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d888 888b 8888 8888 ,"Y88b 888 8e d88
C8888 8888D 8888 8888 "8" 888 888 88b d88888
Y888 888P Y888 888P ,ee 888 888 888 888
"88 88" "88 88" "88 888 888 888 888
e88'Y88 d8 888
d888 'Y ,"Y88b 888,8, d88 ,e e, 888
C8888 "8" 888 888 " d88888 d88 88b 888
Y888 ,d ,ee 888 888 888 888 , 888
"88,d88 "88 888 888 888 "YeeP" 888
Quantized using 200 samples of 8192 tokens from an RP-oriented PIPPA dataset.
-- 2.25bpw, 6bit lm_head3.5b6h
-- 3.5bpw, 6bit lm_head6b6h
-- 6bpw, 6bit lm_head
Requires ExllamaV2 version 0.0.14 and up.
Original model link: Envoid/Phainesthesia-8x7B
Original model README below.
Warning this model is highly experimental and unpredictable.
Phainesthesia-8x7B began its life as a copy of Verdict-DADA-8x7B
In a training configuration accident it gained some rather uncanny abilities but was extremely disorderly. Further experimentation was done to decide upon a course of action going forward.
It then received a corrective qlora session to attempt to correct the disorder.
It hasn't been tested on long roleplay scenarios yet. Although testing with simple temperatures with t=1 while requiring frequent rerolls the messages that are good are good, although it is constantly walking the razor's edge with looping on one side and a complete loss of coherence on the other (with the edge of the razor being pure gold)
Its assistant personality on determinstic sampling is rather run of the mill but with simple sampling at t=1 It gives much more interesting replies and is prone to hallucination when asking leading questions. Others might refer to this as an imagination.