trainer: target: trainer.TrainerDifIR model: target: models.unet.UNetModelSwin ckpt_path: null params: image_size: 64 in_channels: 3 model_channels: 160 out_channels: 3 attention_resolutions: - 64 - 32 - 16 - 8 dropout: 0 channel_mult: - 1 - 2 - 2 - 4 num_res_blocks: - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 conv_resample: true dims: 2 use_fp16: false num_head_channels: 32 use_scale_shift_norm: true resblock_updown: false swin_depth: 2 swin_embed_dim: 192 window_size: 8 mlp_ratio: 4 cond_lq: true lq_size: 64 diffusion: target: models.script_util.create_gaussian_diffusion params: sf: 4 schedule_name: exponential schedule_kwargs: power: 0.3 etas_end: 0.99 steps: 15 min_noise_level: 0.04 kappa: 2.0 weighted_mse: false predict_type: xstart timestep_respacing: null scale_factor: 1.0 normalize_input: true latent_flag: true autoencoder: target: ldm.models.autoencoder.VQModelTorch ckpt_path: weights/autoencoder_vq_f4.pth use_fp16: true params: embed_dim: 3 n_embed: 8192 ddconfig: double_z: false z_channels: 3 resolution: 256 in_channels: 3 out_ch: 3 ch: 128 ch_mult: - 1 - 2 - 4 num_res_blocks: 2 attn_resolutions: [] dropout: 0.0 padding_mode: zeros degradation: sf: 4 resize_prob: - 0.2 - 0.7 - 0.1 resize_range: - 0.15 - 1.5 gaussian_noise_prob: 0.5 noise_range: - 1 - 30 poisson_scale_range: - 0.05 - 3.0 gray_noise_prob: 0.4 jpeg_range: - 30 - 95 second_order_prob: 0.5 second_blur_prob: 0.8 resize_prob2: - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.3 resize_range2: - 0.3 - 1.2 gaussian_noise_prob2: 0.5 noise_range2: - 1 - 25 poisson_scale_range2: - 0.05 - 2.5 gray_noise_prob2: 0.4 jpeg_range2: - 30 - 95 gt_size: 256 resize_back: false use_sharp: false data: train: type: realesrgan params: dir_paths: [] txt_file_path: - /content/ResShift/high_res/train.txt im_exts: - JPEG io_backend: type: disk blur_kernel_size: 21 kernel_list: - iso - aniso - generalized_iso - generalized_aniso - plateau_iso - plateau_aniso kernel_prob: - 0.45 - 0.25 - 0.12 - 0.03 - 0.12 - 0.03 sinc_prob: 0.1 blur_sigma: - 0.2 - 3.0 betag_range: - 0.5 - 4.0 betap_range: - 1 - 2.0 blur_kernel_size2: 15 kernel_list2: - iso - aniso - generalized_iso - generalized_aniso - plateau_iso - plateau_aniso kernel_prob2: - 0.45 - 0.25 - 0.12 - 0.03 - 0.12 - 0.03 sinc_prob2: 0.1 blur_sigma2: - 0.2 - 1.5 betag_range2: - 0.5 - 4.0 betap_range2: - 1 - 2.0 final_sinc_prob: 0.8 gt_size: 256 crop_pad_size: 300 use_hflip: true use_rot: false rescale_gt: true val: type: base params: dir_path: testdata/Val_SR/lq im_exts: png transform_type: default transform_kwargs: mean: 0.5 std: 0.5 extra_dir_path: testdata/Val_SR/gt extra_transform_type: default extra_transform_kwargs: mean: 0.5 std: 0.5 recursive: false train: lr: 5.0e-05 lr_min: 2.0e-05 lr_schedule: null warmup_iterations: 100 batch: - 8 - 1 microbatch: 1 num_workers: 4 prefetch_factor: 2 weight_decay: 0 ema_rate: 0.999 iterations: 1000 save_freq: 10000 log_freq: - 200 - 2000 - 1 local_logging: true tf_logging: false use_ema_val: true val_freq: ${train.save_freq} val_y_channel: true val_resolution: ${model.params.lq_size} val_padding_mode: reflect use_amp: true seed: 123456 global_seeding: false compile: flag: false mode: reduce-overhead save_dir: logging/ resume: '' cfg_path: configs/realsr_swinunet_realesrgan256.yaml Number of parameters: 118.59M Restoring autoencoder from weights/autoencoder_vq_f4.pth Number of images in train data set: 1254 Number of images in val data set: 32 Train: 000200/001000, Loss/MSE: t(1):1.6e-01/1.6e-01, t(8):4.5e-01/4.5e-01, t(15):5.9e-01/5.9e-01, lr:5.00e-05 Train: 000400/001000, Loss/MSE: t(1):2.8e-02/2.8e-02, t(8):3.9e-01/3.9e-01, t(15):5.0e-01/5.0e-01, lr:5.00e-05 Train: 000600/001000, Loss/MSE: t(1):2.1e-02/2.1e-02, t(8):3.4e-01/3.4e-01, t(15):4.6e-01/4.6e-01, lr:5.00e-05 Train: 000800/001000, Loss/MSE: t(1):1.4e-02/1.4e-02, t(8):3.5e-01/3.5e-01, t(15):5.1e-01/5.1e-01, lr:5.00e-05 Train: 001000/001000, Loss/MSE: t(1):1.4e-02/1.4e-02, t(8):2.9e-01/2.9e-01, t(15):4.6e-01/4.6e-01, lr:5.00e-05