name: SSH into runners on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: runner_type: description: 'Type of runner to test (a10 or t4)' required: true docker_image: description: 'Name of the Docker image' required: true env: IS_GITHUB_CI: "1" HF_HUB_READ_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.HF_HUB_READ_TOKEN }} HF_HOME: /mnt/cache DIFFUSERS_IS_CI: yes OMP_NUM_THREADS: 8 MKL_NUM_THREADS: 8 RUN_SLOW: yes jobs: ssh_runner: name: "SSH" runs-on: [single-gpu, nvidia-gpu, "${{ github.event.inputs.runner_type }}", ci] container: image: ${{ github.event.inputs.docker_image }} options: --gpus all --privileged --ipc host -v /mnt/cache/.cache/huggingface:/mnt/cache/ steps: - name: Checkout diffusers uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 2 - name: NVIDIA-SMI run: | nvidia-smi - name: Tailscale # In order to be able to SSH when a test fails uses: huggingface/tailscale-action@v1 with: authkey: ${{ secrets.TAILSCALE_SSH_AUTHKEY }} slackChannel: ${{ secrets.SLACK_CIFEEDBACK_CHANNEL }} slackToken: ${{ secrets.SLACK_CIFEEDBACK_BOT_TOKEN }} waitForSSH: true