import requests import os from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import torch import torch.nn as nn from torchsummary import summary from accelerate import dispatch_model, infer_auto_device_map from txtai import Embeddings from txtai.pipeline import LLM #pip3 install git+[pipeline-llm] # Wikipedia Embeddings Database embeddings = Embeddings() embeddings.load(provider="huggingface-hub", container="neuml/txtai-wikipedia") #os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '6' # #DuckDuckGo # def query_duckduckgo(query): """Query DuckDuckGo API for a given search term and return the results.""" url = "" params = { 'q': query, 'format': 'json', 'pretty': '1', 'no_html': '1' } try: response = requests.get(url, params=params) response.raise_for_status() # Raises an HTTPError for bad responses return response.json() except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") return None def handle_query(user_input): """Process user input and display the answer from DuckDuckGo.""" result = query_duckduckgo(user_input) if result and 'AbstractText' in result and result['AbstractText']: print(result['AbstractText']) else: print("DuckDuck Go failed. Going to Wiki.") result ="\n".join([x["text"] for x in]) print("Restults from Wiki: \n",result) # Load model and tokenizer model_path = "Josephgflowers/TinyLlama-Cinder-Agent-Rag"# # Define the device (CPU or GPU) #device = torch.device("cuda") device = torch.device("cpu") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_path,ignore_mismatched_sizes=True).to(device) print(model) total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) print("Total number of parameters: ", total_params) sequence_length = 2048 # or whatever your specific sequence length is #embedding_size = 2048 # as per your model's definition tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) stop_token =2 #3556 ' 2 def chat_with_model(prompt_text, stop_token, model, tokenizer): # Encode the prompt text encoded_prompt = tokenizer.encode(prompt_text, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors="pt").to(device) # Generate response output_sequences = model.generate( input_ids=encoded_prompt, #max_length=len(encoded_prompt[0]) + 256, max_new_tokens=256, temperature=0.1, repetition_penalty=1.2, top_k=20, top_p=0.9, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=1, eos_token_id=stop_token ) # Decode the generated sequence generated_sequence = output_sequences[0].tolist() text = tokenizer.decode(generated_sequence, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) response_text = text[len(prompt_text):].strip() # Extract only the response text #response_text = response_text.replace("","").replace("","") return response_text # Initialize conversation history conversation_history = ''#'\n<|system|>\nYou are a helpful assistant.\n'#'\n<|system|>\nYou are a # Get user's preference for input mode and character name input_mode = 'text' ##input("Enter 'text' for text input or 'speech' for speech input: ").lower() character_name = '<|user|>' # input("Enter your character name (USER, JONAH, JOSEPH, KIMBERLY, etc.): ") # #handle_query(user_input) # Chat loop num_chat = 1 while num_chat <= 20: question = input(f"{character_name}: ") user_input = question # Get text input from user #context = "\n".join([x["text"] for x in]) context= handle_query(user_input) #print('History: '+ conversation_history) prompt_text = f""" <|system|> You will be given documentation as context to answer a users question. You are an expert at summarization. Pay close attention to the key concepts. Use only information from the Context in your answer. <|data|> Context: {context} -Use only the above context to answer the question. <|user|> Here is information on "{question}". Extract only the above information into topic, category, keywords, and summary formatted in JSON. Think through the most critical information to provide then respond with the JSON object of topic, category, keywords, and summary. <|assistant|> """ #topic, category, keywords, and summary formatted in JSON. Think through the most critical information to provide then respond with the JSON object of topic, category, keywords, and summary #Here is information on "{question}". Extract only the above information into topic, category, keywords, and summary formatted in JSON. Think through the most critical information to provide then respond with the JSON object of topic, category, keywords, and summary #Use only the documentation provided to answer this question: {question} response_text = chat_with_model(prompt_text, stop_token, model, tokenizer) response_text = response_text.replace('','') #print('Response: '+ context) # Extract assistant's response from the response_text response_text = response_text.split('\n', 1)[0] # Extract the first message from the assistant print(f"\n______________________________________________\n\nAssistant: {response_text}") # Update conversation history conversation_history += f"{prompt_text}{response_text}\n" if len(conversation_history) > 2048: conversation_history = conversation_history[1024:] else: conversation_history = conversation_history num_chat += 1