Naming pattern: 1. `GPL/${dataset}-msmarco-distilbert-gpl`: Model with training order of (1) MarginMSE on MSMARCO -> (2) GPL on ${dataset}; 2. `GPL/${dataset}-tsdae-msmarco-distilbert-gpl`: Model with training order of (1) TSDAE on ${dataset} -> (2) MarginMSE on MSMARCO -> (3) GPL on ${dataset}; 3. `GPL/msmarco-distilbert-margin-mse`: Model trained on MSMARCO with MarginMSE; 4. `GPL/${dataset}-tsdae-msmarco-distilbert-margin-mse`: Model with training order of (1) TSDAE on ${dataset} -> (2) MarginMSE on MSMARCO; 5. `GPL/${dataset}-distilbert-tas-b-gpl-self_miner`: Starting from the [tas-b model](, the models were trained with GPL on the target corpus ${dataset} with the base model itself as the negative miner (here noted as "self_miner"). Actually, models in 1. and 2. are built on top of 3. and 4., respectively.