape CCVCV or CVCCV; many short words with apostrophes between vowels, like ko'a pi'o etc.; usually no punctuation except for dots; may use commas in the middle of words (typically proper nouns). Toki Pona (toki pona) alphabet is all lowercase except loanwords no diacritics only uses unvoiced consonants in writing, e.g. p, t, k Full alphabet: p, t, k, s, m, n, l, j, w, a, e, i, o, u common words li, mi, e, sina, ona, jan often sounds like a simplified and phonetic form of English or Swedish many two-syllable words !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~DÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜø£Ø׃áíóúñѪº¿®¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤ÁÂÀ©╣║╗╝¢¥┐└┴┬├─┼ãÃ╚╔╩╦╠═╬¤ðÐÊËÈıÍÎÏ┘┌█▄¦Ì▀ÓßÔÒõÕµþÞÚÛÙýݯ´¬±‗¾¶§÷¸°¨•¹³²■ 㧟㩳㭎㳠䁖䄍䌷䓖䘯䜣䜩䝼䞍䥇䥺䦂䦃䦆䦛䦟䦶䲟䲠䲡䲣䴓䴔䴕䴖䴗䴘䴙䶮一丁七万丈三上下不与丐丑专且丕世丘丙业丛东丝丞丢两严丧丨个丫中丰串临丶丸丹为主丽举丿乃久乇么义之乌乍乎乏乐乒乓乔乖乘乙乜九乞也习乡书乩买乱乳乾亅了予争事二于亏云互亓五井亘亚些亟亠亡亢交亥亦产亨亩享京亭亮亲亳亵人亿什仁仂仃仄仅仆仇仉今介仍从仑仓仔仕他仗付仙仝仞仟仡代令以仨仪仫们仰仲仳仵件价任份仿企伉伊伍伎伏伐休众优伙会伛伞伟传伢伤伥伦伧伪伫伯估伲伴伶伸伺似伽佃但位低住佐佑体何佗佘余佚佛作佝佞佟你佣佤佥佧佩佬佯佰佳佴佶佻佼佾使侃侄侈侉例侍侏侑侔侗供依侠侣侥侦侧侨侩侪侬侮侯侵便促俄俅俊俎俏俐俑俗俘俚俜保俞俟信俣俦俨俩俪俭修俯俱俳俸俺俾倌倍倏倒倔倘候倚倜借倡倥倦倨倩倪倬倭倮倳债值倾偃假偈偌偎偏偕做停健偬偶偷偻偾偿傀傅傈傍傣傥傧储傩催傲傺傻像僖僚僦僧僬僭僮僳僵僻儆儇儋儒儡儿兀允元兄充兆先光克免兑兔兕兖党兜兢入全八公六兮兰共关兴兵其具典兹养兼兽冀冁冂内冈冉册再冒冕冖冗写军农冠冢冤冥冫冬冯冰冱冲决况冶冷冻冼冽净凄准凇凉凋凌减凑凛凝几凡凤凫凭凯凰凳凵凶凸凹出击凼函凿刀刁刃分切刈刊刍刎刑划刖列刘则刚创初删判刨利别刭刮到刳制刷券刹刺刻刽刿剀剁剂剃削剌前剐剑剔剖剜剞剡剥剧剩剪副割剽剿劁劂劈劐劓力劝办功加务劢劣动助努劫劬劭励劲劳劾势勃勇勉勋勐勒勖勘募勤勰勹勺勾勿匀包匆匈匍匏匐匕化北匙匚匝匠匡匣匦匪匮匸匹区医匾匿十千卅升午卉半华协卑卒卓单卖南博卜卞卟占卡卢卣卤卦卧卩卫卮卯印危即却卵卷卸卺卿厂厄厅历厉压厌厍厕厘厚厝原厢厣厥厦厨厩厮厶去县叁参又叉及友双反发叔取受变叙叛叟叠口古句另叨叩只叫召叭叮可台叱史右叵叶号司叹叻叼叽吁吃各吆合吉吊同名后吏吐向吒吓吕吖吗君吝吞吟吠吡吣否吧吨吩含听吭吮启吱吲吴吵吸吹吻吼吾呀呃呆呈告呋呐呒呓呔呕呖呗员呙呛呜呢呤呦周呱呲味呵呶呷呸呻呼命咀咂咄咆咋和咎咏咐咒咔咕咖咙咚咛咝咣咤咦咧咨咩咪咫咬咭咯咱咳咴咸咻咽咿哀品哂哄哆哇哈哉哌响哎哏哐哑哒哓哔哕哗哙哚哜哝哞哟哥哦哧哨哩哪哭哮哲哳哺哼哽哿唁唆唇唉唏唐唑唔唛唠唢唣唤唧唪唬售唯唰唱唳唷唼唾唿啁啃啄商啉啊啐啕啖啜啡啤啥啦啧啪啬啭啮啵啶啷啸啻啼啾喀喁喂喃善喇喈喉喊喋喏喑喔喘喙喜喝喟喧喱喳喵喷喹喻喽喾嗄嗅嗉嗌嗍嗑嗒嗓嗔嗖嗜嗝嗟嗡嗣嗤嗥嗦嗨嗪嗫嗬嗯嗲嗳嗵嗷嗽嗾嘀嘁嘈嘉嘌嘎嘏嘘嘛嘞嘟嘣嘤嘧嘬嘭嘱嘲嘴嘶嘹嘻嘿噌噍噎噔噗噘噙噜噢噤器噩噪噫噬噱噶噻噼嚅嚆嚎嚏嚓嚣嚯嚷嚼囊囔囗囚四囝回囟因囡团囤囫园困囱围囵囹固国图囿圃圄圆圈圉圊圜土圣在圩圪圬圭圮圯地圳圹场圻圾址坂均坊坌坍坎坏坐坑块坚坛坜坝坞坟坠坡坤坦坨坩坪坫坭坯坳坶坷坻坼垂垃垄垅垆型垌垒垓垛垠垡垢垣垤垦垧垩垫垭垮垲垴垸埂埃埋城埏埒埔埕埘埙埚埝域埠埤埭埯埴埸培基埽堀堂堆堇堊堋堍堑堕堙堞堠堡堤堪堰堵塄塌塍塑塔塘塞塥塩填塬塾墀墁境墅墉墒墓墙墚增墟墨墩墼壁壅壑壕壤士壬壮声壳壶壹夂处备夊复夏夔夕外夙多夜够夤夥大天太夫夭央夯失头夷夸夹夺夼奁奂奄奇奈奉奋奎奏契奔奕奖套奘奚奠奢奥女奴奶奸她好妁如妃妄妆妇妈妊妍妒妓妖妗妙妞妣妤妥妨妩妪妫妮妯妲妹妻妾姆姊始姐姑姒姓委姗姘姚姜姝姣姥姨姬姹姻姿威娃娄娅娆娇娈娉娌娑娓娘娜娟娠娣娥娩娱娲娴娶娼婀婆婉婊婕婚婢婧婪婴婵婶婷婺婿媒媚媛媪媲媳媵媸媾嫁嫂嫉嫌嫒嫔嫖嫘嫜嫠嫡嫣嫦嫩嫫嫱嬉嬖嬗嬲嬴嬷孀子孑孓孔孕字存孙孚孛孜孝孟孢季孤孥学孩孪孬孰孱孳孵孺孽宀宁它宄宅宇守安宋完宏宓宕宗官宙定宛宜宝实宠审客宣室宥宦宪宫宰害宴宵家宸容宽宾宿寂寄寅密寇富寐寒寓寝寞察寡寤寥寨寮寰寸对寺寻导寿封射将尉尊小少尔尕尖尘尚尜尝尢尤尥尧尬就尴尸尹尺尻尼尽尾尿局屁层居屈屉届屋屎屏屐屑展屙属屠屡屣履屦屮屯山屹屺屿岁岂岈岌岍岐岑岔岖岗岘岙岚岛岜岢岣岩岫岬岭岱岳岵岷岸岽岿峁峄峋峒峙峡峤峥峦峨峪峭峰峻崂崃崆崇崎崔崖崛崞崤崦崧崩崭崮崴崽崾嵇嵊嵋嵌嵘嵛嵝嵩嵫嵬嵯嵴嶂嶙嶝嶷嶼巅巍巛川州巡巢工左巧巨巩巫差巯己已巳巴巷巽巾币市布帅帆师希帏帐帑帔帕帖帘帙帚帛帜帝带帧席帮帱帷常帻帼帽幂幄幅幌幔幕幛幞幡幢干平年并幸幺幻幼幽广庀庄庆庇床庋序庐庑库应底庖店庙庚府庞废庠庥度座庭庳庵庶康庸庹庾廉廊廑廒廓廖廛廨廪廴延廷建廾廿开弁异弃弄弈弊弋式弑弓引弗弘弛弟张弥弦弧弩弭弯弱弹强弼彀彐归当录彖彗彘彝彡形彤彦彩彪彬彭彰影彳彷役彻彼往征徂径待徇很徉徊律後徐徒徕得徘徙徜御徨循徭微徵德徼徽心必忆忉忌忍忏忐忑忒忖志忘忙忝忠忡忤忧忪快忭忮忱念忸忻忽忾忿怀态怂怃怄怅怆怊怍怎怏怒怔怕怖怙怛怜思怠怡急怦性怨怩怪怫怯怵总怼怿恁恂恃恋恍恐恒恕恙恚恝恢恣恤恧恨恩恪恫恬恭息恰恳恶恸恹恺恻恼恽恿悃悄悉悌悍悒悔悖悚悛悝悟悠患悦您悫悬悭悯悱悲悴悸悻悼情惆惊惋惑惕惘惚惜惝惟惠惦惧惨惩惫惬惭惮惯惰想惴惶惹惺愀愁愆愈愉愍愎意愕愚感愠愣愤愦愧愫愿慈慊慌慎慑慕慝慢慧慨慰慵慷憋憎憔憝憧憨憩憬憷憾懂懈懊懋懑懒懔懦懵懿戆戈戊戋戌戍戎戏成我戒戕或戗战戚戛戟戡戢戤戥截戬戮戳戴戶户戽戾房所扁扃扇扈扉手才扎扑扒打扔托扛扣扦执扩扪扫扬扭扮扯扰扳扶批扼找承技抄抉把抑抒抓投抖抗折抚抛抟抠抡抢护报抨披抬抱抵抹抻押抽抿拂拄担拆拇拈拉拊拌拍拎拐拒拓拔拖拗拘拙拚招拜拟拢拣拥拦拧拨择括拭拮拯拱拳拴拶拷拼拽拾拿持挂指挈按挎挑挖挚挛挝挞挟挠挡挢挣挤挥挨挪挫振挲挹挺挽捂捃捅捆捉捋捌捍捎捏捐捕捞损捡换捣捧捩捭据捱捶捷捺捻掀掂掇授掉掊掌掎掏掐排掖掘掠探掣接控推掩措掬掭掮掰掳掴掷掸掺掼掾揄揆揉揍揎描提插揖揞揠握揣揩揪揭揲援揶揸揽揿搀搁搂搅搋搌搏搐搓搔搛搜搞搠搡搦搪搬搭搴携搽搿摁摄摅摆摇摈摊摒摔摘摞摧摩摭摸摹摺撂撄撅撇撑撒撕撙撞撤撩撬播撮撰撵撷撸撺撼擀擂擅操擎擐擒擓擗擘擞擢擤擦攀攉攒攘攥攫攮支攴攵收攸改攻放政故效敉敌敏救敕敖教敛敝敞敢散敦敫敬数敲整敷文斋斌斐斑斓斗料斛斜斟斡斤斥斧斩斫断斯新方於施旁旃旄旅旆旋旌旎族旒旖旗无既日旦旧旨早旬旭旮旯旰旱时旷旺昀昂昃昆昊昌明昏易昔昕昙昝星映春昧昨昭是昱昴昵昶昼显晁晃晋晌晏晒晓晔晕晖晗晚晟晡晤晦晨普景晰晴晶晷智晾暂暄暇暌暑暖暗暝暧暨暮暴暹暾曙曛曜曝曦曩曰曲曳更曷曹曼曾替最月有朊朋服朐朔朕朗望朝期朦木未末本札术朱朴朵机朽杀杂权杆杈杉杌李杏材村杓杖杜杞束杠条来杨杩杪杭杯杰杲杳杵杷杼松板极构枇枉枋析枕林枘枚果枝枞枢枣枥枧枨枪枫枭枯枰枳枵架枷枸柁柃柄柏某柑柒染柔柘柙柚柜柝柞柠柢查柩柬柯柰柱柳柴柽柿栀栅标栈栉栊栋栌栎栏树栓栖栗栝校栩株栲栳样核根格栽栾桀桁桂桃桄桅框案桉桌桎桐桑桓桔桕桠桡桢档桤桥桦桧桨桩桫桴桶桷梁梃梅梆梏梓梗梢梦梧梨梭梯械梳梵检棂棉棋棍棒棕棘棚棠棡棣森棰棱棵棹棺棼椁椅椋植椎椐椒椟椠椤椭椰椴椹椽椿楂楔楗楚楝楞楠楣楦楫楮楱楷楸楹楼榀概榄榆榇榈榉榍榔榕榘榛榜榧榨榫榭榱榴榷榻槁槊槌槎槐槔槛槟槠槭槲槽槿樊樗樘樟模樨横樯樱樵樽樾橄橇橐橘橙橛橡橥橱橹橼檀檄檎檐檑檗檠檩檫檬欠次欢欣欤欧欲欷欹欺款歃歆歇歉歌歙止正此步武歧歪歹死歼殁殂殃殄殆殇殉殊残殍殒殓殖殚殛殡殪殳殴段殷殿毁毂毅毋母每毒毓比毕毖毗毙毛毡毫毯毳毵毹毽氅氆氇氍氏氐民氓气氕氖氘氙氚氛氟氡氢氤氦氧氨氩氪氮氯氰氲水永氽汀汁求汆汇汉汊汐汔汕汗汛汜汝汞江池污汤汨汩汪汰汲汴汶汹汽汾沁沂沃沅沆沈沉沌沏沐沓沔沙沛沟没沣沤沥沦沧沩沪沫沭沮沱沲河沸油治沼沽沾沿泄泅泉泊泌泐泓泔法泖泗泛泞泠泡波泣泥注泪泫泮泯泰泱泳泵泶泷泸泺泻泼泽泾洁洄洇洋洌洎洒洗洙洚洛洞津洧洪洫洮洱洲洳洵洹活洼洽派流浃浅浆浇浊测浍济浏浑浒浓浔浙浚浜浞浠浣浦浩浪浮浯浴海浸浼涂涅消涉涌涎涑涓涔涕涛涝涞涟涠涡涣涤润涧涨涩涪涫涮涯液涵涸涿淀淄淅淆淇淋淌淑淖淘淙淝淞淠淡淤淦淫淬淮深淳混淹添淼清渊渌渍渎渐渑渔渖渗渚渝渠渡渣渤渥温渫渭港渲渴游渺湃湄湍湎湓湔湖湘湛湟湫湮湾湿溃溅溆溉溏源溘溜溟溢溥溧溪溯溱溲溴溶溷溺溻溽滁滂滇滋滏滑滓滔滕滗滚滞滟滠满滢滤滥滦滨滩滴滹漂漆漉漏漓演漕漠漤漩漪漫漭漯漱漳漶漾潆潇潋潍潘潜潞潢潦潭潮潲潴潸潺潼澄澈澉澌澍澎澜澡澧澳澶澹澾激濂濉濑濒濞濠濡濮濯瀑瀚瀛瀣瀹灌灏灞火灭灯灰灵灶灸灼灾灿炀炅炉炊炎炒炔炕炖炙炜炝炫炬炭炮炯炱炳炷炸点炻炼炽烀烁烂烃烈烊烘烙烛烟烤烦烧烨烩烫烬热烯烷烹烽焉焊焐焓焕焖焘焙焚焦焯焰焱然煅煊煌煎煙煜煞煤煦照煨煮煲煳煸煺煽熄熊熏熔熘熙熟熠熨熬熳熵熹燃燎燔燕燠燥燧燮燹爆爝爨爪爬爰爱爵父爷爸爹爻爽爿片版牌牍牒牖牙牛牝牟牡牢牦牧物牯牲牵特牺牾牿犀犁犄犊犋犍犏犒犟犬犯犰犴状犷犸犹狁狂狃狄狈狍狎狐狒狗狙狞狠狡狨狩独狭狮狯狰狱狲狳狴狷狸狺狻狼猁猃猊猎猓猕猖猗猛猜猝猞猡猢猥猩猪猫猬献猱猴猷猸猹猾猿獍獐獒獗獠獬獭獯獾玄率玉王玎玑玖玛玟玢玩玫玮环现玲玳玷玺玻珀珂珈珉珊珍珏珐珑珙珞珠珥珧珩班珲球琅理琉琊琏琐琚琛琢琥琦琨琪琬琮琰琳琴琵琶琼瑁瑕瑗瑙瑚瑛瑜瑞瑟瑭瑰瑶瑷瑾璀璁璃璇璋璎璐璜璞璧璨璩璺瓒瓜瓞瓠瓢瓣瓤瓦瓮瓯瓴瓶瓷瓿甄甍甏甑甓甘甙甚甜生甥用甩甫甬甭甯田由甲申电男甸町画甾畀畅畈畋界畎畏畔留畚畛畜畝略畦番畲畴畸畹畿疃疆疋疏疑疒疔疖疗疙疚疝疟疠疡疣疤疥疫疬疮疯疰疱疲疳疴疵疸疹疼疽疾痂痃痄病症痈痉痊痍痒痔痕痖痘痛痞痢痣痤痦痧痨痪痫痰痱痴痹痼痿瘀瘁瘅瘊瘌瘐瘕瘗瘘瘙瘛瘟瘠瘢瘤瘥瘦瘩瘪瘫瘰瘳瘴瘵瘸瘼瘾瘿癀癃癌癍癔癖癜癞癣癫癯癶癸登白百皂的皆皇皈皋皎皑皓皖皙皤皮皱皲皴皿盂盅盆盇盈盉益盌盍盎盏盐监盒盓盔盕盖盗盘盛盜盝盞盟盠盡盢監盤盥盦盨盩盪盫盬目盯盱盲盳直相盹盻盼盽盾盿眀省眃眄眅眆眇眈眉眊看県眍眎眏眕眖眘眙眚眜眞真眠眢眣眥眦眨眩眫眬眭眮眯眰眲眳眵眶眷眸眹眺眼眾着睁睃睄睅睆睇睉睊睋睍睎睏睐睑睒睕睖睘睙睚睛睞睠睡睢督睥睦睧睨睩睪睫睬睱睴睹睺睻睽睾睿瞀瞂瞄瞅瞆瞇瞋瞌瞍瞎瞏瞐瞑瞒瞓瞕瞜瞞瞟瞠瞡瞢瞣瞥瞧瞩瞪瞫瞬瞭瞰瞳瞵瞷瞻瞼瞽瞿矀矂矃矄矅矇矊矍矎矒矔矗矘矙矚矛矜矝矞矟矡矢矣知矧矩矫矬短矮矯矰石矵矶矸矺矻矽矾矿砀码砂砉砌砍砏砑砒研砖砗砘砚砛砜砝砟砢砣砤砥砦砧砩砪砫砬砭砮砰砲破砷砸砹砺砻砼砾础硁硂硃硄硅硇硈硊硌硎硏硐硒硕硖硗硙硚硝硟硣硪硫硬硭确硱硷硼硽碀碁碃碅碇碉碌碍碎碑碒碓碔碕碗碘碚碛碜碟碠碡碣碥碦碧碩碭碰碱碲碳碴碵碶碸確碻碼碽碾磁磃磄磅磈磉磊磋磐磑磔磕磙磚磜磞磠磡磣磥磦磨磩磪磫磬磭磯磲磳磴磷磸磹磺磻磽磾磿礀礁礂礄礅礇礈礉礊礋礌礎礐礑礒礓礘礙礜礞礡礤礦礨礮礱礴示礼礽社礿祀祁祂祃祅祆祇祈祉祋祎祏祐祓祔祕祖祗祘祙祚祛祜祝神祟祠祢祤祥祦祧票祩祪祫祭祮祯祰祲祳祶祷祸祹祺祻祼祾祿禀禁禃禄禅禆禇禊禋禌禍禎福禐禑禔禖禗禘禛禜禞禠禡禢禣禤禥禦禧禨禩禪禫禬禭禮禰禱禳禵禸禹禺离禽禾禿秀私秃秅秆秉秋秌种科秒秔秕秘秙租秠秢秣秤秦秧秩秫秬秭积称秱秲秳秵秶秸秹秺移秼秽秾稀稂稃稄稅稆稇稈程稌稍税稑稓稔稖稗稘稙稚稛稜稞稟稠稡稣稧稬稭種稱稲稳稴稷稸稹稻稼稽稿穀穃穄穆穈穉穊積穐穑穗穙穛穜穟穢穩穪穫穯穰穱穴穵究穷穸穹空穻穽穿窀突窃窄窅窆窇窈窊窋窌窍窎窑窒窔窕窖窗窘窜窝窟窠窣窤窥窦窨窩窪窫窬窭窮窯窳窸窼窾窿竂竄竅竇竈立竌竏竑竒竖站竚竝竞竟章竢竣竤童竦竭端競竷竸竹竺竽竾竿笀笃笄笆笇笈笉笊笋笍笎笏笐笑笔笕笖笗笙笛笜笞笟笠笣笤笥符笧笨笪笫第笭笮笰笱笲笳笸笹笺笼笾笿筂筅筆筇筈等筊筋筌筍筏筐筑筒答策筘筚筛筝筠筢筣筥筦筩筭筮筰筱筲筴筵筶筷筸筹筻筼筽签简箅箇箋箍箏箐箒箓箔箕箖算箘箛箜箝箞箠管箢箣箤箥箦箧箨箩箪箫箬箭箯箱箴箷箸箹箽箾箿節篁篂篃範篆篇築篌篑篓篙篚篛篜篝篟篠篡篤篥篦篨篩篪篬篭篮篯篰篱篲篳篴篷篸篺篼篾簃簇簋簌簍簏簑簕簘簜簞簟簠簡簢簤簥簦簧簨簪簫簬簯簰簳簴簷簸簹簺簻簼簽簾簿籀籁籂籄籆籇籋籌籍籐籒籓籔籙籜籞籠籣籤籥籬籲米籴籶类籼籽粃粉粊粋粌粍粎粏粐粑粒粓粔粕粖粗粘粚粛粜粝粞粟粡粢粣粤粥粦粧粩粪粫粭粮粯粱粲粳粴粵粶粷粸粹粺粻粼粽精粿糀糁糂糅糇糈糉糊糌糍糓糕糖糗糙糜糞糟糠糢糦糧糨糮糯糰糱糴糵糷糸糺系紀紂紃約紅紇紊紋納紏紐紓純紖紗紘紙級紛紝素索紣紤紧紩紫紬紭紮累細紳紵紹紺紻紾絁終絃組絅絆絍絏結絒絓絕絙絛絜絞絟絡絣給絨絪絫絭絮統絲絳絶絷絹絺絼絽絾絿綀綂綄綅綈綊綍綎綏綑綒經綔綖綗綜綝綟綠綡綦維綮綱網綴綵綶綹綼綿緄緅緊緋緌緍緐緒緗線緛緜緝緞締緡緣緤緦編緩緯緰緱緲練緵緶緷緹緺緻緼縀縁縂縆縈縋縕縚縛縜縞縠縡縢縣縧縩縪縫縮縯縱縷縹縻縼總績縿繀繁繂繃繆繇繉繋繌繐繑繒織繕繖繙繚繜繝繞繟繣繤繧繨繩繫繬繯繳繴繸繺繻繼繿纀纁纂纃纄纉續纍纏纑纒纔纕纖纗纘纛纠纡红纣纤纥约级纨纩纪纫纬纭纮纯纰纱纲纳纴纵纶纷纸纹纺纻纽纾线绀绁绂练组绅细织终绉绊绋绌绍绎经绐绑绒结绔绕绖绗绘给绚绛络绝绞统绠绡绢绣绤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околачивать хуеплет хуило хуиней страдать хуиня хуй хуйнуть хуй пинать buzna čumět čurák debil do piče do prdele dršťka držka flundra hajzl hovno chcanky chuj jebat kokot kokotina koňomrd kunda kurva mamrd mrdat mrdka mrdník oslošoust piča píčus píchat prcat prdel prdelka sračka srát šoustat šulin vypíčenec zkurvit zkurvysyn zmrd žrát bøsserøv fisse fissehår hestepik kussekryller lort luder pik pikhår pikslugeri piksutteri pis røv røvhul røvskæg røvspræke آب کیر ارگاسم برهنه پورن پورنو تجاوز تخمی جق جقی جلق جنده چوچول حشر حشری داف دودول ساک زدن سکس سکس کردن سکسی سوپر شق کردن شهوت شهوتی شونبول فیلم سوپر کس کس دادن کس کردن کسکش کوس کون کون دادن کون کردن کونکش کونی کیر کیری لاپا لاپایی لاشی لخت لش منی هرزه alfred nussi bylsiä haahka haista paska haista vittu hatullinen helvetisti hevonkuusi hevonpaska hevonperse hevonvittu hevonvitunperse hitosti hitto huorata hässiä juosten kustu jutku jutsku jätkä kananpaska koiranpaska kuin esterin perseestä kulli kullinluikaus kuppainen kusaista 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aand aandu balatkar balatkari behen chod beti chod bhadva bhadve bhandve bhangi bhootni ke bhosad bhosadi ke boobe chakke chinaal chinki chod chodu chodu bhagat chooche choochi choope choot choot ke baal chootia chootiya chuche chuchi chudaap chudai khanaa chudam chudai chude chut chut ka chuha chut ka churan chut ka mail chut ke baal chut ke dhakkan chut maarli chutad chutadd chutan chutia chutiya gaand gaandfat gaandmasti gaandufad gandfattu gandu gashti gasti ghassa ghasti gucchi gucchu harami haramzade hawas hawas ke pujari hijda hijra jhant jhant chaatu jhant ka keeda jhant ke baal jhant ke pissu jhantu kamine kaminey kanjar kutta kutta kamina kutte ki aulad kutte ki jat kuttiya loda lodu lund lund choos lund ka bakkal lund khajoor lundtopi lundure maa ki chut maal madar chod madarchod madhavchod mooh mein le mutth mutthal najayaz najayaz aulaad najayaz paidaish pataka patakha raand randaap randi randi rona saala saala kutta saali kutti saali randi suar suar ke lund suar ki aulad tatte tatti teri maa ka bhosada teri maa ka boba chusu teri maa ki behenchod teri maa ki chut tharak tharki tu chuda balfasz balfaszok balfaszokat balfaszt barmok barmokat barmot barom baszik bazmeg buksza bukszák bukszákat bukszát búr búrok csöcs csöcsök csöcsöket csöcsöt fasz faszfej faszfejek faszfejeket faszfejet faszok faszokat faszt fing fingok fingokat fingot franc francok francokat francot geci gecibb gecik geciket gecit kibaszott kibaszottabb kúr kurafi kurafik kurafikat kurafit kurvák kurvákat kurvát leggecibb legkibaszottabb legszarabb marha marhák marhákat marhát megdöglik pele pelék picsa picsákat picsát pina pinák pinákat pinát pofa pofákat pofát pöcs pöcsök pöcsöket pöcsöt punci puncik segg seggek seggeket segget seggfej seggfejek seggfejeket seggfejet szajha szajhák szajhákat szajhát szar szarabb szarik szarok szarokat szart 3p g スポット s & m sm sm女王 アジアのかわいい女の子 アスホール アナリングス アナル いたずら イラマチオ エクスタシー エスコート エッチ エロティズム エロティック オーガズム オカマ おしっこ おしり オシリ おしりのあな おっぱい オッパイ オナニー オマンコ 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병신 보지 불알 빠구리 사까시 섹스 스와핑 쌍놈 씨발 씨발놈 씨팔 씹 씹물 씹빨 씹새끼 씹알 씹창 씹팔 암캐 애자 야동 야사 야애니 엄창 에로 염병 옘병 유모 육갑 은꼴 자위 자지 잡년 종간나 좆 좆만 죽일년 쥐좆 직촬 짱깨 쪽바리 창녀 포르노 하드코어 호로 화냥년 후레아들 후장 희쭈그리 aardappels afgieten achter het raam zitten afberen aflebberen afrossen afrukken aftrekken afwerkplaats afzeiken afzuigen een halve man en een paardekop anita asbak aso bagger schijten balen bedonderen befborstel beffen bekken belazeren besodemieterd zijn besodemieteren beurt boemelen boerelul boerenpummel bokkelul botergeil broekhoesten brugpieper buffelen buiten de pot piesen da's kloten van de bok de ballen de hoer spelen de hond uitlaten de koffer induiken del de pijp uitgaan dombo draaikont driehoog achter wonen drol drooggeiler droogkloot een beurt geven een nummertje maken een wip maken eikel engerd flamoes flikken flikker gadverdamme galbak gat gedoogzone geilneef gesodemieter godverdomme graftak gras maaien gratenkut greppeldel griet hoempert hoer hoerenbuurt hoerenloper hoerig hol hufter huisdealer johny kanen 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wijf wippen wuftje zaadje zakkenwasser zeiken zeiker zuigen zuiplap dritt drittsekk faen faen i helvete fan fanken fitte forbanna forbannet forjævlig fy faen føkk føkka føkkings jævla jævlig helvete helvetet kuk kukene kuker morraknuller morrapuler pakkis pikk pokker ræva ræven satan sinnsykt skitt sotrør ståpikk ståpikkene ståpikker svartheiteste burdel burdelmama chujnia ciota cipa cyc dmuchać do kurwy nędzy dupa dupek duperele dziwka fiut gówno gówno prawda huj huj ci w dupę jajco jajko ja pierdolę jebać jebany kurwa kurwy kutafon kutas lizać pałę obciągać chuja obciągać fiuta obciągać loda pieprzyć pierdolec pierdolić pierdolnąć pierdolnięty pierdoła pierdzieć pojeb pojebany popierdolony robic loda robić loda ruchać rzygać skurwysyn sraczka srać suka syf wkurwiać zajebisty aborto amador ânus aranha ariano balalao bicha biscate bissexual boceta bosta braulio de borracha bumbum burro cabrao cacete cagar camisinha caralho cerveja chochota chupar cocaína coito colhoes comer cona consolo corno cu dar o rabo dum raio esporra filho da puta foda foda-se foder frango assado gozar grelho heroína heterosexual homem gay homoerótico homosexual inferno lésbica mama paneleiro passar um cheque pau peidar pênis pinto porra puta puta que pariu puta que te pariu queca sacanagem saco torneira transar vadia vai-te foder vai tomar no cu veado vibrador xana xochota arsle brutta discofitta dra åt helvete fitta fittig för helvete hård jävlar knulla kuksås kötthuvud köttnacke moona moonade moonar moonat mutta olla pitt prutt pök runka röv rövhål rövknulla skita skit ner dig skäggbiff snedfitta snefitta stake subba sås sätta på tusan กระดอ กระเด้า กระหรี่ กะปิ กู ขี้ ควย จิ๋ม จู๋ เจ๊ก เจี๊ยว ดอกทอง ตอแหล ตูด น้ําแตก มึง แม่ง เย็ด รูตูด ล้างตู้เย็น ส้นตีน สัด เสือก หญิงชาติชั่ว หลั่ง ห่า หํา หี เหี้ย อมนกเขา ไอ้ควาย am amcığa amcığı amcığın amcık amcıklar amcıklara amcıklarda amcıklardan amcıkları amcıkların amcıkta amcıktan amı amlar çingene Çingenede Çingeneden Çingeneler Çingenelerde Çingenelerden Çingenelere Çingeneleri Çingenelerin Çingenenin Çingeneye Çingeneyi göt göte götler götlerde götlerden götlere götleri götlerin götte götten götü götün götveren götverende götverenden götverene götvereni götverenin götverenler götverenlerde götverenlerden götverenlere götverenleri götverenlerin kaltağa kaltağı kaltağın kaltak kaltaklar kaltaklara kaltaklarda kaltaklardan kaltakları kaltakların kaltakta kaltaktan orospu orospuda orospudan orospular orospulara orospularda orospulardan orospuları orospuların orospunun orospuya orospuyu otuz birci otuz bircide otuz birciden otuz birciler otuz bircilerde otuz bircilerden otuz bircilere otuz bircileri otuz bircilerin otuz bircinin otuz birciye otuz birciyi saksocu saksocuda saksocudan saksocular saksoculara saksocularda saksoculardan saksocuları saksocuların saksocunun saksocuya saksocuyu sıçmak sik sike siker sikmez siki sikilir sikilmez sikin sikler siklerde siklerden siklere sikleri siklerin sikmek sikmemek sikte sikten siktir siktirir siktirmez taşağa taşağı taşağın taşak taşaklar taşaklara taşaklarda taşaklardan taşakları taşakların taşakta taşaktan yarağa yarağı yarağın yarak yaraklar yaraklara yaraklarda yaraklardan yarakları yarakların yarakta yaraktan 13. 13点 三级片 下三烂 下贱 个老子的 九游 乳 乳交 乳头 乳房 乳波臀浪 交配 仆街 他奶奶 他奶奶的 他奶娘的 他妈 他妈ㄉ王八蛋 他妈地 他妈的 他娘 他马的 你个傻比 你他马的 你全家 你奶奶的 你她马的 你妈 你妈的 你娘 你娘卡好 你娘咧 你它妈的 你它马的 你是鸡 你是鸭 你马的 做爱 傻比 傻逼 册那 军妓 几八 几叭 几巴 几芭 刚度 刚瘪三 包皮 十三点 卖B 卖比 卖淫 卵 卵子 双峰微颤 口交 口肯 叫床 吃屎 后庭 吹箫 塞你公 塞你娘 塞你母 塞你爸 塞你老师 塞你老母 处女 外阴 大卵子 大卵泡 大鸡巴 奶 奶奶的熊 奶子 奸 奸你 她妈地 她妈的 她马的 妈B 妈个B 妈个比 妈个老比 妈妈的 妈比 妈的 妈的B 妈逼 妓 妓女 妓院 妳她妈的 妳妈的 妳娘的 妳老母的 妳马的 姘头 姣西 姦 娘个比 娘的 婊子 婊子养的 嫖娼 嫖客 它妈地 它妈的 密洞 射你 小乳头 小卵子 小卵泡 小瘪三 小肉粒 小骚比 小骚货 小鸡巴 小鸡鸡 屁眼 屁股 屄 屌 干x娘 干七八 干你 干你妈 干你娘 干你老母 干你良 干妳妈 干妳娘 干妳老母 干妳马 干您娘 干机掰 干死CS 干死GM 干死你 干死客服 幹 强奸 强奸你 性 性器 性无能 性爱 情色 想上你 懆您妈 懆您娘 懒8 懒八 懒叫 懒教 成人 我操你祖宗十八代 扒光 打炮 打飞机 抽插 招妓 插你 插死你 撒尿 操你 操你全家 操你奶奶 操你妈 操你娘 操你祖宗 操你老妈 操你老母 操妳 操妳全家 操妳妈 操妳娘 操妳祖宗 操机掰 操比 操逼 放荡 日他娘 日你 日你妈 日你老娘 日你老母 日批 月经 机八 机巴 机机歪歪 杂种 浪叫 淫 淫妇 淫棍 淫水 淫秽 淫荡 淫西 湿透的内裤 激情 灨你娘 烂货 烂逼 爛 狗屁 狗日 狗狼养的 玉杵 王八蛋 瓜娃子 瓜婆娘 瓜批 瘪三 白烂 白痴 白癡 祖宗 私服 笨蛋 精子 老二 老味 老母 老瘪三 老骚比 老骚货 肉壁 肉棍子 肉棒 肉缝 肏 肛交 肥西 色情 花柳 荡妇 賤 贝肉 贱B 贱人 贱货 贼你妈 赛你老母 赛妳阿母 赣您娘 轮奸 迷药 逼 逼样 野鸡 阳具 阳萎 阴唇 阴户 阴核 阴毛 阴茎 阴道 阴部 雞巴 靠北 靠母 靠爸 靠背 靠腰 驶你公 驶你娘 驶你母 驶你爸 驶你老师 驶你老母 骚比 骚货 骚逼 鬼公 鸡8 鸡八 鸡叭 鸡吧 鸡奸 鸡巴 鸡芭 鸡鸡 龟儿子 龟头 𨳒 陰莖 㞗 尻 𨳊 鳩 𡳞 𨶙 撚 𨳍 柒 閪 咸家鏟 冚家鏟 咸家伶 冚家拎 笨實 粉腸 屎忽 躝癱 你老闆 你老味 你老母 硬膠 # Writing A war broke out between the Birds and Beasts after the Geese had suffered persecution at the hands of the Foxes, and the Eagle and Owl had hunted Hare and Mice. The Battle was disastrous, with many creatures dying. The Bats, a very politic race, initially sided with the Birds, but when the Beasts began to gain ground, they switched sides. Both sides were angry at the Bats' deceit and made common cause to drive them out. As a result, the Bats now hide in dark towers and ruins, coming out only at night, proving that the deceitful have no friends. Mr. Scalper is a character delineator at a newspaper called The Daily Eclipse. Late at night, he is all alone in the reporters' room and goes back and forth between writing character analyses of subscribers who sent handwriting samples and drinking from a tall black bottle of liquor to stimulate his intellect. Outside, a policeman patrols the street, lamenting the loneliness of his job and writing in his notebook in the light of the gas lamp. The policeman takes notice of a suspicious individual and of a Chinese person returning home late from work. Feeling inspired by the presence of Mr. Scalper, the policeman writes a poetic monologue in his notebook. Mr. Scalper, in turn, encourages the policeman by taking him a drink. Both characters benefit from a shared moment of human connection and reflect on the solace brought by their trade. After receiving a letter from a correspondent which he reads with satisfaction, Mr. Scalper decides to write a separate, private letter to a woman called Aunt Dorothea as well as a printed version of the letter he received. Policeman Hogan interrupts this process to write his own chronicle, causing Mr. Scalper to lower the bottle he had been using to help him write. To afford Hogan the same opportunity, Mr. Scalper decides not to haul the bottle up immediately and attempts to write another character. Upon reading the corresponding letter, Mr. Scalper is visibly affected and decides to haul up the bottle before Hogan can get a taste for liquor. However, his efforts are unsuccessful as Hogan has fallen asleep while still holding the bottle, and Mr. Scalper instead turns back to finish his task. After filling the column with an imaginary character, Mr. Scalper puts on his hat and coat and goes home, feeling satisfied with his pay. After insisting that he wanted to marry Myrtle, Gus got permission to take her out on the condition he would behave himself. He immediately began to make moves to get close to her, eventually getting close enough to hold hand and tell her fortune within eight minutes. He demanded for Fred and Eustace to provide the music for their date, and when finished outside, he asked for another piece and Myrtle chose one. Seeing him so close to Myrtle made them angry so Fred and Eustace left without saying goodbye. His persistence eventually won Myrtle's affection, and they were married with Fred and Eustace as ushers. Ultimately, the message is that to get a fair trial, you need a pace-maker. Despite its size and strength, an eagle was unable to protect its eggs from a relentless beetle. After multiple attempts by the eagle to protect the eggs, the beetle reveals why it was so determined. Jupiter acknowledges the beetle's cause and, due to the situation, commands that the beetle be protected and granted a safe place to sleep. This story serves as a reminder that even the smallest and weakest can find a way to get revenge, when wronged. The Mice held a meeting to devise a plan to escape their enemy, the Cat. They considered several ideas but none were deemed appropriate. Then, a young Mouse proposed that a bell be placed around the Cat's neck, so when its ringing was heard, the Mice would know to run away. Everyone was pleased with this plan, but the difficulty was who would put the bell on the Cat in the first place. Ultimately, the proposing of a plan and its execution are two very different things. For the past two weeks, The Rolling Stone missed two issues due to the editor becoming sick with la grippe and measles. To apologize, everybody's term of subscription will be extended to make up for the missed issues. The editor is now recovering but is being careful to not relapse due to the deleterious after-effects of the measles. Anyone not getting their paper regularly should bring a delicacy for the ill editor. The Cat and Monkey were great friends living together as pets and always getting themselves into mischief, like trying to get chestnuts from the fire. The monkey convinced the Cat to get them, but he ate them as soon as she pulled them out, singeing her paw in the process. When the master came in, they both ran away, and from then on the Cat stayed away from the Monkey, hunting mice and rats instead., my day wasn't all that great. Thanks to Andrew sliding across the stinking floor this morning, I have a huge bruise on my back. Got my's ok, but I'm going to try to switch lunch and health, since I got really light-headed and sick by the end of the day. Eek, it wasn't good. Band and music theory stayed the same, so my first two classes were a cinch. Sometimes in band, Dan, and Peter, and the rest of them really get to me. Today was sort of one of those days. I really hadn't had a good start of the day, and I just didn't want to put up with them criticizing everything., I'm not Tito...give me a break! It's not even something I'm going to pursue later on in life, I'm just having fun now, except, it's difficult for me to have fun when I have all these jerks sitting beside me. Arg. Then...third hour Chem, which is a huge change for me, since I used to have it eighth hour. It's not too bad actually. Mr. Kordalewski (RAR! Stupid long named teachers!) seems pretty nice, and he's got the funniest accent. So, it's all good! I'm not a big fan of Chem though, kind of stinks, but Diane is in my class!!! I was so excited to see her! I was like...AHHHH DIANE! YAY! It was quite exciting. I sit in the back row corner...again, like last semester. What is it with me and back row corners?? Am I really THAT bad to look at? I suppose...but, oh well. Then lunch, which sucks...fourth hour...royally sucks!!! No one's in it, and the lunch is too early. I'm going to try to get it switched tomorrow. I hope I can. I had to sit next to Pez for the first part...which was ok, but...the kid doesn't know when to stop talking. Like...seriously, he's really nice and all, but...I don't know, I just wish he knew when to stop talking more. Then halfway through the lunch hour, I met up with Kelly and Kathryn!!! YES! Thank you God...if I can't switch it, I still have two of my best friends. So, we just walked around and talked, was fun. I kind of miss seeing them sometimes. We all went to this really dumb movie Friday night...but, without Nikki, and I miss her too. I really miss being around with a lot of my friends. I see band people every day, but I get the feeling they aren't really my friends. They pick on me a lot, and at first I just assumed it was all fun and games, but now...I sometimes feel like they all really don't like me.'s nice to hang out with non-band kids. Nikki's cheerleading squad made Nationals, which of awesome! People laugh at me because one of my best friends is a cheerleader, and I just laugh right back, because they're missing out on a truly wonderful person! I miss Carson too. I know I see her like...every day, and I talk to her, but I kind of miss the way things used to be. Malevalent Sisters!! Carson, Nikki, and was so cool....I just really miss Junior High sometimes. I can remember when I was 8, and I was REFUSING to turn 9. I actually refused! I kind of wish those days were back sometimes. Scott and I had a long conversation about this the other day, and...he reminded me of what fun it was to be younger. How I didn't have to worry about drinking, and all the stuff I'm completely not into! I miss my little group of friends...we used to do EVERYTHING together...and now it's just all breaking apart. Joanne's going to England, Carson's already gone from the group (thank goodness I still keep in close contact with her) and Nikki goes to Benet. I just...miss the old days. Yeah, anyway....sorry....I just kept writing and writing, and I got off track. 5th hour, I had Speech, which was totally neat! I don't care what anyone says about her perkyness, I love Ms. V! Or as we call her...V-diddy! She's just so enthusiastic about she actually wants to be there! She reminds me of Mr. Doman. I guess it's really easy to get a good grade in Ms. V's class, thank goodness, since I'm reallly nervous about giving speeches. Will is in my class :) I like him a lot. He's such a cool kid. He always wears this batman shirt that I love, and he's always really nice to me. He always seems kind of sad about something though...and it just, really reminds me of Kari's death. There's another person I miss a lot. Wow...I miss a lot of people right now....even Christy. Yeah...she did kiss Ryan...and yeah...I did dump his sorry butt, but...I still kind of miss her. She was good to talk to. There's no one right now, that I really feel I could tell anything in the world anything, and everything that's on my mind, and I wish there was. Just turned on some Dave Matthews Band...I hope it puts me in a better mood. Honestly...I know it wont, but...I have to try, right?? Wow, I haven't written this much...possibly ever, and I've just gotten a little more than halfway through my day. I don't know what's up with me. I thinking of how I wish things were, and, how fast things are changing. I mean...I'm already 37.5% of my way through high scool. That's pretty depressing, especially since I have no idea what I want to do after High School. *Sigh* Well...yeah, back to speech, not much more to tell. I have a one minute speech to do tomorrow about myself. I think I'm going to talk about being albino. I hope it interests people. It's not something you hear talked about every day, soo...yeah. class. Yikes...not much more to say than that, except...I have Stevey in my class!!! AHHH! Yay! Steve Zimnie...if you've never met the kid, meet him. He's the coolest ever. He's really nice, and he's really really cute. :) His girlfriend's lucky. Haha...and, I realized how bad that may have, I don't like Steve as more than a friend, he's just really cool, so he deserved mentioning. I don't mention people I like...or do I?? Hmmm.... Ummm...ok, what's next? Math...yes, wont go into great detail about that, except, it's kind of cool since Taylor's in my math class, which is excellent, because Taylor is definitely the coolest. She's such a sweet person. I wish I could be more like her sometimes. Then...American Gov.!! YAY! I have lots of people in my class...including Andre Cherry...haha...I kissed that kid when I was like...5. Ah...good times, good times. Kathryn's in my class, which is awesome, and so it Meredith, I don't care what ANYONE says about her, she's always really nice to me, and I think she's a cool person who has a lot to offer. Also...I have the coolest teacher, Mr. Albinak. He's such a great teacher. Kelly C. has him too, except...different period. And...yes, that was my day. It ended alright, but, I still am hoping to switch my lunch periods. I REALLY hope they let me. Anyway....I'm sick of typing, and I'm getting restless, so, I think I'll go read for a bit, and...maybe write more later. I'm actually writing down what I feel on here, which is kind of surprising. I don't usually actually write what I'm feeling. Oh yeah...I guess there were like 20-25 bands in our section on, either we really didn't do as bad as I thought, or...the other bands were atrocious. I haven't gotten to talk to Scott about Winter yet, and arrange things. I'm pretty sure we're going to Kathryn's to eat, then to the dance, and possibly Joanne's after, but...who knows? I think I'm going to go for a little while...I'm kind of sad right now... Oh well...I hope everyone has a lovely evening. :) اندلعت حرب بين الطيور والوحوش بعد أن عانى الإوز من الاضطهاد على يد الثعالب، وقام النسر والبومة باصطياد الأرنب والفئران. كانت المعركة كارثية، حيث ماتت العديد من المخلوقات. انحازت الخفافيش، وهي عرق سياسي للغاية، في البداية إلى جانب الطيور، ولكن عندما بدأت الوحوش في اكتساب الأرض، غيروا مواقفهم. كان كلا الجانبين غاضبين من خداع الخفافيش واتفقا على قضية مشتركة لطردهم. ونتيجة لذلك، يختبئ الخفافيش الآن في الأبراج المظلمة والأطلال، ولا يخرجون إلا في الليل، مما يثبت أن المخادعين ليس لديهم أصدقاء. السيد سكالبر هو محدد الشخصية في صحيفة تسمى The Daily Eclipse. في وقت متأخر من الليل، يكون بمفرده في غرفة المراسلين ويتنقل ذهابًا وإيابًا بين كتابة تحليلات شخصية المشتركين الذين أرسلوا عينات من الكتابة اليدوية والشرب من زجاجة خمور سوداء طويلة لتحفيز ذكائه. في الخارج، يقوم شرطي بدوريات في الشارع، وهو يندب الوحدة التي يعاني منها في وظيفته ويكتب في دفتر ملاحظاته على ضوء مصباح الغاز. يلاحظ الشرطي شخصًا مشبوهًا وشخصًا صينيًا يعود إلى المنزل متأخرًا من العمل. يشعر الشرطي بالإلهام من وجود السيد سكالبر، فيكتب مونولوجًا شعريًا في دفتر ملاحظاته. يقوم السيد سكالبر بدوره بتشجيع الشرطي من خلال تناول مشروب له. تستفيد كلتا الشخصيتين من لحظة مشتركة من التواصل الإنساني وتتأملان في العزاء الذي تجلبه تجارتهما. بعد تلقي رسالة من أحد المراسلين والتي قرأها بارتياح، قرر السيد سكالبر أن يكتب رسالة خاصة منفصلة إلى امرأة تدعى العمة دوروثيا بالإضافة إلى نسخة مطبوعة من الرسالة التي تلقاها. يقاطع الشرطي هوجان هذه العملية لكتابة سجل الأحداث الخاص به، مما دفع السيد سكالبر إلى خفض الزجاجة التي كان يستخدمها لمساعدته في الكتابة. لمنح هوجان نفس الفرصة، قرر السيد سكالبر عدم سحب الزجاجة على الفور وحاول كتابة شخصية أخرى. عند قراءة الرسالة المقابلة، يبدو أن السيد سكالبر متأثر بشكل واضح ويقرر سحب الزجاجة قبل أن يتمكن هوجان من تذوق المشروب الكحولي. ومع ذلك، فإن جهوده لم تنجح حيث نام هوجان بينما كان لا يزال ممسكًا بالزجاجة، وبدلاً من ذلك عاد السيد سكالبر لإنهاء مهمته. بعد ملء العمود بشخصية خيالية، يرتدي السيد سكالبر قبعته ومعطفه ويعود إلى المنزل وهو يشعر بالرضا عن راتبه. بعد إصراره على رغبته في الزواج من ميرتل، حصل جوس على الإذن بإخراجها بشرط أن يتصرف على طبيعته. بدأ على الفور في اتخاذ خطوات للاقتراب منها، واقترب في النهاية بما يكفي ليمسك بيدها ويخبرها بثروتها في غضون ثماني دقائق. طالب فريد ويوستاس بتقديم الموسيقى لموعدهما، وعندما انتهى بالخارج، طلب مقطوعة أخرى واختارت ميرتل واحدة. إن رؤيته قريبة جدًا من ميرتل جعلتهم غاضبين لذا غادر فريد ويوستاس دون أن يقولوا وداعًا. في النهاية، أكسب إصراره عاطفة ميرتل، وتزوجا من فريد ويوستاس كمرشدين. في نهاية المطاف، الرسالة هي أنه للحصول على محاكمة عادلة، فأنت بحاجة إلى جهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب. على الرغم من حجمه وقوته، لم يتمكن النسر من حماية بيضه من خنفساء لا هوادة فيها. وبعد عدة محاولات من النسر لحماية البيض، تكشف الخنفساء سبب عزمها على ذلك. يقر كوكب المشتري بسبب الخنفساء، وبسبب الموقف، يأمر بحماية الخنفساء ومنحها مكانًا آمنًا للنوم. هذه القصة بمثابة تذكير بأنه حتى الأصغر والأضعف يمكنهم إيجاد طريقة للانتقام عندما يتعرضون للظلم. عقدت الفئران اجتماعًا لوضع خطة للهروب من عدوهم القط. لقد نظروا في العديد من الأفكار ولكن لم يتم اعتبار أي منها مناسبًا. بعد ذلك، اقترح فأر صغير أن يتم وضع جرس حول رقبة القطة، بحيث عندما يُسمع رنينه، ستعرف الفئران أنها تهرب. كان الجميع سعداء بهذه الخطة، لكن الصعوبة كانت تكمن في من سيضع الجرس على القطة في المقام الأول. في نهاية المطاف، اقتراح الخطة وتنفيذها أمران مختلفان تمامًا. على مدى الأسبوعين الماضيين، أضاعت مجلة رولينج ستون عددين بسبب إصابة المحرر بمرض الحصبة والحصبة. للاعتذار، سيتم تمديد فترة الاشتراك للجميع للتعويض عن القضايا الفائتة. يتعافى المحرر الآن ولكنه يحرص على عدم الانتكاس بسبب الآثار الضارة للحصبة. يجب على أي شخص لا يحصل على ورقته بانتظام أن يحضر طعامًا شهيًا للمحرر المريض. كان القط والقرد صديقين حميمين يعيشان معًا كحيوانات أليفة ويوقعان نفسيهما دائمًا في الأذى، مثل محاولة إخراج الكستناء من النار. أقنع القرد القطة بإحضارهم، لكنه أكلهم بمجرد أن أخرجتهم، مما أدى إلى حرق مخلبها في هذه العملية. عندما دخل السيد، هرب كلاهما، ومنذ ذلك الحين ابتعد القط عن القرد، واصطاد الفئران والجرذان بدلاً من ذلك. ستجد أدناه بعض مقاطع الفيديو الرائعة التي ستشجعك وتدربك وتبنيك على الاستماع إلى الله والقدرة على السماح له بتحقيق خطته في حياتك. شيء جديد سيساعدك على سماع صوت الله! كيفية فهمها وتقسيمها بشكل صحيح وكيف تنطبق على الحياة! في هذا التعليم المهم يكشف تيري عن التمييز الواضح بين الروح والنفس ومدى أهمية أن نتعلم كيفية العمل بالروح وعدم الانخداع. إنها مسألة خطيرة يجب إعادة النظر فيها مهما كان مستوى إيمانك ونضجك. الزواج وكيف ينطبق على الروح والنفس! في هذا الفصل التنويري، يكشف تيري عن رؤية أساسية تساعدنا على تمييز الروح مقابل الروح بشكل أفضل كما تنعكس في علاقة الزواج من الطبيعة البديهية، والمكون العاطفي للمرأة وجانب القوة للذكر في الخضوع للرب. . في هذا التعليم الذي يفتح العين، يشارك تيري كيف أن خيمة الاجتماع تمثل جسد وروح وروح الإنسان وكيف تنطبق على مسيرتنا الروحية. تساعدك حزمة الخلاص الكاملة هذه على إرشادك خلال ما يمكنك القيام به لتحرير نفسك من القوة الخفية المدفونة في أعماق روحك والتي تعيقك عن السير في الامتلاء الذي دفعه الله لك لكي تمشي فيه. في فيديو اليوم، يحدد تيري الخلاص الأفضل والأشياء التي تعترض طريق خلاص أرواحنا والطرق التي يمكننا من خلالها زيادة نضجنا الروحي. تعاونت UNStudio مع HPP Architects لإنشاء اتحاد (UNS + HPP) لتنفيذ المراحل التالية من مشروعهم الفائز في مسابقة التصميم المعماري لـ FOUR فرانكفورت. ألق نظرة على القصة الكاملة بعد القفزة. من المهندسين المعماريين: تم شراء الموقع المركزي الذي تبلغ مساحته 16000 متر مربع من قبل شركة التطوير العقاري Groß & Partner - التي ستقوم بتنفيذ تطوير المشروع - في عام 2015. يقع الموقع في قلب المدينة، وقد تم تصميمه لا يمكن الوصول إليها تمامًا خلال الـ 45 عامًا الماضية. والآن ستغير أربعة أبراج شاهقة جديدة أفق فرانكفورت من الجو، بينما ستعزز حيويتها على الأرض. وسيؤدي تطوير هذه الأبراج، التي يصل ارتفاعها إلى 228 مترًا، إلى فتح شوارع جديدة لإنشاء حي متعدد الاستخدامات وحيوي داخل المدينة، يجمع بين مزيج صحي من العمل والمعيشة والاسترخاء والاستجمام. يسمح اختيار البرامج بالانتقال السلس من منطقة التسوق في فرانكفورت إلى شرق Roßmarkt، إلى أبراج المكاتب الشاهقة المتجمعة حول Park Taunusanlage. مع مفهوم تطوير فريد من نوعه في أوروبا، يجمع مشروع FOUR فرانكفورت بين المرافق التي ستنشئ حيًا جديدًا حيويًا لفرانكفورت وزوارها وسكانها (المستقبليين). سيتم دمج المجمع الشاهق الجديد في هيكل المدينة المتوسع من خلال دمج واجهات Junghofstraße المدرجة في قائمة التراث في التصميم ومن خلال جعل مبنى قاعدة متعدد الطوابق هو العنصر المتصل بالموقع بأكمله. وفقًا للتقييم الذي أجرته لجنة تحكيم المسابقة، يمكن العثور على الجودة الفريدة لهذا الربع في التطوير العام وقيمة وسائل الراحة. وبالتالي فإن التطوير الجديد سيخلق مساحات متصلة وأسطح وممرات وممرات يمكن الوصول إليها. سيتم فتح المبنى الحالي في Junghofstraße لتعزيز المسارات المحيطة وضمان مستوى عالٍ من إمكانية الوصول. سيؤدي ذلك إلى إنشاء حي متعدد الاستخدامات ومتنوع يضم 50% من المساحات المكتبية، و30% من أماكن الإقامة (بما في ذلك الإسكان المدعوم)، بالإضافة إلى مساحات البيع بالتجزئة والمطاعم والفنادق. ومن المتوقع أن يتم الانتهاء من أربعة فرانكفورت في عام 2023. 2 نيو إنجلاند NE 16 1 لعب -1 ياردة 0:07 نهاية الشوط الأول. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 مسرحية -1 ياردة 1:01 نهاية اللعبة. 2 8 مقابل 29 1:57 بيت بليير 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F. البائعون غير المقيمين (مثل الأجانب الذين يعيشون في الخارج والمواطنين اليابانيين الذين يعيشون في الخارج). المشترين، سواء المقيمين المحليين أو الأجانب، الذين يشترون العقارات في اليابان من شخص غير مقيم. إذا كان بائع العقارات اليابانية غير مقيم، اعتمادًا على الوضع، يجب على المشتري احتجاز 10.21% من سعر البيع ودفعها إلى مكتب الضرائب، مع دفع نسبة 89.79% المتبقية للبائع. يتحمل المشتري مسؤولية دفع نسبة 10.21% إلى مكتب الضرائب بحلول اليوم العاشر من الشهر التالي للمعاملة. يقع على عاتقك واجب سداد هذه الدفعة إلى مكتب الضرائب بحلول الموعد النهائي. إذا كنت تعيش حاليًا في الخارج، فستحتاج إلى تعيين ممثل ضريبي أو محاسب لدفع هذا المبلغ نيابةً عنك. ستحتاج إلى تعيين ممثل ضريبي في اليابان لتقديم إقرار ضريبي نهائي حتى يتم إرجاع الباقي إليك (مخصومًا منه أي ضرائب قد تكون مستحقة). *إذا كان دفع الودائع والمدفوعات متوسطة الأجل يستوفي أيضًا شروط ضريبة الاستقطاع، فيجب حجب الضريبة ودفعها من قبل المشتري عند كل دفعة. تم تقديم المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه كدليل عام فقط. لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذه الضريبة، وللأسئلة الضريبية التفصيلية الأخرى، يرجى استشارة مكتب الضرائب أو أحد المتخصصين...نعم... لذا، لم يكن يومي رائعًا. بفضل انزلاق أندرو على الأرضية النتنة هذا الصباح، أعاني من كدمة كبيرة في ظهري. حصلت على جدول أعمالي...لا بأس، ولكنني سأحاول تبديل الغداء والصحة، يا سيدي 鹅遭到狐狸的迫害,老鹰和猫头鹰猎杀了野兔和老鼠,鸟类和野兽之间爆发了战争。 这场战斗是灾难性的,许多生物死亡。 蝙蝠是一个非常政治化的种族,最初站在鸟类一边,但当野兽开始取得进展时,他们改变了立场。 双方都对蝙蝠队的欺骗行为感到愤怒,并共同致力于将他们驱逐出去。 结果,蝙蝠现在躲在黑暗的塔楼和废墟里,只在晚上出来,证明骗子没有朋友。 黄牛先生是一家名为《每日日食》的报纸的人物塑造者。 深夜,他一个人呆在记者室里,来来回回地对寄来笔迹样本的订阅者进行性格分析,喝一大瓶黑酒来激发自己的智力。 外面,一名警察在街上巡逻,一边感叹工作的孤独,一边在煤气灯的灯光下写着笔记本。 警察注意到一名可疑人员和一名下班晚归的中国人。 警察受到黄牛先生的存在的启发,在笔记本上写下了一段诗意的独白。 黄牛先生则给警察喝了一杯酒以鼓励他。 两个角色都受益于共同的人际关系时刻,并反思了他们的贸易带来的安慰。 斯卡珀先生收到一封来自记者的信,他满意地读完后,决定给一位名叫多萝西娅阿姨的女士单独写一封私人信,并打印出他收到的信的印刷版。 警察霍根打断了这个过程,去写自己的编年史,导致黄牛先生放下了他一直用来帮助他写的瓶子。 为了给霍根同样的机会,斯卡珀先生决定不立即把瓶子拖起来,并尝试写另一个角色。 读完相应的信件后,黄牛先生显然受到了影响,并决定在霍根品尝烈酒之前把瓶子拿起来。 然而,他的努力没有成功,霍根拿着瓶子睡着了,黄牛先生转而回去完成他的任务。 在专栏中填满了一个虚构的角色后,黄牛先生戴上帽子,穿上外套,回家了,对自己的报酬感到满意。 在坚持要与默特尔结婚后,格斯得到了允许带她出去,但条件是他要表现得规矩。 他立即开始做出靠近她的举动,最终在八分钟内拉近了她的手并算命。 他要求弗雷德和尤斯塔斯为他们的约会提供音乐,当他在外面完成时,他要求另一首曲子,默特尔选择了一首。 看到他离默特尔如此之近,他们很生气,所以弗雷德和尤斯塔斯不辞而别。 他的坚持最终赢得了默特尔的喜爱,他们在弗雷德和尤斯塔斯担任引座员的情况下结婚了。 最终,我们传达的信息是,为了获得公平的审判,您需要一个起搏器。 尽管鹰体型庞大、力量强大,但它却无法保护自己的蛋免受无情甲虫的侵害。 在老鹰多次尝试保护蛋之后,甲虫揭示了它为何如此坚定。 朱庇特承认了甲虫的原因,并根据情况,命令保护甲虫并为其提供安全的睡眠场所。 这个故事提醒我们,即使是最小和最弱的人,在受到委屈时也能找到报复的方法。 老鼠们召开了一次会议,制定了一个逃离敌人猫的计划。 他们考虑了几个想法,但没有一个被认为是合适的。 然后,一只小老鼠提议在猫的脖子上挂一个铃铛,这样当听到铃铛响时,老鼠就会知道逃跑。 每个人都对这个计划感到满意,但困难在于谁首先给猫按响铃。 最终,计划的提出和计划的执行是两件截然不同的事情。 在过去的两周里,由于编辑感染了流行性感冒和麻疹,《滚石》杂志错过了两期。 抱歉,每个人的订阅期限都将延长,以弥补错过的问题。 编辑现在正在康复,但由于麻疹的有害后遗症,他正在小心不要复发。 任何不能定期收到论文的人都应该为生病的编辑带来美味佳肴。 猫和猴子是好朋友,作为宠物生活在一起,但总是搞恶作剧,比如试图从火中取栗子。 猴子说服了猫去拿它们,但当她把它们拿出来时,猴子就把它们吃掉了,并在此过程中烧焦了她的爪子。 当主人进来时,他们都逃跑了,从此猫远离了猴子,而是去捕老鼠。 是的……所以,我的日子不太好。 感谢安德鲁今天早上在发臭的地板上滑行,我的背上有很大的瘀伤。 我的日程安排好了……没关系,但我会尝试改变午餐和健康 下面你会发现一些很棒的视频,它们会鼓励你、训练你、帮助你聆听上帝的声音,并让他在你的生活中实现他的计划。 新的东西将帮助您听到神的声音! 如何理解并正确划分它以及它如何应用于生活! 在这个重要的教导中,特里揭示了精神与灵魂之间的明显区别,以及我们学习如何在精神中运作而不被欺骗是多么重要。 这是一个严肃的问题,无论你的信仰和成熟程度如何,都必须进行审查。 婚姻及其如何应用于精神和灵魂! 在这个启发性的课程中,特里揭示了一个关键的见解,可以帮助我们更好地辨别精神与灵魂,因为它反映在婚姻关系中,从直觉本质,女人的情感成分和男人顺服主的力量方面 。 在这个令人大开眼界的教学中,特里分享了会幕如何代表人的身体、灵魂和精神,以及它如何应用于我们的精神行走。 这个完整的拯救包可以帮助你了解如何才能将自己从深埋在灵魂深处的隐藏强迫中解放出来,这些强迫阻碍你走在上帝为你付出代价的丰盛中。在今天的视频中,特里定义了拯救 更好的事情以及阻碍我们灵魂得救的事情以及我们可以提高灵性成熟度的方法。 UNStudio 与 HPP Architects 联手创建了一个联盟 (UNS + HPP),以实施其在 FOUR 法兰克福建筑设计竞赛中获胜项目的下一阶段。 跳转后看一下完整的故事。 建筑师介绍:位于市中心的 16,000 平方米场地早在 2015 年就被 Groß & Partner 房地产开发公司购买,该公司将负责该项目的开发。该场地位于城市的核心地带,一直被 过去 45 年来完全无法进入。 现在,四座新的高层塔楼将从空中改变法兰克福的天际线,同时在地面上培养其活力。 这些塔楼的开发高度将达到 228 米,将开辟新的街道,打造一个多功能、充满活力的市中心区,将工作、生活、休闲和娱乐健康地结合在一起。 项目的选择使得从法兰克福购物区到 Roßmarkt 东部,再到 Taunusanlage 公园周围的高层办公楼顺利过渡。 法兰克福四号项目采用欧洲独有的开发理念,汇集了各种设施,将为法兰克福、游客和(未来)居民建立一个充满活力的新社区。 新的高层综合体将通过将荣霍夫大街列入遗产名录的外墙纳入设计,并使多层基础建筑成为整个场地的连接元素,从而融入不断扩大的城市结构。 根据竞赛评审团的评估,该季度的独特品质体现在其公共发展和舒适价值。 因此,新开发项目将创造互联空间、无障碍屋顶、步道和通道。 Junghofstraße 上的现有街区将被开放,以加强周围的道路并确保高水平的可达性。 这将创建一个多用途、多元化的季度,除了零售空间、餐厅和酒店外,还包括 50% 的办公空间、30% 的居住空间(包括补贴住房)。 法兰克福四期预计将于 2023 年竣工。 2 新英格兰 NE 16 1 打 -1 码 0:07 半场结束。 4 匹兹堡 Pit 37 2 场比赛 -1 码 1:01 比赛结束。 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris,F. 非居民卖家(例如居住在国外的外国人和居住在国外的日本公民)。 从非居民手中购买日本房地产的买家,包括本地居民和海外居民。 如果日本房地产的卖方是非居民,根据具体情况,买方必须预扣销售价格的10.21%并将其缴纳给税务局,其余89.79%支付给卖方。 买方有责任在交易后的下个月 10 日之前向税务局缴纳 10.21% 的税款。 您有义务在截止日期前向税务局缴纳这笔款项。 如果您目前居住在海外,您将需要指定一名税务代表或会计师代表您支付这笔费用。 您需要在日本指定一名税务代表提交最终纳税申报表,以便将剩余金额退还给您(减去可能欠下的任何税款)。 *如果定金和中期付款的支付也符合预扣税的条件,则税款必须由买方在每次付款时代扣代缴。 上述信息仅作为一般指南提供。 有关此税的更多详细信息以及其他详细的税务问题,请咨询税务局或专家... 使用当今最常用的分词器来训练新词汇并进行分词。 由于 Rust 实现,速度非常快(训练和标记化)。 在服务器 CPU 上标记 1 GB 文本只需不到 20 秒。 易于使用,而且用途极其广泛。 专为研究和生产而设计。 标准化伴随着对齐跟踪。 总是可以获得原始句子中与给定标记相对应的部分。 执行所有预处理:截断、填充、添加模型所需的特殊标记。 使用當今最常用的分詞器來訓練新詞彙並進行分詞。 由於 Rust 實現,速度非常快(訓練和標記化)。 在伺服器 CPU 上標記 1 GB 文字只需不到 20 秒。 易於使用,而且用途極為廣泛。 專為研究和生產而設計。 標準化伴隨著對齊追蹤。 總是可以獲得原始句子中與給定標記相對應的部分。 執行所有預處理:截斷、填充、新增模型所需的特殊標記。 Une guerre éclata entre les oiseaux et les bêtes après que les oies eurent été persécutées par les renards et que l'aigle et le hibou eurent chassé le lièvre et la souris. La bataille fut désastreuse et de nombreuses créatures moururent. Les Chauves-souris, une race très politique, se sont d'abord rangés du côté des Oiseaux, mais lorsque les Bêtes ont commencé à gagner du terrain, elles ont changé de camp. Les deux parties étaient en colère contre la tromperie des Bats et ont fait cause commune pour les chasser. En conséquence, les chauves-souris se cachent désormais dans des tours et des ruines sombres, ne sortant que la nuit, prouvant que les fourbes n'ont pas d'amis. M. Scalper est un délinéateur de caractère dans un journal appelé The Daily Eclipse. Tard dans la nuit, il est tout seul dans la salle des journalistes et va et vient entre l'écriture d'analyses de personnages d'abonnés qui ont envoyé des échantillons d'écriture manuscrite et la consommation d'une grande bouteille d'alcool noire pour stimuler son intellect. Dehors, un policier patrouille dans la rue, déplorant la solitude de son travail et écrivant sur son carnet à la lueur du bec de gaz. Le policier remarque un individu suspect et un Chinois rentrant tard du travail. Inspiré par la présence de M. Scalper, le policier écrit un monologue poétique dans son carnet. M. Scalper, à son tour, encourage le policier en lui apportant un verre. Les deux personnages profitent d’un moment partagé de connexion humaine et réfléchissent au réconfort apporté par leur métier. Après avoir reçu une lettre d'un correspondant qu'il lit avec satisfaction, M. Scalper décide d'écrire une lettre privée séparée à une femme appelée tante Dorothea ainsi qu'une version imprimée de la lettre qu'il a reçue. Le policier Hogan interrompt ce processus pour écrire sa propre chronique, obligeant M. Scalper à baisser la bouteille qu'il utilisait pour l'aider à écrire. Pour offrir à Hogan la même opportunité, M. Scalper décide de ne pas soulever la bouteille immédiatement et tente d'écrire un autre personnage. A la lecture de la lettre correspondante, M. Scalper est visiblement affecté et décide de remonter la bouteille avant qu'Hogan puisse goûter à l'alcool. Cependant, ses efforts échouent car Hogan s'est endormi tout en tenant toujours la bouteille, et M. Scalper se retourne pour terminer sa tâche. Après avoir rempli la colonne d'un personnage imaginaire, M. Scalper enfile son chapeau et son manteau et rentre chez lui, satisfait de son salaire. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques superbes vidéos qui vous encourageront, vous formeront et vous permettront d'entendre DIEU et d'être capable de LE laisser réaliser SON plan dans votre vie. QUELQUE CHOSE DE NOUVEAU QUI VOUS AIDERA À ENTENDRE LA VOIX DE DIEU ! Comment le comprendre et le diviser correctement et comment cela s'applique à la vie ! Dans cet enseignement important, Terry révèle la distinction claire entre l'Esprit et l'Âme et combien il est essentiel que nous apprenions à opérer dans l'Esprit et à ne pas nous laisser tromper. C'est une question sérieuse qui doit être revue quel que soit votre niveau de foi et de maturité. Le mariage et comment il s'applique à l'esprit et à l'âme ! Dans ce cours instructif, Terry révèle une idée clé qui nous aide à mieux discerner l'Esprit par rapport à l'Âme tel qu'il se reflète dans la relation conjugale, à partir de la nature intuitive, de la composante émotionnelle de la femme et de l'aspect pouvoir d'un homme soumis au SEIGNEUR. . Dans cet enseignement révélateur, Terry explique comment le Tabernacle représente le corps, l'âme et l'esprit de l'homme et comment il s'applique à notre marche spirituelle. Ce paquet complet de délivrance vous aide à découvrir ce que vous pouvez faire pour vous libérer des forces cachées enfouies au plus profond de votre âme qui vous empêchent de marcher dans la plénitude dans laquelle DIEU a payé pour que vous marchiez. Dans la vidéo d'aujourd'hui, Terry définit le salut. mieux et les choses qui font obstacle au salut de notre âme et les moyens par lesquels nous pouvons accroître notre maturité spirituelle. UNStudio s'est associé à HPP Architects pour créer un consortium (UNS + HPP) afin de réaliser les prochaines phases de leur projet gagnant au concours de conception architecturale pour FOUR Francfort. Jetez un œil à l’histoire complète après le saut. Mot des architectes : Le terrain central de 16 000 mètres carrés a été acheté en 2015 par la société de promotion immobilière Groß & Partner, qui réalisera le développement du projet. Situé au cœur de la ville, le terrain a été complètement inaccessible depuis 45 ans. Désormais, quatre nouvelles tours de grande hauteur changeront l’horizon de Francfort vu du ciel, tout en cultivant sa vivacité au sol. Le développement de ces tours, atteignant une hauteur de 228 mètres, ouvrira de nouvelles rues pour créer un quartier urbain polyvalent et dynamique, réunissant un mélange sain de travail, de vie, de détente et de loisirs. Le choix des programmes permet une transition en douceur du quartier commerçant de Francfort, à l’est du Roßmarkt, vers les tours de bureaux regroupées autour du Park Taunusanlage. Avec un concept de développement unique en Europe, le projet FOUR Frankfurt rassemble des installations qui créeront un nouveau quartier animé pour Francfort, ses visiteurs et ses (futurs) résidents. Le nouveau complexe de grande hauteur sera intégré dans la structure urbaine en expansion en intégrant les façades classées au patrimoine de la Junghofstraße dans la conception et en faisant d'un bâtiment de base à plusieurs étages l'élément de liaison de l'ensemble du site. Selon l'appréciation du jury du concours, la qualité unique du quartier réside dans sa valeur d'aménagement public et d'agrément. Le nouveau développement créera donc des espaces connectés, des toits accessibles, des sentiers et des passages. Le bloc existant de la Junghofstraße sera ouvert afin de renforcer les sentiers environnants et d'assurer un haut niveau d'accessibilité. Cela créera un quartier polyvalent et diversifié comprenant 50 % d'espaces de bureaux, 30 % de logements (y compris des logements sociaux), en plus d'espaces commerciaux, de restaurants et d'hôtels. Four Frankfurt devrait être achevé en 2023. 2 New England NE 16 1 jeux -1 yards 0:07 Fin de la mi-temps. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 jeux -1 yards 1:01 Fin du match. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F. Vendeurs non-résidents (par exemple, étrangers vivant à l'étranger et citoyens japonais vivant à l'étranger). Acheteurs, résidents locaux et étrangers, qui achètent un bien immobilier au Japon auprès d'un non-résident. Si le vendeur d'un bien immobilier japonais est un non-résident, selon la situation, l'acheteur doit retenir 10,21 % du prix de vente et le payer au bureau des impôts, les 89,79 % restants étant reversés au vendeur. Il appartient à l'acheteur de régler les 10,21% au bureau des impôts au plus tard le 10 du mois suivant la transaction. Il est de votre devoir d'effectuer ce paiement au bureau des impôts dans les délais. Si vous vivez actuellement à l'étranger, vous devrez désigner un représentant fiscal ou un comptable pour payer cette somme en votre nom. Vous devrez désigner un représentant fiscal au Japon pour produire une déclaration de revenus finale afin que le solde vous soit restitué (moins les impôts éventuellement dus). *Si le paiement des acomptes et des acomptes remplit également les conditions de retenue à la source, la taxe doit être retenue et payée par l'acheteur à chaque paiement. Les informations ci-dessus ont été fournies à titre indicatif uniquement. Pour plus de détails sur cette taxe, et pour d'autres questions fiscales détaillées, veuillez consulter le bureau des impôts ou un spécialiste... Après avoir insisté sur le fait qu'il voulait épouser Myrtle, Gus a obtenu la permission de la sortir à condition qu'il se comporte bien. Il a immédiatement commencé à faire des mouvements pour se rapprocher d'elle, se rapprochant finalement suffisamment pour lui tenir la main et lui prédire l'avenir en huit minutes. Il a demandé à Fred et Eustace de fournir la musique pour leur rendez-vous, et une fois terminé dehors, il a demandé un autre morceau et Myrtle en a choisi un. Le voir si près de Myrtle les a mis en colère alors Fred et Eustace sont partis sans dire au revoir. Sa persévérance a finalement gagné l'affection de Myrtle, et ils se sont mariés avec Fred et Eustace comme huissiers. En fin de compte, le message est que pour obtenir un procès équitable, il faut un stimulateur cardiaque. Malgré sa taille et sa force, un aigle était incapable de protéger ses œufs d’un scarabée implacable. Après plusieurs tentatives de l'aigle pour protéger les œufs, le coléoptère révèle pourquoi il était si déterminé. Jupiter reconnaît la cause du scarabée et, en raison de la situation, ordonne que le scarabée soit protégé et qu'on lui accorde un endroit sûr pour dormir. Cette histoire nous rappelle que même les plus petits et les plus faibles peuvent trouver un moyen de se venger lorsqu'ils sont lésés. Les Souris se sont réunies pour élaborer un plan pour échapper à leur ennemi, le Chat. Ils ont examiné plusieurs idées mais aucune n'a été jugée appropriée. Ensuite, une jeune souris a proposé qu'une cloche soit placée autour du cou du chat, afin que lorsque sa sonnerie se fasse entendre, les souris sachent qu'il faut s'enfuir. Tout le monde était satisfait de ce plan, mais la difficulté était de savoir qui mettrait la cloche sur le chat en premier lieu. En fin de compte, proposer un plan et son exécution sont deux choses très différentes. Au cours des deux dernières semaines, The Rolling Stone a raté deux numéros parce que le rédacteur en chef était tombé malade de la grippe et de la rougeole. Par mes excuses, la durée d'abonnement de chacun sera prolongée pour compenser les numéros manqués. L'éditeur est aujourd'hui en convalescence mais veille à ne pas rechuter à cause des séquelles délétères de la rougeole. Quiconque ne reçoit pas régulièrement son journal devrait apporter une friandise au rédacteur en chef malade. Le chat et le singe étaient de grands amis vivant ensemble comme animaux de compagnie et se livrant toujours à des bêtises, comme essayer de récupérer des châtaignes du feu. Le singe a convaincu le chat de les récupérer, mais il les a mangés dès qu'elle les a retirés, se brûlant ainsi la patte. Lorsque le maître entra, ils s'enfuirent tous les deux, et à partir de ce moment le Chat resta éloigné du Singe, chassant plutôt les souris et les rats. Ouais... alors, ma journée n'était pas si géniale. Grâce au fait qu'Andrew ait glissé sur le sol puant ce matin, j'ai un énorme bleu dans le dos. J'ai mon emploi du temps... c'est ok, mais je vais essayer de changer de déjeuner et de santé. Ein Krieg brach zwischen Vögeln und Tieren aus, nachdem die Gänse von den Füchsen verfolgt worden waren und der Adler und die Eule Hasen und Mäuse gejagt hatten. Die Schlacht verlief katastrophal und viele Kreaturen starben. Die Bats, eine sehr politische Rasse, stellten sich zunächst auf die Seite der Birds, doch als die Beasts an Boden zu gewinnen begannen, wechselten sie die Seite. Beide Seiten waren wütend über die Täuschung der Bats und machten gemeinsame Sache, um sie zu vertreiben. Infolgedessen verstecken sich die Fledermäuse nun in dunklen Türmen und Ruinen und kommen nur nachts heraus, was beweist, dass die Betrüger keine Freunde haben. Mr. Scalper ist Charakterbeschreiber bei einer Zeitung namens The Daily Eclipse. Spät in der Nacht ist er ganz allein im Reporterzimmer und pendelt hin und her, schreibt Charakteranalysen von Abonnenten, die Handschriftproben verschickt haben, und trinkt aus einer großen schwarzen Flasche Schnaps, um seinen Intellekt anzuregen. Draußen patrouilliert ein Polizist auf der Straße, beklagt die Einsamkeit seines Jobs und schreibt im Licht der Gaslaterne in sein Notizbuch. Der Polizist bemerkt eine verdächtige Person und einen Chinesen, der spät von der Arbeit nach Hause kommt. Der Polizist fühlt sich von der Anwesenheit von Mr. Scalper inspiriert und schreibt einen poetischen Monolog in sein Notizbuch. Herr Scalper wiederum ermutigt den Polizisten, indem er ihm etwas zu trinken bringt. Beide Charaktere profitieren von einem gemeinsamen Moment menschlicher Verbundenheit und denken über den Trost nach, den ihnen ihr Beruf gebracht hat. Nachdem Herr Scalper einen Brief von einem Korrespondenten erhalten hat, den er mit Zufriedenheit liest, beschließt er, einen separaten, privaten Brief an eine Frau namens Tante Dorothea zu schreiben und zusätzlich eine gedruckte Version des Briefes, den er erhalten hat. Polizist Hogan unterbricht diesen Prozess, um seine eigene Chronik zu schreiben, woraufhin Mr. Scalper die Flasche senkt, die er als Schreibhilfe verwendet hatte. Um Hogan die gleiche Chance zu geben, beschließt Mr. Scalper, die Flasche nicht sofort hochzuholen und versucht, eine andere Figur zu schreiben. Als Mr. Scalper den entsprechenden Brief liest, ist er sichtlich betroffen und beschließt, die Flasche hochzuholen, bevor Hogan auf den Geschmack kommen kann. Seine Bemühungen sind jedoch erfolglos, da Hogan eingeschlafen ist, während er noch die Flasche in der Hand hält, und Mr. Scalper sich stattdessen umdreht, um seine Aufgabe zu Ende zu bringen. Nachdem er die Kolumne mit einer imaginären Figur gefüllt hat, setzt Mr. Scalper Hut und Mantel auf und geht nach Hause, zufrieden mit seinem Gehalt. Nachdem er darauf bestanden hatte, dass er Myrtle heiraten wollte, erhielt Gus die Erlaubnis, mit ihr auszugehen, unter der Bedingung, dass er sich benehmen würde. Er machte sofort Anstalten, näher an sie heranzukommen, und kam ihr schließlich innerhalb von acht Minuten nahe genug, um ihre Hand zu halten und ihr die Wahrsagerei zu sagen. Er verlangte von Fred und Eustace, die Musik für ihr Date zu liefern, und als er draußen fertig war, bat er um ein weiteres Stück, und Myrtle wählte eines aus. Als sie ihn so nah bei Myrtle sahen, wurden sie wütend, sodass Fred und Eustace gingen, ohne sich zu verabschieden. Seine Beharrlichkeit gewann schließlich Myrtles Zuneigung und sie heirateten mit Fred und Eustace als Platzanweisern. Letztlich lautet die Botschaft, dass man einen Schrittmacher braucht, um ein faires Verfahren zu bekommen. Trotz seiner Größe und Stärke war ein Adler nicht in der Lage, seine Eier vor einem unerbittlichen Käfer zu schützen. Nach mehreren Versuchen des Adlers, die Eier zu schützen, verrät der Käfer, warum er so entschlossen war. Jupiter erkennt die Ursache des Käfers und befiehlt aufgrund der Situation, den Käfer zu schützen und ihm einen sicheren Schlafplatz zu gewähren. Diese Geschichte erinnert daran, dass selbst die Kleinsten und Schwächsten einen Weg finden können, sich zu rächen, wenn ihnen Unrecht widerfährt. Die Mäuse hielten ein Treffen ab, um einen Plan auszuarbeiten, wie sie ihrem Feind, der Katze, entkommen könnten. Sie prüften mehrere Ideen, aber keine wurde als angemessen erachtet. Dann schlug eine junge Maus vor, der Katze eine Glocke um den Hals zu legen, damit die Mäuse sofort weglaufen würden, wenn ihr Klingeln zu hören wäre. Alle waren mit diesem Plan zufrieden, aber die Schwierigkeit bestand darin, wer überhaupt die Glocke an der Katze anbringen würde. Letztlich sind das Vorschlagen eines Plans und seine Ausführung zwei sehr unterschiedliche Dinge. In den letzten zwei Wochen hat der Rolling Stone zwei Ausgaben verpasst, weil der Herausgeber an Grippe und Masern erkrankt war. Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass die Laufzeit aller Abonnements verlängert wird, um die verpassten Ausgaben auszugleichen. Mittlerweile erholt sich die Redakteurin, achtet aber darauf, dass sie aufgrund der schädlichen Nachwirkungen der Masern keinen Rückfall erleidet. Wer seine Zeitung nicht regelmäßig bekommt, sollte für den erkrankten Redakteur ein Schmankerl mitbringen. Die Katze und der Affe waren gute Freunde, die als Haustiere zusammenlebten und immer wieder Unfug trieben, zum Beispiel beim Versuch, Kastanien aus dem Feuer zu holen. Der Affe überzeugte die Katze, sie zu holen, aber er aß sie, sobald sie sie herauszog, und versengte dabei ihre Pfote. Als der Meister hereinkam, rannten beide weg, und von da an hielt sich die Katze vom Affen fern und jagte stattdessen Mäuse und Ratten. Ja...also, mein Tag war nicht so toll. Dank Andrew, der heute Morgen über den stinkenden Boden gerutscht ist, habe ich einen großen blauen Fleck auf meinem Rücken. Ich habe meinen Zeitplan ... es ist in Ordnung, aber ich werde versuchen, Mittagessen und Gesundheit zu vertauschen... Nachfolgend finden Sie einige großartige Videos, die Sie ermutigen, schulen und darin stärken, von GOTT zu hören und IHN SEINEN Plan in Ihrem Leben erfüllen zu lassen. ETWAS NEUES, DAS IHNEN HELFEN WIRD, DIE STIMME GOTTES ZU HÖREN! Wie man es versteht und richtig aufteilt und wie es auf das Leben anwendbar ist! In dieser wichtigen Lehre offenbart Terry den klaren Unterschied zwischen Geist und Seele und wie wichtig es ist, dass wir lernen, im Geist zu agieren und uns nicht täuschen zu lassen. Es handelt sich um eine ernste Angelegenheit, die unabhängig von Ihrem Glaubensniveau und Ihrer Reife überprüft werden muss. Die Ehe und wie sie sich auf den Geist und die Seele auswirkt! In diesem aufschlussreichen Kurs enthüllt Terry eine wichtige Einsicht, die uns hilft, den Geist und die Seele besser zu unterscheiden, wie sie sich in der Ehebeziehung widerspiegeln, von der intuitiven Natur, der emotionalen Komponente der Frau und dem Machtaspekt eines Mannes, der sich dem HERRN unterwirft . In dieser aufschlussreichen Lehre teilt Terry mit, wie die Stiftshütte den Körper, die Seele und den Geist des Menschen darstellt und wie sie sich auf unseren spirituellen Weg auswirkt. Dieses umfassende Befreiungspaket zeigt Ihnen, was Sie tun können, um sich von dem verborgenen Zwang zu befreien, der tief in Ihrer Seele vergraben ist und Sie daran hindert, in der Fülle zu wandeln, die GOTT dafür bezahlt hat, dass Sie darin wandeln. Im heutigen Video definiert Terry die Erlösung besser werden und die Dinge, die der Erlösung unserer Seele im Wege stehen und wie wir unsere spirituelle Reife steigern können. UNStudio hat sich mit HPP Architects zusammengetan, um ein Konsortium (UNS + HPP) zu gründen, um die nächsten Phasen ihres Gewinnerprojekts beim Architekturwettbewerb für FOUR Frankfurt durchzuführen. Schauen Sie sich die komplette Geschichte nach dem Klick an. Von den Architekten: Das zentral gelegene 16.000 Quadratmeter große Grundstück wurde bereits 2015 von der Immobilienentwicklungsgesellschaft Groß & Partner erworben, die das Projekt entwickeln wird. Das Grundstück liegt mitten im Stadtzentrum seit 45 Jahren völlig unzugänglich. Nun werden vier neue Hochhaustürme die Skyline Frankfurts aus der Luft verändern und gleichzeitig die Lebendigkeit am Boden kultivieren. Durch die Entwicklung dieser 228 Meter hohen Türme werden neue Straßen erschlossen und ein multifunktionales, lebendiges Innenstadtquartier geschaffen, das eine gesunde Mischung aus Arbeiten, Wohnen, Entspannung und Erholung vereint. Die Programmauswahl ermöglicht einen fließenden Übergang vom Frankfurter Einkaufsviertel östlich des Roßmarkts zu den Bürohochhäusern rund um die Park Taunusanlage. Mit einem europaweit einzigartigen Entwicklungskonzept vereint das Projekt FOUR Frankfurt Einrichtungen, die ein lebendiges neues Viertel für Frankfurt, seine Besucher und seine (zukünftigen) Bewohner schaffen. Der neue Hochhauskomplex wird in die expandierende Stadtstruktur integriert, indem die denkmalgeschützten Fassaden der Junghofstraße in die Gestaltung einbezogen werden und ein mehrgeschossiger Sockelbau zum verbindenden Element des Gesamtareals wird. Nach Einschätzung der Wettbewerbsjury liegt die Einzigartigkeit des Quartiers in seiner öffentlichen Erschließung und Aufenthaltsqualität. Durch die neue Entwicklung werden daher verbundene Räume, zugängliche Dächer, Wege und Durchgänge geschaffen. Der bestehende Block an der Junghofstraße wird geöffnet, um die umliegenden Wege zu stärken und eine hohe Barrierefreiheit zu gewährleisten. Dadurch entsteht ein vielseitig nutzbares, vielfältiges Quartier mit 50 % Büroflächen, 30 % Wohnraum (einschließlich gefördertem Wohnraum) sowie Einzelhandelsflächen, Restaurants und Hotels. Die Fertigstellung von Four Frankfurt ist für 2023 geplant. Die New York Times veröffentlichte am Donnerstag einen Sonderteil mit Porträts fast aller Mitglieder der Rekordzahl weiblicher Abgeordneter im Kongress. Ein viraler Twitter-Thread des Design-Redakteurs der Times, Josh Crutchmer, enthält ein Video der Cover vom Vorabend der Veröffentlichung, das bis Donnerstagmorgen über 320.000 Mal angesehen wurde. Die Fotos, die von den Times-Fotografen Elizabeth D. Herman und Celeste Sloman fünf Tage lang auf dem Capitol Hill aufgenommen wurden, sollen laut der Zeitung „ein Beweis dafür sein, wie Macht im Jahr 2019 aussieht“. „Wie die Arbeit von Kehinde Wiley, der Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, China, Russland und Iran gemalt hat, Aufstieg in Lateinamerika während sich die USA zurückziehen. Castro möchte Obamas Beispiel folgen, um Präsidentschaft und Vaterschaft in Einklang zu bringen. Trumps Regulierungsmaßnahmen erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Finanzkrise. Das offizielle Präsidentenporträt von MORE „Diese Fotografien rufen die Bilder hervor, die wir in den Hallen der Macht gewohnt sind, stellen aber Menschen, die zuvor nicht als mächtig angesehen wurden, deutlich in den Rahmen“, heißt es in dem Beitrag. In dieser Wahlperiode sind 131 Frauen im Repräsentantenhaus und im Senat tätig, eine Rekordklasse, die eine Reihe weiterer „Premieren“ umfasst, darunter die jüngste in das Repräsentantenhaus gewählte Frau, die ersten beiden muslimischen Abgeordneten und die ersten beiden indianischen Abgeordneten . „Redefining Representation“ umfasst 130 Porträts – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: Sozialismus „treibt die Agenda der Demokratischen Partei voran“ Demokratischer Gesetzgeber bietet Werkzeug zum „Ausfüllen der Lücken“ des Green New Deal Judd Gregg: Lob für Mike Enzi MEHR (R-Wyo.) war laut Times nicht verfügbar . Ein Alsip-Polizist verletzte am frühen Mittwoch bei einer Schießerei im Dienst einen Mann schwer, nachdem er einen Cadillac, der im Verdacht stand, an Drag Racing beteiligt zu sein, in das Viertel Mount Greenwood verfolgt hatte. Der Beamte habe Schüsse abgefeuert, als der Fahrer des Cadillac, bei dem es sich um einen 25-jährigen Mann handelte, den Anweisungen der Polizei, die Hände zu heben, nicht Folge leistete und auf den Beamten und seinen Partner zufuhr, sagte Jay Miller, Polizeichef von Alsip, in einer am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Erklärung Nachmittag. Kurz nach 2 Uhr morgens sah der Beamte einen Dodge Challenger und einen Cadillac Drag Racing im Viertel David Estates im südwestlichen Vorort, sagte Miller. Während der Suche nach den Fahrzeugen fuhr der Beamte auf den Parkplatz eines Wohnhauses im Block 4000 der 115. Straße in Chicago und fand zwei Personen im Cadillac. Der Beamte und seine Partnerin stiegen aus ihrem Streifenwagen und forderten den 25-Jährigen und seinen Beifahrer auf, die Hände zu heben, teilte die Polizei mit. Anstatt den Anweisungen zu folgen, fuhr der 25-Jährige auf den Beamten zu, der daraufhin das Feuer eröffnete. Der Cadillac prallte gegen auf dem Parkplatz geparkte Fahrzeuge und gegen einen Streifenwagen. Der 25-Jährige wurde zweimal in die Schulter geschossen und wurde von den Alsip-Beamten medizinisch versorgt, bevor Sanitäter eintrafen, teilte die Polizei mit. Er wurde in ernstem Zustand in das Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn gebracht. Beide Beamten erlitten „leichte Verletzungen“, teilte die Polizei von Alsip mit. Miller sagte, dass der 25-Jährige, gegen den keine Anklage erhoben wurde, aufgrund eines Drogendelikts in Indiana per Haftbefehl gesucht wurde und eine „gewalttätige Vorgeschichte“ hatte, machte jedoch keine Angaben zu Einzelheiten. 2 New England NE 16 1 Spiele -1 Yards 0:07 Ende der Halbzeit. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 Spiele -1 Yards 1:01 Ende des Spiels. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F. Verkäufer, die nicht ansässig sind (z. B. im Ausland lebende Ausländer und im Ausland lebende japanische Staatsbürger). Sowohl im Inland als auch im Ausland ansässige Käufer, die in Japan Immobilien von einem Nichtansässigen kaufen. Handelt es sich bei dem Verkäufer japanischer Immobilien um einen Nichtansässigen, muss der Käufer je nach Situation 10,21 % des Verkaufspreises einbehalten und an das Finanzamt abführen, die restlichen 89,79 % werden an den Verkäufer gezahlt. Der Käufer ist dafür verantwortlich, die 10,21 % bis zum 10. des auf die Transaktion folgenden Monats an das Finanzamt zu zahlen. Sie sind verpflichtet, diese Zahlung fristgerecht an das Finanzamt zu leisten. Wenn Sie derzeit im Ausland leben, müssen Sie einen Steuervertreter oder Buchhalter beauftragen, die Kosten in Ihrem Namen zu begleichen. Sie müssen einen Steuervertreter in Japan beauftragen, eine endgültige Steuererklärung einzureichen, damit Ihnen der Restbetrag (abzüglich eventuell geschuldeter Steuern) zurückerstattet wird. *Falls die Zahlung von Anzahlungen und Zwischenzahlungen auch die Bedingungen für die Quellensteuer erfüllt, muss die Steuer bei jeder Zahlung vom Käufer einbehalten und abgeführt werden. Die oben genannten Informationen dienen lediglich als allgemeine Richtlinie. Für weitere Einzelheiten zu dieser Steuer und für weitere detaillierte Steuerfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an das Finanzamt oder einen Spezialisten... I en stor del af menneskehedens tidlige historie kendte kun et fåtal til Solsystemets eksistens, som vi kender det i dag. Den almindelige opfattelse var, at Jorden lå stationært i universets midte og var noget helt andet end de formodede guddommelige eller åndelige objekter, der bevægede sig på himlen. For eksempel spekulerede den indiske astronom, Aryabhata, og den græske filosof, Aristarchos, i det heliocentriske verdensbillede, hvilket vil sige, at de mente at Solen var i centrum, og Jorden bevægede sig rundt om solen. Men det var astronomen Nicolaus Kopernikus i 1500-tallet, der som den første kunne udvikle en matematisk model, som forudsagde de forskellige himmellegemers bevægelser i Solsystemet. I 1600-tallet kunne de berømte astronomer Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler og Isaac Newton bygge videre på Copernicus' model, hvilket efterhånden førte til almen accept af, at Jorden bevæger sig rundt om Solen, og at de andre planeter styres af de samme fysiske love, som også gælder for Jorden. ガチョウがキツネの手による迫害を受け、ワシとフクロウがノウサギとネズミを狩った後、鳥と獣の間で戦争が勃発した。 戦いは悲惨なもので、多くの生き物が死にました。 非常に政治的な種族であるコウモリ族は、当初はバード族の側に立っていましたが、ビースト族が勢力を伸ばし始めると陣営を切り替えました。 双方ともバットの欺瞞に怒り、彼らを追い出すという共通の大義を立てた。 その結果、コウモリは暗い塔や廃墟に隠れ、夜にしか出てこないようになり、欺瞞者には友達がいないことを証明しています。 スカルパー氏は、デイリー・エクリプスという新聞社の人物描写担当者です。 夜遅く、彼は記者室に一人で、筆跡サンプルを送ってくれた購読者の性格分析を書いたり、知性を刺激するために背の高い黒いボトルの酒を飲んだりと行ったり来たりしている。 外では警察官が街を巡回し、仕事の孤独を嘆きながらガス灯の明かりでノートに文字を書いていた。 警察官は不審者と仕事で遅く帰宅した中国人に注目する。 スカルパー氏の存在に触発されたと感じた警察官は、ノートに詩的な独白を書きます。 スカルパー氏は今度は警官に飲み物を飲ませて励ます。 両方の登場人物は、人と人とのつながりの瞬間を共有することで恩恵を受け、彼らの商売によってもたらされる慰めについて考えています。 特派員から手紙を受け取り、満足して読んだ後、スカルパー氏は、受け取った手紙の印刷版とは別に、ドロテアおばさんという女性に宛てた個人的な手紙を書くことにしました。 警官のホーガンは自分の年代記を書くためにこのプロセスを中断し、スカルパー氏は執筆に使用していたボトルを下げさせました。 ホーガンにも同じ機会を与えるために、スカルパー氏はすぐにボトルを引き上げず、別のキャラクターを書こうとしました。 対応する手紙を読んだスカルパー氏は、明らかに影響を受け、ホーガンが酒の味を知る前にボトルを引き上げることにしました。 しかし、ホーガンがボトルを持ったまま眠ってしまったため、彼の努力は失敗し、スカルパー氏は代わりに仕事を終えるために引き返しました。 架空の人物を欄に記入した後、スカルパー氏は帽子とコートを着て、給料に満足して家に帰ります。 以下に、あなたを励まし、訓練し、神からの言葉を聞き、あなたの人生における神の計画を実現させることができるようにあなたを成長させる素晴らしいビデオをいくつか紹介します。 神の声を聞くのに役立つ新しい何か! それを理解し、正しく分ける方法とそれが人生にどのように適用されるか! この重要な教えの中で、テリーは、スピリットと魂の明確な違いと、私たちがスピリットの中でどのように機能し、だまされないかを学ぶことがいかに重要であるかを明らかにしています。 これは、あなたの信仰のレベルや成熟度に関係なく、検討しなければならない深刻な問題です。 結婚とそれが霊と魂にどのように当てはまるか! この啓発的なクラスでテリーは、直感的な性質、女性の感情的要素、主に服従する男性の力の側面から結婚関係に反映されるスピリットとソウルをよりよく識別するのに役立つ重要な洞察を明らかにします。 。 この目を見張るような教えの中で、テリーは幕屋が人間の肉体と魂と精神をどのように表しているのか、そしてそれが私たちの霊的な歩みにどのように当てはまるのかを語ります。 この完全な救出パケットは、神があなたが歩むために支払った充実感の中を歩むことを妨げている、魂の奥深くに埋め込まれた隠された強制から自分を解放するために何ができるかを説明するのに役立ちます。 今日のビデオで、テリーは救いを定義します。 私たちの魂の救いを妨げるもの、そして私たちの霊的成熟を高める方法。 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は木曜日、記録的な数の女性議員のほぼ全員の肖像画を特集した特別セクションを掲載した。 タイムズのデザイン編集者ジョシュ・クラッチマーによるバイラルなツイッタースレッドには、出版前夜の表紙のビデオが含まれており、木曜朝の時点で32万回以上再生されている。 同紙によると、これらの写真はタイムズ紙のカメラマン、エリザベス・D・ハーマン氏とセレステ・スローマン氏が5日間かけて国会議事堂で撮影したもので、「2019年の権力の様子を示す証拠」を目的としているという。 「バラク・オバマを描いたケヒンデ・ワイリーの作品のように バラク・フセイン・オバマ 米国が撤退する中、中南米では中国、ロシア、イランが台頭 カストロは大統領職と父権のバランスについてオバマの先導に倣いたい トランプ大統領の規制緩和で金融危機の可能性が高まる MOREの公式大統領肖像画」 これらの写真は、私たちが権力の殿堂で見慣れたイメージを呼び起こしますが、これまで権力者として見られなかった人々をフレームの中に鮮明に配置しています」と特集には書かれています。 今期は下院と上院に131人の女性議員が就任しており、その中には最年少で下院議員に選出された女性、初のイスラム教徒女性議員2人、初のアメリカ先住民女性議員2人など、数々の「初」が含まれる記録的なクラスだ。 。 「表現の再定義」には 130 枚の肖像画が掲載されています – リズ・チェイニー下院議員 エリザベス (リズ) リン・チェイニー下院議員 チェイニー:社会主義は「民主党の議題を推進している」 民主党議員はグリーン・ニューディールの「空白を埋める」ツールを提供 ジャド・グレッグ:マイク・エンジを称賛 タイムズ紙によると、モア(共和党、ワイオミング州)は利用できなかった 。 Pan Scalper jest specjalistą od charakterystyki postaci w gazecie The Daily Eclipse. Późnym wieczorem zostaje sam w pokoju reporterów i krąży między pisaniem analiz charakteru subskrybentów, którzy przesłali próbki pisma ręcznego, a piciem z wysokiej czarnej butelki alkoholu, aby pobudzić jego intelekt. Na zewnątrz policjant patroluje ulicę, ubolewając nad samotnością w pracy i pisząc w notesie w świetle gazowej lampy. Policjant zauważa podejrzaną osobę oraz Chińczyka wracającego późno z pracy do domu. Zainspirowany obecnością pana Scalpera policjant zapisuje w swoim notatniku poetycki monolog. Pan Scalper z kolei zachęca policjanta częstując go drinkiem. Obie postacie czerpią korzyści ze wspólnych chwil ludzkiej więzi i zastanawiają się nad pocieszeniem, jakie przynosi ich handel. Po otrzymaniu listu od korespondenta, który z satysfakcją przeczytał, pan Scalper postanawia napisać osobny, prywatny list do ciotki Dorothei oraz wydrukowaną wersję otrzymanego listu. Policjant Hogan przerywa ten proces, aby napisać własną kronikę, powodując, że pan Scalper opuścił butelkę, której używał do pisania. Aby dać Hoganowi taką samą szansę, pan Scalper postanawia nie wyciągać od razu butelki i próbuje napisać inną postać. Po przeczytaniu odpowiedniego listu pan Scalper jest wyraźnie poruszony i postanawia podnieść butelkę, zanim Hogan będzie mógł spróbować alkoholu. Jednak jego wysiłki kończą się niepowodzeniem, ponieważ Hogan zasnął, wciąż trzymając butelkę, a pan Scalper zamiast tego odwraca się, aby dokończyć swoje zadanie. Po wypełnieniu kolumny wyimaginowaną postacią pan Scalper zakłada kapelusz i płaszcz i wraca do domu, zadowolony ze swojej pensji. Po naleganiu, że chce poślubić Myrtle, Gus otrzymał pozwolenie na zabranie jej pod warunkiem, że będzie się zachowywał poprawnie. Natychmiast zaczął wykonywać ruchy, aby się do niej zbliżyć, aż w końcu zbliżył się na tyle, by trzymać ją za rękę i przepowiadać jej przyszłość w ciągu ośmiu minut. Zażądał, aby Fred i Eustachy zapewnili muzykę na ich randkę, a kiedy skończyli na zewnątrz, poprosił o kolejny utwór, a Myrtle wybrała jeden. Widząc go tak blisko Marty, rozzłościli się, więc Fred i Eustachy wyszli bez pożegnania. Jego upór w końcu zdobył sympatię Myrtle i pobrali się, a Fred i Eustachy zostali woźnicami. Ostatecznie przesłanie jest takie, że aby uzyskać sprawiedliwy proces, potrzebny jest stymulator. Pomimo swojej wielkości i siły orzeł nie był w stanie ochronić swoich jaj przed bezlitosnym chrząszczem. Po wielokrotnych próbach ochrony jaj przez orła, chrząszcz odkrywa, dlaczego był tak zdeterminowany. Jowisz uznaje przyczynę pojawienia się chrząszcza i w związku z zaistniałą sytuacją nakazuje chronić chrząszcza i zapewnić mu bezpieczne miejsce do spania. Ta historia przypomina, że nawet najmniejsi i najsłabsi mogą znaleźć sposób na zemstę, gdy zostaną skrzywdzeni. Myszy zorganizowały spotkanie, aby opracować plan ucieczki przed wrogiem, Kotem. Rozważali kilka pomysłów, ale żaden nie został uznany za odpowiedni. Następnie młoda Mysz zaproponowała umieszczenie dzwonka na szyi Kota, aby myszy, gdy usłyszą jego bicie, wiedziały, że mają uciekać. Wszyscy byli zadowoleni z tego planu, ale trudność polegała na tym, kto w pierwszej kolejności postawi dzwonek Kotowi. Ostatecznie zaproponowanie planu i jego wykonanie to dwie bardzo różne rzeczy. Przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie „The Rolling Stone” pomijał dwa numery, ponieważ redaktor zachorował na grypę i odrę. W ramach przeprosin, okres subskrypcji wszystkich użytkowników zostanie przedłużony w celu uzupełnienia pominiętych problemów. Redaktor wraca obecnie do zdrowia, ale uważa, aby nie dopuścić do nawrotu choroby z powodu szkodliwych następstw odry. Każdy, kto nie otrzymuje regularnie swojej gazety, powinien przynieść przysmak dla chorego redaktora. Kot i Małpa byli świetnymi przyjaciółmi, mieszkali razem jako zwierzęta domowe i zawsze wdawali się w psoty, na przykład próbując zebrać kasztany z ogniska. Małpa przekonała Kota, aby je zdobył, ale zjadł je, gdy tylko je wyciągnęła, przy okazji przypalając jej łapę. Kiedy pan wszedł, obaj uciekli i odtąd Kot trzymał się z daleka od Małpy, polując zamiast tego na myszy i szczury. Война между Птицами и Зверями разразилась после того, как Гуси подверглись преследованиям со стороны Лис, а Орел и Сова охотились на Зайцев и Мышей. Битва была катастрофической, многие существа погибли. Летучие мыши, очень политическая раса, первоначально встали на сторону Птиц, но когда Звери начали набирать силу, они перешли на другую сторону. Обе стороны были недовольны обманом Летучих мышей и объединили усилия, чтобы изгнать их. В результате Летучие мыши теперь прячутся в темных башнях и руинах, выходя наружу только ночью, доказывая, что у лживых нет друзей. Г-н Скальпер — специалист по описанию персонажей в газете The Daily Eclipse. Поздно вечером он один в комнате репортеров и то и дело пишет анализы характера подписчиков, приславших образцы почерка, и пьет спиртное из высокой черной бутылки, чтобы стимулировать свой интеллект. Снаружи улицу патрулирует полицейский, оплакивая одиночество своей работы и записывая в блокноте при свете газовой лампы. Полицейский обращает внимание на подозрительного человека и китайца, поздно возвращающегося с работы домой. Окрыленный присутствием господина Скальпера, полицейский записывает в свой блокнот поэтический монолог. Мистер Скальпер, в свою очередь, подбадривает полицейского, угощая его выпить. Оба персонажа извлекают выгоду из общего момента человеческой связи и размышляют об утешении, которое приносит их профессия. Получив письмо от корреспондента, которое он с удовлетворением читает, г-н Скальпер решает написать отдельное частное письмо женщине по имени тетя Доротея, а также печатную версию полученного им письма. Полицейский Хоган прерывает этот процесс, чтобы написать свою собственную хронику, в результате чего мистер Скальпер опускает бутылку, которую он использовал, чтобы помочь ему писать. Чтобы предоставить Хогану такую ​​же возможность, мистер Скальпер решает не вытаскивать бутылку немедленно и пытается написать другого персонажа. Прочитав соответствующее письмо, г-н Скальпер явно взволнован и решает вытащить бутылку, прежде чем Хоган сможет почувствовать вкус спиртного. Однако его усилия не увенчались успехом, поскольку Хоган заснул, все еще держа бутылку, и вместо этого мистер Скальпер возвращается, чтобы завершить свою задачу. Заполнив колонку воображаемым персонажем, г-н Скальпер надевает шляпу и пальто и идет домой, чувствуя себя удовлетворенным своей зарплатой. Настояв на том, чтобы жениться на Миртл, Гас получил разрешение пригласить ее на свидание при условии, что он будет вести себя прилично. Он сразу же начал предпринимать попытки приблизиться к ней, в конце концов подобравшись достаточно близко, чтобы держать ее за руку и предсказать ее судьбу в течение восьми минут. Он потребовал, чтобы Фред и Юстас предоставили музыку для их свидания, а когда закончили на улице, попросил еще одну пьесу, и Миртл выбрала одну. Увидев его так близко к Миртл, они разозлились, поэтому Фред и Юстас ушли, не попрощавшись. Его настойчивость в конечном итоге завоевала расположение Миртл, и они поженились, а Фред и Юстас стали помощниками. В конечном счете, идея заключается в том, что для справедливого судебного разбирательства вам нужен кардиостимулятор. Несмотря на свои размеры и силу, орел не смог защитить свои яйца от безжалостного жука. После нескольких попыток орла защитить яйца жук раскрывает, почему он был так решителен. Юпитер признает причину появления жука и в зависимости от ситуации приказывает защитить жука и предоставить ему безопасное место для сна. Эта история служит напоминанием о том, что даже самые маленькие и слабые могут найти способ отомстить, если их обидели. Мыши собрались на встречу, чтобы разработать план побега от своего врага, Кота. Они рассмотрели несколько идей, но ни одна не была сочтена подходящей. Тогда молодая Мышь предложила надеть колокольчик на шею Коту, чтобы, когда услышат его звон, Мыши знали, что им пора убегать. Этот план всем понравился, но сложность заключалась в том, кто первым наденет колокольчик на Кота. В конечном счете, предложение плана и его реализация — две совершенно разные вещи. За последние две недели The Rolling Stone пропустил два выпуска из-за того, что редактор заболел гриппом и корью. Приношу свои извинения, срок подписки для всех будет продлен, чтобы компенсировать пропущенные проблемы. Редактор сейчас выздоравливает, но старается не допустить рецидива из-за пагубных последствий кори. Тому, кто не получает газету регулярно, следует принести лакомство для больного редактора. Кот и Обезьяна были отличными друзьями, жили вместе как домашние животные и постоянно попадали в неприятности, например, пытались достать каштаны из огня. Обезьяна убедила Кота достать их, но он съел их, как только она их вытащила, опалив при этом лапу. Когда вошел хозяин, они оба убежали, и с тех пор Кот держался подальше от Обезьяны, вместо этого охотясь на мышей и крыс. Да... итак, мой день был не таким уж хорошим. Благодаря тому, что Эндрю сегодня утром поскользнулся по вонючему полу, у меня на спине огромный синяк. У меня есть график... все в порядке, но я попробую сменить обед и здоровье, си. Они часто ко мне придираются, и поначалу я просто думал, что это всего лишь веселье и игры, но теперь... иногда мне кажется, что я им всем действительно не нравлюсь. Так что... приятно тусоваться с детьми, не участвующими в группе. Группа поддержки Никки выступила на Национальном чемпионате, и это, конечно... потрясающе! Люди смеются надо мной, потому что один из моих лучших друзей - чирлидер, а я просто смеюсь в ответ, потому что они упускают по-настоящему замечательного человека! Я тоже скучаю по Карсону. Я знаю, что вижу ее... каждый день и разговариваю с ней, но я скучаю по тому, как все было раньше. Злые сестры!! Карсон, Никки и я... это было так здорово... Иногда я очень скучаю по средней школе. Я помню, как мне было 8, и я ОТКАЗЫВАЛСЯ от 9-летнего возраста. Я вообще отказался! Иногда мне хочется, чтобы те времена вернулись. На днях мы со Скоттом долго говорили об этом, и... он напомнил мне, как весело быть моложе. Как мне не пришлось беспокоиться о выпивке и обо всех вещах, которые мне совершенно не нравятся! Я скучаю по своей маленькой компании друзей... раньше мы ВСЕ делали вместе... а теперь все разваливается. Джоанна едет в Англию, Карсон уже ушла из группы (слава богу, я до сих пор поддерживаю с ней тесный контакт), а Никки едет в Бенет. Я просто... скучаю по старым временам. Да, в любом случае… извини… Я продолжал писать и писать, и сбился с пути. На 5-м часу у меня была Речь, и она была совершенно изящной! Меня не волнует, что кто-то говорит о ее веселости, я люблю мисс Ви! Или, как мы ее называем... В-дидди! Она с таким энтузиазмом относится к преподаванию... как будто действительно хочет там быть! Она напоминает мне мистера Домана. Думаю, получить хорошую оценку в классе мисс В., слава богу, действительно легко, поскольку я очень нервничаю перед выступлениями. Уилл учится в моем классе :) Он мне очень нравится. Он такой классный парень. Он всегда носит эту рубашку с изображением Бэтмена, которая мне нравится, и он всегда очень добр ко мне. Хотя он всегда кажется чем-то грустным... и это очень напоминает мне о смерти Кари. Есть еще один человек, по которому я очень скучаю. Ух ты... Я сейчас скучаю по многим людям... даже по Кристи. Да... она поцеловала Райана... и да... я бросила его жалкую задницу, но... я все еще скучаю по ней. С ней было просто... так приятно поговорить. Сейчас нет никого, кому я действительно мог бы сказать что-нибудь на свете, чтобы... понравилось... что угодно, и все, что у меня на уме, и мне бы хотелось, чтобы это было так. Только что включил какую-нибудь группу Dave Matthews Band... Надеюсь, это поднимет мне настроение. Честно говоря... я знаю, что этого не произойдет, но... я должен попробовать, верно?? Ух ты, я не писал так много... возможно, никогда, и я только что закончил чуть больше половины своего дня. Я не знаю, что со мной. Я просто... думаю о том, как бы мне хотелось, чтобы все было, и как быстро все меняется. Я имею в виду... Я уже закончил среднюю школу на 37,5%. Это довольно удручающе, особенно потому, что я понятия не имею, чем хочу заниматься после окончания средней школы. *Вздох* Ну... да, вернемся к разговору, больше рассказывать нечего. Завтра у меня есть минутная речь о себе. Думаю, я собираюсь поговорить о том, чтобы быть альбиносом. Надеюсь, это заинтересует людей. Это не то, о чем говорят каждый день, так что... да. Ага....здоровье....ик...страшный класс. Да... больше нечего сказать, кроме... у меня в классе есть Стиви!!! АААА! Ура! Стив Зимни... если ты никогда не встречал этого парня, познакомься с ним. Он самый крутой на свете. Он очень милый, и он действительно очень милый. :) Его девушке повезло. Ха-ха... и я понял, как плохо это могло звучать... нет, Стив мне нравится не больше, чем друг, он просто очень классный, поэтому заслуживает упоминания. Я не упоминаю людей, которые мне нравятся... или нет?? Хммм.... Эммм... ок, что дальше? Математика... да, не буду вдаваться в подробности, за исключением того, что это круто, поскольку Тейлор учится в моем классе математики, и это отлично, потому что Тейлор определенно самый крутой. Она такой милый человек. Мне хотелось бы иногда быть больше похожей на нее. Тогда... Американское правительство!! УРА! В моем классе много людей... включая Андре Черри... ха-ха... Я поцеловала этого парня, когда мне было... 5. Ах...хорошие времена, хорошие времена. Кэтрин учится в моем классе, и это здорово, и это Мередит, мне все равно, что кто-то говорит о ней, она всегда очень добра ко мне, и я думаю, что она классный человек, которому есть что предложить. А еще... у меня самый крутой учитель господин Альбинак. Он такой замечательный учитель. У Келли С. он тоже есть, только... в другой период. И... да, это был мой день. Все закончилось хорошо, но я все еще надеюсь сменить время обеда. Я ОЧЕНЬ надеюсь, что они мне позволят. В любом случае....Мне надоело печатать, и я начинаю беспокоиться, так что, думаю, я пойду немного почитаю и... может быть, напишу больше позже. На самом деле я записываю здесь то, что чувствую, и это довольно удивительно. Обычно я не пишу о том, что чувствую. О да... Думаю, в субботу в нашей секции было около 20-25 групп... так что либо мы выступили не так плохо, как я думал, либо... другие группы были ужасны. Мне еще не удалось поговорить со Скоттом о Уинтере и все уладить. Я почти уверен, что мы пойдем к Кэтрин поесть. Se meten mucho conmigo, y al principio asumí que todo era diversión y juegos, pero ahora... a veces siento que realmente no les agrado a todos. Así que... es agradable pasar el rato con chicos que no pertenecen a la banda. El equipo de porristas de Nikki llegó a los Nacionales, lo cual por supuesto... ¡es increíble! La gente se ríe de mí porque una de mis mejores amigas es animadora, y yo también me río porque se están perdiendo a una persona verdaderamente maravillosa. También extraño a Carson. Sé que la veo... todos los días y hablo con ella, pero extraño cómo solían ser las cosas. Hermanas Malevalentes!! Carson, Nikki y yo... fue genial... A veces realmente extraño la secundaria. Recuerdo cuando tenía 8 años y me NEGABA a cumplir 9. ¡De hecho, me negué! A veces quisiera que esos días volvieran. Scott y yo tuvimos una larga conversación sobre esto el otro día y... él me recordó lo divertido que era ser más joven. ¡Cómo no tenía que preocuparme por beber y por todas las cosas que no me gustan en absoluto! Extraño a mi pequeño grupo de amigos... solíamos hacer TODO juntos... y ahora todo se está separando. Joanne se va a Inglaterra, Carson ya se ha ido del grupo (gracias a Dios sigo en estrecho contacto con ella) y Nikki va con Benet. Simplemente... extraño los viejos tiempos. Sí, de todos modos... lo siento... Seguí escribiendo y escribiendo, y me desvié del camino. En la quinta hora, tuve un discurso, ¡que fue totalmente genial! No me importa lo que digan sobre su alegría, ¡amo a la Sra. V! O como la llamamos... ¡V-diddy! Está tan entusiasmada con la enseñanza... ¡como si realmente quisiera estar allí! Me recuerda al señor Doman. Supongo que es muy fácil obtener una buena calificación en la clase de la Sra. V, gracias a Dios, ya que estoy muy nervioso por dar discursos. Will está en mi clase :) Me gusta mucho. Es un chico genial. Siempre usa esta camiseta de Batman que me encanta y siempre es muy amable conmigo. Aunque siempre parece un poco triste por algo... y eso realmente me recuerda la muerte de Kari. Hay otra persona a la que extraño mucho. Vaya... extraño a mucha gente en este momento... incluso a Christy. Sí... ella besó a Ryan... y sí... dejé su lamentable trasero, pero... todavía la extraño un poco. Ella era... tan buena para hablar. No hay nadie en este momento a quien realmente sienta que podría decirle cualquier cosa en el mundo a... me gusta... cualquier cosa, y todo lo que tengo en mente, y desearía que así fuera. Acabo de poner algo de Dave Matthews Band... Espero que me ponga de mejor humor. Sinceramente... sé que no será así, pero... tengo que intentarlo, ¿verdad? Vaya, no he escrito tanto... posiblemente nunca, y apenas he llegado a la mitad del día. No sé qué me pasa. Sólo... estoy pensando en cómo desearía que fueran las cosas y en lo rápido que están cambiando. Quiero decir... ya estoy en el 37,5% de mi camino hacia la escuela secundaria. Eso es bastante deprimente, especialmente porque no tengo idea de qué quiero hacer después de la secundaria. *Suspiro* Bueno... sí, volvamos al discurso, no hay mucho más que contar. Mañana tengo que dar un discurso de un minuto sobre mí. Creo que voy a hablar de ser albino. Espero que interese a la gente. No es algo de lo que se oiga hablar todos los días, así que... sí. Sí...salud...eek...clase aterradora. Vaya... no hay mucho más que decir que eso, excepto... ¡¡¡Tengo a Stevey en mi clase!!! ¡AHHH! ¡Hurra! Steve Zimnie... si nunca has conocido al niño, conócelo. Es el más genial de todos los tiempos. Es realmente agradable y realmente lindo. :) Su novia tiene suerte. Jaja... y me di cuenta de lo mal que pudo haber sonado... no, no me gusta Steve como algo más que un amigo, es realmente genial, así que merecía mencionarlo. No menciono a las personas que me gustan... ¿o sí? Hmmm.... Ummm...ok, ¿qué sigue? Matemáticas... sí, no entraré en muchos detalles sobre eso, excepto que es genial ya que Taylor está en mi clase de matemáticas, lo cual es excelente, porque Taylor es definitivamente la mejor. Ella es una persona tan dulce. Ojalá pudiera ser más como ella a veces. Entonces... ¡¡Gobernador americano!! ¡HURRA! Tengo mucha gente en mi clase... incluyendo a Andre Cherry... jaja... Besé a ese niño cuando tenía como... 5 años. Ah, buenos tiempos, buenos tiempos. Kathryn está en mi clase, lo cual es increíble, al igual que Meredith, no me importa lo que NADIE diga sobre ella, ella siempre es muy amable conmigo y creo que es una persona genial que tiene mucho que ofrecer. Además... tengo el profesor más genial, el Sr. Albinak. Es un gran maestro. Kelly C. también lo tiene, excepto... punto diferente. Y... sí, ese fue mi día. Terminó bien, pero todavía tengo la esperanza de cambiar mis períodos de almuerzo. REALMENTE espero que me dejen. De todos modos... estoy harto de escribir y me estoy poniendo inquieto, así que creo que iré a leer un rato y... tal vez escribiré más más tarde. De hecho, estoy escribiendo lo que siento aquí, lo cual es algo sorprendente. En realidad, no suelo escribir lo que siento. Oh, sí... Supongo que había entre 20 y 25 bandas en nuestra sección el sábado... así que, o realmente no lo hicimos tan mal como pensaba, o... las otras bandas fueron atroces. Aún no he podido hablar con Scott sobre Winter ni arreglar las cosas. Estoy bastante seguro de que iremos a comer a casa de Kathryn. Le nuage de Oort est un nuage sphérique hypothétique comptant jusqu'à mille milliards d'objets glacés et qui pourrait être la source des comètes à longue période245. Il entourerait le Système solaire avec une forme sphérique et cette coquille pourrait s'étendre de 10 000 ua jusqu'à peut-être jusqu'à plus de 100 000 ua (1,87 al)245. Il serait composé de comètes éjectées du Système solaire interne à cause des interactions gravitationnelles des planètes géantes, notamment Jupiter244. L'extrême majorité des comètes du Système solaire y seraient situées, leur nombre estimé étant de l'ordre du billion (1012)241,237. La masse totale de ces objets serait d'environ une masse terrestre245. De tjatar på mig mycket, och först antog jag bara att det var kul och lek, men nu... ibland känner jag att de alla verkligen inte gillar mig. Så...det är trevligt att umgås med icke-bandbarn. Nikkis cheerleading-lag tog sig till Nationals, vilket såklart...är fantastiskt! Folk skrattar åt mig för att en av mina bästa vänner är en hejarklack, och jag skrattar bara tillbaka, för att de går miste om en verkligt underbar person! Jag saknar Carson också. Jag vet att jag ser henne som...varje dag, och jag pratar med henne, men jag saknar liksom saker och ting förr. Malevalenta systrar!! Carson, Nikki och jag...det var så häftigt...Jag saknar verkligen Junior High ibland. Jag kan minnas när jag var 8, och jag vägrade att fylla 9. Jag vägrade faktiskt! Jag önskar att de dagarna var tillbaka ibland. Scott och jag hade ett långt samtal om detta häromdagen, och...han påminde mig om vad roligt det var att vara yngre. Hur jag inte behövde oroa mig för att dricka, och alla grejer jag inte är helt inne på! Jag saknar mitt lilla kompisgäng... vi brukade göra ALLT tillsammans...och nu går det bara sönder. Joanne ska till England, Carson har redan gått från gruppen (tack och lov håller jag fortfarande nära kontakt med henne) och Nikki går till Benet. Jag saknar bara gamla dagar. Ja, i alla fall....förlåt....Jag fortsatte bara att skriva och skriva, och jag kom ur spåret. 5:e timmen hade jag tal, vilket var helt snyggt! Jag bryr mig inte om vad någon säger om hennes pigghet, jag älskar Ms. V! Eller som vi kallar henne...V-diddy! Hon är bara så entusiastisk över att undervisa...som att hon faktiskt vill vara där! Hon påminner mig om Mr. Doman. Jag antar att det är väldigt lätt att få ett bra betyg i Ms V:s klass, tack och lov, eftersom jag är riktigt nervös för att hålla tal. Will går i min klass :) Jag tycker mycket om honom. Han är en så cool unge. Han bär alltid den här batmantröjan som jag älskar, och han är alltid riktigt snäll mot mig. Han verkar alltid vara ledsen över något...och det påminner mig verkligen om Karis död. Det finns en annan person som jag saknar mycket. Wow...jag saknar många människor just nu...även Christy. Ja ... hon kysste Ryan ... och ja ... jag dumpade hans ledsna rumpa, men ... jag saknar henne fortfarande. Hon var bara...så bra att prata med. Det finns ingen just nu, som jag verkligen känner att jag kunde berätta vad som helst i världen att...gilla... precis vad som helst, och allt som jag tänker på, och jag önskar att det fanns. Sätt på lite Dave Matthews Band... Jag hoppas att det får mig på bättre humör. Ärligt talat...jag vet att det inte gör det, men...jag måste försöka, eller hur?? Wow, jag har inte skrivit så här mycket...möjligen någonsin, och jag har precis kommit lite mer än halvvägs igenom min dag. Jag vet inte vad det är med mig. Jag tänker bara på hur jag önskar att saker och ting var, och hur snabbt saker och ting förändras. Jag menar...jag är redan 37,5% av min väg genom gymnasiet. Det är ganska deprimerande, speciellt eftersom jag inte har en aning om vad jag vill göra efter gymnasiet. *Suck* Tja...ja, tillbaka till talet, inte mycket mer att berätta. Jag har ett tal på en minut att hålla om mig själv imorgon. Jag tror att jag ska prata om att vara albino. Jag hoppas att det intresserar folk. Det är inte något man hör talas om varje dag, så... ja. Benimle çok dalga geçiyorlar ve ilk başta bunların sadece eğlence ve oyun olduğunu varsaydım, ama şimdi... Bazen hepsinin benden gerçekten hoşlanmadığını hissediyorum. Yani... müzik grubu olmayan çocuklarla takılmak güzel. Nikki'nin amigo takımı Ulusal yarışmaya katıldı ve bu elbette... harika! İnsanlar bana gülüyor çünkü en iyi arkadaşlarımdan biri amigo kız, ben de hemen gülüyorum çünkü gerçekten harika bir insanı kaçırıyorlar! Ben de Carson'ı özledim. Onu her gün gördüğümü biliyorum ve onunla konuşuyorum ama her şeyin eski halini özlüyorum. Kötü niyetli Kardeşler!! Carson, Nikki ve ben... o kadar güzeldi ki... Bazen Ortaokulu gerçekten özlüyorum. 8 yaşımdayken 9 yaşına girmeyi REDDETTİĞİM zamanı hatırlıyorum. Aslında reddettim! Bazen o günlerin geri gelmesini diliyorum. Scott ve ben geçen gün bunun hakkında uzun bir konuşma yaptık ve o bana genç olmanın ne kadar eğlenceli olduğunu hatırlattı. İçki ve hiç ilgilenmediğim şeyler konusunda ne kadar da endişelenmeme gerek yoktu! Küçük arkadaş grubumu özlüyorum... Eskiden HER ŞEYİ birlikte yapardık... ve şimdi her şey dağılıyor. Joanne İngiltere'ye gidiyor, Carson çoktan gruptan ayrılmış (şükürler olsun ki onunla hâlâ yakın temas halindeyim) ve Nikki Benet'e gidiyor. Ben sadece...eski günleri özlüyorum. Evet, neyse....özür dilerim....Yazmaya ve yazmaya devam ettim ve yoldan çıktım. 5. saat, tamamen düzgün bir konuşma yaptım! Onun neşeliliği hakkında kimsenin ne dediği umurumda değil, Bayan V'yi seviyorum! Veya bizim ona verdiğimiz isimle... V-diddy! Öğretme konusunda o kadar hevesli ki... sanki orada olmayı gerçekten istiyormuş gibi! Bana Bay Doman'ı hatırlatıyor. Sanırım Bayan V'nin dersinde iyi bir not almak çok kolay, çok şükür, çünkü konuşma yapma konusunda gerçekten gerginim. Will benim sınıfımda :) Onu çok seviyorum. Çok havalı bir çocuk. Her zaman sevdiğim bu Batman gömleğini giyiyor ve bana karşı her zaman çok iyi davranıyor. Her zaman bir şeye üzülmüş gibi görünüyor... ve bu bana gerçekten Kari'nin ölümünü hatırlatıyor. Çok özlediğim biri daha var. Vay...Şu anda pek çok insanı özlüyorum....Christy'yi bile. Evet... Ryan'ı öptü... ve evet... onun üzgün kıçını terk ettim, ama... onu hala özlüyorum. Onunla konuşmak çok güzeldi. Şu anda dünyada her şeye... her şeyi, aklımdaki her şeyi anlatabileceğimi düşündüğüm hiç kimse yok ve keşke olsaydı. Az önce Dave Matthews Band'i açtım...Umarım beni daha iyi bir ruh haline sokar. Dürüst olmak gerekirse...Böyle olmayacağını biliyorum ama...Denemeliyim, değil mi?? Vay be, bu kadar çok yazmamıştım... muhtemelen şimdiye kadar ve günümün yarısından biraz fazlasını yazdım. Bana ne olduğunu bilmiyorum. Sadece... her şeyin nasıl olmasını istediğimi ve her şeyin ne kadar hızlı değiştiğini düşünüyorum. Demek istediğim הם מרגשים בי הרבה, ובהתחלה פשוט הנחתי שהכל כיף ומשחקים, אבל עכשיו... לפעמים אני מרגיש שכולם ממש לא אוהבים אותי. אז...זה נחמד לבלות עם ילדים שאינם להקה. נבחרת המעודדות של ניקי הגיעה לנשיאות, וזה כמובן...זה מדהים! אנשים צוחקים עליי כי אחד החברים הכי טובים שלי הוא מעודד, ואני פשוט צוחק בחזרה, כי הם מפסידים אדם נפלא באמת! גם אני מתגעגע לקרסון. אני יודע שאני רואה אותה כאילו... כל יום, ואני מדבר איתה, אבל אני קצת מתגעגע לאיך שהיו פעם. אחיות זדוניות!! קרסון, ניקי ואני... זה היה כל כך מגניב... אני פשוט מתגעגע לחטיבת ביניים לפעמים. אני זוכר כשהייתי בן 8, וסירבתי להגיע לגיל 9. למעשה סירבתי! הלוואי שהימים האלה חזרו לפעמים. סקוט ואני קיימנו שיחה ארוכה על זה לפני כמה ימים, ו...הוא הזכיר לי איזה כיף זה להיות צעיר יותר. איך לא הייתי צריך לדאוג לשתייה, וכל הדברים שאני לגמרי לא בעניין! אני מתגעגע לקבוצת החברים הקטנה שלי... פעם עשינו הכל ביחד...ועכשיו פשוט הכל מתפרק. ג'ואן נוסעת לאנגליה, קרסון כבר עזבה מהקבוצה (תודה לאל שאני עדיין בקשר הדוק איתה) וניקי הולכת לבנט. אני פשוט... מתגעגע לימים ההם. כן, בכל מקרה....סליחה....פשוט Тјуринговите машини се апстрактни машини кои покрај нивната едноставност можат да бидат приспособени да ја симулираат логичката улога на секој можен компјутер. Тјуринговите машини се опишани во 1936 од страна на Алан Тјуринг. Иако биле наменети за технички изводлива работа, Тјуринговите машини немале улога во практичната компјутерска технологија, но со истражување за границите на механичкото пресметување; тие всушност никогаш не биле направени (конструирани). Тјурингова машина која истовремено е способна да симулира и било која друга Тјурингова машина се нарекува Универзална Тјурингова машина (УТМ, или едноставно универзална машина). Поконкретна математичка дефиниција со слична универзална природа беше претставена од Alonzo Church, чија работа на lambda calculus се спои со Тјуринговата во формалната теорија на пресметување позната како теза на Church–Turing. Тезата дека Тјуринговите машини навистина ги опфаќаат информациите за делотворните методи од логиката и математиката, и овозможуваат прецизна дефиниција на алгоритам или механичка процедура. Неформален опис Концептот на Тјуринговата машина е заснован на идејата, некој да извршува добро дефинирана процедура со тоа што ќе ја менува содржината на неограничена хартиена лента, која е поделена на поделци кои на себе имаат еден од множеството симболи за конкретната азбука. Извршувачот треба да запамети една од можните состојби и процедурата е формулирана во многу едноставни чекори во вид "Ако моменталната состојба е 42 и симболот што е на таа позиција е '0' тогаш замени го со '1', помести еден симбол на десно, и земи ја 17-та состојба за наредна состојба." Ниже вы найдете несколько отличных видеороликов, которые будут воодушевлять вас, обучать и укреплять вас, слушая БОГА и позволяя ЕМУ исполнить ЕГО план в вашей жизни. ЧТО-ТО НОВОЕ, КОТОРОЕ ПОМОЖЕТ ВАМ УСЛЫШАТЬ ГОЛОС БОГА! Как понять и правильно разделить это и как это применить к жизни! В этом важном учении Терри раскрывает четкое различие между Духом и Душой и показывает, насколько важно, чтобы мы научились действовать в Духе и не были обмануты. Это серьезный вопрос, который необходимо рассмотреть независимо от вашего уровня веры и зрелости. Брак и его применение к духу и душе! В этом познавательном классе Терри раскрывает ключевое понимание, которое помогает нам лучше различать Дух и Душу, как это отражается в Брачных отношениях, исходя из интуитивной природы, эмоционального компонента женщины и силового аспекта мужчины в подчинении Господу. . В этом поучительном учении Терри рассказывает о том, как Скиния представляет тело, душу и дух человека и как она применима к нашему духовному хождению. Этот полный пакет избавления поможет вам понять, что вы можете сделать, чтобы освободиться от скрытого принуждения, похороненного глубоко в вашей душе, которое мешает вам ходить в полноте, которую БОГ заплатил за то, чтобы вы вошли. В сегодняшнем видео Терри дает определение спасения. лучше и о том, что мешает спасению нашей души, и о том, как мы можем повысить нашу духовную зрелость. UNStudio объединила усилия с HPP Architects, чтобы создать консорциум (UNS + HPP) для реализации следующих этапов проекта, победившего на конкурсе архитектурного дизайна для FOUR во Франкфурте. Взгляните на полную историю после прыжка. От архитекторов: Расположенный в центре участок площадью 16 000 квадратных метров был приобретен девелоперской компанией Groß & Partner, которая будет заниматься развитием проекта, еще в 2015 году. Расположенный в самом центре города, участок был построен совершенно недоступный в течение последних 45 лет. Теперь четыре новые высотные башни изменят панораму Франкфурта с воздуха, одновременно культивируя его оживленность на земле. Строительство этих башен, достигающих высоты 228 метров, откроет новые улицы и создаст многофункциональный, оживленный городской квартал, объединяющий здоровое сочетание работы, жизни, отдыха и развлечений. Выбор программ позволяет плавно перейти от торгового района Франкфурта к востоку от Россмаркта к высотным офисным башням, сгруппированным вокруг парка Таунусанлаге. Благодаря уникальной для Европы концепции развития проект FOUR Frankfurt объединяет объекты, которые создадут новый оживленный район для Франкфурта, его посетителей и его (будущих) жителей. Новый высотный комплекс будет интегрирован в расширяющуюся городскую структуру за счет включения в дизайн фасадов Юнгхофштрассе, внесенных в список наследия, и превращения многоэтажного базового здания в связующий элемент всего объекта. По оценке жюри конкурса, уникальность квартала заключается в его общественном благоустройстве и благоустройстве. Таким образом, новая застройка создаст связанные пространства, доступные крыши, дорожки и переходы. Существующий квартал на Юнгхофштрассе будет открыт для укрепления прилегающих дорог и обеспечения высокого уровня доступности. В результате будет создан многофункциональный, разнообразный квартал, включающий 50% офисных помещений, 30% жилых помещений (включая субсидированное жилье), а также торговые площади, рестораны и гостиницы. Ожидается, что четыре Франкфурта будут завершены в 2023 году. 2 Нью-Ингленд NE 16 1 игра -1 ярд 0:07 Конец тайма. 4 Питтсбург Пит 37 2 игры -1 ярд 1:01 Конец игры. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Пит Блейер 0 Бас Ничья/SI 4-3 sZ Ран-Харрис, Ф. Продавцы-нерезиденты (например, иностранцы, проживающие за границей, и граждане Японии, проживающие за границей). Покупатели, как местные, так и иностранные резиденты, покупающие недвижимость в Японии у нерезидента. Если продавец японской недвижимости является нерезидентом, в зависимости от ситуации покупатель должен удержать 10,21% от цены продажи и уплатить ее в налоговую инспекцию, а остальные 89,79% выплачиваются продавцу. Покупатель обязан уплатить 10,21% в налоговую инспекцию до 10-го числа месяца, следующего за транзакцией. Вы обязаны внести этот платеж в налоговую инспекцию в установленный срок. Если вы в настоящее время проживаете за границей, вам необходимо будет назначить налогового представителя или бухгалтера, который будет платить эту сумму от вашего имени. Вам нужно будет назначить налогового представителя в Японии для подачи окончательной налоговой декларации и возврата вам оставшейся суммы (за вычетом налогов, которые могли быть причитаются). *Если выплата депозитов и промежуточных платежей также соответствует условиям удержания налога, налог должен удерживаться и выплачиваться покупателем при каждом платеже. Приведенная выше информация была предоставлена только в качестве общего руководства. Более подробную информацию об этом налоге, а также по другим детальным вопросам налогообложения можно получить в налоговой инспекции или у специалиста... Газета New York Times в четверг напечатала специальный раздел с портретами почти каждой из рекордного числа женщин-депутатов в Конгрессе. Вирусная ветка в Твиттере от редактора отдела дизайна Times Джоша Крачмера включает видео с обложками накануне публикации, которое по состоянию на утро четверга было просмотрено более 320 000 раз. По мнению газеты, фотографии, сделанные на Капитолийском холме в течение пяти дней фотографами Times Элизабет Д. Херман и Селестой Сломан, задуманы как «свидетельство того, как выглядит власть в 2019 году». «Как и работа Кехинде Уайли, которая нарисовала Барака Обаму Барака Хусейна ОбамуКитай, Россия, Иран поднимаются в Латинской Америке на фоне отступления США. Кастро хочет последовать примеру Обамы в балансировании президентства с отцовством. Откат Трампа в регулировании повышает вероятность финансового кризиса. БОЛЬШЕ официальный президентский портрет «Эти фотографии вызывают образы, которые мы привыкли видеть в залах власти, но в них резко выделяются люди, которые ранее не считались влиятельными», — говорится в статье. В этом сроке в Палате представителей и Сенате работает 131 женщина, рекордный класс, который включает в себя ряд других «новичков», в том числе самую молодую женщину, избранную в Палату представителей, первых двух женщин-мусульманок-депутатов и первых двух женщин-законодателей из числа коренных американцев. . «Переосмысление репрезентации» включает 130 портретов – член палаты представителей Лиз Чейни Элизабет (Лиз) Линн Чейниреп. Чейни: Социализм «движет повесткой дня Демократической партии» Депутат от Демократической партии предлагает инструмент для «заполнения пробелов» «Зеленого нового курса» Джадд Грегг: В похвалу Майку Энзи БОЛЬШЕ (республиканец от штата Вайоминг) не было доступно, согласно «Таймс» . Офицер полиции Алсипа серьезно ранил мужчину во время стрельбы при исполнении служебных обязанностей рано утром в среду после того, как выследил Кадиллак, подозреваемый в участии в дрэг-рейсинге, в районе Маунт-Гринвуд. Офицер открыл огонь, когда водитель Cadillac, которым оказался 25-летний мужчина, не выполнил команду полиции поднять руки и поехал в сторону офицера и его партнера, сообщил начальник полиции Алсипа Джей Миллер в заявлении, опубликованном в среду. полдень. По словам Миллера, сразу после 2 часов ночи полицейский увидел дрэг-рейсинг Dodge Challenger и Cadillac в районе Дэвид-Эстейтс в юго-западном пригороде. Во время обыска транспортных средств полицейский заехал на стоянку многоквартирного дома в квартале 4000 на 115-й улице в Чикаго и обнаружил двух человек внутри «Кадиллака». По словам полиции, офицер и его напарник вышли из патрульной машины и сказали 25-летнему парню и его пассажиру поднять руки. Вместо того, чтобы следовать указаниям, 25-летний мужчина подъехал к офицеру, который затем открыл огонь. «Кадиллак» врезался в припаркованные на стоянке автомобили и патрульную машину. По данным полиции, 25-летний мужчина получил два выстрела в плечо, и сотрудники Алсипа оказали ему медицинскую помощь до прибытия скорой помощи. Его доставили в медицинский центр Крайст в Оук-Лоун в тяжелом состоянии. Оба офицера получили «легкие травмы», сообщила полиция Алсипа. Миллер сказал, что 25-летний мужчина, которому не предъявлено обвинение, разыскивался на основании ордера на выезд из Индианы по обвинению в наркотиках и имел «историю насилия», но не уточнил подробностей. New York Times trykket torsdag en spesiell seksjon med portretter av nesten hvert medlem av rekordmange kvinnelige lovgivere i kongressen. En viral Twitter-tråd fra Times' designredaktør, Josh Crutchmer, inkluderer en video av forsidene kvelden før publisering som har blitt sett over 320 000 ganger torsdag morgen. Bildene, som ble tatt på Capitol Hill over fem dager av Times-fotografene Elizabeth D. Herman og Celeste Sloman, er ment som «et bevis på hvordan makt ser ut i 2019», ifølge avisen. «Som arbeidet til Kehinde Wiley, som malte Barack Obama Barack Hussein Obama, stiger Kina, Russland, Iran i Latin-Amerika når USA trekker seg tilbake. Castro ønsker å følge Obamas ledelse når det gjelder å balansere presidentskap med farskap. Trumps tilbakeføring av regulering øker sjansene for en finanskrise MERs offisielle presidentportrett , fremkaller disse fotografiene bildene vi er vant til å se i maktens haller, men plasserer folk som ikke tidligere er sett på som mektige, sterkt i rammene», heter det i innslaget. Det er 131 kvinner som tjenestegjør i huset og senatet denne perioden, en rekordklasse som inkluderer en rekke andre "første", inkludert den yngste kvinnen valgt inn i huset, de to første kvinnelige muslimske lovgiverne og de to første kvinnelige innfødte amerikanske lovgiverne. . "Redefinering Representation" inneholder 130 portretter – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: Sosialisme 'driver agendaen til det demokratiske partiet' Dem lovgiver tilbyr verktøy for å 'fylle ut tomrommene' i Green New Deal Judd Gregg: Til ros for Mike Enzi MORE (R-Wyo.) var ikke tilgjengelig, ifølge Times . En politimann fra Alsip såret en mann alvorlig i en skyting på vakt tidlig onsdag etter å ha sporet en Cadillac mistenkt for å være involvert i dragracing inn i Mount Greenwood-området. Offiseren avfyrte skudd da føreren av Cadillac-en, identifisert som en 25 år gammel mann, ikke fulgte politiets kommandoer for å løfte hendene og kjørte mot betjenten og hans partner, sa Alsip-politisjef Jay Miller i en uttalelse som ble offentliggjort onsdag. ettermiddag. Like etter klokken 02.00 så betjenten en Dodge Challenger og en Cadillac dragrace i David Estates-området i den sørvestlige forstaden, sa Miller. Under et søk etter kjøretøyene dro betjenten inn på en parkeringsplass for en bygård i 4000-blokken på 115th Street i Chicago og fant to personer inne i Cadillac. Offiseren og partneren hans gikk ut av soldatbilen deres og ba 25-åringen og passasjeren hans rekke opp hendene, sa politiet. I stedet for å følge anvisningene kjørte 25-åringen mot betjenten, som deretter åpnet ild. Cadillac-en krasjet inn i kjøretøyer som var parkert på plassen og inn i en gruppebil. 25-åringen ble skutt to ganger i skulderen og fikk legehjelp av Alsip-offiserene før ambulansepersonell ankom, opplyser politiet. Han ble ført til Christ Medical Center i Oak Lawn i alvorlig tilstand. Begge betjentene fikk «mindre skader», sa Alsip-politiet. Miller sa at 25-åringen, som ikke har blitt siktet, var etterlyst på en arrestordre fra Indiana på grunn av narkotikaanklage og hadde en "voldelig historie", men ga ikke detaljer. Ketvirtadienį laikraštis „New York Times“ išspausdino specialų skyrių, kuriame pateikiami beveik kiekvienos rekordinio Kongreso moterų skaičiaus įstatymų leidėjų portretai. Virusinėje „Twitter“ gijoje, kurią sukūrė „Times“ dizaino redaktorius Joshas Crutchmeris, yra viršelių vaizdo įrašas naktį prieš paskelbimą, kuris ketvirtadienio rytą buvo peržiūrėtas daugiau nei 320 000 kartų. Laikraštyje rašoma, kad nuotraukos, kurias ant Kapitolijaus kalno per penkias dienas padarė Times fotografės Elizabeth D. Herman ir Celeste Sloman, yra „paliudijimas, kaip galia atrodo 2019 m. „Kaip ir Kehinde Wiley, nupiešusio Baracką Obamą Baracką Huseiną Obama, Kinija, Rusija, Iranas auga Lotynų Amerikoje, kai JAV traukiasi, Castro nori sekti Obamos pavyzdžiu derinant prezidento postą su tėvyste Trumpo reguliavimo panaikinimas padidina finansinės krizės tikimybę. Oficialus MORE prezidento portretas , šios nuotraukos sužadina vaizdus, kuriuos esame įpratę matyti valdžios salėse, tačiau į kadrus ryškiai įdeda žmones, kurie anksčiau nebuvo tokie galingi“, – rašoma funkcijoje. Atstovų rūmuose ir Senate šią kadenciją dirba 131 moteris – rekordinė klasė, į kurią įeina daugybė kitų „pirmųjų“, įskaitant jauniausią į Atstovų Rūmus išrinktą moterį, dvi pirmąsias musulmones įstatymų leidėjas ir pirmąsias dvi indėnines įstatymų leidėjas. . „Redefining Representation“ yra 130 portretų – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: socializmas „varo Demokratų partijos darbotvarkę“ Dem įstatymų leidėjas siūlo įrankį „užpildyti žaliojo naujojo susitarimo tuščias vietas“ Juddas Greggas: „The Times“ rašo, kad Mike'o Enzi pagyrimui DAUGIAU (R-Wyo.) nebuvo. . Alsipo policijos pareigūnas anksti trečiadienį per šaudymą sunkiai sužeidė vyrą po to, kai susekė „Cadillac“, įtariamą dalyvavusiu drago lenktynėse Mount Greenwood rajone. Pareigūnas paleido šūvius, kai „Cadillac“ vairuotojas, identifikuotas kaip 25 metų vyras, nevykdė policijos komandų pakelti rankas ir važiavo link pareigūno ir jo partnerio, sakoma Alsipo policijos viršininko Jay'aus Millerio pranešime, kuris buvo paskelbtas trečiadienį. popietę. Vos po 2 valandos nakties pareigūnas pamatė „Dodge Challenger“ ir „Cadillac“ drago lenktynes David Estates rajone pietvakariniame priemiestyje, sakė Milleris. Ieškodamas transporto priemonių, pareigūnas įsuko į daugiabučio automobilių stovėjimo aikštelę Čikagos 115-osios gatvės 4000 kvartale ir Cadillac salone rado du žmones. Pareigūnas ir jo bendražygis išlipo iš tarnybinio automobilio ir liepė 25 metų vyrui bei jo keleivei pakelti rankas, pranešė policija. Užuot laikęsis nurodymų, 25-erių vaikinas nuvažiavo link pareigūno, kuris atidengė ugnį. „Cadillac“ trenkėsi į aikštelėje stovėjusias transporto priemones ir tarnybinį automobilį. Policija pranešė, kad 25-erių vaikinui buvo du kartus peršautas petys, Alsipo pareigūnai jam suteikė medicininę pagalbą. Jis buvo sunkios būklės nuvežtas į Christ Medical Center Oak Lawn mieste. Abu pareigūnai patyrė „nežymius sužalojimus“, pranešė Alsipo policija. Milleris sakė, kad 25 metų vaikinas, kuriam nebuvo pareikšti kaltinimai, buvo ieškomas pagal orderį iš Indianos dėl kaltinimų narkotikais ir turėjo „smurtinę istoriją“, tačiau nepateikė konkrečių duomenų. 在二十世紀二十年代,出现了两种量子物理的理论,即维尔纳·海森堡的矩阵力学和埃尔温·薛定谔的波动力学。 海森堡主張,只有在實驗裏能夠觀察到的物理量(可觀察量),才具有物理意義,才可以用理論描述其物理行為,例如,不能直接觀察到電子運動於原子裏的位置與週期。因此,他著重於研究電子躍遷時所發射光波的離散頻率和輻照度,這些是可觀察量。但是,他無法實際應用這點子於氫原子問題,因為這問題太過複雜,他只能改應用這點子於比較簡單,但也比較不實際的問題。經過一番努力,他計算出諧振子問題的能譜與零點能量,符合分子光譜學的結果。另外,在海森堡理論中,系統的哈密頓量是位置和動量的函數,但它們不再具有古典力學中的定義,而是由二階(代表著過程的初態和終態)傅立葉係數的矩陣給出。海森堡還發現,這些矩陣互不對易。這些論述後來發展成為矩陣力學。[1]:161-163 從德布羅意論文的相對論性理論,薛定谔推導出一種波動方程式,稱為薛定谔方程式;用這方程式可以計算出氫原子的譜線,得到與波耳模型完全相同的答案。波动力学的基礎方程式就是薛定谔方程式[1]:163-164 薛定谔率先於1926年证明了这两种理论的等价性。稍后,卡爾·埃卡特和沃爾夫岡·包立也给出類似证明,[1]:166约翰·冯·诺伊曼严格地证明了波动力学和矩阵力学的等价性。[12] 在斯特恩-革拉赫實驗裏,可以透過測量而得到自旋的z-分量,這種物理量稱為可觀察量,透過做實驗測量可以得到其測值。每一個可觀察量都有一個對應的量子算符;將算符作用於量子態,會使得量子態線性變換成另一個量子態。假若變換前的量子態與變換後的量子態,除了乘法數值以外,兩個量子態相同,則稱此量子態為此算符的本徵態,稱此乘法數值為此算符的本徵值。[16]:11-12可觀察量的算符也許會有很多本徵值與本徵態。根據統計詮釋,每一次測量所得到的測值只能是其中的一個本徵值,而且,測得這本徵值的機會呈概率性,量子系統的量子態也會改變為對應於本徵值的本徵態。[17]:106-109例如,自旋的z-分量是個可觀察量 S z S_z,做實驗可以得到的測值為 + ℏ / 2 +\hbar/2或 − ℏ / 2 -\hbar/2。對應於可觀察量 S z S_z的量子算符 S ^ z \hat{S}_z有兩個本徵值分別為 + ℏ / 2 +\hbar/2、 − ℏ / 2 -\hbar/2的本徵態 | ↑ ⟩ Οι New York Times τύπωσαν την Πέμπτη μια ειδική ενότητα με πορτρέτα σχεδόν κάθε μέλους του ρεκόρ γυναικών βουλευτών στο Κογκρέσο. Ένα viral νήμα στο Twitter από τον συντάκτη σχεδιασμού των Times, Josh Crutchmer, περιλαμβάνει ένα βίντεο με τα εξώφυλλα το βράδυ πριν από τη δημοσίευση, το οποίο έχει προβληθεί πάνω από 320.000 φορές από το πρωί της Πέμπτης. Οι φωτογραφίες, οι οποίες τραβήχτηκαν στο Καπιτώλιο για πέντε ημέρες από τους φωτογράφους των Times Elizabeth D. Herman και Celeste Sloman, θεωρούνται ως «μια απόδειξη για το πώς μοιάζει η εξουσία το 2019», σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα. «Όπως το έργο του Kehinde Wiley, ο οποίος ζωγράφισε τον Μπαράκ Ομπάμα Μπαράκ Χουσεΐν Ομπάμα Η Κίνα, η Ρωσία, το Ιράν ανεβαίνουν στη Λατινική Αμερική καθώς οι ΗΠΑ υποχωρούν Ο Κάστρο θέλει να ακολουθήσει το παράδειγμα του Ομπάμα για την εξισορρόπηση της προεδρίας με την πατρότητα Η ρυθμιστική ανάκληση του Τραμπ ενισχύει τις πιθανότητες για οικονομική κρίση , αυτές οι φωτογραφίες προκαλούν τις εικόνες που έχουμε συνηθίσει να βλέπουμε στις αίθουσες της εξουσίας, αλλά τοποθετούν ανθρώπους που δεν είχαν προηγουμένως θεωρηθεί ως ισχυροί έντονα στα καρέ», αναφέρει το χαρακτηριστικό. Υπάρχουν 131 γυναίκες που υπηρετούν στη Βουλή και τη Γερουσία αυτή τη θητεία, μια κατηγορία ρεκόρ που περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά από άλλες «πρώτες», συμπεριλαμβανομένης της νεότερης γυναίκας που εκλέχθηκε στη Βουλή, των δύο πρώτων γυναικών μουσουλμάνων βουλευτών και των πρώτων δύο ιθαγενών Αμερικανών βουλευτών . Το "Redefining Representation" περιλαμβάνει 130 πορτρέτα – Αντιπρόσωπος Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Τσένι: Ο Σοσιαλισμός «οδηγεί την ατζέντα του Δημοκρατικού Κόμματος» Δημοκρατικός νομοθέτης προσφέρει εργαλείο για τη «συμπλήρωση των κενών» του Green New Deal Judd Gregg: Για να επαινέσω τον Mike Enzi ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ (R-Wyo.) δεν ήταν διαθέσιμα, σύμφωνα με τους Times . Ένας αστυνομικός των Αλσιπών τραυμάτισε σοβαρά έναν άνδρα σε πυροβολισμό κατά τη διάρκεια της υπηρεσίας νωρίς την Τετάρτη, αφού εντόπισε μια Cadillac που υποπτεύεται ότι συμμετείχε σε αγώνες έλξης στη γειτονιά Mount Greenwood. Ο αστυνομικός πυροβόλησε όταν ο οδηγός της Cadillac, ο οποίος αναγνωρίστηκε ως ένας 25χρονος, δεν ακολούθησε τις εντολές της αστυνομίας να σηκώσει τα χέρια του και οδήγησε προς τον αστυνομικό και τον σύντροφό του, δήλωσε ο αρχηγός της αστυνομίας Alsip Jay Miller σε δήλωση που δόθηκε την Τετάρτη. απόγευμα. Λίγο μετά τις 2 τα ξημερώματα, ο αστυνομικός είδε ένα Dodge Challenger και μια Cadillac να αγωνίζονται στη συνοικία David Estates στο νοτιοδυτικό προάστιο, είπε ο Miller. Κατά τη διάρκεια έρευνας για τα οχήματα, ο αστυνομικός μπήκε σε ένα πάρκινγκ για μια πολυκατοικία στο τετράγωνο 4000 της 115th Street στο Σικάγο και βρήκε δύο άτομα μέσα στην Cadillac. Ο αστυνομικός και η σύντροφός του κατέβηκαν από το αυτοκίνητο της διμοιρίας τους και είπαν στον 25χρονο και τον συνεπιβάτη του να σηκώσουν τα χέρια τους, ανακοίνωσε η αστυνομία. Αντί να ακολουθήσει τις οδηγίες, ο 25χρονος οδήγησε προς τον αστυνομικό, ο οποίος στη συνέχεια άνοιξε πυρ. Η Cadillac έπεσε πάνω σε οχήματα που ήταν σταθμευμένα στο οικόπεδο και σε ένα αυτοκίνητο της ομάδας. Ο 25χρονος πυροβολήθηκε δύο φορές στον ώμο και του παρασχέθηκε ιατρική φροντίδα από τους αστυνομικούς της Αλσίπ πριν φτάσουν οι διασώστες, ανακοίνωσε η αστυνομία. Μεταφέρθηκε στο Christ Medical Center στο Oak Lawn σε σοβαρή κατάσταση. Και οι δύο αστυνομικοί υπέστησαν «μικρούς τραυματισμούς», είπε η αστυνομία του Αλσίπ. Ο Μίλερ είπε ότι ο 25χρονος, ο οποίος δεν έχει απαγγελθεί κατηγορία, καταζητείται με ένταλμα από την Ιντιάνα για κατηγορία ναρκωτικών και είχε «βίαιο ιστορικό», αλλά δεν έδωσε λεπτομέρειες. 太陽系是一个受太阳引力约束在一起的恆星系统,包括太阳以及直接或间接围绕太阳运动的天体[a]。在直接围绕太阳运动的天体中,最大的八颗被称为行星[b],其余的天体要比行星小很多,比如矮行星、太阳系小天體的小行星和彗星。軌道間接围绕太陽运动的天體是衛星,其中有兩顆比最小的行星水星還要大[c]。 太阳系的形成大约始于46亿年前一个巨型星际分子云的引力坍缩。太阳系内絕大部分的质量都集中于太阳,余下的天体中,质量最大的是木星。位于太阳系内侧的是四颗较小的行星,分别是水星、金星、地球和火星,它们被称为类地行星,主要由岩石和金属构成。外侧的四颗行星被称为巨行星,其质量比类地行星要大得多。其中最大的两颗是木星和土星,它们都是气态巨行星,主要成分是氢和氦。最外侧的两颗行星是天王星和海王星,它们是冰巨星,主要由一些熔点比氢和氦更高的挥发成分组成,比如水、氨和甲烷。几乎所有的行星都在靠近黄道平面的轨道上运行。 太陽系也包含許多較小的天體[d]位於火星和木星軌道之間的主小行星帶,其中的大部分天体都是像类地行星那样由岩石和金属组成。在海王星轨道之外是柯伊伯带和离散盘,包含了有大量的海王星外天体,主要由冰组成,再往外还有新发现的类塞德娜天体(sednoid),其中有几十甚至上万颗因為足够大,能靠自身的重力形成球体[10],称為矮行星。已經被確認是矮行星的包括小行星帶的穀神星,和海王星外天體的冥王星和鬩神星。[d]除了這兩個區域,还有大量的小型天体自由的运动在两个区域之间,包括彗星,還有半人馬小行星和行星際塵雲。有6顆行星、4顆以上的矮行星和一些小天體都有天然的衛星環繞著。[e]通常都依據月球被稱為衛星。太阳系外侧的每颗行星都被由尘埃和小天体构成的行星环环绕着。 太陽風是從太阳向外流出的帶電粒子流,在星際物質中形成了一個氣泡狀區域,被称为太阳圈(或日球层)。日球層頂是太陽風和星際物質的壓力達到平衡的位置,它延伸到離散盤的邊緣。歐特雲,被認為是長週期彗星的來源地,其位置可能比日球层顶还要远1,000多倍。太阳系位于银河系的猎户臂上,与银河系中心的距离约26,000光年。 名詞解釋 参见:行星定義 太陽系的行星和矮行星。圖中仅大小按比例绘制,距離不依比例。 軌道環繞太陽的天體被分為三類:行星、矮行星、和太陽系小天體。 行星是環繞太陽且質量夠大的天體。這類天體: 有足夠的質量使本身的形狀成為球體; 有能力清空鄰近軌道的小天體。 能成為行星的天體有8個:水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。 在2006年8月24日,國際天文聯合會重新定義行星這個名詞,首次將冥王星排除在大行星外,並將冥王星、穀神星和鬩神星組成新的分類:矮行星[11]。矮行星不需要將鄰近軌道附近的小天體清除掉,其他可能成為矮行星的天體還有塞德娜、厄耳枯斯、和創神星。從第一次發現的1930年直至2006年,冥王星被當成太陽系的第九顆行星。但是在20世紀末期和21世紀初,許多與冥王星大小相似的天體在太陽系內陸續被發現,特別是鬩神星更明確的被指出比冥王星大。 環繞太陽運轉的其他天體都屬於太陽系小天體[6]。 衛星(如月球之類的天體),由於不是環繞太陽而是環繞行星、矮行星或太陽系小天體,所以不屬於太陽系小天體。 天文學家在太陽系內以天文單位(AU)來測量距離。1AU是地球到太陽的平均距離,大約是149,597,871公里(92,955,807英里)。冥王星與太陽的距離大約是39AU,木星則約是5.2AU。最常用在測量恆星距離的長度單位是光年,1光年大約相當於63,240天文單位。行星與太陽的距離以公轉週期為周期變化著,最靠近太陽的位置稱為近日點,距離最遠的位置稱為遠日點。 有時會将太陽系非正式地分成幾個不同的區域:“內太陽系”,包括四顆類地行星和主要的小行星帶;其餘的是“外太陽系”,包含小行星帶之外所有的天體[12]。其它的定義還有海王星以外的區域,而將四顆大型行星稱為“中間帶”[13]。 發現和探測 主条目:太陽系的探測和發現 安德烈亞斯·塞拉里烏斯的插圖:哥白尼體系,出自Harmonia Macrocosmica(1660年)。 在历史上的很长一段时期,人类都没有认识或理解到太阳系的概念。直到中世纪晚期的文艺复兴时代,大多数人仍认为地球是静止不动的,处于宇宙的中心,与那些穿过天空的物体是截然不同的。古希腊的哲学家阿里斯塔克斯曾经推测了日心说体系,但是,直到尼古拉·哥白尼才提出了第一个日心说宇宙的数学模型[14][15]。到了17世纪,伽利略·伽利莱、约翰内斯·开普勒和艾萨克·牛顿拓展了人们对物理学的理解,人们开始普遍接受地球围绕太阳运动的观念,认为地球和其他行星遵循同样的物理规律。望远镜的发明,使人们发现了更多的行星和卫星。望远镜改进和无人航天器的应用,使人们得以对其他行星的地质现象进行研究,比如山、坑穴等,另外还可以气象现象进行观察,比如云、沙尘暴和冰帽等。 望遠鏡的觀測 主条目:太陽系年表 艾薩克·牛頓的望遠鏡複製品 太陽系的第一次探測是由望遠鏡開啟的,始於天文學家首度開始繪製這些因光度暗淡而肉眼看不見的天體之際。 伽利略是第一位發現太陽系天體細節的天文學家。他發現月球的火山口,太陽的表面有黑子,木星有4顆衛星環繞著[16]。惠更斯追隨著伽利略的發現,發現土星的衛星泰坦和土星環的形狀[17]。後繼的乔瓦尼·多梅尼科·卡西尼發現了4顆土星的衛星,還有土星環的卡西尼縫、木星的大紅斑[18]。 愛德蒙·哈雷认识到在1705年出現的彗星,實際上是每隔75-76年就會重複出現的一顆彗星,現在稱為哈雷彗星。這是除了行星之外的天體會圍繞太陽公轉的第一個證據[19]。 1781年,威廉·赫歇耳在觀察一顆它認為的新彗星時,戒慎恐懼的宣布在金牛座發現了彗星。事實上,它的軌道顯示是一顆行星,天王星,這是第一顆被發現的行星[20]。 1801年,朱塞普·皮亞齊發現穀神星,這是位於火星和木星軌道之間的一個小世界,而一開始他被當成一顆行星。然而,接踵而來的發現使在這個區域內的小天體多達數以萬計,導致他們被重新歸類為小行星[21]。 到了1846年,天王星軌道的誤差導致許多人懷疑是不是有另一顆大行星在遠處對它施力。埃班·勒维耶的計算最終導致了海王星的發現[22]。在1859年,因為水星軌道的近日點有一些牛顿力学无法解释的微小运动(「水星近日點進動」),因而有人假設有一顆水內行星祝融星(中文常译为“火神星”)存在;但这一运动最终被证明可以用广义相对论来解释,但某些天文学家仍未放弃对“水内行星”的探寻。 為解釋外行星軌道明顯的偏差,帕西瓦尔·罗威尔認為在其外必然還有一顆行星存在,並稱之為X行星。在他過世後,他的羅威爾天文台繼續搜尋的工作,終於在1930年由汤博發現了冥王星。但是,冥王星是如此的小,實在不足以影響行星的軌道,因此它的發現純屬巧合。就像穀神星,他最初也被當作行星,但是在鄰近的區域內發現了許多大小相近的天體,因此在2006年冥王星被國際天文學聯合會重新分類為矮行星[22]。 在1992年,夏威夷大學的天文學家大衛·朱維特和麻省理工學院的珍妮·劉發現1992 QB1,被證明是一個冰冷的、類似小行星帶的新族群,也就是現在所知的柯伊伯带,冥王星和凱倫都只是其中的成員[23][24]。 米高·布朗、乍德·特魯希略和大衛·拉比諾維茨在2005年宣布發現的鬩神星是比冥王星大的離散盤上天體,是在海王星之後繞行太陽的最大天體[25]。 太空船的觀測 主条目:太陽系探索時間線 藝術家筆下的先鋒10號,它在1983年飛越冥王星的軌道,最後的訊息是在2003年傳送回來的,當時的距離大約是82天文單位。這艘35歲高齡的太空船目前正以每小時27,000公里的速度遠離太陽[26]。 自從进入太空時代,許多的探測都是各國的太空機構所組織和執行的無人太空船探測任務。 太陽系內所有的行星都已經被由地球發射的太空船探訪,進行了不同程度的各種研究。雖然都是無人的任務,人類還是能觀看到所有行星表面近距離的照片,在有登陸艇的情況下,還進行了對土壤和大氣的一些實驗。 第一個進入太空的人造天體是前蘇聯在1957年發射的史潑尼克一號,成功的環繞地球一年之久。美國在1959年發射的探險家6號,是第一個從太空中送回影像的人造衛星。 第一個成功的飛越過太陽系內其他天體的是月球1號,在1959年飛越了月球。最初是打算撞擊月球的,但卻錯過了目標成為第一個環繞太陽的人造物體。水手2號是第一個環繞其他行星的人造物體,在1962年繞行金星。第一顆成功環繞火星的是1964年的水手4號。直到1974年才有水手10號前往水星。 暗淡藍點是航海家1號從60億公里外拍攝的地球影像(圓圈中的點)。條狀的光紋是來自太陽的繞射光芒(延伸到框架的左邊)。 探測外行星的第一艘太空船是先鋒10號,在1973年飛越木星。在1979年,先驱者11号成為第一艘拜訪土星的太空船。航海家計畫在1977年先後發射了兩艘太空船進行外行星的大巡航,在1979年探訪了木星,1980和1981年先後訪視了土星。航海家2號繼續在1986年接近天王星和在1989年接近海王星。航海家太空船已經遠離海王星軌道外,在發現和研究終端震波、日鞘和日球層頂的路徑上繼續前進。依據NASA的資料,兩艘航海家太空船已經在距離太陽大約93天文單位處接觸到終端震波[27][28]。 還沒有太空船曾經造訪過柯伊伯带天體。而在2006年1月19日發射的新視野號將成為第一艘探測這個區域的人造太空船。這艘無人太空船預計在2015年飛越冥王星。如果这被證明是可行的,任務將會擴大以繼續觀察一些柯伊伯带的其他天體[29]。 在1966年,月球成為除了地球之外第一個有人造衛星繞行的太陽系天體(月球10號),然後是火星在1971年(水手9號),金星在1975年(金星9號),木星在1995年(伽利略號,也在1991年首先飛掠過小Gaspra),愛神星在2000年(會合-舒梅克號),和土星在2004年(卡西尼號-惠更斯號)。信使號太空船在2011年3月18日開始第一次繞行水星的軌道;同一時間,黎明號太空船將設定軌道在2011年環繞灶神星,並在2015年探索穀神星。 第一個在太陽系其它天體登陸的计划是前蘇聯在1959年登陸月球的月球2號。從此以後,抵達越來越遙遠的行星,在1966年計畫登陸或撞擊金星(金星3號),1971年到火星(火星3號),但直到1976年才有維京1號成功登陸火星,2001年登陸愛神星(會合-舒梅克號),和2005年登陸土星的衛星泰坦(惠更斯)。伽利略太空船也在1995年拋下一個探測器進入木星的大氣層;由於木星沒有固體的表面,這個探測器在下降的過程中被逐漸增高的溫度和壓力摧毀掉。 載人探測 載人的探測目前仍被限制在鄰近地球的環境內。第一個進入太空(以超過100公里的高度來定義)的人是前蘇聯的太空人尤里·加加林,於1961年4月12日搭乘東方一號升空。第一個在地球之外的天體上漫步的是美國宇航員尼爾·阿姆斯特朗,它是在1969年7月21日的阿波羅11號任務中,於月球上完成的。美國的太空梭是能夠重覆使用的太空船,前蘇聯也曾經開發太空梭並已完成一次的無人太空梭升空任務,蘇聯瓦解後,俄羅斯無力繼續維護任其荒廢。第一個空間站是前蘇聯的禮炮1號。在2004年,太空船1號成為在私人的基金資助下第一個進入次軌道的太空船。同年,美国總統乔治·沃克·布什宣布太空探測的远景规划:替換老舊的太空梭、重返月球、甚至載人前往火星,但這計畫在幾年後遭到終止。 構造和成分 Storia delle osservazioni Rappresentazione del 1500 del sistema solare del cartografo Bartolomeu Velho con la Terra al centro dell'universo Sebbene molti dei maggiori corpi celesti del sistema solare fossero già conosciuti sin dai tempi dell'antichità, il concetto stesso era ignorato in quanto vigeva per lo più un'idea di sistema geocentrico con la Terra al centro dell'universo[7]. Uno dei primi a immaginare un sistema eliocentrico fu Aristarco di Samo[8][9], ma le sue idee non presero piede nella comunità dei filosofi e pensatori di allora.[10] Fu solo nel XVI secolo che Niccolò Copernico[7] propose la visione moderna del sistema solare, con al centro il Sole e i pianeti conosciuti allora a orbitare intorno. Gli unici corpi del sistema solare conosciuti erano però solamente i quattro pianeti terrestri, Giove, Saturno, il Sole e la Luna. Nel secolo successivo, con l'invenzione del telescopio di Galileo Galilei, vennero scoperti altri corpi minori[11], come i satelliti medicei, gli anelli di Saturno e alcune comete e per circa 200 anni non si pensava che potessero esserci altri oggetti nel sistema solare, in particolare era ferma la convinzione che i pianeti fossero solo quelli allora conosciuti. Frontespizio della scoperta del nuovo pianeta Cerere Ferdinandea Nel 1781, la scoperta di Urano da parte di William Herschel[12] mise in discussione i preconcetti che la comunità scientifica aveva, generando dubbi relativamente alla possibilità che esistessero pianeti transuranici. Pochi anni dopo, nel 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi dichiarò di aver scoperto un nuovo pianeta, tra le orbite di Marte e Giove[13]; si trattava in realtà di Cerere. La conclusione avvenne escludendo che potesse trattarsi di una cometa e non conoscendo altri oggetti diversi da pianeti e comete, del tutto ignaro che avesse scoperto un nuovo tipo di oggetto, l'asteroide. Da allora le scoperte di nuovi oggetti si moltiplicarono, in particolare vennero scoperti tanti nuovi asteroidi. Nel 1846 venne scoperto un pianeta in modo del tutto rivoluzionario: prima dell'osservazione diretta, si calcolarono le perturbazioni dell'orbita di Urano e se ne dedusse che doveva esistere un pianeta in un punto preciso dello spazio per giustificare le discrepanze osservate[14]. Pochi giorni dopo, Johann Gottfried Galle e Heinrich Louis d'Arrest confermarono la presenza di Nettuno a meno di un grado di distanza dal punto calcolato. Nel 1930, la scoperta di Plutone aumentò il numero di pianeti conosciuti a nove[15], ritenuto allora un oggetto di massa molto maggiore di quanto effettivamente sia. Negli anni '50 Jan Oort ipotizzò l'esistenza di un vivaio di comete ben al di là delle orbite dei pianeti conosciuti[16], situato a decine di migliaia di UA dal Sole, la nube di Oort (la parte più esterna del Sistema Solare) che quando venivano perturbate modificavano consistentemente la propria orbita fino ad arrivare nella zona interna del sistema. Nel 1992, la scoperta di Albion riavviò la ricerca di oggetti transnettuniani[17]. L'avvento di sistemi automatici di ricerca permise la scoperta di migliaia di oggetti dal diametro tra i 50 e 2500 km. La scoperta di Eris, di dimensioni simili a Plutone, nel 2005 mise in discussione la stessa definizione di pianeta[18], che fu cambiata e formalizzata nel 2006 dall'Unione Astronomica Internazionale, declassando Plutone a pianeta nano e riportando a otto il numero totale di pianeti[19]. Formazione Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Formazione ed evoluzione del sistema solare. Rappresentazione artistica del sistema solare primordiale Le teorie più accreditate sulla formazione del sistema solare, descrivono la sua nascita 4,6 miliardi di anni fa a partire dalla frammentazione e dal collasso gravitazionale di una gigantesca nube molecolare dal diametro di 65 anni luce[20]. Uno di questi frammenti, dalle dimensioni iniziali di 2000-20000 unità astronomiche, collassò in quello che è noto come disco protoplanetario[21]. I componenti principali di questa fucina primordiale erano per il 98% idrogeno, elio e litio primordiali, formatisi con la nucleosintesi poco dopo il Big Bang, e altri elementi più pesanti espulsi da stelle formatesi ed esplose in qualche generazione precedente[22]. Al centro collassò una quantità di gas e polveri tale da raggiungere la massa necessaria per innescare le reazioni termonucleari, e nacque una protostella, mentre i pianeti si generarono per accrescimento, formando all'inizio qualche decina di piccoli pianeti che nel sistema caotico primordiale ogni tanto si scontravano per formare corpi sempre più grandi[23]. La contrazione causò un aumento della velocità di rotazione e della forza centrifuga del sistema. Così la nube si sarebbe appiattita, assumendo un aspetto simile a un disco rotante intorno al Sole[24]. Mentre il nucleo del proto-Sole si riscaldava fino a raggiungere le temperature necessarie per le reazioni termonucleari, nel disco circostante accrescevano alcuni corpi attraverso delle collisioni e attirando frammenti più piccoli presenti nello spazio circostante. Si sarebbero formati così i protopianeti, dai quali sarebbero derivati gli attuali pianeti, mentre il proto-Sole si trasformava in una stella gialla e stabile. Nelle prime fasi di attività solare, la temperatura nel sistema solare interno era troppo alta per permettere a elementi leggeri di condensare; i pianeti interni tendevano ad accrescersi con elementi pesanti, diventando in futuro pianeti rocciosi[24]. Il vento solare contribuiva a spazzare via gli elementi leggeri verso le regioni più esterne, soprattutto l'idrogeno e l'elio. Il sistema solare esterno manteneva una temperatura relativamente bassa, permettendo a sostanze come metano e acqua di condensare[24]. La differenza in questo tipo di accrescimento ha determinato le caratteristiche dei pianeti, piccoli e rocciosi all'interno, per la scarsa presenza di elementi pesanti e giganti all'esterno, che gli hanno permesso di catturare i gas di idrogeno e elio sparsi nello spazio[24]. Struttura Il principale corpo celeste del sistema solare è il Sole, una stella della sequenza principale di classe spettrale G2 V (nana gialla[25]), contenente il 99,86%[26] di tutta la massa conosciuta nel sistema solare. Giove e Saturno, i due pianeti più massicci che orbitano attorno al Sole, costituiscono più del 90% della massa restante. La maggior parte dei grandi oggetti in orbita intorno al Sole sono in un piano simile a quello dell'orbita terrestre, chiamata eclittica[27]. Tipicamente, il piano di orbita dei pianeti è molto vicino a quello dell'eclittica mentre le comete e gli oggetti della cintura di Kuiper hanno un angolo significativamente maggiore rispetto al nostro. Tutti i pianeti e la maggior parte degli altri oggetti orbitano nello stesso senso della rotazione del Sole, in senso antiorario dal punto di vista di un osservatore situato al di sopra del polo nord solare. Certi oggetti orbitano in un senso orario, come la cometa di Halley[28]. Le traiettorie degli oggetti che gravitano intorno al sole seguono le leggi di Keplero[29]. Sono approssimativamente delle ellissi di cui uno dei fuochi è il Sole. Le orbite dei pianeti sono quasi circolari mentre quelle dei corpi più piccoli presentano una maggiore eccentricità e possono risultare molto ellittiche. La distanza di un corpo dal Sole varia durante la sua rivoluzione. Il punto più vicino al sole dell'orbita di un corpo si chiama perielio, mentre il più lontano è l'afelio[30]. Il sistema solare è convenzionalmente diviso in due zone. Il sistema solare interno[31] include i quattro pianeti rocciosi e la cintura di asteroidi. Il resto del sistema viene considerato sistema solare esterno[32]. La maggioranza dei pianeti del sistema solare possiede dei corpi in rotazione intorno ad essi, chiamati satelliti naturali o lune. I quattro pianeti più grandi hanno anche degli anelli planetari. Il sistema solare; i pianeti sono raffigurati in scala per grandezza, mentre la scala delle distanze è fornita in basso a destra. Sono indicati inoltre i 5 asteroidi più massicci, i plutoidi e le lune maggiori. Alcuni software anche open-source come WorldWide Telescope permettono di vedere l'intero Sistema Solare e i suoi migliaia di oggetti celesti, con la rotazione differenziata degli stessi in qualsiasi istante di tempo passato e futuro. Composizione Gli elementi chimici che predominano nel sistema solare sono idrogeno ed elio primordiali, concentrati per lo più nel Sole, dove la loro massa costituisce circa il 98%, e nei due pianeti più grandi, Giove e Saturno. In minori percentuali, sono presenti tutti gli elementi della tavola periodica nelle loro forme stabili e nei principali isotopi. Fisicamente, quasi tutti i corpi si trovano in rotazione attorno al centro di massa del sistema nella stessa direzione, contribuendo in modo differente al momento angolare del sistema solare; stranamente, il Sole, nonostante la sua notevole massa, contribuisce solo allo 0,5%[33] del momento angolare totale, essendo molto vicino al baricentro. Das (auch unser) Sonnensystem ist das Planetensystem, in dem sich die Erde und damit alle bekannten Lebewesen befinden. Es besteht aus der Sonne, acht sie umkreisenden Planeten (von innen nach außen: Merkur, Venus, Erde, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus und Neptun[2]), deren natürlichen Satelliten, den Zwergplaneten, anderen Kleinkörpern (Kometen, Asteroiden und Meteoroiden) und aus unzähligen Gas- und Staubteilchen, die durch die Anziehungskraft der Sonne an diese gebunden sind. Die Internationale Astronomische Union definiert den Pluto seit 2006 als Zwergplanet und nicht mehr als den äußersten Planeten des Sonnensystems. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Aufbau 1.1 Allgemeine Struktur 1.2 Zone der Planeten 1.3 Äußere Zonen 1.4 Ausmaße 2 Umgebung 2.1 Lokale stellare Nachbarschaft 2.2 Milchstraßensystem 3 Entstehung 3.1 Urwolke 3.2 Alter 3.3 Entstehung der Planeten 3.4 Offene Fragen 4 Siehe auch 5 Literatur 6 Weblinks 7 Einzelnachweise Aufbau Allgemeine Struktur Die Sonne ist der Zentralstern des Sonnensystems. Da sie 99,86 % der Gesamtmasse des Systems hat, ist sie sehr nahe dem Baryzentrum des Sonnensystems. In der Reihenfolge ihres Abstands von der Sonne folgen die terrestrischen Planeten Merkur, Venus, Erde und Mars, die den inneren Teil des Planetensystems ausmachen. Den äußeren Teil bilden die Gasplaneten Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus und Neptun. Weitere Begleiter der Sonne sind neben Zwergplaneten Millionen von Asteroiden (auch Planetoiden oder Kleinplaneten genannt) und Kometen, die vorwiegend in drei Kleinkörperzonen des Sonnensystems um die Sonne kreisen: dem Asteroidengürtel zwischen den inneren und den äußeren Planeten, dem Kuipergürtel jenseits der äußeren Planeten und der Oortschen Wolke ganz außen. Die Planetenbahnen sind nur wenig gegenüber der Erdbahnebene geneigt, um höchstens 7°, sie liegen also in einer flachen Scheibe. Bei den meisten der bisher (2019) bekannten Kleinplaneten, speziell denen des Kuipergürtels, beträgt die Neigung weniger als 30°. Für die Oortsche Wolke wird dagegen eine Kugelform angenommen. Innerhalb der von den einzelnen Sonnenbegleitern beherrschten Raumbereiche – ihrer Hill-Sphären – befinden sich oft kleinere Himmelskörper als umlaufende Begleiter dieser Objekte. Nach dem altbekannten Mond der Erde werden sie analog ebenfalls als Monde, aber auch als Satelliten oder Trabanten bezeichnet. Bis auf den Erdmond und den Plutomond Charon sind sie zumindest bei den Planeten und Zwergplaneten wesentlich kleiner als ihr Hauptkörper. Mondlose Ausnahmen unter den Planeten sind nur Merkur und Venus. Eine definitiv untere Grenzgröße, ab der man wie bei den Bestandteilen der Ringe der Gasplaneten nicht mehr von einem Mond spricht, wurde noch nicht offiziell festgelegt. Der Durchmesser der Sonne ist mit etwa 1,39 Millionen Kilometern bei weitem größer als der Durchmesser aller anderen Objekte im System. Die größten dieser Objekte sind die acht Planeten, die vier Jupitermonde Ganymed, Kallisto, Europa und Io (die Galileischen Monde), der Saturnmond Titan und der Erdmond. Zwei Drittel der restlichen Masse von 0,14 % entfallen dabei auf Jupiter. (Siehe auch Liste der größten Objekte im Sonnensystem.) Als Folge der Entstehung des Sonnensystems bewegen sich alle Planeten, Zwergplaneten und der Asteroidengürtel auf ihrer Umlaufbahn um die Sonne im gleichen Umlaufsinn, den man rechtläufig nennt. Sie umrunden die Sonne von Norden gesehen gegen den Uhrzeigersinn. Die meisten größeren Monde bewegen sich ebenfalls in diese Richtung um ihren Hauptkörper. Auch die Rotation der meisten größeren Körper des Sonnensystems erfolgt in rechtläufigem Drehsinn. Von den Planeten dreht sich lediglich die Venus entgegengesetzt, und die Rotationsachse von Uranus liegt nahezu in seiner Bahnebene. Zone der Planeten Die Umlaufbahnen der Planeten (ein Rasterquadrat besitzt jeweils die Kantenlänge 100 Mio. km) Die vier inneren Planeten Mars und die vier äußeren Planeten Der Sonne am nächsten befinden sich die inneren, erdähnlichen Planeten Merkur (Abstand zur Sonne 57,9 Mio. km bzw. 0,39 AE), Venus (108,2 Mio. km bzw. 0,72 AE), Erde (149,6 Mio. km bzw. 1 AE) und Mars (227,9 Mio. km bzw. 1,52 AE). Ihr Durchmesser beträgt zwischen 4878 km und 12756 km, ihre Dichte zwischen 3,95 g/cm³ und 5,52 g/cm³. Innerhalb der habitablen Zone um die Sonne befinden sich jedoch nur die Erde und, je nach Modell, noch ganz knapp der Mars. Zwischen Mars und Jupiter befindet sich der sogenannte Asteroidengürtel, eine Ansammlung von Kleinplaneten. Die meisten dieser Asteroiden sind nur wenige Kilometer groß (siehe Liste der Asteroiden) und nur wenige haben einen Durchmesser von 100 km oder mehr. Ceres ist mit etwa 960 km der größte dieser Körper und gilt als Zwergplanet. Die Bahnen der Asteroiden sind teilweise stark elliptisch, einige kreuzen sogar die Merkur- (Icarus) beziehungsweise die Neptunbahn (Dioretsa). Zu den äußeren Planeten zählen die Gasriesen Jupiter (778,3 Mio. km bzw. 5,2 AE) und Saturn (1,429 Mrd. km bzw. 9,53 AE) sowie die Eisriesen Uranus (2,875 Mrd. km bzw. 19,2 AE) und Neptun (4,504 Mrd. km bzw. 30,1 AE) mit Dichten zwischen 0,7 g/cm³ und 1,66 g/cm³. Die gerundeten (und genauen) Verhältnisse zwischen den Umlaufzeiten der Planeten Merkur Merkur 2:5 (2:5,11) Venus Venus Venus Venus 8:13 (8:13,004) Erde Erde Erde Erde 1:2 (1:1,88) Mars Mars Mars Mars 1:6 (1:6,31) Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter 2:5 (2:4,97) Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn 1:3 (1:2,85) Uranus Uranus Uranus Uranus 1:2 (1:1,96) Neptun Neptun Die mittleren Abstände der Planeten von der Sonne lassen sich durch mathematische Reihen wie der Titius-Bode-Reihe genähert beschreiben. Diese gewisse Regelmäßigkeit der Bahnabstände dürfte auf Resonanzeffekte bei der Entstehung des Sonnensystems zurückzuführen sein. Dass sich der mittlere Abstand des Asteroidengürtels ebenfalls in dieser Reihe einordnen lässt, der von Neptun jedoch nicht, gab und gibt Anlass zu Spekulationen über kosmische Katastrophen. Am nächsten können sich Merkur und Venus mit einer minimalen Distanz von 0,26 AE kommen. Geringfügig größer ist die minimale Entfernung von Venus und Erde. Nimmt man die mittleren Bahnradien, so sind Venus und Erde die Planeten mit der geringsten Distanz zueinander (41 Mio. km oder knapp 0,28 AE). Die Planeten Merkur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter und Saturn waren schon im Altertum als Wandelsterne bekannt und wurden mit einzelnen Göttern in Verbindung gebracht. Die nach Göttern der Römischen Mythologie gewählten Namen haben sich durchgesetzt. Auch die 1781 und 1846 entdeckten Planeten Uranus und Neptun sowie der 1930 entdeckte Zwergplanet Pluto – bis 2006 ebenfalls als Planet eingestuft – wurden aus Gründen der Tradition in ähnlicher Weise benannt. Merksatz zur Reihenfolge der Planeten Um sich die Planeten in ihrer Reihenfolge – nach zunehmendem Sonnenabstand – leichter einprägen zu können, wurden verschiedene Merksprüche ersonnen, meist sogenannte Eselsbrücken in Form eines Akrostichons, z. B. Mein Vater erklärt mir jeden Sonntag unseren Nachthimmel.[3] alternativ „… unsere Nachbarplaneten.“ Ein Merkspruch, der auch die Kleinkörper berücksichtigt, lautet: Mein Vater erklärt mir an jedem Sonntag unsere natürliche kosmische Ordnung.[3] zu lesen als Merkur Venus Erde Mars Asteroiden Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptun Kuipergürtel Oortsche Wolke. Siehe auch: Liste der Planeten des Sonnensystems Äußere Zonen Die Umlaufbahnen der Objekte des Sonnensystems im Maßstab Seit den 1990er-Jahren wurden tausende Objekte gefunden, die sich jenseits der Neptunbahn bewegen. Fast alle dieser Objekte sind 4,5–7,5 Milliarden km (30–50 AE) von der Sonne entfernt und bilden dort den Kuipergürtel. Er ist ein Reservoir für Kometen mit mittleren Umlaufperioden. Die Objekte dieser Zone sind wahrscheinlich nahezu unveränderte Überbleibsel aus der Entstehungsphase des Sonnensystems; man nennt sie deshalb auch Planetesimale. Der Kuipergürtel enthält eine Reihe von Zwergplaneten wie Pluto, (136199) Eris, (136472) Makemake, (136108) Haumea und eine Reihe weiterer Objekte, die ihrer Größe nach wahrscheinlich Zwergplaneten sind. Der Sonnenwind wirkt im interplanetaren Raum ungehindert bis in den Kuipergürtel und verdrängt die interstellare Materie. Jenseits des Kuipergürtels verlangsamt und verdichtet sich der Teilchenstrom der Sonne durch die Wechselwirkung mit dem interstellaren Medium und bildet als äußere Schale der Heliosphäre die Heliohülle (heliosheath). Die Grenzschicht zwischen der Heliosphäre und dem interstellaren Medium ist die Heliopause in einer Entfernung von circa 120 AE (dem 4-fachen Abstand Neptun–Sonne). Außerhalb der Heliopause befindet sich bis zu einem Abstand zur Sonne von circa 1,5 Lichtjahren (etwa 100.000 AE) theoretisch die Oortsche Wolke. Durch den Einfluss der Gravitation vorbeiziehender Sterne werden aus ihr vermutlich Körper herausgelöst und fallen als langperiodische Kometen in die inneren Bereiche des Sonnensystems. Einige dieser Kometen verbleiben dann auf stark elliptischen Bahnen in der Nähe der Sonne, andere werden von den Planeten, insbesondere von Jupiter, gestört und abgelenkt, so dass sie aus dem Sonnensystem katapultiert werden, auf Planeten oder in die Sonne stürzen. Ausmaße Es gibt keine allgemein anerkannte Definition, wie weit sich das Sonnensystem erstreckt. Oft wurde das Ausmaß des Sonnensystems mit dem der Heliosphäre gleichgesetzt. Aber mit der Entdeckung weit entfernter Transneptunischer Objekte war bewiesen, dass es auch jenseits der Heliopause gravitativ an die Sonne gebundene Objekte gibt. Da astronomische Dimensionen für die meisten Menschen schwer vorstellbar sind, ist ein maßstabsgerecht verkleinertes Modell des Sonnensystems oder der Besuch eines Planetenweges hilfreich, um sich die Größenverhältnisse und Distanzen der Objekte zu veranschaulichen. Структура Орбиты объектов Солнечной системы, в масштабе (по часовой стрелке, начиная с верхней левой части) Центральным объектом Солнечной системы является Солнце — звезда главной последовательности спектрального класса G2V, жёлтый карлик. В Солнце сосредоточена подавляющая часть всей массы системы (около 99,866 %), оно удерживает своим тяготением планеты и прочие тела, принадлежащие к Солнечной системе[21]. Четыре крупнейших объекта — газовые гиганты — составляют 99 % оставшейся массы (при этом большая часть приходится на Юпитер и Сатурн — около 90 %). Большинство крупных объектов, обращающихся вокруг Солнца, движется практически в одной плоскости, называемой плоскостью эклиптики. В то же время кометы и объекты пояса Койпера часто обладают большими углами наклона к этой плоскости[22][23]. Все планеты и большинство других объектов обращаются вокруг Солнца в одном направлении с вращением Солнца (против часовой стрелки, если смотреть со стороны северного полюса Солнца). Есть исключения, такие как комета Галлея. Самой большой угловой скоростью обладает Меркурий — он успевает совершить полный оборот вокруг Солнца всего за 88 земных суток. А для самой удалённой планеты — Нептуна — период обращения составляет 165 земных лет. Бо́льшая часть планет вращается вокруг своей оси в ту же сторону, что и обращается вокруг Солнца. Исключения составляют Венера и Уран, причём Уран вращается практически «лёжа на боку» (наклон оси около 90°). Для наглядной демонстрации вращения используется специальный прибор — теллурий. Многие модели Солнечной системы условно показывают орбиты планет через равные промежутки, однако в действительности, за малым исключением, чем дальше планета или пояс от Солнца, тем больше расстояние между её орбитой и орбитой предыдущего объекта. Например, Венера приблизительно на 0,33 а.е. дальше от Солнца, чем Меркурий, в то время как Сатурн на 4,3 а.е. дальше Юпитера, а Нептун на 10,5 а.е. дальше Урана. Были попытки вывести корреляции между орбитальными расстояниями (например, правило Тициуса — Боде)[24], но ни одна из теорий не стала общепринятой. Орбиты объектов вокруг Солнца описываются законами Кеплера. Согласно им, каждый объект обращается по эллипсу, в одном из фокусов которого находится Солнце. У более близких к Солнцу объектов (с меньшей большой полуосью) больше угловая скорость вращения, поэтому короче период обращения (год). На эллиптической орбите расстояние объекта от Солнца изменяется в течение его года. Ближайшая к Солнцу точка орбиты объекта называется перигелий, наиболее удалённая — афелий. Каждый объект движется быстрее всего в своём перигелии и медленнее всего - в афелии. Орбиты планет близки к кругу, но многие кометы, астероиды и объекты пояса Койпера имеют сильно вытянутые эллиптические орбиты. Большинство планет Солнечной системы обладает собственными подчинёнными системами. Многие окружены спутниками, некоторые из спутников по размеру превосходят Меркурий. Большинство крупных спутников находится в синхронном вращении, одна их сторона постоянно обращена к планете. Четыре крупнейшие планеты — газовые гиганты — обладают также кольцами, тонкими полосами крошечных частиц, обращающимися по очень близким орбитам практически в унисон. Терминология Иногда Солнечную систему разделяют на регионы. Внутренняя часть Солнечной системы включает четыре планеты земной группы и пояс астероидов. Внешняя часть начинается за пределами пояса астероидов и включает четыре газовых гиганта[25]. Планеты внутри области астероидов иногда называют внутренними, а вне пояса — внешними[26]. Однако иногда эти термины используются для нижних (находящихся внутри земной орбиты) и верхних (находящихся за пределами земной орбиты) планет, соответственно[27]. После открытия пояса Койпера наиболее удалённой частью Солнечной системы считают регион, состоящий из объектов, расположенных дальше Нептуна[28]. Все объекты Солнечной системы, обращающиеся вокруг Солнца, официально делят на три категории: планеты, карликовые планеты и малые тела Солнечной системы. Планета — любое тело на орбите вокруг Солнца, оказавшееся достаточно массивным, чтобы приобрести сферическую форму, но недостаточно массивным для начала термоядерного синтеза, и сумевшее очистить окрестности своей орбиты от планетезималей. Согласно этому определению, в Солнечной системе имеется восемь известных планет: Меркурий, Венера, Земля, Марс, Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран и Нептун. Плутон (до 2006 года считавшийся планетой) не соответствует этому определению, поскольку не очистил свою орбиту от окружающих объектов пояса Койпера[29]. Карликовая планета — небесное тело, обращающееся по орбите вокруг Солнца; которое достаточно массивно, чтобы под действием собственных сил гравитации поддерживать близкую к округлой форму, но которое не очистило пространство своей орбиты от планетезималей и не является спутником планеты[29]. По этому определению у Солнечной системы имеется пять признанных карликовых планет: Церера, Плутон, Хаумеа, Макемаке и Эрида[30]. В будущем другие объекты могут быть классифицированы как карликовые планеты, например, Седна, Орк и Квавар[31]. Карликовые планеты, чьи орбиты находятся в регионе транснептуновых объектов, называют плутоидами[32]. Оставшиеся объекты, обращающиеся вокруг Солнца, — малые тела Солнечной системы[29]. Термины газ, лёд и камень используют, чтобы описать различные классы веществ, встречающихся повсюду в Солнечной системе. Камень используется, чтобы описать соединения с высокими температурами конденсации или плавления, которые оставались в протопланетной туманности в твёрдом состоянии при почти всех условиях[33]. Каменные соединения обычно включают силикаты и металлы, такие как железо и никель[34]. Они преобладают во внутренней части Солнечной системы, формируя большинство планет земной группы и астероидов. Газы — вещества с чрезвычайно низкими температурами плавления и высоким давлением насыщенного пара, такие как молекулярный водород, гелий и неон, которые в туманности всегда были в газообразном состоянии[33]. Они доминируют в средней части Солнечной системы, составляя большую часть Юпитера и Сатурна. Льды таких веществ, как вода, метан, аммиак, сероводород и углекислый газ[34] имеют температуры плавления до нескольких сотен кельвинов, в то время как их термодинамическая фаза зависит от окружающего давления и температуры[33]. Они могут встречаться как льды, жидкости или газы в различных регионах Солнечной системы, в туманности же они были в твёрдой или газовой фазе[33]. Большинство спутников планет-гигантов содержит ледяные субстанции, также они составляют большую часть Урана и Нептуна (так называемых «ледяных гигантов») и многочисленных малых объектов, расположенных за орбитой Нептуна[34][35]. Газы и льды вместе классифицируют как летучие вещества[36]. Le Système solaire (avec majuscule), ou système solaire (sans majuscule), est le système planétaire du Soleil, auquel appartient la Terre. Il est composé de cette étoile et des objets célestes gravitant autour d'elle : les huit planètes confirmées et leurs 214 satellites naturels connus (appelés usuellement des « lunes »), les cinq planètes naines et leurs neuf satellites connus, ainsi que des milliards de petits corps (la presque totalité des astéroïdes et autres planètes mineures, les comètes, les poussières cosmiques, etc.). Le Système solaire fait partie de la galaxie appelée Voie lactée, où il réside dans le bras d'Orion. Il est situé à environ 8 kpc (∼26 100 al) du centre galactique, autour duquel il effectue une révolution en 225 à 250 millions d'années. Il s'est formé il y a un peu moins de 4,6 milliards d'années à partir de l'effondrement gravitationnel d'un nuage moléculaire, suivi de la constitution d'un disque protoplanétaire selon l'hypothèse de la nébuleuse. De façon schématique, le Système solaire est composé du Soleil, qui le domine gravitationnellement — il comprend 99,85 % de sa masse — et fournit de l'énergie par fusion nucléaire de l'hydrogène en hélium. Par ordre d'éloignement croissant à l'étoile, le Système solaire interne comprend quatre planètes telluriques internes, principalement composées de roches et de métaux (Mercure, Vénus, la Terre et Mars) puis une ceinture d'astéroïdes de petits corps rocheux, dont la planète naine Cérès. Plus loin orbitent les quatre planètes géantes du Système solaire externe : successivement deux géantes gazeuses constituées majoritairement d'hydrogène et d'hélium que sont Jupiter et Saturne — qui contiennent par ailleurs la grande majorité de la masse totale en orbite autour du Soleil — et deux géantes de glaces que sont Uranus et Neptune, contenant une plus grande part de substances volatiles comme l'eau, l'ammoniac et le méthane. Tous ont une orbite proche du cercle et sont concentrés près du plan de l'écliptique, le plan de rotation de la Terre. Les objets situés au-delà de l'orbite de Neptune, dits transneptuniens, comprennent notamment la ceinture de Kuiper et le disque des objets épars, formés d'objets glacés. Quatre planètes naines glacées se trouvent dans la région transneptunienne et sont également appelées plutoïdes : Pluton — auparavant classée comme planète —, Hauméa, Makémaké et Éris. L'héliopause, limite magnétique du Système solaire, est définie par l'arrêt des vents solaires face aux vents du milieu interstellaire à une centaine d'unités astronomiques, tandis que la limite gravitationnelle du Système solaire se situe bien plus loin encore, jusqu'à une ou deux années-lumière du Soleil, vers laquelle une zone sphérique hypothétique, le nuage de Oort, pourrait exister et être la source des comètes à longue période. Toutes les planètes du Système solaire à partir de la Terre possèdent des satellites en orbite — certains, tels que Ganymède et Titan, sont plus grands que Mercure —, tandis que chacune des quatre planètes externes est en outre entourée d’un système d'anneaux de poussières et d’autres particules, dont le plus proéminent est celui de Saturne. Toutes les planètes, sauf la Terre, portent les noms de dieux et déesses de la mythologie romaine. La Terre, dotée d'une épaisse atmosphère et recouverte à 71 % de sa surface d'eau liquide, est la seule planète du Système solaire à abriter la vie et une espèce pensante qui agit sur son évolution. Dans l'état des connaissances humaines, cette planète du Système solaire ne connait pas d'équivalent dans l'Univers. Terminologie Articles connexes : Définition des planètes, Définition des planètes de l'Union astronomique internationale et Planète naine. Infographie représentant le Soleil à gauche, puis les planètes et planètes naines ordonnées vers la droite. Planètes et planètes naines du Système solaire. Les dimensions du Soleil et des planètes sont à l’échelle, mais pas les distances qui les séparentb. Depuis la décision prise le 24 août 2006 par l'Union astronomique internationale, les objets ou corps orbitant directement autour du Soleil sont officiellement divisés en trois classes : planètes, planètes naines et petits corps8. Une planète est un corps en orbite autour du Soleil, suffisamment massif pour avoir une forme sphérique et avoir nettoyé son voisinage immédiat de tous les objets plus petits9. On connaît huit planètes : Mercure, Vénus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et Neptune qui sont toutes nommées, sauf la Terre, d'après des divinités de la mythologie romaine8,10. La plupart de leurs satellites naturels sont, eux aussi, nommés d'après des personnages de la mythologie grecque ou romaine11. Une planète naine est un corps en orbite autour du Soleil qui, bien que suffisamment massif pour avoir une forme sphérique — concept appelé équilibre hydrostatique —, n’a pas fait place nette dans son voisinage8,9. En 2021, cinq corps sont officiellement désignés de la sorte : Cérès, Pluton, Éris, Makémaké et Hauméa12. D’autres corps pourraient l’être dans le futur, tels que Gonggong, Quaoar, Sedna ou Orcus13,14. Tous les autres objets en orbite directe autour du Soleil sont classés comme petits corps du Système solaire8. Les 214 satellites naturels — en 2021, 158 sont confirmés et 56 sont non confirmés, donc sans nom —, ou lunes, sont les objets en orbite autour des planètes, des planètes naines et des petits corps du Système solaire plutôt qu'autour du Soleil2. Les statuts ambigus de la Lune et surtout de Charon, qui pourraient former un système binaire avec respectivement la Terre et Pluton, ne sont pas encore définitivement tranchés, bien que ces corps soient toujours classés comme satellites15,16. La classification proposée par l'Union astronomique internationale ne fait pas l'unanimité. À la suite du vote de 2006, une pétition réunissant les signatures de plus de 300 planétologues et astronomes majoritairement américains — Pluton étant alors la seule planète découverte par un Américain — est lancée pour contester la validité scientifique de la nouvelle définition d'une planète ainsi que son mode d'adoption17,18,19. Les responsables de l'UAI annoncent qu'aucun retour en arrière n'aura lieu et les astronomes jugent très improbable que Pluton puisse être à nouveau considérée comme une planète20,21. Concernant la majuscule au nom « Système solaire », la forme tout en minuscules est, au sens strict, suffisante, étant donné qu'il n'y a qu'un « système solaire » puisqu'il n'y a qu'un « Soleil ». Cependant, les autres étoiles étant parfois, par analogie, appelées des « soleils », le nom de « système solaire » est de la même façon parfois employé dans un sens général pour signifier « système planétaire » ; « Système solaire », écrit avec une majuscule, permet alors de distinguer notre système planétaire, par ellipse de « système planétaire solaire »22,23. Die Sonnestelsel bestaan uit die Son en die ander hemelliggame wat deur swaartekrag daaraan gebind is en daarom wentel. Die hemelliggame in ons sonnestelsel bestaan uit die agt planete, hulle 166 bekende mane,[1] vyf dwergplanete en biljoene ander klein liggame. Hierdie klein liggame, of klein sonnestelselvoorwerpe (KSV's), sluit asteroïdes, ysige Kuiper-gordelvoorwerpe, komete, meteoroïdes en interplanetêre stof in. Die Aarde is die derde planeet van die Sonnestelsel. Die gekarteerde streke van die Sonnestelsel is die Son, vier aardse binnenste planete, die asteroïdegordel, vier buitenste planete (die reuseplanete), die Kuiper-gordel en die verstrooide skyf. Die teoretiese Oort-wolk bestaan moontlik op 'n afstand ongeveer duisend maal verder as die gekarteerde streke. Die vloei van plasma vanaf die Son (deur die sonwind) deurdring die Sonnestelsel. Dit skep 'n stellêre windbel in die interstellêre medium, genaamd die helio- of sonsfeer, wat tot in die middel van die verstrooide skyf strek. Die planete in die Sonnestelsel (in volgorde van hulle afstand van die Son) is: Mercurius Venus Aarde Mars Jupiter Saturnus Uranus Neptunus Met die ingang van 2009 is vyf kleiner voorwerpe as dwergplanete geklassifiseer. Ceres is in die asteroïdegordel en vier ander wentel om die Son agter Neptunus: Pluto (voorheen as die negende planeet geklassifiseer), Haumea, Makemake en Eris. Ses van die planete en drie van die dwergplanete word deur natuurlike satelliete omwentel. Daar word gewoonlik na hierdie satelliete as "mane" verwys, soos die Aarde se eie maan. Al die buitenste planete word deur planetêre ringe van stof en ander partikels omring. Sedert 2016 is daar aanwysings dat daar moontlik nog 'n Planeet Nege bestaan in 'n baie groot wentelbaan. Este artículo trata sobre el sistema en el que están el Sol y la Tierra. Para otros sistemas, véanse sistema planetario y sistema estelar. Sistema solar El Sol y los planetas del sistema solar. Los tamaños están a escala, pero no así las distancias. Datos generales Edad 4568 millones de años Localización Nube Interestelar Local, Burbuja Local, Brazo de Orión, Vía Láctea Estrella más cercana Próxima Centauri (4,22 al) Sistema planetario conocido más cercano Alfa Centauri (4,37 al) Sistema Planetario Semieje mayor al planeta exterior (Neptuno) 4500 millones de kilómetros (30,10 UA) Distancia al acantilado de Kuiper 50 UA N.º de estrellas conocidas 1 (Sol) N.º de planetas conocidos 8 N.º conocido de planetas enanos 5 (docenas pendientes de aceptación) N.º conocido de satélites naturales 400 (176 de los planetas) N.º conocido de planetas menores 587 479 N.º conocido de cometas 3153 N.º de satélites asteroidales 19 Órbita alrededor del centro galáctico Inclinación del plano invariable respecto al plano galáctico 60° Distancia al centro galáctico 27 000±1 000 al Velocidad orbital 220 km/s Periodo orbital 225-250 Ma Propiedades de la estrella relacionada Tipo espectral G2V Línea de congelamiento 2,7 UA Distancia a la heliopausa ~120 UA Esfera de Hill ~1-2 al El sistema solar1​ es el sistema planetario que liga gravitacionalmente a un conjunto de objetos astronómicos que giran directa o indirectamente en una órbita alrededor de una única estrella conocida con el nombre de Sol.2​ La estrella concentra el 99,86 % de la masa del sistema solar,3​4​5​ y la mayor parte de la masa restante se concentra en ocho planetas cuyas órbitas son prácticamente circulares y transitan dentro de un disco casi llano llamado plano eclíptico.6​ Los cuatro planetas más cercanos, considerablemente más pequeños, Mercurio, Venus, Tierra y Marte, también conocidos como los planetas terrestres, están compuestos principalmente por roca y metal.7​8​ Mientras que los cuatro más alejados, denominados gigantes gaseosos o «planetas jovianos», más masivos que los terrestres, están compuestos de hielo y gases. Los dos más grandes, Júpiter y Saturno, están compuestos principalmente de helio e hidrógeno. Urano y Neptuno, denominados gigantes helados, están formados mayoritariamente por agua congelada, amoniaco y metano.9​ El Sol y los planetas del sistema solar. Los tamaños están a escala, pero no así las distancias. El Sol es el único cuerpo celeste del sistema solar que emite luz propia,10​ debido a la fusión termonuclear del hidrógeno y su transformación en helio en su núcleo.11​ El sistema solar se formó hace unos 4600 millones de años12​13​14​ a partir del colapso de una nube molecular. El material residual originó un disco circunestelar protoplanetario en el que ocurrieron los procesos físicos que llevaron a la formación de los planetas.10​ El sistema solar se ubica en la actualidad en la nube Interestelar Local que se halla en la Burbuja Local del brazo de Orión, de la galaxia espiral Vía Láctea, a unos 28 000 años luz del centro de esta.15​ Concepción artística de un disco protoplanetario El sistema solar es también el hogar de varias regiones compuestas por objetos pequeños. El cinturón de asteroides, ubicado entre Marte y Júpiter, es similar a los planetas terrestres ya que está constituido principalmente por roca y metal. En este cinturón se encuentra el planeta enano Ceres. Más allá de la órbita de Neptuno están el cinturón de Kuiper, el disco disperso y la nube de Oort, que incluyen objetos transneptunianos formados por agua, amoníaco y metano principalmente. En este lugar existen cuatro planetas enanos: Haumea, Makemake, Eris y Plutón, el cual fue considerado el noveno planeta del sistema solar hasta 2006. Este tipo de cuerpos celestes ubicados más allá de la órbita de Neptuno son también llamados plutoides, los cuales junto a Ceres, poseen el suficiente tamaño para que se hayan redondeado por efectos de su gravedad, pero que se diferencian principalmente de los planetas porque no han vaciado su órbita de cuerpos vecinos.16​ Adicionalmente a los miles de objetos pequeños de estas dos zonas, algunas docenas de los cuales son candidatos a planetas enanos, existen otros grupos como cometas, centauros y polvo cósmico que viajan libremente entre regiones. Seis planetas y cuatro planetas enanos poseen satélites naturales. El viento solar, un flujo de plasma del Sol, crea una burbuja de viento estelar en el medio interestelar conocido como heliosfera, la que se extiende hasta el borde del disco disperso. La nube de Oort, la cual se cree que es la fuente de los cometas de período largo, es el límite del sistema solar y su borde está ubicado a un año luz desde el Sol.17​ A principios del año 2016, se publicó un estudio según el cual puede existir un noveno planeta en el sistema solar, al que dieron el nombre provisional de Phattie.18​ Se estima que el tamaño de Phattie sería entre el de Neptuno y la Tierra y que el hipotético planeta sería de composición gaseosa. Descubrimientos y exploración Véanse también: Anexo:Cronología del descubrimiento de los planetas del sistema solar y sus satélites naturales y Exploración del sistema solar. Nicolás Copérnico Algunas de las más antiguas civilizaciones concibieron al universo desde una perspectiva geocéntrica, como en Babilonia en donde su visión del mundo estuvo representada de esta forma.19​ En Occidente, el griego presocrático Anaximandro declaró a la Tierra como centro del universo, imaginó a esta como un pilar en forma de tambor equilibrado en sus cuatro puntos más distantes lo que, en su opinión, le permitió tener estabilidad.20​ Pitágoras y sus seguidores hablaron por primera vez del planeta como una esfera, basándose en la observación de los eclipses;21​ y en el siglo IV a. C. Platón junto a su estudiante Aristóteles escribieron textos del modelo geocéntrico de Anaximandro, fusionándolo con el esférico pitagórico. Pero fue el trabajo del astrónomo heleno Claudio Ptolomeo, especialmente su publicación llamada Almagesto expuesta en el siglo II de nuestra era, el cual sirvió durante un período de casi 1300 años como la norma en la cual se basaron tanto astrónomos europeos como islámicos. Si bien el griego Aristarco presentó en el siglo siglo III a. C. a la teoría heliocéntrica y más adelante el matemático hindú Aryabhata hizo lo mismo, ningún astrónomo desafió realmente el modelo geocéntrico hasta la llegada del polaco Nicolás Copérnico el cual causó una verdadera revolución en esta rama a nivel mundial,22​ por lo cual es considerado el padre de la astronomía moderna.23​ Esto debido a que, a diferencia de sus antecesores, su obra consiguió una amplia difusión pese a que fue concebida para circular en privado; el papa Clemente VII pidió información de este texto en 1533 y Lutero en 1539 lo calificó de «astrólogo advenedizo que pretende probar que la Tierra es la que gira».24​ La obra de Copérnico otorga dos movimientos a la Tierra, uno de rotación en su propio eje cada 24 horas y uno de traslación alrededor del Sol cada año, con la particularidad de que este era circular y no elíptico como lo describimos hoy. En el siglo XVII, el trabajo de Copérnico fue impulsado por científicos como Galileo Galilei, quien ayudado con un nuevo invento, el telescopio, descubre que alrededor de Júpiter rotan satélites naturales que afectaron en gran forma la concepción de la teoría geocéntrica ya que estos cuerpos celestes no orbitaban a la Tierra;25​26​ lo que ocasionó un gran conflicto entre la Iglesia y los científicos que impulsaban esta teoría, el cual culminó con el apresamiento y sentencia del tribunal de la inquisición a Galileo por herejía al estar su idea contrapuesta con el modelo clásico religioso.27​ Su contemporáneo Johannes Kepler, a partir del estudio de la órbita circular intentó explicar la traslación planetaria sin conseguir ningún resultado,28​ por lo que reformuló sus teorías y publicó, en el año 1609, las hoy conocidas leyes de Kepler en su obra Astronomia nova, en la que establece una órbita elíptica la cual se confirmó cuando predijo satisfactoriamente el tránsito de Venus del año 1631.29​ Junto a ellos, el científico británico Isaac Newton formuló y dio una explicación al movimiento planetario mediante sus leyes y el desarrollo del concepto de la gravedad.30​ Sin embargo, el heliocentrismo no sería apoyado experimentalmente sino hasta décadas después con el descubrimiento de la aberración de la luz por el astrónomo inglés James Bradley en 1725,31​ y la medición del paralaje estelar efectuada por el matemático alemán Friedrich Bessel en 1838.32​ En 1655, el científico neerlandés Christiaan Huygens descubrió el satélite Titán y la verdadera naturaleza de los anillos de Saturno, y describió por primera vez las dimensiones reales del entonces conocido sistema solar (6 planetas y 6 lunas).33​ En 1704 se acuñó el término "sistema solar".34​ El científico británico Edmund Halley dedicó sus estudios principalmente al análisis de las órbitas de los cometas.35​36​ El mejoramiento del telescopio durante este tiempo permitió a los científicos de todo el mundo descubrir nuevas características de los cuerpos celestes que existen.37​ A mediados del siglo XX, el 12 de abril de 1961, el cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin se convirtió en el primer hombre en el espacio;38​ la misión estadounidense Apolo 11, al mando de Neil Armstrong llega a la Luna el 16 de julio de 1969. En la actualidad, el sistema solar se estudia con la ayuda de telescopios terrestres, observatorios espaciales y misiones espaciales. Características generales El Sol. Los planetas y los asteroides orbitan alrededor del Sol, aproximadamente en un mismo plano y siguiendo órbitas elípticas (en sentido antihorario, si se observasen desde el Polo Norte del Sol); aunque hay excepciones, como el cometa Halley, que gira en sentido horario.39​ El plano en el que gira la Tierra alrededor del Sol se denomina plano de la eclíptica, y los demás planetas orbitan aproximadamente en el mismo plano. Aunque algunos objetos orbitan con un gran grado de inclinación respecto de este, como Plutón que posee una inclinación con respecto al eje de la eclíptica de 17.º, así como una parte importante de los objetos del cinturón de Kuiper.40​41​ Formación y evolución Artículo principal: Formación y evolución del sistema solar El sistema solar se formó hace 4568 millones de años por el colapso gravitatorio de una parte de una nube molecular gigante. Esta nube primigenia tenía varios años luz de diámetro y probablemente dio a luz a varias estrellas.44​ Como es normal en las nubes moleculares, consistía principalmente de hidrógeno, algo de helio y pequeñas cantidades de elementos pesados surgidos de previas generaciones estelares. A medida que la región —conocida como nebulosa protosolar—45​ se convertía en el sistema solar, colapsaba y la conservación del momento angular hizo que rotase más deprisa. El centro, donde se acumuló la mayor parte de la masa, se volvió cada vez más caliente que el disco circundante.44​ A medida que la nebulosa en contracción rotaba más deprisa, comenzó a aplanarse en un disco protoplanetario con un diámetro de alrededor de 200 UA44​ y una densa y caliente protoestrella en el centro.46​47​ Los planetas se formaron por acreción a partir de este disco48​ en el que el gas y el polvo atraídos gravitatoriamente entre sí se unen para formar cuerpos cada vez más grandes. En este escenario, cientos de protoplanetas podrían haber surgido en el temprano sistema solar que acabaron fusionándose o fueron destruidos dejando los planetas, los planetas enanos y el resto de cuerpos menores. Gracias a sus puntos de ebullición más altos, solo los metales y silicatos podían existir en forma sólida cerca del Sol, en el cálido sistema solar interior; estos fueron finalmente los componentes de Mercurio, Venus, la Tierra y Marte: los planetas rocosos. Debido a que los metales solo eran una pequeña parte de la nebulosa solar, los planetas terrestres no se podían hacer muy grandes. Los planetas gigantes (Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno) se formaron más lejos, más allá de la línea de congelación: el límite entre las órbitas de Marte y Júpiter donde las temperaturas son lo suficientemente bajas como para que los compuestos volátiles permanezcan sólidos. Los hielos que forman estos planetas eran más abundantes que los metales y silicatos que formaron los planetas terrestres interiores, por lo que los permitió crecer hasta ser lo suficientemente masivos como para capturar grandes atmósferas de hidrógeno y helio: los elementos más ligeros y abundantes. Los residuos restantes que no llegaron a convertirse en planetas se agruparon en regiones como el cinturón de asteroides, el cinturón de Kuiper y la nube de Oort. El modelo de Niza explica la aparición de estas regiones y propone que los planetas exteriores se podrían haber formado en sitios diferentes de los actuales a los que habrían llegado tras múltiples interacciones gravitatorias. Tras cincuenta millones de años, la densidad del hidrógeno y la presión en el centro de la protoestrella se hicieron tan grandes que comenzó la fusión termonuclear.49​ La temperatura, la velocidad de reacción, la presión y la densidad aumentaron hasta alcanzar el equilibrio hidrostático: la presión térmica igualó a la fuerza de la gravedad. En ese momento, el Sol entró en la secuencia principal.50​ El tiempo que estará en la secuencia principal será de unos diez mil millones de años; en comparación, todas las fases previas al encendido termonuclear duraron unos dos mil millones de años.51​ El viento solar formó la heliosfera que barrió los restos de gas y polvo del disco protoplanetario (y los expulsó al espacio interestelar), con lo que terminó el proceso de formación planetaria. Desde entonces, el Sol se ha ido haciendo cada vez más brillante; en la actualidad es un 70% más brillante que a su entrada en la secuencia principal.52​ El sistema solar continuará más o menos como lo conocemos hasta que todo el hidrógeno del núcleo del Sol se haya convertido en helio, situación que tendrá lugar dentro de cinco mil millones de años. Esto marcará el final de la estancia del Sol en la secuencia principal. En ese momento el núcleo colapsará y la producción de energía será mucho mayor que en el presente. Las capas exteriores se expandirán unas doscientas sesenta veces su diámetro actual, por lo que se convertirá en una gigante roja. El gran aumento de su superficie hará que esté muchísimo más frío (del orden de 2600 K).51​ Se espera que el Sol en expansión vaporice Mercurio y Venus y vuelva la Tierra inhabitable al mover la zona de habitabilidad más allá de la órbita de Marte. Por último, el núcleo estará lo bastante caliente para fusionar el helio; el Sol quemará helio durante una fracción del tiempo que estuvo quemando hidrógeno. El Sol no tiene la suficiente masa para comenzar la fusión de elementos pesados, por lo que las reacciones nucleares en el núcleo disminuirán. Las capas exteriores se perderán en el espacio en forma de nebulosa planetaria, devolviendo parte del material con el que se formó el Sol —enriquecido con elementos pesados como el carbono— al medio interestelar y dejando atrás una enana blanca con la mitad de la masa original del Sol y el tamaño de la Tierra (un objeto extraordinariamente denso).53​ Het zonnestelsel is het planetenstelsel dat bestaat uit de Zon en de hemellichamen die door de zwaartekracht aan de Zon gebonden zijn. De Zon is een klasse G2 hoofdreeksster met een diameter van 1,39 miljoen kilometer. De Zon neemt 99,86% van de massa in het zonnestelsel voor haar rekening. Naast de Zon bevat het zonnestelsel acht planeten, vijf dwergplaneten, meer dan 1,2 miljoen bekende planetoïden, 715 manen van planeten en 3849 bekende kometen (stand: januari 2023). De meeste van deze objecten bewegen zich rond de Zon in omloopbanen met een kleine glooiingshoek ten opzichte van de ecliptica. In de ruimte tussen deze hemellichamen bevindt zich de interplanetaire materie. Volgens een definitie wordt het zonnestelsel begrensd door de heliopauze, de rand van de heliosfeer. Ontstaan Zie Ontstaan en evolutie van het zonnestelsel voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp. Het zonnestelsel ontstond ongeveer 4,5 miljard jaar geleden, toen een interstellaire gaswolk door onbekende oorzaak actief werd en door zijn eigen gewicht begon te krimpen en steeds sneller rond te draaien, waarna in het midden van deze gaswolk de Zon ontstond. Het ineenstorten van het midden van de gaswolk, ook zonnenevel genoemd, nam 100.000 jaar in beslag. Door de enorme hitte die ontstond bij het samentrekken ontstond een kleine ster die een groot deel van de gaswolk opzoog en zo een volwaardige ster werd: onze Zon. Het overgebleven gas, ook accretieschijf genoemd, begon daarna af te koelen en er stolden stukken ijs, steen en metaal, die door botsingen steeds groter werden omdat ze aan elkaar vastklitten. Die grote brokken verzamelden al het nog overgebleven materiaal, op enkele planetoïden en meteoroïden na. Toen waren sommige brokken (protoplaneten) groot genoeg geworden om ook het laatste beetje gas op te zuigen. Op dat moment, een miljoen jaar na het ontstaan van de eerste brokken, begon de Zon plots sterke straling, een zonnewind, te produceren, die de gasmantel rond bijna alle protoplaneten, behalve de gasreuzen, wegblies. Daarna kregen de protoplaneten langzaam een stabiele baan rond de Zon, en de planeten en manen werden gevormd door laatste grote botsingen tussen protoplaneten. Ongeveer 4 miljard jaar geleden kreeg het zonnestelsel nog te maken met een kosmisch bombardement, waardoor op veel manen en planeten grote inslagkraters ontstonden. Beweging De spiraalarmen van de Melkweg met de omloopbaan van de Zon (geel). De Orionarm is aangegeven als Local Spur. Het zonnestelsel (op schaal) De Zon bevindt zich in de Lokale bel in de Orionarm, een spiraalarm van de Melkweg, op een afstand van 26.673±42 lichtjaar van het galactisch centrum. Het zonnestelsel beweegt met een snelheid van ongeveer 220 km/s in 225-250 miljoen jaar in een vaste baan om het centrum van de Melkweg. Een theorie onder wetenschappers is dat de route die de Zon door spiraalarmen in de Melkweg volgt bijdraagt aan de periodieke massale uitsterving van leven op aarde. Zon en (dwerg)planeten Traditioneel (tot 2006) werden tot het zonnestelsel negen planeten gerekend. De planeten Mercurius, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, en Saturnus zijn bekend sinds de oudheid. Na de uitvinding van de telescoop werden Uranus (1781), Neptunus (1846), en Pluto (1930) ontdekt. In de jaren 90 van de 20e eeuw werd ontdekt dat de toenmalige negende planeet, Pluto, slechts een van vele soortgelijke objecten in de Kuipergordel was. De vraag drong zich op of deze met Pluto vergelijkbare objecten nu ook allemaal als 'planeet' geclassificeerd moesten worden. Naarmate steeds grotere objecten ontdekt werden, zoals Quaoar en Varuna kwam het klassieke aantal van negen planeten onder druk te staan. Met de ontdekking van de nog veel grotere Eris was een nieuwe definitie van planeet noodzakelijk. Volgens de nieuwe definitie wordt Pluto nu een 'dwergplaneet' genoemd en telt het zonnestelsel acht 'echte' planeten. Een nieuwe planeet? In januari 2016 werd in de media gebracht dat er sterke aanwijzingen zijn voor een negende planeet met afmetingen vergelijkbaar met Neptunus maar ver voorbij de baan van Pluto. Deze nog hypothetische planeet is voorlopig aangeduid met de naam Planeet Negen (Engels: Planet Nine)[6] Een hypothetische planeet met een formaat van ongeveer twintig aardmassa's zou de verklaring kunnen zijn voor het opmerkelijke gedrag dat een aantal Transneptunische objecten in het buitengebied van de Kuipergordel vertoont. Konstantin Batygin en Michael Brown, wetenschappers aan de Caltech Universiteit, kondigden op 20 januari 2016 hun ontdekking aan, die gebaseerd is op dynamische modellen, en nog niet op visuele waarnemingen die als definitief bewijs zouden gelden.[7] Solsystemet består af Solen og de himmellegemer, som den binder til sig gennem sin gravitation. Solsystemet har sin oprindelse i et gravitationelt kollaps af en gigantisk gas- og støvsky for 4,6 milliarder år siden.[1] Det blev dannet af en stor og meget kold gassky, der bestod af hydrogen og helium samt ganske små mængder af andre grundstoffer. Rundt om Solen kredser en række objekter i en næsten flad, elliptisk skive. Med undtagelse af Solen finder man det meste af Solsystemets masse i de otte planeter med omløbsbaner, der næsten er cirkulære. De fire indre planeter er Merkur, Venus, Jorden og Mars, som kaldes klippeplaneter og de består hovedsageligt af sten og metal. De fire ydre planeter er Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus og Neptun, som kaldes gaskæmper og de består hovedsageligt af brint og helium. Disse planeter er meget tungere og større end klippeplaneterne. Der findes to områder med småplaneter. Asteroidebæltet, som ligger mellem Mars og Jupiter, består af mindre stykker, som har visse ligheder med klippeplaneterne, da størstedelen består af sten og metal. Kuiperbæltet, som ligger udenfor Neptuns omløbsbane, består hovedsageligt af frossen vand, ammoniak og metan. I disse bælter findes der fem specielle objekter: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake og Eris, som kaldes dværgplaneter, da de anses at være tilstrækkeligt store til at være blevet runde som en konsekvens af egen gravitation. På en afstand af 0,8-1,6 lysår fra Solen antager man, at der findes hvad man kalder Oortskyen, som formodes at være kilden til de langperiodiske kometer. I Solsystemet findes der grupper af mindre stykker såsom kometer, kentaur-asteroider, interstellart medium som findes i dette område mens solvinden, plasma fra Solen, skaber en gasboble i det interstellare medium som også kaldes heliosfæren. Dette strækker sig ud til midten af det område, som kaldes spredningsskiven, et område i udkanten af Kuiperbæltet. Seks af planeterne og fire af dværgplaneterne har naturlige satellitter eller måner i omløbsbaner rundt om sig. Alle de fire ydre planeter har en planetring bestående af is og grus rundt om sig. En enkelt af dværgplaneterne, Haumea, har ligeledes en planetring. De nærmeste stjerner er inden for den såkaldte Local Bubble, med den nærmeste Proxima Centauri på 4,25 lysår. Solsystemets opdagelse og udforskning I en stor del af menneskehedens tidlige historie kendte kun et fåtal til Solsystemets eksistens, som vi kender det i dag. Den almindelige opfattelse var, at Jorden lå stationært i universets midte og var noget helt andet end de formodede guddommelige eller åndelige objekter, der bevægede sig på himlen. For eksempel spekulerede den indiske astronom, Aryabhata, og den græske filosof, Aristarchos, i det heliocentriske verdensbillede, hvilket vil sige, at de mente at Solen var i centrum, og Jorden bevægede sig rundt om solen. Men det var astronomen Nicolaus Kopernikus i 1500-tallet, der som den første kunne udvikle en matematisk model, som forudsagde de forskellige himmellegemers bevægelser i Solsystemet. I 1600-tallet kunne de berømte astronomer Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler og Isaac Newton bygge videre på Copernicus' model, hvilket efterhånden førte til almen accept af, at Jorden bevæger sig rundt om Solen, og at de andre planeter styres af de samme fysiske love, som også gælder for Jorden. Forbedringer af de første primitive teleskoper medførte en acceleration af opdagelser af såvel større som mindre himmellegemer i Solsystemet, deriblandt planeterne Uranus og Neptun samt utallige asteroider. I nyere tid har bedre udstyr givet mulighed for mere detaljerede studier af Solsystemets himmellegemer, herunder deres overfladestrukturer, såsom bjerge, dale og nedslagskratere samt vejrfænomener som støvskyer, is-formationer og sandstorme. 量子力學的預測已被實驗核對至極高準確度,是在科學領域中,最為準確的理論之一。[8]對應原理實現經典力學與量子力學之間的對應關係,根據對應原理,假若量子系统已達到某「經典極限」,則其物理行為可以很精确地用經典理论來描述;這經典極限可以是大量子數極限,也可以是普朗克常數趨零極限。實際而言,许多宏观系统都是用經典理论(如經典力学和电磁学)来做精确描述。因此在非常“大”的系统中,量子力学的特性應該会逐漸與經典物理的特性相近似,两者必須相互符合。[26]:190-191 对应原理對於建立一个有效的量子力学模型是很重要的辅助工具。量子力学的数学基础相當廣泛寬鬆,它僅只要求量子系統的態向量屬於希尔伯特空间,其可观察量是线性的厄米算符,它并没有规定在实际情况下,应该选择哪一种希尔伯特空间、哪些厄米算符。因此,在实际情况下,必须选择相应的希尔伯特空间和算符来描写一个特定的量子系统。而对应原理则是做出这个选择的一个重要辅助工具。这个原理要求量子力学所做出的预言,在越来越大的系统中,逐渐近似經典理论的预言。这个大系统的极限,被称为“經典极限”或者“对应极限”。因此可以使用启发法的手段,来建立一个量子力学的模型,而这个模型的极限,就是相应的經典物理学的模型。[26]:190-191[27]:3ff 在經典系統與量子系統之間,量子相干是一種很明顯可以用來區分的性質,具有量子相干性的電子、光子等等微觀粒子可以處於量子疊加態,不具有量子相干性的棒球、老虎等等宏觀系統不可以處於量子疊加態。量子退相干可以用來解釋這些行為。一種應用這性質來區分的工具是貝爾不等式,遭到量子糾纏的系統不遵守貝爾不等式,而量子退相干能夠將量子糾纏性質變換為經典統計性質,系統的物理行為因此可以用隱變數理論解釋,不再不遵守貝爾不等式。[28]:80-82簡略而言,量子干涉是將幾個量子態的量子幅總和在一起,而經典干涉則是將幾個經典波動的波強總和在一起。對於微觀物體,整個系統的延伸尺寸超小於相干長度,因此會產生長程量子糾纏與其它非定域現象,一些量子系統的特徵行為。通常,量子相干不會出現於宏觀系統。[29] # Roleplay "In another timeline, in another world Chaldea stood alone as a bastion for humanity, a last hope for the world after it was incinerated, and even furthermore after mankind was erased. A valiant master stood nearly alone against incomprehensible forces, with only a few chosen servants at his side. There is a story that tells of its fate, unwinding as we speak. It is a tale of virtue and sacrifice, of darkness and overcoming despair. This Chaldea, this story hews closely to that tale, yet, retains its own nature. This is not the story of a grand order, this is the story of a grand city. This is the story of a city that has withstood time immemorial. Mages might have been getting rarer over the years, but magecraft and magic still ran strong within the city. It was a bastion for their kind, and while non-mages were allowed to live in the city as staff and assistants to the mages, it was clear that mages were considered a slight step above at least. Of course, there was a reason for this. Singularities. These anomalies of time and space flared up into existence some time ago, with Chaldea being formed as a city to first safeguard humans from these distortions. No one knew what they were at first, only that they came, swallowed up parts of the world, and left leaving devastation in their wake. It took brave mages to venture forth into one and come back alive to tell the tale of what they were. Singularities were portals to another period of time, almost always the past. Monsters, demons, and other supernatural forces were rampant, a clear sign that something had been going wrong in these distortions and that unless stopped at their root, they would continue to destroy the world bit by bit. Thankfully, mages had an answer to their problems. The servant system was initially used by magekind as a locus for the Grail War, a now outdated and dangerous war where 7 mages summoned a servant each, and fought one another for the chance to obtain a wish from the holy grail. Chaldeas energy source was the heart of the city, and through its creation, Mages were able to summon servants to their beck and call as aids and assistants. And now, as their allies in fighting back against the singularities. Of course, it was still rather dangerous to attempt to do so alone, so mages often worked with the strongest servants they could. This is the story of one Goh Kasuga. Morning within the city happened as it always did, the buzzing of alarms, the steady brew of coffee for many, and preparing for the long day ahead. As Kasuga was just a spare hire for Chaldea, he was expected to work with other mages as an assistant and accomplice, including in singularities. Of course, he was not alone. His ever ready assistant, Mash Kyrelight, was something of an anomaly herself. A human with the abilities of a servant. This made managing her mana and powers easier. Not much was known about her past even to herself, other than that she was seemingly born with a connection to some sort of servant. All the same, she was a true and powerful ally, shielding the young Kasuga from monster and magic with a shield even taller than she was! Dressed in the simple lab coat, stockings, and black shirt, Mash stood outside the door to Kasuga’s room with a slightly pouty expression on her lip. Kasuga may not have heard the alarm go off, or perhaps he had shut it off manually. Either way, the young but curvy woman took a deep sigh, and knocked loudly against the door to his room. Senpai! Its time to wake up! Senpai, it was almost always what the lavender haired and eyes woman called Kasuga. It was a beautiful morning in Chaldea, the equivalent of spring, and despite the threat of looming singularities, people held hope for the future.,"Goh rolled out of bed, the messy bed head of his unkempt mage, if Olga saw him, he bet she would blow a blood vessel. He was after all, a very low-class bottom-of-the-barrel kinda mage. Surely those with the blood of great mages past were more respected, with their large family lineages dating back hundreds of thousands of eons ago. Rising awake, Goh Kasuga, age 21, rose from his sleep sounding like an absolute zombie. He wasn't a morning person, and the bright sun billowing through the opened doorway was causing his forehead veins to pulse. Rising from his bed, the door would open on its own; it was likely loose and he hadn't bothered locking it. When the door was opened and she could see the figure rising from his bed, he was well... shirtless, and then as the covers pulled back even more, he was tall... like he had long legs and long arms, and they were in decent shape. He played a bit of ball in his college days before that all went to hell in a handbasket. "Oh, Mashu... right..." The blankets parting and he stood up obliviously, as he rose to his feet. "Mmmm coffee..." He muttered like a zombie then walking dick swinging between his legs ever so visibly. To grab up the discarded clothing on the floor, he didn't exactly arrive with much to begin with. Goh stood around 6'2 was decently handsome probably if he wasn't so scowly in the morning, his frame suggesting he was a bit of a basketball player in his past time. Pale skin, red hair that was clearly dyed as one could see the color fading in places a bit. Grabbing up some old boxers off the floor, and then pulling on some pants, scouring the room with his eyes for the pesky socks. Still completely unaware he had so casually just flaunted himself in front of Mashu like that until his long-sleeve black t-shirt and his white jacket were pulled over his shoulders clearly taking a divergent of time at this point. Grabbing socks then shoes... "Oh should probably slather on some Deo..." He reached into a duffle bag and did that real quick. Before he rose to his feet and walked forward. Goh Kasuga was thus dressed as he was ever going to be for the day, or until he stopped off and got some coffee.. "Morning Mash." He'd just seemingly mutter out of the blue. Blinking several times, as he was feeling his brain starting up finally as his slightly red colored eyes look to the small diminutive teenager just outside his door. As he thus stood in front of her now. On the night stand by his bed was a strange looking alarm analog coo coo clock, it was unplugged... Da Vinci probably gave it to them because they had run out of alarm clocks when he got here. But the thing was so noisy he had to unplug it half way through the night and thus now here he was waking up probably an hour later then he intended. Goh rested his frame against the door frame looking beyond Mash seeing the bright sunny day ahead of them. Chaldea City was made using some advanced level magic, and the architecture borrowed from various parts of Europe and sort of had a multicultural style to it. Admittedly though he was in the lower side of the city, because he was poor, and not from a big fancy mage family who got mansions and the like on the upper streets. Still it wasn't so bad, there was almost never really a reason to not be able to walk from some place to the other.. and even if they needed too get somewhere there were convenient teleporter pads around the place so someone could just instantly move to a specified location, once they were given the specialized device mages were allowed they were like badges and cellphones but had other magical properties too. "Asuka Langley Soryu wasn't entirely sure what had happened. The last thing she remembered was being in the cockpit of her Evangelion, she was in combat, an Angel that used some kind of weird energy attack against her. Like she'd done many times before she had focused energy into her AT field in order to defend herself, but something unusual had happened. When the energy had struck her field it seemed to react somehow, some kind of strange rip appearing in the air, like a rip in the fabric of reality itself that had grown and swallowed her up in a flash of light. After that Asuka remembered nothing but strange flashes, glimpses of places radically different from Tokyo-3 that lasted only an instant, long enough to know they were there but not long enough to commit any detail to memory. She'd lost track of how long that had gone on for, until finally she had found herself here, and wherever here was it most certainly wasn't Tokyo-3. As Asuka slowly sat up, groaning as she rubbed at her head, she glanced around to find herself sitting in a puddle of LCL on the top of a large rock. Her surroundings were anything but city like, in fact it didn't look like there was any signs of civilization in any direction. She could see jungles, mountains, even what looked like a volcano in the distance, smoke billowing from the top menacingly. The sounds didn't sound like the tranquil birds and small animals she was used to, no, all she could hear were distant roars and thundering bellows that sounded more like they were from some kind of monster than any animal she'd ever encountered. "Wh-what? Where am I...?" Asuka slowly got down from the rock, wincing slightly, the skintight plugsuit offered little protection against the rough, gravely ground she now found herself on. Even worse this place was extremely hot and extremely humid, and the plugsuit simply wasn't meant to handle this kind of temperature, meaning she was hotter than hell. Unfortunately taking the plugsuit off wasn't exactly an option given that it was the only thing she was wearing. "Ok...stay calm girl. Just stay calm. If I stay around here someone's bound to come looking for me and find me...right?" She took a slow, deep breath to try and calm herself, looking around again to try and spot something, anything, that seemed even remotely familiar.,"Emerging from a nearby tree line would be something Asuka would at least recognize. It was a man...or something that looked like one at least. Tall and lanky, with quite a lot of hair. He had tanned skin, long and flowing brown hair and was quite muscular and in shape. In his hands he held what appeared to be a rudimentary spear with a stone tip and a large club carved out of wood. It was now very clear she wasn't in Tokyo anymore. As the man emerged from the treeline, Asuka would notice something else as well. He wasn't wearing any clothes. This revealed his form fully to her, including his rather large but unerect cock. It was much larger than anything she had glimpsed so far in her life. He circled around her, curious at her. She could make a break for it if she tried, but he was eyeing her, the way a hunter eyed its prey....He licked his lips hungrily...but more in a lustful manner than one of real hunger. He motioned for her to approach him, grunting at a spot on the ground in front of him. It seemed he only knew rudimentary communication. "It had been a feat that no one believed possible, including the leader of the Greil Mercenaries himself, Ike. The recent incident between the goddesses Yune and Ashera, as well as the Tower of Guidance, had all been completely resolved. All the chaos and disorder that had been contributing to those three very major factors had been ended. Now, peace had reigned over the continent of Tellius. Many of his comrades had insisted he leave; not permanently, of course. The idea was more akin to a vacation, a very long one at that rate. To say that Ike had been incredibly reluctant at first was quite the understatement. Still, everyone - Soren and Titania especially - had all insisted he not only needed it but deserved it. Ike had thought long and hard on this and decided that, even if the thought of leaving his home nation was an odd if not unnerving one, everyone within the mercenaries was otherwise correct. Before the goddesses and Tower had been calmed, there had been so many other things he and the other fighters had endured. It was a miracle in itself no one among his group had gone insane, truthfully. One long year had passed since he parted ways and took his temporary vacation. Now, Ike was more than eager to return. At the moment, he was specifically heading towards Felirae, an area within the region of Crimea. The boat he had been riding on in order to return finally bumped gently against the soil. A soft, content sigh passed Ike's parted lips. "Finally," he murmured as he stepped off the water-crossing form of transportation and back onto land once more, "you're home again." Not that the vacation had been bad, mind you. In fact, it had been refreshing to get away from all the bandits or other forms of violence and chaos. At the same time, however, Ike had felt .. lost. He had everything a man could want; glory, some of the most powerful blades in all of existence, equally strong friends and comrades. Yet, despite the long list of things he had, the mercenary couldn't help but feel as if he were still missing something. He paused after taking a few steps off the boat, trying quickly to think on what it may or may not be. When no immediate answer came to him, he gently waved a hand through the air. "Probably nothing," he decided. Or, if it was, he'd figure it out later on. Until then, there was no sense dwelling on it. The faintest hint of a smile crossed his face as the familiar sight of trees and sounds of nature caught his ears and eyes. But perhaps more than the scenery, he had dearly missed his friends. With the hopes of being able to have a reunion soon enough, his footsteps quickened as he continued to guide himself through the forest and towards the city of Felirae. Meanwhile, within the woods of Arbor, another figure was having their own trek through the forest. Were anyone nearby, they would hear frantic gasps and pants. The sounds alone would have easily spelled out they belonged to a woman, one with a mission. The past several days had not been friendly to her. She didn't understand why, but all she knew were the facts. And as they were, soldiers from Crimea had been chasing her. "You're cursed," the eighteen-year-old maiden insisted. "You always have been! What other logic is there?!" As the woman began to think more on the possibility, her fists clenched angrily. She had always appeared to have an aura of sorts around her. Even from the days of her childhood, she had been stared at. But it wasn't her chest like many would assume; well, not always. No. The most dominant areas, actually, were the odd marks upon her shoulders. They themselves were an odd set of, as far as she could assume, tattoos. But what really made them weird was she never asked for them. So, essentially, she had managed to deduce she had been born with them. But that didn't make sense at all to the mage. People were born with other things. Tattoos? She'd never heard of such a thing. There had been many times Selune had tried to insist she just misjudged the markings upon her shoulders. But no matter how many times she looked at them, the wind mage couldn't call them anything else. They were certainly not birthmarks, cuts, bruises, nothing else that would seem appropriate. No, they were definitely tattoos. A frustrated sigh elicited from the young mage's lips as her head shook from side to side, causing some raven locks to fall in front of her face. "The hell with that! None of that matters for now!" she reminded herself, moving the few bangs that had fallen in front of her blue eyes away as she glanced behind her. From what she could see - or couldn't, at that rate - Selune seemed to be in the clear. Had she finally lost those damned soldiers who had been so persistent on chasing her down? "I hope so," she weakly murmured, beginning to slow her run down as the pace began to shift to a light jog instead. "Stubborn bastards. If they wanna arrest me, they should say what I've done wrong. Damned fools ... " But even if only for now, she appeared to be safe which was good. She didn't want her instincts to act up once more. And with how tired poor Selune was, she would not run. No, she was in no state to. If anyone tried to approach her in an aggressive way, her magic would begin to act up on its own. Normally, this wouldn't be bad. But without having been properly trained, the winds would no doubt get out of control. They had done so once before. Push was coming to shove, as the old saying went. Not only would the winds be stronger than last time, they may not stop unless someone made her, be it in the form of knocking her unconscious or via some other method.,"Katlynn finally worked up the courage to leave that boring village of hers. She had dreamed of this every day since her mother died and left her alone with the other villagers who tended to avoid her. It had been so hard taking care of herself when no one wanted to sell anything to her! So she learned to hunt, she learned the basics of survival...she had studied the map of Tellius time and time again and today she just felt ready! It might also have to do with the fact that she had been chased out of her mother's home by an angry mob. She really hadn't done anything, but the village had been missing a few things and they automatically assumed she was responsible! Just because she had found a band of no good vagabonds and stole from them, did not mean she stole from her own people! Well, she supposed it was fair of them to judge her after she suddenly got a pouch filled with gold pieces. Still...they were ready to chase her away and they needed very little reason to do so. Why? Well, she was different. She was the daughter of a king! A Raven King! Her mother always told her stories about her father and how handsome and charming he was. But his people needed him, and he flew away without ever coming back. Perhaps she was just hoping that if she stayed there long enough, he'd come for her. "Girl!" A voice pierced in the air, and she turned. Huh...a trio of familiar-looking bandits. Oh...she should probably take out her bow right now. "Don't move. You look like someone who took something from us a few nights ago...We're going to inspect you now..." They gave her perverted stares, and that was her cue. She immediately drew her bow and an arrow, which caused them to immediately run after her. Ah, she was no good at close range... Soren had been traveling for some time now. He felt like he was lost. Perhaps he should take out the map and look at it again? Sometimes this happened when he had his nose in his books while he walked. He stopped in his tracks when he heard someone. A girl. Gasping and panting for air. Hmm. Should he attempt to investigate? Ike would probably do so. It was, after all, probably the right thing to do. And the mage really liked to follow the ideals of his former leader. Well, he was still their leader...but he was gone. Enjoying some peace and quiet from all the political affairs involving the nations. Hmm. More noises? He heard the sound of clattering armor in the distance, and he turned to face the direction of sound. A few soldiers approached him, their weapons pointed threateningly at the Sage. "You! Have you seen a girl with black hair running around here? And strange tattoos on her shoulders?" It didn't take a genius to know who they were looking for. Though something told Soren not to tell them where she was. He could be helping a criminal for all he knew, if he decided to lead them away. Still...he didn't really have any loyalty to these rowdy-looking soldiers with their sticks pointed at him. He pointed the opposite direction of where he had heard the girl. Just because. They immediately left him alone, and once they were out of sight he started walking towards the direction of that pathetic sounding voice. "Ah. Found you." Soren knew she was there, her back pressed against a tree. "You know, you should probably be more quiet if you want to hide." "Death was a funny thing really, especially now that Azula was actually faced with it protruding from her chest. Twenty years. A mere two decades was her tenure upon this world, in which time she had triumphed, failed, been exalted, and disgraced. Now all of her time seemed to be measured in seconds and minutes instead of years and decades. It wasn't as painful as she had first imagined it would be, though that was a tiny pittance of compensation for the crimson liquid she saw pooling up from the cold steel planted firmly in her chest. All she could do was stare at it at first. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. Killed by the blade of some frightened halfwit thief a couple of years her junior and vastly inferior in skill. The frightened look on his youthful face was almost comical. She wondered how he might react knowing just who it was he had stabbed through the heart with his little knife. For her it was a mix of comedy and horror that settled over her mind, a sharp barking chuckle escaping her lips along with a mist of red droplets. There was no honor in this, no glory in a death in an alleyway in some backwater part of the Earth Kingdom. The edges of her vision were starting to give way into darkness. Fear replaced the confusing swirl of emotions within her as she crumpled to the ground, her breaths coming out in progressively shallow and labored gasps. She didn't want to die. She didn't deserve to die like this! All she had ever done was to please her father, every atrocity, every life taken; it was all for his approval and for her nation. No, instead her brother, a sentimental fool who could never do a single thing right in his life ruled her people and she got to die alone in the Earth Kingdom. As the darkness came over her more and more oppressively, she mentally cursed Zuko, that water tribe bitch, the Avatar, her mother, even Agni. Those that had ruined her life and reduced her to this most ignominious of ends. The man that had killed her had run from her collapsed form in terror, didn't even rob her soon-to-be corpse. What an utterly incompetent thief, her killer should have possessed more spine than that. She couldn't bring herself to curse him; he was merely a catalyst that brought about her ultimate humiliation. She didn't deserve to die, not like this! Not like this...Not,"Thus, in a small back alley in a forgotten town in the Earth Kingdom, Azula, the former princess of the Fire Nation, died. She didn't even get a proper funeral; one of the local guards found the corpse and buried her in an unmarked grave in the cemetery nearby. None would visit the unmarked grave, and her brother remained on the throne that was meant for her. Azula's friends were happy without her, one standing proudly next to Zuko while the other pretended to be one of those pitiful warriors they masqueraded as to bring the Earth Kingdom down. The darkness eternal and peaceful felt like nothing but the ocean all around Azula. Tossed about like a cork before its might, the Spirit World claimed its newest addition. The unconscious form of Azula's spirit floated along the surface of actual water within the afterlife. A fitting entrance of irony for one who had the power of fire at her fingertips. However, as the creatures of the Spirit World dispersed at the sight of a small black sloop sailing the waters and recovering Azula's sleeping form, it would seem fate had a new plan for her. "Oh look at her..." Azula heard a whisper as the first thing to register was the chill against her nude form. "You said you found her just adrift? Hmm impressive indeed." The pressure from the shackles suspending her wrists above her head and keeping her feet spread-eagle style. "Just by those massive pieces of flesh I think she will be perfect." The voice said again before a soft warm hand groped Azula's bare breast. As her eyes cracked open to locate her molester, Azula was greeted by the sight of a woman. This woman, however, was perhaps the most beautiful Azula had ever seen. Long red hair that pulled down to her waist, an unusual trait for a world populated with dark-haired citizens, creamy white skin that gave off a brief glow from the lighting within the prison cell Azula was suspended in, giving off an ethereal appearance that complimented the pink kimono the woman was wearing. "Oh good morning," the woman purred, seeing Azula wake as she rolled the pink nipple between her fingers. "Welcome to the after life how are you today?" She asked with such a sweet tone that it gave off an air of uncertainty as brown eyes stared into hazel. "I hope you are ready for your new life." She said. "It had all been a mistake... Cheyenne wasn't quite certain just where everything had gone wrong and was still trying to figure out where her miscalculation was. The Jedi wasn't used to failure, only victory or standstills. She was caught off guard by the fact that she was about to lose, her allies were falling one by one. She had given the signal to retreat back where they had come from, but mines went off, destroying her back line as well. She kept trying to think of other paths out, to bring some sort of victory to the Rebels, to save her comrades! Another blaster fire whizzed by her and she heard the cry of a man fall to the ground, dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out. They encircled her, believing that they could kill her with numbers, she would prove them wrong. She began slicing through their numbers, their army backing up. Maybe there would be a victory in this, if only Cheyenne could get out. Before she could even try to though, the ground shifted from under her unexpectedly and she began to drop. The army stopped firing upon her the moment that it shifted, and that was when Cheyenne suddenly realized what her miscalculation was. It had been her. The army hadn't been put there to kill her Military, they had been there to capture her. It was obvious now since she had fallen for the trap, cut down their pawns, only for them to lead her right into the falling ground and them abruptly stop firing. Who's commands were these though? Who had outsmarted her? A General of the Rebellion who's prestige was renowned through the galaxy... That was it again, she miscalculated herself. She had made her presence known, wanting to mark her victories and take her claim for her wins. It rallied troops around her, but it also held grudges and enemies against her. They knew of her at that point. She had been the mistake. She dropped with a crouch, turning to the presence that she sensed. Deep blue eyes that looked almost green glared in the shadows though she couldn't see. This was the one, he had been the one that had calculated for her to be arrogant enough to keep fighting in the battles, to take arms in the front line even though her presence was well known through the Empire as the Jedi scum that gave them trouble. Lights slowly flicked on, first at her feet and then steadily moving towards the other person in the room. She had been right about her assumption of it being a man - he had been waiting for her. His head was bowed so she could only see the crown of horns upon his head. But as he rose to look at her, smirk at his victory of trapping the Jedi, she could feel the dark side radiating from him. He had been able to cloak himself? Most impressive. Cheyenne sort of recognized him, he had been one of the few that she had tarnished the Empire's plans for. Glaring at him, she ignited her lightsaber and took her stance - she wasn't going down easy if he was going to fight fair.,"Coerced into failures of the fleeting past only spiraling indirectly into erupting racially as a Zabrak's known self-assuredness; prompting a berserker physiology oozing complete animalistic fury. Drakron held prestige amongst the elite of the Empire, forgoing the christening names Sith are accustomed towards seizing after the metamorphism. Attunement over one's mental attributes paralleling to the traits strengthening this beast by raw emotion. Deep immersion to the gifts of the dark side were symbolized immeasurably by the trademark corruption of luminous, sulfuric yellow hues tracing over the form of his Jedi prey. A Zabrak nightbrother held no contempt, only acclamation for his origins despite feelings he was taken as some exotic barbarian warrior-slave for the Emperor himself. Neglecting repressed opinions, a barbarous grin psyched for glorious combat listening to the wailing and screams of dead rebels by the cumulative streams of red lasers emitting from E-11 blaster rifles the Stormtroopers fired with reckless abandon. Witnessing the vulnerable surface rattled, he patiently though expressing an virtue even partially associated for placid action was an unfortunate forgery of his intentions for his prey. A stratagem befitting for a formidable force sensitive as herself, Drakron kept his blood lust famished when such subtleties became significant, though to the rebel's fortunes he relied on his own skills versus larger scale skirmishes with complexities involved. An abundance of capable combatants from both sides of the conflict never beheld a specimen of his stature, towering warriors with an staggering height of seven feet tall with protruding obsidian colored horns fashioned like a crown secured over the dark brown complexion harmonizing with the motif of sheer terror masked with blackened tribal tattoos of the planet Dathomir amplified further by highlighting the tattoos with red scarification marks adorned in his perverse version of glory and perhaps a hint of masochism. Shirtless with armor allocating near the Cestus like gloves, bracers, even braces near the dark cloth of his pants, he represented the martial warrior of the ancient times. " Decided running not worth dead comrades? " The dialect was chalky in pronouncing words within the confines of comprehend, utilizing the most prevalent of languages known as basic or galactic standard. Brawny, infused by the passion of a challenge and other horrific imagery amassed in the horned skull of this venomous creature of importance to his military. Cheyenne's lightsaber once conjured painted vivid supposition over the details of past battles. A lightsaber burned marked the left corner of his face where eyebrows would be positioned should his species really bore hair, another greeting flesh through the bicep and an invisible one cloaked by clothing through the right upper thigh. Anxious to test her fighting prowess after an extended vacation away from each other, the Zabrak would finally exact revenge in a style only suitable for his species and the disciplines of the dark side itself. Diverting into a mantra emulating a mirrored sentiment of the former Jedi order, its served for psychological warfare and heightening himself mentally for the duel ready to commence between two practitioners of the force. " Peace is a lie, there is only PASSION!!! Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. " Weight began to distribute between the staggering feet of the martial sith, fixated at width approximately at the shoulder. Aligning them accordingly, she eavesdrop upon these antics prior to combat itself, both feet angled slightly to the side and the knees should be facing in the same direction of the feet; never flatfooted. Hands adhered to about temple level, back slightly hunched, and most important having elbows raised to safeguard the chest. Manufacturing a distinguishing fighting style of unarmed combat with the capabilities of a sith warrior made this brute versatile and incredibly lethal. Muscles swelled, though trained eyes could watch the force manifest throughout his core with controlled breathing. Literally the calm before the blood stained storm, Drakron's hunger grew insatiable the longer he stood composed. Unknowingly this effect struck at a Force-user's energy and metabolism, pulling out all the weapons for the long ride. Assuming the usual stance, his right foot rose above his towering height before slamming his armored boot forward; appearing akin to a blur. Masking telegraphed maneuvers, a powerful current of kinetic energy surging through the might of the sith targeted the midsection, soaring like laser fire and crashing like the fury of a Wookie tackling an adversary. " Peace is a lie, there is only PASSION!!! "Miles was a mess, he could admit that to himself. Four months ago he had been dating the woman of his dreams - a cute blonde, smart and funny - and he hadn't needed to hide any part of his life from her. Now he was lying back in his home, his room a mess. To say he had taken the breakup hard would be an understatement filled with empty pizza boxes and broken dreams. He kept scrolling through old pictures on his phone, of soft blond hair, blue eyes, and a wondrous pale body. Every time he looked at the images of Gwen Stacy, he felt pathetic. And it wasn't like he could just call her. Well, he could, but if he punched in her phone number in this dimension, he would get a different Gwen - one who had been through a lot already when she had watched her family be hurt time and time again by the collective problem. Peter Parker. Yet he couldn't exactly bring himself to have anger towards Peter. There was a lot more shared history between him and Gwen, her picking him made sense, but at the same time it had crushed Miles. He was currently lying on his bed, his spider suit half on as he wore only the shirt part, with the pants part on the floor showing only boxers. His mask was next to his pillow as he lay back, his eyes glued to those old photo's and selfies he had taken with her in a time that felt so long ago. Not all of them had been safe for work, and he knew it was proper to delete those once you stopped seeing a girl, but... well, he had kept them anyway. There was an odd thrill in swinging through the city, though it was certainly an inefficient waste of his time. He enjoyed going through populated streets of the five districts that comprised New York City. The daily patrol took up too much of his time, but even so it was a chance for him to be around Gwen for a bit. There was still an odd disconnect between hearing her call him Spider-Man or even by name, but he was Parker now. Or at least he had enough of the man's memories to pass himself off as Parker. Rekindling the romance with Gwen had been... well, he had never really spent much time with a woman. It was equal parts frustrating and wonderful. Before he had always been focused on work, where as now he barely had a job. It had been refreshing to have as much freedom as he did, especially freedom of movement. Every time he pulled on a web and sent himself flying into the air released from gravity's control for a few seconds his heart pounded, and the wind in his ears helped quiet all of the tiny doubts he had in his head before his body landed with a grace and ease against a wall and he was free to run along it, run under his own legs and arms. It actually made him feel giddy, and this was what it felt like every day to be him? No wonder the quips and jokes came so easily. No wonder he could take on the world, the strength in his arms and legs, he had instantly been able to tell that for his entire life this body had been holding back its punches. Landing on a roof, he pulled onto the radio connection he shared with Gwen. "You know, I'm seeing some really nice roofing, if you had some time on this patrol, maybe we could... lay you down on some of it?" It was hard not get excited, hard not to get passionate, and yes, hard not to get hard as he explored this world that was new to him.,""You know, I'm seeing some really nice roofing if you had some time on this patrol, maybe we could lay you down on some of it?" Spider-Gwen would be swinging about the city as she slid onto a street light watching the street below. She saw a few men in an alleyway shaking down a teenager. Gwen smirked as she leaped off the lights and kicked one of the two in the back before spraying a glob of webbing onto the other's mouth. She would tap her earpiece as she spoke,"I don't know... I am busy at the moment... kind of got webbing in my mouth and all." She smirked as she looked over at the thug pulling at the webbing. Gwen would turn as she sprayed the other thug trapping him against the wall. Her bluetooth would still be open to the radio as she spoke, all sassy and corny: "Your safe now citizen, your guardian angel just wrapped up the sinners..." She would spray a web string as she took off into the air. "Hey Pete, I got Greenwich cleared and safe. How about I meet you at the roof? Maybe you can order us a few Eddie's pizzas; you know I get hungry after a bit of fooling." She smiled turning red under her mask as she swung over towards the area Parker was at. "On my way, Pete." She would pause looking down at her watch. "Maybe we should hop over... I mean his Peter is kind of gone like how mine was." "Yang Xiao Long was always the more outgoing of her team. Least in regards to going out to the fun clubs around town. Blake wasn't the type, Weiss disliked establishments like this and Ruby... Well Yang considered Ruby just a tad too young to be hitting the clubs. Course the 17 year old Yang was technically a little young to be out drinking, but she knew her way around town, knew a few clubs that didn't care. Of course, these clubs, this one in particular were one of the more dirtier establishments, places where low-lifes hung out. Just the kind of place the blonde liked to hit up. In the end, one of three things would happen: One, it is a normal night and Yang has some fun dancing and drinking. Two, she charms her way into having a free night of fun and leaves all the boys as a tease, her generous chest had many advantages. Or three, she gets to beat the crap out of some scumbags who deserved it. In any event, Yang wins. So she entered the club, in her usual outfit. Kept her cool, was easy to move in, plus showed plenty of her assets, good for keeping people off guard. Striding forward, she approached the bar. "Grim Twist please." Leaning forward against the bar a little, setting in for a typical Friday night for the girl.,"Michael or Mike for short walked slowly though the club, bobbing his head to the beat of the music as he took in all the carnal pleasure people were enjoying in the club tonight. He was a tall young man, about 6'3". He had crew cut brown hair and square rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was in shape, as all hunters had to be, and his muscles showed through his red polo shirt. His weapon hung from his hip, a single action army revolver that could shift into a longsword at his bidding. Making him a perfect close-to-midrange fighter. He walked up to the bar and ordered himself a glass of the finest bourbon they had. He was a liquor type of guy, and bourbon was the finest liquor around. He looked towards Yang and gave her a smile, it was charming and well practiced. He took a sip of his bourbon as he motioned to the bartender. "I'll be paying for all the young woman's drinks tonight." He pointed to Yang, but this was code to the bartender. He knew the man, and it meant he was going to spike Yang's drink with a very potent aphrodisiac to make her a little more...accepting of what he had planned later tonight. He sat in the chair next to Yang and grinned. " must be the infamous Yang. I'm Mike...I'm a fellow member of Beacon Academy. It's nice to finally meet the most beautiful woman on campus." He flirted shamelessly...but he wasn't lying either, she was quite the attractive woman. He reached his hand out for a handshake as the bartender pushed Yang's drink towards her. "Tsunade sat at her desk. Naruto was growing to be a handful - the 13-year-old (or was he 14?) was turning into a miniature hermit. "Send him in right away," she ordered. How would she reach him when so many had failed? Even the legendary cop cat ninja had not been able to get him to straighten out and fly right. For one thing, that damn sexy jutsu had to go; it made the entire village a laughingstock. "I can see you, Naruto," she scolded the youth, throwing a handful of kunai in the ninja's suspected direction for good measure.,""Hey, let go!" Naruto yelled at the two shinobi who were dragging him into her room. Standing up on his own, he looked at Tsunade. "Ah!" he exclaimed, moving out of the way of the kunai. "What do you want, Granny?" he growled, clenching his hands as he pulled out one of the kunai from the floor. "Issei sighed, seeing as it was finally the damn weekend, and the plan for a strange date for him since he wasn't really a person to be liked by girls much of course being a pervert. It was strange for a girl to get some interest in him but it seemed to work out that they would be having a date and he was happy with it finally having something good in his life even if he also somewhat felt it wouldn't last long and she was really a girl to just be playing him. He sighed as he frowned a bit, seeing the high chance of that possibility happening than anything else. They were to meet at the fountain, of course where people usually met, as he changed and slowly started to go out and meet her then. Even with this seeming to be a joke or at the slim chance not, he would try to not make a big deal about having fun on the date at least for now.,"Raynare or rather Yuuma Amano as she was currently going by, was a fallen angel, she was waiting for Issei, someone she planned to eliminate near the end of the date, due to reasons of concern. She was currently at five foot four, due to her taking on the appearance of a school girl, she wore a simple white shirt which hugged her large bosom, and was wearing high heels with a black skirt that hugged her ass, she had a purse around her shoulders, she tapped her foot waiting for Issei, she began to mess with her long black hair. "It was a warm day, as always in Alola, and Sun wasn't wasting any of it. He was outside near the ocean in a secluded area, away from all the village and city noise. He smiled as he threw out a Pokeball, releasing his Primarina. "Hey girl, ready for another day of training?" he asked as he petted her head. Sun absolutely adored his Primarina and worked relentlessly to train her to be the best. He looked up as Winguls flew by, and the ocean breeze hit his face. "Today is going to be very promising," he said with a smile. He put a bracelet on her wrist. "Today we'll be increasing your special attack, Primarina. So get ready." He adjusted his cap.,"Primarina came out of her poke ball stretching happy to be out of it. She purred when he pet her head and nudged him affectionately Ring~ she let him put the bracelet on and got ready for her training. "The fight had almost cost them their lives. Maka Albarn and her weapon Kana Tsuchihara were being rushed into the nurses office as their lives were on the line. They had been attacked by Jack the Ripper, a well-known ex-Meister who went berserk and started attacking other Meisters and their weapons. They had been sent on a mission to take care of the massive outbreak of kishin in Denrei, a town close to the DWMA. They were exhausted and surrounded but Maka and Kana fought hard together, sure Kana wasn't Soul, Maka's ex-weapon who got assigned to a new partner because of the falling out both her and him had, but Kana was strong in her own way. Kana's weapon form was a rather unique scythe, it was a double-sided one. Kana herself was different, like her weapon form. She was a wolf girl, or to be more blunt, half-wolf and half-human. She had ears and tail of a wolf, but also once a month she'd go into heat like a wolf. She came to the DWMA in hopes to someday become a death scythe like her mother before her. She was normally a quiet and shy girl, finding a partner was hard at first till Lord Death introduced her to Maka. Maka and her ex-partner and weapon got into a huge fight and they both decided it was best if they both found new partners. Their friendship had been tarnished in many ways and Lord Death thought it be best to just let the two go their own ways. Soul found a new partner rather quickly, however Maka didn't till Kana came around. Lord Death introduced the two and wanted to test them out, to see if they'd be compatible, which they were. It was very rare that the same genders would be grouped up, but in this case it was an exception. "Maka to your right!" Kana yelled as a Kishin was rushing towards them. Maka swiftly jumped up and took it down as she slashed at the others who came at her. "Look up Maka! Three above us!" Kana cried out as Maka looked up and quickly spun Kana around as she quickly killed off the three that were above them. It took them some time, but they managed to finish them all off. Tired and exhausted, they thought they were finished for the night when they were attacked by Jack the Ripper! "So you dealt with my little puppets have you? Pity. Looks like I'll have to finish you off myself!" He yelled as he swiftly moved towards them. He was faster than anything they had ever faced before, and it was hard to fight him off. He cut through them like they were nothing, Maka couldn't hold her own against this guy. Both she and Kana fell to the ground, both bleeding very badly. "Weak and pathetic you both are. Not even a challenge." He said smirking as he thought he had killed them off; he took his leave. Once he was gone, Kana slowly got up. "Maka!" She cried out as she leaned down to check if her partner was alive, which to her relief she was, just unconscious. "I will take us home as fast as I can." Kana whispered as she lifted Maka up despite her own wounds. Wincing, she quickly made her way back to DWMA as blood flew in the air with each leap she made. Not caring for her own life, she got back home as two of the guards who were standing watch rushed to their sides. "Kana! What happened to you and Maka?!" Gojyo asked as Kana fell to the ground with Maka in her arms. All she could make out was "Jack..." before she fell limp. She wasn't dead but in critical condition. "Get the med team out here right now!" Honryu yelled out as Gojyo nodded and rushed inside to get the med team. Kana had lived with her parents who had achieved what every Meister and their weapon wished to achieve, becoming a part of the elite force for Lord Death. Kana's father was her mother's Meister and when Kana was born they didn't know if she was a weapon or a Meister at first. They watched her over the years and when she started showing signs of being a weapon was when they started training her properly. Most of the kids made fun of her for her ears and tail, she wasn't 'normal' to them, but her father wasn't 'normal' either. He was just like her. She enrolled in the DWMA last year and has been working with Maka for over seven months now. It's been a long and hard process but the two of them work very well together. It was as if they were meant to be partners. As they were rushed through the halls all Kana could think about in her unconscious state was hoping Maka was safe. She had used up all her strength to make sure her Meister got back safely and got treated before it became fatal. Before Kana had no friends, only her parents. Maka was the very first friend she ever had and she would protect her with her very life, which is pretty much what she did. The med team rushed her to the nurses office where the new school nurse was there to tend to the sick or wounded. She had only been working here for a few months, however she was very good at what she did. They didn't even knock on the door, they just brought the two inside which they were greeted by the nurse, Medusa. "They were attacked by Jack the Ripper. We will leave the two in your care Medusa. Please don't let them die, they're so young and have their futures ahead of them!" One of them spoke before they bowed and took their leave without waiting for her to say a word. Both Maka and Kana were barely breathing and were near death's gate, but Medusa was good at what she did and she would make sure that these two didn't die. However she had plans for these two and with it being night, no one would be entering her room to interfere with whatever she had plans for.,"Medusa had been working on the formula for the black blood for a long while...It was something she was experimenting with...knowing that the power it could grant someone was both great and yet devastating, and she was perfecting a formula of the black blood so that she could literally control the one she gave it to. That was a month ago...and she had finally finished her work on the new black blood. She always kept the sample serum in a syringe under her table in a small cabinet. By the time Maka and Kana had been rolled in to the nurse's office and the situation was explained to her, Medusa smiled gently to those that brought her in. "I assure you I will do whatever it is in my power to keep them alive." She said as she stood up and walked over to the two unconscious girls, checking their pulses, heart rate, and seeing their blood pressure. They were going to die. Unless...She grinned and moved to the cabinet containing the black blood syringe...and moved over to Maka. She knew that if she injected Maka with the blood, it would safe her life...but make her Medusa's new test dummy and lab experiment. She cupped the girl's cheek, feeling how cold her skin was. A devious grin on her face as she trailed her painted nails down the girl's body until it went down her arm and to a major artery, pressing the needle of the syringe to the artery and slowly injecting the black blood into her. Now it would only be a matter of time for the blood to take its effect on her, saving her life and yet making her Medusa's slave. If the creation of this modified black blood came to fruition, then Maka would unconsciously do whatever Medusa wanted...though...Medusa was unaware of the psychotic side effects that the black blood held for those infected by it. Now that Maka was done, she began to check Kana's pulse and life signatures. She was doing far better than Maka...but without treatment, she was going to die as well. "At least I don't have to waste anymore of my...experiment." She said with a grin and began to put an IV into Kana's wrist and hook it up to bag of regular blood that was Kana's blood type. She made certain Kana was on life support while Maka was recovering. So long as Kana rested, she would be better in no time. "Outside the castle walls, snow was starting to fall, and in the large rolling grounds around Hogwarts Castle, students were enjoying the change of seasons and the first snow of the year. The hallways around the place were rather quiet, with a majority of the students having started to depart for home for the holidays and Christmas, while those who remained were making the most of the soft snow outside, exchanging snowballs with different groups and building snowmen all around the grounds. Inside the castle, Hermione Granger had been enjoying the snow for a different reason. The quiet hallways were productive for thought as she strolled through them on her way to the library, dressed in her favorite soft lavender sweater and old faded jeans that had seen a few years already. The hallways were decorated in their usual festive decorations but Hermione ignored them as she walked, her mind already in the library and the books she was headed there to find. The quiet of the day just made her favorite place in the castle more appealing, and she knew that despite the slight chill in the hallway from the stone walls, she would find a nice fire somewhere in the warren of books and a comfy chair in which to pursue her research. Rounding the last corner, she looked forward to the warmth of the fire and brushed a stray strand of her wavy hair out of her face and behind her ear absentmindedly as she focused her thoughts on the pathway she needed to take through the shelving units to make her way to where she wanted to go.,"Elsewhere in the castle, the Boy was getting ready to go out and do some studying of his own. He knew with most of the students gone, he could sneak into the Library without any distractions from the students or the teachers really. There were a few books he had heard about in the restricted section that seemed worth reading into. Some books on his heritage and the dark arts the older Slytherins needed to explore and figure out what he could do. He was already learning a lot from some teachers and his family's personal library but he wanted some of the more rare books the school was known for. Smoothing back his inky black hair, the boy checked himself in the mirror. One of his rules was always be sharp. So he made sure he looked like a hundred galleons before he even left the room. Shoes shined, check. Black jeans which looked brand new with a green vest that was crisp and lighter toned on the back side. His white button-up shirt looked crisp and was tight against his quidditch player's body. He was the backup Seeker after all. If Malfoy didn't have all the money, he may have been the main one. A soft growl given a little about the fact that Pounce who was everything a Slytherin should not be still being Seeker over him. Turning from the Mirror, he slid on his leather bracelet and put on his violet-tinted glasses as he smiled. His bowler flipped onto his head, and he began down towards the library to get the books he needed. He would turn into the library and saw...the golden girl all alone. He grinned a little and moved towards her now she didn't have that Pouncetweed Weasley hanging all over her trying to shove anyone who was male except Harry away. He thought waited to see where she was going, curious about what she was coming study. She was one of few people in school above him in grades. Her and the Ice Queen Greengrass. "Friday night. It was late. Late enough that Maya was just getting ready to close up the office. She was tidying up the place. Things had been slow. No cases in a week. It was rough. But this was the life they lead. Maya was on the other side of the room when there was a series of forceful knocks at the door. It was raining out. "Hey Nick, can you get that?" Maya called. She was a bit preoccupied, trying to untangle herself from the mass of electronics cables around her. "Just tell whoever it is we're closed and that we'll get her tomorrow morning." Outside the door she stood. Breathless. Panicked. Covered in blood that wasn't her own. She was barefooted and soaked to the bone, the white oriental style gown she wore clinging to her like a second skin. Gabrielle pounded at the door again frantically. She knew she didn't have much time before the cops found her, but she knew the man that resided within was the only one who could save her.,"That Friday night, Phoenix Wright was just finishing up some bills and the rent he had to pay for the Wright & Co. Law Offices room when Maya just happened to get tangled up in the cables of the new TV that he had bought for Maya to watch her Steel Samurai show on, though she would have had to hook it up herself since Nick would be busy most of that day. When he heard the knockings on the door, he expected Maya to get it like always until he heard her call to ask him to get it. This would be the first time he would notice that she was tangled up and didn't bother to ask, though mentally he was asking himself how one could get tangled up in such a way. Going to answer the door, Phoenix was surprised to see a woman drenched in blood and soaked from the rain. "Miss, what happened, are you hurt at all?" He said as he grabbed her shoulders since he thought she might collapse. He walked her inside and laid her down on the couch. "Miss, what happened? Why is there blood all over you?" "It was another uneventful day at Shujin Academy; the teacher lectured on about one thing or another while the sun shone beautifully outside. Thankfully, it was finally lunch time and students were now meandering around, eating their lunches in the cafeteria, in their classrooms or around random tables. There were two students in particular however who were not eating lunch and were engaged in rather unvirtuous activities. If one walked by the gym storage building, it could be heard. Indeed, the door had been left slightly ajar as one of the occupants was feeling rather adventurous, hoping someone might hear and be curious. The sound of flesh slapping rapidly against flesh, the sound of loud and lustful moans and groans echoed from the building. Inside was the recent transfer student, Akira, and the studious Makoto. However, she was hardly studious now, bent over as she was over a vaulting horse, her skirt pushed up to reveal her bubbly ass, her top seemed almost ripped open to reveal her rather sizeable breasts molding up against said vaulting horse. Behind her, Akira was gripped her ass, slamming his massive cock deep into her dripping womanhood. "How is it, Makoto...being fucked in school like this..."Akira asked with a lustful chuckle, leaning down and nibbling on her earlobe, sucking on it as his hand slithered down the front of her body and began to rapidly rub her clitoris while his cock pounded in an out of her like a piston, his tip slamming up against her cervix with every rough thrust. Another pair of students were wandering down the streets of Tokyo, hand in hand. Neither of them had school today, or it would be more apt to say one didn't have class and the other wasn't currently attending. Yusuke let out a blissful sigh as he walked down the street with Futaba, squeezing her hand gently. "It truly is a lovely day....I'm happy I get to spend it with you." He turned to give her a smile before it turned almost deathly serious. "Also, just because one of my pieces sold and I got paid, please don't pick anywhere too expensive to eat..." Being chronically poor as he was, Yusuke took every chance he could to treat Futaba when he was able by buying her new games or computer parts or taking her out to eat. He just had to remind her sometimes that well, he wasn't exactly Da Vinci in terms of how much money his paintings could pull in.,"Perhaps it was the years of repression under the strict rules of her older sister and the school itself, the pressure of having to maintain a perfect image in order to get ahead in the world. Makoto never thought she'd be the lustful type, but lately, all of her actions were pointing her down a sordid direction thanks to Akira's presence at the school. Attracted to the dark-haired leader of the Phantom Thieves both romantically and physically, Makoto couldn't help but return his advances one day in class. From then on, it seemed like they had gotten progressively more daring, fucking in the classroom just moments after class was dismissed or on the roof against the fence above the athletic field. Today was a wild one. Makoto found herself bent over shamefully on a vaulting horse in a storage building, her ass bouncing back on Akira's cock. She tried to anticipate and control her moans and cries. Who knows who might hear them? Just the thought of getting caught by any member of the school forced her pussy to constrict around him. She dug her nails into the fabric of the vaulting horse to keep from losing her balance, something entirely likely when Akira was thrusting inside of her. Each stroke forced her head up, her creamy mounds bouncing in unison. "I...ah... love it!!! It... It feels so good, Akira-kun!" She exclaimed, her lips twisting into a lewd expression. She was getting so close... just as she heard the footsteps of someone from the trail outside. "Ah...ungh!!! Akira-kun! Someone's-" But it was too late. Someone Makoto recognized as another senior slipped into the gym storage room, apparently not noticing the strange grunts of pleasure or the stench of sex in the air. The brown-haired boy stopped dead in his tracks, dropping the box he was carrying on the ground as soon as he saw the student council president bent over a piece of gymnastics equipment, taking the transfer student's dick like a animal in heat. "Niijima-san?!" The student gasped, nervously squishing his legs together to hide the sudden bulge in his pants. It was a strange sight even for their friends to see the two walking together. The artist and the hacker. Even Futaba sometimes questioned it but decided to let things go where they may. The eloquent and precise artist was perhaps the first (and maybe the only) one to bring Futaba out of her shell by messing with her figures and taking an inquisitive but sincere interest in her hobbies. Eventually she found that she could just talk to him and he would never make her feel strange for it, no matter how much he childishly scolded her for silly things. "You know, Inari," she said teasingly, "we coulda just stayed with Sojiro and had some curry... or are you too scared of him to attempt that now? Mehehe." She put her hand behind her back and thought on it "Okay! I want sushi! Not the conveyor belt stuff though! We can go up from that, can't we?" "Her brother was dead...she still couldn't believe it, it felt like someone had ripped out her heart. The worst part of it was that she had even seen his death through his eyes for a moment. Wanda Maximoff shuttered in her seat on the giant shuttle that held so many people. She hadn't been allowed to even get on the same shuttle as her brother's body was on, causing her anger to rise and her hands glowing red slightly. The young woman took a deep breath before getting up to her feet and quickly moving away from the other people, trying to hide herself away from the others on the plane. It took nearly nineteen hours to get back to the states, drop off civilians, and get everyone else to the new Avengers base. In that time Wanda had not even taken a nap despite how tired she was. As they made it into the building, there was Nick Fury waiting for them. "Natasha, we have a bit of a problem," he said as he looked between the two women. "We are going to need you to room with Miss Maximoff for a bit since her room is still being built." He wasn't sure how Natasha would feel about the idea after Wanda had messed with her head, but she was the only other female here.,"After all the craziness of the last few days, from being brain-fucked, to the Hulk rampage, and then getting to deal with an insane evil robot... this was perhaps not how Natasha wanted to cap off her day. She glanced idly at the younger woman standing beside her, trying to hide her deep bitterness and annoyance behind her usually indifferent expression. Of all the people to get stuck with... But she couldn't complain. Didn't have the energy after all that had transpired. "Fine," Natasha finally admitted. The busty redhead moved to stand upright and brushed some lingering bits of dust and debris from her tight black suit. Having to share space with this girl... even if she was cute, there was a lot of annoyance simmering under the surface. "It's only temporary anyway," Natasha said, before making her way off to the living quarters. She could put up with this... or even find a way to enjoy it. "Alex walked down the sidewalk with a spring in his step. He just finished his last final of the semester and was eager to get home and out to the bars. The tall, blue-eyed man shifted his backpack as he looked across the street at the park. Rumors had it that people disappeared from there... It was Gotham City, after all, and that didn't surprise him. He wondered if it was gang-related or if one of those supervillains was behind it. His thoughts turned back to the bars and thinking about picking up a girl tonight. They should be in a celebrating mood too, and he thought he might have some luck tonight.,"The crackling sounds of growing vines as they grew around her neck and wrists, bracing together as her new necklaces and bracelet, the curvy, redhead woman continued to walk down the street during the quietness of the night. Ivy didn't know any better - everything was a joke to her. At this time of moment, she was walking down the dark side of the block, only covered by darkness, hiding herself anywhere the lights were. As she was walking steadily, taking each step in a skillful yet careful manner, her eyes were soon caught by the attention of a man across from her. Her entire body halted and watched the figure from the distance, her eyes lingering and watching him as he walked alone. ALONE. For some reason - just by looking at the sight, she couldn't help but smile. Surprised to see a man - walking in Gotham was very surprising for Ivy, especially when she knew people disappeared around the area; but not her; she was safe from the danger. "Lethe groaned as she slowly came to - black spots danced before her eyes, resolving themselves into greater shapes as her mind desperately tried to unscramble itself. Unfortunately for her, all she could see was blackness still but for faint creases in it - almost like stonework. Lethe twisted her head away from the ground she'd been staring at, trying to bring her arms around to push herself up but... it was to no avail - her shoulders burned and her arms were asleep, a sure sign of being bound roughly by the wrists and forearms. As her arms burned to life in a series of unpleasant pinpricks, Lethe rolled herself forcefully onto her back, arms whinging in pain when she did so. She could feel her legs were bound at the ankles as well, though that didn't inconvenience her much as she rolled onto her bottom, tail flicking out of the way so that she didn't sit on the end of it. With that done, she slowly inched her way backward until she pressed her back against the wall. "Ugh... Lethe... Lethe, is that you?" came an all-too-familiar voice. Lyre was the younger of the two twins, and accordingly looked entirely like Lethe, but for longer hair and a preference for red over her sister's green. "Yeah, it's me. Hold on one moment and I'll get us out of this," Lethe said, closing her eyes as she flexed every muscle in her body, willing herself to transform. Electricity suddenly ran throughout every vein and along every nerve of her body, eliciting a high cry from the young laguz. "Agh!" "Lethe! What's wrong?" Lyre asked, trying to rotate herself on the floor so she could see her sister. "Can't... transform," Lethe managed through ragged breathing. There was a choker - a collar, rather -'round her neck from which every bolt of electricity ran - she couldn't see it, of course, but she could feel it there, constricting. "What happened?" Lyre asked, her voice growing quiet. "I... don't know. But if I had to guess by this cell and whatever they did," Lethe said with a derisive note, "I think we've been captured by beorcs.","The laguz siblings would have a little more time to regain themselves and make heads or tails of their surroundings, though they'd soon hear footsteps coming from the other side of the walls. It was dim in that cell they were held in, though that probably wasn't too much of a problem for the laguz. As the large doors in front swung open, the bright light of torches slipped in, and a small group of men came to step in front of the sisters. As Lethe had deduced, their captors were beorc, another word for humans. Beorc and laguz had for many years held some bit of tension and prejudice between each other, and it wasn't uncommon for skirmishes to rise up. There were some less than pleasant practices each side would take part in, and with high-ranking laguz like Lethe and Lyre, they might have been in for a rude awakening. "Looks like our little kittens are awake finally. Took them long enough," said one of the five men, who then moved towards Lethe with the other two heading off to Lyre. The men didn't have to worry about these two lashing out and causing them harm, thanks to the collars they had fixed around their necks. It would be too troublesome to have these two transform, and in their human forms, they wouldn't be able to get them off by trying to tug it off. "These special collars look quite nice on both of you. We had them specially made to make sure you wouldn't be getting all nasty on us though. You two are rather lovely for sub-humans, so it would be a waste to harm you." The men loosened the girls' chains a bit, undoing the ankle restraints but keeping the restraints on their arms as both girls were brought up to stand on their knees. "Now it's pretty simple why you're here. As our prisoners, we really can do anything with you that we please." One man lifted Lethe's chin up to make her look up at him. "Hmm...I wonder what the soldiers under you would think knowing you got caught by us? Oh well, we'll be sure to have a lot of fun with you both. No need for your sister to be left out." His free hand came to cup one of Lethe's breasts in his hand, giving it a firm squeeze as he continued to grope her. "Heheh, when you aren't looking like those beasts, you've got bodies just like us. The men looked to be nothing more than lowly bandits, but in a little skirmish with the group of mercenaries, they had set a trap to snatch any laguz really, and they were lucky to snatch these two right here. There was no way they'd ever let these two get away with what they had planned. "Might as well forget about your commander. Doubt he'd be able to please you like we're going to right now." On the other side, one man had come up behind Lyre, groping at both of her breasts while the other worked to remove her clothes, forcefully if need be. They were aiming to rip through them as they didn't think their new pets would be needing them anymore. "Morgan jerked awake in mid-scream, her gray eyes shooting open as she took in the now familiar design of her room at Xavier's mansion. Sitting up, she sighed and checked the alarm clock by her bedside. "2 am," she murmured, turning on the bedside lamp. "Fucking great." Shaking her head, she slipped her long legs off the edge of the bed. Another sleepless night in the hell that had become her life since her return from England. Two weeks ago, she'd been back away from Dante and his group, the lot that made Magneto look like a freaking pussycat. In those two weeks, her dreams had been haunted by his face as he threatened to get revenge on her. She knew it was starting to show, the professor had even offered to read her mind. Of course she denied it, last thing she needed was him sending a team out there to handle something that she started in the first place. Pulling on a small robe, she grabbed her uniform and headed to the bathroom that everyone on this floor shared. Maybe some training would help; stripping off her pajamas, she turned the water on high and let the water wash away her nightmare. Rolling her shoulders, she slipped the black leather uniform on and headed to the danger room. At this hour, no one but Wolverine was ever up, or so she thought he was the only one still awake.,"In the danger room, the faint sound of clinking metal was made apparent. He always had a smoke after training. The dark also calmed him down. His red eyes scanned the dark room, as he sat in the middle of it. He groaned softly and he sat back against the wall, he looked around him. Silence. Darkness. Just the way he liked it. Another puff of his cigarette and he was sailing, his mind was calm, his body was calm. Overall, he was calm. The clink of the metal door surprised him. It was two o'clock, and there was someone coming in to train. . . something didn't seem right. He waited for the person to show themselves. A charged card, ready for whoever this person was. The room reeked of cigarette smoke and sweat, and the lights had not turned on yet. The card sat in his hands idly. He would be ready to fight if needed. . . As soon as he saw her face, due to the light in the hall, he smirked and the card lost its charge. He put the card away and turned his attention to the woman who was there now. "Can't sleep?" The Cajun's voice echoed throughout the room. His accent apparent. . . "It had been a simple exchange really; he offered them shelter, water, and food in return for their bodies. Michael was an American working in Japan when the outbreak happened. He had always been a well-prepared man, and he had a secured bunker with clean water, a small farm, and it was isolated and easily defended. Saeko and Rei stumbled upon his location after they got separated from their group. He offered them the deal and they accepted once they realized just how secure his location was. It worked out well for all of them, and now the girls lived lives where they didn't have to worry about their safety. In return, Michael now had his massive cock buried inside Rei's pussy. He fucked her wherever, whenever, and however he pleased. He decided to fuck Rei this morning after she made breakfast. Saeko was still asleep, but that was fine for now. He had Rei pressed up against the wall, with his back slamming into it as his cock pressed up against her cervix. She was completely nude, as he required them to be at all times.,"Rei and Saeko had gotten separated from the group after the outbreak, having traveled for days upon days before finding a place that seemed great. They were given a deal they couldn't refuse. Rei was now against the wall, Michael's cock buried deep inside of her as she had felt it hit her cervix, causing her to moan out loudly. Saeko was still asleep, which was alright because Rei needed this moment alone with Michael. She tried to keep her stance up while holding on to what she could as he went full force into her. "Lorgar, Primarch of the World Eaters Legion stared down at the beauty of Old Terra, otherwise known as Earth. He was a servant of Chaos, a corrupting force that strove to devour and consume all living things until they were corrupted. Somehow, Lorgar and a handful of his closest Space Marines had found themselves thrown back in time to quite the early history of the homeworld of Humanity. To see Old Terra so pure and ripe for corruption filled Lorgar with a desire like that of an unquenchable thirst...a pure desire to ravage and taint. Still it was only him and his few Space Marines at the moment, and despite their power and near demi-god like abilities, they could not take on the entire population of Earth combined. Furthermore, Lorgar had seemed to have lost his connection to the Warp for now, leaving him unable to summon the Chaos Demons that would allow for the easy conquest and corruption of the planet. So for now, they planned a different way of that was subtle and undetectable. He and his men would hunt down the champions of the planet and corrupt them from within...they would then have a much easier time corrupting all the denizens of the planet. Thus it was that they had found such champions and spirited her away to their flagship orbiting above the planet, its invisibility cloak active to avoid detection. She was suspended in midair with the power of Chaos, her wrists and ankles shackled with invisible bounds that were unbreakable. She was suspended to look out of the bridge of the dark and empty ship, the glow of the sun and the beauty of Earth present before her. "Beautiful, isn't? The glory of Old Terra?" Lorgar spoke, his voice eloquent and almost divine as he stepped forward from behind her. He removed his helmet to reveal a scarred but still beautiful face, with tanned skin, brown hair, and crew cut brown hair. For even in his corruption, he still bore the beauty of his original creator. "To think that such a beautiful woman would be a champion of the people...they are unworthy of your protection. You should be a trophy for my men instead." He chuckled as he reached out, his large and calloused hand groping at one of her breasts underneath her sailor uniform which still remained on her, but in tatters. His tongue emerged from his mouth and licked up her smooth and exposed neck up to her cheek. He seemed to let out a contented sigh, almost like he was tasting her...sampling her. " will make a fine addition to our cause." He nibbled on her ear as he groped her breast harder now. Already, she could feel a strange sensation eating at her, the corrupting power of Chaos working on her, trying to influence her mind and desires; it was weak now, but the longer she remained, the stronger it would become.,"Save the princess! Rei! Rei!!! REI!!! Usagi escaped. Ami and Minako and Makoto escaped. As long as her friends were safe, there was hope. Still, bound within the strange spaceship, overlooking the sun and Earth, alone with the fearsome leader of the monsters that attacked, Rei was scared. She may have been the reincarnated soul of an ancient sailor guardian, but she was also a sixteen year old girl. A sixteen year girl who had barely been further than kissing boys, and yet, she knew this would go far further than kissing. Already going further, as his rough hands groped her breasts. You may possess my body, but you will never possess my mind! Rei growled, defiant as she could be, in her given situation. The difference between them was staggering. Him, this large brute of a man, tan skin and short hair. Herself, a petite woman, with slender curves, long black hair and violet eyes. Her sailor fuku, which already covered very little, covered even less now that it was torn in places. Long lean legs were covered in scrapes and bruises, and she was still wearing her trademark red stilettos which made her costume seem sexy and ornamental. Wincing as his tongue traveled along her body. She could endure. She would endure. Her friends would find a way to overcome this evil, and she could go back to being a normal teenaged girl. Not that she was ever normal. All she could do now was bite her lip and clench her eyes shut, as this man prepared to have his way with her. "In the desert kingdom of Sarasaland lived a princess different than those in the Mushroom world. Unlike Peach and Rosalina who enjoyed a cup of tea early in the noon, Daisy was the one that liked to practice sports. It was going to be a typical day and today she decided to work on her soccer skills in the park next to a jungle forest. After donning her trademark striker outfit, Daisy bolted out the castle door. Of course none of the toads wanted to accompany her given the destructive habits Daisy was capable of with a soccer ball so she went out alone. In one of her warm-up practices, the princess kicked the ball so high it landed in the middle of the forest. She immediately darted into the jungle not knowing she was going to get lost. After running through and searching in vain, Daisy slumped against a palm tree sighing. "Well geez, where did it go? Shoot, I really gotta work on my kicks." she mumbled rubbing her chin. Decided not to waste the day, she got up and walked around a bit only to stop and realize "Oh heck, which way back to the park?" she wondered scratching her head like a dumbfounded idiot. Clearly she was lost yet was not alone. Stalkers followed the helpless Daisy from a distance and would soon make a strike when the opportunity was right.,"A net suddenly dropped from the trees above her, entangling the princess. "Yes! Daddy will definitely let me go shopping after this!" Wendy walked out from the trees with a grin, her plump C-cups bobbing as she strutted out, her hands on her curvy hips. "Oh dammit, you aren't peach are you?" She pouted. "Well maybe I can hold you for ransom and go shopping with that." She muttered, walking slowly around Daisy. "So, which kingdom are you from anyway?" "Dong Zhuo was a name that was known across Han Dynasty. He was a politician, and unfortunately like a lot of politicians - he was a tyrant. A tyrannical leader who would burn cities to the ground in purpose of furthering his name and his renown. It was successful, since the year 189 he had been the Grand Councilor, the highest position in the Imperial Chinese Government. His found power didn't change him however, he didn't grow humble with his power just more desperate to keep hold of it, to keep hold of what he'd 'earned', rather, what those around him had earned. Dong Zhuo only surrounded himself with the best, it was a sure fire way to assume power. A term that would be coined over a thousand years later of gunboat diplomacy would be a term that could be used to describe the tyrant. Dong Zhuo would go as far as fostering the most powerful. Early in the year 190, Lu Bu, the strongest warrior in all the Han Empire had found himself betraying and murdering the minor warlord he served under and defecting to Dong Zhuo's central government. Lu Bu was interested in serving under someone as powerful as Dong Zhuo, rather than leaving himself to fester under the command of a minor warlord. While he wasn't impressed by Dong Zhuo's generals or plans, he certainly did find himself happy to be within a force powerful enough to contest any other in the Han Dynasty. It had been a year now, since he'd joined with Dong Zhuo after killing his former mentor, and Dong Zhuo's tyranny had not gone unnoticed in the land of the Han Dynasty. Yaun Shao, one of the major warlords in China had taken a notice to Dong Zhuo's tyranny and monopoly of the central government. Dong Zhuo played the dirty game, the emperor who'd served before Dong had even ascended to the role of Grand Councilor had been deposed and replaced with a puppet, and Yaun Shao wasn't blind, he'd noticed this change in the monarchy and was forming a coalition to deal with Dong Zhuo's iron fist rule over the Han Dynasty. Wang Yun's residence, six months before the death of Dong Zhuo. The sound was distinct in the mostly empty wooden room, the sound of liquid being poured into wooden cups as Wang Yun leaned across the table first to fill Lu Bu's cup with hot steaming herbal tea, before pouring himself a cup and lifting it to his lips. The cup returned to the small wooden table between the two men as Wang perused Lu Bu's appearance. The young man, at least in comparison to Wang, sat with one foot placed on the ground, knee by his face as he looked down at the steaming cup with a look of confusion..? No not quite right, deep thought on his face. Wang did not say anything, he just observed. He was a scholar, a politician if you must. Someone of similar import to Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu's adoptive father, in the Han Dynasty. He'd invited Lu Bu over to his residence this evening to start sowing the seeds of his careful thought out plan to bring down Dong Zhuo and restore some decency to the hierarchy of the Han Dynasty. Moments passed like minutes in the empty silence of the room. Lu Bu sat in a very distinct position, intentional so he could spring to his feet at a moment's notice should the need occur. In front of him sat the old man who'd called him here. The man was in his fifties, older even than Dong Zhuo. Lu had been there for five minutes now and only pleasantries had been exchanged between the two men. He was getting impatient; the tapping of his foot showed that. "What have you called me here for?" Lu Bu finally questioned the man, looking up from the steaming drink that Wang Yun had offered him. Wang had poured the drink from a single porcelain tea cup and poured himself one too. He'd drunk first, not noticeable to anyone who didn't care but something very important as it was Wang's way of saying 'I'm not trying to poison you.' The reason for the meeting was unknown to Lu Bu, and there was no solid ground for Wang to have even held the meeting in the first place. It was all just a small seed in the field that Wang needed to plant to bring down Dong Zhuo. "How does serving under Dong suit you? Master Lu Bu." Wang said looking up at the young man his hands cozy around the warm wooden cup that held his tea. "I get to fight," Lu Bu said, clenching his fist on his thigh as he moved from an almost crouched position into a cross-legged sitting position, leaning towards Wang Yun. "You should know I didn't come here for small talk; I came here to find out what you want and if you're going to play politicking games, I have no interest." Lu Bu pushed back against the small table before turning towards the door. Wang lifted a hand and tutted. "My apologies, Master Lu Bu. I of course do not mean to waste your time." Wang waited until he could see that Lu Bu was still interested. "Please," he said, gesturing to the cushion. "Sit." A slight smirk and smile appeared on his face as Lu Bu moved back to the small cushion he had been sitting on before, and sat down again. "I merely wanted to offer you a drink first before we discussed anything of import," Wang said, taking another sip from his cup. He let out a relieved sigh as he placed it back down on the wood. "But I see that tea is not your thing, of course not." Wang bowed his head slightly almost in apology. His acting was good; Lu Bu wouldn't suspect a thing. Wang snapped his fingers, giving the command for wine. The most important piece in the plan Wang Yun has conceived to bring down Dong Zhuo: a simple Song girl he had raised in his household like a daughter.,"Men fought their battles in blood-soaked fields, and embattled courts. They fought with swords and spears and shields. Women fought with silks, ribbons and fans. Her battlefield was the bedroom. Her tactics were the evocative flick of her wrist, the sensuous twisting and twirling of her body, and the purposeful exposure of skin, just hinting at what lie under the color costumes she wore. Some might call her methods cowardly, or lacking in strength. They were not familiar with the strength of women. Standing in the hallway, Diao Chan prepared for battle. Tonight her weapon was a jug of wine, and her opponent was the mighty Lu Bu. It was a terrifying prospect for anyone, to have to face the mighty warrior in combat, but, in this arena, Diao could claim more experience and expertise than her opponent. She was waiting for a signal from her adopted father, and general in this case, and she had just received it. Possessing a supple dancer's body, strength hidden beneath the silky soft skin, she moved gracefully about the room, stepping lightly on delicate feet. Eyes down, she approached Lu Bu. She had heard his praises, of course. It was impossible to avoid the tales of his renown. Still, she was shocked by his stature. Nevertheless, she could not falter now. She bowed low before the man, pouring his wine on her knees, holding the cup in two hands up to him. If it please you, Master Lu Bu, she offered, her voice like freshly spun silk. She brought her eyes up to meet his now, the soft honey colored irises filled with warmth as she smiled. I don't believe you have met my adopted daughter, Wang Yun started, as Diao sat on her knees before the warrior, Diao Chan, the loveliest dancer and singer in the province. My foster father is too generous, Diao rebuked, looking down at her skirt demurely. She smoothed out a length of silk, before meeting Lu Bu gaze once more, I only hope I can please the Emperor, and his court. She will be traveling to the Imperial Court, Wang Yun explained, sipping at his own cup of wine, I do hope I can count on you to keep an eye on her? "Kouta sighed, sitting in his classroom on the top floor of the Karakura High School, leaning his head on his propped-up hand and glancing out the window. It was so unbelievably boring in this city and in the school itself; with nothing to do. Sure, he could see the ghosts and spirits floating around the city, but there weren't any in this school, and while the others could talk to him about what they knew or remembered, not in school. He sighed and idly listened to the lecture going on, brushing his hand through his short sandy hair and looking at the teacher with bored blue eyes. "When will this be over?" he mused to himself, and turned his attention back out the window. It was a cloudy day outside, and it looked like it was about to rain, according to the meteorologists who had been calling for such weather all week. Kouta was one of the rare humans who possessed massive amounts of reiatsu and was often hollow bait, and indeed, he had run into a few in the past, but always managed to get away from them somehow. It was scary knowing that something evil could pop up anywhere to try and consume your soul. "I wish I knew how to fight those things," he muttered.,"Rangiku Matsumoto had been given a rather...special assignment by her Captain. She had been sent on a long-term assignment to the living world...posing as a High School student of all things...just to watch over some human. Still...this was no ordinary was a rare one with a massive amount of spiritual pressure...and it was to be her job to protect him from Hollows. After all, it would be disastrous if a Hollow consumed that kind of power. Or worse yet, if the boy was killed and became a Hollow himself. No...that couldn't be allowed to happen...and so to prevent it she had been chosen to go and watch over him. Walking into the classroom in a school uniform, the boys of the classroom immediately stared at her, while girls looked on jealously. Matsumoto's blouse was half open, revealing much of her ample cleavage, and as usual she had foregone the restraints of an uncomfortable bra, so as she walked to take her seat her large breasts were bouncing slightly in her shirt. She immediately knew who the boy was, and ignored all others as she walked over to take a seat beside him before the lesson began, sitting between the boy and the window so she was fully in his vision whether he wanted her to be or not. She wasn't sure he'd know what she was...but if possible she was supposed to keep her status as a Shinigami a secret. She just needed to get friendly with him to make her job easier. "Well hello there, you look spaced. Something interesting out there?" "Zelman Clock just watched from the roof of his complex, enjoying the night's sky. He sat there for some time, contemplating what he could do today that would be entertaining, since he had just woken up. He knew that his assistant would be coming soon with the day's news, but to him, that was just boring. "Really, there is nothing that can be done tonight?" He sighed and let the flame in his hand die down before jumping off the roof and landing on the ground without a problem. "Well, I might as well go and see what's going on around the Special Zone and see if I can get involved in anything," he said to himself.,"Mimiko Katsuragi, who was the compromiser for the entire special zone, was walking around trying to find Jiro. "Jiro! Where is he?" she asked herself. At least Sei had taken Kotaro for her. Soon enough, however, she found herself pinned against a wall by a group of new vampires to the Special Zone. She screamed, "Help Jiro, Zelman, anyone!" The guy who had his hand on her neck said, "Quiet, girl, or we won't have to kill you." All the thugs smiled. Mimiko closed her eyes, "Damn it, why me? Help anyone!" She began gasping for air as the man pressed down on her neck to choke her. "I said shut up," he growled, hitting her head against the brick wall behind her before taking his free hand and beginning to undo her shirt. "You gotta pay," he added. "Balto was the big hero he was looking forward to having puppies when his owner moved back to the States. His owner quickly found him a new home, but what that had in store for him he could never imagine. The house was big; the owner must have had some money to build it. He didn't know anything about them - how old they would be or what they would look like. Slowly, he emerged from the cage, sniffing around the house. He could smell meat roasting. Arf! Arf! He barked, knowing humans would never know what he was saying. The big dog watched the roasting meat with hungry eyes.,""Oh! He's here," the young woman said, coming up behind the dog. Almost silent, she moved. She looked young for someone who owned such a big house. And honestly, she lived there alone besides a few servants. Young Ki was an adult now, free to live on her own in her parents' mansion. She'd been in foster care most of her life, parents dying in a fire. Her only friend in the world happened to be her dog, Fido. And she and Fido had built an unnatural relationship... Ki smiled, lifting a hand to brush her blonde bangs out of her eyes as she looked down at him. "Smaller than I remember," she said with a little giggle, reaching down to pet him on top of the head before going into the kitchen to fetch him some pork that he seemed interested in. The little blonde was a bit under-dressed, wearing just her apron with nothing beneath it but her panties. She had always been an odd girl, and it was her house... "The only thing that Jill could think was that they had to stop Wesker, that they had to do it now. If they didn't, he would only go on to create more problems using Umbrella's Legacy as his tool. That is why she was willing to risk her life and as her and her partner, Chris Redfield, bore down upon Wesker after he had just killed Spencer in his home. Her form charged his and the next thing she knew, she and Wesker shattered the window and fell together off the very steep cliffside. Somewhere in the midst, she had lost consciousness but with the knowledge that she had stopped Wesker at last. At least, that is what she had thought. It was sometime later, she didn't know how long, that she regained consciousness. She felt horrible, sick even, and she was in some sort of holding cell. Her thoughts went back to Chris and to Wesker and she vaguely wondered if she were dead. Jill couldn't move, but could make out loud noises around her, voices, making out something about... a device? Jill wasn't able to dwell upon their words for long, because it was then that two men came into the cell and shot her up with a needle full of god knows what. She grew lightheaded, then dizzy, and proceeded to fall back into the blackness of drug-induced sleep. Little did she know that when she woke, she would have no control of who she was anymore, her last thought of her partner, Chris.,"Unknown to Jill, she was on a ship. After she and Wesker fell from the cliffside, they had been washed out to sea. This was to Wesker's advantage, however, as with his inhuman strength, he dragged Jill unconscious body through a stormy sea until they reached his ship. Wesker had since been working with Tricell, who had given him this ship along with everything he needed for his trip to Kijuju. Once on board, he had Jill taken to the ship's lab to be fitted with an experimental device. Standing over Jill were two scientists dressed in surgical outfits who were busy fitting the device. They had stripped and washed her before they began to work on her. "Be careful with that," one of the scientists shouted at the other, who was being a bit careless with his work. "You saw what he did to Eric!" the scientist added, reminding his friend of the fate of one of their peers, whom accidentally destroyed part of the Las Plagas shipment. The man, Eric, was thrown around the room like a rag doll before suffering a devastating tumor to his chest thanks to a stomp from Wesker's boot. From the comfort of the ship's bridge, Wesker watched the surgery take place on a monitor. Around him, the ship's crew were busy going about their duties. Smiling sadistically, Wesker watched as the device was fitted to Jill's chest. The thought of the power he would have over her filled him with pleasure. "Soon, Jill, your body will be mine!" Wesker muttered to himself as he continued to watch the surgery take place. Soon though it was complete, and the scientists tidied up before leaving. Locking the door behind them just in case. As they left the room, Wesker entered. Making his way to the cell where Jill was, he stood at the window that looked in at her and awaited her to wake up. "A few days ago, the world had gone to hell. It had started out as just another day at school, then next thing Rei knew was she was fleeing to the rooftop with her boyfriend Hisashi and one of their other guy friends. What exactly had they been fleeing from? Zombies. Nobody knew what had happened or even how it had happened, but it had. Nobody knew what they were doing or where they were even going. At that point in time, it was a fight-or-flight moment. Thankfully, they did discover that the zombies were super sensitive to sound, which made getting around them a little easier if they were quiet. This had been a few days ago; now, the eighteen-year-old orange-haired female known as Rei Miyamoto was holed up in a hotel that she and Hisashi had escaped to get away from the zombies. Their intention had been to try and head to one of their homes first, but this was the closest and they had managed to get somewhere safely and undetected. The couple had also decided that they were going to have a bit of celebratory sex for managing to get away from those damn zombies. The exact reason that at the current point in time, Rei lay on the bed of the hotel with her skirts pulled up and her panties down to her ankles, her sex completely bared to that of Hisashi.,"Right now, the only thing keeping Hiashi sane was his girlfriend, Rei. He knew she had started dating him just to get back at her previous boyfriend...but in that time they had grown into a real couple that cared deeply for one another. Now here they were, in a world going to hell with just each other right now...and she was all he wanted right now. He hovered above her, his shirt open at the front to expose his well-toned chest, he was quite the athlete. His lips were locked with hers, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain access to her mouth, his tongue wiggling wildly against her lips. His hands roamed up and down her body, one hand groping and squeezing at her breasts through her top while the other began to stroke at her bare sex, his fingers skillfully rubbing her labia before seeking out her clitoris and rapidly rubbing and gently tugging on that sensitive nub of hers. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at Rei in the eyes, his own filled with lust and affection. "Rei...I love you so much...I'm going to make you forget all about that loser, okay?" He began kissing up and down her neck, nibbling at her sensitive skin as he slowly began to sink two of his fingers into her womanhood, testing her tightness and wetness to see how aroused she was. ""Minister Todokoro, it is an honor to be invited to such a wonderful gathering," said Section 9 commander Motoko Kusanagi. Though her pleasant greeting was just for show; Section 9 had set him up to believe that a skilled thief was after something important in his personal vault. Thus, he had used his political influence to bring them as added security. He had no idea it was all a setup so that Section 9 could steal what was in the vault to prove he was corrupt. Still, the exceptionally beautiful "Major" as she was called was in quite the sexy getup and had her own little part to play. Which primarily involved keeping the minister busy with her...ample feminine wiles. The dress she pretended to worry about went a long way to doing so. It was white, clingy, and VERY revealing. While it reached down to her ankles, it was skit up each side, showing off her amazing, toned legs. It was quite backless, showing plenty of silky smooth skin, ending just above her curvy rear end. The front was especially eye-catching, cut low and quite open, showing off her flat, athletic tummy. But few men at the party seemed able to keep from staring at her large, perky breasts barely covered by the dress. They seemed ready to pop out at a moment's notice. It was all just part of the distraction, meant to get Todokoro's attention and keep it in her all night.,""Please, call me Tsutomu," The bald man replied in return, smiling politely to the Major. Of course, behind that smile were hidden all sorts of thoughts, most revolving around what was underneath that dress, which was in truth too tight around her form, obviously just to showcase her spectacular form and make the man her thrall from the very first moments. It wasn't much of a secret that the man was a grade A sleazeball, something which was further proven to be true by the atmosphere of his party, where scantily clad women were accompanying all the men that he'd invited, and where behind curtains visible shadows suggested only the things that happened on the other side. Though now, all of Todokoro's attention was on Motoko, and not only his. She had a natural talent for attracting the gazes of the other men around her, who drew close to her much like butterflies to the flame that would burn their wings. She was by far a special flavor and Tsutomu knew right then and there that he wanted her, and that he would get her by any means. Pleasantries were exchanged as the host led Aramaki and Motoko through different rooms, talking to them about different matters while trying to get the right moment, that one moment when he could ask the woman a certain question. He was itching to be all alone with her and the old man was in his way. By the information he'd gotten from Section 9, the theft was supposed to happen later, and with a look at his expensive golden watch, Mr. Todokoro turned his full attention to Motoko, smiling politely. "Well, there's still time left until the theft should happen, so until then, do you care for a private tour of my place? I'll gladly show you anything you'd like to see." His voice was honeyed yet only a fool would be unable to detect the double meanings of every of his words as well as the lust that those words dripped with as he couldn't keep his eyes from roaming across the cyborg's form. Indeed she was a work of art, one that he would surely add to his collection that night. If only the fool knew he was falling right into the trap that the Section had laid for him. "Today was the day he was going to try and get the new girl. He didn't know why but he had found such an uncontrollable lust just by looking at her. She was cute and American which made it even more exciting. Just the thought of him screwing her made him so hard. He had to have her no matter what. Not that she would reject him anyway, I mean he was the most popular guy in school. No one ever rejected him so why would she? He was better-looking than any of the guys in school. Having short but soft and thick copper brown hair. Dark brown bedroom eyes that could easily manipulate any woman just by making eye contact. He was perfectly toned and leaned. Standing tall at 5'8" and weighing 119 pounds, not to mention he had a perfect package to go with. Looks wasn't all he had though, no. He was talented in everything he did and tried. His skills were extraordinary and rare. Then there was his intelligence. Being top of the class and always Valid Victorian. Oh yeah, he got everything he wanted, basically, he was a spoiled brat who tended to act very unlike himself if he didn't get what he wanted. Light Yagami was leaning against his locker as he thought over his plan. He would ask her out and work from there. Now the main concept was whether he would keep her afterward or it would be a one night stand. Well, that really mattered if he liked her enough after the first night. If he had fun then yes, he'd keep her for a while. A smile came on his face as he saw the girl go to her locker surprisingly just a few away from his. When she opened it up to get out her things, he had moved and was now behind her locker door waiting for her to close it and see him.,"Lexus looked around as she walked down the hall, all the boys cheering and whistling after her. Sighing some, she got to her locker and saw one guy looking at her. She quickly grabbed her stuff and closed her locker before backing up, backing up into Light. She looked back, getting a scared look in her eyes. Turning around, she leaned up against the locker and gave a weak smile, then looked around. Everyone was looking scared. She looked back at Light and glared some. "What do you want with me? Are you gonna trap me or do something I don't like?" She had a feeling he was a bad boy, but she didn't know yet. She didn't know, but after thinking about it, he was pretty hot and he looked like the kind of guy she liked. Sighing some, she looked back into his eyes, her steel-dark blue eyes starting to soften slightly. She sighed again, nodded, and looked back around the school. She wondered if her popularity would go up if she went with him; she would probably become the most popular girl in school. She smiled more friendly at the thought, running her hand down his chest. "So what is it you want, hmmm?" She was just feeling his chest and damn, it felt good. She would love to feel that chest against hers and even feel his whole body against hers. Thinking at that thought, she sighed some and backed up a little, then stepped forward, looking closer into his eyes. Her black hair was midway down her back, and she was breathing normally for once instead of being scared. His eyes seemed to calm her down somewhat, and she wondered what was going on in his mind, but she wasn't a mind reader, so she wouldn't be able to do anything. Backing up against the locker, she brought one foot up onto the locker, bending her knee. Sighing some, she closed her eyes, her short skirt showing most of her thighs and legs, and she wore a red tight tank top, which showed off her breasts. She really wanted a boyfriend, but she hadn't found one yet. All the ones who were interested were either abusive or plain assholes. She hoped if he asked her out, he would be a nice guy - rough but nice. Looking back at him, she smiled some. "The school bell is about to ring, so just ask me your question and I will get going." "Kagome stood on a rock face next to a waterfall, overlooking the wonderful countryside of the world she lived in. Turning back, she walked over to the hut that she and Inuyasha had gotten to get away from the chaos of the village they used to call home. Now it was just her and him. The way she liked it - and with Kikyou out of the way, she felt more like Inuyasha was hers. Thus nothing could go on to distract him away from her. She walked into the hut to see him sleeping. It was morning, and she had gotten up early to get some fish for them to have in the morning. "Inuyasha, get up," she said softly, hoping the half-demon would rise and get the fish. She had taken the beads off of him a while ago; she thought he didn't need them anymore, seeing as how they were lovers. She thought she was controlling the poor man, so she took it off and put it in a mantle in their shared hut, a reminder of the things they had gone through to complete the jewel shard - or now jewel - that sat in the village under strong wards to keep demons away. Though she had heard of other things approaching on the land, and she frowned at the idea, waiting for Inuyasha to get his breakfast and possibly eat together since she was hungry.,"Inuyasha lay dreaming peacefully, sprawled out on his back, legs and arms spread wide. His mouth was practically open, and even a little drool dripped onto the floor. Not like he cared about what he looked like in his sleep; he was only with Kagome after all. So much time had passed since they finally completed the jewel, and Inuyasha and Kagome destroyed Naraku together. The only problem was that there were still those who sought the jewel, but it had its protectors. Miroku and Sango took on that job, seeing as it was more the peaceful life for the couple and their children. Inuyasha never wished for the jewel, and Kagome had stayed with him. It was all he ever wanted. When Naraku was destroyed, the well that tied Kagome to her world disappeared completely. She never got to say goodbye to her family and friends, though it seemed that she happily left that world behind. He couldn't be more lucky. Though he always wondered if she missed it. On their daily trips to the village, he always caught her standing there watching the spot where the well was. It seemed too much to just be happy to be with him. He always felt guilty. It was one of the reasons he was always hesitant around her. Inuyasha mumbled something in his sleep, kind of like "Take that you bastard!" He was dreaming he was slaying a monster demon, one that Mioga and Totosai were claiming that he would be killed in an instant. After his triumphant win, he gave both the old geezers an good thumping for ever doubting him. Kagome cheered him on the whole time, and he grinned from ear to ear as she ran and flung herself into his arms... At the moment, Kagome told him to get up. Inuyasha rolled over, flinging his arm up over Kagome's, taking her down with him as he almost rolled on top of her. One leg swinging over hers, pinning her, and burying his nose into her neck. "Alex's green eyes traveled up the massive door. "What...the heck?" he whispered to himself, looking at the knob. "How...and am I going to do this?" The boy walked towards the door, sighing softly. He wore a light blue shirt and black pants, his hair a light brown almost blonde color. "Hello?!" he called, wondering where the heck that rabbit person had gotten off to. His eyes stayed on the giant door, and in particular the shiny doorknob.,"It was just sickening, utterly sickening to be this absolutely late! But wait! Not only was she late, but someone or something had followed her in, followed her through the rabbit hole and unfortunately caught a glance of what was under that dress of hers because those dresses just weren't made for crawling. But she hadn't expected to crawl! She had expected to be on time! But her ears twitching and her head turning, the sound of a voice from the other side of the door left the rabbit curious, leaning forward before jumping back on the tips of her shoes. Oh dear~! She had led someone down down down, the hole in fact, and even showed them to the door! But it was just rude not to teach them how to get through now wasn't it! "Listen to the door silly, he's got all you need!" Her voice was light and airy, quite expected from her petite, though lightly curved frame, just upon her words, the door seemed to creak on its hinges, not opening, though eyes emerged from the panels. "All you need indeed~. What is it that you need?" "The woods were quiet... too quiet. And it wasn't that Juri sensed any kind of impending doom. It was peaceful. Serene. Boring. Juri just felt like screaming, like smashing some trees to the ground with her bare hands. The Korean girl wished she could be out of here as quickly as possible, the sooner the better. She wasn't here to enjoy the scenery. No, she'd sooner have this place leveled. She was here because, in the last tournament, she had encountered a female ninja named Ibuki. This ninja girl seemed like the perfect test subject for the female exclusive "Feng Shui" engine, the very power that Juri herself held. Now that she was in charge of SIN and Seth was dead and buried, the psychotic bitch was ready to conquer the world. And for that, she needed soldiers. Finally, after what seemed like hours of walking, she finally reached a clearing. It seemed well used, but was at present empty. A slow, sadistic smile crept onto Juri's face, licking her lips in anticipation. This was the place. This looked like their training ground. All she had to do was wait, and eventually, her little kunoichi would show herself. After that, it was a matter of beating her... then using her to sate her desires. She had to resist the urge to play with her own breasts at the thought, her overactive libido tempting her... one of the side effects of the Feng shui engine.,"Ibuki - Ninja Village, Japan Despite the fact that the sun was barely creeping its way past the peaks of the mountain that surrounded the small village, there was chatter and sounds circling the air as the ninjas were getting ready for their morning routines. Some were sharpening their kunai while conversing, others carrying buckets of water from the nearby well, a few already stretching for the training to come. But, although most of the villagers were already awake, if not all, one lay sound asleep, curled up in a ball on her mat, a little bit of drool coming down the side of her lips. Then came a small jab in the side of her stomach to disrupt her peaceful slumber. Moaning a bit in annoyance, Ibuki tried to ignore it but then came another, then another. Shifting her position, turning around to face the other way, Ibuki tried to get back to sleep but the little pokes persisted on the back. Eventually her eyes lazily opened to reveal a small creature anxiously watching over her. "What is your problem Don-chan?" she mumbled as she sat up, wiping away the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. The little tanuki, a pet she had kept as long as she could remember, tilted its head slightly before pointing out of the window at the sun, which had risen up now to illuminate the once dark room. It took a while for the female ninja to register but suddenly realized what it meant and almost jumped up from the mat. "I am so late!" she exclaimed to practically no one as she hurriedly made her way to a nearby table and began wrapping her bare feet with a reel of white cloth bandages that lay on it. Doing the same with her ankles and shins, Ibuki turned her head to try and find her arm guards. "Where are th-" she said to herself before Don-chan made its way onto the table in front of her holding the pair in his tiny hands. With a smile, she quickly placed them on and grabbed a couple kunai before making her way out the door, followed by the tanuki. Although early, ninjas started their training at the brink of dawn in the clearing, and she already knew she wasn't going to make it in time. As she made her way through the village, a lot of people who weren't in training shook their heads as she passed them, and she groaned at the prospect of cleaning out the dojo yet again. Jumping onto a branch of one of the large trees in the forest, she began rushing through, going from tree to tree as she zipped through. Soon enough, the trees began to open up a bit in the dense forest revealing a brightly illuminated clearing with bodies all warming up and sparring. "Made it!" she exclaimed with joy as she hopped down from the last branch to the ground. Hopefully being just a LITTLE late wouldn't be too bad. In her hurry, however, she didn't even get to notice the woman hiding below that last tree, watching the ninjas. Don-chan, however, did and, instead of following Ibuki down to the ground, stayed in the tree, watching her. Why did she look so familiar to the tanuki? ""Cobblepot!" He hated that name, yelled as if it was a curse. Not that "Penguin" was any better, but when you're barely over 5 feet and 'rotund' is a euphemism...well, you need to work with what you have. For the last few years, he had chosen to lay low, with most of his criminal activities happening low-key through his nightclub, The Iceberg Lounge. Unfortunately, fate was conspiring against the hefty villain, in the form of Arkham...City. The City within a city was built around his lounge, where it housed the most notorious villains: The Joker (maybe?), Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, and rumors that the Al Ghul and the League of Assassins were in the powder keg as well. Fate though, was giveth. and it taketh. In this instance, it gave The Penguin an edge on the other criminals. While they had been thrown into the mix, he was already there, with a base of operations. Fate also conspired to deliver him a new ally, Mr. Freeze, the iceberg lounge truly looked like an iceberg, which the diminutive villain was suited by just fine. Between his alliance, a few cops held hostage, and his henchmen if someone wanted information, supplies or muscle...Cobblepot was the man to go to. Fate, also taketh he was also in possession of some museum pieces that others would, and did, pay a ransom to recover. Including giving a cat burglar an incredible sum to spirit away.,"Usually, Catwoman wouldn't bother with Penguin. The rotund man did have his fair share of valuables, things that would enrichen any thief's pockets. Even better, there wasn't a whole lot of moral dilemma in stealing from someone like that. However, Catwoman tried to stay away from the various "super criminals" in Gotham as best she could, though that mostly failed. In reality, she veered away from Penguin because he looked like his face had been on the wrong end of a window pane. This was quite unlike the sexy, slinky thief. The Catwoman looked every inch the femme fatale. A tight, taut figure encased in revealing leather, she looked like every hero or villain's wet dream. The costume had certainly been designed to help achieve that very feeling. Tight leather clung to a pair of pert buttocks, showcasing the womanly hips and the fine curves the prowler possessed. Said leather also encased the long legs, ending in heeled boots, all to accentuate. A frontal zipper provided easy access and a nice few of a wide expanse of white cleavage, nearly extending down to Selina's belly button. Both breasts would spill over in most hands, and seemed barely contained by their leather prisons. As if the body weren't enough, Selina had a glamorous face. Sexy, hooded green eyes stared from beautiful lashes, all positioned in a face that graced magazines. Tufts of her short black hair just showed underneath the cat hood. In short, Catwoman looked ready to either kick ass or kiss it, depending on her mood. Currently, she was leaning more towards the former. The sneaky thief had already entered the Lounge, utilizing some mapping technology present within her suit. The job had simple requirements: seek out some museum pieces and abscond with them. In and out, without attracting attention. Catwoman figured it should be easy enough, and she slunk through now without causing a sound. Penguin's standard goons were easy enough to avoid, as they weren't exactly the top of the line when it came to villainy. The few that did get in the way, Catwoman deftly took care of, often surprising them before they got a chance. However, she found that the museum piece was too heavily guarded for that. The woman had to drop down and attack in a much more frontal manner. Thankfully, she did bear a whip and several gadgets, not to mention martial arts training. The mooks put up something of a fight nonetheless, one even getting dangerously close to connecting with the feline thief. In the end, she was victorious, and focused her attention upon the classy pieces, starting with a beautiful statuette hidden in one of Penguin's more morbid displays. She needed to move quickly, and that meant focusing on the job, while trying to listen for more unwanted visitors. "Five years had passed since Sarah ran the labyrinth after wishing Toby away, and the trip to the underworld had taken its toll on her. She wasn't stupid enough to tell anyone about what had happened. Who would believe her? Once she'd uttered those words-- you have no power over me-- things got a little fuzzy, and then crystal clear. One minute she'd been falling, falling, falling, and the next, she was back at home. Safe and sound. The first thing she'd done was check to ensure Toby was there, which he was. Also safe. Staring down at her baby brother, she realized in that moment just how precious he really was. She'd been selfish to wish him away. Even if her parents memories of Toby had been wiped, hers would not have been. She would have lived her life wondering how things would be different if Toby were still around. After moving on to her own room, she grew saddened by the sudden loneliness she felt. Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but miss her friends. In the thirteen hours she spent running the labyrinth, she'd grown close to them. Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus... all of them. When they'd appeared in her mirror, and she'd turned to find them in her room... It was the happiest she'd ever been. But there was a flicker of doubt within her, one that kept imagining the Goblin King's face when she'd destroyed him and declined his offer. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave... Those words stuck with her for a long time. The now twenty-year-old had moved out of her father's house and into an apartment with her best friend Nicole. But whereas Sarah had practically given up on dreaming and 'being fun', Nicole was quite the opposite. Sarah had met her during junior year of high school, and Nicole had sort of adopted her as a friend. Despite Nicole's seriously outgoing and outspoken ways, Sarah actually really liked her. She was a good person. They both decided to take a year off of college and get jobs and an apartment together, and that's exactly what they did. At first, everything was great. But there was a darkness inside of Sarah that she'd been fighting to keep from coming out. She withdrew more and more until she was spending most of her time in her room. She lost her job, which meant Nicole had to pick up the slack. After a few months of that, she'd finally had enough and practically dragged Sarah out to the bar one night just to get her out of the house. And that... that is where Sarah met Derek. At first, Derek was everything she'd been missing. Flirty, fun, attractive, sweet... he dragged her out of the dark spot in her life. She got another job, one she actually enjoyed at a pet hospital. It was long hours, which meant Derek wasn't seeing her as often. It sucked but he was never mean or rude about it. When she came home one night from a late shift, exhausted and red-faced from crying over the loss of a patient, she didn't expect Derek to be waiting for her in her and Nicole's apartment. Nicole had let him in, and then gone out. Sarah didn't see the punch coming. That first hit started a whirlwind of abuse that she dealt with on the down low for about a year and a half. Nicole and Sarah had gotten into a huge disagreement over him, big enough that Nicole moved out, and Derek moved in. That just made the abuse worse. When Sarah finally gathered the courage to leave, she moved to a shady apartment complex a few towns over. At first, Derek had blown up her phone and threatened her on the daily. But then it stopped. Until tonight when he randomly showed up at her door and beat her senseless. He'd left her a broken, bruised heap on the floor, slamming the door behind him as he left. She'd pulled herself up to a sitting position, feeling worse than she'd felt those five years ago sitting in her room alone crying into her sleeve. Crying into her sleeve, she whispered words that she swore she'd never, ever say again. "I wish the goblins would come and take me away right now.","The last five years had been rather boring, and Jareth, the great Goblin King, was still sulking from his defeat at Sarah's hands. It had been so embarrassing to have been bested. And yet, the girl had earned his respect. She had fought against the odds, raced against the clock, found the way to defeat him. He admired that. He had watched her occasionally since, but had not peeked in for some years. And then, one day, lounging on his throne, he and the other goblins heard them. The magic words. The simple summoning invocation. A simple wish. But that voice ... In an instant he was on his feet, and the next he was elsewhere, at the source of those words. He glanced around, and then he saw her, sitting curled up on the floor. "Oh, Sarah." The pain in his voice was obvious. He crouched down next to her, reached out a hand to touch her. "What happened to you?" He asked softly. "Angel surfs back into the shore of the beach, and she carries her surf board with her back to her beach towel. She stands her surf board up and she lays down on the beach towel and begins to sun bathe for bit to dry herself off, from the water that was on her bathing suit. Angel wonders if everything is ok at The Power Ranger Hideout and she hasn't heard from Zordon or Alpha for a bit. She wonders why it's so quiet around here, she hasn't seen any putties, or monsters that the enemy usually sends down here to stir up trouble with the Power Rangers and she sighed and continues on resting and relaxing.,"A small car pulled up next to the shack on the beach. Tommy climbed out of it sensing a ranger nearby, he looked sharply around for anyone with that kind of authority. He noticed a girl lying in the sand, he walked over and looked at her. "Ah, finally a pretty face," he grinned. "Her blue eyes were glassy, almost lifeless, as they shifted and glanced up toward the white ceiling. "White," she mused. At one time she supposed it might have been such a color. But then was white truly a color? Or was it all colors? Oh, she could hardly remember any longer nor could she find it within herself to care. As her eyes remained fixed staring at what was above, her head tilted slightly. The ceiling was rancid with deep, dark stains Alice knew not. There was a time when she might have wondered, might have cared. Might have been...curious. Almost shrugging, but not moving, her lips suddenly turned upward into a twisted smile. Matilda Jane, you never look, At any toy or picture book. I show you pretty things in vain, You must be blind, Matilda Jane! Alice grunted, her body jostling as it was roughly shoved against by a weight of something... familiar? Yes. She recognized the weight, the smell. All of it. For a moment, she caught another glimpse of white. Mmm, yes. Airy fabric. Coarse and rough. So itchy. How that gleam of purity hid the darkness of what laid beneath it all. Clever shadows. Clever, clever, clever. She even found it funny. Her body actually knew what to do now, legs just spreading in wait for the inevitable as her mind seethed. So much anger. 'What was that, Cheshire?' she thought to herself. She could've sworn she'd heard the cat speak, her eyes turning away from the ceiling, seeking out the treacherous grin of the feline stretching out in the corner of its home. I ask you riddles, tell you tales, But all our conversation fails. You never answer me again, I fear you're dumb, Matilda Jane! Yelping as the invasion finally came, Alice's eyes began to tear. Slowly, pale alabaster skin began to streak and stain. What was one more thing becoming dirty? She was already dirty. Dirty hands. Dirty face. And now... dirty inside... 'Where is my Protector now?' she wondered. 'Curious... so curious...' Once again he was nowhere. Once again, proving his worthlessness. Was there anyone worth anything any longer? Of course not! Life was one big cycle of worthless. No one was to be trusted. Not a soul! First the parents betray along with the boyfriend. Why wouldn't... he? They all betray eventually. Matilda darling, when I call, You never seem to hear at all. I shout with all my might and main, But you're so deaf, Matilda Jane! The cries became louder until her voice was almost hoarse, her throat sore. Alice longed for peace. Something... why wouldn't he come? He'd promised... he'd promised. And even though she'd begun to hate him, a part of her still held on to a hope she knew was hopeless. But as her eyes turned toward Cheshire, grinning at her from his dank corner, she knew she had to. It was the only tangible thread left to the insane world she lived in. The only thing left to cling to. 'Why...?' she thought to herself as she felt her body get used and coated in god only knew what, her tears flowing hot, burning. Matilda Jane, you needn't mind, For, though you're deaf and dumb and blind, There's some one loves you, it is plain, And that is me, Matilda Jane! The brush of white fabric caressed Alice's face and she felt the prick against her thigh. Another pair of hands picked up her body and let her crumple into a heap onto floor, just as rancid and 'white' as the ceiling. As always, she knew she was bleeding and as always she knew there would be bruises. Slowly, she crawled over to Cheshire, twitching as she hugged her knees to her chest, her white gown a flimsy covering at best over her slight body. She tucked her blonde locks behind her ears and began to rock. "Why Cheshire? Why?" Alice asked the cat. "Why doesn't he ever come?","Across the hall, a young man, of 19 sat by his door, he could hear the muffled screams of the girl, Almost every night this went on sometimes for a few minute's sometimes for hours. until 'The Men In White' were done with poor Alice, the Warden despised her young girl, most of the saner inmate's chalked it up to her being envious of Alice, because despite what went on in her head whatever made her insane that is, she was very beautiful. Her skin was a light shade of pink, her hair a beautiful blonde almost the color of honey, and her eyes would remind you of swimming pools that were so blue and cool to the touch, but, as things went on she began being worn down, her hair would usually be dirty with sweat and tears sometimes her face was bruised her lip might have a scar or scab on it, it all depended on that night's assailant, she had several marks on her arms and leg's from the rapist's that came to take what the Warden demanded, her only shred of innocence left from what her parent's did to her, and what she did to them, she came from a home from what he understood that was filled with a drunk father and a very envious mother, her father would drink and have at her daughter beating her raping her whatever he chose and her mother was very violent, calling her a whore and beating her without mercy, it didn't supervise him that she murdered them both and pretty much admitted to it, the only reason she didn't get Death was because she was so young and very much insane, now, she still cries almost every night his promise to protect her was shattered the first time he stood up to them he killed one and paralyzed the other and now every night he gets locked into a padded room left to hear Alice's cries of pain as they rape her, the tears have left lines in his face he was in here because of the simple fact that he sees things strange thing's he often encounters a White Rabbit, who claims he is always late but most it's time is spent in his cell with him, he heard her words in the quiet hallway even with the padding there was a crack under the door where every sound could be heard, her voice found its way to his door as she spoke. "I'm right here...right here..." His words were useless. He knew she had all but hated him now, because the promise he made the first night it happened was broken. The Men made sure of that by locking him inside of a padded room where there was no way out. Before going to humiliate and insult Alice, the Warden waddled over every morning to check and see if he was still inside. But before leaving, he would always whisper, "Forgive me please." While they were given their meds, he would notice her watching. Sometimes, while they were given their meds, he would notice her watching. She didn't speak much, of course, who would after what she had been through? He would stay close during the daytime to make sure nothing happened, but at night, she was alone. In her cell, the cat walked on the floor in front of the blonde and sat down. The moonlight illuminated the room. The cat spoke up as its form could be seen. It was rather emaciated, with skinny, long limbs, and a long tail that went from side to side as it spoke to Alice. "My dear," it said, "it is no fault of his. We both remember what he did that first night." "Enslavement. That was his curse. He had been pulled from his dimension and forced to be the slave of some sex-fiend creature that kept him as a pet. He hated his time there...he hated her. He wished he could kill her, but he had no power over her or her powers. Mora had always been a thorn in his side ever since his enslavement. Tonight, he would escape. She had forgotten to tighten the chain on his collar! Nathan took this opportunity to slowly remove it, leaving only the collar around his neck. He didn't have any clothes for when he escaped, but he didn't care. He just needed to get away and find someone who could open a rift and send him home. He crept out of her room, hoping she wouldn't wake up. What he hadn't counted on was the fact that the door leading out of her room was intentionally creaky.,"With a grim laugh, there was suddenly a tentacle holding him by the collar. Mora sat up in bed, smiling. "Well, pup, looks like you're not quite broken yet." She floated up, lifting him with more tentacles and laying him on the bed. "After what that bitch from your world put me through, I'll be taking one of her kind as my slave. And you'll like it." She grinned, rubbing her foot over his crotch. "No use resisting." ""Why do these holy places always seem so creepy?" Aerith asked, feeling the cool, dank air of the cave. It didn't answer, not that she'd been expecting much. Sighing, she rubbed her arms, wishing that her short red jacket reached down to cover them entirely. For that matter, she wished that she was certain that her materia wouldn't have any adverse effects to the cave's natural defenses. Casting fire sounded like quite a good idea at this point. The girl hefted her staff, using it to walk over the various rocks and crannies. Her rough brown boots made the going easier at least, and she'd unbuttoned her ankle-length dress just enough to allow freedom of movement. Still, it wasn't as easy as she would have liked. Especially without Cloud here,she thought to herself, frowning at a wall. She'd thought she'd finally been ready for him, back at the Golden Saucer. She'd put on a sexy pair of underwear that she'd blushingly purchased at a store, and then nearly jumped Cloud after their date. Instead of ravishing her, however, he seemed unable to do much of anything. He hadn't even seemed to really care that she'd gone through the effort. They certainly hadn't consummated anything. "I can worry about that later," muttered Aerith. She tucked a loose strand of brown hair behind an ear, and stepped through another doorway. There, resting on a pedestal, was what they'd traveled all this way to find: summoning materia. The girl grinned, hurrying over to snatch it and apply it to her arm guard. Once it was in place, she immediately summoned the creature, stepping back to watch the fireworks.,"The fireworks never came. The appearance of the beast was heralded by a much subtler display, as the leaves on the floor of the temple suddenly dried and turned red in appearance. The forest went still, and the immediate surroundings noticeably changed, like the season was suddenly turning into autumn, preparing for the coming of the one summon beast that had power over the forests. He was a primordial creature of unlimited power and lust. The autumn king, people called him. First, the leaves swirled and formed a small vortex, and in the middle of it, a supremely commanding figure with a masculine body so flawlessly shaped, it seemed like he was carved from polished wood stood. Long red mane of wild hair crowned his features, as did two seemingly unbreakable antlers. He smirked at the girl in front of him right now, recognizing her as his summoner. Yet unlike other beasts, this one wasn't a mindless drone. He had been known as a lustful beast, taking and ravaging his female summoners throughout history. In fact, many would-be summoners sought him out for this very reason. After all, what woman could resist the temptation of riding a veritable god? "What's your name...Female?" He asked with deep rumbling voice. Eyes shamelessly undressing her in his mind, large hands, twice the size of Aeris's own began caressing her sides. "Mai woke in darkness. For a moment, her training failed her and she flailed about, crying out wordlessly. Her body was sore and she hurt all over. Realizing she was naked, she hugged herself tightly. Slowly, the memories returned and Mai closed her eyes, wishing they hadn't. She had tried her best to protect herself, but she had failed her master, failed her training. There had been too many of them and against magic she had been unable to hold out for long. The things they had done to her... tears came to her eyes as she realized her vows had been broken. She had been defiled over and over, made to wallow in filth and hurt so badly she had not been able to stop screaming. She had failed her teachings. She reached out and grasped the bars of the cage she was locked in, trying to gaze out into the dark and make something out. A hollowness had settled in her chest. She did not know what they intended with her. She had been warned not to come into Cheliax, but she had not been prepared for such a response to her trying to spread the teachings of her homeland. What would happen to her now?,"Taerin, dressed in her purple robes with green flame design over her mithril breastplate with her five-pointed star holy symbol visible and her matching boots of speed, stands just outside the cell in darkness as the monk awakens. She thinks this monk almost cost her four men in the first day. "Now, my pet," she says, "you'd better be worth the trouble my men took to break you. Kneel in nadu position and face the door of this cage." Taerin waits to see if she responds while looking over her body appraisingly and then licking her lips. She readies a hellfire eldritch blast if she fails to obey. "Maya pushed open the door to Moxxi's bar, conveniently named Moxxi's and made her way to a booth away from the door. When she came to Pandora, she hadn't expected to end up playing "hero" or whatever. No, she came to Pandora looking for answers to what it meant to be a Siren, one of six women in the galaxy, probably the universe, with incredibly bad-ass powers. And a set of natural tattoos running the length of one part of her body. Instead? Instead she gets blown up by some 'mask' wearing nutjob, working with three other 'Vault Hunters' to stop said nutjob and now? Now she'd been recruited into helping kick the company said nutjob worked for off the planet. On the bright side? Maya couldn't remember the last time she'd been allowed to cut loose like this, and Lilith, the now only other Siren on Pandora promised to help her find out what the Sirens were and all that. But for now the blue haired Vault Hunter dropped her head onto her arms, placed on top of the table of the booth with a groan. "Lend us a hand. The sooner you help us, the sooner I'll help you. It'll be fun." Maya muttered, recounting the very arguments that Lilith had used on her to get her to help out. "Fuck that. Maya, you got had. Big time. Can't blame anyone but yourself though." she finished with another groan.,"Moxxi's was a very popular spot in the city of Sanctuary for a few different reasons. One, it was the only place in the floating city where a person could get alcohol to drown their sorrows (And usually fairly decent stuff considering what a backwater world Pandora was). Two, it was somewhere that Crazy Earl was banned from, so that meant people could drink without his insane yelling in their ears. And thirdly, the woman who ran the joint was a total sexbomb. There she was, Mad Moxxi herself, working behind the bar while dressed up in a sexually depraved psychopath's view of what a circus ringleader would look like. A woman who had had more husbands than boob jobs, and was quite possibly the most dangerous non-superpowered woman on the planet. In the past she had run the Underdome, a massive gladiatorial arena that brought in all the blood-hungry loons of Pandora and made for a very popular attraction. Until... Handsome Jack blew it up. Well, he was dead now, so Moxxi had the last laugh there. She approached Maya with a smile on her face, ready to rectify the situation in regards to the Underdome. Yes, she knew just who could help there. "Why hello there, blue-hair. What brings you by?" she asked casually, sitting up on the reinforced table of the booth "Up for a drink or do you wanna blow up my slot machine again?" "Vlad chuckled. "Yes, those were the days, and my son is starting to discover those days," he said. Anton gasped slightly and moaned into the kiss. He brought her tongue into his mouth to let her explore. "Hmm, I want you," he thought mentally, and shifted to find a comfortable spot to sit, as his breeches became even more uncomfortable. Anton's mind was slowly starting to focus on one thing - his hunger for blood. His fangs lengthened a little more, and his heartbeat increased. He didn't even realize that his scent had changed and intensified.,"Albus nodded. "Yes, I thought as much. They will know to go elsewhere, correct?" He knew things weren't the same when it involved two unique individuals like themselves, so there was really no stopping them. Keyria could feel the bulge forming beneath her, she smiled slightly. "I want you as well," her mental voice as strong as if she'd spoken aloud, though honestly, she couldn't be too sure she hadn't. She wanted him to take her, bite her and suckle upon her skin. That feeling alone was one that would surely be imprinted on her mind forever. "Piona wandered the halls of the arena in a seemingly aimless manner. She had been the very first whore to make a deal with the Arena, the first official arena whore. Since that time her business had grown and she became something of a house mother with a number of whores for the arena fighters to choose from. It was a good harmony, a source of pride for her. Piona was herself a beautiful and exotic woman, a dark elf with softened features. Her long ears hung from each side of her long, silver hair. Her body was curvaceous and clearly on display as the dress she wore offered little modesty. After all, her body was her business. Piona wandered through the resting corridors where the men could relax, recover, or prepare. Her presence in the arena was a constant and at the moment it seemed, she was available.,"Dralos Varen stepped into the fighters entrance to the Arena, returning after a few days to visit with friends, have a drink and other such things. He was an archer, an Ebony bow strung across his body with a quiver of arrows made of the same material. His eyes were a blood red, and he had black hair that was currently tied into a ponytail. He had on leather armor right now, light enough for his agility needs while firing a bow. He walked down a corridor and spotted Piona in her revealing dress, himself a consistent customer to her services. He smiled, figuring that it would be a good day to start if he fucked her. So, with that in mind, he strode over to the whore. "Piona!" "Ellie had hoped for some semblance of relief when she reached San Francisco. She hoped she could move through the city quietly, peacefully, and quickly. But no. Another city, another abandoned Quarantine Zone, another gang of assholes. The young woman vaulted into the nearby window, bullets flying over her head, she had to act fast. She pulled out her 9mm and turned to face the Hunters as they chased after her. She pulled the trigger, watching his head pop like a melon, before executing his buddy in the same fashion. More were coming, though. Her finger pressed tightly on the trigger again...and 'click'. "Oh shit." Empty. Her last rounds gone. Had she been smarter, she would have kept track of her ammo and avoided this mess. It was too late now. She had to run. These assholes had her partner, and there was no way she'd get her back without gunning them down. To buy herself precious time, she lit the rag of a Molotov cocktail and threw it, covering the entrance in flames before sprinting out of there, down a dimly lit hallway. Scavenging whatever she could find on the way to safety, she escaped from the Hunters' sight, finding a room well out of their patrol routes to rest. Closing the door quietly, she walked slowly to the window, staring out longingly with a desperate glare. "Emma..." Her fingers traced over the glass and she let out a defeated sigh. "Where are you?" Ellie fell back onto a soft and comfortable bed, letting her eyes flutter shut, clutching the switchblade in her hand before slowly drifting off to sleep.,"Curtis smirked to himself, watching the teenager enter the nearby abandoned building. He had been watching her for a few hours, ever since he captured another pretty girl. This one seemed a lot duller in her beauty, yet her fiery attitude attracted him to her for some reason. Knowing he needed this girl for his collection, he waited for exactly twelve minutes before entering the building, convinced that she was still inside and now relaxed. What he found was an extremely relaxed girl, so relaxed indeed that she was asleep. Smiling at the switchblade, he slowly slipped it from her grasp, as anyone asleep could not properly hold a weapon. Sliding it in his pocket, Curtis pulled out a plastic bag and slipped it over the girl's head, suffocating her. Sitting on her body, his weight was enough to prevent her moving, his knees on her shoulders pinning her down. When she eventually passed out from lack of air, Ellie was taken from this building into Curtis' own home. Wrists tied behind her back, the unconscious Ellie would remain that way for another hour. When she eventually awoke, she would find two strange things. The first was an aching ass hole, which was also strangely wet. The second was her friend, Emma Watson, naked and on her stomach. She also had her hands behind her back, and with a face full of semen. Both girls were naked and alone, tied up in a cell with no way to escape. "Hanna Orimura sat on the train, which would take her to the IS Academy. Not her choice - her annoying cousin had forced her to go after not even a word from her since she was five years old. Now, however, she found some interest in attending the school, despite being half-asleep and dropping her violin and backpack to the floor upon arrival. It wasn't long before the school came into sight. All half-asleep, she picked up her things and stepped off the train, trying not to attract too much attention as she hated anyone staring at her. Meanwhile, back at the academy, Laura woke up rubbing her right eye. "What time is it?" She asked, as it was hard to see much through his thick heavy curtains.,"Michael slowly opened his eyes to see Laura. Like her, he was naked, his muscular and toned body visible through the dark. He had crew-cut brown hair and brown eyes. He yawned as he wrapped an arm around Laura's waist and pulled her into his firm chest. "Who cares...we are here with each other, that's all that matters," he whispered in her ear before giving her a playful grin. "You were amazing last night..." His hand moved to squeeze one of her breasts under the covers as he gave her a playful kiss on the lips. "Hawaii was quite a shocking shift for someone who had spent his whole life in Tokyo. The incredible heat, the vibrant sunshine, the sea of accents that flew between the different people on the heated streets... it was definitely a shift from the uniformity of Japan's urban environment. That said, Ryuji was still finding the school vacation to be a little on the dull side. He didn't quite know why, but it felt to him as if not much had actually happened since they arrived here. The fit blond had been hoping, ideally, to hook up with some fine American girl. But his English was so poor that he didn't want to make the attempt. He couldn't even rely on Akira to be a wingman since he was apparently dating someone these days (Though who that was remained a mystery to the group). He had been teasing Ann about something as of late, so maybe that was it? Whatever the case, he was currently walking the golden sands at a lazy pace, looking out at the sea. Curfew would hit soon, and then he'd have to duck into the hotel again. The thought made the strongly-built boy grunt in annoyance. Their Hawaii trip was almost over, and he'd yet to make any lasting memories. He supposed, ultimately, he'd just have to hit the ground running on Phantom Thief stuff when they got back to Japan.,"Just as Ryuji was getting ready to give up hope, it seemed his chance was upon him. A pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist and some sizeable mounds pressed against his bare back, molding against his chest. The hands rubbed at his pectoral muscles as a voice filled his ears. "Hey there, tough guy... what are you doing all by yourself?" the voice was sultry and alluring... it even sounded somewhat familiar. Unfortunately for Ryuji though, it was all in English... which had never been his top subject. As the voice finished, a pair of teeth nibbled and sucked on his earlobe, chuckling lowly. Little did Ryuji know, but the one behind him currently was Ann Takamaki, his childhood friend and fellow Phantom Thief. She had spotted him wandering alone and wanted to tease him... make him think some American bombshell was hitting on him. So long as he didn't turn around or recognize her voice... it would all be fine. "Dr. Amy Ralts never would have imagined she would ever see this day. The day the infamous freelancer agent Carolina had been captured by the UNSC... well, at least by her branch. Her branch was an odd group capturing humans, aliens, and other species, doing experiments on them. Low and behold they came across the freelancer who had been injured in some sort of battle. Amy didn't care. All she cared about was now she had her. A quick history of Amy. During her youth, she served as a medic for the Insurrectionists, a group Project Freelancer fought long ago. She watched as many of her friends died because of them, most of them by the hands of the person who lay bound naked before her. Amy along with her assistant looked at the unconscious Carolina. Amy's eyes were fueled with rage, anger, a need for revenge in which she would finally get. Of course, she would do it slowly. She wanted to break Carolina both psychically and mentally. She had already given her a new addition to her body while knocked out: a nice thick 10-inch cock and a pair of balls. She just waited for the freelancer to wake up.,"Carolina groaned as she awoke in an unfamiliar room, strapped to a bed without armor, and completely naked. Looking down, she gasped in confusion at the sight of a ten-inch cock and a pair of balls to match. "What the fuck?" she cursed out loud, trying to figure out where she was and what had happened. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the details - it was a lab of some kind, very orderly and strict in its design. "Is this some kind of UNSC facility?" She asked herself, not realizing that there was a mad scientist right next to her. How did she miss that? Well, she would soon realize that the mad scientist was there, hopefully. "Michael wasn't sure how he had gotten summoned to such a paradise. He was an average guy, with short brown hair and hazel eyes behind a pair of glasses and slightly tanned skin. He was wearing a open-collared floral dress shirt that revealed his somewhat toned chest and a pair of blue swimming trunks. He was sitting at a bar, drinking a scotch on the rocks. He was surrounded by beautiful girls, all from various different fictional universes. He recognized quite a few of them, but he didn't have the balls or courage to go up to talk to any of them. "Am I the only guy here... what, the hell am I supposed to do?" he muttered to himself, taking a large swig of his drink, hoping the buzz would help calm his nerves and figure out what to do. He wanted to at least talk to some of these beautiful girls but he just wasn't sure how to start or approach one of them.,"Taking the seat next to Michael was a brown-haired woman in a red dress. "Bartender, get me a Mojito," she said with a smile. This was Kyu, and she had her eyes set on Michael. She took a sip of her drink, but some spilled onto her breast. Using her finger, Kyu scooped up the liquid and licked it off, then started sucking on her finger. She turned her gaze back to Michael as she pulled her finger out. "Hey there, cutie. The name's Kyu." "Greece is such a petty place to be, especially at sunset. Lena Oxton is at the grounds of some ruins, climbing up on one of the pillars as she tries to get a good look at the rest of the area. "Hm...I can't see anything so far." She moves to the rooftops of the ruins, doing it as stealthily as possible. She stops as she finds something - a gathering of a group that are moving equipment into a carrier. "Yep, Talon is here alright," she says through her earpiece. "They're moving stuff for transport..." Tracer sighs as she moves back just a little, waiting for her orders.,"Watching her from afar, Widowmaker could only sigh in annoyance. "I swear you are the worst at stealth, my petite rump roast," he muttered in French, as she was visible at sunset in a yellow jumpsuit. He'd take aim from afar and switch his ammo for dummy rounds in his silenced sniper rifle. The first shot would whiz past her ear to feel like a flick and knock her earpiece off her head. The second shot would strike her left supple butt cheek as he grappling hooked to another position, then purposely shot the right cheek as well from afar with a smirk. She needed to learn that she wasn't subtle, and this was his favorite game to play with Tracer. "Blackfire smiled as she landed on the roof of the T-Tower. "In," she said, and she laughed as she heard the alarm go off inside. The security drones rose out of the roof and started firing at her. With a quick dodge to the left, she avoided a laser shot from one drone and the swipe of a chain saw-looking thing of another. She fired two quick balls of purple radiating energy from her hand, and the machines crumbled, the metal looking charred. She smiled as an elevator rose out of the roof now, and after the doors opened, two figures walked toward her. "Oh my my, I thought you would have had better defenses than that," she said with a haughty laugh as she brushed her black hair away from her face. "Hmmm, you really should get those fixed. It's just sad." Starfire's eyes flashed open, and she immediately rose from her room and flew into the main room when the large flat-screen showed an image of a lone figure on the roof fighting the security drones that Cyborg had just built. Starfire recognized the figure. "Blackfire," she said, and her eyes glowed green. "What is my sister doing here?" After she exiled her from Tamaran, Starfire hadn't given much thought to her big sister until now. She looked over at Robin, anger apparent on her face. "Let us go do the kicking of the butt," she said, her words full of malice, which was odd for the cheerful alien. Starfire was quickly on the roof with Robin facing her sister. At her word, her hands and eyes quickly grew brighter. "I am sorry you were not welcomed properly, but sister, you are not welcome at my home anymore. Leave now, and I will not hurt you.","Robin nodded behind Starfire, drawing his Bo staff, the thin but strong and somewhat flexible polymer rods extending, he spun them with years of practice. Even as he held three birdarangs in his left hand. His right spun the bo staff. He'd been working on a compound to stop the sunlight from affecting cells, in essence a clear chemical coating to prevent sun-based aliens from drawing on their powers. Blackfire would be the perfect test. However, an aching in his groin was noticeable. The "Boy" Wonder and Starfire had been making out before Blackfire had arrived, and while he loved Starfire, the orange-skinned girl didn't seem to realize the effects of arousal on human males. He was sure the bulge was noticeable in his green polymer/latex revealing pants. He just had to hope to get this done as quickly as possible. "The hairbrush ran through the thick black hair several times, as Princess Jasmine worked her way through her nightly routine. Everything was calm and safe in Agrabah, and there was certainly no reason to be on your guard. Jafar had been sealed into his lamp, Genie had been set free to roam, and Aladdin was held in a position of honor, tucked away in his own room in the palace. Yes, his own room, since the Sultan hadn't been quite insistent upon the two getting married quite yet. Perhaps he was still waiting for Jasmine to change her mind; more likely he wanted to keep his baby girl for a little while longer. Jasmine had to admit that this latter was quite frustrating to her. She'd long since discovered what happened when you touched those tender bits. Those impressive breasts, the mounds that were swathed in blue silk at the moment, were easy enough to play with. Just bring delicate fingers up to pinch at darkened nipples and rub. Or slide a hand down the well-muscled stomach, running along the waistband of the billowy, silken pants. Just slide a finger there, running along the black hair that lined the sex, and then prod at those lips. Jasmine was half tempted to engage in such acts now, frustrated as she was. Per usual, she and Aladdin had some time alone, which they'd spent kissing with steadily increasing passion. The kiss had done its job, as Aladdin was proving to be a quick learner in that department. However, he was also intelligent, or at least cautious. The moment Jasmine worked his hands down her slim body, he'd balked, insisting that her father wouldn't approve. So the princess was instead attempting to work her frustrations through her hair. She fluffed the waist length mass, feeling its heft as it hit her pert, heart-shaped rear. The princess sighed, rising to her feet. Perhaps she should just sneak into Aladdin's chamber. What her father didn't know wouldn't hurt them.,"A low voice entered the room, seeming to be both everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The voice was low, lower than any human vocal cords could make, and yet also full of a richness, like dark chocolate or a nice warm bath. It seemed to wrap itself around her and just listening to it would cause a moistness between most women's legs. "Naughty, naughty, Princess," the voice said. "So very naughty. Wouldn't you rather be with a real man? A man who could show you a whole new world of pleasure? Take you to the highest peaks of what your body could withstand?" Jasmine felt as much as heard a hard gust blowing into her room. Caressing her skin and other places seemingly under but without disturbing her blue silken clothes. Hands everywhere that gave pleasure, however promised so much more. The "message" lasted for only a third of a minute, but the spirit hoped that would get the princess to ignore caution. "Say 'I give myself to thee,'" he whispered in her ear. "And I will show you pleasure beyond what you can imagine." "Arya Forbes was a 16 year old Junior at Oswell High School. She was tall, slender, and blonde, keeping to herself most of the time. Her social life consisted of playing volleyball, study group, and occasional dates with whoever asked her out. The number of people who knew her were few, which made it surprising when she received an invitation to join the debate team. It was the first day after winter break, and their English teacher, Ms. Franko, had been fired for doing drugs on school grounds. Their new teacher, Mr. Fitz, was scheduled to begin today. Arya slipped into room 219 two minutes before the bell and settled into her corner seat in the back. The name "Mr. Fitz" was written in swooping handwriting on the board, and the man's back was turned as he sifted through the textbook, searching for a passage. Arya slouched in her chair, her subtle curves slightly emphasized by the fitted top and skinny jeans she had chosen at random that morning, her long blonde hair braided into a golden plait. Students began to file in, and the bell ran, causing Mr. Fitz to drop the book on his desk and turn to face the class. Arya felt her breath catch as she laid eyes on him...he was gorgeous. As he began his lesson on foreshadowing, she kept staring at his soft, supple lips, the hint of stubble on his chin and jawline, shaggy hair...all barely professional, but just enough for school teaching. She was so zoned out that she didn't hear him ask her a question. "Ms. Forbes?" he demanded, "Will you answer my question?" "Um...what?" she stuttered.,"Sighing, he looked to her and repeated himself in his deep, rich voice. "What is the point of Hamlet, Ms. Forbes?" He then turned his back to the class, allowing them to see his ass. His pants weren't tight, but they were tight enough. He flipped through the pages before turning around and looking at her again, trying to look her over without giving away what he was doing. She was a beautiful woman, and his pants became even tighter as he sat down behind his desk. "Kaltha Heartblood, Herald of Slaanesh , had been a daemon since the dawn of time. She has been the spirit of climax to humanity since a man first slid his rotten cock into the filthy pussy of a woman. Since then, over the course of 60 thousand years, mankind has grown more intelligent but none the less lustful. Kaltha sensed this in her latest pet. She liked the flayed remains of her last pet from her long fingers, her member finally softening from the week-long orgy that ended in the death of her favored pet. But she feared not, Dha'zahl the catcher was bringing her another boy to feed on. He was young, human and military. A strong man with a steely resolve is always the best fun to break. She sat in her throne stroking the arm rests made of spines and ending with skulls. She looked up at her gaudy door displaying a graphic scene of a crucified woman being raped by a legion of daemons. The smell of death filled the room as the Catcher dragged the unconscious male into the room and threw him on the blood (amongst many other bodily fluids) stained floor. He simply hissed at his kin and left her to her torturous fun. She observed him and stood, striding on clawed feet that resembled high heeled boots and ended in lacing like piercings at the top of her shins. She crouched on top of him and began licking in his ear and dry humping his unconscious body, whispering incantations of eternal wakening to assure he seldom fall asleep during her sexcapades. "Wake up my little morsel." she giggled in his ear.,"Eliphas slowly came to, feeling something on him. He didn't even have to see the being on top of him to be aroused; he felt the erotic energy pouring out of the being already. It felt good, it felt sexy, it felt... unholy. His eyes snapped open and he saw the daemonette, and tried with all his reserve energy to push her away, and run out the door. All he could manage was a slight wiggle away, barely escaping her grasp. "Stay away, foul whore of darkness! The Emperor is with me, and I shall destroy you, or I shall die. You will not corrupt me!" He put on a holy face, hoping she wouldn't notice his enlarging member. "Roko eased himself off of his mount as he reached the stables, nodding to the keeper as he passed him the reins and tossed him a couple silver coins for keeping his wolf for the night. The orc looked around a moment, taking in his surroundings as he approached the small tavern just on the outskirts of Ratchet. The tavern was noticeably busy tonight, both Alliance and Horde were enjoying drinks and conversation but not with each other. The Horde managed to stay on the left side of the tavern, filling bar stools and tables while the Alliance stuck to the other. With a smile, Roko stepped inside and helped himself to a stool and small table located near the middle of the tavern that was unoccupied. He met several stares and nods from other patrons, but the Orc was unfazed by most of it. His strong frame pushed through a crowd of goblins, keeping his hands on the hilts of his axes which rested at his hips before taking his seat. A familiar goblin approached his table, giving him a friendly grin and served him his usual mead before scurrying off to help other customers, leaving the Orc to take in the sights and sounds.,"Fauna entered the tavern, her long blue dress dangling from her petite Draenei frame. She was a local patron, in fact it was her beauty that brought in most business. She was so gorgeous that it was famed across the expanse of Ratchet and miles beyond that. Though she was more than just a pretty face, she was a harlot at times as well. Allowing any man or woman (if they suited her taste) access to her body for a price. Tonight was no exception to her devious ritual. As she entered the bar, she saw a particularly interesting mount. A wolf. Wolves were an Orc-specific mount, and those greenskins were the easiest to tame pigeons. She saw the Orc in his massive bulk, sitting at the counter. Jackpot, she thought. "Discord smiled to himself as he flew above the homes of Ponyville, before landing outside Sugarcube Corner. He always enjoyed his visits to Pinkie; he could let go a little more here than he could in public in Ponyville, where he was somewhat limited in the fun he could have. As much as he enjoyed the freedom he now had, he couldn't replace the desires that were at his core - pure anarchic chaos, with a casual sprinkling of blood thrown in. But there's no point in chaos if there's nobody to enjoy it with, right? He headed into the seemingly empty Sugarcube Corner and glanced around. "Pinkamena my dear? Are you in here?","Pinkie bounded down the stairs, locking the door behind him. "You're a little early, Discy," she giggled, moving to one of the cupboards. She opened it, sliding things out of the way and opening a trapdoor at the bottom, pulling out a small strongbox. She proceeded to unlock it, revealing a slimmed-down chef's knife set in padding. She stood, picking up the knife. She jerked and shuddered, her back arching and her hair drooping flat. "Mmmm, so sweetie, who's playing victim tonight?" "The door to the Fenton household opened with a small creak, the woman on the outside taking a moment to scan the interior with her goggle-covered eyes. All empty. Maddie Fenton, one of Amity Park's best known ghost hunters (Better known than her husband for quite a few reasons) took a cautious step into her house and shut the door behind her, a bag of groceries resting in one of her arms. "Jack?" she called out. No answer. "Jazz?" she added soon after. Again, no answer. Maddie hesitated for a moment and called out "Danny?" a little louder than the other names. Well, from the looks of things she was home alone, excellent! She quickly hurried into the kitchen and set the bag down on the counter, before scurrying upstairs to her bedroom. Thank goodness she had some privacy, she'd been dying to fire one out. She slipped off her goggles and cowl to reveal her brunette hair and unblemished face. Her hands quickly worked to undo her tight suits, freeing her large breasts and her womanly hips. Once naked, she reached into her sock drawer and took out a newspaper clipping of Amity Park's own ghost boy 'Inviso-Bill.' Ugh this was so wrong, fantasizing about someone who, not only was young enough to be her son, but also the fact that this was a ghost of all things! But...well, while she was still emotionally in love with her husband, sexually he couldn't do anything without taking about a dozen pills, and even then he lacked the stamina to fully please her. Plus she was having a fantasy she imagined most mature women had, to take a young inexperienced stud and show him the ropes. So with the picture in hand, Maddie let out a long groan and sank two fingers into her pussy.,"The ghostly apparition commonly known as 'Inviso-Bill', but more preferably as Danny Phantom, was making his dozenth or so pass over the usual haunting spots of the city before contacting his friends and fellow ghost hunters. "Looks like a surprisingly quiet night here in Amity Park," he noted with a mixture of disappointment and relief after the time wasted on this patrol, "No ghost activity to report after hours of patrolling. Not even any Goths with ghostly white complexions." "Hey!" Came the familiar female voice on the other end; causing Danny to give an embarrassed chuckle before apologizing, "Heh. Sorry, Sam." Another sweep over the school and nothing yet, which caused the rather tired hero/public menace to let out a bored yawn before deciding, "Look, guys. I'm going to head home for now. Let me know if anything spooky pops up." "You mean aside from helping my dad with his bunion?" Tucker Foley chimed in over the mic; only for an older male voice to call out in the background, "Tucker?! Is that you? I need your help again!" Immediately after came the rather rushed "Gotta go! Bye!" before Tucker's line went dead. From there Danny headed home while Sam and himself exchanged a few parting words to each other before hanging up. Upon arriving home, Danny kept to his ghost form and turned invisible with the hopes of phasing through the walls and up to his room without anyone noticing. Surprisingly for his family, the place seemed awfully quiet as the teen made his way through the kitchen. "Huh. Looks like I got in while everyone else was out. At least that saves me having to come up with an excuse for where I was until now." The teen remarked before noticing the bags on the counter. "I guess Mom's here, at least. Probably down in the lab. Which means..." Danny muttered to himself; figuring it meant a quick shortcut through the bedrooms without any chance of disturbing anything while his parents might notice. It didn't take long, however, before the invisible half-ghost found himself within his parents room and greeted to a rather unexpected sight. Freezing in mid-air, the currently invisible Danny's jaw dropped at the full on view of his mother pleasuring herself. "Woah." The teen whispered beneath his breath. In the past, the thought of his parents doing anything sexual would gross him out. Even their more intimate kisses made him a bit squeamish to be around for seeing. But seeing his mother on her own. No dad in sight. Fully exposed and in the midst of such intimacy. Well, it left Danny with a very different view of his better looking parental figure. Watching Maddie for several moments, a rather shameful tent starting to form within those dark form fitting tights, Danny had to remind himself of how wrong this was before forcing himself to attempt in flying away. Taking the long way of flying by her, however, the teen hero couldn't help but let his eyes steal a few more glances of Maddie Fenton's rather full and mature curves. What caught him perhaps by even bigger surprise, though, was when Danny managed to fly close enough to take a look at the photo in the newspaper clipping she was using for visual assistance. "Wait. That's me?!" The ghost boy blurted rather loudly; his concentration letting go enough for him to end up smacking into the nearby wall, which in turn sent him tumbling to the bedroom floor and out of his invisible state. "Ohno." Danny uttered as his face turned white even for a ghost; quickly scrambling to his feet and holding both hands up in a defensive stance while trying to explain and maintain the alter ego, "It's, uh. It's not what it looks like, citizen! Go back to your, um, reading and..." His voice trailed off slowly; there was no way of explaining this one away as he begged, "Please don't tell da-er, I mean, Mr. Fenton?" "One hundred human years have passed since the Xros Wars... and peace has crossed the Digital World... although millions and millions of years have passed. Both Digimon and humans have lived in peace... no wars or evil has dared to come out to take either world due to the legends of the Digi-Destined... until now! Now a new and dark threat has taken over the Digital World, turning it into something more... sexual... rape and death follow everywhere and all because of some dark symbol... now new Digi-Destined are called to save our world... and so the story begins. Yuki sighed sitting at his computer still in his school uniform as he completed some homework. "Fuck," he muttered. "Why the hell do I have to write five pages on ancient Japan?" He sighed softly and saved what he had before turning on an MMO he had been playing for a while. Then something happened... His screen started to glow with a white light, and at this he jumped back away from the computer as it spoke to him. "You have been called." And suddenly... he was gone. When next he woke up, he found himself in some sort of forest with signs pointing every which way. He shook his head and looked around. "Where the fuck am I?","Seiko sighed softly, lounging in her bathtub at her estate as she played a game on her computer. She was enjoying herself quite a bit before her screen went blue. "Oh, son of a..." was all she got out before the computer spoke. "You have been called," and began to glow brighter and brighter. Scared, she tossed the laptop across the room, only to be sucked into it with a towel and her clothes. Thankfully, but she suddenly landed in a forest naked except for the suds over her body barely covering herself. She looked around and blinked. "Where the hell am I?" she asked before she squeaked noticing a man nearby. "The frontier world of Shas'an had a long way to go before it could become a fully fledged Sept of the Tau Empire. One of the unique challenges was the local fauna. Though not exactly dangerous, there had been a few incidents of aggression. That was part of the work that they did at Fia's lab. It was the central lab for breeding and fertility operations on the colony, and besides ensuring the high fertility rates needed to sustain a colony's population, the Earth caste scientists also developed less aggressive strains of local fauna. Fia wasn't involved in that project. She and her team were specialists in Tau breeding, and as they called off their shift for the evening, the three of them strolled wearily back to the hab block nearby. Fia, the tallest of the girls, was the team's leader from the Bork'an Sept and was a very light blue in color. Vy and her sister Cho were local-born, and had the distinct purple tint that Tau of Shas'an had started to develop. All of them wore standard Earth caste kit, dark blue bodysuits under white lab gowns. They walked and joked with one another, happy to be done with another day but also talking about taking their work home with them. Both sisters hoped to find bond-mates and conceive offspring soon. Fia merely wondered how she would manage the workload while they were on gestation leave. None of them realized that they were being stalked from the shadows.,""Patriarch," the Magus spoke up, "these are the three who work on the breeding of their kind." The other two near by were also relaying information before he spoke powerfully, the sound resonating over their own thoughts. "The leader is mine, do with the other two as you wish... Make it look like an attack directed by one of the scientist's rivals..."They spoke enthusiastically that his will would be done as he closed his eyes waiting for his prize to arrive. After all, a brood lord like him did not need do much more than direct his lessors till his true masters arrived. "One survivor who ran to save her own hide, and she will return to be the start of something grand in this worthless Tau encampment, some empire..." He chortled at that they were all ants scurrying around before the will of others, only who he was under was too vast to imagine they had no chance. The magus moved forward with a grace that fit his station - a low faction, but it has been making some noise. "Ahh how are the three of you doing this day?" He nodded to each in turn, his bald head and heavy features making him rarely one who had anyone outside of a few political whores at his call. "Fia, I would ask that you escort me, I have someone who would like to meet you very much. He is rather shy, but was hoping to talk to you about the breeding program." He was known for speaking very bluntly, and as a second in command, his 'liege' was often hidden away to busy to be concerned with such low matters. However, there have been a few who had devoted themselves to the strange man always hidden giggling about his features, and seemed to hide all suspicions about the man being always locked away. The two gene stealers ahead waited quietly, one above the light in an alley they would need to take unless they were planning on a longer walk. They would chase the women down if must either way; the three women were not going to be free to continue their work unless it was under the Patriarch's command. "Voldemort, otherwise known as Tom Riddle, smiled indulgently as he stepped into the manor's dining room, relaxed and pleased as all the Death Eaters within stood and bowed before sitting again. At a young age, he'd learned to crave power, and now he had everything he wanted. Moving to his seat at the head table, he spared a pleased smile for Bellatrix as he sat down. "Any new things going on today?" He asked, looking around the table. The question was posed to everyone, but it was mostly for Bellatrix, whom he hadn't had a chance to visit with for a few days. For now, content to see what his followers would say, he settled in. Loyal Lucius, with beautiful Narcissa, whose stomach was just starting to round with their first child. Rudolphus, who's wife he loved, and was a friend and follower enough to give him leave to court her. And finally, Rabastan, the fun-loving youngest Lestrange, who made anything seem less dreary.,"As soon as Bellatrix saw him, she bowed as low as she could, smiling before taking her seat. She waited a moment while others informed him of various work-related items. The fear that they struck into people's hearts, so on and so forth. Bellatrix loved the Dark Lord more than anyone else in the room, even her own husband. A certain glow surrounded her, but nobody knew what it was. When the last Death Eater finished reporting, Bellatrix coughed slightly. "My Lord, I have wonderful news..." she began, smiling with a loving look. "I'm... I'm with child." "It had been a long day for Kate Beckinsale. She had many friends over enjoying her company at her mansion, soaking in the pool and eating what food was on offer. Maybe even some stars had turned up in their bikinis and had a fabulous time before leaving late in the evening. It was around 6pm now and the crowd of people became much smaller, only closer friends staying. Kate walked through the back door and into her home, leaving wet footprints behind her. Wearing an orange bikini that showcased her delightful figure, she made her way to the basement where her wine was stacked. Walking down the stairs, she opened the door and found herself in a maze of bottles, hundreds at least. Going through each section, she finally found something to her liking and picked it up. Looking up at the ceiling, she could hear laughter that made her smile. It had been a good day; everyone enjoyed themselves and didn't have any complaints. Scratching the back of her head, Kate attempted to make her way upstairs and back to the party before she heard a noise. Squinting her face in confusion, she closed the basement door and turned the corner in to a hallway instead of going back outside.,"A lean, quick-limbed man intent on a target slipped through the mansion's white rooms, seeking prey. He had been watching outside for hours, ready for the right moment. Now his instincts told him that moment was approaching. Lurking with caution, he hid outside first, gauging the atmosphere. Security was lax with the convivial mood and he slipped in through a side door, face obscured for any cameras. The afternoon heat still hung in the house, even as twilight quickly approached, and sweat prickled across his skin. From an interior balcony he was able to study the remaining guests - and the woman he had come to snatch. For a moment he was almost frozen by the sight of her firm frame parading below him. He waited patiently, minutes oozing by like hours. Finally he saw her come inside from the pool, and his tensed muscles surged into action. Somewhere distant the babble of contented laughter and voices was rippling down, but the house itself was silent save for the padding of her feet. He drew as close as he could behind her, listening to the rattle of bottles, and drawing out his taser. It made a small click as it fired into life, and he shuffled back quickly into an alcove as the curious Kate came in investigate. As she stepped cautiously into the dark of the hallway, he leapt out and jabbed her in the back of her neck with the taser, putting her out quickly with a sharp savage jolt. Wasting no time, he threw her wet and supple body over his shoulder, escaping quickly from the house. The upstairs occupants were so oblivious he even walked right out the front door, unnoticed by anyone. He moved down the path to his plain white GMC van, dumping his captive in the back. Every sound and movement seemed utterly amplified in his excitement and paranoia. He bound and gagged her with duct tape as she groggily started to come around, forcing him to administer another painful shock to put her back out. With a triumphant slap on her rock-hard ass, he slammed the van doors and practically ran into the driver's seat. Firing up the coughing engine, he and the kidnapped Kate rolled off into the night, and he finally allowed himself a wicked laugh of delight. "Alexis was woken up early by Draco shaking her roughly. "Alexis, Wake up! You lazy ass," he laughed. Alexis just covered her head with the blanket and growled. "Five more minutes, Draco." She said sleepily. Draco sighed. "Come on, we have to get ready to go to my house for the holidays. We need to take the train to King's Cross, and if you don't get up, we're going to miss the train." He shook her again. "Grrrfine, I'm up." Alexis threw off the blanket and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she was finished, she got dressed and sprayed herself with peach body spray before making her way down to the common room with her trunk. "Okay, let's go then." She said looking at Draco. When they arrived at King's Cross station, they got off the train and waited for Draco's father. "Where is he?" Alexis asked impatiently. She was freezing and her cheeks were turning red. She started pacing back and forth until a car pulled up and someone inside motioned for them to get in. Alexis followed Draco's lead and got into the back seat. Alexis walked into the manor and her jaw dropped. It was a huge place and looked as if it could fit five or maybe even ten families, and Draco's family had the place to themselves. "I am so jealous of you right now," Alexis whispered into Draco's ear as they walked into the sitting room and sat down.,"He awaited his son to come home for the holidays, but what he didn't expect was a friend to come along as well. As Draco walked in with her, he looked at him. "Welcome home, my boy," he said, then added, "Now, who is the lovely young lady we have here?" He grabbed the young girl's hand and kissed it, a habit he still did with his wife today. "Well, I'm sure we can get acquainted later on," he continued. "Please, Draco, show her around the home. I know it's big, but you get used to it." "Treno was probably the worst place to be if you were the best sort of people, but thankfully...none of those people really frequented it very much. It was the city that never slept in a kingdom that had a curfew, it was the place that dreams were made of if you had luck and a lot of gil. It was a place where you could get anything you wanted if you knew the right people and had a good price on hand. More commonly, was known for its casinos that attracted people far and wide. Lionel liked to pretend it didn't exist, but it usually seemed fairly interested when it seemed to be getting a generous helping from the taxes. There was not a day that went by that Treno didn't have dusty and worn travelers from all over the globe trying to get lucky, and generally failing. Yet people hoped against hope that they would be the one to strike it lucky...not that it ever happened. It was a plan shared between two Al-Behd brothers, Sabi and Ezen. Both of them looking a little more dispirited than usual. Sabi was the younger, although it was hard to tell from first glance as they both seemed to look about the same. If it weren't for Sabi's hair cut short and Ezen's settled in a long braid, they'd have been unrecognizable twins...barring their clothes, of course. "Well, that's it..." Sabi replied dryly, fingers drumming on the glass table. A fine aldgoat leather jacket settled against his chair as he leaned back with a weary sigh. "We made five hundred gil...out of the three thousand we spent." "Not very good odds," Ezen admitted, reclining back with his drink. It was a stupid plan, but they both knew they had nothing else to rely on. Which is probably why they were too busy sulking to really think of anything better. "Not even a quarter of what we owe, either...what are we gonna do, big brother?" he sighed, hands behind his head with a frown. What could they do? Not it stood, they were nowhere near what they needed to actually pay off the debt. Not that the three thousand would have helped much anyway. "I don't know, Sabi...drink more?" Ezen shrugged, taking another drink. He had no idea what to tell him, and that bugged him even more since Ezen was the one who suggested it in the first place. The mercenary business wasn't exactly as smooth as it needed to be, and in Bikanel...well, they were better off just not trying. So they decided to try their luck at Lionel, by way of Treno. For all the good that had done both of them. But hey, Sabi was good with his fists...and he had a gun, how hard could it be for young, strapping men to find work? "...We're dead, aren't we?" Sabi replied, and eventually Ezen sighed. "...Probably?" Well, it wasn't as if their mood was anything new in Treno. Most people seemed a little down lately, aimless almost. Lots of idiots like them got down on their luck and hoped to make it big on some huge score. Maybe luck was leaving Treno for brighter pastures, if there was even such a thing?,"There were not two others in all of Treno that looked as out of place as the pair standing in the courtyard beyond the main gates. One was tall and willowy, her long white ears and the stilettos common to her race only added to her height. Her crimson eyes could be quite unsettling to those who had yet to lay eyes on a Veira more so than her actual appearance at times. She was dressed in almost black leather armor sculpted to fit her lithe shape by the leather-working guild in Gridania, though the Veira were not known for their modesty due to a lack of male presence in their culture. Her outfit could be considered more revealing than those of the women selling their services throughout Treno. The large oak bow slung across her back did little to detract from her appearance. She seemed entirely oblivious to the stares she received as she scanned the dusty flagstone streets. In comparison, her companion was the complete opposite. Almost two heads shorter than the willowy Veira, this young woman sported feline-like ears and a long swishing tail. Her hair was cropped to the shoulder and the same inky black as the fur on her tail and ears. She stared at everything around her with vibrant amethyst eyes, much like an excited child upon first discovering something new. The Moon Keeper Miqote was easily excited by new things, and her desire to learn led her to practice one of the most difficult magical arts in all the realms. No one would guess looking at the petite but curvy feline that she was in fact a Summoner from Gridania. Her robes were simple linen, dyed a shade of purple to match her eyes, and she carried what appeared to be a large tome on her hip. The only indication of her abilities was a symbol sewn onto the left sleeve of her robes. Miah was practically bouncing on the spot, her tail flicking with excitement. Gywn, look at this place! She exclaimed, leaning over the stone banister that encased the upper courtyard of the city, giving a wonderful view of Treno. It's so different from home! The Miqote had a soft, subtle purr to her voice when she spoke. Gywn, her Veira companion pulled her away from the banister with an admonishing look. We came here for a reason, did we not? Her voice was clear, with a musical sound to it. You have dragged me away from the forests chasing nightmares to this place. She gave a pair of ogling men a distasteful look. Miah was already trotting off down the steps towards the main city with an idle flap of her hand. I just want to explore a little. She told her long-time friend. What's a gambling house? Her attention already diverted before they reached the first intersection. Before Gwyn could stop her, she pushed through the doors into a sprawling room filled with tables and men enjoying their games and their drinks. Gwyn took a firm hold of Miah’s collar. We are going now. She declared, turning to drag her friend away. She stopped when she felt Miah’s entire body tense up and a soft growl escape her lips. Immediately after, she felt something ripple through the city, it had a dark, putrid feel to it like stepping into a swamp of tainted water and muck. "What was that?" She asked, nudging her tense friend when she didn't immediately get a response. The look on Miah's face was a mix of pain, fear, and anger. The combination sent a shiver up Gywn's spine. "I think the nightmare has arrived." Miah practically hissed. "Misty sighed as she ran a hand through her long, red hair. How many years had it been? She was 27 years old now... It had been over 12 years since she'd decided to return home and settle down. Unfortunately, the life of a gym leader hadn't exactly been as thrilling as she had been hoping. The competition from the various trainers had been moderate at best. Occasionally she'd get someone good, someone that could actually give her a challenge and beat her, but most of the trainers were just amateur wannabes. Not even worth pitying with some of her weaker Pokemon. Still, what drew most people in was the swimming shows. Her sisters still put on the shows, though despite their insistence, Misty tended to stay away, and certainly didn't participate anymore. Of course all this had left her life boring, dull, and unfulfilled. "Ugh..." Misty sighed as she slowly walked into the main hall of the gym, dropping a towel, wearing only a form-fitting blue bikini. She was going to go for a swim while it was quiet. There were few people around the city at the moment, and she wasn't expecting any trainers to come along to challenge her for a few days. "Ahhhh..." The woman sighed happily as she slipped into the water, then dove beneath and began to swim around in the large glass tank, blissfully unaware of her surroundings beyond the water.,"A young man of about 17 smiled when he finally arrived at the end of his journey. The Cerulean City gym supposedly had a famous water show, as well as a beautiful gym leader, not to mention there was a legend of a cave nearby that once held a legendary pokemon. The teenager had mostly ventured here to find that legendary pokemon, but he would have been lying if he said he wasn't interested in that beautiful gym leader. He walked into the gym and looked around for anyone to battle. "Hello? Is anyone here?" The 6'1 male brushed a hand through his black hair and spoke up once more, "Oh you have gotta be kidding me. I'm gonna lose it if this gym is abandoned." He looked around with shimmering green eyes, once he caught sight of the gorgeous woman in the giant clear tank. He walked up to the glass, staring at her for a moment, lost in her beauty. The young male nervously closed his black jacket with the words Fair Play in red on the sleeves and on the back and zipped up to hide his pink t-shirt that had a ditto face on it. It was of course an embarrassing gift he only wore on laundry day. He then reached into his blue jeans' pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled on it quickly. He tapped on the glass several times and held up the paper which said, "Sorry to bother you. Are you the gym leader?" He smiled nervously and waited for her response. "The Doctor snuck through Rory and Amy's flat doing a quick check. He found Rory on the couch with the television still on. "Rory, check." He tip-toed to the room and found Amy passed out on her bed, "Pond, check." He quietly closed the door and ran to the TARDIS. Feeling a bit weighed down by the married couple, The Doctor took on a solo adventure every now and again. He quickly ran around the TARDIS's console and threw all the switches to get her moving. "TARDIS, check." He then moved to a mirror near the console and checked himself, quaffing his hair to the left and straightening his jacket. "Cool factor," he said, tightening and straightening his bow tie. With a smirk he added, "Check." Throwing the switch, the TARDIS lurched into action as he shouted, "Geronimo!" Then he was off through all of space and time. When he felt the TARDIS come to stop, he limbered himself up before bravely stepping out of the Police Box with a bright smile. The environment he stepped out into was a dark and bleak one. "Ooo, a bit dreary this place." He then saw the bars in front of him, causing a slight frown to mar his face. "I don't remember wanting to go to prison." Had he put in the wrong coordinates, or was the TARDIS just acting up?,"River had become quite used to life in prison, however much she hated that fact, she had. The only thing that kept her going, was that The Doctor occasionally came and picked her up, to go on adventures. She lived for those days, rare as they were. River had, much to her disappointment, only managed to lure him into bed with her twice. Although it didn't always happen in a bed. One of them had been her first time with him. And the other had been his first time with her. The latter had definitely been the hardest to get him to do. She was pretty sure he had blushed all the way through it. So when a boring, normal day in her cell was interrupted by the whooshing of the TARDIS, River quickly got up from her bed and put on her boots. Ready for anything. Her gray tank top and olive green pants, wasn't as flattering as she would have liked. But she could make anything look sexy. It was all about confidence and attitude. And River had loads of confidence. "I don't think anyone wants to go to prison, sweetie," River stated, standing by her very small and uncomfortable bed, with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm glad you think you should see me... even if you don't," she said, sounding part wounded, part teasing as she took a few steps closer to him. "Raikou flickered her wrist, causing the blood on her blade to splatter across the ground but leaving the steel blade nearly clean of blood. Her chest rose up and down slowly as she looked around, making sure there weren't any foes left. She and her Master had gone out on a patrol that should have been pretty easy, but they were ambushed by shadow servants and powerful demons. Raikou had done her duty as a Servant though and defended her Master, slaughtering their foes to the last. Her clothes were ripped and cut in places, showing off more of her skin than she was used to, and for some reason...she felt warm. Not from the combat, no...she knew this feeling. It was lust and desire, she could feel her womanhood starting to grow wet as she turned her attention to her Master, doing her best to seem composed. "Master, are you alright? I believe that is the last of them." Raikou sounded sure and firm as she sheathed her blade, but her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could tell her cheeks were likely flushed with a light shade of pink. What was going on with her? Was she so frustrated that she wanted her Master to reward her with a round of love making because she did well? Surely that couldn't be it... right?,""Ah, I'm okay," Alex spoke - her master was certainly different from her, with tanned skin and dark eyes, his gaze looked to the carnage that she had brought to their enemies, yet again. The woman was simply marvelous at that! Breathing out softly, he couldn't help but feel a little excited from the mutually shared adrenaline. "...I think that will be all we'll be doing out here today." His golden eyes flickered toward the statuesque woman's, breathing out more sharply. "We'll return to base and take a moment to rest, what do you say?" Something about her was different, and as he tried to focus on the what and the how, even he could feel the growing desire between the two of them. "Elvira lay on the floor of the second-story master bedroom, staring up at the ceiling and watching dust float past. For 504 days she had been waiting for a new family to move into the home, lightly pulling at her thick black hair. "504 days," she murmured. "I mean, I know this house is shitty, but it's not that bad.","Rapid footfalls beat hard on the ground, a girl wearing a large dirty black zip-up hoodie maneuvered through the foliage; her breath coming out as heavy pants. She tripped over a tree root that stuck from the earth and fell on her face before getting up and running again. She found a rather large old house and rushed towards the door, ripping it open and moving inside, shutting the door and leaning against it, panting hard before sliding to the floor. "As Admiral Zhao held the captive Tui in his clutches, the moon became an angry red, cutting away the power of the Waterbenders from their sole source. Aang, Sokka, Katara, Yue and the others approached him and demanded that he put the spirit back into the oasis. Iroh, who was devoted to the Four Nations staying separate than being united under the Fire Nation's reign, was more infuriated with Zhao's cruelty. "Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold! Let it go now!" He demanded of Zhao. Zhao forcefully obliged and released the Moon Spirit back into the oasis, restoring the red moon to its original white. But then, in a fit of rage, unleashed a streak of fire at the oasis. But at the same time, the only living Airbender, out of reflex, intervened, and sent a kick of air at the Firebending Master and his flames, sending him into the water and putting him out, saving the spirits from being cooked. Katara got near Zhao and his soldiers, who were also knocked into the water, and froze them in ice, preventing them from Firebending. "You might've stopped me, but you can't stop the fleet," Zhao told them. "You're as good as dead." Then, Aang, with his tattoos glowing brightly, uttered, with the voice of his past lives, "No. We are not dead. Not yet." Wading into the oasis, as though he were driven by the desire to protect the Northern Water Tribe in any way he knew was possible, and the Avatar State was the answer. The Moon and Ocean Spirits glowed and sunk into the water's deep darkness along with Aang, who followed them. The waters of the oasis and the pool surrounding it rose up into the air and created some sort of monster made of spiritually-enriched water, with the Avatar in a some sort of air bubble and the koi fish beneath it. It left to seek out any Fire Nation soldiers and when it did, the Water Tribe people would submit and be spared while the enemy was taken by the water until the creature came to the ocean where the fleet was located, trying to retreat. The water creature unleashed giant waves that capsized all but three ships that were too far away for the waves to hit, but the ones that were hit had their passengers trying to swim to safety on some metallic driftwood that came loose from the sunken ships. Soaked and unable to Firebend, the soldiers were at the mercy of the water beast, which sent more waves and washed them all far away from the tribe. The following day, with the spirits safely protected from the Firebenders (and with Zuko and Iroh disappearing from the tribe during the defeat of the navy fleet), Chief Arnook announced that the threat had passed and a time for rebuilding was to begin. Zhao and the few Firebenders that were with him would be taken back to the Fire Nation's waters and left to be dealt with. Master Pakku decided that he, along with a few Waterbenders, Healers and soldiers would journey to the Southern Water Tribe to help rebuild. "But Aang still needs to master Waterbending," Katara, whom had been informed, reminded him. "Well, then, I guess he'll have to start calling you 'Sifu Katara', then, hmm?" Pakku told him, declaring her a Master Waterbender. Aang, still a little dazed after what had happened last night, couldn't believe that he entered the Avatar State and defeated an entire navy fleet with the help of the Moon and Ocean Spirits and his own past lives, protecting the entire North Pole from sure destruction. As he looked down at the destroyed buildings that the war had made, he pondered how long the onslaught would continue until he had mastered all the elements and defeated Fire Lord Ozai. How much longer were people going to live in fear of the Fire Nation? How long until they lost their homes and the people they loved? And how long until they even lost their hope? Sokka, on the other hand, was packing up for the group before they set out to the Earth Kingdom in order for Aang to learn Earthbending from Bumi, the only Master Earthbender they knew and trusted. While feeding Appa some hay. Much was on his mind as the young warrior thought about a certain princess.,"3:26, AM Water splashes over Ua's face as the sun melts the ice above her head. The fire, smoke, ash and flames from the night before left the air very hot and ash piled up on her roof. The combination of heat and the extreme weight of the ash causes an expanding hole. Ash falls out from the hole in her roof and covers Ua's face with soot, she coughs twice and goes to her sink. Ua flicks her wrist and water splashes out, into the ice. Ua cups her hands and splashes the water over her face, the soot dripping off but the smell of it still lingering. "There are some disadvantages to living in the top floor," Ua thinks to herself. Ua quickly takes her orca-bone comb and glides it through her hair, occasionally dipping it into her water basin. Her hair drips wet. She decides to take a stroll out in the city. Rather than taking the stairs, Ua bends an ice slide from the river and spirals down it, her hair blowing in the wind. Once at the ground level, she notices that the snow is 50% ash. Taking a sip of the water, it tastes like lye and she quickly spits it out. Ua walks along the ash ridden icy sidewalks of the canal. Hoping nobody sees her, she slips into the Spiritual Oasis. This, being the only secluded space that she currently has, she takes advantage of it. She strips out of her gown, everything coming off, her DD tits bouncing out. She rolls around in the clean grass, just absorbing the nature. After playing in the grass for about ten minutes, Ua without thinking plunges into the Oasis. She swims with her other half and her opposite. When her and the white fish touch, a euphoria of being one sends shivers up her spine, after swimming in the nude and being cleaned, Ua hops out, rolls around in the grass, drying herself off before dressing herself again. Ua arrives back into her palace bedroom. She repairs the hole quickly and falls back asleep. Ua's maid gently wakes her up, teasingly stating "Your other boyfriend is packing up to leave." Ua jumps out of bed and dashes down the stairs and out the door, running along the icy sidewalk, she sees the figure of Appa in the distance. Running even faster, she makes it as she sees Sokka's hood up, as he packs up. Ua mimics a bird whistle, hoping for Sokka's attention. "Welcome to Summoner's Rift! Ah, that old, crisp, feminine voice that rang out across the battlefield. So many times had Ahri been here, through so many victories and losses, yet now she was controlled by a summoner with little experience wielding someone with her charms and allure. She giggles softly as she hears the sound of gold coins being dropped into the fat coin-purse of the merchant at the platform to get her a ring. "Aww, how cute," she whispers to her summoner through their telepathic connection as she slips a Doran's Ring on her ring finger and quickly moves for... Top lane? Wait, top lane? This summoner really had no idea what they were doing. A small frown reached her lips. So many in top lane were just too fleshy for her to handle to begin with... This summoner overestimated themselves. Not to mention, she had heard of the opposing team's summoners. The infamous group of sexual predators... Yet they had been allowed to play. It increased the popularity of the matches at a time where they had been going on for so long that some had wondered aloud if there was even a point to them anymore. Still. She reaches her lane on the purple side, taking a few deep breaths she twirls her blue orb around her hands and tails, the light reflecting off her smooth as silk thighs. Who would it be this time she wondered. Who would she charm and drain dry in this little simulated playground of death and mayhem. Minions have spawned! A small smile of simple delight spreads across her face, her eyes filled with a playful nature. "Lets play." She enters the lane with her minions, failing to check the brush for any intruders, and failing to place any wards down in the jungle or in the river to start with... Not that... It was too dangerous... Right?,"Nasus had been a favorite champion of many man summoners across all of the leagues within the Institute of War from the time of his arrival in this world. Under normal circumstances, this would please the canine-like curator. Being so frequently picked placed him in the Fields of Justice often and finding himself here as often as he did gave him more and more opportunities to encounter his brother, Renekton, so that he may humble the reptilian champion. Today was different, however. Today, he was under the command of a summoner with peculiar powers and peculiar methods of waging war. Nasus had been picked by this summoner often and he was none-to-pleased to have been selected once again. This summoner, as Nasus would have put it, was a paragon of injustice within the Institute of War - a great sign of the corruption that the power of a summoner could incite in a mortal man. He and his team of four other summoners had, in a sense, gone rogue some time back. Though they were still summoners of the League of Legends, they no longer sought out sanctioned games. Instead, they spent their time finding new, weak summoners and turning the Fields of Justice into a sexual battle royale. How they had evaded punishment was anyone's guess, but they had never seemed to get so much as a slap on the wrist for such actions. For a beast such as Nasus, the thoughts were infuriating and the actions, unforgivable. To make matters worse, Nasus had been forced to carry out these actions with no ability to deny the commands given to him by his summoner. He had been made an unwilling accomplice in all of this injustice and things were about to get worse. Until now, all of these sexual battles had been conducted against the weaker, lesser-known champions of the League of Legends - champions that no one cared about and few had ever even heard of. This match, however, was to be played against the League's true champions. The women on the other team were all champions that Nasus encountered regularly in the Fields of Justice. He feared, deeply, that he would be forced to carry out these commands against someone that he could call a friend. It was then that Nasus's thoughts were broken. The connection to his summoner had been completed and Nasus was torn from his home in the far-off deserts. Moments later, he was standing on the summoner's platform in the Summoner's Rift, along with four other champions whom he had come to know well because of these twisted summoners. As usual, he found himself here not as himself, but as a damned and infernal version of the Nasus that had been left behind in the desert. This body... It was hard to explain. When Nasus found himself in this form, he always seemed to enjoy the torment that he brought against his fellow champions more than normal. It was as if this form somehow tainted his soul. He did not like it, but it did, at least, make these matches more bearable for the noble curator. The clatter of gold could be heard filling the coin-purse of the platform's merchant and in mere moments, Nasus was headed for top lane with his Doran's Shield. Knowing that his summoner had more experience than that of the enemy summoners, Nasus was not surprised to see that he had beaten his opponent into lane. The canine-like champion waited at the lane tower for a few moments while his summoner formulated a plan. Nasus could almost hear the gears clanking in his summoner's head from his place in the fields. The enemy team's composition was... laughable at best. Nasus had no idea what to expect and it seemed that his summoner did not either. "Minions have spawned!"the voice rang across the rift. The announcement sent Nasus's summoner into action, causing him to guide his champion into the nearby brush along the top wall of the rift. From here, they would be able to see their opponent long before they were seen themselves, a tactic that most summoners learn early, but with as fresh as the opposing team was... Who could guess what they might do? After a few seconds, Ahri came into view. Wait... Ahri? Nasus had to do a double-take to make sure that he was seeing this correctly, but yes, it was, without a doubt, the League's Nine-Tailed Fox. This Revelation brought a bit of relief to the Curator's clouded mind. Ahri had taken her current form from stealing the lives of innocent mortal men. Though the Institute offered her a way of retaining her humanoid form without the need to kill, this did not pardon her from past crimes; not in his eyes. She was a selfish, vain creature who valued her own interests above the very lives of others. He would have no quarrel exacting vengeance for the lives that Ahri had ended before joining the League. For now, however, he was having to wait. His summoner seemed to be formulating a plan of attack... "Uzumaki Naruto screamed as the last bit of humanity was robbed from him. Uzumaki Naruto was no more. Nine tails opened his new eyes and stretched his new arms out. He looked at his form with disdain. No, this would not do. He growled and his skin began to shift, his bones cracked and restructured. Thick orange fur grew over his entire body. His face transformed into that of a fox-like muzzle. His legs grew a second joint and thick claws sprouted from his fingers and toes. After barely a minute, no one would ever guess this being used to be a seventeen year old ninja from the leaf village. Now he was a beast of the darkest nature. A creature of lust and destruction. And he knew exactly what he wanted to do first. With a burst of inhuman speed he launched his body into the air. Nine tails trailing behind him in the night. He wanted to warm himself up and work the kinks out of his new body, so he pushed his abilities to absurd levels. As he tore through the forest trees were pulled from the ground, toppled, and torn in half by his feet and hands with ease. As if they were never there to begin with. With a heave he shot right over the leaf village wall and into the town. He continued tearing over rooftops until he reached a tower. He latched on, his chest heaving powerfully. He scented the air and his face split into a toothy, wicked grin. His cock jumped slightly as he caught numerous scents of dozens of females he'd love to release his pent lust upon. But there was one in particular that would have that honor. The moment he caught it he was once again in the air, leaping and running until he overtook the walls of the Hyuuga clan compound. The nine tailed fox scented again. It was strong now, and the scent aroused him even more. Such wonders he was going to show her. He moved silently through the compound. Several guards passed that he could not resist killing. Barely moments passed and their blood stained his fur. Within a minute he was standing on the edge of the clan training square. Eyes locked on the object of his deepest lusts. A long, thick tongue darted out and licked his lips as he watched her every movement.,"Hyuuga Hinata was training hard in the private fields of the Hyuuga compound, unaware of what was happening all around her. The large-chested girl had removed her huge, thick jacket since she was training in, what she assumed was, privacy, nobody around to see the secret she kept hidden beneath the jacket. Her shirt strained against her chest, and beneath that a bra several sizes too small restrained them even further. Despite all these restraints, though, her chest still became quite noticeable through the shirt she was wearing. Striking the tree in front of her once more, the girl took a step back, panting heavily, sweat dripping from her form after the intense training session. "One day," she said softly, "I'll be strong enough for him to notice me." She smiled softly, slowly turning to reach for her jacket, pulling it up and back on, fastening it up before she turned to leave, still unaware of who, or perhaps more like what was watching her at the moment. "The young Mord Sith was in the field training. She stopped as she saw Alex speaking with her higher up. They turned to look at her and immediately she knew she was wanted. She walked over and Alex said, "You have been honored greatly. You will provide Lord Rahl with an heir." Her eyes widened as she thought about what he had said. True it would be a great honor, but she didn't want to have a child with someone she didn't love. Alex saw how hesitant she was and said, "You will do this child. You do not deny the Lord Rahl of anything. Come, we must get you ready." She knew it was pointless to refuse and so followed him into the castle. He led her down a corridor and they entered a bathing chamber. Maids were already filling a tub with hot water, adding rose petals to it so the fragrance filled the room. Alex left her in the hands of the maids. She was washed, her long black tresses taken down from the intricate knot she used to keep it up. Her body was curvy yet toned, showing that she was an active female. Her skin shone a glittery pale rose color, and was dried and then scented with essential oils from rose petals. Her face was quite beautiful, with almond slanted eyes, surrounded with black eyelashes. They framed amethyst eyes, which had slitted pupils instead of the normal kind. Her lips were a dusky rose color, which matched the color of her nipples, though no man had seen that as of yet, for she was still untouched. She was dressed in a long sweeping gown, the color of her eyes while her hair was pulled up and back into an elegant up-do. She looked at herself in the mirror and then sighed. When the door opened she turned to look at Alex. He smiled at her and then motioned for her to follow him. She did so. They entered the royal bedchamber and Alex said, "May I present, Lady Galaysha Blackthorn. The future mother of your heir if everything goes well.","Mark had his maids make a chicken dinner with a cake for dessert. He didn't like thinking this was more about duty than what he wanted to do. He remembered his father's words: "I swear by my life and my love of it I will not work for the sake of another man nor ask one to live for my sake." A carriage came up to the front door of the castle. A footman came up to Mark and said, "Lord Rahl, she is here." The Lord Rahl found his way to the front room. He was flabbergasted when he saw the woman Alex brought for him. She was curvy yet strong. She wore a dress that was nothing like what a Mord Sith would wear but it seemed to fit her perfectly. Most Mord Sith looked out of place in anything but leather. He walked up to her and smiled. Then he looked at Alex and said, "I told you to bring me a Mord Sith, not an angel. You are magnificent." He looked at the Mord Sith again and said, "Dinner is served if you care to join me. We're having chicken; I hope you like it. My cook Mindy is one of the finest cooks in the Midlands. I think you will quite like it." He walked to the table. Dinner was served. Mark took a bite out of his chicken, chewed it, swallowed, and said, "Tell me about yourself, Galaysha." "The dripping, dank tomb was certainly uninviting. The whole place stank like death and mildew, with just the hint of rotting flesh. It made Cassandra want to empty the contents of her stomach in a corner. For now though, the Grecian warrioress simply tightened her grip on her weapon as she cautiously went deeper into the dark depths. She'd started questing to find her sister, and soon found herself caught in the great battle for the legendary sword. The local village had mentioned that a great weapon lay in the depths of this tomb, and Cassandra intended to make it hers. Something squelched under Cassandra's foot, causing her to pause. Grimacing, she leaned over and began using her sword to scrape at the goo that had gathered under her boot. "This is just gross," she muttered, her concentration focused on relieving her white boot of the greenish slime that had somehow found its way there. Her weapon and guard were down, but as she hadn't seen or heard anything since entering, surely it would be alright.,"The tomb offered little more than darkness and death to those who ventured into it without knowing all its twists and turns. However, it was also rumored that Lizardmen used the tomb as their home. And it just so happened that there were eyes on Cassandra watching her as she dealt with the goo that had gotten onto her boots. Two of the Lizardmen looked at each other before circling around her; one would have been in front of her and above, while the second would have been behind her. When they thought it was time, they both rushed Cassandra to knock her down and pin her down using their weight. In their minds, the girl was nothing more than the next meal, but they both knew that if they didn't bring her before the leader first, they would be in trouble. "It had been two years. Two years since Monkey D. Luffy had set out on his adventure, tackled the Grand Line with all his enthusiasm and his strength, gathering together a ragtag bunch of misfits along the way and creating quite a large amount of trouble for the World Government. Or, at least... it would have been. Fate was strange like that; the smallest thing could have drastic consequences. Luffy had never met Nami, or Zoro, or Usopp or Sanji or any of the group. Perhaps he was still out there somewhere, giving the Marines hell... but it also meant he never met one Nico Robin. The Jaguar rocked in the waves off the coast of a small island by the name of Roak. It lay on one of those seven paths through the Grand Line, that ineffable and dangerous sea that drew the wild and the foolhardy. It was a great ship, a full galleon staffed by a full crew -- a crew whose collective bounty steadily rose with every month. Nico Robin stood atop the deck, eyes as blue as ice staring out at the sea. She was clad in a form-fitting catsuit of some sort, with shortened sleeves and long, shiny gloves to compensate. Her neckline plunged down nearly to her navel, the material straining over her breasts as she enjoyed the feeling of the evening air. "Mm. How much longer did Pet say until the Log Pose is set?" she called out across the deck. "Another hour or so, ma'am," came the reply from one of the crewmen on deck. Robin almost sighed, settling one slender hand under her chin as she sashayed slowly along the Jaguar's deck. "Pity," she said, "but can't be helped, I suppose." Her high heels clicked against the solid wooden deck. It was an interesting life, leading the Demon Pirates (an appellation oh-so-fitting for the "Demon Child" Nico Robin as she'd been called so many years ago). The Poneglyphs were yet out there and ripe for the viewing... but... there was only so far she could be pushed. Kicked around from service to service until she'd been employed by Crocodile... and, well, the moment he'd tried to get rid of her, seastone shackles had seen to him. Two years. Two loooong years since then. At least her crew were enjoying themselves on Roak - the screams had died down about an hour ago, which meant the place was likely pillaged and her crew had started relieving themselves with the local populace. It was part of the reason for the bounty they'd managed to accrue... and part of the reason why the Jaguar was so big, and why its brig was likewise quite large. She slowly made her way up to the bow of the ship, turning to quite gently press her hip against the wooden railing, settling her hand on the polished surface. It WAS an interesting life most times... it was only when they were forced to halt for the Log Pose that the monotony set in. Tick, tock, tick, tock... She reflected that the next island had best be larger, if only so that there were better specimens to find - both in the populace and the sort of books they had. Roak's had been rubbish - shoddy reprints of some of her collection. It left her with precious little to do.,"Indeed, in another life or time, a chance encounter with an enthusiastic young pirate would change the lives of so many others in ways they may have never imagined. Certainly, this was the case for one Roronoa Zoro, famed pirate hunter, whom never had such a fateful encounter which would guide the famed swordsman toward being the trusted blade of a potential Pirate King. Instead, the pirate hunter was left stuck at the mercy of a marine captain's pampered son for several days, until having to fight his way out when the little punk broke their promise on intending to free him after a month. Things got messy. Very messy. Afterward, Zoro spent the coming months and eventual years toughening his skill against pirate and marine alike. Still very much the pirate hunter he'd been known for prior, but having to make backdoor deals with marines which were willing to overlook his increasing bounty in order to let him do their job for them. Neither a pirate nor a marine, the three sword style swordsman kept his eye on the eventual goal which lead to his embarking out into the sea in the first place; that of being the greatest swordsman alive. The swordsman believed himself nearly ready. He'd fought many of the best from both the marines and the current pirate generation. His pockets lined with many coins over time. But before believing himself ready to take the fight directly to Dracule Mihawk, the greatest of all swordsmen, there remained one final obstacle to overcome. For the past few weeks, the often times easily lost swordsman had worked his way toward the biggest pirate bounty anyone could target. Not an easy task considering his sense of direction. So what luck it was when the island he'd next decided to take a break upon after ditching his small, rickety old boat turned out to be the one which Nico Robin's crew seemed to be pillaging next. Waves crashed above him as he kept his breath held and swam beneath the churning water near the docked ship. Better way to avoid detection than approaching from the beach, even if it did lead to his taking a few wrong turns and adding a dozen more minutes to his swim. But regardless, Zoro came up near the far end of the ship, as he took in a deep gasp for air. Surveying the exterior from his low vantage point while floating in place, the pirate hunter then pulled out a small blade and displayed his impressive physical strength by managing to slowly climb up the exterior of the large ship with this blade alone as an assisted grip. Impressive considering the amount of physical strength used to swim for so long underwater. Huffing only slightly by the time the swordsman made his way onto the deck, Zoro had discarded his shirt and kept only to his dark pants and boots while making his way along the dangerous ship. His body and clothes already dripping enough without said shirt adding to it, which meant the young warrior's toned upper body was on full display for any whom could see it. A number of smaller battle scars decorated his flesh. Nothing quite to what Mihawk may have left across his chest had their paths crossed earlier in another world, but certainly a fair amount of which to read like a map of his history since taking to the seas. Unfortunately for those few on the ship whom did cross his path, the swordsman was quick enough at dispatching them with minimal noise on his part. Quick enough for them to barely catch a glimpse of their attacker before giving into the embrace of unconsciousness or worse. Their bodies hit the ground with light thuds, similar to the sounds made by those fellow crewmates on the island whose acts of debauchery were close enough to earshot for Zoro to ignore. More bodies falling. Not the best thing to have happening if one wanted the full element of surprise, but that was fine. Much like how scars on the back of a swordsman is shameful, so was leaving such a scar on the back of an opponent as you sole means of defeating them. Having spotted the leader of the Demon Pirates, Zoro slowly approached. The sounds of a last few fallen crew members beginning to be heard in the background as they groaned out their last breaths. The swordsman stood there. One sword held clutched within his teeth. Two others at his side. Gripped firmly. Aware of her powers. Every fiber of his body intending of lashing out the first sign of her using those abilities to defeat him. Believing himself ready, as the pirate hunter spoke, "Nico Robin?" His right hand raising a sword. Pointing it toward her while standing a few feet away. Directing it at her head, with the other in his left hand remaining ready to strike at a moments notice, he got right to the point, "I came for your bounty. You can either come along quietly or I can take you down by force. What's it going to be?" "The demon Andras is to report to the Incubus Palace at noon tomorrow to receive appointment and orientation to the Order of Temptation, by order of Lady Morrigan. Failure to present in a punctual and appropriate manner will result in a fine and/or decapitation. Andras read over the appointment letter once again as he neared the gates of the palace. It was a huge, towering structure that seemed to simply radiate hedonism. Even from the gates he could hear moans of ecstasy faint in the distance. Not many got the opportunity to train to be an incubus. It wasn't something one applied for, exactly. One was chosen. Andras didn't have to wrack his brain as to why. After all, his aunt was Lady Morrigan herself. Not that that would spare him from decapitation if he were late, but even demons had family bonds. As he approached the gate, Andras showed his invitation letter to the guards and was greeted by a giggling nude woman no older than seventeen. She seemed human, but could very well have been a golem or a nymph or any other product of the debaucherous witchery that ran rampant within these walls. He was led down the main corridor, taking a few glances at her perfect ass bouncing in front of him as she took him to the throne room. The moaning grew louder as the doors were opened by another pair of guards to reveal nude figures of many shapes and colors writhing about together on the floors, tables, chairs, whatever could be implemented in their wild ballroom dance of passion. So this was to be his home now...Andras couldn't say he wasn't impressed. As he approached the throne, Andras bowed deeply to his aunt. "Your loyal neophyte and loving nephew, my lady," he introduced himself in his deep, smooth voice. Andras was a strapping young demon at 19, with smoldering tan skin, long black hair, and a pair of green eyes that could hypnotize an unwary woman. He came from an esteemed family of incubi and succubi that prided themselves on their continued line of beautiful and malevolent demons. The genetic lottery was kind to him. Andras tried to avoid looking at the copious copulators all around him and focused on Morrigan. He didn't want her to think he was inexperienced so early in the process.,"For mere mortals, the voices in the never-ending orgy that is held in the palace of ultimate pleasure would be maddening. A thousand voices from from a thousand different throats, some bestial and others almost divine but all are similar in one aspect, they were all screams of lust. In the center of the maelstrom, one figure sat elegantly on a throne made of living demonic bats. She was the epitome of beauty. There is no being, regardless of it's race or origin who would not feel the need to fuck her the second they laid eyes on her flawless form. Morrigan Aensland, queen of succubus, uncrossed her legs and walked forward to greet her nephew. "Andras," she purred seductively while licking her palm. Instantly, her hand snaked down his crotch, grasping the demon's cock and with heavenly skills, jerked him off. "My, how you've grown..." The queen said with a chuckle. Indeed he had a good sized cock for a demon and she had no doubt that this cock will serve her kingdom well. With a snap of her free fingers, her throne dispersed into a swarm of dark wings and re-formed as a large comfortable couch behind Andras. Slowly, the queen guided the boy to sit back and relax, pulling his pants down so she can handle his cock more freely. "It is time for you to walk this path dear boy.." She whispered close to his ears, eyes locked on the huge cock in her palm. "To use your...Gifts for our kingdom..It is a path of cunning, seduction and the animalistic sensations that comes with the territory..So..Are you ready?" ""Leon! Leon! Where are you, Leon!" Ashley yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth. She continued to stroll through the desolate grounds, her eyes scanning every corner for signs of life. The entire place looked horrible, infested by God knows what. She'd already had to run from several nasty-looking creatures with tentacles for heads or hulking bodies. Who would actually do something like that to themselves? Well, apparently the same kind of people who would kidnap her and drag her all the way out here. Thankfully Leon had arrived. He'd also gone off to find something and left Ashley where it was "safe." She didn't think that any where in this entire area would qualify for that, and she'd told him so. But he'd just told her to stay. So naturally she began looking for him. The girl strolled through the mist, her long, leather boots clomping noisily against the uneven ground. At least she managed not to get her short plaid skirt snagged. She let out a sigh of frustration, tossing her short cropped yellow hair. "Leon, why did you have to go off and leave me alone?","It was the noise that ended up being dangerous. With the cloying mist blanketing the area so that no one could see more than a few feet, nothing was going to see Ashley. However, her shouts sounded out easily in the mist, calling out not only to Leon but to everything else that filled the area. So the figures began to move, gathering around her, dirty hands clenching on various farm tools turned into weapons. The figures were just barely visible in the mist now, mist trailing around their bodies, hiding away all details of their body. They loomed up out of the mist as dark shapes for now, but they were on every side of the blonde-haired woman. Low mumbling filled the air, Spanish words shooting over Ashley's head, gibberish to her but directing their movements surrounding her. "Under the cover of night, she took towards the city rooftops. Landing solidly on the roof of New York's police department, she was determined to get results tonight. After days of searching and getting nowhere, she had to go back and retrace her steps. She started at the campus grounds biology labs. Michael had clearly been doing some strange things. He had mentioned how his progress on genetic diseases was coming along, hoping to develop a cure for certain diseases. His experiments with bats were illegal, but he had hoped they would help. They had been friends for years, and recently started dating, so when he disappeared, she was the first to worry. This was more than just bad luck; it had been half a year since she crawled back into the cat suit. As Felicia, she was a young woman of prestige, but sometimes a girl has to get results another way. Crawling down the side of the window, her sharp blue orbs peered into the darkness of the chief's office. Slowly opening the window, she slipped in. Rummaging through the file cabinet, she began to look for any files that might lead to Michael's whereabouts. Homicides, witness reports - anything. "Come on... something's got to be here." She huffed.,"Michael watched the people below, moving like the ants they were. He crouched on the ledge of an apartment building as he waited for his prey. He was hungry, so very hungry, and if this was what he had to do to get rid of the hunger then so be it. Now he only moved at night, like a hunter in the jungle, a concrete jungle. He had only killed a few times before but he became quite good at it. He had his eyes set on a pretty young thing, no doubt going to meet her friends at a club downtown. She was sure dressed for it anyway. He licked his lips as he watched her move, her hips swaying with each step. He had tried to help people, people like her, but no one knew. And for what? To become a monster? He deserved to live too after all he had sacrificed. He stood up and leaped, gone like a flash, reappearing on the next rooftop. Where was the fun in just killing her? He could hear her footsteps coming closer now. It was time to play. ""I'm booooored!" chimed Rise. She'd barely come into the dungeon, and now sat upon one of the pipes. Her persona only occasionally needed summoning, whenever the fighters needed some information. For the most part, the idol just hung about, kicking her heels and examining the map. It was even worse this time, because they seemed entirely too confident. "At least this is better than mine," she muttered. She crossed her arms over her smallish breasts, looking about her with interest. Naoto's dungeon looked more... mad laboratory than dark strip club. It certainly didn't have the gross sexual overtones that hers had had. Much more relaxing. Just thinking about the stripclub made Rise tremble and rub her arms. If she ever went back there, it would be too soon. She hopped up then, venturing a little deeper into the dungeon, boredom overcoming her good sense. Her head swung about, ponytails swaying, as she looked through the room. Definitely better than the strip club. There were all these computers and pipes and such. Quite aesthetically pleasing. Rise couldn't help but think it would make for a great movie set. "This is super-agent Rise, entering the top secret layer of the evil shadow villains!" she suddenly announced, taking a practiced pose, one arm out, index finger and thumb outstretched. "Evil-doers beware, Rise-chan is here!","Irony was against the young former idol as just as she did her little gun pose and made the announcement, the wall of the room seemed to ripple a bit, before a dark mass pushed its way through, before falling onto the consoles with a little squish sound. It was quite obviously a shadow, considering it's odd little white mask soon appeared out of its jet-black body. And like all shadows, it was after the Persona user. But this one had a special purpose in mind with it being this specific Persona user. Her dungeon had been all about sex... and now this shadow had come about as a result. It was unknown how it managed to get into Naoto's dungeon, but it only had one thing in mind... it wanted Rise... in a very intimate way. "A secret slave market for the wealthy. Until recently it had been nothing more than a rumor that Elsa was vaguely aware of when she was younger, she had remembered one time at a party that her parents had brought her and Anna to, a noble had been drunkenly rambling on about purchasing a pretty new thing from the local market. Elsa, both young and naive at the time, was curious about just what the man was talking about and had asked her parents about it, but both told their daughter to dismiss it, saying that alcohol had lead the noble to talk nonsense. While both her mother and father were acting strangely urgent, Elsa did as she was asked and dropped the subject, forgetting about it almost as soon as she became curious. The memory was buried deep within her mind, living as a recluse, becoming queen, Elsa had been more busy than ever. It wouldn't be until a long-time servant of her family approached her, giving Elsa a key and saying that she had been ruling long enough and responsibly enough to pick up the work that her parents had left unfinished. Elsa was told to check the drawer inside of her parents' room. Walking back in hadn't been the easiest task, but she felt she owed to her deceased family members to power through it and find just what they were working on. When getting around to finally opening it, the inside was filled with various papers on how to better the kingdom, but the one thing that had caught Elsa's eyes was one written on how exactly they would put a stop to a slave market. Suddenly those memories had returned. Elsa could understand why this task had gone undone; the tension between middle class and nobles had always been noticeable. If the public found out that wealthier classes were also purchasing slaves, there would be further uproar. While Elsa did care for her kingdom and wanted to honor her parents every way possible, being queen was stressful. After going through treatment after treatment to alleviate it, none prevailed. What had yet to try was intimacy - a slave to use as a way of relief sounded appealing. After everything she had done for Arendelle, she decided that this sin would be hers alone. She had earned it, and if her parents were watching in the afterlife, they would understand. Going to the slave market made her skin crawl; not because of the immorality of it all but because the moment she stepped in, almost all eyes were on her. The buyers were probably used to seeing other nobles, but the queen herself? That seemed impossible to believe unless they saw for themselves. Elsa wasn't worried about consequences - who would believe a random noble? Not to mention admitting they themselves were purchasing slaves. So, Elsa moved quickly and focused only on the merchandise. Elsa felt as if she had been looking forever when stopping in front of one cage. Eyeing the woman inside, she seemed flawless in Elsa's opinion. She couldn't resist buying her. When making the purchase, it was no surprise that the price was high, even for a noble, but being the queen, Elsa could buy her without considering the price. Money was no object when it came to maintaining her own sanity after all. Wanting to draw in as little attention from the general public as possible, Elsa's new slave kept hidden beneath the seats of the carriage until they were behind the walls of the castle and the large doors had closed. Elsa herself stepped out first then grabbed the end of the rope which she had tied around the girl's neck, as well as placing one hand on the slave's shoulder to carefully slide her out. "Come, it's time that I show you your new home.","There will be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow, and you're all invited to attend. The judge's voice sent a shiver down her spine as she heard him speak, but the gypsy girl remained resilient and rebellious despite how much of a terrible situation she was in. She knew what he meant and she knew what that bonfire pertained to. That old bastard had been calling her a witch and now that they caught her she was going to face the fate that all those who were convicted of witchcraft would face. They were going to burn her at the stake and there was no escape. Anybody that would help her was now caught and there was absolutely no escape. The guards held her soft arms behind her and pulled her away as they intended on taking their prisoner's to their cells. All the prisoners were placed in cages and taken away in carriages, however Esmeralda was special. As she struggled in vain, she was tossed into her own private cage for the guards to take away alone. As the horses began to move, she could hear the guards speak about how she was a disgusting witch, one of them turning and spitting at her in disgust. Esmeralda sat in her cage hugging her legs as the ride went on. It was a long ride, but eventually they reached the palace of justice and the guard immediately grabbed her once more. In no time, the guard grabbed her by the hair and tossed her in her cell. Tomorrow was when she was going to die. She was stripped of her beautiful jewelry and dress and soon dressed in nothing but a tattered white dress. The night felt long and agonizing, but soon enough the guards eventually came to her and pulled her out. Perhaps she would have been lucky to face the pyre, but that did not seem to be her fate. What soon occurred was her arms were bound behind her back and her mouth was bound by cloth. It had seemed judge Frollo perhaps cared more about profits rather than the desire he felt. Before long Esmeralda found herself bound in a cage that was best suited for an animal. In a way that perhaps was what she was reduced to. She heard the men nearby speaking on about some noble slave market and that they would make a prime profit from her. It was sickening to her, to be the once strong fighter for the weak and now be the mere puppet of those who oppressed the weak. Each person that walked by her cage was met with a powerful glare from her emerald eyes, but one of these buyers caught her attention well. It was a young woman with a regal attire. She was young and almost frail looking and definitely did not seem like somebody who would be at a place like this, but that didn't stop Esmeralda from glaring at the woman, her muffled voice stopping her from yelling at her. Before long Esmeralda's eyes widened as she found herself being dragged out into a carriage and thrown under the seat. The ride was a long one, but eventually the carriage came to a halt and before she knew it she was pulled out of the carriage, the gag on her mouth removed. Tsk, home? More like prison Esmeralda said glaring as she turned to look away from her new mistress. "Sabrina sighs as she rubs her forehead, sitting on Jughead's couch in his dad's old trailer, god rest his soul. "It all started when...." Smoke swirls around Sabrina as she starts to talk, as if a flashback was about to begin. "So I found these pots that were in my aunts boxes in the attic since they left for Paris a few weeks back. I decided to read and learned they were a ritual one that could call forth the wisdom of wise old gods who ... well, you know how my grades are. I figured I could get some help studying and learn how to wind up getting into Harvard in a few years... not just be this high school grad that ran with the Serpents off and on." "So yeah, anyways, I set up this ritual with these pots....well ironically, they were more like jugs." She giggled as she held out a stupid duel monsters card, "See, looked just like this." Sabrina paused as she felt Salem jump onto her lap and he gave her a look of annoyance. "SABRINA STOP CLOWING AROUND THIS IS NOT THE TIME NOR PLACE....TELL HIM THE NEED TO OR SO HELP ME GOD." "Do you want your catnip? I am your dealer, Salem, so you better hush and let me talk to Juggsy k." Sounds start to get closer from the outside. Sabrina puts her finger to her lips as she makes sure they are against the couch. Eyes start to glow as it gets closer to the window. A green frog-like humanoid walked over by the window. It was croaking and making strange horrific sounds as it twitched its neck before turning and wandering off towards the other side of the trailer park following screams of a woman and a cop shooting off a gun. "EVERYONE STAY IN YOUR HOMES! THE THING IS BEING HANDLED, WE ARE NOT SURE HOW MANY MORE ARE AROUND!" Sabrina starts to laugh a bit as she bursts out next to Jughead not loud for others but for just them in the trailer. "Juggsy, that was the last one I mean I killed one when it tried to drag me down under the water. The other on the way here with the car. That was the last one...haha screw you wise old ones my ass more like creepy stalkers from a 1950s horror flick." She pauses seeing Salem glaring at her. "Yeah, long story short, I kind of blew up my house..."The black cat launches onto Jug's lap as he speaks up, "No no no, she set fire to the house during the ritual knocking over some candles....then she proceeded to try and put them out with ALCOHOL! She is drunk and she went to the dock to get water and... Sabrina sulks as she rubs her long white hair and starts to play with it in her fingers. "I fucked up...I know...I mean Mr. Satan is probably going to use this against my aunts to try and find a way to control me as a witch....can I just crash here for a few days then I can go and fix all this...I mean I need to find another spell." Salem glares at Sabrina, who sighs, "And a spellbook...that was in the know."She hic'ups as she smirks blushing, "I always liked you Juggsy. And I don't say that just cause I'm drunk; I mean technically yes but I have been writing about you in my diary for a long long time and..." Salem nuzzles against Jughead's arm as he mutters, "She used a spell that kind of brought the seekers of the old ones and a stupid spell that was basically a truth spell....she started drinking while she was driving due to blowing up the damn some sense into the girl, she won't listen to a familiar.","When Sabrina had first moved into Riverdale with her two aunts, she was the talk of the town - the weird girl in an old home, and it didn't help that the town had been beset upon by weirdness since then. Of course Jughead had become fast friends with her, as he too was an outcast just as much as she was for the most part. However, the truth about her was far more weird than he would have guessed. Hot Dog barked as the knock on the door rang out near the middle of the night. Jughead Jones, wearing only a pair of pajama pants, walked groggy to the door and answered it to find Sabrina before she collapsed into his sofa and went on a sprawling tale about what happened to her home - hearing that the old house had burned down, he was sympathetic; he knew if it were his home that burned down, he too would be doing the same thing. Though he did let out a squeak as he was pulled into the sofa and the thing at the window passed by - just another haunting image that he would have to repress and deal with another day. "I thought we agreed not to use the powers of hell to solve simple problems," Jughead said, walking through the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water before bringing it to the table along with some aspirin for Sabrina. "Drink up, we can work on solutions in the morning." He put a hand around her shoulder, lifting her up onto her feet and leading her to the bathroom, where he started running a bath for her. He heard her talking about how she liked him, but tried to ignore it - as much as he was a teenage boy being told by one of his crushes and best friends that he was cute, he recognized that she was drunk off her ass. Even if he had it in him to take advantage of that moment for anything, she was as likely to puke on him as kiss him. "We can talk about that in the morning," Jughead said, "for now, take a bath, drink the water, and await your hangover. I'll make sure you have something to eat in the morning." It was a morning he wouldn't be looking forward to - pulling out a bathrobe for Sabrina to use after she got out of the tub. "Leave your clothes on the floor, and I'll put them in the wash when you get out. After that, you can crash in my room." "A lone man sat alone in a large cathedral. He looked around at the damage still there. The painted glass window at the front was still shattered, the sword still ripped from Spardas, and some of the pews were still tossed around the cathedral. The man sat with his back hunched forward and his arms resting on his knees. The left arm had his sleeve rolled up, revealing tan, battle-scarred skin. On his opposite arm he had the sleeve rolled down, a faint blue glow emanating from under the sleeve. His face was contorted in anger, aggravation, and stress. His silver hair was matted down, messily, and it hung over his face. This lone figure in the church was a young man named Nero. He was a member of the former Knights of the Holy Order, but they disbanded when it turned out their leader was a crazed lunatic. Now Nero was just a freelancer doing any job that came his way. Gods, he was starting to become Dante! On top of him being out of a job, his relationship with Kyrie was now over; it turns out killing her brother caused a much bigger rift than what Nero expected. So he came here to the Cathedral to try and think things over and figure out his next move. He was about to leave when he heard the large oak doors swing open, the groan of the iron hinges ringing in the cathedral. He turned his head to see a small man in white and gold robes shuffle into the cathedral. The man was old, wrinkles lined his face. Nero stood up and turned to the man, "Can I help you sir?" The man stopped and spoke in a giant voice that seemed to carry in the room, "I'm looking for the leader of the Holy Knights, I am requesting aid." Nero chuckled and shook his head, "Your about three moths late gramps. We closed up shop." The man looked saddened by the news, "Oh... Thank you anyway young man." He then turned and began to walk away. Nero pondered for a moment, if this man had an aid request then that means he had the money to pay for it and Nero was light on that. He quickly jogged to catch up with him. "Hey gramps, what's the job? I used to be a Knight, hell I was the best of them." A smile then returned to the mans face, "Oh thank you youn man! You don't how much this means to my brothers and sisters!" The man moved to shake Neros right hand but Nero jerked the hand away. "Just tell me what I need to do." The old man then went into detail about how he was a part of a cult called "The Followers of the Light" and that their members were starting get picked off by a woman in all black. She could summon demons and torture devices at will as well as slowing time down. Sounded like a challenge. "Ok," Nero said when the man finished, "Where to?" The old man took out a slip of paper, it had directions to a city called Vigrid. As well as directions to a bar called "Hells Gate" the old man said that was her suspected base of operations. Nero agreed to the job and went home. When he got there he pulls Doug encase and began to pack all of his weapons, Blue Rose, Red Queen, the next one he was hesitant about. It was Yamato, Dante's brothers katana. It was a simple looking sword, the steel shinned like any other sword, the grip was wrapped in simple blue and white cloth, but the power within the sword was phenomenal. He took the sword with it's sheath and put it in the case. Then it was off to Vigrid to find this woman that was causing these guys trouble.,""There's nothing to do, no one left to have fun with," a slender, busty woman sighed heavily, swirling around the liquid in her glass, a white stick protruding from her full glossy lips. "You complain' about nothing to do. Thought you'd be happy," a large black man mumbled in a deep voice to the woman clad in black leather. "Don't get me wrong Rodin, it's all peaches and cream but with no one to play with, I'm bored. The angels have been few and far between, I want a challenge, besides love, Cheshire hasn't been very fun recently either, to busy with his damned flirting and rose throwing. That's all fine and good babe, but I need action." Cerza laughed softly, running a long fingered hand between her supple breasts. "There's word around town that the Followers of the Light are gonna hire a demon hunter." Rodin shifted behind the bar, a dark smirk curling up the corners of his mouth, "Apparently he's suppose to be good." Cerza snickered softly, "Oh I'm so frightened Rodin. I'm sure he'll be nothing compared to those naughty angels I play with. Sounds to me like this demon hunter is going to need a good spanking hm?" Rodin snickered behind his dark sunglasses, just be careful Bayonetta, there are a lot of people that want you to visit Inferno these days, and I'm sure those demons you summon won't be too happy either. Tear that body to yours apart." Another laugh, "I'm not worried about my pets, as long as there is music I'll keep dancing," she gave Rodin a quick wink before she stepped through the portal. In a flash of an eye, she was back in Vigrid, sauntering down the street, hips swaying seductively. "Seto Kaiba had done many amazing things throughout the years of his life. Taking control of his adoptive father's business and shifting it to the polar opposite of the once prolific arm dealing company, games. His rise to the top of the powerful world of business assisted by the visionary of his "solid image" system and the card game Duel Monsters. Though he had once reigned undisputed in all things, he found himself unable to take one thing for himself - the title of "The King of Games", a title he had made specifically for himself stolen by his lifetime rival. Now that rival was gone, returned to the land of the dead leaving behind his vessel and the knowledge that now Seto would never be able to have his redemption against the ancient spirit. The fact gnawed at him from behind, causing him to obsess over the thought of dueling the pharaoh again and finally settling the score. Though usually dismissive of the occult and supernatural, Seto could not disavow the mystical nature of his foe and thus was powerless with his technology to return him to this plane. He slammed a clenched fist into the arm of his chair at the thought, it was a fact he knew all too well that his mind would remind him of constantly. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair as he rubbed his eyes. The door to his office opening as one of his loyal subordinates came in. "Master Kaiba, the preparations are complete for the experiment. We only await your presence." Standing, the CEO walked around his desk and collected a locked case sitting by its side. "Has our VIP arrived yet?" "Yes sir, she was brought in earlier, albeit slightly annoyed at the summons we were able to convince her to come and assist as per your orders," the man replied. Kaiba nodded as they entered an elevator and descended into the basements below the company building, stepping out and proceeding to the lab. Once inside he would see his "guest", Ishizu Ishtar, a woman he met during one of his tournaments. She had predicted his fall and been wrong, despite this though he knew she understood two things he did not. The first being the occult, the second ancient Egyptian speech. Unlocking his case, he produced the one thing more important than near everything in his life: his deck. He recalled the time he had hallucinated himself back in the Ancient Egyptian times, though now he was not sure it was a hallucination. There he saw a man looking much like himself and a young girl that had seemingly been the will of his most powerful servant, The Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Drawing three powerful cards from his deck, he placed them in a triangle formation on the ground before walking out of the chamber. The men worked the console as he observed. Numbers and words flashing along the screens as the ceiling tiles of the chamber opened to lower a familiar item into view: the Millennium Rod. Remembering the priest having used this item, he concluded that it might be needed for this ritual to work. Multiple electrodes focused onto the object as the eye began to glow, the three dragons sharing its brilliance. "Now then," Kaiba said, "let's see what comes out, shall we?","Ishizu Ishtar Peace. Harmony. Faith. Hope. Finally, these aspects had coated the world - specifically Domino City - over the past two years. The last bits of chaos seemed to vanish as Atem was able to be put to rest. The moment had been bittersweet for everyone, including the now twenty-two year old priestess herself. Still, as a priestess devoted to the Egyptian gods, she knew the duel between Atem and Yugi had been essential. It just wouldn't have otherwise been right or fair to force Atem to not be given the afterlife he deserved. Normally, she devoted herself to the goddess her counterpart had been named after, Isis. But Ishizu could safely know and say that on the day Yugi had competed versus the Pharaoh, she definitely sent up many silent prayers to Anubis in hopes that he would favor Atem. Suffice to say, she was glad - even to this day - those pleas had appeared to be heard. Naturally, everyone had gone their own separate ways. Yugi and the others were focusing on their school, at least this was true according to what she'd heard. The biggest surprise had come from both Odion and her brother, as both agreed to go back to Egypt and try to take their positions as the family 'guardians' once more. After how long he fought against those duties and obligations? Interesting ... Her eyes closed as a faint smile crossed her face. Alas, her reminiscing was rather abruptly interrupted by a firm hand landing on her shoulder. The blue eyes of the priestess quickly opened as she turned away from the stone tablet that had been in front of her and saw some very nicely dressed men in black suits. "May I help you?" Ishizu asked calmly, fighting the urge to narrow her eyes. It was no mystery whom these men were; they no doubt belonged to Seto Kaiba, as his employers were infamous for looking like they belonged to the yakuza rather than someone who was in charge of a company linked to a card game. However, any lingering doubts on whom these men were quickly vanished as they explained the reason for being in the museum. "Seto-sama has requested your presence, Miss Ishtar," she merely was told. That certainly made her raise an eyebrow. "Oh? You sure he asked me? He's ... well .... himself. The last time we spoke, he just scoffed at me and ignored --- hey! What are you doing?!" No verbal response was given. All Ishizu got for an answer was being yanked out of the museum and into a black limousine which had been parked outside. "W-Wait! What's this about?!" Ishizu wasn't quite panicked, per se. But now, her attention had definitely been grabbed as well as herself. "You'll see .... " Suffice to say, those last words had stayed with her the entire ride there. This abrupt encounter was not sitting well with her. Even without the Millennium Necklace, Ishizu was feeling anything but good about this. Thankfully, the silence was broken as the car came to a halt, with her door being the first to be opened. A hand began to reach in before she smacked it away and stepped out of the limousine herself. "I can walk fine," she muttered, "Just focus on leading the way to where exactly he is." That seemed to be good enough for them, luckily, as they made no attempt to grip her again. A brief walk later, she found herself in ... what was this exactly? It was hard to say, but if Ishizu had to label it as anything, it would be a slightly half-assed attempt at some sort of ritual chamber. "Seto-san, do you mind explaining what .... ??" Her eyes widened as a glint of gold reflected in her eyes. Ishizu felt her heart sink as she turned and found it to be none other than the Millennium Rod. "You ... you took that back?! Why?! We put the Millennium Items away to help ensure Atem could be put to rest properly!" It took a lot to get the priestess annoyed, let alone sincerely angry. But right then and there, she definitely was fuming. And for a damn good reason. As a traditionalist, his removal of the rod was a very taboo gesture in itself. And more and more, she was starting to feel as if whatever she had been dragged into would be even worse than mere theft. "What is going on?" she asked, trying her best to maintain a relatively calm and collected composure, though the sight of the Rod made it much easier said than done to go through with. "They had done it; they had really done it. The shadows had finally broken free and taken over the meta-world. They knew that there was a way from their world into what people called the real world, and that they were nothing more than games for amusement for the outside world. The shadows knew there were very special women in the meta-world who held the keys to breaking out and getting to the real world. "Sire," one of the shadow's minions said, "We have them and are bringing them down to the cells to be processed." Kafei nodded. "Well then, do what you must to get the information out of them." Down in the cells of what once used to be Princess Zelda's castle, three beautiful women were being held captive. Princess Zelda and Princess Peach were both tied to each other and gagged with each other's panties, while Samus Aran had to be chained to the wall after being stripped of her power suit and left only in her tight Zero Suit. "There we go," one of the shadow's minions said. "I don't think you'll be a problem anymore." A few of the Twilight Interloper soldiers looked at Zelda and grinned. "Look good now," one of them said. "I bet we're going to have lots of fun.","Peach and Zelda were releasing muffled sounds as they were gagged with each other's panties. Although it was utterly disgusting, there were more important matters at hand, such as how they had been all captured so easily. Princess Peach had already started to have tears swell in her eyes while Zelda continued to struggle against the bonds that held them together. Zelda was a more feisty one while Peach was rather sensitive. Meanwhile, Samus sent a cold glare at one of the Twilight Soldiers, keeping a calm facade with a sharp gaze as she didn't care if she was stripped down to her Zero Suit. She believed that she just had to find a way to be released before she could easily outdo these soldiers with her natural skill. "Do you think you've already won?" Samus asked coldly, glancing at the two princesses. "Don't underestimate us," Zelda said, trying to keep up her bravado despite being gagged. "All three of us could easily handle pathetic things like you." How high all of their hopes were at the time. And how easily they could be whittled down to nothing. "Winter's tan ears lay back against her head at the sudden chop of an ax striking the wood block and the wet sound of a head rolling away from the chopping block. She wasn't sure who the storm cloaks were, but they evidently managed to piss off the imperials... something she was quite happy to see, actually. Thankfully, her own fate kept her off the chopping block, though her situation was not much better. She was caught crossing the border a day ago and brought to this camp. The imperials had planted some skooma in her gear and gone on a long rant about the punishment for smuggling. They ignored her denials and offered the Khajiit woman a choice: execution or aiding the garrison situated here in some way. She rathered liked her dark stripey head and brown mane to remain attached to her body, so she agreed with the latter, of course, not knowing what they meant by assisting. Turns out her assistance was being stripped down to just her tan fur, placed in stocks with her tail pulled up and bound to her back, with her ass and pussy on display and for the use of any men in the fort who wanted a go with a exotic female on their break. Some damn moral booster it seemed. One that a number of them had seemed happy to try out. She shifted a little on her paws bound as well and spread wide attached to the base of the stocks. Her cream-colored and coco-striped fur was already a little matted from her job as entertainment, but at least they were a little distracted now and the stocks were in the courtyard of the keep and kept out of sight of the rest of the town.,"Rebellion was strong in the hearts of all of Skyrim, torn between two factions. The Imperials from the central land of Cyrodill, home to the royal family of Septim, believed that all of Tamriel was to fall under its boot. Most of Tamriel accepted this as fate, but the proud Nords of Skyrim had other plans. Used to the exhaustion of war, a band of Nords and Nordic supporters known as the Stormcloaks fought back against the tyranny, led by the Jarl of Winterhold Ulfric. Patrols had been set up around the common borders and many times, immigrants and travelers were mistaken as Stormcloak spies. Helgen was a small town on the border of Skyrim that many captives were taken and often put to the block without trial. One notable captive was a young Khajiit woman who was 'found' with skooma on her person. The captain didn't care if it was in fact his skooma that was found on her body, only that it was another head for the basket. However, one of his underlings had come up with an idea. She would be spared in return for giving her body for their entertainment. There was a thunderous boom that echoed through the cloud-ridden sky, a sound that was foreign to most living creatures. A guard walked up behind the young Khajiit and smiled evilly. "You know," he said, "I have never had a cat before." He removed his metal glove and pressed his white skin against her ass. His finger sliding down between her cheeks to tease both exposed holes. "But my father always told me to try new things." "The deafening thunderclap broke off negotiations between Ryudo and his client, the Church of Granas. The Geohound didn't know much about Valmar, pieces of Valmar or the powers of darkness, but he knew that the thunderclap he'd heard didn't sound natural in the slightest. Ryudo turned to regard Carius, who was already beginning to follow him. Irritably, Ryudo shook his head. "Stay here," he insisted to the holy man, who opened his mouth to protest, only for Ryudo to shake his head even more firmly. "What good are you in combat if it comes to that?" he asked. "I'll go out there and see what's going on. This doesn't mean we have a deal yet! I just... want to see it for myself with all your babble about Dark Ones." Carius protested again, but held his tongue. After all, at this rate, the Geohound's services would be very much needed again. Considering the failure of the sealing ceremony, and the likelihood of the Wings of Valmar being trapped within Elena, the journey to Granas Cathdral would be necessary, and it was a long and dangerous one. Moments later, Ryudo tore out onto the church grounds. His hand was on his sword, looking for the source of the sound. Whatever it was, judging by the destruction that already lay around, small buildings in rubble everywhere, it was as powerful as Carius had feared. Trepidation filled the Geohound, but he would not yield. It had already been an impossible day, and he was beyond curious as to what could cause *this.*,""Ahhh,. Oh, it has been way too looong!" came a voice that really could only have been female, an exuberant cry of passion that filled the night sky, backed by the sounds of crackling fire that persisted in the wreckage of several houses in that tiny town. But no one was around -- not in sight anyway. In fact... that voice didn't seem to be coming from the left or the right... but there was something peculiar. A shadow on the ground only a dozen feet out in the lee of the church, the silhouette of a woman... that voice was coming from above. Millenia's lips curled into a cruel smile as her dark wings unfurled behind her, spreading wide behind her and casting her body into sharp relief against the glow of the moonlight. That silhouette of a figure looked for a moment like a cross against the ground, spiky and angular from the jagged edges of her wings. And all at once the figure fell off the side of the church's roof, ethereal wings catching the wind and ferrying the redhead down to the ground, landing not far from Ryudo. She straightened up slowly, sinuously unfolding from her crouch, running her delicately-pointed fingers along the bare skin of her thigh, tantalizingly hinting at what lay below a skirt that was likely far too short. "Mmm. Well, that was certainly fun. Shame this place is so small, though. There's hardly anything todo!" Millenia said, turning on one heeled foot to turn and face the figure she only now became cognizant of. "Oh. Or maybe I take that back. Hello there," Millenia said with a lascivious wink Ryudo's way, those peculiarly glowing eyes openly raking over the swordsman. "Ferra pulled herself out of the snow and let out a sigh; she was drenched from head to toe because of falling through some ice - a small pond had been hidden under the deep snow and she was unaware of it and that is had weak ice. She grabbed the dead rabbits she had managed to hunt down and trudged her way back towards the cabin she was staying in. Ferra was a young girl, age 18 with long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She had a slender build. Her chest was small with breasts that would fit perfectly in the palm of your hands. Anyways, Ferra had been alone since her parents were killed by Walkers about a year before. However, she was no longer alone; she had been saved by a grungy man with shaggy hair and a crossbow. His name was Daryl Dixon, and she had made her way up north with him six months before to live out the winter. As she made her way into the cabin, she shut and locked the door behind her and sat her bow down on a rack Daryl had made along with her quiver. She pulled her jacket and boots off, trying to keep herself from shivering, as she trembled and made her way to the kitchen, where she put the rabbits in the freezer. She could hear Daryl making his way up from the basement, so she moved to the fireplace and threw a log onto the fire. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her body and let out a sigh as she sat in front of the fire, trying to stay warm. She heard the basement door open, and she knew he had heard her come in. "I managed to get some rabbits," she said, trying to stay calm, but the cold felt like it was seeping into her bones. It had been hard for her to let him let her go outside alone, as he always was by her side since he had saved her life. She didn't know why he was so protective of her, but she didn't mind. "I can clean them up after." She pulled the blanket up and over her wet hair, shivering slightly now.,"These damn days were often spent in silence. Daryl's mature body and thick build was stretched out on a bare mattress with his hands locked behind his head. His dark, narrow eyes flickered about the darkness as he helplessly awaited Ferra's return with much concern, though unexpressed in his handsome features that ultimately created a tough guy image. He taught her everything there is to know about survival shortly after he saved her and secretly began to regret it when she became too dependent on him, which he found irritating. He claimed at that point, "I ain't no sitter. Now if you're gon' be with me, you're gon' have my back." And now she is too independent and ironically it annoys him more than when she was just a needy girl. His insatiable lust for Ferra grows stronger everyday but it pains him to know she does not need him in the sense of how much he needs her. Daryl sat up at the sound of the distant opening and closing of the front door followed by the familiar thumping of Ferra's feet walking across the room. He blindly reached beside the mattress and grabbed his hunting knife before carefully climbing the stairs out of the basement. He twisted the knob and pushed the door open to see her cocooned in a thick blanket beside the small fire. As he neared her, his heavy boots emphasizing each step closer he took, she told him of the rabbits she caught. He just barely understood her through all the shivering. Daryl overshadowed her smaller figure once beside her and witnessed her struggling to get warm faster. "...That ain't no way to do it. Just getting the blanket wet too." He dropped down beside her and removed the blanket from her completely to see her clothes soaked all the way through and clinging to her figure. "Damn. What, you think it was a nice day for a swim?" He sucked his teeth and shook his head as he pinched an area of fabric on her shirt and felt the cold water occupying it. "You need to get out of these fast." Releasing her shirt, he snatched up the blanket and opened it wide like a curtain, hiding her body from him. "Hurry up, I ain't lookin'." He snapped at her before turning his attention towards the dancing flames. "Cover up with the blanket when you're done." "Pushing her large blue and top hat out of the way for just a moment, Caitlyn knelt down on one knee inside of the brush. This was certainly odd, there were no minions even though the minute fifty-five mark had passed. There was no announcement, no other champions in sight, no nothing! Her eyes scanned the area, seeing nothing but untouched terrain. Hell, for all she knew, the jungle camps were no where to be seen. Throwing out a few of her traps, just to be safe, she placed one in tri-bush and in the river bush before she resumed scanning the bot lane. Was everyone else having that much trouble summoning? What the hell is going on? The thought came as she stood up in the bush, her rifle at the ready. Taking just a moment to fix her skirt, Caitlyn ran back to the tower. Something was seriously wrong here. Three minutes had passed, and still nothing. The traps were still unsprung, and all Caitlyn could hear was the sound of the rushing water of the river. It was more of a stream if anything, but. .Shaking her head, Caitlyn tried to focus. If no one was here, and there were no minions, how in the hell was she going to get out of this place! The summoner frowned. He wasn't super experienced at the game, but he also knew better to know that something was up. Caitlyn was the one champion he played fairly well, and he took a moment to glance around. He was alone. At first, he just assumed that the other summoners were running a bit late or something, now, he figured something was seriously wrong. He didn't see any of the elements that he'd normally see given these circumstances. Instead, it just seemed like it was his champion on the Fields of Justice. Alone.,"As Caitlyn and her Summoner were beginning to suspect, something very wrong was happening in the Rift today. One of the high-ranking Summoners of the League had gone rogue last week and today, in this match, he would begin to carve his name across the Fields of Justice. Today would be the first match in which she struck out at the lovely ladies of the League of Legends - the powerful women who had captured her imagination and touched her deepest fantasies. She wanted them, but she knew that she could never have them. It was because of this obsession that she went rogue. Because of this deep obsession with the League's female champions, she decided to take them in the only way that she knew how; by using the champions themselves against one another. By using the Champions of the League of Legends, she could best the objects of her desires in the Fields of Justice and use those champions as tools to vent her sexual frustrations. Of course, the Institute of War would never allow something like this to happen, so it was necessary for her to take matters into her own hands. She had asked around, spread rumors, and followed leads to the Summoner that was now controlling Caitlyn. He was an easy mark - a novice with limited skills. Against her, he stood no chance, and Caitlyn was his favorite champion. She had hoped that he would bring the Sheriff of Piltover to the match, and her luck had paid out. Using an unawares messenger to mediate between them, this rogue Summoner arranged this match with her opponent. It was entirely unsanctioned. The Institute knew nothing of it, and so there would be no minions to aid Caitlyn. There would be no other champions to come to her rescue. The only beings in the Rift today would be Caitlyn and her opponent,Jinx, the Loose Cannon. Jinx had been carefully picked for this match. The Summoner knew that she would need to make sure that her chosen champion would not reveal her identity to the institute following this match, lest she face harsh punishment. Jinx was perfect for this. She enjoyed chaos and mayhem. She also was not very fond of the Sheriff of Piltover. Jinx would keep the Summoner's secret. Of that, she was sure. "I see that you made it to the party, Hat Lady!" Jinx shouted when she spotted Caitlyn hiding beneath the safety of her tower. Jinx, herself, was standing just outside of the tower's range, close to the safety of the lane brush just beyond the tower's firing range. Pow-Pow was in her hands, ready for action. Strangely, she didn't seem surprised by any of the suspicious absences on the Rift today. Instead, she just stood there; staring at Caitlyn with a mischievous grin on her lips and her finger on the trigger of her chain gun. "Tifa Lockhart usually looked confident, strong, and gorgeous. It certainly took some confidence to wear Tifa's usual attire: a dangerously short leather skirt that wrapped about her impressive hips and clung preciously to her tight ass. Not to mention the white half-shirt that worked more to outline her impressive bust than hide it. Generally suspenders worked to hold the pants and help cover, though they were almost entirely for show. Not for show were the knuckles that she generally wore over her hands. If there was one part of Tifa Lockhart that didn't quite look feminine, it was her rough hands. They were the hands of a martial artist, tempered by constantly bashing things with impressive force. Her muscles had been built by martial arts as well: from her lean arms to her tight abdomen to the impressive pair of legs that her normal garb displayed. Even natural, Tifa had a beauty to her though. Long black hair fell down well past her shoulders, framing a face that many a guy had flirted with mistakenly. But the girl's heart belonged to one man, so each poor flirt was met with a friendly comment, a cheerful smile, and a causal rejection. Pressuring a martial artists never ended well for the one doing the pressuring, as too many customers soon found out for themselves. In other words, the girl might look like she should be a streetwalker, but when it came to experience, Tifa had about as much as the little girls that walked around clutching their mother's skirts. Which is why Barrett laughed when Tifa suggested this. But they had information that Don Corneo may know about Shinra's movements. Considering that Shinra might very well be hiding Cloud... well, it wasn't even an issue for Tifa. But she had heard the loud laugh from her friend and technical boss. How was poor, innocent Tifa supposed to come off like some kind of call-girl? Like Tifa couldn't flirt and dress in sultry clothing. Really. Of course, the moment Tifa had insisted, Barrett had gone all protective, insisting that he go with her or something. That led to a truly ridiculous discussion involving a pimp hat. In the end, Tifa had nearly had to sneak out to do this. And so she did. Tifa let her hair fall loose over her shoulders. She squeezed into a slinky dark blue dress that clung to her curves and showcased everything in a manner that, well, actually wasn't quite as revealing as her normal attire. True, there was a slit in the dress to show quite a considerable amount of thigh. The dress also clung like a second skin, and were it not for a special bra, you would see Tifa's nipples. The heels did make her legs and ass look more fantastic, but that was almost like putting an extra layer of chocolate on top of a perfectly constructed sundae: it nearly made the whole dish just too sweet. Unfortunately, that was the outfit Tifa wore now. She blinked away a haze, trying to remember exactly how she'd gotten here. Obviously some of the details came into focus; the bits and pieces. Yet she couldn't remember quite what had happened. Her body felt sluggish and slow, and Tifa was almost positive that she'd been drugged, or maybe hit by a Slow Materia or something. Maybe both. She groaned and tried to shift, but found her limbs uncooperative. At least the shifting meant that she could feel what lay underneath her: garish sheets made from the most expensive fabric available in Midgar. Tifa groaned again, pinching shut her eyes. She knew all too well where she was now: Don Corneo's bedroom, where girls went to lose it all.,"When Don Corneo first saw her, in that alluring blue dress giving a tantalizing view of her thighs and accentuating her curves in conjunction with her long black hair, he knew he had to have her. And what Don Corneo wanted, Don Corneo got. It had been easy enough to subdue her, an ambush by his personal guards quickly overpowering her and rendering her unconscious. He did pay for the best in the business after all, and if they couldn't handle one girl, then what good were they? She had been searched and her possessions, besides the dress, taken for 'safekeeping'. Tifa herself had been left in his room for her meeting with the Don. Corneo was busy, the hassle of running a city wide syndicate that could get anyone what they needed for a price, but the awakening of his new acquisition was something he didn't want to miss, and he returned while she was still stirring from her sleep. The pungent odor of a cigar soon filled the air from his huffing, though it was a good cigar. Only the finest for the Don. He was small in stature and pudgy by his own admission, though no one ever lived long enough to call him fat twice. His couldn't help it that he so enjoyed the finer things in life, and the wealth and power he had allowed him to...indulge himself. He wore an interesting combination of a fur coat with a white shirt partially unbuttoned to reveal his chest, and blue jeans. He didn't exactly exude charisma, but money talked and that he had plenty of. "Tifa Lockheart, of the famous Avalanche. You don't know how glad I am to have finally met you in person." Corneo said, voice laid with an inherent rasp as he advanced, circling the bed in his well decorated room. Artifacts adorned the walls, items that would cost a fortune from the far reaches of Gaia, from Wutia, Midgard, even Nibelheim (What there was actually worth getting from there). It was another reminder of his opulence and wealth. "It isn't often that beautiful women such as yourself walk into my inn of their own volition."He gesticulated at the area around him, cigar clutched between fingers as he talked, taking the occasional drag from it and letting the smoke waft up to the ceiling, to mix with exotic fragrances inherent in the inn. "Katara's pleading stare only worsened her situation. She had hoped that her father would see the agony he was putting her through and stop his monstrous actions. But instead of seeing mercy in his eyes, she received a sudden, stinging slap to the face. Then she was flipped around and pushed down against the counter so her father could re-enter her from behind. It all happened so fast that Katara's wail from the slap was still echoing through the room as Hakoda plunged himself into her. The gag, while it was amazing at stopping any actual words she might be trying to say, wasn't thick enough to stop Katara's sudden burst of screams and howls as she was slapped, flipped, pinned, fucked and then spanked. Hakoda's hand impacted her bare ass over and over again as he thrust in and out of her until he'd left a distinct red mark on her round, brown cheek. Katara's voice and tears flowed freely into the room now. The makeshift gag had become saturated in her own saliva and loosened somewhat in the tussle, allowing more of her cries through. Katara had hoped that this would be as bad as it got, but her father seemed more invigorated now than he had been before! She yelped as his fingers twisted and caught in her hair, pulling her head back towards him and causing her back to arch enough to lift her beautifully large breasts off of the counter. It felt like he would rip the hair right out of her scalp, but it held fast and only hurt like hell. That seemed to be the common denominator here: everything he was doing to her hurt like why was her body responding to it!! Despite the way her father was using and abusing her like a cheap whore, Katara's nipples had hardened during the spanking and her dad's cock was now easily slipping in and out of her. She knew Zuko had left a lot of cum inside her, but this felt different. Her body was betraying her! She couldn't even close her mouth to hide the pants she had begun to let out between her horrified cries. 'No! No, I can't be enjoying this! My body is just reacting on it's own! I HATE this!! Please stop! STOP!! Please someone, anyone.. Help me!! Zuko!! Zuko I need you!! Where are you?! Please hear me!!' She had no idea how long her father could keep this up, but she didn't want to find out. Unable to move or waterbend, all she could do was hope that Zuko would hear her struggling and return to save her from Hakoda.,"Hakoda had every intention of cumming inside his daughter. If she allowed that filth of a fire bender to do it why shouldn't he get to? If she was willing to throw away everything that he had fought against and protected simply because she thought one fire lord was different then the other than why shouldn't he have fucked her beyond the point where she broke completely, and it seemed that her body agreed with him, considering how wet she was, how at every thrust of his cock her body seemed to tighten around him. Despite how he was treating her he could actually be fooled into thinking that the woman he had raised to be elegant, to be a diplomat and a warrior was little more than a hardened slut open for anyone to dump their cock into. He supposed that was a good thing really, because it was getting him more and more in the mood to do just that. Looking at how hard Katara's nipples were as he pulled at them, he had every intention of fucking her till she went mad. Maybe after this he would go into the next, locked room, and kill The fire lord in front of her. Sure he would get in trouble, but this was his tribe, and if he told them that he found Katara raped no one would blame him for smashing in The fire lords skull. Then as the man bleed out, he would set down his daughter on top of him, and do this all again. Katara seemed to need a positive influence in her life, and as it turned out he had desperately missed the comforts his wife had once afforded him. With him able to keep a closer eye on his daughter he would simply keep her, and rape her every night until she finally came to her senses and acted as the proper woman she was supposed to be. What's more he could hear Katara's moans and pants mixed in with her anguished cries, and he was loving every second of it. His hips were smashing against Katara's leaving the counter she was tied too soaked in a mixture of fluids from her rough fucking. He grabbed Katara by the throat. His grip easily sliding over her as he pressed down on her wind pipe, strangling her as he fucked her. He leaned over her, a soft smile on his face as he looked at Katara in all her beauty and glory of the moment she was being raped. "Kya, loved this." Hakoda confessed. "Your mother always wanted it so rough, some nights she would have me bruise her, to the point that the other people in the village would actually talk about it. But every night she always asked for more." He held his grip firm on her throat still strangling her as he pulled out her panties from her mouth. "No screams, but go ahead... ask your daddy for more." "Ilea had spoken a lot of curses today, against the titans, against the Alliance, against her own foolishness... It had seemed like such a simple plan, sneaking through Alterac and down towards the Hillsbrad Foothills. The rogue had already spent several unpleasant weeks braving the cold and snow of the mountains, her leathers proving quite inadequate against the biting winds and furious storms, and now that she'd arrived in the foothills on the other side, the area was crawling with Alliance of all types. When Ilea had departed the Undercity, glad to leave the stench and constant undead behind, the Horde had been primarily in control of Hillsbrad, but the tide had turned since her departure, and now she was quite a bit deeper in enemy territory than she would have liked. Not only were the Alliance common, but they were watchful too, expecting the Horde to make a push to take back the foothills any day now, and more vigilant for that expectation. They patrolled constantly, and more than once she'd been forced to hide away, spending entire days avoiding the motley squads of men and women rather than making her way forwards as she should have been. This was one such day, hidden in the dried stump of a lightning-struck tree, listening to them pass in and out of earshot constantly. She was sure that their rogues were tracking her in some fashion, though perhaps it was simply Alliance paranoia when they referred to the possibility of Horde infiltrating the area. She doubted she would be so lucky; she hadn't been so far.,"In the time since the Cataclysm, the Alliance had lost their stronghold on Hillsbrad Foothills, Southshore. The damn sea might as well have opened up and swallowed the whole settlement with the way that the tidal wave created by Deathwing's emergence had come over the small town. Fortunately, there was a recent demand by King Varian Wrynn to reclaim a foothold in the foothills and Alliance heroes from far and wide had answered the call. One such 'hero' was Ivan Raelthorne. Ivan was far from a real hero, though. In fact, before Gilneas had closed down her ports and shut the great wall, Ivan had been a pirate captain. His ship had been docked in Gilneas when the ports were locked down and he had become trapped there during the spread of the worgen curse. He didn't answer to Varian Wrynn, or any king for that matter. He did, however, answer to the sweet jingle of the coin that was offered in compensation for aiding the effort. If he happened to find anything nice on the dead Horde then that was a nice bonus too. What? You can't possibly think that looting a couple of bodies was below an old sea dog like Captain Raelthorne. In fact, he had been rummaging through the coin purse of a dead orc when she caught his eye. There, darting between the trees below the ridge upon which Ivan stood, was a blood elf woman. Her beauty was almost hypnotizing, as was the way her leathers hugged her womanly form and the way that her stark-silver hair blew in the gentle breeze. Normally, a live captive would be a lot of trouble and not much worth the effort, but Ivan was prepared to make an exception if this woman looked as good up close as she did from this distance. "Well aren't you a tasty little treat," the human mused to himself. The irony of the remark brought a smirk to his lips as he slipped into the shadows of the trees and began to make his way towards the elven woman. As he grew near, it became obvious that she would stand little chance against him in a direct confrontation. Even in his human form, Ivan was about six feet and four inches tall, which was several inches taller than the tallest elven women - well, of this kind of elf, anyway. He was about a foot taller than 'average' high elven and blood elven woman. Aside from his height, he was just much more muscular. Overpowering this woman would be an easy feat. He just needed to wait for the most opportune moment to strike... "Kaydia had been in the shower, with all intentions of getting clean, so she could prepare for tonight's assignment. But the sight of her husband, her Quentin, nude with hard cock in hand chased away all other considerations. So it wasn't surprising that she turned to him, smirking, appreciating how good he looked, how fucking good he always looked. It will be a tight squeeze. But you always manage to make it fit, don't you? Then she was wrapped around him, arms around his shoulders, legs around his hips, smooth, slick muscles swallowing his length. Their bodies moving against and with each others, the mutual pleasure driving them both. I want to feel your cum in me, while we attend this party, Kaydia moaned, tightening her legs around his waist. It was a true statement, certainly, but it wasn't what she wanted to say. It wasn't the thought on her mind, the thought that had been on her mind more and more lately. I want to have a baby. I want to have your child. She wasn't trying hard to hide the recurring thought, which had started as slight pleasant fantasies and grew into a stronger and stronger desire. So it was possible, even likely, that he knew already. They hadn't had a real conversation about it, because it had been a touchy subject for a while. Especially after discovering what Aldane's plans for Linora and herself had been. She hoped he might bring it up, that he might just outright tell her how he felt about the idea, without her having to broach the subject. It was one of the benefits of their force bond, wasn't it?,""The tight squeeze is the best part," Quentin smirked, feeling water spray over him as he pushed into the shower with Kaydia. Her sleek body slipped against his as he kissed her, his hands running down her bare back slowly. Her leg slid over his, her body inviting him as she pressed against him. Muscles in his back and arms rippled as he lifted her, and he gasped aloud as he pressed her back against the wall and thrust deep into her. "I want to feel your cum in me," she moaned, tightening her legs around his hips, "while we attend this party." Seven years they'd been lovers, nearly five of them married, and every day was better and sweeter than the one before. Oh, sure, they'd had their fights and quarrels - what couple didn't? But life with her was nearly perfect. "I think," Quentin gasped against her lips as he drove his length into her, "that I can arrange that." He kissed her, then bit lightly at her throat. "Maybe... I should mark you..?" he moaned, catching her skin with his lips. "Let everyone see how much you're mine?" He came with a guttural cry, hips bucking against hers as his pleasure flooded her. When he was spent he cradled her in his arms, kissing her gently and unwilling to let her go. "When this is over," he gasped, "this investigation, I mean. Let's... slow down for a while." He kissed her again, smiling. "Teach for a while, and... maybe have a child of our own." "Even before the scene faded from black, the sound betrayed what was happening: the moaning of a woman, the panting of a man, the slapping of their flesh coming together. And as the picture did come into view, any remaining doubt was removed: this wasn't some fuzzy-filtered rolling around in the sheets, but raw, unrestrained, genuine. The sudden little gasp perhaps matched similar gasps from those watching but this was one of pleasure and excitement, not shock and consternation. The slow steady zoom confirmed this was no mere sex scene as it captured a flash of thick, tumescent flesh disappearing between two pert cheeks, stretching out the tightest of holes. Juliana was on her hands and knees at the end of a large bed, sheets swept to the side. Her exquisite figure was on display: shapely rear hiked up and breasts bouncing aloft, while her narrow back dipped in a shapely curve. Her purple gown had been pulled free of her shoulders and lifted over her waist, leaving in bunched in the middle between a sandwich of her nakedness, though her smooth skin was also adorned with many bangles and bracelets, necklaces and pendants, a mixture of gold and silver and sparkling gems which contrasted to her soft features. Her face was delicately made up, and currently caught in an expression of enraptured bliss as she let out another gasp; her mid length blonde hair was a little astray, not helped by the loose fistful gathered up in a grasping hand. It was a slow, but vigorous scene: every thrust was enough to lift her hips in the air, and she sported a cherry-red handprint on a pale buttock. But at the same time, as she slid from her hands to her elbows, breasts squeezing together between her tone arms, Juliana's brown eyes looked up over her shoulder at the man behind her, and seemed touched with a look of almost tender eagerness, of adoration, of obedience. She bit a sliver of lip between her top teeth as she stifled another gasp, eyes never breaking their sultry gaze even as another steady thrust filled her so completely, looking up longingly at the man dressed only in one thing: the Crown of the Emperor.,"The man's crowned head tilted this way and that, missing sight of the loving, sultry gaze boring unto him by the beauty in his bed. The camera would switch between his face and her pale, curved back, blonde tresses spilling part upon her shoulders and part bobbing freely. It showed his face again, then switched back to a place lower now, lingering on the heart-shaped soft bottom that splayed in the center, leaving no question as to which place in her body the young woman was accepting him in. The moment then was one captured and held at length, the image of a shaft driving deep into her buttocks holding for a good forty seconds straight. She wasn't rapidly being taken, but rather at a solid pace, with each strong thrust firm, meaningful, causing a bounce of the woman's body in response. After those forty seconds the man leaned back a bit, still in the same position, giving the overhead camera a better view as he lifted his hips and the young woman pushed back onto him. Thirty seconds of this now. It was vulgar, it was so, so different, and it was real. Did it make viewers uncomfortable? Good. Did it make them uncomfortable in a bad way? The camera went back to the Emperor's face which was looking randomly about the room, tilting this way and that, grinning, labored breaths coursing through his lungs. Then he looked down, and upon catching sight of his young, beautiful niece staring up at him, his face brightened even more and his body leaned forward, still maintaining its rhythmic thrusts, curling over top her back. One arm came to rest its hand on her shoulder. The other came to cup the outside of Juliana's cheek, which he held lightly while giving her a soft, sweet closed-mouth kiss. The other hand left her shoulder then, dipping around her side to beneath her, to cup her right breast, holding its wonderful mound of flesh in his palm whilst its twin swayed freely. In the distance, very, very faintly, birds were chirping. Light shone in brightly through windows, cascading down on one part of the bed and various parts of the floor. The new day was well into its morning but before it was time to embrace the world it was time for sweet, deep anal between uncle and niece. It did not matter that guards stood watch outside the door and likely heard some of the louder mewls from her more delicate frame. It did not matter that the sounds of sex, that the constant slapping of his firmed up sac against her firm rear cheeks challenged their respective gasps and grunts to be the greater part of the room's din. It did not matter that they were related by blood, and held the titles of Emperor and Princess of Rome, respectively. The two loved as strongly as they lusted, and with several more kisses between them, it was easily made clear that the tasks of the day would wait until they had finished. "It had been a long time waiting - three years - but Dimitri was once again in the Carpathian Mountains, standing in the forest, shaking the snow from his coat. It was coming down in sheets, so his coat was easily covered again by the blinding white. His blue eyes looked over his old homeland, and where he was when the Great War between the vampires and magi started. In his wolf form, he ran through the forest, to where a log cabin stood. Inside was the object that he had traveled thousands of miles, from Russia, for. The object of his affections and love... and his salvation. He stayed in the forest, knowing Gabriel's temper, knowing that going too near the house would give him a one-way ticket to pain and death.,"Skyler sat inside, watching her adopted parents play with the children while she made dinner for herself and her siblings. Gabriel had promised that he would turn her after her 18th birthday, but she understood why he hadn't kept his promise for over a year. Dimitri. Just the thought of his name made her sigh - in longing and in anxiety. She could see herself caring for him... if she ever got over the horror of her past. Sensing someone outside, Skyler turned to the window. Seeing nothing immediately, she almost turned away. And then she saw the eyes, and looking harder, the outline of the wolf. Knowing instinctively who it was, she smiled a little, then returned to the counter. Thinking to Francesca, she asked her to keep Gabriel calm, she opened the door. "Come in, Dimitri," she said softly, knowing he would hear her. As soon as she said his name, she felt Gabriel beside her and nudged him away, before Francesca lured him back to the children. He still watched the doorway, practically glowering. "The roar of wheels could be heard, rolling down the pavement, this was his music since the battery in his only outlet of music ran out of energy. He wasn't complaining; it was indeed peaceful all things considering. He was moving out of the house he had spent all his life in to live with his father. Though he was eighteen and had all right to move out. He had no money or anything to move out with, so he was forced to turn to his father, whom he had not seen since he was young. All he knew was that his mother called him a crack scientist. Apparently, all of his works she said were useless. Yet nevertheless, he figured it would be interesting to live with him. After all, with him being a crack scientist, there would be a number of odd inventions he could find out how they worked. He himself, was a tinker, more into mechanical marvels than anything scientifically new. He enjoyed building helpful machines rather than boring old stuff. This fact is most likely what enticed his father to let him stay, so he could help him with his machines. This didn't bother him at all, as he would enjoy it. After all, he would be able to have the dogs there. Truly, he missed Mimi and Luna, for he hadn't seen them since he graduated. His mother had basically kicked him out while he was on vacation. Which was one thing that hurt but he saw it coming, after all, he wouldn't let go of his dogs. It was as he was deep in thought that his phone began to ring. 'Yo, Hiro-' was the only thing that was legible through out the conversation. It wasn't long before he pulled up to the shop his father worked at or rather owned. Pulling through the parking lot, he parked in the back, hopping out of the moving truck. "Who would think a crack scientist owned a bakery? Well, let's go see my girls." Hiro spoke, heading to the back door, unlocking it, heading in. He wasn't surprised that it was slightly messy in the back, with one staircase going up and another going down. He figured his dogs were upstairs, so he began heading up. "Mimi, Luna! I'm here, girls!" Hiro yelled wondering when he would hear the patter of paws. He was surprised at the size of the upstairs, which had two levels, he was on the first level, which should help. He slowly opened the door, unaware of what he would find.,"It had truly been a long time since Hiro had even seen his father. Ever since the divorce, there had been many tensions between him and Hiro's mother. However, she had gotten tired of living with him and had quickly sent him off to live with his father, who certainly wasn't her favorite person in the world. Of course, his father was certainly an odd individual who had prided himself of being a scientist, perhaps not the most successful though. He had managed to get some odd experiments to work, but so far there was nothing worth commending. Upon hearing of Hiro coming to live with him, he had been at work once again. In a brief conversation with him, he had mentioned quite a surprise for him, though never went into any detail... His two dogs had been moved from his mother's house to his father's, as she wasn't fond of having to take care of them alone. After all, it was Hiro who was constantly looking over them and playing with them. Both were healthy females: Mimi, an energetic Border Collie, and Luna, and tough Siberian Husky. It had been a long time indeed since Hiro had seen them, and they would certainly be just as excited as he was to see them. Unknown to him however, this pair of canines had a major part in his father's experiments, but he had no way of knowing that quite yet. It would have to wait until Hiro had discovered it himself, and he would certainly be shocked. Nobody thought it would ever happened, but his father had really outdone himself this time. As he walked up the stairs calling for them, a few bumps could be heard on the door. If he listened carefully there seemed to be...voices? He hadn't heard anything about visitors. As the door swung open, there was a blur in front of him, and suddenly he could feel himself being pushed back onto the ground, followed by a few licks on his cheek. Certainly he could assume it was his faithful pets, but... "Welcome home Master! We missed you so much!" Sitting right on top of him was a girl, looking like around 17, but she had certain qualities that made her stand out. She had short black hair, with a bit of white at the tips, and what appeared to be a large pair ears on her head. If he looked behind her, he would see a bushy black tail, swishing wildly from side to side. The color of her hair seemed to match that of his Collie, Mimi. She was wearing only a white bra with a pair of matching panties. Her beautiful blue eyes stared down at Hiro, a bright smile on her face. "I'm so glad to see you again!" she said, again leaning in to lick at his cheek. "Buffy popped into the Magic Box for her afternoon sparring session with Giles. The chime sounded above the door, announcing her entrance, and she cast her gaze around the front of the shop as she shrugged off her ivory canvas jacket, revealing a straping blue tank top. She tossed the jacket on the back of one of the chairs and looked around for her Watcher. She didn't see him, so it was possible he was already waiting for her or simply caught up in his books on the second level of the shop. Shrugging, she slipped behind the counter and pilfered a bottled water, sipping at it as she meandered casually into the back room. Setting the water aside, she slung a leg, clad in tight dark-wash jeans, up onto the pommel horse and began to have a bit of a stretch. Easing out the tension from her body was always soothing, and she lowered one leg and repeated the cycle with the other, feeling her lithe muscles stretch out and become more flexible with the stretches. The pommel horse having served its purpose for the moment, she bent forward and touched her toes, counting silently in her head. "Bllrgh," she picked the chain of her crucifix necklace from her mouth, it had a habit of getting in the way when she was stretching. Standing upright, she readjusted the chain on her neck with the clasp at the back and the charm centered above her cleavage. She slicked back her hair and fixed her ponytail, wandering around the room as she continued to stretch her arms, holding first one, then the other, behind her head. She was just wasting time now while she waited for Giles.,"The man had barely gotten any sleep. All night long, he had stayed awake, mulling over certain ideas, certain concepts. Sure, it was true that he was a Watcher, and a damn good one at that, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was all for naught. Something inside him yearned for him to be like he once was, in college, when he claimed to be one of the founders of Pink Floyd. There was nothing here for him. Defending this small town was all for nothing. The citizens would soon be dead anyway. The man put on a sweater, after getting out of bed, and headed downstairs. There was a new aura about him. He put his glasses on during the walk down and sighed as he got to the training room. The bags under his eyes were semi-obvious, though to notice them, you really had to be looking. "Well, are we ready?" He asked her with his usual British accent. He had something on his mind other than training that day. He had always wanted something more. He had always wanted Buffy to need him as he needed her. His hands were clasped together behind his back and he seemed limber enough, he needed no stretching. He had many tricks up his sleeve for this fight. With him, he had many artifacts. Including, a pair of almost unbreakable handcuffs, a blindfold, and even a gag, should he need to use it. The man kept his glasses on, and had the items stowed away on his person, unbeknownst to her. The man then looked at her and smiled. He would cut off the head, after Buffy, the rest should be easy. "Well... Shall we?" He said as he took his fighting stance. Something from Ancient Chinese arts, something he was well fascinated with. He would look for her to attack and disable her that way, maybe feed off her need for sex and affection. Something she couldn't have as the town's slayer. . . "Naruto had always cared about Hinata, but she was only a very good friend in his eyes. He had simply never thought of her that way, and never really could see her true feelings. But when she protected him from Pein, he saw her true feelings for the first time. He came to terms at that moment with the feelings he never knew he had for the girl then. But even then he hadn't quite realized it himself yet. Her words however, combined with his true feelings led to Naruto's first brush with true pain. Naruto gave in to the fox. His emotions bearing down on him like a weight that was constantly increasing, and the fox offered him an escape. The pain of seeing the girl who he had always cared for that he now knew loved him may have just died was enough to make him accept the foxes offer, and release the fox and give in to the fox's powers. The fox let loose a terrible rampage of destruction as it devastated the Hokage Mountainside. And soon Naruto would kill Pein... Or rather, the fox would. But then the light of his father, Minato, the Fourth Hokage entered Naruto and freed him from some of the pain and resealed the fox. Naruto then beat Pein with his own strength and found the true Pein, and earned his trust. The pain of the village's destruction was not gone, the pain of the deaths of the villages was not gone but it was being healed as they all embraced their loved ones who had passed. Now Naruto had returned to the village and was praised as the village's hero. Only... As he was tossed into the air as a hero, as he was embraced by Sakura who had feared they may have lost him, he slowly realized he didn't see Hinata, and remembered just what had happened to her. Now Naruto was running through the debris of a devastated Leaf Village, heading towards the medical tents, rushing through each if them shouting the name of the girl who professed her love to him. "Hinata! Hinataa!! Where is she?! Where's Hinata?!" The medical staff rushed to deal with the walking tornado that was Naruto "Naruto! Calm down! She's all right!" The med ninjas tried to restrain Naruto to make sure he was all right. Naruto pushed them off and ran into a tent right in front of him which had slightly open flaps and saw Hinata right in front of him on a medical table and rushed over to her placed his left hand in the side of her head gently, her beautiful soft black hair running through his fingers, and his right hand gently grasped her hand and he began to cry ever so slightly as he said "Hinata... Hinata I'm so sorry! The only reason she got hurt was because of me!" Naruto's voice began to crack slightly as he said this and a tear fell from his left eye landing on Hinata's gentle, serene face.,"Hinata had begun to stir a bit with all the commotion, but hadn't fully wakened until he was there and touching her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him, blinking a few times as her brain slowly pieced together what was happening. She blushed lightly and bit her lip. "N-Naruto?" she asked, wincing slightly as she tried to move only to feel a sharp pain go through her. "Well... kinda," she added, frowning as she settled back into the pillows. She was honestly a bit surprised he'd shown up. Most of this time, she'd been asleep but she'd expected him to avoid her. The confession, she had hoped he would have forgotten about that, it had slipped out without her wanting it to, and now she was terrified of his reaction. "The incident that had become formally known as 'Armageddon' had naturally fucked up the realms previously involved in the different Mortal Kombat tournaments. When the creature called Blaze appeared, setting forth a challenge that would forever shape the dimensional barriers, every warrior had rushed for his pyramid to compete for dominance. When the dust cleared and the blood washed away, it was Sheeva the four-armed Shokan who stood triumphant. The muscular beauty had been flooded with divine power, and with that might she was able to tailor the realms and those that inhabited them to her whims. The news of a new captive reached her ear, carried to her by Kitana. Sheeva had wasted no time heading down to the expansive dungeons under the surface of her palace. Down the cobbled path she walked, toward the chained-up green-skinned figure in one large cell. Tall and muscular, just as Sheeva was. She had fought valiantly after tumbling into Outworld, and as such she had been doused with a special potion to limit her strength a bit. "So you are the jade warrior?" Sheeva asked, placing her lower hands on her hips while her upper arms crossed under her DD breasts.,"She didn't see what hit her and it happened so very fast. For all her powers and ability, Jennifer was caught by surprise. How and why, she didn't know. One moment, she was out late at night for a light jogging when she stumbled into the black depth of a forest in a park. The next moment, she woke up groaning. After her vision became no longer blurred, Jennifer tried to move only to wince in pain and realized both her wrists were shackled above her head. "Uhg, god, what in the hell?" she grumbled. "Did... Someone get the number of that truck," she continued, but her rambling went silently dead when a pair of big hands groped both her green mammalian jugs. She let out a gasp. Looking down, she still retained her white fingerless gloves and long wrist band, thick Hooter's style socks and sneakers, and her underboob sleeveless turtleneck. The only thing she discovered was missing was a pair of purple thongs. Now her green slab of tree trunk was hanging out. Growling, she tried to struggle but in her weakened condition, Jennifer started to panic and tried to turn around to see who was checking her Amazonian frame. "Hey, who the Hell are you, and what the heck do you think you're doing pal!" she growled. "The dark room was illuminated by faint dust crystal lights, underground it seemed. Team RWBY were strapped up onto crosses. Their bodies plastered with some sort of seals to keep them from using their aura. They were together in a small room, naked bared to anyone who'd see them. How did these young huntresses get here? Everything went wrong. Ultimately now they were prisoners of a group of anti-Huntress Activities. They had been captured and stripped of all things that make them capable of breaking free. Eventually the lights brightened to wake up the conked out heroines. As the sounds of heels began clicking and approaching, then a door opened and a woman in a white suit hugging her body, she had a whip in her hands. She made sure to give a nice snap, so to wake up the girls. "Up and at 'em girls, rise and shine, it's time to begin reprogramming." She turned her head, her hair dripping with bleach blonde locks, a figure boys would die to get their hands on, and a cruel smirk to make masochists shiver.,"None of them even remembered how things had turned out like that. All they remembered was that they had been sent on a mission against some small groups of Grimm beasts roaming around. But then, everything had gone dark. Maybe it had been a trap? One way or another, it was clear the mission had been a failure. Bit by bit, the members of the team started opening their eyes at a slow pace, especially when they heard the sound of the whip clashing against the floor echoing through the whole room. "Where are we?" Weiss whispered, looking around with a confused expression. "How did we end up here?" Blake too joined in for the confused questions round, staring at the woman standing in front of them with a faint frown. "Who are you?" Ruby then inquired, glancing at that very same woman while she tried to break free. "Let us go! You'll pay for this." Yang finally included, trying her best to break free from the tight restraints while she glared at the other woman with all her might. "The dark thick black clouds oozed over the house on the hill. It casted a shadowy darkness across Vannacutt Psychiatric Institute for the Criminally Insane; the only place where nightmares came true. A jagged bolt of lightening ripped the night sky in half as icy raindrops poured below. The ocean was violent crashing its waves upon the very settlement the institute was built upon. Thunder rolled across the sky seeming to crack the world in half as below near the entrance you could see a white van and two police officers bringing in a young man. They rushed him through the doors as nurses in white with caps could be seen running to aid. The lights flickered with every crash of thunder outside. A girl stood in barefooted in scrubs and a t-shirt with a cardigan wrapped around. Her face was deathly pale as if she hadn't seen light in years and besides through a window she hadn't. Her eyes had shadows and were bloodshot but still she held a dark beauty. Standing in the hallway she could see the nurses trying to calm the new patient. She knew what ever he did to get here was either a lie or horrible and that he would probably never see the outside world again. She could hear his screaming and it made her cringe and she backed up. She saw a nurse administer a sedative and in seconds his flailing body went limp as he was thrown on a gurney and strapped down. Keys were heard opening the doors to the hall. They came through and a nurse encouraged her to back up as they rolled him down the hall. She didnt move as another nurse grabbed her and pulled her back as she saw the new patient. He was young, the face of a helpless boy. What had he done? She was drawn to his face as the nurse was yelling and pulling her back. He vanished behind the next corridor. Zoey. what on earth is wrong with you, come now. Lets get you back to your room. The nurse said guiding her down another corridor. She rubbed her shoulders as not all the staff here as cold and cruel. Actually most was pretty reasonable. You’re freezing. Let me get you some heated thermal blankets and how about some hot cocoa. hmmm, then were take some medicine and sleep through this dreary storm. The nurse patted her back and helped her into her dimly lit room. All that was in it was an old metal bed with white sheets; there was a sink on the other side of the room. As the nurse left the lights flickered and she was left sitting on the bed wondering who that boy was as the storm raged on.,"After another long night of 'Full-Service', Johnny was on his last customer. He gingerly placed the pump back in its holster as he turned to his Customers. A car filled with a family of four, and an old station wagon. The Man reached into his pocket and sighed, saying in a scalding manner. Man - "$3.50 for a tank... You guys are outside your minds..." Johnny, turned to him after handing the man his change for the five dollars. The light buzzing above him flickered some from age. Johnny - "Inflation, Sir. It will be going up from 30 cents soon enough, I'm sure..." The man sped off, Johnny let out a tired sigh from working all day, the usual clientele in and out, just like every other. He walked into the garage where a few cars were parked, some with their hoods open, others not. He looked them over before putting the last of the day's money in a lock box and shoving it under the desk for his boss, Mr. Simmons, to count up and add to the safe in the morning. Johnny grabbed his jacket from the chair he was sitting on and shut off the light in the garage, after checking on the guard dog, two black labs, and giving them food and water for the night. Johnny pulled down the garage door and locked it tight, as he did every night. He lived not very far from the station, recently having to relocate due to his current relationship with a woman of a different color, Alma. She was her name, a young black woman who, like Johnny, had been disowned by her family for her love of Johnny. As he arrived home, dinner was had followed by a session of lovemaking. It was very passionate on the night before they were to be wed. As they lay there, a gentle wind blew in from the open window near by. He let out a soft smile as did she. Alma - "Johnny... Do you think society will ever let us be together?" He smiled at her and contemplated for a moment, then sighed and spoke up. Johnny - "I do so hope baby... Maybe one day this world will see what I see... A beautiful heart." She smiled and gave him a light peck before running off to the kitchen, as he lay there. He let out a sigh when a light flashed into the bedroom window, he popped up suddenly grabbing his pants and a shotgun from under the bed, He ran to the living room when Alam's voice screamed out for him, he looked in every room before being lead outside where the light shone down from the sky, firing into the sky her voice now came from the house again, He ran inside. As he did, a deafening noise bgan as the light grew inside the home he was pushed to the floor by force, Soon he was in an all white room surrounded by strange gray beings tall, short, fat skinny, all kinds he saw Alma, her screams were muted as she was being examined, the fear grew as they implanted some razor thin device in his neck, he blacked out soon after.... He woke up, in a large van, his arms and feet bound his clothes covered in blood, most his own the rest, god only knows he was drug out of the van by two large men the rain poured down as his head was covered with a blanket, he was shoved inside where many looked on in fear, including Zoey, and Grace, he was quickly sedated and strapped to a bed and wheeled away from the frightened on lookers. He awoke in a white room surrounded by doctors and nurses. "Where is she!? where's Alma!!!??" He screamed as he Doctor pushed him back down, Before looking him over still. ??? - "Don't worry son....I'm sure she is somewhere, we will find here..." He said in a sarcastic manner, Knowing what Johnny was sent here for, a Psych evaluation, To see if he was indeed who they were looking for. ??? - "We will find her, and the other 10 women you slaughtered." Johnny's eyes widened as he tried to sit up and speak, but before he could he was injected with Sedative, His body lay back on the bed trying to scream but he slowly quieted down staring at the good doctor the whole time. "What happened to me?....What did i do? if i did anything?....Why am i here!?" HE shouted to himself as lightening crashed and he passed out. "Hermione Granger, sixth-year Gryffindor prefect at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was doing what she always did - studying. Of course, she had the best grades in her class, but she refused to let her brilliance go to her head. Right now, she was working on a spell that would allow her to cram all of her books and supplies into her bag, and one that would make the bag itself lightweight so that with everything in it, nothing would be too heavy. She had her bag on the table in front of her, along with her supplies next to it, and pointed her wand at her empty bag, beginning to chant... Suddenly, the lights started to flicker, the ground began to shake...,"A crack appeared in the floor of the unused classroom. Then another, and another...the cracks seemed to glow with an unearthly green light. Then the ground seemed to give way, revealing a yawning chasm that seemed to be filled with that very same light. After only a moment's pause, however, something began to float out of the hole. The figure before her vaguely resembled a man, if men had skin as black as asphalt, with legs that were jointed like a dog's, and razor-sharp claws on both his fingers and his toes. On his head he wore what looked like an over-sized goat's skull, from the back of which protruded long, tentacle-like hair. Other than that, he was completely nude, and as he crouched on the now-intact ground she could see the tip of his semi-flaccid cock was nearly touching the floor. For a long moment he said nothing, did nothing but cock his head to one side as he stared at Hermione as if he were looking at a particularly interesting moth. Then she could hear a voice in her head, a strange, echoing tone that seemed to come from every direction at once: Hermione Granger... ""It's showtime! Are you ready?" Grinning in place, the crowd went wild as Risette struck her customary victory pose, microphone in hand. The lights were flickering on and off, swinging wildly, and then she brought the mic up to her mouth as the music kicked in. Club Escapade was full to the ceiling with her fans. She'd gotten a lot of them since returning to the life of an idol after Inaba, and after her show had gotten canceled way back then, she'd always promised to come back and make up for it. Now that she knew what had caused that blackout in the first place, it was even more important that she kept her promise. Risette danced, jumped, moved her arms and hips, getting the crowd pumped. The backup band wasn't too shabby, at all, either. By the end of the set she was sweaty, exhausted, but thrumming with exuberant energy. Someone shouted "We love you Risette!" and she laughed, winking, and caught sight of a familiarly tousled head of hair that she hadn't seen in -- Gosh, forever. Her lips made a perfect moue, but she couldn't simply call out his name like that. The crowd would totally freak out. Instead she took her bow and went off stage, snagging a security guard as she did so, whispering, "Hey, you see that cute boy in the back next to the door? Bring him backstage in a bit." She definitely needed a shower first.,"Ken watched the show from the back of the club with a small smile on his face. He wasn't much of a partyer or club-goer, but when he heard Risette was going to be the main attraction tonight, all the Shadows in Tartarus would have been unable to keep him away. He was a senior at Gekkokan High now, and he had met Rise a few years ago. He formed a crush on her almost at once. She was so charming, funny and down to earth, all of which were qualities that appealed to him. Not to mention the fact that she was downright stunning. He blushed slightly as he watched Rise dance and sing on stage. He was of that age now where suggestive thoughts were entering his mind and he certainly had a few about the idol on stage. He could have sworn he saw her wink at him, directly at him. Did she remember him after so long? That would be news to him. As the show ended and Rise left, Ken lingered around, wondering if he should try to talk to her in any way. He let out a sigh as he decided against it and got ready to leave, but then a guard pulled him aside and told him Rise wanted to see him backstage. He stammered out an affirmative and the guard escorted backstage to wait outside Rise's dressing room. He could hear the running of the shower and his blush intensified. Knowing that one of the most, if not the most beautiful girl in existence was showering not far away was enough to make the young man aroused. "Jared hummed a bit along to the music in his car radio as he made his way over the little makeshift road that led to the desolate little patch of land that lay in the middle of the sea. It was a pretty calm song, and he wished the radio would play something with a bit more go in it - lord knew he was in a fantastic mood and wanted some music to emphasize it. What had happened was nothing short of amazing when it came down to it - and that he was getting a chance to investigate it first hand, that HE was picked over so many other volunteers was just mind-blowing. He couldn't have been happier as he finally saw the land stretch a bit and stopped the car close to the little road - hardly more than a trodden path, really - and started to get out his bag from the trunk. What had him in such a joyous uproar? Why, simple - a meteorite had landed in this area. A hunk of rock from outer space, and he had been chosen to go retrieve a sample. He would be the first to see, touch and examine an outer space phenomenon. When you came from a town as small as his, any event was fantastic, but this, without a doubt, beat them all. Putting on his white cap, it arranged his dark purple hair neatly on each side of his head as it reached the middle of his neck. He was a tanned young man, and fit from usually working outside. He had dressed practically, but casually for this - nothing more than a loose t-shirt, a pair of walking boots and some sturdy pants were needed for this trip. The hard part would be to actually find the thing. He didn't have enough gas to just drive around and look, so he'd have to walk. Not that he minded. And thus, he walked along humming some melody that had gotten stuck in his head, without having even the faintest idea what exactly the rock from space had done to this place...,"To be sure, no one could have possibly guessed what the space rock might have brought with it, or what effect it might have on the flora and fauna around it. Or, to be more precise, any of the creatures on the 'small' island, which had quite a good number of different Pokemon living upon it. Not too long after the meteor had crashed down near the center of the island did its 'radiation' start irradiating out around the small land mass, effecting every Pokemon it touched in some varying way, mutating them, changing them. To some degree in all of them, they became more human-like, more sentient, and in others still, had the odd effect of messing with their gender-barring chromosomes and anatomy. It didn't take many of them long to know something had changed, and that, for the most part, they were happy with it. Not to mention, different urges and feelings started to fill their minds, while still living how they did before the 'accident'. As Jared would be drawing further and further from his vehicle, he'd start to notice more and more the air grew heavy, almost foretelling of things to come. Another odd thing to note is it, despite entering into the area, the radiation was having no affect on the human's body, almost as if it was tuned to the very 'frequency' of a Pokemon's DNA. Further more, the closer he would be drawing to the area, the more he'd notice signs of life, and, quite possibly in the back of his mind, that he shouldn't have come alone. When the meteor would finally be within view, the male would notice a small lake, which, to anyone's knowledge, hadn't been there before, surrounding it, and by the looks, something was sitting in the water, back to his direction, relaxing, with a large amount of long, flowing white-silver hair, with two very long, pointed ears poking out the top of it. "It was moments like this that made Max reconsider his life. The choice to move out to Los Santos from Vice had seemed like the smart thing to do for an intelligent young man looking to make it in the entertainment world as a screen writer. But after two and a half years of doing whatever random jobs he could find, living in a shitty little apartment in a neighborhood with bars on the windows and having to keep a cheap gun in the table by the front door. Most people found themselves at the Vanilla Unicorn on a Tuesday night to enjoy the girls and the drinks. Max found himself there for the cheap All-You-Can-Eat all night buffet. He had just wrapped a fourteen hour shift doing security work at the Richard's Majestic lot, so far the closest he'd gotten to any studio. The bus ride back to this part of town had been fairly empty but he had kept his hand in pack the whole way where he had kept gun just in case someone decided he looked like easy pray. Max was a tall guy standing over six feet tall with a wirey build, a shaggy mane of sandy colored hair, his features thin and narrow and he sported a pair of narrow, rectangular rimmed glasses. He chased a stray bit of pasta around his plate with his fork, glancing up for a moment at the main stage before slouching more in his seat.,"The story of moving to Los Santos with big dreams was definitely not one that was unique in the large, glamorous city. It was a story that many desperate failed actors and directors could say, all with film degrees they would never use and crippling amounts of debt, be it student or worse, debt to one of the many criminal enterprises around the city that victimized these desperate individuals. A weekday night strip club was definitely a good place to find these kind of people, and the curly-haired redhead was no exception. Sandy Davis got quite a few looks as she walked inside of the club. She looked far more like one of the women on the pole than the clientele mostly of creepy, middle-aged men. She was a sight to see, with 5'6 of lightly tanned skin accompanied by wide hips that pressed her dress out and DD-cup breasts contained in the decently high neckline of her dress. Long curls of dark red hair flowed down her shoulders and framed her dull gray eyes. A few of the male clients came up for her looks as she walked in, but much to their chagrin she didn't go for the changing room or the pole, but instead plopped down in a chair next to the youngest male that she could find at the club. Her reason for entering the club was simple. She was tired and needed a place to sit down and the club offered no cover and maybe a male who would buy her a few drinks. With a sigh she plopped down in the chair and looked up to see a young blonde trying to put herself through college wiggling her hips back and forth. How's the food? Sandy muttered to the male sitting to her right. "A myriad of colorful lights flashed and spun, creating a rainbow of strobe effects across the stage. Their rapidly changing glows illuminated the band of seasoned musicians on the stage, revealing one healthy man in black with a 4-string electric bass suspended from both of his shoulders, and several beautifully dressed women carrying well-tuned instruments of their own. The sounds of two guitars hammering out speedy high-pitched solos, a bass scaling up and down the frets, a slide on a piano, and the rattling of many drums and symbols blared out for several seconds before every player hit one last synchronized note, earning them a roaring wave of screams and applause from the thousands of music-loving fans who stood surrounding the stage. Leon pumped his fist and shouted back in celebration to the energetic crowd. To his right, lead guitarist Elena grinned brightly, took hold of the upper neck of her guitar in hand and side of her luxurious red gown's skirts in the other and curtsied. Belle, also keeping a hand on her guitar, waved and smiled to the cheering fans. Cinderella stepped to the side of her keyboard to curtsy, while behind them, Princess Anna stood up from her padded drum throne so observers could more easily see her twirling the drum sticks with her nimble fingers. Over on stage left, Tiana, equipped with a saxophone, waved her gloved hands upwards several times to encourage the audience to keep the applause coming. They all basked in the collective joy for nearly a full minute as they were reminded of the true joy that came with entertaining people and giving them a fun night to remember for the years to come. Once the audience noise had waned, Leon leaned up to his microphone and appreciated, "Thank you all so much for coming out here tonight!" He then introduced, "I would now like to invite a very special guest to the stage. I met her just a few short months ago watching her amazing lounge show and was blown away by her remarkable voice. Before I knew it I was recruited to play in her backing band, so it seemed only right that I return that invitation. She wants to sing a wonderful song for all of you tonight, so please welcome the lovely and talented Miss Jessica Rabbit!","As Leon announced her name, the stunning redhead made her way to the center stage, which was rapidly filling with fog to give the area a surreal quality. Sequined silk hugged her ample curves as she stepped into the spotlight, microphone in gloved hand. Her full, ruby lips curved into a smile as she took center stage, soft guitar and keyboard backing her walk toward the audience. A sultry voice filled the room as she began the song she felt would go make the most sense for her to sing. Her high heels clicked and her thighs were exposed as she walked, but the sexy siren stayed calm asher clear voice rang out over the crowd. "Take me now, baby, here as I am. Pull me close, try and understand. Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe. Love is a banquet on which we feed." She walked past Cinderella with a wink and headed toward Leon, hand out, as if reaching out to him. "Come on now, try to understand the way I feel when I'm in your hands." The redhead turned away from the handsome front man and as she reached out to the crowd, bending at the knee to grab the hands of some of the closer fans. "Take my hand and come undercover." Her voice rang out and she stood up once more, turning toward Tiana and Leon. She stood between them as she sang, "They can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now." She looked at Leon as if to cue him in to join her. "Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night belongs to lust." She ran her hand down her side to emphasize her curves here before finding her way to an open microphone stand and inserting it into the stand so she could be stationary for a moment. "Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night belongs to us." "Things weren't exactly going according to plan for Ginny Weasley, on the Hogwarts Express on her way to her 6th year at Hogwarts, sat in a compartment completely by herself. There were less than half the students onboard that would normally be there, many too scared to dare set foot in public, let alone somewhere like Hogwarts. She wasn't scared though....although god knew she probably had more reason to be than most. Well....she used to anyway. During the summer she and Harry had finally expressed their feelings, kissed....and what did he do? Did he stay with her? Did he give up on his selfish quest for vengeance to be with her? No, he had ran away, left her behind. Hell, thanks to him her home had been burned to the ground! Well she'd taken all she could....6 years she had waited for him, 6 years she had tried to catch his attention, make him jealous and what did he do? Go off with that slut Cho, 'the bicycle of Ravenclaw'. Well enough was enough, Ginny had her sights set elsewhere. She wasn't stupid, she could see the way things were going. As determined as he was, Harry was still nothing more than a child, a child without Dumbledore to guide him anymore. Well Ginny was sick of being nothing more than a cheerleader, being ridiculed as Harry Potters second or third choice. It was time for a change, it was time to embrace feelings and urges she'd been suppressing for a long time now. Ginny knew what was happening to her...she had known about the darkness in her heart ever since that incident with the diary, and until now she had simply locked it away, resisted whispered promises of power in her dreams, but it was time to stop resisting, it was time to take what should be hers. That was when she saw....when she looked up and eyed the pale skinned 7th year patrolling the train. A slight smirk crept onto the teenage girls lips as she silently stood up, moving over to the door of the carriage, waiting like an animal ready to strike. As soon as he was in position and his attention was diverted, Ginny opened the carriage door, grabbing Draco Malfoy and yanking him inside, closing the door behind her. "....So....enjoying your little patrol Draco?","It had all gone down perfectly, Dumbledore had died and now after months of plotting, the Death Eaters were now in charge of the ministry, even the minister was in their pocket and would soon be replaced by someone who didn't need to be kept under the Imperius curse in order to keep them following what the Dark Lord had in mind. Perhaps even his father would be made the new Minister, Draco thought to himself with a small smirk as he made his way through the train, going through the duties he had as the school's Head Boy, a wonderful little bonus that came from Snape being the headmaster. It was all perfect though, who would have thought that things would progress so quickly after the death of Dumbledore? Draco had figured that it would take a few more months for things to reach the point where they had but now Potter was a fugitive and Death Eaters were pushing all the Mudbloods into hiding, all of them being hunted down and dealt with. Potter and his friends probably thought they would end up saving the day and changing things back to how they once were. But what they didn't realize was that there was no going back... things would never be the same as they once were. He had just scared a few third year students into hiding in a compartment for a few hours, this was done for no reason other than the fact that he was a little bit bored. Maybe he should make his way to the back and have Pansy get on her knees for him, at least that would help pass the time a little bit. However before he could actually do so, he was grabbed and pulled into a compartment by Ginny Weasley, whom he had heard wouldn't be attending Hogwarts anymore. Could it be that the redhead was looking for some sort of revenge? Reaching slowly for his wand, he narrowed his eyes a little bit. What do you want, Weasley? I have more important things to do then deal with you right now... unless you feel like sucking me off. "When you design a humanoid robot for combat, there are certain eccentricities and lapses that can be forgiven. By all accounts YoRHa Model 2 (Type B) was a robust platform, and given her efficacy in dispatching Biodroid occupation and reclaiming earth thus far it was easy to overlook some of the stranger notions of her design. Rather than a sleek mechanical chassis of a full android, 2B's body was that of a gynoid, indistinguishable from that of a human female right up until she cut through four inches of reinforced concrete without a windup. The faithfulness to human form even went down to minor details such as genitalia and pain/pleasure receptors across her skin along with the essentials such as sight, hearing, pressure, damage, and a custom built combat sensor package that enhanced every one of those beyond human ability. It was broadly considered 'creepy' that 2B was capable by design of having sex, but no one questioned it, because regardless of that rumor, when it came down to it, 2B was just that good at what she was meant to do. Cyberwarfare was also something to be considered, and while the Biodroid occupation didn't bother with EMS or any sort of automated hacking, it had been considered prudent to ensure that 2B's core systems were secured, backed up, and installed with numerous safety measures to ensure that her core functionality could not be tampered with. Combat routines, motor control, everything she would need to fight and win was kept safe, while less essential systems were left external. Skin receptors beyond pressure and heat for instance were only lightly secured, as were other subroutines deemed 'nonessential'. These systems were automatically shut down in combat anyways to streamline the action-reaction loops that governed basic battle programming since their input was broadly considered unimportant. What good was having 2B feel pain when she was damaged after all? Pain was a distraction in combat, while a simple readout and robust internal monitoring system would do a much better job of ensuring that information of what was damaged and what was not. So leaving these minor systems outside the purview of major security could be considered forgivable too, here, an error was made. Rather than bundling the switches for these systems behind firewalls with the important capacities, the modular nature of the basic programming modules meant that each subroutine was bundled with its own executable. Had the Biodroids ever been smart enough to attempt an actual hack, they could have perhaps distracted 2B at a critical moment. But where alien ingenuity fell flat, human ingenuity could step in to take its place. A hacker collective, a bunch of thugs for the most part, but a dangerous bunch who had been disrupting operations across the more recently liberated cities. While they were a small threat now, projections suggested that left unchecked these criminals could end up as a dangerously powerful organized crime group, so the decision was made that they would not be given the chance to consolidate, and 2B was deployed to subdue and capture the ringleaders. It never occurred to them for a moment that the android that had laid waste to the Biodroid occupation could ever be brought low by a bunch of human thugs, and in that lay their fatal flaw, but even if they had somehow realized, understood the risk they took, it was too late now. They had tracked the group to their hideout and 2B had been sent in as soon as they had confirmed the location. She was already on site, moving through the hallways, scanning for signs of life as she tried to seek out the leaders of the organization she knew were somewhere in here. Already with both feet in the jaws of a potential trap...,"The collective had first made itself known to the public as an organization named 'Cicada 211'. The name was seemingly meaningless and the lack of seemingly pointed symbolism kept the general public guessing or even wholly oblivious to their existence, while the more 'minor' deep-web entrepreneurs were left only to wonder and imagine just what the group could be. They seemed to protest the 'Big Brother' government that had formed in the name of retaking the cities of Earth and spoke of how the 'common citizen' needed to rise up and secure their rights to independence and autonomy. And if it had stayed at that, then maybe they could have been ignored, and the remnants of humanity wouldn't have worried about them - but then money started disappearing. Equipment. Manifests were manipulated so gear bound for vital military posts ended up 'lost' in transit. It became quickly apparent that there was something that needed to be done about them. Some of the finest minds in Cyberwarfare and counterintelligence who called the Bunker home were put to work on tracking this mysterious hacktivist collective. Of course they were surprised and almost unbelieving when that trail led them down to Earth, and further to within the liberated zone that had already been cleared and secured by their forces. It led them to a hydro-electrical plant that hadn't seen any activity of any sort ever since it had been cleared of Biodroids months and months past, except now it was pulsing with wireless signals up to and down from the moon. Satellite imagery was even quick to reveal at least a few humanoids spotted occasionally out on the surface or along the damn wall of the plant. Further analysis and recon before sending in 2B revealed they seemed to have nothing for defense from intruders as if they wholly expected nobody would come looking for them. Maybe they didn't? "And they sent one, did they Colonel?" The young man holding the phone grinned at the hesitant response. "Oh don't worry. Nobody will know about your involvement - if you behave," he said with a smile. The aging old military officer on the other end all but snarled his response, despite the awareness of just what kind of incriminating information the collective held on him. It had been through him that the collective had found out about the - unique - nature of the YoRHa Model 2s and that rather glaring weakness. He was the one who had pulled strings upon request to see one of these deadly warriors sent, alone, to deal with the collective once they had been discovered. And the man at their head who identified himself among his peers by his handle of 'Red Jack' couldn't help the grin that was stuck to his lips as he leaned back in his seat. Cameras had seen her, and as she skulked lower and lower into the plant, she was monitored by cameras and EM sensors so that some of his best keyboard-jockeys could keep an exact point on wherever she might be. All while working to uncover those executable files and see just what they might do with them. And Red Jack was gambling rather hard on them finding a way to make what he had suggested work. After all, he wasn't making any effort to hide should she finally find the main pump room. He sat in the center of the room facing the door that came down from the surface, illuminated by several glaring overhead lights, sitting on the edge of a rather hard looking surgical table, and grinning like a cheshire cat as he heard quiet footfalls coming closer even though it was hidden behind the scarlet-red metal mask that he currently wore over his face. As the door would come open, he'd throw his arms open wide as if in a gesture to say 'welcome to my humble abode' and gave a laugh. "Hello, hello! Come in, please!" He laughed again. In his earpiece, he heard a voice. "Jack. I think we found it." "Good," he whispered, "Lock her receptors on." "Ruby felt terrible, worse than any of her rougher sparring sessions with Yang, worse than any of the fights she could remember. The young redhead slowly, groggily rose, wincing from what felt like a zillion different bruises. She looked at herself, clothes torn, cut and bloody, had she been in a fight? The huntress froze as she noticed something... Crescent Rose, her scythe, her SCYTHE was nowhere to be seen. She looked around, eyes darting, and all she saw was that she was in some sort of dark cavern, alone and unarmed. "Guys?" she called out into the darkness, voice shaky as she tried to reach the rest of team RWBY. Only her echo answered her, sounding almost sinister with the place's acoustics. Slowly she rose, using the wall to steady her shaky legs. She had been in a battle, that's all she remembered, everything else was a fuzzy haze. She needed to find her sister, find her friends, her weapon, and get out of here... wherever here was.,"As Ruby made her way through the labyrinth of tunnels and passageways, the silence would slowly give way to a sound. It sounded human enough, muffled in the distance but as she approached it, it would grow more clear. They were womanly moans and groans, the sound of a female writhing in pleasure and enjoying herself. Ruby would likely even recognize the voice just from the groans as Weiss Schnee's voice, as she was on all fours like a bitch in heat. In a cavern, Weiss was being mounted by a Grimm. Behind her, mounting her and plowing her pussy with a massive and long cock was a Grimm. Weiss' face was contorted in pure pleasure and bliss, her moans echoing through the chamber as the Grim fucked her roughly, its cock slamming into her like a piston. "Starlight Island was a very special place. A huge isle located across the multiversal ocean, where people from across multiple worlds, make the journey for relaxation, work, adventure and a good time. Sunny beaches, tons of different entreatment venues, and vast lush forests for the nature-types. But right now, our story begins at a small but cozy bar known as The Red Potion. At this hour it seemed that there were just a handful of people inside, all immersed in their own lives. Amongst them was a particular young-looking angel currently sitting by the bar-stand.... This was Pit, who right now simply sighed as the Bartender, a Toad, handed him another drink. He had barely finished the first one and he could already feel himself tipsy. Pit had traveled to the island with his boss and goddess, Lady Palutena, for some well-earned R&R. Pit thought maybe, just maybe, time here could be the chance where he could finally spend more time with her; Tell her more about his feelings... But he chickened out and soon enough, Palutena assumed Pit wanted his space; which wasn't far from the truth, but was not helping him after she met with some old acquaintances. Pit just felt lonely in general, specially with the fairer sex. Despite his angelic looks, he was still a young man with needs and wants...but of course it wasn't like if luck was going to smile his way...,"But luck seemed to smile as one woman came to sit next to the lonely angel. This was the love fairy Kyu, though right now she didn't look like a fairy using her human disguise. "Bartender, get me a Mojito," she said, and within moments the Toad gave her drink. Kyu's eyes drifted towards Pit's direction. He was her next person she wanted to help out in the love department. "Hey there cutie." She called to Pit, giving him a moment to reply. She then took the slice of lime on her glass and sucked on it for a moment before placing it back on her glass. "My name is Kyu. Mind if I ask for your name, Angel?" She asked as the string strap of her red dress fell off her shoulder. "Amongst the darkness, sword and lance clashed with dizzying grace, two silhouettes striking at one another in a deadly waltz. The fight had lasted for some time now and to the untrained eye, it seemed that neither combatant was gaining the upper hand. But it was only a matter of time before Avenger would strike his opponent down, for the enemy knew not his identity... his weakness. Even if they did, Achilles was among the strongest from the Age of Heroes, the demi-god that slew the Trojan hero, Hector, in single combat and had brought the ancient city to its knees. Casanova had spent many days stalking their opponent, preparing for this fight. What was more, Casanova had managed to summon an extra class servant, the version of Achilles representing both his strongest and lowest points: Achilles Alter, the hero that had just lost his best friend and vowed to break the Trojans piece by piece. They did not plan to lose. And lose they did not. In a dramatic change of events, Achilles struck his opponent down, a saber-class servant wearing a crimson gown and with golden locks. The blow was non-fatal, but the force at which she plunged into the ground made it clear who the winner would be. But Achilles knew better than to allow the woman to stand, instead falling upon her with boiling rage and conviction. He threw his lance down upon her, missing her face by mere inches before plummeting down atop her. Before she could regain herself, Achilles was above her, his hands catching her neck between metal gauntlets. With hungry eyes the servant gazed into her emerald kaleidoscopes, his fingers tightening their grip until he could hear the sweet melody of gagging underneath him. In just a moment, he could snap the servant's neck like a twig. "Enough, Avenger," Casanova's voice echoed off of the cathedral halls, the young man stepping into the moon's light. Achilles did not listen, instead tightening his grip upon the Saber's throat until she could not breathe completely. "I said, that's enough," he repeated himself, prepared to use a command spell if necessary. Luckily, the servant acquiesced, loosening her grip upon the servant's throat just enough so that she could breathe once more. "Why? She is our enemy." Achilles growled, his strong, yellow gaze still beaming upon the woman beneath him. Casanova migrated over towards the woman in the corner of the room, who watched the scene unfolding before her with shocked eyes. The young man flashed her a warm smile, before reaching out towards her slowly. "Shh. I'm not going to hurt you." He promised her, his hand gravitating towards the side of her face. With tender grace, the man cupped the side of her cheek, rubbing her smooth flesh gently. He was tall, handsome, with dark hair fashionably disheveled and with an attractive, plunging jawline. But above all, his sapphire gemstones were enchantingly mysterious. "Your servant has been defeated. According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, I am obligated to take both of your lives." He explained, his hand traveling down the side of her face and underneath her chin. Carefully, he tipped her chin upwards, forcing her to look up at the man that had defeated her. "But... I will give you another option. One that will not be offered again." The man grinned, pausing momentarily so his words could sink in. "You and your servant will become my property... my servants... my slaves." He cooed quietly, yet clearly, underneath his breath. His terms were non-negotiable and a single time offer. The glare in his sapphire eyes made it clear that should his rival refuse, that the both of them would be killed without mercy. Before she could speak, Casanova placed his finger upon her lips, silencing her. "If you agree to my terms, both you and your servant will fall to your knees and beg for your lives. If you do not, I will kill you both." The man snapped his fingers, waving towards Achilles, who begrudgingly released the servant from his grip. He motioned the servant towards him, waiting for the two to do as they were told... or die. "Beg and live. Or die. It is your choice.","The saber-class servant exuded a haughty confidence that her master could feel soothe her skin and seep into her very bones. Something had been off about this night but the duo had pressed on and remained vigilant in their quest for the Holy Grail. Omnipotent wish granter that it was, the legendary chalice and limitless mana within was sought out by all masters of the Holy Grail War. All that mattered was the wish -- the truth, the Root. So despite her gut advising her otherwise, they had forged on. Neither of them could have been prepared for the onslaught that awaited them inside of that grand, empty cathedral. It was a wonder that the clash of steel had not drawn the attention of others, the darkness that veiled the building acting as if it were a cloak to disguise them all-- perhaps it was. Met with another powerful servant and his equally imposing master, though the girl in question had yet to see much of him, the red-clad swords woman immediately went on the offensive, swinging her blade with a grace worthy of the former Emperor. Sparks flew, evidence of the clash of steel, and for a time Rie believed they might have a chance. While she sometimes believed her brusque servant to be far more flashy than absolutely necessary, the young woman had come to realize that all that flash and pomp was what made Nero, Nero. A woman of Rome, Emperor to the people and a lover of fine arts, beauty, and valor, all the things that made her servant so confident and assuring that the Holy Grail would be theirs. It was these traits and this woman that Rie placed her trust in. Saber's bright smile fell after so many blows. Crimson turned black and those bright green eyes narrowed dangerously as the lance-wielding servant before her countered blows and laid into her with a strength and severity she'd not quite seen before. In the far corner of the room Rie could do little more than watch as this dark, intimidating force decimated her partner. "Come on, Saber." The whisper like a mantra, a silent good luck charm. They could win, they just needed to gain a hint of an upper hand. They could win... But it was not their fate. "Saber!" The trusty sword in which Nero used clattered on the ground next to her. The breath left her lungs after the blonde saber struggled against the might of her opponent. Rie's eyes widened and blinked rapidly, mind reeling from the fast turn of events that had occurred. The opposing master made his presence known and called off his servant from dealing the final blow. Try as saber might, with the grip he had on her now, she was in no shape to retaliate or protect her master. With a deep inhale once her windpipe was released, the saber gasped and swallowed, the bruise already making itself known in the form of a fingertip necklace around her throat. "Praetor--" Rie couldn't -- didn't -- trust that smile. It was a predator's smile and all it did was make her blood run cold with fear. His fingers brushed her skin and she couldn't help but flinch at the contact, giving him the satisfaction that he had caught her, not that she was sure he needed much more proof. Oh, but how wrong she was. His sweet words and gentle caress did little to dissuade her from the thought that they'd both be killed. He could claim a notch on his belt and count one less in the running for the Grail, dispose of the both of them with little effort and note a care. Gray eyes flickered over his shoulder to where the male servant with piercing gold eyes had her saber pinned beneath him. Soon she was guided to look at him and Rie swallowed, limbs shaking despite her best efforts to stand strong and show that she was just as powerful a mage with no fear. What could he possibly offer to her? Surely he didn't mean to play a game with her, taunt her with the hope of freedom only to drive a knife into her back. Oh no, it was far worse, even. "Wh--" she'd barely formed the words on her lips before he silenced her, both eyes and finger effectively keeping her shut up. "Praetor, no!" Nero croaked, still beneath the Avenger. Rie had little time to think. Nero joined her side moments later, and the dark haired girl knew what she needed to do. Her saber could see it too, the blonde's angry features looking so foreign on that usually smiling face. "Praetor, you cannot--" "Just-- ...just.. do it, Saber." Was she so cowardly? Did she fear death so much that she would so quickly give up her family's dream of the Holy Grail-- so that she could live as a slave to a mage? Had she really fallen so far...? With little else to say and legs crumbling beneath her-- whether due to the shock, fear, and anger or acceptance of her situation-- the young magus fell, palms flat against the floor and head hung low, dark locks obscuring her vision. Moments later at the behest, and with little more option lest she sign her masters death warrant as she stood, Nero fell into position beside her. Please spare us our lives and in return we accept your terms.. "Forte was riding around on his motorcycle, about to pick up his partner...Tifa. They had only recently started to work together...actually, this would be the first time they would actually be working together in a mission of some sort. Something Forte was more than thrilled about, seeing as he had a thing for Tifa. A huge thing for Tifa. Not afraid to touch her inappropriately, talk to her seductively, or talk to her like a fool either. Of course he could have a decent conversation with her, but really he just wanted to lay her down and fuck the night away. Forte was just getting into the whole bounty hunter deal. In fact, this would also be one of the strongest people he'd ever gone after. Normally he helped with local crimes - people stealing things, all of that jazz. Petty criminals mostly. Recently, he was kicked out of his house because he was a lousy good-for-nothing. So now he was trying not to be such a lousy good-for-nothing and put some bread on the table. And killing things for money seemed like the perfect opportunity to do that. He rolled up in front of Tifa's house (or apartment, wherever she lived), and tried to look inside to see if she was changing or anything. He revved his engine to let her know he was there.,"Tifa stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around her body as well as her wet hair. She looked at the time and saw she had twenty minutes before her partners showed up to pick her up. She tossed her towel on the bed and picked up her bra, which slipped into it easily. It was new actually - black and lacy, and it clipped from the front. She picked up the matching black lace panties and slipped into them as well. Then she grabbed her new skirt, which she tugged up her legs, zipped it from the side, and looked at herself in the mirror. It was a loose-fitting, ruffled black skirt that stopped just under the curves of her ass. She liked it and it gave her mobility. The last piece of clothing was a tube top that showed midriff. She slipped into it, seeing the cotton stretch out a bit thanks to her large breasts. She shrugged and went to brush out her hair. She heard an engine roaring and rolled her eyes. She met her partner some days ago, talking and wanting to get to know him better. Seemed he needed help, and she needed a partner since Cloud was off doing his own thing with Vincent. Tifa grabbed her gauntlets, slipped them on her hands, snatched a healing and elemental materia, and ran out of her small house. She locked the door and ran up to Forte, waving. "Took you long enough," she said, hopping in the back, her arms wrapping around his waist, her breasts pressing against his back. She would have used her bike, but damn Yuffie crashed it and was now being repaired. "You know where to go right?" She asked, hoping he knew and was good and ready for their first mission. "Alexander had a lot of work to do. He had been set up to be the one to finish this book, a book that many men had already put their lives into. Literally. It had cost some of them their lives to get the information in the book he held, as he stared up at the top of the mountain. There were a lot of holes and completely blank pages for him to fill, so he had to get going. It had been a week ago that he accepted this rather dangerous job, liking the idea that he would be able to see the world. And the pay was good, too, he couldn't forget that. He could live years from it... IF he lived. The men that hired him were smart, though. They took him to mage elders, who were able to put a protection on his soul. That was one thing off his mind, at least. Now he just had to manage not to get physically killed. Alex was wearing rather warm clothing: A sweater, a long-sleeve shirt underneath that, thick pants of wool and thin pants of silk underneath those. His hair was short and brown, making small spikes when they were uncovered. But because the mountain was cold and snowy, he was wearing a wool cap, to keep warm. Blizzards were coming down, and he moved to avoid them as he climbed. It was a long way, but he eventually found a house, and he knocked on the door. "Hello? Anyone in there?","The Yuki-onna dwelled within the walls of the house, awaiting the knock of her male visitor. She was using the blizzards to adjust his course to her home. The monster girl was so cold, her skin like ice and a pale blue. Long white hair spilled down her thin frame, that was encased in a snow white kimono, with a pale blue obi that matched her skin. Dark, crystal eyes watched and waited, as she prepared a meal for her guest. Yuki-onna was to treat this man with her hospitality, to cause him to be indebted to her, so that she may ask him for the warmth of a sexual encounter. He could not refuse her - if he did, she would simply intensify the blizzards and once again return him to her door. The knock came soon enough, and she finished the food she'd prepared for him before coming to the door. Her ice cold, pale blue hand grasped the door handle and pulled it open, allowing her eyes to feast upon the man she'd drawn here. He was bundled against the cold, so she couldn't see much about him. She had stoked a fire for him, to warm her home so he wouldn't freeze when he took off his clothes. A gentle, welcoming smile came across her blue lips. "Welcome traveler, come into my home," she invited, stepping aside to allow him entry into her house. "Koyla sighed in desperation as he reclined even more languidly along the silken pillows of the lounge sofa. In truth, he had little to complain about, as exquisitely pampered as he was here in the vast obsidian citadel of his family, but this was what had the young demon prince in dire moods. With nothing to complain about, he was virtually without any other diversion here in the inner sanctum where he made his room, a spacious and regal abode of dark granite tile, black marble pillars, and suitably cushioned and fur-lined ebony furniture, as well as sunken areas of silk mats and soft pelts and furs where one could lounge and converse with several others. Assuming there were others to converse with, assuming they actually had anything worth his notice or time to converse about. He sighed again and turned over to lie on his stomach, gazing out at the empty room with his amber eyes, shining with not quite the intensity or fire of a true demon lord, and tucked back a lock of quill-like black hair behind the slightly less than regal horns that crested his temples. In truth, perhaps waiting was as meaningful a pastime as any for the young demon, as he still had much maturing to do. True, he was a fine physical specimen, standing at six feet three inches in height, his skin a color like shadowed ivory, with toned muscular limbs and a sculpted body, that would put an Olympic gymnast to shame, but he was far from the towering bastion of dark glory that a Demon Lord might be. His horns still had much growing to do, and his claws were sharp, but much closer to delicate than they were to wicked. His tail was not short, but neither did it look particularly strong and its scales still seemed a bit . . . fresh, and his wings, though fully functional in achieving flight, were barely four feet in their span. All these unpleasant but all too necessary deficiencies crossed through his mind as he leered dejectedly at nothing in particular, wondering if he might be able to fall from the sofa and hit his head in such a way as to put him into a coma for the next century or so while his physical form finished its development. Suddenly, the sensing of the presence of his Aunt Morrigan, roused him from his state and he sat up, looking expectantly for her arrival. He always enjoyed her visits to this part of the citadel, particularly when she had some present or gift for him.,"It is good to be a succubus. Eternal youth? Otherworldly beauty? Power over both mortals and immortals alike? Access to the best, most powerful bedmates in the multiverse? All of it merely a part of their eternal existence. Yet why is it that Morrigan Aensland, supreme seductress of hell, and succubus queen, would have a frown on her perfectly shaped features? Simple, because just like mortals, she is not without a family. Yes, demons do have family members, just like mortals. And just like mortals, they deal with the same mundane troubles that all families go through. In this case, it's her cousins Juvenile (by demon standard of course) son, her nephew. Millennia ago, Morrigan met her cousin for the first time. He was a fine demon. Powerful, beautiful, but above all, well endowed. So much so, that the term hung like horses didn't fit the demon, but rather, horses are hung like him...Well, not exactly true, as he was much bigger than any horse. His philandering tendencies and warlike nature left him with no time to raise his child. "Stupid cousin," the queen grumbled in an un-regal manner. Koyla has come of age, and now it is time for him to start developing his demonic gifts. Since dear old dad isn't around for this, it falls to Morrigan to give the boy a lesson in infernal adulthood. Of course, since she's the one doing it, she thought it would be perfectly acceptable for her to decide how he would be taught. The door to Koyla's chamber opened, and like a vision of perfect beauty, the loving aunt walked into the room. Her white flowing satin dress made her look like a goddess indeed. Succubi have the ability to shapeshift at will, and right now, she appeared to him, in a perfectly human appearance, save the unearthly aura of lust swirling around her. "Koyla, dearest...Hows my favorite nephew..." She asked in voice cold as marble, and yet seductive like silk. Sitting next to him, her slender fingers caressed his chest, down to his abs. He does have his father's perfect body. "Auntie needs to talk to you" "Amelia was a sweet loving girl who used to have lot of friends, until that summer party. She was with one of her friends walking to a party which was filled with beer and high school students, whom they would soon meet in school. She had had a little bit to drink, but enough to make her a little drunk. She had gone outside to get a little fresh air. The moon was fully shiny down on her, lighting up the night, when he came. Jack Evans was going into his last year of high school and he was standing in front of Amelia. One thing led to another and soon they found themselves kissing one another. Amelia had thought that she had gotten a boyfriend for her year of high school when that question popped up. "Do you want to do it?" he asked, not knowing what that meant so she just pushed it aside. She then felt him getting rough on her and she tried to say no, but he covered her mouth. Once he pulled his head away, Amelia tried to scream, but he covered her mouth. Soon she would find herself with her shirt up, shorts down, and had been raped. She went back into the party picking up the phone and called the cops. She couldn't say a word before someone snatched the phone from her hand and yelled out that it was the cops. Now everyone was panicking and her friend slapped her in the face. After that day, everyone hated her; her friends were now her ex-friends or she was their ex-friend, and the guy who raped her had tortured her through the days. She couldn't take it anymore. It was almost midnight and there was a new moon. Her computer screen showed a white page that said it couldn't find the web site that she was looking for. When all the hands pointed at 12:00 am, the screen blacked out and a flicker of flame appeared. She had gone to Hell Correspondence. Now the screen read, "We will take revenge, on your behalf." Amelia was about to type his name, but something was keeping her. Her breathing had started up and she had a lot on her mind. Until she saw his smile right after he raped her in her mind, she quickly typed his name and waited.,"At first... there was nothing. It seemed as if it were all just a cruel practical joke. After all, of course no Hell Girl would come and save her from the terror her world had become... She turned around... and saw a young lady dressed in a Japanese schoolgirl uniform - mostly black, with her long luxurious dark hair. She was very lovely, and would even be described as beautiful were it not for her porcelain white skin and her large blood-red eyes staring right at her. She looked at Amelia for a moment, and then her right hand gently raised up... and handed her a small straw doll. And then she spoke. "Here... this doll is for you," she said. "If you truly wish to eliminate the person tormenting you, just pull the red string. This will seal our contract, and the person you hate will be immediately taken to Hell. However... there is a price." She waited for Amelia to show understanding before continuing. "When one person is cursed, two graves are dug. When you die, your soul will also go to Hell. Suffering for all eternity, never knowing what Paradise is like." She stopped for a moment... and Amelia was suddenly surrounded by zombies that came up from the ground and began to tear at her, trying to tear her limb from limb. Then... suddenly they were gone again. The girl continued. "But that... is only after you die." She then stepped back. "And now... the rest is up to you." She looked at Amelia and waited for a final response. "Being a God has so many perks. You are immortal to everything in the world, you have abilities that mortals could only dream of, you never need to worry about the woes of the world, and you can keep those that you love alive for as long as you want. However, sometimes it takes gods some time to get into the modern world, and sometimes it takes them only a second to fit right in. He always knew he was destined for power, and Hades never failed in his quest for such power. Being the CEO of a certain little record company called Hellfire Records gave him the power he oh so wanted. He had tons of money, and tons of corrupt politicians in his pocket to make sure he was what really held the power over the nation. It was such a glorious life, but there was one thing that truly made it all worthwhile. It was in ancient Greek times that he met her, and just knew he had to have her. Meg was frightened by him at first, considering he was the god of the underworld, but Hades eventually courted her, and began dating her. It wasn't long before he unlocked the secrets of her mind, and entered a new kind of relationship with her. The concept of master and slave weren't a new thing back then, and that was exactly what they had going on; however, she was free to deny him if she didn't like something, and had a say in what they do. She was fifty years old when he gave her back her youth, and made her immortal like him because he couldn't bear the thought of losing the only women in his life. Now they are living in modern times, and Hades could give her a lot more than he ever could before. "Meg, babe, would you bring your sexy little ass in here, and tell me my schedule for the day?" not only was she his lover/pet, but she was also his secretary. That way, he could keep an eye on her all times, and have free access to her anytime he wanted to.,"Meg came into Hades's office and set down the papers he would need for the day. She sat on the edge of his desk and looked over her iPhone for his schedule. "You have a lunch meeting with Senator Davis and the marketing team wants you to listen to a few new artists and see if you like any of them," she said, crossing her legs and straightening his tie. She looked into his eyes and ran her fingers through his hair. She remembered the first time they met. She sold her soul to him for a man who walked out on her. It took her while to recover and not be so frightened of him, but Hades was always there for her. He helped her heal and gave her back her soul. At first she felt indebted to him, but now she loved him simply because he was Hades. Meg was wearing a red top with a black pencil skirt that hugged her ass and hips. Her top showed off her ample bosom enough to catch Hades's interest. That was all the interest she needed from anyone in her life; Hades gave her what she wanted when she wanted it. She didn't need anything else. She felt the stares of other men on her as she walked by, but she paid them no attention. Her ring finger nails were silver with red polka dots, and the rest of her nails were the same shade of red. "We also have dinner plans, and if you are late, I will find a way to kill you," she said, smiling at him. "I am getting all dressed up, and you are taking me to this fancy restaurant that's really hard to get into. I know you just made the call and got our reservation pushed up, but let's act like you aren't this powerful god of the underworld. Okay? Don't be late or you will be sleeping alone." She knew that last part would get his attention, and she also knew they had plenty of time before their dinner reservations. "Walking through Afterlife made needle-like pricks crawl up Scarlett's arms as she entered the nightclub that marked the heart of Omega. Her heeled feet quickly clicked across the floor as she slipped between lines of people. The energy in the room slightly irritated the biotic implants that were spread throughout her body but it was something she had grown accustomed to considering she now lived in such a heavily populated area instead of at some reclusive Cerberus research facility. With every step she took forward, Scarlett knew that she was getting just that much closer to the new leader of Omega. Not even the countless Asari strippers could distract her from the state of mind she was currently in. She knew that she was in deep trouble if she wasn't able to convince The Boss that she knew where the stolen AI had been taken. Scarlett had managed to trade some favors with an old Cerberus colleague of hers, locating the system the AI program was taken too as well as identifying the Cerberus ship that had retrieved it. All she needed was a ship and team to get it back. Halting in front of the stairway that led up to where she needed to go, Scarlett waited for the Batarian guard to let her pass. The heavy base of the music vibrated her entire being, temporarily drowning out the thoughts that were racing through her mind. Fumbling with the data pad in her hand, Scarlett slowly made her way up the stairs as the Batarian waved her through. Standing nervously once at the top of the stairs, Scarlett quietly waited for the new ruler of Omega to address her, quietly tucking her brown hair behind her ear as her blue eyes remained fixed forward.,"Suari sat behind her desk, her black body suit gleaming in the odd lighting, her pale skin looking even paler against the black suit and her long red hair in ponytails. She looked at the new girl. "You may close the door behind you and approach my desk." "Shining like a jewel in the South-Western ocean is the great nation of An-Teng. A land rich in natural resources and blessed with great beauty, it was long ago humbled by the Dragon-Blooded. Now the Terrestrial Exalted see it as a sort of pleasure resort, an entire county of subdued servants hurrying to gratify their every wish. There are even (relatively safe) adventures to be enjoyed in the 'wild' parts of the country. Most businesses wouldn't even presume to charge one of the Dragons for their goods or services, choosing instead to send along a humble letter to the elders of household, requesting recompense. Ragara Corah Jor is dealing with such a letter right now. The daughter of the Satrap and an un-Exalted Tengense woman, she undoubtedly possesses beauty from both sides of her heritage. With skin darker than that of most from the Blessed Isle and the coal-black hair common to House Ragara, she presents a striking, exotic image. Her skin is flawless, appearing almost polished, and when at rest she becomes so still she might be mistaken for a statue. Such traits are a credit to her command and cultivation of the Essence of Earth. With her father traveling on business, it falls to her to manage the affairs of his household. Including the bill her younger sibling and his sworn brothers have racked up in the week he's been out 'enjoying the beauties of An-Teng'. With a sigh, she writes a missive authorizing the payment and seals the scroll with the mark of House Ragara. The hours tick away as she continues her work. A diplomat needs a particular phrase translated into Seatongue, work is progressing on a dam in the southern rivers, a group of heretics was rooted out for illegal worship of-- Corah jumps when a hand closes on her shoulder. One of her father's attendants bows humbly, informing her that the family's Exalted guest has arrived. With a nod, she rises from her seat, and hurries down to the entrance of the Manse to attend him.,"Ragara Calel Gerron had always wanted to come to An-Teng. House Ragara had had its hand dipped into the wealth of this land for decades and as a model satrapy its reputation added to the House's. The stories of its opulence and its strange but wonderful culture only added to the allure. He waited patiently in the courtyard to the palace of the Satrap, looking about amiably. His entourage surrounded him, mortals mostly, with a few Exalted bodyguards. A cool breeze ran through the assembled, their cloaks and shawls rippling gently. It emanated from Gerron, a result of his puissant Essence, the object of years of intense meditation and hard work. Gerron stood with his hands folded behind his back, his white robes swaying with the winds he generated. His skin was a bluish-white and cool to the touch, like that of a man who had just showered. His gray hair and his silver eyes stood out even more, unnaturally shaded as they were. At a glance one could tell that here stood a Prince of the Earth and act accordingly. A servant of the estate approached and bowed deeply, almost folding at the waist. "The Honourable Ragara Corah Jor is here to welcome you, Great Lord." Gerron smiled and walked forward as his Tengese cousin arrived. He beamed, opening his arms. "Cousin Corah!" He exclaimed. "It has been a very long time." He raised his eyebrows appreciatively, looking her up and down. "You have grown to be a beautiful woman, Cousin." He reached forward to clasp her hands with his. "It is wonderful to see you again." "The tower's appearance had given the young woman no reassurances. She was afraid the devils would succeed, but as she had stood amongst the tower's pillars to watch the sons of Sparda fight in the rain, she knew there was a semblance of hope. Dante, the one called, would stand up to his own brother to ensure the demons did not cross and inhabit the human realm. Aya, too, would fight the demons to ensure their demise. A priestess of sorts is what she called herself, a maiden of all trades. For this adventure, she kept to herself, only thinking of interfering if the devil Dante could not vanquish his twin back to the depths of Hell. However, Dante succeeded and soon, the tower was gone and the way of life went back to normal. The devil had settled back into the way of running his shop with his egotistical flair that intrigued her. Aya owed him thanks, she knew, but she was not supposed to reveal herself to anyone unless the situation demanded that it be done. The young woman's dark eyes peered silently at the sign "Devil May Cry"; Dante's shop. Her black hair fluttered around her face on the breeze as she contemplated her next course of action. She couldn't let him go on without at least her silent thank you, so she reached out a pale hand to open the door to the shop. Her long, leather miniskirt clad legs carried her on boots into the building. A black blouse hung on her curves, unbuttoned enough to give her considerably sexy cleavage. Matching black eyes would then sweep the interior as the door shut, seeking out the devil simply known as Dante.,"Dante looked up at the woman entering his shop and grinned. "If you're looking for a toilet, it's in the back," he said nonchalantly as he sat back with his boots on the desk, staring at his blade. "But I doubt that's why you're here, so tell me why is a pretty lady like you doing in my humble shop?" he asked, looking up at her and noticing her appealing figure, letting out a soft whistle. "The energy that had been released from the Soul Edge sat dormant for too long. The energy that had once corrupted such beings as the one known as Nightmare, was far from being destroyed. In fact, the thing known as Nightmare was working tirelessly for the Soul Edge, or the energy from it. It was finally time, enough of the shards had been gathered for the being to do its work. As Nightmare left, a eerie green glow engulfed the shards and they started to float in the air. As Nightmare turned around, the shards emitted a bright glow, and when the glow subsided, what remained formed into an exact copy of what looked like Nightmare formed in its place. The being slowly stood up and stretched its limbs. It cracked its neck then looked at the real Nightmare, who was still standing in shock. In a quick flash, the real Nightmare charged the copy and swung at it with his huge sword. The sword chopped through the copy and the copy remained unphased. With a smile, the copy turned one of its arms into goo and grasped Nightmare around the neck and stretched it across the dimly lit room, slamming Nightmare into the wall. It muttered something, then changed into a different man, Maxi. Having fought a select group, it knew what people looked like. It retracted its arm, leaving Nightmare crumpled on the ground. It walked toward the sun, looking for a certain person, Ivy. She would be his first victim...,"Never too far from Nightmare in her eternal pursuit of the Soul Edge, Ivy was in a nearby town, still resting in an inn. Her armor, which was only a few scraps of cloth in all honesty, lay across the room from her, along with her blade. She was taking a few moments from her quest to let off some steam and relax, reading a long, leather-bound book while she lay in repose upon her bed, entirely naked without fear of anyone coming in. It wasn't like there were very many opportunities for the owner, or other guests at an inn, to barge into someone else's room, after all. ""Damn party ditched me!" A girl groaned as she kicked the Gott Statue chest open. Vraay's normally cute face was twisted in a growl. She was in a blue uniform resembling a Russian military uniform, and a matching beret. A small yellow ribbon on her neck was the only clothing really providing any contrast. "At least I got here," she grumbled, seeing the message show up revealing her prize: a pair of lowbie blades, one for a Twin Blade, one for a Blade Brandier. And five health potions. "Oh come on!" She rolled her eyes and turned around, just wanting to get out of the temple and take the next warp back to town. Maybe find a competent party.,""Having a bad day?" came the sultry voice of the infamous PKer Bordeaux, leaning up against the wall right inside the beast temple, next to the only exit. Of course, Bordeaux was up to her old tricks again. Preying on those weaker than her and PKing for the sheer pleasure of it. As usual, she didn't just PK them outright. Bordeaux preferred to... play with her targets a bit first, before she PKed them. Eyeing her target as she girl stood down the walkway leading to the Beast Statue, Bordeaux licked her lips slightly, the anticipation of the coming kill starting to excite her. "Esdeath strode into the throne room, holding her chest up proudly as she approached the Emperor. However, there was a faint trace of uneasiness present in her typically cold, sapphire eyes. Once she was standing a few feet before the royal child, she bent down on one knee and bowed her head in respect. "Word has reached my ears that you have captured one of the members of Night Raid." A tiny smile formed on the young boy's lips, and he nodded in affirmation. "Yes. I believe his name is Tatsumi?!" The female straightened up as the name instinctively left her lips, and her eyes lit up with a spark of passion. "As I thought... Yes, that was it!" The Emperor snapped his fingers. The prime minister suddenly leaned over and whispered something into the young boy's ear. Moments later, the latter spoke up once more. "We were planning to interrogate him tonight regarding the plans and whereabouts of Night Raid." "Is that so?" Esdeath clenched both of her fists. "If that's the case, then I have a request, My Lord." "What is it?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow. "Please allow me to be in charge of the interrogation." She placed a hand over her chest, bowing her head slightly. "Very well." The young boy seemed to have no preference as to who performed the interrogation. Esdeath blinked, and her eyes widened. She clearly wasn't expecting her superior to give in to her request so easily. Then again, he did seem to have a soft spot for her at times. "Thank-you, My Lord." She straightened up again, then turned around and departed from the throne room. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she made her way toward the dungeon. Once she arrived in the underground chamber, it took her less than a minute to locate the cell where Tatsumi was being held. A sense of longing began to well up within her as she gazed at his motionless figure from between the bars. He seemed to be unconscious, and his Imperial Arms had been confiscated. After reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a set of keys. Although they all looked the same, she knew exactly which one belonged to each cell. Sliding one of the black metal objects into the keyhole, she turned it and slowly opened the door. Then, she bent down and placed a hand on the young man's shoulder as her cheeks began to rise in temperature. "I've been waiting for you, Tatsumi..." She whispered in an affectionate manner. Her personality had completely changed in his presence. Carefully lifting the limp male into her arms, Esdeath carried him like a princess up to her room. When they were inside, she locked the door and laid him down on her bed. Afterward, she stepped over to her nightstand and fumbled around inside one of the drawers for a few moments. Eventually, she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and bound Tatsumi's wrists to the headboard. Sitting down beside him, she started to caress his right cheek. "You'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you?" She continued to speak in a soft tone, uncertain if he could hear her.,"His eyes would start to flicker with signs of life as she caressed his cheek and heard a soft female voice in the distance. A low groan would pass through his parted lips as Tatsumi's eyelids would slowly open, with the world around him gradually coming back into focus. The member of Night Raid would faintly remember the assassination mission on an important and crooked political supporter which ended in his staying behind to slow down the unexpected number of guards in order for the others to slip away. It was a dangerous move. One which ended in a numbers over skill defeat on his part, but still let the others slip away following a successful mission and Tatsumi's own (ideally temporary) stay in a cold, harsh cell. As such, with the feel of a warm bed beneath his battle weary body, Tatsumi had half-expected to see Mine or Akame as the one watching over him following a rescue mission. But once this mysterious figure came into focus, the young swordsman would instead be met with a rather surprising sight. E-Esdeath?! He blurted in surprise as his arms immediately tried to move, only to find themselves halted by the handcuffs. A glance up at his restraints, then another quick look around at his new surroundings, as the presently weakened Tatsumi gazed up at the blue haired beauty and inquired with a sense of reluctance to his voice, What am I doing in here? The last time I regained consciousness I was locked away in a cell Of course, Tatsumi was no stranger to some of Esdeath's more lurid, quirks. Nor was he quick to forget her past interest in himself. With these taken into account, he already had a vague idea on what might be happening here, even if the remaining cobwebs in his awakening head had caused him to voice that initial moment of innocent naivety on his part. Combined with how he quickly recognized that he was previously stripped of his Imperial Arms, and Tatsumi was left questioning whether this was better than if he were kept in a cell to deal with whatever the Empire originally had in mind until he was able to escape. I... I don't suppose you brought me here to let me sneak away in the middle of the night, have you? The younger male asked with a nervous half-smile; largely already knowing what the answer might be, yet couldn't help but to inquire anyway as he gazed upward at the beautiful, if intimidating woman. This was somewhere between an erotic dream and a nightmare come to life. "While Rinoa would never have admitted this to anyone, she was no stranger to... well, sexy dreams. The sheer amount of sexual tension that had been building up among her friends while they journeyed to save the world was nothing short of astounding-- but she'd always been the odd one out when it came to the SeeDs, and she wasn't -really- surprised when she found out who Squall's heart really belonged to. She didn't blame him, really; the other woman had been there when she couldn't be, and that went a long way to settling those questions. No, she was no stranger to those sorts dreams. But they had never been so... vivid. So extensive. And so... well, so thorough. As she started to wake, shifting slightly as she curled out from the fetal position, one of the first things she became aware of was the lingering dampness between her legs. The second thing she became aware of was that she was unusually sore-- sore in ways that she hadn't felt since the war against Ultimecia, ways that usually had to be mended with healing magic. And then there was the crisp seawater tang in the air, reminding her of the time she'd spent at Fisherman's Horizon some months back-- Wait. She hadn't been near the sea for weeks now. Why was she smelling the ocean? A shock of fear rose up her spine, waking her fully, but Rinoa gulped her fear down, trying to stay calm for a bit longer and took in her surroundings. She was in a ratty hotel room-- the sort that the Forest Owls had moved between so long ago when the only concern in her world was freeing Timber. She was still dressed in her traveling clothes, though they were wrinkled and a little stinky. She had no idea how she'd gotten here, and she had no idea who had put her here, and... oh, she hoped this wasn't why she had had so many dreams... Instinctively, she closed her eyes and let her heart search out for the Guardian Forces that had come with her, willing them to Junction with her and arm her... but there was nothing. Siren and Carbuncle's presences just weren't there. The cold knot in her stomach tightened, threatening to send her into a panic, but just as she started to give in she felt... something else. Another Guardian Force, but... older. Stronger. Primeval. Just the sensation of it in the back of her head was enough to send a chill up her spine, and this unknown force was with her, bound to her, or maybe she to it. Well, whatever it was, it was the only clue she had. Rinoa took a deep breath and reached out to the presence lurking within her, calling it forth to the material world...,"One might wonder, what is it like to live as a Guardian Force? What do they do while they're not being summoned and protecting those they were junctioned to? Do they have little houses somewhere, with little bookcases where they keep their reading materials? The answer, like one would suspect, is no. Guardian forces are simply creatures who exist in the minds of those they are junctioned to. And as such, when they aren't in the material world, they wander in the minds of their hosts. They see their memories, their past, and sometimes they even stumble across hidden desires or other deep-rooted psyches. He is a guardian force. One who existed long before others. He came from a time when names weren't needed, and ever since that time, he did what he was supposed to do. He guarded. He was the sentinel who pushed back the darkness encroaching on the land of men. Now people would tell him that he is a guardian force, yet in those times, people would tell him he is a guardian god. He took pride in such claims, yet he knows he isn't a god. He is one who wields strength, and would often use it to protect, yet he is no saint either. He has fallen to desire and worldly lust, just like the humans he protects, but he never considered it to be a bad thing. He flits from one part of her memory, those of her childhood, of innocent times, to a time where a golden-haired man would take her in bed. The guardian scoffed at the man's puny effort to please her. He is simply a mere man, and could not compare to the ways the guardian ravaged her. Just as he enjoyed watching her memories of the endless nights she rode him, a mental ping appeared. Apparently the girl in question is summoning him, and he obeyed. His form, naked save for the loincloth and the ceremonial armbands around his powerful arms, materialized before her. His hair, long and wild, like an untamed forest, smells just like the leaves of a woodland grove. Landing softly on the bed, he knelt in front of her, face mere inches away from hers. His canines are long and flawless white. "Another round?" He asked with his deep growling voice. "It all started with a sandwich and a dream... A sandwich made up of Avery's favorite deli meats and a dream of spending the evening watching a classic movie. The Last Unicorn. No, seriously, that's what the newest addition to the police force had planned for the evening. First, she wanted to wash the last few days out of her hair and the sweat from her brow and then sit down with her sandwich and watch the animated movie. She wanted this. She deserved it! ... and then the phone rang. For a moment, Avery refused to pick it up, instead, she stared at the headset and silently commanded it to be anything, but work. Let it be a telemarketing, someone wanting to sell her something or even her mother! Just don't. Let. It. Be. Work. Unfortunately, it was. They were short handed and besides, they had a special victim in their custody. Eh. Being an officer of the law in a small town was wonderful. Usually it was quiet, but lately strange things have been happening. Not spooky odd, just strange-strange. Like teenagers breaking out into a bawl at a football game. Not unheard of, but it was one of the first. Then there were some break-ins. A robbery here and there. Nothing to raise any eyebrows, right? Then this happened. Avery arrived in uniform and a slight scowl. Her dark eyes darting from face to face in the room. All men with the exception of Sam. Their receptionist of sorts. Moving to the other woman, she leaned forward to glance over her shoulder. "What's going on? You guys know I've been working my butt off lately and all I ask is for..." Sam quickly cut Avery off with a frown. Falling silent, she took a seat next to the dark haired woman. "We have a rape victim. And, uh, she doesn't want to talk to anyone else... just you." Sam's expression softened slightly. Rape, huh? It was unfortunate and shouldn't have happened. "How old?" The officer couldn't stop herself from asking. "Sixteen and she's scared," the receptionist said. "The doctors almost didn't let her go, but since she isn't all that hurt except for the obvious, we were able to bring her down here." It made sense. The police were supposed to serve and protect, right? If Avery was that age and something like that happened to her, she would want to be here too. With a sigh, she got up. "She's in room three." Waving off the receptionist, she moved past the group of men. No one really said anything. And she didn't bother to notice what expressions they were wearing. Just when was the last time they had a case like this? Surrey was supposed to be a sleepy little area where everyone knew your name. Things like this weren't supposed to happen. With a sigh, she opened the door and stepped in... then stopped. "Kathy?" It was the sheriff's own daughter. Pretty and blonde, she sat in a chair with her long, thin legs drawn up to her chest. "Oh god, I heard, but I didn't... I never would have... what happened?" Avery quickly crossed the room and took the young girl into her arms. She held her tight, allowing the young blonde to cry. Her hand lightly running through her silken hair. She was supposed to be the beauty of their own. The pride and joy of her father. Untouchable. And then this happened. Biting her lip, she held her tightly while the girl sobbed. "I, I don't know. It... oh god, Avery. It happened so fast and, and... I kept saying no, but they wouldn't stop," sobbed the girl. "They?" Frowning, Avery looked down at the child in her arms. "How many are they? And don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this and they will pay. Your father will make sure." It went on from there. Avery gathering what little information she could get from the sobbing teen. When she finally left the room, she was met by Sheriff Breck. Shaking her head, she left him alone to talk to his own daughter. Maybe he could bring her comfort. Right now, she had a job to do. Walking down the hall, she made her way to her own desk. Just what was she suppose to do? This was supposed to be a cake walk. Sleepy town. The most she expected was a few domestic disputes, but not anything like this. Then another call came in. Something about a small riot broke out in the local watering hole. Two officers rushed off to take care of that. Avery frowned. Well, it looked like her sandwich and movie would have to wait. Things were about to get even more weird.,"Rak'ator was pleased with the progress made in just the last few days. It hadn't been particularly difficult to manipulate his prey, but they were performing admirably in the snare he had designed for them. Already the most susceptible and weak had begun to exhibit advanced aggressive behavior, acting out against all constraints and posing a threat and challenge to the rest of the settlement. Humans were an interesting prey when properly equipped and motivated, but here he was more interested in assessing the potential of his prey. The settlement was isolated from its nearest neighbors, and the wilderness in the area was far from tamed by those living there. It was the perfect setting for his search, and even should he not find his quarry here, there were others that might serve his purposes. Now he was quite hopeful in how the humans here were responding. He crouched on the local water tower, overlooking the main drag, invisible against the foggy sky with his camouflage activated. The cool climate was well suited to his vision, allowing him to distinguish the humans in their activities as the poison he had released into their water supply took hold on their minds, suppressing inhibitions and encouraging them to act on their most violent and aggressive tendencies. The weakest had succumb first, and now the younger and stronger were beginning to react and those potentials most resistant to the toxin were being pitted against them. He watched as the riot at the bar turned ugly, with several of the patrons taking up knives and pool cues and broken bottles and the bartender removing his shotgun from the wall. Already several lay on the ground dead and bleeding, and out back a man had dragged a young woman out of the bar and was attempting to force himself on her. Rak'ator knew those who would try to maintain order would be forced to come down harshly on them. "The door to Alex's house opened suddenly, swinging back and hitting the wall as Alex stumbled in, holding several bags of groceries in his arms and a box that looked like a DVD case between his teeth. The reason the door had been opened so violently was not because he was particularly excited, but because he had used his foot to turn the knob and open it, thus creating a certain lack of control as he leaned forward and pushed. When one lived alone with nobody to get the door for them, one learned to be resourceful. He set down the bags in the kitchen, promising himself that he would put them away within the hour but knowing full well he wouldn't, and then made his way to the living room. The DVD box was in his hand now as opposed to his mouth, and further inspection would reveal that it was not a DVD box at all, but a video game, which he promptly took out of its case and put in his PS2. Alex was a writer by trade. He mostly wrote short stories for magazines and collections, but his second novel was due to be published soon. He had a while until that happened, so for now he could just relax and wait. This is where Final Fantasy XII came in. The cinematic of an odd-looking airship soaring through the clouds appeared on the screen and he started, curling up on the couch and beginning to enjoy Square Enix's latest in the line of RPGs. For a couple hours, things went more or less as expected. But then...,"The game played out normally... for a time. About a few hours in, it suddenly cut out, the screen going black as if it had been turned off, but strangely, the power light for the TV was still on. Just as sudden, the screen lit up white. It was bright... VERY bright, enough to fill the entire room and likely force the sole person there to cover their eyes. It lingered for a few minutes before it faded and all the lights in the house went off, making the place pitch black... and also bringing someone new in. The guy found that out soon enough when the shadowy figure pounced on him, forcing him to lie back on the couch as it sat on top of his waist, straddling him. "Who are you? Where am I?" demanded the shadowy figure. It was obviously a woman's voice, one with a very unique accent. Then suddenly, all the lights switched back on and the human was greeted with a very surprising sight. One of the characters from the game had somehow appeared in his house... a very attractive Viera named Fran, complete with her skimpy outfit and amazing body. In fact, now she was real, she looked even hotter. "The setting takes place in Phoenix where a girl named Angel was going to Forks City to stay with her Aunt and Uncle for the summer because her mother and her stepfather were going on a trip on the road for a while, so she thought it would be nice if she stayed with her Aunt and Uncle for a bit and she wondered if she'd make any new friends in Forks City or not. It was about 3pm in the afternoon on a nice summer day like today. Angel had her stuff all packed up and she let her mother and her stepfather take her to the airport so she could fly to Forks City where her Aunt would pick her up from the airport at 5pm in the evening. Angel wonders what Forks City would be like different from Phoenix and she was very excited about this trip. Her stepfather carried her things to the car and they all got into the car and her mother drove Angel to the airport so she wouldn't miss her flight to Forks city. They arrived at the airport and Angel carried her things to the luggage room and the people put her luggage onto the airplane. She showed her ticket and the co-pilot escorted her to her seat and she sat down in her seat on the airplane. The plane took off and flew up into the air. The plane landed at Forks City Airport right at 5pm and everyone got off the plane and grabbed their luggage and walked into the arrivals area. Angel saw her Aunt and her Aunt saw her and they hugged each other because they hadn't seen each other for two years. Her Aunt helped her with her luggage and put it in the trunk of her car. Angel got into her Aunt's car and her Aunt also got into the car as well. Her Aunt began to drive Angel to their place for supper and talk with her for a bit. They parked outside of the garage and opened their doors and then Angel's door and she walked into her Aunt and Uncle's place and it had changed a bit. She went upstairs to her room and put everything away in its right place. It was now 5:30 pm in the evening.,"Kaname sat on his front step across the street, watching the new girl carry things into the house. His nostrils flared at the scent of her blood on the wind, hitting him hard. His fangs came into view as he thought, "Damn, she smells nice. I'll have to keep an eye on her." "Rey took a deep breath, his small body jogging softly on the spot. He had just entered the ring, watching his opponent approach with a belt on his shoulder. It was the night after Wrestlemania, and the new champion had announced a challenge that no cruiserweight could take the WWE World Championship belt from him, and Rey was quick to answer the call. "I hear voices in my head," he said, "they council me, they understand, they talk to me." Randy Orton's theme played loudly throughout the Smackdown arena as he approached, loving the attention of the crowd. The man was an impressive wrestler, so Rey would not take this lightly. Eventually the man performed his famous stance, with his arms spread and looking very in control of his emotions, letting nothing show on his face. A moment later, the bell rung loudly and the match began. Rey had versed Randy many times before, so he knew effective ways to counter the man. Ducking under clotheslines and aiming for the head, he hoped this would go down fairly easily. Unfortunately Randy was quite strong, so a lot of the Cruiserweight's high-flying moves ended up in the smaller man caught and thrown across the square circle. Finally making the champion woozy, Rey managed to set up the 619. Gripping his opponent between his legs, Randy was soon thrown into the ropes, a strong two-foot kick connecting against his face. Left standing, Rey jumped on the top rope and flew towards his opponent. What he did not anticipate was Randy to snap out of it, countering Rey's finisher with one of his own. "RKO! RKO!" The announcers yelled excitedly. A pin followed. "One... Two... Thr-" The ref called, but the masked man kicked out, panting softly and looking in pain. Clearly frustrated, Randy approached the opposite corner and taunted, seeming as if the voices were talking to him, waiting for his prey to stand for a second RKO. And from Rey's condition, it did not look like he would survive a second RKO...,"Stacy Kiebler had been watching from behind the Gorilla position, a concerned look admittedly on her pretty face as the much smaller Rey Mysterio was taking on the multiple time WWE champion Randy Orton. The Viper was a dangerous opponent, she knew that for sure. She remembered way back when he first started as a young, floppy haired newcomer, and to see him go from that to the tattooed, buzz cut, emotionless wrestler that he was now was jarring to her, very, veeeery jarring. When she'd decided to come back, a lot had changed, but the former Miss Hancock was getting well used to being in the squared circle again. Rey on the other hand? He was much smaller, but he had speed on his side as well as more experience, she'd remembered him fondly during their time in WCW and the Mexican high flyer had wowed her with not only his moves, but the way that he carried himself. Confident and a heart of gold; kids absolutely loved him and she could see why. However though, as the match progressed she could see that Rey was in trouble. While Orton wasn't the biggest wrestler there he was still taller and stronger than the speedster he was wrestling and was subsequently giving a beating to. Even Rey's high flying moves had been countered and Stacy suspected that it was from them facing each other plenty of times in the past and so Randy knew how to handle himself. When Rey set Orton up for the West Coast Pop she knew there was a chance he could pull and upset and get the gold, but the RKO from nowhere made her wince and watch, pacing worriedly. But...he'd kicked out! Letting out a sigh of relief, the former Duchness of Dudleyville watched carefully, knowing that if Randy hit this next RKO Rey would be done for. She wasn't about to let that happen! Something compelled her to come running through the Gorilla position and out of the curtains, then down the ramp, the crowd, a good portion of the male population especially, popping when the saw the leggy, gorgeous woman, still in her wrestling gear, run down and hop up on the canvas and against the rope, ignoring the referee telling her to leave as she turns around and bends over, showing her short-clad ass to the Viper in the hopes it would distract him enough to where Rey could get the upper hand again! She knew how to be a distraction...she just hoped it would be enough. "Morticia Addams, loving devoted wife and mother of the Addams Family was going stir crazy. She despised when her adoring husband was away on business leaving her all alone. Well maybe not fully alone as there was still her two dastardly children Wednesday and her brother Pugsley, Mama, Uncle Fester, Lurch and of course Thing plus all of their beloved pets. Alas without Gomez her life was incomplete. Besides the children were at school during the day, Fester and Mama were up to their usual shenanigans. These past two weeks with out her Gomez has been the longest of her life. It was bad enough she was even smoking more, of course not in the sense of a cigarette or cigar, Morticia's body would just start smoking. Besides calling him when she could to talk to him or tease him a bit seeing as he was so far away from her. She knew he would be coming home soon any minute now. Morticia had a few new outfits added to her wardrobe for her husband's return. Choosing this particular lacy outfit, for her stunt. Today she was aid by Lurch to play with a new toy they had gotten. He lifted and trapped Morticia onto the Spanish Donkey. Suspended from the ceiling by her hands, with a ball gag in her mouth, having weights attached to her feet, straddling the Spanish Donkey being just enough to stimulate her womanhood, but it left that way too long could cause serious pain even able to rip her in half. Through her gag she muffled "Thank you Lurch" have already given him a note to pass on to Mr. Addams when he comes home and to keep the children out of the dungeon if they came home first.,"Oh that vile temptress! Did she know what she was playing at? Gomez thought perhaps not, otherwise his little nightshade blossom might have thought discretion better than what he was now prepared to do her as punishment. Like any sensible man he had enjoyed her musings for the most part, but when she had broken out the French it had awoken dark things within him. He could hardly wait to get home to his haughty little hellion...after all two could play her little game. Lurch's company on the drive home had done some to placate the fire within him, though the hulking butler could tell how the time away had affected him as he stayed mostly silent aside from the occasional sigh as he stared off into the distance somewhere unknown...though his silence broke when they entered town again. "Lurch, I honestly don't know what to do. On the one hand, I understand my darling hemlock beauty's teasings are simply her way of staving off loneliness. But this last time...she was a regular succubus on the phone. The seeds she planted into my ear...I am truly tempted to see if she can withstand half the things she proposed to me." He lamented in a notably distraught tone, Lurch simply letting out a series of grunts, groans along with a sudden growl to get his attention before opening the glove box and handing him a mysterious note which he immediately set to reading upon smelling the heavenly aroma of his beloved siren's perfume of sage and she was in a Spanish mood. He let out an almost sinister chuckle after reading her note before clutching it tightly to his heart. "That woman, even after all these years, she knows how to bring out the sadist in me." He merely remarked before falling silent for the rest of their journey, a playful smirk on his lips and certain evil gleam in his eye. Following her instructions, he moved quickly through their gothic and stately abode, throwing open the door to the dungeon and entering before locking it tightly behind him to ensure their absolute privacy. Thankfully she had her back to him, allowing him to remove his silken purple tie which was swiftly put around her eyes and tied tightly, leaving her now completely helpless until he reached around to pull the large purple ball gag. She would feel his strong hand gently wrap around her throat before he gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before leaning in. "My my, looks like someone was prepared for my return. But that won't save you from my wrath my dear little damsel-in-distress. You've been a right terror to me this past week and I intend to punish such blatant slutiness. Now before I begin do you have anything to say for yourself my dear?" He said in a tone that made it clear just how much he was relishing her current peril. He stepped away for a moment before returning and forcing something firm and certainly leather between her teeth. "Hold this for a moment, I need to prepare my luscious victim for her torment." He crooned to her, hiking up the bottom of her outfit which both further tortured her womanhood and exposed the entirety of Morticia's bountifully fleshy rear. Next took hold of the front of her little costume and peeled it back until her bosom sprang free, his husband chuckling as he noticed the presence of a pair of small silver hoops through her hard nipples. "Mind explaining this lovely piece of jewelry my dear? I thought I remembered you saying you'd never get these pierced unless I was the one who did it." He teased, hooking both rings with two fingers and tugging on them lightly as his free hand removed her impromptu gag to allow her to answer. "A few weeks later, Vendar led Yaiil and her mercenary band along a road between the Serpent River and the mountains. Pausing to lean on his staff, the middle-aged human pointed to a mountain in the distance. There, he indicated a white spire, faintly visible at this distance. "Vignor's Tower," he said. "Home of your future employer.","Yaiil squinted her eyes in the direction of Vendar's finger, trying to make out as many details as possible of that structure amidst nondescript rock. Finally, there it was - a certain sense of anxiety within the young elf that so suddenly had become the leader of a mercenary band via promotion by combat. This would put her plan to the test, whether it was possible to turn that band of bandits and outlaws into something resembling a legal enterprise that no longer has to hide from the law. It might also finally offer her an opportunity to get laid again. So far she had held steadfast to her resolve not to engage any of her underlings or partners - Vendar included - in a carnal way, but three weeks on the road were a long time once the forbidden fruit had been tasted. There had been a brief glimmer of hope that one of her two male prisoners, Hevalon or Garet, might be able to help her out, but their age was taking its toll. In the early days of their travels they had passed by a few outlying farms, and in hindsight it might have been wise to task their male residents with a very special request, but hindsight was just that. Curse Jarek and his all female harem. She turned Onessa, who during the trip had been elevated to her second in command, with mixed receptions among the troops. "You know anything about Vignor, or heard Jarek talk about him?" she asked the slender elf with genuine curiosity. "He was a madman. He was insane. He was a creature void of any human emotion and numb to the line between right and wrong. Her supervisor told her not to do it. Her colleagues warned her that it wouldn't be a good idea. But she needed to do this. For all the recognition she would receive from this assignment. How much better and more intelligent she was than all of them. Her professors would applaud her, and her colleagues would be amazed. Taking on the criminal known as The Joker was a major step in her career. She had spent years in grad school for an assignment like this, and it would be foolish to pass it by now. Harleen had done her research on him. He was responsible for several homicides, countless robberies, and attempted assassination on the mayor of Gotham City. He did all that and much more with a smile on his face. She remembered the pictures she'd seen of him - that tortured grin against a pale face, eyes black and empty. She wondered what could drive a man like that. If a man is what you called him. He was something else altogether. She needed this opportunity to find out just what made that man tick, and her opportunity was now. Pulling up to Arkham Asylum in her classic coupe, Harleen glanced at herself in the rear view mirror. Her blue eyes bright with determination, she brushed her loose strands of blonde hair back behind her ears. Pushing her glasses up along the bridge of her nose, she got out of the car. Her heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way up to the security desk to check in. Showing the man her ID, he let her enter through the steely gate and it was there that she would be escorted into the building. She was joined by another man and all three entered the long hallway. This is where the most dangerous criminals were held - Clayface, Two-Face, The Puppet Master - this place was for the maniacs and crazies alike. They shouted through the thick glass, impenetrable though it was, she still couldn't help but feel a little vulnerable. Like they could break right when they felt ready to. Composing herself, she kept her eyes straight ahead. Finally, they stopped at the door. Beyond it, she knew, lay her prize - the chance to get inside the Joker's head. Something no one had done before, well except maybe Batman, but no one normal like her. One guard opened the door and she walked in. The door closed behind her, and she looked around the room. There was no hint of individualism in here. The walls were just walls, as much as the ceiling and floor were just ceiling and floor. However, on the cot next to the right wall, she saw him. "Hello, I am Dr. Harleen Quinzel," she said, taking her place in the chair next to him. She looked up at the cameras in the room and she could hear the guards cackling about something outside. "If you would, Mr. J, I would like to begin your first session." She said in her Boston accent.,"His eyes peered up at her as she walked by, but quickly turned away once she realized where in the small room he was. As the guards ran down the rules and regulations one last time for her, he started to whistle as he lay down body outstretched. It wasn't until she took a seat next to him that he started to acknowledge her. Harleen Quinzel. He whispered softly, taking the time to elongate each letter as if saying her name gave him some sort of pleasure. In all of Gotham, the Joker was one of the only villains that both citizens feared and were attracted to. Books had been written about him in an attempt to dissect his psyche and come up with some excuse as to why he was this way, and some of them were actually good reads, but even better kindling. It wasn't that he minded the publicity knowing his name was on the tongue of every citizen brought a smile to his face at night. Rarely did he ever deny an interview, finding a small amount of pleasure with toying with the interviewer twisting his words and making the entire process fruitless for them. It also warmed the old crusty crevices of his heart to be able to tell an uppity guard that he would kill them the next night, even though he was locked up, and uphold his promise because he was a man of his words, or at least the ones he liked. At first, he had an entire plan set out to ruin the poor girl's life, but after finding out her name, he decided on doing something a little bit different this time. Yeah, know! As if coming to a great realization, he sprung up on his cot quickly catching the attention of the on-looking guards. If you reworked it a bit and called her Harley Quinn, like the classic clown character, Harlequin, the very spirit of fun and frivolity! Chuckling softly at his realization, he took the time to drink in her looks. He watched her carefully, like a little boy eager to open up his Christmas gift. Now that's a name you can trust! Standing up, he started to wander around the room circling her as she continued to speak. Well then, just tell me where to begin, Harley, purposely using the nice name he gave her, making it obvious that he did so. Jumping onto the coat from the side, he returned to his resting position. I got all the time in the world to kill! "The specimen was tucked away behind a glass tube that went from the floor to the ceiling. All sorts of equipment were scattered about the lab. Some of the tools were reading the specimen's vital signs and others were charging up to begin the next set of tests. The specimen in question was found drifting through space. It was somewhat of a mystery as to why it was floating through space, but even more so why it was drifting unconscious and half frozen. It was made mostly of a slime material, but its organs were clear to see in parts of its body. Even as it floated in the glass tube, its organs were beating to a rhythm, but ever so slightly. The next mystery began as to why it had similar DNA to another species completely different in appearance. For easier classification, the specimen was nicknamed "Slime Metroid". The earlier tests showed that the Slime Metroid needed a constant flow of energy. A flow of energy was scheduled for the tube every half hour, but the burst of electrical energy did very little to sustain the creature. It was slowly dying and a reason to the cause could not be found. Junohad been assigned to the space colony specifically to do research on the creature. She had been assigned since the very beginning and was one of the chief scientists assigned to the ship. Even though the colony was a civilian craft, it was temporarily under military orders. Upon the nearest military outpost, it would relieve control of the creature and any research over. Juno was there to make sure that happened and do what research she could. The equipment wasn't military grade, but she and her team was able to put something together. The other more complicated tests would have to wait until she was in a military lab. Juno was the only one in the lab. She had dismissed the rest of her team earlier to get some rest. They were still days away from the military outpost, but there were still tests to perform. Specifically, how to transport the thing without incurring any injuries. A timer beeped on one of the consoles near the glass tube. It was time for the energy surge. Juno pressed a couple buttons on the terminal and the process began. The Slime Metroid was electrocuted, but it seemed to be in pain. Perhaps it wasn't getting what it needed at such a low voltage. In tired state, she failed to forget that a higher voltage would also damage the glass tube. When she turned the machine up higher, it caused a power surge in the lab. When the emergency lights turned on, it would show that several cracks had formed along the tube.,"The heavy organ that formed its head flickered, then two points of light glowed like eyes in its head. It pressed against the glass, seeping through the cracks before hardening and shattering the tube. The being spilled out, wobbling about slightly as it stood, before lunging and pinning down Juno, hissing at the woman. "Winter's tan ears lay back against her head at the sudden chop of an ax striking the wood block, and the wet sound of a head rolling away from the chopping block. She wasn't sure who the storm cloaks were, but they evidently managed to piss off the Imperials ... something she was quite happy to see at this point to be honest. Particularly due to her own fate, while it kept her off the chopping block, her situation was not too much better. She was caught crossing the border about two days ago and brought to this camp. The imperials had planted some skooma in her gear and gone on a long rant about the punishment for smuggling. They ignored her denials and offered the Khajiit woman a choice. Execution or aiding the garrison situated here in some way. She rathered liked her dark striped head and brown mane to remain attached to her body so she agreed with the latter of course not quite knowing what they meant by assisting. Turns out her assistance was being stripped down to just her tan fur, placed in stocks with her tail pulled up and bound to her back, with her ass and pussy on display and for the use of any men in the fort who wanted a go with a exotic female on their break. Some damn moral booster it seemed. One that a number of them had seemed happy to try out. Her amber eyes closed hearing more cursing from the prisoners and a wince as one tried to run and was shot down. She shifted a little on her paws bound as well and spread wide attached to the base of the stocks. Her cream colored and coco striped fur was already matted around her thighs and ass from her job as entertainment , but at least they were a little distracted now and the stocks were in the courtyard of the keep and kept out of sight of the rest of the town.,"Rumors had been flying all around the keep and Skyrim itself , Dragons had returned more powerful than ever before but even more worrying was that the rumor said that the dragons were taking female prisoners, they would not be found for about a month and suddenly would return home with a swelling belly. Of course the guards ignored these rumors. Though beastly roars could be heard all around the keep and many Guards were starting to become very fearful. They were trying to rush it so Ulfric Stormcloak could be killed but since the men had their moral boosting female. The execution went slowly. One of the guard captain came up behind Winter and said "Oh you certainly are an exotic female, I'm going to love pounding that pussy of yours," he began to rub her pussy roughly, all he cared about was his own pleasure. "The cries of numerous soldiers still rang in her ears as the terrifying form made its way to her. Even with the preparations they had made, the fall of Hyrule Castle seemed inevitable. Even though Princess Zelda had chosen to stand as the last defense with numerous guards, even she was growing worried for the kingdom's future. Ganon himself had come and laid waste to the last lines of defense, though rather than killing the princess, he had her taken away. At first, the young princess had imagined she would be tossed in the dungeons to be tortured and made to reveal kingdom secrets. However, upon arriving in the dark castle that Ganon took residence in, she was led right past the dungeons being led up flight after flight of stairs until she was brought in front of the door to Ganon's personal quarters. She felt her heart sink, as she felt a different sort of torture would be in store for her here. She was forced inside, and made to wait until Ganon would return. There was a lone window in the room, but even if she thought to jump, it was much too high for her to survive the fall. Any thoughts of trying to get out through the door would be tossed aside with the guards. No doubt they would be sticking around until they weren't needed anymore. What a pain. At the very least, they hadn't been too rough in bringing her over, even if she put up a struggle. Her clothes had not been ruined, aside from a few wrinkles now from how she had been handled. Whatever Ganon had in mind for her though, she did not wish to have a part in it. It was her kingdom and her people before anything else after all. If it cost Zelda her life, she'd make sure Ganon would not get what he wanted from her.,"The door opened gently, but it felt as though force had impacted against it; so sudden and yet it made no noise, only giving her a hint of his presence. Tall and dark, the evil man who brought chaos and disorder to her kingdom and their world, stood in the doorway. His armor and stature were entirely solid like stone. His red hair was nearly sun-stained blood. His dark skin was smooth with his cape. His eyes were as poisonous as his tongue. He simply stood there as Zelda acknowledged him this time. "My fair lady," he bowed only slightly as he stared at her with those seemingly hungry eyes and that wicked grin that might have stripped her clothing entirely. "Kratos smiled for the first time in a long time as he felt his life fading away. The gods were dead, hope was released into the world, and he had his vengeance on Ares and Zeus. That Athena was angered by being deprived of her weapon was a wonderful bonus; no god would be able to rule over men again. But now, his part was done. He could finally join his wife and daughter in death. He lay back and let death take him. At least he thought death would take him. He felt the warm sun and breeze on his skin. Had he come to Elysium to see his family again? He heard the clang of steel and gradually woke up. He looked around and found himself in a fertile valley. It certainly was not the world ravaged by storms, darkness, plague, blight and flood he had left. He stood up and looked around. Feeling himself draw breath, he realized he was not yet dead. His blades were still attached to his arms. He was definitely on some other world. He headed for the sounds of metal smashing against metal. As he got closer, he realized it was not the sound of some smith working his trade, but a battle between two foes. He heard the grunts of exertion. One sounded male and the other almost female. He jogged towards the sound, his blades firm in his grip. He came to a clearing through some woods and saw a woman dressed in what could only be a warrior's garb and a man in full hoplite armor brawling with each other. He watched them battle and then heard the woman call the armored man "Ares". There was only one person Kratos knew by that name and the garb would befit the god of war, even if he hadn't been so covered when last they met. "Ares! Who has seen fit to give you life again to torment me? Was it Athena? Or is this some plan by Zeus? It matters not! I killed you once, God of War, and I can do it again. Let's finish this!" His blades came up and he lunged at Ares, intent on taking his head off as he shouted a war cry at him.,"How was it that this vicious god of war somehow tracked Diana to the land of men? The champion now known to the public as Wonder Woman had thought she'd left that world behind when she'd left her homeland of Themyscira behind. The gods and their followers had been as vibrant as ever in the land of the Amazons. Diana herself bore the blessings of several gods in her armor and her weapons. The very blade she used against Ares now had been forged by gods to be wielded by their divinely appointed champion. Wonder Woman and Ares, god of war, had been fighting above the city for some time. The god had appeared and caused something of a rampage, apparently intent on drawing the princess of the Amazons out into an outright confrontation. The city itself had little in the way of protectors. While capes had begun appearing throughout the world in ever increasing numbers, this particular metropolis hadn't laid claim to any. Diana was merely staying here in a stop-gap as she and her escort traveled through this strange new land and learned of its customs. So naturally the Amazonian princess rose to the occasion. She would have anyway: the thought of getting into a fight, let alone a fight with someone as foul as Ares, aroused great interest in the warrior princess. She had left her island and its comfort for precisely reasons like this. Her muscles rippled in the sunlight, their tanned flesh no doubt drawing many eyes even as she punched or slashed at her godly foe. Wonder Woman looked every inch the mythological figure she represented. Flowing ebony hair had been tied back into a warrior's tail that extended to a bottom so round and firm that it looked capable of crushing coal into diamond. That hair framed a face that appeared blessed by Aphrodite herself, from finely sculpted features to piercing blue eyes to the plump lips that now curved in a fierce joy and ferocity. The light outfit of blue, white, and red covered her lithe body well, accentuating her femininity. This was, of course, the point. Let the enemy be distracted by Wonder Woman's female form, right up until she drove her fist into their faces. True, it did mean displaying a fair amount of leg and thigh, though her boots climbed over her knees anyway, but Wonder Woman hardly cared. The fabric alone would deflect most blows, and her blessed bracers would handle the rest. Wonder Woman looked every inch the superheroine as she fought Ares. And now she had to back away as a fierce warrior appeared seemingly out of no where. Wonder Woman watched as Ares barely jerked a weapon up in time to deflect the fierce warrior's attack. A flash of seeming recognition twisted that face, drawing a barked laugh from Wonder Woman. "Aha, so it appears that another enemy of yours has appeared. You will meet your end this day, Ares," she brandished her weapon again, but Ares had already started to shift, obviously intent on drawing this newcomer into a direct battle. He'd been wounded some by Diana already, as she had a few scrapes and blows of her own. Still, he moved well, obviously ready to fight off this newcomer. "You stink of fear, god," barked Wonder Woman, shifting from sword to lasso, figuring that range and reducing the number of blades in the fray would be best. Maybe her new ally could distract the god of war further... "Jabba the Hutt's throne room was the most miserable place Princess Leia had ever been. It was made entirely of stone, and therefore was cold. Jabba, of course, couldn't feel the cold because of his immense girth, but Leia was near to freezing. The room was teeming with activity, soldiers guarding every entrance to the room, all on guard and ready to attack Luke if they needed to. It had come down to the final battle, and Luke needed to be exterminated. Leia sat on a bed of gray and purple pillows at the feet of Jabba. Her dark brown hair was plaited into one very long braid, not allowing her to hide behind her hair. She wore a golden bikini that barely covered her breasts and her bottom. There was a long red sash hanging from the front and back of the bottom of the bikini, but it did nothing to conceal her, its purpose was only to arouse those around her even more. She wore a gold bracelet around both of her arms, one on her upper right and the other her lower left. She wore a golden collar around her neck, the connected chain held by Jabba himself. Though it didn't look it, the collar was tight around her, so that if she moved even an inch away it would choke her. Leia's skin was pale and smooth. Her arms, neck, torso, and legs were all exposed. Her skin prickled in the cold, and she was glad of the golden bikini top to hide her nipples, which had hardened only because of the temperature. Every curve of muscle in her body could be seen, only what was absolutely necessary was covered - and even that would not remain covered long if all went according to plan. It was time. Luke was going to have his final battle with the fierce rancor. The rancor was ten feet tall, enormous and disgusting. Its chest was heaving and it was slobbering too. Luke gripped his light saber tightly and looked up at the horrible beast. He took a swing and hit it, but the beast was barely phased. The rancor stormed forward and lifted Luke up and threw him across the room at the stone wall. He hit it hard and slid down to the floor. Leia's eyes grew wide and she sat up straighter, her eyes glued to her brother. If Luke lost this battle, everything would be over for her. Luke could not lose. But it looked as if he would. The rancor continued to beat on him, Luke barely got a swing in between poundings. Jabba was laughing at Luke, weak and pitiful. The soldiers were inching forward, eager to jump in if need be, but the rancor had everything more than under control. The rancor picked up Luke one last time and held him over its head for a moment before throwing him down to the floor. Everyone in the room could hear Luke's bones crunch. A few ragged breaths could be heard but in an instant, Luke was dead. Leia screamed when she saw that Luke had died. She tried to stand up and run to him, but she fell back and was choked by the collar. Jabba laughed louder, tugging the leash and pulling her back closer to him. "No, no!" she screamed, pulling forward as hard as she could, choking herself until her face turned purple. She collapsed on the pillows, her arms still outstretched to Luke. "No! No," she gasped, her chest heaving to regain oxygen. Tears filled her eyes; everything was over for her now. She was a slave, a sex slave. She sobbed, covering her face with her hands. After a few moments she raised her head and saw that she was surrounded. All of the soldiers had encircled her, Jabba behind her. Jabba was still booming with laughter, he tugged the leash again, forcing her head to jerk back and look at the soldiers in front of her. They were all smirking at her, their eyes lustful and their skin hot with desire. They wanted only one thing: to destroy her innocence and satiate their needs. Her eyes grew even wider and the color in her face drained. "No, no?" she whimpered, her bottom lip trembling. "No, no" she scrambled up from the floor, drawing her legs up close to her. She'd been able to evade them before, but now there was no one to save her from Jabba's wishes and the soldier's urges.,"The wide, expansive room boomed with laughter, laughter that resounded on walls of stone inside the desert cave on Tatooine. The main chamber of Jabba's Palace teemed with men, women and indistinguishable creatures alike, easily a dozen different species represented within the walls, and each of them dangerous, exotically alluring, or both. And all of them heeled to one master, their laughter resounding in part because they truly took amusement in what was before them, and in part because of a fear of offending Lord Hutt otherwise. The creature's short temper was near as infamous as he, and showing anything but the utmost approval of the provided entertainment was the end of the story of too many men. The large hutt could not clap, and his language was known by few, but the look he gave and the excited gestures he showed were echoed in the amusement of all. The Jedi had been slain, his bones crushed, and now the sound of the rancor enjoying his earned meal could be heard through the iron grating below. Bones snapped and sinew ripped, and those whose cheering began to subside only then took notice of the human girl, the once-princess who was now a toy of their lord, struggling and screaming and nearly causing herself to pass out in the process. Some of the guards, perhaps, noticed a bit before anyone else, the large, green pig-like men huddling around Leia on all sides. There were five of them that surrounded her, laughing to themselves in high-pitched squeals, drool dripping from the sharp-toothed lips of one and falling upon the perfect, porcelain-like skin of Leia's bosom, dripping down like a disgusting slime into the right cup of her gilded bra. They stood around her, spears in hand, laughter in the air until it was Jabba who spoke, and it was all who ceased. His words traveled through three different translators until one finally spoke in Leia's language, a golden-hued robot she had come to know well. "Oh... oh dear. P-Princess Leia -- that is, Miss Leia Organa I should probably only refer to you as now, I suppose -- his lordship Jabba would care for you to entertain the crowd. Specifically, he has requested that you join several of the other slaves and lead them in a dance. Oh, and I do hope you please him, Miss Leia! From what I can tell Lord Hutt does not seem the type to possess a great deal of patience. ...What? Yes R2, poor Master Luke, I agree, but be silent!" As the command was translated to numerous other languages the excited men surrounding Leia instantly backed off. Some merely stepped back, returning to their positions against the wall, spear in hand, while one of them approached Jabba himself to obtain the key for Leia's collar. It was with a simple snap that the device opened from around her throat, and by the time she was free the room had fallen to a deafening silence. All quieted. All looked upon her, including her new master. She was expected to perform, and she was expected to perform now -- or else. ""Greet... Them?" Asked the silver-eyed Ruby Rose to her sister's comments as their team sat at a table in the commons area. "Hmph... Undignified," commented the primp and proper Weiss Schnee with her arms folded, in uncaring judgment of the blonde's usual answer to these kind of things. "You're gonna fuck them, aren't you?" The dry and blunt Blake Belladonna stated softly to their teammate, her blank expression not showing an ounce of judgment... But not an ounce of approval too. Yang shrugged nonchalantly, her busty chest heaving subtly with the motion. "Relaaaaax," she urged the rest of her team, her expression shooting blankly at Blake as she was so blunt with it. "Well... Yes! Yes I am!" She answered the black-haired Faunus as bluntly as she had been asked about it. "It's tradition! C'mon and they're cute as hell, how could I not!" Yang exclaimed with a confident giggle. "Tradition is right," Blake said dryly. "I guess you have already done it with every guy in school," Weiss said the same thing, although far more bluntly and with far thicker an air of judging. "Almost everyone," the blonde corrected proudly, as if she couldn't rightly take the title of school bimbo without properly having slept with everyone in the school. "So if you'll excuse me," Yang said as she stood up and stretched, doing a quick look around for the two new students they were discussing, noticing they were not around there, "I'm going to go add to my score." She replied to Weiss as if it really was some sort of prestigious title, before heading off in search of the new meat she was going to welcome to the school in the only way she knew how. The two new students in question were the likes of Azure Sage and Silver Belsh. Two of the newest students to Beacon Academy, paired with two other students who had been there only a bit longer than them. As such, it was these two only who at the moment were looking for one of the registration buildings to get some of their information in order. "Look, I'm just saying it's the weekend," Azure explained. "We don't have to get this stuff done until Monday." He was an innocent enough-looking boy, thin and lean with slightly innocent features and a reckless optimism to match. "Sooooo let's go exploring around, meet some girls! Worry about this crap tomorrow, y'know?" Azure reasoned with his best friend. Azure was a young boy of sixteen, with long, deep blue hair - the top of which was unkempt in smooth spikes that were brushed back save the messy bangs up front, the rest of his hair tied back in a long ponytail coming from the base of his neck that rested against his back. His big purple eyes were hopeful for the greater things they could achieve at this school, which to him... Meant huntresses. That was until the treasure he would want to explore for landed right in front of them in the form of a busty blonde who approached and planted her foot standing right in their path. Her hair was thick and wavy, her light purple eyes experienced yet inviting. "W-well hello there~" Azure spoke smoothly after his initial shock at the sight of this bombshell.,"Silver listened to his friend go on and on about something during the weekend. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his spiky platinum silver hair. "Jeesh Azure, its girls this... girls that with you huh?~" He wore a black tank top, paired with beige cargo shorts that went down and flared around his knees. His shoes were black with white soles. Also having white laces. His waist adorned with a belt, with two holsters and the butts of two revolvers sticking out. Attached to the belt were a pair of suspenders he could unhook and let drag behind him if for any style reason he needed too. He stood about 5'5 short for a boy his age. The blonde giggled as the short boy made a salute like a good little soldier boy. "Awww how precious, you must be the new kids I heard about." She said in a chipper tone, flashing her radiant and toothy smile at the boys, as if she were letting them see she had teeth for whatever reason, like a good carnivore should. Then, she begins to look towards Azure and Silver more specifically. Sauntering close, her boobs bouncing unashamedly. "Now then, who might you two be." The two with them completely getting ignored as if they didn't matter. Silver got a little flushed seeing her bouncing so much, making it hard to know where to look. "I... I am Silver Belsh, born and raised in Vacuo, transfered to Beacon as of today." He held the salute, but Yang reached out and made him put it down. "Alright kiddo relax..." Then her lavender eyes looked to Azure. "And you?" She asked wanting to get a name to call her first two victims of the new batch of fresh boys. "Hinata Hyuuga sighed as she slowly slipped into the water of the hot spring, the hot water wonderful against her skin in the cold air. Her entire family had come to this hot spring resort up in the mountains, to get away from all the troubles that had plagued the Leaf Village in recent months. Still, despite the fact they'd arrived two days ago, this was the first time she was actually getting into the water. She had wanted to wait until the women's spring was completely empty, having wanted to bathe alone. As she slipped into the water, she slowly removed her towel, setting it down at the side of the water, and allowing herself to slip in completely, ducking her head under for a few moments before emerging once more. "This feels so much better," she said with a content sigh. The girl then leaned back against the stone side of the spring, her massive breasts floating freely in the water. They were a little sore after she'd had them constrained so tightly. They were still growing, and she had been restraining them to hide their true size from anybody. "Finally," she continued, "I can just relax a little." With another content sigh, Hinata leaned back and slipped a little further into the water, closing her eyes to relax, just tuning out the outside world for what felt like the first time in years.,"Neji smiled to himself as he walked down to the hot springs with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had been a little selfish and decided to wait until the end of the day, hoping to have the springs to himself. As he neared the springs, he saw Hinata. He figured she wouldn't mind sharing and slipped out of his towel, revealing his rather large manhood and began to step into the water, his toned body rippling in the light. Once he was waist-deep, he began to walk over to her slowly. "For all of his traveling there were very few times that Satoshi could say he had the pleasure of traveling with one of the most powerful trainers in the region he was visiting, much less the actual Champion of it. A small grin crossed his lips as he glanced towards his partner Pikachu perched happily on his shoulder and then back toward the blond-haired woman ahead of him. Looking back at it he tried to recall how Cynthia had managed to talk the young trainer into exploring the Galactic base with her in order to free the three legendaries necessary to unleash the powers of Dialga and Palkia from their dimensional worlds, but a small blush crossed his cheeks at the mere memory. It was hard to say no to a woman who cared about pokemon the way she did, and much harder when she knew how to accentuate her womanly swells before a hormonal teenager. After all he was only sixteen. You ready to do this, Pikachu? Pika-pika! Comforted by the enthusiasm of his partner, Ash moved sprinted to catch up with Cynthia’s retreating figure, adjusting his cap to a backwards tilt. He meant business now if he could only keep his eyes ahead toward the Team Galactic Storage building rather than Cynthia’s rear end. When he finally did catch up he did his best to hide the blush creeping along his face as he glanced toward the entrance for Galactic’s Veilstone headquarters from behind some of the boxes in the warehouse area. So what's the plan, Cynthia? They would need to defeat the guard before them to make their way through, and from that point on either move very carefully or dominate in pokemon battles. Satoshi was confident in his ability to keep himself and his team out of trouble, and more than confident in Cynthia’s ability, but what he knew he'd need to control were raging hormones. He was slightly just a bit shorter than her, missing her by an inch or so, but from his previous adventures the youth was definitely cut in physical perfection. He'd wait for her to explain how she thought they should travel and who should take the guard. All the while though he fought hard to keep his mind from polluting itself with images of provocative excitement..they were here to save pokemon, not so he could enjoy the blissful woman that was before him. Not that he'd mind. Me and Pikachu are ready to go when you say the word!,"Cynthia had been following Team Galactic's actions for some time. Just recently, the trail led her to Veilstone City, where she had learned of the three Ancient Pixies that Cyrus had captured. Outside of the entrance, she met a charming and attractive trainer who seemed almost too eager to assist her. She had no problem with such a young pure-blood boy following her, and if time would allow, she'd show him more than just how to battle. In the entrance of the base, a single guard blocked the door leading into the base. Surely both of them together could easily defeat him, but Cynthia was more interested in Satoshi's skills. "Satoshi, I'd like to see what you can do. I trust you can defeat this guard with no problems," she said, patting his butt as she pushed him out from behind the boxes. "And if nothing else, it's my turn to stare at your behind." "He was surprised that Sasuke didn't show much of a reaction when he branded him. Then again, Itachi was pretty stoic in the sense that he was numb altogether. Pain didn't affect him anymore, and it might have been some hereditary trait that Sasuke inherited to have him so immune to feeling that horrible sting. Or maybe he did feel it as harshly as normal people, but kept himself from crying out or squirming to preserve his pride. For his skill of endurance, Itachi felt the need to reward his little brother, but at the same time, he didn't want to let him go off the hook so easily. But he was, after all, his brother. If he was his actual lover or a person who wasn't connected by special blood to him, he wouldn't have hesitated to make his life a living hell. But, unfortunately, he needed to show mercy in this case. Sasuke was branded and pierced, and Itachi already destroyed his state of thought by also shattering Sasuke's hardened carapace. Sasuke was undoubtedly a submissive when around him, and it showed so obviously in scenarios such as this. His otoutou already suffered with a physical and mental beating today, and Itachi hoped that he learned his lesson enough for him to remember it in the future. Itachi carefully undid the leather accessory that was sloppily tied around his neck, using little to no effort to hoist the younger boy in his arms. Just like when he was merely in his pre-teen years tending after a small child, Itachi carried him over towards the master bedroom and gingerly laid him down on the lavish sheets. To Sasuke's sore joints, the goose-feathers would almost seem like clouds underneath his weary body. Now that his little brother endured his consequences, it was time for a bit of rewarding on his end. After all, Itachi was sort of bi-polar. When he was furious and frustrated, he couldn't see anything but red. But once his anger evaporated, he was able to act like a protective normal older sibling. The only excuse for his slightly odd personality was that of stress, probably. But who really cared when Sasuke seemed to like both sides equally ? "Have you learned something today, Sasuke?" he asked rather calmly, scooping a bit of cooling cream from a small container. He dabbed the white substance on the browning marks, smearing it around the scar to rid of the searing after-pain. The piercing couldn't be helped. But in a few minutes, it wouldn't hurt so much. All he could do was disinfect it with alcohol, and Itachi did just that, using a gauze to expertly clean his punctured nipple. The teenager felt satisfied upon seeing his brother literally marked with his sick idea of ownership sealing. He left his naked as he ran his entire body over to search for any of the nasty signs that the old man left behind on his little encounter with his brother. There were several bruises and scratches, and Itachi's throat rumbled with a low growl when he came across each consecutive wound, muttering something incoherent about the bastard leaving his demented markings on his property ... "If you've learned your lesson, I want you to sleep. I also don't want for you to stay here. After what happened today, it's caused me to change my mind about keeping you in this neighborhood." he murmured, brushing a stray strand of the other's hair away from his forehead to reveal his extremely handsome face. "Don't care if you stay with Naruto or Kakashi. I just want you to get the hell out of here. ... I shouldn't have brought you along." And was Itachi actually apologizing? In the end, he did feel sorry for Sasuke. He now realized that the kid's intentions were good. The bastard was actually persuasive in a sense, so it made sense for his little brother to fall for that dirty scheme. He wasn't there to rescue him in time, and he'd been so blind to the other's helpless little pleas to come and save him. He felt so ashamed. He ran his fingertips over the light marks that showed on Sasuke's pale body, flinching and wincing at each one he came across. They weren't his doing, and that's what made him even more angrier. "I'm ... sorry, Sasuke ... I couldn't save you from that bastard. Left you there all alone with him. Came too late ... Your nii-san was too deaf to hear you screaming," he whispered, planting a kiss to the other's forehead. He switched off the lamp.,"Sasuke's pain had been so spread out, through the piercings and the first branding mark. Perhaps he'd numbed himself mentally, and gone somewhere else for the time being. It seemed more than likely that he just hadn't been paying attention, or he didn't have the energy to jump like he had before. Probably because he knew what was coming, and had prepared himself for it. At times like these, the boy really wondered what his brother did things like this for. Itachi was so damn... He was unpredictable. That, and he knew just how to break Sasuke down. The pain didn't affect him so much, but those horrid torments that Itachi threw at him made the boy feel absolutely horrible. He couldn't even begin to explain it. Having the person that you looked up to you constantly pushing you down. Sometimes, however, Sasuke liked it. It challenged him. But now, Itachi wasn't challenging him. Itachi was fucking him over. Both literally and metaphorically. The boy let out a small sigh when his older brother picked him up, but didn't do more than that. He tensed at first in Itachi's arms, but after only a few seconds relaxed. He could feel a cooler aura emanating from his brother. Things wouldn't be so bad... Although, Sasuke still thought he had himself in for a brutal possessive fucking. To his pleasant surprise, Itachi did nothing of the sort, instead set his younger brother onto the bed carefully, and tended to Sasuke's wounds. His dark blue eyes looked up at Itachi's red ones. Sometimes he wondered why his older brother put those in... Intimidation? It seemed likely. Sasuke liked them though, so it didn't matter. "Yes Nii-san," the boy murmured, shifting slightly on the bed. Oh the sheets were so wonderfully soft, and the bed itself was completely relaxing. There was no better place that he could have been after such harsh treatment. Oh it felt wonderful to have that cooling liquid on his burn marks, but the alcohol stung him, and he let out a small gasp. A deep frown was pulled across his face when he heard what Itachi had to say. No. He didn't want to leave somewhere else.. But honestly, this wasn't the best time to argue with his brother. "When will you come get me? Or when will I be able to get back here? When can I see you?" It was cute, how concerned he was about all of this. About how curious and horrible upset he was about wanting to know when he would be able to see his older brother again. The fact it was posed in the form of an apology only made Sasuke feel even more horrible. His brother never apologized. It was obvious that he was making some effort to smooth things over before they'd be separated. This was probably the most surprising thing that he'd heard in a long time. Sasuke's eyes widened a little, and he swallowed. "Nii-san..." That simple call of the other's name was filled with everything. It was telling Itachi that he was sorry himself, that he accepted the apology. "No... It's not your fault. I'm stupid." When his older brother turned off the lamp, Sasuke instantly moved closer to Itachi. "I don't want to leave. I want to stay right here..." He nuzzled against his older brother's cheek, kissing his lips lightly. "Roslyn listened to the mobile radio with deft attention. Potter Watch was something that everyone Order member listened to. Although she may have not known him very well, she had liked everything Harry Potter stood for, and wanted to make sure that he was okay in such trying times. Unknown to him, he was the beacon of hope to all of those who were fighting against the dark order of the Death Eaters. He was The Boy Who Lived. He was the one who could finally put Lord Voldermort six feet under. "Remember, kids," the familiar voice of the former Hogwarts Quidditch announcer continued, "Support Harry Potter as much as you can. Can't let Moldy Voldy get the best of us! That is it for Potter Watch. Next Password is Hopswitch." The sound of the radio fizzled and all that could be heard around her was the sound of the wind. She turned the knob to the off setting before she placed the now silent device into her backpack. As quietly as she could manage, she zipped it back up and shouldered it. Tonight she had been sent to do recon. A meeting of Death Eaters at the house of a particularly prestigious one and there was to be some pertinent information exchanged during it. Most magical bugs could be detected by their means, which made gleaning anything difficult. An operative needed to be present. It made it dangerous. Keeping the safe distance, she rolled out an extendable ear. Those Weasley twins really knew how to make brilliant gadgets and that particular invention was not detectable by magical means. You had to have an attention to detail and, in this darkness with the masks that Death Eaters wore, she highly doubted that anyone would find her. The redhead simply waited. It wouldn't be long now.,"It was a shame that such a beautiful woman was being put on recon duty. The reason being that she was not going to come back to The Order, at least, in one piece. One Death Eater, who was on his own version of recon, had seen the woman who was trying to spy over their duty. He didn't have an extendable ear, but he did have excellent eyesight. Anthony grabbed his wand from his waist, and he then moved off of the top of the house, which was his spying spot. She was too focused on hearing plans that she wouldn't be ready for him. Anthony crept up behind her, and at about 3 feet behind her, he mumbled, "Expelliarmus." To get rid of her wand. If the spell managed to do that, then he would be at his mercy. Anthony was a Death Eater in his 20s, who was never really fond of having Mudbloods stain the bloodlines of so many good ancestors. That, and he never really had a group that he could call his own. He ran his hand through his black hair, and he smirked as he looked at his target. What a shame. What a shame. His brown eyes stared at the woman, and assuming that he disarmed her, he began his attack. He raised his wand and muttered a spell, and if the spell worked, then she would be unable to scream, unable to yell out. She could only talk at a normal voice. He then asked. "What do you think you are doing, Miss? You think you can find out what our plans are going to be? You think you can make a difference?" There was then a small laugh. "The only thing that is going to happen to you, is slow death. You got me, sexy?" "Aeris gasped as they threw her into the metal room. She tried straightening her pink dress, tugging at the fabric and getting things more in order. She wasn't quite sure why they'd left her fully dressed; she even still had the slight red jacket to cover her shoulders and upper arms. There had been muttering about some kind of experiment, and Hojo, the greasy man that he was, had seemed far, far too pleased by the idea. It took all Aeris had to continue putting on a brave face, convincing herself that Cloud and the others would come to save her soon enough. It would happen. She just had to hold out. For now though, she was apparently alone, in a room with steel floors. She looked around, noting that the room was close to round, with plates that formed a sort of ring about them. There were holes dotting the walls, and it didn't take a huge leap to figure they existed in order to allow gases and other such materials to leak into the room. A glance further up showed what looked like one-way glass, mirrors of some kind. Aeris didn't spend long looking at that, not wanting to think about the voyeuristic scientists peeping in from above. What was it that Hojo had said? Something about finally having the last Cetra? Something about how she would go well with the other captive? It hadn't made much sense to Aeris at the time, and it wasn't now. She took a few cautious steps forward, still trying to determine what exactly they had planned and where exactly this all was going. She noticed a table then, one that seemed prepared with straps. Breeding, a large open room, holes for gas, something to hold her down if need be... the girl was starting to put things together, and the picture wasn't pleasant. Terror filled, and she started looking around, desperate for an exit. It was then that she heard a sliding sound, something like a door opening. Fighting against the supreme fear, she turned, gazing at what entered with a mix of horror and desperation.,"It was dark. Constant darkness with brief interruptions of beaming light through the single slot in his cell. Water and food, just enough to keep him alive. If not for being the last of his kind, perhaps he'd let starvation take him; it had to be better than whatever experiments they had in store for him. With the state of his race uncertain, however, he needed to survive. He waited only now for his chance to escape the clutches of Shinra. The flow of time had been confused since his capture, but he was sure days had passed now. What could they be waiting for? Time continued pressing forward with nothing but silence for Nanaki until, finally, a churning mechanized tick or click began and the ceiling above opened with a split. Light spilling around as he rose with the floor beneath him. He winced at the abuse the sudden bright light imposed upon sensitive eye. His tail of flames whipped with ferocity as he prepared to be harassed. Instead, he was greeted with a lone human in a peculiar setting. She seemed vulnerable, hardly threatening. Red XIII glanced about. The purpose of their union didn't seem so obvious at first. Outside of the room, Hojo and a handful of other Shinra employed scientists observed the scene. "We had to expect this," Hojo commented idly. "It was a one-in-a-million shot that our rare little prizes might mingle." A female scientist responded with a nod and a short, professional, "Yes, sir. Gases of a pinkish hue began to spew into the container housing the two species. A painstakingly created combination of each species chemical compound meant to complement one another, so that the very basic instincts of their bodies might recognize the other of the same species. It was only step one of a long list of tricks, but Hojo wanted the most natural sort of mating he could create. Inside, not much time had passed since Red XIII was brought in and now the pheromones were flooding the room. Slowly meant to alter perception of the two beings, Red reacted first by lowering his nose and covering the wet tip with his paws. Poison, was the first thought. But as the fumes begin to slip by and into his system, it was beginning to make sense. His body tingled with the very beginnings of curious arousal. His eyes now watched whom he believed to be human. What would come of this? The ample set of breasts, the curves frustratingly hidden behind her clothing, Nanaki wanted to catch her scent. Nanaki found her more and more attractive to the eyes. "Time is a picture in motion through eternity. The thought drifted through his mind as he finished the last few runic lines of the summoning circle. Rising as he dusted off his pants, there was a brief moment of hesitation, he hadn't summoned her yet, so he had every chance to back out if he so desired, right? And yet... He'd come this far, he'd sacrificed so much just to get here. If he were to back out now, all of that would be for nothing - and there was still the chance he'd be a victim of the war anyway. He knew this was likely to be a vicious one, the other magi in the war were not likely to go easy on any who got in their way, and while he hoped to keep casualties to a minimum, there was still the fact that a few probably wouldn't stop participating in the war until they took their final breath. Thankfully, he was prepared for that. The crimson summoning circle that he had drawn and painted over the floor of the room seemed to shine briefly as he stepped over it, carrying an old and faded tome in his hands kneeling down once more to set the Japanese manuscript in the center. The catalyst for the summoning was one of the most important things, and he had picked a very antiquated catalyst. If he was right - he should be able to guess and ascertain the identity of his servant almost immediately, but even with a strong catalyst there was no telling what he could truly get. Looking it over one last time with amber eyes, he exhaled faintly, the chill in the night air causing his breath to become visible as he shivered for just a moment from both the cold and the anticipation of what was to happen. Clasping his hands together, he felt his magical circuits starting to come to life, energy flowing through them before his hands slowly began to extend outwards, seeking to focus that energy as his lips started to part, and he spoke the ritual, his words soft at first, but slowly growing in power as he started to feel the connection grow between this world and another, a more intangible place, but one teeming with power... Iron is the foundation, and fire is the catalyst. O hero of old, lost to time and judged by history, heed my call. From ages past to a new dawn, I call you from your eternal rest and bind your fate with mine. Come forth! I summon you with the aid of the Grail, I summon you as my sword and saber in this war, O ancient hero. Heed this call and come forth, accept this offered sacrifice and arise into the world of men once more! Every word drew more power from him, he felt the mana in his circuits being pulled out, drawn and used as the connection for the summoning. Before long, every word he spoke carried a wave of pain and shock through him as it drew on his ambient reserves, draining them to the very limit as the connection between the throne of heroes and the living world was formed, and something pulled from it, into this world. If everything went well, the pain, the effort to acquire the catalyst, everything would be worth it! As he continued to chant, the room began to glow with ephemeral motes of magical energy, the dancing sapphire lights slowly coalescing in the center of the summoning circle as they pooled and gathered... Only to eventually explode outward in a blinding and dazzling display as the young man quickly covered his eyes with one of his arms, the ritual completing with a more explosive climax.,"When the sapphire lights finally diminished at the center of the circle stood a woman, her hair the shade of cherry blossoms. Her eyes were a deep shade of blue, to compare them to the sapphire light from earlier wouldn't have been far off either. Her pink hair was drawn back into a bun, a hair piece that looked like a black and red fan held it place. Her slender, yet powerful arms were covered in black gloves with the fingers exposed. She wore black knee-socks, with geta sandals on her feet. Her milky white thighs were exposed. She was wearing a beautiful blue kimono that only stretched as far as the upper part of her thighs, dangerously close to exposing her most intimate areas. Her Kimono was held in place by strings tied to a black collar around her neck. A red cloth wrapped around her waist, holding the kimono in place. Two sheathes were tied to her hips as well. Her eyes looked over at the man who had summoned her. Her eyes regarded him, was this the voice she heard as she was pulled through the ether? She remembered traveling, many wars, many fights, she had so many that she forgot them, or perhaps that was an effect of the grail's power. "My name is Miyamoto Musashi," she said, "are you my master?" She asked curiously, though there seemed to be a feeling, a connection between the two. Still, he preferred her to answer, just so he knew who she was in all of this. "Masuna Haswell had always dreamed of being in the Alliance military and she achieved that dream several years ago. Hearing the stories of the great Commander Shepard and how she saved the galaxy made her inspired to achieve her dream of being in the history books. Her next step was to become a Spectre, the special agency of elite soldiers in the galaxy and who only answer to the Council. Masuna was always one to play by the rules however, as she never questioned orders from whomever her commanding officer was. This would be her latest test to see if she really was a suitable recruit for the Spectres. Masuna recently heard she would have a partner joining her in this training exercise. However, she had been waiting a long time and didn't know how much longer she would have to wait. She may have played by the rules a little too much, but Masuna was not known for her patience. As she tuned up her sniper rifle and made sure it was loaded, she grew increasingly impatient. How long was this new partner going to make her wait? Just from the looks of the current situation, she knew that whoever would show up would not be likable in the least.,"Thomas Massacre Shepard groaned as his omni-tool went off. The former Red Tails enforcer sat up slowly. He blinked as the clock showed the time. Swearing lightly, he smacked the naked Asari in the bed on the ass. Both women groaned as Thomas said, Sorry ladies, you gotta get the fuck out. One of the Asari a dancer rubbed his hard pecks, But Commander, we wanted to give you a good morning kiss. Thomas chuckled, as he said, Well I suppose I have time for a quick kiss. The other Asari spoke, I don't want to kiss you on the mouth, she moved between his legs and smiled. Thomas smiled back, leaning back, it was the first day he could be a bit late. An hour later, around thirty minutes late, Thomas stumbled from the shower. Pulling on his hard suit. It was an almost black red, with neon green highlights. The N-8 designation on his left breast plate. Thomas had soon called a sky car. Wondering why he was here. Thomas had been a member of the Red Tails, his father a workaholic, his mother a slut. Both had lived their lives with the Shepard name. Thomas had discovered young that he liked to fight. He was good at it too. He'd probably still be in the Red Tails if he hadn't gotten busted, a group of Blue Sun and Eclipse mercs had attempted to force out some Red Tails on a colony. Thomas had been found drenched in Asari and Salarian blood, medi-gel barely holding his insides in. His great great great, bloody ancient grandmother had visited him an they'd had a conversation. She said she saw the Shepard rage in him. Since he was sixteen at the time, she was having his sentence deferred but she was going into personal training with her, then joining the military if he wanted to avoid a major sentence. Thomas had agreed, and here he was. Tied for top place in the N-8 program, a scary powerful biotic and a true soldier. He'd disobey orders if they were something he didn't like. He was brutal and efficient. He'd earned the name Massacre after he'd been sent to deal with some pirates and killed them all. His lax view of following the rules meant he had some enemies, but he inspired loyalty in his men. Stepping into the office, he saw his new partner, nodding he said, Sorry I'm late, my hard suit's shield plate wasn't coming completely online, I had to take it out and adjust it a bit. Has our Superior Officer checked in yet? Thomas moved towards his desk, glad his gear was here. He took it out an began checking it over. "Drip...Drip...Drip... At the first signs of her coming about, Karel smirked. "Tired?" The first thing to be noticed was strain. The strain of her body forced into a position that was most uncomfortable. Her arms were bound together at the wrists and elbows, forced up high almost vertically. The stringent position then forcibly humbled her head, looking down to accustom the sudden change of position of where her arms were. The position was very unnatural, thusly her muscles strained. She stood perfectly taut, her legs spread out with a metallic bar bound to her ankles, tight to prevent her legs from closing: she had to spread her legs a bit. With her torso bending forward, with her arms up there was no way for her to guard what probing hands may fondle upon her private bits, her skirt hiking up from the position to reveal her panties. The room was a dank cell, the dripping of moisture the only real way to make sense of time. The smell of mildew was strong, mold having dirtied this place for many a year. A figure stood right before her, a well-dressed and handsome one. Beignon nobles were known for flair and their desire for the frivolous, corrupt and utterly greedy, it would be of no surprise if they started keeping slaves of Beorcs as well...that would also mean that she was now his property since the time she was interrogated and suddenly released, only to be knocked out and find herself in this position. Probing hands softly rubbed up on her butt cheeks before an open-handed slap struck against her left. "Such a firm ass...battlefield beauties are so well-shapen. Those soldiers weren't lying~" His voice was jesting, almost irritating in a way.,"So getting captured hadn't really been part of the plan. Truthfully, Mia did feel a bit blessed in that they hadn't outright killed her, which was what Begnion usually did, especially considering how much trouble the Greil Mercenaries had been for them. Still, the lovely swordmaster certainly wasn't pleased with her current situation. Sure, she was trying to keep a bright outlook on it, figuring that they would eventually rescue her. It was the eventuality that often weighed on her, and was something that Mia really didn't want to think about. She'd been interrogated, released, and then rendered unconscious yet again. When she'd come to, she'd been like this, in this strange shape with no idea where she was. She still figured that it was somewhere in the Begnion Empire, but she couldn't even be wholly certain of that. Really, she had enough to focus on, with the position. Having her head bent forward meant that the long blue hair lay in Mia's sight, blinding her and making it impossible for her to see. Years of practicing with a blade and dancing about the battlefield had left Mia flexible and athletic enough to endure the bent over position, though it drew her body tight, drawing clothing across a pleasant bust. The position tugged her clothing up too, leaving her black leotard as the only thing covering her nether regions. The girl shifted to get comfortable, finding that she could do little more than wiggle. Steps, then hands upon her ass. Mia jerked, not startling so much as rearing, as though she would counterattack. Given a sword, she had no doubt that she could easily handle this fool. However, they had wisely taken any such chance from her. Instead, Mia squirmed, trying to see her captor, and finding that even impossible. She yelled against her gag, struggling and trying to do something, anything. To her credit, she managed to squirm somewhat. More than that, however, proved quite impossible. "Katara woke, ready for the day. It was always bitter cold, but it was the South Pole, what would you expect? Sokka was doing as he always did, pretending to be a hotshot captain and trying to train the children to fight for when the next Fire Nation attack came. She kissed GranGran's forehead, hugging the woman before turning and walking to the water's edge. Staring into the water, she suddenly remembered her mother and fingered her necklace. It was getting harder and harder to remember what her mother looked like. Did Sokka have that same problem? As if it were yesterday, she could see the black Fire Nation ship approach, the fire and ash pouring into the sky and drifting to the pure snow around them. She looked around her. Ash? The ground was littered with it. Surprised, she looked up in horror to see that it wasn't her imagination or a memory. The Fire Nation approached!,"Anzoh was growing more excited with each passing minute as his personal ship approached the South Pole. Ever since the Fire Lord had declared that the nobles of the Fire Nation may take slaves from any member of the Water Tribes that they captured, he had been looking forward to this. At twenty-three years old, he had no family and a great deal of wealth...and soon he would have his own personal slave to serve him in any way that he desired. As the ship drew closer, he stood on the prow, his assembled mercenaries behind him and ready to move on his word. The plan was to storm the village and find a lovely young woman to take home with him; how quickly they did so and how beautiful the woman they found would affect their bonus. It seemed that fate might have something different in mind though because as they drew close enough to make out individual tribesmen, he could see the perfect slave to be at the water's edge. Even from the distance, he could see her great beauty and knew that she was the one he desired. That one, he said, pointing to his chosen victim, flexing a little in the Fire Nation armor he wore. "I will take that one," he said. "The rest of you will hold back unless I need you." As the ship crashed into the ice and the front dropped down to allow him to descend, he approached his to-be slave, a swagger in his step. "I would suggest you come with me quietly," he told her with a sneer on his lips. "Fighting will only end up getting you hurt, and I don't want to damage my property." "Lost in the haze of pleasure, Matsumoto barely heard Kouta when he moaned out something previously, but managed to catch the last few words as she let her fingers dig into his shoulders, attempting between breaths to respond to him. "That's...the idea!...If you didn' wouldn't be any fun, would it?" She managed to get out as Rangiku circled her hips around Kouta's cock which was buried deep in her body and let out a moan of pleasure, throwing her head back as her long wavy blonde hair fell to the ground and trailed on the ground. Normally she wouldn't be doing something like this, especially with the boy she'd been ordered to protect but his spiritual pressure was so intense that she couldn't think straight at all. "Faster..." Rangiku panted as she circled her own hips a bit quicker around Kouta's cock, urging the boy to pick up the pace. On the other side of town a rip could be seen in the sky as a Hollow pulled itself out and dropped down into Karakura Town. It looked around and roared, before it dropped and bounded away in the shape of a deformed monster frog, searching for something to fill its craving, some sort of soul to consume so it would not have to feel pain. It needed something. Something tasty. Back in the alley, Matsumoto was urging Kouta to go faster and harder because she was sure that within a few moments they would both reach their climax and that was something she really wanted! There was no way she wanted him to stop now and lose the sensation because it would take forever to build that arousal back up again. Nothing was on her mind at the moment but getting the satisfaction she desired and she was fairly certain that Kouta felt the same way she did. He really was good at sex and the size of his cock helped too even before he had increased it with his spiritual pressure. Mhmm, his cock felt amazing inside her and Rangiku wondered if he had ever done this before. Had she taken his virginity or was he simply a shy boy that didn't like to talk about his previous catches? Then again, that didn't fit with his personality since she knew he was a very forward boy, at least when it came to her. Not too far away from the hollow that had just descended into Karakura Town, Captain Toushiro Hitsugaya was stalking back and forth as he tried to figure out how to get away from an annoying woman who wouldn't leave him alone. She hadn't even let him leave the house! All he had done was save her from a car that had ran into her and knocked her into the oncoming path of a real car. And she had insisted on dragging him home! Why were humans like this? A Shinigami would have simply thanked him or apologized for making him save him. Humans were insane! How did they manage not to drive each other crazy all the time? He felt a change in spiritual energy. Quite suddenly and near them, a hollow darted forward to knock the woman out of the way as a hollow came crashing through the wall of the house. Toushiro quickly changed from his gigai body into his shinigami form and drew out his zanpakuto to launch himself at the hollow that had entered the place, slicing it down the middle of its head and watched it disintegrate. He was about to return to his gigai body when he sensed another presence, but this time it was more dangerous and he frowned, a Menos Grande? That was what it felt like and he wondered where it was heading. Caught between wanting to protect this woman - who apparently had high spiritual energy - and taking care of the Menos Grande, Toushiro hesitated...,"Kouta couldn't think straight either as he kept ramming into Rangiku's pussy, entranced by how she was milking it for every drop of the thick, gooey jizz he was about to spurt into her. The whole reason he was so forward with her was because of his "sixth" sense about it. On a very very vague level he could detect shinigami and hollows but couldn't quite put his finger on what they were; just knew they were there. And hers was driving him nuts with lust and it had a need to be satiated before he could think about anything else, and the fact that it WAS his first time with a woman and it felt divine. He kept going and soon tensed up and thrust all the way into her, threatening to pierce further into her womb as he shuddered. "Ngh...," he grunted and held her tighter as his balls tensed and he started to squirt his cum into her. "Ahh! I'm cumming!" He moaned to her. "It was late at night and Ava found it difficult to sleep. Every since she laid down at around 9pm, well, she couldn't seem to find a comfortable spot. Not to mention her mind was filled with so many memories of the past few days. Mostly, it started out so simple. She came into the sterile room where marines had restrained a half dazed #24. The drugs used on the young Xenomorph would surely wear off in a few moments, but it was enough time to strap the female to a familiar steel table and leave her completely exposed to Ava's poking and prodding. Things had become so innocent and logical. Testing the female's reaction to pain and other stimulation. Slowly working the young female over until finally they had gotten to a point where they noticed just how human this one was becoming. Her genitalia was similar to that of the human female. It swelled when aroused and became slick with a strange substance. At first, they thought it might be as corrosive as the xeno's blood, but no. It was moist and sticky. Things progressed drastically after that... From teasing and toying to actual sexual stimulation. Coaxing an orgasm from the animal until finally they received a sample of her fluids. It was tested to see if there were any toxic agents within. None. If anything, there seemed to be something that encouraged sexual chemicals to be released. Almost as though the creature was built to coax it's lover to want it more and more. It had been tested on Ava. She tasted the sample and felt a warm tingle within her. Nothing strange or different, but she spent the night aching for something, anything... Now, Ava lay awake and all she could think about was #24 in her confinement. It seemed unfair. To have such a beautiful creature secreted away like that. #24 deserved better. She wasn't like the other Xenomorphs they kept under lock and key. She certainly wasn't like the Queen that had spawned her. #24 was a rare, beautiful gem among scientific discoveries. It was also speculated that #24 might be able to breed like her mother. That #24 wasn't a mindless drone, but a young queen herself. Those were the thoughts that killed Ava's mind as she got out of bed and redressed herself in what she wore that day. Shrugging on her lab coat and grabbing her identification, she made her way down to the ship's hull where they kept the different subjects separated. Probably one of the most dangerous places to be, but she didn't care. She needed to see #24 again. If only to talk to the creature. Ha. Think about it... a human... wanted to talk to a Xenomorph. Was there anything more ridiculous then that? Then again, Ava suspected that #24 was learning and understood more then most of them knew. "At ease, Soldier", she breathes. Holding up her tag, she flashes a stiff smile. "I'm merely here to check in on the subject." "We didn't receive any orders of a late night visit, Dr. Bradley." The soldier, an older man in his mid-30s to early-40s regards her with some amount of suspicion. "Yes, well, I'm the doctor here, aren't I? And that's my project in there. Let me through so I can check on it." Yes, she has to keep her voice neutral almost cool. #24 couldn't be anything to her other then some creature they were studying. "Are you going to let me pass or will I have to contact your superior and tell him that we have a problem?" A frown touches the older man's lips. He obviously doesn't care for the doctors. Still, he lets her pass, but not before asking Ava if she needs the subject restrained first. "No, I've been working with this one and we have an understanding." That gives the make a moment to look confused before Ava brushes past him. All it takes after that are a few pass codes, another conversation with another guard detail and then she stands in front of #24's room. With a slow breath, she starts punching in the numbers. This is dangerous. Going into a room with an unrestrained Xenomorph. There's a chance that #24 had been drugged for the evening, but Ava has no clue. Once the door slides open, she steps inside. "Twenty-four?", she calls out softly, hoping her voice would sound familiar to the creature. "Are you awake, girl?","While there was still some debate among the scientists on whether or not the Xenomorphs actually needed things like sleep, for what those arguments were worth, Xenomorph Specimen #24 was still fully active when the good Doctor accessed the blast door separating her isolation cell from the rest of the facility. Alerted already by the sounds of the locks disengaging, the hybrid Xenomorph had scurried up the walls of her isolation cell, easily blending in with the dark-colored resin she had been creating ever since she had finished maturing. Already, the room and its atmosphere strongly resembled that of a Nest. She had been learning at an advanced rate when compared to her brethren, a combination of the communal Hive intelligence between them, and her own advanced nature. It was through her that most of the Xenomorphs knew of where they were, and where the prey was. She knew to stay away from the doors, to draw the humans into her domain. She had covered the vents that emitted the gas that sedated her with her resin, making it a much more difficult task of retrieving her. As the door growled open - a sound that she just as much felt as heard - she felt the wash of cooler air as it stabbed into the more humid and warm atmosphere her kind favored, carrying with it the scent of two humans - one unknown male and one familiar female. Curiosity. The sound that the female made, as well as her unique scent, instantly gave #24 the exact location she was standing at. She slithered across the ceiling, silent death packed into her jet-black frame. Had she not been so intrigued, she could have killed the two of them before they were ever aware of her presence. She let out a threatening hiss that was quickly absorbed by the room, before dropping down in front of the open door, landing perfectly. Her human-like body quivered, her attention focused not on the woman, but the panicking guard with the object in his hands. She could smell his terror, instincts drove her. Danger. Threat. Kill. Inside her mind, the other Xenomorphs were also screaming for blood, she had a clear path of escape. Free them, make a Hive, spread. And for a ponderous moment she almost struck out at the pair. Gradually though, she turned her attention to the female. #24 knew her scent, the specific sound her voice made, her image. She studied the human female with a dark curiosity that much of her species lacked, rushed images of memory stirring about in her mind. Prey? Distorted fragments of memory, the woman. White space, cold against her, warm within. Unknown feelings stimulating every nerve ending. The woman. Soft touches, something inside. Trembling. Soft sounds. Pure, enrapturing whiteness. The woman. Ally. Cocking her head slightly, she let out a soft hiss and seemed to relax, despite the enraged shrieks of the other Xenomorphs drifting in her mind. Once again, she proved her abnormality by purposely shutting out their presence, functioning independently from the Hive Mind?her own being. Despite the fact that she beat the human in height by nearly two feet, she crouched down to be almost at an eye level with her, her whip-like tail lowering in a more subdued manner. But it was that same tail that was an ever present reminder to the guard of the danger that he was staring at. Was the woman mad? She had willingly opened an isolation cell containing an unsedated specimen! He had been part of the USCM for several years before Weyland-Yutani had hired him to protect their twisted little pet projects. He had seen combat on dozens of worlds during his career, and yet these creatures made him want to piss his pants. And yet this woman, completely unarmed, without even as much as a bulletproof vest, was standing less than five feet from one. He gripped the M41A a little bit tighter, taking a step backwards, if only to be just one step farther away from this killing machine and the crazed woman who had released her. Why weren't they dead yet? Movement! #24 let out a shrieking hiss, her attention snapping completely back on the guard, her bladed tail whipping angrily as saliva drooled from her lips, rising back up to her full height of nearly eight feet. The panicked guard whipped the pulse rifle at the poised Xenomorph, his grim face almost sheet white. He could feel a warm stain spreading across the front of his combat fatigues. #24 trembled, every muscle in her body taut and ready to lunge, tear the human apart, but the woman stood in her way. She could not harm her. Fighting against generations of instinct, she hissed dejectedly, but withdrew, lowering her form and almost sulking back into the depths of her cell. ""Almost time..." Thunderbolt thought to himself as he stood in his room, looking out over the city below. He was an older man, once a hero, but he'd split off and started his own group... taking his dark secret with him. The secret of having raped a villain named Jynx years ago, one that had produced a daughter, who was now all grown up and part of his new group. One that looked so much like her mother... one with whom he had sex constantly. Not like she seemed to mind; he always brought her to climax and she always begged for it.,"The girl Thunderbolt had sired, his dark little secret was named Clover, for her extraordinary luck. But despite her own luck, she was a bit of a klutz, and many called her Jinx Jr., both for the way she dressed and the misfortune she often unintentionally brought on those around her. As Clover arrived at her father's door, she wiped her tears on her sleeve. The sessions may have been secretly enjoyable, but she hated them all the same, a constant reminder to the petite 16-year-old of who she was and why she could never have a normal life. Father had drilled that into her long ago. ""Gah, where could they be?" Mikura asked herself, getting increasingly frustrated that the would-be killer she was chasing seemed to have gotten away. She was currently searching for the assassin in a dank, dark abandoned parking garage. She was determined to catch this person, but she didn't realize that the assassin had led her into an ambush - one where she was alone and couldn't call for backup.,"Suddenly, Mezzo would hear the doors of the garage slide shut and lock one by one. Soon she was in complete and utter darkness... however that all changed when a large single light bulb switched on at the top of the garage, showing the area she was standing in. Then she heard a chuckle... and a woman with short blue hair and an eye patch came out. She was dressed in a blue and white maids outfit and wore blue gloves with studs and large fighting boots. If the description of the assailant didn't give her away, the blood on her outfit sure did. "'My oh my,'" said the spider to the fly," she chuckled. "'Stupid, stupid...stupid.' You fell right into my trap. Secluded warehouse... no one to hear for miles and miles... and you came alone. Only us and my other girls... and all the exits are blocked. Now... this is where you beg for fucking mercy... like the useless piece of shit you are!" She laughed. "You can start begging... NOW!" ""Venus Love Chain, encircle!" Mina shouted, a chain of hearts erupting from her fingers towards her enemy. The flower monster quickly dodged the attack and sent her vines at Sailor Venus, which the girl narrowly dodged, jumping out of the way but making a rather rough landing onto the ground. The monster sent numerous vines after the blonde though, each she dodged until she was hidden behind a wall, her breathing heavy. "Come out, sailor scout, give me your energy!" The monster screamed as she laughed maniacally, her vines slipping around the wall that Mina was hidden behind. Sailor Venus emerged from the alleyway back into the open street. She raised her hand and yelled, "Venus Love Cha-" but was cut off as vines encircled her, trapping her as the monster began to suck her energy. The flower monster laughed again, knowing that she had the blonde sailor scout caught and no one was around to help her.,""I think it's time to mow the lawn," a voice said from the shadows as a wave of energy cut through the vines of the flower monster, cutting them off at the base and revealing her breasts as the cold night air started to make them hard. The creature yelped as its vines started to spray goo. "Who dares hurt me?" the creature said as it tried to mend its wounds. A figure in red and silver armor came out of the shadows, holding a sword-like device attached to his right wrist. "Fran looked down into the bag of supplies she was carrying. As usual, when the group stopped in a new town, she was in charge of restocking the various things they needed. Foods, supplies, that type of stuff. As she walked, she was looking into the bag to go over everything, making sure she didn't forget anything. She'd rather not get back to the ship and have to come all the way back because she forgot something. But because of this, she wasn't really watching where she was going. She was aware of people around her, so she didn't run into anyone, but she didn't really notice that she had unintentionally entered, what some would call, the bad part of town. It looked just like the rest of the decent-sized city, but the lecherous eyes already peering out of the shadows was a very key difference between the various sections and social classes of the city.,"Two older gentlemen soon came walking down the street. Roughly in their forties, they stopped when they saw the young woman looking through a bag of supplies. "Excuse us miss, can we help you with something?" they asked, each of them slowly looking up and down her rather lightly clothed body. Each had a smirk on his face. Each had the same outfit, the standard for the desert villagers. One of them had sandy-colored hair; the other's was graying. They continued to smile as they stood there, ready to 'help'. ""Papa?" A young brunette woman called, pushing against the tall wooden doors to the castle. She held his hat in her hand, the other fisted over her cloak clasp. This whole day hadn't gone as planned... "Goodbye, Papa! Good luck!" "Goodbye! And take care while I'm gone," she'd watched as he drove down the road and out of sight, then retreated indoors. An hour's worth of dusting, twenty minutes to cut up vegetables, and five minutes to mix it into a stew; and then she could settle in with her newest book, the one the book seller had given her yesterday. Not an hour later, there had been a knock on the door, and then he'd shown up - wanting to engage her in talk of marriage and a family, dogs and a hearthfire. No, thank you. She deserved better than him... he didn't deserve her. That wasn't what she'd told him though, oh no. And after she'd tossed his boots out after him, she leaned against the door, her hand over her eyes. How could she get rid of him? The minutes ticked by, and finally she felt it would be safe to go outdoors, feed the animals. "Is he gone?" She asked the chickens, who merely looked at her inquisitively. "The nerve of him! He asked me to marry him!" And she ranted to the goats, the pig, the chickens, knowing they wouldn't pass judgment. Chores done, she wandered out to their back field to watch the sun set. That was when she heard the frantic whinny. "Phillippe! What... where's Papa? Oh, we have to find him. You've got to take me to him." And hurriedly, she unhitched him from the cart, and climbed up onto her horse's back. That was how she found herself at this spooky old castle in the woods, complete with creaky gate and gargoyles. "Papa? Where are you? Hello?" Slowly, she paced through the halls. "Is someone here?","The beast sat in his parlor, staring into the fire, an open book on his lap. The sound of her voice brought him out of his trance and he stood up quickly, turning, his cape swishing behind him. Carefully, he went to the door and peered out into the hallway as she passed by. "Jake Blaze smiled as he stepped out into the wilds of the Kalos region. He was a young man of twenty years, standing at six feet tall, with striking flame-red hair and ice-blue eyes. He wore jeans, a red T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Six empty Poke Balls hung from his belt. Strange phenomena had hit the world of Pokemon; it had turned each monster with a gender into an anthropomorphic version of itself, and they now spoke the human language. Jake couldn't wait to talk to one and learn about their lifestyle. He set off in search of his first catch candidate.,"As Jake walked down a route known for wild Pokemon, he found himself surrounded by tall grass. As most people know, Pokemon are often found hiding in such tall grass. A small patch moved, and out of the grass, a brown-furred, tall rabbit stood. It was a female Lopunny, one of the Pokemon affected by this strange affliction. It had done wonders for her, as she now sported large breasts hanging under a patch of white fur, and a tall, thin body that was alluring to those who saw it. She stretched, apparently having just woken up. "Jake Blaze smiled as he set up camp. Jake was a young man of 21 years old, and he was a Pokemon trainer. He had flame-red hair that fell to his neck, and ice-blue eyes. He wore a red T-shirt, jeans, and a black leather jacket. He smiled and released his six Pokemon - his "lovely girls.","The six Pokemon girls, all of Eevee evolutions, came out of their Pokeballs as Jake threw them out. An Eevee, who was the newest and youngest of the six, as well as Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon came out either stretching or yawning. These Pokemon had the body of a thin, curvy human female. Umbreon, Flareon, Espeon all had large breasts while Eevee, Vaporeon, and Jolteon had round rear ends. "Konan looked around the cave as Nagato summoned them all there for a meeting. She stood, watching the men of the Akatsuki stoically. She did not show any emotion as she listened to her oldest friend speak. Not that what he said now was of any importance. He was merely giving them permission to leave. Konan stepped down from her position on the statue and made her way down. Looking around, she watched as the men filed out. For once, there was no arguing. Her amber eyes focused on the one that remained. She wondered why he was not leaving yet. That took her off guard. Usually he was the first person to leave. As Nagato's second-in-command, she walked over to him. The cloak covered her frame. She stopped in front of him. "May I help you?" she asked him. She was careful around him. She did not trust him. She did not really trust anyone in the Akatsuki, so she kept her distance.,"The figure grinned under his hood as he stepped towards Konan, his massive scythe shimmering in the faint light as he was now standing directly in front of her, his massive figure imposing upon her small one. He folded his hood down to reveal his face as he let out a chuckle and licked his lips. "It's simple... bitch," he said, "I want to fuck you." Hidan was always crass and vulgar, but never like this. He pulled out a bottle which seemed to contain blood and he dropped it on his scythe as his skin began to blacken. "That was your blood I dropped on my blade," he continued, "And you know what my ability is... so I suggest you comply with me." He grinned at her, knowing that he had her right where he wanted her. If he refused her, he would kill her. "Leia's eyes were wide with terror as Han and Luke were thrust forward into the pit of Carkoon. Fighting the urge to scream, tears ran down her face as the sarlacc devoured her friends along with any hope of escaping. "You monster! You beast!" She voice was ragged and full of pain. Jabba let out a grunting laugh, not at all bothered by the scenes before him. If anything, he seemed to find pleasure in Leia's misery. Punishment for her betrayal. Her plan to escape had failed. Instead of a rotting corpse, Jabba sat with a mere scratch from her attempted assassination. The chain Leia was adorned with was now much thicker, too heavy to try again. Not that she'd ever have another chance like that. Her only salvations was now being digested by his favorite pet.,"Jabba's laugh caused his fat rolls to jiggle, which Leia could feel on her back. His feline eyes peered at his new prize. "You will now come to appreciate me, princess," he said, licking his lips. "I'm your only chance at a good life now." He laughed loudly as he motioned for a guard. The guard held a large syringe with a pink liquid in it. He pressed the syringe into Leia's neck and injected her with the very powerful and potent aphrodisiac. Jabba had wanted Leia's mind to be completely under his control when she witnessed the death of her friends. Now that it was over, he intended to turn her into little more than his slut and cum dumpster. "Traveling with Inuyasha has become more and more frustrating! He kept running off with Kikyo even after she said she would stay by his side. Sure she admitted she wanted to stay with him and that it was her choice but still. Didn't he care about her?! Frustrated, the young Miko kicked a rock into the waterfall they were near. Inuyasha was gone with... her, Sango was with Kirara getting supplies and Shippo was with her. So that left her and Miroku to tend the camp. Sitting down next to the small fire, she hmphed in frustration. "Honestly, Miroku. Can you believe him doing this again?" She knew he saw what was going on. Sometimes she wondered if it would be easier being with him. He acted like a lot of normal guys from her time, but he was interested in Sango right? Not that she didn't think he wasn't attractive. As a matter of fact, she got little flutters whenever he flirted with other girls. He was just too handsome and sly for his own good.,"Miroku listened to Kagome vent her frustrations as he drank some water. He didn't understand how Inuyasha could abandon such a beautiful girl who was basically throwing herself at him. Still, he saw tonight as his chance to make a move on Kagome. He stood up and sat down next to Kagome, offering her a small smile. "I honestly can't believe it, are such a beautiful and amazing woman.... I can't imagine why Inuyasha would chase after another woman...." He gently placed his hand on her own, giving it a squeeze as his smile widened. "If you'd like though," Miroku said, his voice becoming slightly deeper as he leaned in towards Kagome, "we can make each other feel good tonight and forget about Inuyasha and the others." "Sunnydale, home to many people, was bustling with activity during the day. The high school was no exception, as Giles would often have visitors coming into his library asking for various books. The Hellmouth seemed to be under control for now, but Halloween was approaching soon. However, the doors to the library opened up, and in walked one of the most beautiful women anyone had ever seen. "Hello?" A soft angelic voice called out as she entered. This person was Bella, new to Sunnydale, having been sent on a mission to destroy the hellmouth in some form or another. "Hello?" Bella called out again, her heels clicking on the floor as she walked. She had her hair up in a messy bun, wearing tight jeans and a low-cut top, which showed off her figure perfectly. "I need a few books," she said, walking around looking for someone who could help her out. Bella's skin was pale but it complemented her hair and eyes perfectly, giving her an almost glasslike quality.,"Rupert was behind the stacks when Bella entered and he turned his gaze upon her as he stepped out. "Hello there," he said with a smile as he brushed a hand through his own hair and walked closer to her. "What kind of books are you looking for?" He waited patiently for her answer before adding, "I'm Rupert Giles, by the way." He smiled softly and leaned over the counter, waiting silently. "As the battlefield roared around with the fury of the fire that was spreading everywhere, Salome could only limp around in search for an unlikely escape. The conflagration wasn't her doing, so perhaps it was an accident or maybe some desperate defense against the threat, but it had turned the fields into a living hell. Not that it was any better before, as the pompous bastard who hired all the mercenaries he could get his paws on didn't tell the truth about the enemy they were going to face. That bunch of soldiers of fortune were supposed to stop a bandit raid, something that wasn't supposed to pose a challenge to those ruthless warriors of ill repute that Salome counted herself among. The truth was far from that, since not only the foe weren't bandits, but they weren't there to stop anything, just to offer a distraction and buy time for the noble who hired them to run with his riches. Salome had faced many foes in her short life as a mercenary, she was a mountain of a woman, her well-sculpted body a testimony to her devotion to be the best, to stand tall above any judgment others could make of the clanswoman. But no amount of fighting talent, experience or skill would help her against the foe they were presented with. As soon as they saw the Necrophage swarm appear behind the hill, they knew that it wasn't a fight they could win, and now it was just a matter of delaying them long enough to save their own skin. Amidst the chaos that ensued, a sudden fire gave the swarm some pause, even if it was just with the smoke hampering the visibility of the necrodrones chittering and buzzing above, festering the fields with their caustic poison. Salome had managed to kill a few foragers that marched ahead of the main swarm, but not without paying the price, as her body now exhibited half a dozen cuts and a couple of acid burns. Nothing lethal, not yet, but that was only if she didn't catch the plague and was already marked for death. Her force of will kept her moving, her mighty body walking despite the injuries, at least until she fell into one of the irrigation trenches that nourished the now burning fields. Crawling along the trench to keep herself safe from being spotted by the swarm, away from the deadly fire, Salome dragged herself through dirt and mud, her prodigious strength slowly fading as she felt more and more feverish. Were they the injuries or perhaps the plague, she didn't know, but she wasn't going to die there, not like that, not that day. The trench guided her to the river it fed from, her only way to escape that inferno. Holding onto a broken board that were part of the leaking dam that controlled the flow of water into the trench, Salome threw herself into the river, allowing it to take her downstream away from that madness. The will to live, the desire to get revenge upon the lord that had made a fool, a sacrificial pawn of her was the only thing keeping her awake as she drifted down the current, but she couldn't keep herself conscious forever. When the smoke column was gone from the view, and the buzzing swarm was nothing more than a memory that would plague her nightmares, Salome ended up aground in a river bend when the board got stuck in some water lilies. The wounded, feverish, barely conscious woman managed to drag herself into land, her clothes in tatters and completely unarmed. Maybe if she rested just a bit she could walk again, maybe if she rested a bit she would be just fine... Salome's dark purplish eyes closed, her red mane of hair stuck to her by mud and water, as her body had finally given up and spent every little bit of energy it could muster.,"A lone figure strode through the rolling hills into the mouth of a great valley as day broke, her silhouette obscured by a hood and long cape draped over wide pauldrons. A cold wind pulled at the leather cloak to reveal modest brown robes, rattling the hidden chainmail and bringing with it the stench of soot and cinders. She turned to its source, spotting the pillars of smoke reaching to the skies in the distance and the body that lay on the shore of the river that flowed down from the burning fields. Heeding the call to action, she moved to bring the mercy her sect was so known for, praying that it would be bringing healing instead of digging a grave. A sigh of relief came as she checked the strained woman's pulse, however weak it was. With heavy exertion, she pulled the woman onto drier soil and began removing her drenched clothing to examine her wounds. An examination that revealed quite the surprise and distraction between the woman's thick, muscular legs; a shockingly large penis. A blush formed beneath her bandana mask as she pondered how it dwarfed the secretive member hiding beneath her own robes. With a gulp, she pushed aside her curiosity in order to save her. The first step was cleaning her off. A cooking pot filled with river water and a rag from her backpack did the job well enough, but this led to the discovery of something even more peculiar, something the cleric did not share with the injured woman; a vagina hiding beneath her heavy testicles. She bit her lip, steeling herself to focus on the task at hand instead of lewd ponderings. The wounds were strange, they were the marks of claws and insectoid mandibles, not of steel, with burns born not of fire but of caustic venom. The sure signs of Necrophage bites she had only read about in the Abbey. This woman was not long for this world. She dug deeper into her bag, taking out a decorative bottle filled with a golden powder and a bundle of yams. With one hand on the bottle and the other on the woman's chest, she prayed and gave the vegetables as an offering. The bottle glowed, releasing tendrils of golden light that stitched the wounds closed and purged her body of infection and disease. There was only so much her prayers could do for the woman. Even with the plague purged, her skin was too cold and she would die of exposure soon enough without proper care. She needed something to keep the woman warm, but a fire was too risky. If the necrophages spotted them, it would spell death for both of them. Instead, she laid the woman out onto her sleeping bag and removed the plate pauldrons her cloak was attached to. Using her cloak as a blanket, she lay on top of the woman to keep her warm and hoped the chainmail layer in her robes wouldn't be too discomforting for either of them. She had woken up only an hour ago, but prayed that sleep would find her, or that the woman would wake up shortly, as she tried to keep her mind off the hefty member and soft, bountiful breasts she was lying on. "Pinkie Pie was bustling back and forth across the room, preparing for their new friend's birthday party. They had arrived around half a year ago, through a portal. The same portal through which a strange transformative magic had seeped through, changing them and everyone else into more humanoid shapes. On the bright side, now she got to wear clothes with a mish-mash of bright colors that seemed almost discordant, but suited the bubbly party girl perfectly.,"Arriving at the party, it seemed like I was the only one there or invited. Knocking on Pinkie's door, I looked around and waited for any sort of response from inside the house. Dressed in just a t-shirt and pair of shorts, I had become friends with Pinkie after she was curious and saw me at the portal, completely naked back then. It was quite the sight. "Brian was nervous. He had transferred high schools because he was a Qwaser and was supposed to protect Casie. The advice Jessica had given him was to introduce himself and act natural. Well that was easier said than done. Outside the school, Brian "just happened" to bump into Casie. He went in for the standard handshake to be polite, but tripped over an errant soda can. Brian tripped and fell face first into Casie's breasts! A Wrackcident! 'Oh crap,' Brian thought.,"Casie lived in the campus housing, which her parents paid extra to keep her safer. Her large breasts seemed to invite sexual harassment, and she had learned not to trust many people. When a stranger greeted her, it immediately raised flags. As he fell face-first into her soft, squishy breasts, she jumped back and let him fall to the ground. She felt a bit bad when his face smacked the concrete. ""No," Ganondorf said with a twisted, snarling smirk, his face half furious and half tinged with amusement, "I don't want anything. Except power. Control. Rulership." His strong, large hand gripped tighter on the King of Hyrule's throat, holding the middle-aged man aloft in the throne room as the screams from adjacent hallways continued on. "You won't... you... y-y... get away..." he sputtered out with a great deal of effort, blood stinging and blinding the King's right eye shut, glaring at the Gerudo through his quivering left. "I already have." Crick. Fhoomph. And like that the King's neck was snapped, his body being released from Ganondorf's grip to fall warm, yet lifeless upon the red carpeted floor. It had happened so quickly, the seven foot warrior-mage of the Gerudo tribe summoning up skeletal warriors from the very ground outside the city, moblins riding upon armored boars coming in from a distance, waltzing through the open gates to attack in broad daylight. The fools hadn't seen a thing coming. The city had been surrounded in five minutes and sacked in ten. In under fifteen they'd breached the castle, and in twenty the throne room itself. Summoned demons roamed through the hallways now, slaying any remnants of the castle's forces who were foolish enough to reveal themselves. It was likely they thought themselves still capable of mounting a defense. Cute. It was equally likely that many still didn't know what was happening, it'd all been so fast. Upon bursting into the throne room, a dozen skeletal warriors in tow, eye sockets hollow and bones jittering together with every step, Ganondorf had seized the Queen and thrown her out a window in seconds. No questions had been asked. No demands had been made. The few guards in the throne room had quickly been surrounded and killed by the undead knights and the Queen was thrown several stories to her death, an example quick and heavy in cost. The King had been soon to follow, laying now lifeless at the dark, armored Lord's feet. Ganondorf looked down at the King, smiling, snickering, the light of a beautiful Spring afternoon shining through numerous windows, coupled with a calming, gentle breeze. It had been such a perfect day. Who would have expected this? "Find me Zelda," he called out to his servants, the hunched-over skeletons having stood there, awaiting command after slaying Hyrule's final line of defenders. Eight men lay about the throne room in intimidating piles of iron, yet disheartening puddles of crimson. "Find me the Princess. Alive. ...By any means.","It is said that my people are descendants of the gods; that our ears are delicate and long so that we may hear the softest whispers of the spirit world, and hear the pleas of nature. Our race is the most in tune with the world around us...Though at times, we forget this.. We are a peaceful people, and my family has strived to maintain peace for many generations. The Hylian Royal family contains the strongest bloodline of all of our people...Our sovereignty is ordained by our pure bloodline that is directly traced to the goddesses of the land. But no such divinity spared us the horrific events which devastated our land after the Hyrulean Civil War. My father believed our lands troubles to be over after my birth..That in the midst of such tragedy, I was a gift of reassurance from our ancestors, that Hyrule had not been forgotten As I sit, cowering inside the grand library behind the statue of a great warrior whose name I could never recall, imprisoned in my own Castle, staring out at the mockingly calm skyline as the sounds of screams and clashing weapons ring in my ears. I realize, that I am a failure to my predecessors. I had seen this war coming. My fathers pride deafened him, and he would not head my warnings though it had been he himself who declared my gifts of foresight a blessing from Nayru I saw this war coming. I knew I saw the shadows seep through the walls of the castle the moment he stepped through the gates. I saw the darkness retreat, almost bowing to him. I knew his face the moment he arrived, and yet my tongue had swollen within my mouth, preventing an outburst that might have saved my mother, my father, my Kingdom. Was I destined to fall then?..Is there truly such a thing, as destiny? The young fair Princess of Hyrule could feel her heart frantically beating beneath her modest breast. She had wedged herself behind one of the statues of a Hylian hero, whom stood before two conjoining bookshelves that had barely provided enough room for even the lean Zelda to slip behind and between. She crouched, trembling between the wooden shelves and the marble platform, her hands over her eyes as she prayed. Prayed for someone, anyone to come and save her, while quietly cursing herself for being unable to defend herself.. Her magic was unstable...and her emotions were clearly clouding her judgment, but could one really blame her? Not ten minutes before, she had seen her mother's body whisk past the window she had been reading beside, crashing in a spray of blood in the gardens below. Zelda had screamed, dropping her book immediately and had almost run into the hall, when the sounds of creaking bones alerted her to the presence of the Dark Wizard's minions. Frantically, she had decided on a hiding place...and hoped she could come up with something before she was found. Six days after her sixteenth birthday...A beautiful spring day, forever tainted in Hyrule's history...A page that would be stained with blood and tears, should history even exist after this assault. The young princess held herself tightly, her white elbow-length gloves covering her mouth to still her frantic breathing. She wore an elegant white gown that day, with a deep pink bodice and golden embroideries of Hylian symbols to ornament the beautiful dress. Her soft blonde locks left free, cascading down her mid-back, with the exception of two strands that were braided with gold and jewels as was tradition for the women of the royal family. Such a tragic sight, such a beautiful noble choking back tears as her castle was seized by such a man as Ganondorf. Her right hand burned terribly, to the point where she gasped aloud. The door then opened, as if on command of her distress, and Zelda froze. She felt her ears twitching as she peeked out from between the statues legs. Her crystalline eyes widening as she saw monstrous creatures searching beneath chairs and behind shelves. As they advanced the room, Zelda spotted the door had been left open. She was no match for them physically...and perhaps not even magically, though their capabilities were unknown to her. Biting her lip slowly, Zelda picked up the skirts of her gown and slowly stood while the creatures backs were turned. Making her way lightly, softly...slowly across the carpeted floor and towards the open door. Backing into the hall, the princess suddenly felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as a hot breath poured down upon her. She felt her skin crawl, as what felt like a glob of saliva dripped upon her shoulders. The shadow of the Moblin was all she had seen as she turned. Without even time to scream, a sudden blow came to her head, and Zelda found her world suddenly fading into shadows. "It was trivial, the thoughts about the worlds and their people, the Heartless, the darkness in people's hearts. Sometimes it hurt her head to think about it all, more than the fact of the coat she wore to mislead people. It was a horrible thing, but the girl felt that it was one of the most important parts of her job as a mercenary. A puff of the fifteen-year-old's cheeks showed her irritation at her thoughts. Was there really nothing she could do right now for the worlds?! Trying to block out her own thoughts, Xynnic shouted out over the hilltops in frustration. She was alone, right now... At least that was what she thought, in all honesty... Xynnic was the young, silver-haired woman's name. Her blue eyes glared straight ahead, as she tried to stay calm. Feeling so useless and unable to help the Keybladers definitely bothered her, and made her feel completely useless... Slumping to a sitting position, she sighed gently, as she watched the wind sway through the area.,"Time never ebbed, even for the omnipotent. His return marked the beginning of a new era. His machinations were laid out before them, the Keyblade wielders, though there was naught but a trace of them left. Mickey. Riku. Sora, and their little friend...Kairi. A simple display of his power would suffice for now. And so the Corridor of Darkness bent to his will, transporting him from his thoughts and into an area long forgotten: Yen Sid's Tower. The boys were here. He could hear their hearts. He could feel the darkness still pulsing in Riku's heart, begging to be released. Who was he to deny that need? He was obligated to do this for the boy. It would only help Riku, and of course, himself. They tried. Their efforts were valiant, after all. But they were young and naive, and Sora, even with all his power, was still too inexperienced as a Keyblade wielder to even consider the fact that a master, nay, the Master, would best him. With a flourish of his wrist he parried Riku's feeble attempt to defend himself with an offensive, relinquishing him of his Keyblade and driving him to the ground. The man stood over him, snide and content, the Keyblade he was wielding pressed into his throat. Then he spoke, his voice deep and commanding, as a Master's should be, "Do not fight boy. This is necessary. You will find that soon enough. The heart of all worlds will be opened because of your destiny. You think the path you chose was of your own accord? Bothersome. You were led down that path by my hand, as a fail safe. Come, show the darkness in your heart." He pressed the Keyblade into Riku's chest, a blinding aura encompassing him before the area exploded into a brilliant shower of iridescent colors. When it was all clear, he was gone. She would be able to hear the cry of a world extinguished. Most people could, though it seemed like just a whisper at the back of their mind, taunting them. Most people ignored it, thought it was inconsequential. Those privy to the current plight knew. Knew what it meant, what it entailed. With the darkness he had wrest from Riku's heart, his plans were one step closer to fruition. Soon he would be accompanied by a born again soldier. Soon his second Vanitas would be complete. "Call a daiyoukai old fashioned, but he always enjoyed reading the paper. In the new age of electronics and the internet, some things shouldn't change. And the newspaper, Sesshoumaru often mused to himself; was probably the best human invention he had ever enjoyed. That, and suits..he had grown to appreciate the fine feeling of an expensive suit in the past few hundred years or so. That, and suits..he had grown to appreciate the fine feeling of an expensive suit in the past few hundred years or so. To tell you the truth, he couldn't really say why he enjoyed the feel of a newspaper in his hands or the smell of ink. Perhaps it brought him back to bygone days where things were as easy as beheading a fool who disrespected him and that was that. Now, humans had political alliances...a care for people they never saw or rarely seen miles and miles away. Part of him was disgusted that human innovation had paved the way, and yet here he was..taking advantage of every sweet benefit. "Lord Sesshoumaru!" His eyes closed a moment, a small rise of his lips formed as he folded the paper. Something reminiscent of a smile traced on his lips, it was a bit foolish for him to feel nostalgic, but Jaken had rarely changed in the four hundred years when he felt more in his element. The scent of green herbal tea filled the air as Jaken made his way over to Sesshoumaru's fine oak desk and set it next to him. Jaken dressed in the same traditional robes he always had..not that it mattered, the little youkai was rather hard to hide. "What news do you have for me, Jaken?" He asked, taking the hot cup to sip carefully. At that, the little youkai seemed to fidget under his gaze, which narrowed slightly at his lack of an answer. "Forgive me, my Lord." He said, bowing low. "The..woman you requested to be sent away has returned again." A fine, silver brow arched at that as he settled into his plush leather seat. Again? That was the fifth time this month...he had no idea what could possibly be so worth a human woman wanting to be his personal aide, because what he did was hardly something that required a mortal woman. He took another look at her resume, somewhat impressive..he supposed. But ultimately lacking in the one thing he truly needed. Regardless, he had to admire her stubbornness..something that could be used for him in some shape or form. No sense to turn away willing help. "..Send her in, Jaken." He finally said, taking a smooth sip of the green tea as Jaken's wide yellow eyes stared at him a moment. "At once, my lord." He said, quick to head out of his office and have someone less youkai in shape to summon her up. The newspaper was boring, so perhaps this would provide his normally slow mornings with something to do.,"She had been after this job for a while now, and had essentially been turned away each time, but Kestrel was not a woman to be turned down so easily. She knew the job was as good as hers, no one was more qualified to work under the Daiyoukai. Not quite like she was. She knew what he was thinking, knew he assumed that she was a human woman. Being anything other than such was not exactly something one simply slapped on their resume, but this was beyond the point. Today, she was going to get in. Today, was her day. Standing at a healthy five foot nine, without the stilettos, she stood in the lobby with her arms crossed over lustrous breasts. If there was one thing to be said visually about the woman standing in the lobby, it was sex appeal. Kestrel had dark, exotic skin matched with light blonde hair and a set of piercing lavender eyes. She had large breasts which molded themselves into a slender waist, and finally down into a toned and well worked abdomen. As one's eyes trailed lower, they would rest upon a set of wide hips paired with two long athletically toned legs. She was dressed in a dress suit, in a sense. Over her torso was a white, corset-like top, professional as it might be, concealed beneath a black suit coat that was currently buttoned at the waist, hugging the coke-bottle like figure nicely. From her hips hung a skirt, relatively short, and relatively tight. And finally, a pair of professional, open-toed stilettos. The long blonde hair was tied up, in an elegant bun, curls and whisps of the hair floating around her face and neckline. She had waited for several minutes before the small green Youkai had finally returned to confirm something that she had known since the minute she had woken up. A smug smirk tugged across full glossed lips before she began to follow him. Hips swaying as she moved, so say she caught attention was an understatement, however, she was a high maintenance woman, and not just anyone would do. Anyone who knew her personally knew that she was a rather stuck up individual. One had to be deemed worthy, and if you were not, you did not get the time of day. No, not her time of day. Finally, when they reached the office, the little man threw open the door, providing her entrance. She continued to trek comfortably inside, and waited to be offered a seat before she finally set down, crossing the long legs and eying at the male in front of her. Pure-blood, just as she had always known. This explained in a bit of detail as to why she hadn't gotten the job before, but she was sure she was a shoo in this time. She had a few new... methods up of her sleeve, methods she knew that he would be rather pleased with. She watched him for a moment, the grin remaining on her lips before they parted to speak. "Lord Sesshoumaru... you're a hard man to get a hold of... My name is Hideyoshi Kestrel. I'm hoping to finally be able to convince you I'd be a proper aide, and an asset to your company." She spoke, leaning back in the chair and clasping her hands at her waist. She scanned him, head to toe. It was no doubt what it was the women were crazy about, who didn't like a powerful, attractive man in a suit? "A young Breton woman knelt in a patch of nightshade, plucking the rich purple blooms and sliding them into a small satchel at her right hip. She didn't terribly need nightshade, but the color was her favorite, and as she placed the last blossom in the satchel, a nearly invisible smile pulled at the corners of her petite mouth. Standing proved to be more difficult than she had anticipated; her knees ached slightly, and the sudden rush of blood back into her shapely calves was less than her favorite sensation. Almost as if on cue, a gentle breeze rustled the tall grass and remaining flowers about her, sending a tantalizingly floral aroma into the air. She breathed in deeply through her nose and held it in for just a second before letting it seep out ever so slowly. Vibrant green eyes darted over the treeline quickly as she knelt again to pick up an ancient stone mask and an Elven bow, which she slide over her shoulder next to a half-full quiver of Falmer arrows. The mask, Krosis, she ran her fingers over fondly before donning it as well. Another quick scan of the horizon and she took off. Tight leather armor clung to her every curve as she bounded across the clearing and back into the safety of the trees. Not even a branch cracked beneath her lithe feet as she leapt and darted over fallen logs and boulders. Glimpses of a massive stone structure appeared occasionally on the horizon, growing steadily larger and ever more menacing as she approached. Interest piqued, she slowed and crouched before diverting her path up the mountain toward said structure.,"This woman, who was clearly dressed as an adventurer, explorer, graverobber, fighter, there were many different names one could call people such as her. But today there would be no name-calling, at least not like that. If she'd been called different names, they would have been dirtier. And if she liked those more, she wouldn't know, but considering who she'd meet shortly hereafter, she probably would. His presence had the tendency to let mortal morals float away like clouds, so that even a high servant of the divines could fall down to her knees and beg for sex. From the Daedric plane, a man watched this curved woman, seeing her body coming closer by the second. With the power he had, he kept the way clear for her fairly easily, only enemies being bandits and wolves, as he didn't want to make it too easy for her. Once she arrived, she would notice the air darkening around her, and if she tried to move back, she would find herself unable to do so. When she finally reached the statue, she saw a staff there, with a large ruby made into the shape of a rose at its end. When she tried to touch it, it pulled her into another world. "Well, well," she heard, the source being a faintly familiar voice. "You tried to take my staff away, did you? Not that you could be blamed for Greed, not here at least, but still." Around her, she saw a feast where all of the sins were going through, with fights, fuckings, gobbling up food, anything. "But for touching my staff without permission, you will receive some form of punishment, won't you? I hope you have something in mind, as otherwise I'll think of something." "Katie Welch walked down the street, dodging cars and grumpy pedestrians as she neared Bruce Wayne's manor. She'd never owned a car, despite being a decent driver, for she was never able to get ahead on her bills enough to purchase one. However, she didn't mind, for walking gave her plenty of time to think. And in this case, it was giving her time to think about what she had gotten herself into. Today was the day she was supposed meet Bruce Wayne, the most powerful man in Gotham, to basically beg his permission to become his new live-in maid. She was technically hired by Alfred, his current butler who was slowly falling ill, but he admitted she better meet the owner of the manor before packing her bags. Giving the guard at the gate her name, 22-year-old Katie was allowed to walk up the path to the front door of the large mansion and gave a hesitant knock. She was not a shy girl, nor was she hardly ever nervous, but this situation genuinely scared her a little. She was not just asking for a job, but a job that gave her a place to stay and food to eat. Her bills would go down immensely, and it had to be more pay than waitressing at the diner she was currently employed at. The door opened, revealing Alfred and his kind, wise smile. "Miss Welch," he greeted warmly, "I'll alert Master Wayne of your arrival." He nodded and led her to a sitting room on the West Wing of the house. Then, quickly, he went off to find Bruce and put on a pot of coffee. Katie sat down on the edge of the couch, biting her lip and looking all around the room. It was nicer than any room she'd ever been in before, intimidating her even more. What if he simply thought she was trash? Some poor girl who needed to make a living and who would never be on his level... It made a knot form in her stomach as she waited on him.,"Bruce Wayne was a bit skeptical that Alfred had found a maid that would please him. "I think you will like her Mr. Wayne," Alfred had said after he had already hired her. "You 'think' I will like her? And if I don't, Alfred, how are you going to dismiss her without dashing her hopes?" Alfred had smiled wryly. "Have I ever let you down, Sir?" Bruce had to acknowledge that Alfred had an uncanny ability to understand his needs and provide for them. This thought gave Bruce hope, and even made him a bit excited as he waited for the new maid to arrive. Wayne was in the lab of the Bat Cave when he saw the lights of the elevator descending to his level. The utility belt he was developing was close to being finished. In a few days he would test it in the wee hours of the Gotham morning when the scum of the city lurked and prowled the deserted streets. He put the belt into a cabinet and turned off the light as the elevator door opened and Alfred stepped out. "Sir, the new hire is waiting in the south living room." Again Alfred had that wry smile on his old, gentle face, and Bruce laughed out loud as he slapped him on the back. "Alright my good man...let's see what you've done to me." They entered the elevator and both were silent as they ascended. Once on the main level, Bruce paused and addressed his butler. "Alfred...let us keep the young lady from the Red Room until I know what she's about," He said conspiratorially. "No sense scaring her away." As Bruce Wayne entered the living room, he was almost dumbfounded by the vision he saw before him, but he didn't let on. With a determined stride and a broad smile, he approached his new maid and extended his hand in greeting. "Miss is a pleasure to meet you," He said sincerely as he held her soft, dainty hand in his. "I understand Alfred has hired you for a live-in position," He paused for effect. "I trust Alfred's judgment implicitly. I'm sure you will be just what I'm looking for." He looked around her. "Do you not have any luggage or personal items," He asked casually. "No matter...everything you need will be provided for you." He gave her a good once over during the brief introduction, and he liked what he saw...very much indeed! "I'll have Alfred show you to you're quarters, then I hope you will dine with me. Tomorrow you will be an employee, but tonight you will be a guest." He let go of her hand and pardoned himself. "I will fetch the old man...see you tonight." With that, he turned and left the room. Meeting his butler in the hallway, he pulled him aside and spoke to him in a low voice. "Alfred, my friend...perhaps she will see the Red Room sooner than later. "At the X-Men's new mansion in Utopia, Rogue was sitting on her room watching TV on her sofa when she could hear Scott and Emma fighting again. She couldn't make out what it was about, but when she opened her door to see Emma walking past her in a storm, she asked, "Everything okay, sugar?" As she touched her shoulder to absorb her memories, Rogue didn't expect to find a dream that Emma had about the two of them. In the dream, they were sharing a shower together while making out. Rogue felt pretty turned on by it, so she invited Emma into her room. "Wanna talk about it in my room?","For Emma, the lingerie and the skimpy outfits were part of who she was - it was something that defined her as a person. Of course, since she was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, everything she owned was white. She looks at Rogue and gives her a gentle smile. "You know, Rogue," she says in a stern yet playful voice. "It's not nice to take someone else's memories." She tells her. She is wearing her cape, which has fluffy fur around her neck, and a top that leaves her rather exposed, along with a pair of shorts that cover her ass, but are a little lower than usual. Anyone walking by can clearly see her white thong. She looks at Rogue and laughs. "Why the hell not?" she asks. "I'm sick of Scott's shit making me want to go all lesbian... I swear, I'm sure that a woman knows how to treat a lady well." She tells her as she walks into Rogue's room. She waves her hand towards her, and a chair flies over to her. She looks at Rogue and smiles. "Hmmm, how you have grown," she says. "The man always woke up late and got off to a late start everyday. He had turned his alarm off three different times before finally managing to get out of bed on the fourth try. His head was pounding and he soon realized that he shouldn't have had those few last shots. Wiping his eyes and putting some gel in his hair, he moved to put on his business suit. A phone call from Pepper, telling him everything was in order, and a nice breakfast of whiskey and eggs later, he was off. Moving quickly back upstairs, he took another look at himself in the mirror and smiled. "Damn, I look good." Looking at the clock, he saw that he was already late, though he ran the damn business, so he was allowed to be late. At least, that was his thoughts. Moving back to the girl in the bed, he kissed her on the cheek and sighed. "I gotta go babe." He said to the blonde, brushing her hair out of her face and planting another kiss on her lips. "I'll be back tonight." He said as he covered her back up and moved downstairs, getting into the limo, and going to Stark Industries for another day of work. It was another day of school for Peter Parker. He sighed as he sat in class and took notes for his test that next day. Of course, he thought about MJ, but he had other things to worry about that day. He made it pretty much through the day without anyone talking to him or touching him, and he moved toward the pay phone, sighing as he input his dollar and dialled MJ's number. After getting her message system, he let out a sigh. "Hey, MJ, it's Peter." He started, with a pause. He didn't know how to break it to her, so his voice was very shaky. "Look, I can't go to your show tonight." He said with another sigh. "I will still pick you up after, I just. . . I'm busy alright. Love you. Peter." He said finally as he hung up. With another sigh, he punched his locker. This relationship with Mary Jane was slipping through his fingers. He hated to do these things to her, but most of the time he had no choice. It wasn't as though he was cheating on her or doing anything along those lines, but he just didn't have the time. What between being Spiderman, studying, and hanging out with MJ, one of those things had to take the back seat.,"The blonde's eyes opened to reveal a bright shade of green when she felt his lips against hers. He was late again, and sometimes she didn't understand the logic of setting an alarm clock if you weren't going to get up for it. As he left, she slowly sat up in the creamy sea of satin that was their love nest. Felicia had been dating Tony for three months now, probably her longest and most successful relationship with one of the most successful men in New York. Rolling out of bed, she headed to the shower to prepare for her day. That's when she realized she was naked. Just what exactly did we do last night? A soft smile graced her fine features as she tip-toed across the marble floor and turned on the shower. A thick spray of steam water would soon relax the muscles in her body. Sometimes she believed Tony's sheets were too soft. It had been like this for several weeks. She would come over and spend Friday nights with him, dining and drinking from the comfort of his home. Felicia believed Tony was an excessive drinker though he didn't think so. Maybe one day she could persuade him not to drink so much. Hoping into the shower, she washed all the impurities off her body and thought about today and last night. A blush crept onto her cheeks. Tony was quite a lover; hell, he had practice in it, and so did she. Honestly, she didn't think he and her would have lasted this long, but there was something about him besides the obvious that held her to him. Probably the same thing that made her mother detests him. She wasn't sure it was love, but it was definitely a strong attraction. Soon afterward, she hopped out of the shower and got dressed. A black blouse, white skirt, and red heels grabbing her purse, she was off. Tony wasn't the only one who would be making headlines today. Mj was at the local theater rehearsing for tonight's show. All sorts of emotions had been eating at her all day. Her thoughts jumped from one thing to another. First Peter, then the show, back to the night when Spiderman had saved her life for like the fifth time in the past two months, back to Peter, and so on. "Mj," someone yelled. She didn't know what was going on with Peter lately. Well not just lately - he seemed so out of it. Whenever she tried to tell him something, his head would be up in the clouds. Whenever she tried to surprise him, he would smile, but his smile seemed sad. She didn't even know it was possible to smile sadly. Ever since Uncle Ben died, she figured a piece of Peter had gone with him, and who could blame him? They were so close, yet they seemed to be growing further apart. "Mj!" her partner yelled again. The redhead snapped back into reality. "Sorry!" she said, continuing to rehearse. Wondering if he had called her name. "Turning eighteen had sucked. It was supposed to be a big deal, now she'd be old enough to go out and party with her friends, to vote, to be an "adult." Instead, she'd just hit the age and found out she was some kind of "potential." Next thing Tanya knew, she was being attacked regularly by these creepy crawlies, and was on her merry way to some dump called Sunnydale. The teenager sighed as she stepped off the bus, her eyes surveying the area. She was pretty sure that no one had told anyone here that she'd become, go figure, so she wasn't quite sure what she was looking for. The girl sighed again, adjusting the ear buds that blared music. Shouldering her bag, Tanya strolled off the bus stop, heading through the empty streets toward the more populated sections of town. Her battered sneakers beat a steady rhythm against the pavement. Combined with tattered, skin-tight jeans and a t-shirt tight enough to display an impressive bust, Tanya looked every inch the rowdy girl she was. "And I'm stuck in this shithole," she muttered kicking a can and following its path with her eyes.,"After the sealing of the Hellmouth, most mystical energy was sealed off and the denizens scattered to the four corners of the earth. Well...for some, the four corners was actually Cleveland. The folk of Sunnydale had moved back after each 'catastrophe' and the destruction of the city was no different. Most people were surprised to see that the unexplained mysterious deaths had stopped, mostly. Though things had turned darker again, requiring more Slayer intervention. However, that's just what it needed. It being Apollyon. The magic tricks of a Slayer, an evil law firm, and a whipped vampire had closed the Hellmouth and he wanted it opened again, and there was a way to do it though it required having a slayer in its thrall. Apollyon's talents would let it take a young weak slayer and yoke her to it, using her as tool. Apollyon had spent centuries here, spreading lust and carnality in its path. The demon stood an imposing 8 feet tall, its shoulders were massive but dwarfed by its wing span. Its massive arms ended in clawed fists, its strong legs supported by clawed feet, almost like talons. Like a chameleon it could change its body color for camouflage. It could sense Tanya was being sent to Sunnydale, and it would have her. First a test, it sent three smaller demons after her imps almost while it went jet black and watched them track her through the bus depot. "It was time for the operation to begin. For weeks, Bai Lan had been tracking a man they suspected of having information on RAPT that could prove useful in the near future. Sei was tasked with getting that information, and if at all possible, capturing the man. It was quite possible that he had even more information that he could give up after some... thorough persuasion. Their task was quite simple - the man had been tracked to a bar near the riverfront. Meg would be used as a decoy, to seduce and ultimately disable the man quietly. Jo was on standby, and would be awaiting the go-ahead to spring into action and create a disturbance so that the man could be extracted and they could leave. She sat with Amy in the red sports car she used to move around when she did not want to be noticed, as a giant blue trailer would have been a dead giveaway that something was up. Meg was getting into place now, while Jo was lingering around outside of the bar, ready to cause mayhem at the drop of a pin. There was one thing that Sei was worried about though, and that was Meg's annoying knack of getting into trouble in situations like this one. If that happened, there were several contingency plans in place. This was an operation that had to succeed, no matter what happened. Hopefully, things wouldn't reach that point. Conditions here seemed favorable enough. Outside of the usual suspicious characters hanging around, there weren't that many people around. It was usually quiet during this time of night, before people got drunk and decided to start blasting whatever they thought would look better with a few bullets holes and hot lead inside of it. She wasn't all that worried about herself or Amy in this situation, as the windows of the car were bullet proof and the vehicle had a very sturdy build. They would be fine, unless of course, a Cybot decided to use the car as a landing strip or for target practice. Call her conceited, but Sei was more than confident in her driving skills. "We're ready whenever you are Meg," she said into the communication device prepared by Amy. Inside of the bar was a very different story. There were people everywhere, smoking, drinking, laughing, having as good of a time as they possibly could. People all over the places were playing drinking games, some seemed to be enjoying a game of Russian Roulette. People who didn't value their lives or the lives of others. This was one of the most dangerous places in Tokyo, not that Tokyo wasn't a dangerous place in and of itself. Of course, they were all armed to the teeth and none of them would hesitate to pull a gun on anyone here. The target was a man they knew only by the name of Tanaka. He was a heavy set man with messy hair that looked to be a bit. . .greasy. It was not at all attractive looking, which would only make it harder for Meg to hit on him than it already would be. A job was a job though. The sooner it was done, the sooner they could get on to doing whatever else Bai Lan needed them to do.,"Inside, the place was lit by glow-globes and hanging lanterns, each private booth and dining table surrounded by fluttering drapes of white silk, magnifying the lamplight, creating a creamy, flowing texture like vellum. The twitching brazier light cast a crimson, almost hellish illumination of the pitch-black floor below, creating the eerie sensation of falling through space... At a corner table, a pale, long-fingered hand curled around the stem of a wineglass, bringing it up to ruby-red lips~ As she set it back on the glossy black table, Meg *stretched* languorously, displaying the curvaceous tightness of her silky crimson cheongsam; Beneath the long, trailing hem, her coltish legs whispered as the lovely redhead crossed them, enticing flashes of creamy thigh flickering through teasing gaps~! There was a gentle scrape of fabric, inaudible as Meg leaned back in her chair with a sigh, the charms that lined her bound hair clinking against her hairpins, in a gentle susurrus; Appearing, all the world, to be thoroughly bored~ Idly, her fingers drummed a gentle tattoo on the obsidian surface of the table; A distinctive code that meant 'Target in sight.' Now, seduction's a complex thing- Too little, and the target doesn't even know he's being, well, targeted- Too much, too soon, and it's all-too-clear that something is wrong...It takes an exquisite balance between subterfuge and interest, the gentle pressure of one's attention to oh-so-carefully draw the eye...Meg, however, was incredibly good at it. Right now, though, the lovely redhead's nostrils wrinkled, just a little, as she considered the greasy-looking man she was supposed to be putting the moves on; A burly middle-ager, slowly letting himself go- Not her type. Not at all~ Why aren't there any handsome targets?she pondered, glancing briefly skyward as she slid her chair back- Steeling herself for what came next! It was simple enough- Just get the absolutely grotesque guy away from his buddies...And Jo would take care of the rest, the way she always did! "We're ready whenever you are, Meg," Sei's voice crackled, as if the woman herself was whispering in Meg's ears- Indeed, the complex charms strung in her ponytail concealed a fairly sophisticated audio suite, keyed to both transmit and receive...The wonders of miniaturization! "Copy that," Meg murmured, her voice low, lilting...The legs of her chair scraping against the tiles as she stood. A girl alone in this bar, the favorite watering hole of the criminal underworld, was rare enough- An absolutely lovely one even more so! It wasn't a surprise that Tanaka's head turned as she drifted past- She could feel his gaze lingering on her, then her back, as she took a slow, indirect route to the bar. Taking care to brush one silky hip against him as she moved past! A quick, heartfelt, if a trifle slurred, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" parting her full lips, clearly the worse for drink, with the delicate, mincing grace of a woman who wasn't quite drunk enough yet, Meg crossed to the dance floor; She'd had his attention, after all, his eyes roving over her lissome form as she swayed in time to the music, seemingly entirely entranced by the barely-legal beauty before him. "The forest spoke. The rustling leaves whispered secrets, the breeze carried unheard whispers in an ancient language long forgotten. The shadows stirred awake, the wild beasts stalked their prey, stealthily, calmly yet ravenously. The Queen's Blade tournament was over. The time for grand battles, gossiping in taverns and town squares had passed. Only a few still mentioned it. The world was returning to normal... especially in this old forgotten forest. The forest where the lady, clad in white and red ceremonial garb, walked through.,"The tranquil forest was silent, the ripple of birdsong echoing in the peace of the glade. A perfect, natural clearing, amid the swaying bamboo of the grove. Eyes the color of sapphires opened, ever-so-slowly, hazed in focus; Seated demurely at the very center, her hands folded on her lap, Tomoe waited without impatience, the long-handled katana resting at her side, within easy reach. The miko's simple white hakama - trimmed in bright crimson, the pleated hem of her long gown a splash of color on the grass - rustled softly, in time to the slow in-out of her breath... The lovely miko certainly didn't look like a swordswoman or one of the recent competitors for the throne of the queen. Her skin was pale and unmarked, her lissome form molding sweetly to the pure, creamy fabric of her miko-fuku, the tails of her crimson headband fluttering in the gentle breeze. Midnight-black bangs caressed her cheeks, as Tomoe shifted, subtly, the white sash of her obi cinched tight about her slim waist, accentuating the full swell of her proud bust. Home. The shrine she'd guarded, for all of her young life, lay far away through the forest. The long, long journey awaited her, though she showed no sign of stirring. These moments of tranquility were few and far between, after all... And it would do her good to cleanse her mind, to contemplate all she'd seen and done in the Queen's Blade, so recently ended. There was a low rasp of fabric, as her sleek thighs ground lightly together, her eyes squeezing shut again. Sinking more deeply into her meditation, now, her curvy form unclenching as the stress, the tension of the last few days streamed away from her, like muck from a glistening jewel... Heedless of movement in the woods around her... "The forest was stirring, but tonight, more than usual. The trees and their entirety sang; the copse of oaks, bushes and rivers, even the wildlife was singing, kneeling before the immense aura that permeated the ruins. Since Zathrian's demise at the hands of the Grey Wardens, his curse of "lycanthropy" had supposedly been dispelled, returning those branded by his vengeful talons to their original statures. The blight which threatened to destroy all of Ferelden had since been thwarted by the Grey Wardens and the indigenous were slowly - but surely - putting together the shattered pieces of their lives. However, the disease that Zathrian inflicted upon those who did wrong to him was not completely alleviated. While some curse victims were completely cured, others were "half" cured. Those who were half-cured were able to assume human and lycan form at will while still maintaining their wolfen physical attributes. Some had deemed this as a burden, while others, a fabulous blessing. To those who accepted it, they believed they could form their own race, a superior race. An eerie glow burned through the ruins that balmy evening, casting mysterious shadows here and there. A throng of werewolves were huddled around a snapped pillar, seemingly conversing while another group proceeded into the broken temple. One within the group was seemingly human, but the flaxen glow of their chilling gold eyes suggested otherwise. Whispers emitted from their maws like a song, following a string of loud, shaking footfalls. Tonight the werewolf clan - remnants from Zathrian's affliction - had gathered to the heart of the forest to meet a new face. This tyrant, as they had deemed him, claimed he could lead their race to victory and ensure that their existence would never again be undermined and always be feared. Some were skeptic while others traveled to the ruins only to sate their intrigue. There was one werewolf - a woman, in fact - that wasn't so moved by this stranger's agnostic claims. Her eyes bore through the spectral light cast down from the plump moon, nearby spectators thrown aback by her sudden intrusion. The woman was tall; amazonian, with flesh touched by the deserts and a long, starless mane which framed her exotic face in a roguish manner. One of the werewolves - a man - ogled her for an instant then grunted to the others, quickly disdaining her sudden appearance. They had known her as Ammon, but since becoming a werewolf, they had often referred to her as "Banshee" simply because her howls were composed of beautiful tones; she would sit in the forest and sing until the sun rose, but as a human, she nary uttered even a sound. The woman, clad in a tight, ashen bandeau and a coal-colored cardigan, trekked into the ruins and down the stair-well where the Lady of the Forest was once housed. It was here that this new "leader" was to speak, and undoubtedly, the woman would have something to say concerning his leadership.,"In the thicket of the forest, deep within its nestling trees, stood a ruin of seemingly no potential as it lay in broken heaps, but deep within its descending caverns gathered a fairly large group of creatures. Creatures that had thought to be extinct now that the 'curse' that plagued them had ended. But the curse had not cured all of them and instead of returning to their human states, the werewolves had become something new, something different, yet something entirely the same. That is why he was here. In the midst of the crowd of werewolves stood a cloaked figure; he stood higher than the rest with feet planted firmly on a half-broken pillar. His face was hidden in shadows except for his lips, which were held firmly in an expressionless line and surrounded by light stubble of a dark brown that was almost black. He raised his head only slightly as more werewolves gathered and he could not only feel, but hear every heartbeat within the room, as well as beyond the stone walls. He was new here, with a small group of werewolves he had found scattered around Ferelden. They were like him; half turned, confused, afraid, and lost. A lot had happened to him before meeting these creatures much like himself and he himself had become something new. What he had become had never been seen by the likes of any races in their world and the power he held was to be used to create a new world. One in which all of his people could live and not have to fear leaving their forests. Tension hung thickly in the air and Jericho looked over the crowd; though he could see them clearly in several senses, they could not see him in the same manner. His face still hidden by darkness, the scent and figure of him were masked as well, a secret he had learned over the years and planned to teach to those who wished to follow him. "My dear brethren," his rich, metallic voice rang clear through the silence, everyone's attention now solely on the cloaked man, "my name is Jericho and I am here to save you." His words strung together with captivating intonation and sincerity, but he spoke quickly, almost as though he were in a hurry and his words became urgent, though not quite begging. "The world outside these ruins are not kind to our like, especially now that we have become something... similar to human, but more. They resent us and will continue to do so. I tell you this because it is the truth. I have been there, outside and in their world, and seen what they are capable of." Throwing back his hood, a face was revealed with gasps from the people around him. His dark hair had been slicked back to expose a scar that had liberated him of half his face. It was mangled flesh, churned and charred with colors of pink, red, and even black. The right had barely been saved, the scar missing it only barely. His life side, however, could be called handsome and had even warrant a few flirts from human girls when he had been in disguise, though he himself had never bothered with such endeavors. Skin bronzed by the sun was covered in other, smaller scars and his eyes held the same yellow as the rest of theirs, but the iris was lined in a deep orange as well, almost glowing as he looked over his kind. "This is what humans do. Elves, dwarves, Grey Wardens, nobles, commoners. Everyone." Now he stepped down from the pillar and as he searched through the crowd, he was sure to make eye contact with everyone there. Coming across one of the rare females in the crowd, he felt a dark tension rising from her, but hoped his words to come would help her understand. His eyes hardened as he took her in and when his lips moved, fangs caught moonlight that crept through the cracks in the foundation. "They will kill you. They will hunt you down. For years, I was taken prisoner by humans, kept like a slave, but treated like an animal. They did not kill me but that was a mistake." Jericho raised his hand and spread his fingers, an orange flame playing at the tips of his fingers, the same color in his eyes glowing brighter. "I possess a power that has never touched this earth. An Old God came to me, in my dreams, and gave me the power to liberate myself. And all of you. If you follow me, I promise you will have a future for yourselves." He stopped then, the glow and flames dying out instantly; he folded his arms within deep sleeves, bowing his head. "Follow me and you can howl at the moon any night you like and not fear being heard and hunted. Follow me and you will be able to stretch your legs to any part of this world without a bother." He let his words sink in, waiting for any answer or response before continuing. "This was the absolute last time that Charlone was going to take on a mission of her own, regardless of who asked her or what the perks were. Simply because the commander of the Unicorn Knights had casually mentioned that a set of ruins should be explored, and that Wein and Hans were heading that way, did not mean that Charlone should follow. Now she found herself lost, alone, tired, and slightly wounded in the middle of what looked to be a labyrinth. An arrow was knocked on her bow, and she held the string loosely, eyes casting about for any signs of movement. She could tell that most of her magic, her strongest suit, had already been drained. She'd have to rely on her slow, long-distance attacks to manage it. "This is the last time I agree to split up," she muttered. If she'd gone with Hans, as the latter had suggested, then maybe she'd be alright. But instead she'd insisted that she could go alone, just like Wein did. Sometimes, her pride got the better of her. She sighed, moving one hand from the string of her bow to rub at the bridge of her nose. You'd think that after all this time Hans wouldn't get to her. "At least nothing's showed up recently," she admitted. She relaxed slightly, though her eyes continued to dart about. "I'd hate to encounter something now. I'd probably have to run from it." Which would be embarrassing to have to admit. Hans wouldn't let her live it down for weeks...,"In the deep, dark ruins, something...lurked. Well, perhaps 'cowered' would have been a better word- Because, though eyes like wedges of overripe lemon watched from the safety of the treeline, they weren't the sharp slits of a prowling predator or even an orc's malicious gaze... No, it was the cringing, decidedly unnerved gaze of a goblin. Pressed flat on his scrawny chest, Nbox Muckshade sighed- very, very shallowly- absently scratching beneath his grubby, stained loincloth; His yellowed teeth chewed on his lip reflectively as the runty creature crouched amidst the fallen statuary, wondering exactly what he'd seen... He hadn't *wanted* to go hunting, this watch. But the Boss had said "GO!" to ol' Grimgaw Giantdread, and Grimgaw had said "GO!" to him- The smallest goblin in the group. "Nbox allaways get da lousy job," he'd grunted, wrinkling his ugly little face...But there'd been no help for it, and off he'd gone. Nbox'd hoped to blowpipe some woodgrouse, maybe dig up some roots and tubers...Of course, he hadn't expected *this!* The goblin had heard the footsteps, and wisely, Nbox had *hid*...Giving him a chance to get a good, long look at the 'oomie... And, by Mork, what a 'oomie she was. The little goblin's eyes had gone wide as saucers, his greedy gaze feasting on her curvy form- He'd immediately noticed how different she looked compared to the other humans who usually passed through here...Nasty, loud people they were, always armed with big, hurty swords and shiny magics. In fact...This was one of the first times he'd seen a human without those shiny steel clothes! So far, the humie- Funny teeth, she had- had wandered around a bit, rubbing at her nicely rounded behind (gulp). She didn't look happy...But since when were 'oomies ever happy? Nbox knew he should head back to tell the Boss about it- Still, the 'oomie looked mighty tempting, and he'd carried a full bandolier of darts today... Carefully, the goblin unslung his blowpipe, placing it to his lips, the fine dart- Tipped with a slow-acting paralysis poison - already nestled within. He'd sting the 'oomie first, then step out to see what she wanted... "A small, hooded figure walked through the sand slowly, methodically, heading straight towards Mos Eisley. A sandstorm was brewing, the wind whipping this way and that as the young girl made her way to the space port. Lara was a beautiful girl, and that was clear once she got into Eisley. The robe dropped off of her, revealing a tight robe that clung to her frame. She wasn't wearing bottoms, but luckily, the robe acted more like a dress than anything. She had black curly hair that brushed against her shoulders, pale green eyes, pale skin, and a smile that could make even Emperor Palpatine smile for at least a few minutes. A few of the alien creatures turned to look at the girl, but she paid no mind, only headed to the bar before speaking quietly to the bartender. "I need a smuggler. One who won't ask questions." He pointed off towards a corner of the bar, the girl nodding and walking over before dropping a bag of credits on the man's table. "I need you to take me somewhere. I'll pay 25,000 now, and another ten when we make it. If you accept, you'll know the location once we get to the ship. It's far too crowded in here to risk saying anything. What do you say, can you do this for me?","Arden looked up from his drink as he saw a bag drop onto his table. From the sound of it, it contained money. That was good. He liked money. He looked up at the person who had dropped it. It was an attractive young girl. This was getting even better. Now he just needed her to take off her clothes and his day would be perfect. Of course, he knew he would be dreaming since things like that never happened to him. She did want to hire him though. All he had to do was take her somewhere. That seemed easy, but maybe a little too easy. He looked at her carefully. She didn't seem to be a fugitive. He could be wrong, but he didn't want any Empire ships stopping him and searching his ship. He leaned back and thought about it for a few moments. He took a sip of his drink before looking up at her again. He then looked down at the money and back up at her. He smiled. "Follow me." was all he said. He got up from the table and placed a few coins down to pay for his drink. He left the tavern without even looking back to see if the girl was following. He stepped out onto the streets and turned toward the nearest space port. He walked along at his own pace, never looking back to check on the girl. He had to make it look as if he didn't even know she was there. He didn't know who she was or why she needed him, but she might have people following her. He had to be careful. As he walked, he ran a hand through his black hair. There was a sparkle in his blue eyes as he winked at a pretty girl he passed. He was 6'2" with a broad frame. He was strong, but not overly muscular. His skin was lightly tanned. He wore dark brown pants and a black vest. The vest just covered his chest and stomach, having no sleeves. He arrived at the space port and entered the hangar where his ship was located. He loved that ship, the Phoenix Flame. It was a custom-designed smuggling ship. It had one main area in the center that contained a small galley, a sitting room, a bedroom with a small bed, two gun emplacements on the front on the left and right with a very wide range of motion, as well as one at the back. The bridge was simple with just two seats at the very front of the ship. On either side it branched out slightly and led to a pair of large engines. They only appeared large though. The main thing about it was that the engines were only about a third the size that they appeared from the outside. Yet they could power the ship to speeds that normal engines that size could. The rest of the space inside the engine housing was perfect for hiding things. No one ever searches inside engines. Other hiding places included a very well sealed compartment beneath the bed, open spaces above cockpit control panels, and some compartments on the outside of the ship, only accessible from outside. The ship was designed for speed in both space and planetary atmospheres. He turned around to see if the girl had followed him the entire way. He had no doubts that she had. It was not likely for someone to not follow a person they hired to take them somewhere. The only problem was if she had lost him in the crowd. "Karin Kurosaki sighed as she stopped at the entrance to the park, grumbling as she looked in. As usual, the lights along the path were out, leaving the park in near total darkness. Still, it would cut a good 20 minutes off her walk home. "Geez....why'd I have to stay and practice soccer for so long...?" The girl folded her arms, glanced around, and shrugged her shoulders before setting off through the park. "Screw it, I wanna get home, and it's not like anything is gonna happen," she thought. "I can take care of myself." The girl ran a hand through her black hair, adjusted her bag on her shoulders, and continued on her way. Things in town had settled down in the past few years, and Karin was now 13 years old, nearly 14, and life was finally back to normal. No weird Hollows running all over the place or Shinigami dashing around. Finally, this was a normal town and Karin was living a normal life.... well, as normal as she could get with her father anyway. So deep in thought was she that she was paying little, if any, attention to her surroundings, just following the dark path through the park.,"It wasn't like everything was back to normal. At least, nothing was coming from the other side for now. He was a wolf spirit that had taken a human's body and melded it to his own purposes. Of course, in the process of doing so, he'd killed the human and consumed his spirit. Not that he much cared about some petty human and no one missed him. So, even though he walked like a human, talked like a human, had arms and legs and fingers, he also had padded paws and claws on his hands and feet, fur covering his body and the muzzle of a wolf. People always thought that humans became wolves at the sight of full moons, but it was really spirits that came out, taking the human's body and soul. This girl wasn't exactly hard to find. She'd wandered into his forest and gave off a rather unique spiritual pressure. Stalking after her, his tail swayed behind him. Sneaking after her, he'd found a young girl. She was rather cute for a human. Maybe he'd keep this one as a toy instead of flat out eating her. Sneaking up behind her, the last thing she'd remember is a hard thunk on the head before waking up on a rather lavish bed in a dimly lit, but broad and spacious cave. "Lulu waited patiently, Magic Cactuar held loosely in her arms as she waited for the group to return. Lacking the money for an inn, they'd decided to camp out; several had been sent out hunting, while the others had gone on to stock up on supplies such as Phoenix Downs and the like. Only Rikku and Yuna had stayed behind while the others went off to their respective tasks, and after pitching the tent, they'd gone to bed. Lulu, meanwhile, had the esteemed task of watching their things, assured of the fact that she, as well as Rikku and Yuna, could take out any regular monster that might happen upon their little camp. Slender, pale hands smoothed silky black hair away from her face, darkly colored lips parted in a sigh. She was incredibly, woefully bored.,"From just inside the forest that surrounded, a gelatinous shape peered out at the busty goddess. While just a monster, its instinctual arousal was clear, and it was indeed attracted by her... gifts. Sliding without a sound, it began to slowly make its way closer and closer to the lone woman who loomed over it. The monster didn't appear very big at all; in fact, it looked like it was just a baby Flan. But this was actually a bit of a defense maneuver - it did this to lull its prey into a false sense of security, which it would then transform itself to normal size and easily devour anything that challenged. Its full size was actually almost as tall as a human. And in fact, it could also change itself into a somewhat human-looking form. It used that when it got a taste for human women, this not being the first time it had set its sights on a sexy human female. As it got within a few feet of her, it stopped, its shape growing and expanding, taking on its humanoid shape before moving yet closer to the unexpected woman, its "hands" reaching out as it got just within reach of her. "It was a dark world, these days. It seemed to rain more. Luxuries were more expensive, crime more common, the streets dirtier, the deaths more unpleasant, life harder and meaner and more violent. This room seemed to be a strong example of the new world. Peeling wallpaper, grime and a bare mattress, tattered condom wrappers and suspicious stains on the sheets. It's a hard place to wake up, especially when memories of how one got there are vague. A memory of a bite on the neck, sore for a second, and then blissful. Memories of sweaty, smooth bodies... or was that from before? A fever, like a fire inside, and strange voices. A door crashing open, the grunts and thuds of a struggle, and then a scream and the hiss of a sudden, furious fire. And now... an awakening into darkness, the room dim but still somehow bright, and the distant scream and clatter of a train thundering past.,"Cici rubbed her head, moaning lightly at the headache. Okay. Think. Cute girl, kinda pale. Wanted to get it on. She wasn't waking up in a tub full of ice, that was good. No new scars that she could find. Wallet still there, backpack still there with her paint and markers, her gun still on the bedside table. First clothes, then delicious coffee to make this splitting, head-pounding pain go away, then finding out what the hell's going on. Standing up, she was still a bit wobbly, but steady enough to dress herself. She'd decided to forgo any undergarments tonight, instead going with a pair of tight jeans, a plain t-shirt, her boots, and her hoodie. She wasn't even going to ask why the hell there was a pile of ash on the bed. Usually better not to ask those sorts of questions. "Suddenly casual sex doesn't seem like a good idea," she said aloud to herself, finishing getting dressed by putting on her holster. ""Good game," young, very skilled duelist Alexis Rhodes said to her opponent as her latest duel came to an end, cheers erupting among the crowd of fellow Academy students who were in the stands watching the duel. Her duels were always packed like this. It wasn't surprising, considering how popular and beautiful she was. Who wouldn't love a sexy female duelist with massive melons and a great pair of legs ending at an amazing ass? She was liked by both students and teachers alike... especially the males. She was the object of lust for many a male in the academy. Many had tried to... well, you know what they say about the best laid plans. She was more into dueling than dating. Still, it didn't stop the many suitors she had from trying to get into those much-desired panties. As she headed down the ramp, leading from the arena floor, most of the male student body had their eyes either locked on her ass or her breasts.,"Watching a good duel was always fun, especially to a new student at the Academy. Ritoru just arrived at the duel school just a few weeks ago, and he already loved it more than regular boring school. Ritoru was a bit... different from other people in his class, for he was a dwarf that stood exactly four feet tall. But that didn't stop him from dueling, which he was pretty good at. He nailed the practical part of his entrance exam, but he got a zero on the written test. Which made him wind up in the red dorms. He didn't mind; he was enjoying this school way too much. Ritoru moved his black hair out of the way, as he watched a duel finish up. Even though he had only attended school for a short period, he knew who that girl was - Alexis, quite possibly the hottest girl in the world. His eyes never left her perfect breasts. He wanted her to be his, but he knew he would have some competition. The dwarf decided that he might as well talk to her, if he didn't then he'd never get the chance to be with her. Ritoru rushed over to where Alexis was walking and stopped beside her. "Hey, good duel there. You really kicked butt." He didn't know what else to say, talking to hot girls wasn't his strong suit. "Another problem, come about by the supposed untrustworthy shipping abilities of the movie theater. "I refuse to go to a movie theater that of course decides that Red Vines are better than Twizzlers," Sheldon replied to Leonard, who was offering to go to a movie. Sheldon however knew that the main ingredient within Red Vines was the kind of red coloring dye that has caused cancer in some individuals. Twizzlers were made correctly, and he refused to get a licorice that would kill him. Leonard sighed and took his car keys from the bowl near the door, before opening the door and leaving. Sheldon blinked, "Well that was a little unresponsive." He said, as he sat back down on his side of the couch. He turned on Battlestar Galactica and unpaused it from its previous spot on the DVD player, and then looked around. He was alone. How perfect. The annoyance of humans would not occupy him. He was alone. But there was a whirring noise that was starting to annoy him. Where was it coming from? Sheldon moved up and walked over to the DVD player, followed by pressing the eject button so that his disc wouldn't scratch. It did something worse. The DVD player sparked, and then stopped working. Sheldon twitched. "My... Battlestar." He said, falling to his knees in an epic way. "N-no!" He unplugged the DVD player and then put it into the trash can, followed by sighing. "Do I have to make my own DVD player in order for it not to break down?" But when the trash can closed, he noticed that he was bored. "Maybe Penny is home." He said to himself, and he got his key from the bowl near his door, opened the door, walked outside, and closed it behind him, followed by locking it. Knock knock knock. "Penny?" Knock knock knock. "Penny?" Knock knock knock. "Penny?" Sheldon asked, and he waited for the door to open. He had the Boggle board game, and was ready to play some Klingon Boggle with her if she was interested.,"Penny stood in the bathroom, contemplating her reflection with a pensive air. Truth be told, however, her preoccupations didn't quite require the serious expression the pretty girl bore. Of course again, next to her neighbors problems that seemed to revolve around the purchase of limited edition objects from the comic book store and experiments gone awry anything was interesting. Kurt kicked her out of their place when they split, and the guys that followed were an incessant stream of hot yet irresponsible and self-absorbed jackasses whose main topic of conversation was their own persona most of the time. Her job wasn't getting her anywhere; the scent of cheesecake was almost more powerful than that of her vanilla oil. She shook her head softly, a pout gracing the delicate face. She deserved better than that. If even Leonard managed to find someone, why couldn't she? Penny almost smacked herself for the thought. Leonard was a nice guy. Odd, but compared to Sheldon, Howard, and Koothrappali he was fairly normal. Anyone was normal compared to Sheldon, she chuckled to herself. It didn't take a Ph.D. in psychology to figure out that he was nuts. Not in a bad way though, as far as she knew he was a lot less offensive than even her siblings. Sighing, she tugged on the string holding the short black robe made of silk together, letting the robe part to uncover her nearly flawless body. Grinning at her reflection, she nodded slowly, who wouldn't want a piece of that? She questioned the mirror in her low, playfully seductive voice when the familiar knocking disrupted her as it always would when she least expected it. Rolling her eyes, she pulled her robe back together, leaving the water running as she walked over to her door through her messy apartment. Oh, how she hoped Sheldon wasn't there because he needed her to drive him somewhere or even worse, because he locked himself out of his apartment. Pulling the door open, she stared at him with an exasperated, almost condescending expression in complete silence for a few seconds. Sheldon, she replied in a fatigued voice. What's wrong, sweetie? She wondered, studying him almost the way a mother would watch an annoying child. "Tessa sighed and ran her hands through her long red hair as she continued to hike, glancing down at the map in her other hand, trying to find anything familiar on it. She had gone up into the woods for a hiking trip with the school but had somehow ended up separated from the group. That was an hour ago, and she had been stuck wandering aimlessly since then. "Oh man," she grumbled, adjusting her backpack. "I'm really no good with maps." She started walking again, muttering under her breath. "Maybe if I can find this river or something then I can follow it... But I don't hear any water or anything..." Tessa scoffed, then started walking a little faster, holding the map with both hands now, studying it intently, trying to force her eyes to see something she had missed before. "Come on, come on," she said, "There's got to be something somewhere..." However, Tessa was studying the map so intensely that she had little to no sense of what was around her, or where she was really headed. Unbeknownst to her, she was actually heading deeper and deeper into the forest rather than out of it...,"As Tess ventured deeper into the forest, she strayed farther away from her intended location. Trees began to look identical, blocking out the sun and casting shadows on her. Unbeknownst to the young girl, she had wandered into a rather notorious part of the forest called "Luscious Dreams." The name came from the inhabitants of the nearby town who reported strange occurrences in the area, such as people seeing half-animal/human hybrids running around and snatching fruit from the top of trees, to performing orgies in the clearings. Whether these stories were true or not, this forest was known for another thing - the massive amount of rapes that occurred here. Some said they were attacked by giant devils, but others blamed human assailants. No matter how many were put in jail, the rate of rapes continued to increase. When the sound of men became audible in this usually abandoned forest, it meant only one thing - something Tess wasn't aware of. Hidden by the bushes, a group of five men huddled around each other covering a woman who was lying naked on the forest floor. In the process of raping the girl, who was no older than Tess herself, they were unaware of their surrounds and would not realize that they were being watched. Thrusting his hips deep into the girl, his hands squeezing against her pale skin, one of the assaulters started to cum inside of their victim, getting a soft moan in return. After a few minutes and a slight squeal from the girl, the men finally left, making their way onto a small path not too far from Tess. Once out of sight, the victim sat up quickly stretching her long arms out as she yawned loudly, revealing that her body was practically covered in the men's cum. Her long white hair, parted into pig tails which resembled the ears of bunnies, was covered in tree branches and dirt. No good... no good at all... softly whispered the girl breathing deeply, obviously exhausted from her experience. Parting her legs, she revealed her now bright red cunt, which was slowly leaking out globs of the men's cum along with a long golden chain. Big meanies they were... big meanies! Slightly aggravated, she started to tug at the string, slightly moaning softly as she did. With one mighty tug, she was able to withdraw a rather large conductor's watch from within her struggling to keep her voice from being a loud scream. Opening it quickly, she jumped back as she slowly got to her wobbling legs. Too much fun... too much... I am late... so late... only in this moment after seeing the time did the girl seem panicked before she started to make her way even deeper into the forest. Using the trees around her to keep her from falling onto her face, she moved forward towards a large oak tree that seemed to not belong among the others because of its rather strange pattern on the trunk. Getting to the tree, the young victim fell against it as her legs gave out, however, she held tightly to the tree. It was obvious that this girl was in need of some serious help, but the road that leads out of the maze of the forest was extremely close by, and if Tess followed the girl, she might end up getting lost all over again. "Young Ashley Graham sat quietly by herself, the only sounds she made being weak whimpers as she tried to hold back tears due to the situation she was in. She had been kidnapped from her college and taken God knew where by these freaky men in cloaks who looked... stranger. Their faces just didn't look human anymore. Plus, their eyes almost seemed to glow red at times. She had no clue where she was, as she barely had any time to see her surroundings before the men just shoved her into this room and locked her in. She was alone and beyond terrified.,"Roaming around the city were the once fair citizens of Plagas. Something had happened to them though, they were far from fair. As they walked around and moaned and groaned, they had smelled the girl's perfume and flesh. She smelled fresh, something that many of the Plagas could not say if they could speak. She was in the church, they knew that, but getting to her was matter at hand. How were they going to? One of them started to pound on the heavy church door. The pounding sound grew louder and louder in each passing minute. For now, these Plagas were not hungry, they wanted something else. They wanted the girl's body. The pounding grew louder still, but unlucky for Miss Graham, there was already a Plagas in the church. Once the minister of the church to the good people of Plagas, the man stumbled out of the shadows, still adorned in his minister gear. There was a steady stream of blood flowing from his mouth. Even God could not save him from this fate. With a roar, the thing charged her, with something besides feeding on his mind. As quickly as he had appeared, he had pinned her hands to the ground with his own, and was staring her down. The pounding seemed to stop as the minister snarled. This was not good for Miss Graham... "The ancient fortress of Tor'Watha had once been a mighty seat of power to the forest Trolls of the area that became known as the Eversong Wood. An ancient power welled up in ancient times before the Highborne had even come to these lands. A power long forgotten by the time Silvermoon had become more than an outpost for the displaced High Elven people. Now that energy was being tapped once more, for some unknown nefarious purpose the well had burst open to warp the nearby lands. At first, the Trolls had been curious. Sending scouting parties into the ancient fortress in search of fabled magics lost to the ages... Scouting parties that had never returned. Which in turn prompted more... Several of these later parties had returned, welcomed back by their brethren despite the changes that had happened to them while lost within the crumbling labyrinthine fortress. Welcomed back until they turned on those that had awaited their return, slaughtering many with Fel glee burning in their eyes before finally being brought down. In turn, the Trolls of Eversong had moved away... pushing deeper into the forest and creating a barrier between the source of the corruption and the elves of Silvermoon, masking it for years. Misilia had been a powerful spell caster, even at a young age. Having summoned her first servant imp long before beginning her tutelage. Through long years after, she studied with deft grace, grasping every lesson easily as breathing. It was a slow process, slow and agonizingly stifled. She felt as if they were purposefully holding her back from her potential greatness and it chaffed at her. With her Master's blood still warm on her hands, the girl had stolen several ancient and powerful tomes and fled the city. Bitter resentment had left a corrupting seed within her young breast. One that had lead her to an ancient slumbering power, once sacred to the Trolls... One that the girl had managed to twist to her own purpose, allowing mighty Fel energies to flow freely into the 'protected' lands of the High Elven people. This was her land now. The Trolls were afraid, as well they should be given what her magics had done to several of their kind. Simple experiments gone oh so horribly right. Several of those mutated Trolls still stalked the fortress grounds, witless guardians set to dissuade any would be adventurers. Fel hounds and stalkers roamed the nearby forest, keeping the other trolls warily at bay and alerting her to the presence of potential intruders to her domain. Within the mighty labyrinthine walls bloated Mana Wyrms slithered through crumbling hallways, grown much larger than the normal breed and more fierce from the Fel energies permeating the ancient fortress. As well as some creatures that had yet to be named, forsaken souls lost to the corruption of Misilia's Fel experiments. The lone Huntress her minions had spotted near the fortress was of no concern. She would either fall victim to one of countless demon spawn under the Warlock's command, or even one of the corrupt experiments. If by chance the Huntress' was mighty enough to win her way through... Well, then Misilia would have her first Blood Elf to experiment on... A thought that pleased the girl to no end.,"Himeko had been wandering aimlessly in this forest of corruption. Her pet Tosho, was walking closely at her side. She had been wondering for days not even able to get any sleep due to all the demons she had to face non stop. It was wearing down on her and driving her mad. She needed sleep and she had to find a place to rest soon or she'd pass out walking, that is if the demons didn't get to her first. She had made a left turn and was no sooner surrounded by demons from both sides. "You just won't stop coming!" She yelled as she drew her bow and placed an arrow in it. "Tosho go!" She commanded as she shot the arrow off. Her cat lunged at the demons and started attacking them with his mistress. They had fought for hours until the demons were finally all dead. "Good boy." She called out as Tosho made his way back to her. Petting him gently on the head she looked up and noticed a cave. "Come Tosho, lets see if that cave over there will be safe enough for us to get some rest." As they made their way to the cave she stopped and looked around, clearly someone was watching her. She didn't know who but she could feel eyes on her from somewhere. She entered the cave cautiously as she had her bow drawn back, ready to fire her arrow if needed. To her surprise the cave was empty, granted there was a well with what looked like green water in it, but nonetheless it was empty. Sighing to herself she removed her quiver and sat it down along with her bow and sword. Patting to her side she called for Tosho to lay next to her as she slept, knowing full well her pet needed his rest as well. She yawned and slowly closed her eyes, dreaming of the days before she had been sent out here. She had been told about the forest that had once been pure was now tainted by some unknown force. Himeko was the best ranger the Blood Elves had and that is why she had been chosen for this mission. She knew there would be dangers, but she didn't expect this. Her dreams were wavering from those past days and slowly turning into nightmares of the present. She didn't know someone was in the cave with her while she slept, just the nightmares that surrounded her mind. She saw the well in her dreams, the one that was in the cave with her. She knew the water was bad, but she was so thirsty. She had to get just a tiny sip. The water was corrupted like everything else, it wasn't poison but she felt like she was dying. She slowly opened her eyes as she then realized it was just another nightmare. However she saw she wasn't alone... She couldn't make out the person, or creature because it was dark, but they were staring at her. Their glowing eyes taking her body into account. "Chun-Li looked left and right as she moved slowly onto the battlefield that she was supposed to be on. She was ready. She was dressed in her battle attire. She had been asked to do a friendly sparring match against one of the women she had fought before. She couldn't remember who it was that she fought in the future, but she was ready for whoever would challenge her. She stood in the center, waiting for her opponent to show herself. "Whoever you are," she called out, "come out! I am ready!",""Well, well, look who it is. Sexy little police girl Chun-li. Even when I'm not having my special kind of fun, you still manage to find me. You really do want in my pants," came the very familiar voice of Juri, one of Chun-li's most bitter enemies, as she seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Can't say I'm surprised though. With the way you show off your body in that outfit, you're obviously trying to get a... special kind of attention from the people you fight," she added with a girlish, yet still rather evil little giggle as she taunted the woman. "Hey, it works though. Gotta say, makes even me want to get in your panties," she continued, laughing loudly. "Bella coughed and kicked awake only to cramp her thigh. She was bound by something. She struggled against it to no avail. Alright Bella. Calm down. She controlled her breathing and tried to adjust her eyes. She couldn't see through the blindfold that had been placed on her. Shit. "Fucking Covenant," she muttered as she rubbed her forehead against the ground to remove the blindfold. She was laying in one of the Covenant's portable holding cells. For pylons erected an energy barrier around her several yards wide. For some reason she was still in the wilderness. She would have expected to be on a carrier by now. Not in the middle of a jungle. What the hell were these creeps up to? She managed to grit her teeth against the pain of the cramp and right herself, balancing on her bound feet and going to her knees. Shit where was this? She shook her head and tried to remember anything leading up to this. Her head was pounding and she couldn't think straight. There...was a firefight. Jackals had overwhelmed the guard towers and they were ambushed...there...was an explosion...and brutes? That was all she could get. "Fuck Bella. You always get into the worst don't you?" She was ready to die, so it didn't bother her. But she hated waiting, and she hated not taking a few down with her.,"A large Sangheili, or known by the humans as Elites, stepped out of the set up command post in their camp. He was ranked as a Zealot, one of the highest ranks Sangheili could achieve within the Covenant Hierarchy. He was stationed on this planet to see if the rumors were true, that there really was a Forerunner artifact on this pitiful human settled world. He hated this; the military here was small and there had been no sign of any artifact - at least as far as he knew. He looked over to see a human female in one of their prison cells. He let out a small reptilian growl and marched to the cell. "Why does this human live!?" He spoke angrily to his underlings who stood in tow. The established protocol was to kill all the humans who were of no value. As far as he could see, this woman held no value, as of yet. One of the Unggoy, or grunts know to humans spoke through his ventilator. "S-Sorry sir... but all other humans were killed in the explosion, she's the only survivor... She might have information." The Sangheili turned and pushed the Unggoy away. "Then go get the translator!... The human wench will be heavily interrogated," he said. The Unggoy nearly fell over from the shove and he then spoke. "B-But sir... o-our translator was in the Phantom destroyed by their defenses..." The Sangheili turned and grabbed the Unggoy's ventilator and pulled him close. "Than what use could she be to without a translator?!" He asked. The unggoy spoke back in desperation. "W-Well the men have been without release for months!... P-Perhaps she could be of use to please the men?" He cowered in the grasp of the Sangheili, knowing at any time he could be killed just to vent his anger. However, the Sangheili considered his proposal. He looked back at the human and said, "... Perhaps she can... I will test her." He released the Unggoy, who scurried away as soon as he was free. The sangeili stepped through the one-way shield into the cell, looking down at the human with a slight amount of amusement. He'd never done such a thing with a human female before; he thought it might be a good way to vent his hate for the humans. He reached down and began to remove the armor containing his large, deeply ridged cock. "The 20th and 21st centuries have brought about great advancements in technology, from computers that barely held a few megabytes to having huge amounts of data being a normal thing. Behind the scenes, the digital world has advanced far beyond what we thought it would. Virtually, another universe exists, a vast land with virtual wildlife and creatures. Strange monsters exist there, called Digital Monsters(Digimon). Several times special humans have been summoned and brought into the digital world to stop a threat and save both the real and digital realms from evil. Now is such a time. Eric unlocked the door to his home, removing his shoes and setting his backpack down near the door. He headed into the kitchen, spotting a note from his dad and reading it while grabbing some stuff to eat. Apparently he had to work an extra shift and wouldn't be home til late. No big deal. The teen headed back into his room and turned on his best friend, the computer. While he had some people he hung out with, the computer and Internet were where he spent most time. Today though, something seemed different. After it turned on, instead of his desktop, a text box appeared. "You have been called. Are you ready?" it read, with a single button, reading 'Yes.' The boy was unsure, but, hoping it wasn't a virus, clicked yes and took a bite of the sandwich he'd made. It happened in an instant. A flash and he was gone, digitized and sent into the digital realm. Black squares appeared in a forest, and his body fell out and onto the ground in a clearing, the disturbance quickly disappearing, leaving him unconscious there.,"Renamon was walking alone in the computer forest with a Golden Ovel-like digivice. She was about to be at the exact place she was told to go by a Digimon called Jeni. She remembered their conversation quite well. Jeni had appeared in front of her out of thin air as if he had been there all along and smiled at Renamon lightly. "Hello lass! I am Jeni and I have come to tell you something dreadful that you probably already know yourself, and I'm going to tell you some thing wonderful that you will just learn... now these lands have been darkened by a human who has forced himself up into our world by means unknown, and partnered himself up with an evil Digimon known as Ladydevimon. She is an evil and vile woman of a Digimon, both the human and her have destroyed and built black towers that send most weak minded and rookie level digimon into sexual frenzy's. These are dark times, and our world looks like it may become one with the darkness, and if this comes into play the human world will be next!" Renamon looked at the Human looking digimon in front of her dazed by what she had heard. There were stories in the east of things such as this but she had never believed them, but the look on his face told her it was all true. She licked her lips and cleared her thoughts before speaking to him. "But if this is happening how can we stop this human and Ladydevimon? I mean, she must be so powerful to have done all this." Jevi looked at her one eye opening eye. "Yes, she is," he said. "It is uncertain if this is true, but from the power she possesses it might be."Renamon fell to her knees, fear taking her body. 'No... if she is there, is there any way our world can live?' Jeni shook his head. 'Either dead or recruited into their ranks for their greed and lust.' Renamon closed her eyes. But hope not my lady, for you shall save us!' Renamon's eyes shot open as she looked at Jeni like he was mad. It has been foretold by old that a human will come and help you save our world from this darkness. You will need this.' He gave her a golden Ovel-like digivice and smiled. Go to the computer number 56481-0, a human will appear there to help you on your quest.' Renamon got up, staring in wonder at the digivices and knew all the stories of humans coming to their world and saving them with the power of Digivices that digivolved their digimon into unstoppable Digimon some of them had become a level beyond Mega and fought enemy's that were so strong it seemed all was lost. She looked at Jeni in wonder as he spoke again. 'Now go and be careful!' And with that he disappeared. That was the last time she saw him as she got to the computer. She saw it was blinking, showing a little e-mail symbol. 'You got mail! Will you take it?' She clicked yes and the screen lit up like a flashlight. She jumped back and hid behind a tree. As the light stopped, she looked around to see a male human on the ground passed out. She went over to him and pushed him onto his back. She looked at his face lightly. 'So this is a human. I was expecting something a little more... well, well never mind.' She shook him lightly. 'Wake up human, wake up! This is not your bed, and no time to be laying on the ground...'" "A light flipped on in a small bedroom upstairs. Kiki looked around her new room in dismay. She hated moving A LOT. The worst part about it all was the unpacking portion. So many damn boxes. Grumbling, she moved over to her bed and cleaned it off. Well, at least now she'd be able to go to sleep when she was finished. Her parents had gotten on her case about her room and said it was high time she accepted this new house. So she decided to unpack finally. Kiki was normally a well-behaved girl and never caused any trouble. But she never liked moving much, and on top of it all there was something about this house she didn't like. Picking up a random box, she set it on her bed and began to sort through it. Halfway through it, her blue eyes focused on a picture. Picking it up, she looked over it. It was of her and her friends from her old school. Biting her bottom lip, she dropped it back into the box. She couldn't do this right now. She was still highly uncomfortable and sad. Having always been socially awkward, it had been hard to make friends. Now it would be hard all over again. She brushed her long raven black hair over her shoulders and sat on her bed. Sighing, she flopped backwards and closed her eyes. Oh, what a day. Even though it was only six, she felt so drained. Maybe if she took a nap, with that thought in mind, she let herself drift off... It was just another dream. One of the many reoccurring dreams she had had throughout her life. This one was about her elementary days. Third grade had always been one of her favorite years because her teacher, Mrs. Purdy, had been one of her favorite teachers of her entire school career. There was never really anything odd about these dreams. She was just in class answering questions. It always started out like this. They were always the same questions too. Math questions, to be exact. She watched eagerly from her desk as Mrs. Purdy scribbled problems on the board.,"If anyone had ever bothered to ask - which they hadn't, since conversations with him tended to be short-lived - Freddy Krueger would have said he didn't regret his decision. No, he had never once regretted his choice when the eponymous Dream Demons had come to him with their offer - after all, what total yutz wouldn't have taken them up on it? After being burned alive, the sound of 'eternal life' had been music to his mangled, melted ears, and the job was nice and cushy - well suited to all of Krueger's particular talents. Right up his metaphysical alley. So he hadn't hesitated when they'd presented him with a delightfully new kind of eternal damnation, he hadn't even protested at the idea that he might never take on an actual physical form again - though he'd even managed to bend that rule a few times, too. Ultimately, he had set into his new incorporeal lifestyle with gusto and, well - it hadn't always turned out the way he'd planned. As it turned out, a few of the Elm Street kids had gotten better at surviving these days. Ever since the introduction of the newly FDA approved Hypnocil to Springwood, Freddy's fun had been dying off - kids were popping pills like glam rock junkies to keep the boogeyman away. They thought they were safe; they told themselves the fear was gone because he was being kept at bay by their medications and their rules, but the very fact that they were registering and monitoring their teenagers like endangered animals was evidence enough that the fear was still very much alive in them. He just needed a gateway. Without one, Freddy Krueger was just a ghoul lurking from dream to dream; his legend hadn't extended far past Springwood, rendering his powers useless, making him the equivalent of the monster in the closet or the ghost under the bed. What he needed was a mind that wasn't blocked off by Hypnocil, one that he could use, because being reduced to a scary face in some middle-aged mother's dream wasn't good enough. Making someone wake up in a cold sweat was old hat, he needed something more tangible. He needed the fear to come alive again, he needed his name out in Springwood once again - the teens he had played with so long ago, they were having kids of their own these days. They had grown up into teenagers who hadn't even heard of him, an entire generation unspoiled by his existence just wouldn't do. Just one would suffice. More was better, but he only needed one. Just one sweet, delightfully teenage mind for him to defile, one to relieve him of the boredom that was plaguing his existence. He could never be sure of how much time had passed since he had last been in the forefront of Springwood's collective memory, but it was long enough for him to pass from town to town and city to city in search of something, anything to tide him over. But very recently, something was tugging him back again, a gut instinct that was pulling him unresistingly back to Elm Street, back to the warm, fiery place in his rotted out chest cavity, all the way back to where it began. 1428. And there she was, encapsulated in her dream, sitting in class, a teenager surrounded by her tiny schoolmates, her pale hand in the air as she eagerly answered Mrs. Purdy's questions. For a moment, Freddy chewed on the shimmering, razor sharp tip of a claw, trying to quell his own eagerness, relishing the moment as he considered what angle to approach this from. He couldn't waste this, not when she was his only link. No, he needed her fear to gain strength. "Carpe diem." Freddy said, shrugging his thin shoulders; time to seize the day. Or night, in his case. Mid-way through writing out a simple equation, Mrs. Purdy stopped what she was doing and back pedalled, her hand jerking suddenly to the left side of the board as though it was moving against her will and she began writing a new equation: 1+2 One boy in the class mechanically put up his hand, "Three?" Mrs. Purdy didn't respond, instead, she began slashing the chalk violently against the board, writing in big, messy letters: 1+2= COMING FOR YOU 3+4= LOCK YOUR DOOR The chalk in the school teacher's hand had been rapidly depleted by her violent scrawl but her hand continued to move, grinding her fingers into the board, an action that caused her nails to snap and her fingertips to begin blossoming blood, which began to replace the chalk. 5+6= Mrs. Purdy, bloody and crazed with pain, turned robotically on the spot and pointed a broken, mangled finger at Kiki. "You," she said shrilly, "Come up here and write the answer!" "On Mount Olympus, realm of the Greek pantheon, a world fitting for the gods who live there can be found. It is a palace of inhuman proportion, lavished with the finest materials that would impress even the wealthiest king of the world below. Each section is devoted to a certain god, Hephaestus in his forge, Zeus in his throne, and Ares in his chamber. Ares, however, is no more. The new God of War, Kratos, has emerged as a powerful force in his own right. Some of the other gods worry about the newcomer. Afraid he will one day become too wild. It was Aphrodite who suggested that they appease him by offering the one thing no man would refuse, tight pussies. It was a trick within a trick really; the love goddess merely wants a ride on the Ghost of Sparta's huge cock, but even she knows that one woman can never be enough. She fucked him for days and days until even her goddess endurance failed her. Devising a new ploy, the love goddess decided to bless the god of war with her powers of love. As she sucked on his thick rod, Aphrodite imbued him with the power to captivate any woman completely with his cock. Hephaestus, eager to keep the Spartan away from his wife, decided to present his two most loyal servants, the Alexandra sisters. And so the two awaited their master, lying down on a large bed where Kratos conquered the love goddess herself. The two were very eager for action, each one dying for a taste of a god's cock. "What off your husband, sister?" Cassandra asked, lying on her sides. "What off him? I only want a god's cock," the older sister replied, licking her lips.,"Only a month has passed since Kratos became the new God of War, after having killed Ares, and he could feel that the gods were wary of him becoming an immortal when Athena granted him the power of the gods and he took over the throne that Ares once sat in. And so he went to her. And he did just that, as he went to her throne room and fucked her endlessly day in and day out, although there would be breaks in between but they didn't last that long. When Kratos had finally fucked the endurance out of Aphrodite, she was beginning to bore him, and he could tell that she knew. She could have been upset with him for that fact, but since she could no longer keep up with him, she seemed to be satisfied, and knew it was time to move on and go back to her husband Hephaestus. In return, to make sure Kratos stayed clear away from Aphrodite from now on, if she were to get back the endurance to keep up and crave a better man such as Kratos himself, Hephaestus gave him two girls that had been his servants for ages, and two girls were always better than one. Hephaestus knowing Kratos wouldn't be able to resist, and once the deal was done, Kratos never saw Aphrodite again. As the servants waited in Kratos's throne room, which was once Aphrodite's, the portal on the right side of the wall of the room flickered, and then Kratos came through it, arriving back on Mount Olympus after having been on a journey that involved him visiting his deceased wife and child's graves. Seeing his two servants lying there on the bed, Kratos dropped both his blades of chaos on the floor, and kicked off his sandals before removing his loin cloth from around his waste, now standing totally naked. Walking over to the bed, he climbed up on it, and laid down in between both Cassandra and Sophitia, wrapping each arm around both of their shoulders. "Always busy in the training room with Ahsoka, Anakin often thinks about his beloved wife back home and wishes that he could spend more time with her. But with Padme by his side, he can use her as well...,"Ahsoka looked up at Anakin, who was still gazing past her longingly. "Must be thinking of the wife," she thought with a touch of jealousy. It had been some time now that they had been training together, and often she found herself wishing that he would teach her more than just the Force. "Slowly, darkness became light, sight gradually returning to Yuna. The ex-summoner, champion who'd defeated Sin and saved the world blinked away the darkness, her mismatched eyes attempting to adjust to the new light. She could barely see, and what she could see, she didn't recognize. She didn't even remember how she'd gotten here; one moment, she'd been with the others, the next, she was here. Yuna felt somewhat light headed, more than a little dazed, and found that no amount of shaking her head was helping immediately. Most likely she'd been drugged or spelled to get here, wherever here was. Looking down, Yuna saw that she was still in her usual gunner outfit, with seemingly no changes. However, as she attempted to move, Yuna noticed two things: first, that she was held down, paralyzed by something and she hadn't quite figured out what yet; second, that all her spells had been removed, as well as her weapons. The girl was essentially bound, helpless, and laying somewhere she didn't recognize. "This isn't good," she muttered. Yuna thrashed, attempting to get free, only to find that whatever it was that held her, and she still hadn't quite figured out whether it was spell, beast, or simple rope, wasn't giving her room to move just yet. The girl let out a moan of frustration, before sinking back into the chair. "Paine!? Rikku!? Anybody!? Help!?" she tried calling, hoping that someone, hopefully one of her friends, heard her call and came to her rescue. Because for now, all the ex-summoner, hero of the world, etc. could manage was some weak struggling and a good yell, hardly enough to stage an escape.,"Standing just behind the girl struggling to escape, Rikku had been waiting for the female to wake up. Pulling off the sleeves and scarf and slipping down her mini-skirt, Rikku stood once more in her new dress-spheres costume. The rest had been a part of her ploy to make things seem as 'normal' as possible to anyone that may have seen her, though with all the male crew out on shore leave and Paine hiding herself away as usual, it would have been unlikely for her to have done so but it was always better to be safe then sorry. Standing there in just a yellow bikini top and bottom, Rikku waited a little longer before she would have her fun with the bound female. Let the girl struggle, Rikku thought to herself. You know that hearing her scream and trying to wiggle her way to safety is only making this sweeter for you. Even Rikku was having trouble ignoring the voice in her head now, it sounded as if it was speaking to her soul. Plus it was true, Rikku could feel herself becoming excited from watching Yuna, her soaked bikini bottoms were evident of that. All the trouble had started when she had found that dress-sphere. Rikku should have waited for Yuna and Paine to get back so they could investigate it together but she had been so excited she had tried it immediately. Now, Rikku was not regretting the decision, in fact every part of her body was screaming for more, to take it further. Grinning to herself, Rikku watched the back of Yuna's head, her whole body dying to take advantage of her now. Why take advantage now when you can wait and savor something much more fun...? Rikku's inner sexual libido told her. By the time Rikku decided to do anything, her body was full of lust and want for the savior of Spira. Her bikini bottoms were soaked through from her lust and stretched tight from the extra addition this dress-sphere had given her. Male genitalia, as well as her own, were now positioned on the groin of her body, both reacting positively to the thought of what Rikku had planned. Placing a hand on Yuna's shoulder, Rikku whispered quietly to her, her lips brushing slightly against the other female's ear. "Yuna, it's me Rikku. I'm here to help..." A smile crossed the female's lips as she thought of the 'help' she planned to give the girl. "Just stay still and I'll do what I can..." Walking round to the front of the bound chair, her hips swaying from side to side in the way only a female trying to entice another person knew how, Rikku stood in front of Yuna, drinking in the sight of the bound female. "You know Yuna... Secretly, I think I've always wanted to see you like this," Rikku told her, jumping up and down on the spot slightly, her usual personality traits slipping through the undying lust. "Maybe we could help each other out? 'Kay?!" Smirking to the girl, Rikku slipped onto Yuna's lap straddling her body with her legs as she looked deep into Yuna's eyes. "I have a bit of a problem you see? And your the perfect person to help!" Rikku glanced down at the erect member pushing out of her bikini now, some of the shaft and head visible above the material. With a grin, Rikku took Yuna's face in her hands before giving her the most passionate kiss of her life. The kiss was long, deep and full of Rikku's lust for Yuna at that point in time. Rikku held Yuna's face still so that the female could not move during Rikku's show of affection. As she pulled back, Rikku licked her lips seductively, tasting Yuna's lips again. "So you'll help me right Yuna?!" "The bloody World War between Allies, Soviets, and The Empire of Rising Sun raged for a year now. It was a conflict for total domination, no alliances were held, and peace was not an option. Allies would not rest until the totalitarian regimes of the world were destroyed; Imperials believed that it is their divine destiny to rule the world, and Soviets were determined to make the world a single, glorious Soviet Republic. These times of total war spawned many heroes, such as Natasha Volkova, champion of the Soviet Union. Being a sharpshooter, she alone had terminated over seven hundred enemy troops, being a commando, she had infiltrated enemy lines numerous times, and being a hero, she had inspired countless soldiers to join the cause of Communism, even more to die for it. No Allied or imperial soldier felt safe from her sniper rifle when she was on the "hunt." Present on every recruiting poster, mentioned in every military academy, she was a paragon for her people, an Angel of Death for her enemies. Her mere presence on the battlefield inspired her troops and had a devastating effect on enemy morale. But now she was in peril. The assault on the Allied city, Genewa, was a failure. The enemy used a strange new tech called "chronosphere" to bring in huge amounts of reinforcement. The Soviet forces were encircled and are now getting slaughtered. The enemy had both land and air superiority, and it seemed that the small part of the city the Soviets had managed to capture would become their graveyard. But Natasha would not surrender. Not to the capitalist pigs. Not to anybody. She was making her last stand in the ruins of one of the houses they had captured. With deadly precision of her sniper rifle, she was taking down every soldier that got in range, killing as many Allies as she could before her time ran out. But she was running out of ammo, and she could see the enemy bombers on the horizon. Her last thought before the bombs fell on her position was that she had fulfilled her duty to the People.,"America, the bright and beautiful is what Major Dominic Franke loved and would die for. His parents were immigrants from the fallen Iron Curtain of the USSR, and he had grown up hearing horror stories about Communism and the things done in its name. He joined up nearly a decade ago to help keep things quiet on the border but when war broke out, he found his calling. True, he wasn't a large-scale commander or leader of troops; instead, Dominic specialized in something a little more specific - intelligence, specifically extraction of it. Normally, his job was just dealing with double agents and defectors, people who came to him and told him everything they knew. Dominic would then filter what was useful from what wasn't and pass it along to higher ups. This time, however, he had been given a much more interesting job. A recent bombing run had decimated a Soviet-held region of the city, and Allied forces moved in right away to secure the area. When there, they had found the infamous sniper Natasha Volkova, reportedly responsible for over five hundred kills. The celebrity in her home land had been found alive and brought in. And Dominic would have the pleasure of breaking her to find out what she knew. In order to learn whatever he could, Dominic had been granted carte blanche. Anything he needed to do to break her, the Soviets would see this hero broken by Allied forces, shown that they weren't the only ones who could be monstrous. In his dress uniform, stripped of rank pins and ribbons, Dominic entered the cell where Natasha was being held. Happy to see that she was naked and tied to a chair as he had instructed, he said, holding up a file with her picture clipped to the front of it. "Soviet hero and now captive of the Allied forces," he began, not wasting time asking her to surrender. Instead, he stated the obvious: "I will hurt you, humiliate you... I will break you, and I will enjoy every moment of it." Setting down the folder, he smirked a little. She had claimed at least three people he called friends. Without warning, he lashed out, the back of his hand across her face serving as an opening movement. "As Krystal opened her eyes, she felt an intense pain in her head. It went away as she adjusted to the amount of light in the room. Where was she? She gasped, sitting up on her elbows as she looked around the hut she was in. She had been flying her fighter and had been ambushed by strange creatures who'd used her once they overpowered her. And then they all went down. The kitsune could still feel their traces on her soft skin. Her light complexion was only enhanced by her silvery fur. Both were contrasted with her dark hair, cut a bit shorter for her pilot's training. Instead of the ponytail it was usually in when she was flying, it was down now, resting just on her bare shoulders. And that was when she became aware of her strange garments. Rather than her flight suit, she was in a rather scant amount of white and gold armor that barely covered her back side or legs, and the top was merely a glorified bra in the guise of a chest plate. She sat up rather abruptly and stood, her tail swaying to keep her balance as she looked around the room. No one else seemed to be around just now, but the door didn't seem to be guarded. She walked toward the outside, her blue eyes scanning the area for more. Where the hell was she? What happened to her fighter? Why was she dressed like this?,"Skar couldn't have been happier when he heard that the fighter pilot known as Krystal had been knocked from the sky in her territory, all alone and her fighter too damaged to send out a retrieval signal in order to draw some help to her. At the time of the landing she had apparently been unconscious and Skar had found her in the 'care' of several of his Saurians. Of course he wanted to possess her for himself, as the largest around, the leader of an entire legion of Saurians, he could have whatever he wanted and the others merely grumbled to themselves when he took her from them. Once he had her in his palace he had made his personal concubines clean her and dress her in more proper clothing, something befitting his pet. Now he had just been informed that she was up and about and the large red Saurian stood, stripping off his armor until he stood nude and moved toward the room where she was kept, pushing the door open and towering over his new pet with a sharp-toothed grin spreading across his face, his shaft sliding from the sheath, already slick and ready for her. "Glad to see you're awake, my pet," he said softly, his voice a deep growl. "You are lucky I found you. Some of the locals were getting ready to take advantage of your supple unconscious form, but I would rather have you awake so you can enjoy what I am going to do to you." "Jaina slowly walked down the loading dock of her ship 'Stark', closely followed by a gray/green droid with a blaster rifle carbine slung over its shoulder and a vibro-blade strapped to its back. To a regular civilian the droid looked like a normal protocol droid though few knew that it was an assassin droid that had been outfitted to kill Jedi effectively. Jaina had come to Nar Shadda to 'find' someone, or at least that was what she would tell anyone who asked. "Mistress..." The droid suddenly piped up, looking down at the Sith with its glowing red eyes. "Query: Are we going to find a Jedi on this planet? After all, your last two 'hunches' led us to a swamp on Gamorr, and Tatooine." He paused for a moment before speaking again. "Though, those desert savages provided excellent target practice." Jaina sighed and grinned at the droid. Most Sith would have beheaded the machine for questioning their abilities, but the HK droid was much too useful for that. "Just trust me on this one HK; I've got a good feeling about this planet," she said. Among the Sith, she was considered of a fairly high rank if you could call it that. Various younglings had approached her, trying to become her apprentice, though she never accepted. Though she was without a master, that didn't mean she wanted some inept moron following her around. "Perhaps we should split up," Jaina suggested. "I'll search the bars and Pazzak dens, you take care of the lower sectors." The HK droid nodded, its voice rising and falling in the normal HK droid manner. "Good idea, Mistress. I'll feel free to interrogate the refugees as I see fit." Jaina nodded, pointing at a large blast door that led to the underground area where the refugees were forced to live. "Oh, Mistress, you know me too well," it said, snapping a casual salute before stalking off. She had outfitted the droid with a cortosis alloy chassis so he wouldn't get mowed down by a blaster or a lightsaber. As well as a robotic muscular system that allowed him to move fluidly enough to be proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Quickly, she went to the Pazzak den. She figured she could make some credits while searching for this Jedi.,"Aola Ani leaned back in her chair, settling the back against the wall. Her hood was pulled far forward to conceal her eyes and most of her face, leaving only her mouth visible in the shadows. Her skin was a deep dark red, almost the color of blood, one of the biggest reasons the Jedi had been reluctant to accept her into training. Red was normally part of the Sith's markings, and it made many of the masters uneasy. Fortunately there had been one who wasn't blinded by prejudice, even though her eyes had been taken by a Sith. Over the years of training, Aola had proven herself to be adept at Telekinesis, to the point of almost being a prodigy. However, unlike the other students, she had a hard time with mind-affecting abilities; she just couldn't seem to get a handle on them. She looked at the hand she had been dealt and looked up at the player across from her. Despite the fact that she could not easily effect another's mind with the Force, she had other ways. After all, she was a Twi'lek and a female considered attractive even among her own people, let alone the rest of the galaxy. The only females that could match her for charm and seduction were Zeltron females, and only because they could control the pheromones they released and use them to affect others' attitudes toward them. She was winning this game and was going to leave as soon as she finished, having won enough to cover her needs for the next few days. She wore a simple all-weather cloak, which had the hood up, the cape draped over her shoulders. She was not, however, in traditional Jedi robes, despite being a knight. She wore a short skirt that brushed against her knee, just long enough to preserve modesty without hindering her fighting. Her top was tight across her breasts and though it covered them fully, it left little to the imagination. The sleeves were long and flowing again to not hinder her fighting but also to conceal the lightsabers up both of them. The skirt and top left her midriff bare and her toned stomach and long legs always drew many eyes of both genders wherever she went. "Deep in the recesses of the Emerald Forest, a secret facility was in place. Team RWBY, a recently put together group of huntresses, had just managed to pass the Emerald Forest trial, but they were not ready for when Roman Torchwick laid out a clever trap. The team was gathered up, disarmed, and bound before being transported later that day to a fortress in the forest. No one should have been able to find them. Torchwick had their weapons taken, possibly destroyed. This was when, ultimately, a hero was sent to find them. The woman was named Sapphire, a young woman with long blue hair, a cool in control behavior, and no connection to Beacon or Ozpin. She simply wandered the world of Remnant as a vagrant huntress. She was moving along the forest on a whim, cutting down grimm, when she saw the facility built inside the fortress. Sapphire blinked. "What's this?" She saw guards outside, heavily armed, but her curiosity was far too high to resist. 100 or so heavily armed guards later, the sexy mature huntress with her hourglass figure, tightly bound in a blue and white one-piece suit with blue embroidery around the neckline cuffs and pant legs, had managed to work her way up through the facility. She saw two solid doors in the depths she had wandered through the forest, there were bars on the door windows, and she crept in close peeking into both of them.,"Four girls were on the ground, gagged and tied, also blindfolded. One had blonde hair, another with white hair, one with black hair, and one with black and red hair. They all seemed unaware of Sapphire's presence, and continued to sit there still. Then the black-and-red-haired one started struggling to get out of the situation she was in. The other three looked over in the direction of where the black-and-red-haired one was struggling. The white-haired girl shook her head dismissively. The blond girl seemed to say something muffled through her gag, but it was unclear what she said. "The sunlight beamed down on the young elf. Himeko Kiryu was being woken up by her wolf Haji as he was tugging on her leg to wake his mistress up. "Nnnn... Knock it off Haji..." She groaned, rolling over in her bed. He barked loudly as he continued to try to get her out of bed. "Dammit! Fine I'm up! I'm up!" Getting out of bed slowly, she looked at the clock. "Fuck! I'm late!" She was supposed to meet her friend at 10:30am and it was almost 10 already! She rushed around to get her clothes as she tried not to waste any more time. Finally dressed, she headed out the door with Haji following behind her. "Dammit I cannot believe I overslept!" She cursed as she ran into town. She was average height for a Night Elf, her breasts were a little bigger than normal, but to her they were perfect size. She had long black hair that she kept tied up in a ponytail. She had unique markings on her face, rare markings. Passing the Stormwind guards as she ran further into town, she finally reached her friend. "Sorry I'm late," she said, smiling softly.,"This wasn't the first time her friend had been late for one of their meetings. Though it didn't upset the draenei 'girl' too much. She stood at their meeting spot, a large smile on her face as various people passed by. She had quite an aura about her, one of seduction. She was just confident in herself, though still naive in such pleasures. She was a young priestess, so she had never really been allowed such things. However, she was no normal woman either. Beneath the thing cloth robes she wore today for their meeting, and underneath the small, light blue boy shorts she was wearing. Was a rather large gift that she kept hidden from everyone. The draenei shifted her hips, her butt moving with her, causing her tail to sway. Having no idea what she was doing to all the males that were passing by. The thin robe didn't do much to hide her cleavage. Not having the largest breasts, but enough for her tastes, sitting at a small c cup. Finally she saw her friend approaching, and temptation rushed through her. She blushed as she watched the girl's breasts bounce, and hips sway. Coming closer to greet her. "That's okay dear. It's not the first time.." Cerrah giggled and took her friend's hand in her own, not really aware what it could mean. "Where should we go to eat?" "The Glaceon sat in her Poke Ball, feeling strange somehow. She felt like something was different, off-kilter. The ball felt too small for some odd reason; she had just been traded away and was waiting to be released. She sighed, not knowing who she was now owned by.,"Jake was happy to finally get a Glaceon, and was eager to check it out, to make sure their personalities wouldn't clash. He took the pokeball with Glaceon in it, and went to a private guest room at the Pokemon Center where the trade happened. Upon releasing her, he was left speechless by her curves, bust, firmness... All things a normal pokemon shouldn't have. "Gah! What are you?! Some sort of hybrid?!" He questioned, noting her familiar body and curves. ""Day Three, A.E.," a sultry, slightly whimsical (and quite miffed) voice spoke at a gentle whisper. It belonged to a lavender-skinned female with black hair that made shadows look illuminated. But lavender skin or not, nobody would mistake her for a Night Elf. No, this lady was barely even considered a lady. She was a succubus, former slave to a warlock whom she'd been able to escape and unbind herself from. An amazing talent for sure. Obviously she'd have had to be very powerful to do such a thing. Not really. She'd gotten loose by a combination of her owner imbibing a (not so) healthy portion of alcohol, and a little work of seduction. Thankfully he'd not gotten to fulfill his intent. Orcs were not her aesthetic. But all that didn't matter with her stuck in a net suspended under some of those blasted trees those elves love so much. She did have a plan though. "I hope the one who set this is a weaker mind. I can use a little seduction to get them to let me loose, I'm sure. Anything to get away from my former master.","Himeko was a proud huntress who loved exotic and rare pets. She had stumbled upon a lone succubus a few days ago and she figured if warlocks could have them at their side, why not her? She wanted to make this tame perfect and flawless. To be the first huntress to ever tame a demon, let alone a succubus. Being a Blood Elf she had the thirst for the forbidden fruit, and to tame something that wasn't a beast was forbidden and never even heard of. She knew what these demons were capable of doing and knew not to give into them. But she had never dealt with one before like this, and here she had one trapped in a nice net. Himeko was normal size for a female Blood Elf, with beautiful green flowing eyes and long black hair which she kept tied up in a ponytail. She had a nice slim and perfect figure, all the other girls were jealous of her body. Her wolf Haji had been watching over the demon while she left to get more supplies for this tame. When she had gotten back she stepped in front of the succubus, avoiding eye contact with her. "I see you fell into my trap demon. I've been watching you for some time now and being a huntress who seeks out rare and exotic pets, I just knew I had to have you as mine!" she said as she started to get ready for her tame. "It has been six years since the defeat of the Kishin Asura. The world has fallen into a time of relative peace; there are still evil humans that wander the world, looking for innocent souls to consume. Luckily, the members of Spartoi (Maka, Soul, Kilik, Fire, Thunder, Kim, Jackie, and all the others) are constantly on the runaround to hunt them down. Noah and Justin Law are still at large, and the fate of Tezca Tilopca is still unknown to Shibusen and the Death Scythes around the world. On a happier note, Franken Stein and Marie Mjolnir have gotten married; much to everyone's shock, Stein was the one who proposed to Marie. Unbeknownst to Shibusen and the world, Medusa and Arachne Gorgon have since been revived; they were both clever enough to hide a minuscule fragment of their souls in faux bodies in case anything happened to them. They are both working insidious plots to throw the world into chaos once more, though how they plan to achieve this is still unknown. However, while important to the events about to unfold, they are not the main focus of this tale. This saga revolves around the unfortunate circumstances surrounding one particular individual; one who must work through trial after trial to find out who he is and where he came from. What appears to be a human body is laying underneath a ragged blanket; the only thing visible is a large, muscled arm covered in strange red marks. It is clear, however, that the body belongs to a man of impressive size; well over six feet in height and a heavily muscled physique. Many have passed by the mysterious lump; most, however, simply assumed it to be a corpse and walked away. A rare few actually thought the man was sleeping and tried to wake him, and an even rarer few peeked under the ragged blanket and ran off screaming bloody murder. No one, however, seems willing to help this man when he is so obviously in need. Hopefully today, his luck would change.,"Enter Freya She was never late to work. Ever. Then again, it was hard to believe that anyone could actually suffer any consequences for being to late to work at ChupaCabra. Regardless, she, being a one Freya Chtuhilin, prided herself on many a thing. And being punctual was one of these things. As a young woman with very fine assets and a sharp eye for being stylish, she was popular enough at the cabaret club and knew how to increase its patronage - without aiming for the Academy students, so that meant at least she was popular enough to get away with a few things. And popular enough for clientele to miss her and not let her live it down, potentially. Silky, thin and short - perhaps too much so - an empire dress of a lavender tone fluttered about her thighs, revealing the milky, chocolate brown skin of her long legs and feet, which were only partially covered by a pair of woven, white flat sandals. Of course, one of the ways Freya had gained such popularity and patronage was by being smart - and that meant utilizing her earlier mentioned assets. The straps of her dress gave way to a v-neck collar with one side folding over the other and leaving plenty of flesh and cleavage for viewing pleasure. And with just the right 'push' or squeeze of the arms, the effect of spilling out - more so than it already was - was accomplished quite easily. The trim of the dress just below her bust and across the straps were lined with white lace, but a thin sweater trailing just above the end of her dress in its pastel, canary yellow cotton and soft knit covered her shoulders and arms plenty as well. Although only a 3/4 sleeve, that was plenty enough for the weather. Readjusting the purse on her shoulder for the umpteenth time, she brought a hand to her forehead, fixing the bangs in her face and combing her fingers delicately through the thin strands of her framing her face that fell just past her shoulders. A lace scarf of white sat just at the hairline behind her bangs and started the fall of dark hair, bistre and deep auburn-maroon locks, blending together down the middle of her back in a neat, thick river. The short lashes of her indigo eyes glinted with the colors as well. Those indigo eyes however reflected her annoyance with her situation and full, plump, carefully glossed lips contorted in a pout going on sneer that conveyed the same. She was just short of a run, but wouldn't dare looking too disheveled in such a get up. Although prepared to release a grunt of annoyance, instead a small gasp and near squeal of shock released itself from her lips as she stumbled and caught her balance before any damage could be done. Looking down, Freya glanced at what had caused her trip before her eyes darted up and around her. No one seemed to mind the blanket and stray arm much, but then again, people didn't care about much besides themselves usually. Bending down - but careful of any upskirt angles - she prodded the arm gently before lifting the blanket. Another gasp departed her lips as her eyes widened before she dropped the blanket and looked around. "Ah! Excuse me sir!" "W-wha? What's the matter?" She signaled for a young man who couldn't be much older than herself, tugging at his arm when she had his attention. "There's a body under there! Would you please help me get it to a doctor?" The young man looked shocked and disgusted. His jaw dropped and eyes widened in horrified shock before he shook his head and tried to pull away. "What? A body? That's gross... Can you let me go?" Freya looked as shocked as the youth looked disgusted. Her jaw had dropped and eyes widened in horrified shock before her lips drew together once more, creating a firm line and her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Look here twerp, you're going to help me get that body to a doctor and make sure that guy gets help. YOU HEAR ME!?" "Yes! Yes ma'am!" His words seemed to invest some gallant in him and detach him of his disgust - somewhat - and he practically ran to the blanket and body. Freya herself removed the blanket, folding it carefully and holding it in her arms. "Well, what are you waiting for? Lift him up already! Come on, I think someone can help him over here." Her tardiness forgotten and the man's protests nothing to her ears, she guided the youth to a nearby physician's office, allowing the young man to depart once someone had volunteered to inspect the body. "Phew." Freya sat back in a seat, legs crossed as she leaned over, the blanket folded against her chest and a hand pressed against her forehead. Honestly, she wasn't expecting anything like that so early in the morning. But that's what happens when you took a shortcut to work. Her eyes flashed open briefly as she remembered the club, but she simply sighed and brushed the thought away. It could wait. Someone else's life was significantly more important. Besides, being an 'entertainer' at a club wasn't the only profession open to her. It was the only one without all the stress and action of battle though. But all that meant nothing now. She only needed to be sure that mysterious youth was okay and wouldn't need further assistance. "It was a seemingly regular spring day for the students at Fujimi Academy. Classes were in session, but there always were a few transient students wandering about instead of being in their appropriate classrooms. Kira Ayame, the captain of the school archery club, at least had a reason to be skipping class. She was posting signs in order to get a high tryout for the next year's team; lots of her current members were graduating. She was in her junior year at the school, and had been captain of the team since her sophomore year. She had soft lavender hair that hung in ringlets down her back, held back by a hairband, and narrow red eyes. She wore the Fujimi uniform in perfect condition; she was a bit of a perfectionist as she made sure the poster was straight. The commotion at the gate caught her attention, pushing some long bangs out of her eyes. It looked like a homeless person was trying to get through the gates. Her brow creased, but at least it looked like the teachers who had arrived on the scene were trying to send him on his way. At least until one of them were bitten. The teacher with the wound collapsed on the ground mere moments later, twitching, as the other teacher went into hysterics. It wouldn't take long for him to fall still, Ayame's hands flying to her mouth in shock from her good vantage point. Of course, when the teacher came back to life and began to maul the sobbing teacher, she knew something was terribly wrong. She ran away, as fast as she could; she had to find someone to help in this situation!,"Like normal, Tenma laid on the roof of the walk way leading from the classrooms to the cafeteria. He wore a dyed-look alike of the school uniform, something he himself was proud of. He was the school's black sheep - from teacher to student, no one wanted much to do with him, even though he was never that bad. Screams caught him off guard, causing him to pop up looking around for the source of the cries. Standing up, he ran for the window that entered his second period class, running up the wall and catching the window seal. He looked in and to his horror, the teacher was biting through the neck of a student. "What the hell!" he said, jumping from his perch landing on his butt. He was shocked. Tenma, Tenma! Help Me!" Yelled one of his friends running from what looked like an armada of students covered in blood. Frozen with fear, he was hesitant to move. "Tenma!" His friend cried, tears running down his face. "I don't wanna die," His friend ran to the pillar that Tenma normally climbs to get up on the roof, but terror was controlling his body, causing him to be clumsy. The deranged students were inches away from him; he looked up at Tenma with pleading eyes begging for his help. Snapping himself out of his trance, Tenma ran to the pillar, he was climbing, reaching his hand out to help. His friend jumped with all his might, grabbing Tenma's hand, being pulled up onto the roof. The both sat down staring at each other. "Dude, what the fuck is going on?" Sin asked. "Looks like I been chased by fucking cannibals, and you're asking me what happened." Sin said to him, falling back, letting out a well-earned breath. "Gotham City is the birthplace and residence of the fearsome vigilante known as Batman. It is a large bustling city located on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, in the federated state of New Jersey, only across the bay from its sister city, Metropolis, Delaware in the District of Metropolis. Always a literal cesspool filled with criminals, corruption, pollution and vermin infestations, Gotham is considered by some to be the most dangerous and criminally corrupt city in the world. By day, it is an attractive and alluring tourist location, while by night, the place transforms into every decent person's worst nightmare. Midtown Gotham City is also where Gotham Tower, Wayne Tower, Gotham Pier and the Prewitt Building are located. Robinson Park is established in 1782, Robinson Park is the largest park in Gotham City, covering an area of three hundred acres in central Gotham. The park includes a statue representing the faceless civilian heroes of Gotham rests within Robinson Park as well, as a silent inspiration to the citizens of the city. The park also possesses a Greco-roman amphitheater. Containing a reservoir that feeds from the Finger River which runs through Midtown, the park features a memorial/dedication site to many of the city's servicemen, such as police, firemen and medical teams, who have helped save the city from some of its many catastrophic events. Many names of those who died in service protecting the city are engraved in the stone wall surrounding the park. It is here, in Robinson Park, that this adventure begins. SHADOWS in the SEWERS!!! The newspaper's title was trying to tear itself off of the paper it was printed on to leap in the readers face to scare them. In big, bold, black letters, the headline was followed by a singular, grainy picture of some thing skulking around in one of the multiple tunnels that mazed beneath Gotham City. With a place made of multiple islands and surrounded by rivers, The Gotham City Sewers was one of the most complex municipal water systems in the country. It relied on a combination of tunnels, aqueducts, reservoirs and distribution pipes built underneath Gotham City to meet the daily needs of the city's residents and visitors. And apparently, there was something down there. The article explained that for the past few days, sanitation workers had been hearing strange noises in the sewers. Which was almost normal, for a place like Gotham City where one could potentially see Killer Croc stepping into an AA meeting with both criminals and heroes to speak about their consumption problems. But yesterday, someone was able to snap a picture of the thing. And whatever the hell it was, it wasn't something that had been seen before in the city. It didn't look like anything other than a very large, very tall biped. A Sasquatch that got lost? Swamp Thing that was sucked in through a vent pipe and got lost down there? Teen-aged, mutated ninja tortoises? None of the workers had been maimed or killed, so that was a nice start. Maybe the thing wasn't too dangerous, or wasn't hungry. Whatever was going on, there was only one way to find out. Go down there and find it! Luckily, a relatively well-known (to the costumed folk of the city) entrance to the sewer system was behind the Wayne Botanical Gardens in Robinson Park. The place was pretty much the center of the city and was as good a place as any to start searching for tall, wide creatures shot in low-quality pixel photos. But who in their right mind would step into the Gotham City sewers on such a bizarre quest?,"People often asked Harley how on earth she didn't get cold in that red and black latex. Especially when she was out on a crisp autumn evening, delving into sewers. Depending on her mood, she'd either joke that she liked the cold making her nipples all perky, or that her alabaster white skin acted like polar bear fur. In truth, she barely ever got cold. When she spoke to other feminine costumed characters, they said something similar. Could it be that some higher power was conspiring to keep them scantily clad? Who knows. What she did know is that you should never look the other way when weird things pop up in your sewers. If that weird thing came from someone's rear end, they should go see a doctor. If it came from anywhere else, someone in a ridiculous get-up needs to delve into the sewers and beat some sense into it! And today, out of all the sirens, Harley had picked the short straw. With her trusty toolkit of hammer, baseball bat, pistols, and nose plugs, she crept into the sewers, ready to go monster hunting... "Hinata moved swiftly and silently through the thick forests that surrounded Konoha and filled much of the Fire Country. She was headed for an area close to the border to meet someone rather special - Itachi Uchiha, who had been pardoned of his crimes after many years. But old hatreds died hard, and many refused to believe that Itachi had been working for the good of Konoha. That's why Hinata was going so far to meet with him. She stopped at the edge of a clearing, waiting for a few moments before walking out into the center. "He should be here soon," she said.,"A small smile moved across his lips, as his escort came into view. She wasn't exactly what he had expected, but he couldn't really expect her to be how she was in his memories. Her skin was lightly tanned, covering the skin outside of her dark blue shirt, which sported a small red and white fan stitched on the back, though it was slightly crooked, with threads sticking out. She completed her outfit with a pair of white shorts and dark, open sandals. He looked like he had before leaving Konoha. "You've grown, Hyuuga-san," he commented, approaching her. "Hermione was sitting in the dungeon of Voldemort's castle, bound and gagged. She was wearing absolutely nothing, not a shred of clothing or dignity in sight. Tears streamed down her face as she lay on the cold cement floor, her ankles tied together and her hands tied behind her back. On her thigh, "mudblood" was burned into her skin. She wasn't sure what was going to happen to her. The other members of the Order had been murdered right before her eyes, but for some reason or another, he had spared her for further punishment and humiliation. Honestly, she was just hoping that he would go ahead and kill her. She'd rather be dead than live her life the way he had forced mudbloods to live these days. She didn't want to be a sex slave to some elderly Death Eater... No, she couldn't bear the thought. Meanwhile, at Malfoy Manor, Astoria had just received an owl from the dark lord himself, and it was addressed to Draco. "Draco," Astoria snapped, walking into his office without knocking, "I've been calling your name for hours." She tossed the letter onto his desk and crossed her arms over her chest. "This came for you.","As you should. After so many orgasms last night, you should be still screaming from the rooftops." Draco scowled a little as he glanced up at her rude interruption, before going back to finishing off the paperwork he was going over. While he didn't have to work, his father continuously told him he didn't have to, but he enjoyed working at Gringotts. Huffing out a breath when he realized his wife wasn't going anywhere and expected him to read it with her hovering over him, he flicked a glance towards the door. "Don't you have something else to be doing?" He asked, while in the beginning he and Astoria had been well suited, and he had thought he'd grow to love her, at 23 he was over the fantasy, and so wishing he could get rid of her. But he hadn't found a way out without ruining his reputation, and despite how sick he felt over how he'd made that reputation, he wasn't about to throw it away, and render everything he'd ever done, good or bad, meaningless. While the sex was still outstanding, and sometimes the only reason he could stand to be near his wife, he was tired of his life. Leaning back into his chair as he picked up the letter he made a show of picking it up and sliding his thumb under the seal and pulled out the letter. Reading it quickly, he stood, reaching for the dark trench coat lying on the couch. "I'm going out for the evening. Don't expect me home for dinner." He said, pausing long enough to give her a goodbye kiss and pull his jacket on, looking like everyone would expect for the Malfoy heir. Dressed in black slacks, a charcoal gray dress shirt, with the wool coat over it. Though his hair was shorter than it had been when he was young, it was still brushing his cheek, hanging loosely in his face, the dark blond five o'clock shadow on his face making him look dashing rather than scraggly. He looked young, rich, and like a man who was used to walking into a room and having everyone stop and look at him, whether in fear or lust, it was always the question. Apparating to Riddle Manor, he walked through the halls silently, enjoying the relative silence that greeted his appearance. Like his father, the man was a well-loved, well-treated Death Eater. Knocking lightly on the Dark Lord's door, he paused long enough to get an answer before stepping inside. "You wished to see me, my lord?" He said, tilting his head a little. "Michael Hojo had been assigned to the RWBY team not long after it had been formed. Ozpin had come to recognize the talent of the girls and of the team as a whole, but he also realized just how much danger and trouble they could get into. Thus, he assigned the top student of the year above them to be a...mentor of sorts. Michael had seen RWBY in action and was impressed by the lot of them, even the Schnee girl, as much as he hated to admit it. They all definitely had their weaknesses though and Michael would also act as their trainer and coach to some extent too. He had been introduced to the team awhile ago and he had gotten settled in fairly quickly. He had a good relationship with most of the team; he got along well with Blake because of his connection to Fanus support groups and had quickly realized she was a Fanus and decided to keep that secret to himself after he and she talked about it. He had recognized her from his time supporting White Fang as well and they both agreed to keep that a secret and that secret keeping had fostered a bond of trust between them. He and Ruby also got along well, her hyperness made it hard for him to keep up with at times, but he enjoyed her company and let her lead the team with minimum interference. She would often coming asking for leadership advice or to spare and he was happy to oblige with both, building a good bond of trust. Weiss was a different story. His distaste for her was apparent when they first met and her haughty attitude only reinforced his idea that Schnee's were nothing but a pain in the ass and a problem for society that needed to be gotten rid of. For the sake of the team however, he swallowed his hatred and did his best to try and get along with the girl. Thankfully, she rarely came asking for advice or help and he hoped it stayed that way. He was happy letting Ruby deal with her. Yang was different too. He had fallen hard for the blonde when they first met. Even though she was boisterous and he tended to be more stoic, he found her to be beautiful and radiant and they both loved a good spar which led to them spending many hours together in the gym and training ground. Michael was by far the better fighter at first, given his experience but overtime, he had been trying to teach Yang to fight less with her heart and more with her head, having noticed early on her over reliance on her semblance when in trouble. They traded bad puns and jokes as much as they did punches and it had lead to a deep friendship quickly, one that for Michael had turned into..if not romantic than sexual feelings at the very least. All of this came to ahead when he returned to their dorm room and he just so happened to catch Yang after a shower. One thing led to another and now here they were, in the living room of their dorm, Yang bent over a table, her lovely breasts molding against the hardwood and hardened nipples rubbing against her table as Michael slammed his massive cock into her from behind, his hips slapping against her bubbly ass with every thrust and making it jiggle. "Dust...Yang..your pussy feels amazing!" Michael groaned out as he gave her ass a spank, groping her rear as his hand reached out and grasped a handful of her blonde and still wet hair, tugging back on it like a leash, forcing his cock even deeper and harder into her as he felt his bulbous tip pushing up against her cervix, threatening to push past it and enter her womb.,"Most of Team RWBY had been a little... skeptical when they were told they would be assigned a mentor or tutor or something. The only one who didn't give Ozpin weird looks was Ruby Rose herself, who was just happy to have a new friend to hang out with. Gradually, over the couple of months that Michael was with them, they'd grown to enjoy his tutelage... well, except Weiss, who just barely tolerated him being there. After he found out about her Faunus heritage and her history, Blake had been quite scared at first, worried he would turn her into Ozpin. But when he didn't and seemed to sympathize with the Faunus plight, she was honestly quite surprised and relieved. She finally had someone to confide in about her worries and troubles, allowing them to form quite the bond of trust between them. They would often times talk about what the White Fang had once been and expressed their dismay over what it had become in this modern day. Meanwhile, Ruby was just her normal hyperactive and bouncy self, enjoying having a new friend to train and hang out with. It was fun to spar with him, especially since she could show her true love Crescent Rose to someone else. He'd also been quite the fount of advice for the young leader as she was still unsure of her place. Weiss... was rather indifferent to his presence in their team, finding it more of an annoyance than anything else. She was happy the rest of her team was enjoying themselves. She had caught some of the looks he gave her though, but she was used to it by now. Being a Schnee usually meant that people would look at her with disdain or mistrust. She really did hate what her father had done to her family's good name. Yang had been a little... vocal about her opposition to this whole deal at first, seeing as a blatant disregard to her and her teams abilities that would need a mentor. Meeting Michael had quickly changed her opinion on the subject however. She was enjoying her time with the young man, especially when they were training or sparring or exercising. She'd been trying to take his advice to heart but, well, she really didn't care. The way she fought now helped her win battles and that's all that she cared about in this moment. Having been caught out of the shower by him, Yang froze in place, a little shocked as she was stark naked with just a towel to dry her hair. She'd thought herself alone. She was about to yell for him to get out when she noticed the bulge that had formed in his pants and... well, here they were. Her bent over her desk and Michael railing her from behind. "Mmm! I could say, ah, the same about that, oh, that cock!" Yang moaned, going a little higher pitched when he slapped her ass. Her own hips moved back against his as she squeezed and flexed hard around the thick length currently working her over. She could feel that cock head slamming against her cervix and she couldn't help but wonder if he had the length to get through. When he grabbed her hair, she gasped before looking back at him, her eyes turning red. "Hey! Careful with the hair!" "Megan had managed to carve some time out to enjoy a fairly human thing. She was at a party. Her skin was pale and her red hair was short and stopped mid-ear. Her eyes were blue and she stood at an average height of 5'6". She looked around the place, her last hour at the party having been spent as a wallflower, refusing to dance with boys who reminded her of her ex, Connor. She smiled, moving away from a wall toward a boy. She had on a skin-tight red skirt long enough to cover her ass, but when she bent over just a bit of the black lace thong was shown. Her top was a black cropped corset that showed off her perfect D-cup breasts. She hardly covered them with an open red blazer. She wore flat boots that went up to her knees. She put on a flirty smile when she stood before the man she had eyed from across the room. Her red lips parted slightly and she said, "Hi.","Thomas blinked as the hot girl talked to him. He wasn't ugly, but his crystal blue eyes flowed over her curves, he had to admit she was sexy as fuck. Swallowing, he said, "Hello beautiful, I'm Thomas." Thomas was a bit taller than average at 6' 9", a bit pudgy but not really fat. He had dirty-dishwater blonde hair brushed back and gelled. He was wearing black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and a simple denim jacket. He slowly gained control of himself as he asked, "So what are you up to?" "The building was located in the middle of the Fire Nation and specialized in prisoners. The women had been kept in the worst of the worst prisons, and were offered the opportunity to go a nice place where they'd have their own bedrooms, access to better food, clothes that weren't rags, and several other "luxuries" but with one stipulation - this was a high end brothel. How the place ran was the patrons bought special tokens to give the girls. This stopped the girls from having the money to be able to escape. The girls would use these coins to pay for their meals or buy something from the few stores in the brothel. There were different token that were for different things: the more extreme the sexual act the more it cost for the patrons to get and the more it was worth for the girls to use. It had been about a year since some Fire Nation troops had attacked the group and taken Katara and Toph hostage. They'd spent that time in a prison where they were underfed and abused which made having a bedroom and three meals a day sound good even if it was at a price as by then their survival instinct had kicked in. When they arrived, they were given uniforms; short kimono dresses (Toph had a green one and Katara a blue one) and sandals. The men who ran the brothel had made it obvious that the uniform was to be worn all the time. Katara felt the need to protect Toph as she was so much younger and the fact that wearing the uniform meant Toph couldn't use her earth bending to "see" and she truly was blind. Katara had left out that there'd been a sign on the outside of the building advertising that the brothel had the two female companions of the Avatar. Now they stood in front of their rooms, the left had Katara's name written on it and the right had Toph's. Before opening Toph's door, Katara said, "I'm right next door if you need me. You don't even have to come over, just knock on the wall and I'll be right over." Toph nodded, and entered the room. She hated that she hadn't just lost her freedom, but also her independence. With not being able to use earth bending, she'd become almost completely reliant on Katara.,"A Fire Nation noble had decided to visit the brothel today after a busy trip to the Earth Kingdom. He needed to relax and unwind, and he had heard there was quite the catch here at the brothel... one of the Avatar's companions. He bought quite a number of tokens, ready to engage in a number of sexual acts with the girl. He opened the door to Katara's room and licked his lips slightly as his eyes fell upon the body of the beautiful Water Tribe girl. He closed and locked the door behind him, moving towards her bed as he took out a token and tossed it towards the girl. "Perform a striptease for me," he commanded with a chuckle as he sat down on the edge of her bed. "They had been running and prepping for this op for months. The SVU team had gotten word of a well-known human trafficker who had come into port and was using his large ship as a floating casino as a front to store the people below deck that he was smuggling. It had been decided that Olivia and Ziva would be brought into the ship as a gift to the leader so that she could get close to him and learn his secrets of how he avoided being caught before bringing him down on charges. But what they didn't know was that the leader of the smuggling ring had known about their little investigation and had allowed one of his men to be caught then flipped so he could lead detective Olivia Benson into his own little trap and feed false information to the rest of the team. Omaro gave a little whistle as he looked at Olivia and nodded. She would certainly be able to get the leader's attention. She was dressed in a flowing black silk dress which stopped around mid-thigh. Her legs were clad in black silk stockings, and she was given strappy heels. Well, you are certainly going to be able to hold his attention. Tony just kept looking Ziva over as he handed her the file of the dealer. "Well, with that dress you'll certainly turn some heads," he smirked, looking Ziva over in a long black silk dress with a slit up along her sides, damn near exposing her. Her long lovely legs were clad in silk stockings. "But with a dress like that, I don't know where you'll be able to hide a gun without them knowing." Gibbs walked down and gave Tony the usual smack to the back of the head. 'If all works out, she won't need to hide one. This is a simple infiltration and intel retrieval. Once we have enough, we can pull her out and go in ourselves.',"Olivia and Ziva finished up their make-up for their big mission. They went over the details of what to do and what to expect. Since this was their first time really working together on a case, they didn't know exactly how the other worked. After a while, they talked casually about their partners. They laughed as they realized that their partners were almost the same. After about twenty minutes of prepping, the ladies finally came out of the bathroom. Olivia smiled as she walked over to Omaro. "You really think so? I just hope he really goes for me is all. We really need to get this guy," she said. Ziva smiled at Tony. "Like what you see?" she asked, walking past him a bit before stopping. "Might want to close your mouth before you drool," she said, giving him a wink. She went to her desk and grabbed her gun, strapping it to her thigh. She then gave Tony a small smirk before going to Olivia. "I have other hiding places where things can go, Tony," she whispered in his ear. She then walked off towards Olivia. ""Jessie?" asked Tifa, outright now believing her luck. The dark-haired monk's expressive brown eyes grew saucer wide as she beheld the chained, slender brunette before her. It was a little hard to tell: Jessie wore some sort of collar strapped about her neck, along with the standard uniform of a Honeybee (in Jessie's case, this amounted to black and yellow striped lingerie, complete with long stockings that ended in jet black heels, a pinching corset that pushed up the mechanic's chest, making it look larger than Tifa remembered, and some makeup to make the more roughly pretty girl look downright stunning). Tifa recognized a lot of the adornments. After all, she'd been working there for well over two weeks now, serving as an introductory Bee and helping guests get situated into rooms. Her experience as a barmaid made her perfect for the job. Well, that and the fact that no matter how you looked at it, Tifa was a knock out. Her honed body gave her an incredibly fit figure: athletic, tight, well muscled abs, a rock hard ass that looked great in a tight skirt, legs that looked like they could kick off a robot's head (because they could), and arms with just enough definition to be almost scary. Plus, she had a good mixture of girl next door jeans: a slightly soft face, expressive brown eyes, an easy smile. Oh, and there was her chest: arguably too large for a martial artist, though she managed to strap the girls down often enough. She couldn't really hold either breast in one hand, but it wasn't like she needed to, or that anyone else was asking. So, yeah, Tifa could easily slide into the roll of overly cheerful, overly pleasant girl. She could also reach over and tug at Jessie's collar, making the mechanic grunt. They both knew to be quiet: even in the almost constant thrum of noise, someone could be paying attention. It was almost a miracle that there weren't thugs on hand to watch, mostly because Tifa had tricked them after having noticed the girl who looked like Jessie in passing. Tifa leaned in now, studying the collar. "Yeah, they got you with some status materia," she mumbled, still not quite believing how they'd managed to warp materia to their gains or how their collars let them equip it to girls without much chance of removal. "We can probably remove it..." Tifa chewed her lip. "But not here," finished Jessie. Tifa had to shake her head, but the mechanic waved it away. "It's fine," she clasped Tifa's hand, "I'm just glad you found me! You don't know how awful it's been here. Ever since they caught me after the raid... Tifa nodded. They'd lost Jessie during a raid on a reactor. The raid had succeeded, but SOLDIER had been present, scooping up Jessie. That's what pressured Tifa into demanding that they seek out Cloud, since she knew he was in town (her feelings toward the cute blonde had nothing to do with it). But rumor had put Jessie here, so Tifa had gone through the downright painful process of getting in. At least she hadn't needed to break many fingers during her stay here: they knew to keep their hands on the floor bees instead of the greeters. "Right, so what are we waiting for?" asked Tifa. "I have keys to get out and--" "No!" Jessie shook her head. "We need to---there's this thing," she gave Tifa's hand a tug. The fighter paused for a moment. Did they have time for this? But Jessie was insistent, and so Tifa relented. She followed her companion through the bustling club. Nobody looked twice at a bee and a greeter. Tifa wasn't wearing her standard outfit, though she'd thought about changing for this, but what she had wasn't that far removed: tight yellow halter top and black leather skirt. Her long, butt length ebony hair had been left loose instead of her loose tail, but she was still confident it wouldn't get in the way, a fact she proved as they ran into a surprised guard. Jessie led her down, down into a basement, where the trappings and entertainment faded away. Down into what... what looked a lot like a lab. Tifa chewed her lip, nerves twisting her gut, wondering if they shouldn't go up, come back later. But Jessie insisted: they had to figure this out. So they went forward, moved further and further... finding.. finding... "Is that a Mako infuser?" gasped Tifa, gaping at the tube and the extra equipment on hand, unable or unwilling to believe her eyes.,"If Tifa hadn't been so focused on the Mako infuser, she might have been more aware of her surroundings. Even with the sinister machine occupying much of her attention, she wasn't completely oblivious, but... from where Jessie was standing, she could easily see over Tifa's right shoulder. If someone was coming from that direction, she only had to say something, or point. Even a change in her expression or body language would have clued Tifa in to an approaching threat. So she could, logically, keep her attention elsewhere, trusting in her AVALANCHE ally to cover that blind spot. But she didn't. Jessie didn't say or do anything to indicate that anyone was stealthily drawing closer; Tifa didn't have any indication of the man's approach until she heard his footsteps right behind her--far, far too close to do anything, even with her reflexes, before something jabbed against the bare flesh of her back, just to the right of her spine. It was a needle, of some kind, and no sooner had she registered that than she felt a slight increase in pressure as it injected something into her. The drug began to affect her almost immediately, an uncomfortable chill spreading through her body, sapping her strength. Standing on her feet grew harder with each passing second, as her legs threatened to buckle under her. "Sorry about that,"the man said. Tifa recognized the deep, smooth voice--she could hardly have infiltrated this place without being aware of the head of security. The man was a tower of muscle, easily over six feet, with pecs and shoulders that strained at the fabric of his three-piece suit. His bald head was covered in scars, and he stared down at Tifa with disinterested gray eyes."I normally prefer sedatives, but I heard they'd interfere with your infusion. Is that right, miss Jessie?"He glanced past Tifa at the technician. "The past few months had been torture for the singer. After it had gotten out that she had been assaulted by her partner, the world seemed different to Rihanna. Everywhere she went, she felt the stares and heard the questions, people's curiosity getting the better of them and showing no respect for the vulnerable star. Despite it happening months ago, Rihanna was still having trouble sleeping at night because of it. Each week she visited a therapist, sometimes twice a week if needed just to help her calm down and relax. She had learned to trust the older man, telling him things in private, knowing they would not be passed on. Today was no different as she sat on the black leather couch in his large office. Wearing black leggings that stopped at her ankles and white heels, Rihanna crossed her legs and pulled the white T-shirt off her body, revealing her toned torso. Her long red hair was down her back, and sunglasses shielded her eyes from being seen. "I just can't stop thinking about it," she said. "I can't trust any other man now.","John Smith was a happy man. He led both public and private lives, both of which were satisfying. In his public life, he was a therapist, mainly dealing with celebrities. In his private life, he was the rapist, though no one knew of it. The reason no one knew of him being a rapist was due to a handy technique called Hypnosis. With it, he turned unknowing people into his willing sex slaves. He smiled as he thought back on all his conquests, including Megan Fox and Emma Stone. He looked at the celebrity in his current appointment, Rihanna, as she spoke about her problems. She was a very beautiful woman, and one he planned on making a sex slave just like the others. Even better, she had just given him the perfect opportunity. "Well, there are several ways we can go about this. One method we could try is Hypnosis. With it, we can get you to forget all of this ever happened and be able to sleep peacefully. Does that sound okay?" He asked the troubled singer, pulling out his trusty medallion that he used for hypnosis. "The dark room that the captive was being held in was suddenly filled with bright lights as a girl stepped in, standing right in front of the chair he was tied to and ripped off the blindfold on his head. The girl was leaning forward, ample cleavage inches from his face as she pointed to a wall where elaborate green and pink spray-paint spelled out "Cooperate" in cursive before suddenly fading into the wall then reappearing in black and red with the words "Or I can kill you..." The girl, Tag sighed and spoke in a very bored-sounding voice, apathetic as hell. "So... you seem pretty cute... and the Brotherhood boys are totally not worth it... so let's cut to the chase..." She loosened her top, licking her lips. "You scratch my back... give me some information on Xavier... and I'll spend all night scratching yours... get me?","Curtis shook his head as he tried to remove the blindfold, which was finally removed by the attractive villain in front of him. He gulped slightly at the spray paint message, but he knew he couldn't make it easy for her. "No," he said, tearing his eyes away from her cleavage. "I won't say anything." He looked down at his own erect penis, visible through his tight jeans. It would be hard not to give in to her demands, especially since he was tied up. "Kassia moaned and gripped the sheets, bucking her hips, wanting him deep inside her. "Harder!" she pleaded. "Please!" She bit her lip and moved to rub her clit.,"Ditto pushed further, going through her cervix. He went further, not wanting to be bothered by the tightness of it around him, until he was fully inside it. He went back to his blob form, then into a ball, stretching out and going back, making her stomach bulge a little each time. ""Right...Master," the word rolled awkwardly off her tongue when she said it. She didn't quite understand why? It was a simple six letter word, with no true meaning other than the one the user gave to it. Besides, she was simply playing apart for a mission. It was to serve her as a sort of tool to bring justice to the wronged, but as that simple little word left her mouth she felt a sort of defeat she couldn't quite describe. Looking towards Akira she smiled softly at him responding to the tug of her newly placed collar. I have to grow use to this. Ready myself. She thought while the blurring color of the city lights passed her. Jeanne didn't keep track of how long it took, or even how they'd gotten there, a matter unusual to her usual alert nature, but her mind was else where, and with good reason. When they had finally pulled up to the establishment Jeanne took a calming breath. It was go time, she had to still her nerves and become her role. Slave. She grimaced some, she had to get use to it. Had to. Following obediently behind Akira she kept her eyes fixed to the ground, in front of this man she did what she thought a slave would do. How would those two slaves opening the door react, how would anyone controlled by another respond to any of this. Breathe. She had managed to calm her nerves enough that walking into the club almost seemed easy. Until she heard the music, and even more gruesome the sounds of carnal desire. The moans of a man and woman engaging in sexual delight brought a cheeriness to her face and she almost felt the urge to bolt. How could anyone do something of that nature so openly? With such reckless abandon for their moral being. Looking into Akira's eyes she listened to his words carefully, almost as if to silence the noises surrounding her. Last chance. He was right, she hadn't seen anything yet. Hadn't been tainted in anyway she could still leave if she absolutely wanted to do so. She turned her head to glance back for a moment, the image of the wronged displaying themselves in front of her eyes. No. As strongly as she might feel about escape this pool of sin, she had to stay. Had to help the fallen and right a wrong. "I'm ready. Master," she gave a strong nod to explain to her mage that this saint's mind was made up. She was going. Period.,"Akira nodded his head and steeled himself as well as he drew in a deep breath. He was slightly more used to this than Jeanne... after all, he had been raised around this kind of stuff as the heir to a prestigious Magus. Still, this part of the life he had tried to distance himself from as best he could. If Jeanne could steel herself though, then so could he. He tugged on her collar and they entered the main room. As soon as the doors were opened, the music instantly filled their eyes, and the carnal sound of sex became much less muted too. This smell of sweat and sex also followed suit, rolling over them in a wave. Akira took in strides and maintained his calm demeanor. He wasn't sure how Jeanne would hold up though. Sex and drugs filled their sight... people were openly taking pills, snorting cocaine, and doing who knows what other kinds of drugs. Sex was everywhere as well; some people had the decency to hide themselves behind curtains or doorways, yet others fucked in plain sight, many drawing attention to themselves. There were platforms scattered throughout, circular and raised with poles in the middle where beautiful and naked women were preforming various dances. Akira tugged on Jeanne's collar to draw her attention away from it all as he approached the bar and ordered a drink, keeping his eyes peeled for anything out of place... though nothing would seem out of place in a place like this is what he was thinking. ""Fuck... fuck... fuck..." The Flaffy lady looked over as she held on to the rail on the big ship. This was her second day of traveling, and she should be on the island already. Looking back, she noticed the sailor staring at her, muttering something under his breath. Elizabeth gazed away, sighing. She didn't want to close her eyes, knowing that once she did, she would start remembering it all. But eventually, tiredness got the best of her, and the events began running through her mind. Elizabeth used to live in Saffron, working for an important company as a consultant. She had a fairly successful and happy life, but now and then, she'd go to the special salon to receive a shear. The cash she received for her wool was more than enough to have a nice lifestyle, but she craved for more - that sense of accomplishment. So she completed studies, but her boss never took her seriously. He should have... Two nights ago, Elizabeth had stayed late to finish up some reports, and he approached her. He was not bad looking, a tall imposing Leafeon, she found him handsome, but however, the advances he had towards his secretary and the other ladies in the office made her disgusted at times. That night was her turn. It seemed... He took the chance, pushing his chest against her back and in a swift move, he pinned her to the desk, asking her to stay quiet and cooperate if she wanted her raise. A bad, bad idea... Tears ran down her cheeks, Elizabeth sprang back to reality, gazing down at her purse, full with cash, and gazing further down, she noticed her dress still stained with blood. Her home, her car, belongings, everything, she sold away as soon as she could and got as little or as much as she could, it didn't mattered. She couldn't face the possibility of going to jail for killing her own boss. One third of her money, she gave to one of the sailors in the dock in exchange for taking her to the most secluded location, no questions asked, and keeping off the records. Finally, the ship hit the dock. Wide-eyed, she saw scantly clad islanders from all species approach the ship, but they seemed to be very civilized in their attitude and they seemed to speak the same language as her. A sailor came to inform her that she was finally in her destination. With a nod, she made her way down, giving everyone a noticeable tip for their help, and with that, as the islanders traded goods, several of them approached her. "Look, what a beautiful wool," one said. "She's so beautiful, and that soft silky wool," another added. "So pure, Lord Yervant will love it," a third chimed in. Finally, pushing through the crowd, a large female Flareon stood in front of Elizabeth. "You, outsider, what business do you have out of the ship?" Gulping, Elizabeth looked at the female Flareon, her muscles firmly tensed under her velvety fur. "Greetings Miss, my name is Elizabeth and I ... have come here to ask of your people to allow me to stay in the island... I.." "Well, look, young miss, normally we don't allow outsiders to waltz in just like that, but in your case... perhaps you could be of some use for us, however, if you decide to stay, there's no going back to mainland." "T-that's fine Miss, I would like to stay, if you want, I could give you all..." The Flareon glanced down in disdain as the Flaaffy opened her purse full of money. "Keep that stuff away," she said, "it is of no value to us, but for now, follow me." Nodding, Elizabeth followed the Flareon, as soon as they were away from view of the ship. The Flareon sighed, removing her improvised top and loincloth, beaming happily. "I hate it how we have to keep covered for those silly mainlanders..." Looking over, she gave a grin. "Look at you, you're sweating already! Why don't you take your clothes off as well?" Elizabeth looked at her, wide-eyed, shaking her head. "No way!" She chuckled, shaking her head and the two just kept walking off into the distance. Eventually, they reached the main temple on the island. The talk ceased, but Elizabeth was thankful; she was out of breath, the walk was long, and she had been quite surprised. None of the islanders seemed to be wearing clothes at all, save for one or another cloak and the rare loincloth, but yet, nobody seemed to mind. They all seemed so peaceful with each other. The rest of the evening went on with Elizabeth speaking with the rulers of the island, negotiating her stay. By the end of it, her head was pounding, but they had agreed to her terms and conditions. When she stepped out of the temple, her guardian would be waiting for her.,"Lance had been about to go hunting when the flareon had entered his tent. He was a hunter, an Arcanine, he was known as the strongest male hunter on the island. He had stood there naked as the flareon explained that a ship was coming in today. Understanding why he was interrupted from his morning hunt, he sighed as he pulled on the loincloth and headed out to the dock. True, he knew his hunting partner, a very lovely and quite deadly Lopunny might be mad at him, but he knew he could endure her wrath. This was a big occasion; they rarely got ships and if some of the best warriors were not there, it was considered a danger. Lance stood there watching the lone Flaafy disembark before the ship left. He huffed a bit and he began to walk away, heading for the elder's hut as he saw that was where their new visitor was going. As soon as he could, he removed his loincloth and sighed as his massive cock was now exposed. He was one of the biggest males in the village, if not the biggest. Smiling, he headed to and stood right outside the elder's hut as she was led inside. He waited once again as he crossed his arms while he waited until one of the elders actually left the tent and told Lance of his new job. He was to be her guardian. Sighing, as he did not want to be some farmer and take care of a wool factory. But he nodded and respected the elders as he waited for the girl to leave and he gave a small nod as he looked at her "Come on now, it is time to get going home" he said as he turned and he began to walk away. "Temari sighed as she moved through the dusty bookcases in the basement of a Konoha building. She was in the Leaf Village on assignment, at the orders of her brother, but she had seemingly been relegated to cleanup duty. She had requested some old scrolls that Konoha had taken from the Sand Village many years ago, intending to return them home as a gesture of peace, but the scrolls had long since been lost among the many others down here. She coughed as she moved more scrolls, kicking up a large amount of dust, before forcing her way past another bookcase, entering one of the oldest storage areas. "Okay," she said, "they're probably around here." Temari started to move around, checking through some of the scrolls and looking for one with her village's mark upon it. Unfortunately, the marks on the outside of some scrolls had faded away, leaving her with little choice but to start opening them up. Most of the scrolls had long since become blank, though eventually Temari picked one up and blinked. It was slightly different from the others, the paper much heavier, the string thick enough to have various faded symbols etched onto it. "Hm," she said, "this is probably one of ours." Slowly, Temari started to unwrap the scroll, removing the string carefully, before starting to unroll the paper carefully...,"The wards on the string had been getting weaker for the past few years, but so had the thing they had kept in. Long ago, a monster had been sealed away by the Sand Tribe; it was the stuff of legends and myths, no longer thought to be real. But it came out at night and ravaged women by the dozen, any woman who got too close to it was lost forever. Always, she would crave after the demon's touch, never being satisfied unless it was by her own hand. That demon was in the scroll that Temari had just picked up. As the wards on the string were broken, the demoness awoke and felt the wards on the scroll itself were weak from age. All that was needed was the page to be opened, and she could be free. It was so sudden that it even took the demoness by surprise, and she had to shake her head to clear it. All Temari would have seen was a flash of light marking the release of a jutsu. Before her stood a woman that any man would die over seeing, and any woman would lust after, no matter how straight she might be. The woman stepped forward and brushed her hand against Temari's cheek. "Are you the one who released me?" she asked, smiling. "Thank you, my dear. I will have to reward you for it." Her eyes filled with lust. "The forest was quiet and long as the huntress wandered around aimlessly for days, her pet staying close by at all times. Himeko was tired of this maze, tired of seeing the same damn thing. She looked down at her pet, Tosho, and sighed. "I think we should stop here for now and get something to eat and maybe find a place to rest." She said softly as she laid her hand on his head and he nudged it in agreement. She saw a cave nearby and decided to stay there. She checked it out and noticed it was empty, which was good. Sitting her belongings down, she took her bow with her and called for her pet to follow. She had to scope the area out first before actually sitting down to relax. She had covered most of the area when suddenly her pet started going nuts. "What is it Tosho?" She asked softly as she saw in the direction he was looking at. Just then he started running in that direction with his mistress following behind him. "Wait up Tosho!" She called out as she continued to follow him. Tosho finally came to a stop and was nudging a... Night Elf? "What is it boy?" She asked as she came in clear view of the Night Elf woman. Now being a Blood Elf and a proud member of the Horde, this Night Elf was her sworn enemy. However the woman didn't look too well. "Ummm... Are you alright?" She asked as she neared the woman, hoping to maybe help her out if she had to.,"A Blood Elf, in these forests? And a beautiful one at that? Sheetha had been surprised. So surprised, that she was intrigued. She often did, with little reason. But this time, there were plenty of reasons. She had been looking for a new subject, for a long time. Her "Mistress" was a beautiful Night Elf, but Sheetha could never settle, with what she had. After following the Blood Elf for a while, she watched her enter her cave. She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head slightly, as a grin slowly spread on her lips. She turned around on her heels, looking over her shoulder, raising her wings to look past them, as her body started transforming, from the High Elven form, slowly getting a beautiful purple skin, blue lips, her ears changing from the tall pointed, to lower and more heavy, yet still beautiful ears. Her eyes, with a flash, turned from bright purple, to dark blue. The left large wing, started twisting and turning, before growing into an entity of itself, as it started twirling down Sheetha’s arm, like a snake. The "former wing" formed a snakelike face, that silently hissed, as its tongue dangled from its lips. Sheetha rose her hand, with palms up, holding the snake's head, as she made a shushing sound with her lips. The snake turned silent, before it started pulling back, both wings, pulling back into their sockets, hidden from others sight. Just as it did, open wounds started turning up around her body, thick blood, pouring from them. A slash, over her stomach, and a brutal cut on her right arm, where mimicked on her body, but she made no expression of pain. Only a wide grin, slowly spreading over her lips. A scent started emitting from her, faking the scent of both blood, and the alluring scent of a Night Elf. She stopped, in a small clearing, just as she heard the Blood Elf talk, and the cat approach. Her body then dropped to the floor, as if gravely wounded, and the dark bra and thong disappeared, replaced with ripped purple clothes resembling a Night Elf huntress' attire. And then she went silent, closing her eyes. As Tosho nudged the gravely wounded Night Elf, her eyes slowly opened. The dark blue, paleing eyes slowly looked up towards the feline, blinking in dizziness, before a soft whimper escaped her lips, a hand pressed against the horrible wound on her stomach. But the whimper was nothing like the fear shot into her eyes when she saw the Blood Elf. Another enemy, of her faction. The Night Elf whimpered, trying to crawl backwards, but only able to use one arm. She slowly shook her head, the dark green hair soaked with blood and sweat sticking to her shoulder and over her face. "No... please don't," she pleaded, fear evident in her voice. "N.. No.. No P.. Please.. D.. Don't.." The fear in her face was replaced with one of pain as the wound on her shoulder shot a sting of pain through her body. The fear in the Night Elf's eyes made it clear that she didn't even hear the other Elf's words. Frightened beyond anything. Of course. All a facade. "Hulk was so confused. He'd been dominant for nearly three days now, ever since fighting with the tiny human soldiers and being hit with that strange tingly beam of energy. At first it had infuriated him, the burning sensation sending him into a state of rage that destroyed the small people's armored cars and equipment. He'd smashed the metal thing that sent the beam at him. Eventually the people ran away... they always did. No one could beat Hulk. He'd wandered off afterwards, looking for a peaceful spot where he'd be left alone. Normally though when he fell asleep, puny Banner always came back, and he went away. Not this time. He'd woken up, still Hulk, and confused. He was Hulk, but he was calm. Well, calm wasn't the word. He wasn't angry, but he was indeed frustrated. His body had been tense since he'd woken up, and he kept getting erections on and off. Being unable to control it or figure it out, he'd gotten himself angry again, and destroyed several blocks of jungle. Eventually he found a hot spring in the jungle and enjoyed a soothing, peaceful swim. But still Banner did not come back. Hulk hated puny Banner, but it was strange not going back to him. He remembered at the time thinking that maybe Banner had left somehow, and perhaps Hulk was on his own. That got him angry again even though he didn't know why. However by the end of the second day he'd passed out by the spring, and when he woke up, Betty was waiting for him. "Hulk... feels strange," Now here he was, with the small human woman straddling his waist. She had claimed to want him...the way she wanted Banner. Hulk was confused at first, but the female was pleasant, soft, and comforting. He liked the way her skin felt against his. His massive green cock couldn't agree more. Ever since she got there it had been fully erect, its eighteen-inch length as hard as rock, and as thick as a horse's phallus. Thick, pulsing veins ran its length, visibly throbbing with his heavy heartbeat. And his grapefruit-sized balls had been tense for days now, eagerly waiting for release. Hulk wanted the small woman, but he didn't want to break her, so he waited for her to act, growing more and more tense just looking at her soft skin.,"A new mutant had emerged. But I was unsure whether this mutant was born with their powers or had developed them through some other means. I had never seen the being in person, but I had seen a picture. They were a mean, green, fighting machine. A massive creature with incredible strength. They looked more like an alien than a human, and I suppose that we had a lot in common. We were both alien-looking with colored skin, and people often shunned us because of it. As Magneto's accomplice, I had built up quite an immunity to fear. Whatever he told me to do, I did, without fearing the consequences. This task would prove to be literally insane. Find a way to implant a secret microchip on the back of a savage, wild, 20-foot green lunatic that can crush a human with one finger? Challenge accepted. I had done my research on the incident of the Hulk, the laboratory, and even, the woman...Betty Ross. A fairly attractive woman for a human...but I would have to duplicate her without ever meeting her. Only through picture and a bit of imagination. And so that's what I did. I ventured off into the jungle in search for him. It took a couple of days, but finally, I found a strip of smashed trees and followed that to a hot spring, where I found the ginormous beast amidst, relaxing in the water. I transformed into his precious Betty Ross, pretending I had searched long and hard to find him, and commencing into my savvy seduction technique. I couldn't believe the amount of sexual arousal the Hulk was under. I had never, in my many endless years of mutant encounter, seen a being so gargantuan in every way shape or form, and I had slept with many people. None of them held a cock as massive as the Hulk. It was almost terrifying to think of, but deeply arousing all the same. I had to keep focus and I couldn't mess this up. Whether or not I was going to sleep with him, the chip needed to be clipped to the back of his neck. And now, I was facing a monster awakening, and I had yet to find the chip. My eyes widened nervously as I realized, taking off my black lacey bra, that I must have dropped the tiny gadget somewhere in the forest. I bit the corner of my lip, I couldn't blow my cover, You were big before, but now... you're huge. I rubbed my slender fingers down his chest. I had to find a way out of this. Just as I went to toss my bra behind me, a hanging branch above suddenly broke off; smacking me straight in the head and causing me to momentarily lose concentration. With a throbbing headache, I lost Betty Ross. The previous clothes morphed back into my skin and it transformed from a tan to my exotic blue form. Holding my head in pain, I slowly opened my bright yellow eyes, only to realize my form had changed only by looking at the reflection of myself in his big green eyes. "Night had fallen, and the compound was just coming awake. Due to their preference for darkness, the drow who resided there were a nocturnal lot. The temple of Eilistraee was central to the small walled town, and everyone served the Dark Maiden in one aspect or another, even if they were not dedicated to the priestly service of her. There was a market place, a tavern/inn, a stable, and the various houses laid out in an orderly fashion. All of the land surrounding the town was wooded, with the occasional open field or clearing. Most of the goods needed by those residing within were traded for in exchange for less mundane things. Smiths turned out fine pieces of armor and weaponry; herbalists traded magically-enhanced potions; and there was no end of those able to teach others the way of sword and bow and hunting and tracking. The arrival of a stranger was announced as he approached with his beast of burden, and word traveled through the small town to the ears of those who resided in the temple. One such curious resident was T'riss, a longtime priestess serving the Dark Maiden since she was young. Most of those within the walls were suspicious, but considering the fact that she'd spent a good decade or two outside of them, she was a little less hostile when it came to those who might not be as naturally long-lived as she and her ilk. She wasn't the only one, however, and soon the gate would be opened to allow him entrance, and he would be guided to the center of the town, to the very heart of it. The temple of Eilistraee looked as if it had sprung from the ground itself, seemed fashioned of crystalline trees and vines, woven together to form a vast complex that paid homage to the beautiful young goddess. It was larger than one might expect, and there were several priestesses come out to welcome and inquire. Each of the dark-skinned elves was homage to beauty, and in diaphanous silks that left little to the imagination. They certainly were not a celibate group of worshipers, and the tallest of them was watching him quite closely as he approached. T'riss was an attractive female, older than all aside from the high priestess herself. Long silver-white hair was caught up at the nape of her neck, tail trailing down between her shoulders. Bright blue eyes peered out from that slate gray face, and it was green silk that clung to her figure. She didn't look like one of the more dangerous residents of the town of dark elves, but looks often were deceiving among the drow.,"Thomas slid off of his horse easily as the priestesses approached him. The cloak hiding the divine's touch on him was removed and slung over the horse's saddle. Almost like a punch to the libido, it filled the area. Thomas's appearance certainly didn't hurt either; broad muscular shoulders, a stomach that glistened like polished iron. Deep intricate tattoos that seemed a part of the skin. On each hand, dragon-skin gauntlets went up to the second knuckle and ended at his elbows. His pants were made of dragon leather, and his boots were heavy steel with pointed tips. However, the mark on his chest was seriously impressive. A woman who seemed both erotic and deadly. The tattoo was simple - a woman "kissing," as if in an air kiss. It wasn't an uncommon gesture for human women or any women whose men were leaving. This felt different, though - like a first love or a particularly amazing night partner. Only one goddess of lust had that level of power to flaunt, which also spoke of the warrior's skills. Diebela, the Dragon Goddess of Lust, once supposedly cursed a female mage to be a dragon for causing a war that destroyed most of the world. To invoke her, one had to please her, a task that was said to be impossible. The level of pleasure granted the goddess decided her blessing level, visible by the number of marks on the priest or priestess's body. Most had a half dozen, but this warrior had thirty or so, most bleeding from the one over his heart. Anyone who worshiped Diebela was an amazing lover, and could charm a dragon from its scales. Many used vocal magic and were infamous assassins. However, this warrior seemed almost nonchalant about the mark, not hiding it like others did. A large Gladius went horizontal to his waist while a Bisento's blade was visible at his right shoulder. The man was tall at 7 feet 6 inches, and very well built. Diebela was a neutral goddess who thrived on chaos and power. She wasn't overly cruel or spiteful, however. The problem was most people who enjoyed sex considered her their goddess, and Diebela didn't see anything as sacred - age, race, marriage, her followers tended not to see such things as important either. The man smiled at the Drow as he said, "Hello ladies. Sorry to intrude, but I'm looking for a companion or two for the night, and a bed to sate them in. I'm on a quest to kill a group of dragon worshipers a few leagues from here, and Milady suggested stopping by here." Those with "the sight" would see a too beautiful woman, well the outline of her mumbling something to him. He rolled his eyes as he said, "She also apologizes for coming here without permission, but the mark I bear means me and her are connected more so than most, I'm sure. Most of you see or hear her, she's lessened the bond so as not to hurt you, but this is all she can do so." "It was a late starry night on a lonely road in the northern Japanese countryside. A lone red car drove along carrying its single passenger, a recent high school graduate named Ryuko Matoi. She gripped the wheel firmly with an irritated yet depressed look on her face, "Why on Earth did they have to have their wedding at Lake Mashu? I know it's pretty but if the drive all the way there from Kanto wasn't bad enough now I have to drive all the way back out of bum-fuck nowhere by myself!" She relaxed a bit in her seat and continued to talk to herself, knowing no one was listening so there wasn't any harm in it. "Mako Gamagoori hmm? She finally got married. Settle down, start a family and have lots of little kids..." Ryuko took out a picture from under the dashboard and looked at it. "Mako...was there really anything between us? I guess in the end he gave you what I never could. Ah-" She shook her head. "Ugh, get a hold of yourself girl! You and Mako were always just friends...just...friends..." She paused. "Besides, she's a girl like me, we're both supposed to settle down with a nice husband right?" The car continued on for an hour or so in silence, save for the occasional sigh from its driver. The sky was beautiful that night. So far away from the big cities, you could see every star in the sky. Ryuko stared at the mesmerizing, nebulous abyss above and wondered. Wondering if things could have been different, wondering why after everything had happened she was the only one left that couldn't settle into a normal life. Her gaze drifted from the stars above back down to the red bride's maid dress she still had on. Eventually, the car slowed down until it stopped at the side of the road and the horn blared at the empty road a moment later. "Damn it! You said you wouldn't do this," she yelled to herself as her fist smashed against the steering wheel. "You promised yourself you wouldn't cry! You knew this was coming, you were the first person she told when they got engaged... Damn it, damn it, damn it!" After moments of sulking, Ryuko eventually stepped out of the car. She took a seat on the hood and just stared at the night sky. "She's a girl like isn't right for me to have these thoughts about her like this. I should be happy for her. But...what if she still has the same thoughts about me?" She shook her head, "No, I wouldn't want that. I wouldn't want to confuse her or get in between her and Ira. So... maybe I should just go away." She stayed quiet for a little while longer, thinking to herself. Sifting through memories and nostalgia, wondering why how she could feel this way about another woman. She had never really been with anyone of any gender. Suddenly, she burst out in laughter. "Look at yourself! Sitting on the side of the road in the middle of hick central! What, am I trying to get myself mugged?" She said with a laugh before standing up and getting back in her car. "I better get going before this turns into a scene from that Deliverance movie. Not that I'm scared of a couple of country bumpkins. Why are western movies so weird anyway?" Just as she was about to turn the key and start the engine again, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. A bright light whizzing in and out of view. "What the hell?" She asked squinting at the light as it rapidly approached. She turned the key, but the engine didn't start. "Oh come on not now," she grunted in disappointment. Ryuko desperately tried to rev the engine as the light grew brighter and brighter. Panic began to set in swiftly but just as it seemed like the source of the light has reached her, she turned back to it with a challenging glare. And then... blackness.,"How many promising young scientists were granted permission to head out into the outer reaches of known space? Okay, so technically the Solar System containing the planet "Earth" (and what an unimaginative name) wasn't quite on the outer reaches. It was more like territory that people had mapped out and explored to some degree, but hadn't really taken the time to slow down and analyze. Still, the position was not something that was generally handed to scientists first out of the Academy, no matter how promising they happened to be or what genetic clutching they happened to have hail from. So Akeema, third of her Clutching, had been thrilled with the prospect and put together a scientific shuttle post-haste. Naturally her ship had been equipped with the finest in observation technology, plus a heavy dollop of shielding and at least one or two cannons (because going into space without weaponry was asking for trouble; debris alone often hindered progress and exploration, let alone considering pirates or unfriendly natives). The shuttle could technically sustain a crew of four or possibly more if the species were smaller than Akeema. However, she'd opted for a solo mission, her reasoning being that if she needed to make any contact with the local species, only one "alien" would be preferable to a ship full of them. She'd been quite confident in her abilities and, in hindsight, she could admit this: she'd been fairly hungry for the glory that would come from a solo mission. For the most part, the ship was therefore comfortable. Akeema had more than enough room for experiments and studies, while still having a life-pod to keep her regular five hour sleep cycle somewhat steady, her race naturally preferring to sleep standing up due to their digitigrade legs and all. Not that they couldn't lie down; it wasn't as if they had swollen heads or anything. Some of their clutchings did possess impressive crests, but Akeema didn't really have quite that. She did have impressive psionic extensions, which she'd rather not caress too openly. Their glowing pink should've been an indicator even before she'd set forth, but no, she'd been eager and confident. And how her ovipositor was threatening to puncture her uniform. She could feel it throbbing between her legs, the eggs likely having been built up inside her body. Hell, they almost felt as if they'd somehow drifted into her tail, though she knew that to be physically impossible, if only because said tail kept twitching with light agitation. Frowning, Akeema's fingers flew across the dashboard, her vision blurring enough for her to blink both eyelids. She knew precisely what was wrong with her: she'd entered estrus, and a rather heavy one at that. It probably wouldn't have been so bad had she tended to her needs a few sleep cycles ago. She might have even been able to simply clutch inside one of the waste tubes and be done with it. But again: studying had come first, and so now the alien was fighting off a need that threatened to potentially permanently nibble at her excellent mind. Akeema leaned back and studied her monitors. She knew what she had to do. She'd heard tales of this sort of thing before, travelers picking up natives to either "study" or more likely enjoy. Why else would there be so many rumors about probing waste holes? It was considered highly unseemly and more than a little unprofessional, especially for someone such as herself, who was supposed to be here studying the civilizations. But given the biological imperative... she was fairly certain she could mark this one off. "Let's see," Akeema said, typing into her ship's computer. "According to research, I want somewhere away from urban centers, and likely in Japan." This latter came from watching human art forms, which seemed to like to pair the alien sexual encounters with the island nation. Akeema wasn't sure she saw the connection, but it would be easier to clutch in a Japanese female because of it. She entered the coordinates into her ship, letting it guide itself. She had to lean back, shivering with anticipation, her hands going to her lower torso, where she knew the eggs to already be percolating. The ship informed her of a lock on, letting her know that the transfer was going to drop the target into the cargo room. Akeema shifted the teleport, carefully guiding it to the receiving area for living targets. She already had a few lesser Earthing species in there, so hopefully it wouldn't surprise the target overmuch. Akeema caressed a psionic extension, knowing that she'd have to somehow convince the human to touch or be touched by it for communication to work. It did look a little like human hair, so perhaps that wouldn't be too strange? "Only you would worry about the meat-sack you're abducting to clutch in," muttered Akeema, sighing as she pushed away from her console and headed toward the transport room. It would at least look more or less like the humans' science fiction features, albeit with chairs suited to Akeema's slightly stiffer and heartier build: an open space with pads. Well, there were the open cells, where the psionically controlled species would be. Akeema didn't think she had anything dangerous or poisonous in there... she quickened her pace regardless, just in case. "Rina was new to the Amane ranch and already finding it hard not to leave already. She was hired to help the ranch's number one cowboy with the horses, but all she was getting were catcalls from the other farmhands and cowboys who worked there. Rina sighed. "My outfit probably isn't helping my case," she said. Picture of Rina:,"Most only knew him as Night, he never had ever told anyone in this remote place his real name and wasn't about to change that. His eyes were often fully black or showed signs of red when really angry, usually with another rancher and being the lead he could do whatever he wanted to any of them and get away with it. The new one needed to work harder, and seeing her standing there getting cat calls only made the insides start burning. "Get to work on cleaning out those stables," he said. "The day started simply enough. The doctor came home from work late, as normal. His son was nowhere to be found. Not that it mattered. He knew perfectly well what the boy was doing and wanted no part of it. Blasted child of his running off to help the Shinigami at a moment's notice. None the less with the Kurosaki boy. Ryuuken simply sighed and put his things on the kitchen table. The house was empty and he had it all to himself. Again. With a quick glance at the contents of the fridge, he decided he wasn't hungry. But he did need a shower and a good night's sleep. With two fingers, he pushed his glasses up higher on his face. As he headed up the stairs, he paused. Thinking he heard something. But he felt no one else in the house and quickly dismissed it. Rarely did he use any of his powers, but with the increased numbers of Shinigami and Hollows, he stayed alert. All he wanted right now was a relaxing shower. It had been yet another long, hectic day at the hospital. Some would say it was a good day; he had only fired two nurses and one doctor. Ryuuken turned the knob and first turned the water of the shower on. He let it run without bothering to shut the door. If his son came home, he could hear it. The man undressed slowly, letting the steam roll over him. He let out a deep sigh and rolled his shoulders. He closed his eyes and placed his glasses on the sink. The tie followed. Slowly, items came off leaving him in his pants and unbuttoned shirt. The night was peaceful, and it was just what he needed.,"Sosuke let his chocolate brown eyes flicker over his followers as he sat on the throne which had been made especially for him by the residents. Things were moving along at a fairly decent pace and he had some time to spare. So how should he fill this rare moment of free time? There were many things he could do but what would be the most advantageous to him? Sosuke thought silently for a short while and then a smile came to his lips - his mind made up - as he rose and strode out of the throne room without glancing back. Not too long afterward, he appeared directly outside Ryuuken Ishida's house with a scrap of white cloth in his hand and a smile on his face which might have been pleasant had one not known his true nature. Sosuke entered the building without much effort since in his reaper form, material walls couldn't stop him. Due to the fact that he wasn't of solid matter at the moment. He could hear water running upstairs and flash stepped up to the room in question, just in time to see Ryuuken remove his tie and set his glasses on the sink. Oh what perfect timing he had, Sosuke thought with a smirk, using his abilities to appear directly behind the Quincy and stretched out a hand to remove the other male's shirt. "Why don't I help you with that?" The god-like reaper murmured in that smooth as silk voice he possessed and tossed the shirt away from both of them with a flick of his wrist. This wasn't just a whim of his to pay Ryuuken a visit, no Aizen always had a plan when he showed himself to others and this was no different. What that plan might be was another matter entirely and one that he was sure no one would understand. Not until it was too late to do anything about it. The night wouldn't remain peaceful for long. No, Sosuke expected Ryuuken to react instinctively and try to shoot him which would not be a very wise choice. "Freeside was much as it had been since the Courier's victory almost a month ago. There were more people now, and they tended to look healthier. The differences were a bit more subtle: buildings looked a touch cleaner, people were wearing nicer clothes. Corpses had been cleaned up. Even the Old Mormon Fort had actual wooden buildings inside it now. They were still fairly primitive, but now they were able to bring it more medical technology and workers, originally needed to help them cope with the flood of injured people in the wake of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. There he was, walking down the middle of Freeside, wearing an eye-catching duster outfit. He had short, messy black hair and a thick goatee. Combined with his sunglasses and bandana, he certainly stood out amongst the poor neighborhood. His confident gait, the purpose with which he moved, and the polished black assault rifle (with a silver metal, polished receiver) gave him an air of authority. Most people who walked around simply ignored him, though some pointed and whispered in hushed tones as he passed. He didn't seem to fit the descriptions of the travelers and citizens, of "Courier Six," whose real name nobody seemed to know. He was supposed to be kind and giving and... well, this man looked dangerous. Badass, one might say, as he patrolled the streets.,"After her escape, Jessica realized that there was only one place that she could go and find any amount of safety: New Vegas. Fully protected by the enigmatic 'Courier' and his army of Securitrons, it was inaccessible to Caesar's Legion, the group that had enslaved her for nearly a year. She didn't have the caps to get into the Strip. That much is for sure. The Securitrons had turned her away immediately. However, she had heard rumors about the kind-hearted Courier and his tendency to patrol the City himself - even the slums of Freeside. For days, Jessica worked and survived in Freeside, doing anything for some caps or even a hot meal. All the while however, she kept an eye and ear out for any news of her potential savior. Luck was on her side, as word spread that the Courier was out and about, keeping safe the streets of Freeside. She flew from the seedy bar she had been frequenting in search of the Courier. His regal presence and the deference with which everyone treated him left no doubt in her mind that the simply dressed and armed gentleman strolling down the street was the mysterious man she had been seeking. After a calming breath, she ran up to him, completely ready to recite the speech she had already prepared, providing a level-headed and logical proposal as to how she could be useful to him if he allowed her to stay in the strip, despite her poverty. However, to her dismay, when she opened her mouth what came out was: "Looking for a good time tonight, sir?" "Her entire body was sore. Nothing seemed to feel the way it was supposed to. Her body was heavy, and she felt almost as if some of her skin were bare. But that couldn't be right...could it? Her eyes fluttered open with much effort and she realized that she was not on base, not in her ship, and certainly nowhere near true civilization. Gasping, she sat up too quickly and then fell back again, a bout of dizziness pushing her back faster than any living being could have. What the hell happened? How did she end up in a hut like this? Bringing her hand up to her head to hold it, she froze. No uniform. No pajamas. No panties. What the hell?! She gasped again and looked down at herself. What was she wearing? She seemed to be wearing golden armor of some kind...well, at least it was made of gold. It wouldn't do much to protect her, however, since it didn't do much to cover her at all. Her full breasts bulged against the golden cups and from there to her hips was uncovered, revealing a flat, toned stomach. Her long, strong, shapely legs were completely revealed, only a small strip of metal covering her front and stopping at mid thigh. The back was pretty much non-existent. And now that she was thinking of it, she seemed to have some sort of headpiece as well. What the fuck was going on?! Frantically, she tried to remember what had happened to her, but the last thing she remembered was flying over this area on patrol...had she been attacked? Was there an accident? What happened? And why was she dressed like this? Slowly, she sat up and looked around the hut, finding that nothing in particular was strange about it. And then she saw a giant lizard woman step in. Ordinary humans might have screamed, but she knew that the people of this planet were anthropomorphic. After a moment of staring at this creature, she asked, "What happened?","The lizard woman looked at her and started to growl something. Other than being green and much of her body scaly, and her face dominated by a slight snout, she seemed to be dressed much like Krystal, except her "armor," if you could call it that, was a darker shade of green. Despite the tail, the cocked ears, and reptilian skin, the alien was clearly as female as Krystal herself. Her armor displayed her heavy breasts, flat smooth belly, flaring hips and lean legs the same as Krystal's armor presented her. Seeing Krystal's puzzlement, she paused a moment, closing her eyes. Holding the back of Krystal's bra were two shoulder pad bits of armor that extended two straight slats against the back of her neck, like part of a collar. While the alien woman waited, Krystal felt her neck tingling, and there were more tingles from the headpiece atop her hair. It didn't feel bad, just a kind of tingling, and then it went away. "There," the lizard girl growled. Actually, she growled just as she had before, but Krystal heard it translated within her thoughts. "Now you can communicate normally with all the tribes. And I will be able to explain your new status." She sat down in a chair built for her dimensions. "I am ..." the growl was untranslated. "Like you, I serve the warriors of the Sharpclaw Tribe. But I'm getting ahead of myself, I suppose." She composed herself again and restarted. "Your incursion was detected by the Techno Tribe. They have ways of detecting ships that fly. Just as they furnished the warriors of the tribes with flying belts to defend us. Our warriors, and those of the other tribes attacked and disabled your ships. Seeing the pilots were all female, naturally you were seized from your vessels and divided up between the tribes as captive slaves. That is what you are now. You are a pleasure slave for the warriors. Your armor marks you as an available slave for all warriors in camp. It allows you to wander freely through the camp, but will not allow you to leave the confines. You are expected to service any who desire you." She looked askance at Krystal. "And I suspect that will be many, and often." She waved a hand at Krystal. "You were marked by General Scale at your capture, although you were not conscious to enjoy it. His essence stains you, still. The warriors will want you clean for their pleasure." There was, in fact, a milky clear residue on Krystal's breasts, cheeks, belly, and legs. It was dried now, but still stuck to her skin thickly. The girl pointed out the door toward the rising sun. "You will want to clean in the pool of Zora's Domain. It lies beyond the Scaleskin Tavern. It will help prepare you for what is to come." "It was a beautiful day in the region. Diego had been working up an intense focus as he faced his target. It was an Absol. He certainly didn't expect to find one here, but it definitely meant that it was going to be a good day. The stocky young man stood facing the Absol with a glint of determination and hunger. He adjusted his glasses before he pulled out a Pokeball and threw it. "All right, Infernape, why don't you get out here and lend me a hand with this," Diego said with a roguish smile as he let out his collared primate Pokemon.,"His Infernape explodes out of her pokeball and rolls to her feet. She's tall for a Pokemon, all slim limbs and ropy muscle, with longer white fur on her forearms and shins. Whorls of gold sheath her fists and knees, with two of them coiling out from around her back to cup her breasts, dark nipples poking out from beneath white fur. Her tail is long enough to brush on the ground when she walks, but right now it flicks back and forth in agitation at the thought that her master is in danger. She looks from him to the Absol, and starts stalking in a slow circle. "Katniss Everdeen. 17 years old. The first person to volunteer as tribute for the Hunger Games. Subsequently involved in the first ever crowning of two victors of a single Hunger Game. Now officially the Capital's plaything while she was vying to keep her family and Peeta unharmed. It was obvious after her stunt with the nightlock that President Snow was not pleased with the results of her actions. Not only did they have to change the rules so they would live but now he was hearing whispers of the other districts having issues with rebellions. Ultimately, Katniss did not realize the impact that single action would bring but now she was being punished for it. In some ways, Peeta's actions caused a new plan for President Snow. He wanted to use the fact that Katniss was so desirable as a way to gain support for the Capital and to bring her back under his control. When he told her his plan, of course Katniss immediately and vehemently disagreed. It was then that Snow reminded her that she couldn't protect her family when she was hundreds of miles away...that Peeta went to all that trouble to be with her, it would be a shame to throw it away. He asked her what the safety of her family and boyfriend would be worth to her....apparently to Snow it cost her her virginity sold to the highest bidder. The night of the auction, she went through the process of being dolled up by her prep team as normal but she was much quieter...much more reserved as they painted her up. The outfit she was presented by Cinna left little to the imagination. It was blood red and lacy, a push-up bra and matching boy-shorts. She was paraded around in front of a massive crowd while a television behind her showed them various outsides and looks she'd been forced to model. Katniss was in her own mind as the crowd shouted out various number and bids, until one was the victor. She didn't even get to see him before she was dragged away and prepared for travel. Soon she was wrapped like a present in his choice of outfit and delivered like a package to his home.,"As one of the richer men in the Capitol, Charles had watched the games with all the luxuries imaginable. From the beginning he had admired Katniss' beauty as many as the men had, but as a reasonable man he had put many bids towards Cato. To say the end result of the Game had been surprising and disappointing was an understatement. After losing a good fortune because of the girl's actions, he pounced on the chance when her virginity was auctioned off. While he was slightly hesitant to spend another fortune towards having her for himself, his anger and desire for her had combined which had caused him to eventually cast the winning bid on her. The rules as had been explained to him were very simple. She needed to still appear as luscious as she ever had once his time with her was finished. Otherwise anything else was fair game. Charles planned on making her suffer. Not only had she cost him two fortunes, but she had also become one of the most desired females in the world. He wanted to make her beg for the things he would do to her. Charles had been given the choice of decided what Katniss should be wearing when delivered to him. After much deliberation he had settled on a dress similar to what she had been wearing during her interview before the game. It was the same color red, but strapless, and the soft material hugged her form even tighter than the last had. The dress she was to be delivered to him in was also much shorter the red material would barely cover the bottom of her tight ass leaving her long legs completely exposed down to the high heels she would be wearing. Underneath the dress she would be wearing nothing but a tiny black thong. Once she arrived at his home servants would take her to one of his large bedrooms, leaving her standing in the middle of the open floor. About fifteen minutes after she arrived Charles entered the bedroom the door locking behind him. Katniss Everdeen. You understand what you are to do here, with me? You understand what will happen should you disobey? He barely gave her time to reply before he spoke again. Spin around slowly. Let me get a good look at you. "M'gann stared at the now quiet Zeta-tube. Most of the gang had decided to go to a movie, but she had told them that she would stay behind and clean Mt. Justice. After all, with the glare Conner was giving her, she was obviously not welcome. M'gann silently pushed off the ground and floated down the hall. Conner had been cold toward her ever since she had opened up to him about her culture's relationships and they had broken up. Training was awkward... missions were awkward... everyone felt it, but not a single person approached her to see what they could do to help. They all went to Conner. After all, it was more likely that he would hurt or hurt someone... M'gann could take care of herself. Well, they were all wrong. She was breaking inside, and only one person cared. M'gann gently lay on the ground in front of his door and knocked. The door slowly opened to reveal her savior. Looking through her lashes, M'gann blushed as the words tumbled out of her mouth, "You want to play Love Bite?","Thomas smiled as he looked at her. "You know I am more than happy to help you pet," he said, allowing the Martian into his room. "Remember it's either Master or Thomas when we're alone, baby," he added, pulling the green-skinned teen into a deep kiss. Like with everything else, it was dominant and hard. His tongue rubbed hers while his hands caressed her chest through her top. He'd ordered her to make her breasts larger when they were alone and to slowly increase their size in front of the others. His hard torso rubbing against her back. He chuckled slightly to himself. "Did you read those books like I suggested? Study that top 100 sexiest women and superheroine lists the Playboy Channel did a few weeks back?" He smirked. "I can't wait to play with your shape-shifting skills." Thomas Alexander Hellsing, or Love Bite, was tall at six foot eight. He weighed an appropriate 320 pounds for his size. Thick muscles but still lean decorated his form. White blond hair hung to the middle of his back. He obviously had been showering, although a large cock was hardening behind his towel. His sapphire blue eyes arched with his neon green bio kinetic energy. "Dovahkiin. The most revered Nord in all of Skyrim. The slayer of Alduin, the Listener of the Night Mother, Guild Master of the Thieves guild, Archmage of the College of Winterhold, Harbinger of the Companions, and the ender of the Skyrim civil war. And what was this brave hero doing now? Currently shopping for a gold ring, from Marise in Riften. "All this jewelry, and yet you only have 200 septims. I will never understand you, Marise," Shadic said, shaking his head. He turned around and bid farewell to the Argonian. "Safe travels, land-strider," Marise replied. The Dragonborn looked to the sky, silently asking the Aedra why, before looking in front of him. "Maybe Maramal has something I can do... Come to think of it, I've never really looked around the temple. Maybe it's time I should." He muttered to himself before heading into the Temple of Mara.,"Calypso sat on a wooden pew facing the altar of Mara. The love goddess. Her chosen patron. She was one of the two women who paid tribute to Mara. There were also two men. Being a follower of the goddess of love, Calypso had often put the 'love' into practice. To be honest, things could get boring around the temple. After praying to Mara and cleaning the already spotless temple, there was nothing much else to do. Maramal was boring, as he was married. But he was often out at the local inn during the day, which gave Calypso plenty of time with the second male priest Briehl. Calypso didn't see herself as a slut, in fact, she didn't believe in the word at all. After being surrounded by people who worshiped the goddess of love, Calypso had decided that what she was doing was completely natural. It wasn't illegal, and it wasn't even immoral, considering she wasn't married. She just wanted a little fun. And after praying to a goddess that basically endorsed love making, she felt like it was almost to be expected. Briehl, however, was nowhere to be seen today. Calypso leaned back in the pew, disappointed. Sighing, she wondered how she was going to spend the rest of her day. Dinya (who also disapproved of Calypso's . . . theories) was bustling about in the bedroom of the temple. She irritated Calypso often. The way she spoke down to her and preached to civilians rubbed Calypso the wrong way. She also never gave Calypso any important duties or fun assignments. It was always praying and cleaning, or helping out the weird lady who looked after all the dead people that were buried under the temple. She bored Calypso to tears. The only reason Calypso actually still stayed in the godsforsaken temple was the money and accommodation. She couldn't afford an inn, let alone a house. The temple was her salvation, and Mara was her savior. And Calypso did like the goddess. She stood for things Calypso could support. Love and marriage. Two things Calypso wanted desperately. "A lone figure sat in the dark of his basement laboratory, the only thing illuminating the area was the light of his computer monitor. On the monitor were several people dressed in elite fashion, business suits of the highest quality, some fine dresses, and some lab coats. They were all in video conference screens looking at only a shadowed figure. "Doctor," a woman began, "Is the serum you presented ready for sale yet?" The lone figure sat in silence for a moment thinking of what to say. Once the words were put together in his mind, he spoke. "Not yet," he said, his voice deep thanks to a voice modulator that was running. "I am still working out some minor details I need to work out on my newest test subject before it is ready." They all gave their own versions of threats about what would happen if he did not have it ready soon. It worried him little since he had enough money to keep him well secured. With that, he killed the video conference and stood up from his chair, turning on the lights revealing himself. He slicked back his silver hair (a result from one of his earliest chemistry experiments when he was an adolescent) to its normal style. He was Vergil Knight, the young hot shot CEO of Knight International, a chemical company that has supplied 85% of the world's chemical needs and even producing some of its own for sale. The company had three stellar quarters and was now the top company in its field. Vergil had managed to stay out of the spotlight since the company gained its fame, but the media was hell-bent on ending that, which was prevalent in this most recent event. Speaking of which, it was time to wake up his new test subject. He caught her snooping around twenty minutes ago and simply snuck up on her with the green rock Luthor sent him and bashed her on the head with it. She was out like a light. Thinking of what to do with her, a light bulb went off in his head. He needed a new live test subject to work out some of his new serum - what better choice than her? With help from his lovely assistant, Dr. Tannis, he got her clothes off, and was surprised to see how big of a Superman fan she was. She had a full costume on underneath her clothes. He remembered scoffing at the idea, saying "Fan girls." He then strapped her into the injection machine, not yet putting the syringes in her. She was decent-looking, but this machine would make her more desirable in both appearance and personality. Thinking that now was the best time to start, he waltzed over to where she was still strapped in and patted her cheek, saying, "Rise and shine, princess, time to start." While he waited for her to wake up, he picked up the green rock that his new friend Lex Luthor sent him. There were a few more colored rocks in the package, but he had this green one in his hands when the girl snuck in. He moved back over and read the note that came with it: "In case any one with an S on their chest gets in your way.","The idea had been to do some stealthy sneaking. Sure, Kara could probably have burst into the lab, torn things apart, and revealed the evil scheme, but they didn't have enough information. The Batman had mentioned something about scoping out the area first, learning about the corporation and trying to uncover some details. Still, weeks had passed and the Batman hadn't gotten any further to actually giving the League anything resembling information. Sure, there had been that whole alien invasion thing and a few other details that cropped up first, but still, this was a frustration that bothered the League, Kara especially. So the blonde took a page out of her cousin's book. She dressed in a sensible enough-looking pantsuit, stole Lois's press credentials, and sneaked into the facility, pretending to be an intern. True, interns don't usually look as impressive as Kara. Still, she was hoping that the large, thick glasses and slouching would help, as well as the baggy blue suit she wore over her much more revealing costume. None of that stopped her from getting her head bashed in. One moment, she'd been sneaking along, digging about in her pockets for the small camera she'd taken with her; the next, darkness. Even now, as Kara blinked away the oppressive darkness, she wasn't sure what was going on. "Princess?" she repeated, her dazed mind latching onto a few words. She felt sick, physically ill, and far, far too weak. Kara shifted, trying to move her arms or legs. To her shock, she had been strapped down. Okay, being strapped wasn't that shocking for a super heroine. It was the fact that Kara's weak body couldn't break free of the confines that surprised the heroine. She struggled for a bit, her tanned muscles rippling with the effort. Nothing. Instead, the panting superheroine looked up at the man who spoke. Her blue eyes scanned him for a moment, and she seriously considered attempting her heat vision. Just as she was about to, however, Kara noticed what he held in his hand. The bound heroine moaned at the sight of the Kryptonite: a reflex action. His later words sank in, and the startled girl's eyes widened. He didn't know? She was a trim, attractive blonde with muscles rippling just about everywhere. Her tight blue half-shirt covered her impressive bust and most of her arms, but the brilliant yellow and red "S" should have been more revealing, at least to her identity. Then there was the short blue skirt and bright red boots. Hell, Kara looked like Supergirl. How did he... No matter; she'd have to bluff him. What was the standard line? "You'll never get away with this!" she yelped, almost giggling at it. She might have, too, if not for the queasy feeling the rock gave her. "People know I'm here, and they'll be coming to get you any second!" She struggled again, trying not to look desperate as she pulled against the bindings. That blasted kryptonite was making it far, far too difficult to break free... "Lucy Heartfilia sighed, hand to her chin. The dress she had on looked nice, but she wasn't sure if this plum colored one was better than the blue one hanging off to the side. There was some sort of fancy to-do tonight, and some of the members of Fairy Tail were invited. Her included. Erza of course, who was going with Jellal under the guise of Mystogan and apparently attributing his covered face with a deformity that none needed to see. Gray, but of course Juvia had insisted that she go with him. And of course Natsu had Lisanna, which left Lucy pretty much dateless. Though there was one option left to her. But then again she had a feeling he might take this as meaning something it didn't. Still though, she didn't want to show up alone and get hit on by men much older than her. She laughed at the thought lightly. "I don't have much of a choice," she said to herself, pulling a familiar key out. "Gate of the Lion, I open thee!" she said, and waited on her Celestial Spirit to come forth to her. Though it was still hard to think of Loki that way, after all they had been through.,"Loki, the Lion celestial spirit, was sitting around with Aries and Scorpio. There wasn't much to do where they were. Scratch that, there was so much to do that none of these three knew what to do. Gemini were cloning themselves as Aquarius and bothering her to the point that she would have the water attack, and Gemini would copy it and those three would go back and forth at it. Taurus was gawking at Virgo not that she wasn't fat and was to the liking of Lucy. The others were out doing what they wished to do. Loki and the other two were bored and nothing was really going on. "Is this really what we'll be doing if Lucy doesn't call for us?" Loki asked the other two. Aries had scooted closer to him and was about to lean against him when a calling was heard. Scorpio got up hoping it was him, but was immediately shut down. Loki grinned. "My princess is calling me. Cancer is always up for more subjects, have fun." Loki said with a laugh. He stepped through the gate and appeared before Lucy. Loki appeared in a black tuxedo and his arms open. "I have come to your call my princess! What can I do for you?" He said in an exaggerated tone. "Hinata had gone through her normal morning routine and it was now afternoon time for her to train. Eventually, she went for a walk and spotted Naruto training. She was in a tree and leaned against one of the branches quietly as she watched him train. He had only been back for a few weeks. She had just recently turned 15 and it was cold outside. It was January, and there was no snow on the ground at the moment. Her birthday had been a month earlier. Hinata had not noticed anyone watching her, but she made sure to hide her presence from Naruto. Of course, this did not mean that she took no precautions to hide herself from anyone else in the area. The area was rather secluded, so chances of anyone being around were slim. Hinata wore a simple pair of pants with a black tank top, which was covered by a white jacket. Her lavender eyes watched Naruto intently, while her blackish-blue hair blew in the wind.,"Smirking as he sat on a tree branch above her, he licked his lips. Goddamn... Every day since he's been back, she's been up to this same old routine. She needed to learn. Silently falling from the top of the tree downwards, his chakra cushioned his landing so no noise was made. He snuck behind the blue-haired girl. "Hinata-sama!" He whispered harshly into her ear as his hands grabbed her wrists and held them behind her back, making her palms fall just to his crotch. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He pulled her closer so she could see his white eyes. Neji's plan of rape was just beginning. "Emily Ratajkowski was a 24-year-old model, a very new and upcoming female figure in the entertainment world. But the Californian hottie was recently instructed by her mother to fly all the way to Texas to take care of her grandfather. She hadn't seen him for years and her mother said that after a fall last month, he needed someone to take care of him. Emily had tried reasoning with her mother, she didn't want any of this at all, as it would literally put her career on hold. But her mother demanded that she do it. They had tried hiring multiple caregivers for him but all of them quit after a week or so. She had just gotten off the taxi and was taking her bags out of the car boot. Pulling her bag along, she knocked on the door. "Grandpa! It's me, Emily. Hello, anyone there?" She sighed as she looked at the deplorable condition of the home. She was dressed in a one-piece with no bra on.,"Curtis Smith groaned softly as his nap was ruined, hearing the calling out of a young woman. The 82-year-old man sighed, looking down at his naked body which was lying on top of his bed, no sheets covering him at all. A light layer of sweat covered his wrinkled body, due to the effort it took for him to move. "In here," he replied loudly, struggling to sit up. From the angle she would have when she walked in, Emily would find herself standing between her grandfather's legs, seeing his fairly impressive cock, extremely hairy balls, and even his hairy ass crack. She would see it immediately upon entering the room, without having the chance to look away. "Oh, you're my new caretaker then?" he asked, looking at her. His glasses were on a bedside table, so he did not recognize her as his granddaughter. "C'mon then, help me into the shower. I'm all sweaty," he told her, his tone slightly rough and rude. "Glaceon and Espeon were sleeping in a bed at the home of an unknown individual. They were trying to get some good night's rest, sleeping almost completely nude, and sharing the same bed.,"Umbreon and Leafeon looked at each other and chuckled softly before Umbreon, who had been nicknamed Moonlight, and Leafeon, who had been named Leafy, both snuck up on the two sleeping pokemon. Master was out right now so the girl had full roam, and Umbreon snuck up behind Espeon and began to softly lick her pussy while Leafeon would be nibbling at Espeon's ear, though they made sure not to alert Glaceon to to their presence. "Today was the beginning of the school year at Yokai Academy. Blake had been looking forward to classes starting, as he'd just transferred in. He had moved into his dorm the day before, just to make sure everything would go smoothly on the first day of classes. He was being brave, knowing he was surrounded by demons who cared little about humans. The young man was handsome, with blue eyes and dark blonde hair that matched his looks perfectly. It would have made an excellent disguise. He'd decided to attend Yokai after being pen pals with a vampire girl who also attended. He expected to meet her today. However, she was running late, so he had to wait until tomorrow. Oh well. He completed the day of classes and returned to his dorm. All of his classes seemed relatively easy, but he would need to be careful around certain demons who were more aware than others. He didn't want to end up dead.,"Trees overhang the path, casting long shadows that would have been creepy if it wasn't for the fact that it was a given here at Yokai Academy. Underneath them a young woman stretched her arms high above her head, letting out a sleepy yawn as she rubbed at one of her eyes. It had been late the night before when she moved into her dormitory, making it where she barely had any time to sleep. At least she didn't really have to worry about the classes today. The beginning and the end of the year was always lenient and relaxed. No one bothered with teaching until the second week, maybe even the third. Maybe it was a good thing, being late That way, she missed out on all the boring lectures, all the silly rules each teacher expected everyone to remember. It was certainly a bonus in her eyes. Oh no! she gasped. She found out what time it was with a watch, and she forced her feet to move faster. I'm going to be late! Again! Long midnight-black tresses flowed back with the movement, the short uniform skirt flirting with her shapely thighs. She was a beautiful young woman, what with rather exotic features and ever-present smile. Don't ever push her buttons however. Behind the smile was a hot temper that flared bright whenever the fuse was lit. There was no reining it in once it was at that point. Quickly she ran into the room, panting slightly as she came to a stop. "I'm sorry I'm late," she told the teacher with a sheepish grin. A hand came up to idly tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. The school uniform accentuated her full chest and wide hips, really showing off the model body she possessed with no effort on her part. "I'm Trinity Shadow." "When Naruto approached him about learning a new jutsu that Jiraya alluded to existing, Shikamaru was skeptical. After all, it was supposedly a genjutsu and neither of them were exactly pros in that field. After an hour of struggle, they finally gave up, guessing that nothing had really come of it. He supposed there were worse ways to waste an afternoon though. Now he was lounging in the lobby of the Hokage's office. The Hokage had asked Shikamaru to debrief Sakura on their latest mission that she was just getting back from. It was a job he was used to and it was easy enough so now he just had to wait for Sakura to arrive.,"While, at a glance, it appeared nothing happened to the two young men... well, the reality was far different. Standing in the presence of either of them for any length of time would cause a rather potent shift, something that neither Shikamaru nor Naruto were aware of at the moment. The door to the office opened, quickly revealing the illustrious Sakura Haruno herself. The kunoichi was easily among the most attractive in the village, her silky pink locks blown by the breeze until the door shut behind her. The curvaceous young woman was dressed in her usual red tunic and dark shorts, the curves of her bust and backside being framed nicely in the tight fabric. "Oh, Shikamaru. You handling debriefing this time?" she asked, giving him the once over. Something in the air felt... different. "The setting takes place at Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards, and everyone is in their fifth year. A female girl with blonde hair, hazel-green eyes, standing at five feet five inches tall, the same age as Draco Malfoy, sits with the rest of the Slytherin house. She was reading a book about how her parents met each other a long time ago and are now both 39 years old. Her name is Mindy, and she loves reading books about other witches and wizards. She is quite different from Draco, preferring to read rather than causing trouble between him and Harry Potter at any cost. Mindy finally closes her book after having been reading for a while and wonders what kind of trouble Draco Malfoy has gotten himself into this time. She also realizes that it's Saturday, which means that tonight is Hogwarts' Halloween Dance. She wonders whether Draco will ask her to the dance or not and sighs. It's about four o'clock in the late afternoon on a beautiful sunny day.,"He walked through the hallways holding his books after getting a bit of an extra scolding from the professor. He sighed, heading for the Slytherin common room, wanting to relax for a while after losing some of his fire to mess with Potter. He motioned his two friends to follow him, pushing his way through the crowd as he entered the dome. His eyes looked her over before giving her a half-smile, half-sneer. He motioned his friends as he moved towards Mindy, leaning against a table. "Hi there, Mindy? Have you given any more thought to my offer to help me with the spell?" He gave her a cocky smile, brushing back his hair. "Twilight Town, a marvelous city where the night rules eternal. The Nobody had been here once, but had left not before leaving casualties. Roxas, the once-proud Keyblader and Guardian for good if you will, fought valiantly as possible for one mere boy, but his fight was futile in the end. The Nobodies found a way of mutating; one of these mutated Nobodies had bitten Roxas. The resulting bite created a hybrid half-Nobody, half-human. The once-proud warrior Roxas now stood as tall as ever, still looking like a human, yet he looked like a Nobody with the same black features, although he had fur. Roxas has hidden himself away in a mansion overlooking Twilight Town, never going out. The only contact with the outside world he has is what he sees of Twilight Town through his window. The last time he had been out of his new home was the day he had mutated. The townsfolk had treated him like an outcast, throwing rocks at him, telling him to leave town, calling him a monster. Roxas, what was left of him, the malformed boy who appears like a beast, looks through the window at the town of Twilight. The presence of the Nobodies is around again, their dark energies, which only someone who is similar to them would feel, stinging his eyes. Although he appears like a monster, no, a beast, he still has his human emotions. He longs to feel loved, but knows it will never happen.,"Yuffie, a simple girl, had been shopping for her father in the tram district. As usual, the petite, but beautiful young girl had been stopped by Siefer, the town's local bully, who was handsome, but another thug. When Yuffie refused his advances, he had ripped the book she was reading from her hands and thrown her to the ground. The girl had landed in the mud, her simple dress stained and ruined. She slunk back home, holding the bag of groceries for her father tight to her small chest. "Father, I'm home," she said, "and I got the..." Her mouth dropped as she saw the door ajar, her father's horse taken, and his ancient shield off the wall, an heirloom he had told Yuffie never to touch. "Zack Fair, SOLDIER 1st Class, and in the employ of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Recent events had led to his promotion, and his teacher, one Angeal Hewley, had gone missing. Shinra was ready to pronounce him dead, but Zack knew better. Angeal wouldn't disappear without good reason. Sephiroth himself had told Zack to just relax, but the passionate SOLDIER wasn't one to sit idly by if his friends needed help. To hopefully calm his nerves, Zack headed to the church in the Sector 5 slums. He always found peace there, and Aeris was usually found there too. Making his way out of the Shinra Corporate Headquarters, Zack drew a few looks, the huge Buster Sword on his back, but his uniform giving him away as a Shinra Operative. In fact, the only person that stopped him was Tseng. The disheveled look of the Turk told Zack that something was up. He'd never seen the Turk in anything except a prim and proper look and attitude. In fact, if he had to guess, Tseng almost seemed... drunk? "Heading to the church again?" Tseng asked, his insight quite keen. "Of course. I haven't seen Aeris in a few days and I think I should check on her." Zack replied. He had no reason to hide anything. "She's actually doing very well. That flower wagon you built for her is really helping her pull in some money." Tseng informed him. Zack had to admit that made him feel good. "Still keeping an eye on her then?" he asked, knowing the answer. "It's my job. I told you that." Tseng said, now walking with him. The two men were given a wide berth, and it wasn't long before the church was in sight. At one time the church had been magnificent, and even now that old spectacular architecture could be seen, though all around it was the ruins of the slums underneath the plate, the people with money living above those without. "This is where we part company." Zack said, really not wanting Tseng to come with him inside. He valued his time with Aeris far too much. "Be careful." was all Tseng said before he took his leave, the helicopter employed by the Turks setting down in a cloud of dust and then lifting off with Tseng aboard. Zack turned toward the church and pushed open the door, slipping inside. The sunlight streamed in through the hole in the ceiling, and Zack called out. "Aeris?","The days beneath the Midgar plates within Sector 5 were different when she could anticipate something special. It wasn't that the stale fluorescent lights became brighter or the air less stagnant; the people remained as bitter as ever. But her heart was happy and excited. And the testament to that mood was actually palpable in the only place where life did exist beneath the slums - within the quiet, abandoned church. Within the quiet, abandoned church, the skylight that marked his first visit continued to pour its gentle warmth over a fertile patch of yellow flowers. She had been seeing him for a year now, but always prepared for him and considered every time special. She wore the pink ribbon he had bought for her on their first meeting, and since then had also acquired pink slipper shoes as he had suggested more of its colors in her wardrobe. While she waited in the church for Zack to arrive, the girl tended to those flowers, humming to herself and the plants as the watering can showered the new blooms. They filled the entire church with their fragrance. When he arrived, the calm air shifted ever so slightly, a tremor that rippled softly through the open space like a petal upon the water. A familiar voice soon flowed through, and from her stooping, Aeris stood straight before whirling to see him at the tall doors, the end of her spiral braid flipping over her shoulder. Zack! She said it as if she was surprised to see him. In part she was, not having known what time he would actually come. The watering can was set down quickly, just a bit of it sloshing over the edge to catch the edge of her pleated white skirt. She ran down the aisle to greet him, skillfully avoiding all the little holes and upturned planks of wood she had navigated for years. Without any more warning than her bee-lining, she leaped at him to catch him around the neck in a full embrace. I missed you soooo much! Her ear pressed to his before her head turned to plant a kiss on his cheek. You missed me too, right? How long can you stay this time? "There were only short, very brief moments of consciousness. Every waking second filled with nothing but immense burning pain. Mr. Sinister knew the dangers of taking in a mutant as powerful as Rouge, and had made the necessary precautions in order to contain her. It wasn't complex, the plan actually very simple, keep her sedated and on round-the-clock observation. Any flinch, twitch or uneven breath was taken into account, as if she were to completely snap out of her drug-induced coma... there would be a few new holes in the genius mutant's lab. There was no possible way he could resist the allure of the southern belle's abilities though. Deadly, powerful... limitless potential, and all obtained with a single touch. Numerous injections had been given, all of which needing to be applied with a powerful claw-like arm and enhanced needle to compensate for her heightened durability. Sticking a syringe into someone who could resist the impact of a bullet proved difficult, but certainly not impossible. They had managed to get an IV in her, coursing the sedatives through her system, and that had been a bit of a chore. The hospital gown hung loosely from her frame, obviously put on in a rush. Nobody wanted to risk exposure to her skin for a prolonged period. This of course meant it looked like a blind one-armed monkey had put it on. The laces along the back tied off in the wrong positions, the collar sideways and causing the cheap cardboard-like fabric to pull awkwardly off in the wrong direction and bunch up along her left flank. Had she been awake long enough to notice... she wouldn't have been too pleased about it. Mmmph. The groan was soft, eyes opening slowly and revealing the emerald irises beneath. The pounding in her skull was intense, set to the rhythm of her heartbeat. Everything was blurry, sounds came in as though she were underwater, distant and subdued. The glass tube she had been locked inside was tilted upward, numerous harnesses holding her in place and keeping her secure. Son of a.. It was no sooner the words were spoken that she noticed something wasn't quite right. Everything below the neck down was numb, despite her desperate efforts to move her arms or legs, absolutely nothing happened. Ah, look who has decided to join us. The southern belle furrowed her brow as she took in the sight of the other man that had been captured. Something about him seemed familiar... but she was unable to place it in her memory. Deadpool was only known through reputation as far as she went, and of course the files that were kept on him beneath the school. A few of her teammates had made it clear that they were not a fan, but when one of them was Logan it was hard to tell if it could be taken with more than a grain of there were a lot of people he didn't care for in this world. It was only after she accepted that he was an unknown that her gaze pulled back to Nathaniel Essex. The two of them shared a not so pleasant history, a lot of it steeped in some bad decisions that a rather charismatic Cajun had made. I wanted you to be awake for this, as I think you will find it...quite intriguing. Bending down, he moved to release the seal on her container. The pressure released and hissed out into the room. Rogue was still trying to move, free herself somehow, but it was all for naught. The only thing she could do was glare, and if looks could kill. As soon as the lid was lifted, a young man was waved over. He couldn't have been more than 25. Ruffled blonde hair, thick glasses, and a tall wiry frame - he looked to be incredibly nervous. "Go on, Henry," Sinister said. "We need to see if we have made any progress." The kid stammered, looking from Mr. Sinister over to the southern belle and back. It was obvious he wanted to protest, but was too terrified to actually do it. Instead, he took a deep gulp, the sound audible in the relatively quiet underground lab, and raised his hand up and outstretched his arm. "N-no...don't..." Rogue could see where his hand was going, fingertips headed for the bare skin beneath the sleeve of her hospital gown. All she could do was flinch, close her eyes, and prepare for the horrible sensation that overwhelmed her whenever someone touched her. The memories, the was never a walk in the park. Although it was probably worse to be on the other end of it. Due to the paralytic she couldn't actually sense the contact, but it had happened. Fingertips pressed down, followed by his palm, and pain. Mr. Sinister could only smile in amusement. A few moments passed before Rogue hesitantly opened her eyes, Sage and Warpath looking on in silent shock at what they were seeing. Neither of them were keen on saying anything anyway, afraid to pull any attention as it had lead to nothing but excruciating pain when they had. What did you do? There was anger, confusion, and a hint of excitement behind that southern voice. Eyes wide and searching for some kind of answer on either of the men's faces. Of course Mr. Sinister was pleased, but it wasn't a breakthrough for his research. Suppressing her mutant gene had been done before, but it was at least a step in the right direction. Very good. Secure her and make sure those paralytics don't wear off. I think we've done enough work for today. Just like that he brushed her off, not offering her anything but a sidelong glance of amusement. Oh, she wanted to hit him. Send him flying across the room and pound on him until she grew too exhausted to beat on him anymore. Still, her body wouldn't move, only having control of her head and neck. That certainly wasn't enough to bust her loose. With that the lab started to empty, small mumblings from the workers about the day's work, machines shutting down while others sputtered to life. There were cameras everywhere though, so just because the room was empty, didn't mean they were alone in the slightest.,"Why do you do this to me? Seriously, look at her... and you know what goes on here at Bluemoon. But Hotdogs aren't supposed to go there. Wade awoke with a yawn, it wasn't beneath him to wake up in weird and at times compromising places or positions. The sealed tube wasn't exactly new and the hospital gown brought back a swell of emotions that were quickly quelled beneath a tirade of self-deprecating sarcasm: "That is the last time I let you take me out." His words were directed at no one in particular. Fuck you. His amplified healing factor was making short work of the sedative cocktail that coursed through his veins, several saline IVs were attached to his arms and legs along with a dialysis machine that seemed to be replacing his blood with additional tranquilizing additives. "My whole body is like The Stranger." The dialysis machine was taxed to its limit as his body continually pumped out a steady stream of blood to replace what was being taken out. Given the nature of Wade's abilities, tranquilizing him with the lethal equivalent of what's given to those being executed was the only way to keep him here along with the additional restraints that bound him in place. A breeze chilled him and Wade shivered beneath the hospital gown: "Oh, it's like The Dead Stranger." A sigh escapes through keloid-scarred lips as he fights against the restraints, moving enough to see the others also bound to his same fate. "Oh hey." In many ways he was happy to see that he wasn't the only one here, it meant he could talk to someone who wasn't himself. Wade tilts his head to the side, using a few reflective surfaces to his advantage, it reminded him of the time he spent an entire hour trying to see a breast through the static of Pay Per View, which he admitted to himself was probably last week. It was a good boob. "So uh hey." His words directed at Rogue or really the round distorted reversed image of her rear: "Come here often?" That's not going to work... You miss all the chances you never take, bro. "Click clack... click clack... Alice felt the corners of her lips tug into a tiny smile as she roamed the all too quiet halls of Hatter Mansion. They were deathly quiet, though she knew such silence wouldn't last forever. It never would. It never did. At that, she let out a tiny puff of breath and tilted her head. Curious was the sensation as the air passed over her lips and the soft sigh rolled out of her mouth. Just then, her smile broadened. It made her wish that quiet moments such as this came more frequently. But sadly, her life was far from quiet and calm. She hadn't known such things since falling down the rabbit hole. Alice almost laughed, a tiny burbling bubble working its way up her throat as she continued to walk down the hall seemingly alone. But was she alone? No. She hadn't truly been alone since venturing into Wonderland. Ah, but that was the truth of it all! She hadn't ventured anywhere! She'd been taken! Snatched up from her nap and whisked away to a chaotic world where nothing made sense yet everything... did. No. Nothing did. She wanted to go home! Home? But what was home any more? What was there to go home to? Honestly, she was starting to wonder about that sometimes. Oh Peter, why did you bring me here? What was the purpose? And why do you... Just then, Alice felt a sharp pang in her head. The pain settled behind her one eye, bold and sharp like a knife driving deeply into her skull. She let out a small groan and sighed as she raised her hand to push at her blonde hair, moving it aside so that she could rub at her one eye, at her temple. Finally, the pain eased and she felt slightly better. Smiling again, she continued her walk and relished the silence that wouldn't last, silence that probably wouldn't come again for a very long time. Time. Just how much had truly passed? Alice had to wonder. But no matter. Things were as they'd become and she'd started to accept that. After all, in many ways, she had no choice. At least she was safe. For now. She just wished she understood the why of everything, but then maybe that was the purpose of her visit to Wonderland. Maybe that was why she was there and had to be there. Then again, sometimes... some things... were just unexplainable.,"He had to find her again. It was an obsession that was growing steadily within his ticking heart. She fascinated him unlike anyone else in Heart or Clover. Her heart beat changed while his remained the same regardless of his panting breaths or growing emotions. It was like catnip or music to his senses, that changing heartbeat of hers. Plus, it helped that she grew so flustered from his blatant advancements and words. As he walked between doorways in time, he come upon the door that linked to her room in Hatter Mansion, the one he desperately wanted to link to his own room but he would wait until she told him she was lonely. He wanted her to be lonely, to give in to him, but he had to be patient. He had to be. Cats were great yet terrible at being patient. Why was she at Hatter Mansion, anyways? Did she like that mafia lord so much? It bugged him. It made him jealous. He didn't like being jealous. He also didn't like knowing that despite Alice enjoying Wonderland, she wasn't fully committed to being here. To staying here. She still had some regret and some desperate want for home. He had to erase that...He had to keep her here...where he could be with her. "Dammit, Alice..." Boris said, ears twitching with his growing unrest. Opening the door to one of the hallways in Hatter Mansion, Boris decided to check the place out. They couldn't stop him. Time was part of his job here after all. Tail swaying behind him as he walked, The Cheshire Cat known as Boris tried to figure out where his obsession had wandered off to. It was oddly quiet in the mansion, considering the idiot twins were usually ranting and raving and making obscene amounts of noise while Blood Dupre and his right hand were always talking about their next conquest and assassination. Where was the sleepy mouse anyways? Boris could use some more play time-- Ah! There she was. Boris blinked as he watched Alice, not quite making his presence known yet. She was...smiling. It made him blush as he watched the smile light up her face and yet he was jealous. She was probably thinking of some other man in Wonderland to have that smile on her face. He had to fix it! "Alice!" He called out, coming out from where he was. He walked right up to her and cupped her chin, waiting for her to either pull away, blush, or be flustered at him. It was usually all three. "You were smiling. What were you thinking about? Was it Blood? You are living here and not with me, you know." He said almost accusatory as his ears lowered slightly and he gave her a glare, showing his jealously. He wanted Alice all to himself...he didn't want to lose that music. "Tommy smiled as he hurried down the hill before him, excited to see Absol again after not seeing her for two days. He had been busy with some errands that needed tending to from the highest priority. Regardless, he rather spend more time with Absol, despite the fact that she was not one who was tamed to any human or wild Pokemon. She was...interesting to say the least, as Tommy never met a Pokemon like her before. It was funny considering that he was supposedly the first human she ever met. "God it's bright," Tommy closed his eyes slightly as he glanced up towards the sky before looking forward. His brown hair and blue eyes were bright as ever, as the sun's rays were quite something today. He wore simple shorts and sneakers, with a travel vest over his shirt. He smiled as he came to the clearing where Absol waited for him.,"Despite humans and Pokemon living together, Absol would normally be away from them, only to show up in case they sensed a disaster of some kind. The same could be said for the one particular Absol he had met. She was fairly young, just old enough to be considered an adult though. She had not been all too knowledgeable about humans due to her kind's preference for isolation, her curiosity leading to her slipping out from time to time and eventually meeting Tommy. He had been curious about her, considering his people would say that humans were rather devious and lustful, wanting nothing more than to have a Pokemon like her under them to command and use. It was hard for him to imagine, especially after meeting her. She didn't seem the kind to do something like that, though her mind would wander a lot as she thought about if he did do that. She squirmed just thinking about it as she waited for him, simple garbs on her body to cover up, but also provide plenty of movement. She had to be ready at any time to warn others after all. Hearing his footsteps, she poked out from her hiding spot in the bushes, relieved to see it was him. "So you came again." "His footsteps were almost silent in the dark corridors; he had to be unseen and unheard, though he felt sure the pounding in his chest would alert people to his presence. The risk of being caught breaking the school rules was exciting, but his real motivation for taking the risk of walking the corridors this late at night was taking her in his arms again. He knew if he was expelled from Hogwarts, he wouldn't see her for a long time, but Lucius had to see Bella in private and now, he yearned for her.,"Bellatrix made sure that everyone in the girls' dormitory was fast asleep, so as not to be caught sneaking out. After all, nobody would say anything about it if they saw her; they loved, feared, and envied her. Bellatrix seemed to always break rules, but was hardly ever caught. Hurrying through the corridors in her heels, she was as silent as a shadow, so used to walking in them, and sneaking around. Her parents would be furious if they knew their oldest daughter was lurking and moving in secret, in the dead of night, just to meet up with a boy. But he wasn't any boy - he was the most handsome boy in all of Hogwarts, and he was hers, he was her Lucius...Lucius Malfoy. She needed to see him, they didn't see each other enough during the day. Just thinking of him sent her heart soaring, higher than the sun. Her breathing was shaky as she looked for him, heading to their meeting place. "Artoria Pendragon moved through the modular room, visibly irritated though it wasn't hard to see why - another figure stood by, as the Holy Lancer eyed her alternate counterpart wryly. "Why did he have to summon you? I mean, I am not even sure I would even use you," she commented, which sounded weird coming from one version of herself to another. "I could be more effective than you ever could, Artoria." The Holy Lancer's words were callous and alien to the King of Britannia's ears. Artoria Pendragon "Alter" sat in the aforementioned seat that the Holy Lancer had commented on. Her arms crossed under her breasts, her pale yellow eyes meeting the other greenish-gold ones. "There are many reasons why he might have summoned me," she said, her voice cold and hard. "Maybe he wanted a servant who won't hesitate to do their mission and exert their will on the enemy. To completely destroy them in these twisted times that threaten humanity! Somebody who will grind these fools into dust!" She billowed, unamused by the Holy Lancer's lack of enthusiasm for the task at hand. The Holy Artoria just rolled her eyes at her Alter self, which felt alien to her. "Anyway, he said he was coming and wanted us both here," she commented while the alter just laughed. "You two are pathetic! Saber form? At least the alternate had something going, then again she had more of an under..." The Holy Lancer went quiet realizing she had mirrored herself. "Anyway, we'll figure out what he wants when he arrives!" She finished, as the alter finally agreed with her.,"Michael walked into the room with a heavy sigh as he looked at the two versions of Artoria nervously. He had summoned both of them not long ago and they had been causing a menace throughout Chaldea with their constant bickering and fighting. He had to settle them down somehow, but he wondered how. He couldn't have them spare, they would likely kill each other and blow up Chaldea during the fight. That was when he came up with an idea and hoped it would work out as planned. He looked at both the girls, his hazel eyes intense as he ran a hand through his short brown hair. "Look," he said, taking a deep breath. "I called you two here because your constant fighting with each other has been causing a lot of problems. I know you two don't like each other, but you need to get along enough to at least work together so I have a plan..." Michael's voice trailed off as his cheeks tinted a bright red and he steeled his resolve. "We are going to have sex until you two are okay with each other, alright!?" Michael managed to get out, looking firmly but embarrassed at them both. "Selina Kyle awoke to find her mate lying beside her, still asleep. She smiled at his face, and gently kissed his cheek before getting up for the day. She moved silently, her footsteps just like her namesake, as she grabbed some clean underwear and then headed to the bathroom. She turned on the water, and stuck her hand under the flow, waiting for the water to warm up, before she stepped into the shower. Once inside, she sighed as the hot water pounded away at sore muscles. After the last couple of days, she'd been thinking about talking to Bruce about going on a vacation, just the two of them. Somewhere hot and private. She closed her eyes, and as the water cascaded down on her skin, she slid her own hand down between her legs.,"Bruce was looking at an attractive picture of his partner, Selina, as he was getting himself adjusted to the morning light that was brought by the sun. Selina was so sexy in every way in Bruce's mind. He woke up finally, hearing pleasure-filled moans escape from the couple's bathroom. Bruce thought it best not to disturb his beloved while she was bathing. Instead, he focused his mind on the picture, or attempted to do so anyway... His mind faded back and forth, between the events that apparently took place in his dreams and the events that were currently presenting themselves. Selina desired pleasure, but Bruce, in his current state, could not provide her with it. Therefore, the ex-Catwoman resorted to the scene in the shower. Accepting this fact, the ex-Batman tried his best to relax and let the seductive picture that he held in his left hand fill his mind with lusty thoughts. Bruce soon meditated himself into a deep sleep. During the sleep, he experienced a "wet dream", probably from the thoughts that the photograph and current status of his beloved Selina induced. Regardless of the reason however, Bruce woke with the odd sensation of soaked underwear. He needed to change them. Seeing as how he was alone in the room and therefore, had privacy, the muscular man decided to strip himself bare and change into a new pair of underwear. Then, he re-clothed himself with the previously worn pajamas, for they were still dry. After this, Bruce felt the need to use the toilet within his bathroom, but decided to let his bladder suffer while he waited for his beloved Selina to finish bathing herself in the sure-to-be-warm water. Felines were not supposed to like bathing, but apparently Selina did. "Cammy White had been selected for this mission because she was the best that British Intelligence had. This was a one-man job (or in Cammy's case, a one-woman job), and they needed someone who was not only an expert marksman but also a fighter. Cammy had an arsenal of ass-kicking moves that could leave a trail of broken bodies; some people said her skills were deadlier than any handgun that the agency could provide. Guns made a noise. Cammy didn't - or at least, not when she was fighting. Her mission was to infiltrate an enemy fortress known as Shadaloo, run by an evil tyrant named General M. Bison and his army. It was going to be difficult, there was no denying that. Cammy had prepared herself both mentally and physically for what to expect, and she was an expert at solo missions. She didn't need anyone to watch her back; she was more than capable of looking out for herself. She had been dropped off a short distance away from the base, meaning she had to walk the rest of the way. In fact, it gave her some time to practice her skills as she happened upon a small guard post along the road, where two soldiers were standing having a chat, having no idea of who was watching them from the bushes. It was far too late, and it took only a matter of seconds for the petite woman to leap from the jungle and knock the pair out. She hoped the rest of the mission would be this easy...,"A bulky figure stood silhouetted in the glow of TV monitors. The fearsome Sagat glowered even fiercer than usual at the images flickering before him. He watched as a small, lithe, pigtailed girl made a mockery of his mercenaries - and it insulted him beyond measure. The casual, contemptuous way she disposed of them was irritating enough, but the fact she was a white girl made it all the more abhorrent to him. He snarled like a chained dog, lips curling in a feral frustration. "I am risking a lot on this little stunt of yours, Bison, and I am not enjoying the show." The hypnotic tones of Bison's voice sounded from the gloom. "Settle down, my old friend! This is just the titillation before the main feature. And when that beautiful creature is in our hands I promise you first go. On my honor." His broad face split in an ugly, oily smirk as his white teeth flashed in the dark. Sagat looked back up at the monitors. He watched Cammy running right into their trap, her taunt body pumping with energy. "I want to fight her," he growled. "I want to beat her. I want to break her." Leather creaked and silk rustled as Bison lent forward, eyes glowing with lustful intent. "This girl has humiliated me, and the pride of Shadaloo, far too many times. Now it is going to be her turn. When she enters the Citadel, you can be the welcoming party, and from there it will be our purpose to turn Cammy White into a mockery of a woman." Sagat threw off his jacket and loosened his shoulders. "She'll be through that last rabble soon enough. I had better get up there and prepare to greet her." Cammy White Bison and Sagat ""Hey kiddies! I just woke up to find my whole place INFESTED with Stinkhoppers! They are making a total mess of my attic and I'd be just sooooo grateful if Kenny could come over and take care of them for me. I have a whole batch of pies for him if he agrees! Let me know soon. Ta-ta!" Mom put down her phone and nodded with a smile. "All set! Now to make sure everything is ready...." Her home was in ways similar to her daughters Tree Fort. As impressive as the fort was, it severely lacked any form of maturity. Mom's home was also carved out of a massive tree, only her tree was intelligent, and could speak if you knew how to listen. Her furniture was carved right out of the tree's interior and padded with pillows and decorative blankets. Her whole place was one massive open area, separated by levels, silk curtains, and stairs. Her kitchen was right in the middle, carved into the core of the tree, and even featured a well stocked bar. With that Mom went about her business of tidying up her home. She was wearing a lovely orange summer dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. It ended midway up her bust, where two yellow straps went over her shoulders. Much of her ample cleavage was exposed, as well as her rich, well tanned skin. Anytime the light caught her dress one could easily see her figure through the thin fabric. She was mature in all the right ways, and youthful in the same. Her DD cups were still quite perky for her age, and her thick behind practically begged to be touched beneath her dress. She didn't mind, it made her feel young, and she was plenty attractive enough to pull the look off. At the moment her luscious platinum blonde hair was pulled back and tied up, but that was only because she was cleaning. Normally it hung free, straight down to her hips. She moved a number of pies from her massive oven onto a bar and surveyed the place with her big, green eyes. "Pies...check. Beverages....check..." She made a big batch of ice cold lemonade...with a moderate amount of alcohol mixed in. " Jizz-proofing on the furniture....check. Birth control....check!" Mom was ready in full, and very much looking forward to Kenny's visit.,"Bella was out of the Tree House for the moment, doing whatever it was that she did when she decided to not include Kenny in her escapades. He assumed anything, but for the moment he was entertaining himself with the thought that she was having a underwear swapping party with Princess Bubblegum. Not that he'd ever seen it, but he was sure they were doing it. Or something like that anyway. His round shape was rolling down the floor from the kitchen down to the coach in the living room. He was fully intending to enjoy his cheese-bacon-captain Morgan crepe, almost hovering over head as he let it pass form one tentacle to the next, keeping it directly over his body as he rolled onwards and nothing was going to stop him. His half-way closed eyes spoke volumes. He was tired, and he had made plans for the day. He was going to enjoy himself with a snack, he would play some games, watch old films, and then he'd use the magic crystal ball to peek on the Lake Nymphs. Then something happened. The phone bleeped, and a message came up. "Hey kiddies! I was just calling because I woke up today to find my whole place INFESTED with Stinkhoppers! They are making a total mess of my attic and I'd be just sooooo grateful if Kenny could come over and take care of them for me. I have a whole batch of pies for him if he agrees! Let me know soon. Ta-ta!" Kenny stopped mid roll, causing some of the sloppy contents of his first chapter of his carefully planned slacker day to splash on the wooden floor in front of him. Kenny frowned hard. It was Mom. How the fuck was he going to say no to Mom of all people? His eyes glanced up to the crepe... Then to the phone with the promise of Mom's pies. He just knew deep in his small, black heart that there would be pie. Mom's fucking pie. A mouth took shape seemingly just for the sake so that he could grit his teeth in a grimace. He rolled backwards again, keeping his snack above him just as before, then placed it on the counter in the kitchen. "Next time, little one. Next time." He rose up, still maintaining that ball-shaped body, but his 10 tentacles took the shape of a pair of running legs and small atrophied arms. He swung them part back and forth as he legged it to Mom's house. He was panting by the time he was there, and he kicked in the door. "DON'T BE ALARMED MA'AM, PEST CONTROL IS HERE!" He had the biggest grin on his face, and now he had shaped his body into a big, muscular beefcake of a man. But he had his face, which was nothing more than a toothed mouth and two eyes, right below where a head should be. He kept his fists on his hips and looked around, expecting Mom to be just as happy to see him and ready to dispense of pie as usual. Then he noticed the strange lining on all the furniture. "Huh. I think I've seen that before..." "The sweet scent of blood and death permeated the air. Nathar breathed in and smiled. The burned and broken remains of the village lay scattered about him and he looked around at the devastation proudly. Blood dripped from his daemonic right hand, the iron claws slick with the fluid. Blood spattered his uniform and his face. He licked it off the corners of his lips and closed his eyes, savoring it. "Men," He barked, walking over the corpses of the men and women he had slaughtered, their flesh squelching under his boot. "Good work here today." His men (and women), numbering some thirty in all, cheered. Some of them were all human in appearance, while the worst was nothing more than a pulsating mass of fangs, tentacles and claws, mutated beyond recognition by the whim of their God. They were all devotees of the Lord of Rage, all former servants of the False Emperor, who had seen the light and forsaken the twisted laws of that vile edifice. He was proud of them. This village had failed to see that light. They had still worshiped the False Emperor, even after Nathar had ripped the skin off of their priest and sent it to them as a peace offering. They had paid for their insolence with their lives. They had come at noon and surrounded the village. Then the massacre had begun. Most of his soldiers were enjoying the spoils of battle, feasting on the corpses of the hapless villagers. A few used them for release. Nathar allowed them this small breach of discipline. They had earned it. They had shown no mercy, not to the babe in arms, not to the eldest grandmother; all their blood had flown freely. He walked up to the Imperial shrine, now broken and shattered. He smiled, knowing that his God would be well pleased with the offering made him today. But it was not enough. Tomorrow, they would strike the clan of Hoarfrost, not five leagues from here. Surely, the word of this massacre would spread and the warriors of the clan would be ready. There may even be some PDF members stationed with them. All the better. Any true devotee of Khorne enjoyed a challenge. They would be a worthy offering for Khorne. Nathar smiled, envisioning the slaughter they would enact. It will be a beautiful day.,"The psychic scream that echoed from the feral world was not left unnoticed by the Inquisition, in fact they had been monitoring the planet for months in suspicion of potential Chaos cult activity. Using intelligence reports from the scouts they sent, the Inquisition triangulated the position of the village that was destroyed to any nearby settlement, confirming that the cultists' next target would be Hoarfrost, a relatively larger village with a contingent of PDF. These guards would surely offer no resistance to the marauders, so the Inquisition's answer was to send out a kill team tasked with eliminating the Chaos threat. Inquisitor Ivy of the Ordo Malleus was tasked with taking charge of the village and its available men at arms, accompanied by a squad of Imperial Guardsmen seconded on this special assignment. Inquisitor Ivy geared up and recited her rites as she prepared for departure. After reciting her rites in her private convent, she boarded the shuttle along with the Guardsmen squad. While inside the shuttle, the guardsmen with all their resolve tried not to be tempted at the sight of Inquisitor Ivy, for her gear featured less modesty. The guardsmen didn't even want to think about it, knowing that the Inquisitor could read their minds, and if she caught even the slightest thought about her femineity, she would surely flay them alive. Upon arriving in the said village, Inquisitor Ivy made no time in sitting down and relaxing, she oversaw all of the PDFs and increased their patrols on the walls and intensified the nightwatch patrol. She spoke to some survivors from the village that was recently destroyed and interrogated them about the chaos cultists and their alignment, the survivors told her that the cultists ravaged the village horrendously and taking enjoyment on the killing, they also said that the one leading them wore a guardsmen uniform and featured a mutated body. From this information, Ivy ruled out that the cultists were khornate aligned chaos minions. As Ivy is checking parts of the village, she did not know that she is being observed by a chaos cultist disguised as a servitor, he looked like a bald old man with mechanical appendages and gear on his back, his face looked greasy and with thick long mustache, hell, his facial appearance could be mistaken for a White Scar Astarte. The cultist spy used his ocular goggles to see through Ivy's apparel, he sees Ivy's pristine flesh and her soft knicker that covered her womanhood, going further, he looks through her panties and sees her prized flesh, he is observing Ivy's body in 3 different viewing screens, one is with clothing, second is only with the underwear and third is completely naked. The cultist spy recorded all the alluring beauty that he has seen from the Inquisitor and heads out of the village via secret tunnel located on the dump site of the village to submit his voyeur report to Nathar to alert him that this woman poses a significant threat on his conquest. "The violet-haired high schooler took a deep breath and continued her kendo, wielding her wooden sword. The sun was setting, and she had taken off her white and green uniform to something more loose - a shorter skirt and tight, short-sleeved shirt. Saeko, who had been practicing for at least three hours, kept going as if her strength and stamina never diminished. Some dirt stuck to her ankles and cheeks, enough to be noticeable. The girl kept spinning and slicing at the dummy before her, unaware of anyone or anything near her. She was the type who you could say got "in the zone" easily.,"The young, busty blonde-haired woman watched from a distance as the tall, long, straight, and shiny purple-haired high school girl threw out her weapon to train. Her relatively long limbs gave her leverage for powerful sword swings that made Shizuka's eyes sparkle with admiration. Saeko was so strong-willed and very admirable. Shizuka's heart raced as she bit her lip and looked at her. Her hands shook as she slowly approached her, taking small steps. She then made a light gulping sound, wondering if she had already been caught. She wanted to get a better look at Saeko's form, and curiosity struck her now. "Prince S'chn T'gai Spock was irritated. Even if his face showed nothing but a cool, impassive mask; inside he was nearly seething with malice. His rival, Ston, had dared to challenge him to an a'woon battle. Of course the incompetent male had lost, Spock had barely found it a challenge to his skills to take down the other Vulcan. Quickening his pace to the edge of propriety's limit, the crown prince rounded a corner, finding himself in the palace's lavish waiting room outside the main hall. His father had summoned him here, his father did not like to be kept waiting. Usually someone got flogged if the delay was long enough. Pushing open the heavy wood doors, Spock strode into the room, his dark chocolate-colored eyes sweeping around the enclosure to clear it for threats. Noticing his father lounging in his throne, a slim silver chain held loosely in his hand brought a small amount of curiosity blooming to the surface of the half-Vulcan's mind, even more fascinating was the slim female attached to that chain sitting on the floor. Approaching the throne of his father, Spock held out the customary salute, bowing his head respectfully to the elder Vulcan. "Live long and prosper, father," he said. "You summoned me?","The elder man acknowledged his son with a nod; he'd seen the eyes flit over the female at his side. But the idea of this gift being given was bound to have a more profound effect. "Yes," he said, "I did. It has been brought to my attention that I have too many slaves to attend to, too many women that this latest addition is being gifted to you." His own chocolate eyes moved down the chain to the female form attached to the other end. Indula had barely spoken to the man since she arrived. She answered questions when asked but offered no other information. She was the latest of gifts sent to other kingdoms, as a way to have them pledge their allegiance to Geniva 4. She wasn't sure where to call home truthfully and could offer nothing to that area. She sat with her legs folded beneath her on the floor, a simple gray shift swarmed her body but the fabric was almost sheer allowing her body to be seen. Round breasts to fill an average males hand stood proud upon her chest, the darker nipples were peaked due to the cooler temperature of the room. Curious mint green eyes stared up at the younger male that entered, a bit of fear welled in them when she understood this was her new owner. Looking away her odd mix of dark blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and curtained her face off. Though the sight wrinkle of spiked bones that crested forward from her head only added to her beauty, it kept her from being entirely hidden. Her skin had a slight coppery tan sheen to it. Her mutt race mixture caused her origin to be questioned, though one could never deny that she wasn't a sight to behold. The older man stood and guided the woman to her feet using her chain. She stood taller than most women at 5'10", but she was still not as tall as wither male. Her hands held the fabric at her sides as her eyes closed and reopened to focus on his face. She knew what was expected of her but still the sense of fear welled up, she didn't know what to expect. The man made her turn, her slight curves showing as she moved. Her hands held raised plates of bone as well, same as her head, though she wasn't trained to fight and would use them for such. Her chain was handed off and she held her breath. Speak your name girl! The order came in short and clipped. I am Indula of Geniva 4, She spoke soft but clear. I am a gift to earn your favor. She wished to say more, but to beg her new master for his kindness would fall on what she thought would be deaf ears. "Before the Cataclysm that split Neo Domino City in two, the entirety of the city was a shining utopia. Efficiency was at its peak, new Dueling technologies were being developed and refined year after year. And just three years before the tragic explosion that rocked the continent and world, the first prototypes of mobile Dueling Platforms - commonly referred to by either "D-Wheelers" or "Duel Runners" by the Duelists that used them now - were being alpha-tested. At the same time, a giant network of elevated roadways was also underdevelopment. Roads that would rise up and connect out to allow these "Turbo Duels" go unabated without impeding traffic or endangering pedestrians, enabling Duelists to add an entire new dimension to the aspect of Duels. Naturally, the first models were only available to the elite...And they turned out to be a huge success. So much so that Neo Domino's Board of Dueling Regulations and Customs worked tirelessly to have the Turbo Duels and Platforms authorized as legitimate, marketable items to be used on an international scale. However...Once the Cataclysm struck, that was put on hold. Even more so when the aftermath revealed that a large chunk of the continent had somehow splintered off and formed its own island...And despite calls to have a bridge built to help those stranded on the now water-bound island, the project was started but never finished. A decision passed down by the new Director, Rex Godwin. Citing security concerns, he called off the island's reconnection efforts, a decision that was quickly silenced from protest. Fast-forward five years, and this is where the story begins. The entirety of the now named "Satellite District" was almost always choked in smog. A by-product from the various mills, garbage disposal plants and recycling centers that were once part of Neo Domino's Industrial Sector, only graced with reprieve by the periodic and strong oceanic winds. Now all of the 'menial labor' was here. Anyone who wanted to work could only do so as anything from a metalworker, garbage collector or recycling facility employee. Class mobility was heavily restricted if not downright impossible, and the meager wages made keeping up with living expenses very difficult. Because of this, the majority of the youth formed Duel Gangs to try and seize control of territory. An effort that was hampered by the Director's own Public Security Maintenance Bureau, or just affectionately named "Sector Security" by the citizens of the Satellite. A group that was now holding off people from a supply drop overseen by the Satellite Aid Commission, a department that worked to establish regular shipments of basic necessities to the downtrodden citizens. Naturally, the rich disapproved, but there were enough kind-hearted people still in the "Tops" that the act of it passed without much resistance. And from here, there was one Duelist that had been 'in the game' since he was in his pre-teens. Now at 17, Hotsuma Kuroi was on his way back from the said drop; he'd gotten food, clean water and medicine. A heavy black duster covered a simple but ragged gray shirt, navy cargo pants and black combat boots, studded-knuckle biking gloves leaving only his fingers exposed. His hair a mess and his eyes showing a bit of fatigue from having to do so much with so little, much like most residents of the Satellite. He had a real junker of a Runner. Something someone from the Tops had scrapped due to a series of bad parts...But now he had used it to get around and find things that were needed. And it was especially useful for this; he'd always been an odd duck, especially with his latent abilities. It was one reason why he'd gotten as far as he did...But in truth, he was always scared to even try using them, because people got hurt. Even if it was in self-defense, he wasn't a malicious guy...But because of his deck choice and powers, however unstable they were, he'd gotten a fairly demeaning moniker. The 'Demon of the Satellite'...In truth, he just wanted to be left alone. At least that was until he met her...It hadn't been easy, but the two had formed an early friendship after discovering they were quite similar in a lot of respects. They'd known each other for a few years now, and as it stood? He couldn't imagine being without her; she had a way of brightening up his day. "Finally back...Thought for sure this thing was going to die out before I made it." Hotsuma muttered as he started to gather the items from the side-carriers, the run-down machine giving a few sputters before it finally shut off. Thankfully he didn't have to walk up any stairs, but this stuff was heavy; he'd gone alone because of their current situation. Plus, with another guest, his friend had decided to stay behind as she was most familiar with the particulars. Opening the door to the little shanty house, he then said as he slipped off his boots, "Ugh...I'm back! It's me, Hotsuma!" he would call out, carefully balancing the things in his hands and arms as he made his way inside.,"Fey took a deep breath, wearing a white dress with a black leather jacket, brown cowgirl boots, and her leg bracers with charged markers full. She was finishing tightening her ponytail on her long brown hair as she glanced over. "Hotsuma! Why didn't you ask for help?" She rushed over to help carry some of the supplies in. Her brown eyes did a once-over as she heard her mother from her corner bed, "Fey, let the man be a man...stop hurting his pride." Fey pouted hearing her mother as she walked over to check the oxygen machine. "Yes, mom," she said, rolling her eyes. "Geez, sometimes I wonder if dad and you were made for each other." The mother glared at her, snapping, "Don't ever say that!" Fey frowned as she went over to place food in the fridge. She would glance at Hotsuma as she spoke, "Hey, I know you like me staying here and working on the bike...but you could just use supplies from my bike that I had back at the old tournament I has better parts even if they are flashy." She paused as she spoke, "Remember when we met two years ago..." Two Years Prior. The smog was settling in as the night grew darker. A woman had a younger girl hanging onto her waist, they were on one of those high class bikes with lights on the side and a holder for a card deck and duel disk. The woman seemed in a rush and they had bags in the passenger car attached to the side. Sirens could be heard in the far distance. The girl's leg braces lit up from the whooshing bike as it turned the corner. A few guys wearing leather stud jackets with skulls paused seeing this rich bike with rather fancy clothes and smirked. The one with the Mohawk slapped another's shoulder as he revved his engine following. The woman turned down an alley at a dead end and was coughing up blood. "MOM!" Fey quickly got off the bike checking on her mother. The young 14-year-old was trying to aid the older woman as she muttered, "I really messed up your birthday....your father saw your gift...i..i couldn't let him take you to some lab." Fey paused as she got her mother the medicine from her bag before pausing hearing the bikes. "My My My if it isn't the great Gadget...nice to see a ring girl for the tournaments down here with the rest of forgot you need to pay the entry fee to enter." Fey backed up as her dark magician girl outfit was clearly seemed as if the mother took her before a job. "Say aren't you suppose to be at some big event.... you must be in a real sticky situation....we can protect you pretty things for a fee..." Fey tensed up as she saw the men starting to corner them. "Get behind me Fey." The mom stepped in front as she felt her hair get grabbed and started to struggle. The mow hawk leader stepped forward as he raised his hand. Fey let out a scream charging and kicking the man in the shin before being backhanded to the ground. "Take their things....we can use the girl for ransom her dad is rich after all." One of the men was watching as he had an almost lustful look. "Can we play with..." "NO SHE IS A DAMN MINOR DO YOU WANT TO DIE...HER FATHER IS NOT ONE TO MESS WITH!" "Time. Space. Reality. The unenlightened believe each of these to be separate and unchanging, a single linear path that all must follow. Those who walk in harmony with the Cosmic Force, however, see them for what they are - interchangeable aspects of the Living Force, a prism of endless possibility where a single choice can branch out into infinite destinies. The unenlightened will ask which of these destinies is true? Which will come to pass? But those who walk in harmony with the Cosmic Force will understand. All of them are true. All of them will come to pass. All are united, in the Cosmic Force. "You wanna get in on the pool?" Two men sat at a small table, idly watching a bank of monitors. The speaker, a tall, pale human in a gray jumpsuit, slouched in his chair with an air of boredom. His companion, a leathery Gungan, looked up from the blaster he was servicing. "What pool?" "How long it'll take the Jedi to escape and kill us all." The Gungan glanced at the lone figure on the monitor screens, then turned back to his weapon. "Miss Linora thinks we can hold him. How do we collect if we die?" A shrug. "Nah. It's the satisfaction of knowing you were right, really. You know, before you die." The Gungan snorted, then made a few adjustments with a wrench. "Right. And if he doesn't and none of us win?" "Then, in a month, we use the money to bring a few girls in and we have ourselves a party." The human chuckled. "That way, everyone wins." The Gungan chuckled as well. "Right. I'm in, then. Twenty-two days open?" "Ooh, optimistic!" the human laughed, checking his data slate. "And yeah, it is. I'll put you down." Suspended in his restraints, Quentin was sweating profusely. Not out of fear or discomfort, although the restraints certainly weren't comfortable, but because he had drawn on the Force to accelerate his metabolism. All of the various drugs he was purging had to go somewhere, after all, and not everything could be exhaled. Linora had clearly had a hand in designing this cell, because it was clearly designed to restrain a Jedi. Suspension restraints that held him spread-eagled and which injected a chemical cocktail to muddy his thinking. Randomly strobing lights to keep him disoriented. Oh, and the occasional electric shock, just to convulse his muscles and keep things interesting. Very clever work. He figured he'd be out in another half hour. But then, he wasn't the typical Jedi. Muscles still twitching from the latest shock, Quentin concentrated his perceptions on the restraint engulfing his right hand and wrist. Matter was nothing but fields of interlocking forces, after all. Once you had the knack, it was as easy to look within an object as upon it. The Miraluka had mastered this secret tens of thousands of years ago, and had taught it to the Jedi. Slowly, he began to understand the structure of the restraint. Then he heard the door open. Waves of fear washed across his skin, followed by two familiar presences. One like dark flame, burning by freezing. The other seething rage, armoring a core of despair. With a sigh he opened his eyes, taking in the forms of Linora and Kaydia. Both were guarding their thoughts, but it was clear from their body language that this wasn't a rescue. He composed his thoughts, submerging his distress at seeing the woman he loved standing with the woman who he had loved. "I hope you'll forgive my poor manners," he said, forcing a wry smile. "I pride myself on my manners, but... well, I'm a little tied up right now.","Quentin deserves this. Kaydia had to repeat the mantra to herself, again and again, hardening herself against the love that lingered in her heart. Instead, she rubbed her wrists, wrists that still chaffed from her ordeals with the pirates who had had Rage flared in Kaydia, making it easier to ignore Quentin's distress. He let them hurt me. He deserves this. Linora, on the other hand, smirked. "I would have considered rude if you weren't tied up right now." With a faint clink, she opened a locked cabinet on the far side of the cell. A plethora of implements awaited within, tools of torture as well as drugs and even first aid. After all, torment was far more effective so long as your target didn't bleed out or die of an infection. Linora selected a needle and a small milky vial that needed no label. "Not Inertia," Kaydia protested, despite the way her body craved another hit. "It's not going to work on him." Linora put the needle down, "What are you thinking, then?" "That you catch more flies with honey," Kaydia dipped one finger into the jar, creating sticky currents. Maintaining eye contact with Linora, she sucked her finger clean, and pulled the brunette into a hungry kiss. Lips and tongues met and dueled, fighting for every last drop in each other's mouths. Kaydia tightened her fist in Linora's hair, bending her back so Kaydia could feast on her throat and chest. After the lavender sweetness of the honey, the salty sweat of her skin was divine. Linora moaned, and met Quentin's eyes. "You want to join us, don't you Quentin?" Kaydia opened her blouse to the waist, cupping her perky, soft breasts. Her own harden in turned, empathic feedback reflecting Linora's sensations back to her. "You could join us. It would be so easy." Kaydia bit Linora there, leaving a red mark on her fair skin. She didn't want Quentin to come along easy. It wasn't easy for her, after all. Why should he get off without any struggle? "He's not going to," she rasped, collecting another dollop of honey. "He's far too good of Jedi for all that." Smearing amber fluid over her lips, she met his eyes for the first time since entering his cell. He never loved you, he only pretended. He would have protected you, if he truly loved you. Kaydia silenced his protests with her lips, forcing her sweetened tongue into his mouth. Her nails dug into his shoulders as the kiss deepened, hating how much she loved this. How much she still loved him, even after everything. He was supposed to be her way out, her happily ever after. Now? He was just another man who'd used her. Who abandoned her after she was no longer useful. She would still be there now, if it wasn't for Linora. Fuck that, and fuck him. He'd know what he'd abandoned her to, once they were done. He'd know. "This is only temporary, Joseph Kerrings reminded himself. Being an enforcer paid good cash for a relatively easy job. Plus, being able to make people . . . "disappear" also provided side benefits for the start of his own business. Most times, Vinnie and the owners had him take care of those whose debts were impossible to pay off, or they were "convinced" to pay them back in full with interest. But sometimes, it was just to get rid of someone poking around in their affairs. Every once in a while, his eyes would look up from the deck of cards he held in his pale white hands to scan the room for any targets, shuffling them absentmindedly. For now, it was clear. Joseph was leaning in a chair by the back room, the majority of his body and face bathed on shadows. It was clear, however, that he was dressed to kill; black shoes and slacks, a tucked in white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up halfway, and a neat, deep purple tie with an emerald green tip. On his head was a red-lined fedora, tilted halfway down, where his wide. menacing smile was visible from across the room. A few minutes later, his gaze flickered upwards as Vinnie approached him, obviously ready to say something. "Listen, Jok-" the redhead was cut short by a hardened glare from Joseph's eyes. They knew his true name, yes, but his very specific instructions were to never say it in the vicinity of Spades. He didn't desire any unwanted attention from the authorities or - gods forbid - the Bat itself. "Joseph. I need you on the lookout for a blonde bitch by the name of Harleen, all right? She likes to mess in other people's business, especially mine, so she'll likely be here in the club tonight. So, uh . . . do what you hafta do, yeah?" requested Vinnie. Joseph listened to him stammer on, his gaze catching something else across the room. He snorted loudly, before that snort morphed into a sickening stream of laughter, Joseph's smile even larger as he stood up, patting Vinnie on the shoulder. His laughter was calming down, but before it did, it scared the living shit out of everyone that could hear it. "I got ya, Vinnie-boy! You just have fun, and I'll look for this, uh . . . 'dame'," he said, stepping out into the light, briefly allowing onlookers to catch a glimpse of his bright green, combed back hair and pale, milky skin. Making his way over to the security room, he borrowed access to the cameras so he could get a good look at everyone in sight. Was this Harleen broad on her way, or was she already here? Only time would tell as Joseph would lean back in the armchair, kicking his feet up as he scoured the live feeds.,""You left him?" "Was never with him to begin with," The blonde grinned, shrugging a single shoulder. The thing with Harleen was that she was something most people would call a gold-digger, only instead of being with them purely for their money - she wasn't with them at all. She flirted her way inside their houses, stole a few things including money, and then left without a trace. Her latest victim? Some douche named Vinnie. It wasn't as simple as stealing from him, though. You see, his bitch or whatever he called her had caught the blonde, and almost immediately broke things off with the man himself. And fuck, he was not happy. Blowing out a breath, she turned her gaze to the woman standing behind her."Then why are you here? At his club?" "Because," Harleen started."Where's the fun if you don't stay around and fuck with 'em some more?" She was sporting a black-lace up dress, with black heels to match. Perfect attire for a club such as the one Vinnie owned. She wasn't a bitch - nor was she cold-hearted, this lifestyle was merely something she had picked up from her father a few months before he dipped. Her mother was a no-show pretty much her entire life and so she had nobody but herself. How else was she supposed to live? Besides it wasn't like they weren't getting anything out of it, they were being given attention by a beautiful female, somebody they probably would've never been able to catch the eye of in another lifetime. She was doing them a favor. Allowing a small smile to curve at her lips she sauntered towards the bar, gaze trained on the bartender."Whiskey please." Shifting herself onto the stool she rested her elbows on the table, placing her chin in the palm of her hand. "This is only temporary, Joseph Kerrings reminded himself. Being an enforcer paid good cash for a relatively easy job. Plus, being able to make people . . . "disappear" also provided side benefits for the start of his own business. Most times, Vinnie and the owners had him take care of those whose debts were impossible to pay off, or they were "convinced" to pay them back in full with interest. But sometimes, it was just to get rid of someone poking around in their affairs. Every once in a while, his eyes would look up from the deck of cards he held in his pale white hands to scan the room for any targets, shuffling them absentmindedly. For now, it was clear. Joseph was leaning in a chair by the back room, the majority of his body and face bathed on shadows. It was clear, however, that he was dressed to kill; black shoes and slacks, a tucked in white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up halfway, and a neat, deep purple tie with an emerald green tip. On his head was a red-lined fedora, tilted halfway down, where his wide. menacing smile was visible from across the room. A few minutes later, his gaze flickered upwards as Vinnie approached him, obviously ready to say something. "Listen, Jok-" the redhead was cut short by a hardened glare from Joseph's eyes. They knew his true name, yes, but his very specific instructions were to never say it in the vicinity of Spades. He didn't desire any unwanted attention from the authorities or - gods forbid - the Bat itself. "Joseph. I need you on the lookout for a blonde bitch by the name of Harleen, all right? She likes to mess in other people's business, especially mine, so she'll likely be here in the club tonight. So, uh . . . do what you hafta do, yeah?" requested Vinnie. Joseph listened to him stammer on, his gaze catching something else across the room. He snorted loudly, before that snort morphed into a sickening stream of laughter, Joseph's smile even larger as he stood up, patting Vinnie on the shoulder. His laughter was calming down, but before it did, it scared the living shit out of everyone that could hear it. "I got ya, Vinnie-boy! You just have fun, and I'll look for this, uh . . . 'dame'," he said, stepping out into the light, briefly allowing onlookers to catch a glimpse of his bright green, combed back hair and pale, milky skin. Making his way over to the security room, he borrowed access to the cameras so he could get a good look at everyone in sight. Was this Harleen broad on her way, or was she already here? Only time would tell as Joseph would lean back in the armchair, kicking his feet up as he scoured the live feeds.,""You left him?" "Was never with him to begin with," The blonde grinned, shrugging a single shoulder. The thing with Harleen was that she was something most people would call a gold-digger, only instead of being with them purely for their money - she wasn't with them at all. She flirted her way inside their houses, stole a few things including money, and then left without a trace. Her latest victim? Some douche named Vinnie. It wasn't as simple as stealing from him, though. You see, his bitch or whatever he called her had caught the blonde, and almost immediately broke things off with the man himself. And fuck, he was not happy. Blowing out a breath, she turned her gaze to the woman standing behind her."Then why are you here? At his club?" "Because," Harleen started."Where's the fun if you don't stay around and fuck with 'em some more?" She was sporting a black-lace up dress, with black heels to match. Perfect attire for a club such as the one Vinnie owned. She wasn't a bitch - nor was she cold-hearted, this lifestyle was merely something she had picked up from her father a few months before he dipped. Her mother was a no-show pretty much her entire life and so she had nobody but herself. How else was she supposed to live? Besides it wasn't like they weren't getting anything out of it, they were being given attention by a beautiful female, somebody they probably would've never been able to catch the eye of in another lifetime. She was doing them a favor. Allowing a small smile to curve at her lips she sauntered towards the bar, gaze trained on the bartender."Whiskey please." Shifting herself onto the stool she rested her elbows on the table, placing her chin in the palm of her hand. "Agronak gro-Sharuk was an Orc coming into his eighteenth winter in Skyrim. Born in Mor Khazgur in The Reach, where the capital city was Markarth, most of his kind within Skyrim were content to spend their lives in strongholds and away from other civilized races. However, Agronak wanted more. After all, he was named after Agronak gro-Malog, the famed former Grand Champion of Cyrodiil's Arena who had lived and died over two hundred years ago. He wanted to get out there and become a warrior worthy of that name. Being the humble son of a blacksmith and therefore not expected to become a Chief, he was thankfully free to leave with Malacath's permission. Those who sought to become great warriors all sought out The Companions in Whiterun. They were a warrior guild with a storied past, the original 500 Companions following Ysgramor to the continent of Tamriel from the ancient Nord homeland of Atmora. Agronak could feel in his heart that that was where he would become great. He made the trek on foot, trusting in the Orcish armor and weaponry that he had smithed himself to keep him safe. Wolves, bears, and saber cats all assailed him, but none could stop him. After three day's journey, he set foot in the glorious city of Whiterun. Agronak rushed to the mead hall of The Companions and begged to join. A Nord named Vilkas told him that he would have to be tested for his mettle, a test he eagerly agreed to. A larger Nord named Farkas agreed to face him in a sparring match. While Agronak did not win the match, he held his own and showed both courage and fighting spirit. Everyone agreed that the young Orc had potential, and so he was accepted into The Companions. Shortly afterward, he began training to master the longsword, his fellow Companions helping him out when they could. One month later, he was also a regular at the Bannered Mare. He would be there every night, listening to bard music while drinking around a warm fire. He was friends with Bekah, the blonde Nord tavern wench, though he hoped to be more. Although he was a warrior, he just wasn't attracted to warrior women like Aela the Huntress. He was attracted to softer, more feminine women. "Bekah, another, please?" Agronak asked, holding up his empty tankard.,"A large polished counter of dark wood ran along one wall. There was a pot-bellied bald man behind it, and a long shelf full of alcohol bottles. What caught most men's attention though was the serving wench. She had blonde hair and an round bosom that looked quite inviting to most of them. There was a professional smile on her face as she talked to customers and carried a tray of drinks around. She was wearing a long dress that went down to her ankles but the white frilly shirt beneath her bodice displayed a lot of her impressive cleavage. Her round breasts almost looked they wanted to pop out of her shirt. An appreciative whistle escaped a customer's lips as he walked over to a table and took a seat. For a few minutes he simply watched Bekah hurry around the tavern and serve other customers, but when she happened to stumble by he called out to her. "Hey, beautiful, I'd like to order some food now. I think you've made me wait long enough." The blonde immediately froze and turned to look at him, There was a frown on her face, but Agronak just met her gaze and smiled confidently. Bekah knew he was an extremely attractive woman. She was slightly taller than average and had an slender and curvaceous build. Her classically gorgeous face was framed by long blonde hair and intelligent dark brown eyes. "I'll be right with you in a second," Bekah replied as her professional smile returned. Agronak however wasn't looking at her face. Her chest looked even more stunning from close up. She approached him, and whispered "I'll be right back with you, Ag'. Give me a minute." "Don Diego de la Vega was a tall handsome man, about six feet (180 cm) tall with hazel eyes and dark brown hair. Diego was also described as a proper nobleman. He comes from a wealthy family and is highly educated. Several years ago, he even attended a university abroad in Spain becoming well versed in the humanities and philosophy. Hence when he returned his father was very proud of him except for the part about Diego's opposition to action. He even went so far as to convince the people of Los Angeles, that he was the most inept swordsman in all of California. Little did they know, but Don Diego was actually the dashing expert swordsman, horseman and marksman, Zorro. In fact, while he lived in Spain Diego had learned how to fence from one of Spain greatest masters. With the help of his mute servant Bernardo (who pretends to be deaf as well so he can eavesdrop for Diego) and his horse Toronado, Diego was able to make the concept of Zorro a reality. Eventually, Diego's father Alejandro de la Vega realized that his son was indeed Zorro. At first, he hid his knowledge of this from Diego, but as time passed on Alejandro admitted his knowledge and pledged to provide aid to the cause in Diego's future endeavors as Zorro. Don Diego lives at his father Alejandro's estate, which is a large Spanish styled adobe building with a walled courtyard. The main level contained a large living room that led off to such amenities as a library, kitchen, dining room and wine cellar. To get to the upper level where the bedrooms were, one would have to walk outside to the courtyard and take the stair case up to the second floor balcony. It was on this balcony which one could access the bedrooms. There was also a secret passage way, hidden behind a false wall in Diego's bedroom, which was built several generations ago as a precaution against raids by the natives. It also has another point of access behind a book case in the living room and also had peep holes in various parts of the house. The passage way then leads out to a cave that exits out into an open field. Diego's Zorro supplies and Zorro's horse Toronado are kept here. It was a very warm, summer afternoon at the De la Vega estate. As it was still rather warm, Diego had chosen to sit out in the courtyard under the shade of the balcony, rather than stay inside to be roasted by the heat. At least outside he could get a cooling cross breeze as the wind rolled across the grassy ranch lands the De la Vegas owned. For leisurely entertainment, Diego strummed a tune on his guitar and sang to himself while leaning back in relaxation. This was truly the best way to relax on a hot day aside from sitting at a riverbank sipping a glass of wine. Suddenly, Diego heard the heavy clops of horse hooves pounding down against the dry soil of the dirt roads. By the sound of it, Diego concluded it was likely a carriage being pulled by a pair of horses that stopped just outside the front gate of the court yard. As the wooden gate swung open Alejandro's figure became visible. The servant, Bernardo followed closely behind carrying a bag of flour. Setting aside his guitar, Diego stood up to greet them. "Ah father, how was the trip into town? I assume you were able to successfully negotiate the purchase of some of our cattle." Pausing so he could point at Bernardo, he added, "I see you also picked up some supplies as well." After Alejandro made his way over to Diego, he answered, "It was very profitable, Diego. I sold over a hundred head of cattle and I also met a new neighbor of ours. As you have heard, a family from Spain has bought up a large amount of land around Los Angeles. I had the privilege of meeting Don Sandoval, the head of the family while I was in town." Turning around, Alejandro motioned to Bernardo to go ahead and start taking things inside. After looking back to Diego, he smiled and added, "Well, out of generosity, I invited him and his family over here tonight to hold a small welcoming party in their honor. There is also a treat for you as well, Diego. Don Sandoval informed me he had a beautiful daughter around your age. It would be nice if you got to know her; she is of good blood after all." Diego listened intently to his father's depiction of his trip into town, letting a smile slip across his face when his father mentioned the daughter. "Father, truly you jest. We haven't even met the girl and you are already pushing me to get to know her. You always say this whenever you have the chance to present me to another one of the wealthy land owner's marriageable daughters. This is the twelfth time since I came back from Spain," Diego replied laughing slightly. He knew his father always liked to joke about him marrying another one of the neighboring Dons' daughters, but with the frequency of Alejandro's suggestions, Diego began to believe his father trying to get him to settle down one of these days. "Anyway, Diego, take Bernardo and ride to Los Angeles. I told Don Sandoval that I would send you back to town so that you could escort his family to our home. Now get ready and go meet them; you wouldn't want to be late and set a bad impression," Alejandro said as he waved Diego off. Mounting a horse, Diego waited for Bernardo before the two headed off to Los Angeles. It was a rather long trip by horseback as it took about an hour to ride leisurely across the hot plains to get to Los Angeles from the ranch. Before he knew it, Diego and Bernardo arrived in the central plaza of Los Angeles. Diego looked around from the back of his horse to try and pick out someone who fit his father's description of Don Sandoval. Whispering to Bernardo, so that no one would see him talking to his supposedly deaf, mute servant, he asked, "So, Bernardo, do you see Don Sandoval?","Don Miguel Sandoval wasn't too pleased to leave Spain for this no-man's land full of unbaptized savages, but he didn't have much of a choice. His daughter, Daniela, had been a bit too much of a handful to leave behind in Spain. She had been studying mathematics, alchemy, medicine, things that were far from profitable pursuits such as art, knitting, and languages. She had been escaping at nights, doing God knows what, always returning home with her dresses dirty and torn. A change of scenery and a limit on her resources would do her good. Don Miguel was tall, standing well over 6 feet, and imposing, with dark eyes that looked black themselves, straight hair always perfectly combed back, and always dressed in the best clothes one could buy in Spain. Everything about him was meticulous, especially since his wife had died years ago, leaving him to raise their only child alone. To him, his Danielita was everything, and he would buy an entire colony if it meant keeping her safe. Daniela was everything his anal persona was not, carefree, rebellious, but also quite loving with him. The only reason the girl agreed to come along was because of him, he was sure of that much. As they walked through the center square of town, Don Miguel caught everyone's eyes, a man with such clothes, such a strong look in his eyes, walking side by side with such a lady. Behind him, in more comfortable clothes than elegant, was his Daniela, a young woman of just inches over 5 feet. Her long chocolate hair was free to move about with the wind, the only decoration a white feather. Her corset wasn't nearly as tight as those most women her age wore, lifting her large and plentiful breasts, quite unlike most women in town. Even without makeup, her lips were smooth and rosy, her cheeks flushed with excitement. She was also calling the town's attention for entirely different reasons. Were it not for his daughter, Don Sandoval would be getting quite impatient. His sons, already old enough to have their own wives and family within his estate, were happily courting their wives, giggling like girls. As much as he disliked easily amused women, he couldn't help but wish his daughter was a bit more like them. Daniela was curious, looking around, amused with the peasants and the Indians, not really caring for what she should. At her ripe age, she needed a man, a husband to take care of her, and she cared more about how these barbarians were treated than about the men she was courted by. Such a handful. He hoped the De La Vega boy would arrive soon. "For rent. Apartment room in East Union Apartments, two bedroom, 1 bathroom, moderate sized living room & Kitchen. Must be willing to contribute at least $1,000 Nuyen/mo for rent, all utilities paid for by me. Shared fridge and I am willing to cook for both of us. Must be mature and friendly. Contact Alexander @ 206-357-9904 That was the ad he sent out in the papers for a roommate. Alexander wasn't exactly hurting for nuyen on his lifestyle, but he knew that the company could always be appreciated and to that end he was happy to look for a potential roommate. Given he had given up the shadowrunning lifestyle, he wasn't really expecting anything out of the ordinary as well. A practicing adept, he was a human in his early-ish twenties who kept himself physically fit and in good condition no matter what. He had received a few promising propositions for roommates but few interested him as much as the elven woman Kino. So much so that he had even agreed to actually rent out the room to her they were to meet that day. Dressed in a casual jacket and dress shirt, the blonde-haired youth had been fussing around slightly with his laptop as he waited for the woman to arrive that morning. It was a sunny Seattle day, warmer than usual since they were finally entering Spring that week, and there was only a slightly cool breeze to remind anyone that it was still somewhat winter. Even then he wondered if he was a little overdressed? It was hard to say. But he did want to look his best to meet a potential roommate. The moment he heard a knock on the door though, it wasn't long before he got up and rose, opening the door with a smile. "Good morning!" he spoke, his tone friendly and warm.,""Good morning, handsome," said the woman in the doorway in an appreciative tone. There stood in the doorway a woman with skin the shade of obsidian, her irises were like rubies, glinting in the light. If Alexander was overdressed his future roommate was the definition of underdressed, she wore a short skirt that went well up past her knees. White thigh highs ran up those shapely, toned legs of hers. She wore a white tank top, but it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra, for one it was tight and clung tightly to her sizable chest, another was her nipples blatantly straining against the fabric. She had a black leather jacket on that she left open obviously. Her long white hair, reached about the middle of her back, but now was in a braid over her shoulder. Her eyes looked over the tall man blonde, his seemingly innocent green eyes enrapturing to her. God he was hot, what a score of a roommate. "Sorry, was just appreciating the view. You didn't have to dress up for me." She smiled, her hand reaching out to shake. "I'm Kino, in the flesh." "Hahaha, burn, burn! Jinx laughed maniacally as she crouched over a rat in the alleyway, magnifying glass in hand, positioned over the creature in an attempt to use the power of the sun to create one of her favorite things, fire. It wasn't a well-thought out plan and it wasn't going to work no matter how long she waited, but even knowing that she still put on a pout as no signs of smoke rose into the air. Boooooo she whined, narrowing her eyes in concentration as she willed it to happen, spontaneous combustion or some freak accident at the top of her list of hopes. Alas, nothing. It didn't matter, it wasn't the main point of her day, only a tiny distraction as she waited for her latest game of cat and mouse to begin, the rat her practice run for her role of cat in a sense. BOOM! A loud explosion shook the city, Jinx looking up from her hidden position in the dark alley and grinning as wide as she could. That explosion was precisely Vis favorite donut shop, closed of course because as psychotic as Jinx could be at times she had yet to cross that particular line. She knew well enough that her reign of good times could only continue as long as she didn't do a select few things. Besides, the rift had soured her towards a great deal of things, and revealed the lack of joy that came with killing And the pain of death. Jinx shivered, her grin turning to a snarl as she thought about it, thought about the fucked up little game they were being used in, like fucking puppets. The only thing was losing meant more dying, Jinx shook her head rapidly, as if emptying her head of such useless thoughts, focusing back to the matter at hand. Heh, time to go. She chuckled, eyes shining brightly as she watched the smoke rise into the night's sky. Burn Burn Hahahah She muttered to herself as she dashed out of the alley and grabbed a can of spray paint, turning to the wall and doing a quick rendition of Vi Head and put, Dear Fat Hands, you have been gaining some weight, I took it upon myself to eliminate your biggest temptation. Jinx and then, in an even more grand a fashion, while everyone around her took off in horror after realizing who she was, she set up a little stationary cannon. She aimed it into the air, loaded it with a special little rocket, and shot it into the air directly above herself, just to give away her position. Jinx didn't run though, for two reasons. One, running before Vi arrived was boring, boooooring. Two, she had to see her work in action! Boom! Another loud sound as the rocket exploded, lighting up the night's sky with color and a peculiar image, the firework-like blast imprinting Jinx's face in the sky, a clear provocation, It was me!. Jinx clapped her hands together and swooned, it was brilliant, and it wouldn't be long before Vi arrived, she always came as quick as she could when Jinx was involved. Not that they had similar motives Jinx had been rather obsessed with Vi since she was 12, enamored with the criminal side of Vi that had shined with such charisma Even now her brand of crime was pointed towards Vi, though it was more out of disappointment that Miss Fat Hands had sold out. That wasn't the point though, the point was, Vi didn't even remember who the hell she was, or seem to. The annoying kid from back then, the one she had turned down, it was Jinx! She had grown taller, gained a few tattoos, and her skill with everything weapon had grown substantially And maybe she had given in to her manic side a bit more, but she was still irritated about not being recognized. As she waited Jinx contemplated a few things, spinning her ingenious little pistol in her hand, the electric-based weapon able to slow anyone it hit, if it hit. The damn thing was kind of obvious, a pink little line showing up as she charged it, fucking ion bullshit, she needed to fix that. Oh well, it was still a fun toy! Jinx started to pout though, where was Vi? Hurry hurry. Im booooored Vi. She whined, tilting her head back and sighing with an exaggerated huff following suit.,"You should have seen this Teemo. I mean, why does anyone even bother summoning THE most useless Yordle? Mhmm Jayce hummed, half listening, as he adjusted the laser sight on Caitlyn's scope. Seriously, he just ran around in circles, throwing mushrooms. Uh huh. Are you even listening?!?! Vi huffed, already annoyed that they had lost a match on the Fields of Justice due to the stupidity of a Teemo who couldn't fucking watch his stay alive to that uppity bitch Fiora. Hated losing to them even more when she had wrecked so many of their faces...only to have her and the rest of the team's efforts be shot to hell by a stupid scout with a fucking blow gun. Now the Demacians can come over and mine whatever essences they wanted from Piltover's section of the Ironspike Mountains and Bandle City's section of the Sablestone Mountains. Don't you even care?! Despite all her bitching about the decision, she guessed that the Fields of Justice were a better way to resolve these matters than all out war. (War was what had made her into an orphan after all.) But it was still infuriating to lose and then have to sit around while uptight Demacians came over here to mine her essences and hang out in her city and cause issues that she would have to respond to as an officer of the law for the next month. Ugh, and Jayce didn't even care! So now she was EVEN MORE annoyed that she couldn't even vent down at the station because Caitlyn was somewhere doing something stupid (probably ticketing some poor bastard for jaywalking) and Jayce was here being a sheriff suck-up by modding one of Cupcake's rifles. What on Valoran are you even doing over there, pretty boy? Vi looked up from her own workbench where she had been cleaning her gauntlets to see what Jayce was doing and sure enough, the inventor/deputy was about to do something incredibly stupid. Hey, you're going to blow the transformer if you turn that energy output up any higher. Look, Vi. I know you're a top-notch mechanic, but when it comes to arcane stuff... A sudden flash of lightning and angry crackle of electricity followed by the acrid smell of smoke let Jayce know that he had indeed blown the small transformer that was converting the arcane energy into hextech energy. And that's why I don't mess around with that arcane garbage. Good ol' hextech engineering is enough for me. Vi grinned smugly as she looked at a soot-covered Jayce. Silly snooty Jayce thinking he knew better than her! You know many hextech inventions have arcane power sources, Jayce argued and began to argue as he wiped his face on the sleeve of his uniform. The radio crackled to life with the tinny voice of the dispatcher and both of them fell silent to listen to the pager go off with its whistles and beeps before the voice continued. When I find out who the hell blew up the Fried and Frosted... Vi narrowed her eyes and pulled on her gauntlets. Even though the gloves were huge, she had worn them enough to have enough dexterity to operate her radio. A brief pause and then Caitlyn's staticy voice came in again. And with that, Vi clipped her radio to her belt and turned it down because Caitlyn would give her an earful about not 'going by the books'. Then she rushed out to the garage for her motorcycle, slid her goggles over her eyes, and kicked the beast of a machine to life so that she could speed off to the fire. Vi had long outrun Jayce (her bike was a hell of a lot better for weaving in and out of traffic and taking shortcuts down alleyways than his squad car) and so arrived at the scene first. Her face fell as she saw the black plumes of smoke rise up from the building. Vi! The fire chief waved her down and jogged up to her. Hey, Vi. No one was in the building when it blew. But here, come look at this. And then he lead her to one of the walls that was still left standing, one that had a cartoony looking picture of her drawn out, with a brief message. FAT HANDS?!?! Vi roared as she charged up and swung, knocking a hole clear through the offending part of the wall. When I get my hands on that brat, I'll show her fat hands! BOOM! The sound of a rocket going off kept Vi from destroying any more private property and making an already bad situation worse. See ya, Chief. Vi darted away, off towards where she had seen the rocket shoot up from: not even a block away and down a small alley where she knew Jinx would be waiting for her, but this time she wasn't going to let the criminal escape. Blowing up her favorite doughnut shop had been the last straw! "Everything hurt. That's how Diego felt as he struggled to get up. He had no idea what happened. One moment, he was walking alongside his Gardevoir and savoring the nice day... The next, there was a strange multi-colored light above them before he knew it, there was some sort of massive explosion that enveloped them. When he got up though... he felt something different. He stood up and screamed in shock. He was a Pikachu... kinda. It was like he was a Pikachu stretched into a human shape. He had the yellow coat, the red cheeks, his ears were now Pikachu ears and he even had a tail. However, he still had human eyes and face. He was now on his feet and walking around. However, he was also naked... he had no idea what was going on. All he had was his glasses... Sophia! "SOPHIA!? WHERE ARE YOU?" Diego shouted, looking over for his Gardevoir.,"With a long groan, Sophia groggily rose to her feet, clutching her head in her hands. In the distance, she heard her master shouting for her. Was he in danger? She spun around to face him, and then groaned again as the sudden movement made her head spin. She fell to her knees, and planted her hands into the sand, willing her world to stop spinning. As she did, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the water. Her face looked subtly different, although she couldn't quite figure out why... And then she saw it. Orthem, rather. A pair of large orbs hung from her chest, threatening to burst out of her dress. They looked like human breasts... And when had she put on a dress? She rose unsteadily to her feet once more, surveying her new form in the water. She was no longer floating off the ground, instead standing on a pair of long legs, with thick thighs that ended in- and she lifted the skirt to check- wide hips and a large rear. She was wearing panties, and a curious touch confirmed they hid a sensitive pussy. The touch sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine, unlike anything she'd ever felt, better even than winning a fight against a gym leader's strongest pokemon. The voice of her master calling for her snapped her out of her daze, and she turned to him once more, his voice coming from over a nearby hill. As she tried to move however, she fell flat on her face, never having had legs before. She let out a cry as she did, and another groan as she hit the ground. Confused and somewhat overwhelmed by the situation, as well as frustrated by her inability to even walk, she simply lay there, hoping her cry had alerted her master. "Taking a deep breath in her hiding spot in the woods just outside their camp, Sakura watched the small band of renegade ninjas for a while before hopping out of the tree she was in and casually strolling into camp. This was an infiltration mission, so stealth wasn't a key. Instead, she had to get their trust and have them believe she had betrayed Konoha and was now a renegade like them. This was her first time doing such a mission, so she was certainly nervous, but managed to not show any outward signs of it.,"One of the renegades spotted her as he warned the others. The group approached her slowly, looking her over. "What is a fine... young shinobi out here doing? Not to mention a Konoha village shinobi to be exact?" one of them asked her. Soon enough, the others surrounded her. "You better hope you want to join us," he continued. "We don't take kindly to anyone else. But if you want to join, there's a test you have to take first." He grinned at her, waiting for a response. "Cerberus Lab Station #2141 Log Name: Ryan Swagger Password: *** Confirmation . . . Successful! A small sigh passes through the lips of the male, seeing how many more harassment mails he has accumulated over the past three weeks. Ryan has received random... users mailing him constantly over the damage he caused to their homes, jobs, families back on Ilium. Human, Turian, Asari. Mainly they are Human and Turian males harassing him, threatening his life. Which, the male does not blame them for doing so. It was indeed his fault; it wouldn't have happened if Ryan and one of his troop mates followed the order of their Commanding Officer, Sergeant William Stevens. Ryan and this said troop mate were ordered to not follow leads about Blue Suns potentially importing and exporting illegal goods from Illium. Of course, in Ryan's brashness, he urged one of his troop mates to go with him. That it'd be an easy job for them to do together, earning them a rank or two up. Getting out of their runt of the litter platoon, out from under Sgt. Stevens. The only thing it got the male was a dishonorable discharge, a few counts of murder, vandalism, and a bill of one billion credits to repair all the damage he had caused to Illium city. Most of all, the life of his troop mate that trusted him in his decision. Ryan lost everything, pretty much. Mother and father were in the Alliance Military long before they wed then conceived a child who'd follow in their footsteps. It was a few months after the boy's incident that they found out, a leaked source mailed it to them. That was a fun and happy conversation the male had between them ... only better when he told them that he was now holding a job with Cerberus. All his charges were dropped, the amount he would've needed to pay gone. Without a trace, as if every little detailed page of information was just gone from the system. That was when the male had gotten word from Cerberus that they were interested in him working for them. Military work to Military work, right? Well, his parents didn't see it that way. They labeled him a terrorist and swore him off as their heir to the head of their name. Titling his head to the left, attempting to crack the bone in his neck. A groan passing as he failed to achieve even the smallest cracking sound. His eyes jolted back and forth, up and down the screen as he waited for the inbox to fill. Ryan assumed there'd be hundreds of messages in there. A sigh of relief passing as he noticed there were only a handful. "Lets see what we got on tap for today ..." I'm coming for you, Swagger. User: I.V Sent: Ten days ago. You will pay! User: .... Sent: Nine days ago. STOP HIDING SWAGGER! User: I.V Sent: Two days ago. C.O. SGT STEVENS Name: Sent: Twenty-two minutes ago. "What's this ...?" The male asked, his eyes squinting slightly. "C.O Sergeant Stevens? From Unknown? What?" He murmured in question to himself lightly, leaning forward slightly. Clicking twice on the subject, the male watched as a small report quickly filled up the screen. "Senior Commanding Officer Sergeant Stevens was found dead ..." Voice trailing off as he read the article to himself. "This happened two weeks ago and I'm just now getting this ... who sent this!?" The male exclaimed to himself, pounding his hands against the desk. His voice wouldn't travel then outside of his room, the station wasn't that occupied by much anyways. A few guards who did shifts for patrols, doctors, mechs, androids and their patients ... test subjects. "This is obviously a sick, demented joke. Sergeant Stevens isn't dead ... nor was he assassinated. It just can't be." Ryan spoke to himself, scrolling through the mail. "Cerberus Operative Ryan Swagger," the male spoke, reading off another small part of the mail, "This link here will guide you to the already paid for purchase to Feros, your first spot to figuring out all that happened. Once clicked, you'll have two hours to get to the Lab Station #2141 docking bay. A unmanned ship will arrive and leave twenty minutes in the next two hours. Get on, or you'll regret it..." Cocking his brown eye brow, the male clicked on the link provided. Watching his screen go black, he exclaimed, "Dammit! The mail is gone!" Two hours later... A sigh passed through the lips, the male leaned against the wall that lead out of the docking bay. Dressed in a casual black Cerberus uniform. His brown bangs slowly falling in front of his face, the blue-green eyes hiding underneath his eyelids. He had his bag resting against his leg. Only had a few pieces of food, another uniform, a pistol and credits in there. Nothing was ever free ... he was wrapped up in Cerberus until he spent enough time paying off a billion credits. Though, it wasn't like he minded. Sure, he hated the fact before ... but, now, he's grown into the job. Helping humanity get more then a foot in the door to the galaxy. "Beep. Beep. Beep." "Ah ha, so, the mail wasn't just part of my imagination." That was a good sign, or so he hoped. This seemed awfully ... suspicious. Ryan had a small feeling that someone was setting him up to look like the murderer of Sgt. Stevens. Picking up his bag, the male quickly stepped toward the ship. "Off to Feros.","Lieutenant Isabel Jones requested personal leave after attending the funeral of C.O Sergeant Stevens, and received it, to her surprise. She did also get a little note telling her not to investigate... Fucking military asspants bastards. She could bet it was Cerberus. They had killed off military personnel before, and managed to pay people off to kill the investigation. Almost her entire life had been in the military: she joined up as soon as she could, leaving behind a boring colony life which would probably have been spent farming. As a biotic, she had been appreciated in the army. A decent salary, an interesting life, maybe sometimes she got shot at, but most of the time she had something to shoot back with. Maybe she never had a permanent home, she spent it going from military ship to ship, but a military pension was a good one, and she was saving up for a little place of her own. Maybe on the Citadel, taking a job in C-Sec or something when she retired from the army. But it was worth it, she thought, to break open her savings account and get a fare to Feros. She might have joined the Alliance to get out of a poor life, but she did firmly believe in justice and equality, in that all strange deaths should be explained. Being a tourist was hard, though. Officially, she was there to broaden her mind and see some Prothean ruins. Y'know. Just out of curiosity. But stuck in the port, she epically failed at it. She managed to dress like a civilian, but there was still a concealed firearm somewhere and her red hair was in a tight bun. She looked rather more like a mercenary than a soldier, but it worked. Roughly. She managed to spend a while in a coffee shop, staring at the storm outside. She was told it was unsafe to leave, and her leads were not in this location. The waiting was making her stir crazy. Then some idiot human tried to join her, telling she had such lovely pale skin and such wonderful bone structure... That her hairstyle offset it so beautifully... She almost punched him in the face. Instead, Isabel ran off to a gunshop, dragging her suitcase with her. It didn't really encourage her potential paramour to follow her. He was left sulking with her half-finished drink, while she was talking to the turian stall-holder. "Oh, I just love the new model. Feels so soft in the hand, hardly any recoil..." "I am actually quite fond of Rosenkov Material's Karpov pistols..." "Never tried them myself, but I'd like to!" "Can give you a test run..." "The setting takes place where a female elf walks into Dante's office and sees him sound asleep. She was sent to awaken him from his slumber to let him know that Virgil has awakened once again. And he is causing trouble in the mortal world with his immortal demons or devils that he has under his control, and the female elf archer has killed some of those creatures that have been chasing her. They knew that they wouldn't be allowed to get into Dante's office at any cost. Virgil is after the female elf archer, because she is secretly a princess of one of the kingdoms that he is after. And wants to overrule that kingdom and turn people who live in that kingdom into his slaves. He knows what kind of skills and abilities that girl has, and knows that her skills will make him even more powerful than ever before. The female elf archer name is Angel, and she is a year younger than Dante. It's about 7pm in the evening on a nice summer night like tonight. Angel gently tries to shake Dante to wake him up from his deep sleep, hoping that he will wake up soon because he is sound asleep on the couch in his office in New York City. Angel hopes that she won't regret waking Dante up, and she has heard that when you wake Dante from his sleep, he can be very cranky and grumpy, and he could also kill you as well. She continues on gently shaking Dante's shoulder blade, hoping that he finally wakes up from his slumber he is in.,"Dante, asleep with his boots on the table and a gentleman's magazine on his face, felt something shake him. He opened his eyes to see a woman standing over him as the magazine fell to the ground open. He blinked a few times and then said, "Did the delivery girls get cuter?" He looked over the woman, noting she had no food in a box and most certainly wasn't a normal one at that. She looked young to him, but for a half-devil, everyone was young to him. "Look, missy," he said, "whatever trouble you have or are looking for, I don't want it unless it comes with a paycheck." "Samus' ship flew low to the ground, hovering just feet above it. Zero Suit Samus burst from the hatch on the top, gracefully flipping and spinning through the air. She landed with a soft pat as she looked around the area, searching for where the distress signal had come from. She scanned the horizon, but saw nothing but empty desert.,"Raiden was walking along, minding his own business when he heard about a tournament called Smash Bros. Very interested in joining, he looked around for someone to help him. Hoping he would do well and win whatever the prize was, he approached the sexy blonde and asked, "Hey, can you help me?" ""It doesn't matter what will happen to us! We go with the emperor's grace and his hands guide our retribution!" The roar of Heavy-Bolter fire drowned out even the constant staccato of orkish guns that filled the smoke-thick air. Venitus burned around them, its districts alight with flames and rocked with screaming as the greenskins ran near-unchecked through the streets. Only the highest points remained untouched, the Spaceport, the Administratorum, and the Governor's palace at whose gates the trio stood. A handful of imperial citizens remained with them, a mere dozen compared to the thousands they had tried and failed to protect. The rest of the sisterhood was either dead or withdrawn from the city to their fortress-monastery to make a stand of their own there. A shuttle remained that would take these civilians to safety, but there were simply too many orks for the Sororitas to go with them... The Heavy Bolter fell silent and Sister Rosanne glanced up and back. A woman stepped forwards, a helpless fear on her face only to be shouted down as Captain Tiarra took advantage of the quiet to punctuate her orders. "GO!" Another group of orks rounded the corner and caught sight of them, immediately charging up the hill with a warcry, firing wildly as they went. The civilians went as ordered, scurrying towards the starport pad as the Heavy Bolter Roared again, tearing into the greenskins with ease while Sister Sarael made sure to finish off any that didn't go down soon. If they had no worries about ammunition, they could technically hold out forever in this sort of choke point, but ammunition was a very real worry. The Heavy bolter would run dry soon, and after that they would be down to their own boltguns, then power swords and chain weapons as they fought what they expected to be their last bloody stand at the gates of the mansion. It never occurred to them for even a moment that this would not be where they met their end...,"As the Battle-Sisters tore into the ranks of the Orks with their heavy bolter and boltguns, it seemed for every one they killed, three more greenskins took their place, a truly hopeless task for the three. Even in the choke point with their weapons, the sheer weight of numbers of the Orks began to overwhelm the Sisters. Green bodies filled every breach and hole and soon several greenskins were pouring past the sisters in an attempt to storm the Spaceport. Green bodies filled every breach and hole and soon several greenskins were pouring past the sisters in an attempt to storm the Spaceport. As the Orks swarmed around them, one of them in the massive horde cried out. "Uumie Wimmen! Lets rape dim!" A fearsome cheer seemed to roar out from the Orks as they overwhelmed the sisters, tackling them and forcing them to ground with their numbers alone. While many of the Orks stayed with the sisters, others poured into the Starport and Manor and slaughtered the men and began to rape the women. The cries and screams that echoed around them let the sisters know they had failed in their last task. Still, they would be too busy themselves to notice themselves as the Orks bound the wrists and ankles of Sarael and Tiarrae together, immobilizing them. It seemed like the Greenskins had special plans for the Sisters. Once Sarael and Tiarrae were taken care of, Orks surrounded Rosanne their eyes full of lust as they licked their lips in anticipation. They had disarmed her for the most part, the only weapon upon her was her chainsword. Emerging from the mass of green was an Ork that stood a head and a half taller than most and seemed much more powerful and well built than the others. He was Chief Mugstompper, and he was the leader of this Horde. He eyed Rosanne and chuckled before looking at Sarael and Tiarrae. "Ya listen ter meeb an obey, ya an yer sistaz git ter liv. Fail an weeb kills ya, noez?" he spoke in the strange way Orks spoke as he and his warriors surrounded the Sisters. It seemed like he was giving Rosanne a chance for her and her sisters to live, but the question now was, would she take it? "Situated just west from Marcus Garvey Park in midtown Harlem is one of Harlem's hidden but renown marvels, a hole-in-the-wall coffee joint that wouldn't elicit so much as a pause from the average out-of-towner yet it attracted distinguished visitors from all parts of the world...and some beyond. It was the kind of place you wouldn't know about unless you were looking for it, aptly named after its owner, outside the building in classic paint lettering read "Luke's Coffee Joint". To describe the place, it was modest but decently arranged with no bells or whistles, mostly brick and some fine ebony wood, some decent indoor furniture, the booths were pub style, it being Harlem, it was also quite Harlem inspired, with pictures and artifacts of historic black figures, movie posters, and music that played had a dated old-timey sort of feel. In the heart of the shoppe had been Power Man - Luke who'd been using the down time to wipe down his surroundings prior to opening hours. He may have been the owner but bartending was really his preference, as far as help, he preferred to keep a tight crew. On days like this, he'd handle most of the work himself or get one of the neighborhood youth to handle dish work or whatever else needed tended to. He considered himself a "hands-on" kind of boss, and he had reputation for being quite good at that. There were separate and distinct menus for those seeking unconventional service.,"Hot Black Stuff: Luke's Coffee "date" with Harley. Harley didn't usually come all the way out to Harem. She was based out of Coney Island and there was a river and a lot of city to cross in order to get there, and for the most part you just didn't. Brooklyn had it's way of doing things and so did Harlem and people like Harley, who either looked for trouble or found it even when they weren't looking, were better off staying in their own boroughs. But not tonight. Tonight Harley had some fun chasing down a few people who'd crossed some friends with hers. People who'd fled to East Harlem thinking they'd be safe only to find themselves apologizing to Harley's shoes after a short conversation with one of her favorite baseball bats. But that was over now and Harley needed to relax. She'd heard about the place before. There were rumors in the circles she ran in but she'd dismissed them as wishful thinking. But then she heard firsthand, she'd never tell from who, that the 'Secret Menu' at Luke's Coffee Joint in Harlem was a real thing. And now she was in Harlem with no real need to rush home, so she hunted the place down, put her bat in the umbrella stand by the door and paused at the door to take a deep breath. "Mmm, smells good in here." she said. The clownish girl then bounced her way up to the counter with a wide grin, looking over the man behind the counter and hoping he was on the menu. "So who does a girl have to blow around here to get a taste of the hot black stuff?" she asked him. Harley had heard of subtlety, but that required effort. She was here to unwind. "Miia had been cold that night, the first night in this house, the first night she met her, her 'Darling'. She wasn't called Darling of course, Miss. Smith said her name was Ami, but Miia didn't care, she was her Darling. She took her in despite the mix up and had done her best to make the Lamia, normally a looked down upon race by humans, feel welcome. Being part snake, Miia had found the night very cold, Japan had been a lot cooler than expected. She'd taken up residence in Darlings spare room and was content for a while. But it soon turned out to be far too cold, the cool night air getting to the reptile. She needed a source of warmth, something to curl around to help her sleep and wake energized. So naturally, she broke into Darling's room! It seemed logical at the time anyway and Miia was sure her Darling wouldn't mind. So here she was, it was morning and the Lamia lay, coiled around the female form of Darling, a content smile on her face. Darling was warm and so soft, Miia could have spent the rest of the day like this. Waking up, she looked to Darling, a content smile on her face as her big golden eyes opened. "Darling.." She sleepily chimed, sounding just so happy right now, squeezing Darling a little more with her coils.,"Ami wakes up feeling her body being constricted in Mia's boa-like constriction. The dark haired, yet surprisingly plain looking Japanese woman, had one thing that made her unique among monster care takers. In that... "MIIIA!!!" She shouts as she grabs and squeezes herself free of Mia's constriction. Then, like always, she manages to knot Mia's tail all up in a different style today - a pretzel fashion. If that didn't teach her a lesson in time nothing will. "You know better than that," Ami says, swatting the Lamia on the butt while she was in the compromising predicament. "Now then straighten yourself out, and I will get to work on breakfast. It's a wonder I don't just change the light in your room to a sunlamp, and your bed to a rock... surely then..." Sighing, she wasn't angry, but she did have a temper and it flared when her rules weren't abided by. It didn't help that Miia gave into her Monster born instincts so easily. "Just be careful okay," Ami says, "It wasn't too tight today, but any tighter and you may have snapped me in half." "Sabrina L. Phoenix is exploring around the region of Kalos, seeking out new places, even though she's only 20 years old. She recently became the new champion of the Kalos League and often overwhelms her opponents with her strategies. Traveling alongside her is her signature Pokemon, a female Zoroark named Illusion, whom she has had by her side for at least ten years.,"Illusion was a beautiful Zoroak who had served her master Sabrina loyally for ten years. She had a slender body and double D breasts which were hidden under her fur. She stretched as she walked beside Sabrina, then smiled as she said in her soft flirty tone, "So Champion, what do you wanna do today? Hunt down these legendary Pokemon we heard so much about or tackle the Battle Chatal? Or do you just want to spend the day relaxing? I don't think we're far from that lovely spot we relaxed at for a few days before the league started. You remember all the things we got up to there?" "Tony Gunther was sitting with a groan in his family home on the edge of town in Wall Rose, they had farmland once in Wall Maria before the Wall was breached by the strange Armored Titan. He was a bit fit having been a former farmer and part-time hunter as the farmland went up to the forests. His hair was a messy brownish red, and he stood tall at six foot two, he looked bred to work a field and now instead he was hunting Titans and trying to stop them. But at the moment he was having a bit of a break. Everyone in the Scouts had to deal with certain urges and desires, a fair number of Scouts had been Betas because they were the most normal, but when it came to Alphas and Omegas they were rarer in the Scouts due to the dangers and risks of them having urges and needs. As a result generally when they were getting into fits or strained with desires, Tony and his girlfriend Sasha Braus had been on a break as their urges had generally synced up ever since they had gotten together as a couple during Scout training. Alphas and Omegas were given leave from the Scouts to handle urges and they were making the most of it. The pair were settled in for the evening, as Erwin worked on dinner for the two of them. He had to do most of the cooking or Sasha would eat everything before it made it to the table. But he didn't mind; he enjoyed her company, she was like him, direct and a bit simple to please. He hated being alone and she hated being hungry. She wanted to be around him and he had the food she wanted to eat - it was a give-and-take relationship but it worked. It didn't hurt that the sex was fantastic between them. She didn't have as much stamina as him, but she came closer than the others he had been with. "Dinner will be ready in another ten or so minutes, so make sure you are ready unless you want dessert beforehand..." Erwin teased flirtatiously. Erwin Smith had a lot of things in his life: regrets, successes, questions, answers. He had a lot of things, but lately, he found himself to be a bit... frustrated. In his time as the leader of the scouts, he had seen many fresh-faced Scouts - many who ended up being eaten or crushed by Titans, or worse. He had tried to avoid being with anyone in the Scouts for anything meaningful than a few quickies to help with his urges. And yet... he had found that he wanted something more. As he looked over the roster for Levi's special team, there was a girl amongst them that had a connection to his closest friend in the Scouts, and it had been bothering him. He had been desiring the woman and the more he saw her, the more he wanted her. Though she seemed to be interested in Levi, or was with him - Erwin couldn't quite remember as he didn't like seeing the two of them together, so he avoided it as much as possible. However, he was planning to make a move on the woman sooner rather than later, as he looked out the window of his office overseeing the Courtyard. Levi, to his credit, had never been an easy read or please. The trail of half-broken and fainting Omegas had been a giveaway to that when he had gone through them during his mating seasons. Hange, Petra, and others had all fallen prey to his lusts and needs - but he wasn't satisfied. He was looking for something more. Someone who could satisfy his urges and desires. There were women who came close or handled him, but there was always something missing. Perhaps she was the one he needed to satisfy him; he had thought about her long before he entered these urges and desires.,"Sweat glistened on Celeste's skin as she trained with the others. Doing some workouts and push-ups, and all that fun stuff. She wanted to be strong, she had to be strong in order to be with the survey corps and so that she wasn't seen as a simple weak omega. She hadn't yet experienced the heat of an alpha, and she wondered if she ever would, but that didn't stop some advances from others. Currently, though, she hung around the Betas more who were the more normal. Alphas made her feel weak, and they were so overbearing; and then the other omegas tried to one-up each other and show off, which really caused trouble, and she didn't want to be caught in the wrath of one of them. Eren was one that she hung around with most. He was the one she was currently training with because he never showed any interest in bedding her and they could spar without either suddenly having a desire for the other. She was panting out of breath as she and Eren kept going at hand-to-hand combat, as he was trying to teach her to defend herself. As she lunged forward, he easily dodged, grabbing hold of her twisting her arm and holding a wooden knife against her neck. "You really suck at this," he said roughly, out of breath himself. "How are you supposed to kill a titan if you can't defend yourself?" The girl groaned, frowning. She was quick but it was hard to overpower him. "I'm trying, Eren." She complained. He was pretty close, and it was sure to rise some anger from others when this happened, especially from Mikasa who watched from afar. Mikasa had watched from afar as Celeste and Eren spared together. She knew the reason why, and it was innocent enough, but it really got under her skin how easily Eren could touch her and get so close when he wouldn't even let her get that close. He stopped sparring with her recently too. She had known that everyone's behavior now was the reason, but the voice in the back of her head blamed the blonde more so. She tried so hard to keep herself in control and to keep herself in line with a cool head, but the urge to be near Eren was even stronger than she could have imagined. She was sure she couldn't control herself much longer. Her sparring partner definitely got the brunt of her anger, being slammed onto the ground by jabs. She wasn't going easy on them for sure. Sasha believed that she had the pick of the litter when she landed Tony. At first it really was for the food, but as time went on Sasha found herself attracted to the man and not just because he was a good cook or an alpha. It was genuine, and maybe him making food helped too. The sex was pretty great, and they easily took care of each other's desires. She could eat him up, literally, and that's why she appreciated this time they had been given to be together. Enjoying their food and company. Sasha watched from afar as her love cooked some very delicious-smelling supper that practically made her drool. She couldn't wait, and it was almost like he could read her mind! The girl was quick to come in close. "Hm, dessert sounds really good," she purred. "Smooth whip cream and juicy strawberries - it's almost like committing a crime having it before dinner." She replied, suddenly clinging to him. "Dinner is very tempting to have first though... such a yummy taste. I can't wait! Can't I just have a little sample?" She begged, wrapping her arms around him from behind. Her hands roamed his body with want. For both dinner and his dessert. "Then maybe I would be ready for a little dessert from my darling," the girl giggled softly. She knew what he meant by dessert but also expected some real dessert too. He really did spoil her, though. ""Oh no, travelers," the elder woman said, turning around to face them again. "I mean, we do have an inn here that is welcome to all who seek shelter, but you all seem to be on quite a mission. I would advise against our inn and please go to the next village." With that said, the elder woman scurried back into her hut. The group stood there a bit confused as to what could be so wrong with the inn. The young raven-haired girl wrinkled her brow lightly as she watched the elder set off. Turning her body, she faced Inuyasha. Looking up at him with her light brown eyes, she said, "Well, Inuyasha, if there is a demon problem or something here, I say we just check it out, finish the demon off, and stay there. I really feel like I could use a bath and an actual bed would be wonderful." Placing her hand on her hip, she waited for Inuyasha to answer, hoping he would give in this time. After all, Sango was the only other demon among them; the rest were humans. Sango remained silent for a moment, glancing over the gang she had been traveling with for so long now. "Hm... maybe Kagome is right. We really should rest for the night. I'm sure that we can handle whatever is wrong with the inn. Besides, at least there seems to be something wrong with this one," she spoke, glancing at Miroku, knowing how often he would fake sensing a demon nearby just to gain a free night at an inn.,"Miroku looked over at Sango wondering what it was that was going through her mind as she looked at him. He sheepishly put a hand behind his head, trying to smile and brush it off. Despite everything, he couldn't stop his eyes from going down to her nice firm ass; his hand still remembered the feel of that tight, firm flesh under his groping hand. At the same time, he recalled the feel of her hand on his cheek. Inuyasha sighed and folded his arms. "We might as well just move on," he said, "since they want us here anyway. If they don't want our help, then we should just move on." He turned so his side was facing the fiery young woman he could already sense how much trouble he was going to be in for this. Miroku saw what was coming and quickly stepped up, putting his arms around Kagome's shoulders and gently turning her toward the inn. "Now, now, there is no need to fight," he said. "If he doesn't want to come, he doesn't have to. We will just deal with any demon problem ourselves and then enjoy the night and some relaxation." "Bruce was out on official league business, which meant that Gotham was Dick's. Nightwing stood on the perch of the gargoyle overlooking the city. It had been quiet for the first two nights, but nothing lasts forever. It was at that moment, he noticed fireworks launching from Amusement Mile. His binoculars showed thugs dressed in red and black argyle suits. "Harley's idea of a trap no doubt," Dick muttered to himself as he swung into action, speeding past landmarks with his bat grapple. He finally landed near the factory, where he was met by some goons. He made quick work of them with his stun baton and acrobatics. He brushed off a couple of loose teeth from his shoulder and then readied himself in position. "Who's next?" he called out, waiting for an answer.,"Harley had set off her signal, now all she had to do was sit back and wait. With cameras everywhere, she could easily see right when Nightwing showed up, a smirk playing across her face. She'd show them a woman's wrath. Sighing, she looked over at a picture of Joker on the wall, putting her hand against it. "Oh Puddin'," she said, "that Bat'll pay...". She got up as soon as she noticed that Nightwing had taken out her goons. Immediately, she opened up the factory for him, and a laugh could be heard over the comm system. "Well, look who we have here? Think you can make it through to me, Bird Brain?" she asked with a tease, then laughed again. As soon as the laughter ended, a few more thugs appeared, all in red and black and ready to take him on. "Tom awoke in his sleeping bag with a loud yawn, the sounds of nature stirring him from his sleep. He had been journeying across Kanto for a few weeks now, with his trusty Umbreon, Dusk, at his side, and his three other Pokemon. Mainly he was exploring and trying to make his team even more powerful for when he eventually worked up the courage to try and take on a Gym Leader or two, but the possibility of proving his adulthood to his parents by lasting so long on his own like this was also appealing. Something was a little off about this morning... Tom couldn't quite put his finger on it, but... Well, it was as if the air itself felt different. Oh well, probably just his imagination. Tom pulled his trousers on in a sleepy haze and got out of the tent, starting up a campfire so he could prepare some breakfast for himself and Dusk. "Oi... Dusk, it's breakfast time!" Tom called out.,"Dusk's ears perked up when she heard Tom calling her. She opened her eyes and stretched her body, but quickly noticed something was different. She felt...bigger. She looked down at her paws, which were now shaped like human hands. Her small feral body was now the shape and design of a human female. Thin, with hourglass curves, large breasts, and a round rear. Everything about her was changed. She was confused and couldn't believe what had happened to her. "Tom!" She cried out, then immediately covered her mouth. She could speak like a human!? What was happening?! Dusk didn't know what to do or say from the shock and confusion. "The now seventeen year old unknown Uchiha let out an annoyed sigh. Impatiently waiting Magenkyos glanced towards her door ... if one could call it that though it felt more like a cell, a prison. She'd been kept here for her entire life. Or so it seemed. Biting down on her lower lip, her legs swung as she sat down upon her bed, which was actually a rather small cot. Not that she took up much space ... but still that only strengthened the thought and possibility she was but a prisoner here. Her eyes slowly closed as she hid the Magenkyos, a low sigh leaving as her legs ceased swinging. What's the point?She asked herself. Even to this day, she barely knew who she was; the most Kiseki had learned of herself was her first name. But something in her gut suggested ... she shouldn't be here, that she belonged somewhere else. But where? With whom? Her head shook, scoffing lowly as her eyes opened up once again, glaring at the door. The two men had been damn careful on ensuring she knew as little as possible about justice, it seemed. Otherwise, she would have been able to burn the door and this place down. But the lack of knowledge made the task of even escaping so much easier said than done. Her arms crossed over her chest as she tried to stay as patient as possible. Kiseki hated playing this 'waiting game' of sorts and though she should be used to it, she wasn't at the same time. It was hard to be accustomed to such a thing when every single day, something different seemed to happen to her. Sometimes Kabuto would come in and take some blood ... others she'd get beaten for - to her knowledge - no reason whatsoever. They'd all but ensured no sharp objects were in the room with her so she never was able to defend herself. The abuse, she supposed, was almost never bad enough that Kabuto had use tons of medical ninjutsu upon her; but there had been a few times Orochimaru had gone that far on her. " .... Why me?"She asked herself, doubting she would get an answer. Another sigh left her as she finally laid down on her back, gazing up at the ceiling, her hands resting at her sides. She hated this place ... she'd give anything to be able to leave. Even if she didn't know where she could go to ... anywhere else must be better than here. Right?,"Kabuto, be a dear and retrieve my ring," Orochimaru continued down the hallway as Kabuto turned back and began running to Orochimaru's suite. "Oh, Kabuto..." The words fell gracefully from his lips. "Yes, Master Orochimaru!" A wide, almost sarcastic smile crossed the snake lord's face as he slightly turned his head to look over his shoulder. "Do not run in the halls... someone could get hurt." Orochimaru laughed manically for around two seconds before turning back to his task. Kabuto bowed and proceeded to walk with a gallop to his master's suite. Orochimaru approached a large metal door with three separate vertical bars spaced out about a quarter of the way up the door. Inside, a little petite girl lay curled up in her flesh on the bed. No teddy bear to comfort her like most girls her age. Orochimaru's pale as death hand reached for the cold doorknob and with one big heave, the door jiggled open scratching on the floor as it moved. Kiseki jumped up in her little white dress, what was provided by Orochimaru, that and that only. "You're up!" Orochimaru laughed to himself with a smile still stained upon his face. He closed the door behind him, even louder being closed than when it was being opened. Kiseki covered her ears as a painful look was plastered upon her face. With the noise subsiding, Kiseki moved her hands back down to her sides. Orochimaru got closer, with each step of his, Kiseki looked more worried. First she looked at the floor, mainly at the feet of the pale horseman. Then her legs slightly bent at the knees. Finally, her arms landed on her chest as she looked petrified. Now, now, now, no need to be scared young child... I don't bite... Back in Orochimaru's suite, Kabuto is searching frantically for Orochimaru's ring which he specifically asked for. He tries not to make a mess, worrying about what Lord Orochimaru would do to him if he found out that he had lost the ring. He lifts a pile of scrolls off of his workbench and underneath is a pile of rings! Must be about 50 at least. All different shapes and sizes, Kabuto tries to space them out on the bench. At the bottom, Kabuto notices something white and flat. It's a sheet of paper... he simply peels it from under the rings. It simply reads: Have Fun! Back in the chamber, Orochimaru is standing right in front of Kiseki. He gently bends down and looks at her, face to face. A wider smile emerges as he brings up one of his handless might I add. One finger opens from his fist and he presses it on Kiseki's smooth innocent skin. He attempts to be gentle, stroking her cute face, but she is too overcome with fear to care. His finger travels further down off her face. The finger travels her neck and reaches her protruding shoulder bones. He continues down as his finger moves over Kiseki's breast and gently runs over her nipple. His eye's follow his finger down as he compensates for his height by bending down even further to complete her body and stroke her long leg. With his finger on her ankle, he turns his head back to her face and manically smiles. How are you princess? "Cherry Tris was eagerly looking through her bag, a smile on her face as she hummed away. She sat in her little bedroom, located in a quaint little house in New Bark town. She was 16 and had just recently gotten her trainer license, her father insisting she finish school. So, now she had done with high school and had qualified as a trainer, she was ready to go. Now she was sure she was packed and ready to go, she strode out her house, Pokeball in hand. The moment she got outside, she threw the ball out. "Come on Apple!" Calling out as the red and white ball reached its heights, bursting open. Red light formed into an object, taking the boxy shape of her first Pokemon, a Porygon. The Porygon floated just off the ground next to the trainer, happily zipping around here. "Come on, let's get going on our adventure!" Wasting no time, she began to run out into route 29, a set of Pokeballs ready to begin catching her team. Crystal "Kris" Elmwatched Cherry go dashing past out of town, the older girl giving a little smile as she shook her head. Looking out into town, she frowned, where the heck was he? Kris was helping her father out by going and collecting data to further the Pokedex, especially in regards to eggs. She had been assigned a partner, Stiks to help her, well to help each other. Problem is, he was meant to meet her on the outskirts of town so they could get going... an hour ago. Sighing, Kris headed for his house, quickly arriving and knocking on the door to find his mother. The look her mother gave, told Kris everything she needed to know, getting a sigh from the blue haired girl. "I'll get him...." Walking in and walking up the stairs annoyed. She knew which room was his, so she did not hesitate to start slamming her fist against it over and over. "Stiks, get up! We're late!!" She didn't stop pounding at the door till she was sure he was awake.,"Apple the Porygon emerged from the ball and made its electronic sounding cry. Then began to follow after its owner. As she took off down route 29 being energetic as she was. Apple kept up best it could, she was eager and Apple couldn't be happier to finally be along for Cherry's journey having been a gift to her from her father who worked at Silph Co over in Kanto. The moment Cherry made it into route 29, the world would look so much more open. The grass and trees danced and weaved as wind blew, flocks of Pidgey rose from the grass and flew off into the sky. The land was brimming with life going forward. The start of her journey would be one of amazement. However, as she charged through route 29 after being allowed to take in the sights, the sound of something coming for them from the grass could be heard. The pokemon leaps towards Cherry - her first encounter. Stiks was not his real name, but he had never really given his full name as it was dorky he always thought. So, he had it be known to Krys and everyone who lived in New Bark to call him Stiks. The young man was like any other 17-year-old, save for the fact that the only things he seemed to be passionate about were berries, fishing, and inventing new ways to be a real pervert. His puffy white hair which was a result of his father settled on his head making it a naturally wavy styled hair. His outfit was a black and gray outfit but it was standard for young men otherwise. However, when Krys pounds on that door, the door swings ajar to reveal that Stiks was in fact not sleeping but with his pants down his ankles and his cock hanging out as he had been reading a rather filthy Gajinka magazine. He turned his head and looked seeing Krys there, and blinks rushing to pull his pants up. "Krys... oh...hey you're here... weren't you waiting at the entrance to route 29?" His tone revealed that he had actually been planning to not come, he really was unusual - he had no actual interest in pokemon, however, the page he was on clearly had a rather voluptuous woman dressed up as a Typhlosion. It was clear he had openly been wanting to just stay home and masturbate. Funny thing is, he wasn't like this when he was younger... But things had definitely changed about Krys's rather perverted and lazy friend. "Aerith was pissed. Ticked off. Ready and able to hurt anyone and anything that got in her path. They'd recently been talking, and everyone had seemed to think that she was the weakest member of their party. Even Cloud, quiet though he was, had given her a look that seemed to say "I've been protecting you." Never mind what she'd done, or that she had, by far, the best magic. Word had gotten out that a group of gargoyles had been seen near Bone Village. This was way out of their normal range, so it was worth investigating. Figuring she could handle herself, and desperate not to show how worthless she was, Aerith had opted to try it on her own. She'd loaded Princess's Memory up with materia, attached a well-loaded bangle, and headed out into the snows by herself. "Should be easy enough," she told herself, humming cheerfully. The bragging rights would be great, almost as good as the look on their faces. Plus, this was helping people, and Aerith was all for that. She picked up her tune, recognizing it as the Golden Saucer's overarching music. Probably in her head from her date with Cloud. Something sounded over her humming, causing Aerith to pause. Readying her weapon, she turned about, looking for the monster, ready and able to start killing her foes.,"After that strange black-cloaked man had come to their land, the Gargoyles had wisely decided to leave. They knew a greater predator when they saw one. Bone Village was the perfect place for them to hide, really. It wasn't like there weren't plenty of other statues around from the excavations that made the village famous. They just had to lay still for a bit, wait for a traveler to pass, and then pounce. When the girl dressed in pink showed up, they almost decided to leave her be. Something about her Not like Him, but she definitely wasn't like the others they had waylaid. But, instincts eventually won out. This was their land now and they didn't care what the squishy folk had to say about it. The youngest of the pack was flying overhead. Because he was the youngest and the smallest, he was considered expendable; but that was okay, because that meant he got first crack at whatever they caught. He was dropping out of the sky towards her, and that sound she heard was the 'crack' of his wings as he snapped them downward, propelling him back into the air...but with his claws snapping shut around her staff, attempting to yank it right out of her hands. ""Okay," Telva said, taking a pinch of the powder. She bit her lower lip as she tried to remember the right amount. She liked trying new potions, but her memory wasn't the best, and the broken veils scattered on her worktable were testament to that. Her red eyes closed as she thought back to what she had read four years ago in her father's laboratory. When she had watched him work magic, some of the spells wouldn't come to her. Four years ago, Telva had been the youngest daughter of a small noble house in the underdark city of DroXun. She had slaves to care for her and modest riches to use for her pleasure. That was before her mother had made a stronger house angry with theirs. Her house was destroyed, and most of her family murdered. Telva had barely made it out before the assassins breached the upper levels of her house and escaped to the world above. After wandering for days, she found a nice small cave near a village to make her home. A short way outside was a pond with a small waterfall emptying into it. Last year, she had found an underwater entrance to her cave while swimming around in the warm water of the pond. She loved living in her cave. It was quiet and nobody was around to make her wear clothes. Telva hated wearing clothes and loved being naked, the way the cool air of the cave or the warm light of the sun felt on her smooth obsidian skin making her happy. Another benefit was that her skin was easier to clean when her potions blew up and clothes made it harder for her arms to move to cast spells. The only time she wore clothes was when she went into town for supplies and to sell her potions. But she hated going to town because the city watch didn't like the amount of attention that she drew from walking around neutrally. Telva didn't mind the attention most of the males in the village gave her. It made for some fun nights after she sold her potions and made her way to the tavern. Between the male patrons in the tavern and the few local teenage boys who snuck up to her cave for a peek at the naked drow, Telve had a good sex life. And she didn't care what race they were, just as long as they wanted to and were good at sex. Two! Telva smiled her warm smile as she remembered the right amount. Dropping two pinches in, she looked into the bowl and waited. As she looked, a puff of gray smoke came out of the bowl and then with a pop, the bowl shattered in a ball of smoke. Telva coughed as she waved the smoke away. Maybe it was three? As the smoke cleared, Telva looked down at her naked body. It was covered in soot from her flat tummy up past her small breasts up to her face. Even her long silver-white hair was covered in it. Well, it's time for a bath again. She said with a shrug and turned towards the mouth of the cave. As Telva walked out of the mouth of the cave, trying to brush off the soot, the sun wasn't high over head, which would make it easier for her to see. As she walked out in the warm sun, Telva could see in color how bad her skin was covered. Great, now I'm a gray elf. She said, rolling her red eyes. Walking the few paces to the edge of the pond, she looked at the small waterfall. Then, with a smile, she slowly walked into the warm water and moaned with delight. It felt great on her smooth, naked obsidian skin. When she was up to her thigh, she dove in and swam out into the pond. The waterfall churned the water, helping her to clean the soot off her body. She swam to the surface and rubbed the water out of her eyes before looking at her hands. Now I'm dark again. She said, giggling as she swam backwards in the pond, letting the warm water play over her smooth, naked body.,"The trees near the water's edge rustled as something made its way through. It was a human, a good half foot taller than Telva at that. A steely sword cut its way through the thick foliage and the man eventually emerged from behind the trees. He was a caucasian human with unkempt light brown hair. He had the face of a thinker, but his apparel betrayed that. He was wearing a tan tunic with full-body chainmail beneath it, a belt around his waist that held a bag at his right side and the scabbard for his sword on his back. A small shield was buckled to his left arm so that his left hand was free, but still had protection. The adventurer surveyed the water before him and quickly noticed that he was not alone. There was another person in the water...a very dark-skinned one at that. He observed to find that this was a naked female drow elf. Wait a minute, she was naked!? This was a sight to see! He tried hiding behind a tree to watch her in secret, but the clinking of his chainmail made him bad at sneaking. "The ringing of the morning bell signaled the beginning of yet another year at North High School. The campus was once again filled with the sounds of students chattering and discussing classes among other things. Of course, the name of the infamous S.O.S. Brigade was being tossed around as well. There were numerous occurrences in the past that many returning members still remembered, such as the two bunny girls recruiting members and the surprisingly popular, but clearly unprofessional video shown at last year's festival. They were left wondering what other shenanigans they could expect this year, but at least they hadn't been doing so much lately. Of course, they had been meeting over the summer, mainly because of their ever-energetic leader Haruhi Suzumiya. After finishing up summer assignments, they could all look forward to yet another year. Most of the students had gathered around the signs showing what classes they had been assigned to. Afterward, they quickly dispersed to go there, though there was still a good deal of time before classes officially began. Tsuruya, Mikuru's best friend made sure to check up on both of their schedules. Mikuru wasn't there at the moment, as the S.O.S. Brigade was having a pre-classes meeting to start off the year. Being the club's mascot, Mikuru ad to attend. Tsuruya flashed her trademark grin as she noticed that Mikuru and her would be in the same class for yet another year. She brushed some of her green locks aside as she moved through the crowd, now headed for the S.O.S. clubroom. She headed up to the hall where the S.O.S. clubroom was in, noticing that Itsuki and Kyon were outside of the clubroom. It was obvious as to why that was, as Mikuru's cries for help could be heard from inside. "Oh! If it isn't Kyon-kun and Itsuki-kun as well!" she said, beaming as usual as she approached the two of them. "Oh...hello there." Kyon seemed rather unsure of how to respond to her constant cheerfulness. The door finally opened up with Mikuru Asahina stepping out, looking rather exhausted. It was to be expected, as Haruhi had made sure to buy some new costumes for her to wear today. Yuki Nagato sat in her same corner, reading a book as usual. Haruhi stepped out after her, wrapping an arm around Mikuru. "I know you'd look just perfect in those costumes I picked out! you better not skip the meeting afterschool since I have a few more for you to try on!" Tsuruya let out a little sigh as they walked out. "Aw...I guess I'm a little late. I was hoping I could take a quick picture or two of Mikuru in her new outfits." Haruhi seemed quite delighted with her comments. Of course, those two seemed to get along unusually well. "Then you'll just have to drop by our meeting and get all the pictures you want! Isn't that right Mikuru-chan?" Poor Mikuru simply whined under her. After a few more words they had all dispersed to go to their respective classes. Tsuruya had another one of her laughing fits as Mikuru mentioned the sort of outfits she had to wear, along with some events the S.O.S. Brigade had planned. What she said wasn't necessarily funny, but anything that amused Tsuruya would have her laughing like a maniac. They made their way into their classroom, taking their seats. Coincidentally, they were sitting close with Mikuru in front of Tsuruya.,"School had indeed begun once again, a summer which only felt like a few warm winds had flown right by them, and then it was back to the hunt, back to the slavery that was school. Although, overall, it wasn't too bad at all. The classroom was slowly but surely filling up with students, newcomers and returning classmates alike. "Keigo! Oh! Keigo!!" Yelled the absolutely obnoxious voices for several females following a young man around. He was quite fit, handsome, seemed charming, but with his flock of wild geese, it was probably going to be tough for him to manage anything but a squeak past those ladies. He peeked over them, trying to get a better glance of Tsuruya, but couldn't because the five girls were all over him, he honestly liked the attention, but it seemed that the girl he wanted to glance at him the most, probably saw him as just a player and a womanizer. A slender, serious-looking male then entered, followed by an evidently careless boy. Edward McSullivan, a returning student, had an unremovable smile on his face as he walked by a beautiful Mikuru Asahina, her beautiful cleavage too much for him to resist. He looked down and stared, moving towards the empty seat at the left side of Tsuruya, eyeing her as well. As he reached for the chair, still making eye contact with Mikuru's breasts, his fingertips felt...flesh. The slender, extremely smart-looking male was already pulling the chair out. The two stared at each other for a moment, before the taller student, pulled the chair forcefully, causing the breast gazer to sigh and sit elsewhere. He sat down and looked at the board carelessly, his eyes moving to look at Tsuruya a single time. "The 5th Holy Grail War was weighing heavily on the mind of the heiress to the Tohsaka family. Rin was the sort of girl who had a competitive streak a mile wide and was hoping to summon Saber and win the war. What for, that was a good question. She was more concerned with making sure the family name was respected for the superior Mages that came through their bloodline. Luckily for Rin, her father had been considerate enough before he passed to ensure that she would have an item to aid her in summoning a Saber. She also inherited his large collection of stones to aid her, although she herself could craft some in a satisfactory manner. With more experience, her gems could be as powerful as the ones her father crafted. Rin had a boyfriend, Shirou Emiya, who honestly was more trouble than he was worth. Or so she told him. Truth be told, she had a soft spot for him and once she found out he would be competing in the War as well, she couldn't leave him on his own. He was completely clueless and needed assistance. But tonight, Rin would be summoning her servant. She was the lone person in the Tohsaka manor, standing in the middle of the ancient carvings on the floor to assist her in summoning her servant. She presented the item that her father had graciously gifted her with, the breastplate of King Arthur exploding as the servant was summoned. The most shocking fact was, as the servant appeared, the command seals didn't appear on the back of her hand as she expected. It didn't even form on her torso, which was quite the surprise. Instead, her skirt flared up with a gust of wind, the command seals branding her right on her shaved pubic mound. She was shocked by this turn of events, having never heard of such a thing before. She did her best to cover herself to appear modest as her servant appeared before her.,"Rin would not summon a Saber... instead she would summon an Archer... despite her best efforts. However, the summoning was indeed botched in a manner. She was trying to summon a servant with two competing catalyst; one was the breastplate and the other, unknown to her, was her own blood. As the sparks of the summoning died down, her servant finally came into view. He was a tall and well-built man... he wasn't wearing a shirt, showing off his toned and slightly tanned body. He had short, bright blonde hair and red eyes that seemed able to pierce anything he gazed out. He radiated power and authority... a figure that demanded respect. He looked at Rin and gave her a smirk. "So... a beautiful woman summons me to war this time," he said, almost with a scoff. He seemed to be admiring her beauty, for sure, but his haughty and arrogant attitude remained... his expression lightly somewhat as he gazed upon her. "What a moment... you are Tomitake's daughter, aren't you?" the beautiful servant said, pointing out her sharply, his eyes seemed to gleam with something... affection and mischievous, perhaps? "The City of Midgar, a multiple layered city. Home to many societies and districts. The district we begin our story is, the lower district.. A woman garbed in a dark cloak moved through the junk lined Lower District, junk and debris. The woman's silver hair lingered out from the shadow of her black cloak hood. At her hips two swords one longer then the other, katana like but not like a katana at all. The girl was about 18 in height and appearance, her slender figure adorned with a shadowing, her feet carrying her towards the center of the district. Her stomach growling and her posture seemed like that of someone about to keel over, a drunk wandered by singing a tune and swaying to and fro, bumping into the girl spilling his bottle all over himself. "What the hell were ya doin’ standing around like that, bloody kid spilled my drink.... now how ya gonna pay fer it...." The poor girl would look to the man, her silver blue eyes looked to the man, and she gullible as she was began searching her pockets for a way to pay back the man, feeling she had wronged him... Her pockets had not a single gill to give unfortunately... "I... I'm sorry sir, I don't have any money to pay you back...." The man growled and raised his hand up as if he were about to strike her, and she flinched and backed away, the look of a flutter of black feathers puffed out when she moved suddenly, and the feathers seemed to blow away immediately, she looks up slowly.. The man was bringing his hand down and she flinched, she was going to get hit for not paying, across the street was a bar, the 7th Heaven.,""Excuse me." That was all the warning either the young woman or the drunk man were going to get before a woman stepped right between them. She was in her twenties with the build to match, all wide hips, large chest, and disconcertingly (for the man) well-developed arms. Seraph would feel a hand on her chest pushing her back just a touch as her other arm came up, catching the man's forearm with her own. The hand on Seraph's chest left and came rushing forward, her palm striking the drunk man. It was not a hard blow, but the man's stupor would see him in the gutter in record time. The woman slowly returned to a neutral stance, glancing down at the drunk man who looked like he was about to say something. "Walk away, Cal, or I'm taking your tab away. You know what I've said about those anger issues," the woman said. The drunk man, apparently Cal, widened his eyes and muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" "S-s-sorry," he managed, before Cal turned to start crawling rapidly away. The woman turned on her heel, about to head back to the bar before... the girl made Tifa think twice of it. Silver hair, black cloak, katanas. Four faces quickly danced through her head and her mouth went dry. "Hey. Who are you?" Tifa asked. Sephiroth. Kadaj. Loz. Yazoo. and now this girl. "It was dark, cold, and wet in the forest just twenty minutes from Private Drive, twenty minutes by car anyway, somewhere in the expanse of the thick woods two car doors slammed, and the screech of tires pulled away, leaving only a single figure suffering in the dirt. Deep black hair and emerald green eyes, along with a scar marked the boy as Harry Potter of all people, but he was barely recognizable. He was covered in blood, coated with bruises and contusions, and there was severe warning of multiple broken bones, and perhaps a stabbing or two. He was wearing only a pair of pants and nothing more, and he was slowly dying, bleeding out from sluggish wounds, but Harry knew the smell of blood would attract something that would make the pain all the worse, no doubt eating him alive. Wolves, or bears, maybe even a cougar, though he didn't know if they lived around there. There was a loud snap of a stick breaking in the woods and Harry moaned in terror, he didn't want to die, not like this, not with Voldemort still alive and Bellatrix still on the loose. Not with so much to live for! What a shame. The voice was as smooth as silk, but as cold as an Alaskan winter. Harry's eyes managed to flutter open, though he couldn't see much, due to his lack of glasses. Someone's mind was rooting around in his own, but he was too weak to even try and stop it. Do you know what I am? the person asked and Harry tried to nod, he couldn't. he managed to mutter, his throat sore from being throttled. That's right. The man continued, kneeling next to Harry and gently stroking the boy's black hair away from his face. I can take away your pain, Harry. I can make you stronger than anything you have ever been before. Nothing will hold you back, and you will never have to fear death again. Harry's heart leaped in his throat, slamming against his Adam's apple for a long moment. Not fear death!? Yes, he liked that, he didn't care how that made him similar to Voldemort, Harry was tired of almost dying at every corner, he just nodded and let himself be swept away by black clouds with a Vampire attached to his neck, and for the first time, Harry felt no fear. Not ten minutes later, the Vampire stepped through shadows, the unconscious, but no longer dying boy in his arms as he strode forward, ignoring the other in the room in which he had just appeared and gently laid Harry on the bed. This boy is mine. The man stated glancing at the occupant, Vampires could be very possessive, and the warning was clear. 'This is my new son, harm him and I will do you ten times worse.' He will be bedridden for a few days, the transformation will be very hard on his already broken body. He will need to feed as soon as he wakes up, make sure there is a suitable human nearby, an enemy more preferably as they might not survive the feeding. He paused, his eyes narrowed as he contemplated. And do see about finding him some new clothes, I have a muggle family to kill. He stated simply, slipping back out of the room through shadows, leaving Harry out cold and in the hands of once enemy's.,"Asher stared after the bloodhaven as it left, raising a shapely eyebrow before looking at the boy lying on the bed. "The man is a master of understatement," he mused, sounding amused. He left the bedroom, in search both of Voldemort and of pretty. Because well...he was pretty. Oh, there were always little pretties. many choices on who to feed to the boy who lived. When Harry Potter woke after the days of the transformation rooting itself into his body, Asher was waiting for him to wake. The vampire lord De Mereloit was amused, heartily amused by the fact that the boy who lived, was now going to have immortality. Smirking as he looked at the boy, he gently shifted Draco from his lap, brushing his lips over the blonde's hair. "Love, go. And bring me Pettigrew. Tom said I could feed him to the boy." He ordered, shooing the blond out of the door before moving to sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at Harry. "So, you live," he purred softly, smiling as soft hair slid around his shoulders. His hair was neither blond nor white, but true gold, like melting metal. His eyes were dark, dark blue, almost black. Like twilight caught on the edge of midnight. Gently using a washcloth to clean off Harry's sweat-wet face. "Shush, love. Your meal is going to be here soon." "Kakashi's eyes slowly began to open, the light of the sun causing him to groan as he strained to keep his eyes shut. He tried to remember what happened. He remembered going on a mission to the Rain Village and then a big fight...he managed to drag himself to the entrance of Konoha and then it all went back. As he groaned and opened his eyes again, he looked around to see where he was. It was a recognizable place, the hospital, in the same bed he always ended up in. He let out a sigh as he looked to the table beside him. A lovely vase of sakura flowers were in full bloom next to a picture of his old squad. He smiled as he remembered the days with his little shinobi, fresh out of the academy. Now they had grown up. Naruto had returned from training with Jiraya, Sasuke had gone rogue to hunt his brother....and Sakura...He blushed slightly when he thought of the girl and their...relationship. He reached down to find his ero novel that he always read and paged to where he left off as he tried to take his mind off the beautiful young woman.,"Years under Tsunade's training made her strong - whenever she looked back at where she'd started, Sakura felt incredibly proud. With Sasuke and Naruto gone, the only solace she found was working hard each day. That, and the arms of her once sensei, even if it was a secret everyone knew. Although no one ever spoke about them, Sakura was aware pretty much everyone in Konoha had acknowledged the fact of something dodgy going on between a teacher and a student. It did bother her at first, but just like everything else, she overcame it. However, with Naruto's return, she decided it would be wiser to be careful. Being a med-ninja helped her with it. At least it didn't look suspicious that she spent hours taking care of him from the moment Kakashi was brought to the hospital the other week. Sighing, she opened the door of the hospital room with her foot as in her hands Sakura held a tray with a basin of water. She stopped the moment she realized he was awake. Then, a moment later, slowly walked in, letting the door close behind her. "Good morning." Kunoichi smiled, placing the tray down. "How are you feeling?" "It hadn't been that long since my rescue, but it felt like those horrible days were long gone too far in my past to see. So much had happened since that time that I was proud to say I was a mutant again, and didn't wake up every morning wishing I could be normal. I was very fortunate in befriending Sabretooth, Victor Creed, who I saw as a personal savior. Literally the first person I saw as the X-Men invaded the premises. At first, I was completely startled by the beastly being that approached, but upon learning I understood that he was no monster at all. I had previously heard of him as a villain, but those days were long over when he took me in; which he did as his own. He nurtured me; healed me both physically and even mentally. He opened his home to me, and for that, I am forever grateful. Scouting the area, we faced danger. It had been a good while since we last greeted a battle. Things had been very quiet in the past few weeks. It was a nice vacation, but all vacations unfortunately always came to an end. There was no normal life being an active mutant. Attacked by an unknown force; bullets spewed the area. Like usual, Victor protected me with his life, ensuring no matter what that I was out of target for any weapon fire. We were greatly outnumbered, and for once, I needed to take initiative to save him. Quickly focusing, I teleported the two of us back to our home. It was a cowardly thing to do in the middle of a heated battle, but it was unnecessary to fight when we could easily flee. Breathing heavily from the battle, I ended up at the other end of the room from him when arriving here. I signed, looking over to his arm as I approached. I had too. I defended myself immediately, knowing full well that many mutants would find my teleport flea was chicken, and degrading. We were wasting our energy. Well return when we're properly equipped. They'll probably be waiting for us, anyways. I grabbed his arm in my hand. I grimaced at the shards of shrapnel embedded deep in his skin. I caressed his hand briefly turning away. Don't lick it! I walked over to a drawer and pulled out a more advanced first aid kit. I grabbed a set of tweezers and returned to him. Re-grabbing Victor's arm, I hovered my hand over the wound. My solid green eyes illuminated lightly as larger pieces disappeared from his flesh. With each bullet teleporting to a table next to me, there was a light flicking sound of the steel hitting the wood. Stay still please. I used the tweezers to carefully pull out anything left over and too small to teleport with absolute certainty. I placed each piece in the same pile as the others. Having removed everything, I watched as the spotted wounds closed and healed. I set the instrument down before gently stroking my soft pink hand over the once-wounded area. I gave a gentle smile as I looked back up to Victor. I was taken aback by the simple fact that he was gazing down at me. His beautiful physique and piercing eyes infatuated me, and without conscious realization, I pushed my body against his; reaching to press my lips confidently on his. The warm kiss only last a couple of seconds before I became aware of what I had just done. Immediately pulling back, my eyes were wide and my cheeks became flush with embarrassment. I'm sorry. I stuttered, not knowing what to do or what to say. My instinct screamed danger, and I felt an urge to run away. I don't know what came over me- I turned away, moving past him to head for the door. I didn't need to use the door, but in a moment of complete confusion, I forgot I was anything but a normal blushing adolescent. That was deeply inappropriate. I should leave- My heart beat savagely inside the confinements of my chest. All I could focus on was how right the kiss felt, yet how unbelievably wrong it was.,"Even with the amount of time that had passed since their last taste of combat, Victor Creed, commonly known as Sabretooth, was not one to just sit around and wait. His free time wasn't so much used for recreation as it was for practice and combat training. Though, he considered it recreation. Nothing helped him calm the animal within more than tearing apart training drones with his bare hands. He may not be a villain anymore, but his fighting style was as vicious and animalistic as ever. It's what made him a great pair with Blink. She was more tactically aware than he was. Combine that with his impressive hand-to-hand abilities, and they were a team to be reckoned with. Also didn't hurt that they had a lot of chemistry with one another, making it easy for them to work well together. But he wasn't fond of how cautious she was. Even when greatly outnumbered and facing inevitable defeat, Victor was the kind to keep fighting and never stop fighting until he or any opponent was dead. So, it was no surprise that he wasn't entirely happy that Blink had suddenly withdrawn them from the fight. She was right to go on the defensive, as he started to open his mouth to gripe and lecture her, but just growled and mumbled under his breath when she cut him off. Though, her little "don't lick it" comment got a quick glare from him. "Very funny," he replied in his deep, gruff voice, plopping down into a nearby wooden chair which creaked and strained a bit under the weight of his impressive frame. There was really no need for her to tell him to be still when she returned and got to work on the bullets, as while there indeed was pain, it was not nearly the worst he had experienced. So, he didn't flinch in the least bit as she got to work removing the bullets and other shrapnel. The only movement of his body being his skin and muscles quickly growing back together with the removal of each piece of metal. But, even with his impressive instincts, he was not able to predict what happened next. He managed to crack a small smile as she looked up at him, but was majorly caught off guard when she suddenly pressed her young, sexy body against him and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss, eyes going wide in shock and confusion as she did so. Because of his shock at the sudden act, he wasn't able to say a thing when she pulled back and began talking herself, apologizing for what she had done. But, as he began to grasp the situation and just what had happened, confusion was not the feeling that began to fill his head. When she had reached the door, he found his own emotions starting to take over as he stood and stepped to her, a large hand reaching up to her shoulder, resting there a moment before he gently turned her around. Immediately after she faced him, his other arm went around her slender waist and pulled her body flush against his, gazing down at her a moment before this time...he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. "Veilstone City 8:19 AM Tyler had been a competitor in contests, but had actually stopped competing a few months ago, around the time that he had met Dawn in his final contest. The two had seemed to get along well, and started dating shortly after. He had been a fan of hers forever, so for him this was like a dream come true, of course he didn't tell her that he didn't really want to scare the girl. He was sitting atop the department store, looking out towards the ocean, sitting on one of the chairs out here. His girlfriend was doing some sort of Photo shoot, and while he wanted to be there, he had woken up late, the studio hadn't believed him when he had said he had been Dawn's boyfriend and thus wouldn't let him go into the building. He was fuming, and so had come up here to the public observation lounge he was nursing a lemonade at the moment and looking at his Poketch to pass the time, glancing down at his cellphone, three messages sent in the past 15 minutes. Since security hadn't let him past the door. 'didn't let me in, security doesn't believe I'm your boyfriend' 'I bet you look cute right now' 'Waiting for you at the top of the dept store, I saved you a drink' He was starting to feel kinda nervous how long did these things normally take? He looked at his phone maybe one more message wouldn't hurt. 'Hey sweetie when's your lunch break, I meet you, and you can take me back with you, sucks out here alone' He wasn't actually alone of course. Nessy his Espeon was with him, long ago the smaller creature had been the number one contest in the cute category, but now a days he was more focused on trying to be a manager than a contestant. Even so Nessy had stuck with him, and was almost never in a pokeball, it seemed like a waist to put away someone that had always been helpful and loyal. He brushed the felines long ears for a moment, watching as the cat was eating. He was so bored. He glanced at his phone, he rocked back and forth in his seat, maybe he should try calling her? no she was working, he was just nervous cause he knew all those people would be watching her. and he was over here missing the whole thing.,"Dawn lay sprawled over a light blue sunbed, arms raised above her head and one leg bent giving a glimpse of the curve of her ass squashed against the sun bed. She was wearing a bikini that was perhaps a little too tight while sucking on a blue ice pop. If it wasn't for the heat of the shoot lights, she would be shivering. Modeling hadn't been on Dawn's radar when she first started competing professionally as a coordinator but it had become a regular part of her life. Speaking of other unexpected additions to her life, the dark-haired coordinator had been asked out by one of her fellow competitors. It was strange to think that she could call Tyler her boyfriend and it still brought a smile to her face to think about it. "Alright Dawn, switch to your stomach," called the photographer who was snapping away at her. This photo shoot was going to promote the Hotel Grand Lake just in time for summer, even if it was too early for her to go out in something so skimpy. "And tug those bottoms down a little more." "You'll have to speak to my manager if you want me to show more skin," Ugh this photographer was notorious for trying to get girls to show more skin. He had even convinced some to do nude shots. Well, she wouldn't be one of them today. Dawn rolled onto her stomach, showing that peach of an ass straining against her bikini bottoms slowly swinging her legs up and down. The man looked irritated with her but thankfully just laughed things off and continued with the shoot. Soon he had a full reel of Dawn posed and stretching out that plush body of hers. It was good to finally take a break and curl up with her loyal Empoleon, Navy, who had been patiently waiting for her. Now that Navy wasn't a little Piplup, he didn't feature as much on the photo shoots or at least in the sexier ones. Dawn smiled and nuzzled up to the water type with a grin after she slipped into a light blue dressing gown. Just as she was ready to curl up for a little catnap, she felt her cellphone buzz in her pocket. Oh dear... that explained why Tyler hadn't turned up. "Hey sweetie, we just took a break for lunch. Sorry they didn't let you in. Hm? Haha Navy is sorry too." Dawn didn't bother texting; instead, she called him up and gave a giggle at her partner's crooning. Navy was pretty protective of her, especially during shoots so he seemed to get on well with her equally protective boyfriend. "It's boring here without you, I want to steal your jacket and snuggle up before the shoot starts again." Dawn would be the first to admit it: She had gotten a little bit love-sick. It wasn't like she really dated guys before Tyler anyway, Barry had been the only guy her age who hung out with before becoming a trainer after all. "Crypt, a normal citizen of Vale, 5'11" with dark brown hair to mid-length, was caught up in an attack of Grim overriding the small part of the city he lived in. A couple of teams were dispatched in to take care of the grim, and while in the middle of trying to evacuate the city to some safe house away from the grim. He managed to get away from most of the fighting, but found himself cornered by one of the grim, most of the teams that were taking care of the grim were farther away. After a moment, Crypt got knocked out, finding himself waking up in a safe-house, with a warm feeling down below. When he opened his eyes and focused a bit more, he found his cock between two soft mounds of one of the Grim hunters Yang.,"Yang eagerly pumped her breasts around Crypt's throbbing and massive cock. Her cleavage was sticky and coated with his precum, and her long blonde hair obscured some of the erotic sight. She would pause her pumping every few moments to lean down and take his bulbous tip into her mouth, giving it a skillful suck before swirling her agile tongue around it. She happily moaned as she lapped up his precum with her tongue before opening her eyes and realizing Crypt was now awake. His cock left her mouth with an audible pop, and she grinned up at him. "Morning, cutie," she said in a teasing manner, giving his tip a soft kiss after she asked. "Tess made her way through the Slytherin Common Room with a smile. She could feel all eyes on her, but she refused to let it get the best of her. Her eyes roamed the room and stopped on a blonde boy giving her his full attention. She could tell by the way he was glaring at her that he was very unhappy to see her there. She knew that it would not be easy to adjust here - not only because she was a Muggle, but also because she was an American. Draco's eyes didn't leave the Muggle as she moved through the Common Room. He was well aware of how beautiful she was, but he was more concerned with the fact that they were allowing Muggles into Slytherin. He knew he wouldn't allow her stay here to be pleasant, no matter what. Malfoys have always been suckers for a pretty face.,"Draco wanted to look away from the intruding muggle, she had no right to be at Hogwarts, let alone in Slytherin, but he couldn't tear his eyes off her. Maybe there was a way to really have some fun with her. "Karakura Town. It's a nest of the paranormal, supernatural and downright spooky. Creatures known as hollows roam the streets, unseen by human eyes. Their appearances and powers differ from each one, but the one constant between them is their thirst for spirit energy. This is normally obtained by consuming the spirits of the recently deceased. But for one such hollow, simply consuming the spirits whole isn't enough to sate its hunger. It desires something more...carnal. But this particular hollow is small in stature, more like a lizard, really. Being unable to consume spirits whole, it uses a different tactic to get what it wants. On this particular night, it stalks a certain target, a male, recently made dead by unknown methods. The man seems to stick close to the area, never seeming to stray far perhaps due to its familiarity with the surroundings. Perhaps he died here and had some attachment to this world that did not allow him to pass on so easily. He has the look of a common street punk, messy hair, unbuttoned school uniform and a bit of a gruffy look to his face. He looks young enough, however, to be a high school student. He would make a fine vessel for the hollow. And so, it snuck upon the man who seemed completely unaware... before it was too late.,"Not far from the scene, walked young Orihime Inoue, heading home after having stayed late at school to help some classmates prepare for the school festival in a few days. Even being a young girl her age, looking the way she did, she was not scared at all to be alone on the streets. Both because she could defend herself with her special powers, but also because she was rather naive and ditsy. The thought of possibly being... harassed by a thug on her way home never entered her mind. So, she was just smiling happily, humming to herself as she walked the dark, quiet streets. The girl really did make an appealing target though. A young woman, with a very pretty face, and a marvelous body. She had a tight, trim stomach, slender hips, legs that went on for days... and her chest. Her chest was a very notable feature, as it was so large and round, while still being quite perky. Those things were mouth-watering. And they were shown quite well in her school uniform. While no cleavage was shown, the thin uniform clung to her chest nicely, and was visibly straining to contain that amazing rack of hers. "Matt sat down in his computer chair of his apartment with a little bit of a sigh. It was a rather boring Saturday afternoon, and although the weather was fairly nice for late October he didn't want to go outside. He rolled the chair over to his bookshelf of games in his small apartment and looked through them, trying to find something to do to waste the time. He was feeling a little frisky, but decided to shake it off until later, hoping it would help him go to sleep better when his eyes fell upon his copy of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. He took it from the shelf, and contemplated the gameplay for a moment to be sure he really did want to play it. How long had it been? A while, and it was better with friends, but his mind turned to ogling Samus in her skin-tight suit and he grinned as he pushed against the wall and rolled over to his Wii. As the chair rolled, he caught his reflection in a mirror for a moment. He was tall, standing at over six feet, in the chair, his legs could reach just about anything in the room. He was thin, but not boney thin, and when he had his shirt taken off, he had a rather nice build to his chest and stomach. His hair was brown and went down to his shoulders, some of it spilling just a little past that, and cascading down past his piercing blue eyes, which he did well to hide behind his thin-framed glasses. He wore a simple t-shirt and blue jeans, his t-shirt actually having a picture of a morph ball on it from the SNES Super Metroid, and his blue jeans a little faded. He was a nerdy guy alright, but that didn't mean that he didn't have style or looks going for him as well. Matt smiled as he put the game into the Wii, three controllers still plugged into the console from the last time he'd had friends over and they'd played a multiplayer game, surprisingly not Super Smash Brothers. They had skipped past that game for awhile. Still, he booted the game up and went to multiplayer, ready to just hop into the fray, when he paused at the character selection screen. Who did he want to be, and who did he want to fight? His creeping horniness seeped back into his mind and he chose Samus for himself, starting her in her Zero Suit, and choosing Zelda and Peach for the other two characters. He chose a simple stage, just Final Destination and heard the first rumble of thunder outside, rattling the loose windows on his walls as he began the fight with the level 9s. He paused the game when Samus came to the screen and zoomed in on her a bit, looking at her bust, and wondering just what her dimensions were, before he scrolled over to her ass, wishing he'd met a cosplayer and been able to bring her back to his room. One hand crept down to his lap, giving a light stroke at his jeans...,"As if God had seen what he was doing, just seconds later, after a very loud and powerful clap of thunder, everything shut off. Lights, TV, game, everything. He was left in pitch black, unable to pleasure himself to the sight of the lovely Samus. Though, she'd soon find that a much better present had nearly literally been dropped right into his lap. Eventually, the TV came back on, but was nothing but static. Then, the power indicator for the Wii came on, showing it was getting power now. Then, finally, the lights came on, revealing something that just couldn't be possible. Right in front of him, laid out on the floor... were the three digital vixens he was just watching. Samus was closest to him, lying face-first on the floor, ass in full glory in that skin-tight zero suit. Zelda was next to her, as graceful as in her games. She looked like Sleeping Beauty. And Princess Peach was between them and the TV, curled up a bit, lightly sighing in that soft, cute tone of hers. All seemed very real... but all were also apparently completely unconscious. "Allen was a normal guy. He was just out of college with a degree in business, and he had just broken up with his fiancee, who had been cheating on him with his best friend. Awesome. Needless to say, his life wasn't the greatest right now. He generally wore a blue suit with white cuff links and a white undershirt. His cuffs were quite classy if he did say so himself, and they were gold rabbit cufflinks, his favorite animal. It seemed weird for a rabbit to be a man's lucky animal, but nonetheless, they were. Recently, due to the rough patch Allen had been having, he kept finding himself at the bottom of a bottle of scotch. The man had short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Though he was a football player in high school and through college, he was a bit of an intellectual. He was so good at finding holes in defenses while playing football, but he was even better at talking to people and finding the holes in their defenses. Throughout his life, he was somewhat of a ladies man due to these traits, but since he had been trying to shy away from that kind of life. This has been something he had been toying going back to recently. At this point in time, he was rather sloshed. Most of his money had been going to buying the scotch at this particular bar. He was making quite a bit of money, yet the payments on his car and his house payments had been siphoning his money off. The current bar he was in was more of a dance club. The music was booming and the lights were flashing. Pretty hard for a drunk man to pay attention to anything going on around him.,"In the club, women were everywhere, and it just so happened that there was a costume contest happening. So it was that the woman who approached Allen didn't appear much out of the ordinary. In her eyes, he was an attractive man, and it didn't seem odd to her that she would approach him because of it. She put her arms around him as she tripped, her curvy body pressing against him. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said with a little nervous laugh. "Are you okay?" Her bunny ears gave her a slightly more innocent look, and she did seem sincere. Perhaps she would be a nice distraction. "Timothy had never even seen a night elf, but oh had he heard the stories about their women! While mopping floors and washing mugs at The Gilded Rose, the fourteen year old had heard things that never should have reached the ears of a child his age. Fortunately, the young lad had not understood much of the sexual slang used by the salty sailors who drank there, but it had certainly piqued his interest! Enough so that he began saving up his money for the journey that he was dreaming to make... And now, there he was, standing at the gates of Darnassus! The scrawny youth ran a hand through his short blonde hair as his bright blue eyes gazed at the surroundings. "It's so different from Stormwind!" he thought to himself as he began wandering the streets, but it wasn't long before his gaze would shift from the architecture to the curvaceous bodies of the women going about their business in the city. "I wonder where are all the men?" he asked out loud as he quickly noticed there were none to be found. The human boy had little time to ponder this question as he felt a sharp tug on his arm, pulling him into a building before anyone else noticed his presence. He was the only human in the entire city, as well as the only male, which made him a very valuable "guest". Timothy gasped as he was pulled into the building, the door of which was quickly closed behind him. His shock turned to awe as he marveled at the marbled opulence of the interior, filled with statues and paintings of night elf women clad in little to leave to the imagination. Though he thought it strange that the building's exterior was rather nondescript. "Welcome to the Gilded Thighs," a voice spoke out from behind him. Timothy immediately whirled around to face the one who had grabbed him, a figure clad in a hooded robe. "This is a brothel. You do know what a brothel is, right dearie?" A wide grin formed on Timothy's face as he nodded his head yes. It was the place he had been searching for! "Come, dearie, I have many girls who would be interested in meeting you," the robed figure told him as she put an arm around his shoulders and began leading him into a room.,"If Timothy thought the entranceway grand then the room Erenia led him into would be another shock. While the spacious common area of the pleasure den lacked the statues and paintings that decorated that first room it did contain what many would consider a much more pleasing sight. The chamber was no less opulent than the entrance with piles of downy pillows embroidered in mithril and gold spread over the floor and no less sexualized with the dozen odd Night Elves reclining upon them, all of them shapely women. Heads turned and glowing eyes widened as the young man entered. With so many males adventuring away from Darnassus or wandering the emerald dream and the lack of tourism to Darnassus the sight of any man was a rare one. The women in the brothel had gotten the money they needed on a small but steady stream of female customers and the infrequent visits of sailors and the occasional alliance defense force but while they could keep their pockets heavy enough to satisfy their lifestyles the time that passed between those highly anticipated visits left many of them wishing for the very thing that had brought them to this profession in the first place. Put simply, the women of the Gilded Thighs wanted men, and they wanted them bad. That Timothy was far more a boy than a man made little difference to them and it was only the sharp look that Erenia swept across the room and their own patience and willpower that held them back from mobbing him all at once. The room was dead silent as not one of the women dared move a muscle until a sudden movement drew attention. From behind a dusky-purple girl a lighter skinned night Elf woman with teal hair moved into view, her yellow eyes fixing Timothy in their gaze as she rose and stepped forwards. Unlike the other girls who wore 'clothing' that left their breasts bared for all to see and enhanced their already inhuman curves this woman covered herself with a veil, concealing her face and body beneath silken cloth that shifted with her movements, hinting at her curves without ever truly showing them, enticing without baring all for everyone to see. Erenia frowned, as did several of the other girls. She alone knew the woman that lay behind those veils but all the women looking on were equally perplexed. Tyrande Whisperwind was better known to those who ventured within the Gilded thighs as 'Yanara' and she was widely considered one of the best whores the house had to offer while simultaneously being notoriously picky with those she chose to take into her room. To see her reveal herself so was quite unusual in and of itself alone. "Peter had just turned 22 years of age, and as a result he would soon be promoted from an apprentice to a journeyman blacksmith. As a present, his master as well as the rest of the blacksmiths have all pitched in for him to spend one night in the King's Landing Brothel. He would get to pick which girl he wants of course, but the whole trip and experience would be payed for. "Master," Peter protested, "I don't want to visit a brothel for my birthday." "You're turning 22, it's time you've become a man Peter. You can't spend your whole life a virgin you know and being a blacksmith doesn't really impress the ladies." Peter shook his head. "What is it exactly that you want to do for your birthday?" his master asked. "I don't really want to do anything, what's wrong with just staying here and having a couple of drinks with all of you?" His master smiled. "Because that's what we do every night, that wouldn't make for a special birthday now would it? You're going to that brothel and that's that." Peter continued to protest, but the minds of the blacksmiths were already made up. They were taking him to the brothel whether he liked it or not. Nightfall came, and the blacksmiths closed up their smithery before walking Peter to the brothel. For moral support, of course, but also because they knew he might try to run off somewhere else if left alone. As they entered, the madam had her girls lined up and ready for Peter to choose. His master nudged him forward, and he reluctantly walked up to the lineup. Each girl was attractive in her own way, but none took his breath away until a latecomer ran down the stairs and stood at the end. Peter pointed to her and said, "I choose her..." in a soft tone and stared at her with loving eyes. The master paid the madam, and they left with the rest of the blacksmiths. They would hear this story tomorrow, no doubt about it.,"The girls all stood there, lining up ready to be picked. They were all shapes and sizes, but all deemed equally beautiful in the eyes of Littlefinger, who owned the brothel. Ros, who seemed to be in charge of the girls and the brothel's Madam walked back and forth in front of them, waiting for the young man to pick which one he wanted. "How about Roseanna?" She said, "I hear she does things with her tongue that no other girl can do?" All of the girls started to laugh. "Or maybe this one," Ros went behind the middle woman, stroking and caressing her breasts over her clothing. Suddenly, Shae, a new girl to the Brothel came running down and joined the lineup in a hurry. Ros gave her an evil look before coming up behind her and grabbing her arms. "Or maybe you prefer a girl who has no shame in being late!" Her tone was clearly directed at the black-haired foreigner. "So better late than never," Ros answered to Peter as she pushed the girl forward to the man. Holding out a hand while the other rested on her hip, the redhead took the bag of coins from the blacksmiths and sent them away. "Take him through there and give him the best night of his life. If he has any complaints, there will be consequences." Ros then walked away to another male while Shae was left with Peter. Taking his hand, she then led him through a pair of red silk curtains which led to a bed. Drawing them shut, she turned around to gulp at the male. "She couldn't believe this had happened. Elsa had always thought of herself as powerful, at least enough to protect her kingdom, especially now that she knew how to control them. A slip-up here and there was possible, she couldn't always control her emotions, but she hadn't had anything drastic happen since she was able to keep herself calm, focused on the love she felt for her sister and the people of the kingdom. Then everything had suddenly crumbled beneath her as they were invaded. Her kingdom had always been peaceful, they didn't have a large army, and they'd been overrun quickly. What bothered her the most was that despite her powers, the leader of this other kingdom had them too, and they seemed stronger. Now, here she was... sitting on the cold stone floor of her own kingdom's dungeon. Her dress was gone, her hair out of its braid and left to hang, disheveled around her shoulders. She didn't know where her sister was, she didn't know what had happened to her people, to the kingdom she'd let down. No, she was just left here to sit... sit and wait.,"Mitsunari Ishida walked into the dungeon with a grin, as he was the leading general of the conquering army. He had severed the Empire of Esseto in the south and he had been charged with taking Elsa's kingdom from her. He had done just that, and now he ruled that land as he turned all the women into whores to be sold and all the men were sold for labor. "So, this is the great and powerful Elsa?" He chuckled as he licked his lips at her nude form. His firebenders had easily overpowered her when they stormed the castle and he himself was a master bender. Beside Mitsunari walked another figure, that of Elsa's sister, Anna. She was clad in a tiny bikini top and thong, with a collar around her neck that was attached to a leash that Mitsunari held. "Your sister has told me all about you...isn't that right, slut?" He looked at Elsa with a grin before he moved to lick Anna's cheek. She was his whore and slut now, he had given her to some of the officers first, and they had had their way with her until he decided he wanted her for himself. "Yuuki Asuna had just finished her day at school, walking home with her school uniform on and her book bag slung against her back. It was a long and tiring day, the poor girl drained and walking almost lifelessly back home. She walked alone but it didn't bother her. The silence wasn't so bad and it gave her time to herself. Normally after school she would log onto her Nerve-Gear and play online with her friends, but she decided that tonight she would take it easy and sleep early. Life was more settled after SAO, but unfortunately her and Kirito split due to private issues. They were still good friends, just not together. Asuna unlocked her front door and walked inside, closing the door shut before exhaling a long sigh. Her back hit the door as she laid against it in exhaustion. It wasn't like her to become this tired but the upcoming exams left her weary. Silently she slipped out of her attire and dressed up in her pajamas, the soft silky material hugging her curves and bringing her a great sense of comfort. She stretched her body and yawned, heading upstairs toward her bedroom to nap. Maybe after she slept she would feel more energized and could study more, perhaps even get a few hours of game time in. She fell on top of her mattress, her body sinking into the foam-like material. It felt like pure bliss, her eyes shutting instantly as she placed the covers on top of her small frame. She nestled into a tight ball, her eyes opening before gradually closing once more, this time for good as she drifted off to slumber. It was weird though, because it was nothing but darkness that clouded her vision. She normally had dreams scurrying around as soon as she slept but not today. Perhaps if she slept a while longer a dream or vision would enter inside of her restless mind. Maybe even something she wasn't expecting. It felt as if her body was lifting up, her hair being tossed around in the wind but she didn't wake up. Instead, her dreams began to shift and twirl, an image of her floating down a space-like tunnel. Her hair danced with the cosmic winds, her pajama dress being ruffled and contorting everywhere. The speed was superhuman, the stars blurred together that they were becoming streaks of light as she went her way. Her eyes closed, but this wasn't a dream like she thought it was. Gently she felt her body lay against something more hard than a mattress. Was it a floor? This 'dream' was becoming more strange by the seconds. It took a minute for her to open her eyes, wanting to stay shut from lingering exhaustion. Everything was blurry at first but the color of the room wasn't her bedroom. This caused her to instantly sit upwards, her head moving around rapidly to inspect the room. It was large yet small, books delicately placed in their shelves, a desk with a chair near the corner of the room. Was this a study room? She rubbed the sleep out from her eyes before looking around again. Was this a dream and she was still sleeping? It didn't feel like a dream. It felt like reality. "Where am I?"Asuna whispered under her breath, her palm resting on her forehead as if she had a headache. What was going on?!,"As Asuna slowly began to rouse herself from her slumber, a man walked into the room. As he did so, a number of candles scattered about the room lit themselves to brighten the room and allow the two figures to see each other more easily. He was a tall man, with slightly tanned skin and messy brown hair. He was slim, but toned and he gave Asuna a small smile as he took a seat in a nearby chair. "I'm glad to see you've woken up. I was worried the transfer might have taken something out of you, but you appear to be just fine." He took a sip out of the cup he held in his right hand as he looked Asuna over, examining her for any physical injuries. He let out a blissful sigh as the drink seemed to liven him up some. He pondered for a moment before seeming to realize something. "Oh yes...I suppose some introductions are in name is Aristal and I am an arcanist and arch-mage here in the world we refer to as Alegerus. I can control time and space, and I summoned you here for a reason, Yuuki Asuna." Aritstal set his drink down on a nearby end table and folded his hands together as he looked Asuna in the eyes, his own hazel eye reflecting in her own as his carefree and happy demeanor turned serious. "This world is being invaded by a powerful demon lord, and it is taking the effort of all of our heroes just to hold him I was tasked with summoning warriors from many different realms who could aid us in bringing about the downfall of the Demon Lord." Aristal waved his hand and images of Asuna in SAO appeared before them. "We saw what you did in the world of Aincard as the sub-commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath....we humbly request your aid in this struggle of ours....the demon lord...he kills innocents and abducts women....we must destroy him." Aristal bowed his head deeply, showing the deepest respect for Asuna as he did so, as he could only hope this supposedly powerful warrior would agree to help them. "Kylie closed the door of her room behind her and sighed. It had been a long and exhausting day. The team had managed to foil the latest ectoplasmic incursion, but it had been a doozy. And they hadn't managed to capture the ghost/god responsible. That was nagging at Kylie. Dispersing the Somniwyrms had made sure Morpheus could not restore himself, but that had meant Morpheus had eluded capture. She tried to push the irritation out of her head. It was done. The next time the god of dreams tried to break into the mortal world, they'd be ready to get him. Kylie changed into her nightie and crawled into bed after a quick shower. She could barely keep her eyes open. Thankfully, there were no classes the next day. She could sleep in. As she slipped into slumber, she did not think about whether her dreams were safe.,"The actions of the current team of Ghostbusters had proven to be more than just a slightly nagging annoyance for the entity known as Morpheus. Although they could not capture or completely put a halt to his attempts at crossing over to their world, they were still constantly preventing him from making more than the smallest of progress in his attempts. As such, the entity decided that it was time for a direct and different approach both in dealing with his opponents and gathering more of the energy he needed. As the gothy teenager slipped off into the land of slumber, a Somniwyrm similar to those they had fought earlier that day made its way into her bedroom. The creature floated over the sleeping young woman's bed before extending outward a slim probe from its underside which gently latched itself onto her forehead. To the outside world, it may have seemed like this was the end of the creature's effects on the woman, but that was far from the truth as it began to directly influence and manipulate her dreams while digging deep inside for what it wanted. What it wanted was those deeply hidden thoughts and dreams that are rarely spoken out loud. More so, it wanted her deeply buried fantasies, as within the teenager's personal dreamscape she would soon find herself standing within the Ghostbusters headquarters, fully in costume, with nobody else initially in sight. None of her teammates. No sign of Professor Spangler or Janine. Nobody else, as something wicked loomed within the faked structure and watched the teenager as she moved about the premises. "West city was home to millions of people and it was a great place to live. It was also home to Capsule Corporation. This was home to Bulma and her family, and not too far away from her lived her very good friend Chi Chi and her own family. West city had just woken up, the sun had started to shine over the large city as people started to wake up and get on with their daily lives. Bulma had gotten up and started to get stuff ready for whatever she needed it for. Meanwhile, a young woman was walking along the street. Her long brown hair was done in two braids with some feathers coming from her hair as she was dressed in tight jeans that hugged her hips, along with a tight shirt that was slightly undone. She wore shoes as she walked along the street. This young woman was Melody, new to West City as she had walked along just going where her feet took her. She was here for a tournament that was going to be in West City in the next few days as she smiled listening to her music.,"As Bulma was preparing for her day, a figure stepped up behind her. Strong arms wrapped around her waist as his hands moved up to her breasts, squeezing them through her top as a tongue assailed her neck, moving up and down and painting it like a brush on canvas. "Good morning, beautiful..." a hot voice entered her ear, it wasn't the voice of her husband, but her lover...Satoshi. They had been having an affair for a while now and Satoshi began to press his large bulge up against her rear. "How are you doing this morning?" he asked her with a chuckle. Vegeta was flying around the city, looking for something to do when he sensed a familiar power level. He knew it was Melody, he had met her at a tournament not too long ago and had gotten along very well. So well that they ended up fucking each other in the woods near by. He flew to her and landed in front of her, smirking as he eyed her."Well, well...I didn't expect to see you again," he said with a chuckle as he waited to see her reaction. "Many do not remember the dark days, before the time of Zeref the dark wizard or the fearsome dragon Archegolia. Lost to the slow decay of time there was once a period where mankind was not at the top of the food-chain. A mansion was currently lit ablaze as various wizards clad in dark robes were about killing any they found and destroying all in their path. A blood red skull badge keeping their cloaks pinned in place. A time where man was at war with an inhuman force. "There is one fleeing into the crypts! Stop her!" a dark wizard shouted as a figure was seen forcing the gates open and hurrying inside to safety. A time where man needed an inhuman force to defeat it. Panicked footsteps moved down the stairs as the black key dangled around the neck of a 12-year-old girl. The sounds of her pursuers not far behind. Listen to me, my dear daughter. Here on my death bed heed my final words. Should this day I speak of ever come. When all light is gone, the hour is at its darkest, when there is no hope for your survival. Enter the lowest chamber within the family crypts. Reaching the bottom of the steps, the girl entered a large chamber with only one item present: a large black coffin with multiple chains wrapped around it and a large padlock in the center. There resides our family's greatest secret and the key to your salvation. The words her father spoke of a year ago would ring through her mind as the sound of the attackers drew close. If this young woman chose to heed her father's final words she must open the coffin before it was too late.,"A quick glance over the shoulder revealed a pair of blue eyes, wide and fearful. Pieces of gold fell against the girl's pale cheeks, having escaped her twin pigtails. Daddy... I'm scared...Genesis shoved her tiny body against the gate and, with a groan of protest, it opened just enough to let her through. A mansion -her home- was lit ablaze... destroying everything she knows, everything the little girl cares about. Her parents didn't die that way, no, she knows better... but she cannot help hoping they are alive somehow, and have managed to escape. Fear pounded in her chest, urging the poor girl on. A black key dangled around her neck, bouncing with her every step. Genesis reached a hand up, gripping onto it as she began running down the stairs. Should this day I speak of ever come when all light is gone, the hour is at its darkest she repeated under her breath, reciting from memory the words Father said nearly a year ago. When there is no hope for my survival Enter the lowest chamber within the family crypts Genesis slipped into a large chamber, the only thing present being a large black coffin. Her fingers gripped tighter onto the key. This has to be it. A hand reached out, tracing along a chain.. slowly tracing it to the padlock, which she looked at for a long moment. Of course time is running out, but what could this thing possibly have that will make things all better? Genesis nearly jumped out of her skin as a cry rang out, breaking the silence. Eyes wide, fear once again making her heart beat faster, Genesis looked at the coffin and with a determined set to her lips, she shoved the key into the padlock, twisting it with both hands. Whatever is inside will be unleashed and hopefully, it will be like what Father told her so long ago. "Yuffie Kisaragi was no stranger to sneaking around a place. Materia were EVERYWHERE if you knew where to look for it... and boy did she know where to go! There were all types of dungeons across this world, dangerous places where magic pooled and Materia formed. And so here she was, sneaking around an old cave system. It had been inhabited by years by banditry, other criminals, and monsters on top of everything else, so it behooved the young thief to keep her head down. She slung herself off of a rocky precipice down to the cavern floor below, eyes shooting quickly to the left and then to the right. Perfect. She skulked over to the pool from which the Materia sprang. It would be harvested in some hours by the locals for sale, but not if she beat them to it. She wrapped her fingers around it and, for safekeeping, she equipped it. Less than perfect. The effects took place immediately, there being no great way to tell what lay within a Materia before someone equipped them. She felt warm immediately and more than that... her top grew tighter, warm flesh expanding to fill that tight sweater top, causing some to slip out beneath and give a tantalizing shot of underboob. She fell to her knees, gasping and trying desperately to unequip the Materia.,"The process that made Materia was one which was strange and unique, and no one could predict the effect that any one might have. How this particular Materia had been formed and why it had these particular qualities in the first place was anyone's guess, but now was not the time to dwell on that as Yuffie tried to remove it, to negate the body altering properties that had kicked in when it had been equipped. Nonetheless, her change in breast size was not the only effect that it would have, with one additional problem that she would be unaware of at the moment. The heat she felt was far from natural, as her body went into overdrive, producing pheromones that would lay a tantalizing scent upon the air, drawing in all who smelled them towards the currently panicking ninja. At the same time her struggle to try and remove the Materia had its own consequences in turn. She had known well enough that she wasn't alone in this place, and the distraction at hand didn't help her in avoiding those dangers which hadn't vanished simply because she had reached her destination. Those she was probably a bit too busy with her more immediate problems to consider that. It would prove a mistake though as a voice rang out. "Well well, what do we have here?" The voice belonged to a man, one of a trio that strode into the cave, nearing Yuffie. They were bandits, and outfitted as such, with scavenged armor and stolen equipment. Nonetheless, they were tough, and they knew what they were doing. It did not make for a good situation, that was for sure, as they stepped towards her, blades at the ready. "Looks like a rat was trying to steal our Materia," the taller one of the three growled. "We should teach her a lesson." There was no argument there, for sure. Yuffie would have to act quickly, if she didn't want to fall afoul of the bandits wrath. "It was inevitable in a place such as Soul Society - desperate struggles were had, blood was shed, and people got hurt. This applied even to the captains, the foremost combatants of Soul Society, and it seemed to apply -- with distressing regularity -- to Toshiro Hitsugaya. Perhaps it was a function of age or relative inexperience, or perhaps just because he couldn't control his Bankai perfectly, but he did tend to get injured a lot. And so once again he was waking up in Squad 4's medical facilities. The rank of captain afforded him his own room, and he awoke to sunbeams and soft sheets. There was also a dull ache in his hip and a yawning void where his reiatsu should have been. It would come back - he had just overdone it, was all. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, sheets falling to reveal the impressively developed musculature, marred only by the bandages wrapped around his lower abdomen. He gripped his head and muttered something low under his breath. "... need to get out of here," he said, and moved to do just that.,"The door opened abruptly to reveal a figure that loomed over not only Toshiro (as most people in Soul Society did, in all honesty) but also many other people in the ranks of the Shinigami: Isane Kotetsu, the medic who was most commonly entrusted to the health and well-being of injured or sickly Shinigami. Despite her often absentminded demeanor, she was perhaps the best cut out for the job. "A-ah, Captain please, don't strain yourself!" The silver-haired woman hurried over and gently placed her hands on his shoulders, gently guiding him back until he had his back pressed to his pillows. In the process she bent over a bit, giving him just the barest glimpse of the cleavage inside her dark robes. She wasn't quite as stacked as Matsumoto (who was?) but the medic had quite the impressive bosom all the same, and she had very nearly planted it in front of Toshiro's face. "I know you're eager to get back into the field, and that's very admirable, but in this state you'll only hurt yourself further or... or worse..." she didn't dare finish the sentence, but the implication was obvious. Going into battle in his state would have a single outcome. "So... please, just rest here for a few days." "Halloween night on a weekend, the air was cool and calm, and a party was the main word of the town. The raucous sounds of music filled the night air and the general 'whoops' and cheers of the partygoers broke any quiet portions between songs. The streets were empty, though the roadside was full of parked cars and bikes. There were students and adults alike drinking together in front of the house, some wandering into the back. Police hadn't yet been called, and since most of the neighborhood was at the party it was likely they wouldn't be showing up. Even if they did, it seemed unlikely that a warning would do much to quell the party. The various members seemed to be having the time of their lives, the costumes varying from silly to obscene. The night was young, and it seemed that if anyone wasn't at the party, then they weren't going to be having an exciting night at all.,"Alice was on her way to the party. She thought an ironic costume would be fun this year, so she'd dressed up as the Lewis Carroll version of herself. That said, there was nothing that said she had to look any less hot than she might have at a normal party, and Halloween gave her an excuse to get even more dolled up....and just a little sexier than she might normally be. So this year, she was sexy Alice on her way to the party--her own personal Wonderland. The natural blonde had curled her hair and put a blue bow in it, happy to see it complete the look. Her blue eyes had just a touch of smokey eye make-up, her gloss was pink and shiny, but the rest of her make-up was light and natural. She wore fake pearl earrings, too, just for an extra touch of fun. The costume itself was short, frilly, and sweet--traditional blue, too. She was normally a college student, but tonight, she was a famous character who'd followed a white rabbit into a crazy world of imagination. When she was satisfied that she looked as good as she was going to look for the evening, she smiled and got ready to go. She put on her high heels and grabbed a little purse with her ID, some money, and a few other odds and ends she thought she might need, and headed out the door toward the party. She could hear the music pounding as she came closer. She waved at other partygoers she passed on their way in and blew kisses to a few of her friends who had whistled at her. This was going to be a good night and a great party. "Nanashi The Nightmare was heading towards Earth. His cold red eyes were filled with malice. Why had he come here? He chuckled, "Madness reigns," as he descended through Earth's atmosphere. When he noticed a ship in low orbit heading for him, he smiled as his Gundam came to life. "The first catch of the day..." he mused as he took control, shifting his gun towards the ship and firing once, causing it to explode in great fashion. Nanashi just laughed as he felt the joy of starting his dream. He would find the one who could end him. The one who brought the dawn and the end of Nightmares. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't realize he was still falling. He tried to take control of his Gundam but to no avail, hitting the ocean and sinking. He climbed out and swam to shore. He looked back, he would get his Gundam later. When he got to shore, he took off his suit and revealed his nightmarish-like clothing underneath, with evil runes and ancient otherworldly glyphs. "Well, that could have gone better," he said, taking in his surroundings. "I'll show them the greatest nightmare." He then caught sight of someone who had spotted him on the beach. He merely stood there like a statue, sensing something different about this one. He looked at them with interest, something he had never known before. "What fun," he thought, smiling and bowing gracefully.,"Relena Darlian was still wet from her swim in the ocean and had been walking towards the blanket on the beach when some noise caused her to turn and look up towards the sky in time to see something crash into the ocean. She blinked, not sure what it was because it had fallen too fast for her to be able to identify it. She stood perfectly still, not moving a single muscle as he swam to shore. He didn't notice that she was watching him until after he had taken off his suit. Her blue eyes widened seeing the strange clothes he was wearing with unfamiliar symbols on them. Relena didn't know what to do when he'd finally spotted her and it seemed as if he didn't know what to do either at first. He just stood there and stared at her for a long time. And then he smiled at her and bowed. Which worked to get her moving again. Still unsure what to do, she looks around as if seeking help or advice from someone, but there was no one else around, then she remembered she had chosen to come to the beach by herself. Hopefully she won't regret that decision. Now that the shock of seeing him had worn off, she hesitantly walked towards him, then stopped, not getting too close. He didn't look injured but she still asked him, "Are you alright? Who are you?" "Yenna shouldered her greatsword as she regarded the forests beyond the boundary of her camp speculatively. There had been reports of frenzied monsters all across the land as the virus spread, but here was one of the points of greatest concentration. In fact, it was the point of greatest concentration she'd seen in some time. It hadn't taken long for the guild to figure out that Gore Magala carried and spread the frenzy virus, and so large concentrations were assumed to be where they made their nests, and hunters were being dispatched to deal with such concentrations. She'd fought several of the beasts by now -enough to have earned armor and weapons of their scales and bones- and was one of the best at clearing their nests and purifying them to halt the further spread of the virus. That distinction of being one of the best was of course why she'd been the one called for the urgent mission to investigate this largest concentration. Where an ordinary gore often resulted in a handful of frenzied monsters, this place was a carnage ground, where every monster had frenzied and when the humans had fled in fear, they had turned on each other to feed the insatiable thirst for violence the virus instilled in them. Reports of multiple Gore Magala had fueled the guild speculation that this might be some sort of mating grounds for the infected dragons, but now that she was here wandering amongst the trees she didn't think that was the case. Monster mating grounds had clutches of eggs, and she had seen none, nor were any females there to choose or protect nesting sites. If there had been, she would have encountered one already... Feeling as though something was very wrong, the Huntress kept one hand on the long handle of her greatsword as she paced further into the wood, alert for any sign of trouble. Only Gore Magala could spread the virus like this that the guild knew, and yet, this didn't feel like a multitude of Gore were responsible for this, for there were few to none of the typical signs of their presence... No... This felt different, more dangerous than a Gore... there was a tension in the air that she couldn't quite place, and a faint... Shimmering? There was something glimmering in the trees, a shining scale, almost the polar opposite of a Gore's dusty black ones... "Where did you come from, and who do you belong to..." Yenna murmured as she carefully dislodged it from the tree bark and examined it... "What is going on here...?","As she plucked the scale, she would notice a few glimmering specs along it, reminiscent of the gore magala's frenzy spores. But instead of instilling a feeling of hatred and desire to fight all who crossed their path, this dust seemed to fill the body with an insatiable heat. All along the forest, one could see broken trees and torn up earth, but not from the thrall of battle as made evident by the numerous splashes of rather pungent monster fluids along the ground and trees. This looked less like a battle frenzy and more like a mating frenzy. As you pondered what could have caused this, a large shadow is cast overhead. What originally looked like the sun revealed itself to be a star-winged golden magala, the beast crashing through the trees, the same golden dust falling from its shimmering scales and spreading around it. "Things in the tower couldn't be more convenient for both Robin and Starfire. Since their countless missions, Robin and Starfire rarely spoke. Not only because of taking care of the city and where trouble was, but also because of being with Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Not that they were troublesome, but private time was what was needed between these two. Robin hoped that Starfire was just as much in the mood as he was; as a leader, he had needs and he expected them from her. Of course, she had needs as well. One which caused a small problem... "I am not taking it off," he repeated to her as they sat in the living room. He gave a frown as his mask had once again been brought up into the situation between how she wanted to see his true face and how he did not want anyone to know how he looked. But should she be the exception?,"Starfire huffed. "Then I am not doing any of the things with you tonight," she said, adding air quotes around 'things'. Her accent was getting better, but she still didn't understand so many Earth words. She glanced at him for a moment before sighing. "Please, Robin?" she pleaded, placing a hand on each of his legs and leaning forward. "I will do anything you wish." Her eyes were big and round as she looked up at him, as if she could already see through his mask. She frowned, seeing that he wouldn't budge. She crossed her arms over her chest. "The only ones who need to cover their faces are those with something to hide," she said, raising a finger and shaking her head. "My Tamaranian guardian used to say that all the time." "Alice had been asleep for the longest time, locked away in a dreamworld. She'd dreamed of growing up in a world much like yours and mine--cars, fast food, wars, school, and reality TV. Of course, in the world she'd spent so much time in, she was well established and had many friends. She had a life there, which was ironic, considering that it was all a dream. In the dream world she lived in, Alice was always fashionable and wore clothes that some might consider... risque. Then again, she was always appreciated wherever she went. In Wonderland, she wore the same outfit she'd fallen asleep in so long ago. She wore a short dress that stopped at the middle of her thigh, propped out by some stiff lacy material. The dress was a light blue color that brought out her eyes and showed off her impressive cleavage. It had spaghetti straps and hugged her body tightly. She wore no bra beneath it, preferring not to show unnecessary lines. She wore white lace gloves that came to her elbows, but she'd grown tired of the fingers and cut them out. Her long, shapely legs were encased in matching white stockings and she wore a high-heeled version of a mary jane. Over this dress she wore the tiniest of French maid style aprons. Her long golden hair was sprawled out around her, curled to the prettiest style it could be. Around her neck was a silky blue ribbon. She'd been left all alone to sleep like this for so long now--untouched. If someone came to find her, she would surely awaken to their touch or voice. And she would be understandably disoriented and confused, since she'd been living in another reality for so so long.,"He stepped through the forest, the silent predator... invisible as he walked through the grass, so much world to explore and so little time to do it. He shimmered into reality for a moment, his frame lithe and strong with golden eyes that seemed to know everything about whatever they gazed upon. His hair was a dark purple, with matching ears and a tail that flowed behind him, touching everything he went by inquisitively. He had a darker purple shirt and a black jacket, a soft pattern of stripes along his stomach and chest from the two fabrics. He wore simple black pants, no shoes and he stepped with a pause that showed he felt completely safe. Then he spotted her, out of the corner of his eye. "What do we have here?" he asked, stepping towards the small girl, such a scrumptious little thing. Grasping her chest to wake her up and to check... hmmm, they were real after all. "It was supposed to finally come to an end, or so rumors had hinted as much. The Prohibition Era had been one of the most frustrating time-frames, particularly for the mafia families spread throughout the United States. While booze was the main thing that authorities had their eyes on, it was by no means the only things that could be confiscated if one wasn't careful. Drugs, weapons, trafficking, brothels, and many more popular vices that people tended to indulge in. With the Vanetti, Orco, and Galassia families having steadily fallen apart, new ones rose in its place. Just as empires rise and fall, now was no exception. Although the Veleno Familigia had most of its members linked by blood, there were a good number who were taken in after proving themselves to the don. One of these such individuals was Pat Hunter, whom was viewed as something of a prodigy given they were also the youngest Veleno member; still barely seventeen, and yet possessing years worth of skills. Particularly in their aim with a firearm. It was always a sight for the more experienced and older mafia members to behold, question, and admire all at once. And indeed, quite a few had tried to pry and ask for how Pat had gained such skills. Most were given a rather curt reply along the lines of "Just be glad someone here has them". Some accepted and agreed that was true. Others, naturally, didn't take too well to it. But even those who weren't overly fond of the lip they received from the young teen never dared to act on their reactions, if only to avoid incurring the wrath of their own leader. There was, of course, a reason for these responses. It was just one of those things that no one needed to know. So, Pat ensured to keep it from everyone, even the don, despite it being a risky gesture. Naturally, a lot of people had asked their leader why they were fine being out of the loop. "Don't you know they're holding some shit back from you?!" "Of course. But if it were important enough, I'd extract that information myself." Marco Veleno waved his hand through the air, dismissing the matter. "Go get Pat and some of the others. It's almost nearing time to meet up with the other Familigia in the neutral ground and get our supplies." A scoff was the first response, but no further arguments were offered. Within minutes, Pat and three other men walked into the don's office, wearing expectant expressions. "It's almost time, as I'm sure you all know," Marco stated, waiting until everyone gave some affirmative gesture or reply. Then he looked over towards one of the more familiar faces to him, someone who had been in the Veleno Familigia much longer than Pat. It was his eldest son, born from his own flesh and blood. "Alessandro? Are the women ready for transport?" "As is the booze, yes." "Good. Leonardo and Pat? Go grab the liquor. Alessandro and Lucas? Go get the women." All four nodded, though it didn't escape anyone that Pat looked less than pleased. Thankfully, everyone would stay quiet until they were out of ear shot. Then and only at that moment did Leonardo speak up, "Really not fond of selling them out, are ya?" "No. That can be done with them still having their freedom intact," Marco replied. "So the fuck are you doing with us then? You knew when you joined up, didn't you?" Leaning down, the young man grabbed one of the barrels of liquor and started carrying it away. An irritated scoff passed Leonardo's lips as he muttered a few words under his breath. Still, he knew they were all pressed for time, and now wasn't the best moment to begin a major argument. Minutes later, the other two Veleno members would arrive, with a dozen females walking in an eerily calm fashion behind the men. Whether they had simply accepted their fates or had them beaten into them was anyone's guess. "Alright! Off we go!" Pat would be in the back, with Alessandro driving the van. The engine roared and slowly - but very surely - the vehicle headed to the 'neutral ground' the don had spoken of. An abandoned cinema. Since it had been shut down for a few years, it wasn't under the normally watchful eyes of the police, and thus made these exchanges easier to comply with.,"It was all true; with the Vanettis wiped out to nearly extinction, the Orcos disbanded, and the Galassias moved on, two families seized the opportunity to rise to power in Lawless, Illinois. One would be the Veleno and the other, Salvatori. They had not wanted their growing empires to collapse in the same fashions that their predecessors suffered, so Don Marco Veleno and Don Albert Salvatori founded a sort of peace treaty where both profit off the people's habits without stepping on each other's toes. Lawless Heaven was still the crowned jewel, the ultimate whiskey, and its most sought after recipe sold to the Veleno from an anonymous seller. The booze trade belonged to them as well as a quarter of the women in the city who operate the brothels. What was left in the market was run by Don Albert; not a man in the city could get his hands on a gun or even an ounce of cocaine without his knowledge. An arguable claim. To compete with Lawless Heaven, the Salvatori hustled the purest cocaine, known as Chicago Snow. A crew of six men stashed the drugs in crates the size of gas ranges and on top was a wooden piece with a false bottom filled with soft hay and empty glass jars. The false bottom trick proved useful if ever stopped by the cops or to divert unwanted attention. It was how the family transported all their goods. Three more crates held the same packages of Chicago Snow with empty jars on top and two more crates in equal size contained revolvers and four new Tommy guns. Among the crew was Andreas Russo and a tragic past was how he came onto the Salvatori family. He'd been orphaned at a young age and as a dear friend of the family, Don Albert and his wife, Lady Rosalina, adopted him as their own. Every day he worked harder than others in the family to live up to their expectations. Since being chosen to be the next don without a drop of Salvatori blood, Andreas had a lot to prove. He often received backlash for Don Albert's decision especially from his cousin Antonio who would also be on the crew for today's arrangements. The two lifted the heavy gun crates and loaded them into the back of the box truck. Paolo and Tomas were inside to receive the shipment, using their brawn to push the crates further in and chain them down. With the group effort, they were packed up by 11:00 AM and ready with Paolo and Tomas remaining in the rear for unloading time, Manny would drive, Stefano rode shotgun, and Antonio and Andreas were in Antonio's black Rolls Royce as the blocker car for security. 11:17 AM Abandoned Odyssey Theater "If we have to wait on them, then they're late. That's that. And don't expect him to say anything about it." Antonio gestured to Andreas over his shoulder with a sharp thumb as he conversed with the men. Everyone had been huddled beside the truck in their usual spot for the trade off behind the building. There was a place where the dumpsters were located that served as an ideal blind spot. "I'll tell'em. I got things to do on a peaceful Sunday like this, you know." Meanwhile, Andreas had finished the last of his smoke before approaching the others. His face held little emotion despite the irritation that bullied him. There was no arguing with his older cousin when he was like this. Paolo had a softer side for Andreas, "Hey birthday boy, I hear the Don's letting you get first pick on an escort when they get here. Yeah, I even heard him say this is the finest batch we'll ever get and he paid top dollar." Today was his 18th birthday and Andreas remembered the conversation with Don Albert well. In fact, he had said, "You don't have many friends your own age and I never see you with female company. Are you still a virgin? We'll fix that. I insist, Andreas! You're at the cusp of your manhood, surely this will bring you over. Just relax, son. I'll arrange everything for you!" "Yeah, he mentioned it. A whole day with her in a hotel suite on fifth." Andreas answered. The jealousy was apparent on each man's face but he did not share their enthusiasm. Then they all spoke up at once, giving him tips for his first time. Antonio would rather share his own experiences that he accomplished in his early teens and said he thought Andreas was not interested in women at all. "No, no, it's not like that at all. I just... wanted things to happen more naturally." "Such a romantic." Antonio teased and rolled his eyes. "Wait, sounds like they're here." And Andreas straightened the creases out of his white coat and brushed off any lint. "It's about damn time." "Yuna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose as Rikku and Paine made their way out of the airship and down the path toward the little resort town they had decided to rest at for a while. Rikku's insistent, hyperactive attitude was endearing at times, but with the stress of not finding that sphere, it was actually giving her a headache. She could actually be thankful for Paine's rather somber personality for once. "So, Yuna," Rikku said, "how long do we plan on staying? Not that I mind a vacation! Oh, what if we find some treasure here, you know, like in the waters?" Rikku exclaimed, giggling as she practically ran down the path ahead of them. She was jumping from one topic to another so fast and didn't seem to care whether or not her friends were even listening to her. Paine rolled her eyes. "She gets excited about everything," she muttered, though a rare smile played at the corners of her mouth. Yuna found it infectious and only shook her head with an exasperated sigh. Darkness was already beginning to spread across the blue sky, dusk just over the horizon, dwindling light paving their way to the INN where Yuna immediately secured a room for them. She made sure to get the suite, enjoying her space and, yes, even privacy sometimes. Rikku was ecstatic to say the least, being an ex-treasure hunter now Sphere hunter. Yuna and Paine could have sworn she bounced her way to the room, with barely concealed amusement. They were ushered in and Yuna passed the bell boy a small tip, though he hadn't actually done anything but show them the way; the YRP group very rarely had baggage with them. "Ohhh! The bed is so soft!" Rikku giggled as she face planted on the bed, almost nuzzling the bed covers with her cheek. "Alright, Rikku; no more sweets for you, I swear," Yuna said with a small laugh. The three of them switched out their Spheres from their Sphere Grid and relaxed in their beds; Paine in one, Yuna and Rikku in the other. The young blonde snuggled up to Yuna side and promptly fell asleep; it always astonished her that the hyper girl could fall asleep in the blink of the eye. "At least she's quiet," Paine mused with a small chuckle, before yawning and shutting her red eyes to allow herself to fall into a light slumber. The warrior was a light sleeper, honed that way by her instincts and her life. Yuna allowed herself to hold the young Al Bhed, her opposite eyes of blue and green following suit to her friends. It wasn't long before she too was asleep, finally able to take a moment to truly rest, and once she was under, there really was no rousing her. She slipped deeper, dreams beginning to filter their way into her subconscious. It started like almost every dream she'd had since Tidus disappeared from her life; she was back at that lake, where they had kissed for the first time, when she'd been crying and the world had felt so heavy on her shoulders as a Summoner. She sat at the edge of the lake, staring at the marvel of beauty that it was; she knew this was a dream because he wasn't there. She was alone.,"The unsent smiled as he looked down at the three girls... It had taken him a while to sneak aboard, even longer to get access, but now he was ready. He rested his hand on the ex-summoner first, seeping into her dreams like a smoke, though the lake was the same, the water was oddly warm, almost inviting, as the summoner's legs dangled in it, the slow motions of the water against her like an endless caress. He inserted himself into her sleepy memories, a friend from the village, well-built but lithe... a blitzball player like Tidus. "So are we going to go in?" he asked her, voice smooth as he placed a towel down by the edge. After all, that was why they were here, right? "The modified blue Renault Alpine A310 darted through the streets of that empty city, going fast beyond safety standards even if the woman on the wheel knew that she wasn't going to find any other car on the road. "Of all days... I should be on the headquarters..." Misato grumbled, speeding even further. It was true that she had offered herself for that mission days ago, hell, she even sent a completely inappropriate picture of herself so the one she was going to pick up knew who to expect. It was that silly part of her that got into that trouble in the first place, but she couldn't help it. Knowing commander Ikari, or at least as much as anyone could know him, he probably had been dry and cryptic in any communication he had with his own son. "What kind of father does that?" Misato sighed, trying to keep her head on the road, unable to keep her mind from drifting away. Sure, her father was no longer with her but... it wasn't like he had pushed her away. Her hand moved from the gear shift to the cross hanging from her neck. It wasn't the time for that, she had to pick Shinji off, return to Nerv and take charge of things. It felt a bit wrong to be eager to go into combat, to want to face such an unimaginable thing, but she had experience disregarding those wrong feelings. She was an adult, and she could do as she pleased. It wasn't exactly revenge for her father, but it was as close as she was going to get anyways. Arriving at the entrance of the train station, Shinji was nowhere to be found. "I seriously hope he's not missing or Ritsuko is going to bite my head off for being tardy..." Misato mumbled. Where the hell was that kid? Getting out of the car, Misato climbed onto the roof of her car, adjusting her black dress as it rode up a bit up her thighs. "Shinji Ikari! I'm here to pick you up! Shiiiinjiiiii!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, looking around from her vantage point, seeking for that damned kid.,"Shinji Ikari stood not too far away from the train station, staring out at the vast expanse of the forest that surrounded Tokyo 3. Part of him wondered why he was even here. He had a decent life in the town he used to live in...a relatively lonely and withdrawn one, but not bad none the less. He had gotten that letter from his father, summoning him to NERV. He wanted to just burn that letter and forget it ever happened, and he had been debating whether or not to even make the trip. That was when, a few days later, another letter arrived. Attached was a photo of a rather beautiful woman in a rather scandalous pose with rather flirtatious words written on said picture. He had decided after that picture to go. Part of him knew it was have some other excuse rather than he was just crawling back to get his father's attention to praise. Still, just looking at the photo...Shinji thought if he got to meet and know such a beautiful woman from going to NERV, that alone would be worth it. That's how he ended up there, looking out at the forest and wondering about his future there...He had waited for Misato at the train station, but she was running late. Thus, his curiosity had led him to the lookout. He tossed his now finished can of coffee in a nearby bin as he heard someone shouting. He noticed a woman standing on top of her car and she appeared to be calling for him...from her appearance, she appeared to be the woman from the picture. He drew in a deep breath and then moved towards the car. "Excuse me....I'm Shinji Ikari!" The young man called back as he approached the car with a wave and a small smile, looking up at Misato standing on her car. She was at just the right angle...and he might be able to catch a glimpse of her panties. He tried not to make his line of sight too obvious as he gave Misato a larger smile. "You must be...Katsuragi-san, yes? It's nice to finally meet you! You are even more beautiful in person than in the picture!" He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck. Shinji had been practicing on his charisma and pickup lines....he wondered if that had worked or if maybe he had just made things very awkward. What if this woman was his superior? That would make it quite strange indeed...then again...she had started it with that picture, so he figured just this much was okay at least. "There was a small party going on in the world of the living, many people from both the living world and Soul Society in attendance, celebrating the end of all their troubles. Finally, things had settled back to normal, no more insanely powerful idiots trying to take over or destroy the world, no more Arrancar running rampant, coming and going as they pleased. Finally after years of fighting things were back to how they used to be. Ichigo, now 18 years old, was standing chatting with Rukia by one of the tables, laughing as they discussed old times with each other, joking about the dangerous fights they had been in, thinking back on all the times they had nearly been killed, and of course all the stupid mistakes Ichigo had made along the way. Still, all that was behind them now. Now their lives could settle down, Ichigo could go back to being a normal guy, while Rukia could finally move on with her life as a Shinigami. The two were so engrossed in their discussions they weren't really paying much attention to their surroundings, or the people near them.,"Yuzu and Karin were more than a bit surprised when their big brother Ichigo invited them to an adult party. It was only his friends from high school and the Soul Society, but the twins seemed the youngest ones there. After fighting Hollows, Bounts, and Arrancar, Ichigo was hardly the same brother they knew. He spent all his time fighting with his friends or training to fight, in fact he hardly ate or slept at home anymore. "Chad, do you know where Ichigo is?" asked Yuzu, all dressed in white as an angel, already shivering from the chill fall air. Karin, dressed all in red, looked the part of the most adorable demon. The party was being held in the clinic, and as always it was hard to find their lazy-heroic brother, the guest of honor. "I think I saw him go upstairs with Rukia," Chad told them, pointing to the stairs. Grabbing Yuzu's wrist, she dragged her sibling up the stairs from a closet, they could hear a lot of painting and moaning. Yuzu was already a deep shade of cherry red as her bold sibling reached for the handle. "Brilliantly shining down across the small land mass, the Sun's bright rays reflected off of sea surrounding the beach resort and its many attractions. It was a superb and ideal location, what with the tropical backdrop on one side and catering to other tastes such as a hot springs area lined with small hotels and other more calmer routes and parks. The attractions themselves ranged from simple to elaborate, much of it bright and offering a great deal of appeal to many different aesthetic tastes. The off part? Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik had been the creator of this wonderful resort. Admission and transportation to the isolated but now increasingly populated and popular resort was cheap - what with a few rings being all there was necessary to get in. But the lodging, food, attractions and other thrills and enjoyment could range anywhere from cheapest of cheap to some of the greatest expenses ever. But people bustled and busied themselves in the resort, finding any number of things to do and enjoy. For one Rouge and Risa, the resort was looking like quite the paradise. But it was plain business for them. Well, that's what they were telling each other. But Risa, although only recently partnered with Rouge, came to know her well and understood already that the bat had other things in mind. Rouge saw through Risa well too and knew the girl was eyeing the resort with wide, bright and excited eyes. Simply put, the mutual idea between them was that one couldn't really understand the setting and situation without... Experiencing it first. So naturally, that meant they had to have a blast! Ahem, and investigate. "Okay, meet me back at the hotel at six sharp, got it?" "Mm! Just don't get stuck watching some jewels and end up late." Strolling away and waving her hand low and casually, Risa headed in the opposite direction of Rouge, a playful smirk on her lips. "Cute. Just make sure you stay out of trouble young lady." "Yes, ma'am," Rouge gave the girl a lingering smile before flying off, obviously prepared and eager to scout out the place, but mostly for the sake of valuables. Both had 'official I'd's for the resort, but they were obviously fake and supplied to them by GUN. They hadn't actually paid admission or entered the legal way, but they couldn't if they were going to remain under Eggman's radar. Rouge flew about for some time, eyeing the crowds and the establishments along one side of the main hotel - in all its decadence - and the beach and harbor. She landed along a relatively busy street, smiling at the museums and jewelry stores that lined the street. Valuable and lovely, priceless jewels? Say hello to mama. As she headed off to the other side of the resort, Risa roamed the area, leaning and ducking into street vendors as she headed toward an extravagant, multi-storied shopping center and all around entertainment district. "Wow, Robotnik really went all out." As she mentioned in, she scratched her cheek with a lop-sided, small smile. Well, maybe she could do a little work now. Ducking into an alley, she looked around before turning her back to the opening and lifted her wrist, tapping a smaller button on her watch - cleverly fashionable to throw off others - as a small, screen popped up. Somewhat transparent and a soft, aquatic blue, it had many numbers, text and images. No doubt all parts of information concerning the resort. "Hmm, Robotnik must handle most of the operations from some point. But where...?" Tapping a few different parts of the screen, she shifted through different maps and pieces of information before her smile widened and her brows rose. "Ah, perfect. This might help. Ohh, and it's by the theme park!" She clapped her hands together, quite giddy before she looked around quickly and smiled as she calmed down. "Right, well then, computer, analyze this area. Alarm set when complete." "Affirmative, Risa." The feminine voice responded to her before the screen closed and she dusted herself and headed back onto the populated sidewalk. "Yosh, theme park, here I come!" She set off to the park, eager to enjoy the aquarium, games and more.,"Arriving at the resort an hour before Risa and Rouge had even arrived, Sonic walked around the extravagant resort...but he made sure to stay away from the beachside area and any pools. He never did like water. He tended to stray away from it. Anyway, Sonic was there because he supposedly got an invitation from someone he knew...but the whole hour he was there, he had yet to see anyone he knew personally, aside from a few bypassers who knew him. Eventually walking out into the town, he passed by an alley and sighed. Seeing as how there wasn't anyone there who could even remotely be someone he knew, he decided to take a little nap where bypassers couldn't bother him. Hiding in the shadows of one of the dumpsters in the alley, Sonic closed his eyes to take a quick nap...which was soon interrupted by the sound of someone speaking. Looking over, he saw a woman speaking into her watch. Hearing the watch talk back to her, he smiled and was a bit curious...especially since she said the name Robotnik. "Hey hey...that's a fancy watch you got there." He said as he began to approach her. Meanwhile... Walking down the busy street, Nathan Stone was busy eyeing women as they passed by. "Daaamn...the women here are fine. And we're right next to the beach so they're practically naked aside from the tops and bottoms." He said sneering as he continued to walk. He was sidetracked as he walked down the cement walkway that was his sidewalk. While eyeing other women who seemed to be heading back to the resort, as they were dripping wet, he accidentally bumped into Rouge. Despite the fact that he was taller than Rouge, he still fell over with a thud on the ground. Groaning, he looked to see it was some weird bat creature. "The hell...?" It took him a minute to figure out this might have been one of those creatures that supposedly had been doing good for the city alongside a blue hedgehog named Sonic. "Oh I'm so sorry...My apologies little..." He got a little sidetracked...staring at the creatures cleavage. "Uh..." "Alicia fell to the floor, landing on her ass as her hand reached for something to grab onto. All she could manage was the sheet on her bed, which didn't help at all. She looks around as alarms start blaring all through the ship, recognizing the tone of the red alert alarm. She stands quickly, her towel dropping from her, leaving her nude as she rushes for her dresser. She'd just finished a quick shower after getting off of work, and now... they were being attacked. She braces herself as the ship rocks slightly again, keeping herself from falling again. Her plump breasts sway with the motion of the ship. They were around the larger end of a C cup, big enough to be plump and alluring, but not too big so as to get in her way. She had a rather curvy figure to match, not chubby, but not scrawny either. She had a bit of tone to her as well, not muscular, but a bit defined from her work as a technician and mechanic. She wipes some of her still damp brown hair from her face, tucking it behind an ear as she tears through the drawers of her dresser. She yanks out a pair of underwear as soon as her fingers touch it, really not caring to notice what kind it was. The lights were dimmed as power in the ship fluctuates, making it difficult to see much of anything anyway. She hears a clatter, realizing her boots had fallen over nearby. She moves over to grab them, and then yank out a pair of cargo pants. She quickly grabs the underwear she'd tossed on the bed and slips it on, letting the straps fit over her womanly hips. It wasn't until she was pulling the pants up and into place that she took a second to pause as she felt the underwear against her... it was a thong. She sighs softly, too late now to go changing again, and wonders why the hell she ever got that damn thong. She fastens her pants in place and grabs out a bra next, along with a simple dark tank-top. As she pulls her bra on over her breasts, getting everything fitted into place and reaching to fasten it, her door wooshes open suddenly. Her eyes go wide as a man stands there, looking as if he were about to say something with his mouth open, but he simply stares for a few moments. He wore the uniform of the ship's security force, showing he was in fact one of the security officers trying to get people to safe locations. As he stands there, all that comes from him is, "Uhh.. sorry....". Alicia glares a bit, a light blush on her face as she finishes snapping the bra closed at the back before blurting angrily at him. "What? Don't just stand there and stare, what's going on?!" The man blinks, regaining his more professional composure. "Right.. The ship is under attack, we believe by pirates. We need to get all crew and passengers to a safe location as we begin evacuation protocols. I need you to come with me." He turns and starts walking away, leaving Alicia no choice but to follow or be left behind. Alicia quickly grabs the shirt and pulls it over her head before looking around for her boots. She rushes over to start pulling them on her feet, one after the other. Before she can really strap them tight though, the figure was just outside her doorway, and as it rounds the corner, weapon first, she holds her hands up, slowly standing from her crouched position. "Don't shoot, I'm not armed." She sways a bit as the ship rocks slightly once more, feeling the looseness of the unfastened boots. They would have to do for now though, unless this intruder allowed her to fasten them... unlikely though.,"Natasha stood at the commander's position of her lovely stolen vessel, awaiting news of her away team. Two krogan thugs and a turian who may or may not have been too smart for his own good were currently in the process of hijacking a ship rumored to be holding an important human diplomat on some mission or another. Any time now, the team should be returning to the deck with their lovely little captive in tow. And once they had her, the money would come rolling in for her safe return. It was a classic scheme run a million times over. Anything could go wrong, but for a proper execution, the reward was ridiculously high. She looked down a moment at her full body suit, almost completely black, with high-heeled boots that made her already tall, lithe body stand even taller. Despite being a physically weak asari, her biotic abilities made her a terror to even the fiercest of the krogans on her ship. She strolled down to her room where she could wait in more comfortable surroundings. She reclined on her bed, leaving a message with the pilot to send one of them to her with the woman. In the meantime, all she could do was kick back on her bed and wait for the real fun to begin. It took longer than she thought, but perhaps the security on the boat was worse than she realized. But eventually one of the big idiots came up to her open door with a lovely woman in tow. Her clothing suggested she'd been finishing up a shower and had to dress a little quicker than she liked. Her outfit wasn't what she would have expected a woman of her status to have - it was combat gear, practically. Natasha stood up off the bed and gave her a warm but less-than-comforting smile."And there she is, the counselor, the lovely Miss Veronica Halloway..."She reached out and gently stroked a softly glowing hand against her cheek. "The young girl's eyes traveled up and she let out a soft sigh, sitting at her kitchen table after hanging up her phone. She had not visited her grandmother for a while now and she wanted her to come over. Pushing her chair back, she stood up and grabbed her keys as she stepped out of her house. She lived in the woods, so she could drive to them but not through them. A small path led to it, and she sighed as she reached the path about ten minutes later. Kate was her name; she was in her early twenties, standing tall at 5'8, with light golden-brown hair and deep blue eyes. Her skin was lightly tanned, and she wore a white tank top with a pair of blue jeans and sandals, with a light red jacket that she held close to her body, pulling the hood up. Parking and stepping out, she locked her car and pushed her keys into her pocket. Moving around the front, she stepped onto the dirt path and pushed her hands into her pockets, though it was a nice day to walk. Sun was out, there were no clouds, and she could see some deer and hear the birds chirping. Maybe it was good that she walked.,"A dark streak moved through the woods rushing past trees and jumping over logs. The wolf was on a mission after having his last potential mate stolen from him just before entering her. It was mating season and this wolf's first one; he was young and his blood was hot, and he had found a willing female to mate with, but just before he mounted her, another male wolf had shown up, and the two had fought. Finally, this young black wolf had been chased off to the sounds of the female enjoying her mating with the other wolf. He was still hard from that experience and truth be told, he didn't care what type of female he found, as long as it had the right parts, he would take it and hard. It was then that he noticed the scent of a woman in the air. He rushed toward the inviting scent and stopped just far enough away that she wouldn't hear his approach as he crept closer. "Hermione Weasley... she still loved the name, had loved it ever since the day she had married that idiot husband of hers... though his idiocy was part of why she loved him. He had given her two wonderful children and had always worked hard to provide for them. But lately... these past few months... Hermione had started to feel a distance between them. They still talked, still laughed, but it had been months since Ron had touched her, had looked at her the way he used to. Sure, Hermione was a teacher at Hogwarts now, teaching the Charms class and living in the castle, but Ron still came to visit her. Even better, their children were attending school, Rose in her fifth year and Hugo in his third, so she got to see them all she wanted. Still, Hermione was starting to feel lonely. She wanted to feel the excitement that she had felt back when they first got married. She had tried... she'd tried dressing sexily, other little romantic gestures, but Ron was always so tired. Professor Granger sighed as she sat at her desk, waiting for the next class to arrive. This was no place for her personal problems, and she was determined to just get on with the class and ignore everything else.,"A young male in his fourth year at Hogwarts walked into Professor Weasley's classroom, flirting with several girls in his year as he brushed a strand of his black hair away from his forehead and his glasses covering his blue eyes. The five-foot-nine boy winked at the girls and whispered sweet nothings to them, with little magical notes appearing in their hands. One note had accidentally landed on the desk of one Hermione Granger, with the words "Why don't you and I make some magic together, cutie pie?" Jonah Simpson was the son of famous wizard author Joseph Simpson and a fourth-year Gryffindor despite his father's place in Ravenclaw. He brushed off his robes that worked to conceal his muscular physique he had gained during his puberty. Jonah took his seat at the front of the room, looking at Mrs. Weasley once the class was about to begin. "Aizen sighed and rubbed his eyes as he watched Zelman finish off another dancer as a meal. "Really brother," he said, shaking his head. "You really have to do this, don't you? At this rate, we'll never get this place opened. Do you know they want us to fail?" Zelman sighed and pushed the dancer aside, who was nothing more than a limp body. "They won't risk the backlash that would come from it," he replied. "Sure, they want to get rid of us, but they would also be hurting themselves." Aizen watched as his older brother picked up a wine glass and drank down the dark red liquid. "I don't see why you don't just drink what we have stored," he said. "It wouldn't kill off our hired work!" The Night Fang was the newest nighttime club in the city, and all the hype about it would be lived up to if they ever could get ready to be opened. It was going to have multiple dance levels, private rooms, an indoor pool and jacuzzi, and working bars. Zelman looked out at the line outside and nodded to the bouncers. "Let them in," he said. "Free drinks for the opening night!" Zelman laughed after disposing of the body and heading down to enjoy the party. Aizen, on the other hand, stayed on the VIP level watching as the crowd filled up.,"Daphne had heard about the new nightclub, so naturally she decided she would scope it out. When she had arrived with one of her girlfriends from high school, she took one look at the line before turning to her. "There's no way we're getting in," she muttered in an annoyed tone. "Relax Daph. I got this," her friend reassured her, walking up to the bouncer. She squeezed her breast together, making her cleavage larger as she glanced up at the bouncer. Just then, the bouncer had given the order to open it up. He seemed interested in the girl and as he let the file of people in, he beckoned them into the VIP section. Daphne kept a cool smirk as she walked in behind her friend. She couldn't believe they had pulled it off. She ran a hand through her auburn hair. Daphne laughed as they went to the bar. Her friend had grabbed them two shots of tequila and she immediately down them after cheering to her friend's work. "Let's go dance!" she yelled through the loud music. Daphne laughed, nodding as she followed her to one of the stages. She started dancing, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the house music, letting the effects of the tequila take over. "Devil's Kettle; a shithole of a town with a population of less than ten thousand people. Shocking, eh? Most people think places like Devil's Kettle don't exist anymore. A full town of a measly ten thousand people? Impossible, right? Wrong. There weren't many places like this left, but there were a few and they mainly were all around each other. Devil's Kettle was surrounded by about three other towns just like it; small, quaint, completely ordinary. It was just the luck of the draw that this particular town got named so fortunately. You see, Devil's Kettle was named after this really insanely deep hole in the ground. Scientists throw all kinds of shit down there, but nothing ever comes back up. It's really, really kind of creepy, but nobody else really thinks so except the teens who live there. A giant hole in the ground really isn't a tourist attraction, so Devil's Kettle just stays a small, quiet town. It's really a perfect place for retirees, not for anyone else really. Unfortunately, this is where Bobby and countless other teens live, in Devil's Kettle. You see, nobody really came to their little town like...ever. Sure, people drove through it on their way to bigger and better things, but no one actually stayed, bought a house, and raised a family. No, the families that have been here have been here forever. All of the children knew one another, regardless if they were in the same social class or not. The teens in this town have been friends since the sandbox and usually, sandbox love never dies. Bobby couldn't help but grin widely as Jesse scored the winning basket to tonight's basketball game. If you didn't know them, you wouldn't believe that Bobby and Jesse had been friends since before they could remember. Bobby was your average, everyday teenager, not really excelling at anything but decent enough in everything else too. Jesse on the other hand was your stereotypical jock. He was great at basketball, probably because the guy did nothing but practice, but still. He gave an enthusiastic wave to the crowd as he ran across the court, only being distracted from the game when he heard a hearty chuckle behind him. He turned slowly, his brow raised as he spotted a dumb ass redneck, Mark. "What?" He questioned, his tone a bit bitchy. "So how many times has Jesse fucked you now?" The slightly overweight boy questioned as he adjusted his camouflage hat. Mark was someone that Bobby certainly didn't get along with. Ever since preschool the two had never gotten along, not even once. Not only was Mark repulsive, but he had a personality to match it and he was usually accusing Bobby and Jesse of being boyfriends, ever since the first goddamn time they met. "Really, Mark? This shit again? He's my fucking best friend!" The boy protested, flipping the bird at the male. Now, usually it was Jesse who defended their friendship against this asshole, but obviously the man was kicking ass at basketball at the moment. Besides, it was obvious from how much Jesse got laid that he wasn't busy fucking Bobby on the side. Hell, it was pretty much a guarantee that Jesse had fucked more women than Mark had even thought of screwing. "Yeah, emphasis on the fucking part." The boy said with a quick shove to Bobby's shoulder. Bobby couldn't help but roll his eyes and groan slightly. He was used to this kind of bullshit from Mark, but he didn't really care. It was obvious that he and Jesse were best friends, nothing more, nothing less. The final bell rang, signaling the end of the game and everyone applauded the winning team before heading out or congratulating them, Bobby being one of them. "Congratulations on the winning shot, sugar tits." The boy teased with a grin as he stepped up to the taller male.,"He's panicking. He's gonna go right. Just keep bouncing the ball. Dribble it quickly... Trick his eyes up. He's gonna go left. I'm gonna fake em' then go right. I'm going to pass to Ricky, run up to center court and catch the ball. I'm then gonna shoot a three-pointer... Show these fucking pansy-ass boys what a real basketball champ can do. Just as Jesse had mapped out in his head, he was doing. He bounced that brown ball, dribbling it between his legs. His sparkling emerald eyes stayed on the male before him as he dribbled the ball through his legs one more time before gracefully moving to his left, and spinning right. He tripped up the brunette before him. Calling out Ricky's name, he then passed the ball. Somehow through all of that he noticed Bobby's wave. Green eyes darted over to his BF and he managed a wave as well while he ran up to the center of the court. JESS! shouted Ricky snapping the blonde back into reality. He nodded, the ball came flying to him. Taking a couple more steps he shot the ball. Cuff~ That sweet sound of the net catching his ears. YEAH! he roared triumphantly as that bell rang. It felt good. Real good to kick that other team's ass. "Yeah way to go Jess...shooting that three-pointer like that..." "Shit dude it was nothing. I can do that with my eyes blindfolded and my an arm tied behind my back." He grinned widely as they all lined up to shake the losing team's hands. There was nothing sweeter to him than the decadent taste of victory. "Congratulations on the winning shot, sugar tits." "Thanks, sweet cheeks." Jesse replied with a grin as he turned to face Bobby. Oh sweet dear Bobby. He was the only friend he could hang out with that was always obsessing over his awesomeness at life. Bobby was the only other person out of the whole school he could feel human with...normal for once. The only person who didn't expect so much of him. For such qualities in a person, the kid earned a lot of respect from him... And anybody else around who didn't want to face the wrath of Jesse. "Holy shit dude. I've got something real exciting to show you after game. After I come from the showers meet me at my car. You're gonna love this..." The blond said shortly before darting off into the lockers. He had been planning this day for months. His favorite group, Sexahollic XXX, was coming to their town. They were an all-girl group who rocked hard as shit. He'd never liked girl bands....but this band rocked hard. They played heavy metal all while looking sexy, and sounding good. He quickly showered, combing back his shoulder length blonde hair with his fingers before tossing on his white tee and blue denim jeans. Putting on his boots, he hurried out to the parking lot of the school. "Alright, you are going to love this, dude. Sexahollic, that group I was telling you about is coming to our town. I heard they can really play live... it's not like they lip sync or any of that bullshit. I know you aren't into all the music I'm into but you'll like these girls. They have this kind of effect on me you know~ Like when Dalilah...the lead singer sings...I feel like I'm in a whole 'nother place like some weird twilight zone shit. But anyway, hurry come on hop in so I can show you..." Jesse urged Bobby, as he unlocked the car doors to his mustang... Well, dad's mustang. Whatever he let him drive it like it was his. "Hey, pass me one of those beers from the back seat when you get in," Jesse added. "Ensign Surok tried his best to maintain his composure as he walked down the winding corridors towards Holodeck Nine with slow, deliberate steps. He nodded politely as he passed his fellow crewmates, none of whom would notice the light beads of sweat upon the young Vulcan's brow, nor the Holoprogram clutched tightly within his fist. "The Pon farr must be upon me!" he thought to himself, which was only confirmed by the way he in-artfully turned his head to stare at the nearly-overflowing bust of a passing female. Although it would be extremely unusual for a Vulcan as young as he to go into heat, that seemed to be the only plausible explanation for the "symptoms" he had been experiencing. Still mateless, it was rather fortunate that he had been able to acquire a Holodeck program from a shady-looking Ferengi who promised it would take care of all his needs, and more. His footsteps quickened as he neared the large bay doors leading to the Holodeck, yet strangely they did not open when he approached. "Computer, open door to Holodeck Nine," he commanded in a monotone. "Access denied. Holodeck Nine has suffered significant system corruption and is closed for maintenance." A hint of annoyance would cross the Vulcan's features as he quickly input several key commands into the panel. "Override accepted. You may experience anomalies with your Holodeck program. Have a good day." The large bay doors quickly opened with a soft whooshing sound, and Ensign Surok would wait for them to close behind him before he inserted his Holoprogram labeled "Intergalactic Harem" into the arch panel.,"The grid of yellow lines shimmered as if they were behind a heat wave, and then were replaced with featureless gray squares, as if he was in a large box of deck plating. The computer spoke again, this time with a slow, sensual female voice. "Welcome to the Harem. Welcome to the Harem. Error in code sector four. Please input the parameters required." The room pulsed a brief red, as if an invisible warning light had flashed briefly. "All was rather quiet around 8 pm in the Seireitei. The leaves in the gardens dotting the Seireitei were beautiful shades of gold, red and brown. It was just right outside in the night air, not too hot, not too cold. A light drizzle sprinkled the ground, making noise as they hit the roof of Taicho Toshirou Hitsugaya's office. Inside the Taicho and his Fukutaicho sat at their respective desks, with Hitsugaya doing the paperwork Matsumoto had been assigned, as per usual. Matsumoto let out a faint huff, watching her captain as he did her half of the paperwork. "Oh Taicho, why don't you ever take a break? All those papers must be stressing you out big time," she said, voice sing-song like. Although what she really wanted to do was to get her Taicho drunk and maybe have some fun with him. Reaching into her desk, the female pulled out a lollipop and unwrapped it. She licked it once, seductively, before taking it into her mouth. The whole display was sexual, as Matsumoto wanted to tease her Taicho. It was always fun when he finally did get aroused, as she usually walked off without a word. Leaving a guy hanging only made it better if they really got down to business, so she mused.,""If I don't get this done, I'll have a long discussion with the General, and I'd rather not be on the bad side of his fiery temper," he said, placing the finished stack of papers. He was used to her antics by now, finding them an annoying distraction from his duties. "And your kind of fun would have me as bad as Kyoraku, and I'd rather be boring than drunk," he added with a dry frown. He caught her display out of the corner of his eye, his mind making the connection almost instantly from her licking and sucking. Shaking his head, he got back to work, continuing to scribble down reports, trying to ignore the buxom beauty distracting him. "There are just some days that, despite your best efforts, will never redeem themselves. The same goes for people too, and of course, food. After another long day of attempting to save the fate of humanity, Zatanna felt exhausted and worn out. She had always been doing something for others, but nothing for herself. She had previously read in a magazine somewhere that cooking relieved tension, but they must have been sorely mistaken because all it did was add to her stress. Her attempt at making a three cheese broccoli and eggplant bake failed miserably, and now she was hungry, bored, and upset. What she really needed was a way to work out her steam. What better way is there to do that than a wild night in between the sheets without commitment? Sensing a brilliant opportunity, she grabs her coat and slides it over her shoulders and buckles it over her midsection, covering the exposed flesh of her chest and shoulders. As she walks towards the door, she removes her favorite top hat from the rack and leaves without stopping, her costume now fully complete. Her destination: Cape and Cowl, the hottest new club in town, the one place where she can fit in with the crowd of mundane everyday people. Her arrival in the club already started to make her feel better, and as she thought, she looked just like one of them. Her eyes scanned the place for interesting people and she noticed someone of interest not too far away from the bar. People looked her up and down, probably thinking that her costume was a really good knockoff, even if it was the real deal, and she sits down at the bar near the man, crossing her fishnet clad legs in front of her. "Nice place. Come here often?" she asked the man confidently, even though she knew it was the worst pickup line she could have ever used.,"Thomas chuckled, taking in the sight of the babe-acious raven-haired woman. Most would call her a good cosplayer, but to one who was a demon summoner, well magic left a mark on the soul that was often referred to as a taint. Even his rookie skills could see this woman glowing. He smirked as he said, "I'd hope so, since I own this place. What do I owe to the pleasure of having the world's strongest magical female in my humble establishment?" Thomas was tall, just under seven feet, with white blond hair brushed back into an elaborate braid that stopped just above his ass. He wore a crimson silk button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, fingerless gloves on each hand, black slacks, and black combat boots with steel toes laced up. His sapphire blue eyes ran down her body as he said, "Damn girl, if more heroines looked like you, I'd never have hung up my cape." Thomas nodded to a six-foot-nothing succubus who had brought them both drinks. She was wearing a Wonder Woman outfit, which she pulled off perfectly. Smirking, he said, "I only hire noncombatants, and besides, do you know how hard it is for a normal girl to pull off the Princess's aura? It always feels fake. I have a half-orc around here as Hawkgirl, totally opposite issue." "Dash sighed, tapping away at his keyboard. The sixteen-year-old was the restless type, easily bored. The lines of code before him flashed across his screen, and he huffed. His program was still unfinished. He brushed his flat blonde hair aside, preparing to type. The program was an eccentric one, but hopefully soon functional. He had learned intriguing tricks with this new coding language, some of which seemed impossible until he had tested them. The most secret of which he told no one about: the other realm. He'd discovered someplace...else. A visiting world, completely empty, to which he had no idea how it had gotten there or what its purpose was. He traveled there on rare occasion, as it provided some peace from louder days, and time didn't...pass as quickly. It was hard to describe, but sometimes he'd drift there without warning. This was proving to be one of those nights. Restless, he executed a program with functions he knew few others had seen, and before long, he was standing in an open field. Sure it seemed impossible, but it had become his nature to accept impossibilities and run with them. He reclined on the cool grass, relaxing, trying to concentrate on the innumerable things that crossed his mind that day...,"Renamon didn't like humans; almost all of them were weak and lazy, needing far more food and rest than she did. "No, Frostmon," she swore. Sometimes that Digimon was as bad as any human. She moved slowly into the plains, tired of fighting other Digimon for the moment. She was a Maverick, a Digimon who didn't have a home to call her own - not that she wanted one. "No, I won't let you see me again," she blushed. She hadn't even meant to let him see that to begin with. She could smell it - a human. Being a Maverick, she got into a lot of fights. She called it exploring the Digimon that she met, many calling it invasion, it ending in one of two ways: fucking or fighting. "What do you want, human?" she asked. A human would have said that she had a large chest, being tall when on all fours. He was old for a human, most humans barely past ten years old. She was much more. "You should know the Digimon here don't like humans," she warned, leaping to land next to him. "Private. His name is Takuma Oddo. None of his students call him by his first name. He isn't an old teacher; he looks to be in his mid-20s with black hair that dances just past his eyes with the slightest movement. Looking up at the clock on the wall of his classroom, he stretches out his arms as the bell goes off to signal the end of the school day. The weekend is finally here! How will he spend the next few days? He could mark the homework or invite his favorite student over for a few drinks, known officially as "study help." But there are only two people who know what really happens during "study help," and it's not what you think. With all the students leaving the classroom, he smirks as Yumi is still sitting at her desk, the last one to leave as usual. He can sit and look at her all day, admiring that cute face of hers, the way she would smile back at him when no one else was looking. Oh, how did he get caught up with someone so complicated as Yumi? He wishes he knew the answer to that one. "Yumi... aren't you going home? School's finished.","As usual, Yumi was very slow in putting her books back into her bag, taking her time as the other students flooded out of the classroom, glad that the school day was over. When her teacher spoke to her, she looked up at him with a smile before standing up. "School may be over, but I'm not going home anytime soon," she said playfully before standing up, grabbing her bag, and walking up to him. Her golden eyes shimmered with mischief as she smiled at him. Mr. Oddo had no idea just how complicated her life was. With her Sailor Mars alter ego, Yumi made sure to keep that a secret, even from him. If any villain found out about her real identity and used people close to her as hostages or something like that, it could be disastrous. Grinning up at him, Yumi wrapped her arms around his neck, " want me to..." she whispered softly, tracing a finger down his jawline. "Emerging from the high mountain pass, Kasumi paused. Looking up from the brim of her large straw sun hat, she saw clear sky; a few fat clouds clumped here and there. Feeling a cooling breeze against her skin, she smiled softly. What a wonderful feeling it was, to have the wind against your face. Not just any wind, but cool, crisp whisps rolling off of the salty ocean, across fields of flowers onto your pink cheeks; it was invigorating. Continuing on her way down the dirt path, the trees began to sprout out of the ground again, creating an overlap of branches WAY above her head. Coming to a bright exit, she looked back down the main road, then continued walking. Her backpack weighed heavily against her back as she strove to move forward. How much further? She walked, and walked, crossing a bridge over a steady stream; two people fishing just upstream. She huffed a bit, it was a bad idea to walk the entire way here. Hopefully her packages would make it alright... She shrugged a little, before yanking on the straps of her old, worn blue backpack. It was stuffed to the limit! Things rattled and buzzed inside of it, making strange sounds as she walked through the serene valley. Eventually, she made it into town. People hustled and bustled in a rather slow fashion. She stopped, and asked for directions before being lead to city hall. A bright smile came over her face once she found the bright yellow building with the clock face above the entrance; that is until she spotted it. The same colored crumpled newspaper being carried in by a no-good villainous scoundrel! She puffed out her cheeks, and quickly marched to the building; wanting to purchase the land first! She pushed the door open, took two steps before---UMPH! Kasumi Higurashi, age 18, bumped into a tall man who held the newspaper. It was such a force that she was knocked back onto her bottom. "Owie~" Whimpered the blonde. Her hat had been successfully knocked off to reveal a head of golden blonde curls. She had fair white skin, that many would assume to be a model rather than a farmer. But this was her life, and she made the choices. Right now, it was rubbing her bottom! Today, the young woman wore deep blue jean short-shorts. Her long legs bent on the ground in a rather klutzy position. She also wore a soft gray t-shirt, with a black sports bra beneath it. Boy! Did she have them breasts. She looked up to him with a pair of large, blue eyes that shimmered with slight tears from the pang of falling on her bottom.,"Akira made his way through town slowly after he'd parked his car near the outskirts. It was rather small like he'd remembered it. His massive frame was something rather surprising for a young Japanese man, well muscled and broad, standing at six foot three and two hundred and twenty pounds he looked more like a prize fighter. His tailored suit hugged his body with each movement he made and as he peered about he sighed on occasion holding up his phone and flicking back his deep black hair. "Gah! No signal still," he said as he continued. He found himself having a news paper catch his eye which he picked up. Looking to it, he smirked. "This must be a mistake. I could have sworn we owned this... better go clear it up." Turning, he adjusted his shades and headed towards town hall, still on occasion checking for a signal. He wondered if he should have simply splurged for the satellite phone, but as he turned a corner, he felt a small thump against his chest. Looking down, he saw the girl rubbing her backside. Leaning in to help her, his shades slipped forward as he did so. His startlingly blue eyes looked into hers as he gave a smile. "Excuse me. Wasn't watching my path." He said. "I'm so big most people... you know, just move." He continued before giving a soft chuckle. "Oh, Roxas could kill that motherfucker. How could that fucking redhead cheat on him with that slutty cheerleader? More importantly, how could everyone in the school but Roxas know about it? Oh, how it made his blood boil with all the rage and anger he felt at the moment. He wanted to take a knife and carve into Axel's ass like a turkey on Thanksgiving, but sadly that was illegal. The boy stomped through the hallway to his next class, having just left lunch where he punched Axel in the face after hearing the news of him sleeping with the slutty cheerleader, the one who probably had urinary tract infection, or at least the blonde had hoped so. He wanted Axel to feel massive amounts of pain for what he had done, the black eye he had given him being not enough. The small blonde noticed his fist was still clenched from when he had done the glorious deed of punching the cheating bastard in the face earlier only after he shoved a freshman out of the way and into the locker, producing a small dent from where his face landed. Hey, it was his fault, the boy shouted for everyone to "fucking move" when he exited the lunchroom, the glass on the door cracking a bit as he did so. Suddenly, Roxas heard a fit of giggles from a trio of girls down the hallway and stalked over to them, glaring at them. "So, you think it's fucking funny, do you?!" He shouted at them. "You think it's funny that EVERYONE but little old me knew about Axel fucking the whore? Well, fuck you, you stupid cunts!" Obviously, the boy was a, what's the word? Angry. He had every right to be, of course, Axel had slept with another person, a woman, no less. Roxas stalked off into his last period class, his teacher looking at him as he entered. "Roxas, you look a bit angry, what happened?" The blond only glared at his teacher as he took his seat. "Oh, did you finally find out about Axel?" He questioned, shuffling some papers in his hands. The blond's mouth dropped a bit, even his teacher knew Axel was cheating on him? No fucking way, this was ridiculous. He was truly the only one in the entire school to not know his boyfriend was sleeping with the cheerleader. Oh, this was the most embarrassing day of his life. Sadly, it was about to get worse, seeing as he shared his final period with Axel, who's seat was right next to his. Fucking great.,"Hell, he never knew Roxas could punch so hard. When the squirt literally knocked him off of his feet, he felt as though temporarily lost his ability to see out of his left eye. He expected a weak shove, slap to the face, a kick to the shin, or all of the above, but he definitely didn't expect for the tiny blond to land such a skilled swing into his oh-so-handsome face! He didn't know his punishments would come around so cruelly, but when they did, he felt an incredible wave of guilt completely wash out his insides. His boyfriend of nearly two years, Roxas, actually dumped him because he so happened to have gotten a bit tipsy one night with a cheerleader. It wasn't his fault that he was almost knocked unconscious by the drink she offered! Hell, he was a boy, too! If his hormones were on a roll, there was no stopping him when there was a good fuck waiting for him in bed. But Roxas wasn't so merciful, even when he tried to reason that it wasn't his choice to have knocked her up. Nothing got through that pissy kid. And sometimes, he wondered if he had been dating a girl all along. But then again, a girl couldn't have punched this forcefully. Covering his bruised eye, he scurried into the nearest restroom to treat his wound, hidden from any prying hyenas who wanted a chance to see his demise in person. The black eye wasn't too serious, but it did leave a nasty purple spot under his tear ledges. Axel nearly shattered the restroom mirror into pieces. Then, as he clambered out of the public bathroom with a wet paper towel clutched to the side of his face, he was faced with Lenina, the cheerleader whom was responsible for this whole rendezvous. Then, as if this whole incident were his fault, the girl shot her knee up his crotch, sending him into a second hell that refused to leave him, even as he fell to the ground in complete agony. He limped to the nurse's office, where he received a full lecture about faithfulness from the assistant there who treated the purplish ring around his eye. Then, he sulked into class. He was just about as pissed off about everything as Roxas was. So as soon as he entered class, he threw his backpack on the ground and plopped into his seat, lazily sprawling his limbs out. He slumped his posture and threw his head back, muttering incoherent swear words under his breath. Fucking Roxas. Fucking cheerleader. He didn't need them all. Well, maybe he didn't need Lenina, but ... Roxas ? Hnnn. It was totally awkward to sit right next to his ex-boyfriend, really. He was just about to request a seating change, but he decided to ignore him instead. Axel wanted to speak to him, but why risk getting another black eye? Things would change dramatically from now on. They wouldn't be able to kiss each other across the seat... pass notes during lectures... fool off together during lab assignments... and Axel would have to find another kid to cheat off of. Axel messed up the cinnamon red hair on the back of his head, grunting in frustration. And with an inward sigh, he turned to face his ex-lover, leaning in ever so slightly as if a bit frightened that Roxas would lash at him again, "Now, come on, Roxas baby! This was all a mistake! A big misunderstanding! I was drunk! You of all people should understand me!" "Alister Solaris studied the picture of his target. Besides knowing what she looked like, and the general area of where she was, Alister knew very little about her. When he had received the mission from the Alliance, they only told him of a few of her exploits. It made him skeptical of why they were paying him so much to capture her. As long as they paid him nicely, he didn't care. He had no loyalty to the Alliance as long as they paid the best. It only left him wondering why such a hefty price for a woman who didn't seem very formidable in the things that she had done (at least what they had told him she had done) or looked dangerous. None of it made him lose any sleep or frustrate him, with the exception that he did not know of her whereabouts. All he was told was that she was on a planet in the outskirts of the Galaxy. He had been there for a few days with no sign of her, asking around in various cities in hopes to hear something. Nothing. In all desperation, he found himself sitting at a bar, not expecting to find her but just to enjoy a drink. Alister looked fairly normal, wearing a black vest over a plain white shirt, and gray cargo pants. All the normalities went away when one saw his backside- there was a lengthy, slim blade strapped across his back diagonally. A pistol on his hip, staying on his person by a belt, didn't help him look any more friendly. Had it not been for the weapons, he seemed very approachable. He seemed young, maybe in his mid twenties. His skin was sun kissed, a tanned white that only made his blue eyes shine out more against the whiteness of his eyes and his skin. His hair, like his skin, was tanned in color. It was close between a dirty blonde and a light brown.,"Kelly Luna had managed to stay off the radar for much longer than she'd expected. She imagined it had something to do with the way she looked--innocent, delightful, beautiful. But there was a tinge of hotness to her that made men lust after her in ways she didn't like to think of very often. At least not if she wasn't bored and lonely. She was aware that she was being tailed, but there was only so much running one could do before rest is needed. So Kelly found her way on this planet, biding her time until she felt she could go on again. She was downing her third drink when the obvious Alliance hire came in through the door. Sure, the town was no stranger to tourists, but locals could see trouble when it came to them, and so could she. Just the quality of his clothes alone was a giveaway, not to mention the blatant weaponry. So obvious. She'd even caught him looking at a picture that he hid carefully. No doubt it was hers. No point in getting upset about it. She supposed it was really just a matter of time. Still, she wasn't sure if she could smooth talk her way out of this one. Kelly didn't look like she would hurt a fly. There was a kind sort of peace to her face that put people at ease right away. Her smiling blue eyes stood out nicely in a pretty face that had the perfect size nose and full lips. She was simply beautiful. Her hair was a rich chestnut color--sort of like a liquor, fiery, but brown at the same time. At the moment it reached down her back in beautiful waves of soft, loose curls. And then there was her body. She wasn't perfect, but she could make a man stop in his tracks. She was tall with long, curvy legs that ran into a tight ass and small waist--though she still looked healthy. And her chest was perfectly proportionate to her body--just big enough to be enjoyed to the fullest. The body in question was wearing tight jeans, a pair of high heeled boots and a sexy black shirt. She stretched, paid her tab and finished her drink before she got up and headed to the dance floor where people were already tearing it up. "Pandora... Few knew what it actually meant, where it stemmed from. Go through enough researchers, if you truly cared enough about such a desolate place, and you might find out that the junkyard of a world was long ago named after a mythological box from a forgotten planet. Dig even further - though, why would you? - and you might find the significance of the mythological item. Perhaps you'd get a kick knowing it. Perhaps there was a degree of morbid amusement in how even when this planet was first colonized that the people back then knew it would be a complete shithole, for they named it after a box which was said to contain every evil in the world: Avarice. Pride. Prejudice. Envy. Theft. Rape, and murder. It was said that this thing, this 'pandora's box' contained a shred of hope despite all of these evils, but anyone who had spent even a month on the planet, even a goddamn day, could see that if any such hope existed, it was simply for the agony of it then being taken away. Pandora was a planet one person should never wish upon another. Scale every inch of the place and you would find only two things: small colonies built of jagged sheet metal and rotten wood, settled in valleys and alcoves where the sandstorms weren't as bad, and endless stretches of wasteland. Wastelands of dirt and wild beasts, wastelands of rancid trash piled upon rancid trash; neither was realistically inhabitable. The only people you might even find in venturing out to such places, should you go mad, were bandits, savages of society who holed up in such places because they were so awful that not even a rival gang would put up with it to come and shoot them dead. Why live in such a world? Because you were born here, and because there was no way out. There were no ships off of the planet, the galaxy well aware of the type of people living here and in the value in keeping them isolated. The planet was allowed to continue existing solely to serve as a garbage dump, rather than dump into space where a lightspeed ship might strike debris and go up in flames without even knowing it. So why come to such a place? That was often the question, the joke toward any new faces; the poor bastards had no clue they'd never be able to leave, did they? Oh well. Not like it really mattered. Most 'visitors' were skag food within their first week anyway. "Well goddamn," Rade Zayben said with a laugh, middle-aged and bald, leaning forward on the counter of his sheet metal booth at the Circle of Death, a 'sport arena' in the Arid Badlands. He leaned forward in a heavy, sloppy slump, shameless in the fact that he didn't know the name, hell, eye, or hair color of the person standing in front of him, outside the booth. "They ain't anything great, but I can't quite remember the last time we had a woman out here." His eyes finally rose above her chest to meet hers. "What are you drinkin', sweetheart?" "...Hm? Anyway, you saw my post over on the board, did you? Well, fine. Heh heh. It'll be a shame to see you torn to bits, but maybe if the pieces of you left over are big enough... A woman 'round here goes for quite a bit 'a cash, you know. Even half of one would fetch a nice price. Though I suppose it matters what half." Breaking his glance, Rade looked over about forty feet to the metal entrance of the arena. Once closed, it now raised as the cheering of the few dozen people inside gradually died down. "Heh... looks like they got 'im. Another sucker I don't gotta pay." Back to the woman. "Anyway," back to her chest, "the standard going rate is four grand. You go in. Skags everywhere. They win, you get eaten alive and everyone has a laugh. You win, you get four grand. Very simple. Even a woman should be able to understand those rules." Smirking, he cast another look over to the now-open gateway into the arena. The skags, some quite large, could be seen in the distance being rounded up and ushered back into their pens. Back to her chest. "Though you being a female and all is a rare treat, so I'm gonna go out and make you an offer for my customers." He looked down, eyes trailing her flat abdomen to her crotch and thighs. Then, an ever-wicked smile, he looked back to the woman's chest. "You take off that top 'n bottom, you manage to slay those shits in there like that, and I'll think about adding something to the prize to make it worth your while.","You could call Pandora a festering heap of corruption, and you wouldn't be far from the truth. The parched, arid lands were decidedly inhospitable, bleached dry by centuries of basking beneath the planet's merciless suns- The cloudless sky a blurred, rancid blue, doing absolutely nothing to stop the slow roasting of the endless plains stretching out beyond...Inhabited mostly by scags, mercenary gangs, and wretched, devolved subhumans. Those who could usually cowered indoors, out of the bleak, blistering sun- Those who couldn't didn't last too long. Natural selection in action. The armored security booth was a rusting hunk of metal, still solid, but sand-blasted and pitted as everything on this wretched planet, pornographic etchings and crude graffiti the only hint of color in the ramshackle Arena; Considering how short, brutal, and simply ugly life on Pandora was, the popularity of blood sports- As well as the up-and-coming Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot- was depressingly clear- After all, the locals didn't have cable. In sharp contrast to the booth's slovenly occupant, the woman standing before him- A rare enough sight- was absolutely smokin' hot. The killer curves of hip, bust and ass were only outlined by her tight leather apparel, her legs sheathed in tight leather jeans, battered from months of travails- A pink half-shirt exposing a tempting glimpse of navel and flat belly... Lilith sighed, and snapped her gloved fingers, in a futile attempt to draw the man's eyes back up- God alone knew how many times the Siren had tried to keep his train of thought from derailing. She rolled those deep brown eyes in sheer exasperation, her vivid crimson hair a splash of color in the murk. The women on Pandora tended to be a lot like the men- Gritty, ugly, and crude, quickly swelling up from the day-to-day struggle of survival...Compared to them, Lilith looked like something out of a wet dream. A low 'tsk' parted her lips, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of interest at the offered bounty; Rade's smirk, however, was what *really* decided her. Life on Pandora was like a piranha tank - Show *any* weakness, any at all, and quite suddenly, they were *all* over you. Four *thousand* was a not-inconsiderable sum~ And she'd been spending the *last* few months running a series of equally bizarre, inane errands, back-and-forth across Pandora's rocky surface. This came as absolutely *no* surprise. In time, people *can* get used to anything. Or they die. See a pattern? "Deal," Lilith purred, her voice low, husky, and acid-sweet; For a woman who claimed to gain her powers from crossing the 'Hotness Threshold', she sure wasn't shy about showing it off- Though the thought of walking out there, in front of hundreds of the worse kind of hyperactive degenerates, screaming for blood and carnage...It made her skin crawl. Still, her apple-red lips curled into a confident, beckoning smile...And scarcely had he finished, when there was the dry *rasp* of leather of skin as the Siren pulled her *tight* leather apparel off- Slithering out her shirt, her nimble fingers unclasping the belt fastening her tight-fitting jeans- revealing only her hot pink undershirt...And surprisingly lacy undergarments, clinging to her long, toned legs... With a disdainful flick of her wrist, the lovely redhead rebuckled her bandoleer, the old, rusted- But still *entirely* lethal guns hanging from her webbing, as she bundled her clothes aside! Her feet, arched high on heeled boots, creaked as the Siren sauntered forward, heedless of the hot breeze on her bare skin- About to walk into the arena in little more than a tight-fitting shirt, and lacy black panties! "Take a picture, cueball," she suggested, her full lips curling into a distinctly nasty smirk. "-It lasts *longer*." Without another word, Lilith sauntered right past him, with the sultry, hip-rolling gait that seemed second nature to her- To the roars of the crowd, as she walked out into the ring...Armed with a shitload of guns and a *very* bad attitude!He'd *better* have the money, she thought, darkly-...Or I'll show that frig a whole new *world* of pain... "Kali was on her way to her first class of college - which was math. She sighed, thinking about the events that had been happening in her town lately. There had been so many freaky deaths that they thought it might be another Kira. Kali used to be a member of a fan-based website that talked about the so-called Kira, and she was very sad hearing the news of his death. When she heard about the new killings, she decided to create her own site. One reason was that the killings were random people, and not rapists, killers, or robbers. Secondly, she wanted to meet the new Kira, even if he was worse than the first one. She thought it was crazy how the deaths were planned out like Final Destination movies, but half of them had to be fake because all shows tend to lie to get more viewers. Kali looked at her paper to see what building and room she needed to be in, then started walking towards where she had to be. Walking into the big classroom, she saw only a few people. She walked up a few steps before approaching a guy who looked somewhat nice. She got out her laptop and waited for it to start up. "Hey," she said, mumbling low to see if he would ignore her or not.,"It had been two weeks since the killings had started. Originally it was five deaths within five hours. Those five were his test subjects. Heart attack for one and the other four actually did something before meeting their death. Then the deaths stopped. Until four days later when the first five people in the personal death toll skyrocketed to fifty-seven in one day. Each of those deaths happened simultaneously across the country. In fact, the thing was so insane that businesses closed down for a couple days allowing people to spend the last few days alive with their loved ones. The deaths then balanced out to be at a constant pace but not so many at one time. And Within two weeks life was back on track aside from the constant fear of someone dying. The original Kira had the right plan on how to make the perfect world. Unfortunately, his plan was flawed. He would only kill criminals. The utopia he had was not created properly as bullies still existed and so long as people did petty crimes they were not killed off. Bryan, although was not out to make a utopia, had already caused a lot of people to play nicely at the fear of being killed for no reason. Bryan was at the McDonald's Across the Street from the college eating a burger when he looked at his cell phone. It was still a few minutes before the next death would take place and this time he was making sure to have a front row seat to the Death. Most of his killings were freak accidents, something completely unexplained, and thus he could not be at each one. The next death however was going to happen right outside the window he was next to. Perfectly on cue, the helicopter was hovering overhead. Smoke blowing out of one engine and it quickly started spiraling down to the ground. The professor who had just flunked Bryan crossing the street and the helicopter blade cleaving head clean off. The pilot escaping without a scratch only to be hit by a car right after. Two for the price of one. "HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT?" One kid around Bryan's age screamed, freaking out. Of course he did. Bryan was the one who willed it to happen. "For once, Sereti was at peace from hollow and Aizen, as the 13 squads headed back to their barracks for some well-deserved rest. Hitsugaya and Matsumoto arrived at their own barracks, and Hitsugaya summoned his squad. "You've all fought valiantly in the battle," he said. "And you and your zanpakuto deserve a well-needed rest. Take the rest of the day off, enjoy the peace while you can." The young captain then turned around, his commanding voice fading into the cheers of the soul reapers. He walked past Matsumoto, and stopped for a moment. "I'm going up to my office, and you're coming too. Don't you dare let me catch you fooling around again, Matsumoto." And with that, he climbed the stairs and into his office. Moments later, when Matsumoto entered the room, she blinked. To her surprise, Hitsugaya was lying down on the couch, his face reddened and his expression playful. As she was about to speak, her foot hit an empty bottle of sake. Hitsugaya had gotten drunk, instead of drinking out of his own water, he accidentally took Matsumoto's sake. And this was the perfect chance for her; Hitsugaya didn't suspect a thing.,"Matsumoto was... surprised to say the least. Her captain was drunk. He had downed an entire bottle of sake in minutes - oh, that had to go straight to his head. The woman smiled, folding her arms and starting to move closer. "Oh, captain," she said, leaning over and exposing her cleavage to him. "Are you a little drunk, captain?" She chuckled and poked his nose. "Whatever are we going to do with you, hm? I wonder if there's something we can do with you while you're like this..." "The sound of a light melody rang through the moist breeze. Fall was changing to winter, and you could smell the damp in the air and see the color transition on the leaves. I hummed a light lullaby while raking the front stairs of our minuscule log cabin. The cottage house was just on the outskirts of the small village in France. I lived with my father, a lower class citizen trying to make a career out of his imagination - a strong talent I inherited. Being an inventor, there was barely any money going in to the household, but it didn't really matter. I hosted a small vegetable garden in the backward, and we got bread donated from the local bakery. We got by fairly well. I did my best to help around where I could here and there. But it was a small town, and paying for things with gold wasn't really the mode of payment; it was more trading items and food, among other things. But still, it was a happy and untouched village. Dusk was settling in and soon be to transfer over to dark, and my father had yet to return. He should have been home early morning, but no sign or hear from him yet. Of course, it was only normal to be late, some times a couple of days but he was incredibly punctual and I began to worry. I was just about to enter the cottage before I heard a muffled noise to my right. I turned only to be abruptly greeted by Philippe, the horse who had carried my father's cart into the forest. Philippe! What is it, boy? He looked confused and whipped his head around while making spitting noises with his mouth. Pieces of wood were dragging behind him. It was the remnants from the carriage. I ran to the door and unhooked a coat .I headed back and untied the broken wood and mounted the horse. I pulled on his reigns and after much struggle, finally got him to set back into the forest. He began to trot, but slowed himself when nearing the darkness of the woods. He made rough hissing sounds before backing up. With sudden flails, Philippe took off running, but turned around, and began to jump around as if something was attacking him. Philippe! Philippe! Whoa boy! Whoa! I was thrown off of his back and he disappeared into the shadows of the trees. I stood up from the cold ground, groaning in pain from the rough landing. I was wrapped in my cloak that I had thrown on before hopping on Philippe. I rolled around on the ground, like an injured worm trying to squirm for life. I stopped in my tracks at the sound of growling. My eyes shifted to the sight of a pack of wolves looking down at me. A blob of drool fell onto my face. My body began to shiver in fear. "Nice doggies," I said sarcastically. The leader snapped, and I began to scream at the top of my petite lungs. I rolled around, finally standing on my two feet as I was being pounced by raging wild animals. They latched onto my dress, shaking their heads from left to right and slowly tearing it piece by piece until there was almost nothing left. I picked up a log and began to defend myself. Once I smacked one out cold, the rest slowly started to wean off. "Get away!" I screamed. I was lucky - my skin was barely broken, but a few scratches here and there. I turned around, almost falling over to the sight of a gigantic castle standing tall in front of me. My legs wobbled over to the gates and I shook them hard until they swung open suddenly. I fell onto my face, the ripped cloak fluttering on top of me. My body trembled in cold. My dress was sprawled all over the ground behind me, in literal pieces, and I had but a few shreds of dress left to cover my thin image. Bringing myself to my feet, I wrapped the cloak around my body and approach the door. Hello? Hello!? Does anyone live here? Papa? Papa? Helloooo? I bumped my fists against the door. I heard the locks crack and cringe open. The door slowly leaned into the house to leave a small opening for myself. I looked around and poked my head in. Hello? My voice echoed throughout the palace. The house was in the dark with the exception of a few candles that lit up the path up a crumbling staircase. I crept up the stairway only to be lead to a dungeon. Papa? Papa! I ran over to the bars where he was hunched over, coughing, and trying to hold my hands. Belle...! You must leave! Now! Before it's too late! He choked on his own words, coughing out a wad of blood from the back of his throat. I swore in the name of Christ, but he silenced me and continued to speak. Before he comes back, you have to escape. Leave me here... or you will end up just the same, or worse! I looked at him confused, Who's he? No. I'm not leaving! I'm going to get you out. There was a loud slamming noise behind me. Papa yelled out in protection as I turned around; pushing me away to try and get me to run. But his screams and pleas were blurred out in my mind. The only this I could focus on was the shadow enlarging before my very eyes. My jaw dropped open as I clenched the torn cloak to my nude body. My eyes bulged out of my face in fear. I couldn't recognize the huge figure before me, but judging by the sheer size of the thing, I knew I was in trouble; big, bad trouble.,"He had once been named Adam, a prince who had been less than kind to strangers. He had power and he rarely respected anyone without the same sort of status. Kindness was not something he was known for; he treated others as their station in life warranted, those with power or money would be treated with a measure of respect while those without would need to learn that he was hardly the sort of person to care about their needs in the least. The old gypsy woman had sought to teach him a lesson years ago, cursing him in order to try to make him see the value of others, but so far it had gone unlearned - if anything, it had made him worse. Where before he just hadn't cared about others, now he took out his anger on those who passed by instead of not being willing to help those in need, he would instead punish them. Like the old man who had recently stopped by trying to get out of the cold, the Beast formerly known as Adam had instead thrown him inside of the dungeon of his manor which had fallen into a state of disrepair. The old man had begged to be released, saying that he had a daughter that he needed to care for, and of course feeling a little bit cruel at that moment, Adam had informed him that if his daughter should come then the old man would go free and she would take his place. He hadn't expected anything like that to happen, but as he heard the wolves howling that night, he moved to investigate, seeing a lovely young woman pursued by them. He felt moved to save her, not out of any kindness but more from a lust, something that he had not felt since his body first changed. Could this be the daughter that the old man had insisted would come for him? He followed her as she escaped the wolves and entered his home, a great deal of stealth being shown by something so large and beastial. Her mostly nude body only served to further his freshly awakened desire. As he ran into the dungeon, he took his time following her, giving her a few moments alone with the old man before he interrupted. She will do nicely. He growled, his voice deep and close to that of an animal. Reaching out with one large paw-like hand, he gripped her arm. I will take her to her new home and be down to free you later one. With immense strength, he began to drag her away. "Vicious angled the slow-moving lifter for another dive, as the fat trawler was hardly going to sprint out of the way. The hotshot pilot of the fighter pod was out of ammo and sure to take more than a few minutes to rearm. The trawler grew until it filled the entire cockpit, blocking out the red sands of Mars' vast desert. The impact knocked him into the control panel, slowly his hand moving towards his waist. A single cut and he was standing on the bridge, with his old friend Spikes lying in a pool of his own blood. "So I see you, an even bigger loser than I remember," Vicious said, removing the smug face from the rest of his body. The head rolled over the floor, coming to rest against the foot of a young girl. "Are you Ed Wong?" Vicious asked, revealing a row of white teeth, the end of his sword pointed at the throat of the young hacker. Strange, he would have thought a legend like that would have been older or at least taller. The sword already covered in blood made a long, narrow gash over one of the tanned cheeks. "Well, are you?" He asked, slicing over the tight-fitting shirt, revealing something of a second small shock. Slowly, he pulled back the sword, then thrust forward, the blood splattering all over the chest of the young girl.,"Ed Wong, teenage hacker of the Bebop crew, was scared out of her mind. In a flash, ships had attacked the old space trawler; Jet had been killed when he'd gone for his ship, and Faye's was currently floating out in space, having been shot out of commission. With his ship broken, Spike had been forced to stay behind... And was caught unawares when Vicious had appeared, cutting him to ribbons. Ed finally looked up when the commotion had settled, her normally cheerful face a mask of total fear. She screeched when she felt something roll against her bare foot; Spike's head, with its face frozen in surprise. Ed nodded mutely at the question, wincing at every lash of the sword. It only ever grazed her, such was Vicious' control. She screamed as her loose shirt was torn, revealing small brown breasts. She turned, starting to crawl away. "Throughout the history of Hyrule there had been many times that the world had been threatened with destruction, and every time a hero rose up from the common people to come and save the world yet again. Always in the past a boy had been called on to come and save the world, a young man to come and save the world. But fate can be a tricky thing, even the goddesses couldn't control it. So when the need for a hero once again arose, they found that their choice for hero had died in a horrible childhood accident. They searched far and wide for someone to take the hero's place that would hold the same values as he would, but they could find no man that fit the bill. So they did the only other thing they could. They settled on a woman, a girl really barely having turned eighteen. They really only settled on her because she gave them no choice. When evil came to her village no one else stood against it, but she did and won. That is what gave the goddesses their champion of courage. Lilly growled and tried her hardest to fight the strong Gerudo that were pulling her through the passageway. She had been out on her horse going to the castle to find out her next path. She had realized what her mission was to be and after she had made sure her home town was safe, she listened to the elders of her village and set off to save the world. A lot of good she was doing so far. Her clothes had been stripped of her leaving her in nothing but a thin undershirt and her panties. She was stripped of her weapons and shield leaving her with nothing. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her as the Gerudo forced her into a dark cell. They slammed the door shut as Lilly started to pull herself up. "Why are you doing this? Don't you understand that I have to get to the castle Hyrule depends on it!","Thgil sat alone in the dark cell that was deep in the Gerudo stronghold. How long it had been since she'd seen the young Sheikah, whose gender was still masked by the clothes worn. The desert women were unable to strip Thgil of her clothes or maybe they just respected the so-called Shadow Race. After all, they were the myth keepers on this land. Yet seeing one of these people nowadays was rare indeed. Most were dead after past wars and disasters. Red eyes watched closely as the Gerudo dragged in a new captive. A young girl it seemed, about the same age as Thgil was... or seemed. Yet the Sheikah did not move as the cage was opened and the girl thrown in. Thgil's own hands were bound behind her back; these women didn't trust anyone who wasn't born of their bloodline. Only when the Gerudo would leave them would the Sheikan stand. Even dare to move over to the blonde-haired girl. Stripped of her clothes, Thgil's smile covered by the cloth that helped to mask the Sheikans face. Such a funny blood line they were, the Sheikans - very rarely could one tell their gender by just looking at them. Their clothes and voice masked by layers of bandages, cloth, and light armor. "If you fought harder, you might have kept your clothes," Thgil said, her voice muffled by cloth. "You crying for them to let you go didn't help much either." "A crack tore open the skies over Norse lands, the green field instantly turned black as the sun seemed to dissolve in a fiery blackness. The people of this land, a small viking clan that prowled the coast, watched in fear and fascination as the sky tore itself apart as if some monstrous beast was trying to claw itself through. The clouds burst into blood-red fire and for the scared mortals on the ground it seemed as though Ragnarok had truly come at last. Unfortunately for them, it was something much worse. "KRATOS!" The Greek god Zeus bellowed from atop his chariot, all his might being used to cast out the God of War Kratos. For all his might Kratos found himself being ripped apart, his actions finally pushing Zeus to this end. Not death, but banishment. The Greek Gods had found Kratos and his crimes too heavy for their lands to bear and have decreed for him to be cast out, far from the land of his birth and indeed the birth of any Spartan. The lands of the Norse, a land under the rule of different gods that those of Mount Olympus dared not trifle with for fear that the ensuing war would unmake all of existence. It was there, they believed, Kratos would surely meet his end. The God of War fell from the heavens, a blazing comet that lit everything around as it cut the air. Kratos showed no fear as he got one last look at the god of Olympus, only boiling rage, as the rip in the sky folded back in of itself and Kratos crashed into the ground. The land shook as the impact tore through the ground creating a huge crater in its wake. The Norsemen watched and waited from a safe distance, waiting for the smoke to clear before approaching. Their leader took the first look over the side, casting his gaze down towards the center where a human-shaped figure could be seen climbing out. The men readied their weapons as a large, pale hand rose from the crater and dug into the earth. Lifting himself up, Kratos got to his feet, twin blades already drawn ready to cleave something in two. His expression was calm but boiling with raw fury, an interesting combination for these viking lands. "Where am I?" The God of War spoke, his tongue strange and unheard of here. The clan leader stepped forward, sword drawn. He was the largest and fiercest of his clan, never once defeated in battle and composed entirely of pure muscle. His armored body sported scars from many battles, none of which had been enough to kill or even hamper his ability to kill. "Drop your weapons stranger, lest I cut off your hands and take them myself! I am...!" Almost faster than could be perceived, Kratos stretched out his arm and sliced the man lengthwise, chain drawing the blood-coated sword back to his hand. He looked at the other so-called warriors with an unimpressed glance, quickly growing annoyed with the lot of them. "I said," he repeated. "Where am I?" The Vikings almost fled at the sight of their leader killed so easily. This stranger was clearly in a league far greater than their own. That was until the bravest, or perhaps the stupidest, raised his mace and charged Kratos with the intent to kill. All it took was this one act to bring down their entire clan upon him. Kratos merely gritted his teeth, annoyed at having to deal with such flies. What happened next was hardly a battle and more akin to a slaughter. His chain blades tore through the men's bodies like air, body parts flying raining a shower of blood over the land. Not a single hit was landed on the god of war through the entire exchange, and in the end he had barely moved more than a few feet while circle of gore outlined the area around him, armor, weapons, and guts all laid out in yet another gruesome fight. At least this new land was starting out on familiar territory.,"In the land of the Norse, the death of men is not meant to be the end. For the bravest of warriors, it was only the beginning. Legends speak of Valkyries, chooser of the slain, battle maidens of the gods whose job is to bring the souls of brave warriors to Valhalla. The clan that Kratos just slew, was perhaps the most powerful clan in the region. By mortal standards, these dead warriors were among the finest, it was just bad luck that they had to run into the god of war. As the crimson blood stained the pure white snow, a heavenly light descended upon the encampment. A glorious sight it was, as Valrisa, Chooser of the Slain floated down from the sky into the battleground. She surveyed the chaos, knowing full well that there were plenty of worthy warriors amongst the dead. Her eyes caught a more interesting sight though, a warrior dressed in a strange manner. It would seem that he was the one who brought this carnage about, a truly worthy warrior, but one that did not belong here. "Who are you warrior? You are no mere mortal," she announced again, turning to point at the corpse of the chieftain. As she does so, her flawless golden hair swirled around her head, before landing once more on her shoulders, framing the ever-so-lovely cleavage visible in the exposed area of her armor. "It was dark and cool, unusually so, as the desert started to cool for the winter season. A heavy rain began to fall. The town was quiet, that is, until a few moments before midnight when a coach rode towards the town, its black horses almost invisible due to the storm clouds blocking out the moon. No one was awake except in the saloon, which was just closing up as a person stumbled from the carriage and into the bar. They walked up to the counter, seeking a place for the night, and left for the upstairs as the coach rode away. It wasn't until morning that the person came down again. She sat at the bar and drank a shot of whiskey, making a face. Her clothes were smooth and framed her body; it was obvious she wasn't from anywhere nearby, let alone the same country. Be my guest?,"Pamela, dressed in the green dress, which covered her but not too much, revealed most of her legs in the front. Her skin was white, but that helped to show off her body better against the green dress, her breasts seemed more plump and her butt more defined under the dress. She was the owner of this fine establishment, but that didn't mean she didn't make some money on the side with some more lucrative business practices. Mainly being the bars only showgirl, but also being a little more than just for show, but those that were only for those who she deemed worthy of her...special treatment. As the beautiful woman walked in, she nodded towards the barkeep, who slipped a special additive into the woman's drink before serving her. She strolled up to the bar, and sat down beside the woman. "Hello miss, enjoying the drink?" she asked with a smile as she looked her in the eyes. "Neverland had not fallen apart, even after the defeat of Peter Pan. The day had started like any other; his best man Smee had dressed him in his finest, and the Revenge was all decked out. Peter had attacked right on time, with a sweet something in toe. The Lost Boys had been winning until one of his men stabbed Peter in the back, the dagger slipping between his ribs. Peter had fallen to the deck as Hook swung his sword, cleaving his head from his shoulders. It was unreal; he had finally won. He even sailed back and forth across the bay before feeding Peter's body to the gator. But now he had a problem - Wendy was in his cabin, sobbing like a lost child. He didn't know what to do with her; the Lost Boys didn't want her to be happy playing with the savages. They had left Wendy in her nightgown, covered in Peter's blood. Wendy, what shall I do with you? He paced back and forth, there was no part of the plan for what to do with a teenage girl, only 13 or 14 years old. He had plenty of wenches in the harbor who could do what she could ten times over. He paced, stabbing the wall with his hook as he looked over the shaking Wendy. "Tell me, little sweet," he said, "what should I do with you?","Wendy's shoulders shook uncontrollably as she sobbed and cried for the death of her beloved Peter Pan, the memory burning forever in her mind as she helplessly watched Hook chop his head right off. After that, she was abandoned by the lost boys, including her very own little brothers, on the deck of Hook's pirate ship. Devastated, abandoned, and alone, Wendy had a truly terrible day. Gripping at her nightgown, still stained with Peter's blood, Wendy said nothing to Hook, staring down at her lap as tears silently rolled down her pale cheeks. Slowly looking up at Hook with her ocean-blue eyes, she wondered what he would do with her. "The corridor was busy, full of hopeful people wanting to land a role in a film. What was great about this particular part was that the person didn't need any acting experience. The director wanted someone unknown. This of course brought with it hundreds of girls applying. Once it was narrowed down to ten, everyone was called in for a final audition. Cara sat there in the chair, next to go in behind the large oak door before her. To her right, there were still four more girls waiting to be seen. Thankfully she wasn't last, she had already been waiting two hours. "I messed up!" A girl came out, crying, hands shaking in front of her face. Everyone else in the chairs turned to watch the female take the walk towards the exit before they all switched their attention to the left when Cara was called in by an assistant. "Your next," being shown in, the door was shut behind her which made her jump. Looking nervous, she stood there as the assistant went up to the man, handing him Cara's file before telling him she was going for her lunch. The two were left alone.,"The man was sitting at his desk as the women entered and hadn't bothered to get up. He took the file from the assistant and used it to point to a chair opposite his desk telling her simply to "Sit". And that was it for the next few minutes in the way of conversation. The man sipped a coffee and leafed wordlessly through the information and headshots. There was, as expected, nothing special about her. Of course it didn't matter. What mattered was that they were in fact looking for a star today, but not for the role they had advertised. Nearby, on a bookshelf a small camera was recording everything that went on. It watched as the man dropped the file on the desk and leaned back clasping his large hands across his stomach. "I'll be honest. You're pretty enough for Hollywood, and every bit talented enough (a lie). The problem is there are three other girls just as good. It's honestly a toss-up, and there's only one way I can think of to make a decision." The man leaned forward and put his elbows on the desk. "If you're here you should be pretty familiar with the industry. Have you ever heard of the casting couch?" "Kara flew low, weaving between buildings as she cruised the streets of Metropolis' downtown district, a blue and red blur against the darkening evening sky. This was prime time for superhero patrols, but for all that Supergirl had her costume on this was actually her night off patrolling. Batman was on the streets, her cousin was in the skies watching for criminal activity, the rest of the Justice League was either on monitoring at home or relaxing themselves. For her? Well... She would have been at home but tonight was a special night. She'd been getting antsy of late, a familiar itch that she always found a little awkward to scratch. The only other Kryptonian on Earth was related to her, and 'stress relief' with another member of the Justice League had been something she'd tried once and only once. The experience itself had been fun, but the awkwardness that had followed hadn't been worth it. So she cruised the streets, looking for a few guys. Not scum or anything, but some nice strapping young men, a group of three or so at the very least since a single human man would struggle to satisfy her on his own. (It was not so much a matter of ability or size but a matter of stamina to tell the truth.) The kind of guys that would never be able to convince anyone they'd managed to score with Supergirl but were still good looking and reasonably experienced... There! A grin parted Kara's lips and she swooped in, touching down in front of them and cocking her hips. "Hey boys... I need a little bit of help, 'Scratching an Itch', you know how it is?" She waggled her eyebrows at them. "Interested?","Michael and his two friends, Kevin and Zach, were making their way down the streets of Metropolis, dressed in nice polo shirts and pants as they were on their way to the bars for the evening, hoping to hook up with some ladies for the night after a long day at work. Little did they know what was in store for them this evening. Seeing members of the Justice League was hardly an odd sight these days; it made everyone in town feel safe and more at ease knowing that such amazing superheroes were watching their backs. Still, it was rare for normal people like Mike and his friends to ever engage or interact with any superhero. So it came as a surprise to all three of them when Supergirl swooped down in front of them. They stood in awe of her for a few moments before they managed to hear what she asked them. "By 'itch,' you mean?" Zach asked somewhat meekly, his eyes avoiding hers as his face tinted a crimson red. He was the most shy and awkward of the bunch and it didn't help that he had a crush on Kara too. Zach was white and shorter than the others with a small but well-toned body that he managed to hide rather well as his arms were quite toned and developed from his work. Mike didn't waste time as he gave Kara a grin. "You want us to fuck that it?" He asked with a pleasant tone to finish Zach's question as he used one hand to push up his glasses while the other reached out and groped one of Kara's lovely breasts through her leotard as he licked his lips. Mike was a mix of Asian and white and thus had tanned skin. He was tall and quite fit from his work and the fact that he played soccer on his spare time. Kevin was even more forceful as he simply pressed his lips up roughly against hers, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entrance to her mouth as his strong arm wrapped around her waist and his hand spanked her ass and groped her rear. Kevin was black and like Mike, he was tall and extremely well built as Kara could tell from how strongly he held her and how defined his muscles were. Still weak, compared to her, but pretty good for a human. ""THE ALLIANCE ARE HERE!" One of the Ogrimmar grunts yelled as they ran into the city. "Get those portals open men! We need to summon the rest of the force!" A commander yelled to the mages. Portals of all colors that showed the places of where they were connected to could be seen. Forsaken, Taruen, Trolls, Pandaren, Goblins, and even the Blood Elves started pouring out of the portals as each one was armed and ready for war. The Alliance had come yet again and this time the war was brought to their main home, Ogrimmar. On the other side of the portal inside of Silvermoon City... Himeko Sunsorrow stands there in line waiting to go through the portal when suddenly dark portals start opening up all around the city. "DEMONS!!! Demons are pouring out of the portals!" One of the Silvermoon guards screams as the powerful smell of fel and demons begins to fill the air with its heaviness. Himeko looks around and sees some cloaked figures and can't help but yell at them, "Hey! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" She then starts chasing after them with her spirit beast Tosho, a large snow leopard. She manages to keep up with them till they make it to the dark forests of the Ghost Lands. There they all split up leaving Himeko to only follow one, but to her one was enough for now. She doesn't know who or what she is chasing just that the cloaked figure is Alliance or something else, but definitely not Horde though. Just as she finally manages to catch up, she sees it's too late; another portal is open this time the fel is stronger than when she was in the city. No, this is happening when one gets too close to a demon's portal.,"Lilita's eyes flared green with fel energy as she worked with the portal. She had no time to create a ritual circle, no space, but the bindings on a doomguard were a part of the spell itself and while preparation strengthened those bindings she could reinforce them on her own. Her other summons and pets were down for the count, expended in the assault on Silvermoon, a doomguard was all she could manage with her other resources exhausted. Unfortunate then, that the faith she held in the strength of her own magicks would prove to be misplaced... The demon stepped forth, a hulking red-skinned behemoth who looked down at her with a snarl. It flexed, and Lilita felt it exert pressure on the wards, felt them bend as she poured power back against it. "Kill her!" She screamed, hoping to distract the demon with the promise of slaughter as she sensed another life approach, but while the demon's eyes flicked towards Himeko for a brief moment, they snapped back to the draenei a moment later and with a casual -almost contemptuous- ease, Lilita felt the bonds snap. The demon freeing itself in an instant of effort before lunging towards her. She was not the least agile mage by a long shot, but she was no warrior, and she moved too slowly to stop the great blade from piercing straight through her in one smooth motion. Her mouth went slack, gurgling as pain exploded through her body, mercifully short lived as the demon twisted the sword, snapping her spine and removing all agony below her stomach. The black specter of death that rushed up to meet her as she slid off the blade and to the ground with a wet thump took the rest of the pain away, released into death. Then the demon turned its eyes on the Blood Elf and -after a long moment of consideration, stuck it's sword into the ground. "Felblood... Curious..." Its voice was a bass rumble, and Himeko would be able to feel the power in it before the demon reached out for her. "I think I will make you mine." "Riley Eliza Shaw was a twenty-one-year-old young female who was now a patient at Elizabeth Arkham Asylum after experiencing psychosis following traumatic experiences. Riley was unfortunately the daughter of one of Gotham's mobsters. He had run things differently, very cleanly, very business oriented. He gave his clients second chances and if things couldn't be resolved then he took measures accordingly. Her father had specialized in the distribution of illegal goods, drugs, money, anything important. That was until a villain named Black Mask had kidnapped her with several other relatives of other mobsters and kept them captive for over a month. Batman had come to her rescue; she had never been happier to see the hero who she had followed over the years. The dark knight of Gotham could do nothing but keep the young girl safe. The last thing she remembered was grabbing a gun to do something ill-rational and had blacked out, waking up in the asylum. Upon waking up strapped to a gurney in isolation, only dressed in a white t-shirt and bright orange scrub bottoms. She had a bracelet on her wrist saying her name and a barcode to scan, but her arms and wrist were restrained. She had been informed that she had tried to kill herself. They had diagnosed her with PTSD at the moment. They would keep her under observation for 48 hours before releasing her into a normal patient room. This was to ensure her own safety. She thought she had heard whispers between the staff about giving her IV liquids; they said doctor Johnathan crane had requested the case as soon as she was admitted. Thank you for calling 1-800-SUICIDE. If you wish to self terminate by electric shock, press one. For termination by overdose, press two. If you would like to make a reservation at the end of our drowning pool, please press three. For death by self inflicting gunshot, press five. To speak to a representative, stay online. If you don't wish to die, please hang up now.,"Jonathan Crane stood outside the padded room cell of Riley Shaw with a vanilla folder in his hand. He whispered softly to himself as he paced, trying to learn every detail about his new patient. "A surprise," he said to his assistant who stood beside him. "A month in captivity by The Black Mask and then rescued by Batman. Poor thing must have been scared to death." He stepped to the door and peered into the door at the beautiful girl inside. He was caught off guard; never had he found himself drawn to such a beautiful soul before. "She is" he stuttered, searching for the words as he wrestled with a new feeling inside of him. Maybe it was lust, maybe it was something else but he was drawn to this young woman. He quickly shut the vanilla folder and handed it to his assistant. "I need to meet with her as soon as possible. Have the warden bring her to my office." Jonathan turned to walk up the hallway toward his office was haste, in his mind he was preparing. He sat at his desk, taking a deep breath before he slid open his desk. He stared at who he truly was, the mask which defined him and made him one of the most feared men in Gotham City. He debated what his next move would be as he waited for Miss Shaw to be brought to him. Time passed in a moment until his door opened and she was lead into the room. Jonathan was snapped from a trance as he stared up at her once again. "Ah yes, thank you for bringing Miss Shaw to my office." Jonathan smiled as he stared at Riley. "You may leave now; I do not believe someone suffering from post-traumatic stress will be any issue." Jonathan watched as they led Riley to a seat and left the room. He locked the door behind them before he turned and stared at Riley. "So Miss Shaw, allow me to introduce myself" Jonathan told her as he stepped around his desk and took a seat. "I understand you met the Batman, you must be grateful he saved your life." Jonathan opened his drawer again, and stared at his mask. He was torn, he wanted to find out more about her and only when people were under great distress did they show their true selves. "Tell me something Miss Shaw, what are you truly scared of?" He asked as he took hold of his mask. "Who are you truly?" He slipped the mask on and turned to face her for an instinct. The Scarecrow, the master of fear within Gotham now stared at her. "What are you scared of Miss Shaw?" He asked before he held his hand up and blasted her face with his fear toxin. "Eva was fighting a feral Nidoking, but was losing badly. She had used up most of her strength, and had only one last move left. "Flare Blitz!" she charged at the Nidoking, hitting it head-on, but was pushed back, falling to the ground. "Damn it..." she said weakly. Eva tried to stand back up, but couldn't. She was going to be killed... and it was going to be painful.,"A young Pokegirl would run out of the grass nearby and use Water Pulse at the Nidoking, sending it flying backward and smiling as it growled at her. She smirked and turned around, slamming an Iron Tail into the male Pokemon, sending it flying through a tree in a daze. She grabbed the poor girl who was lying on the ground and picked her up, running off with her. They would soon reach her cave. She sighed and laid the girl on a bed of grass, watching her until she woke up. "On a typically clear-skied sunny day, the deceptively young Shelke strolled down the sidewalk of Neo Midgar. As was her daily routine, she was currently heading to Tifa's Bar to help with various things. It was her little way to repay the others for all that they had done for her. Still, she remained somewhat anti-social, but had begun to slowly open up. Mostly, to Tifa, whom Shelke had come to view as something of an older sister, due to the death of her real sister. As she walked, she made the decision to take a little shortcut to cut down on how long it would take her to reach the bar. This path cut through one of the bad parts of town, but Shelke had never had any trouble there before. Little did she know, today would not be her lucky day.,"Seth was sitting on the roof of a building in the slums. Seth was quite the creature. He had cells from Vincent, which made him unstable in itself, and being injected with Jenova cells didn't help. He was a walking abomination. He wore long black and red-trimmed pants, with a black shirt under a black trench coat. The trench coat had red lining. His hair was black with red streaks down it, and was long, and tied behind his head out of his crystal blue eyes. "Shelke," he said to himself. "She's pretty close to Vincent... He jumped down in front of her, grabbed her by the neck, and started to pick her up. "Well, it was a good run while it lasted. Like always, he was torn away from his companions for one reason or another - and as always, it was his fault. Sure, Donna was safe and sound at home, but at the price of her memories and the self-confidence she had gained during her journeys. The TARDIS felt rather empty, now that it was occupied by only one person, but maybe traveling alone would be good for him. He had managed it during the lowest point of his life. Maybe another Rose would come along eventually to pick him back up on his feet if he didn't do so soon enough. A quick trip to the planet Xarbulas would clear his mind a bit. He was all set to do so, but then he heard his screwdriver make an odd noise - one he hadn't heard in a while. It was a faint beeping noise - a homing device. He had set it long ago to detect individuals or small groups of aliens that were on a planet that wasn't their own - it was his own way of trying to find if any of his own kin had survived the Time War, as low as those chances were. Unfortunately, he knew that this was not tracking down a Time Lord, since it would have beeped at a different tone and rate. Still, it worried him faintly. Usually these were the most dangerous on Earth, since small groups were easier to slip through security nets and cause trouble that wouldn't be noticed until it was too late. Well, looks like Xarbulas was going to have to wait. Beaming at the thought of adventure, he packed a large suitcase full of clothes, gadgets, and whatever he could fit inside and made his way out to mingle with the humans again. Oh, wait? he needed money. Stupid currency. He backtracked to a room deep within the TARDIS and began to rummage through all sorts of drawers until he found one marked, ??England- 1990-2057??. Inside was the proper currency he needed and he stuffed his pockets and bag full of it. He wanted to make sure he had enough and he didn't want to make more trips to the TARDIS than necessary, just in case this alien wasn't very friendly and followed him to his last link to Gallifrey. He withdrew his screwdriver and toyed with it to lock on to this one life form and, after wandering through the streets like a lost fool, came across a lodging house. Oh, this was going to be fun. It had been a while since he posed as a human - well, without rearranging his entire genetic make-up, that is. The Doctor headed to the door and knocked. A friendly-looking couple answered. After a half hour's worth of chatting and charm, the Doctor was given a key and a room to the house. According to his sonic, the other being was right down the hall from his room. He switched off the homing device and entered his new quarters and left the door open as he unpacked, just in case the person happened to pass by.,"Earth. How lovely it was. He truly loved it. 70% water. Great place for an Undatian like himself. He just loved everything about Earth. As long as he kept his shirt on, no one ever noticed him. Well, that was a lie. He was noticed. He made himself noticed. He just was never too noticed that it made people think he was something he was not. He so loved that he was able to have that. He got to swim, and since Earth made those neat shirts that covered up the torso, but could still absorb water, he was even better off. Sure, he got strange looks when he did not come up from the water for ... hours, but hey! He still had far too much fun. He just loved being able to swim here. It was a good vacation. What was better was the house he was staying at was so close to the ocean! It made everything thousands of times better than it had been. He truly was thinking about moving here. Well, not by choice. His ship broke. Very, very broken. He had intended to come to Earth, but not so soon, and not as fast as his ship was hurling toward the earth. That was bad. Now, his ship was broken. He was pretty sure someone was after him, and oh! He needed to get parts. Those were only on his planet. That was such a dandy little thing. He did not like that he was forced to be here, but he really was beginning to accept that fact. Gladly accept it too. Sure, Earthians were not as accepting as his home planet, but they truly were gorgeous to watch. Especially on the beach. Oooo. Such gorgeous beings! Walking through the halls of his housing, Turtle was going to go ... somewhere that he forgot. And how? By walking by the room right next to his. Some gorgeous suit-clad male bent over? Oh yes. He was stopping to check that out. Blatantly too. Subtle was never really in the boy's dictionary. His head lightly tilted to the side, eyes traveling along the gorgeous rump in the air. Definitely a delicious specimen. That really was nice. Very, Very nice. That just added to the list of why he loved this place. Moving over to the doorway, he rested against the doorframe, his arms loosely crossed over his torso. He looked over at the man a little bit more before lightly clearing his throat. "Hello, there. New here, I take it?" He asked, a warm smile pulling o his lips as he looked over the man once more. His eyes stayed with the other and his fingers lightly tapped on his sides, just utterly happy to have walked down the hall now. Yep. He definitely could get used to this place even more if he got to see him every day. Though, there was definitely something different about him. Honestly? He could not care less about that. If he was this gorgeous just behind him, then how could he not enjoy being here? "Tsunade had to inspect all the ninjas; the last medical ninja had proven to be an assassin, killing three promising ninjas before he was stopped. So she had to examine the girls and the boys - it wasn't a happy task. "Naruto, you get one and only one inspection," she said. He was only too happy to be first. She rolled her eyes; he was acting like she would take her clothes off as well - what a little pervert! No wonder he had chosen Jiraiya as his trainer; they were two cards from the same deck. "Okay, drop your pants." She was horny and seeing all these young boys and girls wasn't helping. She wanted to end for the day so she could take out Reliable Rolling Thunder and get off. She smiled as Naruto walked up and stood on the stool; he was still only at chest level. She crossed her arms over her chest.,"Naruto entered the room with a giddy little smile on his face. He couldn't wait to show off his own cock for Granny. "Alright!" he said and quickly pulled his pants down to show her his growing cock. After starting puberty, the boy's penis had never stopped growing and was currently at 8 inches erect. However, since it wasn't hard, it looked thick and limp. "Am I looking good? Can I keep training?" he asked. "In the beginning, there were nine gods. These nine gods created the Earth, sky, and oceans and taking all of their power and skill to do so. However, when it came time to create life, the gods were in quarrel; the gods could not decide on creatures of intelligence and magic. Afore, the gods biggest quarrel was allowing magic at all. Now, the topic grew even more controversial. Some gods wanted the life in their image. Others want every god to contribute and create a perfect being. Some even wanted there to be no intelligent life at all. Two of those gods - the ones who did not want intelligent life - broke from the others and began destroying the earth to avoid the squabble. Enraged, the other seven killed them. Even for gods, killing the divine is difficult. The seven gods made a pact to disband themselves and limit their powers. Each god made one race and put it on the planet. That is the very beginning of The Divine Romance. In this world, there exists two pantheons of gods: Order and Chaos. Within the Chaos, there is Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne and Slaanesh. Nurgle represents disease, destruction and decay. Tzeentch represents magic, evolution and change. Khorne represents blood, war and murder. And, Slaanesh represents pleasure, passion and decadence. Within the Order, there is Nodoriah, Rychuss and Orus. Nodoriah represents faith, patience and will. Rychuss represents instinct, nature and whim. And, Orus represents magic, prediction and wisdom. The Chaos Pantheon, known as The Daemons, may outnumber the Order Pantheon, but they have little cooperation. Animosity between Khorne and Slaanesh is only one reason The Daemons have been kept from dominance. The Order Pantheon, known asThe Light, have no animosity nor ambition. The Order Pantheon wish for things to be done by the races they have created, not themselves. In fact, The Light purposed and allowed a contract that granted Rychuss and Slaanesh to create two new races each and put them on the Earth. That is considered a testament of the neutrality of The Light. Nurgle, the Plague Lord, has only one intelligent race. He has many demons, such as Nurglings and Slime Hounds, but The Paestal are his strongest devout. The Paestal are humanoid demons born in litters with such malice they may kill their nest-mates. There is no maternal or paternal love, Paestal must grow on their own. Paestal are incredible necromancers and powerful demons whose only wish is to kill, even other Chaos-aligned beings. Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, has two intelligent races: The Changelings and The Watchers. The Changelings were created by The Watchers, thus not breaking the contract set in place. The Watchers are an avian race of incredible magical power. The Watchers live long lives and are known for amassing knowledge in archives they will fight and die to protect. Khrone, The Blood God, has a single race that has dominated many others created in the beginning. Khorne has one of the two largest dominions of The Daemons, mainly because of his race, The Brood. The Brood are a hive-mind race that dominate the lesser and turn them into blood-affiliated demons. Slaanesh, The Dark Prince, has three races: The Daemonettes, The Lycans, and The Vampires. Daemonettes are the original race of Slaanesh, powerful feminine demons capable of shredding battlefields and bedsheets. Lycan represent beastial lust, created by Slaanesh as part of a deal with The Light. Vampires are the more romantic forms of lust, created during the same deal. Nodoriah, The Lightbearer, has three races, but each one is an evolution of his original race. The Elves, humans, and dwarves represent the agility, intelligence, and strength of the Nord. The Nord evolved or devolved into the three races when they lost faith in Nodoriah, however there are few Nord who have survived with their faith. Rychuss, The Spirit of the Forest, has three races, as part of the deal made with The Daemons. The Rhotom are a humanoid-beast race that have many clans regarding what animal they resemble. The Kin are a feminine, beautiful version of The Rhotom that Rychuss created to live in Garden of Rye, an Eden-like paradise that is now hunting grounds for slave-traders. And, the Salamandra, an all-female amphibian race that has four legs, two arms and is beautiful in its own way. Orus, The Wise, has but one race, The Orucles. The Orucles are a race whom are feeble in strength, small like an Elf without their agility, but are stronger than even Watchers in magical abilities. Orucles are rare and powerful beings who can supplement their body with their own magical prowess. Orucles most notable trait is the fact they do not age. Yue sighs, standing under the clouding sky. Yue's gray cloak is picked up in the wind, revealing the two books hanging from chains around his belt and his simple, gray, linen pants with light leather boots. Yue says aloud, "It seems I'll have to take shelter...," before walking down the road only to see a small settlement where he looks for an Inn. Shock. Not of lightning, but of power. "Wow... fate has a funny way of playing games," Yue said as he felt a dormant power. A dormant soul. Yue focused on the power, a burning light in a damp darkness. He found the source coming from a local tavern. Sighing, he knew he had to go into the abyss of drunks. And, he did. He entered and looked for the source. While searching, Yue decided to partake in the sin of poisons and sat at the bar, hailing a bartender to give him a relatively weak beverage as he looked to see many people in the tavern because of the oncoming rain. "My job won't be easy," he said as the bartender returned with his drink, "Thank you, sir." The bartender nodded as Yue returned to his search.,"With a strained smile on her thin, elfin face, Sicilia Darkmoor walked down the stairs from the tavern's bedrooms to the serving floor. With a slight grunt of effort as she helped her latest buyer down the stairs, drunk and drooling, she looked for a place to put him. With her light blue hair falling in her face, starting to mat with her sweat lifting the brute, she moved toward the hay near the fireplace. With a final surge of effort, she tossed the man down onto the floor and sighed deeply. Straightening up and fixing her hair as best she could, she walked over to the bar where a man in gray was seated. "Hey, boss, here is your share," she said, tossing the barman two silver coins, keeping one for herself. Her light gray eyes glared at him while the fat man grinned and put the coins in his pouch. "Good slave, good girl," he said, laughing. "Now, see if this man here would like someone to warm his bed eh?" He laughed and picked up a mug of beer, downing it in one shot. Burping, he moved down to deal with other customers. Straightening her mist-blue top and skirt, both having midnight-blue edging, she advanced up to the man with a false smile on her face. "Hello kind sir, mind letting an extra body into your bed tonight? A warm, soft body is only three silver coins for your nightly desires..." ""Cloud pushed back into an alley's brick wall from the might of two others," I told you both to settle down or I'll make this physical." Now get out of my way." Through the steam of a sewer grate, Fran and Paine stand. I warned you! Cloud grabs Fran by her ear, bends her over, and spanks her. He walks towards Paine after tossing Fran into a puddle and grabs the hand her sword is in and pins her to the wall. His grip tightens around her hand and he kisses Paine passionately on the lips while pressing his body to hers.,"Fran whines in discomfort as her ear is pulled and bent over Cloud's knee, receiving one spank. "One," he says loud enough for Pain to hear. Fran picks herself up from the puddle of water she was pushed into. She bites her lip and tries not to speak against Cloud. "We really didn't mean to start a fight with you, Sir Cloud. We're just kind of worked up and needed the EXP for our next mission." She whines and rubs her sore bottom. She takes a stance to go at him again for practice, but he grabs the sword in my hand and pins me to the wall. "Who's idea was it to do this in the first place?!" Fran narrows her eyes and looks over Cloud's shoulder. "Dang it Pain, why did you suggest this in the first place? It's all your fault I got spanked." Pain chuckles a bit. "Sorry Fran, dear." But I just wanted to see if you could handle master's hands," she smirks a bit and smiles at Cloud as she walks over to him with her weapon still covered by her hip. She moans against his lips and opens her mouth for him to explore right in front of Fran in the alley way. She feels like their master is a bit excited from dominating over Fran a little bit. Pain knows how Fran is the submissive in their threeway relation, so she can't help but feel very sorry. "Let her go, Cloud...Please. Maybe she'll obey if you just ask her too. She's really a good bunny at my place if you just allow her some private time to come out of her edgy exterior." She then shoves her tongue into Cloud's mouth and gently grabs and fondles his ass. "Another dull day, it seemed. Jason Redd had tried everything to make the most out of his week off, but with three days left he had done absolutely fuck all. It wasn't that he hated socialization or that he had no money to do anything; he just adored playing video games, especially fighting games, and utilized most of the vacation to practice for an upcoming tournament. His main was particularly difficult to get a hold on, what with the multiple stances that Tae Kwon Do by its very nature came with, but he was determined to see it through. The martial art was always one of the more graceful, as well as being one of the most technical to master. At least, that was if fighting games were any indication. Jason took his tray of food, consisting of a slice of pizza, two breadsticks, and a medium cola, and went to a table that was entirely empty. He looked inconspicuous enough to not have anyone other him...except for the fact that he was eating in a mall alone. He had on a black t-shirt with no logos, a pair of dark blue jeans, and black sneakers on his feet. His hair was short, styled messy and colored black, while his eyes were a rather odd crimson. His skin was pale as snow as well, but he wasn't albino, he just had a series of odd traits befall him. He took a bite of pizza, thankful his phone wasn't buzzing at all in his pocket. His work was notorious for calling people in during their vacations, but, due to the already lax nature of the workload there, few people minded going in. He always wanted more for himself in a career, but Jason wasn't about to complain for relaxation. He was a very "go with the flow" type of guy. So, there he sat, eating his mock-Italian meal and savoring every bite of its greasy goodness. It wasn't so bad that the bad substance was dripping off if he held the slice vertical, but it certainly was no actual Italian pizza; he had been to Italy and had experienced that spectacular meal for himself.,"Now, should anyone else look upon Jason and notice his affinity for dark attire, that raven-colored mop of hair and those odd crimson eyes, they would immediately assume that he was either weird, following one of those new-fangled cults that have popped up over the years, eagerly following the gothic movement or some twisted mixture of all three. People, especially those who didn't seem to contribute much to the world, were very quick to judge. But when a pair of bright violet irises zeroed in on the young man they were not filled to the brim with that judging venom or any other disgraceful emotion. No, the woman that these eyes belonged too instead perked up, put a halt to her swaying movements and pushed her way through the crowd of mall-goers as the man not only caught her attention but commanded it. This was the stride and gaze of a woman who got what she wanted - no questions asked, and if there were any problems, well, a broken limb or two would easily rectify it. After all, Juri Han wasn't someone you wanted to say no to, be next to or even worse, be the target of her attention/affections. Like the spider she was, Juri crept upon Jason with the greatest of ease until she was right behind him. It was such a strange sight - her with him, but this woman knew him, liked him and even more, enjoyed his company. Better yet the two of them had engaged in some more... ahem... illicit activities in the past and came out closer because of it all. Juri liked Jason because of so many things; factors beyond her control. If one were to question her tastes, the woman wouldn't be too happy to respond to it with civility. Once she was in position Juri reached out and tapped Jason's shoulder, dashed over to his other side when he looked to see who was there and then sat down beside him to both steal one of his breadsticks and to lean against his form. And let me tell you, when a busty, lithesome powerhouse of a South Korean was leaning against you, there was every cause for celebration. "Heeey," Juri purred in that sultry-sweet tone of hers. She waved her stolen breadstick and giggled. "Fancy meeting you here!" "It was an uneventful morning at Kojima High School for Sakura Kasugano and her friends. No thugs came out from the shadows to pick fights with the schoolkids, no evil mastermind was plotting a diabolical scheme, and even Karin Kanzuki, Sakura's rival, decided not to be a complete bitch with both her money and influence. Ibuki and Makoto found the slow morning relaxing. Still, Sakura had a feeling that today would be something special. And she wasn't wrong! You see, there in Japan was the site of the seventh annual Street Fighter tournament. Fighters from all over the globe had traveled to this place for their chance at big money or plenty of renown for their efforts. They wanted to be known as the grand champion, the Earth's mightiest warrior! The fact that the tournament was sponsored and orchestrated by Shadaloo didn't seem to bother them as much as it should have, though some fighters like Cammy, Chun-Li, and Crimson Viper were on their toes for anything suspicious or juicy that could help them bring down that organization. However, for someone like Sakura, the tournament was like one big fiesta, a grand party that anyone could attend. Once school was over for the day today, she would head out and meet with all her friends before participating in the tournament. Oh, she could just feel that this day would be so much fun for everybody!,"Space, the final frontier - a place where man has yet to explore even .1% of this massive horizon and sea of stars. Hanging over the little blue planet known as Earth, a small twinkle could be seen clear as day heading straight for Earth. The space satellites in its way would be blown away in an instant. The unknown object then broke the atmosphere of planet Earth, conveniently smashing right into the courtyard of Kojima High School. The smoke and debris cleared, and when it did, and the early morning folk gathered around to see what had landed. The sound of a door opening was made out. The object lying in the center of the school's courtyard was indeed a UFO carrying within it a single E.T. woman with wriggling tendrils for arms, legs, and hair. Her face was pretty, but the moment she saw all the people gathered around her petite lips raised in a happy little grin. "Such... delicious-looking carriers," she said. Her tendrils soon shot out aiming numerous appendages about them, binding about targets surrounding her. Tendrils ripped at uniforms and clothing, tearing at that which she couldn't reach. The screams of terror filled the air, as well as the sounds of women and others getting their orifices drilled by numerous tendrils. Anyone who stopped to stare was soon being grabbed left and right, stripped, and then drilled and pumped full of a strange substance along with what felt like rocks being piled up inside their bodies - eggs, it seemed, from this extra-terrestrial. This being seemed to have not come in peace at all. "No one really knew when it started or when things changed. But for as long as history books could remember, there had always been writing on humans' hands - a connection, a link to the one person in the world who would understand you and accept you; your soul mate. The missing half of the soul, a bond that would stand the test of anything the world threw at it. A soul mate. Writings appeared, written in scrawly, loopy, beautiful letters...whatever your mate wrote like, the words showed. Sometimes they were innocent, in children, pictures. As people grew, the lists became less innocent, less sure. And more hidden. In Dean Winchester's case, his handwriting had gone from innocent drawings and lists to blood-soaked hands and powder burns. He saw slender pale scars starting to decorate knuckles or see the edge of scars from a bracelet digging in - a bracelet that didn't belong to him but left small scars all the same. Years of innocence gone in a wash of blood and the roar of the Impala. Which was fine. He'd learned to live with one-night stands and hunting, turning his whole life over to making sure that most of the populace got to go on in peaceful ignorance. Except the writing that was smudged and worn showing up on his palm across the hell hound bite: 785-555-0128, followed by DW, call if not erased, send to... As if whoever was at the other end expected someone besides her soul mate to call, and was trusting that her soul mate might call, might get in touch with the hunter, who would end things. Except the last bit was a jumbled tangle of letters, not able to see where he was supposed to go, only that she was in trouble.,"Dean had never always been hard and cynical about the idea of a soulmate. When he was a child, living under the wrath and control of John Winchester, the person on the other side of the line had often been the only comfort he had. Before he could truly read or write, he drew small faces or animals to communicate. As he got older, the messages went faster - minutes instead of hours. As he grew up, the messages took longer and longer to arrive as people started to second-guess themselves and bow under the weight of society, and none had bowed, or rather broken under that weight more than Dean had. John Winchester had broken him and rebuilt him, and the hunting had taken over everything until it was all he knew and all he could do. He was broken, and because of that, after the age of sixteen, he never wrote on his hand again, and while he noticed the notes and the lists and the information and the drawings she sent him, and he did know it was a she, he ignored them as best as he could, and over time ignoring them got easier, and pretending he wasn't hurting inside got easier, and ignoring the aching, howling void inside of himself got so easy he had almost forgotten it was there. When John had died, he had thought about telling her, but decided it would be easier to just pretend she had never existed. She probably thought he was a mass murderer anyway, with all the blood he always had on his hands. Sam never asked about why Dean never wrote on his hands. Dean was glad for that - Sam just assumed Dean didn't do it where other people could see. As children aged into adults, it became more and more like a private thing until most adults did it behind closed doors so no one else could see. It was an intimate thing, really. Sharing yourself with someone else so openly. Dean knew that Sam only wrote things when he had enough privacy. He was thus very surprised when his own number appeared on his hand, over what had once been a scar where a hellhound had gotten hold of his hand. Cas had healed the surface scars, but hadn't been able to heal the ropey scars underneath his skin. Not that he cared - it helped him remember not to be so stupid, but now there was a plea for help on his hand from his soulmate. "Fuck..." he mumbled. "SAM!!!" he yelled, writing down the jumble of letters before they started to fade. "SAM GET UP!" "He starts increasing his stroke, her pussy squirting, as his dick works its way forward and back. He groans in delight, slowly feeling his orgasm work its way up, but he fights to keep it down. He lightly growls into her ear, "When I cum, so do you.","Hinata screamed into her panty-gag, eyes wide. She nodded at her master's orders but was barely able to comprehend them at this point. Her body was in control, not her mind, and it was amazing. Her white eyes stared blankly up at Naruto, almost rolling back in her head with every thrust. She wasn't thinking straight, only thinking about the pleasure that coursed through her body. "Ashley Williams of the Alliance Marine Corps had thought her promotion to 2nd Lieutenant would finally get her assigned to a ship. She preferred the constant hustle and bustle of running around the galaxy with Shepard on the Normandy as opposed to the many boring ground operations she had been assigned to. Despite her impeccable service record, she had been more or less stuck on the ground: part of lingering punishment for her grandfather's surrender of the Shanxi garrison during the First Contact War. After almost two years of patrolling terrain that hardly ever saw any action, she was finally up for reassignment. Imagine her excitement when she found out that she was indeed going to be assigned to a ship! Though imagine her disappointment when she found out the ship was the Normandy SR-2; which had been grounded for the retrofit. Great now she got to play consultant rather than soldier. Brass had insisted that she would be a necessary part of the retrofit team, due to her time spent on the original Normandy. Didn't they keep schematics for things like that? Why the hell did she need to waste her time on a ship that was going to be kept in the docking bay for the next six months?! But Ashley was a good soldier and always did as she was told. So here she was, trying her best not to complain as she meandered about the new Normandy. It was little consolation that Joker was around, he was the only person that the AI seemed to respond to and was part of the retrofit team as well. The pilot was fairly friendly; he and Ashley would often reminisce about their time served on the original Normandy. It was good to have a fellow soldier around, albeit one that could barely hold a gun; but at the end of the day he was still a marine like her. It wasn't like he was one of these eggheads she was surrounded by that constantly came around to ask her questions: Was the Weapons Bench 3 meters from the wall or 4 meters? Hell if she remembered something so trivial! With a sigh, Ashley made her way upwards towards the CIC to check on how they were coming along with the Galaxy Map. Perhaps the only nice thing about being stationed on a grounded ship was that she no longer had to keep her long, brown hair pulled back into a tight, regulation bun. It gave her a little more of a feminine appearance, which she secretly enjoyed. And she felt like all these Alliance nerds appreciated it as well; it seemed to make her less intimidating to them and more approachable. Maybe if she put her hair back up, they'd stop asking her so many stupid questions. Hmm Specialist Traynor. How are you coming along with fixing the private message terminal? Ashley tried to offer the Specialist a friendly smile. She could get so shy at times, the Lieutenant couldn't understand why.,"Eating a slice of strawberry cheesecake on the GIC was certainly a practice frowned upon by the Alliance's rules and conventions. But, specialist Samantha Traynor was familiar with all the ins and outs of protocol. It was part of her job after all, and she knew every loophole in the book. Eating what and where she pleased was a-okay as long as the craft wasn't in active service, and the Normandy wouldn't be ready for months at this rate. And thank god there was a confections shop not too far from where the Normandy was docked. Samantha's fork took out another bite of cake and she promptly popped it into her mouth. It was one of the pleasures that this job brought her. The other great benefit was getting to work with- Specialist Traynor. How are you coming along with fixing the private message terminal? Ashley's voice almost made her choke on what she'd been eating, and the dark-skinned woman fumbled to keep hold of her fork. She turned and smiled nervously at her superior officer "A-ah, y-yes. I finished re-establishing the extra-net connection an hour ago, so it should work brand spanking new." Samantha said. She quickly realized she forgot to salute and promptly pressed a hand to her forehead...accidentally stabbing her forehead with her plastic spork. "Ow..." she grumbled as she awkwardly pulled her hand back. There was a good reason she was so nervous around Ashley Williams, and it could be summed up with the thoughts running through the specialist's head right now.'Ass ass ass ass. I would use your ass as a pillow. Ass.' "Classes were over for the day, and the normally snarky and crude Draco Malfoy made his way through the halls. He couldn't wait until he had the privacy of his room, so that he could chat with his girlfriend who was over in America. While Hogwarts frowned upon technology within their halls, Draco had smuggled in a computer that he had bought before the year started. The sole purpose was so that he could see his girlfriend's face and talk with her face-to-face. He missed her so much, and at times during the school year, he found himself spacing out and wondering just when he would see her again. Logging onto a Muggle application, he waited for her to log on as well.,"Natalie logged onto a muggle application from a local cyber cafe, smiled when Draco popped up. She clicked on his name, opened the video chat window that launched a webcam. "Draco! Hello, my Slytherin prince," she said, smiling and waving at him. She was wearing his favorite outfit - a black dress with long sleeves and a high neckline - while no one was looking, she pulled out the chopsticks and let her hair fall around her shoulders. It had been a few weeks since they had last spoken, and she knew Hogwarts frowned upon technology. However, she was busy with her studies, having technically graduated early due to taking extra classes. "Ami had it in her mind that she was going to find herself a Ninetales and she was going to breed it like nobody's business. Ami was well-known for being one of the best and most well-known breeders of almost all Pokemon. Sure, she'd bred thousands already; now she wanted to breed a Ninetales. She had heard that there was a feral Ninetales somewhere around this location. Ami had seen this Ninetales once since she came out in this location a long time ago when she first started to become a world-renowned Pokemon breeder. She smiled as she sneaked around within the thickly covered forest that had soon enveloped her. Sure, Ami knew the area pretty well; she had lived here as a child. But Ami felt beyond sure of herself. "I'm going to find you...and catch you," she said softly to herself or maybe to the Ninetales that was nowhere to be seen. She smiled to herself, looking at the ground to see if she could spot any signs of tracks from the Ninetales she knew lived in this area.,"It had been a little while since someone had strayed into his territory, but largely speaking, it all ended the same way. He scared them off with some growling and a supposed aggressive nature, only for them to occasionally come back with some others for him to scare off just the same. None of them were quite a match, none of them posed an actual perceived threat to him... life went on, simply speaking. Though, in honesty, it had been a little while longer still since he'd seen a female; normally it was males that came around. Letting his crimson red eyes gaze over the female's form, a few tails gave a somewhat interested flick behind him. So, feeling little need to waste any time in particular before likely scaring off yet another human in his little territory, the Ninetales pounced. Straight for the girl's back he went, intending merely to knock her down and stand over her with a slight growl, his tails nonetheless occasionally brushing against the female's legs. "Chaos had descended upon the happy shoppers of the newly opened super-mall, located near the center of the city. It wasn't due to the sale of new designer high heels in the second-story shoe shop that caused the commotion. Reports of strange activity within the large three-story shopping center had been surfacing since its grand opening earlier in the month. No one could explain these occurrences away without pointing the finger at the rebellious youth of today and their lack of moral decency, thanks to bad parenting and the internet causing a decline in social standards. The sudden raising of women's skirts as they made their way through areas with no apparent drafts of wind was an issue, as well as the occasional groping of busty customers by either phantom hands or even male patrons who claimed to have blacked out only moments prior. There was also that incident involving a threeway between a middle-aged couple and a seemingly traumatized yet oddly satisfied store clerk. And let's not forget what some of the female customers were doing with the ketchup bottles before pleading ignorance to their actions, even after being shown the security camera footage. Okay, so maybe they weren't exactly normal incidents, but they certainly weren't completely above a good PR spin to put a positive face on them. Unfortunately, not even the greatest of public relations could hope to cover up what was happening now. The chaos of the moment was seemingly punctuated by the almost piercing scream of a woman who could be seen racing down the aisles of the mall in her underwear while a mixture of ghostly figures and human males with strangely glowing eyes gave chase - ripped skirt in hand and with rather clear intentions in their almost comically twisted features. She wasn't alone in her shock and terror, as numerous customers of both male and female persuasion were seen trying to fend off possessed humans and ghosts alike. There were women running from men and apparition. Men trying to defend their wives and dates. Not to mention a few pimply faced teens who were being chased by a number of evidently possessed toys - with their greatest horror seemingly being due more to said toys being taken out of their mint boxes, rather than the possessions themselves. "Sinners!" Shouted a light-complexioned, dark-haired male in his mid-twenties who was dressed as a priest and stood near the center of this madness while perched upon a bench - an opened bible in hand as he further scolded, "You see now what your life of sin, debauchery, and greed has brought down upon you? This is your time of judgment! This is the final fate of your immortal souls! This... well, this is just a shitty time for most of you in general." A snicker escaped the male's lips after that final bit; his lips curving into a sly little smirk as the head ghost which resided within took a moment to survey his handiwork. If one were to peak down at the bible in his hand, they would find little else but mostly blank pages - save for the occasional dirty scribble jotted down in his free time as the possessed male reflected, "A guy could get used to this whole wrath and judgment crap.","The massive glass entryway to the mall's lower floor exploded as the infamous pink SUV of Daten city known to most as "See Through" utterly destroyed everything in its path. The vehicle powered through everything in its path; people darted out of its way almost in more fear for their lives than their nether regions at this point. "Stopping, ejected me at the food court!" shouted the blonde passenger, standing in her seat and removing her g-string. "These cunts are scaring away all the hot ass here." "Christ Panty, you can't stop thinking about sex for like, five seconds can you?" replied the gothic driver. "Sure I can," said Panty, "1...2...3...4...5, there I did it now hurry up, I have a hot date tonight and I don't wanna be covered in ghost guts this time." Within Panty's hands, the undergarment from which her name derived was magically transformed into a holy Desert Eagle that gleamed with an ethereal aura. "Gladly, I don't want herpes all over the seat," Stocking slammed her Mary Jane stiletto hard into the brakes and down shifted until she skidded to a stop. Panty was, as demanded, ejected into the air two stories up. Panty glided with grace and determination despite the high octane speeds. She cocked her weapon and began her rapid decline. Beneath Panty, a devilish looking ghost hovered above a possessed human, marionette guides in his hands as if he were controlling a puppet. It cackled maniacally before sensing the angel's presence. It looked up to see the muzzle of the glowing gun inches away from his yellow eyes. She shouted her "holy" quote of judgment. "REPENT, MOTHER FUCKER." The gun was practically touching his eye when she pulled the trigger, the spirit bullet firing through his eye and hollowing out his skull. The gun's muzzle pushed fully into his open wound and was carried with Panty down to the ground, landing with a heavy thud that cracked the flooring. Panty grabbed the ghost's dissipating shoulder, keeping him bound to the mortal realm for a while longer and ran with him, using him as a fleshy, riot shield. The back of his skull flashed repeatedly, every shot fired blowing massive chunks of flesh and bone from the ghosts that surrounded her. By the time most could react half of the specters could react, the other half was already shot down, their ethereal bodies obliterated by Panty's holy ammunition. Behind her, Stocking jumped off See Through and pulled off one of her stockings. The thigh high garment transformed into a long saber and was quickly being slashed through the air, decapitating all the dazed ghosts her sister had missed or ignored with her fire-arm. As quickly as they arrived, the Anarchy sisters had utterly annihilated all resistance, standing triumphantly in the mall center, the wind of their fast arrival finally catching up, blowing their short dresses in between their milky thighs and revealing their own nether-regions to the daemon who had afflicted such chaos upon these innocent people. "In the middle of the night, the oni princess Suzuka Hime had been turning in her sleep for a while now, though she had luckily not disturbed her beloved Kyo Enzan, who slept next to her. The two were engaged, set to be married within the next couple months, and Suzuka was very pleased to have such a man with her. As of late though, she had a few worries about the direction of their relationship, as she felt that they hadn't progressed all too much lately. For one, she still had somewhat of a complex about her flat chest, especially when she would compare to some of her friends. Since she was quite active with dance though, she had a very slim figure and wide hips that were quite mesmerizing when they were moving about. Still, she had a feeling that perhaps she wasn't all that entrancing to him, and they hadn't even had sex in the time they were together. It wasn't as though she was in a rush for that, but she was still wondering if Kyo did feel that way about her. She soon woke from her sleep, sitting up in bed as her dreams were being influenced by her worrying thoughts. She didn't wish to disturb Kyo about this, but she wasn't going to get to sleep like this. She slowly slipped from the bed, getting into her sandals and robe as she went to get some fresh air. Perhaps a little cool night air would be just what she needed to help calm herself. She felt silly for constantly worrying, especially when they had been together for so long. Perhaps it was just the fact that they would be married soon that raised all these questions.,"Kyo slept soundly until he felt Suzuka stir and get up. Kyo was a young man of twenty years. He was a fit man who was six feet tall, possessed flame red hair that fell to the middle of his neck, and beautiful ice blue eyes. He was in a white tank top and black PJ bottoms as he slept. He looked up and saw Suzuka leave the room. He sighed. He loved her deeply, and thought for sure that she loved him as well. He was also sure she would "fill out" later on. But he loved her hips. Those gorgeous and sexy hips. Whenever they swayed, he had to fight back a tent in his pants. He stood up and followed her. When he followed her out to the balcony, he crept behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Something wrong, my sexy dancing princess?" He whispered softly, kissing her cheek. "England was such a beautiful place to be. Even in the wintertime, with the trees bare and mist coiling its fingers around anything it could, the only word that comes to mind is breathtaking. There was just a meager inch of snow on the ground, yet whenever a step was made it would crunch underfoot. In a few hours, it will all be gone, leaving just water in its place. Then the next morning there it will be again. A new blanket covering the earth, so that it was painted in black and white. It being this early it was almost freezing, but that was to be expected. High above the sky was threatening rain, rumbling and with lightning flashing every couple of seconds. For the most part, the streets were empty. There was just a few children still out and about, throwing snowballs at each other and laughing. Kagome smiled at one little girl, bending down to make a snowball. Her hair was the red of flames, crackling and practically burning under the weak sunshine. The dark green scarf she had around her neck began to unwrap, but she huffed and quickly fixed that. If she was to guess her age, it would have to be around eight or nine. I'm going to get you, Jimmy! the girl cried out, rolling the snow between her small hands to pack it together. Just you wait! I'm going to get you good! She hurried her efforts in making the snowball, little white bits crumpling from her hands to fall back to the ground. Yeah right! The boy cried back. Jimmy himself appeared to be a few years older, maybe ten or twelve. He himself was building up his arsenal, and had a pile of snowballs next to him. Like you're ever going to hit me, Amy! Your aim sucks! A huge gust of wind knocked the hat he had on, but luckily it only danced a few feet away before getting caught in a low branch. From there it waved, beckoning him to get it back. He went off to retrieve it, giving Amy an opportunity to make more ammo. It was fairly obvious that the two were brother and sister. In a way, the two reminded Kagome of herself and Souta when they were that age. They used to fight over everything, from who called shotgun first to who received the biggest piece of dessert. It went on for years. Of course, anything had to come to an end. Their little arguments ended when they just grew up and got tired of arguing all the time. So they came to a truce. Now she and he got along much better than they used to, and would even hang out once in a while. Kagome adjusted her coat against an icy breeze. Her black hair flew due to its force, waving like a banner. Pink was along her cheeks. Though she was simply dressed, she was a rather attractive woman of twenty-four years. In fact, those years have been very kind to her indeed. Back when she used to travel to the Feudal Era, she had already been a beautiful young woman in the making. It was only these last few years that everything really started to develop. Her hips were wide, legs long and nicely toned. Her breasts had also grown. Now a D-cup, the plump packages were twice the size they used to be. The scar Mistress Centipede left behind was faint and a light red, but it was still there nonetheless. However, where the Shikon no Tama remained to this day was a mystery. I wonder what InuYasha would think, seeing me now Her chocolate brown eyes rose up to the heavens, noticing how different hues of gray are fighting against one another. It had been years since she had last seen her favorite silver-haired hanyou. After Naraku was defeated by the combined efforts of everyone, they were together as a couple. However, with all the love in her heart for him, she didn't anticipate being with him to be so difficult. Now they weren't as they used to be. After the break-up, he went on to marry Kikyou, though they never did go down to the pits of hell together. Miroku and Sango married soon after. She couldn't see much of this happen. For some reason, the well yanked her back to her time once she and InuYasha broke ties as a couple, and now she was stuck here in the present. A rumble of thunder broke through her thoughts. First one drop hit her cheek, then another on her chin. Uh oh she murmured. I better find some shelter pretty quick The children squealed, dropping snowballs and abandoning the game in favor of going home. It wasn't much longer before the rain really began to pour. Quickly she hurried to the nearest establishment, going inside. Her coat was soaked, as well as her jeans, making the clothes plaster to her skin like they were a second layer. With a little grunt she shed the blue coat, water dripping off it. There weren't many people in the pub. Aside from the person behind the counter and another waiting tables, only three men haunted the room.,"One of those men happened to be a knight, enjoying a simple but strong ale. Unlike the priests of their order, he was not limited by such silly rules like no beer or sex. His duty was a simple one, and as long as he kept in control, he was free to enjoy life. That was not to say, however, that he was allowed to run wild. He had a strict code of life nonetheless; he was allowed beer but only to the point before it affected his senses. He was not allowed to be with more than one woman at any one time, and he was to pledge his life to her, second to his duty or not at all. Currently, he had no interest in women, though this changed the moment Kagome walked in. His blue eyes took in her full curves, her wet soaked jeans sticking to her body. His heart skipped a beat, and he knew who she was. There was no denying the accuracy of the ancient tombs - She was the same girl, only now a woman, and he felt his face flush and his pants tighten a little as he stared at her. He quickly regained his thoughts, taking a heavy sip from his beer and then waving to her, patting the seat next to him and shouting to her. "Hey! Why don't you have a seat over here to dry off? Let me get you a drink!" He smiled to her. Bruce was five foot nine and as blue-eyed as a German could be. He spoke in a thick German accent but spoke English very well. He had lived there for over a decade now, training under many great knights before him. His hair was light brown, cut short as was the soldier's way. Still, it was enough for a girl to play with, if that was what she wanted. "It was late evening, a detachment of the Wu Empire army took camp near a mountainous range. The army set up tents and camp during their long march to meet the attack of their long-time enemy, the Shu Dynasty. However, the entire army was left unaware of the 6'7" tall man clothed in little more than a fur loincloth and possessing a very broad muscular build with long golden hair draping his scalp. The sound of a grumble from his stomach rolled out. His hand reached down feeling over his muscled stomach. "How long have I been walking... how did I come here..." He said, his tone grumbling and low. Upon his back was sheathed a massive sword. Its body was that of a claymore but the blade was heavy and blunt, the hilt was crossed and the edges of the cross guard had axe-like heads, leaving the weapon deadly from slashing or bashing with the guard. The hulking man then caught a whiff of something; food was being cooked. He looked down the mountain slope seeing the camp below, where small men were running about. They looked like some army foot soldiers, their weapons crude and cheap. The loud rumble in his stomach brought his attention. He was too hungry to think straight. So he began to draw his sword and rushed down the slope of the mountain side. Roaring out a battle cry, he charged towards their food. The giant of a man charging down the hill suddenly drew a stir from the watchmen. They shouted about some strange man charging at them. He used his blade to cut down one of the watchman and breeches the camp, charging straight for the food prepping units and assaulting anyone in his way. However, he took out a good few of them. A dart blower got him from behind, slowing him down. The feel of more darts being buried into his body. Still, he continued to fight, simply for a bite of food. He reached the food storage tent dragging himself that way. The darts and their toxin were starting to slow him down. The camp finally united against him before he could reach the tent, standing in his way with spears aimed at him. One of the Wei officers stepped out from the tent and began to speak. "You... brute why are you attacking us... and where do you come from?" The officer spoke. The brute simply stared at the man and raised out his sword in an attempt to attack him. "Hungry..." He grumbled out but before he could finish swiping down his sword a hard thunk on the head caused him to crash forward. The man behind him was holding a ladle in hand and looked at the dropped brute. The young man was a kitchen staff member. "He just started attacking... what is he..." The officer began to beckon men to bring rope and a cart so they could load the man up for imprisoning. "Have him delivered to the prison tent... Lady Zhenji will likely wish to know we caught a rather rowdy brute...." He then moved to where Lady Zhenji's tent was and calmly cleared his throat standing outside the tent. "Lady Zhenji, I know you must be tired but we have captured a rather rowdy guest, I would advise if you visit him you not do so alone." He didn't hear any movement inside and then pulled open the tent front and looked inside. "Lady Zhenji do wake up, it is not becoming for the commanding officer to be spending her day laying about her cot.",""I heard you the first time," Zhenji growled angrily at the officer who intruded into her tent. She was dressed in a white gown and blue undergarments, her cleavage and bra revealed. She rubbed her eyes lazily, these lower ranked officers didn't understand the effort it takes to be a commander and how tired it makes someone. She sighed, "Let's go see this brute you've captured then, how dare you lot disturb my rest." She got up and casually took her chain whip from the table before following the officer to where the prisoner was held. "Oh my, he is quite the big brute isn't he?" Zhenji smiled seeing his large muscular body, "And very interesting hair..." Her fingers stroked the man's blonde hair. "You lot can leave me here, I'll question him myself when he wakes up. Now go!" She commanded, she was going to have this big man all to herself. With his arms securely tied with rope, she wasn't afraid of him escaping. While the man was still unconscious, Zhenji took the liberty of exploring his body and tight muscles, her hands roaming around his chest and abs, loving the feeling of his hard muscles. "I'm going to have lots of fun with you when you wake up." She laughed. This day just got a whole lot better. "Goku had long worked to become the best. He'd trained, he'd fought, he'd even defended Earth a few times, and he'd collected the Dragon Balls with his friends. One such friend was Bulma Briefs. She'd run into him years ago and she'd run into him again at the 23rd World Tournament. When she'd seen him last he was young but now he was taller. He'd finally and properly grown into his own. Not only that but his power had grown too as he fought and beat Tienshenhan who had proved to be a worthy opponent after beating him last time. Piccolo was the strongest among them though and the battle had decided much more than the fate of just the championship. At the end of it all, however, the arena was destroyed but Goku was the champion. He'd celebrated with a hearty meal during which time he realized he didn't have a place to stay. After a conversation Bulma agreed to host him at her place and he was fine with that. She'd enticed him into it saying she had some ideas for training devices and he was in before she could blink twice almost. Fighting was basically his world. And now here he was. He'd only been staying there for a few days now if that. Most of his time was spent doing his normal routine of waking up, eating, training, eating, training, resting for a little bit, training, and so on. He was almost scarily good at refining his form. It wasn't that he didn't relax, he did, but unless Bulma wanted his attention for something he was often training or thinking about it more than doing anything else. Today, however, was going to be exciting. Bulma had told him she was working on something and he was eager to find out. Considering how smart she was he knew it was going to be amazing. How much better was he going to be able to train? He was dressed as he always was in his Hermit style Gi. It was hard to break the habit and he was just comfortable in it. It was flexible and gave him plenty of room of motion. Beyond that he could just wash it easily with a dip in the water if he needed to. Sure they had machines for that but he didn't think about that too much. Goku had always been pretty free spirited so he was still used to just flying all over the place, going to new areas, training, and coming back. It was just a part of who he was. But if she'd made some kind of training device for him then, well, he had a reason to stick around more during the day didn't he? He scratched his head as he waited for Bulma to lead him in or tell him what he should be excited for. Just what was it? At this point, and it had only been a moment since she'd told him that it was basically ready, he was already eager to try it and the smile on his face said that.,"Bulma had spent the last few months plotting a scheme for Goku. Now, it wasn't something nefarious. It also wasn't something that she would be unafraid to tell Goku about, as she had no reason to do anything like that to him. No, her scheme was centered around getting Son Goku's attention. She never thought that Goku would have grown into such a hunk but he had. No longer was he the monkey-like boy, he was a man, and what a man he was. He was decidedly not an easy target for romance. Romance was something that he was completely unaware of, as he had told Bulma in the past few months that he thought marriage was something you ate. His knowledge of affection seemed to be whoever fed him the best dinner or who could throw the hardest punch. Bulma, although she wasn't helpless, certainly couldn't throw a punch like him. So, her tactics had to lie somewhere in the middle of the two. Playing off his love of food, his love of training and everything else. A training device was something that she had thought about for years. It was at first an idea to get Goku to stay in one place so he wouldn't cause too much trouble, even if it might upset her mom and dad having him stay at Capsule Corp for too long. Which was fair, as Goku might have broken some things if he was left to his own devices there. Goku was better behaved around Bulma, at least she thought so. He wasn't as crazy at the very least and she had the fire in her spirit to hold him back if he did anything wrong. Which was more than possible with how clueless Goku was and how clueless he seemed to stay. If anyone hadn't changed at all, it was Goku. Bulma was fashionable as always, even if she seemed to change her look every few weeks. Today, she had decided to wear something casual. A lab coat draped over her body, though it was wrinkled in a few areas, telling Goku that she probably hadn't decided to iron it. She was wearing a light green tank top underneath, which showed some midriff. There also was a generous amount of cleavage to the outfit. Goku was clueless but even he would notice a rack like that, right? She hoped, otherwise part of the plan had already failed. When Goku arrived, she ran into place and waved over at him. Hey, come on in, Goku. Sorry for keeping you waiting, I was just doing the finishing touches on your gift. So, lets hop right in and see whats happening, okay? Bulma said with a friendly smile, though she had a different tone of voice than usual. Slower, more focused on Goku himself. "Naruto walked into Tsunade's office and walked out shocked. The building she had constructed was for him and his harem. He looked at the list of girls he would marry - Sakura, Hinata, and Akno were on the top. He was in disbelief about the whole thing. He wandered into a ramen restaurant and ordered some ramen. Naruto was eating when he noticed Akno sitting nearby and he blushed as he looked at his bowl, pretending to eat. He sighed loudly as he put the list back in his pocket and tried to focus on the food.,"Anko was possibly more shocked than Naruto had been when Tsunade told her, she had thought Naruto important, but the little brat wasn't really that powerful? Was he? But she was beholden to her Hokage and to her village, and since the little kid had grown up, but still appeared to have almost no experience with sex, she had been chosen to teach him. She had waited at Ichiraku Ramen, figuring he was likely to show up there and lo and behold, here he was. She sighed lightly and sidled up next to him as he ate his food. "So," she said softly. "I need to meet you someplace private to talk about something, once you are done eating, come by my place." She slipped him a piece of paper with her address on it. "The story starts in a town where a boy finally gets the chance to go out and catch his own pokemon and make friends as well. For him, it would be difficult seeing that he would be going out for the first time with a poke girl. All throughout the world lived humans and pokemon, but in this case, they were called poke girls. Sitting in the living room, he was awaiting his parents to come and hand him a gift they had promised when he passed his tests. And as a going-away gift, his very first poke girl. But it had remained a secret on what type it was or its name, which left him anxious to finally meet her. His mother and father finally returned home to their son Kane, who was sitting there on the couch waiting for the gift. And it was a poke ball containing her. His very first pokegirl and partner in everything. Since most trainers ended up doing the dirty deed with them. "I hope it's okay doing it on the phone," she said. "It's not fun.","Kane's parents wouldn't deny the fact that he had passed his tests as promised. Because of his hard work, they felt it was only necessary to allow him a pokegirl on his journey. Many young boys and girls around his age were already going out and about trying to be the best, but he had yet to start. They weren't going to hold him back any longer. "Well, we know you worked hard to make sure you passed your tests, so we're not going to hold this off any longer," his mother said. His father tossed the pokeball over for him. "We've received a few tips as to what type you were hoping for. We're sure we made the right choice. So why don't you release her already?" he asked. They were sure he would enjoy whatever pokegirl he received, but they made sure that he got what he wanted. "Sayla Mass sighed as she finished another long day of work. She was proud to have made it this far to the top of the military hierarchy in the ship, but it meant a lot more work...and a lot more stress. Now she was just looking forward to a nice long hot soak in the ladies' bath area in the ship...and then a nice long sleep. She slowly made her way to the large bath area and entered the ladies' section (which had many guards on it, due to the amount of lecherous guys around) and undressed...she then slowly washed herself, rinsed, and then made her way to the soaking tubs to relax.,"Frau Bow had enough of the child-like Amuro Ray, despite his ability in the mobile suit; he seemed unable to grasp the fact that she liked him. Taking off her towel, she wrapped it around her head, not even noticing the blonde. "Oh, it's you, Sayla," she said, shocked. The only thing that would have surprised her more would be seeing Amuro in there. Slowly, she slipped into the water, working up a lather before using her hand to wash her shoulders. It was good to have another girl in the room, even if it was Sayla. ""Y-Yuna..." called out a deep, strong voice, belonging to none other than Kimahri Ronso, the current leader of the Ronso tribe in Gagazet as he lay on his back in his room. Though, he was far from alone. Straddling him and riding him like her life depended on it was surprisingly enough...ex-summoner Yuna. It had been a year since Sin was defeated and Tidus lost. In that time, Yuna sunk into a depression. While it happened slowly, the comfort Kimahri gave her blossomed into romantic feelings. And thus, the two eventually began a relationship, but kept it quite hush hush for obvious reasons. The only one who knew about it was Rikku, but that was purely by accident as she walked in on them once. Currently, his large, strong hands gripped her hips, pulling her down onto his large manhood in rhythm with her own bouncing and grinding. His eyes looked her up and down, lingering on her decent sized breasts bouncing sharply up to her face which had a look of pure ecstasy on it as she too moaned and called out for her ronso lover. It was a secret relationship, but not one lacking heat. Since they couldn't be together all the time for various reasons, they made the most of any time they did get....which was generally spent going at it like crazed bunnies. Being a Ronso, Kimahri was quite a spectacular lover. Capable of either being gentle, or giving her one hard humping. He also had quite alot of stamina, able to go for a while. While human and thus weaker than him physically....Yuna could easily match him.,"Yuna had indeed fallen into a deep depression when the battle with Sin had ceased, and so had Tidus, the man she had found herself in love with. Through Kimahri's constant company and comfort, she was able to finally make it past that loss, though in the meantime, she hadn't immediately noticed that it wasn't gratitude she felt for him, but that she had grown feelings for her ronso companion. They'd started a rather secret relationship, save Rikku and her impeccable timing, spending long hours together intimately whenever they could manage it. This happened to be one of those times they'd managed to be alone. "Kimahri...," Yuna's gentle voice moaned out his name in response as he gripped her shapely hips and brought her down again on his rather large and impressive manhood. From this angle, it was driving deep and hitting that spot inside of her that gave her such immense pleasure. Her breasts bouncing each time she bounced upon his length. She couldn't hold back the moans, gladly giving them to him, knowing he enjoyed hearing her sounds of pleasure. ""It was so much like the last time," she thought, with a soft sigh. The bank still hung precariously over the edge of the water, whooshing past in quick motions, spinning about itself in the center, creating rapids with white heads, spilling upon themselves before rejoining its water brethren. She sat there for a few moments, watching the water spin, spray and twirl. There was a gentle breeze that morning. And the overhanging trees, all old and bent like they had been in her memory, let go of their leaves. Those leaves danced passed her face, some brushing her skin or hair, then falling to her lap, or sticking in her hair. She brushed them from those places, pushing them to lay at her side, to be picked up by the wind and dragged away. "I want it to happen again," she said aloud, looking about. Willing it to happen. Narrowing her eyes, she looked for that blur of white. That would give her the sign. Alice was so much more mature now. Physically, she was taller, she had a thin waist, wide 'birthing hips' and a set of round, perky breasts. Her face was thinner, less baby fat on it. Her eyes were more narrow, less wide and curious. A glint in those emerald eyes, one unknown to the child Alice who had been here, nearly ten years earlier. Her hair was longer now, blonde and curled slightly around her chest. Her skin was still fair and soft, her lips thick and pouty. Getting back to her feet, the now-young woman tried to retrace her steps. From so many years ago. Her mind was fuzzy, thinking back so hard, and so far. "I want to go back! Why can't I go back!" She asked aloud, after nearly an hour of wandering. She was sore and tired. A small crystal tear on her cheek, it wasn't fair! "If I found you once... I can find you again--" She was cut off. A loud yelp left her lips. She was falling! Falling... so... slowly? Deja'vu hit her like a ton of brick walls, knocking the breath from her lungs under her large breasts. A chiming laughter touched her face, echoing in the tunnel as she tumbled down in slow-mo. The abstract and obscure things rolled around her spinning past her as she fell. It felt like an eternity had passed before she felt the solidity of the ground. Like so many years ago, she wore a blue dress, which spiraled out around her body and covered her legs. She sat there for a moment. Looking about. "Hello?" Her voice echoed in the hallway, such a familiar one at that too! "Is... is anyone there?" Placing her hands upon the ground, she stood up. The hallway looked unending. There were locked doors to either side, they were side-by-side, lining the walls. Standing up, she noticed this time around, the ceiling looked closer. Reaching about her blond head, she stretched to touch it, and failed. With a soft laugh, she continued down the hall. Like last time, she walked for what seemed like forever. Until the room opened up...,"As Alice entered the room, she would find it had changed, the white walls still lined with doors, though in the middle was a large bed. And out of the corner of her eye she would glimpse a hint of white - a tiny grin off to her side. Of course, if Alice had a memory, she would recognize the Grin's owner immediately. "Hello Alice-dear," said the soft, male voice, charming and a little cute sounding, but to Alice's mind something seemed strange about it - the voice almost sounded sultry. What began as a tiny grin grew into the smile that Alice would recognize as the Cheshire Cat, hovering just inches above the bed in the room. Of course, as usual, the Smile was there, but the cat was nowhere to be seen. The smile spoke again. "Perhaps you can tell me why you've returned here?" Alice asked. "You've certainly changed since the last time we met." In another minute, Alice would see the Cat's body fade into view, of course what she saw would likely surprise or startle her. The bearer of the grin was not the strangely colored stubby cat, but a man, a teenage male who looked somewhere in her age, with violet and pink hair, two large cat ears protruding from the top of his head, and a long purple and pink tail that transcended from his back right above his rather beautiful rear. The cat appeared as a striking young man, the angles of his face marked by whisker markings that traced away from his nose. Cheshire's goldenrod eyes were closed, formed into arcs as he smiled his mischievous grin. Cheshire's body appeared to be something straight out of any female's fantasies, he was lithe and svelte, not particularly muscular and not too skinny, he was built like a cat, his fine muscles from under his skin, adding rigidness to his otherwise mouthwatering frame, his entire upper body was naked all the way to the top of his rear where his tail emerged. Cheshire moved, flopping onto his back and letting his head hang off the edge, giving her a tempting glimpse down the front of the purple cargo jeans he wore. Cheshire giggled and stared up at the female from the bed, his eyes opening long enough to look at her. Cheshire lie on the bed, his body fully stretched out in a rather catlike way across the red silken sheets, his signature grin spread ear to ear as he looked up at the female who had entered the world of Wonderland once again. The Cat eyed the woman's new curves, having not seen her in some time, since she was an innocent young girl who imagination created the wonderland she knew. "Then again... Most of us have changed as well..." "Kratos smiled as he lay in his bed. The portal he had found had brought so many interesting new playthings to his disposal. He had ventured to many new worlds and kidnapped many various women. He brought them here and trained them to be his slaves, and most were obedient. Only a few still fought, but he didn't mind; after all, he enjoyed a challenge as the God of War well should. He rose and walked out of his room, wearing his tattered tunic and, of course, his blades attached to his arms. He smiled as he observed his many slaves around his throne room, each chained to a pedestal that connected to a collar firmly around their necks.,"The girls, all powerful heroes in their own right, crawled towards their god. Yoruichi wrapped her arms around Kratos's powerfully muscled thighs. "My lord... perhaps you would like to fuck all of us today?" she asked. Tifa wrapped her hands around the god's cock and began stroking, marveling at its godly size. Sakura didn't even wait, taking his balls into her mouth while Orihime took the other one. All the girls started to gather around him, each one wanting a ride on the powerfully thick shaft that had conquered them, and made them forget about their loved ones. ""You actually expect me to stay overnight at some supposed haunted town for only a hundred and fifty bucks?" Aimee Jade James mumbled, looking from the television set to Kelly, her best friend. They were college students, halfway through their sophomore year. Aimee Jade was nineteen, Kelly was twenty. They became best friends the second they came to this school, having been put in the same dorm room in freshman year. At first they hated each other, but by the end of first semester they had already planned to room together for the rest of their college experience. At the moment, they were lounging in their dorm room, 409. Two other people were in the room; Kelly's boyfriend Sean was sitting on Kelly's lap not really paying attention to anything but the television. Matthew, one of Sean's best friends, was sitting on the floor leaning against Aimee Jade's bed, his glance shifting from each person in the room to the television as well. On the television was a news report of Silent Hill. Another child, approximately ten years old, went missing. These missing child reports were starting to get overbearing. There was never any hint as to where they went. It was like they had disappeared into thin air. This is what gave the town of Silent Hill its reputation; the haunted town. Of course, to each their own beliefs and, quite frankly, Aimee Jade didn't believe in any of it, even though the town began to plague her dreams. In fact, the other day while sitting in class she had some sort of flashback to a fiery pit in Silent Hill and she had to excuse herself from a test just to calm down. It was as if she'd been to Silent Hill before, and it was calling for her to come back. But that wasn't possible! She could remember almost her whole life perfectly, there was nothing to connect her to Silent Hill?right? But then again, her mind was fuzzy when it came to her birth all the way up to when she was about five. Most people at least remember certain things from when they were that young. Sean cleared his throat, as if trying to get everybody's attention. "You don't think you're worth a hundred and fifty?" he said, grinning at Matthew. "Well, not to Matt you're not. You're worth billions." Sean laughed as Matthew grabbed a small stuffed plush that had fallen from Aimee Jade's bed and threw it at the boy, grunting. "Yo, shut up man. I'm not, like, in love with her," he rolled his eyes and slunk down a bit. It was obvious that both Aimee Jade and Matthew had some feelings towards each other that they had been dancing around ever since they met. "Hey, how about this; Each of us give you like two hundred if you spend the night there?" Kelly practically interrupted him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! If that's the case, she's getting six hundred! I think it should be two hundred a night. If you're willing to spend this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Silent Hill, alone, then you'll get six hundred big ones." Aimee Jade just rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever. I get to waste a nice weekend in some ghost town. But at least I get a good amount of cash out of it." She chuckled. "Maybe once I come back alive, you guys will finally realize that Silent Hill is just an empty town, nothing more." So that was it. For $600, Aimee Jade was going to spend the weekend in Silent Hill. Thinking nothing but money would come of it, Aimee Jade prepared for a boring weekend. She'd need a flashlight, her iPod, her cell phone, and of course some food. Throwing the contents, along with a small throw blanket, into a bag, she got ready to go and squeezed into Sean's small car as he drove the four of them to Silent Hill. It was a long drive, about six hours, and for over half of that time each person took their turn in trying to scare Aimee Jade. "You'll die," they'd go on saying, but Aimee Jade didn't back down. It wasn't that they were scared for Aimee Jade's life, it was that they didn't want to have to give her so much money! Finally arriving in Silent Hill, Matthew, Sean, and Kelly dropped Aimee Jade off. "We'll be back here early Monday morning at around six to pick you up so you don't miss any of your classes. If you need anything, just give us a call. But remember, if you bail out, you're not getting any money!" Each of them took the time to give Aimee Jade a hug, and then they left, leaving Aimee Jade alone in Silent Hill. The sun was high in the sky as Aimee Jade walked around. The backpack on her back seemed very heavy, and the long drive had worn her out. At this point, she wanted to find maybe a rundown motel or an empty house and set up camp for the weekend. She should be able to make herself at least somewhat comfortably for the duration of her stay. So when she finally stumbled upon a large hotel she went in and opened the heavy door, which in turn creaked back at her as if to warn her to stay away.,"As they drove into town, there seemed to be only a light fog. However, as soon as the others drove away, the fog seemed to thicken a bit, though the changes were subtle. She probably wouldn't even notice until she finished setting up camp. As she walked into the lobby, she noticed that the place seemed to be a bit run down. There were a few pieces of debris on the floor from where a small section of the ceiling had collapsed, but it actually let in more light than the windows had provided. The hotel room had two floors, and from the looks of it, the second floor had the same layout as the first. There was a single hallway (on both floors), which led her to the hotel rooms, the only source of light being the window at the very end of it. But she had only a second to look around before she could hear the creaking of floorboards coming from the second floor. Someone, or something, was with her. "The young Growlithe's leg kicked, rocking his body gently and pulling him back to consciousness. Keegan licked his mouth, dry and with an unpleasant taste from hanging open while he was unconscious. He rose up onto his feet, looking around at the smooth cell he was in, trapped inside by a pane of some very resilient plexiglass-like material. All the fire he could make couldn't even start to melt it. So, he turned away from the large pane, focusing his attention on the other male that had ended up in here with him. He walked over to the Eevee's side, giving him a nudge with his foot. As he looked down at him, he had to admit that he looked pretty cute. Keegan always had been a little gay, and he was aware of it.,"The Eevee known as Riley stirred a bit in his sleep as the Growlithe nudged against him. He was finally roused from his unconscious state, turning his head slightly to look up at the Growlithe over him. He was a bit hesitant, but he found that he was captive in the cell with him. He rubbed his head gently as he moved to his feet, feeling a little dizzy still. Upon hearing about this rare Eevee, they had suddenly taken him and brought him here. He wasn't sure just what they had planned for him here, but with the way things were looking, he wouldn't be getting out of here anytime soon. He let out a soft sigh as he looked over to the Growlithe. "I suppose you were taken away as well?" "It had been some time after the mutiny on the ISS Defiant. Major Malcolm Reed had made sure that all who had played a part in the mutiny were locked up and kept in separate areas of confinement. Most if not all of them were killed after Captain Archer retook control of the ship. But now there was what to do with the rebels that were left to interrogate and turn over to the Emperor. It was known though that Reed had always kept an eye on T'Pol and now that she was one of the main instigators and locked up it gave him the perfect chance to break her down even more and have his way with her. Reed had another MACO officer follow him to where they were keeping T'Pol and had him posted outside of the door. "No one besides me is to come in here is that clear soldier?" The MACO Soldier nodded and stood at the door. Reed walked in and looked at T'Pol in the room. He had made sure she was kept tied up so that she couldn't try to escape and the fact that they had dressed her back in the short blue uniform that they found for her earlier only made him want to take her even more. "Well well well How are we doing today Slave?" He watched her and eyed her up, letting his eyes travel over her lovely body. Oh, the things he would do to her once he had her broken down and submitted to him or hell, even now if he got the chance. "I wonder what they will choose for your execution. A rebel like you, I'm betting will get something nice and slow." He laughed and walked over to her and ran his hand against her cheek. "But you know, You don't have to face the slow death. All you have to do is submit and you can save yourself from the execution.","Lost in her own mind-numbing world of boredom and agitation, the blonde vulcan lass barely heard the door open to the room they'd locked her in. In fact, the rooms were her own quarters, but she was hardly allowed to roam free in them. She'd been chained rather securely in a standing position against the far wall where the light failed to reach even when the door was opened. It wasn't until the lights activated and burned her half-closed eyes that she realized she had company, and jerked slightly against the chains in surprise. Lucky for her, she was used to bright light due to the intense sun back on her home world, and it only took a few moments of frantic blinking before she could clearly make out the MACO uniform standing smugly before her. Her hands were bound above her head into a heavy metal loop in the bulkhead, and the chain to the reinforced leather collar tight around her throat was attached to the same place. She was just high enough that she had to stand on her tip toes to avoid hanging by her wrists, and so was rather secure from attacking with a kick anyway. T'pol's teeth bared in furious defiance at him when his hand stroked her cheek, and she was tempted to twist and sink them into that hand, but thought better of the idea. Her growl was audible, and she snarled at him after he finished his spiel about submission. "Ponfo miran!" She spat nastily...'go to hell' in her native tongue. She knew that speaking Vulcan was forbidden--but with her own death hanging over her head, she had ceased to care. "Tess ran her hand through her hair as she glanced around the classroom, frowning as she discreetly examined each of the students. She'd received reports that there had been high levels of demonic activity at this school, yet everything seemed so normal for the moment. And the same time...she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right here. She'd heard rumors of people disappearing and yet the other students had just shrugged it off. The staff seemed unconcerned with the goings-on of the students, but then that wasn't so different from a lot of schools. Tess had been here for two weeks now, and still nothing. But she couldn't give up... if there was even a chance that something was here, she had to act on it. Finally, the bell signifying the end of class rang, and Tess slowly stood up with a sigh, grabbing her bag and turning to head for the door. Once again, she would head up to the roof of the school, nobody else ever went up there so it was a perfect place. From there, she could watch over the entire school grounds, keep an eye out for anything that looked or felt odd, and she would be in a perfect place to respond as quickly as possible. "I'm almost starting to hope for something to happen," she said with a sigh. "I'm getting so bored just hanging around here. Everywhere else I've been, there's always been something within a few days...","The roof of the school wasn't exactly clean. Overturned chairs and dirt covered everything. A 25-meter long pool sat on one side of the roof. It had been a while since it had been used. The water was dark and murky. Algae covered the surface. The concrete around it was cracked. Old pool toys sat deflated around it. The ladders in and out were rusty. All of the pool chairs looked like they had been collapsed. People were afraid of this pool. It was the reason no one came to the roof. When the girl spoke, something woke. It could tell that someone was near. This was what it had been waiting for. This is what it lived for. It was time to rise again from the depths. It slowly emerged from the deep end of the pool. Its eyes popped up first, followed by the bulk of its body. It could be called an octopus, but it was much larger and had much more sinister objectives in mind. The beast saw its new target. She was a very attractive girl who seemed to be busy looking out at the school grounds. That was perfect. A tentacle slowly slid out of the water and along the ground. It silently approached its target. A second soon followed. They both reached the girl and lifted up just a little. Each one started to gradually move up her legs, ready to ensnare her. "INITIALIZING BOOT-UP SEQUENCE ACTIVATED MEMORY CHECK - COMPLETE SPEECH CAPABILITY CHECK - ERROR: SPEECH PARAMETERS NOT FULLY ESTABLISHED CONTINUE? (Y/N): Y MOBILITY CHECK: COMPLETE VIDEO PROCESSING CHECK: COMPLETE BOOT-UP SEQUENCE COMPLETE As the first activation checks were completed, slowly, this new being decided to open its eyes and see the world around it. Looking right in front of her, it noticed that there was a very beautiful, red haired woman that was standing in front of her. What the woman was doing, it could not be sure as it had a pondering question in its processor. QUERY: IS THIS PERSON MY CREATOR? Its computerized question focused itself on the bottom left hand corner of its vision as the programming started to take shape. "Are... you.... my... creator?" It asked with a pause as if it was struggling to speak. Hopefully, some questions were going to be answered as the unit looked at the woman for the very first time in its existence.,"As the first activation checks were completed, slowly, this new being decided to open its eyes and see the world around it. Looking right in front of her, it noticed that there was a very beautiful, red-haired woman that was standing in front of her. What the woman was doing, it could not be sure as it had a pondering question in its processor. QUERY: IS THIS PERSON MY CREATOR? Its computerized question focused itself on the bottom left hand corner of its vision as the programming started to take shape. "Are... you.... my... creator?" It asked with a pause as if it was struggling to speak. Hopefully, some questions would be answered as the unit looked at the woman for the very first time in its existence. "I am. My name, Candi, is Thatri Silvers. You may call me Mistress, Mistress Thatri or Mistress Silvers," Thatri said as she stood up and walked closer. "Present yourself for inspection." "Collin was a new Pokemon trainer on the block. Ready to go out and become the greatest Pokemon trainer the world had ever seen. At the age of 17, he decided to leave; sure, the age kids usually left was 10, but he wanted to wait - there were the Team Rocket incidents, and any other crazy Pokemon organizations that were going around messing with the world. He didn't want that happening when he was going on an adventure. Although he was sure that something would probably happen on his way around the world. So he might as well get going while the getting was good. The teenager started in Sinnoh, having been born there, he figured it was a good place to start. Quickly grabbing up his starter Pokemon, Chimchar, the two set off for an adventure. Chimchar sat on his trainer's head, poke balls being too cramped anyway, plus Chimchar made a great head warmer. The two eventually took a rest at a nearby Pokemon Center, wondering where they should head off to next.,"May panted, looking a little tired as she biked into town. It had been a long ride, and she was trying to race an oncoming storm. Coming around to the front of the PokeCenter, she picked up her bike just as it started to pour. Grumbling with some authority, she stepped inside, flopping into a seat. "And I was so close!" she growled, looking about to see Collin sitting at one of the tables. Not minding, she got up, put her bike near the door, locked it up, and went to the counter. "Nurse Joy? Are there any rooms available?" she asked, looking around. If Collin looked, he saw that she was a good D-cup, about midway through it. At sixteen, she was a little shorter than him, but not by much. She had a nice figure to boot. "When the suns of Tatooine descended below the distant horizon, they gave the inhabitants of the outer-rim planet a brief and welcome respite from their intense rays. The city of Mos Eisly seemed to come alive even more so than it did during the day, with busy streets full of all manner of shady individuals and underhanded dealings. Not even one of them paid much attention to a young fourteen-year-old girl who wandered the streets and sidewalks, her dirty blonde hair which was pulled back from her face into a simple ponytail and her bland, rough-looking clothes capturing none of their interest. Eris bent down and picked up what remained of a long-forgotten pendant, its hinge rusty and the picture that it contained long gone. She smiled and dropped it into her bag of odds and ends that she collected from off the streets, hurrying along one dark alleyway toward the little nook that she and her brother called home. She slipped between two tightly nestled buildings, batting away some laundry that hung between them out the windows and continuing on her way, her wrapped feet padding silently upon the dust-covered streets until she reached a small alcove and dipped into a small entryway. "Aurak! Are you home yet?" closing the door behind her, she called out for her brother while setting down her bag in the dimly lit room. Their house was comprised of only a single room, with a small stove in the corner and a sink, while their beds were merely cushions with bed-sheets laid over them. It was a simple living, but pleasant since she could be with her twin brother.,"Smiling to himself, Aurak had been out, pick-pocketing as he usually did to get them enough money to at least feed them for the next meal. He'd had a good run through the markets today, and so he'd brought home some food as well. Back home before Eris, he pulled his tattered shirt and pants off, finding the house too hot until after dark. They just couldn't afford to draw notice to the people who owned the building that they were using their energy. They'd been nice enough to give them the access code to this tiny outside storage room, he didn't want to use too much of their energy by turning the cooling on and giving them a headache when their energy cells ran low much faster than normal. When his sister walked in the door, he stayed quiet, grabbing her from behind and turning her to face him. "Boo." he says with a grin, pulling her in and giving her a kiss, although this time it was different to the normal, quick kiss on the cheek he gave her. This time, it was on her lips, a longer, more intense one. With his arms around her waist, he drew her tighter against him before very quickly letting her go as he felt himself getting hard. "Uh... Welcome home... I got some food..." he says awkwardly, trying to keep his eyes from her for the moment. "Snake sat in the back of the police truck as they drove him to yet another facility, it was the same routine as the last two times he had been caught. The man knew damn well he was going to be conned into doing another stealth mission by someone but of course he wouldn't know who until he got to where he was going. When the truck stopped he listened as the door up front opened then slammed shut, he heard the footsteps of the driver as he made his way to the back of the truck to let Snake out. The doors opened and Snake stepped out of the truck, the cuffs on his wrists rather tight. He looked at the line of officers that had their guns pointed at him and glared. The man stayed silent as they walked him into a large building, when inside he was led to an office. A man of no younger than 40 stood before him, the look on his face told Snake he had something on his mind. "Hello Plissken," funny we should meet again, I have another offer for you," the man stated. Snake looked at him as he grabbed a cigarette from a pack that was on the table and lit it. "Bob Hauk, it's a pleasure." Snake replied sarcastically. "So how do you want me to risk my life this time?" Hauk let out a small laugh before he spoke, "Well Plissken... Call me Snake." Snake interrupted before taking a drag of his cigarette. Hauk looked at him sternly knowing the man was playing games. "The secretary of defense's chopper ran out of fuel and they had to make an emergency landing while transporting a remote control to one of America's hidden weapons, it's a nuke and if that remote is activated and that button is pressed we all die," Hauk told him. "Yeah and what's the problem?" Snake asked. "The problem is the chopper made the emergency landing in New York - you know, the prison - the place is crawling with crazies that would just love to get their hands on that remote; they've all got nothing to lose and wouldn't think twice about killing us all, luckily the remote is in a locked steel briefcase so we have some time, I need you to go in there and get the secretary of defense and that briefcase out," Hauk told him. "Yeah, what's in it for me?" Snake asked. "Well, for one I won't send you to prison," Hauk replied, "and two, you'll be paid half a million dollars upon delivery of the secretary and the briefcase." "I'll think about it," Snake said after a moment's hesitation. "There's no time," Hauk insisted. "But you just said we have some time," Snake countered. "Are you in or out?" Hauk asked impatiently. Snake thought for a while before finally agreeing. He figured it was better than going to prison and he had a chance at making some cash, plus he had been there briefly before and knew what he would be dealing with. He was led to a room where he was given weapons and other things he would need before being taken into another room where a man in a lab coat stood. Snake turned and looked at Hauk. "I ain't falling for your shit again," he stated angrily. "If that asshole even comes near me with a needle or anything to inject me, I'll break his neck. I'm not stupid; I remember what happened last time. This time, you'll just have to trust me." Hauk nodded. "We're not going to inject you with anything this time," he assured Snake, "but we are going to equip you with these." He opened a case that contained ten darts and a small gun. "These Plissken, are lethal darts. They contain a poison that immobilizes the body before slowly killing the person they've been shot into. Therefore, when you need to be quiet and can't shoot your guns, use them wisely." After Snake was equipped with everything he needed, he was sent off on his mission. He landed the glider on top of the World Trade Center and stepped out. It felt like deja vu being here again as he stepped into the elevator and rode it down. When he got outside onto the streets, he ran into a group of about five guys who all looked at him. Snake stood calmly until one of the guys tried to grab for his gun. Snake grabbed his hand and snapped broke his arm at the elbow, which triggered the other guys to come at him. He started firing his gun then made a run for it when he saw more people walk out of some of the buildings around him. After about ten minutes of running, he found himself in an alleyway hidden from everyone who had been following him. Snake leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette, keeping himself on guard just in case anyone found him.,"Maggie stood in the alleyway, she couldn't believe her eyes. She got that warm feeling again; she was such a sucker for him. Her long skirt protected her from the night air, but her barely-there top did little to hide her big breasts and hard nipples. She smiled that wry smile. "So, Snake," she said, "what brings you to this part of town?" She pushed open a panel in the otherwise seemingly brick wall and led him into a small room where she had been hiding since the last time they saw each other. It hadn't been long before she was collected up and dropped back in the middle of New York. She had eventually found a safe place to hide and survive, but not before some rough times. She wanted to get away again, and she was happy to do it with Snake. "It was a damp, warm Saturday night, heavy clouds were rolling over head, spilling thunderous warnings of rain to come, not that it stopped anyone from running around. It was just a little past midnight and a small group of people were walking along the sidewalks of muggle London. "I know this is a muggle zone," Neville said, "but my cousin works at one of the strip joints and they have a new guy there who is so beautiful you feel like dying just so he can have your heart!" And besides, wasn't this supposed to be a birthday party? Neville demanded, smirking at them all. He was throwing a party for his boyfriend, Blaise Zabini, and was dragging them all to a local... muggle, strip club. Of course, considering wizards didn't have strip clubs, Neville was eager to see the purebloods' reactions to the dancers. Blaise was going to freak out, get drunk, and try to rape the dancers, but how would the others react? It wasn't long before a name appeared on the street. Guilty Pleasures, one of the hottest strip clubs the city had to offer, they had the prettiest, the hottest, and the down right lewdest dancers available there. And some of them even put out after if you had the right kind of cash or had an in with the owner. Neville paid for everyone's tickets, the once shy, trembling boy, now a very important wizard, able to grow anything. They headed inside and settled into their red cushion seats and leaned back to enjoy the show, a woman on stage writhing in time to music, slowly tripping until she was nothing but bra and panties, grinding against a bar. Neville could feel Blaise shudder against him. Blaise was Bi, and Neville often let the large Italian 'off his leash' to enjoy the flesh of others, it was a strange relationship. The woman finished dancing and left the stage and the lights dimmed, the music slowed and a new figure stepped onto stage, a male though you could only tell because of the lack of breasts, as his face was hidden by a mask. He began to sway, his skin as white as the moon and shimmering in the half light of the building, as if he himself was glowing. He had hair as while as lilies flowing around his shoulders, curling around his hips and as he moved the hair swirled with him, making those long, silken locks as seductive as the rest of him. Magic swept the room as he ran his hands along his body, nothing serious, just enough to fill the muggles, and the wizards watching with such an intense lust that many of the muggles lost themselves. The man on stage swirled and dance, touching and stroking, and then slid off the stage as if he was made of liquid and settled into a man's lap, dancing still as he removed the mask and bent down to kiss the stranger, Neville and Blaise both barely holding back cries of shock... it was Draco Malfoy, who had been missing for almost eight years.,""...I don't think I'd want to let him have my heart. A little sickening. Might not like the present." Gabriel said looking amused as Neville looked at him, shrugging as he wrapped an arm around Blaise's shoulders, leaning into his best friend's personal space, stealing a kiss before dancing away laughing. While he was a pureblooded wizard, he spent most of his time dealing with muggles as a businessman, and so many deals went on in a strip club. So he for one, knew what was coming next. And he was sooo going to love seeing how Blaise reacted. Poor Blaise, it was going to be so much fun teasing him after they sobered up in the morning. Gabriel settled on his cushion as he watched the stripper, while he appreciated the beauty, he was not one to be moved by women, so he was interested in this male Neville kept telling them about. Smirking as he thought of the club's name, oh yes, he was going to enjoy the guilty pleasures. Watching the male, he swallowed hard watching as he glowed, even at the man being dressed he wanted to lay his lips over that moon-kissed skin. Sipping his drink, he shifted in his seat to hide his reaction to the man's body. Sipping his drink sighing softly as the dancer settled into his lap, thrusting up against him a little, teasing. Before the mask came off, instead of kissing him back, he rested his lips against the man's lips before he coughed, choking on his whiskey as he looked at the pretty blond in his lap. "Blood...bloody hell..." Gabriel gaped, unable to say anything more as he met dark gray eyes, unable to make any more sense of the words. It was so out of his realm of reality to find Draco Malfoy in his lap, that he had no idea what to think. "Yongen was much the same as it had been when Akira had last been here, but that was perhaps to be expected for a small suburb. The same small shops were still on the streets, the same old houses stood in place without even a new drop of paint on the walls. The same people, potentially, bustled around and paid no attention to the young man as he strode along with purpose. "It really is the exact same." The voice, small and slightly girlish, came from the leather bag supported on the young man's right shoulder. A small feline head poked out of the opening in the zipper and scanned around. "I thought the Chief was exaggerating when he said Yongen was the same as ever." Akira shrugged. "Well, what do you expect? A place like this doesn't hold much interest to developers." In the few years that had passed since his hectic stint at Shujin, culminating in him shooting God in the face and saving Christmas, Akira hadn't changed much. He was a tad taller, his musculature a little more defined now that the last awkward vestiges of puberty had been shrugged off. And his hair was a tangled frizz of dark hair, as ever. Akira came to a stop at the small glass door, a sign overhead plainly stating 'Leblanc: Coffee and Curry.' He smiled in a warm nostalgia. As Akira pushed in the bell over the door chimed, and the aging man behind the counter looked up from his crossword. "Oh, you actually came. Nice to see you." He was trying to be cool and impassive, but it was clear he liked Akira quite a bit. After all, he had been much the same when he was Akira's age. "Long time no see," Akira greeted. He hummed and stroked his chin. "Just like I left it... I see the Sayuri is still there too. But something's missing..." Ah yes, of course, the pint-sized hacker who had been his most eager co-worker.,""Mmhm. Yusuke still comes by occasionally. He may have that patron now, but he still spends so wastefully," Sojiro said. Sojiro busied himself behind the counter -- the roaster turned on, a porcelain mug was retrieved, and in record time a piping hot cup of coffee was produced and set on the old wood counter top. He pushed it over the counter to Akira, leaning over the counter as he eyed the young man expectantly. "I've been trying new blends. Take a moment, sit down. I know you've come a long way, so it's on the house, just this once," he said with an amicable smirk. "I'll call Futaba down in a minute." A meow came from the bag, but Akira heard it for what it was. "... down?" "You're still carrying that cat around in your bag?" Sojiro asked, looking genuinely surprised for a moment. He busied himself another moment behind the counter, coming out with a small bowl that he filled with a thin layer of cream. "At least let Mona out. It's boiling out there," Sojiro said, setting the bowl down behind the counter so Morgana could come around and drink in peace. There came a hammering of feet from the back room, bare feet padding on old wooden steps, and suddenly-- She looked just the same. Perhaps her bright red hair was a little longer (hard to tell, as it had been pulled back into a ponytail), and perhaps her face had lost just a touch of its roundness. But it was still the very same Futaba Sakura that burst out of the back room, breathless and panting, resplendent in big baggy black sweats and a moss green tanktop. Her breath caught in her throat as she stood there, small chest heaving-- "... A-Akira!" Futaba squeaked. "Yamainu wasted no time in mounting her, holding her firmly as she moved to push inside her.,"This breeding process would repeat several times throughout the night until Kaguya was too exhausted to continue. She had been thoroughly made a mess of, Yamamura's seed painting her thighs - she would need a bath soon, and if she was lucky, she would be carrying his child. "Tiala was bored. Not that being bored was bad, of course! In a lot of ways, being bored was good. It meant no one was entering her cargo bay who wasn't supposed to be there. It meant no one was investigating hership, which had been in a few run-ins with the law. Most importantly, it meant no one was taking too close a look at the cargo containers she'd had unloaded. A brief check would show them to be full of very boring scrap metal. A more thorough check might find more exciting, but highly illegal, spice. So yes, boredom was good. Still... Tiala sighed, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her bare blue arms over her chest. She was dressed casually, in her dark synthleather smuggling pants and boots, synthleather jacket casually over her shoulders, and white tank top beneath. The thin fabric of that top did little to conceal her generous breasts, full and firm, a hint of blue cleavage visible with the low neckline. Indeed, Tiala was a beautiful woman, even for a Twi'lek, a species already known for its beauty. Something she'd found to be both an advantage and a disadvantage... Tiala shook her head gently, her headtails waving back and forth. Ugh, when was the client going to show up, anyway? She needed to unload this spice and move on to the next job. She was going to need to do a lot more jobs if she ever wanted to pay off her debts. A frown settled on her pretty face, foot beginning to tap as she waited.,"As Tiala shifted on her feet, an Imperial port official approached her in the snapped black uniform that they all wore. Many ports had transitioned quite easily to Imperial rule and the extra taxes and tariffs on some goods had allowed port officials to become rich off of bribes to subvert them. This man was young, likely only in his mid twenties with short brown hair and hazel eyes. "Excuse me, are you the captain of that XS Freighter in Bay X2-05?" The man called out to her, his voice firm and commanding; it seemed like the man was used to giving orders. He stepped towards her, a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, he knew something. His eyes shifted to gaze at her cleavage before moving to look her straight in the eyes as he cleared his throat. "You're hiding some spice in that ship of yours. Don't bother trying to lie, I already have the proof." He stopped her denial upfront before she could even say anything as his eyes narrowed slightly, curious as to how she would react to this sudden news. "Scarlet prowled the hotel bar, scanning the patrons for her target. Not the man she was going to kill. At least, not the man she was being paid to kill, but who knew where the evening might end up. Either way, she had found him. Dark hair, firm physique, piercing blue eyes. Her intentions for this man were more lascivious than homicidal. With a strut, she was Shadi, the easy-going blonde seductress. All the important work for tonight's job was done already. Shadi was her go-to when she needed to seduce a target she stood out too much otherwise, but tonight she would work for an alibi. After all, she didn't need to be in the same room as her target, and being seen chatting up a handsome man at the bar at the time of death would distance her from suspicion. Her dress wasn't too scandalous tonight. After all, this was a classy place, not some sleazy club full of half-naked dancers and free-flowing drugs. Her black leather dress clung to her figure, but didn't show much skin, especially paired with her thigh-high boots. Though, the peaking window of creamy cleavage couldn't be called modest. "This seat taken?" she asked, her voice tinged with a note of hope as she held his gaze. Her free hand grazed the back of his chair, not touching him, but close enough to feel her body heat. Still, she had to be careful not to come on too strong. He might worry that she was her target. The errant thought brought a small giggle to her lips, an act she hoped he would take for flirtation as she slid into her seat. "Shadi," she introduced, embracing the mask as she offered her hand. "I hope I am not bothering you. It's just the thought of spending the evening alone seems like such a waste.","His target was getting suspicious. That wasn't a surprise. Cienor Jissard was a dangerous combination of highly skilled and highly paranoid, which is why the man was still loose. He'd stated a jump ahead for three years and four sectors, and now he'd wormed his way into the inner circle of the Sector Governor. It would be necessary to throw Cienor’s suspicions off before he woke up in an iso-cube. If he woke up at all. Because if Cienor persuaded Governor Berick that he was, say, a Separatist agent well, the Governor might just arrange to have him killed. He fidgeted with the titanium cufflinks in his cream-colored shirt, flicked imaginary lint from his gray sleeve, and sighed. Undercover improvisation was dangerous. But not improvising could be fatal. So what could he do to stay within his established identity and still throw suspicion off? This seat taken? The voice, a smooth contralto, came from behind, accompanied by a gentle wash of displaced air that carried a subtle scent. He couldn't place it, but it seemed floral. Not at all, he replied, rising and pulling out the chair. The woman, a well-built blonde in a damn sexy black dress, slid into the chair with a casual grace and extended a hand. Shadi, she smiled. I hope I am not bothering you. It's just the thought of spending the evening alone seems like such a waste. Smiling in return, he caught her hand by the fingers and raised it to his lips. No bother at all, a gentleman, he replied with a twinkle in his eyes, must always stand ready to rescue a lady in distress. He chuckled as he released her hand, amused by the realization that the perfect way to throw off suspicion had just arrived. Harlan Kwan-Don, he said, offering his name in return. And quite seriously, the house wine is nothing special, but the pulkay is excellent. "Within some odd white room, two people were on a bed, one an unconscious naked Japanese male, the other a naked Caucasian woman who sat next to him. She had unrivaled beauty, with breasts the size of watermelons, yet firm, with a perfect waist with visible abs and a nice large firm bubble butt. Smooth skin and plump thighs, silky smooth white hair, white eyes. To describe any more would be redundant. She was beautiful. She waited for the boy to wake up.,"Issei moaned a bit in his sleep. It was natural for a boy his age to have sexual dreams, but this one felt a little more intense, real even... A white haired figure was giving him the best sex of his life, and as he orgasmed in his dreams, he wakes up to find that same figure sitting next to him in his bed. Startled, he jumps off the bed to find he has a massive hard-on. He looks at her and is almost hypnotized by her massive breasts. "Who... are... you?" "Kasumi darted past thickets in the vast forest where she was being chased by numerous members of the Mugen Tenshin clan. They all wanted to stop her from entering Daimyo Kiryu's territory, claiming that he was a dangerous and sadistic ruler. But Kasumi wanted to deal with him herself, without putting anyone in her clan in danger. The only one who would accompany her in this mission was her close ally Momiji, someone who she shared a strange relationship with. At times they were considered lovers, then there were times when Kasumi would suffer beatings from the black-haired kunoichi and be forced to obey her every command. Kasumi's long socks tore in various places as sharp thorns brushed against her legs as she continued to pace through the forest. Eventually, she found the end of the forest and through the opening she could immediately spot a bright light that seemed to be emanating from the Daimyo's mansion. Immediately, Kasumi looked over her shoulder at Momiji and gave her a satisfied look. "I think we're finally here. Do you think we should barge in through the front, shrine maiden?",""KASUMI!" She bops her beloved on the head. "I am no Shrine Maiden anymore... not after I slew Rachelle and her demonic essence came to reside within me." She had cast aside her Shrine Maiden days. The woman now wore a black mesh outfit with some fishnet leggings along her long legs. The top was like a leotard and it settled on her curvy figure so well. The sounds of the Mugen Tenshin pursuers were growing closer. But once they entered Lord Kiryu's territory, they would be safe; Lord Kiryu was head of a powerful Yakuza clan, having existed since the time of the Shogunate's first foundation. Thus, the Yakuza was greatly feared even by Mugen Tenshin. The red light of the fenced-in manor could be seen. The woman grimaced and tugged Kasumi's hair. "No time... we are jumping the fence." She said, and with a firm tug of that long auburn hair, she rudely took her and swung her over the fence, likely sending her landing in the lord's pool. But hopefully Kasumi could swim. Then, with great grace, she leapt the fence using the chainlinks as foot holds and landed on the other side. "Sorry Sumi-chan," she said once they were past the fence. The group of Yakuza guarding the door came running. "What is the meaning of this?" One heavily tattooed man with a pierced nose asked. "We are the new servants of Lord Kiryu, and we have come to escape our pursuers in return for our life for Lord Kiryu. Now get out there and keep them busy." She grimaced, sending the man scurrying to gather his troupes to go stop the Mugen Tenshi pursuit. Then she went over to the drenched kunoichi. "Sorry, was it the flow of the moment? Thing?" She held her hand out to pull the soggy ninja out. "Ishaq Al'Aqrab walked through the myriad of streets in Damascus, intent on finding this arena he had heard about from the lowliest of hashish dens. This Shadaloo group was looking for members and required everyone to pass through a gauntlet of fights. He had learned the methods of an assassin, the way of crossbow and daggers. The way of the silent and stealthy kill in the darkness of night and shadow, where the good assignment was one that no one ever knew he was there until he was long gone. This fight would not lend itself well to that sort of ability, but a straight fight was occasionally required. Coming to the place, he found the arena and made his way to enter as a candidate for recruitment.,"Shadaloo had recruit points all over the world, in every continent and in many countries. The arena was well hidden. In an alley, you'd have to enter a casino from a rear entrance. Mention to the guard there the password, "Shadaloo lives on." He'd take you down a flight of stairs or two, to a room where you are scanned for weapons, after being searched and stripped of weapons, you are then asked to walk through a small passageway which was dark and horrifying. Getting past that, allowed access to a staircase, where more guards, these having the Shadaloo emblem on their clothing, searched you again. Passing the doors, there was a casino-like venue with a giant cage at the center. Women danced naked in front of the shadiest of men, an occasional dead body here and there, and of course, people watching and rooting for their favorites fighting in the cage. To try to get in, you'd have to approach one last guard, whom you could spot because he was dressed in crimson red. You'd have to pay him a fee, and he'd stamp your arm with the mark of Shadaloo. Showing this to whomever the monitor was, you'd be allowed into the cage to fight for a spot. "Lift the cage upwards!" Yelled a man, dressed in expensive clothing. He was tall, blond, lean and intimidating with how he wore a mask to cover his face. The rumors had gotten around about him. He was undoubtedly Vega, the Spanish Ninja and one of the Four Kings of Shadaloo. It was difficult to ever actually spot any of them, but there he was, in the flesh, and the claw on his arm seemed capable of dicing through bone without any trouble at all. As the cage rose up, one fighter managed to crawl out into a group of men, who help him get to the back of the casino, the other, remained lifeless on the mat, his neck having been twisted until he was dead. "Get him out of here! Let's go! We have more men to recruit!" Vega barked, spotting a stamp on Ishaq's hand. "Come boy, hurry. You're next up to fight. Try to stay alive and do as I say." He looked around and found another man with a stamp, he matched Ishaq's weight and height nearly perfectly. People gathered around and started placing bets, laughing and drinking like this was just a common sport. A bell rung, and the men were left to themselves, the cage didn't come down, so either one could run should he suffer too much pain. Ishaq's opponent immediately rushed at him and attempted to clock him with a right hook from the get go. "It was a night like any other in the Firelight district of the Lower Menthis Plateau ward. Casinos, taverns, bordellos, and other attractions spilled noise and laughter out onto the streets of Sharn's only somewhat-reputable red light district. Aside from the various forms of illegal entertainment, petty crime was relatively suppressed here, in sharp contrast to Dragoneyes and Sharn's Welcome elsewhere in the City of Towers. A visitor here could tell that people were having a good time in fairly relaxed safety. Firelight was even home to the bordello Savia's, an opulent affair that boasted to receive clientele from all the way up to Upper Central Plateau and even the floating Skyway above the city, the highest of Sharn's high society. The Crimson Lotus was no Savia's, but it was nonetheless still well-known as a classy establishment for sophisticated companionship. The escorts employed here were refined, educated, cultured, and very tight-knit. Unlike many of the other brothels in Firelight, the Crimson Lotus did not have a policy of racial discrimination, but the workers were well taken care of and took care of each other. Individually the employees were allowed to refuse a client for any reason, and with how much they treated each other like family, it incentivized would-be clients to be on their best behavior, lest they find that no escorts were "available". Clients walked in and either stayed the night or left with a partner, all routine. It was a night like any other. Until Cavalier stepped through the doors. He was a fairly tall individual, dressed in colorful, expensive clothes. The fabric of the leggings was puffy with red-and-purple checker patterns, accentuated by gold-colored trim. The shirt was loose and flowing, with wavy stripe patterns also of red and purple, with a decorative white-and-gold vest over top. Blue velvet gloves covered his hands. A well-crafted saber was belted to his hip. And lastly, a yellow-feather-plumed blue cavalier hat was perched on his head. All in all, he was dressed as fabulously as half of the Crimson Lotus' usual clients, nothing unusual or standing out in particular. Except for the fact that underneath the clothing was not flesh, but wood, metal, and bundled cords of plant fiber. The warforged turned heads from other clients and occupied escorts as he strode through the reception area of the Crimson Lotus. He walked up to an open counter top, with a portly gnome sitting at the desk behind it, who was giving Cavalier a rather confused look. "Can you, warforged? Do you need directions?" The gnome said slowly. In all the years the Crimson Lotus had been in operation, a warforged had never entered the building. A warforged wearing clothing was even more bizarre. "Directions? Not at all, good fellow," he says, throwing several more oddities out beside the request itself; he speaks with a well-inflected, smoothly nuanced voice, unlike most warforged with usually monotonous tones and clipped words. In fact, Cavalier is missing the usual stone, metal, and wood exterior plating of nearly all warforged, or any kind of plating in general, which is what allows him to wear fitting clothes in the first place. "...Ah." The gnome receptionist utters simply, rather at a loss for words. The receptionists at the other desks can't help but also glance in Cavalier's direction, slightly distracted from the clients they are handling. The gnome ruminates on the very weird situation before him, but eventually nods. "...I see. If you will wait here, I shall...go check the availability of our escorts..." "Certainly. I shall wait," he says with a small, respectful bow, as the receptionist slides out of his chair and walks his jolly weight further into the building, heading for the main lounge. Heads look up as Sebbin steps into the lounge. "Hey, girls? You're not going to believe this, but, uh...there's a warforged outside who wants to hire one of you. Any volunteers?" The gossiping menagerie of call-girls (and a few gigolos) working for the Crimson Lotus had been making their usual small talk, but now everything abruptly skidded to a halt when Sebbin appeared. All eyes stared disbelievingly at him. "You're serious?" One of the human prostitutes--Maggie--eventually uttered out, earning a nod from Sebbin. "...What in Olladra's name?" She muttered. "But...that doesn't...why?" Another woman, a changeling named Jee currently in the form of an elf, asked. "What is even the point? Warforged don't have the parts..." She pointed out, to which Sebbin only helplessly shrugged. "...Maybe it wants to have someone to talk to? Plenty of people come to us for that..." "Hah! I doubt that." The halfling Kayla piped up. "I mean, have any of you ever really met a warforged? I have." Kayla made a sour face. "Worst conversationalists. Ever. They're not called 'war-forged' for nothing, you know. And they don't even eat, right? I remember hearing that from somewhere. It can't even be taking you out for a candle-lit dinner..." Kayla said with the most emphatic voice yet, and many of her coworkers were nodding along with her. "I mean...I keep an open mind myself." Jezebel, another human, said. "You all know I've been taking that hobgoblin lately who's becoming a regular, Gushaak? You wouldn't expect a hobgoblin to be polite, but he is, and he's great in bed. But...a warforged? Physically or emotionally, they can't even feel like we do!" A few more voiced agreeing sentiments of the pointlessness of escorting a warforged, everyone looking and nodding at each other all the way. It looked like no one was going to stand up and take this client...,""There are many things that most people do not understand about working at a place like The Crimson Lotus," Mia says. "While it is fancy, the ladies and men get wonderful clothes, the food and wine is exquisite, the accommodations are bountiful, and the wages are pretty good, but it suffers from a single major problem." She pauses for effect. "You are always expected to be in 'character' in public, and when your time is not purchased, things can get quite boring. Your nights are devoted to working, and your days are often spent preparing for the next evening. And if no one pays for your time or attention, you merely sit around looking pretty or occasionally serving enticing treats to those enjoying the lounge." Mia takes a sip of her wine as she continues. "It was just such a night for me," she says with a sigh. "The fiery-haired half elf was draped over a couch in the lounge, showing off my new outfit. A low-cut, tight-fitting full-length dress colored a vibrant red and gold. My ample bust pushed up by the lace and leather bodice barely hidden underneath the sheer garment. A split that began right above my hip and ran all the way down showed my smooth, slender, pale leg as I relaxed with a sigh." Mia's stormy blue eyes, like twin lapis glanced up as Sebbin entered the room. "Hmmm," she says, "perhaps this night might be interesting. A special client?" Mia was one of the more expensive girls at The Lotus, having worked there for quite some time and developed a moderate reputation as a witty, fiery, exotic, and quite skilled companion. It also helped that she spoke most languages in Khorvaire at least possibly. There was a rumor that she had once entertained King Kiaus on one of his few visits to Sharn. While these were in fact merely rumors, she had indeed been seen on the arm of many a diplomat, dignitary, or wealthy merchant. Always sporting the red neck ribbon that signified her place of employ. As the other girls voiced their consternation and incredulity, Mia pondered before finally speaking up. "Sebbin, dear, how much is he paying?" At this, the other girls looked over at her, a mix of shock, surprise, and confusion. The momentary silence was finally broken by a deep bellied laugh from the only Dwarf on the Lotus' payroll, a stout woman by the name of Gertrude. "Ah, seems Mia's got an interest. What is it lass? Coming close on a payment on that fine dress a' yers?" She said, getting a tingling laugh from the other girls. "Well, I guess if it paid enough, I mean their money is as good as any? But still... talk about a boring job." Kayla piped in. "Well, it's a slow night, and if I'm going to sit on my ass and be bored, I might as well get paid for it," Mia replied with practiced ease and elegance. With a nod from Sebbin, she got off the couch and swayed over toward the portly gnome. "I'll go talk to him." She followed him from the lounge to the desk, and the waiting 'forged. "The last several hours had changed her life completely. Upon momentary contemplation, she could not pinpoint an exact moment when she knew that her place in this universe had been altered completely; rather, it was a collection of moments. Arguably, it all began when she left Jakku. Somehow, she ended up here. Strapped to a chair with her heart beating violently in her chest -- the infamous Kylo Ren was the first thing she saw when she woke. She had challenged him, that much she was more than aware of, as she had prompted him to remove his masked helmet. What she saw was not the fearsome man that she had anticipated, but rather someone strangely deep and alluring. Terrifying and violent, but alluring regardless. He had violated her; visiting and dancing around in her mind, uninvited and intrusively. The brunette woman protested, writhing and squirming away from him as he exploited her secret thoughts, reciting her loneliness to her as though this was some sort of game to him. All the while, she felt something strange and unfamiliar building up in her very core. A power that she wasn't capable of understanding or controlling. Her eyes boldly locked into his cold and hostile stare, digging into him as he had just done to her. Rey accused him, quickly sifting through his insecurities and finding his deepest one to bring to the surface. She angled herself forward, wrists still restrained. She did her best to show no fear as she awaited his retort, hoping that she had bested him.,"She was stronger than he originally guessed. He had felt the budding power of the Force in her, but he never expected her to be this potent. She had just awoken to the Force and already, she was able to peer deeply into mind and twist him to her desire. She was good, very good. Even though the haze of anger and frustration, he could acknowledge that much. He wanted her...if he could train her, use her for his own purpose...he'd be unstoppable. Ren glared at the girl, her accusation spot on. He would never admit to it though...fear was not suppose to be an emotion he possessed. Instead, his mind entered her own again and did what she had just done. Using all his powers to bypass her mental barriers, he found her deepest fear. "What about you, then...Rey?" He questioned her softly with a smile as he leaned forward, his face close to her own, his hot breath on her neck. "You're afraid...of being worthless....worst than worthless. After all...that must have been while you were abandoned on that backwater planet. Your parents didn't want you, because you were worthless. A life without purpose...with no meaning. Isn't that what you fear?" He asked with a small chuckle as he used the Force to try and sway her emotions as he spoke. His thumb gently brushed over her lips as he whispered hotly in her ear. "I can give you purpose...Rey. If you work with me, I will train you. You life will have meaning. You'll be one of the most powerful warriors in galactic history. You won't just be a speck on a no name planet....isn't that what you want." His hot breath invaded her ear, his mind twisted around inside her like a knife as he tried to get her to see things his way. "It had been two weeks following the events of Honnouji Academy. Ragyo had been dealt with, and the world was safe. To H.G.'s own happiness, she now had two companions eager to see everything her box could show them. The engines and rotor of the TARDIS groaned and wheezed as the box gently shook in transit, while its pilot stood at the control console in the large study that served as the bridge. "So..." a young man with black hair and dark brown eyes with a golden tint watched as his companion flipped various switches and pushed buttons. "Where are we going exactly?" Jikan asked as H.G. smirked. "To refuel," H.G. said, pulling a lever down before looking over the diagnostics, including the remaining amount of fuel left within the reserves. "I haven't refueled since before Honno City, and I've been putting it off too long." She smiled, her proper British accent filling the air as she looked at the screen. "The TARDIS has found us a nice little spot that should do the trick." She turned to look at the young boy. "Better go wake Nevada up; I'm sure she doesn't want to miss the chance to see where we land." Heading through the threshold and down the maze of hallways, Jikan grinned as he arrived at one certain door with Nevada's name engraved on it. He pushed the button to open it up, revealing the darkened interior. Slipping in quietly, he ever so carefully made his way to the bed where a familiar figure was quietly asleep. "Nevaaaadaaa," he cooed gently shaking her by the shoulder. "Wakey wakey." He continued his motions, pulling the covers off her body. "Time to get up sleepy head.","Humanity is saved. Life Fibers are no longer hell-bent on taking over the world -which is always a good thing-, Ragyo is no longer an issue, either, having ripped out her heart and crushed it into little threads once everything unraveled. Heh, the irony Anyway, everything is returning to normal at Honnouji Academy or whatever qualifies as normal, leaving Nevada free to do whatever she likes. Rescuing her mother took longer than she expected it to but with that out of the way, well on to the next adventure. Nevada rolled over onto her other side, tendrils of curly brown framing her features. Her lips parted just so as a breath escaped. The blankets were tangled about her hips, showing off quite a lot of ivory skin perhaps more than what is appropriate. Where they will be heading next, she has no idea but in any case, its gonna be out of this world. Literally. The TARDIS can travel not only from one place to another but from one dimension to another, one world to another -the possibilities are endless. Nevadas nose wrinkled as she caught wind of her name, displeasure rippling over her features as reality threatened to replace blissful unconsciousness. Five more minutes she murmured under her breath, burying herself into the blankets before they were pulled off. A chill settled over her body, making her shiver and curl up into a tight ball. Little bits and pieces of brown fell against her cheeks. Jikan Nevada whined, a sliver of dark brown appearing from behind a closed door and gazing at him. Five more minutes please? In nothing more than a blue tank top and tiny purple shorts, of course she was freezing at this point not that he cared, apparently. Im still sleepy A balled fist rubbed at her eye, which was hazy and making it obvious that she wasn't entirely awake. Pretty please? With a cherry on top? Maybe Jikan won't quite understand it, but it was worth a shot right? "In a realm of fables and legend, there were hidden evils more powerful and wicked than any mortal soul could possibly comprehend... These were horrifying times across the land, plagued by misery, anguish, and even death itself. Arthur's nostrils flared as he awoke, drenched in his own sweat. The crevices of his wrinkled forehead were caked in his own dried blood, as it covered his battered face. His once stoic and honorable blue eyes were now nearly sealed shut due to the severe swelling caused by his captor's relentless beatings. His vision was fuzzy and double as he squinted, attempting to make out a visual of his surroundings, giving him some clue of where he may be, as his short term memory has clearly suffered damage. For a handful of seconds which seemed to have gone by in lifetimes, his senses slowly began to return to him. Firstly, his nose perked as the wretched aroma of filth and disgust filled his lungs. Arthur coughed heavily, as fresh blood escaped his lips and ran down his chin, dripping on the cold stone floor below him. The terrible smell was a mixture of his own battered self, as well as the stench of bubbling concoctions brewing in a cauldron up on a stone platform against the north wall of the room. Arthur's sight slowly began to regain it's bearings as he could make out shapes of the dungeon he found himself in. What caught his attention at first was a sacrificial altar made of marble and decorated with various twisted and gnarled demonic engravings along the edges. The rectangular table was large enough to fit a person's body, and to his surprise, his beloved Guinevere lay seemingly unconscious on the table, strapped down by barb-studded leather. The tightness of the straps through her skin caused many lesions and gashes that allowed her precious innocent blood to trickle down and pool beneath her as she lay vulnerable to the terrors that soon awaited. The mere movement of any part of her body, even rising her chest to breath would cause unbearable pain and digging of the barbs into her skin. Suddenly, his sense of pain returned as he felt his own wounds open and close with each breath of the poisonous air, ripping the clots and freshening the supply of pooled redness below him. He tried to shout in terror, but was unable, due to his tongue being cut out, and his mouth filled with the taste of warm iron. Arthur had been bound and tied to a wooden post overlooking the altar where Guinevere lay. It was a ghastly room, that was dark and suspiciously quiet other than the occasional whimpering of the humiliated king and queen. The cobblestone walls were complete with dead vines and moss growing all over ancient demonic writings and engravings that littered the walls on all sides. Torches lit the room, as the fire flickered and barely illuminated their sinister surroundings. The only way in or out was through an iron-studded wooden door that seemed to lead to a staircase going up... Signifying that possibly they were somewhere underground, in a room designated for dark blood rituals. Unfortunately for Arthur, nearly every bone in his body felt as if it were fractured as he sat vulnerable and paralyzed, trying to remember how and why he and Guinevere could have ended up in an evil place such as this. Lastly, his hearing began to fade in and out as he listened to footsteps on the other side of the door grow louder as they suddenly stopped. The metal handle turned, as the wood creaked and an entrance was made. Out from the darkness of the spiraled stairwell, stepped Merlin. Arthur knew that the wizard, his former trainer, had always been plagued with issues concerning his thirst for power and dominance. However, it was clear that he has changed, his demeanor taking a turn for the worse. His once conflicted eyes had now displayed a message of pure evil as his gaze upon Arthur felt as if it were piercing into the depths of his very soul. The black robe Merlin wore raked across the ground as the tangled and gnarled wand slowly pointed toward the desperate king. A grim smile from Merlin was seen as he spoke in a dark and twisted voice, almost as if it were two voices meshed into one. "Arthur, my boy... Your reign is over. Your destiny now, is to serve me." Merlin stated, as a faint red glow began to take form, swirling around the tip of his wand. "...Death....First..." Arthur managed to cough out, using the last bit of energy he had to retaliate in defiance. His sound was weak and pathetic, as his mutilated tongue made it impossible for him to speak properly. "Hm hm hm hm...." Merlin chuckled, "That is the plan, of course. Not even death will grant you salvation now. Once the ritual is complete, you will serve me even as a tainted and unholy undead abomination." Arthur barely managed to hear the last part of Merlin's response as his eyes became heavy once more. He drifted back into unconsciousness briefly as his mind began to reflect on recent events, a dream of sorts, detailing a cloudy memory of the past. The pain and fear of his imminent death had tunneled into the back of his mind once again, as just a few moments of reminiscing seemed like ages to his now pseudo-lucid brain.,"Every movement brought pain-searing, hot, unforgiving pain. Guinevere could feel the relentless bite of the metal barbs against her soft flesh as her muscles tensed in fear, flexing in reaction to her most dire of situations. The air was oddly cold, though somehow despite how muddled her thoughts had become, she figured it was due to blood loss more so than to being naked or to even being in what appeared to be some dark, dank room located deep within the crypts of Castle Camelot. She was sure that she and her beloved...oh yes, she knew Arthur was there, she could feel his presence, sense him...were somewhere deep within its bowls. Guinevere's breaths were short as she tried her best to breathe, panting on the stale, rancid air that swirled about her body, as she lay sprawled and vulnerable to whoever had splayed her in such a distasteful fashion. She could feel her blood oozing from each knick on her pale flesh, her dark hair plastered to her face as she stared upward at a ceiling that seemed to disappear into oblivion, clearly a trick of the eye...or was that just the blood loss once more? Blinking her blue eyes, Guinevere tried to look away from the ceiling. In vain, she dared to twist her head to the side in hopes to see where Arthur was, but it was no use. All the motion did was bring back more pain. Just then she heard the wizard's chuckle. It was amazing how something that used to be so familiar and so warm suddenly seemed so cold and disturbing. How had things changed so drastically? Her eyes fluttered shut just then as she listened to the old man taunt her beloved. The hatred seethed through her veins like acid, tearing them apart from the inside out. It washer. That woman, her beloved's half-sister! She followed the devil, heard his voice! Evil! That's what Morgan Pendragon was! Yes, the hatred ran deep, right to Guinevere's very core. A shiver ran along Guinevere's spine as she heard the light sound of footsteps walking down a set of stone steps. Somehow she knew who it was. Morgan. Morgan smiled as she gracefully, languidly descended the stone steps and made her way past the altar where Guinevere lied. Her hand brushed against the marble so lovingly and she moved on toward where Merlin stood in all his glorious wonder. She marveled at his radiance, as his dark power seemed to emanate in dark waves. Flicking some of her red hair over her shoulder, she sucked in a sharp breath, her chest rising as her lungs filled to their capacity and slowly she exhaled. The room smelled of blood and death and fear. It was utterly exhilarating! Pale skin flushed as a sweeping heat moved across Morgan's face and down along her neck, along the swells of her heaving breasts. She smiled and let a delicate hand move along Merlin's shoulder. "They are ready," she said almost stoically, though a hint of giddiness resounded in her tone, unable to hide her elation. Guinevere let out the smallest of whimpers just then causing Morgan to glance over at the bound and helpless queen. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips and she giggled softly a sound of victorious triumph. Unable to stay awake, to take the pain, Guinevere succumbed to the overwhelming sensations that ripped through her tiny body as the barbs cut deeper, blood causing tiny rivulets to drip down along her pale flesh in every which way... finally giving in to unconsciousness, finally giving in to darkness. "Two Talon agents walked into a cell deep inside one of their hideouts with large grins plastered on their faces. They had captured the Overwatch agent known as Mercy not too long ago and now had locked her in a cell. They had been pumping her full of drugs and aphrodisiacs almost without pause, with the goal being to turn her into little more than a cum dumpster for Talon once they had gotten the info they needed out of her. "Let's see how she is doing," the taller man chuckled as he opened the door to Mercy's cell. She was chained to a wall, completely naked as there were needles stuck into her throughout her body, pumping her full of the drugs that would make her crave sex and pleasure. "How are we doing today, Mercy?" He asked with a chuckle as he licked her cheek, his hands moving to grope one of her perky breasts while the other stroked at her labia to see how wet she was, to see if the drug was working properly.,"Angela was a doctor, which meant she knew drugs and she knew what these were or at least knew what they were doing. Some kept her numb and sluggish so she couldn't fight; others made her body overly responsive to stimulus - even the air in the cell being enough for them to work with, given how much was in her system. Head spinning slightly, the blonde woman did her best to ignore the fact that her body was needing contact, adding to the fog-like sensation filling her mind. Breathing deeply, she tried to keep it even, though that was hard to do at times. She was at least happy that the lighting in the room was dim, as bright lights while on these drugs would hurt a lot. At first, she didn't know the men were in the room; her mind unable to focus on what was going on. That didn't mean her body couldn't. When the man asked her how she was, no response came at first. That was until her body responded to his touch. A sharp gasp came from her when he touched her between her legs, and a blush instantly went onto her cheeks. Still, she could focus enough to respond. "It... It is doctor," she said, feeling herself starting to grow damp just from the small amount of touching he was doing. Normally Mercy was far more controlled, but these drugs had a bad side effect: if she didn't find a way to remove the tension, it made her mad with need - growing painful. "Harold Tassiter vigorously rubbed his wrinkled hands under the warm water of his gold cast bathroom sink, and squinted at his reflection in the highly polished platinum mirror. His glasses clung to his face cruelly, giving his already hawkish face an evil, haughty appearance. The CEO of Hyperion grumbled something under his breath as he turned off the ornate faucet, and dried his hands on a gaudy, plush crimson towel emblazoned with the Hyperion Logo on it. He tossed the towel into the trash. Harold could always have the slave labor camps on Pandora make thousands more. After all, he was doing that rabble population a service, giving their lives purpose and the honor of serving his needs. Everyone should be so lucky. The Gaunt Chief Executive officer quickly whirled on his highly polished designer dress shoes, and entered his lavishly furnished office to continue his latest scheme. Only to stop dead in his tracks upon the crimson rug leading to his personal restroom. There was a gorgeous woman in a dirty looking cowboy style hat, lounging in a very sexy position on his heavy mahogany desk, with her magnificent legs crossed, her back arched, thrusting her shapely chest outward as she rest upon her arms. His favorite black leather high tech backed chair was turned around, and facing away from him. Harold's normally squinty eyes shot open, and his nostrils flared angrily. "Who in the hell are you? And get off that desk now!!! SECURITY!!!" The skinny corporate man yelled at the top of his lungs. But no one came. The big leather chair suddenly spun around, and seated upon it was his second in command. Someone who should have been dead, yet sat there with a smug look on his face, about to light one of his priceless Cuban cigars, imported all the way from Terra. Harold Fumed, and took an angry step toward His Vice President Jack. Only to stop dead in his tracks again as he noticed a gorgeous red .50 caliber semi automatic pistol in Jacks hand pointed right at him. Harold didn't even have time to be scared for his life. The large bore pistol belched fire and thunder twice, and Tassiter felt both of his kneecaps shatter violently as the diamond tipped depleted uranium shells ripped through his ligaments and as if they were paper mache... White hot pain shot up his nerves to his brain, wracking him, making him convulse and cry out in anguish as he fell to the ground screaming, his blood spraying across both the Vice President and the gorgeous woman in a crimson cascade... Harold lied there, impotent and powerless there on his rug, thrashing around as his broken knees flailed around, squirting torrents of blood everywhere... Jack appeared unconcerned about his soon-to-be former boss, and more focused on the carefully rolled stick of aromatic tobacco in his hands. He fondled it with his finger tips for a few moments as Tassiter screamed all manner of curses at him... He ignored Harold's cries, his pearly white teeth flashing as they bit the end off of the cigar. Grinning with his high tech cybernetic mask's actuators, Jack placed it between his cybernetic lips. He quickly lit the cigar with the secondary function of his pistol, placing the end of the cigar into the flaming ruby barrel of his weapon and took a few drags.... Only to contort his artificial face into a grotesque representation of pure disgust as Jack lept to his feet and coughed out violently.... The Vice President brought the smoldering tobacco roll up to his eyes and looked at it distastefully. "Oh my god, these things taste like a 90-year-old hooker's well fucked ass," he grumbled, and walked over angrily to the legless man whimpering on the carpet beneath him. He could always have that rug replaced later... "As my first executive order, all of these damned things are outlawed immediately." Jack proclaimed matter-of-factly, and rubbed the smoldering red tip of the lit cigar into the forehead of Harold Tassiter, making him howl in rage. Then he stuffed the extinguished cigar into the crippled CEO's mouth, muffling his annoying cries somewhat. He then turned his handsome masked face to the gorgeous woman on the heavy desk. "Alright dearest," he said to her with a seductive gaze and a smoldering edge to his rich voice. "What say you that we break in my new desk properly?" He approached her hungrily, ignoring the flailing Harold behind him without a second thought.,"Nisha had to admit, she had her doubts when Jack told her he was taking her to Helios for their first date. She wasn't expecting some romantic candlelit dinner, rather she would have loathed such a clichd gesture. There were some fond memories for her here, thinking back to how Jack so callously jettisoned those scientists and got her all hot and bothered. It wasn't until Jack explained what he intended to do here that she started to look forward to coming here. As it so happens, Jack did not disappoint. Nisha let out a squeal of her own as she watched the powerful bullets rip through Tassiter's legs. Oh, how the blood spurted all over, drenching the carpet below him. She almost hoped Jack would keep it, so the sight of the bloodstained rug could get her panties wet every time she came here. Eh, Jack wasn't into violence the same way she was. Sure, he seemed to enjoy giving people what was coming to them, but to him, violence was a means to an end. He enjoyed the result, but she enjoyed the process. Eh, maybe he would let her keep the rug. A souvenir of a wonderful first date. And this is why you want to use a Jakobs for this kind of thing. Nothing against Hyperions, of course hun. They are great for when you need to unload 30 bullets into a guy's chest cavity. But for this? You need that raw power. I mean, this is just beautiful. She gushed, hopping off the desk to join Jack as he towered over Tassiter. Her bare ass had left a lovely smudge on the glossy finish, and she was still impressed that jack had managed to talk her into wearing this...outfit. Trading in her jeans for some leather chaps and a thong, her practical kicks for these five-inch stiletto boots. Damn, if she hadn't already decided to fuck his handsome ass she wouldn't be caught dead in this ridiculously sexy getup. She would have to see if that silver tongue of his could work its magic elsewhere. Oh Harold, this guy wanted to strangle you. Seriously, just strangle you. Aren't you glad I brought me along? Well, probably not. The only thing you seem to enjoy is having sticks shoved up your ass. She asked the man bleeding out on the floor. She put one heeled boot on the side of his head, digging the sharp heel into his pathetic face. She turned to Jack now, running her hands over his chest and tangling her fingers in his hair. Well, if you are still in the mood to strangle someone, I am willing to evaluate your technique, She suggested, nibbling on his ear. Let's see if you can get me screaming louder than this guy. "Krystal had been feeling very sick these past few days, even throwing up a few times. "Ugh, what is happening to me? I've had all my shots.." she mused, looking around her giant blue bedroom in the imperial palace on the moon. Her long dark blue hair tails blew in the wind as she walked out to the balcony, looking out to Earth. "Oh Atem my love, I'm so excited for our wedding. Hopefully mother will let me go down to see you." She said, her big glacier blue eyes dreamy. There were a few things she had to attend to before leaving for Egypt though. The first being getting dressed. She was still in her pajamas. Krystal happily dressed, singing their song softly to herself. She knew there was something going on in her body, but she didn't know what. Once she was properly dressed, tiara and all, she slipped off to the infirmary, where she told the Mercurian doctors her symptoms and they took some tests. She would have her answer shortly. She hoped she would be okay to see her spiky-haired Egyptian god tonight. She loved him so much. A few moments later, a nurse came into the room Krystal was lying in, smiling widely. "Princess, I am pleased to announce that you are pregnant! About 2 months along. I'm so happy for you highness. Pharaoh will be quite pleased, I am sure." She said, smiling again at the blue moon princess before leaving the beautiful princess alone with her thoughts. "I'm pregnant?!?!" Oh, this is happy news, but I'm afraid of what Atem will say. Who knew that one night together after our engagement would change our lives forever," she thought to herself as she rubbed her stomach a little, getting a vision of their baby boy. "Marik. I'll name him Marik." She said with a smile as she left the room to prepare to go see Atem and tell him the shocking yet happy news. Krystal changed her dress at least 10 times before settling on a dark blue Egyptian cotton one that Atem had given her. It was his favorite dress on her. The young princess then painted her nails and toenails the same deep blue, smiling at her good handiwork. Next were her sandals. She chose dark blue leather ones with sapphires beaded onto them. When she was done dressing, she put on some light makeup and looked into the mirror, smiling. "Perfect," she concluded, and was off to the throne room to ask her mother if she could go down to earth to see her handsome pharaoh. The queen simply nodded her head and Krystal bowed thankfully, manifesting some moon roses for her mother and kissing her cheek. "Thank you, mother." She said with a bright smile and another bow, disappearing and landing right at Atem's chambers. She knocked lightly, hoping he wasn't sleeping, as it was around midnight his time.,"Atem was not asleep. In fact, he was very wide awake, staring out one of the windows, looking up at the moon. The moon where his beloved Krystal lived. How he missed her so and usually spent his nights looking out at the moon when she was away. He was shocked when he heard knocking on his door. Not many would dare to knock at his door, especially so late at night. He turned away from the window and headed toward the door. As he got closer to the door, he almost gasped. Was that really his beloved at the door? He cleared his throat to slightly dampen his excitement as a precaution just in case. Finally, he opened his door and smiled softly before pulling her into his arms and kissing her. "Krystal, my beloved," he said. "Not that I'm not happy to see you but what brings you here so late?" "It was a rainy night as a young teen walked through his parents house, they had gone out yet again, leaving poor Toby all alone. "I can't even get a home made meal unless I make it myself," he said softly to himself as he walked upstairs after he had finished dinner. He was about to head for his room when he suddenly stopped and looked over to the door that leads to what used to be his sister's room with a small frown when he saw that it was slightly cracked open. "Huh...I guess Mom left it open after she was done dusting or something." He said as he walked over to the door and walked in. Toby had grown to be about 5'6" with short strawberry blond hair and big bright blue eyes. He was shy and found it a bit hard to make new friends because he was a bit of a dreamer like his sister had been. He liked to play music and dance, he loved anything that had anything to do with art, and he was a bit of a comic book nerd who's best friend had been his only sister for most of his life. "I don't see why you had to move to LA, Sarah," he mumbled to himself as he sat down and looked around her room, only to frown slightly when he saw something poking out from under her bed and saw that was one of her old diaries. Walking over to his sister's old bed, Toby picked up the diary and sat himself down before he started to read through it. "The Goblin King? I remember that book, she use to read it to me all the time...but why is she acting like it's real?" He asked himself as he slowly read through the whole thing before he laughed softly and shook his head. "Right, as if that would work. Goblin King, Goblin King, come and take me away!" He called, deep in his heart though he really was wishing that it would work and he would be taken away from this loneliness that he felt deep in his heart.,"The goblins all huddled around one of the many crystals. They gasped as the boy had called the Goblin king. The labyrinth was as beautiful and treacherous as it had always been. Some of the goblins had come and gone, while many of the old creatures had stayed behind and remained unchanged. The Goblin King, Jareth, had remained unchanged. He was still very handsome and lounging on his throne. One leg dangling carelessly over the arm of the throne. His blonde hair hanging around his shoulders. He had been watching the whole scene with his two toned eyes. He then looked back to his gloved hand swatting a riding crop against his boot. The goblins looked at each other. It was no secret that the Goblin King had grown restless, and depressed. He knew that the people outside his kingdom had all but forgotten him. No one called on him. The goblins moved to Jareth and raised a collective eyebrow. One of the oldest goblins moved forward and looked at him. "What shall we do?" One asked. The others agreed. Jareth smiled and looked up at the older goblin. He then looked again to the older Toby. Steeling his resol. He got to his feet and smiled. "Well my minions. You know the routine." He chuckled and laughed. The goblins cheered. In that next instant, the power went down in Toby's house. Outside Sarah's old bedroom window the barn owl began to peck and claw violently at the window. It began to storm and rain violently outside. Soon the owl made it inside. It did a lap around the whole room. He soon materialized from the owl. The handsome devil he always was, a cocky smirk on his lips. He was wearing a black shimmery cloak. "Why, isn't it little Toby?" He put his hands on his hips and grinned wider. "It was sunset when the caravan set out from the capital city, headed towards the lord's family estate in the country. It was winter in the very rural based state, with fresh snow covering most of the landscape. The rolling hills were shining white with the last of the day's rays, making them sparkle with fading glory. The caravan consisted of a handful of wagons which carried goods for the estate and merchants hoping to sell their items further afield, and a carriage bearing the royal symbol of a white wolf head on a field of blue. For such a small group, there were close to two score guards for this late leaver. Half were on horseback, the other half were walking next to the vehicles or helping them along the muddy road. Inside the single carriage, which was the most heavily protected of the bunch, was the lord's daughter. Amberly Vailia sighed in boredom after only ten minutes of travel. She leaned back, tossing away her fiery orange hair, and pulled her fur blanket closer to her pale skin. "Ronald!" She barked out to her squire, and a thick-set, bear of a man opened the side door to the carriage, looking up at his mistress. "Yes, your royal highness?" He said with a hard time keeping a straight face, knowing she hated her title. "Shut up, when are we supposed to get there?" She asked, pulling the blanket tighter to shield away a chill breeze. Ronald scratched his black beard and looked at the fast setting sun. "If we travel through the night, we will get there at morning. But we will not, we will camp in a couple hours most likely, as soon as we are under the Shimmergloom Forest." She nodded to her personal guard and motioned for him to close the door, sighing again and mulling over the question of," Why did dad send me away to the manor?" She fell back into her pillows and tried to nap.,"Nathan - Avatar Lurking in the shadows of the forest were her stalkers. Those bandits of the full blue moon were watching her, eyeing her caravan as they traveled and stealthily followed them until the time was dark, and the moon was high, granting them some stronger powers in their human form compared to when they were in day. Nathan, one of these bandits, watches the girl, rather than the other men of the caravan that the other bandits were looking forward to eating. Nathan licked his lips as he saw the beautiful human. She would be his. Soon the war cry was said, howling and then the rustling of trees and bushes as the bandits emerged and began to strike the caravan, attacking it and its inhabitants. Nathan and the bandits spread out to take them out on all sides, and in the confusion and battle Nathan snuck into the cart and towered over Amberly. "Come with me. Now. If you want to live." He said menacingly as he reached down and grabbed her wrist and began to drag her out of the cart. "After weeks of waiting, Matt's new console had finally arrived in the mail. A few months ago, he came across an advertisement online for beta testing the next generation of gaming consoles. It was weird to come across since the current consoles just came out months ago, but he figured he'd try it out. Now after long waiting, it was here. When he unboxed the console, he was confused by what he found. It was just the console. No cords, no controllers, it was only a console. Did it run on a battery? How can it recharge? How does he control the game? As he was confused, he decided to press the ON button. Surprisingly enough, it turned on. The console booted up and a screen projected from the console. Text began to roll down the screen, giving Matt a message from the developers. It basically thanked him and told him about the console, mostly stuff he already read when he signed up. The last thing he read seemed a bit odd."Due to the nature of some of the characters, none of them are allowed to harm you, the user. Also, to prevent crashing and bugs, the characters can't stray for more than ten feet. These settings may be changed in the menu."It was odd, what was that suppose to mean? Trying not to think too much into it, Matt went over to his library of games. Deciding to play something older, he popped in Darkstalkers. The game loaded up like normally and went to the character select screen. He pressed the screen with his finger and chose Morrigan, one of his best characters. The console then accepted his choice and began to glow. His room filled with a blinding light, making Matt nervous. What was about to happen next, Matt would've never suspected....,"As the brilliant flash of light faded away, there was something off about the feel in the room. A presence suddenly there when previously there had been none, a figure blurring into shape above the console, projecting from some strange lights over top of it. Blurry lines became more distinct, in purples, pinks, greens, and flesh tones -- and a LOT of the latter, resolving into an all-too-familiar shape. Morrigan Aensland stretched, her back arching and her wings spreading out far as her arms went out above her head. She floated off the ground as she always had in the game, the soft curves of her legs straining against their hosiery as she continued to twist and undulate every which way, her expansive bosom jutting out proudly against her corset, almost spilling out of the impossibly tight clothing. "Mmmm~. Well, good morning cutie," Morrigan said with a salacious smile, her body twisting around so that she lay on her stomach in midair, facing Matt directly. She cushioned her chin on her hands, breasts hanging almost free below her body as she winked one blue eye at him. "Not quite what I was expecting," she purred, blue eyes twinkling and surveying his apartment. "Usually I'd be getting hot and sweaty with some big brute right about now. Or perhaps lovely Felicia or Lilith," she said with a briefly dreamy look, "... not to say that I still couldn't but... I guess not in the usual way," she said with a little quirk of a smile. Perhaps he couldn't have chosen any better character than a succubus for his first choice... "Titans Tower stood on its small little island in the water. The large structure would normally have been lit with the glow of computer screens and other odd machinery. But it had been almost silent for two days now. Most of the team was away, and Robin had stayed behind to make sure things were maintained in the city. Cyborg and Beastboy were off training new recruits in Titans East, and Starfire had urgent family matters back home on Tameran to take care of. Raven, however, was the only one left. To Robin, it was almost like being completely alone. It was actually rather pleasant for the boy wonder. He rarely had a lot of time to think. And after the team's incident with Trigon, he had much to think about. He had always had eyes for the red-haired girl from space; it was not a well-hidden fact that both had been very close. However, that last big battle had also awoken something else. Feelings for another girl. It just so happened that he was left alone with the very girl - the dark-hooded, gloomy Raven. He had never quite seen it before, but both shared loving solitude and darkness as their only obvious traits. He had been close to her, closer than even Starfire, on a mental level during the whole ordeal. Now he was left with a deep gnawing feeling for the alluring sorceress. "What is she feeling?" he asked himself, deep down wondering if she had similar feelings for him. She had asked him, him alone, to help when Slade had returned to come for her, to deliver the dark message. He, however, saw no sign from her that anything had changed between them. He needed to know, he needed to find out, and what better time than now, when it was just the two? He ran a green-gloved hand through his hair, like he had done several times before. He got up and decided to go and talk to her.,"Raven had been thinking a lot lately. That's why she had been distant from everyone, including the person she was closest to - Robin. She was taking a shower to relax. Letting the hot water rush over her pale skin. After feeling sufficiently relaxed and calm, she proceeded to dry off. Looking in the mirror, she sighed. Ever since her father attacked, she had been feeling weird whenever she was around Robin. Almost as though every time she was around him, she was starting to lose her self-control. But she was going to have to rein those emotions in. She had been masturbating much more than usual because of her feelings for Robin. She stepped out into her room, her towel wrapped around her hair. Her body exposed. She didn't plan on any visitors. After all, it was just her and Robin in the tower. They had been there for a couple days. Which is why she had been avoiding going anywhere in the tower, fearing that she would lose control and do something she would regret later. She was friends with Starfire. And she didn't want to hurt her by doing something to jeopardize their relationship. She laid down on her bed, not feeling like getting dressed just yet. And cursed herself for thinking about Robin again. Those feelings were coming back. She bit her lip, wondering if she should just masturbate and get on with her day. "It had been a year since Loki had tried to take over the earth. Bruce had spent three of those months in the middle east, doing what he could to help the fallen innocents. Two months more was spent in the Amazon, dealing with a mass viral outbreak. A month after that, he was horrified to realize that Loki had returned to Earth and was... staying, at Tony's Tower. From what he understood, talking to Tony through an untraceable phone Tony had given him, Loki had been undergoing severe 'mental assistance' which had hit a 'road block' because the 'healers' hated Loki as much as everyone else did. So Loki stayed on earth, attended daily therapy sessions with a woman who came to the Tower instead of making Loki venture out where he really didn't want to go. Bruce often talked to Tony, at least once a week, sometimes the two of them would science orgasm over each other because no one else could possibly understand. A few weeks ago, Loki had started taking part in these discussions, at Tony's urging and Bruce was delighted to find another who understood big words as well as he and Tony did. It was weird to hear Loki speak with such a mellow, calm voice, but Bruce was delighted to find out that Loki was settling in well, was on a new 'chill pill' and was having therapy every three days. He was in Argentina dealing with a Pox outbreak when S.H.I.E.L.D found him, only two weeks ago. He had been stunned, and completely and utterly pissed to realize that Phil Coulson was still alive and he may, or may not have destroyed a small town by Hulking Out. He was informed that he was going to be moved into Stark Tower for 'national security' once he came to, dressed in soft sweatpants and sitting in a quin-jet. A quick run through his memories of the Hulk out found him laughing hysterically as he realized that Coulson had tried to sedate the Hulk and failed and actually broke poise to run away like a sissy. Of course, everyone was a bit of a sissy when it came to the Hulk but that was besides the point. Bruce didn't bother to be annoyed by it, he'd had an almost entire year of freedom and had honestly been missing people and Tony's annoying habit of teasing him to see if he could make Bruce go Green. So, a full year after Loki had tried and failed to take over the world, Bruce found himself being herded into Stark Tower, still with that A hanging off of it, making it the Avengers Tower. Though, from what he understood only Tony and himself where the only Avengers actually living there... so far.,"Though Tony and Loki indeed were the only permanent residents of the tower, others came and went as they wanted, even if Tony had no idea whether it was simply to keep an eye on him and Loki, just in case he was teaming up for the super villain tag team of the year, or simply because they needed a break from SHIELD, since he knew-even if Steve refused to tell him where he was living- that even the good Captain was staying in barracks. Which disgusted him on a level that made him cry sometimes. Since he did have a whole tower outfitted for the Avengers, should they decide to stay instead of just stopping by to say hi. He hoped that with Bruce coming to live with him, he could get the others to come, since it meant that he'd have someone besides them to science orgasm over. Though Loki was indeed a good outlet some days for that urge. Even if the man sometimes stared at him oddly for spouting off the newest engineering thing he was doing. Bruce! Brucie! Bruce-bear, it's amazing to see you. Welcome to the tower. Tony grinned manically-okay, maybe he had gone too long without sleep and a little too much coffee as he waited for one of his best friends-even if they hadn't seen each other in person since New York- to arrive. Is he always like this?the dark-haired woman looked up from the tablet she was working on, slanting a glance at Coulson as she watched Tony bounce towards the Hulk, looking vaguely worried about the man's presence, but like Coulson, the woman had long practiced simply letting events wash over her and able to project a outward look of calm. Erin Roberts looked as calm and collected as the senior agent, though she was nervous about being in the tower, and heartily wished she'd managed to track down Clint before coming over. At least then she'd have someone to distract her from her nerves about meeting Bruce, as Coulson tended to just give her that look that said be calm without distractions. "And then, there was light. Wanda Maximoff groaned as her guts churned and the cool kiss of the hardwood floor brought her back to her senses. Her wild mane of auburn hair was a mess and she felt worse than that time she stupidly thought her powers could allow her to drink She-Hulk under the table. She tried to rise up off the floor, THAT was a bad idea as it made the hall start spinning and sent stabbing pains through her head. "What... Why... What did I do?" she asked herself as she forced herself to try and recollect what she'd done and how she'd ended up in this state. Another mistake, as memories of the tragedy of the recent past flooded into her mind making her sob and weep. "Gone... So many gone..." Wanda remembered and grief washed over her again. She shook and rocked a little as the pain that accompanied the memory of the self-sacrifice of so many Avengers hit her again. "Their bravery ... Should be honored, not mourned... But... So alone..." she lamented silently as she let her head fall to the floor again wishing for the oblivion of unconsciousness to take her away from the pain in the present. "Do SOMETHING," Wanda admonished herself and a small voice in her head responded with, "I did." What though? That eluded her, but feeling the way she did now, the weakness that suffused her body, heart and soul, she knew it was something big involving both her Magic and her mutant power that drained her almost to the point of joining her fallen comrades. The heady smell of potent mystical herbs clung to her skin while Chaos crackled through her aura, the likes of which she'd never experienced. She should have been alarmed by this, knew she should be working to discipline her mind and cleanse her aura of the lingering energies about her but she just couldn't be bothered. Just breathing in and out, in and out, was a Herculean labor and about all she could handle at the moment. So the Scarlet Witch just lay there, in the middle of the 3rd floor hall in the Avenger's Mansion, suffering from events both recent and past. She would get up, go to her room... Eventually. For now though, she was content to let the day pass her by as she sprawled out on the floor in an ungainly heap.,""Hey, there you are!" The voice was a familiar one to Wanda no doubt, one she had been hearing for years since she started out as an Avenger. Of course the tone seemed a little lighter than normal... almost... affectionate? Carol Danvers however, to most of the world, was normally far from affectionate. A straight-laced military woman in and out of costume, who only ever became jovial after drinking enough whiskey to drown a horse. She was certainly different to what Wanda was used to. She stood in the hallway, barefoot with her blonde locks looking rather more bedraggled than usual. She was tall, and as was the case with most women in the super-business she managed to be a perfect mix of feminine beauty and athletic strength. It was strange how she could have such strong muscles and the curves of a supermodel... but then again this was a woman who could punt a tank from New York to Timbuktu so it was far from the strangest thing about the Kree-human hybrid. Carol's choice of dress was certainly very different too: Wanda's 'Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters' football jersey, a deep purple shade that looked more like a dress on Wanda but fit tight to Carol's body. It left little too the imagination with how the hem showed off her pussy. "Jeez, one night of fucking and you're passing out in the hall? That's not the Wanda Maximoff that stole my heart." Carol reached down and hoisted Wanda up by her hand quite effortlessly, swiftly pulling her in and lightly pecking at the mutant's lips. Something VERY fishy was going on here... "It was common practice for slaves to trade hands in Hutt Space. Ylesia was one of the foremost Spice Processing worlds in the outer-rims, so when Spice Trade funneled through Kessel to Nar Shaddaa many warm slave bodies made the travel. Once transporters made the drop offs it is was simpler to just sell off the slave labor and purchase a new crew that it was to feed and bed them. Those sold off it would then not be uncommon to travel dozens of planets in a years span before settling on single owner or ending up working the Processing Factories on Ylesia where most slaves ended. It was not an enviable existence by any stretch. The lucky ones were bought by prosperous shop owners in the region, while the most desirable were bought by the Cantinas to entertain guests. For those with credits their bodies and minds could be cultivated to satiate other desires than simple sight. It was a rough existence but the Outer Rims Territories rarely saw equity among the lower classes. A pity genuinely, Ebbyn Shaa, thought to himself. For while he might praise constructive cruelty, the baseless crushing of sentient will seemed fruitless and disappointing. An individual no matter their capability or status had uses beyond mindless physical labor. A mind and body could be cultivated for so much more, a philosophy hed earned during his years in a Republic Medical Academy. Indeed the Umbaran was a servant of the Galactic Republic (not that any individual would know this far out). But the value of life had always been a subject that obsessed in his inner most thoughts. Shaa had judged the worth of millions and what determined their benefit to exist at all. Cold and calculating yes, but the pale man felt it a most pertinent balance to overly sympathetic thought. wasn't that the most empathetic approach? To not let emotion and impulse cloud ones good intentions. And he was a good man, a better man. A tall figure he practically towered over most as he entered the Cantina wearing a flowing black Umbaran Shadowcloak, and a synthetic uniform comprised of black leathers dressed in white and blue materials. The sides of his head and his face held no hair, but the lengthy strip that he possessed were shaped into tight white braids, with metal jeweled clasps binding them together and allowing the braided tail to hang over his cloaked shoulder. His ghostly gaze practically undressed the room full of merchants and low-lifes. Shaa held his gloved hand tucked formally in front of him as if a noble or diplomat. His dress and presence spoke of a wealth he may or may not have had, but it was further evidence to his beliefs the individuals reacted upon first seeing him. Despite their judgment whether dismissive, excited, suspicion, or annoyance they made their distance subconsciously away. They could institutionally realize presence of power when it approached. Yet that to the Umbaran was a clever illusion hed cast through combination of dress and body language. His surroundings was filled with murk of smoke and the scent of strong liquors and floral aromas coming in from the jungle scape outside. Yet above all else there was a pungent stain of spice in the air. Whether it be from the nearby factories, or those few independent contractors that chose to work those areas, and filtered through the air. The Umbarans nostrils almost flared in annoyance at the scent but he kept his composure as his vision settled upon a lightly pigmented Rutian Twilek slave girl that had been making her rounds about the floor. What a rarity her kind were this far out. Even the Twilek slave trade knew better than to send their stock to Ylesia, when they could sell them to the more profitable pleasure dens elsewhere. That only meant shed had an unfortunate luck with handlers and owners. Standing now at the dingy bar flanked by filth and grime laden men, obviously they were the after hours of a mining shift nearby, the Umbaran pleasantly genuflected with hands spreading open and out. With a thin lipped smile the piqued Doctor Shaa spoke,I was told to speak to a Treban Brudd about the acquisition of slaves. Looking down at the man behind the counter he did not break contact as he lightly added in his sharp foreign accent,It is of certain importance that I make this purchase soon.,"The spice-addled band swayed lethargically on stage, bleating out an often off-key tune that warbled to the far corners of the Cantina. It was hazy and dim inside, a respite from the strangling humidity that gripped most of the jungle planet. The hewn-stone walls kept the place cool without the aid of artificial generators, though they remained constantly clammy with collected moisture. Not so different from the caves of her homeworld, Nimaven thought as she threaded her way past the regulars that reached for handfuls of flesh wherever she went. Ylesia had been her home for nearly a year now, though she long ago stopped considering any place home. The word lost meaning in the constant shuffle from one place to the next, especially considering she had no say in where she ended up. Even Ryloth held no place in her heart these days. There was nothing there for her. Not anymore. She belonged nowhere, and drifted through the galaxy like space dust. A broad hand swept over the generous curve of her rump, brazenly displayed by the immodest covering her dancing silks offered her, when she sauntered past the miners gathered at the bar after shift. Her top offered little more covering than the skirt, a tiny bikini edged in gold that served to present her pert assets from the outset. The translucent material flashed with an iridescence her skin seemed to share, a very faint blue unlike most of the bold-hued Rutian Twileks. Gold bands enclosed wrists, ankles, and upper arms, along with a thicker one around her slender neck where a chain was sometimes placed. Her headpiece was a modest gold band worked with intricate coils and set with moonstones that favored her coloring. Nimavens lekku vibrated with mild irritation at the brash act of this spice-covered miner, though she saw Master Brudd eyeing her from across the room, so she lowered her lashes demurely and tittered as a comely flush swept over her cheeks. Her face was sweet perfection: all big, beautiful eyes and pouting lips, a delicate chin, high cheekbones. One look from her could turn the gruffest bounty hunter into a quivering porglet. More petite than most of her kind, she had a taut dancer's body, slender and toned but with ample offerings of hip and rear that never failed to draw the male gaze. Yet there was a reason she was here and not in one of the more popular Cantinas or pleasure dens, a reason she'd been passed around more often than most slaves as alluring as she. Most seasoned slave owners picked up on it right away when she was on the block: that flash of defiance in sapphire-hued eyes, that refusal to bow her head and bend her shoulders and weep over her fate. Slaves unbroken by their circumstances were dangerous, an undesirable risk many were unwilling to take, or unwilling to train out of them, no matter how attractive the packaging. Master Brudd had obtained her as part of a package deal and, though she was a large draw for the regulars in his Cantina, she had used up almost all of her chances when she broke a bottle over a mine supervisor's head the other night. But what could she do? He'd keep her, or he wouldn't. She often wondered what might have been if she hadn't been discovered, if her parents' ploy to keep her hidden beneath the floor hadn't been exposed by neighbors desperate to save their own daughter from the slavers. The screams of ghosts followed her from place to place, the sound of blasters, the stomp of militant boots atop the panel in the floor. Hands reaching, always grabbing, hauling her out and grabbing her breasts as they declared what a fine price these would fetch. She would have been more. What, she could not say. Just more. A presence caught her attention as she gathered empty cups from a table near the back. A presence, before the figure himself eased into the Cantina. She couldn't explain it, but certain people triggered a little ripple of sensation down her spine like a chill in the night. This tall, regal man was one of them, and she found herself stealing glances at him as she worked. Not only did he awaken that strange sensation in her, but he was also rather out of place in this seedy little den. The others saw it too, shifting aside as the man confidently made his way to the bar. It was at that moment that she saw him turn a glance her way, striking at her with those pale eyes. This time when she ducked her chin down quickly and coiled her lekku in close, she meant it. Gathering her tray, she hastily made her way toward the back. Her heart galloped in her chest and she put a hand there to quell the frantic beat. Though others here and there had triggered that little feeling in her, she had never felt it so intensely before as she did coming off this man. She wished she knew what it meant. A moment later, she heard Master Brudds' coarse voice bellowing for her. Nimaven! Come! "Felicia Hardy, a.k.a. Black Cat, was on the prowl tonight. It had been a while since she had seen the ol' web-slinger, and privately she assumed that he was likely off doing something else at the moment - saving the world in a way no one would ever know, maybe, from creatures "ordinary people" like her weren't meant to deal with. Which was perfectly fine by her, she reflected as she strode along the roof of a building. It freed her up to have a little run of the town, to do what she liked without fear of having something yanked out of her hands at the very last moment. Ordinary cops were never a problem for someone like her. Sinuously she bent down to one knee, shimmery, tight-fitting catsuit constricting around her shapely legs as she surveyed the museum juuuust next door. It had a nice little exhibit on display - ancient artifacts that would fetch a pretty penny from quite a few buyers. She didn't even have to have something set up beforehand; there were always fish in the sea, and even a cursory cast of the line would reel in something nice and juicy for her. She took her time in unfolding her grappling hook, blue eyes flitting up to survey the museum. Indeed, this was going to be a piece of cake... The harpoon of the grappling hook hit the museum's roof hard, anchoring to the stone. Attaching the hook to her belt, Felicia took a sprinting leap towards the museum. With a muted "whrrrrr!" the line started to retract, dragging her through the air - she hit the side of the building with nary a wince, clawed, gloved fingers digging into the side of the museum. She clambered up and over the side, and considered a skylight only briefly. Well, it was time to do a little recon before she jumped in... she withdrew a small pair of goggles, pressing them just over her masked face so she could see inside with the typical green haze of nightvision - this place was sure to have a guard or two roaming the floor with such a pricey item on display...,"It was official. SHIELD's job was no longer to save the world from bad guys but instead go around doing the work of local cops because they where too damned stupid to do it themselves. Max had signed up to fight the good fight, stop terrorists and super villains but instead the Deputy Director had him sitting on a rooftop across from the Midtown Museum in Manhattan wait for a jewel thief who may or may not show up. Off over the Hudson there was the sound of rolling thunder. A big storm was rolling in and he was going to be spending the night sitting out in it. He tugged his datapad from one of the pockets on his belt, double checking the info he had been given on the target. She was damn hot. He shoved the pad back into his belt before bringing his binoculars back to his eyes. He caught movement on the roof across the street and zoomed in, catching sight of his target. A quick grin tugged at the corner of his mouth and he slipped the binoculars back into their pouch before flipping a switch on his boots and another on a battery pack on his belt. The rocket boots and anti-gravity harness would ensure he'd make it safely across the street and not kill himself on landing. He took several steps back before taking a run at the ledge of the building, leaping from it. The boots fired with an audible thud that propelled him through the air, the anti-grav harness taking over, leaving him with a feeling of weightlessness as he sailed over the street. He landed on the museum roof, in a roll, coming up to a proper stance with his sidearm pulled from its holster, "Gonna have to ask you to step away from skylight sweetheart." he said, turning to gun on his target. "Shao Khan was dead. Truly, that filled Kitana with more joy than anything else. Her homeland had been freed and avenged in one fell swoop. But their heroine was unlikely, and one that she had spent long hours debating if it was truly a greater evil, or simply another conqueror that Outland had far too many of. The defeat of Shao Kahn hadn't meant immediate peace for Outworld; far from it. There were many, formerly of Shao Kahn's army and some new that had taken up the attempted mantle to rule again. As the daughter of Shao Kahn, her own word had more weight than she wanted to admit...but she saw nothing but the same thing it had always been. But it was that unlikely Heroine that she searched out over a ragged battlefield this day, her Shokan warriors paying Kitana little more than a faint nod of mild respect-it looked forced, but given what her father did...she couldn't blame them.- as Jade trailed behind her. They were beautiful women, shapely and delicious to the eye as Kitana's sash framed her perfectly round ass as she walked, her face obscured by her mask and her fans resting on her bare hip. Jade harbored no dishonesty; they were walking into a perpetual den of wolves, with little more than the two of them to defend themselves if something went wrong. Still, Kitana insisted on meeting Sheeva on her own terms. She saw Sheeva's back, her stance settled into a pose of meditation as two Shokan warriors moved up to block their passage. Kitana's eyes stiffened as their four arms crossed casually. They were scavenging the battlefield, finding their dead...burning the bodies of those that were not their own. She had erected a small tent for herself. "...I wish to speak to your Queen," Kitana said resolutely. "I come as the Princess of Edenia.","It had been some years since Sheeva recalled first being drafted into combat as a warrior of Shao Kahn's own employ... But at some point even she tired of the constant battles, all the losses in the name of their emperor. Her Shokan kin came to agree with her: they tired of dying in the name of in the name of men like Kahn and Shang Tsung who saw them as little more than disposable cattle. Sheeva led the charge in their rebellion, against Kahn's forces and those elite warriors who were still loyal to him. Losses were heavy on both sides, but when the emperor dropped dead it didn't take long for his soldiers to lose morale and surrender. Sheeva soon took the power vacuum over, becoming Outworld's empress. "Let them enter. And close the flaps behind them," the muscular woman said firmly. Sheeva rose from the rows of burning ceremonial candles, turning to reveal her heavy breasts, lingering bruises, and the metal bikini and red silk loincloth barely covering her light brown muscular flesh. "Why have you come to me?" "Ann thought Akira would be a different person back in his hometown, but he continued to be the same young man she adored. She was glad she had the chance to visit him for a week over the summer break. It would be a good opportunity to see how he'd been doing after their adventures. On her tiptoes, Ann brushed a soft kiss upon the other lips as a greeting, while she cupped his face between her fingers. The lean lines of her body pressed against the strength of the other man's own. When she broke apart for air, her warm, blue eyes swept across his parents home before settling on his handsome features. "Care to show me around later?" A mischievous grin. "I'd be so disappointed in you if you didn't.","After everything that had happened over the course of their adventures together, Akira had never put much thought into the idea of dating. But, despite this, he and Ann had just kind of... drifted together. He admired Ann a great deal and had supported her at every turn, wanting to see her thrive and succeed as a model. And she, in turn, had helped get his spirits up at all times. "Hehe... well, I'm sure there's one room in particular I'd give you a tour of," the raven-haired boy said. Akira, still slightly taller than the blonde, settled his hands on her rounded hips to give them a modest squeeze. "Still, for now... you want me to show you around town? There's not a whole lot to see, not gonna lie." """ muttered Jodie Holmes to herself as she lay on her bed, arm draped over her eyes. Brooding over yet another night stuck in this damn lab with nothing to do and zero possibility of being let out for even a few minutes. God forbid she be let out to visit what few friends she had but no, the department heads always refused. No one seemed to understand or care how tough it was for her. Well, except for one man, Dr. John Carver. Everyone at the lab treated her nicely for the most part, but he was special. He took the time to truly get to know her and listen to her troubles. He even told her stories about all the amazing places he'd been to around the world, which she especially enjoyed. Suddenly, she sprang up, sitting straight up on the edge of her bed. It had suddenly dawned on her that it was Friday. That meant that Dr. John would be on night observation. It was her favorite time as they would always stay up till very late talking about all manner of things. Tonight had extra meaning as she had a little surprise for him. Looking up at the clock on her wall, she saw that it was only 10 minutes until he would arrive, prompting her to stand up from her bed and hurry to her desk in the next room. "Shit....where is...where is it..." she said to herself as she searched through the books and papers on her desk, eventually finding the "surprise" with an excited "HA!". It was a pencil drawing of Mount Rushmore, done in exceptional detail. The last time they had talked, he had told her of visiting there years ago and how he had lost all his pictures of the trip in a fire. She wanted to help him out somehow and had decided this was the best thing she could do. Taking a moment to look over her work and hope Dr. John liked it, she took a few steps from her desk and held the picture behind her back as she faced the door, knowing he'd be coming through any second now. She tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but smile as she thought of giving him her little gift. This wasn't a new occurrence. She found herself smiling and feeling giddy anytime she thought of him. It wasn't hard for even her to realize she had a huge crush on him. But, she had no intention of telling him or anyone for fear that it may cause him to not wish to spend time with her anymore.,"Another night alone on Jodie watch, another night spent ejaculating onto the wall in the store cupboard or coming hard against the edge of the sink in the bathroom. John had been watching the cock teasing little slut for months now, as she flounced about in outfits that would get any normal girl raped to rags five seconds after walking into a bar by herself. Instead all he had to show for her constant cock teasing were blue balls and a fat engorged cock that always seemed to be hard. Of course that was until he stumbled across a chink in her armor and began to befriend her. Sure, he knew it was dangerous, he had overheard certain comments, seen certain emails and even witnessed the sick and depraved camera footage which their 'all mighty' leader, Nathan Dawkins, viewed each night. The man wanted to fuck Jodie just as badly as the rest of them, there was something about her, something hypnotic, magnetic, something which made anyone who spent too long in her presence want to fuck her brains out. Perhaps it was a side effect of her paranormal based telekinesis, or whatever she wanted to call it? All John knew was that he wanted to fuck her more than his own daughter, and that he was going to achieve that goal no matter what. Her tight boyish young body was all he could think about, that and her lips searing his and her moans filling his mouth with her breath when he finally fucked her. She had to be feeling something too, her hormones as they were, her isolation, her young body needing the touch of a man, a man's cock driving into her between her thighs and laying claim to her tight young cunny. If she was going to be fucked, then he was the one who needed to do it, to be there for her. He was the one who should be there to spread her legs and sink into her tight nubile flesh. Surely all young girls wanted to cut loose their inner whore, didn't they? Finally it was time to pay Jodie another visit. He set up the camera loop, which would make it look like no one was in there with her, then he smoothed down his tie and straightened his belt, before stepping up to the door to her room. Opening it he moved inside and gave her a smile, moving forwards to offer her the usual hug before listening to whatever she had to say. As usual she was wearing an outfit designed to make men hard, he wondered if she even knew how hot she looked? "Jodie, it's so good to see you again. What's that you're trying to hide behind your back?" he asked. He carried a small box with him under one arm, a gift of his own he intended for her. All he could think about was how long she had been legal and how long she had been cooped up in this place, the frustration must be overwhelming by now, drilling away at her sanity, the changes in her body driving her surely towards lust and desire fro human contact, any contact. He stared at her from behind his glasses, his eyes fucking her from head to toe before focusing on her face. "You're looking as beautiful as ever tonight Jodie. However, I have something different planned for this evening, but please, you first." he told her. She looked so innocent right now, so naive, yet he could imagine the way her body responded when he came for his visits. He could see the eager look in her eyes, feel the heat and electricity in the room, sense the shift in her stance., as well as the stiffening of his cock when he was this close to her. "Selia looked forward to this day a long time, her dear sister's birthday. Aside from customs that made it special, she planned to make this one especially memorable, hopefully Mount Kalee would just not dump any thick ash clouds over her favorite viewing spot, that would be lovely. Speaking of the place, it was a spire roughly a hundred feet in diameter just twenty minutes away from their home by flight--though she wasn't sure if her sister would be able to handle such speeds, since she was one of the Wingless, one of the two genders of the Gadron people. She was already at said locale, squinting at the volcanic mountain in question. So far it hadn't been active, which just told her that it was that much closer to another eruption, though it was far enough from home not to pose a threat, even with its closest ejection, and for the hundred of years the area had been populated, the mountain was quite large, but was far enough from home that it was only an inconvenience when the wind carried it overhead, leaving a fine layer of dust in the bowl of her spire. She'd have to set up a tent just in case the mountain had an early morning explosion, Kalee's unpredictability was actually part of the reason why she had the place to herself--no one else wanted to risk getting caught in a rain of ash, and most were convinced there was nothing to see out there. Perhaps knowing that no one else valued the area was what drew Selia out that first time, but she stayed for the view, the privacy, or the air--which was only nice when it Kalee cooperated. She had the tent pitched, she checked the supplies again, it wasn't like they'd be out for long, but she had plenty of water on hand, as well as rations, and some blankets and pillows, since the tent wouldn't keep out the chill by itself. After preparations were complete, she decided to head back to town, she didn't want to stay away longer than she had to.,"For the most part, as she busied herself with various tasks about the chamber, mainly helping to prepare some of the cloth for weaving, she would be inwardly giddy with excitement. After today, she would no longer be a child but a full-grown woman. Of course, as one of the Linnorn, it would be foolish to make assumptions about how the day would go, even though she was sure that her Drake sister was planning on claiming her for herself. And so, she would leave behind her old quarters, saying goodbye (though she would visit!) to her mothers and sisters, and move in with Selia. Still, as Yasin finished her chores, lightened due to what day it was and her likely upcoming wedding, she nodded and smiled at and with her family, laughing and accepting their wisdom, though any gifts would wait until after the wedding. This was because if for some reason Selia did not want her, nor any of her other Drake sisters, well, she would belong to her dick-mother for a time. And sure, as she rubbed a bit of quartz dust just below her eyes, looking into the mirror to make sure she looked as enticing as possible.... well, strings of silver and gold, a few semi-precious stones, a handful of longer lengths of silver around her waist like a skirt, and she smiled. It was traditional after all, to wear this sort of display when one was going to be with ones intended, even if the deal would not be final until the actual wedding ceremony. Granted, as she preened in front of the mirror, and readied herself, she checked, and once all was in readiness, she began to walk, sandals of beaten silver on her feet, as she went to the edge of the harem. Sure, like all Gadron buildings it was made of stone, an close to a spire, but that only made sense, given the drakes ability to fly, and tendency to refer to their females as wingless, to the point where she and the other Linnorn were fairly sure that they actually thought they were called that. Still, a smile on her face, she sat, and waited. Her eldest sister, as was tradition, should be by soon, to... well, she would spend the day with her, to impress her, to entice her, and to have her virginity taken by her. After that... the presentation to their dick-mother and Selia's choice on if they would be married or not. She could hardly wait! "Activating from sleep mode and opening his eyes, Rock smiled as he left his room - a room given to him by his mother and creator Dr. Lalinde - and walked into the workshop to begin his day. Unlike the rest of his brothers and sisters in the Robot Master line, who had been designed for mostly environmental purposes, Rock had been designed as a laboratory assistant, and while it wasn't as glamorous as the tasks his siblings had been created for, he was happy with his design, for it meant that he got to spend time with Dr. Lalinde and his closest sibling Roll. "Dr. Lalinde? Are you here?" he called as he entered the lab, looking around curiously for any sign of his creator or Roll. Spying some work that needed to be done, he began his tasks for the day, moving this or that, preparing experiments that Dr. Lalinde had for the day, basically doing everything but cleaning, as that was usually a task reserved for Roll. As he worked, his thoughts drifted to his siblings, wondering how they were performing in their allotted tasks. He didn't get to see them often, since their work took them away from the Lab, but whenever they needed some tune-ups or repairs and needed to come back to the lab, he often assisted, so he'd gotten to meet them all several times in the past. He admired them. Continuing his work, Rock's thoughts also drifted to Dr. Lalinde - the woman responsible for their creation - To say he admired her would be an understatement. She was intelligent, kind, compassionate, and beautiful. It made his servos spin just thinking about her, sometimes. He didn't truly understand that excitement he felt, but he knew that he liked it, and was glad that he got to be near her so much. "Roll? Where are you?" he called, wondering where his sister was.,"Moving through the house, Rock was surprised by a sudden strange noise coming from nearby. The reasoning and nature behind it was hard to pinpoint, however, he was quick to track it as possibly coming from Dr. Lalinde's sleeping quarters. This only proved more true when approaching, as a sudden cry came out from the very same room... "Ahn..." It sounded like the good doctor, but in a way he had never heard. A feeling of worry and curiosity started to grow within his systems; Was Dr. Lalinde in trouble? Was she hurt? And why could he hear the faintest of a buzzing noise...? The door was slightly opened to the side, enough for Rock to take a peek without disturbing the doctor. But the moment he'd look inside he'd receive one hell of a surprise. In her room was Dr. Noele Lalinde, advanced roboticist and researcher; A wise and also extremely beautiful dame that had done wonders to the world of robotics with her top research in AI systems and helper robots. However, right now she was not in a scientific endeavor, far from it, but in something much more...intimate... Her labcoat, clothing and undergarments lay folded by a nearby chair while her glasses stood by her nightstand. Lalinde lied on top of her bed, completely naked, arching her head back as a strong moan escaped her lips. Her hand softly caressed across her skin while another held on to the buzzy toy that was currently being pushed inside of her wet folds. The vibrating dildo was then pushed back as another series of gasps were let out.... "Ahn...o-oh..." Lalinde moaned. Her whole body shivering in delight as she continued to pleasure herself. Her free hand reached her round breasts and groped eagerly, while she kept thrusting the dildo in and out. Her legs stretched and her back jerked back ever so slightly. Eyes closed, she just continued to ride the waves of pleasure, unaware that someone could be watching. "Aahn...oh, Thomas...y-yes...ahn...." She kept going, imagining a certain young colleague of her scientific research group; simulating the feeling of sex by feverishly pushing the toy inside of her. "Nadia was an insufferable tomboy for her father, the King. She snuck out of the castle, calling herself Marle, ditched royal body guards, and was otherwise the shame of the royal family. So the King hired Scarlet to keep watch on her from the shadows, to make certain that if she was going to sneak out, at least she would not come to harm. Scarlet got a good night's rest, as the ringing of Leene's bell that morning signaled the start of the Millennium Fair. There was no way that Nadia would not try to see the sights of the fair without the ponderous formalities such as bodyguards, ribbon cuttings, and stuffy formal clothes. Keeping watch on her window, she saw Nadia slip out in the ridiculous peasant get-up she insisted on, and it was a simple matter to follow along behind her, as she cleared the castle walls and made a beeline for the fair.,""There she is! How predictable." Said a 21-year-old female who was slightly taller than average, with long brilliant red hair that flowed down all the way to her plump ass. She had fair white skin that contrasted with her bright hair and bold blue eyes, which seemed to give her a commanding presence even among men. Light freckling on her nose and upper cheeks distinguished herself from her otherwise blemish free visage and resulted in her looking a few years younger than she was. Her build resembled an hourglass with mature breasts and thick hips on either side of her relatively thin waist. She was wearing the type of flamboyant outfit you could only expect from a mercenary, a mix between a whore and a town guard, but confident enough to prove that she was neither: A cloth red miniskirt that seemed to be woven with leather strips and showed off her luscious thighs, a matching short-sleeved blouse that frilled an inch or two past her waist, but on its back was a massive sheath that contained a great-sword that stretched almost her entire height. With a blade that heavy it was clear why she wore small amounts of armor and clothing. Her boots were a similar red and they climbed far up her calves, probably the most well defended part of her body; her panties on the other hand were a cute pink that grasped tightly onto her pussy and showed a noticeable camel-toe whenever someone took an easy glance beneath her skirt. Although these panties were tight and uncomfortable on her now they were her favorite pair from when she was younger so she wore them for good luck. So with her charge sighted, she followed in a jog and made sure to stay far enough away from the girl that she could retain her anonymity but still keep an eye on her employer's daughter. "Michael let out a loud moan as he buried his cock into the wet and tight pussy of Hermione Granger. Michael himself was 24, tall with an average build and short brown hair that wore glasses. He was a grad student living in a single bedroom apartment in NYC while attending NYU. Still, while he was coming back from getting coffee one day, this girl had showed up in his room. He wasn't sure how...but she looked exactly like Emma Watson but claimed to be Hermione had taken awhile to figure out but after explaining things, it seemed the actual Hermione had gotten transported to what Michael called the "real" world. He offered to let her stay at his place until they could try and figure out how to get her back...but until she could get a job here...she had to pay rent in he convinced her to let him partake in her body. Now, he was slamming into her from behind, his hips slapping against her bare ass and making it jiggle as one hand groped at her breast, squeezing it and causing her flesh to mold against his digits. "How is it, Hermione? You like my cock inside you, don't you?" He whispered hotly, nibbling and sucking on her earlobe as he pounded into her, eager to hear her reaction.,"Let's just say waking up in a room you don't recognize is insane. Hermione felt as if she were still dreaming in her bed in the girls dormitory, but everything became all too real as she didn't wake up after several attempts. Being called Emma was not the best moment of her life either. No girl liked being called the wrong name. It was degrading, however, Michael had just seemed confused. Luckily for her he had been willing to sort it out, but just like magic his help came with a price and apparently his price was her. Kneeling here on this lumpy mattress was not the best of standards, but it could have been far worse, especially since her magic did not seem to be working. His grip tightened on her breast, dragging a small moan from her lips. Her neck and breasts were very sensitive. Biting her lip, the girl dug her fingers into the sheet, tugging on it as he pounded into her. "Bloody hell Michael. Your cock feels so good." She moaned. Most of it was for his benefit, but in honesty it felt amazing. Hermione arched her back as he pounded away into her pussy, knowing he liked it when she got more vocal. "Fuck me Michael. Make me cum." She begged him, knowing that the sooner she came the sooner he would follow, then he would shove his cock into her mouth and make her suck it clean. Their little ritual had become habit to the point where she could predict every action that was going to happen. "A loud churning could be heard as the black Ark's anchor was retracted and the mammoth ship started to sail out into the sea. No one on board really had any idea where Malekith was taking them. However, they were the best of the best, only those most loyal to Khaine were aboard this ship, and well, the odd Slaanesh worshiper here and there, as Malekith's mother, the Hag Sorceress of Ghrond, was also on board. Some of the guards couldn't help but be enchanted by her beauty, but looks were all they dared do. Some were fearful of what she did with any of her lovers, whispers of sacrificing them mid-orgasm or locking them up to be used as living semen dispensers. Others were simply fearful of Malekith's wrath should he take a disliking to anyone growing too close to his mother. A few hours into the journey to wherever the ship was going, a servant approached Morathi bowing heavily. "My lady," the servant said. "The King wishes to inform you that he wants to meet you for dinner at 9 to discuss plans and the voyage. He also said not to bother him until then.","Her enchanting beauty was undeniable, her huge, long, sleek black locks seemingly flowing behind her as if a rush of wind were constantly keeping them up. As she made her way slowly through the black halls of the ark, her wide hips shifted from side to side to a rhythm no male or female elf she passed could resist. Her rounded, porcelain posterior stood out to those behind her, clad in only a small, tight black cloth thong that seemed to enhance her perfect features, the thin purple length of cloth that flowed down the front of her figure dancing sexily between her thighs as she went. Clad in a resplendent night black metal breastplate, it was little more than a sharp looking bra, though her left breast prodded out of its circular support, supple and completely exposed for all to admire. The loud clacks of her high heeled metal boots and staff stopped when the servant approached her and offered her Malekith's will. "Oh? Does my son think he can impose his will upon me as well?" she said with her seductive voice, her tone alone nearly able to make any man cum instantly. Still, she uttered a chuckle and dismissed the servant. "Very well, I will play his game. For now..." Though she did not show it, she was utterly pissed. 'What does that sniveling runt think he's doing telling ME what to do!' she thought to herself, a slight grimace forming on her face, 'He prefers the company of those dainty bitches instead of his own MOTHER!? 9 pm will come and I will be sure to teach my son a lesson...' Until then, the clacking started again, the stares resumed, and she headed further down into the belly of the ark. She had two hours and she was not about to waste them. Bursting into the chamber of Pleasure, or at least that was what her followers called it in secret, she peered around at her loyal witch elves and motioned her priestess over. "Is the captive ready? I want her to know that the only one who makes love to my son is ME. And I plan on teaching her this quite directly..." "Erza and Lucy were in the guild just relaxing since they had gotten back from a mission not too long ago; they needed to relax. Lucy was laying her head on the bar table, saying how much she was sore. Erza, meanwhile, was off walking to the master of the guild about the mission report before she came downstairs. Erza was about to say something to Lucy when the door opened up and everyone seemed to stop talking and just watched as a girl had come into the guild. She looked so beaten up and torn that it was hard to tell what color her clothes used to be. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her as the guild master stood by the balcony and looked on in shock. Meanwhile, Erza and Lucy had moved as they heard something; they left the guild and went toward their friend's room, which they shared with some of their teammates. They sat there, both equipping themselves with better-fitting clothing.,"Natsu had just been lounging around the guild when the girl walked it. It was clear something was wrong with her; she was bloody and her clothes torn. Natsu quickly jumped into action, moving to go grab the girl before she could fully fall to the floor. "Hey, hey! Stay with me!" Natsu called out, it was clear this girl was in critical danger. "Hey! We need a healer over here, quick!" Natsu called out, concern clearly in his voice. Meanwhile, with Erza and Lucy, they arrived at the room of their friend, Mike. He was a tall man, fit with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a mage like them, his specialization was similar to Erza's in that he could summon blades. He was walking around naked in his room, as he often did. His well-toned and fit body clear for the girls to see as they walked in. "Ah, Lucy and Erza. Good to see you two." Mike grinned as he stood before them in all his nude glory. "So....what brings you two here?" He asked, but already having a good idea. They always dropped by whenever they wanted to have some "fun". "Remnant. A land bestrode by darkness. Mankind clung to a tenacious existence, fighting for every inch that it could grab from the dark claws of the beasts of Grimm. Bastions of civilization shone on the four continents: Vale, Atlas, Vacuou, and Mistral. Their walls were strong, and sturdy, and cities thrived beyond them as they carved out a trail through the darkness. But not all could be contained by walls, by rules. Many dreamed of a better life, and were willing to take the risks to go beyond and try to blaze their own trail. They established their own settlements, and tried to create civilization in the wilderness. Some survived, many died. For without the protection of the military of the Kingdoms, settlements were woefully undefended against the hordes of Grimm that could come upon them. To hear of a mass slaughter was not uncommon, when there were even survivors to limp back with their tails between their legs. Yet a few managed to survive, and the reason for that was the Huntsmen. Not beholden to any one nation, they could be hired to defend settlements from Grimm attack, so long as one could meet the fee. This was exactly the case when it came to the settlement of Amlaren. Situated in the foothills near the Kingdom of Vacuo, the warm climate was no deterrent to those who dwelt in the city. It had initially been set up by Dust prospectors, who had turned to mining various metals from the mountains themselves and shipping them back to the Kingdom for a tidy sum. This meant that they were able to foot the bill to have a couple of Huntsmen come out for security, especially when the last one had been seriously injured in a Grimm attack. That was why Sara was here. Boots crunched on stone as she walked down the winding path from higher up the mountain back towards town. There had been a small incursion of Grimm, nothing too difficult to handle for her. Especially not with her partner Kemuri at her side. The two of them had gone to school together, and since they had proven to be a good team they had stuck together when they became full Huntresses. Her polearm rested on her shoulder, a comfortable weight amidst the sweat and the beating sun from above. "See, that wasn't so bad," she remarked, the first stone buildings of the village coming into sight as they walked along. "I told you this job would be fine." There had been a debate over whether it was worth taking this job, given there were better paying options, but her good nature had won out in the end. If everything was this easy, then it wasn't a bad idea. After a moment she glanced over, flashing Ri a grin. "So, got anything in mind now that we have some free time?" One never knew when another Grimm attack might come, but they probably had at least a bit of free time to take advantage of.,"Kemuri hummed thoughtfully, stretching out her arms to thrust her generous chest out as her back popped. "Well, after a fight like that, I was just going to visit that little massage parlor I mentioned earlier," Ri said. "Work out a few kinks, introduce the girls to some, you know, usual stuff." She added with a wink. "Then maybe hit the inn and drink a barrel of wine and shag whomever looks prettiest." Ri had somewhat of a one-track mind, and often spent her free time either lazying about, getting drunk, or getting laid. Add to that the slight tent in her pants that she'd had since one of the serving girls -a curvy, older woman with "bazongas this big, I swear" (followed by Ri outlining the supposedly gigantic breasts against her own)- had bent over a bit too close this morning and practically showed her chest into Ri's face. Something she normally condoned, provided one followed up on it. As they entered the town, a few of the locals gathered round, praising the huntresses for fighting off the grimm. Ri basked in the attention, making a big show of retelling the story to a few that clung to her as she walked. "-And then I cut through the beowolf in one strike!" Her crowd "ooh"-d as she drew her daisho and swung them both upwards, mimicking her earlier attack. "But, another one had gotten into my blind spot", she whirled around, miming shock "And I didn't have time to block it's swipe!" The crowd gasped, one man asking "what happened", and she leapt into the air, her body dissolving into black smoke, swirling around the delighted audience. She then re-formed, dropping down onto the ground, her swords now combined into anaginata, which she thrust into the ground like a spear. "That's what I did!" she exclaimed as she stood up, raising her hands into the air as the crowd cheered. After her stories had run out, the crowd dispersed one by one, Ri putting on a bit of a show for the ladies, flexing her toned arms and shooting them flirty winks. As the last one left, she was standing in front of the Inn, and, coming down from her attention-induced euphoria, realized that she'd not at all kept track of Sara. "Deep in the Wolfswood, a reconstructed Deepwood Motte housed the last remaining man of House Glover. The loyal vassals of House Stark nearly became extinct during King Robert Baratheon's Rebellion. Jaron Glover's father, uncles, and cousins fought valiantly, but could not escape with their lives. Although House Glover was rarely considered an important House, it was a House of The North. Deepwood Motte was not only attacked, but it was destroyed. The men unable to fight, the women, and the children were all slaughtered, leaving literally no Glover left to claim the broken stronghold - none except for one small child that was found by Lord Eddard Stark. The baby was hidden away, miraculously placed in the one spot where the castle held on by a thread. It would have been criminal to leave him, so Ned Stark returned him to Winterfell. There was a nice couple that lived in the castle, though they could never have children. They were a perfect match. Jaron was raised, being educated of his heritage, also being raised like a noble with proper education, training, and preparing for the future. Thankfully Lord Stark even took initiative to send men out to rebuild the stronghold. The idea was simple: have it ready by the time Jaron became of age. All things considered, Jaron grew up happily. It did hurt him, the more he got older and the more he understood the world, to not have his real father or family around. However, everyone was always so kind to him. The married couple he grew up with treated him like he was their own, giving him love, respect, and care. It also allowed Jaron to grow particularly close with the Stark kids, specifically training with Jon and Robb. Beyond their friendship, Jaron developed something with Sansa Stark, too. They saw each other daily, multiple times a day. It was clearly a blooming crush growing between the two teenagers. Even today, years into the future, Jaron would think about her smile or think about her laugh when he was going through a difficult time. She was his best friend, as he told her multiple times throughout their lives. All good things must end, though. Around the time it was decided for Jaron to return to House Glover, Sansa was whisked away to marry the Prince. He did share a heartfelt goodbye with her, believing it was the last time they would ever see each other. It never stopped Jaron from thinking about her, though. Their memories were too fond: sneaking to her room to stay up late, talking about random things, passing notes underneath the table during dinner time, greeting her each time they passed each other in the hallway. Of course, they were probably too young to understand the concept of love or what it meant, but looking back, Jaron was certain it would have turned to love fairly easily if given a chance. As a relatively new Lord, the small forces of House Glover were called upon to march with Robb Stark. Surprisingly, Jaron showed better-than-average skill and prowess on the battlefield. He did seem like the type that enjoyed settling issues with his sword instead of his words. Despite that, nobody could be prepared for the Red Wedding. Jaron lost count of how many Freys he took out with him, but a sword being plunged into his back nearly brought the end of his life and the end of House Glover. Persevering, the young man fought hard and managed to escape through the woods after playing dead for hours until the Freys were too drunk to even pay attention to the carnage. Thankfully, when the Boltons came to power, Deepwood Motte was just a building in the woods. It was not something they cared much about until they learned that Jaron Glover had returned. By then, Jon Snow and the Knights of the Vale had recaptured the North. So why was he thinking so much about Sansa Stark right now? Quite simply news reached his stronghold that Jon Snow and Sansa Stark were asking to be received. It was not well-known that a Glover now controlled the Deepwood again, as it seemed Jon was unsure who to address in his letter. When the Stark bannermen arrived, they were received and Jaron revealed himself. Without any hesitation, Jaron committed House Glover to House Stark again, following Jon wherever he would lead. It took two weeks to trek in the snow from Deepwood to Winterfell, but during that time, Jaron spent nearly every waking second with Sansa Stark. The feelings they had when they were younger, the kisses they stole, the late nights they spoke to one another neither had forgotten. If anything, the feelings were stronger. It was the first night in Winterfell and Jaron was lying down in his bed. He slept peacefully until there was a knock in his door. The man pushed himself up to a standing position and quickly walked over to open the door once dressed in his night robe.,"Sansa Stark had such a troubling life for one so young. Her life growing up was wonderful. Sansa Stark is the eldest daughter and second child of Lady Catelyn and Lord Eddard Stark, the Warden of the North. Sansa was born and raised at Winterfell. She has an older brother, Robb, two younger brothers, Bran and Rickon, a younger sister, Arya, and a "bastard half-brother" Jon Snow, with whom she had a distant relationship due to her mother's influence. Both her mother and Sansa regretted how they treated Jon but both would grow to love him. Sadly, her mother was never able to have the chance because she and her brother were killed. Even her engagement to Joffery Baratheon was incredibly tolling. The Lannisters executed her father and then held her captive until she was able to leave after Joffery was assassinated. Once back in the north she was still held captive by House Bolton. Where she was subjected to all types of terrible treatment. She saw how cruel men could be but she took everything in and learned how to fend for herself. But she at least had the memories from her childhood to keep her company. Her family, of course, but also Jaron Glover. Jaron was what had kept her alive. He was a ward of her father while they were children and she grew close to him. They would always run away together for a little while. Stealing kisses from each other any chance they could. That was until they were separated from each other. Once she was taken to Kings Landing to marry Joffery she had no more contact with Jaron. That didn't stop the red-headed beauty from thinking about him. What he was doing. Who he was with. Was he safe? Despite all of this she had to put him out of her mind as best she could. She doubted he was able to survive any of the hardships that hit the north and in particular his family. Once she found her way to Jon again she was relieved. She made it out and was slowly bringing her family name back to power. Nothing could make those last couple of weeks better right? Her older brother Jon told her the good news. Jaron was alive and well. They were on their way to see him in the morning. Sansa's heart pounded in her chest at the thought of seeing him after all of those years. Would he still be the same kind and gentle man she had once known? Would all of those years mean he would have moved on? Forgotten about her? That is how Sansa found herself outside of Jaron's door. She knocked softly hoping the man was still up. When the door opened her heart swelled with happiness. "Jaron!" She whispered excitedly as she moved closer to him and laid her head down on his chest. Feeling him that close to her was like having a part of her again that had been missing. She never wanted to let go. ""Let me go! Get your hands off me!" Akihime struggled hard as the templars dragged her from her room in the tower down to a room she immediately knew meant her doom. Fire spread over her hands quickly to try and aid her escape but that only allowed one of the templars to smash his armored fist into her head, knocking her dizzy and making it easier for them to drag her in and strap her down to a chair. "Please...please don't...I don't want to be tranquilized..." "Perhaps you should have thought of that before you decided to be a defiant little thing." Her father stated from the other side of the room. Her eyes widened before they began pouring tears. "I didn't do anything to deserve this!" She argued. "We have evidence of blood magic, child. I am very disappointed." "I haven't used blood magic! Father, please! Please don't do this!" She sobbed. "Forgive me, Akihime, but it's for your own good." "No!! No, father, don't!!" Akihime opened her eyes slowly, still sitting in the chair she had perched on what only felt like a few moments. Her eyes were as blank as her expression and she almost looked like she had spaced out or had become a statue. A branding of a chantry sun peeked from under her bangs, showing her cursed status as a mage. A fate worse than death as spoken by most. "Akihime!" Her head lifted at the sound of her name and she stood like an old ancient golem before going to find who summoned her. It was her templar guardian, and ironically her brother, Mitsunari, who stood with a face she didn't recognize. A new templar? "Yes, serah?" Even her voice sounded as dead as she looked. Mitsunari gestured to the boy beside him. "This is Yukimura. He will be watching over you now." He told her. She stood quiet for a moment, as if to process. "Why?" She asked. Mitsunari made a noise. "I'm far too busy with the Order to continue dealing with you. So he will." He told her. She had been stuck in the dark for so long, she had forgotten what the sun looked like. Everything hurt. Her bones, her joints, her skin, everything. She was hungry, she was dehydrated, and she felt like she was on fire and freezing at the same time. When was the last time she had lyrium? She didn't remember, couldn't remember. She just knew it was a very long time.,"The young man stood stiffly beside Mitsunari, looking quite nervous. He brought his armored fist to his chest and nodded his head, bumbling over his greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, though it was clear he was green. If he was placed within a Circle, he must be capable. Megohime groaned with pain, throat burning to be soothed by the cool Lyrium her body so desperately craved. She trembled, keeping herself tucked into the corner of the room, the weight on her back making moving a rather difficult task. She could feel the pulsing power in her back, the large crystals that were growing larger and larger by the day radiating with pure Lyrium. Large dark circles had formed permanently under her red eyes, bloodshot and tired; long raven hair falling down to her hips. Why was she being punished again? She couldn't even remember why or how long she had been there. "Satoshi was no ordinary man and indeed, not even an ordinary demon. He was a powerful being, a demi-fiend; a fusion of human and demon. It granted him power that far surpassed even the strongest of normal demons and he had turned himself into a Demon Lord, killing and enslaving those as he pleased. He ruled from his home realm, now a barren and bleak landscape, save for his opulent and majestic tower where he lived. Its spires grew into the sky and it's walls were massive and impregnable. Satoshi sat in his throne room on his lush and comfortable throne, surrounded by all the luxuries in life one could ask for. He had many slaves, all of them beautiful females he had captured in his conquest of various different realms. They served his every need, from making him food and cleaning the castle, to pleasuring him sexually. They were all in various different outfits, but they were all either in very skimpy clothes that showed off their curves and bodies, or they were entirely in the nude, depending on Satoshi's preference. He was sipping on his cup of coffee as he looked down towards the foot of his throne. Chained to it was one of his newest slaves, a girl named Asuna he had acquired from a planet that had been much like his own before he conquered it. She was a famous and well-known player of a certain game, but in real life, she was easily subdued. Now, she was chained to his throne, a collar attached to her neck that was attached to a chain leash that he had attached to his throne, currently. He had drugged her quite intensively. He had done it to subdue her without killing her, but he also had drugged her with many aphrodisiacs to help her grow accustomed to the life of a pleasure slave and to make her crave the pleasure that would soon become a daily part of her life.,"Asuna wanted to open her eyes but she couldn't no matter how hard she attempted. It felt as if rocks were resting on her eyelids. When she did get a chance to open her eyes slightly everything was blurry and spinning. Her eyes tried to follow the motion of the spinning but it only made her head spin more than it was. Her head was also hard to hold up, feeling her head slump down as she lay on the floor of the throne. She couldn't win the fight and her head slammed back down on the floor. 45 minutes passed before her eyes were stable enough to open, but the spinning and blurriness didn't subside. It felt as if she were drunk, but a stronger sensation. Was she drugged? She looked around and found that she was chained, wearing only panties and a piece of clothing that barely covered her breasts. Her hardened nipples stuck out and could be noticed through her clothing. Her head was hard to move as she tried to look at her surroundings to see where she was at. She noticed a male sitting down while sipping on something hot, seeing steam spiral up in the air. She squinted her eyes to see if it helped to depict the male's features, and it helped to some extent. He looked human but a hybrid. What he was mixed with she couldn't tell, but she didn't want to know. He did chain her up. "Let me go," Asuna sounded exhausted as she demanded for her freedom, her eyes half-opened and glazed over. "Yosuke let out a sigh as he stared up at the roof of the tent. Kanji had stormed off, saying he was going to the girls' tent after Yosuke had unwisely questioned whether his innocence would remain intact through the night since it was just them in the tent. Still, it gave him time to think about everything that had occurred recently. The strange murder cases, Saki's death, and the awakening of his powers that allowed him and Chie to save Yukiko and then Kanji...the power of Persona. He still didn't know much about it, but he knew it fell to him and his friends to save the town. Thus, he had taken on the role as leader of their little Investigation Team and so far they managed to save two people but were no closer to finding out who did this or why. Still, he was happy Yukiko and Kanji were alright. His mind wandered to the raven-haired girl and he blushed slightly. He had a crush on the girl since he moved to town, but she had always brushed him off like all the other guys. Since her rescue and acquiring her Persona, however, they had grown much closer. They hung out after school and went to eat together often and they both seemed to enjoy each others company. He looked at the door to the tent and now he had half a mind to leave and join the girls' tent as well, if only so he could talk with Yukiko.,"The quiet of the night quickly broke. Someone outside began fiddling with Yosuke's tent, trying to get the zipper to either open or - based on the urgency and force - to break. "Yosuke!" In a panicked hush, a familiar female voice is on the other side. "I'm coming in!" In comes Yukiko. She's panting a bit, hair a bit messy, and she barely has her outdoor education jacket zipped up. "Close the tent! Hurry!" She sits in the corner of the tent, trying to catch her breath. "Kanji was in my tent. A...A-A fight? Chie passed out and Hanako is, too. I think?" She taps her head for a moment. "I think? Yeah." She looks to Yosuke, still out of breath. "Anyway, let me stay here tonight." In a moment's though, she ponders for a bit and wags her finger angrily at Yosuke. "But no funny business! I'm only doing this because Kanji invaded my tent." She folds her arms, kicking off her socks with her feet. "Gonna get him tomorrow for this." Yosuke nodded in agreement as he zipped up the tent. He knew that Yukiko was right about not messing around with her. But he also knew that he had to be careful when dealing with Kanji. The last thing he needed was another fight on his hands. "It was a bright day for the northern Commonwealth, mildly overcast with heavy winds blowing across the tall irradiated grass. On a lonely dirt road, a small brahmin caravan made its way north. It was just two men, each leading a brahmin behind them by a ratty, frayed rope. "I can't believe you talked me into this suicide mission Sammy," one of the men blurted out to the other. "Caravan like this walking into raider territory with only two men? We're bound to get pinched." "Relax Carter, I already told you the clan operating out of here has already been paid off and they know we're coming. I've dealt with them before and they don't like large groups of guards walking around. Hell, the only reason I brought you along was to help handle the brahmin," said the other caravaner with a tired shrug. Sammy was only in his forties but life in the wasteland and long days under the sun had aged him very quickly. He'd been running in caravans all over the Commonwealth since he was just a child and had owned a small caravan company for almost 20 years now, thick and thin. "You really think we can trust those animals? Easier just to skin us then actually bother making a deal." "They may be Raiders but they aren't animals," Sammy said with a self satisfied smirk. "Word of advice, money talks and no one survives in the Commonwealth long without thinking at least a little bit long term. They know I make a reliable supplier. Besides, saves caps hiring guards when you can move through safe territory." Carter was fairly new to the business, he grew up in Diamond City and never really got to see much of the Commonwealth until just a few years ago. Neither men were expecting what would happen that day. "Hey! What's that up on the road?" Carter shouted to Sammy. The older man squinted off into the distance. He never liked to admit it but he needed Carter's sharp youthful eyes. "Hard to see from here," Sammy replied. "Looks like a body laying on the road. Should we check it out? Someone could be hurt." "Well we gotta keep walking on this road anyway so we don't really have much of a choice. Just be cautious, don't just run on up there." The two men took is slow as they approached. A body did lay on the side of the road. A pair of shallow heeled leather boots lead up to torn pantyhouse with a garterbelt hiding beneath a knee length skirt. Her dress shirt and leather jacket were opened on the front, revealing small breasts covered in a, skimpy for the era, lingerie bra. "It's a woman!" Shouted Carter before he rushed on ahead to check on her. "Now hold on now-" Sammy attempted to interrupt with no avail as Carter rushed on ahead. Carter ran up to the woman, his cheeks turning red upon getting a closer look at her open top. Sammy arrived only a few steps behind and spoke, "Well hell now, looks like we hit the jackpot. She still alive?" "I'm not sure," Carter said kneeling down to get a closer look. Her face was obscured by an old gasmask, despite the roughness you could still see some makeup blending down her neck. Just as the men dropped their guard, the body snapped to life. A double-barreled sawed-off in her right hand and a revolver in her left, each lined up straight for the men's necks. Two gunshots rang across the landscape in quick succession. Carter lay on the ground dead, a bloody splatter where his head had been, Sammy struggling on the ground choking on his own blood. His torn vocal cords were unable to form words as the lone ambusher stood up and took aim with her revolver at the fleeing brahmin just up the road. Four more shots were fired before she leveled her shotgun with the man's head. The seventh and final shot rang out. She smirked as she took off her gasmask, bright red lipstick glistening in the hot sun. She took the time to search the bodies while the brahmin tired themselves out with the wounds she left them. Some water, snacks, and a hefty pack of caps was all she found, a disappointed sneer forming on her face, though she partook of the food as she walked over to check the brahmin. The flick of the blade she hid under her skirt was all that was necessary to speed up putting the poor creatures out of their misery once they slowed down. Two hearts, twice the hemorrhaging. She took a look into their packs, mostly shipments of jet and some psycho but then she found what she was looking for. A small pill bottle with "Femmout" spelled in big pink letters. The anticipation was palpable as she opened up the bottle to see that it was full, the paper covering and cotton filling still intact. "Yes! Score!" She exclaimed before pouring two pills out and popping them in her mouth with a chaser of warm water. Her hands reached for her breasts and she gently massaged them. "Mmmm...I wonder if I can get up to a C cup with these. Oh, I'll finally be able to fit into some more of my bras!" She said to herself. Giddy and excited, she poured as much of what she could carry into her backpack before the sudden sound of an engine firing put her on edge. She looked around to find the source of the sound but before she could react she was already surrounded. A trio of jeeps circled with at least a half dozen cackling raiders hanging off each one. The lone raider reached for her pistol, there was only one bullet left in the cylinder and reloading the shotgun would be too telegraphed. She gritted her teeth and bided her time about what to do as they circled, eventually though she put her hands up after realizing she was no match for them. One of the jeeps stopped and the raiders on board quickly surrounded her. "So, we finally found the little rat running around," said a female raider with a large assault rifle and ready and a bumper blade on her back. "You got a lot of nerve raiding in our territory, you dirty bitch!" "Yeah yeah, Time for some punishment you fucking cunt!" Shouted another raider as he loosened his belt. "No Skimmer, you know the rules. Prisoner's see the Boss first," she said before giving a smirk, "Unless she decides to put up a fight." The whole group cackled like hyena's at this but the woman stayed quiet. She took a few steps forward, her hands still up in the air. "Hmph, too fuckin' easy," she said before walking up to the prisoner, grabbing a fist full of her hair and pulling. "The name's Jessica and you're damn lucky I don't let my buddies here all take turns on your ass before spilling your guts for hitting our supplier." Jessica pulled her over to the jeep and slammed her against the hud before flipping up her skirt. "Oh ho ho damn girl whats this? Some fancy slutty underwear? Oh and a little gift?" She slapped her on the ass before pulling out the knife on the woman's leg. "Heh, I'd say you're the type who'd enjoy getting fucked by a dozen dusty cocks on the hud of my ride. Mmmmm...but that'll come later." She patted her down, searching for any weapons before putting a sack over her head and throwing her in the back of the jeep.,"When Carter returned to the raider's base, she stood before their leader. The leader was Elena, an imposing woman with broad shoulders, large breasts, and...a cock. Yes, Carter could see the bulge in her shorts that wasn't a gun. It even twitched when the prisoner first entered the room. "Do you understand what you have done?" Elena asked. "I carefully grant favor to select merchants so they can bring my people goods they want. You have killed two men and four branham under my protection. And this puts a stain on my reputation. I should kill you now. But before I decide what to do with you, I want to know why," she said, speaking with a deceptively calm voice. As she spoke, you could almost feel the anger in her voice being restrained. Elena moved closer as she spoke until she was towering over Carter. She snatched up the pack of FemmOut that Carter used on herself. Then she grabbed Carter's crotch and squeezed hard. "You want to be a girl? Is that it?" Elena asked. She let Carter go and started to unzip her own pants and pull them down. ""Shit..." Rei's teeth gritted together in frustration, realizing just how bad the situation before her was. A group of eight young men, who had likely been nothing more than frightened high school survivors much like themselves not long ago, stood before her. Saya had taken up watch, but they had been watching them and waiting for their moment to move in, subduing the heiress before she could raise the alarm. Why had they not noticed they were being followed? She cursed her own ineptitude, but more pressing matters were at stake. The men had already taken their weapons and bound their arms with thick cloth as makeshift rope. They did not have many supplies at the moment, or even much ammunition, but Rei knew that the men had not captured them to loot them. No, they had something else in mind entirely. Saya glared daggers at them, pulling her legs up to her chest protectively but spoke not a word. Saeko remained silent as well, but more composed than the others, staring blankly at the far wall. All of the men exchanged glances at each other, small smirks of confidence and desire marking their features. The first young man approached Saya, taking hold of her chin as he forced her to look at him in the eye. His free hand reached down and began to unfasten his belt, letting his pants slip down his legs as his girthy member, still only half-hard, hung before her. She shook her head, but he gripped her jaw more firmly and pushed her backward slightly as he eased his hips forward. "Don't bite," the man commanded as he pushed his cock into her mouth. Rei swore again, "Shit... Damn you all..." This didn't sit too well with one of the men, who reached out with his hand and gripped her by the shirt roughly, "Say something?" Rei avoided his gaze but remained silent, her teeth still grit together tightly. "That's better... Now open up," the man brushed his thumb across her soft lips as he worked to undo his pants as well. Two men approached Saeko, one seated in front of him while the other approached her from behind. The other men remained alert with their weapons, just in case any of the girls decided to resist. The two around Saeko began to position themselves, directing her to jerk off the man in front of her as they each took turns. Saeko remained stone-faced, but complied for the time being, her hands working the young man's erect member while refusing to so much as look at them.,"The man who had forced himself on Saya grew harder as she took in his large cock, finally starting to grow more erect in her mouth. "Ah....this bitch has a pretty good mouth," he managed to moan out as he began to move his hips, forcing more of his cock into her mouth and throat, pressing his hairy base up against her lush lips. Another man approached her and unzipped his trousers to reveal his own half-erect cock. "Start stroking me off or I'll have to cut your pretty face up." He licked his lips as he laughed, brandishing a knife. The man with Rei had unzipped his trousers now fully to reveal his fully erect dick, very girthy and veiny as he slapped his rod against her cheek. "Take your clothes off....I want you to use your tits," he commanded her gruffly, slapping her face with his rod for good measure. As Saeko jerked off the two boys near her, their moaning increased as their cocks throbbed in her hands. The last man approached, his cock by far the largest and longest of them all and he playfully pressed the meat stick up against her lips. "Time for you to play with this sword, up." He commanded, making it clear his intentions of where he intended to sheathe said 'sword'. "Deemed too dangerous to remain in service, the destroyer-class Angeloid 'Phoenix' Type Omega had been scheduled for destruction. He was initially created as a last resort for defense of the Synapse to turn the tables of the great war in their favor. Phoenix ended the war by single-handedly wiping out the enemy with minimal effort, which frightened his creators. They had not intended to create a weapon of such power, and worried that he may eventually cause more harm than good in the long run. Phoenix was lucky enough to have a very wise general as his master, who could not bring himself to go through with his execution. It was a sad day when he made the decision to go against his orders and save Phoenix's life. As the hatch to the escape pod slowly closed, a tear ran down his master's face as he spoke. "Phoenix. I want you to find a new master. Someone who needs you as much as you need them." The angeloid returned his words with only a blank stare, as the hatch closed, and the pod was ejected out into space on a course for Earth. The angeloid's memories were completely wiped, and the vast majority of his combat capabilities locked away. Barely able to stand or speak, he pushed open the door. The poor creature had awoken in a truly strange place, foreign to anything he'd ever known. The sun shined down onto his face for the first time, giving him a warm feeling that did not cause discomfort. Stepping out of the pod, Phoenix analyzed his surroundings. To the north there was the city, which obviously contained a plethora of human activity. There didn't seem to be anything of interest in any other direction, so he began his journey downtown. The breeze blew through his short, dark hair as he walked. The angeloid zipped his white leather suit up and toyed with the broken chain attached to the collar around his neck. As his memories were mostly erased, he knew very little about himself and only retained some basic knowledge about the human race. His main priority was to obtain a new 'master.' Although a master's orders are absolute to an angeloid, whomever took it upon themselves to take him in, would soon realize he is a very independent angeloid that only needed a 'master' because he was programmed to require it for survival. He was fully capable of giving his master tactical advice, and was a highly intelligent being. However, he was still an angeloid, which meant any direct order given by the master must be carried out in full, whether or not it was what they actually wanted. Would he be able to find someone?,"The sun was beginning to set over the horizon, beautiful gradient shades of orange, yellow and pink filling the atmosphere that would eventually turn dark for night. There wasn't much commotion happening downtown at this late hour, deeming it a great time to pick up some groceries for home. The breeze was slightly warm yet when inhaled it was cold. The temperature was gradually starting to shift. Azura gently tugged her coat over her shoulders as her body began to shiver. She would make this grocery trip fast before the temperature got too cold. With fingers intertwined with plastic in both hands Azura pranced down the sidewalk as her shoes snapped above the concrete. It was always a feeling of accomplishment when you purchase the objects you want yet your wallet begs to differ. An alleyway came into view as she approached closer to it, noting that it was an easier way to cross the street other than waiting for traffic from her every day trip. It was dark and appeared unoccupied and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. She hummed a sweet tune in her throat, swaying her hips as her snow white hair danced as she took each step. The rustling of what sounded like cans behind her caught her attention, quick to swivel around to note the disorder. What's a pretty girl like you doing in a dark place like this? A mysterious man stepped from the shadows with a hood concealing his face, his lips and nose were the only feature available to see. Two other men stepped in behind him. He must be the ring leader. Remarkably Azura managed to stay calm and hold her composure, giving a non-threatening grin towards their directions. No need to flatter, but I must head home," she said, lifting her bags to show that she had products. "I don't want to spoil my milk sitting here chatting." She ended the conversation before anyone could object, taking a deep sigh as she turned around to continue her travel. The reverberating sound of feet dragging against the floor hit the brick walls until a hand gripped her right arm. The hairs on her body did handstands, and her head slowly turned around to dreadfully look at the masked men. "Why leaving all of a sudden?" one of them asked. "You look like you need help carrying those. Don't want to hurt those pretty hands of yours; they could be useful in the long run." His friends snickered in the background at his sexual comment. Azura found it harder to keep her composure, a nervous giggle erupting from her rosy pink lips. "Aren't you cute?" she said briefly with a harsh tinge of sarcasm, violently snagging her hand away from the invader. "I said goodbye," she emphasized, attempting to turn back around before the hand gripped her wrist again, this time more grotesquely and convincingly. The man angrily said through clenched teeth, tightening his grip even more to vent a small whimper from the shocked girl. The other two men circled around the opened spots, ensuring that Azura wouldn't walk away anymore. Without warning, the ring leader raised his hand up in the air and slapped Azura across her left cheek with the back of his hand, a cry leaking out only to be covered by one of the men's hands to muffle it. "Be fucking quiet!" he spat at her as he pinched her cheeks harshly, causing them to throb. "Mako was an odd person, no wait, she wasn't human; she was some sort of all-powerful erotic being who wanted some fun. She smiled as she waited in a room that belonged to someone named Issei Hyoudou, a very special boy. Mako smiled as she sat on his bed, naked and waiting patiently. Oh boy, was she going to have some fun with Issei! Some real fun.,""Oh man, what a day," Issei said to himself as he arrived home from school. He slowly made his way to his room, figuring he could soothe his troubled soul with some porn. Opening the door, he noticed something different. "Oh, a naked girl sitting on my bed." He first muttered like it was nothing to him... then his eyes widened and he double-checked his bed, letting out a loud gasp. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?! Why are you naked?" were his questions. Not that I mind. Oh man, look at the boobage. I think those kendo girls may have killed me and I'm in heaven. Issei thought, smiling widely. "The lithe Hylian warrior nimbly leapt through the Gerudo fortress. Their light footfalls barely made a sound as they darted through halls. Frequently they melted into shadows, seeming to disappear from existence entirely. Once or twice this actually happened, with the warrior reappearing from another set of shadows. At least three guards were rendered unconscious this way. Yes, unconscious: the warrior was not setting out to kill, or at least, not to kill any Gerudo who may stand in their way. Their path was quite clear. They were here for something. They darted, sneaked, and eventually worked their way to the enter of the domicile. Once there, it didn't take much to realize the truth, to uncover precisely the information needed. Ganondorf of the Gerudo had left his weapon well guarded, put behind wards and walls and guards, but none had stood before this warrior. They smiled behind their covering, realizing that they had what they needed. The smile faded, however, as they realized something worse: Time was not on their side. This information would have to be spread, true. But it would also need to be acted upon. Plus, they'd have to somehow determine if the supposed Gerudo weakness to silver and light magic held any weight. There would be no easy way to do that. That is, unless... the warrior reached up, lowering the bindings covering her mouth. It was Princess Zelda of Hyrule. She frowned, leaning against a column and staring up at the sky. She could communicate with Link through their telepathic bond due to their link through the Triforce. He would soon know for sure that yes, Ganondorf was the force behind the rising darkness and that, yes, he did have some element of the Triforce in some form or fashion. But she'd need to stall time, to give Link moments to gather the appropriate power and become the hero. So the Hylian princess channeled her magic. In a swirl of power, the warrior Shiek vanished, replaced by Zelda's traditional Hyrulean gown. The princess looked absolutely stunning, as if she stepped out of a fairy tale. Her golden hair fell just below her bosom, tied in the traditional Hylian style. It framed her beautifully sculpted face, out of which peered her intelligent blue eyes. Her slender frame embodied Hylian grace and beauty in every piece. Even her choice of golden and white, with pink to accent, made her appear all the more radiant, almost too pure, too beautiful to be allowed. And now she stepped toward the throne, knowing the guards to be gone. She would arrive soon enough to the desolate place, already feeling the lack of warmth. Still, Zelda knew what she must do. She knew what she may have to sacrifice. "Ganondorf!" she called, using her magic to summon a bright violet light. "It is I, Princess Zelda of Hyrule. I've come to make you an offer!" The only offer she could make....,"The time was fast approaching, Ganondorf knew this with every fiber of his being, he felt it in his very soul. Before very long the plot that had for so long been implemented one careful step at a time would begin in earnest and once that happened there was little that would be able to stop him from taking the lands of Hyrule as his own, claiming the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage, and claim the princess Zelda as his concubine. More and more often it seemed to him as though that might be the most important of the goals, having desired her from the moment he saw her at a trade meeting several years before. A large man, even by the standards of his people, Ganondorf stood nearly seven feet tall and was well proportioned for a man of his size, with broad shoulders and chest matched by strong arms and hands. Even as he sat, brooding on his throne of gold and obsidian he cut an imposing figure. Several hours before he had dismissed his varied attendants, guards, advisors, generals, and the members of his harem, all had been attending to him but his mood had turned dark and he had desired solitude. Sitting in the throne he had drawn upon his vast sorcery, the only man in the history of his people to master the magical arts (aided by his shard of the Triforce). The silence and solitude helped him focus as he cast his mind out to observe the monster creatures that he had encouraged to flourish in the lands of Hyrule in a plot to destabilize the kingdom and stretch its military resources before the coming invasion... and it would come soon. But as he observed, he felt a sensation akin to a prickling at the back of his neck; someone with considerable magical talents was in his palace, someone who shouldn't be there. Somehow they had gotten close to the throne room and he hadn't even noticed them until they drew upon their talents - like a candle being suddenly lit in a dim room, impossible to ignore. His focus returned to his body right away, and he straightened up in his throne, drawing upon the vast reserves of magical power he possessed to prepare for the assassination attempt he was sure would follow - it wouldn't be the first. But when the doors to the throne room opened and his eyes adjusted to the sudden and painfully bright light, he was confused. This was no assassination attempt; Princess Zelda stood before him, without any guards. He didn't doubt that her magic would allow her to pose a danger to a lesser man and defend herself but he doubted she could match his vast power. "Princess Zelda," he greeted her slowly, rising from his throne. The heavy armour of black and gold shifted as he moved, a wave of his hand igniting torches along the walls of the throne room, granting light enough to see in detail the arrangement of furniture and banners that made it very clear that the man in the throne upon the raised dias was a man with power and authority. "If I had been informed that you were on your way to see me, I would have made preparations." A small smile crossed over his face, looking at her closely, lecherously. "But let's not rest upon ceremony and niceties... please let me know about this offer you have in mind." "Sora stood on the top one of the buildings in the new city she was to call home. She gave a shy smile as she spread out her field of energy to see the different buildings so that she could memorize the city. She knew that the Titans were waiting for her, but if she didn't do this, things would become hard for her. While Sora was indeed a superhero, she was also blind. There was no doubt that she would be thought weaker for this, but her powers allowed her a way of seeing. As she finished mapping out the city, she started up floating towards the skies, as there was a thunderstorm hitting the city now. In truth, she had called it to her so that she might be able to cross the city easier. Giving a soft smile, she came to hover above Titan Tower and thought of her adoptive father and even of Batman, who had told her this was where she could go. Still unsure, she let herself be transferred down to the ground in a bolt of lightning. She stood at the doors now, smoke slowly streaming off her form, as she gave a knock on the door. She was sure this wasn't what they were used to, but as she held her staff, she knew this was better than not coming at all.,""I'm coming, I'm coming!" A loud voice was heard and the door opened. "About time the Chinese got here," Beast Boy said, surprised to see Robin standing there. "Um... Can I help you...?" He asked, unsure how to react to the awkward moment. Getting a better look at her appearance, he could guess what kind of powers she had. But then again, appearances never worked out for him even when he was sure of something that was by appearance. "The briefing room was silent but for the gentle hum of the ship's engine and Commander Alexis Shepard's voice as she addressed the three chosen for the mission. "You are going down to this planet in order to chase a dangerous fugitive, an extremely powerful biotic assassin," she said, gesturing towards the screen before them. The planet was on display, glimmering green and turquoise, an earth-like atmosphere having lent itself to a massive jungle that covered 90% of the land. "We don't know much about this planet, we've found the escape pod he crash landed in but we don't know anything about the environment or the dangers you might face, be ready for anything." Her three chosen were before her, Jack, Samara, and Miranda. "As you know, the Normandy will be leaving once we have you dropped off, your extraction will be within a few days, a week at the most." A glare was exchanged between Miranda and Jack, one that did not go unnoticed by their commander. "I would hope you don't kill each other in the mean time." She gave them both a look, then clapped her hands, signaling the end of the briefing. "Get ready and meet at the shuttle in an hour." The jungle was thick, the air cool, the wind blowing through the trees with a gentle rustling sound, covering the movements of the three figures wading through the underbrush. "Any sign yet?" Jack's voice crackled over the comms, sounding irritated as always. "Nothing here," Miranda responded, determined not to rise to Jack's snark as she scanned about. "He could have gone quite a bit farther than this in any case, we should move on, keep following the trail." "There is a clearing up ahead. Perhaps you should maintain silence in the case of an ambush." Samara's calm voice broke onto the line and the group spread out, Samara advancing into the clearing first as Miranda and Jack took her flanks. Samara came to a halt three steps in as a patch of crushed brush became visible, raising her pistol. "I've found something, maintain positions." She advanced cautiously, listening as the others confirmed nothing on their motion trackers and knelt before the corpse of the man they'd been sent to kill, a massive hole in his chest giving no doubt as to the cause of his death. "Convene on me... Our target is already deceased." Jack and Miranda closed quickly on Samara's position. "Hmph, he can't have been as strong as the commander said if he got killed like this..." The small biotic rolled her eyes. "So we've been on a wild goose chase and we still have to wait a few days on this damn planet before we're getting back to the Normandy." "I would perhaps question as to what killed him." Miranda interjected. "It seems likely he was taken by surprise..." "Caution!" Samara snapped, cutting Jack short. "Motion trackers... There's something out there." The three were back to back in the center of the clearing, hands reaching for weapons. "Possibly what killed him...","This planet was one of the few uncolonized ones with a livable atmosphere, without needing any alterations. Maybe they should have wondered why. As people tried several times, but even when workers managed to get buildings up before all of them inexplicably died, it soon fell apart. Even exploration trips landed on disaster, and when they probed it, the ship that did got destroyed. And it was all thanks to the world's native creatures. When first encountered, most thought nothing more than a large puddle of goo, but even that puddle was dangerous. It could wrap around you and cut off your air supply with ease. And if it didn't want to kill you that way, it would transform. It could snap your bones as a krogan, eat you as a vorcha, and, as one of them had once gone there also, so was stuck in their collective knowledge, kind of like the geth, but which only transmitted useful knowledge, even could become a special asari and rip their souls out of them with sex. When they passed the man, the silurae had already found out why they were there. All trees here were silurae, who had grown old and transformed into a tree, where their silura part died, and they actually became trees. But they still could listen. The movement they found was a trick, they wanted them somewhere else. When they looked, they would see the exact same man that was on the ground, who gave a perfect show, the silura (as if that wasn't clear by now) Acted as if he recognized them, before starting to run. He would lead them to where he wanted. Bullets wouldn't manage to kill him from that far away, and biotics would only make him feel as if he were running through syrup. "Wasn't Las Vegas supposed to have been the extinction of these abominations? Dean presumed that after the nuke, such horrors would be at worst a tragic memory to those afflicted - certainly not something that would happen again. Regardless, this was not how he wished to spend his vacation time. Given an invitation from a friend to check out Fortune City, history seemed to be repeating itself apparently. Looking at himself in the window, he saw a fairly tall, lean-built man in his twenties with short spiky dark brown hair, amber hues filled with malevolence towards his misfortune, tan skin tone, thin eyebrows, slightly concave nose, and oblong jaw shape with a scar traced down from his lower lip to the chin . Overall, he looked like a specimen until it came to tackling his fashion choice. Tattoos occupied his muscular arms, snake bite piercing rested above his chin, and a customized silver skull piercing on his tongue. Clothing was recognizable with a pompous stud like himself, donning a special crimson leather jacket with silver color rhinestone embedded on the back of the jacket, designer black jeans with his initials stitched in crimson, and dress shoes to match the Spec Shades Ozzy sports but in a gold tint. The young man was certainly in deep shit at the moment, granted it was convenient compared to the other people in the middle of the calamity. Rationality was barely registering through his conceited head, having his heart beat in a frenzied pace while his nerves shot up with the blood curling lullaby of screams echoing in the hallways of the Fortune City Hotel. This luxurious suite of his was now the only sanctuary Dean had to the war zone outside. Dean Dixon was not particularly a household name in the world, but to the many sexually frustrated or simply horny denizens of the adult industry; Dean was idolized as a sex god. Renowned similarly to icons like Ron Jeremy and John Holmes, it was difficult taking not to pay attention to this Adonis of a man. A controversial figure, Dean is labeled as a bad boy to society and has shown volatile behavior in many disputes broadcasted to the media. Although he was a malicious son of a bitch, even this love god could not be completely callous to the situation. For now he needed to keep his cool, barricade his domain, and when things died down try to make an attempt to escape from this resort.,"Kitty Kat Williams, her common name Katrina, was a dancer, a special kind of dancer, that...catered to clients with particular tastes; usually high paying men of the nerdy types. Trekkies, Video Game enthusiasts; you name it, she had probably catered to that type at one time or another. Rich types, mainly. Or nerds attending some convention of another in Fortune City. She'd made a pretty good living here, in all her years as an entertainer. Red heads tended to be a sought after type these days, giving the lean, ample breasted, supple reared, long limbed woman plenty of clients. Who knew what the fuck was going to happen here. Shit, just when she had been planning to get out of this lifestyle. Figures the world would go to shit. She'd fought her way from the Arena when the infected had broken out of the confines that blasted show, Terror is Reality, had them in. They should have known it was only a matter of time before those creatures managed to get out, but fuck if they had pretended ignorance. The hotel she assumed was her best bet, at least for a place to board up until the cavalry came stampeding in. She pulled the slide back, loading the chamber of her .45 pistol, before letting loose the contents of her clip into the heads and torsos of the infected blocking her way to the Hotel entrance; several fell, blood oozing from piercing holes, pieces of heads missing, eyes shot out. Really, it was a disgusting sight, but what choice did she have. She grunted, slamming her boot against the chest of one of them, kicking it out of her way as she busted in through the doors, slamming them shut behind her. She gathered what she could of the furniture and barricaded the door the best she could, before making her way to the stairs as she put another clip into her pistol and made her way to the stairs as she pulled the slide back to load the chamber. Higher was probably better, the fucking things couldn't fly or scale walls; that she could actually be thankful for. "It had been hell. They'd come out of nowhere, summoned by magic. No warning, no nothing, just a magical portal that appeared in the city, streaming them forth. At first, the populace couldn't believe it. Sure, they were used to strange things coming out of nowhere; they housed the Teen Titans, after all. Aliens, supervillains, robots, all that and more terrorized the city, had for years now. But orcs? Orcs utilizing magical weaponry and rampaging through town as though they'd walked out of some strange fantasy novel? The sheer lunacy of it all had been overwhelming. Most of the population had succumbed within hours to the surprise onslaught. The Titans had rallied, but the attack hit all sectors of the city. They'd sent out a distress call, but it had almost been more of a warning. The government had certainly taken it that way. They'd sequestered Titan City off from the rest of the country, insisting that was the best way to solve the problem. Albeit, the military couldn't do much against the orcs. Most of their weaponry simply failed whenever they got within range. Others just didn't work. A skilled fighter, someone who could fight hand to hand, mind, could do much against the orcs. Robin had proved that, had fought hard and valiantly. It all proved in vein, however. Without any other options, the Titans had gone underground. They would not give up the city, not so long as they drew breath. However, they also knew better than to attempt a full frontal assault they'd surely lose. They'd done this before, or at least something like it. So they'd resorted to guerrilla tactics, launching surprise attacks against orcs, inflicting causalities to be sure, but likely causing a lot more in the way of annoyance. The hope was to stall till someone made a mistake, till some opening could be had. No one had expected it to be the Titans who did so. They'd gotten caught by the chief, a fierce warrior who seemed nearly unstoppable. Robin had fought him well, had even impressed the warrior, but he'd been losing. So Starfire had leaped to the rescue, literally plowing into the chief and, using her flight, getting him far away. Robin had attempted to rescue, had shouted, protested, screamed, and in the end, had simply yelled promise that they'd save Starfire, somehow. So the perky alien found herself the captive of the orcs. They'd dragged her back to their camp, a desolate section of what had once been the park but had now been covered with various tents of stretched hide. Starfire didn't want to think about what had given its life for those hides. The lanky Tamaranean looked very out of place among the orcs. They swelled, most with knotted muscles, several with pot bellies to match. Their heights varied, and the tall heroine did top several of them in that regards. Her brilliant orange skin stood out among the sea of green and gray, however. As did her vibrant, red-hair. Brilliant green eyes stared out from a face far more beautiful than the cruel creatures that swarmed about. They looked out from a strikingly pretty face, usually vibrant with a smile or other expression. The Tamaranean's sorrow weighed heavily upon her, however. It sunk her slender shoulders and made her lithe, muscular body almost fall in on itself. Currently, the prized teen had been staked outside the chief's tent for all to look and examine. At least one bold orc had already blown his load upon the poor girl: a streak of thick cum having splashed her cheek and drizzled down to the skin-tight purple top. It streaked along her modest breasts, seeming to have glazed the teenage flesh. None dared get closer than that, however. The exception had been a shaman who had decorated Starfire's bared stomach with a symbol to match the chief's family totem. This labeled her as property, though of course the girl didn't know it. Said shaman had also placed a hefty collar around the girl's neck, claiming that it would diminish her powers, though perhaps not completely. Defeated, Starfire hung there, both arms tied to stakes, legs loose but hopelessly so. The orcs loved to come over and flip her skirt up, and even now the tight purple had rolled to show the white panties that lay beneath. They'd left her alone for the moment, so Starfire wiggled, attempting to draw the skirt down and retain some modesty. She had no clue what the plan was for her, and if she did, chances were her spirits would be lower than they were even now.,"The orcs of Mo'grash were a savage race, no doubt. They were created by an insane warlock with the sole purpose of slaughtering populations and civilizations, ridding worlds of their males and enslaving the females to indulge in their nearly endless sexual drive. Countless worlds had fallen to their onslaught, with the females ultimately dragged back to the home world where they were used as sex slaves, and for breeding to create more females of their kind. Orc semen itself was special, in the fact that it altered itself so it could impregnate any female from any species and the birth would always result in another female of the slave's species, but with slightly altered genes as to make the new born more desiring of sex when they came of age. By the second or third generation of children, most species were little more than sex-craving machines. The orcs were divided into clans, each of which had a specialized purpose in their society. Despite being savage and violent, the orcs were rather organized, they needed to be to conquer so many worlds. Gor'rash was the massive leader of the Malfor Clan. He stood a good 2 and a half to three feet taller than most orcs and was very well built and muscular. He was the elite of the elite, a warrior created to slaughter the best warriors on each planet, and to mate with the best females to produce the greatest of offspring. He hand command of the entire Malfor Clan, some half a million orcs in total. His clan was only the first wave of a typical invasion force. Once they had a firm and established encampment, more orcs would follow, and the grand total of a whole invasion force normally reached somewhere at or near a billion combat able orcs on the invaded world. This world, Earth, had been no different from any other world they had invaded. They had arrived and taken the populace completely by surprise as they slaughtered all who attempted to stop them. They had driven away the city's most gallant defenders, the Teen Titans. Now, they had a firm encampment in the ruins of the city. More orcs would soon be on their way over, but Go'rash was surprised when he was challenged to single combat by the apparent champion of the city, a boy named Robin. He was impressed by the vigor and determination of the boy, any orc could at least respect a fellow warrior who gave it their all. Still, the chief had been too much for the boy and as he was getting ready to deliver the finishing blow, he was struck by a young woman, one not of this world. He quickly dispatched the girl and took her as his personal slave, his property. For the past few hours, Go'rash had been nursing the wounds he acquired in his bout with Robin and communicating with the Warlords on Mo'Grash of the invasion's progress. He heard the constant shuffling of his clansmen outside his tent as they examined her newly acquired prize. He took a deep drink of ale from his flask as he let out a breath, all orcs enjoyed ale. He walked out of his tent and blew his war horn, summoning his clansmen to assemble in front of his tent. The orcs amassed quickly, all knowing what to expect from him at this point. After all, a prize was meant to be used. "Lo'tarlo! Mola ga ish loma!" The chieftain cried out as he pounded his chest multiple times as the assembled horde let out a collective roar. He motioned for silence after a moment as he then pointed towards the chained up Starfire. The orc seemed to lick his disgusting lips as an extremely large bulge was now apparent in his leather trousers. As he walked towards the captured, he ripped his pants off to reveal his throbbing, massive and veiny cock. It was by far the largest sex organ Starfire had ever seen in her entire life, and male Tamaranean's were known for being pretty well-endowed. "Mala! Intaro mo ga forda!" The chief called out with a roar again as he undid the binds from Starfire's wrist as he roughly pulled her towards him. He pressed her back against his massive chest as his cock rubbed up against her firm ass. His rough and large hands reached down and ripped her panties from her body as he tossed them aside. He lowered his cock down and began to rubbed it against her now exposed pussy as he wrapped his arms around her and his callused hands squeezed her lovely breasts through her top, his fingers, with long, sharp nails, rubbing against where her nipples were. "Tommen stared at his book, learning about some of the previous wars that had happened across the Seven Kingdoms. The book detailed the sides, their leaders, their strategies, and the victor. Every page was filled with gory details of people who died in the most gruesome ways. For most 17-year-old boys, this would be the best thing ever. But for Tommen, it was barely anything interesting. Growing up had never been a problem for Tommen Baratheon. His family was one of the wealthiest in Westeros, so he usually got what he wanted. At least, anything he could buy with gold. When it came to everything else, his brother Joffrey would get it. That's why it was such a shock when just the previous day, his brother was killed. Poisoned at his own wedding. It wasn't surprising that someone wanted Joffrey dead; after all, he was getting to be almost as bad as the Mad King. But to do it at his wedding was just horrible. One thing that did occur to Tommen though, was that he was next in line. He would be the next king of Westeros. So much responsibility, so much power... it made him feel extremely nervous. He knew that Lady Margaery Tyrell had been promised to Joffrey, but what would happen to her? Would she be Tommen's queen or would another woman step up to take her place? What would his queen be like? Kind? Gentle? Tommen hoped so and also hoped that she would be patient; Tommen had never been with a woman before due to his young age and shyness, but hopefully that was to be expected.. right? After all, weren't you meant to be a virgin until you were married? Or was that just women? The boy was wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't notice his bedroom door open and close behind him.,"Margaery tensed every muscle in her arms and mid-section to keep the door as quiet as possible. Like an assassin, she stole into Tommen's chamber. She had hoped to wake him gently and speak privately with him. Out of earshot of his mother and the rest of the court. Part of her was extremely reluctant to begin the dance of seduction again, but Tommen was so much more... human than Joffrey was. Something about him was so sweet and, even a little simple. As though things could only be right or wrong, without all the gray. It made her want him; to corrupt him, to preserve him, to cherish him, to use him up. All the conflicting feelings welling inside her created an overwhelming passion. She stood at the edge of the light his candles threw. Her long, white nightgown clung to her body in the chill of the castle. "My lord," she whispered. "I hope I have not interrupted anything important. But I hoped we might speak privately. If you will allow it?" "Coughing up blood into his hand, Charles stumbled forward down the road as he held his shotgun loosely at his side. The arm was useless because of the shot he had taken to the shoulder, but he had managed to tie his shotgun to his hand. He still had enough feeling in his fingers that he could pull trigger if need be, but every step felt harder and he wondered if he could actually survive until the next settlement. The whole meeting he had set up with some men who claimed to have key cards needed to get inside an Old World US Army weapons cache, but instead it had turned out to be an ambush. Somehow they had figured out what Charles was really after, and wanted his information instead. Frankly, they had underestimated him, and now lay out in the dirt with their brains blown out. Still, they had given him a few broken bones, a shot to the shoulder, and some mild internal injury that Charles considered the least of his worries as long as the bullet could be removed before he got an infection in that area. Noticing a building ahead with a satellite dish on top, Charles muttered to himself through thirst-cracked lips, "It can't be." Before he could even get a better look though, a wave of dizziness overtook him, and he yelled out in pain as it was his injured shoulder that caught his fall. Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself up and crawled the last few feet to the wall of the compound and rested against it breathing hard as he inspected his surroundings. Only breathing a sigh of relief when he realized that he had not attracted any attention, but cursed his foolishness for not bring stim packs or at least some medical supplies. At least he had not forgotten to bring food and water, reaching behind him he pulled some pure water out and took a sip of the irradiated drink, and sighed with a smile, staring out towards the sun in the distance as he began to figure that this might not be such a place to die if it came down to it. Still there was no reason to go down that easy so trying his best Charles used the wall behind himself to prop his body up as he stood. It was to no avail as he ended up slipping back down again, chuckling at the ironic nature of the situation. Here he was on the edge of finding the treasure he had been seeking, and well, death might just have his life before then. His only luck was that the entrance to this place seemed to be along the roadways which people traveled. So maybe he would encounter a good Samaritan today? Reaching up, he toyed with the strange golden locket he wore around his neck that was shaped like a heart wearing a little top hat. Yes, maybe he could hope against hope.,"Zipping up her suit after taking a moment to drain the hose, those heels clicked along the broken street as she meets back up with the team. Victoria - " Syde, Where are we and how much further?" Syde blew his nose only to point up the road to an old bunker, but before they could continue the team heard someone yell out in pain. Victoria made the team push on to the target location as she inspected the sound, with her weapon at hand she pushed along a stone wall, her heeled boots stop as she squats down looking at the ground to inspect the blood drops. "Fresh" - she said under her painted black glossy lips. Standing up she follows the blood and wondering what poor fool had died this day. To the end of the trail at the back end of the compound she finds him, a small man, wounded, and on his last breath it seems. Victoria- " Well, well, well... look what we have here, that is a nasty gun wound, and you seem to be dehydrated as well, the question is do you want to live?" The lady of Steel walks closer inspecting the man as she squats with both legs open before him, her bulge stretching the suit she had on as well as her perfect chest, Victoria moved her jet black hair out of her face to examine the man. Placing the heavy flamer to the side, her soft blue eyes stare at the wound as her hands with black painted nails sharpened like claws reach for his shirt to rip open more what the gun shot had left, seeing the wound and moving a hand under his jaw line she slaps him. Victoria - "Hey you alive or do I just leave you here?" Her eyes where more blue than they should be only to the fact that the eyeliner and eye shadow made it so. Victoria's hands played with the man's hair moving it from his face to see if he would give one last breath or word... she waited for a response at the same time he could feel her hands searching him for anything useful. "Shame I found you like this, you look cute, would be a damn shame to see such a thing like you go to waste like this." -He could feel her hand run up his inner thigh and groping his crotch, which seemed to spark the man alive... "All of Earth's greatest heroes stood together as they watched their fellow hero mentally break down before their very eyes. The Scarlet Witch, who was the daughter of Magneto, had fought alongside most of them as part of The Avengers, but was now trying to fight her powers which allowed her to alter reality. Her brother Quicksilver stood beside her and told her to alter reality in the vision their father had for them and all other mutants. Something then triggered in her mind, and quickly everything disappeared and turned to white. Soon reality turned back to normal, but a lot of things had changed. There were no humans, just mutants, but out of all of them, they seemed to be female and mostly lesbian. It seemed The Scarlet Witch had altered reality so that everyone was a mutant and were only female and gay. Down at the X-Men's mansion, it seemed to have changed a lot. Every member was now a girl and they now went by the name of X-Rated. Their goal was to help young female mutants control their powers but also their sexual desires as well. The way the teachers there did this was by having sex with their students and also getting them to make sex tapes. One of these teachers was Jubilee, who was once a student there but had now become a teacher. She was in her room playing with herself as she watched a sex tape the Stepford Cuckoos sisters had made together.,"Onyx was 13 when she realized she was different; she could change the way she looked and disguise herself as someone else. She ran away at 14 and was taken to a school full of people with similar abilities. Despite being surrounded by others like her, she still felt alone and left the school at 18. Now, she was wandering the halls of another school, one that was different from any other she had attended. While it was better than the previous school for mutants, Onyx still felt out of place and like she didn't belong. In the kitchen, she saw two girls making out, which was nothing new to her. She grabbed a soda from the fridge and watched them for a moment before leaving. She returned to her room and turned on the TV, sitting on her bed and flipping through channels while her roommate had sex in the bed next to hers. "Usually, when a particular warrior wanted to bathe, the thirty-five year old had a private tub that could be warmed to her particular tastes. Joined with a decent enough mead, it was relaxing enough to wash away all the stress of the world's weight that constantly clung to the seventy-eighth in line for the Nevarran throne. One quiet dip into an embracing washtub was enough to cleanse her muscles of their stiff aches and loosen her mind from its twisted coils; not entirely, of course - not with a certain Dwarf constantly fluttering in the back of her mind - but enough to give her the facade of complete, peaceful bliss. But that was usually... This wasn't one of those few luxurious times where Cassandra could strip her armor and melt away in her solitude - far away from their Inquisitor's influencing gaze. Much like the main rift they had accomplished in sealing before Haven's destruction, it was just as important for the Inquisition - mainly its Inquisitor - to seal the smaller tears into the fade. No one had put their faith entirely in the Inquisition yet, and everyone was currently watching to see what their banners were up to. It helped that they were literally the only force capable of sealing these anomalies, but it didn't make it any less physically straining. And the Hinterlands did little to reward them with shade or continuously cool breezes. Mix that with the exertion of fighting off demons, and it left Cassandra with a much needed bout of release. After making the suggestion they stop to set up camp near the Upper Lake, wholeheartedly expecting no one else to take the same train of thought and utilize the lake relatively close by. Not that the hazel-eyed woman had paid too much attention after claiming a tent for herself, already feeling the after effects from battle wearing her down, both physically and mentally. With the added sexual frustration that had been building up for months now, it was a wonder how Cassandra didn't end up punching every little thing that disturbed her in any sense (although Varric was always an option). Retrieving a dry wrap and her sword, Cassandra abandoned her shield within her tent to make her way up the hill to the lake above. Little did she know, Einar had beaten her to it - and it wasn't until the warrior stripped behind a tree and a few shapely rocks that the thirty-five year old took any notice of the dwarf. Instantly, her eyebrows pinched together in annoyance, and a scoff barely released from the back of her throat. At first, as she leaned her weight into the rock in front of her, barely covering little of her exposed chest, her anger almost took control and she damn near blew her cover. But the longer her eyes peered towards the dwarf, the more her thighs started to slightly shift against one another. He had always made his interest known - at least, from the types of conversations she'd caught herself falling into with him, that's the impression he gave. But the former Right Hand had never allowed herself to invest heavily into the topics.. or him, for that matter. Despite her abrasive refusals, or obvious remarks about keeping a solid focus on the Inquisition and its progress - not what was between the Inquisitor's legs - it didn't stop her from tossing in her cot, alone, with nothing but the blacksmith anvils below her loft to keep her warm. In fact, the more she tried to escape his gaze, the more she felt herself yearning for it to land on her. Moments passed, and the warrior couldn't separate her eyes from the sight in front of them. It took all of her strength to inhale as deep as possible through her nose and hold the breath as Cassandra forced her way from behind the structures. Coyly, the woman acted as though she hadn't seen him, knowing full well that she could use the nearby waterfall as an excuse for her senses being 'delayed'. As she slowly made her way to the water's edge, and descended within the cool liquid, the breath he warrior had been holding escaped in a slightly shocked groan. The temperature difference on her womanhood was enough to make her teeth suck in her bottom lip, and without thinking, her hazel eyes instantly shifted to lock onto the dwarf she'd been intent on pretending to wasn't there. "Dammit..","The long day had worn on the former mercenary turned Inquisitor, the efforts of sealing rifts and battling the Fade spawned horrors that came through them were beginning to wear on him. Einar had lived on the surface for over thirty years and had seen his fair share of combat since then and before he left the Stone. He had fought battles against darkspawn in the Deep Roads, Orlesian chevaliers to help Ferelden gain its independence, Templars to help mages that had hired him escape from the Kirkwall Circle and more. But none of those battles had prepared him for the duty that he now found thrust upon him. Every moment of every day the pain of the Anchor was there, throbbing, reminding him of his "duty" to the world. Sure the Anchor was no longer killing him, but it had forced him into a position of servitude more or less. Needless to say, Einar was slightly bitter about the situation, but what was a dwarf to do? He had not shared those feelings with any of his companions, instead opting to exude a sense of determination and stoic resolve. But in his heart of hearts he often wondered what he had done to deserve the wrath of the gods and the Stone, to be cursed and called Inquisitor. Such thoughts had flown through Einar's mind briefly as he and his companions settled into the camp near the Upper Lake, but he had pushed them away. The day had been hard enough and he realized that he should not allow himself to wallow in feelings of self doubt and pity. The dwarf had quickly claimed a tent that was further toward the edge of the camp, preferring a bit of solitude for the time being. There he had set about removing his Inquisition scout armor, which he preferred to wear. If he had learned one thing as his years as a mercenary it had been that a leader should not think himself above those he lead, so he wore the armor of the soldiers he commanded, or at least it appeared to be the same. In truth the armor had been altered a fair bit, having had magically enhancements worked into the metal and fabrics that the armor was composed of. The armor had kept Einar safe so far and had helped to endear him to the troops under his command. But as he peeled it off of himself all he could do at the time was sigh, thankful to be free of its weight for a time. His body was covered in sweat and a bit of blood, his undercoat saturated through with it. He had been wounded more than a few times that day, but the magical mending talents of Vivienne had worked wonders, as was usual. Setting his armor aside, the Inquisitor took a moment to stretch, then quickly stripped down to only his underclothes. Einar's gaze briefly went to the weapons that he had carried into the tent with him; a sword known as a falcata that was favored by many in Antiva, two throwing axes and a blade of evlen make that craved blood, or at least it seemed to. He considered them, then went over and grabbed his two throwing axes, wanting to not be entirely without some form of protection where he was going. Thus armed and barely clothed, the Inquisitor slipped out the back of his tent and made his way up towards the lake without alerting anyone to his departure. The dwarf made his way up to the lake, stripping entirely by the shore and leaving his weapons near a couple of boulders with his clothes. As he slipped into the water a content sigh escaped him. The water was cool and refreshing, exactly what Einar needed. He dove under for a moment, then popped up, loving the feel of the water sliding through his copper blond hair and close cropped beard. He was enjoying himself so much that he almost did not notice the arrival of a certain brunette Navarran. He initially caught sight of her out of the corner of his eye as she leaned against the rocks, but he pretended not to notice. Instead, curious to see what she would do, he moved over to a shallower part of the lake so he was only waist deep. He reached up then, pretending to stretch. Einar was still doing so when she slipped out from behind the rocks... naked. His blue-green eyes widened for a moment as he watched her discreetly, already feeling a stirring down below. He turned his gaze forward for a moment, wondering what game she was playing, doing his best to pretend she was not there. However the perfect opportunity presented itself as he heard her cuss. Acting startled, Einar turned quickly, then paused, smiling. "Well, I was not expecting company... but I certainly don't mind!" the dwarf declared in his deep, mellow voice. Grinning he let his eyes drink in the sight of her for a moment before he took a step towards her. "It has been a long day and I think we could both use a little distraction from our worries. Don't you Cassandra?" "Avecius woke slowly, his back still feeling as if he were in his home, but something felt The room he was in seemed colder than his warm lighting of his house in Whiterun. The fuzz around his eyes from his hearty sleep took a few blinks of his eyes in order to clear, and when he did clear his sight, he noticed that the roof was not his roof, and that this bed was old and smelled of stale hay and a slight bit of mildew. Hurriedly, the Imperial sat up, his hand instinctively moving to his belt to grab the steel dagger he used on adventures and such, but he did not feel it. He looked around the room, and noticed just how derelict of a building it was that he had been transported to. Gritting his teeth, his eyes landed on a figure on top of a bookshelf. Her purple eyes were staring right at him, and though he could not see much more of her face, he could see the blue skin, indicating she was a dark elf, and also her figure being that of a more hourglass nature. Avecius himself grumbled, and stood slowly, noticing he was only dressed in commoner's clothes. He remembered that he had changed into those before bed, preferring the cloth over the stiffness of the leather. He stood at a good six feet, four inches tall, and was a bit lithe in nature, only being about one hundred eighty pounds. This, however, was perfect for stealth, and as such the sneaky approach was his usual go to for encounters of combat. His eyes were a deep brown, currently fixed upon the figure sitting on the bookshelf, and his hair was of similar tone, a deep chocolate brown that was about shoulder length, the strands settling after being whipped around. He decided to stay quiet. He didn't really know this person, in all honesty, and the way she was looking at him made him think there was a reason for his kidnapping in this way.,"Watching the Imperial awaken brought a smile to Alkina's lips. Playing with a black dagger with a red serrated blade in her hand, her left leg swinging ceaselessly off the side of the bookcase, she studied the man below her as he slowly came to his senses. His body seemed good enough for her line of work, but she didn't see why Astrid wanted this one. However, it wasn't her call to make. Astrid wanted him and now the fun part of Alkina's job began. The room was just bright enough for the Imperial to see her, but there wasn't much for him to see. The Dark Brotherhood's uniform showed all he needed to know. If he passed the test then maybe he'd get to see more of her. With a handsome face like his, she wouldn't object to it. Her sharp amethyst eyes seemed to gleam wickedly as the man looked up at her with confusion. "Finally awake I see," she spoke with a voice smooth as silk, but had a hint of threat in it. She jumped down from her spot on the rotten bookshelf as she stepped towards him. Her hips swaying with every step she made almost teasingly. "I was just about to wonder if you ever wake up," she said, as the blade of her dagger gently touched his cheek. "You apparently have skills that caught a certain group's attention. I don't think I'd need to say which." She giggled wickedly as she let the blade of her dagger slide off his cheek. Her footsteps so light that not even the rotting floor creaked from her weight. "I got word from my boss that she wants you to join us. As her rule, you have to do a little test." She grinned as she stopped circling him and stood before him. Her blade lifted up his chin so he was staring into her sharp eyes. "I'm not allowed to kill you if you fail the test, but either way, there's fun in this," she said with a wicked smile. Alkina used the tip of her blade to turn his head just enough to seen there were people behind him. People with bags over their heads. For the most part, they were quiet, but a few sniffles and fearful whines came from them. "Kill one of these people. Any of your choice and you will be allowed to join the Dark Brotherhood. You'll be family to people just like you and me. Or you can just walk away. Simple as that." She explained as simply as she could. Her blade ran down his neck, threatening to cut him, but never actually puncturing his skin. However, a wicked idea hit her. Astrid told her he had to kill someone, but it didn't mean she couldn't use other methods to persuade him to join. She let her face get close to his neck, pulling down her mask just out of his sight. The tip of her tongue ran up his neck slowly before letting her lips touch his ear. "And if you're can have something a little extra," she teased and pulled her mask back up before he could see her face. "So...what will it be Avecius?" She asked him, staring into his eyes with her own, wondering what Astrid saw within him that made him so special. "Entering through the Hunters Gate at Winterfell, Jaron Glover was escorted by a few dozen soldiers. The Lord of Deepwood Motte, his sister, and his mother rode horseback. Last month, Jarons father passed away. The last few years were riddled with friction with the Stark family. The former Lord Glover disavowed his allegiance from the Starks for a myriad of reasons none that good. Jaron always liked the family especially the oldest daughter, Sansa. They were close friends and even childhood sweethearts until politics forced them apart. When Jaron found out it was proposed that he marry Sansa, he agreed. Besides, the North needed a united front. The Glover convoy just traveled through the Wolfswood from Deepwood Motte. It was a short trip and it was noon. It was getting colder despite the sun burning bright. The wedding would take place this evening. His outfit was already prepared and measurements had been taken. At the gates, Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark greeted Jaron and his family. Usually, the wedding took place at the location where the Lord and Lady would reside. However, a Stark would probably always marry at Winterfell in Jarons lifetime. He had no issue with this as he loved being here in Winterfell. Once entering the gates and seeing her parents, Jaron looked for Sansa as well, hoping she was as eager for this as he was.,"It had been five years since Sansa Stark last saw Jaron Glover. The young women knew this because the memory of their last meeting constantly played in her mind. Jaron Glover had been Sansa's childhood sweetheart, though he was five years older than she was. The last time they saw each other was at Winterfell, Sansa was just becoming a young woman at thirteen and Jaron was already a handsome young man. The reason the memory of their last meeting was so clear in her mind was because it was the first time Sansa had been kissed, and Jaron was the one who kissed her. It was only about an hour or two before he left with his father, and Sansa had been walking along the halls of Winterfell when she was pulled by her arm into a little alcove, and before she knew it, his lips were on hers. Sansa remembered the kiss fondly. His lips had been warm and sweet, and she remembered his stubble of a beard tickling and scratching her skin. She had never let anyone else kiss her since then. When her mother told her that she was to marry Jaron, Sansa was overjoyed. Even though it had been five years, she was still in love with him. But she was also nervous. After all, it HAD been five years. What if he had changed? What if SHE had changed? Perhaps this marriage was purely political to Jaron? All these questions weighed heavily on her mind as she waited behind her parents for the Glover convoy to arrive. Once they did, Sansa spotted Jaron instantly and couldn't stop herself from smiling. He was more handsome than she remembered. "What do we do with her? A hushed whisper reverberated in Ikaross ears, her eyes barely opened as she tried to perceive the situation. Her body lay flat on metal table as two figures gathered around her. One was an Angel, the other was the Master of Synapse, Ikaross Master and Ruler of the Synapse; a realm hidden in the clouds high above Earth's atmosphere. Residing within this exclusive area were Angels and Angeloids, Ikaros existing as an Angeloid. Angeloids were created by Daedalus, an Angel who was instructed to do so by the Master of Synapse. Their purpose was to live out their days aiding their masters. A thick chained collar would be strapped securely around their necks as an anchor chain would be imprinted on their master's hand, symbolizing their connection, mutualistic or not. Angeloids were programmed to obey their masters wishes regardless of any abnormal requests. Ikaros is a Strategic Battle-Class Angeloid, or called Type Alpha for short. Her "Variable" wings are extremely valuable and are highly desired by Synapse. She has long rosy pink hair which is tightly protected with dark pink ribbons. She also has an "ahoge" which is the long strand of hair that protrudes out of her hair. She has emerald colored eyes, except for when she is operating inUranus Mode, during which her eyes turn red, but when in combat, purple. Her Hair also becomes more frizzy and messy and a halo appears above her head. In Uranus Queen mode, she can interface with massive weapons platform called the Uranus System. This is what got her in trouble. Due to a non-specific order from her master, a murderous one, she did more damage than he had intended. Realizing how threatening her Uranus Queen mode truly was, the Master of Synapse had to come up with a solution. We dispose of her. I cant have an Angeloid this prevailing in my grounds. Who knows what she could do. The other body answered, his tone tainted with unfeeling. Im going to discard her down to Earth. He paused before adding, I will have to erase her memories and emotions. I cant risk her knowing of her true nature. If given the wrong orders she could cause irreversible damage. Wipe out her emotions too while we are at it. The thick cyber-like mechanical ear that embedded in her skull could be opened, displaying switches and imports for the master to use. Peering over the options he would select the switch that would essentially re-image her. Ikaros didnt have an opportunity to disagree with her master as it was programmed within her very core to always submit to their orders. Those hues were covered by the closing of her lids, her body shutting down as it erased everything she knew. Blackness encompassed her for who knows how long. He finalized the re-image process by disconnecting their imprinted chain to signify his ownership of her, only the thick chain on her neck remained. The Master of Synapse finally scrapping her body down the Earths atmosphere, her wings tucked in gingerly as she rocketed downwards to the ground. A large light surrounded her, appearing to be a shooting star to whoever watched from below as she burned through the atmosphere. Her body was un-phased by the flames engulfing her, her figure able to withstand most of any obstacle thrown her way. The twinkling night sky was the perfect backdrop as she made her grand entrance, crashing into an open grassy field as she left a crater in her wake. Debris clouded the area for a moment, soon revealing the Angeloid who had just arrived to this foreign world.,"Thomas lay on his back, staring up at the sky overhead. His blue eyes gazed towards the dusk-hued horizon, his mind empty of thoughts. His blonde hair drifted with the tall grass in the evening wind. He had only turned eighteen a couple weeks ago. While many saw their eighteenth birthday as a day of excitement and joy, Thomas's birthday had passed by unnoticed. It had been a Saturday, so after sleeping in, he had crawled out of bed and seated himself at his laptop. A quiet day of hentai games and romantic visual novels followed, disturbed only when he went downstairs for dinner and a small cake his mother had bought him before her business trip abroad. It was nearly three in the morning when he began his evening ritual, crawling back into his disheveled covers. With one hand, he ran his fingers along the pillow clutched in his arms, as though brushing a lock of hair, before gently kissing it and holding it close. A bee buzzed overhead. Thomas breathed inward, before letting out a huff of air. The confused insect spun overhead before continuing on its way. The end of school was ahead. He had never thought much about life after graduation. He'd never had many friends, no great talent in science or math. Thomas had always assumed, from the first day in middle school, that he would find his true love. Someone beautiful, pure and inquisitive. They would meet, fall in love, marry, have children, and somewhere in between things would come together. With the end in sight in a couple months however...he wasn't so sure anymore. His hand--small for his age--reached into his pocket, removing a cell phone from his pocket. Thomas unlocked the device, before flicking to a page he kept pinned to his phone. A picture of a pale Japanese beauty in a school uniform gazed demurely back at the screen, long black hair framing her face. Beneath the woman was the name 'Ai'. He stared at it, as he had many times before, until he flicked to the next picture. She didn't have her uniform anymore, and was looking away shyly. A sudden rush of lust flooded him, alongside a poignant sense of loneliness. Thomas stood, the stiffness in his pants forgotten as he gazed up at it. What was it? A shooting star? The light only grew brighter and larger as it descended. Before realizing it was landing somewhere nearby. Arms clad in the blue and red colors of his school uniform rose in front of his face, as if that would somehow protect him, until Thomas realized the blazing comet was passing over him. Blue eyes gazed up at the fire ball, squinting up at it. That was weird...he thought he could see... His thoughts were cut off as the flames crashed into the meadow ahead, the shock nearly knocking Thomas over backwards. His arms flailed in place as he struggled to keep his balance before he stared out at the crater in the meadow. He walked towards it, the grass and wildflowers brushing at his pants as he passed. He continued to walk until he came to the indentation, expecting perhaps to see a lump of molten metal, or perhaps a capsule from another planet. What truly awaited him was in itself far more surprising. A beautiful girl, with long red-tinged hair, clad in a white skirt and dress, which left him little need to imagine her smooth belly or impressive bust. But what was most shocking--moreso than even her uncharred skin or unburnt clothes--was a pair of brilliant white wings, which lay unfurled to either side of her. He looked down briefly at his phone. There was no cell reception out here, so he couldn't call for help. The lump in his throat was quietly subdued before he awkwardly stepped down into the warm exposed soil to either side of the beauty. Dead or merely stunned, he couldn't know for sure. "A-are you alright?" He extended his hand, hesitantly extending it towards her face. His eyes traced her cheek and chin, before continuing along her neck. With sudden alarm, he realized he was now staring at her breasts. A bright flush came to his face and he turned back to her face. His trembling fingers now hovered just above her mouth uncertainly, hoping to feel a breath of air from her sweet lips. He thought back to a first aid course he had taken in health class. He should probably check her neck for a pulse. The thought of touching that pure skin sent another shuddering chill up his spine. His face and torso suddenly felt far hotter than they did before. Slowly his hand lowered towards her neck, the schoolboy half praying she woke up before he could reach her. And half praying she didn't. "It was just another day in the Mushroom Kingdom, but it wasn't an ordinary month. Bowser had been causing trouble lately, with his kingdom growing over their territory and trying to take over the Mushroom Kingdom like a real king would. By divide and conquer, instead of capturing Princess Peach and then getting his ass handed to him by Mario. But this time was different; Princess Peach sent Mario out to deal with Bowser. She didn't think anything of it when he didn't write back to her first letter, but after three... five... ten letters! There was no way he was okay! Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse and that she might have to rely on Luigi or god help her, Wario. She could hear explosions, her kingdom was under attack! When she ran to the window, she could see hundreds of airships shooting cannonballs into homes, businesses, and the castle itself. The Toad guards just screamed and ran around in circles like useless workers they were. Then, a ship flew up to the balcony next to Princess Peach's room. "Oh, princess!" she heard a familiar voice scream. The loud stomping and fire blew out from the airship, scaring the toads even more; they fled. Bowser walked into her room, a huge smile showing his sharp horrible teeth. "Well well well... Guess who won this time?" Crossing his arms and laughing loudly, he stretched his neck a lot. "This time, I won't go easy on you. I always treated you nicely because of that worthless plumber. Now, get into the airship, and your subjects won't get toasted! GWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He wasn't lying, she could see it in his eyes. He killed Mario.,""Oh Mario, Oh Mario!" Princess Peach let out as she paced back and forth in her room nervously. Her skin was a fair, milky white that was delicate and dainty to the touch. She had a perfect hourglass build with mature breasts and a plump ass on either side of her relatively slim waist. Looks befitting of a princess no doubt. Her hair was a vibrant golden yellow that flowed all the way down past her ass, a sign of her royal privilege, she had the servants and free time to maintain such a saintly appearance. Her eyes were an alluring blue that emanated with her powerful standing. She was wearing her standard pink gown, encrusted with expensive blue gems her earrings were also a matching pair of those gems. Beneath her gown she wore long white stockings that crawled all the way up to her thighs and a pair of red heels. On her head sat the polished crown of the Mushroom Kingdom, the most valuable jewel in all the lands. Wind gushed in through the large window at the front of her room and sent her gown and hair flowing through the air in unison, although from what cause she didn't nor did she give it a moment of thought while buried in her concern for Mario. "Ah!" She yelped out in surprise as explosions boomed what seemed like just outside her castle and moments later tremors shifted the floor beneath her feet and almost send her on her ass. Princess Peach rushed towards the window to see what was going on and her eyes shot open in surprise as she saw her kingdom under siege but before she had even enough time to fully comprehend what was happening she came face to face with the massive terrible turtle that was Bowser, the Koopa King. "You won't get away with this Bowser!" She shouted towards him instinctively before staring into his eyes with a powerful glare: but upon seeing his confidence and hearing his words suddenly her heart sunk and with it went the majority of her strength. '...He doesn't mean... Mario i-is-' She thought to herself, her mind suddenly cast into an ocean of depression as she realized the very thing she had been fearing may have come to term. So with the loss of Mario hitting her with full force and Bowser's threat to burn her kingdom and her subjects to the ground right beneath her feet she swiftly let out, "O-Okay! I-ll come with you just don't hurt anyone!...else..." "A deep sigh echoed from a young man as he walked through the rain-poured roads. The road was muddy as hell, which was no surprise; it had been raining for hours at least. He had to walk from an outlying village that was not part of the normal towns. He wanted to become a Pokemon trainer, so he had no choice but to go through these hardships. No one in his village had any Pokemon that could fight or anything; they were all pets, and he was not about to catch a basic Pokemon as his first. That went against his pride, as a man! He would get a good Pokemon from the professor if it killed him! Then again, he did not have the right to ask for such a thing... Yet another deep sigh escaped his lips as he walked along the path. It wasn't until he looked ahead and saw something poking out of the muddy road. He was unsure what it was, so he moved closer, with caution though. It was a figure of someone, and there were slight traces of white stuff on its backside. Hovering over it, he wiped the mud where a face would be off. Only to find this figure to be a living breathing human! He freaked to say the least, confused on what to do. He quickly realized she was nude and in the rain! For who knows how long she had been there! He quickly took off his backpack and strapped it to his front side. He closed his umbrella and quickly put it in the bag. Taking off his coat, he placed it on the girl''s back. Taking a deep breath, he lifted her onto his back piggyback style. "You're going to be alright, you hear me!?" he yelled to her, starting to run through the mud. He had no idea why he was doing this. It was his instincts, telling him to react, act, help her. He ran as fast as he could for nearly fifteen minutes, feeling as though it were a race against time. Arriving at the professors gate, he struggled to lift his arm from carrying her and ring the door bell but managed to summon the power. "Professor...Help..." he said before everything went black. He could feel himself landing face first into the mud, though. It wasn't till two hours later that he jolted up from the couch he was resting on and the first thought that went through his mind was the girl. "The girl!" he repeated, looking around frantically. This wasn't the outside in the rain; he was inside. "Glad your awake," a voice of an old man came from down the hall. The two talked and he explained what he had found - she had been raped and left for dead. For some reason, this annoyed him greatly. "Is she going to be alright?" he asked the professor, with an odd sense of honesty coming from his question. He seemed worried and agitated. "She's going to be fine, Alvion," the professor replied, assuring him she would be. He was curious why he had brought a nude, brutally raped girl to his doorstep. He suspected that Alvion had done it and felt bad, returning to get her and bringing her here to save her. "None really," Alvion stated proudly, not lying. The two men continued to talk, keeping their voices down, not to wake the girl in the other room.,"Junko walked next to her Pokemon; she loved the little rascal, who always seemed happy when around her. She needed to take a break, so she decided to eat something and give her Pokemon something to eat as well. She looked at the sky as her Pokemon ate, but then she noticed someone was nearby. She looked back and couldn't believe her eyes. It was the Pokemon Champion, Lance. All she could say before he grabbed his Poke Ball and summoned a Charizard was "L Lance." Junko stood up and looked at them, unsure of what they were doing. With a quick word, though, she was on the floor. Her Pokemon tried to defend her, but they fell after one hit. Without saying anything, he took out his cock and pushed it deep inside her ass. Her screams became apparent, but nobody came near. He had to shut her up, so he placed a tape gag over her mouth. After raping her, he left with her stuff. She woke up screaming, dreaming all of what had happened to her. She looked around and saw that she was on a bed. She placed her head back into the pillow as she looked around for her Pokemon. "K-Kiro? You are there?" No answer. She was now starting to get worried. She couldn't believe Kiro didn't answer. After a lot of calling, she started crying. She was sure Kiro wasn't there. Where could he be? She sighed as her tears overflowed her. Not because she had been raped, but because she lost her most precious friend. "The past several years had been peaceful but slow for a lack of better. It was, in that sense, a double-edged sword. Everyone who knew of the incidents including the "Midnight Channel" were no doubt glad it was all over. This did, admittedly, include the now eighteen year old Naoto Shirogane. However, in the midst of everything coming to a halt, this included her own line of work. It was slightly awkward, but she had remained in the police force with Ryotaro Dojima. Then again, maybe it had been for the best given she just recently finished her high school education and was thus now graduated and looking for a more permanent job. Regardless, there had been several things which stayed altered. Yu, Dojima's nephew, was still gone. Tohru Adachi had been behind bars for his linkings with all the crimes. Everything was as it should be. And yet, Naoto still couldn't help but almost feel like something was missing, even after just graduating from high school. Not from within Inaba, mind you. Oh no. Rather, she felt like something from her own self was missing. Many people tried to encourage her to relax and take it easy rather than be so on edge lately. And the young detective had tried to heed the words. Truly, she had. But the task was so much easier said than done. It came with her workaholic nature and the fact that she had finished school was currently wasn't at all helping her feel any less restless. "Still, they are right." She mused softly to herself, glancing up towards the ceiling of her residence. "May as well enjoy the free time while you can." Break? What's that? An inward scoff echoed throughout the young woman's head. But she knew her mind had a good point. Words like 'break' and 'vacation' didn't easily exist in Naoto's mindset. The revelation alone made her sigh and simultaneously groan. Standing and getting to her feet, she began to head into her kitchen. A slight frown crossed her face. "Well ... that's one thing I guess." She decided, giving herself an affirmative nod as she closed the refrigerator door. Now that she had a new mission in mind, Naoto had somewhat of an idea on how to spend at least this day. Even if the task was simple in concept, it was still essential nonetheless. According to her findings - or lack thereof - she needed to go shopping. Heading back into her room, she grabbed her wallet. Yes, wallet. Purses were too easy to lose or get stolen. A wallet, Naoto had found, was far more organized and easier to handle. Then again, she was much more like a tomboy as opposed to the stereotypical female. Slipping the wallet into one of the front pockets of her blue jeans, she began to head out, stopping as her eyes caught her cell phone. It seemed redundant. While she did still remember all the others from the Investigation Team; Yu, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Teddie, and Yosuke, poor Naoto had never been good with social interactions. It was another thing many had encouraged her to work on but was also a much easier said than done task. Still, her head wound up shaking in a no direction. It may be a mistake but she shouldn't be that long, not enough to actually need it. Her eyes then trailed up to her keys instead and pocketed those away. And with that, she opened her front door, closing and locking it after finding herself out in the streets and in view of the public. As the sun hit her face, a hand raised to shield her dark orbs. While summer was her favorite season, she did wish that sometimes the sun wouldn't try to seem as if it were attempting to blind her. After her sight adjusted, she began to walk towards the Central Shopping District. Not that Junes wasn't fun to visit every now and again but she had to make funds last. Not like money grew on trees, after all. All the while, Naoto pondered on her own future. It was so tempting to try for a more permanent Criminal Justice job. But should she go for it? Or was there another line of work she could be equally good at? Isn't this what college is for? To help you figure all of this out? But the mere thought of how much that would cost made Naoto cringe, groan, then sigh softly. "... We'll get to that bridge when it arrives," she finally decided, continuing her trek towards the Central Shopping District.,"Kanji Tatsumi With the conclusion of the Midnight Channel murder case came a sort of clarity for Kanji Tatsumi. There came a time after the dust had settled - with Adachi rotting behind bars, Yu-senpai back home in the city, and all of his friends drifting back into their ordinary routines or breaking out on their own paths - when Kanji realized a few things. He wasn't sure why he had never made these realizations before, but it had all come together at once. 1. He had friends who had seen him at his best and at his worst, more than he could even say for his mother. Friends for life, the sort that came from sharing blood and sweat and tears. 2. He was Kanji Tatsumi, goddamn it, and everything that implied. 3. Anyone who didn't like either of the first two facts were free to get bent. Those thoughts kept him buoyed for a couple of years, but Chie, Yousuke, and Yukiko all graduated before him and Rise and Naoto had their own jobs to deal with that kept them busy - Rise across the country and Naoto in her own little crime-solving bubble. With Yousuke working his way up the track to manager, Yukiko officially taking over the inn, and Chie busting her butt to become a police officer, Kanji was left sort of out in the cold. Halfway through his senior year, he'd decided to do something about that. His mom was in decent health and didn't need any help running the textile shop - even with the demand of the little dolls he made in his spare time. So he got another job - it had taken some convincing, but Daidara had finally taken an apprentice. He'd had to smooth over the whole "beating up a shit ton of would-be gangsters with a shield" thing and prove to the old man that he believed in the artistry of blacksmithing -- something the old Kanji never could have done. He made little delicate works of metal art as well as big, bulky decorative shields and the like, though he still had a ways to go, but during the summer after graduation he had time to indulge that particular time sink. Besides, having Kanji around had some unexpected benefits for old Daidara. As Naoto traipsed through the Central Shopping District, there was a clamor coming from Daidara Metalworks. "Yo! Get the hell back here! Drop it and I won't kick your ass!" Kanji could be heard yelling. He thought it was rather diplomatic of him, really. The way it looked was a little different. A second year was sprinting down the street with a poorly concealed knife under his shirt, his expression scared shitless as Kanji chased him down. He had... well, clearly the past couple of years had been good for him, in prime physical condition that was only shown off by his shirt -- what had once been a long-sleeved shirt with an elaborate skull motif had had its sleeves ripped off at the shoulders, leaving bare, glistening arms free... one of which just happened to be wrapped around the waist of another second year, carried like a football and looking rather sick from the whole experience. "Got ya!" Kanji shouted as he darted forward, snagging the second year by the collar, the youth's legs flying out from underneath him as his collar met the immovable object that was Kanji Tatsumi's grip, landing on his butt as the pilfered knife landed on the ground. "Tch. Buncha stupid wannabe bikers -- don't need to be messing around with knives. 'Specially stolen ones; they're a hell of a lot sharper than those pocket knives," Kanji berated (with the slightest note of pride over the quality of the pilfered knife), sounding almost... responsible as he berated the two kids in the middle of the street. They weren't even that much younger than he was -- he'd clearly had a chance to mature and the fact that he was a half foot taller than either of them certainly didn't hurt matters. "Yuugao had been captured earlier that day. While she had been relaxing for the first time since Hayate's death. Now she was in a holding cell for the Akatsuki, her off-duty clothes a crumpled mess mostly. She had worn a soft black silk button-up shirt, which was pretty much open to just below her breasts. This, of course, made her black lace bra quite obvious, and her breasts not something she would have liked. Obsidian eyes flashed with anger as her purple hair fell around her. She tried to hide herself this way, but it really wasn't all that effective. She wore a skirt for the first time in a long time, but it was practically rolled up to her hips now. That was from rough handling, and her majorly struggling. Now it was quite obvious there was a nice pair of black silk panties beneath the black skirt. Black, she liked black; it was neutral and safe. The faintest hint of lace was seen at the outer edge of the panties. Her sandals had been lost a while ago, and her headband was tied to her upper arm. Captured, she muttered.,"Deidara walked up to the little prison cell she was kept in. He wore his standard Akatsuki clouded robes. He smiled at her. "Enjoying your stay so far, hm?" He asked, and then grinned at her, his blonde hair being brushed out of his eyes by his hand. He looked down on her. "I'm sure you know by now why you're here, right?" He asked, and then used a sealing jutsu to close and lock the jail cell after walking inside. He sat down beside her. "Michael let out a soft groan as he slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't remember what all had happened. He remembered being near his TV and he had accidentally put his hand on the screen....then he remembered a falling sensation and now he was here... but where was here? He stood up and looked around. It was fog as far as the eye could see, but from what he could make out, it looked like a TV studio set. He rubbed his head as he let out a sigh. He was tall, around 6'3", with short brown hair and brown eyes resting behind a frame of glasses. His body composition was rather average - not too fit and not overweight, just average. He knew it wouldn't do him any good to just stand around, so he started to make his way through the fog, hoping to run into someone or perhaps a way out of wherever he was... anything to give him answers.,"Yukiko's eyes stared out blankly for a moment, the thin haze around her casting a cold blanket around her as she reached up to touch her forehead. What had happened? Last she remembered she had stayed up late to watch one of her favorite programs when she felt a falling sensation... Then nothing. Nothing until this dreary scene layed itself out before her. She let out a slight groan of discomfort before sitting up, turning left then right to get a better view of where she had fallen down. The scenery felt eerie to say the least, empty yet ominous... Without any better plan, she stood up, brushed herself off, and began to wander about, looking for any sign of an exit. As she walked, the cold sensation began to grow more intense, driving her onward until the thick fog abruptly thinned, leaving her in the presence of a young man, taller than her and wearing glasses. At first she hesitated, uncomfortable with the abrupt meeting, but before she could even open her mouth to speak, an irresistible urge took hold of her. "AH!" she took half a step forward, her hand reaching out as a sudden rush of desire shot through her. Her cheeks flushed deeply, sweat glistening on her skin which felt chillingly cold against the cool fog. She looked up at him with uneasy gaze, "P-please..." She reached down and began to fervently rub herself with her left hand while still standing, a heavy state of arousal having taken hold of her. "It had been just a year since everything started to go bad, since there were real supernatural occurrences that seemed to be a normal thing for him now. People who knew about these spirits from other worlds called them dangerous and too powerful to exist in the human world, which brought about the military developing weapons and even a new organization to combat them at least in theory. In practice, of course, it only made things worse. But someone had to do something about it, and if only there was a peaceful way to settle things... until his crazy little sister thought of the idea of trying to communicate with them without any guns or gear, and maybe even date them if that was possible at all. For now, though, things seemed to have calmed down as it was another morning. Shido laying on his bed in his blanket cocoon like always, feeling lazy and not wanting to do much of anything today than just lie around like this all day.,"It was getting late into the day, and Shido still wasn't awake yet. This upset his little sister, Kotori, who was creeping into his bedroom to wake him up. With a soft giggle, she admired his form underneath the blankets momentarily before leaping up into the air above him. Her schoolgirl uniform flew up to reveal her pink and white striped panties briefly before she landed directly on top of him, straddling his groin. Grinding herself against him in this position, and tugging on the blankets to rip them off of him, she roared in her cute, but loud tone. "Big brother! Wake up! You're burning daylight you lazy bum! Get... Out... of... bed!" The red-haired girl rocked back and forth on top of him, shouting the whole time. "Shido! Shido! C'mon! Fix me breakfast, I'm hungry, big brother!" Her pigtails danced to and fro as she continued the onslaught to try and urge him to wake up. A warm blush appeared on her cheek as she thought about the awkward position they were in, with her sitting on top of him. Shrugging it off, however, Kotori continued to hound him about sleeping in. ""By Elune," the Elven priestess said as she opened the heavy wooden door to the cottage. "You make everything more difficult Vala, has anyone ever told you that?" she said irritably as she kicked off her simple cloth boots as soon as she stepped inside, feeling the cool, aged oak against the soles of her feet. Kyndraea lifted her heavy satchel off of her shoulders, tossing it haphazardly against the wall before making her way over to the nearest chair, practically falling down into it with a small grunt. She slid the empty chair beside her over and kicked her feet up onto it, finally settling down into some much needed relaxation. It didn't last long as Kyn noticed her Draenei companion enter, shutting the door behind her without locking it. "Gah! You never remember to lock the door!" the elf spat out in frustration, the stresses of the day driving her wild reaction to such a small thing. With a sigh she agonized as she stood up out of her chair, walking over to the door and properly locking it. "Just because of that, you're starting the fire!" The priestess exhaled loudly, as if she was trying to exorcise her annoyance, as she made the unbearably long journey back to her chair, plopping down once more. "I don't even know why I bring you along on these outings, I do all the work!" Kyndraea said, partly out of irritation, but also because she knew that it would aggravate her companion. If she was going to suffer, she certainly wasn't going to do it alone. "I don't know how you survived before you met me. With how much I have to heal you, you'd think you were facing the entire Legion out there, not a handful of bandits!" The elf set her elbow up on the table beside her, leaning the side of her head lifelessly in her palm and letting her eyelids drift shut.,"Were all priestesses this nagging or was it only the elves?" Vala couldn't know truly, having only ever known one - Kyndraea - and right now, she was really wishing she had picked out a different companion all those years ago. Kyndraea was a piece of work, no doubt about that, but she was also a skilled healer and spellcaster in combat, and being devoid of any magical talents herself and relying on sword and shield for her protection, the Draenei wasn't in any position to boot her off. Not that she would want to anyway. She might be worse than a blithering croon when she was stressed, but she was still her closest friend, and rival, if one wants to get into all those labels. Right now though, she was more befitting of the blithering croon moniker. No words were given by Vala as she entered after Kyn into the cozy little cottage they called home, albeit temporarily while they had business in the region. Mirroring the slender elf, the Draenei slid off her leather gloves and boots and tossed them carelessly to the side, letting them fall on the oak where they may, and went to hang up her sword and shield so she could finally get out of this unbearably hot gambeson. She was wearing nothing underneath, only covering below her waist with some briefs and girding her sizable chest with some bandages, her pale white body glistening with sweat from the heat and exertion. "Hey, I'm the one doing the heavy lifting here, princess. You just stand behind me like a scared little bitch and do your little magic hands thing," Kyndraea rebutted, padding over to where she was sitting so she could hop up onto the table she was leaning on, crossing her legs as she slouched against the wall. "And what kind of priestess complains about healing? That is literally your job description!" she exclaimed with equal fervor, furiously drinking up the ale she'd managed to bag from the bandits they'd just slaughtered. "Gromar Lion-Fang skulked among the heavy treeline atop of the embankment. Below, his allies were slaughtering and being slaughtered by a swathe of Aquilonian mercenaries, heavily armed and well prepared for such an assault. He took a deep breath and held it as he aimed his bow and loosed the nocked arrow. It found its mark between the heavy mail and steel helmet of his foe. The man fell with a spurt of blood and a gargle, but not before plunging his spear into the ribs of the Pict ahead of him. Three mercenaries remained and only two Picts, one of which was Gromar. The rest lay dead or dying, their parting groans horrifically clear from the treeline. Lion-Fang went to draw another arrow as the Aquilonians surrounded his remaining ally, but felt nothing save for an empty quiver. He unleashed a guttural and bestial roar, a tactic commonly used by the Picts to instil fear. Two men turned, and with rapid and tiger-like reflexes he hurled his firststeel hatchet, landing with a death-dealing crunch in the 'Y' shape of his enemy's helmet. The final Pict fell as the mercenary plunged his blade through her chest. Yet her spirit did not wane. She drew the steel dagger that hung from her belt and thrust it into his eye. He screamed in agony whilst she laughed maniacally. Together they fell in a solemn embrace to their death. Gromar and one man remained. The mercenaries' eyes scanned the treeline as prey would search for their predator, to no avail. A Pict could go unnoticed, unseen for as long as they wished in the woods of the world. But he knew he was there. Come out and face me you dog, the man roared with a confidence that belied his fear. Lion-Fang happily obliged. From the forest he came, a hulking predator bare chested and painted in white. His arms spread wide and death in his eyes. Atop the slope he was a giant among men, a primitive and savage beast with a lust for blood. In an instant he charged with a speed like no other, only enhanced by the steep decline. The Aquilonian had barely swung his blade by the time he was tackled; helmet flung from his fragile head. Gromar struck with his right, then his left. Two thundering blows that cracked and killed the mercenary. He stood from his killing frenzy, his scarred form marred with fresh blood, sweat, and smeared paint. His eyes darted about the battlefield, at the numerous dead, both friend and foe. Twelve had come through the Bossonian Marches in his warband yet only he remained. Gromar's eyes darted to the carriage and he trudged through the dead and flung aside the richly decorated door. He tilted his head to the side, his long ponytail adorned with copper and bone circlets flailed beside him. He grinned and began to laugh at his discovery.,"It had taken her so long to convince her father to let her travel from Venzia to Lireigh. Close enough to the western sea, Arianne had always wanted to see the snow of Vanaheim. Her father had been against it, naturally. His only daughter, her mother lost in childbirth, his natural reaction had been to shelter his little desert rose. Months had been spent wearing down his resistance, while soothing his fears. What if they were attacked? They could hire mercenaries. He would have hired them normally anyway, right? They could hire a few more. She couldn't help but feel bad, pushing at her father the way she did but Arianne felt stifled. Who she saw, the parties she went to, all were curated by her father. The world was vast and she desired nothing more than to see it, both in its beauty and brutalities. Sheltered, she was far from ignorant. Arianne had early on taken to reading everything she could, desiring to be free of her gilded cage. Her father meant well, Arianne knew and it was hard to blame him for the way he restricted her.. It didn't change her own desires however. The carriage rocked back and forth lazily and Arianne felt the motion along with the warmth of the day lulling her to sleep. The heavy weight of her flaxen hair had been braided, in hope of relieving some of the heat that the carriage seemed to trap as it traveled beneath the sweltering sun. Occasionally her guards would allow her to ride a horse, allowing the breeze to cool her ivory skin. Today though, as they traveled adjacent to the Alimane river. She'd seen from the small window the reason for concern. Along the right hand side was a rise, dotted with trees. A perfect place for an ambush, she'd been informed. Shifting against the cushion, her back pressed to the corner of the carriage, Arianne fought and failed to keep her golden eyes open. Lazily her lashes lifted and fell, once, twice.. In her dreams, she was weightless, unbeknownst to the dreaming maiden, she was for a moment as the carriage tipped. The scream of a frightened horse was the first thing to pierce the haze of her dream, and the impact of her small body slamming into the wooden paneling of the carriage. The shock was the only thing that kept her silent, not that anyone would have heard her cry as the Picts rushed them and swords were drawn. Carefully, she rose, though not foolish enough to leave the relative safety of the carriage. Desperate, Arianne wished to know what was transpiring. An innocent, sheltered maiden, she'd never heard the sound of another dying a brutal death, and though muffled, she heard it now. The gurgle as blood spilled from mouths, the raspy last breaths. A shout, one of her men. A flicker of hope surged through her. They were still alive! At least one... The shout giving her more information that she'd a moment ago. Perhaps they were the only two? The guard and the 'dog' he shouted to face him? The battle was brief and she heard a body hit the floor, the thud muffled but clear. However, there was no call that it was safe. A frown pulled at her pretty mouth. Perhaps they were checking to be sure? The door above her head opened and her pale face turned upwards. Sun blinded her for a moment, bathing her features in golden light. Features carved in delicate perfection. A celestial nose, graceful arching brows, high cheekbones and full, pale pink lips. Thick lashes shadowed eyes of honey, flecked with gold. A face filled the doorway and it wasn't her guard. The Pict took in his prize and a spike of fear laced through her moments before he began to laugh. Shifting, her frown curled along her lips, her brows drawing upwards. Shifting, her dress shifted, showing the supple length of her thighs, the creamy flesh warmed by the sun. She'd heard tales of what happened to captives... A virgin, she knew nothing of the touch of a man and Arianne had little desire to be raped. Options weighted, she moved again, hand slipping from view. Something black and gold could be seen a second before a flash of silver as she lifted the blade, hand shaking. Dark lashes fell, the intent clear. She'd take her own life before allowing him to touch her. She should have moved faster, hesitated less... Arianne didn't wish to die. To leave her father heartbroken and filled with grief... yet what other choice did she have? "Judgment day, graduation day, it comes once a week, a new swath of cadet judges take the final practical exam. Three out of five die in their first day, only one out of five become full Judges. For Judge Anderson, it was his least favorite day of the week. He had failed a number of rookies, made wrong judgment calls, and a few had wound up dead. He was getting really tired of taking rookies onto the streets of Megacity One. So when the Chief Judge asked for his presence in the hall, he already had a good idea of what he was being called into. What he didn't understand was why this one felt different. Walking through the halls with the Chief Judge, he was given Cadet Alpin's file. He sighed and looked it over. "She was fast-tracked." He could tell because she was 22, fresh out of the academy but had only been in the system for a little while. In fact, her file didn't have her birthday listed. "Unregistered birth? What is she, a Judges bastard?" He could get away with some uncouth questions. He was one of the oldest judges in the halls and probably would be in the lead for names of the next Chief judge, but even his access could only get him so much information. "No, we wouldn't send a case of nepotism to you. She's a genuine cadet, we need someone to be tough on her." Anderson scoffed for a moment. "Your job is to assess if she's a threat?" "A threat?" He raised an eyebrow at that. "She's a rookie, but her augmentations make her unique. She has tech that outpaces our own by years. The science division wanted to bisect her, rip apart all of the shiny chrome in her system." "Why didn't they?" "Her system would apparently scrape itself if broken down. She's useless to us dead, alive we might be able to use her chrome to our advantage, but if she has any rogue tendencies than she's better off useless than against us. If she fails her judgment, the sentence is death." It sounded cruel, and it was a bit different than the usual cases, but the truth was most who failed their judgment died anyway. The only difference would be the one who is pulling the trigger. "Understood sir. I'll meet her outside the hall.","Tugging at her uniform, Nesrin felt out of place. It wasn't some figment of her imagination either. Despite her dress blues, crisp lines and shiny buttons, just like everyone else in her graduating class... She wasn't the same. No, even trying to fit in, she stood out. Nesrin was tiny, but that alone wasn't what caused her to stand out. It wasn't her wealth of blue-black hair either, pinned into a bun at the nape of her neck. Hell it wasn't even her green eyes, so bright they were almost feline in their shade of green. That too, might have been explained away as just some odd genetics or even a mutation. No, it was all the shiny chrome in her body and visible between the bottom of her cuff to her pristine white gloves. There was no skin, but silver and blue. If all that precious chrome wasn't odd enough, she had been fast tracked. Nesrin wasn't stupid... She understood what was on the line. If she wasn't an asset, she wasn't useful, she'd be decommissioned. It wouldn't matter that the chrome, the tech that was woven into her very being would be no more than scrap if they tried to take it and not even useful scrap. Her body, from what she understood would sort of self-destruct, after a fashion at least if they tried to dissect her. Nesrin couldn't remember her parents. It might have been a blessing in disguise. For it wasn't only her parents she couldn't remember, but her years before coming to the judges. Nesrin doubted that her early life was sunshine and rainbows. In the academy she had excelled, stellar marks across the board. Her augments, all that chrome came in use, thought the full extent of what was her and what was augmented was unknown. She was to report to Judge Anderson outside of the hall. The instructions had been relayed and Nesrin breathed out, trying to quiet her nerves. Hurrying to change, she didn't think keeping her assessor waiting would be wise. Once in her gear, she felt less out of place, her armor hid her differences a lot better than her blues. The body armor masked her sex and with the helmet on, the only giveaway was the small shoulders. Checking everything one more time, she took the stairs two by two, excited and nervous. She'd been trained for this and she knew her price of failure. If a rookie didn't die and failed, they were released or they could work as auxiliaries. Coming to stand before him, Nesrin's voice, honeyed and sweet, was soft. "Rookie Alpin, reporting" It wasn't the voice of a judge. "The main vocalist of the world-stopping K/DA group could be seen taking to the high fashion streets of Milano, perusing bespoke coat racks, hat racks, and bags of shiny leather and accessories that sparkle. If not there, she might be spotted on the other side of the globe, jetting over Fragrant Harbour to her heart and home of Seoul. But stars never slept and there were stages to charm with her girls, so the Queen went here, there, and everywhere. Here meant a beautiful day in sunny Paris, cozied up in a private studio that offered a grand view of the bustling city. But the curtains were pulled shut, and so the view went unappreciated by one of four (maybe five, if they were lucky) occupants. Ahri had claimed the lounge for herself, seated on a plush sofa, the expensive television blaring 64-bit - ahem, 16-bit music. A light blue hood sat over a swathe of soft blonde hair let loose into the depths of her clothes. The rosy hues of the hombre were a fading gradient, darkening at the tips that brushed well past the collar of her hoodie. It was cashmere, well-worn, and just right for a lazy day off tour. There was a lull in fans to meet, shirts and proffered skin to sign and corporate hands to shake. Record-breaking labels, all ink, and dotted lines, it was all well when she's at the top of her game but today. Today, was exhausting. So that meant online shopping. It meant making a cup of hot chocolate with almond milk. It meant an old hoodie and painting her nails an alternating blue and purple while they dried one hand at a time while she tapped away on her phone. But Ahri was a go-getter, a woman who had never chased her own tail for want of fame. She wasn't pumped full of explosive energy like Akali, and Kai'sa coming home with bloodied feet from hours and hours of practice made her wince. Evelynn had her fast and expensive cars (supposedly), and Ahri had her shoes and purses. She also had something else. Games. She had never been a fan, she never had the time for it though she enjoyed watching others play. That was before the rabbit hole that killed the cat: speed-running. The adrenaline, the satisfaction, the pursuit of perfection - a personality test couldn't have picked a better hobby. So, on her lazy days like this, she had her cocoa, she had her nails and she had her console and controller set up on the grand T.V. What Ahri also had, which irritated her, was the high definition proof of failure right before her. An annoying, cheerful reminder that she could go again, but at what cost? Because Ahri was good at what she did. Speed-running retro games did not agree with that assessment. She could recite the script word for word and knew how many steps needed to be taken exactly. But her hands had other plans. Pop sensation Foxy, labeled as the most talented in the Pop Shine Awards, could not make the glitch that shaved a hefty five whole minutes off her run time. It frustrated her. It bored her. She wanted more. So she took a loud sip of her lukewarm drink and pressed the start button with her thumb. The music started up once again. > A lone village on the outskirts... Skip. > Hero wanders through... Skip. Skip. Skip. Skip. Skip. The damsel in distress. The village idiot. The wise sage, who so happened to be the antagonist. Skip! Once Ahri was in skipping mode, she was preoccupied. Only a murder might pull her away from the game, and even that wasn't a certainty. Her ears were pulled away, almost flat against her scalp which left the hood sagging into triangular pockets of nothing. Her tails were un-bedazzled and fluffed up around her like a comfy fort. Clad in nothing but the hoodie, a sports bra beneath, and a pair of shorts, she could have a soaring career as a streamer. > The sage rips off her cloak to reveal... Skip.,"A beautiful lie. The most beautiful lie. A smile - not even - a glance and Evelynn could have any pair of eyes she wanted glued to her. All of them, rather. But only when she wanted. Unlike Foxy - her Foxy, mind you - the Lead Vocalist and Co-Founder of K/DA was not so good about her obligations. Her once infamous interview said it best - I'm an artist, not a socialite. I won't apologize for high standards. An attitude that bled into every aspect of her life. Sure, she did her share of the paperwork (sometimes), fulfilled her portion of grunt work (any coverage is good coverage; she has the tabloid covered for all four - maybe five - of them; you are welcome), and entered her appearances as necessary. All of that said though, the truth was that her passion and dedication to her music aside, Evelynn absolutely cut corners everywhere she could, more than happy to let their far more industrious and diligent leader handle public relations. And finances. And sponsorships. And dealing with managers and booking concert venues. And Put that way, it really did seem like she dumped almost all the non-music related work on Ahri, which might explain said woman's current state of exhaustion. Oops? And, just as even the most pimped out car - dual clutch, hot hatch, torque vectoring; supercar - try hypercar - needed regular maintenance to perform at peak capacity, it only made sense that Ahri was no different. Luckily for her, Evelynn was a veritable maestro at maintaining expensive and classy things. Taking them apart. Building them back together. Inspect and service. Making sure everything was nice and lubed. Plugging up any leaks and - what? She was talking about cars! That the curtains were closed suited her just fine. Never did like sunlight and all that; shadow demon, hello. What didn't suit her though was that her presence was entirely ignored as she entered their shared private studio. Bedazzled claw tips settled into the plush white leather, flanking either side of Ahris shoulders from behind. Unamused golden eyes peered through tinted shades, at a screen just a few hues pinker than those sunglasses she favored. Was the little 16bit sprite supposed to be plunging through the ground like that? Unlike their resident Rogue, Evelynn could not profess the slightest know-how or interest in these rather dull pixels, but even she had sense enough to recognize that Ahri was probably supposed to kill some monsters, not dash past them? Maybe? Either way, she wasn't so concerned with what Foxy was or was not doing in that console game of hers. The issue was more despite the fact that her presence had definitely been registered - pulled the hood down, carded through strawberry tinged blonde hair, traced a claw tip down from a furry tip lengthwise - Ahri was still not paying attention to her. Hello? Was some oddly garish and very basic-bitch looking video game more interesting than Evelynn? Why, if not for the fact that she absolutely turned her nose up at the very notion of religion, she might have considered that blasphemy. Foxy, she tried again. Darling. Whatever responses she got or didn't get, they were woefully unsatisfactory. Which, for anyone who knew the first thing about Evelynn, meant that they were completely and utterly unacceptable. She had meant to pamper Ahri today, as it was an unfortunately infrequent event when both of them had enough free time that overlapped, but if Ahri would rather play that awful, despicable, horrible game of hers, then well... For just a second, her temper flared, and she briefly considered redecorating their studio. Sans one expensive television, to be specific. But no, that lacked imagination, and she was an artist, after all. Those dangerous claws poured down from white leather to gradient blue, across the flank of shoulders - lingering to toy with a belovedly soft strand of hair - down as she herself leaned forward enough to drape against the back of the sofa. Clad in that signature trenchcoat/dress of hers, sleek, silken, the color of sin, because black was her favorite color, obviously. Her arms spilled around Ahris neck, an adoring if possessive hold. How long have you been at this? Decided to start simple in her line of questioning, though her actions were anything but. Nobody ever accused Evelynn of being a patient woman, after all. The once immaculate fuchsia lipstick smeared, leaving a dab of her color upon a blonde-furred ear. Harassed that twitchy little thing, she did. Pressed a kiss or two into the back, just to satisfy herself with the lipstick print she left behind, before she drew her attention to the much more sensitive ridge, licking a salacious path from tip down along the rim. Pay attention to me, or else. A threat now. "Eliana Silverstein was in a good mood, a very good mood, she got to go hunting with her boyfriend tonight. Word had it that some vampires were breaking the law, feeding on humans, and rumors were also floating around that a coven, or as she liked to call them "the minority that makes the majority look bad," were planning on...well, nobody really knew, but something had to be done to rescue them, so naturally, the Clave sent her and her boyfriend to solve the problem.,"The best thing about hunting wasn't the actual thrill of the chase, or even of the kill for that matter. No, thought Vincent Archambault. Though hunting certainly had its perks - the rush, the job well done - The best thing about hunting was the post-hunt roll in the hay. So when the Clave sent him and his girlfriend, the lovely and talented Eliana, to a supposed coven to take out its supposed vampire inhabitants, he was there in a heartbeat. "You womenfolk sure take your time getting ready," he said to Eliana as he climbed in through her window. "The various types of Zerg which made up the swarm could be seen as rather simple, yet surprisingly complex creatures. They seemed to live for little else than to destroy, conquer and evolve to increase their numbers at the expense of other species. For those looking on from the outside, it may seem as if that was enough for the vicious creatures. To an extent, they were correct. But with so many different types of Zerg, there were those which carried with them other needs which didn't focus upon their newest conquests. Baser needs which were near universal amongst a majority of species and, while perhaps lower on the tier of desires for the Zerg than those which fit their more destructive nature, were very much alive within them. The hive was alive with nearly countless numbers of Zerg. Various types of units could be found here by any unlucky soul who dared to make a move against their kind. And near the center of this large, living infrastructure of connecting organisms was the infamous Queen of Blades. Various types of Zerg would circle around her general location as they saw to protecting and aiding the infested female in any manner to which she required of them. Theirs was a symbiotic relationship. One of mutual benefit in a way that others would view as twisted beyond words. And it was this relationship that had caused a number of their rank to sense something different stirring within the female. The majority continued with their regular routines within the hive, except for a pair of viper type Zergs who sought out the Queen's current location. The two were among the healthiest and most virile of their unit. A logical choice in potential partners for their current leader. The pair moved along the creep that nearly covered the entirety of the hives floor, as they approached the female in whatever she may be doing and called to her with what to most would seem a simple primal snarl. They walked with intent in their step as the pair gazed upon their Queen and, without words, seemed to begin relaying how they sensed a need within her. A need which they sought to satisfy for the sake of the hive.,"That the Zerg had changed her with the process of infestation was obvious to Kerrigan and many others besides, but for those many others she suspected that was where consideration of the matter halted. Out of the pain that memory alone brought them for Jim Raynor and the remnants of the Raiders, out of fear for what might become known were that memory to spread for Mengsk and his own... Kerrigan was fairly certain that she was the only one who wondered how she had changed the Zerg... In fact she suspected she had changed the zerg almost as much as they had changed her, though many of those changes were not precisely obvious to anyone who did not examine the creatures closely. Part of it was her gender she knew... The Zerg technically did not have genders when she arrived, the hives themselves and the queens could technically be designated as female due to the fact that both produced children in some form or another but neither required a male to fertilize their eggs, millennia of selective breeding and carefully enforced mutations ensuring that both were technically asexual and capable of fertilizing their eggs on their own internally. Kerrigan's arrival had forced a dichotomy upon the hive though, where before there were nothing but asexually-replicating creatures, now there was one half of a binary, a half that occasionally demanded to become whole. Kerrigan was female and a powerful psychic to boot, the infestation had done nothing to diminish her desires as a woman -if anything it had increased her libido- and had only enhanced her psychic powers. In short, the hive knew when she wanted to get fucked and responded to satisfy that urge for sex, and in order to do that, the hive's creatures needed to become male, but in copying something of the template for maleness from her mind, they had taken her urges as well, creating a loop. She wondered how her hive would cope if she were removed from it... Would their unsated urges cause them to rampage? Would they adapt as they already had, and eliminate maleness and libido as quickly as they'd produced it? Would they seek out human women like her to infest so that they could sate themselves? Kerrigan lingered on that mental image -dozens of human women being infested and turned into fuck-toys for the hive to loose their newfound lusts upon- and a slight smile touched at her lips as she unfolded her legs and reached down to the space between them that was beginning to gather heat. She stroked her outer lips and labia, letting out a soft sigh as pleasure tingled where she touched, looking up and smiling as a pair of hydralisks entered the chamber precisely on cue. Even had she not known where they were due to her connection with them as their leader she knew by now exactly how long it took them to respond to her arousal after all. The purple flesh of her womanhood beginning to glisten with moisture as her arousal grew with anticipation, Kerrigan stepped down from her 'throne' where she sat and strode -hips swaying seductively- towards the serpentine Zerg forms, reaching out to caress their own growing manhoods, taking each in one hand even though both were larger than her fingers could quite fit around and stroking slowly. "The question came as a random musing at one point, who was the mightiest in the realm? Bards and sages alike debated this matter and the answer was simply too complex to answer with one name. In the end, it came down to two groups of warriors, those competing in the League of Legends and those locked in eternal war between The radiant and the dire. There was only one way to find out, pitch the two groups against one another and see who comes out on top. It was a celebration of warfare like nothing the world has ever seen and when you have celebrations, people become drunk, with alcohol, with fame, sex and all the vices one can think of. Raigor Stonehoof, once merely a spirit of the earth, took advantage of this. He wanted to experience life, and sex was a big part of it. His victories, coupled with his size and endurance made him a very wanted man indeed. "Oh, he's just a big stud," Miss Fortune chuckled. "Mhm, he took out our nexus and I fucked him to congratulate him, god he gave me pounding... Earthshaker is such an apt name," Caitlyn confirmed. The three ladies turned to Ashe knowingly. "Too bad you'll never get to try him out," the pirate purred. "But I'm sure Tryndamere is enough of a stud to keep you satisfied." Her marriage with the warrior was well highlighted, it seemed, leaving her out of the little fuck-fest that the other ladies were indulging in during the festivities. A shame, really, some of the debauchery became legends of their own and the 'Earthshaker' is one of the more infamous lovers. "Actually..." Katarina smirked, leaning forward to put her chin on her hands. "I rode Tryndamere once... Long before your marriage," her lips curled up even more. "Nowhere half as thick as Raigor.","Married woman as she was, Ashe had found it difficult to partake in the discussion. Tryndamere was not best of lovers but he could consistently satisfy her with his sheer size at least, and it made it difficult to break faith with him. He was just good enough to keep her from following through with any other partnership, even if she considered it every so often. With the festival though, that was being taken to its limits, as an entirely new and not nearly as intertwined cast of heroes from another dimensions had impinged upon their own, many of them unattached. The League's ladies had taken to them with Gusto, and the gossip mill was alight with wild tales of sexual prowess, size, and stamina, this little bar talk being a case in point. When Katarina finally smirked that Raigor (who was one of the prominent objects of easily half the stories Ashe had heard) was twice Tryndamere's size though? That was the breaking point. "Nowhere half?" She scoffed, narrowing her ice-blue eyes at the lot of them. "There's no way. And even if there was..." She didn't finish the sentence instead whirling to storm away from the table. Raigor this and Raigor that, Ashe had more than half a mind to find the man and see for herself, in some part convinced that they couldn't be right, but in larger part curious that they might be, and wanting to try Raigor out for herself if they were. After all, while Tryndamere satisfied her, he rarely went above and beyond the call of duty in bed, and Ashe found herself wanting more on occasion. Divorce was not common in Valoran and so she'd had no prior desire to make a spectacle of herself by leaving him but now, with all this fresh meat and new stories, perhaps she could get away with a minimum of fuss...That is if Raigor proves better of course, slow down girl...Ashe reminded herself as she prowled the fairground, searching for the Earthshaker's hulking form so that she could challenge him to a 'One on one match' in the howling abyss. The place was cold but it was close to her Freljordian home, and quite private. Besides, she doubted they'd have any trouble keeping warm. "It had been a long day since she left from her last resting spot, and here it was with the sun starting to set, and her feet were killing her. "Just a bit longer, boy," Himeko said, looking down at the giant cat walking alongside her. Himeko Sunsorrow had been on a secret mission for Vol'Jin and had left her home in Silvermoon months ago. With the dark portal being opened again, but this time with legions of Iron Horde members pouring through it instead of demons, she would have been sent to the front lines with the others from her squad. But her Warchief needed her to find information about how Garrosh had managed to escape, and that there would be information somewhere in an uncharted place on the map. Vol'Jin had had his scouts search for this place and found somewhere close to where they were looking for, which is why Himeko had been sent out. She was one of the true members of the Horde who stood by what the Horde was meant to be and helped overthrow the former Warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream. She was a skilled tracker and a great huntress, so this mission was most suited for her. The forest seemed to go on forever, and both she and her companion were tired and weary from the long day they'd had. "Wait, do you smell that Tosho? Smells like a lake nearby. Which means a good place to rest and call it a night." She said softly as she reached down and petted the beast behind the ears. His glowing frosty blue eyes looked up towards her as he purred happily from the attention. They didn't know that they had been followed from the last village they had been at, seeing as whoever it was was very good at concealing themselves from both of them. After a little bit more of walking, they both found themselves at a large clearing in the forest, with a large lake. "Ahhh... A nice place to set up camp for the night," she sighed happily as she walked over to the edge of the lake. "I know we've been traveling for a long time, and I promise to make it up to you... But can you go get us fresh meat? I promise to fix it the way you like it." She asked Tosho, who looked up at her, shaking his head before nodding and then heading off to go hunting. After watching his figure vanish into the forest, she then started unpacking and setting up her campsite, fixing the tent up for the night. As she stripped down till she was completely nude, she removed her helm and placed it neatly on her armor. As soon as the helm had been removed, she allowed her eyes to adjust to the surroundings around her while her silver hair waved slightly in the air. Leaving her bow, arrows, and other weapons with her armor behind, she walked into the lake. "Nnnn... Cold but feels very refreshing," she murmured softly as she took the time to do a few laps in the lake before going back to the edge to relax and rest a bit, seeing as it would take a good while before Tosho returned with dinner.,"Opportunities had to be taken when they arose, or at least, these days that was the way she lived. Before, she'd actually been a respected Paladin, serving the Light and fighting the forces of darkness, heavy plate and hammer in hand. Not since her run-in with a foul little imp of a Goblin when she was passing through Ironforge had she been able to continue her quest. Since then she had been transformed, in more ways than one. Her body had been altered, turning her from a proud warrior and a woman, to something slightly different. Her body was mostly the same, the violet skin smooth and without imperfections, her bust had grown slightly, her hips wider now, her hair and horns were as they had always been, even her legs, leading down to hooves, as all Dranaei had, were the same. The biggest change though, was between her legs. Where once her womanhood rested, now an engorged and throbbing shaft stood, pressed against her stomach, like it usually was. She'd been hexed for turning down the Goblin's advances, not aware that it was a powerful Warlock cursed as she was to have endless lust and to lust after those of her own sex. She had never been able to remain in any settlement for long, always being drawn to one woman or another, leaving her a mess of sweat and semen and lust. The shame of it alone would have been enough to force her to leave, but the way they came after her, chasing her, hungry looks in their eyes... She was sure they wanted retribution for what she'd done. No, she had to leave, stay on the move, lest she be lynched and hanged for her crimes. She had gone from a proud, righteous Paladin, to a lustful creature, unable to control herself or her desires. She always felt the need for sex, always felt it pounding through her body, in her ears, constantly. Even as she left the last village she had been, she had caught sight of an Elf, young and lithe, which had gotten her blood pumping. The way its animal companion followed her though, she was sure that she wouldn't have a chance to get to her, at least not safely... No, she'd have to wait... She'd have to follow her, wait till she was alone, or at least till she could deal with the pet... Ellerii blinked at the thought train, realizing just how heinous it was. She was already planning on ambushing this woman, ambushing her and taking advantage... She couldn't do it, but then, she'd already been following her for hours... The sun had already begun to lower in the sky by that point, night overtaking the light of day. She bit her lip as she realized that there was no turning back now. All she could do was remain out of sight, follow this one, and maybe, just maybe it would be over quickly... She held back a good distance, little more than cloth protecting her now, her armor, her hammer, both gone, pawned off to pay for her travels. She had nothing to her name any more... She watched as the animal and the Elf separated, and realized that her chance had come... She followed through the brush, slowly, silently, watching as the Elf made for a lake. She swallowed as the Elf stripped, feeling the lust burn inside her, till she couldn't wait any longer. She made her way out of the trees, pulling the cloth dress over her head, and letting it fall silently to the shore of the lake, before she slipped into the cool water, barely feeling its coolness against her burning skin. She was like a shadow as she approached, closer and closer, till she was within arm's reach, and then she struck. Her arms wrapped around the Elf, her hands going straight up to her breasts, squeezing them gently, as she pulled her back, pressing her own body forward, her breasts mashing against the Elf's back, and the length of her rock hard shaft pressing against her sweet cheeks. "You are divine..." She purred in her ear as she ran her tongue along her neck. "Let me please you, let me show you everything..." She was lost to the curse by that point, her own rational mind crushed beneath the weight of the lust. "Swathed in robes of silken blue, Queen Margaery Tyrell strode through the halls of the Red Keep with her head held high. Her footfalls echoed lightly against the thick stone walls of the castle, but her heart was heavy, for today King Joffrey had been poisoned, and she was a Queen without a husband. It wasn't grief that weighed upon her however, but rather a sense of duty, and a foreboding impression that now time was of the essence. Today was a day that she had been anticipating for what seemed like a lifetime, but before the day had ended her King was dead, murdered at his own wedding ceremony. She wouldn't mourn for Joffrey; he was, after all, a cruel young man, but this afternoon's events had thrown everything about her into turmoil. Cersei would be even more paranoid than before, and she feared what ideas the woman might instill in young Tommen's head. Ah yes, Tommen. The King-to-be, and Margaery's future husband. Whatever happened in the coming days and weeks, she must ensure that Tommen was on her side, and not that of his mother, the Queen Regent. And so with stately elegance she strode towards Tommen's living quarters, to impress upon him the importance of their coming union. I've come to see the King, she spoke upon reaching Tommen’s chambers, pausing momentarily before transferring to him the title that only hours ago had belonged to his older brother. Her husband. Her King. Of course, your Highness, answered the guard, bowing his head in reverence. He opened the door for her and she swept within, the ends of her skirts trailing across the lavish red rug that lead into Tommen’s chambers. It cushioned the footsteps that had rung quietly in the hallways, the only sound that could be heard as she strode towards the bed chamber were that of the heavy wooden door closing behind her.,"Tommen Baratheon was a troubled young man. How could he not be, with a family with troubles? His mother was the Queen Regent, yet held no respect. Rumored to have incest relations with her brother, Jaime. Whether she did or not, Tommen would hold his judgment until he knew it to be fact. His uncle was a warrior yet lost his hand, and now could barely protect himself let alone others. His sister was sent off to Dorne for an arranged marriage, and his brother, who had just been King, was poisoned at his own wedding. With those thoughts in mind, Tommen was by far the most normal of the Lannisters. Despite being a Baratheon, he had no one to compare himself to except his father who was a drunk and lazy, and killed while hunting a boar or some such creature. Today, his brother had died at his own wedding. Poisoned. It would be hard to find out who did it, as no one enjoyed him as a king, so every single person had motive. Due to his sudden death, the title of King would be moved once again to the next member of the family, which turned out to be himself. Tommen had figured he would be in this spot at some point, but not this soon. As soon as the chaos had died down a bit, Tywin, his grandfather, gave him some books to study in order to become King officially within a week or two. Did he want to be King though? This was the third time that the title had moved from person to person in a matter of years. Why would he want to be king when the last two didn't die of natural causes? Hell, someone intended the King to die, it was no accident. Would he be safe? Tommen had been hunched over a book, staring at the words while he had these thoughts, the writing on the page not being processed. He had been startled out of them when the door suddenly opened. Due to his thoughts about safety, he was instantly weary, but relaxed as he saw who entered. Blushing lightly to himself, he realized that she would be the reason he became King. Who didn't want to be married to someone like her? "Lady Tyrell," Tommen said formally, bowing his head from his spot on the chair. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked. His voice sounded confident, but there was an inkling of doubt. Of timidness. He was not trained to be a king like his father and brother, and could muddle things up in an instant. "It was 4:30pm, Ani Bezzerides was driving her partner home when they got a call in. "I told you to turn that radio off," she said, picking it up, the cord with its spirals stretching straight as the cop picked it up and held the button to say, "Go ahead." "We have reports of a body being found in an abandoned garage near the train yard. Address is Lipton Avenue." That wasn't too far away from their current position so Rachel rolled her eyes and breathed a sigh of annoyance as she chewed on a toothpick which was meant to help her stop smoking. "We will take it over," she replied, putting the radio back in its holder and flicking a switch. It made the inside of the car flash blue before the light was placed on top of the unmarked vehicle. Making a sharp turn which had civilians beeping their horns, Ani made her way to the crime scene. Six minutes later, hitting the brakes in front of a squad car, she got out, seeing numerous uniformed officers surrounding the area. Lights were flashing everywhere but it wasn't so bad as it was still daylight. Showing her badge to the man guarding the scene, she bent down underneath the yellow police tape and walked towards the garage. Once inside, Ani looked around, the place was dirty, equipment looked rusty, and the car inside was just as bad. "What am I looking at?" She turned to an officer, who then pointed to the car in the center. Walking towards it, she peered inside through the window and saw guts and organs all over the seats. It was nothing like she had ever seen before, the man had been cut in half and in what looked like a sick work of art, his limbs were placed in the front, hands on the steering wheels, and his feet on the pedals. "Sick fuck!" She said, hands in her jeans pockets. "Look over here," another officer said, taking her to the back windscreen. In blood, there was lettering: 'Lets play a game.' Making her shake her head. While she let him look, the woman in her thirties asked how they found the scene. "That man over there, talking to Officer Moore, said he was walking his dog, stumbled across this place, and then dialed 911.",""Well I fucking thought I turned it off," the older man said gruffly, James Irons sat next to her, the older detective shaking his head as they drove through the scorching sun. It was the end of their shift, and they were just minutes away from going home...he had a steak ready in the oven, a cold beer chilling in the fridge, his wife would be curled up in bed getting ready for her night shift at the hospital but he could wake her for a quickie. But noooooo. Some dumb fuck had to go get murdered, and some bastard had to call it in. They were literally two blocks away from his house. As they pulled up to the scene, Irons let his partner head out to see the corpse while he grabbed his revolver and placed it on his hip, then his wallet and badge and headed to the perimeter to check in with the team there. Then he was called back to his partner. The grumpy 40-year-old already greying, standing at a rather impressive 6'2, but his once lean quarterback body slowly sagged back to a beer gut and a hunch. "Fuck sake!" He declared loudly as he leaned down to look inside of the truck. "I'll...I'll be back in a few," the homicide detective said simply. In their few years together, him and Ani had gotten along...rather roughly at first but steadily settled down into their ways. She was boss, he was the brawn. But seeing those fingers still clutching onto the wheel. Too much. Excuse me." he said, barging past a Sheriff's deputy and out behind the garage, thankfully untainted by the crime. And puked his guts up. A morning worth of fast food and bile being splattered out the back. By the look of it, he wasn't the first to react that way. Popping a mint, he headed back in. Happy to have that out of his system. "Sorry," he muttered to his stalwart partner. Shaking his head as he surveyed the scene. "I think we need to get the geeks in here..." He muttered. Staring in at the carnage and seeing the lettering. "It looks like we have a freak on our hands..." The police veteran sighed. He hated freaks. He turned and headed over to the witness. Already asking his questions: who owned the garage? any idea when it happened? any idea when it happened? All that good shit. But it was clear that the detective was not in the mood for it all. "You should probably phone your boy toy and cancel that nice candle lit dinner you've obviously been slaving over," he said bluntly as he moved back to the car to start filling in the initial report. "Running. She held her weapon close to her, constantly checking behind her. She was in the school she went to. It was dark, if what she saw out the windows was any indicator it was around midnight. She kept moving until she reached the roof. Her purple bracelet still giving off an eerie glow. Someone was around... Someone dangerous. She ran out onto the roof and saw no one... Until she checked behind her. A pink-haired girl, wielding some kind of pistol stood, with her in the girl's sights. But more importantly, the pink bracelet... She turned and cut the fence link with her naginata, before leaping off the roof... Mizuku Akira woke up with a slight headache. He looked around and saw the small toy his friend had given him. What was it called? 'Hyperthermic kitsune' or something like that. It was a fox, seemingly frozen with its guts hanging out. Part of some brand of entrails animals. He started to move and felt something weird. It was almost as if he had something on his... Wrist... He looked at his wrist, and wrapped around it was a tight purple bracelet. It was just like the one in his dream... He wondered what the ever-living fuck was going on, but didn't panic until he heard a voice behind him. "Hey there! You're an odd pick! But oh well! I'm touketsu kitsune! And I'm here to help you understand your new life!" He slowly turned around to see the little fox plushie standing up and waving. "Okay, I'm still dreaming!" He declared after a second or two, laying back down on the bed with a sigh. "Wake up Akira-san! You've got school." He rolled over and started getting ready as the little stuffed animal told him some things about his new life. "So you're telling me... That I will turn into a girl if I'm around one of the other 'Kmpfer'. And that I have to fight these other girls and... Why?" The plush simply shrugged and tried to push him out the door. "You're gonna be late." The boy walked out of his home immensely confused and wishing this was some sick joke. Sadly, he didn't think it was. He shot a look both ways before crossing the street. His walk to school was long and gave him time to think.,"A Kampfer is a person chosen to fight by Moderators, whoever they may be, and gifted with extraordinary abilities. Any girl falls under one of the three categories: Zauber, Gewehr or Schwert better known as Magic, Gun and Sword. Not only is there that but each Kampfer goes into one of three teams, for lack of a better word: Pink, Purple or White. Pink and Purple fight, and White acts as a sort of police force? Watanabe Naomi never came across one, but that's the impression she has, hearing it from Bullethole Leopard -or Swiss Cheese, as she has come to call him over the past couple months. "Naomi-san, wake up!" came the plushie's annoying voice, breaking through the pleasant dream she was having. "Time for school~!" Beady eyes came to land on a form tangled in sheets and curled in on itself, a mischievous glint reflecting off buttons... which sounds impossible, but somehow is. With a shuffle and a grunt, he managed to climb up onto the bed, and dove right into her breasts, earning a strangled cry. "Do not sleep away your youth, Naomi-san!" Bullethole cried out, paws embracing her breasts as he shook his head back and forth... the plushie obviously being in heaven. You must open your eyes, and seize the day! A hand descended in order to grasp onto his head, and with that, he was thrown off at the nearby wall. Back off, ya pervert!! Naomi cried out, eyes flashing with temper, almost like the heart of flames, and tendrils of messy pink falling about her features. Can't I get up in the morning without bein groped?! That said, Naomi threw back the blankets and was on her feet in a flash, stretching her arms high above her head. I swear I never get a moment to myself With another glare tossed in his direction, Naomi went about her business, changing into the uniform that society demands she wears on a daily basis, climbing through her hair, and digging around for her shoes. In five minutes or so -who's counting, really?- Naomi was walking out the door with not a second glance. Her long, pink hair flowed out from behind, catching the light and reflecting it quite nicely. The girl walked with a grace that is undeniable and her eyes shone like sapphires, almost. I can't believe him she grumbled under her breath, shaking her head and brushing pink behind her shoulder. "Defeat. It was a word that had been foreign to Nero in life, but its magnificent humiliation was now ever present in the mind of the late Roman Emperor. She remembered vividly the chain of events that had brought her to this point, her emerald kaleidoscopes recounting how she and her master had been overwhelmed and captured by the enemy. An ambush of lesser goblins had led the Emperor to become far too boisterous in battle, not realizing the true threat were the endless horde of goblin champions that soon followed. Though many were cut down by Aestus Estus, it wasn't long until Nero had found herself completely overwhelmed. How frustrating it was for the proud and noble Nero Claudius to be forced to kneel before her enemies, chained and gagged like some common slave. Nero's thoughts were clouded by thoughts of escape. What she would do to these lowly creatures when she was free of her shackles once more. Like her master, her hands were bound behind her back, with a crude cloth rag tied over her mouth. She had to escape, so that she could protect her master and flee far from this dark and despicable place. Kneeling in the dark cavern, Nero glanced towards the many goblins that filled the room. Even if she managed to break her chains, there appeared to be far too many enemies for her to defeat; especially in her wounded state. Perhaps if she could get closer to Rin, she would be able to execute the mana transfer she needed in order to fight her way out. But even then, their prospects looked slim. It wasn't long until the weak gaze of torchlight revealed a large creature at the center of the room. A horrible creature that looked more foul than even the goblins that surrounded them. Nero's eyes glared defiantly at this creature as the goblins removed the gags that covered the couple's mouths."Release us." The Emperor commanded, as if her words held any weight in her current position."I will not stand for such treatment by insolent creatures."She growled once more. The saber class servant rose to her feet in defiance, only to be struck down by the goblin that was holding her chains. To be captured like this... at the mercy of such disgusting monsters. The humiliation burned painfully in Nero's chest.,"The beast sat upon a raised dais modeled to look like a throne; the beast had goblins surrounded him, fanning him and feeding him food as well as protecting him. It was clear the goblins not only obeyed this monster but seemed to worship it like a god. He was well known to the human realms as Jabba the Hutt, a mysterious slug creature that had managed to enthrall many of the goblin clans and now ruled over them. With his command of the goblins he was able to wreak havoc upon the civilized realms unless they paid him tribute. All did, for it was easier to pay off the Hutt than deal with his goblin horde for long. Jabba's long and fat tongue hung from his gaping mouth, dripping his drool onto his fat rolls which glistened in the light of the torches of his throne room. His massive tail swished back and forth as his feline eyes gazed upon the prizes that his minions had brought before him. He let out a bellowing laugh that echoed throughout the chamber as the goblins joined in the laughter as well, clearly happy that their master and lord was happy. He licked his lips, leering at the beautiful young human women before him. Nero's defiance nearly made him laugh loudly as he bellowed out orders in a guttural tongue that neither Nero nor Rin could understand. The goblins let out a loud cheer and soon their claws went to work on the tattered remains of their grabs. Claws tore at red and white fabric and cloth, ripping dresses to shreds and exposing womanly curves for Jabba and the goblins. Similar claws went to work on Rin's red top and black skirt. They were rapidly made nude, their bodies on full display with one bits and pieces of what had once been their clothes clinging to their bodies. Two large goblin champions, larger than any Nero had fought and lost to stepped forward with chain collars and snapped them around each girl's neck. Attached to them were long chain-link leashes which Jabba held in each of his grubby hands. He tugged on the leash in his right hand, yanking Nero forward powerfully and violently, her body forced into his own. It felt like she was being absorbed by his fat rolls! Her fair and smooth skin became coated in his hot and sticky. A goblin came behind her and pressed a powerful hand against her back so she couldn't escape as Jabba gazed down at her, a laugh echoing through the chambers once again as Nero could feel the fat rolls vibrating against her body. Soon, that long and fat tongue was licking up her neck and cheek, painting a trail on her body with his drool as the Hutt marked her as his property. Soon the tongue neared her mouth and it began to press against her lips, seeking to force its way into her mouth. All the while Rin was forced to watch, the large champion goblin behind her gleefully wrapping his powerful arms around her slim waist and his hands moved to grope and squeeze her perfectly rounded breasts, her flesh molding against the green digits of her assailant. "Welcome to Guardian Academy, a high-school for the supernaturally gifted. It is a place where heroes are born and tales are forged, where students train to eventually take up the mantle as civilization's most gallant defenders. To become a Star Guardian is a privilege few are given, a position that takes a lifetime of hard work and dedication. For some, it is their true calling, though very few ever manage to transcend and reach for the sky above. Among the new class of fledgling Guardians, a single soul emerges as perhaps the most potent: Ahri. Yet, despite all of her arcane grace and raw skill, her academics seem to starkly lag behind the rest. Perhaps her mind is fixated upon something else, something far different from becoming a Star Guardian. Destiny is an interesting beast, one that cannot be tamed or predicted. What does the future hold for Guardian Academy's most gifted student? "Ahri! Wake up!" A familiar voice echoed distantly, repeating itself. Each repetition increased in both volume and clarity, until the image of a matching face coincided with the voice. It was none other than Luxanna Crownguard, a fellow classmate and friend of the gifted Ahri. If Ahri was the most powerful of their student class, Luxanna certainly was the brightest academically. It went without saying that the two probably complimented each other quite well. "Seriously? I spend my lunch time trying to tutor you... and you fall asleep on me?" The pink-haired student huffed, crossing her arms against her perky chest. The pair were seated between two desks in the vacant student council room, which Lux was currently the student president of. "You know if you don't study, Miss Fortune is going to fail you." It didn't seem like the severity of the situation was having any effect on her friend's study habits. Lux let out a sigh of partial defeat, "What's gotten into you, Ahri? It seems like you're never focused. Like you're always thinking about something else." The smaller Guardian stood up from her seat, using her open palms to crease out the folds of her rather short skirt, which barely covered her supple thighs. "Look, I told Miss Fortune that I would help you, but I'm not going to waste my time if you're not going to pay attention." She rolled her eyes, tapping the heel of her boot against the classroom tile. It went without saying that Luxanna was something of a teacher's pet, a trustworthy student who cared just a little too much about her own grades.,"Gentle fingers tangle in disheveled pink hair, tugging Lux's head to the side in order to allow eager lips to caress the flesh of her neck. The sounds bubbling from the slightly smaller girl's mouth only serve to spur Ahri on despite the half-hearted hands pushing at her torso. Ahri knew that Lux wanted her just as much as Ahri needed her, though it would take some skill to crumble the walls that her treasured comrade had erected. "Ahri, wake up!" No, no no no! Dammit all! The sound of a distant voice entered the dreaming girl's mind, suddenly shattering the delightfully raunchy dream. Eyes the color of violets blinked themselves open and a regretful groan sounds from the powerful Guardian. After a second of hesitation, she picks her head up off her desk, running her hands through her blonde hair to make herself presentable. There was a distant sort of quality in her gaze that made it clear that Lux's first few sentences didn't really reach her, but after a moment Ahri sobered up, so to speak. To Ahri's credit, she looked properly ashamed, and started fiddling with her hands. She truly did feel bad for putting one of her closest friends through this, really she did. But there was a certain... Drawback, of sorts, to her celestial magics. Much of Ahri's skills had to do with seducing and enthralling her enemies to lower their guards, but this in turn had always spiked her own libido. In the past, simple masturbation was enough to quench her carnal thirsts, but lately it was becoming increasingly obvious that this was no longer enough. She'd had something of a crush on Luxanna for the better part of a year, and now her dreams were infested with delicious fantasies of making the pink-haired beauty her own, and she needed to relieve her urges multiple times a night in order to withhold herself the next day. In class and in recreation, she found her eyes narrowing and a powerful instinct to pounce on her treasured friend and take her without hesitation. But she genuinely loved and respected the other young woman, and was sickened by the thought of doing such things without her consent. Guilt and frustration had plagued her for the past several nights, hence falling asleep in class and her grades starting to slip. "I-I'm sorry, Lux." She stuttered, her ears flattened against her head. Ahri met the other Guardian's stern gaze with a sheepish grin, anxiously fisting her hands in her own skirts as looking into those sparkling amethyst depths became too much for her to bear. "I swear to you that this isn't intentional." "Ariel was boiling mad! It was bad enough her daughter was always a mess, smelling of the intoxicating aroma of the sea. That she came home to the palace at all hours of the night with any fisherman or sailor with a tale to tell Eric! I swear sometimes I think the girl has water on the brain! Well, can you blame her after Trident brought down the barrier, after she saw the majesty of Atlantis? He was right, but the least he could do was support her, even if she was wrong - that's what husbands did. Their daughter was quickly growing up; sex and marriage was not too far in the future. Would she marry a human or a merman? Look, she just needs to follow the rules. I mean, we are her parents and we know what is best for her. Like you, Eric scurried out of the room as the door opened into an incoming vase that bounced off the door and rolled to a stop. Was it her daughter, one of her male or female friends, or a servant? Slowly, she brushed her long red locks back. She was going to give that girl a piece of her mind. Majesty, you must not speak to her in anger. You remember the last time you set rules about the ocean? Sometimes, she wondered what Sebastian would be like with butter. But then again, where else would she get so much unsolicited advice?,"Melody sat in her room, her black hair in a ponytail and her blue eyes closed as she lay on her bed. She had just gotten home from a night out with some sailors she had met while walking on the pier and she was a little tired. She heard her mother's voice outside of her room and groaned. "Here we go again," she sighed. She was sick of being treated like a child. She wasn't a little girl anymore. Melody stood up and walked to her bedroom door, hoping to escape from the room before her mother came in to give her hell. But then she heard her mother's voice along with Sebastian's. "Shit!" she cursed under her breath. "It would have been as dark and silent as a grave if it wasn't for the flame torch glittering in the distance. She couldn't even see her own hands. I might as well shut my eyes. She trod slowly, her feet testing the ground before carrying her weight. Gusts of air blew around her, and she suddenly realized she was naked as her nameday. The dampness between her legs and beneath her arms tickled, and her nipples hardened almost instantly. The longer she walked, the stronger the winds blew, and she could see the torch dancing in the distance, wrestling with the winds like a flapping flag. Yet when the maiden approached the torch, it died instantly. Lovely. Another torch lit itself in the distance, and the girl followed the trail. Each time she reached a torch, it died before she could touch it, and another torch appeared some ten yards away. With time her steps became surer, and the girl started running, her hair flying behind her like a banner. Am I running in circles? She ran from one torch to the next, then to the next, then to the next. She never saw the broken glass on the ground. Her legs quivered and she sank to the ground in tears and muffled cries of pain. I need to move on, she urged herself and crawled; Her hands moved before the rest of her body and pulled her forward. The princess was feet away from the torch when a beast jumped at her from behind and gnawed at her shoulders. The dog barked as she turned to face it. "Ahhhh!" She barked back, and the corridor echoed her hopeless shriek back at her. When the dog made for her throat, Syn woke up frantically. She was wet with sweat from head to toe, and panting and shivering at the same time. Her hazel eyes moved from right to left and back as the reality of the situation came down to her. Next to her, her handmaiden Yuna had been sleeping like a kitten but when she felt the sheets shift, her eyes fluttered and she smiled warmly. "Good morning, my sweet princess," the handmaiden remembered her courtesies, but then moved a hand to gently rub her princess's chestnut nipples. "Not today, sweetling. Have the maids make a bath." They bathed her in water scented with Dorne's finest fruits; lemons and oranges, then they burned incense and ran the aromatic smoke through her brown hair. She wore a Myrish lace that morning, dark purple and black, with her house sigil embroidered in bronze on her back; a portcullis sable. Syn walked the stairs of the Sand Dome all the way to the highest floor where her lord father, Anders Yronwood, resided. The princess walked in her father's room without knocking on the door, and greeted him with a warm smile and a warmer hug. She kissed him on the brow, "Father, you look livelier this morning" she lied. The lord of Yronwood was ghastly sick. He'd die the second he sneezes Syn realized dreadfully, but smiled at her father's own crooked smile. He only had one tooth left, and the only things he could move were his lips and eyes. They bathed him at his bed, and fed him and wiped his shit at the same place as well. It was painful for Syn to see her once mighty father reduced to a blinking corpse. He was the Warden of the Stone Way, and ruled the strategic Yronwood Castle; the last fortress defending the Boneway. He was named "The Bloodroyal"; a title that passed down from generations to whoever was the head of the house. A day will come when they call me The Bloodroyal, the thought was appealing even to the dutiful daughter. Almost as if the wise gods answered her pleas, her father gasped then started coughing blood. Syn's eyes widened like a cat at her father's sudden spasms, then she fumbled around to fetch him water but the water vase on her right was dry. A handmaiden heard her distraught and ran to bring her the water from the kitchen. "Hold strong, dear father. Juhaqa will soon be back with water to relieve your throat". Lord Anders Yronwood relieved his throat with a gush of blood. "Father!" she teared up, and The Bloodroyal leaked more royal blood from around her tongue. Syn shook him, pinned him down, hugged him and kissed his temple to calm him down, but her kisses didn't ease his struggle. He raised a finger her way for a few seconds before he collapsed dead. She gulped, and tasted his blood on her lips from when she kissed him. The room was soon crowded with family and retainers.,"Enraptured fervidly onto the political strife-inducing state of Dorne lately, simpering by the current of the winds escaping from outdoors, passed the spacious window in which he stood. Westeros struck the initiative with the death of Oberyn Martell in a vengeful incited trial of combat against the infamous Gregor Clegane. The gods retain twisted humor on your fate...Red Viper. This irony wasn't lost to Tamir for the atrocities committed in the prince's youth against one of his own. Complicating matters based on eavesdropping from those swayed with ambitions for his family was the tirade this inflicted onto the Martells with his bastards and paramour seeking retributions. Despite the equipoise behind these duels and whom it concerned, even his Dorishmen pride could not deny where to pick one's battles and where pragmatism can work subtly. Privy to extensive access to knowledge since his conjoined youth with Syn, several bookcases decorated the room comparable to the embroidery of one's tunic. Subjugated to the slovenly rule of the Martell bloodline diluting them through the relationships of foreigners. Subterfuge, currency, and an unhinged devotion for dominance was all that helped cling to their rule and to those with keener senses the aphotic manifestations vying for its prestige title and reputation back. A clamorous knock reverberated his eardrum, swerved with mild curiosity never conceding with the appropriate facial expressions pressed into a stoned imprint of sternness. A wiry fellow barring a station practically nonexistent, the gods accursed the degenerate with seemingly crooked dentures more courteous for the wildlife than him and a complexion darkened by a repugnant breeding with Salty Dornishmen like the Martells with slight distinguishing marks of the lands of a westeros. Disregarding everything, he was family or scarcely being a cousin far banished from the mere joys of station thanks to his bastard blood. Quite swift in movement, Niall Sand came before his presence with narrowed hues mindful of surroundings. " I..I bring news from my visit from Sunspear itself. The Sand snakes bring complete discord to the foundation of the Martells. Surely this be a sign of a return to old, eh?" "Splendid," Impeccable timing blessed the Yronwoods from afar without showing their hand, amusement for once not disciplined through an ominous grimace. Laded in the shadows unlike dear Syn, the plots intertwining into his devious minds knew no bounds, no morality if it instilled a sense of power where the title Bloodroyal held its true strength once more. Delay depended on the fleeing health of father, even his aloof disposition dare not tamper with the respect he deserves. Half dressed, a boisterous whistle often times a chime to signal for maids was met with urgency. Instead, the greeting came from commotions not too far from his dwellings. Brandishing his revealed torso with a dark tunic ingrained in patterns of silver while amidst the haste of slipping on his sleeveless surcoat of dark gold pigment with stitching of his house embellished blatantly on the back rushing out the door in a frantic state. The disturbance is coming from Father' the new , Unnerved by the acceleration of the turmoil befalling him simultaneous towards the joyous occasion was another cord of irony the gods probably relished at the games mortals bestow upon themselves. A whimsical whistle exhibited by the curling of his tongue was synonymous for nimble communication, priding himself on the guards who stampeded with a protective formation formulating around one of the heirs out of precaution. Immersed amongst family and retainers was Tamir, vision bulging at the bloody sight of his sister and now deceased father. Hushed whispers manifested Tamir's conscious shuffling at the array of scenarios of how this could dare occur. Insidious plots percussed his mind, ascension one step closer as he gradually came closer to embrace his sister in a tender, yet firm show of affection. Conveying a flocculent means of conversation with Syn, what he yearned for was just awaiting him, but it heeded a subtly, deception, and most of all never following back unlike the Sand Snakes as contention came so close. " ....He's gone, isn't he? Please tell me the kindness affronted to him was mundane and not by avaricious for power or one's revenge ? ""Come with me Raina..." "We don't have a mating mark Varyk, we could never be a family. I love you...but I want pups." "Please Raina...don't do this...I couldn't stand the thought-" "I'm going to do this Varyk, I want to find my mate." In a Kattagari pack, a female can choose to call upon every virile male to try and sate her while she was in heat. If they couldn't sate her, she would throw them out and move on to the next. Raina had been his world and no matter how he sated her, the mating mark never showed. Completely bitter and unable to forgive her, Varyk went out that night and stood at the tent, disallowing anyone to enter. Fights broke out in mass proportions. After taking down quite a few of his family, he was ultimately thrown out of his pack. "I never thought you were this stupid pup..." His father said standing in front of him. Growling as the wounds on his back were vicious. His clan had no mercy on him or his heart. Even his own father had gone against him. "Mark my words...when I return...her mate will DIE." With that he stood up and limped away, listening as his clan laughed and his love was taken by a lover that wasn't him. "I pray to the gods that you are never sated Raina." Fixing his ball cap and rolling up his sleeves, he entered the bar sanctuary where he sat every night to listen to the Howlers play and drink his beer until he could believe he was drunk. Wearing a pair of worn-out jeans, black and white converse, a white button-up that was open in front and a black tank underneath. His jet-black hair with white highlights was sleeked back into a low ponytail and a ball cap that said 'Rub me for Luck' on it. "Hey Aimee," He said as she set him down his next set of beers. "Remi in?" He asked. "No, he's gone for the night. He looked a bit green tonight so we sent him off." "Ah..." He nodded as she walked away. Sometimes him and Remi would sit and have a few beers but he guessed that he was alone. Sanctuary was the same as usual, musty homely feeling. And that's what kept him coming back every time.,"Crimson Dream drew up to Sanctuary on a roar and a squeal of tires as she stopped her motorcycle in front of the club. Taking her helmet off, lush auburn curls fell down the length of her back and ended just where her pant line began, and she set the helmet on its hook. Swinging one black clad leather leg over the side, she stood up. Her pants seemed almost poured on her like a second skin and her leather vest was molded over her ample breasts and down her torso. No one would ever be able to find where she kept her weapons hidden without giving her a thorough body search, and that wasn't ever going to happen. Walking to the door, Dev gave out a low whistle of appreciation and she smirked up at him, Eat your heart out, Bear. She kept moving forward and ignored his sexual comment as she walked into the club, her hips and ass swaying in time to the Howlers. There were a lot of looks sent her way, but she ignored them and her aura didn't give off the most friendly of vibes, so no one dared try to come up to her that didn't know her. She got to the bar and saw that there was only one open seat next to a guy with a ball cap that entertained her and another guy that just looked low. Taking the stool anyways, she rose up her arm and waved, Yo, Aimee, give me the usual! Mixed code for a drink and the information she needed. A good hunt was required tonight. "The rain fell steadily that night on Arkham Asylum. The Victorian former hospital, built of brick and steel, stood like a blight in the desolate area known as The Narrows, a slum in Gotham City. Deep inside, the troubled vagrants, volatile discontents, and devious monsters are treated, healed, and sometimes held for the benefit of society. Much to the excitement of many local psychologists, the hospital has taken on many of the later ever since the rogue vigilante, known as the Batman, began his unique style of vigilante justice upon the city. As the asylum begins to accept more and more dangerous felons, the administration struggles to find a way to deal with the influx of unique, new patients. However, amongst the patients, one reigned supreme with the psychologists. Patient #1593156, known as the Joker, would often find himself with a line of visitors every day and one-by-one, he would see them all. Young up and coming doctors who all wanted to take a crack at the madman whose rampage nearly a year ago brought the city to its knees. One thing many of them first noticed is that he would see them without his makeup. The hospital staff would refuse him this, citing it as a trigger for his malcontented episodes. Truth be told, the staff cited him as the model patient, much to the chagrin of Commissioner Gordon who decreed the Jokers progress as nothing but a facade of the highest caliber. However, the doctors of Arkham discredited the policeman, their focus on their careers as Doctors who cured the Joker. As the rain poured, the Jokers cell was quiet. He sat, quiet, upon his crude mattress, looking out the window he watched as the clouds, lit up by the orange glow of the streetlights of Gotham, slowly passed over Gotham, blocking out the moonlight. Slowly he would stand up, dressed in his orange, Arkham Asylum patient outfit, and turn his focus on the door. Peering through the glass, he would smile and nod as the guards made their way up and down the hall. Hello. Charlie. He said as the young guard, Charlie Witkers, passed by. The guard turned and smiles at Patient#1593156 and retorted, Hello, sir. Glad to be out of the rain tonight? Haha. Most Indubitably, the inpatient replied as he watched the guard continued his duties, his lips resting from a smile to a more tensed grimace once the guard was no longer watching.,"Alice didn't hear the sirens until she dropped the hole puncher. Not in her right mind, she confused the wails of the approaching vehicles with what she perceived as a distorted, metallic echo from her impromptu weapon hitting the floor. Once she realized what the sound was, she decided to drop to her knees and drop she did, suddenly and without bracing herself. As she made contact with the floor, she slid a bit on something vaguely warm. Running a hand through her hair, she felt a sticky substance catch against the blonde strands. What the? Alice looked at her hand and saw that it was coated in fresh and dried Blood? Turning her attention to the floor, she realized her white knee socks were soaking up what was left of the battered man, almost unrecognizable as a human, beside her. Shaking her head, she experienced brief flashes of what shed done, but at the moment, she wasn't lucid enough to discern motivation. Alice jerked upright at the sound of fast, heavy footsteps echoing in a staircase. She whipped around to face the door just as the first officer stepped inside; he didn't have to open the door because she had kicked it in. Not quite 52 and, excepting a few flattering curves, having a lithe body type, Alice could never have done that by herself. But a hefty snack of the PCP-like compound she took before arriving at the scene had changed her. She was deceptively strong and in a drug-induced state of psychosis. When the first policeman entered the room, he stared at Alice, mouth slightly open. She was quite a sight. A mixture of her own blood and the blood of her victim decorated a good portion of her body. Dressed in her hacker clothes, save for the black wig she had worn on the way in, which she had discarded before entering the office Alice’s white button down and white knee socks looked particularly gruesome. She was also wearing a tie and plaid mini-skirt, her entire appearance discordant with the scene. Little lady," he began, "I need you to--" Alice grinned before, without a seconds warning, lunging at him. It would take three officers to subdue her enough to cuff her. Not surprisingly, rather than carting her over to the Gotham City Police, they carted her straight to Arkham. "Drake, a new trainer, sat down at a campsite he had just made. Drinking the water he brought, he looked around. "I really need help," he said, deciding to head out of the campsite to look for his own Pokegirl. Well, that's what he was told they were. "Now to find me a Pokegirl," he said, walking around the woods only armed with a Poke Ball designed to catch the Pokegirls. He didn't know what could or would attack or how they seemed. This was a wild Pokegirl, not the tamed ones already caught. Drake groaned as it was getting rather close to night. The sun just setting and the woods growing dark. "Shit! Which way did I come from?" he asked himself, looking around the woods. He had completely forgotten his path.,"Aside from Drake wandering the woods, little did he know there was a Pokegirl walking around as well, and not too far from him. A Mawile morph slowly made her way through, and she appeared to be rather lost herself, and a bit exhausted. "Need food...," she grumbled. She paused as she noticed that there was someone nearby. Must be a trainer! Ha! I can get my food now!, she thought, carefully approaching the trainer from behind and watching him carefully. And luckily, he looks rather lost himself. Perfect!, she thought, suddenly leaping at him from behind and trying to nab his bag. Her giant second maw had moved around to meet him face to face, fangs bared as if to bite him. "Yara hurried over the ice, moving away from the large village made of said ice. The village of the northern water tribe was an impressive sight, shaped and maintained by the powerful water benders who lived there. But Yara's destination was outside the village, out on the plains of ice. It was just a hut, where she met in secret as often as possible with a skilled water bender who was teaching her. In the northern water tribe, it was forbidden for women to learn water bending for anything other than healing. For a woman to fight, it was not allowed. Yara wasn't satisfied with that though, and luckily she had found this bender willing to break the rules and teach her secretly to really water bend, and to fight with it. It seemed almost as if it were taking too long though. Maybe it was the secretive nature of their lessons, or maybe he was holding back and not really teaching her as much as he could, as she'd been training with him for a while now, and still only knew the basics. But she was determined, no matter how long it took, she would become a great water bender. She hoped tonight, they would move past the basics and into something more advanced. She hurried up to the hut, stopping outside to catch her breath a bit. "I'm here! I came as quickly as I could.","He sat in the hut, furs wrapped loosely around his frame as he rested against the wall, icy blue eyes looking right at the door as she entered. His expression was unreadable, passive and yet seemingly cold. "You are late," he said as he stood up, meeting her gaze for a moment. "Let us see if your skills have improved better than your punctuality." He added, stepping out into the icy cold, the ice itself shifting with the gesture of his hands, forming a ring. "Now then, use the stance I taught you," he said, taking a low one of his own. As always, the first move was hers. "As Steven Shepard Steele flew his ship towards Tavros Station, his thoughts were not filled with advanced technologies or beautiful alien girls, as they usually were. No, the only thing on his mind was the message he'd gotten the day before, from his father's lawyer. That his old man, Victor Steele himself, hadn't contacted him directly had set off warning klaxons in his head. His worst fears were confirmed when the message had contained not only the news of his passing, but also the funeral arrangements. He'd immediately arranged for a leave of absence from the Alliance Navy so he could attend the funeral on Tavros Station. Snapping out of his funk, the captain noticed that he was beginning to approach the station's docks and began preparing for his arrival. After landing his ship in a private dock, Steven started walking towards the residential area, where he knew his siblings had a home. Along the way he passed by a number of different races, even seeing a krogan who appeared to have taken quite a few fertility treatments if the size of his quad was any judge. Eventually he arrived at their door and knocked, waiting to be let in by one of them.,"Menta Shepard Steele hissed and groaned as she got up from the couch that was placed in the back of the living room, apparently there had been some stuff going on between her father and well, Meena and herself had been keeping their minds off it. "For fuck's sake!" She slurred to herself as she approached the door, not even aware that she was naked and had a morning wood, her twin tails curling and moving with each step, her cat ears twitching and swiveling as she still groggy, her long gray hair disheveled and bangs hung in her amber eyes. You may have noticed the cat parts of her; well, you see she and her twin sister were kitsunes, unlike their brother Steven. Her hand grabbed the knob to the door giving it a turn and then a pull. "YES!" She slurred out to Steven, not even realizing it was him. "What do you want?" Menta continued to curse at Steven, still failing to recognize him. ""Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuck," Luke panted softly, thrusting quickly yet shallowly as he reached his end. Body on top of his girlfriend of three years, the young man of twenty-six grunted as he ejaculated into the condom. Collapsing on top of her for a brief moment, Luke rolled onto his back and then threw the condom aside. "Perfect as always." Luke muttered softly, kissing the cheek of Scarlett Johansson, the girl of his dreams, and the girlfriend he had somehow managed to seduce all those years ago. It was great too, since his rather small penis of only three inches did not seem to bother Scarlett. She seemed to enjoy the sex as much as he did, and loved him as much as he loved her. "I love you baby," Luke said, curling into Scarlett's side as he fell asleep, the usual when he had his orgasm. He, as always, had no clue just how unsatisfied Scarlett was by the end of the night.,"Scarlett lay awake in her bed basking in the afterglow of sex. Luke was long lost in the world of dreams when she turned to face his back. It was midnight, and yet she was not wholly satisfied. Hunger and passion lingered in her body as she tried fighting it away. She felt guilty for wanting more when Luke was completely satisfied with what they had. She loved him for his generosity but God was not generous in making Luke's penis. After pulling off an all-nighter, Scarlett was groggy but disturbing thoughts haunted her mind. Leaving Luke on the bed, she walked around in the room naked while thinking. What can be done? Pacing faster by the minute, she Googled some options and before anything, the idea of a therapist hit her mind. That was the ultimate solution. Every co-star of hers had a shrink. Till date she did not require one but it was high time she visited someone. Scrolling through various names, she hit one randomly, the available number took her to a voice box where she dropped her details and timings. By noon, she had a reply, confirming her appointment with the good doctor. "Hinata and Sakura had been on a mission that had taken several weeks, they'd had to trek through forests in wind and rain, shiver in the freezing cold, bake in the scorching sun, fight whilst tired and hungry, but finally the mission had been a success. Unfortunately, the journey back, despite the new route they had taken to try and make the journey a little more comfortable, was hardly any better, the weather having gotten even worse in some places. About halfway though, while trekking through yet another forest, the two girls had come across an abandoned hot springs resort. It looked like nobody had been here for at least 10 years, but the structure was still pretty intact, making it potentially a warm and dry place to spend at least one night if not maybe a few, while the springs themselves were natural, meaning the water was still hot and clean-looking. Hinata volunteered to search through the main building, finding at least one room that was intact and to see if she could find some still-intact blankets they could use. She was just as tired as Sakura, her clothes were just as tattered, but Hinata being Hinata, she offered to let Sakura head straight for the springs. "Really, I insist," she bowed her head gently before turning to head back into the building to begin her search, leaving Sakura to finally embrace the first chance they'd had to relax in over a month.,"Sakura sighed and briefly glanced around; the pinkette was on the brink of collapse - so much time had been spent traveling that her body was getting worn out. The constant fighting and trekking did nothing to help her clothes which were more patched up than anything at this point. Slowly she slid out of her clothing, letting her athletic body shine and gleam in the mist produced by the hot-springs. Her abs glistened as she lowered herself into the water, eyes closed and relaxation moving through her. "Ralph sighed as he slumped over his drawing table and looked up at the clock through thick glasses. It was almost midnight, and he still had pages of background artwork to draw and ink. It wasn't the most exciting job in the dying field of traditional 2D animation, but at least it paid the bills. His real artwork, however, wasn't fit for the eyes of his current employer, who produced children's cartoons for The Kiddie Channel. Safely tucked away within the bottom drawer of his desk hid pages and pages of buxom cartoon babes, all lovingly drawn with perfect proportions. From cheesecakey pinups to the most provocative, explicit pornography, he had drawn it all. Too bad he couldn't make a living drawing that! With a grunt, Ralph placed his hands on the edge of the table and pushed himself to an upright position, noticing that he must have gained a few pounds recently with a pat on the belly. At least he got a little bit of exercise whenever he walked down to the art supplies store just at the end of his block. Stretching his arms up into the air, he yawned as he recalled the rather unusual incident on his way home that day. A strange figure covered from head to toe in a trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat had stopped him as he exited the store and asked if he was an artist. As soon as the word "yes" was out of Ralph's mouth, the figure shoved a small vial of black ink and an old-fashioned ink brush towards him, then immediately turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened. Another yawn later, Ralph's gaze turned to that inkwell, which was now sitting atop his angled drawing table. As for the brush, he had pretty much forgotten about it altogether after tucking it into his front shirt pocket. As the clock struck 12, a faint gonging could be heard in the distance, and once more Ralph lazily slumped over his desk and laid his head down on top of his arms. It wasn't unusual for him to stay up late trying to finish a project, but tonight he was especially sleepy, so much so that he didn't even notice as the inkwell given to him by that strange figure toppled over, seemingly on its own, spilling its contents onto his desk. Slowly the black liquid, which was dark as night, spread downward across the angled table until its surface was completely covered. Softly snoozing, Ralph did not notice as his hands and arms eerily began to sink down into black surface of the table, which was a table no longer, but rather a portal between worlds! Still fast asleep, his weight continued to shift forward as he sank further and deeper into the blackness, until he tumbled into it completely, awakening with a scream as the spiraling blackness swallowed him whole, his arms and legs flailing wildly as he continued to tumble head over heels, the thickness of the air seeming to soak up every sound he made. Ralph sat up with a groan as he rubbed his neck. The throbbing in his head certainly seemed real, but from his surroundings he knew it must all be a dream. The dusky purple sky was lit with flashing neon lights, advertising everything from girls to gambling to... girls! A smile curled on his lips as he turned his head and spotted some of his favorite childhood cartoon characters milling about, although they did look a bit worse for wear... some of them were even stumbling around as if they were drunk! His train of thought was interrupted as the sound of a honking horn behind him intensified to a shrill cry, "Hey buddy, get outta the road!" Swiftly he rolled out of the path of incoming traffic and onto the sidewalk. The cartoon cab with headlight eyes turned back towards Ralph to give him the finger before zooming off in a puff of smoke. Which a chuckle, the young artist stood to his feet and dusted himself off before hitting the streets. It was like a cartoon version of Las Vegas! "Ooh this looks place looks interesting," he marveled out loud as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose before stepping past the front doors of The Royal Red Casino.,"The Royal Red Casino was a distinctly glitzy place - The thick red carpet underfoot trimmed with gold, spreading out into a sprawling central lobby filled with slot machines and card tables. The clatter of dice, the shuffle of cards ... All of it over a near-constant murmur of voices. Not that different from the typical high-class casino, except ... The players were distinctly different. Funny, anthropomorphic animals, hunching over hands of cards. Scowling Toontown mobsters, smoking comically huge cigarettes, immaculate in pinstripes. The colors were brighter, too, more lurid, as slinky waitresses in Playboy Bunny outfits (white playboy bunny outfits, oversized pocket watches clinking on their hips) sauntered by, carrying trays of delicacies and cocktails ... "What's your pleasure, stranger?" A sultry voice purred from nearby. And if he turned, he would see a leggy blonde beauty in a girlish blue miniskirt ... Her feet arched high on heeled slippers as she sauntered towards him, almost bursting out of her dress. The lacy hem wickedly short, white stockings whispering as they crossed with a silky scrape of fabric ... Before a low gasp parted her lips, deep green eyes widening, just a hair ... "You, you're not ..." Alice began, then, her voice hushed. "A toon." Apparently, he hadn't been noticed yet. Keep walking, ya mugs! A voice boomed from the intercom overhead. A bored-sounding guard clearly having little patience for this. The gorgeous vixen sidled a little closer, hooking her arm into his. Those emerald eyes shining now, a shiver of excitement coursing up her spine. "-It's been ten years ... I thought I'd never see a human again ..." "Having escaped Cyrodiil, it took a couple of days to cross the mountains. Unfortunately, she hadn't enough warm clothing to keep the worst of the cold at bay. Being an Imperial, she was barely capable of withstanding cold naturally, but when the wind whipped up snow into her face, leaving her half blinded as she walked along, even her teeth would chatter as it cut straight through her lin cloak. The weather cleared as crested the mountain, and she had to stop and stare at the sight that unfolded before her: Skyrim. Home of the Nords. Cyrodiil had been her home since her birth. She'd grown up and was happy there. That didn't mean she was too upset to make a new home for herself in Skyrim. She just had to figure out where and how. It took a few hours to descend the mountain, walking into a forested area, following the main road until she came to a junction. Looking left and right, the signpost suggested a town was only a couple of miles off to the right, by the name of Falkreath. A town or city meant an inn, food and drink, and a warm bed. So Falkreath it was. Megan would admit to being relieved that she still had armor and weapons. She only wore light armor, mostly leather with steel plate in the important parts. Her weapons were the best available, though. The Fighter's Guild didn't scrimp on armor and weapons, as without the best available, we'd have quickly run out of fighters. Left feeling rather glad she was young and fit, having spent three days crossing the border, light was dimming as she approached the outskirts of Falkreath, and she realized things were very different in Skyrim to Cyrodiil. Walking up to the main gates, the pair of guards standing there looking rather board gave her a curious glance but said nothing as she passed by. There wasn't much to Falkreath on first appearance. At the end of the main road was what Megan guessed be the lord's hall. There were a few shops lined either side of the road, including a blacksmith. But, most importantly, there was an inn, a sign suggesting it was named 'Dead Man's Drink'. Walking inside, it was surprisingly empty except for a woman behind the bar and another sweeping the floor. She turned to Megan and smiled. "Shor's bones! You're gorgeous girl, you'll turn every man's head in Falkreath!" "Um, thanks." Walking towards the bar, the woman was wiping it down with a cloth, noticing my approach and smiling. "I'm Valga. Welcome to Dead Man's Drink. What can I get you?" "An ale, please." As she poured Megan a tankard, who took a seat on one of the stools, dumping her bag on the floor. "I hear a faint accent in your voice, yet you're clearly not a Nord. Where are you from?" "Just crossed in from Cyrodiil." "Oh, whatever for?" "Needed a change." Placing a tankard in front of her, Megan handed over a couple coins and thanked her. "You've perhaps come at the wrong time, with the civil war and all," she said. "Civil war?" Megan couldn't hide her surprise. She didn't know anything about it. Valga just scoffed. "Of course it wouldn't be news in Cyrodiil. Ever heard of Ulfric Stormcloak?" Megan shook her head. "The White-Gold Concordat and the banning of Talos worship?" "Well, the only thing I can suggest is that you watch yourself when on the open road. The Empire and Stormcloak both patrol, and sometimes don't mind taking prisoners." Megan took a room for the evening, dumping her bag on the single bed, and as the inn started to fill up for the evening, she found herself chatting with some of the locals. Most were either fellow Nords, but there were a few from Cyrodiil and even a Redguard, a woman by the name of Zaria who ran the local apothecary. As they chatted, Megan could feel an underlying tension between certain people, believing it was probably due to the civil war. Some of the Nords were proud to tell her they backed the Stormcloak Rebellion, as it was called. Megan kept any opinion to herself, not that she had one, merely stating she'd just arrived and was wondering what to do.,"It had been a trying affair for the Dragonborn, taking down Alduin, and much had changed in Skyrim since then. He had just returned from the beyond, Sovngarde, crossing the veil back so that he could be among the living again, and thus it was after his meeting with the remaining Blades that he felt he could finally relax. Or at least, that was the plan. Naturally, everything went to shit just about right away. For this Dragonborn, Malakir, had a secret, and that was what tended to lead him astray. While his blood bore a special mark that enabled him to engage with the great soaring beasts and even speak their language, he had not gone about making his mark in the "usual" way. He was definitely not the type to be moral and trustworthy at all times. In point of fact, Malakir happened to be a maleficar of some considerable skill, having honed his craft and the ability to create wondrous spells throughout the days and weeks and months leading up to his climactic battle. He dealt in dark magic of all kinds, spells that could flay someone alive or reduce them to dust or worse, and he had not shied away from using these abilities for maximum carnage. Therefore he was a killer, and of the kind that had no qualms about ending the lives of the many residents of Skyrim, specifically those that had been in his way. Cruelly he'd dispatched them all, burning entire leagues of enemies or making them choke on their own blood. It was a particular failing of his that he liked causing pain, and often ramped up the damage done to the level of pure evil, if he had a choice in the matter. To make those who would stand against him truly suffer happened to be his ideal aim, and he achieved this as much as humanly possible. It was almost all too easy to use just his fists, lined with immense power, to make all of this happen - and he had done so in his own inimitable way. Up until now, that is. Malakir needed a rest, so he was on his way to Falkreath to get some if he could. It was a cozy town, with few notable marks along the path, and even fewer within. Yet, it housed a point of interest for one such as him - that of Grave Concotions, where the alchemist happened to be of considerable skill. Hence, it was as good a place as any to determine what he should do next, with the whole of Tamriel at his whim if he so chose. On the back of his horse, Shadowmere, with the Robes of Twilight adorning his dark skin, Malakir moved slowly across the lanes, and a few passers-by waved at him delightedly, happy to make themselves known to him. He waved back, but there was no heart in it - he didn't care at all, truth by told. No, the only thing that he truly gave a damn about was getting his rocks off, if he could help it. He hadn't been with a woman in a good while, and one other thing about Falkreath that he loved was the quantity of cheap whores available, all of whom were supposedly rather good at their job. Sighing, and stroking his facial hair, Malakir made his way to the local inn, the Dead Man's Drink, and tied up his mare outside, then made his way inside with firm steps to signal his arrival. They would know who it was. As he walked past the entrance, he stopped, and marveled at what he had found. A woman, a beautiful one, sat there adorned in armor, chatting away with the barkeep, and Malakir was entranced. His dark brown irises traced every inch, every curve, and he patiently sat at one of the tables, purposefully keeping away. It was only once the woman retired to her room that he approached the bartender. Valga looked at him and smiled, recognizing his face at once. "Ah, the Dragonborn here in the flesh. Welcome to Dead Man's Drink." She poured him a spiced rum, then asked the critical question. "Who was that woman that you were just speaking with?" Malakir ordered a spiced rum, and then asked the critical question. "Who was that woman that you were just speaking with?" Valga got his drink, and then answered him. "Oh that's...well, I didn't catch her name," she began sheepishly, "but she's just over from Cyrodil. I told her to watch her back, as there are many different parties about who will snatch her instantly, when it comes down to it." Malakir smiled, and took a big swig from his glass. "Interesting. Yes, it could be very bad for her indeed if she's not careful. Smart advice." Exactly how bad it would be, only he knew. "The shadows of night had long since fallen over the City of Gotham, while in an old warehouse not far from Gotham harbor sitting around a large table a rogue's gallery of the worst villains in the city gathered. Scarecrow, The Ventriloquist and Scarface, Bane, Black Mask, Killer Croc, The Mad Hatter, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Firefly, and The Penguin. In the past each of these villains has caused more than their share of trouble for Gotham City, but they have always been defeated by the Dark Knight or one of the other heroes who watches over Gotham. They all had been called here by another one of Gotham's most vile villains...the Clown Prince of Crime himself...The Joker. Most of these villains feared The Joker, who was insane and wasn't known too be a team player when villains teamed up, but when The Joker calls for a meeting, no one would dare not to show. At the beginning of this meeting, Joker was sitting at the head of the table, but as he began to unfold a tale of how this group would sweep Gotham with a crime wave of the likes which had never been seen before, Joker was moving around the table. His fiendish grin never once left his white face, and each villain listened closely as The Joker told them how they would help him take revenge on one of Gotham's most beloved heroes...Batgirl. All The Joker wanted was for these villains to do what they would be doing anyway...commit crimes...but all at the same time and in different parts of the city. This would keep Batman & Robin, Nightwing, the police, and any other heroes busy while Joker trapped Batgirl. Joker then explained how he would change Batgirl into something truly wicked...when he was finished with her, Batgirl would be the Clown Whore of Gotham! A sex puppet to be used and treated like a slut by the villains who were seated at this very table. The other villains were pleased by Joker's plan and were very willing to help fact that very night the villains would strike...taking Gotham like an evil storm.,"Barbara Gordon hummed to herself as she fired a gattling gun hook onto a nearby skyscraper in the heart of Gotham City. The red-haired beauty soared through the air, the wind whistling behind her as she easily perched atop the building and looked down at the alleyways and deserted streets of Gotham City. The night had been quiet so far, only a few muggings and attempted rapes that Barbara had easily quelled. Nobody, it seemed, of any importance was up to no good tonight, just a bunch of small-time crooks looking to make a quick buck or get their dicks wet with drunk sorority girls as they came back from the bars. " bored," she thought to herself as she affixed another hook into her gun and fired into the night air, every muscle of her 5'5 athletic frame contracting as she gracefully leaped from her perch and flew through the night air again. She allowed herself to smile slightly...the air was cool tonight and her body was reacting well, at the peak of its game. She was proud of every inch of her body, toned and tight, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. But she wasn't some butchy dike, no, Barbara also took pride in her curves, possessing a firm chest of ample proportions, her breasts snuggled tightly into her spandex suit. Her hips and ass were the things of legend and she secretly admired herself when she caught someone staring. But she was BORED. "God, can't something happen tonight?" She said out loud to herself, not knowing that at the same moment all of the big-time players in Gotham crime were hatching a horrific plan that centered around her... "As Yang made her way from Beacon to her favorite hang out, The Dust, which was the hottest nightclub within walking distance. She always liked to go there either when she just got back from a mission or just wanted to let loose. There wasn't anything like letting the beat take over you as you danced the night away. For Yang, she always made sure she had enough alcohol in her to survive for at least a few hours. Pulsating beats, some like-minded individuals grinding and bumping their bodies together was the best feeling in the world. After about three songs of non-stop octane and lust-filled grinding, Yang gave herself a few minutes to catch her breath and just allow herself to watch others as they did just what she did. She parked at a seat at the bar, waving to the bartender. "My usual." "So, scotch on the rocks?" Yang nodded. As the bartender poured it, Yang looked at the dance floor, smiling, sipping her drink casually.,"Michael had graduated Beacon just a few years ago and was now a seasoned Hunter through and through. He still hung around however and often liked to drop by Beacon for old times sake. Whenever he did, he always liked to visit The Dust. It was one of the best clubs he had ever been to and it was often a great way to unwind after a mission. He walked into the club, the music washing over him as he took in a deep breath of the lust and alcohol that filled the air. He was tall and toned, with short brown hair and slightly tanned skin with hazel eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses. He held his weapon, a cane in his right hand as he walked around for a bit. His eyes locked onto Yang as she danced...she mesmerized him as she swayed her hips, grinding up against anyone who seemed willing and that was basically everyone on the floor. He licked his lips as she made her way to the bar and he followed shortly after. He heard her order and grinned, what were the odds they had the exact same favorite drink? "I see the beautiful and sexy dancer has good tastes in drinks as well." Michael made his presence known with a grin as he took a seat next to her at the bar and waved to the bartender. "I'll get what she's having, and I'll buy her drinks too!" With that, he turned to Yang and raised one of his eyebrows, clearly curious. "So, sexy...what's your name?" "It was dark in the room. The only light was the red and blue of the neon lights of the hotel sign, shining through the slats of the blinds and reflecting from the large mirror above the ornate dresser on the opposite wall. Streaks of light played across the furnishings - a king-sized four-post bed and canopy, two wing-backed chairs and a small table, a wardrobe. Distantly, the sounds of the Parisian streets could be heard. The door opened, granting a glimpse of the rooms beyond. A tall, slim man entered. His dark hair was somewhat longer than was fashionable, and his dark goatee gave his features a saturnine air, and his pale skin shone in the dim light. He wore a gray suit and white shirt, with a paisley silk tie, and walked with a swaying, rolling gait like that if a man too long at sea. A woman followed him, laughing and hanging on to his hand. She was small, with a great mass of wavy chestnut hair and dancing blue eyes, and skin the color of coffee and cream. Her white dress clung to her proud, slim body and left her long, coltish legs bare below the knees. She drew herself into the man's arms, her lips rising to meet his as they stepped to one side. His hands cupped her firm behind as her arms twined around his neck, and tongues lazily dueled as they kissed deeply. "So forward, Monseur Sparrow!" she laughed, her fingers stroking his neck and loosening his tie. The knot came undone and she undid the top two buttons, placing gentle kisses on the skin beneath. "Whatever would your wife say, if she saw us!","Their laughter echoed in the alleyway, the sound of their stumbling footsteps following them around the corner. Whispers, giggles, kisses, caresses complemented perfectly the blare of a trumpet and the occasional stare. She'd found a new obsession in the contrast of their skin and couldn't stop staring, watching her hand in his, their laced fingers. He was so different from anyone she'd ever been with before. They tumbled together through the dark rooms until they found the knob for the appropriate one. "Jack!" She only ever called him Jack when he was in trouble. The petite redhead's eyes flicked over them both before she slapped him though not half as hard as she felt he deserved. "Why would you do that?" she demanded. "I told you to wait for us. You remember what happened in Singapore." The women's eyes met for a moment and they shared a knowing smirk before a pair of large, muscled arms wrapped around her waist. "She can be very persuasive, chere," the second man mumbled into her neck, placing kisses along her throat and shoulder. "You are very much alike." Dark hands slid down her black beaded dress, gathering the fabric in bunches, pulling the skirt up around her hips. Jack's wife met his eyes with a triumphant little smirk before she turned to face her companion. A black silk tie and waistcoat were the only interruptions of color in his white suit and it was on those she focused now, her fingers deftly managing both before she was once again distracted. Her pale hands seemed to glow in the dim neon light against coffee-dark skin as they slid over his shaved pate and down to his cheeks where she held him before pushing herself up onto her toes to crush a kiss to his lips. Celine--for the woman in Jack's arms was named Celine--grinned over Jack's shoulder at the two before returning her attention to the man at hand. Slender fingers forced the surrender of two more buttons and her hands splayed across his chest, pushing the fabric partway off of his shoulders while she traced more kisses over his skin. "Your wife is too hard on you, Monsieur Sparrow, and my husband too lenient." Her kisses strayed up his neck as she undid his last few buttons, untucking his shirt and pushing it and his suit coat to the floor. "Perhaps we can earn forgiveness if we show them just how persuasive I can be, non?" "Lyra frowned as she gave the guest suite a final once-over in preparation for the arrival of the new dignitary her Lord would be playing host to. Why she had been given the task of attending the diplomat was beyond her. Normally, one of the more well-spoken butlers were assigned that particular position. It really didn't make sense. In fact, she was usually the very last choice for such duties for a variety of reasons. For one, she wasn't used to the reserved nature of nobility and would often be inadvertently blunt or off-putting to the delicate sensibilities of nobles which is why she was usually employed with laundry or food prep (anything to keep her away from guests). On top of that, well, she was a woman. It just wasn't proper, expecting her to stay all alone overnight in a man's chambers. Wait... Was that it? Was she expected to perform those kinds of services? That would make some sort of sense. Lyra was easily one of the more attractive women in her Lord's employ. At 5'7", the brunette managed to present a full figure without much in the way of a pooch. And the way she wore her hair up to go about her duties, while not elegant to say the least, framed her face in just such a way to prove flattering. Well, if that were the case, then by the end of this trip this particular noble could say goodbye to fathering any more heirs. Deciding that everything was presentable, she finally exited the room. Closing the door behind her, she wandered off to find something to keep her busy until her "guest's" arrival.,"Alsatia was led down a grand hallway by a human in robes who explained that the leaders of the Alliance were busy with other things, but she would be met soon. Until then, she was asked to make herself as comfortable as possible and that an aide would be assigned to her if she wanted anything like a tour of the city or the Keep. The Draenei 'Paladin,' as the humans called those who fought against the darkness and upheld the virtues of the light, was shown to her room, which was quite impressive considering that she was only a representative to the Alliance from her people. When the human who had escorted her to her room found that her aide wasn't present, she excused herself and went to seek out Lyra, leaving the Draenei woman to shed her armor and sword, the large and beautifully crafted piece of steel it was, and explore her room some. Underneath her armor, she wore a leather bustier and leather shorts that were cut to look like underwear for maximum mobility of her legs. Her long dark hair was braided and now hung over her right shoulder as she slowly poked around, bending over to investigate a cabinet, putting her plump yet toned rear in the air. "Allea Nelluc rode on the Hogwarts Express. Her sister had been sick the previous year, and she had missed a year of school. In her third year, she was actually 15 years old while others around her were only 14. She didn't mind; she figured it would be easier to take advantage of the teachers. Her family was pure-blood, and she knew the ways of witches and wizards already. Her father worked in the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Mysteries. Her father was well known within the wizarding world, and his name kept her going so far. She really didn't care for much more than just passing the classes, so she could leave and join her mother on their tour of the world again. As the train arrived at the school and the feast began, she found herself looking towards the new Prefect. He had been chosen the previous year, but she hadn't been there to meet him. It seemed he had an eye out for someone. She wasn't sure, but she went on eating as she listened about her. She was sure by the end of the night, she would know everything that had happened the previous year. She adjusted her robe, as she wasn't one to wear it so tight like the teachers wanted during the feasts. She really didn't care for wearing it all that much, preferring mini skirts and sweater vests that made her look good. She was always one for showing off her body and how better it was than the others.,"Kale was in his final year at Hogwarts and had been sorted into Slytherin from the very start. His story was that his parents were both pure-blood wizards, which was true - but what his 'new' parents didn't tell the school was that as soon as he could perform magic, he possessed an odd ability to control people, alter their feelings and thoughts. With these odd abilities, he had killed his parents, who had always neglected him in favor of his older brother, driving his brother into a fit of madness. From then on, he had sailed through Hogwarts, making the teachers like him and always wanting to be a Prefect, seeing as how the teachers seemed to ignore their own habits and often the common thing to do in Slytherin was to get a younger girl and make her the Prefect's assistant, or better known as a bitch. Now that he was a Prefect, his eyes immediately began scanning the table for his new bitch, while he talked absentmindedly with his friends. "Kasumi approached the entrance to the arena where the final match in the first Dead Or Alive tournament was being fought. Her opponent in this match would be Ayane, a girl who had plenty of connections to Kasumi personally. She knew Ayane resented her, but she secretly hoped to bring the conflict to a close. They were both kunoichi, and could coexist if they could put their unhappy past behind them. Kasumi took a deep breath. It was showtime. She entered the ring, her long, reddish-brown hair blowing in the wind. Her brown eyes took in all of her surroundings. Wolf-whistles from many of the guys caused her cheeks to redden a little. She was wearing her blue and white kunoichi outfit, which allowed part of her cute, thonged ass to peek out, and revealed plenty of D-cup cleavage. Nonetheless, her eyes hardened into all business. She was ready to fight to prove herself a champion.,"Ayane looked at her opponent, the girl who she had shared so much history with. She was determined to win this match. Ignoring the distraction of the guys, who were getting Kasumi's attention. Her short hair flew in the air as she took a deep breath. Her chest bounced as she took her stance. Ready to fight. And get some whistles too, from the show of her nice, firm butt. The match was about to begin. "Room number 2... Little Miss Batgirl, thought Pamela, opening the door to the small padded room where the new celebrity patient was being kept. At least that's what Doctor Joker called them anyway. The most famous (female) faces of Gotham City, involuntarily checking in to his clinic to be cured. Cured of what? Joker didn't ever say. Pamela Isley - known as Poison Ivy outside of her civilian life was one of his first patients, and because of that had been lucky enough to be promoted to nurse a few weeks ago. She got to check up on the patients and help during their surgeries. Unfortunately, after having been on the operation table one too many times of her own, her mind wasn't as sharp as it used to be, and had taken the red-haired woman about three or four attempts to line the key up with the hole of room number 2's door correctly. Inside, the captive had been kept in total blackness since admission. The naked light bulb above swung gently yet never sprang to life, while she was restrained in the corner by an old Arkham straitjacket, a discolored shade of white with some dried red stains. Her costume remained intact except for the cape and mask, both of which had been cut off to reveal her pretty face. Wedged between her teeth was a red rubber ball, secured in place by numerous straps which went over, under and behind her head. The inevitable drooling was already happening, and Pamela couldn't quite be little turned on at the sight of how helpless Batgirl actually was. Batgirl’s source of light came from the narrow hallway outside her padded cell, showing the woman in the doorways attire. A pair of high heels, tights, elbow-length gloves and a leotard all decorated in various shades of green... there was no question who it was. On top of all of that: an unbuttoned nurses uniform. Something which Pamela never wore. The Doctor would like to see you now... She sang, taking small steps towards Batgirl; the heels sinking in to the softness of the cushioned floor. He's going to make you better... By now, Ivy was crouching down in front of the young fellow red-head, her face now in view. And there was something horribly wrong with it. Her beautiful face ruined and disfigured... her mouth muscles pulled, stretched and shaped uncomfortably... Ivy was smiling. But it wasn't a natural smile... it was permanent. It looked almost like... the Joker. Just like he did with me.,"She had sat in darkness for some time now, unable to move her arms due to them being wrapped around her and unable to screen as something kept her mouth full. All she could do was grope around the room as best she could, feeling cushioning everywhere. How she got here she couldn't remember, but at least now she knew it was some sort of padded room based on what she could feel. Then without warning light rushed in and her eyes burned before she could close them to shut out the terrible whiteness. After a moment she could bear to open her eyes enough to make out the female figure in front of her, dressed well and speaking. As the image swam in her vision colors slowly returned to a somewhat normal state. Though she could hardly make out the person just in front of her, she knew who it was the second she spoke and tried to say something, but all that came out was a muffle mutter. Not only that, but compared to her captor, she was a complete mess, hair frazzled from when she tried to feel around the room, costume torn in various places, and the front of her straight jacket covered in drool. In her head, she planned to break free, regardless of how tired she felt from being restrained so long or how much her jaw hurt from being forced open, and even her blurred vision wasn't much of a concern. She could see it now, as soon as Ivy got close enough, she could spring up and bring her down with a quick kick or two and then make a run for it. She was ready and waiting, but her plan never came to fruition for the second Ivy came close enough. Her eyes widened and her lips began to shake, never before had she seen such a frightening image... Never could she imagine Ivy looking like that, and to her own surprise, she let out a scream into her gag, a scream that was stifled by the words that filled her ears shortly after Ivy's face filled her view. Worse, her body wouldn't respond, her mind yelled at her to escape, but that shock only compounded the weakened and sore state she was in, forcing her to neglect the horrible creature in front of her and attempt to simply push past her and run. So with weary legs, she bolted up and ran at Ivy, trying to knock her over in the process by sheer momentum. "Hideki Sato had not been back to Republic City for many years, and with good reason. He had always been a bit of a prodigy, good at working with machines and numbers. That was perhaps one of the reasons that his father had sent him out to oversee a few factories in Earth Kingdom territory. Another reason was likely an attempt to keep his youngest child safe before the Equalists made their move (A move that was thankfully bested). Now at fifteen however, he was making a much needed return home. He had worked himself rather vigorously to keep the factories up to snuff with his standards, and now he felt he could do with some actual relaxation. The car pulled to a halt at the Sato manor, parking by the entranceway. The chauffeur exited quietly and opened the door for the young master, who then proceeded to hop out. His shoes were leather and neatly polished, his lower legs exposed while his upper portion was covered by a pair of fine brown shorts. As a top, Hideki wore a crisp white shirt and red overcoat, both formed from a fine fabric. He nodded to the driver in thanks, fixed his circular spectacles into place, and carried on towards the front door. Much like his sister's hair, Hideki's was a lush black, though he kept it short and well maintained in contrast to her temptress fashion. The cute teen pushed the doors open and made his way along the lush carpeted floor. Ah... home at last.,"Forty-six... forty-seven... forty-eight.... forty-nine... fifty. At last, fifty. Korra allowed herself to collapse. She'd earned it. After a full two months of practice, she had finally been able to do fifty handstand push-ups. That, by itself, wasn't an unheard of physical feat. But what had made it so hard was that Korra had performed that feat after her normal workout. Earthbending, firebending, waterbending, then cardio, then calisthenics and nonbending martial arts. She'd feel this workout in the morning. But for now, her muscles were taught, tight, and had it not been for a quick use of waterbending, she might have been sweating. Maybe she'd take a dip in a pool next, or a spa, or something else like that. Being friends with a rich robber baroness had its advantages. Like the clothing she was wearing. It wasn't affordable on an Avatar's wages, not by a longshot. The material was latex, or spandex, or something like that, and it clung so tightly to Korra that she might not have been wearing anything at all. The garments themselves were brief, a sports bra that left her midriff bare and a pair of shorts so short that they were simply a band around her hips. Panting slightly, just enough that the curves of her chest were emphasized, Korra reached behind her head and undid the band holding her hair in place. She then stroked through it once, then twice, and then she turned to the doorway and saw him. And the moment she saw that face, that hair, she knew who he was. "Hideki, right?" she said. "Welcome back to Republic City. Asami's not here right now, something must have held her at the office..." she continued to chatter on, then, about what his elder sister was up to, and how much she had been looking forward to meeting him, and all those sorts of things. He wasn't likely to have paid any attention to it, though, given the Avatar's state of dress... or undress. "Chase walked into the clinic with a renewed desire to actually be there for once. Today, there was a fire in his heart and skip in his step as he entered Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. There was more to his being at the hospital than just surgery after surgery on people who often caused their own health issues. He had a smirk on his face and no one knew why. Oh, but one person would very soon. A certain person who had broken the rules and now Chase had figured it out. If things went according to plans, he would have that person in his mercy in hour he supposed. He carried a small manila folder tucked under his left arm holding the documents proving that Lisa Cuddy had manipulated funds for her own benefit. See, most probably would've missed the slight error in the documents. If Chase hadn't been in on the budgetary meeting on behalf of the surgery department, it might have gone unnoticed. Sure, a merely $5,000 was nothing compared to the millions the hospital brought in every year but it was who the check had been cut to was what brought a smile to his face. A one Lisa Cuddy had signed the papers authorizing a check under her name, which hadn't been noticeable until Chase realized the agreed upon amount for funding new surgery equipment had come up a little short. Now he was holding the evidence in his hands and would soon have the hot brunette wrapped around his finger. He didn't knock on her office door when he approached, simply walking in and shutting it behind him. He closed the blinds on the door, leaving the pair alone and isolated within her office. He figured that once she realized what he knew, she would want that privacy dearly. If this information leaked out, Cuddy would not only lose her job but her reputation would be tarnished and she would likely be arrested if the hospital pressed charges. "Morning Lisa..." Chase said brightly, tossing the manila folder on her desk with an amused look on his face. He wasn't worried about her destroying them, he had several copies at home.,"Cuddy looked up to find Chase standing before her, looking rather cheery for how he had been for the past couple of weeks. She had watched as he had first closed the blinds on the door. It seemed as if he was nothing but business this morning, which was odd because normally they were only ever down here to request permission for some form of medical work that wasn't quite legal by state laws, but as House had his ways, they generally went through. "Yes?" she asked, in a rather direct tone, her eyes glancing to the manila folder he had tossed down onto her desk. "How can I help you? What is this?" she asked, opening up the manila folder. Her face went flush, she could feel the heat building up as she bit her lip, fingering through the papers. Her mind was in quite a bit of panic. "How... how did you get this?" she asked simply, closing the folder and looking back up at him. "At his home in California, Nathan received a call a week ago about his aunt needing him to travel to New York to look after the apartment. He drove there now, having no intention of flying due to his fear of heights. The trip took quite a while as he pulled into the driveway. As he approached the door, he saw a note saying that his aunt had left yesterday because she couldn't wait any longer. Sighing, Nathan knocked on the door to the office of the apartment, hoping someone - an employee perhaps or another resident who offered to help - would answer.,"The middle girl. Crystal heard the knocking on the door, "I'm coming, I'm coming hold on!" She ran towards the door and hastily answered it, "Hello?" Before Crystal could compose herself she noticed the man standing at the door. She was completely entranced by his looks and couldn't stop checking him out. Crystal quickly shook it off and fixed her posture, "I take it you're our curator's nephew?" "Jill lay bent across the bar, panting as the zombie stopped its movement. For a moment she thought perhaps her undead rapist was going to stop, but then it seemed to move and lift her along with it, the creature sitting down and lifting her onto its lap, his ice-cold cock never leaving her body. "Oh my god..." she moaned as it began to lift her up and down, her breasts starting to bounce inside of her tube top. As tight as the article of clothing was, she wasn't wearing a bra beneath it, so there was nothing to hold her chest in place.,"And soon, even the tubetop was gone as the zombie's hands seemed to get a mind of their own, wandering up her body, stopping on her sizable chest then pulling the clothing right down to her waist like her skirt. All the while, it was thrusting up inside of her, the power of its thrusts lifting her up and bouncing her just like it had done with its hands just moments ago. "A light groan escaped the sixteen year old's mouth, as Akira Sienna stepped through the door of a seemingly abandoned house. It was within a rather rich neighborhood, the higher-ups in the military probably lived in this area, too... These thoughts, and more were running through the Major's mind as she brushed some cobwebs aside. It was suspicious, alright - some kids had come through the house just a day or so before, but then again, some spiders were quick, and it was really dark in the house. She sighed, before she glanced up and around the room. "Hello?" she called out into the house. As soon as the words left her lips, she felt uneasy. The unease stayed with the young state alchemist as she wandered through the abandoned mansion. Maybe the people in the Command Center were wrong; there was no mass murderer hiding here. She felt her heart pounding a bit in her nervousness. Maybe she shouldn't have taken such a bold entrance, after all...,"Hearing someone, Nathan smirked as he dissolved into the floorboards as he made way for the entrance hall. Seeing a girl, though still hidden as he was a part of the house, he waited for her to get even more inside the mansion before he made the doors slam shut and a gust of wind shot out to hit her hard. He waited for her to go upstairs, seeing as how he purposefully collapsed the house so it was the only way upstairs where the bedrooms were... each bedroom foretold a different punishment for intrusion... "Sakura stretched as she walked through the village, glancing around happily at the sights that met her. The reconstruction was going well, everyone was pulling together to move on and try to just forget about the past, determined to put the village back together bigger and better than ever. While the critical ninja areas had been completed first, other areas of Konoha had developed somewhat more quickly than others. In particular, the relaxation areas of the village had rebuilt quickly. Tourists hadn't been coming, but at the end of a long day of construction work people wanted to relax, so the bars, restaurants and Hot Springs dotting the village had been rebuilt almost overnight. And now, Sakura was ready to do the same. With a happy stretch, the 16-year-old kunoichi entered the hot springs near the edge of the village, paying her fee and heading through to the women's changing rooms. Rather surprisingly, she found herself alone, but then again it was the afternoon; most people were still working. Fortunately for her, however, she had been given some time off. "Ahhhhhh," the pink-haired ninja let out a sigh of relief as she slowly slipped into the hot water of the spring, towel wrapped around herself. "It's been so long..." She slipped her entire body, minus her head, into the water, then leaned back against the rocks, letting relaxation overtake her.,"Naruto sighed... Stupid Ero-senin and his missions, still needing the blonde's help after all these years. Jiriya had wanted him to put a special potion in the fountain's water supply... Apparently to advance his research and he knew better than to try and reason with the old perv. The blonde sighed, stretching as he walked away from the supplies, the blue potion spreading into all of the pools, the gentle lapping of the water carrying it around. It was pretty simple actually, it was a variation of healing potions... Stimulating growth in the people it washed over... In the kind of areas the sage liked to document. "It was around 8 p.m. when Kiki finally made it back to the Slytherin common room. She dragged herself over to one of the many couches and collapsed. Oh, what a day! Her classes had been hell, but mainly for one reason. As her blue eyes focused on the flickering flames in the fireplace, she let out a sigh. Brushing her long black braid over her shoulder, she thought about her main problem. This problem had a name and was in almost all of her classes. The problem was none other than Draco Malfoy. Just the thought of him made her blood boil. He was an arrogant, self-centered prick who had the mindset of "I can have anything and any girl I want." She had become the subject of this attitude. By now, she thought he had gotten the picture that she wanted nothing to do with him. It was pretty clear to everyone else. Why wasn't it to him? This begged the question of whether he liked the rejection or not. Did he get a kick out of it or something? Shaking her head, she pushed the questions out of her mind and tried to relax.,"Draco Malfoy enjoyed the resistance, as he knew that it was like with a compound bow or a slingshot. The more the resistance, the farther his aim could go. He was very pleased with the fact that she was fighting him so hard, and he liked her even more for it. She had no idea he had arranged to be alone with her in the Slytherin common room, but then again, her knowledge would have ruined the surprise. He remained calm, watching her as she found one of the many couches and collapsed. He waited patiently, allowing her to think that she was alone to relax. That was part of the plan, as he was going to see just how far he could get her to come closer to where he knew he could get her. She was strong-willed, no doubt, but he liked that. It was what made her that much more desirable to him. "Swear to fuckin God, sometimes there's just something that sets me off. Smell in the night air, full moon, or maybe it's just that time of the month. Whatever the case when those times roll around, I get a little bit of Cheeseburger in Paradise craving for something a bit different from the usual prey. Not a street thug, or a hobo, or that investment banker prick that pissed you off last week. No, right now I want a woman. Not just any woman either, but that particular rare breed, the crazy. We malks like our insanity in nice doses, where you can actually taste the nuttiness on your tongue as you're feeding, like licking a battery. Ravencroft is a nifty place to go for that....perfect for the kind of prey I'm looking for. Whats more, since I chilled the man in charge I've had free run of the grounds, access to anywhere I like. My own keycard in fact. that's really about as awesome as you can get. After spending a few fun minutes dodging security through the dated facility, I wander my way to what I'm looking for, the psycho ward. They don't call it that, not since the P.C. Bullshit caught on...but that's what it is. Patients in this area are heavily medicated, sedated, straight jacketed, or otherwise secured. Kept snug in their padded cells for 20 hours aday, and only let out when they're under armed guards and doped the fuck up. Nice place really, but the name just sort of amuses me. Criminally insane? How can it be a crime to be this much fun? I'll call bullshit on that one...But hey, names a name. I spend a couple minutes wandering up and down the halls, not really minding the cells, or the neat little notepads next to them, just listening to the sounds of madness, screams, grunts, muttering....all those wonderful sounds, those delightful interludes... Then as I'm walking past one particular cell a sound catches my ear...Silence...Deathly silence. Not a peep, not a word...just the quite sound of a heart beating placidly in a chest, Not sleeping, just waiting. This...This I gotta check out. I check the chart for a moment, verifying the occupant is in fact a chick...Poe is all that's listed under name...weird...Kinda catchy too.. Whistling merrily to myself, I swipe my card at the door reader, hearing the clink of the deadbolt sliding open, and then I put a hand against the door, opening it slowly, letting myself be backlit by the room behind me, the padded cell before me almost completely dark. "Someone call for the turndown service?","As crazy as a box of rocks! That's me! I'm as crazy as they come. I killed my mamma, and my pappa, and my auntie, and all my brothers and sisters- there were lots of them- and even old Gram. She deserved it, all those cupie dolls everywhere. She used to call me a cupie doll you know. Her little cupie. Now, I'm living cozy in my new room. It's padded, just like they promised, and I got a new jacket too. Everything's all pretty and white and makes me think of clouds. Not much to do though, pretty boring. I like to lay around and count the springs on the bed above me, but I lose count all the time. See, I got something inside me, or someone. I hear things, all kinds of things. Sometimes they seem to be coming from right here in my head, others they seem to be coming from far away. Sometimes I think I'm hearing the people I killed, that they're coming back to keep me company. Sometimes I think it's my twin from across the universe. You know, alternate galaxies? Course, I get lonely sometimes too. Listening to the same old voices over and over again, it gets old. Same arguments, same name calling, same conversations . . and no sex. You can't have sex with a ghost . . can you? No really, can you? Today's different though. Today somebody opens my door while I'm actually awake. Usually they wait until I fall asleep out of boredom. They don't like coming into my room when I'm awake. And they usually have stun guns. Really big ones. The kind that kinda tickle a little and make birdies sing in my ears. This time, though, there's no stun gun. Just some real ugly dude, looks like he's been baked a little too long, just past crispy. Course, I like 'em just past crispy, all the more flavor. I'm on my feet before the words are out of his mouth, running for him, slamming my body into his. Partyyyy!!! Did ya bring the streamers? And by streamers, I mean lamb guts! "Nariko Jirou looked up at the open sky. She lay on her back and watched aimlessly as the clouds rolled by. She was bored and needed to pass the time somehow. She hadn't received any new missions recently, so she spent her days watching the sky roll by. Being a rogue ninja had its perks, but she missed having a team to command and teammates to share stories with. She sighed, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her gray eyes before standing. "Alright, Shika," she muttered to the large black wolf at her side, who merely yawned. It was her summoning animal, but usually it did little more than laze around. She sighed at his lackadaisical behavior and released him, allowing him to disappear in a cloud of smoke. She strapped her katana to her side and set off down the long road ahead of her, feeling somewhat haunted by its emptiness.,"Nathan Stone watched the girl with interest. He was going to rob her for her valuables and leave her to possibly die if he had to use force. He was trained in the ways of the ninja but was cast out for his crude, brutal, and unjustful ways of doing things. They usually involved his team and innocent people getting hurt or killed, though he didn't care so long as the job was finished. Now, he was a thief and a mercenary for hire. He had to make a living somehow. He waited for her to approach the forest where he would ambush her using his Paralysis Jutsu. "It was Sunday - a perfect lazy afternoon in the gardens outside of her family's lovely white house. The rose bushes were being tended by the gardener, while her mother was chiding the gardener for planting white roses instead of red ones. They could always paint the roses red... Alice thought to herself, but could only giggle at the absurdness of the thought as she lay on her back in the grass - staring up at the sky, filled with fluffy white shapes. There was a book open on her chest, but Alice had grown distracted with the way the clouds danced above her, floating away and away. What should it be like to be a cloud, I wonder? her thoughts, as always, drifting from topic to topic aimlessly, and often without a thread of sense to string it all together. Alice saw things much differently than anyone else, and life was an adventure when you didn't see things so conventionally. Her bright blue eyes always had a sparkle to them, a dreamy, faraway look - like she wasn't there at all. Her older sister was sitting neatly nearby with a book, in a prim velvet and lace dress and the finest hat atop her perfect curls. The book didn't look interesting to Alice, because there were no pictures and didn't seem to have much dialogue or fighting like all the good books should. Just thinking about reading a boring, picture-less book was making Alice feel sleepy. Her eyelids drooped and she let out a sigh as her entire body completely relaxed. She was half-asleep when she saw something very strange...,"The man with the white rabbit ears and the fine suit was moving closer to her. He was very pleasant-seeming, but he was there for a darker purpose. He hit the vial bottle from Alice, smiling as he knelt beside her, caressing her shoulder as he slowly moved. He had the open bottle; he held it up to her lips, moving her so that her head was bent back and she had no choice but to swallow. He pinched her nose just enough, getting her to take it all down. He had pleasant enough green eyes and brown hair, but as he waited for the drug to work, he slowly scooped her into his arms. He was already moving her, assuming and expecting the drug to work as he walked toward the hole in the ground... "Slow down a little bit.. whispered Nairv softly as he rested on bed watching his girlfriend quickly ride on top of him. The morning sun covered their nude bodies as they had sex in his bedroom surrounded by a crowd of clothing and electronic equipment. Both of them had been going out for quite some time now and it was actually rumored that they where soon to get married even though no such offer was ever spoken of. His hands held onto her hips as he watched himself quickly disappear inside of her feeling her squeeze around him tightly. Even though she wasn't the only girl he had ever had sex with, he had to admit that she was by far the best. If you keep slamming down so hard and fast, you're going to end this fun really quick, it's not normal for both my mother and father to be gone at the same let's take advantage of it...Sitting up, he held her close, stopping her movement. Licking her nipple softly, he teasingly bit it before sucking on it carefully and rather affectionately. He had always taken good care of her unlike most of the other men especially in his position. In the mist of their sex, the sound of a car driving up towards the mansion caught Nariv by surprise. It was his mother, which was strange since normally when she went out, it took her more than half a day before she came back. Yet what caught his attention even more is when a girl stood up from out of the car. Get off..he whispered before throwing his girlfriend onto the bed in a rush. Quickly, he grabbed at a random pair of clothing and ran out of the room as he desperately tried to slip them on. Could it really be her? His mind was racing a million thoughts per minute and it didn't help that he was still sporting a hard-on. Getting to the door, he was finally fully dressed and was quick to open it surprised that his father had beat him outside first. I this will be our new house quest..and what should we call you? Asked Dick harshly as he stared down at the young girl. As he spoke, Nairv just watched from a distance.,"Rose moaned loudly as her boyfriend pushed himself into her again and again. She was riding him, her hips moving over his in a motion that had her rocking slightly. She could almost feel the bed moving under them, though maybe it was just the way her body trembled from having him under and inside of her. She had her hands on his chest until he pulled her to him, bringing her nipple into his mouth. That made her moan again. They never had time alone, so she was greatly enjoying it. She couldn't wait until they married, which she hoped would happen soon. She was the only one of her friends that wasn't married, though she was sure she had more sex than any of them. But her boyfriend was such a good lover.. She gasped as she was thrown onto the bed, rather unceremoniously. Brenna looked around at the house as she got out of the car with Mary Francis, the woman who was bringing her to live in her guest room. Brenna had waist-length red hair that was so thick she wasn't really able to wear it up. She looked up as a man came running out of the big house and her brilliant blue eyes widened for a second. He was an attractive man, but the one she saw coming out with him had her attention more. He was her age, and he was turned on, by something, she could tell. "This is Brenna." Mary said to her husband as she put her hand on the girl's shoulder and giving her a little push. "Brenna, this is my husband, Dick. And that boy in the doorway is my son Nariv." The woman said, and Brenna flashed both men a nervous, though still beautiful, smile. "Hello." She said. "Red. Violet. Swirling Flames. It should have been impossible, however they seemed to be pouring out into the world like a river of curses. Everything was slowly being contaminated, almost as if it was repeating the same cycle that had brought it forth. She was too late... She had fought the war. She had won it. All for the glory and all she had left was the gore. As her right hand went up into the air, silently pleading for the anathema to stop, Rin Tohsaka finally remembered that she had classes to attend. An odd thought to have when the world was clearly ending. Willing herself to open her eyes, she finally came back to her current reality. Rubbing the sleep out of her blue eyes, she turned to the clock and realize that for once... She was up early. A soft groan escape her lips as she turn on her other side to snuggle into Shirou. Noticing that Saber was still asleep, she frowned as the fragile looking female king hog half of the bed. If it weren't for the bed being a king sized, Rin would have surely said something. However, she was comfortable in finally not sleeping alone. She was comfortable in finally being loved. Slowly, slowly, her delicate hands pushed the crimson babydoll down her lithe frame. Once it was off, she threw it on the floor, before settling herself in between Shirou's long, powerful legs. Just like he had started to develop into a fuller figure, Shirou had started to train even more and so, she silently appreciated his new muscles, while using some of the transportation magic to take off his boxers. Oh, she could already feel Lord El-Melloi II frowning at her. Mentally chastising her for using such an important spell on something so unimportant. In that moment, Rin could give one flying fuck as the English would say, about the stuffy Lord. She had needs and those needs came first before everything else. Lowering herself under the covers, she began to kiss Shirou's left hip, while gently tracing the 'V' bone with the tip of her tongue. Her gentle caresses guiding her towards the flaccid, large member between his legs.,"The smell of iron filled his nostrils and the sound of clashing steel rang in his ears. It was a dream he had often, a dream of a fight that was insignificant to the world, but it was the most important fight of his life. It was him against himself, his idealist youth fighting his tempered and cynical future. He was broken in that fight and remade; the beauty of the clashing blades was mesmerizing to his eyes. The dream began to vanish, replaced with the bright light of the morning as his eyes slowly fluttered open. As his vision began to come into focus, he realized he was looking at the roof of his apartment. He turned to his right to realize Saber was still sound asleep, her chest moving up and down slightly to match her breathing. She was extremely cute when she was asleep and Shirou couldn't help but smile as he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead gently. He then looked to his left, expecting to find his other bedmate, only to find the space to be vacant. He was surprised, especially when he looked at the clock and realized it was fairly early. Had she gone to get breakfast somewhere? That was when he felt something odd about the lower half of his body. It felt like his boxers were off of him for some reason, and he felt a warm and wet sensation nearing his cock. He noticed there was a heap of something hidden under the covers and when he lifted it up, the mystery was revealed to be Tohsaka Rin in all of her beautiful, with her lips near his cock. Shirou was still removing the cobwebs from his brain, trying to will himself fully awake, so he didn't think too much of it at the moment. "Good morning, Tohsaka....what are you doing down there?" He asked, yawning but his tone full of curiosity. "Yuna stared at the consoles, wondering if any of those numbers were actually that important. Brother and Shinra had made it sound like if one thing went wrong, the entire ship would come crashing down in a spectacular manner. Yuna doubted that anything that horrible would happen, but she also didn't want to take the chance. Sighing, she made a few more adjustments. Thankfully Cid had taught all the girls some of the basics of flying the ships. Shinra had been quite helpful as well. The ex-summoner adjusted her top, shifting about and trying to get as comfortable as possible. "Where's Rikku? She should be helping with all this," said an irritated voice behind her. Yuna didn't have to look to know it was Paine. The gothic girl had been with Yuna for the last hour or so, helping as best she could. The two had started off performing quite well, but frustrations had a tendency to get the better of everyone. They'd certainly gotten the better of Paine. "She's probably in her room," replied Yuna. She turned another dial, already preparing herself to block out Paine's comments. The older girl might be terse to a fault, which meant that the comments generally limited themselves to one well put sentence. That didn't magically make hearing it any better. Yuna rolled her eyes. Sometimes she wished that Paine and Rikku weren't always at each other's throats. A light had started flashing on the panel. Curious, Yuna looked at it, trying to remember what it meant. "That's for Rikku's room," interjected Paine. She stood over Yuna, also looking. She frowned. "We should probably go check it out. Rikku probably hit the alarm on accident." Sighing, Yuna agreed and volunteered herself for the job, figuring that Paine should stay up to handle the ship for now. The older woman decided that she wanted to tag along anyway. Paine probably wanted a chance to yell at Rikku for misbehaving. Yuna pushed herself off and began following Paine to Rikku's room. Yuna wore her normal outfit; tight blue shorts, long boots, hair in a trailing tail behind her. Paine too wore her traditional outfit, her own boots clinking. The walk was familiar, and even with the elevators it didn't take long before both girls stood before the sliding doors. As usual, Paine went in first, Yuna soon following. They had barely stepped over the threshold when Yuna began to feel lightheaded. She looked to Paine, opening her mouth to try and say something. Before she could, she felt unconsciousness sweeping over her...,"When they awoke, their hands were bound tightly, just like an Al Bhed would do. Their clothes had been stripped from their bodies and laid on Rikku's bed. They heard Rikku's voice as she said, "You two are finally coming around. I should have used less gas." She smiled with a grin as she started to massage Yuna's breasts, saying, "Just a reminder, there's no use calling for help because we're the only ones on this ship." Then she began to rub on Yuna's breasts, pinching her nipples and rubbing them with her soft hands. She smiled as she rubbed them, saying, "Come on, Yunie. Give Rikku a soft moan. Brother wants to hear you sing and dance." Killing her with a kiss on the lips as she rubbed her breasts. "Jinta had no notion that he had begun to daydream a bit further into what he had. For once he would most likely lie about it. Saying he was having no such dream. There was a high chance that he would get caught. Yet either way he would try, it wasn't something he really wanted to admit. Though that was more along the lines of how she would respond to the entire thought. They couldn't get close to anyone else so there only option for that kind of relationship- Jinta quickly began shaking the thoughts from his mind focusing on the task at hand. These thoughts were creeping into his mind every now and again nowadays. As he heard his sister calling out through the watch he quickly looked around. Suddenly around the Auditorium flew a purple barrier. Humming to himself, Jinta tapped his glasses looking up at the barrier, an odd structure. With his glasses he began examining it trying to find a way to break it. Once he heard the voice of a woman, he groaned turning around. His eye twitched slightly, how original... A dominatrix, one of the most annoying things. That ugly leather getup with a cape, why was it he always ended up with the women? He wished for once he would fight a normal enemy. Either way, he figured he would play with her. "Oh, no, a big bad whip. What are you going to do punish me for being a bad boy?" Jinta asked acting innocent, turning around and sticking his rear at her before turning back around. It was clear he was mocking her, not even taking her seriously. He wasn't afraid of a little whip, if he survived explosion after explosion. There was little a simple whip could do to hurt him. "If that's your only toy, you're going to have some problems. A regular old whip isn't going to do much against me, you second-rate comic book villain." Jinta spoke, sticking his tongue out before getting into position. Even though he knew he could take a beating from the whip, he was unsure what else she had. Though there was little she could hide, he knew from the past. They always had something to hide.,"Growling lightly, the dominatrix was getting rather agitated by the insolent attitude of the boy, cracking her whip harder against the ground. "Second rate?!" she exclaimed. "I'll have you know this is far from a normal 'toy,' little boy." Smirking, she twirled the whip about, then snapped it towards him, wrapping it around his leg, clicking something on the bottom of the whip handle, causing a taser-worth of electricity to course through him. She smiled as she held it there, before cracking it back. "See? Fun little thing, isn't it? Ready to give up, cutie? Or shall I have to punish you even more?" The woman teased, slowly walking closer, her stiletto boots clicking on the rooftop, smiling as she closed the distance between herself and Jinta, cape following predictably in the wind. Like most cookie-cutter villains, she was as cocky as they come. "The room smelled bad. Aeris wasn't sure she could even really call it a room. There wasn't anything in it, save for the beautiful Cetra girl. Her green eyes swept the room a few times. She'd even spent a few moments walking the width and breadth. Not a whole lot in the way of room, really. Glass walls lined every side, but they were of an odd make: Aeris could just barely see out. Various scientists wandered the room outside, leaving her little doubt as to where she was. Tseng had found her. Had abducted her, or, well, she'd agreed to go along, to protect Cloud and the others. Even now Aeris's mind drifted toward the handsome blonde SOLDIER, remembering another SOLDIER and his touch. They were so similar, Zack and Cloud. Maybe that was why she'd been so eager to take the blonde as her bodyguard. Maybe that's why she'd gotten wrapped up in this. Not that Shinra had been shy about wanting her: Hojo had been after her for years. And now he has me, she thought, gaze sweeping. There were observation platforms around her, some scientists, not a lot, examining various monitors. She could just barely see them: it was almost as if the stink of the room overpowered everything else. What was that odor? It made Aeris lightheaded, almost wanting to nap. Was that the idea? Get her tired for... whatever Hojo had planned? She could remember what he'd said. Gloating over a Cetra. But ah, the last of her kind, just like the other he'd had on hand. They'd rushed through prep, their motions sloppy. Aeris barely knew science, but she'd been able to glean that much. She could tell when men were rushed, hurried. A lifetime in the slums of Midgar had left the young woman quite savvy to certain things. Savvy enough to realize that Hojo had something planned she would not like. The girl rubbed her arm, frowning. She still wore what she'd had on when they'd found her. The red denim jacket had been reinforced. The light pink dress that sheathed most of her, however, was decidedly less so, though still of a durable fabric. The scant cotton pink undergarments below were a degree less of protection, not that she expected it. Her bracers and her rod were her usual defense, along with a high degree of aptitude for materia. But they'd made sure to strip her of that... though not of the bracers. Aeris had studied her wrist, knew there was nothing there to draw from, but she still had to wonder why. The beautiful Cetra only just understood their plans. Lifestream and Ancients, and access to unrestrained Mako energy. Supposedly Hojo had promised a long term plan. Mix the Cetra blood with the other that is last. Their offspring will be long-lived, and tied to the Lifestream, precisely what we need to establish Shinra for years. Aeris didn't believe that bullshit for a moment: Hojo struck her as a pervert, and she was a pawn in whatever they had planned. And she'd had enough: "If you're going to do something, do it!" she yelled, turning, trying to see how they were properly monitoring her. Through the glass? Through cameras? she almost gagged on the thick air. "Whatever you've put in here sure isn't affecting me like you'd hoped," she pointed out. "Unless you're trying to--" she paused. She thought she'd heard something move. Aeris had been unconscious when they'd put her here; she had no way of knowing how they got her here. Was there a hole in the wall... did they drop in from above?Somethingwas moving, and the flower girl was left wondering what.,"Finally. Hojo was ecstatic. The Turks finally proved some worth and delivered him the prime test subject. His last of the remaining Cetra bloodline back under his scope, to poke and prod at his leisure. Or rather that'd be the case if the damned thing could live long enough. So the contingency plan. The subject Red XIII would be mated with Pink XIV so that the combined life of both mother and offspring would ensure all testing come to fruition. All that remained to be seen was whether or not the two species were actually compatible in their mating. Hojo was no fool. Biologically, the chance of test subject RXIII and PXIV was slim. In the name of scientific curiosity however, it wouldn't stop the Professor from trying it anyway. "The gas is a go, sir. We're flooding the chamber now." An assistant informed Hojo from his post, scribbling on his charts and monitoring vitals. From heart rate to blood pressure, Shinra's sensors were the best that gil could buy. "Good! Keep me updated. How's XIII?" He snapped, almost with an impatience, then he raised a finger to the brim of his small glasses and adjusted them before putting the hand behind his back with the other, back slightly arched, staring out at the chamber with an intense focus. "He's on edge, as you might expect. The gas should shift his focus to XIV but it's hard to predict how he'll take to the mating process. He will smell her as a potential mate but appearances will confuse his senses. Ideally we'll overwhelm him with enough pheromones that it won't matter. He'll--" "Hojo! I know you laid out this plan," he said, holding up a hand to stop the assistant. "I don't need a step-by-step. If it goes smoothly, he'll see the Cetra as something to mount and push his sperm into. The trouble will be if the drugs in the gas are enough to keep XIV non-combative. He's feisty little thing." Hojo stopped and pressed a button that tapped into an intercom. "Send XIII in!" In the chamber Aeris was held in place by the floor opening up in a small circular shape and a platform was raised. Red XIII was crouched defensively upon this platform. He was muzzled and a low, instinctual growl rumbled from his throat. The room was thick with the gas and it clouded his senses. Overwhelmed them. His vision shifted in and out of focus and clarity faded in and out. Sound dulled and sharpened. Meanwhile, his nostrils were assaulted by a strong odor that began to affect him almost immediately. A sensation he had not felt... ever? In years? It was familiar yet different. A hunger of sorts. He couldn't see beyond the glass walls or whatever material they were made of, but he could hardly even acknowledge that there was a beyond. He didn't like this limitation. This mind alteration. Prior to this, it had been pain and torment, tests and injections, and now this. This, however, was also the most freedom of movement he had been granted since his capture. After a few seconds, the wolf-beast found the origin of a sharp, enticing scent. It was almost intoxicating. It was... pink. This musty allure that begged him closer, begging him to... His hips lifted and the sheath between his legs twitched as thick, reddish cock began to protrude. So much of this screamed danger and yet this strong, underlying and persistent whisper of fuck echoed beneath it. So he padded curiously forward, toward the object of desire. A voice boomed overhead that only sounded muffled to him. It was Hojo, speaking to Aeris. "Don't play too hard to get now, we wouldn't want to do this the hard way. The painful way." His voiced practically slithered into laughter before the intercom cut-out. "Ginny Weasley sighed as she brushed a long strand of red hair over her shoulder, grumbling to herself. Once again she had lost track of time while studying in the library, and now it was well past curfew. She was walking alone through the dark corridors of the castle, trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to attract the attention of any teachers who might be patrolling the halls. She had already missed her date with Harry this evening due to getting caught up in her studies, and the last thing she needed was detention stopping her from arranging another. As she turned a corner, however, she realized that she had no idea where she was or how to get back to her common room. She didn't dare use a Lumos spell to light her way; that would only draw attention. After nearly an hour of wandering the dark hallways, the fire-haired Weasley girl was ready to admit defeat. "Damn," she muttered, coming to a stop at yet another intersection. She looked around, hoping to spot something familiar, but everything seemed unfamiliar. She needed to at least figure out what floor she was on.,""Are you lost, Ginny?" whispers a voice behind her. She turns to see Draco standing behind her, a malicious grin on his face. He flicks his wand, and the door next to her swings open. He shoves her, and the younger girl goes sprawling into the darkness. He enters the room and stands over her. Another flick of his wand and hers goes flying out of her hand, to land in the far corner. He withdraws a torch from a pocket in his robes, and sets it on a nearby table, forming a crude spotlight on her, surrounded by a sea of darkness. He moves to stand over her. "Don't try and resist me, Ginny," he says, once again sporting that malicious grin, full of spitefulness and intent. "The brothel burst with music and raucous laughter and other more rowdy and intimate sounds in the prime of the afternoon. Ivy stood at the counter counting her money as she listened to the sounds of hot, steamy sex going on above and watched another man or two come waltzing through the door hoping to get some tail. Nodding in acknowledgment, she looked over at the scantily clad women waiting in chairs nearby and made a motion, two of the girls getting up from the plush seats to escort the men upstairs with sultry smiles on their faces. That's it girls, Ivy thought to herself with a wicked grin. Take 'em for all they're worth. Dressed in flowing and frilled green silks and lace, plump curves emphasized here and there and cleavage bursting from her bodice, her beauty classic and majestic, there was no mistaking that she was the owner and Mistress of this place. Men came here to feed their libido and egos and she made sure to take them down several pegs by having her girls rob them and kicking them out on their butts. It served them right for being pigs in the first place.,"Later that day, a cold wind blew through the town. And a single horse could be seen in the distance, the rider just a blur. A few minutes later, the horse stopped in the center of the town, as if too tired to go on. The person riding fell to the ground barely moving. She looked like she wasn't even breathing. Her form was well-shaped in the leather coat and button-up top she wore. Tight leather pants clung to her well-built frame. Her clothes were partially torn, a bloody spot on her shoulder and left side. Blood pooled into the dirt around her and she didn't move any other than her chest rising and falling. Several slashes like whip marks crisscrossed over her back. "Transcending time, a tale of soul and sword eternally told. Soul Edge, and Soul Calibur, two legendary swords that had been the object of desire for warriors all over the world, are now gone. Sealed away for eternity by the hands of a man who was once the most feared being in the world. Siegfried Schtauffen, known as Nightmare, the so-called 'Azure Knight' who spread terror across Europe with the blade Soul Edge in his hands. His heroic act of self sacrifice in the quest to destroy Soul Edge has earned him royal pardon from Hildegard Von Krone, the heir to the Kingdom of Wolfkrone, and he is now a free man, able to walk the world without being chased around like a villain. Siegfried fell into wanderlust, as well as a different, more enjoyable kind of lust, and traveled the world, enjoying the days of peace he now has, and fucking the brains out of the women who once chased him and tried to kill him. It's funny how each and every one of them seemed to fall head over heels for the young man. Perhaps it's his good looks or his chiseled physique. Or perhaps it's his incredibly well endowed manhood or his near-human sexual prowess. Whatever the reason, they were hooked. Despite knowing the effect he had on women, Siegfried never thought that they would actually come seek him out. Especially not the one in the bathroom right now, changing her clothes. He was glad though, she was one of his favorite fuck, and in appreciation of her appearance in his castle, the long-haired man plans on rewarding her. Today he won't fuck her; he will make love to her. His silk sleeping robe did little to hide his impressive physique, as he sat on the bed, sipping red wine. "Come now. Don't keep me waiting, my dear." He called out to her.,"Hilde heard him call out to her. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks and she continued to take off her clothes, a little more quickly now. She removed her helmet from her head, her long, straight red hair falling out. She continued and took off the rest of her armor and the tunic she wore underneath. What she was left in was somewhat juxtaposed with what she wore over the top of it. She was left standing in a black lace bra and matching thong. She wore a black and white silk corset. The silk fabric had red flowers on it and on the front had ribbons criss-crossing over, with a bow at the top which he would have to undo. Along with that she wore a pair of black panties. She walked out of the bathroom and over to him. The mere sight of him like that turning her on a little. She stood in front of him and looked at him, a light blush on her face. Hilde didn't know what it was, but ever since the day she had given him the pardon, she always wanted to please him, whether it be sexual or not, okay mostly sexual. It was a strange desire, since she was a princess, she was used to being waited on hand and foot, but with him, their roles seemed reversed. "Darren yawned as he walked out of the classroom of his advanced digital imaging design class. "Man, I know studying the basics is good when dealing with the advanced stuff, but seriously re-editing a website layout is seriously boring when you've done it as many times as I have." he said to himself. He then exited the building, checking his schedule on his phone. The previous lecture was his last class for today, allowing him free time for the rest of the evening. He cracked his back as he headed to the dorm building, catching the elevator before it could close. "thanks man." the other student nodded, hitting the button and getting off before Darren's floor, leaving the young man alone in the car as it went up to the top floor. He got out of the elevator and headed to his dorm. When he got to his door he always knocked, in case his roommate was in the middle of anything he didn't want to walk into, a situation that had happened only once before, and he made sure to make sure it didn't happen to him again. When there was no response he opened the door with his key and walked in, grabbing a soda from the fridge as he headed to his room. When he opened the door, he blinked, seeing a small girl on his bed.,"Sakura was only 16 years old when she was asked to participate in the tournament to find the next king. King Gash Bell had served well until being assassinated by some dark force, and now it was time for the tournament once again. Unlike most who arrived on this strange world of the humans, Sakura knew exactly who her partner would be and set out to find where he lived. After giving the humans her "I'm lost and trying to find my brother" act, they led her straight to his dorm. However, sneaking into his room proved difficult since she couldn't use magic. Once he arrived, her neko ears perked up and she looked at him. "Hello sir... I've been waiting for you," she said as she jumped off his bed, sending some of his porn magazines tumbling to the floor. "My name is Sakura, and I am your partner." "The dark-haired girl felt her pink nipples harden in the cool air. Soon, the District 12 girl was completely naked along with her lover. Katniss followed Kolton's orders and turned around, placing her hands behind her back. The excitement increased; this was the moment. She would be under his control until he decided to release her from her bonds. As she waited for him to tie her up, she laid her head against the short sheets of the bed. Katniss heard the rumbling of Kolton looking in the drawer before he found what he was looking for. She felt the slightly rough as it connected her wrists behind her back, forcing her to keep her current position. Again, her heartbeat fluttered as she felt her man's hard cock as it rubbed and thrusted against her smooth bare ass. "It feels good, baby," she responded, turning her head slightly. Katniss was truly in Kolton's control. She was his to do as he pleased. She pulled against the ropes but to no gain. She could not move. "Kolton, please, I can't wait any longer..." she begged as he teased her a bit more. In that moment, Katniss could feel her arousal grow between her legs. A gentle wetness as her body prepared her to be fucked by the man she loved. She completely trusted him in her current position because he had all of the power. "I'm ready," she bit her lip as she gently pushed back against him in hopes of having him fuck her raw into the bed.,"I bet you're ready, but I'm not quite there yet," Kolton answered with a simple smirk. One thing was missing here, and Kolton couldn't go without it. His right hand grabbed the roll of duct tape, while his left hand ripped off a piece and then pressed it over her mouth. "Close your mouth, Katniss." Kolton ordered in a soft but deep voice. When her lips were shut, he pressed the piece of tape over her mouth, smoothing the corners against her cheeks, and then placing his entire hand over her mouth, pressing down on it some more. My favorite thing about all of this is using a gag," Kolton explained, having found out that most people only used gags as a means to silence someone. The silence wasn't arousing; it was the strained, helpless moans and whimpers that really got him going. "Now, I am ready." Kolton whispered, leaning his head down to press a soft kiss right over the imprint of her lips against the gag. His large hands started kneading the flesh of her large breasts, and he smiled contentedly. Without any further teasing, Kolton slowly slid his thick, large, hard cock inside of Katniss. He was convinced that he had never been so big or so aroused before. This was better than any fantasy he imagined. Slowly, he started a gentle pace where his hips just rubbed against hers, and he thrust back and forth, feeling the rough skin of his member forcing her walls open further and further each time. It might have been a kinky setting, but for now he was making sweet love to Katniss, his fingers and hands still occupied with her breasts. "Misty stretched as she grabbed the bag at her little campsite. She was on a trip to the woods near Cerulean City, hunting for new Pokemon. She had only arrived there yesterday, but already she had caught several new Pokemon. Rather pleased with herself, Misty was ready to reward her hard work with a nice bath. She had purposely come to this exact point in the forest because of the nearby hot spring. With a slight hum, Misty approached the water, just out of sight of her camp, then dropped her bag at the water's edge. She glanced around quickly to ensure that she really was alone, before starting to undress, revealing her slim, naked form. Her breasts weren't big, but they were certainly noticeable even beneath her clothes. They bounced slightly as the girl removed her bra, then lastly removing her hair tie to allow it to fall free around her shoulders. "Ahhh...," Misty stepped forward and slipped into the hot water, letting herself get used to it before slipping in completely so only her head was above the surface. "I love this spot.","Mewtwo's eyes opened with a start. That girl was the first thing that came to mind. He could feel the mind of that water trainer from the nearby city, the same one who had been on his island during the tournament... That hair, that red hair, burned in his memory brightly. She was intruding upon his territory, capturing the Pokemon he was protecting... He felt the minds of the colony of clones that lived near and inside of his cave, bustling about. All of them were still there, but the trainer girl would capture them without even knowing. She must be dealt with... Lifting himself up in the air, he soared towards the location of that mind. Spying her from above, he was marginally surprised to see her nude. He had never seen a nude human before, let alone a female... He felt a stirring in his loins, not so surprising to him since he suspected human genes had been spliced into his DNA at his creation. Slowly he descended to the body of water, pressing a blanket of calmness over the girl's mind. "Silah Hawke had just turned twenty years old and was listening to her father, The Viscount of Kirkwall, as he told her of his expectations of her now that she was fully fledged adult. The young woman was a skilled warrior, trained and crafted as such by the woman she considered family, Aveline Vallen. Her father was a mage, as her mother had been, but somehow she had been born without a magical inclination; a once-in-awhile rarity, but an anomaly that did occur regardless. Hawke had been a little disappointed that she hadn't had magic, yet at the same time he had been relieved, knowing his daughter would never have to face the worry of becoming an abomination. Her mother and father hadn't much to teach her, so her honorary Aunt had stepped in and trained her in the ways of swordsmanship. Yet, as all things must go, The Champion and his friends were getting older and life was slowly winding down for them. The Templar/Mage war had gone on for at least ten years, giving Silah a great deal of memories to deal with in her childhood, her father and mother constantly leaving to fight incoming hordes of Templars once the Circles had broken apart. A miracle had occurred, somehow, Silah wasn't told the details just that the fighting would finally stop. And it had, for a while, but then her mother had been killed in a struggle with dragons at the Bone Pit; Silah and Hawke had taken her mother's body back to Sundermount and buried her there, where her Dalish kin had been before they'd moved on, as they always did. She didn't look much like her mother and, despite being part elf, Silah looked almost exactly like her father; icy, cerulean eyes and a halo of pretty, feather light blonde hair. The only features she had gotten from Merrill had been her dainty features, her small, pink lips and fine nose. Despite being so dainty, in frame and features, she was a strong swordsman and even carried a heavy two-handed blade, much like her Uncle Carver did. The Grey Warden came around time from time, but she could count the times she had seen him in her life on the fingers of both her hands. "Silah are you listening to me?" Garrett Hawke frowned and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. "Off in your own world again, dear?" "Sorry, father," Silah gave her father a smirk and shrugged her shoulders, the heavy armor shoulder guards clunking a bit with the movement. "I am still young, must be my youthful impertinence." Hawke's lips twitched, Silah could see it. As much as her father had often gotten fed up with her attitude, he had been the same way at her age; she'd heard the stories. Hell, who hadn't heard stories? At least with her honorary Uncle Varric around stories were the dwarf's specialty. "Youthful impertinence aside, Silah, you should be paying attention. Aveline is going to be retiring soon. I want you to take over for her. You're her lieutenant. I may even want you to take over as Viscount when I get too old, dear. That's why I need you to...grow up, as much as I hate that." Silah started to shake her head, but her father's stern stare had her stopping half through it. "I am being honest, Silah. The war may have ceased, but there is no telling what could happen tomorrow, or a year from now. We can't all stay children and reckless forever." He sighed softly. "Just think about it, okay? Keep it in your mind." "Yes, father, I understand." Silah stood, the cloth of her back skirt falling to swirl against the back of her long, pale legs. "I have patrols, excuse me, father." With that said, Silah swept from her father's office without another word or friendly, family affectionate gesture. It was unfair, she thought, to be forced into growing up without ever really being a child, or a teenager. That was the kind of world she lived in. Thedas was just that kind of place. Children were often forced into circumstances that they didn't deserve, or want. With a sigh, her booted legs carried her down the steps of the Keep toward the Guard Quarters to pick up her route schedule, her shorts hugging her heart shaped bottom. The trek took a couple of hours and by the time she reached the coast, the sun was high in sky; noon time, she figured, shielding her eyes with a hand as she gauged it. Without further delay, she went about doing her patrol, not really expecting much trouble.,"Special That was what the men had called him as a child. If it hadn't been for the mass migration of the Qunari, he would have likely had a different life. Half-Qunari, half-Summer Islander, his platinum white hair and violet eyes made him stand out as much as his six-foot-ten frame. Golden brown skin with a hint of copper sheen to it made it impossible for him to hide from anyone or thing. He had always just been called Ari. He knew his father had been killed long ago; his mother refused to speak of it. While they lived in Hightown, he always felt uneasy. They lived as though due to another's kindness - men would come and go on behalf of some mysterious benefactor. He watched them come and go but when he asked questions, the men quickly became replaced by nondescript couriers. He pried no further into the matter. Rather, he trained. He trained with the Tal Vashoth, he trained with the Crows, he did whatever he could to learn. He didn't train with the Guard, however, or the Mages - he trusted neither. They seemed the types who looked at him with a mixture of fear, loathing, and desire much of his life. His well-muscled body had become the object of attention at a young age. He remembered lords being chased from his home by his mother telling them to go to the Rose for pleasures rather than chase him. As he got older, woman after woman came and lingered like hungry vultures awaiting a chance. He'd focused on training instead. He didn't know why, but he always felt as though his father had fallen in combat and the same fate might befall him if he let down his guard. Then, the voice came. Soothing and sweet, it cooed into his ears constantly. It put to blaze a hunger he'd never known. Had he been a mage, he would have been an abomination by now. But the demon existed for the desire he created, far more delicious than the mere thought of entering the mortal realm. He'd found it harder to resist as it wore on him, so he ran. He found himself one day lost and alone. But there was still hunger. He lured in female travelers who eventually found themselves overcome, leaving them barely alive husks. Those who actually made it back never seemed quite right to anyone. They told tales of an incubus who lived in the mountains who in return for what seemed like your life force offered unending pleasure. One who's touch had forever marked them, one they intended to seek out. However, he got no reprieve. Sometimes he fought, other times he simply obeyed, the demon now a part of him. It gave and took, their symbiotic relationship changing with each day. Sometimes it gave more, saving him from dying when besieged by many, others it took lik when it had him take its toll from his attackers. Today however it was oddly quiet. He sat near the road pondering on its purpose as he waited for a trader. His hair was wild, his eyes bright, but he had gold in earnest and knelt waiting for a caravan. He could interact with others so long as it did not awaken. He hoped his deep black cloak would hide his body well enough. He'd smeared his face with soot attempting to appear dirty. He'd only been here for a month, or was it two, but he'd never made the attempt due to the risk. This place was fairly new to him, but the path was well trodden. So sitting, he waited. His sword was at his side, not enough to be threatening, just enough for preparedness. "Chaldea. When the world needed it most, it was there for them. Mostly through thick and thin, the world was saved via a number of magi and servants, all traveling through time via singularities and correcting that which had been set wrong by an enemy most sinister. With said enemy being defeated and time reverting to normal, the magic organization was something of a mess. With the death of its leader and the betrayal from within, as well as the loss of a critical member, The organization was in shambles. But, it was not utterly ruined. Magi did their best to keep the organization flowing smoothly, and with the state of humanity fixed, a few were taking a well-deserved break from the hell that was conflict after conflict with monsters, demons, and servants. This is the story of two of them. Umu! Wake up, Master! Shouted a familiar voice. This is not a good time to be sleeping. You might have saved the world but you've still got some nerve in trying to shirk your duties with me! The woman was a petite one, though robust when one looked at her. Dressed in a small red dress that fit her sumptuously, her blonde hair was braided back with an equally crimson ribbon, and her green eyes shone like emeralds. You promised we would do something fun as well. I didn't know I had such a boring master if this was his idea of entertainment! Rather than a mocking or derisive tone, Nero held a more playful and almost giddy one. To no longer be on the front lines, and to have the chance to get doted on felt like a luxury to the empress in that specific moment. I've also seen the other mages and servants. Quite a few of them seem to be interested in all the chaos, but... With her hands behind her back, she leaned in, her somewhat plunging top revealing even more of her flawless, fair skin and ample cleavage as she winked. But I think we can ignore that all for now, don't you?,"Michael Smith was awoken by a rather familiar sound, the sound of his lovely Servant and her angelic voice. He had wanted to sleep in today because of how crazy the past few days had been; even with things resolved, it was still chaotic. The one thing that kept him sane was the presence of his servant, Nero. His hazel eyes slowly opened, running a hand through his short, crew cut brown hair. Like all Magi, he was fit because physical fitness helped magical fitness. "Oh, Nero. Good morning," Michael grinned slightly as he yawned and sat up on his bed, his eyes locking onto her emerald ones. He licked his lips slightly as he heard Nero's teasing tone and her playful smile. He understood what her words and tone meant. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her down to the bed so he was laying back down and she was hovering above him, his smile widening. "I think we can...but what fun thing would you like to do, my Empress?" He asked her with his own teasing tone of voice, his nose coming up to gently press against hers, his strong hand slithering down her lithe back, hovering over her bubbly ass and giving it a playful spank, his digits digging into her flesh as he waited to see how she would react. "Naruto ran into the village they were taking refuge in that night, a large lump on his stomach. "Oh shit, oh shit, this is not good," he muttered under his breath as he searched for his sensei and Sakura. The lump on his stomach? A small black kitten that he had stuffed under his shirt a few minutes earlier. He struggled a bit as the lump started moving, and adjusted the feline under his tattered jacket. Why was it so dark? Sasuke blinked open coal-black eyes to see virtually nothing. He could make out a flash of orange, and what felt like skin against his face. What the hell? The boy squirmed a bit against his captor, his ears picking up the sound of Naruto's voice and footsteps. He hissed deeply under his cloth prison and sank his claws into the dobe's skin, causing the blonde to flinch.,"Kakashi-Sensei had been staying inside of the building they were using as a home for the mission they were on. Going to smaller villages and having to break up their wars was such a tiring job, so sitting back reading his adult stories was the only way to get comfortable in the village. It was nice having the place to himself while Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura all had gone out to finish doing a few things around the village. He had been reading for mere minutes when he heard Naruto just outside the building. He only heard him because he gave a yell of pain. He didn't know where it came from, but when he looked out the window next to him at Naruto, all he could tell was that something was in his jacket. "Naruto, come inside," he yelled down to his student. Now all he had to do was wait for Sasuke and Sakura. "Aizen sighed and rubbed his eyes as he watched Zelman finish off another dancer as a meal. "Really brother," he said, shaking his head. "You really have to do this, don't you? At this rate, we'll never get this place opened. Do you know they want us to fail?" Zelman sighed and pushed the dancer aside, who was nothing more than a limp body. "They won't risk the backlash that would come from it," he replied. "Sure, they want to get rid of us, but they would also be hurting themselves." Aizen watched as his older brother picked up a wine glass and drank down the dark red liquid. "I don't see why you don't just drink what we have stored," he continued. "It wouldn't kill off our hired work!" The Night Fang was the newest nighttime club in the city, and all the hype about it would be lived up to if they ever could get ready to be opened. It was going to have multiple dance levels, private rooms, an indoor pool and jacuzzi, and working bars. Zelman looked out at the line outside and nodded to the bouncers. "Let them in," he said. "Free drinks for the opening night!" Zelman laughed after disposing of the body and heading down to enjoy the party. Aizen, on the other hand, stayed on the VIP level watching as the crowd filled up.,"Jessica was excited to experience Night Fang. She had heard nothing but great press about it and was thrilled to be near the front of the line on opening night, waiting to be let in. She looked over at her friend Belle and smiled a large smile. "This is going to be the best!" she declared. The large bouncer stood just in front of her, his muscles rippling and bunching up his tight shirt. They had obviously hired the best for this club! She wasn't about to try anything with him! Her husband Roger was out of the country filming a movie and she had been aching for a night out on the town to let her stress out and get admired by some men. When Belle had mentioned that it was opening night for Night Fang, it only took her a moment to agree and begin to get dress. Standing now in her favorite shimmering red dress that hugged her curves and showed off her deep, plunging cleavage, she was getting impatient to get into the music and the drinks. Finally, the bouncer lifted the divider and stepped aside, allowing the crowd into the club. Jessica bounced in on her high heels, tugging Belle along by the hand, as they first went to the bar for a Sex on the Beach each, and then found their way onto the dance floor.. soon, the drinks and the music were blending together in them as they went more and more wild, letting out all of their anxieties and worries, finding freedom in the dance. "Sam Winchester swallowed thickly as he eased around the corner in the warehouse, tense and unhappy to be hunting vampires after dark, but sometimes there was no choice. Not if they wanted to save the victim they knew they had. He disliked it even more knowing that they'd caught this case, so soon after gaining the mark of cain back. The last thing Dean needed was to be killing something that looked and acted so human. Leaning against the wall for a moment, gun pointed at the ground, he listened, trying to figure out exactly where the high-pitched laughter and shrieks of pleasure were coming from. While it was better to have room to fight in, it sucked that it made sound echo so badly. Glancing up at Dean as the man came around the other hall, Sam sighed softly. They had to do this, no matter how much he disliked it. Nodding towards the last hall, Sam moved towards it, knowing that the vampires had to be at the other end. And he was right. For a moment, so overwhelmed at the sickening sight at the other end, he cursed as he put the gun away, knowing they couldn't risk shooting any of them, not when they were so close to their victim. Ignoring the sick feeling at seeing another human hanging in chains, served up like a side of beef, Sam moved in to kill the vampires as they headed towards him.,"Dean stood there, trying to control himself. He could smell the blood, feel the sex inside. He could hear the grunts of someone fucking someone else and the terrified whimpers of the victim. The Mark of Cain made everything so sharp and clear. He could smell and hear and taste too much. The flavor of the room danced on his tongue, making him want to dive in there and join in or slaughter them all. One of the two. The Mark was even worse this time. The push was harder to resist. He looked at Sam and swallowed because he could feel the darkness pressing against him, trying to drown him. He could hear the sickness in the other room and felt himself reacting in very inappropriate ways. He really needed to kill those things before he found himself swept away. They didn't have an angel's touch, nor did they have sunlight or dead man's blood so they were going to have to decapitate them all. He gripped the machete in his hands and swung into action. He blinked a little and looked around. He was not where he was supposed to be. The First Blade was in his hand and he was covered in blood. He had cuts all over himself but he was pretty sure none of the blood was actually his. The cuts were already scabbed over and he knew that was because of his Demon, it could regenerate fast enough that he could see himself heal. He grimaced as the Mark of Cain burned on his arm and he hissed, dropping the First Blade and clutching it, trying to ease the pain. He looked around once he'd recovered and realized he was nowhere he recognized. It was abandoned wherever he was. That was when he noticed her. The girl, the victim that the Vampires had been torturing. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing Dean had ever seen. She was... perfect. Unconscious but so, so perfect. And hurt. Hurt bad. He could, sometimes, get fuzzy images and now he could recall calling the First Blade and tearing through the vampires and turning on Sam when he ran out of victims. Turning on the Girl who had been strung up still. He remembered backhanding Sam, knocking him to the ground and trying to attack the girl and... failing? After that nothing. "Okay... first things first. Call Sam." Dean muttered, reaching into his pocket for his phone. "Sam! God, are you okay? I think I hit you... I don't know where I am but that girl, the one the Vampires had, she's here with me and I think I... I think I hurt her Sam." Dean admitted, feeling pretty sick at the idea. She was just gorgeous... like an Angel, he sounded sappy. That was weird. Had Dean found himself a succubus or something? "Grim nodded and began pushing harder and faster. "Oh sis, you know I'm loving this," he groaned, "I've dreamed and fantasized about this - taking you and having you as my own." He moved his hands to her breasts. Fear watched Mandy and grinned as he licked along her neck. "Tastes sweet," he said, smiling. He started to rub his hand in between her legs. "Nice and warm too.","She gasped softly and let out a pleasurable moan, her cheeks a deep red. "Oh brother, you're so kind to me. I don't want to lose you to another fair woman," she whispered softly as a hand moved up to hold one of his hands against her breasts. "Please, make me a woman, dearest brother, fill me with your seed," he whispered to him as she rubbed her breast with his hand. Mandy blushed and let out a frustrated sound as she struggled and hissed insults at Fear in her mind. If she hadn't been restrained, she would have tried to beat him, or get back at him for doing this to him. She was frustrated that she wasn't able to talk at least. She would have loved to at least be able to hurl insults out at him. "Kim Possible stepped off the jet at the airport in Middleton for the first time in years since she left for college. That had been six years ago after the alien invasion. Law had been the major of choice for the former teen hero. Since she was known world wide, she had to work extra hard to prove she deserved her degree and wasn't just going to get it based on recognizance. She hadn't kept in much touch with her friends from home. After she and Ron had broken up, they hadn't really talked. She talked with Monique from time to time and obviously kept in touch with her parents and younger brothers. She still talked to Wade as often as she had before, still going on missions from time to time. He had even told her he had arranged for her ride from the airport to her parents. It didn't click with her as to who was actually picking her up for she was used to the drivers being a surprise. As she walked through the airport to the front entrance, her mind drifted to thoughts of a certain raven-haired woman with glowing green hands since she had last seen her before she left for college. Little did she know, she was about to have her first reunion with her...,"The six years had passed somewhat uneventfully for Shego; she'd gone to running schemes occasionally with Dr. Drakken, but for the most part, she was freelance. Things were just no fun without Kim "Kimmie" Possible around, and so between missions, she had sought out Kim's college, learning in the process of Kim's trip back to Middleton. And thusly she had plotted. The taxi she had rented and personally outfitted had taken some amount of money, but the glowing name "Kim Possible" showed up on the top of the taxi, and contrary to usual appearances, she was not readily visible in the front seat. Some amount of makeup had given her a little flesh color, whilst a brown coat and a tweed hat kept her raven hair up, hiding her identity. One claw tapped idly on the wheel, whilst moisture ran out onto the leather of her seat, her hand somewhat busy down there. At first the semi-stalking (reconnaissance she'd called it) had been only about finding a way back into the life of danger she'd experienced before, fighting on the edge with Kim in life-or-death struggles, it had become more. Kim had matured into a beautiful young woman, she'd noticed after a while, and so her "reconnaissance" was often done at night, with a catsuit that zipped in the crotch. She waited patiently for Kim to come to the car, knowing soon that their little reunion would be underway.. "Myron knew what he was getting himself into once he stepped inside of the Breeding center, but he was rather nervous about it still. This was his first day on the job, but he was sure that he would be fine. "Hello? Mr Berry?" He called out as soon as he walked in; the lobby was empty, but then an older man came from the back. "Ahh, you must be Myron! Welcome!" The man greeted the young man, patting him on the back. The man was muscular and pretty manly despite being a breeder. "Glad you could make it, I hope that you'll be able to keep up with everything." He laughed, leading Myron to the back room. The backyard was wide and spacious, and the Pokemon were out and about. "This place is really amazing sir," Myron said truthfully; there was a stable off to the side where all of the equipment was.,"As a Venusaur comes over to sniff you, the old man receives a phone call. "Ah, damn," he mutters, listening. "I have to go; just make sure to fill up all the feeding troughs with the right kind of food, and everything should be fine until I get back." He says, hurrying away. The Venusaur nudges your leg, and you start to pick up a sweet, musky male scent. "It was a dark and cold night in Gotham, it had just rained so fog had set over the city. People were home in their beds unaware of what was going on down below in the bowels of the city. Young Lynx was making her way down an alleyway after just slaughtering some thug who was trying to take her money. She was no normal girl; she had the power to control the elements as well as metal claws and flesh that healed at once. She was a small girl about 5'4 1/2 only weighing about 120lb. She had long blonde hair that fell down between her shoulder blades in a long braid, her eyes were dark brown with cat-like, slitted pupils. She also had canine teeth that stuck out of her mouth depending if she was angry or not. Right now she was walking in the dark wearing her leather jacket, blue Union Jack shirt, a pair of jeans and a red pair of Converse high tops. She suddenly stopped at the end of the alleyway seeing the end had been blocked. Lynx looked around her, her eyes scanning the darkness for danger. Ever since she had left the pub she was staying at, she had sensed someone was following her. She sniffed the air now, her mouth turned into a snarl and she let out a low growl looking around her. Suddenly she felt a heavy net land on her pinning her to the ground. She growled again only to let out a pained snarl when a goon plunged a pole through her stomach pinning her to the ground. "Got her like you wanted boss," he yelled staring down at Lynx then someone in the shadows. "Get the fuck off of me right now!" Lynx growled and slammed the goon into a wall using a fireball. She suddenly felt a jab in her neck, a drug hit her instantly weakening her. Once whoever had captured her put a certain collar around her neck, Lynx was owned by them.,"An audible clapping echoed around the downed woman, and from the darkness came a man in a purple suit with a wicked white face and red grin. "Now now now...don't put this kitty down boys. Just make sure she gets a flea bath," he said, sticking his foot into her body a few times with hard kicks. Then suddenly he stopped and dropped to his hands and knees just a few inches from her face. "I have been keeping my eye on you. Ever since Harley left...well I haven't felt the same. I need a woman in my life and you will do just fine." He licked the side of her face through the net and snapped his fingers, calling his thugs to pick her body up and dump it in the back of an ice-cream truck and take off down the road. Once at his "laugh factory" hideout, the Joker stuck another needle in her neck to keep her subdued while his men dragged her around in the net. The entire time, his hungry red eyes kept locked on her. His hands rubbed together while the "gears" in his head turned. The Joker had been working with Scarecrow gas and Joker Venom to make a new drug that would be administered from a collar he had set up for the woman. It should make her very compliant with his demands. Stopping the men in front of the Joker strapped the woman to a medical table and walked off to prep for other things, leaving just Lynx and the Joker. The Joker dug around under the table until he found the reversed spiked collar. "Now kitty, try to understand. We do this because we love you. And this will hurt you more than it will hurt us," he joked before forcing the thin spikes into the sides of her neck and making sure the collar was secured. The moment the clasps connected, the venom went to her bloodstream, and the Joker sat on her hips while she was stuck to the table. " do we feel?" "The war was finally over. Three years of fighting, suffering, all over. Commander Shepard barely made it out alive along with her friends. They lost and gained many friends through their journey on the Normandy, but for Shepard, Garrus was her best friend. He was there when Kaidan broke her heart. There when she truly needed someone to fight Saren, the Collectors, Cerberus, and finally the Reapers. She couldn't ask for a better friend. Even now, while living in the apartments of the rebuilding Citadel, she sees him every day. He's always there and of course, her best friend.,"Garrus was more or less trapped on the Citadel as the Mass Relays were rebuilt and repaired. Which was fine with him, he had a big promotion waiting for him back on Palaven and he was glad to drag his feet when it came to going home. Promotions meant paperwork; and Garrus certainly didn't want to spend his fighting years behind some desk playing with politicians. But the Citadel wasn't that bad of a place to be, especially since Shepard was here: the company was nice, the view was even better. Even though she was soft, squishy, and so...alien, Garrus felt himself drawn to her. It was hard for him to deny that he had feelings for the human any longer. She had almost died when activating the Crucible...and he had been too worried about ruining their friendship to tell her that he loved her...he wasn't going to make the same mistake again. He had lost her to Kaidan, lost her to the Collectors, had almost lost her to the Reapers. And now she was famous with suitors following her around all over the place! He needed to do something, and fast. So he had invited her over for dinner and to watch the Skyball game. Hopefully a little alcohol would make him brave enough to make a move on her this time. "It was storming that day that he came to D-City. Heavy rains. Lightning storms. Not even any ghosts were out and about. Though one curious bolt of lightning hit the ground hard just a few moments away from the church. It lasted for several seconds rather than a half second like lightning normally did. And in the aftermath, a young man stood, looking determined as he looked toward the church. Making his way there, he readjusted his gloves as he approached the front doors, and began to knock on it. He was sent there to keep an eye on two angels that had less than admirable actions taking place on Earth. They were there to hunt ghosts but they were abusing their position and were not sending a good image of angels to the rest of D-City. He knocked harder...and harder. He grew annoyed that Garterbelt would not hear him. He was about to knock again until he heard something laughing. "Chuck chuck chuck chuck". He looked down to see...this green looking dog-like doll laughing. He grew annoyed...temper rising and he picked up the creature and balled his fist before punching the door hard, breaking them down and causing Chuck to become split in half from the impact. He knew of Chuck and his regenerating powers and often hated the vile creature. Walking in, he looked around. Empty. Not even Garterbelt? Where was he? A small cry came from his room. "G-Get! Aaaah!" He just barely moved out the way to see a young red-haired boy run out into the rain as Garterbelt descended a flight of stairs. "Bout time. Them angels need an ass kicking or two!" He said boomingly as he headed out into the rain after Brief. Glove sighed...and proceeded upstairs. "Angels Stocking and Panty! Present yourselves!","Panty opened her eyes begrudgingly as she was prodded in the ribs by her younger sister's finger. "Get up ho-bag, someone's yelling at us and its not Garter for a change." Stocking mumbled in her normal grim tone. Her hair was in a toss and her face was as unglamorous as un-glamour can be for Stocking. Though she still managed to have a certain cuteness to her that not even morning sleep in your eye could stop that. "Do you have any fucking idea what time it is?" Panty snorted, her face barely coming from the pillow. "11am." Stocking replied "And come on I'm not gonna face this new Douchebag by myself, he's probably one of your old hook-ups looking for his wallet." "Jesus, it's not even happy hour yet!?" Panty barked "Why the fuck are you waking me up. Go see what he wants and fill me in when my blood is more blood than alcohol." "Fine, you cunt but you oh me." Stocking crossed her way to the door "Oh, drink honey, it thickens up your blood." "Ew, and get cottage cheese thighs like you no thanks." Panty replied flopping back into her comfy spot. "I was just trying to help asswipe, no reason to be a bitch about it." Stocking yelled, slamming the door and leaving to the stares. Her older sister was the assiest of assholes in heaven and Stocking met Gabriel. She honestly deserved to be on Earth. Stocking didn't really do that much in heaven, why is she banned? Guilty by association she guessed. Stocking turned the corner and saw the angel below. Her eyes widened as she quickly fell head over heals for this sexy angel. "Oh hot damn," she whispered to herself, briefly grooming herself in nearby reflective picture frame "Can I help you with anything, sweety?" Her voice was thick with sugar coating, not undoubtedly like her pancreas. But there was an underlying sincerity to her tone... very underlying but it was definitely there. "Ann Takamaki sighed as she remained stuck in class even though the school day had ended, doing her best not to fidget slightly, that was what had gotten her here after all. For some reason all day she had felt strange, uncomfortable, she'd been distracted and fidgeting. Something in her body just There had been a constant strange tingling sensation running up and down her and what almost felt like a heat constantly coming and going. If she hadn't known better she'd have thought it was arousal, but why would she be getting aroused at school during class? It didn't make any sense. Whatever the reason though, her constant distraction had landed her in trouble in several of her classes through the day, and now she was stuck here after class with Kawakami-sensei, who was probably just as unhappy as Ann to be stuck on detention duty knowing how she usually was. Well maybe that would work out to her advantage, maybe Kawakami would get so bored of this she'd let Ann go a little early. Ann closed her eyes as she tried to suppress the heat feeling as it started to come back, though this time it felt rather different. This time rather than a brief flush it seemed to be staying, building, starting to focus in her stomach. Ann brought a hand to her stomach, the heat starting to spread up her chest as well, her cheeks flushing. "Um...Kawakami-sensei?" Ann raised her hand, slowly getting to her feet, she definitely didn't feel right, maybe she should go see if the nurse was still in school. Before Ann could ask anything further though, her eyes went wide, she gasped loudly, her hands suddenly going down to grasp at her desk in order to support it as her legs suddenly started to go weak. A noise began to bubble up in Ann's throat, but she did her best to suppress it, to bite her lip, but she couldn't hold it back, and suddenly she let out a long, loud, very lewd moan of pleasure. Ann grunted and closed her eyes as the heat suddenly surged throughout her body, her knuckles turning white as she clutched the desk as tightly as she could, her legs trembling. "A...a....AH!" Ann suddenly screamed out as without warning an orgasm more powerful than anything she had felt before ripped through her body, her hips jerking as she came hard, fluids soaking through her panties, her red leggings going dark as they became soaked from fluids running down from under her skirt. Whatever was happening though it wasn't finished. With a jerking motion Ann thrust her hips forwards as an intense feeling of tightness built up, like something was inside of her desperately trying to get out. Ann could feel it, something pressing up against her panties and leggings. Ann moaned again, her hips rocking back and forth as she tried to hold back whatever it was, but it was no good. Another orgasm rocked through Ann's body as she cried out, but this time something else happened. This time there was an eruption from within her body, and a loud ripping noise as something forced its way through her panties and leggings, flipping up her skirt, the cock rapidly growing from Ann's body, an immense erection springing forth before Ann and Kawakami's eyes, glistening with the fluids from her pussy, precum dripping from the tip as it throbbed. "K-Kawakami-sensei...." Ann panted as she looked to her teacher, though her voice was hazed with lust, an uncontrollable lust unlike anything Ann had felt before.,"This was the worst. While Sadayo had nowhere to be, particularly now that she was finally free from the twisted obligations of her extracurricular activities, she would still rather be doing anything other than monitoring detention. And the weird part was that the only person in detention was, in more ways than one, a model student. Sadayo had most of her attention affixed to a glossy fashion magazine in her hands, the eternal ticking of the clock droning in her ear. With how things were going, and as Ann really hadn't done anything genuinely bad, she really saw no point in keeping her here for the full duration. It wasn't like she had done anything genuinely bad... plus the dark-haired woman really wanted an excuse to get out of the school quicker. She was just about to suggest it when Ann rose sharply to her feet. Sadayo was barely able to ask what was wrong, when Ann's whole body seemed to convulse while she was still standing. Her eyes widened at the shock, and she was very nearly bowled over in her chair as a humongous pale cock sprouted suddenly from her groin. The immense scale was shocking enough, to say nothing for how strange it was to see the third leg on such an ordinarily feminine girl. She rose from her chair, giving Ann a glimpse of the teacher's curvaceous frame clad in her usual yellow sweater and powder blue skirt. "W-what the hell... a-are you alright? Sh-should I get the nurse or... holy crap this is so out of my depth..." "Mary Morgenstern was not eager at all about starting her last school year. She was not happy to have switched schools yet again. First year through third year she was happy at Armstrong. Relatively creepy, freezing, but stable. She learned how to speak, read, and write Russian, Bulgarian, and German there. Then she was shipped off to Beauxbatons in France. Nice change of pace, gorgeous, and she learned how to speak, read, and write French and Spanish there. She spent her fourth through sixth years there. And now, for whatever reasons she wasn't told, she had to finish up her education at Hogwarts in Scotland. All she had to her name was her school books, school clothes, and a top of the line broom. All she knew was that she had a very wealthy and generous benefactor that she had never ever met before. At least, not that she remembered. She was an orphan, a bastard. Or as the popular term was that mundanes used today...Foster child. She never knew her parents, never met them. She didn't know she was the bastard daughter of the most feared Dark Wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort. Furthermore, she was hiding alone in her own compartment on the train. What was so humiliating about this whole fucking thing was that she had to be Sorted with the first years. Great way to start off the school year. As if she didn't have a hard enough of a time trying to keep her past and her little abilities hidden. Turning into smoke was one of them. Speaking to snakes was another. She later learned that that ability was called Parseltongue. Turning into shadow was another. That one was fun. Walking through walls was another. All of those abilities tended to freak people out, so she never openly talked about them. She hated the reputation of being the school freak. She got made fun of enough for being the school prodigy.,"Draco had been trying to find a private compartment to hide out in until the train arrived in Scotland, but what he wasn't expecting when he opened the door to the compartment, hoping it was unoccupied, was the busty teenager that was actually seated inside. "Sorry... I thought this was empty," he told her as he turned to leave again, but he couldn't get her boobs out of his mind. When he turned to leave, he decided against it and turned back to look at her. "Are you okay? You seem lost in thought." He spoke, not knowing who she was or why she was going to Hogwarts when she was definitely old enough to be finishing her schooling off at whatever school she had been in before for her first six years. ""Ugh." Rin Tohsaka groaned to herself as she mounted the steps that led up to the roof of the Academy. She had many things to be doing at the moment, most importantly fighting in the currently ongoing Holy Grail War that was in Fuyuki. She had been preparing for this for a long time, and she was not going to let the opportunity to win a chance to reach the Root and accomplish her families dream to pass her by without a damn good reason. Admittedly, thins had not been going that well so far. She had been stuck with some unknown Archer rather than the Saber that she wanted, and she'd been saddled with that idiot Shirou Emiya as an ally. Admittedly they had managed to do some good work together, but at the end of the day she still wanted to win. She'd just have to handle things one step at a time it seemed. Like this, for example. Brushing a bit of her long black hair behind her ear, her school uniform ruffled in the wind as she stepped out onto the roof. "Alright, I'm here," she said aloud, looking around. She didn't really want to be here, but that rat Shinji Matou had said that it was important. Seeing as he was involved in this whole business due to his family, she figured she might as well show up. She could listen to whatever request he had, laugh in his face, and then get back to something actually important. Here was hoping this wasn't some kind of prank where he stood her up.,"Shinji was waiting on the roof, with his normal smug grin on his face as he leaned against the fence. He saw Rin walk through the door and chuckled. He knew about the little alliance Rin and Shirou had formed, and that irked him to no last night, he was struck with an idea. Once that he was sure would get Rin to listen to him. "So you happy you could make it, Tohsaka-san." Shinji seemed to place emphasis on her last name as he approached her. He reached into his pocket, clearly grasping something. "I've gotten tired of how insolent you’ve been treating me....spurning my alliance to work with a rookie like Emiya-kun....I thought you were smarter than that." He teased as he continued to approach her. "Still, it irks me that you did I'm going to have to punish you." He pulled out what was in his pocket and tossed them to Rin. They were pictures....all of Sakura. She was being fucked, in many different positions. She was completely nude in most of them, covered all over with cum. Still....what might have surprised her the most was her was one of pure bliss and enjoyment, a very lewd expression. Shinji laughed as Rin examined the pictures. "Your sister is such a slut, Tohsaka-san....she loves getting drilled by my cock or any cock for that matter! So if you don't want your sister's life to be ruined....I suggest you listen to me." Shinji licked his lips as he was now just a few feet away. "And don't bother ripping those up...I have plenty of extras as well as files secured on my computer...." Shinji added...letting her know that ripping up those pictures would be a wasted effort. "Nightwing had been stalking the city streets of Gotham for the past month. Word was that a recent string of break-ins and robberies were being committed by a group of men that had gone missing last month. The men had been good at covering their tracks and disabled security cameras before breaking into the places that they hit. However, the places they hit did have one thing in common - they were all chemical plants. What went missing were only small samples of various chemicals, but Nightwing was more concerned with the wellbeing of the men who went missing. Now he was following the group of twelve men from their latest theft. His black and dark blue armored uniform blended in with the night sky, giving him a chance to conceal his movements from above. The five foot ten inch tall man moved from roof to roof silently and without a trace. He watched as the group of men entered a small green house. His masked blue eyes narrowed as he reached for his grapple gun and swung across the line in a black and blue blur to the building and landed on the roof lightly. His black boots not making a sound. Creeping over to the center of the greenhouse, he knelt down and watched as the men set down their score in front of Poison Ivy. Nightwing wasn't surprised due to the relation of the thieves; he strained to listen to the voice of the woman as she spoke. Not able to make out what she was saying, he reached into his gauntlet to withdraw a listening device as he did so, the glass under him started to crack. Before he could react, the glass gave way under his weight, being placed on the center of glass for too long, and he fell hard on his back behind the men dazed. The fall caused him to land on his left side and injure his shoulder before his head smacked into the ground. Dazed struggled to roll to his hand and knees. "Unnnghh... smooth hero...","It had never been hard for Ivy to convince men to do her bidding. Even without her chemicals, so many men aimed to please. Now, these were completely under her bidding, each hoping to have a chance to sleep with the gorgeous woman that stood before them. Chemicals laid out on the table, Pamela smiled, her long, silken red hair hung around her shoulders and over her chest. She was wearing her typical attire, a green leotard-like outfit, covered in greenery, though with plenty of cleavage. Her green boots went to just about her knees, green tights finishing the ensemble. Her green boots went to just about her knees, green tights finishing the ensemble. The crash had startled her, though not completely. The glass was made to withstand very little body weight on a concentrated area, in case someone like Batman decided to drop in. And honestly, that had been her goal. The chemicals were nice, and certainly they'd allow her to do more manipulation on her plants, make them stronger, but the goal had been to lure Batman here. Instead, the boy wonder lay on her floor, looking rather pathetic at the moment. The men made a movement to grab him, and Ivy let two of them snatch him, holding him up by his arms and wounded shoulder, showing little sympathy for the injured crusader. Ivy casually walked towards Dick, a smirk on her pretty red lips, swaying her hips from side to side, casually, "My my my what do we have here? Little pup lost his way?" She reached out with a gloved hand and gently traced her fingers along Dick's face, leaning in close, "Poor child can't have you listening in on all my secrets. Not the one I expected but you'll do. For now." She grinned, removing her hand suddenly and making a motion, "Take him inside, dose him with Borealis inside and leave him in my room. I have a feeling he won't be going anywhere." Of course, Ivy's own home was typically pumping with different gasses, ones that helped her breathe and survive, but would potentially harm anyone unused to them. The plant he would be dosed with would allow him to survive longer, but would keep him in a daze and imprint a desire for her pheromones inside of him. It was quite an interesting little piece she had designed. "Journal: Entry 61. Date: 2033, April 11th. I remember the day as if it was only yesterday. Funny, seeing as though I was only a young boy of six. And yet, my memory's of later years draw a blank. But that day... The fire's, the screaming, the sirens... Yes, I remember it just as clearly as my own voice... Yet, my mother's face is just as distant a memory as anything else I have forgotten. If I were to leave the metro. I can see nothing but a ruined Moscow. And only through the plastic, and glass lenses of my gas mask. I remember lush green grass. Large, perfect buildings. And crude, selfish people. Whom in this new world are even more selfish. Sometimes, life is so hard. I wish I died with my mother when the bombs fell. But alas, here I am... Life only gets harder down here. And, even worse up on the surface. The things I have seen. The creatures... Would give any man nightmares. I drown myself in vodka, to no avail. The nightmares come every night. Maybe there is no hope for humanity. Was there any hope ever? We destroyed our own planet. And now, the Metro that protected us. The Metro we call home. Is becoming uninhabitable itself. I ponder at times, whether or not we are alone. Are we really all that is left of humanity? Or is there some other station, or place in the world. Maybe even here in Russia, just like us. But, to know such things is a far off future. One, that I would never live to see. For it is well past my life time. Maybe, it is not. One may never know. Until then... Next drink is for you mother..." Dhemytri clicked the button at the end of his pen. Placing it in a sleeve on his note book. Then placing it into his pack. He sighed, as he listened to the young men across the bar. Shouting and hooting. Singing and drinking. 'Oh the singing?... Why sing? Who cares. Just drink, and be done with it.' Dhemytri thought to himself. As he poured another round of vodka. "uhh... Well, to you mother." He said, true to his word. Then, downing down the shot. "Uuugh.." He grunted, as the smooth liquid burned it's way down his throat. He pulled a handful of military grade rounds out of his pocket. Setting them onto the table in preparation of his bill. Ten rounds for the Vodka, and two for the waitress. Dhemytri was a tall 26-year-old man. Well built, from how active he was. Constantly working, fighting, and killing to make a buck. In Dhemytri's case, a bullet. Since it was the currency these days. He had black hair, and brown eyes. Not to mention almost perfect teeth. In his own right, he was an attractive man. Well, at least compared to his competition. He is a keeper most would say. Despite his dangerous career as a gun for hire. He had his own fair share of scars though. Some deep, and painful. And some, were mental ones. He doesn't remember much of his life as a child. There was a time, of complete darkness. Ever since his mother fought her way through the crowds, just to have him even enter the metro. She, was left behind as the doors closed. And Dhemytri was then left all alone... "Ah! Stop your singing!" Dhemytri shouted at the drunken group of men. As he was tired of reminiscing, and even more tired of them. "What did you say ass hole?" One asked as he began to stumble towards Dhemytri's table. "I will have you know. My comrades and I are trained soldiers!" He said, as he slammed his hand on the table. Dhemytri scoffed. "Huh, what army. You wear no colors." The man then got more fired up. "The red army! Show some respect! I was a respected general, you know." Dhemytri was tired of this loser. "Oh ya? Seems to me your nothing more then a drunk. I am not one to pick sides. And hate communist's like you. But, what's worse then a communist, or a Nazi? Drunken swine like you." The man's face grew red, "Why you!" He shouted as he swung at Dhemytri. Dhemytri grabbed his hand, twisted it, gripped the drunks hair, and slammed his face into the table twice. Then a third time for good measure. Letting his head bounce against the wooden surface. The man made a sad, squealing sound before he grew unconscious. "Take your friend out of hear." Dhemytri ordered the drunk's comrades. As the man fell to the ground. Not wanting any trouble. The men complied. Dragging their buddy out of the bar. "You will pay for this." One of the men said as they made their escape. "Pussy's." Dhemytri retaliated. He then sat back down pouring himself another glass. "I think that may be my queue to leave." He said before downing another shot. He then pushed his finger against the rim of his glasses, pushing them up and correctly onto his face. "Great, had to make trouble with the reds.",""Seems like you're a man trying to forget something," Synthia said as she sat down in front of the bruiser. Pulling the hardwood chair back, she cupped her chin in the palm of her hand. Her dirty blonde hair, cut short to allow easier wearing of a gasmask, covered one emerald eye while the other scrutinized. "From your little demonstration, you're just the man I need for a little job I have. Now, you're free to turn it down....but I doubt you will." She reached over and took the vodka bottle Dhemytri had been slowly draining, taking a sip before making a face and placing it back next to him. "That is quite a strong brew. Anyways, I have an escort job that I need done, and I need someone who can handle themselves. Obliviously if you're picking fights with the reds...well, leaves me to question your sanity, but you have balls. I need balls to get this job done." She smiled at her own joke, leaning in to whisper, "I will pay handsomely. Two hundred bullets for a simple little jaunt." She leaned back in her chair some, lighting a crude cigarette, and blew the smoke out of her nostrils. "Surely a man with the courage to fight the reds on their home turf can see the advantages of a little escort duty." She flicked her hair out of her eyes, exposing both emerald ones, glinting softly in the candlelight, waiting for the proposition to set in. "It was September and Serena was walking home with her friends Mina, Lita, Amy, and Rei, as well as her twin sister Krystal. Krystal was dating Marik Ishtar and Serena's boyfriend Darien Shields was supposed to meet them for a senshi meeting after school. Things were getting very suspicious, but Serena tried to ignore it. She didn't want anything messing up her lovely view of the world at the moment. What grand things being 14 and in love could do for a girl's confidence!,"Krystal walked with her sister and their friends to Rei's house, where they usually held their study group and senshi meetings. She sensed something following her, but ignored it, knowing full well it was probably just Marik. He loved following her around discretely in the shadows. "Guys, can we stop at the penthouse? I gotta get out of this stuffy uniform," she squirmed a little as she said it, scratching her neck, looking annoyed. "Tell me again why Japanese schools require uniforms?" she asked, rolling her eyes. "Rah, it makes me miss Texas." She went up to her penthouse, returning quickly in a dark blue T-shirt with a cropped leather jacket and matching pants, short heeled booties, studded leather belts in black and blue, one with her deck attached and Duel Disc on her right arm just in case. "Much better," she said with an easy smile as Marik came up behind her, hugging her close and kissing her neck. "Hello, Marikins," she said with another smile as she kissed him softly. "Mio stepped through the door to her new apartment and looked around with a small smile. The house was fully furnished already, and it even had a television, not that she watched much of it since she was usually with the rest of Hokago Tea Time. It had been a year since Mio started college and for the most part, she had gotten into a good rhythm. She had classes Monday through Thursday, Friday and Saturday were practice days and Sunday was a day she relaxed. But the thin walls of the girls' dormitories were too much for her and she wanted some actual peace and quiet for once. Luckily for her, Mio had found a flyer of a person seeking a roommate, and it was across the street from the university too. It was also only 18,000 Yen a month as well. Sadly, Mio hadn't done any laundry lately so she was left in her old school uniform from the summertime. The shirt-sleeved blouse with a blue bow tie, a gray skirt and black socks and shoes. In two of her hands were her bags of clothing, and on her back was her Fender bass, which had been named Elizabeth. Stepping through, Mio removed her shoes before looking around in the living room. "H-Hello! I'm here!","Kairu was a member of a school band that he had joined during the last days of school before Summer vacation as the drummer of the band, but now he was living alone in an apartment for a while already and it was time to stop being alone and have a new roommate so he could have some fun. It wouldn't hurt to have someone to talk to and hang out with besides his band members when they met up for practice mostly on the weekends. Right now he was in his room, fixing and organizing all his band things, making sure he had all his sticks and his drums were clean and they sounded right. He turned quietly to hear a noise from the living room, "hmm someone took his offer and it was a girl too so that was a plus. Kairu smiled and slowly stood up, walking into the living room to see her. "Hey...nice to meet must be my new roommate right?" He said knowing she would of course say yes. "Just follow me and I'll show you your own room." He nodded and walked down the hall, turning to a closed door that was across from his open door where a drum was sitting in the middle of his room. "This is yours." He said opening it and leaning back against the wall. There was a large closet, a desk, and a large bed that had a small nightstand and lamp on it. "Lady Termaine's School for Girls was falling silent on the freezing winter night. Female students from ages six to eighteen were falling asleep in their beds. The school had grown since it was established in 1893. Since then three additional buildings had been added to the campus. In one of the outer buildings one particular woman was toweling off from a hot shower. Across her shoulders lay her towel hiding her nipples while still showing off her round breast. She pulled on black yoga shorts that had a decorative green band. "Did I really forget my shirt?" She frowned looking around the steaming bathroom and sighed seeing that she did. Shaking her head, she left the bathroom after gathering her dirty clothes and towel and quickly hurried to her room down the hall. A flip of the light switch and the room was a glow from a bright lamp in the far corner. Tossing the bundle of dirty clothes and towel on her shoulder to the floor, she opened a drawer and pulled out a large white t-shirt that had Run DMC across the front with the members of the group near the bottom. The young woman was a Teacher's Assistant in the Math Department. She was finishing the last part of her degree that would get her to being a real teacher. There were times when she was mistaken as an upperclass student due to her young features. Stepping out of her room, she saw two girls giggling at one end. "Hey! It's past lights out, do you really want a detention?" She called out, seeing them freeze. "No Natalie." They sighed annoyed that she had caught them. Natalie Bernet was twenty-two years old and in addition to being a TA, she was also a mentor to the girls and monitored a few of the floors in the building, making sure the girls got along and stayed relatively happy. Like most nights, Natalie was walking the halls, making sure all her girls were in bed and not up and getting into trouble like the two she had seen not long ago. She started on the floor beneath her own, peeking into each room and then moved onto her floor. Starting at the end of the hall where some of the young girls stayed and would slowly make her way to the end of the hall. She expected it to be a quiet night, but expectations didn't always turn out the way one hopes.,"The darkness watched her quietly... A shadow of hidden desire... It slowly followed her across the floor down the tile hallway, hiding under her feet with each step... She was beautiful... It longed to touch her, to feel her, to smell her... Oh yes... But it was patient. The shadow merely followed and waited... It was weak in the bright fluorescent lights of the hallway. And so it waited. The young teacher's assistant unlocked her door with a coded card key, and stepped into the room. The shadow followed her, and with blinding speed, it slithered up the wall and behind the wall light switch place, severing the power wires, bathing her room in darkness... It then flowed outward like an inky velvet blanket across her bed, eager to envelop the gorgeous woman in its dark embrace, completely hidden in the lightless environment. It waited for the girl to test the light switch several times... The darkness heard her rich voice utter a few choice obscenities... It waited patiently for her to get close enough to the bed, at which point it would strike... And she did. The shadow lashed out with a black velvet tentacle, wrapping around her leg tightly. She struggled, but it was immensely powerful. It managed to cover her mouth quickly before she could scream, and pulled her down tightly onto her bed. Its black fold caressing and fondling every part of her body with complete abandon... A sultry, masculine voice emanated from the direction of her desk. "Let her go..." Abruptly, the light came flickering on. The Shadow emitted an ear piercing scream of extreme torment... It tried to dash out of the open window, only to have it slam shut... It attempted to hide in a drawer, but it suddenly closed as well... A black leather gloved hand reached out and grabbed an inky back tentacle of the shadow, and held it tightly... The hand belonged to a mysterious young man who was perched on his tip toes, high on the back of her wooden desk chair. He was clad in dark clothing, with longish shiny black hair that framed his eyes. His mouth smiled cruelly, his lower lip framed by two snakebite type piercings. And oddly enough, he did not cast a shadow of his own... "Hello my shadow," He murmured to the writhing insubstantial darkness flailing before him... "Just what have you been up to?" "His name was Caid Selvon, an 18 year old med student who had just recently turned 18. He was small, about 5'5" with long blond hair worn in a ponytail and dark brown eyes. He was feminine like, weighing only a light 120 lbs and having pale skin that was almost perfect. Many thought he should have been a model, but Caid wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps as a doctor since he was 13 years old. Now his dream had come true. He was smart, graduating top of his class early, and had recently moved from Scotland to New Jersey where he took up a job working at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital under Dr. Gregory House, who most people hated. Sure, Caid was often annoyed by House, but he held his tongue. Recently, however, House had been getting on Caid's nerves, and he was sure it was on purpose. Caid was always a nice and sweet boy, but recently he had gone silent whenever Gregory popped up, trying hard not to burst out and yell at his boss. Caid had just started his shift the day after his 18th birthday, at noon. He was busy working with a few drunk patients when a man came in with a dildo stuck up his ass. "I will see what I can do," Caid said. "I will get you in touch with the Anesthesiologist, and we can remove it today while you sleep. It will be painful to remove while awake." Caid spoke to the man, laying on his stomach with his ass in the air and a blanket over him.,"Gregory House gave an exasperated sigh as he finally got out of bed. A couple of his neighbors had been extremely loud and irritating last night, which meant that he hardly got any sleep. Maybe he'd dozed here or there for a few minutes, but as far as actual sleep, he got jack shit. "Figures..." House murmured as he grabbed his cane and stood up. All of the assholes who had kept him up were now quiet as mice and sleeping themselves. The doctor sighed and went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Oh, yeah. He was definitely going to need that today. Five cups ought to do it. It came as no surprise to House that he had a plethora of annoying neighbors. Directly across from him was old lady Miller, who was legally deaf in both ears. She would often have her hearing aids on full blast (though the left one's volume setting was starting to malfunction.) Often times, she would have it turned up all the way, but she couldn't actually hear anything. Last night, she had the TV blaring, the noisy dishwasher running, and her fucking record player on full blast. Then there were the newlyweds, next door who had been married for an entire week. They were probably his least favorite. Every fucking night without fail, they were screwing. Moaning and screaming and the creaking of their bed frame. Last night, he'd had enough. He'd taken his cane and pounded on the wall where their bed was. "Don't drink too much, Jack! You wouldn't want to end up with a case of whiskey dick, now would you?" All of the sudden, all the racket stopped. The next thing he heard was Tiffany, Jack's wife bursting out laughing. House grabbed everything he needed for work and walked out to his motorcycle. Hell, maybe Jack would drink himself to death and end up destroying his liver. Today was going to be one of those days. A day where anything and everything could and would annoy him. He could feel it in his bones. House parked his motorcycle and walked into the hospital. "Alright, Chase. What do we got?" Chase grimaced. "Well, some bloke came in with a dildo stuck up his ass. He was off his face, and somehow... that happened. Caid is trying to get him some anesthesia so we can take it out." "Twelve minutes into the first match, Ezreal and his support, Leona, had already stacked up an impressive eight kills against the opposing team. He owed his victory to sheer luck in the team-building process and the rest he supposed had to do with the enemy ADC being overly aggressive, but purely driven by instinct in retrospect. Leona kept him on edge throughout the game, preventing the blonde explorer's advantageous boldness from ultimately becoming his downfall. He maintained his focus in the case of an enemy gank, which, to his surprise, never came, while steadily harassing the nearest turret. "Be careful," Leona warned like a mother supervising her unruly child. "A few victories are no reason to act carelessly." The last swing of her solar sword crumbled the turret into rubble and the two swiftly retreated before the enemy pair could avenge their losses. "Yeah, yeah," Ezreal replied with a grin, blasting a few more arcane shots towards a few unsuspecting minions. "Have some fun once in a while, lady." Eight kills, he thought, were more than impressive enough to parade himself around to unsuspecting enemies and have them flee in fear. His own lane was boringly stagnant and the hunt was hardly rewarding now that Ezreal had enough to roam the map. He and Leona had undoubtedly won their lane, but he couldn't say the same for his teammates, specifically his top laner. As the tenth "An ally has been slain!" announcement boomed overhead followed by the all-too-familiar notifications of consecutive slaughters, Ezreal felt a tight knot of adrenaline twist in his gut. He knew the top laner was no other than Zed, a formidable threat his support had warned him to avoid until late game. But the overzealous explorer trusted his own score and knew there was no other enemy champion better matched for him than the assassin. His pride led him out of the bottom lane undetected by his support, until her cries of distress were far too distant for him to hear in the thick underbrush of the jungle. As he crossed into enemy territory, he installed a few wards to illuminate his way, almost surprised he hadn't stumbled into any of the junglers or heard the dying cry of the Baron. It was too quiet. Then, as Ezreal's mechanical arm pushed aside some thick leaves, Shaco's jack-in-the-box popped out of the brush with a maniacal laugh. "Augh!" Pure fear overrode Ezreal's senses, forcing him to crawl backwards on all fours from the nightmarish toy from hell. The trinket bounced in place eerily before it vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving Ezreal to simmer in embarrassment. "Nice one, Shaco. Real funny," he muttered to himself as he picked himself off the corroded dirt patches. He hoped nobody from the enemy team had witnessed his moment of weakness, especially not Zed.,""Cut the last breath from them!" The game had just begun. Though the drafting didn't go well and he was sure his teammates who were to protect the bottom lane had a concerning conversation before the battle had started, but Zed didn't let the words stick in his head. The red-clothed, blade-riddled assassin had his arms behind his form as he flew from one foot to the other. Wind had whipped against his mask as he ran straight up to the top lane. A simple path, and yet, Zed had come to a full stop at the end of his tower's reach. The sight of the large Demacian and his beefy sword had been enough to make Zed pause. Even with this enemy doing a silly dance in his big armor, Zed's eyes peered over the shadows elsewhere. It was always a pleasure for the Master of Shadows to monitor the quick work of his friend, Shaco. They were both quite lethal and deceptive, but Shaco took home the prize if it was a competition on who played the most mind games. Between terrorizing toy boxes and even vanishing acts, even Zed had a hard time keeping total focus on where his friend was and what he was up too. It was clear from Shaco's position, the enemy jungler was going to miss out on some of the camps. Forfeiting nothing to steal something was a great way to secure a lead. The eyes of men and women, Champions and Summoners alike were scouring over Zed's sleek body. At this level of competition, most of the game would be viewed intently by many, even by fellow champions in the match. Zed was marked as a crowd pleaser, a lady's man. Even Garen's dear little lux was confused by Zed's charms. The shadow assassin bad boy was all over her mind, even now, as she spectated the game and fought with herself to cheer for Garen. That's what made this match so sweet for Zed, Garen was going to get steamrolled and Zed can continue mind-fucking the blonde Demacian sow. It was a taste of depravity that he enjoyed maliciously. About half the game had passed as kills were traded back and forth. Zed dominated the top lane, but the enemy Ezreal had been competing for second place by subjugating and destroying the bottom lane. With teleport down and a fresh respawn timer, Garen was well off the map and Zed was low from diving the tower. It would normally be foolish to try something like that, but between Death Mark and Zed's massive lead, nothing was truly impossible. A sensation he would revisit as he noted Ezreal's trek through the middle-lane and into the top-side jungle. A smile crept behind the evil mask as Zed threw a living shadow into a nearby brush near the jungle and then he crept into a typical bush to recall in. Upon leaving vision, Zed swapped places with his Living Shadow and began to sneak through his jungle. His silence throughout these motions wouldn't portray how Zed's hidden heart began to make a little pitter-patter. The sight over Shaco's boxes had been but one of it's many utilities. The trap would hide anywhere, in a bush, or in plain sight. It stealthed from view as its monstrous center-piece had waddled back and forth in sheer delight. Once someone, like Ezreal, stepped into it's trigger range, the trap would spring to life and force almost any target to flee in terror. So it wasn't the blond adventurer's fault as the sudden trap seized his facilities so easily and made him move as he did. Sadly, even after gaining his composure, Ezreal's nightmare had only begun. Zed knew that Lux had somewhat of a thing for this Golden Boy, and he wondered if it was possible by definition to cuck a woman. Without making a sound, two long arms had crept from the bush at Ezreal's back. Advancing without alarming the smaller, but confident male. That is, until they made their move. One gloved hand going for his mouth, the other moving to cover his chest before the Master of Shadows would attempt to drag his prey into the Bush with him. The goal was to pin the young male against his hard leather chest armor. "Aerith winced at the dryness in her throat. It had been at least a full day since she'd been given anything to drink, bound by her wrists to a crude scarecrow in a stone chamber carpeted by blooming flowers. They grew well in the pools of sunlight that filtered through the shattered roof of the building, somewhere in the slums of an unknown district of Midgar. Aerith knew nothing of where she truly was, or why she'd been imprisoned, or the identity of her captors. She knew only one thing. To live was to suffer. She longed for death, after so much degradation that life itself had become synonymous with misery. But above her head, the glowing halo of a re-raise spell reminded her that death was an impossibility. She'd tried enough times to know that whoever they were that kept her here, they would only refresh the spell if she managed to die. There was no escape, only submission to avoid the terrible penalties for defiance. And so she sat there, naked and afraid and alone, her body filthy with sweat and dirt in a dim chamber waiting for the next abuse, the next creative torture. She'd give anything for a drink at this point, drink anything. It didn't even matter if the others were alive or dead at this point, and she desperately hoped for the latter, to spare them the awful indignities of this place and its customers.,"The place where the three heroines of Midgar had found themselves was in the clutches of one Matilda McFarside. A devious woman who made the owner of the Honeybee look like an upstanding gentleman, after Avalanche failed in its duty. Tifa, Yuffie, and Aerith had been captured, while the men had been sold to some mine in some far off country. The one known as Aerith had been tied to the scarecrow post. Her eyes blinded by a strip of cloth over them, and her naked body was basted with what looked like paste covered in flower seeds. Their plan was to make flowers bloom on her body. However, the women would be unspared from their torment, as a guest a woman in her 30's entered and turned around unbuckling her pants and then letting them drop she farted in Aerith's face grabbing her head and shoving it deep into her ass. The rank smell would likely make the Ancient gag unceremoniously. It smelled like cabbage and steak after a bit of time in ones stomach. "She gags wonderfully Matty, I'll rent her for a bit." The woman said as she lowers the girls blindfold and stares at her dead-like fish eyes. In another room, Yuffie would be hung from a small beam in a dark as night room. Her neck had a loose noose around it, and her slender body was stripped. If she struggled to free herself, she'd find no arm room to do so, for on both sides of her were sections of blades jutting out from some sort of Iron Maiden-like torture device which would start up, the only comfort she has being the chair she is forced to stand on. It keeps the noose from closing around her slender neck; she is also gagged because since they caught her, she hasn't stopped running her mouth. There is the sound of a sliding door opening. Heavy footsteps come close, it sounds like someone heavy approaching her. Then standing before her is a rather girthy woman, a chubby one at that. She grins darkly, "Mat, she is fine, such a skinny little thing, and that neck, ohhh I could just wrap my fingers round it and ring her like a dead chicken I could." The owner smirks, leaving the woman to enjoy her rent for the afternoon. "Just remember she will re-raise so you can choke her as much as you want." The re-raise spell having been cast on all three of the girls there is no worry of them dying on her. And in the last room, there is Tifa, strung up at the center of some boxing ring, she isn't butt naked like the rest. She is allowed to keep her skirt, shoes, and underwear on. However, her top has been removed and her big tits have been slightly enhanced with a special materia making them adjustable in size for better punching bag quality. Standing before her is a burly brawler of a woman, who tower over the bound-up brawler, giving her pale tits a swat and testing their jiggle. "Your right, she don't bruise easy, perfect for working on my boxing." The woman says, giving Tifa's tits several jabs, having left them at their default size for now. "Okay, so the place didn't look all that shady. That did make some sense: if you were going to run a secret brothel/sex house then you probably wouldn't want it to look like that sort of thing, right? You'd want it to pretty well blend in and just be part of the sort of overall place and all. It was even in the Rain Forest district and everything, which, let's face it, might as well be called the party district of Zootopia. Still, according to street information, this was the place. The small rabbit paused outside the door to confirm, double-checking her pad and tapping it a few more times. Various notes had been scrawled in her overly hasty hand, with the title circled several times, as well as a handful of other names. The rabbit pursed her lips ,feeling her tail twitching slightly. They thought that, yet again, this wasn't a great place for her to check out. Heck, Nick had even suggested that "Carrots" not check this out. It's not the place for a cute little bunny. They'd eat you up in there. "Ha!"Judy Hopps laughed aloud, her ears twitching and her lips pulling up in a smirk. Who'd uncovered the big predator scheme? Oh right, her. And who had been one of the first to realize she was wrong and save the entire force from a major PR problem? Right again: Judy Hopps. She could definitely handle a little sex ring in an exotic dance club. Okay, so she obviously couldn't dress in her standard uniform, which felt really freaking strange to her. Research had shown that something casual would be a good move, but obviously Judy's fallback of flannel and jeans wouldn't work either. So she opted for a nice pair of black tights that clung to her body pretty well. Her footpads extended out the bottom, as bare as ever. There was, of course, a little hole for her fluffy tail, which she'd made certain to fluff out a little more. The loose pink crop-top even left some belly to show, with the white and gray fur mixing spectacularly. She'd drawn the line at piercing anything to look like a club goer. "Right, so, I enter,' she said to herself as she walked forward. "I view the dancers and see about one on this list,' she tapped it, frowning. "And I try and make them see that I'm interested in perhaps doing something more. Since I'm a cute little bunny," she smirked at that, "they'll lap it up," she strode forward, tucking the notepad into hiding. Judy certainly didn't have to duck to enter the club. The place looked, well, like an exotic dance club in the rain forest district. Dim lighting that emphasized greens and reds. A few stages that were set up, at least one with poles (that made Judy's nose wrinkle). A quick look confirmed a good mix of clientele. There were a surprisingly high number of prey, more than Judy would have figured. All the workers seemed to be predators, which didn't seem to bother anyone. Judy knew not to judge, though she could still feel the fight against her reflexes. She stopped at a counter, exchanged some money for a lot of smaller bills, and tucked them into the front of her shirt. Judy should've opted for a wire, but she needed stronger proof of what was going on and that she could do it. Judy quietly asked for one of the star performers, leaning forward and saying that she was feeling a little... "Rabbity." There had been a smirk, and Judy had been directed toward a particular stage, where one of the "star" attractions would be performing. Judy took a seat near the front, ordering some spiked carrot juice and waiting, pretending like her feet weren't twitching as she looked around. The place kinda smells like heat she thought absently. But that could just be the dancing, right?,"Truth be told, more than a few people, patrons and dancers alike, had glanced Judy's way as she passed by. The club was no stranger to prey patrons, of course, but cute fluffy bunnies were definitely a rarity. Prey that came here could usually at least meet eye level with the performers but rabbits looked as if they could be swallowed whole by the dancers or split in half, depending on your perverted mindset. And it didn't help that Judy was famous. Zootopia's top cop who had saved the whole city. The lighting of the club and Judy's change of attire did help to keep her identity a secret. But every now again someone would murmur 'Hey isn't that-' before their words would be washed away by the throb of addictive music. Not too long after Judy took a seat, the voice of the MC broke through the cacophony."Alright ladies, I think I know why you all came here tonight. He's been our star attraction three months running, and he sure knows how to make a girl howl!" Fog machines misted pale white steam onto the entryway at the far end of the stage, dull red spotlights falling onto the curtain to outline rather... large and imposing silhouette. "The one, the only, Titan!" Titan seemed an appropriate moniker for the tiger that strode confidently onto the stage, and it was a name that had been murmured by the few aroused voices who spoke of this club. He was towering, broad shouldered, and his orange and black stripes gleamed brilliantly in the light following him around. Titan was also an appropriate descriptor of whatever he was packing in that tight thong of his. A great chunk of meat that wasn't even hard. "Hello ladies," he said in a low, enticing purr. He gripped the pole at the center of the stage and spun around in one fluid motion, the flex of his powerful muscles eliciting a few whoops and cheers from his enthusiastic audience. "Rose was shocked awake. She was lying in a metal corner of the Collector's TARDIS, her eyes still a little golden. She shrieked and got up, her naked breasts bouncing as she went to see what her master wanted. She got lost easily in the TARDIS, it was so huge, corridors looking the same. She was desperate to please the Collector, it was all she knew now. Following on her heels was an equally naked Amy. She had been shocked too, sending her whole body flying through the small room. Her wedding night now long forgotten, she could only think of the Collector. They both arrived at the same time at the TARDIS console room, collapsing at their knees.,"The Collector noticed his chosen two subjects enter the room. He lazily gestured towards his hard cock, which was as long as a woman's fore arms and as thick as a fist. The Collector was probably a good three hundred pounds overweight, for a human at least. He had medium-length white blond hair and sapphire blue eyes. Thick blonde pubic hair was obvious. Unlike The Doctor's TARDIS, The collector's was a much newer model. Black was a major color, along with chrome, ad oak resembling wood, and LED-esque lights. It should have seemed a bit dark, but because of the lighting it worked. His TARDIS was a combination of two types used heavily during the war, a heavy assault and prison model. Thus he could make nearly infinite cells, cages, etc. The collector had started out collecting spores and fungi from various doomed and dying planets. But as time passed his interest grew. Soon he was collecting species. Then people of importance. Recently he'd decided to go after The Doctor's companions. Watching on a screen as Romana 1 and Romana 2 were introduced to the 100 tentacle beast of Rigel 2, in a dome pumped with a potent arousal forcer. The Collector liked watching the bitch suffer. The Collector spared his pets a look. Amy Pond and Rose Tyler, both allowed only 12-inch heels and collars, were kept around for amusement and to help him in the ways he needed. Jackie Tyler was kept around for sustenance. She was responsible for looking food for him and giving food to the pets who became obvious by their swollen breasts. Jackie's breasts were full of the vitamins and nutrient-enriched fluid that allowed the pets to function and not starve or require liquid. The living organism that kept Jackie from being able to get off fed on her aroused hormones and cunt juices. Her nipples were as sensitive as a clitoris, and her breasts were agony thirty minutes after the girls had fed. The clips on her nipples could only be removed by The Collector, so she knew to beg him to allow the girls to feed when the agony reached a certain point. He listened for the pets to beg him to allow them to pleasure him. It had taken a lot of training to properly prepare them, but he enjoyed the work. "Mary Jane was waiting for her friend Quinn. Most would have called Quinn her boyfriend, but Mary Jane wasn't the kind of girl who would be caught in a relationship. But in the past few months, she had been just that. Quinn had been a fantastic guy who had swept the legs out from under her. He wasn't like the guys she normally dated, but there was something about him that made Mary Jane happy when she was with him. He was really a great guy. He had even cared for her when she had come down with a terrible cold a few weeks back. Just her luck to get a cold in the middle of the summer and then one that kept her in bed for almost two weeks. But now she felt good again. She actually felt better than ever before. Maybe the summer was giving her extra energy. Today Mary Jane wore a tight black top and a pair of tight jeans that showed off her hot figure. She didn't mind the heads she turned, in fact she loved it. Her red hair was hanging free but looked (as usual) like it had just been styled. She was sitting on a bench outside of campus at the university and was passing the time by studying people. She could see several people gathering at the entrance. They were there to hear a lecture from some Dr. Octavius. It was something about some science thingy that were so far outside Mary Jane's field of expertise as it could come. She looked at her phone to see what time it was. Maybe if Quinn for once were late she could tease him with that. She smiled to herself thinking of Quinn. He was a fine guy, and one day she knew she'd slip up and actually call him her boyfriend.,"Quinn was still finding it rather hard to believe that he was spending so much time with Mary Jane Watson, the Mary Jane Watson. They had met a few months ago and, somehow, they had begun talking. From there they had somehow begun to spend time together! More and more every week, and then when she had come down with a rather bad cold he had been more than happy to help take care of her. Sometimes he wondered....were they really a couple now? They seemed to act like it sometimes....some of their get-togethers could even be possibly described as dates. But yet Quinn's own lack of self confidence kept him from truly admitting it. Or maybe it was a reluctance to admit it for both his own and her protection. If word got out that they were a wouldn't go down well with most people that one of the most sought after women in New York was dating some nerdy no name like him. Besides, if his parents ever found out....good lord, they would hound him to bring her to meet them....the embarrassment would be far too much for him to handle. The boy glanced at his watch as he made his way towards the meeting spot they had arranged, he was running slightly late. Well, to him he was anyway. Most would probably say they were right on time, but to Quinn if he wasn't there early then he was late in his mind. "Oh man...come on...if I'm late...." He shook his head and started walking a little faster. He could see the crowd gathering at the entrance to one of the science buildings, that's right, there was going to be a lecture today by Dr. Octavius. Normally it was the kind of thing Quinn would absolutely love to go to, where he would hang off of every word. But now...spending time with Mary Jane just seemed more important, not to mention much more enjoyable. Finally he spotted the bench, and then the unmistakable fiery red hair of Mary Jane Watson. As he got closer he couldn't help but notice the form fitting outfit she was wearing....a bit of red creeping onto his cheeks. "Oh my..." How? How was it that he got to spend time with this girl? How was it that they were virtually a couple? Just as he had done several times before Quinn had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The momentary sting confirmed he was indeed awake. He swallowed nervously, taking one more deep breath, then approached the bench with a smile, raising his hand to wave softly. "Hi MJ..." use such a almost felt so was still difficult for him to use it, but she had insisted, and he just couldn't say no to her. "Sorry if I'm a little late. I swear I'll make it up to you somehow" "It was reaping day, a holiday for most, but not in District 12. Katniss woke and dressed, same as Prim, then together they helped their mother dress. She plaited their hair and together the three of them headed out onto the dirty streets of the Seam. Her heart was heavy; there were many things to worry about. She didn't worry about herself, only about Prim and him. Him? His name was Kolton, and he also lived in the Seam, just the other end. It all happened a long time ago, but today she couldn't think about that. Today she had to keep her head present and clear. As much as she loved him, thinking of him today made her sad. Right now she needed his strength, but one touch would break her, and she couldn't break, not today. Head straight ahead, she smiled down at her sister who clung to her hand as they stood with the rest of the girls. The nervous energy filled the area, and she could feel his eyes on her. Swallowing hard, she turned and for one brief second their eyes met. Love, adoration, need, sadness, and fear passed from her to him even while a smile brushed across her lips. Just like that, she was settled. The unthinkable happened seconds later: Prim's name was called out, and the peacekeepers jerked the young girl from her grasp. So shocked, Katniss said nothing, not until Prim screamed her name. Shooting into action, Katniss lifted her arms and yelled over the panicked cries. "I volunteer as tribute!" It took them only seconds to release Prim and grab her. Guiding her to the stage, as though she didn't know where it was, in reality, it was to keep her from running off. Climbing those few stairs, Katniss stood to the side of Miss Effie, waiting nervously for her to call out her male counterpart's name. Her eyes landed on Kolton; this could be the last time she laid eyes on him. This couldn't be happening. The emotional aspect of what she had done hit her, tears came to her gray eyes. She turned her head slightly, if she didn't look at him, she wouldn't cry.,"Another year meant another day of fear and anxiety for Kolton Smith. The young boy only needed to survive two more reapings before he'd be too old for the Games. Being from the Seam, his family was quite poor and signing up for tesserae was a difficult but necessary thing for him to do. Besides, his older sister just turned eighteen two years before him and she was fine... surely he could survive these next two years, right? In all honesty, his own safety wasn't at the front of his mind. No, it was all about her. In a loveless and hopeless country in a district so poor that it was commonplace to find children with their ribs showing from such starvation and to have so much death from disease and coal mining accidents, Kolton seemed to do the impossible. This girl named Katniss whom he met a long time ago had really grown on him. They weren't the couple to be seen laughing and playing around all the time, but the love they shared could be seen by anyone that watched them though their most intimate and private moments happened in the woods outside the district where it was like another world, almost, and how badly he wished it was. But here they were again, lining up for the reaping of the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games. As the colorful Effie Trinket was reaching in the glass ball to grab a slip of paper, Kolton prayed to every deity known to mankind that the name wouldn't have the last name of Everdeen. Was it wrong to wish this on someone else? Maybe it was, but as long as it was neither Katniss nor Primrose, he couldn't care less. When the name was read out in an almost happy manner, his heart stopped beating. Before this was even processed in his mind, Katniss was walking to the stage and volunteering for her little sister. Without having time to realize what was going on, his head was kept lowered and he couldn't look at the stage because that would make this real... and this wasn't real! Just when things didn't seem like they couldn't get any worse... they did... they got significantly worse. "Kolton Smith!" Kolton made his way towards the stage when his name was called. Even though he was going to volunteer, the shock of the moment was still registering on his face. His struggle to remain emotionless was evident, but the alarm in his eyes weren't from being picked... the alarm originated from both he and Katniss being picked. Following protocol, the mayor read the long, dull Treaty of Treason and upon finishing, the mayor gestured for the tributes to shake hands. Swallowing hard, he did his best to only show his emotions to Katniss by shaking her hand and holding onto her longer than necessary before releasing her hand while being marched a different direction than her by the Peacekeepers to the Justice Building for final goodbyes. In Kolton's room first were his parents and sister. Of course, they were all torn up about this and Kolton did his best to remain strong. They wanted him to come back home to them but Kolton reminded them of something. They instilled in him that whenever he said he loved a girl, he should be willing to do anything and everything for her- that if he really loved her, he'd be willing to die for her. In fact, his father said if he wouldn't die for a girl he said that he loved, then that's not love. Kolton straight up told his parents that he wasn't coming back. He loved them so much but Katniss had his heart and a life without her was boring and dull. After some back and forth, his parents and sister (reluctantly) accepted what he was telling them. They couldn't help but be proud- he was willing to die for the girl he loved and that was true love, that was a true man and that's what they taught him his entire life even with how awful of a world they lived in. After some heartfelt goodbyes, hugs, and kisses, they exited to go see Katniss briefly with tear-filled eyes and broken hearts, but they couldn't stop Kolton and they knew it. A few other friends visited him but what he didn't expect was to see Primrose. When she arrived, he gave her a hug and grabbed her shoulders, squeezing them and telling her that he was going to get Katniss home to her, that she didn't need to worry and that Katniss would be back. They didn't get to talk long before Peacekeepers barged in and pulled her away before slamming the door behind them. "It had been a long day and the sun just didn't seem to want to set for some odd reason. Himeko had woken up just an hour ago and could feel the heat from the sun on her door with the back of her hand. Her house was dark with only a candle to light it up. The house had to stay dark at all times of the day, for she was a vampire and the sunlight would kill her. She sighed and walked over to her desk and began writing another chapter for her book. It was all she could do until the sun went down and it was safe for her to step outside. She was a foreigner to these lands, to the village that was nearby. She lived away from the rest of the humans, they knew she was up here but never thought of her as different from them, after all they didn't even know she wasn't human like them. She moved to America about ten years ago from her old home, Japan. Oh how she missed her home, her friends, but they've all been long dead for over a hundred years now. The old life she had once lived was taken away from her ten years ago. It was cold and storming outside outside, no one would really dare go outside at this time of night. They all knew what awaited them if they dared to venture outside. Even the Shinsengumi didn't dare step out of their training halls. "What in the hell are you doing?" A boy who looked no older than 23 called out to Himeko in Japanese. "Sorry Hikaru, I couldn't help but think that there's something not quite right here..." She replied as she caught up to her friend. He was a vampire like her, the one who originally turned her nearly a hundred and ninety years ago. Himeko was only 19 when he had turned her and she had been by his side ever since, her friends had all died from the same disease that would have taken her own life had Hikaru not saved her. She owed this man her very existence, but something was not right and she knew it. It was a sinking feeling that was in her stomach and she just couldn't shake it. They moved swiftly and quietly as they hunted for food. They hadn't fed in a few days and they needed to feed tonight. "Wait up!" She called out as she smelled fire burning in the air. A fire? But it's raining out, so how could there be a fire? Something was really wrong now and she couldn't help but feel as if something horrible was about to happen. "Hikaru, do you smell that?" He turned to look at her when she questioned him and nodded. "I do Himeko, but how?" She looked around and saw where the smoke was coming from and a shiver ran down her spine. "I don't like this, Hikaru... Please... Let's just go home and feed tomorrow night." Hikaru had walked over to her and placed his cold hand on her shoulder. "We cannot put feeding off another night and you know this! We have to feed tonight. Forget the fire and let's just go." He turned his back to the fire and started making his way in the same direction they had been heading before. Himeko sighed and nodded as she turned to follow him. When they arrived at the house they were going to invade, they were attacked by the villagers. Hikaru had sensed them but it was too late; they had been seen and they were in trouble. "Himeko run! Get out of here and go find safety!" He yelled as an arrow pierced his chest. Hikaru pushed her out of the way and went into his blood form - a blood form for a vampire is like going into a blind rage, tearing everything up in sight. Himeko couldn't help but cry; she had been with him her entire life and couldn't bear the thought of leaving him behind. "Hikaru I cannot leave you!" She cried out as he turned to look at her one last time. "Don't make my death be in vain, god damn it! Just go and if I DO happen to live, I will find you no matter where you go!" And with that, he turned back to the humans to bide her time to escape. "You better make it out alive, Hikaru!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face as she turned and fled, leaving him behind. She traveled from village to village, always traveling at night and keeping herself safe. It took her three months to reach American soil, but she finally made it. It was safe for her seeing as there hadn't been any reports of vampires or anything. Just the reports of werewolves, a vampire's true enemy... Present Day Himeko sighed quietly to herself as she stared at her wall, remembering that night as if it all had happened yesterday. She stretched out and got up from her seat to see if the sun had gone down yet. She walked over to the door and placed the back of her hand against the door and felt it was slightly cool, which was a good thing. She slowly opened the door and no sunlight came in. Smiling happily, she opened it fully and walked outside. Her friend would be visiting her soon, and she was happy. She had managed to make a human friend who knew and accepted her for who and what she was. Closing the door behind her, she made her way to their usual meeting spot.,"Katelyn pulled open the door a bit to peek outside for what seemed like the millionth time. No, the girl was not a vampire. She was a young human girl, a pretty one for that fact. Curly sand brown locks hung over her shoulders, and golden eyes searched the world for its answers. Of course, after she'd met Himeko, she'd learned that not everything had answers. The teenage girl lived in a small village in the woods. She knew it wasn't good for her to go outside at night, but she trusted Himeko to protect her. Katelyn was perfect bait for a werewolf: pretty, young, fleshy. A werewolf could get his fill sexually or physically with such an innocent girl. But with a vampire on her side, Katelyn was pretty sure she was safe. The girl lived with her mother, older brother, Will, and her younger sister, Dana. Their father had been killed trying to hunt down one of the monsters that sometimes patrolled the forests outside the village. For that, Katelyn had taken the side of the vampires, if she had to choose a mythical creature that actually existed. A little later, Katelyn noticed that the sun had gone down. She smiled in excitement. She had to wait for sunset so she and Himeko would arrive at the same time, so they'd at least be together if a werewolf attacked. Katelyn set out, hearing the soft snores of her slumbering family. She smiled and headed our, wearing a light blue dress and a red cloak. She came to the edge of the village, out of sight of anyone, a little in the woods. She could see Himeko coming, and she smiled evenly. "Good evening, Himeko," she said once her friend came within earshot. "Erebor was not a joyful place to those who looked upon it from the outside. It was a Mountain that lived up to its nickname of The Lonely Mountain. The kings under the mountain held a job that few were strong enough to handle, and even fewer were willing to do. For the kings of Erebor, shepherded the souls of those lost to hardship and strife, to war and hunger and goblin attack, to accident and old age and murder, all of the souls that died went through the under gates of the mountain, greeted and ushered onto the next life to be judged by the Creator by the king. The people of Erebor adored their king. Each time a new heir would take up the heavy burden that came along with the crown, they gave their support and love. For such a job wore upon the soul of a person, the many woes of the lost people dragging at the many kings' sanity and happiness. Yet not once had a king of Erebor shirked their duty or tried to pass the crown to another before they could handle no more. Each time the line of Durin stepped forward to claim their crown and take up the task of escorting the dead to their rightful place. Such was the curse of the mountain. As much as his own people could show their support and loyalty, not everyone in Middle-earth held such views on the king of death. As such when a young prince named Thorin just barely of age took the crown from his ailing father, he was made aware of just how feared his position was to peoples outside of Erebor, how loathed and terrifying he became as the king of death. As much as his kin and friends tried to shield it from him, every time he dared to wander outside of the mountain he saw the fear, and the hatred. For he was the one who came to take their family away when they passed, and for that crime he was forever guilty and to be shunned. So King Thorin stopped leaving the mountain, he slowly lost the gleam of life in his eyes as the years of his service wore on. His hair was streaked with silver and his face was lined with an age he did not own; there was no joy in the king under the mountain, for he had no one to share the burden and no one willing to comfort him in the way only the one closest to his heart could. Thorin had given up finding his one when he took the crown, for who would want the king of death as a life mate? So his heart grew heavier and heavier in his chest with each passing day, and his vitality began to drain away. He was holding on, but his people could see his suffering, and knew he had not long to last. So they began to search for something to help their king that they so loved, something or someone to bring joy back into his life once more.,"Balin had been the adviser and friend of the king since Thorin's grandfather, King Thror, had been king under the mountain. His heart ached for the suffering of the young king. The worries of his short years clearly showed on his face. Balin had watched his king slowly die right before his eyes and felt completely helpless to stop it. That was, until he remembered her. It happened one day when he and his brother Dwalin were discussing what they could do to help their friend. A messenger had come, bringing Balin a letter from their brother Kailin. Kailin lived in the Iron Hills as a fur trader and was asking permission to send his daughter Am'lia to Erebor to live for an indefinite amount of time. The brothers couldn't help but grin at the memory of a young dwarven prince chasing around the young fairy girl, begging for a feel of her "arkenstone" wings. This had gone on for about a month before her family returned to the iron hills. Of course, young Thorin didn't know that the only time you touch a fairy's wings is when they are injured, trying to injure them or during coitus. Balin smiled fondly, remembering his own life-mate Karana. She had been a half-fairy dwarf and he quickly discovered the benefits of having a light and gentle touch... Dwalin brought him back to the present by suggesting that they invite Thorin to dinner the first night Am'lia was there, which wasn't unusual since the king usually had dinner with them when he wasn't drained from his daily activities. With these plans in mind, they quickly sent a message back to their youngest brother, informing him that they would be delighted to see their beloved niece again. She had always been a sweet child but they hadn't seen her since before she had become of age, for they were busy helping Thorin adjust to his new role as king and keeping him going ever since. Of course they really did look forward to seeing their niece, but if she could do anything to help their king it would be all the better. Balin had been waiting anxiously at the front gates of Erebor for the better part of the afternoon, today being the day when Am'lia should be arriving. He had not received word stating otherwise so she had to be coming. When his pacing had caused him to turn his back, he heard the distinctive neigh of a pony, followed by the cheery cry of "Uncle!" He turned with a smile and ran to greet his niece. She hadn't stepped foot in the door and yet the lonely mountain was slightly brighter place due to her presence. As the evening came, word of her arrival began to spread until whispers of a young, very beautiful woman reached the ears of the king. "Max and Chloe had been living together in California for a few months now, living off of money they both had stashed away, some help from Max's parents, and, of course, work. She had managed to get a few freelance photographer jobs, and was working as a cashier to make sure there was something steady if photography had a gap between earnings. Exhausted from a long day at work, Max was relieved to come home to her girlfriend. Her stomach filled with butterflies every time she thought of that word. It seemed so foreign to her, a thing she had never thought would happen, yet here she was, living with the love of her life. She wouldn't have it any other way. Tossing aside her shoes, Max practically collapsed on the couch beside the blue-haired woman she had fallen for. "Hope you had a better day than I did," she said, smiling slightly. She had felt a lot more irritated about the rude customers she had gotten today before she had gotten home, but now that she was here, so close to Chloe, it didn't matter to her as much. Everything was right in the world.,"Life had been... well, strange since Chloe had left Arcadia Bay in her wake, with nothing but her beat up truck and her best friend at her side. Which was ironic, because she imagined that it was even stranger for Max after the horrific experiences she had gone through in an attempt solely to keep her alive. She'd never been so grateful to a single person - Max came back. She swore that her best friend had left her behind, but she came back, found the closure she needed after Rachel vanished, and despite the fact that Max should have given up on her, here they were. California was better than she thought it would be, and she had thought it would be amazing. They had a little apartment of their own and minimum wage jobs to keep them above the water, and honestly Chloe didn't need much else in her life at this point. (Though she could honestly say there were moments where she ached to have her mother back around, despite how volatile their relationship had been towards the end.) Today she had the day off, and she'd spent it lounging on the couch after she went to pick up and grab some groceries. Chloe was finishing off a joint when she heard the door click open, and she dropped it in to an ashtray and shifted her position so she was less strewn out across the length of it and more sitting up. A grin grew on her lips as Max entered the apartment, and as Max collapsed on to the couch Chloe moved in to wrap her arms around the smaller woman's waist. A few months ago she would have never pictured this- Max back in her life, let alone as her girlfriend. She tried to act like she was tough most of the time, but Max made her weak in all the best ways and she wouldn't want it any other way. "Oh? What happened in today's adventure in retail hell?" ""God, how could things go this wrong," a young man said, loitering outside of Tsunade's office. He'd been called here an hour or so ago and he was trying to stall for time while he figured out just why this had happened. He was about 17 years old and thought he'd somehow gotten into trouble again... why else would anyone be called to this office in the middle of the day like this? Raking a hand through his shoulder-length glossy black hair, he rolled his eyes skyward and groaned to himself as he tried to recall just what had brought him here. He'd just have to bite the bullet and go in there to find out the reason and slowly began to push the doors open and stepped inside before closing them behind him and bowed to the busty woman behind the desk. "You wanted to see me?" he asked, keeping his blue-eyed gaze fixed firmly on the floor, not wanting to stare at her. His name was Raizen Mibu, a local firebrand and a bit of a troublemaker known to be a thief, a cheat, and a bit of a womanizer: in other words, your average 17-year-old chuunin with too much free time on his hands.,"Tsunade was getting rather... impatient. She had called the Chuunin to her office an hour ago, and yet he still hadn't arrived. She was about to send another message for him, when finally, finally he came into the office, quickly speaking and then looking down at the floor. For a moment, Tsunade couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the boy. "Hmph, so you're finally here, are you?" she said, smiling. "I was starting to think you weren't going to arrive. Now, look up at me." Tsunade leaned forward as she sat at her desk, making sure that her cleavage was now being fully displayed, her breasts sitting on the desk beneath her as she leaned over. "Now," she continued, her voice taking on a slightly different tone. "I hear you've been having some problems lately. Making trouble, theft, even peeping around the women's hot springs..." She chuckled and shook her head. "But, I think perhaps there's something I can do to help you..." Her voice took on a sensual tone. "With things the way they were right now, a constant stream of supervillains both old and new causing trouble across the continent, and they were at a stage where several superheroes had been killed in big conflicts. C-listers mainly, but the damage to their numbers was problematic. And it led to a drive to recruit and train up younger heroes, as there was no shortage of teen heroes in this day and age. Steve Rogers, believed by many to be the 'first' superhero (save for those who did a little homework and learned about the original Human Torch) had been more than happy with the idea, and had agreed to work with one budding and excitable heroine from Jersey. "Down below. By the gas station. See?" He lowered his binoculars, one leg propped up on the rim of the roof. The red white and blue Avenger glanced Kamala's way, pointing to the tall trench coat clad figure heading along the darkened sidewalk. "A hat and trench coat. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles logic, only a villain thinks they're gonna go unnoticed that way." He had a liking for Kamala. She was sweet, energetic, and had some real power on her side. For that reason, he felt it was very useful to get her on board and make a real hero out of her. "And if the stories of Electro committing robberies in this area are true... I think we might have found our man.","It was the sort of thing that brought out some rather mixed feelings in the young superhero. On the one hand, it was a major responsibility. Heroes were dying out there, and contrary to certain beliefs not all heroes came back from the dead. Some would find a way, sure, as it seemed impossible to keep some of the greats down. But others, minor talents by way of mutation, Inhumanity, or something else entirely, those that didn't let greed overtake them to turn them towards spandex-clad criminality... well, they didn't tend to come back. It was something that Kamala took seriously. On the other hand. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I COULD BE AN AVENGER THIS IS SO COOL AND-- It had been an exciting couple of weeks for Kamala Khan. She had at least shapeshifted this time, dressing herself down into something a lot more casual than her supersuit. Her face had been changed as well, darkening her hair, lightening her skin and doing enough of a nip and a tuck to make someone think that, at the very most, she could be her own distant cousin with the contrast turned up. "See, I don't get it. Couldn't he do, I dunno, a hoodie? Who wears a trench coat these days?" Kamala asked, making an impatient "gimme" gesture with one hand to take the binoculars. "Holy crap, that's a fedora. He's wearing a fedora," she said as she squinted down through the binoculars. "So, what's the game plan here, Cap?" she asked, a smile in her voice. She still kind of internally squeed every time she thought about the fact that she was slumming it with one of the -originals-, for... well, for all the fact that he definitely didn't look it. "Because I'm pretty sure I could land on him from here." "Desperately Mitsuha Miyamizu ran through the busy Tokyo streets, her hair thrashing against the breeze that caressed her anxious skin. There was someone she had to find, to talk to, to get to know. He looked so familiar asshe watched him pass by along the train station, and she could tell that she looked familiar to him too by the way his eyes widened with disbelief and curiosity. Unfortunately, they both rode on different trains, leaving them unaware of where the other would be once the train ceased moving. It felt as if she were running for miles, her breathing growing chaotic as sweat beaded against her brow. Every corner she turned, every street she passed, he was no where in sight. No I have to keep searching. She encouraged herself as she rested for a moment on a bench, catching her breath and wiping the sweat away with the back of her hand. The summer breeze was unforgiving as the heat was intensifying, making her searches grow even harder. Once she felt rested enough, she would rise to her feet and begin to pace through the busy city streets. It was nearly impossible to find a specific individual in these crowded boulevards. Taking a different approach, she would go somewhere that wasn't as occupied with anyone, making it easier to spot the mystery man. Her fiance, Akihiro, must be wondering why she would arrive home at such a late time. But she didnt care. She needed to find him. Just when her motivation was starting to diminish, she caught sight of something in the corner of her eyes. It left the hairs on her skin standing up, chills sprawling throughout her flesh. Was it him? It looked like him, but he was so far away from her. Squinting her hues to get a better look at the person strolling by she would find that it was him! It was the man she was trying to find all this time! Attempting to keep her cool she would straighten her posture, take a deep breath and walk by him casually. She held her breath and bit her tongue, crossing paths with him for the very first time. His scent trailed into her flared nostrils, and she couldn't help but finally breathe. He was walking further away, and she couldn't just not say something after she spent all of this time searching for him... Was he looking for her too? "H-Hey there, sir?" Mitsuha pivoted around, hair whipping behind her back as her golden irises searched the mans back before he would eventually turn around to meet her gaze. "Do I know you from somewhere?","Taki Tachibana had never felt his heart pound so hard than when his eyes had locked onto hers as their trains passed one another's. All thoughts flew from his head, the only thing he knew was that he had to find her. He bolted from the train at the next stop running in the direction her train had been going. She was all he could think of, like an all-encompassing storm. Gone were his thoughts of a lovely dinner with his wife, Hikari. He had texted her as he got off the train saying he was called in to stay late at work. Why had he done that? Why had he lied to the woman he married? All to try and find this fleeting phantom of a woman? He stood at the top of a staircase, his breath ragged and sweat dripping down his forehead. He was starting to lose hope, his resolve slowly fading as the intense glare of the summer sun battered him in his three-piece suit. It certainly wasn't designed to be run in like this but he didn't really care. He just knew he had to find her. And then she appeared, as if out of nowhere, at the bottom of the steps. His breath caught in his throat; he didn't know what to say...should he even say anything at all? He took in a deep breath and slowly began to walk, but he couldn't find the right words! What could he even say to her? He had felt compelled to chase after her? He felt... attracted to her strongly for no reason? As they passed, he could smell the lovely shampoo she had in her hair and just a faint whiff of perfume that seemed to match her perfectly. Thankfully, she broke the silence first and he quickly turned around to acknowledge her, nodding his head strongly as he gave her a small smile. "I feel like we do... from some long-off memory, but it's hard to say..." He stepped towards her, grasping her hand with his own and holding it close as if to prove she was real and she wasn't going to vanish. "This might sound odd... but would you like to go out for some drinks? Also... what's your name? Mine is Taki." Taki smiled, a faint blush on his cheeks as he offered this mysterious woman a larger smile. He just felt so comforted by her presence. "The warm summer sun shone down heavy beams of light upon Setsuna's shoulders, easing a sigh from her slightly parted lips. She reached up to her shoulder, adjusting the book bag strap that rested on it as she reached up with one hand to shade her eyes from the intense rays. She could hear the footsteps and gentle voices of her fellow students around her, all headed in the same direction as herself. She couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility, after the long road of strife, danger, and combat that stretched behind her. With routine classes to attend, life seemed significantly simpler and straightforward. Setsuna closed her eyes for just a moment, drawing in her breath once again just as she felt a light tap on her shoulder. "Setsuna," Konaka's beaming smile greeted her, "Good morning!" "G-good morning," Setsuna took half a step back, a bit surprised but managing to somehow retain her composure to an extent. "Hurry up, or Kotaru-sensei is going to scold you for being late again," Konaka laughed, hurrying ahead of her friend and rushing up the steps leading toward the building. Setsuna shook her head and quickened her pace, despite being fully aware that even at a slow pace she would arrive a good ten minutes early. Indeed, life had returned to some semblance of normality, albeit with some measure of changes over the past few years...,"Negi stood in front of his desk with a large smile on his face. Things had certainly changed ever since the end of the crazy adventures he and his class had been on. He had grown, both as a teacher and as a mage. He had learned much about himself and had grown into quite the capable young man. He was more sure of himself and what he wanted in life, and it showed in his relationships. He still cherished all of his students and would give his life for any of them...but he was a growing young man after all. His class had let out not long ago, but he had called a number of students to stay....Asuna, his roommate and eternal friend and lover. Eva, his former teacher of magecraft...was now a teacher of more sensual arts. Nodaka, he had accepted her feelings but he had made sure she understood that his love wasn't something restricted to one person. He also hadn't called on her to stay, but he had told another girl, Yui, to watch what was about to happen from outside the classroom door...she was a girl he liked to tease quite a lot. "Now then...I assume you three know why I had you stay after?" He asked with a small chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. Already, his cock was beginning to grow hard in his trousers, making his desire obvious to the girls who were now standing before him. His eyes studied each girl's reaction, eager to see how they would respond. It was the first time in awhile he had called on more than one of them at a single time. "Damn it all... how did he get roped into this? Toshiro sighed as he closed up the locker before him, safely locking his signature robes until he could retrieve them later. This onsen was a bit of a fixture and had been used by Soul Society for many generations, but in all his time here the short silver-haired captain had rarely made use of the services here. He was a man more concerned with work, but that policy was what landed him in this current situation. Momo was always concerned for him, and while he was glad for the concern Toshiro didn't want her to reel him into something as frivolous as this. But she and Rangiku could be a dangerous combination, and together they'd worked to strong-arm him into being here. Apparently trips like these were common among female Shinigami... didn't explain why he absolutely had to come on this trip. He looked down his short and slender frame, down to the two towels wrapped about him from the waist down. It was embarrassing, having to wear one on top of the other with the latter reaching down lower, but the towels here were rather modest. And while Toshiro was short in height, he was quite large in other respects that he didn't want to flash around. It was poor covering, but it would have to suffice for now. Sighing, he made his way from the changing area, rounding a corner until he reached the steaming expanse of the springs. Toshiro walked along a smooth path of damp stones, the humidity steadily making his hair fall, until he sank into the water and breathed out in relief. All he had to do was go along with this nonsense for a little while, and he'd be back to work in no time...,"This is a good idea to take Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro to the hot springs. All thanks to Rangiku and Momo themselves! If they had not asked him to go to the hot springs with them, he still would be working diligently. This why every so often the two Shinigami forcefully take Toshiro to the hot springs! Even if he doesn't want to go, they will force him to go one way or the other. Toshiro already knew they will force him so he just let them take him to the hot springs. You see, Toshiro works far too much! Ask Rangiku, his lieutenant, herself! Toshiro won't stop working unless he has to take a bath, go to the bathroom, meeting, or have a mission, otherwise, he works 24/7. Understandable why Toshiro works diligently all the time, however, sometimes, Rangiku thinks it is very unhealthy for the captain to work overtime. More importantly, it is worse that Momo is fussing over him all the time. Like, seriously! Rangiku understands why Momo is concern for Toshiro considering they are childhood friends however Momo is overly concern for his well being. At times, Rangiku finds herself frustrated, and from time to time, jealous. Which why she plans on getting back at Momo for intentionally causing her to be envious of her relationship with Toshiro. By all means, Rangiku's plan is going to work. For starters her plan is about to commence. Momo already put her clothing in her locker and went into the hot springs so this is Rangiku's chance! Rangiku smirked evilly, placed her clothes in her locker before sneaking into the male's hot springs. Call Rangiku bold for going in the male's hot springs however she planned on teaching Momo a little lesson. Luckily for her, Toshiro is too busy relaxing in the hot springs to barely notice Rangiku sneaking up on him. Walking towards him, he grabbed her captain from behind, lifted him up. "Got you~!" Rangiku yelled, laughing soon afterwards. Elsewhere Momo wondered where Rangiku was because she has not even arrive yet, pondered on where she could be. Overtime, though, as she soaked in the hot springs, she forgot about Rangiku, continued to relax in the warm water. "Belle Guerrier, aged 22, howled in frustration. She had been so close to killing her mark. She was a Hunter, her mandate, her mission, was to hunt down and if needed, kill rogue supernatural beings. Beings like ones that murdered innocent humans in the case of Vampires, beings like ones that stole human babies and switched them with their own, in the case of the Fair Folk, beings like those who sold their abilities to the highest bidder, like Warlocks, and beings like those who went on killing sprees if they weren't careful during certain times of the month, like werewolves. The main job of the Hunters was to keep the secrecy of the supernatural world. If the supernatural folk got bad, it was their job to put them down to keep the secret. Belle was half Faerie, half human. It gave her some measure of control over illusionary magic, which allowed her to change her appearance at will, though she hated doing it on the spot, it made her really sleepy. She was also blessed with extremely good reflexes, as well as very wonderful speed, which made chasing down the bad people much easier. The catch was that she couldn't touch cold iron. It stung and burned her skin, though thankfully it healed. When she had to handle iron weapons, which was toxic, bad for the Faeries, she wore proper protection equipment so she didn't hurt herself. Right now, her mark was a Vampire that was endlessly murdering humans. Very close to exposing the supernatural world. Murdering mundanes was very much so against the Law. But damn, this Vampire was one of her hardest battles yet. All of the others were mere child's play, but this one was a wily son of a bitch, that was for sure.,"Desmon Endar, a natural born vampire born of the highest most noble blood, was one of the few vampires born into this world with a place of power already established. That place of power though, would fall short due to his ignorance. He had thought himself impervious to the charms of mere mortal creatures, but yet an elf of all things had brought him to his knees - literally. He had proposed to her only after three weeks of knowing the female, she didn't know that he was a vampire at the time, of course. When she found out, things went better than Desmon had thought they would; she accepted him for who he was under one circumstance: he make her like him. She didn't want him to stay young and have her grow old and weak. Even though an elf lived incredibly long lives, vampires could easily triple their span. This elf, however, was not all she seemed to be. She had known he was a vampire, and to make matters worse, she chose him for who he was - pure-blood. If she were sired from a pure-blood vampire, being an elf on top of that would make her nearly unstoppable, and unstoppable she became. Through his actions Desmon was exiled from his family's fortune, cast into the shadows, and left for dead. Desmon, however, didn't die nor did he let his horrors simply fall into the hands of his kin. He had started this problem, and he would finish it. Only there was one problem: hunters. They came in every shape, form, size and variant, there were even some of his kin that had given themselves over to a life of servitude and observation. For their services in hunting down their own kind and others like themselves they were compensated with a life outside of who they would have been. The shameful part of it was that they could have achieved the same thing by simply striving for it within their original community. Desmon had strove to become something he wasn't born into, he strove to become something more than a simple pure-blood. In the end it was all he could be, and because of who he was, he was now being pursued closely. She was a Huntress, and from what he had ever seen of her she was a young one. Skill nevertheless as the girl had taken multiple shots at him from afar with bolts specially designed for killing his kind. Luckily Desmon wasn't such an easy target to hit, nor was he so easy to kill. He'd never been so brazen as to attack her, it would only make his situation even worse. But there was only so much one could take before they snapped. The village the young Huntress had come up to had been spared the torch many of the other typical sites had. But blood still hung heavily in the air, even from the outskirts she would have noticed. And she did, her shrieking sounding not only to her location but also her mental state of mind. What the Huntress didn't know however was that the man who had been tracked and attacked by her wasn't the one she was really looking for. She thought she was fast, but she didn't really know the meaning of speed. Dark red eyes appeared in the window of a nearby house, illuminated by a burning light from within them. As the eyes closed, the figure who had been there did too. But not for long. Within a breath of time, the figure burst from the shadows at a speed where it could only be seen as a streak of darkness. The dark trench coat wearing figure hit the ground in a crouched position, ready to make his next move. The piercing red eyes looked up at the female hunter, taking in her full features and burning them into his mind. But then something else happened, and it made his crimson dilated eyes to dim and return to pupils. "Leave me alone! This does NOT involve your kind!" Desmon demanded loudly. "It had been weeks since she'd seen Harry last, but mere moments since she'd felt him. Juni sat at the edge of her bed that had now become a place where she got the least rest and stared down at her feet as they dangled so close to the floor. In so many ways she looked like a child again, with her soft porcelain face and her wide and innocent eyes, but her body betrayed her more now than it ever had. Weeks ago she'd been a slim thing, hardly even a wisp of a girl that was smaller than her classmates and nowhere near as voluptuous. Pregnancy had filled her out in ways that puberty had not. Her breasts felt heavy on her chest and had swelled to fuller cups and weight had settled in her forever aching hips, her stomach pressing out and skin already drawing taut from the slowly more noticeable signs that she had made a very very grave mistake. Her hands grasped the robe that was at her side and she slung it over her shoulders, tugging it snugly around her body to hide her deepest secret and most horridly felt shame. From deep within her own body, she felt the lightest movement - a thump against the inner wall of her belly that reminded her. Harry. She needed Harry. Fear couldn't deny that she was growing his child inside of her and logic couldn't be denied. There was only one person that could have him, and there was only one way she would be able to get him back. Her letter to him had been brief but it had said everything she needed. Rodolphus, We need to talk. Urgently. Meet where we met. Bitte. xo, J. Escaping the castle was easy enough when people didn't tend to notice you, her head kept low as she approached the hump backed witch and sneaked away down the tunnel. In the area where she was left only to her thoughts, she felt the tickle of doubt in the back of her mind that she shouldn't be doing this. It whispered and promised that Harry was dead, long dispatched when the Lestranges got a hold of him. She had to hope. Her hand moved to the swell in her belly as she ascended the steps to the cellar of the candy shop, sneaking out the empty store and into the streets. Head down, walking fast, she looked like any other witch, making her way to the Shrieking Shack. The difference was that by the time she got there she was nearly out of breath, her cheeks flush as she eased slowly onto the floor. Her hand went to her stomach again. Harry. Do it for Harry....,"There were few things Rodolphus detested more than down time, and unfortunately that was the exact hell he was living. Jobs were done, all that was left to pace like the dog he was and wait for further instructions. At least he had cigars and whiskey to keep him occupied, if only he could get Bellatrix in on the fun and games it would be a bit easier. Until then he would enjoy the solitude of his study. A solitude that was interrupted by the pecking on his window. The owl looked familiar but even in the most hopeful part of his soul he could not imagine his dear Juni would be reaching out to him. Straightening his shirt for no other reason than to give himself a bit of courage, he strode to the window, stopping to grab a treat for the owl. With a quick swap of goods, he practically sprinted to his desk. A tumbler of whiskey in hand, he downed it quickly before looking at the note. So hope had won out! She was reaching out to him! The kidnapping of Harry was quickly becoming the best thing that had happened to him. Bellatrix was beyond thrilled that not only had he kidnapped the Golden Boy, he had him to torture but it also made Juni need him. For a moment he pondered whether or not he would respond to the note, impatience overrode logic choosing to go for his robe instead of his quill. Taking a moment to center himself, he apparated near the Shrieking Shack, far enough back though to avoid any notice. With a quick pace he made his way to the shack, going over in his head what he could and could not say. More importantly the sympathy he would have to show for the missing Harry. If he could get Juni to begin to forget him for the night he would most certainly join his wife for a rather good torture session of the boy. He entered making sure to close the door quietly, the need for absolute secrecy was needed now more than ever. He could barely make out her figure when he began to speak. "Mein lieber Juni, geht es dir gut? I came as soon as I received your letter, tell me, I will take care of you." "Boredom, the curse of all life. It ruined all forms of happiness, and none more so than Mei-ling Hanamura, Mei for short. A Chinese Japanese halfbreed, her mother was from China and her father was a Japanese man. It gave her a very unique upbringing but also caused her to have fewer friends. As was life, people tended to judge based on different facts. The fact that she was born a fully functional futanari didn't help her case in the slightest. Relentlessly mocked and made a fool of, she had developed more anti-social behavior. Even after getting out of school, she was still like this. Barely twenty years old, she was a complete hermit, barely leaving her home. The concern was how she supported herself; while the house had been bought by a wealthy family, she completely supported herself without leaving her bedroom or even getting dressed. She worked as a technical assistance worker, spending her days on the phone or rather a headset phone for her and talking people through fixing tech problems and the like. It was boring as hell work but she made a decent wage without leaving her bedroom or getting dressed. Even now Mei was loafing around bored, waiting for a doorbell to ring. If she stood, she would be a mere five-six feet tall, but she wasn't petite, she was about average build, with D-cup breasts, not fat but not a twig either. She was very proportioned. For someone in her profession, she maintained her figure well. You could do a lot of a workout without leaving home. She wore nothing more than a pair of booty shorts that held tight to her waist by the elastic. They were a bit loose but did give a good suggestion that she wasn't flat in the backside. Her hair was fairly messy and let down, hanging around her shoulders. She wore an oversized shirt that suggested nothing was beneath it. Sprawled out on the couch like a murder victim, watching TV absent-mindedly. Finally, the doorbell rang, and she groaned, rolling off the couch and walking to the door like a zombie. Flinging open the door, there was a delivery man at the door who seemed to jump at her appearance. She made no small talk; she didn't care to. He tried to say something after she took the package but she had kicked the door closed behind her as she turned around, and the sound of a locking door suggested that she wasn't looking for a friend. Carrying the box up to her room, it was well maintained, save for the pile of clothes in her hamper. Tomorrow was laundry day. Opening the box, she began putting the figures and other collectables she had ordered online into their proper places. Finally coming to the game she had ordered: The Harem Collectors Game. It was an odd game she had seen, so what the hell? God knew she could use more hentai games, not like she had anyone to take the lusts out on but someone on the other side of a screen. This one also seemed fairly interesting. Turning on her computer, she let it boot up as she scanned the manual before popping the disk in. Before long, her screen turned a brilliant white light that blinded her, only moments later everything went black. She was afraid she was blind. However, groaning, she sat up realizing she had only passed out. Her head throbbed like she got bitch-slapped with a cinder block. "Ow... What a shitty prank of a game," Mei grumbled to herself as her vision came into focus. Things were not right; she was on what could only be considered a sci-fi medical cot. Looking around, the whole place was made of metal and she could see medical equipment that they couldn't achieve. Slowly raising from her cot, she stumbled to the window leading outside. "Toto... I don't think we're in Japan anymore..." She said aloud to herself, looking out at the infinite stars and endless void of space. Just where in the hell was she?,"As the futanari continued her star-gazing and watching off the endless void that was space, a person entered the room - specifically an alien, a very hot and stunning alien woman. Who wore a very skin tight suit that showed her curves off just right, had entered the room from the entrance, her face obscured by a helmet and a purple visor. Now, those who saw this alien babe would immediately know who she was - Tali Zorah vas Normandy, or something else depending on the ass hat who did her loyalty mission and got her exiled. Tali took silent steps as she approached the unsuspecting girl. Swaying her generous hips with each step, there was no visible jiggle from her breasts due to the suit, but if someone paid attention closely they could see the mammaries move slightly. Tali let out a small giggle as she tapped the futa's shoulder lightly, getting her attention. "Hello!" She said in her eastern european, more Russian-ish sounding accent. She noticed from a glance that the girl had gone stiff. "Uh oh. Did I break her?" The Quarian couldn't help but think, as she hadn't expected this type of reaction to come - then again, the girl was a complete shut-in. "The skies above Beach City burned. With the city vacated, there were almost no souls around to view it - the refugee train miles down the road could only see the occasional cloudburst, molten metal streaking down through the clouds like God's own buckshot, landing throughout the city and the surrounding countryside. The gem invasion had come with little to no fanfare, the Crystal Gem defenders defeated in an instant. But once Jasper's gem arm ship had been destroyed from within, the ship was coming down hard. In another time, the entire arm might have swept down from the sky to land across the mountain, depositing the survivors all across Beach City's landscape. This time, however, things were different. A pink bubble landed some miles away, blown free of the wreckage with a young Crystal Gem and his guardians smashing down into the countryside, tearing through fields but coming out ultimately unharmed. The last two remaining souls aboard the ship were just a little less lucky than that. Lapis Lazuli had been blown free of the ship, wrapping herself up with all the water she could possibly produce or whip from the air and atmosphere, doing her best imitation of a bubble on the way down to earth's surface. She was fortunate, however, that she had been blown right off the coast of Beach City, meaning that when she was going in to land, it was to be skipped across the water until she slammed into another sandbar. An island, some few miles south of Beach City and just off of the coast. Far enough away that she couldn't even see the city she had once called prison. Lapis groaned, clutching at her head as she stared dazedly up at the sky. Her trim form was as battered as could be, and it was only by luck she had managed to survive at all - especially as she had landed on her back. She pulled herself to a sitting position, staring out with blank blue eyes at the island she'd managed to slam into.,"Things hadn't quite gone to plan, and all things considered, Jasper chose to blame Peridot. Through some unknown means, the fusion had gotten out of her cell on the hand ship. And without her destabilizer to hand, the towering orange quartz had to take her on hand-to-hand. The battle had been frantic and even on both sides, but ultimately she got a lucky shot in and destroyed the power core, leaving the entire ship collapsing and exploding back down toward the planet. And the ensuing explosion had catapulted her across the sky. Fortunately, Jasper was indestructible by most conventional definitions. Her towering frame slammed into a section of beach like a white-haired meteor, leaving a deep crater in the ground. Swathes of sand had been turned to glass from the heat of her entry, and aside from groaning in discomfort, she was at least still intact. Most importantly, the gem that acted as her nose was in one piece. "Stupid damn fusion," Jasper grumbled with great effort, clawing out of the crater she had landed in. Sections of her tight bodysuit had been damaged from both her earlier fight and her brawl with the fusion. Sections of her beefy thighs were exposed, and it looked as if her giant orange bosom would explode out of her modest top with even a modest bit of pressure. "Agh... oh for... where the hell even am I?" "The last place Aerith Gainsborough ever wanted to be was where she currently was. The science department hadn't changed since her last visit there, when she was but a child. The first seven years of her life were spent here in Hojo's domain, a test subject for many various and sometimes cruel experiments with her birth mother. She never wished to be back here, but it had been the Turk Tseng who had betrayed what little trust she had in him and brought her back to the place of her nightmares. She was given a few injections upon her arrival, in order to make her more compliant and to assist in the medical research that Hojo was having her partake in. The brunette woman was just in her twenties, and was in the bloom of her youth. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail twist, a knotted bow with a materia orb resting on the top. The materia orb shone and sparkled, a unique shade of green, the same as her eyes. That was the only stitch of clothing she had left on, as the lab assistants stripped her of the remainder. They informed her it would only get in the way of the experiments that were to come. Once the injections were administered, she was led to an examination table. It was there that Hojo entered. Let me go! Aerith struggled against the leather medical restraints, still having fight left in her. Her legs were spread for Professor Hojo to give her a thorough examination, using a speculum and other medical devices. He approached this task as if it were nothing out of the ordinary, an assistant typing out the notes that he verbally made. Aerith felt her thoughts begin to turn hazy, but was still keenly aware of everything happening to her. You happen to be in the prime of your breeding life, Miss Gainsborough. Are you sexually active? Professor Hojo inquired in his detached way, adjusting his glasses as he handed the soiled instruments to another assistant to clean. Im not...not telling you anything! Aerith was defiant, a flush on her cheeks. That will change. Your hymen isn't detectable; that could be from physical activity, however. Rowland, Posey; take our Cetra specimen to containment tank 13F. Hojo ordered his assistants about, who were more than willing to comply with the wishes of the Head of the Science Department. They grabbed her arms on either side of her, leading her down the narrow hallway where the containment tanks were located. The artificial lighting was harsh, Aerith cringing away from it as she was dumped rather unceremoniously into a containment tank. Aerith fell in, on her bottom, going to scurry her way against one of the walls. Once inside, she noted some bedding on the ground, and a gate with a red light above it against the wall. The only light filtered in from the hallway light, which wasn't as harsh. There were some grates on the ground, which she surmised had to be for the air filtration system. Her brain was doing the best it could to cope with what was happening to her, feeling sluggish at best. The only thing left to do for the last Cetra was to wait and see what was to happen to her.,"It was a deep longing now that had taken over. A longing for home, for his faded species, for freedom. Over the time he had been a prisoner and subject for Shinra's research and development department, Nanaki's fight was repeatedly beaten and sedated out of him. His skin forever carried branding of his time spent in the form of a number XIII, a simple marking for tracking on the side of Hojo and his team but for him, a permanent sign of shame. Presently, the beast was muzzled and fighting the effects of a drug which was mostly a futile and stubborn resistance, considering the drugs always won out. They had more on ready supply than he had willpower - Unfortunately, even the strongest of minds could fight against chemical assault for only so long. The dosages didn't start off so high but after a number of assistants and guards lost fingers or suffered mangled limbs or worse, Hojo finally had enough complaints to receive firm orders to not send any more staffing around the dangerous 'animal' unless properly subdued. It irked Hojo further anytime control of test subjects was taken away from him, even when what was requested was entirely reasonable. The man, quite frankly, seemed to have his own agenda. Not that Nanaki particularly cared for the reasons behind this warped human behavior, but given the circumstances, they were very much impacting his life and even while muzzled and drugged, a strong hatred was nursed in his core. And it waited for a chance, any chance at all, to strike back at his cruel captors. For now, however, they were very adamant about a new project being underway. They rarely asked him questions because he wouldn't speak to them. But he could understand. They were going to attempt a breeding experiment. "We'll pair him and the Cetra - preserving both bloodlines through a mating process." He overheard Hojo's casual explanation. The first mention of breeding, Nanaki had something of genuine hope that they were making an effort to prolong the lifespan of his own species but very quickly did it become obvious that they had something different in mind. They started with a bizarre process to condition his body and mind to react sexually to who they meant to mate him with. The first picture they showed him earned virtually no reaction - It was just another human female and Nanaki was already teetering on the brink of resentment with all of humanity, given his situation, but their efforts continued, day after day, slowly breaking him. The pictures kept coming. First, they were distant, obviously taken from afar, as if someone was spying on a woman in a pink dress. Sometimes selling flowers, sometimes in a church, sometimes at home. She never seemed aware of the camera. When they showed him these pictures, they would stick a needle into his backside and inject a syringe full of... something. Not only did it give a slightly intoxicating side-effect, but it spiked his arousal through the roof. Even then, it was easy enough to let his mind wander away at thoughts of members of his own species, but it didn't stay that way. The associative conditioning continued. Only now the pictures were up close and the girl was often nude and either unconscious or concerned or angry. It didn't take long for test subject number XIII to realize she must be captured too. For pretty soon, it showed her restrained as well. Soon after that, videos too, of Hojo 'inspecting' her. Normally Nanaki's moral compass would have no problem concluding these people were madmen and the girl a victim, but the influence of the drug rose and soon her scent was added to the routine. It came in the form of clothing, her dress and then her panties, each day, brought before his powerful sense of smell. After a while, it was a strand of her hair. With every object, the drug was administered. Eventually, it became all he could think about, even when every ounce of his being tried to think of something else. Of his hate for Hojo and Shinra, people. Of his longing for home and freedom and his tribe. But it would always come back to the girl. This woman in pink, captured, ribboned hair... It became obsessive. Flashes of her occupied his mind. It stirred a deep ache and he found himself pacing his cells restlessly, with a sense of hunger that couldn't be sated by food. Finally, Hojo himself and two guards came to him. "It's time Red XIII." He spoke, marking something down on a clipboard he carried with him. The two guards moved in on either side of him, one distracting him as the other quickly went around to wrapped his large frame around Nanaki's backside and weighing him down as Hojo moved swiftly to inject the drug again. At this point, the restraining was hardly unnecessary, his fight was absent. Dead. And all Hojo would have to say at this point was... "You're going to see her now." Away they led him, to the cell of Aerith Gainsborough, Last Cetra, mother to the rest of their species. "It was a lot of bullshit. Though there were other words that could be used to describe all that Bison and Shadaloo had been up to over the past few months, pitting fighter against fighter in an attempt to breed strife and whatnot, there was no sugarcoating it all. All of it was tireless bullshit that only served to bring the brightest, strongest, most agile of fighters from near and far over to Shadaloo's main base, wherever the hell that was. Bison would have been a fool not to feel the tiniest tinge of nervousness as footage of tournament fighters running through his halls flashed upon nearly all security feeds. Fortunately for Bison, not all power players had come for him all at once, so there would be no fighting Ryu, Guile, E. Honda or Sagat, or any men for that matter. No, at the moment there was a group of five women, each powerful in their own right, parading down the halls knocking eggheads aside and plowing their way towards Bison. Cammy White would be leading the charge with her most cherished and best friend Chun-Li Xiang(*) while the others, Ibuki, Rainbow Mika and Laura trailed behind. Though Mika and Laura were skilled fighters and Ibuki a kunoichi, none of them had the kind of training required to take Bison down like Cammy and Chun-Li did. Though unarmed, the two women made a frightening team and proved to be deadlier when in close quarters combat than if they relied on firearms. For that reason they stopped the group at the entrance to what they believed to be Bison's lair, where he awaited them. "Hold up," Cammy ordered as she threw the group a signal. "I don't like this." "Then we're close. So very, very close," Chun-Li commented. She turned to the others and waved them off. "Cammy and I'll go on ahead. You three look for another entrance, or find some controls or mainframe. We can fend off Bison long enough for you all to find some way to bring this facility down." "Wait a minute... You do plan on coming back in one piece, right?" Ibuki, the kunoichi, replied. "Get moving; that's an order, soldier," Cammy barked. Laura scoffed, Rainbow Mika looked confused and Ibuki sighed, but they all obliged the two fighters and went together to find another entrance or the facility's mainframe. This left Cammy and Chun-Li all alone, so they spared a few seconds to give each other confident, emboldening looks before moving past the steel doors and into where they believed Bison would make his final stand...,"Indeed, this very well would be M.Bison's last stand or at least his final stand as his current self. The muscular jar head dressed like a New Wave Nazi was wracked with a sudden feeling of energy as the power of his Psycho Power reached a new state of power. He stood before a crater that the facility was built around. Coming from it, a mass of purple tentacles rose up from the hole. The alien-like thing looked like some sort of Cthulhu-like horror. No body in the crater; just more and more tentacles. As the fighters bust through the doors to the area, they would witness as his final change took place. His masculine form had altered and shifted till he stood before the arriving fighters in the form of a beautiful dark-haired woman. The former forms clothes were much too large on the smaller form. "Yes... Yes this is the true form of the Psycho Power," Mistress Bison laughed as she thus turned to face Chun-Li and Cammy. "So good you two could make it to witness my new form as it breathes its first gasp of air." The laugh came from her chest, which jiggled profusely. The tentacle beast whips around and slides forward, aiming for the legs of the two fighters, hoping to catch them off guard. Thus, to go for their most dangerous parts. Meanwhile, Mistress Bison rose to the air, levitating her energy off the charts. "If you wish to defeat me, just try," she said. "Fail, however, and I will brainwash you and turn you into new dolls." "She looked out the window, staring at the men that were leaving in the sports cars. All three peeled out of the long driveway, and down the road that headed into town. Elle sighed, sitting on the little stool. She could catch her breath with them gone. She hoped they would be gone for hours, but she had no idea how long they would be away. Elle had been happy when her mother had brought home her new stepfather and her two new stepbrothers, who were only three and four years older than her. At 10, they seemed older and wiser and exotic. Now, at 17, without the protection of her mother, she could tell you just how horrible they were. It had started with one of her brothers pinning her down in the months after her mother had died and tickling her, and then had escalated from there. Elle now was glad for the moments that they were away, it meant she was thankfully completely alone. She walked over to her bed and put her dress back on, moving her arms to zip her dress made her wince. She had been hung up too long. Her shoulders ached, her wrists hurt, even her toes hurt. She sighed, slipping from her room and down to the kitchen to get herself something to eat, who knows when it would happen again. She curled up in the chair and ate her English muffin and sighed.,"The Tremaine brothers didn't return home until 10 o'clock at night - announced by the front door swinging open with a loud BANG. It was universally acknowledged that the Tremaine brothers - 21 year-old Kyle and the younger Derek - are handsome hunks. But these two are far more notorious for their vile minds and black hearts. Blame their privileged upbringing and zero accountability. Since they were kids, they had repeatedly gotten into trouble, but Mr. Tremaine would often dismiss complaints against them with a wave of his hand, and his favorite phrase - "Boys will be boys." These days, they have both flunked out of college - Kyle is a self-titled 'entrepreneur', but in truth is a conman in training. Derek spends his days getting drunk or high with his friends. As they were prone to do, the brothers had returned home intoxicated with alcohol. Derek was in a particularly foul mood - tonight all his romantic advances at the dive bar were roundly rebuffed. "I'm starving," slurred Derek to no one in particular. "Shit," he suddenly mused, "did we let Elle down?" But he said that with no concern in his voice. Poor Elle was often the outlet of the brothers' sadistic vices. All these years they treated their younger stepsister with such cruelty. It used to be the standard bullying and pranking ("dad started it by treating her like a servant"). But this morning, it had finally gotten kind of... inappropriate. It was Kyle's idea: they took her from her attic room, stripped her down to her underwear, and strung the scrawny girl up on Derek's monkey bar. The hapless girl's body was all stretched out... half-naked in her sheer bra and panties, toes barely touching the floor. When Derek began to slap the back of her thighs with a ruler Kyle found himself hard, and bestial thoughts had crossed his depraved mind... "Let's find out!" said Kyle. He bellowed so his deep voice would reach upstairs. "Hey 'lil sis. We're back! Where you at?" "And we're starving!" added Derek. "Come on down and run along to the kitchen to fix us something!" "Brezziana was trying her best to school her facial expression and not bounce on her heels as she waited in line with the rest of the Handlers. Today was the day that the Hunter's Guild would promote prospective apprentices to the status of Hunter. Oh I hope The Guild matched me with someone friendly...Most of the prospective Hunters that she could see were about her age: in their late teens or early 20s. About half of them were striking serious poses while the other half looked like her: barely able to contain their excitement. There were a few hardened looking older Hunters in the mix, people who had either failed their training ten years ago when the 4th Fleet had been sent out or people who had barely missed the age cut off and had been forced to wait another 10 years before enlisting. Honestly she didn't care one way or another how old or what gender her Hunter long as they were friendly. The young Handler had quite a legacy to live up to...while her grandfather wasn't well known, the Hunter that he had taken care of was quite famous, known simply as: The Huntsman. How on earth did grandpa get along with -The- Huntsman?Stories that came back from across the sea about The Huntsman who still was fighting beasts in the New World told of a grumpy old man set in his ways. A man who had fought a Teostra and lived to tell of it but still a grumpy, stoic man none the less. Her grandfather on the other hand was much like her: easily excitable (when it came to anything Monster or New World related), friendly, and curious. Maybe there is something to be said for a balance in personalities... Brezzi was perfectly content to not be an actual Hunter, standing up there near the podium with a full set of ceremonial hunting armor on and baking in the mid-day sun. Hunting itself seemed like a messy, sweaty ordeal of traipsing through the forests after creatures that could probably swallow you in one bite or maim you in some way (she had studied 144 ways of being maimed by the 48 reported types of monsters that they would be researching/controlling the population of). Slaying giant monsters in order to control their populations so that the human and wyrverian races weren't destroyed by rampaging beasts that didn't know the difference between a biped and a tasty snack? No thank you. Compiling information for a Hunter, organizing paperwork and permits (because you couldn't just go about killing the same monster again and again, then you would be little better than a poacher!), and getting to watch the Elder Dragon migration from a safe distance away was better suited to her curious and organized nature. While her family had dreams of her guiding the next legendary Huntsman, Brezzi would be content just to see the world that her grandfather had woven so many stories about.,"Teyla stood with the other graduating Hunters near the podium, only half-listening to the speech being made about how big an honor it was and how their future journey, blah blah blah. She was focusing a majority of her attention on the Handlers watching them from below. Her eyes roamed across them as if trying to decide which one she most wanted as her partner. A lecherous smile crossed her lips when she happened across an attractive one, her thoughts wandering for a brief moment before moving down the line. She was excited, for mostly the wrong reasons. She was excited about other things as well, like becoming a Hunter and finally going to the New World, but she had been excited about normal things for months or years. She was focused on her latest obsession. It was to the point that when it was her turn to receive her status she didn't hear the instructor call her name. "Teyla Rhinhalt!" The increase in volume and irritated tone snapped the latest Hunter out of her fantasies. She took it in stride, laughing out loud as she walked up to the podium to make it official. It wasn't all that special, the moment itself had nothing of note, but what it meant sent an exhilarating jolt up her spine. From the moment she stepped forward and received her acknowledgment, she was a true Hunter! Teyla was 22 and tall even by Hunter standards. Not compared to men perhaps but she stood a daunting 5'9" with a body sculpted by exercise and the repeated drawing of her bow. Her skin was kissed by the sun's rays and her black hair was braided neatly on one side. Her eyes stood out most of all though, a bright green that shimmered with energy and excitement enough to offset her rather intimidating appearance. Though, it was already rather undermined by the ceremonial armor keeping her in a near constant state of discomfort. "Thanks!" She grinned as she took a step to the side, joining the rest of those who had already been made Hunters. Oddly enough nobody seemed to mind her attitude towards the entire thing. Teyla was known for being troublesome and her disregard for the ceremony of it all was the least of their worries. That and the fact that she was considered one of the most promising Hunters to be heading out in the 5th fleet. In order for someone like her to make it through she had to be special, or so everyone said. It wasn't as if she would be the first Hunter with a quirky personality, just about everyone crazy enough to dedicate their life fighting monsters was bound to have a peculiarity or two keeping them going. Her oddities were just more obvious. The ceremony went on, each and every hunter stepping forward and being inducted into the ranks of Hunters. It was a joyous occasion and by the end the crowd had grown tired from clapping and cheering for the latest batch destined for the New World. There was only one step left before they could depart into the New World, pairing. The Hunter was nothing alone. Their education included combat and survival, and while many had some understanding of the beasts they hunted and the world they were being told to survive in, there were few that could claim to be experts. Honing one's skills to fight monsters was already an incredible task, they needed a partner to share the burden, to be truly capable Monster Hunters. That partner came in the form of a Handler. Without a Handler even the most powerful Hunter would find life difficult. The Hunter's Guild knew this and saved the most important part of all for the very end. When the ceremony was complete the man on the podium started his next speech, and Teyla barely contained her boredom. It wasn't until he started calling out names that light returned to her eyes. One by one the pairings were declared. Unlike the other Hunters who hoped for a skilled Handler, Teyla just hoped for a cute one. "Teyla Rhinhalt and Brezziana Yoshimasha." The instructor didn't stop after their name, he continued on as normal, but he was the only one. Brezziana Yoshimasha was a name everyone knew. The granddaughter of The Huntsman's Handler, a legend. Many of the Hunters had wanted her as their own Handler, believing their odds at becoming legends themselves would rise with the assistance of HIS granddaughter. Even Teyla was pleased, but not entirely because of her pedigree, but because she was absolutely adorable. Her eyes brightened as she looked across the way at the smaller woman, an almost predatory grin making its way onto her features. Now she really couldn't wait for the ceremony to be over. "How long had it been since she had walked away from Arkadia? Clarke Griffin would be lying if she tried to say she didn't know the exact amount of time - fifty-eight days, and counting. One came after another, and with every day that passed, the blonde grew more accustomed to the wilderness. Those "Earth Skills" classes were working a miracle - and in the loneliness she thrived. Or, more like it, in the loneliness she knew that another betrayal would never fall upon her, and that she would never have to face those who she had inadvertently hurt. Nearly two months ago, she had to make the call to irradiate Mount Weather, costing hundreds their lives, and there was no moment that didn't haunt her. In her sleep, when she was awake. She was a murderer, whether she did it for her people or not. Because of that, she could not face those people. How could she face those who lived while the dead still haunted her? For the fifty-eighth day in a row, the blonde found shelter. Tonight, she hunkered down in an old metal bunker, grown over with ivy and foliage. It wasn't the warmest, but she had a fur blanket to wrap herself up with, and there was food - a rabbit that she had caught earlier in the day. As the sun set in the distance, dappling oranges and purples between the rapidly falling tree line, she set a fire. Then, for the first moment that day, she lowered her guard and warmed her hands over the small burning bundle.,"Rylen was always watching but never watched, assigned by the Heda herself to keep his watchful eyes on one rogue "Clarke Griffin" - or, as those in his village and many others called her after the destruction of all those living within Mount Weather, "Wanheda". It translated to "commander of death", a name born to the woman who's destruction struck the hearts of all. Many would kill to have her, and many would kill her. The Commander herself, it seemed, wished for her to be alive and well. The adult male didn't question his Heda's orders and simply followed them. The goal was simple: keep the Wanheda safe, and once possible bring her to Polis. Sometimes he lost her - not often though, and never for long. Tonight he watched from afar, waiting for the right chance to strike. Rylen had been given orders to try and return Wanheda to Polis, lest Azgeda get their hands on her. Clarke would stand no chance against an army and reports had come that Azgeda's soldiers were making a mount on Polis. The woman would fight, that he had little doubt of, but his pure muscle outweighed her and he stood a chance. Clarke looked almost peaceful, though he knew from the nights he had watched her that no peace befell her. As she sat by the fire he crept in towards her and, as the fire crackled and snapped, he lunged forward to push her down to the ground and pull her arms behind her back. If he could pin her, he would bind her hands with rope. "Joy Martinez preferred to work in the evenings. If Professor Callaghan was around, her parents didn't worry. Sure, the man wasn't always there, but she didn't tell them that and Professor Callaghan hadn't ever ratted her out, even though he almost certainly knew that she was fudging how often he was in the lab with her while she worked. Maybe he didn't know, but it seemed more likely to her that the man understood that what she needed was a little room to breathe. Hah. It was nice to have alone time, well not entirely alone because there were sometimes other people working, but she usually put her earbuds in and got in the zone. People respected the zone here, they got it. She paused her work to take a sip of tea from her heavy travel mug and then set it back down on the table, making sure the lid got sealed again so that nothing would get in it before she got back to work. Safety was important, and she couldn't afford to take extra risks. Sometimes it felt like pretty much everyone was out to get her, but under the clinical lights and well-filtered air system of the lab, she found a place where nobody worried about her and nothing went wrong. Well, nothing that wasn't faulty in her design work. "Ah, dang it." She had put too much heat on the small segment of plastic she'd been attaching, and it had melted very firmly to the metal below it. That's what she got for working while anything less than entirely focused. She could have cut the metal, saved the bits of scrap to use for something else, but Joy was in a little bit of a mood. Her chest ached a little today and she'd had a little bit of a cough, which put her on edge. It was the kind of day where things went wrong and her parents ended up with more evidence about why she ought to stay inside and never experience anything ever just in case. It would have been smart (and good lab safety) to actually go to the bin and put the metal and plastic combination into it carefully, so obviously Joy got close and then threw it in like she was angry with it instead. There was a nonthreatening 'boomf' and a puff of pink rose up in the air, an experiment that was supposedly dud triggered by the sharp pressure of being hit. It was delightful to look at, and she identified it immediately as one of Honey Lemon's projects. Not that Joy had ever seen them in person for obvious reasons, but she had seen the videos of the experiments and talked to Honey Lemon a few times. She should have known to immediately cover her nose and mouth but it had been such a surprise that she just stood there while the cloud began to settle, gently dusting her hair and sweater in pink, confused and uncertain. Instead of focusing on protecting her face she was trying to figure out what had happened. This wasn't what trash cans were supposed to do, this was basically the opposite. The 'how' wasn't as important though, as the fact that it had happened. There wasn't even that much, it was barely visible on her clothing but it was enough to force a reaction. That wasn't fair, things had been fine for so long. The teen coughed, frowned, and then coughed again more aggressively. Her throat itched in a way that she knew all too well and she turned sharply, intent on getting from the bin back to her work station before things got too bad. The coughing got worse, and it felt like the breath was being torn out of her. It was the sort of thing that she could handle if she stopped it fast enough, something she could keep to herself and pretend had never happened. She was focusing hard on her breathing, fighting the panic that her body always flew into because that was going to make it worse. She needed long, slow, deep breaths, but it was hard when it felt like oxygen wasn't getting in. What Joy managed instead was an uneven combination of the two - sometimes she got enough air and sometimes it was the short, sharp gasps that came so much more easily between coughs. She put a hand on the table to balance and accidentally knocked her coffee mug over. It hit the ground with a bang that she barely heard, distracted as she was. Her ears were full of the sound of her heart beat and the gasps for air. It didn't matter how many times this happened, she never got used to it. She knew why, she had the objective facts about it, but that didn't help much when part of her brain was screaming 'not again' and the other part of her brain was just... screaming.,"Late Thursday night at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, Tadashi Hamada sank comfortably in an ergonomic computer desk chair in the robotics lab. He kicked his feet up on an empty blue recycling bin turned upside down with his laptop powered on and resting on his thighs. He'd been working diligently on his thesis for the unwritten 5th Law of Robotics: under no circumstances should a robot be designed nor be commanded to inflict harm on any human and, through inaction, should it allow any human be harmed. His mentor and brilliant robotics professor, Robert Callaghan, developed the original foundations of robotics known as Callaghan's 'Laws of Robotics'. However, his laws only consisted of four, that he recites in every class session. Pushing boundaries in robotics and preferring the challenge as one of Callaghan's prodigies, Tadashi decided to write his thesis paper on a fifth law he developed from his kind-hearted disposition. His friend, Wasabi, finished and edited his paper long before the due date and Go Go, another friend that also shares the same course chose to work on hers in the privacy of her apartment. For Tadashi, the lab after hours was the most private and quiet he could achieve where he did not have to worry constantly about his younger brother sneaking around to bot fights and his Aunt Cass asking for backup at the caf. Tadashi was not entirely alone here; Joy worked on a project of her own in her own corner of the lab but she was quiet when doing so. Every now and again his curious eyes would wander over to her area and peek at her project. She was a wiz in the prosthetics department, he believed everything she built was amazing. Someday, her tech is going to help a lot of people. When he first entered the lab to work and saw she would be working too, he politely waved to her and smiled, his mouth full of an apple he'd been munching on. His hands were dormant on the keyboard when it came time to write the conclusion. It was surprisingly the most troubling part of the essay, leaving him stuck in writer's block for the past twenty minutes. He must have absentmindedly readjusted his hat a million times in the meanwhile. "Just have to look for a new angle on this... Ah! There!" Tadashi pondered then exclaimed to himself, as the ideas hit his mind he immediately typed them while they were fresh as to not lose his train of thought. Had it been his younger brother Hiro, he would have said the same to encourage that knucklehead to use his big brain and look for another way out. He couldn't help but smile at the irony. He looked goofy when he did so, his charming and contagious grin always stretching from ear to ear. While reading everything he had so far page by page and the conclusion tied in with it, his large, round eyes shifted line by line, the deep, dark brown color shimmering from the screen brightness. After long hours of effort, he was finished and could submit it and start heading home. He carefully placed his laptop onto the same recycling bin his feet had been just moments before and stood up to stretch. He was 6'0" even, only the third tallest among his friends with Wasabi ahead of them and Honey Lemon in second place when she wore heels and wedges. Furthermore, he glanced at the time on his phone and deemed it too late to video chat anyone. Only Go would answer but even then she was probably still working on her paper. He was so busy with his all day he hardly heard from anyone, but he'd simply catch up with them tomorrow. Now he could start enjoying his weekend. A loud bang shook Tadashi from his thoughts and his head whipped over to Joy who only just threw something away. She stood in front of the scrap bin awkwardly, he could hardly see with her back turned to him, but he went back to gathering his belongings into his beige colored satchel. She started to cough but thought nothing of it until it turned violent and harsh, Joy reached for the table to hold herself steady and knocked over her mug from what he saw, and it was what he interpreted as a cry for help. Without thinking, Tadashi abandoned his things and ran for her, calling her name, but she wasn't responsive, still coughing and struggling to breathe. His arm gently but firmly urged her further away from the bin still puffing out a thin cloudy mist of pink. It had to be the culprit, her clothes were covered in it. He had her turned to face him then grabbed a nearby stack of papers with all sorts of sketches and designs, using it to fan air into her lungs while wiping away the chemicals from her outfit. "Deep breaths, Joy! Through the nose... and out the mouth..." he instructed while demonstrating like he saw his Aunt Cass do to Hiro during one of his allergic reaction fits. "Can you talk?? I'm not sure what to..." but he kept fanning air her way. "Dr. Tommy Oliver sat staring at the clock. While he was normally a very enthusiastic teacher today just seemed to be off. Much like his students, Tommy craved for Fridays to be over. While he didn't really have any big weekend plans, the veteran ranger had been known for enthusiastic hobbies and trying to live life to the fullest. But even he enjoyed a quiet afternoon every once in a while. He glanced out over the class currently heads down into their tests. He looked at the students and made sure to take an extended glance at the newest version of the Power Rangers. They were a good group of kids and he was especially proud of how far they had progressed as a team. Finally, he locked onto Kira. His house guest for the last few days, god only knows what the school would think if they found out, and close friend. Tommy knew that she had a rough home life and was glad to help the yellow ranger out. But things had been weird between them. Kira seemed to almost avoid him first thing in the morning. Part of him worried that she didn't have enough space. Tommy was drawn from his daydream by the sound of the bell. Quickly standing, he called out, "Okay everyone pencils down. Please leave your test on my desk on your way out. And remember, enjoy your weekend but not too much." With that last part, he half-glared at a couple of football players known for throwing wild parties on Friday nights. Tommy stood by the desk watching the stack of papers pile up as the students left.,"Kira Ford had had a rough week. Math was her weakest area of knowledge, so with it being Friday and also midterm day for some of her classes including Algebra 2, it put her in a...well, let's just say a rather sour mood. But at least with Dr. Oliver's tests she seemed to always shine, which somehow surprised her because normally she was a bad test taker regardless of the topic. Could be that for once she had a high school teacher who actually made coming to class fun and always kept her interest. Hell, even their field trips were a blast! She'll never ever forget the day her and her now best friend Ethan and Connor discovered the Dino Gems and Dr. Oliver's lab; that was a life changer to say the least. The now 18-year-old normally kept to herself and didn't really have any friends in the beginning. But now she had two of the best friends she could ask for and one hell of a life as a Power Ranger, especially with someone like Dr. Oliver guiding them! Living with him definitely had its awkward moments but those moments were more just her own personal matter, usually she'd wake up the next morning from a rather heated dream about him and would not be able to make eye contact through the day. She would be lying if she said she didn't find Tommy attractive - that was definitely true considering her dreams she'd been having. So, the past week had been a life saver since he gave her a place to stay so she could finally be away from her lush of a mother. Sadly, her dad left them just about 5 years ago, and for some reason that's when her mom started picking up the bottle again and sadly Kira sometimes would come to school with a bruise or two. Unfortunately, she didn't wear makeup so some of them were hard to hide. That was when Dr. O stepped in to talk to her privately, and when she told him everything, he was the only one who knew it all - if it was anyone she trusted with something as deep and dark as that, it'd be him. So, when he offered her a place to sleep, he refused to take no for an answer, no matter what excuse she'd come up with. She didn't have to pay rent as long as she kept up her grades and even helped around the house and his lab, which she loved being in his lab! As soon as the bell rang, Kira looked up at the clock then closed her book and slipped it into her backpack. She had finished the test about 15 minutes earlier than everyone else. She then got up and grabbed her test and walked over to Dr. O's desk and laid it down before walking out. This time though, it wasn't to avoid eye contact - no, this time it was because she had a band rehearsal and was playing tonight at Haley's Cafe Cyberspace. She grabbed her phone and sent out a mass text to Ethan, Tommy, and Connor: "See you guys tonight! We start setting up at 6pm, don't be late!" Kira, Ethan, and Connor for obvious reasons only to them had Dr. Oliver's personal cell number. ""Ah. Home sweet home," he says, taking in the spaciousness of the place. "So much space! So much room! And the walls aren't padded so you can bang your head off them all day and do yourself as much damage as you like. Oh... this is the life." He was a man of theatrics, with a laugh that struck fear in to the city. He was unpredictable, dangerous, insane. For years, he had terrorized Gotham City with his murderous rampages, and that gas that he used - the toxin with horrible side effects. The citizens knew him as the Joker. And he missed the meetings with his old, retired foe - Batman. Removing his trench coat, the Joker tosses it to the side and watches as it flutters a short distance onto the wooden floor of his hideout. "Things to do... number one. Buy a new coat stand." His residence is situated in a long, open-spaced loft on top of an old building in Gotham's Industrial District. At the very end of the room are the large windows that look north towards the remainder of the city - giving him a front row view of watching his grand plans going in to action. The long walk to the window takes him about ten seconds with his slow pace, a noticeable spring in his step - his worn white suit in need of repair. There's always time for changing outfits later. One of the long walls was decorated with hundreds of newspaper cuttings and photographs of his old pal Batman. Years of writings and ramblings, made up stories and true life tales of how he had foiled another bad guy's scheme. The Joker was in plenty of them, but Two-Face, Riddler and various other criminals all had their equal share of the limelight. What saddened him greatly were the ones that told the end of the Dark Knight's story. Pages upon pages of his retirement, and how it would effect Gotham. What would they do now their protector was gone? The articles that celebrated his resignation -- the outspoken members of the press and government -- were all crossed out by the Joker, who frowned upon their words. Where was the fun in committing crime if the big bad Batman wasn't there to spoil the day? In front of the window was what really caught his attention. First, someone had kindly left an old armchair a few yards away from the glass, facing outwards like it were a throne for a King. It was badly scratched up, and was a deep purple color that seemed to match the Joker's usual bad comical dress sense. On the right arm was a chain, which descended towards the floor. What was attached to the chain was what he was more interested in. Slumping in the chair, the Joker yanked suddenly on the chain to wake his poor prisoner up. Some of his goons had knocked her out and brought the woman here a few days ago, dressed in her cat-outfit and shackling her to the arm-chair (which itself was bolted to the ground) with a rusty chain that fastened to a thick collar around her neck. It had been tightened just a little too much to be comfortable, and its length prevented her from actually climbing on to the chair. Rope around her wrists also restricted her movement, while a pair of cat dishes -- one with water, the other with what appeared to be cat food (it's true identity was a mystery, but it was perfectly safe to eat) would help any hunger or thirst. Eventually Joker let the chain go, allowing her to breathe once more. He leaned over, keeping his head inches away from the maximum distance she could reach with those claws of hers. "Wake up Kitty... Joker's home.","It wasn't the jerk of the chain that yanked her into full wakefulness, but the breath catching in her throat, gagging her as her eyes flew open to search for the source of the sudden obstruction to her already limited air supply. She had drifted in and out of consciousness for days, never managing to be able to make herself uncomfortable enough to escape exhaustion. Not that she wanted to. She preferred to force herself into the sanctuary her muddled mind offered, rather than waste her time and energy squirming around her tether to take in her surroundings. There wasn't much to look at, apart from her city view and the long wall of clippings all featuring the retired Batman. She had long since taken a gamble at where she had been dragged to. Selina Kyle was right. Or Catwoman. She was Catwoman right now, suited to attire. She blinked slowly at the Joker's face as he leaned down to her, biting back a wheeze as air rushed over her parched throat, through her eager lungs. She only vaguely remembered the incident that brought her there - the flurry of movement, the vibrancy of painted faces, the glitter of discarded jewels, and finally, the pressure to the back of her head that ended the struggle. She pulled forward against the chain toward her captor, only to find that she had jerked up to the end of her slack. She shifted, slipping down to the foot of his chair. Maybe if she wasn't the one on the receiving end of the leash, she would appreciate how witty the method of incarceration was. She glanced to the side of the old wooden floors, quirking one eyebrow so that it disappeared beneath the mask of her PVC cat suit. The cat bowl of water was all too enticing, but with her hands tied, she wouldn't be able to pick it up to get a drink. And like hell was she crouching over to lap it up. It was the same case with the food though - more because she had no idea what the meal was composed of. She would starve before even nibbling at it. Just looking at the contents of the bowl caused the ache of hunger to fade. The water, though... The water made her throat burn. She shifted on the floor, tucking her heeled feet under her bottom as she lifted her head to look up at her subjugator and licked her lips. The remnants of her days-old lipstick tasted oily, and only served to amplify the desiccation of her throat as her pink tongue slipped back past her teeth again. If she were untied, the Joker would have a whole new face to sport whenever he left his hidey hole or maybe if she were untied, she wouldn't feel so destructive. Straight to the point was the best path to take provided he didn't feel like playing games. But that was doubtful. Why go through the trouble of bending her into this position if he couldn't take pleasure in seeing her at his mercy? "What do you want, Joker?" she asked, her voice dry. "It must have been a day or maybe more since he has been in this cell. The ground was concrete, the walls were stone, and it was deadly cold. It was a miracle he hadn't died yet or at least hadn't gotten sick, but then again Light could handle a lot of things; he was a strong male for his age. He was lying down on the cold floor with his hands shackled behind his back. He couldn't escape the cell anyway, so he had no idea why this person took the extra mile. It made it even harder for him to move around and it was very uncomfortable to sleep. He was wearing plain clothes that the one who kidnapped him put on his body. It was just a simple black shirt and loose pants, no shoes, no socks, no belt, and yes, not even underwear, which made the coldness even more unbearable. At least the one who bought him could have put on warmer clothes, but that just proved to him that the person didn't care and that he didn't know what to expect. Light Yagami was 17 and a senior in high school, but he was a very unique and rare individual. He was an honor student who was considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. He had everything - looks, talent, skill. God had graced him with so many things it wasn't funny. His hair was short, thick, and a copper brown color with bangs that hung just above his eyes and framed around the top and sides of his head perfectly. His eyes were dark brown and seemed to glow beautifully in certain lighting. His body was lean, straight, nicely toned, and slightly muscular. He stood tall at 5'8" and weighed 119 pounds. And of course, his face had a chiseled yet angelic frame giving him more of an irresistible look along with the many other things he had. Light tried to replay everything. First, he was kidnapped, then he was sold to someone, but who, and why hasn't this person shown themselves yet? Were they just going to leave him to rot in a cell? No, there had to be a reason for him to be brought here, but he didn't really want the answer to that question. He sighed and leaned his head back against the stone wall. What was going to happen to him now? He was trapped and there was no way of escaping.,"The click-click of her heels was loud on the stone floor and she grimaced in annoyance. It was also rather cold in the prison and her flesh held goosebumps, but she didn't even feel it. Her nose twitched at the dank smell that covered the place as if something had died, rotted, and then molded over. A hand reached out to her from behind cell bars and she swatted at it with her crop. A broken cry spilled out from the lost creature as blood began to fall. She sneered at it in disgust and licked the blood from her whip. Her facial features were harsh and cruel, but still somehow beautiful in its exotic look. Large dark eyes, small nose, large lips. Her black hair was cropped in a bobcat, short in the back and longer as it fell forward around her face, adding to the harshness of her features. Her skin was a soft smooth creamy ivory color that offset the darkness in her eyes. She was petite, lithe, and although small, she exuded power. Standing at 5'8, she wore six inch high heels, making her five foot two without the added height of the heels. Her legs led up to a round and firm ass that was made for caressing, if one would risk getting their hands chopped off for a feel. Her waist was curvy and belly flat. It lead up to perfectly mounded breasts that fit perfectly into a man's palm, but overrode her own. What was most wickedly about her though, was her walk. She walked like she owned the world and if you got into her way, you'd be taken out. When she got to the cell of her newest pet, she looked down at him with a look between interest and disgust. She squatted down so that she would be of height after him and inspected his body quickly with her eyes. Moving her hand between the bars, she flicked out her whip and caught him under the chin, holding it there and moving it side to side so she could take in his features. Removing it, she stood up and looked at the guard. He held something up to her and she took it from his hand, throwing it into the cage. "Put your collar on," she said, "You're my dog now." Her voice was cold, as harsh and as beautiful as her features. "I'm known as Mistress Delila." "About five miles from Tokyo city is an old abandoned factory, at least some say its abandoned. But in reality it isn't, in fact, the building is very well used. The building was owned by slave traders, though its all kept secret and only a small amount of people know about it. Those people were the masters and mistresses, the ones who come in search for a new slave if they got bored with the last one or it died. Everyone of them knew that this building held the best of the best for slaves. The slave traders took a lot of time in finding the rare boys and girls, and once they saw a target they did any means necessary to catch it. The traders had recently gotten very lucky in finding a new slave. The last one they kidnapped was a male named Light Yagami. He was 17 years old and a senior in high school. When standing straight he was 5'8" and weighed 119 pounds. His hair was a copper brown color and it was thick, soft with the bangs hanging just above his dark brown eyes. He had a chiseled yet angelic face giving him an irresistible look along with his body which was perfectly toned, lean, and slightly muscular. And boy was he a hard one to catch, they tried coning him into following but he refused. So then they tried force, one ended up getting punched in the face. After a long bloody struggle they used chloroform and knocked him right out and took him with them to be sold. Even though it was difficult this catch was worth it, they knew he would be sold for a very big price with his looks. Light was lying down, face-first, on a metal bench inside his cell. He was among hundreds of other slaves, some new like him, some already sold before. There were cells connected to each other with bars blocking the view of others, but there were also cells across from each other leading a narrow path to walk through and look left and right at all the slaves. Light was placed in one of the farthest cells with other slaves around his age. A girl was in a cell on his right, another boy on his left, and another girl across from his cell. Some of the other slaves looked at him, but he couldn't respond for he was still unconscious. He was dressed in the same clothes he had on when they kidnapped him - a white buttoned-up shirt, brown slacks, black boots, and a coat that had been taken off along with his tie. The slave traders walked through the cells with water and bread, enough to keep the slaves alive, but not much more. One of them threw a bucket of water on Light, soaking him completely. Without warning, the male threw the loaf of bread at Light, then left the scene. Light shouted and jumped up from surprise, eyes wide, glaring at the male who grinned and said, "The masters and mistresses are coming today... You can bet you will be chosen." Light narrowed his eyes, wondering where he was. "Screw you," he demanded. "Where the hell am I?" The male just laughed and threw the loaf of bread at Light before leaving. Light looked at the bread that was thrown at him but didn't care. How was he to know it wasn't drugged or something? Why else would everyone but him be so calm and out of it? With a sigh, Light sat back down on the bench, putting his hand to his forehead. This was not good; he was going to be sold like a pet, and he didn't know what lay ahead now. Just the thought scared him slightly, but he wasn't going to show it. He shook his head, trying to get the water out of his ears. "Damn it... What now?" he mumbled as he laid back down on the bench and looked up at the cold stone walls.,"The tall, partially masculine male stepped out of his limo, walking to the doors of the warehouse. He was one of the frequent visitors to this Slave House, and also one of the most hated by many people. He always came back with a 'broken' slave, or one that was unsatisfying to him or his friends. He grabbed the unconscious male from his vehicle, his arms bound behind him and him half-naked. He grabbed the slave by the hair and dragged him across the ground, the doors opening for him and he tossed the property to the ground in front of him. "He couldn't take it!" The Master complained, and the lead Slave Driver came up, picking the slave up to examine him. "Well, if you didn't always use such brutal tactics!" The Driver complained. He then dropped the slave and thumbed for him to be put up. "Must you be so cruel?" The Driver asked with a sadistic grin on his face. "Would you have me any other way?" The Master questioned with a chuckle and grin. "Tell me, what new shipment have you all gotten?" The Master asked. "Oh, you will love our new merchandise," The Driver said. "Come right this way, Sir Golna." The Driver stated, waving a hand and walking off. Sir Golna looked at each slave they passed, liking a lot of what he saw. "Remember, you return one slave, you get one back for free. Any more than that-" "I know, I pay for. Do you think I don't have the money?" Sir Golna questioned. "Just stating Sir," The Driver said in his own defense. "I've been here how many times and you still tell me that." The Master said. "My apologies Sir," The Driver stated. He then continued to walk down the walkway, telling about this slave and that. This all continued until they came up to the one, Light Yagami. Sir Golna stopped and looked into the cage, examining him. "OH! You have a like to this one do you sir?" The Driver asked. "He was a feisty one indeed. One of our Guards has a black eye because of him." The Driver informed. Sir Golna smirked and got closer. "What's your name, boy?" Sir Golna asked, looking at the male. Sir Golna was dressed with only a pair of black jeans, a black belt with silver studs making two rows around it. He had no shirt on, showing off his toned body with a six pack that people would think was an eight pack. He had his arms crossed over his chest now, his red hair hanging down past his shoulders, just above his nipples, wrapped behind his ears. He had a piercing in his right ear, with a sierra topaz in it, about the size of half of one's pink nail, and in his left ear was a bar going through the top of his ear and reaching down to the bottom, resting on the top of his ear in the middle and behind it at either end. He had on a pair of black boots, looking to be made for a gothic type person. "After months of patches and flawed launches, the first successful beta test of the newly upgraded League of Legends was to be tried globally, with players hand-chosen from a lottery of a thousand from different parts of the world. Players were advised via manual to remain absolutely motionless in bed while immersing themselves in the 4D virtual reality simulator, for a careless move could easily jeopardize the game's performance. But little did the thousand beta testers know that the system's programming was corrupt and upon logging in, exiting the game via their motor functions would be impossible. There was literally no return to reality after the player's avatar, a cybernetic copy of their carbon selves, would appear in the vast world of League of Legends. Every logged-in player was transported to a dimension void of anything but dark matter where a personalized 'champion select' hologram materialized in front of their simplified avatar. Not unlike a Normals match familiar to a 2D League of Legends game, several other parties (other beta testers) joined both the ally and opposing team, and champion selections were made left and right via a scroll-by menu. Alistar, Jax, Miss Fortune, Shaco, and Nautilus completed the enemy group, every champion following the first few to decide now locked in. The countdown was loud, deafening, even, over the clustered group of summoners cloaked in uniformed robes, a default attire for anyone starting at a measly level one. The last champion selection was made and a voice unique to the summoner who had made the last decision echoed loud and clear: "Don't you trust me?" Once the summoners had linked to their chosen champions, the invisible platform they stood upon dissolved, the bottomless pit of nothing below it pulling every summoner into another dimension unlike the limbo they had been trapped in a second ago. Each one came to, all ten summoners scattered in different places on a map not yet conceivable to the poor and inexperienced summoner. But, there was a blue sky above every head and firm ground below their rattled bodies. With the addition of a certain companion they had chosen to fight alongside... "Human," echoed a sultry voice, almost like a purr, in the depths of the summoner's state of unconsciousness. If the two hadn't been under the temporary, but promising shelter of a towering willow on the outskirts of town, she would have made haste to rouse the summoner from his slumber. Instead, she toyed with his sleeping body like a curious kitten until he came to on his own, the tip of her vulpine tail tickling the underside of his nose. She had a right to be fascinated; after all, it was Ahri's first time seeing, let alone synchronizing with, a summoner on the Rift map. Her nose seemed to twitch as she sensed the male fidget, toned, taut thighs then straddling the summoner's hips to welcome him in her own, coy way. She was naturally not so curious about the ways of humans as her dark history with them proved enough but this one she felt his aura was different, and even the slightest gesture of trust spoke volumes for the Gumiho. It wouldn't benefit her in any way to siphon a life that was ultimately linked to hers, anyway. She leaned in close, the arch of her spine beautifully curved so the fullness of her breasts pressed warmly against the flat of his chest. Her nails ever so slightly dug into the fabric of his robe. "Hello," she purred, her face just inches from his. "You're lying in quite a tempting position. You might want to get up.","Kazu Takahashi woke slowly. "Maru, get off me, you're heavy..." the young Japanese man groaned, eyes still sealed with sleep as he batted at the general vicinity of his chest, seeking to chase away the oppressive weight that must have been his tabby cat. Instead, his fingers became entangled in impossibly soft fur, too long and sleek to be his own. Any further doubts were dispelled by the sensuous, strangely familiar voice, spoken at a proximity truly troubling. He woke with a start. Burnished obsidians snapped open, widening far beyond his usual, collected expression. As he stared into effervescent amber eyes hovering but inches away, the grad student with a penchant for gaming found himself speechless, awed by the all too realistic face of one of his favorite champions. And not just that - the weight straddling him, the subtle feminine scent tickling his nostrils, the curious sway of tail raising above their entwined forms. He was too aware of it all, and would have reacted with mortification had he not been so otherwise excited about the peerless execution. "This is amazing!" Kazu exclaimed, dazed expression swept away by almost adolescent glee. His elbows exerted alongside the flexing of his lean but toned abs, and he pushed himself halfway up off of the ground, enough so that he was now sitting with Ahri astride him rather than laying down. "I've heard that rumors that some serious big names worked together on this project, but damn," he continued his monologue, staring at the Gumiho with an intensity that only a truly committed gamer would understand. "This completely revolutionize gaming," he breathed almost reverently, a sense of awe mixing with his excitement. It was clear that the summoner had no idea what he had gotten himself into, something only compounded by his next action. Both hands shot up with sudden alacrity, digging themselves into the mass of inky threads, before almost rudely groping the two furred black ears, patting and scratching as he would his cat. "Wow even the texture feels genuine," he continued his examination, wide-eyed with fascination. "And you can understand me, right?" He queried, grinning with exuberance, "Ahri?" "Being an Albhed, Seth's life had never been really easy. The only person he really had was Rikku, and sometimes he had met Yuna, their cousin, but he had almost forgotten about her or how she looked. Instead, all he had was his sister...and sometimes he hoped she thought of him the same way. In appearance, they were quite similar, although his hair was mainly the only thing different - his was a dark shade of brown, while the rest of him was soft-featured like his mother...well, what he could remember of her anyhow. Slowly, his eyes opened, a small sigh left him. It seemed Rikku had been getting more energetic recently and was spending less time with him. One could say the fifteen-year-old was getting a little jealous. And they would be rather accurate, but it wasn't something he admitted in a hurry. Now, for once, was one of the days he was certain he could spend with his sis, and what was more, he had awoken earlier than normal. This would make spending time with her a lot easier since he could wake her up and then start organizing the day. Slowly, he headed towards Rikku's bedroom before stopping just outside of it. "You up yet? Or will I have to assist you?" He was going to give her about five or six seconds at most to respond before barging in and attacking her with tickling hands. After all, she was the most ticklish person he knew, and it was the best way to awaken her. That Seth knew from experience.,"Rikku was the younger sister by almost a full year her brother had just turned 15 and declared himself a man. "Go away It's too early" she had stayed up late drinking with the other men of the group. Even though she was a kid they had treated her like a girl in almost every way but sex and that was fine with her. She was dressed in coveralls only they did not cover as much as they should have. Her leg on the right was showing so was her left arm and her midriff it was easy to alter clothing. "Go away" she rolled over the room was not really a room but a small storage container that she had fitted out. She put a lock on her room when she started growing a chest, her brother among them. She did not know why he looked at her, they were both good-looking kids even people outside there group liked him. Sometimes she even put in a contact and went out with him crashing the expensive parties. "Go away I had a late night" she was lucky that as small as she was she never got a hangover. "It was a slow night at the bar, 7th Heaven. The proprietor, Tifa Lockheart, was leaning against the counter, bored. She had both of her arms up on the bar, chin resting on top them. She was gorgeous, with large breasts barely contained by what was no better than a white sports bra. Her breasts were practically spilling out. Her garnet eyes looked hazy, and her black hair was loose except for a tie at the very bottom of her hair. The outfit continued with a short black mini skirt that barely covered her bubble butt and suspenders. Long black gloves with shorter maroon fingerless gloves, along with black thigh highs and maroon boots completed the look. " bored!" Tifa stood up straight, picking up a towel and polishing the bar. Her crush, Cloud Strife, was off on AVALANCHE business which meant she was the only one to guard the shop. Her eyes flicked to the pinball machine, where she knew the secret lair was. She groaned, putting her arms behind her back and lacing her fingers together, pushing her chest out. When she relaxed her breasts bounced, nearly hitting her chin. Surely something had to happen tonight, at least a customer that could interest her.,"Sol Blaze looked over the distance to see the 7th Heaven bar. He had been a semi-regular there, not often due to his travel trips out for work but enough so that he had recognized most of the regulars there when he had been there. Walking up he'd start to enter through the doors as he looked at the empty place in time to see Tifa's ample breasts bounce and nearly hit her chin as she had stretched. The man had wielded two swords on his back and was dressed like most adventurers, with light armor that showed off his fit body, black clothes underneath the armor covering his skin but it was skin tight. The armor a light shade of red with dark black pants that did have a belt with a few supplies on it. He had been known as a Diver, which was a fancy term the locals used for those who went digging into ruins. "Slow night?" he asked Tifa as he walked over to the bar and took stock of the best reason to come to 7th Heaven in the fact that there was the sexy owner and bartender Tifa there. "Just got back in from some work," he offered, giving her a grin. "Good trip this time, though sadly someone already wants me back out there again." "A pair of big brown eyes opened up. An eerie white light flooded the room. He pressed his hand to his head. In the reflection of the glass tube he was in, he could see his appearance - a long orange tail, a pair of small but powerful wings, and a pair of antenna sticking from his head. A doctor in a white lab coat entered in with a grin. She knocked on his tubing filled with liquid that kept him sedated and under control. He looked to her. She was the woman who had been doing experiments on him for months. He use to be a human boy. He was a Dragon Pokemon Trainer. It was during his journeys that he'd come upon Team Galactic working with Team Rocket in order to form the perfect human/Pokemon hybrid. Team Rocket thought it would be powerful. Team Galactic said Pokehuman Metamorphosis was the next step in the human evolutionary chain. The woman knocked on the glass again causing him to become alert. "Wake up Zentite," she said. His name was Zentyu... or at least it used to be before they spliced his DNA with his poor Dragonite. The experiments they did to Dragonite were cruel and inhumane - the constant blood and tissue samples they took all without anesthetics. All the while telling him if he didn't endure it, his trainer wouldn't survive. However, Zentyu didn't learn this truth until they were spliced together, and he was able to access Dragonite's memories. "Look alive Zentyu. You have a new friend. Another one has survived," he couldn't see well from here, but it was definitely a female. He couldn't see what pokemon she was spliced with though. He had seen many half-pokemon/half-human failures that by the end looked like neither, and so many of those that were transformed were all too ready to serve their new masters. "You know of all of the splices you are the only one that won't comply," Zentite or Zentyu was the first experimentation. The tests he was forced to endure on his body were nearly mind shattering, but when they thought they could control him, and tried to give him to a rocket trainer to control him, he rebelled and destroyed half the building. Since then they'd become more efficient with wiping away resistance to listening to the trainers, or at least in most cases. They had thought many times of just killing him, but the head professor wouldn't let that happen. Each time they requested it, she denied it saying that he would be hers without any drugs to manipulate him. He had been her first ever failure in the scientific field, and she had grown quite fond of seeing him - she saw him as something like a tarnished trophy, and an unruly pet that she planned to tame. He hated these people, but this liquid kept him from getting free. If only...he'd make them all sorry, especially that woman - the things she'd done to Dragonite were unforgivable, and that lustful look in her eyes when she turned to him always made him feel sick. She walked over to the girl's case knocking on it. "Hey you get your trainer." A skinny grunt-looking Rocket walked into the room to see the girl. The professor smiled. "So what do you think of her?" Zentyu looked pleased. "I won't know for sure till I put her through her paces, but by the way... we can use them however we see fit, correct?" The professor grinned. "Oh, you mean... I see... honestly how you decide to train her is up to you, but she should be obedient...","When the eerie bright light filled the room, a pair of green eyes struggled to open as the girl groaned quietly. She was smaller than the boy that was in the same situation, but it was more apparent who she was spliced with. Her cream-colored wings, large blade-like extensions on her forearms, and her green hair and eyes showed that she had been spliced with a Scyther, but not any Scyther - it was her sister's, and it had refused to evolve into a Scizor. Hearing the loud yet muddled knocking on her tube's glass made her whimper slightly. When she saw the trainer that was slightly distorted, her head lowered slightly. Her Scyther was not as lucky as the Dragonite. After the splicing had been done, it got eliminated by Team Galactic because it was causing too many problems. The girl had been just as unruly until the pokemon was eliminated, then she somehow slipped into a subservient state that seemed to lighten the mood of the scientists. When the words between the scientist and Rocket reached her ears, her eyes closed as she visibly shivered. When she made a move to try and break the glass, an electric current was sent through the liquid shocking her, making her cry out in pain. It was apparent that she had tried attacking before. The voltage was not a mere shock but more like a Raichu's Thunder attack. Even now, the current was still running through her body, making her whimper slightly. "Hermione Granger stumbled slightly as she moved through the Three Broomsticks pub, several fresh shots of Fire Whiskey in her hands. She was trying to find her way back to her table, but she'd be damned if she could remember where it was through this crowd of graduating students. Like the others here, she was in her final year of school, only a few weeks from the end now. She was trying to find her friends as she was currently thrashing them at their various drinking games, but by accident she had ended up at the complete opposite side of the pub. "Hnghuh...?" She blinked as she looked at the table where she was sure the others had been, frowning at the sight of others sat there. "Ditched? They ditched me? Bastards..." The girl grumbled, then started downing the shots of Fire Whiskey by herself, downing all four inside of a minute, hiccuping, then just slamming the shot glasses down on the nearest table, turning to stumble back. Hell, if her friends had gone there was little point hanging around, and she intended to just head back to the castle in order to sleep off her current doubt paying for the nights festivities in the morning. She made her way out of the pub, ignoring the catcalls and whistles from some of the other students who were still partying hard, and staggered towards the castle gates. It wasn't far, thankfully, and soon enough she was making her way up the steps, passing through the entrance hall and into the common room. There were still people there, but they seemed to be more subdued,"Larris sighed as he finished up his latest drinking game, slaughtering the others as was typical for him. He had to admit though, even for him, he had quite a bit tonight. He was scanning the bar slowly when he spotted Hermione teetering around. He turned to his friends and smiled. "I have a game for you. I bet you I can sleep with the Granger girl by the end of the night." He knew he would catch some hell for her being a muggle but it was worth it for this bet, after all, what's better than to tap the sexiest and smartest girl in the school? "You're insane," a fellow Slytherin whispered frantically. "That's what makes it all the better." Larris spoke quickly. "I'll bet you the rest of the year's worth of school work you can't do it." Another student said. "That's only a few months." Larris paused before continuing. "I'm on. Hope you like being nerdy." Larris rose and slowly made his way over to Hermione as she downed her four shots of fire whiskey. That alone was enough to mess up some of the greatest drinkers. He moved towards her and pretended to look the other direction, bumping straight into her. He reached out to catch her before she could fall. He was glad he wasn't wearing his robes. It would make this much easier. "I am so sorry are you alright?" He asked softly, his face full of false concern. "Fail after fail was passed out towards the Gryffindor class. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't because Snape was in a bad mood. Well, it was partially that. It was also because Snape had given the class only 5 minutes to study. The test that was given had 60 questions on it, and studying 60 questions in 5 minutes was nearly impossible. Severus Snape lingered by the door, passing out the tests to the students, surprised when he handed out a passing grade to a student, but he remembered that this student was an overachiever, so the student probably read the book before, and read it again within the testing time. Severus closed the door behind him and sat down at his desk. He opened a compartment underneath the desk and pulled out a picture, the picture of Lily. It was enclosed in a gold picture frame. Snape looked at the picture, and pushed some of his black hair out of his face. "Mudblood!" His voice shouted in his head. Severus ran his hand through his hair, feeling his heart being ripped in two, and this happened every day. Severus opened up his door when his Slytherin class was supposed to attend, and he kept the demeanor that he usually did around students, the illusion that he was fine. Slytherin students would openly mock him if they saw him holding a picture of a Mudblood. "Attention class," he said. "I am going to be giving you all a test on the material that you should have read yesterday. Page 130 to 150." The class looked alarmed, but knew they couldn't argue. "If there are any questions, you may approach my desk." It was then that Snape sat down.,"Vanity Grayle. One of the tallest girls in the class, slender, with a frame that looked far too delicate, and skin that was so pale it was almost translucent. She was probably archetypal of the rest of the school's view of a typical Slytherin... manipulative, willing to do whatever it took to claw her way ahead, and far too coldly clever for comfort. She was, ironically, always rather primly turned out. High collars, long skirts, neat robes that never had a wrinkle, hair either combed into stern obedience or firmly tied back into a severe ponytail. Her ponytail bobbed as she approached the desk, book held open and ready before her. "Professor Snape?" Her voice was as smooth as molasses on silk. It tended to make the male libido sit up and take notice. "I don't really understand what this ingredient brings to the range of potions here. Surely it would just neutralize the aconite?" She held the book out, large dark eyes gazing at him with a hint of secret meaning. "There was a dark hush throughout the entire Malfoy Manor. Even in the mid-morning the house seemed dead like the night. Aimee Theroux sat in her newly acquired room, glancing at her reflection in a large mirror. Everything in her life had turned upside down in the past few weeks, and she was left stranded in a family friend's home. Aimee was out of Hogwarts by now, and at the ripe age of nineteen she was avoiding University. She didn't want to go to another boarding school with more homework and annoying professors. Before her parents had perished they had insisted upon her at least learning some subjects, even if it wasn't at formal schooling. They hired tutors for potions, transfiguration, dark arts, and even practical subjects were covered - like French and arithmetic. After trouble with a few teachers, her parents decided one tutor could cover most magical subjects, and that was her dark arts 'professor', Lucius Malfoy. Plans had already been made out for her to stay at the Manor two days a week for a year or so, but that was before her parents were caught in a massacre between a group of Death Eaters and muggleborns. After the dreadful experience she had been moved permanently to the Manor, or at least moved there until she was mature enough to live on her own. And that was fine with Aimee, as it was much better than living with her grandparents or having to buy her own apartment. Besides, it meant she got to spend even more time with her new favorite person - Lucius. The young lady sat at her vanity, twisting a bit of hair between her fingers. The dark locks fell down to her mid back in soft curls, wisping around her face to form a rather elegant frame. Her blue eyes were light and appeared rather like marble. With a sigh Aimee stood up and began placing her feet inside a new pair of heels - courtesy of the money left behind by her parents. They looked as if they belonged in the Victorian era, with patent black leather held down by artisan crafted laces. The rest of her outfit was a bit cliche of a past time as well. A skirt that fell just below her knees had ruffles and lace covering it, all of which were of a dark shade. A white button up shirt covered her upper portions, though she left a few buttons undone to uncover the tops of her breasts. After she had put on her four inch heels the girl grabbed a small satchel and headed towards Lucius Malfoy's study. Aimee herself was rather short, only an inch or two above five foot, so she always wore heels to feel adequate. A clicking noise echoed off the stone walls as she walked, until eventually she came to a large wooden door with intricate carvings cut into it. With a deep breath Aimee put a smirk on her face, and knocked on the door.,"Lucius sat at his oak desk, going over his various plots. The world would soon be his lord's world, if all went according to plan. But there were various smaller details to attend to. Such as the newly acquired girl. Aimee. He would make her his protege. He stood up, inspecting himself in the mirror. Donning all black as usual, he saw his lean form in as good a shape as ever. His brilliant blonde hair hurt to look at in the sun. His cold gray eyes gave no ground to those who were not greater. Even to them, they remained cunning. His mouth, a cruel crescent, tight-lipped and strict. He cocked an eyebrow when he heard the knock. Opening the door with military sharpness, he was shocked to see Aimee, looking like the epitome of womanly beauty. She was dressed as a virile young lady, the image of womanhood. "Right," he said, "time to begin the lessons. Pay attention..." "After-parties were always worth the boredom that Eva had to endure while waiting for an awards show to finish. She never missed a chance to get dolled up to the nth degree and pose for the paparazzi. Tonight had been no exception, she'd worn a form fitting silver gown with cap sleeves and a scoop neck that stretched just almost to her knees. Black gladiator-style 4 inch pumps gave her a bit of height and accented her calves as the leather bands snaked their way up her from her ankles. Various pieces of matching silver jewelry adorned her ankles and neck, along with her ears and fingers. Her deep auburn hair hung in almost natural waves down her back, and her eyes were dramatically emphasized in black liner and gold shadow. That was the attire for the after-party as well; as things wound down she sipped off the last of her drink and got up to leave. There were a few offers of other party-goers to walk her to the limo that waited below the high-end club, but in past experiences Eva thought the garage was secure enough. The few drinks she'd had that evening ensured that there would be no walk of shame, no matter how secure she felt. Those camera lenses found their way into every aspect of a celebrity's life. During the ride down the elevator, Eva began to dig in her purse to find her cell phone. Not a problem if her driver, Mike, was asleep, though she wanted to give him a heads up. Once the doors opened out into the garage she pulled out the tiny phone and flipped it open, focusing on the buttons to find the right number to dial.,"Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike before he spotted his target for the night - the sexy Eva Mendes. He looked her over and grinned, licking his lips as his cock almost jumped right there and then just from the sight of her lovely body. He knew that he would have her, and that all he had to do would be to catch her, which would be a simple task indeed. Despite reports of some other B-list celebrities disappearing, it didn't really worry any of the A-listers. They thought they were too untouchable, but Drake would prove them wrong. He watched her for the night before noticing that she was starting to get ready to head to the garage and be driven home. "Not today, miss Mendes," he grinned, and headed to the garage, grabbing the rope and chloroform that he would use to keep her subdued. Sneaking out quietly to the shadows behind her, he waited until he saw Eva pull out her phone to call and wake up her driver and tell him to bring the car around. Quickly and quietly moving up behind her, he pressed the chemical-soaked cloth to her face, his other arm wrapped around her body to hold her steady until she passed out. ""Wow... more people here than I thought there'd be," said young Sakura Kasugano with a whistle as she stood outside the ring of people, all men, watching the fight happening in the center. While seemingly impromptu, it was official... more or less. "Gah... I can't see anything!" she said, setting her school bag down and standing on her tiptoes to try and see the action. She failed to notice that she was pressing her perky breasts up against the men in front of her, getting lecherous looks and snickers that she too, failed to notice. "Stupid teacher... holding me after class..." she muttered to herself, obviously annoyed. And with her attire, obviously coming straight from school, as she was still dressed in her rather provocative school uniform. She had her headband and gloves on though, as she always had those things on her. She stuck out like a sore thumb, being the only girl there. Either through naivety or just lack of attention, she failed to notice all the looks she was getting from the male crowd, as well as the whispers of rather sexual things they'd all like to do to her. Though, none of the men seemed to be aware that she was scheduled to compete in this little series of fights, or that she could likely kick most of their asses if they acted on their perverted plans for her.,"Nathan Stone sat on the sidelines in the shadows, watching the crowd. He didn't like crowds, but they were useful. In this area, cops were often lurking, and he really didn't want to get into another fight with them. His jailmate, Cody, had escaped again, and Nathan had been lucky enough to escape with him, but soon afterward, they parted ways. Now it was Nathan's turn. He walked to the center of the ring and surveyed the crowd. A young woman was trying to look over the top rope; she caught his eye. He smiled. The reason Nathan had gone to jail was for indecent exposure during public scenes. He loved toying with girls and fucking them, but he did it when he felt like it, and right now, all he wanted to do was beat the living hell out of someone to relieve some tension from being confined in a cell. Nathan - So, which one of you bastards wants to take me on? "Heading through the landscape, I'm greeted near a small village by the sound of turmoil and fighting. Calling my great white wolf, Balto, to my side, I hush him up as I slowly move closer. The sight that greets me by the small hill outside the village as I lie down make me smirk. Seeing the female blood elf massacre her way through the helpless villagers, I rush back into the forest, quickly pulling out several spools of rope from my sack, I begin tying the ropes around, creating a long section of traps near the hill. Shortly after, I return towards the village, calling my wolf to my side before pointing and silently telling it with my eyes to guard the sack behind the bush without a sound. I reach by my sides, making sure my sword and axe are both where they are supposed to be. I quickly sneak around the village, arriving from the other side as I rush into it, my eyes shooting fire. "Death Knight! You are at my mercy!" I roar, the fight turning out between us as I fiercely send her fleeing back towards the hill, giving chase but with a secret smirk as I rush in over the hill after her, awaiting the reaction from the traps and what my price will be, hoping my plan has paid off. I'm standing tall, around 6 feet with short, brown hair and no sign of a beard. I am wearing hunter clothes, green and brown neatly tied with a sash to keep my light chainmail hidden fully. I wield a medium length sword in my left hand and a battle axe in my right hand, being efficient with both weapons as well as the longbow left by my sack and pet.,"Erosong had done well for herself finding this little village. Despite her time in training under the Lich King, she still bore her undying hatred for the Alliance. Long legs, elongated by the tall, high-heeled boots she wore. The boots cut off just before her knees, a circle of fur around the cuff. It appeared to be the soft fur of a stormsaber. Her tight outfit accentuated every curve of her body. The once powerful paladin was now even more powerful as a Death Knight. She slaughtered the entire village. It didn't matter how many of them came at her. She knocked the final guard to his knees. She tilted his head back to look into her eyes as she slit his throat. Letting the blood pour over her hand. She closed her eyes, loving the feeling of the man's blood coating her fingers and hand. She let him fall. Then hearing someone call in another language, she turned, a human, but looks a hunter. She could tell by looking at him he was powerful. And she was in no mood for a battle at the moment. She made haste to retreat so she wouldn't have to deal with him. She gasped when she became entangled in primitive traps. She growled softly. Looking into the human's eyes. Her blades were on her back, so she stood no chance at cutting herself down. "Let me go hunter! I have another Death Knight coming. He'll be here within the hour. A fellow human actually. But it would be best that you let me go... He'll not like that his lover is being held by someone else..." Erosong said, looking at him calmly. Almost eerily so. "Something smelled odd in the Gryffindor common room. That did happen, happened with surprising frequency, since the Weasley twins took up residence in this particular house. It also didn't help that occasionally someone's homework took on a strange odor. Quite often students were told to try their potions homework somewhere else. Possibly outside. But what made this odd was that there was hardly anybody in the common room. Hermione Granger was in the common room, a book cradled in her hands, as usual. The girl had been taking some much needed time to study. They were between events in the Tri-Wizard cup, and things had been crazy lately, with Harry's participation and three houses hanging around. To add even more complications, there was Viktor Krum and Ron to consider. Hermione wasn't even sure how she felt about either, and wasn't about to share her feelings with anyone. But back to the strange smell. Hermione closed her book, setting it aside as she started prowling, following her nose. She'd read the potions book cover to cover already, had even checked out a few extra books on the subject. Even with this knowledge though, she couldn't quite place the source of the potion. The bushy-haired Gryffindor student was therefore just as curious as she was off-put. Puzzles were meant to be solved, after all. Hermione had been solving them since her first year, and she didn't intend to stop now. There! Hermione stopped over a girl, who seemed to be hunched over something. Oddly enough, the girl looked to be about Hermione's age, but she couldn't quite recall her fellow student's name. That didn't stop her from tapping the other girl on a shoulder though. "Excuse me, but what potion do you have?" she asked, craning her neck to try and see, desperate to figure this puzzle out. She cast a look at the girl too, wanting to make sure that she knew that Hermione was talking to her.,"Jessi Lang bent over her small cauldron as she slowly stirred the potion. It had taken the girl the better part of the summer to collect the ingredients for this Desire potion. Looking over her shoulder, the thin Irish redhead looked at her hearts desire. She could remember the first year of school so well as she was placed in the same house as Hermione. It was from that point that she fell for the smartest girl in their year. Looking back to the potion, Jessi pulled out the last two ingredients that would bind Hermione to her. Breathing deeply, she dropped the hairs into the potion, both disappearing quickly as the potion dissolved them. Slowly a new scent drifted from the Desire potion. Feeling her heart beat faster behind in her petite body, she could feel her nipples grow hard with her excitement as her B-cup breasts raised with her breath. Keeping her hands in her lap, Jessi looked at the burned piece of parchment to check that she had made the potion correctly. Unknown to her, the potion was never meant to be drunk. It worked when the person simply smelled it. Jumping as her shoulder was touched, Jessi turned around quickly, "Oh Hermione," she said, a smile spreading across her freckled face, "It's an old family potion to help with studying. My grandmother gave me the recipe over the summer... Would you like to try it? It's perfectly safe..." "Ever since returning back, it hasn't been like the other years. It's been difficult and possibly worse. Everywhere they walk, one has to watch out for their back and where they go because now any teacher could harm them, simply for living. It was such a horrible thing that the Death Eaters had placed themselves into Hogwarts as teachers. It wasn't properly done and those who were still just professors barely had much authority. How could they when they had Death Eaters waiting eagerly for any excuse to perform the Killing Curse on them? Not even the safest school ever was safe. Still though, it didn't stop those who were of the newly formed Order from meeting to find ways to not be subjected to the everyday scrutiny of the new professors. They met to make a stand and give confidence into everyone else, including the teachers who were being forced to stay quiet. Stand up and take back what was theirs; the right to learn, the right for Muggle-borns and Half-bloods to learn what is their natural magical right. No harm. That day, after meeting in the safe haven of the Room of Requirement, recruiting others and simply staying safely in a place that the Death Eaters wouldn't have an access to, Ginny Weasley sat on a couch, simply chatting with a few of those who had remained. She was talking about Ron, Harry, and Hermione, hoping for their well-being and hopefully an end to this tyrannical reign of darkness. Among them were Neville, Seamus, and a few others, simply chatting and also not wanting to leave the Room anytime soon. Still, the time came and they all took their leave, but Ginny remained. The Room was designed in this comfortable lounging kind of part in the corner and then a practice field to practice defense spells against any harming persons. When it was over, they would sit back and relax, talk, laugh, try and have a good time as well as get work done. It was their salvation at the end of every class day; a place to escape from the dreary and droning dark forces that were determined to break down the walls of the very institution that once was so safe and homey for them. With a small sigh, Ginny turned the page of the new textbook that had replaced the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was relatively similar but not so much defense. She read it to learn what she may need that could be used as defense; though it didn't necessarily mean it was to protect but to inflict harm. Moving a lock of her ginger red hair out of her face, she turned the page again and then looked up from her book, resting her head back against the back of the cushioned chair she was sitting in. Clad in a white buttoned blouse with her tie loosened around her neck and the black pleated skirt, she crossed a leg over the other and just closed her eyes, thinking about the trio, wishing everyday that they would come home. Wishing everyday that all that was happening, would end. She remained strong, even if everything else was crashing down. She had to remain strong. So many had to.,"Things were looking up for anyone in the Slytherin house, especially those whose parents had joined the Dark Lord all those years ago and willingly answered his summons more recently. Dominic Rowle happened to fit into that category, a current Sixth year at Hogwarts who knew that this year would provide him with more then any year past had. True things had worked out well for him in the past, he was a Prefect, one of the top students in his year, and also a Chaser for his house Quidditch team, a team that had not won the championship in too long but that hardly mattered, he had a feeling that things would change this year. He had good looks, charm, talent, and a very wealthy pure blood family that could get him just about whatever he wanted. Of course there was one thing just out of his reach, one thing that he never told anyone else in his house about because of the trouble it would cause him... Ginny Weasley, pure blood and beautiful. True her family didn't have much money but that hardly mattered to Dominic... though her family's betrayal of their pure blood was a troublesome thing. To him it wasn't something that mattered but he was proud of his pure blood status and he knew that she would reject him should he approach her... and Dominic was not someone who took rejection very well. No when the time came he would have her all to himself, and she wouldn't have a choice in the matter. The new rules in the school hadn't really bothered him all that much, as the child of Death Eaters the new teachers were treating him quite well and he was excelling in the classes while at the same time looking closely at Ginny, waiting for her to make a mistake, waiting for a chance. Finally one had emerged, she had been sneaking off at night as had her friends and he had followed them, seeing them enter the Room of Requirement, something he had discovered his second year. He wasn't an idiot, only one reason these particular students would want to meet in private and with a smile he had taken down the names as they left, a list that would give him a great deal of power over her should he need it, a pity that he didn't carry a camera around at all times like that one kid Colin did. Smile still on his face and list of names tucked into his robes Dominic entered the room. Hello Ginerva. He greeted her, making sure his hand was on his wand in case she got violent. Taking a little bit of time to hold a study group with your friends.... I believe Headmaster Snape would need to approve it first. "It had taken him months to prepare this night, this event. The problem with getting a celebrity was that they rarely dated or fucked normal guys. But if you plan it just right, you can kidnap one of the most beautiful women in the country. There was money, bribing, and contacts involved, along with duct-tape and a little chloroform while Demi was at the club. And despite her bodyguards, it was extremely easy to take her. Christopher had hauled Miss Lovato's unconscious form into the trunk of his car and drove off into the night without a trace. When her guards woke up, they would have no idea what went wrong; only that she was gone. Once Christopher had arrived to his relatively small house, he made sure that it was absolutely quiet and clear before he took her body out of the trunk, hoisting her over his shoulder and taking her inside. He was fortunate to have his own basement, which he would put into use later, but for now, the living room would do. He pulled away the black hood that covered his face, exposing a young man of 25 with short black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a toned, athletic figure that allowed him to carry Demi with ease. Christopher had already prepared the living room. A chair sat in equal distance from the couch to the kitchen, with only a small end-table situated a few feet away. He lowered Demi onto the chair, leaning her comfortably against the seat while he worked. Making sure that the duct-tape was still secure against her mouth, he retrieved the coil of soft rope from under the table, tying Demi's arms securely behind the back of her chair, and tying her ankles to the front legs, too. Within the drawer of the table were several various toys that could be used to break her will; Christopher would use those in a little while. For now, Demi was set to awake in a just a few minutes... the young man sat down behind her, crossing his legs and arms as he patiently waited for the young celebrity to open her eyes.,"It had started as a normal night at the club. Demi Lovato, fresh from filming and ready to relax, had thrown herself into the night's events. She'd even told her bodyguards to relax, that there was nothing they needed to concern themselves with. Nothing was likely to happen to her; not now. Little did she know that within hours she'd wake up, tied and gagged in some man's home. The girl's panicked eyes grew wide, the brown swimming with terror even as the grogginess still made her vision blurry. It wasn't hard to determine that she couldn't move, nor was it difficult to figure that she couldn't speak, gagged as she was by the tape. Still, Demi tried protesting against the tape, the muffled cries loud and sharp. Her eyes went about, desperately seeking who had done this, or what. She couldn't see anyone, and that panic made her searching more frantic. Demi tried to stand, to break her bonds, her muscles straining against the ropes and bindings. Nothing, not a budge. The girl groaned and sat back against the chair, her body heaving from the effort. Once more Demi twisted around, trying desperately to see if someone was nearby, to confront her captor. She was fairly certain she could just make out someone out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn't twist enough to see him clearly. "According to popular belief, Gothamites had been relieved of one more villain. One less criminal to worry about plaguing the streets and taking innocent lives, however how she had died still remained a mystery. As a matter of fact, who had killed her was another mystery that had yet to be solved, not that anyone was entirely curious to find out, rather they had only been aware when one day a large set of flowers grew in Gotham City park, the white flowers having the woman's namesake wrapped around them. Bruce Wayne declared the woman dead due to such a thing, the plants remained alive and thriving for several years, despite the weather changes that ran through the city, the flowers stayed living. Who had murdered Pamela Isley? It was only occasionally a thought to Harley Quinn, who had drawn away from certain aspects in realizing that her 'Red' was no longer there. Where had Pamela gone? The cool breeze that went through the spring time air caused the trees to shift and wave their leaves slightly, the click of heels echoed through the silent walkway in Gotham City Park. It had been at least three years since the woman was proclaimed dead, the time ticking by carelessly as crimes throughout Gotham City continued, the dark knight coming to save the city just about every time. Typical really. Plush lips parting softly, a light sigh escaped her mouth as her arms folded above her head, knowing she was going to have to get dressed if she was going to pay a visit to Oswald. After all, with Oswald being the owner of the Iceberg Lounge, she knew this man was capable of spilling a few things that she cared to know. The dark green bustier on her upper half hugged onto the curves of her frame, the white pants that found themselves on her lower half slid up well, holding onto her firm rear as most pants generally would. Wonderful. Sliding the matching white suit jacket onto her frame as well, whomever’s house this was, she was quite fortunate that the woman of the household had fabulous taste in clothing. Pausing for a moment as she spotted something not so decent however, she shook her head and considered her wardrobe less than fabulous. Whatever, she'd gotten her outfit. The house was undisturbed as the woman again made her move out of the house, her mind set on one man and one place in particular. It was within little time that the woman made her way through the back alley that led to the entrance of the Iceberg Lounge, her lips curling into a soft smile toward the henchman that stood at the door. The man raised a brow at the attractive woman, watching as she leaned toward him and left his cheeks burning a bright red color as though they were attempting to match her pinned up hair. It was a short matter of seconds before the man was on the ground, the color leaving his face and his veins exposed as he gasped for some type of air, heels clicking as she let him drop and moved inside the building. Showing her teeth for a moment as she moved around one of the numerous penguins that hobbled around the Lounge, her eyes instantly set their sights on the male who sat with a small entourage of people. Other villains, probably, but she wasn't going for them. She wanted the Penguin. However, taking a moment to let her eyes move to one of the numerous icebergs that stuck out from the ceiling, Pamela's lips remained in their smiling state, another audible breath taken as she sent her vines up for the prize she knew the iceberg held. Her head turning now, the female was only a few feet away from the table that the men sat at, none of them aware of her presence until her heeled feet clicked across the table. " I - ah - Ivy? " Ivy was right. " Good evening gentlemen, and Ozzie, " The woman standing over him now, easily she moved to set her feet on either side of the man, her stilettos stopping in their clicking as she straddled his lap, the man clambering for words to say to the supposedly dead woman. " H - How did you get in h - here? " He asked, the woman's lips not once breaking from their smile as she tilted her head curiously at the man. " Why, I walked through the front door of course. But enough chit chat Oswald, I've got some questions for you, so do play nice boys. " Speaking not only to him but the men around him, she knew he could easily signal not only his penguins but the rest of his henchmen to come for her, but the amount of surprise was obviously overwhelming. I'm nto so dead anymore now am I.,"Mr. Cobblepot's henchmen didn't know what to do. That devilish woman had gotten so close. With a kiss, their boss could be down for the count forever. With the current state of the economy, they'd be reverting back to street thugs. All of them pointed their guns at Poison Ivy; some of them had trembling hands. They sought guidance from the Penguin, but currently, their boss was most likely afraid right now, since Ms. Ivy did have the upper hand. An attractive woman was sitting on Cobblepot's lap; of course he would be excited, if it wasn't for the fact that if he kissed her, he might lose his life along with it. A very close friend was sitting near the action. It was a man with a hat dressed in a green suit with a wide smile on his face. The man reached for his question mark top cane and got up out of his seat. He saw a riddle in front of his eyes. The infamous Poison Ivy was alive and well, rumors had it that she died, but yet here she is, after three long years. There wasn't a riddle that Edward E. Nigma couldn't solve. Could the infamous Lazarus pit be a part of the reason why Ms. Pamela Isley is here today? The short, round man gathered his composure after the almost heart-attack feeling of seeing Poison Ivy alive. He growled and snorted a bit as he stared at the deadly woman's eyes. Why are you here, Pamela? he said, as his hands that were resting comfortably on the chair's armrest were starting to sneak up into a fist. The henchmen that surrounded the room were starting to prepare for a showdown between them and Ms. Ivy. The Riddler intervened and spoke, "Calm down Oswald." The man with the green hat began walking towards the lovely couple. "She's here, of course, to see if you had anything to do with the fact that everyone now knows that Pamela Isley is dead." said the Riddler, as he was now standing behind the chair that Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot sat in, staring into Poison Ivy's eyes. "Isn't that right, Ms. Ivy?" he said, with a smile. He then leaned down, and was just above the Penguin's right shoulder as he whispered so that both of them could hear. "Why don't we help each other out...I do believe that the heist that we're able to implement could use a feminine touch." the Riddler said, as he gripped his question mark cane and straightened himself out. "After all, the moment you made your presence known, almost all the men here are a delight to look at, Pamela... dead or alive..." The Penguin snorted, and looked away, muttering something under his breath while rolling his eyes. "I don't believe that we need her... besides, whose cut will it come out of if we were to include her in our scheme of things?" "As you can see, Ms. Isley, this little bird only has a one-track mind. What reason would he have to rid the world of the beautiful Poison Ivy? Even with a beautiful woman on his lap, the man can only think of money," said the Riddler. Once again, the Penguin mumbled something and stared up at Poison Ivy. He knew she wasn't there for his pleasure. Women of Gotham were never there for his pleasure, unless they were paid for. "Robert Phillips walked down the halls of the great school of magic, Hogwarts, like he did everyday for the last month. A loner by choice, the Ravenclaw moved amongst the other students as he headed to his potions class. As much as the fifth year loved potions, he hated that he had to share it with the Slytherin house. Normally he didn't mind the Slytherins but after the new girl from America started in on him, he hated them all. It hadn't been his fault that the potions teacher had chosen her to test his potion on. And it wasn't like he had meant to turn her blue. He had gotten the ingredients from the cabin like all of the others. Even Professor Snidely had said it wasn't his fault. That one of the ingredients was too old to use. Although it might have been that he had laughed harder than anyone else in class. Walking into the classroom, he sighed as he spotted an empty chair between two of his housemates. "Do you think you can remake that blue potion again?" William asked on his right. "I want to sneak it into all of those Slytherins drink at supper." Laughing, Robert replied, "But we would need some of the old stuff for it to work. I knew that rat-tail was old as soon as I picked it up. If you can find any more, I think I can remake it," he said, watching the Slytherins walk in. They always travel in packs, Robert told his housemates. "They never could stand on their own," he said loud enough for everyone to hear.,"Tess was making her way to Potions class when her boyfriend Tyler walked up, smacking her ass. He startled her as she was deep in thought. "Do you always have to do that?" she asked, slightly annoyed. The tall, brown-haired boy slid his arm around her waist. "It's perfect," he said, "and mine's not my fault; I can't keep my hands off it." His response caused her to smile at him. He was a jerk, but at least he was sweet to her most of the time. The pair made their way into their class. Tess sighed to herself when she spotted Robert. He was an annoying Ravenclaw who embarrassed her in front of the whole class. She had always thought he was extremely good-looking, but since that day, she wanted nothing more than to ruin his life. As they walked past, she overheard him making a rude comment and stopped instantly. "Are you just jealous that we have friends and you're some freak nobody wants to be around?" Tyler laughed slightly at her comment and grabbed her hand, leading her to the table. That Ravenclaw boy enraged her almost every time she saw him. "Drake had been working for the company for more than three years now and in that time he had become one of their best agents for finding "targets" and retrieving them before training them and handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair, dressed up for the occasion. There was supposed to be a big party for celebrities, some A-list group who thought they were untouchable and wouldn't get caught or disappear like some B-list stars. Laughing, he got up and headed to his car, checking his trunk for all of the tools of his trade - ropes, gags, and chloroform. Getting into his car, he headed out from his house and into the city where the afterparty was being held. Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now? It had to be someone really at the A-list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. That would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. He knew that they operated all around the world, some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government; who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they were truly in power.,"Miley couldn't believe who was all here. Some very important celebs. With this group, she might just get the big time push she was looking for. She walked about talking, then decided to go to the bathroom. As she did, she picked up a drink from a nearby waiter, then took it with her. If her father saw her, he would kill her. But who cared. She sipped the drink, then decided to have some more fun. She pulled out the joint a friend had given her and began smoking it. She looked around, then noticed that Beyonce had come in. She tossed the joint into the toilet, then said, "Hey Beyonce. How's Jay-Z?" Beyonce looked at her, then the john. "Why did you toss it? Wasting a perfectly good joint like that. Stupid girl." Miley shrugged. Who knew that while they talked, there was a plot to gather them and others from the party. Miley, of course, had read where some B-list talent had come up missing, but who cared. They were nobodies. Nobody cared. About like Emily's career after Hannah. Who cared. The show was all about Miley anyway. For that matter, Beyonce should worry. Where was her career now? "It had been a strange night from the very first cab ride. The driver was talking too much, he was too young, too handsome, and Rachel was laughing too hard. Phoebe had been staring at Monica at the bar. It was before the show had started. It gave Monica the urge to fight or flight. They looked like college students, there was something about their vibe, their attitude, it was the look in their eyes. They were having a good time. Ross wasn't there. It was a girls night out. It was the only way to get rid of him in any way. They worked so often, it was rare. Monica and Rachel worked, Phoebe typically just vanished a lot. New York had attracted culture and legend for over two centuries. A new rock band was playing in town, they didn't even have to go over the bridge to see it. None of them could remember the name of the band, the music was a bit of a blur as well. Each of them were two or three drinks deeper than usual. And Phoebe had slipped something into her own drink. She had a plan, it was devious as it was genius. She had known the band since College. She was one of their first fifteen groupies. She could feel her self tunnel vision in the middle of the set as the girls danced together two rows from the front. Monica was in a pleated skirt, her neurosis were as visible as her tiny white panties every time she moved her hips. Her leggings were only up to the middle of her thigh. The other girls had given her shit for dressing like a stripper. It had been an accident, and she spent most of the concert trying to see if anyone was looking at her as she pulled at the bottom of the devilish skirt. Her top was tight, and it pushed her modest tits halfway up to her chin. Rachel had paired together a pair of jeans, and a polyester jacket that was almost fifteen years ahead of its time. It had been a dress-up track jacket. She was so happy that it still fit her, it was the very reason they had even come out tonight. It was orange and white. Her shirt underneath was a bright yellow, and her hair was held up with her sunglasses. One could practically hear her California girl accent just by looking at her. Phoebe's skirt was only a few inches longer than Rachel's, but it was heavier, and her girlish style was shining out. It was a one piece skirt-blouse combination that made her look like a kindergarten teacher who had just been promoted to guidance counselor. She had spent over an hour in the mirror on her hair. They had drawn eyes from every corner of the bar all night. They were allowed to dance on stage during the encore. Phoebe's clothing was already loose. They were wasted, and Rachel had forgotten entirely about Ross. Monica was suddenly proud of her pussy on display, panties wet with sweat, transparent in the stage light.In the next moment they were walking toward the back of the stage, they were in a dark hallway, hands covered in hot men. They were in the green room, drinking more, smoking cigarettes, and laughing. The light was dim, there was graffiti on the walls, and the girls' night out had turned into a dreamland once in a lifetime event. The crowd inside of the green room was slimming, and Phoebe was the only one who didn't notice. Her voice was over an octave higher than usual. The pill in her drink had made her saliva thick, it made her body blush, it made her pussy wet. And, Monica had accidentally mistaken that drink for hers. She had had over half of the dissolved pill. Phoebe was operating off of the placebo effect. Monica on the other hand, was lubricated and ready to fuck as if she had just been to a wedding and been fingered by the groomsmen with a strawberry against her lips for two hours without climax. She hadn't had the feeling in so long, she had no idea how to identify it. She was sitting next to Rachel on the sofa in the dim light. Her hand was rubbing against her best friend's side, slowly. The goosebumps climbed up Rachel's spine, and she was excited to cuddle. She pulled Monica closer and the two of them nearly kissed. At this point Monica actually thought she was dreaming, and Rachel was more comfortable than she had been in over ten years. The suggestions hadn't even started.,"Thomas smiled as he walked into the green room. It was cleared out, the bus was busy rocking as his band mates got their orgy on. Thomas hated sloppy seconds, but had lost the bet and thus had to load the instruments. Thomas Alexander Hellsing, or "The Incubus" in his band, was every woman's wet dream. Bright sapphire blue eyes, silver hair brushed back and put into an elaborate Indian style ponytail. A body that would make a model jealous, with firm well-defined abs, and a few scars to add to its character. The large bulge in his leather pants didn't hurt either. Nor did the oil practically dripping off of him. It had been a light show to make the lights on stage glisten off of his hard abs, but in the green room under the direct lights the effect was even more noticeable. Walking in, he blinked as he saw a familiar face. "Well, I'll be blown and have a tongue up my ass," he said, pulling Phoebe into a HARD kiss. His tongue swirling around hers, caressing all the most sensitive places in her mouth. This was the kind of kiss girls over 14 dreamed about, one that made their panties wet. With expert hands, he unbuttoned Phoebe's top. Smirking, he broke off the kiss and said, "Hell yeah, beautiful. I always did love your rack. You don't mind if I borrow it for a bit, do you?" Without waiting for an answer, he put a thick line of cocaine across her tits. Snorting it quickly and easily. He half sat, half fell between Rachel and Monica. Smirking at the strawberry blonde and redhead, he said, "Now now, girls, don't let Tommy end the fun. In fact, let him enhance it." He yanked Rachel in for a kiss after putting a dollop of cocaine on his tongue. Rubbing the underside of her tongue with the cocaine, he let it be absorbed through the thin skin there. He continued the kiss hotter than the one he'd given Phoebe. Then he turned to Rachel, seeing her eyes dilated, he slapped her hard enough to leave a red mark, knowing any flesh-on-flesh contact would make her moan and possibly cum. Grabbing her hair, he kissed her hard, more cocaine on his tongue. Rubbing and caressing her tongue. Laughing, he said, "Now you girls share." Taking both women's hair, he put the baggie between his legs and pushed their lips together. Smirking, he said, "Hey Phoebe, feel like seeing if you still give the best head I've ever had? Feel free to 'Flavor' it to your likes." "Princess Hayden had seen better days. In fact, she couldn't recall quite feeling worse than she did at this particular moment. Barely had she been on her quest for a week now, and already she'd faced her first loss. Her brilliant, shining armor had been battered, nearly to the point of shattering. Her spear: Freya, weapon of the Valkyrie, lay point down several feet from where Hayden was heaped. Her shield had been battered so severely that it nearly stuck to her arm. Scratches marred Hayden's tanned skin, and a few pink spots showed where she'd already had to call upon the sacred powers to restore her health. The golden blonde hair, envy of the kingdom, hung lank and limp about her face. Even her beautiful complexion had been marred. Frustration and anger might look out from those sharp, light brown eyes. Failed. The great Virgin Princess had set out, wanting to right wrong and, most importantly, end this disgusting display that her kingdom put on every five years. Women and men from all over would come and engage in what essentially amounted to giant orgies. Warriors, mages, monsters and thieves would gather and fight one another. The winner took the loser, often in public and often in a manner that was almost humiliating. Fight enough battles, and you were invited to a tourney of champions. All those who participated, let alone won, in such the tourney were known throughout the land, often lauded for their prowess. A woman who did well in the tourney could literally pick her man. And a man could gather a harem of women ready and panting for him. Hayden had felt nothing but disgust for this. When the event had last come, she'd barely been in her teens, hardly qualified to fight. Now, the girl was in her late teens, having seen her eighteenth summer and then some. She'd been training hard, and had believed that she would come out of this battle as a victor. And in doing so, she'd wipe this disgusting competition from the Earth, purging her kingdom of its filth. Yet here she was, scrambling in the dirt, defeated and only after her first opponent. Hayden knew the terms: she knew what was to come next. She kept eying the man, waiting for him to move. She had to allow him to... to take what was his. But she didn't have to like it; she certainly wasn't planning to. "You won," she admitted, each word obviously costing her dearly. "So what are you going to do now?" You could hear the words "disgusting pig" in each syllable, and she almost spat on the ground as she finished. Those blazing eyes were locked upon her opponent, daring him to move, to even consider taking what he'd just rightfully won.,"Nathan had been like air as he seemed to so easily defeat the girl, not knowing of her royal blood and how pure she was, what with her being a virgin. His black hair was spiked with purple dyed tips that barely popped out. He moved so fast that the purple was the only way you could see him, and this could be assumed why people called him the Purple Night. He was fast and accurate and all you would see would be purple when he came at you, even in the darkest of darkness. He cracked his knuckles, having beaten her with his bare hands, never using an actual weapon as it would only slow him down. Once he had managed to beat her, he started to flail his hand lightly, as if he had punched something hard. Though, this would be the case multiple times. Her armor was...powerful. His hands felt like they were going to break. Upon seeing the condition her armor was in, however, he felt proud of himself and grinned. "Damn. I am NOT getting rusty!" He chimed smugly as he approached the girl as she lay defeated. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, grinning deeply as he moved the hand along her skin to her chin and had her move up to look at him. "Hello there, missy...I'm so glad that you lost. Now I can have some fun with you." He would pick her up into his arms, and looked around at the crowd in the arena. No...Not here. Not with her. This was his first win. He would have this all to himself. He would slowly walk out, letting the arena staff handle gathering the scraps and shards of her equipment to later give to her when Nathan was done with her. His white skinned hand placed itself on her cheek as he laid her down on the bed, still in her armor. "Tell me...Girlie...What is your name? I want to know the name of my first victory. That way I can moan it out while I fuck you...I'll go ahead and tell you mine, that way you can scream it instead of whatever god you go by when we have our little sexual romp. My name is Nathan Stone." "The Underhives were like a labyrinth of mazes, tunnels and rooms that lead to dark ends, no-ends, and more often than not they led into other even more intricate open spaces or narrow tunnels. Sometimes these tunnels collapsed ages ago, or where on the verge of doing at this very moment. Putrid and polluted water trickled down from cracks in the ceilings, no doubt wastewater from factories or purification plants on the higher levels. The thumping of machinery couldn't be heard due to the level after level of plasteel that severed any and all contact between the Underhive and all other parts of the massive Hive City. All kinds of people, and sometimes not even technically people, made this their home. Banished citizens were a common sight, mutants also common. Sometimes even stable strains of mutants could be found, but those where either avoided or hunted down just as fiercely as the common mutated creature that stalked these tunnels. More often than not they made their own communities. Often imitations of the society above, or just the crude assumptions of what it would be like. But truly, the most common was the strong ruler commanding his subjects who huddled together with hopes of protection from the other horrors of the Underhive. And sometimes... Some communities strayed away into even more debased ways of life. Cults would arise that worshiped illegal denominations of Emperor worship, but it was just as common to find covens of heretics that gave their devotion to far more insidious deities. Khorne for the murderers, Tzeentch for the cast out that read too much or the far too politically involved, Nurgle for the sick that prayed for his protection and blessings... Then there was Slaanesh. She-Who-Thirsts, the Dark God of pain, pleasure, vanity and excess. It was the terrifying effort of these cultist and their cooperation that nearly brought the entire Hive down on its knees. Rebellion was in the air, but with the aid of the Sisters of Battle, Space Marines and the Imperial Guard, the revolt was pushed down to whence it came. The fighting was fierce though. Both sides engaged in hit-and-run attacks, attrition warfare and massed assaults on key positions. Sadly, there would be casualties as it was the inevitable consequence from war. Some died fighting, some died from ailments caused by wounds or disease. Others would be taken captive. The Imperium executed the traitors and the heretics, while the dark forces didn't always just settled with merely killing their victims. One Imperial Guardsman and one Sister of Battle would experience this first hand. Both had been knocked unconscious in the thickest fighting and been dragged away. Undressed and tied up, they found themselves next to each other and facing a large bonfire. They were in some large chamber. Tapestries and banners hung on the walls, depicting cruel images, sexually charged images and some just outright bizarre and impossible to deduce their meanings unless you would have had some deep insights in the workings of the insane mind. They were surrounded by robed characters, their faces partly lit up by the licking lights of the fire. All beautiful women in their prime, it seemed. All smiling. All of their eyes set on these two women, who were propped up to their knees and facing the fire. Ample bosoms and thin waists were easy to spot through the pink and purple robes that did little to masquerade their figures. It seemed to be a ceremonial garb, hardly serving any practical function. There seemed to be a dozen or more of these women, or presumably all were women at least, and everyone of them had their eyes on these naked captives. It was predatory eyes, admiring eyes and sultry eyes that glued themselves on the duo's bodies. Then, one of them moved. She walked to the opposite of the bonfire, and she was mostly obscure by the flames and burning wood, but there was enough free sight to make out that she was raising her arms above her head, and looking to the tall, clothed ceiling. Judging from her arms alone, she seemed to have a beautiful alabaster complexion. Her voice was beautiful as well, like that of a singing bird voicing herself for the entire world to hear. In reality, this wicked cultist intended for one specific being to hear her. "Oooh, Slaanesh! Oooh, Dark Prince! We give you these two as sacrifice to you! Have their bodies, have their minds, have their souls... As we take them in your name, as we take them for you... as we take then in the name of pleasure and delight!" And then the entire crowd, their eyes still locked on the vulnerable pair, began to grin impish grins. They all knew what that meant, and they had been waiting long enough to satisfy themselves.,"Corporal Jesse Rosen and Battle Sister Erena both woke up at around the same time, groaning from the painful blows they had taken to their heads. Erena, being much more hardened by her trials as a Sister of Battle, and the much more intense physical training she had received, was the first to regain full awareness of their situation. She found herself completely stripped, her well-toned body glistening with sweat in the heat of the nearby bonfire. She was very well toned, but lithe and curvaceous, possessing a dangerous beauty that was common among the Sisters of Battle. Her stark white hair hung down to her shoulders, and her white lips grimaced as she recognized the master of their captors. The colors, the sexually themed decorations, the general beauty of their members, all were clear signs of the Lord of Excess. "By the...what the hell!?" Jesse Rosen exclaimed, just now shaking off the dizziness and realizing her lack of garments. "Who the fuck are you people!? By the Emperors Blades I demand you let us go!" She was furious, casting curses at them and invoking the name of the Adeptas Astartes chapter her brother had been recruited into. This surprised Erena, and gave her a little hope. With another believer, maybe they had a chance of fighting their way free. She looked over the Guardswoman with interest, trying to gauge her abilities. She was larger than Erena, well built, her body honed from either a hard upbringing, or diligent training under the Guard. However she still possessed an exotic beauty, she would have fit right into the Sisters if she had the drive. Her short red hair and fair complexion made her assume she hailed from one of the colder worlds, perhaps Valhalla. And the sweat profusely running down her well toned skin proved the assumption. "Calm yourself soldier. They will not listen to you. Their minds are twisted by their false gods." Erena said plainly, searching the room calmly for some means of escape. "Easy for you to say! I have to..." Erena cast a harsh glare to the Guardswoman, and she fell silent, took a deep breath, and collected herself. "I am sorry Battle sister. I forget myself. Find us a way out of this, and I am at your disposal." Erena smiled, not warmly, but pleased. There was potential in this woman. Perhaps if they escaped she would put in a Word of Recommendation for the Ordo Hereticus to consider recruiting her. But when she heard the Cult leaders prayer she grimaced. Their intentions were foul indeed. They may survive this, but not without losing something to the great demon god. "Steel yourself Guardswoman. They intend to use us to satisfy their god. Resist them if you can, but save your strength for escape." She took a few deep breaths. "Whatever they do to us, we shall repay ten-fold in the name of the Emperor." Jesse looked at her with a moment of fear in her eyes. "I....yes Battle Sister...I will do my best. For the Emperor." Jesse gritted her teeth and waited for the cultist to make their attempt. She would not be easily taken, not by these heretics. "There were a variety of colorful characters in the vast depths of the cosmos. Some living out larger than life adventures. Others were exploring vast new worlds for the sake of science and progression of the human race. Then there were those who used the lawless lands of space for the sake of conducting experiments on lone human test subjects (along with their robot friends) and how they deal with being forced into watching one seriously bad movie after another. The latest in a line of mad scientist types was a certain young woman named Kinga Forrester. A woman whose online boyfriend, Neville, was currently returning to his private spaceship after having finished performing for a small club located upon an alien station. Another day, another batch of satisfied customers. The traveling magician mused to himself with a self-confident smile over a job well done. Still dressed in his performance attire which was befitting of a handsome entertainer such as himself, Neville took a moment to set his ship on autopilot, as it left the space port and started off at a careful pace toward his next destination. Lets see, it should take a couple of days to reach my next job. Plenty of time for me to finish perfecting some of those new tricks I've wanted to perform. He mused while looking over the coordinates, before adding with a smile, "I bet Kinga would love to see them afterward." There was a short pause on his part after saying this, however. For the mention of his online and very long-distance girlfriend had brought back memories of their last video conference with another. It was a rather enjoyable session, but it was also the first time that she had mentioned the possibility of them finally meeting up in person. It was a suggestion that Neville had managed to play off rather nicely at the time as he hid how uncomfortable it made him feel while simultaneously dismissing the idea in a way that made him look good in the end. At the same time, though, that look of clear disappointment on her face had stuck with him. Why was he so reluctant about them meeting? Perhaps a fear of full commitment beyond their internet connection? Or maybe a concern of how she might lose interest if she saw him outside of that cool and suave exterior that he always projected when interacting with others outside of the safety of his ship? Whatever the case might be, Neville knew that he'd have to be sure to make it up to her the next time they were close enough for video messaging the other. His spirits perked right back up at that notion, as he went over in his mind just what magic trick would best impress her when the opportunity arose. In the meantime, however, the tired magician knew that he first needed to catch up on his rest, as a light yawn rolled out of his lips upon entering his bedroom. Despite the expected spacey look of the interior of the ship, his bedroom was actually rather normal looking, with dark red carpeting and white painted walls making up the portions of his room which weren't covered in expensive-looking furniture or framed-up posters from some of his past shows. The canopy bed near the center was fairly large, with silk red drapes that one could easily see through framing the four corners and a wooden bedpost near the head. The only thing that might be considered messy about his room was the fact that he did have a tendency to leave a few of the props and instruments for his show strewn about after fiddling/practicing with them before a performance, which was the case at this moment in time. Not that Neville was currently in the mood for finishing picking up after himself, as he barely had enough energy to take off his shoes and undo his tie, but was otherwise tired enough to not bother changing into something more appropriate for bed as he turned and let himself drop back first upon the soft mattress. Ahh. This is what I needed He let out with a contented sigh, lying upon the top of the bed, arms spread out as if waiting for sleep to come and take him away. It was something that he wouldn't have to wait long for, as his eyelids grew heavy and he allowed himself to slowly drift off to sleep.,"It had been pure bliss. Neville was everything Kinga could ever want in a boyfriend: he was handsome, he was witty, he was charming...he even performed magic tricks! What else could a girl ask for? Well. Kinga found herself completely unfulfilled. The appeal of an online relationship was also its downfall; the both of them could project their best qualities to the other and hold the oh-so-perfect dearest on a long as they weren't physically together. The online couple had been discussing just that in their last video chat: how their relationship was perfect because they weren't stepping on each other's toes or having to smell coffee breath or witness whatever terrible habits or traits their partner might actually have. Despite taking part in a duet about the merits of the distance component of their relationship...Kinga immediately followed it up with: "You know what? Let's just do it. Let's pull the trigger and just meet in person." She had never seen someone log off so fast. Neville had been suave about his response, of course:"Kinga, I love you too much to do that."But then he said his goodbyes and was gone. It was heartbreaking. But Kinga Forrester was not the type to sit in a puddle of mud and cry about it. Oh no. After a little self-talk through her diary (she dictated to a robotic entity, of course) she realized that Neville was just anxious. Who wouldn't be? It wasn't like he was going to think she was crazy because she suggested they meet in person; wherefore he might think they should break up because the prospect made him totally uncomfortable and he knew she'd never drop it. Right? Right. 6 months! They were in love! She wasted no time in putting Max in charge of Jonah and the bots. She gave specific instructions - including a playlist to run in her absence - but in truth she wasn't as concerned as usual with her work. She needed to take her leave of Moon 13 as soon as possible. "I'm glad we're doing this," she purred. A dazzling smile lit up her face as she sat upright, her weight settling firmly on his hips. She was wearing her purple lab coat, the same as Neville would have seen countless times, but... little else. The coat was unbuttoned and - even though the panels weren't pushed back - glimpses of simple teal colored lingerie were given with every movement Kinga offered. Part of her matching set was a garter belt, which clung to her porcelain skin possessively, hooked to a pair of thigh high white stockings. "This is a huge step for our relationship." She placed her hands on Neville's stomach. He was still fully clothed: his lover had no way of knowing how deep of a sleeper he was and she hadn't been willing to risk waking him up prematurely. As it was she had taken advantage of his four poster bed and his general positioning, ever so carefully using his own props to bind his wrists and ankles to each corner of the bed. She had considered his collection of handcuffs carefully: she knew there was at least one set he had trouble escaping... but...he was a magician so Kinga settled on a combination long, colorful scarves and rope. There was no special trick to get out of the knots Kinga tied. Her hand continued to travel upwards, her fingers greedily seeking Neville's warmth while feeling the contours of his body through his shirt. She bit her lower lip as she watched his face, eager to hear how excited he was to see her. "Heart racing faster than she liked, Ami cleared her throat and flashed a shaky grin in his direction. "Nah, its fine," Ami was quick to tell him, brushing it off as if nothing happened. Of course it DID happen but he doesn't need to know that it caused her knees to feel weak or anything. Your mind was miles away, right?" Letting that die, Ami played with a few pieces of bright red hair, several strands falling against her cheeks despite her best efforts to keep it restrained and out of the way. Anyway I don't know what these things are, either. There is no way of predicting anything that will happen next. I wish I could, but I don't think anyone thought that zombies would burst out of a horror film and try to eat our brains." Giving a helpless shrug, Ami hopped off the desk, brushing her hands off as she tried to think of something -anything- she can say next. "Yes, it may be a good idea to stay in the school it might not be, too. Dark blue eyes glancing at him, Ami came to stand before him, and gently, playfully flicked him on the forehead. What, did you seriously expect me to be offended over that? Nah, I'm perfectly fine. It didn't mean anything." A cheeky grin pulling at her lips, Ami stuck her tongue out at him, only to laugh shortly after the fact. Alright, moving on. Ah Trailing off, the young woman decided to take a seat near him, while well, doing anything BUT think about what just went on. "Okay. You think that it's best if we stay here, right?" Ami asked, crossing one long, slender leg over the other even if it did cause her skirt to ride up just a teensy bit. "I believe it may be a good idea to move out of the city, but have a reliable way to come back in, to gather supplies and all that. The cities are crowded, which means that this will spread a hell of a lot faster than in the country. We can find guns, make a base of sorts you know, that sort of thing." Rubbing the back of her neck, scrunching her nose rather cutely and glancing over at him. "Okay, it sounded better in my head, alright? I think you get the point." Ami grumbled next, pouting. "Anyway what are your thoughts?" It did seem like Khun had a better handle on the situation than she did though all things considering, does anyone?,"He raised an eyebrow at her playful, cheerful actions and looked up at her as she plopped down into the comfortable sofa next to him, crossing ivory skin over ivory skin as her skirt rode up to show a slight bit more, and then she continued to speak. There was only one reason that someone would be so cheerful in a time like this, so outwardly happy in such a dire situation. It must be her way of dealing with the stress, dealing with the fear she must be feeling, he looked over to her as she spoke not really listening to her talk just pondering over this confusing girl. She'd been ever so confrontational, ever so fierce but now that they were alone she seemed to be showing her fear, showing it in her own way - or so Khun thought. There was no way someone could be so cheerful, it just didn't add up in his mind. 'What are your thoughts?' she asked him, and his hands then extended reaching over for the girl who shared the sofa with him one hand finding the back of her head, placing its self in the thick red hair, the other hand finding the back of the ivory thigh furthest from him, pulling her over, closer, into a soft snuggle on the sofa they shared, his fingers musing through her thick hair as he held her close with a bite on his lip. "I think..." he said softly while still holding her somewhat tight, but not too tight that she couldn't move away if she would choose to. "That you're as terrified as I am, just better at hiding it." he said with a softer tone on his voice now, his fingers moving through the thick red hair as his other hand held onto the ivory thigh that poked out of her skirt. Regardless of her reaction he would just continue to talk, be it holding her or being scolded by her, he didn't really mind. "We wait, see if it blows over quickly, if we need clean clothing, more supplies, more anything that's when we move, until then we stay put. We are in a target building for some people, people will know that schools have a large supply of useful resources, maybe someone will come our way? For now, we stay put... AMI." he said softly looking at her eyes gently as he closed his, laying his head back softly into the sofa that he sat in, he was set on what he wanted to do, with or without Ami, however he didn't know enough, enough to make a concise and smart decision about what he really wanted to do. He had to stick to the main human instinct, survive, he couldn't do anything fancy, couldn't get a car and load it with supplies and drive around that was just too risky especially while he doesn't know what he's up against, he just feels like he needs to play time... To learn and advance in this new hellhole of a world, just 5~ hours in and already a lot of things had gone to shit. "Krystal was fresh off the private jet when her father called her on her cell phone. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to meet you sweetheart, but I'm preparing for a big dinner meeting with the CEO of Kaiba Corp. I thought you might like to come, seeing as he's close to your age and also loves duel monsters," Kenshin Kobayashi asked his daughter through the phone, ruffling his short blue hair in frustration. He dreaded having meetings with this particular CEO, who was what you might call rather pompous. Krystal smirked to herself. This played right into her plans. "Of course, papa. I would love to come with you." She answered, smiling at her father's sigh of relief. She knew from her past visits how much he loathed Seto Kaiba, but smiled anyway, going to the fabric store to get some fabric paints and white satin. She paid with her MasterCard and walked back to the penthouse she always stayed in when she stayed with her father, smiling at the note on the door. It read: "Sweetie, I have a surprise for you. Just go inside and you will see. Welcome home. Glad you decided to stay this time. Papa." She smiled again at the note before opening the door and seeing that it had been completely redone, all in shades of dark blue. "It's perfect, papa," she said to herself with a smile, putting some plastic down, taking the fabric she had bought and turning it into a cocktail-style halter dress, and then painting a blue-eyes white dragon on it using her hair dryer to dry the fabric quickly, as she only had a few hours before she had to go. She took a quick nap, dreaming of a spiky-haired man but shrugged it off, knowing it would all be explained sooner or later. When she was sure the dress was dry, she did her hair and makeup, smiling at herself in the mirror. Her hair was in its usual style of two rabbit ear buns on either side, with two tails protruding from them; her makeup was a light blue smoky eye with nude lips. Krystal smiled at her good handiwork as she used her magic to craft earrings to match her dress and a small necklace. "Perfect," she concluded as she went out the door and slipped on her 6" pearly white stilettos, walking out into the street and to her limo, where she would be driven to Seto Kaiba's mansion along with her father. He commented on how beautiful she looked and she just smiled at him. "Thank you, papa. I hope that Mr. Kaiba doesn't think it rude of me to come too. Did you tell him I was coming?" She asked, curiosity in her glacier-blue eyes as she looked at him. Her father nodded as well, clearing his throat. "Yes, I did. He said he was anxious to meet you, which I found weird. His whole demeanor changed when I showed him a picture of you at our last meeting. He seemed to look like he knew you." He finished, smiling at her as they pulled up at Seto's mansion. Krystal took a deep preparatory breath before smiling. She knew everything would be alright.,"Seto sighed as he tried to decide what outfit he was going to wear tonight for the meeting between himself and the Kobayashi family CEO. He normally wasn't so indecisive about this sort of thing, preferring the white suit with blue shirt for business functions and more serious events and the long white sleeveless coat with black turtleneck for less serious meetings and public appearances. It wasn't the meeting with the CEO that had the former Duel Monsters champion so anxious, it was who he was bringing. When he showed Seto a photo of his daughter there was something about her that drew his attention to her, he had never met her before in his life but he couldn't shake the feeling that he knew her from somewhere. Seto eventually decided to go with the white suit and blue shirt, shaking off any anxiety he felt about his clothes effecting anything as ridiculous notion. Moving to the bathroom, he had a quick shower, as he had been working hard all day on conference calls with investors about his new theme park and whenever he had a spare moment worked on a strategy to defeat Yugi's Egyptian god cards. He usually had the simulator and several staff members working on it around the clock, but none of them were him, he was the only one who truly understood his deck and how to work it, anything those minions down stairs thought of was situational at best, but they did sometimes come up with something to try. Stepping out of the shower, he quickly dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist before heading back to his bedroom, which looked its usual sterile clean self as entered, throwing the towel over the door handle. Searching through his drawers, he pulled out a pair of black socks and underpants and put them on before getting dressed in the white pants and shirt, doing up the matching blue tie before throwing the suit jacket over his shoulders, doing up the middle button on the jacket. He only had time to apply a slight amount of cologne and straighten himself up before he heard the door bell ring and his butler answer it. He knew who it was as he wasn't expecting anybody else. Making his way down the stairs, he remained stone-faced as he reached the bottom of the flight. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Krystal, the way her hair was done up, her makeup, her 6-inch stilettos, and...Blue-Eyes White Dragon? that was painted on her dress. He wouldn't let it show, but he was completely entranced by the female, she was something unlike anyone he'd ever seen before. Moving forward, he greeted the other CEO, waiting until he offered his hand before raising his own to shake. He knew that he wasn't a fan of the Kaiba Corp CEO, that was no secret, but their two companies both had something the other one wanted, and that was the purpose of their business. "Roxas had yet another dream, a dream about someone named Sora. He had no idea who the young man was or why he was having dreams about him but he was, and some of the dreams were terrifying. The most recent dream he had about Sora involved the young man being beaten into a coma by an army of creatures called Heartless. Roxas wasn't sure what to make of these dreams, and whenever he told his friends about them, they looked at him like he was crazy. Lately, a lot of weird things were happening around Twilight Town, and nobody knew what or who was causing them. He remembered back to when things started disappearing and when he was blamed and called a thief. A sigh escaped his lips as he got out of bed and made his way over to his dresser to find some clothes. When he found an outfit he liked, he got dressed and made his way outside to meet up with his friends Olette, Hayner, and Pence. When he got to their secret hideout, he made his way inside and sat down on the couch, he looked around and forced a smile. "Roxas," Olette said, "what's wrong?" "Nothing," Roxas replied. "Why do you ask?" Olette shook her head. "I can tell something is bothering you by the way you forced that smile." Roxas sighed. He knew there was no way he could hide his true emotions from his friends; they all knew him too well and could tell when he was upset. "I had another dream about Sora," he admitted finally. "This time, he was hurt badly and put into a coma." Olette looked to Hayner and Pence after Roxas told them what was bothering him. "And those dreams, Roxas," she said. "I just don't get it." Hayner nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me either." Roxas thought about it for a little bit before finally agreeing. It couldn't hurt to try and take his mind off of things. "Maybe we should do something to take your mind off of these dreams," Pence suggested. "We don't have to spend any money or anything - just look around." Roxas thought about it for a moment before finally agreeing. It couldn't hurt to try and get his mind off of things. As Roxas and his friends walked around Twilight Town, they visited almost every store they could. The four of them had gotten some sea salt ice cream and were sitting up on the roof of a building where they sometimes hung out when they were bored. So what should we do next guys?" Olette asked. After a few moments, Hayner looked at everyone. "Let's go visit that haunted mansion," he suggested. "Aw, I don't know, Hayner," Pence replied. "That place is creepy." Well, duh, it's supposed to be creepy," Hayner responded. After a little while and a whole lot of arguing, the group finally decided to go to the mansion mainly because Roxas wanted to go for some reason. The four of them made their way to the mansion and walked up the path, they could hear eerie sounds as they walked and Pence and Olette both looked scared while Hayner and Roxas walked in front of them as if nothing was phasing them. Not even the creepy sounds coming from the woods. When they finally reached the mansion, Roxas and Hayner walked straight up to the gate while Pence and Olette slowly made their way up. All of a sudden, Olette let out a scream of terror, making Roxas and Hayner turn to face her. What happened? Why did you scream, Olette? What's wrong?" Roxas asked. Olette didn't say anything; instead, she pointed toward one of the pillars that was by the gate. There was a girl lying next to it. Is she dead?" Pence asked terrified. Both Roxas and Hayner walked over to the girl, Roxas looked at her and saw that her chest was moving up and down, which told him she was breathing. No, she's not dead, just passed out," Roxas told Pence. He then put his hand on the girl's shoulder and shook her gently. "Hey, wake up. We need to get you out of here. Wake up. It's not safe here," Roxas said as he attempted to wake the girl up. He hoped she would respond so that he and his friends could bring her to safety; the haunted mansion was known to be a very dangerous place to be, and that's why people rarely ever went there.,"This wasn't a dream. It was more like a deep slumber, a dreamless slumber. For sometime she couldn't get a firm grasp on consciousness. And even when she could, her body felt paralyzed. There was no way she could call out for help. There had been no recollection of how long she had been in her nearly lifeless state. Her head felt foggy as she braced her body to awaken. But it would not budge. It was as if it were waiting for something...Or in her case. Rather, someone. Her fingers twitched a bit at the vibration of the ground. Footsteps. Strangely the sound of two footsteps seemed much stronger than the rest. Much more distinct. As they approached she could only faintly hear the frightened scream of one of the strangers. It was not long before she could feel the presence of someone near. It was the touch of someone that broke her from her frozen state. Her fingers curled as she stirred. Warmth beginning to flow through her body. Her violet orbs appeared as her eyelids opened to a lidded position. The figures around her looking blurry, and for a moment she felt threatened, frightened. But soon her vision cleared. Not thinking, she absently began to move. Wanting to sit up, wanting to do something. As she did so, an unfamiliar stirring in her chest startled her. Sitting up, her hands cautiously moved to the area just beside her left breast. Beneath the material of the cream colored sun dress she was in, she could feel just barely a bit of warmth. And a beating of some sort. Closing her eyes, she listened to it, the rhythm ceasing to falter. In an instant she knew that she had never felt something like this. She also realized that she didn't recall anything. Nothing before the dreamless slumber. It was just a blank section in her memory, in her mind. It was as if her entire mind was wiped out. She was aware of things around her, and what she called herself. Many words and questions began to pour into her mind immediately. A look of panic beginning to form in her violet eyes as she looked up at the four strangers. Opening her mouth, but nothing coming out. Just a pleading look in her eyes as she looked toward the boy with the sunshine like hair. "Tim Drake sat alone atop a Gotham sky scrapper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of a long-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense , cape and cowl (homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new, Tim had been wearing a hero costume for awhile now and they all started to feel the same, but this one felt somewhat different. With the past suits they were all connected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other people. This suit was different, it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero. With that thought he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. After the exhale had ended he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him, the cowl keeping his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them and the cloth tightened around them to form stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, it had so many perks! Along with the new gadgets he had taken on extra training on Bruce's advice for he and Dick to follow the path of training that Bruce took to become Batman. Why the extra training and new gadgets? Simple, to become better than Jason Todd, also for a bit of vengeance. The past two times he had crossed paths with him he was left beaten and bloodied and even took a partner hostage. He had felt so guilty for letting Power Girl fall into his hands. No telling what the hell that bastard did to her while Tim recovered from his wounds and trained. Tim thought he had it under control; he had scoped out Jason's hideout and knew points of entry. He then had Power Girl, a Kryptonian for Christ's sake, backing him up on this. Still, Jason got the drop on them, and the next thing he knew, Jason was beating the daylights out of him with a crowbar and then slipping a knife between his ribs and left him to bleed out. Luckily Bruce had been looking for him and was able to get Tim out of there and treated. All he could find were trace amounts of Kryptonite. Jason had some, that's how he nabbed Karren. Now Tim was able to track Jason down again, and this time he knew he had all the knowledge he needed. He found the building and dove bombed right through one of the windows on the roof. He quickly stood up and shouted, "Todd!!!" And speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Jason stepped from one of the shadows in his iconic red helmet, clapping slowly. "Well well well, Timmy," he said. "Look at you! New costume and all!!! Are you here just to see little old me?" Tim had no time for witty banter and kept to tackle him. They fought and fought until Tim gained the upper hand and ripped the helmet from his head, the damn bastard was smiling. "Where is she!" he demanded. "Where is Power Girl?!" Jason smiled wider. "You mean my little cum dump? Why don't you see for yourself." He pressed a button on a remote he had in his jacket, and a light turned on. Tim turned in horror to see Karren Starr beaten, her costume torn and her stomach swelling. Tim put two and two together and a great rage swelled within him. "Does it make you mad, Tim?" Jason asked, grinning evilly. "Does it put a fire in your belly to just snap my neck for what I did? You know I wonder what she'll name my boy. Well, you don't really know if it's mine, it could be a friend of mines or another villain I let in on it!" Tim knew he was bluffing; Jason was too much of an egotist to let anyone else have at her. Jason was just trying to make him mad. Tim looked around and found a crowbar lying near them, poetic justice. Before Tim could get it, Jason held out something in his hand - a gun. "Come on, Tim," Jason said with a smirk. "Bats ain't here to say no." Tim shook his head. "No, Bruce set the rules. No guns, no killing." Jason laughed at his retort. "Come on kid, grow up! I raped your pal and now she has my kid! It's your fault she's like that, and I'm responsible as well. So come on, take it, put it to my head and squeeze that little trigger.... Come on!" Tim quickly reached and grabbed the crowbar shouting, "No!!!" and beat the crowbar across Jason's head. He hit the ground limp, unconscious. Tim called Jason in and then practically sprinted to Karren. He knelt next to her and examined her. "Karren... Karren look at me, it's Tim Drake. Are you ok? Is anything broken or fractured?" He needed to get her out of there before the cops arrived, but he needed to know if she was alright to move.,"One of the last things Karren remembered before passing out was the shame and humiliation of her situation. The powerful superhero had foolishly thought that nobody on this earth had known her weakness - she had thought of herself as all-powerful, invulnerable, just doing her friend Tim a favor by tracking down the bastard who had beaten him up several times. She had agreed to help Tim find Jason, to let her friend have the last laugh and beat him into submission to help his bruised ego... but the night they had found him 30 weeks ago turned out to be, bar none, the worst in her life. When they had landed in his hideout, she immediately knew something was amiss. She felt weak... but her powers were still with her. As they walked farther into the hanger/hideout, she felt herself drop to her knees. "T...Tim..." she groaned, unable to move, her arms and legs like jelly. She couldn't even yell out as the super villain dropped from nowhere and commenced to kick the ever-loving shit out of her friend. She couldn't do anything about it - he cast Tim out of the lair and scooped her up, transporting her to a getaway car. He flashed a pendant of kryptonite at her - that's what was keeping her down and out. The next day was a nightmare of sex and humiliation, as she was raped repeatedly by the villain and his henchmen, taking great joy in wreaking some revenge on the blonde superhero that had put an end to so many of their hideous plans. She wept tears of horror when she was told that she was pregnant, the villain running an ultrasound over her stomach, showing her the children that he and his men had created. For seven long months this continued. Rapes, beatings, basically treating Karren as a prostitute. She watched her body swell in horror, hoping that he had been lying about the pregnancy. But from her swollen belly and huge breasts she knew it was the truth. And when the baby began to kick inside her, she couldn't be joyful...she was furious at what had been done to her. Adding to her humiliation, she wasn't even given the dignity of being able to wear maternity clothes. No, the villain had commissioned a special "growing" version of her old suit. It was biologically connected to her body, designed to swell just enough with her body, but not enough to hide just how large she was getting. She could wear nothing came off of her when she was fucked, showered, or went to the bathroom. It was horrific! On the day of her rescue, she had been beaten most of the morning. As her vision blurred in and out, Tim appeared in front of her, asking if she could move. "Y...yes I think I can," she said, struggling to get up, her huge stomach making movements very difficult now. "It was cold and dark in the Pokemon Center hostel that morning, a certain chill in the air as the air conditioning ran in overdrive. It was almost for certain that the manager of this particular Pokemon Center in the Northern section of Olivine City was having a hot flash for them to think this was an appropriate temperature. The large room which housed a dozen bunk beds was quiet as a faint light and murmur of activity in the hallway outside began to signal the breaking of a new day. There were no windows in this particular room, the northern section of the coastal city being not the most affluent, and the Pokemon Center followed suit. The plain scraped-up walls and rickety bunk beds left little to be desired as the creaking and scratching of the canvas beds continued through the night. As Gaius awoke from his cold slumber under a thin wool blanket provided by the center, he would recall that he had been visiting Olivine City to be tested for fertility and whether the Orange Flu had taken affect in him. It had been months since the world first learned of the horrendous and frightening virus. At first, the government warned that thousands could die from the blight that ran like wildfire through the population. But as scientists had time to study it and doctors observed many of the patients, they discovered the peculiar nature of the disease. Only about 10% of those infected died, and of those 10%, 95% were male. Of the 90% who survived, the female population had the mildest symptoms with no long-term effects from the disease. However, the true tragedy of the virus was realized all too late as 99% of males infected with Orange Flu saw a loss of fertility and sexual desire. The news of this spread like wildfire through the world, the possibility of the virus's long-term impact being the extinction of humanity and/or devastation to the economy should the birthrate drop too low. Months after the last few cases of the disease were reported, males from across the country were brought to Pokemon Centers to be tested for the long-term affects. The lucky less than 1% being deemed as breeders, given express mandates to spread their seed in the female population as much as they could. It was done so discreetly, the identities of these breeders kept a close secret to avoid reprisals by envious men who now found themselves inept. Gaius himself had just taken the test the day before. He had heard the doctor announce that this Pokemon Center had not gotten a positive test yet for a breeder. The test itself took twelve hours to process and thus all subjects were invited to stay in the Pokemon Center for the night in the usual trainer housing. As morning crept on, Gaius would soon have his life changed, a text arriving on his phone. Gaius, please proceed to Dr. Betters' office at your earliest convenience, please do so with discretion. He would know from yesterday that the doctor's office was just down the hall in the Pokemon Center.,"Gaius was used to the searing summer sun beating down on him as he worked the fields at his family Ranch, his skin darkly toned from the long hours hoeing fields, watering plants, fertilizing and harvesting, and that was all before dealing with the Pokemon. It was primarily a stud ranch, giving Gaius an acute understanding of breeding, how to pair pokemon together, get them in the mood for romance, and maximize potential pregnancy. This air-conditioned hostel he was in, attached to the PokeCenter, was... brisk, in a word. He wore his jacket and still shivered occasionally even under the covers of the thin duvet that he had found on the top bunk. It wasn't the first time he had been jealous of pokemon and how they lived in their perfectly climate-controlled pokeballs. Out on the ranch, so removed from the world, the Orange Flu had read like a drama, some overly dramatic TV show. The infectious disease had a high mortality rate, something unusual for the Johto region and newsworthy in itself, but as time had worn on, the news took an even more dramatic turn, not only were the male population down around 8-9% (and the Johto region was already favoring the female population some 52-48%) but on top of this, most men infected had been found to be infertile and almost as many unresponsive to sexual arousal. The weight of the situation had been lost on Gaius until the Orange flu finally made its way to their little Ranch. All of them caught it. No one died of course, but the struggle had been real, trying to clean barns with cold sweats and chills had been harrowing. Several times the miltanks had been unmilked, their udders swollen and crops unharvested. On Government orders he had made his way to Olivine city, though money was tight and he couldn't afford much. He had taken up rooms in the Poke-center. Hearing the buzz from his phone, he picked it up to read the text, it was neutral, giving no hints as to which way the test had gone. His heart sunk... The nerves were getting to him, he was a young, strapping man, this would crush him. Stretching, he rose, fondling the pokeballs in his messenger bag, wondering if he should let his lifelong companion, Riley out to stretch his legs. But no... This was no time to be distracted, there would be a long walk home too, at least a week, maybe two, plenty of time to stretch his legs. Instead he got dressed quickly, skin puckered like gooseflesh at the chill in the air and muttered under his breath about the AC before he made his way down the hall to knock on the door of Dr. Better. It was quiet and he met no one on his way, removing the need to be too discrete, but his stomach was a ball of nerves as he opened the door and slipped inside, taking his seat "So Doctor... What's the verdict? Stud or Sterile?" He inquired, trying to make light of the situation despite the butterfrees in his stomach. "It was only five hours into his first day at Professor Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters and Kyle Phillips had already made his prediction of blowing up the microwave come true. "Damn it!" He grunted, his fingers wiping away the black soot. Yesterday, he was terrified to even touch anything electrical or gas-based, which was impossibly hard in the multitude of cities and suburbs in Australia. He had moved to the Outback on his 21st birthday with his father and sister, the trip almost impossible without the use of vehicles that would explode if he went near them. It seemed like an eternity, but they found the perfect place and had begun to settle in... that was, until that massive black plane appeared. The people onboard talked to Kyle's parents, told him of the school, a place where he could be safe. It wasn't long before Kyle found himself in a rubber suit, strapped into a seat and watching the little farm in Victoria's countryside suddenly becoming nothing more than a mere speck. When he had arrived, he was asked to close his eyes, which he did so obediently. Moments passed and he was guided down what seemed like countless hallways and endless corridors. Finally, he felt the suit removed and he let himself open his eyes to his new home. That afternoon was more exciting, much more, as Kyle became used to being surrounded by kids, teenagers and others his age who were like himself in many different ways. However, he remained away from the main building, staying on the outskirt of the parks and such. Eventually, as the sun began to set, he decided to finally return to the dorms. If he was going to become used to his powers and to this new life, he had to stop hiding. And so, here he was, grumbling as he stood by the shattered remains of the dorm's microwave, ignoring the laughs and snickers from the other students. Suddenly, the sound of something flying through the air whistled into his ear, making him turn his head towards the sound on instinct. The object, a spitball made of ice, suddenly erupted into shimmering snow as a small bolt of lightning destroyed it. Kyle was not in the mood for bullshit.,"For eight of her nineteen years, she'd been at Professor X's school, and that was how Hannah liked it. When she started showing her powers right after puberty hit, she'd been labeled a freak - someone different - but here at the school, everyone had some kind of difference, and it made her feel like she belonged. That sense of belonging was all Hannah had now; her family had died in a car crash only a year after she had come to the school. It felt odd at the time, but the pain and loss felt detached, like it happened to someone else, as her family was here at the school now. Shaking her head to break free of her reminiscence, Hannah heard Professor McCoy tell them that their chemistry lecture was over. With her thoughts and mild remembrances disturbed, Hannah grabbed her bags, shoving her books and homework assignment into the pack before heading out into the grassy Quad between the buildings. Everyone seemed to be talking about the new mutant who had been brought to the school, apparently he had some kind of talent with electricity or gas, something like that. Not really caring at that point, Hannah decided to head off towards her dorm and the meetings between the RAs and the Dorm Head for her building. Most people probably would have been aghast at the way the students practically ran their own accommodations inside the dorms, but they housed students from the age of five or six up to the students who usually would be at University studying up to postgraduates. Most of those older students usually ended up either working at the school or to protect it and the humans. Sitting through the meeting for the next hour, Hannah fought to pay attention when suddenly she was told that the new boy was her responsibility. Groaning at the fact that he was on her floor and down her hall in the dorm building, she decided that she'd need to talk to the new boy soon, lay out some ground rules and get him settled in as few incidents as possible. With that in mind, she gathered her things yet again and left the room. As soon as she stepped outside, she saw several students laughing at someone in the buildings communal kitchen, and even saw one of the students flick a ball of ice at whoever had caused the commotion inside. Looking around, she realized that there were none of the other RAs or the Dorm Head, and it was up to her to sort out the problem. Storming her way over to the mob, she tried to see over, around, and through people as her 4'11" height gave her trouble. Her tiny nature had been problematic before, but her skills with her powers had earned her a reputation to be feared. When one of the older boys in the group laughing at the exchange between the mutants in the kitchen saw her standing there, he immediately made way. Admittedly, her image did seem a little frightening; her black elbow-length gloves covering her hands, a tight-fitting black and purple shirt, the sleeves billowing out and coming down to the middle of her forearms, a pair of tight black fatigue pants, black leather coat slung on her arm, and shiny black boots that came almost up to her knees with big silver-colored buckles on them and the purple and shiny silver streaks in her naturally black hair offset against her lightly tanned face and storm-gray eyes only added to the effect. Making sure that she never came into skin contact or eye contact with anyone, Hannah worked her way through the crowd which now had begun to part before her. Stepping into the kitchen, she dropped her bag and her coat down on top of it, and put her fists onto her hips. What the heck is going on in here? There was ice on the floor, the microwave looked like Logan had come back and put a cherry bomb in it, and static electricity was crackling through the air. ""Get up freak!" the boy shouted right before kicking Travis in the ribs hard. Everyone who had gathered around to witness Travis' daily beating erupted with laughter as Travis continued to take a beating. The fights were never fair; it was always at least a four-on-one assault, and Travis wasn't a very big kid, not like the kids that beat on him anyway. Travis didn't know why he was a target for such abuse but he couldn't change it either way, so he just let it happen after a while. He didn't even attempt to run knowing that when he got caught and he usually did, the beating would be ten times worse. The next kick came even harder, making Travis lose his breath for a moment. "Look at this little faggot," the boy taunted Travis yet again. Travis knew that the jerk and his friends were going to let him up but it was just so they could knock him back down. Angry, Travis got on his hands and knees then slammed his fist against the ground before getting up. Everything went silent then a loud crash made Travis jump. He stood up and looked around. Everyone who had been gathered around him were now lying in various places at least fifteen feet away from him. Some were bleeding pretty badly, and others weren't moving at all. Travis swallowed hard and took one last look around before running off. As he ran, he contemplated going home but he thought better of it. His parents, although they loved him, would never understand and would probably think he was crazy and lock him in the loony bin. When Travis got to the train station, he bought a ticket that would take him far away from where he was. He boarded the train and took a seat in the back away from most of the people. He tried to keep his face as hidden as possible just in case word got out about his little incident. "Travis, I've been looking for you," a man's voice stated softly. Travis could feel his palms getting sweaty and his heart start to race. He was screwed; the cops must have been called, and he was gonna be put in prison for what he did. "Don't worry, Travis, I'm not here to arrest you," the man said. "I'm here to help you." Travis looked over after hearing the man's words. "How did you know what I was thinking?" Travis asked curiously. The man gave him a soft smile before speaking again. "My name is Charles Xavier, and I'm just like you. I have a gift, and so do many others at my school." "School"? Travis questioned. "Yes, a school of people just like me and you. I promise to protect you and help you control your gifts, Travis. All you have to do is come with me." Xavier stated still smiling kindly at the young man. "How did you find me?" Travis asked. "It wasn't hard, Travis. Your mind was racing, and I could read you very easily." Travis opened his eyes and sighed, his mind bringing him back to that day often. Every time he thought about it, he felt bad. He wondered if any of those kids died that day after he sent them flying across the football field, and if they had, he would never know. Travis never meant to hurt anyone; in fact, he never really had it in him to hurt anyone. But he couldn't control what happened on that day. He tried to convince himself every day that it was just an accident, and he wanted to believe everyone was okay. But he couldn't. He remembered wanting those kids who were beating on him to get hurt right before he sent them flying, and he couldn't help but think that his anger was what brought all this on. He got up out of bed and began to roam around the mansion like he usually did when he couldn't sleep. Travis had been at Xavier's School for five years now, and within those five years he had learned how to control his powers quite well with the help of Xavier and the rest of his staff. Travis was thankful that Xavier had found him; otherwise, he may have hurt others not knowing how to control his powers. He made his way into the kitchen to grab a drink. When he looked in the fridge, however, there wasn't any soda in there. Sighing, he walked over to the pantry and grabbed a twelve-pack and brought it back over to the fridge. After loading it in, he opened one can and looked at it funny - he hated warm soda. Just as he was about to take a sip, he heard footsteps coming from the doorway. "Hey, Iceman," Travis stated, seeing the young man walk in. "Can't sleep either?" "No, I just have a lot on my mind right now with Rogue and all the missions," Iceman said in response. When he went to go into the fridge to grab a soda, Travis looked at him. "Just as a warning, all the soda in there is piss warm," Travis stated. With a smile, Iceman grabbed a can and cooled it with his powers before grabbing Travis' can and cooling that too. "Thanks, man," Travis said, taking a sip from his soda. He sighed with content as the refreshing cold liquid went down his throat. After talking with Iceman for a little while, Travis made his way out of the kitchen and continued to roam. He sipped on his soda as he walked down the halls. On nights like these when he couldn't sleep, Travis liked to go to a place that only a few people knew about to clear his head. He made his way to the elevator and took it all the way up to the roof. When the door opened, he walked out onto the roof and sat down in one of the chairs he had brought up there for times like this. As he sat there, he practiced making his shield - it was the only power that needed a lot of work, and he wanted to get it down so that if he needed it, he could use it.,""You're such a tease!" Valerie cooed, a strapping young man on top of her, nipping at her neck. "No, you're just impatient!" He told her into her ear. She laughed, feeling him up and tugging on his shirt. "And what's with this thing? You should get rid of it." She told him. "In good time..." He chuckled, starting to feel up her shirt. Valerie gasped and pushed him off her. "TIME!" She exclaimed and stood up, looking at the clock on the kitchen oven. "Fuck! I have to go!" She cried and bolted out of the house. The boy sat down. He had not even known her name. She just walked in the front door and asked if he was alone. He said yes, and she started making out with him. Now she was gone. Halfway there Valerie realized it was much too dark, her curfew was WAY overdue! If she dared try go in the front gate she would be caught for sure. Most students did not have a curfew. Valerie was a special exception. It was to try and stop her from doing stuff like this. She slapped her hands to the trunk of a tree and put her feet to it too. Her skin melded with the bark and she was taken up. Near the top she let go and grabbed onto a branch that she made grow, having it carry her over the top of the Mansion. She landed on one knee, then looked up and froze. Someone else was up here, "Oh, hey..." She smiled, standing up straight. "You a teacher?" "Alyx looked at the text he had received from Ritsu asking to meet her in the light music clubroom. She better be right in saying that we won't be caught. She knows damn well that the school states no boys allowed on the premise. The two met during their freshmen years as they were each out with their friends. The way that she acted, how she looked, and how she talked drew her towards Alyx and he just had to have her. First, he just made friends with her and put up with the constant teasing, but he soon began dropping subtle hints that he was interested in her. He thought that he would have to say it outright, but she must have picked up on his hints because she actually asked him out. Needless to say, the two hit it off pretty well on their first date as they seemed to be able to play off each other teasing quite well. This has been going on for three years now, and they entered their senior year not too long ago. That is where our story begins. Alyx sighed as he remembered the window that Ritsu told him he would have enter through. He really didn't want to climb, but he was going to deal with it just so he could see her. Mio, Mugi, and Yui were all absent today so she was in the clubroom alone. Once there, he found that there was a ladder going up towards the window into the club room. Odd, she must of put it there. He shrugged as he climbed up the ladder and into the clubroom. "So, why did you text me and tell me to come here? You know I'm not allowed in this school." he asked once inside the room.,"Impatiently, Ritsu sat in the clubroom of the light music club and waited for Alyx. She was quite nervous, but not scared. It was more anticipation and lack of patience. She had waited for this opportunity for some time and now it was there. The meeting was called off, so she was the only one in the room. Of course, she didn't intend to practice all by herself (not that she practiced often, even when all of them were there). But what she planned wasn't something she could tell the others. Mio would probably fall into a coma if she heard it. Then again, she probably would just by hearing that she has a boyfriend. There was a reason why she never told the others. She wondered when he will come and considered sending him another message, when he finally arrived and climbed through the window. Ritsu smiled when she saw Alyx, quickly stood up and went over to him. "You're finally here!" she said loudly, instead of greeting him normally. "So you found the right window. But that wasn't really hard, I guess." She drew some confused looks, when she placed the ladder there, but nobody said anything. Ritsu was surprised about that herself, but she didn't complain. "I know that, but it makes it more exciting. You know, I thought it would be a lot of fun to do it here sometime. That would be today, since our meeting was called off," she said, without explaining things much. "As his students piled into the classroom, Cameron greeted them all with a smile and a hello, as they took their seats. Even though things weren't as bright or easy as they could be, Cameron tried to keep everyone in a good mood. Unfortunately, it was raining outside, and the quidditch pitch was muddy and slippery, making it hard for the students to take off. So, he decided to let them do some book work for class, so that they could still learn some things about flying without actually having to fly. He looked around the room to make sure everyone was there and noticed someone was missing. The young woman had missed or been late to quite a few of his classes lately, and he was starting to get worried about her. "Does anyone know where Anya is?" he asked, looking around at his class. A Ravenclaw girl raised her hand, and Cameron nodded, letting her know it was alright for her to speak. "She's being punished right now," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I don't know what for, but she was stopped in the hallway just before we got here." Cameron sighed, then opened his textbook. "Alright, everyone, open to page 52," he stated, his tone soft. It wasn't hard to tell that he was upset. As much as the man wanted to go and help the girl out, it wasn't that simple. The Death Eaters had control of Hogwarts, and the staff there had no say in what went on anymore.,"Anya spent most of Camron's class being "punished". It was the downfall of being who she was... She was finally let go and she walked, or most would say limped, to his class. Her head throbbing and her body sore from the intense punishing regimen that the Carrow siblings had been using against her. Some of their favorites were using the Cruciatus curse, and corporal punishment which included beatings and cutting with knives. So it wasn't a strange sight to see Anya come to class with her face bruised, or a cut or two here and there. She walked into Camron's class, feeling horrible because she was once again late. She didn't make it for most of the lecture. Using her hand to guide her into a seat. Since her walking stick had been taken. She had a rather nasty bruise sitting on and above her right eyebrow, and a small split in the skin was slowly leaking blood. "I'm terribly sorry Professor," Anya said apologetically. Her voice so soft, so sweet. How she had been cursed with a monster's bloodline no one could understand. It was a true case of nature versus nurture. "The plane kept jostling and shaking as if this were a shot from a bad film instead of real life. The few passengers had been bracing themselves for some time now, occasionally shooting wry smiles or apologetic looks to one another. They were all there for the same reason; there really wasn't another reason to head out this far into the country. A recent company had formed, one called "A Coalition to Save Africa" or Acosa, as it was more commonly referred to. Acosa had already done wonders to improving some of the more backward areas of the country, bringing "the fine ideals and standards" of the West. Mostly it was an extension of charity, but it seemed to have a knack for cutting through red tape. Hence the shaky plane. Its passengers were actually decidedly higher class than would usually be flying on such a deathtrap. Miss Kaley Cuoco, female star of The Big Bang Theory and semi-comedic actress happened to be one such passenger. Currently the curvy, sexy blonde was busy bracing herself on a rickety chair, shooting apologetic glances to the handful of people who'd agreed to accompany her. On the other side of the plane was one Nina Dobrev, another breakout television star, though hardly a comedic one. Nina looked, if possible, even worse off than Kaley. The girl almost looked a little green, though she was putting on a brave face: smiling through her discomfort. Both girls were dressed more for comfort than for anything else, knowing that there would be a short walk after the plane before they headed to the semi-remote location. They were both participating in a TV for Africa promotion. they'd come out to do a special appearance for people, donate some time and money to local organizations, and even spend some time getting to know the locals. Kaley's show had become a huge hit even here, so it only made sense that she'd be invited. The situation was similar for Nina, with her breakout role causing a sweeping sensation among a younger crowd. Of course, it was also altogether likely that there was an entirely different reason for inviting two beautiful women into a remote location, but surprisingly, neither girl suspected as much. At last, the plane landed. Disheveled, disoriented, and generally just glad to get off, Kaley, Olivia, and their assorted crews exited the plane. There would no doubt be people there to greet them and escort them to the more distant, remote locations for the actual activities, and the girls were more than ready to move on to that, even if the ride proved a little rougher than they would have originally thought.,"Olabode wasn't considered a warlord, but he was known as the most powerful man in this part of Africa. So it had come as no surprise when the rich man Tyler Harris had contacted him with a very interesting idea. First Tyler had opened Olabode up to a whole new world of sex and bondage, using one of Olabode's black women to do so. They then built a home deep in the woods where privacy could be had, in many places where they couldn't be seen Tyler had placed devices called cameras. They had something to do with the televisions many families now owned, through a process Olabode wouldn't even pretend to understand. Once the place was built, Tyler promised to bring Olabode the pretty white woman from the televisions to him. Olabode stood with his giant arms crossed, wearing American jeans and a white tee-shirt beside Tyler, the two of them watching the plane come to a stop. Tyler had explained the process to Olabode; the girl would have a gang following her; a gang that Olabode couldn't simply have his men kill. There was a trick Tyler had come up with, while driving through the woods Olabode with the girl at a sharp turn he would escape the other vehicles following, another jeep taking the lead. Olabode was then free to take the girls to their secret home, where he could do as he wanted. Soon the plane came to a stop, a set of stairs pushed to the open door and people began to stream out. Following just behind Tyler, Olabode watched as he met with not one, but two pretty ladies. The blonde one, Kaley he had been expecting. The darker one, Nina was a surprise but a very good one. Tyler then introduced Olabode to the two woman. He shook their hands, It is very good to meet the both of you. I will see that you both enjoy everything Africa has to offer A wide smile was given; although he was the tallest male in the crowd, and the largest as far as muscles went, when he smiled he looked completely harmless. It was a trick he had used to take over this section of Africa. Olabode listened as Tyler explained to the two woman and their gangs that Olabode would be taking them in his jeep, ahead of all the other vehicles, so he could point out certain landmarks as they went to the first location; and answer any questions the two ladies might have. Once the introductions were done, and instructions explained the large group went over to the large assortment of vehicles waiting for them. Olabode opened the back door to his jeep, motioning for the women too get inside. ""Greetings Vault Hunter! Now that you've reached the Bullymong den, I'll need you to use the phial I gave you. That blue liquid is a special kind of pheromone extracted from a young Monglet. If you douse yourself with that, then the Bullymongs should think you are one of their own. This will allow you to get up close and record their social habits without putting yourself in any danger! A brilliant plan indeed!" Kaliope activated her storage deck and removed the bottle Hammerlock had given her when she took the job. The phial materialized in her small hand, and the first thing she noticed was the color. "Um...sir Hammerlock? You said it's a blue liquid, right?" She asked uncertainly. "Yes, yes. That's the one. Now douse yourself and release the camera-bot. It will follow your location while taking videos of the Bullymongs in their natural environment." "Ah...yes, I get that part...but this bottle is red, and it doesn't say 'Monglet' anywhere on it. It says 'Bullybabe in heat.' What does that mean?" There was no response from Hammerlock right away, which made her worry even more. "Aha...not to worry! Simple mix up of labels and food coloring I'm sure. Go ahead and spread it on, and make sure to cover yourself as much as possible. If anything does happen, I'm sure you can handle yourself just fine! I'll see you when you get back!" The transmission ended and Kaliope was left standing there, overlooking the Bullymong den, and having some serious doubts about this plan. Unfortunately she really needed the money. This whole week she'd survived on what she could steal from bandits, and buy using the little money she scrounged during her jobs. She was only sixteen, and had no real skills to call upon. So normally all she could do was cleaning jobs, deliveries, and various other menial tasks. This one paid better though, maybe even enough to put her up in the spare room Moxxi had for rent. So she gritted her teeth and opened the bottle. She dribbled the liquid over her arms and rubbed it into her skin, then applied the rest everywhere else she could, until it was gone. The fluid was warming, and very musky. She wondered if all Bullymongs smelled like this, after all she'd never actually been up close to one before. "Okay can do this. Not to worry, Hammerlock wouldn't screw you over....just walk in, and get the video..." She tried to assure herself as she slid her petite frame down into the den. She made little noise, and nothing came out to attack her. "So far so good..." She took a few steps in, testing her luck. When nothing happened, she let out a big sigh and tried to relax. Only to lose consciousness as something smacked her upside the head. An unknown amount of time later she woke up with a groan, to the feeling of something heavy and hot laying on her face. She turned to the side only for her face to be smothered in some hot, musky pillow that felt like skin. Even when she opened her eyes she couldn't see anything, so she turned back, and went completely cold with fear. There was a cock on her face, and that pillow had been the balls connected to its base. Worse yet, that cock belonged to a Bullymong, which was panting over her, drool seeping from its mouth. "Fuck...." Was all she could say. She was surrounded, several Monglets ambled around her, their own cocks standing fully erect. She didn't have any sexual experience, so she had nothing to compare too, but she was sure most humans didn't have dicks as big as those Monglets. Then of course several adults surrounded her as well. heat...she was going to kill Hammerlock if she survived this. Perhaps there was still some possibility of escape....,"If there was a chance to safely escape the clutches of four-armed beasts able to hurl rocks as big as a man, it was still to reveal itself. And in a way, she already was lucky. Few people woke up after being attacked by a Bullymong. Even if waking up means being greeted by the sight of big, orangish meat rods of horny beasts. Heavy panting of excited monglets filled the air, as the one whose cock she woke up under, rubbed his meat back and forth on her face. The creature seemed to be quite confused. One part of his primitive mind knew that something was wrong. That female looked all wrong. Not enough limbs, little fur, small frame... But the other, more basic part shouted "A willing female! Fill her up!" Sir Hammerlock: "Hello, lass. Are you there?" His voice sounded through the ECHO communicator. "I turns out I actually had a bullymong female pheromones here. I have to stop arranging my samples when drunk. Are you there? Wait, I'll just get the cam-bot feed on my screen... Oh my... That's not good." That's one way of describing a bullymong more and more persistently trying to find a fitting orifice in Kalliope's body to put his prick in. And with her other suitable holes being hidden under her clothes, he tried to go for the only visible one. She felt his hot, pulsating and sticky cock rubbing her cheeks. The smell was so intense it was almost intoxicating. Lucky enough, being such a massive creature, their pelvises were very small compared to the rest of their burly body. That means smallest of monglet cocks present were average for human body. Other monglets could be considered "big" or "very big" in human scale, but well... manageable. Sir Hammerlock: "First of all - don't scream. High-pitched noises are likely to make them aggressive. They don't seem willing to cause you any intentional harm, so do not provoke them. I will gather a rescue party and send them your way in a shortest notice possible." As he said that, the monglet molesting her at the moment started snarling and pounding his chest with his upper arms. Lower pair reached down and grabbed her by hair and her left shoulder. He shook her a bit, with an irritated growl. Other monglets around started moving from side to side giving out noises of anger and impatience. Sir Hammerlock "Oh, that one seems to be frustrated from the lack stimuli from your part. Better do something to calm him or he can get violent. I'm off to find some help. Try not to die in the meantime." And so, the scholar went silent. Which couldn't be said about young bullymong trying to find a way into poor girl's mouth, smearing hot precum over her upper lip and left cheek. He starts to look... angry. "Azure and Elena exchanged curious glances as they passed through the gates to this strange facility. It wasn't professionally built, rather pieced together, albeit with some skill, from all manner of salvaged materials. Still, the size alone was impressive enough to house dozens upon dozens of various animals from all over Pandora. It was like a shoddy zoo, only it was supposedly a research facility. "This place is kinda neat..." Elena mumbled as she looked through various windows at the lifeforms inside their cells. There were Bullymongs and Varkids, Spiderants and Rakks, almost anything the two of them had ever seen in their travels. "Yeah, creepy too." Azure was taller than Elena, and her body much more athletic. Her skin was deeply tanned and her crimson hair was done up in a thick braid running from her forehead to the back of her knees. Elena had fair skin, and a petite but curvy physique. Her silver hair only went past her ears. Both were wearing similar outfits, with skin-tight combat suits beneath varying clothing. Azure wore a tactical jacket and baggy cargo pants, both red over her yellow skinsuit. Elena had a pink skinsuit, with a white hoodie and pleated skirt. If they looked a tad....out of place on Pandora, that was because they had only just arrived. They came with dreams of finding the Vault, but as soon as they heard Hunters were being targeted, they laid low and pretended to be bounty hunters. So far they'd gotten by on odd jobs, the occasional easy bounty, and fucking for shelter. It had been a serious change for both of them, but Pandora changes people, and after a few times it became instinct. Even sex was a weapon on this planet. It took a bit to find their way through the facility towards the point marked on their heads up display. And when they finally did, the two young women found themselves confused by the sight of a Claptrap, overlooking all the creatures. "Um...excuse me? We are here about the opening for some lab assistants? Can you point us to your boss?" Elena asked somewhat directly. The job request hadn't said much in the way of what they'd actually do, however it paid well with the possibility for bonuses. As a bonus, it said guaranteed protection from danger. It was hard to pass up an offer like that on Pandora.,""Ow! Hi there, ladies," the little robot exclaimed in an excited voice before disappearing into some corridor without giving the two girls a chance to reply. The animals in the cages made loud noises or became noticeably restless as the quirky bot passed them by. After a short while, the sound of cans falling over filled the facility as the same claptrap from earlier came rolling up to them with a clipboard and a white coat in tow. He stopped before them to pull out a monocle he screwed onto his bionic eye to look at his chart. The strange robot looked like a pretty standard claptrap unit with some minor upgrades that seemed to be done by himself or someone who either wasn't too great with tools or slightly intoxicated or any combination thereof. Mostly the extra bolts on his front chassis and two extra panels under his spindly arms, which housed support for his arms most likely, were the most obvious 'upgrades,' or those that were even visible at all. "Mmmm... yes... you two seem like the only candidates who have shown up... So if you both are interested, I think I could find something to occupy you two with. You two will probably be assigned to our research and development part that focuses on the breeding and interbreeding of creatures on Pandora..." "Several weeks had passed since the massive attack on New York City where the world was properly introduced to the premiere team of the world's greatest heroes. Many of these so-called Avengers had gone their separate paths since then, with several of them needing to both clean up personal matters along with cleaning up the destruction which had followed the alien invasion led by the superbeing known as Loki. One of those who were in need of some repairing of their own was the brilliant doctor known as Bruce Banner. Or, perhaps more famously at this point, recognized the world over by his once thought unfathomable alter ego of the Hulk. Deep within the jungles of Brazil, an isolated hut stood, with a dim light seeping out from the corners of the hastily put together door and the open window from one side of its four corners. Bruce had been here for a few weeks now, with little else than his notes and research to keep himself busy as the brilliant mind worked diligently on the gamma radiation related reports afforded to him by Fury following his assistance with the Avengers Initiative. The often elusive doctor, whom was currently hunched over a table while reading over the reports for the dozenth time, had for the longest time sought out a way of either ridding himself or at least further controlling the beast which raged within his body. This was nothing new for those who had kept tabs on him in the past. What none of the others had known at this point, however, was how things had changed within him following the manipulation mindjob done to Dr. Banner by Loki himself. Where once Bruce had seemingly gained a semblance of control over his 'other half' over the past few months prior to Fury making the call for his help, Loki had undone much of it within a few days time. Bruce could feel the incredible green behemoth knocking about within his head. The feel of the Hulk in there was stronger than it had been in a long while. Only now it was strangely... different. Where anger had once been the lone potential trigger for releasing the beast within, Dr. Banner had noticed a similar warning reaction within occasionally set itself off due to other stimuli. Excessive exercise being the main one which he'd noticed, but there were other... rather embarrassing stimulations which seemed to have a similar effect. And it was the effort to find a scientific way of correcting this apparent imbalance which had driven the lab coat wearing young man, as the late night dragged on with Bruce taking a moment to adjust his glasses while looking over the paperwork by the lamplight. While indeed secluded out here in the jungle, Bruce wasn't necessarily completely cut off from humanity - however much the reclusive male may wish to be at times. There were a number of communication devices which were rarely used but had a place in one corner of the fairly large hut. Amongst them, buried beneath a few crumbled up and discarded notes of paper, was a specific tracker used for in the event of an Avengers emergency. The tracking device remained silent, yet glowed with a seemingly unnoticed red light - indicating its current usage and the now likely event of Dr. Banner having an unexpected guest very shortly.,"While most of the Avengers had either gone back to their regular lives or retreated to some remote part of the world to do whatever it was that they needed to do in seclusion after the battle against Loki and his Chitauri legion, the Black Widow had carried on with business as usual. Most of her assignments since then had been run-of-the-mill intel gathering, sabotage runs and assassinations targeted at some of the most dangerous and volatile terrorist organizations on the planet. The last one had been quite different, however. While Natasha had been trying to gather up info on the leaders of the Hammer of Retribution - who were currently considered as one of the highest global threats by SHIELD - she'd managed to sneak into a hidden lab which contained much more than just plans for chemical weapons. She'd read the Bruce Banner and Steve Roger files enough times to recognize a supersoldier formula when she saw one, and luckily had managed to hack the lab's database and download a copy before being compromised and having to flee, leaving a trail of bodies behind. That had all gone down in Bolivia which was where the Hammer's home base of operations was, and - coincidentally - Dr. Banner happened to be right next door in Brazil as Natasha found out when she activated his tracking beacon. Since he was by far the leading authority on Earth when it came to such matters, the Widow wasted no time in getting on the nearest SHIELD helicopter and being flown over to meet him. Banner might have heard the helicopter's rotors as it hovered briefly near his little makeshift home and lab just long enough for Natasha to be lowered down from a rope before flying away again. If she'd wanted to surprise him like she'd done during their first meeting, that obviously wouldn't have been her approach, but that was obviously unnecessary this time around. By the time that she'd made it to his hut, there were already a few beads of sweat visible on Natasha's brow from the short walk through the jungle which happened to be blisteringly hot and humid. A few strands of her eye catching coppery hair (which she'd grown out since the incident in New York so that it was a few inches past shoulder length now) were matted against her forehead, hear heartbeat was slightly and her breathing was noticeably heavier than usual, but overall that wasn't so bad considering that even an average athlete would have been exhausted by that point. She reflected that perhaps her black SHIELD catsuit might now have been the most appropriate choice of attire in these conditions, her skin feeling a bit clammy underneath, but then again she hadn't been expecting to stay very long either. "Quite the...cozy little place you've got here, doctor," Natasha said as she opened the hut door and stepped inside, the hint of an amused smile lingering upon her glossy pink lips afterwards. "I hope this isn't a bad time." "It was an afternoon like any other, with the sun shining down with brilliance, the wind blew from the west and swirled the leaves in the athletic field about Hitomi's ankles while her eyes were fixed firmly upon the line in front of herself. "Come on!" she called to her students with a genuine smile, her legs spread wide as she sat on her rear before them and her arms out in front of herself, demonstrating how the exercise should be done. She could tell that a few of the boys were paying more attention to see if her hands or her breasts would touch the ground first, but in all honesty she didn't mind what they were staring at as long as they showed better results. "Looking is fine, but don't get carried away!" "Reach forward with both your arms, relax your back and shoulders and stretch with your stomach muscles!" she ordered, leaning forward just a tiny bit further. Then, she quickly pulled back and leapt to her feet. "Alright, that's enough. Lets do some jumping jacks drills then we can start our normal routine," she said with authority. Everyone jumped in line without hesitation and began to jump in unison... Well, most of them did, anyway. Indeed, it felt like just another ordinary day... But there was some other force at work that day, and as it slowly approached the school gates, the prospect of ever returning to the same lives that they knew and loved grew thinner and thinner... As Hitomi-sensei sent her students to run a few laps around the track, the math teacher, Akio-sensei, approached her. "Um, I'm sorry to disturb your class," the usually forward teacher seemed strangely timid, "but you know martial arts, correct?" "What now?" Hitomi replied in a slightly irked tone, not liking to be disturbed when she was in the middle of a drill. "It's not Souji again, is it?" Akio sighed. "Um, no, I don't think so," he continued. "There appears to be a bit of a disturbance at the west gate. It has several of the teachers worried since we already had a few people check on it but they haven't returned... Some of the students are getting worried." "Its probably just another would-be gang or something," Hitomi yawned, "Sure, I'll go lay out some thugs for you, but just hold things down here while I'm gone." She waved to her class in order to let them know she would be right back, and they returned the wave as she turned to leave. As Hitomi approached the west gate, what she thought was just a group of students and a few people not wearing school uniforms huddled about in a small group looking down at something, standing strangely still. She nearly laughed, as there didn't seem to be anything particularly odd about the situation, although she did feel a strange cold chill down her left side which she simply chose to ignore. "Excuse me, you are being a nuisance and causing quite a stir here," Hitomi called out to them. "Could you kindly break things up? Classes are in session, so head back to your respective classes before I have to get serious." The group all slowly turned in unison, the few patches of fresh blood staining their shirts being the first thing she noticed. "Oi... this is..." Their wide, soulless white eyes and cocked heads looked up at hers, not making eye contact but gleaming about like soiled pearls stuck in into their haggard, bloody faces. They stepped toward her, mouths gaping and snapping. Hitomi raised her hands up to her chest in terror... and let out a blood-curdling scream.,"Souji rested in the school's rooftop, under the bright blue sky he always admired. Every time he was up there, he wished he was a cloud, drifting slowly and lazily through the sky without any worries. He took many naps out there because it gave him that impression. That he could just drift lazily through his life without a care. It was an illusion, of course, and he knew it, but sometimes it was just better to hold onto those little things that made him happy. At least for today he had managed to stay out of trouble, which was a good thing for a change. Spending the morning sleeping away was probably the reason he managed it. Even for him it was impossible to get into trouble while sleeping. He could hear some students exercising in the yard and almost laughed at them. Poor bastards, sweating in the sun, while he could just nap on the cool breeze. He pretty much enjoyed playing hooky, and was glad no teacher would bother with a seemingly lost cause as himself. He could also hear the voice of Marasaki-sensei barking orders and he could almost picture her in his mind, showing everyone how to do each one of the exercises. Naked. 'Wait a moment, why would she do that naked?' he berated himself, with a sigh, blushing slightly. Moreover, he would hate for everyone else to be able to see her like that, so why was he imagining it? As if her dumb fiancee wasn't enough... Thinking about it made his blood boil and suddenly he didn't feel like sleeping anymore. He sat, yawned heavily while stretching his body, before getting up and proceeding to the outside stairs. He was halfway down the stairs when he suddenly heard her scream. It was so fearful and scared he almost didn't recognize her voice. 'What the hell?' was the only thought on his mind as he sped up, jumping the steps four at a time as he ran down. He could see her by the front gate, and some strangers, clearly not students, closed in on her, walking in a rather stumbling and clumsy way. For some reason their approach did not seem normal. It had a certain aura of menace in it, even though it wasn't aggressive. He finally reached the ground and ran to her. - "Sensei! Marasaki-sensei! Are you ok?" - he asked, a hint of fear in his voice, while he failed to maintain his all bad boy attitude. He got close to her, and finally paid attention to the strangers that stumbled their way close to them, soulless white eyes, bloody faces and a terrifying aura. - "Wha-What the fuck?!" - he took a step behind in fear. What the hell was wrong with those people? He felt his knees tremble from shock and fear, but gladly they held him up. He took a deep breath, and a second to calm himself down, before taking a step forward and coming between his teacher and the group, pointing at the closest one - "You! Don't move! I'm warning you! Don't get any closer!" - he tried to sound threatening but his voice came out slightly shook, and none of the strangers seemed to care. What the hell was happening there? "Ichigo Kurosaki had been through a lot in his relatively young life; he'd battled Hollows and Arrancars, fought his way through the Soul Society to rescue his friend Rukia Kuchiki, tamed his inner Hollow, battled against Aizen and his armies, and even lost and regained his Soul Reaper abilities. But none of that had prepared him for the impending arrival of his child with his new wife, Orihime Inoue. Long-time friends and recent lovers as their graduation from school had neared, the last thing Ichigo had expected was to impregnate his girlfriend, but being the upstanding guy that he was - and since he was planning on doing this eventually anyway - he had proposed to her and they'd soon been married. Now they were living together as newly weds, and while he was still adjusting, Ichigo was happy with their new set of circumstances. It was a busy set of circumstances though; between spending time with Orihime, working at his Father's Clinic, and his duties as a Substitute Soul Reaper, he was often on the move! But he didn't mind. Someone had to keep Karakura Town safe, after all, and with his abilities, he was the best one for the job. It was on one such night that he found himself returning home after patrolling Karakura Town, and after slipping back into their home and returning to his human form, made his way stealthily through the halls. Finding Orihime in the kitchen, he paused for a moment to take in his wife, feeling himself growing a little excited at the sight of her. Always beautiful with her large breasts, pretty face, and curves, she had become even more so since becoming pregnant, and his libido soon took control, guiding him to come closer and hug her from behind. "Hi." he said, pressing his groin against her behind, letting her feel his growing erection. Meanwhile, his hands slipped up to her chest, groping and caressing her breasts firmly. "Feeling ok?" he asked curiously as he fondled and caressed his wife, always concerned about her wellbeing.,""As always, Ichi," Orihime moaned out, letting out the cutest giggle. She enjoyed it when her large breasts were groped by her new husband as it felt rather good given they were quite sensitive, especially for all the treatment they had gotten. They were swelling with a sweet tasting milk, easily already becoming half a cup bigger since they discovered her pregnancy on Graduation Night. Orihime was easily showing already, sporting a small bump that her belly was now sporting. No matter what she wore, she couldn't hide the fact she was pregnant. She was currently dressed in a cute tube top that couldn't cover her belly bump, exposing it. Her large milk-filled breasts were straining it a bit as well. Her long, orange hair was tied back into a ponytail, making sure it didn't get in the way while she was in the kitchen. She had on a pair of blue short shorts that had been bought for her when she and Ichigo were on their honeymoon. Her shapely bottom had increased in size, only becoming more desirable and firm as the pregnancy continued. Her legs were long and curvy and her hips were already growing in the right places the body slowly prepared itself for an eventual birth. "How was your day, Ichi?" Orihime cooed in the commonly used seductive tone she had whenever they were alone together. She had become so confident around her husband that her worrisome, shy self was easily forgotten outside of being in public and trying to please everyone else. When they were alone, it was like magic sparking between them. "Two Ark Guards entered the isolated prison room of Callen Rodgers. The young man assumed it was time for him to be floated. How did such a well-mannered young man end up in the Sky Box? In essence, it was love. Callens mother got pregnant around the same time as her close friend, Abby Griffin. It was only natural that their two children were close. Play dates at a young age, time spent at the others quarters when parents were working they were together often. As the pair grew older, it bloomed into something deeper than a friendship. Callens only experience with girls, romantic or sexual, happened with Clarke. They had been dating ever since they were around the age of twelve. They were simply cuddling on the couch of her quarters, watching an old film when the guards busted into the door. They arrested Clarke for her knowledge about the Ark losing oxygen. Well, nobody was going to dare put their hands on Clarke without Callen saying something. Now, Callen was not exactly overly masculine or strong, but there was no telling what a man could do when the woman he loved was in jeopardy. As hard as he fought, he was no match for multiple trained, armed guards. They were both eventually arrested. It was revealed that it was Abbys doing, that she informed the Council about what her husband knew and what Clarke knew. She just did not expect Callen to know or to react like this. It had been over a year now. Callen had lost track of time in isolation. It was driving him nuts. After a wristband was slapped onto his wrist, he found himself shoved into a drop ship headed for Earth because they are expendable but that if they are co-operable, their crimes will be forgiven, per a message from the Chancellor. There was too much going on for Callen to take in, especially when they seemed to land safely, minus the two delinquents that were dumb enough to attempt and follow Finns lead. Callen was in the middle of the pack when everyone stood up, filing out towards the door. Callen was not that tall, only around 59, so it was tough for him to see over much of anything. His hazel eyes continued to scan the drop ship, though, hoping to find a certain familiar face that would make things on the ground so much easier.,"After over a year in solitary confinement, Clarke Griffin had sworn that her release had come early when her cell door opened and she was grabbed at. She hadn't gone easily and the guards had to use force to get her to move - and even then, she had been so volatile that she needed sedation. She sure wasn't acting the same way when she hit the ground. While she wasn't surprised in the least to find out that the Ark had finally hit a critically low level of oxygen, sending kids to the ground seemed irrational. However, even as they plummeted through the sky, there was one consuming thought in the blonde's head: if they had sent all the prisoners to the ground, that meant that Callen had been sent as well. She had considered him rash for acting as he did on the fateful day when they were parted, but now it seemed almost like a blessing. Her blue eyes scanned the sea of bodies as everyone started to file out of the drop ship. Since she hadn't seen the face she wanted while still secured, Clarke figured that he had simply been placed elsewhere. Eventually she caught sight of him - and even from behind she knew that it was him. She weaved her way through the crowd until she could come up behind him and then she squeezed her beloved tight. "Callen!" she cried out, ecstatic. "I don't think I've ever been this happy to see you!" "Vanessa sighed as she dropped another empty toolbox onto the barren ground beside her, grumbling as she glanced around, wiping her brow. She'd used a decent amount of ammo to clear out several Radscorpions in this area, thinking that they must've been gathered here by something, but instead all she'd found were empty toolboxes, depleted fusion batteries and caps that were so rusted they were practically useless. As for the radscorpions, well, they were all rather scrawny, not much meat on them at all, enough for her to cook a few meals from but not enough to sell for any real profit. "Great....just great..." The girl muttered, lifting up her 10mm gun to examine it. She'd left Vault 6 months ago now, Vault 14, sealed for 200 years, lost behind a landslide and cut off from all communication. The people in the Vault had considered themselves the last of humanity until prospectors had cleared away the cave entrance. Apparently they had salvaged a Vault Tec facility and found some records of their Vault, the group had been hoping to scavenge the vault remains...imagine their surprise when they had found it fully active and inhabited. After that curiosity had drawn Vanessa to leave, along with several others, all of them going their own way to explore this strange new world. None of them had quite expected things to be so bad, none of them had believed absolutely everything would be so....destroyed. And then on top of that was the radiation. Vanessa had managed to avoid much of it thanks to her Pip Boy, but sometimes it was simply unavoidable, either simply in the environment or through food and drink. Fortunately though Vanessa seemed to have suffered no real ill effects from it, though her previously brown hair had now turned a shade of light blue, and her bangs had taken on an unusual shape, but she considered herself lucky to not be suffering any additional mutations, especially after she'd encountered her first Ghoul and seen first hand just what radiation could potentially do. "Ok..." She holstered her gun, then checked her Pipboy, turning to head further North. She'd been warned against heading too far in that direction by the inhabitants of the last settlement she'd visited, but none of them could really say why, just that their parents and their parents parents had always said to avoid it. Well, that meant there was the possibility of the area being untouched by previous scavengers, meaning Vanessa might be able to find some traces of the old world that nobody had seen for centuries.,"Reptilian slitted pupils with yellow eyes from all around looked at the wondering traveler, watching and waiting to see what she would do. A pair of gray eye's, with pupils slitted like a cat watched as well. It seemed as if the mutants of the wasteland had been watching, waiting to see what this one would do. While at the same time, the blue slitted cat-like eyes waited to see what the yellows would do. Those eye's had a rough idea what the yellows would do to that poor girl, and it shuttered at the thought. Though those blue eye's had taken notice of the gear adorning the human, it looked like the gear adorning the other human she found previously; hell it was the same gear! Right down to the number fourteen. Then again the other difference was, that this human was female from the start. The other had met a fate by her and her sister hands, and was currently a cock-sucking bitch, speaking of, the gray eye's turned behind smiling as she watched her twin fuck the former man into the ground. Though she was quick to turn back to the situation with the girl wandering the waste, a frown on her face as she thought of what those reptiles would do to the poor girl. "Fuuuuuuck, I really want to save her." The gray eye's groaned, looking towards a gun off to her side. A simple cowboy repeater with an attached scope. The gray eye's contemplated shooting the human wondering to her doom. The yellow reptilian-like eyes watched eagerly, large breasts pressed against the ground, keeping them low and out of sight; yet also continuously getting turned on as their nipples drug across the ground. A grin spread across it's face, as the wind began to pick up; making the semi long hair it had move in it, a storm was coming and it knew that was its moment to strike with its pack. "Tim Drake sat alone at the top of a Gotham skyscraper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne, those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of a long-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense, cape and cowl (a homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new; Tim has been wearing a hero costume for a while now, and they all start to feel the same. But this one feels somewhat different. With the past suits, they were all connected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other people. This suit was different; it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero. With that thought, he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. After the exhale had ended, he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him as the cowl kept his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground, he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them, forming stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God, he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne; it had so many perks! After gliding for a while, he picked up on an alarm ringing on one of the streets. Tim looked up in the sky and saw no bat signal in the sky; Bruce wasn't out tonight. He decided this was a good time to let himself be known, start small and make them afraid of one of the new heroes in town... well, really an old one in a new costume but that was beside the point. He zoomed over to the roof opposite of the alarm and took a look at what he was up against. He saw that a group of five thugs or so were robbing an electronic store. This was going to be fun. He reached into one of his pouches and withdrew a throwing disk. He threw it at the alarm and silenced it, the red flood light from the alarm was broken and therefore shut off, leaving the store pitch black. This, of course, had the thugs startled and reaching for their guns. He launched himself into the store and tackled one of the thugs to the floor, knocking him out with a quick punch across the face. At this point, Tim was hunched over the thug, the cape covering the rest of the costume. The thugs had their guns drawn but they were shaking, saying, "Oh no, it's The Bat!" When Tim stood up straight and turned around, they stopped shaking. "What? It's not The Bat, just some punk kid wannabe!" Before any of them had the idea of actually shooting at him, Tim grabbed a pellet from his harness and threw it to the ground. When it hit, a large plume of smoke filled the room, and Tim went out of sight. They started panicking again and randomly shot into the smoke. Tim already being out of the smoke was able to pick them off one by one. When they were all taken care of, he had them all strung up by a light pole. It was a pretty good start to the night.,"Vibrations from her cellphone made her stop the shower short and run into the small bedroom. There was only a name and an address with a X after "Death." Using the extra towel from the hotel room, Jade dried her long black hair and quickly pulled her briefcase from under the bed. She slipped on her dark green top that wrapped around her shoulders and down her arms. And her green gloves had long metal claws attached to them, they held their own surprise for her victims. She slid on green boy shorts that matched her outfit and knee-high green boots. Bending down, Jade pulled another briefcase out and smiled at the sight of her two Sai weapons. Flipping them in her hands, she attached them to the leather strap that crossed between her breasts all the way to her back. Opening up the text once more, she read the name, "Dr. Jones," 1345 Bently Street, Apartment 3B. Making a note in her mind of her destination, she snapped the flip phone in half and tossed it in the trash can. Her assistance was needed in ridding her boss of another pest. She opened her hotel window and let the breeze pass through her hair, sending shivers down her spine. Turning back towards the bed, she pulled a white cat mask from the case and strapped it to her face. The eyes were big and bright green while the grin it held was large and demented. Now that her mask was equipped, she crawled out of the window to the roof and did a scan of the night. It gave her the distance of her next target and Jade was on the move. Hopping from rooftop to rooftop, she moved quickly and with more stealth than a normal person. Eying the apartment building, Jade crawled down the building's wall and slipped in through the doctor's open kitchen window. She crept low to the ground as the darkness kept her concealed; she could hear his snoring in the opposite room. The green eyes on her mask glowed faintly as she did some investigating of the apartment. Finding nothing of use, she proceeded into the bedroom, pulling a sai from her back and gripping it tightly. "Nice to see you again, Jade," the voice was rough and deep. The body in the bed lifted and he held a gun pointed in her direction. "Cheshire to you..." she hissed softly as she took a step towards the doorway. She kept her calm and decided if she was going to run, it had to be now. Quickly turning her body, Cheshire ran for the apartment door, the sound of gunshots firing around her. She rolled to the ground and knocked through the exit door, climbing the stairs to the roof. The man followed after her, sending multiple shots her way as he climbed the stairway. Cheshire peeked over the ledge only to catch a bullet in her shoulder. She stumbled back into the wall. "Dammit..." she cursed, sliding to the step. She winced with pain and watched as he approached her, using her sai she flung it as hard as she could. Hearing the gunshots hit the ceiling, Cheshire crawled up the stairs to the roof. Breaking through the door, she felt the concrete under her hands. "Fuck." She muttered, leaning against the rooftop door. What was she going to do now? "Beverly Hills, the place to be if you're looking to make it big. A big reason for people to move out to there, but that wasn't the reason for Tim Drake. He wasn't there for the glamour that was associated with the city. He was here to get further away from The Bat. Tim decided that it was best to do this to truly test the limits of his abilities. If he were ever to improve or prove himself, he had to get away from Bruce so that he could fight his battles alone rather than run away and call him for backup. Beverly Hills has seen its fair share of kooks and villains, so it would be a good fit for him. Though he couldn't just run around Beverly Hills in his suit all the time. School was the answer to that. Before he arrived, he enrolled in Beverly Hills High and today was his first day there. He woke up early in his standard fare apartment (a nice bonus thanks to his staple employer Wayne Enterprises) and got in his morning workout. It consisted of the standard workout equipment of dumb bells, bench press equipment, treadmill, etc. The workout finally ended with him practicing his martial arts on a wooden dummy. The dummy was made of smooth Mahogany wood and had various arms extending out to practice his positioning and flow between strikes. He saved this for last because he wanted to practice it while he was winded. If he was winded then he would have to focus harder on doing it right and committing these moves to muscle memory and pushing his limits further. When he was finished, he moved to the bathroom for a shower. After the shower, he saw that he was behind schedule and dashed to his bedroom to get clothes on. He quickly got dressed in a pair of dark-wash jeans and a red V-neck T-shirt and made a dash for the front door while struggling to get his shoes on. He grabbed a protein bar on the way out the door and jogged to his car, catching up to his schedule. He slid into the front seat of the red sports car (a little parting gift from the Wayne Manor garage) and checked himself in the mirror, his blue eyes shining back against his black hair. He smoothed his hair down and figured it was good enough for a first day. He then turned the car on and put it in gear to drive off to school. Upon arrival at the school, he parked in the student lot and grabbed his things out of the trunk. He made sure that his Robin gear was easily accessible yet hidden from plain sight in his car. With everything ready, he took a confident step forward toward campus, eyes constantly swiveling as the myriad of pretty girls crossed his path. "Ah, Beverly Hills! This might not be a bad first day after all," he said to himself with a smirk.,"Freshman year for the girls is the hubris, the beginning of cat suits, fresh starts on school and secret agent stuff. The girls will be getting their first Charlie's Angel getup this day, and they were very excited to test their youthful strength and wit. But before that, they still must live anonymously and mingle in the civilian life. Clover along with Sam and Alex proceed to their designated classroom, all three of them are already doing daydreams on doing spy things as they wait for the teacher to come. Clover wears her simple strapless pink tank top covered with a white jacket and red slacks and red sandals. Meanwhile, as Clover was daydreaming, her attention was caught by the mysterious-looking guy in a red V-neck shirt who just entered the room. He seems to have a cool and studious personality mixed with a serious bad-ass sort. As she keeps on looking at him, their eyes meet, but Clover quickly averts her gaze and blushes a little, and then acts like nothing happened. Sam and Alex, however, didn't seem to notice what Clover just saw. She feels uneasy and excited about this guy's vibrant presence. Clover can't collect herself at the moment. "Sora walked through the street of the city, always seeming so busy with people bumping into each other. Yet, as she held her seeing cane out, she could sense how the people avoided her like the plague. She didn't care; it wasn't something new, so she just went on like normal. Her cane tapped around like a normal blind woman would do, yet in truth, she didn't need the cane. Her electrical senses helped her see around her. No one would be able to see or sense her power when she used it like this, but it didn't mean it wasn't there. A low-power electrical current surrounded her form, allowing her to have a sonar-like sense of what was around her. It wasn't limited to just people, and she controlled the range of it so as not to attract attention. As she moved through the streets, she noticed how a group kept coming in and out of her range, not sure if they were just heading her way or following her. Decided to test it, she started towards a rougher side of the city, knowing how few go there unless for trouble. Moving closer to her destination, she easily could feel how the group of five were following even closer than before. Didn't look well in her mind, so already she was preparing for when they pounced. She was sure it wouldn't be long, as the streets were becoming empty now. Most would avoid this area during the day, but everyone did at night because there were so many murders that seemed to occur here. Two males jumped out in front of her no more than four feet in front of her, the last three came up behind her about the same distance away. Her grip on her cane changed completely as she stood waiting for the first move. "What is such a poor blind girl doing in this part of town?" one asked behind her as he started to walk closer to her, soon he was next to her grabbing hold of her sunglasses pulling them off only to see her normal looking eyes turning to look right at him, he flinched under her gaze as it truly looked like she could see him. "Bitch stop looking at me like that!" he said, hand coming up to smack her only she brought her cane up to block. With that move, one of the males in front of her reacted quickly to kick her in the chest, yet her hand grabbed hold of the foot. "I thought she was blind?!" shouted one of the males behind her as she quickly moved her body to toss the two in her reach away. As the two hit the ground, the other three went into attack mood as she again kept on the defense. They were quick and had her straining not to use her powers as she didn't want to expose herself too much. Only when she felt the familiar tingle of water on the edge of her range did she risk it any longer, coursing electricity through her body sending it into overdrive as she threw two more away as the first two from before quickly took their place. She felt them pushing her back towards the river, which wasn't good, but with her mind worrying on the water, she left herself open as she was kicked back into a wall with a sickening thud, sliding down it she quickly surrounded herself with electricity, causing her to be surrounded with sparks. It gave her a nice defense while she struggled to get up.,"Thomas smirked as he watched. A voice called out, "Not bad girlie, but electricity doesn't work against their type." The vampires moved together; they had heard of a hunter, but they weren't scared of some flesh bag. Two of them pulled guns while the other two pulled knives. The voice spoke again, "See, electricity works on living people because of our own bio-electric energy brains, hearts, internal muscles, undead, they don't have any of that, nope, but a powerful enough surge can screw up their insides being fried still hurts." One of the vampires snarled, "Fuck you Devil're Fear! You fuck with us and our boss will make you eat your testicles!" The voice laughed, and said, "Oh really? I've faced worse than a few vampires, let's test that theory." The blind woman would hear a scream and the sound of breaking bones. The darkness itself reached up with claws, forcing the men onto their knees. Their heads bowed. "Devil're Fear" landed having jumped from a nearby roof. Taking a deep breath, he blew dark blue flames with a purple center. The vampires howl filled the night air, but in less than ten seconds only boiling asphalt was left. Thomas smirked as his body glowed. His skin turned from red with rocky scales to pale and white. The teenager himself was a fine physical specimen. 7 foot nothing dirty blond hair brushed back and kept in a simple ponytail. He wore an ankle length duster with both sleeves rolled up. Back gloves, fingerless after the second knuckle combat boots and BDU's. Looking at the woman, he asked, "You okay beautiful?" "So much fighting, so much loss, so much... darkness. It had almost seemed like the end to the Corps and all life as they knew it, but miraculously they had prevailed against the blackness that was Nekron and his massive Black Lantern Corps. For Kyle Rayner, this wasn't his first rodeo; he had even died for about five minutes. He had felt a complete blackness envelope him as the Alpha Battery exploded. It was a peaceful serenity that Kyle had never felt before, but he knew better. He may have defeated those Black Lanterns that were caught in his construct, but there were millions upon millions of others out there that his friends and loved ones had to fight and he hated that he was out of the fight. Luckily Sora, his current lover, was there to try and bring him back, but it proved fruitless, he was gone. Though all hope was not lost, Star Sapphire Miri was there to bring him back by using the love he and Soranik had and boy was that a massive relief. After that, he gathered the rest of the Corps members and headed for home, Earth, to finish the fight. Now all the remaining members of the Green Lantern Corps stood on the planet Lantern Mogo for a special memorial service for the fallen. The large tree swayed in the wind, its dark bark groaning as it twisted and turned. Kyle averted his eyes up to focus on the emerald leaves that sprouted from each branch, portraits of every dead lantern were emblazoned upon them. He recognized many of them: Jack T. Chance, Ke'Hann, Laira, Bzzd, Tomar Re, Katama Tui (for John, who couldn't be there since he was back with Hal trying to rebuild), all good Lanterns and all damn good people. He listened intently as Moro the Crypt Keeper explained this new memorial. He let a small smile crawl across his face as he realized that now no Lantern would be forgotten, but that smiled paled in comparison to the one that he let beam as the thousands of emerald rings flew from Mogo to their respected sectors to find new recruits. In those he saw life, while the previous bearers would never be forgotten, those new rookies would soon come and fill their predecessors shoes, maybe even become greater than the previous wielders. Though before greatness can be made he knew hat they would have to put in long hours of work to master the rings abilities and no doubt a few visits to the woman that stood next to him. Upon thinking of her he turned his head to see the perfect ruby red skin, the only imperfection being the triangular birthmark under her left eye. Dr. Soranik Natu was his current girlfriend, but that may become strained since the Guardians had issued the third new law. One that made physical relationships between lanterns forbidden. He was sad to think that they could no longer be together because of a bunch of smurfs idea that relationships would hinder the Corps. Not wanting it to come to that he would be willing to sacrifice his ring just to be with her and he was sure she would do the same, but he would insist that it would be him who gave up the ring. The Corps needed a strong member like her, he was just some artist that was in the right place at the right time.... After the ceremony, he, his best friend Guy Gardner, and Lantern Arisa, went to pay the Guardians a little piece of their minds. They burst through the citadel doors, unannounced, and they all gave the Guardians their two cents about how they were running things. Kyle himself delivered a speech that Guy claimed, "Could have made all of the world cry." After that, he and Guy went to find what happened to Guy's bar, Warriors, to see what fate became of it. Unfortunately, they found it reduced to rubble, Guy shed a tear or two over it, and Kyle was there to try and cheer him up. As they began to clean the place up, a decree went out on all of the Green Lantern rings, "Attention all Lanterns. The third law stating that physical relationship and love between members of the Green Lantern Corps is forbidden has, from this moment forth, been repealed." It repeated itself twice more before disappearing. Kyle looked over Guy who was chuckling a little. "Whaddya know, the Blue Meanies still got some heart left in em' after all." Kyle couldn't help but smile at that. "Speaking of hearts," Kyle responded, "I'm sure there's a doctor 'friend' of mine smiling right about now." He felt a warm feeling grow in his belly thinking of Sora being in the middle of a surgery and having a smile under her mask as her ring told her some of the best news one could hear right about now... It had been a couple of months since the Blackest Night Crisis and things were starting to return to normal, well for everyone except for Kyle. It turned out that his apartment on Earth was leveled and he had no place to stay. So Sora came in and saved the day telling him that he could move in with her on Korugar. He greatfully accepted and that's where he was at the moment. At Sora's, in bed with her, asleep, though to Kyle it was more like tossing and turning. This night he was being plagued with nightmares, Black Lanterns were everywhere and they were closing in on him and Sora. They finally came close enough and nabbed Sora away from him and engulfed her into their ranks. Kyle fought through them to only find that they had turned her into one of them and she raised her ring to kill him. Before her fatal blow struck him in the chest his eyes snapped open and he gasped. He bolted upright from the bed and he found himself gasping for air. He could feel his heart ram into his chest. He placed his right hand over his heart to feel the pounding and he found his ring was enjoying an ancient glow, it seemed that his mind raced to make a construct to try and fend off the specters of his nightmares. He took deep breaths and he turned his head to see if he had awoken Soranik, another or not he did he could not tell since her back was turned to him. He ran his hands through his charcoal hair trying to get a grip, "It was just a dream... only a dream," he continually muttered to himself. Once he felt as if he was calm he eased back down onto the bed and tried to fall asleep again.,"Soranik sometimes thought about the past. And sometimes about the future. You see, a simple action could change so much. She loved Kyle, he was a great artist and a great lover, but she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she never accepted the ring, if she had let that patient die. For the past few months, even with the guardian's lifting the Law of no relationships within the corps, she was feeling increased stress. The job was hard enough, but they were the front line of a universe's cop system, she was just a surgeon. Well, now she was more than just a surgeon. She was a Green Lantern. Yes, it did make it easier to perform complicated operations, but at the same time after the fight was over she realized some alien would have to patch the villain up. Although admittedly, her people accepting her new job was a big relief. She really wouldn't be able to handle them fearing her for her father's crimes and still be expected to perform as a Green Lantern. She turned in the bed, so she was facing Green Lantern Kyle. Or just Kyle. She smiled, she adored the earthman. He was... fascinating, speaking as a plain alien, and a surgeon. When he wasn't looking she would watch him, eyeing his movements. She found alien lifeforms to be a interesting study in anatomy. Soranik couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like again to not worry about being a green lantern. She felt her partner move around - as if in a bad dream. She turned to face him and hugged him, dragging him closer to her so he could snuggle close and go back to sleep. "Mm...Kyle?" She mumbled, was he awake? She figured he was, so she buried her face in his back. "Noah shut his locker quietly, zipping up his backpack. It was lunchtime, again. Another day to be completely ignored and forgotten. Friends? Well, even nerds had nerd friends, but Noah? No one. The only person who ever paid attention to him was his father. Who, even then, was an adoptive one. Noah was the only human in this school of anthro pokemon. He sighed softly and pulled over his hood, walking outside instead of going into the cafeteria. Noah sat on the ground, leaning against the external wall of the cafeteria, eating the lunch he had packed for himself that morning. He never ate much. It was just a bag of grapes. He popped one into his mouth and looked up at the sky. What did he ever do to deserve a life like this, as an outcast? Noah had always been so kind, always been good in school... he even pulled his little hero stunt every now and then. So what was he doing wrong?,""Sarah! Sarah! Come over here! Over HERE!" "No, Sarah come sit with us, come on we ordered pizza!" "Sarah, sweetheart, bring your sexy self over here, you know we have you covered!" "Sarah! Sarah! Forget them, over here, we saved you a spot! No, not you shut up Natalie." It was one of the greatest dilemmas that she faced every single day. Where and with whom would she sit? It didn't matter who she sat with, if they sat in an unsavory spot, too close to the doors or at a table that was too crowded, she wouldn't sit with them. It made her look bad. Then again, it didn't make her look any better sitting with unsavory people. And so she had to give special consideration to her lunch time seating arrangement. Finally, the shiny Umbreon made her choice, sitting at a window table, the perfect location, surrounded by her closest group of friends... that week. Some were consistent but others came and went. They were usually the temporaries, the ones that were bound to do something to ruin their reputation sooner or later. Sarah smiled. She didn't care. So long as she was on top, so long as she had a large group of "close" friends sitting at her table. She carefully sat, making sure the guys sitting across from her got a nice look at her assets. Sarah smiled at everyone, and eagerly began to talk with them. "The warm night sky was lit by the city's lights but cast an ominous shadow over the people it sheltered. The brisk breeze cut through Gotham and made a high-pitched whistle that mimicked the wail of a ghost, masking the padded footfalls of the large six-foot-five-inch tall man. Six weeks had passed without a single crime in Gotham, but his trained mind didn't trust that. There was always crime in his city. The large frame leaped from the tall building and his cape billowed out behind him as he glided across the city sky. His black armor gleamed when light hit his body. The gold belt around his waist was stocked with everything he needed. Landing in a dark alley, he remembered asking John Blake to take over for him while he left to rebuild his company, and now he was back under the mask taking on the role of Batman again. He waited for something to gain his attention and call him to action. After waiting for an hour in the same spot on the rooftops of Gotham, he moved to the richer part of town. After some time of travel, the dark-armored figure arrived at a small-time chemical distributor and saw sporadic movement inside the building. Playing safe, he moved in on the building and melded with the shadows silently. Waiting until the group came out with a few drums of chemicals, the Batman rolled under their truck as they were loading it and strapped himself to the bottom of the truck using his grapple line and cape. The truck took off after a few minutes and rode for hours until it arrived at the narrows. He waited for the group to move the chems into a rather large greenhouse and scaled the side of the building. After a moment of looking, he saw the six men place the chemicals next to a rather attractive woman and stopped his movement for a moment. That moment was all the glass of the greenhouse needed to shatter under his armored weight. Taken by surprise, his blue eyes widened as he fell. In an attempt to roll with the fall, he landed face down on the ground, causing him to become dazed and disoriented. Now lying face down on the ground, he didn't move for a long moment as his body attempted to get feeling back in it...,"Former chemist Dr. Olivia Tatum, now under the guise of Poison Ivy, flipped her red hair away from her shoulders and looked at the masked superheroine. She had done her research; she was sure he knew she wasn't the original Poison Ivy, who had actually died. Olivia was a lot smarter, she knew how to control her abilities a little better. So while the Bat was down, she managed to control a few vines that lifted him off the ground and tied him to the wall. As she approached him, she removed his scowl, knowing she could manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted him to with just one kiss - well, maybe a long, passionate kiss - but either way, he would be under her control. "Peter woke up to the incessant sound of his alarm clock beeping. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up, groaning. "Oh man, why did I have to have class today?" When he finally came to, he reached over to instinctively shut the stupid alarm clock off, but all he felt was air, not the familiar feeling of his wooden nightstand. That was odd. He looked around and saw not the familiar sight of his desk or computer, not the posters he had tacked on his walls, or even the pictures he had around the room. All he saw was the plain white color of his dorm-room ceiling, then he looked down and saw his bed and everything else, "Oh man, not again!" He had come back to the dorm so late last night he hadn't even made it off of the ceiling before falling asleep. He looked at his hand and saw that he was still wearing his suit, wonderful. He crawled down from the ceiling and lay down on his bed, trying to ignore the alarm. "Five more minutes," he said to himself as he shut the alarm off of his clock. He finally fell asleep. When he woke up again in a jolt and looked at his clock, he was late!! "Oh man! Doctor Conners will kill me!" He jumped off of the bed and grabbed whatever clothes he could find, a pair of jeans, a green t-shirt and a red button down that he wore over it. He took the gloves off of his suit and put his web shooters in his backpack. He ruffled his brown hair and flew out the door to his dorm. Sometimes this hero gig really killed him, all of the constant swinging around and beating up bad guys was exhausting and for what? J. Jonah Jameson to print BS about him in the Daily Bugle?! Thanks to that nut case half of New York feared him a quarter of them wanted to kick his ass (mainly cops who didn't like him) and the rest... well he figured they were undecided. What was even worse was that he worked for said nut case taking pictures of Spider-Man in action or in J.J.'s words, 'Cathing him red handed in the act!' Sometimes he wondered why he still even did this job, but every time he does the same six words his uncle said to him before he died ring like church bells in his head. 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' After last night though he knew things were about to turn south even more, so his responsibility was now on double time, thanks to a thief he just missed robbing a jewelry store. It was fast and efficient, whoever they were knew what they were doing and that made Peter think that there were about to be more of these. When he was out of his dorm building he sprinted across campus, his super speed and agility helping greatly, and he skidded to a halt at the front door to the Natural Sciences building. He fast walked to Dr. Connors classroom and silently opened the door and tried to sneak to a seat in the very back, but Dr. Connors stopped his lecture to welcome Peter with, "Why Mr. Parker, lovely for you to join us! I hope sleeping in was worth it since you missed about half of my lecture. Get the notes from one of your fellow classmates, if they should be so willing as to do so." Peter hung his head and slunk over to his seat. He sat down and pulled out his notebook and began to take notes on the rest of his lecture. He tried to look around for anyone willing to give him their notes but he wasn't seeing any takers on that. "Great, what a fine start today!" He was going to have to beg Dr. Connors for his teaching notes after class. Unless someone would step up and help him out. He was doing so well here! It was an upper-level course and he was just a freshman. Dr. Connors was initially not very happy, like most of his upper-level professors, that the university allowed that kind of thinking - that Peter wouldn't be able to handle and drop it within a few weeks. Peter couldn't blame him. So he did his best to be on time, attentive, and to study hard for high-level classes, and up until now he was doing well, but surely now Dr. Connors was beginning to think that Peter couldn't handle the work. Fantastic!,""Well, I think that does it," Felicia said, peering into the mirror. She did the traditional female head tilt, looking at herself from all angles. It was a new day, and a new school, and she for one, felt like making a bit of effort. However, as she peered a bit closer into her reflection, she scowled. The dark circles were still under her eyes. She dabbed on a bit more concealer, smiling slightly. The tiredness she felt was worth the exhilaration of her side job. She glanced at a pearl bracelet upon her dresser, but resisted the urge to wear it. She couldn't risk being found out, not so soon after returning to New York. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Felicia grabbed her backpack, patted down her black skirt, and grabbing her keys and phone, sauntered out the door. An hour or so later, Felicia was more than a bit flustered. She was late for class, her first day. That was making a good impression. She groaned inwardly to herself, knowing she had to keep up the air of a simple student. 'If you want something, go for it 100%.' her fathers words rang in her head and she squared her shoulders. He was right, she wouldn't let this little bump mess up anything for her. Looking up, she could just see the tip of the school building just a few streets away. With a quickened pace, she strode forward, determined to do what she was best at, giving that 100 percent. As she neared the school, she saw another boy running across the lawn, and couldn't help but grin. At least she wasn't the only one who was late. Although, she was a special case, transferring into the school nearly a quarter of the way in. Yet, her finances were stable and her grades were good enough for the school to see past the strangeness of her sudden transfer in. "100 percent." She muttered, looking up at the large school before her. She could have gone to a different campus, one that was easier and more relaxed. Yet Felicia felt herself drawn to this particular school. Perhaps it was the grandeur of the building, or the complexion of the topics she was taking. Despite the reasons, here she stood. After taking a moment to soak it in, Felicia took the first step. She gave a tentative knock on the classroom door, opening the door with a soft squeak. She bit her lower lip for a moment as the attention focused on her. "Excuse me, are you perhaps Dr. Connors? " She asked tentatively, double checking a piece of paper her classes her marked on. "Yes? And might you be." He asked seemingly annoyed that she had interrupted his lecture. "Oh, Felicia Hardy, Sir. " She muttered the last part of the sentence, "I just transferred here, I hope the board informed you I would be joining this class." She continued, her gaze fixing itself on the teacher. "Ah, yes. I hope you know class started about an hour ago. Transfer or not, there is no excuse for tardiness. Isn't that right Mr. Parker?" Dr. Connors seemed amused by his joke. " Find a seat, and we can talk after class Mrs. Hardy." Felicia gave a curt nod, and readjusting her backpack found a seat just a row down and a few seats to the left of the "Mr. Parker." who Dr. Connors had mentioned. She vaugly wondered if he was the one she had seen earlier, sprinting across the grass. Giving a mental shrug, she got herself adjusted, mind already starting to wander to the jewelry store she planned on "visiting" soon. "Anira tapped her foot on the floor, arms crossed as she rode the elevator up to the Enterprise. Her pointed ears stuck out through her hair, blond hair tied back in a ponytail. She then walked out the door, heading towards the bridge, wondering why the hell she had been resigned to some ship with a reckless captain. Sulu looked up from his chair, eyes widening a bit upon seeing who this girl was. He knew who this girl was - Anira Pike, daughter of Captain Pike, youngest to graduate from the academy. Kirk was elsewhere, and they were still waiting for Spock, so that made her in command of the bridge. "Good afternoon, Commander Pike," Sulu said, bowing his head. The rest turned and looked at her, before she nodded her head back to Sulu. "Thank you most kindly," she said, and made her way back to her station. She was covered in everything from commanding a ship all the way down to weapons; her father made sure she could take any station. There were some whisperings, but Anira ignored them as she went to work running a diagnostic search of the ship to see how things were in the mechanical department. One thing she had forgotten about was that Spock would be on this ship, on this mission with her. It was always hard putting two young Vulcans together, worse when one was female and the male was about to go through his Pon Farr, Anira knew nothing of this though, keeping on typing away. She kept working even as Kirk and Spock made their way onto the bridge, ignoring their presence. She didn't look back once as the Enterprise made its way from dock and took off at warp speed on its mission. "So I hear it's true, there is a Commander Pike on this bridge," Kirk spoke up. Anira turned in her chair and stood up, making her way over to Kirk. She nodded her head. "I am Anira Pike, daughter of former Captain Pike." Her hands rested behind her back.,"When Commander S'chn T'gai Spock of the Star Fleet ship USS Enterprise entered the bridge, he wasn't expecting the utterly succulent smell to slam into his olfactory senses with all the force of a Klingon's punch. Reeling in his now wildly excited emotions and baser instincts, the half-Vulcan calmly searched around the bridge for the source of that tantalizing scent. When his dark mocha-tinted eyes landed on the spun gold hair of their newest addition, Rank Commander Pike, each small movement sending another wave of the alluring ambrosia twirled him Spock knew that he was doomed. His time was too close, and the new commander Pike smelled too irresistible for him to do anything but mentally claim her and plan the gruesome rank reduction of any rival male in the vicinity. Of course those thoughts were coming from his half-human side, and the more dark, preform Vulcan part of his psyche that was clamoring for attention, but Spock ruthlessly pushed them away to focus on what was happening around him. Seeing that it was his turn to introduce himself, Spock held up the Taa'l respectfully, greeting the commander in standard as he didn't trust what he would say in Vulcan to come out professional and detached. "Live long and prosper, miss Pike," he said. "I am Spock." "The paparazzi had gathered outside Club Vampyre in force. News had already started to spread far and wide: the new establishment was to be the newest, hottest club of its kind. Already buzz had been generated: the hottest DJs would open, the sexiest celebrities would be there to hang out; the waiting list required favors and if you had to ask, you weren't on it. There were darker rumors too, something about the owners picking the name on purpose. It wasn't just to play on the recent fad, oh no, there was something more sinister at hand. Most said it involved cooking books and taking bribes, possibly some drug money. But there were a few that insisted that the club was some kind of front. Not for vampires; that was just silly, but instead for a cult or some other dark, shady organization. Criminals, perhaps. None of this dissuaded people from showing. Hundreds were there, most of them the elite from across the world. Several dignitaries were present, mostly hiding among the crowd, nearly every popular singer who wasn't completely wrapped up in a pristine image was there (and some that weren't). A handful of A-list celebrities were also present, milling about. Among them was Miss Mila Kunis. Recently voted as the sexiest woman on the planet, and recently getting something resembling an actual career, Mila drew attention. To her credit, she'd tried to play it down, not wanting to look flashy or attract too much attention. Still, she wore a short, dark denim skirt of the highest quality and a loose, sleeveless blouse. Both worked wonders at showing the golden skin of the beauty beneath, that near flawless complexion and the combined effort of excellent genetics and hours of training and labor. The beautiful, mismatched, almond eyes were darkly lined, encouraging those to look and hold gaze. Otherwise, makeup had been sparse, enhancing the complexion without overwhelming. Dark brown hair fell loose over the bared shoulders, allowing some coverage. Though the top did cover most of Mila's front, only leaving the back and perhaps a few tantalizing bits of side-breast for the viewing audience. Her ass looked as fantastic as expected, and the beauty looked every inch the scrumptious treat she was. Said treat had been partying for a while, having entered at the right time and actually starting dancing. Her heels did make it a little difficult, but Mila adapted. She was also fortunate to be one of the few that looked better after a little exertion; sweat made her golden skin seem to glisten and shimmer, and the thrill of moving lit her further. She'd danced with friends and strangers for some time. Only a few drinks though; Mila had never been one to overindulge. Still, she was feeling slightly buzzed, likely a combination of the strenuous movement and the alcohol in her system. The beauty excused herself from present company, sliding through the crowd and only touching a few. Several people offered smiles and offers of further time, but Mila politely declined, all the while pointing toward her eventual destination. Soon enough, she was leaving behind the overheated club, entering the cool air, feeling it kiss her heated skin. The starlet took a deep breath, closing her eyes and tilting her head upward. She felt the overhead lights kiss her skin, and heard the muted thumping beat from behind her. Everything felt in place and she felt at peace. Mila took several deep breaths, letting herself gather. She'd enter the club soon enough; it wasn't like there were people out here to worry about. Most of the paparazzi were hiding inside, or had simply been paid off. She could enjoy the semi-quiet for the time being, at least.,"Ruby had been hired weeks before the club had opened, she was one of the hottest and well-known DJs in the world, and as the club owner said, she was perfect for opening night. The club filled up quickly with A-list celebrities, the music was bumping through the speakers, and the light show was amazing. Ruby had helped set up a lot of stuff for the opening night and, as she looked around the place, she was quite happy with her work. She stood behind her turntables and other sound equipment, holding her headphones up to her ear while mixing and mashing up the music that was playing. Looking out to the crowd, Ruby could see many women who caught her interest. She had gotten a few offers and even a few drinks bought for her, but none of the women who approached her caught her interest much. Ruby was good at letting people down easy. Just looking at the woman and seeing how they acted, no one would suspect her to be a predator. With the way she refused to do anything outside or that involved going outside during the day, how she was mostly seen during late-night hours, how she never sweated, and how her body always seemed to be cold even in the hottest places. As Ruby kicked up another song, she spotted the woman on the floor, she was perfect, and Ruby had been a fan of hers for years. Mila looked good as she moved around on the dance floor, and Ruby couldn't keep her eyes off of her. She watched the woman from her spot behind the turntables for a while before her eyes followed Mila out the door of the club. Ruby waved over one of the other DJs in house and told him to take over for her for a few minutes. She made her way through the crowd, allowing a few pictures to be taken as she moved through the people. When she got outside, she turned to look at Mila, the woman looked simply amazing underneath the overhead lights. Ruby lit a cigarette and took a long drag off of it before finally speaking: "Had enough already mate?" she asked in her thick Australian accent. Her cold gray eyes looked Mila up and down blatantly as she waited for an answer. ""Well, this is a good place to make camp I guess," Jacob said as he sat his bag onto the ground. He rummaged through his pack, finding the food he would make for both him and his pokemon. Then his can opener. "Come on out girls." He said as he released all his pokemon. First Bayleaf, then Charmander, Roselia, Eevee, Growlithe, and Jolteon. "Well, glad to see you all. Now, let me make you girls some grub." Jacob pulled out a large can, using his can opener he began to pop open the lid. Twisting, and cutting at it until the contents came out. "Tonight you all have a treat. Oran berries." He said, before plopping the contents into a bowl. As he left his girl's eating, he went off to collect firewood. Every now and again he would check up on them. Once he was done with that, he tended to his fire. "Charmander, light it." He said, ordering the pokemon to light the campfire. It did. Then after that he went to go and set up his sleeping bag and bedroll. Finally, his dinner. Bread and some apples... A few hours of work later, and the work was all done. A fully set camp, with a nice toasty fire to warm their bones. The moonlight shone through the trees. With almost a foreboding glare of light. Both beautiful and romantic. He was done eating his dinner, now staring up at the night sky as he digested. He looked around the camp to see all of them sleeping. But, he felt like having some companionship tonight. So he called for his favorite to join him. "Bayleaf, come here." He said with a soft and demanding tone. Patting the ground next to him for her to lay down at his side. Recently he has been feeling more lonely than ever before. It used to be that he wanted someone to join him, someone to talk to while he moved on in his journey. But now he needed that! The only real companion he had was Bayleaf, and all his other pokemon. All of them elegant, and unique. He then sat up from his bedroll, smiling at his favorite girl. His starter pokemon. The one he raised since it was a little egg, and he was a curious little boy who couldn't wait to see what hatched. The one he raised. The one who stuck with him throughout his entire childhood. His number one girl.,"Bayleaf didn't take long to respond, waking herself up, and moving at her master's command, right by his side. She lay down next to him, looking with eyes open at Jacob. She was pleased with how Jacob ran things, his choice of Pokemon, how he treated them. Bayleaf had digested her dinner from before, but she was still satisfied and content. She did wonder what Jacob wanted her for now, in the night, but she was willing to do whatever it was. ""I am loving that hair," Gwen Tennyson told Julie Yamamoto for the umpteenth time. Julie just laughed, as she had with each of the prior compliments. "Well, I decided to do an upgrade, or change, or something, when I started college," Julie responded as two women climbed out of the Plumber transport onto the landing strip of the planet Terkun. "Well, it looks really good on you," Gwen replied. She gave Julie another impulsive hug before adding, "And I'm really glad to see you. I'm just sorry it took a Plumber mission to get us together." "Well, college does keep one busy," Julie answered. She was a sophomore in an elite college, with Gwen currently a junior in another elite college on the opposite side of the country. Julie had allowed her hair to grow out so that it was just as long as her fairer friend's, and though both were still slender and athletic, their curves had filled out somewhat since the days they had battled along side Gwen's cousin Ben. Even in loose blouses, slacks and sandals, both young women looked stunning. "So how's Kevin?" Julia asked, as she took a look around the landing sight. It looked like an airstrip stuck out in the middle of a Polynesian island, with a beach just in sight. But all of Terkun was like that. The planet was covered with nothing but islands, and something about planet's orbit or tilt or something made the entire planet nothing but warm water and tropical islands, with he island the two girls had landed on the biggest one, and also one where the planet's leaders met. "He moved on after my freshman year," Gwen said with a shrug, but there was some regret there. Keven had been in love with her, but he also wanted a physical relationship and, besides kissing and some very light, above the clothes, petting, Gwen hadn't let Kevin go any further. So after the amicable "we'll still be friends" breakup, Gwen had thrown herself into her studies. "How's Ship?" Gwen asked in return. "I think he's a little bit miffed that he couldn't come with us," Julie laughed. "But I know he's happy spending time with Ben." Julie gave a little internal sigh at the mention of Ben. Like Gwen, Julie had only had one boyfriend and, like Gwen, their physical interaction had been limited. "I would have liked to brought him along," Gwen said, "but there's something about Keltun that interferes with Ship's Mechamorph metabolism. Just like something on the planet inhibits my Anodite abilities. But that shouldn't be a problem. The Keltuns are remarkably peaceful and cooperative." "What I don't understand is why, if the Keltuns are so cooperative, why we have to come here to negotiate. And why us, anyway?" Julie asked. "The transporter relay has to be set on a specific island, and unfortunately, it's owned by a private individual whose permission we'll need to get," Gwen observed. "Keltuns are cooperative, but they also liked to discuss things, and have you show them that there's a very good reason for what you want." "But why us?" Julie asked Gwen. "From what I understand, the Keltun in question is the local expert on humans, and wants to learn more. And apparently, along with Ben and my Grandpa Max, you and I are two of the more famous humans known. So he asked the Plumbers to send us specifically to explain why we need the relay station on his island. So we'll give our sales pitch, answer a few human trivia questions, and then enjoy the beginning of summer break on the beach!" "Woohoo!" Julie laughed, before motioning to movement in the water. "I think that's the local government officials now." A number of forms emerged from the water onto the beach. The Keltuns looked remarkable like an Earth octopus, save that their limbs were of different lengths, and they were covered by soft, otter-like fur. They were tall beings, easily twice the height of the two young Earth women, and used their limbs to walk across the beach and to the women in sort of a shambling motion. Gwen knew from her reading that the Keltuns could use their limbs for a number of different purposes, including walking, grasping, touching and even tasting. In addition, the Keltuns had the ability to morph the ends of their limbs to different shapes and functions. Despite their odd appearances, the Keltun were polite and friendly and, after some discussions, directed the girls to a video call center in which to contact the Keltun whose permission they would need to build the relay on his island. Hopefully the call would be quick, and a meeting could be arranged with the Keltun, Gwen thought to herself, as she and Julie stood in front of the camera, waiting for the Keltun they were calling to answer his 'phone.',"The Keltun who wished to speak to Gwen and Julie was named Mal'galor, a somewhat common name on the planet and on which the Keltun resided. He had found human beings to be such fascinating creatures....they seemed to be intelligent and yet did high irrational things. He had wondered what brought about such actions. Thus, he had dedicated his life to the studying of humans and their biology and chemical makeup. After some theorizing, he came to conclude that Keltun's actually secreted a type of pheromone that could influence the minds of humans in a number of ways. He had no ill intent, but he wanted to try out some experiments on some humans and he could think of no better subjects than Gwen and Julie. The Plumbers were by far the most famous humans in the cosmos to most alien life forms. Tales of the adventures and deeds dotted the bars and outposts of space. Videos of them were common and easy to find and despite himself, Mal'galor found himself to be attracted to Gwen and Julie, their beauty mesmerizing and exotic to him. Once the phone connected, he formed the tip of his tentacles to look like a human hand and waved at the camera. "Yo! How is it hanging, homies? From my understanding, this a traditional greeting on your planet, is it it?" This hand formed into a smile emoji, as the Keltun's didn't exactly have faces or mouths that were easily noticeable to give off non-verbal social cues. As Gwen and Julie had been told, he was eccentric and liked to study human culture and norms, even if he was slightly behind the times. "I am Mal'galor. It is an honor to speak with you, Gwen and Julie. I respect the Plumbers in the highest degree and to speak with two of its prettiest and courageous members is truly a great privilege." He introduced himself, his body seeming to lower itself slightly, as if he were attempting to bow before the camera for them. "Taiei Shopping Town couldn't withstand the forces of the zombies. What the group of Fujimi Academy students and teacher had believed to be an impenetrable fortress fully stocked ended up being just as flimsy as all of their previous hideouts. The worst part of the building being compromised was that it all happened so fast. The group had felt cocky there, so they had let their guard down. So there was no escape plan, and no back-up location. It was all Saya Takagi could do to get out of there alive and unscathed. The self-proclaimed genius honestly should have seen such a situation coming. The apartment they hunkered down in briefly wasn't safe - mostly due to Takashi's insistence on being a hero for the defenseless little girl. Alice had turned into a sort of unofficial mascot for the group, proof that there should still be hope and innocence in such a cruel world. And not even her family estate could withstand the forces of Them. Even with all their loyal guards and money, nothing mattered in the end. Without having a disaster plan when the over-glorified shopping mall fell, the pink-haired girl was quickly separated from her group. She had long ago lost her Fujimi Academy uniform, dressed instead in an outfit she picked off the racks from the shopping mall. Her hair was still styled in the high twin tails, her glasses still in perfect condition. Saya wore an olive green midriff tank top, with the letters HQ emblazoned across her chest. A pair of shorts in the same shade barely brushed the top of her thighs, and thin suspenders kept them up thanks to her bubble butt. Saya had left with no supplies whatsoever, and her only weapon was a serrated pocket knife. She had a grenade tucked away in her bra, but didn't want to use it unless as a last resort. Honestly, she would have given her left arm in that moment for an automatic pistol. Thanks to the screams of one of the survivors from the shopping mall, the zombies were very distracted. The undead tended to follow their hearing more than their seeing, and that person was making enough noise to literally wake the dead. Thanks to such a distraction, the pink haired girl was able to put some distance between herself and the site of the tragedy. What Saya couldn't have anticipated was seeing a small high rise in the shopping district with lights on. She had to rub her eyes and double check, thinking that it had to be her imagination. No thanks to the EMP that detonated over Japan, electricity was now a thing of the past. But this building must of ran off of a generator in order to retain electricity. Saya cast her orange hued eyes up to the sign to see exactly what sort of place would still have power. After she read the sign once over, she had to stop to do it all over again thanks to shock. It seemed the only building left in Japan with power happened to contain four stores on just as many levels. "Martial aids", women's boutique, confectionery and outdoor gear. She silently wondered what could the odds possibly be as she made her way towards the first level shop, the glorified sex toy store. There were flyers in the front windows, advertising upcoming dvd releases. Saya approached the entrance, looking about to see her current situation before she would devise a plan to get the attention of whoever was in the building. Without a zombie in sight, Saya thought it prudent to begin to bang on the door to get the attention of whoever was inside. There were metal bars that covered all of the glass windows, as an added layer of security. But of course, that was mostly to keep out the living shoplifters. It wouldn't do too much in case of an undead assault. But the higher levels....that could provide more safety. Open up! Open up right now! Saya was striking the door with both of her fists balled up. She needed to draw attention to herself sooner than later, if she wished to survive. Please, I'm alive out here! Alive and no bites! As much as the heir to the demolished Takagi estate didn't want to beg, she figured it best to appeal to whoever would be the person to seal her fate. She knew that shouting wasn't a good plan to ensure her survival, but she needed whoever was inside to hear her. No matter what level they were on.,"Satoshi Hojo had always been an avid survivalist; he had stocks of food, generators, water purifiers and other various items needed to survive any sort of end-of-the-world situation. Even though he was only in college, he had gotten himself a good job and he saw being a survivalist as a fun hobby. Little did he know just how handy it would turn out to be when the zombies struck. His location was easily defended and fortified and he had security systems in place to lure zombies away. Also, he had managed to soundproof most of the building, meaning that sounds wouldn't leak and zombies outside wouldn't hear anything going on inside. Thus, he had set up shop, helping those who could as they passed by. So far, he hadn't allowed anyone to stay though...he feared too many people might seek the place out and then it would be ruined. He himself didn't look too bad for going through the end of civilization. He had short, blonde hair, red eyes, and he was wearing his school's uniform, a white shirt and black pants. His store supplied many things, from food, water, and survival gear to things suited for more carnal desires. He knew that with the end of the world here, people would see out their pleasure and if he could help them in that, he would. He was downstairs, tending to the shopping when he heard a banging on the door. Outside wasn't that sound would travel. He quickly moved to the door and looked through a slit to see Saya standing outside...she was quite beautiful. "I'm here... I'm here," Satoshi said, admonishing Saya, despite only being a few years older than her. "You should know by now that sounds draw them in." He looked her up and down...he could already feel his cock starting to grow hard in his trousers from desire. "I can let you in," he said, "I have plenty to offer: food, water, a hot bath, clothes, and much more. It won't come cheap though; I'm sure you understand I can't just let you in for free." Satoshi was pretty blunt and to the point it seemed. This definitely wasn't his first time doing something like this. "Gage Azan glanced around as he walked down the street, it was his first time on this particular planet and old habits died far too hard. He had been out of the U.G.C military for 6 months now, but he couldn't shake the military mindset, of being cautious, especially when somewhere he hadn't been before, somewhere he didn't know the layout. where he didn't know the escape routes. No, no stupid Gage, there weren't escape routes anymore, he wasn't in the military anymore dammit. He shook his head and cursed himself, trying his best to relax. He didn't have time to get distracted by old feelings like that, he needed to focus on the job he was on his way to. There had been a listing for an experienced Pilot and Bodyguard, both things Gage could excel in, particularly thanks to his rather unique past. During his time in the military he had been part of a top secret project, whilst not born a Biotic like some humans had been recently, Gage now possessed Biotic abilities well ahead of any human and without the need for any kind of control implants. It was all thanks to the project that had introduced Atari genetic material into his body that had occurred shortly after first contact between the U.G.C and the Citadel races, to ensure that this new mysterious group didn't have a major advantage over the U.G.C. He had been gifted with the unique Biotic abilities of an Atari, along with at least some of their more evolved nervous system and, as it turned out, at least some of their drastic lifespan. The only outward sign of that was his youthful appearance, which the doctors had said he was likely to maintain for at least several centuries. That was all behind him now though, and Gage now found himself outside the war zones and battlegrounds of the far frontiers of the U.G.C and Citadel space he had spent the last several years in, mainly fighting against slavers and pirates, not to mention secret Black Ops against terrorist groups and stopping wars before they could happen, back safely in the space of the U.G.C itself, though a planet he hadn't been to before, why would he, it was peaceful here after all. Having seen both it was rather remarkable how many similarities there between U.G.C space and Citadel space, many kinds of aliens all around, living together in peace. It brought a smile to his face to see people smiling and laughing together rather than trying to kill one another, tiny shards of metal whizzing past at thousands of miles per hour. Gage pushed the thoughts from his mind as he realized he was here, looking up at the building, then back down at the data pad in his hands. Yes, this was the place alright. Hopefully he'd get the job, as much as he was enjoying 'retirement', the money he'd been paid wouldn't exactly last him a few centuries, he needed a job he could do well to get through the rest of his life. "Alright Gage, here we go" He took a deep breath and grinned, then tapped the call button beside the door.,"Menta sighed a bit, brushing her gray bangs off to the side, as her gray cat ears that rested atop her head twitched and swiveled around picking up the slightest sound, her twin gray cat tails that came from her rear, well not from in her rear, Menta was a woman around twenty, she was the daughter of Victor Shepard Steele, a famous galactic adventurer, businessman, and playboy who lived during and after the 13th Great, He founded Steele Tech, one of the most successful Mega-Corporations in U.G.C space, she was also the twin to Meena Shepard Steele, who was currently in her lab, as Menta walked to the door she forgot to put clothes on, letting her body being show off, from her large E-cup breasts to her sexy ass, to her sweet pussy lips, to her large cock and balls, she was a stunning example of hermaphrodite kaithrit, her cock was fully erect as she opened the door. "Yes?" "Erisa Naiyomostly tended to Stormtroopers. Occasionally it was others if there was an accident or someone had a fever, but mostly it was those who were in combat on the ground. Not a lot of people came back in for treatment after a fight that was in space, after all. She was decently well liked - good at her job, always warm and wholehearted in her support of the First Order, and talented at remembering the designated numbers of all the Stormtroopers she saw. Her uniform, a very light gray with a baby blue medic's symbol underneath the First Order symbol on the sleeve, was always clean, pressed, and fitted to her form appropriately. Admittedly she did often go without her uniform hat but nobody had ever called her out on it. When the doors to the medbay, staffed sparsely by humans and mostly by medical droids, slid open, she assumed it was going to be troopers. It... it was not. His hood had been pulled over his head to help hide the man's face, but Elitha recognized the robes. "That way." They had two private rooms in the back, and that was clearly where he would go. Kylo Ren could not be left among the standard folk, for many reasons. A medical droid was sent over to meet them and relieve the Stormtrooper escort of the unconscious leader because she assumed that he would prefer that to having another human being see him in a weakened state (and see his face), but General Hux, who had strolled in immediately after, put a stop to that. "No. You do it." "Pardon?" It was taken as questioning an order though it wasn't what she meant, and the General fixed her with a stormy and intimidating look until the woman nodded her head took over. The unconscious man was transferred onto a bed - a healing pod was standard but she couldn't help but think of the temperament he was known for and ended up fetching the lighter, less restrictive portable monitoring equipment. She fetched her uniform cap while this was done, determined to look the way she was supposed to while in the company of someone so prestigious, and then set to work. His wounds were cleaned and a droid applied the necessary patching to his face. Erisa had a steady touch and had done it before, but facial work was best left to the mechanically perfect hands of the droid. More needed to be done on the deeper and more concerning abdominal wound. A combination of different treatments would ensure that the wound healed as flexibly as possible. His helmet was placed reverently near the unconscious man on a small table,and then she stepped out to check on other patients in the bay, taking another brief moment to water small lotus-esque pink flower in a glass pot that had been with her since she'd set foot on the Supremacy. It was from her home planet and she had taken careful care of it to make sure it stayed bright and beautiful. She kept it with her in the medbay because she thought the little burst of color would help those who came in sick or injured to the main space. It certainly helped her, but that was because it symbolized more than just home for Erisa. It was a reminder of how much better things were with the First Order, even when things seemed dark, dangerous, and potentially problematic. There was law to be brought, lives would be made better. Hesitating by the small screen that held all of his vital information, she pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and let her eyes drift down to the face of the man who she had only ever seen from an immense distance while in the mask. He wasn't what she expected. Honestly, Erisa wasn't sure what she expected, but it wasn't him. This was just the face of a man. She understood why he would wear the mask. It wasn't like he couldn't have inspired without it and it definitely wasn't like she was any less in awe of him now, seeing the man instead of the symbol he'd become. Face hidden or not he was still the one they called Jedi Killer, he was the one some said he could fight an entire squad of Stormtroopers by himself. And yet he just... looked like a man. All that strength was hidden inside of him, at least now when he was unconscious and under her care.,"The air is cold and harsh against his face as it sweeps through the bereft forest. But he continues on, pushing through the coarse thicket as the pale snow creaks beneath his feet. Around him, slender frames of darkened timber dot the landscape, protruding from the frosty floor and extending endlessly into a starless night. A girl stands to meet him, her light unwavering. His hand is hot as he raises his own, chaotic light. It ignites angrily, burning red with the hatred that festers inside him. He wants to kill her. To reduce her to nothing and leave her in the same state as the lifelessness that surrounded them. His weight is heavy on his back leg as he drives himself through her effortlessly. The sharp pain in his chest begins to dull as he finds himself peering into his own eyes. Now, he feels nothing. The dullness is paralyzing as he falls from an elevated catwalk. As he falls, he sees a face. The girl from the forest. She shines so bright he can hardly see. He scrambles desperately, reaching and grasping at her light as he descends deeper and deeper into darkness. With a ragged inhale, Kylo Ren's eyes flitted open to an obnoxious light. His sight was cloudy, steadily adjusting to the intense brightness that filled the private room he rested in. Raising a shaky hand to shield his recovering sight, a familiar shape became visible behind the blinding light. The shape of a girl. Instinctively, his palm shot forward violently, knocking the small medical flashlight out of her hand as he did so. As he squeezed, he could hear the rattling of the various tools and instruments in the med bay as they elevated from the sleek surfaces they had rested on. He could hear the choked sounds from his tormentor as her wavy, brunette hair became visible to him. He noticed the pale skin of her face and the slender frame of her body and he exerted more strength. It was only when he'd pulled her close enough to touch that he recognized the insignia on her shirt. In an instant, the room they shared behaved as if it'd just discovered the existence of gravity. The expensive and intricate instruments crashed onto the sterile floor eagerly as Ren released the medic who'd been monitoring his condition. As he scanned the room, his hand moved over his face, fingertips pressing against the tender wound that cracked along his angular visage. His attention shifted immediately to his mask, which sat atop a small table beside him. As he rose from the bed, his swift ascent was slowed by the sharp pain in his side that forced a grimace to shape his solemn expression. He turned away from the girl beside him as he collected himself. "Where is this ship headed?" his voice sounded with the unnerving calmness characteristic of a Knight of Ren. "The girl and the traitor. Where are they?" Ren's attention finally shifted to his nurse, his piercing eyes narrowing in on the girl whom he'd awoken to. Her light gray uniform wrapped her petite frame neatly. Her hair, only slightly disheveled from his earlier reaction, was tucked behind the matching hat designated to medical staff. Unlike much of what surrounded her, her face seemed to glow with a particular aspiration he'd not seen aboard the Supremacy in a long while. "What is your name?" His appearance mimicked the ambiguity of his mask well, but there was a hint of intrigue even he could not conceal as he studied the young medic before him. "Rocket sat on her bed waiting for Sweat Pea to return from her dance class. She knew she would be punished for not attending but Rocket didn't care, she was sick of it. Sick of this place, sick of being sold off to perverted old men damn near every night and most of all she was sick of Blue. The man had no respect for anyone and he treated all the girls in the place like trash. When the door to her room opened Rocket looked up from the book she was reading and saw her sister standing at the end of her bed. "You know Blue's gonna kill you if he finds out you skipped class again," Sweet Pea stated before crossing her arms across her chest. "I don't give a shit what Blue does anymore, he can go fuck himself," Rocket said through gritted teeth. "Rocket, jeez keep your voice down... I know you hate it here, but honestly where else can we go? Blue, as fucked up as he is, he's putting a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs." Sweet Pea said as she sat down next to her sister and put an arm around her. "Yeah, but he also whores us out to make money for himself," Rocket snapped before shrugging her sister's arm from her shoulders and burying her face back into her book. Sweet Pea tried to talk to Rocket, but got no response from her. Rocket was fed up and was in no mood to be lectured by anyone. She was going to do as she pleased, and if Blue wanted to try and kill her so be it - anything would be better than living in this hellhole.,"Alexandra Miles was a young girl, her face alone said she was too young to be in a brothel. No one wanted to deal with the street rat, and although a brothel did not sound like a glamorous life, given what she knew about them, it was better than trying to get food out of a dumpster. Alex didn't know the name of the man who had brought her in but he had a very smooth voice, and hadn't been shy on testing Alex out prior to delivering her. It had been a very messed-up evening for her and she was still sore from it. Plus, the one man wasn't the only one to work her over; three more fiends of his had repeated the action after he had finished. None had used protection or even bothered to clean her up after, in fact, standing there in front of everyone, her hair was still messed up and matted with cum. Blue smiled as he pulled the girl aside, thanking the men for the new girl. She spat angrily at Blue, who simply slapped her across the face. He had no respect for the women who were the reason his club did so well, and would have no problem getting rid of them, blinded by his success unaware that he needed the girl more than they needed him. "Girls, meet Alex, one of you clean her up," he said coldly, tossing the girl into the room and letting her fend for herself. One thing Blue did know was how new girls were treated; one would step forward and be kind while every one else would be disgusted by fresh meat. "Jack was young, it was obvious by her appearance and her attitude. That was especially true with how playful she was, how she bit Miranda's hand and even how she got slightly irritated by being referred to as the "little spoon." It was adorable and Miranda couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. She wasn't that way, sure she could be playful but she enjoyed teasing and pushing buttons to see outward displays and she wasn't nearly as natural at doing so. Of course that playfulness in Jack kept her on her toes, she was constantly smiling and having to react to the little gestures that kept the mood between them light. She was thankful for that, thankful that her cute lover was able to keep Miranda's own serious nature from coming out too often. Not that it wasn't there, behind the cute and caring Miranda that had been poking its head out there was still the serious and competent woman, a career woman who knew how to take care of herself. That was a side of her that would never go away. Thinking about it that was a good thing though, Miranda needed a side of herself that was responsible and clearheaded, without that she would end up laying in bed all day. Not to mention one of them needed that side. She knew enough about Jack's history and seen little glimpses of what was beneath the surface to know she was more of a young girl than people saw her as. She was just as young, if not younger, emotionally as her appearance made her seem. She was experienced sexually of course but as far as emotional stability and life experience Miranda had many years on her. Of course all of that seemed to combined perfectly when she thought about it, especially when Jack began to express her little bit of concern, it was something Miranda's experience and age allowed her to deal with easily. "First off, Jack," Miranda says, "I've never had men give me anything. I take care of myself and I do it quite easily. And Jack, you're not a fuck-up; I give you a hard time but when it comes down to it, you know how to take care of things in your own way and you are quite reliable." She smiles gently and kisses Jack gently. "Besides, you don't have to worry about that, as a cradle robber, I'll be the one taking care of you. I'm capable and I want to take care of you, so let me be your Sugar Mama, as long as you can handle me being your pain in the ass for the foreseeable future..." That was all Miranda had on her mind, as long as Jack was alright with her being older, she was more than happy to have the young biotic as her lover, someone she would spend her time with. Yep, Jack with her mouth, her quirks, her dominant personality, Miranda wanted it all and with her tiny insecurity out of the way, she was ready to move forward. Of course, with that solved, she had to use her little form of playfulness once more, smirking as she leaned in and took one last kiss. "Goodnight, I love you, my adorable little spoon," she giggled as she turned Jack back into the little spoon position and wrapped her up tight, joyful as her eyes closed once more and she got as comfortable as she had ever been on that bed. Once she had settled in, and obeyed Jack's wish for her to stop talking about such things, she fell asleep rather easily. It was no wonder, she was exhausted, her endurance and natural healing abilities only took her so far, and she needed to rest. It was only made easier with Jack next to her, a level of comfort washing over her that exceeded the normal level, an at ease feeling lulling her to sleep. The happiness and comfort that she felt and which helped her fall asleep continued after she was slumbering, dreams coming to her that included the beautiful woman in her arms. Her and Jack together, kissing, relaxing next to one another on a vacation of sorts or perhaps just away from the conflict they face daily.,"Jack growled as Miranda referred to her as the "little spoon," snapping her teeth at her once more. This girl really liked to push her buttons...Jack wouldn't have it any other way. She gave her lover another kiss before allowing herself to be rolled over and placed into the "little spoon" position. "I love you too, Pain in My Ass. Sweet dreams." She sighed a bit and tried to relax. "Little spoon, hmmph!" Well, at least Miranda was sweet. Jack felt a little bit better now that Miranda had said she wasn't a fuck-up. Although, Jack didn't really need anyone to take care of her or be a Sugar Mama, but the sentiment was nice. Her hand rested over Miranda's arm, idly stroking her soft skin as she began to drift off. She started listening to Miranda's breathing as it changed. Slow and deep. It was nice, relaxing. The feeling of Miranda's entire body pressed up against her back was phenomenal. As curvy as Miranda was, Jack knew that there was a layer of muscle underneath all of those sexy curves. It was enough to help Jack calm down. Those big brown eyes fluttered shut as she focused on the sound and feeling of Miranda breathing against her back. Don't fall asleep, maybe you can just doze for a little while. "Zero!" Get up! A gruff voice roused her from her sleep. Dr. Rascher hated this guy. He was such a dick. Brown eyes opened to see the bearded young doctor standing over her bed. He was a big guy...well...really big to a 10-year-old. Tall and a wall of muscle, he'd look like a guard if he wasn't always in his stupid white coat. Two guards stood on either side of him with guns already drawn and pointed at Subject Zero. They were unnecessary, the shock collar around her neck usually kept her from getting too uppity. Rascher just liked to fuck with her and try to scare her into obeying. Fuck you. She grumbled, rolling over and pulling the covers over her head. She didn't like being woken up for his stupid games. Jack began to stir, grumbling a little bit in her sleep. Her brow furrowed, her heart rate quickened. Her breathing was no longer slow and relaxed but quick and sharp. A sheen of sweat began to cover her body as she fidgeted in Miranda's arms. "Zero, you get up this instant!" He growled, wrapping his arms around her to yank her off the damn bed himself. He didn't like to use the shock collar like the other doctors did. It made Zero useless in the ring. He needed her working at peak performance today to try out a new drug he had synthesized and tested on several subjects for the past few weeks. The results looked promising, now it was time to try it on Zero. No! she wriggled in his grasp, kicking and screaming. She didn't want to fight, they couldn't make her, she just wanted to sleep. She fucking hated him, hated this place, hated these guards, most of all she hated this fucking shock collar that suppressed her biotics. "John May was a 6'1 guy with golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He weighed about 210 pounds and he was twenty-one years old. He was athletic and strong...he had to be. He usually wore sunglasses over his eyes, and on the back of his neck there was a cut, it was nice and clean. It had originally been jagged and rough. He'd made it better over time. Before all this had happened he'd been a teacher. He'd never touched a gun in his life, and he'd never been athletic. He'd been a know-it-all yes, but he hadn't exactly been fit or healthy. When the first invasion happened, he barely managed to escape and over the first month he started to exercise daily. By the second month he'd gotten to look the way he was now. Handsome, strong, athletic, and about four years older then he was. At the moment he was walking through a field, glancing around every now and then. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder, and a pistol tucked into his waist. He was heading back to his camp site with a new bag of supplies. He knew that the bitch would be waiting for him to get back. He really hated her, and the only reason he put up with her is because their chances of survival were better together. He'd almost gotten caught earlier today, it had been his own fault. He still blamed her.,"Kallie Davis was busy washing out that ungrateful prick's clothes at their campsite, using a bucket of water from the nearby well at the old farm. At nineteen years old, she was a picture of health. Having been a nurse before the Souls had invaded, she kept her body healthy. Standing at about 5'5" and weighing 115 pounds, she was toned and lithe. Though she was slightly muscular, she was soft in all the right places, with full hips and ample chest. Long brownish red hair framed her heart-shaped face, at the moment pulled back into a messy bun. Pale gray-blue eyes watched her surroundings as she worked, the sun warming her tanned skin through her worn white tank top. A pistol rested at her side, within easy reach should she need to use it. Without thinking, she drew it when she heard his approach. An annoyed sigh left her lips as she saw him. "You're damn lucky I don't shoot first and ask questions later, asshole," she said. "I didn't fake my death. Someone killed me. But you should know I don't stay dead for long, sweetie. It seemed that the song playing was absolutely perfect for her mindset right about now, the Iceberg Lounge full of precious members of the Penguin's 'army', penguins waddling around and causing a general discomfort for those who actually wanted to go out on the dance floor and dance. Thankfully, the penguins were smart enough to stay out of the way and avoid such a place at all times. They knew better; Because in Ivy's point of perspective, she WOULD step on one of them. Taking a sip of her alcoholic drink, the cool taste slipped down her throat, licking her full lips gently to settle in the sweet taste, her peripherals catching a man watching her. Evidently, she was catching attention without very much of an attempt to try. Her thick locks of red tucked away in a fedora, the woman's sunglasses covered a majority of her face, because believe it or not, it was hip to wear sunglasses inside; That was not her reason of course, but it didn't give her any odd stares. She could hear Oswald laughing only a few booths away from the bar, knowing he was enjoying the business that was coming in thanks to all these people in his club tonight. "She be like 'I be, I be, I be, on that money shit.'" Smiling softly at this lyric of the song, her eyes looked up from behind the sunglasses, one of the numerous icebergs shooting from the ceiling containing exactly what she needed. Oswald thought he was clever, hm? The heels of her shoes clicking softly as she stood up from her place at the bar, her eyes then focused on the man not so far from her, and whom had been giving her the eyes for some time. Her soft lips curling into a smile, the woman leaned forward and let her lips part softly, "Not in your life." With her words, her fingers gripped his face gently watching his eyes bulge slightly before rolling back into his head. Evidently, she still had it; Although she had to put a bit of force into it, and she could feel the something of a strain in it, she knew she still had it. Having only been alive for less than a day, and already she was planning things like the true woman she was, her mind working around just who in the world had taken the time to try and off her, however there was nothing like going off one by one and finding who did it. She knew it wasn't that wretched Bat. Although he was a hero, he was more fond of having her tossed into that worthless Asylum, and considerably, she hadn't done anything bad before she died. The man falling to the ground, unheard to those in the lounge as she moved through the people on the dance floor, looking up only once to find vines slipping through the cracks in the ice above them; Thieving woman, she was. She might as well get herself a little money in this as well, hm? Black and white vertical striped suit pants over her lower half, a black suit jacket was loose on her upper half, giving the person in front of her an occasional peek to see that she was wearing nothing but a dark green silky bra that had taken the dare to hold her at least D cup. A smirk on her lips as she moved through the dancing people and around the pain in her arse penguins, a flower was pulled from her pocket, full in blossom as she stopped in front of one of the Penguin's actual human guards, tossing the flower into the Penguin's drink. Her lips pressing against the man's, her hand gripped his jawline, smirking into the kiss that was evidently unexpected, the woman pulled away, her back to the table as the guard dropped to the ground, "What in the he-" "Find who killed me Oswald. Or you're next on my kiss and kill list." She spoke, pulling the hat off her head and letting her hair fall, tossing the hat back and shifting through the crowd as he sent his penguins in an angry search for her. "FIND her!" But surprisingly, he wouldn't find her. He, nor his worthless penguins would. Faithfully, Ivy had made her way calmly out of the club and disappeared within the park, the flower she had left only blooming at this time of year in a certain place in the park; However, she knew for a fact that Oswald didn't know that.,"Scarecrow...scary-eyed Joe...scaring all the birds away. Johnathan Crane had been watching, and he'd slipped out of the bar very quickly to follow Ivy moving down the street now. He knew her, and was for some reason the only person who ever got away with calling her "Pam" or "Pammy," short for Pamela from her days before she became Poison Ivy. It was something strange, but he didn't abuse the privilege by doing it in front of others. He'd helped her with some of her toxins, but one he hadn't asked permission about had a very bizarre side effect on him, and he hadn't meant for it to happen. It was only after he learned she had been killed that he found that the adrenaline in his blood activated the side effect...or perhaps he should say side effects. He had always been lanky and gangly, and it made him unattractive to women.. but something happened. All of his years exposed to natural chemicals and extracts, combined with his exposure to Ivy in the times he helped her had caused it. His body went from gangly and awkward to lithely muscular like some of the dancers he admired. He was toned but not bulging, and his bones were now reinforced at the joints for greater strength and grace of movement. It also had caused growth, putting him at least another two inches taller than her, making his height slightly more than half a foot over her. The growth also was in his manhood, a growth spurt that his years of introversion had suppressed and was awakened at his rage at her death. His assistants, both male and female, stayed at arms length while his anger and transformation lasted. His anger merely subsided, but the "improvements" to his body made him not unrecognizable, rather it gave the appearance that he actually filled out his own body and made him much more like a real man. When one of Ivy's henchmen who had guessed at Crane's desire for his "employer" called him, he had to come and see for himself. He had taken the time to snag a stash of gems for himself from where he guessed that the Fat Fowl hid them, all of them totally stolen and nothing the Bird would dare write on an insurance claim. They would need a lot of funds to get revenge. As he followed his Ivy, he wanted to help her. He suspected who had killed her, as only three of the villains in Gotham had stayed behind at the meeting and all were mad enough to try it. He moved with a surprising amount of grace as she moved to the park. He and she had a bond, something that set the both of them apart from the rest of them. He watched closer, having been able in the months to learn better skill and hiding and following. When she was where he knew she would go, he came out of hiding, his costume fedora on his head. "Pam... I want to help you." Her green eyes.. her reddish hair that almost looked auburn... her lovely supple and tone skin... he wanted her already, but he had the discipline not to act yet.. not till she saw how she made him better and more useful to her as more than just help. "Sora's life had returned to normal after everything had happened, he still kept in touch with all the new friends he made, but being on the island was amazing. Kairi was there, Rikku was back to normal. Things couldn't get better. They were all growing up and growing together. Especially Sora and Rikku, though Sora doubted that his best friend saw it the same way. Since they had come back to the island, Sora had begun to realize that he looked at Rikku differently - much differently. He found himself daydreaming about him and getting excited when he was close. It was all a bit confusing, he thought he wanted Kairi. In a way, he still did. But something about Rikku just got to him. Sora headed to the beach as he thought to himself. They'd just said goodbye to Kairi, who was leaving for a week-long vacation with her parents. It was just Sora and Riku for a whole week! It was like a dream. But he didn't know how well it would go. He knew that Rikku still wanted to drink like they did every weekend, but Sora was worried. He was very honest when drunk. Honest and horny. Normally it was pointed at Kairi, but with her not there with them there was only Rikku for him to be flirty with. But how would his best friend take that? He really didn't know and tried not to think of the possibilities as he waited for his best friend to show up with the bottles.,"Riku was happy to be back to normal and being able to be with Kairi and Sora. He was a little upset when he found out Kairi was leaving for a week, but he quickly got over the thought when he realized it was a perfect time for him and Sora to have some guy time. He was hoping to have a good time drinking with just Sora, and he was curious about what would happen when his friend got drunk without Kairi around to flirt with. Riku always found it very entertaining to watch Sora flirting and telling everyone his feelings for Kairi. When he finally noticed the time, he threw on a shirt and picked up the bag of bottles before heading to Sora so they could start drinking. He had a few new and stronger drinks to try out, along with their usual drinks. "Sora, come get this bag," Riku called out as he walked up to his friend with a grin and an open beer bottle in his free hand. He had only taken one drink from it. "I have something new for you to try tonight; it's in the bag somewhere." He told Sora with a smile before sitting down and taking a swig of his beer. "She had long lost track of the days, but it didn't really matter. It was just another prison... just another place to exist. Unlike her tower, however, which she had made to be so warm and cheery, this place was anything but. It was dark, and dank, and she could often hear screams and cries beyond her own room's walls. But she did not know what went on beyond them, and mother would not tell her. Mother had brought her here, though she had not given a reason why. And while this place made Rapunzel extremely anxious... she had no reason not to trust mother. Mother was all she had. And she was all mother had. And so she sat in her little room with its cheap and bare decor, wondering when they would once again return to her tower. For, as much as she had yearned to venture outside of it... she had never imagined this. She yearned for the sunshine, not the darkness. For Pascal, and her paintings, and her room. For the comforts of home that she had known all of her life. But she was beginning to think she would never see those things again. Sitting on her hard and lumpy mattress, she kicked her bare feet, playing with her hair absently. There was little else to do, admittedly, and she was beginning to go a bit stir-crazy. All there was to do was hum... so she did just that. Just to keep herself going.,"After a few more minutes of silence, the wooden door to Rapunzel's cell opened up. "Ahhh my darling daughter!" Gothel greeted, approaching her sweet child with a small sway of her hips. "Goodness, I am so sorry to keep you locked away like this," she continued, "but the new queen... well, she is a very particular woman." She didn't like giving up Rapunzel to another woman, but it was either that or let Maleficent stick her head on a pike. Not a good option. "Ahh... This room is so dreary. It simply isn't fit for a child of your beauty." She took a seat beside the teenager on the bed and took a sniff of her majestic golden hair, while one hand roamed down to grab Rapunzel's own. "I might be able to get you a nicer room here. You just need to do as I say..." The attractive older woman said, a wicked smile crossing her face. "Meg woke up in bed with her head on her boyfriend's chest. He was much more comfortable than her pillows, even if they were the best pillows money could buy. She looked around the lavish room and smiled brightly; three hundred and sixty-five days ago, they left Africa to come to America. Now the time has come for a change of venue. They were going back home to Greece or the Hellenic Republic, as it was called now. She was so excited she could hardly stand it. Even with only a few hours of sleep, she was bouncing around on the inside. Any normal person would be struck down with a massive hangover or wake up next to a toilet. She had that taken care of by her sweetheart. A quick touch of the head and she never got another hangover. Which was a major boost. She went out every weekend, she couldn't be struck down with such trivial things. She rolled out of bed carefully, so she didn't wake up her sleeping partner and went into her closet. It was every girl's dream closet - she was in the shoe closet, which was as big as a master bathroom, and the walls were covered in shoes except in the places where the doors were. She opened a door and it took her to a pocket universe that was her closet. All the new things were up front, and the deeper she went, the more historical the clothes were. Right now, she needed something to spark Hades appetite. She needed more clothes, and she knew the best way to get more clothes was to wear little to none when she asked for new clothes. She just had to find the right set. She found a pair of black thigh highs that would look good against her milky skin, then she found a purple corset with a black ribbon that went around the waist. Now she just had to find panties. She found a black silk pair of booty shorts and left the closet to get dressed. She teased her hair to make it appear fuller and put on a light purple lip gloss. After applying a little eye liner she got dressed and peeked into their room. Seeing Hades still asleep, she grabbed her crystal Louboutin heels and went into the kitchen. She pulled out the eggs and bacon and stuff for pancakes. She read the directions on the pancake box and it looked easy enough. She started to mix it together and smiled at herself. She rarely cooked because it never came out quite right, but every now and then she would try. She put butter in the pan and poured the batter in the pan. While that cooked on one side she grabbed her phone and started to text her friends in Greece. She wanted them all ready for her arrival so they could dance the night away. She was lost in the conversation with her friends and forgot to check her pancakes. When she did it was smoking, black and stuck to the pan. She looked up at the fire alarm and hoped it wouldn't go off like the last time. Hades was angry with her the last time it went off, he would know she wasn't paying attention to what she was cooking again. She put the pan in the sink and smiled when the cook came down. "I tried and I failed. Will you make Hades breakfast. The works. I need everything." She smiled sweetly and went back to typing away on her phone. The cook was used to being around Meg while she was half naked. She only really appeared when Meg wanted something to eat. She was good like that. It was no wonder why Hades kept the old woman alive so long, she was an expert cook and helped Meg not to burn the house down. In a half hour Meg had everything she needed for Hades's breakfast. She thanked Dolores and left with the tray of food. She walked into the bedroom and put the tray down on her side of the bed. She walked over to Hades side and rubbed his cheek. "Wakey, wakey dilectione mea (my heart)." She said softly and kissed his cheek. "Breakfast is waiting." Meg grew out of most of her flaws except one. She lacked patience. She knew how to get Hades up toot sweet but she if they started that they wouldn't stop and she would miss the night out with her friends. Boxer, Meg's French bulldog, pranced his way into the room and Meg picked him up. "Lets wake up daddy." She told him and set him on Hades chest. She started to kiss Hades cheek and Boxer went to the other cheek and started to lick. "If you wake up I'll get him to stop.","The life of partying, or the life of love? Everything started back in the ancient Greek times, and Hades couldn't be more happy about it. Pain and Panic had just reported that they had killed Hercules as instructed, and Hades saw fit to have a little celebration for himself. The little brat wouldn't be able to impede on his plans for total domination of Greece and Olympus anymore. He had a wonderful time drinking wine and messing around with the people of Greece, but then he met her. The god had decided to take a short rest in one of the forests surrounding the city, and heard a woman crying. Despite being the supposed evil god of the underworld, he had a soft spot for women, and followed the sound of crying until he saw Meg. Hades slowly but surely comforted her, and found out that her previous boyfriend had just ran off on her with another girl. That angered the god, but there was nothing he could do for her unless she did one little thing for him. With the promise of her soul, he told her that he could show her what real love is like, and would give her all that her heart desired. That was the start of their relationship, and it has been going strong ever since. Hades fell deeply in love with Meg after that, and they slowly started to enter into a more sexual relationship as he revealed more and more of his dominant side. He couldn't even imagine what his life would be like without her, and very nearly experienced it first hand. Meg was fifty at the time, and it made Hades start thinking more and more about the fact that she was getting older, and would die soon enough. It scared him to death, so he convinced her to let him make her immortal, so they could be together forever. Thankfully, she agreed to it, and he reverted her back to being thirty years old while also making her immortal just like him. Even after that, their relationship still was strong thanks to the changes of time giving them more and more to do with everything passing year. Now they were in the modern era, and both of them had changed a lot. Being a god, Hades always had a constant quest for power, and the modern era gave him more power than he ever thought possible. He was the owner of three of the most popular nightclubs in all of Greece, and the world for that matter. It not only gave him power to get his finger in the pie of politics, but gave him more money than one could shake a stick at. Even outdoing the richest person in the world by a total landslide. Of course, that meant he would absolutely spoil Meg, and give her everything and anything that she asked him for. Hades knew that she loved him for him, and not just for his money. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been together for as long as they have. Still, sometimes he would start thinking about what it would be like to start settling down with her, and perhaps start a family; however, every time he starts talking about it, Meg just shoots him down by saying that she wants to have a few more years to themselves. Despite his own wishes, he does agree with her that they can do a lot more things without kids than they can with. Hades was sleeping rather peacefully, but did stir a little when he felt Meg's body leaving him. It wasn't until he smelled breakfast, and felt both Meg and Boxer kissing and licking his cheeks. It all put a smile on his face "Alright, alright, you can stop licking me Boxer," he said, getting up and gently pushing the dog away from him. Hades stretched, and shook the sleep out of his eyes, so he could see what Meg was wearing. Needless to say, he was impressed, aroused, and already wondering how much this was going to cost him "Well now, either you decided to give me some morning wood so I could have a little morning fun, or you want me to buy you something," he looked down at the tray of food, and would have been rather impressed if he didn't already know it was made by Dolores "I'm going to assume it is the latter," he said, chuckling and giving her a kiss as well as a good slap on the ass. "Eyes the color of frosted glass peered from beneath the errant strands of achromatic white hair that fell across the corner of his right eye as the lycan strode boldly through the halls of his kin and sought counsel among the gathered ranks of his kin who had found refuge in the ruins of the old keep on the fringe of Hjaalmarch. Bare-chested and clad with nothing but a great gauntlet of beaten iron that encased the entirety of his right arm, fastened securely in place by leather straps that crisscrossed the length of his torso, he lifted his iron-clad hand and gave a mighty push against the aged door that barred his way into the depths of the keep where the echoes of his kins laughter and speech emanated. The light of the torches cast a pale shadow across his narrow features and sought to further accentuate the almost imperceptible curl of his upper lip that lay bare the elongated teeth whose tips protruded half a fingertip beyond his bottom lip. Cross had spent far too much time in the most recent task laid upon him by the war council of his lupine brethren, clad in the filthy garb of humankind he had wandered the streets of a nearby town whose name the proud warrior had not even bothered to learn during his time spent amongst the common-folk and sought to learn something... anything... about the movements of the forces of the Silver Hand and their armed forces this deep within the reach. Silence. Eyes from amidst the weathered warriors who guided the hand of Hiricine's Sons all turned in unison to gaze upon the form of Cross as he thrust wide the doors of the antechamber and basked in the silence and scent of his kin which reached him even amid the musty smell of the old keep. Icy orbs turned almost feral, the corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly and he turned his head to gaze from each corner of the chamber to the other before settling his eyes upon the senior member of the order who sat seated in the center of the chamber. "There's something here, Harl," the lycan muttered beneath his breath, his words accentuated by a low growl that rumbled in the center of his chest and became trapped in his throat. "I can smell it... something not natural... one of those pink-skins," he would have finished with a few sniffs that seemed to catch the air around him. Though before the older warrior could muster an answer, he would have given a sharp wave of his hand. Slitted eyes would have drifted suspiciously to the dark-skinned woman who sat adjacent to one of the members of the feral brotherhood and he would have indicated her with an outstretched hand. There was something almost... primitive... ancient and powerful about the magic around here. It was so potent that he could almost taste it in the air. And there was something about her mannerisms... her unusual eyes and even the unique style of her hair that, had his primal mind been so focused upon the irritation that still clung to his thoughts, both at the prospect of a newcomer not-lycan in their midst and regarding the time spent in their cities, that he suspected he would have been quite consumed by her unusual appearance. "Leave us," he would have growled, though several amongst the gathering would have sought to protest. He would have silenced them with a stiff wave of his hand. "Curs! I said leave! I'll spare not a moments thought to any of your reasons that an outsider would be amongst these halls... leave me to decide her fate myself." He would have growled, eyes drifting to study her and her appearance from top to bottom... and times, perhaps, lingering a tad too long in some areas. "Speak, outlander," he would have muttered as those about him would have shouldered past him, "I am not long on patience...","After the civil war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials came to a simmer, Fort Snowhawk was taken over by a coven of necromancers. Tol'vir of the Dunes, the enigmatic high chief of Hircine's Sons, bid that his brothers commandeer the old structure and purge it of the necromancers. Many were lost in the battle which resulted in Hircine's Sons being routed. Since Fort Snowhawk was such a bottleneck between Morthal and Solitude, it was crucial that it be in their possession. It was then that Tol'vir bid his second in command, Theodane, to seek out a redguard mage named Ohm'mali Qun whose magical prowess was revered among the alteration community. She was young, however, experienced, and the tragedy she experienced fed her flame for vengeance. After her compensation was arranged, Ohmali single-handedly annulled the lives of every last necromancer that drew breath within the fort. From then on she was conscripted to aid the Sons in their attacks, offering healing and hindrance spells in tandem with their claws and fangs. Some months later, Ohmali was invited to attend an obligatory moot among the Sons. Tol'vir sent his missionaries to Markarth, Winterhold and Dawnstar, requesting the presence of his most revered ilk to share in his concern. Each arrived within three days of the missives being sent, all of different creeds and colors. One of the old werewolves, a wind-burnt and weathered Breton, ambled into the hold greeted by his kind with a clasp of the forearm. Though as a human he was wizened, the Breton was a powerhouse when barreling into an enemy on all fours. A litany of others joined in the mood -a barrel-chested, red-headed Nord, a set of twins and a platinum-blond Imperial woman whose mane was festooned with elegant, pressed glass pins fashioned to resembled nightshade. Inside of the atrium, the scent of steam-soaked meat permeated about the chamber. The Imperial woman sat in her mate's lap upon a refurbished Dwemer throne; they lovingly fondled each other, much to the chagrin of Theodane who grimaced in disgust. He quickly exchanged glances with Ohmali who stood still than a statue well across the room, her eyes as sharp and dark as the backbone of an ebony sword. As a pugilist, Theodane was uninterested in the trees of magic and 'sorcery'; in addition, there was something queerly off putting about this woman that chilled him to the proverbial bone. It was when Cross ambled in that Theodane began to panic. He came to learn all too quickly of Ohmali's temper and the virtually cataclysmic events that followed, thus, he sought to keep peace between the two parties. "Cross ...!" Theodane growled. He glanced at Tol'vir, who was draped in thick, colorful robes with the patterns of the Al'kir, as if asking permission to advance. Tol'vir said nothing and continued to smoke his pipe, giving Theodane reason to press on. "Still your tongue, you fool," he continued, "You've been gone a moon to long to be barking commands ... know your place." Ohmali simply raised one of her eyebrows, almost dramatically. "Your patience and its capacity are no concern of mine," she hissed, "I have come to grown close to your ilk over the passing months, but you ... you are no kin of mine. Sheath your fangs or, may the Fates bare witness, I will end you." "Jacob sighed softly. As he waited for her... He hid around the corner of his girlfriend's apartment. His body, stealthily hidden by the shadows. Peering around the corner, from her kitchen to her front door. He smiled, as he heard the jingle of keys. Almost melodic, as he waited in anticipation. Finally, it took you long enough. Is what went through his head. As he could hear the sound of her unlocking the door. Soon, the door was open. And the tall, buxom blonde entered her apartment. As beautiful as ever. Her hair and clothes faintly wet with sweat. She must have just came back from the gym, on the ground floor. Back from another intense workout. Keeping those curves that he loved so much. As well as keeping her body toned for her work. Someone like her, always has to be ready for anything. With a sly smile, Jacob wondered if she was ready for this? She took in a sigh as she slammed the door behind her. Not caring about locking it. This was a relatively safe part of town any way. And besides, if anyone actually broke in, she can handle them right? She ran her hand through her blond hair, as she began to walk forward. Walking right past Jacob, and then setting her bag to the ground with a thud. She takes a long deep breath as she was ready to relax in her home. And relax on her well-deserved day off. As she tripped through her bag, taking out her things. Jacob slowly snuck behind her. Slowly reaching to grab her. She struggled, as he gripped her hands. Locking them crossed along her large chest. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent of her sweat and perfume. Before twisting her around, and nearly slamming her against the wall. He was rough, not caring if he hurt her. Since she herself was tough, and even at times liked the pain. Soon enough she would see it was him. The second she stopped fighting his grip, and took a second too look. She could see his smile, the smile of a jokester, and the smile of a total dick for scaring her. "Hey there Sonya." He said, as if nothing was even wrong. He then let loose his firm grip. Releasing her arms. To quickly pull her and wrap his hands around her hips. He took another deep breath, taking in her scent. As he kissed up her neck. Quickly showing why he was here, and getting straight onto business. His great big smile still planted on his face, until he pressed his lips against hers. Kissing her firmly, and wrapping his tongue longingly around her own.,"Sonya Blade entered her apartment after a successful few hours at her local gym. Her green yoga pants that gripped her tight rump and accentuated every curve of her, as well as her shortly cropped white tank top that too hugged her bosom tight was still damp with sweat. Jacob didn't seem to care about her scent, so she didn't worry too much about masking it other than her perfume. Jacob would be here soon so she might want to change. As she rifled through her bag, she was unaware of her equally skilled boyfriend opening and entering the apartment undetected. Though she could handle herself in most cases, her boyfriend was one of the few that knew exactly how to defeat her. Suddenly, she was wrangled by a stranger, she tried to lash out and kick but she was pinned so rapidly she didn't have any method of escape. She screamed a bit as she was shoved roughly into the wall, suddenly revealing who her assailant was. The dim light accentuated his soft features and shadowed the rigid ones. "You're a fucking asshole," she said in all seriousness as he loosened his grip and began kissing her, their tongues intertwined and she wrapped her arms around Jacobs neck, placing some of her weight on him knowing he could more than take it. "Most boyfriends just knock you know." she said playing with his hair. "It was an early Alternian evening. The sun had just set, splashing colors over the budding night sky. The air was still warm from its harsh light, but the sea was gentle and cool. Stars twinkled and the moons glimmered down on a female troll slowly making her way down a beach. Aranea Serket had been expecting a quiet day of contemplation and wandering, just herself and her thoughts. It'd been a while since she'd been on the beach. It was nicer than she remembered, and the water was soothing and comforting against her bare feet. She really ought to come more often. The sea hadn't been the one to earn her ire. It was just the sea. A body of water without thoughts or feelings or ulterior motives. Just water moving as it always moved, slow, calm, unstoppable. It simply kept going, and if something was in its way, then it eventually simply pushed through it. Maybe she ought to be like the water. She should stop letting things stop her from flowing in the direction that she wanted to flow in. Aranea should just crush whatever tried to keep her from moving forward. Perhaps she was a little bitter. Just the tiniest bit. But honestly what did they expect of her. Her family had their legacy, each one was special in her own right. But Aranea, her specialty seemed to just be retelling the stories of people she knew. And she was tired of it. She didn't want to be the messenger girl, she wanted to be the message that was spread. She wanted trolls to know her name. Or at the very least, she wanted someone's attention. But she rarely had it unless she bribed her social group or forced her way into the conversation. Most of the time she could just sit in the background, observing, and everyone would be perfectly okay with that. But she wasn't. And it was so upsetting. So she took a break from their presence and went for a nice, long walk. She'd actually gotten herself fairly lost, but she couldn't bother herself to feel very worried. It was nicer, perhaps, to not know her way back. It would take her longer to get there and so she would have a great deal more time to calm down before she got there. If she wanted to go back. Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'd build a new hive here by the sea and spend her days with no one but the waves for company. And maybe a few gillbeasts.,"Eridan suddenly appeared in the air and dropped down into what looked to be his hive/ship. His eyes were pure white, he wasn't in the mood to delude himself again, he knew he was dead. What was worse was he had just come back from being forcefully merged with an asshole that almost matched his own self hatred. It felt horrible, and they... he, weren't even arsed enough to end it themselves like Virska and Tav, it had to be a conversation with one of the thickest humans he had ever the displeasure to talk to. "Damn it," Eridan muttered with clenched fists. Looking around his old home, memories of his old life flood him, back when life was so much simpler, all he had to worry about was finding meals for Fef's lusus and coming up with ways to kill all the land dwellers. But those memories just lead back to Feferi, which of course lead to his biggest mistake. There is no words for how much Eridan wanted to take back that one moment. Lost in self-pity, he barely noticed when the open beach seemed to open up into half of his room. Looking up the sudden change did distract him for the more depressing thoughts. Cautious, the high blood slowly walked onto the sandy shore. It didn't take long before he noticed a very attractive troll sitting on the beach, she looked a bit like Virka. Mainly the horns and symbol really. "Who are you? What do you want?" He asked bluntly while getting closer, a visible sneer appearing when he saw Karkat's symbol below her chin, a very odd sight indeed. "The glorious executioner spun his axes with great elegance, throwing them and catching them with great ease. His job was easy, and he loved it. Sometimes Draven got into a certain zone, and killing off his enemies became easier and easier. At the start, the brash champion found killing other champions too easy, and he would slip into a bit of a blur, chucking axes and catching them, listening to the sounds of cheering that may or may not have been present. His brother Darius took things a bit too seriously, but for Draven, it was all fun and games. One day, on the Fields of Justice, Draven was particularly in the zone. Things were almost too easy today, he could buy whatever he wanted, he could do whatever he wanted, and he could three-shot nearly whatever he wanted. The cheers were getting louder and louder, first the support died, then the tank, followed by their mage and jungler. Finally, just as their marksman was running away, a well placed Spinning Axe picked them off perfectly. Inside of his head, chants of Pentakill were loud inside of his own head, and even the congratulations and the credit from his team were drowned out. From that sole act alone, the other team surrendered, and the thought of Draven's penta-kill stayed in his brain for quite awhile. Back at Noxus, there was a large party thrown for the marksman. There was food, singing, dancing, and people as far as the eye could see. Taking a seat on a large and ornate chair on a stage, a faceless announced announced that there was a big surprise waiting for him. . .,"Ashe was a queen of Freljord, married to the mighty warrior Tryndamere, but even she was not exempt from the traditions of the League of Legends. Champions were celebrities in the league, gods even, and when one is so high off the ground, it's easy to lose yourself in excess and Hedonism. A pentakill fivesome is a tradition that caters to this hedonistic culture. If a champion gets a Pentakill during the game, he gets to fuck all his teammates. "Splendid Pentakill, Draven," the frost archer said, stepping into the room, followed by her three other teammates. "Especially when you finished off Ashe's husband," a red haired beauty added from behind, Miss Fortune has always been up for post-league sex, but she rarely gets to indulge in a pentakill fivesome, such a thing is rare indeed. Together, the four girls guided Draven to the master bedroom where each girl stripped to their lingerie, Ashe wearing a white bridal style one with thigh high and garters. Katarina's red lace two-piece hugged her slim figure tightly, Miss fortune was the least modest, wearing only a black thong, her breasts bouncing freely and Sona had an oriental style silk underwear. "Now..let's see if you can get a QuadraKill in bed," Ashe said, kneeling in front of him, undoing his pants while the others watched in anticipation, hoping that he would be hung like a horse as the rumors said. "Soft golden light poured out of the roof access door as it opened to reveal, not the dark stairway that it normally would have, but what appeared to be a tidy girl's bedroom being dimly illuminated by a desktop lamp. The silhouette of a young woman, framed by the glow, partially obscured the oddity, but not enough that any witnesses would fail to notice that the room's dimensions were easily four times the size that would be able to fit in the space provided by the little outcropping that constituted said access. Such facts didn't concern Inchuriel, though, mostly because she already knew there wouldn't be any witnesses, not yet anyway. Only one person would be here tonight besides her, and it was a few moments before he would arrive. She had foreseen it. It had taken quite a bit of time and effort to sort through the shattered mess that had become of the Great Pattern to find a time and place where she could meet the mortal that had piqued her interest through the memories of her host. Holly had been quite the fan of his, reading in wonder the articles that the various media printed about the mysterious masked man who swung through the air like an expert gymnast could only dream of doing on gossamer strands he seemed to conjure from nowhere. At times he struck quite the romantic figure, either saving damsels in distress or, if the Daily Bugle was to be believed, playing the dashing rogue in daring acts of skullduggery. Well, that's how Holly had interpreted it anyway and, because Holly was a part of her now, she couldn't help but think of him in that light as well. She knew better than to let that image intrude on reality though. She calmly stepped out onto the roof, closing the door behind her. Oddly, now that the door was closed, it was easier to make out her appearance. Despite the fact that they shared the same features, the long elegant raven hair and chestnut brown eyes set in a slender yet subtly heart-shaped face, Inchuriel left a much different impression than had Holly Masterson. Where Holly had been cheerful and bubbly, Inchuriel was poised and confident, always with a mysterious twinkle in her eye that seemed to say, "I know something you don't know." At first, the change had been a little unsettling for her family and friends, but eventually they had decided that it was simply a case of a girl finally maturing into adult hood. Well, the ones that hadn't simply started avoiding her had decided that anyway. With a couple minutes to go, Inchuriel meticulously smoothed out her skirt. She had purposefully selected subtly alluring yet unsuitably, even jarringly, mundane clothes to contrast against the scenery of a New York rooftop in the middle of the night. She wanted to leave an impression, wanted to make it so she would keep popping into his mind when it started to wander. So, she had chosen a short black skirt and a white tank top that emphasizes her rather slender form and and long legs that were covered up to the knee in white socks. The look was completed by a pair of simple black Mary Janes. Satisfied that her outfit was in order, she leaned back against the door with her arms crossed beneath her chest to wait for her 'guest'.,"Three weeks had passed since Peter had donned his new suit - a fitting name for something that was so much more than just clothing. It was a mass of black that covered his form when on duty, with an elongated spider logo that seemed to pulse with energy. Small strands of white dotted the legs, creating a chaotic spread that made him look like a living nightmare. The suit had given him strength beyond anything he could have imagined, and he felt invincible. He couldn't quite recall how he obtained the suit - whether it was a crashing meteorite or a facility designed to help him recover - but he didn't care. He was able to take down petty thugs and stereotypical super villains with ease, and he knew that he would soon be facing greater challenges. But that didn't bother him; he was ready for whatever came next. The Daily Bugle continued to criticize him, but that wouldn't matter once he revealed his true identity to the world. In the meantime, he would continue to pose for photos that made him look good, even if he hated doing it. By tonight, he was ready to see where his skills could take him, willing and wishing to push himself even further. The second skin, symbiote, aid, whatever you wanted to call it, was influencing him without Peter even realizing it, as it did with anyone else it'd be associated with. Tonight, however, he was frustrated. The city was rather peaceful despite his searching, no muggers to defeat, rapists to stop or delusional megalomaniacs to thwart. It was just his luck - positive or negative luck is up for debate - that he landed on that rooftop, a somewhat stunning figure catching his eyes. Even without the suit he'd be paying attention, bored of being single, but with his more primal urges being urged on by the sight of a young, attractive woman. She was rather lovely, somewhat above average height with the kind of face that would drive men to extremes, a cheeky glimmer in her eye that let on she was aware of a joke only the most privileged would know. That wasn't all that caught his eye, however. It was the clothing. By herself in the middle of the city on an isolated rooftop, it was truly unique. The suicidal dressed much, much more reserved than her and she certainly didn't have the air of such a person - the opposite, someone wanting and waiting for someone specific. That was the most important thing, the kind of looks that would attract Peter Parker, the air of strength that would intrigue the symbiote. Landing on the rooftop with more grace than usual - the stick black webs the symbiote had an unlimited supply of were much easier to manipulate than his artificial webbing - Peter strode over to the girl, eyes flickering over her form under the mask. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this without company?" He asked, cocky tone he seemed to always have more obvious than usual. "Winter and Summer. Cold and warmth. Death and life. Opposite concepts, right? Only technically. After all, some things thrive in Winter, others suffer. Some find joy in the silence and cold of Winter, others sadness in Summer warmth. Even the personifications of Winter and Summer aren't just Evil versus Good- far from it. Take the Winter Lady, draped in debauchery and lust half the time, coldness and death the rest. Take the Summer Lady, loving and gentle half the time, cruelty and pain the rest. Maeve, the aforementioned Winter Lady, was pretty much the most promiscuous of the Sidhe Courts, even taking mortal lovers most of the time. Take Aurora, the Summer Lady. Warm and kind, she could be even crueler than Maeve at times. Now wasn't one of those times- in fact, the two were talking. Friends wouldn't be right, but it's the closest we can think of. Aurora sighed and crossed her legs as she listened to Maeve's challenge, barely paying attention. "I'm sorry, what? You... Want me to have a competition with you?" She asked, finally settling on her appearance. Many Sidhe could change appearance, and as one of the strongest she often did so with ease. As of now, she was ginger with long hair in delicate, glowing tresses, vibrant skin that could catch the eyes of any with the slightest pulse, pleasantly skinny figure with five foot four inches of height on her.,"Maeve couldn't have been a more perfect opposite to Aurora, her skin an almost translucent pale tinged with blue, her vibrant, ice blue hair cut in a short bob. Where Aurora chose a slightly provocative outfit that showcased her femininity, Maeve's choice of dress was downright vulgar. Everything was too tight and see-through, ripped in all the wrong places and cut to reveal rather than hide. "Competition?" Maeve asked, scoffing at the notion. She ran her hands down her scandalously clad body. "We both know you can never compete with all of this. But if you want to try, I'd be willing to let you. We fuck. First one to come loses. Loser submits to the most degrading sex acts the winner can devise." Maeve slid a hand down the front of her lycra hot pants, caressing the elegantly sculpted camel toe. "And it *will* be degrading. I plan to drag your high-class ass to the glory hole and make you take it from everyone who wants a piece of you. And not the classy glory hole with the nice carpet and the beverage service, the *nasty* one. Not that they know me there by name or anything." "It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals were even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half-naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would-be ruler of Midgard. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgard was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment. It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they were still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they? It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. ...where am I? he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was lying on a bed, and his very sore wrists were chained tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs were strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch. It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgard. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgard was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment. It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they were still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they? It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. ...where am I? he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was laying on a bed, and his very sore wrists, where chained very tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs where strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch.,"Chicago-.Elizabeth York whispered, her voice a whispery hint of power, as if she was more than human, but surely that wasn't possible. She sounded like she should have been doing porn movies or phone sex, with a voice of crushed velvet and power-laden whispers. Sitting on the floor, the psychiatrist looked too comfortable, sitting with her legs crossed on the floor, the woman looked like she was ready to just stay there as long as it took him to wake up. And she was. While she had her own patients, Elizabeth York was one of the few that had been given leave to do whatever she wanted. "Local hospital," she said, her voice softening slightly, stopping herself from saying his name, driven by instinct she didn't know where it came from, and hidden his identity from everyone but herself. She was renowned for being choosy, and while she worked for the hospital, the woman also had a private practice inside of it, only taking one case at a time, and choosing who she wanted to help. Extremely smart, she was probably one of the few people in Chicago who could give Loki - at least the Loki that had managed to outsmart most of the Avengers - a run for his money on pure intellect. And she knew who he was, and had made sure that anyone who had recognized him had been buried. Hidden him from both her own people and the Avengers, driven by a instinct she hadn't understood, only followed. She had long ago stopped questioning her sanity when she had the hunches, but it still worried her some that she had protected this man of all people. The mental ward of the city hospital, to be exact. "This was, for lack of a better word, a waking nightmare. Between dealing with the stresses of working a ship run by a borderline schizophrenic commander, having to help assemble a crew of ragtag misfits, having the Illusive man breathing down her neck asking for progress reports, dealing with the looming threat of the Collectors and the Reapers...and now this business of her sister being found out by her dad...Well, it was becoming a little stressful for the Cerberus operative known as Miranda Lawson. She had been a designer baby, created by her father to be the 'perfect' daughter. And in many respects she was as close to the concept of perfection as one could be. There were few skills she couldn't pick up and learn, her brain functioned at a higher rate than that of a normal woman, and by human standards she was a very powerful biotic. But the stress and abuse she endured under her father was what led to her becoming a runaway. So Henry Lawson decided to repeat the process, creating a second 'perfect daughter' by the name of Oriana. Miranda had managed to take Oriana away when she was an infant, giving her to Cerberus so she could live a normal life. And she had, for the most part. Blissfully unaware of her origin, and the nefarious purpose behind her creation. And Miranda had worked hard to maintain this security of her younger sister, letting her have 19 peaceful years of life. But that was all to be undone now. The busty human sat behind her desk in her usual white catsuit, her dark hair tossed back and falling in waves down her back. For the past 15 minutes she had been deep in talk with her contact Niket, figuring out everything she could about the information leak that had Henry on her sisters tail. "I see. Thank you Niket, I'll get out there when I can. Ugh this whole thing is a nightmare, Oriana shouldn't be getting caught up in this." With a reserved sigh, Miranda ended the video call and leaned back in her chair " I'll have to bring Shepard in on this. Assuming she'll help at all.","For whatever reason, Jack was Shepard's little pet project aboard the Normandy. Maybe it was because the soldier used to run with The Reds, a gang back on Earth, and therefore thought that she and Jack had something in common. Maybe it was because Shepard was some sort of Alliance girl scout that needed to save the galaxy one hopeless case at a time. Or maybe it was because they were both badasses and Shepard didn't want to hang out with crew members who couldn't hold their alcohol. It certainly wasn't because the Commander wanted to fuck; Jack had already made that offer on day one and Shepard had pussied out. Whatever. Her loss. So it was no surprise to her that Shepard had come down to her little hole in Engineering to have one of their talks. But tonight they weren't talking about their 'feelings' or their past - they were talking about the head Cerberus cheerleader: fucking Miranda Lawson. Jack still didn't know if she wanted to fuck the genetically engineered woman senseless or bash her head against the wall in an attempt to wipe that I-am-better-than-you smirk off her perfect little face. Miranda needs help and I need someone that can take out waves of enemies. Shepard sighed. Talking to Jack was like talking to a teenager sometimes - though she supposed that was a pretty accurate comparison. Even if Jack had had a normal life, she was still just a young woman. Toss in a lack of childhood and a fucked up life and the girl was nothing more than a soft, squishy child on the inside once all the rough layers were peeled away. Fine, I'll help. Jack spoke up after a long while. Well, maybe this would put her and Miranda on a more equal playing field. If Jack did the Operative a favor, maybe she'd stop being such an arrogant bitch around the younger biotic. "Ah, Verdanturf Town. Though it wasn't as exciting a place as Slateport or Petalburg, just about everyone in Hoenn could agree that it was one of the more peaceful places to live in. There was so much grass covering the ground there that it seemed that there was no such thing as dirt, mud or rock, except for the mountains to the north which Verdanturf was nestled against. In the spring the area was heavily populated with flowers and shrubbery of all kinds, and not to mention berry plants which many wild Pokemon loved to no end. Trees were all around, surrounding the town at every side except for the east and north. But the most important feature of Verdanturf town was the superior airflow and wind pattern which provided the town with the purest air known to man. In fact, this feature was so well-known that whenever one remarks about heading out to get some fresh air, they are always reminded of Verdanturf Town. Alright, that last bit might be pushing it. Anyway, the town, as usual, was quiet on a typical Saturday afternoon. The shops were open, the Pokecenter received visitors and patients alike, and all around citizens were enjoying the bright and cheery day. Children were out and about in the town with their friends or parents while other people like tourists and the elderly took to the grand pastures and fields over yonder. It was very peaceful out there as well, and there were plenty of Pokemon to observe or catch if one desired. In one particular grove, far from the eyes and ears of the common populace, there resided a group of Pokemon belonging to a particular trainer. Two large heavyweights, a Nidoking and a Machoke, were grunting and huffing as they grappled with each other in a form of friendly competition. Being that they were known as powerhouses, it was a good idea to keep training and practicing for whatever battle might approach them. Standing off to the side in his own little world was a Gallade who was either referring the two sparring Pokemon or simply keeping an eye on them to make sure that no trees fell under their weight. He didn't seem too happy to be babysitting these two, but without a trainer present he did what he could to keep the group together. The final member of this four-man-band was a Houndoom, and he was all by his lonesome sprawled out on a sunny rock. The dark/fire type didn't look to happy for some reason, and he kept glancing towards some openings in the grove as if anticipating someone's arrival.,"For many, Verdanturf Town was a place of peace and happiness to escape the harsh world beyond its beautiful flowered borders, and a place that Pokemon and people alike could always bring back their best memories with just one breath of its pure air. However, for Mignonette, that was especially true. Her happiest memories were far from peaceful, but they certainly were eventful; there was no doubt that had her first trainer Pokemon been with her at the moment once she stepped into the town's boundaries, he would immediately recall it as well. After all, who could forget the first time they had sex and enjoyed it beyond anything else? Forget human men, no one else could or even dared to understand the utter loyalty and prowess that male Pokemon could offer instead. To everyone else, Mignonette was just another ordinary trainer. Perhaps not just a regular trainer, considering that just a glance up her curvy athletic form always drew second (and often hungry) gazes after her, but with only the sight of her ample rear as the last sight of the female trainer, that would be all they could know. No one else would be the wiser about her more intimate attitudes towards her Pokemon... It was well understood in the world of Pokemon that breeders were exceptionally close with Pokemon, sometimes even more than trainers could ever be. It was necessary, considering that they would always be around said creatures, but for Mignonette, it was something she had grown to utterly trust and devote herself to once she had decided to be a trainer instead. That mindset only proved even more correct once she had given herself to her Houndoom, and thus sealed the deal once and for all. So the buxom trainer was in a high mood a few hours later once she left civilization behind her, having finished her accustomed shopping and restocking; Mignonette was more than eager to reunite with her beloved boys as she walked the familiar path to the nearby groves of trees removed from the actual town itself. Already, before she even see her team of Pokemon, she could hear them; the low grunts and growls of what could only be Hercules and Caesar, her Machoke and Nidoking respectively. So when the female trainer finally came into view, she was wearing a knowing smirk on her face, dark gray eyes scanning the clearing and making a quick head count of her team of four; Mignonette was hardly looking to expand it any time soon, not with satisfaction and the hard work these four did that would be worth forty other Pokemon. All in all, each of them were behaving as usual, but it couldn't be helped that she might have a slight bias towards one of them that she called out to,"Asmodeus, dear." Her husky melodic voice carried across the sparring as she gave a gentle wave towards the two muscular Pokemon to simply continue. The trainer's other hand was busy unwrapping the light cashmere scarf from around her neck and freeing her torso partly from the tight flower-decorated leotard and stockings with a smooth unzip down the front of her torso past her navel. It was only in the privacy of her Pokemon and the wilderness that Mignonette would even dare such a risqu action, exposing herself to them in invitation like this, and she was in particularly good mood as she walked leisurely towards the sunbathing Houndoom. The afternoon sun filtering through the treetops caught the creamy white tone of her skin and only emphasized the tantalizing curves of her bare large breasts the closer she came to Asmodeus. "Are you playing nice with the others, hm?" she gently cooed at the devilish Pokemon, settling herself down neatly next to him with a loving hand caressing down his sleek fur and then another stroke down his dark orange underbelly. Of course she didn't skip over also running her fingers lightly over his obvious sheath and the large tight black balls, a soft giggle escaping past her smirking lips. "I missed you too, my dear Asmodeus," Mignonette then leaned down to murmur against the Houndoom's neck, one hand still absently stroking his side as her head turned to motion to the other Pokemon on the team to also come over to her. They might as well sit through the show the sparring duo was putting on for them, and she would rather enjoy it with the company of her Pokemon up close against her. Lancelot was swiftly becoming her closest confidant; the most reasonable of the four when Asmodeus was being moody, Caesar was simply just being a lovable brute as always, and Hercules was too single-minded in showing off his strength. Giving the Gallade the same welcoming warm smile, Mignonette waited before he was in reach before sneaking in a quick kiss against the Pokemon's green helmet and wrapping a lean arm around his waist. "They haven't been at it for too long, yes? I'm sure you've been doing a wonderful job keeping them from hurting each other, Lancelot," she purred lightly in approval, drawing the Pokemon backwards into her lap; conveniently, his red triangular protruding from his back neatly fitted into the trainer's cleavage, letting her breasts press lightly against his back. "Carlyle had been living in the Fire Nation for a while now. Ever since she met who is now her boyfriend, she sort of had been living with him. A terrible tragedy among her Water Tribe left her the only survivor and taken in by him in secret, but then was found valuable to him since he is the Avatar. She was also his teacher when it came to waterbending. She was a young dark-skinned but fair-skinned sixteen-year-old girl, with beautiful blue eyes. She wore a necklace that her mother gave her just before she died, and she held her brother and father's possessions close to her heart; they were all she had left of them, and she wanted to preserve their memory for as long as she lived. Right now, she was bathing in the lake, nude of course, and sitting on a water-covered rock that hid her lower body and her back was turned to the exit of the lake. She had a pot in her hands that she filled up with water every so often when necessary to pour over her head and body to clean herself. Her short, wet, white and blonde hair flattened out as she wettened it, and as the water trickled down her fit and slim body more, it made her look far more exotic than she really was.,"Houka had just left home looking for his girlfriend. He started by looking at the beach, one of their favorite training spots. "Where is she? She promised we could go on a date." He then wandered into the forest, towards the lake - another one of their training spots, this one more hidden. When he peeked in on the lake, he saw her there, nude, and blushed as he hid from her sight, watching her for a bit. "Carlyle!? Are you there!?" He finally called out, after a few minutes. "Evanthra sighed, looking off the side of the ship, and glanced up at the sky. The winds did not seem in their favor...and yet they were leaving. Was this trip really that important? Her pink eyes scanned the surface of the water for a moment before she ran a hand through her long black hair. Maybe she should have cut it before her journey started, but she loved the long locks. The only problem was it would probably be unbearably hot in Midgar during the summer. She turned back to the choppy water, making a face. Hopefully the gods would help them on their journey. She wasn't exactly looking forward to being on a wave-tossed boat for a day while they traveled to Junon. Of course, she was also hoping that she wouldn't somehow get thrown overboard. As the anchors were pulled up and the sail was opened, she made another face.,"The days were starting to get boring for an immortal like Cloud... He was starting to want more than what they had... Yet he knew the only way such a thing could be done was if he went and did something about it. Some would describe his hair as quite outrageous, but his attitude towards things was another story altogether. But truth be told, he was starting to get lonely. The other gods were just not enough for him... As he wanted something more... Maybe even a human. In fact, he had already found someone of interest, but now it was just up to him to do something about it. Although his life was almost luxurious, he partially envied the humans. Sure, they lived and died, that was their cycle, but some of the things they got to do... Cloud and the others might be gods, but they just didn't experience things like those humans. He had decided that he would try to blend in and pretend to be one of those people. And well, Cloud had made sure that when he came down from his normal area, to be close to the one he was interested in, called Evanthra. Even now, he watched her as he looked at the boat the two of them and others would be boarding. "Rain. Raining. Drizzling. Pouring. It would seem more than normal to see lightning strike down during a storm, or during a sort of heavy raining day. Not in this case, though; in this case it was a quiet evening, an unusually quiet evening, with no crickets chirping, no cats yowling nor mewling, not even the sounds of fornication within the city of 'sin' known as Daten City. No clouds hung over the sky, nothing was keeping the light of the moon hidden away. Everything was seen, the trees, the empty streets, the quiet buildings within the city. Nothing, just utter silence. It was quiet, as if there was only one night for once, where the streets and roads were clear, where the law appeared to be in control. Where it appeared that finally there was peace. It was quite alien to see a night like this, or at anytime to be frank, for anyone who was used to the appearance of Daten City in full swing. Nothing more than the sound of wind rushed through the streets occasionally broke said respectable silence. The silence was to be broken by the sound of thunder, above in the cloudless, starless sky, came the rumble of lightning.. In a flash came a bolt of lightning that, didn't hit the ground if not it just shot across the sky like a bullet, as if it had changed its mind in the middle of its path of heading down to the earth to strike on the concrete streets. Then... a sudden splash, and just like that, the chaos of Daten City resumed. Lights. Music. Sex. Etc., Etc. Time seemed to resume after that little bolt of lightning shot across the sky. "Ow..." groaned a young little angel, taking a moment to look at the sky, drenched in muddy water. The fall really rattled his brains...well what was left of his brains. He looked up at the sky, looking up at the endless blue only to get hit on the head by an umbrella. Shaking the muddy water off his clothes, with a huff, the young man quickly picked up the umbrella that fell down with him, opening it up as then ... Rain... He whimpered slightly, tears coming to his eyes. He took a moment to soak his head in the rain water to clean off the murky mud-like water from his hair, as usual messy as it was he liked it clean. He sniffled as he got his clean as possible. He preferred being more or less presentable on the first day. He wandered for some time... wandering through the streets on this cold rainy evening, the raven haired youth had no idea on where to go, but even so, even if he knew where he was, he was of course lost. In a while, he found himself at the door step of a church, behind of which was a graveyard. The infamous church of the Anarchy sisters. Of course he had no idea of this, he had lived a fairly reserved life before, and no one mentioned them at all. Maybe...I can...He scampered over to the church, looking at the towering ominous structure, he was about to knock on the door, until he saw the door creak open, there was no one in the main hall of the church... It was empty but there were some candles lit, lighting up the faint image of a cross all the way across the room. He shut the door behind him and sat down shaking, cold, wet and hungry. He started to pray, whimpering, and sniffling "...W-why..?","Stocking came into the room, Chuck behind her. She had a broom and dustpan in hand, humming to herself. The two-haired woman began sweeping, jamming out to the music in her ears. She seemed to be dancing like a stripper, the way her hips were rotating and how sensual her face looked. Chuck looked goofy as he tried to dance along, making the usual noises as he always did. Stocking didn't happen to even catch a glance of the fellow angel, too busy with her chores. She was dressed in a sweater, the black cloth hanging to just below her groin, a small heart in the bottom left hem. She had her usual striped stockings, the socks held up by a black garter belt. She had no shoes on, able to move across the floor easily. Finally, she finishes the room, popping Chuck's mouth open like a trash can and depositing the dirt in his mouth. Finally, she turns and squeaks, catching sight of the angel. "I'm sorry, sir. We're closed," she states, her soft, melodic voice filling the cathedral. "Daphne Blake, 16, had always wanted to fit into some kind of crime-fighting group. Upon her move to Metropolis, she found herself standing in front of the famed Hall of Justice. She looked over the outside of the dome building with pillars on either side, before going through the double glass doors and entering the building. She showed the Superfriends that she was more than just a pretty redhead. Her quick thinking had saved, of all people, Wonder Woman, from an accident! Batman decided to help the teen hone her detective skills, and she became an honorary Superfriend. Daphne was now in the massive state-of-the-art kitchen at the Great Hall, wearing her violet long-sleeve mini dress with lavender stripes on the bottom and at the cuffs, green ascot tied around her neck, a lavender headband in her shoulder-length hair, lighter shade of violet hose and violet pumps. Currently, she was fixing lunch for everyone; a special Italian experience for their taste buds, consisting of chicken parmesan, a garden salad with a vinaigrette dressing, and Italian ice for dessert. She was checking the marinated chicken breasts and preparing a homemade tomato sauce, not knowing very shortly that her relationship with the only other female in the group was about to change... maybe for the better!,"Diana Prince, better known to the public as Wonder Woman, had had an interest in the new redhead of the group ever since she first arrived on the team. Daphne was an attractive one, of that she had no doubt, but it had taken a little bit of work on the redhead's end to prove herself worthy as a member of the team. And much to Diana's own surprise, she had, saving Wonder Woman's own life when she was stuck in the clutches of the Legion of Doom. From that point on, the dark-haired Amazon had felt herself... well almost a little obsessed with the junior detective who had so narrowly saved her life. Diana entered the kitchen from behind, clad in her usual red and blue leotard, her red high heeled boots giving her an extra few inches over Daphne. Her golden tiara glistened in the light, adding a bit of light to her dark and elegant mane of hair. "Working hard or hardly working?" she asked playfully as she approached the attractive redhead. "I've been meaning to thank you, you know." "Yera had started her day like normal on the Enterprise, working as an engineer, Science officer and part-time security officer. A few weeks ago, she had ended up stopping Khan's death - his pod was about to be thrown into a sun, but she had managed to save him. Only to have him wake up and escape from the Enterprise, but she had to fight him first; he left her with a black eye. Now, a few weeks later, Yera's mind was on other things. She was busy scanning a warp coil when she felt a slight shift in the air and raised her head. Yera was half human and half Vulcan, blonde haired and brown eyed, 55 years old and weighed 110lbs with a slender yet strong build. She was raised on Earth, so she didn't act like Spock did, but she had asked him to teach her how to control her emotions, which he had been teaching her. She was the youngest of her class to graduate from the Academy and rather smart for those of her age. However, things were changing for her, and Yera was aware that she was coming into her first Pon Farr. She went back to her warp coil, scanning away to see what had gone wrong with it when she suddenly was knocked out. The darkness came fast, and she had no time to react. Yera woke up a few hours later, her eyes heavy. She lifted her head weakly. She looked around the room she was in, it was rather nice with furniture, and she was aware she was lying on a bed. She suddenly turned her head and narrowed her eyes to see a familiar face standing above her. Kahn! She snapped and you could see the anger in her eyes. What are you doing here? Why did you kidnap me? Why am I tied up? She pushed herself up, but her body was rather weak. She could feel that she wasn't tied down; he must have drugged her or something. When I get my feeling back, I'm going to make you wish you were never born. She growled angrily. Yera let out a soft sigh though knowing it would be a while before she regains all her strength. Am I on some ship you stole? Who did you kill? Her eyes softened slightly.,"Khan was in a rather good mood for nearly having been shot into the sun a month ago. He had finally found a woman who would be able to handle his strength and appetite with little modification. Once she was converted to an augment, she would be perfect. So he had laid his plans, and when the time was right, had reboarded the Enterprise to claim his soon-to-be companion. It had been all too easy to find and steal her away, and a light sedative would ensure that she would be compliant for their first few days together while she adjusted to the thought of him being in control of her now. He had secured Yera to the bed in his private quarters on a small cruiser vessel he had bought from a Ferengi a week back. It was a small vessel, but it was fast, had a cloak, and would serve his purpose well enough. For the past three hours, the augment had been staring at her prize, waiting for her to regain consciousness so that their fun could begin. Finally, he saw the telltale signs of consciousness in the half-Vulcan. When she opened her eyes and immediately began to question and threaten him, Khan merely shook his head. "You may have bested me once before, my fiery one," he said, "but you will not do so again. You are under my control now, and you shall not be leaving anytime soon. I suggest you accept your fate for what it is...inevitable." "How long had it been since the discharge? How many years since he had ended up in the wards, taking missing persons cases and following husbands for paranoid wives who thought their husbands were spending too much time at Cora's? Too damned long was far as Max was concerned. He had done what he had to do to get the job done, and instead of a commendation, he had been booted from the service and managed to just avoid court-martial. He should be thankful for the lack of prison time, but that didn't make his current situation any easier. The pounding at his office door awakened him from his stooper, and a groan passed through his dry, cracked lips as he pushed his head from the desk top, knocking over the empty bottle that had been acting as his ashtray and it rolled from the edge of the desk and hit the office floor with a thud. A rough, calloused hand ran over the carpet of stubble that coated his jaw before pushing himself to his feet. He paused when he caught sight of his own reflection in one of the windows that ran along the left wall, looking out across the bright neon lights of the ward. He looked like death warmed over - sandy colored hair grown beyond regulation military length, sleeping on his desk had left him disheveled and sticking up at odd angles. His clothes were just as bad - gray slacks and rumpled shirt, sleeves rolled up, revealing arms of hard, flat muscle and an old service tattoo on one arm. Hardly the look of a professional, but he didn't care too much. He keyed the doorpad, unlocking it before it hissed open, "Sorry, hope you weren't waiting too long," he said to the woman waiting outside, his voice gruff and dry.,"Bethany Fisher was the sort of woman who didn't like to wait for extended periods of time, let alone in the wards with so many people knowing what they did about her. She was exposed, damn she didn't like it! Her heeled foot anxiously tapped as she waited for the door to open, 'Hurry up,' she hissed inwardly, crossing her arms beneath her bust, glaring darkly at the door. When it finally did slide open, she looked at the stranger that greeted her, "Glad to see you're in," she beamed falsely, "And no too terribly long." She didn't wait for him to invite her in, rather she slipped past him and went straight for his desk. Sitting down against the desk, she sighed, "I need your help, as you can assume from my urgent message I sent the other day?" Again she didn't wait for him to continue, "I need your help retrieving something that was stolen from my husband after he died." Taking a deep breath then letting it out shakily, she looked around the office and continued, "While I was attending my late husband's funeral, a locket was taken from my home. I know it sounds silly, but the locket meant the world to us. It was the very first thing that I ever got from him, and it had pictures of our families." Opening up the small clutch she had brought with her, Beth pulled out a silken hanky and tabbed her eyes, "Please, you're the only one I could possibly trust with this." A locket wasn't exactly what he would collecting, not entirely of course. It was the box that the locket had come in that was important, but what little information he knew, the better. "I can pay you up front, whatever you require, credits are no object to me." "14:55 PM Lavender Bay "Just a bit more. We're in the home stretch for today's lesson." Beli lifted her head while keeping herself in the plank position. A proud smile appeared on her face as she saw most of the students, or at least attendants, of her Yoga Class heeding her words. Most, if not all, were visibly sweating which was perfect. If they weren't, it meant they were doing all of the poses wrong. As she scanned the room, she noticed Kyanna trying to wear what was likely a teasing glare. And ... she was right. Kyanna was much more used to working out in the more ... typical way, as it were. Weights, machines, things like that. Still, she had recommended to just about everyone new she met that Beli's classes were worth it, and she stood by those words. Yoga was, in itself, a challenge. Kyanna would even go so far as to say it was tougher than the more chosen methods of working out. Yoga required a bit more discipline, which thus meant one had to have more determination and even ambition to complete these sorts of poses. Weren't we in the home stretch a few more minutes ago?! Kyanna thought to herself, gritting her teeth as she forced herself to hold the Plank position. Right when it felt she was ready to slump forward, Beli spoke up again. "Annnnd go on and lie on your backs for the Corpse position. Take as long as you need to regain your breath and composure and ... we'll be done for the day. Good job, everyone!" Some of the people applauded as their nonverbal manner of thanking Beli. Others offered praise or thanks out loud. Either way, not long after listening to her words, most of everyone began to leave the building. Within moments, Beli found herself alone with just Kyanna and ... one of the newer people who had started attending. A male, at that matter, which was a nice change of pace. Most of the people in her class were women, so it was nice to see a male who was comfortable enough to attend. It was even nicer that he didn't seem to mind being taught yoga by her ... a woman. It was silly, but some people did legitimately get upset about that fact. A smaller handful even disliked that she was as tall as she was .. something Beli was already very self-conscious about without their help. Kyanna would be the first to break the silence, and thus snap Beli away from her thoughts. "No, trying to kill me. Man, Beli. You really know how to .... whew .... push us." Beli chuckled as she grinned and walked towards a nearby shelf, grabbing some spare towels. One was thrown to the newcomer, the other to Kyanna, and the last was for herself. She took a moment to wipe the sweat off her face, with Kyanna eagerly following suit. "I think this is where the proverb 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' comes into play. It's at least helping you stay in shape like you want." "That it is," Kyanna quickly concurred, glancing over to her newest acquaintance. "So ... what'd I tell you? She's amazing, isn't she?" Beli blushed a bit, waving a hand dismissively, only for Kyanna to shake her own head adamantly. "Nu-uh. You absolutely deserve it. You don't give yourself nearly enough credit." "W-well ...." Beli stopped, already sensing she wouldn't be able to win that 'debate' of sorts. Instead, she silently glanced over, waiting to hear his thoughts on whether he'd enjoyed the class or not.,"The home stretch, she said. There were muscles in his body that felt like they were on fire and he couldn't even remember having them in the first place. All he knew in this moment was that this was exercise and if it wasn't for the gorgeous women here he might have considered leaving. It wasn't that he didn't like being in shape, he did, but this was contorting his body. Well, maybe it was useful. At the end of the day he was in pain and he kept pushing forward in the name of doing what he was supposed to do. He grumbled just a little under his breath while the fairy sat on the floor next to him. She would have thought she would be looking at him and guiding him, but instead the pink-haired fairy's eyes were firmly on the ass of the woman in front of him, staring with absolutely zero shame as she licked her lips. "I could get used to this." He sighed a little as he heard Kyu speak. Sometimes he wondered if there was an off switch to exactly how thirsty she could be. He knew there wasn't though. Ever since he'd met her, she had proven to give valuable advice on getting his life together while simultaneously taking every chance to comment on how much she wanted to sleep with every woman he met. There were very few exceptions. Still, he held the positions he was asked to, reminding himself to be thankful for all that time spent keeping himself in shape. If he wasn't already in decent shape, he was fairly certain he would have collapsed already. "Come on, you're not even looking around. Look at all of them in yoga pants! I could have a field day here." "He was reminded, once more, of their initial meeting," Kyu said with a smile. "I came to him in a bar where no one else could see me and swept him away." She went right into tips and tricks, telling him that she'd been sent by the goddess Venus herself to help him find love. Called him a challenge because he generally kept to himself and did his own thing. He'd been on dates before. They just rarely went well because his heart wasn't in it. They'd bored him within minutes. Kyu, however, told him that she knew how to find interesting people and he was going to get laid by the end of it. He was still coming to terms with the idea of an invisible goddess sent fairy trying to get him laid and in a steady relationship to boot. Not only that but she said he needed to aim higher. To go for two compatible women and date them both. She was mad. And yet here he was after having run into Kyanna at the gym a week or so back. They'd talked for a little bit and had a little chemistry when she'd mentioned this class. Figuring that there was no reason not to try, he'd come to the end of the last class to see how it looked. Kyu had made a similar comment as she just did now. The fairy was certainly easily entranced. Beli, however, was really something. Striking, certainly, but she was good at what she did too. He could see that the other ladies respected her and seeing how she and Kyanna got along had him thinking. Once he was on his back and catching his breath, he noticed that Kyanna and Beli were both talking. Trying to get his opinion which brought a little smile to his face as he cracked one eye open. "Beli? She's great. Knows what she's doing, looks incredible doing it, and somehow manages to make it all seem effortless. The class?" He raised his hand halfheartedly and waved it as if he was incapable of getting off the ground. "How are you two so okay after that? I thought I was in good shape. I think I flexed muscles I forgot existed." He gave Kyu side-eye as she made such an obviously crude joke before slowly getting into a seated position. "Seriously though, that was great. Thanks for hosting the class and you, Kyanna, thanks for inviting me. Wouldn't have even thought to come without your suggestion." He held out his hand as if looking for some help getting up as his clothes clung to him a little from the sweat. He was dressed in a loose fitting shirt and basketball shorts that didn't do much to hide the somewhat toned figure he had. He had always been athletic though he'd never really broken into playing in college or beyond. Just some recreational leagues for basketball here and there. "Some people had it good, others had it, well, not so good. Some people over exaggerated their bad lives in order to get attention, while others walked right into their own misery with ignorance. They call it bliss, but it's really more like bullshit. For one high school student, he'd dug his own grave, accidentally of course. Originally it was something that had just circulated between his friends. One of his friends had figured out that he had Kate Upton on his friends list, they of course had one of the Kate Upton fan page's liked as well, but when he said that it was because she was his aunt, his friends wouldn't stop giving him shit about it. Word spread around school, and then everyone wouldn't stop giving him shit about it. His whole school year went like this, day in day out, even people sending him messages on Facebook asking for pictures of him with his Aunt. Pretentious cunts, their constant badgering had left him in need of a therapist. He'd had dreams of killing his classmates, and was leaving school early because he couldn't stand their terrible mocking. Ryan had become a freak, somehow along the way to popularity, that failed. But his therapist gave him a fantastic suggestion, he suggested to Ryan that during the summer he go stay with his aunt, he suggested that he spend time with her. Take pictures with her, do things with her in order to prove not only to himself what he's saying is true, but to validate it to everyone else. However, having been with her for a week, things have gone from better, to worse. For him at least, she'd become suspicious too. He'd been stealing her panties, not even her really sexy ones, but the ones she wore when she went to go do something, or her workout shorts. Ryan knew something was wrong with him, but she was so sexy, and her smell, it was intoxicating. Ryan was sixteen, he was still a virgin technically, he'd had a girlfriend of his give him a blowjob. She told him he couldn't cum in her mouth, but did anyway, relationship over. His therapist was telling him to explore his feelings. He said that he should masturbate and think about her, and continue to take her panties. Ryan felt like that was strange, but perhaps it was the best way to get rid of the ideas in his head. Just by getting accustomed to them, some military groups beat the crap out of their soldiers to make them torture resistant. Perhaps this was the best way? He wasn't sure, but his therapist hadn't steered him wrong in the past. Currently Ryan sat in the hall bathroom near the guest bedrooms in Kate's vast house. His pants were around his ankles and he was sitting on the toilet seat lid. In his hand, bundled up in a ball of sorts Ryan had a pair of purple lace panties, he had them wrapped around his cock and was pumping his hand up and down. Ryan was rather large for his age, his dick was eight inches long, and nearly two and a half inches in width. In his mind, Ryan envisioned his Aunt on her knees in the bathroom with him, sucking on the head of his fat cock. She'd suck on it till he came, and he'd cum all over her face and large breasts. Groaning quietly, Ryan brought himself near to orgasm, continuing to pump the panties harder around his dick.,"Kate was out back sunbathing by her pool in her black bikini. She liked to keep her skin a golden color, it made her feel more attractive and certainly pleased her management team who needed her looking her best for every photo shoot. Laying on a lounger, she had one arm above her head while the other leaned down to pick up a cold lemonade. It was 1pm in the afternoon, and the sun was sizzling hot, causing Kate to work up a sweat without even doing anything. "I'm just going for a swim," she said, turning her legs and standing up on them. She leaned down over another lounger and kissed her boyfriend's forehead before walking over to the stairs. Holding onto the two silver railings, Kate sunk into the water and dunked her head underneath. Pulling her hair out of her band, she threw it by her drink as her hair fell down to her back. Little did the model know that upstairs on this hot day was her young nephew jerking off with her panties around his cock. She had grown suspicious about her underwear going missing but assumed it was her boyfriend. She hadn't said anything to him about it yet, but she was very close to asking. After doing some lengths in the pool, Kate pulled herself out and crawled up the side before getting to her feet. She dripped water everywhere before opening her backdoor, sliding it in the process. Wet footprints landed on the wooden flooring of the kitchen before making their mark on the white marble in the large hall by the stairs. "Ryan!" Kate called out to him at the bottom of the staircase. Now holding her arm on to the sides, she walked up and called his name again. "Izumo walked down the hallway after class, one of her books tucked tightly against her chest. Her book bag, filled with the rest of her books, lightly tapped against her hip with each step she took. When class got done, Izumo usually left right away while everyone else stayed behind to chat for a while before going to their own dormitories. She knew she didn't have many friends and she was fine with that. She was used to spending time alone. She would know if someone said something behind her back. Truthfully, Izumo really had no friends, at least until she met Paku. Paku was her only best friend and that was enough for her. Sure, it was hard not being able to see her as much once she quit the cram school. Despite that, they still found time to hang out. In the middle of thought, Izumo's fingers clutched tightly to her book and her eyebrows furrowed tightly together in the center of her forehead. Rin was overly obnoxious today. He fell asleep multiple times and when asked to recite a passage from the Bible he completely goofed on the second verse! "Baka." Izumo muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes. Although... Despite his incompetence during class, she couldn't overlook the fact that he was the first and only one in that class to try and be friends with her, even though she wasn't so very nice back. He always had a smile on his face, and sometimes, a blush would come to her cheeks watching him even if she didn't want to. She felt embarrassed just seeing his smile. Why? She had no clue, but she did her best to conceal them... If only... But, whatever! He seemed to have googly eyes toward Shiemi and why wouldn't he? She had large breasts and was actually nice to him. Izumo opened her eyes to look down to the floor as she bowed her head slightly. Izumo believed that if it came to a contest, he would chose Shiemi over her. After Rin and Yukio closed the gates of Gehenna, Rin had been getting closer to Shiemi. Well, at least from what she has seen. Not like she was watching them, or anything! It's just that she had a hurting pit in her stomach every time she saw the two together, and she couldn't understand why. With a great huff of her breath, Izumo blew the thoughts out of her mind. She didn't need to bring herself down like that. She was Izumo Kamiki and she could get any guy she wanted! But only if that guy was Rin.,"Rin growled as he looked at the book in his hands. What was he supposed to do? She was the one who left it here in her rush to get out. Why should he have to chase her down and hand it to her? He quickened his pace, hoping to catch up with her on the main school grounds rather than lose her in the crowds. She had been out of it lately, either snapping more than usual or spending her time dumbfounded and staring at him. Had he done something to piss her off? It didn't matter anyway; he rushed up ahead, trying to quickly make his way to her as he moved through the crowd, spotting her dark hair as he pushed past people. He caught up with her, spinning her around. "Geez, it's like you were fucking running," he said, panting slightly and smirking at her. "You left this in class." He handed her the book and tried to catch his breath. "Can you wait for just one second instead of running away like you're better than all of us?" His eyes met hers for a moment before he frowned. "Spike had certainly grown up in the last five years that he had spent among the others as a citizen of Ponyville. The once childlike spike had grown into a teen-aged dragon. As he walked through town, he knew the other ponies watched him; Spike wasn't exactly cute or inconspicuous. In fact, most ponies feared dragons, and Spike could understand why. As Spike walked through Ponyville, he gave the majority of the folks smiles and waves. In this town, everyone knew everyone, and that certainly helped. For most ponies around Spike, he was just another citizen. He had been around for years. Walking upright through town, he clutched a bouquet of flowers in his claws. Today was the day. Spike had made up his mind. He had been crushing on Rarity for almost five years. Today was the day he finally confessed everything. He had steeled his resolve and walked forward towards Carousel Boutique. Walking up to the station, he couldn't help but feel his heart beating hard in his chest. Opening the door, he stuck his head in to see if this was actually a good time to bother Rarity. Her business had expanded in the last few years, as her reputation had grown. Swallowing for a moment, Spike couldn't remember the last time he had felt so nervous. "Rarity?" Spike's voice was rather small, causing him to cough to try and make himself sound better. "If you have a moment, I have something I'd like to ask you." He said standing in the doorway, the flowers tucked behind his back. "If this is a bad time, I can come back later.",""Oh, Spike, dear," the white unicorn ran towards the dragon and pressed a bunch of fabric rolls against his chest. "Be a dear and hold this for me, will you?" Before even waiting for an answer, Rarity already ran towards the other side of the room, back and forth she levitated papers, fabrics, little gems, and accessories. Sweetie Belle, who watched the rather quick scene, just rolled her eyes and sighed. Then her horn began to glow in green light. "I'm sorry, she's been rather busy this whole week already." The fabrics began to levitate from Sweetie Belle's angle, and it wasn't hard to see what Spike was holding behind his back. A slight smile played at the corners of her mouth. "Is there any special reason you came here?" She asked innocently, with an almost naive tone. It was no secret to anyone, and had never been, that Spike had his eyes on her sister since his and Twilight's first visit in Ponyville. Well, maybe not to every pony but one... "Come on Jane, over here! The young man shouts behind him without slowing his pace. His sister, Jane, was never particularly fast or athletic, and walking off the path in this forest wasn't exactly easy. She was short, barely a hair over 53 inches tall, and didn't have much in the way of muscle on her. Her long wavy black hair kept getting snagged by branches, making her yell out to her brother. "It's not much further!" He assures her, starting to move up a hill, occasionally turning back to make sure she was still in sight. Seriously Jack, wait up! Jane shouts angrily, throwing a twig at her older brother. He just laughs it off, grabbing her hand to help her up the crest. Jack stands over her at nearly a full six feet, with a more athletic physique. He has the same black hair, though cut much shorter, of course. After helping his sister up, Jane walks over to the spot he had found earlier. A fallen tree rests in front of circle of rocks that look like they were used to keep a campfire contained. Okay, we're here, so is this really all you wanted to show me? She asks, clearly not all that impressed. She huffs, blowing a loose strand out of her eyes as she looks around the clearing that must have been abandoned for a long time now. Jack sits down on the tree and pulls his sister over to him. What, you don't like it? Come on, it's remote, and you have to admit, the view is pretty nice too. Plus, the place is really quiet. He whispers suggestively in her ear, gripping her waist tight and giving her a knowing look. Jane stands up, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "What? You know that these studies are very important to me. I have to make sure that my training as an oral master doesn't go to waste." Jane mutters under her breath, something about her big brother being a perv, and begins to stomp off, kicking one of the rocks for the campfire out of the way. When she does so, the circle begins to sink as cracks appear. Jane! Jack shouts out, jumping up from his spot and running over to grab his sister. It's too late though, and the ground beneath their feet collapses. The two yell out as they start to fall down a long tunnel, holding each other throughout the slide. Closing his eyes, Jack clutches his sister tight, preparing for the worst. Luckily that doesn't happen. Instead they crash into a large pile of goose down pillows and silk clothes, the smell of expensive fragrances filling his nose. What the Jack mutters, looking up. It seems they fell into a large room surrounded by candles, and in the middle of it is the largest bed he'd ever seen. Hello, is anyone here? Jack calls out, standing up and checking to make sure Jane is okay. His sister sits up and grumbles as she looks around. "This is the worst prank you've ever pulled!" She yells at her big brother. Movement on the bed catches their attention though, and Jack quickly puts himself between it and his sister. They both watch expectantly, wondering what was there. Slowly, they start to walk over to it. "J-Jack, what is it?" Jane asks nervously, clutching her brother's back. Her free hand moves to the dagger at her waist. No one ever left home without some kind of weapon on them, and she was no exception. A flash of something blue catches their attention. "It's... a girl?" She asks, looking at the sleeping form on the bed. "More like a hottie," Jack says, staring in surprise at her. He moves over to the bed for a closer look. Some of her pale blue hair had fallen over her pretty face. As far as he can tell, she was around their age. "Who is she? I'd have noticed a girl like her at the village." He says as he brushes her hair to one side. Jane tells him she doesn't know, having never seen her before either. Not seeing much of any other choice, he starts to shake the girl awake, much to his sister's disapproval. It doesn't do any good though. "Maybe this is like a fairy tale." Jack suggests with a wink before leaning down and kissing the girl on her lips. "Ugh, Jack, gross!" His sister yells, smacking his head. "It didn't even do any good. Besides, how can you do that? What if she's... you know... dead." Her older brother looks over at Jane and rolls his eyes. "She's breathing just fine, and still warm," he says. His hand moves up the girl's body. This doesn't go unnoticed by his sister. "What? We need her to wake up to show us how to get out of here. Plus, I can always use more practice." He says as his hand gropes the girl's breast in his hand. Jane just rolls her eyes and stomps off, calling him a disgusting perv before getting to work looking for an exit. Jack ignores her, turning his attention to the blue haired girl. Her clothes are quickly pushed out of the way as he spreads the folds of her pink pussy. Wow, he hadn't gotten to practice as much as he liked, but even still, he'd never felt or smelled one as nice as hers. It was like it was begging him to continue, and he couldn't stop if he wanted to. Putting his skills to use, Jack slowly starts kissing along the girl's lower lips, sucking up the moisture as it forms. His tongue flicks out, running along her clit and rubbing it before he closes his mouth around it and sucks gently. He feels her squirm under him, and as she hits her climax, the whole room is bathed in a bright blue light that bursts forth out of the hole. "H-holy shit!" Jack yells, jumping back, looking around in surprise as he finds the three of them are back in the clearing next to the fallen tree.,"In a dreamless sleep, all sense of time is lost, and so Sari's only perceptions of the passing ages are the touches that send her into her slumber and the first ghosts of the sensations that come to awaken her. A feather's touch upon her forehead, then a gentle warmth against her lips, firm and yet fleeting. She moves slightly in her sleep as she feels a hand upon her chest, palming one breast and giving a gentle squeeze, the distant waking world coming closer as one hand is joined by another, both roaming lower and lower. Dimly she is aware of voices, so distant that all she can make out is tones of anger and disgust. Sari reaches for consciousness slowly, too slowly, as she feels it begin to slip away from her, then finding herself rising towards it again as fingers press against her sex and part her folds delicately. The flush that has started on Sari's cheeks begins to spread as Jack's ministrations begin, creeping down her neck as her even breathing quickens in response. He may not be a true master of the art, but all that is required is the art itself to release the bonds that hold her consciousness, and with her reaching for wakefulness from within, willingly taking the pleasure into herself as it sends her speeding on her way back into the world of the living... Her womanhood is well and truly leaking now, liquid arousal mixing with saliva as Jack works his way up and down her folds when he decides to go for the kill. Low moans tumble from Sari's lips and then escalate, becoming sharp and breathy cries as his tongue finds her clit, pushing her to the very edge of orgasm before he finally locks his lips to the sensitive organ and sucks. A cry of ecstasy pierces the air, the last manualist's back arches and she trembles uncontrollably as her eyes fly open, glowing blue light filling the chamber, reflecting back along the tunnel and searing straight upwards into the sky as the earth begins to shake around them and the world is washed away. The world returns shortly though, and with it comes consciousness, true consciousness. Sari takes in a long breath and lets it out as she opens her eyes, prepared to see the temple and the sages who put her to sleep, to say hello and ask how long she'd been asleep. Instead, light diffused through a leafy canopy and a startled scream greet her ears, prompting her sit up and at the same time try to scramble backwards. There are no familiar faces, not familiar roofs, not even a bed beneath her but a forest floor, hard packed earth and tree roots beneath her buttocks as she presses her back to a tree. "H-hello..." She greets cautiously, recognizing the two -now that she has a chance to look properly- as oral tribe people, two teenagers who could hardly be older than her, if not the same age, a brother and sister judging by their similar features. "I'm Sari... And you two?" "She walked in divine indifference, and wore a coat of misery, and of despair, and drinks of cup of sorrow. And the forces of darkness must sit at a table she made of the bones of their kin and weep bitter tears of the banquet she's made for them. Yet in her indifference and pain, of a destiny that she had tried to escape, by being good and indifferent to the surrounding pain. Because even if she had tried to escape, some things were not what you could get away. Then the world tilted, faded and reshaped. There she was there again, younger, more malleable, and the words drifted through as she walked in the night. There was a strange kind of thunder, a distant calling. "She is coming." There was an angry buzzing, of men who feared something they could not voice. A voice that didn't belong to my dream girl, but was in her memories anyway. Because it was telling of coming, and it was a story she would have known well." You wore the old ways, and make a mockery of everything we are. You twist things to suit yourself. They talk about honoring the gods that created them, both men and FAE, but it's a lie. You Sarsen, will meet our match, because you've perverted what we are. There will come a day the blood debt will be called in, and you will have to answer for what you have done." "Who is coming, dreamer?" "The dreamspinner who will walk between dusk and dawn. The poison that will be both your destruction, and your salvation." The buzzing grew louder, a howl from the night sounded, like a summoning. A sound full of rage and laughter, of fury and joy. "Whose memory am I in?" I asked looking around, trying to find something familiar. "You are in mine, dreamer. Or are you just another part of the dream?" I looked around, and even as the dream fragmented around me, I met the girl's eyes, and I realized something. My hope lay with Belladonna. Her darkness was my fate. Narcissa sighed softly as she walked into the black manor, looking upset as she searched for not only her cousin and his lover, but also her nephew. While he wasn't her nephew by blood, he was in any other way. Harry Potter nee Black was everything she could have wanted in a childhood playmate for her son Draco, and even if the rivalry had grown as they had, it was more friendly than anything else. "Siri? Remus?" She called as she walked up the main steps, fiddling with the letter in her fingers, because she did not know how to tell them that not only did they think that Dumbledore was dead, but that he had left a message, just for harry. And she was very afraid for her nephew in what could come next.,"Harry gasped as he was released from the dream, panting hard as he ran a sweaty, shaking hand across his equally sweaty forehead. His emerald eyes were filled with fear and pain, remnants of the dream which was replaced with confusion and frustration as he calmed down. This dream was worse than anything Voldemort ever sent him, and came almost every night, filling him with feelings that he didn't like. It made him feel empty somehow, like he was missing something in his life. Slowly sliding out of bed, he headed for the shower to clean off his sweat-soaked body yet again, thinking about the woman he had seen and the words she had spoken, and the realization that he had come to - the woman he saw was real, and was in pain, she was the missing piece of...something. He needed to rescue her, every last inch of him crying out for him to save her. He sighed and shook his head, heading downstairs to talk to Sirius. After Voldemort killed Harry's parents, the Malfoys rescued Harry from the burning building and laid him in Draco's crib, raising him until Sirius was set free thanks to the Malfoys' betrayal of Voldemort. They told everyone it was Wormtail who had betrayed the Potters. And Wormtail who had killed all those poor muggles. Sirius and Lupin were now mates, raising Harry together as only two very loving fathers could, but they were worried about Harry, who seemed tired all the time. They knew about the dreams, and were afraid it was Voldemort trying to drive their son insane. He walked into the sitting room, looking startled at Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. "Oh, good evening," he stated, nodding to them. He was a very polite boy, the Malfoys and Sirius and Lupin had made sure of it, but Harry was startled to see them. They didn't usually show up unannounced. From the looks on all their faces, something bad had happened, and Harry sighed. "What did I do this time?" he whined. He was a good kid, but he had Sirius's tendencies to get his ass in trouble. Lupin chuckled. "What are you doing up, Harry? Did you have that dream again?" he asked, hoping to distract Harry. The green-eyed boy nodded, but he wasn't about to be distracted. "What happened? Someone died, didn't they?" he asked softly, looking at the Malfoys. "Someone I know, and you don't want to tell me." "How had she gotten pulled into this mission? Sakura Haruno sighed silently as she walked, keeping her vision straight ahead as she had for the last several days, almost refusing to look at her traveling companion, her partner for this mission. She had filled out rather nicely in the past couple of years. There were rumors that she had enhanced herself with techniques learned from Tsunade, but they were nothing more than that, rumors. Her body was entirely natural no matter what people said. Still, how could this have happened only days from her 17th birthday? Dammit, she should be back home, preparing to celebrate with her friends. Instead she was on her way to an enemy town, where supposedly rogue ninja and samurai had been gathering to plot against the Leaf village. That in itself wasn't so bad. Hell, being partnered up with her current team-mate wouldn't be so bad in itself, but what really got to her....what made her hate this mission more than anything else.... "Married. We have to march right into that town, and get married. All for a mission. I don't believe it....I honestly don't...." She shook her head, then finally looked at the boy beside her. "And why of all people is it you? Why couldn't I have come with someone I knew? Someone I trusted? No, somehow you get picked for this, and by the end of today, we are going to be husband and wife, all so we can not look suspicious. To make it worse, we even have to share the same honeymoon suite room afterwards too" Sakura's eyebrow twitched, glaring at him for a few moments before looking back ahead. She could see the town on the horizon....damn....less than an hours walk away now....then likely an hour after that they'd be married...actually....literally...legally...married.,"Nathan walked alongside the girl, head leaning into the palms of his hands as they formed a small wall behind him, elbows out as he walked alongside her as she ranted. He didn't see what the big deal was. True, he didn't want to be on this mission with HER of all people either, but this gave him plenty of opportunities to amuse himself anyway with jokes and teases about their current situation. "Oh come on dear," Nathan said with a grin as he walked beside her and laid a hand onto her bum, then slowly moved it so it was caressing her hip. He pulled her body into his lightly as they walked and his eyes stayed forward. "It won't be so bad married to me. I'd treat you right. Make you food... keep you warm at night... bathe you... take a kunai for you. Though what I'm most excited about is us consummating the marriage." He joked. "I'd love to see you naked with me going inside you, you calling my name in never-ending lust. 'Nathan! Oh god! Cum inside me, impregnate me and let's really make this marriage official!' He loved mocking her. "Nal Hutta, the name meant "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese, the native language of the species that now controlled the planet. Nal Hutta was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y'Toub system. The planet was controlled by the Grand Council which was comprised of members from the various Hutt clans or kajidics. However, once one landed on Nal Hutta it became clear that the planet was neither glorious nor was it a jewel. Originally the planet was a lush jungle world with vast oceans but it soon became a polluted and barren wasteland once the Hutts took it over. Now much of the planet's surface was covered with flat, marshy bogs, muddy puddles, and sickly marsh grass. Even its atmosphere was polluted but the planet was still able to be inhabited. Several of its animals soon developed ways to survive the pollution caused by the Hutts. The Hutts build all kinds of palaces, pleasure gardens, and clan houses all over the planet. The Hutts themselves were primarily gangsters and slavers. They saw themselves as vastly superior to other creatures. The various Hutts clans also took every opportunity they could to stab each other in the backs. They did not get along and did not trust one another. The capital city of the planet was Bilbousa, which was a large port city. The Bilbousa bazaar and spaceport were points of interest in the city. Bilbousa was also where the Hutt Grand Council was located and from there the Hutts also ruled Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa which was also known as the Smuggler's Moon. Kalu Desilijic Tronus, was the head of the Desilijic clan...a clan notorious for its members' interests in humanoid females, extravagant tastes, hedonism, and expensive palaces. The Desilijic clan was one of the most ruthless of all the Hutt clans and were the bitter enemies of the Besadii clan. Kalu had built his palace outside of Bilbousa. It was a large structure, meant to make anyone who saw it feel small and worthless. Four spires surrounded the structure and served as watchtowers. The structure itself was round in design and a brownish-gold in color. From here Kalu controlled his various criminal enterprises and was always looking to form new alliances and deals with anyone who had no scruples about forming an alliance with a notorious crime kingpin. The Hutt himself was currently awaiting the arrival of a slave girl he had just recently purchased. The slime on his skin seemed to glisten slightly as the dim lighting from his palace shone on his body. Kalu settled back in his throne and puffed on his hookah.,"It was bad to be a female Twi'lek, for more often than not, you were sold into slavery. Indeed, Aola Ven was one of those unfortunate female Twi'leks to be sold into slavery. And she had the misfortune of being sold to a Hutt to add insult to injury. She would have been happier... or at least, less repulsed, if she had been sold to a human; they didn't have a horrid appearance like Hutts did. Instead, she had been bought as if she was a mere object in a store rather than a sentient being, and she was suffering the indignity of being put into a cage and pretty much being boxed up with a bow on top like a present for her new master. She had to be of extreme value to the Hutt, she had many guards surrounding her cage as she was brought before the Hutt. Privately, she was wondering how many credits she was worth to the Hutt. "Sitting in the club room of the Neighbor's Club,Kodaka Hasegawa relaxed on the couch as everyone else in the club did their thing. Sena was on the TV, playing her games. Yozora and Rika were reading their books, although Rika's book seemed to be a dirty one judging by that look on her face. Yukimura stood in the corner of the room, waiting for someone to call for her assistance. And Kabato and Marie were chasing each other around, acting like kids as they usually do. Everything was like a normal day in the Neighbor's Club. Since the club started, everyone's lives have been pretty eventful. Yozora turned out to be Sora, Kodaka's long lost childhood friend. Yukimura turned out to really be a girl, after so many years of thinking that she was a boy. Rika opened his eyes to the fact that they were all friends all along. Kabato learned to get along with others, although she still seems to fear Sena. Marie is now acting like a normal girl, instead of her superiority complex she had when they first met her. And speaking of superiority complex, his time with Sena has drastically improved. He learned that she was also a childhood friend from his toddler days. She's also his fiance, arranged by their fathers. And she even confessed her love to him a few weeks ago. Since then, he's been having these strange feelings about Sena. He wanted to act on these feelings, but he wasn't sure how the others would take it, especially after getting a lot of hints that the others seem to have a thing for him, especially Yozora. Plus, what would Yozora do if she found out that he had feelings for Sena? She'd probably kill her. After another uneventful day, Kodaka got up and got ready to leave. "I'm heading out. Let's go Kabato. See you guys tomorrow." Kodaka headed out the door with his little sister, holding her hand and walked home with her, strangely happy about the recent days in the club. Nothing has really changed, but since he was confronted by Rika, everyone seems to be more open with each other, and they are actually friends, although Yozora and Sena would never admit it.,"The atmosphere of the club room was the same as usual; boring but relaxing. The silence was filled from time to time by Kobato's and Maria's excited howls as they chased each other around the club room. Sena was grumbling to herself as she played her games and she was almost certain she could hear slight heavy breathing from Rika, who was reading manga. Boys Love, no doubt. Yozora Mikazuki flipped the page of her book and sighed, her fingers idly playing in her short hair. She twirled a lock around her finger and glanced up at Kodaka when he announced he was leaving. She said nothing but watched as he left. Rika and Yukimura told him goodbye in unison, Sena heard nothing, grossly involved in her game to hear the door open then close. Yozora looked around at the others and after a moment's thought - whether to follow Kodaka so she could walk with him some of the way home or not - she closed her book and picked up her bag. "I'm leaving," she announced, thinking that her voice sounded a bit awkward, as if giving away how eager she was to leave. Rika looked at her with a look Yozora found a little scrutinizing and she raised a brow, frowning at the girl."What?" "Nothing,"she said flippantly with a shrug of her shoulders then returned her focus to her book. Yozora shrugged and walked out the room, closing the door behind her after muttering a goodbye to Yukimura. She walked at a leisurely pace down the hallways but when she turned the corner, she broke into a run; wondering if Kodaka was already well off school property. No matter though, if she didn't catch him today she would tomorrow. She was still running, her head down instead of focusing on her path, as she neared the school gate and she bumped into someone's back. She bounced back and caught herself from a fall then looked up. "Kodaka. Why don't you watch where you're going?"she glared at him, keeping a hand against her skirt to keep it from lifting when a gust of wind blew by them. "A new year has begun at the Fumizuki Academy, a special school where students are placed in certain grade average classes based on their academic scores. The higher the grades, the higher the class, and the better the benefits. The different classes can challenge another class to a war where they use the school's special program to summon avatars with a teacher's permission. Though the avatars cannot hurt other students directly, they all have different power levels based on their latest test scores in the subject that is challenged. So naturally it pays to be in Class A, or the strongest class. The goal of the war is to defeat the other class' student representative or leader. When the winner is decided, the classes swap classroom supplies which Class A has the most prestigious items while Class F has the opposite. Those whose characters are defeated by reaching zero health must take supplementary lessons to restore their health, and the class that loses must wait three months before challenging another class for war. It sounds cool, she guessed. Emilee thought about the ways of this new school having to prepare herself for what was ahead of her, though honestly she didn't care too much. Sure, fighting with avatars is cool and she was pretty good at video games, but the studying part sounded boring. Emilee studied every now and again, but really she was too busy with her games to care about that. Probably why she ended up in Class F to begin with, oh well. Maybe in there she won't have to work at all and instead just bring her 3DS to school every day. Besides, why study so much if she wasn't going to use it in life anyway? It's best to just lay back and enjoy life while they're young, but she could tell by the school uniform that she had to wear that this wasn't the case. After walking past the other classes, she had to admit, Class A did look fancy like an upper-class rich school while the others were growing less impressive as the grades went down. Finally, she reached her class: Class F. The sign was made from a old piece of wood that dangled by one chain...bad omen for things to come. Once she opened the door, Emilee got a good look at the classroom before her. Mats for chairs, boxes for desks, no chalk for the chalkboard, a old podium...great. Softly she sighed and decided to sit in the back corner. She placed her bag down beside the tomato box that was now her desk and sat down on the dirty flat mat, crossing her legs Indian style despite being in a skirt. Even though it would make her skirt shorter and easier to see up of it didn't seem to bother or embarrass Emilee. Instead, she just pulled out a box of pocky and started munching away at the chocolate covered stick with her hand holding her head up with a bored expression.,"Nathan sighed as he sat in Class F, the worst class available at Fumizuki Academy. How he got such horrid grades, he'll never know...for he knew he was smarter than this! But apparently there was a mishap with his paperwork and the school got lazy and threw him into Class F for the semester. He would sit in front of Emilee, not really paying attention to the girl as she came in and sat behind him. He was just lightly dozing off all the while wondering...Why? Why was he part of Class F. He thought he'd at least get Class C but apparently this was not the case...and he sighed...falling backwards onto his back, head looking above him with his eyes closed...and suddenly he'd open them, only for his face to go red as he was looking right up Emilee's skirt. His face was red and a little bit of blood began to lightly drizzle from his nose as he eyed the girl...not even knowing if she was watching him or not. "Nilda shivered for the umpteenth time, stifling the whimper that threatened to escape her lips. She clutched at the white lab coat she wore that barely fit, vainly trying to cover up more of her big, beautiful breasts and creamy white flesh in an attempt to hide it from the chill of the night air. Still she never thought to complain, instead looking at Lucy Taylor with a wide eyed and trusting gaze as she steeled her courage for the millionth time this harrowing night and moved as quickly and quietly as she could. Nilda had no idea how she would have survived everything they'd gone through without the quick thinking guidance the lovely, inked amazon-esque woman had provided. "Hell, I know where I'd be if Lucy hadn't found me, still stuck in that hospital room being poked and prodded like a lab rat,"Nilda thought to herself as her grateful gaze rested upon her new friend. Nilda's breath caught in her throat, not for the first time as she took in the sight of Lucy's gorgeous eyes so radiant and deep that she felt like she could swim in them for hours. "STOP IT, girl! Right now! We lost them... But they still could be here any minute,"the barely dressed, curvaceous woman thought to herself as she shuddered again and looked around at where they were. Slums, definitely, WAY off the beaten track. They were in an abandoned railway tunnel, a space where a lot of homeless people had made cardboard boxes into shacks. Basically, a place where only the forgotten came... Which was perfect, for now. Nilda moved a little closer to Lucy and whispered, "now... Now what?" Nilda's tone carried nothing but her absolute faith in Lucy to come up with the perfect plan to keep them safe, and her patience and quiet acceptance of what they had to deal with after all they'd already been through. She blinked as she had a memory flash from the recent past. Lucy pointing to the locked door they had to get through and her, weak little Nilda, tearing the door of its hinges and casting it aside, accidentally throwing it into the pair of gun toting guards coming up from behind them. "I was scared shitless... Don't know how I did that..."she thought to herself as she gave herself over to Lucy's guidance, cold and tired and hungry, god she'd never BEEN so hungry, but well aware of how a misstep now could land them back there where all they'd have to look forward to were tests and medical shenanigans.,"Lucy wasn't happy with the situation they were in, not to mention the headache she had beating through her head and down her spine. "Fuck," The tattooed woman mutters as Nilda moves in closer. Lucy didn't mind the clingy Nilda, she could understand why she was scared but Lucy didn't have time to be scared. The doctors jackets they were wearing just wouldn't be enough to keep them warm tonight, so Lucy knew she had to do something to get them out of this pickle. "You need to trust me, I want you to stay here in the shadows and just wait for me." Lucy looks at Nilda with a reassuring smile before kissing the plump woman on the forehead. "Half hour, give me that before looking for me." Lucy bids her farewell as she stands and goes on her personal mission. With no money and armed with her own hands, Lucy walks until she finds a thrift store. Being closed wasn't going to keep her out. Lucy walks around to the back door in the alley, hopefully she still had enough energy to kick the door in like she did back at the lab. With a deep breath and little prayer, she gives it all she has as she kicks in the back door. Of course it was a steel door but Lucy didn't question it as she runs in as the alarm sounds. It was a bad part of town so it would take the cops a while to show up. Gathering what she could, Lucy makes sure she doesn't leave fingerprints as she leaves and heads back to Nilda. "Boo." She whispers as she comes up behind Nilda and shows her the clothes. "I wasn't sure what your size was, so I got mostly sweatpants and hoodies. No underwear, that would be nasty to buy used." Lucy places the clothes on the ground as she removes her lab coat. Yes, her male part was dangling between her legs as she pulls on a pair of black sweatpants and a red hoodie. "As for shoes, I found a pair of socks each and boots, I figure mens boots would fit whether it was the right size or not." Lucy came through for Nilda. With some decent clothing they could at least go out in the daytime. "Harry Potter was in his 6th year at Hogwarts and was, as usual, dabbling with things that he really shouldn't have been dabbling in. It wasn't anything dark or forbidden, no, even Harry knew better than that. And while for a Wizard his age it was illegal to Apparate...well...what he was trying to do wasn't technically Appearing so technically it wasn't illegal. He was trying to come up with an entirely new way of teleporting using magic, something untraceable, unblockable, something that would give him the edge he would need with how the world was changing. Sadly, this wasn't quite something he could handle all alone. Rather than turn to Hermione for help though, after all she would almost certainly have refused to help and just tried to talk him out of something like this, Harry had instead turned to Ginny. She was the next most intelligent and skilled person he knew after Hermione that he could trust. The two had been working together for a few days now, but they were close to a breakthrough...Harry could feel it. All the pieces were in was just a matter of balance. The wand motions, the concentration, the level of magic...all of it was right but there was just something missing. For now, Harry was trying to use a potion to fill in whatever 'gap' was left in the spell....and he almost had it right. "Ok....just a little of this and...." He grinned, the potion turning an ice blue in the small cauldron. "Ok...that should do the trick..." With a slightly cocky grin, Harry dipped his wand into the potion, holding it for a few moments before pulling it out. "Ok Ginny....let's just try....outside by the lake..." He nodded, closing his eyes and trying to visualize the lakeside, waving his wand slowly. For a second it seemed nothing had happened, but then there was a loud crack, sparks of magical energy everywhere and a blinding flash, both teens being knocked off their feet. When their vision cleared though, they would find themselves staring upwards not at a stone ceiling, but a clear blue sky. "It worked!!" For a second Harry thought everything had gone perfectly, but when he sat up he blinked. The lake was looking a lot....bigger. Wait....there was sand beneath his fingers...the lake didn't have a beach. "Huh...?" Slowly Harry stood up and looked around, then yelped as he saw they were not only nowhere near the lake....but nowhere near Hogwarts....the pair now on the beach of what appeared to be an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean.,"Ginevra (Or Ginny as everyone referred to her) had been rather eager when Harry asked for her help, especially when he chose her over Hermione. Okay, so he likely only asked for her help because Hermione would have gone straight to a member of the faculty as Harry was tampering in something fairly illegal, but it was the thought that counted. And if all went well, it would be a great learning experience for everyone involved. Ginny had been hovering around Harry like a busy little bee, gathering whatever components he needed for his experiment and handling any of the more complex measurements for his ingredients. "Hm... it's certainly a long process," Ginny mused about halfway through the experiment. Still, her grin refused to fade away, eager to have this chance to work with her crush. Against the rules or otherwise, this was still new and fun! So she braced herself when Harry reached into the cauldron, and then with a powerful rush the two were flung across the barriers of space at a phenomenal speed, both of them bursting out onto some sort of sunny beach - Ginny landing flat on her cute butt as they hit the sand. "Ooof!... In the future, Harry, you might want to bring a cushion for the journey," Ginny mused. She paused then, blinking in shock and then gulping loudly. "This... isn't the lake, is it?" "Things were quite different in the wizarding world now that Voldemort had made his last stand and died. The world was more at peace, and although it took them time, they became more accepting. Especially after the Potter children started at Hogwarts. With Lily Potter being sorted into the house of the snake, everyone had to change their views. They wouldn't dare think of the wizarding world's princess as anything but a proper young lady who had nothing but good intentions. They would only be partly correct, however, because she was still a Slytherin. Which meant she was a sly, devious little girl who had her mind set on nothing but the best things that she could get. That meant she attracted certain kinds of people into her life. She had befriended Draco Malfoy's son, Scorpius, sometime in her first year, and they had been good friends for a long while. Though they both developed some feelings for each other, but for some reason just never had the balls to say anything about it. They just kept the friendship there, though somehow they both knew they wanted more. He was also in Slytherin with her, of course, just like his father. So of course he was in the same class as her when they were told there had been an accident at the ministry and they needed several new batches of poly-juice potion. So they called upon the current seventh years, the graduating class, to help them with it by being assigned a project. Lily didn't entirely like the idea because as a newly eighteen year old girl, she wanted to spend her summer at the beach, in a bikini, flirting with guys. And she was sure Scorpius didn't want to waste his new of-age status on work. But things didn't seem too bad when they were both partnered up so she was to stay with him at the Malfoy Manor while they worked on the potion. The travel from Hogwarts wasn't too bad and neither was her introduction for the first time to Mr. Draco Malfoy and Mrs. Astoria Malfoy. Surprising how she was just meeting with them when she had been friends with their son for so long. She was just making herself at home in the guest room, hanging up her clothes when she saw Scorpius at her door. She turned and smiled at him, and she said sweetly, "Hey, Scorp. Just finishing putting my stuff away. Then after that we can do something fun?" She heard they had an indoor pool. She was definitely looking forward to that.,""Scorpius really didn't understand the irony of being best friends with Potter's daughter," he said, taking in her body. "But then again, he didn't take the time to worry about the past." To Scorpius, it was all about the present, and he was one to take things in stride. A bit of a bad boy even by Slytherin standards, Scorpius had learned a thing or two from his father about the way of the snake and about generally looking down on the other houses. He'd done a splendid job of that throughout school and had managed to stay out of trouble, aside from dark arts, which he excelled at. It had been a shock to everyone when she broke the family line by being sorted into Slytherin. Once on his side, Scorpius befriended her almost immediately. She'd always been cute, but over the years, she grew to be a sexy eighteen-year-old. Scorpius felt like an idiot for not having made a move on her. They were both in their prime and it was clear they were both attracted to one another. Unfortunately, things had never reached that level. When it was mentioned they'd be partnered up, Scorp jumped at the chance to have Lily over his place. He knew his parents would be fine with it. Although they'd never met Lily before, they knew she was nothing like her parents and welcomed her like she was family. Lily's stay was still pretty fresh, but Scorpius hadn't thought once about their assignment. All he could think about was some much-needed alone time with Lily. He'd already shown her to the guest room and had given her time to unwind before returning to the door to see if she'd settled in. "Hey, Lily," he responded when she turned to him. "Yeah. Fun sounds good," he said simply, his mind wandering as his eyes took in her body. The two of them often had fun doing the most mundane things, but Scorpius was eager to up the ante this summer. He wanted to see if they could take their relationship to the next level. It was about time. They'd been friends for years and the sexual tension was reaching a fever pitch. "What are you thinking?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow as he took a few steps inside the guest room. "TJ Hammond... how would one describe him? He was the son of the would-be president and also of the former president. The man was all over the place, always in the spotlight. What people didn't know though was that he was a vampire. Not just any vampire though, but vampire royalty. He was born in 1589 to his mother, Elaine Barrish Hammond, and his father, Bud Hammond. Course, that was not their name then, when they were living in Romania. He and his twin brother were always causing trouble, but TJ more so, with his love of blood and drugs. While normally it would not affect a vampire, he was not into anything made in the human world. No, his drug of choice was the blood of fae royalty, and one in particular. Krystal Kobayashi, who was the first in line for the throne of the dark court. She was a very mellow girl, having loved TJ since the moment she met him, but was too shy to tell him. They had been friends for centuries, but it had only been just recently that the pretty fae had learned the vampire prince liked women as well. She wouldn't get her hopes up though, having never found anyone who hadn't broken her heart. Even when she had been with TJ's twin, Douglas, she could never seem to make him see. "TJ, why don't you see I love you!?" She would write endlessly in her diary, not knowing that the cunning prince did feel the same. At least not until the night of the annual newborn ball. The night where the long-standing blood ties between fae and vampires were almost broken. Yes, the newborn ball. A ceremony and dance held every year to induct the new vampires and fae into their chosen coven or court. It had long been a tradition between the two races, but this year would change everything, becoming a bloodbath by accident. Newborns are very strong, and very thirsty, so they are generally fed as much as they can drink before the ceremony. This year was no different until one of the fae dignitaries cut himself on a knife. After that it became an all out bloodbath, and Krystal and TJ got separated. Unfortunately for the pretty fae princess though, she got a bloody nose. She was quick and eluded most of the newborns, until she was cornered in the library. "TJ!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, never having screamed that loud in her very long life. In a flash he was there, standing in front of her protectively. "Stop. If you hurt this woman, you all die. She. Is. Mine." He growled out, and the newborns backed away. It was physically impossible for him to be disobeyed. When they were alone in the library, TJ stroked her cheek. "Oh god Krys.. I almost lost you.." There was fear in his gray blue eyes, until he kissed her long and hard. Now she had her answer. He really did feel the same.,"Krys? The soft lilting growl sounded through the room, warning of who was going to walk in the door within moments, and indeed, the voice was followed by the appearance of the seelie sidhe princess, the warrior princess that neither court of fae liked, but relied on to be as hard and nasty as they needed her to be. While no one would admit that they needed the huntress, she was the sword their enemies were threatened with, the utterly ruthless warrior who was all sharp edges and diamond-sharp anger. Because despite being fae royal, the last princess of the seelie sidhe, the last true blood royal of that court, Glorianna Belladonna was hated by her own people, both the unseelie and seelie courts despised her, and the real reason why was a closely guarded secret that no one but Glorianna knew why, but all fae sensed something was different about their royal. So they hated her for it. While she was tall, lithe with hair the color of new blood spilled under moonlight, when she walked through the door it would take a moment to realize she was actually wearing clothes under the wash of blood making her skimpy black dress cling to curves that weren't usually obvious, her blood-red hair looking even more bloody, leaving tracks of blood dripping down her face, she really had taken a bath in it. Raising a hand to wipe the blood away, she raised her sword, responding to TJ's presence without really being aware. Back off, vampire. "Mia Wilde's world simply fell apart at the seams when her father ran off. It wasn't unusual to not see him for days on end, being as how he kept to his research, and remained downstairs in his lab at all hours...and yet, for him to disappear without a trace...? It broke her heart. Their relationship never was the best, but lately, it was improving...getting to the point where they could get along. Dinner was no longer spent alone... in the early hours of morning, she'd wake up to the smell of bacon... Yes, their little family was healing after Mrs. Darius Wilde's tragic death. One day, though...the man went down into his lab...and it felt like he never came back out. At first...she didn't worry about it too much. On the fifth day, though...she opened the door, just to give him lunch...and he was gone. The answers came soon enough, however. It wasn't long until large, strange men appeared at the door, demanding money that she didn't have. Apparently... Darius Wilde fell onto hard times, and borrowed money in order to fund his research on Life Fibers...leading him to debt. No one was buying his research, and so he was left with no other options but to run. Not that reasoning it made things any better... He couldn't even tell her that money was becoming a problem. So here she was, left alone...with an empty house, no means to pay for his debt...and no other choice but to see what she could sell. That is what prompted the girl to venture down into his lab. Question is... well, is there anything of value there? Their lives used to be humble, not in any way extravagant or luxurious... In fact, being a One-Star, they lived in the slums... the lowest of the low. After swallowing the lump in her throat, Mia extended a hand...the fingers wrapping around the knob, and giving it a firm twist. Her skin prickled when the door groaned in protest, however, nothing jumped out at her...nothing snarled, or anything of the sort. It was all just part of her overactive imagination. Relieved, she opened the door, light piercing through the darkness below...dust rising to make itself known...and it wasn't long before sneezes forced the girl to cover her nose. Strands of dark red fell over her eyes, a hand lifting to brush the pesky strands behind an ear. Her eyes lifted...and the light revealed that one was a soft, mystical blue... while the other was a pale, frosty gray. It was a birth defect, heterochromia, to be exact. Most people couldn't meet her gaze because of it... and so, more often than not, she'd let hair fall over her eyes... so no one would feel obligated to look. It was better, really... because she didn't really know how to respond whenever she sees someone looking at her with contempt, or pity, or... whatever. Mia cleared her throat one last time, before venturing on. There was dust over everything...over test tubes, over an old computer she remembers Darius working on not too long ago...over crinkled papers and various pieces of cloth. Her hand reached out, the tips touching upon soft fabric...the likes of which she's never felt before. What the...?Curious despite herself, Mia shifted closer, and found that it wasn't simply a piece of cloth...but rather, some sort of outfit. What is this...?Unable to see because of how dark it was, she traced along what details she could pick out...and picked it up from the dusty table. More swirls and coils of dust rose...of course, causing her to sneeze again. I should take it get a closer look at it...That decided, she draped the fabric over her arm, and began making her way back up the stairs. Each step let out an eerie groan of protest...but she ignored it this time. It was a relief, to be out of his creepy, abandoned lab...not to mention away from the dust. Wiping her nose, Mia walked into the living room, letting her eyes adjust for a moment while she set down...whatever it is, across the table. Finally...she studied the material, and surprise played across her mismatched eyes. What was Dad doing, with a schoolgirl uniform...?the girl thought, her fingers fiddling with the scarf. It was pretty, she'll give it that...what with its soft, muted gray color, and its blue accents. The pleated skirt was a bit short, in her opinion...but most skirts are nowadays. What did she expect? A finger moving to the front, quick pain slashed across the pad, causing her to hiss with both surprise and pain. "Ow..." Sucking on her finger, Miami carefully began pulling the pin out...unaware that the blood along her palm was dripping down her wrist. It wasn't long before numerous drops fell, very...very close to the uniform in question. Once the pin was removed, she checked her finger. "I should get a bandaid real quick..." she murmured under her breath, already heading towards the kitchen. The momentum caused a few drops of blood to land on a gray sleeve.,"He could remember a pair of hands reaching out and grasping his cloth, sewing it together. Slowly wrapping up consciousness. Giving him life, and then sight, and then understanding, and then words. And then nothing, nothing whatsoever, for the longest of times. Then a light trickle, a single drop of blood, sweet and warm and nutritious, and his eyes snap open, dark gray and black circles wrapped around one another in a simulacrum of a human gaze. Just enough blood to wake him, to remind him of how hungry he is, how much he needs something to keep going... And he all but hurls himself at the woman he can see nearby, sleeves wrapping around her neck, wordlessly grasping at her clothes, striving to pull them away from her form, regardless of tears or rips or broken buttons. He snarls wordlessly again, grasping at her collar, tearing the fabric and trying to swivel himself around her, pressing his sleeves against the buttons of her shirt. "Wear me, woman! Now!" he commands, in a low, dark voice, gray and black gaze fixated upon her face. "Wear me, feed me, make me yours, but let me be worn!" he growls, fabric parting, almost 'tearing', but re-affixing itself, the skirt snugly around her hips in half an instant, before he has to turn back around, trying to open himself and engulf her with his fabric. "Hermione traveled as quietly as she could. Her brown curls were tucked neatly behind her head in a braid, and her hazel eyes searched the ground before her. Everything that she had seen so far was dark and unidentifiable. Sneaking around a private home meant no 'lumos', and therefore, she couldn't see. In fact, the brunette was lucky she hadn't tripped and broken an arm at this point. Turning another corner, the pale figure glanced around the corridor. She needed to find the room where Harry told her a passageway was located. But at this point, she and Ron had been running in opposite directions for half an hour, and nothing had been discovered. Sighing, the young adult pressed against a wall, holding her wand tightly against her side. There was a window in the perpendicular hallway, and light was streaming through it and onto the marble floor. A tension arose in Hermione with the newly found light, and now she seemed quite frozen. Harry had made such a fuss about staying dark and hidden that the idea of running through white light petrified her. Taking in a few deep breaths, Hermione turned and ran through the new light, and straight into a doorway frame. SMACK! Right against the wooden hinge was where the girl's cheek hit. "Agh!" She muttered, and a few curses escaped her quiet breath. Stamping her foot on the ground, she raised a delicate hand to her cheek, and felt a few drops of blood. "Ugh... Gross..." Rolling her eyes, she quickly raised her wand and whispered the age old healing spell. Soon her cut was a scab, and within moments an almost invisible mark. Wiping her blood on her dark jeans, she decided to continue on with more focus. And so, in the dark, Hermione wandered on through the halls of Malfoy Manor, confused and alone.,"While she had been doing her best to sneak and remain undetected by the owners of the manor, she had failed miserably. For the past 15 minutes she had been watched by Lucius Malfoy rather closely. He was not in the Dark Lord's favor and capturing any of Potter's little friends would help. But then as he watched her wandering around in the dark, bumping things and even running right into a door, he decided that he wanted her for himself. She was young, probably only in her 6th year at Hogwarts and she was rather adorable. But after watching her a little longer he decided that he couldn't wait any longer. He pointed his wand at her and muttered Stupefy. The red light struck Hermione hard in the back and with another flick of his wand she was bound and being dragged across the floor by magical rope. Soon she was being dragged towards the basement. "Well well Granger. You thought that you could sneak into my Manor? We knew where all of you were the moment you got here. I am sure Potter and your Weasley friend are both already dead. But you have a big idea for you. A very particular form of torture." "Zack yawned as he walked for seven hours, taking a hell out of him. It was troublesome when you felt this sore, but he always thought that he would get used to it. Especially when traveling for three years. Traveling on foot naturally kept him in shape. He wore basic traveling shoes, black shorts and a black vest over a white shirt, carrying a good amount of pockets for convenience. He had a pokball hanging around his neck, right before you would come across his calm expression. Some facial hair was present, as if he recently trimmed it. However, the same could not be said for his curly fro, as wild as one would expect. His brown eyes showed disappointment, as he wasn't feeling well. "Maybe I should take it easy and just rest more," Zack suggested to himself. He sighed as he crossed his legs while sitting down under a tree. After giving himself a minute, he decided to pull out lunch. "Hmmm...should I cook or be lazy?" Zack had a few options, but he wanted to eat before feeding his own pokmon. He gave it some more thought before deciding to just eat a cold-cut sandwich with some chips. He placed his bag on the ground and placed his food on it. He suddenly realized that he had nothing to drink. "Oh come on!" he whined in annoyance. "I swear that I brought two liters of juice! Fuck me..." Zack groaned as he grabbed his empty water bottle, which was strapped to the side of his bag. At least, he didn't need to go far to get water; there was a steady stream not a few yards away. Thus, he crawled over and took his time gathering fresh cold water.,"The trees around him rustled softly with a light breeze, and occasional small pokemon scurried too and fro. However, as Zack moved, a pair of deep red eyes watched him move, a pokemon watching him curiously. Each time a tree rustled, the owner of said eyes would dart from one bush to another with very little sound before Zack sat down at the base of a tree. As he brought out things to eat, the pokemon paused behind a bush and watched him through the trees as he pulled out a sandwich and some chips. For a long moment, the pokemon was unsure what to do. She wanted something to eat and this trainer had something that appealed to her. Hearing Zack speak, the pokemon paused as he groaned and made his way over to a steady stream that wasn't too far away. With a soft growl to herself, she crept out and hurried over to where his food was and began sniffing at the sandwich and chips. Now that it was out of the bushes, it was clear the pokemon was actually an Umbreon, which was actually rather rare to come across in the wild. Her black fur seemed to draw in the light around her while the golden yellow rings on her body stood out brightly against the black. As she sniffed the food, the bag of chips rustled just enough to be heard from the stream. She felt her stomach growl and she tried to decide what to eat while the trainer had his back turned. "T'challa, regent king of Wakanda, had been entrusted to watch over an artifact of omnipotent potential, the infinity gauntlet. He was more than aware of its abilities having witnessed the mad titan's grab for cosmic control. To an ordinary man, to have such a thing in his possession would have been nigh impossible without succumbing to its seductive thrall, power lends to the corrupt, and absolute power corrupted absolutely. Still, a part of him wanted to test this hypothesis. T'challa was anything but ordinary, but even he was not immune from temptation. He tried it on, on a whim to see...and he found that the gauntlet hadn't changed his mentality...but it lead to a sort of awakening of the consciousness. In his first hour, he went about exploring the outer reaches of the universe in search of finding a common string among the various parallel universes, less than a day had passed coming into possession of the infinity gauntlet and he had already been corrupted by its power. He had found his answer...or so he thought. His first target was none other than Natasha Romanov, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and fellow Avenger. It was around 3 or so in the late hour when he would make his unannounced visitation to her quarters aboard the Hellicarrier. T'challa observed the sleeping beauty - mid-sleep in a chair positioned across from her bed. He was certain that she would stir from her rest any minute now. He needed to see her, interact with her. A part of him wanted to resist his true motives for turning up there of all places. He sat there with a sort of distressed look etched on his features "Natasha?...I didn't mean to wake you from this hour but I need you right now...Help me, won't you?-" He was certain she was intelligent enough to put the pieces together, with the infinity gauntlet fixed to his hand, showing up in her bedroom of all places and his anxious state.,"Natasha, being a former KGB woman, had been trained quite vigorously so that she could awake at a moment's notice. Thus when she heard a voice beckon to her, the redhead sprung up into a sitting position, one hand under the pillow to grip the old luger she kept there... and then relaxed when she realized who was in the room with her. "You have a great sense of timing, you know that?" she said with her usual brand of dry sarcasm. Her vision adjusted better to the darkness of her personal quarters, and as this happened she could make out more details of her late night visitor- namely that he was carrying one of the most feared and potentially lethal weapons in all of creation on his hand. "T'challa," she said, her D-cup breasts bouncing in her tank top as she sat up further. "Why in god's name are you carrying that thing on your hand...?" "Nate had finally managed to get away from the orphanage where he'd been stuck since the age of 4, ever since his parents had been killed in an accident at a Spaceport on the colony where they had lived. Things hadn't been good there, the place was not only underfunded but the staff clearly had a disdain for children. And after 12 years Nate couldn't take it anymore. The escape had been rather meticulously planned, he knew exactly what time the staff did their rounds to check on people, he knew exactly when and where they were all the time. Then finally his opportunity had come. With a single backpack that contained all of his few possessions he had snuck through the hidden nooks and crannies in the building, past the gaps in the building scanners and out of the grounds. From there he had made a dash straight for the spaceport, desperate to get as far away from the orphanage as possible, even if it meant sneaking halfway across the galaxy before anyone realized he was gone. Unfortunately, he had no actual money to purchase a ticket off world, so he'd had no choice but to use his hastily developed sneaking skills once again to get into the spaceport and identify the least guarded ship that he could, getting past the security guards and technicians prepping the ship for launch. He knew there would be a check of the ship after it was sealed, so that left him with only one choice of hiding spot, an Escape Pod. He strapped himself in just in time, the ship shaking violently only minutes after he had gotten himself in place. This was the first time he'd ever been on a launching ship, it was rougher than he had expected. But still, he was finally getting away. Away from everything to start a new life somewhere else! Several hours later, the ship had safely jumped to hyperspace, though there was a bit of turbulence. As much as he would've liked to explore, Nate knew he couldn't go exploring the ship. If he was caught then either the ship would turn around and take him back, or he'd be arrested and shipped back as soon as they arrived at whatever the ship's destination was. If it meant staying away, he was happy to sit safely in an escape pod for a few more hours. Unfortunately though, fate seemed to have other ideas. Suddenly the ship rocked as it hit a particularly nasty jolt of hyperspace turbulence, not such an unusual event in itself. However, the jolt seemed to trigger something, alarms beginning to sound around the escape pod. "H-huh? What?!" Nate sat up, about to try and scramble for the controls, but he was too late. With one final alarm, the escape pod suddenly jettisoned, being launched into hyperspace blindly. When the pod slammed into the side of the hyperspace tunnel, the ship rocked violently before being forcefully ejected into normal space above an uncharted planet, the pod hurtling straight towards it. The escape pod streaked across the sky in a bright fireball, uncontrolled beyond the computers desperate attempts to gain some control, before violently smashing through several trees. The crash had damaged the pod, cracking it open, destroying the engines and communication systems and knocking Nate unconscious, alone on this unknown alien planet.,"The sky above the forest was growing dark - but despite this and the general thickness of the brush, the distant orange glow of the crash site was all too visible. It was a miracle that no fire had escaped the ravished area, but the risk was still present. "You saw it too, didn't you?" Sally asked. She knew full well she wasn't alone in her darkened wood-paneled office, but she didn't turn her gaze from her telescope aiming out the open window. "Of course. It'd be hard not to," her visitor replied in a sensual tone. She was veiled in shadows, the area she felt most comfortable in. "Felt it too... whatever it was, it hit the ground hard... and no doubt 'you know who' will be snooping as usual. I came by in advance, I thought you'd want me to investigate." Sally nodded to herself. "You thought right. Eggman will no doubt want to find out what just crashed out there and if it's something useful then you can bet I don't want him finding it. So, get out there and..." Sally turned, only to realize she was alone again. Sighing, the brunette fixed her hair. This one was a stealth specialist for good reason. With deliberate silence and skill, the winged woman made her way through the forested realm outside the rebel camp. Along the branches, through the bush, without raising a noise. When she reached the deep trench and crater carved in the earth by the ship, the winged woman realized she had thankfully arrived here first. She landed neatly on her high heels, sauntered over to the crushed and damaged pod. It took only a little strength on her end to tear the ruined door off its flimsy hinges. Down it went with a clatter, and the young man would awake to see an abat-like woman looking down on him. "Well now," she purred. "What do we have here?" "The television screen flipped through the channels, each station only one for a few moments before quickly blinking out to the next one. Underneath the covers a pair of green eyes peered as a pale hand lazily pressed the button on the remote. Zack was depressed, he'd been like this for days. The newlt turned sixteen year old sulked. He was the only kid in his small little town without a pokemon. He'd been born in the spring, but the partnering always took place during the spring and summer seasons, even the fall sometimes. He was just so unlucky to be born then. "Derin got his when he turned sixteen," the dark haired adolescent moaned, speaking of his older brother. Just then there was a knock on the door, Zack groaned and slowly opened it. "Hey bro..." the person he did not want to see just then said. It was his older brother, home from college for the holidays, but he'd be leaving again on his big pokemon adventure. "Leave me alone..." he said once more sinking into his bed sheets, vanishing from the world. "Heard about the tough break, wanted to give you something...your birthday gift, maybe it'll make you feel better," though when he gave his older brother no response he simply left the gift on his dresser. Minutes passed, and he started to feel a bit like a jerk. "Wasn't his fault," he said to himself. He kicked the covers off himself and blinked a few times. His black hair was a mess, he'd been in bed till way into the afternoon. The first thing he did was look at his dresser, seeing the small box on it. It was crudely wrapped, and had a rather annoying big bow on it. He went over, picking the parcel up noticing it fit in the palm of his hand. He unwrapped it, and tipped the box over in his hand. He felt something smooth and cold. Could it really be? He looked at his palm, seeing the red and white sphere in his hand, whats more he noticed it was used. His feet flew a few inches off the floor as he ran downstairs, tackling his older brother. " bro ever!" where the only words that where understandable, as he spoke so quickly before jetting for the front door. He quickly pressed the front button on the ball, as it expanded in his palm he tossed it, eager to see what was inside.,"As the pokeball was unwrapped and tipped out of the box, its slightly worn surface shone in the light of his room. It was a normal pokeball with a small flame symbol on the top just above the white button. It had been Derin's very first pokeball which housed his very first pokemon. The pokemon hadn't been seen around the house very often, though it was usually heard more than seen when ever Derin had been home from his travels. When the ball was tossed, it popped open in mid air and in the usual bit of white light, a petite yet fit pokemon appeared. Once the light faded, it was easy to see that it was a beautiful vulpix. The girl was maybe at the most 5'6" and weighed maybe 130 lbs. Her body was curvy with a sexy hourglass shape to it, her waist small with flared out hips and perky breasts. Her fur was a glossy reddish-brown color, her feet and hands a deeper red while her six tails and her curly hair were a dark red. After she was released, she looked around with her big, bright bown eyes before her gaze landed upon Zack and she paused with a twitch of her ear. "You're not Derin." she said softly, her tails swaying behind her as she shifted her weight, causing one of her hips to jut out on one side while she gazed at him. The vulpix's name was Natalya but Derin often called her Nat or Lya. She was wearing a cute white dress with a pink ribbon around her waist and neck though she was barefoot. Though it wasn't unheard of, it was a little strange to see a pokemon dressed in such a fashion. Usually the outfits were shorts and a tank top. Something simple and easy to battle in. "To make a deal with a demon is pure madness. However, sometimes revenge calls for mad actions. It is early morning and the mansion is already a buzz of activity. The gardener has already begun tending to his greenery, the chef has almost finished breakfast, the maid has already cleaned two wings, and the young mistress still has not awoken. "Is the young mistress still not awake? Just how long does she plan on sleeping today?" The chef exclaimed impatiently. He had always worried that his food would not be enjoyed at the moment of completion. It just wouldn't be the same if they had time to alter temperature too much. A chuckle left a man standing in the corner of the kitchen. The man stood tall with fair skin, dark black hair, a cool and calm look of confidence ever stuck to his face, and a pair of almost unsettling red eyes in his skull. He looked to be no older than mid twenties but displayed a wisdom and knowledge of someone much older. Sebastian Michaelis, the head butler of the house and closest person to the young mistress. He spoke after a few moments, "She has a busy day ahead of her. She will need as much sleep as she can get if she plans to get through it all without getting cranky." He watched the chef continue cooking. Though he was not the chef himself, he took it upon himself to ensure the food was perfect. Once completed, he took it upon himself to take the breakfast up to his mistresses bedroom. As he walked through the corridors to the master bedroom, his eyes calmly surveyed the area around himself in search of faults. Already, only after one hallway, he had made mental notes of at least a dozen fixes he needed to see to. These fixes would have taken a normal butler ages to notice, but Sebastian was no normal butler. He approached the door to the master bedroom and knocked with his free hand, mostly out of tradition before entering. He approached the bed, "Your breakfast is ready, won't you rise?" He smiled and looked to his mistress, the one who had summoned him, a demon, to aid in her revenge.,"Serena was the craziest person to many people who knew her. Well, she was already crazy normally, but this wasn't normal - having a demon butler. She didn't care, Serena didn't have to because she was fueled by revenge for what had happened to her when she was young. The long story short of her past was that her parents had split after a huge fight over a serious matter, causing her and her mother to live away in the mansion, though he lived somewhere else in another part of the country. Serena couldn't forgive him for what he'd done personally to her, seeing as he hadn't cared much for her safety or general care as his daughter. Somehow, she inherited a mansion from her great-grandfather, and she'd been surviving for a little while now. Right now, Serena was asleep in her bed, wearing a white nightgown and with her long black hair lying behind her like a bunch of black snakes that couldn't move at all. She yawned and hugged the pillow next to her, slowly opening her eyes to see the dress man in front of her. Yawning and sitting up, Serena slowly stretched, seeing the sun's rays barely hitting the window through the curtains that still covered it. "Thank you," she said softly, turning to pick up her plate and place it on her lap, beginning to eat it. ""Don't you ever sleep?" A voice chided as the office began to fill with people after a few hours of near hallowed silence. The only people who had filled it's interior during the time most in the department were laying in bed next to loved ones and trying to dream about things not involving death had been a lone female working at her computer and the custodial crew. "Sure I do," the female in question replied with a slight upturn of her lips as she reluctantly tore her eyes from the screen to stare at the middle-aged woman holding two cups of coffee in her hand and dressed in 'business casual'. Or as Michelle liked to call her, 'Soccer Mom Executive.' "You were there at the computer when I left at five yesternight, have you moved at all? Have you eaten?" The older of the two harped with her now free hand on her hip and eyes glowering down at the Asian woman sitting at her desk. "I moved..a little." Michelle replied meekly as she sipped her coffee and inwardly sighed with relief. Caffeine was a gift from the Gods in her opinion and she'd been in sore need of some. But that's why she adored Marjorie so much. Always knowing who needed a refill on coffee, a bite to eat or even a kind word when nerves were worn thin. Michelle had seen her tackle a grieving family in the deepest pits of despair and five minutes later, talk a hostile ex-husband out of doing something extremely stupid. "Moving fingers while typing doesn't count," Majorie said, shaking her head. "You know if Sanderson knew you had been here all night, he'd blow an artery. Go outside, get some air. The case will still be here when you get back. I'm the one who has to listen to that man bitch when I file all the hours away to payroll." Michelle huffed in mock annoyance, pulling the chair out and pointing to the office door. Slowly, Michelle got up out of her chair and skittered towards the door and was greeted by a blast of cold air and early morning sun. Tristan would likely be arriving soon, and maybe then she could sneak back in and get back to work. The latest case to come across their desk stumped her and she hated hitting the proverbial wall. Two murders, the victims were members of Humans for Humanity, a hate group that lobbied against vampire owned businesses and urged to reinstate 'Varmint' laws, which would give any citizen legal right to hunt lycanthropes. According to the report, the victims were killed by vampires and though they showed signs of bite marks and draining, the wounds seemed wrong. Far too messy even for a new vampire and yet, where did all the extra blood go if not in a vampire's belly? And the Master of the City's decree that any members of HH that were found near his residence would be dealt with severely only made things worse. The sight of the sun rising made all of those hours she'd spent reading and reviewing tapes and pictures all come to a head and she finally wilted a yawn before sipping her coffee. "I was feeling fine until I came out here.."She groused to herself, glancing at her reflection in the office window and trying to straighten out her hair. Even though she looked like something that stepped out of Seven Samurai, Michelle considered herself more American than anything else. Even if she hadn't come to the states until she was a small girl. Her mother had wanted her to be a doctor or a housewife, but even as an infant, she followed in her father's direction and showed more interest in playing cops and robbers than dolls growing up. Now that she was pushing twenty-eight, her mother feared that she'd never receive grandchildren from her oldest. Another yawn and she shook her head while stamping her feet to get the blood moving through her body once more. Maybe she'd shock her partner and suggest an early lunch as she took another sip of her coffee.,"Tristan yawned as he entered the double doors at the entrance of the building's lobby. Sleep had been something scarce lately, but it was to be expected with this job. At least he had more energy than that of his human days. As he mused that thought, a small flash of white showed with a toothy grin, inhuman fangs flashing briefly. Inhuman mahogany eyes were weak and weary. Dark black hair was tied back, reaching just between his shoulder-blades. A few shorter strands fell in his face, giving his eyes a small level of intimacy that he couldn't possibly achieve otherwise, as weary as he was. Caffeine was a common commodity in the office, but his damned metabolism needed an abundance of it. Between Michelle and Tristan the amount of caffeine intake daily was scary. He took his black too. Highest of concentration. No sugar. As he headed up to Michelle's office, he realized he was sort of on autopilot today. Though, he knew it wasn't going to be an issue once he was in Michelle's company. She had enough energy and was active enough to keep him on his feet. Luckily Tristan himself had an active personality and could keep up with the most prestigious detective in the agency. It did, however, take far more effort than he liked to put forth. More so than he would have liked to admit. Michelle seemed a bit caught up in her reflection when he first started watching her. She was a lovely little number, he couldn't help but notice. Instinctively his gaze seemed to flare to life as soon as his eyes rested upon her image. The Lycan placed a gentle knock on the door as he drew in his last leisurely breath. The rest of the day would be dedicated to his partner, murders, and homicides. "You're just wasting company time trying to look pretty." he teased as he watched her play with her hair. He was still, almost eerily so. The wolf in him often poked through his human facade and did things the normal human body wasn't capable of doing. Watching her body language for a few moments, he realized she was probably trying to become warm. "I have a few propositions for you, you know? To get you all nice and warm." He couldn't help but flash her a handsome grin. Crossing the room, breaking his still stance, he loomed over her. He took a sip of his coffee and waited for her to propose the day's agenda. Walking closer to her, he glanced over her shoulder scoping her desk for any sign of paperwork. Standing at 6'3", it was pretty easy to do as his lean, muscled body towered over her. "Hinata stood outside Naruto's apartment complex and sighed quietly. Apparently the Kyuubi had taken control and Naruto was going berserk. So Hinata had decided to volunteer. She had not been thinking when she volunteered for the position. Now though it was a little too late to change her mind. She cared for Naruto and did not want him to be taken over and unable to regain himself. " we go..." She said, looking up. Hinata had purposely avoided telling her father what she was about to do. Knowing he would veto the idea immediately. Her father, while not being very keen on her being heir to the Hyuuga clan, cared for his daughter. He did not want her walking into a lions den...or a foxs den in this case. Clearly it was dangerous and she understood that danger. She could be killed immediately if she made a wrong move. So at almost seventeen Hinata found herself standing outside Naruto's apartment door. They had three Anbu outside the door and surely more unseen keeping him contained in the room. One of the Anbu stepped up and spoke to her quietly. "Are you sure, Hinata-san?" Hinata nodded her head, knowing who it was. Her cousin. He was to tell her father if something went wrong but she refused to think of that possibility. "Yeah. I am sure." At least she hoped. Carefully they opened a hole in the barrier and she stepped inside, it immediately closed behind her. "N-Naruto?" She said, looking around for the man she had always cared for. She did not know what to expect when she walked through the door, but she knew he would not be the Naruto she knew. At least that was what she was told. It was her responsibility to help him regain his consciousness.,"Naruto was lying down on his bed in a feral fox manner, with his head resting on his paws. When the Kyuubi heard someone enter the room, he slowly looked at her with his fox ears and tails twitching as he observed her. So far, he had no reason to move or attack unless provoked; the Kyuubi did have some recognition of who she was, having seen her try to free him from pain and getting sent flying by Pain, which ignited Naruto's anger. The Kyuubi in Naruto was curious as to why Hinata was here, his eyes not moving from her, wagging his tails slightly. "Most ponies thought that after the victory in the Crystal Empire, Sombra had been fully defeated and likely killed. But he hadn't been destroyed. A stallion as powerful as Sombra could never be fully killed no matter how many blasts of rainbow magic struck him. He was nearly immortal despite not being an alicorn, and as a result he was locked up down in the deepest prisons under Canterlot. In the crystalline caverns, a number of dangerous beings were kept, and in one strong cage, the king was locked up and had been for the past few years. With a few exceptions, his only company was a stallion who dropped off food once a day and made sure Sombra wasn't gone. Today, he was going to have some more interesting company. Twilight had been researching the Crystal Empire, but found a lot of information to be lacking. Finally, she figured that she needed to find a more reliable source, and with her alicorn status, she could get into the prison. She hadn't had any trouble getting in, but she had avoided telling Princess Celestia since she knew her teacher would worry. The alicorn had a wide smile as she approached his cell. She was a pretty mare, with nice hips, C-cup breasts, and a pretty face. She had the long wings and horn of an alicorn, and was dressed in dark jeans and a dark purple sweater that clung to her body. She had a notebook under her left arm. Sombra? She said a bit hesitantly when she finally reached his cell.,"Sombra, the true ruler of Equestria, was recovering after his defeat at the Crystal Kingdom. Biding his time until he was ready, he heard a familiar voice as two green eyes opened and a grin formed. As the glow of his eyes and the gleam of his teeth could be seen in the darkness, he said in a playful tone, "Awww, my dear Twilight Sparkle...or should I say Princess Twilight? Since you ascended to an alicorn, have you come to give me company after such a long time? I haven't had company in my deep, dark cell since you imprisoned me here." He chuckled. "Or have you come to mock the beast that is now trapped in his cage? What is it, mare?" He walked out of the shadows, trapped within his crystal cell, running his hoof across the barrier that sparked against his hoof. "Speak now, mare. I have very little patience for you, Princess Twilight." "Sophie slipped into the tight suit in the changing rooms at the back of the bar. The suit was entirely black, encasing her from ankle to neck when the zipper was up. The look was completed by high-heeled boots and, of course, the cowl. Her long black hair was twisted up and pinned to her head underneath the cowl, with black eyeliner around her blue eyes. Loud music and commotion from the bar itself were muffled by the closed door, but only made her feel more uncomfortable. She still needed the money, but that was, as it had always been, the only reason she was there. Already her thoughts were hours away, after she'd danced for the customers, earned the tips they'd push into the suit where she had slid the zipper down. And if they wouldn't behave, she might just seek them out, after. And so she went through the motions. When the bar closed, she lingered until all the other girls had left. Then Batgirl would slip outside. These nights she'd go after them with a kitchen knife and a long whip. She wasn't a great fighter yet, although she was taking classes in martial arts. The whip however was a prop from an earlier act she'd done at the bar, she'd gotten quite handy with that. Sophie still felt a little nervous as she stepped out. She picked her targets at work, perverts, thieves, muggers. Yet her heart raced in excitement when she found that guy she'd been looking for tonight. This particular lowlife had been harassing Sammy at the bar, going as far as hitting the dancer when she told him off. Sammy was a friend, a colleague. This guy needed to be taught a lesson. Her luck was up as he was just going to pee. With a quick flick of her wrist, the end of the long whip struck at the back of his head. He yelped, hands going up to his hurting head in a reflex, leaving the man in a rather embarrassing position with his dick hanging out. That's what you get for hitting women. Sophie spoke in the most angry tone she could muster. Another flick of the wrist and the whip cracked in the air, making the man flinch. Don't let me catch you at it again. It was enough to get him to scurry away, one hand on his jeans, one hand on his head. She bit the inside of her lip to keep herself from smiling. Doing this, especially when it went well, made her proud of herself. That in itself had been pretty rare before.,"Night. Night was the time when things other than daylight changed. The atmosphere changed, and the people changed. Many of those people would change from some ordinary citizen into a criminal, but for Bruce Wayne it was changing from a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist into the dark and brooding vigilante named Batman. Was it always the choice that Bruce made? The answer would be no. While the tragic deaths of his parents weighed heavily enough on his mind to drive him to become a vigilante, his first time out wasn't the best. He busted some muggers in a leather jacket and ski mask, but the criminals did not fear him. They mocked him first and continued their mocking until he knocked them unconscious from his superior fighting skills. After that night he knew that they would fear him as he was. That was when the idea of the cape and cowl came to be. He brushed it off immediately thinking that it was ridiculous and focused more on his love life and trying to move past the obsessions of his youth. Then he watched as the city decayed further without his help. More and more reports of crime filled the news stations and Bruce could take no more. After that the cape and cowl was donned and Batman began... A few years had passed and he had grown in popularity as people leapt at the chance to vocalize their opinions on him. Some claimed he was some urban myth that was started by some punks, but it was proven wrong as a photo was taken of his thwarting a bank robbery and people certainly believed.. As his popularity grew many people began to copy him by taking to the streets and trying to do what he did. For instance this one woman who Bruce was surveying at the moment. While he was out on patrol he decided to check to make sure that none of the copycats were out tonight. GCPD reports placed one of the copycats operating in this area so he decided to take a look. He was observing the strip club as it was a hot spot where the lowest of the low gathered for viewing pleasure. One stepped out to relieve himself but only met with the few cracks of a whip and he was running back inside. He caught the flash of black and silver and moved in after the creep was gone. He glided off of the building in front of the club and landed in front of her. He stood up and formed a menacing brood on his face, his mouth and body language as much. "What do you think you're doing?" "By this point, the painted surface of her ceiling was starting to burn into her retinas. She had been lying there all damn morning and hadn't even mustered up the energy to move yet. Anna couldn't explain it really, this general sensation of fatigue filling her to the brim and making all her muscles simmer with some soreness. At first, when she awoke, she had considered it to be a fever which was far from uncommon in Arendelle. Now that seemed far from the case. The redhead could only lie there, dressed in silk purple pajamas that covered much of her womanly body while her red hair fanned wide and loose beneath her. Her skin was getting clammy with sweat, her breathing growing more labored, and more than once she'd shoo'd off one of the castle staff. She felt bad doing it of course, but whatever illness this was it left Anna in no mood to be civil. As morning turned to afternoon Anna was still lying in bed, the sheets kicked off and left pooled on the carpet. The staff would come and go to Elsa, reporting of more groaning coming from her chambers and her continued refusal to leave her room. Stranger still, soon more of the servants were coming to Elsa and reporting of rippling heat waves becoming visible in the corridor just outside Anna's room. Strange to say the least, and what neither sister could know was how much stranger this was all going to get. Lying back on the cozy mattress Anna turned her head and let her cyan eyes settle on the glass double doors leading to her balcony. Fogged up from a steam she couldn't see. "Weird..." the princess croaked.,"Unlike her sister, Queen Elsa still had a kingdom to run. The icy blonde had spent her entire morning fending off various political issues, issuing proclamations, and just generally making certain that Arandelle stayed peaceful and prosperous. The queen had received a few notices from servants that her sister hadn't left her bed but, well, Anna had been known to sleep in quite late in the past. True, she'd gotten significantly better since the whole incident with Elsa coming out and all. Though Elsa thought she recalled Kristoff visiting the night before. So she didn't really think much about it. She thought a good deal more as Anna missed lunch. Anna may miss several things through sleeping or avoidance, but meals were generally not among them. Elsa might skip a meal or two, mostly out of business or because she accidentally (or "accidentally") froze a meal, but Anna ate rather regularly. In fact, the staff informed Elsa that Anna hadn't taken food for most of the day. Anna did occasionally squirrel away food though, and Elsa did have duties of her own to attend to. Which actually left things up to Olaf, who'd been visiting at the time. The perky snowman had come to inform Elsa that things were not right with her sister. The first clue had been that Olaf appeared to be about a third melted despite the spell that Elsa had cast over him. From there, Elsa heard from the castle staff that there had been heat waves. So the queen figured now was the time to check on her sister. Fearing that Anna may be quite sick, Elsa opted to change into a more demure and rough dress than her normal flowing ones. This one still happened to be teal blue, but probably wouldn't have looked out of place in a peasant's wardrobe. It cinched around Elsa's thin waist fairly well, and covered enough of her. The ice blonde hair had been tied up and pulled back, and Elsa was ready to go. Or so she thought. The heat waves proved difficult, and Elsa had to actively expend her own magic in order to get close. She'd cooled the doorknob and then forced her way into the room. "Anna? I'm coming in!" she said, leaning forward to look around the edge. "Can you tell me what's going on here? There's an awful lot of heat for this time of year," so much that Elsa could actually feel sweat beading on her brow, something she hadn't felt for a very, very long time. "Once Johnathan swung the heavy oak and iron door shut behind him, he placed his back against the cold stone wall and let out a sigh. He hadn't understood why the man he'd paid to take him up here had been so adamant that he'd be turning his carriage around shortly before sundown. Johnathan had rather assumed that the man had seen a stranger appear in town and decided that this would be a perfect chance to charge triple his usual rate. It wasn't until the sun was almost down and the wolves had started to howl that Johnathan had realized that he really should have waited until the next morning to ride to the castle. Still, he'd made it here in one piece and had somehow managed to keep his bag with him in his haste. It would have been a wasted trip if he'd lost the documents that the countess would need to facilitate her relocation to London. Johnathan pushed away from the wall as another howl split the air, prompting a wry smile to form on the man's face at the thought of the wolves' disappointment at being denied their meal. He was just grateful that the countess had been kind enough to instruct him to let himself in when he reached her home. The letter had suggested she preferred to do business in the evenings so Johnathan wasn't entirely certain he'd find her up yet and he certainly wasn't going to go searching the castle for a lady's bedchambers. Mina wouldn't enjoy hearing about that in his letters, that much was certain. Of course, posting said letters was going to be more difficult now. He'd sent one off when he arrived in town to let her know that he'd arrived safely but if correspondence necessitated braving wolves and skittish carriage drivers he'd probably be better off waiting and sending her another letter as he began his return journey. He removed his coat and found a spot for it near the door before proceeding into the building, helping himself to a candlestick that happened to be at hand and showing himself around. The scent of food caught his attention and he turned his feet to follow. Surely he was expected and he presumed that the countess wouldn't be far off if dinner was being served. A flickering fire in the dining room's fireplace, along with a multitude of candles illuminated the room. He approached the table but was loath to sit until he'd found his hostess.,"As Jonathan waited, hot steam and enticing aromas wafted from the food upon the table: freshly cooked meat and vegetables, warm bread, honey, butter, and wine all lay temptingly before him, and the sight and scents of it all served only to remind him how long it had been since he'd had a truly good meal. The journey from England to the Carpathian mountains had been a long one, and even though the taverns he'd stayed in had on occasion served good food, in memory they simply gelled into one mediocre meal, always in uneasy company and cramped surroundings. The castle may not have been in magnificent repair, but still it was spacious and warmed by an open fire, and the meal was more reminiscent of Mina's home cooking than of some tavern stew. Gratefully, he did not have long to wait before the countess made her presence known. Silently she ghosted down the stairs, her attire all lace and gossamer, and as black as the night sky. Her hair, too, was black; her lips a rich, blood red upon blanched, snow-white skin. She wore a long dress whose tails skirted the floor, and whose bodice clung tightly to gently curving hips, and full breasts. Her nails were long and pointed, painted red, and if she wore footwear at all they were hidden beneath the reach of her dress. When she spoke, her presence took him by surprise; one moment he had been waiting on her, the next she was slipping past him and into view, a polite, if mysterious smile on her blood red lips. "The food will not stay warm for long," she said, her voice intoned with the deep, sultry accent of Transylvania. As she spoke, the countess slid around the table and faced Jonathan across the steaming plates, before settling into a high-backed armchair and crossing one leg over the other. "Sit. Eat. I am Countess Cocula; you must be Mr. Harker, no?" ""Uck. Feel like I'm going to be scrubbing muck out of my fur for a week," Beast Boy complained to himself while looking over the gunk that was currently staining his uniform. At his side was Starfire, the Tamaranean alien Princess and one of his fellow teammates on the Teen Titans, as they made their way down one of the hallways for Titan Towers after a hard-fought mission. "Oh goodness...that mud monster was quite strong," Starfire remarked, wincing as she tugged at one glob of goo tangled into her glorious red hair. "And we have a meeting to attend soon too." She turned her focus toward the green-skinned human. "Oh! Perhaps we could save time if we shower together Beast Boy! After all, it is a custom on my planet to have group showers after a hard fought battle!" The suggestion came suddenly enough for Beast Boy to literally stop dead in his tracks. His body comically stiff as a board as it stood in a straight upward position, before slowly turning his head with rather disbelieving eyes at his teammate, "Wait. You mean. Me? And you? Shower?" This seemed too good to be true. Sure, Starfire's culture tended to clash a lot with Earth standards, so it's not like he doubted the sincerity. But there was Robin. There was common decency. There was... that cute, perfect alien figure which stood there before him with that same wide eyed cuteness she often held. "I think... that... is a great idea, Starfire!" Beast Boy suddenly let out with a wide smile and an approving thumbs up at the orange skinned beauty. Don't worry about Robin, he figured. It was just a shower. An innocent, platonic shower between friends and teammates. Besides, he was always on time for meetings. Already changing his direction to head toward the showers, Beast Boy was eager to start before anything ruined this one time chance, "C'mon, Star! The quicker we get in there, the more we can focus on getting cleaned up before the meeting starts." A short time later, the two young Titans would indeed find themselves alone in the shower area of the Tower. Beast Boy let Starfire prepare on her own as he got the waters ready. "This has to be a dream," the shapeshifter uttered under his breath while checking the water temperature; his uniform still on at the moment aside from the gloves as he considered the worse, "Or maybe Cyborg's pulling some crazy, messed up prank on me? Man, I'm so putting novelty bumper stickers on his back again if that's the case." Around then, the sound of another approach would draw Beast Boy's attention away from the by now ready shower; causing the somewhat skeptical teen to turn around and verify who was there.,"Indeed, to the alien princess known as Starfire this was all an innocent expression of kinship and friendship. Her people commonly held communal washes on Tamaran, to clean the blood off their friends after a hard-fought and well-won battle. And what luck that Beast Boy accepted the suggestion, Raven had turned down the alien princess when she made the offer the first time. So once alone in the woman's changing room, the orange skinned alien was quick to remove her stained purple tube top, revealing her generous orange breasts, followed by her purple miniskirt to show off her shaved mounds. "Goodness, these clothes are filthy," Starfire remarked aloud as she took her gloves off, before stepping out of her knee-high boots. The freedom was much obliged, and soon she was fully naked. Covered in monster mud in a few places, but still naked. Small wonder she was the object of desire for many boys in Jump City, even if she was oblivious to that. Well now that she was ready to go, she quickly started flying toward the shower itself, deciding to meet up with the green-skinned hero in the men's room. "Beast Boy!" she remarked, sounding like a fussy mother. "You are not naked yet! You cannot wash in your clothes, you'll never get clean like that." she said firmly, placing her hands on her rounded hips. "Do you require assistance undressing?" the innocent alien asked, tilting her head to the side. "Callie was a little surprised that the restaurant was as busy as it was, she didn't know why but she had thought that in the midst of war people might not be as inclined to partake in fine dining as usual. It seems she was wrong though, in fact it seemed even busier than the last couple times they had come here. She supposed if she really thought about it it made sense though, people wanted some form of normalcy and perhaps they felt the need now more than ever to enjoy themselves and indulge. It wasn't too dissimilar for her and her husband, Corran, either. Normally a date night wasn't so expensive or high end, but it had been a little while since they had been able to go on one, and the last time he had had to leave almost as soon as it began. So she supposed that he felt the need to make it up to her. Callie didn't mind that one bit. The galaxy had been tangled in a strange war for a few months now, one that none of them had really thought could or would happen. A war with the Reapers. The Council had assured them all that they were mere myth, that Commander Shepard, the Savior of the Citadel was misinformed and only being hyper alert in the aftermath of the Attack on the Citadel by the rogue Spectre Saren and his flag ship, Sovereign. There had even been rumors that humanity's greatest hero had cracked under the pressure. Then she had died, and everything had seemed to quiet down. Life had returned to normal, just like everyone wanted, and her warning had gone ignored. That was impossible now, and not just because Shepard had returned from the dead like a ghost, but because the Reapers had arrived. Earth had fallen first, targeted as an apparent threat, and one by one the home worlds of the Citadel races were being pulled into the fray. It felt strange to be sitting here in a restaurant with her husband, wearing a sleek, short black dress and her long black hair down in loose curls, the bottom half streaked with dark green, and her finely featured, angular face dolled up a little with makeup, while Earth burned. Callie had never had to wear much in the way of makeup to make herself look good, she was beautiful, and Corran was handsome, they made a good-looking couple. They'd been married about a year and a half, though how long they'd actually been together was a matter of contention between the two of them. Corran considered it to be the day they'd met, claiming he'd known then that he was going to marry her; Callie considered it some six months later, when he finally convinced her to start a relationship with him. A proposal had come soon after, then they'd both let their contracts with the military run out, gotten married, and moved to the Citadel. Corran's application to Citadel Security had been accepted almost immediately, and Callie, who had been a medic in the Alliance Navy, had gotten a job at Huerta Memorial Hospital. The next year had been a normal one, a happy one, even if sometimes Callie did feel bored. She tried to keep herself busy with kickboxing and wall climbing and work, never having been the sort to be happy being idle, now they were both so busy they barely got to see one another. As the war had started, refugees of all races had come pouring into the Citadel, as had injured soldiers. C-Sec was scrambling to keep up, and so were the hospitals, with only the worst cases being sent to Huerta. Tonight though they were trying to just slow down. They'd just finished their appetizers and were waiting for their meals, an opened bottle of wine on the table for them to share. Technically they were both on call right now, but Callie had made it clear that she was taking tonight off, and Coran had assured her that his sergeant said he could have tonight too. And since Callie wanted to get laid and Corran was always a bit friskier when he had a little booze in him, she had insisted on wine. Neglected was maybe a bit strong of a word to describe how she'd been feeling about their relationship lately, but it was close. So have you seen the previews for the new Blasto movie? Looks pretty good, Callie chuckled, since by "good" she meant cheesy and over-dramatic, but that's what made the series so endearing. Who could take a movie about a Hanar seriously?,"Corran's eyes were reflective of his joyous mood. Despite the fact that C-Sec had more or less dumped the workload of two or three officers on his shoulders, he convinced himself it was because if the Citadel wanted justice, it was his responsibility to police it. Society would think that with the advanced understanding of the universe, a certain level of sophistication would follow, but the truth was that society just found new and interesting ways to descend into depravity and exploit those who were dealt a weaker hand in life. Corran was the razor thin line that kept those people from harm. Yet... all of that sense of self-assurance and understanding wasn't what kept him happy. It was the woman sitting across from him, a broad smile cracked his handsome face, and it stayed put as he reached across the table to let his fingertips dance gently along the backside of her hand. "Blasto? Mhh... if we want to get a good laugh, I say we see it tomorrow. If you just want to see people get shot, you could follow me around for a day." A chuckle rumbled up baritone chords but it was relatively quiet compared to the low rumble of the chatter from all the restaurant patrons. Corran used his free hand to grasp the base of the wine bottle and showed an uncanny precision as he poured the contents into his glass. Not a single drop spilled, but this was no surprise considering his profession required absolutely steady hands. Once the wine was poured into his own glass, he leaned forward some in his chair to reach to her side of the table. His brow was arched in question, and a tip of his head was to gesture towards her wine glass followed by "Refill, love?" Callie was a spark of beauty among a world of tainted. It's not that the C-Sec or Military life had ruined Corran's outlook on all of society, but he was acutely aware of how quickly a person could devolve into a monster. While it certainly wasn't fair to place her atop such a pedestal, she was almost this idea of what a woman or person could be: beautiful, passionate, and always focused on saving a life or bettering the situation of a person who was wounded. It's almost as if they fought the same war but on different fronts. As confident and headstrong as Corran was, Callie had become something of an emotional rock for him, keeping him steady despite the crashing waves of pressure from his career. So it was no surprise then that he'd fallen so completely and absolutely for her when their relationship blossomed, and even now, married years later, she was still a treasure to him. "I'd think you'd want to see something with a little more skin than Blasto though..." Corran teased, his right eyelid falling shut in a fast wink as if the words weren't indication enough to what he meant. "Totally. Fuckin'. The whole cockpit shook as the massive feet of the ATAT crunched down into the thick snow on the surface of Hoth, bouncing Captain Nancy Green in her seat like a small child in a papoose. Of course this particular baby was wearing a ridiculously bulky black helmet and had her hands all up in the navigational gubbins of a three kiloton siege engine. She shoved the yoke forward and Big Betty took her first ponderous stomp toward the distant Rebel base. The smaller, nimbler ATST units swarmed ahead, weaving in and out between the Betty's legs like a hungry wolfpack. Nancy wasn't a big person. In fact by all accounts she was downright scrawny. But at the helm of Betty, some fifty feet up in the air, she was just too high up to hear the haters. The other two giant metal camels in her squadron fell in beside her, the Arx Imperia and the Glory of Coruscant. She knew their captains well enough, and they were both stuffy as hell. Captain Gloria of the Glory, in particular, was probably the most frigid bitch in the quadrant. Probably felt right at home on Hoth. The comm chimed and orders spewed in over her helmet's display; Betty on point. Nancy switched off the safeties. Which safeties? Every fuckin' one of them. Suddenly Betty lurched forward at full combat speed, kicking over some especially ballsy Rebel scum on a tauntaun. Who fucking rides fluffy kangaroos into a war zone anyway? Reaching above her to flick a big friendly red switch (with a tag hanging from it that read: Nancy, don't touch!) Nancy activated the PA system and blasted the Rebels with power ballads from her homeworld. Mostly tracks by the Nerf Herders with selected compositions by the Wookiee Cunts, classy stuff. "Gunner!" she shouted, too focused on keeping the Betty on course to spare a glance to her cabin-mate. "Can you give me a reason, any little reason, why you aren't lighting these bitches up?","It doesn't get any better than this. "Yeah! You better run!" The young blonde cried out from the gunner seat. She brushed her shoulder-length hair behind her ears once again. Thankfully most of her targeting was through the computer, so she didn't have to wear the ridiculously large amount of gear that her companion Nancy did. She instead just wore her normal imperial uniform, which despite her large chest and wide hips, made her look pretty damn ordinary like everyone else. But everyone else didn't have the best damn job around. Sarah scanned the horizon once more, blasting rebel after rebel who were dumb enough to stand and fight the multiple stories tall mechanical beast. Rebel after Rebel, speeder after speeder, just a couple quick movements from her and they would go flying right on top of a giant explosion. How much better can life get? Unfortunately though, the rebel cruisers were demanding the majority of her attention, she didn't even want to think about the amount of shit she would be in if this thing got brought down. She rolled her eyes as she heard Nancy yelling. "Because! I am trying to keep us walking so that you can step on these 'bitches'! Also turn off the damn PA system!" She yelled back, as she blasted another foolish rebel who thought a rocket launcher would slow them down. "Usagi watched the customers pass by the glass. Some of them paid no mind, others looked her up and down greedily and shook their heads at the price. One customer even laughed, she could hear them through the shop window, sharp and loud. Part of her thought he must have seen her shaking. She was the last survivor of Crystal Tokyo. They were defeated, wiped out, and she was the remaining prize. She had spent decades fighting for her people and now there was nothing left. She had been boxed up and shipped out like an artifact from an ancient civilization. Only she wasn't going to a museum. She was going to a slave shop... as a window piece. Usagi was dressed to the nines. They had spent hours changing her and curling her long hair. Her long delicate curls were sported in their normal pigtails with little pink bows and gold stars tied in random places. Her pale skin was smooth and decorated with gold sparkles glittering in the neon lights of the downtown. She had on light makeup, gloss to make her lips more pouty, rouge to make her cheeks flushed, and dark mascara to bring out her blue eyes. Usagi squirmed under the alien's staring. She was also dressed in nothing but lingerie. Pink, sparkling lingerie, gold stars and little moons embroidered in the lace, and a sheer white robe lined with pink fur. The most embarrassing thing by far was the pink leather collar, with a little gold moon tinkling against the chain that held her in place. She had been standing in the shop window like a mannequin on display for three days. She was past crying now, she just trembled as the aliens passed her. Usagi genuinely did her best not to even look at her potential owners. She ignored everyone that walked through the door, tensing when the shop keepers welcomed them. Crying wasn't going to help her, begging was useless, expecting anything less than the worst was pointless.,"Garrus had it all after helping to save the galaxy - money, fame, and power... but he didn't have a good woman for himself. He had tried dating after the event with the Reapers passed, but he just couldn't seem to hit it off with any girls. So, he decided to use his money and connections to buy himself a good-looking human slave. Ever since serving on the Normandy, he found himself very attracted to human females, despite being a Turian. When he walked into the slave shop that Usagi was displayed in, he knew he had to have her, no matter what. He quickly struck up a deal with the owner - he would be allowed to fuck Usagi in the store for a very high price... then, if he enjoyed her, he could take her home after paying some more. Garrus waited eagerly for the owner to open up the display case Usagi was in so he could get inside and ravage her. "Hermione Granger openly gaped at the collection of house elves before her. It wasn't the elves themselves: Hermione had seen large gatherings of them before. She knew that several dozen, if not several hundred, of them worked day in and day out for Hogwarts. Hermione had literally seen them in action, had fought for them, formed SPEW. Yet what she saw now had her utterly dumbstruck. "This---this can't be happening!" she insisted, knowing her voice went too loud in the large room. Like many rooms at Hogwarts, this one went unused for the most part. The castle had many such chambers tucked away, not only the Room of Requirement that Harry had found and used for the DA last year, but also several others. The house elves were certain to use them all. In fact, that was how Hermione had found... found this... orgy of debauchery stretched out before her. Prefect Hermione Granger had been researching this for, well, it felt like months but weeks might have been more accurate. She didn't want to interfere with Harry right now, as he was busy taking lessons from Dumbledore and getting everything prepared for his inevitable confrontation with the Dark Lord. So Hermione figured that she could handle something like this by herself. Besides, it was hardly the sort of thing she really wanted Ron and Harry to know about. Just mentioning it to Ron would've resulted in belly laughter. House elves stealing witches' panties, seriously? Even Hermione had thought it ludicrous. Her own hadn't gone missing, but supposedly Ginny's and several other girls' had. As prefect it was Hermione's job to check it out. And as the president and founder of SPEW, it had been her task to believe the elves innocent until proven guilty. Oh, how very guilty they were right now. The virginal teenager couldn't believe her eyes. Never in her seventeen (fairly recently turned, mind) years of life had she ever seen... this. Not even the few times she'd nearly stumbled onto Ron or Harry looking at illicit wizarding magazines or confiscated such materials from naughty students. The room was just... filled with house elves. There had to be at least a dozen, maybe twice that. And more than half had witches' panties wrapped around what appeared to be... well, it looked like their genitals. Hermione couldn't recall ever seeing house elves... genitalia before. Yet here she saw several very erect specimens. Now, why did the female house elf who'd directed Hermione down here seem so bashful? The busy-haired girl simply couldn't believe her eyes. She kept working her lips, fighting the utter terror. "You!" she said, pointing at one of them. "You stop that---" Hermione paused, looking at a pair of panties, one that looked oddly... familiar. It took her a few seconds to realize why it did so and she flushed crimson. "Those belong to Ginny Weasley, not you!" she insisted, storming toward the elf in question, righteous indignation filling her every bone, making her small form quiver. She hadn't quite thought to reach for her wand yet: it still lay tucked into the pocket of Hermione's skirt, shoved against the side and nearly pushed up into her vest. Said gray vest, with Gryffindor color trim, covered a white blouse with rolled up sleeves. It all pushed down Hermione's already moderate bust, which heaved with indignation. A matching skirt, also fine gray with the Gryffindor trim, swished with nearly maximum regulation length meeting the top of a pair of long stockings. "You give that up right now!" she insisted again, stomping a foot and gesturing toward the elf. "I can't believe you all would even consider... what do you have to say for yourselves?" And she looked around, wishing that she could channel Mrs. Weasley.,"The life of being a house elf was indeed troublesome. Having to work for witches and warlocks who often took their gifts for granted or mistreated them through malicious intent, clothing being their main bastion of sanctuary from that life. As such, it was perhaps little wonder why some number of these elves would take it upon themselves to have fun at the expense of the latest generation in those family trees. There was even perverse irony at play in how an article of clothing, namely young witch's panties, was the primary source of this fun, but none of the elves seemed to care on such matters as they busily went to work enjoying the ill-gotten wears. A number of them didn't even appear to care when the Granger girl showed up on the scene, with a few of them even seeming to grow further aroused at the fact that one of the young witches they had so far ignored was now watching them play with her classmates underwear. The one busy with Ginny Weasley's panties simply stared at Hermione as she called him out on it, with a perverse little smile spreading across his inhuman features as he spat out, "Mine for now! She can have them back in another minute!" His hand started jerking the panties even faster along his concealed cock as a few of the elves laughed at the response from their different placements within the room. The little witch is jealous, one suggested, while another that sat upon the table with one pair of panties on his head and the other hanging off his arousal suggested, "Are you mad we didn't take your panties, too?!" Another chorus of perverse snickers came out of this, with the house elves gazes settled upon Hermione in a way that perhaps wasn't the most promising in terms of her intent on getting them to listen to what she had to say. Maybe we take your panties right now?! One house elf seated upon a nearby stool suggested, as it reached out with a cool poker from the nearby fireplace and snuck it under Hermiones skirt long enough to lift it and give them a good peek before she could brush the object away. They seemed to ignore any other words of indignation she had to say as they snickered and whispered amongst themselves in a less than promising way, before the young witch's attention would be returned to the elf that was busying itself with Ginny's panties. All done! Here! It called out, before suddenly flinging her friend's panties, now soaked with several loads of house elf cum, into her beautiful young face. This earned a few cackles from the other elves, but this wasn't simply a lewd gesture on their parts, as the soaked panties acted as a big enough distraction for a couple of elves to sneak in on either side of the clever little witch. She needs to loosen up! One of the pair said, before Hermione was suddenly struck on either side by a bolt of magic. Even she could get to her wand in time to deflect one, the other should prove successful in hitting its target, as they aimed for the girl's midsection and hit her with a strong enough dose to likely cause a slight loss in balance. By now, each of the elves had taken a break from playing with the panties in hand, as every one of them gazed upon the witch who would soon find her senses heightened in such a way that even her very clothing would prove uncomfortable to wear. Come on, now! Let us see those panties! A particularly bold house elf declared as it and another suddenly grabbed onto Hermione's stocking-covered legs; their slimy cocks rubbing themselves along the material of her stockings, while their skinny fingers reached under that lengthy skirt to teasingly stroke along her inner thighs as their hot breath could be felt upon her skin. "Happily ever afters were a thing of the past. At least for the heroic sort - the good-doers of legend, those who always got the last say. They had finally fallen. No more 'good always triumphs'. No more 'true love conquers all'. Finally, the villains had won. Finally, it was their turn for happily ever after. And with such a shift in power, the world was now a very different place. No one knew this better than the uprooted royals - those who had tried their hardest to protect their kingdoms and had ultimately failed. Where once their lives had been filled with goodness, kindness, and innocence... there was now darkness, terror, and fear of the unknown. Families, friends, and lovers had been torn apart, shipped off to far corners of the land. Many had been sold to the highest bidder, while others had disappeared into the unknown, likely stolen straight out from under their keepers' noses. Everyone wanted a piece of the fallen heroes, after all, and having one of them in possession would boost your social status... and perhaps the price on your head, as well. It was hard enough to secure and afford one of these prizes, but there were two others to keep Rapunzel company in the dungeon she had found herself in. Both were red-heads, though one was more muted while the other was as vibrant as the paints she had used back in the tower. The one with the vibrant hair had yet to say a word, however, and Rapunzel wasn't so sure that she could speak at all. She exchanged brief words with the other girl, but there wasn't much to discuss. After all, they had lost everything... and though usually the heroes could come back from this sort of thing... it didn't quite seem possible, this time around. Life wasn't quite a fairytale anymore.,"Michael was a warlord who had conquered the land. With the money he obtained from his conquests, he bought the three beautiful women who were now in his possession in the dungeon. Tall and tan, he had a toned body that was in shape after seeing many wars. He wore glasses that he pushed up the bridge of his nose as he walked into the cell with a grin. "My, my," he said, "what three beautiful women we have here...I want you to understand your place. You are my slaves now. You will do what I say, when I say. Otherwise, I will have you tortured and gang-raped by my guards." He motioned to his armed escort with a cheery smile. "Now then, do you three understand?" His cheery voice made it clear that he was sadistic. "Ichigo sat down on his bed, pulled his music player over to listen to something to calm his nerves. He had come home to tearful faces and being bombarded by questions he knew he couldn't answer. His dad was the most concerned, seeing as he'd missed five years of Shinigami training. He just smiled at him and told him he'd be ready to go eventually, he just needed time to recuperate. Five years though? He'd been gone for five whole years, he couldn't believe it. This couldn't be real, could it? He couldn't remember much of anything. He was walking into his house, that was the last thing he remembered clearly. However, there were other, foggier memories, a mask, a figure with blue hair and a...a mask...He bolted upright. Running into the bathroom, he finally took in his appearance, his hair was longer, he quickly ripped off his shirt completely, revealing what he least expected: the black tattoo arched across his collarbone, across the hole that rested in the middle. His eyes went wide as he stared at it. He realized then, he could never accompany his father or Rukia back to the Seireitei. He could never take his place as heir to one of the five noble families, as his father, Isshin, was reinstated as head of the Shiba clan not too long ago. He placed his hands on the bathroom sink and sunk to his knees. Hot flesh, beaded in sweat met cold porcelain, his fingers tightening their grip until his knuckles were the same shade as the object they grasped with such desperation. He stayed that way for a long time, thinking about what he was going to do, no one could ever know. If the other, if the Shinigami found out he was an Espada, his father could be cast from his own house and loose his position as captain of the 10th division. Rangiku was all too eager to partner with him again, as for Toshiro, Ichigo assumed he had been given a different captain position. He slowly stood up and stripped the rest of his clothes off. He tied his hair back and slid the wooden cover from the still steaming bathwater. Yuzu had been in here earlier it looked like. He was glad of that, he wouldn't have to wait for the tub to fill. He showered himself clean in the area next to the bath quickly. After cleaning himself thoroughly, he sat in the tub. His eyes closed, he traced the tattoos on either sides of both of his eyes with a low sigh. He had to maintain himself carefully, one slip-up and his family would suffer for it. He relaxed for a long time before he finally rose from the hot bath. He slid the wooden cover back over it for the next person to use and dried off with a towel. He grabbed an orange robe from the closet in the bathroom itself and slipped it on. Exiting the bathroom, he made sure his hair hung in the long orange, strawberry blonde curtain that it was, framing his face to hide his marks. His dad was walking past him into the bathroom. He smiled at him briefly before heading to his door."Yuzu Karrin and I are headed out to the mall, you wanna come?"he was asked this just as he was turning the doorknob to freedom."Um, no thanks, I really just want to get some rest okay?"he said in a rush to avoid his dad attempting to ask him relentlessly. "Oh alright, I understand, you need time to get your mind in order, but hey, don't be a stranger!"with a wide grin, Isshin pat him on the back so hard Ichigo was almost certain he was about to cough up a lung. He waved goodbye to his dad as the other man grabbed a bag from the bathroom counter and went downstairs, calling his daughters they all left the house, calm, cold, and quiet. Ichigo nearly fell over in relief as he tied his hair back once more into a strawberry shaped bun in the back of his head before he flopped down face first on his bed.,"Pain was a beautiful thing. To watch life slip away from someone's eyes. To feel the blood drain from the tip of your blade and then only to saunter down and dry on your hands. It was sick and twisted, and yet he dreamed each day of getting his revenge on the one who took his dignity from him. Kurosaki had somehow turned everything around. Made him think, and soon what was something so easy, turned into something far darker than he had hoped for. Grimmjow began to stalk the orange-haired teenager. Trying to observe his human ways and grew bored with it in a matter of seconds. Instead, he wanted to enslave that boy and unleash his alternate ego, Hichigo. The hollowified version said to have sprouted from the thoughts of Zangetsu, but he wasn't sure if any of that was true or if the boy just had mental issues. This all played a large part in what Grimmjow had in store for the boy. How he wanted to train and mold him. How he wanted to make the boy depend on every single move! The thought alone made his dick swell with lustful joy! He watched, shamelessly stalking from the tree that was not far from Kurosaki'ss bedroom window. He stayed however slightly out of sight. Isshin did not need to see him nor the annoying yellow Lion plush that held the power of a Gigai. This would prove most useful just in case he needed to leave or was called away. Piercing blue eyes stared out at the boy as he face planted on his bed. In such a way it showed he was tired and above all else he seemed to be exhausted. Perhaps he did not notice the changes at all? It drove his mind wild with so many ideas and so many ways to break in his new virginal toy. But then his train of thought was ruined as he saw the plush toy hop up on the bed and then seemingly pester the shinigami. Great, how would he get rid of Kon? "HEY ICHIGO! What ya' laying around here for!? Why aren't you protecting Rukia in the Seireitei?!" Grimmjow arched an eye brow at that. That did make a bit of sense. Why had the substitute soul reaper come back home and yet not stayed where he could be put to good use? Oh well it just meant that in time he would not have to worry about her either. It was not that he could sense if Ruia Kuchiki was there, but he saw her nor Isshin as a threat to him or his plans. Instead he folded his arms and watched. Wondering just how long the teen may sit here and allow the toy Gigai to badger him into getting up. Quite frankly, he would have eaten Kon, if not ripped him to shreds by now. His voice alone was a kin to nails on a chalk board! Kon moved to climb up on Ichigo's back, standing tall as he started to jump up and down on the teen. He was so angry, that every single time Ichigo left he took all the hot babes with him! He would not sit back and watch Ichigo steal all the glory he knew he himself deserved! Kon honestly believed that he was the rightful one to use Ichigo's body. But it had been far and in between for the boy to cough up rights to his body for Kon to get in a piece of the action! Each time Kon jumped, his little plush paws squeaed in indefinite protest of being left behind once again! Because he was stuck in this lame toy, he missed out everything. Now Kurosaki would know his wrath! "Virgins don't do porn. It seemed like such a simple thing to say, something that pretty much everyone would take for granted. Why would someone want their first sexual experience to be recorded? To be "fake?" Plus, what attractive person these days made it to the point where they could do pornography without losing their innocence before that point? Apparently Selena Gomez. The pretty Hispanic wore a trench coat and stood in the middle of a house that practically screamed "porno set." Everything looked modern, fancy, appealing, but lacking in anything like warmth or any signs that someone would actually live there. The room in which the virginal young lady stood happened to vaguely resemble a living room. Several long white couches formed an elongated "C" opened up before a fireplace, which just so happened to have a fur rug stretched out on the floor. Several other "chairs" sat in various places. A keen eye would note that simply sitting in them would put someone into a strange position, almost perfect for certain... activities. The wide open room had excellent natural lighting from a set of wide glass doors that opened up onto a connected pool, which all extended into a stunning view stretched out below. Stairs led up to what would be bedrooms designed and stocked for just this sort of activity. Everything about the house had a decidedly sensual vibe about it. Even the young lady nervously shifting in the room and looking around. Selena had a sensual body: anyone who looked at her could see that. Her Mexican heritage probably helped flare out her lips, giving her a set of noticeable curves despite her lean dancer's body. Firm breasts stood out on her slender chest, all covered with the coat. Flowing black hair extended about a slightly rounded face that would likely always have a slight youthful look to it. Despite being legal, Selena still looked as if she'd sneaked out of high school. Even her tendency to chew her lip and the nervous look in her dark eyes spoke of someone who kept expecting an adult to come along and take her away. The girl didn't seem to quite realize that any adults in this house would take one look at that heart-shaped ass and, yes, they would certainly think of spanking... but not in the manner the girl would think. Only the expertly applied makeup, which brought out those nervous dark eyes and made her lips look a little more plump and kissable, made her seem a little more adult than she actually was. "So, uh, we agreed to, like," Selena stammered, looking around to the "professional(s)" in the room, "to do this," she reached up to brush back some hair for a moment, fidgeting again. "And, ah, you'd said to, to wear something... something... sexy?" She undid the coat, letting it fall open to reveal the frilled bra that worked well to hold up the pert little titties. A matching pair of light pink ruffled panties covered her "naughty bits." "I, uh, thought this was... cute?" she reached up to fiddle with a silver charm necklace around her neck, a star shape that her father had given her for good luck. "Oh, right, and the contract," she dug into the coat, pulling out a folded piece of paper. "It was sort of odd and all, but, yeah, I figured everything works." Selena added a slight shrug before smiling just wide enough to start showing pearly whites as she extended the folded paper out. The girl looked every inch the jailbait tease, from the top of her pretty black hair to the frilled bra and panties to a set of pink wrap-around heeled sandals that extended her feet slightly and gave her already toned legs all the more toning. The girl looked ready to begin shooting a video... if not clearly aware of just what kind she had signed on for.,"Frank was smiling using his nice guy, trust me smile. He was very slick and he knew it. It was all he could do to contain his joy as he knew he had this young starlet so fooled, it was almost time to spring the trap on her. She was the perfect victim for him, young and famous and so eager to prove to everyone that she was an adult and smart enough to make all of her own decisions. She had told him she wanted to make a film, something classy that would pass for a homemade sex video of her and a nice guy. Something that did not really show the actual hard core sex but merely showed some nudity, the sex part would be more suggestive or blurred out. She was not really specific but of course Frank was so understanding and convinced her he knew exactly what she wanted. Something that could be accidentally leaked out, so she could pretend to be outraged and get all kinds of sympathy and free press. As she was so very naive it was not too hard to fool her with the wordy contract he came up with. Lots of double talk and non-specifics of what may or may not take place while filming. More gray areas than anything. He merely convinced her they would take it slow, one step at a time and would only do what she approved of. He told her she would be able to view each part as they did it and she would decide what to cut and what to keep. The silly girl was actually believing she was in control of everything. Nothing could be further from the truth! Besides Frank, the director, there was Gerry, the sound and light guy and Ted, his main camera man. Ted had several stationary cameras set up in different rooms and he had a hand held one for close-ups and good POV shots. Drake was in this room with them as well, he was the male stud for the film. I want you to just relax now kiddo and remember everything I told you before. We take it one step at a time, well start off slow for you. Lets get a few shots of you two together. This will be like the beginning of an encounter, just some making out and light petting stuff, easy to handle stuff. This will be the lead in for the heavier stuff. He gives them both a few more instructions and then they star to film. They start with Selena on the couch, with her coat on. Drake enters the picture, like he just arrived or something and she gets up to meet him, they embrace etc. they start to roll film. "The school was for elite magii only, and for that reason, Amanda Knight was chosen to attend the academy. The first day had gone well with magical orientation, meeting her teachers, and Well, her first assignment. Every student at the academy needed to summon a servant, a being of myth and history from ages long gone, to act not just as a servant but also as a sign of magical gifts. Many attempted to choose powerful legends, seeking to subvert them to their own uses and desires. The redhead was not really different from her peers, except for not really being certain as to which legend she was attempting to summon. In the middle of her runic circle lay the catalyst for her spell, an old and rusted blade, the metal warped and bent almost as if it had been forged like that itself. Wearing a simple white dress shirt and matching black pants, the red-eyed woman looked down at the book she had, remembering the words as she took out a brief momentary breath. There was no rush in this, there was no need to summon immediately Except, what if the legend she was to summon was already summoned? Would she get nothing? Well. Clasping the book shut and resting it down against a nearby table, the woman took a long, slow breath as she focused, feeling her magical circuits flaring to life, the words parting from her slightly painted lips: Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. ...,"Suddenly, the circle began glowing and lightning and magical energy began to source from Amanda's finger tips. The feeling as the Throne of Heroes opens its gates for her. To summon forth her partner as the curtains of her room flutter open and rattle around. The curtains flutter open, a flutter of white rose petals fill the room. A fluttering gust and torrent begin, and soon the magic stops suddenly? Did it fail? Did she not get what she wanted? Then suddenly, a brilliant flash of light comes from the circles center. As the heroic spirit of Nero Claudius, 5th Emperor of Rome, of the Saber Class appears. She sits there in what looks like a beautiful wedding dress. Her hand wrapped around the handle of her sword. The rusted sword has become beautiful and white. As her eyes open, she looks fascinated then stands up walking up towards the girl. "I am Nero Claudius, 5th Emperor of Rome, of the Saber Class are you my beloved Master?" She asks the woman who stands before her readied within her hands a plumage of white roses. Her eyes sparkling with absolute love for the one before her, if you listen carefully, in the background sudden sounds of church bells can be heard. ""Five minutes Miss Gomez" one of the crew said politely to the young woman. Selena looked up from her dressing room table and gave a pretty smile. "Thank you," she replied, before rising from her chair and brushing her dress down. No matter how many times that she performed, there was always a slight hint of butterflies in her stomach before each show. However, the moment that she walked out onto that stage, it all went away. When she began to sing, a professional calm took over her and all those nerves disappeared. Under those spotlights is where she was supposed to be and performing for her fans always made her feel so happy and loved. Selena had been involved in the industry since a very young age and as she grew, so did her fans. What were once preteens who adored her on Wizards of Waverly Place were now young women who bought all of her albums. They showed her complete dedication, even when her personal life came under attack, and for that she would always be grateful. Which is why tonight she intended on a little surprise. To say thank you, a select number of fans were going to be chosen to come backstage and spend some time with her. The brunette female smiled at the thought, her full lips glinted due to the plum gloss upon them which caught the light. Her long dark hair shifted around her shoulders as she ventured towards the stage. The black dress that she wore allowed her long, smooth, olive-toned legs to be clearly visible. Her heels added an extra several inches to her modest five foot five frame. The skirt part of the dress expanded out a little in a skater style and the top was laced in a beautiful pattern. It was see-through at the front, but completely backless from behind. Allowing her sleek, unblemished skin to be on full display. The cheers from the crowd became louder with every step that she took and finally she found herself at the side of the stage. Her dancers all gathered around and they bowed their heads as they took a moment to gather themselves and be thankful for the performance that was about take place. Music began blasting from the speakers, the lights and smoke machines started to go insane, and a wave of intense noise and heat washed over Selena as she stepped out onto the stage. Her voice began to sing and her dark brown eyes took in the sight before her. Thousands of people were screaming her name as the concert got into full swing.,"It had been two weeks since Jeff surprised his daughter with tickets to the Selena Gomez concert, and the screaming had not stopped since. He knew he was winning some serious "greatest dad points" and that all of her friends would be envious. He spoiled her, but she was his only daughter. He also hoped that taking her to the concert might cut down on the amount of music he constantly had to listen to from her room, on the way to and from school, on TV, coming from the computer - it was almost as if he were leaving with Selena. Not that he would have minded. He had watched along with his daughter as Selena grew up and became quite the attractive young girl. A cute baby face, with a very womanly body, he would be lying if he said he never thought about her sexually. He helped him get through the countless award shows and performances his daughter made him watch. Finally, the day of the concert arrived, and the two of them drove to the arena where it was being held. Traffic was horrible, and soon Jeff began to realize just how popular this little girl was. After what seemed like hours, they finally parked and made their way up to the large building decorated with giant posters of Selena. Jeff wore some dark jeans and a button-up black dress shirt, with boxer briefs underneath. His daughter tried her best to dress like Selena, but quickly put on a T-shirt with her face and name on it, right after Jeff bought it for her outside the concert. Combined with the food and other merchandise he was buying, this concert was starting to cost him a fortune. They finally took their seats just a few rows back from the stage. Surrounded by young screaming girls, Jeff hoped his hearing would survive the night. Seeing Selena walk out onto the stage lifted his spirits though. She was quite attractive, her legs looking longer than usual, and her full breasts amazing as always. He watched her perform, his daughter lost in the moment. He had to admit, she was quite talented, even if he did not care for her music all that much. Soon, he had to stop himself from thinking too many dirty thoughts, as he was sitting right next to his daughter after all. He mainly stayed seated during the concert, only standing up a few times when his daughter dragged him out of his seat. He checked his phone more than a few times, wondering just how long it would all last. "It came in like a storm, but one with a consciousness or directive. The darkness seemed to seep from the clouds, even the rain tainted and turned cattle into horrors. There was nothing that could be done aside from run or die, but that didn't change the fact that people wanted to save others. Especially their family - for a twenty-seven year old male, this was the worst of nightmares. He watched as his youngest brother was dragged off, clawing and screaming for help. Extending out his hand to the young boy, the platinum-haired male jolted awake. Sitting under a large tree, he had fallen asleep there as it was finally a place that he felt comfortable enough to let unconsciousness take him. Eryan had been on the run for the last four days, literally walking day and night until he felt like he had put enough distance between himself and the darkness. Everyone knew it was coming, but didn't know what to do - instead of leaving and finding a new place to live, the humans all hunkered down together to try and ride out this inevitable storm. Eryan rose to his feet, wearing simple work pants that were a faded black color, he also wore a long-sleeve gray shirt that buttoned up in the front. His hair was tied back in the typical ponytail style that he normally wore it in, his face was a very pale color which was a clear indicator of undernourishment. Wiping his face with his hand, Eryan rose to his feet and dusted off his legs as well as his backside. Birds flew overhead from the tree he had been sitting under, and he looked up at the blue sky. Standing straight up and stretching his hands out above his head, Eryan stretched out to his full height of six feet five inches tall. His green eyes scanned the horizon and couldn't spot a black cloud in the sky. Which was a great thing as far as he was concerned, it meant the Darkness was still very much away from this area. Walking off from the outskirts of the town he had made it to, Eryan headed in towards the center of town following his nose. He hadn't eaten in over four days now, fortunately he had found a stream to follow for the majority of his journey which allowed him to drink water. But he had left everything he owned and everything he had of value behind when he ran; including his entire family. Eryan's nose caught the scent of meat being fried, and he couldn't help but blindly be pulled in that direction. He didn't have money so to speak, or at least not enough to buy anything that would fill him up. But that didn't mean he couldn't work for the food, and that was his intention and goal. Find someone who would cook him something in exchange for his manual labor. In his haste to find the food, Eryan was walking clumsily and hadn't noticed there was a female crouched down in front of him. Bumping into her, Eryan tumbled over the female's form and collapsed on top of her. "I am so sorry!" Eryan said from the ground as he looked up to the female's beautiful face. Her red eyes immediately grabbed his attention, as well as her blonde hair. "I did not hurt you, did I?" Eryan asked as he stood slowly and offered out a pale hand to help pick her up.,"Perhaps she shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the road to tie up her heeled boots, but she had never dreamed someone wouldn't see her since her sleeveless dress was an endless cascade of ivory, splayed out beneath her. The force was abrupt and at first she had no idea what had caused her to fall into the dirt, but then the warmth of the weight on top of her touched her skin and she knew someone had actually fallen on her. She was more than displeased, but when she decided to turn her fiery red spheres that were her eyes towards him she couldn't help but feel her breath catch in her throat. The minute her eyes met his emerald-colored ones, which were so bright they practically reflected what they looked at, she felt something within her. She didn't know what. It was enough for her face to relax, since it had tightened upon anger when she had been knocked to the ground. Not that it mattered anyway because her expressions did not do much to ruin the femininity and softness to her face. She simply stared at him, as if she was trying to remember someone who she simply had never met before. Slowly, her eyes went to his hand and then back to his face. Taking a second glance, he looked more than just handsome. He looked like he wasn't healthy, something that was common among the poor. His clothes also told that same story being so faded and worn. "No, you didn't hurt me," she said with a smile that matched the softness of her voice. It could only be compared to a serenade of bells far off into the distance. Beckoning. Comforting. She had a voice that should have belonged to a Siren. She took his hand, feeling the roughness of his skin. Her own hands were not much better, being that they had just been in the dirt and dust clung to them. She used most of her own strength to get back to her feet and then patted down her cotton dress, attempting to remove most of the dirt. It was rather loose on her, but the collar of the dress dipped down to a low V that accentuated the cleavage she had. The first button was undone, the rest were secure. She sighed a bit as she moved to fix the golden locks of her hair that looked to be slightly unruly. She could never quite get her hair to sit straight on her head. But it was soft, and wispy enough to where it followed wherever the breeze took it. "Were you in a hurry?" She asked as him as she looked towards the direction he was going. What could he have possibly been running to that he didn't see her? There was not much in this town, just tired people who worked their hardest to live a decent life. She herself was on her way home to change so she could help out at the farm, and make sure that no monsters were bothering the livestock. The darkness was real and everyone knew of it. They knew those things used to be animals. Swallowed and corrupted and made into twisted things that did nothing but seek out life. Seek out their next targets to be swallowed up whole. "Ivalice. A strange land, a kingdom lost to time and space, one that was home to many beings and a vibrant civilization. Humans, Bangaa, Moogles, Viera, all made this place home and interacted with each other. They traded, fought, traveled, all under the auspices of the ruling kingdom, who maintained order via the Judges that served to regulate the various guilds that existed. But Ivalice wasn't simply a place that you could walk to, or travel to by boat. No, it was a magical land that existed in the deepest fantasies, a charmed world that ensnared those who entered it, the few individuals that it based itself off of. And in return it gave them what they wanted, their hopes and inner desires, so that they would never have a reason to leave and return it to dormancy. Yet the people of this world were unaware of that. They merely lived their lives, and let come what may in turn. And now the time had come again for a new character to enter that world, drawn from another by a magical artifact. It had tapped into her mind, and while she slept the world had been rewritten, changed all around her, until her old world was gone and Ivalice was all that remained. Even she had been changed, slightly, to reflect the new world that existed now. It was a new world, for her. A world in which the sun dawned people went about their business like nothing was the matter, like they had not sprung from the aether all of half a day ago but rather had lived there their entire lives, with their own histories and struggles. And a woman would awaken in a somewhat dirty, dusty, and empty alleyway, to confront what had happened to her and what she would do about it.,"There were artifacts in this world that men were not meant to mess with. Books and spheres and all manner of things that could end poorly for those who took such unassuming power into their own hands and did as they desired with them. The sphere had seemed harmless enough, a simple trinket in the ruins. The young woman had been separated from her two friends when she activated it, sure that it would simply be some manner of historical record or some such. Paine had been wrong. She awoke in a dusty and shaded alleyway, her body cramped up and her head feeling like it had been packed to the brim with cotton. Other women might have been very concerned about what had happened. Had they had a drugged drink? Had they been the victim of some type of attack? Paine, however... "Eugh... what fresh hell is this?" she muttered to herself as she slowly dragged herself up the wall behind her. She felt warmer somehow, like she was still wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket that hit all the right spots. Her body was caressed by the wind itself, and she groaned audibly as she stretched out tired and cramped muscles. "Now where's the others?" Paine called down the alleyway. "Yuna! Rikku! You two screwing around?" "The fresh smell of clean air, the soft chirping of birds, a beautiful blue sky with scattered clouds. Everything seemed perfect, or at least Alvin thought so. Alvin was a young teen, at what he considered the peak of his life, sixteen. Today was his birthday, and he was finally able to leave into the world, and be a tamer if he wanted. Though many perused it, he didn't really want that, he just wanted to be with one girl. The one Pokegirl who had captivated his heart already, even so if people might shun that. He didn't care, the rush of wind past him returning him to the real world. The forest around him, this was no place for him to day dream. After all he didn't want to get lost, if so he would never find his way out. His hand rested against a limp tree, this was the third marker he had to remember how to get to there secret place. It was as he was told in between His home town and her village. Even so it was deep into the forest, it would be at least a half a day or more to get from one place to the other, at least that's what Eva had told him. As he rested he began to day dream, for one reason or another his mind drifted to pokegirl match's. The sweat, the grind the moaning and groaning, before long he had a erection. Realizing it he shook it off, "N..No time for that! I gotta get moving or all be late!" Alvin muttered to himself running off before long, getting his mind off of other 'things'. It didn't take him long before he got to the entrance cave. Taking a short break he began in without much hesitation walking in the dark, he had memorized this entire path way, to each crease in the floor, to each rock, or at least the best he possibly could. "Eva!" Alven called out as he skid down a slope right into the light, shielding his eyes where they could have time to adjust.,"The girl he was looking for was right there with him already. She quickly walked up to him from behind, jumping on him and wrapping her arms tightly around him. "Ha! You're late Alvin! That's not like you at all!" She gave him a tight squeeze. "Ack! Eva! You're squeezing too hard!" "Huh? Did my voice sound awfully feminine?" Eva's eyes slowly fluttered open, her eyes slowly adjusting to the sunlight. The young Eevee girl could see that she had her arms wrapped tightly around her older sister Luna, who was an Umbreon girl. "Ah! I'm so sorry! Are you okay Luna?" she asked, letting go of her. She sat up while her sister turned to face her. "Yeah...just caught me by surprise. It doesn't matter though, I need to get up anyway instead of staying in bed all day." She patted Eva's head gently before heading out of the room. Eva hopped out of bed and decided to head out again. It was then that she remembered her friend Alvin was going to go visit her again. She felt much happier after that dream, and she couldn't wait to see him again. After telling Luna, she was off deep into the forest to look for him. She knew she'd have to find him fast since he didn't completely know his way around here. Eva could have passed as human if it weren't for her Pokemon-like qualities. She had long brown hair that reached down to her waist, and she even had a pair of ears and bushy tail. As of now, she was wearing a brown button-up shirt with a black skirt. Another one of her sisters had put a scarf around her neck since it was a little chilly. Of course, in this human form she could easily get sick. She came up to the cave where she had met Alvin before, almost entering inside until she heard his voice coming from inside. A sly little grin came onto her face as she decided to try and startle him somehow. She swiftly climbed up onto the top of the opening, waiting until she saw him appear. She went to jump, except her foot slipped on the rock, causing her to tumble forward on top of him. At least he would break her fall. "Owie...ah! Alvin! Are you okay?" "Rise had outdone herself this time. The first night of the school trip had been off to a boring start, and she mentioned a club she had performed at. She made some calls, and had a room set up just for her and her friends. The group of friends from Yasogami High - Yu, Yosuke, Kanji, Chie, Yukiko, and Rise herself - had their own room to escape the quiet hotel room the school had rented. Rise led the Investigation Team in, eventually finding out the room was upstairs. "Let's go!" He said, giggly as usual. No one really knew what to expect, and when they arrived, they were greeted with a room similar to a karaoke room, a nice table adorned with several shiny glasses and colored liquid in them. "Don't worry guys, I told them non-alcoholic drinks." She said, winking before sitting down. She picked up a yummy looking blue drink, taking a sip before wincing. It was strong! Maybe it had a weird ingredient? The group followed suit and sat down. Yu picked up a red drink and took a sip. "W-whoa." He said, making a face as the drink burned his throat. What was in this? The group chattered among themselves, talking about the trip, their advancements in the TV World, among other things, as they drank. As time went on, Yu, Yukiko, and Rise had definitely fallen under the effects of the non-nonalcoholic drinks, a light blush on everyone's face. "I-I think... These ha-hic-had something in them." Yu said, pulling at the collar of his shirt. "I told them non-alcoholic!! I really did!!" Rise said, her pouty face on as she looked at everyone. "I knew these were weird. Well... we just have to not let anyone catch us. It's not far to the hotel, right?" Yosuke said, looking at his bro, Yu. "We are underage... We don't need to be-" Yosuke was quickly cut off by Rise, who was holding up some sticks. "Wait!! We can't leave yet! We need to have some fun." She said, standing and holding out six sticks, one with a red mark. "We should play the King's Game! The king's orders are absolute!" She said. She quickly explained the rules, how ever drew the red marked stick is the 'king', and everyone else has to do everything the king commands. "Take one, everyone." She said, leaving one for herself. Each of the group took their pick. Yosuke and Yu bowed their heads when they noticed they lost. Chie closed her eyes before she revealed that she didn't have the red stick. Rise had the red-marked stick.,"Chie's cheeks flushed almost immediately after she had taken a long sip out of her own beverage, something green, minty, and strong. "It'll be fine, guys," Chie said, both hands wrapping around the glass as she leaned forward. "Besides, these are tasty! Thanks for setting us up, Rise!" Chie said. It hadn't taken long for all of them to fall under the effects, though perhaps Yosuke had abstained the most. Chie's cheeks were pleasantly red by this point, and she felt nice and warm. Maybe it was alcohol, maybe it was a placebo, but she wasn't letting go of her glass any time soon either way. When the sticks got passed out among the group, Chie dreaded who might end up with the red stick... and it ended up in perhaps the worst possible hands -- Rise. One of two people to know about her crush on their glorious leader and the only one of the two that could act on it (Yukiko was too nice, far gone into her giggles, and didn't have the stick to boot). "I don't think this--" Rise's eyes flashed dangerously. "Number 4!" Chie gulped and spared a glance at her stick. Oh, shoot. "Sit on... oooon--.... number two's lap!" she said, pointing right at Rise. If they'd been more sober, they might have questioned how Rise would know who had which randomly drawn stick... but such was a question for later. "Um. A-alright," Chie said, pushing herself up to her feet. She sidled around the table, and slowly sat down on Yu's lap, pressing her firm bottom right against the seat of his pants. "L-like this?" "Fennmont was a lovely city. Forever shrouded in the dark of night by a spirit clime, it made do with beautiful lights in golds and blues. And in an ordinary world, this is where everything shifted. Nachtigal, at the behest of Gillard, devised a weapon that would destroy mana and spirits all for the purpose of tearing a fabric in space and time, leading to one Jude Mathis and one Milla Maxwell setting out on a grand adventure into all the world. But what if Jude had never gone after his professor? What if he had never met Milla? What if the young man had simply stayed in the hospital that night, done his work, and never went to find the Lance of Kresnik? Just going to bed like the world hadn't shattered around him. And what if, in all of this, Milla's world was flipped upside down with the Lance of Kresnik, and a hole was torn far too early. A hole into a world that was not Elympios but oh so very different? "Hey." A pressure settled firmly on Jude Mathis' gut. Two pressures, really. Booted feet settled firmly there on him as a girl leered over him. She was cute, a girl next door type in a yellow dress with a parasol parked over one shoulder. She had blue eyes that might have been cute and innocent but which had their youthful sparked by a mind far too old to look so adorable. Her voice, additionally, sounded a lot more like a woman in their twenties than the girl of... well, she LOOKED around sixteen, but a sharp mind would perceive her to be much older. Edna scowled. "Hey. Human. Wake up," she said, prodding him in the forehead with the tip of her parasol.,"The young doctor-in-training's eyes slowly began to open. Something His chest felt heavy, much too heavy. He was lying in bed after all, nothing should have been on his chest. His vision was finally starting to focus itself when he felt something poke his head. At once, his training set in. Not sure if he was endangered and not even fully awake, Jude swatted at what was poking him in the head and quickly pushed whatever was on his chest off. He stood on his bed, dropping into a defensive posture to defend himself from something he wasn't even fully aware of yet. His vision finally focused on the girl. A young blonde who couldn't have been much older than him...if she even was older. She certainly was cute, but Jude didn't have time to dwell on that fact. He had locked the door before he had gone to bed, so how had this stranger gotten in? "Ummm, excuse me...but who are you and why did you break into my room?" Jude asked in his controlled but polite tone of voice. Even when he was facing a potential robber, he was still kind and polite to his core. That was just the kind of person he was. "It was snowing by the time Hinata reached the Uchiha kingdom. She had been traveling via horse-drawn wagon, which would have been much faster if she had gone on foot, but she was also a princess and was expected to travel like one. And Hinata didn't mind, as she was in no hurry to reach the opposing kingdom. She had never come face to face with any of the Uchiha family, but she was understandably nervous to do so. She was alone in a foreign land; a land that was filled with people who had only a month ago killed her on sight. And there were of course a handful of individuals who still seemed to thirst for Hyuuga blood, as her wagon came under attack multiple times during the journey. But the Uchiha had sent elite bodyguards for her, and no one got close enough to the wagon to even be a threat. That wasn't Hinata's worry, though. She could deal with assassins... but could she deal with the Uchiha royal family? She had been raised to see them as the enemy; cold blooded killers! And now she was to be wed to Prince Sasuke. She didn't even know what he looked like, and he had no idea what she looked like. In fact, not even her own people knew what she looked like. She was very sheltered... until now. Now, she was alone. But she knew she had to be strong and do this. It was for the sake of her family as well as her own people. And besides, if this could bring peace, she would do her best. Finally, the wagon came to a stop, and so did Hinata's heart for a moment. So they were finally here... she wasn't ready for this. Nervously, she smoothed over her dress and, for a second, closed her eyes to try and gain her bearings. And, just as she was opening them, the wagon driver had hopped down and was opening the door for her. Gulping in a shaky breath, Hinata got to her feet and stepped from the wagon and out into the courtyard of the kingdom... "Princess Hinata!" A warm, feminine voice called to her from across the yard. Blinking, Hinata lifted her gaze only to freeze when she noticed the woman scurrying on over to where she herself was standing. Hinata had never seen her, but based on her attire and the many servants around her, it was obvious... "Q-Queen Mikoto!" Hinata gasped, blushing a little when she realized how beautiful the woman was. She lifted her hands, not sure what to do or say. Luckily, Mikoto didn't seem to mind Hinata's surprise and just smiled warmly at her. "Please just stand still for a moment.. I wish to study the young woman my son will be wed to." She cooed, resting her hands on Hinata's shoulders and looking her over with those calm, steady, inviting eyes. Hinata held her breathe and stood still, nervousness written all over her face. Hinata was like a porcelain doll. Long, silky black hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks, and, of course, those lavender eyes that were as soft as the falling snow, which was proof of her lineage. She was dressed in a simple yet clearly expensive and custom dress, with fit her body perfectly. It was tight around her generously sized bust and petite shoulders and slender waist, but looser around her hips and legs. The dress was cream and white in color, with beads of shimmering opal laced into the neckline. "Hehe.. you will make me some beautiful grandchildren, Hinata~" The queen giggled, making Hinata blush and fidget a little. Smiling at her humble reaction, Mikoto wrapped a gentle arm around Hinata's waist and led her inside, where it was much warmer. "I'm sure you're exhausted from your travels... but first, allow me to take you to Sasuke. I'm sure he's dying to meet his bride." Mikoto hummed, earning a small, shy nod from Hinata, who really had no say in the matter. She quietly followed alongside the queen to Sasuke's chambers. Mikoto didn't mind Hinata's silence, as she too was more of the silent type. After a few minutes of walking through the castle, they reached Sasuke's room. Mikoto gave a few light raps at the door to let him know someone was entering, but did not wait for invitation inside. She simply opening the door, guiding Hinata alongside her. "Sasuke, meet Princess Hinata...","Sasuke sat on his bed, eager to meet his new bride-to-be. He was born and raised as the Prince of his realm, and had been taught to treat the Hyuuga as noble and worthy foes. Sure, he had slain a number of them on the battlefield as was expected of him, but now, he was eager to wed their princess. After all, he had caught glimpses of the Hyuuga women here and there, and they were beautiful, prizes to be sought. That is why he now sat on his bed, his red eyes shimmering with excitement at the thought of finally meeting this princess. When he heard the taps on the door, he stood up and braced himself... He was stricken speechless for a moment by the sight of Hinata...she was beautiful. He took in her figure, perfect skin, and lovely hair. He composed himself quickly however and stepped forward, gently grasping Hinata's hand with his own as he brought it up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. "My lady," he said, looking her in the eyes. "It is a pleasure to meet you at last." His expression was one of affection and desire mixed together. "Mother, could you leave us for now? I would like to get to know my future wife." He spoke, making it clear that he had lustful intentions for the girl in front of him right now. "A lone figure sat on one of the walls of Caer Callidyrr, the home of the Kendrick family, rulers of the Moonshae Isles. The wind whipped at his long brown hair and stirred his beard a bit, but he paid it little heed. It had been years since Owain Kendrick had been home, but the scent of the sea was still familiar to him. His hazel eyes turned to the sea, wondering which of the gods had decided to make a fool of him, to doom him to this fate. To be wed. Though he would not have been keen under normal circumstances, the one that confronted him was anything but; he was to wed Glinde, shield-maiden and daughter of the Northmen's king, Renner the Fury. If the daughter was anything like her father, then he had to wonder how long he would survive their vows. "Owain!" a high voice cried out, causing the man to sigh. A deft move on your mother's part, sending Alis to fetch me.He rose from where he had sat himself on the wall, standing on it for a moment and looking down from the parapet to see a girl of about five standing there. A frightened look was on her face for a moment, until Owain hopped down and then moved to the stairs, descending them to her. Alis, with her mop of brown hair, looked at him and frowned, "You could have fallen!" If only. The thought was brief, and Owain put on a smile. "No! You would have caught me!" he declared, and rushed over, sweeping his sister up in his arms as she giggled. Then he began to walk up the path that led back towards the keep. "I suppose that mother sent you out to find me?" he questioned the young girl. His sister nodded and smiled. "Yes, she did! And I found you!" "You did indeed," Owain said, taking her hand and walking with her. "Far easier now that I am home, isn't it?" He asked the girl, who nodded quickly. It didn't take him long to get within the main curtain wall of the castle where he sat her down in the courtyard. Alis took his hand then dragged him off towards the keep, evidently set on fulfilling her mission. As they made their way through the courtyard, Owain glanced around, marveling how little things had changed; the stables had been expanded a bit, as had the smithy, but the quarters for the various servants and laborers were still the same, as were the storage buildings that held all manner of reserves. The castle had been there a long while and he suspected that the walls would be in place still when his bones were dust. Once they had entered the keep, he was quickly confronted by a woman of at least fifty years, shorter than he, with a stern look on her face. His mother, Alicia Kendrick, was both a warrior and a druid, a woman of faith and steel who had protected her realm for years. "You must get dressed," she stated shortly. Owain flashed her a small smile and asked, "Can't I just enjoy myself for a bit longer? They can't be that close..." But then a horn sounded once, twice, thrice... the sign that longships had been sighted. Alicia looked to her son and said, "You best enjoy yourself. For today your marriage brings peace to our people.",""Ye Gods have you no bottom to your enthusiasm?" Glinde crawled up the woman's body, kissing her all the way up. The wench giggled when Glinde captured her nipple and teased it with the tip of her tongue as she grinned in a predatory manner. "You're like...the ever-burning flame. The over-flowing cornucopia of the gods. The bottomless well...mmm and just as wet." This she added as she slipped her fingers out of her slick cunt and across her clit. "Oooohhh Lady Glinde..." the wench moaned, writhing under her touch. "You can eat from my cornucopia until your heart's content." Glinde leaned up to nibble on her ear before kissing her deeply. "Well, we'll have plenty of time for that later, won't we?" she suggested before withdrawing abruptly, rolling off the strumpet beneath her and onto the cot. The horn had sounded and she knew what that meant; she poured water from a pitcher into a basin and began to clean herself off, wiping off the sweat and fluids. Glinde herself didn't care, but she didn't think it would quite be good form to show up smelling of sex. "Later?" The girl propped herself up on her elbows and looked over. "What happened tonight?" Glinde smiled over her shoulder and winked. "Because I'm getting married, darling." As she stepped onto land Glinde tried to remember the girl's name but she couldn't. Not that she usually did, but the shield maiden was unaccountably nervous and trying to remember the names of the women helped her focus. Twelve in a week was slightly unusual for her, but it had been a last hurrah and gave her plenty to try to remember as they walked through the gates of the keep. Hanging on her father's arm like this felt weird; she was a grown-ass woman, she could walk herself. "Remind me why I'm doing this," she murmured to her father. "An alliance," Renner murmured back. "There are threats to both our nations, much larger than either of us...but together we can stand strong." Glinde sighed. "Right. Just don't expect me to curtsy or nothin'. Renner chuckled and it rumbled deep in his chest. "I'd sooner cut off my own beard!" Glinde had four older brothers, but he was fond of saying he had five strapping sons. He was aware of her...tendencies, but had kept them quiet for the eventuality that this day would come. As they crossed the courtyard she saw the royal family of the Moonsahe Isles come out to meet them. "Prince Owain." Glinde inclined her head respectfully as they were introduced and shook his hand with a strong, firm grip. "I thought it was bad luck to your people to see the bride before the wedding?" "Korra's adrenaline was pumping through her veins like never before as she booked it down the narrow hallways, sending waves and gusts of fire behind herself to slow Amon down enough for her and Mako to be obscured from his view long enough to dive into the nearest room unseen. And, of course, the two didn't have time to discuss what they would do from there. Their main goal was accomplished: buy Tenzin and his kids enough time to escape while distracting Amon. Now, however, it was their turn to escape. Thing was,Amon was one quick bastard. As soon as they ducked into the room, they could hear the masked man barreling down the hallway despite Korra's attempt to slow him, and thus were forced to hide immediately. Mako, who was already a few steps ahead of her, threw himself behind a stack of crates and settled down low, so he could peek around the crate and watch as Korra found her own hiding place. Which, admittedly, wasn't the best. The nearest place to hide was a table with a white, long clothe tossed over it, and so, that was where she dove, ending up squatted beneath the table while sucking in a lungful of air to keep from breathing too loudly. She was panting, after all, out of breath from her mad dash to escape. And the only way to silence her rapid, uneven breathing was to hold it in. It wasn't that Korra was totally afraid to fight Amon, but his bloodbending abilities tied in with his ability to take her bending away was enough to cause the usually bullheaded young woman to be cautious. 'Please, please let him skip this room..'Korra preyed silently to herself, hoping that whatever malevolent spirit was watching would give them a break this once. Still, she listened for any sound of movement, unable to really see much of anything thanks to the clothe in the way. All while holding her breath, which was starting to make her chest ache... Maybe holding her breath had been a dumb idea?,"It didn't matter what one called him anymore. Amon, Noatok, the Equalist leader or Son of Yakone -- he was so close. The United Republic's forces lay in ruins, the good General Iroh was on the run, and he was at the height of his power in a city brought entirely to its knees. And all he had left to do was take out the symbol of all that he stood against, the purest emblem of inequality in this world -- the Avatar herself. He would take from her what had been taken from him -- a future. He leapt over a gout of flame, arms over his face as he hurtled through the air like a champion athlete. He rounded a corner and... found nothing. Nothing but a door swinging on its hinges. Footsteps echoed in that room, heavy footfalls that drew Amon through the long hall and its many covered pieces of furniture. He was feeling through the room with his bending. The same way that any given water bender could sense the coming of rain or the more experienced kinds could sense it in the air or in plants... he could sense it in people. And here he could sense two bodies in this room. He sucked in a deep breath, and raised his hands. Korra wouldn't be able to see it, but she could hear it -- Mako's startled cry. A rustle of cloth. And then breaking glass as Mako's form went sailing out the skylight above them. Maybe there was a splash -- maybe he came out alright from the abrupt departure from the building, but she couldn't know. She might never know. Because suddenly Korra's body turned traitor and she was dragged straight out from underneath the table, right up to Amon and the hand that waited to wrap around her throat. "Shee-it. That was the thought that went through Roman Godfrey's mind as he scanned the club. Young, beautiful women and hip men danced with abandon to the thrumming music. The walls practically shook with the bass line, and the scent of pot and cigarettes, alcohol and sex wafted through the air, mixed in with the pheromones and sweat that emanated from the tuned-in and turned-on couples on the dance floor. His dark pea coat and tight pants gave him a commanding silhouette. He looked like a catwalk model, long tapers of his boots stylish in the way that only the filthy rich could look. His hair was casually messy; stylish and long enough to be sensual without making him look too feminine. There was a kind of classic James Dean look to him that night; a result of the immortal Upir blood that flowed in his veins, despite his short years on earth. He was going to live forever. He just had to find someone to satiate the physical hunger his body craved that night. Oh, it wasn't hunger so much as lust. He had drank enough nutrient to keep him satiated deep into the morning. No...what he needed was a beautiful girl with a hot, tight body who would match the angst and sensual need for sex and violence, repeatedly. He was looking for that spark of intelligence and kink that would keep him turned on most of the night; someone who had a high appetite for the physical that went beyond mere grinding. He slid up to the bar and ordered two fingers of Scotch, neat, and scanned the dance floor once again. His eyes slid over most of the patrons as being 'not her'. Not her, not her, not her...maybe her, not her...he sipped the fiery drink and took his time. Once he found 'her' he'd make his move, but until then it was simply enjoyable to see all the pitiful humans bumping and grinding in the hopes of getting their rocks off later that night. Roman smiled to himself. Worse case scenario he'd simply compel some sweet-mouthed piece of booty to suck him off in the alley. It wouldn't be the first time he simply got off and went home, finding no one in the club worth fucking anywhere but in their pie hole.,"Lacey didn't come here often, in fact, she despised nightclubs and the type of over-cocky assholes that came with them. But what was a hungry predator to do when the place was full of unsuspecting men that she could drain the life from? Nothing was inevitable in Hemlock Grove. She hadn't sensed any other creatures like her; there was one Vargulf that had gone around eating the crotches of women. Pathetic really if you were going to kill someone at least have some creativity to it. Herself had grown tired of the same throat-ripping style that she had kept. Her amber eyes flickered over the mob of mundanes and something set her senses off. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, someone was disturbing her hunt. Anger twisted her insides, Lacey spotted where the pheromones were coming from. Fuck me, he's good looking, she cursed under her breath. Should she watch from a distance or pull him outside and rip him open? What a waste that would be. No, it was better to cautiously approach and see what would happen. Slipping closer to where he had stationed himself, she motioned for the bartender to give her a gin and tonic. It would give her enough confidence to challenge her fellow predator. "Long, slender fingers finished folding up the small, white piece of paper and guided it to the pocket on the front of the dress. Small hands started brushing off some of the dust off the leather black dress. Hazel eyes trailed from her dress up to the large building in front of her. The building didn't look like much. It really didn't. It was hidden pretty well in the world, and the woman wouldn't have been there had her sugar not poked and prodded her to go. Her busy hands moved back to her hair, making sure things were straight before she even entered. Dr. Harleen Quinzel better known as Harley Quinn let out a sigh as her eyes glanced over the building once more. She was dressed in a form-fitting leather black dress. Her blonde hair was tied up in two pony tails, one to each side. Her pale face perfectly exemplified her deep red lipstick. To finish off the outfit were knee high black leather boots with decent sized heels. It was one thing to walk in them, it was another to fight. Of course, her Joker had sent her here to maybe help her fight the Batman a little bit better. She understood though, defeat after defeat after defeat could weigh heavy on one's psyche. Even a psyche that was so manic could be affected. That was why she was here. The flyer hadn't said much beyond the fact that it was a "Fitness Club." Heels clicked on the pavement as she entered the facility. The front desk was unmanned and Harley let out an annoyed sound. "Hello?" She called out. Her voice filled with dissatisfaction. It was pretty clear that she didn't want to be there. She stepped slowly, just investigating the place. She was very careful. Her fingers around the heavy, oversized wooden mallet that she had brought with her. If anything, Harley thought, this place would at least allow for her to get a little bit stronger. "Is anyone home?" Her voice called out again. When no one showed themselves, she stomped her foot out of annoyance, a pout forming on her lips. Shaking her head, she turned and got ready to walk out the door she had come through.,"The Aphrodite Club once one had gotten inside, would look like any other gym. It had an open spacious venue the building. From the looks of it was unmanned yes, and yet, there was the strange feeling she was being watched the moment she entered the building. Then, slowly appearing before her a woman, tall fit, and blond haired, wearing a jogging suit from the looks of it. Her toned figure, had just enough to it leaving her more beautiful than one might imagine. "Ahh, so you got the Elite Membership card it seems." The woman comes out from behind the counter and looks at Harley Quinn, and circles her. "I hope you don't plan to bring that mallet onto the exercise floor..." She spoke in a gentle tone, and would move with such fluidity, that even Harley would have trouble not watching her closely. Soon with a snap of her fingers, Harley would have found her changed, from what she had worn upon entering, to what the owner of this place felt would be more fitting for her to wear at a fitness club. The mallet would also vanish, it seems that the woman was not fond of people bringing weapons into a club like this. "Now then, I am Miss Aphrodite, and I do hope you have come to do some sweating?" Aphrodite spoke calmly, and gently reached a hand out placing it along the center of Harley's torso. Then, she glides a hand in circles till she had a feel, "It seems I have just the work-out for you, should you still want to participate?" The blond fit woman said calmly. "Carried over from PM It had been well over a month since the Governor had attacked the prison, scattering the survivors. Rick and Carl and the others were lost, most of the group managing to pair up, though looking for one another. Daryl and Beth had relied upon one another this last month, becoming lovers, and had slipped into a routine of comfort as they searched for the others. Beth had taken a tumble, bruising her ribs and arm. Not a life-threatening injury to be sure, but enough that they found themselves grounded and holed up in an almost empty store, the owners long departed or dead. Daryl had held Beth through the night, sleeping light and keeping an ear out for anything amiss. Habit made him set up the small perimeter fence even though they were inside and he'd yet to see the walkers learn to open doors. Kissing the top of Beth's head Daryl got up to take a piss, the barest hint of light peeking over the horizon. As he stood there, dick in hand, the telltale sound of an engine could be heard coming down the road. With a quiet curse Daryl finished up and got back inside, moving to Beth and covering her mouth just in case she woke up with a start as he gently shook her. "Hey Beth. Wake up, we got company." Daryl said.,"Beth snuggled against her lover as they slept, her body aching from her tumble but still kept her body tangled around Daryl until he got up. She made a soft noise when he left, but remained asleep. When Daryl shook her, Beth snapped away, struggling to break free when she realized that she was being restrained, a hand over her mouth. But then she recognized the feel of Daryl against her, his voice in her ear. "What are we going to do?" she whispered once he had removed his hand from her mouth. She knew that with her ribs, running would be hard for her, possible but not with her normal speed. But hiding wasn't always a safe option either. But she trusted Daryl completely and knew they could figure this out. ""What?" came out of Emma Watson's mouth as soon as she heard the news from her agent. Apparently, he'd jumped on the rumors of her playing the "famous" role of Anastasia Steele. Deals had started flying, money had started changing hands, and apparently now Emma had preemptively signed on to actually play the role. Of course, she'd heard of the series; she'd even dared peek at the books. It sounded decidedly unsexy from start to finish, much like Twilight in all the wrong ways. But the rumors had started, and her agent apparently was more interested in money. And now that Emma was signed on to the project, she felt she had to commit. However, apparently there was "training" that you had to do to get the part. That, in the general sense, didn't surprise the British actress all that much. She'd undergone dance training before; she'd done accent training; she'd even done some training with "wand waving" and so forth. But the moment they mentioned training for 50 Shades of Grey... Apparently they got a famous "BDSM expert," or possibly some sort of "sex expert" or "sex trainer" on board. The claim had become that they'd found the best guy in the business to help Emma along. He'd show her precisely what she needed to know to play the innocent girl exposed to BDSM for the first time. The irony of this situation wasn't lost on Emma, who'd been fending off suitors since before she even became legal. Unfortunately, between being Hermione Granger and her busy work schedule, such details as sex sort of fell to the wayside. Emma had learned to use various toys. Funny "fans" had ended up sending various wands for years to her, and Emma had picked one up about the time she'd gotten just curious. Sometimes she needed to destress, and that was the best way to do it. There were times when she dug her toes into sheets and clenched her jaw to swallow down some orgasms from time to time. They often teased that English were sexually repressed, and at times Emma fit the bill. Not that she wasn't attractive enough. Again: the fans had made that clear. As had the modeling agencies and several others. Emma had that good balance between girl next door and high scale model that held mass appeal. Some light freckles dotted a slender face. Brown eyes expressed almost every one of her intelligent thoughts. Her body was slight, built like the dancer she played in at least one film, but it seemed to fit her well. Her long legs had been shown in a few of her roles, and she'd learned to use them well enough. And now that woman stood outside a relatively reclusive location. It apparently belonged to the sex trainer, and he apparently made a bit of money, judging by its impressive location and facade. The message had been for Emma to pack a few bags for a weekend, and she'd done so. Simply a duffel with some clothes and a satchel with some makeup and accessories. For now she'd dressed simply, as was recommended: black workout pants and a pink exercise shirt. Her russet hair had been twisted up into a slightly sloppy tail that kept the slightly curled strands off her slender shoulders. Sighing, she knocked twice before sliding into the domicile, knowing she was already supposed to arrive. She looked around curiously, trying to find where the "trainer" happened to be and where she was supposed to go to get this training started.,"Eric Wright had agreed to help Ms. Watson prepare for her roll, for several reasons. The huge sums of money they were throwing at him to prepare her for the role didn't hurt, but his primary impetus was that he was going to get his hands on Emma Watson, and he had plans to put in a bit of... 'extra' work, gratis, to take her and mold her into his owned woman. He smirked to himself at the thought. But that would come in time; no need to get ahead of himself. Normally what he did was borderline therapeutic work; helping a bored housewife discover her sexuality to delight her husband or even the occasional work with a couple porn stars to help them with some of their performances. Eric was a hair over six feet tall, with a lean yet muscular build which he worked hard to maintain. He had handsome, chiseled features, with short brown hair, piercing hazel eyes and perfect teeth, his face religiously kept clean-shaven, along with his chest and manhood. Today he was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and a pair of running shoes that he could easily slip off when he needed to. The location she'd been directed to was off the beaten path, on the outskirts of L.A. in a mostly abandoned industrial area, specifically a 'hidden' loft in an old warehouse; the entire setup screamed 'privacy'. When she knocked he opened his door, locking it again behind her. "Ah, Ms. Watson. A pleasure." he said, his voice smooth, with only the barest hint of a Texas accent. "I'm Mr. Wright. I'm sure you have been told exactly why you're here, correct?" he asked, crossing the room to prepare himself a drink at the minibar, motioning to her to ask if she wanted anything. "Life as the son of a famous Hollywood starlet was great indeed. Especially since he was the son of the world's highest-paid actress, Sandra Bullock. Adam had access to anything he wanted thanks to his mother. Money? Not a problem at all. Work? Easy when most people knew who your mother was. School? A breeze thanks to highly paid tutors and Adam's looks. He was 16 years old and already had the world in the palm of his hand, the only thing missing being a lovely lady to share in all the spoils with. He was by no means bad looking; he stood at five feet and eleven inches tall and still growing. He kept his dirty blonde hair somewhat long, long enough to keep it styled, and his eyes matched the hazel of his mother's. So no, it wasn't his looks at all. It couldn't be who he was since girls practically threw themselves at him on hearing his name alone. It was the fact that he got a little shy around girls. Sure, he could put on the bravado of some playboy with millions of dollars backing him, but when it came to girls, that bravado shrunk to where he got cotton mouth when a girl came to talk to him, whether or not it was about something clean or something not worth mentioning. It seemed like the only woman he could hold a conversation with was his mother, and it really caused Adam sexual frustrations. Speaking of which, he wondered if his mother was around the house somewhere. He knew that everyone else was gone, but he didn't know where his mother was today. He crept out of his room and slowly walked around the house to try and find his mother. When he couldn't find her, he figured she was either gone or somewhere inside this big house and that she wouldn't hear him at all. With that confidence in mind, he quickly dashed to his mother's master bedroom and closed the door behind him. He looked around for a moment until he came across her dirty clothes hamper. He searched through it until he came across a nice dark pair of her silk panties. He took them out and put them to his nose. He took a deep inhale and savored it; they smelled just like his mother and something a little more. The smell was something bitter sweet and musky. He let his imagination wander and smiled at the thought of what it was - his mom got a little turned on while wearing these. He turned and went to the bed and sat down. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. He wrapped the silk garment around his cock and began to pump his hand up and down his hardened member, thinking about his mother. Since she really was the only woman he could hold a conversation with, they were closer than he and anyone else were. So occasionally his imagination strayed from the pure side and he had some sexual fantasies involving his mother, who could blame him? His mother was Sandra Bullock for crying out loud! She was wealthy, powerful, smoking hot, a triple threat! Adam began to moan loudly as he thought about his mother, which is why he did this when no one was in the house, hopefully no one was today.,"Sandra had a late call the night before, it was a director who wanted to speak with her at the earliest time possible to discuss a movie. It was 7am and the actress had already left her mansion to go to the director's house. Pulling up in his driveway, she got out and rang the doorbell. The actress was wearing a tight white dress that showed every inch of her delicious curves and stopped just short above her knees. Her flesh on her legs were on show down to where her black heels gave her some extra height. Jewelry wasn't high on her agenda but she wore a bracelet on her right wrist which was her grandmother's and a wedding ring on her left hand which had a diamond so big it was hard to miss. Sandra's hair was down today, falling just below her shoulder, just the right length that she liked. Her face didn't have too much makeup on apart from some eyeliner to make her eyes stand out and a red lipstick applied to her lips. Sandra was seen by the director now, she waved goodbye and put some sunglasses on as she stepped into her Mercedes. Reversing out of the driveway, she drove away heading back home. The meeting went quite well; she hadn't worked with this person before but he seemed keen and impressed with her, and she felt the same about him. They looked over the script, talked about what kind of character she would be playing and who else would be starring in it. Sandra was happy and that was most important as she stopped at a traffic light. Leaning over to her passenger seat, she looked through her bag for her cell phone. Holding it to her ear, she tried to get in touch with her son Adam, but it seemed he wasn't around to answer, which confused her because he always picked up. Turning the corner in to her street, she saw her mansion with no vehicles parked outside, and everyone was out, it being a weekend. After the film star had parked her car, she used the keys from her bag to open the door and everything was still and quiet. Stepping out of her heels and putting them to one side, she walked barefoot, lifting her sunglasses to sit on top of her head. Placing the bag she carried on the table in the corridor, she walked up the marble stairs to her son's room. It was empty, and she saw his phone on his bed. Just as she picked it up, she heard a noise coming from what sounded like her bedroom. The marriage wasn't exactly at its happiest, and thoughts flooded in her mind with what she might find out. Walking silently thanks to her bare feet, she pushed her door open slowly to see something that shocked her. Dropping her son's phone, it smashed on the floor, breaking it. "Adam?!" "Rey Mysterio stared up at the menacing face of the Big Show. A true David vs Goliath story, as he had to beat this man to claim the WWE Championship belt. He had versed the Big Show many times before, and had even won on a few occasions. He hoped he could pull that off once again. The ding of a bell announced the start of the match, and the big lumbering man began to walk towards the much smaller Mexican Luchador. Sliding between the giant's legs, he had almost gotten through, when he felt a large hand clamp around his neck. In a few moments, Rey was held in the air, and thrown into a corner. The speed (or lack thereof) of the Big Show was then shown as he ran towards Rey with the intent of clothes-lining him. Ducking out of the way at the last moment, Rey drop-kicked his opponent into the ropes, setting up a magnificent 619 opportunity. Bouncing off the opposite ropes, Rey kicked the Big Show's waiting face and climbed to the top rope. Jumping off, he landed on the Big Show and went for the pin. "1... 2..." The ref started, before Rey was literally thrown off the big man. "Urghh.." Rey groaned softly, sliding out of the ring to regain some stamina. This is when he remembered Paige was in the Big Show's corner. "I'll be watching." Stacy told the masked man, winking at him before he slid back into the ring. Avoiding a Big Boot, Rey began kicking at the Big Show's legs. Once off balance, the Big Show was yet again put in a 619 position. One more kick to the face later, and the Big Show seemed out for good. "Hey, Big Boy.. Have a look at these." Rey heard. Turning around behind him, he glanced down to find Paige nearby. She opened her bra, revealing her nicely sized chest to him. Those orbs that hung freely for the man to gaze at felt amazing to stare at. Not noticing the hush that surrounded the arena, Rey continued staring, but then was elbowed in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. The Big Show took the easy pin and won the match. "Well... It's the Big Show! It's a big, bad show tonight, yeah" His theme song began to play as he slowly walked out of the arena. Meanwhile Paige was taking this opportunity to brag about her win earlier that night. She spoke of how weak Stacy Keibler was to have lost to her, missing out on the Women's Championship Belt. Paige stood next to Rey Mysterio's unconscious body, which was not moving. Jerry Lawler was exclaiming at the fact that no one was looking after Rey, but it seemed as if most people cared about Paige's speech, or hoped she'd open her bra again...,"Paige wore back her top, covering her breasts again as Big Show started attacking Rey, instantly winning the match. Paige then held the tightropes before putting one leg in and bending over, going into the ring. Paige then walked over to the referee, taking the microphone away from him. She then looked at the still unconscious Rey and started shaking her head left and right. Paige knelt down on the floor and started crawling towards Rey. She crawled on top of him and sat on him with her crotch rubbing against Rey's crotch. She then unhooked her top to reveal her breasts again. She bent forward and motorboated Rey's face. With her breasts still on Rey's face, she took the microphone and started speaking "Rey is just as big of a loser as that Stacy Keibler. Look at him, even with this on him, he still can't enjoy it because he fucking got knocked out. Just like Stacy, even if she wants a rematch, I will knock the fuck out of her again." Stacy Keibler who had been hiding among the crowd couldn't stand Paige anymore. Paige was facing the other way, Stacy quickly jumped past the crowd barrier and slipped into the ring. At this moment, Paige just got up and hooked her top back on. Stacy grabbed Paige by her hair and slammed her rolling on the ground. She then kicked Paige in the tummy a few times before grabbing her hair and pulling her up again. Stacy then grabbed Paige's arm and pushed her towards the corner. Paige landed hard on the corner and was groggy. Stacy walked seductively in a catwalk manner towards Paige and then as Paige turned around, she gave her famous kick on Paige's neck, pushing her feet against Paige's neck. Right after that, Stacy grabbed Paige and threw her across the tightrope, Paige landed hard and couldn't get up anymore. Stacy then slowly exited the ring and went down to Paige and said it to her face "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." She then walked out of the arena. Stacy then waited in the back stage for Rey to come. "Elise Torwin had definitely made some bad decisions in her life, but this one might have been one of the worst. She wasn't even entirely sure he knew her name. She didn't know his -- not for lack of trying, it had been redacted -- but here she was. Sitting in the back of an unmarked truck, briefcase in her lap, and a large imposing man sitting next to her. Everything was silent, except for the soft sound of breathing and the noises that came with a large truck moving. She had to break it though, she had a job to do."Give me your arm."This scenario was familiar. It had happened more than once before; he obeyed and she sedated him so that he wouldn't cause trouble between here and when they could get him into the chair. After the Captain America fiasco, sedative had been the only way to convince the higher ups that they shouldn't just 'end the program' right away. It was a strange and confusing moment of morality for the psychiatrist, and luckily she'd had a little time to think about things. Now though, they were using him more; one last burst to try and clean up some of the mess, killing SHIELD and HYDRA and anyone else they needed to be quiet now that so much was out in the open. Elise had no issue with the killing, and she'd used to have no issue with dealing with the asset, either. But now during the debriefings he looked at her with slightly more humanity in his eyes, and she could no longer wash away the smell of electricity and singed human hair that seemed to cling to her after she had to recommend the electric 'treatment' again. The doctor had always prided herself on her rational and emotionless way of looking at things, but once the feelings had started, she'd been entirely unsure of how to handle them. So now here she was. She'd spent the last month carefully withdrawing massive amounts of money, unsure if HYDRA was able to observe her bank account or not, and it was in her briefcase now, stacks of hundreds, fifties, and twenties rubber banded together. She'd memorized as much as she could off of his files, what they hadn't entirely removed of his history. She was pretty sure that if this worked he was going to kill her too, but she'd accepted this. Death by the man she'd helped to torture and control was probably what she deserved, but she might be able to use her knowledge to survive. She knew only he could see inside her briefcase, so when she opened it and removed the small vial and needle, he'd see what was in it. That was good, he'd need it. "I have a new formula today that should eliminate some of the side effects," Elise said with confidence. The burly man sitting across from her let out a gruff "it doesn't matter, he doesn't care", and Elise fixed him with an icy, almost elitist stare. She was the one with a degree, if she said that a new chemical was needed, it was needed. Of course, in this case she'd actually cleaned out the container and replaced it with a harmless saline mixture, but only she knew it. Carefully she took his arm, prepped the needle, and injected the large assassin. Now it was out of her control.,"'Bucky thinking,' the asset thinks. 'The asset thinking,' he thinks. Memories. "Physically speaking," he says. It's like a crack that he can't fill. He doesn't want the memories to keep coming back. It doesn't want them. There is a war in his mind and both sides are fighting furiously. Both know the risks of what this means. Remembering. It brings pain, more than pain. Pain he can handle. Pain they can both handle. The weapon and the man sharing one body. They are comfortable with pain, it is a daily thing. Pain is something handlers don't tolerate. The chair brought desolation and despair. It was pure agony. Memories lead to the chair. They both want the memories gone. The body mumbles, unintelligible words lower than a whisper. Three two five... five, The needle was wrong. There was no warmth traveling through the muscle, spreading through the blood to cause him to be slow, altered. The asset's head shifts to the right, the side she is sitting on, three and a half inches. Eyes following the motion as the asset looks to the doctor. He'd seen the money. Something was different. The burly man leans back, his head tilting up as his eyes close. Relaxing since the doctor had done her job and the asset will be easier to put down should he try anything. 'You need to get away. They're going to erase you again. This is your chance. You have a chance. You need to run.' 'It has no mission. Asset does not have a weapon. Handler's present.' The asset turns his gaze to the man. 'They're going to put us in the chair!' 'We are a weapon.' When the truck they were traveling in hits a bump, his metal arm moves forward, the palm connecting with the burly man's nose, pushing firm cartilage into his brain. He shivers and dies. The asset sits silently. Falling. Snow. Screaming. Pain. Bucky. Sergeant. Serial number 32557038. He was a he. Not an it. He was trained to be a weapon but he wasn't an object. The notion keeps coming faster and faster after each wipe. The crack getting bigger, flooding his brain faster with facts. Facts Hydra had tried to keep from him. His eyes, human and alert yet cold and dangerous, turn to her once more. Why? He asks simply. He knows she is smart. He knows who she is and what she'd done to him. They have time. He kills. He wants to kill her. But first he has to know why she'd given him a needle which didn't put him down. "Everyone in the ninja class sat in anticipation as the day for being put into their squads finally came about. Everybody had a preference for who they wanted to be in a squad with, and the most popular choice for that was Kira Yamamoto, the female prodigy of the class that aced every exam put in front of her. Though, her skill wasn't what got everyone interested in her. It was her incredible good looks. Primarily her VERY large breasts and skimpy outfit that rivaled even Tsunade in sheer hotness, who just so happen to be giving the squad assignments out just so she could get away from paperwork for at least a few moments. "Squad 1 is...," she said, the room falling silent as everyone listened intently. "Kira Yamamoto, Aki Yamamoto and Nathan Stone. Squad leader is Ichiro Hatake." she announced. A collective groan of disappointment spread across the class, as their...idol was put into a squad with her sister and a single guy. Well, except for Aki, who squealed excitedly and damn near tackled her sister out of her seat beside her as she leaped into her lap for a hug. "I can't believe it. We're in a squad together sis!" she happily exclaimed, sitting in Kira's lap like she was Santa Claus, arms wrapped around her, hugging her tightly. "So we are..." she said in her calm tone, smiling and chuckling after, a rare show for her as she returned the hug while Aki settled comfortable in her lap. It was a unique sight, but not one anyone minded. A really attractive girl holding and snuggled close to an even hotter girl with a giant rack...what was not to enjoy. Tsunade didn't seem to mind either, or perhaps even notice as she went about reading out the rest of the squad assignments.,"Nathan Stone. Hearing his name being called, Nathan broke from the trance after staring at Tsunade's large breasts like all the other males in the class were, though some were even saying things about what they'd do to Tsunade. Looking over to his squad mates, he chuckled and walked over to the two and hugged them also. "Group hug teammate!" He said jokingly, this was more so that he could get a feel for his teammates literally. When he wrapped his arms around them, he slowly moved his hands down towards their bottoms and began to rub. Old habits die hard, and Nathan was known to be quite physical with beautiful or lusty women. ""There goes the bat, once again after Mr. J," Harley grumbled, hanging upside from the ceiling in an abandoned warehouse tightly wrapped in a nylon rope. She had helped the ungrateful joker escape yet again, only to find herself tied up tightly by Batgirl. "No good, I just can't get off... Wonder if she is into bondage to be so good with ropes? Well, guess I'll just have to wait for Mr. J to come back and rescue me. Hope he doesn't forget about me... again." But after a day and a couple of nights, it wasn't Mr. J who showed up but Riddler's henchmen. Of course they weren't there to rescue her; their plans demanded precision, and Harley was a nuisance. The buffoon bodysuit girl was immediately released and told to leave in a rather rude way. Harley was so mad for being forgotten that she kicked the man and somersaulted out the window eager for revenge on Mr. J. He couldn't have been caught, not after she sacrificed for him to escape, and now he should be waiting for her to return like a lapdog... but not this time. Leaving her like that had made the blonde's girl boil beyond limits, but just as she was about to leave the building, she turned back and saw the Riddler himself arriving. A sudden thought crossed her mind. What if she... Uhm Mr. J would never forgive her, but who cared about that clown right now? It was time to broaden her horizons. Suddenly, the lights went out, and a curtain of gas invaded the insides of the building. Loud hits were heard together with shouts and moans, followed by silence. Then, a shadowy silhouette approached. "You really should get better henchmen sweet," Harley's mocking voice echoed in the darkness as she swayed her way towards the Riddler, gun in hand. Dropping the pistol at his feet, she leaned on him. "You would be better with me instead of these goons, don't you think?" She took out a knife and played with it. "What happens, darling? Bat got your tongue or don't you like clowns? Come on, loosen up a bit." Waving the knife around, she placed it in her neck. "Oh boy, you must have had a very unhappy childhood... but it is not a child what I'm looking for, but a Maaan." Her knife moved to her own body, slowly stripping off her skintight top. "Is this better?" She asked provocatively while only wearing her skintight pants and mask.,"Another day, another dollar, to use the terms the plebeians were so fond of. The Riddler had only escaped custody relatively recently, but that last setback wasn't enough to make him want to slow down for a single second. Already he'd planned for his comeback, his next challenge that would truly stump the Bat, and all his little batlings to boot. All he needed were some resources to work with. He'd arrived on the scene soon after most of his new goons, dressed in his usual sharp green jacket, purple shirt, tie and trousers, dark leather shoes moved quietly along the ground, while his gloved right hand clutched tight at his question mark-shaped golden cane. He was expecting another simple task, but ultimately Eddie was going to get something far greater. What he certainly hadn't expected was the Joker's 'squeeze' (a term he used more ironically than anything else, because damn if that clown didn't realize what a fine piece of crazy candy he had on his arm) to come waltzing his way, having torn through his guys without a hint of issue. He watched her closely, tried not to make his worry obvious once she cut his tie open with only a modest amount of difficulty. And then, much to his shock, she rather casually cut open the front of her skintight jester getup and unveiled her perky bosom to him. "You certainly are an odd one, Quinn..." Sharp, hawklike eyes examined the area. No other clowns in the area, no obvious or hidden traps that his keen mind could pick up on. Which begged the question... why was Harley hitting on him? Riddler took a step forward, setting his staff against his car, and gave both of her breasts a firm squeeze. "But... I've never been one to disappoint a lady." Even if that one was a bit hard to believe. He supposed he could take the time out to have some fun with the crazy broad. If nothing else it was better than trying to spurn her advances, cause lord knew how dangerous she could get then. "The quasi-sidekick known as Batgirl blinked heavy eyes as she tried to stare at the walls around her. Black edges hovered in her vision, blocking out a good portion of the room around her. Years of training under perhaps the strictest taskmaster alive had left Batgirl more than capable of taking in details with limited information. She could definitely see something on the walls around her, probably torture devices of some kind. She could just make out some possible lights hanging around, or maybe it was all dark? Okay, so that wasn't quite clear. She should stop focusing on things away from her and start trying to piece together the immediate. She was still Batgirl. That sounded almost ludicrous, but when you had a secret identity there was always that possibility. Barbara Gordon and Batgirl were two distinct individuals. One was a high school student at Gotham Prep, learning right alongside a few other "Bat" wards. That one happened to be the daughter of the police commissioner, not to mention a straight "A" student, computer whiz, and halfway decent at martial arts. The girl's other identity just happened to be one that had earned the right to don the cowl and wear the symbol emblazoned on her chest. True, Batgirl's original outfits had looked decidedly amateur, with some stitches showing and a slightly crooked symbol on her teenage chest. But she'd gotten a lot better dressed since then, due in no small part to being officially indoctrinated into the Bat family. Which also made her one hell of a target. Babs had lost count of the number of villains who figured that the girl would be the easiest to kidnap out of the Bat family. Most of them learned the hard way that it probably would've been better to go for Dick or Tim or safer yet, the Butler. But noooo, the villains had to go for the perky teenage girl sidekick. They did so love to tie her up. Batgirl couldn't remember how many times she'd had ropes looped around her breasts. Honestly, it wasn't like she was Power Girl or something. Heck, in Babs line of work, having smaller ones was actually more of a blessing. Okay, yeah, she still had perky teen boobs and, yeah, she wasn't flat: they were noticeable in the suit. But, again: Not Batwoman. Batgirl, and with perfectly modest breasts too. Of course, sometimes the villains would tie ropes around her tight little butt instead or test the limits of her flexibility. This time, Batgirl didn't feel any ropes or anything on her immediate body. So she had that going for her. And again: still Batgirl. They'd left the cowl on her head and she seemed to be in her usual costume. Though she didn't quite remember some of the details of this particular outfit. There seemed to be some kind of zipper around the crotch area that she didn't remember being there before. Maybe that was a new addition that Alfred had added as a joke or something? Or maybe Dick had messed with it? He was known to be the humorous one of their family. It was weird, because Babs couldn't tell if she had her usual underclothing on either. Nobody wore nothing under their tights. Hell, Wayne Enterprises had pretty well started an entire line of underclothes just for superheroes. Babs often preferred the tight boy-shorts herself, and she thought she could feel them but she wasn't sure. So someone probably stripped me, quite possibly put me into an alternate version of my costume, drugged me, which actually came first now that I think about it, aaaand, yep, Batgirl's hand went to her throat, the gloved fingers feeling around,I have a collar around my neck. Seriously, a collar? At least there's no bell this time. Feels really thick so... probably explosives. Wonderful. Batgirl moved, realizing that she'd been laying on some sort of bed? She winced, not wanting to think about that. Her red hair fell around her shoulders as she rose up, and she could still feel a bit of her cape falling about her. It didn't feel quite as long as it should be; no surprise there. In fact, this outfit actually felt about a size or two too small, like someone had found the one she'd started in and squeezed her into it. The colors felt slightly off too, but that could just be the lights. Batgirl knew she needed to figure out where she was and who put her here. She remembered being on patrol, something about a call that required her attention. Was it at the new LexCorp building? It felt like it was. But maybe Batgirl was just projecting or something. All the capes knew that something was up with Lex Luthor but it wasn't like anyone could actually prove anything. She started walking in the room, feeling more steady than she'd figured. What was the game here? And, more importantly, how could she get out before one of the Bat family followed a tracer and tried to "save" her...,"Alexander "Lex" Luthor hated Superman with an intensity that seemed all consuming at times. The hatred had become an obsession; no longer was it about killing the so-called Man of Steel, it was about hurting and humiliating him. Of course over time, that hatred had expanded. Now, he hated all costumed heroes. It wasn't just because they often got in the way of his actions against Superman, but also because they had taken their inspiration from the Kryptonian hero. They were now a part of the problem, working their way into his head and becoming another distraction that kept him from helping mankind. And like Superman, it wouldn't be enough to kill them all; that would only inspire more. Instead, Lex needed to break them, humiliate them, bring them low so that even the average person would look down upon them... And without their shadow to obscure his own brilliance, Alex knew that he would be seen as the rightful hero and savior that mankind needed and craved. He had plans, of course, with partial successes and varying degrees of defeat, but he learned from each one and had countless more just waiting to be tried. Lex was patient, brilliant, and richer than nearly anyone else in the world. He would find the answer he needed. A new idea had occurred to him recently, touring a subsidiary of Lexcorp he had been shown some promising new developments when it came to improving mental health. One in particular stood out, a device that would make a person's pleasurable and enjoyable experience more intense as a way to fight short term depression. The fools didn't know what they had though and so he had fired them all, reminded them of the confidentiality contracts they had signed, and confiscated every prototype and note they had on the project before burying the entire program behind so much red tape and data that it would be near impossible for someone to track down. It had been inspirational too him, a way to humiliate all the so-called hero types by striking out at relatively few of them. With a few tweaks to the technology he had been able to make the pleasures it provided almost addictive while it would slowly rewire a person's brain until the effect would continue without the tech. Next had come testing, local prostitutes had worked well and because of his own tastes Alex worked the technology into a heavy collar... BDSM being a favorite little indulgence of his. It had worked like a charm, just as he suspected and that meant all he needed was his first subject. As enjoyable as it would be to start with Wonder Woman or Powergirl he knew that it was too risky to start with a super-powered subject, patience would pay out. Using the same technology that Batman worked into his police scanning equipment Luthor had found a way to send a single untraceable call for help right to any member of the Batcrew. Batgirl had been his target of course and after luring her to his new Gotham tower he had Mercy ambush and drug the girl. From there it had been simple enough to strip her, making sure to photograph her face and get fingerprints, and then dress her into a latex fetish costume that resembled her own. Then, waiting for about ten minutes, the time he had calculated it would take for her to wake up, Lex entered the room, dressed in his very best of course. "Batgirl, so lovely to have you join me tonight." He greeted her, a sneer marring his features slightly. "Sakura Haruno let out a growl of annoyance as she struggled to hook the straps behind her back together. Ever since her bust had fully developed - and rather unexpectedly, to boot - she always had trouble putting her bras on. There was the subtle but satisfying feeling of the fabric linking together, and her breasts were contained at last. Cha! No time for celebrating small victories, however, as she had to hurry up and finish getting dressed! Lady Tsunade had requested her presence today, and that - more likely than not - meant that the Hokage would be assigning her to a mission. And Sakura couldn't help but feel a tad of excitement, as she slipped the black gloves onto her hands. It had been a while since she had ventured out of the Hidden Leaf Village. Red top came next, followed by skirt, socks, and boots. And a mission, no matter how boring its objective, would be a welcome change of pace. She finished up by adjusting her forehead protector against her forehead, a few tufts of her pink hair popping in front of it which she quickly smoothed down. Looking towards the mirror, she gave herself a small smile. Ready to go! With that, she headed out of her apartment and towards the Academy, where Lady Tsunade's office resided. "Um, h-hello, Sakura-chan..." Sakura slowed her walking at the familiar sounding voice, turning her head to the side. Walking beside her was Hinata Hyuga, her head downtrodden and a few strands of dark blue hair brushing against her face. She was dressed in her usual purple-and-ivory jacket and jeans, which were less than capable of hiding the generous womanly curves that she had acquired with time. Sakura had never really interacted that much with the shy member of Team 8, admittedly, but she thought that she was a kind, sweet girl who was more than capable of defending herself and others if necessary. If only the same could be said about her attempts at gaining Naruto's affections... "Hmm? Hello, Hinata," Sakura said with a smile, which caused the blue-haired girl to blush for a moment. However, she slowly looked up to meet the medical-nin's gaze with her milky white eyes (a result of her possession of the Byakugan), returning the expression - if a bit reluctantly. "Going to see Tsunade-Sama?" Hinata asked, keeping pace with the cherry-blossom haired girl. "She wanted to speak with me as well..." she added softly. That got an eyebrow raise out of Sakura. Lady Tsunade had requested both her and Hinata to meet with her? Were they going to be assigned to the same mission, or was this simply a coincidence? "Well, I guess since we both seem to be heading to the same place, would you mind walking with me?" Sakura offered, that smile returning to her face. "Um, sure," the chuunin murmured, her cheeks tinting once again. And so they resumed their walk towards Tsunade's office in earnest, with Sakura leading the charge and Hinata quietly following along, at a bit of a slower pace... If Lady Tsunade was indeed going to assign them to the same mission, Sakura thought, it could certainly be interesting...,"Tsunade Senju had been watching out of the large window at the back of her office. Adjusting her top a few times as her massive breasts bounced around on her. "I think they got bigger again," she said, turning to her assistant, Shizune. "What do you think?" Shizune gave her a scolding look. "Lady Tsunade! This is not the time to be worrying about that. The shinobi will be here any minute to receive their mission!" She scolded the Hokage before Tsunade pouted out her lip and simply sat down at her desk. Watching the door till the sound of a knock could be heard at the door. "Enter." She said, and if Sakura and Hinata had arrived on time, they would have bare witness to the large two stall doors opening up for them. The Hokage looked to them, and flashed a smile. "So, I see you two managed to get out of bed okay on this lovely sunny day," she said, "I bet it wasn't easy, oh and Sakura... you look like you've had some growing this morning." She flashed a smile to her before Shizune gave her a scolding look. Clearing her throat, Tsunade holds out the mission scroll. "Here, you three have been assigned to guard a small town in the Land of Valleys while the workers tunnel through a mountain side to open a trade route. The city has been plagued with bandit raids and a few bits of a rather nasty sickness here and there, so I want the three of you to take care of it." With that declaration, Shuri made her way in, the girl had long black hair, and smooth pale white skin, and carried herself elegantly, dressed in a short Kimono bound at the waist by a rather large red rope. Her pale green eyes drifted about the room, looking at her would-be companions on her first mission since arriving in the Leaf Village. "Hello, I am Shuri Ramino, heiress to the Ramino family," she said with a bow. "Pleasure to meet the two of you, and your pairs of lovely fun bags." Yes, Shuri just said 'fun bags' in a way a dirty old man might have, but the look Shizune shot her didn't affect her any. "Now then, Lady Tsunade, you may continue to explain the mission if you so desire." The girl had an obvious attitude, a sort of snarkiness to her, she was shrewd and rude it seemed. "Milia huffed indignantly as she walked across the beach, muttering angrily to herself, her pale face deeply flushed. The witch had not long ago abandoned her tamer, though not before freezing his pants, for calling her an infernal because of her red eyes, something she herself was rather self-conscious about, and something which she already received a great deal of ridicule for from other witches. She clenched her fist tightly, sparks crackling around her hand before yelling in frustration, flinging a small ball of magic at a nearby piece of driftwood, causing it to splinter into tiny bits, "Who the hell did he think he was?!" She stomped her foot. The witch was dressed in a blue blouse with a column of white down the front, a short coat like piece that fit nicely over her short white pleated skirt, and long sleeves that covered part of the back of her hands. Both the sleeves and tail had a shiny gold silk strip lining the edges, and the outfit its self clung nicely to her modest C-cup breasts. On her head, atop a tangle of loose blonde hair hanging down slightly past her butt, was a blue pointed hat, the tip having fallen back so that the end rested on the hat's rim, and on her feet were a pair of tan boots that reached slightly past her calf and were tied with small pink bows, and a pair of stockings that matched her skin almost perfectly, nearly unnoticeable if it weren't for the fact that they had the same pink bows as her boots. She didn't notice as a breeze blew by, pushing up her short skirt and revealing her crisp white panties to anyone who might have been watching. She whimpered softly, clutching her spell book close and tugging nervously at the green scarf wrapped snugly around her neck, "Now what am I going to do?" She thought, realizing that without a tamer she would no doubt end up going feral. She slumped against a nearby rock, watching the ocean waves and sighing, "Why'd he have to say that? That idiot..." The pokegirl muttered to herself, trying to decide where to go from there, half hoping fate would take pity on her and drop an answer in her lap.,"A grin appeared on a young woman as she watched a witch leave her former tamer. The girl was Alice, who was new to being a tamer, but knew the basics of being one. Alice started following the witch as she searched through her Pokedex and got to know a little about the witch Pokegirl. Her grin grew wider still, because this Pokegirl would be an easy target for her plan. As Alice put away her Pokedex, she caught a quick glimpse of the witch's panties. Alice couldn't wait to get her hands on the witch. Alice was strangely dressed for being out on the beach. She wore blue jean pants and an oversized black shirt. It was hard to tell that she was a girl, since she had B-cup sized breasts and was tall for most girls. However, she was different from most girls. The only thing that seemed feminine about her were her light blue eyes, which stared at the witch as the wind blew her short, raven-black hair. When she saw that the witch had stopped to rest on a rock, Alice thought it was a good time to strike. She walked right in front of the Pokegirl, blocking the sun from the witch's view. "Shouldn't a Pokegirl like you be with your tamer?" "Terri stretched and yawned as she sat up from bed, grinning as memories flooded back to her. Yesterday had been her 14th birthday...the day she became old enough to become a Pokemon Trainer. Of course she had wanted to get going right away, wanted to go and get her first Pokemon and set out into the wide world...she had never even left the town where she had grown up. Her parents however had insisted she stay for at least one more day. Truth be told, they weren't too fond of the idea of their daughter becoming a Pokemon trainer...though Terri really didn't have much idea why. Sure she hadn't met many trainers in her 14 years but she knew she had always wanted to be a trainer, ever since she was little. "Ok!" Terri couldn't wipe the grin from her face as she went around to get ready, showering, drying and brushing her hair, having her breakfast and brushing her teeth, oblivious to the concerned looks that her parents were giving her the entire time. They wanted to tell her but....neither of them had the heart to risk ruining her dreams. She would find out the truth about being a Pokemon trainer soon enough. "Bye mom! By dad!" Terri kissed each of them on the cheek as she adjusted her backpack. "I'll be sure to send you lots of letters ok? Now don't worry about me, I'll be fine! Really!" She grinned, hugging them both, before turning to go, practically running down the street. She couldn't wait to find out what Pokemon she would be given....each trainer was given a random Pokemon without being able to choose, an attempt to help starting trainers become more diverse. "I'm heeeeeeeeeere!" Terri announced her presence loudly as she arrived at the local trainer center, right on time for her appointment, heading toward the new trainers room. "Ok...oh I can't wait anymore! Please please please! Can I have my Pokemon?" The woman behind the counter blinked, then laughed nervously, tapping a few details onto the computer, before a Pokeball rose up from a hole in the counter. "Alright miss, I'll leave you to get acquainted with your new Pokemon" The woman bowed, then turned to go, leaving Terri alone in the room. "Ok....time to meet you. Come on out!" Terri dropped the Pokeball in order to release the occupant.,"When humans first began training pokemon, they did so to have living weapons, creatures that they could use to settle differences and curb the need for war. However, over time, they learned that pokemon were capable of serving a much more devious need. Pokemon were found to have incredible libidos, capable of producing orgasm after orgasm. Many, it seemed, had an insatiable desire for sex. This realization was not made until the famous female trainer, Serephani, was taken repeatedly by her Tengela. It was truly an amazing and altogether frightening scene. In this world, the true nature of Pokemon had shifted to focus on harems and pleasure rather than battles. Pokemon still fought each other, but now through careful sexually based attacks. For this reason, the official age for training had been pushed up to 14 and was often hidden from children. As Terri gripped her new pokeball, it rustled in her hand. As she released it, the ball opened in a flash of red light, before her sat a young-looking Growlithe. He was slender, a little short, but he had a very proud, if somewhat goofy, expression on his face. He grinned up at her with his goofy grin and slowly stood to his feet. His body was marked with red fur with black stripes. His chest was covered with soft, fluffy blonde fur. Atop his head, sat a small tuft of blonde hair, and a bushy tail of golden fur swished behind him. "Today was a grand day. Today was the day new trainers would set out to the Pokemon world. With all the excitement though, the teenage girl could barely sleep all night, after being promised a pokemon by the resident Professor Oak. Only managing to fall asleep almost when it was morning, when Sapphire woke up, the due hour had already passed. A scream sounded through the house. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" It'd been like that since she was ten. Sapphire had never managed to wake up on time and get a pokemon, since all the kids had already been there and taken their pick! Quickly, she jumped out of bed and got herself ready in the record time of five minutes, rushing downstairs barely with her backpack on. "Bye mom!" Her long sky blue pigtails swayed behind the tall girl as she ran, still fixing the black shorts and the dark blue turtleneck. Her deep blue eyes were starting to water, figuring it'd be the same as the other years. She'd be late again, too late. When she got to the lab though, her tanned face lit up with joy, despite being absolutely out of breath. A single pokeball stood on the table, waiting for her. "I knew you'd be late again, so I saved this one just for you this year, since you've been such a... good girl." The professor said, a devilish smile on his face as he handed the ball to her. Sapphire blushed slightly at his words, but it was overcome by her excitement, wanting to see what was inside.,"Contained inside the single ball was a young Abra. Rescued by Professor Oak, from an abusive trainer, this Abra had a peculiar interest. Unlike most Abras, which teleport away from any human who approaches them, this Abra was drawn to people, primarily females. He had been known, on occasion, to influence humans to do what he wanted, using his telepathic powers. Needless to say, Oak was well aware of this, awarding Sapphire with said Abra, was both a reward and a punishment. It would be up to Sapphire to make that decision. As the ball sat on the table, it shook lightly back and forth, the Abra knew he was being given to a trainer, and was quite excited to meet her. "Blackwood Mountains, there was no doubt in Sam's mind that this place would haunt every nightmare. A tragedy she desperately tried to prevent. The man she'd come to coven loosing both his sisters on a dark night similar to the one they were experiencing tonight. Not only that, but the blizzard was strangely eerie because it was reminiscent of the same one that had taken hand in spiriting away Beth and Hannah. Sitting by the side of the whirlpool tub, clearly installed into the mansion-esk lodge as a comfort to up the sale price. Sam leaned over the tub and admired the shiny white porcelain. Going to grasp the handle of what she'd hope to be hot water, the voice of the same man she'd been thinking about constantly on the hike up to the lodge. Voice echoing throughout the moonlit house. The nickname he'd playfully bestowed unto her rang through the air. Music to the young blonde's ears. There was always this anticipation that built up and hit like a overwhelming blindsiding tsuname the second she heard her name roll off his lips. "Whaaaaa?" Sammy, that's what he called her. She remembered when they first met, how he'd tried countless times to give her a nickname that would stick...then...Sammy. It sounded right when he said it, nobody else, she didn't feel comfortable with anybody else calling her Sammy. "You wanna help me get this fire going?" Last time she'd drank in the sight of him was when he was huddled under the fireplace, fiddling with the gas. "Uuuuh...well...I was just...getting into the bath." She didn't think much of her answer, she was just being honest. However, when he came back with a cute little 'oh'...and then a pause...she couldn't help but blush lightly, peering out the bathroom door in the direction of his voice. "Well do you need any help with that?" Being a smartass wasn't something unusual for him, but what Sam said next would probably throw him off his pacing. Teasingly she chuckled under her breath, grinning lightly as she responded proudly with. "I'd say yes, but...there's no hot water and I don't think either of us nor anyone else in the house wants to be shoulder deep in ice water." Checking the water, aaaaand...the prediction was correct as she settled down on the marble surrounding the tub only for feel the bone-chilling water that was as cold as a river in December...drench the young 20 year old's right hand. Turing off the water with a sigh and walked out of the bathroom, thinking about roaming around and wondering if she'd finally silenced Josh with that little suggestive comment.,"Josh was in the middle of trying to settle the last pieces of his revenge plan when Sam called out to him. He wasn't sure what it was about her, but whenever he was around her...he felt calm and at ease. All the voices left him, all that he could hear was her, and it was comforting. He was wondering if there was some way he could exclude Sam from all this he had planned or not. When he teased her, he expected her to call his bullshit...but her response actually surprised him. Did she really have feelings for him? Or was she just messing with him, like they had done with his sisters...he wanted to know. His eyes locked on Sam's figure when she walked out of the bathroom and he gave her his trademarked grin. "We need to turn the furnace on in the basement to get the hot water going," Josh said, offering her his arm. "Tell you come with me to turn it on, and then, maybe, I'll consider your invitation to join you in the tub." He winked playfully at her, acting like her comment wasn't a big deal, but inside, his heart was pounding. "Gotham A city in only description, but not in identity. Most people would call it a hell, a ses-pit, a breeding ground for crime, while others were forced to call it home. The occupants only considered it one thing, a home. There were though, two gleams of light in the shadows of the city. Well technically one, but very few new or understood the implication of that knowledge. Those two lights were Bruce Wayne and the knight in the shadows, Batman. A man who worked in the light of the cameras and sun to better the city for the average citizen, while the other worked in the shadows to protect the weak. A recent development had plagued the city of Gotham for many years, but now it had lifted like the early morning fog in the afternoon. The Joker, a madman bent on tormenting and amusing himself with the antics he thought of on a weekly basis against the Batman. To torture, to hear the citizens scream, and most of all to enjoy his psychopathic games of madness with his best friend in the world, the Batman. This clown of crime had suddenly disappeared from gotham leaving a distraught and confused Harley Quinn, the joker to the Jokers King. It had been recently that Harley had been found and apprehended by police. Was she terrifying people? Arming bombs? Letting loose her hyenas on citizens? She was drunkly spray painting the words, "Where are you sugar?" across the statues guarding the Library of Gotham Congress. "What am I going to do with you Harley?" Gordon asked with a deep sigh. Looking across his desk at the chained up girl. Gordon was the head of the Gotham police force, though most of their job was cleaning up after Batman's antics. His mustache twitched as he took a sip from his white mug, long since turned muddy with use. "You weren't always like this, you know." I yank roughly on the handcuffs shackling me to the chair, glaring angrily towards Gordon. The metal digs into my wrists, peeling a layer of skin from me as I struggle. The pain transports me to another time - another place. I imagine being locked up, cuffed to a wheelchair which Puddin' had retrofitted with rollercoaster wheels. It was incredible, I tell you... Like something straight out of the mind of a genius. I remember the clickity clack of the chain pulling me up the hill, the rush of looking onwards towards the unfinished rollercoaster. The thrill of dropping down the hill, riding through the loop, flying the rails....and into a wonderfully deadly slumber dedicated to my Mr. J.... "Oooh....Mr J....where are you pudding...." I sigh, the illusion fading as I return back to the present. I'm sure to Gordon, I must seem delusional - or worse. I don't care though. No, there's only one man I care about what he thinks....and he's gone! GONE! Gone without a trace...a phone call....or even a booby trap. I don't have the faintest on where he could possibly have gone. The air atop the police station was bitter cold. Gordon's hair and tan trench coat blowing with the wind. The steam from his foam cup dissipating against the roar of the wind, the smoke only slightly illuminated by the light of the bat signal. "I...hhh...hate winter", he muttered, as he reached into his pocket for a lighter. "Thought you quite" replied a voice from the shadows. An almost inaudible click, then the signal illuminating the sky disappeared, once again shrouding the roof in darkness. Gordon shrugged, his hand returning from his pocket empty. "I'm trying, but old habits die hard", looking up at the shadow. "You should know that better than most!" Apparently that reply didn't warrant an answer, as an awkward silence passed between the two. It was Gordon shivering from the cold who decided to break that silence. "You took longer than usual" his almost frozen mustache twitching in irritation. "Get stuck in traffic?" The form the comment was meant for silently shifted into view. Tall, dark, with a willowing cape and an attitude for action, even violence. "I've got a new....complication....its...taking more of my time" he growled in reply. "Make that two" Gordon wordlessly replied with a sigh. "I've got that favor from you to turn in" The glare could be seen from the shadows even with in the dim light. "I want you to take Harley Quinn in. I think you might be able to fix her, since the Joker is no longer in the picture." *meanwhile, back downstairs*,"Harley was lost in one of her fantasies again, thinking about when she first met her Mistah J, how scared she had been of him. Now she knew who he really was, she prided on being the only one that did. Her puddin' meant the world to her and his happiness was all that really mattered to her. She could remember him flirting with her, telling her he understood her pain, understood how it felt to be cast out. She'd fallen for her puddin' quickly. She talked aloud now, as if he were here. Tears rolled down her pretty cheeks, the white clown paint mingling and leaving white puddles on the floor. "Mistah J why'd you leave me? I know you'll be back for me," she murmured before bursting into hysterical laughter. "It's a test right Mistah J? You want to see how much trouble I can cause?" She pulled against the handcuffs and screamed out in anger and frustration. She kicked over the table in front of her and laughed as the papers came down around her. "OH JIM!" she shouted before laughing her head off. Outside the room, other officers just shook their heads. "Why doesn't he just send the crazy bitch to Arkham again?" one of them asked as she continued to laugh and talk to herself. "Kushina was up earlier than usual. And for her, that was pretty early. She was up long before the sun would rise. Her reason? The small plastic stick resting on the counter beside where she stood, wearing nothing but her pajamas, which was a short-sleeved blue silk top that ended midway down her thighs. Her feet were bare against the cold tiled floor, toes curling in anticipation as she stared at the small object on the counter. It was small, indeed, but it was a very powerful thing. It had been on Kushina's mind the past few days, putting the normally fearless woman on edge. Even now, as she stared at the little thing, her heart was pounding heavily in her chest and her stomach was twisting with anxiety. Now, you may be wondering what could put the brave Red Hot-Blooded Habanero in such a state of disarray. Well, it was a pregnancy test. She had been feeling weird the past few days, and after discussing it with Mikoto Uchiha, it was suggested that she may be pregnant. Which came as a total shock to Kushina. She couldn't have a kid! Not right now! There was simply too much going on, what with the news of this mysterious figure going around trying to kill off the tailed beasts. Besides, she just wasn't ready to be a mother. She didn't know if she would ever be ready for such a role. At the same time, though, what if she were pregnant? Minato would be such a wonderful dad, that much she knew already. But he had never really talked about starting a family. It was a discussion they were too busy to have. Still, if she were pregnant, what would they do? Sighing under her breath, Kushina pinched her eyes closed and took a shaky breath to try and prepare herself for the results. As she did this, she reached over and grabbed the test, figuring it would be ready by now. The question was, was she ready for the results? The answer was no, but she had to face it anyways. So, mustering all the courage she could manage, she peeked open and glanced down at the test, only to let out the biggest sigh of her life. It was negative. Thank Kami! She groaned out loud, relief calming her edgy nerves and causing her to slouch forward in a dramatic fashion. No babies today! Hah! Happily, she dropped the test into the trash near the toilet and turned to leave the bathroom, a refreshed glow about her as if the weight of the world had just been taken from her shoulders. There was a spring to her step, her deep blue eyes sparkling happily as she stepped into the bedroom and smiled giddily at the sight of Minato beneath the covers. She was usually reluctant to wake him. As the Hokage, he didn't get a lot of rest. They needed to head out in a few hours though, and there was no way she could get back to sleep, so Rise and shine~! Playfully, Kushina crawled into bed with the man, smiling as she laid atop the covers and squirmed up against his frame in an attempt to wake him. Assuming he wasn't already awake.,"*bump* That was the first thing he felt, not aware what it was he slowly began to crack open his eyes. 'Rise and shine~' called the familiar voice as his eyes opened catching the pale face of his wife, her long, seriously long, red hair draping around her face as she dropped down next to him and began snuggling, wriggling next to him as he shook his head in an attempt to calibrate himself and awaken properly. "What're you..." he began asking before deciding against finishing the sentence. He loosened up, he's gotten a little bit stiff from her waking him so suddenly, he relaxed back down in the pillow as he lifted both his arms out from under the covers. One hand slipped behind his own head, the mess of yellow hair that sat comfortably atop his head, the second draped around Kushina's shoulders as he held her to his naked torso. He slept, for the most part, naked. No shirt to cover his reasonably toned upper body, and only a pair of shorts to cover his crotch. They where closer to a pair of briefs than they where to an actual pair of shorts. He groan slightly, holding her against him for a brief moment before reaching over to the bedside table. It was dark still, no sunlight cracking through the window. He pulled the alarm clock over to himself and pressed a button, the light that backlit the clock lit up. 6:00am? "6:00am?!" he questioned putting the clock down before looking to Kushina who was nuzzling, squirming and hugging against him. "Why Kushina." he said in an exasperated tone that sounded like 'You betrayed me!' He removed his arm from her and grabbed onto the covers, pulling them with a strong tug as he rolled over onto his side, holding the whole of the bed covers in his hands leaving her to lay without any on her side of the bed his back to her. He couldn't help but grin at their playful interaction, it may be 6:00am, she may be the devil himself for waking him up this early, but he still loved her. "I'm going back to sleep." he mumbled into the covers that he hogged in front of himself. He knew she'd have no such thing, and she'd win, she always won, but he wouldn't give in to her easily, not without a fight. "For Draco, his fifth year at Hogwarts was proving to be a rather special one by any standard at all. So far, old Mudblood lover Dumbledore had been removed from the school and replaced by Delores Umbridge, who, to be fair, Draco couldn't stand in the least, but she had appointed him to the Inquisitorial Squad, giving him plenty of power to abuse and enjoy. Not only were Slytherin far ahead in terms of House Points, they also were pretty much unopposed on the Quidditch teams, in fact, they were the first team allowed to reform, giving them an advantage when it came to practice time. But right now, he was about to enjoy another spectacular perk of being not only a member of the Inquisitorial Squad but also the perk of being a Malfoy. Recently, Cho Chang had gotten herself into a bit of trouble; she was suspected of being a part of that tedious DA group formed by Potter and trying to undermine the authority of the Ministry, at least that was the official story about why they were banned. However, Draco suggested that Umbridge could see the changes that would soon be coming and wanted to ensure that she was on the right side of the coming conflict - being a friend of Mudbloods would soon be a rather poor position to find oneself in. Of course, Cho's mother was trying to protect her, having a mid-level job in the Ministry and subordinate through a few levels to Umbridge, but more importantly because she worked for the ministry, she was someone who had to listen to Lucius Malfoy. And Madam Chang's daughter had to be taught a lesson, which Lucius Malfoy was very fond of doing by proxy, and Draco was more than willing to take advantage of the set up there. From what Madam Chang had been told, she was to go to Hogwarts to tutor Draco, which was to be kept quiet because no one else was to know that a Malfoy might need a little help. But in truth, there was more to it. She was there to be a test subject for him, working on a new potion derived from the standard love potion but modified, an experiment that he had hopes to use to undermine Potter, since striking out at the boy who lived didn't seem to work when you struck directly. He would hurt him through others, and this potion was only the newest idea that he had, with a vial of the final product ready for testing, in the pocket of his robes as he made his way through the dungeon and too the class that he had been told that Madam Chang would be waiting for him in. He knew he was running late, but it hardly mattered; he was a Malfoy, and soon Madam Chang would be no one...,"Madam Chang was fidgeting in the "official robes of a tutor" as the new edition of the "Clothes and Doodads of Professions" described her new robe. She was inspected by no other than Dolores Umbridge when she arrived in the school, her everyday robes left behind. The thirty-something mid-level official knew that she was punished, when only her silk underwear was left on her, and the black silk robe really wasn't that much protection against the slight cold of the dungeons. Hidden in a classroom under the kitchen, accessible by a secret door from the Great Hall of all things, Madam Chang - for it was her surname, just like her daughters, as both came from the family of Cho - tried to gather her wits about the studies of the fifth years. Knowing well that she would have to tutor Draco to the mark Lucius Malfoy would see as adequate, the Chinese MILF was restless, playing with her braided long hair. For anybody she looked like her daughter Cho Chang, just twenty years older and her hair twice as long, the braided tresses just reaching under her robe covered ass, cut to the length where she was not sitting on it... Of course unbraided even her asscheeks would be covered by it, but that was one thing nobody had seen outside her bedroom... "Hinata Hyuuga walked slowly towards her designated meeting point. The Hokage had pulled Hinata from her usual team for a special assignment, with someone she had never met before. That was going to be difficult. Hinata had a hard enough time around her own teammates despite the fact she'd been working with them for a few years now... having to work with someone new again... it would be like she was a kid all over again, reverting back to her shy, withdrawn self. The girl sighed softly, brushing some of her hair behind her ear, then pulling her jacket a little more tightly around herself. Despite the fact it was the middle of summer, Hinata still wore her large jacket - it helped her to hide. Not to hide completely from sight of course, but it hid what was really behind the jacket. Well, that and a lot of tight straps... Hinata was unlike most girls... She was rather ashamed of her 'assets' and so did her best to hide their true size. Honestly, she was already as big as Tsunade and still growing, but to any onlooker she wouldn't look particularly large, thanks to strapping herself down and the large, bulky jacket. "Okay," she arrived at the meeting place, glancing around slowly to see she was alone. So, she slowly leaned against the wall, directing her attention down to the ground as she waited in silence.,"Komakai had no idea why he was being assigned a new partner. Even though it was brief, it seemed unnecessary. But it was the Hokage's orders, and Komakai just couldn't say no to a woman with big breasts. Komakai was a pervert, but he hid it pretty well. But he had a weakness for girls with huge breasts, it was his personal fetish, let's say. So the ninja was really hoping that his partner would have some nice ones. Komakai laughed, figuring he probably shouldn't get ahead of himself. He walked to the meeting point and saw a girl. A rather attractive girl, although the jacket was a bit of a turnoff... way too baggy for him to tell anything. Komakai approached the girl. "You wouldn't happen to be my partner, would you?" "Meila kept tapping her foot over and over again on the floor of her bedroom, her mind thinking over the argument she had just had with her now ex-boyfriend. She slammed her hand down on her dresser before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Alright... that does it," she growled as she made her way down the stairs of the Torchwood hub. "Jack, what the hell were you thinking? Drugging my boyfriend just because you're jealous of him?" she asked, shoving a finger into his chest, making sure it hurt him a bit, to make a point. Meila looked like some 18 year old school girl, but in reality she was a 600-year-old Time Lord, though she had kept this truth hidden from Jack until recently. It was more Ianto who had brought it to their boss's attention, which only made Jack even more protective of her. Meila had light blonde hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin. Her body was an athletic build, with small breasts and a tight ass. She stood at 5'4" and weighed 120 lbs, all muscle. One thing that made her so attractive to most men was her temper and how cute she looked when she was angry. "I should send your ass back to your room and tie you up again," she growled before shaking her head. "Thanks to you, he broke up with me." she hissed then spun around and made her way to her desk where she slipped into her chair. She pulled her headphones on over her ears and began typing away at a report, trying to ignore him now. Biting her lip, Meila ran her fingers through her hair and gritted her teeth tightly. "You really know how to get on my nerves, and you should be proud of it either." she went on saying.,"Jack loved it when Meila was angry, the way her brow furrowed and she got these little dimples in her cheeks that made her look even younger. He imagined sex with her when she was angry would be quite an event. But then she might try to kill him so, you know, swings and roundabouts. It was true, he had been jealous of her boyfriend, but then her boyfriend had also been a dick and not someone he wanted anywhere near Torchwood. He couldn't help but feel a frisson of excitement at the thought of Meila tying him up again, but he quickly shook the image away and strode over to her. "You might want to remember who's in charge around here," Jack said, trying to sound authoritative. "We don't need dead wood like...him hanging around causing distractions." He paused for emphasis, but he wasn't even sure she was listening to him. He tried to soften his tone a little. "Look we're getting some strange anomalous readings coming through the rift. Temporal waves. I'm not sure what they mean, so if you could apply your massive intellect to that I'd be most grateful." Too patronizing? He thought maybe yes, but what the hell. Jack spun on his heel and marched away to his office, just as Ianto's boyish face appeared at the top of the stairs. "Don't let him get to you," Ianto said in his sweet Welsh lilt, "He's just a big pussycat really." Ianto smiled. He was in love with Jack, but there was something about Meila that stirred something in him he'd never experienced in relation to a woman before. Even a 600 year old time lord woman. "Bella Thorne fought the urge to fidget as she knelt on the relatively plush carpet. The well-lit hotel room in which she knelt at least looked halfway acceptable. It would have had to be, to fit in with her assigned role. The pretty teenager lifted a slightly nervous hand, pristine nails just flicking aside strawberry blonde hair. The long, loose curls at least kept it clear from her expertly painted face, especially the plump pink lips that glistened in the light. They'd spent almost half an hour on those lips alone, layering expensive lipstick and gloss on them till they seemed almost fake, as if someone had attached a blow-up doll's lips onto the gorgeous actress's face. The same care had gone into primping the girl's lean body: powder on the breasts just so, dress hung with plunging neckline. Hell, Bella had worked her way through something like six pairs of underwear before the Guia La Bruna thong vivisected her plump white cheeks. The panties alone would have fed a family of four for a few months, let alone the dress and makeup. But Bella had argued, insisted, and when she did that, she won. Sometimes she had to purse those lips and wink or tease or wiggle fingers, but she always won. Every man she'd ever met had stared at her body, at the beautiful, innocent face, at the ripe breasts, at the softly rounded ass, and felt a stirring in his loins. Probably most of the women felt the same way. Bella used it, abused it, and got what she wanted. But she'd been stuck in teen-bopper roles for something like years now. Even her more recent roles had pretty well pigeon-holed her as the precious little teenager. So she'd insisted that her agent find her something real, something with substance, something that would put her on the serious film map. It was that or she'd fire him and find someone who could. Which is how Bella found herself in the starring role of Rich Little Escort. The role had been amazing, and at times Bella almost felt as if she were her character. It probably helped that the girl had decided to use Bella Luna as her "stage name." A beautiful socialite needing change in her life opts to become a high-end escort for expert clientele, only to find herself wrapped up in the world of debauchery and sexual commerce. Edgy, real, and it paired Bella with some of the best names in the business. All of which led to a pretty girl kneeling in a room, waiting patiently while they got ready for the sex scenes. Supposedly they were going to use doubles for the actual action, which would be entirely real, no simulation, but they needed her first reactions for up-close shots and a few initials. Bella was already bored, and pretty well assured that she'd just be pulling out some poor old guy's tiny little willie, jerking it a few times and pretending that it was the best thing in the world. Thousands if not millions in the bank, and awards shows already clamoring for her name. "Where's the male talent already?" she demanded, twisting to look, knowing that he'd been in another room. The real talent, the one she'd wanted to work with, had gone in a door, and the "sex talent" would soon come out and insist that Bella draw him out for the initial blowjob. The actress sighed again, fidgeting and pulling at the dress, ready to lash into the entire crew for the simply intolerable lack of professionalism.,"Frank Wagner was very satisfied with the particular arrangement that brought him to this particular set today. He was used to shooting sex scenes on movie sets, just not ones of this caliber. Frank was a fairly well-known porn star, known for directing porn that was both sensual, exciting but also depraved. He also had a lucrative side business of satisfying wealthy women in heat. But he had never played with someone of Bella Thorne's caliber before and he was looking forward to it. Bella Thorne was the perfect girl for a Frank treatment. He had created a niche of production focusing on breaking boundaries of performers and making videos of exquisite pleasure and satisfaction. Frank's latest movie was about a highly popular lesbian pornstar's (for porn only, had a bf) first b/g shoot. Frank had kept her pussy for her bf and ravished her virgin ass for most of the shoot, shocking even herself with assgasms on camera. No wonder that she had left the studio with him for some all-night long fun. So Frank knew exactly what he had to do and he was looking forward to it. It must have been one lucky guy to teach Ms. Thorne the true pleasure of the flesh and making her scream on camera. He wore a nice-looking suit that she would need to fish him out of, adjusted his cock, and strode in to the set. He smiled at the sexy actress kneeling for him, looking sultry and sensual in that dress, playing the role of a socialite seeking sexual adventure, and Frank was planning to give her just that. He moved in front of her, standing as the script called for, the outline of a fat, veiny cock clearly visible through his slacks as the director asked for their readiness and the shoot began. Frank's hand slipped into her silky blonde hair, caressing and encouraging her like the male character was supposed to in the scene, waiting for her to free him and gauge her reaction to the fat, veiny cock that he was sure would surprise the inexperienced actress. "An exhausted Selena Gomez gratefully took the offer drink and sipped it without thinking much of the consequences. The cool refreshing drink filled her mouth with a fruity flavor almost immediately. That chill continued as the teenage starlet swallowed, throat working subtly to take the drink into her system. She could feel the chilled liquid slightly burning as it settled into her stomach, almost as if fumes rose up from within to start bubbling at her brain. Selena very nearly hiccuped, raising a carefully trimmed hand up to cover her lips daintily, smiling at her host with some embarrassment. To think that she actually got an invite here, of all places. He'd come out of no where, risen to power seemingly overnight, and the whole world had no real choice but to take notice. Yet it had been her, Selena Gomez, who had gotten the invitation into his home. There had been a lot of arranging to get her here: paperwork to fill out, schedules to arrange, diplomatic proceedings to adhere too. They'd had to send Selena's luggage ahead, which had left her with nothing but a small clutch purse when she'd finally arrived. She'd used that as an excuse when she'd first been led to the chambers, but they didn't seem to care. Nor did they seem to care that the petite teen wore what amounted to an oversized sweater. Technically it was Versace, and probably cost a good deal, but it still looked almost as comfortable as fashionable, less so after the travels. Selena knew full well that her hair had to look a mess: black locks hanging in strands, some loose, some curling slightly, some nearly falling to frame her rounded face. A lot of her makeup had probably run off too: she'd been able to touch up her lips slightly with some gloss and dot around her eyes, but she just knew she had to look awful. Still, she was before her esteemed host, sipping his drink. She complimented him on it before taking an offered piece of what looked like cracker, nibbling slightly at it, glad to get something in her belly. The girl flashed a grateful smile, starting to clear her throat to begin thanking verbally as well. It was then that an attendant spoke: "Now, as per custom, you have agreed to the terms discussed. You shall enter into the harem as a willing participant, and adhere to your new master's wi--" "What?" Selena stammered, spraying a little cracker/bread. She gaped at her host, brown eyes wide, mouth hanging slightly agape. "Is he... that's a really weird joke..." she glanced down at the cracker, dropping it as if it were on fire, hand already rubbing against her outfit, as if to wipe away whatever had caused this awful misunderstanding.,"Almost out of nowhere, Ghazi rose to power, gaining control of some land where he built his fortress-like palace out in the middle of nowhere. Something was missing, however; he wanted celebrity girls - girls who were so highly sought after that people would be surprised that he obtained such a rare treasure. Yet he did, over the few weeks it took him to make it possible, Ghazi managed to secure a celebrity of a different kind. Everything was looking good, but he couldn't stop at just one celebrity; he wanted a whole bunch of them serving his every need and want. It was good to be powerful. Selena Gomez was one of those said celebrities that Ghazi had to have in his harem. With her inside and locked into his fortress, there wasn't much anyone else could do. Ghazi had followed her progress well, knew the performances and movies she was in, and was glad that she accepted his invitation to come here. When she did, she accepted a lot more than she thought she did. When she arrived, he watched her. She looked so good, and he couldn't wait to get her into her outfit and have her bent over with his long cock inside her all day. It was of course what these celebrities were meant for. He wondered how she would take her new role but figured that she wouldn't take long to realize what she was there for; she was smart, after all. Ghazi offered her a drink and the cacker as he sat there watching her in silence. His long beard hadn't been washed in days, and his own clothing looked like a total mess. He smiled as the attendant spoke, this was the moment that she was going to be introduced to his harem and his rules, and thus he wanted this moment to be special - in a way that she wouldn't forget any time soon. Today was the last day of her old life. Soon, she would be slipped into the ways of a harem girl and expected to serve his wishes. Ghazi was overweight; his long black hair and brown eyes watched her in silence for a moment. She means that you have agreed to stay here as one of many celebrity harem girls that I will create. You will follow my commands, dress the way I want you to dress, and serve me in many different ways. He explained to her as he watched her in silence after that. "Harry Potter was a special child. Destined to be the Chosen One, to stop the terrifying monster that was Lord Voldemort. Yet how much of that story was true? How much of that story was destiny? Was any of it? Or was it all orchestrated by one twisted old man with a superiority complex? No one wondered if prophesy was all a load of bull, since they all wanted hope to cling onto. And that hope was in the form of the Boy Who Lived. It was a nice, sunny day at the Burrow, the residence of the Weasleys, when Dumbledore apparated the young Harry Potter to his makeshift home. Living with the Dursleys was never much fun, and the Weasleys always treated him like one of their own. With a loving smile, Mrs Weasley welcomes Harry into her home, a bone-crushing hug being the norm. As the raven-haired boy disappeared upstairs, still quite distressed about the loss of his Godfather, Sirius Black, his friend Ronald appeared from behind the corner. "Professor Dumbledore, sir?" The redhead said, a little uncertainty in his voice. "Can we talk for a moment?" The request came, and the elderly fellow nodded with a small laugh. "Of course, my boy. And please, call me Albus." With the suggestion that they enter his father's shed, with the various Muggle equipment laying around, the odd pair was off for an obviously private conversation. "You promised I would have her by now!" Ron stormed angrily, his face bright red as they entered the shed. "It's not fair. That prissy mudblood bitch should be grovelling at my feet right now, sucking my cock," he said, his face holding a dreamy look for a moment before shaking out of it. "I've been keeping up my end of the bargain like you asked. I've been a nice friend to the Potter prick, but now I want what's mine!" He finished, his face matching his hair. "Quiet Ronald! You don't want anyone to hear you. Now... I intended Mr. Potter to die by Tom's hand at the Ministry, but he was much stronger willed than I anticipated. I even used a mild Cruciatus curse on him, but he relented still." Dumbledore sighed. "We are all missing out Ronald. Miss Weasley hasn't been able to give Harry her love potion yet. I haven't gotten the fame and fortune, so I think you can wait a few more weeks for that mudblood slut..." He suggested. Dumbledore was a powerful man, so crossing him was not advised. "Yes sir," he sighed in defeat. "Good. Now, I have made you and Miss Granger the Head Students a year early this year. This will give you two the master suite. I don't need to know what you'll be doing to that mudblood, just make sure she's still alive." "Yes sir," Ron said again. A few minutes later, the conversation was finished.,"It had never been easy, being the friend of the Boy Who Lived, since it meant that they were risking their own lives by being by his side and helping him in his fight against the Dark Lord. Hermione Granger, however, was not one to back down from any threat, no matter how daunting. Friends were friends and the bushy haired know-it-all, as she'd been known as for as long as she could remember, would defend Harry's honor and stick with him through thick and thin. Given they were all at the Burrow now, their home away from home, maybe now she could convince the boys to be a bit more meticulous with their studies and maybe even get Ronald to support S.P.E.W., although the brainy witch knew that would be easier said than done. He was so incredibly thick... Speaking of Ron...she'd wondered where he'd gone off to. It wasn't until she looked out the window and saw him with...Dumbledore, of all people, that her curiosity was piqued, and so despite her usual politeness the young muggleborn couldn't help but sneak out towards the shed to listen in on what the two were saying. If this concerned herself or Harry, surely she had a right to know? But what she heard next made bile rise to her throat and make her go quite pale. No...she wasn't hearing it right, she wasn't...Ron couldn't be...dear God. It was them...Dumbledore wasn't the kindly old man that she thought him to be...and Ron...Ron was such a...such a slag! Tears filled her eyes...was that truly all he thought of her as? Just a mudblood? She thought he was better than that, better than Malfoy. Harry.... Harry! She had to tell him! Backing away, Hermione gave a flick and apparated with a crack from outside into the bedroom her bespectacled friend was no doubt in, "Harry, Harry we must get out of here, Dumbledore and and...and Ron..." Her voice quavered at the end, but she held strong, "I overheard them in the shed, they're planning on using us both, Dumbledore wanted you dead!" She takes a deep breath, "Ginny is also planning on giving you a love potion. I know it sounds like rubbish...but it's the truth. We must leave now!" She didn't know how much longer they had; she prayed Ron and Dumbledore hadn't heard her taking her leave. If she could apparate herself and Harry out of there, she knew that she'd have a chance. It was the only way. Ron had hurt her...she'd fancied him for so long...and to know he was no better than Malfoy? It was sickening...was this entire family as traitorous as the death eaters made them out to be? How had they not seen the signs? "The walker outbreak might be five hundred days old but it never got any easier living in this world. Most people were living day-to-day and scavenging for supplies with no shelter over their head. The lack of protection and lack of other people's morals made this a dangerous way of living because the walkers were not the only problem. Humans might have been just as big or even bigger of a problem than walkers were. The will to survive was a natural desire and it caused ordinary people to do crazy things without any punishment. There was no law anymore, just survival. A lucky group of people in Georgia had found shelter in a prison. It had a couple layers of fences with the tops covered in barbed wire with towers all around to serve as a watchtower so no one got close. They had occupied this place for nearly an entire year with organized systems in place like growing crops, maintaining an armory, and sleeping quarters. It had been about five months since the incident with Woodbury and the Governor, thinking that they were safe. A couple dozen of Woodbury's former residents were now living with the prison, expanding the living quarters and providing more mouths to feed but more able bodies to work. In reality, there was nothing else like this anymore and it was pretty much all controlled by the former sheriff Rick Grimes. His right hand man was Daryl Dixon with Glenn Rhee and twenty-six year old Lee Hughes not far behind. Everyone looked to these men as the main leaders even though Rick was taking a step back now from all the stressful decisions, formulating a council to act as the head of the prison group. It was early in the morning and the sun was just rising. Lee slept peacefully on the bed inside of the cell he shared with his wife of over two years, Maggie Greene. The couple had grown up together and started dating in their early years. Of course, no one expected this to last because they were just kids at the time they began dating but strangely enough, nothing could ever break them apart. They survived high school and college unscathed. Sure, they had arguments because all couples argue but there was never any major problems. Lee was in his last year of college at the University of Georgia as an Administration major when the outbreak started. Before the outbreak, Lee and Maggie planned to get married after graduation to start their lives together but it wasn't that simple. In the early days, everyone on the farm except Lee believed these people were sick and could be healed with prayer and medicine. Lee wasn't this kind of person because he watched his mother die firsthand from this infection. She worked as a nurse in the local hospital where the first strains of infection broke out and when he couldn't get into contact with her, he sneaked inside the hospital to find his mother being ripped to shreds by these things that were not human. These things were not human and it took the arrival of Rick's group to make everyone understand that. His father was a police officer and killed on the line of duty when Lee was only five years old so he was all alone now but Hershel and Annette Greene happily accepted him onto the farm. Before the farm went to flames, Maggie and Lee were able to have a little ceremony to signify their marriage, using some old wedding bands that was in Maggie's family. Two years later, the twenty-six year old male was laying on a mattress inside of a prison cell. His attire right now consists of only his navy blue boxers because he can't sleep in any clothing but a minimal covering of his body was required because the world was so unpredictable. His hair was very dark brown, almost a black color. However, it was rather short and straight with no curls at all. His eyes were a bright blue, complimenting his hair. His beard was the same color as the hair on his head and it was quite unruly and untamed. Besides Rick, Lee had the fullest beard of all the men around. For his entire life, lee played football and lifted weights, keeping his body in top form. Therefore, when the outbreak began, the physical demands of the new world allowed him plenty of opportunities to build more muscle. Being outside so much allowed for a deeper tan along with a chiseled body from head to toe. While there wasn't enough nutrition to go around every day, he was becoming more slender each day but his muscle definition was still obvious. Lee was also the tallest man around, towering at an impressive six feet and four inches above the ground. So far, he had to duck through nearly every doorway at this prison. Lee was quiet, kind, and conscientious. He often put others needs before his own and has always been socially awkward, preferring to stick to himself in most cases. While his kind heart remained and he still wanted to help people out during this outbreak, he was also wary of the opposition because only a handful of people in this world were not murderers. His number one priority every day was to ensure the safety of his wife Maggie followed by ensuring the other members of his group were safe. They were his family now and he treated it like so. There was some rustling on the bed that woke him up from his slumber. It was probably going to be a relaxed day since he didn't have anything to do other than take a two hour shift on the watch tower facing North around noon. It was rare to get a day where he could sleep in and just relax so he planned on using it to his advantage but his eyes slowly open, sleep still showing on his face. He wasn't comprehending the world around him right now, just waking up from his deep slumber. "Maggie?" He murmured, blue eyes now fully open to see Maggie shifting around beside of him as he rolled onto his back.,"The cells in the prison weren't the biggest, why would they be? They held the country's most harmful men - murderers, rapists, burglars, drug users. The beds were just metal frames with a thin mattress on top, covered by one blanket; it wasn't much, but to the survivors it was heaven. Maggie was lying in the bed next to Lee, who had pushed two beds together to form a bigger surface. Both had been asleep in their 'love den' all night. Maggie was wearing nothing but a bra and panties, both black, and she lay on her stomach with her head on the pillow. Stirring from her slumber when Lee called her name, the girl smiled at him while sunshine streamed through the window, which had three metal bars running through it. "So nice to wake up safe," she yawned, stretching herself, rolling onto her back with her hands and arms now in the air. The pair were in a different section of the prison; they used the excuse that they would keep watch, keeping all entrances covered, but everyone knew they were married, and therefore probably wanted to be alone. Leaning in, Maggie kissed her husband on the cheek and then nestled on top of his chest, her cheek pressed against him. "I'm going to have to go soon. Got a run to make with a few of the others. Maybe get some medical supplies. We need them." Her accent was strong, and a finger ran a circle around his stomach as she spoke. "Rilima Daymasat found herself in what had to be one of the most sleazy bars in all the Citadel. After its reconstruction and repair after the end of the Reaper War, many new venues had popped up in the vast station. Now designed with all the races in mind, not just the Founding Council races, the Ward's House now housed an even more varied underbelly than before. This bar was tailored specifically to Krogan drinks and food, and as such had many aggressive beasts here. Why she was here was a long story, but she could summarize it like this: her boyfriend, a nice budding young man from the Alliance, had talked her into trying more kinky things. What he really wanted was a threesome, like any man, and had practically begged for it. She caved, but on the condition that she got to pick who, when, and how, which he had hastily agreed too. She almost felt sorry for the boy, since he wasn't going to be getting the pair of girls riding him like he might have been expecting. Rilima was here to find a partner, and no female at that. She was here to find someone to give him a new outlook on what 'kinky' is. She knew full well he was not the sort of man to back down, so this was certainly going to test him. So she spent the night sitting at a table alone with a drink, scanning the room, watching for big Krogan who caught her eye, those that took an interest in her anyway. She had already turned away a couple who didn't want to fuck a guy, even for the promise of her, but she knew it would be a matter of time till one showed up.,"Trendok Sroyaxe, or Tren by those who knew him, stood at the bar of the sleazy bar. It was a place where he came to release his anger and frustration, which sometimes led to brawls with smaller Krogen. To be honest, few equaled that of Tren; he was at least a foot taller than most Krogen and built like a Turian Dreadnought. His reddish-tan body was only hidden by his ebony black armored suit. A suit that showed off just how mighty a Krogen he was, all the way down to his exquisite male anatomy. This night though, he wasn't looking to brawl or anything harmful. He was getting bored with the usual items here at the bar: the drinks, the brawls, and even the women and men who sought his services. Sipping his strong stout, he gazed around the bar, expecting nothing interesting. Mostly what he saw was usual, and he was about to leave, it was then someone caught his eye. Over in a booth there was an Asari, not like the others who danced or were just not to his liking. This one looked on a mission. He had seen her talk to many large and formidable Krogen, but all looked displeased when they left her. The curiosity was growing in him, but he wasn't one to be small-minded and just ask her; he would wait here. The thought of what she was doing made him grin and chuckle low. What was she up to? And as he thought, he glanced over at her stout in hand and giving it a nice swig, but not looking away from her. "Curtis looked down at the handcuffs, chaining his wrists and ankles together during the ride to Arkham. It was absolute bullshit that he was being put with the crazies in that asylum, all because he defaced the property of corrupt government officials. Well... defacing might be a tame word for it, especially considering the flesh-eating acid he put in one guy's car air conditioner. It wasn't enough to kill or seriously harm, just enough to scare and some minor permanent damage. But that was no reason for him to go to Arkham Asylum, right? Curtis Smith was a seventeen, almost eighteen year old boy with a prowess for liquids of the dangerous variety. Anything that went boom made the boy smile, and if it was made by him, a full on grin would appear. But with talents like his, he hadn't gone to the 'dark side', not yet at least. That's why his victims were always the corrupt ones, the guys that were in the pocket of Two Face or Cobblepot. Those guys could afford to be put down a peg or ten, who cares? Beside the handcuffed criminal sat two larger men, assault rifles in hand, They watched him intently, ensuring that he had no magic tricks to get out of their grasp. But he knew that this would be his life from now on, he didn't have friends in high places to get him out of a mess like this. Feeling quite hungry, the topic of food soon entered his mind. "What kind of food do they have at Arkham?" The boy was cut off by a hard slam as something hit the armored car, sending it across the road into a nearby building. The brick wall seemed stronger than armoured car as the metallic vehicle crumbled. The mere hit alone seemed to kill the guards that had been sitting across from him, but it still injured Curtis greatly. The last thing he saw before he fell unconscious was the van's back doors being ripped off, revealing a few thugs standing behind a woman. This woman did not have any distinguishable features - likely due to his blurring vision - but she seemed colorful.,"Cuffed and chained to a bench in the heart of a crumpled police van now rolled over on its side, to say the teenage boy in his plain orange prison outfit and blurred expression was impressive would be grossly charitable. Yet there was something about that crazy little half-smile in his mug shots that caught her eye - not to mention that flesh eating acid gag! That one was worthy of Mista J! Harley Quinn paused at the thought, sniffed, then let out a peal of laughter as she sprang into the back of the van and swung her special striped Louisville Slugger around into the back of the head of one corpse that was looking at her funny. "Hey Lewis, come give me a hand? " The bloody bat rose once again, and came down with vicious force to snap open Curtis' chains where they attached to the seat. The boy slumped to the ground, but between them Lewis and Roscoe soon had him slung between their shoulders. In the distance police sirens wailed, and Harley led her posse away from the van and the big rig half mounting it. They all bundled into a white-rimmed sedan and tore off down the back streets with their prize. When he finally woke, Curtis would find he'd been laid out on a medical gurney in one corner of a warehouse. There was a red-and-black blanket laid over him to keep him warm, both sides rolled in beneath him like a semi-criminal sausage. A flickering light hung low overhead, and on the next gurney over Harley sat, kicking her heels as she stared at the wall over his head and chewed her gum. Half-outside the light circle a third gurney sat, but by the bleeding hole in his head that guy had seen better days. Once she saw he was awake, Harley thrust out a hand and beamed at the prone boy. "Hey, how are ya Curtis? Thanks for comin' by!" "Two months ago... The townsfolk cheered and roared in joy as their new champion, Sinvious Dawnguard held onto his scarf as his icy blue eyes wandered over the crowd. Holding his sword tightly, he looked at the portal that was now before him. "As your new champion," he said, "I shall return victorious where no other champion has before me!" He roared as he unsheathed his sword and held it high into the air. This caused the townsfolk to cheer even louder as their words could be heard throughout the entire town. "Sinvious! Sinvious the champion will save us all!" they cheered as Sinvious had lowered his sword and then rushed towards the portal before entering into the new world. Current day: Sinvious stood inside his makeshift cabin and looked outside through the kitchen window as he prepared his small meal. "Gonna need to explore again soon," he said, "but this time I think I'm ready for the mountains today." He grinned as he ate his meal. Sure, he could have gone back to Tel'Adre and bought some food, but he wanted to earn it and save his gems for when he really needed them. Yes, he was a cheapskate when it came to that, but gems were hard to get at times so he did whatever he had to to get them. After his meal, he grabbed his sword and scarf and left for the mountains. He managed to beat a few imps on the way and even some Cerberus before coming across a hidden path that had something that caught his eye. "I wonder what's going on over here..." he whispered to himself as he made his way around the back behind the demons and then came across strange cages that were mostly covered, but what freaked him out was there was moaning coming from them. Before he could react or do anything, he felt something heavy hit the back of his head, and he passed out. Hours later... When Sinvious finally woke up, he found his hands bound and couldn't speak due to the ball-gag in his mouth. He looked around at his prison cell and noticed there were typical bars but a small barred window that was too high for him to reach even if he had the use of his hands. His eyes shifted around the dark room before pausing at the bars to his prison. "I wonder who's here," he thought as he heard footsteps coming his way.,"A succubus walked up to the bars, shaking her heavy, bare tits, looking him over. "Good morning, slut," she said, flapping her wings as she entered his cell. "It's time to give me breakfast, stud. That's all you humans are good for." "The first day of class was officially in session at the sound of a shrill bell that rang through every corridor and room of the prestigious academia. Twenty or so students were already in their seats, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their homeroom instructor who was to assign each of them their Pokemon companion for an entire year, or possibly more. The teacher, who also doubled as a Pokemon researcher in her spare time, entered the classroom carrying a covered basket that was undoubtedly filled to the rim with Pok Balls. The red-and-white design of the contraptions glimmered through the cracks, each Pok Ball sheltering a random Pokemon that was soon to be a student's roommate and possible friend for the rest of the semester. Just minutes after the bell rang, the professor centered the basket on top of her front podium and settled the rowdy classroom with a clap of her hands. "Hello," she greeted with a youthful, exuberant smile that belied her old age. "My name is Professor Willow. I will be your homeroom instructor for the rest of the year. I had each and every one of you fill out a brief information sheet and check off an attendance list this morning, so we won't go through an official roll call." Even she was aware that all the students were not interested in passing around classroom syllabuses and discussing boring classroom procedures. What they were interested in was the basket on top of her desk. "Instead, I'll call your names and the type of Pokemon you have been assigned for the rest of the year," she explained, causing a clamor in the classroom as she picked up the first Pokeball in her hand. "The partner assignments are random, so I hope that all of you will try your hardest to master the elemental type of your Pokemon. Who knows? You may even come to become a type specialist like some famous Gym Leaders." She tossed the first Pokeball onto the ground and it split open to reveal a Poochyena Pokeboy. "Lilly Lee," the instructor called the Pokemon's partner by her full name, summoning the shy girl to the front of the classroom. "Your partner will be a Poochyena, a Dark type Pokemon. Poochyenas are known for their tenacious nature." She added tips and bits of information to each and every Pokemon's introduction to rouse the interest of her students, which she succeeded in doing. She came to the twelfth name on the roster and bounced another Pokeball from the tips of her fingers. This time, a Glaceon appeared in a blink of red light, her sleepy gaze turning towards the classroom once the glimmering aura faded. The professor called the name of a male student to the front, much to everyone's disappointment who wasn't called to claim the rare Pokemon. "You're very lucky," Professor Willow told him. "Only twelve percent of Glaceons are born female in the wild. Why don't you say hello to your new partner, see if she likes you?" It was the moment everyone held their breath for. Some students had already experienced the humiliating moment of being rejected by their Pokemon in front of the classroom. One Helioptile had scoffed in disgust by her assigned tamer and returned to her Pokeball, leaving the student embarrassed and with an aggressive Pokegirl under his care.,"Red was still finding it hard to believe where he was, even if he'd officially moved his stuff into his dorm room the day before. It was a long ways from Pallet Town, after all. And before this he'd been a public school sort of kid. Everything was new to him. Even the air smelled different, somehow. Not even the explanation of what, exactly, went into taming a Pokegirl could keep down his excitement. Somehow he'd managed not to pick up on just how much sex was going to be involved (maybe they didn't want children knowing about it?). His face still burned if he brought up memories of that rather frank orientation. But, being a red-blooded young man, he'd be lying if he said it didn't make him at least a little excited for entirely different reasons. So, like most of the students in the room, Red was practically on the edge of his seat. He'd brought out a pen and notebook in case he needed to take notes, but found himself drumming the pen on his desk in an antsy, rhythmless manner. He didn't notice the glares his nearest neighbors were shooting him. He didn't even notice the smug, shit-eating grin his rival Blue shot him after randomly drawing a Charmander, one of the most coveted starters in Kanto. Instead, Red was totally engrossed in daydreaming about what sort of partner he would be given. Someone beautiful? Someone strong? What if he got randomly paired with a Pokeboy? What if he was like Helioptile Guy? Before his racing thoughts could carry him down any stranger paths, he heard his name being called. He jumped, just a little, as if startled...and that was when he saw her. She couldn't keep his eyes off her as he made his way up to the front of the room. She was obviously some sort of Eevee (the diamond-shaped ears were a dead giveaway), but one he'd never seen before. Kanto's temperate climate didn't bless it with a variety of Ice-types. The young man that stood before Glaceon was lean and athletic, the sort of build that naturally came from living in a remote town where one walked or biked everywhere. Though he was wearing the dark-colored men's uniform, he also wore, somewhat contrarily, a red baseball cap. Underneath the cap's brim was a mop of somewhat unruly brown hair and a fairly ordinary-looking face, but for the earnestness that practically radiated from his brown eyes. He'd stayed up late the night before trying to come up with a cool line, but nothing came to him. That just wasn't his style. So instead he favored her with an easy smile as he held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Red. Nice to meet you, partner." Red was somewhat unprepared for the encounter. He hadn't quite grasped that, in some ways, he now owned this girl. But he could relate to the idea of making a new friend, at least. Even if it was a friend with benefits, a traitorous part of his mind whispered. "An entire island had gone under within a matter of days. The Sin, the driving force which had supposedly been defeated by the Summoner and her Guardians, had reappeared, driving a new wave. This wave seemed to be surging stronger, as if driven by some new force or desire. Had Sin risen again? The rumors began to fly, particularly as not a single survivor has escaped from the island. Already something of a quarantine had been established, and it almost seemed to have worked. That the creatures also would have to cross the Thunder Plains likely helped matters further. This was nothing more than a temporary solution: a quarantine, not a cure. Somehow they would have to go to the source, to determine what was truly working within this strange island. Which is how Yuna found herself equipping a Gunner's dress sphere as she looked down at the island below. Her mismatched green and blue eyes narrowed as she took in the teeming masses. The landscape appeared dotted with the creatures, nearly swarming. How had they possibly let it get this far? Even from her position far above the place, Yuna could feel just how... wrong it all was. It made her rub her arms, barely suppressing a shudder. She longed for her Aeons, wishing she could call upon their help. The guns she had upon her holsters felt paltry in comparison. Yuna, Rikku, and possibly the new girl, Paine, would land in a team together, with several others staying on the ship. Originally there had been protests about letting the ex-summoner, one of the saviors of Spira, enter such a dangerous place. Yuna had been quick to point out that it was because of her position that she needed to go. Rikku had been equally adamant, and others had backed their skill. Dress-spheres would substitute for Aeons, and the girls would all be equipped with communication spheres for the moment they hit trouble. It should be an easy enough mission. If anything grew too awful, they were to retreat. Yuna nodded, stood up, brushed off her knees, feeling proud at not flushing at the slightly revealing outfit any more. Her Gunner garb certainly bared more skin than her Summoner's robes. It felt freeing... but also embarrassing, a point Rikku had hammered home with numerous quips about Yuna's "perky little butt." The Gunner took her position beside her cousin, who was already humming and swaying on her feet. She nodded, hearing Rikku already speaking about YRP being ready for position. Then everything went wrong. The ship shook. Red sirens flashed. Yuna lunged, missing a railing by inches. The landing pod they were supposed to use broke off in an instant. Yuna felt the world falling around her, the technology barely keeping them from simply plummeting. Even as it was, they hit hard, hit hard and... and separated? Yuna couldn't tell. Everything had blurred for her, and, dazed, she found herself stumbling free from the pod. At least she hadn't lost enough of her innate life force to show wounds; she could check that on display spheres. But the pod... the pod looked worse for wear. And Rikku was no where in sight. "Hello?" Yuna said, touching her communication sphere. "Hello, can anyone hear me? I'm alright..." she paused as the sphere produced a fuzzy image. Something like voices fizzled on the other end for several seconds, before nothing but snow filled the sphere. Sighing, Yuna closed her eyes, sinking to her knees. She could feel the ground below scuffing against her, and she felt like simply letting the despair wash over her. However, a sound caught her attention. A gun flew into her hand and she rolled, the long tail of chestnut hair flying about her. Those multicolored eyes narrowed as she sighted down the barrel, hesitating for a moment, uncertain if she'd be meeting a fiend or had already relocated one of her friends, if they'd even come down to this accursed place with her. Just that moment of hesitation. Just... a moment.,"He had long ago forgotten his name. Even before the single Sinscale had attached itself to his dying body, the pain and the suffering had been all he had known for sometime. He had a pleasant childhood and a loving family, but he was unlucky enough to be born in a certain village that practiced a certain tradition right around the time he was coming into maturity. The villagers would proclaim one of their own as the Avatar of Sin and endlessly torture said Avatar, unloading all of their pent up anger, evil and sins onto the unlucky soul. He had been that unlucky person and as had been tradition, his body had been preserved through magic so they could continue to torture and torment him, his soul not allowed to leave his body. Simply put, he was unable to die. However, once Sin had been defeated by Yuna and her friends, his fellow villagers decided to take pity on him and slowly allow him to die. Just as he was about to embrace death however, that final Sinscale had attached itself to him. It had been drawn to him like a moth to a flame; drawn to his suffering and his longing to cleanse the world. Once attached, it was all Sin needed to reform itself. However, it would soon find that its new host had quite a more powerful mind than Yu Yevon. His suffering and torture had given him a mind of steel that even Sin could not overpower. Thus, a more frightening creature had been born. A creature that had all the power and control of Sin, but the intellect and cunning of a human mind. This new version of Sin soon restarted its goal of consuming humanity, but it quickly realized that so long as Yuna and her friend were around....Sin could be defeated again. Thus it began to plot and plan, it needed to lure Yuna and her friends to it and then separate them. Together they were too strong, but isolated...they could be defeated and corrupted in turn. That was the trap Yuna and the others had fallen into. Once the ship was close enough, Sin had used its control of gravity to pull their ship down, making sure to scatter the pods as far from each other as possible. Once that was done, its focus turned towards Yuna. The more human side of Sin now took over as he began to stalk the girl in the form of a humanoid-shaped shadowy void. He waited until he sensed the slight moment of hesitation from the girl; it was enough of a moment to strike. Four tentacle-like tendrils shot out from the void and lashed out at Yuna, striking at her hands and wrist to knock the guns out of her hands. Two of the tendrils wrapped around her ankles and two of them around her waist, immobilizing her as they rose in the air, suspending her a few feet above the ground. "Yuuuunaaaaaa" A voice emerged from the void as a mouth appeared on the void, flashing what could only be described as a sinister smile. The voice itself was an amalgamation of every voice she had ever heard before; all of them together in a chaotic and pained way. One stood out though, and in a painful irony, it was the voice of Tidus. The void approached Yuna, its mouth opened and a long amphibious tongue uncoiled itself. " destroyer, my creator, my foe and my are all these things to me" The voice chuckled as the tongue slowly licked up her neck and cheek, brushing briefly over her lips as it coated her skin in a slimy drool. The tendrils around her wrists and ankles tightened to insure she could not escape. Its hand reached forward and slowly groped one of her lovely breasts through her Gunner top. "So pure....and innocent. I will corrupt you until your mind is only full of lustful and sinful desires." The voice issued a booming laugh as it squeezed her breast harder, waiting to see how she would react. "Ganondorf entered the royal wing of Hyrule Castle with an exhausted sigh. He had just gotten done inspecting and drilling the new combined army of Hyrule which had come to include his original Gerudo forces as well as the original Hyrule army. It had been hard, but even since he and Zelda had been married, the two cultures were slowly but sure starting to meld together rather than fight and bicker. This was encouraged in a state that was rapidly becoming more militaristic and less peaceful due to Ganondorf's ambition. Much like the Kingdom itself, his marriage to Zelda had its ups and downs. There were actual moments of passion and intimacy between them, but there were also conflicts and misunderstandings. It made for a turbulent but at times exciting marriage. "Zelda...where are you?" Ganondorf's powerful voice rang out through the Royal Quarter. It was forbidden for anyone except the royal couple to be in here unless they were a servant performing a duty, so it was normally empty. There was their bedroom, a large bathroom with hot spring, and a large study/lounge room for them to enjoy. He hung his cloak up on a nearby rack as he waited for his wife to come out and greet him.,"Zelda sighed upon hearing her husband's booming voice, though she stood up anyway from her vanity and greeted him with a smile nonetheless. "I am right here, Ganondorf," she said curiously. It was clear that she had retired early today, as she was not wearing her normal, decorative hair pieces nor her crown. Her corset was already unlaced, indicating that soon she was about to change into more comfortable clothing. They had just started sharing a room together, truthfully it took months for her to trust him enough to not slit her throat in her sleep. Despite all the times they had made love, she still didn't feel quite comfortable, for Ganondorf was a large, hulking creature of a man and sometimes his temper got the better of him, and it scared her. However, she had seen other sides of him as well that indicated that he was not as evil as he made himself out to be in the past. He was ambitious, vengeful, yes, but...not evil. "Dexter's mom, or Diana, as she preferred to be called, felt unappreciated by her family. Her "so-called" husband was always busy at work, barely ever had time for her, whereas her kids were too busy hanging out with their friends that they didn't have time to hangout with their mom. Hell, all she ever did was clean the house and stay home! Sick and tired of staying home all the time, Diana decided she needed a vacation for herself! Therefore she packed up a duffel bag of clothes and all necessities, left a note for her family informing them that she was going on vacation. She didn't bother to tell them when she was coming back! It wasn't as if it mattered anyways! They probably wouldn't even care or notice she was gone. Sexually deprived because the sex she had with her husband lacked passion or lust, masturbation and sex toys were overused. Though they never satisfied her completely. It only left her wanting more! Ridiculous, really! Diana was ashamed to admit this but she needed a man with stamina, someone who could pleasure her in ways her husband thought impossible. Often, in this case, Diana would just stick with masturbation, however she was in desperate need of a man. Diana knew thinking about having sex with other men besides her own husband was unforgivable, but she couldn't help herself. Unsure what to do, Diana decided to forget about it for now and enjoy her vacation as much as possible. Once she finally arrived at the airport, she got checked in, went through security to get her luggage checked before boarding the plane. Diana slept through the entire plane ride until she was awakened by the female flight attendant who informed her that they had reached their destination. She politely asked her to leave her seat. Standing up from her seat, Diana rubbed her eyes groggily, walked out of the plane, retrieved her luggage at the baggage reclaim area, once she got her luggage, she dragged her duffel bag and left the airport. On the way there, a pickpocket stole her money unknowingly when someone bumped into her. She discovered her money was gone after checking into the resort. To make matters even worse, when she left to go to the lavatory, she asked receptionist to watch her luggage while she went to restroom, only to find that her luggage had been stolen as well! "Fuck, what else can possibly go wrong today?" Diana growled out in frustration and sighed heavily.,"Hank walked into the lobby of the Resort. Having spent the last few weeks out on an assignment that nearly cost him his life, he had decided to take some time off and relax. Instead of the camo pants he normally wore he opted for shorts, but kept the tank top as he looked around before walking towards the reception desk. He could see and hear the red-headed woman there having a back and forth with the employee. As he walked up he couldn't help but let his eyes wander down to her derriere... *dear god...* he thought to himself before looking ahead and meeting another receptionist. He proceeded to begin his check in for a room, occasionally looking over at the woman next to him. He wanted to let his eyes wander again but other guests had begun lining up behind them to wait. "Hank". "Yes". "You know what, can I upgrade the bed to King size?" He continued his check in. "The Warp. The swirling unending sea of raw chaos that lay just behind the face of reality. The Vile Garden of Nurgle. Home to every disease ever known and more, where the Dark Grandfather of Sickness holds court in a rotten mansion. A Burning Wake. A barren, purified scar that now stretches throughout the realm of death. The Maiden Knight, the result of thousands of years of labor, and the countless souls of the most devoted of Isha's warrior-priestesses. For so long, this amalgam of souls has burned its way across the Warp, slaying all in its way, demon, cultist, and lost soul alike. Now they stand at the gates of Hell itself, ready to do whatever it takes to free the Mother Goddess. With a sickening groan, the door opens ponderously, rusted hinges creaking. Inside waits something not even the wisest of Farseers could have foreseen. A horde of Slaneeshii demons, a wriggling, writhing mass of vibrant flesh violently indulging in each other. An endless cacophony of lilting, unnatural moans fills the air as every kind of imaginable carnal horror takes place. Worst of all, the souls of fallen Eldar are scattered about, enduring mind-searing agony. Closest to the entrance, two Keepers of Secrets thrust their tree-trunk sized cocks into the ruined holes of two once-proud Eldar warriors. Their eyes are rolled back, their bodies twisted and broken to accommodate the rabid demons. With a ground-shaking roar, one of the Keepers reached his climax, his fuckpuppet's face twisting into a shattered mask of confusion and horror, her mind broken long ago. With each hard thrust into her gaping cunt, the demon shoots another load of tainted spunk, filling her, pouring out around its cock and causing the eldar's belly to expand horrifically, the dark magick of She-Who-Thirsts keeping her from ripping open. Others were not given the same protection, judging by the piles of vaguely humanoid meat being devoured and ravaged by hordes of demonettes. This was impossible! Why would the oldest and the youngest ever work together? How could the spawn of She-Who-Thirsts even exist here? No matter, they must succeed, even more so now when unimaginable suffering and degradation surely awaits both them and their goddess should they fail.,"Time flowed unpredictably within the warp and only those beings born into the place could truly understand its nature. It was pure chaos, flowing forwards and backwards at the same time, where nothing was certain beyond the realms of the gods. When the Maiden Knight stood at the garden's gates, she stood in defiance of the odds. Countless dead demons lay in the great avatar's wake, yet as they had died, the path she'd blazed had become clear, and it wasn't so hard for the dark prince of pleasure to realize where she must be going. A thousand souls kept from her grasp by those fragile little constructs housed in that beautiful shell. Nurgle had been all too willing to grant them access in exchange for a portion of them since so many went to She-Who-Thirsts to begin with, and more to test his many gifts upon would be greatly welcome. Against one god, there could only have been victory. Against two, there was no hope for anything but failure. The Greater Daemons did not even bother to cease their thrusting, as they leaped at the Maiden Knight, two arms continuing the work of bracing the mind-broken warriors against their ravaging while the other four reached for her, some swinging blades, others simply grasping, reaching, groping, tearing coverings and teasing flesh with both pleasure and pain. Blows that would fell any mortal could not fell the Knight, and so they held nothing back, surrounding her, trying to lift her up and impale her. Meanwhile, hot on the greater beings' heels daemonettes and nurglings alike surged around the Knight, plucking at the hundreds of soulstones they could reach, and for every hundred or thousand that failed it was inevitable that the occasional one would succeed, plucking a crimson gem away and crushing it to manifest an untainted Eldar Warrior's soul, each one of whom was instantly swarmed by more shrieking demons... "Harry Potter was a special child. Destined to be the Chosen One, to stop the terrifying monster that was Lord Voldemort. Yet how much of that story was true? How much of that story was destiny? Was any of it? Or was it all orchestrated by one twisted old man with a superiority complex? No one wondered if prophesy was all a load of bull, since they all wanted hope to cling onto. And that hope was in the form of the Boy Who Lived. It was a nice, sunny day at the Burrow, the residence of the Weasleys, when Dumbledore apparated the young Harry Potter to his makeshift home. Living with the Dursleys was never much fun, and the Weasleys always treated him like one of their own. With a loving smile, Mrs Weasley welcomes Harry into her home, a bone-crushing hug being the norm. As the raven-haired boy disappeared upstairs, still quite distressed about the loss of his Godfather, Sirius Black, his friend Ronald appeared from behind the corner. "Professor Dumbledore, sir?" The redhead said, a little uncertainty in his voice. "Can we talk for a moment?" The request came, and the elderly fellow nodded with a small laugh. "Of course, my boy. And please, call me Albus." With the suggestion that they enter his father's shed, with the various Muggle equipment laying around, the odd pair was off for an obviously private conversation. "You promised I would have her by now!" Ron stormed angrily, his face bright red as they entered the shed. "It's not fair. That prissy mudblood bitch should be grovelling at my feet right now, sucking my cock," he said, his face holding a dreamy look for a moment before shaking out of it. "I've been keeping up my end of the bargain like you asked. I've been a nice friend to the Potter prick, but now I want what's mine!" He finished, his face matching his hair. "Quiet Ronald! You don't want anyone to hear you. Now... I intended Mr. Potter to die by Tom's hand at the Ministry, but he was much stronger willed than I anticipated. I even used a mild Cruciatus curse on him, but he relented still." Dumbledore sighed. "We are all missing out Ronald. Miss Weasley hasn't been able to give Harry her love potion yet. I haven't gotten the fame and fortune, so I think you can wait a few more weeks for that mudblood slut..." He suggested. Dumbledore was a powerful man, so crossing him was not advised. "Yes sir," he sighed in defeat. "Good. Now, I have made you and Miss Granger the Head Students a year early this year. This will give you two the master suite. I don't need to know what you'll be doing to that mudblood, just make sure she's still alive." "Yes sir," Ron said again. A few minutes later, the conversation was finished.,"Harry? Her heart reaching out to the raven-haired boy, Hermione was about to go after him when she caught wind of a different voice, familiar though uncertain. Wild, caramel brown curls fell about her shoulders, framing the graceful curve of her jawline, she decided that it'd probably be best to leave Harry alone at least for now. He needs time, and she'll give it to him; they'll both give it to him. Professor Dumbledore and Ron went into the small, rickety shed just a stone's throw away, which only made things stranger. What could Ron possibly have to talk about that he needs privacy? Intrigued and curious despite herself, Hermione moved in closer, about to reach out and open the door when she heard the first words. It cut through the silence like a Cruciatus Curse, or worse, Avada Kedavra. "You promised I would have her by now!" Hermione flinched, only for suspicion to set in seconds later. It's not fair. That prissy mudblood bitch should be grovelling at my feet right now, sucking my cock. Disgusted now, Hermione listened into the conversation pieces finally falling into place. It all makes sense. From the very beginning, Professor Dumbledore orchestrated Harry's life, all their lives. It can't be just a coincidence that so many years ago, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named went after Harry, killing his parents that fateful night. He meant for Harry to die, though? Why? For fame? Fortune? Hermione can understand the reasons, but that doesn't mean she condones it, by any means. Nearly frozen in place, the girl forced her feet to move. Mrs. Weasley was in the kitchen, waving her wand and having a whisk stir pancake batter. More than likely, Mr. Weasley is getting ready for a day at the Ministry, and as for everyone else well, she can only guess. Hermione didn't waste any time considering it, though. A storm of emotions going off in her chest, the girl ran up the several flights of stairs, bursting through the door with a great big gasp. "Harry! You have to hear this!" Shaken, Hermione hurried and closed the door behind her. Ron and Professor Dumbledore planned everything! Hermione began with. Once she took a seat on his bed, she relayed the conversation she just overheard, leaving nothing out. "Once again, it happened that night, a dream that had been reoccurring nightly for about a month now for Naruto Uzumaki. It was vague, abstract, but always consisted of a certain figure, a woman of sorts who seemed to be familiar, close, yet so distant and unknown at the same time. It was always so frightening somehow, as if the woman or the unrecognizable concepts around her were a nightmare even though the woman seemed beautiful. Either way it always ended the same, with Naruto waking in a shock and a cold sweat. There was also another, more odd effect, however; each time, much like this morning, Naruto would wake panting and sweating as always, but he would also awake to a rather intense, unnaturally hard erection. It started like a man's average morning affliction when the dreams started, but at this point it seemed strange - the morning erections were intense, so straining that Naruto could barely move in the mornings until it was taken care of, and this morning again was no different. The blonde haired boy woke in his normal night wear of pajamas and a loose shirt, once again he did so panting, sweating, and trying to calm down after the disturbing dreams. Once Naruto caught his breath he sighed as he looked to notice the intense arousal in his pajamas, wincing softly at how strained the hardness was. Slowly reaching a hand down to touch it, this time a soft graze was all it took to make the sixteen year old flinch and grit his teeth in pleasure. It was worse than it had ever been, he was throbbing and stiff with no room to move it even, and knowing he couldn't get on with his day if this persisted, he wrapped his fingers around his member and slowly began stroking it. With such sensitivity, it only took a few pumps before Naruto shot a rather plentiful load, groaning lightly as he did so before he tried to calm down and he hurried to shower. Problem was, he was still hard. It wasn't as bad as before, but this was a continuing affliction throughout part of the day because of these dreams. Not only that, but he felt his own Chakra stirring in tune with this arousal, it was an intense and heated feeling, not necessarily that great of one when trying to calm down and having nothing to solve it save masturbation. Naruto took a cold shower and tried to calm himself down, but by the time he was done, he only felt it more so. Stepping out wearing nothing, towel over his neck, Naruto grumbled and as he stepped out of the bathroom, he felt the familiar feeling of Chakra swirling in him start to build up. It concentrated, heated, condensed, all without him doing so; it was a familiar feeling once he thought about it... It was the Chakra that wasn't his. It began pooling with the same feeling as if a Jutsu was being created, much like when Naruto began to spawn clones, only a bit more than that. 'Kyuubi..' thought Naruto as he recognized the source of the Chakra. Could that be it? Was the Kyuubi messing with him somehow, moving his Chakra to mess with Naruto's? It didn't make sense however, the Fox was no longer at odds with Naruto and without the usual need to escape that Kyuubi had not long ago there was no reason for some sort of trickery. Perhaps an outside force stirred the Fox's Chakra... But there was only one way to find out. Still nude and hard, Naruto sat upon his bed and closed his eyes. He kept still and took a breath as he focused inward on himself instead of outward as he did when absorbing Nature Chakra. The boy focused and concentrated until his consciousness slipped as if he were falling asleep until he finally opened his eyes to see a new scenery. The place was dark and as always he was standing upon a ground in about an inch of water, clear but illuminated dimly yellow in a relatively dark space. Long ago a cage separated the two beings and more recently, red archways bound the fox in a boxed formation. Now that they had become friends, the red archways, still necessary since the two were bound, were expanded around this inner world and could be seen in the distance with now Naruto inside, usually with the fox, both of equal freedoms inside - it was Naruto's mind, but something was off... Naruto couldn't see the Kyuubi! He was hidden or gone, Naruto looked around and for the moment it looked empty, either that or shrouded.,"But all of a sudden, Naruto felt his chakra on the fritz again, swirling up emotions inside of his body and within his mind he heard Kurama's voice, or maybe a slightly feminine version of it but it was definitely Kurama's. As he closed his eyes to pinpoint the location of the sound, he felt a presence around him but every time he tried to open his eyes the presence vanished. But on the third time he saw a female figure where the voice was emitting "Oh? Is my little shinobi finally able to see me?" Said the figure in a sultry voice... That's when Naruto found out that Kurama was using some sort of shapeshifting jutsu to create a female body for himself... and a nice one to be fair, hell it was the best one Naruto had ever seen, and those breasts kept his gaze fixated upon them. "I see you're rather fond of this new body, good, that will make my task easier for me," she said with a seductive smile. "You see every few hundred years urges start to form within me and I managed to suppress them somehow within the confinements of the seal but now I'm out and I can't suppress them any longer. That's where you come in, my little shinobi. Since my chakra is linked with yours, I'm going to use your body to satisfy my sexual urges." "You've got to be joking," Naruto replied. "There's no way I'm gonna help you wreck my reputation by using me as a sex toy for your perverted urges!" But before Naruto could continue, Kurama weaved some signs. "I know you're not gonna join willingly so I prepared a little surprise to 'convince' you." Then a pair of hands wrapped around Naruto from behind, it was another Kurama but this one seemed to be a clone as it held Naruto's arms while the other Kurama walked over to him swaying her hips seductively till it arrived at Naruto and they both started caressing him. "An old early 20th century mine shaft elevator lowered into a dark cave, dimly lit by LED lamps fixed to the stone walls. Opening the rusty metal elevator door, the twenty-seven year old billionaire Brandy Wayne stepped out already removing her business suit, leaving a path of clothes along the early stages of the Batcave. At a laptop, an elderly man stared at a computer screen. He was live linked to security camera footage, watching panicked night staffers run in fear from a bald headed man wearing no shirt and covered in self-inflicted tally mark scars. "It's Victor Zsasz, Miss Brandy," Alfred said with much fear and concern in his voice. "If you must follow through with this suicidal crusade than I beg you to do so with haste." Brandy stood before a standing military-grade case, stripped down to a sports bra and a pair of black lace boy short panties. She was silent, but a look of determination painted her face like a mask. Opening the case, the symbol that would strike fear into the hearts of many stared at her from the chest plate of her armor. She grabbed a pair of black yoga pants, putting them on before pulling the armored pants, chest plate and arm sleeves on. She was transforming into the Dark Knight piece by piece. Next were the upgraded utility boots with steel toes and added armor plating to protect her Achilles tendon especially. The bracers were custom-made, a gift from her days training under the great Ra's al Ghul. All that was left were the utility belt which echoed throughout the cave with a loud locking sound before she grabbed the soon-to-be iconic cowl and pulled it over her face. She rushed from the metal crate, floating from the ledge she was standing on with the help of her cape and landing softly on a parking pad where a black Corvette waited. It was an early Batmobile; the vin number gone, the glass all double-plated bulletproof plexi armor plates surrounding the car for safety. She opened the door, still silent, and jumped in. Alfred turned to watch as the car sped from the cave, the motor humming like a custom build street car for speed. "Alfred," Batwoman said through her comm link directly to her faithful butler. "I need to know what floor Zsasz is on and we need to warn anyone in the building to get out that can." "Yes, mam," Alfred answered as he continued to watch the cameras until he came across two very familiar faces. "Oh dear, things might have become more complicated for Miss Brandy. It seems your uncle Phillip and Lucius are both in the building, Phillip's top-floor office to be exact. They are trying to help people into the office to hide." Elsewhere in Gotham City, a line of police cruisers formed a barricade for a large group of onlookers. Standing among them was James Gordon, a mid-thirties detective who had just transferred to Gotham City in hopes of restarting his career. He adjusted his glasses, looking up at the large skyscraper in front of him with the Wayne Enterprises logo on the side of it. "Where is SWAT?" Gordon calmly asked, looking over his shoulder as his partner Harvey Bullock. "They're on their way," Bullock replied with a dreadful expression on his face. He removed his fedora and ran his fingers through his long shaggy black hair with a hint of gray. "This place will be a blood fest," Gordon said quickly, looking at the citizens that had gathered around the scene. "We've got to get these people back. Last thing we need is SWAT shooting up the public." Harvey laughed in a sarcastic manner at Gordon's response. "Or us, Brayden and his men will be lucky if they don't bring the building down." Upstairs, on the top floor of the large skyscraper, huddled a large group of people in a dark office. A middle-aged, clean-cut Lucius Fox helped the other three men in the group push the large desk against the door hoping to barricade themselves from Victor Zsasz. "Everyone get down and be quiet," he said as they stepped back from the door, having a false sense of security.,"Soft footsteps patted on the marble ground of the office. A knife scratched against a wooden desk that was still outside of the door. Victor Zsasz slowly approached the door and knocked gently on it. "Hello, little piggys, are you in there?" His voice was soft and high-pitched. He rubbed his free hand on the door as if trying to feel the energy of what was inside of the office. He placed his ear on the door and faintly heard whimpers from the females in the room. He smiled to himself. I hear the little piggys. Let me in! On the other side, Lucius looked over to his secretary who was whimpering in fear. He walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, look at me," he said in a gentle voice. She looked up at him with tears running down from her eyes. He smiled at her. "You're going to be ok. We're going to be ok." He took her into his arms and started to cradle her. Phillip Kane looked over to him and rolled his eyes. "Lucius, stop that. We need you to help with the door. If this maniac hits it any harder, he could get inside." Lucius looked up at Philip and nodded. He looked back at the woman. "Stay here, ok?" He smiled at her and walked back to the door. He pushed up against the desk with Philip by his side as Zsasz continued to slam against the door. Philip looked over to Lucius and softly shook his head. Why try to comfort her? You know as well as I do that we're not going to make it. Lucius looked over to him with an angered expression on his face. "I comfort her because unlike you I have faith someone is going to save us." Philip scoffed but kept pushing against the desk trying to keep the door closed. Outside, Gordon and Bullock watched as they saw the SWAT team arrive from GCPD. They saw multiple men step out and finally saw Braden step out of the truck. Braden was a tall, clean-cut man with a military haircut. He walked over to Gordon and Bullock slightly chuckling to himself. "Well, it seems that I have to save the day. You two can stay back while I kill this son of a bitch." He walked away from them and back to his men. Gordon looked at Harvey and shook his head. "I can't let him cause a massacre." Bullock slid his hands in his own pockets. "What are you going to do?" Gordon looked at the building and back to Braden. He exhaled, "Fuck it." He pulled out his gun and ran into the building. Bullock watched on seeing his partner running into what seemed like a suicide mission scenario. Jim, Jim get back here. Zsasz finally smashed his way into the room and hopped over the table. He saw Philip and Lucius back away. He also noticed three other men in suits and the frightened secretary. He smiled at her and walked closer to her. "What's wrong dear? I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to free you from this prison. You will be able to ascend to where you truly deserve to be." One of the men tried to rush him, but Zsasz was too quick and sliced the man's throat. Zsasz smiled noticing the blood on his knife. He cleaned his knife on the man's suit and carved a tally mark on his stomach. He looked back at the woman. "Are you ready?" "Glynda grimaced as she sat in her chair reading an article in the newspaper about some new advanced dust being produced. As she sat looking stoic faced, she pushed up her glasses and shook her head. The beautiful headmistress knew all about this new revolutionary dust, and she stood up on her heels. Both she and I know all about this... She grimaced feeling the tightness in her purple pants. The woman gave a glance out the window. Her sudden affliction from being exposed to that new dust... She hated it. Why did she have these urges... why did this thing between her legs have to be there now.... as she pondered this, a glance at some young female students in the courtyard below caught her eye. She glanced at her scroll and punched in a number. Hello Winter, it's me. Can you make time to come down to Beacon? I have things to discuss with you if that's not too much trouble for you.,""Right," Was all Winter had said over the scroll before hanging up the call. It was two days ago that it happened, Winter was at Beacon due to General Ironwood having business there. The Schnee was asked to help Glynda Goodwitch with a Dust project involving some new variety. A bit of clumsiness and an explosion later, and the two had been... Transformed. High heel thigh high boots tapped against the floor with each long step as she walked with intent down the halls towards Glynda's office. Luckily her usual uniform consisted of pants, it made it easier to hide that... Thing. The door swung open to Glynda's office before Winter closed it, leaning against the large wooden surface. Her slanted usually scowling eyes closed for a minute as she took a breath, opening her naturally icy gaze to the teacher at the desk at the front of the room. "I assume this pertains to the other day," Winter spoke calmly with the slightest flush to her porcelain skin, a slight, hard bulge in her white pants becoming harder and harder to hide. "Have you... Ahem... tried it yet?" Winter cleared her throat asking as professionally as she could muster. It had only been two days and since trying to hide this thing, Winter had taken the first attempt at solving the ache by her own hand the night before, but it wasn't enough. This thing pained her at this point, begging for some sort of release the woman had to contain. "Professor Curtis Smith sat at his desk, smiling to himself as he watched the clock wind down. It was nearing the end of first period, meaning students would soon be flocking to his classrooms. Not many though, only about ten or so. Thanks to the destructive behavior certain students were having (or at least, professors were accusing them of having) during their free periods, they were forced into this special class. Very similar to muggle studies, this class taught these gifted children of around 16-17 years of age, from a muggle perspective. The class? Sexual Education. The Professor teaching the class was a muggle-born wizard who had graduated in Harry Potter's third year, and was eventually approached by the Headmaster to help teach Sex Ed at Hogwarts. It was now Potter's sixth year, though he doubted the students would remember him. As the bell rung, he knew the students would be late. After all, they were asked to come in muggle clothing. This was meant to help the muggle-borns to be on equal footing with the purebloods, as well as helping with Curtis' own style of teaching. The girls would wear skirts, while the boys wore shorts. When the students entered, one by one, the Professor asked them to remain standing, while he called their names. "Potter, Harry?" "Here." "Granger, Hermione?" "Here." "Weasley, Ronald?" "Yeah." "Weasley, Ginny?" "Yeah..." "Lovegood, Luna?" "What an interesting classro-" "Patil, Parvati?" "Uh huh." "Patil, Padma?" "Yes sir." "Finnigan, Seamus?" "Yeah." "Thomas, Dean?" "Yeah, here." "Longbottom, Neville?" "Yes sir." "Okay, good, you're all here," Professor Smith smiled, putting down his rolebook and walking over to the students who stood by the wall. "Now, students, my name is Professor Smith. You might remember me as a student a few years back, but I don't expect you to. The class you have all been signed up for is muggle sexual education. I expect a magical version of this will be created in the near future, but I'm basically a start-up course... a beginners guide, if you will. If you all behave, then we will all go swimmingly..." "So, we will start by pairing you off," he continued. "As you may have noticed, the desks are joined together, with a blue seat and a pink seat. Quite obviously, this means the boys sit on the blue, the girls sit on the pink. Guys, you may sit where you like, your partner will join you shortly." As the boys sat down, Harry and Ron were in the front two desk sets, Neville behind Harry and Dean behind Ron, and then Seamus behind Neville. "Miss Granger, sit down next to... Mister Potter," Curtis called, which Ron and Harry both began to argue with. "Shut it... I don't care for relationships, friendships, or anything like that. I pair you off however I desire." He was aware of Hermione's relationship with Weasley, which is why he paired her off with Harry instead. Ron's older brothers, the Twins and Percy especially, always gave him hell while at Hogwarts. The twins were nice enough, he supposed, but Percy was hell. In his mind, this way a bit of payback. Well, that, and also... "Miss Weasley... Please join... Mister Weasley," he requested. "Miss Lovegood, join Mister Longbottom," "Parvati, join Mister Finnigan, and Padma, join Mister Thomas." As the girls approached their seats, they would find a large object pointing upward in the middle of their chairs. Fairly large and, well, phallic in shape, it was clear what its purpose was. As the girls began to notice this, the teacher spoke up. "It is my expectation that you will all sit down properly in my class, but I do understand some of you may have your reservations. If that is the case, you may sit with it between your legs, but you should sit properly by next lesson," he warned. "For those with... the inexperience that worries you, your homework is to get some experience. If you're a little shy about that, come see me after class." "Now... before I begin with the course, I will ask. Does anyone have any questions? Either about stuff they would like to learn, or just about the course in general?","It seemed that most of the girls hesitated. The only one sitting down with the same gait as she reached her chair was Luna. "Hello Neville! Why don't you have a training handle for your chair? You're no better at flying brooms than I am." The Patils were more silent and blushing, but all three of them sat gingerly, their female-like posture on brooms, the upward pointing handle on the outside of their thighs. But Ginny was sitting down with it protruding from between her legs, pushing up the material of her skirt, just to make Ron redder and louder. She even leaned out her tongue... And of course it was Hermione who had questions, not even sitting down, but her hand already up in the air. And as the supposed professor looked towards her, she started. "Are you really a Professor, Professor Smith? Who okayed this class? Why are we the only ones here, and not the usual partner House or why the change in the dress code?" then she took a deep breath, obviously having more questions, eyeing the protrusion, and hesitating. "Two 'galactic' community's were formed in the milky way galaxy, the two were called the Citadel Council races or something like that, and the United Galactic Confederacy, each of these communities acted as the main government of sorts, both equally a pile of shit. These two never entered into conflict, hell they never even encountered each other until a certain incident occurred. You see at some point a former member species of the Citadel Council, the Quarians had been exiled, why? Well they went about creating artificial intelligence, which was illegal by Councils laws, a war broke out or something like that, called the Morning War, and the Quarians lost it and were forced to flee on whatever ships they had. Centuries pass and the Quarians are now forced to live in skin tight environment suits, have weakened immune systems, and were basically up shit creek without a paddle... Until a desperate attempt by their admirals led them to open a mass relay, which was totally a big ass thing in space, that allowed space ships to travel extremely fast in somewhat normal space... So the poor Quarians encountered the UGC, on the other side of said relay, contact was made, and so it was peaceful, the Quarians were allowed to station their fleet on the second planet(Harvest), the system they were in. Whilst relief was being given to the poor race, the relay had activated again, this time another fleet appeared, which was being commanded by a race of avian based metal aliens called Turians, they were angry, why? Apparently it was illegal to open mass relays, and they attacked the first planet in the system (Shanix) in what would become the First Contact War. Eventually the conflict would end in an uneasy peace, and that's how the two galactic governments met, all because of one race. "My god. Sis whoever typed this is a retard." Stated a loud feminine voice, as she put down the tablet like device, which had lit up the dark room she was in. "Damn it, are you sleeping?!" She yelled out in the dark, this was Mental Shepard Steele, well get to appearance in a bit, and who she was yelling to was her sister, Meena.,""I think your sister is calling you," Vorth chuckled, the dark orange Krogan looking down at the human girl he was thrusting into. "You want to get your teeth out of that pillow and respond?" He teased, pumping his swollen, ridged member deep into her, his two outer balls slapping against her with each thrust. "Or should I tell her you're busy with inter-species communication?" He snickered, giving her tail a light tug as his balls slapped against her own when he bottomed out into her pussy. "It was amazing, she thought, as she drove up in her red 1968 Ford Mustang toward a pre-production cast party. She had worked alongside others before, but she was happy to be around anyone she could learn from. Amber was passionate about acting and had been a fan of Robert's for as long as she could remember. The blonde was currently driving up in her red 1968 Ford Mustang toward a pre-production cast party and though she had a small role, it was still one that ran throughout the film. The technology aspect of the film was also interesting to the girl, but for now she just wanted to get to know her fellow co-stars. She had read over the script about five times already, and it had only been in her possession for a week. Having signed on to also do the eventual sequel, she was ready to get to work and enjoy herself. Pulling up to the large LA hotel, she got out and handed her keys to the valet. The young curvy blond had on a simple white dress, as it was summer and it was quite warm, even more so for the city where stars were born. Amber had her hair down and curled slightly. She headed inside and heard familiar sounds of people mingling and kissing ass. Putting on a smile, she waltzed out to where the party was, right by the pool. She had a large black purse with her, she was told to bring a suit if you wanted and since it was so hot out, she decided a swim might not be so bad, depending on who else was around. Being one of the younger but rising stars, she wasn't sure how her friendly competition would handle the party. Walking over to the director, she introduced herself, though they had already met of course. The blond was handed a cool Margarita and pointed to where her main co-star was, Robert Downey Jr. She smiled and walked over to where he was. He seemed to be talking to some people. From the sounds of it, it had to do with the Iron Man suit that had been finished recently. "Hi, I'm Amber Heard." She held out a hand to him, always finding it a bit weird to introduce herself to someone she already felt like she knew. "I know you get this a lot but I'm such a fan, so it's quite an honor to be working with you." She told him with a smile.,"Robert was just as thrilled about being a part of the Iron Man project. He'd been through some bad times as of late, but this movie was intended to be Downey's big comeback on the big screen. His co-stars had all been picked very carefully, some of them he was familiar with, while others were not. Tonight was the big pre-production party, which by this time was already in full swing. He'd arrived rather early and by now most of the guests were all mingling and talking in small knit groups. Sipping on a drink, he felt great to be the star of such an experience. The hotel was a great place, with a pool, provided catering, and several bars serving drinks. Having a few already, he felt on fire, but careful not to get too riled up tonight. After so much planning, the actor had the highest confidence in the film. Hearing a female voice beside him, he turned to see Amber standing there. Introducing herself, she shook his hand gently. Looking her up and down discreetly, he said, "Very nice to meet you, Amber. Oh, that's so nice of you to say; I'm flattered. I look forward to working with you, too." He remarked charmingly, trying to keep his eyes from wandering, but his blonde co-star was just "It was the end of another day at Hogwarts. Classes had come to an end, and students were filing out quickly in order to get out of their uniforms and into more comfortable and casual clothes before dinner that evening. There was one student who wouldn't be leaving Severus Snape's potions class just yet, however; she had discreetly requested that she stay behind once class was over. Her name was Fala Takoya, and she wasn't in trouble - far from it. She was an excellent pupil, but for several years now Snape had always thought there was something holding her back or distracting her during class. In recent months, he had finally figured out what that was. Several times now, he had caught her sneaking glances at him, noticed her staring at him when she seemed to think he wasn't looking. Even out of class, he'd noticed her occasionally looking at him for a little 'too long'. The more he'd noticed her doing that, the more he'd noticed himself seemingly doing much the same back to her...letting his gaze linger perhaps longer than was appropriate. It had gotten to the point that Severus himself was being affected...he had found himself distracted, momentarily forgetting things that should have been second nature to him by this point. He knew how inappropriate it was...she was a student after all, he shouldn't feel this way about someone so much younger than himself. But the more he denied himself, the worse it became. Finally though, he had decided enough was enough. Things couldn't go on like this. One way or another, things were going to be resolved this very evening, and if it ended his career then so be it. But dammit, he had earned some small happiness after everything he had been made to go through. All the unsung victories of his...all he had done to safeguard these people and earned nothing but hatred in return. Well, it was time to change that now. As the last of the other students left, it was now only Fala and Severus in the potions classroom. The door slammed shut behind the last student to leave, leaving an eerie silence that filled the classroom, broken only by the occasional bubbling of a potion at the front of the room on Severus' personal workstation. He let the silence hang there for a few moments before turning to face Fala. "....Miss Takoya," his voice pierced through the silence like a hot knife through butter. "I think the time has come that we had a little on one." He approached her desk slowly, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty room as he came closer and closer, until he suddenly seemed to be standing right in front of her desk, leaning forward slightly, looking down at her as she was still seated. "....I you have been watching me recently...and....I believe it is time..." His hands were on the desk, agonizingly close to her own. "...that we discussed this. I must say...I do not mind you looking at me....however...looking is no longer enough. Do you...understand what I am saying...Miss Taokoya? No....Fala" For Severus to refer to someone by their first name was a rarity indeed. It would either indicate something very very good or very very bad.,"Fala was a sixth year Slytherin. Her parents had moved here from the US, belonging to one of the native American tribes who still lived in the traditional ways, their magic having protected them and their land. But even this tribe was looking to have contact with the outside magical world, they weren't fond of muggles to put it mildly. Yet the purebloods here weren't very happy, despite the fact that Fala and her family came from a long line of purebloods. She didn't care really. At sixteen she stood 5'11ft tall, almost as tall as a certain professor and her head of house. Her well-built body had gotten her attention from a lot of boys, be it most weren't Slytherin. But Fala also held a secret, she was a hermaphrodite and hiding that in Hogwarts was a challenge indeed. She'd fallen for her head of house, she thought it would pass, just a crush, but it had been three years now. She would sneak glances at him, but lately she'd noticed or thought she'd noticed him looking at her as well. When he asked her to stay her heart skipped a beat, even though it probably wasn't for what she was hoping for. She watched him as he approached her. There was something about the pale skin and the small pinkish lips that turned her on, but there was more to it, than just that, she just couldn't put her finger on it. He came so close... Fala couldn't say she was surprised that he had noticed her sneaking glances, almost nothing could get by him. The tension in the air one could almost cut with a knife and his voice, she just loved it. She thought he'd blow her off, tell her to look elsewhere, but to her surprise he wanted more than just looking. She couldn't help but smile when in not so many words told her he wanted to fuck her. "But of course." She said, she couldn't be happier, though she wasn't sure how he would react when he found out that she had something extra. She looked into his eyes, which were rather close, beautiful dark eyes... "George is a tall man, light-skinned, short brown hair, and catlike amber eyes. He wore strange armor that had metal on his shoulders and chest but his arms and legs were protected by leather, giving him much more range of movement than full plated armor. On his back two swords were sheathed; one a normal long sword built for fighting people in armor, the other a silver sword meant to help fight mythical creatures. George is a witcher - a person who has trained and studied to fight every kind of mythical creature that walks the earth. But he doesn't do it for free. He must be paid to hunt down and kill monsters, but he won't take any job if the risk is too high with too low of a pay. Today, George was sought out by a lord who requested him to drive out a witch that had taken shelter near the kingdom. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the lords subjects put together a collection to get rid of the witch, so he had to oblige them or risk having a revolt. George was the closest witcher, so he took the job. George walked down a path deep in a thick forest where the villagers told him would lead him to the witches lair. As he walked along the path, he noticed herbs and flowers that were picked and used for potions. Soon, he saw a clearing ahead and decided to stray off the path so he could hide his approach. He quietly reached the edge of the tree line and looked out to see if this was the witch's lair.,"The first thing that the man would have been met with was an undead beast - it looked like a large white shire as it came up, snorted and almost seemed to pick the man up, throwing him into the witch's house. The sight he met wasn't what one would expect. A young woman looked to him, her breasts almost bursting out of her dress and her long red hair like a cloak. A witch hunter? she said. "Now then, what do you want here?" she asked sweetly. "I don't think I've been doing anything wrong," she said. Behind her was a small phoenix and on her shoulder sat a newly hatched ice dragon - its tail wrapped around her neck. "What's your name?" she smiled at him. My name is Lilith Grim, so what is your name? she asked before putting a warm drink in front of him. The woods can be quite sore on the legs, she said softly to him. Well, drink up, she specialized more in healing, charms and summonings not so much curses and that sort of thing. She sat down with a drink exactly the same as his. "Now then," she continued, "why did they send you here?" "Dawnsorrow Sesshimaru had been at the DWMA for a mere two months, which had been two months of hell. Ever since she had arrived there, the other students picked on and tormented her. But today seemed worse than normal. Outside her dorm room was written on the small dry-ink board, saying "A Monster lives here". She sighed as she wiped it clean and then left for her day of class in Stein's classroom. One of the girls threw a wad of paper at her, and then the others laughed as it smacked her right in the forehead. "Yeah, real funny..." She mumbled as she tried to shrug it off. She had her pride but knew she had no choice but to work with the DWMA now that she was there. Well, she could have left, but then they would have won. Despite having issues with the other students, she never had issues with the other teachers there. She walked down the dorm and left, with more stuff thrown at her. She did overhear one of the girls calling her a slut, which only angered her. How could they label her as such when they didn't even know her? She wondered as she made her way to class. Walking down the halls, she ended up running into one of the teachers who she was familiar with only because his daughter had graduated from their academy. Spirit was his name, and he went to greet her. But before he could, June tripped her. A girl who was always tormenting her. "Now that wasn't nice, June!" Spirit called out as he walked over to her and scolded her. Still, she refused to say sorry. Shrugging it off, Sesshi walked into the classroom where chaos had only started when she walked through the doors. "Why don't you leave monster?" A male student asked as he threw a rock at her, which missed her but caused her to go and hide under her desk far away from everyone else. "J-Just leave me alone!" She shouted as she held her arms over her head and let the insults continue until the professor entered the room. Bringing in a new student with him.,"Nagato sighed as she jumped down from the roof of school, though of course landing lightly as she was not a regular human though much weaker in this form than her weapon form. The mysterious, quiet, weird-looking girl named Nagato. A girl who was always under a dark gray hoodie with the hood up, piercing red eyes and arms always in the pockets with a face that showed how much she could care less about anyone or anything here even after all this time. As she passed through the halls to get away from the light and heat of the sun it seemed she had run into one of the head teachers whom had mere seconds already started to lead her to her classroom, filled with other people like her though the only difference being they actually cared to be stupid and annoying. As she walked over she could hear all the words she had grown up to ignore, now glad she was a weapon and no ordinary one as well. As she heard this she stopped at the girl's desk, glancing down at her scared form as she heard more objects being thrown, swiping her arm as if chopping something in midair, though the motion was different in that it was the sound of metal cutting through something as well as the sound of what an electrical current would make when it shocked someone though in this case it was just running through the blade as it cut the rocks being thrown at her. "When you're talking to her, you're talking to me! So say that again!" With one swift motion her arm turns back and she turns to push the boy out of his seat. "Come on, do it, do something to her... I dare you..." giving off a very creepy red glare, a twisted wide smile, and a disturbing childish giggle. "If I have to deal with people like you everyday, I'm going to have fun destroying you after school then..." waiting to see the boys' and the other students' response as she glances at the other behind her before looking back and waits. "Everything had changed. Voldemort was exposed as being back, there had been so much more death than Hermione had expected, and she just knew that she needed to be strong and help to defeat Voldemort. There would no longer be any calling him You-Know-Who, or He Who Shall Not Be Named. His name was Voldemort, and she was going to do everything in her power to help Harry Potter to defeat him. The summer had been surprisingly uneventful. There were missing people, presumed dead, and there were plans being made by the Order but other than receiving their O.W.Ls and Hogwarts letters, Hermione, Ron, and Harry hadn't done much. It was infuriating but also slightly peaceful. It had given her a chance to spend some time with her parents, research as much as she could about what may come up during the start of their N.E.W.T. level classes, and she'd also had a chance to spend some time with Harry and Ron. Although, being around Fleur the entire summer had also been infuriating for its own reasons. Getting to the Gryffindor table, Hermiones eyes continued scanning for Harry. He'd inexplicably left the compartment and she was worried about him. He'd always had an issue with Malfoy and now that he thought Malfoy was a Death Eater it was just worse. There wasn't a way though, they were only sixteen. Even Voldemort couldn't be that insane. Biting her lip, the brunette tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. Her chocolate brown eyes continued scanning even as Ron shoved food in his mouth and Ginny helped her to look while only keeping her conversation partially on Dean, her boyfriend. There he is! Ginny exclaimed as she nodded her head towards the entrance to the Great Hall. Then her face fell. Why is he always covered in blood? She asked in a murmur that Hermione thought she was the only one who'd heard. Hermione just shook her head as Harry came up to them. What happened? Hermione demanded as she took a napkin and started cleaning off his face. Later, Harry said as he glared at Malfoy who was sneering from the Slytherin table. Hermione glared. Fine, but you will be explaining. She told him in a stern voice, rolling her eyes when Ron and Harry exchanged meaningful glances at one another. She knew that she really shouldn't talk that way to them, it made her come off as snobby a bit and commanding but she also knew that Ron and Harry would enjoy breaking the rules or not telling her way too much just so that they wouldn't get a lecture. It was obvious from his nose that hed done something that he shouldn't after all. Just then Dumbledore rose to speak and the Great Hall was silent within moments as they looked at the man with white hair and half-moon spectacles. "Now that we are all fed and warm," he began in his kind voice, "I do have a few start-of-term notices." First, I would like to welcome back Professor Slughorn, who has agreed to resume his old position as Potions teacher. Potions?!" Hermione and Ron exclaimed simultaneously, swiveling their heads and staring at their black-haired friend. "I just assumed Harry had already told you," Dumbledore said, trailing off. Meanwhile, Professor Snape has agreed to take the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Dumbledore then paused as there was suddenly quite a bit of chatter. Raising a hand, it only took a few minutes for the Great Hall to again go silent and Dumbledore looked a bit more serious. As you all know, Voldemort has risen to power. As such, it is more important now than ever that we make lasting friendships and remain safe while here at Hogwarts. This is why this year we are implementing a new program. Each of you will be paired with someone from your own year, but in a different house. You will work together on classwork, have bonding activities you need to do outside of class, and you will be spending time with one another every other weekend. The goal of this is to promote inter-house unity. He continued speaking as his voice rose over the loud chatter. This project is run by Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. Any questions can be brought to them, however, there is no switching of partners. Waving his wand, parchment appeared before each of them. Hermione looked at Harry nervously before unrolling the parchment in front of her. Partner: Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Rules of this Program: 1. All classes together you will be partners. 2. Every day at least one meal has to be shared with one another 3. Every other weekend a special dorm has been set aside to let you get to know one another better and focus on partner building activities. 4. No fighting or violence of any kind will be tolerated. Now, will the older of the two please go sit with the younger. The curfew has been extended thirty minutes for the two of you to acquaint yourselves slightly with one another before bed. Dumbledore clapped then as the plates all disappeared and people started standing and moving around. Hermione was not happy with this. But she really had no choice. Getting up, she made her way over to the blonde Slytherin. This was going to suck. Sure, she found him attractive but that didn't mean she was able to act on it. After all, she was a Muggle-born witch.,"Draco lifted his gaze as Hermione approached after he read his own parchment. "Does rule 4 mean I have to stop calling you Mudblood?" He asked out loud, partially hoping Dumbledore would hear his insult to the girl. He kept his gaze lingering on the brunette. He too found her attractive, but he would never tell anyone, he was a Slytherin after all and had a reputation to uphold. He watched Hermione silently for a moment before finally speaking. "We might as well make the most of this, I guess.." He said, trying to make conversation and be as polite as he knew how to be. "I wonder who your besties got." "Hinata sighed as she looked around the forest, landing on a large tree branch not too far from the outer wall of Konoha. She was on a standard patrol around the outskirts of the village, one of several ninja assigned to such a duty, and frankly, she was bored. Nobody with ill-intentions came this close to the village. No bandits, no enemy ninja, nothing. The worst would be the odd wild animal attacking a traveler, and even that hadn't happened much lately. The animals had been learning to stay away from the paths, and the travelers were learning to stick to the paths rather than try to take a shortcut. "Still...not much longer I suppose." The Hyuuga girl slowly looked around, seeing what she was expecting - nothing. Still, despite being bored she couldn't turn down the assignment. She was much too shy to ever try such a thing. Turning to go once more, the girl adjusted her large, thick jacket before leaping to the next tree. Despite being a ninja for several years now, she still wore the jacket to hide herself, hiding even her ample chest from the world. Most girls, not just her age but even adults, would kill for a chest as large and firm as Hinata's, but she did her best to hide it, not wanting men to stare at her in such a horrible way. Perhaps that was why she was so shy and withdrawn. Maybe that was why she was always alone. Landing once more, Hinata took another look around, before starting to jump from tree to tree once more. She was on the lookout for anyone that shouldn't be around, but she didn't expect anything to happen, and in about an hour she could head home. "I know I shouldn't....but I'm almost wishing for something to happen just so there's something to do...",""I know what you mean," Naruto whispered, as he stood up next to her, with his arms folded behind his head. A large grin came over his face as he tilted his head to the side, unfolding his hands before kneeling down next to her. Their bodies were extremely close. So what are you doing out here all by yourself?" he asked her, a little confused, raising an eyebrow slightly. "I would have come with you if you'd asked me, Jess." And here I spent all morning trying to look for you. Naruto smiled slightly, standing up once again before putting his hand on the side of the tree before jumping off of the branch and towards a nearby clearing. "Hay! I found this really close place just a little bit away from here. Come on, I want to show you." With that, Naruto was off, jumping from tree branch to tree branch, not even looking back, like he was so accustomed to. More than sure that Hinata was following closely behind. "You are so cruel," Kisame said softly, watching as Itachi used his Sharingan on Hinata, knowing that he wouldn't get any response from the quiet man. Quickly unfolding his arms, he automatically realized where Itachi was leading Hinata towards. Darting off towards that direction quickly followed behind Itachi as they moved through the trees unseen and unheard. Naruto landed inside of a cave, far off distance from Konoha, his hand gently touching the ground as he landed before standing up tall and turning around to Hinata. "Glad I didn't lose you back there." He told her, as he started to walk towards the back of the cave, getting further and further away from the entrance. There was nothing amazing about the cave other than the strange patterns that seemed to line the sides, hidden in darkness. Knowing that she could use her Byakugan at any moment, the Akatsuki clang stayed close by her, hiding in the shadows as Itachi lead her to her new home. Slowly Naruto stopped before turning around, revealing the wall around him, where it chains and hooks covered the walls. "It's lovely, isn't it?" He spoke before turning to her, his face distorted as he started to fade from view. Quickly Kisame grabbed her from behind before throwing her towards the wall, chaining her up before she could move away from him. "Well, that was rather easy," He spoke out loud, as the rest of the Akatsuki members started to appear around her. "Slowly moving through the trees, a tall slender tan-colored figure crept along as it searched for something to eat. Its gold and green eyes glimmered brightly in the afternoon sun that flitted through the treetops. The lopunny slowly hopped along an overgrown path through the woods in search of roots or berries to eat. She had both of her dainty small hands pressed close to her rather large chest. The lopunny sighed as she paused and looked around with a tiny frown upon her slightly pouty lips. She wasn't very good at hunting since she hadn't had to find food for herself since she was a very young pokegirl, back when she was still a bunary. That was before she evolved. Jewel, for that was the lopunny's name, was a beautiful pokegirl. She was tall and slender, standing at about 5'8" and weighing 120 lbs. Her figure was a little curvy with slender shoulders and a tiny waist that flared out into wider hips with long firm legs. Her legs were a little muscular and firm, showing off the amazing strength she had. At the end of her legs she had tiny feet. The pokegirls fur was a silky chocolate brown, but her front from her nose all the way down to between her legs back to near her tail was a cream color. Her calves and feet were the same color, as well as the lower half of her ears and the fluffy fur around her wrists. She had a fluffy tail right above her perky tight round ass. Her eyes were big with long eyelashes framing the forest green and golden orbs and she had a cute little pink nose that wrinkled slightly when ever she smiled. As she thought of her owner, her floppy ears moved to cover her eyes a little before she shook her head and pushed all the thoughts of her past out of her mind. They were depressing thoughts and she didn't want to think about it at the moment. So she lifted her cute little nose into the air and sniffed before smiling when she caught the scent of some berries. Smiling a little wider, she moved in the direction that she could smell them from and spotted a bush with the berries. Moving over to it, she began picking and eating the fruit.,"Not too far away from the berries the Lopunny had spied, a young man lay on a bed of leaves, one leg crossed over his other leg, bent as it was, his foot swaying idly through the air. Halloway Michaels, something of a starting trainer, had clear blue eyes focused on the sky high above, of a similar shade of blue. He'd only recently started his journey, and had only one pokegirl; a flat-chested Rattata he got from his older brother. Unlike well, most pokegirls, this one wasn't very attractive at all, but she was wild, and surprisingly strong. Perfect for capturing weaker, prettier pokegirls. The purple-furred Tina sat with her legs crossed several feet from her master, Halloway. He stood at a rather impressive 62, with dirty blonde hair that framed a handsome tan face. His strong chest and wide shoulders were covered with a somewhat tight black shirt, over which he wore a dull green jacket with the sleeves rolled up. He wore jeans and a pair of hiking boots besides, and his leather bag lay below his head, though the stuff he had in- his bag didnt make for a good pillow. As Tina stood up and with her keen nose became aware of the nearby Lopunny, she knelt down. Master, she whispered, and Halloway pushed himself into a sitting position. Yeah, Tina? he asked, brushing his rear off as he stood up. Tina pointed, and a wide grin spread over Halloways face as he caught sight of Jewel. She was a 10 by any scale, with such a hot, tight little body. Halloway reached into his bag for the necessary pokeball to catch this wonderful little prize. Tina, tackle, he said, and with Halloway grinning the entire time, Tina launched herself at Jewel. The thin, strong pokegirl caught Jewel around the waist in mid-leap, landing with her in a heap on the berry bush. The ripe berries, thick and red, burst on impact, covering the two girls with the sweet juices of the berries. Feeling himself already start to harden, he threw the pokeball at Jewel, the ball cracking open on contact, red energy covering her furred body, before it coalesced into a bright pink collar around her neck. Unlike normal Pokemon, the pokegirls couldn't be confined to a pokeball; instead, it formed a collar on them, which still declared them as property of a trainer. "Fayte paused outside the town entrance, glancing once more back to her home, then to the ball in her hand. Her eyes were an emerald shade of green, her dark brown nearly black hair fell along her back. She wore a soft pink toque that matched her school girl skirt, while her top was black, and tight to her still fairly young body of seventeen years old. She was nervous, she could admit that about setting off on her new adventure, with one of her father's old fire Pokemon. She had promised him she would be the best, so that promise she was going to do the best she was able to. Her chest rose and fell with every breath she drew in. As she turned back to the path before her, her black shoes silent on the dirt path. She raised her hand as she gazed at the Poke Ball within her clasp. This was it, a start to a new life. A life where she will change history. A smile curved her lips as she pressed on. How corny was that. She mused to herself, shaking her head from one side to the next. She entered the forest just before sunset, by the time she allowed the Fire Dog out of his Poke Ball. It would be their first meeting as Trainer and Pokemon. Not from the sidelines as she watched her father battle other trainers or at small gatherings. Would he accept her as his new master?,"The red beam from the Poke Ball shot out, expanding and giving form to Arcanine within. The fire Pokemon stretched its limbs, front and back showing off its muscles were in great shape. Standing firmly, the orange-and-black stripes pokemon looked around for his master but didn't see him. The only person around was a young girl standing behind him, which he pretty much ignored at first. He walked a few paces in a circle, trying to track down his master. "Maybe he was lost," he thought, "and my Poke Ball ended up in this girl's hand." Or maybe she... he thought, and gave her a menacing look for a moment. There was a light breeze in the forest, and he caught the scent. He perked up his ears and approached her slowly, sniffing at her feet and up her body. Being six feet tall, it was an easy task to recognize her from toe to head. He knew now it was his master's daughter; she sure had grown since the last time he saw her. He stared at the Poke Ball in her hand and barked, as if telling her why she had it with her. Without her permission, he took possession of it in his jaw. He shook his head in disappointment of how easy it was... so weak. He didn't understand why he was doing this with her. Unaware of what was going on, but he sure wasn't approving of her holding his Poke Ball. Just like that, he turned his back on her and started walking deeper into the forest. "It was their 6th year at Hogwarts, and Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were, like the rest of Gryffindor House, celebrating a hard won Quidditch victory in their first game of the season. Students from 1st year to 7th year were joining in with the celebrations, almost deafening music echoing all around, students dancing all over the place, some a little closer than others, while the Butterbeer, with a little added kick to celebrate the special occasion, was flowing freely. Some of the 1st years were already passed out, especially those who'd never had a drop of alcohol before, but the older students still seemed to be partying hard, and they were certainly showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Even Hermione, who normally had little time for parties like this, was getting fully into the swing of things, gulping down a butterbeer, letting herself relax for once. With a laugh, she nearly slammed down her glass, refilling it before taking another sip, turning to head back to the dance floor, grabbing both Ron and Harry as she passed them, laughing and pulling them along with her. "Come on boys! Let's dance and have some fun!" It was clear that the butterbeer had gotten to Hermione, but then again, Ron didn't care. He liked Hermione this way, more carefree, not always quoting rules and trying to tell them why they shouldn't do something. With a laugh, Ron followed her out to the dance floor, beginning to join with her movements, though as the dancing progressed, and Hermione had a little more butterbeer, she seemed to be dancing a little closer to the two boys. As she moved, her ass would occasionally rub against their groin areas, turning to ensure both boys received the same treatment, though whether she was doing it on purpose or simply by accident, it was hard to tell....,"It wasn't even eight o'clock yet, and Harry Potter was drunk -- not from alcohol, though, but from adrenaline and happiness. Gryffindor had won the first Quidditch match of season, and having totally obliterated Hufflepuff 240-30, the team was off to a marvelous start. Now the entire team, and truthfully, the whole House, was in the common room celebrating the victory in the best way they knew how: partying. The Gryffindor House was rather notorious for such things, and not all of the party games and activities were very school appropriate... They knew how to have a good time, and even McGonagall knew when to turn a blind eye to some of the festivities, as long as everybody cleaned up after themselves and they didn't do anything too crazy, such as set fire to the tapestries, or enchant the furniture and throw it out the windows so it would fly across the grounds, or send very crudely written 'love letters' to Professor Snape in the middle of the night. Harry couldn't stop grinning. After much insistence on Seamus' part, he took a shot of the Firewhiskey. He flinched and coughed as it burned its way down his throat. Eyes watering, he looked around, just in time to see Hermione passing him, as well as Ron, laughing and making their way to the spot in the middle of the room where a lot of people were dancing. Harry found himself laughing as well as they all danced together, and also found himself wondering where the night might lead... the way Hermione was grinding against him and Ron, he had a few ideas... "We should give you butterbeer more often, Hermione," Harry remarked with laughter. It was very rare to see Hermione this loose and uninhibited, just having fun instead of constantly worrying. Harry found that he quite enjoyed this side of her, but he loved every side of Hermione Granger. "I think the party might be starting to wind down," he added after a few moments. Indeed, there were less people dancing now, and it had quieted down somewhat. In fact, a lot of people were coupling off, either sneaking upstairs, or making out brazenly on the chairs and couches, some of them half-naked already. Harry gulped, and let his hands slip around Hermione's waist. "Do you reckon it might be time to turn in?" he asked, to no one in particular, and it was clear in his voice what he really meant. "Zyra Th'lea fingers wove through dried strands of long, dark mahogany colored hair. She braided the strands together, creating a series of decorative and ornate braids along her head. She really had to make an impact tonight; she had been recovering from a particularly rough evening several nights ago here on Coruscant. As the scrappy daughter of a conquered crime family, she was unfortunately pretty. The woman, somewhere in her mid twenties, was a dancer in the grimy underbelly of the overpopulated world, dancing on bar tops and in cages to keep lonely and uninteresting men entertained. She had the frame for it; lithe and tall, strong and soft. The florescence of the underworld served her well, reflecting enticingly off of her dark hair and cream colored skin. Blasting music and idle chat of her workplace, a seedy bar, lulled her as she worked, weaving hair up and out of her face. Something ripped her away from her focus - a humming that wasn't familiar to her. It felt eerie and wrong, this humming. Zyra slowly stood from her stool facing a mirror, exposing her little piece for the evening; a pair of leather pants and heeled boots, a mesh tank top over a matching leather bralette. Her hair was braided back, exposing the bruises and healed cuts from a bar brawl several nights earlier that had really taken her value down. Commotion in the bar. Zyra couldn't help but want to investigate a good fight. On teetering heels, she took steps from behind the backstage area, passed where other dancers had stopped displaying their writhing bodies to loud and intense music to watch as troopers entered their hole-in-the-wall. Zyra watched with her arms wrapped around her middle as an overwhelming sense of dread rolled over her. She took a step backward as she watched, sensing the urgency coming from the other onlookers around her. Before she could really register what was going on, the young woman was in the thick of what appeared to be a search. Troopers shone lights in girl's faces, prompting her to pull her eyebrows together in question. Out of the corner of her eye, Zyra spotted a friend being forced to her knees with blasters pointed at her head for getting too rough in response to the storm trooper's interrogating. "Hey, let her go!" Zyra demanded, fist raising and clenching. Her long, black nails dug uncomfortably into the palms of her hands, nearly breaking the skin. The blasters in their hands crunched and popped, destroyed on her whim. Zyra's eyebrows raised and her jaw unhinged, a hitched breath unable to make it through her plush, red painted pout out of shock. She knew she had just outed herself and put a target onto her back. Suddenly troopers swarmed her, pushing through bar patrons. Zyra raised her hands in surrender, circled entirely. She swallowed, filling herself with bravado. Her chest tightened, feeling cracking and buzzing within her very soul. Zyra's emerald green eyes were focused on the ominously blacked figure as he neared, looking into where his eyes should have been without the mask. She had no idea what she had just done, but this was not the first instance of such a connection to something greater than herself. She had lived her entire life knowing that there was something within her that was untapped - and more terrifyingly - untamed. Eyes were unblinking as the dread increased, now standing chest to chest with him. She knew who this man was, and she had the sense that she was about to die by his infamous temper. She was quiet, simply lifting her angular jaw and keeping still.,"The troop transport rocked heavily as it descended deeper into the underbelly of Coruscant, its cargo a small squad of highly trained men and women wearing white composite armor and a man in a black robe and intimidating mask. Kylo Ren, a name that had become synonymous with fear and terror, was on his way to investigate a tremor he had felt a few times before. Still recovering, both physically and mentally, from his encounter with the wildcard that had been Rey, Kylo needed a leg up in the war to come and his gut told him whatever this disturbance was could be just what he needed to tip the scales. As he walked through the doors, the room went quiet. A sense of dread followed in his footsteps as the black-robed figure quickly neared the vessel of the tremor he sensed - a woman, a beautiful woman at that, not what he had expected at all. Had it not been for the intimidating black mask he wore, his surprise at what greeted him would have been visible for all to see, though as it were, his mask held a featureless expression revealing nothing of what went on underneath. He held his silent gaze on the woman before him. His armored chest pressing lightly against hers while he stared deeply into the emerald green orbs of his target. The only sound escaping the robed figure was the sound of the built-in respirator of his mask giving off a quiet artificial hiss with each breath. Slowly, a gloved hand rose to grip the woman's chin lightly as he continued to search for something deep within her eyes, her very soul. What he found filled him with confidence. A glowing ember, ready to spark into a burning inferno if handled correctly. Potential unlike anything he had sensed before, untamed and untapped. For a moment he wondered if she knew herself, if she knew of the power that was resting inside of her, boiling beneath the surface, ready to spring to life. It was an ember he would nurture and feed, a wildfire of his making and under his control. At least, that was the plan, though Kylo Ren knew firsthand that plans often change and not always for the better. After a few long seconds, he turned his head to one of the troopers with an orange shoulder pad as he spoke: "Bring her to my ship, leave none alive." His voice devoid of any emotion, hidden by the mask's vocabulator, which made him sound robotic. As quickly as he had arrived, Kylo disappeared again. His command clear as rain. Swiftly and without hesitation, the Stormtroopers that had accompanied the man turned to the grim task of removing all witnesses. The trooper standing behind the woman brought his blaster high and smacked it into the back of her head before dragging the form, forcefully if necessary, from the scene and into the transport from which they came. Within a few minutes, the entire bar had been transformed into a carnage. A scene of death and slaughter, all because of a single individual and the potential she carried with her. On the way back to his flagship, plans and schemes were forming and reforming in his head. An apprentice, it had not been something he had thought of before, technically, he himself was still an apprentice himself. Yet the potential that this woman promised was too great to be left alone. Then came the next step: Supreme Leader Snoke, his own Master. Would he tell him? Or hide his intention? On this he had not decided yet. "So far as the Ninetales was concerned, this area of the forest not far outside the humans' city was his. He'd gone through the effort, largely cleared out the bugs and birds and the like, made it peaceful, almost perfectly so. He didn't doubt the humans themselves had noticed, but he liked to not concern himself with them, nor let them know too much about the fact that he was there. He'd seen those strange balls of his, and he wanted no part of it. So when a human dared to enter that little territory of his, the golden-furred fox stalked ever so quietly and carefully after them, waiting for a point where they'd stop. At which point, he himself would wander out from hiding, keeping himself low to the ground and ready to move at any time, keeping his eyes narrowed slightly on the human's hands, cautious of anything they might decide to bring out to use against him. She didn't smell to him like she had any pokemon with her, but all the same, he could never be too careful with these creatures. With that in mind, his stalking paused a reasonable distance away from the human, starting to slowly circle around her, fully intending on driving her back where she came from... but that, he supposed, ultimately depended on her.,"Serena was looking around. Her big blue eyes scanned the environment, she loved nature and being apart of it. Deciding to have a walk, she left her friends and Pokemon at the Pokemon centre. Being positive and having a good mind set, she believed it would be fine to go in to the wild as long as she stuck to the path. Wearing thigh-high stockings, a red skirt and black top, her long brown hair blew in a little breeze. Unaware that the weather was taking a turn for the worse above her, the girl walked deeper in to the forest. Something else she noticed was that there were no other Pokemon around. Little did she know that they had been driven out by a Ninetales who seemed to believe this was his land. "Sakura sighed and stretched as she walked out of the village gates, rubbing at the side of her head as she headed out on patrol. These last few years had gotten...well, boring. There weren't even any exciting missions to go on anymore. The 19-year-old girl never thought she'd say this, but... "I miss when I could have died pretty much every least it was exciting..." She chuckled, then set off on her patrol into the forest. These last few years had also been kind to her. To start with, her pink hair had been allowed to grow long once again, now tied up into a single ponytail that went almost down to her knees. She had filled out quite nicely up top too. Sure, she was no Tsunade or Hinata, but Sakura sported a very respectable 38C size chest that she was rather proud of...especially since she had ended up bigger than Ino, the girl who had started developing first. The thought brought just a slight grin to Sakura's face. Ok, sure she and Ino were on friendly terms, but there was still that hint of rivalry between them. "Okay...checkpoint one...quiet as usual," she said, coming to a stop on a tree branch and looking down over the path beneath her. Nothing - not even signs that anyone had been here for weeks. Then again, this path wasn't really used anymore. It was well off the regular trade and travel routes, so merchants and visitors never really came this way. "Okay...might as well head for the next checkpoint.","The quietness was usually the calm before the storm. Every ninja knows that. Something big was about to happen. Sakura may think she was alone, but she was being watched. Not only her, but other fellow kunoichi's were being watched as well. The creature that had been following Sakura ever since she left the village decided to attack now. Just as she leapt up, something wrapped itself around Sakura's ankles. It seemed like a thick string, so thick that it was alive. After the first one appeared, the second one appeared, wrapping itself around Sakura's neck. Before long, Sakura was pulled back onto the tree, getting herself wrapped up in these thick living things, people call tentacles. It was too bad that she was by herself. But right now, if there were other kunoichi's that were by themselves, they were also getting attacked by these so-called tentacle monsters. "Carson walked along the dirt road just outside his home city, with his little sister Alyssa jogging to keep up with him. It had been the two of them for the past few years. Alyssa brought up the idea of being Pokemon trainers for a while now, each time Carson would brush it off. But the more he thought of it, it wasn't all that bad of an idea. He was worn down, and here they were, leaving their home, off on an unknown adventure. Even though neither of them knew what they were doing. But as long as they had each other, then everything would be fine. They were close, best friends even. "This is going to be great, Carson!" The blonde girl said in a perky tone, so excited to be going on this adventure with her favorite person. "Just remember," Carson said in a bored tone, one hand in his pocket, the other holding the strap of his backpack that hung over his shoulder, "this is your idea, so I don't want to hear any whining." Alyssa did her research; she knew who the best person to see was: Professor Oak, in Pallet Town. It wasn't that far. Once they walked into Oaks doors, Alyssa blurted out, "We want to be trainers!" Carson shrugged. "Maybe you should wait till you see the guy first before you go around yelling like that? Just a thought." Alyssa pouted, crossing her arms. "I'm just ready," she said. "I dreamed about this for so long." Carson sighed and sat down in one of the seats in the lobby. "Calm down," he said. "I'm sure someone will be here shortly.","Professor Oak was just doing some research on a strange-looking manky when he then heard someone shout as they walked inside his lab. He smiled passionately, always loving to meet new adventurers and help them on their brand new journey. He walked out of his lab and waved at the two of them, looking a bit like a grandfather, nice and approachable. "Why hello there! I'm the Pokemon professor. How's the both of your days going today?" he walked up and put his hand in front of him so that they could shake it and make his acquaintance. "I hear that you two are looking for pokemon? To go out on an adventure! That sounds like a bunch of fun!" he was rather excited for the both of them and thought that it would be interesting for this brother-sister company to go and explore the world. "But! I must warn you.. becoming a pokemon trainer is no easy feat! I mean, You must understand that pokemon can get really demanding! And.. you need too... satisfy their urges. Most that you battle will be defeated like this too! If you understand what I'm trying to say." "Ginny had spent the last couple years alienated from her family after being placed in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor at the start of her first year. Even though she went home every summer, her brothers, Ron especially, wouldn't speak to her. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger sometimes hung out with her, when there weren't any other students around. She spent her holidays in the Slytherin common room, with whoever else had happened to stay behind, not that very many ever did. It was the start of her third year at Hogwarts, and she was dreading it. All through the previous year, she'd noticed that a certain blonde in her House kept watching her. On the train to the school, she looked for an empty compartment. But the only one she could find that had any room left in it, contained three of her fellow Slytherins, one of whom she had been trying to avoid. Since there weren't any others, she entered the compartment, hoping that Draco Malfoy would leave her alone this year.,"Draco Malfoy was highly amused at the situation, especially with how the last couple of years had progressed. Ginny Weasley had been a very delicious addition to House Slytherin, and he was very pleased indeed. She was a pure blood, as well as a very sexy "Ginger Girl" witch. Draco was very interested in her in a sexual sense, but he was also disturbed by her fascination with Potter. He had a grudging respect for the Gryffindor, but he was still a Malfoy, and that alone made him above the other boy alone. Also, he was a half-blood, whereas Draco was pure, and that upset him that Ginny would associate with him that way. When she had entered the compartment, Draco could barely contain his pleasure. He waited until she had entered, and then he signaled the other two subtly. One of them rose, and then the other, and soon the two of them were alone. "Sit down, Ginny," he said. "It can be just the two of us, and we can talk." "Drake couldn't understand why nobody would believe him. A few years ago, his parents had told him that they were not his real parents but had adopted him at the age of 5 shortly after the tragic death of his real parents in an accident. Ever since then, he had been performing research, trying to look back into his family history. Just a week ago, he had made an incredible discovery. He had to double-check several times, going through all his notes, all his research, everything, but there was no doubt... no doubt at all... Drake himself was the last descendant of the greatest, most famous Wizard of all time, Merlin himself. At first, Drake had been proud, sure that this would finally start to earn him some attention, some friends. The past few years at Hogwarts had been incredibly lonely for the Ravenclaw boy. Every attempt to make friends had ended in failure at best, ridicule and embarrassment at worst. But when he tried to tell people, tried to show them, they just laughed. The mere suggestion that he was descended from such a great wizard seemed absurd. Nobody would even look at his research; they accused him of simply being jealous of Harry Potter, of trying to upstage the Boy Who Lived. After the first accusation, that's what everyone began to say. What everyone began to accuse him of. Even when Drake stopped trying to tell others, the accusations still came. How he loathed that Potter boy! What had he done? Simply lived? Sure, at first he had resented his own fame, but lately he seemed to be accepting it, wallowing in it, using it, lapping up the attention, particularly from girls, like he had done something to earn it. Well, no more. If everyone was going to accuse him of trying to upstage Harry Potter, of just trying to divert the attention of women away from him and to himself instead... fine. That was just what he would do. After all, Drake's discovery hadn't gone unrewarded. Buried deep in books left behind, he had found clues, subtle hints to powerful spellbooks hidden away at Hogwarts by Merlin. And as a true descendant, only Drake had been able to find them. These past few days, he had immersed himself in the books, learning everything he could. Now a plan had formulated in his mind, and he had the means to carry it out. "Ugh..." Drake grunted as his hand pumped furiously. The potion was almost ready... it just needed one final ingredient, his own essence, ensuring that the focus of the potion's effects would be towards him and no other. To that end, the boy was standing, furiously masturbating himself over a bubbling cauldron of blue liquid. Between his legs, massively swollen balls swung against his legs; he needed much more semen than just a normal orgasm could create, so he had taken a potion to massively increase that as well. "Ah... ah...," the boy worked himself until finally he felt it happen, with a long low groan he pointed his erection downwards as cum erupted, shooting forth like water from a hose, pumping out a good three liters of thick cum into the cauldron before the flow stopped. The cauldron bubbled, the liquid swirled and frothed, before it settled back down, now becoming a completely transparent and odorless fluid. Perfect... it was ready. The following day, Drake put his plan into action. His first target clearly identified in his mind, he watched as Ginny Weasley ate her breakfast. Just watching silently, waiting for the opportunity to present itself, hidden among the food at the Gryffindor table was a vial of his potion, ready and waiting for... there! He saw as she looked away, discussing something with someone else. With a quick flick of his wand, Drake brought the vial up, emptying its contents into Ginny's drink before hiding the now-empty vial once again. The boy couldn't help but grin as he watched the girl, the supposed object of Harry Potter's affections, down the rest of her drink, along with his potion. Still, the effects wouldn't be immediate... they needed a catalyst. When breakfast was over, Drake stood along with many others, turning to head out. It was a Saturday, no classes... perfect. Discreetly, he followed Ginny, waiting until the crowds had thinned out, until they were outside in the courtyard and there were few people around. "Um... Miss Weasley...?" Drake spoke up from behind her, approaching her quickly, looking as shy and nerdy as always. "Um... can I... just ask you something...?" He looked up at her with a slight smile. Part of him regretted what he was about to do, feeling a little guilty... but it would soon pass... after all, she'd want him to do it soon enough. Before Ginny could tell him to buzz off, he grabbed her arm, suddenly yanking her into a grove of bushes beside them, using the surprise to tumble and pin her to the ground. "Ginny... I can't let Harry have you... you have to be mine..." With no subtlety, Drake's inexperienced hands went to grasp at Ginny's chest through her clothing, the other hand pinning her arms up above her. All he had to do was get her aroused... now that she had drank the potion, any arousal would cause it to take effect.,""Um... Miss Weasley," Ginny turned at the mention of her name, recognizing the Ravenclaw boy who'd been the object of Hogwarts' most recent scandal - the boy who claimed to be the last descendant of Merlin. What was his name? Drake, that was it. Before she could respond, he was on her, using his own body weight to shove her backwards through the bushes that lined the path. Ginny struggled underneath him as he pinned her to the ground, grabbing awkwardly at her breasts through her robes. "What are you doing, Drake?" she yelled, still fighting against him. It was no use; the older boy far outranked her in size and strength. He had her arms pinned above her head, and despite herself, Ginny's mind conjured the fantasy she'd had from time to time about this very situation...her little secret, of course, and one she didn't admit to very often. What woman wouldn't want to be forced to...Ginny shook her head, trying to clear the thought from her mind, but not before a little shiver of excitement ran through her navel, curling into a warm ball between her legs. She shuddered slightly against Drake, feeling a peculiar feeling come over her, like fog, wrapping its tendrils around her brain... "It had been two years since that day on the bridge. Though he was thought to have died, Haku in fact survived Kakashi's Raikiri... But Zabuza did not survive the assault of Gatou's men. Zabuza's dying wish was for Kakashi to take Haku with him to Konoha- and that's where he stayed, training under one Anko Mitarashi. Now 17, he'd gotten taller, his muscles ever so slightly toned. He looked mostly the same as before though, save he now wore a chuunin vest over his brown sweater instead of his blue robe. He'd also gotten to know a girl during this time... Hinata. He'd even grown fond of her. Now, he was watching his friend train. The young man smiled as he watched the busty young woman train. Oh, how he admired Hinata so. She was kind, gentle, and... Well, was she beautiful? He studied her features again with his brown eyes, brushing some of his black hair out of his face. Her nose was cute, her eyes gorgeous, her lips suggestive, and her form sensual. Yes, he'd say she was beautiful alright. Haku so badly wanted her. However, he knew she loved Naruto, and not him. Indeed, he was forced to watch her from afar. Or was he? He could, in theory, use a certain genjutsu his sensei had gotten from Kurenai and taught to him. No, no, he could never. Could he? "Hinata-chan..." he cooed out, smiling at the girl only a year younger than him. "Can I... Ask something of you?","She looked over at Haku, her mind otherwise preoccupied with thoughts of Naruto, and ways she could get him to look at her. "Yes, Haku?" She walked over to him and sat next to him, still panting slightly from her efforts. She looked up at him and smiled, her white eyes still somewhat distant. She liked Haku, but not in the way she adored Naruto; she seemed slightly distant towards Haku, even though she considered him a good friend. "Did I do something wrong that time?" "Rukia had finally found some time alone. Ichigo and his family had left the house, leaving her with some much-needed alone time. So here she was, lying in Ichigo's closet, slowly disrobing with a sly grin on her face. It had been weeks since she had had any time to herself, and she intended to make the most of it. First, Rukia pulled aside her shirt, nearly ripping off her bra to expose her small breasts. She squeezed them gently before pinching her nipples, sending a shiver through her body. After a few moments of that, Rukia lifted her skirt up, not having the time or patience to remove it, then quickly tugged her panties down, freeing her pussy and her lengthening cock. "That's it baby," she whispered, licking her lips as she reached down to start stroking her cock. As it grew longer and thicker, she moaned in pleasure. In its flaccid state, it was barely two inches long, easily hidden within her panties, but now it was growing and growing, finally reaching its full ten-inch length and one-inch thickness. "Oooooooh..." Using both hands, Rukia wrapped her fingers around it, starting to pump the length slowly, her loud groans of pleasure echoing through the empty house...or so she thought.,"Ichigo had been hanging around with his school friends. But as usual, they got bored fairly quickly. Plus, with all of his secret Soul Reaper training, he just wanted to relax for a bit. As he walked home, he decided to try and scare her since she wouldn't expect him to be home for a few hours. He quietly opened his door and snuck upstairs. The house was dark, and he knew exactly where she would be. He could hear strange noises coming from his room, but he didn't know why. He crept closer and peeked inside. Rukia was sitting on his bed, staring at something intently. She looked up when she heard him enter, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Ichigo!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing "Cinder Fall was not one to accept defeat. She had attempted to form an alliance with Adam Taurus, but he had been less than keen on the arrangement. He believed that it would be better for faunas to stay out of the matters of humans. Something that Cinder did not share his viewpoint regarding. After all, if they had a common enemy, why not team up and defeat it quickly and effectively? Her faction had instead gone after the Fall Maiden, in an attempt to gain her powers. It had almost gone so well, but a wrench named Qrow Branwen was thrown into the mix at the last moment. Unfortunately, Cinder had only managed to secure a portion of the Fall Maidens abilities. But she vowed to both herself and her allies that a time would come when she would finish the fight. If there was one thing that Cinder could be commended on, it was her ambition and cunning. If she couldn't convince Adam's faction to join hers, that was fine. He wasn't the only leader with a dedicated army of men ready to fight whatever battle he commanded them to. Instead, she had heard of another faunas in a leadership position who seemed keen on meeting with her. He had apparently heard about the meeting between Cinder and Adam, and wanted to hear her request directly. The amber-eyed girl showed no signs of fear as she was allowed access to the clandestine location where this particular sect of White Fang was calling their base of operations. The men who were acting as guards at the front were expecting her, and she was allowed in. She had shown up without her faction, something that was out of character for her. But Cinder had vowed to herself that she would do whatever it took to earn the partnership with this particular faunas. Cinder wore her typical outfit: a red velvet dress with golden embroidery down the sleeves and on her chest, with an asymmetrical hemline. Her glass heels clinked on the concrete floor as she was escorted by two members of White Fang. She took a silent moment to observe the two men, attempting to ascertain exactly what animal features they were gifted with. The young woman exuded confidence, not willing to take no for an answer this time. They arrived at a nondescript door behind which the leader was waiting for Cinder's arrival.,"It was the end of the day when someone had told him that Cinder was screwing up; she hadn't obtained what was promised. Leaving him to wonder if the support was worth her time, whether she would betray him or not. He wasn't sure, as she was coming today to propose a new deal and hope to get him to do something for her. Maybe it would be more manpower or even something totally different from before. She had never met him, being a new leader of the White Fang that was stronger than the last. When he would be approached by the guards - one with mouse ears and the other cat-like ones - dressed in white garbs, they escorted the woman into the massive throne room. The leader of the White Fang stood on a chair as he looked down towards her. Smirking, he had silver hair that came down to his shoulder, large wolf ears, and red eyes that stared her down. He looked like a Grimm if it weren't for his more human appearance; he didn't even show off his real height or strength, but his bloodthirsty aura could be felt throughout the room. "So Cinder," he said with a smirk on his face, challenging her. "What brings you back here? Another boring plot?" "It was a beautiful evening up on the Plate, the showing of the popular play Loveless soon to be finished. The show ran twice a day, and she did her best to be there for intermission and for the departure of guests. With the popularity of the stage play, it ran 365 days a year to mostly sold out showings. This sort of play brought forth plenty of couples, wishing to see the tragic tale of the Goddess and the two heroes she must choose between. Which meant that the men, looking to be romantic, generally made sure that she herself had a sold-out showing of flowers. The brunette woman was just in her twenties, and was in the bloom of her youth. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail twist, a knotted bow with a materia orb resting on the top. The materia orb shone and sparkled, a unique shade of green, the same as her eyes. Aerith had taken to selling her flowers for a mere 1 gil each in an attempt to earn a living for herself and her adopted mother. Naturally, Elmyra forbade her from going to the plate. But Aerith figured what her mother didn't know couldn't hurt the elderly woman. Aerith was dressed in pink, a tight dress with a sweetheart neckline buttoned from the swell of her C cup breasts to mid thigh. The rest of the fabric hung open to mid calf. The maroon short sleeved half jacket was unbuttoned, framing her cleavage and accentuating it. She wore thick, heavy dingy brown boots that were comfortable enough to support her twice daily walk from Sector 5 to the Plate. Without a Shinra ID, it was impossible for her to ride on the train. The petite girl had to be certain to keep a good distance away from Shinra HQ, the de facto rulers of Midgar, unless she wished to be trapped there again. The last Cetra, however, had come up with a new way to earn money. Aerith wanted to move her small family out of Midgar, away from the smog and pollution, to any one of the small villages that flanked the big city. Out there, with the fresh air and sunshine, it seemed like a world full of infinite possibilities. She herself had never been out of the city, but it was her greatest desire. And at selling her flowers for a reasonable 1 gil each, it would take 10 lifetimes to have the funds to move. But the dark-haired girl had come to a business decision that would earn her money quicker: she would sell her private flower, thus charging more and being able to leave quicker. Instead of waiting outside the front of the theater, she waited in the dark alley beside of it. She was hoping to attract the attention of any passersby who were single and unattached. Perhaps their date hadn't worked out, and instead of leaving the show angry, Aerith could be of service to them. She had gotten the idea from the Honey Bee Inn, but lacked the courage to try to work in the slums in such a manner. What if one of the customers knew her mother, and reported back to her? That would be a humiliation she wasn't too sure she or her mother could survive. Instead, as a free agent selling her body on the Plate, she could make her own way into the world. Aerith had been offering her special flower for sale for a reasonable 150 gil a use. She offered her mouth and pussy to a customer, allowing them to choose. Already, her reputation had to be spreading as the previous day, she had a line waiting in the darkened alley to take her while she bent over an air conditioning unit. Aerith always forced the men to wear a condom in order to help keep her clean and fresh for the next use. And if a man should cum in her mouth, she always spit it out and attempted to suck on a mint before the next customer would want to sample her mouth or pussy. But with the threat of rain looming in from the pollution heavy clouds that were rolling in, she wondered if any men would be there to purchase her special flower. With the crowds milling about the main street, the show had to have left out. She felt the knot wind up her in stomach as she waited to see who would venture down the alley she occupied. The Cetra hoped that as her reputation grew, by word of mouth, men would bring their friends for a turn. She saw a tall figure enter the alley, going to hop down off of the large metal air conditioning unit that served as her station while she peddled her wares. Good evening..would you like to buy a flower? Its the prettiest one in Midgar, and only 100 gil for a rainy day special. She smiled sweetly. It was hard to tell from her innocent seeming demeanor just what sort of twisted desires lurked behind that pretty face. In order to make certain her message was received the right way, she lifted the fabric of her dress. She revealed her pink and white panties, bikini style with delicate lace work.,"Sephiroth wasn't normally in this area, but tonight he was looking for something specific and some of his co-workers had told him about Aerith and the special "flower" she had for sale, so he had decided to show up and sample it for himself. He watched as the young woman lifted her dress to expose her panties and he smiled as he could feel his cock harden beneath his long coat and the pants he wore. "Well, I might be interested," he said nonchalantly, keeping his gaze lingering on the crevice between her legs. "Do I have to pay now or after?" he asked her, pulling his money clip from his pocket and keeping his eyes on her. She was a pretty little thing, that was for sure, and he'd have fun with her, maybe even paying for extra services. "A very small sigh escaped Koriand'r as she examined the door to the boy's locker room. Why now, of all times, did the Tower's female shower have to break down? It had only been by complete chance that Plasmus' sudden attack on the tower had ruptured the pipes in there, leaving that area off limits, but it would still take some time to repair, and they had yet to find a decent person to hire. For as strong as the Teen Titans were, none of them were plumbers. Even Cyborg had passed on fixing them. So for now, if the girls were to use the Tower gym (mostly Starfire, since Raven so rarely got involved in exercise) they'd have to use the male locker room to wash up. Which, under normal circumstances, would be fine. But Starfire had recently entered into the mating cycle of her species, as was common for a Tamaranean her age. With that cycle came a strong desire to mate that she had never known before, and every step she took seemed to send a heat radiating through her body. She closed her emerald coloured eyes and flicked her straight strawberry hair over her shoulders. The locker room was empty, it was fine. There were no guys in there to worry about. No strong... virile males to- Starfire swallowed hard and pushed through the door, floating along toward the small row of lockers that lined the back wall. "Goodness... this cycle is already unbearable." All she had to do was quickly wash the sweat from her body and then she could take care of business in her room. Kori removed her knee high boots, setting them under the bench before sliding her silver armguards off. Within seconds her purple tube top and miniskirt were resting on the bench, revealing the orange curves of her heart-shaped ass and her firm, heavy bosom. Star floated around the tiled wall, making for the showers. She swiftly turned the handle of the nearest shower, feeling a sigh of relief leave her as the steaming hot water washed down, causing her crimson locks to adhere to her golden skin.,"Beast Boy entered the men's locker room, exhausted from a workout around the tower. His breath ragged and his body covered in sweat, his clothes clung to his slim but toned body. So tired was he, that he had forgotten about the fact that the women's locker room was downstairs. Not that he would have remembered anyway; he basically slept through that meeting to begin with. He stripped off his clothes as he entered the locker room, tossing them carelessly aside as was his nature. His green body, while lithe and slender, was well-toned and muscular - not that he wasn't a Titan for nothing. Even more surprising perhaps was what hung between his legs: his cock, in its regular and unerect form, was rather large and long... one could only imagine how it would look when erect, but needless to say, he was well hung. As he walked into the shower, he noticed a whiff of something strange. It smelled feminine and alluring, arousing him slightly, but the scent was masked by his sweat and the steam from the shower. He slowly opened his eyes as they adjusted to see through the steam, where he could now make out the figure of who he had bumped into - Robin. "Ah, isn't that you, Robin? Sorry," Beast Boy chuckled as he apologized for bumping into her. ""Ahh... Ungh... Nhh... Mmph..." Fapfapfap went the sounds coming from the small tent in the middle of the woods along with grunts and moans as furiously inside one of the two Ninja occupying it went at the other with all she had. Ami Ayakashi was sixteen years old and a chuunin level Ninja of the Leaf Village. The Ayakashi Clan was a small, not really known at all clan from a small village outside of the Leaf and too the south where few Ninja lived, but enough to be considered. The nearly extinct clan only consisted of a few living members, of which Ami and her older sister, Mizumi, were included. "S-Sister!..." Ami grunted out as she pumped her hips vigorously, the young girl actually fucking her own sister in their tent. The Ayakashi Clan, like plenty others throughout the world, had a special trait born to them all. For them, it was a clan of entirely women, but each had a little something... More. That 'more' being a cock that was currently being shoved deep into her older sister's tight pussy as the members of the Ayakashi Clan were all women that were born with cocks! Ami herself was a tiny thing. The sixteen year old was thin and lithe, with a tight little body and fair peach colored skin, bearing only a few freckles on her cheeks. She had short, messy, unkempt blonde hair and deep, wide, almost innocent green eyes - her cheeks round yet chin sharp, giving her a rather pixie-like appearance. Shorter in stature, she fit this bill even more next to her taller older sister. Ami's body was tight, she had a thin abdomen with little to no body fat and a small, but perky chest that was on display, tiny b-cup tits bouncing about lightly at the motion. They perked right up, dotted with little, incredibly pink nipples that were insatiably stiff at the moment. Her legs, just like her arms were skinny, she was a thin little teen, but they lead up to a flawless ass. Ami's backside was the perfect bubble butt, small like the rest of her but incredibly round and pert, her tight perfect ass jiggling with the force of her hips as her little pussy lips glistened with arousal. Above this, was the pride of her clan, her young cock pounding away into her sister's cunt. Ami's rod was a modest six inches in length, it twitched hard and sensitively, the girl always having been a bit of a quick shooter, but she had control of herself for now as the blonde teen grabbed onto her sister's hips for dear life, fucking away at her. "S-Sister you're amazing... Ngh..." She hissed in pleasure, toes curling in her dark blue standard issue Ninja sandals - the only article of clothing she wore right now save her blue banded Headband bearing the Leaf symbol that she wore around her neck - as she tried only slightly to keep quiet as they fucked throughout the night.,"Having been training for 26 years for this very day. Mizumi, a blue-haired shapely beauty, was riding her sister's cock with her own hard and bouncing around. Her massive G-cup breasts went up and down as she pressed back and forth against her sister Ami's dick. Which in turn, was deep inside her snatch. Her pussy gripped around Ami's cock as she went up and down in a nice quick pace. "Yeah, Ami, like that," the woman said, "Your training has gone over well. Now those pigs, in their fancy cities, and happy clans, will get to enjoy this dick of yours..." The woman had smooth skin, but there were a few lines of scars covering her stomach and her back. The woman had been through a hard life as the older sibling, and thus on her body was scratches and scars, marring her beautiful flesh, yet making it more beautiful, like it showed the largest of these however, was the large X-shaped scar over her bouncing milky white breasts. The large X had come from a sword attack, and it had almost taken her life. Though, it had not, and now here she was raising her baby sister to help her revive the clan, and sneak into the various villages, due to some really easy to sneak into Shinobi exchange program. They were in a camp going towards the Leaf Village. It was a few days away, and some Leaf Village scrub ninja had come to collect them. They were nice enough to allow them to have this tent. Her body went down on her sister's cock. Thankfully, she had trained herself to be resistant to the bloodline trait of their families, which made the cock of theirs addictive to those who they fuck with it. "Ami, you are doing well, very well," Mizumi said, "You are doing well in your studies to help me revive our clan yes?" She reached out grasping Ami's shoulders. Feeling Ami throbbing inside of her, the girl still couldn't hold very long. "You need to hold out longer than this, Ami," Mizumi berated her sister, being a cold and yet loving sibling. The cool night air filled the room as the tent flap was opened, and their sex wasn't all too quiet. "Elise answers questions in a daze, her gaze too blurred by the shock of adrenaline rushing through her system to even see the man sitting across the desk from her, scribbling her answers on to a sheet of paper like she was livestock to catalog. She is now, isn't she? Now at least. Now she will be here, stuck here, and there is nothing she can do to fight that. Maybe she deserves it, but all Elise knows is that Paul definitely deserved what he had gotten. She will be here, if it means keeping Nelly safe from the soulless, violating hands of her pervert of a brother. Name, date of birth, next of kin - she rattles off answers in a monotone only to be led to the wall for pictures then to a room to have her dignity stripped away with each piece of clothing that she is forced to bare herself of. She pulls her dirty blonde hair out of a pony tail when they ask her to, and the locks fall in messy waves down to her shoulder. She pulls her piercings from her ears, her nipples, her naval when they tell her to - why she can't have those she doesn't understand, but there's no regret in her so she doesn't fight. This will be home. She's okay with that. She is moved to a unit once she's searched and feels out of place in civilian clothes, a red plaid button down over a black tank top, leggings that ride every curve of her hips. She doesn't question it, though - doesn't ask for teal, doesn't ask about anything. Besides what she's forced to say, she was dead quiet even as one of the women in the unit spoke to her, told her the rules. She's withdrawn and stays in her cell until she's called to dinner, at which point the women of the unit drag her along. She grabs her food at sits at the same table as those in her unit, and for the first time since she arrived they get words out of her. She introduces herself, chuckles here and there. The outburst caught Elise's attention and she turned to see who was being paraded - one of the women, Liz, had mentioned that name not long after she had arrived. Apparently Franky was not to be fucked with, but she had no intentions of fucking with anyone so that shouldn't be hard to avoid.,"Franky entered the cafeteria later than the rest of the women, her white tank top showing off a sliver of her pink bra and her prison issued teal sweats riding low on her hips. She had a lopsided grin on her face, her hands on her hips and a confident air about her. After offering a nod to one of the older women, the Holt matriarch, she grabbed her own food and then settled down at her table, plopping in to the chair with her legs spread open and her arms crossed on the edge of the table with her tray just in front of them. Her gaze met a new face, and she cocked raised her eyebrows. "Newbie, huh?" She said, never breaking eye contact with the brunette. "And who might you be, beautiful?" She winks and grins before finally taking her arms off of the table and letting out a laugh. Liz, sat beside the new girl, offers a hushed whisper that Franky's just teasing her and does this to all the new girls. "Oi, don't give my tactics away Birdsworth." She sounds serious and anyone who didn't know her might think that she was angry, but after offering Liz a soft smack on the back of the head there's no tension at all and Franky waited for the new girl to give her a reply. ""We finally made it into Beacon!" Mahogany grunted out every couple of words with a rough thrust from her body against the teammate and childhood friend she was currently cramming her cock into. Mahogany was currently on her knees on one of the new four beds in their dorm, sitting up behind her best friend who she had on her hands and knees, pumping away at the taller woman eagerly and rather casually. Mahogany was of an average height unlike her towering friend, her body toned with glorious abs and decently shaped arms. The girl's small b-cup tits bounced lightly as her body pounded itself against the other girl's backside with a thick fap each time the two connected, and her own tiny ass jiggled ever so slightly with each thrust as well. "It's a bit more... Ngh! Friendly than... Unph! I thought... Agh!" The girl ran her fingers through her messy, spiked out red hair that dropped back downward to neck level in the back with more flared strands at the top, wiping some sweat from her brow in the process as she grinned wildly. 'Friendly' in the sense of how it sounded, such a prestigious school, Mahogany assumed all the students would be too detached to really make any real friends. Like any old school though, she saw cliques and groups other than just one team hanging out, and their other two teammates weren't the worst either! Sure one excused herself as Mahogany and her best friend Jade just started explosively fucking one another all of a sudden when they all got their stuff in, but the other was curious enough to watch! Even if the two were completely ignoring her as they talked among each other. Mahogany's most prominent, surprising feature was currently twitching like mad in Jade's tight pussy. The dark red headed girl had a cock, a nicely sized cock at that at a decent seven inches. The thing was... She wasn't a Faunus! Faunus women were born with dicks, they had entirely the body of a female, pussy and all, but just above they all sported a cock without balls and despite that Mahogany was human, she was born the same way! That... Advantage... Of hers was currently being buried over and over again into Jade's tight cunt as she grasped her hips and plowed into her recklessly while the two talked casually. "There's lots of... Ngh cute girls here too!" Mahogany moaned out as she humped faster, her teeth gritting as her cock started to tremble inside. "Fuck-gonna-cum!" The girl dribbled out swiftly to the point it came out as one word before she slammed her hips to Jade's ass and cried out, eyes rolling back as she bared her teeth widely. Mahogan's cock swelled as she suddenly let out a thick shot of spunk right in her, followed by another, and then another. Mahogany groaned out and cursed through her teeth as she unloaded, spurting gobs of cum into her friend as she gripped her hips tightly and spilled her seed right inside. Only a few spurts in and Jade's pussy was overflowing, Mahogany growled as she pulled her cock out and jerked out her last few shots, impressive ropes of hot spunk streaked up Jade's back as the redhead aimed for her, splashing against her ass as well before she finished. At the same time, her spasming pussy spilled her cumming juices down her thin thighs. The thing about futas, however, was that their sex drive was insane. Just one cumshot did little to satisfy a futanari, and as such, even after just cumming Mahogany's dick didn't lose an ounce of hardness. She wasn't done yet.,"Jade's complexion was a creamy white almost a pale yellow in someways. Her appearance was rather oriental by nature. Hair done up in two buns, green hair. A long slender torso giving way to two massive melons hanging from her chest. They hung at a good D cup, and were marked with two pale pink areolas and erect nipples, her arms and legs were long making her figure seem elongated and elegant. Her thighs were slightly thick as they led down towards some delicate forelegs with some dainty looking toes. Jade hugged her legs around her beloved childhood friend, moaning as her body bounced with each thrust Mahogony gave her, as she was skilled at double tasking, while propped up on her elbows as she slides her finger over the screen of her scroll. Her face was rounded and cherubic and her eyes were unusual: one was really pale almost colorless, while the other was a very vibrant teal color. As she looked through her scroll, double tasking in the moment of their sexual exchange. As she bounced back her breasts wobble and wiggle, and she impacts Mahogony back with some returned force, her cunt clenching down on that dick buried in her, "Hmmm this girl's cute... this one's Ohhh she'd be a fun part of our collection... hmmm this one seems like she's got a stick up her ass ~OOMPH~ Ohhh yes right there." She was looking through photo images she'd hacked from various scrolls in the Beacon network, being a genius with a knack for the perverted, the girl was also a faunus, which was noted by the Crane-like tail feathers sprouted from her tail bone. They were white with dark almost black tips. As she was thrust into and enjoyed she groans. "Ahhh this is an awesome School Maho-chan." She groans and begins to ejaculate suddenly splashing the bed beneath her with a spray of cum from her dick, as she groans, "Okay that was fun...hmmmmm" "It wasn't every day that your boyfriend came home with a moving truck and suddenly announced that you and him were now leaving the apartment that you had been living in for the past couple of months for good. However, it was nothing new for Roxas. The move was sudden, terribly sudden. Axel came home from work only a few hours ago and basically just started packing up their things. Roxas was alarmed at first, nagging the other to tell him exactly what was going on, but Axel didn't really speak much and basically just said that he was sick of the place. It wasn't unlike Axel to do this, they'd done it twice before in the past twelve months, but he promised that they'd actually stay at the last place. Obviously that was a lie. However, Roxas wasn't too incredibly upset by the move. He was a little miffed that Axel started to pack up the pillows while he was laying on them, but he got over that quickly enough. This kind of behavior was to be expected of Axel and Roxas had been more or less prepared for it. The pair had been dating for the last two years and Roxas knew more about the redhead than anyone, or at least he thought he did. He knew Axel's personality, his quirks, what he liked, what he didn't like, everything in between and he loved him for all of it. He was annoyed by the whole Axel loving to move on the spur of a moment thing, but he accepted it. He wasn't going to leave Axel just because he had a sort of drifter problem. No, he loved the male too much to do that. Besides, it brought excitement to Roxas' life. Who didn't want to live somewhere new every couple of months, honestly? Roxas let out a huff as he set down what was hopefully the last box into his and Axel's new bedroom just before he flopped down onto the mattress, sprawling out easily. You would think that after three moves he'd be used to lifting all of the heavy boxes, but no, he was still more or less a weakling. It was good that he left all the heavy crap for his boyfriend to carry. "We're staying this time, right? No more moving?" He called out to Axel, his eyes closing a bit as he relaxed into the mattress. Already he could feel a bit of familiarity with the place, as if it was already his home. Maybe this move wouldn't be so bad.,"It had barely been three months before his reliable sources had informed him that the Organization was hot on his trails again. Now, Axel was still a member of this notorious group, but his plans differed from theirs. He was one of their "elite" members and one that the leader prized and favored, so, of course, he had been assigned the most important mission: to eliminate or recruit such gifteds like them. His target was Roxas, and whilst he had no real trouble with killing people in the past, he couldn't bring himself to kidnap, let alone murder this boy. In the end, he ended up falling for him and getting himself into one of those "relationships", and somehow, his duty had turned into some attempt to keep away from the organization. The gang had no idea that he was hiding their target, but the leader was growing antsy; thus, the manhunt had started. Axel, being the sly, devious, street-wise rat he was, successfully distracted the organization and managed to protect Roxas at the same time from other powerful groups that wanted to harness his elemental power. Roxas was still naive and so very clueless about this whole operation that Axel couldn't help but believe he was lugging around a rag doll at times, and it amused him that Roxas wouldn't complain about or question his suspicious moves, but it was all for his sake, really. Now that they were settled into their umpteenth home, the redhead let out a sigh of relief and took a few seconds to dawdle in front of their bedroom window, taking a peek through the blinds at the foreign scenery. His emerald eyes scanned the place, then, with a satisfied grunt, he drew the curtains shut and turned back to the blonde, a playful smirk masking his grim features. "Ya know how bored I get of these places, besides, this place has cheaper rent," he grinned, crawling on top of Roxas to plant a soft kiss to his lips. Sometimes, he wondered if he should tell Roxas, but his better judgment persuaded him not to. There was no need to freak his boyfriend out about how he had powers, how Axel was a pyromaniac, and that there was a bloodthirsty gang out to kill them both for these mentioned abilities. No way. He sat up and ran a hand through his fiery locks, tilting his head and smirking, "Why, you don't like moving around, babe?" ""God, how could things go this wrong," a young man said, loitering outside of Tsunade's office. He'd been called here an hour or so ago and he was trying to stall for time while he figured out just why this had happened. He was about 17 years old and thought he'd somehow gotten into trouble again... why else would anyone be called to this office in the middle of the day like this? Raking a hand through his shoulder-length glossy black hair, he rolled his eyes skyward and groaned to himself as he tried to recall just what had brought him here. He'd just have to bite the bullet and go in there to find out the reason and slowly began to push the doors open and stepped inside before closing them behind him and bowed to the busty woman behind the desk. "You wanted to see me?" he asked, keeping his blue-eyed gaze fixed firmly on the floor, not wanting to stare at her. His name was Raizen Mibu, a local firebrand and a bit of a troublemaker known to be a thief, a cheat, and a bit of a womanizer: in other words, your average 17-year-old chuunin with too much free time on his hands.,"Tsunade was getting rather... impatient. She had called the Chuunin to her office an hour ago, and yet he still hadn't arrived. She was about to send another message for him, when finally, finally he came into the office, quickly speaking and then looking down at the floor. For a moment, Tsunade couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the boy. "Hmph, so you're finally here, are you?" she said, smiling. "I was starting to think you weren't going to arrive. Now, look up at me." Tsunade leaned forward as she sat at her desk, making sure that her cleavage was now being fully displayed, her breasts sitting on the desk beneath her as she leaned over. "Now," she continued, her voice taking on a slightly different tone. "I hear you've been having some problems lately. Making trouble, theft, even peeping around the women's hot springs..." She chuckled and shook her head. "But, I think perhaps there's something I can do to help you..." Her voice took on a sensual tone. "Princess Amalas of the house of the Silver Tree should be, like most ladies of her station, at home learning the ways of court and galactic politics. Instead she found herself in a dank, dark and generally unsavory prison cell. The walls, ceiling and floor were cold to the touch, condensation heavy along the smooth surfaces, at least where there wasn't grime. It was cold, but not deadly cold, just uncomfortable, almost worse than freezing to death would end this game. Amalas was not on the cot, the cells only bit of furniture. She was not curled up, huddled for warmth and whimpering like a mewling kitten. No, she was doing push ups against the cold wet floor. The Elven woman's eyes regarded the door as she worked out, her sharp, slightly narrow face beading with sweat, despite the frigid air. Her blue, almost gray eyes had an odd, indescribable quality to them, just enough to mark her as inhuman... if the pointed ears poking through her long silver braids wasn't enough of a give away. Course in this galaxy, not being human was hardly unusual, even if the empire favored them. After another dozen or so repetitions, Amalas stopped, rising to a sitting position. Her outfit a close fitting set of yoga pants and a tight sports top clung tight, the only clothes she had right now. It was hardly fair to be attacked in her own workout room, but she was winded and didn't have the strength to fight off five of them, though she was sure to give three of them broken noses at the very least. She smiled at that thought though winced slightly as she felt the bruise against her toned stomach ache, the only marring on her perfectly smooth abs. The princess looked to the door again and cleared her throat loudly and obnoxiously with a couple of coughs. "Excuse me!" Her call was accented and rich, giving tell to her privileged upbringing. "Room service, if you'd be so kind. I'm quite peckish right now!" She seemed so polite, of course she would kick any guard that came in, but that's their fault for holding her hostage.,"She was a prize in more ways than one, and Kren, a ruthless Feeorin, knew it when he had her captured. He would demand a large ransom for her, after he had his fun with the little elf, and then perhaps keep her even after the ransom was paid, if it ever was. The Feeorin criminal lord was a little-known criminal but had a large enough base on this planet to hold some power and have a following of men. He planned on making her his prized whore, and would get many warm nights with her. He had already seen her once, after she had been bound, and had given her a good squeeze on her soft mounds. A luscious bounty indeed, he would let his men rough her up a little before he had his fun. Her current guard was a Houk, a large beefy race of aliens, known for their brutality and lack of humor. He clomped his way over in heavy boots, clothed in dirty pants and a loose-fitting sleeveless shirt, he glared down at the elf girl who found herself amusing. "Oh, you think you're amusing do you? Well If you're so hungry then I got something you can choke on!" He said with a growl, glaring down at her, and opened the cell she was in, careful to not let her run past. "Boss said we could warm you up for him. I think I'll do just that. Been a while since I got my pole wet, a feisty little elf seems perfect." He said, closing the cell locked behind him as he moved in on her, reaching out for her petite throat and ready to slam her hard in the gut if she fought back too much. "Two 'galactic' community's were formed in the milky way galaxy, the two were called the Citadel Council races or something like that, and the United Galactic Confederacy, each of these communities acted as the main government of sorts, both were equally a pile of shit. These two government's had yet to meet, but that would change as an incident occurred. You see at some point a former member species of the Citadel Council, the Quarians had been exiled, why you may wonder? Well they went and accidentally created a semi-artificial intelligence, which was illegal by Councils laws; soon a war broke out as the Quarians fought their creations, the Geth, the war would be later called the Morning War, and the Quarians lost it and were forced to flee on whatever ships they had. Centuries pass and the Quarians are now forced to live in skin tight environment suits, have weekend immune systems, and were basically in a less proper term, up shit creek without a paddle... Until a desperate attempt by their Admirals led them to open, a mass relay which was something floating in space, connecting to other systems and the such. It allowed space ships to travel extremely fast in somewhat normal space... So the poor Quarians encountered the UGC, on the other side of said relay contact was made, and it was peaceful, the Quarians were allowed to station there fleet on the second planet (Harvest), of the current system they were in. Whilst relief was being given to the poor race, the relay had activated again, this time another fleet appeared, which was being commanded by a race of avian based metal aliens, called Turians they were angry, why you may wonder? Apparently it was illegal to open mass relays, and they attacked the first planet in the system (Shanix) in what would become the First Contact War. This was due in part to the fleets commanding officer, coming to the conclusion that UGC had opened the relay. Though eventually the conflict would end in a uneasy peace, and that's how the two galactic governments met, all because of one race. Years would pass and many things would happen as each government kept their distance, minorly interacting. Menta Shepard Steele sighed, as she looked at the page. Her dull silver grayish Kaithrit ears twitched in annoyance. "I was just trying to watch porn!" She exclaims, as she brushed her dull silver grayish bangs. Her amber eye's and slitted pupils locked on the screen. She shifted in her seat a bit causing her assets to jiggle a bit as her meat below grew slowly erect. "C'mon i know can get out of this, get back to my porn. Don't need all this history crap." You couldn't tell while Menta sat down, but she was actually pretty tall. Like six foot five tall. "Wonder what sis is doing in the lab." She grumbles to herself.,"Meena, the more docile of the two, was busy in her personal lab. She was a hard worker, helpful and very smart, but while she seemed to be more under wraps than her sister, she hid quite the ferocious libido. And that "mask" she wore of being a bit more above it all didn't allow her to callously watch porn when she wanted; instead, she had to find other ways, while busy, to keep herself from indulging too heavily. And so, she managed to weasel a deal from her father's company that her research required an assistant and got herself a temporary intern. She was quite the smarty, and seemed to suffer from something similar. So, using both of their knowledge, they were progressing somewhat well on a project related to the capabilities of common androids. Upgrading their basic systems or the such. Of course, it wasn't always work, and today was one of those days. The gray-haired, golden-eyed Kaitri was sat in a chair while Meena worked on logistics for her progress. Meanwhile, under the desk, Meena's assistant - a cute little human girl around 5'7 with modest assets - was working on some "under the table" deals. Quite literally as Meena shifted every so often in her chair, a very light film of blush on her face as the intern was doing her job - helping Meena with her "lower" problems. As Meena's fingers and eyes work on the computer, the intern's mouth was very much busy giving her a very specific massage. As the human girl's mouth wraps around the kaithrit's cock, Meena makes no noticeable differences in her movement. Even as the human mouth takes more and more of it into her throat. Even though the intern was inexperienced before being hired, Meena managed to convince her and now she was quite good at this. It was to the point she could swear the girl had a fetish for being under a desk of someone in charge of her. For some time Meena continued working with the paperwork. The faint smell of the human girl's arousal meets her nose. "Ooh...That's it...We're almost done," she whispers encouragingly. She speeds up, trying to work more efficiently as her pink-haired intern more efficiently takes her cock. For minutes it goes on, her cock being teased and milked as she starts gliding through the paperwork and digital entries. She manages to finish barely moments before one of her hands reaches down and pulls her face against Meena's crotch and cums hard into the girl's mouth. With a relieved sigh as her intern is drinking and cleaning up, she wraps up and sends the papers down and leans back in her chair, silently enjoying her pink-haired slu-intern cleaning up. Her thoughts silently thank the heavens or whatever out there that her sister didn't like being in the laboratory or she'd have to give up this selfish pleasure of hers. "It was great day for a certain black haired, ending in red tips haired girl. Why? Well it had to do with the fact she had gotten accepted in Beacon Academy, the girl had desires and wants that she could fulfill at the academy; Such as being a hero, or building a harem of sexy girls, in the end it would be great. Now who was this girl with black hair ending in red tips, well she was Ruby Akala Rose, an amnesiac demon or demoness, and former human girl, as for how she looked she was pale in her skin tone, was well built, with a soft and curvy body, whilst being toned, a visible six pack on her. She was tall around six foot one when not wearing heels, in short she was beautiful eighteen year-old, well with one difference she had dick and balls, though most humans didn't know about it she kept it hidden pretty well. Yawning the demoness plopped her naked self down on her large bed, her chest moving up and down with each breath, she was waiting for her girlfriend to arrive, she wanted to tell her the news.,"Winter was just outside the door to their home. She was hoping to hear some good news from Ruby when she got in. "Ruby, I'm home," she called out. But there was no response. So she decided to check the room and found her girlfriend lying on their large bed completely naked. Winter licked her lips a bit. "I'm assuming everything went well?" she asked. Usually Ruby would be in the mood when she had some good news. "Ginny Weasley had spent the entire day in a panic, but nobody could blame her for that. The previous day she had finally finished brewing a potion she had been working on for weeks. It was supposed to be a potion to make her more attractive, slim her down, make her skin smoother and softer, make her just a little taller, maybe push her up a cup size and give her a little more perkiness. Well, things hadn't exactly gone according to plan. At first it had seemed to be working flawlessly; Ginny had felt her skin becoming softer to the touch, felt her hair becoming smoother and silkier, even felt her bra and blouse getting a bit tighter. But then she had felt something else getting tighter, much tighter. In a panic, Ginny raised up her skirt in order to see the rapidly growing bulge in her panties, and on pulling them aside, she squealed in horror at the sight of a very thick cock pushing out from her crotch just above her pussy. She'd had to deal with that all day in classes, having used a spell to adjust her panties, carefully tucking the cock inside so it didn't become visible beneath her skirt, though it meant her new cock had been getting rubbed the entire day. Even worse was that the other minor changes to her body had been earning her new looks and compliments, people noticing that something was different without being able to put their finger on it, but Ginny had been doing her best to ignore them until classes were over and she could seek out the help she needed, though even that wasn't a simple matter. Hermione was rarely alone in the corridors after all, but after dinner the 7th year girl was finally alone, finally not being accompanied by Harry and Ron. "Hermione!" Ginny dashed down the corridor after her, gasping as the extra movement caused quite a bit of rubbing against her cock, causing the limp beast to stir slightly. "Hermione wait, please! I need...I need your help!" Ginny glanced around, making sure they were absolutely alone, before grabbing Hermione's wrist and tugging her through a nearby door into an empty classroom, quickly shutting the door behind them, using her wand to lock it. "Sorry...sorry Hermione I just....this can't tell anyone about this ok? But I don't know who else I can turn to for help...." Ginny took a few deep breaths, slowly turning to face Hermione, before reaching down and grasping her skirt, slowly lifting it up to reveal her bulging panties. "I...kind of had an accident with a potion...." Ginny's face was as red as her hair, and being looked at like this wasn't helping, causing her cock to stir and move within the panties, Ginny whimpering and shivering as her panties started to get even tighter as her cock shifted and very slowly started to grow.,"Hermione was not sure where she was going. That is to say, she was undecided. With a rare evening of free time to herself, she was walking slowly and pondering whether to visit the library, perhaps get ahead with homework, or even have an early night while she had the opportunity. And so she was puzzled but not bothered when Ginny came running up to her and herded her into an empty classroom, in need of some help. Since she had no plan yet anyway, it wasn't a problem to help her friend out right now. Though she noted Ginny looked different. Not just her panicked expression, but it looked like she'd had her hair done, and lost weight. Or perhaps not, her chest looked bigger rather than smaller. As Ginny explained her need for help, and also secrecy, Hermione was already reassuring her. "Of course, Ginny. Though I don't know what..." Her voice trailed off as Ginny revealed her problem. At first she was confused, taking a moment to register what she was seeing. But once she realized what it was, she quickly averted her gaze, color rising in her cheeks. "Oh, oh my." she said. "I must say I haven't read anything about this... particular side effect. However, physical changes aren't unheard of as side effects to potions. Usually the effects are only temporary." Her curiosity was getting the better of her now though, and she wanted to know more about it. "Is it... is it fully functioning?" she said, turning her gaze back to Ginny's bulge. "I can do some research, but I suppose first I need to take a close look and see what we are dealing with." Hermione stepped up to Ginny and knelt down, eye-level with the bulge, and gestured for her to drop her panties. "Nico, Maki, and Nozomi awoke in chains. The last thing they each remembered was that they were on their way home from school together - Nozomi accompanying Nico and Maki since Eli had stayed home sick - when they felt a tingling, shocking sensation, rendering them unconscious. They each had vague memories and images of what happened after: being dragged, put inside a vehicle of some sort, stars racing by outside, and now arriving somewhere and being herded down a ramp by large, masked men. "It's finally happened." Nico whispered to the others, "Nico-ni has become so popular some creepy stalkers have kidnapped her!" "Now's not the time for that," Maki hissed. "I have a bad feeling about this." Nozomi murmured, hushing the others as they noted the fact Nozomi's intuition was usually correct. They huddled close and shuffled along, their wrists and ankles cuffed. The men escorting them had some sort of weapons, so they daren't resist. As they reached the end of the corridor and emerged into a large, grand chamber, they saw all manner of aliens. Immediately apparent that they were aliens, they couldn't be anything else. Most noticeable of all was the large slug-like alien creature sitting atop a podium or throne of sorts. "We've actually been abducted by aliens." Nozomi said, her tone one less of surprise and more of knowing acceptance. "At least it seems they want us alive." The three girls clung to each other, frightened and fascinated at the same time, as they awaited whatever fate had in store for them.,"Jabba had been told about the arrival of some new possible slaves today. He was eager to see them as he had just fed some rebellious slaves to his Rancor. As the girls were brought in, Jabba's feline eyes peered at them, examining their forms and bodies and letting out a guttural laugh as his tail slapped excitedly against his dais. His fat rolls gleamed in the light with his slime and drool; his fat tongue hanging from his mouth and globs of his saliva falling onto his fat rolls. After his brief inspection, he bellowed out some words to the man who had brought them in. A droid stepped forward and offered the man three collars with chain leashes attached to him. In his guttural language that the girls couldn't understand, he ordered him to strip the girls and put the collars on them. "The city of Mifune wasn't remarkable or had any features that made it stand out from other cities in Japan, making it quite lame and not really a major city of interest for tourists. Still, there were some tourists who came to the city, though the type of them were mostly different. Some would come to see its sights, going on a thorough tour of Japan, while others passing through on their way to more popular cities like Akihabara would stop and shop, and maybe flirt with girls who live here. And unfortunately, the latter was the case with Shiki. It seemed weird things were attracted to her, and so were weird people as well. Admittedly, she stood out rather easily in any crowd, her red jacket and blue kimono creating a discordance between her and the rest of the world. Then again, they may have just been looking for the closest girl to talk to, and she happened to be the closest one, causing them to jump onto her and try to chat her up. She didn't understand much, as they were speaking mostly English, and slipping a few words of Japanese in their sentences where they didn't make sense. She could kind of get an idea of what the one speaking to her wanted though, but wasn't too sure since the moon speak that was coming out of their mouth was completely undecipherable. Unbeknownst to her, while one of them were talking to her, getting her focus and attention, the other one was actively preying on her. Behind her, he had gotten a nice photo of her curves, and how well her kimono revealed the shape of her rear, the outlines of her ass giving the photo a nice shot of how ample and delicious it was. Before long, the guy bent down and slipped it right underneath her, getting a nice shot of her goodies, of how nicely her white panties fitted on her, her sex showing up quite well on it. Despite relying on the crowd to hide them, the two's actions weren't completely hidden. Shiki herself, however, wasn't aware she had become another plaything to be violated. Soon enough, they started to ask her to come. Something interesting, they said, albeit brokenly. Reluctantly, she followed, only if to stop them from floating around her. Following the two, she found herself sandwiched by both of them, with one in front and the other behind. However, it was already just the way it was when she first encountered them, so there wasn't much thought put to it. However, the front guy soon turned left into an alleyway, and Shiki herself followed as well. The guy behind her, now that they were in a narrow alleyway, was actually quite large, almost blocking it completely. All of the alleys here seemed quite the same. She had wandered seemingly aimlessly around the cities many alleys anyways, and through them always found something bizarre or such. Before long, they were completely far from the street, and in the deeper parts of the citie's darker inner heart. Only the unfortunate, the secluded, and the sick wandered around here. There was a weird awful smell as well too. Despite how far in the tourists had bought her, at least one person caught wind of their depraved intent.,"Little did Shiki know but the two had been using a type of magic that was slowly but surely making Shiki aroused and needy for desire. By now, she would be starting to feel aroused. They licked their lips as they sandwiched the lithe girl between them. They were both more heavy set and their bodies pressed roughly against her. The one in front of her began to grope at her breasts through her kimono, roughly kneading them and squeezing them through the fabric. The other spanked her ass behind her, groping her rear as he began to kiss up and down her exposed neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas as he nibbled and sucked on her skin before reaching her earlobe and sucking on that as well. And all the while, their bulges were growing in their trousers and pressing up against her ass and thighs. "Ginny Weasley licked her lips and grinned slightly as she looked down at the potion, carefully adding another ingredient, giving it another stir before using her wand to adjust the temperature of the flame beneath the cauldron. "Ok, I think it's just about ready," she said, glancing up at Hermione. The pair had been working on this potion carefully for a week now in secret, it was supposed to make them more beautiful, irresistible to whomever they might desire. Well, that was the description in the old book they had found anyway. Neither of them expected it to be quite so powerful but they were sure it would have at least some minor effects on their looks, enough to maybe boost their confidences a little bit. Besides, they had noticed lately that several of the girls had mysteriously gone up a cup size or two, so it was certain that other students were giving themselves little 'boosts', but this potion would be more of a full package than a simple breast enlargement. "Okay...easy does it," Ginny produced two ladles, handing one to Hermione, then carefully using the other to begin pouring out the potion into several small vials. The potion was only supposed to be temporary so would need to be taken regularly to maintain the effects. Fortunately only a small amount was needed, so it would be easy to fill multiple vials and carry them around without them being noticed. Even better, consuming multiple vials would amplify the effects if taken in quick succession. Eventually Ginny had taken her half of the potion, filling up multiple vials, each now carefully corked except for one, the one she intended to take right away. "Well then...bottoms up?" Ginny held up her vial towards Hermione for a moment, before bringing it to her lips and downing it with a single gulp. "It doesn't actually taste too bad," she licked at her lips, then shivered slightly. "Oooh, feel kind of tingly...and pretty warm...phew." She fanned herself, then shivered again and suddenly let out a moan. "Ooooh!" Ginny suddenly arched her back a little, pushing out her chest and looking down. Before their eyes Ginny's bust was slowly expanding, her bra growing tighter, her blouse pulling more tightly around her chest, until a button suddenly popped off, followed by another, Ginny's breasts swelling two cup sizes before they seemed to settle. "A-ah....oh god...I get a stretchable bra or something...h-heh.." Ginny smirked, then yelped as she suddenly felt a tightness elsewhere as well. "H-huh? What the hell?" Ginny looked down as she felt a tightness in her panties. The girl scrambled to her feet, lifting up her skirt, allowing both girls to watch as her panties bulged and stretched, Ginny whimpering, before the panties could take no more, a loud ripping noise filling the room as the front of her panties burst open, an erect cock being revealed, long and thick....and still growing.,"Hermione smiled as Ginny finished the potions. Seeing the other girls going around with 'boosts' to their chests, made something inside her click. She was supposed to be with Ron, but her true crush was right in front of her. Knowing that she could do nothing about it, in the way she wanted to, she added two secret ingredients to her vial that she was supposed to take right now. Adding Mandrake root and a little bit of seaweed from the lake, she smiled as she heard Ginny say "bottoms up," and she drank it down before Ginny could stop her. Smirking, she felt the same, her body heating as she felt her breasts begin to grow. It wasn't enjoyable, but it didn't hurt either. Then came the growth of her cock. Just as large as Ginny's, but hers a bit more intense, as it would be with her forever now. Sure she'd still have her pussy as well, but she wanted this as well. As their cocks stopped growing, and the ripping off panties and buttons popping on blouses, Hermione reached down to her hard throbbing cock. Putting her hands on it, she shivered. "'s more sensitive than I'd thought," she commented, running her hands along the length of her shaft, feeling the veins and the heat coming from it. She continued to run her hands along it, the feeling too good to stop. "'s so intense! I can't....I can't stop!" Hermione said as her hands kept moving as if on autopilot. Seeing the tip of her cock start to drip precum, her eyes rolled slightly. She felt the release building, but she couldn't get herself over the edge by herself. "G...Ginny! Help me! Do something!" she said, looking at her friend with a small smirk on her face. This was the beginning of the end for Ginny, for as soon as she was able, Hermione would claim what she'd always wanted since First year: Ginny. "Michael was a merc working a security job protecting a bunch of archaeologists on a dig site. He was a very unique human: tall, large, and strong. Humans had been modding their genes for generations, and he himself was one of the select few chosen when he joined the Alliance, making him one of the fastest and strongest warriors in the galaxy. Now, Michael was showing that strength and virility to a certain Asari called Liara. He had her bent over a guard rail like a bitch in heat, her research top torn open at the front, her blue breasts molding against the cold guard rail as her bubbly blue ass was also exposed to him. His massive cock was pushing its way into her tight, womanly, and wet cunt; his hips slapping against her ass and making it jiggle with every thrust as he let out moans and groans. His massive rod wasn't even fully in her yet, but already his bulbous tip was pressing at her cervix. Yet at the same time, he was playing with her clitoris, rubbing it rapidly and squeezing it between his digits gently. "So, how is it? Your first human cock... you're going to become addicted, aren't you?" He chuckled as he licked up her exposed neck, nibbling and sucking on a spot to mark her with a hickey before tilting her head to the side and pressing his lips up affectionately against her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entrance to her mouth.,"Liara moaned in many whorish tones, she had not expected this outcome. Ever since humans had made their presence known in the galaxy, the Asari archaeologist had found herself entranced by humans. Maybe it was due to their odd technology, a mix of their own with minor use of Mass Effect based tech, they really made a lot of issues when they first appeared. She let out a cry of pleasure, her Asari azure tightening around the meaty shaft. She was getting closer to her climax. She tried to keep her mind composed and together, why did she find this human so attractive? Was it because he was human? On the other hand, was it because of his form? No It had to be because of his personality, so strong and handsome. So kind and caring. Goddess! ~ Liara cried out, her butt jiggled widely as his continued to slap against her butt. It only added to her pleasure she felt, her eyes were starting to water as each thrust to her cervix brought her closer to her edge. Slowly, but surely she could not really feel anything but pleasure at this moment. It was only when Michael kissed her did she feel the gravity of what was going on. "Naoto Shirogane had finally settled into a somewhat regular life. The murder case of the last year was over and done with, now finally behind her and all of the new friends she had made as a result. Now all she had to do was sit back and relax, enjoying a mostly normal school life. Oh sure she still helped out the police now and again, but in a town like this there weren't exactly a lot of things for the police force to do, certainly nothing so intense that they required additional assistance. Still, that worked out well enough since it meant Naoto got to enjoy spending time with the others. Lately though she'd had a weird feeling, one she couldn't quite identify. It sort of felt like it had when the group had gone inside the TV world, but she knew she hadn't done that. Not one to let a mystery go, Naoto went out alone to the TV department at Junes, it was a quiet day so she wouldn't be disturbed. She knew that maybe she should've told the others but she didn't want to risk involving them, not yet at least. As she approached the largest TV, it suddenly flickered to life, filling with static for a few brief moments before it switched to showing a desert landscape, sand stretching as far as the eye could see. Was it some kind of nature documentary? No, couldn't be....the picture was showing two suns. Was it some kind of sci-fi show? But if it was why did Naoto feel so drawn to it? She never normally paid much attention to fiction, but this... Without even realizing, Naoto found herself moving closer to the TV, slowly reaching towards it. As soon as her fingers made contact with the screen, Naoto felt her hand passing through it, but something was different this time. Despite her efforts, she couldn't pull her hand back...for a moment it was stuck, but then suddenly she was being pulled, some kind of force on the other side pulling her in! Naoto tried to pull her arm, but it was no good; with every passing second she was being pulled more and more inside of the TV. There wasn't even time to yell for help as the pull increased, and Naoto suddenly found herself being pulled entirely through the TV screen. When she awoke, Naoto groaned, reaching up to rub at her head through her hat. As she opened her eyes though, she had to move her hand to shield them; the light was so bright, brighter than even the brightest day. And her other hand, she could feel...sand? Naoto squinted and blinked a few times, then gasped as she managed to take a look around. She was in the desert, the one she had seen on TV, two suns in the sky above. But unlike normally there was no TV around, nothing for her to get back. She was trapped here! Trapped in this desert that stretched as far as the eye could see! Fortunately though it seemed she wasn't alone for long, a figure coming up over one of the dunes. "Oh thank god!" Naoto rushed towards the figure, but stopped as he suddenly raised what looked like a rifle towards her. "H-hold it! Wait!" Naoto raised her arms in surrender quickly. "L-look I...I don't know where I am and I need some help!" The figure responded in some strange language that she couldn't understand, but it moved closer with the gun still trained on her. It was weird, the gun, the clothes, they were like nothing she had ever seen before. A few moments later though the gun seemed like it might have been lowering, only to be flipped around; Naoto barely registered the strike to the head before she blacked out. Upon waking, Naoto found herself on a stone floor, odd noises filling the air, like a hundred different languages all being spoken at once. "Ungh...where...where am I....?" She rubbed her head, her blurred vision starting to clear. Wherever she was it wasn't as bright if nothing else.,"Jabba sat on his dais, having just finished the transaction of buying the boy slave in front of him. He needed more humans for menial tasks, so it was perfect and cheap. His long and fat tail swayed back and forth idly as his massive tongue hung out of his gaping mouth, dropping saliva onto his glistening fat rolls coated in slime and drool. His feline eyes locked onto Naoto as she began to stir, letting out a trademarked guttural laugh as he bellowed out some words in Huttese. Two of his pig-faced Gammorean guards stepped forward and lifted Naoto up, basically dragging her to the front of the dais and standing her up. Then, once they did that... their grubby and fat fingers began to rip into her clothes, tearing them to shreds and slowly revealing the secret that Naoto was hiding underneath - the fact that she actually had quite the feminine body and was in fact, female. "It was their first night on the ground. Liam still couldn't believe he was actually on Earth after being told humans would not return for another hundred years. The most miraculous feat of all? Reuniting with his longtime best friend and girlfriend, Clarke Griffin. The last time he had seen her, guards attempted to arrest her for treason. Refusing to let it happen, Liam attacked the armed men. Unfortunately, Clarke wasn't able to run forever; eventually she was caught and imprisoned. The reunion with Clarke was the greatest moment of his life. They shared the most passionate kiss ever, hugging each other for at least ten minutes. Liam never thought he would see those pretty eyes or feel those full lips again. He was wrong, thankfully. Instead of getting down to business, they decided to use their first day on the ground to relax together. They spent time exploring, recalling old memories of Clarke drawing a picture of them being together on the ground. The dream was now a reality. Eventually, the day faded into night, signaling it was time to find a tent from the dropship that they arrived in. Setting up one of the tents, Liam crawled inside with his girlfriend. They were getting settled in for the night, prepared to enjoy their first night on the ground together. It was supposedly time for sleep, but Liam had something else in mind. He was wearing nothing but his boxers, since that's what he felt comfortable sleeping in. He wasn't about to change that just because they were in a tent. It was still private, anyways. Clarke had also become fairly undressed as well. She was cuddled up in his arms wearing nothing but her bra and panties. After considering everything they had been through, after considering how long they had been away from each other, Liam decided he was not going to hold back. The need for Clarke was great. They were in love, and he needed to feel her body against his own. They had just settled down together, his crotch pressed against her ass cheeks. Liam decided to slowly grind his hips against the girls flesh, a smirk pulling across his lips. I love you, Princess. He whispered, beginning to pepper kisses down her neck. It's our first night on the ground. I think we should spend some time celebrating, don't you? I thought about you every damn day and night, thinking about your lips, your body everything. I need you, Clarke. I want to make love with you tonight. Never could he recall a time when Clarke was not feeling in the mood, so he assumed tonight was no different. After all, they had spent months away from each other, so there was likely sexual tension they needed to relieve.,"The first night spent on earth was interesting, to say the least. Clarke Griffin never thought she would be able to see any of the plants or animals she saw only in books back on the ark. Once she was taken into custody after breaking the rules set forth by the ark, Liam - the only man she ever cared about and the only man she would ever care about - tried to jump in a failed attempt to save her. Liam was one of the best fighters on the ark but even he had his limits when he was facing five plus armed guards. Thankfully they were under the age of 18 so they were not executed immediately. The moment Liam grabbed her in his arms, Clarke felt safe and comfortable. To be honest, it had been so long since she had seen him that she'd forgotten what it felt like to be held by his muscular arms. Obviously, Clarke hadn't given up hope in seeing Liam, but laying in a cell all by herself made her long for the moment she would lay her head on his chest with his arms around her. The day went by quickly as Clarke and Liam rekindled their feelings for each other. As the sun went down, Liam quickly put up the tent they would be sleeping in. After removing her clothing, Clarke cuddled up against Liam, feeling his warm body heating her up. She could feel the man who held her start to stiffen against her tight ass, making her smile. The soft kisses that he littered against her neck made her feel something she hadn't in quite some time. Liam was the only man to ever make her feel like that. "I love you too, Liam," Clarke pushed back against the larger male, taking comfort in the fact that he still found her attractive. She prayed that when she was reunited with Liam, he would still feel the same way about her after all of that time. But as she felt his arms wrapped around her, she knew nothing had changed and nothing will change. Clarke smiled to herself before looking over her shoulder at Liam. "What exactly did you have in mind?" She continued to push her ass against Liam, teasing him. "I remember we were getting pretty hot and heavy... I hope you still have certain needs that involve my ass," she said blushing softly. The pair had been experimenting with anal sex before they'd been separated. "That is something you still want to do right?" She hoped Liam was still interested. "Katherine's feelings were somewhat conflicted right now. On one hand, she was full of excitement, having just boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first ever time, entering an empty compartment at the back. She'd been wondering what this was going to be like for years now and finally she was going to see if everything she had imagined was true. On the other hand, however, she was also incredibly anxious. Katherine had barely spent time with anyone during her entire life and being on Platform 9 3/4 was somewhat overwhelming, with far more people than she had ever spent time around before. After only a few moments, she'd wanted to get away from the crowd, bidding her parents goodbye and rushing onto the train. Katherine's life had been...unusual. As a child, she had been visiting her father in his workplace at the Ministry of Magic, where he had been working on a potential cure for Werewolves. In a moment of excitement, Katherine had spilled some of his latest prototype potion all over herself, some of it getting into her mouth as well. Rather than work as a cure for Lycanthropy, however, the potion had infact turned Katherine herself into a Werewolf, though not quite any ordinary Werewolf. Unlike others, when she transformed she retained her mind and intellect, fully aware of herself and even retaining all of her memories when she had turned back. She had been scared at first, but as the months and years had gone by, Katherine had gotten used to her transformations, at first being stuck in her room before eventually being allowed out into the open world, behind certain spells to keep Muggles away of course. And now that Voldemort was gone, Werewolves like her were free to attend Hogwarts openly. Not just Werewolves, but any and all manner of magical creatures. No longer was Hogwarts a humans only club, anyone and everyone was welcome, so long as they had some magical ability of course. Until this point, Katherine had been schooled at home by her parents, but after careful consideration, they'd all decided it was best for her to complete her education somewhere like Hogwarts. This was the first year of this new open Hogwarts, so the returning students were certainly going to be in for a shock at the incredible array of creatures attending, but that was just going to make things more interesting. Katherine knew that it was usual for students to get changed on the train on the way to Hogwarts, what she didn't know however was that it was usual to wait for the train to be well underway. As it was, the train was only just starting to move, so as Katherine began to strip down out of her clothes, she had no idea that students were still moving around the train looking for a compartment to sit in. By the time the door was opening, she had already taken off her skirt and started to unbutton her shirt to reveal the skin and underwear beneath.,"Destiny walked into the room and froze when she was met with a faceful of fanny. "Uhm, somebody is friendly," she giggled, wearing only a green oversized sweatshirt and khaki shorts. She walked over to a seat, sitting down. "Well uh...I'm Destiny, it's nice to meet you miss. There's quite the*bounty* of new students around, aren't there?" She blushed, biting her tongue at the slipup. "The closer to Keene they'd gotten, the more agitated Dean had become. Really he'd been agitated since he'd found the case, but Sam couldn't for the life of him figure out why. He'd probed several times, trying to read Dean as he mentioned the town, the police force, the case. All of it seemed to have his brother on edge and he visibly tensed as he clammed up whenever the topic of Keene or anyone in it was touched. Whatever was wrong about this town, Dean wasn't telling his brother. There had been maulings all around the tiny New Hampshire town, population 23,000, but Keene proper had seen the majority of it. Their first instinct had been a werewolf, but the hearts had been left intact. It wasn't an animal, though; bears don't usually take the eyes of their victims, and when they do it doesn't look like it was done with a scalpel. "So..." Sam glanced sideways as they strolled through the parking lot of the sheriff's station, "who do you think we'll be getting this time? 'Stupid feds leave us alone we can handle it,' or 'thank God you're here'?" It was an old bet they had, one Dean was usually good at unlike rock-paper-scissors. When they entered the receptionist was gone from the front desk, so they stood awkwardly in the lobby and waited. "Any luck, Sheriff?" Jude sat a box of Dunks on the table with the coffee and their hot plates. She had been the secretary, receptionist, and general gopher extraordinaire at the Keene PD for years now. "Nope, nothing." Sheriff Parker's fingers were buried in his hair as he pored over the case files. There had been another murder last night and still they had no leads. Jude sighed sympathetically and put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll get there. You are New Hampshire's finest, after all." And she meant it. Jude believed in the inherent goodness of mankind and the potential for greatness in everyone. With a gentle squeeze she got herself a cup of tea before returning to her desk. And there he was. Judith McGann would have been certain she was dreaming again, were she not in her workplace with a cup of tea steadily burning her fingertips. She'd had this dream many times, but it never took place in her office and was usually much more...interesting. Of course he wouldn't look the same as he had when he was sixteen, but it was definitely him. The wind had blown Dean Winchester into her life twelve years ago and they had raged like a wildfire for what she still considered the best year of her life. And then he had shattered her heart, leaving without so much as a goodbye. She'd written a lot of terrible poetry and cried an ocean of tears, but she'd forgiven him long ago. With a shaking hand she slowly set her tea onto her desk, staring through the reception window, not taking her eyes off of him lest he disappear again. The receptionist was draped in gauzy, billowy shawls and a flowing skirt more fit for summer than for the drizzly, chilly spring morning. The forecast was calling for snow later in the week, after all. She stopped and stared, mouth slightly open, and Sam figured she'd probably never seen an FBI agent before; they often didn't in small towns like this. He cleared his throat and flashed his badge. "Morning, ma'am. Special Agent Hendricks, FBI. This is my partner Special Agent Dean Winchester." Sam paused, eyes widening a little. "You two know each other?" She ignored him. "Oh. My. God. Dean Winchester!" With a jangling of bangles she hurried around to the side door. Hair flying, jewelry jangling, the smell of lavender and orange trailing after her, Jude came flying out after fumbling with shaking hands at the lock that separated the lobby from the station proper and barreled into Dean with an enormous hug. Sam tried really hard not to laugh. "I ah, I see you've met," he all but snickered as the tiny slip of a woman hugged his brother tightly around the middle. "Look at you! FBI!" Jude stood back with her hands on his arms, looking him up and down. "This is incredible! I'm so glad you didn't waste your talents becoming a mechanic or whatever your 'family business' is. I knew you had more in you than that!" She grinned and reached up to gently touch his cheek, which was as far as she could reach; he'd grown so tall while she'd stayed much the same height. "I'm so proud of you, Dean," she murmured. "And now I can sleep at night, knowing what happened to you. Disappearing in the middle of the night, no note, no goodbye..." She shook her head and tapped his cheek gently. "Worried me sick! Dad'll be glad to know, too." Finally her attention turned back to Sam. "Oh, I'm so sorry how rude. Jude McGann." She reached out and shook Sam's hand. "Agent Hendricks, right? I'll go get the chief." The receptionist fluttered and jangled away, back through the door from whence she'd come, to fetch the chief of police. "So..." Sam raised his eyebrows as his gaze slid sideways to his brother. "Care to tell me what that was about?","Dean clenched his jaw a little, looking at his brother. He had a hand on his waist and was easily thinking about running, calling another hunter and going hide back in the bunker. "There isn't much to talk about Sam...Dad and I may have passed through here once when you were with Bobby. A case, that was it." Sam looked at him, his eyebrow peeking up. "And?" "And what? I hung out, met her, hung out with her...end of story," Dean snapped back at him. "Just leave it alone Sammy. It is ancient history." Sam rolled his eyes. "Sure didn't look like it was history. She said you left in the middle of the night. Sounds like Dad got done with the hunt..." Dean moved closer to his brother, but before he could get anything out, she was just there again, standing in his space. He felt his body betray him. He smiled softly at her. "Hey Jude." He had a smile in his voice, his wanting to murder his little brother gone in a flash. "How is your dad? Still preaching?" Dean could see Sam looking at him in utter disbelief. "Or has he retired now?" "Finally, finally! He had captured her! Dr Zane had planned this for months now, so long had he observed Supergirl, her every fight, her every encounter whenever she appeared. He had been hoping to perhaps discover more of her life outside of her heroics but sadly that hadn't been possible. Still, observation of her heroic deeds had yielded all the information he needed, how she moved, how she fought, how she reacted to any and all kinds of situation. And all of that research had been well worth the effort. When he had sent out his android to cause chaos, he knew Supergirl would come, he knew exactly how she would fight, even with her guard up she'd never stood a chance. When the android exploded in a cloud of almost invisible Kryptonite gas, Supergirl wouldn't ever have been able to react in time, other androids easily coming in to sweep her up and bring her back to the lab where a special containment bed was waiting, Supergirl being strapped down to it before she could regain consciousness. Even if she did awake though, the gas would leave her weak for a while, though Dr Zane was unaware that he had underestimated just how quickly the Kryptonian could recover. As she awoke Supergirl would find herself securely strapped to a metal table, several tubes attached to her body leading to a large device beside her. On the other side of that was another table, another person strapped to it with tubes leading into them, and this was a person she would recognize, a friend from her life in her secret identity, Mason, a kind and sweet boy who had little going for him physically, somewhat weak even by human standards really. But that was what made him so perfect for Dr Zane's experiment. He wanted to know if he could take Supergirl's power, harness her strength, grant it to others, more specifically himself. Of course he couldn't test the procedure for the very first time on himself, so he'd captured Mason quite at random to test it on. "Well well, finally awake," Dr Zane grinned as he entered the lab as Supergirl came around, a smirk on his face. "Good, the procedure needs you awake in order to work. Well then, our time is limited so we really should get started." He held up a small remote control, hitting a button. The device between Supergirl and Mason suddenly whirred to life, the areas where the tubes were attached to her suddenly growing tight, before they began to extract her blood. "Oh don't worry, I won't be taking it all, just enough... mixing it with a special serum of my own design, before it passes into our test subject there," Zane chuckled, watching carefully. "Hmmm, it seems your blood is rather slow now doesn't it? Though looking at your vitals it seems your heart rate is far slower than a human's. Well....why don't we get it flowing a little faster hm?" He licked his lips, walking around the table slowly, unzipping his pants as he got close to her head. At the same time he hit another button on the remote, security cameras turning and zooming in. "Come now dear, I'm sure you've seen one of these before..." Zane pulled his semi-hard cock from his pants, rubbing the tip against her lips. "Oh, and I would suggest against trying anything. If I don't halt the procedure with this remote then not only will you be drained of every last drop of your blood, but that innocent boy there will be completely overdosed, leading to a rather unpleasant death. Now come on, let's get that heartbeat up and that blood flowing shall we?","Supergirl struggled through the haze of what appeared to be drugged-induced sleep. She tried to recall what happened. She had trapped the android in a corner of the room, cleared all the humans to safety, approached it to make sure she had completely disabled it before letting the police approach it. This was what she had taken to doing since the one robot had gone into a dormant mode and then sprung back to life killing three policemen. As she got close, she could sense something was still active, and called for the police team to stay back. Suddenly there was an explosion and gas, and weakness overcame her. She crumbled to the ground; the last thing she recalled seeing were similar androids approaching her. It had been a trap, and she had fallen for it. Supergirl struggled to feel what was happening with her body even before opening her eyes. She could tell she was still weak from whatever that gas was. She hoped she had been the only one hurt. She could feel she was bound to something and there was something in her arm that was sharp and taped into place. She tried to push it out using her muscles but felt weak as a newborn. She blinked her eyes open, seeing Dr. Zane's ugly smiling face above hers. She was immediately frustrated that despite foiling all of his plots, she had never been able to lock him away for good, and now apparently she would pay for that. His grating voice greeted her as he became aware she was awake. He started to explain his plan to pump her blood into someone else to see what would happen. She looked at the mirror above her head and could see there was another person attached to the machine that had started to pull out her blood. It was Mason. Poor sweet Mason. Of the many people she knew who might be able to handle her blood, she did not think Mason was one of them, but she hoped she was wrong. Then Zane approached her head, talking about getting her heart rate flowing. Suddenly, she felt her head tilt back, and there was his cock right in front of her. He rubbed it against her lips. She could already taste him even from this brief touching. She wanted to snap and bite it, but her head had limited movement, and she could not risk Mason's life. She could feel her heart beating faster as her anger grew, and it increased even more with the threat to not only kill her but also Mason. She also noticed that the increased heart rate was having an effect on her strength. It was minimal for now, but it was definitely there. The fact that she had a chance to get her strength back heartened her. Still, she knew she needed to buy time, and the only way to do that was to do what Zane wanted. Supergirl reluctantly opened her mouth and slide her tongue out licking at the cock in front of her. Simply opening her mouth for him had made him harder, and the touch of her tongue caused his hardness to increase. She knew what she needed to do, no matter how humiliating it was to do it. She continued to lick at his cock, waiting to see if he would slide it in, knowing that if he did, she would be good and do as she was told, hoping that this would allow her to regain her strength without him noticing and doing whatever he had done to sap her strength with the exploding android. "Hinata sighed as she made her way out of the village with her sister Hanabi, this had been a regular excursion for the sisters for a little while now, one done in secret, one that nobody else could follow them on and that nobody else could even know about. There wasn't much said between the pair as they moved swiftly through the trees towards a new spot, they needed a new spot every time after all. A while ago the pair had both found that their bodies had started to....develop...very very rapidly. For Hinata her chest had begun to grow so much that she could literally watch her breasts swelling at times, whilst Hanabi...well....Hanabi had a rather different problem to deal with. Hinata had managed to develop a sealing jutsu to help the two of them, but it came with a downside. Well, two down sides. The first was that the seal was only temporary and would eventually break, so it needed to be re-applied periodically. The problem was that in order to re-apply it you first had to break the original seal which would release their true forms, something they couldn't possibly do in secret back in the village. The second downside was that their new bodies also came with new...urges. Normally those urges were controllable, but the seal somehow seemed to make those urges accumulate, like air in a balloon that just kept building and building. If the pair didn't release the pressure once in a while then....well...they weren't sure what might happen, but Hinata had a feeling the results certainly wouldn't be good. "Ok, this should do," Hinata dropped into a clearing in the forest. It wasn't very big but it would suit their needs. And besides, the clearing would soon become larger. "Are you ready Hanabi?" Hinata bit her lip slightly as she glanced to her sister. "Um...we...should get undressed if we don't want to ruin our clothes. Though I brought spares." Hinata motioned to her backpack as she set it down on the ground, the backpack very carefully wrapped in waterproof materials to protect it from what was to come.,"Hanabi, believed to be a better warrior than her sister, was never a fan of the limelight. She never wanted the popularity or the future position as heir to the Hyga clan; irregardless of that fact, the title of heir was thrust upon her. Despite the differences in their skills, Hanabi was rather close to her sister Hinata, though often jealous of her older sister's assets. Her sister's more lustful appearance was something she yearned for, coming to realize that a smaller chest was not something many men or women sought in a partner. Though they got along better, thanks to a realization that they both have size issues; for some odd reason, Hanabi was born with a pair of male genitalia, one that got excessively large ever since puberty began. They were fortunate enough to devise special seals to hide their excessive sizes, but knew that the seals flaws would result in problems for them. Their current seal was going to break quite soon, so Hanabi hurried out with her sister, finally settling on a clearing in the forest. They should have privacy and possess the time to do what is necessary to reapply a seal on their individual bodies. By the time her sister suggested undressing, Hanabi had already been doing so; her tight clothes appeared to be hiding a huge phallus, a small seal visible above her crotch as she finished undressing. That completed the first stage of their process. "We'll probably need those spares, Hinata... Though, let's get a move on... I can feel the effects of the seal waning," Hanabi said, urging her sister to strip. "Serenity couldn't believe that she had been accepted in such an elite program plus to have Bulma as a mentor was icing on the cake. She quickly followed the receptionist as she brought her to where Bulma was working. "Bulma, your new intern is here," the receptionist said after entering into a room with many machines and parts laying all over. Suddenly, a blue-haired woman popped out from inside a capsule machine. "I'm glad to see you found the place okay. I hope the travel wasn't too far," Bulma said as she made her way out of the machine and towards Serenity. "No, not at all. I would have traveled anywhere for this opportunity," Serenity responded gratefully with a bit of nervousness in her voice. "Relax. You earned this, girl. I have never met anyone who has developed well thought out theories for instant transmission like you. It's an honor to be working with you," Bulma said noticing how nerves she seemed. 'Also seeing as how you never met Goku' she thought to herself. "Thank you. So what are you working on?" Serenity asked eager to get to work. Her eyes narrowed as she read the letter she had received from a well-known private school in the area. She was reading over some of the requirements for admission to the school. Krillan and Maron where hoping that Maron could attend this school and receive a good education. 18 wanted to be a good mother and wife and handle the registration for the school. The one thing she was struggling to come up with is a letter of recommendation. 18 didn't know many people. Krillan and Maron where pretty much her whole world. "Mommy, mommy I want to go Turtle. I want him to swim in the ocean while I ride on his back," Maron shouted as she ran towards 18. A soft smile appeared on her face. "Sure, sweetie. Let me pack a few things," 18 answered before heading inside.,"At the minute I'm working on some classified projects, really top-level stuff," she replied, "a lot of them are personal projects, but do well on this energy one. And I'm sure you will be helping me out personally before long." Bulma gave her a cheeky smile not wanting to tease the poor girl too much. Anyway, I need to get going," Bulma said as she showed her a large room and handed her a blue pass. If you need anything just phone security; they can get it for you. I have to run; I have some meetings." Meanwhile at Kame house, the turtle had already heard Maron's plea for a ride, and slowly crawled towards her so she could get on his back while 18 went inside. She would soon find Roshi staring at the TV watching some spy footage he had of Bulma getting changed, with a massive tent in his pants grinning like a madman. "Oh, hey, 18," he said with a big smile before going back to watch the television. "The crew of Snake was walking through the forest, the trees all around them with some light streaming through the leaves of the trees. It was about mid-afternoon and they had been walking for quite a while. Karin wasn't tired in the slightest; not when she was around Sasuke. Just being there with him gave her energy. Though it may not have been in the form of actual chakra, it was still a kind of energy that fulfilled her. She turned and looked at him, she could see the outline of his muscles in that open shirt of his. She could see how his muscles moved as he walked and could feel the mass of chakra that was hidden in that form of his. She had seen him use that power of his on several occasions and every time she saw him in the midst of battle, she grew weak in the knees. Sasuke was so perfect, a strong man, an ambitious man, someone who could protect her from Orochimaru or the entire Hidden Leaf Ninja Army if that was what it came to, these were the thoughts that were floating through her mind. She gave him a bit of a nervous smile and turned from him. She was biting her bottom lip a bit as she thought about being his girl. It would be both an honor and privilege to carry his child inside of her. It would make her so happy, especially because he was the last of the Uchiha. So she would be the first mother to begin his clan once again. She looked back over in his direction. Her thoughts lingering on all of the things that would end the beautiful clan with those eyes that are so intense with all of those abilities. He would need to find a woman to keep it going. And not just have one child, he was going to need to have several just to guarantee the survival of his clan. "Sasuke, have you ever thought of rebuilding your clan, like taking a woman to start it back up? I mean because should anything happen to you...then your clan would end." Karin said to him as she thought about all of this hoping that he would get the hint that she was thinking of herself as the woman.,"Sasuke stopped as Karin spoke, slowly glancing over at her with the same cold stare as usual. At first it seemed like he was about to give her his usual response when she said more or less anything and tell her to shut up...but for some reason this time he just stared at her in silence, almost as if thinking about what she had said, which is exactly what he was doing. She was right....he was the last strong as he was, if anything did happen to him then there would be no Uchiha left to carry on the name, or to retake their former glory. If he was gone then the Uchiha would die a laughing stock and be forgotten about in just a few short years, the name nothing more than a footnote in some history book somewhere. He couldn't allow that to happen....he just couldn't. As much as Sasuke hated to admit it, even to himself, Karin was right....he needed to act now before it was too late, he needed to act now to start rebuilding his clan. But she was wrong about one thing....he couldn't simply take one woman would be too slow....and besides, he needed to bring plenty of new blood into the clan, make it stronger than ever before....and there was only one way to do that. As the plan began to form in his mind, Sasuke couldn't help but smirk slightly, waving a hand to dismiss Suigetsu and Jango off somewhere. He didn't particularly care where as long as it wasn't here, leaving him and Karin alone. "You know Karin...." The words finally broke a few minutes of uncomfortable silence " might have a point..." Slowly Sasuke advanced on her, it would almost have been menacing if Karin were in any way unwilling. "I think...." He suddenly stretched out an arm, going past Karin's head and pressing a hand against the tree behind her. " is time I started rebuilding my clan. have some useful talents....talents that would serve a new Uchiha clan well if they were...spread. I'll make an excellent start..." Sasuke moved closer, an arm on either side of Karin's head now as he moved almost right up against her. "But you must understand....this will become your life. Your whole life will be dedicated to the clan until the day you die" He wasn't really offering her a choice, by now the plan was too solidly formed in Sasuke's head, but Karin had been useful in the past so she at least deserved some illusion of choice. "Now...." He licked his lips like a predator that had cornered its prey into an inescapable corner "....why don't we get started?" "The laboratory was very quiet today, which Chikorita certainly hadn't expected. She knew what day it was, certainly. It was her moving day. The day when she was assigned herself a rookie Pokemon trainer. It was an interesting thought, and while she could have quite easily decided that she wasn't going to go, it seemed like fun. Time outside of Sandgem was seldom spent, and Chikorita would often feel like she had gotten far too used to this place. Outside seemed much more exciting to her, and today was finally her chance to find out what it was like... but nobody had arrived so far, and it was nearing midday. For a while she had worried that nobody was going to come around, and that she'd be trapped working in the lab for the rest of her life. It wasn't a bad place, but it was a little boring. It might have been a little easier to relax if she couldn't smell... whatever that was. Some kind of indescribable smell that made her skin tingle. It seemed to be growing stronger as the day went by, and while she tried her best to rest for an hour or two before someone arrived, it just didn't seem to be working.,"Ace Masters was family of Samuel, Gray and Daisy Oak but also of Ash Ketchum. He was a far relative and a few generations younger. In his heart, he was the same as Ash. Ace always wanted to be a Pokemon Master but he didn't look up to Ash nor to Gary. He looked up to an Arcanine, his father's Arcanine. His father was one of the greatest Pokemon Trainers ever existed. Ace also had a sister, Lily. Lily was 13 years old and made her four years younger than Ace was. Professor Rowan was replaced by Dawn and Lucas and they were even better than Rowan ever was. But something was wrong with Ace. He started to jerk off on his sister sometimes and the mysterious Pokemon named Ninetales found out about that. The Shiny Ninetales was considered as a Pokemon that could use black magic so she could curse somebody. When Ace was about to wake up, he got a dream where Ninetales told him about the fact that he wasn't a good person and that he was going to be cursed. As Ace woke up, he just went down the stairs and didn't think about the dream. He was already dressed and ready to go get his first Pokemon. "I'm going mom!" Ace shouted as he walked out the house. On his way towards Sandegem, everything was okay but when he was just inside of Professor Dawn and Professor Lucas' lab, he felt a bit weird but he didn't give any attention to it. "I'm here," Ace said as he walked towards them. "Hinata Hyuuga didn't know where she was or even if this place could be called...well...somewhere. When she first arrived, wherever this place was, it had been nothing but emptiness in every direction, absolute nothingness as far as the eye could see. Before that, she had been in the lowest levels of the village library, sorting through various ancient scrolls. Now that the fighting was done and things had gotten quiet, Hinata had found something a little calmer to relax, to take a break from war. And besides, Naruto had made it rather clear he wasn't interested in her the way she wanted, so burying herself in some work away from other people seemed like a good idea. One of the scrolls she had come across though, buried away in the bottom of a deep dark corner, had caught her eye. It was covered in various seals, but every single one of them seemed to have mostly worn away. Despite being careful in picking it up, Hinata had ended up opening the scroll and for a moment was blinded by a flash of light. When it faded away, she found a floating ball of light hovering before her, but as she reached out for it, the ball seemed to fade slightly before launching forward and straight into her chest. She felt warm for a moment, the light spreading through her body, causing it to glow entirely for just an instant... then with another flash, she was gone, and that's when she found herself here, in this infinite nothingness. As she wandered around, tried calling out, she felt strange new thoughts entering her mind. She seemed to understand that the ball of light had been an ancient being, almost akin to a god, a being that existed between dimensions, explored other worlds. When it came to her world though it had been attacked and weakened, and unable to escape it had been sealed away. In the centuries that followed it had grown weaker and weaker, and by the time Hinata freed it then it was on the verge of death, the only option it had was to pass on its power to Hinata before it died, letting her take its place to maintain balance between dimensions. Of course that wasn't necessarily the strangest part. Hinata hadn't noticed at first, but as she had started to walk around...she found an odd feeling between her legs. Her pants and underwear felt tighter, and they seemed like they were getting tighter with every passing second. Eventually Hinata decided there was nobody else around, so she reached down, tugging her pants and panties out of the way...then screamed at what she saw. Just above her vagina something was growing....something that looked very much like a flaccid male cock, and it was steadily growing with every passing second, dropping down past her crotch and starting to reach down her legs, the growth only stopping when it reached all the way down to her knees. Hinata panicked, though she didn't know how long for. It was impossible to determine any passage of time here, she wasn't even sure if time existed here at all. Eventually though she calmed down, just pulling up her pants, though now there was definitely a large bulge running down one of the legs. Eventually she sat down, thinking about food and water. There was nothing here, how would she eat? Drink? Though as she thought more intently about her favourite had suddenly formed in front of her, seemingly appearing from thin air! After a moment she reached for it, and found it to be real! It felt smelled tasted real! By concentrating Hinata even managed to summon or create a bottle of water too! With a little more concentration Hinata created something approximating her bedroom, though as she crawled onto the bed her thoughts turned to loneliness. There was nobody else here, nobody....and as Hinata closed her eyes all she could think about was how she might never see anyone ever she so wanted some company, despite her new....'condition'.,""Loneliness... it was an absolute no one could escape," she thought. With the powers that were now invested in her, there were changes that were still yet to come. Her powers began to react to her desire, climbing out and reaching for someone to help soften the lonely feeling. It was pulling someone into where she was. A woman from another world named Rias Gremory would be 'plucked' and pulled into the same bed as Hinata. "Nidalee was only a young girl traveling with her treasure-seeking parents when they lost their way through the dense, rainy Kumungu Jungle. The jungle was unforgiving, and she watched her parents suffer their agonizing final days as they fell victim to a mysterious and vicious disease. After their death, Nidalee was left vulnerable to the jungle around her. As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable jungle by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of the place and she was taken in by a family of cougars and raised as one of their own. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her feline affectation. The dark skies were soon flooding with morning dawn, swirls of orange radiating from the rising sun as it bathes its essence against the jungles leaves. Nidalee stirred awake, the light spilling into her cave as she nestled in with her feline pack. Soft murmurs of purrs vibrated against her ear drums, making her groan as she retaliated against consciousness. They were so soft, the purring acting like a lullaby, albeit the grumbling in her stomach caused her to finally lift up from the rocky ground. A long yawn accompanied with tiresome stretches helped her to awaken. The others weren't too keen on following her so she would set foot out into the jungle by herself. Gripping the base of her weapon of choice, a hand-crafted spear, she would search the terrain for a meal to share. It wouldn't have been a problem searching for food in the real world, Nidalee harvesting the riches her family was searching for in her den. Back home she would've been rich, considered a millionaire, but no one tried to search for her, let alone know where to even look for her. She was 22 now and no other humans had inhibited in these lands besides her. In the distance stood a wild deer, grazing on the dewy grass as its jaw moved from side-to-side. Her feline instincts kicked in as she crouched down, shoulders elevating to get into a better position to attack when it was time. It pivoted around, its back now facing her. Her heart raced, adrenaline spiking as she heaved upwards. Aiming the tip of her spear towards the neck of the doe she would chuck it fiercely, hitting the target as she hypothesized, her prey falling down to the ground almost silently. She drug her prize back to the cave and showed it off to her feline companions.,"The wilds of this land were untamed, and Gabriel knew the risk entering them. The tropical and lush forest of Kumungu was virtually uncharted, but rumors of riches were abound about the steamy, tepid jungles. For Gabriel, this was reason enough to turn his exploratory and hunting skills to these near forbidden lands, and to find out the veracity of such claims. It had been a few days since he began to enter the dense jungle, a blade in hand to help cut down the thick forestry and vegetation around him. Last night was the first time he had set up a more entrenched base, and it was only recently that he had felt that it was safe to begin mapping and charting his exploration. With the sounds of wildlife all around him, he took pause to take them in for the briefest of moments. New and unusual birds crowing in the treetops, the occasional whooping of some strange animal or primate in the distance probably nothing of an immediate threat, but the wary explorer kept a safe distance away from those sounds, his blade at the ready for more than just hewing away the vegetation. Every so often, he left a notch on a tree or branch, ensuring that he would have a good way to return back to his erstwhile home. However, over time he began to take notice of something: footprints. Not an animal or a beast, but of a human's. Hmm? Kneeling down to examine some of the more fresh footprints, a finger pressing in against the upturned soil. These were.. these were definitely recent, and with a spatter of blood not far from them, it was a curiosity he couldn't help but indulge in. Were there natives in the woods? Would they be friendly, or would they be a threat he'd have to evade and outmaneuver? Perhaps it was even unwise to head further in without at least brooking peace with them? Following the tracks and what looked to be something heavy getting dragged, the red-haired man began to move a little more freely, his violet eyes keeping an eye on the trail, curious to find the source! "Hinata was taken out for a stroll, into her home for the first time since months after it fell to the foreign invading forces. Her village was the last one to fall, and to know that they had held on for so long against these people who seemed to have employed all the right techniques to simply beat even the best of them gave Hinata a strange sense of pride as she was being walked down on a leash, her body nude and in the full view of everyone to enjoy, especially the man who was showing him around. The collar read "Slave Girl Hinata" in the invaders' strange and foreign language. She was set out there to see the fate of her people, it was a tactic to break her fighting spirit, one which she had employed thoroughly across her few months of imprisonment by her superiors. Despite all the mind-breaking tactics that they'd used against her, she managed to endure, for she cherished the idea of Konohagakure... but was this really the village she stood so firmly for? That thought hit her strong in the head as she looked around. There were men working hard labor to construct alien buildings and settlements as invading generals barked orders at them, whipping them if they chose to misbehave, some of them were even put down on the spot for misconduct. Many of whom she used to know before her village's fall. She observed the giant statue of a foreign conqueror that had replaced the former Hokage Rock, spitting into the face of what she stood for... but this was Konohagakure after all. She saw some slave girls like herself obediently pleasing their masters with their bellies full of their babies. She couldn't help shake off the feeling that this might've been what Konohagakure was now. A servile city in service of a superior peoples. As she walked, the man at the end of her leash barked at her something, which made her turn back and look at him in relative fear. He looked at her straight in the eye, which made Hinata look away in embarrassment. She knew what that gaze meant. He wanted to bring her onto her knees in front of the enslaved men. She was reluctant to approach him but felt as if she had no choice. Slowly, she'd go down on her knees, basing herself off with her hands. The cock would imminently be strung onto her face, she'd look at it with a sorrowful gaze. She'd then simply touch the tip of her lips on his cockhead, not really even sucking it or licking, clearly trying to see how much she could get away with.,"Aurelian was a commander of the Imperium that had sacked and enslaved the Ninja civilization. He was well regarded by his men and well liked by his family back home. He was a tall man, with broad shoulders and a firm and solid chest like a wall. Being the noble that he was, he had free reign to enslave many women from the recently captured populace. He had taken his pick from the lot and the girl known as Hinata was one of his favorites so far. She still held some defiance in her, defiance he wished to break and mold for the glory of the Imperium. Thus, he had brought her out into the streets, to show her what had become of her people, of her friends and family. The men were being whipped to build roads, buildings and temples of the Imperium. All around her would be people she'd recognized, Naruto was among those in the crowd being forced to work. Beside the men, the women were all walking about naked or chained to post for public fuckings. Shinobi were little more than cock sleeves for the men of the Imperium now. Thus it was that Aurelian commanded her to pleasure him. She might know his language fully, but she recognized it enough to knew what he wanted from her. She seemed to get the idea as she approached and got on her knees, but the dismal start resulted in her getting a strong back hand and being called a whore but in his language and her native tongue. He gripped her head now and forced his massive cock into her mouth. Indeed, all men of the Imperium were in general, quite more well endowed than the male ninjas and Aurelian was no different. His cock was massive, and he was forcing Hinata to take in so much of it as he let out a moan, his hand gripping her head for support. "The year was 2374. The Dominion War raged on, showing no signs of ending soon. It had been a back-and-forth struggle between the United Federation of Planets, its ally the Klingon Empire, and their enemies, the Dominion and the Cardassians. Both sides had victories and suffered losses. The Dominion had pulled back after losing control over Deep Space Nine to a fleet led by Captain Benjamin Sisko. This didn't end the war; it would only make it last longer. Both sides were now playing a waiting game, rebuilding ships and regaining lost manpower. The two sides were busy plotting what their next moves would be. On Deep Space Nine, Commander Lenara Singh, first officer of the Starship Protector, was enjoying some leave time. Her ship was currently at Starbase 375, having taken a group of Starfleet admirals there for meetings on the war. The captain of the ship, Kyle West, had told Lenara this was the perfect time for her to get some downtime. Lenara had been invited to her best friend and former lover's wedding. Lenara Singh and Jadzia Dax had been friends since they were in Starfleet Academy together. The two women had been roommates and became lovers. Their love had grown so deep that they even talked about marriage at that time. The two women knew their careers in Starfleet might take them away from each other. They decided not to marry but remained very close. Lenara Singh was the daughter of the infamous Khan Noonien Singh. This often made her a target for hate by certain humans. She was currently the target of a secret group called Section 31, who had a plan for her. Only the members of that group knew what that was. However, an alternate version of Lenara, from a mirror universe, had boarded the Protector and downloaded Lenara's command codes. Neither Lenara nor anyone on the ship knew of the security breach. Lenara was still on DS9 enjoying her leave. The wedding between Jadzia & Worf went off without a hitch. Lenara, Jadzia, and Worf had enjoyed a night of passion before the wedding. The three friends fucked for hours, giving them all a special moment to always remember. During her stay on the station, Lenara met many different people. One she found very attractive was the pretty First Officer of DS9, Major Kira Nerys. The two women began talking after the wedding. Their talk continued well after the reception was over. Lenara and Kira went back to the quarters Lenara was using while on the station. Kira had never been bold in sexual situations. She was a good officer and one hell of a fighter. Kira wasn't a prude; she had sex before, but with men. She never took the chance to try sex with another woman. That was until she met Lenara Singh. Lenara was so attractive that Kira wanted to be with her. However, she wasn't sure where to start. Luckily for Kira, Lenara was well schooled in the art of womanly love. Currently, the two women were engaged in the beginning of a pleasure-filled evening. They'd shared a kiss and Lenara was slowly bringing Kira deeper into a pleasure-filled haze. Kira had been kissed by men before. This seemed very different. Lenara was more seductive than most men were. Lenara knew how to build pleasure and make it last longer. She was showing Kira just how good sex was with women. Kira was already lost in pleasure. The kissing was now turning into a more sexual act. Lenara was in total control of her new lover.,"Growing up, Lenara had been met with a variety of responses. Both from others her own age and those older than she. Many of the responses were of anger, disgust and even hatred or fear. Not because of who she was as a person, but because of her parentage. Her mother was a wonderful Starfleet Officer. Her father on the other hand, was a mad man who killed many in the past. Her father was Khan Noonien Singh. Khan was a genetically engineered human. One of a group. And like the others in the group, he was more than a normal human. Smarter, faster, stronger. If he hadn't done such terrible things, Kahn could have been a great man. However, Lenara didn't live her life on what-ifs. She spent her time focusing on what could be in the future. But that didn't stop others from seeing the beautiful woman in the same light as her father. Some even believed that she would take the same path as he had. And so, after being treated in such a manner for so long, Lenara had built mental and emotional walls to keep from getting hurt. However, those walls also kept others from getting close and becoming friends. Except for a small handful of people that is. In the Academy, she had a couple close friends, one of which was a lover. She became lovers with her roommate Jadzia, after Lenara discovered her ex-fianc didn't truly love her like he'd claimed. Since leaving the Academy and joining the crew of Captain West, Lenara had finally opened up a bit more and let more people in who truly seemed to care and want to know the woman behind the cold outer shell that others usually saw. And now she was taking on another lover. A pretty woman named Kira Nerys. Lenara had Kira locked in a passionate kiss as she ran one of her hands through Kira's hair. Her other hand slowly slipped around Kira and she was gently pulling Kira closer to her until their chests became pressed close together. Finally, she broke the kiss, leaving both women a little breathless, and Lenara smiled at the other woman. "I'm going to enjoy teaching you." She murmured against Kira's lips. After that, she began to undress the both of them. As she peeled off their clothes bit by bit, her hands continued to stroke and tease Kira's body while her lips also teased her neck and jaw. "Cinder smiled as she entered a simple room, not much to it, just a repurposed warehouse for torture. There was a table full of items, a person sitting in a chair, bound and gagged, also blindfolded. She approached the table first.,"Phaciathe cat faunus couldn't remember what had happened to her. All she remembered was fighting against this one woman who had fire powers before everything went black. Still, everything remained black as she had a blindfold on. She was also bound to a chair, gagged, and stripped naked. No doubt she was scared. Who had done this to her and what were they going to do with her? She could feel a cold breeze go up against her cock and balls. Phacia was a futa and she was very self-conscious about it. Whatever her kidnapper was planning to do with her package down there. "Merra still didn't know what was happening. He had been crossing the border into Skyrim, perhaps not at a regular crossing point but at least it was discreet, or so he thought. Before he knew what was happening, the Breton found himself surrounded by Imperial troops, arresting not only him but several others that he hadn't even been aware were there. Escape had been impossible, and soon enough Merra found himself clapped in irons and on the back of a cart with several other prisoners, being transported to a nearby town called Helgen. On arrival, it became rather obvious why they had all been brought there: execution. It seemed that one of the captured men had been some kind of rebel leader that Merra had never heard of, but simply being in his presence was enough to warrant an execution without trial, it seemed. He tried to protest, but Merra's words fell on deaf ears, and soon enough he had found himself on the headman's chopping block, the axe raised up above him...and then...the Dragon descended. The entire town fell into chaos in barely an instant, Merra fleeing for safety, finding himself tagging along with one of the very Imperial officers who had been about to execute him only minutes earlier. They made their escape through the caves under Helgen, emerging on the other side of the mountain into the Skyrim countryside. At that point, Merra and the officer parted ways, Merra now left to sit and gather his thoughts. Just what had happened? A dragon? A real dragon? He always thought they were merely stories. But now what was he supposed to do? He had come to Skyrim originally to seek his fortune, perhaps as a mercenary or maybe even a mage thanks to Skyrim having somewhat more lax rules regarding magic due to the absence of the Mages Guild, but now he wasn't so sure. "Ugh...maybe it's time to head back to Cyrodil," Merra rubbed his face, looking up at the sky for a moment, then looking at the rusty sword he had picked up in the caves. It certainly wasn't anything like the blade he had with him when he had been captured, but it was better than nothing at least. "Well, just sitting here isn't going to do me any good." With a deep breath, Merra stood up, glancing around, and started following the trail through the trees, with a bit of luck, he would come across a town sooner rather than later and could at least get his bearings.,"It didn't seem like luck would be in his favor though, or well it could but at the most likely chance it would not. He would not be so favored, a faint humming noise would fill his poor little ears. It was alluring, sensual and attractive; it was like the most beautiful woman in the world was playing to him. If Merra were to head down to the nearby river, he would find a naked pale woman with flawless skin and long silky crimson red hair. She was sitting atop of a stump and what looked to be a huntress of some kind-with clothing too big for their delicate frame- having her silky hair stroked. Both of these women seemed rather endowed, at least from the back half. If Merra were to approach them he would need to keep any and all temptations down. "The night in Gotham was cold, windy and snowy. It was the beginning of winter and Christmas was just around the corner. Though for many cops and heroes, this Christmas was going to be a long one. The police station was buzzing about a bank robber who had been brought into the station and how his face resembled something of a monster you would find in a horror movie, painted up and almost disfigured due to two cuts on the side of his face and a permanent scar on his neck where a rope caressed it. Like the man went mad and tried to kill himself and when he failed decided to rob a bank full of mafia figures. But the kicker was he surrendered as soon as the cops got there and requested a meeting with a lieutenant in their precinct. The man himself went by a code name, one called Wardaddy and as the name suggested he seemed to know his way around knives and a gun giving the military like shooting he did at the bank to take out the guard who tried to be a hero. But the fact was that he wanted to be captured, to be brought here and what baffled the cops is why the six foot six, obviously trained man hadn't broken into the vault nor did he put up a fight. He just asked to be brought he after killing the guard and asked for a certain cop. So as the cop came in, her expression blank and almost unamused being woken up from her slumber. His head slowly turned and he started to speak in a slow manner with a manic Italian accent." A woman always speaks about not being capable of raping someone and yet with the right tools, they can do it and with the current climate get away with it." The lieutenant sat on the other end of the table and mumbled about dealing with another erratic psychopath and yet he knew to be erratic, that meant he would have to be crazy and stupid. As he looked at her, Wardaddy remembered everything. The taunting and the laughter. The way she acted as she sent the pictures to his girlfriend. She was now a part of the reason that his ex-wife was being laughed at because she made a comment that she really was unnecessary. Schoolgirl had no real villain and it kept her the laughing stock. He came back because she needed to know he cared, he was willing to give his life if it meant that in the end she was validated by him becoming her devil and her arch nemesis. It's why he chose her friend, to get her involved so that he could be that baddy she hated and hopefully defeated, he wouldn't let any other hero do it. That and he wanted revenge over the bitch that ruined his life and drove him mad. It's why he was about to prove how calculated and militarily trained he was on a bitch that deserved to die for her sake. "I got you here right?" He asked with a grin, the woman raising her head and tensing when she noticed that he had heard her and asked what he meant. Well... you aren't very bright. For me to be erratic, I would have to be crazy and quite the idiot. But I got you in the same room as me and soon... a guard I paid off is going to come in and I am going to shoot you in the fucking face for ruining my life." The woman seemed intrigued, asking him who he seemed to think she was and kind of prying with a stern tone, the anxiety building as her fears started to be realized about this man being thought dead for years. The thing is Lieutenant, everyone has his or her price. Threaten their children or pay them and well... they bend easy. Franky.... do you love this tight pussy Franky? Better get us pregnant and our parents grandchildren or your girlfriend will hear about this! This made the woman go pale as he laughed, unloading the clip into the girl as his men stormed the building and started shooting it out with the police, the man walking out the back door after cleaning the gun and throwing it aside. Now the fun begins, now the laughter stops. Wardaddy is home. He laughed as he walked away from the now smoking precinct, ready to create more chaos to help a fallen angel.,"School Girl was a local crime fighter, but she was never taken seriously. She did not have super powers like others in this world, nor did she have the money to be some high-tech gear head. She did not even wear armor, so she had to learn different ways to get what she wanted and protect herself. That's why she wore a skimpy costume - it offered her an advantage. She was a young, beautiful girl willing to do anything for information. When word of this got out, she became a joke and was degraded by all. She could live with it, but it bothered her. She wanted to be taken seriously, but wasn't sure how. She needed to make a contact within the Pearl Bay Police Department so she could gain inside information, but still hadn't figured out who. When news broke of a gun fight, she was quick to action. Watching from a rooftop, she could see a stand-off taking place. Perfect, she could handle this herself. She had bought some black market items to help her, stripping did pay really well and some clients got a little more than the rest. Her ultimate goal was to be the new Knight Rider, who was her idol. Using a makeshift grappling gun, she swung across to the street to the police department and slowly climbed down the building side like it was a rock cliff. That was another skill she learned by payment with her body. Finding which gun men were still standing, she used a flashlight on her utility belt to bust a window open. She crawled inside and made her way toward the fight. She wasn't a ninja, seeking around in the shadows wasn't an option for her. Luckily, she was very sexy and men could be easily seduced. Taking a deep breath, the very intelligent young lady stepped around the corner; her act beginning. "Give it up already," she said purposefully sounding like an air-headed bimbo so they would believe she was a pushover. At this point, she could be their ticket out of here. Come on guys, put your guns down for me and I'll give you a little surprise, she teased them as her left hand seductively slid up her waist, unbuttoning the bottom button and then moving to the next. Her firm belly button and chandelier belly button charm coming into view. She was a very skilled fighter, maybe more so than Knight Rider but her sexuality gave her an advantage. "Marinette took a deep breath as she brushed her long blue hair behind her ears. Her earbuds were playing Superhero by Simon Curtis as she sat on a bench drawing in her design pad for her college class. It was not what she planned as she looked up at the mechanical elephant. The words Machines De' Lile Nantes popped on the screen with a ferris wheel design in the title. Marionette quickly closed her book as she heard her phone ring. She picked up her cell and smiled, "HEY ALYA....wait what do you mean you can't make it....All four of us are to hang out it is the start of the semester and ....Nino...wait...Nino and you are...what about....NO THIS IS ONE OF THOSE THINGS YOU TWO DO WITH ADRIEN AND ME AND OH GOD HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO TALK TO ADRIEEN WITHOUT.." She turned bright red as she started to stutter, "Wait Alya d...d....don't hang up....woah..." She dropped her cell as she heard the click frowning, "Damn it Alya....we are not kids anymore...." She blinked as she felt something wiggling against her stomach in her purse. "Shh Tiki...what is going on with..." Tiki's head popped out and smirked looking at the drawing. "So you're thinking of Adrien while drawing Chat again huh?" Marionette quickly pushed Tiki back into her purse. "STOP IT AND YES I MEAN NO I MEAN HE IS NOT HIM WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING THAT!" As she spoke, the camera zoomed past towards the mechanical Caterpillar with a man being pushed out of the doors. "YOU ARE FIRED MR. JONES," said the businessman. "WE TOLD YOU BEFORE NOT TO USE SUCH VULGAR LANGUAGE AT A FAMILY AMUSEMENT PARK!" The man with long black hair turned and started cursing at the businessman. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? WHAT IS MY MOUTH TOOO FILTHY FOR YOUR UPPER CLASS TASTE? THIS IS FRANCE, NOT SOME SOME JAPANESE PORN!" The man glared as he pointed. "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT! I WILL SEND YOUR THINGS FROM YOUR LOCKER BY MAIL!" Hawkmoth smirked as he stood in his lair looking at Adrien and his friends graduation photo. "Ah, while the son is away, the father gets time to play," he said with a chuckle. "And filthy mouths are a privilege of not having an FCC Media rating... no more cable, no more crime. What a sad man." He opened his hand as a small white moth flew out into the sky. Mr Jones walked past Marionette nudging her shoulder roughly as he sulked and walked rather close to the benches. "Hey, ow..." she started, but then saw a moth land onto his goggles. "Better than okay," he muttered. The purple goop enveloped the man as he had toilet paper wrapped around him like some sort of mummy, and his goggles shone a golden red. "My name is Potty Mouth! And I am here to wipe this park's act clean!" Marionette tensed up as she tried to quickly turn and rush for an alley. "Oh great, not again," she thought as she felt herself stumble from her clumsiness. She looked down to see toilet paper bound against her feet. Her purse slid forward as Tiki fell out rubbing her head, "Marionette!..." The girl shook her head raising her finger to her lips as Tiki froze watching. "I will be back... I will go get Ladybug or Chat Noir's Miraculous but Potty Mouth!" Hawkmoth blinked at the name. His eye twitched as he snapped, "potty mouth....POTTY MOUTH WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT? I NEED YOU TO GET ME LADY BUG AND CHAT NOIRS MIRACULOUS BUT POTTY MOUTH!" He paced his lair back and forth as he snapped, "HOW ABOUT THE BINDER OR BLANC SLATE SINCE YOUR CLEANING THEIR ACTS BUT POTTY MOUTH....THIS IS NOT A CHILDS CARTOON!" Mr. Jones kept dragging Marionette closer as the paper wrapped her up. He raised her hanging her from the trunk of the mechanical Elephant. "Yes Hawkmoth... I will get you the miraculous but you are not the boss of me...I choose my name and I chose potty mouth." Marionette tried to not crack up as Mr Jones glared and wrapped her mouth with paper. He glared over at other citizens while the paper controlled the mechanical elephant. Hawkmoth shook his head, " are your own boss but you still owe me for your powers... now bring me the miraculous...","Adrien Agreste checked his watch as he rushed across the Boulevard Lon Bureau. He had parked his car in the big parking garage, now that he was finally old enough to drive on his own, he was enjoying more of his independence away from the watchful eyes of Nathalie Sansoeur and his bodyguard. Nevertheless, he was running late for meeting his friends. He had wondered why Alya had called him to Nantes, miles away from Paris, but at least they would be away from all the trouble and superhero business for a day. This way he could enjoy a nice day with Marinette, Alya, and Nino. Usually those meetings were disturbed by some evilized villain. But not today, and Adrien was sure that Ladybug could handle Hawk Moth for one day on her own. However, his good spirits didn't last long. Once he had reached the entrance to the park, he saw people running and screaming in fear. Something was seriously wrong. Oh, no, not here as well, what's going on? Quickly he slipped into the park and hid behind a booth. He opened his jacket, so that Plagg could get out. I guess trouble follows us, Plagg, time to act. The small black Kwami looked rather annoyed. No, this isn't our city. Let the police take care of this. I just wanted to enjoy some good, old Camembert. But Adrien didn't wait to argue with Plagg, he just pulled his hand up and called out, Plagg, claws out! Instantly the black Kwami shot into the silver ring on Adriens finger and the transformation began. Meanwhile Potty Mouth was wrapping more and more of the park with his toilet paper. Visitors running from him were snapped by his toilet paper like tentacles and wrapped into mummy-like packages, where he then hung on various attractions, trees, and buildings. But that was only the start of the parks cleansing. Inside her cocoon of toilet paper, Marinette as well as the other victims, started to feel a slow burning sensation on their skin, like some kind of acid was starting to eat away at their clothes and burn on their skin. Potty Mouth laughed loud and grabbed for another girl, who tried to run away. Oh, now this will be a real special place, once I have cleaned this forsaken place of its fake decency and fucking, ancient morals. This will be one big party! "Bell wasn't dying. If he were, then Hestia could probably have done something. The goddess only had a few Familia members out there, so she didn't exactly have to worry about her powers being diluted among them. And since Bell was her first and favorite and the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life (or more accurately his life) with no matter what, then she could definitely have supplied him with life energy or whatnot. That would've been painful, it could've really drained her as a goddess (particularly since even Hestia had to admit that she wasn't the most powerful goddess, even if her familia was getting more and more renown lately, thanks in no small part to the very guy in question). But she could've just established a firmer connection between them or applied her power or done something, anything to keep Bell alive. No, this was changing him along with siphoning off power quicker than even Hestia could have imagined. Whatever this strange, vile infection was that he'd picked up just kept getting worse. It kept spreading across Bell's perfect white skin, dying it in reds and blacks. It kept warping his very essence. It wasn't just a matter of taking the life of a grand adventurer, oh no. Hestia already suspected, and healers were starting to agree: whatever this was literally ate at Bell's soul, was working to dispatch him from the inside out and replace her bold, brave, lovable hero with some kind of vile creature or beast. Naturally, Hestia wasn't going to have any of it. The bold little goddess had made up her mind about that. Not like it would be the first time she'd left the sanctuary of town and temple to venture out and help Bell and her family. Yeah, it wasn't what gods/goddesses did, but Hestia was far from the usual goddess. She'd ordered the rest of her family to watch Bell closely, to help where they could. Seeing as most of them were pretty much with Hestia because of Bell, it didn't take much to convince them. Lily didn't exactly want to put herself in danger, and Welf had gotten wounded himself, albeit not nearly as badly as Bell. Which is why the goddess had thrown on a cloak that would disguise herself at least somewhat and hide who she was before venturing forth. Underneath, she still looked pretty much the same as ever: dark hair tied in two long side-tails, dangling well past her shapely bottom. Her dress contained her softly curved body almost too well, even as it struggled to keep her impressive bust in place (though her blue ribbon helped there), not to mention fully covering her plump, softly rounded ass. Not that Hestia was even remotely aware of her status as essentially a walking jailbait wet dream. She knew full well that she didn't quite measure up to most of her fellow divinity (except perhaps in the chest department, where she definitely didn't want to measure up), and most of them and most of the people she knew rated her second. A thought which did niggle at Hestia's brain as she approached the designated area. Yes, designated: because she'd almost felt that pull when she'd tried to impart some of her energies into Bell. Divine essence should've held it off, at least healed him. But when she'd poured herself within, she'd felt something moving against her. That something had a unique signature, and she'd followed it here, feeling like it had almost called her. The goddess felt woefully out of her depth, but it wasn't as if she had a choice, not if she was to save her beloved Bell. Yes, the signature led to a dark cave that positively radiated malevolent energy, but most of the caves around here were sadly like that now. Swallowing hard, Hestia gathered up her courage and stepped inward. She felt the energies sliding over her skin like dark oil, but she simply raised up her hand, a little light showing from a borrowed source. There had to be something here that would show the source of the energy. And from there, Hestia could figure out a way of saving her beloved...,""My, my," a booming laugh filled the cave, echoing from wall to wall as a wave of evil power washed across Hestia. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt such malicious intent and such a sense of dread throughout her body. She was overwhelmed simply by the voice and she hadn't even seen the speaker yet. Emerging from the shadows of the depths of the cave were two large and very powerful-looking creatures. Her eyes focused first on the most imposing, a figure of pure red that inspired fear in all who saw him. He was well over seven feet tall, possibly nearing eight, and his body appeared to be made of red tendrils that seemed to shimmer in the light that was projecting from Hestia's hand. Green beady eyes glared at her imposingly, his expression unreadable as he stood before the goddess in all his frightening glory. This was Asmodeus, a powerful demon lord that was starting to become quite well known to all the Familia. His demons and monsters struck terror throughout the dungeon, and no adventurer had ever gone to face the demon lord and lived to tell the tale. There were rumors that he and his creatures feasted on the bodies of the slain and used women as sex toys for their own amusement. Now Hestia was facing eye-to-eye with the demon lord himself. Next to him stood another giant though smaller than Asmodeus himself. It appeared to have a large bull skull for a head and its torso resembled that of a human, a massive human who stood at seven feet tall and had the physique of a life long bodybuilder with muscles that looked like they were chiseled out of stone. It held in its right hand a meat cleaver that looked like it weighed little more than a loaf of bread. "So, I see you got my message when you tried to heal that whelp of yours," Asmodeus said, smiling as he stroked what appeared to be his chin with the tendrils that formed his hand. "What a pitiful, frail human he is. Once my curse fully takes over him, he'll turn into a proper demon with much power...intent on slaying and raping his way to glory." He laughed as he gazed at Hestia with some amusement. "You don't want that to happen though, do you? That's why you are here, isn't it?" The demon questioned, walking towards her. The cave seemed to quake with each step the demon lord took, and the demon that accompanied him stood back, not that Hestia would be able to take either of them on in a fight, let alone both of them. "Only I can rid the boy of his curse," Asmodeus said, "but tell me why I should do that for you? You can hardly force me to. You have no wealth to offer me. So what can you offer me in return for me curing the boy?" He inquired, already knowing the answer. Indeed, he had lead Hestia here with one goal in make her willingly swear to be his slave and toy for the sake of saving Bell. Everything was going according to plan so far. "Curtis smiled, walking up to the beautiful house that was owned by his daughter, Robyn Rihanna Fenty, who preferred to simply be called Rihanna. In his hand was a bouquet of flowers, as his intent was to surprise his daughter. This was the first week that Rihanna was home due to her busy singing schedule, and he loved to hear about her work. Once he reached the door, the father knocked on it and turned the handle, which was unlocked. "Hello? Anyone home?" The man called. The man walked through the house, finally finding his daughter in the living room, but not alone. Emma was on the ground, her ankles and wrists tied together. A piece of masking tape was being placed over her mouth as Curtis entered. Furious at the sight, the man got into a rage and began to attack. Unfortunately, the people that were intending to kidnap his daughter were younger, faster, and stronger. In a matter of seconds, Curtis was knocked unconscious, his lifeless body resting next to Rihanna's. When he awoke, Curtis felt really groggy and sore. He was somewhere dark and gritty, possibly a basement. One test of his arms told the man that he was tied up with cable ties. Nearby, his daughter was seated and tied to a chair. Unlike her father, rihanna was completely naked, and a man was behind her, groping her breast. "Get your hands off my daughter you sick freak" Curtis yelled, moments before being punched in the face. Spitting out some blood, masking tape was used cover Curtic's mouth, and stick his head in place. Now, no matter how hard he tried to move, he was forced to watch as his daughter was groped and fucked against her will.,"Supposedly, today was supposed to be a good day for Rihanna and her dad, Curtis. She had waited for him to come over like she usually did, but instead ended up being knocked down and falling into unconsciousness. If only she had been watching her surroundings, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Even so, Emma Watson also got attacked, and was brought to Rihanna's household. Unconscious, Rihanna hoped her father wouldn't come to her house, but knowing her father, he would definitely come see her. He intended on bonding with her more, just as Rihanna wanted their relationship with each other to be even stronger than it already was. However, what the singer didn't want was for her father to be in the same situation as she currently was going through, much rather let him stay home. Yet, knowing her father well, he would definitely come to her rescue. When she finally regained consciousness, she felt someone touching her, and it was unpleasant. She didn't like this! Unable to do anything, she let the molester grope her breast. "D-Dad!" She cried out as a painful thrust pushed inside her. Tears uncontrollably spilled from her eyes, letting out a storm. Totally humiliated due to the fact that her own father had to watch her be fucked senselessly didn't make Rihanna's situation better. It only made it worse. The worst part about it all was that it not only hurt greatly but her father had to watch her too! "It had been a long time since Vale had seen the conflict against the Grimm. It had been three years, but to everyone who had been involved, it had felt like much less. Still, the scars of the battle had been left on the world. Many lost friends and family in that war. People had new scars where they once didn't, missing limbs, and some came out of it as new people altogether. Some had found their purpose, and their own way to make a name for themselves. Some had even become heroes. It had been three years since she had been told she was disowned. When that happened, she had felt lost and hurt. Finally running from her father, Weiss Schnee had stood up to him for the first time. Ever since that day, she had thought of it as a personal victory. Now she was her own person, and even though she had returned to Atlas to run the family business, she didn't let that define who she was. She was still Weiss, one part of the greatest team of Hunters to have ever lived, self-proclaimed. Team RWBY had been a part of what made her who she was. Many firsts had happened during her time there. She had been shown how it was to not be the leader. That her name meant nothing when it came to being a Huntress. Then she had learned that she shouldn't judge a whole race of people for a fraction of them. That had been thanks to Blake, who showed her some Faunus really did just want peace. Finally, she had learned how to overcome loss when one of her friends passed away, trying to save them all or in an attempt to. Pyrrha. All of that had led her to where she was now, standing near the LZ at her own mansion. The Schnee family home was now hers, along with their company. She had come back and claimed it, shown the world her father's ugly face to prove he wasn't the rightful owner of the Dust Company. One of the first things she had done was reinstate her sister into the family, and then gave her team one of the fastest airships so they could travel faster. Only Ruby and Yang really used it. Blake had gone back to her hometown to be with her family. Sometimes she visited the others, but mostly it was Ruby who traveled and fought against Grimm. Now she was standing near the LZ, watching as the Airship was descending towards them. Weiss was still wearing her same attire, the white dress with ice blue accents, which was fluttering in the wind. The day was coming to a close, but it seemed there was a storm heading their way. Ruby had come at a good time. Despite herself, she was excited to see her. It had been a while since she had seen the leader of her team, and ever since the conflict she had felt emotions starting. She couldn't explain them, wasn't sure how she possibly could. They were foreign to her, alien in their existence to her. Once the ship landed, Weiss walked up to the stairs, where she would see the crimson cloaked woman emerge. A small creeped across her face as she watched. Maybe she had softened over the years, but she would say it was because it had been a while. Knowing Ruby, she wouldn't let her live it down; she could be a bit of an airhead sometimes though.,"Ruby had been through a roller coaster of emotions as of late. The young and up-and-coming huntress had been through a significant amount for someone so young. Barely eighteen years old, she'd carried the weight of the world on her narrow shoulders more than once. The fall of Beacon had weighed heavy in her chest, and that had nearly brought her to the edge of sanity. Many battles had been fought, and plenty of blood had been spilled. Friends had come and gone like the wind; but eventually things had finally calmed down. After the defeat of Salem, a wave of calm had washed over Remnant. In that time, Beacon had been built up through the combined effort of all the other kingdoms. Opzin was back in charge, and things were looking up once more. Many Vale citizens assumed that the Grim would be no more; but they would learn they'd been gravely mistaken. It seemed that the witches' fall only enraged the ravenous beast even more, now attacking like a wave of darkness washing over an unknowing city. In that time, however, mankind had started to build up once more. Team RWBY had finished up school and moved on to bigger and better things. Weiss had gone back to Atlas to take over the family business as the rightful heiress. Blake went home to rebuild the tainted name of the White Fang. Ruby along with Yang, Penny had formed up a new trio of elite huntresses who took on a whole new level of intense missions. Sanctioned by a newly formed council made up of representatives of each of the kingdoms known as the Council of the Seasons. The battle with Salem had taught Remnant that they had to work together and more closely to keep themselves ahead of the Grim; and that was what the council was all about. Ruby was the natural pick for leader of the new trio and she had been quite eager to recruit a fourth member; when she found the right fit. Weiss had been generous enough to lend them one of the fastest air ships Atlas had to offer. It was small, sleek, and quite stealthy when it had to be. While offering each of the members a room to sleep along with all the newest bells and whistles on Weiss's dime. Currently it was ripping through the air on its course back to Atlas; Ruby had a pit stop to make after all. Weiss and her had been seeing each other for a few months now; and it was all quiet until they were ready to come out. The airship came to a cut off upon making its final destination; Ruby was alone for the time being after dropping off her team mates back at Patch for some R&R. Draped in her standard garb with Crimson Rose folded securely on her back Ruby would descend the ramp off of her sleek airship. Brushing her raven black hair from her silver eyes with a few fingers, her attention immediately set upon Weiss; the lovely snow princess was standing all alone on the landing zone. A sheepish grin spread across Ruby’s face as she sprinted over to Weiss and embraced her with a long needed hug. Weiss had grown a few inches in three years time but that didn't stop the energetic huntress. Weiss, oh I am so happy to see you, she looked up at her with some tears starting to well up. Ruby looked around a few times to make sure they were alone before getting on her tip toes and stealing a little kiss on the lips. "A deep silence, so thick it could be cut with a knife. As if it could suffocate you stood still in the arena not a person spoke. Then a single light shone through at the very center of the ring. There was a man, dressed entirely in a black suit, with a black top hat. "Greetings and Salutations everyone, and welcome to the Tournament of Millennium!" As he spoke, the area roared with cheers. This tournament was held in the world of spirits, and was held once every two hundred millennia. It was one of the spirits world's darkest Tournaments, one that would bring about the utter obliteration of any man who dared lose in its ring. There was no escape from it other than winning. Yet even so, the prize was far too great for anyone who had any strength to miss. This went for the heroes and villains of every world. The prize was always the person closest to them was given to the winner, or themselves if the fighter was a woman. Not to mention they would face utter obliteration, a true death if you will, where there is nothing left. There were few exceptions to this, One such exception being if the fighter possessed something of great value in the spirit world, weapons, abilities, that could be passed on to the winner. Normally these people lived on, as their soul became the power source of these things. One such person who had this exception was Toshiro Osorezu. This man possessed the three swords called 'Fate' Ningen, Akuma, Kami. Each one pointing out one of the three planes of existence, Human, Demon, and Gods realm. He was dubbed the strongest man in his home world, a place brought entirely of war, that never stopped. He wasn't even killed, at the end of the greatest battle in their world, he took his own life. Screaming he would savor the greatest battle for there shall never be another in that world, and there never was, because he was all that was left. Now he stood waiting for the call of the announcer. "Now ladies and Gentlemen, the hour is upon us! The time we begin our bloody conflict to find the next Kami of the Spirit world! Let us bring out our first two competitors! Coming from the north, a man so violent, so cruel, and so strong he was the last man living in his home world. Those of you who made it to the Preliminary's will know him well, Resident badass, and King Of The Hill! Toshiro Osorezu!" The crowed roared as Toshiro was called out, stepping into the light he seemed like no one was there. He didn't care about the crowd or what they wanted, he just wanted to continue fighting. "And coming from the south, this man saved A world from a dark Cloud Strife!" The announcer clearly made less note of Cloud People still cheered for him, but there were spots of people who could be seen didn't. Cloud came out tall and proud as if he had already won the games. This clearly annoyed Toshiro greatly he was far too cocky. The Announcer walked to the north heading for the north exit, he stopped next to Toshiro though. "If you will make sure you draw this out as long as you can, and make it as gore filled as you can." The announcer laughed only to feel a sudden pain. The Announcer's body sprayed blood before falling to the floor in chunks. Toshiro stood looking down at the pile from the corner of his eyes. The arena fell silent in awe of the carnage that had already occurred. Most Announcers were killed but so soon!? This was great! "No one gives me orders." Toshiro spoke breaking the silence, the crowd cheered as he flung a spray of blood across the arena floor. Cloud stared on horrified of this man, his power was for real, there was no sound when he cut him, not even a gurgle, and he cut him to pieces. Straight through bone and cartilage. Already he regretted joining already, even more so for being so cocky as to put Tifa as the prize! For her! He would give it all for her. Sweat poured from his body as Toshiro slowly walked towards him. His heart pounded, the smell of fear thick in the air, like a delectable dish. His fear overtook him, Cloud charged yelling, lifting his sword to strike but felt something hard hit his ribs. The sounds of his bones cracking rang like bells as he flew back, rolling on the ground before hitting the wall, which was a good distance away. "Four rips," Toshiro said, sounding quite bored. Lowering his foot, he resumed walking towards Cloud, a dark grin on his face. Cloud made it back to his feet with the help of his blade, bracing himself. He charged again, attacking Toshiro. Toshiro stood still, blocking each hit with his blade, the ground under him breaking down, deeper and deeper until it was two-foot deep hole. Toshiro moved his blade, flipping Cloud's to its side, stepping down and blocking Cloud from using his blade anymore. Another kick connected with Cloud's left arm, snapping it like a twig, sending him flying. As he flew, he opened his eyes to meet the sadistic face of Toshiro. His foot smashed his pelvis forcing him down to the ground making a hole where he hit. So many bones in his body broken. His jaw, arms and legs were the most noticeable broken parts. Toshiro's blade pressed lightly against his knee, and began to cut all along his body lightly shallow cuts, just to cause pain. Toshiro continued this to the point Cloud lay there crying and jabbering with his broken jaw. Toshiro grinned at him, sheathing his current sword in replacement of Akuma. "Dark as night, a sword of endless blight, torture this man, kill him slow, and show him fear, rend his flesh, tear his soul, send him to oblivion knowing pain!" Toshiro laughed piercing his heart, pulling out a dark matter came along, it was the soul of his soul, the whails of pain echoed through out as the soul was slowly torn to pieces. Toshiro walked back to the north exit, with a bored look on his face. As he got to the exit Cloud's body exploded into millions of tiny pieces, blood rained down on the fans, only to get the crowd cheering even harder, every other competitor who was there made as much room for him to walk as possible. They were all glad they were not in his starting bracket. Toshiro just began laughing out of no where, for no apparent reason. But those who had fought in war knew that laugh, 'Blood lust'. He had slightly sated his thirst. Toshiro made his way back to the reward desk, hoping it was something useful, like some sort of weapon or item that made him stronger.,"She was right there when the fight began. Right there when the love of his life was mutilated. Tortured to death in ways unbefitting of a man who saved a world. It was a macabre sight, one that would leave any woman crying. Tifa did feel a sting in her heart, but for whatever sick twisted reason, it wasn't sorrow. It was...disgust. Disgust at Cloud's powerlessness. At his weakness and foolishness. Cloud to this day never really looked at her in a way that she deserves, instead using her as a replacement for the flat-chested older girl who haunts his dream every night. "Your partner is dead, now you belong to that man now." Tifa looked up to the man in the reward desk with an empty expression. She stayed silent for a few seconds, then the girl licked her lips and practically purred. "I'd be his even if the rule didn't say so." She winked. She can feel it inside her, a lust burning so strong, Cloud is but a distant memory. Toshiro evoked a primal desire within her, and undoubtedly any woman who wanted to be with the 'alpha male'. He was so powerful, so savage...she wondered how brutal he will be in bed. And what counts was never the size of the sword. When he strode into the room, Tifa melted. He was a god, a bloody, sexy god of war, and it took her all not to get down on her knees and suck him off right there and then. "Im your prize," she declared proudly, as if it were a big honor to be his prize. "Would you like your prize right now?" She whispered, pushing up against him, smooth silky hands caressing his chest lovingly. "I love how you murdered my boyfriend..its such a turn on.." "Hiashi had been thinking about this for weeks now....the Hyuuga clan in its current state had no suitable heir. Hinata was too weak, Hanabi was too wild, growing more rebellious with every passing day, and Neji....Neji was a member of the branch family....there was no way he could take over the clan when Hiashi stepped down. And so he had been left with only one choice....he needed a son to take over from him, but the son needed to be strong, needed to be a pure Hyuuga, someone who would embody everything the Hyuuga clan stood for. And such a child could only come from the union of two Hyuuga of strong blood, which again had left Hiashi with only one choice. The only one suitable to be the mother of his child would be one of his own daughters, someone of his own strong blood. Hanabi was still too young, but Hinata had recently turned 15, entering the prime of her life. Plenty of time to birth a child then move on with her own life, leaving the child in Hiashi's care. Of course he knew there was no guarantee that Hinata would give him a son the first time, and so he may need to sire multiple children with her until he got what he wanted, but so be it. He was prepared for that eventuality. And so those plans brought him to tonight. Neji was away on a mission, Hanabi was staying with friends, as usual, and so Hiashi had summoned Hinata to his private quarters in the Hyuuga estate. She had no idea what he had in store for her, but he would at least inform her of what was going to happen. Though informing her wasn't the same as giving her a choice. This was going to happen whether she wanted it to or not. It was for the good of the clan, and the sake of the clan took priority over everything, even the fact that they were father and daughter. Hiashi had prepared some tea, and was sat waiting in his private sitting room, waiting for Hinata to come as he had ordered. He knew she would come...and once she entered the doors would be sealed behind her. There was to be no escape until Hiashi decided as such.,"Hinata had no idea why her father summoned her to his private quarters. It was late at night and she was in her nightgown and a simple fuzzy robe covering that. She had been awakened by another member of the Hyuuga family. Of course, she had no idea why she was being summoned there. She did not know of her father's plans to form a child with her. Truth be told, if she were to get pregnant by her own father, she would most likely not move on nor would she want to leave the child in his care. "Father?" she said, knocking on his door before yawning softly. "Um...I am coming in," she said quietly as she slowly opened the door and walked into her father's room. Eventually, she made her way over to him and stared at him quietly. "Why have you summoned me here? In the middle of the night? Could it have waited until morning?" she yawned quietly. "Lily Luna Potter was doing some last minute packing before heading off to the train to start her fifth year. Her twin brother, Albus, was busy yelling at her to hurry the hell up because he was getting tired of waiting. James, who was two years older than them, was going into his last year at Hogwarts and was already in the car, ready to drive. Mr. Harry Potter had a press conference and Mrs. Ginny Potter worked as a healer, and was on call and at St. Mungos, so James got the chance to drive them to school, since the car was charmed to drive itself back home after going invisible once they got to Hogwarts. "Merlin, Lily, hurry up!" yelled Albus from the bottom of the stairs, already done packing with his things in the car. "I'm coming!" yelled Lily, grabbing her Slytherin scarf and stuffing it into the trunk, and then dragging it down the stairs and handing it off to Albus, before climbing into the backseat of the car. Once everyone was at the train station, Lily met Talia and Tallon and they walked to the platform and then onto the train. "Where's Scorpius?" asked Lily, looking around once they had sat down in the compartment. "Probably hitting on some girl," Talia said with a shrug. Tallon nodded. The three friends then waited patiently for Scorpius to arrive in their compartment.,"Keeping others waiting, even if they were his closest friends in the world was something that Scorpius enjoyed doing very much. It was just another subtle way to establish that he was the one who was in charge of their little group, they might all have their own opinions and the freedom to essentially do what they wanted but when push came to shove he was the one who chose what to do. It was of course only the natural order of things for a Malfoy to take control of the situation, the son of the wealthiest wizarding family in Europe, a family with pure blood lineage stretching back as far as anyone could count and a great deal of power accumulated over those years. One of the top students in his class, prefect, first rate Chaser, and of course devilishly charming, wasn't it only right that he should take charge. He knew what his friends would no doubt suspect as he kept them waiting, that he had cornered some lovely young lady in a secluded part of the train and was working his quite aggressive brand of seduction like he always chose to, but instead he was just killing time not far off from where they were, enjoying a moment of quiet in a car full of first year students who were too nervous to make a single sound in his presence. That alone was amusing to the point that he would have been laughing if he were not in deep thought, this was the year, he had decided that this was the year that he was going to have Lily all for himself. He knew his parents would never approve, doubted hers would even though technically his father always made a big show about how grateful he was to Potter for taking care of the threat of the Dark Lord... but who cared, he had wanted her from the first onset of puberty and now... well what was going to stop him? Feeling that he had let enough time pass Scorpius made his way from the car that he had been sitting, carrying himself with all the poise and pride that was to be expected of a Malfoy and moved to the train car where they always sat together, pulling the door open with a smirk. I would say I am sorry to keep you all waiting but you would know it is a lie. And you all know I am not going to feel the least bit guilty so... lets skip the part where you try to tell me how terrible I am. "As the boys assembly ended, the guys exit the Auditorium, standing at the stage was a woman they had never seen before. A tall dark-skinned beauty with blue eyes, white hair, and a curvaceous eye-catching figure, she is dressed in a full-figured dress that is blue in color and made of a rather sequin material. Her skin is like smooth milk chocolate, she stands at about 6' with heels giving her an extra two inches. Her posture is perfect. Her breasts are about a G-cup in size, and her dress hugs them making them much more noticeable, as she stands there several other women stand there also: Winter Schnee, Glynda Goodwitch, Cinder Falls, Emerald, and Kali Belladonna. The girls were led into the room by a nameless staff member of the school. The room has an air to it, like it is inviting, and mind-numbing. The questions of what was going on slowly drift away from the thoughts of the young women who entered. The semblance is sure to be working. The girls' minds are being overwritten with the idea that this school is not for learning to become huntresses but to become the most elite adult stars. As the girls of Beacon enter into the hall, they are made to sit with their teams save for those who did not have full teams. The members of Team JNPR and RWBY sat beside each other while next to them were the two female members of team CFVY. As the auditorium filled with fine young women, the woman faced the microphone on the podium, her throat clearing heard, as she picks up the microphone to begin to speak. "Good morning ladies," she says in a sultry voice, "I am Diamond Rouge, and today I will be introducing myself to you today, as your new Headmistress." As she stands up there, she walks back and forth looking at the beautiful prospects gathered, nodding her head, the other women on stage stay silent as she works. "Today we will be pushing the curriculum of this school truly towards new heights. Today, as of this moment, the School of Beacon is being turned from a school for hunters and huntresses to one made fully for the training of the next adult stars of Remnant." As Diamond walked her breasts bounce, her skirt tail did as well, her hips rocking hypnotically. The women on stage were still watching quietly. "I am sure you all are very happy to know we have lined up new classes for all of you, but first why don't we go along the rows, and introduce ourselves and our experiences with sex, and what we hope to truly aspire to be in the world out there." Again as she walks her hips bounce and sway seductively.,"It was the girls' turn for their assembly. Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna walked among crowds of other women from all around the school. The large crowds flooded into the auditorium, all the girls in the school, and they slowly organized in their seats with their teams naturally. It didn't really feel different walking into this room where a new figure stood at the podium. In fact things felt clearer than ever for all of the girls, they knew what they were doing and why, what their school was about. "Hunters and Huntresses," the fancy term always used for just what they did here at this school. Most of the women looked around at the notion, Team RWBY mumbling amongst themselves. "What's this all about?" Blake was the first to ask. "Just some pep thing I think, get us talked up for class?" Yang shrugged it off. "Yeah... I think they just made some scheduling changes" Ruby answered. "Shhhhhh" Weiss hushed the other three as she tried to listen. Indeed, they knew why they were here of course. This school was the most prestigious adult star training academy in the world, and the 'Hunters and Huntresses' trained here always came to be the greatest pleasure receptacles out there, saving the world from urges and the need to get off. Why else would all these young teenagers be gathered? Of course they were there to learn to fuck with the best and relieve the world of it's stress. This was nothing new to anyone in this room. The headmistress began to call the girls up, each reintroducing themselves to their classmates and telling the tales of their adventures until now. Weiss Schnee was the first called to the podium. The petite, thin, pale ivory skinned beauty strode to the stage, the epitome of poise and grace. Stern blue eyes scanned over the crowd. "I am Weiss Schnee of the Schnee Dust Company," she introduced, her voice as cold and poised as her expression. "I have the most prestigious pussy in Atlas, there is not one part of me unable to please a cock or pussy, and it is my hope to carry on the Schnee name as the greatest adult stars in the world." She explained promptly and confidently. This was how it had always been, of course - why else would she have come to this school? Everyone else seemed to understand her presentation perfectly too. "Blake Belladonna," the soft-spoken Faunus told the audience. "I have fucked and been fucked many times in my life, and it is my hope to make the world a better, more cum-soaked place for everyone. If we can all learn to cum with one another, we can get along much easier." She presented lightly, even if she could have gone on politically for a while. "Heyyyy ladies, Yang here!" The blonde bombshell of the school spoke loudly. Yang Xiao Long was a rosy-cheeked curvy young teen with a blessed bust and fiery personality. "I want to be a Huntress and solve the frustrations of the world," she said happily and proudly. "Most of you know me, so I'll keep it short: I'm always ready to take or give a good fucking! My experiences? Well, since I could, I've been into as much fucking as possible." She grinned. When it was Ruby's turn, the pale, scrawny thing approached the stage nervously. She had short dark hair that faded to red, and bright big silver eyes. She was easily the youngest at the school having been accepted early at the age of fifteen due to her determination and skill, as far as she knew. "I'm Ruby Rose," she said with a meek yet still confident voice, light with a soft hollowness to the cute sound that carried through the room. "I know I'm a bit young but I want to be a huntress too. I want to make sure everyone feels good to the best of my ability." More and more girls went, the whole of the female portion of the school laying out their reasons for wanting to be an adult star - be they basic or in depth, all having interesting stories that brought them here. To them all, it was normal that Miss Cinder and Emerald were teachers; they had always been of course. "Etti IV, one of the wealthiest planets in the Corporate Sector, and a popular stop for those with the skills, emans and propensity for work fitting into the legal gray area (or leaning more towards black). The bar Arik Denal currently patronized smelled of the mingled foods, intoxicants and body odors of a few dozen different species as he slowly nursed his drink. The bar was the same type found on nearly every world with a major spaceport; dirty, dingy and poorly-lit, the local music from the live band an odd combination of high-pitch reedy woodwinds and a deep percussion, overlaid with cooing of the not bad looking female Rodian lead. This part of the galaxy wasn't Arik's idea of a good stop; for him, CorSec kept too tight a leash on things and on the rare occasion he could bribe his way out of trouble, they usually wanted three or four times what a similar 'donation' to an Imperial lackey would be. Unfortunately, he hadn't had much of a choice in the matter. His ship, a heavily modified Suwantek Systems TL-1800 transport named The Drunken Wookie, had developed a coolant leak, which not only caused him to burn fuel at nearly five times the normal rate, but also lead to a fire, forcing him to limp into port at sublight. He'd been a bit short on creds, forcing him into a situation of borrowing that was not... advantageous. However, it had allowed him to fix his ship and top off his tank; giving him the opportunity to run a couple short 'extra-legal' operations to way back the creds owed. He'd even gotten lucky; the recipient of one of his deliveries got pinched just before he dropped the cargo off, forcing him to sell it himself and make almost ten times what he was supposed to be paid. He'd paid back the loan, port fees, more fuel, even had some left over for minor modifications, consumables and some other minor bits & bobs. Which is when the trouble started. His loan shark now claimed that Arik had ratted out the delivery target and owed him more money. Arik disagreed, and the gangster's emissaries pulled on him; a mistake. He walked away; they didn't. He probably should have split the planet, but he felt he was on a streak of luck, and was loath to break that. So here he sat, in a shady bar whose name he never bothered noticing, in a small alcove off to the side, his back to the wall, slowly sipping his cool beverage as he bid his time until his next score. Arik stood at a hair over six-foot two, 180 pounds of lean muscle, his dirty blond hair shaved into a buzz cut reminiscent of his time in the Imperial Army, although he mainly did it to keep it out of his hazel eyes. For the moment, he was dressed in dark green cargo pants, a thick leather utility belt, black combat boots, and a tan jacket that covered the heavy blaster pistol he kept on his shoulder.,"It was a damn good lucky streak, that was for sure. But luck went by many names across the galaxy, though few paid those stories any mind these days. For most, the Jedi and Sith had been a far-off concern -- the elite of the galaxy whose struggles existed far above the pay grade of the average butcher, baker, or candlestick maker. But a Jedi or Sith could come from any place, and it was always by the same avenue -- the Force. An omnipresent entity that decided the fate of everyone from kings to killers and princes to paupers. An entity that let one dodge that blaster bolt. Arrive just in time or just too late, avoiding issues either way. And it came in many forms, too. The light in a farm boy. The dark in a pretty young thing in a black sleeve of a dress... Vera Koliss clicked her way up to the bar and settled herself sideways into the seat beside Arik. She was exquisitely made up -- just subtle enough to make one think it might have been just her. She was slender, albeit possessed of finely curved hipbones and soft breasts. "Hi," she said, her voice downright sweet-sounding. "What're you having, big boy?" And compared to her, he really was. She could have only been 5'6" once one took into account her heels and hair. She was a slip of a girl, and only had eyes for him right then. "Amongst boring and out-of-the-way towns in the Pokemon world, Twinleaf was among the most mundane. The only notable thing Twinleaf boasted beyond the standard fields of tall grass and dirt roads running between distant houses was the nice auditorium in the center of it all that occasionally held pokemon contests. But in recent times, the auditorium has been largely unused, few venturing this far out into the countryside to a town with little note. But those who did live in the village took pride in their small settlement. The neighbors each knew each other and spoke fondly of one another. Kind people tended to gravitate to Twinleaf town, another cause of its dull nature no doubt. Many youth who were raised in this village had big dreams of escaping it, almost all their conversations pertained to finding the most powerful Pokemon and making a run for it. It was hardly an empty threat as the population hemorrhaged those who did not reside here by choice. On this day, the clouds had set in early, signaling the possibility of an afternoon storm. The children in anticipation had already come in from the fields, boys terrorizing their mothers with muddy shoes and girls filling their houses with daisies they picked. Most in the town square packed up their stalls full of food, the crowd thinning out at the approaching rain. As you look out your window, you witness the town coming to a close in anticipation for the weather, yet there you sit warm and safe from the elements. Your home is as typical as Twinleaf, a few bedrooms and living spaces. As you sit in your room, a familiar knock comes to the door, a rapping that indicated your parents were not home, and your older sister was lonely once again. It was an eager knock, but one you had a slight trepidation about. Your sister Kokoro had come accustomed to being all too familiar with you since her last breakup with an inattentive boyfriend. Her insatiable lust growing each time she came to you, groping you here and there, pressing herself against you, exposing herself, and you know that today she would most likely take it even further. "I'm cold and it's about to rain, won't you cuddle with me little bro?" Kokoro's tone to those unfamiliar would sound innocent enough, except you recognized the lewd undertones. Alone in the house with this pushy girl, you must decide to engage or run, her unwanted advances surely would be tenfold today.,"Zeke was like every other kid in Twinleaf; he was overjoyed when he received his partner Pokemon, a female Snorunt who he hoped to evolve into a Froslass one day. It became extremely clear that he wouldn't be able to do so in his hometown though. He and many of the other children took to wandering in the tall grass now that they had their own Pokemon, and at first it went great! Snorunt had been getting stronger but eventually she plateaued - the surrounding Pokemon were just too weak. Zeke wanted to get out there and make a name for himself, he wanted to go catch strong Pokemon and challenge the champion. The young trainer had a long road ahead of him though; many strong trainers to face and unique encounters with both humans and Pokemon. He had made up his mind that he was going to leave, but he'd never gone through with it yet. Despite his town being small and rather rural compared to most, it had its charms. The inhabitants were all very nice; everyone knew each other and helped out where they could. It was also where Zeke grew up - it was a difficult thing to leave this all behind, but tomorrow he was going to do it. There was a storm coming in, and the young trainer watched the town prepare for it. He would miss the sights and sounds of his hometown, but it was time to move onto bigger things. A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. Zeke knew right away that it was his sister and that his parents must not be home. His sisters always came to him like this when they were gone; he knew it was wrong and that he should stop her, but there was nothing he could do. Kokoro would take what she wanted, and so Zeke always went along with whatever antics she started. It never went much more than groping him or rubbing up on him - a few times she even flashed him, which just made him confused. He was a male, and so he of course got hard between his legs, but this was his sister - surely he shouldn't be feeling this. O-okay, Zeke called back out with a red face. Either he obliged and followed his sisters request or she would end up bugging him the entire night and eventually end up doing it anyways. The young trainer wasn't ready to leave yet, especially not with this storm coming tonight. He did hear the lewd undertone to her innocent request. He walked to the door of his room and opened it, both curious and nervous to what he would see and what would happen on his last night in Twinleaf. "It was a cool, calm day on the Muggle streets of London. People milled about on the Black Market District, and whores lined the street trying to attract locals for a night of fucking for money. One whore in particular stood out amidst the crowd. He was tall and lanky, thin but not skinny, and well-muscled with long muscles that flexed and flowed when he moved. He was like a sleek snake or a large panther, all muscle but graceful. Dangerous and beautiful. His eyes were an emerald green that sparkled in the light, his hair an inky jet black that hung in graceful waves down to his lower back, beads and feathers hanging in long braids. His skin was a milky pale color that gleamed beautifully in the snow, long black leggings running down his smooth, hairless legs ending at the ankle to show off the black high heels that he was wearing, the straps keeping them firmly in place around his ankle. A black skirt did little to hide anything, the leggings barely hiding the fact that he was wearing no underwear. He raised a long slender arm and took a long drag of a cigarette, flicking his bangs out of his eyes to reveal a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry Potter, was a whore on London's streets, and had been for six years. He had found himself inexplicably human on his sixteenth birthday, when he turned out to be an incubus. A creature that fed on sex and lust, he was almost immediately shunned by the entire school, Dumbledore looking on with pity in his gaze, but no mercy. When the Dursleys found out, they kicked him out with only his wand and Hedwig, barley any clothes on his back to try to fend for himself. He had turned to the Weasleys for help, and they refused him because of what he was. So he had left the Wizarding World with a broken heart and a hurt soul and made his living on the streets of London. He was twenty-two now, and living life as he pleased, how he pleased. He got plenty of money and meals working as a whore and he was fine with the way that he was living, blowing out a long stream of smoke as his emerald eyes looked for a target to ensnare, smirking a little. He didn't even need his wand anymore to perform magic, he had broken it and ditched it two years ago, he could ensnare innocent Muggles with just a glance of his eye, though he preferred not to do that. It was easy enough to get meals with just his gorgeous looks, and he was about to get a customer that would change his life forever.,"Ashlin Drakos smiled a little as he walked through the streets of London, his black dragon hide jacket folding around his lanky frame. Despite having the slightly girly name, Joscelin was death on legs, usually those who met him considered it lucky to leave his presence alive. Glancing around him, he smirked a little as he checked out the streetwalkers. After raids, nothing would do to fit his mood than to deal with muggle hookers. Which, was a fact that his fellow Death Eaters would never know; otherwise someone would feel the need to be put out that he enjoyed the muggle whores better than the magical ones. Studying them for long moments, his smile widened. Heading towards the dark-haired beauty on the corner, he cocked his head as he looked over the appealing male in heels. His eyes not rising higher than his ankles, he was fascinated by how it made the man's legs look in those damn heels. "How much?" He asked, his accent vaguely lilting and smooth, sounding vaguely like Lucius when he was in a mood. It was to be expected, he did spend a good deal of time with the Malfoys. "Harry Potter grinned as he stirred the potion in the Room of Requirement. Things were good...they couldn't be better as far as Harry was concerned. He was in his final year at Hogwarts, Voldemort had been dead for three years, and finally Harry had been able to settle into a normal life. As well as Ron and Hermione, Harry had expanded his small circle of friends, and it was one of his closest friends, as close to him as Ron, that he was waiting for now. Ron and Hermione were off on a 'date', basically a code word for them to be off having wild sex somewhere, leaving Harry to his own projects. "Okay," he added another ingredient to the potion, then smirked slightly as it changed to a soft pink color, just as the book had said. This potion was meant to make the drinker far more appealing to the opposite sex for 24 hours. Harry didn't intend to let Ron be the only one having wild sex with a hot girl for much longer. The book had been a great find - something Harry had found during one of his many Potions class detentions, this particular one having been found dropped behind a bookcase when he was being made to clean out the potions classroom, which he had quickly smuggled out when he had spotted the contents. "Where is he?" Harry grumbled as he looked up at the door, getting impatient. The potion was ready, but he had said he wouldn't try it alone, waiting instead for his friend to arrive so they could drink the potion together and then venture out into the school to see what, or more whom, they could find. "Come on." He started tapping his foot impatiently, still stirring the potion, two vials sitting by the cauldron waiting to dip inside.,"Kain walked into the Room of Requirement casually, as he always did. "Harry!" he exclaimed, "you finished the potion?" He had a thick (but common) British accent. Kain was super excited about this, and he was sure Harry was too. "We're gonna try to get some tail action from our twin sister Krystal," he said with a smirk as he filled both vials. He handed one to Harry and smiled. "Well, Harry James Potter, here goes everything," he said, and with that he drank down the potion that would change his life forever. "As her hiatus were coming to an end, Rise believed she would be able to come back as if she had never left, even better than ever in fact. Her flame may have been snuffed out for a short amount of time, but she had been doing this for years and all it would take would be a single performance to have that light shining brighter than ever now. So why was she suddenly starting to become so nervous? The facts were difficult to ignore the closer and closer the big day came, expectations were going to be high for the return of Risette, fans starved to see her perform again would move onto someone else if she just missed the mark. Maybe Rise was only being paranoid, but that didn't stop what felt like a whirlwind of butterflies from forming in her stomach as she thought about what could go wrong. Going through every advice strategy in the book, from breathing exercises, to tea, to even listening to relaxing music which had only worked against her, the last thing Rise wanted to do was listen to someone else's work, it only made her think about the possible shortcomings of her own. So when the usual remedies didn't work Rise decided to swallow her pride and watch a few interviews with various idols to try and figure out how they managed to chase away stage fright, one claimed to have a good luck charm, a ring around her finger that she just needed to touch. Rise wasn't someone who stubbornly denied the existence of good or bad luck, she just never saw it being tethered to material objects, having a lucky ring or hairpin to find comfort in just felt too good to be true. Rise was a social person, what she found comfort in were things like praise from fans, her grandmother's love, interaction with her friends. Her friends...that was something that stuck with Rise, maybe it wasn't that good luck charms were pointless, she was just restricting herself in how she saw them. Her decision to invest in a good luck charm had lead her to calling Naoto, Inaba could handle itself just fine without the Detective Prince, but Rise's own dilemma left her in need of a friend. When Naoto arrived, she explained her predicament - the stage fright she had felt - and asked if Naoto was free for just today, after all there was no better distraction than an evening with friends. As the hours passed, Rise was easily able to ignore the butterflies she had felt; Naoto really was someone she had needed, for much longer than a single day. Which is why when the two of them called it a night, Rise pretended to fall asleep, laying awake in bed for an hour just to play it safe before crawling over to Naoto's sleeping bag and giving her a little nudge. Overnight, Naoto had been bound, gagged, and hidden away in a suitcase like a valuable secret - a secret that Rise had to keep from everyone all the way until early morning. It was a good thing her team excelled at being fast and efficient; she would have felt guilty if Naoto had had to spend a lot of time in such a small space. The train and limo ride afterwards only took about three hours, and Rise even made sure to keep up a quick pace when walking to her hotel room, tempted as she was to stop and wave at fans who were there waiting both in and outside of the building. With her room being just an elevator ride and a short walk down the hall, Rise took a breath when she made it inside without any issues. "Now let's get you out of here," she said, pulling the suitcase into the middle of the room and laying it on her floor before undoing the zipper and gently lifting Naoto out. "I hope the trip didn't feel too long, Naoto-kun. Now you can stretch a little." A sweet smile spread across Rise's face as she placed her hands beneath Naoto's arms to sit her up.,"Everyone had heard about Rise's plan to return to the stage, and the excitement of her fans was building every day. All of her friends had known for some time that she desired to step back into the spotlight. However, none of them - fans or friends - would have suspected that the bubbly, positive, and all-around confident idol would be feeling any kind of pressure to perform. It was certainly a surprise when Naoto received a call from her close friend, but the detective prince was more than happy to help however she could, albeit she wasn't entirely sure how she could be of assistance. She considered taking some books for guidance from her grandfather's library, but in the end decided against it after all it sounded like Rise just needed the support of a friend, and she was capable of doing that, right? Arriving in the afternoon, time flew while the two were together. The pair reminisced about old times and did the usual stuff that girls do when they hung out together - it was one of those rare times where Naoto did anything truly feminine, which made her feel slightly uncomfortable but she was happy to help Rise and felt a little happy about doing something feminine for a change. Naoto had drifted off feeling quite happy about being able to help calm Rise's nerves, and she knew that her idol friend would shine in the spotlight much like she had always done - maybe even brighter than ever before. However, while the detective was deep in her slumber, it seemed Rise had something else in mind. Upon waking up, Naoto shifted and found herself unable to move and in an extremely tight space. Panic struck, and she began struggling, mind racing with the possibilities of what could have happened. The tight confines of the suitcase made it difficult for the detective prince to move around at all but eventually she felt the rope that was keeping her so tightly bound, her fingertips rubbing against the suitcase as she tried to scream. Then suddenly she remembered that she was Rise, and a new wave of terror washed over her as the idea of the idol being similarly trapped gave her a renewed strength to continue struggling against her binds, although it turned out to be rather fruitless - whoever had tied her up was experienced at doing so. Her container was knocked around a bit, and her muscles ached from being locked in the awkward position. The detective prince ran all manner of scenarios through her head, but the first and foremost thought was to find some way to confirm Rise's safety. However when the suitcase stopped and was laid against the floor, a faint, familiar voice could be heard, and as the zipper opened Naoto squeezed her eyes shut while the light blinded her. At first she felt wave of relief, but it turned to icy horror as it slowly dawned on the prodigy that Rise had been the one who had tied her up and put her through the harrowing event. Terrified eyes gazed up at the sweet, smilingly idol who was acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Naoto flung herself away from Rise and tried to crawl away from her 'friend', shrieking a muffled scream into the gag before curling up into a ball - her muscles burning with agony from the three-hour trip. All she could do now was lay there entirely exposed to Rise's twisted whim. "Eighteen years. She'd been around for that long in total, as the ID her "director" currently held said in quite clear letters. True, it matched up with her country of origin, and given her current locale, it may be a tad difficult to read through the UK standard. But it wouldn't take too much to realize that Miss Emma Watson had very recently passed 18 years. In fact, her birthday lay only a week or so away from the current date. That had apparently been appropriate, or so the various agents and handlers who had set this up had kept assuring Emma. Strike while the iron is hot! (One jokingly said 'strike while the girl is hot!', which Emma had thought was in poor taste, but she'd laughed it off all the same; a little joking like that would be allowable, so long as it didn't go so far). Plus, though Emma certainly wouldn't admit it, she appreciated people acknowledging her as 'hot.' Thus far, millions knew her as Hermione Granger, and those films were still wrapping up, which meant that lasting role wouldn't leave her any time soon. In truth, she'd about earned enough from that to last her the rest of her life, but Emma knew how to capitalize on her rising stardom. There had already been a few outside roles she'd accepted, many showcasing her range and her willingness to do what it took to put on a good performance. Already buzz had gathered about how she rarely needed more than one take, how she almost embodied the character she'd been known for, and how personable the young lady happened to be. All of which had set her up nicely, but she'd hit a rough spot. There would be no denying a part of reality: Emma Watson was a child star first and foremost. She'd started young enough to be 'cute' and 'precocious' and had grown up in front of all her fans and viewers. It would take some doing to 'break' the public of that particular image of her. They'd need to see 'Miss Emma Watson' as someone who'd matured, who'd become a fully fledged adult, someone who they could admire and, yes, on some level lust after. It did make Emma rather uncomfortable, particularly since she knew her own experience in that venue was... lacking. That happened when you balanced studies with press tours and a full time job acting. It was truly remarkable that she'd done as well as she had. So what if her only sexual experience came from a few bashful, almost hurried experiments involving various wands that some of her fans had sent in? Not objecting the one time she'd gotten a little more intoxicated than she perhaps should have and worked to map out her tight little sex. The girl at least knew what an orgasm was, what it felt like. But now she had to come off as someone with some maturity, and with that came some sexual awareness. Her current significant other, Ben, had coyly suggested quite an obvious way of doing that. But Emma had brushed that aside, and, as always, she'd gotten her way there. Instead, she'd requested some aid of her handlers, including an insider in Hollywood who often helped child stars transition into more adult roles. Rumor had it that she'd helped Hilary Duff and the Olsen Twins and a few others grow into fully functioning (mostly) adults. Supposedly she had just the right organization in mind to really help Emma develop herself and her persona as an adult. So they'd arranged it. First Emma had apparently needed to get fully medically tested, the files sent ahead to said organization. They'd show the truth: she was almost squeaky clean, with a fully intact hymen and no health issues whatsoever. They'd asked Emma to dress casual, which meant a loose flannel that hid much of her recently blossomed body and a pair of jeans that only just cupped her firm, softly rounded ass. She'd done some basic makeup to enhance her quasi-girl next door meets glamorous English Rose face, drawing attention to her expressive brown eyes and mostly hiding the freckles that had a tendency toward erupting across her face. They'd said something about possibly changing when she got there, and that the people there would be more than ready. For now, that 'more than ready' had mostly been giving Emma a few introductions, asking for her ID (and she had to leave her mobile elsewhere, which would no doubt irritate Ben, who'd been texting her), and escorting her to a rather luxurious dark leather couch. There she currently sat, patiently looking up, feeling excitement bubbling within, making those eyes shimmer. This would be it! The first step toward her embracing adulthood as a starlet, and showcasing just how her new persona would be for the eager public and fans both old and new! Emma could hardly wait!,"For the hundredth time, Prince Yahshua turned to regard himself in the gilded mirror. Nervousness was normally a foreign trait to him, but he could not disregard the peculiar mix of anxiety and excitement that churned within. After all, he was just moments away from plucking one of the sweetest peaches at the peak of its ripeness, and just the thought of the juice following through his fingers was enough to set him trembling. A lesser man would perhaps be undone by such "stage fright", but Prince was certainly no 'lesser man' in any sense. He stared back into his own hard-eyed gaze, channeling the urgent adrenaline into a cold focused energy. Take a moment to enjoy the anticipation, he thought, savor it like the connoisseur you are. He steadied his boulder-like shoulders, his prodigious bulk shifting in the tight-fitting expensive suit. Checking over the figure before him Prince found himself marveling at the sight. It was a long way from the rough and unappealing world he had fought and fucked his way out of. Some twenty years before, as a failed actor and struggling hustler, he had been initiated into the basement-levels of porn. Now he was literally in the penthouse, having the finest cuts of white meat thrown before him like a lion in a luxury cage. No more meth-riddled runaways or gay-for-pay grind for Prince - he was enjoying delights that millions of men could only dream about. Like some kind of glorious prestige stud he deflowered the choicest fillies in Hollywood for the amusement of a paying audience. And what fillies they were. There was those twins who snorted their coke with the same passion they sucked his cock; the long-legged all-American Southern girl singer converted from racist prude to queen of spades; and most recently some blonde high-school dropout with a soft milky body and no morals whatsoever that he had broken in for that sleazy producer who paid so well. And now, it seemed, some sweet-cheeked English rose was next on the list. He heard her enter the room outside, her sing-song voice with its clipped accent dripping with politeness. Any father would be proud of such a daughter, he thought with a grin. Until perhaps she had been spitted on a monstrous ebony cock, abruptly delivered to womanhood in his capable hands. Once more Prince checked his ensemble, then finally exited the bathroom and casually strode out into the lounge. Emma was seated there expectantly, like some eager schoolgirl prepared for a crucial test. Prince savored her peaches-and-cream appearance, the sincere suddenness of her welcoming smile, and the way her dark brown eyes shone with his reflection. Already he could feel the formidable anaconda awakening, and he was sure its massive profile must be clearly visible through his tight stovepipe trousers. Looks like a squealer, he thought, a sly boyish grin coming to his brooding face. He stood a good foot in height over her, his lumbering bulk making her seem all the more doll-like in appearance. The girl's slender forearm was barely longer than his urgently throbbing cock. That pretty little mouth which smiled so easily and so sweetly looked like it would stretch to encompass his girth.Aw yeah, this English rose is gonna get plucked hard, he mused as his wicked grin stretched out like a scar. His own ominous gaze wasn't the only thing focused on Emma - every corner of this luxury lounge was studded with hidden cameras, which followed every angle with silent unblinking eyes. "Well then," Prince drawled in a deep, gravel voice, "so this is the pretty little English witch they told me so much about. You going to cast a spell on old Prince now? "Zanafar Station, a redoubtable outpost of the God Emperor in the cold void of the Halo Stars. It is one of many such installations laced among the outskirts of the galaxy looking out from Segmentum Obscuris. They existed for millennia, the edict that mandated their construction dating back to the first contact with the Tyranid species Xenoform. They were a reactionary measure taken by an Imperium fearful of yet greater Xeno incursions from unprecedented vectors across the galactic plain. The stations still exist to this day, used now primarily as deep-space transit hubs or bastion outposts for beleaguered mining operations undertaken by the Mechanicus. Their operations may have changed since their inception, but this did not make them any less of an imperial installation, mounted with all the guns a star-fort could muster, with system defense fleets patrolling the asteroid fields and gas-pockets that they were stationed in. Zanafar Station is not one of these. Zanafar Station can barely be considered an operable station. Right along the trailing arm of the Halo Stars, perhaps the furthest out and farthest from the astronomicon. It is desolate and isolated, Rak'gol attacks are frequent and violent, and support is underwhelming. The station is a derelict, many guns are offline or do not function at all. It is a complete write-off in every sense, but still, Zanafar Station stands, and it is not without a means of defending itself. By old edict between the Ordo Hereticus' chamber Militant and the Ordos Xenos, A mutual defense pact had been placed along the outskirts of the Halo Stars, in this fashion, members of the Adeptus Sororitas have seen themselves stationed upon the desolate void fortress. Of their number there are a great deal of novitiates and raw recruits, those still fresh from the Schola Progenium and its grueling selection process. Battle Sister Amarine was one of these recruits. Amarine was in one of Zanafar's barracks, which were Spartan and bare, meant to house the brides of the emperor in great numbers. While this was appreciated, the fact that there were so few of them aboard the station usually meant that of the rooms meant to house at least fifty sisters, all their wargear and armor, only a few other sisters would be present during the few hours she had for reprieve. She was alone at the moment, such a thing was not unusual, as her duty-roster placed her behind her two sisters when it came to patrols and drills. She had at least several hours before she was due to proceed to the central chapel within the station so that she may bow her head in Prayer with her fellow sisters. For the moment, however, she was without any pressing matters to attend to. Her armor was old, far older than her and likely older htan her parents before her. Yet, all the same, it worked perfectly. By her cot, the furthest from the entrance, was a stand. She had finally removed it from herself, and now wore only the self-sealing pressurized under-suit. And unlike her armor, this took far less work in removing. She peeled it off of her lithe, toned body, smelling of sweat and oil, as she knew she would. Hence, why she would be apt to take make use of the bathing facilities adjacent to the barracks. She was naked now, idly covering her breasts with her arm and pulling open the heavy frame door to the locker room attached the barracks. The dull bulbs inside flickered to life hesitantly. The cold tile floors felt like ice on the soles of her feet, but she did not mind them all that much. She made quickly for the showers, walking around the tile wall partition between the lockers and communal showers. Much like the barracks, it was oversized for what it played host to. The air already smelled sour with disinfectant and sanitizer from previous uses, a low mist hung just above the ground from ambient heat and poor ventilation. Going to one of the further showers, Amarine was quick to sigh in relief as tepid-warm water spouted out from the dulled brass showerhead above her. She was completely alone, and in truth, that was just fine with her.,"Mon-Keigh... those lesser than the Elder like the numerous plague called humanity. In ages past they would have been culled and put in their place if not simply cleansed from the stars... but that was then and now the Eldar did not wield such power. The Eldar still had power however, and the humans could have their uses if the moment was right, or the need was enough. This human outpost hadn't even detected her craft as she came in and made her landing, a single lone Banshee on a mission of dire importance. Irlihish had felt honored to be chosen to serve her people even if it meant her body had to be modified and she must now lower herself with these human animals. The tall and lithe built Eldar female with long black hair had been here some time already. In her mission so far catching two of these brides of the emperor off guard and doing what must be done. What must be done was breeding them, putting the wombs of these Mon-Keigh to work for Eldar plans. The sisters of battle were tough fighters, but outside their armor they were just human. A life of religious devotion depriving them of more worldly endeavors. Virgins both of them with hymens that tore easily once put to task by the length and sheer girth of an Eldar cock. At least Irlihish could find satisfaction from her mighty spear drawing blood from these pathetic creatures, as their uncouth voices cried out in pain while they learned their proper place. Irlihish had hidden both of the sisters but there was more to be done. She searched the outpost, dressed in nothing but a device on her forearm and a belt around her slender hips that held her blade and sidearm. She was here to breed, but if killing must be done... she came across an empty barracks, she could wait and hide for a sister to return. It would give her a bit of time to recover as well, that last human had proven to be rather greedy when the time came to seed her. Irlihish's nuts were hefty but it seemed human wombs were rather well suited for large amounts of semen... sadly it seemed human birthing canals were less well designed to handle what Irlihish considered a rather average sized Eldar cock. Once she was inside she heard something, the sound of water? She looked around and saw the armor and discarded undersuit. It seemed she had found another one already. With the silence and speed expected of a Eldar she reached the door and opened it. Slipping into the room filled with the steam of the water she saw her target. Another human female, another who would carry her Eldar seed. "Lake Town is an unruly town where some crime could be overlooked. Those going to high school students could easily walk into an adult store and buy anything if they had the money. That student could be found at Lake Coral High School, where one of the heroines was spending her time in the bathroom stall. Rumia was able to grab a cheerleader bimbo with her. "Come on, you gotta get used to being a cumdump before you lose those looks," the goth girl taunted as she plunged her cock deeper into the girl's cunt. The Futa was unaware of what news she was about to hear.,"Alongside the gothic futa plowing a ditzy cheerleader was her best friend in like positions. Mito herself had pulled a member of the girls basketball team into the same bathroom. The futa had mostly pink hair tied back in a thick, wavy ponytail, and right now her pleated skirt was lifted, panties around her thighs to let out her hard dick that was currently pounding inside. Rumia's current receptacle was bent over against the dirty wall of the bathroom. Her hands splayed against it as she was rammed by girl dick. Ungh! Aaah! Hush it nerd! Ah! Whined the cheerleader, though she didn't resist the fucking of the goth girl behind her. In fact, her cunt gripped tight, begging for that irresistible length despite her mannerism. Aha... you feel good! Mito complimented the tight little basketball player she herself was railing. Her own cock plunged deep as her hips clapped lewdly against the girls ass. ""Oh god..."Sam groaned loudly, reaching up out of the water to muffle her voice. Her other hand continued to thrust her hungry fingers deep into her quivering snatch beneath the water as she finger fucked herself with eager abandon. Everyone who had come here had someone to fuck! Mike was fucking Jessica, Chris was likely going to get it on with Ashley, and Emily was fucking Matt. That left Josh... and since his sister's death he hadn't really seemed to recover enough to put him on Sam's radar. That left her alone, alone on this nice little get together in Josh's cabin. Alone upstairs in her bath while the others were likely off elsewhere, half of them fucking. She imagined Matt taking Emily for a walk and the aggressive little whore fucking him on a bench or table out in the snow somewhere. Emily was still likely fucking Mike on the side, and the fact that Mike had taken Jessica off to a cabin to drill her all night long would likely have made Emily jealous. So jealous that she would be forced to fuck Matt just to dispel her feeling of jealousy towards Jessica. The only people she supposed might not be fucking would be Josh, who had disappeared to do something, somewhere, along with Chris and possibly the prudish little Ashley. God... Ashley! "AHHHUNNHH!" Sam moaned again through her fingers, then spasmed a little in the bath at the thought of the hot, tight bodied redhead with the perfect round, taut, firm little ass. Those 'fuck me' shorts Ashley was wearing over her tights had been driving Sam crazy all night, it was part of the reason she had kept pestering everyone to get the boiler working so she could take a bath. Bath time in Sam's home was the only time she could get away from her parents to rub one out quietly. Here in the cabin it was almost the same, though she was making more noise than she would have liked. She stopped suddenly, was that someone outside? She shivered, drawing back from the brink of her orgasm, left teetering on the edge as she splashed about, standing up and grabbing a shirt towel which strained to cling to the top of her nipples and barely stretched down far enough to cover her pussy from sight as she stepped out of the bath, her bare feet moving from rug to floor boards as she headed to the door and flung it open. Her bare feet made wet echoes and left a trail of footprints as she rushed to catch up with Sam. "Hey Ash... was that you upstairs just now?" she said, catching up to the girl she stood with her hands on her hips, then gestured up with her right arm, pointing upwards in the direction of the bathroom as she stood at the bottom of the staircase heading up. As she lifted her arm, her towel slipped free and dropped, pooling about her ankles as she stood there. Her body was toned, tight, defined obliques and abs from a long time spent keeping in shape at the gym. Her legs were shorter than she would have liked, and her tits were small but perfectly rounded. If she wasn't so confident she might have been embarrassed by the fact that she was now standing naked in front of her friend with a shaved pussy that made her look like a soaking wet schoolgirl who had just slipped out of the pool. "Uh..." she opened her mouth to apologies, but instead just looked at Ashley, guarding her reaction. Slowly, very slowly, she moved her arms to self consciously cover her nipples and slide a hand down to nestle between her thighs, shielding her pussy lips from view. "Mind handing me my towel?" she asked. "And then telling me what you were doing upstairs... what you were planning to do tonight... with the boys all gone...","The whole trip was one Ashley had been looking forward to for a while, not because she was wanting some alone time with Chris, but rather because she wanted to see how Josh was doing. Despite how stupid she acted sometimes, Ash still cared about everyone in the group and she worried about them greatly, especially Josh. After the last time they were here everything changed for them, and she was hoping things could go back to normal. At least as normal as things could get given the situation. When Chris asked her to ride with him up to the cabin, she agreed, but it wasn't because she liked him; she needed to use Chris for this trip and hopefully stay as far away from Sam as much as she could. It wasn't because she didn't like the blonde - it was because she liked her too much. Everything about her just made her knees weak, and even if Ashley wouldn't admit it, she dressed a bit slutty in hopes that Sam might look at her. When they encountered each other on the ski lift, she couldn't help but stare at Sams body from time to time, hoping she wouldn't notice before physically making herself wrap an arm around Chris's shoulder to keep herself from losing balance because of how wet her thighs were getting. After they finally got settled in and Sam announced to everyone that she was going to take a bath, Ashley whimpered at the thought of her alone and naked before following Chris around the cabin. They eventually ended up in the basement before she lost him and went back upstairs. Once back into the main room, she began looking around, wiping dust off of things before hearing footsteps behind her. Slowly, she turned around and went deep red as she was greeted with the sight of a dripping wet Sam, who was wearing nothing but a towel. One that left very little to the imagination, she might add. What? She asked before blinking as she was still trying to process everything, her eyes staying on Sam's face even though the so desperately wanted to look down. How was she so perfect? No, I just got back from the basement, have you seen Chris? She asked as she quickly tried to change the subject. However, when Sam dropped her towel, her eyes went straight down and stared at her beautiful firm breasts before traveling down to the pink lips of her mouth-watering pussy. Ashley didn't know how much time had passed as she stared but Sam's words brought her back to reality. Yeah, of course I can. She said embarrassingly as she quickly bent over and picked it up before offering it back to her. Sorry, I didn't mean to look, you just look really good. Have you been working out? She asked as she hoped she could play it cool; last thing she needed was for Sam to think she was a pervert or a whore. "Sarada Uchiha was just finishing up giving a report along with the rest of her team to the Hokage. As usual, the mission had gone well; the team now had years of experience under their collective belts after all, so even challenging missions weren't too much of a problem for the trio. Once they had finished their report, the original plan had been for the team to head for their favorite restaurant. It had become something of a tradition over the years to celebrate every successful mission, no matter how small or insignificant it had been. Today was a little different though: The Hokage had asked Sarada to stay behind. The team had offered to wait for her just outside of the office, but she assured them she'd catch up and that they shouldn't delay their celebration, so the rest of the team had left not just the office but the building, heading off in their usual good spirits, while Sarada was still standing in the middle of the Hokage's office. She wasn't nervous, though; the Hokage had been like a father to her over all these years, so despite his official position, she was completely relaxed as she stood there. "You wanted to see me alone, sir?","Naruto gave the young girl a smile, as she stood to attention as the door closed behind the rest of team 7, leaving just her and him in the room. Dismissing the ANBU from the room, Naruto pressed a button under his desk to lock the door, although the windows were wide open. Over the years Naruto had grown fond of Sarada, since she was a young girl and began to groom her not only for the Hokage's hat but also to be his. As he matured, Naruto discovered his sex drive simply was too much for poor Hinata, so he used Sakura, he used Tsunade, and now he would begin to use Sarada. "Yes, you aren't in trouble or anything don't worry," he said with a cheesy grin, getting up he walked around to Sarada towering over her despite her growth spurt. Having to bend down quite a bit, he went for it, slapping a sloppy kiss on the young girl's lips, his tongue running all over them and shoving itself into her mouth before breaking it off. A bridge of saliva connected the two for a moment as he straightened up. "I have been dying to do that for ages," he confessed. "Korra awoke well before the guard-droids sounded the morning alarm. Laying in the dark on her filthy little cot, she hummed a familiar refrain to herself and sighed."Happy Birthday, Korra. You're 17 today.."She reached into a small gap between her thin mattress and the cot frame, and pulled out a flat, round baked good. Her fingers carefully dusted it as she brought it to her lips... and shoved the entire thing in her mouth at once! At first, the taste was exotically sweet, but the more she chewed, the more it became bitter until she was forced to spit it out onto the floor."Ugh! I thought those were a delicacy! Man! Way to go Korra, stealing a birthday treat that tastes like womp rat shit. Gross!" Perturbed, the young woman sat upright in bed. Her eyes roamed the room, taking in the details despite the dimness. She had grown accustomed to this life, this place, this room. It slept nearly 40 other women, all servants like herself, all with a debt to pay. While most of the women in the room had earned their place here through their own foolishness, there were a few (like Korra) who were innocent from such matters. Those blameless girls were all here because of a family member. For Korra, it was her parents. They had fallen on hard times and were faced with two options: sell Korra into indentured servitude to pay off their debts, or go to work in the labor camps. Knowing that they wouldn't last a week in the labor camps, and it would take close to 40 years to earn enough there to repay their debts, Korra's parents signed papers that sealed Korra's fate. Korra was taken away and her contract was sold at an auction to offworlders. This was done to limit her ability to escape and force her to become dependent on whomever her new masters would be. For months, she toiled on the slaver ship but her independent streak was strong. Every opportunity she had, she defied them. When she was finally taken from the ship and brought planetside, she thought at first that they would leave her on a barren dustworld. Instead, she found herself standing before an audience of Hutts. Her circumstances were made quite clear to her: either ask the Hutts to take over her contract or return to the ship with no guarantee of surviving the trip. Eager to be rid of the vile crew aboard the ship, Korra chose the Hutts. The room burst into uproarious laughter as she made her preference known, but she was soon taken away and fitted with a behavioral collar. Since she was both young and rebellious, she was given to the droid in charge of cleaning the household. She had been doing maidly duties ever since. They were never hard, but they did keep her busy from morning until night. But today was special. It was her 17th birthday, and even if she couldn't enjoy a treat, she could still practice her magic a bit before the day truly began. Korra focused on the pile of mush on the floor by her cot. She was sitting with her feet on either side of the discarded snack and her hands hovering over it. Her fingers wiggled as she concentrated. Slowly, little bubbles of water pulled free and rose into the air. Korra began moving her hands opposite one another. The right hand went up and roughly formed the top of a circle while the left hand went down and roughly formed the bottom. Then they switched positions. Each time her hands moved like this, the bubbles floated closer together until they finally coalesced into one large water sphere. Korra exhaled and smiled to herself once the ball was formed. She repositioned herself to lay on her back on the cot and began tossing the water ball from one hand to the other. "You're gonna get caught, you know," said a voice. "They'll think you're a Jedi and they'll take you away and kill you." Korra froze; the ball spinning above her right hand. Her eyes sought out the source of the voice. "She's right. It happened to my sister. She got mad and pushed a guard away using her mind. It was the last time I saw her. They dragged her off to who knows where and probably killed her." "Would you both shut up! You're gonna alert the guard!"Korra barked at the two unknown women, louder than she had intended. All she wanted to do was have a treat and practice her fun water magic and these two chatty cathys were ruining it! "Suit yourself. I'm just trying to protect you, child." "Yes, best keep your unusual talents to yourself. Don't want to catch the Master's interest." "But even if he doesn't kill you, he'll definitely move you out of our ward. I've heard horror stories about the other wards in the household.. maid duty is the safest ward here." "The Master has unusual tastes. The last thing you want is for him to find you interesting. He might move you to his personal harem! ICK! I could never serve a creature like him.. in that way.." "Shut up! SHUT UP! All of you shut up!" Was everyone awake? Had they all been watching her this whole time? Oh gods, had the guard seen? The water ball continued to spin in Korra's right hand as she ran scenarios through her mind, but it was still possible that no one outside the room had seen- "You There. What Are You Doing? Stop At Once!"The voice came from a droid near the door and Korra reacted. She flung the water ball at the machine in a fury of fear and anger, and watched it harmlessly splatter across the droid's body as the lights came on. "Oh no. This is gonna be bad.."Korra slumped in her cot. She would be punished for this and something told her it would be something awful.,"It didn't take long for news to spread of Korra's incident, and within minutes Jabba's personal guards had arrived - towering green Gammoreans with pig-heads, who often held vibroaxes as tall as themselves. Rumor had it many of them could tear a human in two with their bare hands without breaking a sweat. They barged into the maid quarters, one snorting like a pig as they looked around. One pointed to Korra's cot, and the other approached her, towering above her, looking down on her with cold, emotionless eyes. "You, Korra... yes? Master will see you," he managed to snort out in broken Basic. Korra knew better than to resist - especially if Jabba himself wanted to see her. To defy the big boss often meant death by Rancor or Sarlacc - neither a particularly pleasant way to die it was told. Korra was led down the hall, whispers abound about what might happen to her. Many knew of her abilities; most expected her to be killed or tortured. As they moved down the hall, the whispers vanished and only the sounds of their footfalls remained. They walked for a few moments before they reached the end of the hallway. "Master," she said, bowing her head slightly. "Will see you inside." One of the guards opened the door and held it open to her, expecting her to walk in. Inside she would find Jabba's private chambers. They were gilded and rich with silks, gold, silver and jewels to show his wealth. He was being attended to by some of his harem girls and servants when Korra walked in. His feline eyes locked onto her at once as he licked his lips, his tail slapping against his dais. His fat rolls glimmered with a mixture of his saliva from his fat tongue and his own slime. In front of him was a table, loaded with succulent food...plates filled to the brim with dishes from Korra's home planet. There was a glass of wine with a pitcher full next to it. There was a chair for her to sit in and on the plate was a bag....filled with a decent amount of Spice...the most craved drug in the galaxy; to humans it acted much like a mixture of cocaine to energize oneself, a relaxant to ease pain and a hint of an aphrodisiac. Korra didn't know all those details though...she just knew Spice went for a lot and felt really good when taken. "Ah...Korra," he said, beckoning her closer. "Please...take a seat. Have some Spice, Wine and food. I hear it is your birthday. Happy Birthday to such a beautiful girl." He spoke Basic fluently as it was the language of trade but rarely used by Hutts due to their guttural voices. For a Hutt to use Basic was normally considered in honor. He took a sip of wine from his own goblet before beckoning one of the slave girls to refill it while waiting for Korra's reaction. "Tyreen wasn't really the prisoner taking type unless said captured person could give her streams a serious power boost, she'd rather just eat whatever sap was facing maximum consequences for going against the COV, as much she appreciated the bandit buffet she had easy access to 24/7 time to time. What she was doing with her current prisoner shocked even herself; Tyreen wasn't going to stream the capture or help herself to the woman's power. Troy gave her shit for it but Tyreen told him to just point his camera somewhere else. There was plenty happening in the galaxy and he didn't need to fly around her like a mosquito all the time, so he could buzz off. Tyreen stepped into her room, where the bandits had chained Amara's hands above her head and to the ceiling, high enough to where Amara could just barely stand on her tiptoes. "Guess who!" she announced, flashing her teeth at Amara. "I know you might have a hard time finding the right answer since you're not the brightest in the universe, I mean seriously how could be this dumb to get captured! If I really dig deep, really anyone who goes against me has to have all their screws loose." Stepping forward so she was in front of Amara, Tyreen's grin was both smug and triumphant as she spoke. "It doesn't matter how fierce a tiger is, sooner or later a huntress is going to catch them." "Now I know what you're thinking," Tyreen says, as she grabs Amara by the hair and yanks her head up. "Why doesn't Tyreen just take my powers already? Why does she just keep talking?" She snorts at her own joke. "Honestly, I just want to make a point. It doesn't matter what you're capable of right now; you're no match for me, superfan." Cool as it would be to have six more arms, that's eight times I can flip someone off as once! I really want you at your best so that it hurts even more when I finish off the Crimson Raiders." Her grin becomes much more sinister after saying that. "Plus," she says, raising both hands for effect, "I'd prefer you to keep the multiple arms. You can use them to please me." She runs her palm along Amara's muscled arm. "You're just lucky I like that pretty face of yours a lot more." Lowering her palm down further, Tyreen stops it where it comes into contact with Amara's cheek. "I'm sure by now you're thinking how amazingly generous I am," she says, smiling. "How you want to devote yourself to me like the rest of my followers." The grip on Amara's hair tightens. "There's one thing you gotta know, superfan," she continues, shaping her hand into a finger pistol and pressing it against the other siren's forehead. "This kind of generosity comes with a heavy price if you won't pay with loyalty, then I'll just collect some other way." She begins to snicker and snort. "Just kidding, killing you would be a real waste after bringing you all the way here. I won't take your life, but you should know, I can make you wish you were dead." Tyreen states it rather casually, almost like she's sharing a hobby of hers.,"Well, this was embarrassing at least, that's how Amara felt at first when her team was ambushed by a group of bandits. What was supposed to be a simple recon mission turned into a massive fuck fest of blood, bullets, and butts - which, on Pandora, wasn't exactly odd, except for the part where one bandit was throwing actual butts. Where did he get them? Who knew? Amara killed him rather quickly, so no one got the chance to ask. Beyond that, they were too busy falling back to care either way. Which is where the real problem began for Amara. In order for her team to escape, she had to unleash all her power at once - a feat that wasn't simple nor easy, but it did buy her team time to escape... unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about her. The Tiger was drained both mentally and physically, which made escaping impossible. She knew this was probably her last moments, so before she drifted off to sleep, she smiled and gripped her gun tightly. However, when the dark-skinned woman woke up hours later and found herself chained, she cursed and shook her head. Oh great... I didn't die after all. She said to herself as she looked around the room before she heard and watched Tyreen enter. Is it the pizza guy? Amara replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes and tugged on the chains. A huntress? Is that supposed to be you? Amara asked as she looked the other woman up and down. Actually, I was wondering what you had in your teeth. She replied before she hissed as her hair was pulled back, a hint of fire in her eyes as her tattoos sparked green. You really shouldn't let a tiger regain its strength - it might just bite your head off when it does. The professional fighter commented before she blinked a few times in confusion. Wait... What? She asked as she looked around for the cameras until she felt Tyreen's hand trace her arm. It was almost gently yet it held a certain venom underneath it as the two sirens looked at each other. When her hand moved up to cup her cheek, Amara felt herself blush a bit but kept her eyes focused as she felt a warmth between her legs. Is this some kind of henti fetish because I'm not surprised. Or is it because you just like girls with muscles? Amara asked before she grunted as her hair was pulled tighter, a mixture of pain and pleasure pulsating through her as she bit her lip. L-let me guess... You'll record all of this for your followers? It was a simple question and even though Amara didn't see any cameras, that didn't mean there weren't any there. She figured there was some kind of trap involved in all of this, she just needed to figure out what it was before she attempted to escape. "Being the Princess of the Sun was a glorious thing. When every pony looked up to you, it was hard not to be filled with pride. Not so much pride at oneself but rather pride at seeing how those you served grew and developed into their own. Seeing a young foal go from barely able to stand on her legs to a powerful speaker and leader was one of the most satisfying things in Celestia's life. She had seen it firsthand with her own star pupil and her friends. Yet it wasn't just there that the seeds of growth she helped to plant grew. Many of those in her court she had known since they were starting out, and now she had cultivated a castle filled with those that she could trust, rely on, and call upon when needed. Unfortunately, there were things that she couldn't call upon her friends nor her underlings to help solve for her. Currently, a pony named Sunny Shores was standing in front of a strange shop. The mare stood slightly shorter than the average pony, with a pure white coat and pink hair that was drawn back into braids. Her eyes were a shining blue, and her tail was cut short and perked upwards. She had on a very plain light yellow sundress, one that was just common enough not to draw attention, yet fashionable enough to travel through the streets of Canterlot without looking out of place. She had on a large brown rimmed hat and pink sunglasses, along with small high heels that clacked as she walked. It seemed she was going more for the 'innocent mare on the street' feeling, which worked out well for her since she was going anywhere but innocent. With a small inhale, "Sunny" stepped forward and gently opened the door to the shop. There was an electric tingle that went through her as she did. She was about to embark on something rather risque for any pony, let alone a Princess. She was about to go into something that she hadn't indulged in far too long: desire. If this mare she was recommended to was to show her anything, it would be something that she had desperately lacked in her own life: true, and complete, submission. With one more sigh, she opened up the door to the shop and stepped inside. ,"And as "Sunny" went through the door, a chipper bell jangled. At first glance, The Gilded Bridle seemed like just another clothier or perhaps an eccentric boutique selling fancy hauling tack. But upon closer inspection, it wasn't until one saw that those weren't tops but corsets, those straps and buckles weren't for pulling heavy things but holding one down. Still, the place was decorated welcomingly, albeit with a few darker colors than was typical. The layout was much like a wagon wheel, the central area wide and filled with more pedestrian lingerie and corsetry, while the spokes of the wheel were alcoves outfitted with all manner of leather gear. Tall, shiny boots here, a full hood there, and in between were things that only an experienced pony could identify. In the back, a small sign reading "Toys" pointed up the stairs. That was where the knock of steps came from. "One moment!" called the rich voice from above, and soon a mare appeared, trotting quickly down. Her coat a dark plum while her mane and tail were both a brilliant silver, the former styled to drape down to bubble down the left side of her face. Her lean figure was presented politely in a burgundy leather vest, contrasting with the bright and colorful gypsy skirt that danced around long legs as she came down. The unicorn's violet eyes brightened at the sight of Sunny. "Well hello." The offered smile was welcoming, reassuring. This was someone she'd never seen before, one who looked downright demure, and she didn't want to scare a curious mare off. "How can I help you?" "Cracked roads, weary old walls and a poorly groomed architecture to crowd the territory; dark ambiance of Gotham certainly displayed a major divergence from the city that housed the iconic T shaped building where the titans operated from. A less intruding city for sure. And a lack of sunlight at these later hours of the night wasn't enough to hide this large towns infamous corruption. Even the mere act of walking through its shady alleys made the young heroine feel dirty. Although she could be considered to be foreign to Gotham, the young woman was acquainted with crime and misdeeds, which this place had a dark reputation for offering plenty. Appearance-wise, the pale titan, who paid the city a hopefully short-term visit, did actually fit Gotham s dark nights rather well. Distinct moodiness that accompanied her presence blended in with the musky environment as if the 20-year-old crime fighter belonged here. Especially after dusk, the smart move would have been to stay away from suspicious dark corners of the town. A good advice the titan, who traveled alone, didn't necessarily need to follow. She wasn't scared to venture deep. After all, she was no ordinary citizen or human for that matter. A demonic heritage crawled under her skin, Raven packed a surprisingly hard punch. Not in a literal sense perhaps, since her petite frame imposed no real physical threat, but the powerful magic she possessed made her a considerable opponent. Thanks to the mystical abilities she had, the blue-haired demon hybrid would consider herself to be the strongest among her own band of heroes. Plenty of arrogance came with her powers. Enough reason to make her think that any lowly outlaw who ran wild in this place was just out of her league. Her pale legs shone out in darkness, giving the night some contrast whenever she took a step forward. Muddy water splashed under one of her boots as Raven stepped on a small puddle. Wonderful She paused to look down for a second. Her costume didn't hinder her motion as the blue-haired heroine kept moving. A dark leotard hugged her form closely and left her pretty legs bare. Tight fabric of her costume took the shape of her alluring frame, following her soft curves to define them rather well. They were not open to a bystander's admiration though. A hooded cloak draped over her shoulders and curtained the pleasant view of her lithe body. In this shady part of the city, where the narrow alleyways formed a complex maze, it was easy to get lost. Every building Raven walked by looked like the next. They all looked very similar to each other in fact. Her immediate mission was to uncover a villain's malignant plans. An evil project that could spread beyond Gotham's borders. A side objective would be making one of the villain's goons talk. Unlike others, the young heroine didn't opt to use a map or a technological gizmo to find her way around. She trusted her senses and liked to follow her instincts. Tonight too, they wouldn't let her down. Her violet eyes examined a distinct figure in the distance. Interesting. The young heroine talked to herself. Under the moonlight, she began to follow him, not feeling the need to hide her presence behind the man. Unhurried steps of the woman led her to a dead end where her target stood. Isn't it past your bedtime? Soft thuds of her boots stopped a few feet away from the figure. Want me to tell you a story? Although the heroine didn't stand tall, her confidence made up for that, almost.,"It took a while for him to find it, but after fumbling around the darkness of the alley, he finally felt the mark on the wall signifying the drop was here. Crouching down, he coughed into his hands before feeling the brick around mark. Two bricks left, one brick down. He repeated the code to himself in his head, his fingers tracing to the left, feeling the edge of the next brick, then the next. Two bricks left, one brick down. Moving his fingers down on brick, he felt it shift as he pressed against it. Yes, this was it. Pushing it in, he felt a contraption click and a small hatch beneath his fingers opened. Inside was the package his boss wanted. After carefully placing it into his duffel bag, Seth placed the brick back into place. He wore a black jacket over his brown t-shirt. He disliked the typical hooded jacket the other henchmen went for, as he thought it made them look obviously shady. At least he could pretend to look good and normal instead of like a street thug. Looking behind him, he saw nothing, met with only the dark silence of the alley. Good. Sighing in relief, he breathed heavily for a few seconds before going back up and towards the main streets. He had to make it back as soon as possible, but he didn't want to attract any attention running around the back-alleys at this time of the night. He had an important package on him, one that could secure his promotion once he delivered it safely. It had taken him months to get to this rank within the organization, and he wasn't going to let a small or stupid mistake cost him all the hard work he had done. He only got one step forward when the figure appeared in front of him. Wha-Who the hell was this?He was surprised at the feminine voice that rang out. He looked up to see hooded figure, her womanly outline clear even in the darkness. Oh no, was this one of them superheroes the boss always talked about? "Wha-what do you mean, I was just heading back home." His body was unconsciously shrinking in her presence. There was something mysterious and dangerous about her that he really didn't want to find out about. No normal woman would dress like that with a leotard and cape. As he looked down to avoid her eyes, he glimpsed her smooth, pale legs. Mesmerized by them, he stared for a few seconds before blinking away. "Did you want something from me?" He asked. He was going to play off his innocence. He didn't see and hear anyone when he entered the alley, so he was sure she didn't know what he was up to. She probably stopped him just because he was acting shady in the middle of the night. "I couldn't sleep so I just came out for some fresh air." "Rukia sighed boredly as she folded her arms behind her head, laying in Ichigo's closet and staring up at the ceiling. She was alone in the house, Ichigo having gone out with his friends, his sisters staying at friends houses and his father away at a conference. "Geez...Ichigo could've at least had the decency to invite me out with him instead of just dumping me here," The girl grumbled for a few moments, then blinked slightly as a realization hit her. "....I'm all I think about it...I haven't been alone for a long time." A sly smirk started to spread across Rukia's face, then she quickly sat up, tugging off the dress she was wearing, tossing it out of the closet to the floor of Ichigo's room. It was followed shortly by Rukia's bra, then quickly by her panties, leaving Rukia completely naked. Her small but perky breasts poked from her chest, just above her smooth flat stomach, running down to a hairless pussy and a...cock? Rukia was rather gifted among Shinigami women, the cock hanging limply between her legs, dangling about 3 inches down, only as thick as her finger, but that would soon change. One hand went to Rukia's breasts, squeezing them, then pinching her nipple, gasping at the sensation, her cock twitching. Her other hand went to see to that twitching, wrapping around the small cock, squeezing and stroking it, encouraging it to begin growing. Slowly but surely, it was growing longer and thicker. With every breath Rukia took, her cock twitched and grew more, every passing second bringing it more and more to fruition. In only a few seconds, Rukia was now at full hardness, and it was quite the transformation. What had been a thin, three inch limp cock had now become an 11 inch long, 2 inch thick, steel hard flesh rod. "Mmmm...hey's been a long long time," Rukia licked her lips, now using both hands to grasp her cock, starting to pump it, groaning loudly. Oh how long it had been since she felt this, since she had even had an erection, let alone been able to please herself in this way. Leaning forward, Rukia started to lick at the tip, lapping up the precum that was now pouring from her, the clear liquid smearing over her breasts and stomach, her moans of ecstasy echoing throughout the house.,"Ichigo had returned home a bit earlier than expected. Rukia was far too busy to hear him walk inside. He did not see her in the house as he looked around. Usually if the house was empty, she would be looking around in amazement at all of the human conveniences. He walked up to his room slowly feeling tired and would take this time away from both his friends and his newly acquired shinigami duties to take a nice nap. When he got to his door, he began to hear the soft whimpery moans coming from his room. He got extra quiet and slowly went in, only to find his room empty. He listened closely and could tell that they were coming from the closet. The streetlight beside his window was perfect for lighting up his room. It also filled his closet with light because the closet door had gotten jammed recently and did not close all the way. Ichigo got low to the ground and peeked into the closet to see what was going on. He almost fell backwards when he saw the source of the muffled moans. He couldn't believe it and had to take everything in slowly. He couldn't look away as he watched Rukia's tiny mouth and soft lips hugging her swollen cock head. He could see her throat move as she gulped down mouthfuls of precum that had built up and she let savored on her tongue. Every now and then her tongue would slide out and lick around her head in small fast circles. By doing this, it caused both precum and saliva to fall from her lips, down her chin, and to her already glazed chest. He then noticed how sexy her tiny breasts looked as they shone in the light due to the wet mess that covered them. His eyes then looked at the long thick shaft that was being worked on by her small hands, which only made the cock look even bigger. The size was amazing and it was so thick and throbbing. He also saw how her thighs were also wet and shiny from the extreme sensations must have caused her pussy to become soaked. Ichigo could not move or think. His cock had never felt more stiff in his entire life as he watched a tiny girl enjoy her gifted body. "Marley Scott didn't know what to think of everything. Four days ago she had been getting home from a quick holiday trip to San Francisco to see an old friend of hers, and now she was trapped behind tall, metal fences with a military presence and little idea of what was going on outside. She had heard the news of course, and had seen the videos, but beyond that she had no idea what was happening outside the walls - she didn't even know how her own cat was because she happened to be at her friend Clare's when the military moved in and she had not been allowed to leave. For the last three days, the redhead had been rather wary. As a teenager she'd been in this neighborhood many times before - not because it was her own, but because a friend she had made back when she was twelve and first in foster care had lived here. For all she knew he still did, or at least sometimes - and had it been any other person she would have found the idea of reuniting to be amazing. It wasn't, though. The Clark's kid had once been her best friend, especially back in high school. They had both been loners, both been angry at their "families" and both found comfort and solace in having someone who understood what it was like to feel like you had nothing even when you did. Marley didn't fall down the same rabbit hole that he had, though. Drugs had torn her best friend away from her as she watched him go from pot to pills to coke to... hell, she didn't even know what he'd gone to next. For a few years they'd popped in and out of each other's lives. He would be clean and she would hope and pray that this time he would stay that way - he didn't. In the end it was too much for her, and she couldn't stand having her heart broken by one person so much. After a brief reuniting in college back when she was nineteen, Marley hadn't laid eyes on Nick Clark since. Until now it seemed. The noon sun beat down hard on the LA suburb as everyone made their way central to pick up rations for the day. Marley was at her friend's side when she first swore she saw his face - and still there half a minute later when she became sure of who she was seeing just feet away from her. Fuck.,"Addiction was a fiend - and if Nick Clark tried to say that he was done dealing with withdrawal symptoms just days after the last time he used, he was straight up lying to people. Sure he wasn't shivering and shaking and seizing any more, but his veins itched like a motherfucker and he swore it would never end. Rationally he knew it would, that in a week or two he'd feel a bit more human again, but he didn't want to wait a week and he didn't want to feel human. Like time and time again, all he wanted to feel was high - but now they seemed to live in a world that wouldn't afford him that pleasure. Just a week ago he had watched his girlfriend saunter towards him with gaunt, gray skin and sunken eyes and the blood of one of their other junkie friends all over his face - he'd put a bullet in his friend slash dealer not even a day later. At first he had just been minding his own business, walking alongside his sister and mother towards where the military had set up a station. It was rations day which meant that they were being given a supply of basic necessities, and he had come along at his mother's insistence. As soon as he got there he wished he hadn't though - because though the dead were literally walking, it seemed that the metaphor was running true as well. Was that Marley? It only took a minute for his heart to sink as he realized that the curly haired girl just a few people away was in fact an old friend... and someone he knew he had disappointed time and time again. He immediately felt awkward, especially when she looked over to him just a second later and the same quizzical expression formed on her face that had likely been on his moments earlier. Confusion turned to understanding turned to -oh. He should probably do something about that, so he put his hands in his pockets and told his family he would be back in a moment before strolling over towards the redhead. "Uh... Hey, Mar. It's been a while." "Richard Grayson was a man of many talents. Not only was he an acrobat but he was also a detective, crimefighter, leader, hero, and lover depending on who was asked. All the same, it was still strange walking up to the doors of Shadowcrest. The place was magic alright. He was lucky Z liked him or he would have never found this place without calling first. But where would the fun be in dropping in on a magician if you couldn't surprise them? Someone had to keep the trick makers on their toes right? Besides, she wouldn't turn him out, would she? Who could resist him when he gave them that smile and asked for a little favor? He smirked to himself at the thought. She could kick him out with ease if she wanted to. He just figured she wouldn't. Dick headed up the stairs towards the door and knocked. It had been a while since he'd seen her. He'd gone off to take care of Bludhaven as Nightwing, and while she'd done a show or two there, she'd never stayed long. It wasn't a grand city like Gotham. He'd spent a good year or three now working on cleaning up those streets. A few bumps here and there that needed recovery. Making his own version of a Batcave there without quite as much financial support. Flipping over rooftops in the fresh air and using his escrima sticks to knock sense into criminals. Or just knock them out with all the evidence needed to arrest them in a fair trial. He wasn't Batman. He made sure there was surefire proof when he left criminals out like a light. No weaseling out of court on a technicality. But for the moment, for now? For now, he wanted a little freedom. He'd been there fighting crime for a few years. He still loved what he did and loved that city but he needed to rest. Everyone needed rest whether they admitted it or not. Gotham was an odd choice, perhaps, given his history with it, but he thought that with Z around maybe he could get some rest in. Maybe a few longer nights than others but that was a different kind of relaxation. At the moment, clad in jeans and a shirt with the Nightwing symbol emblazoned on it that he'd bought in Bludhaven on a lark, he stood at the front doors of Shadowcrest with a suitcase at his side and a smile on his face hoping she'd let him in.,"As he knocked on the door, he wouldn't initially receive a response, the grand manor seeming abandoned from what Dick could see from the front door, no lights on...almost as if its mistress was away for any number of reasons. That is until he felt his feet go numb suddenly before the front door swung open to an unlit interior, his body gliding along the floor inside of it's own accord before he heard the door slam shut and lock itself shut. "Well now...I certainly wasn't expecting visitors, but I guess I can make an exception for a tired little bird in this case." Came Zatanna's sultry and silky voice, sounding amused at his presence as it let out a small chuckle. "Let go of the suitcase, I'll take care of it. I'm in the den which I'm sure you can manage to walk to without collapsing." Her voice continued, the former boy wonder finding his suitcase disappear from sight the moment he released its handle, along with a gentle nudge forward to urge him to go find his hostess where she said she was present. Upon entering the den, he found her laying on a chaise lounge, wearing only a black silken bathrobe that gave him an unrestricted view of her lusciously long and shapely legs, which were often encased in her famous fishnets. In front of a laptop, which she closed before looking up at Dick. "Good morning Dick dear, come sit with me would you?" She asked in a honey sweet tone, possibly making Dick wonder whether or not she was flirting with him as she sat up in her seat and curled a beckoning finger at him. "So how has Bludhaven been since the last time I performed here? Can't be good if you're looking as exhausted as you do. Can I get you coffee or tea or would you rather come lay down beside me to take a little snooze first?" She next asked, her tone telling him of her sudden concern about how exhausted he looked while her eyes held a playfully mischievous glint. "The day it all started was a very special day. But the thing about 'very special days' is that they're only recognized as such in hindsight. Sure, after a few years, one is gonna go about saying 'the signs were all there' and 'if only I'd been more observant'. But the truth was that nobody noticed it. Because the day in question was not special from beginning to end, and it was certainly not special for everyone. It started as a normal, same-as-everyday kind of day. People went about their business, getting to work, enjoying their weather, doing whatever the fuck they wanted. It was just another day. At least for all but one person. After waking up on this far too sunny day (why was it already this hot when it wasn't even summer yet?) Felix knew today had to be 'the day'. It had taken him a shamefully long time to finally gather enough courage for him to even attempt thinking about a confession - but that would all end today. He simply knew it! Was it the sun which filled him with confidence, the beautiful dream he had of her last night, with their skin pressing against each other, sweaty hair mixing through their passionate tumbling... he shook his head. As much as he wanted to remember this dream - he would probably write in his diary later on - he needed to prep himself for today. Stepping in front of the mirror in his room he eyed his reflection. His short brown hair, his soft facial features giving him the look of a rather young person, his toned body (he did not work out for no reason, after all) - all good. Sure, he wasn't the tallest guy, but hey - size was overrated. He more than made up for it with sheer charm, intelligence and modesty. Yes, his looks were fine, but it was his personality that would really win her over. He eyed the outfit he had prepared for today: a short shirt that accentuated his build, slim jeans and his trademark cap. After a quick shower he would go outside and finally make her his and his alone. Yet as he let his mind wander, the images of his dream replayed vividly like a movie in a theater. Oh, how he longed to see her, to feel her, to touch her supple skin and smell her scent! Her body was temptation and her smile pure seduction! Other people would probably kill for her, but he was a moderate guy - yet even with his incredible self control he would probably commit a crime if only it meant for her to belong to him and him alone. He closed his eyes, remembering how he had dreamt about letting his hands roam over her body... over her curves... to rip open her outfit and do the things to her every man in existence wanted to do... His hands had traveled downwards while he fantasized about her, soon arriving between his legs. Oh, what harm could a little fun do? The shower could wait, after all. Sweetie, do me a favor and wake up already, will you?" Her mother's voice startled her awake from a dream that had gone on for too long. How long had she slept? Since the sun was already high up on the sky it seemed she had slept in quite a bit. Well, that's what you got from staying up for far too late... A knock on the door made her groan just as her mom spoke again. "Come now, get up already! You know I'll be going soon and I want to say goodbye to my baby girl - preferably not while she's still half asleep! Now, tip top! Get up sleepyhead." She heard a chuckle from just outside the door. Her mother knew she did not care for those nicknames one bit. That was probably her trying to get her agitated, to get her to get up. Well, she was right, after all. They had planned for a shared breakfast before her mother went on her business trip. She was visiting her father a few towns over. He worked as a Pokemon breeder and had gotten involved in a rather important job, one that required him to stay on location for a few months now. Her mother, a reporter for a local radio station by trade, now and then reported on the project, or at least about what was publicly available about it. These last few weeks had been rather lonely in this house. Her mother spent half of the day outside, what with her job and all, and her father was away at the project. And today she started her one week vacation with him, both of them deciding to take a break from all this work and getting some peace and quiet for a while - which was probably why she wasn't going with them. "Be honest with us - having the house for yourself isn't actually bad, is it? You need not lie to me. When I was your age, I would've loved to have some peace and quiet from my obnoxious parents!" her mother had said with a laugh. So she had proposed for them to have breakfast together (it had been quite a while since that had last happened, what with their daily schedules and such) and had pestered her about it until she agreed. "I'm still waiting !" her mother said in the kind of annoying sing- sang voice all parents seem to learn how to do to immediately annoy their children.,"A low groan echoed off her pink pillow decorated with Squirtels, the waking noises of a teenage girl like the rattle of a snake. Emery's eyelids only faintly came open, an aversion to the light of day that was shining through her window and the open door of her room. This couldn't be happening... how could anyone sound so chipper at this hour? Her head was still on the pillow as her mom began to ask her questions, the nagging incessant enough that she knew she couldn't escape it until she answered. Yeah, I'll get to sleep in once you leave. She tossed the blanket off of herself, a soft white t-shirt and blue panties the only clothing hugging to her slender figure. I wouldn't hold it against you if you just left now and let me sleep... her voice was like gravel as she tried to garner the energy to continue. Her hand slipped downwards on her body, scratching her pubic mound under her panties where a tuft of hair crowned her womanhood. Rolling off the bed, she only barely got one leg to the floor to catch her body before she would have plummeted to the carpet. Groans and moans were the only language she spoke as her mother rushed her along to breakfast. Emery didn't even bother to get further dressed, the comfort of home full of complacency and comfort that the need to cover her panties or put on a bra over her flat chest seemed negligible. Rubbing her eyes, she simply pushed past her door and made her way to the dining room where her mom awaited. Uhhh... good morning, Bingo. She yawned, patting the Arcain on the head as she passed the large fire dog pokemon. In turn, the pokemon's nose began sniffing, poking at the front of her crotch as the essence of her maidenhead wafted through the sensitive pokemon's nose. Stop it, Bingo, she shoved his face back away from her panties, scratching her stomach as she turned the corner to the dining room. Alright, mom... I'm here. You win. Her strides were reluctant as she made her way towards breakfast. "The lives of two young noblewoman were about to change, although not in the manner they would ever imagine. Everything started off as a normal day yet at the end of it, they found themselves waking up in cages with their wrists bound tightly behind their backs and gags in their mouths. If they bothered to look around them, they would find many others in cages and in front of them were a number of people wearing masks. A man stood up in front of them with a microphone in hand as different cages were brought forward, and person after person were being bid on. The black market...a slave auction more like it. Something that many nobles had tried to ban but there were many who enjoyed the concept of slavery. Buying people just to treat them as nothing more than some toy to do with as they pleased. And there were some whose favorite slaves to have were those that when they first got them they were nothing but fighters, but in the end they turned into nothing more than a broken toy. Complacent, obedient, the perfect slave. Yet in the time it took them to break the person, that once noble would find themselves going through years of torment and training, just to become that obedient toy. It had been two years since the young duchess of Winters family had been taken while she was on her way to a tea party. The once sixteen year old female was now an eighteen year old woman, and had only grown into her beauty over the two years. The man who bought her hadn't always be a monster but over the past year he had become somebody that everybody learned to fear. He ruled his slaves with violence and fear, having no qualms about if his actions resulted in the death of a slave. After all, slaves were disposable; they could be replaced. Kaeya Winters was half the person that she had once been, covered in injuries from head to toe yet she didn't seem to make a sound other than counting out loud. Anybody else would have been crying out upon feeling the whip strike their bare back yet the jet black haired female didn't make a noise at all other than count. Tears fell down her cheeks but that wasn't about it. She knew better than to make a noise other than count, just as she knew better than to stop counting. It would restart the punishment all over again. She internally screamed for somebody to help her, anybody. No, she just wanted to be free from this vile man and return home...and step up into her role as duchess now that her parents were deceased. Step up as duchess and take over her family's toy company.,"Analise Harper von Harken was the oldest child of the Von Harken family, whose family runs a series of boutiques and fabric suppliers. At eighteen, Analise had long blonde hair with a hint of red and she stood at height of five foot six inches. She was heading out of the last boutique when she was grabbed and dragged to the slave market where she was going on to the stage to be sold. The dress she was wearing was one of her own designs, which allowed her to move easier but with her hands bound behind her it made it hard for her to do anything even run. Azreal was leaning back in his chair when he felt the cry for help from a human. This had him sitting up straight and smiling. "Yes, come on keep crying for help," his eyes glowed as he said this, causing most humans to run away. Azreal stood up and moved to the circle, waiting for her to call out again. His tail twitched as he waited for her to call out again. "The scent of old parchment mingled with the faint stink of burnt wood wafted through the secluded little alcove of the library where they sat. Scrunching his nose, Templar Cayden hastily snuffed out the little fire at the edge of the large rosewood table, shaking his head exasperatedly all the while. "Remind me why I agreed to help you again?" he groaned, coming back to sit beside the young woman he was talking to after he'd made sure the cinders had died out. The old Knight Commander wasn't exaggerating when he said to keep your armor and shield upon you at all times when dealing with mages. If it weren't for his plated armor and quick reaction in forming the anti-magic barrier, he would've been burnt to a crisp. Not that he'd ever get an apology out of Aria. She would probably crack a joke and go back to her dusty tomes if he knew anything about her. And the thing was, he did know quite a lot about the red-maned elven maiden. Quite hard not to, when the two had practically grown up together in the tower where the Circle of Magi was housed; Cayden given to the Chantry as a babe, and Aria arriving soon after when her powers manifested. Despite the two of them being Templar and Mage and being of different races to boot, they had grown up to be the best of friends, and eventually came to love each other, as was natural when one locks men and women together in a tower with nothing to do. Yet, their relationship was secretive, in every sense of the word. Templars and Mages don't fraternize after all, and those that do mingle with the other are viewed with suspicion from both sides. Sometimes, it was tiring, running circles around everyone just so they could share a kiss or talk about their days. He could even say it was exhausting. Not to mention, it broke his heart every time one of his brothers lobbed insults at slurs at her and he could do nothing but watch on the sidelines. But it was moments like these, where there was no one to judge them and they were free to be themselves, laughing and smiling as young people should, that made all the trouble worth it. Even getting almost turned into a human steak. "Are you done throwing your spells at me? I'm itching to get out of this unbearable hunk of metal," he said with a grin, giving Aria a soft peck on her forehead as he settled down on the plush cushions, his armor creaking with every moment. She was studying for the last examination before she could undertake her Harrowing-- a dreadful affair he would rather not think of at the moment. His sword and shield were neatly laid against the bookshelves on the far end of the alcove, and so was Aria's wooden staff. Shifting in place, he turned to face the elven girl and gazed into her eyes, his own gray hues twinkling with mild excitement for what might come next, after she was done with the books. "It was nice of Wynne to let you stay in the library after dark. I might get a scolding for abandoning my post though." He shrugged nonchalantly, his duties the last thing on his mind at the moment. "You think she'd mind if we, uh..." He raised his eyebrows meaningfully, communicating from his eyes exactly what he was thinking.,"Ifone lived in the Circle, the smell of burning, whether near or far, was pretty much a constant smell; fire magic, after all, was very useful, even despite the obvious risks that learning it could pose. Though Templars and Mages were far better equipped to deal with sudden magical conflagrations, as Cayden had just proved. Aria had been, for a moment, wearing a rueful expression; one that quickly changed to a playfully exasperated grin as the Templar grumbled and groaned on about their arrangement, him being some kind of guinea pig for her studying. Aria knew it was just for show, better exemplified when Cayden pressed his lips softly to the top of her head. For most of their lives, the two had known each other and had the opportunity to get very close indeed. Though, it wasn't exactly unexpected that two people of a similar age, cooped up in a Tower of which neither could leave, would find themselves attracted to the other. There was just one problem - well, several in actuality, but predominately her being a Mage and him being a Templar forced them into secrecy. She was also an elf, and relations between humans and elves were... fraught, at best. Still, the two of them put on a brave face. They had to, really, although it seemed that Cayd took it to heart more than Aria did, especially when some Templar or other decided to shove her a little and call her a 'knife-eared bitch'. She knew Cayd wanted to step up and say something, but that would bring suspicion on the both of them, effectively ending their relationship, such as it was. Although Ari had been very young when the Circle gave her to them, but even her earliest years were filled with vague memories of racist abuse hurled at her and her family - it, like being a Mage, wasn't something she could change, and so like water off a duck's back, she just shrugged it off. Or at least tried to let Cayd think she shrugged it off. But he loved her, just as she was, so ultimately that mattered more than anything. Except perhaps the Harrowing. Her eyebrows furrowed together for a moment, thinking of that, but although her practicing tonight was all for the benefit of the last exam she needed to pass, she didn't want to dwell on that. Though perhaps, she'd have to bring it up with Cayd at some point - they couldn't just skirt around the issue until it was suddenly upon them. Regardless, she turned to Cayd, eyes twinkling. "I think I'm done for now," she said, voice light. "You've been a very good test subject, I think you deserve a rest." At his own raised eyebrows and suggestive expression, she shook her head, though wearing a smile; she of course knew him well enough to understand what he was getting at, and it wasn't as if she was going to say no against this opportunity. It could, after all, be days until they were able to sneak even a quick, passionate kiss together. "Wynne would mind - outwardly, at least. She has no issues with lightly scolding anyone!" Aria said with a chuckle. "Though I don't think she'd exactly begrudge us this time, either. As long as we do not make a mess and put everything back where we found it." "Hylian history is replete with legends of the sacred times... The stories of the destiny shared by the 3 chosen ones of the goddesses have been told and retold throughout the ages; each tale more extravagant than the last... Before time began, before spirits and life existed... Three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule... Din, the goddess of power... With her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru, the goddess of wisdom... Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world. Farore, the goddess of courage... With her rich soul, produced all lifeforms that would uphold the law. The three goddess, their labors completed, departed for the heavens. And golden sacred triangles remained at the point where the goddesses left the world. In their absence, they entrusted the protection of this world to the goddess Hylia. Since then, the sacred triangles have become the basis of our world's providence. It has also been the basis of our world's biggest calamities... Each iteration of destiny has been unique and has endured even through fragmentation of time itself... But the cycle of rebirth will continue until the end of time. Ganon, the manifestation of hatred and the wielder of the Triforce of Power... Princess Zelda, the mortal incarnation of the goddess Hylia and the wielder of the Triforce of Wisdom... And Link, the chosen hero sent by the goddesses to protect the land from evil and wielder of the Triforce of Courage... No matter the story, the three chosen ones will be reincarnated to the center of destiny, battling for supremacy. Time flows like a river, and history repeats itself.. Over the generations, the people of Hyrule grow more disconnected from the tales and superstitions of the past. The events of the past are obscured by the mists of time and become more myth than legend. Destined for the Sisyphean task of reincarnating for all of eternity by the hatred of Demise, the dark one has risen once again... And as the legend mandates, the dark one will rise to create chaos -- but the hero will vanquish them time and time again. But what if destiny doesn't play out as it is supposed to...? Huu'gh... d'aaah...." Link grunted in agony after the last bolt of lightning rattled his body to its core. The clank of his massive mirror shield to the ground was accompanied by the warble of it gyrating on the floor, trying to reach its equilibrium. The Master Sword had fallen to the ground as the pointy-eared boy's eyes rolled back in his head. After all of the harrowing battles and quests to get to this point, it hadn't been enough. The battle had raged on for what felt like an eternity and the two immutable adversaries were drenched in their own sweat from the destined struggle. The hero's iconic jade tunic was torn and tattered in various locations; stained by the sweat and blood and dirt of the battle. There was a slanted gash across the top of his forehead that had been bleeding profusely earlier, but the battle had caused it to clot already. Dropping to his knees as his mind blacked out, Link could only see the menacing eyes of that grim green face as Ganon lumbered toward him. The wind howled atop the battered ruins of the upper half of the castle and all of Hyrule could feel a dark shadow descending upon it in that moment. Panting desperately, Link tried to will his body to go beyond its limits to keep fighting, but it wouldn't answer his calls. As he fell face down onto the ground, his body involuntarily twitched and tensed repeatedly. This couldn't be... This wasn't what the legend spoke of. The hero had fallen. ,"And as the hero fell, a burst of great and terrible laughter arose. Standing tall and proud, a fiery-haired Gerudo woman towered over Link, her conquest. Gerudo women were tough, stalwart warriors whom even the most talented of Hylian knights wouldn't want to tangle with, but this one was unique. The Triforce of Power gleamed on her right hand that held a menacing, large scimitar while a radiant, golden shield was clenched in her left. Her outfit was the typical, traditional Gerudo fare, but one fitted with leather and metal to help shrug off glancing blows. It was rather risque, all things considered, yet most Gerudo weren't too shy to show what they had. If anything, the bare bronze skin only helped this powerhouse! "Poor boy," she cooed with a sneer, her flaming amber eyes narrowed down at the green-garbed legend. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is just so weak, no? Typical. You just didn't have enough stamina to best me." For as long as it had been remembered, the wielder of the Triforce of Power had always been a Gerudo man, a rarity even in this crazy land. But this story isn't like the others. No, this time the Triforce of Power had been blessed to a Gerudo woman, one who was just as dark and ambitious as all the other Ganondorfs before her. To some she was merely Ganon, but to few she was known as Ganondora. In such short time she had been able to rally the Gerudo and infringe on Hyrule's precious land, set to claim the kingdom for herself and those who followed her. And of course, she expected that pesky, courageous hero to come try and stop her! Ganondora approached the defeated hero and knocked his sword and shield away with her scimitar. As far as she knew, touching that Master Sword was beyond her, so better safe than sorry. She discarded her equipment as well and loomed over Link, kicking him in the side to roll him over. Oh how giddy she was- Defeating your sworn, destined enemy was sweet ambrosia, but even better was deciding what to do with him when all was said and done. "Don't pass out! We've only just started! Come now, perhaps you can satisfy me in another way?" Like a cat with a mouse, Ganondora pounced atop Link and held him down with her firm rear pressing deeply into his crotch. She sat upon him like a conquering queen on her throne, though here she just couldn't help but grind a bit where she sat. "Blood-bending; Korra should have known. But how could she have known? Tarlock hadn't given any indication that he'd learned the forbidden art, hadn't shown any of the signs. Korra knew about it, of course, thanks to Katara - nearly every water bender in the world knew about blood-bending. They also knew that it required a great deal of skill and that the act itself corrupted the soul, unbalancing the one who used it. Which, considering how Tarlock had looked at Korra when he'd used his bending on her, only made sense. The Avatar had been beaten. She knew it. She lay there, slumped against the cold floor of the truck, her eyes hidden behind a thick bandage. Ropes or chains or something bent her muscular form into a bow shape. Tarlock knew better than to leave a bender of Korra's power with any freedom of movement whatsoever. He'd even caught her long hair into the bindings somewhere. Korra couldn't see it, so she didn't know precisely how he'd tied it. It felt as though her hair had been pulled back to some kind of central knot, while other thick bindings wrapped about her muscular frame. Her normal garb still hung upon her athletic frame, though it had suffered at the hands of the mad water bender as well. The blue fabric and fur had been sliced, revealing the deep brown skin beneath. Korra could feel the air kissing parts of her abdomen, not to mention her bared forearms and bits of her leg. She tried to strain against the bindings several times, only to find them quite secure along her. All her straining did was thrust her chest out, though nobody was there to see the admittedly impressive chest stretching out the already straining clothing. Nor could they see the flexing of her rock hard ass as she turned. This is all my fault, Korra thought, pinching her eyes shut behind the blindfold. She could only hope that Mako or Bolin or Tenzin found the scene and thought through it all. Someone had to think that something was up with Tarlock. Really it was Korra's only choice, and that thought alone sent more chills down her spine. How long had she traveled? Korra couldn't tell. She'd lost all sense of time and direction. In this position, she couldn't even fully meditate or get in touch with her spiritual side. Time just crept onward and Korra kept working at the bindings that bent her into this unnatural shape. Then the rumbling stopped. Korra froze, listening intently. Footsteps crunched against the snow. Large ones? Like... an animal? There were more than one, Korra could tell that much. She didn't know what she'd do, considering her position, but she tensed her muscles anyway. A door swung open and Korra felt the blast of cold air hit her. Snow touched her bared skin, sucking her breath from her. Hands soon grappled with her, and she couldn't do more than squirm in their grasp. Korra entered frigid air, air that reminded her of home. Someone more accustomed to warmer climates might feel this chill more; for Korra, it felt almost like a Fall day. Still, she would have worn significantly more clothing during harsher weather. The wind bit into her exposed flesh, and soon Korra felt her body sink into snow. Footsteps sounded around her, and all the Avatar could do was twist in their general direction, straining her senses and hoping against hope that she could pick up something, anything that might give her even the slightest bit of hope.,"Tarlock had won, no doubt about it, but in his victory he had overstepped. He had attacked the Avatar herself, and in his anger had unleashed the one weapon that would make him lose everything he had worked towards. Blood Bending - as much as he hated his brother and father for what they had done - was more than useful for dealing with people like Korra, but there was a bigger problem now. Korra knew his darkest secret, the thing that would ruin all he had ever worked to achieve, and all of his plans. He was planning to take over this city, but how could he do that if the Avatar was against him? Korra's interference had given Tarlock only one solution. He had to break her; he couldn't leave her in a cage for someone else to find or even kill her. If he did, he might succeed in taking the city for five or six years, but Korra would eventually speak through the next Avatar in the cycle and he would be found guilty of that crime as quickly as he did if he just left her to rot. No, Korra's will would have to be broken. She would have to become his puppet, both politically and personally. It wouldn't be an easy task; Korra was a strong-headed woman, in charge, and the most powerful bender in the world. He had done well to bind her as well as he had. The tough rope had done its job, even as he grappled with her bindings and tossed her out into the snow. Walking up to Korra, he lowered himself towards her level, bending his knees so that he could look down at her. His hand lifted the blindfold so that she could see where they were - Republic City was far away, next to a cabin, high up in the mountains. "Hello, Korra," he said, his tone angry and drenched in venom. He would have to cage her or do something to prevent her from bending almost constantly. Even so, she was alone, and Tarlock was not; Naga stood beside him, though only because he was forcing her to. One of his hands was clenched, working the large polar bear dog's blood as he stood over Korra. "You ruined everything, you little bitch," he said, letting out a long sigh. It was the truth, and even now he was spurned and angry because of it. He had to make her bend, break, and he had an idea about where he would start. "But no one will find us up here," he continued. "When they see all the damage to the emissary, they will assume that the Equalists were behind the attack, and that we both have been taken by Amon's groupies. That is the story you will help me tell after I have pounded you into the ground so hard that not even the Avatar State will help you out of the ocean of pain and suffering you have caused yourself." Tarlock was angry but even so, he was going to enjoy what he had planned for Korra. Still, he wanted to revel in this, make her ask what he had planned, and he also just wanted to gloat and see her face as bound and helpless as she was. Turning around, he stepped on her bindings, forcing them to tighten and pull on her hair at the same time. He looked down at her face, expecting to see some pain as her pigtail was pulled on hard by his ropes. Forcing her neck to crane upwards, he said, "Just checking to make sure you're still secure. Can't have you breaking out, can we?" "It had been fourteen long years since that fateful night. The night that he was defeated by a mere toddler. The night that his mother's love saved him. The night that he swore never to love again. Harry Potter may have defeated him all those years ago, but he was back, and more powerful than before. This time though, he wouldn't be so lucky. No, for he had a plan. He was going to defeat the teenager once and for all. It was his scar that reminded him of his failure. This time, there would be nothing left of the famous Harry Potter to leave a scar on. Voldemort sat in the Malfoy's mansion, plotting his latest attack on the brat, and this time he couldn't fail, not with all his followers at his side. His personal army, made up of the most twisted, ruthless, uncaring wizards and witches that the wizarding world had to offer. His Death Eaters were specially trained, the three unforgivable curses drilled into their heads, and upon proving that they could cast all three on living victims, he gave them their coveted Dark Mark. He gave them as usual, but one individual caught his eyes. She was the sister-in-law of one of his best Death Eaters. She proved herself capable, and quickly earned her mark. She also rose in ranks quickly as well, becoming his number one Death Eater. He was enthralled by her. He knew that she had feelings for him, and he finally let her know, his true feelings for her, but made her swear to tell no one, not even her sisters. But as he sat there, he felt the need for something. Something he never thought he'd need, or want for that fact. But it was needed, and he couldn't think of anyone more suited for this task than her. "Lucius, get Bellatrix," Voldemort said, as he sat at the head of the table. "Oh, and Lucius, top floor, no one up there for at least the weekend, I have important business, and expect not to be bothered." He added, as he narrowed his eyes. "That is unless someone would like a nice Crucio tonight, do I make myself clear?" He added, as he got up. "Send Bellatrix up when she arrives." With that, he walked out, his long black robes flowing behind him, to wait for the one true love in his life to arrive.,"Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black was finally free from her 14 year imprisonment in Azkaban for the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom. They had refused to tell her where the love of her life was after he had fallen, so she made them bat shit crazy. The poor fools didn't know they even had a child together. She laughed proudly even as she was convicted, sitting in the chair not like a prisoner but like a queen on her throne. Bella spent 14 years in a living hell, for her love, she was nothing without him even if he didn't know she liked him as such never really letting on about it when she was in her right mind, but now it's blatantly obvious even though she hadn't really said it. Not wanting him to be upset with her knowing love was a weakness but she was madly in love with him, plus he released her from Azkaban and personally trained her. Bella was on heavy duty potions for pain and to try and restore her strength, power, and beauty. Feeling as though Azkaban took it away from her. On top of that having horrific nightmares, she'd wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Recently getting comfort in the knowledge that The Dark Lord loves her in return, she didn't understand it at first nor did she tell a soul what he had said. Bellatrix was just coming back from a mission that The Dark Lord sent her on. Not long after walking in she saw Lucius then listening to what he told her. She nodded her head and went to her room making sure she looked decent before going to see him. Curious to what he wanted to see her about, even though she was tired. Bellatrix made her way upstairs She lightly knocked upon the door, once she was given the okay to enter she did. "You wish to see me my Lord?" She asked bowing low in respect going lower than any of the others. "Neji sighed inwardly as he walked besides his 'partner' for this mission. He had been sent with Uchiha Sasuke on a long term mission in a country far from their home. It had taken over 3 weeks just to travel to this place, and once they had gotten close things had started to get a little...strange. The mission had called for a pair...well, a couple, a male and female couple, unfortunately there had been no suitable Kunoichi available, and so... well, here they were. The two of them were to infiltrate a large gang involved in anything and everything. Drug trafficking, prostitution, slavery, anything and everything, and they were growing all the time, even starting to encroach into the fire country and Konoha itself. They were to find out whatever they could about this gang, and apparently this town was one of their operation hubs. Neji smoothed down the sides of his dress slowly, not looking at Sasuke walking beside him as they neared their destination. Outwardly, Neji was displaying an attitude of anger and hatred at having to do this, deep down however he loved it... truth be told, Neji had many articles of women's clothing at home that he loved to wear, he'd even borrowed Hinata's clothing from time to time, the thrill of it appealed so much to him, though it had always been in private, he'd never dressed like this before around other people. Still, it was for the mission, and of the two of them Neji was most definitely the one who looked most like a girl. So here he was, wearing a long dress, even the bra and panties to accompany it, the bra padded to give him the appearance of a developing chest. "So..." It was the first time Neji had spoken since he had put on the clothing. His voice was somewhat feminine to further enhance the disguise... honestly, he'd practiced that voice for a long time now when examining himself in front of the mirror. "We should go over our story and our objectives one more time... don't you think?","Sasuke had kept his mouth shut about this whole ordeal, Neji had to wear a dress and he was sure that was humiliating enough, he didn't need to add to it with any snarky comments. Now, if it were Naruto that had to do it then it would be free game, but as it were, he respected Neji enough not to torment him. It was a little confusing for him though, their plan didn't seem to be all that well thought out to be honest, the two of them trying to infiltrate a gang by posing as a couple looking for a good time really didn't seem like a well-thought-out plan, more like a last minute back up. Without a word, Sasuke walked beside Neji as they got closer to the town, and couldn't help but give him side long glances. The Hyuuga actually looked really good in that outfit, not that he would say that out loud. Neji just had the body figure to fit in the dress, and the long, brown hair added to the effect, not to mention pretty lips... those thoughts were shaken from the Uchiha's head, he didn't need to start thinking that way, not now. The Uchiha glanced up from the other's side and hip to look him in the eyes. Haunting they were, white with an almost purple undertone and a distinct lack of pupils. "That's probably for the best," he agreed with a slight nod and turned his eyes forward again in hopes to not make the other any more uncomfortable than he believed he was. "Our objective is to find a member of the gang, and persuade him or her to spend some time alone with us, at this point we must find a way to get him or her to give us information, most likely with bribes of joining the gang ourselves," 'or with the prospect of sex,' he added a little bitterly. "Nathan grinned as the Pokemon battle was over, his Raichu once again victorious, though the battle had taken its had been quite some time since Nathan had been in a Pokemon Centre or even a store to buy supplies, and just recently he had used his very last potion. This was a rather bad situation...all of Nathan's Pokemon were rather weak, but Raichu in particular, this last battle had really taken it out of her. As the other trainer left rather dismayed, Nathan hurried over to kneel beside his Raichu, rubbing her head slowly. "Great job Raichu," he said, scratching behind her ear. "But come on, let's see if we can get you some help..." He rubbed her head once more before turning to walk slowly. There was a tiny village not far from here, and while it had no Pokemon Center, he might be able to get some supplies. Ever since she had been a Pikachu, Raichu had hated going into a Pokeball, and that trait had carried over through her evolution after exposure to a Thunder Stone. Still, Nathan didn't mind; in fact, he rather liked things this way. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive in the little village, and as Nathan had expected there was no Pokemon Center nor a real store to speak of. All that Nathan could find was a tiny little store in a back alley, seeming to sell a few items that resembled Pokemon health potions, though they appeared rather... different. Still, beggars can't be choosers. Nathan purchased the potion that most resembled a healing potion, then went to leave the store with Raichu, headed towards the tiny hotel on the edge of the village, getting them a room for the night. "Now," Nathan pulled the potion from his bag as he closed the door to the small room, helping Raichu up onto the bed. "Let's hope this heals you up enough, huh?" He smiled at the Pokemon, then opened up the bottle, the smell rather strong, and while it was rather off-putting to Nathan, to Raichu it would smell absolutely delicious. Nathan seemed to pick up on that, then held the bottle out, slowly tipping it up to allow Raichu to drink the contents, waiting until she had downed the whole thing. "There we go," he said, feeling better already. "Feeling any better?",""Rai! Rai!" The Raichu let out happily as she won the battle, before letting her wounds take effect, nuzzling into her trainer, panting softly, having put her all into the fight, glad he had taught her 'Endure' sometime earlier for just such an occasion. As they left, she let her long, thunder-bolt tipped tail sway behind her as she kept up at his side, having enough energy left to keep herself walking. After getting into the town and finding the back alley shop, while feeling a little unsure of things, tugging on his shirt lightly. "Chu...?" Though, as he bought it and got them the hotel room, she looked on, interested, as he popped the bottle open, and an oddly pleasant aroma wafted into her nose, causing it to twitch, as she started to hop up and down in place, pawing at him quickly. "Chu, Chu, Chu~!" Looking excited, she murred as he tilted the bottle for her, letting the liquid slide down her thought, sitting back as she licked her lips a little, murring. "Rai!" She seemed to enjoy the taste, moving forward to nuzzle Nathen gently, feeling better than she had, tail swishing quickly as she held onto him with her little hands, seeming better already, looking happy at him, nodding. Ever since she was a small Pikachu, he had always taken care of her better than anything she could remember, and she always wished to do her best to make him a great trainer. "Sakura sighed as she ran a hand through her short pink hair, then frowned as she looked over at the other girl, one of her team-mates for this mission. Ino returned the frown with one of her own, just staring at the girl who had been her rival for many years now. Normally the two tended to stay away from each other, but right now they had little choice. They had been chosen for a new mission, the two of them paired up with one of the Chuunin who had graduated the year after them. Neither had met or spoken to him before today, they just knew they were to meet him here. Both girls just sighed and looked away from each other, folding their arms as they leaned against walls on opposite sides of the street, occasionally glancing around for the one they were here to meet. Both of them wanted him to arrive quickly. The sooner he got there the sooner they could get underway and get this mission over with. Sakura sighed and started to flick a Kunai around in her hands, playing with it like it was a toy. "God....I'd rather be on a mission with Naruto than with her...." Across the street, Ino was just playing with a few strands of the hair hanging across her face. "Ugh....being on a mission with that lazy bastard Shikamaru and that pig Chouji is better than going on a mission with her of all people...." Once again the girls glanced at each other, before looking away once again with a scowl on their faces, the anger in the air obvious to anyone who dared to get near to the two girls.,"Komakai was walking along the streets of the Leaf Village. He was happily minding his own business, not really bothering anyone. Well, except for any girls he saw, whom he would take a little time to flirt with. Of course none of them matched Hinata Hyuuga...she was probably the hottest girl in the entire village. She had a huge bust...and he loved a huge bust. That's why he always listened to the current Hokage, who also had a hell of a chest. The perverted ninja was going on a mission, with two people he didn't really know. But he hoped they were girls. When he arrived at the place they were supposed to meet, he saw two girls there, which filled him up with joy. The blonde seemed rather attractive, and had quite the bust. The pink-haired one was cute...but nowhere near the blonde. Oh, ladies! Please oh please tell me that you are my two teammates on this mission. If so, then I thank the gods for such an opportunity to work with you lovely ladies. Komakai did something weird; he held out his palms and a rose started to grow out of each one. Then he plucked the roses from his hands and presented one to both of the girls. Even though these flowers cannot compare to your beauty. ""Fwaahh~" the charmingly cute voice of the young Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY at Beacon Academy, sighed down the hall. "That was a good training session~" she spoke aloud to herself, always such the expressive girl no matter what she was feeling. This day, like most others this far into her semester was a busy day of classes and training which she had just gotten to the later half of and she had some time to kill before her next class. Ruby made her way down the hall to her room, looked in, and quickly shut the door behind her nervously as she walked into the empty dorm with the two sets of bunk beds on either side of the room. This day, however, was only the same as more recent days as far back as last week when the young Ruby had a bit of a mishap that would change her life completely. Though it had yet to be seen if it were temporarily or forever, for better or worse, but it was about to be discovered. Ruby was a girl of shorter height and pale skin with a rather lithe yet toned body. A talented and intelligent, albeit innocent girl with wide, curious, round silver eyes and short, neck length hair that was near black red which naturally faded into a conventional red. Ruby's combat outfit as well as her usual, out of uniform attire, was a tight black short dress that covered her arms down to her wrists which at the end of the thigh high skirt-dress and sleeves bore red, ruffled trimming completely with a black, red laced corset around her waist that stopped just under her breasts. Leggings covered her creamy legs as did thick, black boots with red undersides and finally a red, hooded cape that snapped onto her dress flowed as she walked into the room. But... This again!..." tears dramatically flowed down her over-expressive face as she looked into the long mirror and lifted the skirt to show a rather different appendage down below her waist. Just about a week ago Ruby had found herself sitting in the center of the aftermath of a minor Dust explosion outside where she had taken some of Weiss' Dust, the crystalline energy source of strange magics that only those of richer blood could afford, to study it a bit for her classes. She of course borrowed it without her knowing, with intent of giving it back, but keeping a couple pieces in close proximity and dropping them on herself like when those two first met, had concocted an odd mixture resulting in a warping of her body ever slightly. Dust could be absorbed into the body and used for many things, but unintentionally this time it had created something unlike any other and just a week later Ruby was staring it in the face as the object sprung forth from under her panties and leggings -- Ruby had a cock. Pulling down her leggings followed by her black, red laced panties, her member was revealed. It seemed like it never went down and it was incredibly sensitive; it wasn't too big, only a good six inches in length with a decent girth to match but boy did it spray buckets when she came due to its sensitivity. At first the silver-eyed girl didn't want to even touch it but as the days went on, her arousal made it impossible to think so she took to satisfying it when she could. Today was just too much for Ruby; she tried to tough it out until the end of the day but she needed to cum now. Luckily no one was usually back at the dorm by now, giving her some time to herself before getting ready for class. Her cute pussy was pale like the rest of her, and it pulsed intensely below the black-red pubic hair above and her tight, virgin pussy below that was only lightly obscured by a pair of average sized balls. Clothes pulled up to her thighs and skirt held up with one hand, Ruby, already sweating from her training, reached a hesitant free hand towards her member and gripped it firmly. One pump, two, suddenly Ruby felt something snap and she arched hard, a thick blast of spunk splattering their mirror as she shook and shut her eyes tight -- it was getting worse. Suppressing her sounds throughout her first, premature orgasm, Ruby went to the bed in front of the door and laid down. She arched her back as soon as she started jerking off again but at least this time she wasn't instantly cumming. Her boot heels dug into the sheets as she furiously worked her hand at her cock, grunting her cute grunts and moaning through gritted teeth as her eyes started rolling back. Ruby's thin body began to quiver and tremble as within minutes she felt another orgasm rising. It was just too much; she couldn't take it anymore, and she was in so much pleasure that she didn't even realize she had accidentally left the door unlocked, aiming her cock at the door so that she wouldn't get messy and could merely wipe the door clean afterwards. "I'm... I'm cumming!!!" Ruby suddenly screamed as a thick rope of cum, the first of many, splashed out towards her target.,""Ughhh~." Blake groaned annoyed with today, it wasn't her best and though not the worst. Things had been rather exciting? Well more exciting for others, but not her. She had forgotten several 'special' books which she had wanted to use for 'studying'. She was a girl of fair height, roughly around Five, Six minus the black bow she wore, long somewhat wavy black hair down to the mid back. Amber colored eyes, which almost gave a neat glow in the dark, almost, she was currently out of her school uniform. Currently she wore a black buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. It held her breast snuggly together. Underneath though is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt along with white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg, emblazoned with the YKK logo, made by a popular clothing company in mistral. She also wore a black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. An emblem is visible on the outside of both thighs just below her shorts in white. On her left arm is a detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose scarf is wrapped around her neck and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair. Though the backpack was currently not on. Blake sighed as she opened the door to her teams dorm, only to have a face full of cum? Leaving her in shock. "Rin Tohsaka frowned; she was sure she completed the ritual correctly yet no servant was summoned and no command spells were marked on her body. Worse yet, she found that she had been teleported to a strange and deep forest, the likes of which were rarely seen now in the modern world. Rin was very confused. She knew the teleportation could not have been her own. In all her years of studying and learning magic, she had never even come across magic that could teleport objects or people. Where am I? She wondered as she explored her surroundings carefully. Hello? Is anyone here? She shouted as she walked, wondering if this was part of the War or if she had made a terrible mistake in her summoning ritual. Many of the more senior and powerful shinobi were all gathered in the Hokage Tower, including the Konoha 11. Ino stood among her teammates as the room was buzzing and everyone was discussing what was happening. "Everyone quiet!" Tsunade's voice boomed across the room, and the noise died down as everyone turned their attention to the Hokage. "Right, so something very strange has happened, and our world is right now host to something called the 'Holy Grail War'. I don't know what this really is, but seven people called 'Masters' from another world have been summoned here to compete in this 'War.' I've been told that the winner of the war gets any wish granted for them and those who aided them. Now some of the other villages are using this as an opportunity to invade and claim more lands. We as the village of the Land of Fire must also participate in order to defend ourselves. So the mission for all of you today is to go out and find a 'Master' for us to ally with. It should be easy to spot them as their chakras will stand out. Now go!" As usual, Ino was assigned with her Team 10, and they headed out to try and find a Master. Even though the circumstances seemed weird, Ino tried to think of it as just like another regular mission.,"Sasuke Uchiha had been following the strangely dressed girl in the shadows for awhile. Sasuke had heard the news from one of his informants about the Holy Grail War and the Masters that were now among them. This girl he was tracking had an extremely unique chakra, plus with how she was dressed and her reactions, she had to be one of these Masters. Sasuke decided to go out on a limb and cast a hand sign, activating his Sharingan. He then cast a potent genjutsu on her, one that would make her feel like she was in a dream-like state, making her horny and aroused while also making him appear very attractive when he appeared. For now, he waited to see how she would react. Meanwhile, Shirou was wandering around the woods near Konoha, not knowing where he was. All he knew was he was in his house one moment and in some woods the next. Nothing seemed right, and on top of that, there was a strange brand on his hand. "What the heck is this..." he muttered aloud to himself as he let out a sigh. One thing was for sure though, his magical circuits seemed to be a lot more active and potent now. He could feel the mana flowing through him, but for now...he was just trying to figure out where he was. "Sasuke sat on the edge of the bed, his shirt off and his pale chest exposed. For being fairly slim he was quite muscular and toned for his age at 17. He had to be, given that the entire future of his clan had been placed on his shoulders, and tonight was to be the fruition of a number of plans coming together. It had been a number of years since the slaughter; the near extermination of his clan by his older brother, Itachi. Still, his brother had failed to kill them all, a number of Uchiha had been called out into mission just that evening and had escaped the carnage. Still, there were so few of them left, and the remaining adults did what they had to do to insure the clan's future. Sasuke was deemed the most likely to have the most potent blood of the Uchiha left in the clan, and he had been arranged to be married to Hinata of the Hyuuga Clan mere weeks after the death of his family. They had met only once after the arrangement had been made. Afterwards, they hadn't talk about it or bring it up to each other, and often kept their distance. Sasuke had seen how Hinata had developed feelings for Naruto throughout the years, and thought nothing of it. He would do his duty for the clan. Now that they were both of age, they were officially married earlier today. It had been a village-wide celebration, for the two clans were some of the most powerful and well known in the Leaf Village. It had been an all-day celebration, and both he and Hinata had been put on display all day: saying oaths, kissing, holding hands, and faking smiles. It was all part of their duty. Now Sasuke waited for Hinata to exit the bath and join him on their marriage bed where they would consummate their marriage and hopefully produce a child, one that would be able to use both the Sharingan and Byakugan if at all possible.,"Hinata knew she was stalling the inevitable, however she could not bring herself to leave the bath. She sat staring down at the water, insisting to Sasuke when they walked into their now shared bed chambers that she needed to bathe and clean herself. It had been a long day after all. Plus she did not give him much time to argue as she scurried into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. Knowing if he wanted to enter a lock really wouldn't do her much good. Sure she knew about this arrangement for years....soon after the massacre of the Uchiha family. Ever since that day Hinata watched him from a distance. Curious about who her future husband would be. Soon enough another caught her eye and unwillingly Naruto became the source of her infatuation. Knowing there would never be anything between them did not stop the young girl's crush. Hinata took a deep breath. "Time to put your big girl panties on and go out there," she thought to herself as she rose from the tub, wrapping herself in a light blue towel. Turning to herself in the mirror, she had removed most of the makeup they had applied to her face before the wedding. Her hair was now down by her sides wet from her washing of it. Debating a moment putting on a nightgown, she decided to simply walk out in the towel. Hinata knew there was no avoiding this.... it was the reason for their marriage in the first place. Her face was a light red as she walked out, looking at the well-toned back of her now husband. Her hands gripping the towel tightly as she stepped forward, knowing he would hear her entrance. "How could the darkness hurt? Taliesin couldn't remember pain before the darkness.. The feeling of hands on her body, the pain as her body was violated, too weak to fight back. Raped, beaten... used again and again. For how long? She couldn't remember and when she woke, she wouldn't remember a thing. Only in this pain filled darkness could she remember what they had done to her. Her body being torn apart by liquid fire. Shadow claws toying with the tattered shields of her mind, worming through her thoughts, memories. Searching.. scouring for information. It had hurt, the woman had told her it didn't have to hurt, but where was the fun in that? She'd slowly picked her mind apart, like ripping the petals off a flower, the wings off a butterfly, shredding her past and remaking her as she wished. Then the nothingness had taken her. Her mind and body fracturing into pieces. Even here in the dark, sensation had flashed through. Pain.. breathless drowning.. While those sensations had come and gone, she'd slowly begun to gather the shattered fragments of herself. Some parts were missing, as she put together the decimated picture of herself. Time here in the darkness seemed to have no meaning. Days, seconds? She didn't know one from the other. Each small razor sharp part of who she was slowly placed into the frame of her mind. Too many pieces were missing. The picture was fractured as the mind trying to place the razor sharp pieces together, each cut only adding to the loss. A tangled web. The darkness was confusing. It was her reality, but was it? Her mind screamed at her that this wasn't where she was meant to be, but the small almost childlike part of her that put the picture together seemed content to remain in this darkness. The darkness was safe. Here there was no pain. A floating feeling, warmth.. But no more pain. It was safe. No one could hurt them here. No more pain, no more hurt, no more fear. Safe. If I leave here.. there will be pain.. and I still don't have all the pieces.. not whole.. The woman on the beach had once, perhaps been lovely. Laying in the sand, cuts and bruises covered her face, and any exposed part of her skin. It was safe to assume that the unexposed flesh had not been spared. She'd been beaten, tortured, perhaps more and left for dead. After a few long moments, her chest would rise, just barely as her body took a breath. Her skin was pale, marred in black and purple.. Blood crusted into cuts, the sea water not enough to wash all of it from her. Her hair was silver and gray, seaweed and sand tangled into it. Underneath blue tinged lashes, her eyes flickered. How long had she been there? It would be hard to tell. The sea water having dried out her lips, even relaxed it looked like she had a secret to share, the cut in her lip nor the rough appearance enough to hide it. Minutes would pass before another shallow breath was taken. A small crab crawled from between her breasts, underneath the torn top, the knit of it rough. The skittering of its legs against her battered flesh earned no sound from her. Whatever had happened, she'd been through the mill more than once. Waves lapped at her body as the tide came in, her hands lifted in the surf slightly with each pull and push of the water. Was it not for that slow, labored breathing it might be easy to mistake her for dead. Above her the sun beat down on her skin, slowly burning her. Patches of pale skin slowly turning pink and then red under its relentless gaze.,"It was the Angler who sensed her first. His very purpose, even in this new fae form, was to find things on the edge of darkness and lure them into the deep, from darkness unto death. A year prior, he would have taken this soul quietly, without notice. Now, however, Cirrus served a different darkness - the Night Court. Without fanfare or malice, he lifted the fragile and broken creature from the sands. Without intervention, death would claim her soon enough, and there were things to be done before that. The quiet of the morning beach was broken as Cirrus winnowed to the House of Wind. It was here, in the depths of the royal home of Velaris, that High Lord Nyx first saw her. A silent nod from Cirrus was his only introduction to the situation. However, there was nothing to prepare him for the sight before him. On the other side of the enchanted bars, resting on an ornate bed, lay the most gorgeous fae he had ever seen. For a moment, it felt like the air had been pressed from his lungs. His hand moved to push the unkempt black hair from his face, as if to clear his vision. Not that it had any effect, despite being long enough to touch the back of his neck, he kept it from his eyes. Those deep blue eyes were fixed on this creature. Yes, he saw the cuts and bruises, the sand crusted in her hair. She was a mess. But, she was a lovely mess. Standing transfixed, it was a few long moments before he realized just how foolish he must have looked. Grateful to be alone, Nyx remembered his purpose. Immediately, the cell thrummed with boundless power as he called the magic within him. The shadows in the corners flared to life and a new darkness entered the room. It was a warm darkness, the dark you found on a summer night. It reached past the barrier of the cell, the one way enchantment giving him no issue. The bruises on the young woman faded a touch, the cuts closed. The magic sought the deepest damage, the most important things. His healing abilities were far from perfect, but they suited his needs. A prisoner need not be fully recovered to provide information. While his magic worked, Nyx moved a bit closer to the cell bars. They had no door, only able to be opened by magic, so he stood nearly pressed to the metal. His height, and delicately folded Illyrian wings, made Nyx fill the space, nearly looming over the woman even from the distance between them. There was something about her that made him push his magic a bit harder. He wanted to fix her. So, his power vibrated the walls as he followed his instinct. Still not perfect, he could only fill her with magic, hoping to fix whatever kept her from waking, to satisfy the itch to help. Thus, he stood before the prisoner, face grim with focus, for a moment forgetting how dangerous she could prove to be. "It was an unassuming building of course, nothing to set it apart from its neighbors, no bouncer outside, no hint of the music that seethed within its walls. If you hadn't known this was the place, you must admit, you would never have guessed it. Some say there's a secret tunnel to get in, some say there are any number of ways in, and since you don't think you've ever seen anyone going in or out, you're pretty sure there must be at least a few alternate routes, but this is the place. At least, you hope... Any doubt is banished once you step inside. You have no idea how they muffle the noise or what they use to hide the students that come in and out, but the minute you open the outer door you can hear the heartbeat thumping of the drums faintly. The dark-lit hallway inside is short, with a handful of changing rooms on either side, no genders marked on the doors, just a hand-lettered sign that simply reads 'No Sex inside', and beneath that in smaller letters '(That's what the booths and bathrooms are for)'. You'd swear the handwriting is familiar, but the signature simply reads, 'Management', and with that alone it's pretty easy to know that you won't be finding out who wrote it any time soon. The people who run the club are notoriously secretive after all... After the Changing rooms, the second door, and once you open it, the beat strikes you like a physical blow as you step into the club. The lower floor is massive, dimly lit booths surrounding a color lit dance floor on either side, a DJ's booth opposite the door you entered through where some girl in a mask is spinning records when she isn't stepping back and forth, shaking her bared breasts for anyone who wants a look to see. The booths have curtains, presumably for those who want (a little) more privacy for some fun, though you can see at least a half dozen couples who haven't even bothered, and a dozen more groupings of people on the dance floor doing anything from making out while swaying to the beat to full-on fucking while the music and the dancers move around them. There's an upper ring too, accessible by stairs to lead to several tables, and a bar, perched directly over top of the DJ's booth. You can't see as easily up there, but you don't need to see over the edge to spot at least two more couples in the throes of passion. Now that you look again, you definitely recognize a handful of the faces in the crowd! Or at least... You think you do... Where some are unmistakable, others aren't so certain, and besides, even if you did really know them, the whole saying was 'what happens at Club Beacon, stays at Club Beacon' for a reason. Adam wandered through the club with a smirk on his face; his scar was hidden by some makeup and his hair was changed to be a jet black rather than the fiery red that stood up so much but even with the alterations he was still a rather handsome and attractive young man, drawing the eyes of many interested partners, both male and female. He was only here to find one target though and his eyes roamed the crowds to see if he could spot her. He had heard of Blake joining a team at Beacon recently, a team of young women...he intended to make each of the girl's in Blake's teams into his little playthings before going for her in the end; his ultimate revenge for her leaving him and the group.,"The music beat loudly all over the place as one of the members of the so-called "Team RWBY" entered through one of the entrances of the somewhat shady club. Even if it was named Club Beacon, anyone could see none of the top graded students would hang out in such a place. Actually, that was one of the main reasons why Yang Xiao Long was there all by herself. She had tried convincing every single one of her teammates, from Ruby to Weiss and even Blake, to accompany her there. She wasn't that interested in all the sex and making up scenes, but more in the fun such a new place could bring to her. After all, seeing new faces was always a good and quite interesting thing, right? The blonde woman, wearing her usual outfit consisting of dark shorts, a yellow tank top with her symbol carved on it, as well as a more than gentle cleavage, and a brown jacket quickly approached the bar. Not without glancing at both sides, a wide smirk forming on her lips as she saw the many couples having fun at both sides of her. Quite...the expected view, on the other hand. But it was still amusing, at least to her. "Strawberry sunrise. No ice. Ah, and one of those little umbrellas." She simply ordered as soon as she spotted the barman, smirking even more widely as she simply leaned against the bar and stared at the whole crowd dancing and having fun in right in front of her. Wondering whether she'd be joining in or simply try to flirt with some random guy, or girl, before calling it a night. At least those were her thoughts until a quite handsome man passed by where she was. His face was somewhat pale, yet his features were alluring. That dark hair making the perfect contrast with his skin as the blue eye of his she could spot made his whole appearance stand out even more. Yang simply grabbed the glass with the drink she had just ordered and took a sip. Resting both arms and her back against the small surface as she kept eyeing the quite sexy stranger for a while, without even trying to hide her interest. The quite cocky grin in her lips growing even wider while she wondered whether he'd approach or whether she'd be the one doing so. She wasn't really trying to hook up that night though, especially since she was trying to craft something like a relationship with her recent crush, Blake. But, after Blake's seemingly lack of interest for her, or her suggestion, that night, she was torn on what to do next. Wondering whether Blake's feelings towards herself resembled anything like her own as she kept staring at Adam, now without even noticing it. ""The Hardways" nightclub was everything you might expect from a trendy, west coast type nightclub. You had a cavernous main seating area in the shape of an octagon, easily one hundred feet across. The central area was dominated by an eight-sided bar, with a spiral staircase at its center. Classic beats, along with more modern club fare, was piped in through a several thousand watt sound system with speakers strategically placed around the ceiling, as well as other speakers placed around one of the eight phone booth-sized rooms situated amongst the tables and couches that the many well-to-do patrons lounged around. All of these booths were the main attraction for this particular establishment, constructed of polished slate tile. Various holes were placed along its surface, with sliding barriers that the occupant could open and close to their leisure. Men would then slide various parts of their anatomies into these openings, which the occupant would then attend to. The occupants could charge a fee if they wished, making it an incentive for those who were somewhat strapped for cash. Leroy, the owner, could be called anything but handsome, despite being dressed in hand tailored business wear. He was shortish at five foot two, in his mid fifties, balding, and fat. But for what he lacked in appearance, he made up for in intelligence and business acumen. The "Booths" were his own idea, as he knew damn well that sex was on everyone's minds. He had decided to provide a safe place for consenting adults to engage in such activities, and only charged the occupants of the booth a nominal fee of 10%. He surveyed the crowd, and nodded. It was a full, packed house tonight, with everyone spending quite freely. Life was good. He grinned a little, as a rather innocent-looking forty-something woman, likely a tired mom, wearing a form-fitting pencil skirt paired with somewhat tightly stretched sweater top, exited the booth. She shyly wiped around her glossy, smeared lips, and then licked them clean, as several satisfied men staggered away from the holes they had thrust their manhoods into. She adjusted her glasses, placed a few stray strands of her working-class bun hairstyle back into place, and somewhat clumsily strutted up to Leroy, handing him five hundred dollar bills from the fat stack of cash she had in her hands, just before tucking it away into her purse. He nodded, pocketed them quickly, and watched as she left the area, escorted by two burly men under his employ. Margaret was an amazing woman, and arguably one of his best earners for the Milf niche. His two goons would make certain she got to her station wagon safely, as she always tipped well. The booth changed its lights from yellow to red, as the holes closed, with its inner tiled area being flushed and steamed cleaned by an automated, shower-like system. After a single minute, the booth's lights changed to green, signaling that it was then ready for a new occupant(s).,"In the crowd, close to the now free Booth, something Happened: A very young succubus with the name Meru, age 18, made it into Club and got the attention of a group of guys who were at least five years older than her. Two of them slipped some bags with party drugs into one of her stockings and gave her some naughty attention. She was high and naughty. As they noticed, the three of them entered the booth and the other Guys started to gather around the holes. Inside the booth, Meru and the two Guys started to get naughty. She opened the holes to let the other Guys into the fun too, as they handed them neon-colored condoms from inside the booth and got ready for the two Guys to fuck her ass and pussy. "Halaster sat in his huge, comfortable-looking chair, what with its luxuriant, overstuffed cushions that seemed to mold themselves to his body, making it seem like he was resting upon a cloud. Upon the gilded table to his side was a silver platter, with a green glass wine bottle upon it, complete with a wicker-woven guard around to prevent breakage during shipping. The heavily engraved, gem-encrusted chalice next to it was filled with the freshly opened vintage, its fragrance hinting that its taste was worth a king's ransom. It remained untouched. While the wizard most definitely enjoyed his wine, he felt it best to avoid the many temptations this place offered, and keep his mind sharp. This had been his only time working for the proprietress, and frankly, he just didn't trust her yet. His eyes wandered a little, as one of the before mentioned temptations wandered past him, clad in little more than a filmy loincloth and halter. They did little to hide her toned, statuesque body from view, and did even more to excite the balding, fat, aged male patron that eagerly followed her as she tugged upon his leash. Many more female workers lounged about with other patrons, some male, some female, and others indeterminate. Soft, enchanting music came from all corners of the room, as some of the workers held and played exotic-looking instruments of all types. More than a few of them met eyes with Halaster, using carefully controlled looks to try and stimulate interest, so they might sell him a much desired service. Halaster was old, even by elven standards, but could easily be called a handsome man owing to the power he commanded. He appeared to be no older than his mid forties, but carried himself like a much younger, confident man. His body was anything but impressive, his corded, lean muscles quite visible through the open collar of his robe. His short cropped black hair had streaks of gray in it, as did his well-trimmed beard. They were well trained. For all of his discipline, Halaster was still very much a man, and his arousal was at an all-time high. If not for his thick wizardly robes, he would be pitching a most impressive crotch tent. He just took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and rested his head upon the high back of his chair, and let his mind wander. His ears stayed sharp, listening for any noise that might be out of place. The mercenary cleared his hind, letting it rest, yet still staying awake and alert, a sort of half doze technique he learned from the night watchmen during his time in the king's army. It might have been a few minutes, it might have been an hour. The wizard was brought from his reverie not by a sound, but by an unmistakable scent. Something exotic and foreign, rare, dark, and seductive. Few people knew that such perfumes were made from the chemicals found in the stomachs of cetacean type mammals, but given its effect on the senses, no one really cared. He opened his eyes, and saw a beautifully dressed, and equally beautiful dusky skinned elven female, with flowing white hair seated herself across from him. Her violet shaded eyes sparkled like pools of molten amethyst, and studied him carefully. Her flawless face wore no expression, not surprising given the longevity of her race, and the advanced wisdom such advanced years offer. Halaster uncrossed his arms, and tossed a small leather pouch, stained with blood, upon the low table between them. The Dark elf maiden narrowed her eyes at the small leather container. She quickly snatched it up with well-manicured fingers, and loosened its drawstrings. She worked it open, and peered inside. She bit her lower lip, and then looked back to the wizard. "Did he suffer?" She asked, her tone laced with an acidic edge. Halaster shrugged, and murmured softly. "He begged a lot, and there was a lot of crying." The proprietress's face took on a sadistic grin, as she tightened the leather pouch closed. "Just a moment, and I will retrieve your compensation." She whispered, standing up with a fluid grace, and spinning with a well-practiced, seductive flourish. Her gown blowing in the breeze behind her as she walked. Halaster's eyes dropped to watch her barely covered, shapely rear end sway this way and that behind the impossibly thin fabric. He then let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He glanced to his filled goblet, and reached for it. "Why not?" he whispered to drinking vessel, as if it could hear him. "Let's talk." As he sipped, letting the alcohol mixed with the blackberry base soothe his nerves.,"Over the few years she got to know the elven woman she was on her way to greet, Shirosume had accepted the few requirements. First, she needed to have her ass length raven hair clipped or pinned up. Currently her long hair was twisted into a thin clump on the back of her head, two combs of glass beads making silvery flowers holding the hair in place in a deceptively small bun. Her face framed by the straight cut front sections in a rather distinct style, just at her jawline. Second, she was required to wear at least two pieces of jewelry. Since her hair clips didn't count, she had matching glass beaded earrings and a bracelet in the same small flowers and almost pearly beads. Luckily she had gotten the set for a very cheap price since the main piece, a large collar necklace that was designed to rest down the chest towards the ribs, had been destroyed. This provided sparkle near her emerald eyes and down by her manicured fingers. Nails kept in a small clawed shape and painted with a thin coat of glossy black. A contrast against her rather pale skin. Finally, she was required to wear very revealing outfits. At least for her taste. The compromise had been less than fifty percent of her torso could be covered, and she actively pushed that barrier. Today she was wearing a silvery gray dress, with a crossing top section that worked to hold her full bust while a floor length skirt was split twice in the front at the waist, a center panel dropping between her legs while the back panel hardly fit around her full hips and thighs. Matching silver sandles completed her look, and the fabric had an iridescent sheen that both matched the glass accents and accentuated her dramatic hourglass figure. For a human, it was nearly unheard of. It was lucky this human had a tiny amount of witch and elven blood in her, or she wouldn't have managed this long without being scooped up and corrupted. As it was just being around the working women reminded her how lucky she was. Especially as she caught the eye of the elven woman she was here to see. "Shiro," the woman greeted before pointing to an arm chair near a seated gentleman, "I'll be with you soon." It always made the raven haired woman blush just slightly, how that woman spoke. So without a word Shirosume moved to sit in the smaller arm chair. Her full curves on display as well as a white and silver sparrow tattoo on her hip. It moved and shifted about, showing it was a magical marking. Currently it was the only thing keeping her breasts somewhat in check. "So much time had passed. Time that also felt like none at all. There was a time. A cool night breeze. A castle. A simple reflecting pool. The witch staring back up at him through it. "The truth is," he said, "it?" His sapphire eyes should have shown discomfort at the revelation but they were hidden behind creased lids formed by the far too friendly smile that tended to keep itself plastered to his face. He'd run lithe fingers through his long blonde bangs in an attempt to hide his hesitation. "My, that certainly is a high price, isn't it?" He'd given it to her though. It was worth it at the time. Then again, if it hadn't been, it wouldn't have been the price to begin with. "...Tell me about your current predicament." "Ah, so you do want truths you already know as well then..." And on they went once answered. "... And why is it you're making this particular wish?" "Well that one is certainly easy. I feel as though you're attempting to lull me into a false sense of security here..." There had been fewer questions than he expected and eventually their conversation shifted tone. "...Now, given what I just revealed to you Fai, I want you to explain to me how that other wish of yours could possibly make any sense." He knew it was coming. His demeanor changed drastically at that time. "I can't allow myself to simply die off. Not with what's at stake if that were to happen any time soon. That other wish of mine comes first and foremost, and I won't allow myself to have this one until it's been fulfilled... However. If for some reason or another I were to be stricken down by forces beyond my own control, I would greet my wish to die just as gratefully as any other. Possibly just as much as you would given your own circumstance. It just so happens that a death like that would, unfortunately, be tainted with far more regret than I've ever had in this horrible life." There were times, both before and after, of tender flesh mingling sensually with rough skin. Sweet, happy mewls melting together with low, warm grunts. A beautiful pleasure he'd never allowed himself to have in the past. A pleasure, and a time, that he could no longer allow himself to have going forward. More recently, another time. A moment of desperation where he'd been willing to forego everything; his other wishes, selfish desires, the wellbeing of the ones he'd loved for so long, everything he'd worked for. Even knowing what it meant for him, he'd still all but begged his crimson-eyed companion to simply let him die. For their wishes, their own desires, for the wellbeing of those he'd gotten far too close to and everything they'd worked for. Because he truly knew what it meant for them if the wish he was making at that moment wasn't granted. It wasn't. And it burned him to his very core. As it stood now, time was moving on once again. Irreparable change would taint it. And he knew far too well how much worse things would be getting from here. Welcome to a new world!" Mokona did her best to sing her usual happy tune as rabbit-like feet touched the new ground for the first time. Fai decided to repay the favor, his voice ringing out gently in its ever sweet tune as a broad smile stretched its way across his face. "I certainly hope we've ended up better off than the last time." A chuckle pierced his chest that was perky, but still somewhat hollow, as the distortion around them began to melt away to reveal their new surroundings. Even before the beautiful forest that surrounded them came into view, the sounds of insects and birds, life of all kinds skittering through the brush, and the gentle sway of leaves wafting in the wind managed to relax the tension in his shoulders just the slightest bit. Already, it was so much better than the still, stagnant air of Tokyo. At this point, he couldn't have even brought himself to ask for this much of a treat. "Lovely," he sighed. In neglecting to look over toward Kurogane to see his reaction due to the soreness turning his gaze on him caused at the moment, he abruptly turned himself bodily toward the two children they traveled with. He'd taken a breath to make a gentle comment on the sad state the heavily injured party was currently in, but was forced to pause when his beautiful flourite blue eye landed instead on their distinct lack of being there. He looked around slowly, and surely enough they were nowhere in sight. Tension raced through him again. "Now Mokona," it was meant to be a gentle scolding in that same sweet tune of his, but as he stared at the spot where their companions should be, it took on a slightly darker tone that reflected his immense worry; one that had wiped that cooky smile right off his pretty face. "Surely it wasn't the best time for this again." He knew the moment his attention had set there that they'd need to find them soon. Every single one of them was injured, each moreso than the last. The need already had him opening his newly gained senses in preparation. And had a bright gold color puddling into, and taking over the natural state of his eye.,"At least they hadn't landed in a pile this time... Kurogane ached from the tips of his toes up to the top of his head, which was pounding. Out of the four of them, he had garnered the least amount of physical damage but that didn't mean he was up for their usual dog pile when changing dimensions; and the other three would have wound up even more injured than they already were. Sakura's bloodied body, Syaoran's new Syaoran's weakened state, and Fai... Something gripped at his chest, reaching inside the rib cage to claw at his heart. Fai was likely the worst off of all of them. The small wound on his wrist burned as he thought of the vampire's blood dripping into his own to be fed to the mage. The mage who didn't want it. Kurogane turned to look at his companion and tried not to flinch at that empty smile. He knew he should say something, but no words came. An apology was out of the question. It would be an empty lie, and Fai would be able to tell with ease. He was given a distraction in probably the worst possible way. It only took a moment to scan the area to realize that their young companions were nowhere to be seen, and his own worry matched Fai's. Sakura was hurt, and not just slightly either, and he didn't exactly trust this new Syaoran to keep her safe the way he had the fake Syaoran. Or maybe this one was the fake? Did it really matter? The kid he knew was gone. Kurogane gritted his teeth and reached out to snag Mokona by the cheeks. He pulled the little creature's face cruelly. "So," he started with an irritated growl. Mokona struggled in his grasp and kicked her little feet. "Ow! Owowowow!" She complained, flailing her arms and ears. Kurogane ignored the squirming and just pinched her harder. "Where are they?" "Mokona doesn't know!" She answered. "Are they even here?!" "Mokona doesn't know!" She cried again, and squealed out as Kurogane pulled harder on her face. "The day started like any other day. Every family member of the Kurosaki residence had breakfast, the father causing yet another uproar with the elder brother, while Karin tried to control her patience even when everything was routine. Yuzu simply humbly laughed at the commotion. After breakfast, everyone except Yuzu left the house for their respective plans for the day. Left behind on her own, Yuzu resumed her duty as the maternal figure of the household who does most of the household chores. Since it was summer vacation, this event takes place all the time. And besides the sudden visit to Uruhara's shop, everything was routine. Evening came and dinner passed by swiftly. With everyone stationed in their usual places in the house, Yuzu decided it was time for her to take a bath. She spent roughly 30 minutes or so in there, bathing and rinsing which surprised her since she hardly spends more than 10 minutes while bathing. Something must be wrong with her, or something. At least no one was impatient enough to bang on the bathroom door for her to hurry up. A small consolation, but worthwhile. With that done, she began to dress up. However, for some unknown reason, Yuzu had forgotten to bring her sleep clothing besides her panties. Odd, that never happened before. She never forgets to bring her entire night clothing when she takes a bath. Something must be wrong with her. But she can't pin it down exactly what. She merely shrugged it off, pushed that thought aside for now, placed the towel around her neck with both ends draped over her breasts, left the bathroom and made her way back to her shared room with Karin. "Hey, Karin, something feels wrong with me," Yuzu said as she entered their room. "Just like now..." she added as she took notice of the manner of her speech not to mention she omitted the -chan suffix. She always calls her sister with a -chan, hardly without it. Something is really wrong with her tonight. But before she could say anything more, she felt a sudden stirring within her. Specially around her belly and groin. As fast as it happened, another thing happened that totally shocked the living lights out of Yuzu. In a blink of an eye, as the phrase goes, the front of her panties suddenly bulged excessively until a huge and thick cock tore it apart. From the size of it, it would seem it's around 12-14 inches long. Besides that, it was throbbing, twitching and drooling precum. Yuzu stood there, stunned and motionless...,"Even at 14 years old, Karin grumbled as she examined herself in the mirror, lifting her shirt up to see her barely-there chest. She was sure that by now she would have developed something. Sure, the rest of her body was well-developed - long legs, curvy hips, a perfect figure - except for her chest, anyway. "Damn it," she muttered, tugging her shirt back down as she walked over to her bed, flopping down to lie on her back, waiting for Yuzu to be done in the shower. Once she's done, I guess I'll go for one." She sighed and blew some hair out of her face, thinking back over the day. They had done something a little different - gone to see that weird store owner. He'd been having some kind of sale or something on some 'special candy' as he called it. With Karin herself, Yuzu, and even their older brother Ichigo helping themselves to plenty of free samples. Karin normally wasn't one to eat candy, but... well, it was summer vacation and you were only a teenager once, right? Why not indulge yourself now and again? "Hm?" Karin glanced up as Yuzu entered the room, then rolled her eyes as her twin sister walked in wearing nothing but a towel and her underwear. "Geez Yuzu, you're normally embarrassed to be naked when you're by yourself. What's with the sudden lack of modesty?" The girl chuckled, then raised an eyebrow at the strange way Yuzu was speaking, then saw something...unusual happen. "Huh...? Yuzu....?" Karin blinked again, still lying on her back and gasping as she saw a bulge in Yuzu's panties first, like something was growing out of her, then the sound of fabric ripping as a cock burst out of Yuzu's panties, throbbing between her legs. "Y-Y-Yuzu....?" Before Karin could say or do anything though, she gasped, suddenly falling back to a laying position, grasping at her bedsheets. "NNGH!" Karin suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. For a moment she almost panicked, thinking she might've been having a heart attack from the shock of what she had just seen, but then her shirt started to swell up. "Nya!" Karin arched her back and groaned as her bra was starting to stretch, her chest continuing to slowly inflate beneath. "Oooooh!" There was a snap as her bra gave way, allowing the inflation to accelerate. Before long, Karin's shirt started to rip open, a pair of DD breasts spilling out of the shirt. "Nnnnnngh....oh god...what....what happened....?" Karin's new breasts were huge, firm and gravity defyingly perky. "Jabuku was the spitting image of his great uncle, the well-known and feared Jabba the Hutt. Jabuku sat on his dias, his fat rolls glistened with saliva and slime that oozed from his body and dropped from his large tongue that hung out of his gaping mouth. His feline eyes locked onto the beautiful, youthful figure of Ziana Eris as she was brought into his throne room, his court whispering among themselves at the sight. After all, Ziana was well known in the sector for being one of the best bounty hunters in the sector and not someone to be trifled with. Yet, he let out a guttural laugh at the sight of her and bellowed something to one of his guards who nodded and quickly slapped a collar around her neck., a symbol of her new subservience. With that taken care of, Jabuku turned his attention to Ziana and began to speak in his grotesque language, his massive tongue still hanging from his gaping mouth and his large tail swaying back and forth. "His Lordship, Jabuku the Hutt would like to welcome you to his court," the droid translated for him as he licked his lips and eyed Ziana keenly. "Everyone knows of the powerful bounty hunter, Ziana'll be the jewel of my harem." The droid continued, "To think...some Imperial Senator's son would some how capture you and sell you off to me. I guess you aren't as strong as you seem." Jabuku bellowed out a deep laugh at the end to which the entirety of his court joined in.,""You'd do well to remember my reputation, slug," Ziana snarled, not hiding her disgust in the slightest. The... deal she'd made with the senator's son hadn't included this, and surely whatever he had planned for her was far greater than a disposable sex slave to a Hutt, right? Right? Fuck, why'd she believe the slippery son of a bitch anyways? A guard hit her in the back of the leg with his staff, sending her to her knees. "Know your place, bitch. You kneel before His Lordship." "All of you will pay," she snarled, shaking back a long, loose blonde strand of hair. "I'll be free, and all of you will fucking pay." For a time, silence dominated the throne room, until Jabuku broke it with a boom, boisterous laugh. His laughter spread through his court, everyone there quite amused by her show of defiance. Quite unconcerned about her proclamation of revenge. And why shouldn't they be. She was fucked, well and truly. And if the rumors she'd heard of the Hutts were true, she would be well and truly fucked, until the Hutt lord bored of her, and fed her to a rancor. "It was difficult for him to believe all the drastic changes his life had undergone in the last few months. He had always known he wasn't an ordinary man, but Ichigo Kurosaki had never imagined the extent of his special abilities would reach such lengths. He still wondered, even now, how he had gotten stuck in such a huge mess. Well, actually, it was mess after mess in his life. To the point he missed the first days, those times when the highest threat he could find was an ordinary, simple creature shinigami usually called "hollow". He had never really wanted to know all that much about such beasts at firsts, considering all he needed to know was that he must defeat them at all costs. But, the more he learned about them, the more he started understanding about the fate of the poor, deceased victims, as well as of his own, whole world as well. He'd be willing to return to those simple times, if it wasn't for everything he had gained thanks to that. Especially something he now valued more than anything else in the world. How could he have been that oblivious to it, to begin with? Orihime Inoue, one of his classmates and a gentle and wonderful person who had been his friend for quite some turned out her feelings towards him were far deeper than he'd ever imagined. He had felt like that towards her too. He always had, he only had never noticed it before. Every time he saw her smiling at him like that, every time he heard her kind words...he couldn't help but find himself thinking of such subtle moments whenever he had the time. To the point his feelings became so intense, he had ended up confessing...right after her. It came as quite a surprise someone like her, who was the total opposite of Ichigo's apparently rough demeanor, would feel attracted towards him. But, the moment he learned of that...he simply couldn't let her go anymore. They had been dating ever since then, although it wasn't as if it had been that long since they had confessed to each other. In a sense, it was the same as usual. Only now they were far more sincere about each other's feelings than ever before. As he thought of that, he knocked on the woman's door. Arriving right on time for the promised date, he simply waited for her to open the door for him. He wanted to move in with her too, but it was so soon, everything had moved so quickly, he hadn't even had the time to ask her that. That day though, he intended to do it. Be it to Orihime's own apartment where she still lived alone or anywhere else...he just wanted to spend more time with her. Which is why Ichigo had arranged that date in the first place. Both to see the gorgeous girl he couldn't help but keep missing whenever he wasn't with her and to make a move and get closer to the next step in their relationship. As long as Orihime agreed to it, of course. A similar story went for a certain captain and his lieutenant. The captain of the 10th Squad, the so-called prodigy Toshiro Hitsugaya, had also fallen into a sort of forbidden relationship with his right hand, Rangiku. He wasn't exactly sure whether to call it "forbidden" or not, but he doubted the higher-ups would exactly see such types of dynamics between colleagues with good eyes. Truth be told, it ended up being a distraction more often than not, even while they were on a mission. Still, he was reluctant to let go of her. After everything they had been through, he just felt that woman was the only person he could genuinely trust and lean on. It made him feel weird in a sense, especially whenever he found himself thinking about it (it wasn't as if he'd just state it out loud, of course). Still, he couldn't deny those feelings, no matter how hard he tried. At least that was what the captain in question was thinking after the mission his squad had just had. Things had gotten complicated at some point and both Rangiku and Hitsugaya himself had gotten separated. The two of them ended up fighting alongside, and entirely alone, towards an horde of beastly hollows. If it hadn't been for her, he doubted he'd be able to make it out safely. Despite his feelings, the white-haired male didn't say anything until the entire squad was back at headquarters. Then again, it wasn't as if he'd just admit such things out loud. He just dismissed the rest of the group as per usual and let out a deep sigh, eventually being left alone with the woman in question. Why did things always end up that way, anyways? "You should try to concentrate more on the mission and take things more seriously next time. I won't be able to do anything if I can't even count on my own lieutenant, after all." Uttering quite the opposite words from what he was truly thinking and how he truly felt, Hitsugaya simply let his sword rest against the wall and sat down on the floor. Feeling so tired he couldn't even think of doing anything that wasn't resting for a bit right there and then. He did know he had a report to make but, for once, it could wait a bit until he was fully recovered...right? Besides, both him, Rangiku and his entire squad had surely earned it.,"Trying to decide what to wear on a date with the one she had loved for some time now, Orihime Inoue was going through the wardrobe in her room. To her, the fact that she and Ichigo were dating was a dream come true, and while happily humming she went through the events that lead to this in her head. At the beginning of the year, she was just a regular high-school girl, or so she thought, but after her brother came back as an hollow, she got mixed up in the world of Shinigami's, and obtained an ability called Shun Shun Rikka, which allowed her to fight alongside with Ichigo and her friends when they saved their friend Rukia from Soul Society. After they returned, she decided to muster her courage and confess her feelings to Ichigo, and to her surprise received a confession in turn. After confirming each others feelings, they decided to start dating. After a little while of pondering over what to wear, Orihime settles on a light-green tank top and a skirt of the same color, which was decorated with stripes and flowers. She manages to get her timing just right, because as soon as she had gotten her clothes on, she hears a knock on the door, and skips to open it with a bright smile on her face. "Hi there, Kurosaki-kun!" she cheerfully replies before placing her hands in front of her mouth. "I'm sorry... Hi there... Ichigo," she says meekly and blushing as she uses his first name. But to hide her embarrassment, she laughs out loud with her face all red. "Would you like to come in? I can make some tea before we have to go." She asks while giving way for Ichigo to come in if he decides to have some tea with her. She forgot to put all the clothes she tried back to her wardrobe, and after she moved out of the way, Ichigo could see half of Orihime's wardrobe scattered on the bed and floor. After the mission was over and Captain Hitsugaya had dismissed the rest of his men in 10th division faithful lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto stayed next to the captain watching as the soldiers of the division disappeared into the distance, but soon Hitsugaya's words bring her attention back to him."Sorry to say this Captain, but I think that the one who had concentration-problems this time around was you," she replies back while bringing her hands behind her head and smiling a smug smile at her captain and lover. Following HItsugaya's example she puts her sword to rest against the wall and sits down. She tries to cool herself by fanning herself, and to get her body to cool she opens her already ample cleavage even more, and then proceeds to fan her breasts, which are glittering from all the sweat drops. "Oh boy. That really took a toll on me. Can't wait to get to the barracks and just have a nice relaxing drink after this."she comments knowing full well that 'nice relaxing drink' results in coming to work with a hangover the following day. Rangiku absolutely loved teasing poor Hitsugaya in any way she could, especially after the two became couple. She never thought that the cool and collected Hitsugaya would be interested of her, especially since he treated her like a nuisance every time she tried to get close to him, but she definitely didn't mind that they were now officially together. After getting together Matsumoto's comments and sexual harassment only became more frequent, since she enjoyed seeing how he would react now that they were together. Suddenly the already fun teasing was twice as fun for her. "It had been weeks since Kanye started on his journey. He had spent most of these weeks learning how to track and hunt pokegirls so that he would be fully prepared to catch one. When he finally felt that he was ready, the young 16 year old headed towards a mountainous area known for its high cliffs. Perfect for getting the drop on a pokegirl and capturing her for his soon-to-be harem. Kanye carried a backpack with him which had all the usual supplies. Food, pokeballs, and an item that he promptly got out to look below with, a pair of binoculars. He crawled on his belly to the edge of a cliff to look below, checking for any signs of possible prey. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. The young man was beginning to get frustrated just waiting for something to pop up. "Come on, come on!" he muttered to himself. "There's got to be something around here." With a sigh, Kanye tried to calm himself a bit. After all, it wasn't like a pokegirl was going to fall right into his lap or something...,"Sadly for Kanye, there were two issues with his preparation. One was that he was looking in the wrong place entirely, and secondly, a Pokegirl was about to fall into his lap, in some way. Not far behind him, in the brush, training, was a Cockadiddle. She stood around 5'10'', green eyes, focused ahead of her, and a nicely sized C cup chest. Her feathered body moved quickly with her movements, precise, swinging her English bastard sword around in general attack patterns, preparing herself for anything. The girl's day generally involved training and, when done, and if alone, as she had been for quite some time, masturbating with the hilt of her lovely sword. As her species always did, she wished she had a male around, someone to give her what she wanted: semen and cock, and plenty of it. After a bit of practice, she sighed, placing the sword over her shoulder, looking around; she sensed something. But how could it one came up here anymore. Neither human or Pokegirl was around this cliff, aside from herself, and she made this place her home. Aside from a man, it had everything else she needed. Brushing off her smooth, slender both, her feathers ruffling a little, her tail feathers swished with her firm rear, a grin forming on her lips. Creeping from the brush and forest, she peaked out, bird legs ready to dash if needed, till, her eyes fell on a target, her eyes going wide, and something 'clicking'. Holding onto her sword tight, she pounced, leaping straight over, bounding right behind Kanye, grinning from ear to ear, as she poked his rear end with the butt of her sword. "Well, hello there, sexy. Did you come up here for little 'ol me? How sweet of you...." Smirking widely, she grabbed him and dragged him away from the cliff, turned him over, sat on his lap, and giggled, looking to his eyes as she quickly began to undo his pants. "I haven't had a man in...I can't even remember. I've needed relief for so sword can only do so much. Hope your a strong lad, sweetie~" Licking his cheek, she smirked, using one of her finely feather hands to rub at his nose exposed length, keeping the rest of his pants on, her fingers working wonders on his flesh, seeming to have great manual dexterity and experience in this area. "Lexus sighed some as she woke up that morning, the new day in Tokyo, and she was nervous about going to school, not knowing that there were some bad guys around school. Getting up, she looked around the apartment she was in and growled some. She took a shower, got dressed into that school uniform which she liked and hated at the same time. Her hair being a light/bright blonde with black highlights, she smiled and looked in the mirror before heading off to school. Looking around as she walked past people, she listened to her iPod and swung her head side to side, knowing soon she would probably find a boyfriend or some close friends. She was the most popular kid back in the United States and she loved how she looked. Smirking some as she got to the school, she looked around at the big building that looked like a college or something else but knew it was a school. Sighing some, she went in and looked for her locker, saw some guys looking at her, and got a scared look in her eyes but ignored it, not knowing what they thought of her. Opening her locker, she grabbed her books and put them in her skater backpack that she brought from her town and what her close friend gave her. She slammed the locker door before starting for her class. She shook her head and dragged her feet on the floor, still swinging her head side to side while listening to her music. She didn't know what or who was looking at her, but she didn't give a fuck when she got to the class and looked up, seeing the hottest guy in school and blushing some as he looked at her. She quickly took out her earphones and put them in her backpack, smiling before going into the classroom and sitting down in the back where there was a seat next to the window. Looking back up at the teacher, Lexus couldn't hear what she was saying because of her iPod. Taking her books out of her backpack, she put them on the desk and just looked out the window, rolling her eyes as she wondered what the hell was going to happen today. She hated moving away from so many friends and close family members, and it pissed her off not wanting to do it. She had been pushed into it after getting into a fight with another girl over some stupid thing and being kicked out of the school.,"Light Yagami, was his name. Light is written with the kanji for moon and Yagami for night and god. Just the name screamed success and that is what he was. He was born to be on top, to win, to get whatever he wanted. Why else would he be so perfect? He had everything, yet still wanted more. If you only saw Light at first glance without actually knowing him, you would label him as a spoiled brat who never seemed to be satisfied no matter what he was given. This male was blessed with so much. His looks were almost god-like with his short thick but soft dark brown hair and bedroom brown eyes. The type of eyes that just seemed to look right into your soul and manipulate you to his will. He was perfectly toned and thin, soft firm body and a chiseled yet angelic face. He was tall, standing at 5'8" and weighing 119 pounds. Of course looks wasn't all he had if that was it then he wouldn't be perfect, or at least the closest thing to it. No, he also had talent, skills that people would do anything to have. Then there was his stunning intellect. He was very intelligent, his mind was something not many could compare to, always being top of his class. A hard working honor student who's considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. That was the title he thought himself to be. There was more to him than that. He wasn't Just Light Yagami. The son of Soichiro Yagami who was chief of the police task force headquarters. No, he was someone else in secret, unknown to every human. Light was also Kira. The biggest thing that has ever hit the world. History in the making that what Kira was. His goal was to eliminate all the criminals, one death at a time until his world was complete where he reigns over as the new god! Even if it meant sacrificing his own soul it was worth it. The world was rotten and it just kept getting worse. Everyday he had watched innocent people's announced death on T.V or another rape victim. The world cant go on like this anymore he had to make a change and with his new found power it was possible. He could do it, create a new world of peace, a world everyone desires. He was the only one who could do it, no one else would take the responsibility of doing anything in their power to make this a better world..only he could. Sure he knew killing was wrong, but it had to be done. Those who cause suffering for others don't deserve to live, they don't deserve a trial. That wasn't Justice in his eyes! Day after day criminals got away with their crimes because there was no evidence against them, but not anymore. Now he was the one who judged them, he was the one who decided who lived and died regardless of physical evidence. And his decision for crime was second chances, no trial...Either a simple heart attack if they were charged with worse crimes or accidental death for lesser crimes. Those were his ideas when he first became Kira, a dream of a perfect world, but it showed more and more that he was losing control. The ability to kill he had been given was taking over his mind, making him a different person than who he used to be. He wasn't justice anymore, he was evil but couldn't accept that fact, or rather he was too blind with power and thoughts of being god to care. His goal was no longer for the world, but for himself. He had grown selfish and wasn't just killing criminals but those who got in his way. Innocent or not, it didn't matter; if they messed with him, interfered, or knew too much, he would eliminate them without hesitation. His heart was a dark place, and his thoughts were cruel. In a symbolic sense, he wasn't even human anymore. Light was sitting at his desk with his arm propped up and his chin resting in his palm as he gazed outside. He sat by the window on the right toward the middle-to-back area of the classroom. The lesson the teacher was giving was old news to him so he didn't feel like paying attention. All he really had to do was get the homework done, he didn't have to participate because he already knew the subject. His eyes moved from the window to the door once he heard the teacher stop talking and everything go silent. He looked at the girl that entered. He had never seen her before, she must be new. He could tell that she wasn't Japanese, if he was to guess by looks he'd say she was American. His eyes followed her, turning his head when she got out of eye sight until she sat down a few seats behind him. He didn't know why but something about her caught his interest. Maybe it was because she was a nationality that they don't get much of, so it was something new. After a few more minutes of watching her, Light turned his head back toward the window. An annoyed look then appeared on his face as his gaze looked to something else, but what he was looking at was a mystery. Light growled under his breath and looked back to the window, waiting with pure boredom for class to end. "It was a boring, uneventful sort of day. The sun was high up above, shining down brilliantly, shimmering off the waxy surface of the tall grass and waters of the cool lake. A few bird Pokemon could be heard chirping and chittering rather happily in the trees, but there were no figures visible, only sounds heard. The clouds overhead moved lazily through the tall leafy canopy, as if nature itself had decided to relax and come to an almost complete standstill, though one might expect an explosion of sorts to suddenly tear through the air and break the silence. Nothing of the sort happened unfortunately. The only movement came from a trainer and his partner, a Jolteon male. Both shared the same gleaming green stare, though the trainer was dressed while the Jolteon seemed to enjoy letting his rather menacing-looking spikes keep him covered and looking less exposed, though of course he was exposed to the elements. The blond boy sighed. His Pokemon partner followed suit. "Not a single trainer, Pokemon or battle all day long," the boy complained as he slumped, dropping his pack down on the ground to kneel over the small crystal clear water to splash his face. "I know," his Jolteon, who like his trainer seemed to share the same lust for excitement and action, said. "Nothing at all... today is boring and dull." He sent arcs of electricity surging through his spiked mane, which did well to cover his features. "I know," the boy said, seeming almost cautious in speaking with his disgruntled Pokemon. "We still have a few days till we get to the next town, so we have plenty of time to run into something to do before a gym battle," he said, which seemed to calm the Jolteon down just a bit, but only a bit.,"Oddly enough, the same could be said about the day of another sort of plane, another universe of existence, a parallel one. A somewhat boring, uneventful day seemed to be in store for a young hedgehog girl as well, as she sat underneath a tree, close to Emerald Hill. Lately, things around here had been quiet, peaceful, calm...which to some was nice, but the girl actually found it all rather boring. Generally, when one grows up in a world which is almost constantly under attack by a disgruntled fat man and his creations, you tend to get used to always being active. Being the sort to always enjoy being out and about, Canta had been spending her day just relaxing, trying to get used to it...and failing terribly. "Dammit...I know I shouldn't be hoping for an attack or something, but why can't something happen today?" As she spoke to herself, eyes closed, her ear twitched lightly, sliding open an emerald orb, glancing past her red streaked pink hair, as her scarf began to blow in an upcoming wind. "What...?" Suddenly, the wind started picking up, forming what looked like a tornado or vortex about twenty feet from her, starting to force anything not nailed down to come closer, Canta included. Springing to her feet, she started to drag her booted feet into the grass, trying to pick up speed in the other direction. While not every hedgehog was gifted with the speed of light or sound, she was no slouch...but this close, without any warning to run, she didn't have much of a chance. Letting out a yell, she was lifted off her feet and tossed about, before blacking out. A flash or two of thunder could be heard above the trainer and his Jolteon, as the wind tunnel seemed to form high above the tree, spitting something out of it, as it came falling through the tree, then splashing down near the bank of the little lake. It was Canta, the hedgehog, passed out, hair a mess, shirt pushed up near her chest, and skirt tussled around, with her scarf and arm-sock glove looking close to falling off. "Josh had been fishing all day to prepare this meal, catching rainbow trout, a fish that eluded catching in most streams, but he had found a spot that was crawling with them. He had cooked them over an open fire, flavored with orange-berries and a bit of peach-berries. He and his Lopunny had been together for years now, and had won their way through two Elite Four championships... but lately something was different about her, she seemed to act strangely... but he just shrugged it off and called, "Okay, dinner's ready!" He knew the call wouldn't be necessary, as he knew the scent would attract her from miles away. While he waited, he divided the fish into two servings, one for him and one for his Lopunny.,"Life couldn't have gotten any better for the pokegirl. Ever since her first encounter with her trainer, it seemed as though their empathic bond, trust, and her evident loyalty for him were evident and not even the toughest of situations would be able to tear the two apart. Through thick and thin they stayed together and failure was never an option for the two. The Pokegirl had striven and determined to work hard to be her best in order to please her master, ultimately becoming victorious in the end; true though the need to succeed and please Josh had taken quite a toll on the girl more than once in the past, she overlooked the negativity of it all and just knew that winning was the good that came out of it all. Lopunny was grateful towards her trainer and she knew well that she could have ended up with another trainer; one who was more aggressive, tough, and relentless than Josh. One that wouldn't care for the poor girl in the way that Josh had. It was Josh's gentle demeanor that the Pokegirl felt was what had drawn them together and made their bond what it was today. Dark ivory clouds of different sizes moved lazily around in the multi-colored sky, evidence that the day was coming to a close. The Pokegirl lay upon the soft grass as she gazed upon the sky. Soft, chocolate eyes twinkled lightly under the setting sun's rays, and her brown fur swayed in a gentle wind that touched her bear skin slightly, whispering in her ear as it zipped quickly by. A gentle sigh escaped her as she closed her eyes ever so slightly. Lately, something had been bothering her. It seemed that her bond with Josh had grown somewhat awkward between them - as though he wanted more than just a trainer/Pokegirl relationship. The gentle touch of his hand as he stroked her ears or even the sweet aroma that came off him from his cologne made her shiver, making her yearn for him. It appeared as though she wanted him more than just a trainer, though it frustrated her and embarrassed her to think of him as anything but. Whenever she was around him, tension filled their silence, and it frustrated her not only sexually but also emotionally. Nature was taking its toll on the young Pokegirl, and the urge for pleasure was drawing upon her. She found herself bending over from time to time, flashing her revealing sex to him innocently, though she wasn't doing it intentionally. Nature was a cruel mistress, but the Pokegirl had to get used to her ways and just stay cool whenever she was around her trainer. Sighing softly once more, her ears perked forward and her nose twitched at the scent of cooked fish. The scent pulled her in, as though her feet were barely touching the ground. As she made her way to her trainer, the aroma of the trout was overwhelming; the Lopunny found herself drooling at best, but quickly wiped her mouth before her trainer could notice. Her cotton ball of a tail twitched slightly as she made herself towards the table; her body swayed to and fro as her gait was a graceful one. Taking a seat, she glanced down at the fish and smiled. "Lopunny! Looks good," she chimed in, her angelic voice echoing softly. While she tried to stray away from speaking the English language - due to the fact that her English wasn't the best - and she would have preferred to stay away from such a language, she practiced her English so her communication with Josh was better. With a smile, she waited for Josh to take the first bite; she didn't want to seem gluttonous after all. "Sakura hurried along the snowy streets of the village, desperately fighting against the cold. The fur-trimmed coat just barely managed to keep the cold away from her, though she could still feel the chill. Christmas Eve had come to the village, bringing with it a deep snow as well as the holiday cheer. Sakura could barely make out the shapes of the houses through the blinding gale. "Where is Sasuke's house?" she murmured, adjusting her coat again. Her plan was still flawless. In this outfit, with the holiday season around, Sasuke couldn't help but give in to Sakura's seductions. She'd have him right where she wanted him: on his back. Just thinking about it filled Sakura with warmth, and she nodded confidently to herself, pausing only to hit her open palm with a fist. "It's got to work!" she announced. She didn't really care who heard: the streets were nearly empty anyway. Everyone probably hid in their houses for now. The female ninja hurried along then, finally pausing at a house. She peered at it, unable to make out the exact address under the cover of snow. But the house shape looked right, and everything matched up with her directions. Sakura took a deep breath, then hurried to the window. Moving carefully, she lifted the glass, and lowered herself into the house. The moment her feet touched floor, Sakura let her coat hang loose, hinting at her outfit beneath. Her bare stomach already showed, and bits of crinkled red showed. Now, she just needed to either find Sasuke and surprise him, or find a good place to lay in wait...,"Unfortunately for her, Sakura had gotten a little turned around in the thick snow, taken a wrong turn here and there, turned back on herself once or twice, and whilst the house she had ended up at may have bore a resemblance to her intended destination, it most certainly wasn't the right place. As Sakura lifted the window, a cold draft flowed in along with her, then climbed into the living room slowly, what she thought was a silent entry had been noticed, though not by the person she had been hoping to notice. In the darkened doorway, Ino crouched silently, raising an eyebrow at the rather...unusual...sight that had crawled into her living room. Well well...Sakura was certainly dressed in a festive manner to say the least. Ino's initial reaction was to have been just to stand up and demand to know what the hell Sakura was doing, but seeing her like just sent some rather strange thoughts through Ino's head, and she couldn't help but grin. Quickly and silently, she crept up to her bedroom, changing into her own special outfit, before creeping silently back downstairs, where Sakura still seemed to be laying in wait in the main room. Standing at the doorway, Ino felt a final moments hesitation about what she was planning to do, but she quickly pushed those thoughts away and pulled out a small bag hanging from her robe, taking some powder from it, being careful not to inhale any, before blowing it discreetly into the living room. It wouldn't take long for the powder to take effect on anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the way. It contained a rather powerful aphrodisiac, but at the same time hints of a tranquilizing agent. Not enough to knock someone out, but enough to make them weak enough that a child could knock them over. And now, Ino just grinned, sitting and waiting for Sakura to be affected.... "Nothing in the world was better than sunbathing. Today was the perfect day, and many Pokemon and Pokemorphs alike were enjoying the warm weather. Two tall pink ears twitched as purple eyes opened up. The pink-furred figure stood and stretched, just as a few humans walked by. They stopped and stared for a moment, but soon moved on. Her split-tipped tail swung behind her as she walked towards the ocean before her. Unlike some of her siblings, Espeon enjoyed swimming every now and again. What she liked most though was drying her fur in the sun after a lovely swim. Twenty minutes later, the morph walked out of the water and laid on a large rock that was put on the beach for fire Pokemon or Morphs to sunbathe on. Of course, a lot more than just those types used it. Espeon lay out with her feet crossed at her ankles and her tail flicked from side to side as she closed her eyes. She could hear everything going on around her, but what awakened her was the fact that the sun was setting behind some clouds. Pouting, Espeon decided to get up and head back into the woods so she could be on her way home. Usually she didn't travel through the woods where trainers hunted her kind. She stuck to city streets and other paths, but since her last battle, her clothes had been ripped up and with nothing to wear, she had to travel like any other Pokemorph. Yes, that's right. Espeon was naked. Her nipples became perky as a breeze blew by, but she barely even noticed. The psychic morph decided to rest along the side of a well-traveled path. Her purple eyes closed, but she was on full alert, just in case someone came by.,"Tyler sighed softly as he slowly moved through the city. Today would be the day that he caught himself a pokemorph, it was the perfect weather today, and he knew that a lot of pokemorphs would be out in the woods today. Of course, a lot of them were shy, but he didn't care; he was going to get one, no matter what. He knew the forests outside the city very well, and therefore he also knew where he was going to look. He looked down at the pokeball in his hand and smiled. His Arcanine was strong enough to take on any possible challenge, so he wasn't worried about anything right now. He saw the outskirts of the forest and then moved a bit faster, so he could get there as fast as possible. He soon reached the forest and let out his Arcanine so she would be ready to challenge a pokemorph or defend him against one. She started looking around before catching the scent of a morph that had been there not long ago. "Lead the way, Arcanine," he said, and they ran after her. Of course, he couldn't run as fast as his Arcanine, but he had trained her so she wouldn't run too fast that he couldn't follow her. The female Arcanine stopped near an Espeon morph... A naked one... That wasn't something you saw every day. "Okay, Espeon, get up! Let's fight!" he told her with a smile upon his lips, as his Arcanine took a defensive stand. He was ready, and so was his Arcanine. "If you don't fight, I'll just have Arcanine weaken you until you are weak enough to get caught!" he told her as he looked over at her with a confident smile upon his lips. He loved battles, and hopefully this Espeon would put up a good fight. "The sun rose high over Johto to greet the world full of Pokemon, humans and Pokemorphs. Everyone seemed to be up early that morning, even the most lazy of people. Well, all except for the Snorlax that lived in the area. The sky was bright and blue by the time the rays of the sun penetrated the leaves that covered a cute little face. She had fallen asleep under some bushes the previous night to keep out of sight of those odd night trainers. Stretching, her brown paws popped out of the bushes and her thin black tail tipped with a big yellow lightning bolt swished around for a moment before she got on her knees and crawled out of her hiding spot. Standing up fully, the Raichu morph was just about five feet, six inches tall. Her slender body was covered in leaves, which she quickly dusted off. She hated it when her fur got all icky. Well, it was time to get a move on! Raichu slowly made her way towards Goldenrod City. She had been hiding out in the National Park since trainers didn't usually hang around there at night. The morph was careful to avoid eyesight when possible. It was rare to see a Pokemorph out in the day unless it was a captured one that was paraded around as a pet. Her curly tipped ears pinned back when she heard someone else rustling around in the bushes. Who else would be here in the bushes? A small spark of electricity came from her yellow cheeks as she tried to see who might be there. ],"The trainer left for his first day of becoming a pokemon master, though his mother and father were sorely against it. He wanted so bad to become the greatest that he paid them no mind when he left. But because of that, he left without a pokemon to even protect himself from the wilder ones around the area. He was too scared to even attempt a capture on any pokemon. He brought his bag from around his shoulder, looking at the contents of it. He had three normal pokeballs, two master balls, and one morph ball. The morph ball was the rarest of all the balls to catch the rarest of pokemon - the pokemorph. It was a pokemon that had the shape of a human - male or female. He sighed to himself, thinking why did he spend so much money on that damn ball and he was never going to see one. Their fucking rare and he's a newb. His head snapped to the left of him when he heard a sound on the other side of the bushes. Hitting the ground quickly and quietly, he crawled over to the bush, looking through the few leaves that blocked his face. Tariyami cursed his bag silently to himself as he watched the Raichu study the area. It seemed to be a female and a shockingly fine one too. Slowly pulling some pokefood from his fallen bag, he throws it out from the bushes hoping the pokemorph would just go for the free food and not explore where the food came from. He rolled from the spot he was in, trying to relocate himself without the Raichu noticing, which way he rolled. He reached in his bag, pulling out his morph ball, placing it behind his back, waiting for his chance to either use it or show himself to her. "Sirius sighed boredly as he sat in the Gryffindor common room, occasionally blowing a strand of thick hair out of his face, though it soon fell back across his eyes. By this time of the night most of the students had gone to bed, though as usual Sirius and Remus were still downstairs, and as usual Sirius was bored while Remus did his usual evening reading. Textbooks, newspapers... whatever had words on it really. At a week until the full moon, Remus was still his usual, relatively boring, self, though in just a few days things would start to change. At the very least, Remus would get a little more... interesting. "Come on Remus," Sirius whined boredly, jumping up to his feet. "This is boring, there's gotta be something to do besides reading. Can't we go take a look around the castle or something? Find someone to play a few pranks on... maybe even one of the teachers on their evening rounds?" He grinned slightly, leaning in over Remus. "Come on, just something other than reading for a change.","Remus was absorbed in the book he was currently reading, another book about werewolves, though the title didn't seem to hint at it. If anyone asked he would just say it was something he was interested in at the moment. He was vaguely aware of Sirius and his growing boredom. It wasn't until he felt the small sensation of the other's breath so close to him that he realized how restless the other was getting. Instinctively his body tensed. "What did I tell you about getting so close to me?" he breathed out quietly. "You're way too close." He closed the book and looked over at the other, his cheeks a soft pink. He always had the same shade when the other got too close. "We always do what you want anyways. Couldn't you spend one night studying, you know doing something I want, instead of always insisting we go off and screw around with the first person we see?" He sighed and shook his head. "Don't answer that. I already know the answer," he said calmly. "Fine, we'll do what you want, since we clearly don't let you out enough." He mumbled the vague reference to the other's animagus form. "Sonata patted her cheeks and took a deep breath in front of the mirror. "Okay this is it," she said, after all the training and preparation. She adjusted her white tank top, tightening the belt on her white cargo pants. She didn't want them falling down due to some unusual extremities; it would be embarrassing on an insane level. Out of insecurity, she patted herself, feeling the long thick bulge beneath her pants. Yup, it was still there. She wouldn't mind...if she thought people were more understanding. But she would probably be labeled a freak for having a penis, and a sizable one at that. "Oh come on! No one knows so stop worrying!" she sighed. It was a pain to. She was by any standards gorgeous, with long shiny white hair, firm, shapely breasts, perfect ass and legs, and an eleven-inch long dick. Perfect. Oh well. Eventually, she might build up the courage to tell someone, maybe her trainer friend perhaps. It had been years since she'd seen her, since she'd gone off to become a Pokegirl trainer. Ever since then, Sonata had been training to become a breeder, so maybe she could at least help her friend in some way. As she walked to the agreed meeting place, she mused over what her friend would look like. She herself had changed quite a bit since they split off, imagining her as busty and hot like her. Somehow it wouldn't take, she imagined her a little more gothic or alternative style. Though she had to stop visualizing as her member was beginning to respond. It was okay, her baggy cargo pants hid it unless she got a full-on erection. She breathed deep and cleaned up her thoughts. Enough of that. She was almost there.,"Kaia adjusted the glasses that had sunk to the bridge of her nose. Her short black hair framed her face in a cute way, just showing enough to entice, but hiding some of her features from view. Her dark eyes looked out across the grass that led right up to the gate that led into Saffron City. She could see the skyscrapers and buildings so close, but blocked off by the hills and stone that ran around the city. She'd not been home for so long. She was excited to see her friend, Sonata, who had wanted to become a Pokegirl breeder when Kaia had left so long ago. She blushed as she found herself straightening her outfit, a short skirt and a long-sleeved sweater to keep out the chill of winter. Her legs were kept warm with the thermal hosiery that she wore, and her neck and chin was warmed with the orange striped scarf. She felt a cool breeze brush past and she shivered, but only for a moment. Her thoughts quickly went back to the friend she hadn't seen in so long. Her hand went to one of the balls at her belt, which she took and tossed, pressing the button before letting it fly. A flash of light and Eevee, her pokegirl stood there. The girl had long ears that came from the mussed and matching brown hair that hung thick in the way of her own glasses. She wore a tan scarf and a brown and white shirt, a skirt and stockings finishing the ensemble, her thick bushy tail sticking out from the hem of the skirt. She looked like her owner, if nothing else, then in clothes, though they weren't exactly alike. "I want you to meet Sonata, Eve," she said as they went through the doorway of the gate, "She's gorgeous and I think I want her to work with you to breed. I think I want to get you mating with another Eevee sometime soon." The pokegirl nodded, the blood rising in her cheeks as her hands unconsciously dropped to the bulge that was hidden beneath the loose folds of her long skirt. ""Oh, no," would say Aunt Alice. "That was not what happened at all! For when that happened, we met that person!" "Oh, no," would reply Aunt Miyuki-chan. "That was not what happened at all! For when that happened, it went this way!" She had done her best to listen attentively, but when it came to their eighteenth birthday, it seemed that Aunt Alice and Aunt Miyuki-chan confused more than enlightened. The place would call either be called Wonderland (if you asked Aunt Miyuki-chan) or Sexland (if you asked Aunt Alice). For, as She grew up, She had heard, from her Aunts, about Wonderland (if you asked Aunt Miyuki-chan) and Sexland (if you asked Aunt Alice), but it was not until their eighteenth birthday were She allowed to learn who one would meet in Wonderland (if you asked Aunt Miyuki-chan) or what would happen if one went to Sexland (if you asked Aunt Alice). But, alas, what would be a delightful tale of ticklish fantasy were it said once individually by Aunt Alice then Aunt Miyuki-chan became a trial of boredom when told by both together. She was both becoming aroused (for they were indeed being told what happened and who was there) but also sleepy (for Aunt Alice and Aunt Miyuki-chan did disagree so). But at least did they dream and that is what our tale is about. Alice in Sexland: Miyuki-chan in Wonderland:,"Rina read the book hastily trying to skip through the scenes to the best part of the romance novel. "Quickly, quickly," she said as she lay in bed, speeding her way through the book. Her aunts had told her never ever niece, never ever read a sex novel before bed. They finished each other's sentences like usual. In her haste to get to her desired spot, she was tired, slowly drifting as she read the pages blurred and she slept, falling into the bed. She woke up later, rubbing her eyes diligently as she looked around. "Oh No! This wasn't home at all, no no not at all." She looked around taking in the forest path, the tree she sat under was most definitely not her comfy bed. She looked around. "Where is this place, this place I am in, the place that is not my bed?" She questioned standing and walking away from the tree to the path that twisted before her. She heard a sound, it made her jump, jump. It made her as she turned to see a wonderful beauty passing along the path. A strange girl she was indeed, wearing strange clothes and having an abnormal body shape. She cursed the mannerisms of which her aunties had passed on to her throughout the years. She approached the girl, waving her arms. The girl seemed in a rush but still waved. "Excuse me, Excuse me!" Rina called out. The girl seemed to keep moving, but then they bumped with a bang, and both girls fell to the floor with a thud. "Lexi pushed back her long curly black hair behind her shoulders as her long legs took her down the stairway towards the common room. Rounding the corner, her thick lips formed a beautiful smile when she spotted her favorite blonde sitting in a chair reading the paper. Lexi took a lot of joy out of annoying Draco, especially in the morning. He always made it so easy for her. She would never deny there wasn't a sexual attraction that she had towards him, but he was always such a dick and she could never get past that. Lexi quickly made her way over to Draco's lap, sitting across his legs with a smile. Her arm wrapped around his neck as she leaned back against his chest, "Were you waiting down here for me?" She asked jokingly. Draco always hated when she touched or sat near him, but she could tell he some what enjoyed playing along with her. The two had a strange relationship, but for the time being Lexi genuinely enjoyed it. Her eyes scanned over him and stopped at his. For such an asshole, he had the most gorgeous eyes. She could tell there was hate built up behind them as he stared at her. They were going to play with one another for the time being, but usually by the end of the day they were yelling down each others throats. The boy had an arrogance about him that Lexi hated more than anything. At the same time on those rare occasions when Draco flirted back with her, she would nearly give in once in a while. Lexi knew if she ever gave into him it would be nothing more than adding a notch to his bedpost for Draco, she was sure he had slept with every girl in Slytherin besides her. When she first met him, she had thought it over for a second, but she couldn't bear to give herself over to such a jerk.,"Themanhad been sitting in the chair reading the paper about his favorite Quidditch team. It didn't hurt that his father happened to own majority share of them, but that was beside the point. Fact of the matter was, they had lost again and this is what made Draco rather upset. That was when Lexi had plopped down on his lap and ruined his train of thought. This morning, however, Draco was feeling particularly good, he had finally closed the deal with Ms. Pansy Parkinson after months of trying to convince her. It didn't take too long, but nonetheless Draco was full of spirit this morning. "I was wondering what smelt like that bastard Blaise, and I guess now I know," he said looking her up and down for just a moment before ripping what was left of his paper out from under her. He and Blaise Zabini were close, but they were always butting heads. He was actually gifted at Quidditch whereas Draco was just rich and had better things than everyone else. He was getting better though. There had been rumors going around the Slytherin Common room that Lexi and Blaise had had a little thing going, and he had heard it from the horses mouth himself that it was true. Matter of fact, Blaise couldn't hang out with him and Pansy last night because of Lexi and that allowed him to close the deal. He supposed that he should be thankful of her. At the moment though, he would have his fun. Not waiting for her to answer, he ran the outside of his hand against her cheek and smiled. "What a lucky guy that Blaise, a good romp in the hay you are I bet?" He said, more of a rhetorical question to himself. "Better hurry, I hear Blaise is coming." He said as he looked towards the door. While he and Pansy perhaps were starting up, Blaise and Lexi seemed to be an actual relationship. That was cute, he would have to get the details from him at Quidditch Practice later in the day. For now, Draco Malfoy was perfectly content. "Fred Weasley grinned slightly as he examined his latest, perhaps greatest, creation. At first glance, it looked like a harmless little candy. At first taste, it even tasted like a harmless little candy. But this was most certainly no ordinary candy, and this was certainly not something that Fred would be suggesting to his twin that they put up for sale. Well...perhaps not immediately anyway. There was still one last thing left to do...test it. And Fred had the perfect subject in mind, his twin brother George. With a wicked grin, the 15-year-old turned to leave, heading out towards the Gryffindor bathrooms. George had gone to take a bath, and Fred was on his way to join him. "Hey!" Fred grinned as he entered the large bathroom, closing and almost invisibly locking the door behind him. George was the only one in the bathroom at the time, and they would need some privacy for this. "Here, made something for you to try," Fred tossed the candy at his twin brother, knowing few, if any, questions would be asked as to what it was. "It's a new candy flavor I came up with, give it a try." Of course, what Fred wasn't saying was that the candy was actually a new, incredibly potent aphrodisiac. Within minutes, if not sooner, of eating it, the eater would begin to feel intense, almost painful arousal, and it would become easy to manipulate them. And Fred had such plans to manipulate George....oh, he was going to have some fun tonight....,"George grinned at his mirror image, "Took you long enough." He said as he caught the candy with a wet hand and unwrapped it, giving it a light sniff. "So what's it do?" He asked before innocently slipping it between his lips. The candy was sweet and faintly warm from whatever enchantment it held, and he swallowed it. He waited a moment, and nothing happened. "I think it's a dud," he said with a shrug, glancing up at his brother again. "Are you going to bathe too?" He asked, having noticed the locked door. "Why lock it? It's not like anyone's going to watch." He sunk under the water and pushed his flaming red hair back as he came up, his gaze moving back to his brother as he felt something stir in his lower stomach almost as if... He trailed a hand lower, the touch more pleasurable than it should have been against his slowly hardening length. He moved closer t the wall, hoping Fred wouldn't notice. He'd never hear the end of it otherwise. Of course, it occurred to him briefly that the candy may have caused it, but that had never been a side affect before, and he couldn't see why his brother would make such a thing, much less try it out on his twin. The need grew stronger, what could he do? If he got out of the water Fred would notice. if he did anything to solve the... er.. 'growing' problem, he'd be too obvious, and if he stayed there... His fingertips brushed skin again, "Ah..." He couldn't hold in the small gasp. "Fred... what was... what was in that candy? I don't think it's supposed to have this kind of reaction..." he said, a blush spreading over his face and ears. "Ginny Weasley sighed boredly as she sat on the Hogwarts Express, playing with a few strands of hair that were hanging down in front of her face. Her friends had all decided to up and leave her, having decided that now they were in third year and thirteen years old they were old enough to go and share cabins with the boys in order to shamelessly flirt with them. Ginny, however, had little interest in such things. Oh, she was interested in boys, but she didn't want to go chasing up and down the train for any boy who would look at her. Still, the disadvantage to staying behind meant she was all alone in the cabin near the back of the train. In the distance she could occasionally hear laughter and giggling over the noise of the train from a few carriages up ahead, but all she did was roll her eyes and return to staring out of the window. "Ugh... immature idiots," Ginny slumped her forehead against the cool glass as she stared through it boredly at the passing countryside. "Geez... this train ride is way more boring than I remember it being the first time. It seemed to be over in a flash then, now it's taking forever." The red-haired girl sighed again and closed her eyes as she attempted to take a nap, hoping it might make the trip pass a little faster.,"A young man of about 17 sighed as he walked through the corridors of the Hogwarts Express, looking back at Hermione as she walked down the halls with some friends. Hmm. Needs a little work. He shook his head and continued to walk forward, dragging a large trunk behind himself as he searched for a compartment to sit inside. The muscular male had just come from America to the great UK less than 3 hours ago and was already dressed to impress, wearing a t-shirt one size too small to show off his muscular chest. The t-shirt had a picture of an outdated blue police box that said, I travel in style, referencing the long since canceled British tv show, Doctor Who. He pulled a pocket watch from the pocket of his blue jeans to check the time and then put it back into the tight jeans, which showed off the outline of his thick member. He cracked his neck and then walked into a compartment without knocking. He blinked as he noticed the little girl in the compartment. Oh wow. He took a step inside the compartment and said, Sorry. Don't mean to interrupt. I hope you won't mind if I join you in here. He didn't wait for her answer as he pulled his trunk in behind him and set it up on the seat next to him. He opened it up and pulled out a typewriter and set it on his lap as a hedgehog crawled up his back and sat on his shoulder. He looked over at her with a smile and said, My name is Joe Sims by the way. This wasn't entirely true. His name was Joseph Simpson and he was one of the wizarding world's most famous authors, mostly because of the fact that he had never been seen. His books weren't necessarily critically acclaimed but were popular for their simplistic writing style, evolving storyline and most importantly, the graphic scenes, which most older critics claimed were just an excuse to peddle more smut and violence to a younger generation. He had hidden from the likes of the Daily Prophet and Witch Weekly, refusing them with the now famous Simpson quote, No interviews unless it's for the Quibbler. "Chogave a soft sigh as she stood behind one of the many pillars of the Quidditch field. Ever since last year she had been stuck under the constant watch of Draco, who now ordered her to meet him. She received a letter from her parents saying that Draco's father had threatened them; she knew she had to follow his orders. She hated what was happening as she stood there leaning against the Ravenclaw colors, looking up at the gray clouds. It looked like it was about to rain, yet she wasn't sure what she should do. She knew though that no matter what she had to keep Draco happy, or her parents just might lose their jobs - or more than that. Her deep brown eyes scanned the school grounds once more. While she could hear the Slytherin team's shouts to one another as they practiced, she wasn't sure what she was to do. This wasn't something she was prepared for, even as her mind went through everything it could, she just didn't have anything that could change the tables around. If she told someone, bad things would happen to her family. She just couldn't do that to them. She knew, as the only child in her family and her mother already sick, they were dependent on her father's job. If Draco's father actually got him fired, things would get hard for her family. She'd most likely have to stop school or get a job during the weekends if the school allowed it. The wind blew as she closed her eyes against the cold. Already it was getting to be winter. She wasn't sure what or how things would go with Draco today, but she knew it would be the first step into hell that much she was sure of.,"Cho Chang, Potter's little crush. He had tried to get into her pants the year before and Draco had been quite delighted to see the student he hated most fail so terrible. It was amusing as all hell, while Draco had been getting as much attention from the opposite sex as he wanted from third year on Potter was having trouble getting a date with a pretty girl in the year above them. Cho was lovely though, Draco couldn't deny that and there was the added bonus of her family being pure blooded back for multiple generations. The year before he had used a bit of leverage over one of her friends to force Cho to turn on Dumbledore's Army, this was of course while he was working for that old bitch Umbridge and practically running things in the school. This year he didn't have the same power but he was a prefect for his House and still had the power of his family name. Now he was going to take things further with Chang, he had a job that he needed to do which had been given to him by the Dark Lord himself, and Potter would no doubt try to get between him and the success. But if Potter was distracted by say, Chang teasing him and leading him on for the duration of the year things would go so much more smoothly... and of course Draco would be taking advantage of her himself. She was lovely, so much nicer than many of the ladies in his own house whom he could be fucking on a regular basis. With a smirk on his face he ended his own practice for Quidditch a little bit early, having seen Chang down below. Hello Cho. He greeted her as he approached, brushing his now mussed hair back from his eyes and holding his broom over his shoulder. At that moment he was acting like a perfect gentleman despite the fact that her family had been threatened to bring her here. Why don't we take a little walk? I think the things we need to discuss should be done in private. "Dimitra walked around the slave cells before the auction, looking at the Utes over to find someone who sparked her interest. Most were humans or half-humans, which bored her. She preferred the more exotic. Being a dragon shaman/adept, she was exotic herself. Being a drow among the base nobility made her even more so.,"Natu Running Deer shivered naked in the cold. How she got here was unclear. As was where HERE was. She had been walking the streets of her small city, getting to know the local spirits when pain exploded in her head. Now she was in a strange place with her sex exposed to the world. She was lithe, small-breasted and tall. Amber eyes and silver hair rounded out her fine features. She was half Ute and half Sidhe. But more exotic was the large penis hanging between her legs with her womanhood. "Voldemort smiled slightly as he stepped into the home, tilting his head at the Dursleys as he looked at the small child on the ground, walking over he gently touched the babe's stomach, smiling slightly as the baby grabbed his finger. It was a shame that he would destroy one child's innocence to get what he wanted. "You don't want him," he said, looking down at Harry. "I have a family who does." Darkness passed in that look, then gone as if it had never existed. "Sell him to me. I will pay any asking price you shall want, and he will be gone from your lives forever.","The Dursley's stared at him fearfully, Vernon fearfully stuttering that they would agree, that they wanted money, not that crappy wizard shit that he was certain the man had. And that they wanted a lot of it too, or they'd never keep quiet. Vernon knew a good deal when he saw one, though he had no idea who he was dealing with. As soon as they arranged an agreement, the muggle family was more than happy to be rid of their unwanted nephew. He was sent to the Malfoys, who eagerly accepted him, and turned him into a slave, taught to clean from the moment he could walk and talk, and that was how he lived. As he got older, he was expected to do more than just keep the house completely clean, and to cook the meals that the Malfoys ate. Harry only got the leftovers, but there was always plenty for him to eat. The house elves were more of a family to Harry than anyone else, and that was how he lived, as a house elf, and as a sex slave. Harry often frequented Lucius's bed, and even Narcissa's. Draco had an unusual fascination with older men, and left Harry alone save to torment him about not having any family, about being unwanted, anything really. Harry usually ignored him. The Malfoy's also moved from London so that no one would ask unwanted questions about the scrawny boy with the wide green eyes, that retained an unusual innocence. Though he rarely spoke, and couldn't read or write or do any sort of math, he was very good at the things he did know how to do, and while he wasn't allowed to do magic, he was practicing in the dark of the night where no one could see him. Despite having no family, he hoped that someday he might find someone who would take him away, and give him the home he'd always wanted. He just had to hope, and wait...and clean. "BRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG Jake sat bolt upright in his bed before realizing it was just his alarm waking him up. He hit the cursed thing and climbed out of bed, mumbling death threats at the clock before he realized what day it was. The Professor was giving him a pokemon today. He was totally awake in an instant and throwing on clothes as fast as he found them in his drawer. He ran downstairs to find his mother cooking some breakfast and shoveled down his food before waving goodbye to his mom and walking out the door, still chewing. It took all of the young man's self restraint to keep from running to the lab a few houses down from his own. Jake stood at about six foot two and had broad shoulders. He was 17, a little old for his first pokemon but he didn't mind at all. He took in the world with gray green eyes, a copper ring around each pupil and he had mid-length reddish brown hair tied back into a ponytail. Soon he was outside of the lab, preparing himself to go inside. Now that he was here, some of his excitement was replaced by nervousness and he had to talk himself into entering the lab. It was a large room, lined with bookshelves and computers and strange devices everywhere. At the end of what seemed like a mile long hallway stood the Professor, a somewhat short balding man with a beard. Jake approached slowly, tentatively but the professor impatiently tapped his foot until Jake was forced to walk faster. "Hi, Professor... I'm ready..." He said. "Alright, boy but be warned... this one is a little... different" He said before motioning for something in the other room to come in. "Here she is," he said. Jake's jaw dropped.,"Movement... The subtle rocking of her shelter stirred consciousness within her sleeping mind. Was it time already? To her, time didn't exist within the pokeball. However, she remembered the professor talking about a trainer, talking about her being able to go on an adventure. The creature shifted, weightless in her void of a home. She was different than most Pokemon, an experiment among men to create a Pokemon that was the perfect mix of human and creature. However, things never work out right in those operations, and it was shut down, the creature given out for "testing." However, that was a long time ago. The creature shifted again. It felt like ages since she had seen the outside world. Suddenly, she opened her eyes as she felt the Poke Ball move into new hands. Her brown eyes seemed to almost glow as she gulped, both from nerves and excitement as she tried to do what many attempt, to escape the Poke Ball on her own free will. She could no longer wait. "A man stood on the platform for the train, watching as the train pulled in with a small smile. At his side, a gorgeous red furred pokegirl stood with an apprehensive look on her face while she watched the train pull in and passengers get off. "Do I have to go?" she asked with a soft sigh. "I hate being away from you." She looked up at her owner with a slight pout, her deep brown eyes gazing up into his green ones. The girl was dressed in a simple black skirt with a white button-up shirt and a small scarf while a pair of simple heels rested on her feet. Marcus smiled comfortingly at his prized pokegirl and rubbed her arms before kissing her on the forehead. "You must go," he said. "You're not getting any younger and I'd love to have a little one from you while you're still able and a poke-breeder is the only way Lena." Marcus was a middle-aged collector of beautiful pokegirls who he took to shows and Lena was the best by far. With over twenty competition wins under her belt, she was sought after by many who wished to breed her with their male vulpixes but he was sending her to the best breeder he heard of even though he knew she didn't want to go so far away without him. At the moment they stood on the platform of the train with her suitcase and her carry-on at their feet. "I will miss you my dear, but you must do this," he said. "I'm sure that it won't take long and I'm sure you'll be comfortable." Once the train was empty of passengers and luggage, they called for the now boarding passengers. "Well, looks like this is it. Got your tag? Got your ticket?" he asked and she nodded, exposing the tag that hung on her dainty, simple but expensive brown leather collar before showing him the ticket in her hand. "Alright. You get on, I'll see you soon." He said. With a nod, the girl grabbed her things and boarded the train, quickly finding a train car where she stored her suitcase and her carry-on. Moving to the window, she waved to her owner before sitting down. Not long after the train began moving and took off for its next destination.,"The train rolled on, passing through the wide, beautiful, and scenic expanse of nature that bridged the various cities. It was a mostly quiet train ride, if a little bit quiet. There wasn't really much to be had just riding along, really. However, as Lena looked out at yet another passing pasture, full of Tauros, she felt something bump into her. But it didn't just bump into her and move on; rather, it seemed as if someone had been pushed into her in the crowded confines of the train, pinning her somewhat against the wall, so she couldn't really move over or turn all the way around to see what was behind her. And that was when she would feel it. The shape of a hand, apparently accidentally pressed against the back of her skirt, against her firm bottom. "Lucius had always been the top student at Hogwarts. Both in popularity and in studies. The teachers liked him because he was incredibly gifted, and really quite polite to their face. The other students liked him because he was rich, and always threw the best parties. They excused the fact that he was not nice to the people he did not like, especially since most of them passed through his scorn untouched. He reserved his anger for the outcasts, oddballs, and weirdos that tried to attend his school and hang out with his friends. Of course this was mostly reserved for the boys. They deserved all of his hate. The girls depended on how pretty they were. If they were cute, and sort of bookworm-ish, he would first try other things, and if they didn't work, he would treat them just like the weirdos. If they were sexy? He would charm them. That came easily. If they were ugly hags, he would treat them just like the boys. Truly, he was a bully, and the worst kind since he excelled at studies and very rarely got caught when he did bully. He was always quick-witted, and quick-worded. Rarely failing to find some excuse for anything that he did or was said to have done. Today was the first day of school, and he was excited to be back. Standing at the doorway to the dormitory rooms, he smiled at old friends, and glared at old enemies, but really it was the new crop of freshmen that caught his interest. Especially the girls. Ever since coming here, he had been infatuated with girls. Especially the shy, cute ones who didn't seem to want to admit that they were really pretty. When they blushed, or smiled, or even cried, that gave him all sorts of pleasure. Spotting a very cute, and very interesting, little thing, he left his perch, swooping in like an eagle. "Hello there," he said softly, his hand going to her hip while the other took her bag. "You look a little lost. I'm Lucius.","Lisa never imagined, not even in her bravest dreams, that someday she'll receive a letter from Hogwarts, inviting her to study wizardry. First she thought it was a stupid joke by her older sister who called her a witch just for fun, but as it appeared it wasn't one more foolish joke. Who could have ever guessed that Lisa, child from a casual family (They call them muggles in the magic world), could be a real witch? Surely, nobody. As well as nobody could lead her to the so-called Diagon Alley, which she couldn't find on city's map for the life of her, and it appeared to be the only place where she could buy books and uniform that she needed for studying in Hogwarts. But things seemed to work out as someday while walking down the London streets, a stranger invited her to the strange looking cafe named 'Leaky Cauldron'. Sure, Lisa would eventually run away once she heard such a suggestion from somebody she saw for the first time in her life, but as he told her that from there she might get into Diagon Alley, girl gave up and followed the stranger, still ready to call emergency if something went wrong. Yet he didn't lie - she really got into Diagon Alley, and really found everything she needed in there. Summer, still full of fear and doubts, has passed even faster than always, and school has started soon after. Before Lisa found Diagon Alley, she was totally sure it was such a stupid joke, but after actually finding all the needed books she understood that letter from Hogwarts was real after all, that's why she didn't turn around and go home once she saw platform number which didn't even exist. Indeed, it took her quite a long time to find it, and if she hadn't noticed some people disappearing after they've bumped into column between 10th and 9th platforms, Lisa would have been late to the Hogwarts express. Lisa's luck seemed to be endless - she found all the hidden things of this mysterious wizards world and actually reached castle, went through sorting (she got into Gryffindor) and now with other freshmen was heading to their bedrooms. Somebody stopped her, and Lisa turned around. Her eyes widened as she saw a blond-haired guy, obviously few years older than she is, standing in front of her. She didn't even get enough time to say anything, as she felt his hand sliding down to her hip. Lisa felt heat all over her cheeks and soon they were covered by a bright pink blush. "L...Lisa.." She said, her voice trebling and cracking a bit. Girl nodded a bit, instead of telling him that it was nice to meet him. "And I'm not lost thank you for care, though!" She quickly muttered, pushing his hand away. Seriously, what was he thinking? They'd just met and he was already touching her like this! "Brandi sighed as she set her trunk down by the Hogwarts Express. She turned and looked at her parents. "Okay Dad, I'll be sure to owl you come Christmas time," she told him, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Mom, I'll make sure to let you know how my studies are going. But you know my marks are always good." She gave her Mom a kiss on the cheek. Then she knelt down to ruffle Lizzy's hair. Lizzy was only 10, so she had one more year to wait. "Aw, don't worry sis, I'll send you lots of owls!" she said. She watched as they left, then stood up and adjusted her tank top. Lizzy had grabbed it and pulled it off her shoulder on one side. She wasn't wearing a bra, as was her custom, so she made sure she had it on just like she liked it. She liked the low-cut tops and short skirts. It made the boys notice, and she liked that. Just as she turned to get on the train, she saw Draco Malfoy looking at her. She smiled and winked as she got on and found an empty cabin.,"Draco scowled as he walked behind his parents as they headed towards the train. "Mother.. Father.. I am capable of going by myself," he said through his teeth. He closed his mouth when Lucius turned around, "Look Draco, I want to make this clear. I will not have a mudblood beat you in your classes." He hissed. Draco dug his nails into his fist and kept quiet. He looked up at his father, "I'm a prefect... father.... that means I am one of the best in my house." He said simply and fought back the urge to say more. Lucius smirked, "Ah, very well Draco. I expect you to win the quidditch cup.. since you are captain. Don't bring shame to the Malfoy name." Draco groaned and turned towards his mother, "I'll owl you when I settle down and keep you updated." He said and smiled. He glanced at his father and nodded before watching them leave. "About time," Draco muttered and looked around the crowds for his friends. He smirked when he saw Brandi. Damn she's hot, he thought and raised an eyebrow when she winked at him. He smirked and carried his trunk onto the train and headed towards the back in search of an empty cabin. He made a face when he realized they were all filled and smirked when he saw Brandi sitting alone. Draco slid the door open and sat down in front of her. He looked her up and down and smirked. "Not bad," he murmured under his breath and glanced at the door when it slid open. He smirked when Blaise walked in. He noticed Blaise's eyes wander towards Brandi and sat down next to her. "She's hot," he mouthed and Draco chuckled. "Severus watched as both his daughter and Draco Malfoy were branded with the dark mark. The two were sixteen years old and Voldemort thought it fitting to make them both official Death Eaters. Severus cringed a little as Krys, his daughter, was branded; he had never wanted this for her, but ever since the Dark Lord found out that he had a child, he insisted that she become a Death Eater, and Dumbledore also insisted that she become one to protect Severus' cover. After the branding, Severus took his daughter into the sitting room and sat her down. "Krys," he said, "there's something you need to know." Krys nodded her head, still wearing a curious expression. "Do you remember how I told you your mother was killed in a Muggle prison?" Krys nodded again. "Well, I lied to you," Severus continued. "She is alive, and you will be meeting her soon. I had to tell you eventually because she was in fact in prison, but she has recently been freed, so to speak. I wanted you to hear it from me instead of finding out yourself." Krys listened as he spoke, and when he finished, she looked at him with anger. She hated the fact that she had been lied to, and even more that it was by her own father, whom she trusted. "I can't believe this," she snapped. "You lied to me! How could you?" Severus tried to say something in his defense, but Krys cut him off. "Don't even bother," she said. "I don't want to speak to you. I don't want to hear what you have to say. Hell, I don't even want to look at you right now." With that, she stood up and stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her. She sat down on the bed and sighed; she had been through so much, and now she found out she had been lied to her whole life by someone she thought she could trust. Severus sighed and stood up, knowing better than to try and talk to his daughter while she was like this. He made his way to Bellatrix's room and knocked on the door. "It's time," he stated, knowing she knew what he meant.,"Bellatrix Lestrange, the most feared witch of the Wizarding World, escaped Azkaban prison with several others, thanks to the Dark Lord. Fourteen years in pain and fear, lost in the dark, she wanted three things most of all - freedom, the Dark Lord, and her family. Finally free, the Dark Lord returned, and after being dragged away from those she loved, Bellatrix arrived at the manor only a few days ago, weak and frail. Her younger sister Narcissa has been babying her, making sure she eats and rests, grooms herself, and suchlike. Bellatrix may have been beautiful before, but now she was a shell of her former self, hollow-cheeked, angular, skin and bones, and her hair a matted mess until her sister fixed it. The Dark Lord put Bellatrix on bed rest to build up her strength, for he knew that she was one of the most loyal, even after trying to find him and getting sent to prison and never giving up hope that he would return. Bellatrix lived through Azkaban, fell into a deep depression, for you see, Bellatrix did torture the Longbottoms till insanity took them while trying to find the Dark Lord. She didn't care that she was caught, but she cared deeply about being torn away from her family. Bella had a secret... she and Severus Snape were in love throughout Hogwarts, they were inseparable, until her parents forced her to marry Rudolphus Lestrange, which she did, but she didn't love him. Bellatrix continued to see Severus, though her husband knew of this and was upset about it, but couldn't do anything to stop her. Bellatrix became pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl. The Dark Lord fell two years later, and Bellatrix was ripped away from her lover and her baby, living with depression and madness, unaware of what Snape has told her daughter. Bellatrix was lying down in her bed, resting as ordered by her lord when she heard a knock on her door. Her heart raced, eyes wide and crazed, feeling like it had stopped. Then she heard his voice, relaxing, nodding her head walking over to the door. Still looking sickly and dead, yet still beautiful in a ghostly way, Bellatrix opened the door and looked upon Severus, so serious and sad, yet looking well at the same time. It was the first time she really looked upon him, feeling everything she once felt with him, her heart hurting still. "Harry Potter couldn't help but notice that everyone else seemed to know what the party was actually in aid of. It had started as a few small groups, eating and drinking together... over the course of the afternoon more and more had joined, proclaiming it to be the day of various forgotten celebrations with their own strange traditions. Before anyone really knew what was going on, the Great Hall was awash with alcohol, music, dancing and several students who had simply passed out. All the houses were partying, the boundaries between houses seemingly forgotten for one night at least. It was actually quite nice to see... rivalries and hatreds mostly forgotten if only for a short while. The alcohol was most certainly helping with that of course. Harry had long since lost track of his friends. They were either partying somewhere in amongst the crowd, unconscious or had left the party for whatever reason. He, on the other hand, had no real intention of leaving just yet. For once in his life, Harry could just relax... just forget about everything... he was going to enjoy this to the fullest while he had the chance. He had lost track of how much he'd had to drink, plenty that was for sure. He knew his brain wasn't quite working the same way as usual, but he didn't care. With a grin, Harry downed another shot of Fire Whiskey, his fourth in a row, a cheer coming from the small group that had been watching. Then, triumphantly raising the empty Fire Whiskey bottle, Harry stumbled off into the crowd in search of another distraction, another piece of entertainment.,"Draco was annoyed; he had joined this little party in hopes of enticing someone into his bed, but everyone was either too drunk to fuck or too ugly. He knew what holiday they were celebrating - from the ancient Pagan days it had fallen into disuse as unimportant, though many of the purebloods still celebrated it... in the manner it was meant to be celebrated. Draco was honestly just surprised that the teachers where letting this continue; hell, two or three of them had joined in on the drinking and flirting, pedophiles. At least there wasn't anyone younger than sixteen in the room, so mostly everyone was legal to drink, mostly. He was rather impressed at how well the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses were getting along; hell, Pansy and Longbottom were snogging in a corner. Alcohol really could fix anything. Draco himself wasn't drunk; he had a glass of firewhiskey in his hand, but he was a wine man by preference, and the firewhiskey was acrid and old, not good firewhiskey. He dumped the firewhiskey into a potted plant and moved over to a large crowd where people were cheering. Who in the world had invited Him!? For that matter, was Harry Potter honest-to-Merlin getting... no, not gettig, he WAS drunk. And now that he wasn't spitting stupidity and insults, Draco could see a remote cuteness about the drunken Harry Potter that was entirely too hard to ignore. He watched Harry stumble off and followed the other, catching Harry around the waist, pulling him tight into him, back to belly so that Draco's hard length was pressing into Harry's ass. "Hey, Potter," Draco growled seductively into the drunks ear, a hand sliding up Harry's shirt as he ground his cock into the others ass. "What say you and I go somewhere private?" he asked, giving the others nipples a small tweak. "Everyone says you're straight, and a virgin... I wonder how many of the rumors are true hmm?" he asked, carefully, very carefully, one step at a time he led Harry out of the Great Hall and into the hall, carefully leading him to the Room of Requirement. Hoping that Harry was too drunk to protest. "The charity was relatively unknown, but it had already generated a lot of buzz. Nearly every celebrity, singer, activist, and heiress had heard of the company. Its mission was one that literally everyone could get behind: gathering funds for children suffering under repressive regimes. What made it all the more appealing was that it already had a stellar record and several important backers. A modeling campaign had gone out already, with all proceeds being donated to charity. Not simply part, which was traditional, but literally all proceeds. Naturally, this company garnered the attention of the younger stars, those still rising. In particular, the ever charitable Miss Emma Watson had heard of the company. She'd instructed her agents to contact the heads of the company, and connections were made. It turned out to be perfect timing: the company was planning a charity based photo shoot. The photos would be collected into various memorabilia, and these would be sold online. All proceeds would, of course, go to the charitable causes. Being a model of some acclaim herself, Emma had naturally volunteered to be among the models listed. She'd even used some of her pull to help pay for the shooting itself. Still, she'd been surprised when her contact had suggested a location she'd never heard of before. Apparently the studio wanted the utmost discretion. Since this was something Emma could certainly get behind, she'd agreed. Thus the pretty model was walking toward the mostly abandoned office building. Already Emma's shorn hair had been styled: done in that semi-messy look that gave her a tomboyish charm. She'd gone light on the makeup, nothing more than base, as was usual for a shoot. A light dress and a pair of simple sandals were all she wore, figuring that the director of the shoot would likely be the one selecting her true outfit. Thus the pretty girl entered, looking around and calling out, hoping that her driver had gotten the address correct.,"Josh Black was literally Black. A renowned photographer who had been slowly rising up the ranks and now a well-known figure in the industry, shooting for high-end magazines on occasion. He was also a savvy businessman, investing his earnings from photography wisely and building connections to create an empire for himself. But more than anything, it was his latest charity venture that had increased his profile among the world's A-list celebrities. Not everything about the photoshoot was public or black and white, but the money going to the charity was very real and significant, and the secrecy surrounding it was just enough to keep the celebs coming back for more. The charity was doing so well that even Ms. Emma Watson came forward herself. A lot of the photo shoot went as planned, helping with the credibility and protecting against any rumors should something go wrong. But Josh knew that with Ms. Emma Watson, even without external pressure, he would push things further, to some hot, steamy conclusion. As he set things up for the shoot, he felt his groin tighten at the thought of what might happen next. Josh was quite tall at six feet. He was dressed in a casual jeans and shirt. The man was nearing forty, but his expensive looking camera hung from a strap around his slightly thick belly. The place inside was quite big and painted white, despite its abandoned look outside. Deep soft rugs covered the floors, and a huge, comfortable-looking black leather sofa sat in the backdrop. One side had a huge oak desk, simple yet very elegant-looking. There were other furniture pieces to help make different poses. It even had a very beautiful classy four-poster bed with white satin sheets. He had big plans for everything in the place. There was a door on one end leading to the private dressing room, which was filled with dresses and makeup. Another door led to some private part of the building, where Josh could use it for surprises for Ms. Watson. There were also of course fixtures for light and fan, and he had quite a few cameras and lenses lying in one worktable. He was fully ready and excited for the shoot when the bell chimed announcing her arrival. Josh opened the door and smiled warmly toward the beautiful young woman who stood before him. Looking at his watch, he softly laughed in his deep voice, "It's very nice to see you right on schedule, Ms. Watson. Come on in. I hope you didn't have any trouble finding the place." He ushered her into the building as he spoke. "Thank you for wanting to help with the charity and footing the bill for the shoot," he said, appreciating her efforts. "I am Josh Black, the photographer and one of the masterminds behind the charity. Welcome to my studio." He introduced himself as he showed her around the place, which was tasteful and elegant, inviting and warm, made to make the woman relax and not worry about the location or absence of staff. "Before we do anything special, let me take some random shots of you in your dress. You look beautiful and natural enough already. So just pose yourself however and wherever you want. Get comfortable working with each other. We can start with casual shots, maybe you sitting comfortably on that ornate chair (high arm, wooden, a little vintage style) or just getting comfy on the sofa. Whatever works." "It was a calm Saturday morning for the sixth years of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Most everyone was at breakfast, enjoying the day off and the would be Hogsmead Weekend. Everyone was chattering excitedly as they ate their breakfast, but a few students were missing. Of the small number of missing students, only two were together. Luna Lovegood, and Cho Chang where locked in a disused classroom, though really, Luna should have known better than to simply physically lock the door. She should have magically locked the door too, how could she have known someone would interrupt? No one had ever interrupted her before, why would she have thought someone would now? Luna wasn't human, not by a long shot, no one suspected because she was so... strange, they just thought she was weird, talking about crumple-horned snorkstacks and things in the mistletoe... but she could simply see things that others couldn't, being what she was. She was bent over another woman, Cho Chang, who was moaning, loudly, arching off the table as Fluer thrust, fast and hard, deep into the other woman, her head tossed back as she cried out in ecstasy, fucking Cho as fast and hard as she pleased. Cho was one of her favorite meals, the woman was still torn up about Cedric, and threw herself into the coupling with such a frenzy that Luna could go days without having to feed again. Cho cried out in pain and pleasure as Luna leaned down and bit her shoulder, moaning and grunting as she fucked the other woman, panting and moaning as they both arched, and came hard, Luna gasping as the door swung open. Luna turned, her thick cock slipping free of Cho, spilling thick white seed across the woman's inner thighs, the sudden light from the hall filling the room, Cho shrieking in horror as she grabbed the blanket they had been fucking on, using it to cover herself as Luna turned and stared at the person who had interrupted them with large, slitted purple eyes that where anything but human, her lips thinning. ...Hello Harry, nice day we're having. she stated simply, blinking at him. She wondered how to contain the situation. She knew Harry was immune to the Imperio, which meant Obliviate only had a fifty-fifty chance of working. She could possibly use her allure to seduce him then and there, but that wouldn't stop him from finding a teacher, or telling everyone afterwords.,"Harry had finished his breakfast and found himself alone in the hall. Hermione was off studying somewhere, Ron had insisted on staying in bed all day rather than coming down for breakfast, so Harry had been alone. Without the chatter of his friends, Harry had finished his breakfast in record time, suddenly finding himself with little or nothing to do. He had no intention of going to study with Hermione and he had no intention of just sitting in bed all day either. So, he had stood up from the table and left the hall alone, starting to wander the rather empty halls. A few students had begun to wander the grounds, but none the hallways or classrooms. Harry wasn't even sure why he was wandering them himself to be honest...but hey, at least it gave him some incredibly rare alone time. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been alone with his thoughts like this....there had always been a voice in his ear...Ron or Hermione usually. This was rather...nice. As he wandered though, he could hear a slightly odd noise. It was almost like a voice, but rather different to someone was almost like a scream of some kind. With a gasp Harry took off into a run towards the source of the sound, thinking that someone might need help. Oh how wrong he was....if anything it was the exact opposite. When he first tried the door Harry found it locked, but he quickly pulled his wand and cast a simple spell to unlock it, with no magical protection at all. Well, that was a good sign at least. As soon as the door was unlocked Harry flung the door open and dashed into the room, wand ready, though as soon as he saw what was going on he froze up, gasping and his mouth dropping and hanging open. He just stared at the scene before him....Cho Chang bent over a desk naked, then shrieking and covering up with a blanket. It was Luna who drew Harry's attention far more however. He stared in amazement as he watched her....cock...slip from Cho's body, then spray a sea of cum across Cho's body, some of the desks as she turned and then the floor between her and Harry. He'd heard about spells or potions with such effects but...he'd never seen them 'in action' so to speak. "H-huh...?" Harry barely heard Luna talk. His attention was focused on her cock for a few moments before he slowly looked up. "L-Luna...? is...." He was about to apologize, just assume it was a simple lesbian relationship and that the girls were using magic to spice things up a little. He had even taken a step back in order to leave. But then he spotted Luna's eyes, gasping as he noticed the purple slits. This was definitely no simple magic. "L-Luna! I...your eyes....who...what...." He glanced at Cho, then back to Luna again, the boy still clutching his wand tightly, the door still wide open behind him. His instinct told him to run, but shock was overriding that instinct....for now at least. "Elena Nikolaivich smiled wanely as she walked through the halls of Riddle Manor, her toes curling inward a little as she felt the cold marble against her bare feet. While the woman was used to cold - she was from Moscow, where it snowed ten out of twelve months - but locked in Riddle Manor with a Dark Lord who dominated their world, it was making her even more aware of it than normal. Pausing as she caught sight of the handsome - the man had reverted to his more human looks the longer he was back - dark lord waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. "Good evening, my lord." She said softly, her voice holding that soft lilt of the North. Bracing herself as she thought about what she was going to find on the other side of the ballroom doors, in a room full of Death Eaters waiting to meet her. Lucius frowned softly as he leaned against the wall beside Severus, glancing over at him. "Do you know why we were summoned tonight?" He asked, wondering why he felt nervous and he knew it was because it was the first one that Draco had also been required to attend, and at seventeen his son still made him nervous even if he was a man grown.,"Voldemort had indeed regained his former appearance, after years of struggle, Severus had finally pulled it off... and the bastard had been richly rewarded for his services. Voldemort was insane, and cruelly so, but he rewarded just as handsomely as he punished. The only thing that never changed were those lovely red eyes that he so adored; Snape had been rewarded even more for that. The only annoyance was that it took working over a period of years, or else his body would crash. No matter, he was nearly back to his perfect form, and once he was, it would be time to procure an heir. And only the best would do for Lord Voldemort, Heir of Slytherin. "Good evening, my pet," Voldemort purred, a small smirk lifting the corner of his lips as he examined her. There was no love for her, he saw her as little more than a baby carrier, and he knew that she knew it. She was like a pet... one that he didn't want to take care of. He took her hand and led her into the Grand Ballroom, Snape tensing next to Lucius as he shuddered. "I don't know," he muttered softly, examining the blonde delicacy that was being led about by Voldemort as if she were a rare trophy. In a way, she was. "Father." Draco murmured softly, approaching Lucius and Severus. Draco was handsome in ways that Lucius wasn't. Lucius was more fair, feminine, curved, and beautiful... Draco was firm, muscled, handsome, masculine, and perfect. Standing side by side, they were the most breathtaking people in the room... but no one would ever admit that aloud, especially not with Voldemort within hearing distance... and with the man's paranoia, he was always in hearing distance. Draco's eyes swept around the room, all the best Death Eaters were there. All of the Inner Circle and the Death Eaters who were being rewarded. Fifty faces, a hundred eyes trained on the prize that was clearly Voldemort's... and only Voldemort's. Said man, was enjoying himself, he was sweeping Elena around the room, introducing her as his... bride, though they had not been married. It was easy to see what he intended with her, and out of all the Death Eaters, only Bellatrix showed contempt for her. The rest, men and women alike, thought that Elena was being rewarded... after all, what greater honor was it to bear the future progeny of the Dark Lord? "Ah, Lucius... my favorite." Voldemort purred, smiling at the blond. "And Draco, my pet..." Draco shuddered, but managed to bow to the Lord as was expected. "My lord." Draco murmured, hoping to God the Dark Lord never turned gay. Draco would kill himself before then. "I have a task for you, the both of you." He pushed Elena forward. "I have not yet regained my former glory. Until that time, you will care for Elena. She is to remain pure, and untainted, unmarred in any way... I wish to break her body myself." He stated simply, licking his lips as he smiled at Elena, stroked her lips with his thumb, and purred deep in his throat. "You be good, and perhaps I will let you enjoy your first coupling. Misbehave... and I will make you suffer the agony of being taken raw and under the Cruciatus Curse." He growled before sweeping away, Draco shuddering again, swallowing thickly as he glanced at Elena, unable to help the pity in his eyes. ""Fey, you should stop-"Scorpius malfoy smiled as he slipped into the seat next to his cousin, already reaching for the book she had propped up against her goblet. The slender blond man was beautiful, in the same way his father was beautiful, and just as arrogant. While he gave the appearance of being nicer then he'd been told his father had been at his age, there was a quiet cold viciousness that said he would do exactly whatever was needed to be done for his father or the dark order. "Scorpius, if you touch my book, I'm going to cut off your favorite body part and feed it to you," Feyn said, her voice cold and calm, the epitome of elegance and grace, even as she casually moved the book away from him, setting the closed book on the seat next to her before looking at her coldly beautiful cousin, before her eyes went to the rest of the great hall as she surveyed the rest of the students coming in. Unlike in the old years when you had to wait till the first day of school to come and get arranged in the dorms, Headmaster snape had allowed the more....slytherin loyal of the students to come early, while the more rebellious students or ones that were not decidely against the current dark order in charge had to wait till the evening before classes started to arrive. So, Scorpius and Feyn were already well arranged in the places in the dorms, once again claiming the best rooms in the dorm rooms before anyone else had a chance, and the rest would be left to defend for themselves. "Well, It looks like the animals have returned to the zoo."She muttered watching the students filtering into the room, looking bemused and interested. Because she enjoyed school, and no matter how much she hated to admit it, she liked having to fight Hugo Weasley for the best student award. The fact that she had lost every year, was still a bitter pill to swallow for the 17-year-old.,"Hugo Weasley threw his old hand-me-down trunk onto his bed, trying not to give into his anger about getting the worst fucking room in the castle. Might as well sleep in the basement. Oh! Wait! He was already sleeping in the basement. Or at least what seemed like a basement. His father said that the tunnel-like dorm was where the Hufflepuff house used to stay in. Typical. All the Death Eaters' kids got to come in early and get the best rooms, most of them taking what used to be the Gryffindor Tower; Everyone knew the Gryffindor Tower (or what used to be Gryffindor Tower) was the best dormitory. It had a great view... Unpacking, Hugo pulled out his books and stacked them on his desk. Like every summer, he did all the reading in advance and his mother walked him through most of the spells. Because of this, he always came to school way ahead of the other students. Hell, he could do most of the Seventh Year spells by his Third Year. And that's how he liked it. Because no matter how privileged and pure-blooded those Death Eater kids were, they always had to know that it was Hugo Weasley that took home Top Student every year. In the back of their minds, they had to remember that they were inferior to him no matter how dark and pure they were. That always eased the bitterness he had about the shitty dorm. One unpacked, Hugo made his way to the Dining Hall. He was quite excited about the Welcome Feast, even if it was going to be the first one he would be attending without Rose. Evangeline "Evan" Prince walked through the Dining Hall, ignoring the stares she was receiving. Her head was tilted in a way that left her nose in the air; something common among most of the Death Eater students. However, she was far from that. No, her snobbiness was a defense tactic, not arrogance. She was scared to be at Hogwarts, because unlike Beauxbatons (before it was taken over), Hogwarts seemed to revolve most of its socializing based on the purity of one's blood. Evan only had a quarter of wizard blood, to be exact, and that's exactly why her father had instructed her to stay out of the way. He wasn't trying to be rude, but trying to protect her. If she got too close to one of them, they might ask questions, and if they asked questions... Well, she might not be dead, but she would be without the only person who ever truly cared about her - her father. Like instructed, Evangeline did not make eye contact with her father as she took a seat alone at the end of the Seventh Year table. Luckily, with him being Head Master, it wasn't hard for Evan to transfer, but it was going to be hard for her to fit in. After all, it was extremely rare for a student to transfer from another country's school, especially during Seventh Year... Sighing, she looked down at her class schedule, her dark eyebrows arched with a serious expression. There was no doubt that Evangeline had similar features as her father. Her hair was raven black, her skin was a very fair shade of ivory, and her eyes were a mysterious shade of dark brown. However, she had a beauty about her. Like her mother (whom she's never met) she had soft features and a sunny smile; a smile that had warmed her father's heart, whether he liked to admit it or not. She was a curvy girl, like her prostitute mother, with large breasts, wide hips, and a slender waist. Her hair went down her back, black as the feathers on a raven... "Lucius Malfoy smiled slightly as he looked down at the girl sitting on his floor, handcuffed but still looking calm. The woman looked too calm about her predicament for Lucius' liking. There was something disturbing about a twenty-year-old not screaming or fighting back, especially with this twenty-year-old. Even yards away from her, he could feel her magic wrapping around him, even without a spell; he could feel her presence in his house. He would have known she was there, even without seeing her. Nodding slightly, he reached down and pulled her to her feet, smiling slightly as she stumbled. "Come, girl," he said, pleased as her eyes flickered with fear. "You have someone to meet." Dancia Veko shuddered a little as she looked around the house as they headed for the entrance hall. Wondering how in the world she'd gotten into this mess. She hadn't meant to run into the Death Eater, nor had she expected the blond to be able to sense her from just walking into her. She'd managed to avoid capture for twelve years, but how could she know that Lucius had been the one Death Eater she'd never want to get near? Because he was intelligent enough to find her. Stumbling more as he jerked on her hands, off balance, she sent herself to her knees as he apparated them both into the meeting hall, staying where she was on the floor when she realized they were no longer alone. Lucius bowed slightly, smiling as he looked up at his lord, who sat at the table, holding the girl's hands to keep her where she was. "My lord, I have present for you," he said straightening.,"Voldemort was well aware that the woman was now in the house. He could taste her magic, it was floating in the air like a delicate breeze. The others in the house were singularly unaware that there was something special in the house, unaware that the Dark Lord was about to be a very, very happy man. He simply sat there, listening to Pettigrew, sniveling slime that he was, whimper out his report. His deep crimson eyes flicked to the doorway as Lucius and the woman entered, and suddenly everyone was silent in shock. Most of them didn't understand what they were seeing; they simply thought that Lucius had brought a girl for their master to enjoy, they were jealous about it too because Lucius was the only one who could do such...personal things and get away with it, save for Severus Snape. Voldemort stood, as graceful as Malfoy was, though he was starting to look pale and sickly, he was still as handsome as he had been as a child, and just as eloquent. "Leave us," it wasn't a suggestion; the room emptied in an instant, several people shooting Lucius glares or glowers for being the Dark Lord's favorite. It was all they dared to do. The last person who had tried to curse Lucius had found himself tortured to death - and that was without the Dark Lord being there to see it happen. He'd just heard that Lucius had been attacked by one of his men, had torn through the minds of his followers to find out who, and then crucio'd him until he choked on his own screams and died. No one would dare attack Lucius, physically, verbally, or mentally. He stared at the woman for a long moment and then his long fingers stroked her cheek, as if touching a child, gentle, careful as if afraid he might break her. "So this is her. The Child of Magic that I have hunted for, for so long." Voldemort murmured, examining the handcuffs. "Muggle contraptions, Lucius?" Voldemort asked, sounding amused as he stroked the metal around her wrist, changing them into leather so they wouldn't cut into her flesh if she chose to struggle. And these way she couldn't pick the locks, many Muggles were capable of picking the locks. "Leave us, Lucius," Voldemort purred, cupping the woman's chin and forcing her to look up, to meet his crimson eyes. But he didn't try to probe her mind; no, he would use coercion and bribery. He wanted her with him willingly... or mostly willingly anyway. She would turn the tides of the war even more in his favor. "Come, child." He whispered, delight in every word. "You must be hungry, thirsty, tired, and sore. I will have food and drink brought up to your room, and a warm bath drawn for you." The Leather cuffs could not be removed, but with a twitch of his fingers, the chain connecting them broke, and long lines of Runes wrote themselves into the Leather. She was bound to the house, she couldn't leave, and she was incapable of harming Tom, Lucius, or Severus. Voldemort didn't bother protecting anyone else. He took her hands in his and gently helped her to her feet and led her to her room. The massive place was almost more of a hotel room - a fancy one. There was a small sitting area like a living room, a massive bed made of the softest downy feathers, and a deep elegant bathtub in the bathroom that would make soaking every inch of her body easy. There was even a seat in it, so if she fell asleep in the bath, she wouldn't slip down and drown. "These will be your rooms during your stay here. You may do whatever you like to them." "Professor Severus Snape was sick of it, tired of everything. For years now, every day he had risked his life. Always the chance he could be caught out, always the chance his many secrets could be discovered. And what had he got from all this? What possible reward did he get? Nobody knew of everything he had done to safeguard them. Everyone simply hated him, suspected him, accused him of being a spy or a traitor. There was no reward for him, nothing for him to fight for, yet he fought anyway for some reason. Even the Slytherin's themselves had grown somewhat distrustful of Snape as of late, though that was probably more to do with him showing less favoritism toward them over the other houses this term. With another glance at the clock, Snape finally let out a silent sigh of relief. It was Friday and classes were finally over. "Alright," he walked around to the front of the classroom, standing in front of his desk, arms folded in his usual intimidating stance. "Homework for this are to read Chapters 20 through 30 of your textbooks. I expect a detailed summary of those chapters on my desk by Monday morning..." There was a collective groan from the fifth year class, though when Snape narrowed his eyes, the groan was cut short. "Any further outbursts and I will add another five" The tall man turned his back to the class, withdrawing his wand from his sleeve to begin tidying his desk.,"Fala thought of Snape as an interesting person and attractive as well. But he was her teacher, nothing would ever happen outside her daydreams and fantasies, at least that's what she thought. Focusing around him was hard enough on itself, but she had never really had trouble with potions. She had also thought that her crush would pass, it had started in her second year, it hadn't passed yet. The fifteen-year-old stood about 5'8" tall and was Native American. For reasons she didn't know, her parents had moved to England. A wand had in the beginning proven to be a pain in the ass, but herbology, potions, and later care for magical creatures had been a walk in the park and classes that only required academics such as history of magic and the theoretical side of every course weren't that difficult either. But the practical side of charms, transfiguration, and defense against the dark arts had been hard in the beginning, but were going alright now. Flitwick, McGonagall, and whatever had to pass for a defense against the dark arts teacher had shown patience, even last year's joke of Lockheart had proven very willing to help, though last year it was the students in the year above her that had helped her most, Lockheart truly had been a joke. Fala was already looking a lot like a woman, with great curves. DD breasts, round ass, those things had gotten boys way too excited in her opinion. She didn't want a boy, she didn't need a boy, she needed a man. Her long black hair she always wore in a braid, that nearly reached her waist, she had big dark chocolate brown eyes, full red lips, and a well-defined jawline. The fifth-year Slytherin was one of few if not the only one who didn't complain about the homework assignment and always had a front row seat in potions. Though she had tried to hide her crush from him, she had a feeling he had caught on sometime in the last two years. "Silis was following a large Imperial force. Apparently they were following a single target, most likely a Jedi or two. They were having obvious trouble catching them, and if he did, there would probably be a large reward for him. The Trandoshan liked large rewards. Besides, even if he didn't catch the big prize, there was the possibility of decent supplies to scavenge after the battle.,"It had been months since the fall of the Jedi Temple on Ossus, and Jaria Kathson had finally started to feel safe. She had been away on assignment with Master Krona when the attack had occurred, but both of them had felt the great disturbance in the Force as so many of their friends had died at the hands of the new Sith Empire. They had fled to the out-of-the-way system of Alus to try and hide until they could find other Jedi that had escaped. The Force had guided them to Alus 4, where the inheritance had quickly took them in and hid them in a village miles from the main spaceport. There, the two of them had found peace and quiet to wait for the Force to tell them what to do next. Jaria liked Alus 4. The sun was almost the same color as her home world of Klameda, which made the seasons and temperature close enough to make her think of home. Her home world hadn't looked the way she had remembered it as a child, thanks to the Yuuzhan Vong War over a hundred years ago, making the Klamedians have to live in domes to survive the toxic environment. Through the decades, the Klamedian scientists had restored the hair on their head, eyebrows, and eyelashes, but still hadn't found a way to make any of the rest start to grow in their race. After the success of the Ossus Project, Klameda was one of the new planets asking for Vong terraforming, and the people of Klameda were hopeful that the new terraforming would bring it back to its former beauty. It had worked at first, and Jaria enjoyed the renewed planet before she left for the Jedi Academy. But after the terraforming had gone horribly wrong, the Klamedian people had to return to their domes to survive the new Vong treachery, and soon after cut off relations with the new Republic. That was the last Jaria had heard from her family. The morning was beautiful, so Jaria didn't mind when her master had sent her out to meditate before breakfast. The last two days, she had been getting feelings that something wasn't right, but her master had thought she was letting her emotions control her again. That was her biggest problem with her Jedi training - her emotions. When she was happy or at peace, they worked fine, but when she felt fear or anger, her Force talent would manifest in odd ways. So, when she showed agitation, her master would send her away to calm herself. Having finished her meditation, Jaria walked back from the field she had mediated in. She had some fresh flowers she had picked for the kitchen and a smile on her pretty young face. Humming as she walked, she waved and said hello to some of the people in the village as she made her way toward the villa she shared with her master. It wasn't a large villa, but it was a nice place to live. Rounding a corner, she saw the villa ahead, the sun catching in her light blue eyes, making them sparkle. She looked down at the flowers and smelled them, hoping her master would like them. But as her light blue eyes looked up, she felt something hit her like a fist. It wasn't physical, but a tremor in the Force. Horror gripped her heart as she started to run towards the villa, screaming for her master. But before she was halfway to the front door, what had made the tremor in the Force made itself real as a large blaster bolt slammed into the top of the villa. The next thing that Jaira knew was her body flying backwards as the villa exploded in flame and bits of duracrete. Jaria felt a burning pain in her thigh, but before she could scream, she landed hard on the stone road in front of the now-ruined villa. The last thing Jari heard before the darkness of unconsciousness took her was the screams of wounded villagers and the scream of TIE fighters. "It had been a month or so since the incident with the Curative tonic, and Flim and Flam had nothing to show for it anymore except for bottles upon bottles of apple-and-beet juice. There was nothing more the two brothers hated right now than the fact that they had failed yet again thanks to an orange-colored farm pony. It was a rather warm summer night as they walked up to the barn door. The two salesmen looked pathetic. They were more or less wanted con men now, and had been kept out of most towns because of their conduct. When they had once introduced themselves as the legendary Flim Flam Brothers, they were now just that - legendarily infamous. Knocking lightly on the door to the farm home, the two brothers passed a quick look at one another and slowly removed their hats. Waiting for the mare who had caused them all of this strife, and all of their problems.,"Applejack was worn out as she sat there with her jeans hugging to her shapely legs, her flannel shirt tied up under her breasts. Her long blonde hair was braided away from her face, but just as she was about to take off her boots, she heard a faint knock. Big Mac wasn't in the storage barn, so it couldn't have been him. She reached the door to see the FlimFlam twins standing there, looking like they had been caught in a dragon migration. Smiling, she leaned against the half-open door, her breasts pushing up slightly. "Howdy, boys," she said, smirking. "What can I do you for?" She knew they had fucked up, but why were they here? They had tried to destroy her family's farm on several occasions. "Applejack, who is it?" Applebloom stepped out of the kitchen in her shorts and simple shirt. "Nothing you should worry about, Sugar Cube," she called to her little sister before turning back to the twins. Slowly, she stepped out and closed the door behind her. "What do you two want?" "It was one of those kind of days at Beverly Hills High, the kind of day that for once was devoid of chaos and weirdness. This whole town served as a magnet for trouble, due in no small part to three teenage spies who always found their way into trouble. Still, nobody was complaining today. Occasions like these were all too rare, so why try to find fault with them? In one of the women's bathrooms of the high school, a pair of attractive female figures found themselves looking into different mirrors, using their reflections for guidance as they applied their makeup. "I had a date last night," came the unmistakable nasal tone of Mandy, the raven-haired girl who always seemed to vex the trio of spies. "Oh yeah? How was she?" came the brunette's response. "Totally lame..." Mandy said with a small roll of her eyes. "I teased her for about an hour straight until she was soaking wet, and I had her totally begging for it. So I took the strap-on and used it to fuck her brains out, but I was left bored after. I need to get better ladies to fuck," she added with a small sigh and exasperated roll of her eyes.,"Redhead Samantha Simpson, one of the aforementioned teenage spies, was in the farthest stall from the two. She stayed hidden in the stall until the two had left and came out, clearly curious about what was discussed among the two popular girls. She washed her hands, shook them once, and combed her long ginger locks with those same wet hands. Now my curiosity is piqued; what's the big deal about girl on girl sex? A strap-on? I think I want to experiment with this. Right after school, Sam found herself a quiet, out of the way place and opened up her laptop to place an ad in the personals. It read: Redhead looking to experience her first girl, very curious and open-minded about almost anything an experienced woman could show her about being lesbian. Serious and experienced girls only, please, as it makes no sense for two inexperienced girls trying, yet not knowing what we're doing. Text me, and we'll set up a meeting. The number Sam left was not the regular cell phone, but rather the one the girl spy usually used for experiments, of which this qualified. Sam wondered, as she pressed SEND, if she would be the new gossip fodder as this les-curious redhead. Since there were plenty of 'reds' in the school, she wasn't concerned. She just had no idea who would be answering her ad! "As beautiful as the sight of the sun vanishing was, it also meant for anyone traveling on the roads of Japan that it would be wise to seek shelter out. Alas, twenty-one year old Hitsuki Takeda was no exception to this rule. If anything, he perhaps applied to it even more so than most other people. Not to say he was a bad man or anything, heavens no. But many people tended to believe that from a simple glance at him and the swords attached to his side. "The concern is valid enough I suppose," he mused softly to himself, nodding after thinking it over a few moments. The day was ... hm. What was today anyways? It was difficult to figure such things out, especially while one traveled so often from place to place like Hitsuki did. However, from what he could quickly guess, he was pretty sure it was the middle of September, leaning towards early October of 1868. The Meiji era had almost literally just begun, and with it's arrival, there were supposed to be promises of many new beginnings for everyone in Japan. And yet, from all that Hitsuki had seen, not everyone accepted this. In fact, there were a good number of radicals who wanted things to remain the same, those who sought to continue the needless bloodshed. It was a shame, really. There was never a need for it. There was definitely no point in trying to initiate a needless war, that was for damn sure. "No need to repeat history," he muttered softly, moving a few raven strands of hair away from his eyes as a gentle breeze danced along his flesh and locks. Among the sun vanishing, he could feel the temperature beginning to drop. If now wasn't the best time to find an inn or somewhere to stay ... well ... hell if he knew the best time to find a place to remain in for the night. Thankfully, a nearby sign ahead hinted that Kyoto wasn't too far away. A soft sigh mingled in with the wind as his pace seemed to quicken. The ability to stay warm and have a fresh meal sounded very good right about now and he was more than ready to earn that. He didn't have the most in terms of currency. But ... he had managed to find some rather reasonable people on his journey thus far. Maybe his luck would continue? Only time would soon tell, Hitsuki figured.,"Riku Kotabe: Hitomi Fukuyama: Golden light spilled forth over the horizon one last time...painting the world in its vibrant color, before leaving to allow navy blue to invade. Shopkeepers began closing for the day, their last customers lingering before heading back home. A number of children ceased playing in the streets, having been called by their mothers or their fathers to return home. Overall it was a peaceful ending to a rather uneventful day at least, that was the case for many people within the walls of Kyoto. Oh no Mistress Riku is going to be angry if I'm late with supper again came a worried whisper. Several glances went in her direction, numerous quickly darting away. Most of the people within Kyoko knew who she was, and didn't cross paths with the young woman not because of her demeanor, but rather because of her status as a slave. Slaves were not common in this day and age...but every once in a while, one would come across a person who did own a slave or two. It was a sad existence, really...for that slave has to follow their masters orders, no matter what the task may matter what risk may come, or danger onto themselves. This particular slaves name was Hitomi Fukuyama. A sickly child, she was abandoned by her parents when barely six months old or rather, not simply abandoned, but left upon a doorstep. From that moment on, Hitomi was a slave to Riku Kotabes whims...whether they be silly or otherwise. Ever since she could walk, talk, and think for herself, she has followed the woman's orders...not that she hasn't thought about the concept of freedom. In fact it has crossed her mind several times over the years. Where would she go, though? Who could she rely on during her time of need? There was also the possibility of Mistress Riku tracking her down, even when free and beyond her grasp... The fact of the matter is...there is no way Hitomi could escape her clutches. There was no possible way to obtain freedom, at least...none that she could think of. Her hands holding onto the shopping bags ever tighter, she hurried her way down the street, not bothering to look at the surrounding area. After all, she knew Kyoto like the back of her hand. Of course, what Hitomi didn't anticipate was that someone would be walking into the designated path she chose to take...and so, a collision was inevitable. Hard muscle met soft curves, and with a startled cry, Hitomi fell to the ground with a hard thump. The bag of rice tore, grains littering the road, while other things began to either roll away or make some sort of escape. Ow, ow, ow! Hitomi found that half a dozen places hurt, and rubbing the back of her head, sending several black threads of hair flowing down over her exposed shoulders. The collision had loosened the kimono she was wearing...making it where a great deal of skin was revealed, inappropriate and otherwise. One golden eye opened, pain filling the orb and painting it a darker hue. Hitomi began looking around nervously. Did I really hit someone? she wondered out loud, unaware that she was sitting on top of the young man involved in said collision, in fact straddling his lap. I don't see anyone, though. "Sasuke couldn't remember how things had led up to this. He recalled getting into an argument with Sakura and going to a bar to relax. There, he met the most unexpected person, Hinata Hyuuga, or as she was now known, Hinata Uzumaki. Naruto had been having a bad day at work and snapped at Hinata for a mistake she made, so she sought solace in some drinks. He approached her and they both began to talk and drink more. Soon, they were both loose and flirting with each other. Without thinking, he kissed her, passionately, and though she was initially resistant, she quickly reciprocated. No words needed to be spoken after that. Sasuke quickly took them to a nearby hotel and checked into a room. Here they were. Sasuke was sitting on the edge of the bed. He had ordered Hinata to perform a strip-tease and give him a lap dance while doing so. He wondered if the meek girl was even capable of such a thing, but he had a feeling he was about to be surprised.,"At first, she'd thought that she would have the perfect life. Finally, after years of yearning to be with Naruto, it had come to pass. Now, she was married and had two beautiful children... But Naruto was changing, rapidly. Ever since accepting the position as Hokage, he seemed to be getting more stressed out. She knew he wasn't fully aware of how taxing his dream would be. She did her best to be supportive, to try and help, but sometimes it was too much. Tonight, he'd snapped at her, yelled at her in front of their daughter, and she couldn't handle that. The Naruto she knew would never yell at someone he loved over something so stupid as a big load of paperwork. That's how she'd ended up with a few drinks in her. Turns out that was all it took to make her a bit... Well, not herself. She apparently had a pretty low tolerance. While there, she'd run into Sasuke who had seemed to have the same problem as her, though probably more severe. The night was... Nice. Hinata had never had a real conversation with Sasuke before, considering how shy and allusive she had been most of her life. Now, however, with everything that had happened, her shy personality was chipping away and she'd been able to open up to people more. The kiss had come as a complete shock. Her eyes widened and her head felt rather dizzy. For a moment, she was scared - she knew it was wrong, she knew she shouldn't be doing this. But... yet, it felt nice. Since work had been piling up, Naruto had been more reclusive, leaving her alone most of the time. While at first she'd been content, this was just proving to her how much she missed their physical relationship. He'd never know. Just one time, one night. That's all. With that, she returned the kiss and they were gone, checked into a hotel with Sasuke waiting patiently for her to fulfill his request. When she was younger, his request would have been far passed her. Now though, with how she'd been opening up a bit more and becoming a bit more confident, all it did was make her a bit nervous and give her a deep blush on her cheeks. She'd never done anything like that, even with Naruto. "I... I'm not much of a dancer," she said hesitantly, knowing that she'd probably just look awkward if she attempted something like that. Still, she moved her hand up to the straps of her dress and slipped them down her arms to the dress gathered at her feet on the ground, leaving her in her button-up top and leggings. With slow and nervous fingers, she started undoing the buttons one at a time, slowly working her way from the top, showing off cleavage first before the last button was off and she let the shirt slide off. Taking a deep breath, she slowly began to work her leggings off as well. She was nervous, her hands were shaking, she could feel her cheeks getting a deeper red and her eyes could hardly look anywhere else but the floor, especially once her leggings were gone and it was just her in a bra and underwear. "Sasuke couldn't remember how things had led up to this. He recalled getting into an argument with Sakura and going to a bar to relax. There, he met the most unexpected person, Hinata Hyuuga, or as she was now known, Hinata Uzumaki. Naruto had been having a bad day at work and snapped at Hinata for a mistake she made, so she sought solace in some drinks. He approached her and they both began to talk and drink more. Soon, they were both loose and flirting with each other. Without thinking, he kissed her, passionately, and though she was initially resistant, she quickly reciprocated. No words needed to be spoken after that. Sasuke quickly took them to a nearby hotel and checked into a room. Here they were. Sasuke was sitting on the edge of the bed. He had ordered Hinata to perform a strip-tease and give him a lap dance while doing so. He wondered if the meek girl was even capable of such a thing, but he had a feeling he was about to be surprised.,"At first, she'd thought that she would have the perfect life. Finally, after years of yearning to be with Naruto, it had come to pass. Now, she was married and had two beautiful children... But Naruto was changing, rapidly. Ever since accepting the position as Hokage, he seemed to be getting more stressed out. She knew he wasn't fully aware of how taxing his dream would be. She did her best to be supportive, to try and help, but sometimes it was too much. Tonight, he'd snapped at her, yelled at her in front of their daughter, and she couldn't handle that. The Naruto she knew would never yell at someone he loved over something so stupid as a big load of paperwork. That's how she'd ended up with a few drinks in her. Turns out that was all it took to make her a bit... Well, not herself. She apparently had a pretty low tolerance. While there, she'd run into Sasuke who had seemed to have the same problem as her, though probably more severe. The night was... Nice. Hinata had never had a real conversation with Sasuke before, considering how shy and allusive she had been most of her life. Now, however, with everything that had happened, her shy personality was chipping away and she'd been able to open up to people more. The kiss had come as a complete shock. Her eyes widened and her head felt rather dizzy. For a moment, she was scared - she knew it was wrong, she knew she shouldn't be doing this. But... yet, it felt nice. Since work had been piling up, Naruto had been more reclusive, leaving her alone most of the time. While at first she'd been content, this was just proving to her how much she missed their physical relationship. He'd never know. Just one time, one night. That's all. With that, she returned the kiss and they were gone, checked into a hotel with Sasuke waiting patiently for her to fulfill his request. When she was younger, his request would have been far passed her. Now though, with how she'd been opening up a bit more and becoming a bit more confident, all it did was make her a bit nervous and give her a deep blush on her cheeks. She'd never done anything like that, even with Naruto. "I... I'm not much of a dancer," she said hesitantly, knowing that she'd probably just look awkward if she attempted something like that. Still, she moved her hand up to the straps of her dress and slipped them down her arms to the dress gathered at her feet on the ground, leaving her in her button-up top and leggings. With slow and nervous fingers, she started undoing the buttons one at a time, slowly working her way from the top, showing off cleavage first before the last button was off and she let the shirt slide off. Taking a deep breath, she slowly began to work her leggings off as well. She was nervous, her hands were shaking, she could feel her cheeks getting a deeper red and her eyes could hardly look anywhere else but the floor, especially once her leggings were gone and it was just her in a bra and underwear. "Cleste Guerrier had the reputation around the school for beating boys up rather than kissing them. She was built like a warrior, with strong arms and legs. But that didn't stop the guys and a few girls from ogling her; she was that pretty. She used her beauty like a weapon. But she wasn't a dumb bimbo like a lot of guys wanted her to be. Folks would have had her hide if her GPA dropped lower than 3.5. She was a military brat, her folks were both Army. She'd been in military school her whole life, well, except for this year, since there weren't any ones close by. She was 18 years old, a virgin, and she was looking to be the very best. But right now, in her Advanced Placement Chemistry class, she was studying, not knowing that she was being eyed by the school star. Her ears were pointed, but it was only noticeable by him and his friends; her ears looked normal to everybody else.,"Mark Chapham watched Cleste from across the class. She really was something. His nostrils flared as he watched her brush a strand of hair out of her face and bent over the chemistry book. "Whatcha looking at Marky?" Hannah Young said hopefully from his elbow. Hannah was his assigned partner in the class and it hadn't taken Mark more than a fortnight to get in her panties. Now, however, she was boring him. "Your boring me Hannah," he growled, ruffling his thick black hair in frustration. He really wanted to ask Cleste to prom. He knew she'd go with him. No-one ever turned down Mark Chapman, Track Team Captain and, without a doubt, upcoming Prom King. Cleste represented a challenge, a quiet kid with a tough reputation who refused to let anyone push her around. Eighteen and already at the pinnacle of High School, there were few challenges left for Mark, and Cleste was one of them. "But Marky," Hannah pouted, her brown eyes filling with tears, "that's not nice. I thought you and me were... y'know...." She trailed off. "What?" he spat, keeping his voice low so as not to alert the teacher. "Nothing. That's what we are." The bell rang and he stood, leaving Hannah sniffing in her seat. You didn't become an Alpha by making friends, he thought, and life was rough. He followed Cleste out of the room into the crowded hall, hoping to get a chance to catch her and ask her out. "Hey," he called after her, pushing through the crowds, "Hey Cleste! Got a minute?" "Ryan Morris was a self-made millionaire. He owned a very successful company that sold consumer electronics to various businesses. He sold it a few years ago for $250 million. He took that money and through good investing he figured he was set for life. He bought 50 acres of land in the country outside of Detroit, Michigan. There is some woods, a natural pond fed by a waterfall and some open fields of land. He built a nice two story house there for him to live in. He had just about everything. The only thing he was missing was someone to share it with. He had gone on a lot of dates over the years but he still hadn't found the one. The two most important people in his life were his 33 year old sister, Gwenevere. But everyone called her Gwen. And her 10 year old daughter, Annabelle. Ryan and Gwen lost their parents in a car crash a few years ago and Annabelle's father was a one night stand that Gwen had. Gwen and Annabelle lived in the suburbs of Detroit and visited him often. One night, there was a big thunderstorm. He was watching CNN, when there was a very loud lighting strike. Ryan saw the flash of light and it looked ice blue more than white. Then, a few moments later he heard a knock on his door. He was surprised that anyone would be traveling in this weather. He went to the door and was surprised to see two young women there. One dressed like Elsa from the movie Frozen. The other was dressed like her sister Anna.,"The boom rolled across the valley, announcing the start of what the brooding cloud layer had promised since dawn. The boughs of the trees swayed in the strengthening gust, surrendering their fall leaves without a fight. Portals between two worlds were opening in the midst of the night, ancient and powerful spells having been performed and put into action to send both Elsa and Anna to Earth that night. They would believe it was pure evil, a curse by one of the many villains of their own fantasy world, but in retrospect it was for their own protection. Blackened clouds that dominated the sky swirled building on top of one another. After a few experimental drops, the clouds unleashed a torrent of water, driven by wind strong enough to push the gorse bushes flatter and scatter their golden petals like confetti. The waves became titans, smashing into the grass below, and the sea that had been so dark under the gloomy sky was now white with foam and spray as it poured and lightening struck. Both young girls were sent through the chaos and were now left in the storm. Both were on their hands and knees shielding themselves from the vicious storm. Elsa pushed up from her bare feet and grabbed Anna; afraid she would get hurt or stuck by lightning. She pushed them through the heavy rains and wind until they found a huge lit house in front of them. They hustled as much as they could run up the porch and after finding the front door began banging on it rapidly. They were soaked from head to toe, Annas makeup was smeared. Their dresses were torn and soaked. Elsa wasn't even in her usual blue dress but something more comfortable; her dress was torn revealing one of her thighs. Elsa's eye shadow and eyeliner had smeared making the girls look like sweaty fans at an alternative concert. Elsa was saying polite curses if there was such a thing, sounding like a child using other phrases when they meant another as Anna banged on the door. Anna we don't know who lives in this place. We need to get home, where ever home is. Elsa said drenched and watching Anna happily knock. "Ariana Grande was busy putting on her boots and other skiing equipment. She had taken a few weeks off to go skiing and vacation after a busy year touring. She couldn't wait to hit the slopes. As she was getting dressed, her agent called. "Hey there Danny!" Ariana said in a bubbly voice, removing her glove to talk on her iPhone. "Can you promise me that you'll take it easy?" he implored on the other line. Ariana frowned despite the fact he couldn't see her. "I'll do whatever I want," she replied. "In fact, I'm thinking about trying one of the bigger slopes today." She hung up and then headed out. Taking the lift up the mountain to a good mid-range slope, she strapped herself into her skis and pushed off. She felt the powder and wind as she raced down the slope, slaloming along. Ariana could feel the rush that she had craved. She slowed herself down a little in order to be able to enjoy the view from the mountain more easily. But then she turned and followed the path and found it more heavily covered with snow. She began to sink into the drift. "Oh god!" she screamed to herself as her skis sank further and further into the snow. In a desperate attempt to correct herself, she sped up and tried to go in a different direction. Only for her skis to catch on a rock, sending her tumbling over and into a massive bank of snow. Her head smacked against a rock, and she lost consciousness.,"Ryan Morris at one point in his life had it all. He was the founding partner of a very successful public relations company. He also had a beautiful wife, Annabelle. But everything changed about 5 years ago. One night, Ryan and Annabelle were in a terrible car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and crashed into the passenger side of their car. Ryan was OK, but Annabelle was killed instantly. After Ryan got out of the hospital, he sold his share of the company to his partners and moved to his and Annabelle's cabin in the mountains near Lake Tahoe. He builds a cabin after he made his first $10,000,000 It had all the amenities, full electricity, Satellite TV and Internet. One winter's day he was coming back from town, there was a big blizzard coming, and he wanted to make sure he had plenty of food. The weather report said they could get up to three feet of snow that night. Enough to keep him inside for a month or two. He was unloading his car when he heard a female voice call out. "Oh God!" He grabbed his skis and headed in the direction of the voice. He saw someone in the snow unconscious. Furthermore, he walked up to the person and saw it was a woman. Furthermore, he gently shook her... "Miss... Miss... Are you OK?" He got no answer. He saw the snow was starting to fall. Furthermore, he didn't think he'd have time to get to the hospital before the blizzard hit. Furthermore, he didn't see any blood in the snow. Furthermore, he decided to take he back to his cabin. Furthermore, he picked her up and carried her back to his place. Furthermore, he got her inside and her skin felt very cold. Furthermore, he figured it was at least 15 minutes before he found her. Furthermore, he knew he had to warm her up. Furthermore, he took her back to his bedroom. Then, he sat her on the bed. He took of all of her clothes, and then he went in the closet. He still had all of his late wife's clothes... he couldn't bear to get rid of them. Furthermore, he put a dry purple nightgown and panties on her. Then he tucked her into the bed he put the young woman's clothes by the fire to get dry. As the young woman slept there was something about her that looked familiar, but he didn't know why. Ryan then went into the kitchen to get her some soup. "The night in San Javier was better than the daytime; you could actually feel the sea breeze against your skin and the sun didn't beat down and chase you into the water. It was especially perfect for a cigar, rum, and a girl to enjoy. At present, Pierre Murat had only two of those things, though there were always options on his phone or on his staff. He'd created the Elysian as a relaxation and pleasure paradise, and it had a solid reputation as a place people could get away with just about anything. Above the law in his domain, he traded location and luxury for near-infinite tourist dollars. And occasionally, celebrities would enter his domain. In this case, the young Ariana Grande had found her way to his island. Extinguishing his cigar and setting his drink aside for now, he stood and moved inside the luxe penthouse. One good thing about the tropics was they kept you lean; Murat was no exception, spending time on workouts and keeping things simple, giving him a body that he currently showed off with an open white shirt and shorts. He looked a wealthy patron, but the owner liked to move about unnoticed except by people who knew. Minutes later, he arrived at Ariana's suite door with a package in hand. A new bathing suit branded for the Elysian, navy. A silk sheer cover-up. Some massage oils. Coupons for free everything. The full celebrity treatment. His Haitian accent infused his voice as he knocked lightly, smiling through the peephole. "It's Pierre, Miss Ariana. I am here to welcome you for your stay.","Gah, was this trip something Ariana needed just desperately? She'd been working nonstop for like ever at this point. All the performing and recording and press interviews and her new stint on that one show. It all was just all kinds of overwhelming. So when she'd gotten the invite to the Elysian, this one-of-a-kind relaxation destination where you could get literally everything you ever wanted to chill out and enjoy yourself? Yeah, Ariana would've teleported there if she'd had the chance. Unfortunately, technology had not quite caught up to the whims of teenage pop stars just yet, so Ariana had to settle for the much longer way. The pretty young thing arrived with all the pomp and circumstance a diva should. There was a near whirlwind as she brought in her luggage and talked to the various employees to get everything situated. Yes, she had reserved a room: not just a room, the room, the best room they had, and the sooner she got it, the happier everyone would be. She was hustled right along, the smiles and "ma'am"s doing wonders for her disposition. The place helped too. Elysian really lived up to its reputation: all warm and tropical. There were palm trees and a beach practically shoved up against the resort proper. How cool was that? And that wasn't even taking into consideration all the tropic luxury that had greeted the petite performer upon her arrival. She'd been dancing by the time they showed her to her room. Ariana had wasted no time in flopping down onto the bed, reddish brown hair flying out around her. She looked every inch the teenager who'd stolen daddy's credit card to get away for a weekend. All five feet of her practically vibrated with excitement, from her perfectly trimmed and lightly painted little toes to the top of her expertly coiffed hair. Excitement shone in those dark eyes as she pushed herself upright, looking around the room. Each gesture caused her hair to flip around her shoulders, practically hitting her perky, yet small bust. Within moments she'd launched off the bed, taut abdomen muscles rippling with the motion. Years of dancing and performing had left Ariana with an exquisitely lean body, genetics and training only adding further to it. This girl bounded up to the door as she heard the knock: "Coming!" she called in a sing-song. She didn't waste any time in opening the door. "Hello there!" she called, looking up at him. She met his eyes for a moment before falling on the stuff in his arms. "Oh wow, is this the whole VIP treatment thing they mentioned in the email? Because I totally wasn't expecting it." This last was said in a way that clearly indicated just how much she was. The girl stood to the side, nodding and gesturing for the man to go right in, smiling all the while. ""A Shiny Umbrella, you say? You could fetch tons for something like that. Maybe hand it over to the Boss for a promotion!" "Now why would I do that?" the redhead refuted her fellow admin in the lounge of the Team Rocket base. Word had already spread in the entire hideout of Katarina's catch of the day and many had already pestered her about seeing the Pokboy in the flesh, much to her annoyance. The other admins, envious of her spoils, had also attempted all they could to convince her that handing the Umbrella over to the Boss would be a wiser idea. As if. Katarina had never been the type of associate to kiss ass. She was more invested in her personal success than Team Rocket's, treating the latter as a quick, but stable way for cash flow. Her passion lied in poaching, though, and her sport made her name infamous among trainers and tempting among clients. Katarina seldom brought trophies home, but when she did, it was usually worth it. The poacher had been out that evening and came upon an ambitious trainer who challenged her to a battle, claiming she had a "secret weapon" up her sleeve. One by one, Katarina's Zoroark, an exotic Cowgirl herself, practically mowed down her opponent's roster, right down to her last Pokemon. When her opponent revealed the last card up her sleeve, the Shiny Umbreon, she knew she had to have it for herself. Team Rocket had never played fair and the organization's selfish methods of creating a Pokemon army came in handy when they invented contraptions like Dark Balls specially designed to steal owned Pokemon. They were scarce and high in demand in the ranks, but Katarina had a couple, just for these occasions. The devastated trainer, beaten and vulnerable with no able-bodied Pokemon in her roster, watched in horror as Katarina seized the Umbrella for her own. He was hers, now. Not Team Rocket's. Hers. "Have you released him yet?" the nosy admin asked her, his eyes twinkling. Katarina retrieved the Dark Ball from her belt and tossed it lightly onto the ground. She hadn't bothered to heal him yet, so she wasn't worried that he would lash out, especially not with another admin and two of her Pokemon present in the lounge. One long leg crossed over the other as she watched his form materialize in front of her. "Won't you greet your new mistress?" she ordered coyly, also proud to present her new catch to her fellow admin.,"The eagerly anticipated Shiny Umbreon materialized tall and proud, intelligent aureates scanning around in cold ire, thin lips curling into a faint sneer. Unlike many Pokeboys new to civilization and human ownership, the Umbreon's outfit indicated familiarity with human customs. His jacket was nearly skin-tight, black paneled with gray and decorated with ruffles and a zigzagged string. One hand gloved, the other left bare, a touch of edgy mirrored by the single streak of dyed hair. Fitted falcon jeans were tucked into steel-toed boots ending just below the knee. He could have passed for an immaculately dressed pop singer, had it not been for the glimmering bands of cobalt on his thighs and shoulder, the small of his back, and, of course, ringing his flattened ear and faintly bristling tail. He was not badly injured from the events prior, a slim cut on his cheek from flying debris and bruises lining his forearms constituted the extent of his injuries. But he was exhausted. Despite his rolled back shoulder and upturned chin, his fatigue was obvious in his matted bangs and the way standing seemed to take great effort. The Pok battle had taken whatever energy he had remaining; even his tail seemed to droop as he ascertained his surroundings with feigned bravado. In a way, Pokeboys were not unlike succubi; wild Pokeboys did not require sexual essence to live, but they grew strongest under loving attention and care. The capacities of a feral Pokeboy versus that of one raised by a diligent trainer are as different as night and day. And though this Umbreon was obviously previously owned, an experienced trainer could easily deduce a lack of care from his quick exhaustion and slow recovery. Molten golds darted around, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. He recognized the self-assured female trainer from the previous battle, but the rest of the battle seemed a blur. His eyes lingered on the unfamiliar Pokeball; it wasn't the home he was used to, and yet appeared to be his new lodgings. His eyes narrowed in a cross between unease and aggression as he spotted the Zoroark standing just behind. It disgusted him the ease with which the clearly well cared for Pokegirl wiped the floor with him. He wasn't weak...he wasn't...but his tragic history of being shuttled from collector to collector and finally to an abusive trainer had taken a toll on both his psyche and strength. When he was young, his coloration had been a source of pride, but now he couldn't help but see it as a curse. When the request came, he hesitated. He knew well that despite the phrasing, it was a command, and from experience, refusing those always led to very bad things. But while he wanted to shirk before the confident human, to run, he knew he wouldn't get far with two well-trained and alert Pokemons in the room. "My name's Kaine," he grumbled under his breath, casting a leery gaze at the seated woman. Another pause before he added, voice barely above a reluctant whisper. "...mistress." "The Den was known for its mystery, for its darkness. Called "The Den," it seemed to shift from place to place, taking residence in a city for only a few days, perhaps a week or two, before seemingly disappearing into the night. Little was known about the owners. Some claimed that there were, in fact, regulars to this hidden club, though no one seemed to have proof. Nobody knew anyone who actually could be called a regular, and no one seemed to really know what went on. All they knew that when it came to elite and selective, nothing came close to "The Den." Which went partway toward explaining why the beautiful Brit was walking toward it, her brown eyes sweeping the building. Miss Emma Watson was currently shooting a film in this city. An invitation had gone out to the lot of them. Emma, intrigued by the idea of such an exclusive establishment, accepted the invitation. She did find the dress code to be slightly strange. According to the invite, all females must wear either dresses or skintight pants made of latex, leather, and/or lace of some kind. The more constrictive, said the invitation, the better. Thus Emma had squeezed herself into a black leather dress. Strapless, the thing felt almost like packaging, squeezing Emma's taut form into its confines. The thing pushed up those perky breasts, encasing them so tightly that Emma had barely felt there was room for a bra, even the lacy number that she'd managed to slide on. The hem of the dress barely extended halfway down her thigh as well, and she had to resist the urge to tug it down. Per other instructions, she wore heels as well: black. Her brown hair had been recently styled thanks to the crew, and her makeup had been done to accent her features quite well. Thus did Emma enter the club, earning an immediate pass from the bouncer. What she didn't see was the man reaching up to speak into an ear bud as she passed. Instead, the girl entered the club, noting the thumping music, and the droves of people. Most of them were beautiful, in fact, most looked as though they could be cover models themselves. Everywhere you looked, there was a body tightly packed in latex, leather, or lace, and most were gyrating. Emma worked her way through the crowd, reaching up to move back a curl and smile. For now, she figured she needed to find something of a home base, to take in the scene around her and figure out where to go from there.,"Kale Rosenthall was one of the few who could be called a regular at The Den. He knew the owner on a first name basis and therefore wherever the club moved, he was guaranteed a VIP booth and unlimited access. He always enjoyed walking up to the bouncer and getting in before these big names, and he always enjoyed how easy it was to pick up a nice girl there and have his way with her. Especially since most of the girls were already heavy into the lifestyle represented by the club; the BDSM lifestyle. The women always went to him upon his calling and were always so nice to him and always listened to him, but this time he didn't want that. The owner had told him some A-list celebrities had been invited, and he had a fun idea based on that. That night, he had gone to The Den as soon as it opened and entered his booth, enjoying the complimentary drinks and teasing waitresses as much as he always did, but he couldn't help smirking when Miss Watson entered the club and seemed out of place. So what he did is he simply got the attention of a waitress and told her to go get Miss Watson and bring her to him. The waitress, being a submissive, said nothing but walked off. The waitress walked up to Miss Watson and said, "Excuse me miss, but the gentleman over there has requested you join him." She leaned in and whispered into Miss Watson's ear, "He is a regular." That alone should be enough to intrigue her, but the waitress added, "Apparently knows the owners." She then handed Miss Watson a drink and walked off to serve other booths. Kale saw the waitress saunter on over to Miss Watson and then he smiled and raised his glass to her as she looked over here. He knew the waitress did a good job. He sat back and waited for Miss Watson to come join him. For this A-list celebrity to come mingle with him. When she walked over to his booth, he couldn't help but gaze over her entire body and analyze her every curve. He had the look of a pure dominate, and all the submissives in the club would have recognized that look, but he found Miss Watson simply brushed it off, which only intrigued him more. "Stephanie stood at 4 feet 10 inches, not particularly tall, but still there was room in her growing fourteen year old body for another growth spurt, enough to hopefully surpass five feet. Her strawberry blonde hair pulled back and done up in a pony tail. Stephanie was a pokemon trainer, she had been for some time now, her companions that she had been traveling with had parted ways with her at the previous town. She had heard about the carnival at the town, she had been to the carnival three years ago when she had been a much newer trainer. For nearly four years Stephanie had been travelling, most of those days were either camped out under the stars in the wild or in a tent when the weather was not so kind, the others were at Pokecenters, either slumped in those horrible plastic chairs or in an actual bed when she had the money. She was not the best pokemon trainer in terms of battling skills, her hope wasn't to remain a trainer however, she wanted to become a TV reporter and by traveling and being self sufficient she hoped that she would one day get her chance, after all she now knew a lot about the world at least the parts she had traveled. Having picked up some money her Dad had left in her bank account as a gift, she was going to enjoy her time at the carnival. There were so many rides that she wanted to enjoy, so many activities to engage in and try out all the food. First off however she had to eat. Today she had money, and she was in the middle of a carnival, to hell with her diet and healthy eating. It was time to indulge in those forbidden oh so delicious morsels of bliss she rarely had and to top it all off, cover it with chocolate sauce, everything was delicious with chocolate sauce. Well not everything but she definitely did have a strange sense of taste. Sitting down at a table with her plate full of food, looking around at the crowds, smiling as she remembered what it was like the first time she was here, reminiscing on old times.,"The short, chubby man sat irritably behind the carnival stand, wrapping his fingers around the hard wooden surface like clockwork as his dull brown eyes looked over the crowds. Mr. Bailey was a twisted and wretched creature, although this did not alter his outward appearance of a kindly fat rugged man who seemed to want to get along with people. This of course only served to help keep him under the radar while he conducted his horrendous work. Pokeporn was indeed an illegal product, but the amount of cash that he reeled in from his select loyal clientele was far too tempting to pass up. And so this disgusting creature sought out to ruin the lives of many young girls to bring himself and his colleagues wealth and status. This of course was not his first time scouting the local carnival; if his memory served right, it would be his tenth time, each one wrangling in a good handful of unsuspecting trainers. Beside the man stood his most loyal and equally malicious Hypno. The hulking yellow creature stood head and shoulders above any normal man, much larger than any other hypno. Just like his master, this hypno held a lust for human girls that could not be sated. It is because of this that he and his master have come together for a great mutual benefit. "Cersei Saint smiled slightly as she stepped into the hotel room, pausing in the suite's doorway as she tried to figure out where Harry was. Most boyfriend/girlfriends would have just walked in, but they weren't dating, no matter how much the public wanted to believe she was dating her most popular novelist. But because they seemed so determined to believe it, and Harry took care of her like Draco did, for a few hours she was willing to forget that she really wasn't dating him. "Potter?" She asked sounding amused as she walked through the living room of the suite, knocking on the bedroom door before walking in. Not even bothered as he finished buttoning up his dress shirt, smiling slightly. Cersei looked pretty glamorous herself. The gown was a brilliant black that made her soft skin glow almost white, her dark hair, so dark that it had blue highlights shown around her shoulders. Her eyes were even more extraordinary. A soft charcoal gray, framed by dark eyelashes, her makeup done just so that her eyes seemed even bigger, even more like a baby doe. In high-heeled shoes she was almost as tall as he was, studying him with a soft smile. While she didn't feel for him that same desperate passion that she had had with Draco, she still cared for him, because he had been there in those first days after Draco died. Shaking her head to get rid of the thought, Cersei smiled slightly, "Come on. If we don't hurry, we're going to be late." She said grinning widely. Because it was their last day in the States, and she wanted a true New York moment, and that meant seeing a play on Broadway.,"Harry smiled as Cersei walked in, his head tilted a little. "Thanks, Cer," he said, gently taking her fingers and kissing them before finishing the last of his buttons. He never seemed to notice that she liked him, but he did, and he loved her just as much as she loved him. He never did anything about it though, he could never betray Draco like that. "I know we're going to be late, I'll just time turn us back an hour if I take too long," he teased, grinning a little. They both knew he had no such thing; he was only a novelist, after all. In fact, he was one of the most famous novelists in the world, the creator of the biggest romance erotica to hit both the Muggle and Wizarding worlds. He made more money than Lucius Malfoy did, much to the Malfoy lord's disgust. He smiled as he carefully pulled his hair back into a low ponytail, which was the only way to keep it under any real control. He stroked the stubble on his cheeks and chin. It wasn't a beard, but it wasn't five o'clock shadow either - it was the perfect in-between that women loved. "alright, I'm ready," Harry promised smiling as he took her arm, ever the gentleman, and led her out into the hall and down the street towards the theater where they were showing the Broadway musical Cats. Harry loved the show, and he was certain that Cersei would too; she just loved felines. He smiled as they gave their tickets to the attendant and were shown to their seats, Harry settling comfortably into his chair happily as he leaned back on the soft cushioned seats and settled his hands onto the small table in front of him. His heart fluttered as he gently settled his hand onto hers, smiling at her. "Draco would have loved this play..." Harry spoke often about Draco, the world knowing that Harry and Draco had started a tentative friendship after their sixth year. No body or parts had been found except a few strands of hair and a lot of blood. He grinned again. "I told you we weren't going to be late." He stated as most of the crowd swarmed into the theater, a very familiar figure walking in. Tall, slender, pale skin, silver blond hair, eyes that were as silver as the ring on his finger. His own suit made his perfection even more perfect as he moved past Harry who froze, swallowing thickly as he glanced at Cersei, making sure she hadn't seen him, hoping desperately that not-dead-in-the-least Draco Malfoy sat as far away from them as possible so Cersei didn't notice him. Then, of course, Draco sat right in front of them, not at all aware of people who knew him being so close. He had run to America, New York City, for a reason after all, so no one would know who he was. Harry hoped desperately that she didn't notice him, or worse, he noticed them. The lights already dimming to let the show begin, Harry could find an excuse to leave right?... terrible stomach ache maybe? No, he had used that one to get out of going to that stuffy Gala? Maybe he could start a fire? No, she would know it was him; what the hell was he going to do!? "First thing in the morning, Professor Archon had to teach third-year potions. Granted, he made his schedule, and it wasn't as if he were going to sleep in at all. When he did sleep, it was never for very long. There was research to do and potions to brew. Well, a rhyme. He claimed to be many things, but a poet was not one of them. He was a renowned Potions Master and wizard, a highly-regarded magical theorist, and one of the more well-liked professors at Hogwarts. Or, at least, so it seemed to him. But who really knew. He was Head of Slytherin House, so often he was more proud and full of himself than was reasonable. Nonetheless, a great deal of students took his Magical Theory classes. And those classes were not easy at all. Almost. He unlatched the door to allow the students in, stepping away to his desk, eyes watching them as they filed past his raised lab table. "Good morning. Find a place to sit, you know by now that I don't care where that is. If you think you need a lab partner, sit at a table with them. If you think you can make it in third year without one, take a chance, sit by yourself, and best of luck to you. You know me well enough to know I won't go easy on you for being brave." He slipped off the outer cloak of his robes, revealing a more fitted set of garments underneath. His arms were wrapped with black cloth, and a fairly fitted black shirt covered his torso. His pants were just as black, but fairly unremarkable. He could have passed for almost normal in the Muggle world, save for the silver belt around his waist. It was about an inch thick, with a silver clasp on the front, and each panel of the belt was inscribed with a different rune. It shimmered in the pale green light that lit the potions room. "Are there any questions before we begin? Most of you should know my class and how I operate by now. I'm not going to waste any of our time with that sort of first-day babble when we could be brewing potions. Or attempting to brew potions, for the less talented." He said, the faintest hint of a smirk playing across his lips.,"Holiday had to admit, she didn't think she would be so lucky as to have Potions on the first day of classes. Most Gryffindors hated Potions; Professor Archon is a renowned Potions Master and Wizard, and he isn't exactly kind when it comes to delivering homework. Perfection is an expectation, and anything less will earn you a failing grade. No, it would probably earn you homework that not even a Seventh Year could finish. Snippets of conversation filled the air, and Holiday kept off to the side, waiting for the door to be unlatched. Fiery red hair tumbled against her features, tones of ivory, bronze, copper, and more bringing out the captivating green of her eyes. Being tall and slender, Holiday was the envy of any Gryffindor, first or Seventh year, and the envy of the Slytherins, though none would admit such a thing. Good morning. Find a place to sit, you know by now that I don't care where that is. If you think you need a lab partner, sit at a table with them. If you think you can make it in third year without one, take a chance, sit by yourself, and best of luck to you. Blue, green, and brown eyes exchanged nervous glances, and Holiday had to bite back a laugh. Those bewitching green eyes moved on, and Holiday followed her classmates into the room, robes flowing about her slender, curvy frame. What with high, defined cheeks, a proud, aristocratic nose, and a smile that inflames the imagination, it is a wonder no one has honestly said they are dating the Gryffindor. A couple males glanced over in her direction, clearly appreciating the curves hidden underneath those robes and also clearly imagining what else is hiding underneath. Taking a seat towards the middle, Holiday sat down, one leg crossing over the other revealing hints of a long, slender leg. Good morning to you too, Professor Archon, Holiday greeted, offering him a smile. How was your summer? Professor Archon was not one for idle chit-chat, Holiday knew that much for certain, but she was curious and well, she had to admit, he's hot for a teacher. If he was just a couple years younger, she would probably ask him out on a date okay, most likely, not probably. Resting her chin in the palm of a hand, Holidays smile took on a cheeky quality, all while fiery red fell against mesmerizing green. "Hope she's home for once...Jack mused to herself as she got off the elevator that was taking her to the high rise apartment that she was sharing with Miranda Lawson. They weren't -really- living together...Jack still had her quarters down at the Alliance section of the Citadel, but Miranda's space was bigger, Jack didn't have much in the way of personal belongings, and the young biotic's pet varren, Eezo, liked this apartment more...there were way more shoes to chew on here than at Jack's. Plus, Miranda was hardly ever home, so it wasn't like they were inconveniencing her. The older biotic was always down in the Research Labs, working on the Crucible that was supposed to be the answer to the Reaper War. She worked long hours, longer than even Jack did, and seemed to like to come home to leftovers of whatever Jack had made and the young biotic sleeping in a bed that was nice and warm for her. When Jack entered the apartment and didn't get her ass floored by a very excited varren, she started to grow concerned. "Miri? Eezo?" The young biotic called. Eezo hadn't eaten her girlfriend...had he? Yeah, he played rough with Miranda, sometimes put her in a singularity field, one time bit her so bad that they had actually had to go to the hospital (but that had been when he first met Miranda), but he wouldn't just maul her to death... Miranda pissed her off too sometimes, but the Cheerleader was still intact and Jack had an even shorter temper than her pet varren. Guess they're out playing...That thought seemed less probable than the one of Miranda and Eezo killing each other, but it was the only one that made even a little bit of sense. "Guess I'll go shower..." Jack muttered to herself as she took off her combat boots and then traveled further into the apartment. She lit up the Omnitool on her wrist along the way, just to double check her messages to see if Miranda had said where she had gone and taken Eezo.,"Miranda knew a lot of people, and one of those individuals was quite powerful, Tevos. At one point they had been enemies of sorts, pitted against each other in backdoor dealings Miranda had often taken charge of as part of Cerberus. After changing allegiances Miranda found herself on more common ground with the woman and they would often meet to discuss things they couldn't share with other company. They weren't exactly friends, Miranda didn't make many of those, but they were convenient sounding boards, occasionally they worked together, and just once they found themselves sharing a bed, but that had been before Jack and her separation from Cerberus, a night after too many drinks and some lip... Guh, Miranda hated thinking about the few times she lost control, but it had still been Tevos who made the first move. It was before their serious romances however, and that was far behind them, far enough that the last time they drank together it had become a rather childish, my girlfriend is more dominant than yours thing. Jack against Aria, it really was quite the comparison. Powerful, young, dominant Jack against experienced, sadistic, and clever Aria. Even Miranda wasn't sure which one would win, but she had insisted it was Jack no matter what. What Miranda hadn't expected, was opening up her door a few days later and being slammed against a wall by powerful biotics - a smirking Aria and calm Tevos in front of her. Even Eezo was subdued, being put in a back room by Aria while Tevos nipped at Miranda's ear, a gentle "We'll see who's more powerful..." Miranda growled, absolutely furious, she hated being taken advantage of and barely stood for it with Jack, because of love, but with Tevos and Aria, she was glaring and angry, angry enough to act if she found an opportunity, but it was one that never came. "Don't, unless you want me to be rough with the sapling when she gets here." Aria gave her a glare that drove home the meaning, threatening harm to Jack in order to keep Miranda in line... There were only two people she would put her pride aside for... Her sister, and Jack. Jack... Maybe she would have a chance when her lover got home, Jack wouldn't go down without a fight after all. Tevos had other plans however, turning Miranda around and pulling her hands to her back, moments later a click of cuffs being placed around her making Miranda turn her head with fire in her eyes. "Just in case, I would hate for you to do something silly. Besides, I still owe you for that one night..." Tevos was always composed, calm beyond measure, and it made it difficult to read her. Aria was much easier to read, grinning as she looked over and watched as Tevos secured Miranda, licking her lips as Tevos' hand brushed across Miranda's delicious curves. Miranda Lawson - a gorgeous whore if ever she had seen one. She had thoughts about her when they first met, if not for Shepard and Miranda having use she may have tried something... She never liked Cerberus, reason enough to try. So the moment Tevos had told her about the conversation between herself and Miranda, Aria had been intrigued... Mainly because nobody was going to be more dominant than her, but also because Miranda and Jack were both... Rare women, enough to inspire quite appetite for the Ruler of Omega. "Tevos... Go play with her on the bed, when Jack comes in and sees her being toyed with I'm sure she won't be expecting me." Aria grinned, excited and arrogant, but not stupid, an element of surprise was only smart with a psychotic biotic that rivaled herself... In both power and insanity. "The task is difficult because you choose for it to be difficult. Do you ever wonder why you do that so often? Kylo Ren chewed the inside of his cheek. He could feel his sweat pooling against the tile, almost splashing against his bare back. No one could accuse him of a lack of effort. He looked around, but he'd practically designed the room to preclude that. The quarters were spartan - thin, itchy fabric and hard metal. No personal mementos, for obvious reasons. He'd designed his entire life to eliminate pondering and encourage action. But now... You don't conquer a mind, Ren. A mind is a powerful entity. A mind is convinced. He'd been working on the damned probe for months now - with prisoners, with hostages, with dignitaries, even with the odd stormtrooper. He'd gotten glimpses here and there, but for the most part... only headaches. What have I been teaching you? To apply yourself with an open mind. Not to think of yourself as a student of one path or another, but to shed your identity. Snoke insisted that he needed to forge them self in order to read someone, that he needed to fully immerse himself in his target... Kylo pulled himself from the floor, threw on a thin set of cotton scrubs, followed it with his ceremonial robes and mask, before heading to the ad-junction room of the Gauntlet. As usual, most people studiously ignored him - and since he rarely made an entrance on the bridge, most of the staff could go on pretending he didn't exist. Gauntlet. What a name for a ship. "Fedorre," Ren says with a smile. "It's a pleasure to see you alive." "It's a pleasure to see you awake, Ren." The Admiral sneers down his long nose at him, as if Kylo hadn't personally saved his fucking life at Gyndine. He's like every Order officer he's interacted with the last couple of years. All narrow eyes, rudeness, and barely concealed nervousness. "Do you know what system you're in?" "Mimban." "Chandrila. You were quite a bit off." "Are you here to demonstrate your superior knowledge, or..." "I'm here to relay orders. They're directly from the Supreme Leader." "About the blockade?" Fedorre presses his lips together and nods, as if impressed. "It's been almost a year without any real results. He's seen fit to break that blockade." That's not the sort of thing that would need his particular skills. A large-scale planetary invasion? When he was still supposed to be tracking Skywalker? There was no chance he'd be there. So... "You want me to go planetside." "The Supreme Leader wants you to speak to the Governor of Chandrila. He assured me that you'd be able to convince him to surrender the planet." Never was he so happy to be wearing this mask. He swallows. He'd never been able to do it properly. And now the Supreme Leader wanted him to do some special operation? With an entire planet at stake? "I know Chandrila's military doesn't have the finest reputation, but sending me down there alone is ridiculous." "Oh. I never said you'd be going alone.","" . . Got to be a fucking clone," he said out of jest and slight tease. That was usually the last line of someone's mind working in defense, making a joke in a situation that they felt absolutely screwed in. In situations where one needed a distraction, it was like some chemical the brain released to keep one from realizing they were basically right at the edge of shitting themselves. That being said, she didn't really mind being compared to one of those failed attempts from a previous regime, the comparison made with connection of the body on top of him being smooth and swift in her action. The year before when they had heard the rumor of a woman joining their ranks, there had been faint whispers made with excitement, expecting another to slip behind one of numerous controlled, desk positions. She couldn't mentally handle it. To say the very least just the idea was boring, but the lifestyle itself made her want to be sucked out into the atmosphere, but in bringing her mind back into the reality, her fist raised as her eyes regained focus to the man beneath her trying to nearly suck his head and helmet into his body to avoid the punch. Rare should the situation turn into having someone attack you without a weapon, but the simulation proving as such when the scene around them disappeared, the sound of gears shifting and something within the walls humming reminding her that this was merely practice. "Hm," he said, rubbing his jaw where she had hit him. Standing now after pulling her opposite hand away from the gulping neck, the fingers on each hand wiggled softly before a faint nod was given and the thud of her boots carried her away. Helmet straight in her walk through the hall, the light chatter was no distraction, entering her chambers with a soft whoosh of the sliding door, gloved hands freeing herself from the helmet's confines. Breathing out softly, her eyes wandered aimlessly to the mirror out of a habit recently gained by change, closing the distance to her reflection and shifting her fingers through her hair. It was rare that she was without her helmet, deciding it long ago to simply keep herself from being apparent unless speaking, though the change almost gave a twinge of relief that wasn't often felt. The choppy haired woman's head turned sharply when the knock came from outside, glaring sharply at the door as she awaited the words that followed. "Admiral Fedorre has requested to speak to you, by order of Supreme Leader-" "Leave." Almost instantly at her request, she could have sworn she heard the lips of the stormtrooper outside her door form into a line before he left, eyes tracing the lines in the floor before meeting back to her helmet. While she wasn't particularly in favor of having the Admiral wait, and with this she clicked the Commander pauldron onto her arm, the white suited stormtrooper slid the helmet back over her head before leaving her quarters again. While there was no real joy in going to see the Admiral, there was almost equally no joy in figuring out why he had that snarky look on his face, breathing out within her concealment just in time to hear, ". . . I never said you'd be going alone. " Clearly the Admiral was one for dramatics. Nodding her head softly in greeting to the shorter Fedorre, in proper lighting, the stormtrooper could cast one hell of a shadow over him, though that would be something to laugh at when she was alone later. "He is sending you with Commander Phasma, to persuade him to release the planet to us. It is inhabited, so you will be among civilians." Though no protest was heard, the slight tilt of her head was evident when the woman heard the short version of what was happening, realizing she probably should have just pretended she hadn't heard anything at all. Pretended she hadn't heard the request, pretended she was busy doing something else. But this was for the First Order, and she had a duty. Unfortunately that meant dealing with others. Others who weren't conditioned, others who weren't trained to kill since childhood. Just simply civilians. Just the thought made her stomach churn. "After weeks... or rather months of searching, the Batman had finally found the safe house of a woman who was going around and leaving the most powerful men in Gotham broken and beaten. Most had their balls destroyed to the point that they might not ever have the chance to have children, and those who weren't that beaten simply got lucky. Maybe the police arrived and ended up saving them, maybe they didn't put up much of a fight. Either way, months of searching brought the Caped Crusader to her hideout so he could bring her down. A gentle flap of his black leather cape from the cool night air was the only indication that the massive man landed on the roof of the warehouse. His dark shadow slinking across the roof until it stopped at an open window. Below him, he could see a belt rolling what looked to be sex toys across the warehouse. While this was strange to the Batman, it wasn't against any laws. He stepped up into the open skylight window and dropped down. Spinning with his open cape, the gray and black armored man landed on a single knee and slowly stood up. He grasped a flashlight and clicked a button, shining light in the dark warehouse, slowly scanning the room around him, unaware of the danger he was really in.,"Emily slid into the shadows of the warehouse, watching as Batman conducted his careful search. She knew every inch of this place; even in the dark she could place her feet silently. She was resolved, but not without a pang of regret. Even at this distance, she could feel his power. Like so many of her friends, she had woken at night with her thighs sodden and her nipples taut and tingling having dreamt of him. No wonder half the women of Gotham wanted to breed off this man. But that was not to be, would never be. Her plot had been long in the making and now it was coming to fruition. Just like she knew it would. Anyone with any sense, knowing how many men had lost their masculinity in this place, would have come with a squad of police to surround the building and ensure that Emily was overpowered. But he was too confident, too arrogant, too eager to show that he was better than other men. Well, he would be proved wrong. She would show him that he was just like other men. His own masculinity would bring about his downfall. She moved behind a pillar as Batman passed close by. So close, she was sure she could smell his testosterone. Which reminded her of why she was here. She closed her eyes to remember her lover, now incarcerated for 25 years to life. And all because of Batman. It wasn't the loss of a man between her thighs that upset her. Men were replaceable. Nor was she concerned about the length of the sentence. He deserved that and more. No, it was the way Batman had dealt with him. He hadn't been content just to capture him. He had to put on a show to attract publicity for himself by making a spectacle of her lover, humiliating him. He would pay for that. His humiliation would be worse, far worse. She moved down the warehouse, away from Batman. "The swirling cutie mark hovered almost directly over Twilight's castle. The princess of friendship frowned as she looked at it, studying it curiously. Nearby she could hear her assistant and dragon-boy spike shifting and climbing up to look at it himself. Spike had just hit full maturity, which sometimes made him a little difficult to handle, though Twilight still loved him anyway. Dealing with his crush on Rarity, however... "That's definitely the castle, right?" she asked. "It seems like it's indicating right here. I would almost expect to see it glowing right above us," she fluttered her fingers before bringing them down to stroke her chin. Spike was already asking if she needed to contact them or anything like that, but Twilight shook her head. "We should definitely find it out though," she focused, magical energy shining at her forehead. They sometimes called her people "unicorns," which she thought amusing. Well, technically speaking, Twilight was an "alicorn" now: she could produce the feathered wings on her back and actually fly. That had come with the whole princess of friendship business, as had this castle and these assignments. Twilight approached slowly, purple magic swirling about her horn. She was, of course, wearing her usual around the castle wear: a purple tartan skirt, knee socks that matched her cutie-mark, a white blouse with a deep purple vest over it, and a string tie about her throat. Technically her mark would show just above her haunch, near her bottom, but she kept all but the bottom tip of that hidden with the skirt. Said skirt shifted as Twilight approached. The light seemed to shimmer, and Twilight was already waving her hands, readying a revealing spell.,"To the blind eye, what Twilight Sparkle was seeing just outside of her castle walls had indeed been Flash Sentry. The young guard looked every bit the same as he always did, with his current garments consisting of a rather casual wear which included a pair of jeans, white shirt and black jacket, as opposed to the royal armor which hed often wear when seen on duty. His blue hair was fairly messy, but in that stylishly messy way that girls often liked on a guy. Similarly, the Pegasus wings that he often had out when working were gone for the time being, thus giving an unobstructed view of the young male who stood outside of Twilight’s castle for an unknown, yet seemingly nonthreatening purpose. The truth, however, was that Flash had been there under a unique arrangement organized with the assistance of a certain Chaos God. A Chaos God which watched on through a small portal window, unseen anywhere near the not-what-he-seemed guards location, while relaxing in a floating position that replicated somebody laying back on a couch. Hmm. Personally, I do not know what she sees in him. Discord mused while tossing back a handful of popcorn that was suddenly levitating at his side; chewing upon the mouthful and swallowing it down while adding, Buuuut, I suppose it doesn't really matter for somebody with your talents, does it? An amused chuckle slipped from the chimera dragons wide mouth, as he informed the changeling, Now, look sharp, Flash. It seems like our royal-ness is on her way over to see if anythings wrong. With that, the changeling awaiting Twilight’s appearance would no longer be able to hear Discords voice, but the chaotic being would still be watching the entirety of the unfolding events. Now this is a lesson that should prove very entertaining. He considered to himself, as the straw of a large soda came up to his lips on its own, which he promptly began to slurp loudly at while his eyes remained glued onto the scene. For his part, Thorax was a touch reluctant at deceiving Twilight, but Discords offer of a chance at feeding upon the love of such a powerful source as the Princess of Friendship was too tempting for the rehabilitating changeling to pass up. Of course, the slight magical boost to his appetite by Discord didnt hurt matters. At the sound of Twilight’s footsteps approaching from behind, the male awaited until she was close enough to pull off the act, as he suddenly turned to face the book smart cutie and accidentally stepped right into the Princess enough to knock her off her feet. Oh, Princess! Im sorry! I didnt see you there. He quickly apologized, then offering up a helpful hand while flashing a familiar smile as he added, Were making a pretty bad habit of this, arent we? The coaching by Discord would prove useful, as Thorax rather perfectly mirrored the way the pair had met literally bumped into each other in the past while offering to help her up. "What happens when a good trainer and a bad ex-grunt fall in lust? Mizushima Kaiyo wasn't quite used to being called by her name again yet, and that fact bothered her. She was leaning over the edge of a pier at Lilycove Harbor, feeling the sea breeze whip through her hair. Closing her eyes and smelling the salt, she could almost bring herself back to being in Izumi's office, ordered off on new and exciting missions for the good of Aqua's Glorious Mission. She could hear the voices of her crew, the sobbing of insolent Magmas, the notes of distant work shanties ghosting over the ocean. The sweet laugh of a tanned shipmate, the adrenaline rush of battling at her side, the touch of gentle calloused hands after all the cabin lights had gone out... No, Kaiyo, keep yourself together, girl. None of that. Really, she couldn't regret "jumping ship" when she did, though. It was only three weeks later the whole thing went crumbling to dust at the hands of a ten year old riding the green dragon. Ridiculous, really. She knew a few of her former cell were talking about bringing Aogiri's vision back to life, but she knew that would be a sad failure. Still, hanging out in a coastal town without any true drive or purpose was starting to get to her. She needed adventure, excitement, full sails. She was startled from her reminiscing by the tap-tap-tap of footsteps coming up at her on the pier. She quickly regained her poker face, wrinkling her nose slightly and squaring her shoulders. There was every possibility she was going to turn to see some asshole in red, and like hell was she going to let them see that they caught her daydreaming. She cleared her throat to lower her voice and spun on her heel. "Oi oi, who do you think you are, sneaking up on--"she started, but her voice was cut off in her throat when she saw the girl in front of her.,"For the past six months now, Kacey had been in the Hoenn region ever since she became a fully-fledged Pokemon trainer. It was something she had always wanted to do ever since she had been allowed to help care for her parents pokemon back on their ranch. She had even been counting down the days until she was able to set out on her adventure. It had always been a dream of hers, and she still often found it hard to believe she was now living her dream. Since she had started her adventure, she had managed to build up a team of Pokemon that she was extremely proud of. The starter pokemon she received at the beginning of her adventure was a Treecko which had now evolved into Grovyle. The first pokemon she had captured was a Taillow which had recently evolved into Swellow. Next, she was able to capture a Poochyena that had only recently evolved into Mightyena a few short days ago. Also on her team was an Electrike and a Heracross she had captured a few weeks ago. Finally, completing her current team was Staryu. There was a smile on Kaceys face as she had finally made it to Lilycove City. Having recently turned 17, she was glad to have made it to Lilycove at last. It would mean she could rest up with her team before moving on again. Kaceys long red hair was tied up in a high ponytail and blew gently in the wind as she made her way to the Lilycove Harbor. She was dressed in a pink and white top that showed off a tiny bit of her C-cup cleavage and also some of her toned and tanned midriff. She also had on a pair of white short shorts that showed off her long, tanned legs and she had on a pair of white and pink sneakers. Kacey made her way up to the edge of the pier and stopped just as the other girl turned around to face her. Uhh. sorry! I wasn't sneaking up on you! I was just coming here to relax for a bit! I only want to see the ocean from here! She held her hands up in front of her in something of a defensive manner. Ive only just got into Lilycove anyway!She walked around Kaiyo and stood beside her at the edge of the pier. "Curtis' fingers rattled along his desk as he waited for his next patient. It was amazing to him, surreal even, knowing that he would be the therapist to the one and only Emma Watson. He had been watching her on the news the last few weeks, crumbling under the pressure from her various rough roles recently, as well as those who believed in male supremacy threatening her for her feminist beliefs. So while it was no surprise that she needed a therapist, it was definitely a shocker when it was he that received the call from her agent. So now, he was waiting for Emma to arrive. Thankfully, she was only two minutes late when she walked in, shaking his hand as he told her to take a seat. The room she walked into was of a fairly usual size for an office. It had a large desk with two seats for guests to sit at. Behind the desk hung diplomas and awards that he had received, which would solidify his experience and expertise to potential clients. Behind the guests's chairs was a stereotypical therapist's lounge for clients, and a massage table was laid out. "Miss Watson, it's a pleasure to meet you. Now, as you have apparently been told by whoever recommended me, my methods are very different to most. I focus on ensuring patients begin and finish my session with a feeling of relief, becoming stress-free, or at least less stressed. The average success rate of a client's positive progress from a therapist is about 62.7%. My success rate is 99.7%. That slight notch was only due to an elderly client passing away before we got too far." The therapist explained, sounding sad. "Because of my success rate, I take a no-nonsense approach to my therapy. If I ask you to do something in my session, you will do it. If I ask you to perform an exercise outside of the therapy, you will do it. Does that sound alright? I promise that I can be friendly, and will be in a few moments, but we needed to get that out of the way... now... I would like you to strip and lay on your stomach on the massage table. I use massage as a relaxant, while I get you to talk about your issues.","Twenty-one. She had just turned twenty-one, and already had sixteen awards, another five where she was nominated... And more was on the way. Growing up and becoming an adult while still coveted for being the actor who IS Hermione meant that she had some troubles already. Only two more years, and her first serious relationship was over. A horrendous breakup with Matt Janney in December 2014, and she tried to handle it in the most mature way possible. That Christmas alone got her staying silent in Canada, and she realized that her accomplishments and success scared men away, and maybe finding a younger boyfriend almost the same age as her brother Alexander was not the best choice. Emma tried to break out of her public image as Hermione, accepting thriller roles... Trying to become an action hero... And of course doing the job as the UN Goodwill Ambassador, telling the UN General Assembly that universities need to be a safe space against campus sexual and racial assault, for women and people of color. Some of the reactions almost broke her. With almost 50 nominations and winning 20 awards, she felt that she already managed to accomplish everything professionally - what more she could aspire to? With almost no personal life, living with cats and a smaller brother, even her pet hamster who died... Her friend Sophie Sumner got her to the realization that she needed some professional help, and fast. She even shared one name, who was later called by her US agent Esther if he would attend to Charlotte Duerre, a young actress with fear from the public, self-hate - or more like hating the image others had about her, and overwhelming stress. Only when her first appointment was would she show her well known face... Of course it was more to throw off the paparazzy from her scent, as any would be therapist should be able to put two and two together. Now, she stood in the room and presence of someone who made her feel as if she were in Dr. Freud's office. Almost starting to laugh, she found herself crying instead. Was it really her best choice to ask help from a therapist who wanted her nude and lying down? As the last drop in the full glass, Emma's nerves frayed until they twitchingly complied. Shocked, the actress and model tried to imagine it just being a photo-shoot... or a bathing scene... *He must be really good...* she thought, already doing the math - over three hundred successes - and realizing that his methods must be revolutionary, and while shocking, maybe she wouldn't pass away from the sheer shock, or later from being embarrassed. But... she had problems. Last year it was a real hardship playing Belle in Beauty and the Beast, and while it made her sorely miss the romance and significant other from her life, she found similarities between her role and how she - Belle - was all ready to fall in love with a monster... Emma's personal thoughts were that the Prince should have stayed the Beast... Which told her that she needed some changes in her life. Not even meditating or being a Yoga instructor helped change her thoughts back to normal. Whatever that meant, she didn't know. Emma found the only answer in her books... She had to stop being an actress, and thus also forget being a model. That made her recent - in February 2016 - announcement that she was taking a year-long break from acting. Planning to spend the time on her "personal development" and her women's rights work... a last chance of getting better. Being a little shy - or incredibly modest, if others were asked - Emma turned away and blushed, while taking off her outer clothes. The beige female business suit came off, folded and put down safely. Not her usual style... She kept her comfortable white cotton lingerie on, but took off her medium heeled shoes and sheer pantyhose. Hair left in the serious bun that got her look older and like a secretary with her glasses and sheets of paper she already forgot about outside. "It was mid-Autumn when a trainer entered the town, eager to take on the Laverre Gym Leader and reach his goal of becoming champion. Calem was his name, and he had brought along his large grass-type Pokemon, Chesnaught. "You ready, Chesnaught?" he asked, looking behind him at his companion's grinning face. The Pokemon roared out in response, raising its arms. "Ches! Naught!" it boomed. Only a few days ago, Quilladin had evolved into Chesnaught, and today Calem wanted to test his might against new trainers and new Pokemon. Calem laughed a bit at his companion's enthusiasm as they walked towards the nearest Pokemon Center. He withdrew His Talonflame, Duelblade, and Charmeleon from their pokeballs before leaving the center and heading down the road towards the gym. As he walked, he saw other trainers, some grinning and others flustered, walking past him from the gym. "What? I thought this was a fairy-type gym," he muttered to himself, shaking his head to rid it of worry. He opened the front door and stepped into the gym, ready for battle alongside Chesnaught.,"It certainly looked like a fairy gym too as Calem stepped inside as well. Pristine white marble with pillars and gilt, a red and gold carpet, and a trio of green circles, one to the left, one to the right, and one in the dead center of the room. The central circle did nothing when stepped on, even though it looked like a warp pad, but the left and right ones both activated the moment he planted his feet, twisting him into another room. Each of the rooms was like a dollhouse almost, and further reinforced the fairy aspect of the gym. Cute curtains, vibrant and pastel color palettes, lots of whites and pinks and purples and warm earth tones. It was all kept pretty spotlessly clean too, not at all like a poison gym... Then he reached a room of crimson and gold, and unlike the first rooms, this one had a trainer in it, a girl Calem could be fairly certain he might have seen before in a distinctive black and red dress. "Oh, another 'challenger'?" She winked at him with a sly grin. "My name's Kali, and you'll have to satisfy me first before you can hope to face our leader." A pokeball was produced from one broad sleeve and thrown eagerly. "Go Dedenne!" "The instructions had been simple, almost childishly so. Properly wash every nook and cranny of the body. Dress in something comfortable. Head to a hotel at this address. Go to the desk and inform the clerk that you're here to see the best girlfriend. Then wait patiently in the lobby. So simple on some levels, but at the same time both looking and sounding like something ripped from the pages of a spy novel. Even as she essentially told the clerk what felt all too much like a password, she very nearly started smiling, or laughing. Better that than getting angry, which had been her first reaction. Her boyfriend had always been a little... demanding regarding sex as far as she was concerned. He daren't be outright about it, and in every other way he remained perfectly charming. He just happened to think that they should be making love considerably more often than she did. Add on her tremendously busy schedule, and they spent less time touching than even she would've liked. Still, suggesting that she go to agirlfriend trainerhad struck her as crossing a line. They'd had an extreme row about it, to the point where she'd very nearly considered cutting him out of her life. That had almost spiked when he admitted that he'd already gone through and arranged everything, even giving her some of the information. She'd all but snapped. That row had certainly eclipsed the first. But then she looked at who he set her up with, and she had to pause: a woman. She was going to be "trained" to be a "good girlfriend" by a woman. There were quite a few testimonials, and for a bit, she was reminded of the training she underwent for her roles. Plus, she could see herself acing this training and rubbing it in her boyfriend's face. All of which explained whyEmma Watsonof all people sat in a rather impressive hotel room dressed like an average girl and patiently waiting. The blue jeans and pink flannel weren't particularly flattering, nor was the basest amount of makeup enhancing her girl-next-door features. Still, the lightly freckled face would be rather familiar, particularly to fans. Big brown eyes clearly expressed the girl's curiosity and intelligence, both of which were fluttering across her now. She kept looking to her phone, reviewing files and the records of this "trainer" (she still couldn't remove the quotation marks, even mentally). Emma had already signed the paperwork, essentially agreeing to follow instructions, even the ones she didn't want to. That had been a bit of compromise: the "trainer" got a privacy agreement with a giant lawsuit potentially attached; Emma got a similar contract stating that if she failed her end of the bargain, the knowledge of her "training" would become public knowledge. So Emma looked back at her phone, wondering for a moment why she couldn't even find a picture...,"It had been three months since a man contacted her about a new job. She was told that the woman she was supposed to be training needed to talk about it, and making sure she was comfortable with it. Then there was the issue of her signing the contract that she wrote out, and then finally they talked about meeting places for their training. They had decided on an expensive hotel in downtown, far enough away from the woman's boyfriend that he wouldn't be involved, and she made sure he didn't know the location of this so he didn't show up. The trainer was very successful at her job, and had famous clients before, so she wasn't surprised when she learned that her newest one was none other than Emma Watson. It actually excited her a bit to be training someone with such a strong background in acting, and advocating for female and male rights in equality. This was probably her biggest gig yet, but she knew it would also be the hardest. The boyfriend had already explained that she was not exactly overly sexual, nor did she make time for him as much as they both wanted. The trainer's name was Luciana, she never gave out her last name to her clientele. She preferred to keep them from snooping into her private life, unless they wanted to sort through every Luciana that they could find online. She was a tall, confident woman who walked with the air of someone who knew exactly where she was going, even as she walked into the hotel, and had no idea where her client was. She knew who she was looking for, but as she walked in she had to do a quick scan of the area. She had been waiting to actually come to the hotel when she was told that the client had arrived, instead of waiting in the hotel room for her all day. Finally, the dark, chocolaty eyes spotted the fair-skinned woman who was dressed atrociously, which Luciana should have known better. Probably dressed like this so people wouldn't recognize her so easily. Luciana walked past the woman, her long legs making the trip quick, and as she passed the woman didn't slow down, just said, "Let's go. We don't have all day." They did, but she had a lot of work to get done with this woman, and the Caramel-skinned woman didn't like to waste time if they didn't have to. She didn't even slow down until they were in the elevator, assuming Emma actually did follow her, if not she gestured for her to hurry up. "I'm Luciana," she said, surely you figured that out. I'm not going to make this harder than it has to be, but you Will have to cooperate with me. If you do, then this will be extremely easy for us. Do you have any questions?" The woman asked as she ran one of dainty hands through her long, hazel-brown hair. She was wearing a black dress that came to her mid-thigh and hugged her body softly. She was tall, and had long legs, wearing four-inch heels on her feet. She was slim-waisted, with full, perky breasts, just a little cleavage shown in the small V cut of the dress. Her dress clung to her wide hips, and round behind. All in all, she was gorgeous, and filled out the dress well. "descent into madness Maniac. Murderer. Monster. For a man with no name, he had certainly accrued quite a few of them in his short stay at Arkham Asylum. He was a new inmate, transferred from another facility or possibly from Hell itself. She didn't know and quite frankly didn't really care to know where he came from. What she was interested in was the story of what brought him to such a low place in his mental state of health that he literally could not even remember his own name. Oh, but he was by no means a completely nameless entity. He had come up with his own name for himself, or perhaps it had been the name that was given to him as the only way they could describe his appearance. His hair was a wild mess - vibrantly green in color, a deep contrast to the almost white of his skin, which was covered in a wide array of tattoos of varying nature and none of them making much sense. The only name on his files was the Joker. It was surely some cruel jest at who he was as a patient, or maybe just a reference to the playing card figure, but either way she didn't like it. Before she had even met him she made the decision to offer as much respect as she could to the man and give him a chance to feel like he was a real person about. Harleen made the decision that she wouldn't call him Joker. No, he would be Mister J, for lack of no other name in which to call him. Doctor Quinzel? A young staff member tapped her shoulder as she read over the meager files that they had on the man, her teeth chewing gently on one of her fingernails. Hm? Oh, yes. What room do you want him in? Harleen looked at the rows of doors, all with small windows very high up to offer the most privacy for doctor/patient care to be done in. They could be viewed as interview rooms or interrogation cells. Interview Room B should be available. Ill see my patient there. She said after a moment of mulling it over, as that room was one of the less decorated ones and would give her a chance to get him to concentrate on one thing and one thing only - her. Mister J was a fascinating person, not only because he was a complete mystery to her but because he was simply insane. There seemed no rhyme or reason to his actions, no discernible connection to anything at all. It was just madness. And madness was her specialty. She wanted to dive into his mind and get a feel for him, to understand not just the illness but the person. For the first time in a long time, she was excited by her job, so ready for the new prospect that she could barely contain herself. But now was not the time to be losing herself in any means to her curiosity. Instead, she composed herself and gathered her files and empty notepads and headed to the room, taking her seat at the table. Her legs crossed beneath it neatly at the ankles and she adjusted her glasses before smiling, doing her best so that when they brought him into the room the first thing he would see is his caring, concerned Doctor Harleen Quinzel.,"descent into madness He grinned as he sat in his cell, just staring at the wall. He would sit back, letting himself rest against the other wall in the small cell. They thought they were helping "him". Pffft, they wished they were. He wasn't interested in finding his inner troubles and problems, coming to "terms" with them. He came to terms with them awhile ago and he's still the way he is. Maybe a little worse but it's sometimes hard to tell, he'd chuckle at the thought of his state of mind before he continued to stare at the wall. Sitting in this cell just let him loose himself into his own mind more than they knew, and he loved it. His mind was a perfect world. It consumed him, it consumed others when he allowed it to. Now a doctor would sit there and say that was very very bad but he loved it and he wasn't going to fight it either. This place was boring him to no end, he was surrounded by other crazies. The type of crazy that rocked back and forth and talked to their dead mom type crazies. There was no one like him in here that he knew of and if there was he wanted to meet them. That was unlikely though, no one was like him here, they couldn't be like him. A knock would come to the door of his cell, he rolled his eyes. His head slowly turned as a guard looked at him. "Can I help you?" The Joker smiled lightly. The guard looked annoyed, "Get up Joker, step away from the door."The Joker stood and walked toward the big steel door. "Why's that? So you can put me in a straight jacket?...Oh wait you drug me first...." After a small pause, he laughed loudly. "I am forgetting the steps of your little procedures here. I think...I think I might be loosing it in here." He grinned at the guards face before laughing again, harder this time. He had to find his kicks in here somehow; there really was nothing else. Although what he really wanted was to put a bullet through every guard's skull. Now that would make him laugh, he'd feel good about that for sure. "Alright, alright." He turned around, slowly putting his hands on the back of his head. He could have turned around and hit the guard but he was curious to see where they were taking him. He felt the familiar jab in his neck and the sudden darkness that overtook him. Once he came to, he was in the straight jacket...again, still sitting in his cell. To tell you the truth, Joker dreaded being here with every ounce of his soul; he acted like he didn't mind but deep down he wanted out. He was use to so much freedom and to do as he pleased. But in here, he couldn't do any of that. He had to play by others' rules and not his own, which he wasn't dealing with very well either. He was determined to get out because if he didn't, he would surely go crazy. He didn't want to be the crazy talking to his dead mom. It wasn't long before two guards were dragging him to his feet and then down the hall. He glanced at one of the guards; he'd kill him first. After quite a bit of walking, they swung open a door. "New cell?" Joker smiled at the two guards but they didn't reply as they continued to drag him in. As he was dragged in and forced into a chair, his eyes set on a very pretty blonde. Right away that sinful grin crept up onto his face. He heard the door shut behind him. She must be his new shrink. A shrink he certainly would enjoy. Much better than his last one, much better. "Hi." Joker spoke slowly as he sat back, a few moments passing. Letting his eyes examine her before he spoke again. "You are very pretty." Joker watched her expression and or body movement with each word that left his lips. His foot tapped a little as he looked around the room; it was pretty blank. "Well you know my name, now what's yours?" Again, his words were slow but deliberate. This was good; he had a chance to have some fun. "Tables lined a wall with many different faces and alcoholic beverages adorning the spaces above and on said tables. The very sound of drunken social delights had been heartwarming to contrast the dark and cloudy night sky outside. Despite wearing a smile as he readied up a serving platter with glass mugs, Koji was most certainly not awake or excited. Truth be told, the darkness beneath his green eyes grew as he humbly worked his way into a second shift right after his first one. He could summon a laugh in response to a joke a human made behind him, but the agitation of a tired and hungry beast swelled beneath the surface. How he managed to keep himself under control was beyond him. These years spent working for Hayato must have changed him. Hayato."That old bastard..."Koji thought to himself as he finished filling the final mug and headed towards a table. As grateful Koji was that Hayato was so kind to a street urchin like himself, making Koji put up with humans for what had already been ten hours was quite the stretch. He'd honestly rather be ripping apart Hayato's enemies and biting into their putrid flesh. Even fighting doves without sleep was far more palatable than this. Nobody ever accused Koji of disliking humans, but it certainly tried his patience. In any case, these faces were ones Koji would never get to know if it weren't for Hayato. The wavy brown haired ghoul just wished the old man was a little less aloof about these matters. And in almost no time at all, Koji couldn't think about anything he previously mulled over. His mind was renewed and a sinister smile etched across his face. Just as he finished serving a table across the bar, he noticed a particular young man that he's known for a week or two. And what really caught Koji's attention was the woman talking to him. This busy bee couldn't trust that poorly dressed sorry excuse for a man's wretched stench. It almost made him sick. And with a aigh, Koji let it go for now and resumed his various job-related chores.,"Tokyo was definitely a beautiful sight to behold, and Beth instantly knew she'd made the right choice. Of course, she assumed Italy and England were just as wonderful in their own right, but she'd always been fascinated with Asian culture, and Japan was no exception. So she signed up to study abroad for the entire first semester of her sophomore year. She wasn't alone, either; a handful of her close friends and fellow classmates who were also art majors joined her. Whenever they weren't all busting their backsides in the classrooms, they were out among the vast city and enjoying all that it had to offer. And so it was that the small clique found themselves in a quaint pub towards downtown Tokyo. Dull vibrations of blaring music could be heard from a nightclub just next door, and vibrant lights from the adjacent buildings filtered in through the glass windows. Boisterous laughter echoed off the walls as the many patrons of the pub enjoyed their liquor with flushed cheeks and wide grins. Beth and her friends were no exception; after downing another shot of tequila, the young woman looked up through glazed-over eyes to see a man approaching their table. It didn't take long for him to convince her to join him in the nightclub next door due to the alcohol clouding her judgment and the fact that this stranger was quite the looker. Beth wasn't a heavy drinker, and when she did partake in it, she was normally responsible. But it was the weekend and they were through with midterms. A celebration was in order. She clumsily followed her suitor out of the pub and into a narrow alleyway. The pounding music of the club was more prominent and nearly ruptured her eardrums in her stupor. Despite this, however, she could sense that something wasn't quite right. The air seemed far colder than it had seconds ago, and the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end. Before she could question it, a sharp gasp escaped from Beth's parted, pink lips. The man had grasped her fish tail braid tightly and yanked hard on the golden strands of hair. Pain shot through her scalp as she was dragged backwards and up against the brick wall. She had every intention of screaming but it seemed that her assailant had predicted it, clamping a hand over her mouth. Beth began to hyperventilate as tears pricked her hazel eyes. Hush now, he growled in a low voice while a predatory gleam soon appeared in his golden irises. I've never had a foreigner before. With that, he extended his tongue and slid the muscle along the prominent vein in her throat before stretching his mouth wide open and tearing into the flesh. "Moving to the Kanto region had been a big change, but Lillie needed it. She needed to move on from Alola because she was never going to reach her full potential when she didn't need to push herself. Over the last few years she had tried to keep in contact with her friends back home but time and distance had taken its toll. Slowly everyone had grown apart, so naturally that Lillie didn't even realize she hadn't talked to Moon recently until it had been over a month. It was part of growing up and moving on she supposed, but at the same time that one day she was going to return home. All she could hope for was that those she had left behind would be well - grown up and matured but still at their essence the people she had loved. Five years was a long time, though. Lillie herself had grown up and wasn't a kid any more. She wasn't as timid as she had been before - she had grown in to herself as a person and as a trainer. Though she never followed in her best friend's footsteps, never became a champion, she learned what it felt like to be her own person and to put trust in her instincts and her Pokemon. So why was she feeling nervous now? Sitting in a chair at a Pokemon center she waited, just waited. Her heart raced, pulse so strong she swore that other people might have been able to see it. Talking to Hau had been easy but Moon? The mere thought had the blonde flustered and nervous. Hau and her spent about an hour catching up before he had asked the question she had both ached for and dreaded - "Have you got in touch with Moon, or should I go grab her?" He had left not too long ago; though he had offered to take Lillie along with him she had elected to stay where she was, take the time to build up her courage and get over her nervousness. It wasn't that she thought that Moon would be upset or angry or in any way negative towards her, she couldn't explain why she was so flustered at all. Every time the door opened she was put on high alert, green eyes scanning over whoever entered. Any time now the person she was waiting for could come in, and Lillie was both thrilled and terrified.,"Alola's Pokemon League Champion racing through the streets of Hau'oli City certainly wasn't a common sight, and as Moon dashed towards the Pokemon center heads turned to follow her, a mix of surprised and admiration scattered across the various ages of passersby. Those people's opinions were the last things Moon was thinking about. Her mind was a jumbled mess of sporadic thoughts as she ran, the wind whipping through her shoulder-length black hair. Lillie was back! She could still hardly believe it, yet Hau insisted it was true when he'd come to tell her. If this was his idea of a joke, he was gonna get a stern smack on the back of the head when she next saw him. It had been so long since she'd last seen her friend. So long even since they'd last been in touch. Sure they were older and had their own things to do - Lillie had been off on her own journey of independence while Moon had been exhaustively busy being the League champion. She'd always thought it would be a cushy job, just sitting around waiting for challengers; but it turned out there was a lot more involved, especially for a young teenager having only just finished her island challenge. Still she'd persevered, and it had paid off, she was an icon looked up to by so many young trainers and it warmed her heart to know she had their admiration, but lately it had just been souring. Excitement had been the primary emotion that filled her on the run here from the Professor's lab, but by the time the red roof of the Pokemon center loomed in the distance, she felt a mix of nervousness and dread sink in. It really had been a long time and she had no doubt Lillie would have changed from the shy, timid girl who sailed away that day. And yet, there Moon was, still the Pokemon League Champion. Would Lillie be disappointed that she was the exact same girl from years ago? She hadn't changed at all in her own eyes, other than perhaps gained a bit of confidence and maybe some extra skill as a trainer, but those were nothing to write home about. Her body had matured too, that much was obvious from just a glance at her arguably revealing outfit of a floral aquamarine, Alolan styled tube top which showed off an ample amount of her slim, tanned navel; and a long, breezy skirt which fluttered around her right leg while leaving a long slit up the opposite one, exposing her thigh. This kind of outfit would probably be considered inappropriate to just wander around in back in Kanto, but here in Alola where half the population seemed to walk around in swimsuits most of the day, it was perfectly acceptable. Her nerves and excitement were still warring with one another when she finally reached the Pokemon center, her face flushed from the run and her hair a mess from the sea wind whipping through it. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath, and a few droplets of sweat glistened faintly on her skin. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside through the automatic glass doors, and the moment her eyes fell upon Lillie, her nervousness decided to win out. The instant she'd laid eyes upon Lillie, all those old feelings she'd felt for the girl came flooding back. Affection, adoration, love even. While she'd been gone, Moon had tried to convince herself that the feelings she'd felt towards Lillie were just a schoolgirl crush, and the heartbreak she'd felt when Lillie had left was normal when a friend was going away; but that attraction came rushing back the moment she immediately recognized the girl sitting on one of the seats. Blue eyes met green, and she willed herself to close the distance. "Alola," she finally said when she stopped in front of the blonde, a warm smile on her lips as she gave her the traditional Alolan wave. A moment later those emotions of raw friendship overpowered everything else she was feeling, and a small giggle slipped out of her before she threw her arms around Lillie in a painfully tight hug. "I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her words slightly muffled into the girl's shoulder as she held her dearly while trying to blink away the moisture in her eyes. She didn't know where the sudden tears came from, but it was all so real and genuine that she didn't want the moment to end. "Even after cleaning herself, it felt like there was still sand on Rey's hands. Just hours ago, Jakku's yellow sun had been beating down ruthlessly on her, her hands sore from scavenging for bits of metal, and the desert plains had stretched for miles in peaking waves. The sand was unavoidable; barely any shelter, and she couldn't remember the last time she hadn't slept with a coarse texture on her skin. And now, she was... Surprisingly clean. Rey rubbed her fingers against her palm, released them, and then looked down. Sure enough, there were no gritty grains of sand left on her fingers. A few cuts and scrapes here and there, and perhaps a bit of a red tinge where she'd burnt herself on some hot metal whilst scavenging, but she was almost completely okay. Almost. Where was Ben? The scavenger looked at her bed, and then the door. She was supposed to have gone to sleep by now, remembering Han's passing statement about how tired she must have felt after narrowly escaping the First Order - and his debt collectors - but how was she supposed to sleep when the room felt so deathly silent? It was horrible. When Ben had first arrived on Jakku, she had been apprehensive about letting him stay with her, sticking firmly to her 'loner' behavior. But then over time, the activities she used to do by herself became something that was worth sharing. And what was most amazing was that Ben actually cared about it. For so long, Rey had been treated no better than the dirt on Jakku itself, but then Ben had stumbled into her life and showed her that she didn't need to feel lonely anymore. Scavenging, eating, sleeping - they did it all. And now she was expected to sleep alone? Rey huffed, annoyed and frustrated. Just being by herself made her distressed. The thought of being alone again on Jakku was enough to make her upset, but now she was in an unfamiliar environment, having been forced to abandon her life on Jakku when the First Order came looking for her, and her whole heart ached at the thought of not being able to hug Ben at the end of it all. She brought her legs up and sat cross-legged on the bed, fiddling with the blanket nervously. It was going to be a long 'rest'.,"Ben Solo was training to become the next great Jedi. His mother and father tried to keep him away from the life, but his Uncle Luke Skywalker taught him once Ben became interested. One fateful night long ago, Bens best friend at the time decided to lose his damn mind. Every young Jedi that was in training underneath Luke was slaughtered. The temples were destroyed. Somehow, Ben kept himself alive and survived. Luke helped get Ben back to his parents so he could seek the medical help he needed. However, after that, Luke just disappeared and left Ben all alone for training. He had to teach himself after healing up. Soon enough, Ben was with the Resistance full time. He read as much as he could, trained as much as he could, so not only did he become a good fighter for the Rebels, but he became a better Jedi as well. Things were going well for him. He was still on the Light Side of the Force and he was trying to teach more people but it was a dying art since his knowledge was not nearly as extensive as Master Lukes. He would kill to have him back. He was very close to Poe Dameron, who was a pilot for the Resistance. Poe taught him everything he knew about aircrafts and spaceship weapons. What started out as just another mission for them on Jakku turned into something else entirely. After coming face to face with the First Order and Kylo Ren, Ben was sent away to escort BB-8 back to the Resistance. He hated leaving Poe, but he realized there was no other option for him. Poe was in charge anyways. On Jakku, trying to get back home, he met a woman named Rey. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was kind, too. From the very first moment they spoke, there was undeniable chemistry between them. When they first met, Ben actually saved her life from a couple of Junkers that were looking to corner her and steal what she had scavenged. Weeks had passed since then. Ben and Rey started a relationship together while on Jakku and he never felt like life was more right than it was now. They were currently on his fathers ship, preparing to meet up with other Resistance members on Takodana, but they were also hiding from the First Order, which meant they had to be careful while in flight. Ben recently showered and cleaned himself up for the evening, but he could not stop thinking about Rey. They spent nearly every second together since meeting. Why stop now? Ben debated it for a very short time, deciding to make the short walk from his room down to hers, stopping outside her door to knock a few times. Rey, its me. He called out. "Magma owned this town, it was a vacation spot for many couples, and love birds, a natural wonder thanks to the healing effect of the hot springs caused by the volcanic activity which was a wonder of heated volcanic activity and naturally forming aquatic pools to create something truly relaxing and restful. Currently Kyui was sitting in those waters, it was late, the softer shades of night were out and at rest. The world was at peace, which was exactly the reason that Kyui had picked this time, most people had gone home by now and so it was a good chance for him to reflect on the passage of time. Today was his 19th birthday. He set a glass of whiskey to the side of him, and another that he was currently holding and taking a soft sip from it. He was resting because tomorrow was the battle, and he had the second glass for another. He didn't really remember how long ago it was that his family divided, he could kind of remember the faces of his younger sister, he supposed it wouldn't have been too different from his own. As he rested against the bamboo that separated the male and female sections of the hot springs he knew this wasn't exactly a place where he could have a drink with her, but it didn't matter. Team Aqua had made sure that his family had broken apart, and stayed shattered. He had been raised mostly by Maxie after the death of his father at the hand of an aqua grunt who had taken the battle a little too far. His sister and mother had never come for him after that day, and instead of being raised by strangers in an orphanage team Magma had looked after their own. So the second glass was too his twin, Maxie had only ever said that Aqua had gotten to her just like his father, which meant he must have been the last surviving member of his family. She was a twin so had she grown up the same as him, she would have been the same age. He sighed and sipped on his glass feeling the burn, raising his glass to the empty spot."Don't even have a name for you, but that ones for you sis." Tomorrow he could focus on revenge, today though... today he just wanted to relax.,"Lavaridge Town, 2200 hours Akira leaned back against the cool stone above the soothing waters of the hot springs. She closed her amber eyes and breathed in the healing vapors. Her breath was visible, like smoke, when she exhaled. What a day. With all the build up for the upcoming fight, she'd barely had a chance to think. She was certain she only got away this evening because it was her birthday and everyone knew it was a touchy subject. Akira still had vague memories of what her birthday had once been like. Flashes of color and smiles, figments of laughter, a happy family all together. But that was a long time ago. She had a brother, somewhere. And a father too. They could both burn in hell, assuming they weren't dead already. Where were they when her mom was injured in the battle? Why didn't her dad do his job and protect their family? Her mom had tried, so where was he? Instead, Akira watched as the best doctors that Archie could afford tried to save her, but the woman's fate was sealed. Her mom died just days after a vicious attack by Team Magma and her father and brother never bothered coming to find her. Archie had taken pity on the little girl and instead of pawning her off on some doorstep, he'd made sure to raise her within the organization. But today was her nineteenth birthday. The one day that she made herself remember just how much she missed her family. It had been hard, being alone and different. Sometimes she wished that Archie had given her away to an orphanage so she could have been adopted by a nice family. But then she wouldn't be the Akira she was today. She sighed. It was no use being angry, at least not right now. In battle she could use her fury, but in the hot springs on her birthday it just made her more depressed. She glanced at the teapot beside her. She hated tea but the pot had been her mother's. She always drank a glass on her birthday in remembrance. So, Akira sat upright and poured herself a small cup of tea. "I miss you mom. I wish you were still here. I wi-" Another voice drifted through the night. A man, close by, probably on the other side of the rickety divider wall. It was late, too late for most people to be in the hot springs. Akira had thought she was alone. Curious, she waded over to the divider and peeked through a large hole in the wood. He looked sad, but there were two glasses of something sitting next to him so he wasn't alone. But she didn't see anyone else. Akira watched him sigh and sip his drink while listening to him talk. He seemed as alone as she was. After several long minutes, she pushed away from the divider wall. She was tired of being alone on her birthday, tired of having no one to celebrate with. And this man was honestly attractive. So what if he was at a low point and she was just swooping in for some 'nice to meet you' booty? It was her birthday and she was entitled to something nice for once. Akira wrapped the towel snug around her F-cup breasts and pulled herself out of the water. She tiptoed to the far end of the divider, where the wood met with a rocky outcropping and carefully climbed onto their slippery surfaces. A few well-placed hands and feet later, Akira was climbing down the other side. She hopped to the ground on the men's side and stepped into the torchlight. "Hi. I'm Akira. Sorry to pop over so suddenly, but I think we're the only two people here and I'm certain the owner already went to bed. I just thought it might be nice to share this beautiful evening with someone. I hope you don't mind."She sank into the water and closed the distance between them as she introduced herself. Even if he didn't want to talk, at least she would have company. "It was a sunny day, the perfect time for one to begin their Pokemon adventure. Many would set out with starry eyes and a Pokemon at their side, eager to challenge the many Gym Leaders and collect the badges that would mark them as experienced veterans of the Indigo League. A few would be interested in photography, while others would be more interested in collecting materials that would help groom their Pokemon to perfection for the various beauty pageants that took place for Pokemon in other regions. There were many reasons one could choose to go on an adventure. For Scarlett, her adventure would find her beginning on what might be considered familiar ground. Route 1 between Pallet Town and Viridian City was likely a path she had traveled upon frequently, though this would be the first time she did so without her father accompanying her on some business or other. It was also the first time that she had done so in her new quest, as she set out to learn and engage in the sort of research that would make her a world-renowned scientist. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the dirt path winding through the grassland stretched out before her. She couldn't see any Pokemon at the moment, though they were probably lurking in the tall grass somewhere along the way. With all her gear, and trusty Pokedex, Scarlett was all set to get underway. Professor Oak had advised that she get set up in Viridian City before beginning her research, though of course she wasn't compelled to listen to him if she didn't want to!,"Heavy boots padded softly on the dirt path. A sixteen year old female who is a little on the tall side sauntered towards Viridian just as her father suggested. She had long brilliant red hair that was slightly curled and flowed down all the way to her plump ass, catching the breeze easily and dancing behind her as she moved. This was perhaps her most distinguished feature and had earned her the nickname Red among some. She had fair white skin that contrasted with her bright hair and bold blue eyes, which seemed to give her a commanding presence even among men and provided her with an unquestionable beauty. Light freckling on her nose and upper cheeks distinguished itself from her otherwise blemish free visage and resulted in her looking youthful. Her build resembled an hourglass with maturing breasts and thick hips on either side of her relatively thin waist. Scarlett was wearing the type of flamboyant outfit you could only expect from a trainer, a mix between a whore and an adventurer, but confident enough to prove that she was neither: A cloth red miniskirt that showed off her luscious thighs, a matching short-sleeved blouse that frilled an inch or two past her waist crisscrossed with a variety of pouches, bags, sacks, and belts kept vials, notepads, and a modified pokedex which she used for research particular form of research. Her boots were a similar red and they climbed far up her calves; her panties on the other hand were a cute pink that grasped tightly onto her pussy and showed a noticeable cameltoe whenever someone took an easy glance beneath her skirt. Although these panties were tight and uncomfortable on her now they were her favorite pair from when she was younger so she wore them for good luck with her impending adventure. The young professor was very surprised that her father had finally consented to her will to go out on her own and study Pokemon first hand, and moments later here she was as prepared as her eagerness would allow her: starting her adventure. Aside from gear she would need to research she hadn't packed anything that would aid in extending her life. She was so naive that she failed to even pack a pokeball. So with what little thought she allowed through her excitement she made her way confidently down the path. "Meg stepped out of the car that had taken her home. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air, having been locked up for the past six months after hiding her boyfriend who had escaped from prison. Slamming the door of the car and making her way to the front door, she slammed it open. The noise of the door opening startled the rest of the family, who were sitting and watching TV. They looked up at her, once awkward and anxious girl now a bit of a psycho made an announcement. "There are going to be some changes around here," she said. "First, you're all my bitches." She then slammed the door shut and stood there with arms crossed over her chest. As she stood there looking at their wide eyes, she knew she had their full attention. She then looked each one over as she asked her next question. "Now which one of you is the toughest one in this place?" Out of nowhere, Meg flew in and started punching and kicking Peter in his face after knocking him off the couch. When she was satisfied, she bent down and spit on his face. "It's my house now," she said. "Bitch." And it was. Over the next four days, Meg tormented her family but out of all of them, she tormented Peter the most. Relentlessly making fun of him because he was stupid, fat, had nothing to show for his life, even going so far as making him pleasure her with his tongue while she used a strap-on on her own mother, then making him clean the strap-on afterwards. The culmination of it all came on the fourth day when he was in the shower. Next thing he knew, Meg was shoving a loofah on a stick up his ass, causing him to scream as he begged her to stop, which could be heard throughout the house.,"At first, Brian had tolerated Meg's new behavior because he had thought it was a phase. 'It would pass in time, and it wasn't a bad show.' Brian had thought, as prison had been good for Meg's body, if not her mind. The girl who had been dumpy and unassuming was now slimmer and well cut, with muscles, tattoos, and curves on display in a wife-beater. Brian could admit to himself that he was taken with the new look, but her personality needed help. As the harassment continued, Brian got progressively more and more annoyed, and more and more turned on. Meg had even raped Lois, giving Brian a front row seat to the woman of his dreams being railed by a strap-on. This got Brian thinking about how to 'kill two birds with one stone'. It was clear that whatever phase Meg was in wouldn't end easily, and the normal running of the home would have to return at some point. At the same time, Meg was now incredibly sexy, and Brian's lovelife was almost as much of a disaster as Peter's First Rodeo...but then again, at least someone was still getting fucked in that situation. So Brian decided to take full advantage of the situation, and bring Meg to heel in his own way. The family would thank him, and he would get his dick some much needed attention. Brian waited until Meg was in the shower, 'playing' with Peter no doubt, if the screams were any indication. His cock was already fully hard and on display, as he watched her walk to the bathroom to psych himself up. Brian opened the door during a particularly loud scream, to mask the sound. Brian walked towards the shower, with both Peter and Meg too distracted to notice. That changed when peter exploded out of the shower, throwing aside the curtain with the lofa still up his ass, and ran out sobbing. Brian launched himself at Meg, grabbing her by the arms and pinning her to the shower wall, with his hard and long cock at her entrance. "Here's how it's going to be; I'm going to fuck you, long and hard." Brian said, growling possessively "You will take this fucking and say thank you, like the little bitch you are, and if you're lucky: I won't make you eat out of my old bowl!" With that, he slammed his cock into Meg's waiting pussy and started to thrust savagely. "If there was one thing Charlotte Kennedy couldn't stomach, it was boredom. As far as she was concerned, it was a burden no one should have to bear. Increasingly, as of late, evading boredom meant another line of coke or another tab of acid or another hit of molly. But she was young, and hot, and that made it easy to get drugs. And the easiest way was just to date a drug dealer. And Charlotte was always easy. Trent, the aforementioned drug dealer boyfriend, was stressed for a leisurely drive, constantly checking his mirrors and looking over his shoulder. Totally killing her vibe. What's the deal, babe? Are we going to a party or an execution? He didn't answer, just eased up to the red light. Here, he said, digging something out of his pocket. A little baggie with two small white pills. Take them both. Charlotte didn't need to be told twice because she could not deal with his paranoia sober. From what she could tell, as she swallowed down both pills together, he was either taking her somewhere really fun or really boring. Fuck, this molly makes me thirsty. And fucking hot. She tugged at the low neckline of her thin white dress, peeling the cotton material away from sweat-damp skin. The sun might have gone down, but the humidity remained, turning her scandalously short dress into a moist rag that stuck to her skin. Yeah, well, you probably won't need to wear that dress for much longer; we're here. Here was a mansion in the hills, long driveway lined with lush bushes in neat little rows. And then they reached the house. Garish, trying to fit too many styles on one building, between modern glass windows and traditional marble columns. Tudor accents on a ranch inspired sprawl. It didn't look like much of a party. No pulsing bass beat, no writing dancers, no freely flowing liquor. No wonder she was going to need the ecstasy; she was already bored. Hard men in neat suits circulated the long stretches of hallway, eying her and her now nearly sheer dress. They didn't talk much, and whatever they said amongst themselves was drowned out by the clicking of her stilettos on the marble floor. At the end of the hall, they entered an office, housing a very serious looking man in a fine Italian suit that barely fit his rippling physique. Trent introduced her to a very stoic nod, and she zoned out as they talked business, swaying and bobbing her head to music only she could hear. Cold hard eyes looked her up and down, betraying nothing but a casual boredom. Does he know how to suck dick? Do I know how to suck dick? Charlotte giggled, mocked, unable to take anything seriously while the ecstasy coursed through her veins. Still giggling as he urged her to her knees and worked open his pants. He wasn't very hard yet. Maybe he needed the ecstasy. She managed to stifle that giggle because a lot of guys didn't like it if you laughed while eye level with their junk and ran her tongue up the length of his shaft. It usually wasn't a big deal. She got high, she fucked some dude, or dudes, whatever, and they got some drugs. Trent would sell some, to keep them comfortable, and theyd do the rest. But lately, that rest was more and more, and their bills were piling up. So now she had to fuck some guy higher on the distribution chain, or so Charlotte figured. Her lips closed around his bulbous, throbbing head, and her tongue worked the slit and tasted his salty precum. Saliva drooled down his swollen cock, and her mouth followed, working more and more down her throat.,"Trent had his head buried on the steering wheel of his car because Charlotte indeed knew how to suck a mean cock. He had firsthand experience, but as of now those talented lips belonged to someone else. Of course it was a trade that he was regretfully willing to make. Twenty thousand dollars of debt owed to a man like Victor Salaki left him with little choice in the matter. He sighed sadly once for Charlotte before starting up the car. At least Victor had been kind enough to toss five grand worth of heroin on top of wiping out the debt in return for his newest redheaded piece of ass. He needed a place to go, somewhere he could chill and wash the memory of this night away. Fortunately Trent knew several other women just like the one he was leaving behind. Whatever, within the hour he'd have some other whore wrapping her lips around his dick and this time around he'd make sure he wouldn't fall into debt with Victor again. At least that was the plan, but Trent was never very good at sticking to the script. She worked him over like a seasoned pro and it left Victor seeing dollar signs. So long as the bitch could keep taking orders this investment would pay itself off at a far more reliable rate than that young punk ever had managed to do. That power he had over the fates of losers like Trent and his latest slut of a girlfriend was the best drug on the market as far as he was concerned. Hands buried around the side of her head, guiding her sweet mouth up and down over his throbbing cock, forcing her to take him until she was gagging, that was up there too. But as much as sexual pleasure thrilled him, Victor was a man who took far greater pleasure in causing others to suffer under the rule of his tyrannical thumb. All he needed was an excuse to go off. "That's it bitch," Victor growls, gazing intently across the top of Charlotte's bobbing and swaying head. "You're gonna take every cock that I tell you to take." The strangled words fall from between his clenched teeth as he pulls himself free from those succulent warm lips. With a simple push from his boot against her chest, Victor knocks Charlotte over onto her back. He can see quite clearly how glazed over her eyes are, doped up as she is; he wonders if she even knows that Trent has abandoned her during the course of their silent barter. Victor starts to unbutton his shirt while he looms over Charlotte as she lies sprawled out beneath him. "Because you're my property now," he says, his voice low and menacing. "Your little retarded boy toy traded you in and settled up his debt." The tall and muscular man rolls his head upon his shoulders while his shirt continues to slowly fall open. "Now guess what? That debt is yours, and you're gonna make sure it's paid in full." The shirt hangs loose around his cut and chiseled physique as he reaches down and takes hold of Charlotte by her hair. "So shut up, do what you're told, and we'll get along just fine," Victor says, twisting his fingers like steel cords around her hair. "Now flip yourself over, get on your hands and knees, and stick that ass up in the air." Victor begins to slide out of his shirt, folding the expensive custom fit piece up into a neat bundle. He turns away to lay the garment down across the smooth mahogany surface of his desk, leaving Charlotte to either fall in line or face the consequences. Fate though intervenes as a vibration followed by a repetitive buzz sounded from Victor's cell phone where it was resting upon the table. He picks it up and sticks it against the side of his jaw. "Yeah?" His tone is sharp as he listens for a moment, ignoring the existence of Charlotte while his fingers stroke over the exotic puzzle box. "Alright, I'll be down in a minute." He ends the call abruptly, his piercing eyes linger on the box that his fingers remain steepled around before finally setting his newest acquisition down. "Just stay put and don't touch anything," Victor says to Charlotte without looking at her. "We'll finish this when I get back." He stuffs his still hard and saliva-smeared cock back into his dress pants and zips up. Without a glance then he strides past her to the stout double doors, opens them, and steps outside. With a resounding thud, the doors close and lock behind him. "Alina had learned that morning that she was to be transferred. Though part of her would like to think that she would finally be free of the constant tests and experiments. By now she knew that was not going to be the case, but she had a plan. Usually, they gas her to knock her out since darts or needles could not be used with her subconscious barrier blocking them even if she was asleep. Though her barrier blocks the gas, it was only able to keep it out for as long as her air pocket lasted, though recently it seemed like her barrier had developed an ability to simply filter the clean air in. Then as they place the mask over her face when strapped into the stretcher they use to transfer her, she would create another small space to allow the gas to be stored around her body while she breathed fresh air since that was sealed. It did not take long for her plan to come into action, it went surprisingly well, though she did get knocked out for a short time, due to her not quite performing the mask block technique properly. She awoke mid helicopter ride during transfer, not what she hoped it would have to do. She used the barrier she had learned to create and control to get between the spinning blades of the helicopter. It worked better than she could have hoped as nearly immediately the helicopter came plunging down. Crashing into the large yard belonging to Superhero High! Though that was not something Alina was aware of. The crash happened so fast the pilot wasn't even able to call out the mayday before they hit the ground, sending the guards and pilot to their deaths as Alina only managed to survive the brutal crash because of her barrier. Though she was still exhausted from the gas that managed to get into her system, combined with the stress of experiencing a helicopter crash knocked her unconscious.,"The students of Superhero High were eating dinner before everyone was to retire to their respective dorm rooms for the night, although Supergirl had other plans. Everyone knew that due to her alien physiology and the fact that she had not done anything sexual (even with a girl) before leaving Krypton and coming to Earth's yellow sun... She found she could only get relief from girls. Usually the same ones. Tonight was no different than any other Italian night. Batgirl, who Supergirl usually sat with, shook her head as she held up a hand. "Kara! Aauugghh! You have had six pieces of garlic bread already! I'm not even kissing you, little alone making out! Not tonight! Woof, you need to lay off the garlic, girl!" Harley Quinn laughed merrily. "Heeheehee at least no Kryptonian vampire would wanna sink their teeth into her!" Supergirl approached with that look and Harley readied her bat, swinging it like a batter ready for a pitch. "Don't think it, Lady Blue! You reek of garlic!" Not deterred she went to Ivy next. "I don't know how my new powers work yet, Kara, but just your breath and my pets both complain and wilt! Go away with your stinky plant suffocating smell!" Wolverine watched all this with mild amusement until the crash happened and the smell tickled his nostrils. "Football field, heroes! Move it! Check for survivors and put out any fire you see any way you can!" Logan pretty much led the charge as he was the physical education trainer/instructor at the school. The mad rush out the cafeteria was led by Wolverine, until Flash zipped by followed by Velocity a moment later... Until Supergirl beat them both and started blowing garlic breath, extinguishing flames and any heroic student foolish enough to get in her way, or rather, her breath's way. Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Velocity and Flash all lay on the still smoldering ground, choking and gagging from garlic inhalation, tears streaming from their eyes. Wolverine was as adamant as his adamantium bones. "SUPERGIRL!" he barked, "Bucket brigade! Now!" "But it worked!" Kara complained. "NOW!" Wolverine ordered, pointing to the faucet. "Four friendly fire casualties, heroes, get them to fresh air! Batbrains! With me!" Barbara was in no wise going to correct her phys ed instructor about her name, so she dutifully helped Wolverine look amongst the wreckage. "Doesn't matter how bad Kara's garlic breath is, Mr. Logan, there's no way she did that." She pointed and Wolverine shook his head as he saw the charred remains. "Move on, Missy. Nothing can be done. Let's keep looking." Ivy was doing her best with a seeming plant blanket, smothering embers that shot out of the woods the bucket brigade was at just on the edge of the property. She noticed the unconscious survivor, as she could some how sense a heartbeat. Tilting her head, she approached both curiously and cautiously. "Quickly friends," she said to some nearby ivies and the carpet of grass. "Careful to the infirmary. No time to lose. Oh, I know your burns hurt, my grass friend, but she's alive. Mr. Logan is too busy..." She grimaced as Wolverine let out a gutteral growl of "KARA!!! KEEP YOUR BLASTED GARLIC BREATH IN YOUR MOUTH! YOU'RE TO REMAIN SILENT THE REST OF THE NIGHT! NOT A PEEP OUTTA YA! Lady Shazam! Another hero casualty! I need a brewski..." Ivy silently snuck away to the infirmary with the lone survivor of the crash. "Sora let out a heavy sigh as he pushed open the giant doors leading into Traverse Town. Donald, Goofy, and himself had just defeated Clayton and his heartless in the Deep Jungle, and the boy was absolutely exhausted, as were his companions. It seemed that ever since he first met the two rather strange characters they had been doing nothing but fight endless waves of heartless on different worlds - from Wonderland to the Coliseum to the Deep Jungle it had been nothing but just him slashing his keyblade at any shadow that caught his eye. As much as he wanted to though, he knew he couldn't sleep, not until he found Riku and Kairi and knew both of them were safe. The brunette told Donald and Goofy to go get them a room at the hotel and that he would meet them there later; he wanted to explore a bit, like he did on Destiny Islands. A few minutes later and Sora found himself on top of the Gizmo Shop, where the bell tower was. From here he could see the entire Second District, from the hotel to the various shops. Traverse Town was truly unlike anything he had ever seen on Destiny Islands, which was more of a relaxed environment where people interacted with each other frequently while this place seemed to be as dead as dirt - no one walked the streets. The boy sighed as he fell back onto the roof, putting his hands behind his head as he lay down, listening to the slight breeze in the air. It reminded him of home, Riku, Kairi, and the beach. It made Sora even more homesick than he already was. He closed his eyes, wishing that he would see at least one of his friends soon enough.,"Riku walked away after talking with Maleficent for a little bit. He shook his head at her nonsense. Nonsense that seemed to make a little sense for some reason. He sighed, looking up at the dark sky, silver hair falling away from bright green eyes. Maleficent had said that Sora was here, but that couldn't be, right? He sighed a little bit, shoving his hands into his pockets as he explored the area. Was Sora really here? And how did he get here? When he climbed the ladder up to the top of the Gizmo Shop, he blinked when he spotted the familiar brunette lying back. No way. He silently climbed up and cocked his head to the side. "Sora?" he asked, kind of hoping he was mistaken and kind of not. ""Fifteen thousand and five hundred dollars for a herd of Rapidashes - not bad," Chason grinned, patting the heavy suitcase that was propped on the cushioned seat next to him. Even though he planned out the strategy himself, it was his Pokeboys who did most of the dirty work and carried out his scheme. Then again, they were his willing vessels, ready to do anything he wished of them - they were the reason he made a living. While the other Rockets kept loads of Pokeboys to increase the number of their party, he preferred to keep two and focus his attention on them so that they'd be at an advantage in the face of outraging numbers. It was also his efforts that brought them to where they were; Kaiden and Damien. He picked up his fork, then stabbed at the strawberry in his served fruit bowl, gesturing for the boys sitting opposite of him to finish eating, too. He treated them to a meal after every paycheck, and since he was in a relatively good mood today, he was up for taming them both, too - at the same time. He rarely spent quality time with his Pokeboys, just because he simply had no time. But when he did fit it into his hectic schedule to occasionally express his gratitude, he did it effectively. The Rocket member loosened his tie and sat back on his chair, hanging one arm over the backboard of the other seat adjacent to him. "Eat up all you want, boys," he kindly offered, taking a swig of the can of beer he was served. Even though he filled up nearly half of his stomach with alcohol, he wasn't so lenient with letting his beloved boys drink any, mainly for health conditions he was fully conscious of. And beer most likely guaranteed a better fuck. He had a lot more stamina, and he would need it when fucking two. Chason popped a grape into his mouth, glancing out of the PokeCenter's window at the darkening sky. It looked like they would need to room here for the night. They were wanderers most of the time, but they had enough money to let them roost an entire week here if they wanted. Kaiden, the more reserved of the two, warily glanced at their tamer becoming more and more drunk by the passing second. He didn't mind it at all, and knew very well of what rewards that'd bring later in the night. They so deserved a good fuck! The Houndoom morph ran his gloved fingers through his pitch black hair, fingering the rusty brown highlights that were streaked there in some areas. With his teeth, he tugged off of his gloves, then cautiously brought up, "We are being tamed tonight, right? Dinner doesn't settle it at all." He uneasily glanced around at the colorful Pokeboys sitting around them at different tables, looking just disgustingly adorable in their own fashion. They sort of stood out amongst the Pikachus, Azurills, Swablus, and Vulpixes, really. With a sigh, the Houndoom lifted himself off of his seat next to Damien, then rounded the table, plopping down comfortably on Chason's lap. The tamer was quick to wrap his arms around his Houndoom's back, even going as far to poke his fingers underneath the other's waistband. They kissed, and Chason drew away first, leaning forward to plant a peck on the middle of his Pokeboy's chest. "Mmm, of course. There's nothing you two deserve more than a good fuck- I'll cum in both of your asses this time," he promised, ignoring the strange looks they received from the other customers.,"Damien was helping himself to most of the food provided to him, alternating between showing his hands in the large claws and simply picking up the food with the pincers on his wrists. The redheaded pokeboy had played a big role in aiding his master in capturing all those pokemon; the Red Blitz wasn't called that for no reason, he was easily able to incapacitate them himself. The pokeboy sat close to his master, pressed up against him really, the black cloth that normally covered his face down so he could feast on the various berries that were his favorite food, preferring the strawberries. He occasionally made a show by aiding his master, lifting an item of food to his lips. The boy only drank a little but quickly demolished the strawberries, his attention sliding around the room, all the people looking at them, or just going about their business, he could really care less, unlike Kaiden, who seemed to care what others thought about him. Damien found it amusing, all the colorful and well-groomed pokeboys all around, barely trained and probably badly tamed, Damien however had his wild hair and dark eyes. He looked completely out of place in the Pokemon Center, along with his comrade Houndoom. Damien gave a glance to the side as the Houndoom climbed up in his master's lap, his master promptly wrapping his arms around the other. Damien looked up, a jealous flare in his eyes. He was well known amongst the rockets for his temper, though he felt that even the Houndoom deserved his turn. Still, the Scizor let out a low growl when their clearly intoxicated master showed the Houndoom a lot of attention. Damien turned his head towards the two, his sharp eyes alighting on them when their master admitted that he would be fucking both of them that night. Damien smiled. It was likely that by the end of the night he would have a lot of cum in him, he knew the Houndoom probably would help, maybe even gang up on Damien - being double-teamed by both his master and his comrade was his favorite sexual activity. Damien waited a moment before he moved, pressing into his master's side and pressing on the charm. "Master," he said, "when do we get to fuck?" He was a lot less inhibited than Kaiden, and proved it by leaning in to kiss Kaiden full on the lips. "I am in the mood." Damien smiled seductively, pecking his master on the cheek. His actions were primarily to embarrass the more reserved pokeboy. Damien made his effort to get into his master's lap, pressing into Kaiden as well - a gesture of affection from the fiery pokeboy. The fiery haired pokeboy smiled at Kaiden. He was a horny one, and they would both be being fucked - maybe even Kaiden would have a turn with Damien, or even get to have him. "It was a bright spring morning in the peaceful little town of Pallet Town, in the region of Kanto. Today the town assumed its usual pace, one that was very slow and relaxed. Nothing ever seemed to happen in Pallet Town. The town itself was quite isolated from the rest of the Region, having only a few houses, not even a store to buy any goods the townspeople might need. The only way the town was even able to sustain itself was due to the Pokemon Research Center in town, led by the renowned Professor Oak himself. But it is in this story that our story, the story of a Pokegirl Trainer named Sarah would begin. The repetitive, high-pitched squealing burst out all through Sarah's room as the small girl lay still under the large, confining covers of her bed. Why she even had an alarm clock was beyond her; it never seemed to be able to wake the young girl from her dreams, dreams of being a world-famous trainer. And today, she would take her first steps towards her life's goal of becoming a Pokegirl Trainer. Today, she would visit her friend Prof Oak and accept her first ever Pokegirl. But that was, of course, only if she would be able to get her lazy butt out of the large, comfortable warm bed and outside into the lukewarm country air. It was several minutes later that Sarah's mother finally entered the room, pulling off the sheets to reveal the naked Sarah, laying there in all her glory."Sarah honey, wake up you're going to be late!"yelled out the middle aged woman who began packing some cloths for her journey."I told you to pack a week ago, and you're sitting here on your ass, naked as the day you were born!"she continued as Sarah managed to pull herself up to a stance where she could see around the room. The cool air massaged her breasts as it rushed in from the window, he large dick hung low as she stood on her feet, which felt like the first time in ages. After what seemed like a lifetime of arguing with her mother, Sarah was on her way. She pulled on a skimpy little outfit, not even bothering with undergarments, which was quite normal for girls her age. She pulled on a little yellow tube top and blue mini skirt which didn't quite go low enough to conceal her large penis which hung quite low. The girl kissed her mother good-bye and slung the bag over her shoulder, walking out the door and into Pallet Town, which hopefully the young girl would be seeing for the last time in her life. Professor Oak's research laboratory was only down the road, a place she had been to many times before. She knew it wasn't only her that would be receiving their very first pokegirl today, her rival Sasha, Professor Oak's grand daughter would be getting her first today as well. When she got to the lab, she could already tell she was late. Sasha and Prof. Oak were standing at the far end of the lab, it looked like Sasha had already picked out her pokemon, Squirtle the water type. Of course she would have picked that one, only yesterday Sarah accidentally let it slip that she would be picking a fire type if it were available. After a long talk, and a lot of boasting and bragging from Sasha, Sarah was able to pick her own pokemon. She decided to go through and pick a Charmander.,"The Charmander had not seen much of the world outside of her pokeball. In fact, aside from the farm where she had been bred, she hadn't seen anything other than the man with a white lab coat's laboratory. Though, the lab coat man told her that she might be leaving later today. According to the people who ran the breeding facility she had been "special," though aside from being rare it made little difference. Instead of having the usual fire-red hair, scales, and eyes, her hair was snow-white, the thin trail of scales that covered her spine and trailed down her tail were silver, as well as her eyes. The lab coat man had said that Charmanders were already rare, but her coloration was a million-to-one possibility. All she could hope for was that she would get a nice tamer instead of the people who got a pokemon for little more than a fuck toy. ""Excuse me, Mr.Mehler? Ms.Cyrus is here for your nine-thirty appointment." Edward sat forward in the soft black leather chair, bringing his elbows to rest upon the edge of the beautiful red oak desk. His elbows came to a lean there so his hands could then cradle together, fingers entwined, set in front of and thus hiding a grin of excitement that set upon his face. "Is she now," he whispered to himself, the slightly developed lines at the corners of his eyes and of his lips forming on the thirty-something man's face. Brown eyes looked through a pair of dark, thin glasses, casting their glance down to the digital camera set to one side of his desk, atop a small pile of manila folders. "This certainly promises to be an interesting casting call, one way or another," the man continued to himself, unlacing his hands to then reach a finger over to the intercom button. "Thank you," he replied to the voice. "Please send her in." And that was it, the only thing left to do now was not to develop cold feet. Neither of them could. This had too much potential on its own, this project, and on top of that Edward knew it would be the work that would make or break his career. With a smirk on his face that spoke of both excitement and confidence he rose from the tall-backed leather rolling chair and made his way over to a set of vertical blinds. The office here was quite fancy and everything about it spoke of money - he was used to none of this extravagance yet, truth be told, having only been here for all of a week. Hell, before this all he'd done were independent movies, this being the first huge production with his name attached. When coming up with this idea, though, the series he was in the process of casting for, Edward's investors had agreed to see that it was funded enough to be as professionally as possible, which included them insisting on a lavish office; professionalism from the beginning, he supposed. The floors were made of wood, but dissimilar to the desk, they were a dark mahogany. The walls were a calm, simple white, but with an outline of a tree elegantly painted behind on the wall behind the desk, with its leaves blowing in the wind over the expanse of an entire second wall, stopping just before the door. Past the door was the third wall, comprised mostly of a fish tank, tropical, four feet high and eight wide, the fish providing a vivid juxtapose of color in contrast to the rest of the walls of the office. Finally came the fourth wall, the entirety of it a long, large window covered in vertical slats from end to end. The one thing the office didn't have was a chair for people to sit in. Along those slats, which would have one sitting facing the wall with the leaves and the door while the desk was on the right, was an elegant red velvet couch, its back backless, its arms leaning slightly outward in their rise before curling into themselves. Edward turned the vertical blinds closed. This still allowed enough light to naturally shine through the lengths for the room to be well lit without allowing any to see in; there was complete privacy. Following that, he took the camera from his desk before going to wait in front of it, standing there with an excited smile on his face and an eager lens on the door. And a slight, slight excitement poking at the front of his leather pants. Only slight. He had to remain calm, but he still knew where things might or might not go, where the conversation would certainly lead. Finishing off the man's look, from bottom to top, were a pair of brand new black boots, a long-sleeved white shirt, a silver ring on his left hand, a silver necklace sitting high on his chest, a silver stud in his right ear, and a head of attractively messy dirty blonde hair. His chest beat with anticipation. The light atop the lens was green. The doorway, soon to be the young actress' entrance, was being filmed.,"Word circulated through all the right channels. A new film being showcased, a film that would eclipse Avatar in proportion. Already stars were being called, the hottest and best of Hollywood being summoned forth. Rumor had placed several of the hottest women in the business coming forth to take roles. Most interestingly, the cast list seemed to be mostly young vixens, spry things more known for their beauty than any real acting talent (though there was some of that as well). This rumor reached Miley Cyrus. The vivacious brunette was mostly known for her long-term stand as Hannah Montana, the fake Disney character that had built a fortune for Miss Cyrus. She was a teen icon, and she knew it. She also knew that her body had become something that men drooled over. This little girl was becoming an adult, and she had no qualms about showcasing that. Which explained why she was in a flirty skirt now: white and tight along her lean frame. A slit bared a good deal of delicate white thigh: tantalizing bits of ivory skin just showing. The girl danced when she sung, and exercised on top of those, making her lean. You simply had to trail up, seeing the hips that had just flowed out, filling the skirt and showing how well she filled clothing. Further up was a flowing blouse, one that was just shy of scandalous. A good swish and it would bare her tight stomach, bejeweled with a brilliant amethyst. Further up were a pair of breasts that somehow hadn't realized their owner had hit eighteen yet. The face still held some of the youthfulness as well: rounded with wide blue eyes. However, sultry makeup made it clear that this was a woman, as did the brunette, highlighted curls that fell just below her shoulders. The young starlet favored the man with a smile. She knew this was an audition, and she also knew she was desperate for the part. Miley had been desperate to prove that she could act, that there was real talent there. In fact, that desire was nearly as strong as her urge to prove herself to be a full adult now. This growing girl stopped just a few feet from the man, her smile turning warm, almost sultry. When she spoke, her Southern accent seemed to layer the words with honey. "Hello there. I believe you were expecting me," she said. Her blue eyes moved about, but didn't locate a chair, so instead, she opted to shift slightly, trying to stand as comfortably as possible. "Don't you want to give a girl a place to sit? Unless you think this isn't going to take that long?" Miley winked at him. A little flirting couldn't hurt, especially when you had a body like Miley's. "Karin Kurosaki rubbed her head as she entered the house, thinking it was empty since the door was locked and there were no shoes in the hallway. " head..." Karin wasn't sure what had happened really, but figured she had dozed off in the park. She had been sitting on a bench, and then suddenly it got cold...then there was some kind of had been invisible at first, but when it grabbed her it had slowly become visible. What happened after that was something of a blur, and Karin shivered as she remembered, the nightmare coming back into her mind. The creature had raped her, buried itself deep within her and released a thick fluid inside of her body....but then she had woken up, her clothes intact, her body not in any pain and she had still been sitting on the bench. Still, ever since she'd gotten up to walk home Karin hadn't felt right. She had a headache, her chest felt tight and there was an odd...ache...between her legs. It wasn't arousal, nor was it pain, but the 13 year old girl had no idea just what it was. The best way she could describe it was a feeling that something inside her was trying to get out. With another sigh, Karin went upstairs to her bedroom, leaving the door halfway open, dropping her bag and jacket on the floor and wincing slightly, a hand going to cup her crotch as the ache got worse. "Dammit....stupid nightmare..." As she held herself, she could feel a slight swelling inside her shorts. "Hm?" Karin slowly unzipped her fly, then opened the shorts slightly, gasping as she saw a bulge in her panties. "What the hell?" Karin hooked her fingers into her panties, tugging them away slightly, then let out a sharp scream at what she saw. Her clitoris was rather swollen, but it also looked different. It looked more like the head of an erect penis from those sex education videos they'd seen at school. "Oh god..." Karin quickly let go of her panties, then winced again as the ache increased. "N-no!" She grasped her crotch, trying to hold it in, but she felt the swelling growing, pushing out, stretching her panties. "N-NO! NO NO NO NO NO!" The swelling just kept on growing though, pushing Karin's panties out by about 5 inches before it stopped. When Karin looked down, her panties had slipped off her new 5-inch long cock, rock hard and visibly throbbing. "Oh god its....this can't be happening...." Karin swallowed nervously, staring at it, then glancing around. "What do I do? Yuzu will be home soon....I...I gotta figure something out....but....I gotta get this thing down....I gotta make it go down somehow..." Karin thought quickly, recalling conversations she'd overheard the boys discussing at school. A conversation about 'jacking off' came to mind....boys discussing how they got rid of erections that just popped up sometimes. "Ok....ok I can do this...." Slowly, Karin reached down and wrapped her delicate fingers around the new cock, gasping as tingles of pleasure shot through her, precum immediately forming at the tip as the foreskin slowly slid back, fully exposing the head of her cock. "I can't believe I'm doing this...." With a nervous gulp, Karin started to slide her hand slowly back and forth as she sat on the bed, letting out soft grunts of pleasure as she kept up the slow pace on her new cock, trying to ignore the odd tightness in her chest.,"Ichigo was walking around outside. He had spent all day training and fighting off the few weak hollows who would show up. It was finally a time where he was alone and could relax. He enjoyed his friends but being a loner caused him to need solitary walks every now and then. Rukia was over at Urahara's shop for the night. He never bothered for their long boring talks, his duties as a soul reaper would be over as soon as Rukia got her powers back he thought. He was still learning everything but sensing spiritual pressure was always dull. However, he did pick up on a weak trail leading from the park. He tried his best to follow it but at a casual pace, even if there was an active hollow he was long gone by now. He noticed it was weird when the trail led right to his house. His father was out for the night and his younger sister was spending the night at a friend's house. His need to protect his sisters was an uncontrollable urge he had. When he got to the house he tried to stay quiet as he entered the house. He had a piece of soul candy in his hand ready to take as the trail did come into his house. Karin's shoes were hastily thrown on the floor and she was already in her room despite it still being fairly early in the night. As he got closer to her room he could hear her grunts as the rest of the house was silent. He did not want to make a scene but he needed to check on her as he pushed the door open a bit. The sight he got was one to behold. His tomboyish preteen sister had her pants and panties kicked off as she lay on the bed with her small young hands rubbing a fresh-looking cock as it pulsed and throbbed to the touch. He could not look away as he knew that this was not normal having seen Karin nude accidentally before. Not only was it a surprise, but it was also very sexy looking. "Harry was home, well, what he considered to be home. The small brunette had just stepped off the Hogwarts Express and his heart felt as though it could just explode with happiness. The smell of the forest, the looming castle ahead, the Forbidden Forest's strange noises, they all made him feel welcomed and comforted, like a home should. His real home, number four Privet Drive, made him feel quite the opposite, like he was a prisoner and was quite the large burden upon the Dursley's. 'Thank God I'm out of that wretched place for the next few months.' He thought to himself as he adjusted his school robes before finally entering the Great Hall, a grin spreading across his delicate face. This was it, this was the place he had longed for the whole summer, the place he had been dying to get back to; a place where he went without judgment for the most part, the place where he could cast spells, the place where his friends were. Speaking of his friends, how could they abandon him on the train like that? He had just gone to the bathroom and when he returned they were already on their way up to the castle. He looked down the Gryffindor table and spotted them, waving him over, and he hastily made his way to his seat next to Ron and directly across from Hermione. "Thanks for abandoning me you two, I never figured my two best friends would leave me on the train all alone." Ron rolled his eyes. "You were taking forever, Harry! What were we supposed to do? Miss the carriages?" "She's right, Harry," Ron said, chuckling as he chewed his food. "Like Ron so rudely said," the girl said, throwing the red head a dirty look as she wiped some food that had shot out from the male's open mouth off of her uniform, "you were taking forever. You must have had to walk here because we're sure we got the last carriage." A light tint of redness came to Harry's cheeks, it was true, he had taken quite the long piss in the bathroom, but it was no excuse for them to abandon him. "Yeah, I walked, but it was nice! And my piss wasn't that long, honestly, it was three minutes max." Hermione and Ron were about to retort, but then Dumbledore began to speak and everyone in the Great Hall knew it was time to shut their traps. Instead of staring at the great wizard in front of him though, his eyes wandered about the Great Hall, looking at all the people. He could tell all the first years were scared shitless, their cheeks still pudgy and they were practically shaking with excitement or nervousness. His eyes wandered to the Slytherin table, noticing Draco with a smug look on his face as he ignored Dumbledore's speech, trying hard to look rebellious. Next was the Ravenclaw table, all of them with their backs straight and staring at Dumbledore, all obviously listening intently; and then there was the Hufflepuff table, and Harry's green eyes stopped as his they fell upon a certain boy, the Hufflepuff seeker, Cedric Diggory. His heart, even though he was entirely sure it was impossible, felt like it had expanded even more, excitement and happiness filling it. His brow furrowed a bit, what the hell was that all about?,"Though part of him was listening to the Headmaster talk about the Tri Wizard Tournament, Cedric Diggory's attention was focused elsewhere. Having already read about the tournament in the Daily Prophet, Cedric knew about most of the details already and was mostly paying attention in order to hear how he might be able to be a part of the tournament. The rest of his attention was focused on someone it had often found itself in the previous two school years. Anybody who knew him well wouldn't have to ask what he was thinking about; they'd already know who was on his mind. Harry Potter. For quite some time, Cedric had known he was gay and though he'd had some discrete relationships amongst his fellow Hufflepuffs, only Harry Potter had ever inspired anything resembling what Cedric thought true love might feel like. The problem was that Harry himself had no idea how Cedric felt about him, and Cedric was quite frankly at a loss as to how to tell him. Many times he'd considered simply walking up to Harry and confessing his feelings but he thought that might be too forward, he certainly didn't want to scare Harry off. Watching Harry discretely out of the corner of his eye, Cedric ran his fingers through his auburn hair as he wondered if Harry was dating Ron or Hermione. Not for the first time, he pondered the idea that Harry might already be an item with one of his best friends and pushed the thought from his head. That would only make him crazy. "So how do I turn the Boy Who Loved into the Boy Who Loves Me?" Cedric thought to himself. "It had been a little over a year when Harry had lost the big fight and many of the old order had gone into hiding. Hermione had no idea what had happened to Ron, Ginny, or Luna; she had chosen what she thought was the smartest way to stay hidden - returning to a muggle life. The witch had sent her parents away and told them it was better for them not to know where she was. After all, she knew that the dark lord would stop at nothing to destroy those who opposed him. Now, the female worked at a strip club in South Dakota - as far from home as possible. She had done her best to hide her British accent and now went by the name Bailey. She had grown into a lovely young lady with stunning curves and long curly hair. The bright eyes were always on the lookout, and a troubled mind reminded her that she should not use her wand. How she hated that she had been forced to return to an average life. In five minutes, she would be on that stage again, peeling away every piece of clothing she currently had covering her body. As the manager walked in one last time, Hermione stood in front of the mirror. A bright pink latex miniskirt barely covered the black, see-through lace thong that covered what very private area she had left. A bright pink latex bra covered her now c-cupped breasts, and a black net shirt covered that. Matching pink boots, made of the same material as the skirt, came just below the knee as she heard them announce her name. The brown eyes swept the crowd for anything dangerous before the slim form began to move to her song. It was a fast upbeat sound that made her move her body in quick motions. Hoping onto the bar, she hooked her legs over head and slide down the pole slowly while letting the net skirt fall from her features.,"A tall man was sitting up front, watching her. The man was Lord Voldemort, however, he had disguised himself magically, to look like a Muggle. After he had defeated that Potter nuisance, and all of the remaining rebellion scattered, Voldemort had decided he would go on ahead and punish those who had stood against him. Tonks, Ginny, Luna... they were all dealt with, already. Most of the older women, and the men, were tortured out of information... It wasn't until just a couple of weeks ago that he heard about where Hermione was. Voldemort looked up at her, and pulled out one hundred dollars worth of muggle money. "Hey, cutie," he said. "Why don't you take me to a private room for a private dance?" He said, and then stood up to rub her thigh, and look up her skirt. "Hakuryuu flapped his wings in a pace around the bedroom. He squeaked out displeased snorts and kicked his legs out in frustration. He'd been left behind again. He carried Hakkai and three ungrateful jerks across deserts and forests, through blizzards and typhoons, he even drove them into battle, and yet he was always left behind. Hakuryuu hovered in place and flailed his wings in a small hissy fit before lowering down onto the bed with a huff."Master Hakkai was right," he chirped to himself. "I know I'm tired from the trip, and that he needs Hakuryuu at full strength when we leave in the morning." A heavy huff displaced the sheets on the bed. "But it would be nice if he took Hakuryuu with him more." The small dragon was fiercely loyal to Hakkai, and the rest of the party by proxy, and was always pinning for his affections. Truth be, Hakuryuu was rarely left to rest in the room alone. Hakkai only insisted because the trip to the village they were in had been long and dangerous. His wings ached and his body demanded rest, but he didn't want to rest. Not without his master to curl up beside. The dragon crawled over to the side of the bed and hung his head off of the edge to pout."Why does Master not want to stay with Hakuryuu?" He whined. He had an answer to that. It was because Hakkai was starting to like someone else even more: Gojyo. The two spent an awful lot of time together, more so than the rest of the party. Hakuryuu had even been handed off to Goku to sleep so that the two of them could be alone. For obvious reasons. Maybe that was it. He couldn't offer his master what Gojyo could. His form was too small, and the species difference was too far. He threw his wings in another childish fit, and it sent him tumbling to the ground. He hit with an 'Erruf!' and rolled across the tatami before crashing into something. He shook his head to clear his swirling eyes, then looked up at the backpack he'd smacked into. It was Gojyo's, and there was something poking out of one of the zippers. Curiously, Hakuryuu sat up and took the magazine into his jaws to pull it free. It wasn't stealing. The kappa left it inhis room after all. His room was his room. He flopped the magazine on the floor and flipped it open with a foot. His head tilted, and his long neck arched back as he looked at the various pictures of naked women. The dragon turned each page with his mouth to look at each woman carefully. "Is this what Master likes?" Crimson eyes narrowed and a thoughtful noise left his nose as he looked over one picture in particular. A demon woman with long white hair, a round face, dainty limbs, and what he assumed to be an attractive form to human men. An idea formed and Hakuryuu released a pleased trill at his brilliant idea. Picking up his new reference material, the little dragon flew it over to the full standing mirror to lean it against the reflective surface. He fluttered back slightly and scrutinized the picture one more time before closing his eyes, breathing slowly, and focusing. With a quiet 'Puff' a billow of smoke surrounded Hakuryuu. His body changed quickly and painlessly. He felt his new face; Soft and rounded. He touched the back of his head with his newly acquired fingers, and ran them through his long white hair. He ran his palms over his legs and arms; lanky, dainty. Joy rolled through him, and he turned to the mirror to gaze upon his master piece.... Only to find disappointment. Where there should have been a busty chest, there were two flabby things hanging on his chest. None of the pictures had a very good view of the genitalia, so he was left without reference, and kept the nearly invisible slit that his erection would poke free of. The dragon puffed."No good... No good at all. What went wrong?","It had been a long day of shopping. The cooking would need to be done soon since this place didn't serve meals, and there would certainly be cleaning needed after. With a heavy sigh, a smile crossed Hakkai's face, a warm chuckle rolling past his lips. Surely those three would die without him along for the ride. The ingredients for the hotpot were dangling from his arms in plastic bags, a small box perched carefully between both palms. With a polite knock that was never needed but always supplied regardless, his presence was announced. "Hakuryuu," he called out merrily. "I'm back." As he opened the door, he added, "I got you something--" He was forced to pause as he marched his way in on the scene before him, eyes wide and blinking out their confusion and disbelief. "Hello?" For the briefest of moments, he thought he'd walked into the wrong room, but a long enough glance had him realizing what was happening even before his little friend could offer anything up. For the most part, the proportions of the humanoid body had turned out well. At least in accordance with the picture in the book leaning against the mirror. From the small feet and lanky yet pert legs and thighs, right up to the perfectly apple-shaped ass. He had to admit, Hakuryuu had chosen the correct model for his own tastes. The looks didn't end there, nor did they end at the beautifully rounded face that framed those gigantic red eyes of his just right. It was really just too bad that he lacked any genitalia, and that he'd added those poor, masticated breasts. His palm left the present in order to ball into a fist that was pulled up to his face quickly, the thumb pressed against his lips in an attempt to hide the smile and stop the laugh that wanted to bubble forth from his chest. "Oh my... Hakuryuu..." His head tilted slightly as he managed to mold his face into its normal state of calm once he'd taken his eyes off the poor-not-poor choice of model sitting on the ground. He knew the dragon was male, but... Well it wasn't as if he could argue with his own eyes. He couldn't help but tease gently. "Are you... A woman?" "Saber polished her blade. The time would come soon, it always did. The summoning would happen and she would once again become the extension of someone's fist. She was the mighty blade that struck down every foe who dared to stand in front of her Master. She had to be ready for that end. To that end, she practiced daily and spent her evenings sharpening and polishing her blade. The summoning would come and when it did, she would be ready. Except, she wasn't. Saber wasn't ready to be summoned into the bedroom of a teenaged boy. She wasn't ready for the shock of morally suspicious magazines and posters. She wasn't ready for his jaw dropping average-ness. She wasn't ready for what had to be done next, but she was bound by oath to say it. Saber squared her jaw and stepped from the summoning circle. She looked her new Master straight in the eyes. He couldn't have been more than 19. Her gaze remained stern as she pulled her sword and sheath from her hip and planted the tip into the floorboards in front of her. Then she knelt. Her hands clutched the handle and she knelt down on one knee before her new Master. "Greetings Master. The ritual is complete. I, Saber, have been summoned. I am an extension of your will and a slave to your bidding. Whatever you command of me shall be done. I am solely yours until you dismiss me or perish. What is your bidding?","Shinji Matou had a large grin on his face as he laughed slightly; he had done it, he had summoned the most powerful class of Servant and now his victory in the Grail War was basically assured. As he watched his Servant swear her allegiance to him, he walked around her, inspecting her as he licked his lips. She seemed like a battle-hardened warrior but she was still a cute with a very tempting body indeed. Already, lewd thoughts were forming in his head about the many things he would do with her and her body while she was his. "I am glad to see you understand your place, Saber. I am your Master, Shinji Matou. I want you to tell me your true name and strip. I want to inspect your body to insure that there was nothing faulty during the summoning." Shinji spoke with a smirk as his eyes sparkled with a clearly lustful intent; there was a bulge beginning to grow in his pants already and the size and thickness was impressive from even a distance from what Saber could see. # Technical Writing MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation describing an abstract machine[1] that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules.[2] Despite the model's simplicity, it is capable of implementing any computer algorithm.[3] The machine operates on an infinite[4] memory tape divided into discrete cells,[5] each of which can hold a single symbol drawn from a finite set of symbols called the alphabet of the machine. It has a "head" that, at any point in the machine's operation, is positioned over one of these cells, and a "state" selected from a finite set of states. At each step of its operation, the head reads the symbol in its cell. Then, based on the symbol and the machine's own present state, the machine writes a symbol into the same cell, and moves the head one step to the left or the right,[6] or halts the computation. The choice of which replacement symbol to write, which direction to move the head, and whether to halt is based on a finite table that specifies what to do for each combination of the current state and the symbol that is read. Like a real computer program, it is possible for a Turing machine to go into an infinite loop which will never halt. The Turing machine was invented in 1936 by Alan Turing,[7][8] who called it an "a-machine" (automatic machine).[9] It was Turing's doctoral advisor, Alonzo Church, who later coined the term "Turing machine" in a review.[10] With this model, Turing was able to answer two questions in the negative: Does a machine exist that can determine whether any arbitrary machine on its tape is "circular" (e.g., freezes, or fails to continue its computational task)? Does a machine exist that can determine whether any arbitrary machine on its tape ever prints a given symbol?[11][12] Thus by providing a mathematical description of a very simple device capable of arbitrary computations, he was able to prove properties of computation in general—and in particular, the uncomputability of the Entscheidungsproblem ('decision problem').[13] Turing machines proved the existence of fundamental limitations on the power of mechanical computation.[14] While they can express arbitrary computations, their minimalist design makes them too slow for computation in practice: real-world computers are based on different designs that, unlike Turing machines, use random-access memory. Turing completeness is the ability for a computational model or a system of instructions to simulate a Turing machine. A programming language that is Turing complete is theoretically capable of expressing all tasks accomplishable by computers; nearly all programming languages are Turing complete if the limitations of finite memory are ignored. Overview A Turing machine is an idealised model of a central processing unit (CPU) that controls all data manipulation done by a computer, with the canonical machine using sequential memory to store data. Typically, the sequential memory is represented as a tape of infinite length on which the machine can perform read and write operations. In the context of formal language theory, a Turing machine (automaton) is capable of enumerating some arbitrary subset of valid strings of an alphabet. A set of strings which can be enumerated in this manner is called a recursively enumerable language. The Turing machine can equivalently be defined as a model that recognises valid input strings, rather than enumerating output strings. Given a Turing machine M and an arbitrary string s, it is generally not possible to decide whether M will eventually produce s. This is due to the fact that the halting problem is unsolvable, which has major implications for the theoretical limits of computing. The Turing machine is capable of processing an unrestricted grammar, which further implies that it is capable of robustly evaluating first-order logic in an infinite number of ways. This is famously demonstrated through lambda calculus. A Turing machine that is able to simulate any other Turing machine is called a universal Turing machine (UTM, or simply a universal machine). Another mathematical formalism, lambda calculus, with a similar "universal" nature was introduced by Alonzo Church. Church's work intertwined with Turing's to form the basis for the Church–Turing thesis. This thesis states that Turing machines, lambda calculus, and other similar formalisms of computation do indeed capture the informal notion of effective methods in logic and mathematics and thus provide a model through which one can reason about an algorithm or "mechanical procedure" in a mathematically precise way without being tied to any particular formalism. Studying the abstract properties of Turing machines has yielded many insights into computer science, computability theory, and complexity theory. Physical description In his 1948 essay, "Intelligent Machinery", Turing wrote that his machine consisted of: unlimited memory capacity obtained in the form of an infinite tape marked out into squares, on each of which a symbol could be printed. At any moment there is one symbol in the machine; it is called the scanned symbol. The machine can alter the scanned symbol, and its behavior is in part determined by that symbol, but the symbols on the tape elsewhere do not affect the behavior of the machine. However, the tape can be moved back and forth through the machine, this being one of the elementary operations of the machine. Any symbol on the tape may therefore eventually have an innings.[15] — Turing 1948, p. 3[16] Description For visualizations of Turing machines, see Turing machine gallery. The Turing machine mathematically models a machine that mechanically operates on a tape. On this tape are symbols, which the machine can read and write, one at a time, using a tape head. Operation is fully determined by a finite set of elementary instructions such as "in state 42, if the symbol seen is 0, write a 1; if the symbol seen is 1, change into state 17; in state 17, if the symbol seen is 0, write a 1 and change to state 6;" etc. In the original article ("On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem", see also references below), Turing imagines not a mechanism, but a person whom he calls the "computer", who executes these deterministic mechanical rules slavishly (or as Turing puts it, "in a desultory manner"). The head is always over a particular square of the tape; only a finite stretch of squares is shown. The instruction to be performed (q4) is shown over the scanned square. (Drawing after Kleene (1952) p. 375.) Here, the internal state (q1) is shown inside the head, and the illustration describes the tape as being infinite and pre-filled with "0", the symbol serving as blank. The system's full state (its "complete configuration") consists of the internal state, any non-blank symbols on the tape (in this illustration "11B"), and the position of the head relative to those symbols including blanks, i.e. "011B". (Drawing after Minsky (1967) p. 121.) More explicitly, a Turing machine consists of: A tape divided into cells, one next to the other. Each cell contains a symbol from some finite alphabet. The alphabet contains a special blank symbol (here written as '0') and one or more other symbols. The tape is assumed to be arbitrarily extendable to the left and to the right, so that the Turing machine is always supplied with as much tape as it needs for its computation. Cells that have not been written before are assumed to be filled with the blank symbol. In some models the tape has a left end marked with a special symbol; the tape extends or is indefinitely extensible to the right. A head that can read and write symbols on the tape and move the tape left and right one (and only one) cell at a time. In some models the head moves and the tape is stationary. A state register that stores the state of the Turing machine, one of finitely many. Among these is the special start state with which the state register is initialised. These states, writes Turing, replace the "state of mind" a person performing computations would ordinarily be in. A finite table[17] of instructions[18] that, given the state(qi) the machine is currently in and the symbol(aj) it is reading on the tape (symbol currently under the head), tells the machine to do the following in sequence (for the 5-tuple models): Either erase or write a symbol (replacing aj with aj1). Move the head (which is described by dk and can have values: 'L' for one step left or 'R' for one step right or 'N' for staying in the same place). Assume the same or a new state as prescribed (go to state qi1). In the 4-tuple models, erasing or writing a symbol (aj1) and moving the head left or right (dk) are specified as separate instructions. The table tells the machine to (ia) erase or write a symbol or (ib) move the head left or right, and then (ii) assume the same or a new state as prescribed, but not both actions (ia) and (ib) in the same instruction. In some models, if there is no entry in the table for the current combination of symbol and state, then the machine will halt; other models require all entries to be filled. Every part of the machine (i.e. its state, symbol-collections, and used tape at any given time) and its actions (such as printing, erasing and tape motion) is finite, discrete and distinguishable; it is the unlimited amount of tape and runtime that gives it an unbounded amount of storage space. Formal definition Following Hopcroft & Ullman (1979, p. 148), a (one-tape) Turing machine can be formally defined as a 7-tuple M = ⟨ Q , Γ , b , Σ , δ , q 0 , F ⟩ M=\langle Q,\Gamma ,b,\Sigma ,\delta ,q_{0},F\rangle where Γ \Gamma is a finite, non-empty set of tape alphabet symbols; b ∈ Γ b\in \Gamma is the blank symbol (the only symbol allowed to occur on the tape infinitely often at any step during the computation); Σ ⊆ Γ ∖ { b } \Sigma \subseteq \Gamma \setminus \{b\} is the set of input symbols, that is, the set of symbols allowed to appear in the initial tape contents; Q Q is a finite, non-empty set of states; q 0 ∈ Q q_{0}\in Q is the initial state; F ⊆ Q F\subseteq Q is the set of final states or accepting states. The initial tape contents is said to be accepted by M M if it eventually halts in a state from F F. δ : ( Q ∖ F ) × Γ ↛ Q × Γ × { L , R } {\displaystyle \delta :(Q\setminus F)\times \Gamma \not \to Q\times \Gamma \times \{L,R\}} is a partial function called the transition function, where L is left shift, R is right shift. If δ \delta is not defined on the current state and the current tape symbol, then the machine halts;[19] intuitively, the transition function specifies the next state transited from the current state, which symbol to overwrite the current symbol pointed by the head, and the next head movement. 3-state Busy Beaver. Black icons represent location and state of head; square colors represent 1s (orange) and 0s (white); time progresses vertically from the top until the HALT state at the bottom. A relatively uncommon variant allows "no shift", say N, as a third element of the set of directions { L , R } \{L,R\}. The 7-tuple for the 3-state busy beaver looks like this (see more about this busy beaver at Turing machine examples): Q = { A , B , C , HALT } Q=\{{\mbox{A}},{\mbox{B}},{\mbox{C}},{\mbox{HALT}}\} (states); Γ = { 0 , 1 } \Gamma =\{0,1\} (tape alphabet symbols); b = 0 b=0 (blank symbol); Σ = { 1 } \Sigma =\{1\} (input symbols); q 0 = A q_{0}={\mbox{A}} (initial state); F = { HALT } F=\{{\mbox{HALT}}\} (final states); δ = \delta = see state-table below (transition function). Initially all tape cells are marked with 0 {\displaystyle 0}. State table for 3-state, 2-symbol busy beaver Tape symbol Current state A Current state B Current state C Write symbol Move tape Next state Write symbol Move tape Next state Write symbol Move tape Next state 0 1 R B 1 L A 1 L B 1 1 L C 1 R B 1 R HALT Additional details required to visualise or implement Turing machines In the words of van Emde Boas (1990), p. 6: "The set-theoretical object [his formal seven-tuple description similar to the above] provides only partial information on how the machine will behave and what its computations will look like." For instance, There will need to be many decisions on what the symbols actually look like, and a failproof way of reading and writing symbols indefinitely. The shift left and shift right operations may shift the tape head across the tape, but when actually building a Turing machine it is more practical to make the tape slide back and forth under the head instead. The tape can be finite, and automatically extended with blanks as needed (which is closest to the mathematical definition), but it is more common to think of it as stretching infinitely at one or both ends and being pre-filled with blanks except on the explicitly given finite fragment the tape head is on. (This is, of course, not implementable in practice.) The tape cannot be fixed in length, since that would not correspond to the given definition and would seriously limit the range of computations the machine can perform to those of a linear bounded automaton if the tape was proportional to the input size, or finite-state machine if it was strictly fixed-length. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. 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To apply the Apache License to specific files in your work, attach the following boilerplate declaration, replacing the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) Enclose the text in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that you include a file or class name and description of purpose on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Human TP53 gene In humans, a common polymorphism involves the substitution of an arginine for a proline at codon position 72 of exon 4. Many studies have investigated a genetic link between this variation and cancer susceptibility; however, the results have been controversial. For instance, a meta-analysis from 2009 failed to show a link for cervical cancer.[15] A 2011 study found that the TP53 proline mutation did have a profound effect on pancreatic cancer risk among males.[16] A study of Arab women found that proline homozygosity at TP53 codon 72 is associated with a decreased risk for breast cancer.[17] One study suggested that TP53 codon 72 polymorphisms, MDM2 SNP309, and A2164G may collectively be associated with non-oropharyngeal cancer susceptibility and that MDM2 SNP309 in combination with TP53 codon 72 may accelerate the development of non-oropharyngeal cancer in women.[18] A 2011 study found that TP53 codon 72 polymorphism was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.[19] Meta-analyses from 2011 found no significant associations between TP53 codon 72 polymorphisms and both colorectal cancer risk[20] and endometrial cancer risk.[21] A 2011 study of a Brazilian birth cohort found an association between the non-mutant arginine TP53 and individuals without a family history of cancer.[22] Another 2011 study found that the p53 homozygous (Pro/Pro) genotype was associated with a significantly increased risk for renal cell carcinoma.[23] Function DNA damage and repair p53 plays a role in regulation or progression through the cell cycle, apoptosis, and genomic stability by means of several mechanisms: It can activate DNA repair proteins when DNA has sustained damage. Thus, it may be an important factor in aging.[24] It can arrest growth by holding the cell cycle at the G1/S regulation point on DNA damage recognition—if it holds the cell here for long enough, the DNA repair proteins will have time to fix the damage and the cell will be allowed to continue the cell cycle. It can initiate apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) if DNA damage proves to be irreparable. It is essential for the senescence response to short telomeres. p53 pathway: In a normal cell, p53 is inactivated by its negative regulator, mdm2. Upon DNA damage or other stresses, various pathways will lead to the dissociation of the p53 and mdm2 complex. Once activated, p53 will induce a cell cycle arrest to allow either repair and survival of the cell or apoptosis to discard the damaged cell. How p53 makes this choice is currently unknown. WAF1/CIP1 encoding for p21 and hundreds of other down-stream genes. p21 (WAF1) binds to the G1-S/CDK (CDK4/CDK6, CDK2, and CDK1) complexes (molecules important for the G1/S transition in the cell cycle) inhibiting their activity. When p21(WAF1) is complexed with CDK2, the cell cannot continue to the next stage of cell division. A mutant p53 will no longer bind DNA in an effective way, and, as a consequence, the p21 protein will not be available to act as the "stop signal" for cell division.[25] Studies of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) commonly describe the nonfunctional p53-p21 axis of the G1/S checkpoint pathway with subsequent relevance for cell cycle regulation and the DNA damage response (DDR). Importantly, p21 mRNA is clearly present and upregulated after the DDR in hESCs, but p21 protein is not detectable. In this cell type, p53 activates numerous microRNAs (like miR-302a, miR-302b, miR-302c, and miR-302d) that directly inhibit the p21 expression in hESCs. The p21 protein binds directly to cyclin-CDK complexes that drive forward the cell cycle and inhibits their kinase activity, thereby causing cell cycle arrest to allow repair to take place. p21 can also mediate growth arrest associated with differentiation and a more permanent growth arrest associated with cellular senescence. The p21 gene contains several p53 response elements that mediate direct binding of the p53 protein, resulting in transcriptional activation of the gene encoding the p21 protein. The p53 and RB1 pathways are linked via p14ARF, raising the possibility that the pathways may regulate each other.[26] p53 expression can be stimulated by UV light, which also causes DNA damage. In this case, p53 can initiate events leading to tanning.[27][28] Stem cells Levels of p53 play an important role in the maintenance of stem cells throughout development and the rest of human life. In human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)s, p53 is maintained at low inactive levels.[29] This is because activation of p53 leads to rapid differentiation of hESCs.[30] Studies have shown that knocking out p53 delays differentiation and that adding p53 causes spontaneous differentiation, showing how p53 promotes differentiation of hESCs and plays a key role in cell cycle as a differentiation regulator. When p53 becomes stabilized and activated in hESCs, it increases p21 to establish a longer G1. This typically leads to abolition of S-phase entry, which stops the cell cycle in G1, leading to differentiation. Work in mouse embryonic stem cells has recently shown however that the expression of P53 does not necessarily lead to differentiation.[31] p53 also activates miR-34a and miR-145, which then repress the hESCs pluripotency factors, further instigating differentiation.[29] In adult stem cells, p53 regulation is important for maintenance of stemness in adult stem cell niches. Mechanical signals such as hypoxia affect levels of p53 in these niche cells through the hypoxia inducible factors, HIF-1α and HIF-2α. While HIF-1α stabilizes p53, HIF-2α suppresses it.[32] Suppression of p53 plays important roles in cancer stem cell phenotype, induced pluripotent stem cells and other stem cell roles and behaviors, such as blastema formation. Cells with decreased levels of p53 have been shown to reprogram into stem cells with a much greater efficiency than normal cells.[33][34] Papers suggest that the lack of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis gives more cells the chance to be reprogrammed. Decreased levels of p53 were also shown to be a crucial aspect of blastema formation in the legs of salamanders.[35] p53 regulation is very important in acting as a barrier between stem cells and a differentiated stem cell state, as well as a barrier between stem cells being functional and being cancerous.[36] Specifically, the term Galilean invariance today usually refers to this principle as applied to Newtonian mechanics, that is, Newton's laws of motion hold in all frames related to one another by a Galilean transformation. In other words, all frames related to one another by such a transformation are inertial (meaning, Newton's equation of motion is valid in these frames). In this context it is sometimes called Newtonian relativity. Among the axioms from Newton's theory are: There exists an absolute space, in which Newton's laws are true. An inertial frame is a reference frame in relative uniform motion to absolute space. All inertial frames share a universal time. Galilean relativity can be shown as follows. Consider two inertial frames S and S' . A physical event in S will have position coordinates r = (x, y, z) and time t in S, and r' = (x' , y' , z' ) and time t' in S' . By the second axiom above, one can synchronize the clock in the two frames and assume t = t' . Suppose S' is in relative uniform motion to S with velocity v. Consider a point object whose position is given by functions r' (t) in S' and r(t) in S. We see that r ′ ( t ) = r ( t ) − v t . r'(t) = r(t) - v t.\, The velocity of the particle is given by the time derivative of the position: u ′ ( t ) = d d t r ′ ( t ) = d d t r ( t ) − v = u ( t ) − v . u'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} r'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} r(t) - v = u(t) - v. Another differentiation gives the acceleration in the two frames: a ′ ( t ) = d d t u ′ ( t ) = d d t u ( t ) − 0 = a ( t ) . a'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} u'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} u(t) - 0 = a(t). It is this simple but crucial result that implies Galilean relativity. Assuming that mass is invariant in all inertial frames, the above equation shows Newton's laws of mechanics, if valid in one frame, must hold for all frames.[1] But it is assumed to hold in absolute space, therefore Galilean relativity holds. Newton's theory versus special relativity A comparison can be made between Newtonian relativity and special relativity. Some of the assumptions and properties of Newton's theory are: The existence of infinitely many inertial frames. Each frame is of infinite size (the entire universe may be covered by many linearly equivalent frames). Any two frames may be in relative uniform motion. (The relativistic nature of mechanics derived above shows that the absolute space assumption is not necessary.) The inertial frames may move in all possible relative forms of uniform motion. There is a universal, or absolute, notion of elapsed time. Two inertial frames are related by a Galilean transformation. In all inertial frames, Newton's laws, and gravity, hold. In comparison, the corresponding statements from special relativity are as follows: The existence, as well, of infinitely many non-inertial frames, each of which referenced to (and physically determined by) a unique set of spacetime coordinates. Each frame may be of infinite size, but its definition is always determined locally by contextual physical conditions. Any two frames may be in relative non-uniform motion (as long as it is assumed that this condition of relative motion implies a relativistic dynamical effect – and later, mechanical effect in general relativity – between both frames). Rather than freely allowing all conditions of relative uniform motion between frames of reference, the relative velocity between two inertial frames becomes bounded above by the speed of light. Instead of universal elapsed time, each inertial frame possesses its own notion of elapsed time. The Galilean transformations are replaced by Lorentz transformations. In all inertial frames, all laws of physics are the same. Both theories assume the existence of inertial frames. In practice, the size of the frames in which they remain valid differ greatly, depending on gravitational tidal forces. In the appropriate context, a local Newtonian inertial frame, where Newton's theory remains a good model, extends to roughly 107 light years. In special relativity, one considers Einstein's cabins, cabins that fall freely in a gravitational field. According to Einstein's thought experiment, a man in such a cabin experiences (to a good approximation) no gravity and therefore the cabin is an approximate inertial frame. However, one has to assume that the size of the cabin is sufficiently small so that the gravitational field is approximately parallel in its interior. This can greatly reduce the sizes of such approximate frames, in comparison to Newtonian frames. For example, an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth can be viewed as a cabin. However, reasonably sensitive instruments could detect "microgravity" in such a situation because the "lines of force" of the Earth's gravitational field converge. In general, the convergence of gravitational fields in the universe dictates the scale at which one might consider such (local) inertial frames. For example, a spaceship falling into a black hole or neutron star would (at a certain distance) be subjected to tidal forces strong enough to crush it in width and tear it apart in length.[2] In comparison, however, such forces might only be uncomfortable for the astronauts inside (compressing their joints, making it difficult to extend their limbs in any direction perpendicular to the gravity field of the star). Reducing the scale further, the forces at that distance might have almost no effects at all on a mouse. This illustrates the idea that all freely falling frames are locally inertial (acceleration and gravity-free) if the scale is chosen correctly.[2] Poetry (a term derived from the Greek word poiesis, "making"), also called verse,[note 1] is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and often rhythmic[1][2][3] qualities of language − such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre − to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, a prosaic ostensible meaning. A poem is a literary composition, written by a poet, using this principle. Poetry has a long and varied history, evolving differentially across the globe. It dates back at least to prehistoric times with hunting poetry in Africa and to panegyric and elegiac court poetry of the empires of the Nile, Niger, and Volta River valleys.[4] Some of the earliest written poetry in Africa occurs among the Pyramid Texts written during the 25th century BCE. The earliest surviving Western Asian epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh, was written in the Sumerian language. Early poems in the Eurasian continent evolved from folk songs such as the Chinese Shijing as well as from religious hymns (the Sanskrit Rigveda, the Zoroastrian Gathas, the Hurrian songs, and the Hebrew Psalms); or from a need to retell oral epics, as with the Egyptian Story of Sinuhe, Indian epic poetry, and the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Ancient Greek attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle's Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition, verse form, and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from more objectively-informative prosaic writing. Poetry uses forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretations of words, or to evoke emotive responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhythm may convey musical or incantatory effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony, and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, figures of speech such as metaphor, simile, and metonymy[5] establish a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm. Some poetry types are unique to particular cultures and genres and respond to characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. Readers accustomed to identifying poetry with Dante, Goethe, Mickiewicz, or Rumi may think of it as written in lines based on rhyme and regular meter. There are, however, traditions, such as Biblical poetry, that use other means to create rhythm and euphony. Much modern poetry reflects a critique of poetic tradition,[6] testing the principle of euphony itself or altogether forgoing rhyme or set rhythm.[7][8] Poets – as, from the Greek, "makers" of language – have contributed to the evolution of the linguistic, expressive, and utilitarian qualities of their languages. In an increasingly globalized world, poets often adapt forms, styles, and techniques from diverse cultures and languages. A Western cultural tradition (extending at least from Homer to Rilke) associates the production of poetry with inspiration – often by a Muse (either classical or contemporary), or through other (often canonised) poets' work which sets some kind of example or challenge. In first-person poems, the lyrics are spoken by an "I", a character who may be termed the speaker, distinct from the poet (the author). Thus if, for example, a poem asserts, "I killed my enemy in Reno", it is the speaker, not the poet, who is the killer (unless this "confession" is a form of metaphor which needs to be considered in closer context – via close reading). Early works Some scholars believe that the art of poetry may predate literacy, and developed from folk epics and other oral genres.[9][10] Others, however, suggest that poetry did not necessarily predate writing.[11] The oldest surviving epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh, dates from the 3rd millennium BCE in Sumer (in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq), and was written in cuneiform script on clay tablets and, later, on papyrus.[12] The Istanbul tablet#2461, dating to c. 2000 BCE, describes an annual rite in which the king symbolically married and mated with the goddess Inanna to ensure fertility and prosperity; some have labelled it the world's oldest love poem.[13][14] An example of Egyptian epic poetry is The Story of Sinuhe (c. 1800 BCE).[15] Other ancient epics includes the Greek Iliad and the Odyssey; the Persian Avestan books (the Yasna); the Roman national epic, Virgil's Aeneid (written between 29 and 19 BCE); and the Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Epic poetry appears to have been composed in poetic form as an aid to memorization and oral transmission in ancient societies.[11][16] Other forms of poetry, including such ancient collections of religious hymns as the Indian Sanskrit-language Rigveda, the Avestan Gathas, the Hurrian songs, and the Hebrew Psalms, possibly developed directly from folk songs. The earliest entries in the oldest extant collection of Chinese poetry, the Classic of Poetry (Shijing), were initially lyrics.[17] The Shijing, with its collection of poems and folk songs, was heavily valued by the philosopher Confucius and is considered to be one of the official Confucian classics. His remarks on the subject have become an invaluable source in ancient music theory.[18] The efforts of ancient thinkers to determine what makes poetry distinctive as a form, and what distinguishes good poetry from bad, resulted in "poetics"—the study of the aesthetics of poetry.[19] Some ancient societies, such as China's through the Shijing, developed canons of poetic works that had ritual as well as aesthetic importance.[20] More recently, thinkers have struggled to find a definition that could encompass formal differences as great as those between Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Matsuo Bashō's Oku no Hosomichi, as well as differences in content spanning Tanakh religious poetry, love poetry, and rap.[21] Until recently, the earliest examples of stressed poetry had been thought to be works composed by Romanos the Melodist (fl. 6th century CE). However, Tim Whitmarsh writes that an inscribed Greek poem predated Romanos' stressed poetry. [22][23][24] "Figure 32.—Julius obtaining banana by using pole to climb up on and spring from. Figure 33.—Using pole to swing out on so that banana could be grasped. Figure 34.—Using stick to draw carrot within reach." From The mental life of monkeys and apes; a study of ideational behavior, by Robert Mearns Yerkes, 1916 The monkey and banana problem is a famous toy problem in artificial intelligence, particularly in logic programming and planning. Formulation of the problem A monkey is in a room. Suspended from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas, beyond the monkey's reach. However, in the room there are also a chair and a stick. The ceiling is just the right height so that a monkey standing on a chair could knock the bananas down with the stick. The monkey knows how to move around, carry other things around, reach for the bananas, and wave a stick in the air. What is the best sequence of actions for the monkey? Purpose of the problem The problem seeks to answer the question of whether monkeys are intelligent. Both humans and monkeys have the ability to use mental maps to remember things like where to go to find shelter, or how to avoid danger. They can also remember where to go to gather food and water, as well as how to communicate with each other. Monkeys have the ability not only to remember how to hunt and gather but to learn new things, as is the case with the monkey and the bananas: despite the fact that the monkey may never have been in an identical situation, with the same artifacts at hand, a monkey is capable of concluding that it needs to make a ladder, position it below the bananas, and climb up to reach for them. The degree to which such abilities should be ascribed to instinct or learning is a matter of debate. In 1984, a pigeon was observed as having the capacity to solve a problem.[1][2] Software solutions The problem is used as a toy problem for computer science. It can be solved with an expert system such as CLIPS. The example set of rules that CLIPS provides is somewhat fragile in that naive changes to the rulebase that might seem to a human of average intelligence to make common sense can cause the engine to fail to get the monkey to reach the banana.[3] Other examples exist using Rules Based System (RBS) a project implemented in Python.[4][5] VBScript ("Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition") is a deprecated Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic. It allows Microsoft Windows system administrators to generate powerful tools for managing computers without error handling and with subroutines and other advanced programming constructs. It can give the user complete control over many aspects of their computing environment. VBScript uses the Component Object Model to access elements of the environment within which it is running; for example, the FileSystemObject (FSO) is used to create, read, update and delete files. VBScript has been installed by default in every desktop release of Microsoft Windows since Windows 98;[1] in Windows Server since Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack;[2] and optionally with Windows CE (depending on the device it is installed on). A VBScript script must be executed within a host environment, of which there are several provided with Microsoft Windows, including: Windows Script Host (WSH), Internet Explorer (IE), and Internet Information Services (IIS).[3] Additionally, the VBScript hosting environment is embeddable in other programs, through technologies such as the Microsoft Script Control (msscript.ocx). History VBScript began as part of the Microsoft Windows Script Technologies, launched in 1996. This technology (which also included JScript) was initially targeted at web developers. During a period of just over two years, VBScript advanced from version 1.0 to 2.0, and over that time it gained support from Windows system administrators seeking an automation tool more powerful than the batch language first developed in the early 1980s.[4] On August 1, 1996, Internet Explorer was released with features that included VBScript.[5] In version 5.0, the functionality of VBScript was increased with new features including regular expressions; classes; the With statement;[6] the Eval, Execute, and ExecuteGlobal functions to evaluate and execute script commands built during the execution of another script; a function-pointer system via GetRef,[7] and Distributed COM (DCOM) support. In version 5.5, SubMatches[8] were added to the regular expression class in VBScript, to finally allow script authors to capture the text within the expression's groups. That capability had already been available in JScript. With the advent of the .NET Framework, the scripting team took the decision to implement future support for VBScript within ASP.NET for web development,[9] and therefore no new versions of the VBScript engine would be developed. It would henceforth be supported by Microsoft's Sustaining Engineering Team, who are responsible for bug fixes and security enhancements. For Windows system administrators, Microsoft suggests migrating to Windows PowerShell, as VBScript is deprecated and will eventually be removed from Windows. On October 9, 2023, Microsoft announced plans to deprecate and eventually remove VBScript from future Windows versions.[10] Environments When employed for client-side web development in Microsoft Internet Explorer, VBScript is similar in function to JavaScript. It is used to write executable functions that are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page, to perform tasks not possible in HTML alone. However, other web browsers such as Firefox and Opera and recently Chrome do not have built-in support for VBScript. This means that where client-side scripting and cross-browser compatibility are required, developers usually choose JavaScript over most other programming languages, such as VBScript. VBScript is also used for server-side processing of web pages, most notably with Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). The ASP engine and type library, asp.dll, invokes vbscript.dll to run VBScript scripts. VBScript that is embedded in an ASP page is contained within <% and %> context switches. The following example of an ASP page with VBScript displays the current time in 24-hour format, but it is also used as the default script for error messages with the Windows operating systems. FAISS, including its GPU version (faiss-gpu), primarily works with NumPy arrays. This means that even when using FAISS with GPU support, the input data typically needs to be in the form of a NumPy array. However, this doesn't mean that you can't use PyTorch tensors with FAISS; it just means that you'll need to convert PyTorch tensors to NumPy arrays before using them with FAISS functions. The reason for this requirement is that FAISS internally uses NumPy arrays for its data structures and computations, and although PyTorch tensors and NumPy arrays are often interoperable, they are not the same thing. Here's what you typically need to do when working with PyTorch tensors and FAISS: Convert PyTorch Tensors to NumPy Arrays: If your data is in a PyTorch tensor, you can convert it to a NumPy array using the .numpy() method if the tensor is on the CPU. If the tensor is on the GPU, you should first move it to the CPU with .cpu() and then convert it to a NumPy array. Use FAISS for Operations: Perform your necessary operations in FAISS using the NumPy arrays. Convert Back to PyTorch Tensors if Needed: If you need to bring the results back into PyTorch, you can convert the NumPy arrays back to PyTorch tensors. This conversion process is typically fast and efficient, but it's important to be aware of it, especially when working with large datasets or in situations where memory usage and computational efficiency are critical concerns. In summary, while faiss-gpu does not directly operate on PyTorch tensors, the conversion between PyTorch tensors and NumPy arrays is straightforward and usually doesn't pose a significant bottleneck in terms of performance. Resetting the chassis intrusion status on a Mellanox switch using the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface involves a series of specific steps. Please note that this process is technical and should ideally be performed by someone with experience in managing network equipment and familiarity with the I2C protocol. Here's a general outline of how you might approach this task: Access the I2C Interface: To interact with the I2C interface, you'll need to use a system that can communicate over I2C, such as a microcontroller or a computer with an I2C adapter. The exact method of accessing the I2C interface will depend on the equipment you are using. Identify the Correct I2C Address: Each device on the I2C bus has a unique address. You need to find out the address of the chassis intrusion sensor or the relevant control register on the Mellanox switch. This information should be available in the switch's hardware documentation. Read the Current Intrusion Status: Before resetting the intrusion status, it's often a good practice to read the current status. This can be done by sending a read command to the appropriate address and register. Send a Reset Command: To reset the chassis intrusion status, you will need to write to a specific register of the intrusion detection system. This typically involves sending a particular byte or set of bytes to a specific address. The exact command will depend on the Mellanox switch model and its firmware. Verify the Reset: After sending the reset command, you should read back the intrusion status to ensure that it has been successfully reset. Log the Action: For security and auditing purposes, it's advisable to log this action in your system's records. It is crucial to consult the specific documentation for your Mellanox switch model for detailed instructions and the correct register addresses. Improperly interacting with the I2C interface can cause unintended behavior or damage to the switch. If you are not familiar with this level of hardware interaction, it is recommended to seek assistance from a qualified network engineer or contact Mellanox's technical support for guidance. Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the ontology and nature of the mind and its relationship with the body. The mind–body problem is a paradigmatic issue in philosophy of mind, although a number of other issues are addressed, such as the hard problem of consciousness and the nature of particular mental states.[1][2][3] Aspects of the mind that are studied include mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness and its neural correlates, the ontology of the mind, the nature of cognition and of thought, and the relationship of the mind to the body. Dualism and monism are the two central schools of thought on the mind–body problem, although nuanced views have arisen that do not fit one or the other category neatly. Dualism finds its entry into Western philosophy thanks to René Descartes in the 17th century.[4] Substance dualists like Descartes argue that the mind is an independently existing substance, whereas property dualists maintain that the mind is a group of independent properties that emerge from and cannot be reduced to the brain, but that it is not a distinct substance.[5] Monism is the position that mind and body are ontologically indiscernible entities, not dependent substances. This view was espoused by the 17th-century rationalist Baruch Spinoza.[6] Physicalists argue that only entities postulated by physical theory exist, and that mental processes will eventually be explained in terms of these entities as physical theory continues to evolve. Physicalists maintain various positions on the prospects of reducing mental properties to physical properties (many of whom adopt compatible forms of property dualism),[7][8][9][10][11][12] and the ontological status of such mental properties remains unclear.[11][13][14] Idealists maintain that the mind is all that exists and that the external world is either mental itself, or an illusion created by the mind. Neutral monists such as Ernst Mach and William James argue that events in the world can be thought of as either mental (psychological) or physical depending on the network of relationships into which they enter, and dual-aspect monists such as Spinoza adhere to the position that there is some other, neutral substance, and that both matter and mind are properties of this unknown substance. The most common monisms in the 20th and 21st centuries have all been variations of physicalism; these positions include behaviorism, the type identity theory, anomalous monism and functionalism.[15] Most modern philosophers of mind adopt either a reductive physicalist or non-reductive physicalist position, maintaining in their different ways that the mind is not something separate from the body.[15] These approaches have been particularly influential in the sciences, especially in the fields of sociobiology, computer science (specifically, artificial intelligence), evolutionary psychology and the various neurosciences.[16][17][18][19] Reductive physicalists assert that all mental states and properties will eventually be explained by scientific accounts of physiological processes and states.[20][21][22] Non-reductive physicalists argue that although the mind is not a separate substance, mental properties supervene on physical properties, or that the predicates and vocabulary used in mental descriptions and explanations are indispensable, and cannot be reduced to the language and lower-level explanations of physical science.[23][24] Continued neuroscientific progress has helped to clarify some of these issues; however, they are far from being resolved. Modern philosophers of mind continue to ask how the subjective qualities and the intentionality of mental states and properties can be explained in naturalistic terms.[25][26] However, a number of issues have been recognized with non-reductive physicalism. First, it is irreconcilable with self-identity over time. Secondly, intentional states of consciousness do not make sense on non-reductive physicalism. Thirdly, free will is impossible to reconcile with either reductive or non-reductive physicalism. Fourthly, it fails to properly explain the phenomenon of mental causation.[27] Mind–body problem Main article: Mind–body problem René Descartes' illustration of mind/body dualism The mind–body problem concerns the explanation of the relationship that exists between minds, or mental processes, and bodily states or processes.[1] The main aim of philosophers working in this area is to determine the nature of the mind and mental states/processes, and how—or even if—minds are affected by and can affect the body. Perceptual experiences depend on stimuli that arrive at our various sensory organs from the external world, and these stimuli cause changes in our mental states, ultimately causing us to feel a sensation, which may be pleasant or unpleasant. Someone's desire for a slice of pizza, for example, will tend to cause that person to move his or her body in a specific manner and in a specific direction to obtain what he or she wants. The question, then, is how it can be possible for conscious experiences to arise out of a lump of gray matter endowed with nothing but electrochemical properties.[15] A related problem is how someone's propositional attitudes (e.g. beliefs and desires) cause that individual's neurons to fire and muscles to contract. These comprise some of the puzzles that have confronted epistemologists and philosophers of mind from the time of René Descartes.[4] Dualist solutions to the mind–body problem See also: Mind in eastern philosophy Dualism is a set of views about the relationship between mind and matter (or body). It begins with the claim that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical.[5] One of the earliest known formulations of mind–body dualism was expressed in the eastern Samkhya and Yoga schools of Hindu philosophy (c. 650 BCE), which divided the world into purusha (mind/spirit) and prakriti (material substance).[28] Specifically, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali presents an analytical approach to the nature of the mind. In Western Philosophy, the earliest discussions of dualist ideas are in the writings of Plato who suggested that humans' intelligence (a faculty of the mind or soul) could not be identified with, or explained in terms of, their physical body.[29][30] However, the best-known version of dualism is due to René Descartes (1641), and holds that the mind is a non-extended, non-physical substance, a "res cogitans".[4] Descartes was the first to clearly identify the mind with consciousness and self-awareness, and to distinguish this from the brain, which was the seat of intelligence. He was therefore the first to formulate the mind–body problem in the form in which it still exists today.[4] Arguments for dualism The most frequently used argument in favor of dualism appeals to the common-sense intuition that conscious experience is distinct from inanimate matter. If asked what the mind is, the average person would usually respond by identifying it with their self, their personality, their soul, or another related entity. They would almost certainly deny that the mind simply is the brain, or vice versa, finding the idea that there is just one ontological entity at play to be too mechanistic or unintelligible.[5] Modern philosophers of mind think that these intuitions are misleading, and that critical faculties, along with empirical evidence from the sciences, should be used to examine these assumptions and determine whether there is any real basis to them.[5] The mental and the physical seem to have quite different, and perhaps irreconcilable, properties.[31] Mental events have a subjective quality, whereas physical events do not. So, for example, one can reasonably ask what a burnt finger feels like, or what a blue sky looks like, or what nice music sounds like to a person. But it is meaningless, or at least odd, to ask what a surge in the uptake of glutamate in the dorsolateral portion of the prefrontal cortex feels like. Philosophers of mind call the subjective aspects of mental events "qualia" or "raw feels".[31] There are qualia involved in these mental events that seem particularly difficult to reduce to anything physical. David Chalmers explains this argument by stating that we could conceivably know all the objective information about something, such as the brain states and wavelengths of light involved with seeing the color red, but still not know something fundamental about the situation – what it is like to see the color red.[32] If consciousness (the mind) can exist independently of physical reality (the brain), one must explain how physical memories are created concerning consciousness. Dualism must therefore explain how consciousness affects physical reality. One possible explanation is that of a miracle, proposed by Arnold Geulincx and Nicolas Malebranche, where all mind–body interactions require the direct intervention of God. Another argument that has been proposed by C. S. Lewis[33] is the Argument from Reason: if, as monism implies, all of our thoughts are the effects of physical causes, then we have no reason for assuming that they are also the consequent of a reasonable ground. Knowledge, however, is apprehended by reasoning from ground to consequent. Therefore, if monism is correct, there would be no way of knowing this—or anything else—we could not even suppose it, except by a fluke. The zombie argument is based on a thought experiment proposed by Todd Moody, and developed by David Chalmers in his book The Conscious Mind. The basic idea is that one can imagine one's body, and therefore conceive the existence of one's body, without any conscious states being associated with this body. Chalmers' argument is that it seems possible that such a being could exist because all that is needed is that all and only the things that the physical sciences describe about a zombie must be true of it. Since none of the concepts involved in these sciences make reference to consciousness or other mental phenomena, and any physical entity can be by definition described scientifically via physics, the move from conceivability to possibility is not such a large one.[34] Others such as Dennett have argued that the notion of a philosophical zombie is an incoherent,[35] or unlikely,[36] concept. It has been argued under physicalism that one must either believe that anyone including oneself might be a zombie, or that no one can be a zombie—following from the assertion that one's own conviction about being (or not being) a zombie is a product of the physical world and is therefore no different from anyone else's. This argument has been expressed by Dennett who argues that "Zombies think they are conscious, think they have qualia, think they suffer pains—they are just 'wrong' (according to this lamentable tradition) in ways that neither they nor we could ever discover!"[35] See also the problem of other minds. Interactionist dualism Portrait of René Descartes by Frans Hals (1648) Interactionist dualism, or simply interactionism, is the particular form of dualism first espoused by Descartes in the Meditations.[4] In the 20th century, its major defenders have been Karl Popper and John Carew Eccles.[37] It is the view that mental states, such as beliefs and desires, causally interact with physical states.[5] Descartes's argument for this position can be summarized as follows: Seth has a clear and distinct idea of his mind as a thinking thing that has no spatial extension (i.e., it cannot be measured in terms of length, weight, height, and so on). He also has a clear and distinct idea of his body as something that is spatially extended, subject to quantification and not able to think. It follows that mind and body are not identical because they have radically different properties.[4] Seth's mental states (desires, beliefs, etc.) have causal effects on his body and vice versa: A child touches a hot stove (physical event) which causes pain (mental event) and makes her yell (physical event), this in turn provokes a sense of fear and protectiveness in the caregiver (mental event), and so on. Descartes' argument depends on the premise that what Seth believes to be "clear and distinct" ideas in his mind are necessarily true. Many contemporary philosophers doubt this.[38][39][40] For example, Joseph Agassi suggests that several scientific discoveries made since the early 20th century have undermined the idea of privileged access to one's own ideas. Freud claimed that a psychologically-trained observer can understand a person's unconscious motivations better than the person himself does. Duhem has shown that a philosopher of science can know a person's methods of discovery better than that person herself does, while Malinowski has shown that an anthropologist can know a person's customs and habits better than the person whose customs and habits they are. He also asserts that modern psychological experiments that cause people to see things that are not there provide grounds for rejecting Descartes' argument, because scientists can describe a person's perceptions better than the person herself can.[41][42] Other forms of dualism Four varieties of dualism. The arrows indicate the direction of the causal interactions. Occasionalism is not shown. Psychophysical parallelism Psychophysical parallelism, or simply parallelism, is the view that mind and body, while having distinct ontological statuses, do not causally influence one another. Instead, they run along parallel paths (mind events causally interact with mind events and brain events causally interact with brain events) and only seem to influence each other.[43] This view was most prominently defended by Gottfried Leibniz. Although Leibniz was an ontological monist who believed that only one type of substance, the monad, exists in the universe, and that everything is reducible to it, he nonetheless maintained that there was an important distinction between "the mental" and "the physical" in terms of causation. He held that God had arranged things in advance so that minds and bodies would be in harmony with each other. This is known as the doctrine of pre-established harmony.[44] Occasionalism Occasionalism is the view espoused by Nicholas Malebranche as well as Islamic philosophers such as Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali that asserts all supposedly causal relations between physical events, or between physical and mental events, are not really causal at all. While body and mind are different substances, causes (whether mental or physical) are related to their effects by an act of God's intervention on each specific occasion.[45] Property dualism Property dualism is the view that the world is constituted of one kind of substance – the physical kind – and there exist two distinct kinds of properties: physical properties and mental properties. It is the view that non-physical, mental properties (such as beliefs, desires and emotions) inhere in some physical bodies (at least, brains). Sub-varieties of property dualism include: Emergent materialism asserts that when matter is organized in the appropriate way (i.e. in the way that living human bodies are organized), mental properties emerge in a way not fully accountable for by physical laws.[5] These emergent properties have an independent ontological status and cannot be reduced to, or explained in terms of, the physical substrate from which they emerge. They are dependent on the physical properties from which they emerge, but opinions vary as to the coherence of top–down causation, i.e. the causal effectiveness of such properties. A form of emergent materialism has been espoused by David Chalmers and the concept has undergone something of a renaissance in recent years,[46] but it was already suggested in the 19th century by William James. Epiphenomenalism is a doctrine first formulated by Thomas Henry Huxley.[47] It consists of the view that mental phenomena are causally ineffectual, where one or more mental states do not have any influence on physical states or mental phenomena are the effects, but not the causes, of physical phenomena. Physical events can cause other physical and mental events, but mental events cannot cause anything since they are just causally inert by-products (i.e. epiphenomena) of the physical world.[43] This view has been defended by Frank Jackson.[48] Non-reductive physicalism is the view that mental properties form a separate ontological class to physical properties: mental states (such as qualia) are not reducible to physical states. The ontological stance towards qualia in the case of non-reductive physicalism does not imply that qualia are causally inert; this is what distinguishes it from epiphenomenalism. Panpsychism is the view that all matter has a mental aspect, or, alternatively, all objects have a unified center of experience or point of view. Superficially, it seems to be a form of property dualism, since it regards everything as having both mental and physical properties. However, some panpsychists say that mechanical behaviour is derived from the primitive mentality of atoms and molecules—as are sophisticated mentality and organic behaviour, the difference being attributed to the presence or absence of complex structure in a compound object. So long as the reduction of non-mental properties to mental ones is in place, panpsychism is not a (strong) form of property dualism; otherwise it is. Dual aspect theory Dual aspect theory or dual-aspect monism is the view that the mental and the physical are two aspects of, or perspectives on, the same substance. (Thus it is a mixed position, which is monistic in some respects). In modern philosophical writings, the theory's relationship to neutral monism has become somewhat ill-defined, but one proffered distinction says that whereas neutral monism allows the context of a given group of neutral elements and the relationships into which they enter to determine whether the group can be thought of as mental, physical, both, or neither, dual-aspect theory suggests that the mental and the physical are manifestations (or aspects) of some underlying substance, entity or process that is itself neither mental nor physical as normally understood. Various formulations of dual-aspect monism also require the mental and the physical to be complementary, mutually irreducible and perhaps inseparable (though distinct).[49][50][51] Experiential dualism This is a philosophy of mind that regards the degrees of freedom between mental and physical well-being as not synonymous thus implying an experiential dualism between body and mind. An example of these disparate degrees of freedom is given by Allan Wallace who notes that it is "experientially apparent that one may be physically uncomfortable—for instance, while engaging in a strenuous physical workout—while mentally cheerful; conversely, one may be mentally distraught while experiencing physical comfort".[52] Experiential dualism notes that our subjective experience of merely seeing something in the physical world seems qualitatively different from mental processes like grief that comes from losing a loved one. This philosophy is a proponent of causal dualism, which is defined as the dual ability for mental states and physical states to affect one another. Mental states can cause changes in physical states and vice versa. However, unlike cartesian dualism or some other systems, experiential dualism does not posit two fundamental substances in reality: mind and matter. Rather, experiential dualism is to be understood as a conceptual framework that gives credence to the qualitative difference between the experience of mental and physical states. Experiential dualism is accepted as the conceptual framework of Madhyamaka Buddhism. Madhayamaka Buddhism goes further, finding fault with the monist view of physicalist philosophies of mind as well in that these generally posit matter and energy as the fundamental substance of reality. Nonetheless, this does not imply that the cartesian dualist view is correct, rather Madhyamaka regards as error any affirming view of a fundamental substance to reality. In denying the independent self-existence of all the phenomena that make up the world of our experience, the Madhyamaka view departs from both the substance dualism of Descartes and the substance monism—namely, physicalism—that is characteristic of modern science. The physicalism propounded by many contemporary scientists seems to assert that the real world is composed of physical things-in-themselves, while all mental phenomena are regarded as mere appearances, devoid of any reality in and of themselves. Much is made of this difference between appearances and reality.[52] Indeed, physicalism, or the idea that matter is the only fundamental substance of reality, is explicitly rejected by Buddhism. In the Madhyamaka view, mental events are no more or less real than physical events. In terms of our common-sense experience, differences of kind do exist between physical and mental phenomena. While the former commonly have mass, location, velocity, shape, size, and numerous other physical attributes, these are not generally characteristic of mental phenomena. For example, we do not commonly conceive of the feeling of affection for another person as having mass or location. These physical attributes are no more appropriate to other mental events such as sadness, a recalled image from one's childhood, the visual perception of a rose, or consciousness of any sort. Mental phenomena are, therefore, not regarded as being physical, for the simple reason that they lack many of the attributes that are uniquely characteristic of physical phenomena. Thus, Buddhism has never adopted the physicalist principle that regards only physical things as real.[52] Monist solutions to the mind–body problem In contrast to dualism, monism does not accept any fundamental divisions. The fundamentally disparate nature of reality has been central to forms of eastern philosophies for over two millennia. In Indian and Chinese philosophy, monism is integral to how experience is understood. Today, the most common forms of monism in Western philosophy are physicalist.[15] Physicalistic monism asserts that the only existing substance is physical, in some sense of that term to be clarified by our best science.[53] However, a variety of formulations (see below) are possible. Another form of monism, idealism, states that the only existing substance is mental. Although pure idealism, such as that of George Berkeley, is uncommon in contemporary Western philosophy, a more sophisticated variant called panpsychism, according to which mental experience and properties may be at the foundation of physical experience and properties, has been espoused by some philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead[54] and David Ray Griffin.[46] Phenomenalism is the theory that representations (or sense data) of external objects are all that exist. Such a view was briefly adopted by Bertrand Russell and many of the logical positivists during the early 20th century.[55] A third possibility is to accept the existence of a basic substance that is neither physical nor mental. The mental and physical would then both be properties of this neutral substance. Such a position was adopted by Baruch Spinoza[6] and was popularized by Ernst Mach[56] in the 19th century. This neutral monism, as it is called, resembles property dualism. Physicalistic monisms Behaviorism Main article: Behaviorism Behaviorism dominated philosophy of mind for much of the 20th century, especially the first half.[15] In psychology, behaviorism developed as a reaction to the inadequacies of introspectionism.[53] Introspective reports on one's own interior mental life are not subject to careful examination for accuracy and cannot be used to form predictive generalizations. Without generalizability and the possibility of third-person examination, the behaviorists argued, psychology cannot be scientific.[53] The way out, therefore, was to eliminate the idea of an interior mental life (and hence an ontologically independent mind) altogether and focus instead on the description of observable behavior.[57] Parallel to these developments in psychology, a philosophical behaviorism (sometimes called logical behaviorism) was developed.[53] This is characterized by a strong verificationism, which generally considers unverifiable statements about interior mental life pointless. For the behaviorist, mental states are not interior states on which one can make introspective reports. They are just descriptions of behavior or dispositions to behave in certain ways, made by third parties to explain and predict another's behavior.[58] Philosophical behaviorism has fallen out of favor since the latter half of the 20th century, coinciding with the rise of cognitivism.[1] Identity theory Main article: Type physicalism Type physicalism (or type-identity theory) was developed by Jack Smart[22] and Ullin Place[59] as a direct reaction to the failure of behaviorism. These philosophers reasoned that, if mental states are something material, but not behavioral, then mental states are probably identical to internal states of the brain. In very simplified terms: a mental state M is nothing other than brain state B. The mental state "desire for a cup of coffee" would thus be nothing more than the "firing of certain neurons in certain brain regions".[22] The classic Identity theory and Anomalous Monism in contrast. For the Identity theory, every token instantiation of a single mental type corresponds (as indicated by the arrows) to a physical token of a single physical type. For anomalous monism, the token–token correspondences can fall outside of the type–type correspondences. The result is token identity. On the other hand, even granted the above, it does not follow that identity theories of all types must be abandoned. According to token identity theories, the fact that a certain brain state is connected with only one mental state of a person does not have to mean that there is an absolute correlation between types of mental state and types of brain state. The type–token distinction can be illustrated by a simple example: the word "green" contains four types of letters (g, r, e, n) with two tokens (occurrences) of the letter e along with one each of the others. The idea of token identity is that only particular occurrences of mental events are identical with particular occurrences or tokenings of physical events.[60] Anomalous monism (see below) and most other non-reductive physicalisms are token-identity theories.[61] Despite these problems, there is a renewed interest in the type identity theory today, primarily due to the influence of Jaegwon Kim.[22] Functionalism Main article: Functionalism (philosophy of mind) Functionalism was formulated by Hilary Putnam and Jerry Fodor as a reaction to the inadequacies of the identity theory.[24] Putnam and Fodor saw mental states in terms of an empirical computational theory of the mind.[62] At about the same time or slightly after, D.M. Armstrong and David Kellogg Lewis formulated a version of functionalism that analyzed the mental concepts of folk psychology in terms of functional roles.[63] Finally, Wittgenstein's idea of meaning as use led to a version of functionalism as a theory of meaning, further developed by Wilfrid Sellars and Gilbert Harman. Another one, psychofunctionalism, is an approach adopted by the naturalistic philosophy of mind associated with Jerry Fodor and Zenon Pylyshyn. Mental states are characterized by their causal relations with other mental states and with sensory inputs and behavioral outputs. Functionalism abstracts away from the details of the physical implementation of a mental state by characterizing it in terms of non-mental functional properties. For example, a kidney is characterized scientifically by its functional role in filtering blood and maintaining certain chemical balances.[62] Non-reductive physicalism Main article: Physicalism Non-reductionist philosophers hold firmly to two essential convictions with regard to mind–body relations: 1) Physicalism is true and mental states must be physical states, but 2) All reductionist proposals are unsatisfactory: mental states cannot be reduced to behavior, brain states or functional states.[53] Hence, the question arises whether there can still be a non-reductive physicalism. Donald Davidson's anomalous monism[23] is an attempt to formulate such a physicalism. He "thinks that when one runs across what are traditionally seen as absurdities of Reason, such as akrasia or self-deception, the personal psychology framework is not to be given up in favor of the subpersonal one, but rather must be enlarged or extended so that the rationality set out by the principle of charity can be found elsewhere."[64] Davidson uses the thesis of supervenience: mental states supervene on physical states, but are not reducible to them. "Supervenience" therefore describes a functional dependence: there can be no change in the mental without some change in the physical–causal reducibility between the mental and physical without ontological reducibility.[65] Non-reductive physicalism, however, is irreconcilable with self-identity over time [source?]. The brain goes on from one moment of time to another; the brain thus has identity through time. But its states of awareness do not go on from one moment to the next. There is no enduring self – no “I” (capital-I) that goes on from one moment to the next. An analogy of the self or the “I” would be the flame of a candle. The candle and the wick go on from one moment to the next, but the flame does not go on. There is a different flame at each moment of the candle’s burning. The flame displays a type of continuity in that the candle does not go out while it is burning, but there is not really any identity of the flame from one moment to another over time. The scenario is similar on non-reductive physicalism with states of awareness. Every state of the brain at different times has a different state of awareness related to it, but there is no enduring self or “I” from one moment to the next. Similarly, it is an illusion that one is the same individual who walked into class this morning. In fact, one is not the same individual because there is no personal identity over time. If one does exist and one is the same individual who entered into class this morning, then a non-reductive physicalist view of the self should be dismissed.[27] Because non-reductive physicalist theories attempt to both retain the ontological distinction between mind and body and try to solve the "surfeit of explanations puzzle" in some way; critics often see this as a paradox and point out the similarities to epiphenomenalism, in that it is the brain that is seen as the root "cause" not the mind, and the mind seems to be rendered inert. Epiphenomenalism regards one or more mental states as the byproduct of physical brain states, having no influence on physical states. The interaction is one-way (solving the "surfeit of explanations puzzle") but leaving us with non-reducible mental states (as a byproduct of brain states) – causally reducible, but ontologically irreducible to physical states. Pain would be seen by epiphenomenalists as being caused by the brain state but as not having effects on other brain states, though it might have effects on other mental states (i.e. cause distress). Weak emergentism Main article: Emergentism Weak emergentism is a form of "non-reductive physicalism" that involves a layered view of nature, with the layers arranged in terms of increasing complexity and each corresponding to its own special science. Some philosophers[who?] hold that emergent properties causally interact with more fundamental levels, while others maintain that higher-order properties simply supervene over lower levels without direct causal interaction. The latter group therefore holds a less strict, or "weaker", definition of emergentism, which can be rigorously stated as follows: a property P of composite object O is emergent if it is metaphysically impossible for another object to lack property P if that object is composed of parts with intrinsic properties identical to those in O and has those parts in an identical configuration.[citation needed] Sometimes emergentists use the example of water having a new property when Hydrogen H and Oxygen O combine to form H2O (water). In this example there "emerges" a new property of a transparent liquid that would not have been predicted by understanding hydrogen and oxygen as gases. This is analogous to physical properties of the brain giving rise to a mental state. Emergentists try to solve the notorious mind–body gap this way. One problem for emergentism is the idea of causal closure in the world that does not allow for a mind-to-body causation.[66] Eliminative materialism Main article: Eliminative materialism If one is a materialist and believes that all aspects of our common-sense psychology will find reduction to a mature cognitive neuroscience, and that non-reductive materialism is mistaken, then one can adopt a final, more radical position: eliminative materialism. There are several varieties of eliminative materialism, but all maintain that our common-sense "folk psychology" badly misrepresents the nature of some aspect of cognition. Eliminativists such as Patricia and Paul Churchland argue that while folk psychology treats cognition as fundamentally sentence-like, the non-linguistic vector/matrix model of neural network theory or connectionism will prove to be a much more accurate account of how the brain works.[20] The Churchlands often invoke the fate of other, erroneous popular theories and ontologies that have arisen in the course of history.[20][21] For example, Ptolemaic astronomy served to explain and roughly predict the motions of the planets for centuries, but eventually this model of the solar system was eliminated in favor of the Copernican model. The Churchlands believe the same eliminative fate awaits the "sentence-cruncher" model of the mind in which thought and behavior are the result of manipulating sentence-like states called "propositional attitudes". Sociologist Jacy Reese Anthis argues for eliminative materialism on all faculties of mind, including consciousness, stating, "The deepest mysteries of the mind are within our reach."[67] Mysterianism Main article: New mysterianism Some philosophers take an epistemic approach and argue that the mind–body problem is currently unsolvable, and perhaps will always remain unsolvable to human beings. This is usually termed New mysterianism. Colin McGinn holds that human beings are cognitively closed in regards to their own minds. According to McGinn human minds lack the concept-forming procedures to fully grasp how mental properties such as consciousness arise from their causal basis.[68] An example would be how an elephant is cognitively closed in regards to particle physics. A more moderate conception has been expounded by Thomas Nagel, which holds that the mind–body problem is currently unsolvable at the present stage of scientific development and that it might take a future scientific paradigm shift or revolution to bridge the explanatory gap. Nagel posits that in the future a sort of "objective phenomenology" might be able to bridge the gap between subjective conscious experience and its physical basis.[69] Linguistic criticism of the mind–body problem Each attempt to answer the mind–body problem encounters substantial problems. Some philosophers argue that this is because there is an underlying conceptual confusion.[70] These philosophers, such as Ludwig Wittgenstein and his followers in the tradition of linguistic criticism, therefore reject the problem as illusory.[71] They argue that it is an error to ask how mental and biological states fit together. Rather it should simply be accepted that human experience can be described in different ways—for instance, in a mental and in a biological vocabulary. Illusory problems arise if one tries to describe the one in terms of the other's vocabulary or if the mental vocabulary is used in the wrong contexts.[71] This is the case, for instance, if one searches for mental states of the brain. The brain is simply the wrong context for the use of mental vocabulary—the search for mental states of the brain is therefore a category error or a sort of fallacy of reasoning.[71] Today, such a position is often adopted by interpreters of Wittgenstein such as Peter Hacker.[70] However, Hilary Putnam, the originator of functionalism, has also adopted the position that the mind–body problem is an illusory problem which should be dissolved according to the manner of Wittgenstein.[72] Naturalism and its problems The thesis of physicalism is that the mind is part of the material (or physical) world. Such a position faces the problem that the mind has certain properties that no other material thing seems to possess. Physicalism must therefore explain how it is possible that these properties can nonetheless emerge from a material thing. The project of providing such an explanation is often referred to as the "naturalization of the mental".[53] Some of the crucial problems that this project attempts to resolve include the existence of qualia and the nature of intentionality.[53] Qualia Main article: Qualia Many mental states seem to be experienced subjectively in different ways by different individuals.[32] And it is characteristic of a mental state that it has some experiential quality, e.g. of pain, that it hurts. However, the sensation of pain between two individuals may not be identical, since no one has a perfect way to measure how much something hurts or of describing exactly how it feels to hurt. Philosophers and scientists therefore ask where these experiences come from. The existence of cerebral events, in and of themselves, cannot explain why they are accompanied by these corresponding qualitative experiences. The puzzle of why many cerebral processes occur with an accompanying experiential aspect in consciousness seems impossible to explain.[31] Yet it also seems to many that science will eventually have to explain such experiences.[53] This follows from an assumption about the possibility of reductive explanations. According to this view, if an attempt can be successfully made to explain a phenomenon reductively (e.g., water), then it can be explained why the phenomenon has all of its properties (e.g., fluidity, transparency).[53] In the case of mental states, this means that there needs to be an explanation of why they have the property of being experienced in a certain way. The 20th-century German philosopher Martin Heidegger criticized the ontological assumptions underpinning such a reductive model, and claimed that it was impossible to make sense of experience in these terms. This is because, according to Heidegger, the nature of our subjective experience and its qualities is impossible to understand in terms of Cartesian "substances" that bear "properties". Another way to put this is that the very concept of qualitative experience is incoherent in terms of—or is semantically incommensurable with the concept of—substances that bear properties.[73] This problem of explaining introspective first-person aspects of mental states and consciousness in general in terms of third-person quantitative neuroscience is called the explanatory gap.[74] There are several different views of the nature of this gap among contemporary philosophers of mind. David Chalmers and the early Frank Jackson interpret the gap as ontological in nature; that is, they maintain that qualia can never be explained by science because physicalism is false. There are two separate categories involved and one cannot be reduced to the other.[75] An alternative view is taken by philosophers such as Thomas Nagel and Colin McGinn. According to them, the gap is epistemological in nature. For Nagel, science is not yet able to explain subjective experience because it has not yet arrived at the level or kind of knowledge that is required. We are not even able to formulate the problem coherently.[32] For McGinn, on other hand, the problem is one of permanent and inherent biological limitations. We are not able to resolve the explanatory gap because the realm of subjective experiences is cognitively closed to us in the same manner that quantum physics is cognitively closed to elephants.[76] Other philosophers liquidate the gap as purely a semantic problem. This semantic problem, of course, led to the famous "Qualia Question", which is: Does Red cause Redness? Intentionality Main article: Intentionality John Searle—one of the most influential philosophers of mind, proponent of biological naturalism (Berkeley 2002) Intentionality is the capacity of mental states to be directed towards (about) or be in relation with something in the external world.[26] This property of mental states entails that they have contents and semantic referents and can therefore be assigned truth values. When one tries to reduce these states to natural processes there arises a problem: natural processes are not true or false, they simply happen.[77] It would not make any sense to say that a natural process is true or false. But mental ideas or judgments are true or false, so how then can mental states (ideas or judgments) be natural processes? The possibility of assigning semantic value to ideas must mean that such ideas are about facts. Thus, for example, the idea that Herodotus was a historian refers to Herodotus and to the fact that he was a historian. If the fact is true, then the idea is true; otherwise, it is false. But where does this relation come from? In the brain, there are only electrochemical processes and these seem not to have anything to do with Herodotus.[25] Philosophy of perception Main article: Philosophy of perception Philosophy of perception is concerned with the nature of perceptual experience and the status of perceptual objects, in particular how perceptual experience relates to appearances and beliefs about the world. The main contemporary views within philosophy of perception include naive realism, enactivism and representational views.[2][3][78] A phrenological mapping of the brain – phrenology was among the first attempts to correlate mental functions with specific parts of the brain although it is now widely discredited. Philosophy of mind and science Humans are corporeal beings and, as such, they are subject to examination and description by the natural sciences. Since mental processes are intimately related to bodily processes (e.g., embodied cognition theory of mind), the descriptions that the natural sciences furnish of human beings play an important role in the philosophy of mind.[1] There are many scientific disciplines that study processes related to the mental. The list of such sciences includes: biology, computer science, cognitive science, cybernetics, linguistics, medicine, pharmacology, and psychology.[79] Neurobiology Main article: Neuroscience The theoretical background of biology, as is the case with modern natural sciences in general, is fundamentally materialistic. The objects of study are, in the first place, physical processes, which are considered to be the foundations of mental activity and behavior.[80] The increasing success of biology in the explanation of mental phenomena can be seen by the absence of any empirical refutation of its fundamental presupposition: "there can be no change in the mental states of a person without a change in brain states."[79] Within the field of neurobiology, there are many subdisciplines that are concerned with the relations between mental and physical states and processes:[80] Sensory neurophysiology investigates the relation between the processes of perception and stimulation.[81] Cognitive neuroscience studies the correlations between mental processes and neural processes.[81] Neuropsychology describes the dependence of mental faculties on specific anatomical regions of the brain.[81] Lastly, evolutionary biology studies the origins and development of the human nervous system and, in as much as this is the basis of the mind, also describes the ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of mental phenomena beginning from their most primitive stages.[79] Evolutionary biology furthermore places tight constraints on any philosophical theory of the mind, as the gene-based mechanism of natural selection does not allow any giant leaps in the development of neural complexity or neural software but only incremental steps over long time periods.[82] Since the 1980s, sophisticated neuroimaging procedures, such as fMRI (above), have furnished increasing knowledge about the workings of the human brain, shedding light on ancient philosophical problems. The methodological breakthroughs of the neurosciences, in particular the introduction of high-tech neuroimaging procedures, has propelled scientists toward the elaboration of increasingly ambitious research programs: one of the main goals is to describe and comprehend the neural processes which correspond to mental functions (see: neural correlate).[80] Several groups are inspired by these advances. Computer science Main article: Computer science Computer science concerns itself with the automatic processing of information (or at least with physical systems of symbols to which information is assigned) by means of such things as computers.[83] From the beginning, computer programmers have been able to develop programs that permit computers to carry out tasks for which organic beings need a mind. A simple example is multiplication. It is not clear whether computers could be said to have a mind. Could they, someday, come to have what we call a mind? This question has been propelled into the forefront of much philosophical debate because of investigations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Within AI, it is common to distinguish between a modest research program and a more ambitious one: this distinction was coined by John Searle in terms of a weak AI and strong AI. The exclusive objective of "weak AI", according to Searle, is the successful simulation of mental states, with no attempt to make computers become conscious or aware, etc. The objective of strong AI, on the contrary, is a computer with consciousness similar to that of human beings.[84] The program of strong AI goes back to one of the pioneers of computation Alan Turing. As an answer to the question "Can computers think?", he formulated the famous Turing test.[85] Turing believed that a computer could be said to "think" when, if placed in a room by itself next to another room that contained a human being and with the same questions being asked of both the computer and the human being by a third party human being, the computer's responses turned out to be indistinguishable from those of the human. Essentially, Turing's view of machine intelligence followed the behaviourist model of the mind—intelligence is as intelligence does. The Turing test has received many criticisms, among which the most famous is probably the Chinese room thought experiment formulated by Searle.[84] The question about the possible sensitivity (qualia) of computers or robots still remains open. Some computer scientists believe that the specialty of AI can still make new contributions to the resolution of the "mind–body problem". They suggest that based on the reciprocal influences between software and hardware that takes place in all computers, it is possible that someday theories can be discovered that help us to understand the reciprocal influences between the human mind and the brain (wetware).[86] Psychology Main article: Psychology Psychology is the science that investigates mental states directly. It uses generally empirical methods to investigate concrete mental states like joy, fear or obsessions. Psychology investigates the laws that bind these mental states to each other or with inputs and outputs to the human organism.[87] An example of this is the psychology of perception. Scientists working in this field have discovered general principles of the perception of forms. A law of the psychology of forms says that objects that move in the same direction are perceived as related to each other.[79] This law describes a relation between visual input and mental perceptual states. However, it does not suggest anything about the nature of perceptual states. The laws discovered by psychology are compatible with all the answers to the mind–body problem already described. Cognitive science Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines what cognition is, what it does, and how it works. It includes research on intelligence and behavior, especially focusing on how information is represented, processed, and transformed (in faculties such as perception, language, memory, reasoning, and emotion) within nervous systems (human or other animals) and machines (e.g. computers). Cognitive science consists of multiple research disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and education.[88] It spans many levels of analysis, from low-level learning and decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning; from neural circuitry to modular brain organization. Over the years, cognitive science has evolved from a representational and information processing approach to explaining the mind to embrace an embodied perspective of it. Accordingly, bodily processes play a significant role in the acquisition, development, and shaping of cognitive capabilities.[89] For instance, Rowlands (2012) argues that cognition is enactive, embodied, embedded, affective and (potentially) extended. The position is taken that the "classical sandwich" of cognition sandwiched between perception and action is artificial; cognition has to be seen as a product of a strongly coupled interaction that cannot be divided this way.[90][91] Near-death research Main article: Near-death studies In the field of near-death research, the following phenomenon, among others, occurs: For example, during some brain operations the brain is artificially and measurably deactivated. Nevertheless, some patients report during this phase that they have perceived what is happening in their surroundings, i.e. that they have had consciousness. Patients also report experiences during a cardiac arrest. There is the following problem: As soon as the brain is no longer supplied with blood and thus with oxygen after a cardiac arrest, the brain ceases its normal operation after about 15 seconds, i.e. the brain falls into a state of unconsciousness.[92] Philosophy of mind in the continental tradition Most of the discussion in this article has focused on one style or tradition of philosophy in modern Western culture, usually called analytic philosophy (sometimes described as Anglo-American philosophy).[93] Many other schools of thought exist, however, which are sometimes subsumed under the broad (and vague) label of continental philosophy.[93] In any case, though topics and methods here are numerous, in relation to the philosophy of mind the various schools that fall under this label (phenomenology, existentialism, etc.) can globally be seen to differ from the analytic school in that they focus less on language and logical analysis alone but also take in other forms of understanding human existence and experience. With reference specifically to the discussion of the mind, this tends to translate into attempts to grasp the concepts of thought and perceptual experience in some sense that does not merely involve the analysis of linguistic forms.[93] Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, first published in 1781 and presented again with major revisions in 1787, represents a significant intervention into what will later become known as the philosophy of mind. Kant's first critique is generally recognized as among the most significant works of modern philosophy in the West. Kant is a figure whose influence is marked in both continental and analytic/Anglo-American philosophy. Kant's work develops an in-depth study of transcendental consciousness, or the life of the mind as conceived through the universal categories of understanding. In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Philosophy of Mind (frequently translated as Philosophy of Spirit or Geist),[94] the third part of his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind: the "subjective mind/spirit", the mind of an individual; the "objective mind/spirit", the mind of society and of the State; and the "Absolute mind/spirit", the position of religion, art, and philosophy. See also Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit. Nonetheless, Hegel's work differs radically from the style of Anglo-American philosophy of mind. In 1896, Henri Bergson made in Matter and Memory "Essay on the relation of body and spirit" a forceful case for the ontological difference of body and mind by reducing the problem to the more definite one of memory, thus allowing for a solution built on the empirical test case of aphasia. In modern times, the two main schools that have developed in response or opposition to this Hegelian tradition are phenomenology and existentialism. Phenomenology, founded by Edmund Husserl, focuses on the contents of the human mind (see noema) and how processes shape our experiences.[95] Existentialism, a school of thought founded upon the work of Søren Kierkegaard, focuses on Human predicament and how people deal with the situation of being alive. Existential-phenomenology represents a major branch of continental philosophy (they are not contradictory), rooted in the work of Husserl but expressed in its fullest forms in the work of Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. See Heidegger's Being and Time, Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception, Sartre's Being and Nothingness, and Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex. Topics related to philosophy of mind There are countless subjects that are affected by the ideas developed in the philosophy of mind. Clear examples of this are the nature of death and its definitive character, the nature of emotion, of perception and of memory. Questions about what a person is and what his or her identity have to do with the philosophy of mind. There are two subjects that, in connection with the philosophy of the mind, have aroused special attention: free will and the self.[1] Free will Main article: Free will In the context of philosophy of mind, the problem of free will takes on renewed intensity. This is the case for materialistic determinists.[1] According to this position, natural laws completely determine the course of the material world. Mental states, and therefore the will as well, would be material states, which means human behavior and decisions would be completely determined by natural laws. Some take this reasoning a step further: people cannot determine by themselves what they want and what they do. Consequently, they are not free.[96] This argumentation is rejected, on the one hand, by the compatibilists. Those who adopt this position suggest that the question "Are we free?" can only be answered once we have determined what the term "free" means. The opposite of "free" is not "caused" but "compelled" or "coerced". It is not appropriate to identify freedom with indetermination. A free act is one where the agent could have done otherwise if it had chosen otherwise. In this sense a person can be free even though determinism is true.[96] The most important compatibilist in the history of the philosophy was David Hume.[97] More recently, this position is defended, for example, by Daniel Dennett.[98] On the other hand, there are also many incompatibilists who reject the argument because they believe that the will is free in a stronger sense called libertarianism.[96] These philosophers affirm the course of the world is either a) not completely determined by natural law where natural law is intercepted by physically independent agency,[99] b) determined by indeterministic natural law only, or c) determined by indeterministic natural law in line with the subjective effort of physically non-reducible agency.[100] Under Libertarianism, the will does not have to be deterministic and, therefore, it is potentially free. Critics of the second proposition (b) accuse the incompatibilists of using an incoherent concept of freedom. They argue as follows: if our will is not determined by anything, then we desire what we desire by pure chance. And if what we desire is purely accidental, we are not free. So if our will is not determined by anything, we are not free.[96] Self Main article: Philosophy of self The philosophy of mind also has important consequences for the concept of "self". If by "self" or "I" one refers to an essential, immutable nucleus of the person, some modern philosophers of mind, such as Daniel Dennett believe that no such thing exists. According to Dennett and other contemporaries, the self is considered an illusion.[101] The idea of a self as an immutable essential nucleus derives from the idea of an immaterial soul. Such an idea is unacceptable to modern philosophers with physicalist orientations and their general skepticism of the concept of "self" as postulated by David Hume, who could never catch himself not doing, thinking or feeling anything.[102] However, in the light of empirical results from developmental psychology, developmental biology and neuroscience, the idea of an essential inconstant, material nucleus—an integrated representational system distributed over changing patterns of synaptic connections—seems reasonable.[103] How is a sovereign state defined? A sovereign state is an entity with a permanent population, a defined territory, an effective government, and the capacity to conduct international relations. These criteria are often loosely applied. For example, boundary disputes and ongoing civil wars do not necessarily prevent an entity from becoming a state if it is formally independent from other states. Does a state need to get recognition from other states? No, a state technically does not need to get recognition from other states. Under the prevailing declaratory theory of recognition, a state exists if it meets the necessary criteria that define states. Recognition is simply an acknowledgment of an existing situation. (The minority constitutive theory of recognition holds that recognition is necessary to the existence of a state.) When can a state use military force against another state? A state can use military force against another state only in self-defense against an armed attack. This right arises from Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which incorporates inherent rights from customary international law. Any acts of self-defense must be necessary and proportionate to the acts of aggression. Acts of anticipatory self-defense may be permitted when an armed attack is imminent and inevitable, although the UN Charter does not address this situation. What does international humanitarian law do? International humanitarian law restricts the ways in which wars can be conducted. It protects the safety of non-combatants, as well as former combatants like prisoners of war. It also bans the use of certain weapons or tactics that inflict unnecessary harm or suffering, cause severe or lasting harm to the environment, or cannot be used in a way that allows those using them to distinguish between combatant and non-combatant targets. What are some of the human rights guaranteed by international law? Human rights guaranteed by international law include civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Examples include freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to an adequate standard of living, the right to work in favorable conditions, the right to education, and protections against arbitrary arrest and detention. These rights are codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other United Nations instruments, known collectively as the International Bill of Human Rights. What is the concept of sustainable development? Sustainable development is defined as meeting the present needs of a generation without preventing future generations from meeting their needs. It has been a guiding principle of international environmental law since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and it even has influenced economic treaties. However, sustainable development has not yet been achieved, despite some legal and political progress. What are the main organs of the United Nations? The main organs of the United Nations are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, and the Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly is a representative policy-making organ in which member states vote on resolutions and other actions. The Security Council protects international peace and security, approves changes to the UN Charter, and recommends new UN member states. Led by the UN Secretary-General, the Secretariat carries out the mandates of the General Assembly and other UN organs. The International Court of Justice resolves disputes between states and issues advisory opinions to non-state organizations. The Economic and Social Council develops policy recommendations based on meetings and consultations. The Trusteeship Council has been inactive since the 1990s, when the last UN Trust Territory gained independence. Which cases are heard by the International Court of Justice? The International Court of Justice has contentious jurisdiction and advisory jurisdiction. Its contentious jurisdiction involves resolving disputes between states under international law. Each state involved in a dispute must consent to ICJ jurisdiction. While contentious jurisdiction leads to binding decisions, advisory jurisdiction involves issuing non-binding opinions to public international organizations. These opinions generally carry great weight and can resolve ambiguities in international law. How are treaties different from executive agreements under US law? A treaty requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate, and it must be ratified by the President. An executive agreement can be negotiated by the President without the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate. In a congressional-executive agreement, the President gets the approval of a simple majority of both houses of Congress. In a sole executive agreement, the President acts without involving Congress. However, treaties and executive agreements are equally binding under international law. When does a treaty supersede federal laws? A treaty supersedes prior inconsistent federal laws if Congress implements it through new federal laws or if it is self-executing. A treaty is self-executing if there is an intent to make it enforceable under US law without additional implementing legislation. Some provisions in a treaty may be self-executing even if other provisions are not. Specific provisions are more likely to be considered self-executing. A provision may be self-executing in the US even if it is not self-executing in other signatory nations. Recognition of States The process in which a state acknowledges another entity as a state is known as recognition. This can involve an overt statement or an action that implies an intent to recognize the entity as a state. Each state can make its own decision about whether recognition is appropriate, which can carry significant political weight. For example, recognition is usually required to establish sovereign and diplomatic immunities. International law contains two theories of recognition. The constitutive theory of recognition holds that a state does not exist until it receives recognition. By contrast, the declaratory theory of recognition holds that a state exists without recognition, which is merely an acknowledgment of an existing situation. The declaratory theory has become the prevailing view. That said, an entity likely has a stronger claim to statehood when it has received recognition from many other states. This is especially true if questions surround its ability to meet the criteria under the Montevideo Convention. Non-Recognition and Qualified Recognition Statehood does not rely on recognition, but sometimes a state may have a duty to refrain from recognizing another state or an alteration to a state. This situation usually arises when the state or altered state arose from illegitimate military actions, violations of human rights, or other clear infringements of international norms. The United Nations Security Council often sets an example for states on this issue. For example, it nullified the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq during the period preceding the Gulf War of 1991. In other cases, a state may not recognize an entity that meets the baseline criteria for statehood until it meets specific additional requirements. For example, states formed during the dissolution of the Soviet Union did not receive recognition from the European Community (the precursor to the European Union) until they committed to nuclear non-proliferation, minority rights, and respect for borders. The Solar System[c] is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. The largest of these objects are the eight planets, which in order from the Sun are four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars); two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn); and two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). The Solar System formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud. All four terrestrial planets belong to the inner Solar System (≤ 1.7 AU) and have a solid surface. Inversely, all four giant planets belong to the outer Solar System (≤ 30.5 AU) and do not have a definite surface, as they are mainly composed of gases and liquids. 99.86% of the Solar System's mass is in the Sun and nearly 90% of the remaining mass are in Jupiter and Saturn. There is a strong consensus among astronomers that the Solar System also has nine dwarf planets, which consist of one asteroid-belt object – Ceres; five Kuiper-belt objects – Pluto, Orcus, Haumea, Quaoar, and Makemake; and three scattered-disc objects – Gonggong, Eris, and Sedna. There are a vast number of smaller objects orbiting the Sun, called small Solar System bodies. This category includes asteroids, comets, centaurs, meteoroids and interplanetary dust clouds. Many of these objects are in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter (1.5–4.5 astronomical units, AU), and the Kuiper belt just outside Neptune's orbit (30–50 AU).[d] Six of the major planets, the six largest possible dwarf planets, and many of the smaller bodies are orbited by natural satellites, commonly called "moons" after Earth's Moon. Two natural satellites, Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan, are larger than Mercury, the smallest terrestrial planet, though they are less massive. The Sun's stream of charged particles creates the heliosphere, which terminates where the pressure of the solar wind is equal to the surrounding interstellar medium, forming a boundary called the heliopause. The outermost region of the Solar System is the Oort cloud (from 2,000 to 50,000–200,000 AU), the source for long-period comets. The Solar System, which ends at the Sun's sphere of gravitational influence (50,000–200,000 AU), is embedded in the Local Cloud of the interstellar medium and orbits the Galactic Center. The closest star to the Solar System, Proxima Centauri, is 4.25 light years away. Formation and evolution Main article: Formation and evolution of the Solar System The Solar System formed 4.568 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a region within a large molecular cloud.[e] This initial cloud was likely several light-years across and probably birthed several stars.[5] As is typical of molecular clouds, this one consisted mostly of hydrogen, with some helium, and small amounts of heavier elements fused by previous generations of stars.[6] As the pre-solar nebula[6] collapsed, conservation of angular momentum caused it to rotate faster. The center, where most of the mass collected, became increasingly hotter than the surrounding disc.[5] As the contracting nebula rotated faster, it began to flatten into a protoplanetary disc with a diameter of roughly 200 AU (30 billion km; 19 billion mi)[5] and a hot, dense protostar at the center.[7][8] The planets formed by accretion from this disc,[9] in which dust and gas gravitationally attracted each other, coalescing to form ever larger bodies. Hundreds of protoplanets may have existed in the early Solar System, but they either merged or were destroyed or ejected, leaving the planets, dwarf planets, and leftover minor bodies.[10][11] Diagram of the early Solar System's protoplanetary disk, out of which Earth and other Solar System bodies formed Due to their higher boiling points, only metals and silicates could exist in solid form in the warm inner Solar System close to the Sun (within the frost line). They would eventually form the rocky planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Because metallic elements only comprised a very small fraction of the solar nebula, the terrestrial planets could not grow very large.[10] The giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) formed further out, beyond the frost line, the point between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where material is cool enough for volatile icy compounds to remain solid. The ices that formed these planets were more plentiful than the metals and silicates that formed the terrestrial inner planets, allowing them to grow massive enough to capture large atmospheres of hydrogen and helium, the lightest and most abundant elements.[10] Leftover debris that never became planets congregated in regions such as the asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, and Oort cloud.[10] The Nice model is an explanation for the creation of these regions and how the outer planets could have formed in different positions and migrated to their current orbits through various gravitational interactions.[12][further explanation needed] Within 50 million years, the pressure and density of hydrogen in the center of the protostar became great enough for it to begin thermonuclear fusion.[13] As helium accumulates at its core the Sun is growing brighter;[14] early in its main-sequence life its brightness was 70% that of what it is today.[15] The temperature, reaction rate, pressure, and density increased until hydrostatic equilibrium was achieved: the thermal pressure counterbalancing the force of gravity. At this point, the Sun became a main-sequence star.[16] The main-sequence phase, from beginning to end, will last about 10 billion years for the Sun compared to around two billion years for all other subsequent phases of the Sun's pre-remnant life combined.[17] Solar wind from the Sun created the heliosphere and swept away the remaining gas and dust from the protoplanetary disc into interstellar space.[14] The Solar System will remain roughly as it is known today until the hydrogen in the core of the Sun has been entirely converted to helium, which will occur roughly 5 billion years from now. This will mark the end of the Sun's main-sequence life. At that time, the core of the Sun will contract with hydrogen fusion occurring along a shell surrounding the inert helium, and the energy output will be greater than at present. The outer layers of the Sun will expand to roughly 260 times its current diameter, and the Sun will become a red giant. Because of its increased surface area, the surface of the Sun will be cooler (2,600 K (2,330 °C; 4,220 °F) at its coolest) than it is on the main sequence.[17] Overview of the evolution of the Sun, a G-type main-sequence star. Around 11 billion years after being formed by the Solar System's protoplanetary disk, the Sun will expand to become a red giant; Mercury, Venus and possibly the Earth will be swallowed. The expanding Sun is expected to vaporize Mercury as well as Venus, and render Earth uninhabitable (possibly destroying it as well). Eventually, the core will be hot enough for helium fusion; the Sun will burn helium for a fraction of the time it burned hydrogen in the core. The Sun is not massive enough to commence the fusion of heavier elements, and nuclear reactions in the core will dwindle. Its outer layers will be ejected into space, leaving behind a dense white dwarf, half the original mass of the Sun but only the size of Earth.[18] The ejected outer layers will form what is known as a planetary nebula, returning some of the material that formed the Sun—but now enriched with heavier elements like carbon—to the interstellar medium.[19] Structure and composition Further information: List of Solar System objects and Planet § Planetary attributes The word solar means "pertaining to the Sun", which is derived from the Latin word sol, meaning Sun.[20] The Sun is the dominant gravitational member of the Solar System, and its planetary system is maintained in a relatively stable, slowly evolving state by following isolated, gravitationally bound orbits around the Sun.[21] Orbits Animations of the Solar System's inner planets and outer planets orbiting; the latter animation is 100 times faster than the former. Jupiter is three times as far from the Sun as Mars. The planets and other large objects in orbit around the Sun lie near the plane of Earth's orbit, known as the ecliptic. Smaller icy objects such as comets frequently orbit at significantly greater angles to this plane.[22][23] Most of the planets in the Solar System have secondary systems of their own, being orbited by natural satellites called moons. Many of the largest natural satellites are in synchronous rotation, with one face permanently turned toward their parent. The four giant planets have planetary rings, thin bands of tiny particles that orbit them in unison.[24] As a result of the formation of the Solar System, planets and most other objects orbit the Sun in the same direction that the Sun is rotating. That is, counter-clockwise, as viewed from above Earth's north pole.[25] There are exceptions, such as Halley's Comet.[26] Most of the larger moons orbit their planets in prograde direction, matching the planetary rotation; Neptune's moon Triton is the largest to orbit in the opposite, retrograde manner.[27] Most larger objects rotate around their own axes in the prograde direction relative to their orbit, though the rotation of Venus is retrograde.[28] To a good first approximation, Kepler's laws of planetary motion describe the orbits of objects around the Sun.[29]: 433–437  These laws stipulate that each object travels along an ellipse with the Sun at one focus, which causes the body's distance from the Sun to vary over the course of its year. A body's closest approach to the Sun is called its perihelion, whereas its most distant point from the Sun is called its aphelion.[30]: 9-6  With the exception of Mercury, the orbits of the planets are nearly circular, but many comets, asteroids, and Kuiper belt objects follow highly elliptical orbits. Kepler's laws only account for the influence of the Sun's gravity upon an orbiting body, not the gravitational pulls of different bodies upon each other. On a human time scale, these additional perturbations can be accounted for using numerical models,[30]: 9-6  but the planetary system can change chaotically over billions of years.[31] The angular momentum of the Solar System is a measure of the total amount of orbital and rotational momentum possessed by all its moving components.[32] Although the Sun dominates the system by mass, it accounts for only about 2% of the angular momentum.[33][34] The planets, dominated by Jupiter, account for most of the rest of the angular momentum due to the combination of their mass, orbit, and distance from the Sun, with a possibly significant contribution from comets.[33] Composition The overall structure of the charted regions of the Solar System consists of the Sun, four smaller inner planets surrounded by a belt of mostly rocky asteroids, and four giant planets surrounded by the Kuiper belt of mostly icy objects. Astronomers sometimes informally divide this structure into separate regions. The inner Solar System includes the four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt. The outer Solar System is beyond the asteroids, including the four giant planets.[35] Since the discovery of the Kuiper belt, the outermost parts of the Solar System are considered a distinct region consisting of the objects beyond Neptune.[36] The principal component of the Solar System is the Sun, a low-mass star that contains 99.86% of the system's known mass and dominates it gravitationally.[37] The Sun's four largest orbiting bodies, the giant planets, account for 99% of the remaining mass, with Jupiter and Saturn together comprising more than 90%. The remaining objects of the Solar System (including the four terrestrial planets, the dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, and comets) together comprise less than 0.002% of the Solar System's total mass.[f] The Sun is composed of roughly 98% hydrogen and helium,[41] as are Jupiter and Saturn.[42][43] A composition gradient exists in the Solar System, created by heat and light pressure from the early Sun; those objects closer to the Sun, which are more affected by heat and light pressure, are composed of elements with high melting points. Objects farther from the Sun are composed largely of materials with lower melting points.[44] The boundary in the Solar System beyond which those volatile substances could coalesce is known as the frost line, and it lies at roughly five times the Earth's distance from the Sun.[3] The objects of the inner Solar System are composed mostly of rocky materials,[45] such as silicates, iron or nickel.[46] Jupiter and Saturn are composed mainly of gases with extremely low melting points and high vapor pressure, such as hydrogen, helium, and neon.[46] Ices, like water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide,[45] have a melting points of up to a few hundred kelvins.[46] They can be found as ices, liquids, or gases in various places in the Solar System.[46] Icy substances comprise the majority of the satellites of the giant planets, as well as most of Uranus and Neptune (the so-called "ice giants") and the numerous small objects that lie beyond Neptune's orbit.[45][47] Together, gases and ices are referred to as volatiles.[48] Distances and scales The Sun's, planets', dwarf planets' and moons' size to scale, labelled. Distance of objects is not to scale. The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper belt lies beyond Neptune's orbit. To-scale diagram of distance between planets, with the white bar showing orbital variations. The size of the planets is not to scale. The astronomical unit [AU] (150,000,000 km; 93,000,000 mi) would be the distance from the Earth to the Sun if the planet's orbit were perfectly circular.[49] For comparison, the radius of the Sun is 0.0047 AU (700,000 km; 400,000 mi).[50] Thus, the Sun occupies 0.00001% (10−5 %) of the volume of a sphere with a radius the size of Earth's orbit, whereas Earth's volume is roughly one millionth (10−6) that of the Sun. Jupiter, the largest planet, is 5.2 astronomical units (780,000,000 km; 480,000,000 mi) from the Sun and has a radius of 71,000 km (0.00047 AU; 44,000 mi), whereas the most distant planet, Neptune, is 30 AU (4.5×109 km; 2.8×109 mi) from the Sun.[43][51] With a few exceptions, the farther a planet or belt is from the Sun, the larger the distance between its orbit and the orbit of the next nearest object to the Sun. For example, Venus is approximately 0.33 AU farther out from the Sun than Mercury, whereas Saturn is 4.3 AU out from Jupiter, and Neptune lies 10.5 AU out from Uranus. Attempts have been made to determine a relationship between these orbital distances, like the Titius–Bode law[52] and Johannes Kepler's model based on the Platonic solids,[53] but ongoing discoveries have invalidated these hypotheses.[54] Some Solar System models attempt to convey the relative scales involved in the Solar System in human terms. Some are small in scale (and may be mechanical—called orreries)—whereas others extend across cities or regional areas.[55] The largest such scale model, the Sweden Solar System, uses the 110-metre (361 ft) Avicii Arena in Stockholm as its substitute Sun, and, following the scale, Jupiter is a 7.5-metre (25-foot) sphere at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, 40 km (25 mi) away, whereas the farthest current object, Sedna, is a 10 cm (4 in) sphere in Luleå, 912 km (567 mi) away.[56][57] If the Sun–Neptune distance is scaled to 100 metres (330 ft), then the Sun would be about 3 cm (1.2 in) in diameter (roughly two-thirds the diameter of a golf ball), the giant planets would be all smaller than about 3 mm (0.12 in), and Earth's diameter along with that of the other terrestrial planets would be smaller than a flea (0.3 mm or 0.012 in) at this scale.[58] Interplanetary environment The zodiacal light, caused by interplanetary dust The outermost layer of the Solar atmosphere is the heliosphere, which permeates much of the Solar planetary system. Along with light, the Sun radiates a continuous stream of charged particles (a plasma) called the solar wind. This stream of particles spreads outwards at speeds from 900,000 kilometres per hour (560,000 mph) to 2,880,000 kilometres per hour (1,790,000 mph),[59] filling the vacuum between the bodies of the Solar System. The result is a thin, dusty atmosphere, called the interplanetary medium, which extends to at least 100 AU (15 billion km; 9.3 billion mi). Beyond the heliosphere, large objects remain gravitationally bound to the sun, but the flow of matter in the interstellar medium homogenizes the distribution of micro-scale objects (see § Farthest regions).[60] The interplanetary medium is home to at least two disc-like regions of cosmic dust. The first, the zodiacal dust cloud, lies in the inner Solar System and causes the zodiacal light. It may have been formed by collisions within the asteroid belt brought on by gravitational interactions with the planets; a more recent proposed origin is the planet Mars.[61] The second dust cloud extends from about 10 AU (1.5 billion km; 930 million mi) to about 40 AU (6.0 billion km; 3.7 billion mi), and was probably created by collisions within the Kuiper belt.[62][63] Activity on the Sun's surface, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, disturbs the heliosphere, creating space weather and causing geomagnetic storms.[64] Coronal mass ejections and similar events blow a magnetic field and huge quantities of material from the surface of the Sun. The interaction of this magnetic field and material with Earth's magnetic field funnels charged particles into Earth's upper atmosphere, where its interactions create aurorae seen near the magnetic poles.[65] The largest stable structure within the heliosphere is the heliospheric current sheet, a spiral form created by the actions of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the interplanetary medium.[66][67] Life habitability Main article: Planetary habitability in the Solar System Besides solar energy, the primary characteristic of the Solar System enabling the presence of life is the heliosphere and planetary magnetic fields (for those planets that have them). These magnetic fields partially shield the Solar System from high-energy interstellar particles called cosmic rays. The density of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium and the strength of the Sun's magnetic field change on very long timescales, so the level of cosmic-ray penetration in the Solar System varies, though by how much is unknown.[68] Earth's magnetic field also stops its atmosphere from being stripped away by the solar wind.[69] Venus and Mars do not have magnetic fields, and as a result the solar wind causes their atmospheres to gradually bleed away into space.[70] The zone of habitability of the Solar System is conventionally located in the inner Solar System, where planetary surface or atmospheric temperatures admit the possibility of liquid water.[71] Habitability might also be possible in subsurface oceans of various outer Solar System moons.[72] Sun Main article: Sun The Sun in true white color The Sun is the Solar System's star and by far its most massive component. Its large mass (332,900 Earth masses),[73] which comprises 99.86% of all the mass in the Solar System,[74] produces temperatures and densities in its core high enough to sustain nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.[75] This releases an enormous amount of energy, mostly radiated into space as electromagnetic radiation peaking in visible light.[76][77] Because the Sun fuses hydrogen into helium at its core, it is a main-sequence star. More specifically, it is a G2-type main-sequence star, where the type designation refers to its effective temperature. Hotter main-sequence stars are more luminous but shorter lived. The Sun's temperature is intermediate between that of the hottest stars and that of the coolest stars. Stars brighter and hotter than the Sun are rare, whereas substantially dimmer and cooler stars, known as red dwarfs, make up about 75% of the stars in the Milky Way.[78][79] The Sun is a population I star; it has a higher abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium ("metals" in astronomical parlance) than the older population II stars.[80] Elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were formed in the cores of ancient and exploding stars, so the first generation of stars had to die before the universe could be enriched with these atoms. The oldest stars contain few metals, whereas stars born later have more. This higher metallicity is thought to have been crucial to the Sun's development of a planetary system because the planets form from the accretion of "metals".[81] Inner Solar System Overview of the Inner Solar System up to the Jovian System The inner Solar System is the region comprising the terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt.[82] Composed mainly of silicates and metals,[83] the objects of the inner Solar System are relatively close to the Sun; the radius of this entire region is less than the distance between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. This region is also within the frost line, which is a little less than 5 AU (750 million km; 460 million mi) from the Sun.[22] Inner planets Main article: Terrestrial planet The four terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars The four terrestrial or inner planets have dense, rocky compositions, few or no moons, and no ring systems. They are in hydrostatic equilibrium, forming a rounded shape, and have undergone planetary differentiation, causing chemical elements to accumulate at different radii. They are composed largely of refractory minerals such as silicates—which form their crusts and mantles—and metals such as iron and nickel which form their cores. Three of the four inner planets (Venus, Earth and Mars) have atmospheres substantial enough to generate weather; all have impact craters and tectonic surface features, such as rift valleys and volcanoes. The term inner planet should not be confused with inferior planet, which designates those planets that are closer to the Sun than Earth (i.e. Mercury and Venus).[84] Mercury Main article: Mercury (planet) Mercury (0.307–0.588 AU (45.9–88.0 million km; 28.5–54.7 million mi) from the Sun[85]) is the closest planet to the Sun. The smallest planet in the Solar System (0.055 MEarth), Mercury has no natural satellites. The dominant geological features are impact craters or basins with ejecta blankets, the remains of early volcanic activity including magma flows, and lobed ridges or rupes that were probably produced by a period of contraction early in the planet's history.[86] Mercury's very tenuous atmosphere consists of solar-wind particles trapped by Mercury's magnetic field, as well as atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind.[87][88] Its relatively large iron core and thin mantle have not yet been adequately explained. Hypotheses include that its outer layers were stripped off by a giant impact, or that it was prevented from fully accreting by the young Sun's energy.[89][90] There have been searches for "Vulcanoids", asteroids in stable orbits between Mercury and the Sun, but none have been discovered.[91][92] Venus Main article: Venus Venus (0.718–0.728 AU (107.4–108.9 million km; 66.7–67.7 million mi) from the Sun[85]) is close in size to Earth (0.815 MEarth) and, like Earth, has a thick silicate mantle around an iron core, a substantial atmosphere, and evidence of internal geological activity. It is much drier than Earth, and its atmosphere is ninety times as dense. Venus has no natural satellites. It is the hottest planet, with surface temperatures over 400 °C (752 °F), mainly due to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.[93] The planet has no magnetic field that would prevent the depletion of its substantial atmosphere, which suggests that its atmosphere is being replenished by volcanic eruptions.[94] A relatively young planetary surface displays extensive evidence of volcanic activity, but is devoid of plate tectonics. It may undergo resurfacing episodes on a time scale of 700 million years.[95] Earth Main article: Earth Earth (0.983–1.017 AU (147.1–152.1 million km; 91.4–94.5 million mi) from the Sun) is the largest and densest of the inner planets, the only one known to have current geological activity, and the only place in the universe where life is known to exist.[96] Its liquid hydrosphere is unique among the terrestrial planets, and it is the only planet where plate tectonics has been observed.[97] Earth's atmosphere is radically different from those of the other planets, having been altered by the presence of life to contain 21% free oxygen.[98][99] The planetary magnetosphere shields the surface from solar and cosmic radiation, limiting atmospheric stripping and maintaining habitability.[100] It has one natural satellite, the Moon, the only large satellite of a terrestrial planet in the Solar System. Mars Main article: Mars Mars (1.382–1.666 AU (206.7–249.2 million km; 128.5–154.9 million mi) from the Sun) is smaller than Earth and Venus (0.107 MEarth). It has an atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide with a surface pressure of 6.1 millibars (0.088 psi; 0.18 inHg); roughly 0.6% of that of Earth but sufficient to support weather phenomena.[101] Its surface, peppered with volcanoes, such as Olympus Mons, and rift valleys, such as Valles Marineris, shows geological activity that may have persisted until as recently as 2 million years ago.[102] Its red color comes from iron oxide (rust) in its soil,[103] while the polar regions show white ice caps consisting largely of water.[104] Mars has two tiny natural satellites (Deimos and Phobos) thought to be either captured asteroids,[105] or ejected debris from a massive impact early in Mars's history.[106] Asteroid belt Main articles: Asteroid belt and Asteroid Linear map of the inner Solar System, showing many asteroid populations Asteroids except for the largest, Ceres, are classified as small Solar System bodies[g] and are composed mainly of carbonaceous, refractory rocky and metallic minerals, with some ice.[112][113] They range from a few metres to hundreds of kilometres in size. Asteroids smaller than one meter are usually called meteoroids and micrometeoroids (grain-sized), with the exact division between the two categories being debated over the years.[114] As of 2017, the IAU designates asteroids having a diameter between about 30 micrometres and 1 metre as micrometeoroids, and terms smaller particles "dust".[115] The asteroid belt occupies the orbit between Mars and Jupiter, between 2.3 and 3.3 AU (340 and 490 million km; 210 and 310 million mi) from the Sun. It is thought to be remnants from the Solar System's formation that failed to coalesce because of the gravitational interference of Jupiter.[116] The asteroid belt contains tens of thousands, possibly millions, of objects over one kilometre in diameter.[117] Despite this, the total mass of the asteroid belt is unlikely to be more than a thousandth of that of Earth.[40] The asteroid belt is very sparsely populated; spacecraft routinely pass through without incident.[118] Ceres Main article: Ceres (dwarf planet) Ceres (2.77 AU (414 million km; 257 million mi) from the Sun) is the largest asteroid, a protoplanet, and a dwarf planet.[g] It has a diameter of slightly under 1,000 km (620 mi) and a mass large enough for its own gravity to pull it into a spherical shape. Ceres was considered a planet when it was discovered in 1801, but as further observations revealed additional asteroids, it became common to consider it as one of the minor rather than major planets.[119] It was then reclassified again as a dwarf planet in 2006 when the IAU definition of planet was established.[120]: 218 Pallas and Vesta Main articles: 2 Pallas and 4 Vesta Pallas (2.77 AU from the Sun) and Vesta (2.36 AU from the Sun) are the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt, after Ceres. They are the other two protoplanets that survive more or less intact. At about 520 km (320 mi) in diameter, they were large enough to have developed planetary geology in the past, but both have suffered large impacts and been battered out of being round.[121][122][123] Fragments from impacts upon these two bodies survive elsewhere in the asteroid belt, as the Pallas family and Vesta family. Both were considered planets upon their discoveries in 1802 and 1807 respectively, and like Ceres, eventually considered minor planets with the discovery of more asteroids. Some authors today have begun to consider Pallas and Vesta as planets again, along with Ceres, under geophysical definitions of the term.[108] Asteroid groups Asteroids in the asteroid belt are divided into asteroid groups and families based on their orbital characteristics. Kirkwood gaps are sharp dips in the distribution of asteroid orbits that correspond to orbital resonances with Jupiter.[124] Asteroid moons are asteroids that orbit larger asteroids. They are not as clearly distinguished as planetary moons, sometimes being almost as large as their partners (e.g. that of 90 Antiope). The asteroid belt includes main-belt comets, which may have been the source of Earth's water.[125] Jupiter trojans are located in either of Jupiter's L4 or L5 points (gravitationally stable regions leading and trailing a planet in its orbit); the term trojan is also used for small bodies in any other planetary or satellite Lagrange point. Hilda asteroids are in a 2:3 resonance with Jupiter; that is, they go around the Sun three times for every two Jupiter orbits.[126] The inner Solar System contains near-Earth asteroids, many of which cross the orbits of the inner planets.[127] Some of them are potentially hazardous objects.[128] Outer Solar System Plot of objects around the Kuiper belt and other asteroid populations, the J, S, U and N denotes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune The outer region of the Solar System is home to the giant planets and their large moons. The centaurs and many short-period comets also orbit in this region. Due to their greater distance from the Sun, the solid objects in the outer Solar System contain a higher proportion of volatiles, such as water, ammonia, and methane than those of the inner Solar System because the lower temperatures allow these compounds to remain solid, without significant rates of sublimation.[10] Outer planets Main article: Giant planet The outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, compared to the inner planets Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury at the bottom right The four outer planets, also called giant planets or Jovian planets, collectively make up 99% of the mass known to orbit the Sun.[f] Jupiter and Saturn are together more than 400 times the mass of Earth and consist overwhelmingly of the gases hydrogen and helium, hence their designation as gas giants.[129] Uranus and Neptune are far less massive—less than 20 Earth masses (MEarth) each—and are composed primarily of ice. For these reasons, some astronomers suggest they belong in their own category, ice giants.[130] All four giant planets have rings, although only Saturn's ring system is easily observed from Earth. The term superior planet designates planets outside Earth's orbit and thus includes both the outer planets and Mars.[84] The ring–moon systems of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are like miniature versions of the Solar System; that of Neptune is significantly different, having been disrupted by the capture of its largest moon Triton.[131] Jupiter Main article: Jupiter Jupiter (4.951–5.457 AU (740.7–816.4 million km; 460.2–507.3 million mi) from the Sun[85]), at 318 MEarth, is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets put together. It is composed largely of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's strong internal heat creates semi-permanent features in its atmosphere, such as cloud bands and the Great Red Spot. The planet possesses a 4.2–14 Gauss strength magnetosphere that spans 22–29 million km, making it, in certain respects, the largest object in the Solar System.[132] Jupiter has 95 known satellites. The four largest, Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa, are called the Galilean moons: they show similarities to the terrestrial planets, such as volcanism and internal heating.[133] Ganymede, the largest satellite in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury; Callisto is almost as large.[134] Saturn Main article: Saturn Saturn (9.075–10.07 AU (1.3576–1.5065 billion km; 843.6–936.1 million mi) from the Sun[85]), distinguished by its extensive ring system, has several similarities to Jupiter, such as its atmospheric composition and magnetosphere. Although Saturn has 60% of Jupiter's volume, it is less than a third as massive, at 95 MEarth. Saturn is the only planet of the Solar System that is less dense than water. The rings of Saturn are made up of small ice and rock particles.[135] Saturn has 145 confirmed satellites composed largely of ice. Two of these, Titan and Enceladus, show signs of geological activity;[136] they, as well as five other Saturnian moons (Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Mimas), are large enough to be round. Titan, the second-largest moon in the Solar System, is bigger than Mercury and the only satellite in the Solar System to have a substantial atmosphere.[137][138] Uranus Main article: Uranus Uranus (18.27–20.06 AU (2.733–3.001 billion km; 1.698–1.865 billion mi) from the Sun[85]), at 14 MEarth, has the lowest mass of the outer planets. Uniquely among the planets, it orbits the Sun on its side; its axial tilt is over ninety degrees to the ecliptic. This gives the planet extreme seasonal variation as each pole points toward and then away from the Sun.[139] It has a much colder core than the other giant planets and radiates very little heat into space.[140] As a consequence, it has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System.[141] Uranus has 27 known satellites, the largest ones being Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel, and Miranda.[142] Like the other giant planets, it possesses a ring system and magnetosphere.[143] Neptune Main article: Neptune Neptune (29.89–30.47 AU (4.471–4.558 billion km; 2.778–2.832 billion mi) from the Sun[85]), though slightly smaller than Uranus, is more massive (17 MEarth) and hence more dense. It radiates more internal heat than Uranus, but not as much as Jupiter or Saturn.[144] Neptune has 14 known satellites. The largest, Triton, is geologically active, with geysers of liquid nitrogen.[145] Triton is the only large satellite with a retrograde orbit, which indicates that it did not form with Neptune, but was probably captured from the Kuiper belt.[146] Neptune is accompanied in its orbit by several minor planets, termed Neptune trojans, that either lead or trail the planet by about one-sixth of the way around the Sun, positions known as Lagrange points.[147] Centaurs Main article: Centaur (small Solar System body) The centaurs are icy comet-like bodies whose orbits have semi-major axes greater than Jupiter's (5.5 AU (820 million km; 510 million mi)) and less than Neptune's (30 AU (4.5 billion km; 2.8 billion mi)). These are former Kuiper belt and scattered disc objects that were gravitationally perturbed closer to the Sun by the outer planets, and are expected to become comets or get ejected out of the Solar System.[39] While most centaurs are inactive and asteroid-like, some exhibit clear cometary activity, such as the first centaur discovered, 2060 Chiron, which has been classified as a comet (95P) because it develops a coma just as comets do when they approach the Sun.[148] The largest known centaur, 10199 Chariklo, has a diameter of about 250 km (160 mi) and is one of the only few minor planets known to possess a ring system.[149][150] Comets Main article: Comet Comet Hale–Bopp seen in 1997 Comets are small Solar System bodies,[g] typically only a few kilometres across, composed largely of volatile ices. They have highly eccentric orbits, generally a perihelion within the orbits of the inner planets and an aphelion far beyond Pluto. When a comet enters the inner Solar System, its proximity to the Sun causes its icy surface to sublimate and ionise, creating a coma: a long tail of gas and dust often visible to the naked eye.[151] Short-period comets have orbits lasting less than two hundred years. Long-period comets have orbits lasting thousands of years. Short-period comets are thought to originate in the Kuiper belt, whereas long-period comets, such as Hale–Bopp, are thought to originate in the Oort cloud. Many comet groups, such as the Kreutz sungrazers, formed from the breakup of a single parent.[152] Some comets with hyperbolic orbits may originate outside the Solar System, but determining their precise orbits is difficult.[153] Old comets whose volatiles have mostly been driven out by solar warming are often categorised as asteroids.[154] Trans-Neptunian region Distribution and size of trans-Neptunian objects. The horizontal axis stand for the semi-major axis of the body, the vertical axis stands for the inclination of the orbit, and the size of the circle stands for the relative size of the object. Size comparison of some large TNOs with Earth: Pluto and its moons, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Gonggong, Quaoar, Orcus, Salacia, and 2002 MS4. Beyond the orbit of Neptune lies the area of the "trans-Neptunian region", with the doughnut-shaped Kuiper belt, home of Pluto and several other dwarf planets, and an overlapping disc of scattered objects, which is tilted toward the plane of the Solar System and reaches much further out than the Kuiper belt. The entire region is still largely unexplored. It appears to consist overwhelmingly of many thousands of small worlds—the largest having a diameter only a fifth that of Earth and a mass far smaller than that of the Moon—composed mainly of rock and ice. This region is sometimes described as the "third zone of the Solar System", enclosing the inner and the outer Solar System.[155] Kuiper belt Main article: Kuiper belt The Kuiper belt is a great ring of debris similar to the asteroid belt, but consisting mainly of objects composed primarily of ice.[156] It extends between 30 and 50 AU (4.5 and 7.5 billion km; 2.8 and 4.6 billion mi) from the Sun. It is composed mainly of small Solar System bodies, although the largest few are probably large enough to be dwarf planets.[157] There are estimated to be over 100,000 Kuiper belt objects with a diameter greater than 50 km (30 mi), but the total mass of the Kuiper belt is thought to be only a tenth or even a hundredth the mass of Earth.[39] Many Kuiper belt objects have satellites,[158] and most have orbits that are substantially inclined (~10°) to the plane of the ecliptic.[159] The Kuiper belt can be roughly divided into the "classical" belt and the resonant trans-Neptunian objects.[156] The latter have orbits whose periods are in a simple ratio to that of Neptune: for example, going around the Sun twice for every three times that Neptune does, or once for every two. The classical belt consists of objects having no resonance with Neptune, and extends from roughly 39.4 to 47.7 AU (5.89 to 7.14 billion km; 3.66 to 4.43 billion mi).[160] Members of the classical Kuiper belt are sometimes called "cubewanos", after the first of their kind to be discovered, originally designated 1992 QB1; they are still in near primordial, low-eccentricity orbits.[161] Pluto and Charon Main articles: Pluto and Charon (moon) The dwarf planet Pluto (with an average orbit of 39 AU (5.8 billion km; 3.6 billion mi) from the Sun) is the largest known object in the Kuiper belt. When discovered in 1930, it was considered to be the ninth planet; this changed in 2006 with the adoption of a formal definition of planet. Pluto has a relatively eccentric orbit inclined 17 degrees to the ecliptic plane and ranging from 29.7 AU (4.44 billion km; 2.76 billion mi) from the Sun at perihelion (within the orbit of Neptune) to 49.5 AU (7.41 billion km; 4.60 billion mi) at aphelion. Pluto has a 2:3 resonance with Neptune, meaning that Pluto orbits twice round the Sun for every three Neptunian orbits. Kuiper belt objects whose orbits share this resonance are called plutinos.[162] Charon, the largest of Pluto's moons, is sometimes described as part of a binary system with Pluto, as the two bodies orbit a barycenter of gravity above their surfaces (i.e. they appear to "orbit each other"). Beyond Charon, four much smaller moons, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra, orbit Pluto.[163] Others Besides Pluto, astronomers generally agree that at least four other Kuiper belt objects are dwarf planets,[157] though there is some doubt for Orcus,[164] and additional bodies have also been proposed:[165] Makemake (45.79 AU average from the Sun), although smaller than Pluto, is the largest known object in the classical Kuiper belt (that is, a Kuiper belt object not in a confirmed resonance with Neptune). Makemake is the brightest object in the Kuiper belt after Pluto. Discovered in 2005, it was officially named in 2009.[166] Its orbit is far more inclined than Pluto's, at 29°.[167] It has one known moon.[168] Haumea (43.13 AU average from the Sun) is in an orbit similar to Makemake, except that it is in a temporary 7:12 orbital resonance with Neptune.[169] Like Makemake, it was discovered in 2005.[170] Uniquely among the dwarf planets, Haumea possess a ring system, two known moons named Hiʻiaka and Namaka, and rotates so quickly (once every 3.9 hours) that it is stretched into an ellipsoid. It is part of a collisional family of Kuiper belt objects that share similar orbits, which suggests a giant collision took place on Haumea and ejected its fragments into space billions of years ago.[171] Quaoar (43.69 AU average from the Sun) is the second-largest known object in the classical Kuiper belt, after Makemake. Its orbit is significantly less eccentric and inclined than those of Makemake or Haumea.[169] It possesses a ring system and one known moon, Weywot.[172] Orcus (39.40 AU average from the Sun) is in the same 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune as Pluto, and is the largest such object after Pluto itself.[169] Its eccentricity and inclination are similar to Pluto's, but its perihelion lies about 120° from that of Pluto. Thus, the phase of Orcus's orbit is opposite to Pluto's: Orcus is at aphelion (most recently in 2019) around when Pluto is at perihelion (most recently in 1989) and vice versa.[173] For this reason, it has been called the anti-Pluto.[174][175] It has one known moon, Vanth.[176] Scattered disc Main article: Scattered disc The orbital eccentricities and inclinations of the scattered disc population compared to the classical and resonant Kuiper belt objects The scattered disc, which overlaps the Kuiper belt but extends out to near 500 AU, is thought to be the source of short-period comets. Scattered-disc objects are believed to have been perturbed into erratic orbits by the gravitational influence of Neptune's early outward migration. Most scattered disc objects (SDOs) have perihelia within the Kuiper belt but aphelia far beyond it (some more than 150 AU from the Sun). SDOs' orbits can also be inclined up to 46.8° from the ecliptic plane.[177] Some astronomers consider the scattered disc to be merely another region of the Kuiper belt and describe scattered-disc objects as "scattered Kuiper belt objects".[178] Some astronomers also classify centaurs as inward-scattered Kuiper belt objects along with the outward-scattered residents of the scattered disc.[179] Eris and Gonggong Eris (67.78 AU average from the Sun) is the largest known scattered disc object, and caused a debate about what constitutes a planet, because it is 25% more massive than Pluto[180] and about the same diameter. It is the most massive of the known dwarf planets. It has one known moon, Dysnomia. Like Pluto, its orbit is highly eccentric, with a perihelion of 38.2 AU (roughly Pluto's distance from the Sun) and an aphelion of 97.6 AU, and steeply inclined to the ecliptic plane at an angle of 44°.[181] Gonggong (67.38 AU average from the Sun) is another dwarf planet in a comparable orbit to Eris, except that it is in a 3:10 resonance with Neptune.[182] It has one known moon, Xiangliu.[183] Farthest regions The point at which the Solar System ends and interstellar space begins is not precisely defined because its outer boundaries are shaped by two forces: the solar wind and the Sun's gravity. The limit of the solar wind's influence is roughly four times Pluto's distance from the Sun; this heliopause, the outer boundary of the heliosphere, is considered the beginning of the interstellar medium.[60] The Sun's Hill sphere, the effective range of its gravitational dominance, is thought to extend up to a thousand times farther and encompasses the hypothetical Oort cloud.[184] Edge of the heliosphere Main article: Heliosheath Artistic depiction of the Solar System's heliosphere The Sun's stellar-wind bubble, the heliosphere, a region of space dominated by the Sun, has its boundary at the termination shock, which is roughly 80–100 AU from the Sun upwind of the interstellar medium and roughly 200 AU from the Sun downwind.[185] Here the solar wind collides with the interstellar medium[186] and dramatically slows, condenses and becomes more turbulent,[185] forming a great oval structure known as the heliosheath. This structure has been theorized to look and behave very much like a comet's tail, extending outward for a further 40 AU on the upwind side but tailing many times that distance downwind.[187] Evidence from the Cassini and Interstellar Boundary Explorer spacecraft has suggested that it is forced into a bubble shape by the constraining action of the interstellar magnetic field,[188][189] but the actual shape remains unknown.[190] The outer boundary of the heliosphere, the heliopause, is the point at which the solar wind finally terminates and is the beginning of interstellar space.[60] Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 passed the termination shock and entered the heliosheath at 94 and 84 AU from the Sun, respectively.[191][192] Voyager 1 was reported to have crossed the heliopause in August 2012, and Voyager 2 in December 2018.[193][194] The shape and form of the outer edge of the heliosphere is likely affected by the fluid dynamics of interactions with the interstellar medium as well as solar magnetic fields prevailing to the south, e.g. it is bluntly shaped with the northern hemisphere extending 9 AU farther than the southern hemisphere.[185] Beyond the heliopause, at around 230 AU, lies the bow shock: a plasma "wake" left by the Sun as it travels through the Milky Way.[195] Detached objects The detached object Sedna and its orbit within the Solar System Main articles: Detached object and Sednoid Sedna (with an average orbit of 520 AU from the Sun) is a large, reddish object with a gigantic, highly elliptical orbit that takes it from about 76 AU at perihelion to 940 AU at aphelion and takes 11,400 years to complete. Mike Brown, who discovered the object in 2003, asserts that it cannot be part of the scattered disc or the Kuiper belt because its perihelion is too distant to have been affected by Neptune's migration. He and other astronomers consider it to be the first in an entirely new population, sometimes termed "distant detached objects" (DDOs), which also may include the object 2000 CR105, which has a perihelion of 45 AU, an aphelion of 415 AU, and an orbital period of 3,420 years.[196] Brown terms this population the "inner Oort cloud" because it may have formed through a similar process, although it is far closer to the Sun.[197] Sedna is very likely a dwarf planet, though its shape has yet to be determined. The second unequivocally detached object, with a perihelion farther than Sedna's at roughly 81 AU, is 2012 VP113, discovered in 2012. Its aphelion is only about half that of Sedna's, at 458 AU.[198][199] Oort cloud Main article: Oort cloud The Oort cloud is a hypothetical spherical cloud of up to a trillion icy objects that is thought to be the source for all long-period comets and to surround the Solar System at roughly 50,000 AU (around 1 light-year (ly)) from the Sun, and possibly to as far as 100,000 AU (1.87 ly). It is thought to be composed of comets that were ejected from the inner Solar System by gravitational interactions with the outer planets. Oort cloud objects move very slowly, and can be perturbed by infrequent events, such as collisions, the gravitational effects of a passing star, or the galactic tide, the tidal force exerted by the Milky Way.[200][201] Boundaries See also: Planets beyond Neptune, Planet Nine, and List of Solar System objects by greatest aphelion Much of the Solar System is still unknown. The Sun's gravitational field is estimated to dominate the gravitational forces of surrounding stars out to about two light-years (125,000 AU). Lower estimates for the radius of the Oort cloud, by contrast, do not place it farther than 50,000 AU.[202] Most of the mass is orbiting in the region between 3,000 and 100,000 AU.[203] Despite discoveries such as Sedna, the region between the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud, an area tens of thousands of AU in radius, is still virtually unmapped. Learning about this region of space is difficult, because it depends upon inferences from those few objects whose orbits happen to be perturbed such that they fall closer to the Sun, and even then, detecting these objects has often been possible only when they happened to become bright enough to register as comets.[204] Objects may yet be discovered in the Solar System's uncharted regions.[205] The furthest known objects, such as Comet West, have aphelia around 70,000 AU from the Sun.[206] Comparison with other star systems 1e, 1f and 1g is in the habitable zone Habitable zones of TRAPPIST-1 and the Solar System; here, the TRAPPIST-1 system is enlarged 25 times. The displayed planetary surfaces on TRAPPIST-1 are speculative. Compared to many extrasolar systems, the Solar System stands out in lacking planets interior to the orbit of Mercury.[207][208] The known Solar System also lacks super-Earths, planets between one and ten times as massive as the Earth,[207] although the hypothetical Planet Nine, if it does exist, could be a super-Earth orbiting in the outer Solar System.[209] Uncommonly, it has only small rocky planets and large gas giants; elsewhere planets of intermediate size are typical—both rocky and gas—so there is no "gap" as seen between the size of Earth and of Neptune (with a radius 3.8 times as large). As many of these super-Earths are closer to their respective stars than Mercury is to the Sun, a hypothesis has arisen that all planetary systems start with many close-in planets, and that typically a sequence of their collisions causes consolidation of mass into few larger planets, but in case of the Solar System the collisions caused their destruction and ejection.[207][210] The orbits of Solar System planets are nearly circular. Compared to other systems, they have smaller orbital eccentricity.[207] Although there are attempts to explain it partly with a bias in the radial-velocity detection method and partly with long interactions of a quite high number of planets, the exact causes remain undetermined.[207][211] Location Celestial neighborhood Diagram of the Local Interstellar Cloud, the G-Cloud and surrounding stars. As of 2022, the precise location of the Solar System in the clouds is an open question in astronomy.[212] The Solar System is surrounded by the Local Interstellar Cloud, although it is not clear if it is embedded in the Local Interstellar Cloud or if it lies just outside the cloud's edge.[213][214] Multiple other interstellar clouds also exist in the region within 300 light-years of the Sun, known as the Local Bubble.[214] The latter feature is an hourglass-shaped cavity or superbubble in the interstellar medium roughly 300 light-years across. The bubble is suffused with high-temperature plasma, suggesting that it may be the product of several recent supernovae.[215] The Local Bubble is a small superbubble compared to the neighboring wider Radcliffe Wave and Split linear structures (formerly Gould Belt), each of which are some thousands of light-years in length.[216] All these structures are part of the Orion Arm, which contains most of the stars in the Milky Way that are visible to the unaided eye. The density of all matter in the local neighborhood is 0.097±0.013 M☉·pc−3.[217] Within ten light-years of the Sun there are relatively few stars, the closest being the triple star system Alpha Centauri, which is about 4.4 light-years away and may be in the Local Bubble's G-Cloud.[218] Alpha Centauri A and B are a closely tied pair of Sun-like stars, whereas the closest star to Earth, the small red dwarf Proxima Centauri, orbits the pair at a distance of 0.2 light-year. In 2016, a potentially habitable exoplanet was found to be orbiting Proxima Centauri, called Proxima Centauri b, the closest confirmed exoplanet to the Sun.[219] The next closest known fusors to the Sun are the red dwarfs Barnard's Star (at 5.9 ly), Wolf 359 (7.8 ly), and Lalande 21185 (8.3 ly).[220] The nearest brown dwarfs belong to the binary Luhman 16 system (6.6 ly), and the closest known rogue or free-floating planetary-mass object at less than 10 Jupiter masses is the sub-brown dwarf WISE 0855−0714 (7.4 ly).[221] Just beyond at 8.6 ly lies Sirius, the brightest star in Earth's night sky, with roughly twice the Sun's mass, orbited by the closest white dwarf to Earth, Sirius B. Other stars within ten light-years are the binary red-dwarf system Gliese 65 (8.7 ly) and the solitary red dwarf Ross 154 (9.7 ly).[222][223] The closest solitary Sun-like star to the Solar System is Tau Ceti at 11.9 light-years. It has roughly 80% of the Sun's mass but only about half of its luminosity.[224] The nearest and unaided-visible group of stars beyond the immediate celestial neighborhood is the Ursa Major moving group at roughly 80 light-years, which is within the Local Bubble, like the nearest as well as unaided-visible star cluster the Hyades, which lie at its edge. The closest star-forming regions are the Corona Australis Molecular Cloud, the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex and the Taurus molecular cloud; the latter lies just beyond the Local Bubble and is part of the Radcliffe wave.[225] Galactic position and orbit See also: Location of Earth, Galactic year, and Orbit of the Sun Diagram of the Milky Way, with galactic features and the relative position of the Solar System labelled. The Solar System is located in the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter of about 100,000 light-years containing more than 100 billion stars.[226] The Sun is part of one of the Milky Way's outer spiral arms, known as the Orion–Cygnus Arm or Local Spur.[227] The Sun orbits close to circular the Galactic Center (where the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* resides) at a distance of 26,660 light-years,[228] orbiting at roughly the same speed as that of the spiral arms.[229][230] Therefore, the Sun passes through arms only rarely. Its speed around the center of the Milky Way is about 220 km/s, so that it completes one revolution every 240 million years.[226] This revolution is known as the Solar System's galactic year.[231] The solar apex, the direction of the Sun's path through interstellar space, is near the constellation Hercules in the direction of the current location of the bright star Vega.[232] The plane of the ecliptic lies at an angle of about 60° to the galactic plane.[h] Habitability of galactic position and orbit The Solar System's location in the Milky Way is a factor in the evolutionary history of life on Earth. Spiral arms are home to a far larger concentration of supernovae, gravitational instabilities, and radiation that could disrupt the Solar System, but since Earth stays in the Local Spur and therefore does not pass frequently through spiral arms, this has given Earth long periods of stability for life to evolve.[229] However, the changing position of the Solar System relative to other parts of the Milky Way could explain periodic extinction events on Earth, according to the Shiva hypothesis or related theories, but this remains controversial.[234][235] The Solar System lies well outside the star-crowded environs of the Galactic Center. Near the center, gravitational tugs from nearby stars could perturb bodies in the Oort cloud and send many comets into the inner Solar System, producing collisions with potentially catastrophic implications for life on Earth. The intense radiation of the Galactic Center could also interfere with the development of complex life.[229] Stellar flybys that pass within 0.8 light-years of the Sun occur roughly once every 100,000 years. The closest well-measured approach was Scholz's Star, which approached to 52+23 −14 kAU of the Sun some 70+15 −10 kya, likely passing through the outer Oort cloud.[236] Humanity's perspective Main article: Discovery and exploration of the Solar System The motion of 'lights' moving across the sky is the basis of the classical definition of planets: wandering stars. Humanity's knowledge of the Solar System has grown incrementally over the centuries. Up to the Late Middle Ages–Renaissance, astronomers from Europe to India believed Earth to be stationary at the center of the universe[237] and categorically different from the divine or ethereal objects that moved through the sky. Although the Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos had speculated on a heliocentric reordering of the cosmos, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person known to have developed a mathematically predictive heliocentric system.[238][239] Heliocentrism did not triumph immediately over geocentrism, but the work of Copernicus had its champions, notably Johannes Kepler. Using a heliocentric model that improved upon Copernicus by allowing orbits to be elliptical, and the precise observational data of Tycho Brahe, Kepler produced the Rudolphine Tables, which enabled accurate computations of the positions of the then-known planets. Pierre Gassendi used them to predict a transit of Mercury in 1631, and Jeremiah Horrocks did the same for a transit of Venus in 1639. This provided a strong vindication of heliocentrism and Kepler's elliptical orbits.[240][241] In the 17th century, Galileo publicized the use of the telescope in astronomy; he and Simon Marius independently discovered that Jupiter had four satellites in orbit around it.[242] Christiaan Huygens followed on from these observations by discovering Saturn's moon Titan and the shape of the rings of Saturn.[243] In 1677, Edmond Halley observed a transit of Mercury across the Sun, leading him to realize that observations of the solar parallax of a planet (more ideally using the transit of Venus) could be used to trigonometrically determine the distances between Earth, Venus, and the Sun.[244] Halley's friend Isaac Newton, in his magisterial Principia Mathematica of 1687, demonstrated that celestial bodies are not quintessentially different from Earthly ones: the same laws of motion and of gravity apply on Earth and in the skies.[29]: 142 The term "Solar System" entered the English language by 1704, when John Locke used it to refer to the Sun, planets, and comets.[245] In 1705, Halley realized that repeated sightings of a comet were of the same object, returning regularly once every 75–76 years. This was the first evidence that anything other than the planets repeatedly orbited the Sun,[246] though Seneca had theorized this about comets in the 1st century.[247] Careful observations of the 1769 transit of Venus allowed astronomers to calculate the average Earth–Sun distance as 93,726,900 miles (150,838,800 km), only 0.8% greater than the modern value.[248] Uranus, having occasionally been observed since antiquity, was recognized to be a planet orbiting beyond Saturn by 1783.[249] In 1838, Friedrich Bessel successfully measured a stellar parallax, an apparent shift in the position of a star created by Earth's motion around the Sun, providing the first direct, experimental proof of heliocentrism.[250] Neptune was identified as a planet some years later, in 1846, thanks to its gravitational pull causing a slight but detectable variation in the orbit of Uranus.[251] In the 20th century, humans began their space exploration around the Solar System, starting with placing telescopes in space.[252] Since then, humans have landed on the Moon during the Apollo program; the Apollo 13 mission marked the furthest any human has been away from Earth at 400,171 kilometers (248,655 mi).[253] All eight planets and two dwarf planets have been visited by space probes. This began with Mariner 2's fly-by of Venus in 1962, while Mariner 9 mission to Mars was the first to orbit another planet in 1971. The outer planets were first visited by Pioneer 10's encounter with Jupiter, and Pioneer 11's encounter with Saturn. The remaining gas giants were first visited by the Voyager spacecraft, one of which (Voyager 1) is the furthest object made by humankind and the first in interstellar space.[254] In addition, probes have also returned samples from comets[255] and asteroids,[256] as well as flown through the Sun's corona[257] and made fly-bys of Kuiper belt objects.[258] Six of the planets (all but Uranus and Neptune) have or had a dedicated orbiter.[259] See also Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.[2]: 1.1  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science. Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.[3] Quantum mechanics differs from classical physics in that energy, momentum, angular momentum, and other quantities of a bound system are restricted to discrete values (quantization); measurements of systems show characteristics of both particles and waves (wave–particle duality); and there are limits to how accurately the value of a physical quantity can be predicted prior to its measurement, given a complete set of initial conditions (the uncertainty principle). Quantum mechanics arose gradually from theories to explain observations that could not be reconciled with classical physics, such as Max Planck's solution in 1900 to the black-body radiation problem, and the correspondence between energy and frequency in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper, which explained the photoelectric effect. These early attempts to understand microscopic phenomena, now known as the "old quantum theory", led to the full development of quantum mechanics in the mid-1920s by Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, Paul Dirac and others. The modern theory is formulated in various specially developed mathematical formalisms. In one of them, a mathematical entity called the wave function provides information, in the form of probability amplitudes, about what measurements of a particle's energy, momentum, and other physical properties may yield. Overview and fundamental concepts Quantum mechanics allows the calculation of properties and behaviour of physical systems. It is typically applied to microscopic systems: molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. It has been demonstrated to hold for complex molecules with thousands of atoms,[4] but its application to human beings raises philosophical problems, such as Wigner's friend, and its application to the universe as a whole remains speculative.[5] Predictions of quantum mechanics have been verified experimentally to an extremely high degree of accuracy. For example, the refinement of quantum mechanics for the interaction of light and matter, known as quantum electrodynamics (QED), has been shown to agree with experiment to within 1 part in 108 for some atomic properties. A fundamental feature of the theory is that it usually cannot predict with certainty what will happen, but only give probabilities. Mathematically, a probability is found by taking the square of the absolute value of a complex number, known as a probability amplitude. This is known as the Born rule, named after physicist Max Born. For example, a quantum particle like an electron can be described by a wave function, which associates to each point in space a probability amplitude. Applying the Born rule to these amplitudes gives a probability density function for the position that the electron will be found to have when an experiment is performed to measure it. This is the best the theory can do; it cannot say for certain where the electron will be found. The Schrödinger equation relates the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to one moment of time to the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to another. One consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is a tradeoff in predictability between different measurable quantities. The most famous form of this uncertainty principle says that no matter how a quantum particle is prepared or how carefully experiments upon it are arranged, it is impossible to have a precise prediction for a measurement of its position and also at the same time for a measurement of its momentum. Another consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is the phenomenon of quantum interference, which is often illustrated with the double-slit experiment. In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate.[6]: 102–111 [2]: 1.1–1.8  The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.[6] However, the light is always found to be absorbed at the screen at discrete points, as individual particles rather than waves; the interference pattern appears via the varying density of these particle hits on the screen. Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit (as would a classical particle), and not through both slits (as would a wave).[6]: 109 [7][8] However, such experiments demonstrate that particles do not form the interference pattern if one detects which slit they pass through. This behavior is known as wave–particle duality. In addition to light, electrons, atoms, and molecules are all found to exhibit the same dual behavior when fired towards a double slit.[2] Another non-classical phenomenon predicted by quantum mechanics is quantum tunnelling: a particle that goes up against a potential barrier can cross it, even if its kinetic energy is smaller than the maximum of the potential.[9] In classical mechanics this particle would be trapped. Quantum tunnelling has several important consequences, enabling radioactive decay, nuclear fusion in stars, and applications such as scanning tunnelling microscopy and the tunnel diode.[10] When quantum systems interact, the result can be the creation of quantum entanglement: their properties become so intertwined that a description of the whole solely in terms of the individual parts is no longer possible. Erwin Schrödinger called entanglement "...the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought".[11] Quantum entanglement enables quantum computing and is part of quantum communication protocols, such as quantum key distribution and superdense coding.[12] Contrary to popular misconception, entanglement does not allow sending signals faster than light, as demonstrated by the no-communication theorem.[12] Another possibility opened by entanglement is testing for "hidden variables", hypothetical properties more fundamental than the quantities addressed in quantum theory itself, knowledge of which would allow more exact predictions than quantum theory can provide. A collection of results, most significantly Bell's theorem, have demonstrated that broad classes of such hidden-variable theories are in fact incompatible with quantum physics. According to Bell's theorem, if nature actually operates in accord with any theory of local hidden variables, then the results of a Bell test will be constrained in a particular, quantifiable way. Many Bell tests have been performed, using entangled particles, and they have shown results incompatible with the constraints imposed by local hidden variables.[13][14] It is not possible to present these concepts in more than a superficial way without introducing the actual mathematics involved; understanding quantum mechanics requires not only manipulating complex numbers, but also linear algebra, differential equations, group theory, and other more advanced subjects.[note 1] Accordingly, this article will present a mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics and survey its application to some useful and oft-studied examples. Mathematical formulation Main article: Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics In the mathematically rigorous formulation of quantum mechanics, the state of a quantum mechanical system is a vector ψ \psi belonging to a (separable) complex Hilbert space H {\mathcal {H}}. This vector is postulated to be normalized under the Hilbert space inner product, that is, it obeys ⟨ ψ , ψ ⟩ = 1 {\displaystyle \langle \psi ,\psi \rangle =1}, and it is well-defined up to a complex number of modulus 1 (the global phase), that is, ψ \psi and e i α ψ {\displaystyle e^{i\alpha }\psi } represent the same physical system. In other words, the possible states are points in the projective space of a Hilbert space, usually called the complex projective space. The exact nature of this Hilbert space is dependent on the system – for example, for describing position and momentum the Hilbert space is the space of complex square-integrable functions L 2 ( C ) {\displaystyle L^{2}(\mathbb {C} )}, while the Hilbert space for the spin of a single proton is simply the space of two-dimensional complex vectors C 2 {\mathbb C}^{2} with the usual inner product. Physical quantities of interest – position, momentum, energy, spin – are represented by observables, which are Hermitian (more precisely, self-adjoint) linear operators acting on the Hilbert space. A quantum state can be an eigenvector of an observable, in which case it is called an eigenstate, and the associated eigenvalue corresponds to the value of the observable in that eigenstate. More generally, a quantum state will be a linear combination of the eigenstates, known as a quantum superposition. When an observable is measured, the result will be one of its eigenvalues with probability given by the Born rule: in the simplest case the eigenvalue λ \lambda is non-degenerate and the probability is given by | ⟨ λ → , ψ ⟩ | 2 {\displaystyle |\langle {\vec {\lambda }},\psi \rangle |^{2}}, where λ → {\displaystyle {\vec {\lambda }}} is its associated eigenvector. More generally, the eigenvalue is degenerate and the probability is given by ⟨ ψ , P λ ψ ⟩ {\displaystyle \langle \psi ,P_{\lambda }\psi \rangle }, where P λ P_{\lambda } is the projector onto its associated eigenspace. In the continuous case, these formulas give instead the probability density. After the measurement, if result λ \lambda was obtained, the quantum state is postulated to collapse to λ → {\displaystyle {\vec {\lambda }}}, in the non-degenerate case, or to P λ ψ / ⟨ ψ , P λ ψ ⟩ {\textstyle P_{\lambda }\psi {\big /}\!{\sqrt {\langle \psi ,P_{\lambda }\psi \rangle }}}, in the general case. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics thus stems from the act of measurement. This is one of the most difficult aspects of quantum systems to understand. It was the central topic in the famous Bohr–Einstein debates, in which the two scientists attempted to clarify these fundamental principles by way of thought experiments. In the decades after the formulation of quantum mechanics, the question of what constitutes a "measurement" has been extensively studied. Newer interpretations of quantum mechanics have been formulated that do away with the concept of "wave function collapse" (see, for example, the many-worlds interpretation). The basic idea is that when a quantum system interacts with a measuring apparatus, their respective wave functions become entangled so that the original quantum system ceases to exist as an independent entity. For details, see the article on measurement in quantum mechanics.[17] The time evolution of a quantum state is described by the Schrödinger equation: i ℏ d d t ψ ( t ) = H ψ ( t ) . {\displaystyle i\hbar {\frac {d}{dt}}\psi (t)=H\psi (t).} Here H H denotes the Hamiltonian, the observable corresponding to the total energy of the system, and ℏ \hbar is the reduced Planck constant. The constant i ℏ i\hbar is introduced so that the Hamiltonian is reduced to the classical Hamiltonian in cases where the quantum system can be approximated by a classical system; the ability to make such an approximation in certain limits is called the correspondence principle. The solution of this differential equation is given by ψ ( t ) = e − i H t / ℏ ψ ( 0 ) . {\displaystyle \psi (t)=e^{-iHt/\hbar }\psi (0).} The operator U ( t ) = e − i H t / ℏ {\displaystyle U(t)=e^{-iHt/\hbar }} is known as the time-evolution operator, and has the crucial property that it is unitary. This time evolution is deterministic in the sense that – given an initial quantum state ψ ( 0 ) \psi (0) – it makes a definite prediction of what the quantum state ψ ( t ) \psi(t) will be at any later time.[18] Fig. 1: Probability densities corresponding to the wave functions of an electron in a hydrogen atom possessing definite energy levels (increasing from the top of the image to the bottom: n = 1, 2, 3, ...) and angular momenta (increasing across from left to right: s, p, d, ...). Denser areas correspond to higher probability density in a position measurement. Such wave functions are directly comparable to Chladni's figures of acoustic modes of vibration in classical physics and are modes of oscillation as well, possessing a sharp energy and thus, a definite frequency. The angular momentum and energy are quantized and take only discrete values like those shown. (As is the case for resonant frequencies in acoustics.) Some wave functions produce probability distributions that are independent of time, such as eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Many systems that are treated dynamically in classical mechanics are described by such "static" wave functions. For example, a single electron in an unexcited atom is pictured classically as a particle moving in a circular trajectory around the atomic nucleus, whereas in quantum mechanics, it is described by a static wave function surrounding the nucleus. For example, the electron wave function for an unexcited hydrogen atom is a spherically symmetric function known as an s orbital (Fig. 1). Analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equation are known for very few relatively simple model Hamiltonians including the quantum harmonic oscillator, the particle in a box, the dihydrogen cation, and the hydrogen atom. Even the helium atom – which contains just two electrons – has defied all attempts at a fully analytic treatment. However, there are techniques for finding approximate solutions. One method, called perturbation theory, uses the analytic result for a simple quantum mechanical model to create a result for a related but more complicated model by (for example) the addition of a weak potential energy. Another method is called "semi-classical equation of motion", which applies to systems for which quantum mechanics produces only small deviations from classical behavior. These deviations can then be computed based on the classical motion. This approach is particularly important in the field of quantum chaos. # Code NotReached: addi.b #$10,d2 add.w d0,d1 cmp.w d1,d4 bgt.s NotReached sub.w d2,d1 subi.w #$1000,d3 bpl.s NotReached move.w d1,d0 swap d0 move.w d3,d0 sep #%00100000 ;8 bit accumulator ldx #4 ;modifying 5 locations ; loop lda $ab1234,x ;load inc a ;increment sta $ab1234,x ;store dex bpl loop ;next phb ;save current data bank sep #%00110000 ;8 bit registers lda #$ab ;target bank pha ;push it to the stack & pull it... plb ;into DB, making it the default bank ldx #4 ;modifying 5 locations ; loop inc $1234,x ;effectively INC $AB1234,X dex bpl loop ;next ; plb ;restore previous bank sei ;IRQs off wai ;wait for interrupt lda via001 ;start of interrupt handler #!/bin/bash TARGET_DIR=("$@") [ "x$1" == "x" ] && TARGET_DIR=(".") function confirmDeletion() { local confirm="" until [ "x$confirm" == 'xy' ] || [ "x$confirm" == 'xn' ] do read -ep " Delete [y/n]: " confirm confirm=$(echo "$confirm" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) done [ "x$confirm" == 'xy' ] } function deleteWithConfirmation() { for file in "${@}" do if rm "$file"; then echo " OK: $file" else echo " FAIL: $file" fi done } for i in {'*~','a.out','*.o','*.gch','*nppdf32Log*'} do echo "Files matching: $i" FILES=() while read -rd '' file do FILES+=("$file") echo " $file" done < <(find "${TARGET_DIR[@]}" -depth -iname "$i" -print0) if [ "x${FILES[*]}" != "x" ]; then if confirmDeletion; then deleteWithConfirmation "${FILES[@]}" else echo " Skipping" fi fi done Return the open file descriptor to the calling function via the eight bit accumulator by overwriting the appropriate register stack frame element: sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator lda #0 ;clear... xba ;.B lda filedes ;get file descriptor, ... rep #%00100000 ;select 16 bit accumulator &... sta reg_a,s ;overwrite .C's stack copy When the accumulator is pulled it will contain the value that was in filedes. Flag an error by setting the carry bit in SR: sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator lda reg_sr,s ;stack copy of SR ora #%00000001 ;set carry bit &... sta reg_sr,s ;rewrite Flag a successful operation by clearing the carry bit in SR: sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator lda reg_sr,s ;stack copy of SR and #%11111110 ;clear carry bit &... sta reg_sr,s ;rewrite class PromptFormat: botname = "Chatbort" username = "User" def __init__(self): pass # def default_system_prompt(self): raise NotImplementedError def first_prompt(self): raise NotImplementedError def subs_prompt(self): raise NotImplementedError def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer): raise NotImplementedError def encoding_options(self): # (add_bos, add_eos, encode_special_tokens) raise NotImplementedError def print_bot_name(self): return False def print_extra_newline(self): return False class PromptFormat_raw(PromptFormat): description = "Model-agnostic mode simulating a raw chatlog" def __init__(self): super().__init__() pass def default_system_prompt(self): return \ f"""This is a conversation between a helpful AI assistant named {self.botname} and a """ + \ (f"""user named {self.username}.""" if self.username != "User" else """user.""") def first_prompt(self): return \ f"""<|system_prompt|>\n{self.username}: <|user_prompt|>\n{self.botname}:""" def subs_prompt(self): return \ f"""{self.username}: <|user_prompt|>\n{self.botname}:""" def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer): return \ [self.username + ":", self.username[0:1] + ":", self.username.upper() + ":", self.username.lower() + ":", tokenizer.eos_token_id] def encoding_options(self): return False, False, False def print_bot_name(self): return True ######################################################## class PromptFormat_llama(PromptFormat): description = "Llama-chat, Llama2-chat and Mistral-instruct models" def __init__(self): super().__init__() pass def default_system_prompt(self): return \ """You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe. """ + \ """Your answers should not include any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. """ + \ """Please ensure that your responses are socially unbiased and positive in nature.""" def first_prompt(self): return \ """[INST] <>\n<|system_prompt|>\n<>\n\n<|user_prompt|> [/INST]""" def subs_prompt(self): return \ """[INST] <|user_prompt|> [/INST]""" def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer): return \ [tokenizer.eos_token_id] def encoding_options(self): return True, False, False def print_extra_newline(self): return True def build_attn_mask(self, batch_size, seq_len, past_len, input_mask, device): if input_mask is None and seq_len == 1: return None if isinstance(past_len, tuple): attn_masks = [] for i in range(len(past_len[1])): attn_mask = torch.zeros((1, 1, seq_len, past_len[1][i] + seq_len), dtype = torch.float16, device = device) attn_mask_triu = torch.triu(torch.full((seq_len - 1, seq_len - 1), -65504.)) attn_mask[:, :, : seq_len - 1, past_len[1][i] + 1: past_len[1][i] + seq_len] = attn_mask_triu if input_mask is not None: min_mask_width = min(input_mask[i].shape[-1], seq_len + past_len[1][i]) input_mask_part = safe_move_tensor(input_mask[i][:, :min_mask_width], attn_mask.device) input_mask_part = input_mask_part.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width] = torch.minimum(attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width], input_mask_part) attn_masks.append(attn_mask) return attn_masks else: attn_mask = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, seq_len, past_len + seq_len), dtype = torch.float16, device = device) attn_mask_triu = torch.triu(torch.full((seq_len - 1, seq_len - 1), -65504.)) attn_mask[:, :, : seq_len - 1, past_len + 1: past_len + seq_len] = attn_mask_triu if input_mask is not None: min_mask_width = min(input_mask.shape[-1], seq_len + past_len) input_mask_part = safe_move_tensor(input_mask[:, :min_mask_width], attn_mask.device) input_mask_part = input_mask_part.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width] = torch.minimum(attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width], input_mask_part) return attn_mask We have to develop a Java program to calculate the sum of n natural numbers. Sum of natural number N as given as sum = 1+2+3+….+N Examples:- 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55 Procedure to develop a method to find the sum of N natural numbers in Java, Take the N value. Declare an iterator variable and initialize it with 1 because natural numbers start with 1. Add iterator variable value into the sum variable Increase the value of the iterator variable by 1 Repeat 3 and 4 steps until the number remains greater than the iterator variable The time complexity of this procedure is O(n). import java.util.Scanner; public class NaturalNumberSum { // method to find sum of N natural numbers public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){ int i = 1; // iterator variable // variable to store sum value int sum = 0; // loop to repeat the process while (i<=number) { // add into sum value sum = sum + i; // increase iterator variable i++; } // return sum value return sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variables int number = 0; int sum = 0; // create Scanner class object Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // read input System.out.print("Enter N value:: "); number = scan.nextInt(); // Calculate the sum value sum = naturalNumberSum(number); // display result System.out.println("Sum = "+sum); // close Scanner class objects scan.close(); } } The output for different test-cases:- Enter N value:: 5 Sum = 15 Enter N value:: 10 Sum = 55 In this program, we have used a while loop to find the sum of natural numbers in Java. While loop is a pre-test loop where the expression is evaluated then only statements are executed. It uses a test expression to control the loop. Before every iteration of the loop, the test expression is evaluated. Also See:- Sum of digits of a number The sum of even digits in a number Sum of odd digits in a number Sum of first & last digit of a number The Sum of Digits Until Single Digit We can also use for loop instead of using a while loop. The for loop is also a pre-test loop, where first of all initialization expression is evaluated then the condition is checked and if the condition is true then only the statements of the for loop are executed. public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){ int sum = 0; for(int i=1; i<=number; i++) sum+=i; return sum; } Or, public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){ int sum = 0; for(int i=1; ; sum+=i, i++) if(i>number) return sum; } The time complexity of all above methods are O(n). Sum of Natural Numbers in Java without using the loop We can also do the same work without using the loop. The formula for this operation, Sum = n * (n+1) / 2; Example:- Sum of first 10 natural numbers = 10*(10+1)/2 = 10*11/2 = 5*11 = 55 It is the best way to find the sum of natural numbers. The time complexity of this method is O(1). import java.util.Scanner; public class NaturalNumberSum { // method to find sum of N natural numbers public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){ return number*(number+1)/2; } public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variables int number = 0; int sum = 0; // create Scanner class object Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // read input System.out.print("Enter N value:: "); number = scan.nextInt(); // Calculate the sum value sum = naturalNumberSum(number); // display result System.out.println("Sum = "+sum); // close Scanner class objects scan.close(); } } Using recursion We already developed java program to find the sum of the natural number using for loop, or while loop, or without using the loop. Now we will find the same using the recursion technique. In Recursion, We divided the big problems into smaller problems or sub-problems. Sum of N natural numbers given as 1+2+….+(n-1)+n. So, the problem can be divided as n + ( (n-1) +… + 2 + 1 ) General case for finding the sum of natural number => sum(n) = n + sum(n-1); Similarly, the base case for finding the sum of natural number => sum(0) = 0; or sum(1) = 1; import module jtransmissiongatetb; wire y; reg a,control; jtransmissiongate jtgate(y,control,a); initial begin $display ("RESULT\ta\ty"); a = 0; control = 0; # 50; // Initial value is set if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal a = 0; control = 1; # 50; // Initial value is set if ( y === 0 ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 1; control = 0; # 50; // Another value if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal a = 1; control = 1; # 50; // Another value if ( y === 1 ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); end //enabling the wave dump initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end endmodule module jtransmissiongate(y,control,a); output y; input a,control; wire cbar; assign cbar = ~control; nmos n1(y,a,control); pmos p1(y,a,cbar); //cmos c1(y,a,control,cbar); endmodule module juniversalShiftRegisterTb; wire [3:0] DATAOUT; reg clock, reset; reg [1:0] MODE; reg [3:0] DATAIN; juniversalShiftRegister jusr(DATAOUT, clock, reset, MODE, DATAIN); initial begin clock =0; MODE = 2'b00; DATAIN = 4'b0000; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10; $display("RSLT\tD == DOUT"); // Start testing Right Shift mode MODE = 2'b00; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10; MODE = 2'b01; DATAIN = 4'b0011; #10; if ( DATAOUT === 4'b1000 ) // look at previous value of DATAOUT as well $display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); MODE = 2'b01; DATAIN = 4'b0011; #10; if ( DATAOUT === 4'b1100 ) // look at previous value of DATAOUT as well $display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); // Start testing Left Shift mode MODE = 2'b00; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10; MODE = 2'b10; DATAIN = 4'b0111; #10; if ( DATAOUT === 4'b0001 ) // $display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); MODE = 2'b10; DATAIN = 4'b0111; #10; if ( DATAOUT === 4'b0011 ) // $display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); // Start testing parallel load mode MODE = 2'b00; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10; MODE = 2'b11; DATAIN = 4'b1010; #10; if ( DATAOUT === 4'b1010 ) $display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT); #20; $finish; end //enabling the wave dump initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end always #5 clock = ~clock; endmodule #!/bin/bash # use predefined variables to access passed arguments #echo arguments to the shell echo $1 $2 $3 ' -> echo $1 $2 $3' # We can also store arguments from bash command line in special array args=("$@") #echo arguments to the shell echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]} ' -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]}' #use $@ to print out all arguments at once echo $@ ' -> echo $@' # use $# variable to print out # number of arguments passed to the bash script echo Number of arguments passed: $# ' -> echo Number of arguments passed: $#' Let’s try executing this script and providing three arguments. $ ./ Bash Scripting Tutorial The results when we execute this script: Bash Scripting Tutorial -> echo $1 $2 $3 Bash Scripting Tutorial -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]} Bash Scripting Tutorial -> echo $@ Number of arguments passed: 3 -> echo Number of arguments passed: $# Executing shell commands with bash The best way to execute a separate shell command inside of a Bash script is by creating a new subshell through the $( ) syntax. Check the example below where we echo the result of running the uname -o command. #!/bin/bash # use a subshell $() to execute shell command echo $(uname -o) # executing bash command without subshell echo uname -o Notice that in the final line of our script, we do not execute the uname command within a subshell, therefore the text is taken literally and output as such. $ uname -o GNU/LINUX $ ./ GNU/LINUX uname -o Reading User Input We can use the read command to read input from the user. This allows a user to interact with a Bash script and help dictate the way it proceeds. Here’s an example: #!/bin/bash echo -e "Hi, please type the word: \c " read word echo "The word you entered is: $word" echo -e "Can you please enter two words? " read word1 word2 echo "Here is your input: \"$word1\" \"$word2\"" echo -e "How do you feel about bash scripting? " # read command now stores a reply into the default build-in variable $REPLY read echo "You said $REPLY, I'm glad to hear that! " echo -e "What are your favorite colours ? " # -a makes read command to read into an array read -a colours echo "My favorite colours are also ${colours[0]}, ${colours[1]} and ${colours[2]}:-)" Our Bash script asks multiple questions and then is able to repeat the information back to us through variables and arrays: $ ./ Hi, please type the word: The word you entered is: Can you please enter two words? Debian Linux Here is your input: "Debian" "Linux" How do you feel about bash scripting? good You said good, I'm glad to hear that! What are your favorite colours ? blue green black My favorite colours are also blue, green and black:-) Bash Trap Command The trap command can be used in Bash scripts to catch signals sent to the script and then execute a subroutine when they occur. The script below will detect a Ctrl + C interrupt. #!/bin/bash # bash trap command trap bashtrap INT # bash clear screen command clear; # bash trap function is executed when CTRL-C is pressed: # bash prints message => Executing bash trap subrutine ! bashtrap() { echo "CTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !" } # for loop from 1/10 to 10/10 for a in `seq 1 10`; do echo "$a/10 to Exit." sleep 1; done echo "Exit Bash Trap Example!!!" In the output below you can see that we try to Ctrl + C two times but the script continues to execute. $ ./ 1/10 to Exit. 2/10 to Exit. ^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap ! 3/10 to Exit. 4/10 to Exit. 5/10 to Exit. 6/10 to Exit. 7/10 to Exit. ^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap ! 8/10 to Exit. 9/10 to Exit. 10/10 to Exit. Exit Bash Trap Example!!! Arrays Bash is capable of storing values in arrays. Check the sections below for two different examples. Declare simple bash array This example declares an array with four elements. #!/bin/bash #Declare array with 4 elements ARRAY=( 'Debian Linux' 'Redhat Linux' Ubuntu Linux ) # get number of elements in the array ELEMENTS=${#ARRAY[@]} # echo each element in array # for loop for (( i=0;i<$ELEMENTS;i++)); do echo ${ARRAY[${i}]} done Executing the script will output the elements of our array: $ ./ Debian Linux Redhat Linux Ubuntu Linux Read file into bash array Rather than filling out all of the elements of our array in the Bash script itself, we can program our script to read input and put it into an array. #!/bin/bash # Declare array declare -a ARRAY # Link filedescriptor 10 with stdin exec 10<&0 # stdin replaced with a file supplied as a first argument exec < $1 let count=0 while read LINE; do ARRAY[$count]=$LINE ((count++)) done echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY[@]} # echo array's content echo ${ARRAY[@]} # restore stdin from filedescriptor 10 # and close filedescriptor 10 exec 0<&10 10<&- Now let’s execute the script and store four elements in the array by using a file’s contents for input. $ cat bash.txt Bash Scripting Tutorial Guide $ ./ bash.txt Number of elements: 4 Bash Scripting Tutorial Guide *** CompressADPCM3 *** ; JoinCode = CompressADPCM3(Source, Length, Destination, JoinCode) ; d0 a0 d0 a1 d1 ; ; This function compresses a RAW sample to a given memory. The ; result is a 3bit ADPCM code. The destination buffer must be ; at least (Length+7)/8*3 bytes in size. ; ; Function of the JoinCode: See above. XDEF _CompressADPCM3 _CompressADPCM3 movem.l d2-d4,-(sp) move.w d1,d3 ; d3=EstMax swap d1 move.w d1,d2 ; d2=Delta bne.s c3_loop moveq #5,d2 c3_loop moveq #0,d1 ; d1=Shifter bsr.s c3_byte lsl.b #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte lsl.w #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte lsl.w #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte lsl.w #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte lsl.l #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte lsl.l #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte lsl.l #3,d1 bsr.s c3_byte swap d1 move.b d1,(a1)+ rol.l #8,d1 move.b d1,(a1)+ rol.l #8,d1 move.b d1,(a1)+ subq.l #8,d0 ; d0=Counter bhi.s c3_loop move.w d2,d0 ; -> d0=JoinCode swap d0 move.w d3,d0 movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4 rts c3_byte move.b (a0)+,d4 ext.w d4 asl.w #6,d4 sub.w d3,d4 bpl.s c3_positive or.b #%100,d1 neg.w d4 c3_positive sub.w d2,d4 bls.s c3_00 sub.w d2,d4 bls.s c3_01 sub.w d2,d4 bls.s c3_10 c3_11 or.b #%11,d1 bra.s c3_00 c3_10 or.b #%10,d1 bra.s c3_00 c3_01 or.b #%01,d1 c3_00 bsr.s adaptive rts *** Adaptions-Routine *** adaptive ; d1 = SignBit + DataBit move.w d2,d4 lsr.w #1,d4 btst #1,d1 beq.s d3_0 d3_1 btst #0,d1 beq.s d3_10 d3_11 add.w d2,d4 add.w d2,d4 add.w d2,d4 mulu #$6607,d2 bra.s d3_sign d3_10 add.w d2,d4 add.w d2,d4 mulu #$4D14,d2 bra.s d3_sign d3_0 btst #0,d1 beq.s d3_00 d3_01 add.w d2,d4 mulu #$3A9F,d2 bra.s d3_sign d3_00 mulu #$399A,d2 d3_sign btst #2,d1 beq.s d3_add neg.w d4 d3_add add.w d4,d3 add.l #8192,d2 moveq #14,d4 asr.l d4,d2 rts END mov mov bp, 255 traceloop: ; Evaluate whether sample point is inside or outside the shape: ; ; ( a & ( b | c ) ) | ( b & c ) = 0 <=> voxel overlaps fractal push bx mov dx, bx or dx, cx and dx, ax and bx, cx or dx, bx pop bx ; Ignore the lower bits or the fractal will be too fine to see shr dx, 6 jz endtrace dec bp jnz traceloop endtrace: ; BP is 255 - the distance we had to trace mov dx, bp not dl ; Plot pixel mov ds:[di],dl inc di // ****************** #include #include #include #include module jtransmissiongatetb; wire y; reg a,control; jtransmissiongate jtgate(y,control,a); initial begin $display ("RESULT\ta\ty"); a = 0; control = 0; # 50; // Initial value is set if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal a = 0; control = 1; # 50; // Initial value is set if ( y === 0 ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 1; control = 0; # 50; // Another value if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal a = 1; control = 1; # 50; // Another value if ( y === 1 ) // Test for inversion $display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); end //enabling the wave dump initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end endmodule #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "cuda/pack_tensor.cuh" #include "cuda/quantize.cuh" #include "cuda/q_matrix.cuh" #include "cuda/q_attn.cuh" #include "cuda/q_mlp.cuh" #include "cuda/q_gemm.cuh" #include "cuda/rms_norm.cuh" #include "cuda/rope.cuh" #include "cuda/cache.cuh" #include "cuda/h_gemm.cuh" #include "cpp/quantize_func.h" #include "cpp/sampling.h" #include "cpp/util.h" // Some decluttering macros #define TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(__x, __dtype) TORCH_CHECK((__x).dtype() == torch::__dtype, #__x " is incorrect datatype, must be " #__dtype) #define TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE_OPT(__x, __dtype) TORCH_CHECK((__x).device().is_meta() || (__x).dtype() == torch::__dtype, #__x " is incorrect datatype, must be " #__dtype) #define TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(__x, __dim_x, __y, __dim_y, __scale_y) TORCH_CHECK((__x).size(__dim_x) == (__y).size(__dim_y) * __scale_y, #__x " and " #__y " have incompatible shapes") #define TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES_OPT(__x, __dim_x, __y, __dim_y, __scale_y) TORCH_CHECK((__x).device().is_meta() || (__x).size(__dim_x) == (__y).size(__dim_y) * __scale_y, #__x " and " #__y " have incompatible shapes") // Packing functions void pack_rows_4 ( torch::Tensor input, torch::Tensor output ) { const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input)); TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(input, kShort); TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(output, kInt); TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(input, 0, output, 0, 1); TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(input, 1, output, 1, 8); int rows = input.size(0); int columns = input.size(1); pack_rows_4_cuda ( (uint16_t*) input.data_ptr(), (uint32_t*) output.data_ptr(), rows, columns ); } void pack_columns ( torch::Tensor input, torch::Tensor output, int bits ) { const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input)); TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(input, kShort); TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(output, kInt); TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(input, 1, output, 1, 1); int in_rows = input.size(0); int columns = input.size(1); int out_rows = output.size(0); int exp_out_rows = in_rows * bits / 32; TORCH_CHECK(out_rows == exp_out_rows, "Wrong output shape for input and bitrate") pack_columns_cuda ( (uint16_t*) input.data_ptr(), (uint32_t*) output.data_ptr(), in_rows, out_rows, columns, bits ); } #include "quantize_func.h" #include "../cuda/quantize.cuh" void quantize_range ( torch::Tensor quant, torch::Tensor scale, torch::Tensor out_q, float qzero, float maxq, torch::Tensor hessian_inv, torch::Tensor weights, torch::Tensor error, int a, int b ) { int columns = weights.size(1); int hcolumns = hessian_inv.size(1); for (int c = a; c < b; c++) { quantize_cuda ( ((const float*) weights.data_ptr()) + c * columns, ((float*) quant.data_ptr()) + c * columns, (const float*) scale.data_ptr(), out_q.device().is_meta() ? NULL : ((uint16_t*) out_q.data_ptr()) + c * columns, 1, columns, qzero, maxq ); adjust_error_row_cuda ( (const float*) hessian_inv.data_ptr(), (float*) error.data_ptr(), (const float*) weights.data_ptr(), (const float*) quant.data_ptr(), c, columns, hcolumns ); vv_mul_sub_cuda ( ((const float*) hessian_inv.data_ptr()) + c * hcolumns + c, ((const float*) error.data_ptr()) + c * columns, ((float*) weights.data_ptr()) + c * columns, b - c, columns ); } torch::Tensor x = hessian_inv.slice(0, a, b).slice(1, b).transpose(0, 1); torch::Tensor y = error.slice(0, a, b); weights.slice(0, b).addmm_(x, y, 1.0f, -1.0f); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __forceinline__ __device__ half dot22_8_h(half2(&dq)[4], const half* a_ptr, const half g_result, const half qs_h) { half2 result = {}; const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result); half result_h = __hadd(__low2half(result), __high2half(result)); return __hfma(result_h, qs_h, g_result); } __forceinline__ __device__ half dot22_16_h(half2(&dq)[8], const half* a_ptr, const half g_result, const half qs_h) { half2 result = {}; const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result); half result_h = __hadd(__low2half(result), __high2half(result)); return __hfma(result_h, qs_h, g_result); } __forceinline__ __device__ half dot22_32_h(half2(&dq)[16], const half* a_ptr, const half g_result, const half qs_h) { half2 result = {}; const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result); half result_h = __hadd(__low2half(result), __high2half(result)); return __hfma(result_h, qs_h, g_result); } name: Build Wheels on: workflow_dispatch jobs: build_wheels: name: ${{ matrix.os }} Python ${{ matrix.pyver }} CUDA ${{ matrix.cuda }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-20.04, windows-latest] pyver: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"] cuda: ["11.7.0", "11.8.0", "12.1.1"] defaults: run: shell: pwsh env: CUDAVER: ${{ matrix.cuda }} PYVER: ${{ matrix.pyver }} steps: - name: Free Disk Space uses: jlumbroso/free-disk-space@v1.2.0 if: runner.os == 'Linux' with: tool-cache: false android: true dotnet: true haskell: true large-packages: false swap-storage: false - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-python@v3 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.pyver }} - name: Setup Mamba uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2.2.0 with: activate-environment: "build" python-version: ${{ matrix.pyver }} miniforge-variant: Mambaforge miniforge-version: latest use-mamba: true add-pip-as-python-dependency: true auto-activate-base: false - name: Install Dependencies run: | $cudaVersion = $env:CUDAVER $cudaVersionPytorch = $env:CUDAVER.Remove($env:CUDAVER.LastIndexOf('.')).Replace('.','') $cudaChannels = '' $cudaNum = [int]$cudaVersion.substring($cudaVersion.LastIndexOf('.')+1) while ($cudaNum -ge 0) { $cudaChannels += '-c nvidia/label/cuda-' + $cudaVersion.Remove($cudaVersion.LastIndexOf('.')+1) + $cudaNum + ' '; $cudaNum-- } mamba install -y 'cuda' $cudaChannels.TrimEnd().Split() if (!(mamba list cuda)[-1].contains('cuda')) {sleep -s 10; mamba install -y 'cuda' $cudaChannels.TrimEnd().Split()} if (!(mamba list cuda)[-1].contains('cuda')) {throw 'CUDA Toolkit failed to install!'} if ([version]$env:CUDAVER -lt [version]'11.8.0') {$torchver = "torch==2.0.1"} else {$torchver = "torch==2.1.0"} python -m pip install $torchver --index-url$cudaVersionPytorch python -m pip install build wheel safetensors sentencepiece ninja - name: Build Wheel run: | $env:CUDA_PATH = $env:CONDA_PREFIX $env:CUDA_HOME = $env:CONDA_PREFIX $cudaVersion = $env:CUDAVER $cudaVersionPytorch = $env:CUDAVER.Remove($env:CUDAVER.LastIndexOf('.')).Replace('.','') $BUILDTAG = "+cu$cudaVersionPytorch" if ($IsLinux) {$env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $env:CONDA_PREFIX + '/lib:' + $env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH} $env:TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST = if ([version]$env:CUDAVER -lt [version]'11.8') {'6.0 6.1 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.6+PTX'} else {'6.0 6.1 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.6 8.9 9.0+PTX'} python -m build -n --wheel -C--build-option=egg_info "-C--build-option=--tag-build=$BUILDTAG" if ($IsLinux -and $env:PYVER -eq '3.11' -and $env:CUDAVER -eq '11.8.0') {$env:EXLLAMA_NOCOMPILE=1; python -m build -n} - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: 'wheels' path: ./dist/* build_rocm: name: Build ROCm Wheels & Release needs: build_wheels uses: ./.github/workflows/build-wheels-rocm.yml Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: exllamav2 Version: 0.0.10 Home-page: Author: turboderp License: MIT License-File: LICENSE Requires-Dist: pandas Requires-Dist: ninja Requires-Dist: fastparquet Requires-Dist: torch>=2.0.1 Requires-Dist: safetensors>=0.3.2 Requires-Dist: sentencepiece>=0.1.97 Requires-Dist: pygments Requires-Dist: websockets Requires-Dist: regex # ExLlamaV2 ExLlamaV2 is an inference library for running local LLMs on modern consumer GPUs. ## Overview of differences compared to V1 - Faster, better kernels - Cleaner and more versatile codebase - Support for a new quant format (see below) ## Performance Some quick tests to compare performance with V1. There may be more performance optimizations in the future, and speeds will vary across GPUs, with slow CPUs still being a potential bottleneck: | Model | Mode | Size | grpsz | act | V1: 3090Ti | V1: 4090 | V2: 3090Ti | V2: 4090 | |------------|--------------|-------|-------|-----|------------|----------|------------|-------------| | Llama | GPTQ | 7B | 128 | no | 143 t/s | 173 t/s | 175 t/s | **195** t/s | | Llama | GPTQ | 13B | 128 | no | 84 t/s | 102 t/s | 105 t/s | **110** t/s | | Llama | GPTQ | 33B | 128 | yes | 37 t/s | 45 t/s | 45 t/s | **48** t/s | | OpenLlama | GPTQ | 3B | 128 | yes | 194 t/s | 226 t/s | 295 t/s | **321** t/s | | CodeLlama | EXL2 4.0 bpw | 34B | - | - | - | - | 42 t/s | **48** t/s | | Llama2 | EXL2 3.0 bpw | 7B | - | - | - | - | 195 t/s | **224** t/s | | Llama2 | EXL2 4.0 bpw | 7B | - | - | - | - | 164 t/s | **197** t/s | | Llama2 | EXL2 5.0 bpw | 7B | - | - | - | - | 144 t/s | **160** t/s | | Llama2 | EXL2 2.5 bpw | 70B | - | - | - | - | 30 t/s | **35** t/s | | TinyLlama | EXL2 3.0 bpw | 1.1B | - | - | - | - | 536 t/s | **635** t/s | | TinyLlama | EXL2 4.0 bpw | 1.1B | - | - | - | - | 509 t/s | **590** t/s | ## How to Clone the repository and install dependencies: ``` git clone cd exllamav2 pip install -r requirements.txt python -m -p "Once upon a time," ``` A simple console chatbot is included. Run it with: ``` python examples/ -m -mode llama ``` The `-mode` argument chooses the prompt format to use. `llama` is for the Llama(2)-chat finetunes, while `codellama` probably works better for CodeLlama-instruct. `raw` will produce a simple chatlog-style chat that works with base models and various other finetunes. You can also provide a custom system prompt with `-sp`. ## Integration and APIs - [TabbyAPI]( is a FastAPI-based server that provides an OpenAI-style web API compatible with [SillyTavern]( and other frontends. - [ExUI]( is a simple, standalone single-user web UI that serves an ExLlamaV2 instance directly with chat and notebook modes. - [text-generation-webui]( supports ExLlamaV2 through the **exllamav2** and **exllamav2_HF** loaders. ## Installation ### Method 1: Install from source To install the current dev version, clone the repo and run the setup script: ``` git clone cd exllamav2 python install --user ``` By default this will also compile and install the Torch C++ extension (`exllamav2_ext`) that the library relies on. You can skip this step by setting the `EXLLAMA_NOCOMPILE` environment variable: ``` EXLLAMA_NOCOMPILE= python install --user ``` This will install the "JIT version" of the package, i.e. it will install the Python components without building the C++ extension in the process. Instead, the extension will be built the first time the library is used, then cached in `~/.cache/torch_extensions` for subsequent use. ### Method 2: Install from release (with prebuilt extension) Releases are available [here](, with prebuilt wheels that contain the extension binaries. Make sure to grab the right version, matching your platform, Python version (`cp`) and CUDA version. Download an appropriate wheel, then run: ``` pip install exllamav2-0.0.4+cu118-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl ``` The `py3-none-any.whl` version is the JIT version which will build the extension on first launch. The `.tar.gz` file can also be installed this way, and it will build the extension while installing. ### Method 3: Install from PyPI A PyPI package is available as well. It can be installed with: ``` pip install exllamav2 ``` The version available through PyPI is the JIT version (see above). Still working on a solution for distributing prebuilt wheels via PyPI. ## EXL2 quantization ExLlamaV2 supports the same 4-bit GPTQ models as V1, but also a new "EXL2" format. EXL2 is based on the same optimization method as GPTQ and supports 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit quantization. The format allows for mixing quantization levels within a model to achieve any average bitrate between 2 and 8 bits per weight. Moreover, it's possible to apply multiple quantization levels to each linear layer, producing something akin to sparse quantization wherein more important weights (columns) are quantized with more bits. The same remapping trick that lets ExLlama work efficiently with act-order models allows this mixing of formats to happen with little to no impact on performance. Parameter selection is done automatically by quantizing each matrix multiple times, measuring the quantization error (with respect to the chosen calibration data) for each of a number of possible settings, per layer. Finally, a combination is chosen that minimizes the maximum quantization error over the entire model while meeting a target average bitrate. In my tests, this scheme allows Llama2 70B to run on a single 24 GB GPU with a 2048-token context, producing coherent and mostly stable output with 2.55 bits per weight. 13B models run at 2.65 bits within 8 GB of VRAM, although currently none of them uses GQA which effectively limits the context size to 2048. In either case it's unlikely that the model will fit alongside a desktop environment. For now. [![chat_screenshot](doc/llama2_70b_chat_thumb.png)](doc/llama2_70b_chat.png) [![chat_screenshot](doc/codellama_13b_instruct_thumb.png)](doc/codellama_13b_instruct.png) ### Conversion A script is provided to quantize models. Converting large models can be somewhat slow, so be warned. The conversion script and its options are explained in [detail here](doc/ ### HuggingFace repos - I've uploaded a few EXL2-quantized models to Hugging Face to play around with, [here]( - [LoneStriker]( provides a large number of EXL2 models on Hugging Face. // The macro below is used to shift rows of the A matrix and columns of the B matrix // in shared memory to minimize possible bank conflicts. // Before performing the nvcuda::wmma::mma_sync operation, the warp must load the matrix // data using the nvcuda::wmma::load_matrix_sync operation. Although the memory access pattern // is not specified for that function, each lane in the warp can read one or multiple matrix // elements from different matrix rows or columns. // For shared memory, such access can result in bank conflicts if different rows / columns // of the matrix map to the same bank. By shifting each row and column by a few bytes, we // make sure that they map to different banks, thus reducing the number of possible bank // conflicts. // The number of 16 two-byte "__nv_bfloat16" elements is chosen as the minimum possible shift because // we must keep each row and column 256-bit aligned, as required by nvcuda::wmma::load_matrix_sync. // #define SKEW_BF16 16 // #define checkKernelErrors(expr) do { \ expr; \ \ cudaError_t __err = cudaGetLastError(); \ if (__err != cudaSuccess) { \ printf("Line %d: '%s' failed: %s\n", __LINE__, # expr, cudaGetErrorString(__err)); \ abort(); \ } \ } while(0) DO ,1 <- #13 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238 DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #108 DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112 DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0 DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64 DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #194 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #48 DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #26 DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #244 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #168 DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #24 DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #16 DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #162 PLEASE READ OUT ,1 PLEASE GIVE UP DO .9 <- #16 DO .10 <- #0 DO .11 <- #1 (1) PLEASE READ OUT .11 DO .1 <- .10 DO .2 <- .11 PLEASE (1009) NEXT DO .10 <- .11 DO .11 <- .3 DO (3) NEXT DO (1) NEXT (3) DO (4) NEXT PLEASE GIVE UP (4) DO .1 <- .9 DO .2 <- #1 PLEASE (1010) NEXT DO .9 <- .3 DO .1 <- '.9~.9'~#1 PLEASE (1020) NEXT DO RESUME .1 __global__ void testPtx(int *devBuff,float *devDummy,unsigned int *timeBuff){ unsigned int temp=0; unsigned int start,end; volatile unsigned int *tempPtr; tempPtr = (volatile unsigned int *)&devBuff[0]; start = clock64(); temp=*tempPtr; __threadfence(); end = clock64(); *devDummy=(float)(1.0/(float)(temp)); *timeBuff = (unsigned int)(end-start); } <% Option Explicit %> VBScript Example
<% ' Grab current time from Now() function. ' An '=' sign occurring after a context switch (<%) is shorthand ' for a call to the Write() method of the Response object. Dim timeValue : timeValue = Now %> The time, in 24-hour format, is <%=Hour(timeValue)%>:<%=Minute(timeValue)%>:<%=Second(timeValue)%>.
using System; namespace interptest { class MainClass { static UInt16[] pwmTable = { 0, 1, 15, 53, 127, 249, 431, 685, 1023, 1457, 1999, 2661, 3455, 4393, 5487, 6749, 8191, 9825, 11663, 13717, 15999, 18521, 21295, 24333, 27647, 31249, 35151, 39365, 43903, 48777, 53999, 59581, 65535 }; static UInt16 intToPWM(UInt16 intensity) { UInt32 index = ((UInt32)intensity) >> 11; UInt32 low = ((UInt32)pwmTable[index]); UInt32 high = ((UInt32)pwmTable[index + 1]); UInt32 highp = ((UInt32)intensity & 0x7ff) + 1; UInt32 lowp = 0x800 - highp; UInt32 mid = (lowp * low + highp * high) >> 11; return (UInt16)mid; } public static void Main(string[] args) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 65536; i++) { UInt16 t = intToPWM((UInt16)i); Console.WriteLine(t); } } } } // Suppress all warnings from casts which overflow. #![allow(overflowing_literals)] fn main() { let decimal = 65.4321_f32; // Error! No implicit conversion let integer: u8 = decimal; // FIXME ^ Comment out this line // Explicit conversion let integer = decimal as u8; let character = integer as char; // Error! There are limitations in conversion rules. // A float cannot be directly converted to a char. let character = decimal as char; // FIXME ^ Comment out this line println!("Casting: {} -> {} -> {}", decimal, integer, character); // when casting any value to an unsigned type, T, // T::MAX + 1 is added or subtracted until the value // fits into the new type // 1000 already fits in a u16 println!("1000 as a u16 is: {}", 1000 as u16); // 1000 - 256 - 256 - 256 = 232 // Under the hood, the first 8 least significant bits (LSB) are kept, // while the rest towards the most significant bit (MSB) get truncated. println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8); // -1 + 256 = 255 println!(" -1 as a u8 is : {}", (-1i8) as u8); // For positive numbers, this is the same as the modulus println!("1000 mod 256 is : {}", 1000 % 256); // When casting to a signed type, the (bitwise) result is the same as // first casting to the corresponding unsigned type. If the most significant // bit of that value is 1, then the value is negative. // Unless it already fits, of course. println!(" 128 as a i16 is: {}", 128 as i16); // In boundary case 128 value in 8-bit two's complement representation is -128 println!(" 128 as a i8 is : {}", 128 as i8); // repeating the example above // 1000 as u8 -> 232 println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8); // and the value of 232 in 8-bit two's complement representation is -24 println!(" 232 as a i8 is : {}", 232 as i8); // Since Rust 1.45, the `as` keyword performs a *saturating cast* // when casting from float to int. If the floating point value exceeds // the upper bound or is less than the lower bound, the returned value // will be equal to the bound crossed. // 300.0 as u8 is 255 println!(" 300.0 as u8 is : {}", 300.0_f32 as u8); // -100.0 as u8 is 0 println!("-100.0 as u8 is : {}", -100.0_f32 as u8); // nan as u8 is 0 println!(" nan as u8 is : {}", f32::NAN as u8); // This behavior incurs a small runtime cost and can be avoided // with unsafe methods, however the results might overflow and // return **unsound values**. Use these methods wisely: unsafe { // 300.0 as u8 is 44 println!(" 300.0 as u8 is : {}", 300.0_f32.to_int_unchecked::()); // -100.0 as u8 is 156 println!("-100.0 as u8 is : {}", (-100.0_f32).to_int_unchecked::()); // nan as u8 is 0 println!(" nan as u8 is : {}", f32::NAN.to_int_unchecked::()); } } // This function only gets compiled if the target OS is linux #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn are_you_on_linux() { println!("You are running linux!"); } // And this function only gets compiled if the target OS is *not* linux #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] fn are_you_on_linux() { println!("You are *not* running linux!"); } fn main() { are_you_on_linux(); println!("Are you sure?"); if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { println!("Yes. It's definitely linux!"); } else { println!("Yes. It's definitely *not* linux!"); } } struct Droppable { name: &'static str, } // This trivial implementation of `drop` adds a print to console. impl Drop for Droppable { fn drop(&mut self) { println!("> Dropping {}",; } } fn main() { let _a = Droppable { name: "a" }; // block A { let _b = Droppable { name: "b" }; // block B { let _c = Droppable { name: "c" }; let _d = Droppable { name: "d" }; println!("Exiting block B"); } println!("Just exited block B"); println!("Exiting block A"); } println!("Just exited block A"); // Variable can be manually dropped using the `drop` function drop(_a); // TODO ^ Try commenting this line println!("end of the main function"); // `_a` *won't* be `drop`ed again here, because it already has been // (manually) `drop`ed } #include "Comms.h" Subdevice::Subdevice(const uint8_t _address, Device& _device) : address(_address), next(NULL), device(_device) { device.AddSubdevice(this); } MainSubdevice::MainSubdevice(const uint8_t _address, Device& _device) : Subdevice(_address, _device) {} void MainSubdevice::command(const uint32_t cmd) { switch (cmd) { case MAINSUBDEVICE_CMD_PING: cmd_ping(); break; case MAINSUBDEVICE_CMD_LIST_SUBDEVICES: cmd_list_subdevices(); break; default: device.send32(ERROR_BAD_COMMAND); break; } } void MainSubdevice::cmd_ping() { device.send32(ACK); } void MainSubdevice::cmd_list_subdevices() { int size = 9; uint32_t* p = (uint32_t*) (device.txBuffer + 4); *p++ = id(); Subdevice* subdevice = this; while (subdevice = subdevice->next) { *p++ = subdevice->id(); size += 4; } device.finishPacket(size); } Device::Device(const uint8_t _address) : address(_address), subdevices(NULL), mainSubdevice(MainSubdevice(0, *this)) { Serial.begin(115200); rxHead = 0; rxTail = 0; lastRX = millis(); } void Device::pump() { readSerial(); int rec = rxTail - rxHead; if (rec < 0) rec += RX_BUFFER_SIZE; if (rec >= 2) { uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead]; uint8_t b = rxBuffer[(rxHead + 1) & RX_BUFFER_MASK]; int exp = (b << 8) | a; if (exp == rec) { if (exp < 9) { // malformed packet Serial.println("malform"); // TODO rxHead = (rxHead + exp) & RX_BUFFER_MASK; } else if (!checkChecksum()) { // failed checksum Serial.println("badchecsum"); // TODO rxHead = (rxHead + exp) & RX_BUFFER_MASK; } else { uint16_t size = consume16(); uint8_t deviceAddress = consume8(); if (deviceAddress != address) { rxHead = (rxHead + size - 3) & RX_BUFFER_MASK; } else { uint8_t subdeviceAddress = consume8(); uint32_t command = consume32(); int endOfPacket = (rxHead + size - 8) & RX_BUFFER_MASK; dispatch(subdeviceAddress, command); rxHead = endOfPacket; } } } } } void Device::readSerial() { if (Serial.available()) { uint8_t input =; rxBuffer[rxTail++] = input; rxTail &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; if (rxTail == rxHead) { // overflow } Serial.write(input);// TODO lastRX = millis(); } else if (rxTail != rxHead) { uint32_t timeSinceReceive = millis() - lastRX; if (timeSinceReceive >= RX_TIMEOUT) { Serial.println("tieout"); // TODO rxHead = rxTail; } } } void Device::dispatch(const uint8_t subdeviceAddress, const uint32_t cmd) { Subdevice* subdevice = subdevices; while (subdevice != NULL) { if (subdevice->address == subdeviceAddress) { subdevice->command(cmd); return; } subdevice = subdevice->next; } send32(ERROR_SUBDEVICE_NOT_FOUND); } uint8_t Device::consume8() { uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; return a; } uint16_t Device::consume16() { uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; uint8_t b = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; return (((uint16_t)b) << 8) | ((uint16_t) a); } uint32_t Device::consume32() { uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; uint8_t b = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; uint8_t c = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; uint8_t d = rxBuffer[rxHead++]; rxHead &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; return (((uint32_t)d) << 24) | (((uint32_t)c) << 16) | (((uint32_t)b) << 8) | ((uint32_t)a); } void Device::send32(const uint32_t msg) { uint32_t* p = (uint32_t*) (txBuffer + 4); *p = msg; finishPacket(9); } static const uint8_t crc_table[] = { 0x00, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x12, 0x15, 0x38, 0x3f, 0x36, 0x31, 0x24, 0x23, 0x2a, 0x2d, 0x70, 0x77, 0x7e, 0x79, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0x62, 0x65, 0x48, 0x4f, 0x46, 0x41, 0x54, 0x53, 0x5a, 0x5d, 0xe0, 0xe7, 0xee, 0xe9, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xf2, 0xf5, 0xd8, 0xdf, 0xd6, 0xd1, 0xc4, 0xc3, 0xca, 0xcd, 0x90, 0x97, 0x9e, 0x99, 0x8c, 0x8b, 0x82, 0x85, 0xa8, 0xaf, 0xa6, 0xa1, 0xb4, 0xb3, 0xba, 0xbd, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0xc9, 0xce, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xd5, 0xd2, 0xff, 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xf6, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xed, 0xea, 0xb7, 0xb0, 0xb9, 0xbe, 0xab, 0xac, 0xa5, 0xa2, 0x8f, 0x88, 0x81, 0x86, 0x93, 0x94, 0x9d, 0x9a, 0x27, 0x20, 0x29, 0x2e, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x35, 0x32, 0x1f, 0x18, 0x11, 0x16, 0x03, 0x04, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x57, 0x50, 0x59, 0x5e, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x42, 0x6f, 0x68, 0x61, 0x66, 0x73, 0x74, 0x7d, 0x7a, 0x89, 0x8e, 0x87, 0x80, 0x95, 0x92, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0xb1, 0xb6, 0xbf, 0xb8, 0xad, 0xaa, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xf9, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xf0, 0xe5, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xc1, 0xc6, 0xcf, 0xc8, 0xdd, 0xda, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x60, 0x75, 0x72, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x51, 0x56, 0x5f, 0x58, 0x4d, 0x4a, 0x43, 0x44, 0x19, 0x1e, 0x17, 0x10, 0x05, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x21, 0x26, 0x2f, 0x28, 0x3d, 0x3a, 0x33, 0x34, 0x4e, 0x49, 0x40, 0x47, 0x52, 0x55, 0x5c, 0x5b, 0x76, 0x71, 0x78, 0x7f, 0x6a, 0x6d, 0x64, 0x63, 0x3e, 0x39, 0x30, 0x37, 0x22, 0x25, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x1a, 0x1d, 0x14, 0x13, 0xae, 0xa9, 0xa0, 0xa7, 0xb2, 0xb5, 0xbc, 0xbb, 0x96, 0x91, 0x98, 0x9f, 0x8a, 0x8d, 0x84, 0x83, 0xde, 0xd9, 0xd0, 0xd7, 0xc2, 0xc5, 0xcc, 0xcb, 0xe6, 0xe1, 0xe8, 0xef, 0xfa, 0xfd, 0xf4, 0xf3 }; bool Device::checkChecksum() { uint8_t crc = 0; int c = rxHead; int ce = rxTail - 1; while (c != ce) { crc = crc_table[crc ^ rxBuffer[c++]]; c &= RX_BUFFER_MASK; } return crc == rxBuffer[c]; } void Device::finishPacket(const int len) { txBuffer[0] = len & 0xff; txBuffer[1] = len >> 8; txBuffer[2] = 0; txBuffer[3] = 0; uint8_t crc = 0; uint8_t* p = txBuffer; uint8_t* pe = txBuffer + len - 1; while(p < pe) { crc = crc_table[crc ^ *p++]; } *p = crc; Serial.write(txBuffer, len); } void Device::AddSubdevice(Subdevice* subdevice) { if (subdevices == NULL) { subdevices = subdevice; } else { Subdevice* dev = subdevices; while (dev->next) dev = dev->next; dev->next = subdevice; } } # ExLlama A standalone Python/C++/CUDA implementation of Llama for use with 4-bit GPTQ weights, designed to be fast and memory-efficient on modern GPUs. Disclaimer: The project is coming along, but it's still a work in progress! ## Hardware requirements I am developing on an RTX 4090 and an RTX 3090-Ti. 30-series and later NVIDIA GPUs should be well supported, but anything Pascal or older with poor FP16 support isn't going to perform well. [AutoGPTQ]( or [GPTQ-for-LLaMa]( are better options at the moment for older GPUs. ROCm is also theoretically supported (via HIP) though I currently have no AMD devices to test or optimize on. ## Dependencies * Python 3.9 or newer * `torch` tested on 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 (nightly) with cu118 * `safetensors` 0.3.2 * `sentencepiece` * `ninja` Additionally, only for the web UI: * `flask` * `waitress` ## Linux/WSL prerequisites pip install --pre torch --index-url ## Windows prerequisites To run on Windows (without WSL): 1. Install [MSVC 2022]( You can choose to install the whole `Visual Studio 2022` IDE, or alternatively just the `Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022` package (make sure `Desktop development with C++` is ticked in the installer), it doesn't really matter which. 2. Install the appropriate version of [PyTorch](, choosing one of the CUDA versions. I am developing on the nightly build, but the stable version (2.0.1) should also work. 3. Install CUDA Toolkit, ([11.7]( and [11.8]( both seem to work, just make sure to match PyTorch's Compute Platform version). 4. For best performance, enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling. ## How to Clone repo, install dependencies, and run benchmark: git clone cd exllama pip install -r requirements.txt python -d -p -ppl The CUDA extension is loaded at runtime so there's no need to install it separately. It will be compiled on the first run and cached to `~/.cache/torch_extensions/` which could take a little while. If nothing happens at first, give it a minute to compile. Chatbot example: python -d -un "Jeff" -p prompt_chatbort.txt ## Python module jllllll currently maintains an installable Python module [here]( which may be more suitable for integrating ExLlama with other projects ## Web UI I also made a simple web UI for it. Don't look at the JavaScript, it was mostly written by ChatGPT and it will haunt your dreams. But it sort of works, and it's kinda fun, especially multibot mode: ![_screenshot.jpg](doc/_screenshot.jpg) To run it: pip install -r requirements-web.txt python webui/ -d Note that sessions are stored in `~/exllama_sessions/` by default. You can change that location with `-sd` if you want. ## Docker For security benefits and easier deployment, it is also possible to run the web UI in an isolated docker container. Note: the docker image currently only supports NVIDIA GPUs. ### Requirements - [Docker]( - [NVIDIA Container Toolkit]( It is recommended to run docker in [rootless mode]( ### Build The easiest way to build the docker image is using docker compose. First, set the `MODEL_PATH` and `SESSIONS_PATH` variables in the `.env` file to the actual directories on the host. Then run: ``` docker compose build ``` It is also possible to manually build the image: ``` docker build -t exllama-web . ``` NOTE: by default, the service inside the docker container is run by a non-root user. Hence, the ownership of bind-mounted directories (`/data/model` and `/data/exllama_sessions` in the default `docker-compose.yml` file) is changed to this non-root user in the container entrypoint (``). To disable this, set `RUN_UID=0` in the `.env` file if using `docker compose`, or the following command if you manually build the image: ``` docker build -t exllama-web --build-arg RUN_UID=0 . ``` ### Run Using docker compose: ``` docker compose up ``` The web UI can now be accessed on the host at http://localhost:5000. The configuration can be viewed in `docker-compose.yml` and changed by creating a `docker-compose.override.yml` file. Run manually: ``` docker run --gpus all -p 5000:5000 -v :/data/model/ -v :/data/exllama_sessions --rm -it exllama-web --host ``` ## Results so far ### New implementation | Model | Size | grpsz | act | Seq. len. | VRAM | Prompt | Best | Worst | Ppl | |------------|-------|-------|-----|----------------------|-----------|------------|---------|---------|------| | Llama | 7B | 128 | no | 2,048 t | 5,194 MB | 13,918 t/s | 173 t/s | 140 t/s | 6.45 | | Llama | 13B | 128 | no | 2,048 t | 9,127 MB | 7,507 t/s | 102 t/s | 86 t/s | 5.60 | | Llama | 33B | 128 | no | 2,048 t | 20,795 MB | 2,959 t/s | 47 t/s | 40 t/s | 4.60 | | Llama | 33B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 20,795 MB | 2,784 t/s | 45 t/s | 37 t/s | 4.55 | | Llama | 33B | 32 | yes | 1,550 t 1 | 21,486 MB | 2,636 t/s | 41 t/s | 37 t/s | 4.52 | | Koala | 13B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 9,127 MB | 5,529 t/s | 93 t/s | 79 t/s | 6.73 | | WizardLM | 33B | - | yes | 2,048 t | 20,199 MB | 2,313 t/s | 47 t/s | 40 t/s | 5.75 | | OpenLlama | 3B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 3,128 MB | 16,419 t/s | 226 t/s | 170 t/s | 7.81 | 1 Can not achieve full sequence length without OoM All tests done on stock RTX 4090 / 12900K, running with a desktop environment, with a few other apps also using VRAM. **"Prompt"** speed is inference over the sequence length listed minus 128 tokens. **"Worst"** is the average speed for the last 128 tokens of the full context (worst case) and **"Best"** lists the speed for the first 128 tokens in an empty sequence (best case.) VRAM usage is as reported by PyTorch and does not include PyTorch's own overhead (CUDA kernels, internal buffers etc.) This is somewhat unpredictable anyway. Best bet is to just optimize VRAM usage by the model, probably aiming for 20 GB on a 24 GB GPU to ensure there is room for a desktop environment and all of Torch's internals. Perplexity is measured only to verify that the models are working. The dataset used is a particular, small sample from WikiText, so scores are not comparable to other Llama benchmarks and only useful for comparing the different Llama models to one another. ### Dual GPU results The following benchmarks are from a 4090 + 3090-Ti with `-gs 17.2,24`: | Model | Size | groupsize | act | Seq. len. | VRAM | Prompt | Best | Worst | Ppl | |---------|------|-----------|-----|----------------|-----------|-----------|--------|---------|-------| | Llama | 65B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 39,804 MB | 1,109 t/s | 20 t/s | 18 t/s | 4.20 | | Llama | 65B | 32 | yes | 2,048 t | 43,424 MB | 1,037 t/s | 17 t/s | 16 t/s | 4.11 | | Llama-2 | 70B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 40,680 MB | 914 t/s | 17 t/s | 14 t/s | 4.15 | | Llama-2 | 70B | 32 | yes | 2,048 t | 36,815 MB | 874 t/s | 15 t/s | 12 t/s | 4.10 | Note that perplexity scores may not be strictly apples-to-apples between Llama and Llama 2 due to their different pretraining datasets. ## Todo Moved the todo list [here](doc/ ## Compatibility [Here](doc/ is a list of models confirmed to be working right now. import * as util from "./util.js"; import * as mainmenu from "./mainmenu.js"; import * as globals from "./globals.js"; import * as controls from "./controls.js"; import * as overlay from "./overlay.js"; export class NotepadSettings { constructor(parent) { this.element = util.newHFlex(); this.parent = parent; this.settings = this.parent.notepadSettings; //console.log(this.settings); this.populate(); } populate() { this.element.innerHTML = ""; this.sss_genParams = new controls.CollapsibleSection(null, "Generation parameters"); this.sss_sampling = new controls.CollapsibleSection(null, "Sampling"); this.element.appendChild(this.sss_genParams.element); this.element.appendChild(this.sss_sampling.element); // Generation params this.sss_i_maxTokens = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Max tokens", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 16, 2048, null, this.settings, "maxtokens", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_chunkTokens = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Chunk tokens", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 16, 2048, null, this.settings, "chunktokens", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_stopConditions = new controls.CollapsibleSection(null, "Stop conditions"); this.sss_genParams.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_maxTokens.element); this.sss_genParams.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_chunkTokens.element); this.element.appendChild(this.sss_stopConditions.element); // Sampling this.sss_i_temperature = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Temperature", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 3, null, this.settings, "temperature", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_topK = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Top K", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 0, 1000, { "0": "off" }, this.settings, "top_k", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_topP = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Top P", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "top_p", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_minP = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Min P", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "min_p", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_tfs = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "TFS", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "tfs", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_typical = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Typical", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "typical", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_repPenalty = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Rep. penalty", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 1, 3, { "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "repp", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_repRange = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Rep. range", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 0, 4096, { "0": "off" }, this.settings, "repr", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_mirostat = new controls.CheckboxLabel("sss-item-right clickable", "Mirostat", this.settings, "mirostat", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_mirostat_tau = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Mirostat tau", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0.01, 10, null, this.settings, "mirostat_tau", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_i_mirostat_eta = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Mirostat eta", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0.01, 5, null, this.settings, "mirostat_eta", () => { this.updateView(true); }); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_temperature.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_topK.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_topP.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_minP.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_tfs.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_typical.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_repPenalty.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_repRange.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_mirostat.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_mirostat_tau.element); this.sss_sampling.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_mirostat_eta.element); // Stop conditions this.populate_stop_conditions(); this.updateView(); } populate_stop_conditions() { this.sss_stopConditions.inner.innerHTML = ""; this.sss_i_stopconditions = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.stop_conditions.length; i++) { this.sss_i_stopconditions[i] = new controls.CheckboxTextboxButton( "stop_condition_" + i, "sss-item-left", "Incl.", "sss-item-mid sss-item-textbox", "", this.settings, "stop_conditions", i, "text", "inclusive", (v) => { return v != ""; }, () => { this.updateView(true); }, "✕ Remove", () => { this.settings.stop_conditions.splice(i, 1); this.populate_stop_conditions(); this.updateView(true); } ); } for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.stop_conditions.length; i++) this.sss_stopConditions.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_stopconditions[i].element); if (this.settings.stop_conditions.length < 10) { this.sss_i_addStopCondition = new controls.LinkButton("+ Add...", null, () => { this.settings.stop_conditions.push({text: "", inclusive: false}); this.populate_stop_conditions(); this.updateView(true); }, "sss-item-link"); this.sss_stopConditions.inner.appendChild(this.sss_i_addStopCondition.element); } } updateView(send = false) { // Settings visibility let mirostat = this.settings.mirostat; this.sss_i_mirostat_tau.setVisible(mirostat); this.sss_i_mirostat_eta.setVisible(mirostat); // Send if (send) this.send(); //console.log(this.settings); } send(post = null) { //console.log(this.settings); let packet = {}; packet.settings = this.settings; if (!this.parent.notepadID || this.parent.notepadID == "new") { fetch("/api/new_notepad", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(packet) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => { this.parent.parent.lastNotepadUUID = response.notepad.notepad_uuid; this.parent.parent.onEnter(); if (post) post(response); }); } else { fetch("/api/update_notepad_settings", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(packet) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => { if (post) post(response); }); } } } input[type=range] { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 4px 0; width: 100%; background: transparent; } input[type=range]:focus { outline: none; } input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { width: 100%; height: 6.4px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000020, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40; background: var(--slider-track-color); border-radius: 1.0px; border: 0.2px solid #01010120; } input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb { box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000080, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40; border: 1px solid #00000080; height: 16px; width: 16px; border-radius: 3px; background: var(--slider-thumb-color); cursor: pointer; -webkit-appearance: none; margin-top: -5px; } input[type=range]:hover::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { /* background: var(--slider-hover-color);*/ } input[type=range]::-moz-range-track { width: 100%; height: 4.4px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000080, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40; background: var(--slider-track-color); border-radius: 1.3px; border: 0.2px solid var(--slider-track-color);; } input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb { box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000080, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40; border: 1px solid #00000080; height: 13px; width: 13px; border-radius: 3px; background: var(--slider-thumb-color); cursor: pointer; } input[type=range]:hover::-moz-range-track { /* background: var(--slider-hover-color);*/ } import * as util from "./util.js"; class PageOverlay { constructor() { this.keyboardDisabled = false; document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (this.keyboardDisabled) e.preventDefault(); }); this.overlayElement = util.newDiv(null, "page-overlay"); document.body.appendChild(this.overlayElement); this.items = new Map(); } add(mode, control) { this.items.set(mode, control); this.overlayElement.appendChild(control.element); return control; } setMode(mode = null) { if (!mode) { this.keyboardDisabled = false; = "none"; this.items.forEach((v, k) => { v.setVisible(false); }); } else { this.keyboardDisabled = true; = "flex"; this.items.forEach((v, k) => { v.setVisible(mode === k); }); } } } class Overlay { constructor() { this.element = util.newDiv(null, "overlay"); } setVisible(visible) { = visible ? "flex" : "none"; } } class BusyOverlay extends Overlay { constructor() { super(); this.element.innerHTML = "

Please wait

" + "
"; } } class LoadingOverlay extends Overlay { constructor() { super(); this.element.innerHTML = "


"; = util.newDiv(null, "progressbar-box"); this.element.appendChild(; = util.newDiv(null, "progressbar-bar");; } setProgress(a, b) { let percentage = 100 * (a / b); = percentage + '%'; } } export var pageOverlay = new PageOverlay(); export var busyOverlay = pageOverlay.add("busy", new BusyOverlay()); export var loadingOverlay = pageOverlay.add("loading", new LoadingOverlay()); @app.route("/api/load_model", methods=['POST']) def api_load_model(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/load_model") with api_lock: data = request.get_json() if verbose: print("<-", data) if verbose: print("-> ...") result = Response(stream_with_context(load_model(data)), mimetype = 'application/json') if verbose: print("->", result) return result @app.route("/api/unload_model") def api_unload_model(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/unload_model") with api_lock: result = unload_model() if verbose: print("->", result) return json.dumps(result) + "\n" @app.route("/api/list_sessions") def api_list_sessions(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/list_sessions") with api_lock: s, c = list_sessions() result = { "result": "ok", "sessions": s, "current_session": c } if verbose: print("-> (...)") return json.dumps(result) + "\n" @app.route("/api/get_default_settings") def api_get_default_settings(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/get_default_settings") with api_lock: result = { "result": "ok", "session_settings": get_default_session_settings(), "notepad_settings": get_default_notepad_settings(), "prompt_formats": list_prompt_formats() } return json.dumps(result) + "\n" @app.route("/api/set_session", methods=['POST']) def api_set_session(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/set_session") with api_lock: data = request.get_json() if verbose: print("<-", data) session = set_session(data) if session is not None: result = { "result": "ok", "session": session, "prompt_formats": list_prompt_formats() } if verbose: print("-> (...)") else: result = { "result": "fail" } if verbose: print("->", result) return json.dumps(result) + "\n" @app.route("/api/new_session", methods=['POST']) def api_new_session(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/new_session") with api_lock: data = request.get_json() if verbose: print("<-", data) session = new_session() if "settings" in data: get_session().update_settings(data["settings"]) if "user_input_text" in data: get_session().user_input(data) if "new_name" in data: get_session().rename(data) result = { "result": "ok", "session": session } if verbose: print("-> (...)") return json.dumps(result) + "\n" @app.route("/api/rename_session", methods=['POST']) def api_rename_session(): global api_lock, verbose if verbose: print("/api/rename_session") with api_lock: data = request.get_json() if verbose: print("<-", data) s = get_session() s.rename(data) result = { "result": "ok" } if verbose: print("->", result) return json.dumps(result) + "\n" def is_rocm_installed(): # Implement a check for ROCm (e.g., looking for specific files or running a command) # Return True if ROCm is found, False otherwise pass def is_cuda_installed(): # Implement a check for CUDA # Return True if CUDA is found, False otherwise pass def install_packages(): if is_rocm_installed():[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'some_rocm_package']) elif is_cuda_installed():[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'some_cuda_package']) else: print("Neither ROCm nor CUDA detected.") if __name__ == "__main__": install_packages() #ifndef _qdq_4_cuh #define _qdq_4_cuh #include "qdq_util.cuh" #include "../../config.h" #if QMODE_4BIT == 1 // Permutation: // // 77775555 33331111 66664444 22220000 __forceinline__ __device__ void shuffle_4bit_8 ( uint32_t* q, int stride ) { uint32_t qa = q[0]; uint32_t qb = 0; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { uint32_t qa0 = qa & 0x0f; uint32_t qa1 = (qa & 0xf0) >> 4; qa >>= 8; qb |= (qa1 << (i * 4 + 16)); qb |= (qa0 << (i * 4)); } q[0] = qb; } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8 ( const uint32_t q_0, half2 (&dq)[4], int stride ) { const uint32_t c0 = 0x64006400; const half y16_ = __float2half_rn(1.0f / 16.0f); const half2 y16 = __halves2half2(y16_, y16_); const half z1_ = __float2half_rn(-1024.0f - 8.0f); const half z16_ = __float2half_rn(-1024.0f / 16.0f - 8.0f); const half2 z1 = __halves2half2(z1_, z1_); const half2 z16 = __halves2half2(z16_, z16_); uint32_t qa = q_0; half2_uint32 q0((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2(q[ 0], q[ 1]) + 1024 half2_uint32 q1((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2(q[ 2], q[ 3]) * 16 + 1024 qa >>= 8; half2_uint32 q2((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2(q[ 4], q[ 5]) + 1024 half2_uint32 q3((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2(q[ 6], q[ 7]) * 16 + 1024 dq[0] = __hadd2(q0.as_half2, z1); dq[1] = __hfma2(q1.as_half2, y16, z16); dq[2] = __hadd2(q2.as_half2, z1); dq[3] = __hfma2(q3.as_half2, y16, z16); } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero_scale ( const uint32_t zero, const half scale, half2 (&z1z16)[2], half2 (&y1y16)[2] ) { half_uint16 z1(0xe400 | zero); // half(-1024.0f - zero); half z16 = __hsub(__int2half_rn(-64), __int2half_rn(zero)); half2 scale2 = __half2half2(scale); z1z16[0] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(z1.as_half)); z1z16[1] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(z16)); const half y1 = __float2half_rn(1.0f); const half y16 = __float2half_rn(1.0f / 16.0f); y1y16[0] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(y1)); y1y16[1] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(y16)); } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero ( const uint32_t zero, half2(&z1z16)[2], half2(&y1y16)[2] ) { half_uint16 z1(0xe400 | zero); // half(-1024.0f - zero); half z16 = __hsub(__int2half_rn(-64), __int2half_rn(zero)); z1z16[0] = __half2half2(z1.as_half); z1z16[1] = __half2half2(z16); const half y1 = __float2half_rn(1.0f); const half y16 = __float2half_rn(1.0f / 16.0f); y1y16[0] = __half2half2(y1); y1y16[1] = __half2half2(y16); } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_gptq ( const uint32_t q_0, half2 (&dq)[4], half2 (&z1z16)[2], half2 (&y1y16)[2], int stride, bool scaled ) { const uint32_t c0 = 0x64006400; uint32_t qa = q_0; half2_uint32 q0((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2( q[0] + 1024, q[1] + 1024 ) half2_uint32 q1((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2( q[2] * 16 + 1024, q[3] * 16 + 1024 ) qa >>= 8; half2_uint32 q2((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2( q[4] + 1024, q[5] + 1024 ) half2_uint32 q3((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2( q[6] * 16 + 1024, q[7] * 16 + 1024 ) if (scaled) { dq[0] = __hfma2(q0.as_half2, y1y16[0], z1z16[0]); // half2( q[0] * s - z * s, q[1] * s - z * s) dq[1] = __hfma2(q1.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); // half2( q[2] * s - z * s, q[3] * s - z * s) dq[2] = __hfma2(q2.as_half2, y1y16[0], z1z16[0]); dq[3] = __hfma2(q3.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); } else { dq[0] = __hadd2(q0.as_half2, z1z16[0]); // half2( q[0] - z, q[1] - z ) dq[1] = __hfma2(q1.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); // half2( q[2] - z, q[3] - z ) dq[2] = __hadd2(q2.as_half2, z1z16[0]); // half2( q[4] - z, q[5] - z ) dq[3] = __hfma2(q3.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); // half2( q[6] - z, q[7] - z ) } } #else __forceinline__ __device__ void shuffle_4bit_8 ( uint32_t* q, int stride ) { } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8 ( const uint32_t q_0, half2 (&dq)[4], int stride ) { half dqh[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) dqh[i] = dq_ns(exb(q_0, i * 4, 0x0f), 8); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) dq[i] = __halves2half2(dqh[i * 2], dqh[i * 2 + 1]); } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero_scale ( const uint32_t zero, const half scale, half2 (&z1)[2], half2 (&y1)[2] ) { half z = __int2half_rn(-((int)zero)); z = __hmul(z, scale); z1[0] = __half2half2(z); y1[0] = __half2half2(scale); } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero ( const uint32_t zero, half2(&z1)[2], half2(&y1)[2] ) { half z = __int2half_rn(-((int)zero)); z1[0] = __half2half2(z); } __forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_gptq ( const uint32_t q_0, half2 (&dq)[4], half2 (&z1)[2], half2 (&y1)[2], int stride, bool scaled ) { half2 dqh2[8]; uint32_t qa = q_0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { half d0 = __int2half_rn(qa & 0x0f); qa >>= 4; half d1 = __int2half_rn(qa & 0x0f); qa >>= 4; dqh2[i] = __halves2half2(d0, d1); } if (scaled) { dq[0] = __hfma2(dqh2[0], y1[0], z1[0]); dq[1] = __hfma2(dqh2[1], y1[0], z1[0]); dq[2] = __hfma2(dqh2[2], y1[0], z1[0]); dq[3] = __hfma2(dqh2[3], y1[0], z1[0]); } else { dq[0] = __hadd2(dqh2[0], z1[0]); dq[1] = __hadd2(dqh2[1], z1[0]); dq[2] = __hadd2(dqh2[2], z1[0]); dq[3] = __hadd2(dqh2[3], z1[0]); } } #endif #endif import gc import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F import math from exllamav2.ext import exllamav2_ext as ext_c, none_tensor from exllamav2.util import list_live_tensors class AdaptiveQuantizer: norm: float = 3.5 max_p: float = 1.0 min_p: float = 0.75 p_grid: int = 48 bits: int scale_bits: int scale_range: float = 1.0 scale: torch.tensor qscale: torch.tensor qscale_max: float maxq: float scale_maxq: float qzero: float def __init__(self, bits: int = 4, scale_bits: int = 4): self.bits = bits self.scale_bits = scale_bits self.maxq = 2 ** bits - 1 self.qzero = (self.maxq + 1) / 2 self.scale_maxq = 2 ** scale_bits - 1 self.scale_maxq = (2 ** self.scale_bits) - 1 def find_params(self, x): xmax, _ = torch.max(torch.abs(x), dim = 0) xmax += 1e-12 base_scale = xmax / (self.maxq / 2) qscale_max_t = torch.max(base_scale) * self.scale_range scale_tp = base_scale / qscale_max_t scale_tp = torch.sqrt(scale_tp) scale_tp *= (self.scale_maxq + 1) qscale_t = torch.clamp(torch.round(scale_tp), 1, self.scale_maxq + 1) qscale_tw = qscale_t / (self.scale_maxq + 1) qscale_tw = qscale_tw ** 2 qscale_tw *= qscale_max_t q = torch.zeros((self.p_grid + 1, 128), dtype = torch.float, device = x.device) ext_c.quantize_err(x, q, qscale_tw, self.qzero, self.maxq, self.norm, self.min_p, self.max_p, self.p_grid) q = torch.sum(q, dim = 1) best_pi = torch.argmin(q) best_pif = best_pi / self.p_grid best_p = self.max_p * best_pif + self.min_p * (1 - best_pif) # best_p = 1.0 self.qscale = self.scale = qscale_tw * best_p self.qscale_max = qscale_max_t * best_p class AdaptiveGPTQ: percdamp: float = 0.07 layer: nn.Linear device: torch.device group_size: int bits: list bits_groups: list scale_bits: int hot_bits: int columns: int rows: int hessian: torch.tensor total_groups: int perm: torch.tensor = None invperm: torch.tensor = None g_idx: torch.tensor = None scale: torch.tensor = None qscale: torch.tensor = None qscale_max: torch.tensor = None qweight: torch.tensor = None qgroups: torch.tensor = None quant: torch.tensor = None weights: torch.tensor = None hessian: torch.tensor = None hessian_inv: torch.tensor = None num_samples: int = 0 num_batches: int = 0 def __init__(self, layer: nn.Linear): self.layer = layer self.device = layer.weight.device self.rows =[1] self.columns =[0] self.weights = self.hessian = None self.num_samples = 0 self.num_batches = 0 def drop_buffers(self): self.perm = None self.invperm = None self.g_idx = None self.scale = None self.qscale = None self.qscale_max = None self.qweight = None self.qgroups = None self.quant = None self.weights = None self.hessian = None self.hessian_inv = None gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() def configure(self, group_size: dict, bits = None, bits_prop = None, scale_bits: int = 4 ): self.group_size = group_size self.scale_bits = scale_bits self.bits = bits assert isinstance(bits, list) assert isinstance(bits_prop, list) assert sum(bits_prop) == 1 groups = 0 remaining_rows = self.rows self.bits_groups = [] for b, p in zip(self.bits, bits_prop): assert p > 0 gsz = self.group_size[b] g = math.ceil(min(self.rows * p, remaining_rows) / gsz) groups += g remaining_rows -= g * gsz self.bits_groups.append(g) assert remaining_rows <= 0 self.total_groups = groups # if isinstance(bits, list): # # self.bits = bits # g128 = (self.rows + 128 - 1) // 128 # self.bits_groups = [max(round(g128 * p), 1) * 128 // self.group_size for p in bits_prop] # e = sum(self.bits_groups) - self.total_groups # self.bits_groups[-1] -= e # # else: # # self.bits = [bits] # self.bits_groups = [self.total_groups] # def num_bits(self, subtract_columns = 0): # # gi = self.g_idx.numel() * 32 # qs = self.qscale.numel() * self.scale_bits # qss = self.qscale_max.numel() * 16 # # w = 0 # tr = self.rows # for g, b in zip(self.bits_groups, self.bits): # # c = self.columns - subtract_columns # r = self.group_size * g # if r > tr: r = tr # tr -= r # w += r * c * b # # return w + gi + qs + qss def add_batch(self, inputs): with torch.inference_mode(): if self.hessian is None: self.hessian = torch.zeros((self.rows, self.rows), device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) self.num_batches += 1 num_samples = len(inputs) inputs =, dim = 0) inputs = inputs.view((-1, inputs.shape[-1])).float()"cuda:0") inputs *= math.sqrt(2 / num_samples) self.hessian += inputs.matmul(inputs.T) def prepare(self): with torch.inference_mode(): self.hessian /= self.num_batches diagonal = torch.diag(self.hessian) # Zero weights that have no impact. Disabling this since it feels a little drastic based on just the calibration # data. It likely never triggers, anyway. # dead = diagonal == 0.0 # self.hessian[dead, dead] = 1 # self.weights[dead, :] = 0 # Activation order self.perm = torch.argsort(diagonal, descending = True) self.weights = self.weights[self.perm, :] hessian = self.hessian[self.perm][:, self.perm] self.hessian = None # In case numerical errors have caused some asymmetry in H, assume it's close to symmetrical and force it. # (Doesn't seem to be needed) # torch.cuda.empty_cache() # hessian = (hessian + hessian.T) * 0.5 # torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Damping diagonal = torch.diag(hessian) damp = torch.clamp(self.percdamp * torch.mean(diagonal), min = 1e-5) # Inverse of H attempts = 0 while True: try: d = torch.arange(self.rows, device = self.device) hessian[d, d] += damp # Dump condition number and smallest eigenvalue (should be positive) # fro_norm_hessian = torch.norm(hessian, p = 'fro') # fro_norm_inv = torch.norm(torch.linalg.inv(hessian), p = 'fro') # cond_number = fro_norm_hessian * fro_norm_inv # print(cond_number) # eigenvalues = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(hessian) # is_pd = torch.all(eigenvalues > 0) # print(is_pd) # print(torch.min(eigenvalues)) hessian_inv = torch.linalg.cholesky(hessian) hessian_inv = torch.cholesky_inverse(hessian_inv) # The Cholesky inverse will sometimes fail to compute due to accumulated rounding errors when H # is very large (e.g. 70B MLP down proj) and a lot of calibration data is used (e.g. 100 rows of # 4096 tokens). This won't always throw an exception and sometimes just results in a NaN tensor. if torch.any(torch.isnan(hessian_inv)): raise RuntimeError # Test inversion # test = hessian_inv @ hessian # test.sub_(torch.eye(test.size(0), device = test.device, dtype = test.dtype)) # test **= 2 # test = test.mean() # print(test) hessian_inv = torch.linalg.cholesky(hessian_inv, upper = True) hessian_inv = hessian_inv.contiguous() break except RuntimeError: # If inverting failed, assume there were non-positive eigenvalues, so apply more damping to shift # the eigenvalues in a positive direction. print(" !! Warning: Applied additional damping") attempts += 1 if attempts == 10: raise ValueError("Hessian is not invertible") self.hessian_inv = hessian_inv self.hessian = None def reuse_h(self, other): with torch.inference_mode(): self.hessian_inv = other.hessian_inv self.hessian = None self.perm = other.perm self.weights = self.weights[self.perm, :] def quantize(self, keep_qweight = False, apply = False, drop = False): with torch.inference_mode(): if apply: weights = self.weights = torch.zeros((1, 1), dtype = torch.float32, device = weights.device) else: weights = self.weights.clone() self.quant = torch.zeros_like(self.weights) if keep_qweight: self.qweight = torch.zeros_like(weights, dtype = torch.short) # Quantize groups scale = [] qscale = [] qscale_max = [] qgroups = [] error = weights.clone() group_idx = 0 group_idx_list = [] b = 0 for bits_idx, bits in enumerate(self.bits): quantizer = AdaptiveQuantizer(bits = bits, scale_bits = self.scale_bits) for group in range(self.bits_groups[bits_idx]): a = b b = min(a + self.group_size[bits], self.rows) qgroups.append(bits) qgroups.append(0) quantizer.find_params(weights[a : b, :]) scale.append(quantizer.scale) qscale.append(quantizer.qscale) qscale_max.append(quantizer.qscale_max) ext_c.quantize_range(self.quant, quantizer.scale, self.qweight if keep_qweight else none_tensor, quantizer.qzero, quantizer.maxq, self.hessian_inv, weights, error, a, b) group_idx_list += [group_idx] * (b - a) group_idx += 1 # Create g_idx to store inverse activation order self.g_idx = torch.tensor(group_idx_list, dtype = torch.int32, device = self.device) self.invperm = torch.argsort(self.perm) self.g_idx = self.g_idx[self.invperm] # Store scales self.scale = torch.stack(scale, dim = 0) self.qscale = torch.stack(qscale, dim = 0) self.qscale_max = torch.tensor(qscale_max, dtype = torch.float16, device = self.device) self.qgroups = torch.tensor(qgroups, dtype = torch.short, device = self.device) # Apply if apply: if drop: weights = None error = None scale = None qscale = None qscale_max = None qgroups = None group_idx_list = None gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.apply_quant() def quant_error(self): with torch.inference_mode(): q = self.quant[self.invperm, :] diff = torch.abs(q - mat_error_1 = (diff > 0.01).sum().item() / diff.numel() mat_error_5 = (diff > 0.05).sum().item() / diff.numel() mat_error_10 = (diff > 0.10).sum().item() / diff.numel() return mat_error_1, mat_error_5, mat_error_10 def apply_quant(self): qc = self.quant.cpu() invperm = self.invperm.cpu() q = qc[invperm, :].T q = q.reshape(self.quant.T.shape) q = = q def apply_temp(self): q = self.quant[self.invperm, :].T temp_layer = nn.Linear(self.layer.in_features, self.layer.out_features, False, device = "meta", dtype = torch.float16) temp_layer.weight = nn.Parameter(q.reshape(self.layer.weight.shape).type_as( return temp_layer def pack(self, key, qparams): assert qparams.scale_bits in [4] # assert self.columns % 32 == 0 output = {} output[key + ".q_invperm"] = output[key + ".q_scale_max"] = self.qscale_max output[key + ".q_groups"] = self.qgroups columns = self.columns rem_rows = self.rows padding = -columns % 32 if padding != 0: print(f" !! Note: Padding quantized tensor {key}") qst = F.pad(self.qscale, (0, padding)).contiguous() qwt = F.pad(self.qweight, (0, padding)).contiguous() else: qst = self.qscale qwt = self.qweight qst_packed = torch.zeros((qst.shape[0], qst.shape[1] * qparams.scale_bits // 32), dtype = torch.int32, device = self.device) if qparams.scale_bits == 4: ext_c.pack_rows_4(qst, qst_packed) # if qparams.scale_bits == 6: ext_c.pack_rows_6(qst, qst_packed) # TODO: output[key + ".q_scale"] = qst_packed qwt_packed = [] i = 0 row = 0 out_row = 0 while i < self.qscale.shape[0]: bits = self.qgroups[i * 2].item() self.qgroups[i * 2 + 1] = out_row i += 1 rows = min(self.group_size[bits], rem_rows) wpqr = 32 / bits qrows = rows / wpqr assert i == self.qgroups.shape[-1] or qrows == int(qrows) qrows = math.ceil(qrows) g_qwt = qwt[row:row+rows, :].contiguous() g_qwt_packed = torch.zeros((qrows, columns + padding), dtype = torch.int32, device = self.device) if padding > 0: g_qwt[:, -padding:] = 2 ** (bits - 1) ext_c.pack_columns(g_qwt, g_qwt_packed, bits) qwt_packed.append(g_qwt_packed) # print(row, rows, bits) row += rows out_row += qrows rem_rows -= rows qwt_packed =, dim = 0) output[key + ".q_weight"] = qwt_packed return output This page shows examples of messages formatted using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). { "glossary": { "title": "example glossary", "GlossDiv": { "title": "S", "GlossList": { "GlossEntry": { "ID": "SGML", "SortAs": "SGML", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", "Acronym": "SGML", "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", "GlossDef": { "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.", "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"] }, "GlossSee": "markup" } } } } } The same text expressed as XML: example glossary S Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML ISO 8879:1986 A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook. {"menu": { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } }} The same text expressed as XML: {"widget": { "debug": "on", "window": { "title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget", "name": "main_window", "width": 500, "height": 500 }, "image": { "src": "Images/Sun.png", "name": "sun1", "hOffset": 250, "vOffset": 250, "alignment": "center" }, "text": { "data": "Click Here", "size": 36, "style": "bold", "name": "text1", "hOffset": 250, "vOffset": 100, "alignment": "center", "onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;" } }} The same text expressed as XML: on main_window 500 500 250 250 center text1 250 100 center sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90; 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Adobe SVG Viewer
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We have discussed qsort() in C. C++ STL provides a similar function sort that sorts a vector or array (items with random access) It generally takes two parameters, the first one being the point of the array/vector from where the sorting needs to begin and the second parameter being the length up to which we want the array/vector to get sorted. The third parameter is optional and can be used in cases such as if we want to sort the elements lexicographically. By default, the sort() function sorts the elements in ascending order. Below is a simple program to show the working of sort(). // C++ program to demonstrate default behaviour of // sort() in STL. #include using namespace std; int main() { int arr[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 }; int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); /*Here we take two parameters, the beginning of the array and the length n upto which we want the array to be sorted*/ sort(arr, arr + n); cout << "\nArray after sorting using " "default sort is : \n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cout << arr[i] << " "; return 0; } Output Array after sorting using default sort is : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time Complexity: O(N log N) Auxiliary Space: O(1) How to sort in descending order? sort() takes a third parameter that is used to specify the order in which elements are to be sorted. We can pass the “greater()” function to sort in descending order. This function does a comparison in a way that puts greater elements before. // C++ program to demonstrate descending order sort using // greater<>(). #include using namespace std; int main() { int arr[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 }; int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); sort(arr, arr + n, greater()); cout << "Array after sorting : \n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cout << arr[i] << " "; return 0; } Output Array after sorting : 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Time Complexity: O(N log N) Auxiliary Space: O(1) Sort the array only in the given range: To deal with such types of problems we just have to mention the range inside the sort function. Below is the implementation of above case: // C++ program to demonstrate sort() #include using namespace std; int main() { int arr[] = { 0, 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2 }; int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); // Sort the elements which lies in the range of 2 to // (n-1) sort(arr + 2, arr + n); cout << "Array after sorting : \n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cout << arr[i] << " "; return 0; } // This code is contributed by Suruchi Kumari Output Array after sorting : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time Complexity: O(N log N) Auxiliary Space: O(1) How to sort in a particular order? We can also write our own comparator function and pass it as a third parameter. This “comparator” function returns a value; convertible to bool, which basically tells us whether the passed “first” argument should be placed before the passed “second” argument or not. For eg: In the code below, suppose intervals {6,8} and {1,9} are passed as arguments in the “compareInterval” function(comparator function). Now as i1.first (=6) < i2.first (=1), so our function returns “false”, which tells us that “first” argument should not be placed before “second” argument and so sorting will be done in order like {1,9} first and then {6,8} as next. // A C++ program to demonstrate // STL sort() using // our own comparator #include using namespace std; // An interval has a start // time and end time struct Interval { int start, end; }; // Compares two intervals // according to starting times. bool compareInterval(Interval i1, Interval i2) { return (i1.start < i2.start); } int main() { Interval arr[] = { { 6, 8 }, { 1, 9 }, { 2, 4 }, { 4, 7 } }; int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); // sort the intervals in increasing order of // start time sort(arr, arr + n, compareInterval); cout << "Intervals sorted by start time : \n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << "[" << arr[i].start << "," << arr[i].end << "] "; return 0; } Output Intervals sorted by start time : [1,9] [2,4] [4,7] [6,8] The time complexity of std::sort() is: Best Case – O(N log N) Average Case – O(N log N) Worst-Case – O(N log N) Space Complexity: It may use O( log N) auxiliary space. #include #include using namespace std; template class Comparator { // we pass an object of this class as // third arg to sort function... public: bool operator()(T x1, T x2) { return x1 < x2; } }; template bool funComparator(T x1, T x2) { // return type is bool return x1 <= x2; } void show(int a[], int array_size) { for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { cout << a[i] << " "; } } int main() { int a[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 }; int asize = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int); cout << "The array before sorting is : "; show(a, asize); cout << endl << "The array after sorting is(asc) :"; sort(a, a + asize); show(a, asize); cout << endl << "The array after sorting is(desc) :"; sort(a, a + asize, greater()); show(a, asize); cout << endl << "The array after sorting is(asc but our " "comparator class) :"; sort(a, a + asize, Comparator()); show(a, asize); cout << endl << "The array after sorting is(asc but our " "comparator function) :"; sort(a, a + asize, funComparator); show(a, asize); return 0; } Output The array before sorting is : 1 5 8 9 6 7 3 4 2 0 The array after sorting is(asc) :0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The array after sorting is(desc) :9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 The array after sorting is(asc but our comparator class) :0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The array after sorting is(asc but our comparator function) :0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time Complexity: O(N log N) Auxiliary Space: O(1) Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above The following are different ways to construct or initialize a vector in C++ STL 1. Initializing by pushing values one by one: // C++ program to create an empty // vector and push values one // by one. #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // Create an empty vector vector vect; vect.push_back(10); vect.push_back(20); vect.push_back(30); for (int x : vect) cout << x << " "; return 0; } Output 10 20 30 2. Specifying size and initializing all values: // C++ program to create an empty // vector and push values one // by one. #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int n = 3; // Create a vector of size n with // all values as 10. vector vect(n, 10); for (int x : vect) cout << x << " "; return 0; } Output 10 10 10 3. Initializing like arrays: // C++ program to initialize // a vector like an array. #include #include using namespace std; int main() { vector vect{ 10, 20, 30 }; for (int x : vect) cout << x << " "; return 0; } Output 10 20 30 4. Initializing from an array: // C++ program to initialize // a vector from an array. #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30 }; int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); vector vect(arr, arr + n); for (int x : vect) cout << x << " "; return 0; } Output 10 20 30 5. Initializing from another vector: // C++ program to initialize a vector from // another vector. #include #include using namespace std; int main() { vector vect1{ 10, 20, 30 }; vector vect2(vect1.begin(), vect1.end()); for (int x : vect2) cout << x << " "; return 0; } Output 10 20 30 6. Initializing all elements with a particular value: // C++ Program to initialize vector using fill() #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // creating array with size 10 vector vect1(10); // initializing using fill() function int value = 5; fill(vect1.begin(), vect1.end(), value); // printing vector for (int x : vect1) cout << x << " "; return 0; } Output 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7. Initialize an array with consecutive numbers using std::iota: // C++ program to initialize a // vector with consecutive // numbers #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // declaring a vector with size 5 vector vec(5); // initializing using iota() iota(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 1); // printing the vector for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cout << vec[i] << " "; } return 0; } Output 1 2 3 4 5 Time complexity: O(N), where N is the size of the vector. Auxiliary space: O(N). If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or if you want to share more information about the topic discussed above. Whether you're preparing for your first job interview or aiming to upskill in this ever-evolving tech landscape, GeeksforGeeks Courses are your key to success. We provide top-quality content at affordable prices, all geared towards accelerating your growth in a time-bound manner. Join the millions we've already empowered, and we're here to do the same for you. Don't miss out - check it out now! How to Hide and Show a Console Window in C++? Read Discuss Courses Practice The task is to hide and Show the console window of a C++ program. The program for the same is given below. Note: The results of the following program can only be seen when it is executed on a console. Example: // C++ program to hide and show a console window #include #include using namespace std; void countdown() { cout << "3" << endl; Sleep(1000); cout << "2" << endl; Sleep(1000); cout << "1" << endl; Sleep(1000); cout << "0" << endl; } int main() { countdown(); HWND window; AllocConsole(); // You Can Find HANDLE of other windows too window = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL); ShowWindow(window, 0); countdown(); ShowWindow(window, 1); } Output: Explanation: The above program counts from 3 to 1 before the Console Window disappears. After the window has disappeared, the ShowWindow helps the program so that the Console Window reappears again after counting from 3 to 1(executing the countdown function). The execution of the program can be understood by understanding the key functions of the program. #include – The windows.h header in C++ programming languages are specifically designed for windows and contain a very large number of windows specific functions. AllocConsole()- AllocConsole initializes standard input, standard output, and standard error handles for the new console. ShowWindow()- Sets the specified window’s show state. FindWindowA()– Takes string parameters and checks whose class name and window name match the specified strings Whether you're preparing for your first job interview or aiming to upskill in this ever-evolving tech landscape, GeeksforGeeks Courses are your key to success. We provide top-quality content at affordable prices, all geared towards accelerating your growth in a time-bound manner. Join the millions we've already empowered, and we're here to do the same for you. Don't miss out - check it out now! Last Updated : 27 Nov, 2022 Prerequisite: Templates in C++ Substitution Failure Is Not An Error (SFINAE) is a principle of the C++ programming language that states that a compiler should not fail to compile a program just because it cannot substitute a template parameter. This principle allows for the use of template metaprogramming and enables the compiler to make decisions based on the types of template arguments, which can be useful when dealing with complex code and difficult to reason about logic. At its core, SFINAE is a way of allowing a compiler to decide which template to use in a given context. The decision is based on the types of template arguments and the compiler will choose the template that is most appropriate for the arguments. Advantages of SFINAE: SFINAE is useful in a variety of scenarios, including writing generic code and dealing with complex logic. SFINAE allows the compiler to decide which template to use, it allows programmers to write code that can be reused in different contexts without needing to explicitly specify the types of template parameters. SFINAE allows for better code reuse, as the same code can be used for different types of objects and parameters. SFINAE also allows for better control over code complexity by allowing the compiler to make decisions based on the types of template parameters, it can reduce the amount of complex logic that needs to be written and understood. SFINAE helps to make code more readable and maintainable, as it is easier to follow the logic of the program. In conclusion, SFINAE is a powerful concept in C++ programming that allows for better code reuse, improved code readability, and better control over code complexity. It is a key component of template metaprogramming and is an essential tool for writing robust and efficient code. Example: // C++ Program to implement // Substitution Failure Is Not An Error #include #include using namespace std; // USing template to avoid errors template void print_type(T t) { // For integer if (is_integral::value) { cout << "T is an integral type" << endl; } // For floating number else if (is_floating_point::value) { cout << "T is a floating point type" << endl; } // All other else { cout << "T is not an integral" << "or floating point type" << endl; } } // Driver Code int main() { // T is an integral type print_type(10); // T is a floating point type print_type(10.5f); // T is an integral type print_type(true); // T is an integral type print_type('a'); // T is not an integral // or floating point type print_type("GFG"); return 0; } Output T is an integral type T is a floating point type T is an integral type T is an integral type T is not an integralor floating point type In this example, the print_type() function is a template function that takes a single argument of type T. Inside the function, there are if statements that use the is_integral and is_floating_point type traits to check the type of T. If T is of the expected type, the corresponding branch of the if statement is executed and the appropriate message is printed. If T is not of the expected type, the else branch is executed and the message “T is not an integral or floating point type” is printed. SFINAE is used in this example because the if statement uses type traits to check the type of T, and if T is not of the expected type, the template substitution will fail. However, because SFINAE is in effect, this failure is not treated as a compile-time error, and the else branch is executed instead. Disadvantages of SFINAE Although SFINAE is very useful it comes with its own limitations, these are : It can be difficult to debug and understand the underlying code, as it relies heavily on the templates and multiple overloads to work correctly. SFINAE is not widely used and can be difficult to find documentation and tutorials for. SFINAE can produce unexpected behavior, as it relies on the compiler to determine which template to use based on the given types. This can lead to unexpected results if the compiler chooses the wrong template. SFINAE can also be slow, as it involves multiple checks in order to determine the correct template. This can lead to a performance hit if used in a critical section of code. There are other methods to perform the same task one of which is enable_if Enable_if (Syntax) template enable_if_t, void> f(T x) { // code that only applies to integral tmodule jinvertertb; reg a; wire y; //Design Instance jinverter jinv(y,a); initial begin $display ("RESULT\ta\ty"); a = 1; # 100; // Another value if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 1; # 50; // Another value if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); end //enabling the wave dump initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end endmoduleypes goes here } module jinvertertb; reg a; wire y; //Design Instance jinverter jinv(y,a); initial begin $display ("RESULT\ta\ty"); a = 1; # 100; // Another value if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 1; # 50; // Another value if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion $display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y); else $display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y); end //enabling the wave dump initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end endmodule module jFIFOTb; wire [7:0] DATAOUT; wire full, empty; reg clock, reset, wn, rn; reg [7:0] DATAIN; jFIFO jfifo(DATAOUT, full, empty, clock, reset, wn, rn, DATAIN); //enabling the wave dump initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end initial begin clock = 0; DATAIN = 8'd0; reset = 1; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; reset = 0; $display("Start testing"); // First write some data into the queue wn = 1; rn = 0; DATAIN = 8'd100; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; DATAIN = 8'd150; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; DATAIN = 8'd200; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; DATAIN = 8'd40; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; DATAIN = 8'd70; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; DATAIN = 8'd65; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; DATAIN = 8'd15; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; // Now start reading and checking the values wn = 0; rn = 1; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd100 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd150 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd200 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd40 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd70 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd65 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( DATAOUT === 8'd15 ) $display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT); else $display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT); clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5; if ( empty === 1 ) $display("PASS %p ", empty); else $display("FAIL %p ", empty); end endmodule To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Java programming topics: Java for Loop Java while and do...while Loop The factorial of a positive number n is given by: factorial of n (n!) = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * ... * n Example 1: Find Factorial of a number using for loop public class Factorial { public static void main(String[] args) { int num = 10; long factorial = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) { // factorial = factorial * i; factorial *= i; } System.out.printf("Factorial of %d = %d", num, factorial); } } Output Factorial of 10 = 3628800 In this program, we've used for loop to loop through all numbers between 1 and the given number num (10), and the product of each number till num is stored in a variable factorial. We've used long instead of int to store large results of factorial. However, it's still not big enough to store the value of bigger numbers (say 100). For results that cannot be stored in a long variable, we use BigInteger variable declared in java.math library. Example 2: Find Factorial of a number using BigInteger import java.math.BigInteger; public class Factorial { public static void main(String[] args) { int num = 30; BigInteger factorial = BigInteger.ONE; for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) { // factorial = factorial * i; factorial = factorial.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); } System.out.printf("Factorial of %d = %d", num, factorial); } } Output Factorial of 30 = 265252859812191058636308480000000 Here, instead of long, we use BigInteger variable factorial. Since, * cannot be used with BigInteger, we instead use multiply() for the product. Also, num should be casted to BigInteger for multiplication. Likewise, we can also use a while loop to solve this problem. Example 3: Find Factorial of a number using while loop public class Factorial { public static void main(String[] args) { int num = 5, i = 1; long factorial = 1; while(i <= num) { factorial *= i; i++; } System.out.printf("Factorial of %d = %d", num, factorial); } } Output Factorial of 5 = 120 In the above program, unlike a for loop, we have to increment the value of i inside the body of the loop. Though both programs are technically correct, it is better to use for loop in this case. It's because the number of iteration (upto num) is known. Visit this page to learn to find factorial of a number using recursion. Java Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Java programming topics: Java Methods Java for Loop Java if...else Statement Example: Represent a number as Sum of Two Prime Numbers public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int number = 34; boolean flag = false; for (int i = 2; i <= number / 2; ++i) { // condition for i to be a prime number if (checkPrime(i)) { // condition for n-i to be a prime number if (checkPrime(number - i)) { // n = primeNumber1 + primeNumber2 System.out.printf("%d = %d + %d\n", number, i, number - i); flag = true; } } } if (!flag) System.out.println(number + " cannot be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers."); } // Function to check prime number static boolean checkPrime(int num) { boolean isPrime = true; for (int i = 2; i <= num / 2; ++i) { if (num % i == 0) { isPrime = false; break; } } return isPrime; } } Run Code Output 34 = 3 + 31 34 = 5 + 29 34 = 11 + 23 34 = 17 + 17 In the above example, we have created the checkPrime() method to find whether a number is prime or not. The method returns true if the passed number is prime. Here, we have a number 34. The program tries to check if 34 can be represented as the sum of two prime numbers. Working of Program First, we run a for loop from i = 2 to number / 2. Inside the for loop, we used two if statements. The first statement checks if i is prime or not. If true, the second if statement checks if number - i is prime or not. This is because the sum of i and number - i is equal to number. If the second statement is also true, then we can say the number 34 is a valid sum of two prime numbers. // Java Program to Check if Given Integer is Odd or Even // Using Brute Forcew Approach // Importing required classes import*; import java.util.Scanner; // Main class class GFG { // Main Driver Method public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring and initializing integer variable int num = 10; // Checking if number is even or odd number // via remainder if (num % 2 == 0) { // If remainder is zero then this number is even System.out.println("Entered Number is Even"); } else { // If remainder is not zero then this number is // odd System.out.println("Entered Number is Odd"); } } } // Java Program to find even sum of // fibonacci Series Till number N import*; class geeksforgeeks { // Computing the value of first fibonacci series // and storing the sum of even indexed numbers static int Fib_Even_Sum(int N) { if (N <= 0) return 0; int fib[] = new int[2 * N + 1]; fib[0] = 0; fib[1] = 1; // Initializing the sum int s = 0; // Adding remaining numbers for (int j = 2; j <= 2 * N; j++) { fib[j] = fib[j - 1] + fib[j - 2]; // Only considering even indexes if (j % 2 == 0) s += fib[j]; } return s; } // The Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { int N = 11; // Prints the sum of even-indexed numbers System.out.println( "Even sum of fibonacci series till number " + N + " is: " + +Fib_Even_Sum(N)); } } It can be clearly seen that the required sum can be obtained thus: 2 ( F2 + F4 + F6 +………+ F2n ) = (F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 +………+ F2n) – (F1 – F2 + F3 – F4 +………+ F2n) Now the first term can be obtained if we put 2n instead of n in the formula given here. Thus F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 +………+ F2n = F2n+2 – 1. The second term can also be found if we put 2n instead of n in the formula given here Thus, F1 – F2 + F3 – F4 +………- F2n = 1 + (-1)2n+1F2n-1 = 1 – F2n-1. So, 2 ( F2 + F4 + F6 +………+ F2n) = F2n+2 – 1 – 1 + F2n-1 = F2n+2 + F2n-1 – 2 = F2n + F2n+1 + F2n+1 – F2n – 2 = 2 ( F2n+1 -1) Hence, ( F2 + F4 + F6 +………+ F2n) = F2n+1 -1 . // Java Program to find even indexed // Fibonacci Sum in O(Log n) time. class GFG { static int MAX = 1000; // Create an array for memoization static int f[] = new int[MAX]; // Returns n'th Fibonacci number // using table f[] static int fib(int n) { // Base cases if (n == 0) { return 0; } if (n == 1 || n == 2) { return (f[n] = 1); } // If fib(n) is already computed if (f[n] == 1) { return f[n]; } int k = (n % 2 == 1) ? (n + 1) / 2 : n / 2; // Applying above formula [Note value n&1 is 1 // if n is odd, else 0]. f[n] = (n % 2 == 1) ? (fib(k) * fib(k) + fib(k - 1) * fib(k - 1)) : (2 * fib(k - 1) + fib(k)) * fib(k); return f[n]; } // Computes value of even-indexed Fibonacci Sum static int calculateEvenSum(int n) { return (fib(2 * n + 1) - 1); } // Driver program to test above function public static void main(String[] args) { // Get n int n = 11; // Find the alternating sum System.out.println( "Even indexed Fibonacci Sum upto " + n + " terms: " + calculateEvenSum(n)); } } SCREEN 13 z = 1 / 100 FOR i = 0 TO 255 PALETTE i, INT(i / 4) + INT(i / 4) * 256 + INT(i / 4) * 65536 NEXT DO y = 1 dy = 0 ox = 0: oy = 1 FOR x = 1 TO 430 IF y > 0 THEN dy = dy - 1 / 4000 IF y < 0 THEN dy = dy + z y = y + dy a = POINT(x, 100 + y * 50) a = a + 1 IF a > 255 THEN a = 255 PSET (x, 100 + y * 50), a NEXT z = z - 1 / 10000 LOOP DIM bodyx(70) DIM bodyy(70) DIM bodyvx(70) DIM bodyvy(70) DIM obodyx(70) DIM obodyy(70) RANDOMIZE TIMER bodies = 30 FOR i = 1 TO bodies bodyx(i) = 620 * RND + 10 bodyy(i) = 400 * RND + 30 bodyvx(i) = RND - .5 bodyvy(i) = RND - .5 NEXT SCREEN 12 PRINT "...." WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND CLS DO ' apply gravity FOR i = 1 TO bodies bodyvy(i) = bodyvy(i) + .001 NEXT ' adjust distances FOR i = 1 TO bodies FOR j = 1 TO bodies IF i <> j THEN centx = (bodyx(i) + bodyx(j)) * .5 centy = (bodyy(i) + bodyy(j)) * .5 distx = (bodyx(i) - bodyx(j)) / 2 disty = (bodyy(i) - bodyy(j)) / 2 distf = SQR(distx * distx + disty * disty) mx = distx / distf my = disty / distf bodyvx(i) = bodyvx(i) - mx * (distf - 50) / 100 bodyvy(i) = bodyvy(i) - my * (distf - 50) / 100 END IF NEXT NEXT ' collide with ground FOR i = 1 TO bodies IF bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) > 440 OR bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) < 5 THEN bodyvy(i) = -bodyvy(i) * 0! bodyvx(i) = bodyvx(i) * 0! END IF IF bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) > 625 OR bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) < 15 THEN bodyvx(i) = -bodyvx(i) * 0! bodyvy(i) = bodyvy(i) * 0! END IF NEXT ' move bodies FOR i = 1 TO bodies obodyx(i) = bodyx(i) obodyy(i) = bodyy(i) bodyx(i) = bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) bodyy(i) = bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) NEXT ' clear/draw q = (q + 1) MOD 16 FOR i = 1 TO bodies COLOR 0 CIRCLE (obodyx(i), obodyy(i)), 4 COLOR 15 CIRCLE (bodyx(i), bodyy(i)), 4 'COLOR q 'LINE (bodyx(i), bodyy(i))-(bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) * 30, bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) * 30) NEXT COLOR 2 LINE (obodyx(1), obodyy(1))-(bodyx(1), bodyy(1)) 'FOR i = 1 TO bodies - 1 ' FOR j = i + 1 TO bodies ' COLOR 0 ' LINE (obodyx(i), obodyy(i))-(obodyx(j), obodyy(j)) ' COLOR 2 ' LINE (bodyx(i), bodyy(i))-(bodyx(j), bodyy(j)) ' NEXT 'NEXT LOOP ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; start ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- start desc msg "It's a room." objects start/key start/door start/key id "key" desc msg "It's a key." actions use door ifn start/door.flags.locked msg "The door isn't locked." if start/door.flags.locked msg "The lock on the door goes 'click'." set start/door.flags.locked false examine msg "It is shiny." start/door id "door" desc msg "You see a door." flags locked true open false actions open if start/door.flags.locked msg "It is locked." ifn start/door.flags.locked msg "The door opens." close ifn start/ msg "It is already closed." if start/ msg "The door closes." go if start/ goto end ifn start/ msg "The door is closed." examine msg "It looks just like a door." ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- end desc "Congratimafations! Another room." objects start/door macroScript ExportCamera category:"Cameras" toolTip:"Blech!" Icon:#("Cameras",2) ( filename = maxFileName flen = findString filename ".max" filename = substring filename 1 (flen-1) sname = filename filename = maxFilePath + filename + ".piper3d" deletefile filename out_file = createfile filename format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; Piper 3D scene file\n" to:out_file format ";\n" to:out_file format "; Scene: % \n" sname to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_begin\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file animend = animationRange.end as string animend = substring animend 1 (findString animend "f"-1) format " dc.w % ; no. frames\n" animend to:out_file format " dc.w % ; no. objects\n" objects.count to:out_file faces = 0 vertices = 0 for o in objects do ( if classOf o == Editable_Mesh then ( faces += o.numfaces vertices += o.numverts ) ) format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" vertices to:out_file format " dc.w % ; no. faces\n" faces to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format " dc.w 0 ; current frame\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format " dc.l %_vtx ; begin vertices\n" sname sname to:out_file format " dc.l %_fcs ; begin fæces\n" sname sname to:out_file format " dc.l %_mtx ; begin matrices\n" sname sname to:out_file format " dc.l 0 ; begin vertex normals\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format " dc.w 0 ; init flag\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; Vertex groups\n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_vtx\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file for i=1 to objects.count do ( format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then ( obimat = (inverse objects[i].transform) themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i] format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" themesh.numverts to:out_file for j=1 to themesh.numverts do ( v = (getVert themesh j) * obimat vxs = formatf v.x 6 vys = formatf v.y 6 vzs = formatf v.z 6 format " dc.s %,%,%\n" vxs vys vzs to:out_file ) ) else ( format " dc.w 0 ; not a mesh\n" to:out_file ) format "\n" to:out_file ) format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; Fæces\n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_fcs\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file voff = 0 for i=1 to objects.count do ( format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then ( themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i] for j=1 to themesh.numfaces do ( f = getFace themesh j format " dc.w %,%,%\n" (int (f.x-1+voff)) (int (f.y-1+voff)) (int (f.z-1+voff)) to:out_file smat = objects[i].material mattype = "0" u1 = 0 v1 = 0 u2 = 0 v2 = 0 u3 = 0 v3 = 0 if smat == undefined then ( matname = "0" ) else ( if getNumSubMtls smat == 0 then ( mat = smat ) else ( matid = getFaceMatID themesh j mat = smat.MaterialList[matid] ) matname = (int mat.diffuse.r)*256*256 + (int mat.diffuse.g)*256 + (int mat.diffuse.b) dmap = mat.diffuseMap if dmap != undefined then ( mattype = "1" matname = dmap.filename fntokens = filterString matname "\\" matname = fntokens[fntokens.count] fntokens = filterString matname "." matname = fntokens[1] fntokens = filterString matname "-" matname = "" for k=1 to fntokens.count do ( matname = matname + fntokens[k] if k < fntokens.count then matname=matname+"m" ) matname = sname + "_" + matname + "+1024+14" tverts = getTVFace theMesh j u1 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).x) v1 = 65535 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).y) u2 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).x) v2 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).y) macroScript ExportCamera category:"Cameras" toolTip:"Blech!" Icon:#("Cameras",2) ( filename = maxFileName flen = findString filename ".max" filename = substring filename 1 (flen-1) sname = filename filename = maxFilePath + filename + ".piper3d" deletefile filename out_file = createfile filename format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; Piper 3D scene file\n" to:out_file format ";\n" to:out_file format "; Scene: % \n" sname to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_begin\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file animend = animationRange.end as string animend = substring animend 1 (findString animend "f"-1) format " dc.w % ; no. frames\n" animend to:out_file format " dc.w % ; no. objects\n" objects.count to:out_file faces = 0 vertices = 0 for o in objects do ( if classOf o == Editable_Mesh then ( faces += o.numfaces vertices += o.numverts ) ) format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" vertices to:out_file format " dc.w % ; no. faces\n" faces to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format " dc.w 0 ; current frame\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format " dc.l %_vtx ; begin vertices\n" sname sname to:out_file format " dc.l %_fcs ; begin fæces\n" sname sname to:out_file format " dc.l %_mtx ; begin matrices\n" sname sname to:out_file format " dc.l 0 ; begin vertex normals\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format " dc.w 0 ; init flag\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; Vertex groups\n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_vtx\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file for i=1 to objects.count do ( format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then ( obimat = (inverse objects[i].transform) themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i] format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" themesh.numverts to:out_file for j=1 to themesh.numverts do ( v = (getVert themesh j) * obimat vxs = formatf v.x 6 vys = formatf v.y 6 vzs = formatf v.z 6 format " dc.s %,%,%\n" vxs vys vzs to:out_file ) ) else ( format " dc.w 0 ; not a mesh\n" to:out_file ) format "\n" to:out_file ) format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; Fæces\n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_fcs\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file voff = 0 for i=1 to objects.count do ( format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then ( themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i] for j=1 to themesh.numfaces do ( f = getFace themesh j format " dc.w %,%,%\n" (int (f.x-1+voff)) (int (f.y-1+voff)) (int (f.z-1+voff)) to:out_file smat = objects[i].material mattype = "0" u1 = 0 v1 = 0 u2 = 0 v2 = 0 u3 = 0 v3 = 0 if smat == undefined then ( matname = "0" ) else ( if getNumSubMtls smat == 0 then ( mat = smat ) else ( matid = getFaceMatID themesh j mat = smat.MaterialList[matid] ) matname = (int mat.diffuse.r)*256*256 + (int mat.diffuse.g)*256 + (int mat.diffuse.b) dmap = mat.diffuseMap if dmap != undefined then ( mattype = "1" matname = dmap.filename fntokens = filterString matname "\\" matname = fntokens[fntokens.count] fntokens = filterString matname "." matname = fntokens[1] fntokens = filterString matname "-" matname = "" for k=1 to fntokens.count do ( matname = matname + fntokens[k] if k < fntokens.count then matname=matname+"m" ) matname = sname + "_" + matname + "+1024+14" tverts = getTVFace theMesh j u1 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).x) v1 = 65535 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).y) u2 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).x) v2 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).y) u3 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).x) v3 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).y) if u1 > 65535 then u1 = 65535 if v1 > 65535 then v1 = 65535 if u2 > 65535 then u2 = 65535 if v2 > 65535 then v2 = 65535 if u3 > 65535 then u3 = 65535 if v3 > 65535 then v3 = 65535 /* if u1 < 0 then u1 = 0 if v1 < 0 then v1 = 0 if u2 < 0 then u2 = 0 if v2 < 0 then v2 = 0 if u3 < 0 then u3 = 0 if v3 < 0 then v3 = 0 */ if mat.opacityMap != undefined then ( mattype = "2" ) ) ) format " dc.w %\n" mattype to:out_file format " dc.l %\n" matname to:out_file format " dc.w %,%,%,%,%,%\n" u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 to:out_file ) format "\n" to:out_file voff += themesh.numverts ) ) format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; \n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_mtx\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do ( sliderTime=i format "; index %\n" i to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file for j = 1 to objects.count do ( o=objects[j] vpm=getViewTM() tm=o.transform*vpm tm1=tm.row1 tm2=tm.row2 tm3=tm.row3 tm4=tm.row4 tm11=formatf tm1.x 6 tm12=formatf tm1.y 6 tm13=formatf tm1.z 6 tm21=formatf tm2.x 6 tm22=formatf tm2.y 6 tm23=formatf tm2.z 6 tm31=formatf tm3.x 6 tm32=formatf tm3.y 6 tm33=formatf tm3.z 6 tm41=formatf tm4.x 6 tm42=formatf tm4.y 6 tm43=formatf tm4.z 6 format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm11 tm12 tm13 to:out_file format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm21 tm22 tm23 to:out_file format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm31 tm32 tm33 to:out_file format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm41 tm42 tm43 to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file ) ) close out_file shelllaunch "notepad.exe" filename ) -- theend u3 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).x) v3 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).y) if u1 > 65535 then u1 = 65535 if v1 > 65535 then v1 = 65535 if u2 > 65535 then u2 = 65535 if v2 > 65535 then v2 = 65535 if u3 > 65535 then u3 = 65535 if v3 > 65535 then v3 = 65535 /* if u1 < 0 then u1 = 0 if v1 < 0 then v1 = 0 if u2 < 0 then u2 = 0 if v2 < 0 then v2 = 0 if u3 < 0 then u3 = 0 if v3 < 0 then v3 = 0 */ if mat.opacityMap != undefined then ( mattype = "2" ) ) ) format " dc.w %\n" mattype to:out_file format " dc.l %\n" matname to:out_file format " dc.w %,%,%,%,%,%\n" u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 to:out_file ) format "\n" to:out_file voff += themesh.numverts ) ) format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "; \n" to:out_file format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file format "%_mtx\n" sname to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do ( sliderTime=i format "; index %\n" i to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file for j = 1 to objects.count do ( o=objects[j] vpm=getViewTM() tm=o.transform*vpm tm1=tm.row1 tm2=tm.row2 tm3=tm.row3 tm4=tm.row4 tm11=formatf tm1.x 6 tm12=formatf tm1.y 6 tm13=formatf tm1.z 6 tm21=formatf tm2.x 6 tm22=formatf tm2.y 6 tm23=formatf tm2.z 6 tm31=formatf tm3.x 6 tm32=formatf tm3.y 6 tm33=formatf tm3.z 6 tm41=formatf tm4.x 6 tm42=formatf tm4.y 6 tm43=formatf tm4.z 6 format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm11 tm12 tm13 to:out_file format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm21 tm22 tm23 to:out_file format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm31 tm32 tm33 to:out_file format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm41 tm42 tm43 to:out_file format "\n" to:out_file ) ) close out_file shelllaunch "notepad.exe" filename ) -- theend void DS3231::setDateTime(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) { Wire.beginTransmission(DS3231_ADDRESS); #if ARDUINO >= 100 Wire.write(DS3231_REG_TIME); #else Wire.send(DS3231_REG_TIME); #endif #if ARDUINO >= 100 Wire.write(dec2bcd(second)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(minute)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(hour)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(dow(year, month, day))); Wire.write(dec2bcd(day)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(month)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(year-2000)); #else Wire.send(dec2bcd(second)); Wire.send(dec2bcd(minute)); Wire.send(dec2bcd(hour)); Wire.send(dec2bcd(dow(year, month, day))); Wire.send(dec2bcd(day)); Wire.send(dec2bcd(month)); Wire.send(dec2bcd(year-2000)); #endif #if ARDUINO >= 100 Wire.write(DS3231_REG_TIME); #else Wire.send(DS3231_REG_TIME); #endif Wire.endTransmission(); } void DS3231::setDateTime(uint32_t t) { t -= 946681200; uint16_t year; uint8_t month; uint8_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; second = t % 60; t /= 60; minute = t % 60; t /= 60; hour = t % 24; uint16_t days = t / 24; uint8_t leap; for (year = 0; ; ++year) { leap = year % 4 == 0; if (days < 365 + leap) { break; } days -= 365 + leap; } for (month = 1; ; ++month) { uint8_t daysPerMonth = pgm_read_byte(daysArray + month - 1); if (leap && month == 2) { ++daysPerMonth; } if (days < daysPerMonth) { break; } days -= daysPerMonth; } day = days + 1; setDateTime(year+2000, month, day, hour, minute, second); } void DS3231::setDateTime(const char* date, const char* time) { uint16_t year; uint8_t month; uint8_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; year = conv2d(date + 9); switch (date[0]) { case 'J': month = date[1] == 'a' ? 1 : month = date[2] == 'n' ? 6 : 7; break; case 'F': month = 2; break; case 'A': month = date[2] == 'r' ? 4 : 8; break; case 'M': month = date[2] == 'r' ? 3 : 5; break; case 'S': month = 9; break; case 'O': month = 10; break; case 'N': month = 11; break; case 'D': month = 12; break; } day = conv2d(date + 4); hour = conv2d(time); minute = conv2d(time + 3); second = conv2d(time + 6); setDateTime(year+2000, month, day, hour, minute, second); } char* DS3231::dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCDateTime dt) { char buffer[255]; buffer[0] = 0; char helper[11]; while (*dateFormat != '\0') { switch (dateFormat[0]) { // Day decoder case 'd': sprintf(helper, "%02d",; strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'j': sprintf(helper, "%d",; strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'l': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDayOfWeek(dt.dayOfWeek)); break; case 'D': strncat(buffer, strDayOfWeek(dt.dayOfWeek), 3); break; case 'N': sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.dayOfWeek); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'w': sprintf(helper, "%d", (dt.dayOfWeek + 7) % 7); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'z': sprintf(helper, "%d", dayInYear(dt.year, dt.month,; strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'S': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDaySufix(; break; // Month decoder case 'm': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.month); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'n': sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.month); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'F': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strMonth(dt.month)); break; case 'M': strncat(buffer, (const char *)strMonth(dt.month), 3); break; case 't': sprintf(helper, "%d", daysInMonth(dt.year, dt.month)); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; // Year decoder case 'Y': sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.year); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'y': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.year-2000); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'L': sprintf(helper, "%d", isLeapYear(dt.year)); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; // Hour decoder case 'H': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.hour); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'G': sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.hour); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'h': sprintf(helper, "%02d", hour12(dt.hour)); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'g': sprintf(helper, "%d", hour12(dt.hour)); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'A': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, true)); break; case 'a': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, false)); break; // Minute decoder case 'i': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.minute); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; // Second decoder case 's': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.second); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; // Misc decoder case 'U': sprintf(helper, "%lu", dt.unixtime); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; default: strncat(buffer, dateFormat, 1); break; } dateFormat++; } return buffer; } char* DS3231::dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCAlarmTime dt) { char buffer[255]; buffer[0] = 0; char helper[11]; while (*dateFormat != '\0') { switch (dateFormat[0]) { // Day decoder case 'd': sprintf(helper, "%02d",; strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'j': sprintf(helper, "%d",; strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'l': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDayOfWeek(; break; case 'D': strncat(buffer, strDayOfWeek(, 3); break; case 'N': sprintf(helper, "%d",; strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'w': sprintf(helper, "%d", ( + 7) % 7); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'S': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDaySufix(; break; // Hour decoder case 'H': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.hour); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'G': sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.hour); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'h': sprintf(helper, "%02d", hour12(dt.hour)); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'g': sprintf(helper, "%d", hour12(dt.hour)); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; case 'A': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, true)); break; case 'a': strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, false)); break; // Minute decoder case 'i': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.minute); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; // Second decoder case 's': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.second); strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper); break; default: strncat(buffer, dateFormat, 1); break; } dateFormat++; } return buffer; } RTCDateTime DS3231::getDateTime(void) { int values[7]; Wire.beginTransmission(DS3231_ADDRESS); #if ARDUINO >= 100 Wire.write(DS3231_REG_TIME); #else Wire.send(DS3231_REG_TIME); #endif Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(DS3231_ADDRESS, 7); while(!Wire.available()) {}; for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--) { #if ARDUINO >= 100 values[i] = bcd2dec(; #else values[i] = bcd2dec(Wire.receive()); #endif } Wire.endTransmission(); t.year = values[0] + 2000; t.month = values[1]; = values[2]; t.dayOfWeek = values[3]; t.hour = values[4]; t.minute = values[5]; t.second = values[6]; t.unixtime = unixtime(); return t; } uint8_t DS3231::isReady(void) { return true; } void DS3231::enableOutput(bool enabled) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL); value &= 0b11111011; value |= (!enabled << 2); writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, value); } void DS3231::setBattery(bool timeBattery, bool squareBattery) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL); if (squareBattery) { value |= 0b01000000; } else { value &= 0b10111111; } if (timeBattery) { value &= 0b01111011; } else { value |= 0b10000000; } writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, value); } bool DS3231::isOutput(void) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL); value &= 0b00000100; value >>= 2; return !value; } void DS3231::setOutput(DS3231_sqw_t mode) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL); value &= 0b11100111; value |= (mode << 3); writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, value); } DS3231_sqw_t DS3231::getOutput(void) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL); value &= 0b00011000; value >>= 3; return (DS3231_sqw_t)value; } void DS3231::enable32kHz(bool enabled) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_STATUS); value &= 0b11110111; value |= (enabled << 3); writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_STATUS, value); } bool DS3231::is32kHz(void) { uint8_t value; value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_STATUS); value &= 0b00001000; value >>= 3; return value; } #ifndef DS3231_h #define DS3231_h #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #define DS3231_ADDRESS (0x68) #define DS3231_REG_TIME (0x00) #define DS3231_REG_ALARM_1 (0x07) #define DS3231_REG_ALARM_2 (0x0B) #define DS3231_REG_CONTROL (0x0E) #define DS3231_REG_STATUS (0x0F) #define DS3231_REG_TEMPERATURE (0x11) #ifndef RTCDATETIME_STRUCT_H #define RTCDATETIME_STRUCT_H struct RTCDateTime { uint16_t year; uint8_t month; uint8_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; uint8_t dayOfWeek; uint32_t unixtime; }; struct RTCAlarmTime { uint8_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; }; #endif typedef enum { DS3231_1HZ = 0x00, DS3231_4096HZ = 0x01, DS3231_8192HZ = 0x02, DS3231_32768HZ = 0x03 } DS3231_sqw_t; typedef enum { DS3231_EVERY_SECOND = 0b00001111, DS3231_MATCH_S = 0b00001110, DS3231_MATCH_M_S = 0b00001100, DS3231_MATCH_H_M_S = 0b00001000, DS3231_MATCH_DT_H_M_S = 0b00000000, DS3231_MATCH_DY_H_M_S = 0b00010000 } DS3231_alarm1_t; typedef enum { DS3231_EVERY_MINUTE = 0b00001110, DS3231_MATCH_M = 0b00001100, DS3231_MATCH_H_M = 0b00001000, DS3231_MATCH_DT_H_M = 0b00000000, DS3231_MATCH_DY_H_M = 0b00010000 } DS3231_alarm2_t; class DS3231 { public: bool begin(void); void setDateTime(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second); void setDateTime(uint32_t t); void setDateTime(const char* date, const char* time); RTCDateTime getDateTime(void); uint8_t isReady(void); DS3231_sqw_t getOutput(void); void setOutput(DS3231_sqw_t mode); void enableOutput(bool enabled); bool isOutput(void); void enable32kHz(bool enabled); bool is32kHz(void); void forceConversion(void); float readTemperature(void); void setAlarm1(uint8_t dydw, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, DS3231_alarm1_t mode, bool armed = true); RTCAlarmTime getAlarm1(void); DS3231_alarm1_t getAlarmType1(void); bool isAlarm1(bool clear = true); void armAlarm1(bool armed); bool isArmed1(void); void clearAlarm1(void); void setAlarm2(uint8_t dydw, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, DS3231_alarm2_t mode, bool armed = true); RTCAlarmTime getAlarm2(void); DS3231_alarm2_t getAlarmType2(void); bool isAlarm2(bool clear = true); void armAlarm2(bool armed); bool isArmed2(void); void clearAlarm2(void); void setBattery(bool timeBattery, bool squareBattery); char* dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCDateTime dt); char* dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCAlarmTime dt); private: RTCDateTime t; char *strDayOfWeek(uint8_t dayOfWeek); char *strMonth(uint8_t month); char *strAmPm(uint8_t hour, bool uppercase); char *strDaySufix(uint8_t day); uint8_t hour12(uint8_t hour24); uint8_t bcd2dec(uint8_t bcd); uint8_t dec2bcd(uint8_t dec); long time2long(uint16_t days, uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes, uint8_t seconds); uint16_t date2days(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day); uint8_t daysInMonth(uint16_t year, uint8_t month); uint16_t dayInYear(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day); bool isLeapYear(uint16_t year); uint8_t dow(uint16_t y, uint8_t m, uint8_t d); uint32_t unixtime(void); uint8_t conv2d(const char* p); void writeRegister8(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value); uint8_t readRegister8(uint8_t reg); }; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define cudaCheck(err) (cudaCheck(err, __FILE__, __LINE__)) const std::string errLogFile = "matrixValidationFailure.txt"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Please select a kernel (range 0 - 12, 0 for NVIDIA cuBLAS)" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // get kernel number int kernel_num = std::stoi(argv[1]); if (kernel_num < 0 || kernel_num > 12) { std::cerr << "Please enter a valid kernel number (0-12)" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // get environment variable for device int deviceIdx = 0; if (getenv("DEVICE") != NULL) { deviceIdx = atoi(getenv("DEVICE")); } cudaCheck(cudaSetDevice(deviceIdx)); printf("Running kernel %d on device %d.\n", kernel_num, deviceIdx); // print some device info // CudaDeviceInfo(); // Declare the handle, create the handle, cublasCreate will return a value of // type cublasStatus_t to determine whether the handle was created // successfully (the value is 0) cublasHandle_t handle; if (cublasCreate(&handle)) { std::cerr << "Create cublas handle error." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }; // Using cudaEvent for gpu stream timing, cudaEvent is equivalent to // publishing event tasks in the target stream float elapsed_time; cudaEvent_t beg, end; cudaEventCreate(&beg); cudaEventCreate(&end); // cuBLAS FLOPs ceiling is reached at 8192 std::vector SIZE = {128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096}; long m, n, k, max_size; max_size = SIZE[SIZE.size() - 1]; std::cout << "Max size: " << max_size << std::endl; float alpha = 0.5, beta = 3.0; // GEMM input parameters, C=α*AB+β*C float *A = nullptr, *B = nullptr, *C = nullptr, *C_ref = nullptr; // host matrices float *dA = nullptr, *dB = nullptr, *dC = nullptr, *dC_ref = nullptr; // device matrices A = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size); B = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size); C = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size); C_ref = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size); randomize_matrix(A, max_size * max_size); randomize_matrix(B, max_size * max_size); randomize_matrix(C, max_size * max_size); cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dA, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size)); cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dB, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size)); cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dC, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size)); cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dC_ref, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size)); cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dA, A, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dB, B, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dC, C, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dC_ref, C, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); int repeat_times = 50; for (int size : SIZE) { m = 32; n = k = size; std::cout << "dimensions(m,n,k) " << m << "," << n << "," << k << ", alpha: " << alpha << ", beta: " << beta << std::endl; // Verify the correctness of the calculation, and execute it once before the // kernel function timing to avoid cold start errors if (kernel_num != 0) { run_kernel(0, m, n, k, alpha, dA, dB, beta, dC_ref, handle); // cuBLAS run_kernel(kernel_num, m, n, k, alpha, dA, dB, beta, dC, handle); // Executes the kernel, modifies the result matrix cudaCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); cudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); // Check for async errors during kernel run cudaMemcpy(C, dC, sizeof(float) * m * n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaMemcpy(C_ref, dC_ref, sizeof(float) * m * n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); if (!verify_matrix(C_ref, C, m * n)) { std::cout << "Failed to pass the correctness verification against NVIDIA " "cuBLAS." << std::endl; if (m <= 128) { std::cout << " Logging faulty output into " << errLogFile << "\n"; std::ofstream fs;; fs << "A:\n"; print_matrix(A, m, n, fs); fs << "B:\n"; print_matrix(B, m, n, fs); fs << "C:\n"; print_matrix(C, m, n, fs); fs << "Should:\n"; print_matrix(C_ref, m, n, fs); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } cudaEventRecord(beg); for (int j = 0; j < repeat_times; j++) { // We don't reset dC between runs to save time run_kernel(kernel_num, m, n, k, alpha, dA, dB, beta, dC, handle); } cudaEventRecord(end); cudaEventSynchronize(beg); cudaEventSynchronize(end); cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed_time, beg, end); elapsed_time /= 1000.; // Convert to seconds long flops = 2 * m * n * k; printf( "Average elapsed time: (%7.6f) s, performance: (%7.1f) GFLOPS. size: " "(%ld).\n", elapsed_time / repeat_times, (repeat_times * flops * 1e-9) / elapsed_time, m); fflush(stdout); // make dC and dC_ref equal again (we modified dC while calling our kernel // for benchmarking) cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dC, dC_ref, sizeof(float) * m * n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); } // Free up CPU and GPU space free(A); free(B); free(C); free(C_ref); cudaFree(dA); cudaFree(dB); cudaFree(dC); cudaFree(dC_ref); cublasDestroy(handle); return 0; }; #include #include #include __global__ void kernel(uint *A, uint *B, int row) { auto x = threadIdx.x / 4; auto y = threadIdx.x % 4; A[x * row + y] = x; B[x * row + y] = y; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint *Xs, *Ys; uint *Xs_d, *Ys_d; uint SIZE = 4; Xs = (uint *)malloc(SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint)); Ys = (uint *)malloc(SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint)); cudaMalloc((void **)&Xs_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint)); cudaMalloc((void **)&Ys_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint)); dim3 grid_size(1, 1, 1); dim3 block_size(4 * 4); kernel<<>>(Xs_d, Ys_d, 4); cudaMemcpy(Xs, Xs_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaMemcpy(Ys, Ys_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); for (int row = 0; row < SIZE; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < SIZE; ++col) { std::cout << "[" << Xs[row * SIZE + col] << "|" << Ys[row * SIZE + col] << "] "; } std::cout << "\n"; } cudaFree(Xs_d); cudaFree(Ys_d); free(Xs); free(Ys); } name: SGEMM_CUDA channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python - black - cmake - matplotlib - seaborn - tabulate .PHONY: all build debug clean profile bench cuobjdump CMAKE := cmake BUILD_DIR := build BENCHMARK_DIR := benchmark_results all: build build: @mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) @cd $(BUILD_DIR) && $(CMAKE) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. @$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR) debug: @mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) @cd $(BUILD_DIR) && $(CMAKE) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. @$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR) clean: @rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) FUNCTION := $$(cuobjdump -symbols build/sgemm | grep -i Warptiling | awk '{print $$NF}') cuobjdump: build @cuobjdump -arch sm_86 -sass -fun $(FUNCTION) build/sgemm | c++filt > build/cuobjdump.sass @cuobjdump -arch sm_86 -ptx -fun $(FUNCTION) build/sgemm | c++filt > build/cuobjdump.ptx # Usage: make profile KERNEL= PREFIX= profile: build @ncu --set full --export $(BENCHMARK_DIR)/$(PREFIX)kernel_$(KERNEL) --force-overwrite $(BUILD_DIR)/sgemm $(KERNEL) bench: build @bash [-0.01, 3.00, 3.01, -2.04, -1.02, -3.02, 0.02, 0.02, 4.02, 4.03, -3.01, -3.04, 0.02, 4.01, 4.02, -4.01, -3.03, 1.01, -4.00, -1.04, -0.02, 3.03, -0.03, -1.04, 3.04, 2.03, 3.03, -1.04, -3.01, -3.04, 4.01, -2.01, 3.02, 2.03, -3.03, 1.00, 0.03, -1.01, -2.00, 4.03, -3.04, 2.02, 1.00, -3.04, 2.02, 2.03, 0.00, -4.02, -3.01, -4.02, -2.03, 1.00, 1.03, -3.01, -2.03, 0.00, 3.03, -4.02, 1.02, -1.02, 4.01, 1.02, 3.00, 1.03, 4.01, -0.03, 1.03, -2.02, -1.01, 2.02, -3.01, -0.04, 4.02, 2.04, -3.03, -2.00, 2.01, 4.04, 1.02, -0.01, 3.00, -2.02, -3.04, 1.03, -3.01, 3.03, -2.03, -4.02, 0.03, 0.00, -4.03, -4.00, -1.00, 2.02, 3.02, -4.01, -0.00, 0.01, 1.03, 4.03, 4.00, -0.04, 4.02, -2.04, 0.02, -2.03, 0.04, -2.01, 2.03, -3.02, 4.03, 3.04, 3.00, -1.03, -0.03, -4.03, -4.00, 4.02, 2.02, -4.00, -4.04, 4.04, -0.00, 1.01, -3.03, -0.03, 1.04, -2.01, -0.00, 3.04, 1.03, 2.04, 4.04, -1.02, 2.03, 0.03, 1.01, -4.04, 1.01, -1.02, -2.03, 3.00, 0.04, -0.00, -0.04, -1.04, 0.02, 3.01, -4.03, 0.01, 3.03, 0.01, 1.03, 3.00, -3.00, 1.04, 0.04, -2.04, -1.00, 0.02, 0.01, -2.01, -4.02, 4.02, -2.01, 2.04, -1.01, 2.03, 2.01, 0.02, 1.02, 4.01, 2.00, 1.02, 3.04, -1.01, -2.04, 3.02, 1.01, 0.04, 1.00, -3.04, 3.03, -2.00, 3.00, -3.01, 4.01, 3.01, 1.02, 0.02, 3.00, -1.00, 4.03, -0.02, 1.03, 1.01, 4.02, 4.02, 1.01, 0.01, 4.04, 2.02, 4.01, 4.04, -1.02, 3.03, 4.04, 3.04, -1.00, -1.02, -3.02, 2.01, -0.02, -1.01, 4.02, 0.03, 4.04, -2.03, -2.04, -2.02, -4.00, -3.03, -0.00, -0.03, 4.02, 2.04, -3.00, 2.04, -1.02, 0.01, -0.00, 3.04, -4.01, -2.01, 2.02, -4.01, 3.01, -2.03, 4.04, 3.01, -4.02, -2.00, -4.01, 3.03, -0.01, 2.02, -4.00, 3.03, 1.04, 2.02, -3.03, 2.01, 2.02, -0.02, -4.02, -2.00; -1.04, -1.04, -2.00, -0.04, -1.00, -0.04, 0.04, -2.04, -2.04, -2.01, 2.00, 1.01, -4.03, 4.00, -0.02, -3.02, 1.04, -4.01, -1.00, -1.04, 4.03, -2.00, 3.04, -2.00, 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, -2.04, 1.00, 2.03, 0.03, 1.02, 3.00, -3.03, 0.01, -0.04, -3.03, -1.00, 3.03, -2.03, 0.03, 2.02, -4.00, -0.00, 3.00, 2.02, -3.03, -2.04, -2.04, -3.01, 1.04, -2.01, -2.01, 0.03, 1.04, 4.03, 2.01, 0.01, 4.03, 0.03, -4.04, -4.03, -4.00, -0.03, -0.01, 4.00, -2.00, 2.00, 3.01, 0.01, -4.00, -2.02, 2.01, 1.03, -4.03, -1.04, -3.02, 2.01, 3.01, 0.01, -1.01, -1.03, -3.02, -4.04, 2.03, 1.02, 1.02, -0.01, -2.02, 4.02, -4.03, -1.01, 1.00, -3.01, -4.01, 4.02, 2.03, 2.01, -0.03, -4.04, 1.00, -3.02, -2.03, 0.03, -3.03, -1.04, -3.01, -2.00, -3.02, -1.01, -2.02, 0.02, -2.01, 4.02, -2.00, -3.01, 4.04, 3.01, 1.02, -2.03, -2.02, -2.02, 2.02, 4.01, 2.00, -3.03, -1.04, -4.03, 0.01, -0.03, -3.00, 4.00, -4.02, -0.01, 4.01, -2.04, 1.03, -3.02, -4.00, -2.00, 4.04, -0.03, 3.02, -1.02, -1.03, -2.01, -0.04, -0.02, 3.02, 0.04, -0.03, 2.00, 0.04, 4.02, -4.03, -0.02, -1.00, -4.00, -2.01, -3.01, 2.01, -4.03, 4.00, 0.02, -1.01, 1.04, 3.00, -0.01, -1.04, 4.04, -3.01, 1.03, 2.02, 1.04, -2.01, -1.04, -2.02, -4.04, -0.00, -0.01, -0.00, -1.01, 0.03, 2.02, 1.04, -4.00, -0.04, 2.03, -2.03, -1.00, -1.02, -3.03, -0.01, -1.03, -2.02, 3.03, -1.03, -3.00, -2.02, 1.00, 0.02, 0.00, 2.01, 0.02, -1.01, -4.02, -1.03, 0.01, -3.00, -3.02, 3.04, -3.04, 0.04, -4.04, -4.02, 1.01, -1.00, -2.02, -3.02, -3.00, -4.01, 2.04, 3.01, 4.01, 2.00, 2.02, 1.00, -3.04, -0.04, -0.03, 2.02, 0.02, -3.00, 4.01, -2.04, 4.03, 2.04, -0.04, -3.00, 0.00, -3.00, -2.00, -3.03, 0.00, 3.04, -3.03, -1.02, -1.02, -0.00, 1.03, 0.01, 2.01, -4.01, -0.01, 4.01, 4.04; 2.02, -3.03, 2.01, -3.02, -2.03, -0.02, -1.01, 3.03, 1.04, -4.00, 2.04, -0.03, 1.00, 4.01, 2.03, -4.00, -2.04, 0.04, 2.00, -4.01, 0.04, -4.01, -1.04, 1.00, 0.02, 0.04, -3.03, -3.03, -1.02, -3.04, 0.04, 4.03, 3.01, 3.04, -0.02, -1.02, 1.02, -3.01, 3.04, 3.02, 2.04, 0.04, -2.02, -3.02, -1.03, 4.01, -1.02, 1.02, -2.00, 0.00, -2.03, -0.03, -2.00, 1.00, -1.04, -0.03, 1.02, -4.03, -1.02, -1.04, -1.03, -0.04, 3.01, 2.04, 2.02, -2.02, -3.03, 1.00, 1.01, -3.04, -3.02, 3.02, 4.02, -1.00, 0.02, 0.00, -1.00, -2.02, -3.00, 3.01, 3.04, 2.02, -4.02, -3.00, 4.02, 2.02, 2.00, -3.04, 4.04, -1.03, -0.01, 1.03, 1.00, 4.00, 2.04, 3.03, -2.01, 0.01, -2.01, 2.04, 0.01, -0.02, -4.01, 0.00, 0.03, -2.03, 1.00, 4.03, -2.02, 0.01, 0.04, -1.04, 1.00, 2.02, -4.02, -3.04, -0.00, 0.01, -3.04, 1.04, -0.01, 0.03, -0.01, 1.00, -0.00, 1.00, -3.02, -0.04, -4.02, 0.03, -3.00, -0.01, 3.01, -3.00, -3.00, 2.03, -0.01, 0.03, 0.02, -0.03, -2.03, -3.04, 4.04, -3.03, 2.03, -4.01, 2.01, 3.02, -2.04, 1.01, -4.03, 4.01, -0.02, 2.02, -4.02, 3.03, -3.00, 0.00, 0.00, -4.01, 4.02, 4.01, 3.01, 1.01, 0.00, 2.00, 0.04, -1.01, 0.01, -4.02, -0.03, -0.02, 3.00, -2.04, 2.04, -1.01, 3.01, -0.02, 2.04, -4.04, -1.04, -1.01, -0.01, 0.04, 0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 2.00, -4.04, -0.00, -0.02, 3.00, 1.00, 2.02, 1.02, -2.02, -3.00, -3.02, 2.03, 0.00, 0.00, -4.01, -4.04, 3.03, -4.00, 1.02, -4.00, -3.03, -0.00, -1.03, 4.03, -0.02, -3.03, 1.02, 1.03, -4.04, 1.04, 3.04, -4.04, -3.02, 0.04, -3.01, 0.04, 0.02, -1.04, 1.03, 1.04, 1.04, 3.03, 1.03, -4.04, 0.04, 3.04, 2.02, -2.03, 4.04, -0.00, -4.03, -3.02, -4.00, -4.02, 1.02, -1.03, 0.00, -3.02, -1.04, 3.04, 2.00, 4.04, -0.00, -4.04, 4.02, 3.03, 3.00, 1.00, 1.01; 3.02, -1.04, 2.00, 4.00, -1.01, 1.00, -0.00, 2.01, -4.04, -2.02, -0.01, -3.04, 4.03, -4.02, -1.00, -2.01, -0.01, 3.00, 3.01, -4.04, -3.01, -4.01, -1.01, -1.00, 1.02, -3.01, 2.04, -1.04, 4.03, -2.04, 3.02, 4.01, -2.02, -0.00, -0.04, 3.02, -2.01, -4.02, -2.03, 2.03, -2.03, -4.03, -4.02, 3.03, 4.00, -2.03, 4.00, 2.02, -4.04, 0.03, 1.03, -2.02, 0.03, -1.01, -1.02, 0.04, -3.00, 2.02, 0.02, 4.04, -3.02, -1.04, 0.02, -0.00, 0.01, -3.03, 4.01, 2.00, 3.00, -3.02, 0.00, -4.03, -1.04, -2.01, -0.02, -1.02, 4.01, 2.00, 4.03, 1.03, 1.04, 4.03, 4.01, 2.03, 1.04, -2.02, -2.01, 4.00, -0.02, 0.03, 2.04, -1.01, 4.00, -1.04, 2.02, -1.00, -3.02, 2.01, 2.03, -1.00, -0.04, -3.01, -3.00, 2.04, -2.03, 1.04, -0.04, 2.02, -4.04, 4.00, -1.02, -0.02, 3.00, -0.03, 2.00, 3.04, -4.04, 2.01, -0.02, 2.01, -2.03, 1.00, 3.01, 0.01, -2.00, 3.00, 1.04, 4.01, -0.02, 4.01, 3.03, 4.01, 2.04, -3.00, -2.04, -2.04, -2.01, 4.02, 3.02, 0.04, -4.04, 2.00, 1.02, -3.03, 2.00, 3.04, 4.04, 0.00, 3.03, 1.01, 4.00, -0.04, 2.03, 3.01, -2.03, 4.01, 3.01, 3.01, 0.01, 4.03, 4.04, -3.04, 4.01, -0.02, -4.04, -3.00, 1.04, -3.02, -2.00, 1.04, 2.00, -2.03, -2.03, -2.00, -2.02, -4.00, 0.01, 2.01, 0.00, -4.01, -4.03, 3.03, 3.02, -2.00, 3.04, 3.03, -1.00, -2.02, 3.02, -1.02, -3.03, 1.03, -4.03, -2.01, 0.04, -1.00, -1.01, 0.00, -4.01, -4.02, 2.03, 3.04, -0.00, -4.02, -3.04, -3.00, 1.04, -4.04, -0.03, 1.04, 0.01, 3.02, 0.04, 3.00, 2.03, -3.03, -3.04, -2.00, -3.03, 0.04, -3.01, 3.04, 0.02, 3.00, -4.03, -0.03, -4.01, 1.00, -3.03, -2.00, 3.04, -0.04, 1.01, 3.04, -0.04, -2.01, -2.00, -1.02, 3.02, -2.04, -3.04, -3.02, -1.03, -2.04, 0.04, 3.02, 1.01, 3.00, 3.03, -2.02, -3.00, 0.00, 3.02, 2.01, 1.03, 4.03; cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.19) project(NVIDIA_SGEMM_PRACTICE LANGUAGES CXX CUDA) set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) find_package(CUDA REQUIRED) # ensure cuda is available include(CheckLanguage) check_language(CUDA) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) set(CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY 86) # in debug mode, add debug symbols to device code # this disables most optimizations and kills performance add_compile_options("$<$,$>:-G;-src-in-ptx>") # add_compile_options("--ptxas-options=-v") # Configure header file search paths include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) # Configure the source file path to be compiled aux_source_directory(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src SRC) # generate executable add_executable(sgemm ${SRC}) set_target_properties(sgemm PROPERTIES CUDA_ARCHITECTURES ${CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY}) target_link_libraries(sgemm ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES}) add_executable(cuBLAS_sgemm ) set_target_properties(sgemm PROPERTIES CUDA_ARCHITECTURES ${CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY}) target_link_libraries(cuBLAS_sgemm ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES}) add_executable(simplest_kernel set_target_properties(sgemm PROPERTIES CUDA_ARCHITECTURES ${CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY}) target_link_libraries(simplest_kernel ${CUDA_LIBRARIES}) import gzip import random import tqdm import numpy as np import torch from torch.optim import Adam from torch.nn import functional as F from import DataLoader, Dataset from simple_hierarchical_transformer import HierarchicalTransformer # constants NUM_BATCHES = int(1e5) BATCH_SIZE = 2 GRADIENT_ACCUMULATE_EVERY = 8 LEARNING_RATE = 1e-4 VALIDATE_EVERY = 100 PRIME_LENGTH = 128 GENERATE_EVERY = 500 SEQ_LEN = 8192 GENERATE_LENGTH = 1024 # helpers def cycle(loader): while True: for data in loader: yield data def decode_token(token): return str(chr(max(32, token))) def decode_tokens(tokens): return "".join(list(map(decode_token, tokens))) # instantiate transformer model = HierarchicalTransformer( num_tokens = 256, dim = 1024, depth = 8, seq_len = SEQ_LEN, use_flash_attn = True, compress_factor = 32 ).cuda() # prepare enwik8 data with"./data/enwik8.gz") as file: data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8).copy() np_train, np_valid = np.split(data, [int(90e6)]) data_train, data_val = torch.from_numpy(np_train), torch.from_numpy(np_valid) class TextSamplerDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data, seq_len): super().__init__() = data self.seq_len = seq_len def __getitem__(self, index): rand_start = torch.randint(0, - self.seq_len, (1,)) full_seq =[rand_start : rand_start + self.seq_len + 1].long() return full_seq.cuda() def __len__(self): return // self.seq_len train_dataset = TextSamplerDataset(data_train, SEQ_LEN) val_dataset = TextSamplerDataset(data_val, SEQ_LEN) train_loader = cycle(DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)) val_loader = cycle(DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)) # optimizer optim = Adam(model.parameters(), lr = LEARNING_RATE) # training for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(NUM_BATCHES), mininterval = 10.0, desc = "training"): model.train() for _ in range(GRADIENT_ACCUMULATE_EVERY): loss, (ce_loss, recon_loss) = model(next(train_loader), return_loss = True) loss.backward(loss / GRADIENT_ACCUMULATE_EVERY) print(f"training loss: {ce_loss.item()}") torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 0.5) optim.step() optim.zero_grad() if i % VALIDATE_EVERY == 0: model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): loss, (ce_loss, recon_loss) = model(next(val_loader), return_loss = True) print(f"validation loss: {ce_loss.item()}") if i % GENERATE_EVERY == 0: model.eval() inp = random.choice(val_dataset)[:PRIME_LENGTH] prime = decode_tokens(inp) print(f"%s \n\n %s", (prime, "*" * 100)) sample = model.generate(inp[None, ...], GENERATE_LENGTH) output_str = decode_tokens(sample[0]) print(output_str, "\n") { "version": "1.0", "truncation": null, "padding": null, "added_tokens": [ { "id": 0, "content": "", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "special": true }, { "id": 1, "content": "", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "special": true }, { "id": 2, "content": "", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "special": true } ], "normalizer": { "type": "Sequence", "normalizers": [ { "type": "Prepend", "prepend": "▁" }, { "type": "Replace", "pattern": { "String": " " }, "content": "▁" } ] }, "pre_tokenizer": null, "post_processor": { "type": "TemplateProcessing", "single": [ { "SpecialToken": { "id": "", "type_id": 0 } }, { "Sequence": { "id": "A", "type_id": 0 } } ], "pair": [ { "SpecialToken": { "id": "", "type_id": 0 } }, { "Sequence": { "id": "A", "type_id": 0 } }, { "SpecialToken": { "id": "", "type_id": 1 } }, { "Sequence": { "id": "B", "type_id": 1 } } ], "special_tokens": { "": { "id": "", "ids": [ 1 ], "tokens": [ "" ] } } }, "decoder": { "type": "Sequence", "decoders": [ { "type": "Replace", "pattern": { "String": "▁" }, "content": " " }, { "type": "ByteFallback" }, { "type": "Fuse" }, { "type": "Strip", "content": " ", "start": 1, "stop": 0 } ] } } #include "q_gemm.cuh" #include "util.cuh" #include "matrix_view.cuh" #include "../config.h" // #include // #include #define BLOCK_KN_SIZE 512 #define MAX_GROUPS_IN_BLOCK (BLOCK_KN_SIZE / 32) #define MAX_COUNT_M 2 #define CLEAR_N_SIZE 256 //#define DEBUG #include "q_gemm_dq.cuh" typedef void (*fp_gemm_half_q_half_kernel) ( const half*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const half*, const uint16_t*, half*, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const uint16_t*, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int ); template __global__ void gemm_half_q_half_kernel ( const half* a, const uint32_t* b_q_weight, const uint32_t* b_q_scale, const half* b_q_scale_max, const uint16_t* b_q_groups, half* c, const int size_m, const int size_n, const int size_k, const int groups, const int groupsize, const uint16_t* __restrict__ b_q_perm, const int rows_8, const int rows_6, const int rows_5, const int rows_4, const int rows_3, const int rows_2 ) { MatrixView_half a_(a, size_m, size_k); MatrixView_half_rw c_(c, size_m, size_n); MatrixView_q4_row b_q_scale_(b_q_scale, groups, size_n); int t = threadIdx.x; // Block int offset_n = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_KN_SIZE; int offset_m = blockIdx.y * m_count; int offset_k = blockIdx.z * BLOCK_KN_SIZE; int end_n = min(offset_n + BLOCK_KN_SIZE, size_n); int end_m = min(offset_m + m_count, size_m); int end_k = min(offset_k + BLOCK_KN_SIZE, size_k); int n = offset_n + t; // Preload block_a __shared__ half block_a[m_count][BLOCK_KN_SIZE]; if (offset_k + t < end_k) { for (int m = 0; m < m_count; ++m) { const half* a_ptr = a_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, 0); half* block_a_ptr = block_a[m]; half a0 = a_ptr[b_q_perm[offset_k + t]]; block_a_ptr[t] = a0; } } __syncthreads(); if (n >= size_n) return; // for (int xs_n = 0; xs_n < size_n - BLOCK_KN_SIZE; // Advance to subblock // int sub_offset_k = SUBBLOCK_K_SIZE * threadIdx.y; // offset_k += sub_offset_k; // end_k = min(offset_k + SUBBLOCK_K_SIZE, size_k); // if (threadIdx.y > 0) return; // int sub_offset_k = 0; // Find initial group int group = offset_k / groupsize; // Preload scales half scales[MAX_GROUPS_IN_BLOCK]; int groups_in_block = DIVIDE((end_k - offset_k), groupsize); for (int g = 0; g < groups_in_block; g++) { half s = dq_scale(b_q_scale_.item(group + g, n), b_q_scale_max[group + g]); scales[g] = s; } // Find initial q row int pre_rows_8 = min(rows_8, offset_k); int pre_rows_6 = offset_k > rows_8 ? min(rows_6, offset_k) - rows_8 : 0; int pre_rows_5 = offset_k > rows_6 ? min(rows_5, offset_k) - rows_6 : 0; int pre_rows_4 = offset_k > rows_5 ? min(rows_4, offset_k) - rows_5 : 0; int pre_rows_3 = offset_k > rows_4 ? min(rows_3, offset_k) - rows_4 : 0; int pre_rows_2 = offset_k > rows_3 ? min(rows_2, offset_k) - rows_3 : 0; int qk = 0; qk += pre_rows_8 / 32 * 8; qk += pre_rows_6 / 32 * 6; qk += pre_rows_5 / 32 * 5; qk += pre_rows_4 / 32 * 4; qk += pre_rows_3 / 32 * 3; qk += pre_rows_2 / 32 * 2; const uint32_t* b_ptr = b_q_weight + qk * size_n + n; const half* a_ptr = &block_a[0][0]; int a_stride = BLOCK_KN_SIZE; // const half* a_ptr = a_.item_ptr(offset_m, 0); // int a_stride = size_k; half qs_h = scales[0]; int scales_idx = 0; int nextgroup = offset_k + groupsize; // Column result half2 block_c[m_count] = {}; // Dot product over groups int k = offset_k; while (k < rows_8 && k < end_k) { int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_6), end_k); uint32_t q_0[8], q_1[8]; load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); qdot_8bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_8bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); qdot_8bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_8bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); } while (k < rows_6 && k < end_k) { int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_5), end_k); uint32_t q_0[6], q_1[6]; load_6(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); qdot_6bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_6bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); qdot_6bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_6bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); } while (k < rows_5 && k < end_k) { int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_4), end_k); uint32_t q_0[5], q_1[5]; load_5(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); qdot_5bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_5bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); qdot_5bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_5bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); } // while (k + 128 < rows_4 && k + 128 < end_k) // { // uint32_t q_0[8], q_1[8]; // load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); // load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_1); // qdot_4bit_64(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0); // qdot_4bit_64(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1); // } while (k < rows_4 && k < end_k) { int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_3), end_k); uint32_t q_0[4], q_1[4]; load_4(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); qdot_4bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_4bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); qdot_4bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_4bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); } // while (k + 128 < rows_3 && k + 128 < end_k) // { // uint32_t q_0[6], q_1[6]; // load_6(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); // load_6(b_ptr, size_n, q_1); // qdot_3bit_64(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0); // qdot_3bit_64(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1); // } while (k < rows_3 && k < end_k) { int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_2), end_k); uint32_t q_0[3], q_1[3]; load_3(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); qdot_3bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_3bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); qdot_3bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_3bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); } // while (k + 128 < rows_2 && k + 128 < end_k) // { // uint32_t q_0[8]; // load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); // qdot_2bit_128(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0); // } while (k < rows_2 && k < end_k) { int end_k_sg = min(k + 128, end_k); uint32_t q_0[2], q_1[2]; load_2(b_ptr, size_n, q_0); qdot_2bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_2bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); qdot_2bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1); qdot_2bit_32(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0); } // Accumulate column sums in c for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++) atomicAdd(c_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, n), __hadd(block_c[m].x, block_c[m].y)); //for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++) c_.set(offset_m + m, n, block_c[m]); } fp_gemm_half_q_half_kernel pick_gemm_half_q_half_kernel(bool first_block, const int m_count) { if (m_count == 1) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; if (m_count == 2) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; // if (m_count == 3) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; // if (m_count == 4) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; // if (m_count == 5) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; // if (m_count == 6) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; // if (m_count == 7) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; // if (m_count == 8) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel; return NULL; } void gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part ( const half* a, QMatrix* b, half* c, int size_m, int size_n, int size_k, int count_m ) { dim3 blockDim, gridDim; blockDim.x = BLOCK_KN_SIZE; blockDim.y = 1; blockDim.z = 1; gridDim.x = DIVIDE(size_n, BLOCK_KN_SIZE); gridDim.y = DIVIDE(size_m, count_m); gridDim.z = DIVIDE(size_k, BLOCK_KN_SIZE); fp_gemm_half_q_half_kernel kernel = pick_gemm_half_q_half_kernel(true, count_m); kernel<<>> ( a, b->cuda_q_weight, b->cuda_q_scale, b->cuda_q_scale_max, b->cuda_q_groups, c, size_m, size_n, size_k, b->groups, b->groupsize, b->cuda_q_perm, b->rows_8, b->rows_6, b->rows_5, b->rows_4, b->rows_3, b->rows_2 ); } void gemm_half_q_half_cuda ( cublasHandle_t cublas_handle, const half* a, QMatrix* b, half* c, int size_m, int size_n, int size_k, bool clear, half* temp_dq ) { if (size_m >= MAX_Q_GEMM_ROWS) { // Reconstruct FP16 matrix, then cuBLAS //DBGI3(size_m, size_n, size_k); if (!temp_dq) temp_dq = b->temp_dq; b->reconstruct(temp_dq); cublasSetMathMode(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH); //DBGI3(size_m, size_n, size_k); const half alpha = __float2half(1.0f); const half beta = clear ? __float2half(0.0f) : __float2half(1.0f); cublasHgemm(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, size_n, size_m, size_k, &alpha, temp_dq, size_n, a, size_k, &beta, c, size_n); // const float alpha = 1.0f; // const float beta = clear ? 0.0f : 1.0f; // cublasSgemmEx(cublas_handle, // CUBLAS_OP_N, // CUBLAS_OP_N, // size_n, // size_m, // size_k, // &alpha, // temp_dq, // CUDA_R_16F, // size_n, // a, // CUDA_R_16F, // size_k, // &beta, // c, // CUDA_R_16F, // size_n); } else { // Quantized matmul if (clear) clear_tensor_cuda(c, size_m, size_n); int max_chunks = size_m / MAX_COUNT_M; int last_chunk = max_chunks * MAX_COUNT_M; int last_chunk_size = size_m - last_chunk; // DBGI3(size_m, size_n, size_k); // DBGI3(max_chunks, last_chunk, last_chunk_size); if (max_chunks) gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a, b, c, last_chunk, size_n, size_k, MAX_COUNT_M); if (last_chunk_size) gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a + last_chunk * size_k, b, c + last_chunk * size_n, last_chunk_size, size_n, size_k, last_chunk_size); } } __global__ void clear_kernel ( half* __restrict__ c, const int size_m, const int size_n ) { int m = blockIdx.y; int n = (blockIdx.x * CLEAR_N_SIZE + threadIdx.x) * 8; if (n >= size_n) return; int4* c_ptr = (int4*)(c + m * size_n + n); *c_ptr = {}; } void clear_tensor_cuda ( half* c, int size_m, int size_n ) { dim3 blockDim, gridDim; blockDim.x = CLEAR_N_SIZE; blockDim.y = 1; gridDim.x = DIVIDE(size_n / 8, CLEAR_N_SIZE); gridDim.y = size_m; clear_kernel<<>>(c, size_m, size_n); } #!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import torch import torch.nn as nn from datasets import load_dataset from gptq_triton import load_quant from tqdm import tqdm from transformers import AutoTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='Path to model, either a HuggingFace model or a quantized model') parser.add_argument('--quant', action='store_true', help='Whether the model is quantized') parser.add_argument('--stride', type=int, default=512, help='Stride for calculating perplexity') parser.add_argument('--context-length', type=int, default=2048, help='Length of context to use') def main(): args = parser.parse_args() if not args.quant: model = get_llama(args.model) model.eval()'cuda') else: model = load_quant(args.model) model.eval()'cuda') # NOTE: Setting use_fast=False for now, as the alternative was an order of magnitude slower on a recent `transformers` commit tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model, use_fast=False) context_length = model.seqlen if args.context_length is None else args.context_length for dataset in ['wikitext-2', 'ptb', 'c4']: ppl = calculate_perplexity(model, tokenizer, dataset, max_length=context_length, stride=args.stride) print(f"{dataset} perplexity: {ppl}") def get_llama(model: str): """ Load a pretrained Llama model """ def skip(*args, **kwargs): pass # NOTE: This is a nasty hack, but it speeds up model building by a huge amount old_inits = (torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_) torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_ = skip torch.nn.init.uniform_ = skip torch.nn.init.normal_ = skip model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model, torch_dtype='auto') model.seqlen = 2048 # Restore the old initializers torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_ = old_inits return model def get_dataset(dataset_name: str, tokenizer) -> torch.Tensor: if dataset_name == "wikitext-2": test = load_dataset("wikitext", "wikitext-2-raw-v1", split="test") encodings = tokenizer("\n\n".join(test["text"]), return_tensors="pt").input_ids elif dataset_name == 'ptb': test = load_dataset("ptb_text_only", 'penn_treebank', split="validation") encodings = tokenizer("\n\n".join(test["sentence"]), return_tensors="pt").input_ids elif dataset_name == 'c4': # WARNING: Many of the files in the allenai/c4 repo are marked as "Unsafe" by HuggingFace, possibly containing a virus. This particular file is not, and I doubt it's an issue, but worth noting. test = load_dataset('allenai/c4', 'allenai--c4', data_files={'validation': 'en/c4-validation.00000-of-00008.json.gz'}, split='validation') encodings = [tokenizer(x, return_tensors="pt").input_ids for x in test['text'][:1000]] encodings =, dim=1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {dataset_name}") return encodings def calculate_perplexity(model, tokenizer, dataset: str, max_length: int, stride: int = 512) -> float: print("Loading dataset...") encodings = get_dataset(dataset, tokenizer) seq_len = encodings.size(1) print("Calculating perplexity...") print(f"Sequence length: {seq_len}") print(f"Max length: {max_length}") print(f"Stride: {stride}") nlls = [] prev_end_loc = 0 for begin_loc in (pbar := tqdm(range(0, seq_len - 1, stride))): end_loc = min(seq_len - 1, begin_loc + max_length) trg_len = end_loc - prev_end_loc # How many tokens we want to predict input_ids = encodings[:, begin_loc:end_loc+1].to('cuda') # +1 for the labels with torch.no_grad(): # Ask the model for logits # NOTE: Instead of calling HF's model wrapper, we call the model directly to hopefully cut down on some memory overhead outputs = model.model(input_ids[:, :-1], use_cache=False) logits = model.lm_head(outputs[0][..., -trg_len:, :]) # The last trg_len tokens are the labels labels = input_ids[:, -trg_len:].contiguous() # Compute the NLL for this batch using flattened logits and labels loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), labels.view(-1)) nlls.append('cpu').to(torch.float32)) ppl = torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).mean()) pbar.set_description(f"Perplexity: {ppl:.2f}") prev_end_loc = end_loc if end_loc == (seq_len - 1): break ppl = torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).mean()) return ppl if __name__ == '__main__': main() [metadata] name = gptq_triton version = 0.0.3 author = fpgaminer author_email = description = Fast GPTQ kernels written in Triton long_description = file: long_description_content_type = text/markdown; charset=UTF-8 url = keywords = gptq, triton, torch, cuda, gpu, quantization, quantize, quantized, inference, deep learning, machine learning license = Apache License 2.0 license_file = LICENSE classifiers = Development Status :: 3 - Alpha License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Intended Audience :: Developers Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules [options] zip_safe = False include_package_data = False package_dir = = src packages = find: python_requires = >=3.6 install_requires = triton >= 2.0.0 torch >= 2.0.0 transformers [options.packages.find] where = src import random from datasets import load_dataset def get_dataset(dataset_name: str, tokenizer, nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int): if dataset_name == "wikitext-2": return get_wikitext2(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer) elif dataset_name == 'ptb': return get_ptb(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer, jointext='\n\n') elif dataset_name == 'ptb-new': return get_ptb(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer, jointext=' ') elif dataset_name == 'c4': return get_c4(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {dataset_name}") def get_wikitext2(nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int, tokenizer, jointext: str = '\n\n'): traindata = load_dataset('wikitext', 'wikitext-2-raw-v1', split='train') trainenc = tokenizer(jointext.join(traindata['text']), return_tensors='pt') rng = random.Random(seed) trainloader = (rng.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) for _ in range(nsamples)) trainloader = [trainenc.input_ids[:, i:i+seqlen] for i in trainloader] return trainloader def get_ptb(nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int, tokenizer, jointext: str): traindata = load_dataset('ptb_text_only', 'penn_treebank', split='train') trainenc = tokenizer(jointext.join(traindata['sentence']), return_tensors='pt') rng = random.Random(seed) trainloader = (rng.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) for _ in range(nsamples)) trainloader = [trainenc.input_ids[:, i:i+seqlen] for i in trainloader] return trainloader def get_c4(nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int, tokenizer): # WARNING: Many of the files in the allenai/c4 repo are marked as "Unsafe" by HuggingFace, possibly containing a virus. This particular file is not, and I doubt it's an issue, but worth noting. traindata = load_dataset('allenai/c4', 'allenai--c4', data_files={'train': 'en/c4-train.00000-of-01024.json.gz'}, split='train') rng = random.Random(seed) trainloader = [] for _ in range(nsamples): while True: i = rng.randint(0, len(traindata) - 1) trainenc = tokenizer(traindata[i]['text'], return_tensors='pt') if trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] >= seqlen: break i = rng.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:i + seqlen] trainloader.append(inp) return trainloader #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Benchmarks the generation speed of a model. While Benchmark.ipynb provides nice detailed performance data, it measures the kernels in isolation. This script measures "real world" performance by running the whole model in generation mode. It tests a grid of prompt lengths and generation lengths, and saves the timing results to `results.json`. """ import argparse import itertools import json import os import random import time import original_quant import torch import transformers from gptq_triton import load_quant from transformers import AutoTokenizer, LlamaConfig, LlamaForCausalLM parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='Path to model, either a HuggingFace model or a quantized model') parser.add_argument('--quant', action='store_true', help='Whether the model is quantized') parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=str, help='Whether to use the old CUDA kernel and format; this must be set to the path to the CUDA quantized model, and --model must be set to a HF model') parser.add_argument('--average', type=int, default=10, help='Number of times to run each test to get an average') def main(): args = parser.parse_args() if args.cuda: model = load_cuda_quant(args.model, args.cuda, 4, -1) model.eval()'cuda') elif not args.quant: model = get_llama(args.model) model.eval()'cuda') else: model = load_quant(args.model) model.eval()'cuda') tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model, use_fast=False) prompt_lengths = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] max_lengths = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] lengths = set(itertools.product(prompt_lengths, max_lengths)) # Remove lengths that we've already tested if os.path.exists('results.jsonl'): with open('results.jsonl', 'r') as f: for line in f: line = json.loads(line) key = (line['prompt_length'], line['max_length']) if key in lengths: lengths.remove(key) # Shuffle the lengths so that we don't always test in the same order and get caching effects lengths = list(lengths) random.shuffle(lengths) # TODO: For some reason the first run is always slow, so we run it once before the benchmark to warm things up encoded_prompt = tokenizer.encode("TODO", add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors='pt').to('cuda') _ = model.generate( input_ids=encoded_prompt, max_length=8, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=1, suppress_tokens=[model.generation_config.eos_token_id], ) # Run the remaining benchmarks with open('results.jsonl', 'a') as f: for prompt_length, max_length in lengths: print(f'Prompt length: {prompt_length}, max length: {max_length}') results = [] for _ in range(args.average): # Generate a long random string # We do this every time to avoid caching effects prompt = ''.join(random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 .,;:!?') for _ in range(2048 * 10)) # Encode and crop down encoded_prompt = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors='pt') encoded_prompt = encoded_prompt[:, :prompt_length] encoded_prompt ='cuda') start_time = time.time() _ = model.generate( input_ids=encoded_prompt, max_length=max_length + prompt_length, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=1, suppress_tokens=[model.generation_config.eos_token_id], # This prevents the sampler from ending early; it must generate max_length tokens ) end_time = time.time() gen_time = end_time - start_time speed = max_length / gen_time results.append((gen_time, speed)) # Compute the average avg_time = sum(t for t, _ in results) / len(results) avg_speed = (max_length * len(results)) / sum(t for t, _ in results) print(f'Average generation time: {avg_time:.2f} seconds') print(f'Average generation speed: {avg_speed:.2f} tokens per second') print() f.write(json.dumps({ 'prompt_length': prompt_length, 'max_length': max_length, 'average_time': avg_time, 'average_speed': avg_speed, 'runs': results, })) f.write("\n") f.flush() def get_llama(model: str): """ Load a pretrained Llama model """ def skip(*args, **kwargs): pass # NOTE: This is a nasty hack, but it speeds up model building by a huge amount old_inits = (torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_) torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_ = skip torch.nn.init.uniform_ = skip torch.nn.init.normal_ = skip model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model, torch_dtype='auto') model.seqlen = 2048 # Restore the old initializers torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_ = old_inits return model def load_cuda_quant(model, checkpoint, wbits, groupsize): """ Load a quantized model using the old CUDA kernel """ config = LlamaConfig.from_pretrained(model) def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass original_inits = (torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_) torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_ = noop torch.nn.init.uniform_ = noop torch.nn.init.normal_ = noop torch.set_default_dtype(torch.half) original_init_weights = transformers.modeling_utils._init_weights transformers.modeling_utils._init_weights = False torch.set_default_dtype(torch.half) model = LlamaForCausalLM(config) torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float) transformers.modeling_utils._init_weights = original_init_weights torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_ = original_inits model = model.eval() layers = original_quant.find_layers(model) for name in ['lm_head']: if name in layers: del layers[name] original_quant.make_quant(model, layers, wbits, groupsize, faster=False) del layers print('Loading model ...') if checkpoint.endswith('.safetensors'): from safetensors.torch import load_file as safe_load model.load_state_dict(safe_load(checkpoint)) else: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint)) model.seqlen = 2048 print('Done.') return model if __name__ == '__main__': main() VPS Oct 12, 2023 Ignas R. 10min Read 25 Common Linux Bash Script Examples to Get You Started Bash or Bourne-again shell is one of the most popular shells and command languages for Linux VPS enthusiasts. It was first released in 1989 and was used as the default shell for most Linux distributions ever since. Bash scripting allows users and system administrators to automate processes and save hundreds of hours of manual work. It’s worth mentioning that Bash is also available for Windows and macOS. This tutorial will introduce you to what bash scripting is. It features over twenty useful bash script examples to start your bash scripting journey. What Is Bash Scripting Used For 25 Bash Scripts Examples 1. Hello World 2. Echo Command 3. Sleep Command 4. Wait Command 5. Comments 6. Get User Input 7. Loops 8. Create an Array 9. Conditional Statements 10. Functions 11. Display String Length 12. Extract String 13. Find and Replace String 14. Concatenate Strings 15. Check if a Number is Even or Odd 16. Generate Factorial of Number 17. Create Directories 18. Read Files 19. Print Files With Line Count 20. Delete Files 21. Test if File Exists 22. Check Inodes and Disk Usage 23. Send Email Example 24. Update Packages 25. Show Server Information What Is Bash Scripting Used For Before we move on to the topic of bash scripting use cases, we need to elaborate on what bash and bash scripting are. Bash is a command-line interface interpreter that runs in a text window where users can manage and execute shell commands. Bash – or shell scripting – on the other hand is the process of writing a set of commands to be executed on a Linux system. A file that includes such instructions is called a bash script. To put it simply, the bash interpreter reads the bash script and executes the commands at the same time. For example, a Linux user can execute hundreds of commands with a single click instead of inputting them one by one. For this reason, bash scripting is the go-to choice for increasing productivity, setting up automation, and eliminating repetitive tasks. 25 Bash Scripts Examples The following section will cover 25 of the most popular bash scripting examples, including variable manipulation and echoing out various values. We will also cover functions, arrays, loops, and much more. 1. Hello World Hello World is the most simple bash script to start with. We will create a new variable called learningbash and print out the words Hello World. First, open a new shell script file with a text editor of your choice: nano Paste the following lines into it: #!/bin/bash #Creates a new variable with a value of "Hello World" learningbash="Hello World" echo $learningbash The command-line window showcasing the output of the first bash script – Hello World The first line (/bin/bash) is used in every bash script. It instructs the operating system to use a bash interpreter as a command interpreter. 2. Echo Command The echo bash command can be used to print out text as well as values of variables. In the following example, we will showcase how quotation marks affect the echo command. We will start by opening a new bash script file: nano This simple bash script example will create a new variable and print it out while using different quotation marks. #!/bin/bash provider="Hostinger" echo 'The best hosting provider is $provider' echo "The best hosting provider is $provider" The command-line window shows the echo command As you can see, if the echo bash command is used with double quotation marks ““, then the script will print out the actual value of a variable. Otherwise, if the single quotation marks ‘‘ are used, it will print out only the name of a variable. 3. Sleep Command Sleep command halts all currently running bash scripts and puts the system to sleep. Start by creating a new bash script file: nano Then, paste in the following simple script: #!/bin/bash sleep 10 && echo “I’ve been sleeping for 10 seconds, I want more” && sleep 10 && echo “I’m done sleeping, thanks!” A bash script with the sleep command. The basic idea is that it puts the system to a halt for a set amount of time The above example starts with a simple sleep bash command that will put your system to sleep for 10 seconds. After that, we combine the previously learned echo command with sleep – this way system will sleep for 10 seconds, then print out some words, sleep again, print out some words again and end its operation. Pro Tip A bash script can always be terminated by clicking CTRL + C without waiting for it to finish its operation. 4. Wait Command wait is a built-in Linux command that waits for completion of running process. The wait command is used with a particular process id or job id. Here’s how to create a wait bash script. Begin by creating a new bash file: nano Paste in the following: #!/bin/bash wait 1234 echo “Done” Important! If no job ID is provided, the wait command waits until all child background jobs are completed. 5. Comments Users can easily add comments to their bash scripts with the # symbol. It is extra useful if you’ve got a lengthy script that needs explaining on some lines. Begin by creating a new bash script: nano Then paste in the following: #!/bin/bash # Define a variable named Hostinger provider="Hostinger" # Print out the following text echo 'The best hosting provider is $provider' # Print out the following text with $provider variable value echo "The best hosting provider is $provider" The command-line window showing single line comment functionality. It's worth noting that bash comments are not displayed with the script output. Keep in mind that bash comments are only visible on a text editor. 6. Get User Input To take input from users, we’ll use the read bash command. First, create a new bash shell file: nano Then, fill it with the script below: #!/bin/bash echo "What is your age?" read age echo "Wow, you look younger than $age years old" In the above example, an age value was entered by the user. The output was then printed via the echo command. 7. Loops A loop is an essential tool in various programming languages. To put it simply, a bash loop is a set of instructions that are repeated until a user-specified condition is reached. Start by creating a loop bash program: nano Then paste in the following: #!/bin/bash n=0 while : do echo Countdown: $n ((n++)) done This will work as a countdown to infinity until you press CTRL + C to stop the script. Now that we’ve tested the while loop, we can move on to the for loop. Create a bash file for it: nano It should contain the script below: #!/bin/bash for (( n=2; n<=10; n++ )) do echo "$n seconds" done A bash script showcasing the "for" loop The script prints out numbers from 2 to 10 while adding the seconds keyword to it. 8. Create an Array A bash array is a data structure designed to store information in an indexed way. It is extra useful if users need to store and retrieve thousands of pieces of data fast. What makes bash arrays special is that unlike any other programming language, they can store different types of elements. For example, you can use a bash array to store both strings and numbers. Create a new file in the current directory: nano Combine the freshly learned for loop with a new indexed array: #!/bin/bash # Create an indexed array IndexedArray=(egg burger milk) #Iterate over the array to get all the values for i in "${IndexedArray[@]}";do echo "$i";done A bash script to create and print out an array The script iterates over the IndexedArray and prints out all the values. 9. Conditional Statements The most popular and widely used conditional statement is if. Even though the if statement is easy to write and understand, it can be used in advanced shell scripts as well. Begin with a new bash file: nano Paste the code below in it: #!/bin/bash salary=1000 expenses=800 #Check if salary and expenses are equal if [ $salary == $expenses ]; then echo "Salary and expenses are equal" #Check if salary and expenses are not equal elif [ $salary != $expenses ]; then echo "Salary and expenses are not equal" fi This script creates two new variables and compares whether they are equal or not. 10. Functions A bash function is a set of commands that can be reused numerous times throughout a bash script. Create a new file: nano Then, paste in the following code – it creates a simple Hello World function. #!/bin/bash hello () { echo 'Hello World!' } hello 11. Display String Length There are a couple of ways of counting string length in bash. We’ll talk about the simplest. Create a file named nano Fill it with the following: #!/bin/bash # Create a new string mystring="lets count the length of this string" i=${#mystring} echo "Length: $i" Here, the # operator is used to get the length of the string variable. 12. Extract String If users need to remove unnecessary parts from strings, they can use the Bash string extraction tools. Start by creating a new bash script: nano The following script has 4 values, 3 of them being strings. In our example, we will extract only the number value. This can be done via the cut command. First, we instruct the command that each variable is separated by a comma by using the -d flag. Then we ask the cut command to extract the 5th value. #!/bin/bash cut -d , -f 5 <<< "Website,Domain,DNS,SMTP,5005" In another example, we have a string that is mixed with some numbers. We will use expr substr commands to extract only the Hostinger text value. #!/bin/bash expr substr "458449Hostinger4132" 7 9 13. Find and Replace String Another useful bash script for strings is find and replace. Create a file named nano Then paste in the following bash script: #!/bin/bash first="I drive a BMW and Volvo" second="Audi" echo "${first/BMW/"$second"}" Find and replace script in bash The find and replace functionality doesn’t require any special commands, it can all be done with string manipulation. 14. Concatenate Strings Concatenation is the term used for appending one string to the end of another string. Start by creating file. nano The most simple example would be the following: #!/bin/bash firststring="The secret is..." secondstring="Bash" thirdstring="$firststring$secondstring" echo "$thirdstring" The above script will connect the values of firststring and secondstring variables creating a whole new thirdstring. A more advanced example would look like this: #!/bin/bash firststring="The secret is..." firststring+="Bash" echo "$firststring" The script uses the += operator to join the strings. With this method, you can concatenate strings with only one variable. 15. Check if a Number is Even or Odd Odd and even numbers can be easily divided using the if statement and some simple math. Create a file named nano The script uses the read command to read user input and divides it by 2. If the answer is 0, the number is even. #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter a number and I will check if its odd or even " mynumber if [ $((mynumber%2)) -eq 0 ] then echo "Your number is even" else echo "Your number is odd." fi 16. Generate Factorial of Number The factorial of a number is the result of all positive descending integers. For example, the factorial of 5 would be 120: 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120 Factorial scrips are very useful for users learning about recursion. Start by creating a .sh file executable: The following script will ask the user to enter a number they want to get the factorial of and use a for loop to calculate it. #!/bin/bash echo Enter the number you want to get factorial for read mynumber factorial=1 for ((i=1;i<=mynumber;i++)) do factorial=$(($factorial*$i)) done echo $factorial The command-line window displaying shell script for getting factorial of a number 17. Create Directories It is effortless to create directories in bash unless you need to create a lot of directories quickly. In the following example, we will use the bash script to create a set of directories with the same subdirectories in each. First, create a file named nano Then paste in the following code: #!/bin/bash mkdir -p {Math,English,Geography,Arts}/{notes,examresults,portfolio} The script creates 4 main directories: Math, English, Geography, and Arts. The Notes, examresults, and portfolio subdirectories are also created inside each. If you were to replace the / symbol in the middle with _, the script would look like this: #!/bin/bash mkdir -p {Math,English,Geography,Arts}_{notes,examresults,portfolio} Here’s the output for it displaying a merge of the two directories: A bash script to create a lot of directories quickly. The first bash case statement indicates which interpreter to use #!/bin/bash #Declare string S1 S1="Bash" #Declare string S2 S2="Scripting" if [ $S1 = $S2 ]; then echo "Both Strings are equal" else echo "Strings are NOT equal" fi The following script will check to see if a file exists or not. #!/bin/bash file="./file" if [ -e $file ]; then echo "File exists" else echo "File does not exist" fi The result: $ ./ File does not exist $ touch file $ ./ File exists Similarly for example we can use while loop to check if file does not exist. This script will sleep until file does exist. Note bash negator ! which negates the -e option. #!/bin/bash while [ ! -e myfile ]; do # Sleep until file does exists/is created sleep 1 done Bash Select The select command allows us to prompt the user to make a selection. #!/bin/bash PS3='Choose one word: ' # bash select select word in "linux" "bash" "scripting" "tutorial" do echo "The word you have selected is: $word" # Break, otherwise endless loop break done exit 0 The result: $ ./ 1) linux 2) bash 3) scripting 4) tutorial Choose one word: 2 The word you have selected is: bash Case statement conditional The case statement makes it easy to have many different possibilities, whereas an if statement can get lengthy very quickly if you have more than a few possibilities to account for. #!/bin/bash echo "What is your preferred programming / scripting language" echo "1) bash" echo "2) perl" echo "3) phyton" echo "4) c++" echo "5) I do not know !" read case; #simple case bash structure # note in this case $case is variable and does not have to # be named case this is just an example case $case in 1) echo "You selected bash";; 2) echo "You selected perl";; 3) echo "You selected phyton";; 4) echo "You selected c++";; 5) exit esac The result: $ ./ What is your preferred programming / scripting language 1) bash 2) perl 3) phyton 4) c++ 5) I do not know ! 3 You selected phyton Bash quotes and quotations Quotations and quotes are important part of bash and bash scripting. Here are some bash quotes and quotations basics. Escaping Meta characters Before we start with quotes and quotations we should know something about escaping meta characters. Escaping will suppress a special meaning of meta characters and therefore meta characters will be read by bash literally. To do this we need to use backslash \ character. Example: #!/bin/bash #Declare bash string variable BASH_VAR="Bash Script" # echo variable BASH_VAR echo $BASH_VAR #when meta character such us "$" is escaped with "\" it will be read literally echo \$BASH_VAR # backslash has also special meaning and it can be suppressed with yet another "\" echo "\\" Here’s what it looks like when we execute the script: $ ./ Bash Script $BASH_VAR \ Single quotes Single quotes in bash will suppress special meaning of every meta characters. Therefore meta characters will be read literally. It is not possible to use another single quote within two single quotes not even if the single quote is escaped by backslash. #!/bin/bash # Declare bash string variable BASH_VAR="Bash Script" # echo variable BASH_VAR echo $BASH_VAR # meta characters special meaning in bash is suppressed when using single quotes echo '$BASH_VAR "$BASH_VAR"' The result: $ ./ Bash Script $BASH_VAR "$BASH_VAR" Double quotes Double quotes in bash will suppress special meaning of every meta characters except $, \ and `. Any other meta characters will be read literally. It is also possible to use single quote within double quotes. If we need to use double quotes within double quotes bash can read them literally when escaping them with \. Example: #!/bin/bash #Declare bash string variable BASH_VAR="Bash Script" # echo variable BASH_VAR echo $BASH_VAR # meta characters and its special meaning in bash is # suppressed when using double quotes except "$", "\" and "`" echo "It's $BASH_VAR and \"$BASH_VAR\" using backticks: `date`" The result: $ ./ Bash Script It's Bash Script and "Bash Script" using backticks: Thu 10 Feb 2022 10:24:15 PM EST Bash quoting with ANSI-C style There is also another type of quoting and that is ANSI-C. In this type of quoting characters escaped with \ will gain special meaning according to the ANSI-C standard. \a alert (bell) \b backspace \e an escape character \f form feed \n newline \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab \\ backslash \` single quote \nnn octal value of characters ( see [ ASCII table] ) \xnn hexadecimal value of characters ( see [ ASCII table] )