--- tags: - antibody language model - antibody base_model: Exscientia/IgBert_unpaired license: mit --- # IgBert Model pretrained on protein and antibody sequences using a masked language modeling (MLM) objective. It was introduced in the paper [Large scale paired antibody language models](https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.17889). The model is finetuned from Igbert-unpaired using paired antibody sequences from the [Observed Antibody Space](https://opig.stats.ox.ac.uk/webapps/oas/). # Use The model and tokeniser can be loaded using the `transformers` library ```python from transformers import BertModel, BertTokenizer tokeniser = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("Exscientia/IgBert", do_lower_case=False) model = BertModel.from_pretrained("Exscientia/IgBert", add_pooling_layer=False) ``` The tokeniser is used to prepare batch inputs ```python # heavy chain sequences sequences_heavy = [ "VQLAQSGSELRKPGASVKVSCDTSGHSFTSNAIHWVRQAPGQGLEWMGWINTDTGTPTYAQGFTGRFVFSLDTSARTAYLQISSLKADDTAVFYCARERDYSDYFFDYWGQGTLVTVSS", "QVQLVESGGGVVQPGRSLRLSCAASGFTFSNYAMYWVRQAPGKGLEWVAVISYDGSNKYYADSVKGRFTISRDNSKNTLYLQMNSLRTEDTAVYYCASGSDYGDYLLVYWGQGTLVTVSS" ] # light chain sequences sequences_light = [ "EVVMTQSPASLSVSPGERATLSCRARASLGISTDLAWYQQRPGQAPRLLIYGASTRATGIPARFSGSGSGTEFTLTISSLQSEDSAVYYCQQYSNWPLTFGGGTKVEIK", "ALTQPASVSGSPGQSITISCTGTSSDVGGYNYVSWYQQHPGKAPKLMIYDVSKRPSGVSNRFSGSKSGNTASLTISGLQSEDEADYYCNSLTSISTWVFGGGTKLTVL" ] # The tokeniser expects input of the form ["V Q ... S S [SEP] E V ... I K", ...] paired_sequences = [] for sequence_heavy, sequence_light in zip(sequences_heavy, sequences_light): paired_sequences.append(' '.join(sequence_heavy)+' [SEP] '+' '.join(sequence_light)) tokens = tokeniser.batch_encode_plus( paired_sequences, add_special_tokens=True, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors="pt", return_special_tokens_mask=True ) ``` Note that the tokeniser adds a `[CLS]` token at the beginning of each paired sequence, a `[SEP]` token at the end of each paired sequence and pads using the `[PAD]` token. For example a batch containing sequences `V Q L [SEP] E V V`, `Q V [SEP] A L` will be tokenised to `[CLS] V Q L [SEP] E V V [SEP]` and `[CLS] Q V [SEP] A L [SEP] [PAD] [PAD]`. Sequence embeddings are generated by feeding tokens through the model ```python output = model( input_ids=tokens['input_ids'], attention_mask=tokens['attention_mask'] ) residue_embeddings = output.last_hidden_state ``` To obtain a sequence representation, the residue tokens can be averaged over like so ```python import torch # mask special tokens before summing over embeddings residue_embeddings[tokens["special_tokens_mask"] == 1] = 0 sequence_embeddings_sum = residue_embeddings.sum(1) # average embedding by dividing sum by sequence lengths sequence_lengths = torch.sum(tokens["special_tokens_mask"] == 0, dim=1) sequence_embeddings = sequence_embeddings_sum / sequence_lengths.unsqueeze(1) ``` For sequence level fine-tuning the model can be loaded with a pooling head by setting `add_pooling_layer=True` and using `output.pooler_output` in the down-stream task.