--- tags: - text-classification base_model: cross-encoder/nli-roberta-base widget: - text: I love AutoTrain license: mit language: - en metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification library_name: transformers --- # LogicSpine/address-large-text-classifier ## Model Description `LogicSpine/address-large-text-classifier` is a fine-tuned version of the `cross-encoder/nli-roberta-base` model, specifically designed for address classification tasks using zero-shot learning. It allows you to classify text related to addresses and locations without the need for direct training on every possible label. ## Model Usage ### Installation To use this model, you need to install the `transformers` library: ```bash pip install transformers torch ``` ### Loading the Model You can easily load and use this model for zero-shot classification using Hugging Face's pipeline API. ``` from transformers import pipeline # Load the zero-shot classification pipeline with the custom model classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="LogicSpine/address-large-text-classifier") # Define your input text and candidate labels text = "Delhi, India" candidate_labels = ["Country", "Department", "Laboratory", "College", "District", "Academy"] # Perform classification result = classifier(text, candidate_labels) # Print the classification result print(result) ``` ## Example Output ``` {'labels': ['Country', 'District', 'Academy', 'College', 'Department', 'Laboratory'], 'scores': [0.19237062335014343, 0.1802321970462799, 0.16583585739135742, 0.16354037821292877, 0.1526614874601364, 0.14535939693450928], 'sequence': 'Delhi, India'} ``` ## Validation Metrics **loss:** 1.3794080018997192 **f1_macro:** 0.21842933805832918 **f1_micro:** 0.4551574223406493 **f1_weighted:** 0.306703002026862 **precision_macro:** 0.19546905037281545 **precision_micro:** 0.4551574223406493 **precision_weighted:** 0.2510467302490216 **recall_macro:** 0.2811753463927377 **recall_micro:** 0.4551574223406493 **recall_weighted:** 0.4551574223406493 **accuracy:** 0.4551574223406493 # Colab Notebook Checkout [this](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1-I9fm3FsfRaEoMsufLXHKmsxMPJSnpTc?usp=sharing) example of google Colab